(HmmW W^mvmii^^mM^ BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME ■FROM 'filE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND . THE GIFT, PP,', - 1S91 zosm 3im COHNELL umvERSITY LtMAf' 3 1924 068 180 532 1^2 t^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924068180532 American Record Series A.:— Wills. VOLUME I. No.. 34 of 500 copies printed. S kJ o rt ra £ ■S.1 OP 2 * • D O < Id t« n I-] o a H H n tn H s o o w «2 ?» oj .j; ULSTER COUNTY, N. Y. PROBATE RECORDS In the Office of the Surrogate, and in the County Clerk's Office at Kingston, N. Y. A CAREFUL ABSTRACT AND TRANSLATION OF THE DUTCH AND ENGLISH WILLS, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION AFTER INTESTATES, AND INVENTORIES FRIOM 1 665, WITH GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES* AND LIST OF DUTCH AND FRISIAN BAPTISMAL NAMES WITH THEIR ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS BY QUSXAVE ANJOU, Pin. D. Member oE the American Historical Association; The National Geographic Society; The American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society; New York Historical Society; New York Genealogical and Biographical Society; National Arts Club ; Royal Societies Club ; Catholic Record Society ; Societe Suisse d'Heraldique ; Heroid Verein, Berlin; K. K. Heraldische Gesellscha£t, Vienna; R. Accademia Araldica Italiana, Bari ; British Numismatic Society ; Yorkshire, &c.. Parish Register Societies, etc. With Introduction by Judge A. T. Clearwater, LL.D. VOLUME L Exhaustive Indexes of Persons and Localities, Fac- Similes of Wills, etc. New York GUSTAVE ANJOU 1906 State of New York, > r ss. ulster county, ) Surrogate's Office. I, Arthur C. Connelly, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of Ulster County, New York, do hereby certify that the following abstracts from the records of Wills in this office are correct and true and have been compared with the said original records. Witness my hand and seal of said Court, at the City of Kingston, N. Y., this 15th day of November, 1905. Arthur C. Connelly, y'^\'Jf-R-^//>X Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of (L. S.) /i^ "fx Ulster Co., N. Y. State of New York, ) > ss ulster county, ) Ulster County Clerk's Office, Kingston, N. Y. I, John D. Fratsher, Clerk of Ulster County, New York, do hereby certify that the following abstracts from the records of Wills recorded in the Books of Deeds in said office are correct and true and have been compared with said original records. Witness my hand and seal of said office at the City of Kingston, N. Y., this loth day of August, 1905. John D. Fratsher, (L. S.) Ulster County Qerk. INTRODUCTION "By Alphonso Trumpbour Clearwater, LL.D. The History of Ulster County may be said to consist of four periods. The first began with the establishment of a Dutch trading post at Ponckhockie, the junction of the Hudson and the E4)ndout, in 1614. The second with the settlement at Kingston of ChristofHe Daavis, Mattys Hendrix and Johan DeHulter, Dutchmen, and Thomas Chambers, an Englishman, in 1652. The third with the treaty of Paris in 1763. The fourth with the inauguration at Kingston of George Clinton, the first Governor of the State under the Constitution, on the 30th day of July, 1777. During each of these periods the County played an important part, and so influential were the people of Ulster in swinging the colony into line with the patriot cause that in October, 1777, the British under Sir John Vaughan wantonly burned Kingston in retaliation. Down to 1683 the only civil divisions of the Province of New York were Manors, Towns or Cities and Patents. On the first of November of that year, Dongan being Governor, the following Act was passed by the Governor, Council and Representatives : "An Act to divide the Province and Dependencyes into Shires and Countyes, passed November ist, 1683. Having taken into consideration the necessity of divideing the Prov- ince into respective Countyes for the better governing and settling Courts in the same. Bee it enacted by the Governor and Councell and Repre- sentatives, and by the authority of the same, the said Province bee divided into twelve Countyes as follows ****** The Countye of Ulster to contain the Townes of Kings- ton, Hurley and Marble Towne, Ffox Hall and the New Paltz and all the villages, neighborhoods and christian habitacions on the west side of the Hudsons River from the Murderer's Creek near the High- lands to the Sawyer's Creek." Of these Kingston, Hurley and Marbletown were towns, Fox Hall was a manor and New Paltz was held by patent. Since the granting of this charter, the County of Sullivan, and parts of the Counties of Greene, Delaware and Orange have been taken from the territory it described. Situate upon the west bank of the Hudson, practically midway between New Amsterdam and Fort Orange (New York and Albany), and in many respects the rival of those places, having for its whole eastern front the great natural highway of the Hudson, and traversed by three large streams, the Esopus, the Rondout and the Wallkill, along which passed the constantly traveled Indian trails connecting the North (The Hudson) with the South (The Delaware) river, Ulster early became and always has remained prominent, if not pre-eminent, in historical interest. Its early settlers principally came from Holland. Many of them were the younger sons of well-to-do Dutch families who, inspired by that spirit of adventure common to the youth of all times and all lands, sought a broader sphere of action in the new world than was afforded by the old. To Ulster came also the Huguenots who, exiled from France because of their religious faith, found among the Dutch of Esopus an hospitable welcome and the right to a free and open Bible. Thus it is that for more than two and a half centuries the men who have been most prominent and potent in the affairs of the County have, as a rule, borne Dutch or Huguenot names. To the Dutch more than to any other people America owes its civil and religious liberty, and its wise and tolerant system of laws, the Pilgrims first learning of the strength and advantage of a repub- lican form of government during their sojourn in Holland. To the Dutch also the world is indebted for the system of recording deeds, mortgages and wills, and from the earliest settlement to the present the records of Ulster have been scrupulously and accurately kept, running back in un- broken succession for over two hundred and fifty years. The early records are written in Dutch and, aside from those of marriages and baptism, con- sist of six classes : — 1. The record of the transfers of lands by deed. 2. The record of the mortgaging of lands for debt. 3. The record of wills, and the succession of estates. 4. The record of the acknowledgement of debt, as distinct from that creating a lien on lands. • 5. The record of judicial transactions. 6. The record of agreements with the Indians. The original records are contained in a number of well worn and much thumbed volumes, originally bound, some in vellum, some in sheep- skin, and have had rather a remarkable history. They remained in the office of the County Clerk at Kingston from the time they were written until about fifty years ago, when suddenly they disappeared. Many efforts were made to find them. The Grand Jury instituted an investigation, the Board of Supervisors offered a liberal reward for their return, but nothing could be learned of their whereabouts or by whom they had been taken. One day during the summer of 1895 a large box was delivered to the County Clerk by an Express Company. It contained the long lost records, carefully covered with a waterproof wrapper and closely packed with cotton wool. They had been shipped from an obscure village on the southern shore of Long Island by a person whose name and address were not given. It is not known who took them, in whose possession they were during their absence, or who returned them. Various explanations have been suggested. Among others that they had been sent to Brooklyn for translation by a Dutch scholar who died before he began the work; that after his death his family sent them to the old City Hall of that City ; that when the new City Hall was erected they were returned to Kingston. This, however, does not account for all the known facts. After they were returned they were carefully examined by my father, Isaac Clear- water, who spoke and read Dutch as readily as he did English. He recog- nized their great importance and advised their translation into English. When the Board of Supervisors of the County met the following Novem- ber, I called its attention to the character of the material they contained, and suggested that they be translated at the expense of the County. The Board at once by unanimous resolution requested me to act as com- missioner for the purpose, and a translation was made of the early Dutch records not recorded in the Deed Books, which translation is now con- tained in three large folio volumes of over six hundred pages each, and with the original records preserved in the office of the County Clerk. Among the most interesting of the old records are those containing the proceedings and adjudications of the Dutch Court of Schout and Shep- pens from 1658 to 1684. That Court was the predecessor of the Court of Common Pleas, of the Court of Sessions and of the existing County Court, and for strict impartiality, jealousy of the rights of the individual, the equitable administration of justice, soundness of judgment and com- pression and lucidity, of statement its proceedings and decisions rarely have been surpassed, while its records portray the life of the early settler in a picturesque and interesting manner. A partial index of them recently has been printed by the County of Albany as part of its own early records which that County is now putting in print, this index being included because the intimate relations which existed between the people of the settlements of Fort Orange, Beverwyck and Rensselaerwyck and those of Esopus, Wiltwyck and Kingston during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries resulted in many transactions the record of which was indiffer- ently kept at one place or the other. Dr. Anjou, omitting only the ornate legal formulas which form part of the deeds, mortgages and wills of the period, presents all that which is of interest alike to the student and the general reader, particularly noting any entry of unusual character. The seals attached to the documents, of which rubbings have been made and engraved in many cases, are private seals. Official seals were not early used. Most well-to-do Dutchmen used seals engraved according to their fancy, a few used their family arms, but this was the exception. A novice always experiences difficulty in tracing the ancestry of Dutch families, in examining the documents signed by Dutchmen and in following the proceedings of Dutch Courts in America, arising from the fact that, while the French and English invariably used their surnames, the Dutch, as a rule, were indifferent about this and usually are designated by others, and designate themselves, by their Chris- tian names alone, even in important legal documents. This answered every purpose in a primitive and small community where everyone was known, but now leads to much confusion. For instance, Lambert Huyberts is Lambert Huyberts Brink. Tjrick Claessen — Tjrick Claessen De Witt. Jan Wilhemsen — Jan Wilhemsen Hooghteyling (Houghtaling). Jan Mattys — ^Jan Mattys Jansen. Teunis Jacobse, or Jacobsen — Tunis Jacobsen Klaarwater (Clearwater) Peter Cornelius — Peter Cornelius Low. Albertse Heymans — ^Albertse Heymans Roosa. Hendrick Jochemsin — Hendrick Jochemsin Schoonmaker. Aaert Jacobsen — Aaert Jacobsen Van Wagonen. The first statutory provision for the probate of wills and the granting of letters of administration was enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives convened in general assembly on the nth day of Novem- ber, 16^2. The preamble recited that the rights of orphans and the estates of such as died intestate throughout the Province were often concealed, 8 wasted, embezzled and destroyed to the utter ruin of many orphans and to the prejudice of the next of kin for want of having good and sufficient persons in each county to enquire after the same, and the Act provided that on or before the 25th day of March, 1693, there should be elected and appointed in each town throughout the counties within the Province two able and sufficient freeholders who should, upon the death of any person in their respective towns, repair to the place of habitation where the deceased resided within forty-eight hours after the interment and make enquiry if the deceased made any will, or had any real or personal estate not devised by him at the time of his death, and if upon enquiry it was found that he had made no will, but had died intestate, then it should be lawful for such freeholders to make strict and diligent search and enquiry into all the real and personal estate that the intestate died possessed of, and inventory the same and bring or cause to be brought unto such person or persons in the county where the intestate died who should be appointed by the Governor to supervise the intestate's estates, and file with him upon their oath an inventory of the estate, whereupon the supervisor of estates should issue his warrant to two good and sufficient freeholders within the town where the intestate died for the appraisement of the goods and chattels left by the intestate, and upon the return of the same he should cause the goods and chattels to be secured or sold, the proceeds to remain in his hands or to be placed into good and sufficient hands who should be able to produce the same again when the next of kin should appear in right to claim the same. It further provided that if the intestate at the time of his death left a wife and children behind him, then, in such case, the wife only should have the right of administration, but if he left only orphans and had no relations or kindred who would administer upon his estate, then the supervisor of each county should have the administration and care of the estate, and the same should be secured for the use, benefit and behoof of the orphans, and should be secured and improved until the orphans married or came to the age of twenty-one years. It firr- ther provided that the supervisor of estates should take effectual care of the education and instruction of the orphans in the Holy Protestant Religion, and that they should be honestly maintained according to the capacity of the estate. It was further enacted that the several Judges of the respective Courts in remote counties in open Court, and on extraordinary occasions or, if necessary, out of Court, assisted with two Justices of the Peace, might grant probate of any will or letters of administration to any person where the estate exceeded the value of fifty pounds. Testamentary dispositions of property were made before a judicial ofHcer during the lifetime of the testator, and consequently probate after the testator's death was unnecessary. The method was primitive, but effective. The testator appeared in Court and stated to the Judges, who were the Schout and Sheppens, the disposition he wished to make of his property. This was entered upon the minutes, and, unless revoked, when he died the property was disposed of according to his recorded wishes. Beginning in 1685, wills were recorded in the book of deeds indiscrimi- nately with grants of land and mortgages, and this practice continued down to 1778, nearly a year after the adoption of the first constitution. Hundreds of wills, however, were recorded in New York and Albany, and apparently it was the custom to have them recorded in either or both offices until 1786, when testamentary dispositions were proved before the Court of Common Pleas and an entry of the record was made in a book kept for that purpose, "agreeable to an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed on the Fourth day of April, 1786." A Sur- rogate's Court was established in 1787, and the first will proven in that court bears date January 5th, 1787, and was recorded on the loth day of May of that year. The first Surrogate was Joseph Gasherie, whose seal, now the seal of the Surrogate's Court, was an oblong oval after the pattern of the seals of the old Ecclesiastical Courts, and con- tained the figure of a woman, holding a child by the hand, standing near a monument the finial ornament of which was a mortuary urn. A device evidently intended to furnish in realistic suggestion what it lacked in artistic conception. I can hardly speak too highly of the care taken by Dr. Anjou in preparing this work. Every precaution seems to have been taken against error. Not only is the work authentic, but official, and a properly certified copy of any of the records it contains can at any time be obtained from the official in whose custody the original record is kept at an insignificant cost without the long, laborious and expensive search which the effort to find records of this character usually involves, and when thus procured and certified it will be admissible in evidence in any Court of justice in any civilized country of the world, while the work itself can be cited as authoritative and decisive upon genealogical questions by all applicants for membership in the great patriotic and historic societies of this country. Thus it is and will be invaluable not only to the historians, antiquarians and genealogists of the day and of all time, but to every person de- scended from those ancestors who gave to Ulster a unique distinction among the counties of America. 10 PREFACE. The first two volumes of Ulster County Probate Records, now presented, consist of careful, verbatim abstracts of wills, letters of admin- istration after intestates, bonds of administrators, renunciations, and inventories from 1663 to 1766, 1792 and 1827, respectively, on file or deposited in the offices of the County Clerk of Ulster County, at Kingston, the Surrogate of Ulster County, at Kingston, the Surrogate of New York, the Library of the Long Island Historical Society, or in hands of private individuals, who courteously have permitted a transcript to be taken for publication. A large proportion of these records were written in the Dutch lan- guage, and a few wills were in French. Of all these a careful copy has been made, comparison made with the original records, and a literal English translation given. In the translation of the Dutch records, the compiler has had the assistance of several Dutch scholars. The official translation of the Dutch records at Kingston includes only a small part of the wills and deeds, written in the Dutch language, and not one of those recorded in the Deed- or Will-Books. Ulster wills, filed in the office of the Surrogate at New York, have ben rendered in a new translation, as the abstracts thereof, which were issued by the New York Historical Society, are neither correct nor com- plete, or in any way reliable. About 250 wills relating to Ulster, and not included in these volumes, are filed in Albany ; a careful abstract, Dutch and English, will be printed in the third volume of Ulster County Probate Records, which will also contain wills probated in New York from 1766, and in Kingston from 1793- In the compilation of the list of Dutch and Frisian baptismal names, the compiler has had the assistance of several Dutch scholars, and it is believed this list is the most complete so far issued. The genealogical and historical data can, in the main, be accepted as reliable, as the compiler has depended principally upon public documents, i. e., parish registers, land-papers, and similar records. The words "married after" indicate that banns were issued on that date, the marriage probably taking place soon after. It is curious to note, however, that the Secretary's papers frequently contain statements from which it would appear as if the marriage was performed previous to the publication of banns. Variations of surnames have been properly noted, and carefully in- dicated, both in the text and in the indexes ; married daughters have been indexed both under the paternal surname and the names of their husbands. Children have, as a rule, been indexed under all the surnames which the Dutch system of nomenclature permitted them to adopt, unless known by a certain name, under which they then will be found. The separate index of instruments, with name of testators, or intes- tate, character of document, date of issue and date of probate, all arranged alphabetically, will be found useful. Surnames relating to the same family, although the spelling may vary, have been placed under one heading and proper cross-references made to this heading. The compiler is indebted to Messrs. Gerritt H. Van Wagenen, Thomas G. Evans, B. Fernow, Wm. Gordon Ver Planck, Eugene F. McPike, H. O. Collins, Frank J. Conkling, and Geo. A. Morrison, Jr., for genea- logical data; to Messrs. Arthur C. Connelly and John D. Fratsher for assistance in comparing these abstracts with the original records, and to many others for help and encouragement. The Inventories, it is hoped, will throw much new light upon the home life, the habits and possessions of the early inhabitants of Ulster County. As a rule, few books were found in the colony, and these consisted mainly of the great Bible, generally Dutch, psalm-books, and sermons. In only one inventory do we find a Virgil, Young's Night Thoughts, and other books of similar character. "A Pair of Humspun Breeches" gives us an idea of the industrial life among the early inhabi- tants. Spinning wheels, evidently, were found in every family. The necessity for protection against the Indians, and the hunt, made "guns" of all descriptions necessary. Every family of any importance had slaves, male and female, and it is curious to note that one testator, called to New York to fight against the "oppressors (the English) who wish to place them under slavery," should continue his tirade with the statement that his "slaves are not to be free." Rent was paid in "marketable winter or summer wheat." "Green rugs" frequently occurs in the inventories. Pewter, or "puter," was the most common metal used, but silver spoons and forks were not uncommon. Knee breeches and knee-buckles, waistcoats, and shoe buckles for the men, petticoats, short gowns, check aprons, white linen stockings, and black hoods for the women, were the garments most frequently mentioned. After the Revolution, we find mention of guns, swords, "baginets," con- duce boxes, and powder horns. The old English system of giving to the eldest son some small per- sonal property, as "his right for being my first born," prevailed until late. The testators, as a rule, were deeply religious, and their testaments invari- ably contain a long religious preamble, in which the testator gives his soul to his "Redeemer and Saviour," trusting that, notwithstanding his sins, he will arise on the day of judgment. Outfits for the unmarried daughters were frequently provided for, and a careful perusal of these documents will convince the reader of the generous sense of justice to all related to the testator, which prevails. In only a few cases, some member of the family has been cut off with the proverbial shilling. From a letter, written by Lord Cornbury to Secretary Hodges, we find that "The trade of the Province, in 1705, consists chiefly of flower and bisketts, which is sent to the Islands in the West Indies, in return they bring Rum, Sugar, Molasses, and sometimes pieces of Eight, and • Cocoa, and Logwood ; to Europe Our people send Skins of all sort, Whale Oyle and Bone." (Extract from Lord Cornbury's letter to Seer. Hodges, Lon- don Documents, XVI.) Governor Moore, in an official letter to the Lords of Trade, written in 1767, stated that "every family makes a coarse cloth called lindsey- woolsey, the warp being of linen and the woof of wool. Every family is furnished with a loom, and the itinerant weavers who travel about the country, put a finishing-hand to the work." Looms were frequently mentioned in the wills and inventories, as well as izer, or wafer-irons, which were favorite wedding presents, and often decorated with the coat-of-arms of the groom, together with his initials and those of his bride, and the date of their marriage. The compiler would be indebted for any genealogical or historical data, relating to families mentioned in Ulster County Probate Records, which have not been brought out in the text, particularly baptisms, mar- riages and deaths. Wills in the hands of private parties, if placed at the disposal of the compiler, will be copied, properly translated, if necessary, and printed in the third volume of these records. GusTAVE Anjou. New York, 1906. 13 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FACING FAGB Dutch Relics in the Senate House, Kingston Title Page Testamentary Dispositions : Christian Du Jou, Dutch, dated 1676, and* CoRNELis Wynkoop, Dutch, dated 1676 31 -CoRNELis Barentse Slecht, Dutch, and CORNELIS HOOGEBOOM, Dutch 33 Will of WiLLEM Traphagen, English, dated 1685 46 Original Wills, Not Recorded : Matthys Persen, Dutch, dated 1748 136 Jacobus Depuy, English, dated 1778 150 Catherine Freer, English, dated 1781 159 Abraham Burhans, English, dated 1763 181 Cornelis Nukerk, Dutch, dated 1787 183 William Legg, English, dated 1780 184 Johannis Snyder, English, dated 1771 186 Inventory of Johannis Snyder's Estate, Dutch, dated 1771. . . 188 15 DUTCH AND FRISIAN BAPTISMAL NAMES AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS IN ENGLISH. - Aaghie, Agatha, Aagje, Agatha, .Aagt^ Agatha, •Aaltje, Alice, -Aart, Arthur, •Adda, Alice, 'Adelheyd, Adelaide, •Adriance^ Adrienne, *Adriaantje. Adrian, -Aefje, Eva, ^eltje, Alice, •Aert, Arthur, «Aetje, Eve, ■Agnietje, Agnes, ^gt, Agatha, "Alberick. Alberic, •Aldert, Albert, ^letta, Alice, 'Alewijn, Alwin, •Alyd, Adelaide, .Alta, Alida, "Annatje, Anne, Andreas, Andrew, Andries, Andrew, *Anghe, Agnes, •Angeniete, Agnes, •Annechet, Anne, ,Anneken, Anne, -Annetje, Anne, s St. s St. 28 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Walran Dumont, 17 mirrors made by the savages (wilde spiegisltjes) 6 gldrs. 10 St. Heyman Alierts Roos, 18 mirrors made by the savages ■■ 8 ^^ Henderick Palingh, 4^ Succinct ideas by Borstius 10 ^^ Henderick Palingh, 34 School books in 4" 20 ^^ Henderick Palingh, zg School books in 4" 13 ^^ 10 at. Jac^b Barents Cool, 3 pressed women's hoods i ^^ 15 st. Hend. Palingh, 24 School books in 4" 12 ^^ The same 31 School books in 4" 13 ^^ Hend. Palingh, 33 School books in 8" 2 ^^ The. same An old French catechism i ^^ The same 12 school books in 8" ; 3 J. Jansen V. Amersfort, 19 writing pens (cyffer pennen) some pictures, three old ^^ ink stands, a pair of old gloves 2 ^^ 5 st. Hend. Palingh, A package of A. B. C. hooks S ^^ 10 st. Henryck Palingh, 25 school books in 8" 6 ^^ 10 st. The same 22 school books in 8" 6 ^^ The same 24 school books in 8" 5 ^^ 10 st. The same 13 school books in 8" 5 \^ The same 24 school books in 8" ■ — 5 ^^ 5 st. The same 26 school books in 8" 5 The same 21 school books in 8", and 3 gardeners books 9 " Hend. Cornelissen Lyndr, Two tracts by Petrus Moling 3 "^ Albert Jansen, Life and Works of Prince Henderick 16 Jan the Smith, The gaining of land (landwinninghe) and the wonders of moun- tain-mining ,. 7 Jan Joosten, Beehive by Aldegonde, and the chronicles of the Kings of England. . 10 " 5 st. Roelof Swartw., Bernhard Van Zutphen, practice and the Recueil of Amsterdam.. . 15 " Capita, World's mirror by Sebastian Frank, and d'Argenio by J. Barcklaj 7 " Henderick Aertsen, Treatise on the faith by Henry HexmoM, Perfection of the Word of God by Albert Huttenis, and Meditation on the sist Psalm 8 " Pieter Hillebrants, Redress of the Holland Nobilitjr Johan Sarseharson General exposition of Holy Writ, another book by the same. . . 3 " Henderick Aertsgn, Perfection of Holy Writ by Albert Huttenis, Characteristics of the children of God, Royal road to heaven. Golden hary 13 " 5 st. Capita, German Song book, 12 Meditations, Manual of the Catholic faith, an old memorial, a lot of "piet" 3 " 5 st. Albert Jansen, A watch 70 " , Ckristoffel Davids, Two chairs , 4 " 5 st. Fat Henderick Hend., Two chairs S " Albert Govertsen, Three chairs 8 " 10 st. The same Six printed pictures belonging to DuMont 5 " Tjerck Claesen, A round table 10 " Albert Jansen, A church pew 3 " ChristoWel Davids, Two benches and a small square table 9 " 15 st. The same Six printed pictures of Walran Dumon 4 " Hender. Albertsen, Six printed pictures belonging to Du Mont 5 " * Mr. Versteeg's translation, slightly modernized, has been used for the abstract of this instrument. — Child's childrens. Page 440. — Apr. i6, 1667. — Aert Martensen Doom, and his wife, Geer- truyd Andriessen, request that the Hon. Willem Beekman, Schout, and Roelof Swartwout, commissary, be appointed guardians over Geertruyd's son by a former marriage, viz., Jan Jacobs Slyckkoten, So ordered. ^ Page 441. — May 14, 1667. — Guert Hendricksen, uncle and blood-guardian (i. e., natural guardian) over the minor children of Jan Hendricksen, his deceased brother, living at Albany, requests that a guardian may be appointed for said children. Jan Willemsen Hoochteylingh, elder, and Hendrick Aertsen, deacon, appointed by the court. Translatiofis Dutch Records, vol. II. Page 53. — Roeloff Swartwout and Jan Willemsen, guardians of the chil- dren of Albert Gysbertsen, deceased, and the mother of said children, Secretary's Papers. 29 request permission to render an account of the estate to the children, they having attained majority, except Jan, who is "one year short thereof." Permission granted. Page 94. — Marriage contract, and testamentary disposition by HILLEBRANTS, PIETER. "In the name of the Lord, Amen. Be it known by these, that on March 20, 1665, N. S., appeared before Matfheus Capita, Secretary of Wildwyck, Pieter Hillebrants, young man, accompanied by his mother, Femmetje Alberts, and Aeltje Wygerts, widow of Albert Gysbertsen, accompanied by Roeloff Hendericks, her son-in-law, who in this manner have stipulated these marriage conditions. 1. The marriage to be con- cluded in accordance with the canons of the reformed religion. 2. All the property, belonging to either party, to be used in (fcmmon, in accordance with the custom of Holland, with the exception that the bride sets apart for each of her children 50 gilders heavy money, viz. for Aeltje and Jan, children of Lubbert Jansen, and for Lysbet and Gysbert, children of Albert Gysbertsen. — Roeloff Swartwout and Jan Willemse Hoochteylingh to be appointed guardians over said children, who are to be instructed in read- ing, writing, and, if possible, learn a trade. — In case of death of either party, the property to be divided." Signed Pieter Hillebrants, Aeltien Hybersen, Femmetje Alberts (her mark), Roeloff Hendricks, Wilh. Beeckman, Jan Willemsen Hoochteylingh, and RoelofiE Swartwout. SECRETARY'S PAPERS, Liber A., p. 20 (Translations of Dutch Records, II., 102). VERMEULEN, JOOST ADRIAENSEN, of Pynacker. Testamentary disposition, dated Sept. 2, 1665, and written in Dutch. "Before me, Mattheus Capita, Secretary of the village of Wildwyck," "appeared personally (in proprie persoon) the worthy Joost Adriaensen Vermeulen of Pynacker." — After a long religious preamble, the testator disposes of "six schepels of wheat" "to the poor at Wildwyck" "syn huysvrouw (his wife) Femmetje Hendericks and "his little daughter Marietje by his said wife" "shall take possession of the estate gained and acquired here by him" and of "all such estate as he has in the old country (Vadreland) or might inherit." — ^As executors in Wildwyck "the worthy persons Albert Jansen Van Steenwyck and Roeloff Hendericksen, both his brothers-in-law," they to "send any balance" to his "lawful wife and child in the old country." — As executrix of property in the old country, the testator appoints his wife Femmetje Hendericks." Jan Jansen Van Oosterhoud Joost Adryaens". Jan Broersens 30 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Joost Adriansen of Fynaker in Holland, came from Leerdatn, Apr. i6, 1663, in the 'Spotted Cow' m. 1. March 20, 1663-4, Femmetje Hendricks of Meppelen, Prov, Drenth, Holland, res. Wilt- wyck, m. 2., "of Opynen, near Tiel, Gelderland, Holland, widower of Femmetje Hendricks", Oct. 28, 1668, Elisabeth Willemsen Krom, of Pynacker, in South Holland, near Delft, m. 3., "molenear (miller), Wedower van Lysbeth Croeing", July 9, 1681, Marritje Heys, widow of Philip Lieuw, of New York, and d. of David Jochemsen and Christina Cappoens (who in her will refers to her *aau. Marya Hays, m. to Peter Praa" "at her death without lawful issue" "the property not to go to the children of Joost Adriansen, deceased'). On Oct. 17, 1683, the will of J'oost Adrians, deceased, was proved at Fort James before Thomas Dongan, Lieut. General, Governor and Vice-Admirall, and Jan JoQSten being therein appointed as tutor or overseer, was coniirmed as such. (N. Y. Sur, Office, Wills, Liber 1-2, p. 279). "Joost Adrians, of Bushwick, L. I., in his will, dated July 27, 1683, recorded, but not proved, in Albany (Clerk of the Court of Appeal's Office, Liber A, p. 2), mentions "wife Mary Hay sole heiress.'* — Joost Adrian's widow, m. 3., March 15, 1684, Capt, Pieter Praa, b. in Leyden, 1655. Joost Adriansen and Lysbet Willems Crom had issue: i. Jannetie, bt. Apr. 5, 1672; ii. Willem, bt. Oct. 13, 1678; iii. Hendrick, bt. Apr. 24, i68j, all in New York. Joost Adriaanze, molenner, and Maritje Heys had issue; iv. Stxra, bt. June 18, 1682, in Kingston. Roeloff Hendricksen, j. m. of Almedo in Overyssel, m., Nov. 30, 1664, Aeltje Lubbers, of Elburgh, Gelderland, res. Wiltwyck. Joost Adriansen df Co., on Apr. 30, 1658,. petitioned for permission to build a saw mill ,and grist mill at Turtle falls on the South River, and the petition was granted on May 6th (Dutch MSS., Albany, Council Minutes, VIIL, p. 872). Joost Adriansen had on May 8, 1677, a grant from the Court of Kingston for 6 acres of land over the Mill Kill (N. Y. Land Papers I., p. 113), and on Sept. 27, 1677, there is a convey- ance from Jan Borhans to Joost Adryansen of a house and lot in Kingston (Ibid., p. 126). Jan Jansen van Oosterhout in Brabant, widower of Annetje Hendricks (one of the wit- nesses), m., Febr. 18, 1663, Annetjen Jelles of Bommel, Gelderland, res. Wiltwyck. John' Joosten, administrator to the estate of Joost Adrians, late of Boswick upon Long Island, deceased, on Apr. 23, 1685, agreed to arbitration regarding some land in Hurley, called the fVasmaker^s Land, sold to Derrick Schepmoes by Joost Adrians in his lifetime. (See Ulster Deeds, under John Joosten). See also Jan Joosten Van Meeteren). Liber A., page 92. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 104. GERRETSEN, ALBERT, from Embderland. Testamentary disposition, dated Sept. 3, 1665, and written in Dutch. "To the poor of Wildwyck 8 schepels of wheat." — "Lawful wife, Willemtje Jacobs, shall rightfully "hold" the whole estate "for the love, chastity, faithfulness and affection manifested towards him during their married life, and for other reasons." Signed by the testator, and wit- nessed by Jan Willemsen Hoochteylingk and Jan Joosten Van Meteren, both Commissaries in the village of Wildwyck. (Willemtje Jacobs, widow of Albert Gerretsen, m. 2, May 11, 1668, Jan Cornelissen, of Gottenburgh, Sweden, and m. 3, Dec. 24, 1679, Jan Broerse Decker, widower of Heyltje Jacobs, res. Marbletown. Liber A., page 114. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 122. BLANCHAN, MATTHEUS. Testamentary disposition, dated Sept. 7/17, 1665, and written in Dutch. , "Before me, Mattheus Capita" "appeared the worthy Mattheus Blan- chan, bom in the village of Noeuville o come in the parish de la paroise Ricame de la conte de 5"; Paul in the province of Artois." — Long religious preamble. — "Magdalen Joire" "lawful wife, shall possess the whole estate" Secretary's Papers, Liber B. 3* "here in America, as long as she remains a widow" also "all the land in Artois" "where the testator was born" and in "Armentiers and other places" she to keep the "three children, Magddena, Elizabeth and Mat- theu" "minors" "until they reach their majority or marry." "When they marry, she to act towards them as she treated the two other married daughters, Catarinen and Marien." — ^After remarriage, wife to have only one half of the property, for the purpose of bringing up the three minors. — "Wife being present, consents to these conditions." Signed by the testator, and witnessed by Wallerand Du Mont and Pier Nuee. (Matthys Blanshan, from Artois, farmer, and his wife, Maddelen Jorisse, and their son-in- law, Anthony Crispel, with his wife, Maria Blanshan, and three younger children of Mattheus Blanchan, sailed for the new world in the 'Gilded Otter'. April 27, 1660, arriving at Wiltwyck before Dec. 7, 1660. On Oct 8, 1666, Jan Jansen van Oosterhout conveyed to M. B. a house and lot in W. (English MSS., xxii., p. 11).— -On June 18, 1667, there is a deed of confirmation from Gov. NicoUs to M. B..for a house and lot of ground at W., at Esopus. (N. Y. Land Papers, I., p. 21). — On Oct. 16, 1666, Roeloff Swartwout and Jurien Westphael make a declaration respecting the arrival of M. B. and family and his application for a place to settle. (Ibid., p«i2. — On June 7, 1673, there is a deed of confirmation from Gov. Lovelace to M. B. for 63 acres land in Hurley. (N. Y. Land Papers, I., p. 51). — On May 20, 1686, there is a description of a survey of a lot of land, of about 63 acres, part of Hurley great piece, on the north side of Esopus Kill, laid out for M. B. by PhiUp Welles, surveyor (N. Y. Land Papers, II., p. 186). — On Oct 11, 1686, M. B. had a Patent for 62^ acres 36 rods land in Hurley. (Engl. MSS., xxxiii, p. 60). — On June 17, 1697, Mathias Blansan petitioned for a patent for 100 acres of land, south of the Cale Bergh, in Marbletown. (N. Y. Land Papers, II., p. 249). Magdalena B., m.. Sept 28, 1667, Jan Matthysen Jansen, of Fort Orange, when she is described as "of England." (q. v.) Elizabeth B., m. Oct. 27, 1668, Piefer Cornelisen Low (g. v.). Cattery Blancsan, d. of M. B., m. at Manheim, Germany, (Jct 10, 1655, Louis Du Bois, b. Oct 27, 1627 at Wicres, France (q. v.). Matys Blanjan, Jr., of Manheim, m. March 30, 167^, Margrietje Claas Van Schoonhoven (Margriet Claasen') of Nieu Albanien iAlbany). See also his later will, dated Apr. 30, 1688). Liber B., page 260. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 243. DU JOU, CHRISTIAEN, of Horly. Testamentary disposition, dated Aug. 10, 1676, and written in Dutch. "To his children, three of whom, viz. Anna, Pieter, and Elizabeth, are married, and two of whom, viz., Maria and Margrieta, are unmarried" "the unmarried to receive as much as the married children received, i. e. 100 RixdoUars" also "50 RixdoUars" worth of clothing for Mary", "Mar- gerita, being the youngest", "to receive during her minority 70 Rixdol- lars."* — "For Pieter's wedding-suit (Bruilofts Kleeding) 15 RixdoUars." — Residue to be divided among the children. Witnessed by LouYS Du Bois Christian Du Jou (his mark). Hugo Freer (his mark) Testus: Wm. La Montagne, S. (Christian Deyo, from near Calais, came in the 'Gilded Otter*, Apr. 27, 1660, from Manheim, Germany, — See his later will, under Christian Deijau, of New Paltes, dated Febr. i, 1687-8. L Anna, b. 1644, m. Jean Hasbrouck (q. v.) ; ii. Pierre (Peter) , m. Agatha Nickel (both in honor living in Curr Pfaltz, Mutterstadt, circuit of Newstadt, in the Palatinate), as appears from a certificate by Jacob Amoyot, Pastor there, dated Jan. zi, 1675) ; iii. Maria, b. 1653, m. "of Moerstadt, Rhenish Bavaria, Palatinate," at Manheim, 1676, Abraham Hasbrouck, of Calais, France; iv. Elisabeth, m. Simon Le Fevre; v. Margaret, m. March 6, 1681, Abraham (*) Rijksdaalder (Rixdollar), a Dutch coin, worth about $1. 3* Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Du Bois, s. of Louis (and Catharine Blanchan). — In his later will (q. v.), he mentions "my soones soon'N Christian Deijo. He was son of Peter D., and m., Febr. i, 170Z, Marytje De Graaf ( 1736, Zara Kierstede). Liber B., page 263. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 245. HOOGEBOOM, CORNELIS, and wife, Annetie Cornelisen Sleght. Testamentary disposition, dated Aug. 17 (year not men- tioned, but probably 1676), written in Dutch. "The whole estate shall be inhenlBd~by the survivor." "If they both should die without having re-married, the estate to be inherited by the nearest relatives (bloet verwant) on both sides." — "The eldest son (named Peter, in the margin), of the brother of Cornelis Hoogeboom shall receive Cornelis Hoogeboom's cloak (Mantell)." — Jacomentie's** daughter, sister of Annetie Cornelis, named Janrtktie Jansen Kunst" "a sum of 100 guilders light money, to be paid by the survivor. Signed by both testators, as above, and witnessed by Wessel Ten Broeck and Jan Heynderigksz. (A gulden is a Dutch silver coin, worth about 41 cents. Cornelis Pieterse Hoogeboom. tile and brickmaker, was in Monhatans 1656, at New Amsiel on the Delaware, 1657, when he had a son in the same trade at Beverwyck ; was in 1660 at'Bever- wyck, attempted brickmaking at Manhat'ans, with Jan Andries D'e Graef, 1661; engaged in 1664 to make tiles at Beverwyck for Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst from Jan. to Nov. for 60 beavers, half in tiles. Cornelius Hoogeboom's brother. Bartholomews, a skipper en the Hudson in 1680. between New York and Albany. who"died Febr. is, 1702^ had with wife, Catryn, a son, Peter, . -^ — Annetie" Cornensen Slight was dau. of Cornelis Barentsen Slecht (see Tryntie Barentsen"). Cornelius Hoogeboom on Apr. i, J672, received a grant from the Trustees of Kingston for a lot of ground for a brick-yard. (N. Y. Land Papers, L, p. 45). Liber B., page 265. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 246. TYSEN, JAN, and his wife, Madelena Blansjan. Testamentary disposition, dated Sept. 25, 1676, and written in Dutch. "The estate "after re-marriage of either party" to be divided, one half to go to the children, begotten by them." "If they should die simultan- eously,, the children are to inherit the entire estate." Survivor to retain possession of the estate until the majority of the children. "Our son, Matthys is entitled to a piece of land, which was given to him by Father Thoomas Chambers." "If either party should re-marry, and have children, one fourth of the estate is to be divided, but the real estate shall belong to the children of the first marriage." JoosT Adryaens Jan Mattysen DiRCK Schepmoes Matelen Blanchn. iMttttys Janse van Keulen had on Aug. i8, T646, a grant of 50 morgens land at Harlem by Irtrector Kief I, became a trader, removed to Fort Orange, and thence to Esopus, where he died Vprior to Febr. 15, 1663, on which day the' deacons loaned' 1000 guldens from his estate. M. J. married Margaret Hendricks, who m. 2., Thomas Chambers, Lord of the Manor of Foxhall (q. v.). ■C MP. J. and Margaret, his wife, had issue: * See Elting Roelofsen for Jacomyntie's children, and their marriages. ** Jacomyntje Focken, dau. of ■GvmvliT Barmls t Sl ecf i t. 34 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. i. Jan Mattysen (Tysen), above, born at Fort Orange, who m. after Sept. aSth, 1667, Madelena Blanchan, of England (see Matthys Blanchan), and had issue: a). Marreganta (.Magdalena) bt. Oct. 15, i668, m. Richard Broadhead: b. Mattys J onsen, bt. June 18, 1671, ra. i June 7, 169s, Anna Elmendorf, m. 2., June 13, 1703; Rachel Popinga, m. 3., Annetjen Hasten (see bis will under Mattys Jansen, dated August 21, 1727); c. Hendrick, bt. April 6, 1671), m. Nov. 28, 1724, Anneken Schoonmaker; d. Davit, bt. Apr. 24, 1681; e. Margnet, bt. Jan. 14, 1684, m. March s, 1704, Barent Burhans; f. Sara, bt. Oct. 8, 1686, m. 1705, Elias Van Bunschoten; g. Catheryn, bt. Sept. 30, 1688, m. John Crook, Jr.; h. Maria, bt Apr. 20, 1692, m. Oct. 23, 1729, Thomas Betty, s. of John Beaty and Susanna Ashfordby (q. v.); i. Thomas Jansen, m. Nov. 22, 1702, Mayken Bogaard (q. v. under Hendericns Jansen; j. Jan, who went to England and died there. All surnamed JANSEN. ii. Mattys Mattysen (s. of Mattys Janse van Keulen), a Captain in 1685, and later on serving against the French on the northern frontier, m. Tjatje, dau. of Tjerck Claesse De Witt (q. v.), and had issue: a. Sara, b. Hurley, bt. Apr. 16, 1678, m. Jan. 17, 1697, Matthew Du Bois; b. Lea, bt. Hurley, May 11, 1679; c Mattys, bt Apr. 24, 1681, m. March 5, 1704, Trynlje Sleght (see Hendrickus Van Keuren) ; d. Tterck, bt Dec. 24, 1682, m. Febr. i, 1702, Marytje Ten Eyck of Hurley (see Tyrck Van Keuren, of Kingston); e. Thomas, bt. Nov. I, 1684, d. y.; f. Barbara, bt Oct 11, 1685, m. 2. Nov. s, 1727. Peter Tappen; g. Klaes, bt Dec. 4, 1687; h. Thomas, bt Oct 13, 1689, m. Apr. 11, 1730, Mary Paling; i. Hasuel, bt. Jan. 28, 1692, m. Mary, dau. of Abr. Riker; j. Cornelis, bt- June 3, 1694, m. Dec 29, 1718, Kesia Hoogteeling, d. of Willem Jansse H. and Ari- aentie Samuels (see Jan Willemse Hooghtyling) ; k. Benjamin, bt. Oct. 18, 1696; 1. Nicholas; m. Gerardus; All surnamed VAN KEUREN. iii. Catrina Mattysen, m. Oct 3. 