APPRAISAL OF NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY STONE & WEBSTER NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO 1919 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. INDEX. ,,_ Cornell University Library HE4491.N5 N561 *'''"iiiifiiuiiiM]ii;iiii?" ^°'''' "^iiways Company. .. 3 1924 030 122 901 olin Overs PAGE LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1 GENERAL COMMENTS: Description of Property 1 Inventory 1 Appraisal 2 General Construction Costs 3 Organization Prior to Construction 4 Working Capital 4 Property Not Used in Railway Operation 5 Items Omitted 5 Records 5 GENERAL SUMMARY OF APPRAISAL. By Items: New and Less Depreciation — Pre War Prices 6 " " " " —June 1919Prices 6 By Ownerships and Mortgage Liens : New and Less Depreciation — Pre War Prices 7 " " " " —June 1919 Prices 7 DETAIL OF APPRAISAL BY COMPANIES— (New and Less Depreciation) : New York Railways System — Pre War Prices 8-9 " " —June 1919 Prices 10-11 New York Railways Company (proper) — Pre War Prices 12-13 " " " " " —June 1919 Prices .14-15 Owned Lines : Central Crosstown Railroad Company — Pre War Prices 16-17 " " " " —June 1919 Prices 18-19 Lexington Ave. & Pavonia Ferry R. R. Co. — Pre War Prices 20 " " " " " " —June 1919 Prices 21 South Ferry Railroad Company — Pre War Prices 22 —June 1919 Prices 23 Broadway Surface Railroad Company — Pre War Prices 24 " " " " —June 1919 Prices 25 Columbus & 9th Ave. Railroad Company — Pre War Prices 26 " " " " " —June 1919 Prices 27 Ft. George & 11th Ave. Railroad Company —Pre War Prices 28 " " " " " ■ " —June 1919 Prices 29 Leased Lines : Twenty-third Street Railway Company — Pre War Prices 30-31 " " " " " —June 1919 Prices 32-33 Sixth Avenue Railroad Company — Pre War Prices 34-35 " " " " —June 1919 Prices 36-37 Christopher & 10th St. Railroad Company —Pre War Prices 38-39 " " " " " —June 1919 Prices 40-41 11 Eighth Avenue Railroad Company (( (( (( (( Ninth Avenue Railroad Company a u a it Broadway & 7th Ave. Railroad Company a a it II a Bleecker St. & Fulton Ferry R. R. Company New York & Harlem Railroad Company il u li ii a 42nd St. & Grand St. Ferry R. R. Company 34th St. Crosstown Railway Company nil l{ il <( COMPARATIVE TABLES BY COMPANIES: Cost to Reproduce New " " " " less Depreciation Cost to Reproduce New " " " " less Depreciation PAGE -Pre War Prices 42-43 -June 1919 Prices 44-45 -Pre War Prices 46-47 -June 1919 Prices 48-49 -Pre War Prices 50 -June 1919 Prices 51 -Pre War Prices 52 -June 1919 Prices 53 -Pre War Prices 54 -June 1919 Prices 55 -Pre War Prices 56 -June 1919 Prices 57 -Pre War Prices 58 -June 1919 Prices 59 -Pre War Prices 60-61 -Pre War Prices 62-63 -June 1919 Prices 64-65 -June 1919 Prices 66-67 New York, N. T., January 1, 1920. Job E. Hedges, Esq., Receiver, New York Railways Company, No. 165 Broadway, New York City. Dear Sie: APPRAISAL— NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM. In accordance with your request of May 31st, 1919, we have made an appraisal of the physical property of the New York Eailways System, and in presenting herewith our re- port on the same we beg to make the following comments : I.— DESCEIPTION OF PEOPERTY. This appraisal covers all property of every kind, including land, owned by the Companies comprising the New York Eailways System. This property consists of the following principal Items : — 28 — Parcels of Land. 158 — Miles of equivalent single track, of which 137 miles are under- ground slot and 21 miles surface type construction. 55 — Miscellaneous buildings as power station, substations, car barns, offices and shops, etc. 2118 — Passenger and miscellaneous service cars. 1 — Power station containing generating equipment of 38,500 KW capacity. 6 — Substations contaiaing conversion apparatus of an aggregate capacity of approximately 38,000 KW. 1 — Double-track tunnel under Fourth Avenue. Complete distributing and transmission system, consisting of 8,689,000 duct feet of underground conduit, and 530 miles of distributing and transmission cables. Shop equipment and tools, furniture and fixtures, etc. II.— INVENTOEY. The inventory, for the purpose of this appraisal is based on the status existing on June 30, 1919, and includes all property, owned and leased, of the lines then comprising the New York Eailways System. A complete and independent field sur- vey was made of the major portion of the property in order to ascertain quantities, kinds and condition of individual items. The foUoAving table shows the per cent of the total of the respective parts of the property whose amount and condition were ascertained by our own observations : — Land 100% Track Work 100% Electrical Distribution System 100% Rolling Stock 20% Power Plant Equipment 100% Substation Equipment 100% Buildings 70% Shop Equipment & Tools 75% Quantities and details of the Underground Electric Distribution System were compiled from Railway Company's construction drawings. No field check could be made on account of the nature of this work. Quantities of Boiling Stock were compiled from the Railway Company's latest monthly report made to the Public Service Commission ; approximately twenty per cent, of each class of equipment shown therein was inspected in the field to deter- mine the correctness of the report and to ascertain the physical condition of indi- . vidual items. III.— APPRAISAL. (a) Arrangement. The property as determined by the inventory was allocated, by ownership among the seventeen Companies comprising the New York Railways System; then subdivided, by kinds in accordance with the ' ' Uniform System of Accounts of Street and Electric Railways" as prescribed by the Public Service Commis- sion for the First District, State of New York, and priced on the following bases : — a — Cost to reproduce new, at Pre-War Prices b — Cost to reproduce new, at Pre-War Prices, Less Depreciation c — Cost to reproduce new, at 1919 Prices d — Cost to reproduce new, at 1919 Prices, Less Depreciation. The "Cost to Reproduce New" represents the estimated cost of reprodu- cing the property as a new concern, using the prices effective at the times above stated but assuming the same conditions as existed when the property was first constructed. The "Cost, Less Depreciation" represents the cost new, with deductions to alloWj-oij a straight line basis, for the portion of expected life which had elapsed ■■■ June 30th, 1919. This "depreciated value" was computed at the specific request of the Receiver and not because we believe it represents a "fair value" of the Company's property on which the allowable rate of return should be figured. (b) Ownership. The ownership of individual items was determined from the Company's records. (c) Unit Costs. Pre-War prices for Materials and Equipment as used in this appraisal are the average of prices prevailing during the period from 1910 to 1914 inclusive, and are supported by actual quotations from Manufacturers and Dealers. Prices as of June, 1919, were also obtained from standard dealers and manufacturers, on a competitive basis. Labor costs, workmen's compensation and public hability insurance rates, freight rates, cost of trucking, etc., used are those in force in New York City at the dates stated above. Land was appraised by the firm of Brown, Wheelock Co., Inc., of 14 Wall Street, New York City. Proper allowance has been made in the construction items for loss and waste, delays, construction equipment and tools, and similar expenses directly chargeable to such items. The cost of removal of obstructions, such as sewers, water pipes, and other similar work was investigated in detail and charged as part of the cost of the items affected. Costs of construction organization and superintendence, field engineer- ing, factory inspection, etc., chargeable directly to specific items, were applied by percentages as follows : — Track Work 7% Tunnel 10% Electrical Distribution System 10% Rolling Stock 0% Power & Substation Equipment 10% Shop Machinery & Tools 0% Buildings (average) 10% ■o '0 The total amount of the above charges is 7.37% of the reproduction cost of material and labor of the entire property. An allowance of 5% was made for omissions and contingencies on all items, except paving and rolling stock. {d) CONTEACTOES' SeEVICES. It is assumed that the entire property covered by this appraisal (with the exceptions noted in the following paragraph) would be constructed by contrac- tors under the supervision of the Company's own organization. The cost of the contractors' services was taken as ten per cent. (10%) on all items of Material and Labor excepting such items as would be purchased by the Railway Company's own organization, viz. — Land, Right of Way, Roll- ing Stock, Shop Equipment, Tools, Furniture and Fixtures, Miscellaneous Equipment, and Materials and Supplies. No charge for /contractors ' services Avas made in estimating the Cost qf Paving because the unit cost used was a flat charge based on the paving installed. The net amount, therefore, included for Contractors' Services is approxi- mately seven and one-half per cent. (71/2%) of the cost of the construction. IV.— GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS. General Construction costs are those which cannot be accurately distributed among the various items of Construction. These are — Administrative and Legal Organization, Engineering Cost, Interest during Construction, Taxes during Construction. It was assumed that the construction period would be three (3) years. The necessary organizations were outlined and their cost computed in detail. The func- tions of these organizations are explained in the following : — (a) Administeative and Legal, Oeganization. The cost of this organization is made up of salaries and expenses of the general body directing the work and the expenditures incidental thereto and comprises a minimum organization of one hundred and fifty-five (155) men, consisting of a Board of Directors, President, two Vice-Presidents, Consulting Engineer and Architect, General Counsel, Treasurer, etc., and their staffs. (6) Engineeeing Cost. Engineering cost consists of the salaries and expenses of the Chief Engi- neer and his staff of assistants engaged in making working plans, estimates and specifications, contracts, purchases and shop inspection of equipment and materials, and executing detailed technical supervision of the work. (c) Interest During Construction. (d) Taxes During Construction. Interest and Taxes during construction were computed in detail upon indi- vidual items with due regard to the actual time that would be required to com- plete such items. The rates used for Interest were, respectively, 6% and 7% ; those for Taxes 1.78% and 2.32%, for the years 1914 and 1919, the latter being the actual New York City tax rates for those years. v.— ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. It was assumed that one and one-half years would elapse, from the inception of the project until construction operations were commenced. The expense shown for this period comprises the cost of preliminary investigations, the selling of securi- ties, and fees paid to the Municipality and others for franchises, permits, etc. It also includes expenses and cost of preliminary engineering performed by the per- manent administrative, legal and technical organization prior to the commencement of actual construction work. (a) Prbliminaey Investigations. This work comprises a study of the general situation as relating to the construction and successful operation of the system contemplated, involving consultation with legal authorities and engineers, plans for financing, publicity work, etc. (b) Permanent Organization. The work of the permanent organization involves detailed studies of popu- lation, its growth, density and direction of movement, study of traffic data and conditions in other cities ; selection of routes, sites for power house, substations, car barns, etc. ; the preparation of preliminary plans and estimates on various schemes, estimates of probable earnings and operating expenses, hearings be- fore State and Local Authorities, study of transportation laws. City Ordi- nances, and other similar matters ; the preparation of preliminary contracts, search of titles, petitions, etc., plans for financing, collecting of subscriptions, marketing of securities and the obtaining of franchises and rights. VI.— WORKING CAPITAL. The working capital consists of cash balance, and of materials and supplies on hand. A detailed inventory was made of the latter. The minimum cash balance included represents the actual cash balance of the System on June 30th, 1914. VIL— PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAIL,WAY OPERATION. This consists of land and buildings owned by the New York Railways System but not devoted to electric railway operation. In cases where only part of a tract of land or a portion of a building is used for operation only such part or portion is included under "Property Used in Railway Operation," the other part being in- cluded under "Property Not Used in Railway Operation." We have, however, included in "Property Used in Railway Operation," the so- called "Cable Building" at 621 Broadway, and the "Lexington Building" on East 25th Street. As only a part of these properties is now actually occupied by the Rail- way Company, a word of explanation is desirable. The land for both buildings was purchased originally for railway purposes, and on this land two power houses were erected for the operation of the cable system. After the discontinuation of the cable system, these two buildings were, to a certain extent, rearranged and parts of them have since been used as electrical sub-stations. For a long time the Cable Building was used largely for office purposes by the Company, and it is possible that it may be so used again. Since rearrangement a considerable portion of the build- ings has been rented for manufacturing and commercial purposes. For the reasons above stated these properties are difficult of classification as to use. It should be borne in mind, however, that in view of this classification, any net rentals received by the New York Railways Company, from either of these proper- ties should be credited to the gross earnings of the Company in determining the amount which may properly be earned as a return on the property. Abandoned track has not been included in this appraisal. VIII.— ITEMS OMITTED. Our estimates do not include any allowance for the following items : a — Going value of property, b — Special value of land for railway purposes, c — Profits of promotion, d — Discounts on securities, e — Special value of existing franchises, f — Net investment in superseded property. IX.— RECORDS. The complete records covering the field inventory, computations, appraisal details and summaries, unit costs on material and labor and all other data support- ing our figures are collected in sixty-seven (67) Volumes of Detail, numbered con- secutively, and a Summary Volume "A." Yours very truly, STONE & WEBSTER. 6 SUMMARY— BY ACCOUNTS Appraisal as of June 30, 1919 NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM A t Pre- War Prices At June, igig Prices lie*" „ ^".^ . ,, n I'"- ,■ New DepreciaUon New Deprectahon USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION: I. LAND. Total I $10,388,800 $10,388,800 $10,751,850 $10,751,850 II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Material & Labor 51,657,360 36,283,616 93,843,300 64,696,870 Contractors' Services 3,967,038 3,934,655 6,995,479 5,160,715 Engineering Cost 1,770,512 1,348,034 3,316,096 1,550,593 Taxes During Construction 971,716 971,716 3,087,405 3,087,405 Interest During Construction 4,833,703 4,832,703 8,334,958 8,334,958 Administrative & Legal Organization During Construction 1,343,073 1,343,073 1,681,457 1,681,457 Total II.. 64,543,393 47,603,797 114,058,595 83,411,998 III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUC- TION. Preliminary Investigations 150,000 150,000 180,000 180,000 Financial Expenses 5,651,000 5,651,000 8,401,000 8,401,000 Permanent Organization 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,301,000 1,301,000 Interest 1,541,475 1,541,475 3,594,035 3,594,035 Total III 8,393,475 8,393,475 13,476,035 13,476,025 IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Materials and Supplies 1,508,658 1,471,944 1,891,337 1,831,051 Minimum Cash Balance 1,373,647 1,373,647 1,373,647 1,373,647 Total IV 3,882,305 3,845,591 3,364,874 3,204,698 SUMMARY— CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. I Land 10,388,800 10,388,800 10,751,850 10,751,850 li. Construction & Equipment 64,543,392 47,603,797 114,058,595 83,411,998 in. Organization prior to Construction 8,393,475 8,393,475 12,476,035 12,476,035 IV. Working Capital 3,883,305 2,845,591 3,264,874 3,304,698 A— PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION.. 86,205,972 69,330,663 140,551,344 109,844,571 PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION, la. LAND. Total la 1,558,300 1,558,300 1,594,650 1,594,650 Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Material & Labor 844,222 397,100 1,385,931 655,100 Contractors' Services 84,432 39,710 138,593 65,510 Engineering Cost 29,488 13,849 33,904 16,060 Taxes During Construction 16,102 16,102 37,150 37,150 Interest During Construction 338,637 338,637 298,713 398,713 Administrative & Legal Organization During Construction 31,927 31,937 34,903 34,903 Total Ila 1,234,798 727,325 1,909,183 1,087,436 B— PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERA- TION 2,792,998 3,301,164 3,503,833 3,682,086 C— TOTAL PROPERTY— (A + B) $88,998,970 $71,516,188 $144,055,177 $113,526,657 SUMMARY— BY COMPANIES Appraisal as of June 30, 1919. NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM At Pre-War Prices At June, igig Prices PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION : OWNED LINES New York Railways Co Lexington Ave. & Paonia Ferry R. R. Co South Ferry R. R. Co , Broadway Surface R. R. Co Columbus & Ninth Ave. R. R. Co Central Crosstown R. R. Co Fort George & Eleventh Ave. R. R. Co Total, Owned Lines LEASED LINES Twenty-third Street Railway Co Broadway & Seventh Ave. R. R. Co Bleecker St. & Fulton Ferry R. R. Co New York & Harlem R. R. Co Sixth Avenue R. R. Co Forty-second Street & Grand St. Ferry R. R. Co Christopher & Tenth St. R. R. Co Eighth Avenue R. R. Co Ninth Avenue R. R. Co Thirty-fourth St. Crosstown Ry. Co Total, Leased Lines A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION OWNED LINES New York Railways Co Central Crosstown R. R. Co Total, Owned Lines LEASED LINES Twenty-third St. Railway Co Sixth Ave. R. R. Co Christopher & Tenth St. R. R. Co Eighth Ave. R. R. Co Ninth Ave. R. R. Co Total, Leased Lines B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION C— TOTAL PROPERTY— (A + B) Less Less New Depreciation New Depreciation $37,594,497 $28,456,454 $60,783,394 $43,848,548 3,280,850 2,652,820 5,783,681 4,664,563 659,889 546,877 1,138,848 931,880 2,011,213 1,714,867 3,546,184 3,022,035 1,269,160 1,021,872 3,305,110 1,770,619 202,682 166,110 349,933 384,028 443,328 367,660 766,070 631,537 45,461,619 34,926,660 74,561,309 55,153,210 1,535,267 1,391,460 2,574,873 3,134,159 13,593,619 10,802,887 18,233,015 15,166,333 886,059 719,447 1,575,345 1,360,899 6,793,019 5,761,722 11,705,740 9,878,675 4,351,339 3,659,684 7,398,700 6,177,800 3,063,043 1,760,374 3,347,354 2,803,879 1,158,764 941,635 3,065,020 1,655,127 6,598,186 5,480,360 10,786,716 8,885,975 4,398,003 3,586,341 7,657,643 6,306,838 369,154 300,103 645,829 532,177 40,744,353 34,304,003 65,990,135 54,691,361 80,305,972 69,230,663 140,551,344 109,844,571 690,876 78,338 533,930 44,539 981,556 135,959 719,617 71,675 769,114 578,459 1,107,515 791,392 13,831 40,389 341,044 1,685,689 44,031 3,333 35,683 154,383 1,469,738 44,031 31,130 41,791 316,863 1,971,439 45,096 5,261 34,315 183,575 1,622,647 45,096 3,033,884 1,707,066 3,396,318 1,890,794 2,792,998 3,385,535 3,503,833 2,683,086 .$88,998,970 $71,516,188 $144,055,177 $113,526,657 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM Property Used in Railway Operation p. s. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $10,388,800. $10,388,800. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 6,525,358. 6,525,358. 183 Ties 36,756. 7,967. 184a Rails & Fastenings 1,498,369. 771,423. 184b Track Special Work 1,456,598. 740,108. 185 Underground Construction 7,301,611. 5,482,861. 186 Track Laying 1,095,483. 553,365. 187 Paving for Track 2,410,192. 1,452,930. 189 Tunnels 391,600. 391,600. S-162 Underground Conduit 4,912,711. 4,120,778. S-163 Transmission System 708,350. 558,133. S-164 Distribution System 2,670,971. 1,874,049. 194 Telephone System 37,047. 17,782. 202 Revenue Cars 5,746,440. 3,699,788. 203 Electric Equipment of Cars 3,340,815. 1,644,506. 204 Other Rail Equipment 178,975. 99,767. S-141a Furnaces, Boilers & Accessories 1,361,529. 678,025. S-141b Steam Engines 1,330,662. 683,039. S-144 Power Plant Electric Equipment 854,280. 453,649. S-145 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 38,810. 21,194.' S-152 Substation Equipment 1,543,920. 861,056. S-122b Shop Equipment & Tools 132,144. 59,466. S-132 Power Plant Building 1,255,435. 853,580. S-151 Substation Buildings 583,634. 395,984. 195 Shops & Car Houses 4,210,389. 2,987,132. 196 Miscellaneous Buildings 1,828,394. 1,256,700. Furniture & Fixtures 28,365. 12,764. 188 Roadway Tools 3,088. 1,389. 205 Miscellaneous Equipment 175,434. 79,223. Total, Material & Labor 51,657,360. 36,283,616. (Jontractors' Services 3,967,028. 2,924,655. Total 55,624,388. 39,208,271. S-281 Engineering Cost 1,770,512. 1,248,034. S-284 Taxes during Construction 971,716. 971,716. S-285 Interest during Construction 4,832,703. 4,832,703. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 1,343,073. 1,343,073. Total II 64,542,392. 47,603,797. Forwarded — 9 New York Railways System— Continued p. s. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation: Legal Investigations $50,000. $50,000. Technical Reports 75,000. 75,000. Publicity Work, etc 25,000. 25,000. Total (a) 150,000. 150,000. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 4,500,000. 4,500,000. S-102 Franchise Payments 151,000. 151,000. S-111 Right of Way 1,000,000. 1,000,000. Total (b) 5,651,000. 5,651,000. 101 (c) Permanent Organization: Executive Department 305,000. 305,000. Legal & Financial Departments 300,000. 300,000. Engineering Department 445,000. 445,000. Total (c) 1,050,000. 1,050,000. (d) Interest on above 1,541,475. 1,541,475. Total III 8,392,475. 8,392,475. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. S-10 Materials and Supplies 1,508,658. 1,471,944. Minimum Cash Balance 1,373,647. 1,373,647. Total IV 2,882,305. 2,845,591. ( A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 86,205,972. 69,230,663. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 1,558,200. 1,558,200. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings 844,222. 397,100. Contractors' Services 84,422. 39,710. Total 928,644. 436,810. S-281a Engineering Cost 29,488. 13,849. S-284a Taxes during Construction 16,102. " 16,102. S-285a Interest during Construction 238,637. 238,637. S-282a Admin. «& Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 21,927. 21,927. Total Ila $1,234,798. 727,325 B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 2,792,998. 2,285,525. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $88,998,970. $71,516,188. 10 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New . Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $10,751,850. $10,751,850. II. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 13,252,592. 13,252,592. 183 Ties 71,139. 15,335. 184a Rails & Fastenings 2.524,031. 1,298,991. 184b Track Special Work 3,637,593. 1,817,236. 185 Underground Construction 13,711,500. 10,282,360. 186 Track Laying 2,607,099. 1,316,727. 187 Paving for Track : . . . . 3,418,979. 2,031,860. 189 Tunnel 634,700. 634,700. S-162 Underground Conduit 7,192,771. 6,036,763. S-163 Transmission System 1,016,160. 800,711. S-164 Distribution System 3,809,357. 2,658,293. 194 Telephone System 51,909. 24,917. 202 Revenue Cars 11,205,558. 7,214,586. 203 Electric Equipment of Cars 7,349,793. 3,393,589. 204 Other Rail Equipment 349,001. 194,547. S-]41a Furnaces, Boilers & Accessories 2,201,166. 1,143,715. S-141b Steam Engines 2,442,084. 1,309,147. S-144 Power Plant Electric Equipment 1,398,810. 715,693. S-145 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 79,817. 44,242. S-152 Substation Equipment 2,479,164. 1,301,164. S-122b Shop Equipment & Tools 323,150. 145,839. S-132 Power Plant Building . -. 1,984,205. 1,349,060. S-151 Substation Buildings 944,532. 640,467. 195 Shops & Car Houses 6,910,243. 4,905,410. 196 Miscellaneous Business 2,949,187. 2,034,100. Furniture & Fixtures 56,730. 25,528. 188 Roadway Tools 5,095. 2,292. 205 Miscellaneous Equipment 236,835. 107,006. Total, Material & Labor 92,843,200. 64,696,870. Contractors' Services 6,995,479. 5,160,715. Total 99,838,679. 69,857,5S5. S-281 Engineering Cost 2,216,096. 1,550,593. S-284 Taxes during Construction 2,087,405. 2,087,405. S-285 Interest during Construction 8,234,958. 8,234,958. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 1,681,457. 1,681,457. Total II 114,058,595. 83,411,998. Funcarded — 11 New York Railways System — Coniimied P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation: Legal Investigations $60,000. $60,000. Technical Repoi (,s 90,000. 90,000. Publicity Work, etc 30,000. 30,000. Total (a) 180,000. 180,000. (b) Finnancial Expenses : 101 Cost of Selling Securities 7,250,000. 7,250,000. S-102 Franchise Payments 151,000. 151,000. S-111 Right of Way 1,000,000. 1,000,000. Total (b) 8,401,000. 8,401,000. 101 (c) Permanent Organization : Executive Department 380,000. 380,000. Legal & Financial Department 364,000. 364,000. Engineering Department 557,000. 557,000. Total (c) 1,301,000. 1,301,000. (d) Interest on above 2,594,025. 2,594,025. Total III 12,476,025. 12,476,025. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. S-10 Materials & Supplies 1,891,227. 1,831,051. Minimum Cash Balance 1,373,647. 1,373,647. Total IV 3,264,874. 3,204,698. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 140,551,344. 109,844,571. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND Total la 1,594,650. $1,594,650. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings 1,385,921. 655,100. Contractors' Services 138,592. 65,510. Total 1,524,513. 720,610. S-281a Engineering Cost 33,904. 16,060. S-284a Taxes during Construction 27,150. 27,150. S-285a Interest during Construction 298,713. 298,713. S-282aN Admin. & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 24,903. 24,903. Total Ila 1,909,183. 1,087,436. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 3,503,833. 2,682,086. e;_TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $144,055,177. $112,526,657. 12 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation p. s. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $5,234,000. $5,234,000. II. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading ' 481,141. 481,140. 183 Ties 28,312. 6,184. 184a Rails & Fastenings 254,391. 144,767. 184b Track Special Work 120,836. 60,406. 185 Underground Construction 418,433. 307,990. 186 Track Laying 189,535. 105,119. 187 Paving for Track 402,297. 234,791. S-162 Underground Conduit 236,407. 198,582. S-163 Transmission System 708,350. 558,133. S-164 Distribution System 217,409. 160,014. 194 Telephone System 11,988. 5,754. 202 Revenue Cars 5,746,440. 3,699,788. 203 Electric Equipment of Cars 3,340,815. 1,644,506. 204 Other Rail Equipment 178,975. 99,767. S-141a Furnaces, Boilers & Accessories 1,361,529. 678,025. S-141b Steam Engines 1,330,662. 683,039. S-144 Power Plant Electric Equipment 854,280. 453,649. S-145 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 38,810. 21,194. S-152 Substation Equipment 1,543,920. 861,056. S-122b Shop Equipment & Tools 132,144. 59,466. S-132 Power Plant Building 1,255,435. 853,580. S-151 Substation Buildings 259,841. 187,284. 195 Shops & Car Houses 2,132,175. 1,729,902. 196 Miscellaneous Buildings 896,353. 622,900. Furniture & Fixtures 28,365. 12,764. 188 Roadway Tools 3^087. 1^389! 205 Miscellaneous Equipment 175 434. 79,223. Total, Material & Labor 22,347,364. 13,950,412. Contractors' Services 1,236,818. 813,148. Total 23,584,182. 14,763,560. S-281 Engineering Cost 750,714. 470,007. S-284 Taxes during Construction 320,192. 320192. S-285 Interest during Construction 1,894'400. 1 894400^ S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization ' ' > > ■ & 286 during Construction 581,036. 581,036. Total II 27,130,524. 18,029,195. Forwarded— 13 New York Baihvays Company — Continued p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation III. ORGANIZATION PRIOE TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 64,258. 64,258. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 1,923,000. 1,923.000. S-102 Franchise Payments 1,000. 1,000. S-111 Right of Way 134,000. 134,000. Total (b) 2,058,000. 2,058,000. 101 (c) Permanent Organization .• 449,808. 449,808. (d) Interest on above 578,715. 578,715. Total III 3,150,781. 3,150,781. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. S-10 Materials and Supplies 1,508,658. 1,471,944. Minimum Cash Balance 570,534. 570,534. Total IV 2,079,192. 2,042,478. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 37,594,497. 28,456,454. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la LAND. Total la 309,000. 309,000. Ila CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT : 196a Miscellaneous Buildings 293,188. 154,900. Contractors' Services 29,318. 15,490. Total 322,506. 170,390. S-281a Engineering Cost 10,200. 5,360. S-284a Taxes during Construction 5,970. 5,970. S-285a Interest during Construction 35,600. 35,600. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a During Construction 7,600. 7,600. Total Ila 381,876 224,920. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 690,876 533,920. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $38,285,373. $28,980,374. 14 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. s. c. Account S-112 Item Estimated Cost to Reproduce New Less Depreciation I. LAND. Total I $5,288,000. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 983,536. 183 Ties 54,925. 