1660, Jan Jansen, carpenter from Amersforrt, Utrecht. iv. Anneke Mattysen, m. after March 25, 1668, Sergt. Jan. Hendricks iBuur') of Fort Orange. See Jan Tysen's later will under Jan Mattysen, of Kingston, dated Oct 7, 1719. — On Febr. 18, 1673, Jan Mattysen received a grant from the Court at Kingston of a lot of ground. (N. Y. Land Papers, 1., p. 49). — In 16S6, there is a survey of 600 acres lands on Hudsons River, north of Callicoone Hooke, Kingston limits, laid out for John Tyson and Company, by Philip Welles, surveyor. (Ibid., II., p. 167. See also xlviii, pps. 73 — 74.) Liber B., page 266. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 246. DU BOOYS, LOWIES, and his wife Chatharina Blansjan. Testamentary disposition, dated Oct. 13, 1676, and written in Dutch. "After their deaths, the whole estate shall go to their children" "the minors first to be educated until they can earn a living. If either should re-marry, he or she shall pay one half to the children, begotten by them, and in case of death, one fourth of the remaining half shall be divided among the children. — If the survivor remains unmarried, he or she shall not be compelled to pay out anything more to the children than it may please the survivor, either as a marridge portion, or in some other way. At death of both parties, the children shall inherit the entire estate. In case of re-marriage of either party, without lawful issue, the children shall have one half of the estate. Wessel Ten Broeck Louys Du Bois Catelen Blancan. (Louis Du Bois, b. Oct 27, 1627, at IVicres, France, m. at Manheim, Germany, Oct. 10, 165s, Katryn, dau. of Matthys Blanshan (q. v.), and emigrated, April 27, 1660, in the Gilded Ot- ter^-s-^is brother-in-law, Pierre Billou, came from Arfou in the 'St. John the Baptist,' Aug. 6, i66ir — The widow m., 2., Jean Cottin (q. v.). — Louis Du Bois and (jatheryn, his wife, had issue: i. Abraham, b. Manheim, Dec. 26, 1657, m. K. March 6, 1681, Margriet, d. of Christian Deyo (q. V.) ; ii. Isaac, b. Manheim, 1659, m. K., June, 1683, Maria Hasbrouck, b. Moudestad, Paltz;. iii. Jacob, bt. Oct. 9, 1661, m. March 8, 1689, Lysbeth Vamoye; iv. Sarah, bt Sept. 14, 1664, m. Dec. 12, 1682, Joost Jansa, of Marbletown; v. David, bt. March 13, 1667, m. March 8, 1689, Cornelia Varnoye: vi. Solomon, b. Hurley, 1670, m. 1692, Tryntje Gerriisen; vii. Rebecca, bt June 18, 1671, d. y.; viii. Ragel, bt Apr. 1675, d. y.; ix. Louis, b. 1677, Secretary's Papers, Liber B. 35 m. Jan. 19, 1701, Rachel Hasbrouck (see Jonathan Du Bois) ; x, Matthew, b. Jan. 3, 1679, at Hurley, m. Jan. 17, 1697, Sara Matthysen, d. of Mattys M. See Du Bois Re-union, Philadelphia, 1876; N. Y, Gen. Reg^ i8g6, pps. X90 — . See also his later will, dated March 27, 1694, and codicil, dated Febr. 22, 1695/6. — Letters of administration were granted to Katharine Du Bois, July 13, 1697. (N. Y. Sur. Oi)ice, Liber 5 — 6, p. 172). — See also his will, dated March 30, 1686, and a complete copy thereof printed in "History of New Paltz," by Ralph Lefevre, p. 283. On May 26, 1677, the Esopus Indians conveyed to Louis Du Bois and associates a tract of land over the Rondout Killr beginning at the high hill called Moggonck, thence southeast to Juffrons Hook in the Long Reach on the Great River {Magaat Ramis), thence north to the Island called Rappoos, on the Kroonme Elbow, at the commencement of the Long Reach, thence west to the High hill to a place Waracahaes and Tawaeretagne, along the High hill southwest to Moggonck, with free access to the Rondout Kill (New Paltz); (N. Y. Land Papers, L, p. 114). — On Oct.- 22]^ 1677, there is a petition from L. Du B. and others for a Patent at the Esopus (Ibid., p. 132), and on Dec. 28, 1678, an Indian deed for land at Esopus, embracing "ye land on both sides of ye creelte, and ye -land called in ye Indian tongue Pawachta to Pakasek, Wakaseeck, Wakankonach (Ibid., p. 132). Liber B., page 274. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 250. CORNELISSEN, PETER, and Elisabeth Blansjan. Testamentary disposition, dated Nov. i, 1676, and written in Dutch. "The survivor shall possess the entire estate ; at re-marriage, one half thereof shall go to the children. If both parties should die without hav- ing re-married, the children are to inherit the property, the minors first being brought up. If either party should survive, and not marry, such survivor shall have the use of the estate until death. Signed in the presence of Matys Barentsen and Hendrick Rycke by Heynderyck Rycke Peter Cornelisen (his mark) Mattys Cornelis Slecht Elisiebeth Blansan. (Pieter Cornelisse, for whose I'ati?) will see Pieter Cornelisse Low, came from Holstein, Febr. 1659, in "Faith," and m., r668, Elisabeth, d. of Mattys Blanc'han (q. v.), and had issue: i. Comelins, b. 1670, of Esopus, m. in Mew York, July 5, 169s, Margaret Borsum, dau. of Tymen Van Borsum, of N. Y., cordwamer, who in his will, dated July 22, 1702, proved Jan. 4, 1702 — 03, mentions wife Gritie (,Fockens) and "my daughter, Margareta, wife of Cornelius Low, shall have the other half" "of the estate" "remainder to the widower of my daughter, whether it be Cornelius Low or any other husband."' (N. Y. Sur. Office, Liber 7, p. 76). — -See also Col. N. Y., by Geo. IV. Schuyler, IL, p. 435, History of Kingston, p. 483, Steven's Chamber of Commerce; ii. Made- line, m. Benjamin Smedes (g. v.); iii. Anfje, m. July 20, 1701, Philip Viele, b. Albany; tiv. Marytje, m. lyos,' Aert Van IVagenen^VT Matthys; vi. Peter; vii. Abrabamr, bt. July 15, 1683; viii. Jacob, bt. June 24; 1688; ix. JoEannis. ' • All surnamed LOW. On Dec. 20, 1719, a draft of warrant of survey was issued for 3292 acres of land for Cor- nelius Low et al, in Ulster County, on the west side of Hudson's river, about 12 or 14 miles back- wards, in ye woods, being part of the resumed lands lately belonging to Capt. John Evans (N. Y. Land Papers, vji. p. 98 — ). — Survey. laid out by Allane Jaratt, surveyor general INew Windsor, Orange Co),. (Ibid., p. 110). Liber C, page lo. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 327. TROPHAQEN, WILLEM. Deposition, dated Aug. 26, 1671, and written in Dutch. "Before me, W. Monfagne, Secretary for the Hon. Court, this day appeared Willem Trophaegen, Doctor and medical officer (Medisini Ampt- man) (*) of the manor (huijis) of Hemelycke in the Diocese (sticht) of Minnen under the Count Van der Lip, born in the city (stat) of Lem- michor.—rHendrick Trophaegen is brother of deponent's father. His * Or physician and bailiff. 36 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. son, Anthony Trophaegen, is preacher for the Calvinists at Almina. The sister of deponent's father (is named) Anna Trophaegen, her husband is Johannes Willemsen Cooperslaeger. Deponent's mother, Eeledt Delandal. Her sister had a daughter, Stoeten (*) and Mayor (Burgemeester) with- in Lentigo. Her brother is Johanes Delandel, prebendary within Herfort and her other sister had a husband by the name of Johanes Niehosen, councillor within Heerfort. The guardians of the said Willem Trop- haegen Willem Schellinck — Jan Willems: Harmen Sproedt — Johannes Nichousen, this Willem Jansen being at Lemigo in the year 1647, when he issued a power of attorney to Johannes Nichoesen and Anthony Trap- haegen, preacher. "I married Jannetie Claesen Groenvis of Meppelt, with whom I had a daughter whom I named Eelet Trophaegen. After my wife's death, I married Aeltie Dirrecks Meermans, and had with her a son, named Johannes Trophaegen. At her death, I married Joosje Willemsen Noor- tryck of Amsterdam, with whom I had a daughter, Rebecca and a son, Willem and Hendrick Trophagen. "Whereas the aforesaid Willem Trophagen is considering the ap- proach of death, he has deemed it proper to make known his family- connections (de gelegenheit van syn geslaecht), that the children, when of age, may inquire at Minnen Corpus Christy fief (leengoederen), pay- ing annually 100 Rixdollars (**) and other fiefs called Maria Vergina in the church of Lemigo, paying annually 80 Rixdollars; another fief at Billeveldt, called Anna Salutes, paying annually 60 Rixdollars. I pray, that the Lord will protect these children, when I shall have left them, in their good rights, and that they may be educated from said income. Signed by the deponent, and witnessed by Albert Jansen. (See William Trophagen's will, dated Febr. 16, 1685.) Liber D., page 20. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 353. HOOQHTEYLINQH, JAN WILLEMSEN, and his wife, Barbara Jans. Testamentary disposition', dated Nov. 8, 1671. "Barbara Jans, being weak and sick in bed" "the survivor shall re- main in full possession of the entire estate. If either party should hap- pen to marry, their only son, Willem Jansen, having no other children, shall then have half of the real estate and the personal property." CoRNELis Barents Slecht (Commissary) Jan Willemsen CoRNELis Wynkoop (Ex-Commissary) Barbary Jans (her mark). (Jan Willemse Hqoghtyling died previous to 1702. He and his wife, Barbara Jans, had a son, William Jansse Hooghtaelmeh, who married Ariaentie Samuels {doghter), and had issue: i. Samuel, bt. June 8, 1679; ii.Thili^pus, bt. Sept. 4, 1681; Dina (Desitt), bt. Oct. 14, 1683: Hiskia, bt. Jan. 31, 1686; v. Kesja (.Tresm), i. oi Willem Hoogstyler & Ariaentie Samuels, bt. Sept. 4, 1689, m New York, m., Dec 29, 1718, Cornells Matthysen Van Keuren (q. v.), all men- (*) Evidentl;^ something is missing in the original. Opposite Stoeten appears in the margin: ' havmg yet two sisters, Elsebus Trophagen and Catharina Trophagen." (••) See note, page 31. Secretary's Papers, Liber E. 37 tioned in Jan Willemse Hoghtyline's later wil^ which see. PhilippUB m. before 1704, Jannetje Rosa. Another son of Willeni Tansse, named J[an Willemse, Jr., d. y. On May 8, 167^, Jan IViUiamsen Hooghtig received from the Court at Kingston a grant of about 8 acres of land (N. Y. Land Papers, I., p. iii). He was schepen, deacon, and commis- sioner 'to treat with the English). Liber E., page 87. T. D. R., p. 418. PARYS, EVERDT, of Hurly. Will dated March 26, 1678, and written in Datch. "Wishing to dispose during his life of his estate, makes known by these present his debts and possessions : Mr. Notticham owes 10 schepel of wheat on the first instalment in May, and 60 schepel on the last instalment, as per contract. Mr. Quynel owes 40 gilders in wheat. Gurret Ldmbertsen owes 10 or 12 gilders. -Am indebted to Mr. Hall, according to his books of account. -To Jacob Lusena for the purchase of a mare, 30 schepel of vi^eat and some wine. Hyman Alkssen I4j4 schepel of wheat. -To Mr. Roelof (*) 4 schepel of wheat. — Plow at Swachetfhal's, where there is still coming to Prys one half. Warnaer Hoornbeerg 3 schepel of wheat. Nicolaes De Majer 11 schepel of wheat, Maycken, the wife of Jan Joosten, 1 schepel of wheat. Joost Adriaensen, linen for a shirt and some witte. ^m indebted to Gorge Davits to the amount of 40 gilders. ^Benjamin Provoost 6 schepel of wheat. Jan the smith 3 schepel of wheat. Lowies Du Booys 2 schepel of wheat. Benjamin Provoost 6 schepel of wheat. Peter Hillebrants owes me 2 schepef of corn. Jan Bigs owes me 2 schepel of wheat. *■ I owe Jacob Ruts 2 schepel of oats (haver). "If anything should be overlooked, Marie Hals, eldest daughter of Mr. Hall, is appointed legatee of everything." „,. . Evert Parys (his mark) . William Asfordbie John Biggs Testus: W. La Montagne, Secretary. N. Anthony Liber E., page 98. T. R. D., Liber 2, page 425. ELMENDORP, JACOBUS. Will dated June 2, 1678, at Kingston, and written in Dutch. "Wife shall possess the entire estate." "If she should happen to marry" one half thereof is to go to the children. At her death, the entire (*) Roelof Kiersfede, in the official translation, but not in the original record. There is nothing to indicate that Roelolf Kierstede is referred to, as Roeloff Swartuiout also was styled "Mr." 38 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. estate to go to the children. Also everything in Holland with the testa- tor's father, Coenraedts Elmendorf, living at Rynborch in the Rynstraet in the Gilded Cable (vergulde Cabeltouw), viz. 4i;o gilders, belonging to the testator, and his two brothers and two sisters, children of a former marriage of Conraedt Elmendorp, deceased, and Janneken, their mother, before the distribution to the other children. To wife also everything else he may inherit. — Gommert Poulussen authorized to receive the money in Holland, and to pay it to testator's wife, in whatever money it may consist of. Signed by the testator and witnessed by Dirck Schep- moes and Joost Adryaens. (See his later will, dated Aug. 27, 1685. under Jacobus Van Elmendorp^ Jacobus Van Elmendorp m., after Febr. 28, 1668, Grietje Aertsen, daughter of Aert Jacob- sen van Wagonen, from Utrecht (see Gerrit Aarlse), and has issue: i. Coenraet, bt. March 12, 1669, who m. "iong man van Kingston", at Albany, June 28, 1693, Ariantje Gerritse Van den Bergh, widow of Cornelius Martinsen Van Buren, and m. 2., Nov. 25, 1704. at Kingston, Blandina, daughter of Roeloff Kierstede and Eycke Albertse Roosa; ii.i Geertje, bt. June 18, 1671, m., Aug. 26, t68S, Evert, s. of Cornelis Wynkoop and Maria Janse Langendyk ; iii. Anna, m. June 7, 1695, Matthyse, s. of Jan Matthysen Jansen and Magdalena Blanshan; iv. Jacobus, bt. Nov. 24, 1678, m., after Oct, 9, 1706, Antje, dau. of Cornelis Cool and Jannetje Lambertsen, and had a dau., Margaret, who m., Dec. 22, 1732, Thomas, s. of Abraham Caasbeck Chambers. Jacobus Elmendorp (Van Elmendorp), the testator, was son of Coenraedt Elmendorf of Rynborch, Holland. See also the will of Gertie Elmendorf). Liber E. (turned upside down, but running page i8o. T. D. R., 2, p. 468. WYNKOOP, MARIA, widow of CORNELIUS WYNKOOP. Deposition, dated May 16, 1679. "On this i6th day of May, anno 1679, Maria, widow of the deceased Cornelis Wynkoop, at present sick in bed, very weak, and considering the certainty of death. In conformity with the Christian nature of love, she has therefore appointed Wessel Ten Broeck and Mr. Willem De Majer guardians or overseers over her children, during their minority, they to conform with the provisions of the will made by her late husband, unless otherwise provided for in this instrument. Eldest son, Johannes, shall have, in advance, a piece of silver from Piet Heyn's (*) fleet. — ^To her eldest daughter a painted ward-robe, a red skirt, a silver bell with the chain, two silver spoons, all the silver money, a gold ring, some furniture, a tick, and a bed with its belonging. A cow, previously given to her by her father, is at present at Walraven's. — To her youngest daughter, Catharina, a chest (cofter), all the clothing, except the red skirt (or petticoat, "Rock") given to Marry He, a gold ring, a tick bed with its belongings. — To the sons their father's clothing. — To the youngest son, Benjamin, two silver spoons, and the cow, at present at Teunes Eellesen's. — Recommending said guardians to guide her children in the fear of tiie Lord, and to take care of her estate ; desiring that this instrument shall be carried out after her death, legally and inviolably. In the presence of two (members) of the Court at Kingston. <*) Admiral Piet Pietersen Heyn. Secretary's Papers, Liber E. 39 Note. All the silver money was Marrite's — ^as well as some furni- ture. Maria Van lange dyck, widow of Cornelis Wynkoop, deceased (her mark). (Witnesses did not sign the instrument.) Liber E., running page 177. T. D. R., Liber 2, p. 470. ROELOFSEN, ELTING. J/? ^/ ^/Tff/G^ ---.^ Testamentary disposition, dated Sept. 30, 1679, and written in Dutch. "Being now ready to depart for Holland, and considering the perils of the sea, the injuries from heaven, the' certainty of death." — ^Wife Jacomyntie Sleght shall remain in the full possession of lands, and all other property, she to pay to the children by ber marriage with Gerrit Foocken, deceased, 200 schepels of wheat. Jan Elton binds himself to do the same, should he be the survivor. The lands at Horly to remain mortgaged, as security for the said 200 schepels of wheat. Both parties agree to these conditions. Jan Eltynge JoosT Adryaens Jacomyntie Slecht Benjamin Provoost Cornelis Barents Slecht and ROELOF SWARTWOUT, aS guardians. (Written in English.) "The Executors of the Abovementioned Instrument have ' desired before Thomas Chambers & Capt. Henry Beekman, Esqrs., and Jus- tices of the County Court or Court of Sessions, that the same might be Renewed. The Justices Refer the same to the Court of Oyer And Determiner. Kingston, 3d of March, 1685. John Ward. (Jan Eltinee, son of Roeloff Eltinge and Aaltjen Ettinge, was born at Swichtalaer, a de- pendency of Beyla, in the Prov. , of' Drenthe, on July agth 1632 old style, and hath received Christian Baptism at the hands of otlr Rev/ Mr. and Father in Lord, Dr. Johannis Beeltsnyder, and was named Jan Eltinge, bom of honest and virtuous parents, who have always sustained a good reputation among us and whose kindred is still numerous. Dated at Bayle, Jan. 20, j68o, and signed by Guiljemus Hofstede, Cede Beylensis et Classis Meppelanae, pt Deputatus. Maria Eltinge, his sister, was born Febr. 28, 1630, Bartelt Eltinge, his brother, was born Dec. 18, 1631, as all appears from a certificate, which Jan Eltinge brought with him from Beyle. He resided first at Flatbush, L. I., where he was paid 2S guilders for carpenter's work on the church; bought on Nov. z^, 1663. of Derrick Jansen, cooper, a farm and building plot in Flatbush, on the east side of the road (Flatbush Records, B., p. 150). Declared in 1679, under oath, that he was son of Roeloff Elton and Aeltie, his mother (Steven Coerten, Willemtje Roelofs, yan Strycker, armorer, Jan Seebringk, Goert Stevensen of Flatlands, all natives of Dren- ten, made declarations, on Oct. 10, 1679, as to the identity of Jan Elten, a native of same place, but now of Kingston. (English MSS., Albany, xxviii, pps. 135:36). Jan Eltinge m., 1677, Jacomyntie, dau. of Cornelis Barenisen Slecht and widow of Jan Barentsen Kunst and of Gerrit Eocken (see Tryntie Barentsen)^ and had issue: i. Geertje, m. July 6, 1699, Thomas Hall, of Marbletown; ii. Aeltje, m. Oct. 20, 1695, Aert Gerretse Van Wagenen (see Gerrit Aartse); iii. Roeloff, b. Hurly, "bt. Oct. 27, 1678, m. June 13, 1703, Sarah, dau. of Abram D» Bois and Margaret Deyo (see his will, as well as Dubois Reunion, p. 97) ; iv. Cornelis, bt. Febr. 29, 1681, '5. of Jan Ente", m. Sept. 3, 1704, Rebecca, dau. of Joost Janse Van Meeteren and Sara Du Bois (see Jan Joosten); v. Jvjlliam, bt. Jan. 10, 1685, m. Jannetje, dau. of Hillebrand Le Sueur and Elsje Jurian Tappen (see his will, under William Eltinge, dated Dec. 7, "743). 40 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. On Sept. 15, 1719, Peter Hoganboam, Ruleif Eltine, Cornelius Elting, Thomas Noson and Jacobus Brown petitioned for a survey of the Gre^ Vly in Kingston, inherited by them from Cornelius Hoganboom, deceased, and Janita, his wife, and Severyn Tenhout, late of Co. Ulster. (Ensl. MSS. Ixi, p. 183). "Jan Eltinge, late 6f Hurley, hy his last will devised to his five children, RoeloS, Cornelius, Willem, Geertje (now widow of tiiomas Hall of Rareian Co. Somerset, N. J.) and Altje Elting (mother of Gerrit Von Wagenen at Kingston) , half of his Estate, and the other half to his wij ' 9 -Childisn: Jannetje (now widow of CameliHs Neuikerk^ of Hurley*)^, HiUUje (wife of_ neli Solomon , __- „ .^ . ^ ,., part of lot No. 5 in Dutchess Co., over against the Rgndout Creek, also 1/18 parf in a meadow called Jaeomyntje's Ay, dated Aug. 2, 1729. ' (See Ulster Deeds). Court Records or "Esopus Records," as they previously were called, contain a mixture o£ Court Records and Secretar)^s papers. Volume V. is evideatidy com- posed of stray leaves from other bcxtks, collated and bound togetlier. On page I is a "Lijste van all de Boeeke van het Prottocol Soo als fcet is bevonden hij ons^odergeschreeve Persoone geauthoriseot bij de Jijsttoes" (List of all the bodks of the protocol, as the same have been found by us, die undersigned, authorized by the justices). No signatures were at- tadied, but, at a Isder date, the following, written in &igli^, was added in a different handwriting : Present : Coll. Jacob Rxjtsen Kingstowne this 19th of Febr. 1700/1 Major Jacob Aertsen at a meeting of Justices. Mr. Jan Mattvse Mr. Abram Haesbroeck Mr. Arion Gerritse Mr. RoELiF Swartwout Mr. John Heermans Esquires, Justices of the peace. Liber V., page 149. T. D. R., Liber 2, page 561. JOOSTEN, JACOB. Testamaitary disposition, dated Aug. i, 1680, and written in Dut<*. "Sick in bed," "considering the certainty of death" "wishing to dis- pose of what Go(i will permit him to leave." "As soon as it pleases God to take his soul, his body shall receive Christian burial." — Gerrit Comelis- sen shall possess everything left by him, viz. from Ian loosttn's 32 sdi^els of wheat, from Rpelof Swartwoudt's 13 sch^els and 2 gilders. From Wyntie Roosae's, not knowing how much. — From this to be deducted: For the poor 4 schepels of wheat. In Midwout was due 170 guilders, of these, he has received some linen from Corndis Barntsen Van der Wyck, also stockings, shoes, two knives, ten pounds of tobacco. Has yet a run- ning account with Jacob Kip; thinks there is still something coming to him, but gives to said Kip, out of gratitude, because Kip had him nursed (*) See Cornelis Gerritse, Court Records. 4.1 when he was sick, one half of what may be due him. Owes 6 guilders to Tyntie Kip. Wishing all his friends happiness and blessings, and desires that the provisions of this instrument be complied with after his death. Signed, as above, by the testator, and witnessed by Jan Jaosten and Johtmnes De Hoeges, — (Red sealing-wax, evidently from a ring, or a seal ; no devices can be clearly distinguished, but in the upper left comer appears to be ^le impression of a. ']'). Gicob Joostea {rain ^onetnw) on July i8, 1657, proposed to sell, by auction, his liouse and lot in Beverviyck,. (Albany Co. Records). — Adriaentie Cornelise Van Vefyen, wife, and attorney, for Jacob Joostsn n>- 2., Sept. 26, 1695, Laurentia Kellenaer, widow of Dominie Van Gaasbeck and of Thomas Chambers (q. V.) — Issue: i. Wessel, b. March z8, bt. Apr. 30, 1672, m. June 6, 1694, Jacomyntje, b. Leyden, Holland, Nov. 26, 1673, dau. of Laurentius Van Gaasbeck and Laurentia Kellenaer. She d. Jan. 29, 1741, and he died Febr. 7, 1744 (see his will, dated Apr. 27, 1743); ii. Maria, b. 1674, m. Nov. 14, 1693. Charles, s. of (.apt. Ufmiel Brodhead. She d. July 9, 1717. iii. Elsie, b. 1676, m. Dec. 22, 1695, Cornells Jansen Decker. She d. June o, 1725. iv. Certrude, bt Dec 8, 1678, d. unm. Aug. I3,_ 1716; v. Sarah, bt. Dec. 14, 1679, m. Nov. 22, 1702, Cornells Vernooy. She d. Jan. 2, 1716. vi. Coenraat, bt. Apr. 2, 1682, d. inf.; vii. Conrad, bt. Nov. 29, 1683, d. Febr. 18, 1703; viii. John, bt. July 19, 1685, d. inf.; ix. John, bt. Nov. 28, 1686, m. Dec. 9, 1715, Rachel, dau. of Hyman Roosa and Anna Margaret Roosevelt. He d. March 5, 177s. x. Jacob, bt March 25, 1688, m. Jan. 17, 1712, Elisabeth^ dau. oi Johannis Wynkoop and Judith Bloodgood. He d. Apr. 1746. See Matthys Ten Eyck's will for data relating to Coenraedt Ten Eyck and his diildren. — See Thomas Chambers for data relating to Laurentia Kellenaer and her former hus- bands. — See Hyman Roosa's will for his other children. — See Cornelius Wynkoop for his son, Johannes, and his two wives. — Capt. Daniel Broadhead came from England in the expedition sent out by the Duke of York, 1664, under command of Col. Nicholls. He coaimanded the English garrison at Kingston. — ^Wessel Ten Broeck had, Sept. 21, 1676, a grant from the Court of Kingston, of a certain marsh containing 14 acres (N. Y. Land Papers, I., p. 86). On Nov. 13, 1676, a survey was made of about one acre land at Esopus (Ibid., p. 96). On Apr. 13, 167S, he had another grant for a lot of wild land (Ibid., p. 151). On Apr. 4, 1682, an additional grant for 8 acres land in addition to 12 acres conveyed to him by Wm. Ashfordby, over the mill dam, between the path of the great valley and the small valley (Ibid. II., p. 4). Liber VI., page 65. T. D. R., Liber 3, p. i. SCHEPMOES, DIRCK JANSEN. Testamentary disposition, dated Nov. i, 1682, and written in Dutch. Survivor to remain in full possession of the entire estate, money, goods, houses, lands and personal property, unless the survivor should happen to marry, in which case he or she is to act according to conscience, appointing two guardians besides the survivor, to secure the interest of the children. The entire property to be divided among the children, when of age or at marriage. W. D. Meyer Dirck Jansen Schepmoes Hendrick Van de Water Marya Willems (Jan Janszen Schepmoes m. in New York, Sarah Pieters, who, after his death m. 2., Sept. 7, i6s6, William Couch (KoecK) from England. Letters of administration were granted, Jan. 29, Court Records. 43 1690-1 after Jan Jansen Schepmoes, of New York, to Abraham, Dirck. Anna, widow of Henry C-oyler, Sarah, wife of Johanes De Wandeloer. Aeltie, wife of Johanes Van Giesen, Sarah, wife of Dtrck Jansen, and Joaptie, wife of Gerrit Hortenburg. (N. Y. Sur. Office, Wills, Liber 3-4, Pj 'S^. Jan Jansen Schepmoes and Sarah Pieters had issue: i. Annette, bt. Febr. 16, 1642, m. Henp Coyjer; 11. Abraham, bt Nov. 25, 1643 (witn. Theunis Jansaen, sailmaker, and EUje Hen- Ortcks) ;ni. Aeltie, bt. Sept. 3, 1645 iSimon Joosien and Marritje Lievens, witn.), m. i. Jan Everts Ketelkos, and 2., in N. Y., June 24, 1687, Johannes Van Giesen, of Bergen: iv. Jobje, bt. Jan. 6, 1647. m. Gerrtf Hortenburg; v. Dirci, bt. Sept. 2, 164S (of whom presently; vi. fVesel, bt. iS"" J; '°S°' "'• Ji»'3'»'>«. bt- June 23, 1652; viii. Sara, bt. Apr. 12, 1654, m. Johanes De Wandelever. V. Dirck Jansen Schepmoes m, Maria IVillems (doghter), and had issue : i. Jan (.Johannes), bt. N. Y., Apr. 7, 1672, m, Febr. 18, 1697, Neeltje Gerritsen, b. HHrley, widow of Pieter Crupel; ii. Ragel, bt. March 31, 1678 in Kingston, m. May 19, 1700, Bernardus Stmrtwout, of Hurley; iii. Lea, bt. Sept. 4, j68i; iv. Willem, bt. Hurley, June 9, 1684, m. i. Geertruy Davis, m. 2. June 24, 1711, Catryntien Tappen (see his will): v. Rebecca, bt. Nov. 6, 1687. Dirck Jansen Schepmoes and Margariet Tappen had issue : vi. Anna, bt. Sept. 3, 1704, m. July 8, 1725, Johannes Janss; vii. Ariaantje, bt. Nov. 17, J706; vui. Dtrck Willemse, "klyn son." Liber VI., page 66. T. D. R., Liber 3, p. i. VAN BORSUM, BARENDT. Testamentary disposition, dated Nov. 19, 1682, and written in Dutch. Wife Machtel Adriaensen shall remain in full possession of the entire estate, houses and money, unless either should marry, when the survivor is to pay one half of the property to the children, when of age or at mar- riage. The children to receive a Christian education from the income of the estate. — If remaining "unmarried" (ongetrouwt), the children are not to lay claim to anything before the death of both their parents. — Tools, a gun, as well as man's apparel to go in advance to the little son (soontien). Jacop Rutgersen Barendt Van Borsums JosHEM Enthelbert Machtel Van Vlyet van namen (In the margin, opposite the last provision: "but they shall all be appraised and their value deducted from his share in the estate." This was evidently written afterwards, as it appears in a darker ink, and is witnessed by C. Hoogenboom). (Barendt Van Borsum was son of Egbert Van Borsum, y. m. van Bmbden, who m. Dec. ii, 1639, Annetje Hendricks, y. d. van Aynsterdam, and brother of Tyman Van Borsum, of N. Y. cord- wainer, who in his will, dated July 22, 1702 mentions "my two brothers and sisters, Janetie, wife of Peter Adolph, Annette, wife of Andrew Brestede, children of my brother, Hendrick van B,, children of my brother Barent Van Borsum," etc. — See also Pieter Cornelisen Low. Barent Van Borsum and Machteld Adriansen Van Vlied had issue: i. Annetje, bt. May 31, 1676; ii. Egbaert, bt. in Kingston, Sept 15, 1678; iii. Nettie, bt. Apr. 9, 1683 (witn. Gysbert Crom, Jan Joosten, Hermanus Van Borsum, and Ceeritie Van Vlied) ; iv. Aefje, m. i. Oct 10, 1703, Andries de Wandelaar, s, of Johannes de W., m. 2., Oct. 8, 1707, Louis Anthony van Niewenkuyzen.) Liber VI., page 86. T. D. R., Liber 3, p. 14. VAN SLEQHTENHORST, GERRIDT. Testamentary disposition, dated Febr. 16, 1682/3, and written in Dutch. Survivor to possess everything until death or remarriage, (wife's name being Aeltie Lansinck), when one half of the estate, whether houses, 44 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. land, gold, silver, coined or uncoined is to go to the children ; the minors to be brought up in an honest and Christian manner. Children to divide equally at death of both parents, if survivor had remained unmarried. In the latter case, he or she to be entitled to keep possession of the entire estate, unless inclined to share with the children. After the death of both the minors, Hillegont and Gerrit, Ragel and Gouda are to receive, in advance, and above their share, fifty beavers or the value thereof. Wm. Fisher G: V: Slichtenhorst Wessel Ten Broeck Aeltye Lansynck Quod attestis : Wm. de la Montagne, Seer. (In the margin: It was forgotten in the above will that the minors are to be brought up from (the proceeds of) the estate. On attaining their majority, they are to divide in accordance with the provisions in the will. Dated Febr. 22, 1682/3. Wm. Montagne, testis Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst Hinderick Kip Aeltie Lansinck (Aellie Lansinck was dau. of Gerrit Lansick, who came from liassell, near Swoll in Over- ysell, and died previous to Oct. ^, 1679. having also had sons Gerrit, Hendrick, Johannes, and daughters, Gysbertje, w. of Hendrtck Rosebootn, and HilUtie, widow of Storm Van der Zee. Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst was son of Brandt Arentse Van Sclichtenhortt, of Niewkerk in Gelderland, who was appointed a director of the Rensselaerwyck Colony in 1646, but returned to Nie«4cerk, where he died abjut 1668. Gerrit Van Schleghtenhorst was one of the magistrates of Schenectady in X672, and died in Kingston, Jan. 9, 1684). Liber VI., page 95. T. D. R., Liber 3, p. 21. VERNOOY, CORNELIS, and his wife, Annetie Cornclis. Testamentary disposition, dated Febr. 23, 1682/3, and written in Dutch. Survivor to possess everything until death or remarriage; in the latter case, one half of the estate to go to the children. — If the survivor should remain unmarried, nothing shall be paid out to the children, except at the pleasure of the survivor. Children to inherit everything at deadi of both their parents, the minors to be educated out of the estate. The mother gives to her eldest daughter (de moeder raaecht aen haer outste dochter) Selie all her apparel. Abraham Lamesenk (Lambertse?) Cornelis Verncoy (his mark) Annetie Cornelis (her mark) [Cornells Cornetissen Vernooy with wife, Annatje Cornelis (dau. of Cornelis Barentsen Van de Cuyl and Lysbet Arents), and children, came in the 'Faith/ Jan. 1664. — ^They had issue: i. Lysbeth, m. March 8, 1689, Jacob Du Bois; ii. Geertruy, m. Jan. 11, 1702, Pieter Louw; iii. Rachel, m. after Febr. 8, 1707, Abram Bevie, of Hurley, res. Rochester, when "J4 of a piece of 8 for the poor" was given: iv. Seletie (.Selie), bt. March 22, 1663, m. after June 17, 1682, Abrafiam la Matre of Midwoud (Flaibush, L. I.); v. Cornelia, bt. Apr. 3, 1667, m., March 8, 1689, David, s. of Louis Du Bois and Cathryn Blanshan; vi. Cornelis, bt. Jan. s> 1679, to., Nov. 22, 1702, Sarah, dau. of Wessel Ten Broeck and Maria Ten Eyck (q. v.); vii. Johannis, bt Apr. 24, 1681, m., Nov. 26, 1724, lanneken Louw; viii. Jacob, bt. Febr. 10, 1684, m. after Apr. 28, 1728, Annaa- tien Du Bois; iv. (child not named), bt. Jan. 2, 1687; x. Greetje, m. before March 15, 1695, Jacob, s. of Tierck Claessen De Witt and Barbara Andriesen; xi. Marritje, m. July 9, 1696, Lode- wyck, s. at Warnaar Hoornbeck and Eva De Hooges. (It is probable that the children were not born in this order, and that Greetje and Marritje were born soon after arrival). Court Records. 45 Liber VI., part B., (the book turned upside down) running page 227. T. D. R., Liber 3, p. 190. MEYDERSEN, EGHBERT. Testamentary disposition, dated April 9, 1684, and written in Dutch. "Not feeling very well (niedt wel te passe)." — Wife, Femmetie Alberts, to have everything at his death, whether house, lots, etc After her death all to go to the children of Eghbert Myndersen, to be divided equally, except the little closet or chest (kasje), which is to go to the eldest daughter. Marten Hoffmann Egbert Meyndersen (his mark) Testis : Wm. de la Montagne, Secretary. (Egbert Meyndertszen and Jacobje Qaepje) Jans had issue: i. Mayken, bt. in N. Y., Apr. 27, 1661 (,Annetje Jans, witn); ii. Jannetie, bt. Jan. ii, 1664, m., March 7, 1682, Andries, s. of Tjfrck Claessen De Witt (q. v.), and d. Nov. 23, 1733; iii. Meyndert, bt. July 3, 1667). Liber VI., running page 226. T. D. R., Liber 3, p. 191. JANS, GRITIE, widow of Jan Lembertsen. Testamentary disposition, dated June 27, 1684, and written in Dutch. "Her daughter (haer dochter) Annetie Adriaensen shall have, in advance, the bed, pillow and two small cushions (kleyne kussens), and Geesje is to receive the two large cushions (groote kussens), also the silver top-iron (ovryser). Residue to be divided between them. Grietie Jansen (her mark) (No witnesses). v^ r WILL OF WILLEM TROPIIAGEN, Book of Deeds^ Liber I. 47 their names are uppon pattent, but if they will be content to deale Equally with my other children whether in land houses or Any other sort of Goods whatsoever belonging to my said Estate As well the land of the Paltz that I have bought former And after my death And their mothers decease shall be dealt Equally Amongst them." — "My two Eldest sonnes will Each of them have part of the land lying in the New Paltz — on condition that they shall pay for the said land with interest unto the other of my children and shall not inherit any of the other land housing or Another sort of Goods belonging to my said Estate but them that have home-lotts And have built thereon shall keep the same upon condition that the other of my children shall have so much land in stead thereof in such convenient places As may be found most Expedient for them." "My wife their mother shall have the ordering of the Estate as long as she remains a widdow." "If she marry the Estate to be divided amongst the children aforesaid except my two eldest sons." Signed by the testator, and witnessed by Arent TuNisEN (Recorded May 5, 1686.) DiRCK SCHEPMOES (See his former and later wills). Page 51.— ADREIJANSE, PETTER, of Kingston. Will dated Febr. 30, 1686. SK "To my brother Hendrick Hendricks of Kingston yeoman, All my hoole Estate of Lands Chatils & Goods. JtoANNES Wynkoop p^^^E^ Adreijanse (his mark) HuMPHR. Davenport Page 52.— HENDRICKS, HENDRICK, of Kingston, yeoman. Will dated Dec. 30, 1686. ^,n^ "To my brother Fetter Adreijanse of Kingston All my hooll Estate, Lands, Chattiels, and Goods." Signed by the testator. Same witnesses as above. j^ ^.^ j>^ (See Hendrick Aryansee). 7) / Page 65.— DEIJOU, CHRISTIAN, of New Paltes. Will dated Febr. i, 1687/8. ^K "To my soon Fetter Deyou 50 Ricksdallers yt my soon was In Debted to me ; and then to deal Equally with ye Rest of my Childerin of all my Estate." — "To my soones soon Whos name Is Christian Deijo 40 pieces of Eight and A small Gunn." — ^"To my five chilldren All ye Rest of my Estate of Lands housings Chattills and mouable Goods." — "My Corps may be buried att ye New Poalls." -^^ Nicolas Depew Christian Deyou (his mark) To oZr °"''°'''' J""« 30, Humphrey Davenport and Wallrouen Humphrey Davenport ^emont appeared before Henry Beekman. (See his former will). ! U& 48 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Page 71.— BLANCHAN, MATTHES & MAGDELEN JOORE. "If Matthis Blanchan happens to dy first his wife shall continue in possession of all ye Goods so long as she lives and if Magdalen Joore hap- pens to Deceas first her husband Matthis Blanchan shall continue in pos- session of ye Goods and Estates as long as he lives and if Either of them marry hee or Shee shall deliver to ye children ye Equall half part of ye whole Estat butt if both Matthis Blanchan and his wife happen to dy then their son Matthis Blanchan shall have ye farme lying in Hurley with house barns and appurtenances with four horses and four cows, and whatt Re- mains in Esopus and America their children shall Equally divide Among them yt is to say Chatharine Maria Magdalena Elizabeth Matthes." Dated Aug. 22, 1671, and recorded Apr, 30, 1688. (Capt.) Thomas Chambers Cornelius Barentse, Clarke Jno Williamse (See his former will). t/ Magistrates of ye Court. Attestor, W. De la Montagne Page 93.— FFRANCKFORD, ABRAHAM, of Kingston, March'tt. Will dated September 28, 1689. "Ffirst being penitent & Sorroy from ye bottom of my hart for my Sins past most Humbly desiering forgivenness for ye Same." — "I will that my well beloved wife Sara Ffranckford Shall have all my whole Estate of Lands, houses & house hold Goods and all whattso Ever may bee Due & owing unto me" "my said wife only paying Unto My Eldest Sone Jack fifty & one pes of Eight when by him demanded; and to my younger sone Pearle fifty pes of Eight Uppon demand and no More and ye Rest of my said Estate, my wife Sara Shall keepe & Injoy for Ever." Signed by the testator. Johanes Hardenbrock . Kutsen. — A true copy examined Rth Humphrey Davenport Bleecker, Clark). ' (.Hemic Adriaam, j.m. from Gelderland, res. Kingston, m., Jan. 19, 1685, Gepie Arents Pter, b. Kingston. Henderic Arie & Gepje Aerts had issue i. Arie, bt Nov. 11, 1688. Aarian Hen- i^ Book of Deeds, Liber I. 59 drickz, m., before March 8, 1724, Cairina Van den Bogaard, and had with other children a daughter, Gcpjen (Rachel). See Hendrick Hendricks.) Folio 273.— CORNELISON, QERRITT, of Hurley. Will dated Febr. 3, 1686. ■ "To my eldest son Cornelis" "all my tools yt belong to his whole rights Trade & to my dear & Well beloved Wife I doe give & bequeath all my Lands goods, Chatties, houseings barnes orchards household goods & all Such my goods & tools & Nessersarys that belong to my ff arme now in my possession" "after her death to my ouldest son Cornelis & my second son Arie & my third ^on Jan & my daughter Ntttie" to each an "Equall ffifth part of all vfxy goods & Chattells" "to be equally devided among these my said ffive Children" "if any one or more Shall dye before my wife the said part shall be Equally devided amongst ye other brothers or sisters if nott married." Gerritt Cornelison (his mark). (Cornelis Cole of Hurly appeared before Coll. Henry Pauling Henrius Beeckman, Judge, Capt. Dirck Schep- CoRNELiS-Q^ moes and Capt. Wessel Ten Broeck, Justices of ^^X^ the Court of Common Pleas, March 4, 1695/6). (Gerrit Corneliszen m. Chieitje Cornelis (^Slegt), came in Apr. 1659 in 'Moseman* with wife and a sucking child, had issue-; i> CorneMs m. Jannetie Kunst, see bis will under Cornelis Gcr- ritse; ii. Arie (.Gerretsep) b. in MidztoUd (,Flatbush, L. I.), m. after Oct. 17, 168S, Lysbert Lam- bertse^ h. ^Kingstoft^dj'oi Lambert Hnyberfse Qj.v.) (witn. Cornelis Kool & Neeltje Gerritsen), and had a. Hen'drik'^e^ht, Oct. 17, t686; b. Gerr§tt bt. Ma>r 30, 1697 ([witn. Cornelis Garritsen, & CerriAie GerritsetCy; in. JanJ bt. N. Y., Sept, 8, 1666 (witn. Theunis Cornelis, and Fytie); iv. Neeltje (Neeltje) ; v. "Gerratje, bt. March 12, 1669," s, Liber I. 6i have the 1/5 part next to his own land; all the personal property to be divided equally). "Tot Executors" "Huybert Lammertse Cornelis Lammerse Pieter Lammerse Cornelis Cool En Arie Gerritse (as executors, persons named). "Myn schoon soon Cornelis Cool sail mogen hebben Aen een Stuck twee porties vant Landt door myn bewoont t'weeten het Eene nu aen hem gemaecht ent 'ander door hem van myn Soon Lammert Huyberse gecoft" (My son in law, C. C, shall have one piece, two portions of land, where I live, one part now given to him, and the other part purchased of my son, L. H.). Lammert Huybertse (his mark) ; witnessed by Wessel ten Broeck, Jacobis Lameter, and Parre Noose (Pierre Noue). (Lambert Huybertse, of IVageningen, in Gelderland, sailed for this country, Dec. i6sp, with wife and two children; a third was bom on the passage. His wife was Hendrickje Cornells. He afterwards assumed the surname BRINK. They had issue : i. Huybert "tambertsen, of Wage- ningen, m. March 16, 1679, Hendrick/e Swartwout, from Albany, res. Hurley, and had; a. Lam- bert, bt. JFan., Febr. or March 4, 1680, b. Roelof, bt. Apr. 27, 1684, c. Thomas, bt. Dec. 6, 1685, d. Hendrick. e. £110, bt. May 25, 1690, f. Henricus, bt. Nov. 18, 1694, S. Henricus, bt. Jan. 10. 1697, h. Johannes, bt. May 28, 1699; ii. Jannetie Lamberts, m. Cornelise Teunisse Cool (q.v.); iii. Cornelis Lambert*^ bom at sea," (see Cornelis Lambertse); iv. Lysbeth Lambertsen, bt. Febr. 14, 1666, m. jirye Gerrytsen (see Cornelius Newkirk); v. Hendrik Lambertsen, bt. Dec. 5, 1663, m. Geesje Jansen, and had: a. Rachel, bt. Nov. 6, 1692; vi. Pieter Lambertsen, bt. June 34, 1670, m. Geertruy Teunisen (.Mafthewssen), and had: a. Henderik, bt. Apr, 23, 1693, b. Matthew, bt. June 9, 1695, c. Cornelis, bt. July 25, 1697, d. Lambert, bt. Nov. 26, 1699, e. Lam- bert, bt. Jan. IS, 1702, f. Antje, bt. Apr. 2, J704, g. Lysbeth, bt. Aug. 11, 1706, h. Gerrit, bt. Sept. zS, 1709; 1. Johannes, bt. May xx, X7X2; j. Helena, bt. Nov. 7, 17x4; vii. Gerrit lambertsen, m. Antje Hooghlandt, and had: a. Breechje, bt. June 10, 1694, b. Teunis, bt. Febr. 7, X697, c. Claertje, bt. July 14, 1700, d. Dirrick, bt. Dec. 25, 1703.) Page 283.— HOOGHTYLINQ, JAN WILLEMSE, of Kingstown. Will dated Aug. ii, 1702, and written in Dutch. Long religious preamble. Sl^ "Myn neger met name Kieser Sal vrij syn, van syn Slavereij, en moge gaan wadr het hem goet of geJiade dien(5rt Sender dat myn Erfgenamen hem Sullen Comen ofte mogen & hinderen (My negro, K., shall be free from slavery, and may go wherever the Lord, in-his grace, permits, without being prevented by anyone of my heirs). "So stel ick tot Erfgenamen over myn geheele Staat Soo wel Roerende als onroerende Sonder Exceptie met name Willem Janse Hooghteyling Soon van Wij'len Jan Willemse Hooghtyling Junior, Samuel Hooghtyling, Philip Hooghtyling, Hiskia Hooghtyling, Desia en Kesia, altsamen kin- deren van Wijlen Willem Janse Hooghtyling, Eenigste kint van myn, om Egalyck onder haar alien gedeelt te werden. En In cas Eenige van mjm voors. Erfgenamen mogte overleden syn alvoren dis myn laaste Will of testement in syn kragt is, als mede die geene die in haar onmondighyt Comen te overlyden dat alsdan des overlyden portie Sal syn ten behoove van myn andere Erfgenamen." (As heirs of my entire estate, real as well as personal, without exception, I appoint W. J. H., son of deceased Jan W. H., Jr., S. H., P. H., H. H., D. and K., all children of deceased W. J. H., my only child, to be equally divided between them, and if any of these heirs should die before the probation of this my last will and testament, or a minor, the survivors are to divide his share). 