184a Rails & Fastenings 431,949. 184b Track Special Work 306,226. 185 Underground Construction 789,199. 186 Track Laying 450,327. 187 Paving for Track 609,027. S-162 Underground Conduit 346,966. S-163 Transmission System 1,016,160. S-164 Distribution System 313,210. 194 Telephone System 17,284. 202 Revenue Cars 11,205,558. 203 Electric Equipment of Cars 7,349,793. 204 Other Rail Equipment 349,001. S-141a Furnaces, Boilers & Accessories 2,201,166. S-141b Steam Engines 2,442,084. S-144 Power Plant Electric Equipment 1,398,810. S-145 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 79,817. S-152 Substation Equipment 2,479,164. S-122b Shop Equipment & Tools 323,150. S-132 Power Plant Building 1,984,205. S-151 Substation Buildings 417,872. 195 Shops & Car Houses 3,509,481. 196 Miscellaneous Buildings 1,436,048. Furniture & Fixtures 56,730. 188 Roadway Tools 5,095. 205 Miscellaneous Equipment 236,835. Total, Material & Labor 40,793,618. Contractors ' Services 2,071,516. Total 42,865,134. S-281 Engineering Cost 951,430. S-284 Taxes during Construction 657,174. S-285 Interest during Construction 2,960,500. S-282- Administrative & Legal Organization 286 during Construction 738,910. Total II 48,173,148. $5,288,000. 983,536. 11,947. 245,829. 153,107. 580,505. 249,647. 350,046. 291,451. 800,711. 230,216. 8,296. 7,214,586. 3,393,589. 194,547. 1,143,715. 1,309,147. 715,693. 44,242. 1,301,164. 145,839. 1,349,060. 301,167. 2,840,810. 1,005,200. 25,528. 2,292. 107,006. 24,998,876. 1,359,097. 26,357,973. 584,921. 657,174. 2,960,500. 738,910. 31,299,478. Forwarded — 15 New York Railways Company — Continued P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 76,591. 76,591. (b) Financial Expenses. 101 Cost of Selling Securities 3,080,000. 3,080,000. S-102 Franchise Payments 1,000. 1,000. S-111 Right of Way 134,000. 134,000. Total (b) 3,215,000. 3,215,000. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 553,586. 553,586. (d) Interest on above 1,009,358. 1,009,358. Total III 4,854,535. 4,854,535. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. S-10 Materials and Supplies 1,891,227. 1,831,051. Minimum Cash Balance 575,484. 575,484. Total IV 2,466,711. 2,406,535. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 60,782,394. 43,848,548. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la LAND. Total la 353,000. 353,000. Ila CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings 492,998. 260,100. Contractors' Services 49,300. 26,010. Total 542,298. 286,110. S-281a Engineering Cost 12,101. 6,350. S-284a Taxes during Construction 11,449. 11,449. S-285-a Interest during Construction 53,975. 53,975. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 8,738. 8,733. Total Ila 628,556. 366,617. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 981,556. 719,617. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $61,763,950. $44,568,165. 16 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES CENTRAL CROSSTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Account Item II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails and Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying ^ 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System Total, Material & Labor Contractors ' Services Total S-281 Engineering Cost S-284 Taxes during Construction S-285 Interest during Construction S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization ; & 286 during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminarj^ Investigation (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities S-111 Right of Way Total (b) 101 (e) Permanent Organization (d) Interest on above Total III IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance , Total IV A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION Forwarded — Estimated Cost to Reproduce New Less Depreciation $36,866. $36,866. 54. 38. 7,509. 4,582. 10,311. 5,105. 39,088. 29,247. 5,355. 3,232. 13,120. 8,353. 21,384. 18,427. 17,021. 12,203. 150,708. 118,053. 13,759. 10,970. 164,467. 129,023. 5,235. 4,107. 322. 322. 1,185. 1,185. 3,918. 3,918. 175,127. 138,555. 372. 372. 11,200. 5,080. 11,200. 5,080. 16,280. 16,280. 2,607. 4,333. 2,607. 4,333. 23,592. 3,963. 3,963. 23,592. 3,963. 3,963. 202,682. 166,110. Continued 17 Central Crosstown Railroad Company — Property Not Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings Contractors ' Services Total 5 281a Engineering Cost S-284a Taxes during Construction S-285a Interest during Construction .-• S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization 6 286a during Construction B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) New 65,893. Less Depreciation 36,200. 6,589. 3,620. 72,482. 39,820. 2,306. 1,269. 387. 387. 1,350. 1,350. 1,713. 1,713. 78,238. 44,539. $280,920. $210,649. 18 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. CENTRAL CROSSTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. s. c. Account Item II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails and Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying 187 Paving for Track , S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System Total, Material & Labor Contractors ' Services Total S-281 Engineering Cost S-284 Taxes during Construction S-285 Interest during Construction S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation (b) Financial Expenses: ) 101 Cost of Selling Securities S-111 Right of Way Total (b) 101 (c) Permanent Organization (d) Interest on above Total III IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance Total IV A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION Forwarded — Estimated Cost to Reproduce New Less Depreciation $74,027. $74,027. 102. 71. 12,658. 7,724. 25,778. 12,762. 73,526. 54,934. 12,790. 7,714. 17,593. 11,104. 30,269. 26,083. 24,019. 17,118. 270,762. 25,317. ■ 211,537. 20,043. 296,079. 6,572. 754. 2,450. 4,903. 231,580. 5,177. 754. 2,450. 4,903. 310,758. 244 864. 471. 471. 18,950. 5,080. 18,950. 5,080. 24,030. 24,030. 3,403. 7,325. 3,403. 7,325. 35,229. 3,935. 3,935. 35,229. 3,935. 3,935. 349,922. 284,028. Continued 19 Central Crosstown Railroad Company — Property Not Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings Contractors' Services Total 5 281a Engineering Cost S-284a Taxes during Construction S-285a Interest during Construction S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization 6 286a during Construction B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) . 107,286 59,000. 10,729. 5,900. 118,015. 64,900. 2,620. 1,451. 821. 821. 2,560. 2,560. 1,943. 1,943. 125,959. 71,675. $475,881. $355,703. 20 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES LEXINGTON AVENUE & PAVONIA FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading $510,594. $510,594. 183 Ties 50. 23. 184a • Rails & Fastenings 113,030. 48,453. 184b Track Special Work 113,876. 63,504. 185 Underground Construction 683,716. 499,761. 186 Track Lathing 87,271. 38,073. 187 Paving for Track 195,794. 117,387. S-162 Underground Conduit 288,313. 240,097. S-164 Distribution System 295,843. 210,351. 194 Telephone System 397. 190. Total, Material & Labor 2,288,884, 1,728,433. Contractors' Services 209,309. 161,105. Total 2,498,193. 1,889,538. S-281 Engineering Cost , 79,515. 60,140 S-284 Taxes during Construction 41,557. 41 557. S-285 Interest during Construction 153,000. 153000. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 59,510. 59 510. Total II 2,831,775. 2,203,745. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 5,998. 5 998. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 179,500. 179 500 S-111 Right of Way 87'oOo! 87'000'. Total (b) -. 266,500. 266,500. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 41 934 4^ gg^ (d) Interest on above 70758. 70*758 Total III 385,240. 385,240. IV. WORKING CAPITAJL. Minimum Cash Balance , 63 §35. 53 §35 Total IV ^ 63,835. 63,835. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $3,280,850. $2,652,820. 21 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. LEXINGTON AVENUE & PAVONIA FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading $1,063,759. 183 Ties 94. 184a Rails & Fastenings 190,460. 184b Track Special Work 283,690. 185 Underground Construction 1,286,927. 186 Track Laying 207,393. 187 Paving for Track . .'. 275,222. S-162 Underground Conduit . ' 425,887. S-164 Distribution System 419,512. 194 Telephone System 556. Total, Material & Labor 4,153,500. Contractors' Services 387,828. Total 4,541,328. S-281 Engineering Cost 100,806. S-284 Taxes during Construction 98,288. S-285 Interest during Construction 317,400. p-282 Administration & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 75,214. Total II 5,133,036. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 7,750. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 312,500. S-111 Right of Way 87,000. Total (b) 399,500. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 56,013. (d) Interest on Above 121,607. Total III .' 584,870. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 64,775. Total IV 64,775. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $5,782,681. $4,664,563. $1,063,759. 44. 81,590. 158,019. 939,199. 90,578. 162,690. 354,665. 298,029. 267. 3,148,840. 298,615. 3,447,455. 76,561. 98,288. 317,400. 75,214. 4,014,918. 7,750. 312,500. 87,000. 399,500. 56,013. 121,607. 584,870. 64,775. 64,775. 22 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES SOUTH FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading Ties Eails and Fastenings , Track Special Work Underground Construction Track Laying Paving for Track , Underground Conduit Distribution System Total, Material & Labor Contractors ' Services Total Engineering Cost , Taxes during Construction ' Interest during Construction / Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 1,221. (b) Financial Expenses: Cost of Selling Securities Right of Way Total (b) (c) Permanent Organization (d) Interest on above Total III IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance Total IV TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $134,414. $134,414. 88. 48. 14,446. 8,485. 23,809. 10,951. 102,649. 76,667. 13,203. 7,042. 30,320. 18,070. 100,404. 83,613. 68,182. 47,542. 487,515. 386,832. 45,719. 36,876. 533,234. 423,708. 16,972. 13,486. 2,516. 2,516. 9,200. 9,200. 12,675. 12,675. 574,597. 461,585. 1,221. 36,600. 12,650. 36,600. 12 650 49,250. 49,250. 8,547. 13,279. 8,547. 13,279. 72,297. 72,297. 12,995. 12,995. 12,995. 12,995. $546,877. $659,889. 23 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. SOUTH FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Acccunt 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading $269,863. Ties 166. Rails and Fastenings 24,225. Track Special Work 59,399. Underground Construction 194,121. Track Laying 31,820. Paving for Track 41,166. Underground Conduit 147,667. Distribution System 94,848. Total, Material & Labor 863,275. Contractors ' Services 82,211. Total 945,486. Engineering Cost _ 20,987. Taxes during Construction 5,807. Interest during Construction 18,750. Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction 15,633. Total II 1,006,663. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 1,524. (b) Financial Expenses: Cost of Selling Securities 61,500. Right of Way 12,650. Total (b) 74,150. (c) Permanent Organization 11,016. (d) Interest on above 22,756. Total III 109,446. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 12,739. Total IV 12,739. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $1,128,848. $931,880. $269,862. 91. 14,222. 27,364. 144,784. 16,909. 24,326. 122,972. 65,936. 686,466. 66,214. 752,680. 16,825. 5,807. 18,750. 15,633. 809,695. 1,524. 61,500. 12,650. 74.150. 11,016. 22,756. 109,446. 12,739. 12,739. 24 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES BROADWAY SURFACE RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183' 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 194 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading $437,337. Ties 33. Rails & Fastenings 49,709. Track Special Work 38,543. Underground Construction 427,256. Track Laying 36,629. Paving for Track 58,038. Underground Conduit 253,016. Distribution System •. 125,518. Telephone System : 2,699. Total, Material & Labor 1,428,778. Contractors' Services 137,074. Total 1,565,852. Engineering Cost 49,840. Taxes during Construction 21,617. Interest during Construction 79,700. Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction 37,147. Total II 1,754,156. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 3,718. (b) Financial Expenses: Cost of Selling Securities 111,500. Right of Way 36,300. Total (b) ■ 147,800. (c) Permanent Organization 26,024. (d) Interest on above 39,947. Total III 217,489. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 39 568. Total IV 39,568. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $2,011,213. $437,337. 23. 24,141. 19,840. 335,458. 17,774. 30,277. 210,702. 88,313. 1,296. 1,165,161. 113,488. 1,278,649. 40,697. 21,617. 79,700. 37,147. 1,457,810. 3,718. 111,500. 36,300. 147,800. 26,024. 39,947. 217,489. 39,568. 39,568. $1,714,867. 25 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. BROADWAY SURFACE RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 194 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading $875,371. Ties 61. Rails & Fastenings 82,381. Track Special Work 95,967. Underground Construction 795,583. Track Laying 87,148. Paving for Track 91,801. Underground Conduit 382,293. Distribution System 177,187. Telephone System 3,742. Total, Material & Labor 2,591,534. Contractors' Services 249,973. Total . 2,841,507. Engineering Cost 63,074. Taxes during Construction 51,105. Interest during Construction 165,000. Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction 46,929. Total II 3,167,615. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 4,785. (b) Financial Expenses: Cost of Selling Securities 192,500. Right of Way 36,300. Total (b) 228,800. (c) Permanent Organization 34,589. (d) Interest on above 70,396. Total III 338,570. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 39,999. Total IV 39,999. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $3,546,184. $3,022,035. $875,371. 43. 40,008. 49,481. 622,588. 42,287. 47,521. 318,361. 124,022. 1,797. 2,121,479. 207,396. 2,328,875. 51,557. 51,105. 165,000. 46,929. 2,643,466. 4,785. 192,500. 36,300. 228,800. 34,589. 70,396. 338,570. 39,999. 39,999. 26 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES COLUMBUS & 9TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 194 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading Rails & Fastenings Track Special Work Underground Construction Track Laying Paving for Track Underground Conduit Distribution System Telephone Systeln Total, Material & Labor Contractors ' Services Total Engineering Cost Taxes during Construction Interest during Construction Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 2,316. (b) Financial Expenses: Cost of Selling Securities 69,000. Right of Way 36,500. Total (b) 105,500. (c) Permanent Organization 16,210 : (d) Interest on above 27,906. Total III 151,932. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 24,647. Total IV 24,647. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $1,269,160. $206,031. 51,465. $206,031. 22,062. 32,857. 17,194. 260,671. 188,011. 36,538. 87,685. 15,970. 55,337. 117,732. 100,695. 70. 98,043. 70,249. 34. 893,744. 80,606. 672,931. 61,760. 974,350. 31,013. 13,681. 50,300. 23,237. 734,691. 23,384. 13,68L 50,300. 23,237. 1,092,581. 845,293. 2,316. 69,000. 36,500. 105,500. 16,210. 27,906. 151,932. 24,647. 24,647. $1,021,872. 27 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. COLUMBUS & 9TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 194 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading Rails & Fastenings Track Special "Work Underground Construction Track Laying Paving for Track Underground Conduit Distribution System Telephone System Total, Material & Labor Contractors ' Services Total Engineering Cost Taxes during Construction Interest during Construction Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 2,952. (b) Financial Expenses: Cost of Selling Securities Right of Way Total (b) (c) Permanent Organization (d) Interest on above Total III , IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 24,674. Total IV 24,674. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $2,205,110. $427,739. $427,738. 84,254. 36,166. 81,531. 42,706. 491,103. 353,784. 86,781. 37,975. 119,817. 74,695. 168,096. 139,985. 143,264. 99,332. 98. 47. 1,602,683. 1,212,428. 148,287. 113,773. 1,750,970. 1,326,201. 38,867. 29,145. 31,976. 31,976. 103,250. 103,250. 29,022. 29,022. 1,954,085. 1,519,594. 2,952. 118,500. 36,500. 118,500. 36,500. 155,000. 155,000. 21,336. 47,063. 21,336. 47,063. 226,351. 226,351. 24,674. 24,674. $1,770,619. 28 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES FT. GEORGE & llTH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System Total, Material & Labor Contractors' Services Total S-281 Engineering Cost S-284 Taxes during Construction S-285 Interest during Construction S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 812. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 24,260. S-111 Right of Way 12,300. Total (b) 36,560. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 5,682. (d) Interest on above 9,678. Total III 52,732. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 8,638 Total IV 8,638 TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $443,328. $367,660. $55,795. 34. $55,795. 13. 16,754. 24,747. 86,179. 12,474. 32,536. 78,030. 18,800. 9,133. 18,016. 65,212. 6,812. 20,382. 68,932. 13,281. 325,349. 257,576. 29,281. 23,720. 354,630. 281,296. 11,287. 1,622. 5,960. 8,953. 1,622. 5,960. 8,459. 8,459. 381,958. 306,290. 812. 24,260. 12,300. 36,560. 5,682. 9,678. 52,732. 8,638. 8,638. 29 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. FT. GEORGE & IITH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 S-281 S-284 8-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading .$116,032. Ties 64. Rails & Fastenings 28,658. Track Special Work 61,868. Underground Construction 162,581. Track Laying 29,733. Paving for Track 43,399. Underground Conduit 113,936. Distribution System 27,762. Total, Material & Labor 584,033. Contractors' Services 54,063. Total 638,096. Engineering Cost 14,164. Taxes during Construction 3,793. Interest during Construction 12,250. Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction 10,576 Total II ...:.: 678,879. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 1,028. (b) Financial Expenses : Cost of Selling Securities 41,500. Right of Way 12,300. Total (b) 53,800. (c) Permanent Organization 7,429. (d) Interest on above 16,342. Total III 78,599. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 8,592. Total IV 8,592. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $766,070. .$631,537. $116,032. 24. 15,534. 45,040. 122,884. 16,271. 26,993. 100,651. 19,395. 462,824. 43,583. 506,407. 11,320. 3,793. 12,250. 10,576. 544,346. 1,028. 41,500. 12,300. 53,800. 7,429. 16,342. 78,599. 8,592. 8,592. 30 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES 23RD STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation p. s. c. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTEUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading $221,982. $221,982. 183 Ties 666. 201. 184a Rails & Fastenings 47,445. 28,554. 184b Track Special Work 66,095. 35,230. 185 Underground Construction 224,853. 167,449. 186 Track Laying 35,292. 20,499. 187 Paving for Track 69,085. 38,744. S-162 Underground Conduit 214,399. 176,993. S-164 Distribution System 63,533. 44,522. 194 Telephone System 1,679. 805. 195 Shops & Car Houses 18,913. 11,400. Total, Material & Labor 963,942. 746,379. Contractors' Services 89,486. 70,764. Total 1,053,428. 817,143. S-281 Engineering Cost 33,530. 26,008. S-284 Taxes during Construction 1.2,896. 12,896. S-285 Interest during Construction 47,400. 47,400. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 25,062. 25,062. Total II 1,172,316. 928,509. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 2,486. 2,486. (b) Financial Expenses: ' 101 Cost of Selling Securities 74,200. 74,200. S-102 Franchise Payments 150,000. 150,000. S-111 Right of Way 30,600. 30,600. Total (b) 254,800. 254,800. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 17,402. 17,402. (d) Interest on above 61,805. 61,805. Total III 336,493. 836,493. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 26,458. 26,458. Total IV 26,458. 26,458. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 1,535,267. 1,291,460. Forwarded — 31 23rd Street Railway Company — Continued Property Not Used in Railway Operation P. s. c. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New ^^^^s Depreciation Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings 10,859. 2,400. Contractors' Services 1,086. 240. Total 11,945. 2,640. S-281a Engineering Cost ., 380. 86. S-284a Taxes during Construction ; 48. 48. S-285a Interest during Construction 175. 175. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 283. 283. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 12,831. 3,232. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $1,548,098. $1,294,692. 32 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. 23RD STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special "Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying i 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System 194 Telephone System 195 Shops & Car Houses Total, Material & Labor Contractors ' Services Total S-281 Engineering Cost S-284 Taxes during Construction S-285 Interest during Construction S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 3,192. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 138,500. S-102 Franchise Payments 150,000. S-111 Right of Way 30,600. Total (b) 319,100. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 23,072. (d) Interest on above 90,657. Total III 436,021. $445,534. 1,278. 80,194. 164,851. $445,534. 382. 48,254. 87,800. 423,108. 314,567. 84,274. 100,182. 48,903. 55,530. 320,333. 91,707. 2,314. 31,730. 264,446. 63,766. 1,110. 19,000. 1,745,505. 1,349,292. 164,532. 129,376. 1,910,037. 1,478,668. 42,398. 30,299. 97,825. 31,609. 33,053. 30,299. 97 825 31609 . 2,112,168. 1,671,454. 3,192. 138,500. 150,000. 30,600. 319,100. 23,072. 90,657. 436,021. Forwarded — Continued 26,684. 26,684. 2,134,159. 33 23rd Street Railway Company — P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 26,684. Total IV 26,684. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 2,574,873. Property Not Used in Railway Operation Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings Contractors ' Services Total S-281a Engineering Cost S-284a Taxes during Construction S-285a Interest during Construction S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) 18,114. 4,000. 1,811. 400. 19,925. 4,400. 442. 98. 105. 105. 330. 330. 328. 328. 21,130. 5,261. . $2,596,003. $2,139,420. 34 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — ^As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES 6TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY $110,000. Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. TOTAL-I $110,000 II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System 194 Telephone System S-151 Substation Buildings 195 Shops & Car Houses Total, Material & Labor Contractors ' Services Total ' S-281 Engineering Cost S-284 Taxes during Construction S-285 Interest during Construction S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 8,004. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 240 000 S-111 Right of Way 87^000! Total (b) 327,000. 101 (e) Permanent Organization 56,028. (d) Interest on above 87,982. Total III 479,014. Forwarded — 701,573. 701,573. 3,909. 546. 121,163. 57,157. 124,986. 62,749. 617,852. 462,175. 84,248. 40,263. 204,826. 114,701. 609,161. 511,695. 183,795. 125,869. 4 968 2 385 16,783. 14,800. 318,233. 280,100. 2,991,497. 278 667 2,374,013. 225,931. 3,270,164. 104,086. 45 705 2,599,944. 82,751. 45,705. 181 800 181 800 77,776. 77,776. 3,679,531. 2,987,976. 8,004. 240,000. 87,000. 327,000. 56,028. 87,982. 479,014. 35 nth Avenue Railroad Company — Continued P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 82,694. 82,694. Total IV 82,694. 82,694. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 4,351,239. 3,659,684. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 30,000. 30,000. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a. Miscellaneous Buildings 4,762. 700. Contractors ' Services 476. 70. Total 5,238. 770. S-281a Engineering Cost 166. 27. S-284a Taxes during Construction 111. 111. S-285a Interest during Construction 4,650. 4,650. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 124. 124. Total Ila '. 10,289. 5,682. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 40,289. 35,682. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $4,391,528. $3,695,366. 36 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. 6TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. ToTAL-I $100,000. $100,000. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System 194 Telephone System S-151 Substation Buildings 195 Shops & Car Houses Total, Material & Labor . "" Contractors' Services Total S-281 Engineering Cost S-284 Taxes during Construction S-285 Interest during Construction S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. . 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 9,932. 9,932. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 402,000. 402 000. S-111 Right of Way 87,000. 87,000. Total (b) 489,000. 489,000. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 71,784. 71,784. (d) Interest on above 149,812. 149|812. Total III 720,528. 720,528. Forwarded — 1,411,379. 1,411,379. 7,512. 1,043. 202,480. 95,617. 311,155. 156,268. 1,158,251. 865,260. 200,515. 95,842. 306,417. 169,336. 894,055. 751,006. 261,215. 177,970. 6,874. 3,300. 27,244. 24,000. 516,541. 454,600. 5,303,638. 4,205,621. 499,722. 403,629. 5,803,360. 4,609,250. 128,820. 102,030. 105,366. 105,366. 362,840. 362,840. 96,042. 96,042. 6,496,428. 5,275,528. 37 6th Avenue Railroad Company — Continued P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 81,744. 81,744. Total IV 81,744. 81,744. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 7,398,700. 6,177,800. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 27,500. 27,500. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a. Miscellaneous Buildings , 7,938. 1,200. Contractors ' Services 794. 120. Total 8,732. 1,320. S-281a Engineering Cost 194. 30. S-284a Taxes during Construction 148. 148. S-285a Interest during Construction 5,073. 5,073. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 144. 144. ToTAi. Ila 14,29L 6,715. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 41,791. 34,215. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $7,440,49L $6,212,015. 38 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES CHRISTOPHER & lOTH STREET RAILROAD COMPANY $12,500. 209,303. 266. 41,288. 209,303. 63. 24,147. 71,631. 224,764. 30,417. 61,239. 27,469. 170,754. 16,572. 36,735. 93,482. 80,554. 83,415. 1,002. 58,573. 481. 1.681. 300. Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $12,500. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System 194 Telephone System 195 Shops & Car Houses Total, Material & Labor 818,488. Contractors ' Services 75,725. Total 894,213. S-281 Engineering Cost 28,462. S-284 Taxes during Construction 9,680. S-285 Interest during Construction 35,300. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 21,280. Total II 988,935. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 2,125. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 63,700. S-111 Right of Way 29,500. Total (b) 93,200. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 14,875. (d) Interest on above 24,795. Total III 134,995. Forwarded — 624,951. 58,822. 683,773. 21,763. 9,680. 35,300. 21,280. 771,796. 2,125. 63,700. 29,500. 93,200. 14,875. 24,795. 134,995. 39 Christopher & 10th Street Railroad Company — Continued P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation ' IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 22,334. 22,334. Total IV 22,334. 22,334. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 1,158,764. 941,625. Property Not Used in Railway Operation 0-110 la. LAND. Total la 112,500. 112,500. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings 93,055. 16,700. Contractors ' Services 9,306. 1,670. Total 102,361. 18,370. S-281a Engineering Cost 3,257. 587. S-284a Taxes during Construction 1,207. 1,207. S-285a Interest during Construction 19,300. 19,300. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 2,419. 2,419. Total Ila 128,544. 41,883. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 241,044. 154,383. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $1,399,808. $1,096,008. 40 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. CHRISTOPHER & lOTH STREET RAILROAD COMPANY 422,883. 422,883. 510. 118. 69,900. 40,773. 178,075. 68,122. 422,552. 320,660. 72,545. 39,448. 87,123. 52,048. 136,044. 117,229. 120,741. 84,157. 1,379. 661. 2,748. 500. Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $13,750. $13,750. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System 194 Telephone System 195 Shops & Car Houses Total, Material & Labor 1,514,500. 1,146,599. Contractors' Services 142,738. 109,455. Total 1,657,238. 1,256,054. S-281 Engineering Cost 36,786. 28,077. S-284 . Taxes during Construction 23,274. 23,274. S-285 Interest during Construction 77,375. 77,375. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 27,425. 27,425. Total II 1,822,098. 1,412,205. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 2,772. 2,772. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 111,000. 111,000. S-111 Right of Way 29,500. 29,500. Total (b) 140,500. 140,500. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 20,037. 20,037. (d) Interest on above 42,868. 42,868. Total III 206,177. 206,177. Forwarded — 41 Christopher & 10th Street Railroad Company — Continued P- S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation IV. WOEKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 22,995. 22,995. Total IV 22,995. 22,995. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 2,065,020. 1,655,127. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 123,750. 123,750. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings 144,643. 26,100. Contractors' Services 14,464. 2,610. Total 159,107. 28,710. S-281a Engineering Cost 3,532. 642. S-284a Taxes during Construction 2,054. 2,054. S-285a Interest during Construction 25,800. 25,800. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 2,619. ' 2,619. Total Ila 193,112. 59,825. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 316,862. 183,575. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $2,381,882. $1,838,702. 42 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES 8TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $517,300. $517,300. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 779,982. 779,982. 183 Ties 361. 104. 184a Rails & Fastenings 212,600. 122,669. 184b Track Special Work 111,776. 49,441. 185 Underground Construction 1,031,725. 771,706. 186 Track Laying 138,039. 78,279. 187 Paving for Track 363,302. 230,148. S-162 Underground Conduit 807,521. 678,316. S-164 Distribution System 371,068. 258,776. 194 Telephone System 1,787. 857. 195 Shops & Car Houses 204,377. 55,300. Total, Material & Labor.... 4,022,538. 3,025,578. Contractors' Services 365,924. 279,543. Total 4,388,462. 3,305,121. S-281 Engineering Cost 139,680. 105,195. S-284 Taxes during Construction 113,149. 113,149. S-285 Interest during Construction 493,600. 493,600. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 104,582. 104,582. Total II 5,239,473. 4,121,647. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 12,010. 12,010. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 362,000. 362,000. S-111 Right of Way 134,000. 134,000. Total (b) 496,000. 496,000. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 84,070. 84,070. (d) Interest on above 133,227. 133,227. Total III 725,307. 725,307. Forwarded — 43 8th Avenue Railroad Company — Continued P. S. C. " Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 116,106. 116,106. Total IV 116,106. 116,106. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 6,598,186. 5,480,360. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 1,068,700. 1,068,700. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a MispfiJlaneoiis Buildings 376,465. 186,200. Contractors' Services 37,647. 18,620. Total 414,112. 204,820. S-281a Engineering Cost : 13,179. 6,520. S-284a Taxes during Construction 8,210. 8,210. S-285a Interest during Construction 171,700. 171,700. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 9,788. 9,788. Total Ila 616,989. 401,038. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 1,685,689. 1,469,738. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $8,283,875. $6,950,098. 44 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. 8TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Beproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $510,100. $510,100. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 1,594,591. 1,594,591. 183 Ties 691. 196. 184a Rails & Fastenings 358,361. 206,767. 184b Track Special Work 279,319. 123,526. 185 Underground Construction 1,935,598. 1,445,925. 186 Track Laying 327,881. 185,77L 187 Paving for Track 482,766. 303,818. S-162 Underground Conduit 1,161,841. 980,209. S-164 Distribution System 528,430. 365,222. 194 Telephone System 2,473. 1,188. 195 Shops & Car Houses 331,266. 89,400. Total, Material & Labor 7,003,217. 5,296,613. Contractors' Services 652,045. 499,280. Total 7,655,262. 5,795,893. S-281 Engineering Cost 169,927. 128,555. S-284 Taxes during Construction 254,611. 254,611. S-285 Interest during Construction 905,500. 905,500. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 126,818. 126,818. Total II 9,112,118. 7,211,377. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 14,378. 14,378. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 580,000. 580,000. S-111 Right of Way 134,000. 134,000. Total (b) 714,000. 714,000. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 103,925. 103,925. (d) Interest on above 218,479. 218,479. Total III 1,050,782. 1,050,782. Forwarded — 45 8th Avenue Railroad Com.pany — Continued P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 113,716. 113,716. Total IV 113,716. 113,716. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 10,786,716. 8,885,975. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 1,052,400. 1,052,400. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miseellaneoiis Buildings 614,942. 804,700. Contractors' Services 61,494. 30,470. Total 676,436. 335,170. S-281a Engineering Cost 15,015. 7,489. S-284a Taxes during Construction 12,352. 12,352. S-285a Interest during Construction 204,100. 204,100. S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization & 286a during Construction 11,136. 11,136. Total Ila 919,039. 570,247. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $1,971,439. $1,622,647. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A-f-B) $12,758,155. $10,508,622. 46 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES 9TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special Work 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying 187 Paving for Track S-162 Underground Conduit S-164 Distribution System 194 Telephone System Total, Material & Labor Contractors' Services Total I S-281 Engineering Cost S-284 Taxes during Construction S-285 Interest during Construction S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction Total II III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 8,035. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities S-111 Right of "Way .' ." Total (b) 101 (c) Permanent Organization (d) Interest on above Total III Forwarded — $689,408. $689,408. 263. 145. 156,947. 60,853. 130,461. 877,870. 114,314. 53,751. 657,279. 43,181. 296,674. 447,310. 296,192. 1,257. 189,411. 385;449. 205,753. 604. . 3,010,696. 271,402. 2,285,834. 209,642. 3,282,098. 104,466. 71,275. 263,000. 78,276. 2,495,476. 79,426. 71,275. 263,000. 78,276. . 3,799,115. 2,987,453. 8,035. 241,000. 113,800. 241,000. 113,800. 354,800. 56,245. 94 293 354,800. 56,245. 94,293. 513,373. 513,373. 47 9ih Avenue Railroad Company — Continued P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 85,515. 85,515. Total IV 85,515. 85,515. A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 4,398,003. 3,586,341. Property Not Used in Railway Operation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 38,000. 38,000. Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. S-284a Taxes during Construction 169. 169. S-285a Interest during Construction 5,862. 5,862. Total Ila 6,031. 6,031. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 44,031. 44,031. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $4,442,034. $3,630,372. 48 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. 9TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation p. s. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 1,405,022. 1,405,022. 183 Ties 495. 273. 184a Rails & Fastenings 265,863. 102,653. 184b Track Special Work 326,035. 134,263. 185 Underground Construction 1,646,942. 1,231,754. 186 Track Laying 271,762. 102,726. 187 Paving for Track 391,365. 248,517. S-162 Underground Conduit 638,974. 550,602. S-164 Distribution System 424,216. 292,785. 194 Telephone System 1,742. 835. Total, Material & Labor 5,372,416. 4,069,430. Contractors' Services 498,105. 382,091. Total 5,870,521. 4,451,521. S-281 Engineering Cost 130,310. 98,505. S-284 Taxes during Construction 165,772. 165,772. S-285 Interest during Construction 535,185. 535,185. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 97,287. 97,287. Total II 6,799,075. 5,348,270. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 10,255. 10,255. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities S-111 Right of Way Total (b) 101 (e) Permanent Organization (d) Interest on above Total III IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance Total IV A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION Forwarded — 414,000. 113,800. 414,000. 113 800 527,800. 527,800. 74,114. 160,694. 74,114. 160,694. 772,863. 772,863. 85,705. 85,705. 85,705. 85,705. 7,657,643. 6,206,838. 49 9th Avenue Railroad Company — Continued Property Not Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation O-llO la. LAND. Total la 38,000. 38,000. Ila. CONSTRU-CTION & EQUIPMENT. S-284a Taxes during Construction 221. 221. B-285a Interest during Construction 6,875. 6,875. Total Ila 7,096. 7,096. B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 45,096. 45,096. C— TOTAL PROPERTY (A+B) $7,702,739. $6,251,934. 50 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES BROADWAY & 7TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $4,260,000. $4,260,000. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 610,993. 610,993. 183 Ties 27. 13. 184a Rails & Fastenings 105,556. 46,088. 184b Track Special Work 197,311. 98,028. 185 Underground Construction 751,945. 578,787. 186 Track Laying 98,403. 43,230. 187 Paving for Track 94,730. 49,836. S-162 Underground Conduit 512,100. 426,459. S-164 Distribution System 189,688. 133,419. 194 Telephone System 3,905. 1,874. S-151 Substation Buildings 307,010. 193,900. 195 Shops & Car Houses 1,332,356. 737,830. 196 Miscellaneous Buildings 932,041. 633,800. Total, Material & Labor 5,136,065 3,554,257. Contractors' Services 504,133. 350,442. Total 5,640,198. 3,904,699. S-281 Engineering Cost . 179,512. 124,279. S-284 Taxes during Construction 174,013. 174,013. S-285 Interest during Construction 1,053,200 1,053*200. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 133,534. 133,534. Total II 7,180,457. 5,389,725, III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 20,101. 20,101. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 606,000. 606 000 S-111 Right of Way 72,700. 72!700. Total (b) 678,700. 678,700. 101 (c) Permanent Organiza:tion 140,705. 140 705 (d) Interest on above 188^890. 188'89o! Total III 1,028,396. 1,028,396. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 124 766. 124 766 Total IV 124,766. 124,766. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $12,593,619. $10,802,887. 51 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. BROADWAY & 7TH AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P- S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $4,585,000. $4,585,000. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 1,238,479. 1,238,479. 183 Ties 50. 24. 184a Rails & Fastenings 176,345. 76,573. 184b Track Special Work 492,393. 244,569. 185 Underground Construction 1,409,610. 1,083,988. 186 Track Laying 234,762. 103,188. 187 Paving for Track 161,938. 84,737. S-162 Underground Conduit 780,692. 650,134. S-164 Distribution System 273,048. 190,553. 194 Telephone System 5,423. 2,603. S-151 Substation Buildings 499,416. 315,300. 195 Shops & Car Houses 2,189,128. 1,221,100. 196 Miscellaneous Buildings 1,513,139. 1,028,900. Total, Material & Labor 8,974,423. 6,240,148. Conlractors' Services ■ 881,249. 615,541. Total 9,855,672. 6,855,689. .S-281 Engineering Cost 218,770. 152,070. S-284 Taxes during Construction 330,019. 330,019. S-285 Interest during Construction 1,574,100. 1,574,100. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 162,515. 162,515. Total II 12,141,076. 9,074,393. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 21,180. 21,180. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities . . ' 850,000. 850,000. S-111 Right of Way 72,700. 72,700. Total (b) 922,700. 922,700. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 153,087. 153,087. (d) Interest on above 287,958. 287,958. ToT.VL III 1,384,925. 1,384,925. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 122,014. 122,014. Total IV 122,014. 122,014. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $18,233,015. $15,166,332. 52 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES BLEECKER STREET & FULTON FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 194 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading $162,288. Ties 92. Rails & Fastenings 27,805. Track Special Work 68,045. Underground Construction 163,197. Track Laying 21,879. Paving for Track 53,993. Underground Conduit 85,344. Distribution System 58,851. Telephone System ; 1,701. Total, Material & Labor 643,195. • Contractors ' Services 58,920. Total 702,115. Engineering Cost 22,348. Taxes during Construction 5,609. Interest during Construction 20,700. Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction 16,723. Total II 767,495. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 1,629. (b) Financial Expenses : Cost of Selling Securities 48,800. Right of Way 20,800. Total (b) . . . ■. 69,600. (c) Permanent Organization 11,404. (d) Interest on above 18,592. Total III 101,225. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 17,339. Total IV 17,339. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $886,059. $719,447. $162,288. 53. 15,313. 30,607. 124,295. 11,470. 34,367. 73,541. 41,867. 817. 494,618. 46,025. 540,643. 17,208. 5,609. 20,700. 16,723. 600,883. 1,629. 48,800. 20,800. 69,600. 11,404. 18,592. 101,225. 17,339. 17,339. 53 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New aiid Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. BLEECKER STREET & FULTON FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading $325,474. $325,474. 183 Ties 172. 100. 184a Rails & Fastenings 47,035. 25,868. 184b Track Special Work 170,113. 76,518. 185 Underground Construction 307,872. 234,271. 186 Track Laying 52,383. 27,417. 187 Paving for Track 72,011. 45,491. S-162 Underground Conduit 122,581. 105,648. S-164 Distribution System 83,769. 59,197. 194 Telephone System 2,345. 1,126. Total, Material & Labor 1,183,755. 901,110. Contractors' Services 111,174. 85,562. Total 1,294,929. 986,672. S-281 Engineering Cost 28,744. 22,055. S-284 Taxes during Construction 13,457. 13,457. S-285 Interest during Construction 43,445. 43,445. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 21,436. 21,436. Total II 1,402,011. 1,087,065. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 2,122. 2,122. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 85,000. 85,000. S-111 Right of Way 20,800. 20,800. Total (b) 105,800. 105,800. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 15,330. 15,330. (d) Interest on above 32,354. 32,354. Total III 155,606. 155,606. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 17,728. 17,728. Total IV 17,728. 17,728. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $1,575,345. $1,260,399. 54 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES NEW YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation p. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading $928,079. $928,079. 183 Ties 425. 150. 184a Rails & Fastenings 196,669. 109,515. 184b Track Special Work 236,197. 146,334. 185 Underground Construction 1,032,550. 774,208. 186 Track Laying 136,218. 75,444. 187 Paving for Track 308,257. 191,395. 189 Tunnels 391,600. 391,600. S-162 Underground Conduit 933,970. 771,021. S-164 Distribution System 449,093. 308,064. 194 Telephone System 2,142. 1,028. Total, Material & Labor 4,615,200. 