62 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. "Myn Executeurs" "sullen gehouden syn cm uyt te keren en betalen uyt myn Staat aan Sara Rosenkranz voor haar getrouwe dienst in my Sieckte, de Somme van Een hondert Schepels tarw of vyftight Stuck van Agte" (my executors shall be bound to pay to Sara Rosenkranz, for her faithful service during my sickness, the sum of lOO schepels of wheat or 50 pieces of eight). "Soo ist dat Garrit Van Vliet in het voorjaar syn huer tyt op myn Landt geepircert is. En ick hem belooft heb dat alvoren hy van myn Landt Sal moet en Ver-Strecken, nogh twe Jaren daar toe Sullen, geaddert Wer- den, t' welck ick begeer dat na gekomen Sal Werde, Mits dat voors. Ger- rit van Vliet de huer van voors. Landt gehouden is aan m)Ti Erfgenamen te betalen." (As Gerrit Van Vliet has paid the rent for my land last spring, I have promised him that he may have two years more before he gives up said land, provided he pays the rent for the land to my heirs). Jan Willemse Hooghtyling (his mark) (Bay Croswelt and Jacob Swaan ap- Jacob Swaan peared, March 4, 1702/3 before Coll. Ray Croeswelt Henricus Beekman, and Mr. Wm. T, c> / IN ^^ZSi Esq., Judges, and Capt. Difck Teunis Elisse (syn merck) Schlpmoe^, Major Johannis Wynkoop, W. D. Meyer, County Clark. Mr. John Cock, Capt. Charles Broad- head, Esq., Justices). (See his former will). Page 286.— DE WITT, BOUDEWYN, of Kingston, Chirurgyn. Will dated June 24, 1703, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). yl< "Aan myn huysvrouw Maria d' Witt myn gantsche Staat van huyse, Lande, goedere, Schulde, gelt gout, Zilver, gemiint, ofte ongemiint. En Wat verder aan d' Staat is Dependerende, met volkome maght aan myn voors. huysvrouw, om over voors. Staat te Disponeere na haar Welgeval- len." (To my wife, M. de W., my entire estate of houses, lands, goods, debts, money, gold, silver, coined or uncoined, and whatever belongs to said estate, with full power to dispose thereof at her pleasure). Wife appointed executrix. Signed by the testator. DiRCK SCHEPMOES Teunis Elisse (his mark) (Witnesses appeared, July 15, 1703, be- MosES d' Graaf fore the Court). W. D. Meyer (Boudewyn De Witt m. Marie De Witt, and had i. Petronella, m. Hendrick Ten Eyck. — On Oct. II, 1699, B. de W.petitioned to be released from a fine CEngl. MSS., xliii, p. 62). B. de W was Sheriff of Ulster Co., May 26, 1702 (Ibid., xlv, p. 127). March 18, 1703, Barnes Cosens esc.hcator-general, petitioned for his pay, he having seized the estate of B. de W., and others (Ibid., xlvii, p. 69). Book of Deeds, Liber I. 63 Page 290.— HENDRICKE, DIRCK, " van de Manner of Foxhall." Will dated Jan. 8 ,1699/1700, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). j.(^ "Aan myn huysvrouwe Grietie Hendrix alle myn geheele Staat van huyse, Lande, paarden, beesten, Negers, Schulden, etc." "Dogh met desen Verstande dat myn Neger Jongen met namen Samson die in myn buys geboren is, na bet Overlyden van myn voors. buysvrouw Sal vry van Slaverny syn, Sender dat Jemant Eenige pretentie sal komen maken, Dogh met dese Conditie dat Indien de voors. Samson op Eenige van de Leefsyt van myn voors. huysvrow quam qualyck te Comporteren En onge- hoorsamenhyt aan haar betoonde, vat sy myn voors. huysvrouw Sal ver- mogen over hem te disponeren En vercopen voor de tyt van syn Leven sonder Eenige Contraduitie of verhindering van Jemant, of oock Sonder Reden Wegens syn ongehoorsam hyt of quaat Comportem 't Dieswegen aan Jemant to geven." (To my wife, Gritie Hendrix, my entire estate of houses, lands, horses, cattle, negroes, debts, etc., on the understanding that my negro- boy Samson, bom in my house, shall be free from slavery after tlie death of my wife, without any objection from anyone, but on tiie condition that if he, during my wife's life has not shown her obedience, my wife may dis- pose of him and sell him, without objection from anyone, or else to give him away). Wife appointed executrix. DiRCK Hendrix (his mark) WiiXEM Traphagen (Witnesses appeared before the Court, Sept. John Legg - \ W. D. Meyer 9, 1703;- (Dirck Hendricksen m. Grietie Pielerse (see her will under Gritie Hendrix), and had son: Hetidrick, bt. March 8. 1665). Page 294.— BOQARDIES, PIETER. Will dated Febr. 3, 1701/2, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). t ' "Geen oudste soon of Jonger soon preverentie of dobbele portie van myn goedt of goederen Sal genieten of moegen begeeren, maar myn huys- vrouw Wyntie Bogardus of de moeder van alle myn kinderen Sal over mjm Nagelaten Staat & 'sy huysen ende Erven ende Jacht meubelen dat is Roerende ende onroerende goederen Landt ende grondt" "disponeeren" "ende dat so Lange als sy de naam van Bogardus draagt maar soo sy komt te hertrouwen soo sal sy soo veel hebben als de Wett haar geeft (neither the oldest son nor the youngest son shall have or claim a single or double portion of my estate, but my wife, W. B., the mother of all my children, shall dispose of (or possess) my estate, houses, grounds, ship, furniture, real and personal property, as long as she bears the name 64 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. of Bogardus, but if she should happen to marry, she shall have what the law gives her). After her death "het landt dat van Thomas Janse of Jacob Salamonse gecogt is in de wy benoorden de Bever Kill aan Anthony Bogardus ende Ephraim Bogardus ende Petrus Bogardus myn drie Soonen by haar moeder Wyntie Bogardus geprocureert sal Eewighlyck & Erwelyck Eygen syn (the land which was bought from T. J. or J. S. on the meadow north of Beaver Kill shall go to A. B., E. B., and P. B., my three sons, begotten by their mother, W. B.) "Maer het Landt dat Van Vole- kert En Jan Thomasse haar Erfgename gekogt is Sal Ephraim Bogardus end Petrus Bogardus veernoont, Ick segge het Landt dat besuyde de Bever Kill lyt mot haar byde" "mits Conditie datse het selve Landt mit aan Vreemde sullen verkopen, maar soo het quam dat sy naae Een ander landt metter woon buyten het governm't quam te verstrecken soo sullen sy gesamentlyck aan haar breeders ende susters verkopen maar niet aan vreemde (but the land which was bought of Volekert and J. T.'s heirs, shall go to E. B. and P. B., that is the land which is south of Bever Kill, on condition that the land shall not be sold to strangers, but to their brothers and sisters). "Soo sal Anthony Bogardus en Ephraim Bogardus en Petrus Bogardus wel op myn begeeren staan om niet overtreden beveele verder dat dese twe Ephraim Bogardus en Petrus Bogardus sullen vorder uyt de gantscht Staat groot gebracht werden tot dat sy tot har en Mondi- gen daagen Komen (A. B. and E. B. and P. B. shall comply with my be- quests (or wishes), that E. B. and P. B. shall be well brought up until they reach their majority) "sonder dat Jemant van myn kind of kinderen hier in sullen tegen Seggen met plyten of Regten (none of my children shall go to law against the rest, or overreach each other) "maar sullen alle myn negen kinderen Eenveel hebben (but all my nine children shall divide equally) except het boven genoemde landt (except the above mentioned land), van Jacob Salamonse ende van Volekert & Jan Tomasse Sullen An- tony Bogardus ende Ephraim Bogardus ende Petrus Bogardus Elck in haar part het haare geniete gelyck boven genoent is datse het selve Landt voor uyt sullen hebben (of J. S. and V. and J. T., which A. B. and E. B. and P. B. shall divide equally, as above mentioned, and to have said land in advance) ende dan met de andere kinderen in de Rest Egaal sullen dylen (and then divide the rest with the other children) begeere dat het selve tot syn Effect sal koomen alwaart Schoon Soo dat Eenige Solemnityten naar Regten ofter Style Vereyscht hier imme niet volkommen weesen geobser- veert versoerkende het uyterste benifitie te moogen genieten (and wishes that these requests shall be fulfilled, even if legal forms or precepts have not been strictly observed). Signed by the testator, but not witnessed. On Sept. 20, 1703 before Henricus Beekman, Esq., Judge of ye Court of Common Pleas, Mr. Evert Wynkoop, Esq., Major Johannis Wynkoop, Justices of the Peace, appeared John Gasherie, Cornelis Bogardus, Lysbet Heermans, wife of Jan Heer- mans, Madleen Slegt, wife of Mattys Slegt, and Maria Hooghtyling, widow, proving the will. Book of Deeds, Liber I. 65 (This will appears on record in N. Y. Sur. Office, Liber 8, p. 29. The widow, Wyntje Bogardus, dyine without taking out letters of administration, they were granted. May 8, 1714, to his son. Evert Bogardus. Dom. Everardus Bogardus, b. Woerden, near Utrecht, 1607, ordained by the,Ctassis of Amsterdam, June 14, 1632, arrived with Governor Van Tmller, in April, 1633, accompanied by Adam Roelandsen, a schoolmaster, and became the second minister at New Amsterdam in 1633, resigning in 1647, on July 22, sailing for Holland Aug. 16th on "The Princess," but was drowned on Sept. 27, 1647. He was a widower, when he arrived, and married in 1638, 2., Anneke Jans, widow of Roetoff Jans, of Rensselaerwyck. Her first husband had received a valuable grant of land near Red Hook, and from Van Twiller a ^ant of 62 acres of Manhattan Island, which after- wards passed to his widow, and upon her marriage with Bogardus became known as the dominis's bouwerie. On Nov. 15, 1705, the farm, then called the King's farm, was given by patent to Trinity Church. Anneke Tans had with her first husband four children: Sarah m. John Kiersted, and afterwards Cornelius Van Borsmn; Catherine, m. John Van Brough; Fytie, m. Peter Hartgers, and Jan, m. Annetje Peters, Evert Bogardus and Anneke Jans had issue : i. Willern, m. Aug. 29, 165^, Wyntje Sybrends, and 2., a dau. of Nicasius de Sille; ii. Comelis, b. 1640, m. Rachel de Witt; iii. Jonas, b. 1643, d. unm. ; iv. Peter, Mr. George H. Lewis, of Poughkepsie, N. Y. has Dom. Everardus Bogardus, bible, dated IS43. — For further accounts about E. B., see Minutes of the Classis of Amsterdam, vols, iv, 22, 23; Minutes of the Synod of North Holland, Doc. Hist. N. Y., iii, p. 367; Amsterdam Corre* spondence, 1632-1650; Col. Hist. N. Y., i. pps. 206, 291), 345, 417, ii, p. 144; Church Intelligencer, July 20, 1833; Poughkepsie Press; etc. Pieter Bogardus, bt. Apr. 2, 1645 in N. Y., settled in Albany, was a magistrate there 1673 (Albany Co. Rec, Nov. 2, 1673), removed to Kingston, m. Wyntje CorneUs Bosh, dau. of Comelis Teunise B, and Maritie Thomas Mingael, and had issue : i. Evert (see Evert Bogardus) ; ii. Shibboleth; iii. Hannah, h. Jan. 22, 1679, m. Pieter Bronck; iv. Maria (m. Johannes Van Vechten of Schagticoke) ; v. Anthony; vi. Rachel, bt. Febr. 13, 1684; vii. Ephraim, bt. Aug. 14, 1687, went to North Carolina; viii. Comelis, who made his will, May 2, 17^11, in which he says "about to go with his brother Ephraim to North Carolina, leaves everything to brother-in-law, Johannes van Vechten of Renselaerwyck Manor (Clerk of Court of Appeal's Office, Albany, wills, B. p. 8); ix. Petrus, bt Apr. 30, 1691. (For desc, see Pearson's "First Settlers of Albany, p. 21). Peter Bogardus and Jonas Bogardus, on July 17, 1667, for themselves, and as attorneys for Pieter Hartgers, Mr, Johannes Van Brugh, Sara Roeloffse, widow of the late Mr. Hans Kierstede, chinirgeon, Jan Roeloffse, William Bogardus, and on the part of the widow of the late Cornelius Bogardus, all children and heirs of their mother, Annetie Bogardus (Anneke Jans), grant to Dirck Wesselse (Ten Broeck), Annetie Bogardus* house and lot in Albany, occupied by said Dirck Wesselse (Albany Co. Rec). Page 296.— DE WITT, LUYCAS, Will dated Febr. 15, 1702/3, and written in Dutch. j^j^ "Myn oudste sooon Jan sal vooruyt genieten voor syn voorreght als Gudste Soon als hy tot syn Mondige Jaren is uyt de geheele Staat de somme van vyf pont aan gelt." "Myn vrouw Antie sal hebben d' geregte helft van alles wat overigh sal blyven te Weten van buys, Erf, Roerende en onroerende goederen En oock van t' geene my gemaakt is van myn vader, t'welck syn Testament sal uyt wysen." "Myn kinderen te Weten myn Soon Jan, En myn doghter f annetje. En t'geen myn vrouw Antie nu swanger van is, sullen de andere helft hebben te Weten van huys, Erf, Roerende en onroende goederen en oock van t' geen my gemaakt is van myn vader t'welck syn testement sal uytwy- sen te Wetten Elek syn part de eene niet meer als de andere." 'Indien myn vrouw Antie Comt weder te hertrouwen Sal gehouden syn" "twe voogden te Stellen over de onmondige kindei-en" and to "leveren" to them "de geregte halve staat te Weten de kinders haar part." "Indien myn vrouw Weduwe of Ongetrout blyft so sail sy in t'volle besitt van de Geheele Staat blyven." (My eldest son Jan shall have, in advance, as his birth right, being my eldest son, when he reaches majority, out of the whole estate the sum of 66 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. £5. — My wife, Antie, shall have the just half of the residue in house, land, real and personal property, as well as all that is coming to me from my father, as his testament will show. — My children, i. e., my son Jan and my daughter Jannetje, and my wife, Antie, who is at present with child, shall have the other half (as before). — If my wife should remarry, she is to appoint guardians over the minors, and to deliver to them one half part of the estate. If she remains unmarried, she is to possess everything.) Signed by the testator. Teunis Elissen (his mark) (Cornelius Bogardus, Teunis Tappen, Teunis Tappen & Jan Heermans Junior, appeared be- Jan Heermans Juer fore the Court, March 9/10, 1703/4, C. Bogardus proving the will). (Luycas De Witt, son of Tjerck Claessen De Witt (q; v.), m. Dec. Z2, 169s, Annatf'e Delva. d. of Anthony D. and Jannetie Hillebrants, and had issue: i. Jannetje, bt. March 7, 1697, m. July 19, ijiy, Cornelis Langendyk (bt. N. Y., July 10, 1689, s. of Pieter Janse L. and Geertie Comelis); ii. Barbara, bt, Nov. 12, 1699, m. March 25, 1715, Johannes Van Lenven, who nu, 2,, May 22, 1725, HiUigond Roosa; iii. Jan', bt. Dec. 8, 1700, m. after Sept. 26, i^si. Ariantje Oster- houdt (bt; March 9, 1712, d. of Gysberf O. and Mantje Bogardus, res. Katskilf); it. Luycas, bt. Sept 16, 1703. m. Jan. 17, 1729, Catherine Roosa (bt. Febr. 16, 1709, b. Hurley, d. of Evert R. and Tietje Van Etten). — ^Antje, the widow of Luycas De Witt* m: 2., March 3Xj 1706, Gerrit Van Bunschoten, and m. 3., Oct. 26, 1721, Hendriek Rasekrans, widower of Antje Vredenberg. — ^Luycas De Witt was a commander and joint owner with his father of a sloop called St. Barbara.) Page 319.— TEN BROECK, WESSEL, Senior, of Foxhall, Will dated Febr. 14, 1695/6, and written in Dutch. Long religious preamble. A,«-^c6> "Myn will En begeerte, dat het houwelyck voorwaarde met myn huys- vrouw Laurentja Kellenaar gemaakt volkomentlyck sal opgevolkt werden." "Aan myn ouste Soon IVessel ten Broeck" "vier morgen Landt uyt myn Bouw Landt" "de geregte vierde part van myn gantsche Bouwery En dat het myn Bouwery in vier parcelen by morgen getal sal werden gelyt" "myn voors. soon" "sal" "betalen aan myn Andere drie soons wat de voors. gedeelte meerder in Waardy by onpartydige besworen Sal gewardeert Werden, als Wanneer myn soons : sullen tot Mondigen dage gekomen syn, vprders Soo geeve ick aan myn voors. soon Wessel ten Broeck" "de geregte agste part van myn huysing En gront in Kingstowne, En de regte agste part van al myn Roerende Staat. Myn voors. soon sal vrij- staan te mogen na sigh in Eijgendom te nemen Een Neger de keur van myn Negers, En daar voor te alloweren in de Erfenisse van de Roerende Staat de Somme van Ses en Dartigh pondt." "Insgelyck ordonnere ick dat Niemant van myn Erfgenamen sullen mogen verhinderen of soeeken te verhinderen t' Dammen tot preservatje van Water en de gront noodight tot het Dammen te Laten gebruy- ken En de Loop van het Water tot het gebruyck voor myn voors. soons Molen." "Myn voors. soon of syn ordre of Erfgenamen sullen gehouden syn te betalen de quantityt van Een Duysent Schepels tarw aan myn vier Dogters" "met namen Maria, Elsie, Geertruy, en Sara, jeder de geregte vierde part van voors. somme in den tyt van vier Jaren." Book of Deeds, Liber I. 67 "Aan myn soon Coenraat ten Broeck" "de geregte vierde part van my gantsche Bouivery, Except wat hier voren, voor uyt gemaakt is aan myn Soon Wessel ten Broeck," "ende de aghste part van myn huysing en grondt in Kingstowne En de Aghste part van myn gantsche Roerende Staat En gehouden te betalen de quantityt van Een Duysen Schepels tarw aan myn vier dogters." "Aan myn soon Johannis ten Broeck' "de geregte part van myn gentsche Bouivery, Except wat hier vooren voor uyt gemaakt is aan myn soon Wessel ten Broeck" also "de aghste part van myn huysing En grondt in Kingstown, En de aghste part van myn gantsche Roerende Staat, En betalen' de quantityt van Een Duysent Schepels tarw, aan myn vier Dogters" (as before). "Aan myn soon Jacob ten Broeck" "de geregte vierte part van myn gantsche Bouivery, Except wat hier vooren, voor uyt gemaakt is Aan myn Soon Wessel ten Broeck" also "de Aghste part van myn huysing En grondt In Kingstowne" (on condition as before). "Aan myn vier Dogters met namen Maria huysvrouw van Charles Brodheadj Elsie huysvrouw van Cornelis Decker, Geertruy En Sara ten Broeck" "om Egalyck onder haar gedeelt Werden" "Een hondert & twe Ackers Landt" "gelegen ontrent t' Landt van Gerrit Aartse volgens gront- brief myn toe behoorende als mede de geregte helft van myn huysing En gront in het Dorp Kingstowne, En de geregte helft van myn gantsche Roerende Staat als mede de quantityt van vier Duysent Schepels tarw te Ontfangen van myn soons in sodanige terme als voren geordonn'rt is." "Geen myn voors. soons Sullen vermogen haar portie in myn Boui- very to verkopen. Except t' selve door haar broeder of breeders gecogt Wert, Eh dat myn drie Jongste soons portie van voors. Bouiwery niet Ten Enemaal sal gedeelt werden voor dat de Jongste soon tot Mondigen daagen sal gekomen syn." "Myn soon Wessel ten Broeck sal gehouden syn myn onmodige soons te alimenteren En optevoeden en te Laten Leeren lesen & schruyven. En Elck int besonder bequame kunst of handtwerck te Laten leeren waar best haar genegnthyt toe sal strecken En bequamhyt hebben." "Indien" "dat Eenige van myn onmondige soons" mogte Comen te overlyden" t' portie van de overleden sal Egaalyck onder myn andere soons gedeelt werden, mits gehouden uyttekeeren en te betalen aan myn voors. Dogters de Somme dewelcke de overleden verobligeert waren." "Myn ongetroude Dogters met namen Geertruy en Sara sullen hebben uyt myn Staat alswanner deselve mogten Comen in den houelycken Staat te treden sodanige uytsetting van bedding kleeding Etc. als myn andere getroude dogters genoten hebben." (My will and desire is that the marriage contract with my wife Laurentja Kellenaar shall be fulfilled. — To my eldest son, Wessel Ten Broeck, four morgen land of my farm land, the just fourth part of my whole farm, my farm to be divided in four parcels of morgens, my son 68 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. to pay to my three other sons the value of the said land, as appraised by uninterested witnesses. When my sons reach the age of majority, my son Wessel is to have % of my house and ground in Kingston, and J^ of all my personal estate, and my said son shall be permitted to take the choice of one of my negroes, and to allow therefore a sum of £36 in personal property. — I order that none of my heirs shall prevent or try to prevent the running of the water needed for my sons' grounds and mills. My said son to pay to my four daughters (named), 1000 schepels of wheat, each one quarter, payable in four years. — To my son Coenraat Ten Broeck the just fourth part of my whole farm, except what has been devised to my son Wessel. Also one eight part of my house and ground in Kingston, and one eight part of my whole personal estate, and to pay the quantity of 1000 schepels of wheat to my four daughters (as above). — Similar bequest to son Johannis. — Similar bequest to son Jacob. — To my four daughters, Maria, wife of Charles Broadhead, Elsie, wife of Cornells Decker, Geer- truy and Sara, 102 acres of land, to be equally divided between them, situated near the land of Gerrit Aartse, according to deed, and one half of my whole personal estate, as well as 4000 schepels of wheat to be received from my sons, on terms already stated. — My sons are not to sell their por- tions of my farm, except between themselves, and my three youngest sons' shares shall not be disposed of until the youngest one has reached the age of majority. — My son Wessel shall be bound to educate, maintain and teach my younger sons to read and write, and to let them acquire some pro- fession or trade, which will be best for them. — If any of the minors should die, his portion to be divided among the other sons, they to pay to the daughters such sums as the deceased may be indebted to them. — My un- married daughters, Geertruy and Sara are to have, when they marry, an outfit of beds and what thereto belongs, as well as clothing, similar to what my other married daughters received.) Son Wessel ten Broeck appointed executor, with "schoonsoons Charles Brodhead, En Comelis Decker." Signed by the testator. Jan Lathaer (his mark) (On Jan. 6, 1704/5 appeared before the Abram Tietsoo Court Wm. De Meyer and Liftenant Jan W. D. Meyer Lathair, proving the will.) ( See his will, supra) . Page 326.— KETTLE, JEREMY, Senior, of Marbletown. Will dated Jan. 20, 1703/4. "Unto my deare and welbeloved wife Elizabeth Kettle my house & home lott where I now live during ye time of her naturall life and after her decease to my three youngest Children Richard Susan, and Elizabeth" also to wife "the Just fifth part of all my Estate and also all my household goods." "Unto my Eldest Soon Jeremy Kettle the Just fifth part of all my Book of Deeds, Liber I. 69 Estate Except of my house & home lott and house hold goods with this Condition that he pays out of his part of said Estate unto William Annis the summe or quantity of thirty schepples of good Winter Wheat." "Unto my sonn Richard ye Just fifth part of all my Estate Except of my house & home lott Whereof I give him the third part upon this condition that out of his part of said Estate he pays unto William Annis the summe or quantity of thirty scipples of good Winter Wheat." "Unto my Eldest daughter Susan ye Just fifth part of all my Estate (except as above and on condition as above). "Unto my Joungest daughter Elizabeth (same share on condition as above). "Unto William Annis ye Just & full Summe of one hundred and twenty Schepples of Wheat to be payd unto him by my Children (as pro- vided). In case of death, the survivors to divide the share. "My trusty & Welbeloved friends & Neighbours Mr. John Cook and Capt. Charles Brad- head" appointed executors. Signed by the testator. John Cook Charles Brodhead (On Sept. 7, 1704 appeared before the Court John Noble Mr. William Nottingham and Capt. Richard Richard Brodhead Brodhead, proving the will.). Wm. Nottingham (Jeremy Kettel m. i,, Catharina Guderis, and had: i. Jeremy, bt. prob. Apr. 24, 1675, m. 2., Elisabeth Claessen, and had: ii. Rutsjert (.Richard)^ bt. July 4, 1697, iii. Susanna, bt. July 14, 1700, iv. Elisabeth, bt. Oct. 25, 1702.) Page 360.— LOURENS, JAN, of Kingstown. j-^ Will dated March 21, 1702/3, an written in Dutch. "Myn huysvrouw Jannecke Lourens sal hebben & genieten de vrugte & profyte van myn geheele Staat gedurende haar Leven mits dat myn voors. huysvrouw gehouden is myn twe kinderen met name Lourens & Blandina te alimenteren En op te voeden En van behoorlycke nootdruft te versorgen." "Aan myn twe kinderen Lourens En Blandina myn gantsche Staat om na bet overlyden van myn huysvrow te possideren om Egalyck onder haar gedeelt te Werden, alleenlyck dat myn soon Lourens voor 6f saal trecken En genieten Dartien Schellinge, als mede dart myn voors. kinderen sullen gehouden syn of die geene die haar Erfdeel mogte Comen te vercrij- gen om uyt te keeren & betalen aan myn voors. huysvrouw voorkinderen met namen Johannis vyftigh Schellinge aan Mettje vyf pondt, En aan Johanna vyftigh Schellinge." (My wife, Jannecke Lourens shall have & enjoy the income and profits of my entire estate during her life, on condition that she maintains and educates my two children (named). — To said children (named above), my entire estate, to be possessed by wife until her decease. 70 . Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Laurens to have, in advance, 30 shillings. My said children shall be bound, when they obtain their inheritance, to pay to my wife's children by her former marriage, Johannis and Johanna, 50 schillings each and to Mettje £5. Wife appointed guardian over the minors. In case of death, the survivors to divide the share. "Tot voogdesse over myn onmondige kinderen myn huysvrow." Wife appointed executrix. Jan Lourens (his mark) Tho. Noxon (Sept. 6, 1705, Thomas Noxon & Wm. D' Meyer W^D Meyer appeared before the Court and proved the will). (Jan Ltturemsm m. Jannetije Schouten, and had: i. Laurens, bt Dec. 23. 16961 "• Blan- dina. bt. Aug. 20, 1699.) Page 368.— HERMANS, JAN, Junior, of Kingstown. Will dated July i8, 1705, and written in Dutch. ^ K^ "Myn huysvrouw Antie Heermans Sal in het besit blyven van myn gantsche Staat" "gedurende den tijt van haar Weduwschap" (my wife to remain in possession of my entire estate during her widowhood). She to sell what is neecessary to maintain herself and the children during her widowhood, but "het Wijlandt myn toebehorende sal overkogt blyven" (the pasture land shall remain unsold) until the children reach the age of majority, when they are to divide it. Should the widow marry again, she is to have the profits of the estate until the children become of age, to maintain and educate them, they then to have one half of the property. "Indien myn vrouws Breeder Eveft van Wageninge quam t' Schoe- makers Ambugt op te Setten (As my wife's brother (named), has gone into the shoemaker's trade) dat by alsdann vry heeft om Een sesde van de gront to gebruycken voor hem in Eijgendom, door myn gecogt van de trustees van Kingstowne, gelegen by t' Molen Killetje tot Een Loijerij als mede t' Sesde gebruyck van de Steen tot malen van syn Runn (he is to have free one sixth of the ground to till, which I bought from the trustees of Kingston, situated at the Mill Kill, at a tannery, as well as a sixth part in the use of the stone to grind his tan). "Aan myn kindered met namen Jacob, Engeltie en Jan (to my children, named), "alle Sodannige portie van myn Staat als hier vooren geschreven is in her vierde Artyckel Wegens myn huysvrouw" (all such portions of my estate as have been described in the fourth article (first paragraph) ; survivors to divide share of deceased children. "Tot voogden over myn onmondige kinderen (as guardians over my children, who are under age) myn Vader (my father) Jan Heermans, myn Schoonvader (my father in law) Jacob Aartse, myn broeder (my Book of Deeds^ Liber I. 71 brother), Aart van Wageninge." Wife appointed executrix. Signed by the testator. JoH°N RoIlILd ^^" ^^^ witnesses appeared. Jan. 2, 1705/6, be- D'Meyer, Clarke ^°^^ *^,« ^°^^' Paving the will). dau, of Jacob Aartse _ . , ., . J. Sept 22, 1788, m. Ehnendorf and Aeriantje Gerritse (Van den Berg): ii. Jacob, (Son of Jan Heermam, Sr. (fl. v.). Jan Hermans, Jr. m. Annatje, (Fon Wagenen) (q. v.), and had issue: i. Bngelt/e, bt. Sept. ii, 1608, d. Sept 22, 1788, m. I>ec. 16, .1720, Cornelis, s. of Conrad Ehnendorf and Aeriantje Gerritse (Fan den Berg): ii. Jacob, bt. Febr. 2, 1701, m. i., Apr. 28, 1725, Mantje, bt March 15, 1725, dau. of Jan Crisfel and Geertte Roosa, m. 2., July 24, 1730, a dau. of Direk Van Vliet and Annatje Adrianse: lii. Jan, bt. Aug. 8, 1703, m. Apr. 24, 1731, Jacomyntje bt. March 23, 1701, dau, of Adam Swart and ilfe«;« Van Slyck.) Page 425.— CRESPEL, ANTOIN, of Kingston. Will dated Nov. 6, 1707, and written in Dutch. (Lxjng religious preamble.) /> "Sod bekenne ick dat ick getransporteert hebbe aan de kindere van Wijlert Pieter Crespel myn Outste soon te weeten Antojn Johannis en ■ Aryaentie Crespel al dat Seeker parceel lants gelegen op Horly of in des- selfs Limieten beginninde van een gemerkte boom ontrent de waage weg tot een Seker fontyn genoemt de groote fontyn die in de groote kill uytwatert als mede ses ackers bos Landt aan de andere Syde van het padt en 00k de derde part van myn lant en de geregtigh't gelegen in de Limieten va het pettent van het dorp van de Niewe Paltz als 00k een lott in de vly van Horly leggende tusschen lott van de Erfgenamen van Jan ElHng en het lott van Pidter Pieterson alles volgens de transport dragende dato den Seven en twintigste dag van december Een duysent Seven hon- dert en vyf. "Als dat myn Soon Jan Crespel van myn gecogt heeft myn land op Horley (Except wat hier boven bekent is) voor de somme ofte quantity t van een duysent Schepels tarw, welke Somme ten deele betaalt is, als mede 't geen hem Competerende was Van Walrand die Mont wegens syn Erve- nisse van Mattys Blanchan heeft die voors. Jan Crespel Insgelyck geor- donn'rt om door myn te ontfangen in part van betaling ook heeft de voors. Jan Crespel Een neger van myn gehadt met naame Ffredrik" "myn voors. Soon Jan Crespel sal hebbe ende genieten" "alles wat myn is Competerende van het gecogte landt en de neeger." "Aan myn dogter Maria Magdeleen huysvrouw van Mattys Slegt" "een negerintie met naame Margriet als mede dat ick aan haar getrans- porteert hebbe de derde part (volgens verslag by myn gemaakt) van myn landt gelegen in de Limieten van 't pattent ven het dorp van de Niewe Paltz als meede soo geeve ick aan myn voors. dogter" "voor Re- compens van verschyde Jaaren kostgelt en de groote dienste aan myn gedaan (gelyck sy nu noch aan myn dagelyck dort) all het gelt truyn is toe komende volgens hiboteek van Moyse Le Cont, En el het gelt myn toe komende van Stephanus Gacherie volgens hypoteek." "Soo bekenne ick getransporteert te hebbe aan myn dogter JanneHe 72 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Recoiojs. huysvrouw van Nicolas Hofman al het buys en Erf door myn van /an Gacherie gecogt waar een hiboteek op is waar op nog drie en twintig pondt" "aan myn voor. Dogter Jannetie" "de geregte d6rde part van myn geheale Staat Except wat bove vermarkt is." "Aan myn dogter Elizabeth huysvrouw van Elias Uin getranspor- teert te hebbe de derde part (volgens overslag by myn gemakt) van myn Landt en geregtighyt gelegen in de Limiten van t' pattent van de Niewe Paltz" "aan myn voors. dogter Elizabeth" "de derde part van myn geheele Staat Except wat bove vergaven is." "Myn Schoonsoon Huybert Suylandt van myn gecogt heeft myn bogaert en gront gelegen in het dorp van Horly volgens transport aan hem gepasseert voor het welke hy noyt meeder als een hondert Schepels tarw betaalt heeft als mede hebbe verschyde Somme aan hem verschoten en voor hem betaalt als ook hebbe aan hem betaalt 't geen Syn Vrouw Sara myn dogter was Competerende wegens haar Ervenisse van Mattys Blanchan," "myn voors. dogter Sal hebben en de genieten" "all 't geene myn is Competerende wegens bogaert en gront ende mede myn verschote gelt verder" "aan dogter Sara" "der derde part van myn geheele Staat Except wat bove vermaakt is." "Schoonsoons Mattys Slegt ende Nicholas Hofman" appointed exec- utors. Signed by the testator. JoHANNiES Westbroeck (William Nottingham, Mr. Jacobus Jacobus Elmendorp Elmendorp, and Mr. Pieter Gimair Paire Guimard appeared, Jan. lo, 1707/8 before the Wm. Nottingham Court, proving the will). (I declare that I have conveyed to the children of Pieter Crespel, deceased, my eldest son, named Antojn, Johannis and Aryaentie Crespel, all that parcel of land, situated in Hurly, beginning at a tree near the wagon-road to a certain spring called the Great Spring, which flows into the Great Kill, as well as six acres of wood land (or turf land) on the other side of the road, as also a third part of my land in the patent of the village of New Paltz, also a lot on the way to Hurly, near the lot of the heirs of Jan Elting and the lot of Pieter Pieterson, all according to deeds, dated Dec. 20, 1705.; — As my son Jan Crespel has bought of me my land at Hurly (except what has been mentioned above) for 1000 schepels of wheat, of which ten parts have been paid, as also there was due him from Walrand die Mont, as heir of Mattys Blanchan, the said Jan Crespel has arranged for me to receive in payment a negro by the name Ffredrik, now my said son Jan Crespel shall have and enjoy all that is due me for that land and the negro. To my daughter Maria M., wife of Mattys Slegt, a negro woman, Margriet, and as I have conveyed to her the third part of my land in New Paltz, I now give to her, for several years board, and in recognition of her great services to me, all the money which is due me from a mort- gage of Moyse Le Cont and Stephanus Gacherie. Book of Deeds, Liber I. 73 I declare that I have conveyed to my daughter Jannetie, wife of Nicolas Hofman, all that house and ground, purchased of Jan Gacherie, whereon there is yet a mortgage of £23. Also a third part of the entire estate. To daughter Elizabeth, wife of Elias Uin, a third part of my land in New Paltz, and the third part of my entire estate. — My son in law, Huybert Suylandt has purchased of me my orchard (boomgard) and ground in Hurly, for which he has not paid more than lOO schepels wheat, and as I have advanced him and have paid to his wife, Sara, my daughter, what was due her as heir of Mattys Blanchan, therefore said daughter shall have and enjoy all that is due me for this orchard and ground, and money advanced. To my daughter Sara one third part of my whole estate, except what has been devised above). (Anthony Krypel (.Crispel, Crespel) came with his wife, Marie, daughter of Matthys Blan- chan (q. V.) from Artois, France, in the "Gilded Otter," April 2j, 1660, and had by Tier: i. Mary Magdalena, bt. Febr. 12, i66z, m. Mattys Sleght, s. of Cornells Barentsen Slecht and Tryntje Tysen Bos (q. v.); ii. Pieter.iit. Dec. 21, 1664, m. Neeltje Gerritse Newkirk, dau. of Gerrit Cor- nelissen N. and HeAdrikje Pdulus (the widow m. 2., Febr. 18, 1697, Johannes Schepmoes, bt. Apr. 7, 1672, s. of Dirck Janse S. and Maria WUlems); iii. Lysbef, bt. Oct. 3, 1666, d. y. ; iv. Lyslfet, bt. Oct. is, 1668, m. Elias Ean; v. Sarfi^ bt. June 18, '1671, m. Huybert Suylandt; vi. John, bt. July 21, 1674, m.. May 25, 1701, Geertje Janse Roosa. Anthony Crispel m., 2., Petronella Demon, and had issue: vii. Jannetje, bt. June 4, 1682, d. y.; viii. Jean, bt. Oct. 12, 1684, d. y.; ix. Jannetie, bt. Febr. 7^ 1686, m., Dec 3, 1704, Nicholas Half man, s. of Martinits H. and Emmerentje D* Witt (sec Nicholas Hoof man). Page 429.— LOW, PIETER CORNELISSE, of Kingstown, Yeoman. Will dated Dec. 20, i6go. rK "My deare beloved wife Elizabeth shall possess and Injoy all my Estate of lands Chatties, and Implements of household goods and tene- nlents" "during her widdo ship" "but if my said wife shall Come to Remarry again yt shee shall deliver to my Children ye Right halfe of all my Estate" "and yt she shall have ye other halfe" "and yt the other halfe of my Estate to be Rented out or uppon use untill ye Youngest of my Children be Come to their age and then what is Left of that halfe to bee Equally Devided among them all and noot before, also I will yt my wife Shall w'th :in one Yere after my death deliver or Cause to be delivered to my Eldest Sonn Cornelis Pieterse Low one horse." PiETER CoENELissE Low (the mark William Haynes of, sett by his own hand) John Peterse (his mark) (Humphrey Davenport appeared, Humphrey Davenport March 4, 1707/8, before the Court, proving the will). (See his former will, supra.') Page 431.— SWART, CORNELISSE, THEUNIS and VAN DER LIN- DEN, Elizabeth, l^^ Aju^XA^ Will dated July 21, 1677, and written in Dutch. "Naar de middagh ontrent 7 uren voor my Lodevicus Cobes Secrets : van Schanegtede ende voor de naargenoemde getuygen gecompareert 74 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. ende Verschenen zyn, den Eersamen Theunis Cornelisse Swart, ende Elizabeth vander Linden Echte beyden my Secretario wel bekent" know- ing the shortness of the human life, etc., the longest liver to have "actien en Crediten, gelt, gout, zilver, gemunt en ongemiuit, Juweelen, Kleederen, linnen, woolen, huysraat en de anders" and if the longest liver were to marry "de helft eene Schifinge en de Deelinge gemaakt Sal worden voor haare Elf kinderen te Samen geproucureert ende in 't leven zynde Insgelyke Soo sy byde testateuren mogten komen te overlyden sen- der in eenander heuwelyk te treden, is haar begeeren dat de minder jaarige kinderen uyt de Effecten Sullen groot gemaakt worden." (Near noon about 7 o'clock ( i) before me, Lodevicus Cobes, Sec- retary of Schenectady and for the undersigned witnesses, appeared the worthy Theunis Cornelisse Swart and Elizabeth van der Linden, his wife, — the longest liver to have bonds, book-debts, money, gold, silver, coined and uncoined, jewels, clothing, linnen, woolen, household-goods. "If the survivor should marry, one half to go to their" children, begotten by them, and if so should happen that both the testators should die without having married again, the minors shall be brought up from the proceeds of the estate.) Theunis Cornelisse (het mark) Leysebeth Van der Lenden SwEER Thonissen (het merk) domine aukes My Present Lodevicus Cobes Secrets: (T. C. S. and Elisabeth Lendt (.Van de Linde) had issue; i. Cornelis, b. 1652; iL Esais, b. 1653; iii. Teunis; iv. Frederic; v. Adam; vi. Marytje (m. Claas Lourense Van de Voleen); »ii. Jacomyntje (m. i., Pieler Viele, m. 2.,Bennony Arenise Van Hoeck and 3> ComeUs Vynhout), For their descendants, see: Pearson's First Settlers of Schenectady, pps, 180-184, and Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. J07. — T. C. S. on June 16, 1664 had a patent of "the double bouwery No. 10," in Schenectady Patent (Schen. Patents, 309). — Elizabeth, his widow, then wife of Jacii Meese Vrooman, of Albany, on Febr. 20, 168^-6, conveyed to her son, Jesias Swart 8 acres on the south end of this farm (Schen. Deeds, iii, p. 310). — ^Jacob Meese Vrooman, carpenter, and surveyor of Beverwyck, in his will, July 20, 1691, proved Sept. 22, 1691, mentions no children, the wife to occupy '%iy house by the bridge formerly Dom. Schaets." — ^Elizabeth, the widow, m. 3., Oct. 14, 1691, Wouter Uythoif, of Albany, and on Apr. 26, 1692, he and his wife, Elizabeth, for S40 beavers conveyed the whole farm to Claas Lourense Van Purmerend (van der Volgen) (Schen. Deeds, iv.. p. 34). Page 442.— ROOSA, HYMAN, of Hurly. ^ Will dated Aug. 23, 1708, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble.) ^-f. \jjl^ "Myn drie Soonen met namen Allert Nicolas en de Gysbert Sail heb- ben" "gelyk" "myn geheele vaste en onroende staat" "op Conditie dat sy daar voor betalen" "aan myn vier dogters met naamen Jannetie huys- vrouw van Philip Hooghtyling Wyntie huysvrouw van Willem Crom, Ragel ende Lea de Somme van Een hondert vyftigh pondt." (My three sons, A. N. and G., to have my whole real and personal estate, on condi- tion that they pay to my four daughters, J., wife of P. H., W., wife of W. C, R. and L., the sum of £150). Book of Deeds^ Liber I. 75 "Aan myn vier voors. dogters de bovege melde Somma van Een bonder en vyftigh pondt" "in twe Jaaren na myn overlyden" (to my four daughters said sum of £150, to be paid within four years after my de- cease). • "Myn twe Jongste dogters Ragel en Lea Sal drie Jaaren na myn overlyden" "of myn staat Wei gekleet en de gereet Werden na behooren" (my youngest daughters, R. and L., shall be well clothed for three years after my decease). "Aan myn Oudste Soon Allert voor uyt van myn Losse en Roerende Staat Een paart of een koe de keur van myn stat (my oldest son, A., shall have the choice of a horse or a cow in advance out of my estate). Sons Allert Rosa, Nicolaes Rosa and Gysbert Rosa appointed exec- utors. Signed by the testator. (Mr. William Nottingham and Jacobus Jan Roosa Van Etten, on Sept. 9, 1708, appeared Mattys Louw before the Court: Mr. William Legg, Jacobus Van Netten Esq., Judge, Capt. Dirck Schepmoes, Wm. Nottingham I^""- J°i" ^°S^ ^"<^ <^*P*- P^"'«s Brod- head, Esq., Justices, provmg the will,) (.Albert Heymans, farmer, came from Herwynen, Gelierland, April 15, 1660 in the "Spotted Cow, with his wife, Wyntje Ariens (.IVeilke de Jonge), and 8 children, aged resp, 17, 15, 14, 9, 8, 7, 4i and z years, settled in Esopus, and assumed the name of ROOSA. — Albert Hymans Roosa received on Aug.. 19, J664, a patent of land in Wyldwyck. He died Febr. 27, 1679. Of his chil- dren: Heyman was b. 1643, Arien, b. 1645, Jan, b. 1651. m. HiUegondt Wiltems, like, m. Roelof Kierstede, Mary, tk. Laurens Jansen," Neeltie, to. after Nov. 3, 1676, Henry Pawling, Jannetie, m. in Hurley, Nov. 16, 1679, Matthys Ten Eyck of N. Y., G%ert, bt. June 15, 1663. "Hie filius obijt ante baptismum" (this son died after baptism). (Albert Heymans, Arent Albertsen, his son, et al, were "convicted upon oath and affirmance for taking of arms in a riotous and illegal manner upon the i6th of Febr., 1666, to awe, terrify and supress his Majesty's English (jarrison estab- lished at Esopus." They "deserved to be put to death" but the (jovemor, "ipclining to mercy" sentences Albert Hymans to be bannished out of this Government, during life, and he is to have 48 hours to transport bis estate, and that a fine of 100 bushels of wheat or value thereof be levied on his estate in the Esopus for charges of Court, and Arent Albertsen, his son, is sen- tenced to be banished for one whole jrear and a day, and he is to have 40 days to remain in the Esopus for the disposal of his and his father's affairs." One half of the time was remitted by the Governor, upon petition of A. H., and "he may remain in any part of the ' Government except Esopus, New York and Albany, and his son may remain till his corn is husked, threshed and disposed of." Heyman Alderse Roosa m. Ann Margriet Rosevelt, and had issue: i. Aldert, bt. March 2, 1679, b. in Hurley,^™. June 21, 1696, Petronella Van Etten; ii. Claes (Nieholaes), bt Apr. 27, 1684, m. Dec. 18, 1720, Zara Rutse; iii. Gysbert, bt. Oct. 17, 1686; iv. Neeltie, bt. Oct. 13, 1689; V. Rachel, bt. Apr. 19, 1696, m„ Dec. g, ijis, Totanmes Ten Broeck (q. v.); Jannetie, m. Nov. 30, 1702, Philip Hobgteeling: Wyntje, m. Nov. 12, J699, Willem Crom, of Mdrbletown; Lea; (Jannetje and Wyntje were bom, prob., before Sachel and Lea). (See also' Doc. Hist N. Y., ill, p. 36, iv., p. 39; Doc. rel. to Col. Hist, of N. Y., xiii. Hist, of Kingston, p. 22, 28-29; N. Y. Gen. Reg., 1000 pps. 163-; Hist of the State of N. Y., by Broadhead, p. 690; Reg. of New Netherland, by OXallaghan, p. 71, 158). Page 452.— HENDRIX, GRITIE, "weduwe van Wijlen" (widow of deceased) Dirck Hendrikse, of Foxhall. ^i^ Will dated Sept. 26, 1708, and written in Dutch. "Myn neger man met naame Pieter Sal vry syn van Slaverny Sonder i*Laurens Jansen Low, b. in Holland, 1651, brother of Cornelis Jansen Kortright, A. in 1727. They were sons of Jan Bastiaesen. who came over in 1663 with his two sons. C. j. Kort- right m., 1665, Metje, dau. of Bastiaen Elyessen (Metje Cornelis). 