3,696,838. Contractors' Services 430.694. 350,544. Total 5,045,894. 4,047,382. S-281 Engineering Cost 160,605. 128,820. S-284 Taxes During Construction 124,626. 124,626. S-285 Interest d'g Construction 460,080. 460,080. S-282 Admin. & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 119,991. 119,991. Total II 5,911,196. 4,880,899. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 12,492. 12 492. (b) Financial Expenses 101 Cost of Selling Securities 376,500. 376,500. S-111 Right of Way 134,070. 134,070. Total (b) 510,570. 510,570. 101 (c) Permanent Organization 87 445. 87 445. (d) Interest on above 137',364. 137',364' Total III 747,87L 747,87L IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 132 952. 132 952 Total la 132,952. 132,952. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION .... . $6,792,019. $5,761,722. 55 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. NEW YORK & HARLEM RAILROAD COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 189 S-162 S-164 194 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading $1,875,658 $1,875,658. Ties 808. 283. Rails & Fastenings 331,300. 184,486. Track Special Work 589,246. 334,385. Underground Construction 1,939,955. 1,452,979. Track Laying 324,421. 179,693. Paving for Track 426,231. 260,921. Tunnel 634,700. 634,700. Underground Conduit 1,358,896. 1,121,814. Distribution System 636,916. 434,713. Telephone System 2,927. 1,405. Total, Material & Labor 8,121,058. 6,481,037. Contractors' Services 769,483. 622,012. Total 8,890,541. 7,103,049. Engineering Cost 197,347. 157,774. Taxes during Construction 286,539. 286,539. Interest during Construction 925,100. 925,100. Administration & Legal Organization during Construction 147,061. 147,061. Total II 10,446,588. 8,619,523. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 15,744. 15,744. (b) Financial Expenses: Cost of Selling Securities 629,500. 629,500. Right of Way 134,070. 134,070. Total (b) 763,570. 763,570. (c) Permanent Organization 113,799. 113,799. (d) Interest on above 234,442. 234,442. Total III 1,127,555. 1,127,555. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 131,597. 131,597. Total IV 131,597. 131,597. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $11,705,740. $9,878,675. 56 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES 42ND STREET & GRAND STREET FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I $255,000. $255,000. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 277,431. 277,431. 183 Ties ' 1,860. 324. 184a Rails & Fastenings 64,936. 38,729. 184b Track Special Work 74,214. 36,029. 185 Underground Construction 278,618. 212,218. 186 Track Laying 44,463. 25,842. 187 Paving for Track 107,016. 64,592. S-162 Underground Conduit 95,779. 82,534. S-164 Distribution System 112,249. 81,376. 194 Telephone System 3,452. 1,657. 195 Shops & Car Houses 202,654. 172,300. Total, Material & Labor 1,262,672. 993,032. Contractors' Services 115,566. 92,844. Total 1,378,238. 1,085,876. y-281 Engineering Cost 43,868. ' 34,561. S-284 Taxes during Construction ; 12,100. 12,100. S-285 . Interest during Construction 79,600. 79,600. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 32,828. 32,828. Total II 1,546,634. 1,244,965. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 3,751. 3,751. (b) Financial Expenses : 101 Cost of Selling Securities 112,500. 112,500. S-111 Right of Way 42,200. 42,200. Total (b) 154,700. 154,700. 101 (c) Permanent Organization . 26,255. 26,255. (d) Interest on above 41,559. 41,559. Total III 226,265. 226,265. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 34,144. 34,144. Total IV 34,144. 34,144. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION .$2,062,043. $1,760,374. 57 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. 42ND STREET & GRAND STREET FERRY RAILROAD COMPANY Property Used in Railway Operation P. S. C. Estimated Cost to Reproduce Account Item New Less Depreciation S-112 I. LAND. Total I .'|i255,000 $255,000. II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 559,917. 559,917. 183 Ties 3,596. 620. 184a Rails & Fastenings 109,813. 65,483. 184b Track Special Work 184,770. 89,710. 185 Underground Construction 524,167. 398,832. 186 Track Laying 105,982. 61,519. 187 Paving for Track 150,398. 89,473. S-162 Underground Conduit 137,852. 118,787. S-164 Distribution System 160,955. 115,870. 194 Telephone System 4,752. 2,282. 195 Shops & Car Houses 329,349. 280,000. Total, Material & Labor 2,271,551. 1,782,493. Contractors' Services 212,115. 169,302. Total 2,483,666. 1,951,795. S-281 Engineering Cost ■ 55,132. 43,628. S-284 Taxes during Construction 26,422. 26,422. S-285 Interest during Construction 125,025. 125,025. S-282 Administrative & Legal Organization & 286 during Construction 41,135. 41,135. Total II : 2,731,380. 2,188,005. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation 4,458. 4,458. (b) Financial Expenses: 101 Cost of Selling Securities 180,000. 180,000. S-111 Right of Way 42,200. 42,200. Total (b) 222,200. 222,200. 101 (e) Permanent Organization 32,225. 32,225. (d) Interest on above 67,957. 67,957. Total III 326,840. 326,840. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance ' 34,034. 34,034. Total IV 34,034. 34,034. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION .$3,347,254. .$2,803,879. 58 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRE-WAR PRICES 34TH STREET CROSSTOWN RAILWAY COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 S-'281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading $82,142. Ties 316. Rails & Fastenings 16,656. Track Special Work 10,903. Underground Construction 80,245. Track Laying 11,205. Paving for Track 31,280. Underground Conduit 18,359. Distribution System 19,619. Total, Material & Labor 270,725. Contractors' Services 23,945. Total 294,670. Engineering Cost 9,379. Taxes during Construction 1,156. Interest during Construction 4,278. Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction 7,039. Total II 316,522. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 672, (b) Financial Expenses : Cost of Selling Securities 20,240. Right of Way 11^500^ Total (b) 31,740. (c) Permanent Organization 4,709. (d) Interest on above 8,352. Total III 45,473. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 7,159. Total IV 7,159. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $369,154. $82,142. 39. 6,775. 5,454. 61,644. 4,563. 18,404. 15,820. 13,877. 208,718. 19,031. 227,749. 7,249. 1,156. 4,278. 7,039. 247,471. 672. 20,240. 11,500. 31,740. 4,709. 8,352. 45,473. 7,159. 7,159. $300,103. 59 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost of Reproduction of Property New and Less Depreciation — As of June 30th, 1919. Based on PRICES AS OF JUNE, 1919. 34TH STREET CROSSTOWN RAILWAY COMPANY p. s. c. Account 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 S-162 S-164 S-281 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 101 101 S-111 101 Property Used in Railway Operation Estimated Cost to Reproduce Item ' New Less Depreciation II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading $163,328. Ties 615. Rails & Fastenings 28,155. Track Special Work 27,177. Underground Construction 150,405. Track Laying 26,582. Paving for Track 42,523. Underground Conduit 26,389. Distribution System 28,558. Total, Material & Labor 493,732. Contractors' Services 45,121. Total 538,853. Engineering Cost 11,962. Taxes during Construction 2,749. Interest ditring Construction 8,963. Administrative & Legal Organization during Construction 8,942. Total II 571,469. III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (a) Preliminary Investigation 866. (b) Financial Expenses : Cost of Selling Securities 34,550. Rigbt of Way 11,500. Total (b) 46,050. (c) Permanent Organization 6,255. (d) Interest on above 13,957. Total III 67,128. IV. WORKING CAPITAL. Minimum Cash Balance 7,232. Total IV 7,232. TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION $645,829. $522,177. $163,328. 76. 11,426. 13,596. 115,446. 10,839. 24,614. 22,740. 20,012. 382,077. 35,746. 417,823. 9,340. 2,749. 8,963. 8,942. 447,817. 866. 34,550. 11,500. 46,050. 6,255. 13,957. 67,128. 7,232. 7,232. p. s. c. Account S-113 181 183 184a 184b 185 186 187 189 S-163 S-163 . S-164 194 202 203 S04 141a 141b 144 145 152 122b S-132 S-151 195 196 188 305 S-S81 S-284 S-285 S-282 &286 Item I. LAND Total I II. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. Grading Ties Rails & Fastenings Track Special Work Underground Construction Track Laying Paving for Track Tunnel Underground Conduit Transmission System Distribution System Telephone System Revenue Cars Electric Equipment of Cars Other Rail Equipment Furnaces, Boilers & Accessories Steam Engines Power Plant Electric Equipment Misc. Power Plant Equipment Substation Equipment Shop Equipment & Tools Power Plant Building Substation Buildings Shops & Car Houses Furniture & Fixtures Miscellaneous Buildings Roadway Tools Miscellaneous Equipment Total, Material & Labor Contractors' Services Total Engineering Cost Taxes During Construction Interest During Construction Administrative & Legal Organization During Construction Total II Forwarded — NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost to Reproduce New As of June 30th, 1919 Based on PRE-WAR PRICES | NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM— LEASED COMPANIES AND UNDERLYING MORTGAGE LIENS Property Used in RaOway Operation New York New York Lex. Ave. & South Broadway Columbus Central Ft. George 23rd St. Broadway Bleecker St. N. Y. & 6th Ave. 42nd St. & Railways Railways Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface & 9th Ave. Crosstown & nth Ave. Railway & 7th Ave. & Fulton Fy. Harlem Railroad Grand St. Fj System Company R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co Co. R. R. Co. $10,388,800 $5,234,000 5,234,000 $4,260,000 $110,000 $355,000 10,388.800 4,260,000 110,000 255,000 6,535,359 481,141 $510,594 $134,414 $437,337 $206,031 $36,866 $55,795 $231,983 610,993 $162,288 $928,075 701,573 277,431 36,756 28,312 50 88 33 54 34 666 27 92 435 3,909 1,860 1,498,369 254,391 113,030 14,446 49,709 51,465 7,509 16,754 47,445 105,556 27,805 196,669 121,163 64,936 1,456,598 120,836 113,876 23,809 38,543 32,857 10,311 24,747 66,095 197,311 68,045 236,191 124,986 74,214 7,301,611 418,433 683,716 102,649 427,256 260,671 39,088 86,179 234,853 751,945 163,197 1,032,55(1 617,853 278,618 1,095,483 189,535 87,271 13,303 36,629 36,538 5,355 12,474 35,393 98,403 21,879 136,218 84,248 44,463 2,410,192 403,397 195,794 30,330 58,038 87,685 13,120 32,536 69,085 94,730 53,993 308,251 204,836 107,016 391,600 391,60C 4,912,711 336,407 288,313 100.404 253,016 117,732 21,384 78,030 214,399 512,100 85,344 933,97< 609,161 95,779 708,350 708,350 2,670,971 317,409 295,843 68,182 125,518 100,695 17,021 18,800 63,533 189,688 58,851 449,093 183,795 112,249 37,047 11,988 397 2,699 70 1,679 3,905 1,701 2,145 4,968 3,452 5,746,440 5,746,440 3,340,815 3,340,815 178,975 178,975 ' .*...< 1,361,529 1,361,539 1,330,662 1,330,663 854,280 854,280 38,810 38,810 • 1,543,930 1,543,930 ..... 133,144 133,144 1,255,435 1,255,435 583,634 259,841 307,010 16,783 4,210,389 2,132,175 18,913 1,332,356 318,233 203,654 28,365 38,365 1,828,394 896,353 932,041 3,087 3,087 175,434 175,434 51,657,360 22,347,364 3,388,884 487,515 1,428,778 893,744 150,708 335,349 963,942 5,136,065 643,195 4,615,20( 2,991,497 1,262,672 3,967,028 1,236,818 309,309 45,719 137,074 80,606 13,759 29,281 89,486 • 504,133 58,920 430,69. 278,667 115,566 55,624,388 23,584,182 3,498,193 533,234 1,565,853 974,350 164,467 354,630 1,053,428 5,640,198 702,115 5,045,89- 3,370,164 1,378,238 1,770,512 750,714 79,515 1G.972 49,840 31,013 5,335 11,287 33,530 179,513 22,348 160,603 104,086 43,868 971,716 320,193 41,557 2,516 31,617 13,681 322 1,622 12,896 174,013 5,609 124,62( 460,08( 45,705 12,100 4,832,703 1,894,400 153,000 9,200 79,700 50,300 1,185 5,960 47,400 1,053,200 20,700 181,800 79,600 1,343,073 581,036 59,510 12,675 37,147 23,337 3,918 8,459 25,062 133,534 16,723 119,99 77,776 32,828 64,542,392 37,130,524 2,831,775 574,597 1,754,156 1,092,581 175,127 381,958 1,172,316 7,180,457 767,495 5,911,196 3,679,531 1,546,634 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost to Reproduce New As of June 30th, 1919 Based on PRE-WAR PRICES NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM— LEASED COMPANIES AND UNDERLYING MORTGAGE LIENS Property Used in Railway Operation 60 New York New York Lex. Ave. & South Broadway Columbus Central Ft. George 23rd St. Broadway Bleecker St. N. Y. & 6th Ave. 42nd St. & Christopher 8th Ave. 9th Ave 34th St. Railways Railways Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface & 9th Ave. Crosstown & 11th Ave. Railway & 7th Ave. & Fulton Fy. Harlem Railroad Grand St. Fy. & 10th St. Railroad System Company R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. Co. Ry. Co. $10,388,800 $5,234,000 5,334,000 $4,360,000 $110,000 $355,000 $13,500 $517,300 517,300 10,388,800 4,360,000 110,000 255,000 12,500 6,535,359 481,141 $510,594 $134,414 $437,337 $306,031 $36,866 $55,795 $231,983 610,993 $163,388 $938,079 701,573 377,431 209,303 779,982 $689,408 $82,143 316 36,756 38,313 50 88 33 54 34 666 27 93 425 3,909 1,860 266 361 263 1,498,369 254,391 113,030 14,445 49,709 51,465 7,509 16,754 47,445 105,556 37,805 196,669 121,163 64,936 41,288 213,600 156,947 16,656 1,456,598 120,836 113,876 23,809 38,543 32,857 10,311 24,747 66,095 197,311 68,045 236,197 124,986 74,214 71,631 111,776 130,461 10,903 7,301,611 418,433 683,716 102,649 437,256 360,671 39,088 86,179 224,853 751,945 163,197 1,033,550 617,853 278,618 224,764 1,031,735 877,870 80,24S 1,095,483 189,535 87,371 13.203 36,629 36,538 5,355 13,474 35,393 98,403 31,879 136,218 84,348 44,463 30,417 138,039 114,314 11,205 31,280 3,410,192 403,397 195,794 30,330 58,038 87,685 13,120 32,536 69,085 94,730 53,993 308,257 304,836 107,016 61,239 363,302 296,674 391,600 391,600 4,913,711 708,350 336,407 708,350 288,313 100,404 353,016 117,733 21,384 78,030 214,399 512,100 85,344 933,970 609,161 95,779 93,482 807,531 447,310 18,359 2,670,971 217,409 395,843 68,182 135,518 100,695 17,031 18,800 63,533 189,688 58,851 449,09$ 183,795 113,349 83,415 371,068 396,193 19,619 37,047 11,988 397 2,699 70 1,679 3,905 1,701 3,14S 4,968 3,452 1,002 1,787 1,257 5,746,440 5,746,440 ■ > > > • f 3,340,815 3,340,815 178,975 178,975 1,361,529 1,361,539 1,330,662 1,330,663 854,380 854,280 i 38,810 38,810 • *..•> t 1,543,920 1,543,930 \ 133,144 133,144 i 1,355,435 1,355,435 i 583,634 359,841 307,010 J 16,783 4,310,389 3,132,175 18,913 1,333,356 , 318,333 303,654 1,681 204,377 38,365 28,365 i 1,828,394 896,353 932,041 3,087 3,087 175,434 175,434 51,657,360 23,347,364 2,288,884 487,515 1,428,778 893,744 150,708 325,349 963,943 5,136,065 643,195 4,615,20( 2,991,497 1,362,673 818,488 4,032,538 3,010,696 370,785 3,967,028 1,336,818 209,309 45,719 137,074 80,606 13,759 29,381 89,486 ■ 504,133 58,920 430,69. 5,045,89' 378,667 3,370,164 115,566 75,725 365,924 271,403 23,945 55,624,388 33,584,183 3,498,193 533,234 1,565,852 974,350 164,467 354,630 1,053,428 5,640,198 702,115 1,378,338 894,213 4,388,462 3,282,098 294,670 1,770,513 750,714 79,515 16,973 49,840 31,013 5,235 11,387 33,530 179,513 23,348 160,603 104,086 43,868 28,462 139,680 104,466 9,379 1 156 971,716 330,193 41,557 2,516 31,617 13,681 323 1,622 13,896 174,013 5,609 124,626 460,080 45,705 13,100 9,680 113,149 71,275 4,832,703 1,894,400 153,000 9,200 79,700 50,300 1,185 5,960 47,400 1,053,300 30,700 181,800 79,600 35,300 493,600 263,000 4,278 1,343,073 581,036 59,510 12,675 37,147 23,337 3,918 8,459 25,063 133,534 16,733 119,99i 1 77,776 33,838 31,280 104,582 78,276 3,799,115 7,039 64,542,392 27,130,524 2,831,775 574,597 1,754,156 1,093,581 175,137 381,958 1,173,316 7,180,457 767,495 5,911,19« 3,679,531 1,546,634 988,935 5,239,473 316,528 Elstimated Cost to Reproduce New At Pre-War Prices Continued — p. s. c. Account Item III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUC- TION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation : Legal Investigations Technical Reports Publicity Work, etc Total (a) (b) Financial Expenses : 101 Cost of Selling Securities S-102 Franchise Payments S-111 Right of Way Total (b) 101 (c) Permanent Organization : Executive Department Legal & Financial Department Engineering Department Total (c) (d) Interest on above Total III IV. WORKING CAPITAL. S-10 Materials and Supplies Minimum Cash Balance Total IV SUMMARY—CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. I. Land II. Construction & Equipment III. Organization prior to Construction IV. Working Capital A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION O-llO la. LAND Total la Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings Contractors' Services Total S-281a Engineering Cost S-S84a Taxes during Construction S-285a Interest during Construction S-382a Administrative & Legal Organization during & 286a Construction Total Ila B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAIL- WAY OPERATION C— TOTAL PROPERTY— (A + B) New York New York X^ex. Ave. & South Broadway Columbus Central Ft. George Railways Railways Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface & 9th Ave. Crosstown & nth Ave System Company R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. 23rd St. Broadway Bleecker St. N. Y. & 6th Ave. Railway & 7th Ave. & Fulton Fy. Harlem Railroad Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. $50,000 75,000 25,000 .... 150,000 64,258 5,998 1,221 $3,718 $2,316 $372 $812 24,260 12,300 $2,486 $20,101 606,000 72,700 $1,629 48,800 20,866 $12,492 376,500 134,676 $8,004 240,000 87,666 ?3,7! 4,500,000 151,000 1,000,000 1,923,000 1,000 134,000 179,500 87,000 36,600 12,650 111,500 36,300 69,000 36,500 11,200 ' 5,080 74,200 150,000 30,600 112,5 42,2 5,651,000 2,058,000 266,500 49,250 147,800 105,500 16,280 36,560 254,800 678,700 69,600 510,570 327,000 154,7 305,000 300,000 445,000 1,050,000 449,808 41,984 8,547 26,024 16,210 2,607 5,682 17,402 140,705 11,404 87,445 56,028 26,2. 1,541,475 578,715 70,758 13,279 39,947 27,906 4,333 9,678 61,805 188,890 18,592 137,364 87,982 41,5 8,392,475 3,150,781 385,240 72,297 217,489 151,932 23,592 52,732 336,493 1,028,396 101,225 747,871 479,014 226,2 1,508,658 1,373,647 1,508,658 570,534 63,835 12,995 39,568 24,647 3,963 ' 8,638 26,458 124,766 17,339 132,952 82,694 34,i 2,882,305 2,079,192 63,835 12,995 39,568 24,647 3,963 8,638 26,458 124,766 17,339 132,952 82,694 34,1 Property Used in Railway Operation 10,388,800 5,234,000 27,130,524 3,150,781 2,079,192 2,831,775 385,240 63,835 574,597 72,397 12,995 1,754,156 217,489 39,568 1,092,581 175,127 151,932 23,592 24,647 3,963 381,958 52,732 8,638 1,172,316 336,493 26,458 4,260,000 7,180,457 1,028,396 124,766 767,495 101,225 17,339 5,91 74 13 110,000 3,679,531 479,014 82,694 255,0 64,542,392 8,392,475 2,882,305 1,196 r,871 2,952 1,546,6; 226,2( 34,1^ 86,205,973 37,594,497 3,280,850 659,889 2,011,213 1,269,160 202,682 443,328 1,535,267 12,593,619 886,059 6,798,019 4,351,239 2,062,0^ $1,558,200 $309,000 Property Not Used in Railway Operation $30,000 1,558,200 309,000 $65,893 6,589 $10,859 1,086 30,000 844,222 293,188 29,318 4,762 476 84,422 938,644 332,506 72,482 11,945 5,238 - 29,488 10,200 5,970 35,600 7,600 2,306 387 1,350 1,713 380 48 175 283 166 111 4,650 124 16,102 238,637 31,927 1,234,798 381,876 78,238 12,831 10,289 3,792,998 690,876 78,238 12,831 40,289 $88,998,970 $38,285,373 $3,280,850 $659,889 $2,011,213 $1,269,160 $280,920 $443,328 $1,548,098 $12,593,619 $886,059 $6,792,019 $4,391,528 $2,062,0' Elstimated Cost to Reproduce New At Pre-War Prices 61 New York New York l*ex. Ave. & South Broadway Columbus Central Ft. George 23rd St. Blcecker St. N. Y. & 6th Ave. 42nd St. & Railways Railways Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface & 9th Ave. Crosstown ••••• 349,001 349,001 2,201,166 3,301,166 2,442,084 2,442,084 1,398,810 1,398,810 79,817 79,817 2,479,164 2,479,164 323,150 323,150 1,984,205 1,984,205 944,532 417,873 499,416 27,244 6,910,243 3,509,481 31,730 2,189,138 516,541 329,349 2,748 331,266 56,730 56,730 2,949,187 1,436,048 1,513,139 6,095 5,095 336,835 236,835 92,843,200 40,793,618 4.153,500 863,275 3,591,534 1,603,683 270,762 684,033 1,745,505 8,974,433 1,183,755 8,121,058 5,303,638 2,271,551 1,514,500 7,003,217 5,372,416 493,732 6,995,479 2,071,516 387,838 83,311 349,973 148,387 25,317 54,063 164,533 881,349 111,174 769,483 499,722 212,115 142,738 652,045 498,105 45,121 99,838,679 42,865,134 4,541,328 945,486 2,841,507 1,750,970 396,079 638,096 1,910,037 9,855,673 1,394,939 8,890,541 5,803,360 2,483,666 1,657,238 7,655,262 5,870,521 538,853 2,216,096 951,430 100,806 20,987 63,074 38,867 6,573 14,164 43,398 318,770 28,744 197,347 128,820 55,132 36,786 169,927 130,310 11,962 2,087,405 657,174 98,288 5,807 51,105 31,976 754 3,793 30,399 330,019 13,457 286,539 105,366 2ti,422 23,274 254,611 165,772 2,749 8,334,958 2,960,500 317,400 18,750 165,000 103,350 3,450 12,250 97,835 1,574,100 43,445 925,100 362,840 125,025 77,375 905,500 535,185 8,963 1,681,457 738,910 75,214 15,633 46,939 39,032 4,903 10,576 31,609 162,515 21,436 147,061 96,042 41,135 27,425 1,822,098 126,818 9,112,118 97,287 8,942 114,058,595 48,173,148 5,133,036 1,006,663 3,167,615 1,954,085 310,758 678,879 2,112,168 13,141,076 1,403,011 10,446,588 6,496,428 2,731,380 6,799,075 571,469 Continued — New York P. S. C. Railways Account Item System III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUC- TION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation : Legal Investigations 60,000 Technical Reports 90,000 Publicity Work, etc 30,000 Total (a) 180,000 (b) Financial Expenses : 101 Cost of Selling Securities 7,250,000 S-102 Franchise Payments 151,000 S-lll Right of Way 1,000,000 Total (b) 8,401,000 101 (c) Permanent Organization : Executive Department 380,000 Legal & Financial Department 364,000 Engineering Department 557,000 Total (c) 1,301,000 (d) Interest on above 2,594,025 Total III 12,476,025 IV. WORKING CAPITAL. S-10 Materials and Supplies 1,891,227 Minimum Cash Balance 1, 373,647 Total IV 3,264,874 SUMMARY— CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. I. Land 10,751,850 II. Construction & Equipment 114,058,595 III. Organization prior to Construction 12,476,025 IV. Working Capital ....'. 3,264,874 A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 140,551,344 O-llO la. LAND Total la Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Buildings Contractors' Services Total S-281a Engineering Cost S-284a Taxes during Construction S-285a Interest during Construction S-282a Administrative & Legal Organization during & 286a Construction Total Ila B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAIL- WAY OPERATION C— TOTAL PROPERTY— (A + B) $144,055,177 Elstimated Cost to Reproduce New At June, 1919 Prices N'cw York I^ex. Ave. & South Broadway Columbus Central Ft. George Railways Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface & 9th Ave. & nth Ave. Company R. R. Co. R, K, Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. 23rd St. Railway Co. Broadway & 7th Ave. R. R. Co. Bleecker St. N. Y. & gt Fulton Fy. Harlem R. R. Co. R. R. Co. 6th Ave. Railroad Co. 1,524 61,500 12.650 74,150 , 76,591 7,750 4,785 2,952 471 1,028 3,192 21,180 2,122 15,744 9,932 3,080,000 1,000 134,000 312,500 87,000 192,500 36,300 118,500 36,500 18,950 5,080 41,500 12,300 138,500 150,000 30,600 850,000 72,700 85,000 20,800 629,500 134,070 402,000 87,o66 3,215,000 399,500 228,800 155,000 24,030 53,800 319,100 922,700 105,800 763,570 489,000 • 553,586 56,013 11,016 34,589 21,336 3,403 7,429 23,072 153,087 15,330 113,799 71,784 1,009,358 121,607 22,756 70,396 47,063 7,325 16,342 90,657 287,958 32,354 234,442 149,812 4,854,535 584,870 109,446 338,570 226,351 35,229 78,599 436,021 1,384,925 155,606 1,127,555 720,528 1,891,227 575,484 64,775 12,739 39,999 24,674 3,935 8,592 '26,684 122,014 17,728 131,597 81,744 2,466,711 64,775 12,739 39,999 24,674 3,935 8,593 26,684 122,014 17,728 131,597 81,744 Property Used in Railway Operation 5,288,000 48,173,148 4,854,535 2,466,711 5,133,036 584,870 64,775 1,006,663 109,446 12,739 3,167,615 338,570 39,999 1,954,085 226,351 24,674 310,758 35,229 3,935 678,879 78,599 8,592 2,112,168 436,021 26,684 4,585,000 12,141,076 1,384,925 122,014 1,402,011 155,606 17,728 10,446,588 1,127,555 131,597 100,000 6,496,428 720,528 81,744 2 60,782,394 5,782,681 1,128,848 3,546,184 2,205,110 349,922 766,070 2,574,873 18,233,015 1,575,345 11,705,740 7,398,700 3, Property Not Used in Railway Operation 1,594,650 353,000 27,500 1,594,650 353,000 107,286 10,729 18,114 1,811 27,500 1,385,921 138,592 492,998 49,300 7,938 794 1,524,513 33,904 27,150 298,713 24,903 542,298 12,101 11,449 53,975 8,733 118,015 2,620 821 2,560 1,943 19,925 442 105 330 328 8,732 194 148 5,073 144 1,909,183 628,556 125,959 21,130 14,291 3,503,833 981,556 125,959 21,130 41,791 $144,055,177 $61,763,950 $5,782,681 $1,128,848 $3,546,184 $2,205,110 $475,881 $766,070 $8,596,003 $18,233,015 $1,575,345 $11,705,740 $7,440,191 13, New York Railways System New York Railways Company l,cx. Ave. & Pavonia Fy. R. R. Co. Elstimated Cost to Reproduce New At Jime, 1919 Prices South Broadway Columbus Central Ft. George 23rd St. Broadway Ferry Surface & 9th Ave. Crosstown & nth Ave. Railway & 7th Ave. . K. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. R. R. Co. Bleecker St. N. Y. & 6th Ave. & Fulton Fy. Harlem Railroad R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. 65 42nd St. & Christopher 8th Ave. 9th Ave. 34th St. Grand St. Fy. & 10th St. Railroad Railroad Crosstown R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. Co. Ry. Co. 60,000 90,000 30,000 1,524 61,500 12'.656 180,000 76,591 7,750 4,785 2,952 471 1,028 3,192 21,180 2,122 15,744 9,932 4,458 2,772 14,378 10,255 866 7,250,000 151,000 1,000,000 3,080,000 1,000 134,000 312,500 87,000 192,500 36,300 118,500 36,500 18,950 5,080 41,500 12,366 138,500 150,000 30,600 850,000 72,700 85,000 20,806 629,500 134,676 402,000 '87,666 180,000 '42,266 111,000 '29,566 580,000 i'3'4',666 414,000 l'l'3',866 34,550 '11,566 8,401,000 3,215,000 399,500 74,150 228,800 155,000 24,030 53,800 319,100 922,700 105,800 763,570 489,000 222,200 140,500 714,000 527,800 46,050 380,000 364,000 557,000 1,301,000 553,586 56,013 11,016 34,589 21,336 3,403 7,429 23,072 153,087 15,330 113,799 71,784 32,225 20,037 103,925 74,114 6.255 2,594,025 1,009,358 121,607 22,756 70,396 47,063 7,325 16,342 90,657 287,958 32,354 234,442 149,812 67,957 42,868 218,479 160,694 13,957 12,476,025 4,854,535 584,870 109,446 338,570 226,351 35,229 78,599 436,021 1,384,925 155,606 1,127,555 720,528 326,840 206,177 1,050,782 772,863 67,128 1,891,227 1, 373,647 1,891,227 575,484 64,775 12,739 39,999 '24,674 3,935 8,592 '26,584 122,014 17,728 \ 131,597 '81,744 '34,634 '22,995 ll'3',7i6 '85,765 ' '7,232 3,264,874 2,466,711 64,775 12,739 39,999 24,674 3,935 8,592 26,684 122,014 17,728 131,597 81,744 34,034 22,995 113,716 85,705 7,232 Property Used in Railway Operation 10,751,850 114,058,595 12,476,025 3,264,874 5,288,000 48,173,148 4,854,535 2,466,711 5,133,036 584,870 64,775 1,006,663 109,446 12,739 3,167,615 338,570 39,999 1,954,085 326,351 34,674 310,758 35,229 3,935 678,879 78,599 8,592 2,112,168 436,021 26,684 4,585,000 12,141,076 1,384,925 122,014 1,402,011 155,606 17,728 10,446,588 1,127,555 131,597 100,000 6,496,428 720,528 81,744 255,000 2,731,380 326,840 34,034 13,750 1,822,098 206,1(7 22,995 510,100 9,112,118 1,050,782 113,716 6,799,075 772,863 85,705 571,469 67,128 7,232 140,551,344 60,782,394 5,782,681 1,128,848 3,546,184 2,205,110 349,922 766,070 2,574,873 18,233,015 1,575,345 11,705,740 7,398,700 3,347,254 2,065,020 10,786,716 7,657,643 645,829 Property Not Used in Railway Operation 1,594,650 353,000 27,500 123,750 1,052,400 38,000 1,594,650 353,000 1,385,921 138,592 492,998 49,300 1,524,513 33,904 27,150 298,713 24,903 542,298 12,101 11,449 53,975 8,733 1,909,183 628,556 3,503,833 981,556 $144,055,177 $61,763,950 107,286 10,729 118,015 2,620 821 2,560 1,943 125,959 125,959 18,114 1,811 19,925 442 105 330 328 21,130 31,130 27,500 7,938 794 8,732 194 148 5,073 144 14,291 41,791 $5,782,681 $1,128,848 $3,546,184 $2,205,110 $475,881 $766,070 $2,596,003 $18,833,015 $1,575,345 $11,705,740 $7,440,191 13,347,254 123,750 1,052,400 38,000 144,643 14,464 614,942 61,494 159,107 3,532 2,054 25,800 2,619 676,436 15,015 12,352 204,100 11,136 "221 6,875 193,112 919,039 7,096 316,862 1,971,439 45,096 (2,381,882 »12,758,155 »7,702,739 (645,829 p. s. c. Account Item S-H3 I. LAND Total I II. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT. 181 Grading 183 Ties v.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.' ' 184a Rails & Fastenings 184b Track Special Work '. . .".'.'.".".'.'.'.'.'.'.' 185 Underground Construction 186 Track Laying •■••.. 187 Paving for Track " 189 Tunnel '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.\'.'. S-163 Underground Conduit S-163 Transmission System S-164 Distribution System ."....'....'.' 194 Telephone System .'.'..'.'..'.'. 303 Revenue Cars 203 Electric Equipment of Cars ........".* 304 Other Rail Equipment ,, S-141a Furnaces, Boilers & Accessories S-141b Steam Engines ' ' .' S-144 Power Plant Electric Equipment S-145 Miscellaneous Power Plant Equipment S-153 Substation Equipment S-122b Shop Equipment ". ] S-132 Power Plant Building S-151 Substation Buildings .' 