76 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. dat Jemant mynent Wegen of op Eenige andere manier de voors. neger tot een Slaaf Sal mogen gebruyken of aanvenden, Insgelyck Soo geeve ik aan myn voors. neger de geregte Derde van myn buys en gront in Kings- town, alsmede een vaars van drie Jaren out, twaalf en een vierde Stuk van Agten voor syn Wek te goet bij Abram Chambers, twe en veertigh guldens te goet bij Matty s Slegt voor Speck, alle myn Bijlen & Wiggen, al myn Slaap geet, te Weter, Bed, peulen, kussen, & Deekens, als mede de geregte derde van all myne overige Roerende Staat, Except wat hiernader particulier uytgedrukt is (my negro by the name P. shall be free from slavery, and nobody shall use him for my sake or for any other reason ; I also give him one third of my house and land in K., a bullock three years old, I2j4 pieces of eight, for his work due him from A. C, 42 guldens from M. S. for pork, all my hatches and wedges, all my 'sleeping goods', that is, bed, pillows, cushions and coverlets, as well as a third of all my personal estate, except what I have disposed of here below). "Aan de Doacony van de duyste gereformeerde Kerk van Kings- town" "in der tyt de geregte Derde van myn buys & gront in Kingstowne als mede all t' geene my Deugdelyk is Competerende van Jam van Vliet (to the deaconry of the Dutch Reformed Church of K. one third of my house and land in K., as well as all what is virtually due me from J. van v.). "Aan Mr. William Legg" "Een hondert ackers op Landt myn tobe- hoerende gelegen in de Corporatie Kingstowne volgens transport van de trustees van voors : Corporatie (to Mr. W. L. 100 acres of land in the Corporation of K., conveyed to me by the Trustees thereof). "Aan Bastyaen de Witt van Kingstowne" "de geregte Derde van myn buys en gront in Kingstowne als mede een geregte derde van myn Roe- rende Staat" (to B. de W. of K. one third of my bouse and land in K., as well as one third of my personal estate). "Aan Willem Traphagen" "all 't geene my Deugdelyk is Compete- rende van Huybert Aarts volgens bont aan my gepasseert, als mede een geregte derde van myn Roerende Staat" "mits dat de voors : Willem Traphagen gehouden is de onkoste van myn begraven te betalen" (to W. T. all what is virtually due me from H. A., according to a bond, as well as one third of my personal estate" "provided said W. T. pays for the costs of my burial). "Aan Geertie Maston dogter van Cornelis Maston Een koe genaemt Blaar" (to G. M., daughter of C. M., a cow called B.). Mr. William Legg and William Traphagen appointed executors. Gritie Hendrix (her mark) Witnessed by Abraham Lamaitre, Cornelis Maston, and D. Meyer, who all appeared before the Court, Jan. 17, 1708/9, proving the will. Book of Deeds, Liber I. "jy The following wills of Hugh Frere in the possession of Mr. Ralph Lefevre, of New Palis, are not on record in Kingston, Albany or New York. I. FRERE, HUGUE, of The Paltz, laborer. Will dated Sept. 4, 1697/8, and written in French. Nostre aide soit au nom de Dieu qui a fait le ciel et la terre. Amen. Par devant Abraham Hasbroucq, Justicier de paix au palle Comtes de Ulster et Louis Beviere et Jean Cottin demeurant au dit Palle comparu Hugue Frere, labourer, demeurant aussi au palle de sa pure et franche volonte estant tres saint d'esprit et d'entendement, sachant quel'heure de la mort est incogneue a tons les hommes desirant qu'apres son trepas tous ses enfants vivent en bonne union et concorde nous a declare sa volonte pour son testament pour a qui regarde tous ses biens, meuble et immeuble, premierement a dit que hugue Frere son fils aisnes aura dix pieces de huit pour son droit d'aisnes aussi a dit que trois de ses plus jeune enfans Jacob, Jean et Sara apres son trespas ils jouiront de toutes les terres et sa maison et tous ses parterre en fin de tous les immeujusques a ce que la dite fille Sara soit parvenue a I'age de seize ans sans payer aucune louage a leur autres frere et soeurs et apres que la dite fille Sara aura seize ans ils pourront partager tous ensemble tous les meuble et immeuble egalement apres quil auront payer toutes les dettes la reserve que sa fille Sara aura un lit de plume et un traver et deux couver et une vache et elle aura cecy hors de part et par dessus les autres et son fils Jacob aura en cheval a choisir dans son escurie. II aura le dit cheval hors de part et par desu les autres, et son fils Jean prendra aussy un cheval a choisir et ils aura aussy le dit cheval hors de part et par dessus les autres pareillement a leur autres freres et soeurs que ont pris cy devant chacun un cheval et Marie Frere une vache. La dit hugue Frere, testateur, establie et suplie son fils huge Frere de maintenir le bon droit et interest de ses freres et soeurs j usque a ce quils seront en age, les dit enfans Jacob, Jean et Sara jouiront aussi bien des meubles que des immeubles jusque specific cy dessus. Le dit testateur recommande tous ses enfans a la sainte protection du bon Dieu et qu'il le benis de ses benedictions, temporel et spirituel. Fait au palle le quatrieme jour de Januie mil six cens nonnante sept. 1697/8. Jean Cottin, temoin; Abraham Hasbrouck, temoin; Marq X Hugue Frere. LouYS Bayvyr, temoin. May our help be in the name of God who made the heaven and the earth. Amen. Before Abraham Hasbrouck justice of the peace at the Paltz, county of Ulster, and Louis Bevier and Jean Cottin living at the Paltz appeared Hugo Frere, laborer, living also at the Paltz, of his (own) pure and 78 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. free will, being of sound mind, and understanding that the hour of death is unknown to all men, desiring that after his death all his children may live in good unity and concord has declared to us his desire for his testa- ment in regard to his properties, moveable and immovable. First, to wit, that Hugo Frere his eldest son shall have ten pieces of eight as his birthright; also to wit that three of the younger children, Jacob, John and Sara after his death shall have all the lands and his house and all the garden plat, in a word all the real property, until said daughter Sara attains the age of i6 years, without paying any rent whatever to their other brothers and sisters, and after the said daugh- ter Sara is sixteen years old they may divide equally among them- selves all the household stock and the real property, after they have paid all the debts ; with the reservation that the daughter Sara shall have one feather bed, one bolster, and two covers (blankets) and one cow, and she shall have these over and above the others; and the son Jacob shall choose from his stable a horse and he shall have the said horse, over and above the others ; and his son Jean shall also choose a horse which shall be over and above the others, similarly to their other brothers and sisters who have taken each a horse, and Marie Frere a cow. The aforesaid Hugo Frere, testator, appoints and entreats his son Hugo Frere to maintain the good rights and interests of his brothers and sisters until they are of age. The said children Jacob, Jean and Sarah shall have the household things and the real property until the time speci- fied above. The testator commends all his children to the divine protection of the good God and asks the blessing of his benificence, temporal and spiritual. Made at the Paltz the fourth day of January, one thousand six hun- dred ninety-seven. (1697/8.) (Hughe Freer, a deacon of the church at New Paltz, Jan. 22, 1683-Dec. 8, 1693, ">• i, Maria Haye, m. 2, Janneke Wibau. "The wife of H. F. died in the Lord." Issue : i. Hugue, b. 1668, m. June 7, 1690, Maria Anna Le Roy; ii. Abraham, b. 1670, m. Apr. 28, 1694, Aeche tvillem Titsoort; iii. Isaac, bt. 1672, d. Aug. 9, 1690; by 2d wife: iv. Jacob, bt. June 9, 1679, m., 170S, Antje Van Weyen; v. Joseph; vi. Jean, h%. Apr. 16, 1682 at Marmur, m. ab. 1704, Rebecca Van Wagenen, d. of Jacob Aartsen (a. v.), and Sarah Pels; vii. Mary, bt. 1686 at Hurley, m. Louis Velle of Schenectady; (See N. ¥, (jen. Reg., 1902, p. 31 et seq. for an account). II. FRERE, HUGH, New Paltz. Will dated Febr. 12, 1706/7 (only pps. 1-2 remains, the rest are missing). (Long religious preamble.) "Myn huysvrouw Marie Anne sail blyven in voile possessie van myn geheele stadt" "gedurende haer weduwschap" (my wife to remain in full possession of my whole estate during her widowhood) "en Indien sy sal koomen te hertrouwen sail sy gehoude syn om twee derde van myn voors. staet aan myn eerfgenamen" "uyt te keeren ende opte Leevere" (and if she should happen to marry, she shall be bound to deliver one tfiird of said estate to my heirs) "Ende na haer overlyden sail de andere Book of Deeds, Liber I. 79 derde van myn voors. staet ock an myn Erfgenemen koomen" (and after her death said third part to go to the heirs). . "Aen myn outste soon Huge voor uyt de somma van £5 voor sy Reght van Eerste geboorene" (to my eldest son, H., £5 for his right c primogeniture). "Tot Erfgenamen myn kinders By namen Huge, Isaap, Simon, Marit Sara, Hester, Cattrma, Blandina, Johannes, znA Benjamin. (As heir children named). "Ende voort de kinders die Ick en myn voors. huyi vrouw uyt ons staende hywelyck moghte coome te procurere om my geheele voors. staet Egaalyck" (and the children which I and my said wife may have shall divide equally with my other children). (See his later will.) BOOK OF DEEDS II. (BB), MARKED 1710. Page 39.— LEQQ, WILLIAM, of Kingstown. Will dated June 5, 1710. v j ^-f u>^ / "Unto my dear wife Susana Legg my whole Estate dureing her Widdowhood but if she hapen to Contract Mariage that then Shee Shall but in joy one third of the same & the other two thirds to be to the only proper use benefit & behoofe of my Children hereafter Exprest dureing her natural Life and then to Returne to my Children as followeth." "Unto my Well beloved Son William Legg" "the Sixth part of all my Stock & moveables Except three Milk Cows bequeathed hereafter with all my land that I dwell upon by name Jacob's Hook and the Hand with the orchard house and barne" "after his mothers decease provided that it shall be vallued by three men upon Oath & in Convenient time after his mothers decease and that the one halfe of the mony that it shall be vallued at the said William shall be bound to pay to my other Children under Expressed in three yeare" (to each a third). "Unto my well beloved Son John Legg" "the Just sixth part of my Stock & moveables Except three milk Cows hereafter bequeathed With the Just fifth part of my Reale Estate Excepting the which I have above bequeathed to my son Wm. Legg." "Unto my Loveing Son in Law Jacobis De Boy" "the sixth part of all my Stock and Moveables Except three Milk Cows" "& the Just fifth part of all my Reale Estate Except the Land and premises bequeathed to my son William." "Unto my Loveing Son in Law Jolm Davenporf "the Just Sixth part of all my Stock and Moveables & one Milk Cow of the three above Excepted. And Likewise the Just fifth part of my Reale Estate Except what is above bequeathed to my Son William." "Unto my Loveing Son In law Johannis Borhans" "the Just Sixth part of all my Stock & moveables and one Milk Cow one of the three above Excepted with the fifth part of all my Reale Estate Except what is above bequeathed to my Son William." "Unto my beloved daughter Saarah Legg" "the Just sixth part of all my Stock & moveables and one Cow the Last of the three above Excepted and the fifth part of all my Reale Estate Except what is above bequeathed to my Son William." "Friends and neighbours James Whitaker and Edward Whitaker" appointed executors. Signed by the testator. Keyn Osterhoudt (Witnesses appeared before the Henderik Burhans Court, Aug. 28, 1710, proving PiETER OsTERHOUT (hismark). the will). Book of Deeds, Liber II.. 81 (W. L. m. Susanna Maret (.Marrid), and had issue: i. William, m. Geesje Ploeg, dau. of Henric P. (see his will) ; ii. Susanna, bt. Sept. 22, 1678, m. March 26, 1699, Jan (Jacobus) Du Boil, b. Ltyden, Holland; iii. Maria, bt. Apr. 9, 16&2, m., after Nov. 15, 1707, John Devenport; in the baptismal records, her parents name are given- as Wm. Lucass and Susanna Marrid; iv. Margriet, bt. Jan. 27, 1684 (dau. of Willem Luyck and Susanna Marrid), ra. i. Johannes Berhans, m. 2., Apr. 7, 1726, Borent Von Btnthuysen, widower of Jannetjen Von Wageningen; v. Sara, bt. June 6, 1686, m., 1711, Jacob Kool; vi. 5<»nH«J, bt. March 25, 168S; and John Lege, b. Kingston, m., Apr. 21, 1701, Annttje Fynhouf). Page 192.— SCHOONMAKER, HENDRICK, of Kingstown. Will dated Jan. 12, 1711/12. ri/( f- i^^^- C" "Unto my well beloved and dear wife Geertruy ray whole Estate both Real and personall dureing her widdowhood but If She Should Contract Marige that then two thirds of my whole Estate both real and personal! to be to" "my Children" "and only one third to my wife during her natural! life and then to Return to my said Children." "To my beloved son Hendrick Schoonmakef" "negro boy named Tom and With the eleventh part of my whole Estate both real and per- sona!!." "To my well beloved Son Johcmis Schoonmaket'' "the Just Elevmth part of my whole Estate both real and personall Excepting a negro boy Tom." "To my well beloved son Tyrk Schoomrmker" "the Just Eleaventh part of my whole Estate real and personal! Excepting a negro boy." "To my Beloved Son Jacobus Schoonmaker" "Sie Just Eleaventh part of my whole Estate both real and personal! Excepting a negro boy." "To my beloved- Son Heskiah Schoomnak^' "the just Eleaventh part of my wliole Estate" "Excepting a negro boy." "To my well beloved daughter Barbarae Schoonmaker" "the Just Eleventh part of my whole Estate" "Excepting The negor boy Tom." "To my beloved daughter Else Schoonmakef^' the Eleventh part. — "To beloved daughter Janitie Schoonmaker'' "the Eleaventh part." — ^"To beloved daughter Same Schoonmaker^' the eleventh part. To daughter Ecetriena Sdixwnmccker the eleventh part. — To daughter Mariae Schoon- maker the eleventh part. If any of the children should die "under age", the survivors to divide that share. "Broder Egbert Schoonmaker and my friend and neighbour Edward Whittaker" appcnnted executors. Signed by the testator. (Mr. James Whitfaker, Mr. James Whittaker Comeles Vernoy Jun'r. & Mr. CoRNELES Vernoy Peter Osterhout appeared before Peteh Osterhout (his mark), the Court, Apr. 12, 1712, prov- ing the will). Henr. Beekman Arien Gerritsen Evert Wynhoop A true Coppy Wm. NottinghaMj Clark. 82 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Hendrick Hendrixen Schoonmaker, s. of Hendrick Jochemse S. and Elsie Janse (see Jochem S.), m., March 24, 1688, Geertmy de Witt, dau. of Tierek Claessen De Witt (q. v.), and had issue: i. Elsie, bt. Apr. 14, i68i>, d. y.; ii. Heskia, bt. Apr. 14, 1689; iii. Barbara, bt May 26 1691, m., Oct. 30, 1719, Wihelmus Ploeg; iv. Eisie, bt. Apr. 17, 1692, m., June (3, 1713. Ntcholas De Meyer (bt. Oct 14, 1683, s. of Wilhelmus De Meyer and Catherine Bayard (q.. v.) ; V. Hendrick, bt. June 3, 1694, m., Oct. 16, 1724, Tryntje Oosterhoudt; vi. Jannetje, bt. Aug. 18, 169s, d. y^ vii. Johannes, bt, July 4, 1697, m.. May is, 1729. Ariaentje HoogteKng (see Johannes S.); via. Tjerck, bt. Jan. 22, 1699, m., Nov. 21, 1729, Theodosia (CftiMflfeet^ bt. May 7, 1719, d. March 6, 1791, dau. of Edward W. and Hillitje Burhans (see Tyrricb S.) i nc Jacob, bt. Nov. 3, 1700; X. JannetiCi bt. Oct. 4, 1702, m., Sept. 30, 1720, Hendrick Oosterhoudt; pd, Sarah, bt. March 2, 1707, d. y.; xii. Catrintt, bt. Febr. 11, 1709, m., Jan. 14, 1731, Abraham Person; xiii.'Sarah, bt. Oct. 12, 1710, m., Aug. 19, 1726, Cornells Macklm}. . Page 196.— M ASTON, CORNELIS, of Kingstown. Will dated Jan. 30, 1712, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble.) "Aan myn outste soon Johanis Masten Een schiet roer tegenwoordig In zyn possessie." "Myn beminde huysvrouw Elizabeth sail blyve in Voile possessie van myn geheele Staat gedurende de tyt Van haar Wedu- weschap en Indien sy Comt te hertrouwen sail zy gehouden zyn om de gerechtige helleft van voors. Staat aan myn kinders uyt te keren ende na haar Doot sail de andere helft 00k aan myn kinders Coomen." (To my eldest son, J. M., a gun, now in his possession. My said wife Elisabeth shall remain in full possession of my whole estate during her widowhood, and if she should happen to marry, she shall be bound to convey one half of my estate to my children, and at her death the other half shall also go to my children.) "Aan myn vyf Kinders mett naamen Johannis Maston Aart Masten, die vertie huysvrouw van Gysbert Van den Bergh (named Diewertje {De- borah), as will be seen later). Antic Maston en Geertie huysvrouw van Arien Vliet" "myn gehele Staat" (to my five children, by name J. M., A. M., the worthy wife of G. V. d. B., A. M., and G., wife of A. V., my entire estate). Wife appointed executrix. Signed by the testator, and witnessed by Abraham Lametter, Willem Schepmoes, Aart Van Wagenen, and Wm. Nottingham, who all appeared before the Court : Henry Beekman, Jacob Rutsen, Dirck Schepmoes, on March 6, 1711/12, proving the will. (Cornelius Masten, (s. of John Masten, or Marston, an Englishman, who settled at Flushing previous to 1644, and m. Dievertje Jans, Oct. 27, 1650, and who in his will, dated Febr. 14, 1670 (N. Y. Sur. Office, Liber L, p. 116) mentions "my two sons, John and Cornelius, under age, daughter Elisabeth and Katherine) m. ab. 1676, Elisabeth Aartse (Van Wagenen), dau. of Aart Jacobsen (Van Wagenen) and Annetje Gerrits (a. v.), and had issue: i. Johannes, bt. March 31, 1678, m. 1., Oct. 19, 1701, Marytje Swart, m. 2., Jan. 25, 1712, Maria Wells (see Enekiel Masten); ii. Diewertje (Deborah), m. Oct. 20, 1700, Gysbert Van den Burgh; iii. Aart, bt. Sept 22, 1682, m., Sept. 9, 1704, Pieternella Viele; iv. Aniie, bt Aug. 18, 1684, m., May 1, 1712, Mottys Janse, s. of Jan Matthysen and Magdalena Blanshan (q. v.); v. Geertie (Grietjen), bt Nov. 6, 1687, m., Febr. 11, 1711, Arie, bt July 12, 1686, s. of Dirck Van Vliet and Anna Andriesen). Page 205.— MOURITZ, FREDRICK PIETERSEN, of Marbletown. Will dated May 30, 1709, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble.) s^K -^^^ "Myn huysvrouw Engeltie sail besitten En blyven in voile possestie van myn gehele Staat om geduerende haar Leven" "met Conditie zy on- Book of Deeds, Liber II. 83 geuwt blyeft maar Indien zy Comt te hertrouwen sail zy myn geheele voors. staat dat alsdan inweesen sail aan myn Erfgenamen hier onder beschreeven." "Myn outse Soon Pieter" "dertigh schepels goede winter tarw voor Reght van Eerst geboorene." "Aan myn seven kinders mett naamen Pieter Jannetie Mourits Engel- tie Oeyke Geertruy ende Elizabeth" "myn geheele Staat om Egaalyck onder haar alle gedeelt te werden uytegenomen de dertigh schepele taruw aan Pieter." (My wife E. shall possess and remain in possession of my whole estate during her life, on condition that if she should happen to marry, it shall go to my heirs named below. My eldest son, P., 30 schepels of winter wheat, his right of primogenitur. To my seven children, P., J., M., E., O., G., and E., my entire estate, to be equally divided among them with the exception of the 30 schepels of wheat given to P.) Wife appointed executrix. Signed by the testator. Hendrick Bogart (his mark) Tans Middagh ^^^- Hendrick Bogart, Capt. T ,, Toris Middagh, & Wm. Notting- JoRis Middagh ^am, appeared before the Court, Wm. Nottingham. May 30, 1709, proving the will). (.Frederick Pietersen iMourits) m. Engeltje Hendrick, and had issue: i. Pieter, bt. Oct. i6, 1667, m. after May 17, I7a7» Marya Haal, widow of Jan Bix; ii. Jannetie, bt. June 18, 1671, m. before Nov. 13, 1692, Isaac Davids; Hi. Hendrick, bt. prob. Apr. 24, 1675; iv. Engel, bt. Febr. 9, 1670: V. Geertruid, bt. July 28, 1684, m. (as Geertruy Mouritse) , Joseph Stevense; vi. Blysabetlt, bt. Dec. s, 1686; vii. Oeyke, m. Aug. 29, 1703,. /onj (George') Hale (her name is also spelled Oeyeke Mauritste, Outie Mouritse, Oetje Mauris). Page 323.— COTTIN, CATHERINE, of Kingston. Will dated July 23, 1712, and written in French. "Nostra Aid soit au nom de Dieu qui a fait le ciel et Laterre Amen Moy Catherine Cottin estant tres sain desprit et detendement Et ayant poir mon mary Jean Cottin Merchand demeurant a Kingston dans La County de Ulster province de nouvel York et Considerant que Lheur de la Mort Est Incognue a toutes Creature humaine apres avoir Recommande mon ame a Mon Creatur tous puissans dieu et mon Saveur & Redempteur et par Le merite de son fils Jesus Christ Je croy Estre sauvez et avoir Remission de mes pechez et Espere a La Resurection de Juste par la Vertur esticace de la passion de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ posseder Le Royaume du Ciel prq)arez a ses Eleu." (In the name of God, who has made the heaven and the earth, I, C. C, of good mind and memory, and being wife of Jean Cottin, merchant, living in K., in the county of U., New York, considering that the hour of death is unknown to all human creatures, I recommend my soul to my Creator, almighty God, and my 84 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Saviour and Redeemer, hoping, by the merit of his son, Jesus Christ, that I shall find remission for all my sins, and at the resurrection of the righte- ous, by the virtue and passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to possess the Kingdom of Heaven, prepared for his elect). "Dont il paroist par L'inventaire que Jay ffait aves mon dit Mary Jean Cottin" "Je doit avoir Le troisieme part du profitt que dieu nous a donnez par ces bontez ensemble — avec mondit Mary Jean Cottin de puis L'heur de nostra Mariage Jusques a Mon trespas premierement" (As it appears from an inventory, which I made with my said husband, J. C, that I should have one third of all the profits which God, in his grace, has given unto us, from the hour of my marriage with said husband, J. C, until I passes away) "Je veux" "que la franchise dattez du vingt deuxieme jour de septembre mil sept Cens Et deux que Je donne a Rachel quest son nom apres avoir Estez baptisez Sert^' "et prandra apre ma mort dans masufr de huit et Les autres chose qui sont dite dans Les dit affranchissement et elle Le prendra devant que mes Enfans puissent partir ma Troisieme part des dit profitt." (I will that the freedom, dated Sept. 22, 1702, which I have given to Rachel, as her name is now after having been baptized Sera, shall remain in force, and that she shall have 30 pieces of eight frem said third part of the profits, and other things, as appears in said manumission, and she shall have it before my children divide their shares of my third interest in said profits)." "Et Aussy Je veux" "que la flfranchissement datez du dix septieme jour daouust mil sept Cens et neuf que Jay doonez a nostre negresse Dma sera observez et gardez en la pline force vertue." (I will that the letter of manumission, dated Aug. 17, 1709, which I have given to our negress, Dina, shall remain in force, and be- properly observed). "Et Aussy Je veux" "qua La donations dattez du dixieme Jour de Mars mil six Cens nonans Sept Que Jay fiait a ma fille Sara pour tous mes huit habit et une bagne dor sera observe." (I also wish that the donation, dated March 2, 1697, which I have made to my daughter, Sara, of all my new clothing and a gold ring, shall be properly observed.) "Aussy Je donnez a leglize flamend icy de Kingston Vingt piece de huit quel prendra apres ma mort dans ma susdit troisieme part dfr profitt et ce pour aider a Subvenier a les pauvres." (I give to the Dutch Church here in Kingston 20 pieces of eight, to be taken after my death from myL&ird part of the' profits, to be used for the benefit of the poor). "Et poitr ce qui Concerne le Reste de ma sus dit troisieme part de profit" "a Abraham Du Bois et Jacob Du Bois et David Du Bois Et Mathieu.Du Bois et les deux fils de dessunt Isaac Du Bois a eux Cinqj Ensemble Je Leur donne quil prendrant aprez ma mort dans ma susdit troisieme part de profitt une quatrieme part et a Salomon Du Bois et a Louis Du Bois aeux Ensemble Je Leur donne quil prendront apres ma mort dans ma susdit troisieme part de profitt une quatrieme part et a Sara Book of Deeds, Liber II. 85 ma fille Je luy dpnne quel prendra apres ma morte les autres quatrieme part de ma susdit troisieme part de profit pour elle seul et pour leur effet de ma susdit Troisieme part de profitt eux tous mes enfans prendrons argens merchandise bonne et monnais dette Chacun a proportion de leur part." (And so far as the rest of said third part of the profits is con- cerned, I give to A. du B., J. du B., D. du B., M. du B. and to the two sons of Isaac Du Bois's, deceased, one quarter interest in said third part of the profits, to be divided equally between these five, another fourth part, I give to S. du B. and L. du B., and the two remaining four parths, I give to my daughter Sara, and for the performance hereof, each one of my children is to take according to his or her share, silver, merchandise, and good or bad debts). "Mon Mary" (my husband) Jean Cpttin, appointed executor. Signed by the testatrix, and witnessed by Cornelis Swart, Mattys Pears, and Carol Barweer, who appeared before the Court, Dec. 10, 1713, proving the will. (The provisions of this will are, however, practically ■annulled by an Indenture, for which see "Ulster Co. Deeds."). (See Jean Cottin). Page 333.— DU MONT, WALRANDT, Sen'r., of Kingston. Will dated March 15, 1701, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). gt-**^"^ "Myn Huysvrouw Gryetie Du Mondt sal hebben En genieten gedu- rende haar Leven de baate en profyte van myn geheele Staat om daar over te disponeren na Welgevallen En Ingevallen myn Schulden quamen betalt te syn alvoren myn voors. huysvrouw quam te overlyden als dan na het overlyden van myn voors. huysvrouw de Roerende Staat alsdann in Wesen sal syn ten behoeve van myn Erfgenamen hier onder ges : om Egaalick onder haar gedeelt te werden dogh de Neger sal syn ten behoeve van ipyn soon Jan Babtista Du Mont, mits betalen de voor voors: Neger tot so- danige prys als twe Eerlycke Lieden sullen oordelen voors: Neger War- digh te syn na het overlyden van myn voors : huysvrouw dat het selfe uyt voors : Roerende staat sal moeten betaalt werden En 't overige alsdann te deelen als vooren." (My wife G., shall have and enjoy during her life the income and profits out of my entire estate, to dispose of at her pleasure, my debts to be paid before she dies, and then the personal estate shall be equally divided among my heirs, but the negro shall go to my son J. B. du M., he to pay for said negro such price as two honorable ap- praisers may decide upon). "Aan myn drie soons met namen Weibrandt Jan Baptist En Pieter'' "myn buys Tuyn En Boom gaert Beginninde van het Killitie ontrent myn buys" (to my three sons, W. J. B., and P., my house, garden, and orchard, beginning at the little kill near my house). 86 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. "Aan myn outste soon Walrandt du Mont" "en morgen Landt uyt myn bouwerij voor het Regt van Eerst geboorte." "Insgelyck soo geeve ick" "de geregte Derde van myn Bouwery t' Bovenstaande morgen Eerst ofgetrocken Welck Bouwery in Drien sal gedeelt werden der Lott in gelyke grote Ente Lopen van het Killtie tot op de grote Kill En dat myn voor : soon de Keur der selven sal hebben en het morgen als boven gege- ven" on condition that he pays to "myn drye dogters hier na beschreven Een hondert pont" "in twe Jaren na het overlie den van myn voors : huys- vrouw Jeder de geregte helft." (To my eldest son, W. du M. one morgen of land from my farm, his right of primogeniture. Also one third of my farm, which farm shall be divided in three equal parts from the Uttle kill to the great kill, the above mentioned morgen first to be withdrawn, on condition that he pays to my three daughters iioo in two years after my wife's decease, one half yearly; he also to have the choice of the lots). "Aan myn soon Jan Baptista du Mont" "de derde part van myn Bouwery Except t' Morgen Landt voor afgegeven aan myn soon Wal- randt syn portie gekosen heft voorde andere twe parte met syn Broeder Pieter du Mont" "myn voors : soon" is te betalen" "aan myn drie dogters" "Een hondert pont" "in twe Jaren." (to my son J. B. du M. one third of my farm, except the morgen given to Waalrandt, he also to pay my daugh- ters i I CO in two years). "Aan myn soon Pieter du Mondt" "derde van myn Bouwery" except what has already been devised," and on condition that he pays to "myn drie dogters" one hundred pounds "oock soo hebbe ick aan myn soon Pie- ter vercogt Een stuckje grondt in myn Wijbepalt aan Ffredrick Klute Walrand du Mondt het Killitie en de wegh van myn buys tot het Konings padt voor de Somme van Een hondert Stuck van agten waarop door myn ontfangen twintygh soo dat Resteert Taghgentigh stuck van aghten, welcke somme myn voors : soon gehouden is in twe Jaren te betalen na het overlyden van myn voors : huysvrouw Jeder Jaar de gerechte helft aan myn vTovms voor Aoghier Antie Kip." (To son Pieter a third. I have sold to him a piece of land in my pasture at Ffredrick Klute Walrandt du Mondt, the little kill and the road from my house to the King's Road for a sum of loo pieces of eight, of which I received 20 pieces, so there re- mains 80 pieces of eight, which sum my said son is bound to pay in two years after my wife's decease to my wife's daughter by a previous mar- riage, Antie Kip). "Aan myn Doghter Margriet huysvrouw van William Loverige" "Een hondert pondt" "haar Broeders te betalen in Manieren als voors :" "Aan myn dogter Jannetie huysvrouw van Mychiel Dirk" "Een hon- dert pont," to be paid by her brotiiers. "Aan myn Dogter Ffrancyntie huysvrouw van Fredrick Cloete" "Een hondert pondt" to be paid by her brothers. "Aan myn vrouws voor Dogter Antie Kip" "vier & twyntigh pont" to be paid by "myn soon Pieter du Mont." Book of Deeds^ Liber 11. 87 (To my daughters Margriet, wife of William Loverige £100; to Jan- netie, wife of Michiel Dirk iioo ; to Ffrancyntie, wife of Fredrick Qoete f 100; and to my wife's daughter Antie Kip £25). Wife appointed executor. Signed by the testator. (All witnesses, except W. D. Meyer appeared, Sept. 3, 1713, before the Court: Coll. Henry Beekman, Capt. jAitoBus Du Bois (his mark) Dirck Schepmoes, Esq., Judges, and Tan La Chair ^^' -^^^^^^ Gerritsen, Coll. Abrah. •^ Gaasbeek Chambers, Capt. Egbert W. D. Meyer Schoonmaker, Justices, and Major Johannis Hardenbergh, Esq., High Sheriflfe, proving the will, "Coll. Wm de Meyer deceased.") (Codicil.) Page 337.— DU MONT, WALRANDT, Sen'r, of Kingston. Dated June 25, 1713, and written in Dutch. J'{< The previous will, dated March 15, 1701 shall "opgevolght werden". "Unde door dien Ick int voornoemt Testament niet gedisponeert heboven myn huys schure boomgaart Tuyn en hofste zynde groot als nu in heyning Leyt en de grondt van myn soon Jan Baptist du Mondt du van ses morgen bos Landt dyen Ick gecoght heb van de Trustees van de Corporatie Kingston waar over Ick disponere en geeven als volght." "Myn outste soon Wallerand sail van myn voor: huys schure boom- gaart Truyn an hofste voor uyt hebben voor hem zyn order ofte Erfge- name de waardy van hondert schepels Taruwe." "Aan myn ses Kinderen Mett Namen Wallerand: Jan Baptist: Pieter: Margaret: Jannetie en Ffrancyntie" "myn voors : huys schuez boomgaart Truyn en Hofste (Except de wardy van voors: hondert schepels taruw bove an Wallerand vooruyt gemackt)." "Aan myn soon Wallerand en Jan Baptist ses morgen bos Landt gelege aan de suyt syde van de hoge wegh tuschen het bos Land van de Erfgenamen van Tierck Claasen De Witt en het bos landt van Capt. Mattys Mattysen Wallrandt sail syn drie morget hebben naast het Landt van Capt. Mattys Mattysen Jan Baptist sail zyn drie morgen nast het bos Landt van de Erfgenamen van Tjerck Qasen De Witt hebbe" "uyt Con- sideratie dat zy het aan de Trustees betaalt hebben." "So is myn Will en begerten dat myn geheele Bouwery by myn voornoemde Testament aan myn drie soone gemaeckt noyt aan vreemden vercogt ofte verallineert sal werden ten sy aan die de naame van Du Mont dragen so dat het voors: bouwery Ewugh aan di van de naam van Du Mont zvn." 88 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. (As I did not dispose of my house, barn, garden, and yards, and my son Jan Baptist du Mondt's 6 morgen wood-land, which I bought of the Trustees of the Corporation of Kingston, I dispose of these possessions as follows. To my eldest son W. in advance the value of ICG schepels of wheat out of said house, barn, garden and yards. To my six children named W.,J.B., P., M., J., and F., said barn, garden, and yard, ex- cept the value of the lOO schepels of wheat given to W. To my sons W. and J. B. six morgens wood-land on the south side of the highway, adjoining the woodland, belonging to the heirs of T. C. de W., and the woodland belonging to Capt. M. M., Wallrandt shall have the three morgens next to Capt. M. M's land, and J. B. shall have the three morgens next to the land belonging to the heirs of T. C. de W., on condition that they have paid for it to the Trustees. My will is that my whole farm shall go to my three sons, not to be sold to strangers, or alienated, but retain the name of Du Mont for all time). "Myn huysvrouw Grietie" appointed executrix. (Mark of) Wallrand Du Mont. CoRNELis Eltinge (Att 3. Court of Common Pleas held at Kings- TjERCK De Witt ^^ ^^is 3d Sept. 1713- ,,, -T ihe same persons appeared as at the pro- Wm. Nottingham bation of the will." OVallarand Du Mont, b. in Coomen, Flanders, caijie^o this country in 1657 from Amster- dam, served as a cadet in the Hon. West India Coi^p^y, to. at Esopus, Jan. 13, 1664, MargargI (Greyiie) Hendricks, of JVie, near StvoI, widow ofy^n Arentsen. Wallarand's sistec, Margaret, was wife of Pierre None, a Walloon, who emigratep iii\i673. W. du M. and M. H. had issue: i. Margaret, bb Dec. z8, i66i,tS[rWm. Loveridge; ii. Walrin, bt. Nov. 13, i^7> m., March 24, i6g8, Catrina Ter Bosch; iii. Ja^ Baptist, m. Neeltje Cornelisywh Veghten; iv. Junnetje, m. Michel Dirk Van Veghten; v. Francyntiej^U July 21, 1674, m. FreS^lute; vi. Peter, bt. Apr. 26, 1679, m. i., Dec. 25, 1700, Femmetie Teunise van Middle Swart, dau. of Jan Teunissen, m. 2., Febr. 23, 1707, Catelyntje, dau. of Jeronimus Jarise Rapalie, m. 3., Nov. 16, 1711, Jannetje, dau. of Hendrick Claessen Vechten. Michel Dirk Van Vechten was s. of Derick Teunissen, b. 1634 at Vechten, dio. of Utrecht, who came with his father, Teunis Derricksen to Albany. William Loverige came from Wool, Dorsetshire, England, and died at Perth Amboy, N. J., 1703. Pieter Du Mont settled on the Raritan River, N. J. Page 375.— HASBROUCK, JEAN, of New Paltz. Will dated Aug. 26, 1712, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). /j^f^-f:X\ "Aan myn soon Jacob Hasbrouck" "all myn Land gelegen onder de Lemitten van 't Pattent van de Neiuw Paltz" "met buys schuer Ende alle andere myn Timerage en daar op zynde Ende Haande oock myn Wagons ploegen Eggen & AUes wat daar aan is behoorende Ende ook myn twee Negers mett namen Gerrit & James a;ls ook al hett geweer en wat ddar aan hoort Ende de Cleederen van myn overleeden soon Isaac Hasbrouck Ende all myn boecken Except drie hier onder aaan myn Doghter Elizabeth vermacht Ende ook de gerechtige helft van de Rest van myn geheele Losse ofte Roerende staat Except van wat hier onder aan myn Dochter Mary ende Elizabeth vermacht is waar by sail uyt keerenende betalen als Book of Deeds^ Liber II. 89 hier na in dese tegen woordige is geordeonert mett Conditie dat zyn outste soon het stuck Landt Leggende tuschen het Land van Abraham Du Bois En myn Dochter Mary Langes de Paltze Kill ten suyde der selve Enten hoorde van t' Paltz Dorp sail voor hem syn order ofte Erfgenamen vooruyt hebben." "Indien myn soon Abraham Hasbrouck (die van dese Proventie ver- strocken is) mocht in't Leven zyn En hier wreder Coomen so sail myn voors soon Jacob aan hem Leveren Een goet part voor hett Recht van Eerst geboorten & ook a'an hem op Leveren voor hem zyn ordere ofte Erfgena- men de gerechtige helft van myn geheele vaste staat so als boven aan myn voors soon Abraham Itwes meer van myn staat sail hebben ofte Preden- dereeren." "Aan my Dochter Mary" "de Somme van seven en vyftig pont Cor- rant gelt van Niew York myn toekomende van Abraham Rutan volgens obligatie twee en veertigh pont en van Pieter Du Bois volgens obligatie vyftien pont Ook geeve Ick aan haar all wat zy voordeesen van myn heeft genooten." "Aan Pieter Guymard Eenigste Soon van myn overleedene Doghter Hester de Somme van vyftien pondt" "t' welck myn voors soon Jacob aan voors Pieter Guymard sail betaalen als hy komt te trouwen of tot de ouderdom van Een en twintigh Jaaren maar so hy Comt te overlyden Eeer hy trouwt of Een en twintig Jaaren si soo Sal myn soon Jacob vry zyn om voors som van vyftien pont te betalen." "Aan myn doghter Elizabeth" "Sestigh pont" "ook myn Negerin met naame Molly en ook drie boecken Een testament de oeffening der godtsa- ligheyt en Een predecatie boeck van Pieter Du Mollin gemaackt in het fransse gedruckt Ende ook de gerechtige helft van myn geheele Losse ofte Roerende staat Except van t' geen boven vermackt is met Conditie dat Indien de negerin Molly Kinders kryght sail Jacob de Erste dogter daar van hebben maar moet by de moeder blyve tot dat hett een Jaar out is." "Indien myn soon Jacob will te overlyden sonder kint ofte kinders wettigh by hem geprocureert dat all het geen aan hem gemackt by dese als dan aan myn twee voors. doghters Mary ende Elizabeth en haar orddre ofte Erfgenamen all Coomen om onder haar twee gedeelt te werden als volgt dat is Elizabeth sail dan vooruyt hebben myn buys schuer en Erf en boomgaart aghter de Schuer en hett wyland gelegen tusschen de wyjen van Abraham Du Bois en myn voors. Doghter Mary Ende all de Rest sullen sy Mary Ende Elizabeth Egaal Deelen." "Indien myn voors Doghter Elizabeth quam te overleyden sonder Kint ofte Kinders dat dan het geene by dese aan haar gemackt sail Coo- men aan myn soon Jacob en Doghter Mary." "Indien myn soon Jacob en myn dogter Elizabeth quamen beyden te overleyden sonder Kint ofte Kinders so sal al hett geene by dese aan haar gemacht Coomen aan de twee soonen van myn voors. doghter Mary , mett namen Daniel & Phillip." 90 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Son Jacob Hasbrouck & "Myn Cousyns Andre Lefevre ende Louys Du Bois" appointed executors. Jean Hasbrouck (his mark) Abraham Hasbrouck (Capt. Abraham Hasbrouck, Mr. Roeloif RoELOFF Eltinge ^hinge & William Nottingham appeared, Aug. 14, 1714, before the Court m presence Abraham Doyo ^f y^^_ ^^^^^ Gerritsen and Capt. Joris Mid- Wm. Nottingham dagh, Esq., Justices, proving the will) . (To my son, Jacob Hasbrouck" "all my land, lying within the boundaries of the patent of New Paltz" "with house, bam, and all my other buildings thereon being and standing, also my wagons, ploughs, harrows and everything thereto belonging and also my two negroes named Gerrit and James ; further the gun and what belongs to it and the clothing of my deceased son Isaac Hasbrouck and all my books excepting three hereafter bequeathed to my daughter Elizabeth, also one just half of the balance of my whole personal or movable estate, excepting what here- after is bequeathed to my daughters Mary and Elizabeth" he to pay as hereafter is directed, on condition that his oldest son shall first have "the piece of land lying between the land of Abraham Dubois and my daughter Mary along the Paltz Kill on the south thereof, and north of the Paltz village." "If my son Abraham, who removed from this Province, should be alive and return here, then my son Jacob shall deliver to him a good horse for his birth-right, and also the just half of my whole real estate" Abraham not to have any further claim on the estate. "To my daughter Mary £57, due from Abraham Rutan, according to a bond of £42, and from Pieter Du Bois, according to a bond £15" she to have no further claim on the estate. "To Pieter Guymard, only son of my deceased daughter Hester £15, which sum Jacob shall pay to Pieter Guymard, when he marries or at age of 21." Should he die before that age, Jacob is to be relieved from pay- ing said sum. "To my daughter Elizabeth i6o, also my negress Molly, three books, one Testament, the Practice of Devotion, and a book of sermons by Pieter Du Mollin, printed in French; also the just half of my whole personal estate, excepting what hereabove has been bequeathed, on condition that if the negress Molly should bear children, Jacob shall have the first daugh- ter, but she is to remain with her mother until she is one year old." "If my son Jacob should die without child or children lawfully be- gotten by him, all that is given to him shall go to Mary and Elizabeth, the latter to have the house, bam, lot and orchard behind the barn, and the pasture land, lying between the pasture of Abraham Dubois and my daughter Mary, and all the rest to go to said Mary and Elizabeth, to be equally divided. Book of Deeds, Liber II. 91 If Elizabeth should die without lawful issue, her share to go to Jacob and Mary equally. — If Jacob and Elizabeth both should die without issue, their shares to go to Mary's two sons, Daniel and Phillip. (Jean Hasbrouck came from Calais, France, i673> with wife, Anna Doyan (Deyo). His brother, Ahraham Hasbrouck, came in Apr. 1675 to Boston, ta., Nov. 27, 167s, Maria, dau. of Christian Doyon, and had five children: Rachel, Joseph, Solomon, Dantel and Benjamin. (See Abraham Hasbrouck). Jean Hasbrouck and Anna Deyo had issue: i. Maria, bt. at Manheim, Germany, m. at Kingston, June i, 1683, Isaac flubois, s. of Louis Du Bois and Cath. Blanthan (q. v.) ; «. Hester, b. Manheim, m. Kingston, Apr. 18, 1602, Pierre Guimard, b. at Moise, Saintonge, France, s. of Pierre Guimard arid Anne Damour (see P. G.'s will) ; iii. Abraham, bt. Kingston, March 31, 1678; iv. Elieabeth, bt. New Paltz, Apr. 4, 16S5, m. K., June 2, 1713, Louis Bevier; v. Jacob, bt. N. P. Apr. 15, 1688, m. K., Dec. 14, 1717, Esther Bevier). Page 414.— SWARTWOUT, ROELOFF, j^j^ ^^^ Will dated March 30, 1714, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). "Aan myn outste Soon Thomas" "vyf en twentigh pont" "voor syn Recht van Eerst geboorten." "Aan myn voornoemde soon Thomas en aan myn soon Barnardus my geheele vaste" "staat myn tobehoorende in de County van Ulster" on condition that he pays the other heirs a sum of £325 in two years, if he cannot pay in two years then he may have four years to pay in "om de Selve te betalen mits dat sy vyften hondert betalen aan myn andere Erf- genamen voor interest." "Aan myn dogter Hendricke huysvrouw van Huybert Latnbertsen" a sum of £65. "Aan de kinders van iriyn soon Anthony" a sum of £65. "Aan de Kinders van myn dochter Cornelia overlyden" a sum of of £65. "Aan myn dogter Ragel huysvrouw van Jacob Kip" the sum of £65. — "Aan myn Dochter Eva huysvrouw van Jacob Dingman" a sum of £65. "Alle myne Clederen" "aan myn soons Thomas en Barnardus." As executors appointed "myn soons Thomas Swartwout Barnardus Swartwout & Jacob Kyp." .Signed by the testator. Hans Kierstede (Witnesses appeared, May 14, 1715, before the Tj f^ Court, Dirck Schepmoes, Esq., Judge, Arien i'lETER ustrander Gerritsen and Cornells Cool, Justices, proving Wm. Nottingham ^\^Q will." (To my eldest son Thomas £25, his right as being the first-born. — Also to Thomas and to my son Barnardus my entire estate in Co. Ulster, on condition (as above) the £1500 to my other heirs. — To my daughter, Hendricke, wife of Huybert Lambertsen £65. To children of my son Anthony £65. To children of my daughter Cornelia, deceased, £65. To my daughter Ragel, wife of Jacob Kip £65. To my daughter Eva, wife of Jacob Dingman £65. All my clothing to my sons Thomas and Barnardus). 92 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. (Roeloff Swartwout, bt. in the Oude-Kerk, Amsterdam, Holland, June i, 1634 (s. of Thomas Swartwout) of Groningen, later of New Amsterdam, and Adrientj'e Symons (m, Feb. 4, 1630)* on Aug. 13, i6s7, in the presence of his father, Thomas Swartwout, covenanted a marriage con- tract with Eva Albertsen, widow of {he late Anthony de Hooges, in presence of her father, Albert Andriessen Bratt, they to brine together all their property, according to the cusjeni of fialland, except that the bride reserves for her children with her former husband, Marichen Anneken, Cat- rina, Johannes and Eleonora De Hooges, 100 gulden for each of them. Barent Albertse Bratt and Tennis Slingsland, brother and brother-in-law of said Eva Albertse, shall be guardians of said children. (Albany Co. Records). — He m. 2., at New York, Oct. 8, 1691, Franoyntje Andries, widow of Abraham Lubbertsen. With hi s first yife- he had issue : i. Thomas, m. before Feb. 4, 1683, Lysbeth Gordenier (.Lysbeth Jacobse a ovenler) ; ii. Hendricke, m., as of Albany, in Kingston, March 16, 1679, Huybert Lambertsen; iii. Antoni, bt. Jan. 8, ifi6z (when Toomes Swartwout was a witness); iv. Antoni, bt. M ay 11, 1663, mi Jannetje Jacobus iCoobes), and had: a. Roelof, bt. "J im ii g ; ■i ( rgs,V:T3cSSus;'Str'S!SfSS~2g, 1696; v. Cornelia, bt. March 13, 1667, m. before Apr. 28, i68g, Hendrick Klaesen Schoonhoven (see Henderick Claessein) ) ; vi. Rachel, m, Jacob Kip before Febr, 9, 1696; vii. Eva, b. in Hurley, m., Oct. 9, 1698, Jacob Dingmans, h. Kinderhook; viii. Bamardus, bt. Apr. 26, 1673 (Rudolfus Swartwout and Jacomeyna Swartwout, witnesses), res. Hurley, m. May 19, 1700, Rachel Schepmoes). R. S. on Aug. 15, 1659 conveyed to Philip Pieterse Schuyler a garden in Beverwyck, granted originally to Antony De Hooges, deceased (Albany Co. Rec) — R. S. was appointed the first Sheriff of Wiltwyck, at Esopus, 1660, at which appointment Gov. Stuyvesant expressed "great surprise," on the ^ound that R. S. was a ^minor and incompetent for the office' (See O'Callaghan, New Netherland, ii., p. 431). — R. S. was appointed justice and collector of the grand excise of Ulster Co., 1689-90. — On Jan. 23, 1664-67, (jov. Lovelace issued a deed of confirmation to R. S. for land at Wiltwyck, at Esopus (N. Y. Land Papers, i., p. 22). — On or about June 1670 Mr. E. S., dwelling in Esopus, conveys to Ryckie Dareth, widow of Jan Dareth, of Albany, a lot east of the house of Volckert Janse (Douw) (Ibid.). — C)n May 28, 1686, a survey was taken of 47 acres land, part of Hurley great piece, on the north side of Esopus Kill, also of a house lot in Hurley, and of two lots at Hurley fly, or meadow ground, Nos. 11, 13, laid out for R. S. by Philipps Welles, surveyor (N. Y. Land Papers, i. p. 187). — On Nov. 12, 1697, R. S. petitioned for 200 acres land in Ulster Co., part of land called IVaghgashkenck). See also "The Swartwout Chronicle by A. J. Wells." Page 435,— BOQART, HENDRICK, of Marbletown, Will dated Dec. 12, 1707, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble.) A-W^^^ "Soo is myn Wil En begeerten dat bet heuwlycke Contract tuscben myn en myn tegen woordige huysvrouw Ruth Waldron gemackt sail in waarde gebouden zyn." "Aan myn twe soons met namen Cornells en Marten" tbe sum of i7S, Comelis £38 and Marten £37, Cornells being tbe first born." "Myn kinders die on getrouwt sullen zun ten tyt van myn overleyde sullen bebben Ende voor uyt genieten beboorlyke uyt sett soo als myn kinders die alsdan getrout syn gehadt hebben." "Aan myn aght kinders mett namen Cornells Mayke huysvrouw van Thomas Jansen Marten Aaltie Sarah Neeltie Rebecca Ends Rachell" "En gereghtig aghtste part van myn geheele staat." "Indien Eenige van myn voors. kinders moghte Coomen te overlyden in haar onmondige Jaaren dat des selfs portie ofte porties alsdan Egaallyk on de Rest van haar gedeelt sail werden." As executors appointed sons Cornelius and Marten and "myn Schoon soon Thomas Janse Ends myn swager Capt. J oris Middagh." Hendrick Bogart (his mark). (My will is that the marriage contract entered into between me and my worthy wife, Ruth Waldron, shall be fulfilled. To my two sons, Cornelis and Marten £75. My children who are unmarried at my deatii Book of Deeds, Liber II. 93 an outfit similar to my married children's. To my eight children, named, }i part of my entire estate. If any of my children should happen to die during their minority, their portions shall be divided among the sur- vivors.) (Capt. Jno. Rutsen, Claes Keator (his mark) Claes Keator & Wm. T „ Nottingham appeared jNO Rutsen before the Court, May Abraham Lamettere Junr. (his mark) 9j 1716, proving the will of Hendrick Bo- Wm. Nottingham. gart "late of Marble- -^ ^ town deceased.") (Hendrik Bogaart m., Aug. 17, r703, in New York, liuithie Waldron, widow of Jan de la Moistre, whom she had m. in N. Y., Aug. 11, 1678 (see Aprahtun Delamater'). (She was prob. dau. of Samuel Waldron and Niesje Bloetgoet). ~ They had issue: — Mayhe, m. Nov. 22, 1702, Thomas Janssen; Aaltjen, m. Apr. 27, 1711, Adriaan Nieuwkerk; Sarahs m., Jan. 19, 17x1, Abraham' de Lameetere ("They are the first that 1, Domine Petrus Vas, have married.*'); Neeltje, m., Nov. i, I7i5» Anthony ?le ^ : Rachel, b. Albany, m., March 14, 171S, Benjamin de Mei, b. in Vrenhryk (FroiMre)-? fci^eiK, h. aiarbletown, m., May 27, X704, Cornelia de la Mettre, b. New Harlem; Marthen, m., May 7, 17x3, Taimeken de Lamec- ter, both of Marbletown. The children's names were spelled: Bogard, Bogaard, Bogaart, Boagaard, Bogart, Bogardus. — C^pt. Joris Middagh, b. at Hycoop in Holland, m., Apr. 22, X696, Page 471.— AARTSEN, JACOB, of Wagendal. , "'■> Nov. 17, 1720, Sara, bt. Dec. 23, 1699, d. Jan. 27, 1759, dau. of Solomon Du Bois and Tryntje Gerritse; xi. Jacfih^ortse, bt. at Albany, Febr. 20, 1695; xii. Benjamin, bt. Jan. x, ^^^7t tn,. May 28, 1726, Elisabeth, dau. of Cysbert van den Berg and Diewertje Masten (q. v.) ; xiii. Abraham, bt. Febr. 12, 1699, m., Febr. 26, Z726, Hilligard Crispel, b. Apr. 17, 1704, d. Febr. 22, 1774. He died June 7, 1787 (see his will); xiv. Sara, bt. Dec. 21, 1701, m., Apr. 7, 1721, Solomon, b. at New Palte, Oct. 17, 1686, s. of Abraham Hasbrouck and Maria Deyo (q. v.); xv. Isaac, bt. Aug. 22, 1703, m., March 10, 1723, Catrina Freer). Page 507.— TENHOUT, SEVERYN, of Shawankonk, Lantman. Will dated Febr. 5, 1708/9, and written in Dutch. Au^^cMu— "In't sevende Jaar van de regering van onse Souveraigne vrouw Anna Koninginne van groot Britantie &c." (Long religious preamble.) "Myn huysvrouw Geertruy Tenhout sail hebben en possidereeren myn gantsche vaste" "staat." "Aan myn vrouws soon Jacobus Bruyn myn gantsche vaste" "staat benestens negers paarden & beesten En wat vorders aan myn staat is dependeerende om in Eygendom aanstondts na hett overlyden van myn voors. huysvrouw aan te vaarden En te possideeren geduren de zyn Leven En dat na de voors. Jacobus Bruyns overlyden de voors. Staat sal zyn ten behoeve van voors. Jacobus Bruyns soon met name Severyn ten voor hem en zyn ordre of Erfgenamen voor Eewigh dogh Indien de voors. Severyn Tenhout tot syn mondigen quam voor het overlyden van syn vader Jacobus Bruyn dat als dan de voors. Jacobus Bruyn aan syn soon Severyn tenhout sal uyt keeren En betalen Een hondert pondt" "En 96 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. dat na doot van voors. Jacobus Bruyn, En de voors. Severyn tenhout desself soon in possessie syn de van myn voors. staat, de voors. Severyn tenhout sal gehouden syn om uyt te keeren en betalen aan de twede soon van voors. Jacobus Bruyn of syn ordre of Erfgenamen de suyvere en nette somme van Een hondert pont." Wife and Jacobus Bruyn appointed executors. Signed by the testator. (In the 7th year of the reign of our Sovereign lady Anne, Queen of Great Britain, etc. — My wife, G. T., shall have and possess my whole real estate. — To my wife's son, J. B., my whole real estate, besides negroes, horses and cattle, and whatever belongs to (depending upon) my estate, immediately after my wife's decease for his life, and after his death to his son, S. — If said S. T. should reach his majority before the death of his father, J. B., then said J. B. shall pay to his son, S., £100, and after the death of said J. B., and when the said S. T. is in possession of said estate, he shall be bound to pay to the second son of said J. B., or his heirs, the net sum of iioo.) (Coll. Jacob Rutsen, Major Johannis Hardenbei^h & Capt. Johannis Schep- ^ T> moes and Johannis Tenbroeck appeared jAcpB Rutsen ^^ j^^^^ 6^ j^^^/g ^^^^^^ j^e Court J. Hardenbergh Coll. Jacob Rutsen, Mr. Arien Ger- JoHANis Schepmoes retscu and Coll. Gaasbeek Chambers D Meyer Judges, and Capt. Egbert Schoormia- Johannis Ten Broeck ^^'' Capt. Edward Whittaker and Mr. Comeus Cool, Justices, proving uie will of Severyn Tenhout "late of Sha- wangunk, deceased.) iSeveryn Tenhout m. Geertruit Ysselstein (dau. of Jan Willemse Esselstein and Wxltemiie Jans), widow of Jacobus Bruyn (q. v.), m. before OEti 6, 1678-, who had a son, Jacobus Bruyn. who m. after Nov. 18, 1704, Tryntje Schoonmaker (see Jacobus Bruyn). BOOK OF DEEDS III. (CC). MARKED 1718-1728. Page 40.— HOOQENBOOM, ANNETIE, "Weduve van Cornells Hogenboom Van Wylen, van Kingston, overleden." Will dated May 4, 1719, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble.) XK + (/v/< "Aan myn suster Jacomyntie's dogter Hilletje huysvrouw van Capt. Gerrit Wynkoop alle myn Cleeragie Ende Linne aan my left behoorende." "Aan Annetje Wynkoop Doghter van voors. Gerrit Wynkoop en Hilletie zyn huysvrouw myn bed Ende bedding met zyn toebehooren." "Aan Roeloft Eltinge Ende Cornells Eltinge soonen van myn voors. suster Jacomyntie," "al myn geheele staat" "Om Egalyk onder haar tweeje gedeelt te werden uytgenomen het geene boven vermaakt is dat is te seggen aan Roeloft Eltinge" "de gerechtige helft van myn voors. staat En aan Cornelis Eltinge" "de andere gerechtige helft van myn voors. staat." (To my sister J.'s daughter, H., wife of Capt. G. W., all my clothing and linen. To A. W., daughter of said G. W. and to his wife, H., my bed with what thereto belongs. — To R. E. and C. E., sons of my said sister J., my whole estate, to be divided equally between them, ex- cepting what I have previously disposed of, that is to say, to R. E. half of my said estate, and to C. E. the other half thereof.) Roeloft and Cornelis Eltinge appointed executors. Signed by the testatrix, and witnessed by Jno. Rutsen, Nicolas Dupuis, Wm. Harris (his mark), and Wm. Nottingham, who all appeared before the Court, Sept. 17, 1719, proving the will. (See Cornelis Hoogeboom's will.) Page 111.— BEVIERE, LOUIS, Senr., of Nieuw Paltz. Will dated May 2, 1720, and written in Dutch. Onf<^S (Long religious preamble.) "Aan myn outste soon Jean Bevier" "de somma van Een pont." "Item door dien myn soon Andre Bevier van God den heer besoght is dat by niet (Compus mente ofte) well by syn sinne is daarom niet bequaam om syn portie van myn staat aan te werden en te Rogeeren Soo is myn will en Begeertten En ick ordonneere & belaste myn andere Kinderen, als sy het selve voor Gods Oordeel sullen verant woorden dat sy alle wegen well op haar breeder Andre sullen passen En goede acht namen en hem well onder houden van all nodrift van Cleeragie en wat anders jy sonde kunne ofte mogen outbreken gedurende syn naturlyke Leven en na syn overleyden hem Eerlyk te begraven Naar soo God in genaden hem wederom syn voorige kennisse en verstant sail gelieve te 98 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. geven dat als dan hy myn voors. soon Andre sail hebben en genieten voor hem" "de gerechtige vyfde part van myn geheele vaste" "staat" "ende Wardy van de sesde part van myn losse of roerenden staat. Dogh vermagh de vaste staat niet verkoopen alsraan syn broeder ofte broeders Item soo is myn will en begeerten dat Indian myn voors. soon in dese Onoselle staat blyft syn vyfde part van myn vaste staat; en sesde part van myn losse staat of te wardy daar van sail blyve in handen van myn Executors, om voor syn best en Oudhout verhuert en uyt gedaan te war- den En na syn overleyden sail selva Egalyck onder myn vier andere soonen en Doghter". "gedeelt werdan." "Aan myn voors. soon Jean Bevier" "de gerechtige vyfde part van ■myn gaheala vasten en onroerende staat als mde de gerechtige sesde part van myn Losse en Roeranda staat En ook de bovageschreven Recht in de portie of part van myn soon Andre waar voor hy sal betalen En uyt Keeren aan myn doghter Hester huysvrouw van Jacob Hasbrouck als hier onder vermaakt is aan haar." "Aan myn soon Abraham Bevier" "de gerechtige vyfde part van myn geheele vaste staat als mede de gerechtige sesde part van myn gahaele Losse staat Ook de bove geschreven Recht in de portie ofte part van myn soon Andre ; Waarvoor hy sail betalen en uytkeren aan myn doghter Hester als hier onderaan haar vermackt is." "Aan myn soon Samuel Bevier" the fifth part of the real estate and the sixth part of the personal property, on same condition as before. "Aan myn soon Louis Bevier Junr." the fifth part of the real estate and the sixth part of the personal property, on same condition as before. "Aan myn doghter Hester als hier order aan haar vermaakt is." — "Myn soon Samuel sail de preferentie of Keur van de vyf parten hebbe uyt Raden dat hy verhuyst is en by myn in kome woonen." All the real property to be appraised and divided in five parts among the four sons and the daughter Hester, who also is to receive the sixth part of the personal property," "also myn bed an bedding mat syn toe be- hooren." The four sons and "myn schoon soon Jacob Hasbrouck" appointed ex- ecutors. Signed by the testator. Hans KiERSTEDEN p^ctor Hans Kiersteden. Joseph Has- Andre Lefevre brouck & Wm. Nottingham appeared before '^Z'lf^t^^^S ^^^ ^°- J"^y 4. 173I provEfg the will). (To my eldest son, Jean Bevier, the sum of one pound. And as my son Andre Bevier has bean inflicted by the Lord God, and is not in his right mind, on which account he cannot well care for his share of my estate, my will is, and I command my other children, as they themselves are accountable to God's judgment, to take good care of their brother Andre, to preserve him from all want during his natural life, and to bury him honorably. If God, in his grace, should restore Book of Deeds, Liber III. 99 him to mind and memory, my son Andre shall have 1/5 part of my real estate, and the value of a sixth part of the personal property, but he must not sell the real estate except to his sisters or brothers. If my son remains in this unresponsible (innocent, silly) condition, his fifth part is to be retained by the estate; the sixth part of my personal property is then to remain in the hands of my executors, to be leased for him and for his old age. At death, his property or share to be divided equally be- tween my four other sons and my daughter. To my said son Jean Bevier, the 1/5 part of my real estate, and the sixth part of my personal property, my son to pay to my daughter Hester, wife of Jacob Hasbrouck, as here below is provided for. To my son Abraham Bevier the i/s part of the real estate, and the sixth part of the personal property, on the same condition. Other fifth parts of the real estate and sixth part of the personal property to go to sons Samuel and Louis, Jr., and to daughter Hester. Son Samuel to have the first choice of the five parts, the reason being that he has removed to my house to live. Son in law Jacob Hasbrouck and the four sons appointed executors. (Louis Beviete, Sr., was born at LUle about 1648, removed previous to 1675 to Frankenthal, as appears from a certificate from the Pastor there, H. Lucasse, dated March 5, 1675, witnessed by Andre Le Blane^ came to New York 1675/6, went to England 1710, where he procured denization papers, returned to New Paltz. He m. 1673, Maria Le Blanc, and had issue; i, Maria, b. July 9, 1674; ii. Jean, b. Jan. 2, 1676, m., Apr. 14, 1^12, Catherine Montaign, b. Rochester; iii. Abraham, b. Jan. 20, and bt. March 31, 1678 (s. of Louies Bevery and Maria Blan'), m., after Febr. 8, 1707, Racheltie Vernooy, b. Kingston; iv. Samuel, b. Jan. 21, 1680, m. Magdalena Blanshan; v. Andries, b. July 12, bt. Sept, 24, 16S2, d. unm., 1768; vu .Louis, b. Pals, Nov. 6, 168^, m. June 2, 1713. Lysbeth Haasbrouck, dau of Jacob H. (see will of his son, Louis B.'s widow, Esther) ; vii. Esther, b. Nov. 16, 1686, m. Dec. 7, 1714, Jacob Hasbrouck, s. of Jan H.); viii. Solomon, b. July 12, 1689, d. inf. — See History of New Faltz, pps. 22S^.et seq. for further data). Page 128.— COCK, JOHN, of Marbletown. Will dated July 20, 1710. J^k" +ul< "My well beloved wife Magdelen shall be and Remain in the full possession of my whole Estate Real and Personal dureing the term of her widdow hood," "without to be accountable to my heirs hereafter named for the same," but if she should marry agains then she is only to have the thirds of the uses & profits of my sd Estate and no more." "First Out of my Estate unto my two sons and two Daughters, Wil- liam Samuel Alice & Margaret Each two working horses or mares & Each two Cows & to Wm. & Samuel Each a gun & hanger that they now use and to Alice and Margaret Each three sheep this being in Consideration of what I already have given unto my sons, John & Thomas." "Unto my Eldest son John one Creature ye Choice of my whole stock after the above given Creatures are taken Out, be it horse or mares Cow or Ox In Consideration of being my first Borne, and I have taken up thirty pounds" "for my said son John Which promised me to pay again and if he do not pay the same according to his promises" "the said thirty pounds shall be deducted of his portion of my Estate" "and also the loo Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Interest of six per Cent per anhum from the month of May one thousand seven hundred and seaven till such time that my Estate shall be devided among my Children." "Whereas I became security for my son Thomas" "all what my Es- tate shold Come to be Charged or Incumbered by being security as afore- said shall be deducted out of his portion of my said Estate." "Unto my six Children by name John Thomas William Samuel Alice & Margaret" "my whole Estate as of Lands Houses orchards pastures goods Chattells & all what belongs to the same to be Equally devided amongst them." "If any of my said children should depart this life before they are of age or Married theire portion shall be Equally devided amongst the Rest of my Children." All the children appointed joint executors. Signed by the testator. (Mrs. Anne Carton Junr. & Wm. Nottingham Tho : Carton appeared before the Court : Mr. Jacob Rutsen, Rich'd Brodhead Judge, and Mr. Arien Gerritsen & Mr. Vincent Anne Garton Junr. Mathews, Justices, proving the will, and stat- Wm Nottingham *"? ^^^ Thomas Garton & Rich Brodhead "signed with them as witnesses." (Jan Cock came from Out Engelant (Old England), m., July 27, 1679, Maddeleen Wood, from England, both res. Marbletown, and had: i. John; ii. Thomas, bt. Jan. 5, 1682; iii. William, bt. at M., Jan. 20, 1684, m., June 8, 1716, Catrina Esfort; iv. Elsje, bt. Jan. i, 1687; v. Elsje, bt. June 3, 1694; vi. Samuel, bt. May 24, 1696, m., July s, 1722, Bregjen Middagh; vii. Margit, bt. Apr. 27, 1701). • Page 132,— BEATTY, JOHN, of Marbletown. " Will dated April 26, 1720, "according to the Computation of the Church of England." "Very sick & Weak in body." "Unto Zusanna my truly and well beloved wife all my Low land on the fifth stick or piece between the Land of Thomas Cock & Hendrick Claese and the woodland Meddowes & Swomps thereto adjoyning along the bounds of Thomas Cock together with my house barne orchards pas- tures goods Debts & Moueable afifects for the Terme of her Natural Life & after her decease to be parted in Equall shares amongst all my Children upon Condition that my said wife shall pay all my Lawful Debts." "Unto my Eldest son Robert upon Consideration of my first born son one milch Cow Likewise that Certain piece of land he now Lives on or so much as shall fall to his share when all the woodland is devided Begin- ning at a pine tree neare to the East end of a small swamp in the pine woods then along my bounds to Rochester highway as my bounds Runs To the bounds of Thomas Cock & farther so as my bounds Runs to the bounds Daniel Brodhead then along his bounds to an old marked pine tree Book of Deeds, Liber III. loi & from thence with a straight Line to the first station and if said Robert has too much for his part or share with the Rest of my Children he shall Loose it at the south west End or if he have to little he shall have it In the pine woods at the northwest end where the bounds of said Daniel Brodhead and the swamp where he first began at the same breadth to make it a Complement with the Rest." "Unto my son John all my third part in the mill Likewise twenty acres of Land near by which was promised to be Conveyed to me by Matthias Blanchan before the Trustees of Marbletown but afterwards said Matthias Blanchan sold me that all there was above one hundred acres I might take for he would take no more as to pay one shilling Quitt and when I surveyed it I found it to be twenty three acres above his hundred, but his mother is to have said part of the Mill so long as the Debts Is paid unless she Chance to Marry in the mean while then is it to be dehvered up to my said son John & he is to have it and no more for his part or share of my Estate except his part of the moueables." "To my Daughter Agness ten pounds for her dutiful Care of my family when my Children were small and Tender." "Unto my poor afflicted & distressed brother Thomas Beatty in Ireland who hath through great sickness another visitation from almighty God is become blind & is now maintained by the Charity of his half sister fifteen pounds Current silver money of New York with al possible speed it should be taken up at Interest Hopeing it will be taken from my hands and all the Rest of my family as an acceptable offering from all- mighty God." "All the rest of my wood land lying within the Limmitts of Marble- town & Rochester I give unto the Rest of my Children, vizt: William Charles Thomas Edward James and Henry and to my two Daughters Aggness & Martha" to be divided equally "or Else In quantity according to quallity as they shall think fitt & to take two honest neighbors upon Oath and to view said lott to the best of their knowledge and to Lay so much money upon the best as they shall think fitt to be paid unto them that Receives the worst lots & then said Eight Children to draw lots for said land." Signed by the testator. Tho: Cock Wm. Cock (Witnesses appeared before the Court March 9, JoRis MiDDAGH 1720/1, proving the will). Elleanor Cock Oohn Beaty m. Susanna Ashfordby, and had issue: i. Robert Batty iBettis), m., after May 17, 1719 Bnta Middagh; ii. William, bt. June 9, 1695; iii. Charles, bt. Jan. 9, 1698 (see his will); iv. Agnes, bt. Oct 29, 1699 (dau. Jan Betti & S. A.) ; v. Jan, bt. March z, 1701 (m., Sept. to, 1743, Merry Brink') ; vi. Thomas, bt. March 14, 1703, m. Oct. 23, 1729, Maria Jansz; vii. Maria, bt. Apr. 20, 1707, "Bina Membra Ecclesiae Anglicanae" (member of the English Church), m. Nov. 24, 1728, Johannes Middagh). I02 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Page 169.— SCHUTT, WILLEM JANSEN, of Shawangunk. Will dated May 6, 1706, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). "Myn huysvrouw Grietie sail blyve in voile possessie van myn ge- heele Staet." "Aan de Kinders van myn outste soon Jan Schutt 100 guldens," to be paid in one year by the widow. "Aan myn soon Myndert Schutt 100 gulden in two years." — "Aan myn soon Salomon Schutt 100 gulden in three years." — "Aan myn doch- ter Magdaleen" 100 gulden in four years." — "Aan myn dochter Neyltie" 100 gulden in five years." — "Aan myn dochter Marytie" 100 gulden in six years." "Aan myn soon Abraham Schutt myn Land gelegen op Shawon- gonck" "in Consideratie dat hy by myn blyft in myn hooge kouderdom Endemyn groote dienst godaen heeft en noch dost, voor welck landt myn voors. soon Abraham sail betalen en uyt Keeren de bove vermackte ses hondert guldens." Wife and son Abraham appointed executors. Signed by the testator. Jacobus Brun (^^p^ Nicolas Hofman and the other witnesses ScmIs^H fman^^ appeared, June 4, 1722, before the Court, proving Wm. Nottingham (My wife G. is to remain in full possession of my whole estate. 100 guldens to be paid by the widow to the children of my eldest son, J. S. — To sons, M., S., and daughters M., N., and M., 100 guldens each. — To my son, A. S., my land at S., in consideration that he remains on my farm and in my service, and that he pays 600 guldens for said land). (.Willem Jans ISchut), m. Gritie Jacobs, and bad issue: i. Jan Willem, m. before Sept. iS, i6g2,. Marytje Ter Bos; ii. Solomon, bt. June i8, 1671 (s. of Willem Jansen and G. T.), m., before Jan. 29, 1690, Jannetje Tysens (.Sesums), m. 2., Sept. i, 1712, Marytjen Mone, widow of Paulus Mone, b. in Hog-duysland {Germany); iii. Magdalena, b. Albany, m. i., after Apr. 2, 1684, Gerrit Decker, m., 2., Apr. 22, 1696, Joris Middagh, b. Hycoop, Holland; iv. Marytie; v. Abraham, b. Morbletown, m. i., after Nov. 9, 1709, Heyltjen Dekkers, ra., 2., Apr. 25, 1714, Ceerthen Kortregt; vi. Meindert, m. before Nov. i6,_ 1694, Sara Jansen; vii. Neeltie, bt. Oct. S, 1682; viii. Menasses, bt. Dec. 30, 16S3, and ix. Ephraim, bt. same day). Page 198.— AARTSE, GERRIT, of Kingston, " Landtman." Will dated Dec. 17, 1715, and written in Dutch. Long religious preamble. "Myn waarde huysvrouw Claartie Aartse de gerechte derde van de profyte van myn gantsche staat gedurende haar Leven, En dat myn voors. huysvrouwe Sail vry heydt hebbe om in het buys tegenwoordrigh door myn bewoont In te blyve woone geduerende haar Leven." "Alyn Jongste Soon Simen van Wageninge Sail hebben En genieten > Book of Deeds, Liber III. 103 In ware en vrye Eigendom" "all myn Landt gelegent noorderlyke van de Esopus Kill SCO als 't selve myn aengekomen is van de Erfegenise van myn vader Aart Jacoise, en oock volgens transpoort van Sweer Teunis- sen alse mede myn wy En Bouwlandt gelegen stiydelyke van voors. Kill, beneff ens buys En Schuer, heyninge Etz. : mits dat myn voors. Soon oft syn ordr of Erfgenamen gehouden sullen syn voor bet selve te betaalen aan myn Erfgenamen bier onder gescbreven waer van by Een is, te betalen de somme van Ses bondred pondt" "In vyfve Jaaren te betaalen jeder jaar de gericbte vyfde part." "So stel Ick tot Erfgenamen over myn gantscbe Staat myn agbt kinderen Wettelyke geproureert met myn voors buysvrouw met namen Evert van Wageninge, Barent van Wageninge, Goosen van Wageninge, Jacob van Wageninge, Simen van Wageninge, Jamnetie buysvrouw van Barent van Benthuysen, Annetie buysvrouw van Henricus Heermans, En Neeltie van Wageningen En oosk Gerrit van Wageninge Soon van myn oudste Soon Wylen Aart van Wageningen" equally "docb dat voors. Gerret van Wageninge" "sail trucke En geniete alvorens de deeling van myn Staat gescbieden sail de Somme van vyftigh pondt." (To my wortby wife, C. A., one third of the income from my whole estate for life, she to have the right to live in the bouse I now occupy. — My youngest son, S. v. W., shall have all my land north of E. K., as the same was inherited by me from my father, A. J., as well as conveyed to me by S. T. — He shall also have my pasture land and farm south of said Kill with bouse and barn, be and bis heirs to be bound to pay for the same to my other heirs the sum of £600 in five years, one fifth each year. — As heirs to my whole estate, I appoint my eight children, begotten by my said wife, by name E. y. W., B. v. W., G. v. W., J. v. W., S. v. W., J., wife of B. V. B., A., wife of H. H., and N. v. W., as well as G. v. W., son of my oldest son, A. v. W., deceased. G. v. W. shall have, in advance, a sum of £50). (Aert jacobsen (Van Wagonen) was an early resident of Albany, who on Sept 17, 1660, purchased 47 morgens 215 rods of land at Esopus from Johanna De Laet, wife of JerOMmvus Eb- binck. He had five children : i. Gerrit Aertse (s. of Aert Jacobsen and Annetje Gerrits) , m. Clara, bt. N. Y. Sept. 10, 1651, dau. of Evert Pels and Jannetie Symens, and had issue; a. Aert, m., Oct. 20, 1695, Aaltje Siting, (see Elting Roelofsen); b. Evert, bt. Apr. 18, 1675, m., June 1, 1701, Marytje Van Heyningen; c. Barent, bt. Apr. 18, 1675, m., Sept. 28, 1703, Lea Schepmoes; d. Goosen Van IVagenen, ra. June 15, 1715, Gertruyd Swart; e. Jfmnetje, bt. June 25, 1682, m. Apr. 21, 1701, Barent Van Benthuysen; f. Anntje, bt. Sept, 7, 16S4, m. Hendricus Heermans;^ g. Jacob, bt. Oct. 3, 1686; h. Simon, bt. Apr. 7, 1689, m. May 26, 1720, Maria Schepmoes; i. Neeltje, bt. Apr. 17, 1692, m. Andries Focken; j. Rebecca, bt. Nov. 11, 1694;- — ii. Neeltje Aartsen, m., June 6» 1667, Cornelis Tynhout (q. v.) ; iii. Jacobus, ta., Febr. 25, 1677, Sarah, dau. of Evert Pells (q. v.) ; iv. Grietje Aartsen, m., Jan. 28, 1668, Jacobus C. Elmendorf; v. Elisabeth, m. ab. 1676, Cornelius Masten (q. v.). ) ''— - Page 219.— MATTYSEN, JAN, of Kingston. Will dated Oct. 7, 1719, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). "Myn buysvrouw Maddeleen Mattysen Sal bebben en blyve in bett besit van myn gantscbe Staatt Gedurende baar weduwlycke Staat Sonder dat sy gehouden sal syn Reeckenscbap te geven aan Eenige van myn 104 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Kinderen Dogh Indien myn voors. huysvrouw wederom quam te her trou- wen Dat als dan myn voors. huysvrouw gehouden is de geregte helft van myn voor. staat uyt te keeren Ente betalen aan myn Erfgenamen hier onder ges. En de andere helft van voor. Staat sail myn voors. huys- vrouw on de benifitie van Inventaries de bate En Profyten des selve genieten geduren de Leven En na haar overlyden dat Sulex Insgelyex soil syn ten Behoeve van myn Erfgenamen hier onder geschreven." "Aan myn outste Soon Mattys Jansen" "Een paart de keyr van myn Stall voort Reght van Eerst geboorten." "Aan myn kinderen mett namen Mattys, Thomas, Jan, Hendrick, David, Margrieta Huysvrouw van Barent Burhans Catrina huysvrouw van John Croke Junr, Daniell Brodhead Soon van my overleden Doghter Magdalena in haar leven huysvrouw van Richard Brodhead En aan de drie kinderen van myn overleden doghter Sara in haar leven huysvrouw van Elias Bunshoten met namen Teunis, Johannis En Gerretie" "myn gantsche Staat." "(Door dien myn Soon Jan naar Engelandt vertrocken is en wy van gedaghten zyn dat hy overleden is) dat myn andere Erfgenamen Syn portie van myn voors. Staat sal Deelen aan Stondts na myn En myn voors. huysvrouw, overlyden, mits dat Een Jeder van haar sal gehouden Syn om golde borgh te geven aan myn Executors hier onder genoemt dat Indien myn voors. Soon Jan moght weder on in dese provintie arriveeren if syn twettige kint ofte kinderen sy als dan kem ofte syn kinders syn part ofte portie van myn voors. Staat dat Sy onder haar hebben wederom sal oplevere Ende betalen." "Myn Soon Thomas Jansen" shall have "de Bouwery met syn Depen- dentie myn tobehoerende de welche gecoght heb van John Ward En gele- gen onder Marbletown; En nue in huere gebruyckt dooe myn voors. soon Thomas mits dat hy sal uyt keeren En betalen of Doen betalen ten behoeve van myn Erfgenamen" "£300" En Een Duysent negen hondert En Vyftigh Schepels Taruw of de Samen vyf hondert twe en t' negentigh pondt En sien Schellinge tot haar van voors. Thomas Jansen." (My wife, M. M., shall remain in possession of my whole estate, as long as she remains my widow, and not be obliged to render an account to any one of my children, but if she should happen to marry, then she shall be bound to turn over one half of the estate to my heirs, and out of the other half she shall have the income and profit during her natural life, and then to go to my heirs. To my eldest son, M. J., the choice of a horse from my stable, his right of primogeniture. To mv other children, by name M., T., J., H., D., M., wife of B. B., C, wife of J.' C, Jr., D. B., son of my daughter M., deceased, in her lifetime wife of R. B., and to the three chil- dren of my daughter, S., deceased, in her lifetime wife of E. B., bv name T., J., and G., my whole estate. — My son, J., having departed for England, and there is supposed to have died, it is my will that my other heirs shall divide his share after my own and my wife's decease, but each one shall be bound to give gold bonds to my executors, to provide for the case that Book of Deeds, Liber III. 105 his portion of my said estate may be paid to him or his children, should he, my said son Jan, return to this province. — My son T. J. shall have the farm with what thereto belongs, which I purchased from J. W., situated at M., and now in the possession of my said son T., for which he shall pay to my other heirs £300, and 1950 schepels of wheat or the sum of £592.10). The four sons, Mattys Jansen, Thomas Jansen, Hendrick Jansen and David Jansen appointed executors. The youngest son David to have "Een Negers Jonge of the vertigh pont Courant gelt." Signed by the testator. W. Ten Broeck (Witnesses appeared before the Court, A: Gaasbeck Chambers Nov. 24, 1724, proving the will. — Re- JoHANNis TEN Broeck cordcd and examined by Gil : Livingston, Wm. Nottingham. Clerk.) (See Jan Tysen). Page 230.— HEERM ANS, JAN, Senr., of Kingston. ^ ^ ^^ Will dated Oct. 20, 1723, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble). "Aan myn Eenigste doghter Margarieta" "myn Neiuwe Cleere Kist met all haar linne dar daar in is, als mede haar bedste en bedding met syn toebehooren, voorugt myn Staat en verder dat myn voors doghter sal het gebruyck van myn kamer hebben, om in te woonen gedurende de tyt wan haar Natuerlycke Leven (te weten) de kamer van myn tegenwoodige woon buys." "Aan de drie kinderen van myn overleden Soon Jan Heermans met namen Jacob, Jan ^n Engeltie huysvrouw van Cornells Elmendorf" "de gerechte vierde part van myn geheele Staat." (To my only daughter Margarieta my new linen-chest with all the linen therein, bed and bedding, and to have the use of my chamber for her life, that is the chamber in the house where I now live. To the three children of my deceased son Jan Heermans, named Jacob, Jan, and Engeltie, wife of Cornells Elmendorf, the fourth part of my estate). "Aan myn Soon Henricus Heermans" the fourth part of the entire estate. — To son Andreis Heermans a fourth part of the estate. — To daughter Margarieta one fourth part of the estate, if she dies, her share to be divided among the "kinderen van" Jan, Henricus, and Andries. Sons Henricus and Andries appointed executors. . Jan Heermanssen (his mark) (Witnesses appeared before the Court, March 5, 1724/5, Tobias Van BeUREN —"This to Certifie that I Jacob Rutsen, Esq. Judge of the Inferior Court of Common i)leas for said BaRENT NUKERCK County of Ulster have carefully examined the with- in will and testament and find no Razors nor Inter- WlLLIAM SWART liniations. In the same and here by allow the same to be Entered on said County Records.'' Jacob W. Nottingham Rjitsen. Vera Copia — Gil Livingston, Clerk). io6 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. (/on Focken (Heermans) came from Ruynen, Prov. Drenthe, Holland, m. in N. Y^ Aug. 23, 1676, Engeltie Bresteede, bt. Nov. 29, 1654, dau. of Jan Jansen Breestede and Marritie An- dries, m. z., ab. 1692, Elisabeth Blanchan, dau. of Matthew B. and widow of Pieter Cornells Low. Had with first wife: i. Jan, bt. N. Y., Nov. 3, 1677, m. ab. 1697^ Annatje, dau. 7ocob Aartse (J/ an Wagenen) a.nd, Sara Pels (q. v.); ii. Focke, btjuly 20, 1679; lii. Hendrick, bt. Sept. 3, 1681, m. ab. 1708, Annatie, bt. Sept. 7, 1684, dau. of Gerrit Aartsen (Van Wagenen) and Clara Pels; iv. Grietje, bt. Apr. 6, 1683; v. Andries, bt. Apr. 12, 1685, m. Neeltje, b. Apr. 17, 1692, dau. of Gerrit Aartsen (Van Wagenen) and Clara Pels. Res. Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; vi. Philip- pus, bt. Jan. i, 1687; vii. Pieter, bt. Dec. 30, 1688. By 2d wife: viii. Wilhelmus, bt. N. Y., May 7, 1693; ix. Grietje, bt. Kingston, Aug. 30, 1696, m., Apr. 21, 1727, Jam Maklin, b. March 7, 1703, s. of Jan Maklin and Marritje De Witt). Page 233.— RUTSEN, JOHN. Will dated March 5, 1724/5. Wl^ "My Beloved wife, Cathrine have and Enjoy all my Estate Real and personal of what kind so Ever During her natural Life, Except She maryeth & if in Case she marrieth then to keep and Enjoy the one halfe of my estate" "and the other halfe of my Estate to be Equally Divided amongst my Children." "Unto my son Jacob, besides his part as is shall happen the Sume of one hundred pounds." "After my wife Decease, all my Estate to be Equally Divided be- tween my natural Children, and in Case my Children dye without issue then my said Estate after my wifes decease to be divided, the one halfe or moety to my wifes brother Henry Beeckman and his sigter Cornelia the wife of Gilbert Livingston" "and the other halfe or moiety to my brother, and Sisters" (not named). "I Impower ray beloved wife Cathrin to sell and Dispose of all my Estate both Reall and personall." Wife appointed executrix. Signed by the testator, "in my dwelling house at Knightfield." JoHANNis Westbrock (Witnesses appeared before the Court, . „r Jacob Rutsen, Judge, Abr. Gaasbeck Joseph Whealer Chambers, Lodewyk Hornbeck, Justices, JOHANNIS SCHOON MAKER May II, I725. (J. R., m., Dec. 4, J712, Catryntjen Beekman, b. Sept 16, 1683, dau. of William B., and widow of Cornelis Bxveen. She m., 3., Albert Pawling, of Dutchess Co. — ^J. R. and C. B. had issue: i. Jolumna, bt. Apr. 11, 1714; ii. Jacob, bt. Apr. 29, 1716 (Jacob Ruts, Sr., and Marytjen Hansen, witn.); iii. Henderikus, bt. March 9, 1718, m., Nov. 24, 1737, Allada Livingston; iv. Catrina, bt. May 24, 1719, m. June 13, 1740, Dirk Wesselse Ten Broeck, res. Albany). Page 268.— SHEPMOES, DIRCK, of Kingston. Will dated Febr. 15, 1723/24, and written in Dutch. Long religious preamble. "Myn huysvrouw Maragrietie Schepmoes of Tappen (wife M. S. or Tappen) £40 and a "negerin met naame genaamt Jenney met all haar kin- dere" (negress by name Jenny with all her children). Wife also to have "het Goudt en sulver gemunt en ongemunt beding goldere en buys Raadt an all dat sy by myn gebrogt heeft" "twe paarde twee kouye twee shaapen en waage met strange touwe dar toie behooren de voor haer Book of Deeds^ Liber III. 107 twe Doghters genaamt Anna & Areyaantue Schepmoes" (gold and silver, coined and uncoined, bedding, household goods, and all she had brought unto me, two horses, two cows, two sheep, a wagon, with string and cord belonging to it (harness), for her two daughters named A. & A. S.) also "helleft van het Raat Dot wy gecoght en laate maake hebben terwyl dat wy getrowt geweest syn" (half of the household-goods which we bought and had made when we married) . "Myn huysvouw" "en haer twe dogters" "Jeder Elick Een Bedt met syn toiebehooren" (my wife and her two daughters a bed each with what belongs thereto). The wife also to have a third part of "het woUe en Linne gaare of Linne Vlass geweeve of ongeweevn Sount en Smeer kerse slip vlys spek meet voor Broot en voorts alles watt Eat baare syn dat in myn. buys of in de tuyn groeyt (the woolen, linen-thread or linen-flax, woven or not, and tallow candle, bacon, bread and all eatables in my house, or growing in the garden), en indien ick quam te sterve Dat het kooren noch in de Schuer te dorse was so sail myn voor syde huysvrouw Maragritie vier en twintigh Schepel tarrew twaalfe Scheepell males Dar- tigh Scheepel have Een hallef beest en Een vet varrike dat dat gemest is hebben" (and if at my death the grain should yet be in the barn to be thrashed, my wife shall have 24 schepels of wheat, 12 schepels corn, 30 schepels oats, half a cattle, and a fat pig). "Myn voorsyde vrouw" "in myn buys sal woome so Langh als sy ongetrouwt blyft en dat sy sail hebben tot haar wooningh de kelder kueken en op kaamer en up Solder en haar geryf in de kelder de haleve tuyn by het buys" (my said wife shall live in my house, so long as she is unmarried, and shall have for her occupancy the cellar, kitchen, and an upper room, and an upper garret, and her accommodation in the cellar, and half of the garden at the house) "ende derde part van de Boogaert van de appele en alle Boonvrughte die oft myn Landt in het bos grocien" (and the third part of the apple-iorchard, and all the fruit from the trees, which grow on my land or in the woods). Also "de darde hok of Garref van omtrent tien morgen bowlandt dat door Willem Schepmoes" "sal behouwt werde maer myn voor boiemde Soon Willem sail gehouwden Syn het voomoiemde Landt te bequaamer tydt te sayen met winter en soomer kooren ock sail hy alle laaren Een halfe Schepel vlaas saat op be quam Landt te Sayen voor myn syde huysvrouw" "op haer tien morgen en Willem Schepmoes sail van het soomer kooren soo veel weer hebben als het vlas lant gegroit is" (the third part of the sheaves of about 10 morgen arable land, which W. S. shall be bound to seed with winter and summer grain, and to sow yearly sufficient for half a bushel of flax for my said wife, but he shall have as much grain therefrom as is grown on said flax-land) "de tien morgen voor myn vrouw Sail weesen de voorste houck in de lange Streek" (my wife's 10 morgen shall be "at the first corner in the long row) "ock so sullen tween kouye twee kalvers en twee schaapen Loopen of te wyen daar syn vie Loopt en wydt" (and two cows, two calves, and two sheep may pasture where the son's cattle is grazing) "ock io8 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. sail my huysvrouw" "de helfte van het hoy landt dat op haar Landt dat is de Lange street groot vry hebbe En myn soon W. S. sail het magen voor de helleft So by will, oeck en Sal my huysvrouw voor het wyie van haer niet betalen" (my wife shall also have half of the hay land which is on her land on the long row, and my son, W. S., may cut the hay from this half if he so wishes, and my wife shall not pay anything for this land) "oock Sail myn huysvrouw" "den morge Schoon Bosslandt hebben waar zy will (my wife is also to have a morgen cleared woodland, where- ever she wishes) en haer geryt van de Schuer en bergen hofstede haerko- men en vel In te bergen ente dorsen (and to have all her carting to the barn and on the farm, and her cattle brought in) : en soo myn voorsyde huys- vrouw van het landt Een morgen Landt tot Een wey will maake Sal het moogen Doren all het voor sude Landt is myn voor Syde huysvrouw" "te hebbe Soo Langh als sy Leeft of ongetrowt blyft" (and if my wife wishes to make a pasture of her morgen land, she may do so, and she is to have said land as long as she lives or is unmarried) : en Een Spaa on Een greep Een byll : En scap en Een wan : en Spueel Slee ock Sail sy hebben de potte Bank en Eettens half en Leedekant Daar wy In Slaagen" "met het bedde goet dat in "en de twee brandt Isers hebbe en de bybell die wy gebruyckt hebben" (She is also to have a shovel, a dungfork, a small ax, a wooden shovel, a grain cleaner, a pleasure sleigh, the pott-bench (to place potts on), and corner closet (Eettens, i. e., a small three-cornered closet), a bedstead, where we sleep in (the testator wrote, by mistake, 'slaagen,' instead of 'slaapen,' i. e., 'where we fought in instead of where we slept in), with the bedding belonging thereto, the two iron stamps (marking irons), and the Bible, which we have used)'. "Anna en Areyantie Schepmoes sail ock Een Beybel hebben Benef- fense sail myn huysvrouw haer twe Doghters genaemt A. en E. S. EUeck vyftien EUe hoUans Bettyk nevens het I gegeweeve : en ock het fyne Linne dat new geweve is of geweeve wort dat sy selleft gesponne hebben" (A. and A. S. shall also have a bible each, and my wife is to give said daugh- ters each 15 yards Holland bedcloth which I have woven, and also the fine linen, which was woven, or which will be woven, which she has spun herself) . "Myn Soon Willem Schepmoes sal hebbe myn buys dat aghter is en Schuer en hofstee Boogaert en leegh Bowlandt dat ick nu behowen" (my son, W. S., shall have my house which is behind, and barn, and farm, and orchard, and low plough land which at present belongs to me) "het Landt dat ick new Sayie en ploiege en maey tot Sestien morge toie maer de voorste" (and the land which I am now sowing and plowing, and the 60 morgen low land) "sal van de kisketamer boom beginnin en de lange streek aan de sloot of het brugetie en dan met Een Reghte byn op de Sloot op Scepere Boomtie dat by de Sloot Staet en dan met Een Reghte byn op Jan Roos Boss landt en al dat Boss landt dat aen Deese seyde ban Leyn is Die Mr. John Cook gemeetenheeft dat sail Willem Schepmoes hebbe tot aen Dierck Dewitt syn Leyn voor welleke voornoiemde Landt huysen Book of Deeds, Liber III. 109 Schuyr Boogaert:" "En ock myn neeger genaamt Will en Een wagen en ploiegh" (shall begin at the "chestnut-tree" at the long row on the creek at the bridge, and then with a straight line up the creek to the 'Scepere' tree, which stands on the creek, and then with a straight line to Jan Roos's woodland, and also all the woodland which is on this side of the line, which Mr. John Cook has marked, shall belong to Wil- lem Schepmoes to Dierck Dewitt's line, for which said land, houses, barn, orchard and also my negro, by name Will and a wagon, a plow, he shall pay £400. He is also to receive "all myn Pocke ende Schrifte obligatsie en alle oblegaatsie Redderen" (all my books, writing-books and bonds, and to pay all my debts). If the widow should re-marry, she is to give an account not later than four years after the testator's death, and money not paid by William Schepmoes on the £400 debt shall then be remitted. "Aan myn klyn Soon Dirck Willemse Schepmoes myn vleg by het binnewaeter leggende en myn Singenet ofte waapen Rinck Rottingh en Schiet Roier sail hebben" (to my little son, D. W. S., my row-boat on the lake, and my signet-ring (or ring with coat of arms) my walking-stick and gun). "Myn soon Johannes Schepmoes sal hebben de tuyn die naest syn grondt an Leydt met en Reghte Leyn op het koonigs padt en dat Landt dat buyten De Schoongemaekt is" "syn Eerste geboorte Reght" (my son, J. S., shall have the garden, which adjoins his land, with a straight line from the King's Way, and the land which is beyond the cleared land, his right of primogeniture). All the 60 morgen land now occupied and plowed by Willem Schep- moes to be equally divided among the children "en het Boss Landt dat Tusen Willem an Johannes Schepmoes Leydt volgens de Leyn die John Crook geloopen heeft" (and the woodland which lies between W. and J. S.'s land, and follows the line which J. C. marked) is to be divided among the children "myn doghters Sara; en Dirckye: Ragell en Leea: Willem en Rebeeka Anna en Areyantie Schepmoes." "Willem Schepmoes sail van dat Bowlandt niet hebben als syn part van het gelt soo daar overschiet soo sal Willem daer syn par van hebe vande vaste staet Dat Landt dat myn Sueeve kindere sullen deelen dat moet kosten Drie hondert ponden (W. S. shall not receive of this woodland more than his share of the money which remains due, he is also to have his share of the real estate; the land which my seven children are to divide, may cost £300). "Maer So daer geldt of meel of kooren is dat Sail myn vrouw en myn Soon Willem hebbe om myn doost Schult daer mede te betaalen en de Rest dot dar rnoghte overigh weesen om myn andere Schulden te betalen en Sullen gehowden Syn Ses maan dan nae myn doot Reekeningk te doien aen de administratuers van myn nagebatene Staat. Ock Soo will Ick dat hy dat Landt Dat hey new In huer heeft, nock Een Jaer sail Bouwe mitten daer van de Derde hok of geris moist gedoe en als daer Soo veel Reet geldt niet gevonden wordt soo sail het uyt de naaste krop Betaalt weerden no Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. door myn Soon Willam Schepmoes Dat is te segge myn Doot Schulde Die aen myn begrafnis behooren en gedaan Sullen werden die moielen alle betaalt werden en niet naagelaten." (Any money, flour or corn, which may be found, shall go to my wife and to my son William for the payment of my funeral expenses, and what remains shall be used to pay my other debts with. They are to be bound to give an account to my executors, six months after my death, of their expenses on that account. It is also my will that he (William) shall for one year more cultivate the land which he now has in rent, with barley, and if there should not be ready money enough, pay- ment will have to be deferred to the proceeds of the next crop, as paid by my son William. The funeral expenses must, however, be paid promptly.) Anna and Areyantie to have also "Een negerin" a negress each "als sy komen te trouwen" (when they marry). If necessary, Anna is to have the first choice of Jenny's children, (van Jinny haer kinderen) Areyantie shall have two of Jenny's children. My two daughters, Anna and Areyan- tie, shall have "Ellek harre Ige kist met het geene daar in is te weeten (each her own trunk with what is therein, that is) linen and woolen goods, silver, coined and uncoined, and all the small pictures and all the stone- ware that belongs to her, a HoUandish copper kettle (Een hoUandse Coopre kaetell), a little teapot, six chairs, two iron potts, a clock, a warming pan (huegel) : "affchop en tangh" (coalshuttle and tongs), six spoons, six pewter plates, a cup, a pewter dish (schuttel), a copper smoothing iron, a good spinning wheel. As guardian (vooghde) over my wife and my two children, Anna and Aryantie, both under age, I appoint, Johannis Hardenberg, Pieter Tappen, and Hendrik Pruyn. As executors I appoint Jhuenes Tappen, Barnardus Swartwout, Barent van Waagenen, Aldert Roosa, Johannis Hardenbergh, Pieter Tappen and Hendrik Pruyn. Signed by the testator, and witnessed by Gil: Livingston, Jno. Rut- sen, Salomon Davis, and Jacobus Van Dyck. On Sept. 20, 1725, Gilbert Livingston, Solomon Davis, and Jacobus Van Dyck appeared before the Court, Arian Gerretsen, Esq., Judge, Capt. Lambert Cool, and Capt. Coenraedt Elmendorp, Esqrs., Justices, proving the will, and the signatures of the other witnesses. (See his former will, supra.) Page 293.