195 Shops & Car Houses '. Furniture & Fixtures 196 Miscellaneous Buildings 188 Roadway Tools 205 Miscellaneous Equipment Total, Material & Labor Contractors' Services Total S-381 Engineering Cost S-384 Taxes during Construction S-385 Interest during Construction S-383 Administrative & Legal Organization during & 386 Construction Total II Forwarded — NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost to Reproduce New — Less Depreciation As of June 30th, 1919 BASED ON JUNE. 1919 PRICES NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM— LEASED COMPANIES AND UNDERLYING MORTGAGE LIENS Property Used in Railway Operation New York Railways System New York Railways Company htx. Ave. & Pavonia Fy. R. R. Co. South Ferrv R. R. Co. Broadway Surface R. R. Co. Columbus & 9th Ave. R. R. Co. Central Crosstown R. R. Co. Ft. George & 11th Ave. R. R. Co. 23rd St. Railway Co. Broadway & 7th Ave. R. R. Co. Bleecker St. N. Y. & & Fulton Fy. Harlem R. R. Co. R. R. Co. 6th Ave. Railroad Co. 42nd St. & Grand St. Fy R R Co $10,751,850 $5,288,000 5,388,000 $269,862 91 14,332 27.364 144,784 16.909 24,326 K585,000 4,585,000 1,238,479 24 76,573 344,569 1,083,988 103,188 84,737 1100,000 ?255,0O0 10,751,850 $1,063,759 44 81,590 158,019 939,199 90,578 163,690 $875,371 43 40,008 49,481 633,588 43,387 47,531 $437,738 36,166 42,706 353,784 37,975 74,695 $74,027 71 7,724 12,762 54,934 17,714 11,104 $116,032 24 15,534 45,040 122,884 16,271 26,993 $445,534 383 48,254 87,800 314,567 48,903 55,530 $335,494 $1,875,658 100 383 25,868 184,486 76,518 334,385 334,371 1,452.979 37,417 179.693 45,491 260.921 634,700 100,000 255,000 983,536 11,947 245,829 153,107 580.505 349,647 350,046 13.353,610 15,335 1,398.973 1,817,336 10,383.360 1,316,737 3,031,860 634,700 1,411,379 1,043 95,617 156,268 865,260 95,842 169,336 559,917 620 65,483 89,710 398,832 61,519 89,473 6,036.763 800.711 291,451 800,711 354.665 123,973 318,361 139,985 26,083 100,651 264,446 650,134 105,628 1,121,814 751,006 118,787 3,658,393 24,917 230,216 8,296 398,039 267 65,936 134,033 1,797 99,332 47 17,118 19,395 63,766 1,110 190,553 2,603 59,197 434.713 1,126 1,405 177,970 3,300 115,876 2,282 7,214,586 3,393,589 194,547 7,314,586 3,393,589 194,547 1,143,715 1,309,147 715,693 44,242 1,301,164 145,839 1,143,715 1,309.147 715,693 44,242 1,301,164 145,839 1,349,060 640,467 4,905,410 25,528 1,349,060 301,167 3,840,810 35,528 19,o66 315,300 1,331,100 24,666 454,600 280,666 2,034,100 2,293 1,005,200 2,392 107,006 1,038,900 107,006 64,696,870 34,998,876 3,148,840 686,466 3,131,479 1,212,428 211,537 462,824 1,349,393 6,340,148 901,11C 6,481,037 4,205,621 1,782,493 5,160,715 1,359,097 298,615 66,214 307,396 113,773 20,043 43,583 139,376 615,541 85,562 633,012 403,629 169,302 69,857,585 26,357,973 3,447,455 753,680 3,338,875 1,326,201 331,580 506,407 1,478,668 6,855,689 986,672 7,103,049 4,609,250 1,951,795 1,550,593 2,087,405 8,334,958 584,921 657,174 3,960,500 76,561 98,388 317,400 16,825 5,807 18,750 51,557 51,105 165,000 39,145 31,976 103,350 5,177 754 3,450 11,320 3,793 12,250 33,053 30,299 97,835 153,070 330,019 1,574,100 33,055 13,457 43,445 157,774 286,539 935,100 102,030 105,366 362,840 43,628 26,422 125,025 1,681,457 738,910 75,314 15,633 46,929 39,032 4,903 10,576 31,609 163,515 31,436 147,061 96,042 41,135 83,411,998 31,399,478 4,014.918 809,695 3,643,466 1,519,594 244,864 544,346 1,671,454 9,074,393 1,087,063 8,619,523 5,275,528 2,188,005 10,751,850 NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY Estimated Cost to Reproduce New — Less Depreciation As of June 30th, 1919 BASED ON JUNE. 1919 PRICES NEW YORK RAILWAYS SYSTEM— LEASED COMPANIES AND UNDERLYING MORTGAGE LIENS Property Used in Railway Operation New York New York Lex. Ave. & South Broadway Railways Railways Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface System Company R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. $10,751,850 $5,288,000 5,288,000 Columbus & 9th Ave. R. R. Co. Central Crosstown R. R. Co. Ft. George & nth Ave. R. R. Co. 23 rd St. Railway Co. Broadway & 7th Ave. R. R. Co. $4,585,000 4,585,000 Bleecker St. & Fulton Fy. R. R. Co. N. Y. & Harlem R. R. Co. 6th Ave. Railroad Co. $100,000 100,000 42nd St. & Grand St. Fy. R. R. Co. 1255,000 255,000 66 Christopher ■ 8th Ave. 9th Ave. 34th St. & 10th St. Railroad Railroad Crosstown R. R. Co. Co. Co. Ry. Co. 113,750 $510,100 13,750 510,100 64,696,870 5,160,715 1,681,457 83,411,998 24,998,876 1,359,097 3,148,840 298,615 686,466 66,214 2,121,479 207,396 13.252,610 983,536 $1,063,759 $369,862 $875,371 $427,738 15,335 11,947 44 91 43 1,298,973 245,829 81,590 14,222 40,008 36,166 1,817,236 153,107 158,019 37,364 49,481 42,706 10,282,360 580.505 939,199 144,784 622,588 353,784 1,316,727 249,647 90,578 16.909 42,287 37,975 2,031,860 350,046 162,690 24,326 47,521 74,695 634,700 6,036,763 291,451 354,665 123.972 318,361 139,985 800,711 800,711 2,658,293 230,216 298,029 65,936 124,022 99,332 24,917 8,296 267 1,797 47 7,214,586 7,214,586 3,393,589 3,393,589 194,547 194,547 1,143,715 1,143,715 1,309,147 1,309,147 715,693 715,693 44,242 44,242 1,301,164 1,301,164 145,839 145,839 1,349,060 1,349.060 640,467 301,167 4,905,410 2,840,810 25,528 25,528 2,034,100 1,005,200 2,292 2,292 107,006 107,006 1,212,428 113,773 574,027 $116,032 $445,534 1,238,479 $325,494 $1,875,658 1,411,379 71 24 383 24 100 283 1,043 7,724 15.534 48,354 76,573 25,868 184,486 95,617 12,762 45,040 87,800 344,569 76.518 334.385 156,268 54,934 122,884 314,567 1,083,988 234,271 1,453.979 865,260 17,714 16,371 48,903 103,188 37,417 179,693 95,842 11,104 26,993 55,530 84,737 45,491 260,921 634,700 169,336 26,083 17,118 211,537 20,043 100,651 19,395 462,824 43,583 264,446 650,134 105,628 63,766 1,110 190,553 2,603 59,197 1,126 19,000 315,300 1,221,100 1,028,900 1,349,293 129,376 6,240,148 615,541 901,110 85,562 1,131,814 434,713 1,405 6,481,037 622,012 751,006 177,970 3,300 24,000 454,600 4,205,621 403,629 559,917 620 65,483 89,710 398,832 61,519 89,473 118,787 115,870 2,282 280,000 1,782,493 169,302 422,883 1,594,591 Jl,405,022 $163,328 118 196 273 76 40,773 206,767 102,653 11,426 68,122 123,526 134,263 13,596 320,660 1,445,925 1,231,754 115,446 39,448 185,771 102,726 10,839 52,048 303,818 248,517 24,614 117,229 84,157 661 500 1,146,599 109,455 980,209 365,222 1,188 89,400 5,296,613 499,280 550,602 292,785 835 4,069,430 382,091 738,910 75,214 15,633 46,929 29,022 4,903 10,576 31,609 162,515 21,436 147,061 96,042 41,135 27,425 120,818 97,287 31,299,478 4,014.918 809,695 2,643,466 1,519,594 244,864 544,346 1,671,454 9,074,393 1,087,065 8,619,523 5,275,528 2,188,005 1,412,205 7,211,377 5,348,270 22,740 '20,612 382,077 35,746 69,857,585 26,357,973 3,447,455 752,680 2,328,875 1,326,201 231,580 506,407 1,478,668 6,855,689 986,673 7,103,049 4,609,250 1,951,795 1,256,054 5,795,893 4,451,521 417,823 1,550,593 2,087,405 8,234,958 584,921 657,174 2,960,500 76,561 98.288 317,400 16,825 5,807 18,750 51,557 51,105 165,000 39,145 31,976 103,250 5,177 754 2,450 11,320 3,793 12,250 33,053 30.399 97,825 152,070 330,019 1,574,100 22,055 13,457 43,445 157,774 286,539 925.100 102,030 105.366 362,840 43,628 26,422 125,025 28,077 23,274 77,375 128,555 254,611 905,500 98,505 165,772 535,185 9,340 2,749 8,963 8,942 447,817 Continued — New York p g P Railways Account Item System III. ORGANIZATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUC- TION. 101 (a) Preliminary Investigation: Legal Investigations 60,000 Technical Reports 90,000 Publicity Work, etc 30,000 Total (a) 180,000 (b) Financial Expenses : 101 Cost of Selling Securities 7,350,000 S-103 Franchise Payments 151,000 S-111 Right of Way 1.000,000 Total (b) 8,401,000 101 (c) Permanent Organization: Executive Department 380.000 Legal & Financial Department 364,000 Engineering Department 557,000 Total (c) 1,301,000 (d) Interest on above 3,594,025 Total III 13,476,035 IV. WORKING CAPITAL. S-10 Materials and Supplies 1,831,051 Minimum Cash Balance 1,373,647 Total IV 3,304,698 SUMMARY— CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. LLand 10,751,850 II. Construction & Equipment 83,411,998 III Organization prior to Construction 12,476,025 IV. Working Capital 3,204,698 A— TOTAL PROPERTY USED IN RAILWAY OPERATION 109,844,571 O-llO la. LAND Total la Ila. CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT. 196a Miscellaneous Bujldings Contractors' Services Total S-281a Engineering Cost S-284a Taxes during Construction S-385a Interest during Construction .... •••;•• S-282a Administration & Legal Organization during & 286a Construction Total Ila • B— TOTAL PROPERTY NOT USED IN RAIL- WAY OPERATION C-TOTAL PROPERTY-(A + B) $112,526,657 76,591 3,080,000 1,000 134,000 3,315,000 553,586 1,009,358 4,854,535 1,831,051 575,484 3,406,535 Estimated Cost to Reproduce New — Less Depreciation At June, 1919 Prices New York Lex. Ave. & South Broadway Railways Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface Company R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Columbus & 9th Ave. R. R. Co. Central Crosstown R. R. Co. Ft. George & 11th Ave. R. R. Co. 23rd St. Railway Co. Broadway & 7th Ave. R. R. Co. Bleecker St. N. Y. & g, & Fulton Fy. Harlem ». R. R. Co. R. R. Co. 7,750 1,534 4,785 2,953 471 1,028 3,192 21,180 3,123 312,500 87,000 61,500 12,650 193,500 36,300 118,500 36,500 18,950 5.080 41,500 12,300 138,500 150,000 30,600 850,000 72,700 85,000 20,800 399,500 74,150 228,800 155,000 24,030 53,800 319,100 922,700 105,800 56,013 11,016 34,589 21,336 3,403 7,429 23,073 153,087 15,330 121,607 22,756 70,396 47,063 7,325 16.343 90,657 387,958 33,354 584,870 109,446 338,570 236,351 33,239 78,599 436,031 1,384,935 155,606 64,775 13,739 39,999 24,674 3,935 8,592 26,684 122,014 17,728 15,744 629,500 4 134,070 763,570 i 113.799 234,442 1 1,127,555 7 131,597 64,775 12,739 39,999 24,674 3,935 8,592 36,684 123,014 17,728 Property Used in Railway Operation Property Not Used in Railway Operation 131,597 5,288,000 31,299,478 4,854,535 2,406,535 4,014,918 584,870 64,775 809,695 109,446 12,739 2,643,466 338,570 39,999 1,519,594 226,351 24,674 244,864 35,229 3,935 544,346 78,599 8,593 1,671,454 436,031 26,684 4,585,000 9,074,393 1,384,925 133,014 1,087,065 155,606 17,738 8,619,523 1,127,555 131,597 1 5,2 7 43,848,548 4,664,563 931,880 3,022,035 1,770,619 284,038 631,537 2,134,159 15,166,333 1,260,399 9,878,675 6,1 1,594,650 353,000 353,000 59,000 5,900 4,000 400 1,594,650 360,100 36,010 655,100 65,510 286,110 6,350 11,449 53,975 8,733 64,900 1,451 831 2,560 1,943 4,400 98 105 330 328 720,610 16,060 27,150 298,713 24,903 366,617 71,675 5,261 1,087,436 719,617 71,675 5,361 2,682,086 $113,536,657 $44,568,165 $4,664,563 $931,880 $3,022,035 $1,770,619 $355,703 $631 537 $2 139,420 $15,166,332 $1,260,399 $9,878,675 *6,2 1 : ' — New York Railways Company- Estimated Cost to Reproduce New — Less Depreciation At June, 1919 Prices Lex. Ave. & South Broadway Columbus Central Ft. George 23rd St. Pavonia Fy. Ferry Surface & 9th Ave. Crosstown & 11th Ave. Railway R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. Broadway Bleecker St. N.Y.& 6th Ave. 42nd St. & & 7th Ave. & Fulton Fy. Harlem Railroad Grand St. Fy. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Co. R. R. Co. 67 Christopher 8th Ave. 9th Ave. 34th St. & 10th St. Railroad Railroad Crosstown R. R. Co. Co. Co. Ry. Co. 76,591 7,750 1,524 4,785 2,953 471 1,028 3,193 21,180 2,122 15,744 9,932 4,458 2,772 14,378 10,255 866 3,080,000 1,000 134,000 313,500 87,000 61,500 12,650 193,500 36,300 118,500 36,500 18,950 5,080 41,500 12,300 138,500 150,000 30,600 850,000 V2,76o 85,000 20,800 639,500 134,670 402,000 87,666 180,000 42,266 111,000 '29,566 580,000 l'3'4',666 414,000 113,866 34,550 '11,566 3,315,000 899,500 74,150 228,800 155,000 24,030 53,800 319,100 923,700 105,800 763,570 489,000 222,200 140,500 714,000 527,800 46,050 553,586 56,013 11,016 34,589 21,336 3,403 7,439 33,072 153,087 15,330 113.799 71,784 32,225 20,037 103,925 74,114 6,255 1,009,358 131,607 22,756 70,396 47,063 7,325 16,342 90,657 287,958 32,354 234,442 149,812 67,957 42,868 218,479 160,694 13,957 4,854,535 584,870 109,446 338,570 336,351 35,239 78,599 436,031 1,384,925 155,606 1,127,555 720,528 326,840 206,177 1,050,782 772,863 67,128 1,831,051 575,484 64,775 12,739 39,999 34,674 3,935 ! ' 8,592 36,684 133,014 17,738 1 131,597 '81,744 '34,634 '22,995 I'l' '85,765 ' '7,232 2,406,535 64,775 13,739 39,999 24,674 3,935 8,592 26,684 122,014 17,728 131,597 81,744 34,034 22,995 113,716 85,705 7,232 Property Used in Railway Operation 5,288,000 31,299,478 4,854,535 2,406,535 4,014,918 584,870 64,775 809,695 109,446 12,739 3,643,466 338,570 39,999 1,519,594 236,351 34,674 244,864 35,329 3,935 544,346 78,599 8,592 1,671,454 436,021 36,684 4,585,000 9,074,393 1,384,925 122,014 1,087,065 155,606 17,728 8,619,533 1,137,555 131,597 100,000 5,275,528 720,528 81,744 255,000 2,188,005 326,840 34,034 13,750 1,412,205 206,177 22,995 510,100 7,211,377 1,050,782 113,716 5,348,270 772,863 85,705 447,817 67,128 7,232 43,848,548 4,664,563 931,880 3,023,035 1,770,619 384,028 631,537 2,134,159 15,166,333 1,260,399 9,878,675 6,177,800 2,803,879 1,655,127 8,885,975 6,206,838 522,177 Property Not Used in RaHway Operation 353,000 27,500 123,750 1,052,400 38,000 353,000 59,000 5,900 4,000 400 27,500 123,750 1,052,400 38,000 260,100 26,010 1,200 120 26,100 2,610 304,700 30,470 286,110 6,350 11,449 53,975 8,733 64,900 1,451 821 2,560 1,943 4,400 98 105 330 328 1,320 30 148 5,073 144 28,710 642 2,054 25,800 2,619 335,170 7,489 12,352 204,100 11,136 ' 22i 6,875 366,617 71,675 5,261 6,715 59,825 570,247 7,096 719,617 $931,880 71,675 5,261 34,215 183,575 1,622,647 45.096 $44,568,165 $4,664,563 $3,033,035 $1,770,619 $355,703 $631,537 $2, 139,430 $15,166,333 $1,260,399 $9,878,675 »6,212,015 »2,803,879 $1,838,702 110,508,622 16.251,934 $522,177 0> ■i CO « s o w c •v V CO oa CO U cu I I a O >> I « OS -s 3 fi" g CO ^^« •3 ^ o O 3" 5xU oax . .•,'^ ° SrtU -^gw JA, o Q o o^ o' -* -* *e- CO b- (C rH tfj CO O 0> (M »0 r^ Tt* O CO O iO ^''^■^ t^ O" »0 b^ rH CO -^ r-i O 0> tfS O Ol »M to irt »o CO (M »n cc to -^ a *a oi oo OS^ «0 ■* O CO N O IM ■<♦» to -^ to Oi CO lO ^ t- t- CO t> t- I> rH Tj< lO *0 ■<*1 OS rH CO >0 O •vO >0 O rH CO i« Ol CO lO CO O CO tH ■ « t- tH CO rt • <0 «5 1> CO 00 • ■* 00 <0 »0 (O -= ; th m" o" (o" t>r O . 1ft CO eo CO 00 O • 00 »« O • 00 o 1-1 • • O CO ■ o" c • CO r- CO • to CO -* 'CO»H tH ',to : : : ;;;,':: r « 00 « CO o 0> iH tH O o oT -(jr co" ■^ t- t- »o to tH 1-4 O^ 00 O CO O (M c CO so OS 00 CO CO O ** O M CO CO 1> lO C4 CO o • CD to • 00 Oi iH . r-t Ol O . »0 <© : »rr of CO iH iH 00 O to CO CO £2 o ^ (M -* CO CO OS OS CO o rH 00 -»»< O ■* O OJ ■^ -Tt* CO ID W CO -^ o o to d W -^Jt OJ lO CO t- tH t- oi "O^ 0_ CO i> w t- o" CO*" CO CO »> in tH tH rH CO CO OJ lO rH T-( to r-l o e- o b- tH rH O -^ 00 "T* i> rH M (O o r- rH O c^s tn M CO ■ CO J> rH • "** OS CO • CO CO oo" • »o ; GO ; oj ^ OS CO W l> o CO o C7S iH in o CO 0-; rH 10^*0 CO <^ oo" oTrH Co'' 00 o CJS (> '^ o w w ^ rH w" of ■2 Efc- o bS 00 ^«'' o o -«*< ■^ CO CO 0* IM wi" O <^ 00 CO ^^ rH CQ rH CD CO tfS t- tH rH OS CO CO CO OS rH^CO CO 00 ■* W OOiHcCC«0 »0»OCOO>rHoOO>0 coi>co«iOOOiT-IOS lO rt< -^CO O tH CO CO" rH" lA t^ T-T C4 t- O OT W O m O 00 '^CO MJ^OS tOOO i> rH CO O rH rH C4 i> « rH O rH ^ rH M3 i> 3 l> CO OS *< ^ O t- ^ OS I> CD •* C3 o »fl »rt ^ rH t- ■»**^co os^ CO o"oo -* -^ t- t- CO rH O »o O '^ tH I> -* 00 OS^ co'o'oo tt< '^ t- i> CO^rH « of OS M O O O tH W CO CO rH 03 tH O CD OJ^ CO^ OS^ rH r-T o" ■*" oo" CO of to CO »0 CO -** CO CO CO^OO O yH rH r-T tH OS C4 O O O Tft W CD 00 rH 0» -<*« »0 <0 04 CO OS^rH rH" O" -^jT 00 CO" of CD CO »0 CO -rH CO CO CO 00 WS rH O rH W5 »0 CO t^ Ttl CO Tti t- CO W 00 CO ■<*<_ ClD_ rH CO^ CO O "^ wiT oT of CO cd" co" *o »0 »0 CO C4 OS i> « 04 rH 00 r^ rH C -^ CO CO 00 CD OS 00 CO "(JJ^ CO CO^ CO CO o^-^ SO CO o" 00 oo" co" wf »0 CO rH 04 W t- W »0 04 00 T-H CO -* 04 O rH OS O CO i> rH ■-*< O SO 04 OS 00 t- CO CO »o OJ CD CO CO rH rH O t- »o t- I> o O T-T 04" CO i> i> CO -^ t^ Oi (Xi CO i-T -* rH" o H H w Ph I— ( Q w •a O hH H U D « o ■■s "> fe 2 ■3 E e •o « E S " " S e o c^ 2'" .2 4) 2.2 ■« c " s 1 ts M n 5 o U !3-3W r ) ^r-t < «3 c EC , td 3, : o . 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