— DOYO, ABRAHAM, of New Paltz. Will dated Sept. 20, 1724, and written in French. "Nostre Commancemant Soit au non de dieu" "en sentant malade au lit." (In the name of God, and sick in bed). (Long religious preamble.) "Item Cette ausy mon vouloir et Volonte que pres mon deces ma famme Elche demeura en la plaine posesion De tous me bien pour en youir paisiblement durant son vesuage san quel soit oublige de rendre Book of Deeds, Liber III. in Conte a mon fit Abraham." (My wife Elsie to remain in full posses- sion of my whole estate, without being obliged to render any account to my son Abraham.) "Mais sy elle ces venoit a se Remarier alor elle sera oblige de rendre sout a mon fils Abraham a souoir le taire du vilage et meson et grange et tous me neigre et Cheval es betacorne et meuble et jnmeuble orre argant." (But if she should marry again, she is to give an account to my son. A., for the land, house, all my negroes, horses, horned cattle, furniture and money) "Comme ausy tous le graint le graint quy seron vair ous saique et ausy tous ce qui mapartien an dite nu pale jtaime je daune plaint pouvoir a ma fame elche de savoir vandre et transporter ceste dit toire que deseus A France qui a quy ellse bons luy Semblere pour paier le frest des Ceste dite terre desus le france quil jtaime je daune et radonne amon fils Abraham tous le taire que je dans la patente du nu palle apre la mor de ma femme sil elle ne se reviene a marier Comme il est sy de seux." (Also all the grain, green or dry, as well as all what belongs to me in said New Paltz, besides full power to my wife Elsie to sell or dispose of all what may be in France at such price she may wish; I give to my son A. all the land which I have in the Patent of New Paltz, after my wife's death, if she does not remarry, as is pro- vided for farther on). I give "tous me outien de Charon et Cotille atiere et tous ce quil apartien a Cotille a Abraham mon fils," (to Abraham, my son, all my wagons and what belongs thereto) "et en suite je bailie tous me Livre amon fil Abraham et je reserve pour Mari ma fiUe le bible flament en un testament fancoij et on livre de sermon en un Livr a Saume et quatre pour Wintie a Savoir le vieux bible francoij et un testa- ment francoij et le pratique de piete et un Livr de priere flament," (and I give my books to my son A., except four for Marie, my daughter, i. e. the Dutch Bible, a French Testament, a Book of Sermons, and a Psalm-Book, and four for Wintie, i. e., the old French Bible, a French Testament, The Practice of Piety, and a Dutch Prayer-Book) . To ray son Abraham also "deux Chelin pour le droy darnaise Sent quil puis pleus rien a pretandre pour ce Senge." (two ropes for the right harness, with which he is to be satisfied, without any change). "J taime je hardonne que mon fils Abraham apre la mor de ma fame il faudra balier a ses deux seure so sente pistol de largant de nouuel jorque pour Leur par deritage a savoir frante pistolle pour Mary et Frante pistol pour Wintie apre troii aan apre la mor de ma fame." (I will that my son A., after my wife's death, shall give to his two sisters 60 Pistoles, (*) New York money, for their inheritance, that is 30 pistoles for Marie and 30 pistoles for Wintie) "Et ausy jordonne que ma fame elche ou mon fils Abraham seront oblige de donez a Wyntie Comme je balie a marie ma fille en mariage quan elle aura vinte aen." (Which is to be given to my daughter Marie on her marriage or when 20 years of age, by my wife or my son Abraham.) (*) A pistole was a Spanish coin, worth ca. 60 cents. 112 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. "Maij sil plait a dieu de retirez de me enfent il Retournera a me enfent et il partiront egalement et sil vinne a mourir tous sent eritier il Retournera a la enfant de me deux frere a sovoir Critiane et Henri Doyo." (When it shall please God to take me away from my children, it shall return to my children, to be divided equally, and if they should die without having inherited, it (the property) shall go to the children of my two brothers, Christian and Henry Doyo.) Jacob Hashrouck, Daniel Hasbrouck and the wife appointed execu- tors. Signed by the testator, and witnessed by Jacob Hasbrouck, Daniel Du Bois, and Daniel Hasbrouck. Daniel and Jacob Hasbrouck ap- peared before the Court, Oct. 7, 1725, proving the will, and stating that they saw Daniel Du Bois sign the same as a witness. (Abraham Doyo m. Elsie Clearwater in 1702.) Page 313.— FALSETT, QERRET, of the Pals Creek, Labourer. Will dated April 13, 1726. "Being very sick and weake In body." "To Johannes Wine Cope Senier of Kingston" £5. "To well beloved Handly Onomary Newkirk of the Pals Creek" £5. — "To my handlady Daughter In law Geertry Newkirk £5. "To Loving frinds Hendrieck Newkirk & Jahanas Newkirk whome I likewise Constitute my Executors" "all my Estate of moneys Bonds Goods now belonging to me." Garret Falsett (his mark). (John Haywood & Mathis Slymer Jno. Haywood appeared before the Court, May 5, Hendryck Schoonmaker 1726, stating that they saw Hen- Mathise Slimer drick Schoonmaker sign the will as a witness). Page 342.— LAMBERTSE, CORNELIUS (or BRINK). Will dated March 8, 1725/6, and written in Dutch. "Aan myn HuysvroUw (to my wife) Marritie Meyderse the whole estate. — "An myn outste Soon (to my oldest son) Eghbert Brinck" de keur van alle de peerde (his choice of all the horses). — "Al myn vaste staet van lant en buys so in corporatie van Kingston als op Hurly ofte Elders aenders aen myn vier soons (all my real estate in K., and H., or elsewhere to my four sons) Eghbert, Lambert, Henderick En Jacob equally, they to pay the debts, and to their three sisters £50: Ragel De Huysvrouw (wife of) Arent Ploegh; Jenneke wife of Samuel Burhans and Elisabeth wife of Jan Oosterhout, to be paid within three years. — To said daughters also "all Myn Linne Schutels Borde En Comme" (linen, dishes, plates, and cups (or bowls). All the rest of the estate, as slaves, horses, and cattle to be divided among said children. — "Aan Book of Deeds, Liber III. 113 myn outste Soon" (to my eldest son) Eghbert" "In myn plaets te ackte als tetentier Int Patent. Nevens Cornells Cool (to act in my place as holder in the Patent besides Cornells Cool). Sons Eghbert and Lambert appointed executors. Signed by the testator, and witnessed by Arien Gerretsen, Gerrit Newkirck, Timothy Low, and Cornelius Newkirck, who all appeared before the Court, Nov. 21, 1726, proving the will. (Cornells Lambertz, born at sea, son of Lambert Huibertsen (q. v.), m., Apr. 27, 1685, Maretie Egberts (.Meyndertsen), of New York, and had issue: i. Eghbert (see Cornelis Brink); ii. Lambert; iii. Hendricje, bt. Apr. ig, 1686; iv. Henderik, bt. Jafi. 28, 1692; v. Jacob and vi. Rachel, twins, bt June 3, 1693; vii. Jacob, bt. Jan. 5, 1696; viii. Mynert, bt. May i, 1698; IX. Jamneke, bt. May 7, 1699, m. i., Dec. 16, 1720, Samuel Burhans, m. a., Oct s, '734, Walran Dumont; 3C Lysbet, bt March 23, 1701, m. Jan Oosterhout; xi. Annotie, bt. March 24, 1706. — The widow m., Oct. 5, 1734, IValran Dumond). The following wills, in possession of Mr. Ralph Le Fevre, of New Paltz, are not on record in Kingston, Albany or New York. FRERE, HUGH, New Paltz. Will dated Jan. 15, 1727/8, and written in Dutch. "Aen myn Oudste soon Hugo" "voor het Recht van syn Eerste ge- boorte geve ick hem Een paart de keur van myn Stat" (to my eldest son, H., the choice of a horse, for his right of primogeniture). "Aen myn Soon Isaac^' "myn weves getouw en syn toebehooren en twee rieten en oock Een voste merry paardt, die van myn breeder Jam Frere gehooren is, voruyt voor syn getrouw Diensten aen myn gedaan" (to my son, I., my weaver's loom with what thereto belongs, as well as two reeds, and a sorrel mare, in advance of division, for his faithful service) . "Myn Jongste Kinderen sullen onderhouden en opgevedt werden naar vermoogen en ter Schoolen laaten gaan" (my youngest children shall be provided for, and brought up as well as possible, and permitted to attend school). "Aan myn Derteen Jtinderen met namen Hugo, Isaac, Simon, Jonas, Marya, Sarah, Hester, Chatharina, Blandina, Rachel, Jannetie, Rebecca, en Elizabeth" "mym geheele staet" (my thirteen children, named, to equa- vally divide the property) "mets gevende aen de Vleeschlycke Vreught Van Tryntie Van Cleck, Dochter van Johannes Van Kleck die sy nu draagt so het leeft tot de mondige Jaaren ofte tot Een Twentigh Jaaren" "een even geluck part en portie met myn boven gen. kinderen" (to the 'fruit of the flesh' of Tryntie Van Cleck, daughter of Johannes Van Kleck, which she now goes with, it shall receive, if it lives to majority, or to the age of 20, an equal share of the estate with my said children) "En by aldien het vreught ofte kint quam onmondigh te overleyden" (and if any of the children should die before the age of majority) the sur- vivors are to divide the share of deceased. "Myn ongetrouwde kinderen als sy Comen te trouwen en hu- welycken sullen dan haaren Uytsett hebben als myn anderen kinderen gehedt hebben doe se trouwden" (when the minors marry, they are to 114 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. have an outfit, similar to those, which my married children received, when they married). "Aan myn Dochter, Rachel, £5" (to my daughter, R., £5), to daughter, Jannetie, i6, to daughter, Rebecca, £7, and to daughter, Elisa- beth, £8, as well as my "silver Tuymelaar" (silver tumbler). The children to give their brothers and sisters preference, if they wish to sell their shares. Executors: sons Hugo, Isaac, Simon. Guardians: "my drie bree- ders" (my three brothers), Abraham Freer, Jacob Freer, and Jan Freer, and "myn Vrindt" (my friend), Aart Van Wagenen. Hugh Freer (his mark). Witnessed by Ande le feure, Samuel Beuier, and Daniel Hasbroucq. DUBOIS, DANIEL. Will dated Aug. 16, 1729, and written in French. "Soit Notoire a tous Eeux qu'il appartiendra qu' aujourdhuy le Siexieme Jour du mois D' aoust de L'an Mille sept Cent et vingt Neuf moy soubsine Daniel Dubois hebitant du Nieu Paltz en la Conte de Ulster en la Province de Nieu York dans L'Amerique Estant en sante de corps et d'Esprit Dieu en soit Loue; Feu que le jour et L'heure de la mort nous est Incertaine Dieu nous ayant Cache le Temps et le Moment qu'il s'est reserve a sou Adorable Providence; c'est pourquoy aussy J'ay voulu jcy declarer par les presentes ma derniere volonte et Testament en la forme et en la maniere Comme L'ensuit." (Be it known to all whom it may concern, that to-day, Aug. i6th, 1729, I, Daniel Dubois, resident of N. P., Ulster County, Province of New York in America, be- ing well in body and mind, for which God be praised; knowing that the day and hour of death is uncertain to us, God having hidden from us the time and the moment which he has reserved in his adorable provi- dence ; therefore, I have wished to declare by these presents my last will and testament in manner and form as follows.) "Je Casse je Reuoque J'annule et met a neant tout autre Testament que j'ay fait ou passe soit de parolle ou par Eseuit: il serront nul et de nulle valleur." (I dissolve, revoke, annul and make void every other testament, which I have made by word or writing: it shall be void, and null, and of no effect.) "Mais Celluy cy est et sera ma demiere volonte et Testament et non autre." (But this is and shall be my last will and testament.) "Et Ainsy je Recommende mon ame a Dieu mon Creatur a Jesus Christ mon Sauueur Et au Sainct Espt. mon Consolateur et Sanctificateur. Et mon Corps a la Terre d'ou il a Este pris Jusques a ce qu'il plaise a Dieu au Jour qu'il 'a destermine en son Conseil Esternel de Ressusciter nos Corps pour les reunir a nos Ames, afin que tous ensemble de jouir a jamais de la vie Eternelle et bien heureuse que Jesus Christ son fils nostre Seigneur nous a acquire par son sang qu'il a promis de donner a tous Eux quy luy seront fidelle jusqu'a la mort." Book of Deeds, Liber III. 115 (And thus I recommend my soul to God, my creator, to Jesus Christ my saviour, and to the Holy Ghost, my consoler and sanctifier, and my body to the earth from which it was taken, until it shall please God, on the day which he has determined in his eternal counsel, to raise our bodies, to reunite them to our souls so as together to enjoy forever life eternal, and most blessed, which Jesus Christ, his son, our Lord, had secured for us by his blood, which he has promised to give to all those who are faithful unto death.) "Pour ce quy est de mes biens temporels qu'il a pleu a Dieu de me donner beaucoup plus que je n'ay merritte: Comme Terres, Maisons, Granges, frutiers, pastures, et heritage; Cheweaus, Bestes a Corne et autres Bestial ; or, argent, monnoye ou autrement, Estains, Euyores, fers & ferrement, et tout autres Utencilles quy appartient a mon bien Je donne et ordonne Comme il Lenssuit." (As for my temporal goods which it has pleased God to give me, much more than I deserve : as lands, houses, barns, orchards, pastures, and heritage, horses, cattle, gold, silver, coined or uncoined, cooking-utensils, iron tools, and all other utensils, I give and bequeath as follows). "Premierement S'est mon Voloir et volonte que toutes mes Ligi- tures Debts Soit Payee en temps Conunabl par mes Executeurs ycy apres nommes." (First, it is my will and desire that all my debts be paid by my executors, hereafter named, immediately after my death.) "ae. Cest aussy mon voulier et volonte Expresse que ma femme Marie demeurera en la pleine possession et Jouissance de tous mes biens mouuable et jonmouvables apres mon desces pour en jouir paisiblement durant son veufage sans quelle soit obligee den rendre Conte a mes Enfans ny a personne quy que ce soit, mais sy en cas quelle Vin Sent a se remar- ier, elle aura nu tiers dans les reuenus de toutes mes terres aussy elle aura une negresse trois ou quatre vaches trois Cheueaus et tous les meubles de ma maison pour sa vie durant et apres son desces ils reuiendront Et Seront a tous mes Enfans en general pour estre esgallement divise et partage parmy Eux et eutre eux ; Ses pourquoy il faudra faire une jnven- taire." (My wife, Marie, to remain in full, undisturbed possession of all my estate, during her widowhood, without being obliged to render an account to my children, or anyone else ; if she should happen to remarry, she is to have one third of the profits from all my lands, one negress, three or four cows, three horses, all the furniture in my house, for life, and after her death, all to go to the children to be divided equally. An inventory will, therefore, be necessary.) "3e. Mon fils aine Benjamin aura pour son desit d'ainesse tout ma monture de Cavallerie Excepte le Cheuel sans pretendre pour Cette raison rien autres Choses." (My eldest son, B., for his birthright, my cavalry equipment, except the horse; he not to pretend to chose something else, on that account.) "46. Tous mes biens meubles et jnmeubles mouvables et jn- mouvables a mes six Enfants Elisabeth, Benjamin, Marie, Simon, Rachel^ ii6 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. et Isaac, a Eux" "une juste part." ((To my children, named, one sixth part each of the whole estate.) "5e. Mais Sy en cas ma famme procree ou ait d'autres Enfants durant mon vie, ils diviseront" "une just part." (If my wife should have other children during my life, they are to inherit equally with the rest.) "6e. S'il arriuoit que ma famme fut Enceinte a mon Desces et accouchat de fils ou fille legitimement procree de moy alons ce fruit la doit partage dans tous I'heritage." (If my wife should be enciente at my death, and a legitimate son or daughter be born, such child shall inherit with the rest.) The children to give preference to each other, if they wish to sell their shares. "Mon frere Philipe Dubois mon uncle Jacob Hasbrouck et mon frere Pierre Cantin" (my brother, P. D., my uncle, J. H., and my brother, P. C.) appointed executors. Witnessed by Jean Theuenin, Samuel Beuier, and Stephen Gasherie. Page 353.— JANSEN, MATTYS, of Kingston, Cordwainer. Will dated Aug. 21, 1727. "Eldest son Johannis shall have for his birth right £30." "My daughter Magdalena to be paid at the day of her marriage £20." "My daughter Ragel to be paid at the day of her marriage £20." "My son Thomas £30 to be paid when he arrives at the age of 21 years." "My son Cornelis £35 to be paid when he arrives at the age of 21 years." "My son Jacobus £35 to be paid when he arrives at the age of 21 years." "My sons Cornelis and Jacobus shall have three silver Cups and twelve silver spoons which I had by their mother, and the said Cornelis ' ""' "obus shall have the preference of the Lott of Ground, lying in n between the house and Lott of Jan Heermans deceased and uicy uuuse and Lott of William Swart, if sold or divided they Giving as mauch for the same as one of the other Children will give." ''An inventory be taken of all my Goods and Chattels and that ray family keep and Remaine in my now dwelling house untill next Spring- and tiien my Goods and Chattels to be sold by my Executors and the money ther from arising to be put out at Interest, and out of the Interest my Children that are under age to be maintained." "After payment of debts all real and personal property to be divided among the children: Johannis, Thomas, Cornelis, Jacobus, Grietie now wife of Lewis de Bois, Marritie now wife of Johannis Decker, Magdalena and Ragel." In case of death under the age of 21, the share to be divided among the survivors. Book of Deeds, Liber III. 117 "My son Johannis full power" "to sell" "such lands and estate which I have had by my father Jan Mathysen deceased which is yett undivided." "Eldest son Johannis, my Brother Thomas Jansen and Brother John Crooke Junr." appointed guardians "untill my youngest Child shall be of the age of 21 years" and then "my four sons, Johannis, Thomas, Come- lis and Jacob" to be executors. Signed by the testator. Petrus Vas (Witnesses appeared before the Court Oct. GirLiviNGSTor'' 5, first year of George II.) (Codicil.) "My eldest son Johannis Jansen full power" "to release and con- firm the divisions made with the heirs of my father Jan Mathysen de- ceased." Aug. 21, 1727. Same witnesses. Entered Oct. S, first year of George II. (1727). (M. J., s. of Jan Moityten, (q. v.), m. 1., June 7, 1^3, Anna Btmendorp, m .2., June 13, 1703, Rochet PopingOf b. N. x., res. Kingston, m. 3., May i, 1712, Annatjeth Masten. Issue with ist wife: i. Johannes, bt. Nov. 15, 1696, m., July 8, 1725, Anna Schepmoes ; ii. Margrietje, bt. June 4, 1699, m., June 21, 1720, Lowies Du Bois. With 2d wife: iii. Marytje, bt. Sept. 3, 1704, m.. May 17, 1726, Johannes Decker; iv. itagdalena, bt March 17, 1706, m., Oct. 26, i733> Daniel Schoonmaker (q. v.); v. Tomas, bt. Tune 2(n 1708; vL Rachel, bt. May 7, 1710, m.. May 15, 1729, Benjcanin Smedes, (q. v.); by 3d wife: vii. Comelts, bt. March i, 1713, m., Oct. 8, 1748, Cathorina Swart; viii. Jacobus, bt. Dec 19, 1714; ix. David, bt. Jan. 20, 1717; x. Elisabeth, bt. Febr. 22> 1719). BOOK OF DEEDS IV. (DD), MARKED 1728-1745. Page 251.— De WITT, JAN, of Mombacckus (Rochester). Will dated Oct. 29, 1700, and written in Dutch. "Van Lychaam kranck de Betten Leggende" (sick and lying in bed). — "Aan myn huysvrouw Wyntje De Witt (to wife W. de W.) one half of the estate, the other half to "myn vier kindere by Name (my four children by name) Barber De Wyt, Eycken De Wyt, Blandine De Wyt, Ragel De Wyt" of "buys Landt paerde Beeste Gelt" (land, horses, cattle, money). — "Eenigen van myn kinderen in haren Onmondige Jaren Mochte Come Te Sterve" (if any of my children should die during their minority) share of deceased shall be divided among the survivors. — "Myn Broeder (my brother) Anderis De Witt & Cornells Swyf" ap- pointed executors. Jan De Wyt (his mark). Witnessed by Anderes De Wiedt, Cornells Swyt, and Jacob De Wyt. Mr. Moses Du Puis and Mr. Cornells Switts appeared before the Court, April 12, 1715, proving the will. (Son of Tjcrck Claessen De Witt, q. v. Had issue: i. Barbara, bt. April 17, 1692, m., Jan Gerritse Decker, bt. July 28, 1688, s. of Gerrit Janse D. and Masdalena; ii. Ikee, bt. June 3, 1694; iii. Blandina, bt. Apr. 12, 1696, m., Oct. 24, 1719^ Jurian Westphael, bt. Sept. 27, 1698, s. of Simon IV. and Neettje Quackenbos; iv. Rachel, bt. Aug. 23, 1698, m., Apr. 15,^ 1723, l^aac Van Aken; V. Jannetje, bt. July 13, 1701, m. Abraham Van Aken). Page 276.— COOL, CORNELIS, of Hurley, Yeoman. Will dated Jan. lo, 1732/3. "Being in Tolerable health." "My dear wife Janneke Cool" "yearly and every year during her Naturall Life the Just Sixth Schepell of all the Winter Wheat and Rye as shall be raised on my land and Twelve Schepell Indian Corne and the Use of my Chamber Next the Barn and Seller and Loft Room with the priviledges as I Now Enjoy, in the House Where I Now Live which I hereby give to my son Lambert, and my Negro Man Called Carlyn One Negro Woman Calles Susannah and the Two Milk Cows and fodder in the Winter and pasturage on the farm of my son Lambert." "The children of my Daughter Antie: Jannike wife of Gerardus Hardenbergh and Margritta wife of Thomas Gaasbeek" £750 "and the fourth part of all my Goods and Chattes to be Divided between them in the manner following : After myn and wifes Decease My Executors shall pay to them" "all the Moneys that arise of the Debts Due to me by Bond or Bonds Which Money so payed shall goe towards the Discharg- Book of Deeds, Liber IV. 119 ing said £750, always Provided that the said Janneke & Margritta or their assignes shall first Deduct J4 part of such sum as part of their fourth of the Goods and Chattels, and whereas the said Gerardus Hardenbergh is Indebted to me by Bond" out of Janneke's part is to be deducted the principal and interest. "And whereas I have Lent the said Margritta £50" said money to be deducted out of her share. Son Lambert and daughters Hendricke and Gertie to pay "what shall be vanting in three years after myn and wifes decease." "To my son Lambert Cool" "all my land on the south side of the Esoi)us Kill in the bounds of Hurley Between the Land of Jannetie Newkerk and the Land of Aldert Kiersteden Together with Housen Barns Barghs Buildings Ochards Pastures Gardens fences with all and singular the appurtenances as also a certain tract of Land lying on the North Side of the aforesaid Esopus Kill being part of a piece of land knove by the name of the New farm or Neve Bovery" "bounded north easterly by the Land of Jacob Du Bois north westerly by the land of Jannetie Newkerck south westerly by the Old Kill and Easterly by the aforesaid Esopus Kill and also a certain Tract of Land known by the Name of Jan Joostens Land being bounded according to the Conveyance thereof to me made Appears the said Lambert paying yearly and Every year to Jannike my said wife or her assignes During her Naturall Life the Sixth Schepell of Winter Wheat and Rye which he Raiseth on said Land and four Schepell Indian Com and to allow to my said wife the Priviledges in the House as Abovesaid and Pasturage and fodder for Two Milk Cows on said farm and paying within three years after myn and wifes Decease to the said Jannike and Margritta" "tiie third part of the Residue of the Seven Hundred and fifty pounds after the Dedactions made as aforesaid." "Unto my son Lambert my Bible." "All the yearly Rents Income and Profitts of that Certain Tract or parcell of Land Scituate Lying and being on the North side of the said Esopus Kill between the Land of Jacob Du Bois and the land of Arte Gerretse so as the same is conveyed to me by Barnardus Swartwoudt Together with Housen Barns, Barghs, Buildings, fences, Orchards, Pastures, Gardens" with appurtenances to be paid during the life of "my daughter Hendricke Low wife of Timothy Low of Hurley, Esq." After her decease said land to "my Grand Children of the Body of my said Daughter" if alive; if dead under the age of 21, the share to be divided among the survivors. "To my wife" "during her Naturall Life the sixth Schepell of Winter Wheat and Rye, which shall be Raised on said Land and four Schepell of Indian Corn" and within three years after decease of testator and wife, the third part of the residue of the £750, after deductions made, to go to Jannike and Margritta or survivor. I20 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. "To daughter Geertie wife of Mr. Derrick Wynkoop" tract of land on Hurleys Great Peice, bounded north east by land of Cornelis Lam- bertse, southwest by land of Arie Gerretse with Housen, Barns, and Bargh fences, pastures, Orchards, Gardens, with appurtenances. Also Eight Morgan or sixteen acres of wood land upon the hill northwest of the last mentioned land, paying yearly to wife the sixth Schepel of winter wheat and rye which shall be raised on said land and also four schepell Indian corn. "Whereas I have an undevided Ninth part of a certain Tract of Land on the north side of Esopus Creek conveyed by Johannis Harden- bergh and Company to myself and Company" "to my son Lambert Cool In fee Tail after his Decease to his eldest son and from Eldest son to Eldest son for Ever provided alvays that the Tennents in possession for the time being of the Land" "shall for ever have free Commage and feeding of all Commonable Beasts and Catle and Liberty to Cut Break and Carry avay all sorts of wood and timber and stone." "After death of testator and wife, the property to be divided, }4 to son Lambert, to the executors J^ "to the use of my daughter Hendrickie," to daughter Geertie J4; and J4 to Jannike and Margritta besides the £750 before given them." "Beloved son Lambert Cool and my beloved son-in-law Dirick Wynkoop" appointed executors. The will "being writt on Two Sheats of Common paper Consisting of Eight pages." Cornelis Cool (his mark).. Hans Kierstede Derck Van Vliet (Witnesses appeared before the Court Gil : Livingston Sept. 7, 1736, proving the will. Henry Livingston A. Gaasbeck Chambers Christoeffel Tappen Johannis Jansen. (Cornelis Teunisen Cool was son of Teunis Bartiansen Cool, who came to this country with his son in the ship "The Spotted Cow," 1663. C. T. C m., Jannetje Lamberts, dau. of Lam- bert Huybertsen (q. v.), and had issue: i. Teunis, bt. Jan. 22, 1683, m., Dec. 23, 1720, Zara Biks; it. Lambert, bt. Dec. 7, 1684; iii. Anna, bt. Aug. 28, 1687; iv. Annatje, bt. Apr. 14, 1689, m., after Oct. 9, 1706, Jacobus Elmendorff, q. v.; v. Henderikje, bt. Nov. 6, 1692; vi. Hendrickje, bt Nov. 19, 1699, nj., Sept. 4, 1719. Timothy (Tomotius') Low; vii. Ceertje, bt. Apr. 23, 1703, m., July 3, 172s, Derick Wynkoop. — C. C, on Oct. 24, 1704, for and on the behalf of the inhabitants and freeholders of Hurley, petitioned for a warrant for the surveyor to lay out and ascertain the limits and hounds of a tract of land, between the north bounds of Kingston and the great moun- tain, called the Blue Hilts (N. Y. Land Papers, iv., p. 26). — Petitioned also on March 18, 1708, with Adrian Geritse for a patent of land (Ibid., p. 115). — And on Oct. 12, 1708, for land, adjoin- ing the bounds ot New Paltz (Ibid., p. IS7). — ^And in 1710 with Jacob Rutsen for a warrant to run the division line between Hurley and Marbletonm (Ibid., v., p. 76, vii., p. 47). Page 336.— SWYTS, CORNELUS, of Rochester, Lantman. Will dated April 13, 1735, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble.) ^jpi^ "Myn waade huysvrouw Jannehe ^wit^' all the land in Rochester "an de suydt sy van de RonduytsKyl" "all myn Slaven, Negers, Negerin- Book of Deeds, Liber IV. 121 nen, Negers kinders, paerde in besten Schapen Zweyne hoendert." (My worthy wife, J. S., land on the south side of R. K., all my slaves, negroes, negresses, negro-children, horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry.) Wife appointed executrix. Cornelius Swyts (his mark). (Lodewyck and Cornells Hornbeck ap- LoDEWYK HoRNBEEK peared before the Court, May 2, 1738, John Schoonmaker proving the will, and stating that they Cornelius Hornbeck saw John Schoonmaker sign the same as a witness.) (Claes Cornetissen Swits, a "Duytsman", i.e. a German, (and probably a Swiss, from the Island of Schouwen, thence from Amsterdam to New Netherland), on May i8, 1638 had a lease of the Otter-Spoor farm there from Jonkheer Van Curler, — Claes Rademaker*' (wheelmaker), as he was called^ was killed by the Indians. His son, Cornelms Claeszen (.Switzer, Su/ite, Svnteart), m. Ariantje Comelis Trommels, who m., 2., in N. Y., Nov. 18, 1656, Albert Leonards, of Amster- dam, They had issue: i. Claes, b. 1640 iClaes Comelissen van Schoonhoven) , m., July 28, 1670, Catalsn Ions; ii. Apolanitje, bt. Febr. 17, 1641; iii. Jacob, hi. Oct. 5, 1642 ,twin with iv. Isaac, Dt. same day, "klyne Isaac," who went to Schenectady, and m. Susanna, dau. of Simon Groot; v. Jacob, bt. Febr. Si 1645. m. Aeltie Fredrix; vi. Abraham, bt. March 10, 1647; vii. Apollonia, bt. Oct. as, 1648, m. before Apr. 17, i6So, Jans Thomasen Aken; vii. CORNELIS, bt. July 9, 1651, came to Kingston 1678, m. Jannetje, bt. Febr. 12, 1662, dau. of Tjerck Claessen De Witt (q. v.). She made her will Febr. 21, 1737/8, q. v.; ix. Pieter, bt. Oct. 12, 1653; x. Cornelia, bt. Oct. 31, 1655 (dau. of Cornelius Claeszen, Rademaecker). BOOK OF DEEDS V. (EE). Page ^.— LEQG, WILLIAM, Junr. Will dated March 8, 1743/4. ^/ t^ "Unto Marytie my Dear Wife the use of my Whole Estate both Reall and Personall as Long as she Remains my Widow, and that she shall Take Care for the Educating and Instructing of my Children and Honestly Maintaining, according to the Capacity of my Estate, untill my said Children arive to the age of Twenty one years or Come to Marry "but if my said wife Happen to Marry" then the estate to return to the children. "To my eldest son William Legg" all my whole Estate Where I Now Dwell named Jacobs Hook and the Island with House, Barn Barricks Orchards and Pasture Ground and all the appurtenances" "when he shall arrive at the age of 21 years if his mother then be Married or Deceast, and not otherwise. In consideration of the Same, he shall pay unto my Three Other Children Namely Samuel Legg Barent Legg and Margret Legg" £120 "sixty pounds as they shall arrive to the age of 21 years to each of them one year afterwards. If William happens to receive the estate before the other children come of age, he shall be obliged" to maintain my other Three children, and give them Learning Untill they arrive at the age of 21 years or happen to marry, and to put my two youngest sons Samuel and Barent To such Trades as they shall be Willing to Learn." "Unto my Three Sons William Samuel and Barent all my Close." Executors empowered to sell "the land I have Lying at the flat bush Within the Limits" "of Kingston it being one Quarter part of the Land ray father bought of Arent Ploegh" "the money to be used for discharge of debts. "To son Samuel Legg £120 to be paid by my son William." — "To son Barent ii20 to be paid by William." — "To daughter Margaret ii20 to be paid by William." Survivors to divide share of deceased heir. Brothers-in-law Wil- helmus Burhans, Richard Davenport, and Philip Viele Junr., and "my friend and Neighbour Edward James Whitaiker" appointed executors. Signed by the testator. (John Whitaker and Tobias Hendr. Hendr. Schoonmaker Wynkoop appeared before the ToHN Whitaker Court May 29, 1745, provmg JOHN WHITAKER ^^^ ^jjj^ ^^^ Confirming the sig- ToBiAS Wynkoop nature of Hendrick Hendrickse Schoonmaker.) Book of Deeds, Liber V. 123 (Codicil.) "My son William shall not be obliged to pay the said Legacies (of £120 to the other children) during, the time my wife shall enjoy my Estate but when my said Estate shall fall Legaly into my said sons hands" then he is commanded to pay the legacies as ordered. Executors given full power to sell all interest in the estate of "my Grandfather Hendrick Ploogh deceased, which was given and bequeathed unto me by the last will ctnd testament of my mother Gessie deceased and also all the right and title made unto me by the last will of my uncle Abraham Ploogh" and by the will of "my aunt Geertje deceased." William Legg Junior. Jan Pyetersen Osterhout (Witnesses appeared before the John Whitker ^-rS^u^ i^?' M^^y P™/'"^ ^Y ■i will of the late William Legg Jr. Jacob Burhans of Kingston, deceased.) {William Legg, bt. Nov. r, 1713, son of William Legg and Geesje Ploeg, q. v., m., Dec. 7» J733i Mareitje Burhans, b. Brabant, and had issue: i. Geesje, bt. Sept. 8, 1734; ii. WiUem, bt. Oct. 19, 1735; iii. Margerit, bt. Aug. 14, 1737, m. June 11, 1761, Henricus Post, of Albany; iv. Zamuel, bt. Aug. 5, 1739, m. i., Aug. 16, 1760, Sara Du Bois, and 2., Jan. 23, 1773, Marya Oster- houdt; V. Barent, bt. Dec. 23, 1740; vi. Jan, bt. June 12, 1743). Page 6.— DU BOIS, JACOB, of Hurley, Landtman. *rc».,w^ Will dated April 3, 1739, and written in Dutch. "Aan myn Huysvrouw Gerretje Du Bois de Inkomste ofte Huer van myn Bouwery op Hurley (welke ick aen myn soon Johannis verhuert Hoof Goduerende myji en myn Vrouws Leven) so Lange als zy leeft." — To wife also "de Huer welke myn vier soons Barent, Lewis, Isaac en Gerret Verplecht zyn te betalen Voor het Landt op Salem in Niew Jerse')/' "Ende ook het Gebruycj van alle Myn losse off personeele Staat." "Myn vyf kinders Magdalena, Catharina, Rebecca, Sarah Ende Neeltje" iiio each "aen Landt van myn Landt over aen de Noordoste noord Weste zyde Van de Esopuse Kill En Myn soon Johannis" £120 "van het zelide Landt Ende ook myn Vrouws Dochter Jacomyntje £50 het welk Landt ick Schatt ofte Waarder op £1200." (To my wife Gerretje Du Bois, for life, income from the rent from my farm at Hurley (which I have leased to my son Johannis during my and my wife's lives). — To wife also rent which my four sons, named, have agreed to pay for the land in Salem, New Jersey, as well as the use of all my personal estate. My five children, named, £110 each and land from my land on the nordeast and nordwest side of Esopus Kill, and to my son Johannis £120 of same land, and to my wife's daughter, Jacomyntie, £50 from the same land, which I value at ii 200) . After wife's death, all otheJ- property^tobediyided among the children : Barent Lewis Isaac Gerret /o^aMm5~MigSlena Catherina Re- becca Sarah "en Neeltje en myn huysvrouws Dochter Jacomyntie." 124 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Property devised to daughter Magdalena to be sold by the executors and the interest given her yearly until her death, when the entire amount is to be divided among her children. Wife and sons appointed executors. Signed by the testator. JoHANNis Hardenbergh (Major Johannis Hardenbergh and Cathatrenna Kool John Crooke appeared before the John Crooke Junr. Court, June 7, 1745, proving the will.) (Jacob Du Bote, (son of Louis Dn Bois, q. v.), b. Oct. — , 1661, settled at Hurley, m. Gerretje Gerretsen^ bt. March 12, j66g, dau. of Gerrit Cornelisen, and had tesue; i. Magdalena, bt. May 25, i6go; ii. Barent, b. Hurley; iii. Louis, bt. June 9, i£95; iv. Gieltje, bt. May 13, 1697; v. Gerrit, bt March 29, 1700; vi. Isaac, bt. Febr. i, 1702, m. Neeltje Roosa; vii. Gerrit, bt. Febr. 13, 1704, m., July 18, 1731, Margrietje Elmendorff ; viii. Cathareyntie, bt. March 24, 1706, m., Febr. 12, 1725, Petrus Smedes; ix. Rebecca, bt. Oct. 31, 1708, m. Petrus Bogardus; x. Johannes, bt. Nov. 10, 1710, m., Dec. 11, 1736, Judikje Wynkoop, dau. of Cornelius W.; xi. Zara, bt. Dec. 20, >7i3, m., June 21, 1734, Conrad Elmendorf; xii. Neeltjen, bt. May 27, 1716, m., Sept. 9, ^737, Cornelius Nieuwkerk), Page 8.— BRUYN, JACOBUS, of Bruynswick. Will dated June 20, 1744. ^j^ To eldest son Jacobus farm whereon I now live at Shawangonk, containing 410 acres, granted by letter patent to Thomas Lloyd, also land granted by letter patent to Gertie Brown between the first mentioned tract and the land granted to Jan Kamp and Company, also woodland (adjoining Thomas Lloyd's land) on northwest sidfe of Shawangunk Kill of 300 acres, part of land granted by letter patent to John Rutsen and myself, and conveyed to me by John Rutsen, also all my part of a tract of land purchased by me from the Trustees of Rochester on south side of Shawangunk Mountains together with all buildings Barns Baraiks Gristmill Bolting Mill Skreen Orchard Gardens and appurtenances. The son to pay yearly "to my well beloved wife Tryntie" £25 for her naturall life and to allow her the use of Three Rooms in my house and liberty of the Seller as she shall have occasion for it for her own use" "my son Jacobus shall pasture and fodder or Keep in Winter "for said wife" two horses four Milck Cows and five Sheep and to sow for her half a Shepple of flaxseed yearly," all this to wife in liew of her Dower. Said Son Jacobus within one year after decease of wife to pay to "my three other sons : Cornells Severyn and Johannis £500, or £166.13.4 each." To son Cornelius land in Ulster County called Pakanasink on the North side of Shawangunk Creek or River, containing 500 acres, granted to me by letter patent, Nov. 26, 1719; also land on the south east side of Shawangunk River opposet te Packanasink, my 1/7 part of 2000 acres (part of a tract of 2500 acres granted to myself and Henry Wileman by letter patent, April 20, 1722, with appurtenances)." / , Book of Deeds, Liber V. 125 I To son Cornelius als6 £200 to be paid out of the money I have at interest. To son Severin all my lands called the live Thousand Acres in Ulster County on both sides of the Paltz River, granted by letter patent to Francis Harrison, Esq. and Company, July 7, 1720, together with rents and arrears of rent due. To Severyn also £250. To son Johannis all my land within a tract of 2000 acres, granted by letter patent to Peter Matthews and Company, on both sides of the Paltz River, of 335 acres; also 100 acres (adjoining the northwest side of the land granted to Peter Matthews), conveyed to me by Johannis Rutsen; also a Marsch and Woodland thereunto adjoining called the Gebrande Vley or the Burned Meadows, of 200 acres on the southeast side of Shawangunk Creek, granted to me by letter patent, Nov. 26, 1719. Together with liberty to cart, hew down and carry away all sorts of wood trees and timber for the use of the said lands Given to him only within any part of my land by mee purchased of the Trustees of Roches- ter, on the south east side of Shawangunk Mountains. — To Johannis also £50. To daughter Peternella wife of Jacob Hardenbergh land on south- east side of the Paltz River of 667 acres by mee purchased of the execu- tors of Captain Lancaster Syms Deceased, part of tract of 3500 acres, granted to David Provoost Kip van Dam and Company." To my daughter Catharin the wife of Abraham Hasbrouck unde- vided half part of dwelling house at Newburgh upon Hudson River whereof I am seized jointly with Cadwallader Colden, Esq., and my moiety or halfe of the two lotts number 9 and 17 thereunto Ijelonging, and sJso my right to the store house there built and the lott of ground belonging to it; also those several lotts No. 4, 12, 20, 29, 32, and No. 39 at Newburgh, conveyed to me by Cadwallader Colden; also messuage or tenement and lott of ground conveyed to me by two conveyances from John Harris, John Haywood and Thom^ts Haywood, scituated in New York city upon the Dock near to Pearl Street." To my daughters Peternella, Catharina, Mary and Hanna and to my two grandchildren : Lewis Du Bois and Rachel Du Bois the children of my Daughter Gertruy deceased the late wife of Nathaniel Du Bois 4/15 part of land called The Eight Thousand Acres, granted by letters patent, July 7, 1720 to Philip Schuyler and Company; also land in Rochester, conveyed to me by Joseph Gee and Anthony Hill. Also to my daughters Mary and Hannah £150 each. To each of them one feather Bed Beding and furniture Thereunto Belonging in order to make them equal with my other Daughters they having had an Equiva- lent thereto in my Life time. After payments of all debts, to my three granddaughters and two 126 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. grandchildren, to Peternella £60, to Mary £264, to Hanna £264, to grand- children £264 equally to be divided between them. If there should not be sufficient outstanding at interest, to pay these legacies, the daughters and grandchildren to lose 1/5 part of what my said Cash and money at Interest shall fall short of. To son Severyn my Silver Tankard, and to my son Jacobus my Beamscales and Weights which I use in my Grist mill. To each of them also one of my Saddles and a good horse and a good mare, the choice to be taken by them before any division be ma4e of my stock. To my four sons also all my Law Books and History books. To sons Cornelius, Severyn and Johannis all my wearing apparell belonging to my body as also all the Residue and Remainder of my money out at Interest upon mortgages Bonds Bills Notes or other Securities. Debts to be paid first out of the money in hand arising from my last years crop. Executors to put my son Johannis to School as soon as they can conveniently; £1500 given them to be applied towards his education, said sum to be raised out of my crop of Wheate and other grain now in the ground. To daughter Peternella £10 to be paid her out of my crop of wheat and flower now in my house and Mill. To son Cornelius my mill stones now lying at the mill. To said daughters and grandchildren all household goods, furniture, pictures, Books and Plates, 1/5 to the daughters and grandchildren, all household goods used by wife excepted during her life. To said four sons all my slaves Stock of Horses black Catties Sheep Hoggs and also my book Debts Crop of Corn now on the Lands Wagons sleds Ploughs Harrows and other farming utinsells and all other Reall and Personall Estate. Jacobus to have the use of Severyn and Johannis shares tintil they come of age, or marry, my son Jacobus main- taining and Cloathing the said Negroes and Wintering the said Cattle and Horses. To wife during her life one Negro man and a negro wench her Choice out of all my Slaves and Two horses and four milck Cows and five Sheep and also the use of Two Bedds and furniture for them and all such Household Goods furniture Pictures and Plates as she shall have occasion for dureing her life. Also one good fat steer and five hoggs to Kill for her first Winters Provisions. Wife to deliver a true Schedule of all personal property, within six months after my decease. In case any of the grandchildren should die the survivor to have the share. If both grandchildren or any of my children should die before they come of age, without lawful issue, the shares to be divided among my three youngest sons and daughters. Sons Jacobus and Cornelius and son-in-law Abraham Hasbrouck appointed executors, and to discharge the debts out of money made by sale of crop of wheate and flower in the house and mill or at the Land- Book of Deeds, Liber V. 127 ing place (my family having first taken their bread out of the same) Executors empowered and instructed to pay out and provide for pay- ments of legacies. Signed by the testator. (Charles Clinton and Zaghrya Hofman ap- peared before the Court, June 11, 1745, prov- Jacob Hasbrouck ing the will, as well as the signature of Jacob Zacharias Hofman Hasbrouck. Chas Clinton Johannes Hardenburgh, Judge, Cornells De Lamater, Justice, Moses Depuy Junr. Justice). (Jacobus Bruyn, Sr. came from Norway ab. 1660, m. Gertrude Ysselsiein iEsselstein) , bt. May 22, i6so, dau. of Jan Willemse B. and Willemtje Jans. She m„ z., Severyn Ten Hout 176s, Col. Jonathan Ehnendorf). Page 47.— SWYTS, JANNETJE, "Wedevrouw van Cornelis Swyts van het Dorp Rochester." Will dated Febr. 21, iJZTl^y and written in Dutch. "Synde Swack Van lichaem." (Long religious preamble). "Aan myn overlede mans suster Aplonica Aken myn Eene koey met het bonte behanxel met de toe behoore in thien pondt an Gelt." "Aan myn suster Rachel Bogardus myn andere Koey met het root- achtye behanxel met de toebehore in thien pondt an Gelt." "Aan myn nieght Jenneke Wynkoop myn Grote Spiegel in myn Grote tafel."^ — "Aan nieght Cathariena de Duytser myn klook in myn Swarte repper in Ken kaper in de helft van de Mutse die ik op myn hooft draag." — "Aan myn nieght Margriet Oosterhout Ken Swarte Schort in Ken Stoffe Schort in Een kaper in Een gekwytte Schort in de Andere helft van myn Mutse die Ik op myn hooft draag." — "Aan myn Vrindin Arientje Hoornbeck myn Grote Kast." — "Aan myn Nieght Barber Tapper myn Beddepan." Residue to be sold to pay debts. "Cosyn Egbert Dewitt ende myn Nieght Barber Tapper" appointed executors. Maria Hoornbeck Annetje Hoornbeck Jannetje Swyts (her mark) CoRNELUS Hoornbeck 128 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. (Weak in body. — To my deceased husband's sister Aplonica Aken my cow with the spotted hide and iio in money. — To my sister, R. B., my other cow with the reddish hide and iio in money. — To my niece, J. W., my large mirror and my large table. — To my niece, C. de D., my cloak, my black top-coat and cap, and half of the bonnet which I wear on my head. — To my niece, M. O., a black apron, and a knitted apron, and the other half of the bonnet, which I wear on my head. — To my friend, A. H., my large cupboard. To my niece, B. T., my warming-pan). (Codicil) Dated May 29, 1739, and written in Dutch. "Overschot" (remainder) of the estate to go to the niece, Janneke Wynkoop, who is also appointed an executrix. Witnessed by Cornelus Hoornbeck, Maria Hoornbeck, Willem C. Kool, who all appeared before the Court, June 3, 1746, proving the will. John Crooke, Clerk. (See will of Cornelis Swits, supra). Page 57.— LIVINGSTON, GILBERT, of Kingston. Will dated Dec. 12, 1745. "Whereas there is to be raised out of the Land Given by my father in Law Coll. Henry Beekman Deceased to my beloved Espouse Cornelia Livingston Deceased £3000 in money or land for my ten Younger Chil- dren: my sons, Henry, Gilbert, Phillip, James, Samuel, and Cornelius Livingston, my Daughters Alida Wife of Capt. Jacob Rutsen, Joanna, Catharina and Margrieta Livingston in such proportion as I shall think fitt and direct, and my will is that the said £3000 shall be eqally divided amongst them. "In case of death before the age of 21, the survivors to divide the share of deceased. "Whereas there is £1000 in money or land to be raised out of the lands aforesaid for me" "I give said £1000 and all my lands tenements and Hereditaments" "unto my Children : to eldest son Robert Livingston, and my ten children above named." Sons Robert and Henry, son in law Capt. Jacob Rutsen and "my beloved Couzin Robert Livingston son of my Brother Robert Livingston" appointed executors. Signed by the testator. Thos. Beekman (Witnesses appeared before John Crooke, JoHANNis De Lametter Surrogate, July 31, 1746, proving the John Viele will). (.Robert Livingston, the first Lord of the Manor of L., born at Ancrum, Scotland, Dec. 13, 1654, m. July 9, 1679, Alida Schuyler, widow of Rev. Nicholaus Van Rensselaer, and died at Linhthgo, 1728. They had issue: i. Philip, ii. Robert, iii. Gilbert, of whom presently; iv. Margaret; V. Joanna. — R. L. on July 12, 1683, purchased from the Indians 2000 acres land on the Hudson River and Roeloff Jansen's Kill, which he partly sold, Oct 26, 1694, to Derrick Wessel Ten Broeck. Gilbert Livingston (Gysbert Lievestoni), of Roelof Jans Kil, Columbia Co., m., Dec 22, 1711, at Kingston, Cornelia Beekman, dau. of Col, Henry B., and had: i. Robert, bt. Jan. 11, 1713; Book of Deeds, Liber V. 129 ii. Hendricus, bt. N. Y., Aug. 29, 1714; iii. Joanna, bt. Sept. 9, 1722; iv. Wilhehnus, bt. Aug. 23, i?.?4; V. Philippus, bt. June 26, iir26; vi. Jacobui, bt. Apr. 7, 1728; vii. Zamuel, bt. Febr. i, 1730; viii. Cornelis, bt Apr. 30, 1732; ix. Catrina, bt. July 21, 1734; x. Margrieta, bt. June 23, 1738; and Altda, m., Nov. 24, 1737, Capt. Jacob Rutsen, Jr). Page 109.— OOSTERHOUT, TEUNIS, of Rochester, Yeoman. Will dated June 14, 1739. "Unto my Eldest Son Jan Oosterhout" "Lott of Low land called the Long Streek" "on the north side of Momhacus Kill or Creek, purchased by me of Hendrick Decker now in his occupation, also the woodland by me purchased of said Hendrick Decker adjoining, and also the wood land by me purchased of Jan Gerritse Decker likewise in the occupation of my son Jan, bounded easterly by the outway of Philip Dubois, southerly by the brow of the hill next to the low land west by the brow of the Hill running along the east side of a run of water called Het Lange Stucks Killitie and northerly by the Commons of Rochester together with the house barn and other Buildings thereon now in his possession ; he to pay for the same £25 to my two grandchildren, the sons of my son Aldert Oosterhout Deceased: Jacobus Oosterhout and Aldert Oosterhout, £12. 10 each, when they arrive to age of 21. "Lot of low land on the south side of Mombaccus Kill, purchased of Hendrick Decker, between the land of Philip Dubois and the land of the late Jochim Schoonmaker Deceased" "to my son Petrus Oosterhout", he to pay my daughter Engeltje the wife of Nicholas Keeter £50, within two years after my decease. "My Lands Tenements Meadows Pastures Dwelling houses Brew- house Barn Stables Grist Mill Saw Mill the fall and Stream of water thereunto belonging orchards Gardens fences" "in Rochester on the north side of the Mombaccus Kill" "now in my possession or occupation unto my youngest son Hendricus Oosterhout" he to pay to my Daughter Marytie the wife of Mathews Tirwillegen £50 within two years of my decease. "To son Hendricus Oosterhout also my large Dutch Bible now being in my possession." "To daughter Engeltje the wife of Nicholas Keter" "tract of land now in his possession on the east side of the Waggon Path Runing to Dominies Creple Bush bounded south by the land herein before given to my son Henricus east and north by a small run west by said waggon Path together with the house and all other Buildings thereon Standing." "To daughter Annatje the wife of Cornelius Hoornbeek my 1/12 part of land, conveyed by the Trustees of Rochester to said Cornelius Hoorn- beek, Jan. 6, 1728/9, for which he gave a bond to convey to me the said 1/12 part. "To Eldest son Jan Oosterhout 6 Shillings for his Birth right as being my Eldest Son and heir at law. Residue of estate to be divided among "my Ten Children and Two Grand Children" equally : to son Jan i/ii part, son Kryn i/ii part, two grandchildren Jacobus Oosterhout and 130 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Aldert Oosterhout i/ii part, my son Johannes i/ii part, son Petrus i/ii part, son Hendricus i/ii part, daughter Annatje the wife of Cornelius Hoornbeek i/ii part, my daughter Marytje the wife of Methews Ter- willegen i/ii part, my daughter Ariaentje the wife of Harmon Rosen- krans i/ii part, my daughter Engeltje wife of Nicholas Keeter i/ii part "I have in my life time assisted some of my children in their Trades and others I have given land by Deed or Gift and others of my said children I have paid Considerable Sums of Money. Sons Jan, Kryn and Henricus appointed executors. Signed by the testator. Jacob Dewitt (his mark) (J^'=°]' ^^f^ and John Schoonmaker ap- T „ peared before John Crooke, Surrogate, John Schoonmaker ^.^^r. 2, 1747/8, proving the will, and sig- J. Bruyn Junr. nature of Jacobus Bruyn as witness). (Jan Janssen van Oosterhout {Brabant'), m. Anna Hendricks^ and had several children. Tennis Oosterhout m. Ariaantje Roose, and had issue: i. Jan. bt. June 3, 1694; ii. Art (Ariaan), bt. Apr. 26, i696» m. z., Nov. 8, 1728, Appolonia Roosekroiis, m. 2., March 17, 1734, Geesjen van der Merken; iii. Annetje, bt May i, 1698, m.. Apr. s, 1717, Comelis Hoornbeek; iv. Marytje, bt. Dec. 31, 1699; V. Kryn, bt. March 16, 1701 (.Cryn Oosterhout and Rebecca Roosa, witn.), m. Jan. 22, 1723, Geertjen Dekker; vi. Allert, bt Jan. 3, 1703, m., Febr. 26, 1725, Helena Roosekrans; vii. Maria, bt. Apr. 15, 170s, m., May 3, 1723, Matheus Terwilli^er, b. Shawangunk; viii. Aryaantie, bt Sept. 29, 1706, m.t Apr. 29, 1725* Herman Rosenkrans; ix. Johannes, bt. June zo, 1708, m.» May 21, 1728, Johanna Hoorenbeek; x. Engeltje, bt May 7, 1710, m., March 12, 1729, Nicholas Keeter, Jr., b. Marbletown;^. Petrus, bt. Dec 2, 1711, m., Oct. s, 1739, Lisbeth Burhans ;\ydi. Hendricus, bt Febr. 5, i7 ., Apr. 28, 1776, Cornelis Eltinge, a. of Jonas E. and Magdalena Du Boist. The following will, in possession of Benj. M. Brink, Esq., of Kings- ton, is not recorded anywhere, so far as is known. PERSEN, MATTHYS, of Kingston. Will dated July 20, 1748, and written in Dutch. (Long religious preamble.) "Aen myn oudste Soon Adam Persen, voor syn Regt van Eerstge- boorte" "ses Schelling." (To my eldest son, for his birth-right, six schillings.) "Aen myn drie Soons" "Adam, Jan En Cornelus" "Een geregte Derde part In myn twe Mans plaetse In Onse Kerk Hier in Kingstoun." (To my three sons (named), each a third interest in my two men's seats in our church here in Kingston.) Will Owned by Benjamin M. Brink, Esq., Kingston. 137 "Myh gesyde Soon Cornelis" "all myn kleerasie aen Myn Lichaem behoorende." (To my said son, Cornelis, all my clothing, belonging to my body.) "Aen myn Waerde En beminde huysvrouw Tanna Persen Een ge- regte Drder part van al myn Roerende Staedt, En nog Desom van Der- tigh pont" "En alle haer klerasie, En Linne Goet, Als Laken, En Sloop- en" "De Rest van al myn Roerende En onroerende Staet gedurende haer Weduwschap." (To my worthy and beloved wife the just third part of all my personal estate, also £30, all her clothing, linnen-ware, as sheets, and pillow-cases, and all the rest of my real estate during her widow- hood.) "Aen myn Dogter Sara, En Aen de Drie Dogters van myn overlede Dogter Annatfe, met name Sara, Tanneke En Cattrina, Alle myn Linne Goet van Lakens En Slopen han Docken En tafel Lakens (om te genie- ten na myn vrouws overlyde) En dat als dan de Drie Dogters van myn Dogter Annetje, In haer Moeders plaets, Met Myn Dogter Sare het selve Dele Eengael." (To my daughter Sara, and the three daughters of my daughter Annatje, deceased (named), all my linnen- ware of sheets and pillow-cases, toWels, and table cloths (to enjoy after my wife's death) the three daughters of my daughter Annatje to take their mother's place in dividing with my daughter Sare.) "To son Adam r/5 of the entire estate, after his mother's death." — Son Jan 1/5, son Cornelis 1/5 part. "De nege kinderen van myn overleden Dogter Anna, Met Name, Hiskia, Mattheus, Jacobus, Davidt, Cornelis, Adam, Sara, Tanneke En Cattrina (to the nine children of my daughter Anna, deceased) i/s part of the estate. "Aen myn Dochter Sara, huysvrouw van Tobias Van Steenbergy (to my daughter Sara, wife of T. van S.) i/s part. Survivor to divide share of deceased, if without issue. Wife, sons, "myn two Schoonsoons Hiskia Dubois En Tobias Van Steenbergen" (sons in law), appointed executors. Signed by the testator. JoHANNis De Lametter (A seal of red sealing-wax, with Jan Eltinge an eagle displayed, as a device, at- WiLLEM Eltinge tached hereto.) (Mattys Pars, Peers, Puis, Persen, m. Anna Winnen (Tanna Wmne), Dec. 7, 1701, and had issue: i. Anna, bt. Oct 11, 1702, m., June 17, 1722, Hiskia Dubois; ii. Adam, bt. Jan. 13. 1706, in Kinderhcok (m., June 25, 1736, Catalyntje Swart); Hi- Jan, bt. Oct. 24, 1708, (m., Dec. 14, 1748, Deborah van Bergen); iv. Sarah, bt. Nov. 10, 1710, m. I., March 4, 1732, Abraham EltvHg, m. 2., Oct 8, 1737, Tobias Van Steenberge; v. Cornelis, bt Oct 26, 1712,01. t., Aug;. 31, 1734, Catharin Dyrk (Turk), and 2., Oct 4, 1748, Alida van Slyk (see his will); vi. Mono, bt Febr. 22, I7I9)- BOOK OF DEEDS VI. (1760). Page 235.— LEQQ, JOHN, of Kingston. Will dated Dec. 15, 1743. uk. "Unto my Oldest Son William Legg" "my Gun and Sword with my Farm or Peice of Low land Lying or Joining next to the Land of Tyrick Schoonmaker then runing along the Creek to the Great Ditch then runing along said Ditch to the Sothermost Comer thereof, from thence Westerly to a marked Stone and from thence Southerly with a Straight Line to another marked Stone with the Upland House, barn, Berke, Oarcherd, Garden and all thereunto Appertaining, with another Peice of Ground Known by the name of Dudleys Plantation, Lying above the Fall with the One Equal half of the Saw Mill with the Priviledges thereunto belonging then Runing from the Fall up the Ridge that Leads Southerly from said Fall to the Narrowest part of the Ridge, from thence Southwesterly to another marked Stone with the one Equal half of my Real Estate known by the name of Peter Mours's Land, with the one Equal half of my right in the great Fly with the one ffifth part of all my Moveables as also my Negro Man named John, you to pay the one Equal half of the rent of your Brother John Land bought of Ed'd Wood" "& paying unto my Daughter Nieltie wife of Peter Luyck the sum of i6o" "£15 to be paid within three Months after my Decease & £15 to be paid in twelve months following," "and iis" "in the twelve Months following the Last"; also "paying unto my Daughter Sara Leg^' "the sum of £34" (to be paid in a similar manner). "To my Son John Legg" "that Piece of Ground which I bought of Edward Wood with four acres of Marsh Lying on the Flatts with the House, Barn, Berke, Orchard, Garden" "with a piece of Low & uplant" "between the two first pieces of Land above mentioned of my son William with one Equal half of the Saw Mill with the priviledges" "with the one Equal half of my Real Estate known by the name of Peter Mours's Land with the one Equal half of my right in the great Fley with the one fifth part of all my Moveables Except my Gun & Sword" "also my Negrou Man named Culfe," "paying unto my Daughter Susanna Legg the sum of £60 (in a similar manner as before indicated) ; also "paying unto my Daughter Sara Legg" £26 (in a similar manner). "Unto my Daughter Nieltie, wife of Peter Luyck (the Just fifth part of all my Movables Except my Gun & Sword." — "Unto my Daughter Susanna Legg" "one fifth of the Moveables." — "Unto my daughter Sara Legg" "one fifth of the moveables." Book of Deeds, Liber VI. 139 Sons William and John Legg appointed executors with son in law Peter Luyck. Signed by the testator. Andries Van Leuvan (Sept. 18, 1765, Peter Van Luven of Peter Van Leiven Kingston appeared before George John West Clinton, Surrogate, proving the will.) (Jan (John) Legg, s. of IVilliam Legg and Svsanna Maret (q. v.). m., Apr. 21, T701, Anneije Fyniumt, and had issue: i. Neeltje, bt. Nov, 29, 1^02, m., after May ig, 1722, Peter Lttyckj b. in Germany; ii. Susanna, bt. Sept. 3, 1704; iii. Wtllem, bt. Oct. 31, 1708, m., Oct. 20, 1738, Helena Ploeg (see his will); iv. Samnel, bt. Jan. 28, 1710; v. Cornelis, bt. Apr. s, 1713; vi. Jan, bt. Febr. 19, 1716, m., June I9> I74i> Beeletjen Kool, b. Dutchess Co.; and Sara). BOOK OF DEEDS VII. (GG), 1770—1780. Page 490.— NEWKIRK, JOHANNIS, of the Wall Kill, yeoman. Will dated October 5, 1771. "In perfect Health." "To well beloved son Hendrick Newkirk" "all that lott pice or parcel of Land situate in the Precinct of the Wall kill" "containing 200 acres, which I purchased of George Harrison and others whereon he the said Hendrick now lives ico acres whereof I formerly conveyed to him with the Hereditaments and appurtenances," "in fee Simple Qiargeable" "with the payment of £20" "to my second Daughter Elezabeth now married to Jacob Bordine being part of a legacy herein after bequeathed to her." "To my well beloved Son Adam Newkirk" "all that Farm Lott pice or parcel of Land whereon he" "now lives which I purchased from the Heirs Executors or Devises of Fredrick Philips deceased," "in fee Simple" on "payment of £20" "unto my Daughter Rachel her being my Youngest Daughter now married unto Stavannis Christ" "part of a lagacy herein after bequeathed to her." "To my well beloved Son Jacob Newkirk" "all that the Northwester- most full and Eaqual Moity or half part of the Farm or Lott of Land I did formerly live on being Lott Number fifteen of a Tract of Land" "in Walkill" "called the Five Thousand Acres which Lott I purchased of William Sharps, Esq., Deceased, being bounded Southerly by a line run Northeast and Southwest and Also the one full and Equal undivided Moiety or half part of fifty acres of Land in the same Tract called the undevided which I also purchased of the said William Sharps," "in fee Simple all which I have let unto him by a Lase, June 10, 1769." "To my well beloved Son Johnnis Newkirk" "All that the Souther- most Equal Moity or half Part of the Farm or Lott of Land I formerly Uved on Situate in the Precinct of the Wallkill" "bounded Northwesterly by the line dividing the Part thereof" "devided to Jacob Newkirk" "and Also all the remaining Equal undevided Moity or half Part of the said 50 acres of Land called the undevided" "in fee simple" on "payment of £20 "to my daughter Rachel and my Daughter Elezebeth" "in Case that any of three Sons Refuses to pay the Money" "to my Daughters" "that they my two Daughters is to Possess their Lands." "Unto my Daughter Ann Mree one Negro Winch named Phill which I have given Yoest German her Husband a Bill of Sale of July 27, 1771, which I gave him in her Portion." Book of Deeds. Liber VII. 141 Sons Hendrick and.Johannis Newkirk appointed executors. Signed by the testator. (Febr. 7, 1777, Benjamin and Chris- topher Constable, both of Hanover James Conneller Precinct, yeomen, appeared before the Benyamen Konstpel Surrogate proving the will, and signa- Christophel Constable ture of James Connellen. Geo. Clinton, Surrogate. Christ. Tappen, Dep. Clerk. (Johannes (Jan) Newkerk, son of Comelis Gerritse (.Newkerk), q. v., m. Dorothea Douw (Doutue'), and had issue: i. Adam; ii. Jacob; iii. Jolumnis; iv. Ann Mary, m. Joost German; v. Adrum, bt. June 12, 1720; vi. Hendericus, bt. Nov. 12, 1721; vii. Elizabeth, bt. March 24, 1723, m. Jacsb Bodine; viii. Gerrit, bt. Dec. 20, 1724; ix. Meyndert, bt. Apr. 17, 1726; at. Neeltjen, bt. Apr. 7, 1728; xi. Rachel, m. Stavennxts Christ, Page 564.— SMITH, JOHANNIS, of Marbletown. Will dated Aug. 13, 1776. "It is my Express Will and Command that all my Estate both Real and personal be sold and disposed of" "for the Benefitt of my Children." "My Executors shall have power to Use for the Education of my Son Abraham so much of the money made out of my Estate" "for his further Education as they" "shall think fit and proper." Of the remainder "one third part to my Daughter Marrslye" "as soon as she shall arrive to the Age of 18 years." "Also one third part of said Money to my Daughter Nelly as soon as she shall arrive to the age of 18 Years." The remaining third part "shall be paid to my Son Abraham as soon as he shall arrive at the years of 21." "My two Brothers Petrus and Fallen Smith and my good frind Mat- thew Cantine" appointed executors, and Overseers. Signed by the tes- tator. Wm. Cantine (March 14, 1780, William Cantine appeared be- JoHN Kealet fore the Court, Dirck Wynkoop, Judge, proving James Cones the will, and signatures of the other witnesses.) Oohonnes (.Jan) Smit with wife Margriet Schoonhoven had: i. Abraham, bt. Aug. t, 1725; ii. Hendrik, bt. Nov. 6, 1726; iii. Daniel, bt. Nov. 3, 1728). BOOK OF DEEDS VIII. (HH), 1780—1785. Page 14.— KRANS, JOHANNIS, of the Precinct of Hanover. Will dated April 17, 1775. "To my loving Wife Christeen, a Negro Girl named Nancy." "To my sons Hendricus Krans, Stofel Krans, and Petrus Krans each" "£15" "one year after my decease And whereas I lent my son Wilhelmus the sum of £48.4.0" "he pay unto my Executors" "the sum of £33 and the remaining £15 to remain in his own hands And besides what I have already given unto my son Jacobus" "unto my said son Jaco- bus the sum of £5." 'To my daughters Catherine the wife of John Williams and to Elisabeth the wife of Andries Trumper the sum of iis" "one year after my decease." "To my Daughters Susannah Krans and Maria Krans each the sum of £30" "as they arrive to the age of 21 years, or Day of marriage which may first happen. If Maria should die, her share to go to Susannah. "To my gran Daughter Elizabeth Krans the sum of £30" "when she arrives at the age of 18 Years or Day of marriage" "provided she will discharge my Estate, and my son Petrus concerning an Inventory of her Fathers Effects, which was taken by my said son Petrus and disposed of by him." "Unto my son Adam all the Farm and Messuage, whereon I now dwell, and all the Lands and Tenement that is in my possession at the Time of my Death including all my Estate real and personal whatsoever" "and I charge him with the payment of all the Legacies abovementioned." "My said son Adam shall give my said wife a good suffecient main- tenance so long as she shall remain my Widow." Son Adam and "my brother in law Jacob Milspaugh" appointed ex- ecutors. Signed by the testator. _ (July 5. ^777y Johannis Felden & Chris- JoHANNis Felden topher MouU of Hanover, yeomen, ap- Christopher Moull peared before Jacobus Bruyn, Surrogate, James Fulton proving the will, and signature of James Fulton as a witness.) Page 24.— HARDENBERQH, LEONARD, of the Township of Mar> bletown. Will dated June 12, 1766. ^ "Unto my Eldest Son Gerradus" "the Sum of 20 Shillings in Bann of what he can claim as my Heir at Law." Book of Deeds, Liber VIII. 143 "Unto my Loving Wife Rachel all my Real and Personall Estate" "to use Occupy possess and Enjoy the same and have the income thereof during her natural Life or as long as she shall remain my Widow she making no Spoil Wast or Destruction thereupon and from and after her Decease or Remarriage which of the two may first happen." "I Give Devise and Bequeath the same (that is all my said Real and Personale Estate) unto my Children" "Gerradus, Philip, Leonard, Abra- ham, Cathrine & Margrieth." If any of the children "should die before they come to the age of 21 years without lawful Issue of his her or their Body begotten" the share to be divided among the survivors. Wife appointed executrix and "my Eldest Son Gerradus and my Brother Johannis Hardenbergh Executors." Signed by the testator. "My will is that my Executrix and Executors" "shall in convenient Time after my Decease first pay all my Just A De Witt °^^*^- J""® ^^' ^766." T.T « (May 8, 1782, Nathaniel Cantine ap- Nathaniel Cantien ^^^^^ before the Court, proving the William Pick win and signatures of Andries De Witt and William Pick as witnesses.) En- tered at the Request of Mr. Johannis L. Hardenbergh May 12, 1782. (Leonard Hardenberg, son of Col. Johannes H., q. v., m., Nov. 7, 1738, Rachel Hoogteling, and had issue: i. Sara^ bt. May 21, 1739; ii. Philippus, bt. in MarbUtown, Febr. 23,, 1746; iii. LeonarduSt bt. Apr. 15, 1750; iv. Abraham^ bt. Sept. 5, 1756, besides Gerrardus, Catherine and Margaret.) Page 72.— RAINEY, JAMES, of Hannover, Yeoman. Will dated August i, 1775. "Unto my two Sons Samuel and David" "all that Lot of 549 acres of Land or thereabout and the Farm whereon I now live with the Appur- tenances by me purchased of the Widow Phillipse and her children the one half to my said son Samuell on which he now lives on the Weast side of the Dwarse Kill" "and the other half thereof to my said Son David on the East side of the Dwarse Kill on which I now live" "the East Division of said lot shall include the said Creek but no farther from the North side of said Lot to the first falls in Cluding the falls and no far- ther." "After Payment of my just Debts and funerall Charges I Give" "unto my Daughters Hesia Mary Christian Esther" £4 each." "To my Daughters Martha Ruth and Susen all my Personal Estate to be Equally Divided." 144 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. "To my Beloved Wife Sara the full use and Benefit of my said Farme whereon I live as also of all my Personal Estate" "During the term of her Widowhood and no longer." Wife Sara and William Wilkin and John Wilkin appointed execu- tors. Signed by the testator. John Wilkin (March 2, 1776, James Strahan, Cordwainer, Tames Strahan appeared before George Clinton, Surrogate, >, ,. proving the will, and signatures of the other Gavin Millar ^^itnesfes.) BOOK OF DEEDS IX. (II), 1785. (WRONGLY MARKED 10). Page 13.— ELMENDORPH, PETRUS EDMUNDUS, of Kingston, Merchant. Will dated MayT7, 1763. "Unto my Welbeloved Wife Mary Elmendorph All the income of all my whole Estate, Real and personal during all such Time as she shall remain my Widdow and not longer, But if in case she should merry again then my Estate shall be divided amongst my Children." "Unto my Son John my best Horse, Saddle and Bridle for his Birth right." "Unto my five Children: John, Catharine, Blandina, Elizabeth and Sara" "All my whole Estate Real and Personal to be divided between them soon after my Wifes Decease or after her Marriage again, Share and Share alike." Wife, son John and "my Brother Lucas Elmendorph" appointed executors, "to have £25 each." Signed by the testator. (Sept. 27, 1765, John D. Wynkoop Johannes Schoonmaker of Kingston appeared before George R. JosiAS Eltinge Clinton, Surrogate, proving the will, John D. Wynkoop ^nd signatures of the other wit- nesses.) (P. E. E., son of Major Coenradt E. (q. v.) and Blandina Kierstede.^ior many years Sheriff of Ulster Co., and Surrogate at the time of his death, m., Apr. 29, 1743, Mary, dau. of John Crook, County Clerk, and had issue: i. Johnj bt. Febr. 3, 1745; iir Cath^ine, bt. Febr. i, 1747, m., Oct. 31, 1768, Rutger Bleeker, of Albany; iii. John, bt. March 24, 1749; iv. William, bt. May 12, 1751; v. Blandina, bt. Aug. 12, 1753, m. March 18, 1782, Jacobus Bruyn, bt. Oct. 2?, 1751, s. of Severyn B., and Catherine Ten Broeck; vi. William, bt. June 22, 1755; vii. Elisabeth, bt Jaii'. 30, 1757, m. Cornelius Ray of N. Y.; viii. Sara, bt. Apr. 8, 1759; ix. Petrus Ednmndus, bt. Apr. 19, 1761; X. Petrus Edmundus, bt. Sept. 23, 1764, m. Eliza Van Rensselaer, '*Xn memory of Peter Edmundus Elmendorf, born the 27th day- of August, 171S, and de- parted this life July 13th, 1765, aged 50 years. Mary Elmendorf, his wife, born the 15th Aug., 1721, and died the 15th of Aug., 1794, aged 73 years." — Inscription on tombstone in the First Dutch Ref. Church-yard at Kingston). BOOK OF DEEDS X. (KK), 1787—1791. (WRONGLY MARKED 11). Page 31.— VAN AALSTEYN, MARTINUS, of Skoherry Kill, Co. Albany. Will dated July 15, 1784. "Unto Nicholas Gerleogh a small piece of Land Adjoining to the Skoherry Kill Begining on the West Bank of said Kill whare the divi- sion fence between Isaac Van Aalsteyn and the said Martinus Van Aal- steyn joins upon the said Kill and so along said fence Westerly to the first brook or run of Water and then along the said run of Water down the Streem to where it empties into the Skoherry Kill and then along said Kill to the place of beginning Containing about 8 or g Acres be the same more or less." "Unto my Cousin Peter Laruah now living with me all my Goods and Chattels and personal Estate to Gether with all my Substance what- soever." — "Also all the rest of my Lands and Tenements lying at the Skoherry Kill in the County of Albany, and now in my possession, to- gether with the House Barn and Orchard, and all the other Appurten- ances thereto belonging." "My true and trusty friend John Laruah and Isaac Van Aalsteyn" appointed executors. Martynus Van Aalsteyn (his mark). (Oct. 6, 1787, Jeremiah Eligh and Geys- Jeremiah Eligh ^^^^ Dederick appeared before the Court Pftpb Wp<;t °* Common Pleas of Ulster County, rETER WEST j-),^^.^ Wynkoop, Judge, proving the will, Geysbert Dederick and signature of Peter West as a wit- ness.) Page 208.— ELMENDORPH, COENRAET, of Kingston. Will dated Sept. 2, 1749. .^^j/t— «v.; ■ :/7.„: /'-y... ., ■ . ■. y, '■■^/-y' ^^H .^::/:._^y,y ../ . ■: ( .. ^.^c^Z^. H^H .„■:.'...■/ - - ■ ,.,.;^0?;,,„^ :^H H /y:,y:. .:-,,'., ... .;, c,y , ,-.,,;-■:: ^H :;„x ''.•.-.- - . :..y- /,;., , ■^H 'r' <■>■/■ .'■■-- ■' ■ /. f<. ;,,..,. '/.^..-..^' ^^H /' /■■. ;; .;:[[, ^,..,yy::.:'..\<^..^<:^^^ ^H ,-k:. A, ■!■./'::. ^. ■-'■.. .' - .,'..::.. V;,:^.^,:, ^H ■ I f ,, , .: , , , . . . - . :.-..^. ,^A .,„i ^H '■ ', "","," ' . .. : . .■^y'..::,yi.,.^/' ^^B ■ ^H ^ -y/r <:../-{■./, ,-.-\.- /. j^' /^/-ly^ \ ^H ' ; ^.-yyJ,., /.'.:..:< ,' ;-....,. ... .;'--:^;__ ^H j_. ;_ ,*■.■'...,-,.■<-/. ,-;■-, ,;r..;„:,r :,;.... ^^^H '/,,'-'." ^ ,/:'',,',,..,., ^..^.,.-, x:^!. /<-. ^^1 >.:„....^>:.. X ..^x.-:...., _ ^H - .-- -1 , /,V;..,--/...<. •■ . ^., .,:..; ^H -^*^--v-: ' v-. " -^ A ^^B :/..•. ' ''. .^--^ ^ ; ^H ' . - . ^ ■ \ ,:.r. '„..., , '.■.:...y.y . , i ^^^1 r.-/^y 'l^.r ' ■ 1 'ix-- ' ' ORIGINAL WILL OF CATHERINE FREER. Stu papic 183. Common Pleas Will Book. 159 and North Tj Degrees 2 Chains to where it Began As Also 95 acres of land (being also part of my said farm) "on the North West side of said Road" "to begin at the aforesaid Black Oak Tree marked for the Souther- most Corner of the aforesaid lot by me conveyed unto my son Hendricus and to Extend from thence South Westerly along the said Road to a lot by me heretofore Conveyed unto my son Philip in his life time and is to Extend Northwesterly from the said Road along" Hendrik's lot and lot conveyed to Philip "with the full Breadth between them untill it con- tains 95 acres Together with" "my Dwelling Houses out Houses Barn Barks Orchards Gardens and other Improvements" "in all containing 100 acres to son Methusalem" in Order to make him Equal with my other sons they having had an Equivalent thereto in my life time," he to pay after wife's decease "in consideration of the Improvements upon the same" £100 more than my son Hendricus shall pay towards my Grand Children's and my Daughter's Portions." "Unto my son Hendricus and my said son Methusalem all the Resi- due" "of my Farm Lands Tenements" they to pay "to my two Daughters and Grand Children" £400 "Hendricus to pay" "£150" and Methusalem iioo in consideration of the Improvements" and also £150. "To my two Daughters Tryntie the wife of Matheus Dubois and Lea the wife of Christofel Kiersteden" £100 each "and to my Grand Children the Children of my son Philip deceased £100 and to my Grand Children, the Children of my Daughter Diena deceased the late wife of Abraham Eltinge" "£ioo. To all the grandchildren and children "all my personall Estate." "Unto said son Hendricus" "one Bench in the Church at the Groot- stuck to have the choice of my Benches" and to Methusalem one Bench" in said Church. And all other seats which belong unto me in said Church and also in the Church at Shawangunk" "1/5 to the children of Philip, i/s to the children of Diena, 1/5 to Tryntie, 1/5 to Lea, and 1/5 to "my Daughter Rachel the wife of Johannis A. Hardenbergh." As I have already given my eldest son Solomon his full proportion in helping him to purchase an Estate after his Marriage I desire he may rest satisfyed therewith." — "My daughter Rachel shall not make any other demand out of my Estate other than her 1/5 part in the seats." My wife Jarinetie shall remain in the full possession of my whole Estate" "during her lifetime." Wife and sons Hendricus and Mathusalem appointed executors. Signed by the testator. Severyn T. Bruyn Jacobus Bruyn Junr. Joh's Bruyn i6o Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. (June 4, 1782, Severyn T, Bruyn and Johannis Brujm of Shawangunk, farmers, appeared before Joseph Gasherie Surrogate, proving the will, and signature of Jacobus Bruyn Junr. as a witness. — On the same day the executors appeared and took "the oath of an Executor." On Sept. 19, 1798, Johannis Bruyn of Shawangunk, Esq., appeared before the Court, Abraham Bevier, Abraham B. Bancker and Jonathan Hasbrouck, Judges, proving the will, and signatures of the other witnesses. — Entered at the request of Methusalem Dubois, Sept 21, 1798O (Hendricus Dubois, s. of Solomon Du Bois and Trynt/e Gerritsen (q. v.), b. Neto PalU, Dec. 31, 1710, m., May 6, 1733, Jannetjen Hoogteling, and had issue: i. PhilUptius, bt. Apr. 21, 1734, m., March 22, 1757, Anne Hue; ii. Solomon, bt. Febr. 15, 1736, m. Oct. 25, 1762, Ariaantje Du Bois; iii. Dina, bt. Febr. 12, 1738, m. Nov. 26, 1759, Abraham Eltmge; iv. Tremtje, bt. in Shawangunk, Oct 9, 1740, m. Matthew Du Bois; v. Henricus, bt May i, 1743, m. Rebecca Van Wagenen; vi. Methusalem, bt. June 30, 1745; vii. Lea, bt. June 28, 1747, m. Christoffel Kierstede; viii. Rachel, bt Dec 24, I74g> m. Johannes A. Hardenbergh; ix. Methusalem, bt Oct 27, 1751, m. i. Gertrude Bruyn, m. 2., Catherine Bevier'). On Oct IS, 1762, Hendricus and Solomon Dubois petitioned for letters patent for 2000 acres of vacant land in Ulster Co., within the bounds of the line formerly granted to Capt John Evans, south of Shawangunk mountain, and west of Wall Kill, also land without the bounds of said Patent, west of said mountain, N. W. and N. E. of the Great Minnissiuck Patent. (N. Y. Land Papers, xvi, p. 125). Page 39.— DUBOIS, CORNELIUS, of the New Paltz, Esq., Will dated Nov. 6, 1780. "Unto my well beloved wife Margaret" "during her lifetime one Ne- gro Slave named Sime, one Negro Wench named Jane, one Milch Cow, and also so much of my Household goods as she may Judge she shall have occasion for." "Unto my son Cornelius" "during his natural lifetime All my whole Real Estate" "in New Paltz" "excepting such parts thereof as I shall hereafter order to be sold by my Executors" "together with all me build- ings Houses Bams Orchards, Gardens" "after his decease" unto the Heirs of my said son Cornelius and to my Daughters Tryntie, Jannetie, Jaco- minetie, Saretie, and to my Grand Children Nathaniel Diibois, Wilhelmus Dubois and Polly Dubois the Children of my Daughter Rachel deceased and to my Grand children Dirck Wynkoop and Lea Wynkoop the Chil- dren of my daughter Lea deceased." "Also to son Cornelius" "Eight horses the choice out of my stock" he to pay for the same "£80 in Gold or Silver at the rate of eight Shillings for a Spanish Dollar." Also "so many of my Slaves as he may think proper (to be taken before any division is made of my personal Estate) provided he" pays "for each Slave" £go (at the same rate as before). "Unto my said daughter Saretie" "one Negro Wench named Rose^' to pay for the same £80 (at the same rate as before) . "Unto my said son Cornelius" "two seats I have in the Church at Shawangunk." — To "my grandson Cornelius Dubois Hasbrouck" "one seat in the Church at Marbletown." "Residue of my whole personal Estate" "unto my said son, said Daughters and said grand Children." "Residue" "of my whole Real Estate" "in the County of Ulster" "or Else where" "and also the Liberty and previledge I have in the New Paltz patent of Hay stone and Timber" also to said children and grandchildren. "In case any dispute should happen between my Heirs concerning this my last Will and Testament, It is my Will and desire that" they CoMMon Pleas Will Book. i6i "shall leave it to an Arbitration." — Executors to sell "to the best advantage all that certain lot of land containing 66 acres" "in Co. Ulster" part of a certain tract of 1056 acres of land granted to me by Letters Patent" "July 2, 1739 so as the same is Surveyed by Johannis Bruyn as per his return of Survey dated May 16. And also that part of the land I have in the above recited patent, adjoining the abovesaid 66 acres" "on the south- west side of the Platte Kill." Son Cornelius, son in law Jacob Hasbrouck Junr. and my grand Sons Josia Hasbrouck, Nathaniel Dubois and Cornelius Hasbrouck ap- pointed executors. Son in law Cornelius D. Wynkoop to be Guardian to the said Grand Children until they respectively come to age. Signed by the testator. (April 23, 1781, Denie Raleya of New Paltz, yeoman, and David Louw of same place. Blacksmith, appeared before Jo- sejph Gasherie, Surrogate, proving the will, and signature of Joshua Dubois as a witness. On the same day all the executors took the oath. Sept. 19, 1798, Joshua Dubois, of Kingston, Tanner, appeared before the Court. Methusalem Dubois made oath that he had "given due notice to all pres- ent Heirs mentioned in the said Will" "of , this intended application" "for the ap- probation of said Will. — Whereupon the Court" "ordered" the will to be recorded. Entered Sept. 21, 1798.) (.Cornelius Du Bois, Sr.j s, of Solomon Du Bois, and Tryntje Gerriisen, m,, Apr. 7, 1729^ Anna Margaret Hoo^teUng, and had issue: i, Tryntjen, bt. March 29, 1730, m., Jan. 27, 1762^ Matthew Du Bois; ii. lan^netie) bt. 1732 (m. Jacob Hasbrouck) ; iii. Wilhelmus, bt. March 31, 1734; >v. Josia, bt. Oct. 21, 1736, in Shawangunk (sec his will); v. Rachel, bt. Aug. 5, 1739, m. Col. Lewis Du Bois, of Marlborough; vi. Lea, bt. May 2, 1742, m., May 28, 1762, Cornelius Wynkoop; vii. Jacomyntjen, bt. Apr. 21, 1745, m. Andries Bevier, of Wawarsing; viii. Sara, bt. Oct. 4, J747, m. Jacob Hasbrouck, of Marbletown; ix. Cornelis, bt. July 8, 1750, m. Gertrude Bruyn. A much faded, and much worn copy of the original will is filed in the Estate Box No. 11. Surrogate's Office. To this has been attached a number of pertinent questions and answers by Peter W. Yates, dated Albany, May 9, 1781, pertaining to this will: Ques. *. Concerning the Crops of Wheat & Rye now in the Ground which were sown by the Testator and his only son in Partnership, whether the Moiety thereof, which should have belonged to the Testator, had he lived, shall go to the Executors or not? Ques. 2. Whether the Widow of the Testator, in case she doth not comply with the Will, can recover her Thirds of the Personal Estate ? Ques. 3. In Case the Heirs of the Testator should make Division and Partition of the Real Estate of the Testator, in the Lifetime of his son Cornelius, whether it would be legal and stand in Law, and hew is it to be made, as some of them are under Age? Ques. 4. Whether the Testators Son may legally demise the Farm or Lands which were the Testators? Denie D. Relya (his mark) Joshua Dubois David Louw i62 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Ques. s. If the Grand Children Dirk & Lea Wynkoop die under Age who is to have their Part? Ques. 6. Whether any of the Devises can sell an undivided Fart before the death of Cornelius? I am of Opinion, as to the Ques. I. That the Crop of Wheat and Rye will go to tha Son and not to the Executors. Ques. XL That the Testators Widow is by law entitled to no more of the Personal Estate than is given her b^ the Will. But that she is exclusive of the Will entitled to her Dowry. That is to say, the one third Part of all the Testators Lands and Tene- ments for and during her natural Life. Ques. III. That no legal Division can be made until all the Parties to such Division are of lawful Age, unless it is done in Virtue of a Law of the I.egislature passed the 8 Jan. 1762. But to avoid the Expenses of that Mode of Partition, it has been usual for some third Person to become Bound (in Behalf of the Minors interested in the Lands to be divided) that such Minors, when they arrive to Lawful Age, should agree to and confirm the Partition and execute Deeds for the Purpose. Ques. IV. That the Testator's Son may demise or even sell for & during the Term of his natural Life the Real Estate devised to him by his Father's Will. Ques. V. If one of the Testator's Grand Children Dirk & Lea Wynkoop should die under Age, the Part or share of the real Estate of the one so dying, will go to the Survivor of them. But if they should both die under Age, without lawful Issue, their whole Part will go to their Uncle, the Testators eldest Son, as Heir at Law. — But as to their Part of the Personal Estate Dirk may dispose of his at the Age of 14, and Lea at the age of 12 to whom they please, but not by Will, unless they previously make a Division between them of their Part. Ques. VI. That any of the Devises may sell their undivided Part of the Real Estate before the Death of the Testators Son Cornelius. (Signed) PETER W. YATES. Albany 9. May 1781. Page 44.— KLARWATER, ABRAHAM, of Marbletown. Will dated April 23, 1776. "To my son Thomas all my lands" "on the Southeest side of the Kline Kill" "of Marbletown." "Al the rest" "of my lands together with my Dwelling House Barn, Barghs, Outhousen and all my Building together with all the ap- purtenances" "unto four of my sons namely Fradrick, Isaac Danjel, J01 seph" "in consideration of the lands I have before given to my five sons herein before named they shall pay to my four Daughters and my son Abraham ithe sum of £90" i. e. "to my Daughter Eve £30" "in three equeel payment the first" "to be made one year after my decease" "to my Daughter Wintje" "£30 (in the same manner) "to my daughter Mary wife of Peter Vernoy" £10 one year after my decease" "£io to my Daughter Esther wife of Jacob SeaW "£io to my son Abraham." — ^To AbraJiam also "the Choice of al my Horses" "the choice of my Slays." "To my daughter Wintje my Great Pot as also the choice of all my Heffers." "All the remainder" "of my Householding Goods or furniture" "to my two Daughters Eve and Wintje as also my Bed, Bedsted and all the furniture thereunto belonging." "All the remainder of my Estate Parsonal" "shall be devided amongst all my Children namely Abraham, Fradrick, Isaac, Danjel, Jacob, Thomas, Joseph, Eve, Mary, Esther, Wintje." "If any of my Children shud die leving no Issue" his or her share to be divided. Common Pleas Will Book. 163 "My brother in law Thomas Schoonmaker and my son Fradrick" appointed executors. Abraham Klarwater (his mark) (Sept. 19, 1798, Frederick Wood of Marbletown, farmer, appeared before the Frederick Wood Court, Abraham B. Bancker, Jonathan Thomas Wood Hashrouck, Judges, Abraham Van Gaas- Matthew Cantine beek and Peter Roggan, Ass't Justices, proving the will, and signature of the other witnesses). (Theunis Jacobsen Klaarwater, b. at Baarn, near Rotterdam, Holland, in i6?4, had, in 1709, witb son, Jacobus, brother-in-law, Hendrick Vemaos, Abraham Doian, Rtp Van Dam, Adol- phus Phill^se, Dr. Gerardus Beekman, and Col. IVm. Peartree, a patent of 4000 acres land (Seer. State, Albany, Office, Patents, vii, p. S4), situated in Shauangunt, bound east by the Wall- kilt, south by the Dwaaskilt, and west by the Skaaiangunk Kill.-^acobus, b. Holland, 1663, m. Mary Deyo, dau. of Abraham. Their son, Abraham, bt. July 2, 1699, at New Paltz, m., Oct. zo, 1738, Lisabeth Schoonmaker, and had — Eva, bt. July 13, 1740, Abraham, bt. Oct. 3, 1742, Heiter, bt, Febr. 19, 1749, m. Jacob Scale, and Frederick, Isaac, David, Joseph, Wyntje, Mary, m. Peter Vemooy, Jacob, and Thomas. A tablet to the memory of Thetfnis Jacobsen C. was erected in the Dutch Ref. Church, at 1 Kingston, by his descendant. Judge Alphonso Trumpbour Clearwater, LL.D.) Page 47.— LEFEVER, DANIEL, of New Paltz. Will dated Sept. 4, 1784. "Unto my beloved wife Catharina Lefever all that my whole Estate, Real and personal" "during her naturall life, or days of her my Widow- ship, and after her decease" "to my son Peter Lefever all that of rny land & Tennements" "at the Bontiekoe in the New Paltz patent it being my Old Homested together with all the land I now own to the West of the Grotiefly or big Meadow, also my right of a Grandpears lot" "in the second Tier of the New Devision & runs through the Bidfly or Meadow to the East side thereof" "also" "my Negro man named Jan, also all my wearing Cloaths of all sorts." "To my beloved wife" "my negro wench named Bet to be her own property." "To my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Mathew Lefever & Maria the wife of Jon athan Doyo all that my lands and Tenements" "within the New Paltz^patenTaTthe North River No. 4, in the North Devision, also all my right & title in the devision made at the Platte Beni water'' "also my negro wench named Margret." "To my daughter Maria" "my Negro Wench named Deyan." "To my son Peter Lefever his choise of three of my Horses" Resi- due to wife "or whenever she shall please to give the same up to her children" the property to be divided among them. 164 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Wife, son Peter, and "my two son in Laws Mathew Lefever & Jonathan Doyo" appointed executors. Signed by the testator. (May 7, 1800, Isaac Lefever of New Jacob Lefever ^^^^z. Surveyor^ appeared before the :: - J Court, James Ohver, first Judge, and ISAAC lefever Junr. Abraham Bevier and Abraham B. Banck- Joh's Hardenbergh Junr. er. Judges, proving the will, and signature of the other witnesses). (Isaac Le Fevre, bt. Oct. z8, 1683, s. of Simon Le Fevre (q. v.), m. 1. Catrina Freer iFire), and m. z., May 16, 1718, Marytje Freer, dau. of Hugo F., Jr,, and had with ist wife: i. Philip, bt. Apr. x. 1711; with 2d wife; ii. Ysaak^ bt. Dec. 25, 1718, d. unm.; iij^ Petrus, bt. Febr. ig, 1721, m., Jan 2, 1760, Elisabeth Vemoa; iv. Johannes, bt. Nov. 18, 1722, m.. May 29, 1752. Sarah Vernooy; v. Daniel, vi. Simon^ bt. Nov. xo, 1728, d. y.; vii. Mary, bt. March 26r X732, m. Johannes Hardenbergh, Jr.; viii. Simon, bt. Dec 17, 1738, d. y. DANIEL, bt. Dec. X2, 1725, m. Catherine Cantein, dau. of Peter (s. of Moses C. who m. Elisabeth {Deyo) Le Fevre, the grandfather of Daniel Le Fevre. Issue: i. Simon, bt. July j, 175X. m., Oct 30, i;^79, Janneke Swart; ii. Maria, bt. Apr. ix, iys6, m. Jonathan Deyo; Hi. Peter, bt. Febr. xo, 1759; iv. Moses, bt. Jan. 24, 1762; v. Elisabeth, m. Matthew Le Fevre). Page SO.— EEN, ABRAHAM, of New Paltz. Will dated Nov. 30, 1805. "Unto my beloved wife Catrena all the Household fumature she had from her father, also what her father bequeathed to her by his will, also £20 in money to be paid to her yearly" "during her natural life by my two sons Elias and Petrus" "also the choice of my Negro Wenches and a room to live in eitherly by Elias or Petrus where she shall chuse, and my two sons shall maintain her with meat and Drink, also one Bed with a Sett of Curtains of Callicoe furnished with what belongs to it, also one Bed with homespun Checkerd Curtains with all thereunto belonging, also my large Cupboard as it stands, also one Tea Table with Tea Cups and Saucers tihereunto belonging, also two Iron pots and one Tremmel also six Chairs also the choice of all my Cows, also one Tea Kittle and my Negro Jack together with two Pails." "Unto my son Elias one Horse or a Cow which he may chuse for his birth right, and also one Weavers Loom and the one half of my Reeds and Geers and all what belongs to the Loom." "To my son Petrus the two best Horses, Waggon, Plough, Wood Sled, pleasure Slay, and the Weavers Loom, with the one half of the Reeds and Geers and all what belongs to the loom." "To Elias all the Farm on which he now dwelleth — Except 15 acre& of Bush right at the East end together with the buildings thereon con- taining tSo acres," "and a piece of land called the Groote Buntecoe." "To my son Petrus the farm whereon I now dwell together with the buildings thereon — also a piece of land called the Half moon and 15 acres of the Bush right at the East end of the farm bequeathed to my son Elias." Common Pleas Will Book. 165 If Petrus should die, Elias to have his share "but not to have possession until after the death or entermarriage of the wife of my said son Peter, she is to have the full enjoyment of the whole Estate during her Widowhood." "Unto my two sons Elias and Petrus all my Bush right lying in the New Paltz patent, the one half to Elias and the other half to Petrus." To sons "all the monies their shall be due to me by bond or Notes." "Unto my three Daughters Rachel Annatje and Catrena "£40 each two years after my decease." — To said daughters also "all my Houshold furnature." Residue to be divided among the five children. Son Elias Een, Josiah Hasbrouck and Peter Lefever, Junr. appointed executors. Abraham ein Henry Elting U^^- 6, 1807, witnesses appeared before the Henry Tansen Court, Abraham Bevier and Jonathan Hasbrouck, „ ™ Judges, John Van Steenbergh and Jacob Marius CORN. lAPPEN Q^gg^^ ^gg.^ Justices. Entered Jan. 6, 1807). (£2m Etgti (In), of New Paltz, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Anthony Crispel, and had i. Mary, bt. Aug. 8, 1697; u. Jan, bt. Febr. 18,1700: iii. Mary Magdalena, bt. Apr. s, 1702; iv. Sarah, bt. Sept. II, 1709, m., Febr. 16, 1739, Isaack Walderon, b. New Castle, Del. res. Poughkepsie. JAN (above) m. Febr. 9, 173s, Geesje Roosa, and had: i. Elizabeth, bt. Febr. 15, 1736; ii. Margaret, bt. May 29, 1737; iii. Elias, bt. Apr. i, 1739; iv. Abraham, bt. July 12, 1741; v. Isaak, bt. July 31, 1743. ABRAHAM (above), m., Nov. 2, 1763, Catharina Van Wagenen, and had: i. Elias, bt. 1768, m. Elisabeth Hasbrouck; ii. Annatje, bt. Aug. 22, 1774, m. Benjamin Hasbrouck; iii. Rachel, m. David Deyo; iv. Catharine, m. Jonathan Deyo; v. Peter, b. 1781, m. Maria Freer). Page 55.— DE WITT, ANDRIES, of Kingston. Will dated March 17, 1800. "Unto my beloved wife Rachel" "my Houses lands Tenements and Real Estate" "within the County of Ulster" also "all my personal Estate" "during her natural life time, or" "so long as she shall remain my Widow and no longer." "Unto my Eldest son Tjerck De Witt" £50 "and my large Dutch Bible in lieu or stead of his birth right." Upon death of wife to "my two sons Tjerck De Witt and Isaac De Witt" "my Houses lands and Tenements" "in the County of Ulster (ex- cept lot given hereinafter to my Daughter Neltje) in fee simple as Tenants in Common" "also all the rents and profits of "that certain tract or parcell of land formerly Demised by Tjerck De Witt deceased to Gerrit Aartse now in the possession of Conradt G. Elmendorph." To son Tjerck "one of my Seat in the Dutch Church at Kingston, also my two Negro man Slaves named Harry and Tom." To son Isaac "one other of my Seats in the said Church" "also my two other Negro men Slaves named James and Joe." To "my Daughter Neeltje wife of Petrus Elmendorph all that certain lot of Lowland" "on the North side of the Esopus Creek in the town of i66 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Kingston" "containing about lo acres so as the same hath lately been conveyed to me by the Heirs of Cornelius Elmendorph deceased," To her also "two Negro Wench Slaves both named Beit, now in her posses- sion, and also £700" to be paid by the sons in three payments the first one year after my wife's decease or re-marriage. "Unto my Grandchild Andries son of my Daughter Neeltje my Negro Boy named Abram." To sons "all my Cloathing and Wearing Appearel, and also all my Guns, Swords and other Warlike Weapons" "farmers Utensels as Plows Harrows Sleads slays Waggons Carts and every other implement of Husbandry, also my Canoes or Crafts usually kept for crossing the Creek, and also all the Stock of Horses and Coalts." "Immediately after the death or re-marriage" of wife "the crop or crops of Hay, Grass, Grain or Corn lying standing or growing or other- wise Housed or in Barns or Barriks" to be equally divided among the two sons. Residue to the two sons. Wife, sons and "my trusty friend Chris- topher Tappen" appointed executors. Signed by the testator. (Jan. 8, 1807, Cornelius De Witt of New Burgh, Co. Orange, Merchant, Luke Kiersted of Kings- LuKE Kiersted ton, Physician, and George Tappen of same Cornelius De Witt place, yeoman, appeared before the Court, Geo. Tappen Abraham Bevier, Jonathan Hasbrouck and Jo- hannis Bruyn, Judges. — Will ordered to be re- corded.) {Andries De Witt, bt. March 3, 1728, s. of Tjerck De Witt and Anne Pawling, see Henry De Witt, m., Dec. 17, 1757, Rachel Du Bois, b. Jan. s, 1737, (d. Aug. 24, 1S23), dau. of Isaac Du Bois and Neeltje Roosa. He d. June g, 1806. Issue: i, Neeltje, bt. Tune 24, 17^9, ai., Febr. 6, 1782, Petrus Elmendorf; ii. Tjerck, bt. May 23, 1762; iii. leaack, bt. May le 24, 1759, 15. «769). Page 61.— HASBROUCK, JOHANNIS, of New Paltz. Will dated Dec. 28, 1806. "Executors athorized to sell all the personal estate as well as "all that lot of land being part of lot Number S in lot number 12 first tier south division, bounded southerly by land of the Heirs of Petrus Lefever de- ceased westerly .by land of Philip Schoonmaker being part of said lot No. 5, and Northerly by a land between Lot No. 12 and lot No. i, and Easterly by a lane between first and second tier of lots containing about 35 acres" "within the Town and Patent of the New Paltz." "All the remainder of my land or Real Estate unto my four sons and two Daughters: John E. Hasbrouck, William Hasbrouck Junr., Philip Hasbrouck, Andries Hasbrouck, Polly Hasbrouck and Rachel Hasbrouck" — Also all the personal estate. Common Pleas Will Book. 167 "My half brother Philip Schoonmaker and my good friends Philip EltiMge and Elias Earn," appointed executors, and Philip Schoonmaker Guardian "of the persons and Estates of all my said Children." JoHANNis Hasbrouck (his mark). Peter Lefever (Jan. 8, 1807, all the witnesses appeared before Samuel Hasbrouck the Court. — Entered at the request of Fliilip Elias Bevier Schoonmaker, Jan. 8, 1807). iJohatmes Ifasbrouek (s. of Jan H., b. Febr, i, 1739, m. Dec. 24, 1763, Rachel Fo« Waeene». He was Son of Solomon H., b. 1680, and Sarah Van Wagenen), m. a dau. of Wm. McDonald. Of their children (as above), John E. H., m. Febr. 24, tjgi, Elisabeth Post). Page 66.— JENKENS, LAMBERT, of the Paltz Township. Will dated nth day of the 7th month 1799. "To my beloved Wife (not named) a comfortable liveing out of my estate, whilst she remains my Widow & She to live with either of my Children that she shall choose & my sons shall all of them be equally at the expense of supporting her & if she should Marry she shall be de- prived of the above priveleges & receive £50 or $125 in lieu of her Dow€r & All my sons shall pay share Si share alike of said sum after my young- est Child shall be of age." "My Estate shall remain undivided until my youngest Child shall be of Age & to be worked in company by my Family they enjoying the profits, equally amongst them except Building places for my Sons, "if they should Marry before the time appointed for said division" arbitrators and Executors to divide the property. The whole estate to be divided among the "five sons : John, James, William, Albert & Crines Jenkins." "To my Six Daughters" "at the time of Marriage (each) two Cows per piece, with one Feather Bed & furniture per piece, with other neces- sary furniture for housekeeping" "and $250 per piece or iioo" "after my Youngest Child shall become of Age to be paid by my five sons. My daughters Names are, Margaret, Brijet, Catharine, Mary, Hannah & Elener." "My Aged Father shall be comfortably & respectfully supported out of my estate — ^my five sons shall bear their equal expense thereof." Survivors to divide share of deceased child "before they are Mar- ried or have lawful issue." John Levever my near Neighbour & Samuel Baldwin" appointed executors. Signed by the testator. James^°ro?head 5 v. S. and Baartjen Swart; iii. Morio, bt. July 15, 1733, d. unm. ; iv. Zamuel, bt March 16, 1735, m. Marytje Kip, da. of Jacob J. K. and Lea van Etten; v. Isaac, bt June 5, 1737, m., Nov. 19, 1765, Susanna Poland, dau. of Philippus F. and Eva Switzler; vi. Zara, bt Apr. 8, 1739, m., Nov. 14, 1765, Benjamin van Steenbergen, s. of Arte v. S, and Baartjen Swart; vii. Janneken, bt. Apr. 19, 1741, m., Oct. 11, 1771, Jan Osterhoudt, s. of Lawrence O. and Helena Whitaker). Box 11.— DEPUY, JACOBUS, of Rochester, Original will, dated Dec. 15, 1778. "To my Brother Simon Depuy my Negro Jeck," "In trust" he "paying for the same unto my Mother" "one Bond Due to her. Bearing Date June 3, ^777" — "Unto my Sister Sara Depuy the side saddle and Bridle."-^"Unto my Brother Sim.on Dupuy all my Real Estate" "so as the same is Devised unto me By the Last will and Testament of My father Jacobiis Depuy, Bearing Date Sept. 25, 1764," "In trust" he "to pay unto my Brothers & sister the sum of ^450" "that is to say to my Brother Moses" £150 "unto my Brother Jacob" £150 "and unto my sister Sara" £150 "in four Quarterly Payments after my said Brother Simon shall have Received the Possession of my said Real Estate." — If Moses, Jacob or Sara should die before they "Come to Lawful age and Leave No Lawfull Issue Behind them" then the survivors to divide the share of deceased. — "Unto my Brother Jacob one Seat in the Pew No. 16." — "My Uncle Cornelius Dupuy, Jacobus Van Wagenen, and Thomas Schoonmaker, Junr." appointed executors. Signed by the testator. John Depuy Annatje Depuy Moses Miller (Moses Depuy (s. of Nicholas'), m. i., Maria Wynhoop, b. Albany, 1660, dau. of Cornells W., m. 2., Oct 16, 1724, Peterneltje De Pree, widow of Martinus Van Aken, of Rochester, and had i. Mareitje, bt Apr. 24, 1681; ii. Nicolaes, bt. Dec. 3, 1682, m., March 22, 1707, IVeyntjen Roosa;. iii. Catherina, bt Apr. 6, 1684; iv. Magdalena, bt March 14, 1686; v. Cornelis, bt Jan. 8, 1688, m.. May 6, 1713, Catrina Van Aken; vi. Catrina, bt May 25, 1690; vii. Moses, bt Sept 27, 1691, m., Febr. 14, 1716, Margrietje Schoonmaker, dau. of Jochem H.; viii. Benjamin, bt Oct 13, 169s, m. I., Sept 3, 1719, Elisabeth Schoonmaker, dau. Jochem H., m. 2., Dec. 13, i735i Eiche De Witt; ix. Susamna, bt. Jan. 9, 1698; x. Catharina, bt. Nov. 30, 1701, m.. May 10, 1722, Benjamin Schoonmaker, s. of Jochem H.; xi. Jacobus, bt. Sept. jg, 1703, m., Aug. 26 172s, Sara Schoonmaker, and had: a. Jacobus, bt Nov. 6, 1726; b. Maria, bt July 28 1728- c. Efraim, bt Febr. 8, 1730; d. Elisabeth, bt Oct 28, 1733; e. Catrina, bt Febr. 13, 1737, f. Zusanna, bfc Nov. 12, 1738; g. Daniel, bt June 8, 1746, — Simon, Moses and Sara). 1 ebl t^ i^ t ^H ■■^i>rit-*^^iCi,f^^^^'C ^H ORIGINAL WILL OF CORNELIS NUKEEK. Abstracts of Original Wills and Inventories. 183 Box 14.— FREER, CATHARINA, Widow and Relict of Jonas Freer, Deceased, late of New Paltz. Original will, dated Sept. 22, 1781. "Unto my only and well beloved Daughter Maria the Wife of Gerrit Freer Junr." "All my Goods and Chattels of what kind or nature soever which I shall leave at the time of my Decease. And I do hereby make, nominate and appoint my trusty and well beloved friends Jacob Has- brouck Christoffel Deyo and Jacobus Hasbrouck Junr." my executors. Catharina Freer (her mark). Esther Bevier Elisabeth Hasbrouck Jos : Hasbrouck iJonas Freer, b. ab. 1701, d. 1775 (s. of Hugo F. and Maria Anne Le Roy, see Hugh F.), m. Catnna Stoker, b. in Germany, and had: i. Maria, bt. Sept. 21, 1729, m. Gerrit Freer, bt. Apr. 30, 1727, s. of Hugo F. and Bregje Terpenning, s. of Hugo F. and Marm Ann Le Roy; ii. Martinus, bt New Paltz, May 20, 1733; iii. Johannes, bt. Oct. 26, 1735, m., March 29, 1760, Sara Bevier, dau. of Abraham; iv. Elias, b. ab. 1740, m. Martha Everitt, dau. of Robert B. and Esther, of New Marlborough; v. Jonas, bt. 1737, m. Magdalena Bevirs, dau. of Jacobus B. and Antje Freer; vi. Simon, bt. Aug. 9, 1741, m.. May 12, 1770, Annatje Blanchan, dau. of Matthews B. of Hurley; vii. Petrus, bt. Oct. 30, 1743; viii. Lena, bt. 1739, m. Johannes Bevier"). Box 23.— NUKERK, CORNELIS, of Hurley. Original will, written in Dutch, and dated "tot mynen Huysen in Hurley" (at my house in Hurly) Sept. 15, 1787. "In de name Van den Dreenigen godt, Vader, Soon En Hyligen geest Amen." (In the name of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen). "Myn Sinne En Verstant Volkome magtigh, De Heere sy gelooft" (of perfect mind, the Lord be praised). (Long religious preamble). "Myn Waarde Huysvrouw Diena Indien sy my overleft, van myn twee Soons soons Philip En Cornelius" "Sal hebben" £20 "Yaarlyk" "So lang sy leeft (my worthy wife Diena, if she lives after me, to have £20 yearly of my two sons (soons written twice, by mistake, as "klein-zoons" is grandsons). Also "De kuer van myn Negers En Negerinnen" "cm haar te dienen so lang sy leeft (the choice of negroes and negresses, to serve her as long as she lives) "00k de kuer van de Ruymen Uyt Myn tegenwoordigh Huys (and the choice of the rooms in my house, where I now reside) "En ook twe kelkKoyen welke koeyen myn voornoemde Soons voor haar houde sullen Somer En Winter" (and two milk cows, which my said sons shall house during summer and winter). "Myn soon Philip myn groote bybel sal hebben'' (my son Philip to have my large bible) . — "Myn twee voornoemende Soons sullen Uytkeeren of betaalen aan myn vier dogters, Namentlyk Jannetye, de Huysvrouw van Benjamin Roosa, Lea de Huysvrouw van Gerrit Nukerk, Henderica de Huysvrouw van Cornelius du Mondt, En Aarieantye de Huysvrouw van Petrus du Boys" iioo each (my said two sons shall pay to my four i84 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. daughters, Jannetye, wife of Benjamin Roosa, Lea, wife of Gerrit Nu- kerk, Henderica, wife of Cornelius du Month, and Aariaantye, the wife of Petrus du Bois, iioo each). Said sons also to pay £50 to "my soon Arys soon Petrus" (my son Ary's son Peter). Said sons to pay, thereof, £220 one year after testator's decease, and the other £225 two years after "myn doodt" (my death). "Myn Reght In het partentees" (my right in the patent), to all the children and the grandchild, provided they reside in Hurly, otherwise not. — The personal estate to be divided among said children, and grand- child, to Cornelius and Philip the real estate, they to pay all the debts. Said sons appointed executors. Signed by the testator. Huybert Ostrander johannis suyland JoH. V. Deusen (Arie Gerritsen van Neukerk (s. of Gerrit Cornelisse and Cheittje Cornelis^, q. v., b. in Midwoud, Flatbusht L. I., res. Hurley^ m. . Lysbeth Lambertsen, dau. of Lambert Huybertsen, and had: i. GhUjef bt. Jan. 29, 1688; ii. Jan, bt. Aug. 24, 1690; iii. Henderikje, bt. Nov. 11, 1692; iv. Gerrit, bt. May 30, 1697; v. Ariaanfje, bt. Nov. 19, 1699; vi. Lea, bt. Aug. 9, 1702; vii. Rachel, bt. Apr. 9, 170*^; viii. Cjiz^lis, bt. Nov. 12^ lyio, m. Oct. 29, 1731, ,(iis^Q_sDina) Hoog' teling, and had: a. Elisabeth, bt. Oct. i, 1732; b. Jannetye, bt. Oct. 20, 1734, mniov. 18, 1759, Benjamin Roosa; c. Ary, bt. Sept. 11, 1737, d. v.; d. Fhilippus, bt. Apr. 3, 1740; e. Ary, bt. Oct. 3, 1742, m. Nov. 18, 1769, Maria Crisfel; t. Lea, bt. Apr. 29, 1744, m. Dec. 8, 1764, Gerrit Nukerk; g. Henderica, bt. March 9, 1746, m. Oct. 30, 1785, Cornelius du Mondt; h. Ariantje, bt. Jan. 8, 1748, m. Dec. 23, 1779, Petrus Du Bois; i. Cornelius, bt. Oct. 15, 1752, m. June 12, 1779, Sara Kiersteder ; see page 169 for another son of Arie Gerritsen: Conrad). Box 24.— LEGO, WILLIAM, of Kingston, yeoman. Original will, dated Oct. 8, 1780. "My loving Wife Sara shall Remain and Injoy in full Possesion of my Whole Estate real and Personall During the timCi She Shall Con- tinue my Widow and Shall have the Command of the Income of said Estate, Provided that my Daughter Helena who is Not able to Maintain herself, and my Two sons Named William and Samuel shall have their Maintainens with my said Wife out of the said Estate" they "shall be taught to Read, Write and Cypher at the Expense of my said wife the Mother of the said William and Samuel during the minority." "In case my "wife should merry again before my said sons should arrive to the age of 21 years" then "wife shall Give Up My Whole Estate Real and Personall to my Executors" and to be "debarred to Claim any Income or Dowry from the said Estate." — "To my son Cornelis for his Birth Right my Large Shooting Gun I have of My father." — My three sons (named) shall have my Real Estate where I now Dwell with the house. Barn & Barraks also my Estate called Peter Mouries Land that is to say the Souther part of said bowery" "as I now occupy and Use the same and Divided by me and brother John." Survivor to divide share of deceased. At death or remarriage of wife, the personal estate to be divided among said children, and "the Children of my Daughter Annatje, Deceased for her Mother 1/5." "Whereas I Received a Legacie of iioo by my first Tk^ (] , ^4 •V ^•H^iirri^ni^H^ -<••>■ ^ \ 1 N>l.tvi,. iH^f < '■ '- s Abstracts of Original Wills and Inventories. i8s wife Helena Daughter of Jan Ploegh, Deceased, and as I think it just and Equitable that the Children begotten of the body of said Helena Should have the Benefittof her Mothers Portion therefore" "said sum of £ioo shall be paid out of my Real Estate as soon as my sons William & Samuel arrive at the age of 21 years" i. e. "to my son Cornells" £30, and to chil- dren of "my daughter Annatje" £30, and "to my daughter Helena" £40." — "My son William my Shooting Gun and to my son Samuel my other small Gun before any Division shall be made." — If wife should continue "my widow after my sons William & Samuel arrive at the age of 21 years," then the wife is to receive yearly ii2 for her maintainance during her life, to be paid by said sons. "Loving son Cornells and my son in (law?) Tjerck Schoonmaker and my friend Edward Schoonmaker, Jr." appointed executors. Signed by the testator. John J. Persen Michael Pattison Christopher Midler (his mark) {William Legg, bt. Oct. 31, 1708 (s. of John Legg and Annatje Fynliout, q. v.), tn. i., Oct. 20, 1738, Helena Ploeg, dau. of John, m. 2., March 11, 1762, Sara WuKn, and had with ist wife: i. John, bt. Oct. 14, 1739; ii. John, bt. Dec. 21, 1740; iii. Anatje; iv. Elisabeth, bt. Dec. 12, 1742; V. Cornelis, bt. Oct. 13, 1745, m., Febr. 28, 1787, Maria Wolf; vi. John, bt. Aug. 26, 1753; vii. Helena, bt. May 11, 175s; with 2d wife: viii. William, ix. Samuel). Box 35.— SNYDER, JOHANNIS, of Kingston. Original will, dated June 5, 1771. "To my Loving Wife Named Grietje my Negro Wench Named Floor During My said Wifes Life" also "one feather bed and straw bed" she also to "have the Use of My bedstead bedding and Every Thing be- longing thereto During her Life And my house furniture Pots and Dishes During her Life, and also my Little Cobbert and Chist During her Life, and after her Decease the above house furniture (Excepting) the feather bed & straw bed shall be Divided among my Chil- dren." — "To my Daughter Christinas Son Johannis the sum of £65" "to be paid by his father Christian Fiero by virtue of an Obligation the said Christian Noes stands bound to Me and payable one Year after the Decease of Me and My Said Wife." "In case" "Johannis should Die before the said Money is Payable" then the "money shall be Divided among my Children Equel." — "To my Daughter Marya wife of Cornelis Oosterhoudt iio being the residue of the above Obligation." — To "said Grandson Johannis my horse Saddle and Bridle" "and all my Cloathing belonging to my Body Whatsoever." — "All my Moveables (Excepting the Legacies above ordered) shall be Divided Between my two Children Named Christina" "and Marya."— "All the Moveables" "Brought to Me by Marriage Shall be Left to her (my wife)" she also to "have the Benefitt and Recovery of her Entertainment by Virtue of two Oblagatory Instruments Signed one by Christian Fiero and the other by Cornelis Oosterhoudt During her Life" and if she "Should Not have Sufficient Entertainment by Sickness or other Exident" then the Executors shall i86 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. "dispose of such of the Moveables Left to her Use as they shall think Necessary for her Support." — "My Nephew Johannis Snyder, Son of Johannis Snyder Junr. shall have one Cow." — "My said Negro Wench Floor after the Decease of my said Wife shall have her Choice to Live jther With my Daughter Christina or my Daughter Marya" "Provided the one half of her Value shall be paid by such as shall be Choset by her, to my other heir." "My Loving frinds Jurry Hommel and Jurry W: Rechtinger" ap- pointed executors. Signed by the testator. Cornelius Persen Stephanus Fero Joh's SnydeRj Junr. (.Johannes Snyder, h. in Germany, m. March i, 1724, Anijen (.Grietjen) Deunis (Tlieunis), and had: i. Christina, bt. Febr. 14, 1725, m. Christian Fierer^ Jr. (when her name is written 'Schneider', and had: a. Johannes Fierer, bt. July 27, 1746 (witn. by Johannes S. and his wife, Annatje Theungas); b. Christian Fierer, bt. Aug. 2, 1747; ii. Johannes, bt. Jan. 23, 1726; 111. Maria, bt. Nov. 24, 1728, m. Cornelis Osterhout. Johannes Snyder had a brother. Jury (George"} Snyder, who m. i., Christina Thunjus,m. 2., Dec. 5, 1724, Johanna Swart, and had issue: i. Johannes, bt. Jan. 24, 1720, m. RacJiel Swart; ii. Lea, bt. Febr. 6j 1726; iii. Ceeletjen, bt. Apr. 30, 1727; iv. Elisabeth, bt. March 18, I733. m- Michel Devoe; v. Catrina, bt. July 10, 1737; vi. Maria, bt. May 2, 1742; vii. Johanna, bt Apr. 21, '745- . „ Johannes Snyder and Rachel Swart had issue: i. Christina, bt. July 28, 1745; 11. Petrus, bt. Nov. 1, 1747; iii. Johannes, bt. Sept. 2, 1750 (mentioned above in the will of his grand-uncle); iv. Seletje, bt. May 27, 1753; v. Rachel, bt. July 11, 17S6; vi. Cornelia, bt. Jan. 14, 1759; vii. Elisabeth, bt. May 31, 1761; viii. Abraham, bt. Apr. 20, 1764). (Inventarmm Oover het Losse Goed van den Overleeden Johannis Snyder Woonende aen de Beaverkill in de County van Ulster (Inveitory of the personal estate of J. S., deceased, residing at Beaver Kill in Co. U.), Door ende met goede Vinden^'van de Gestelte Executors Jurgen Hommel en Jurgen W. Reghtmeyer ook Erfgenaemen an agter Laatene Weduwe Grietje Snydr Christ Fero en Cornelius Oosterhoudt (and by the good friend, J. H., J. W. R. and heirs, and surviving widow G. S., C. F., and C. C), dated July j6, 1771 (sic): Neegers. Eeii Negerin met Een Jonge van Vyf Jaer Oudt (A negress with a boy five years old). Beesten. Drie Melk Beesten en Een Jonge Vaarse (Three Milk Cows, and a young heifer). Parden. Een Mear (a mare). Schaapen. Neegen Stucks van Oud en Jong aen Schaapen (Nine young and old sheep). Vaarkens. Twe Stucks aen Vaarkens (a couple of hogs). Een Groote Caste met Inhoudend Goed, Seven stucks Laaken, Vier Kussen Sloopens, Een Bond Nehangsel, Een stuckje Linnen houdende 9^ Ele 10 stucks hembden van Vaader, 5 Mutssen, 3 Neckjes, Een Seyde NeusDoeck, 2 Woole hoede Een Caster hoed (A great chest with contents, 7 sheets, 4 pillows, colored hangings, a piece of linnen oi gii yards, 10 of father's shirts, s caps, 3 scarfs, 1 silk handkerchief, 2 wool caps, and one beaver cap. Geld. In all 21 schellinge meer i schellinge Vier koopers (21 schillings in all, with i schilling, forr coppeis). Bande, Noten & andere Pampiers in Een Lessnaer geslooten (Books, (notes, and other papers in a locked desk). Een Musket, Een Deegen, haagel Sackie met 't kruythoorn, Twee schaape Scheeren, Een Slambanck, Een kist, Een key, Een Spiegel, Twee potte bancke, Een Casje, El paer Cousse van Vaader, nogh I paer meer van Vouse, i Camen mandje (a musket, a sword, shot- pouch with the powder-horn, two sheep-shears, a sleeping laench (bedstead in form of a chest), a chest, a flint (to strike fire on), a mirror, two cup- boards, a little box, a pair of father's stockings, one more pair 6i stock- ings, one comb basket). Boekken.- Een Groote Bybel, Een Predicate Boek, Twee gebedt Boekken, Twee Cate- chisms, I gebedt boeck van Conr. Mell, nogh i gesangh boeck in in Kerk met nogh Een boekje (a great bible, a book of sermons, two prayer-books, two confirmation books, one prayer book of Conr. Mell, also a hymn book in the church, as well as another book). Abstracts of Original Wills and Inventories. 187 Tobac. Twee Rolletje? Tabac, 3 paer Wanden, nogh Een Muttss (2 rolls of tobacco, 3 pair of mittens, and one cap). Kleederen. Twee gjroote Rolcken, Vier sluyt Rokken Drie gevulte Camisools, vier hemb- der Rokken, Twee Linne broekken, nogh Een Linne broeck Drie Leeder broeks, Drie korte gestrepte broekke, Vier Eyge geweeve Camisools ge- streept, Een Swart Camisool met broeck, Twee paer schoene met Een paer Gebsen, Een scbeer mess met Een Oligsteen (two roomy coats (^reat coats probably), four narrow coats (i. e. close fitting), three double-lined waist- coats, four night shirts, two linnen breeches, also one pair of linnen breaches, three leather breeches, three short striped breeches, four striped, hand-made woven night-shirts, a black shirt (Guernsey) with breeches, two pair shoes with a pair of buckles, a razor with a hone). Tinne Goed. Vier Tinne schuttels, 2 Tinne Comme nogh Een Tinne schuttel nogh Een Cometje, 14 Tinne Borde, i Trink Can, 19 Tinne lepel, 2 Tinne kopjes. Twee blikke Trechter, 2 Candelaeis, i Tinne mutsjes, een hand blikje, 1 aerde en Een blikke Can Een vleesch vorkje i scliuyn Spaen 4 aarde schuttels i pyp potje X blikke Commetje, Een Vlasche keller met 8 vlasche, Een vleschje met Soet Olie, nogh Een Vlessche (four pewter saucers, 2 pewter cups (or dishes), also one pewter saucer, and one small pewter cup, 14 pewter plates, 1 ^drinking can, 19 pewter spoons, 2 pewter cups, 2 tin funnels, 2 candle- sticks, I pewter extinguisher, one earth and one tin can, one meat-fork, i skimming ladle, 4 earth saucers, a small coffee-pot, a small tin-cup, a bottle case with 8 bottles, a small bottle with sweet oil, and another little bottle). Bed clothing. Een Veeder Bedt met kussens en Een Pelluwe Een bonde Roghe, Een Groene Roghe, Een Wilde Compaerss, Drie Eyge gemaekte Compaerse, Vier Bedde kleede, Een Sprie, Nogh Een Veeder Bedt bestaende in Drie kussen en Een Pelluwe ende Een Wilde Compaerse, nogh Een stroo bedt, Linne 24 Ell, Een stuckje Oover Leeder (a feather-bed with bolster and one pillow, and colored petticoat, a green petticoat, a natural quilt (probably made of skins of wild animals), three homemade quilts, four bed-covers, one counter- pane, one more feather-bed with three bolsters, and one pillow, and one natural quilt, also a straw-bed, 24 yards of linnen, a piece of leather for covering). Messe en Verkjes 10 Messe en Vyf Vorkjes nogh Een Vorkje (10 knives and s forks also one small fork), Steele. 6 Swarte stoele. 9 stucks Eyge gemaeckte stoele, Een groote stoel, z Tange, En Een aschschoop, Een paer brand ysers, met Een rooster en Trefje, Twee heugels 1 paer stryk Eyser, Een paer Boots (6 black chairs, 9 homemade chairs, a big chair, 2 tongs, one ash-shovel, a pair of fire-blowers, a roaster, 2 pot-hooks, one pair of flat-iron, a pair of boots). Gereedschapp. Een Saagh, Breedbyl ende haelmess. met een oud Vleysch, byl ende meer andere Saaken in Een gesloote kistje te samen gedaen, Een Zaadel met het gebitt ende Een paer Oude boots, (a saw, axe and drawing-knife with an old butchers-knife, and some other things, together with a little chest, a saddle with a bit and an old pair of boots). Een Coye met stroobedt, Een Laake i Wilde Compaerse, i Eyge gemaekte Compaerse Twee kussens (a straw-bed, a sheet, a natural quilt, two bolsters). Yzergoed. 7 stucks Potte aen kleen en groot i groote koopere, keetel Een Tee keetel, een hang Eyser met Comfoor, 2 panne i Trapje i Wolle Wiel Twee spinne Wiels S Emmers met henghsels Een blaasbalg Twee schappen Een Roy Dissel Een gleedje met all Toe behoorend goedje Een kleen Wagentje (7 pots, large and small, a large brass kettle, a tea-pot, a pot-hanger, with brazier, 2 frying pans, a step-ladder, a wool-winder, two spinning wheels, 5 buckets with handle, a pair of bellows, two shelves, a red shaft, a sledge with its belongings, a small cart). KuyperGoed. Een Vleisch vat, Een Ancker vatje, 2 kleene Vatjes, Twee Oxhoofde, Een Loog Vat 2 barls, 2 Anckers, 3 Tobetjes, Een Emmer 3 Botter vatjes 3 aarde potte Een groote aarde Can Tween Barl Tobetjes i Oxhoofd Tobetje I Visch vat i (Tarn ende Een karnmelk vaatje Een back Trokje i Verf Eymer Twee bakke i bottel met Traen i boomtje Vet i Coopere Craen i Quaste bakje 3 Tiene Mandjes. (a meat-barrel, a keg, 2 small barrels, 2 hogs-heads, i bucking-tub, 2 barrels, 2 kegs, 3 tubs, a bucket, 3 butter casks, 3 stone pots, one large jug, two small barrels, a small hogs-head, i fish- tub, I churn, one buttermilk-barrel, a baking trough, i pail paint, 2 basins, I bottle with fish-oil, i tub grease, i brass tap, i small basin for brushes, 3 tin baskets). Solder Goed. 4 FloUe Boome, Een Oxhooft, Een Meel Vat i Sappaen sieftje 26 kleen en groote Tiene an andere Mande i fijn Sieftje i back Troghje 2 quaste backjes I ander goede back 4 stucks kleeneschopjes nogh 2 kleene Schoppjes en i Werp Schopp 8 Sacksken Een Zeyde Oover Leeder met 3 stukke Sool Leeder 4 stuko voorers kleen en groot 3 kleene vaatjes i scheepel Een Wann nogh Een goed Schoppje 23}^ vaem in Twee stukke goed Touw s knuyl Touw gaere i Trogh met Eyser hanghsels met deksel op Een schael. i88 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. 7 lbs. Werke gaare 6yi lbs. ' Wolle gaere, i Merk Eyser g lbs. gewaschle WoU Een fyn Vlass heekell Een spyker heekele 2 lbs. gesvronge Vlass i oudt Vat Een Spill voor Touwgaere te spinnin i stroo Mess, i steek mess, Een groote Trumm Saagh. (4 poles (to push forward a boat), a hogshead, a meal-tub, a straining cloth, 26 small and large, tin and other baskets, i thin sieve, i kneading-trough, 2 basins for brushes, i good basin, 4 shovels to clean, 2 other shovels to clean with, i spade, 8 bags, a cover of leather, and 3 covers of sole leather, 4 drills, large and small, 3 kegs, i bushel, i winnow and a good shovel, 235^ fathom good cord in two pieces, 5 balls of string, I trough, with iron hangings, and cover, a plate, 7 lbs. yam, 6J4 lbs. wool yarn, i branding iron, 9 lbs. washed wool, a thin flax reel, a cogged reel, 2 lbs. brooded flax, i old barrel, a spindle for the loom, a btraw cutter, a pricking knife, a large trimming saw). Leeder. 4 Zeyde of 2 gantsche huyde Leeder in de Loy Drogh met 2 Calver velle, 3 gehakte Drogge, Een Sleupsteen Een vierde part van Een Run Meule by Petrus LoMW, Een Sneuw Eyser om boomen te Sneuwen (4 parts of two hides in the tanpit with two calfskins, 3 wooden troughs, i grindstone, a fourth part of a tan mill, at Petrus Louw, a snow sledge for sledging trees). Schulden (Debts). By Pieter Scherp staet nogt 19 sch., by Mr. Cockbum ^ sch., by Benjamin Meyer staet nogh mischien 26 sch. of wat meer, by Pieter Win- nen Een Schaepe Lamm, by Christ, Fiero Junr. 12 sch. voor i foot vleesch, by Steph. Fieoro £3 voor Een Jong VuUetje, by Daniel Lucas voor Een koe £3.10 had Een Taer Tyt te betaal by Thorn. Steenberg 7 Ell Wolle Doppelsteen, En Een barl Willem Freligh voor Een harte veil 18 sch. (to P. S. yet 19s., to Mr. C. 3s., to B. M. 26s. or more, to P. W., a lamb, to C. F., Jr., 12s., to S. F. £3, for a colt, to D. L. £3.10 for a cow, a year to pay for it, to T. S. 7 yards wool die (means woven in die form), a barrel (blank space), W. F. for deer skin iSs.). ADDENDA. SECRETARY'S PAPERS, Liber D., page 13. (T. D. R., II., p. 351) : On Nov. 4, 1671 appeared before Cornells Barentsen Sleght and George Hall, commissaries of the Hon. Court at Kingston in America, AERDT MARTENSEN DOORN husband and guardian of Geertruy Andriesen, widow of Jacob Jan- sen Slicoten, as well as the guardians of the latter's son, Jan Jansen Slicoten, the Heer Willem Beecqman and Roelof Swartwout, as the attor- neys for said Geertruy Andriesen, who also appears. Said parties hereby grant full powers of attorney to Mr. Nicolaes De Meyer, merchant at New York, to enquire at Amsterdam for the last will of Jan Jacohsen Slicoten, grandfather of the said child, and also to learn what has been de- vised to Willem Jansen Slicooten, the uncle of said child, said uncle being killed here during the war with the Indians, leaving no other heirs than the said child. .And further to enquire after a will made by the great grandfather of Jacob Jansen Slicoten, who left something to the children of the son, which was expected by said Jacob Jansen Slicoten, and which would revert to the said child. Said De Meyer to enquire diligently, and if necessary to bring suit. The parties humbly pray the Hon. Heeren Orphanmasters of the city of Amsterdam to assist the said Mr. De Meyer in securing the inheritance, which belongs to said child. Said De Meyer to place any money secured at interest with the Orphan's Court, and to present a bond by the said Hon. Orphan-masters. Wilh. Beeckman, Roelof Swartwout, Aert Maertsen Doom, and Geertruyd Andresen (her mark). Ibid., p. 18. (T. D. R., II., 353) : JACOB JANSEN VAN STOUTENBORQH on Nov. 7, 1671 granted full power of attorney to Mr. Nicolaes De Meyer, merchant at New York, for the purpose of receiving his share in the property left by his father, Jan Evertsen Maeter and his mother, Annetie jCornelis. With him in this enquiry are associated his uncle, Robberat Mvertsen and Saer Evertsen, his guardians. Said inheritance is to be enquired for at Amersfordt, in the Secretary's office. Signed by Jacob Jansen (his mark), in presence of Jan Willemsen and Cornejis Barentsen "Sleght. 190 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. Ibid., Liber E., p. 43. (T. D. R., II., p. 400) ; written in English. Sr Edmond Anders (about March 1676/7) appointed EUsdbet Hals administratrix to the estate of GORGE HALL, latte of Kingston in Esopus, who had dyed Intestaet, leaving Elisabed his widdow. Ibid., p. 58. (T. D. R., II., p. 404) : HENDRICK CORNELISEN SLEGHT. Testamentary disposition, dated Nov. 15, 1677, and written in Dutch. "He has three children, to whom his wife is to return half of the estate, in case she should happen to remarry. The whole estate to go to the children after her death. The oldest son to receive all of his father's clothing." Signed Hendrick Slecht, and witnessed by Jacobus Kip and Gerrit Aertsen. Ibid., p. 96. (T. D. R., II., p. 424) : AERDT AERDTSEN OTTERSPOOR. Testamentary disposition, dated May 5, 1678, and written in Dutch. "All his property, house, lot, Holland money, in Holland to go to Cornelis Barensen and his wife; a little closet excepted, which shall go to his daughter Petronella. Aerdt Aerdsen Otterspoor (his mark) ; witnessed by Pieter Corneli- sen (his mark), and Barent Van Borsum. COURT RECORDS, Liber V., p. 170. (T. D. R., II., p. 569) : CAPT, THOOMAS CHAMBERS, widower of Margarietie Hendrix, and Louwerentia Kellenaer, widow of Domine Lourentius Van Gaes- heeck, intend to enter the state of matrimony. The said widow grants to her children with said Gaesbecq, named L. Jacomeyn, Maria, and Abraham Van Gaesbeeck, 100 sch. of wheat each, when of age or married. The son Abraham is to receive of all his father's clothing. Ibid., p. 186. (T. D. R., II., p. 574) : JOHANNA, widow of the deceased GEORGE DAVITS, intends to enter the married state with Hendericus Beecqman, young man, therefore the said bride, Johanna Lopers, grants to her children with said Davits, named Jacobus, Samuel, and Salomon 500 sch. of winter wheat each, when of age. She will also give the children an honest and a Christian education, so far as she is able. As guardian over said Addenda. 191 children she appoints their uncle, David Davits, and Dirck Jansen Schep- moes. As security, she mortgages her house and lot in Kingston. Signed Joanna Loopers, and Henr. Beecqman; witnessed by Wessel Ten Broeck, and W. D. Meyer. Ibid., Liber v., p. 239. (T. D. R., II., p. 595) : CORNELIS BARENTSEN SLEQHT, widower of the deceased Trynntie Tysen Bos, bridegroom, and Elsje Jans, widow of Hendrick Jochemsen, bride, on Sept. 26, 1684, agreed to the following marriage contract: (usual be- ginning, then) the bridegroom donates to the bride as a dowry 200 sch. of wheat. Signed by Cornells Barentse Slecht, and Elsje Jans (her mark) ; witnessed by Jan Eltinge and Elsje Jans, having the greatest affection for her children, gives all her possessions, after her death, to Jochem, Eghbert, Hendrick, Engeltie, Hendrix and Pieter Adriaens. Dated Oct. 8, 1684, and witnessed by Yan Stol, and Jan Van Vliedt (his mark). Engeltie Hendrix, wife of Nicolaes Anthony, is to inherit her share, that is, her grandmother's small closet, 2 pewter saucers, and a cow. Inventory of the estate of Cornells Barentscn Sleght, A house and brewery, an orchard, hop-garden, 3 morgens of land across the Great Bridge, household furniture, described. The money in Holland shall be inherited by the children. The heirs of the deceased Tryntie Tysen Bos, in love and friendship with our father, Cornells Barentsen Sleght have agreed to divide their mother's property in the following way: Cornells Barentsen Slecht to retain the amount, 750 sch. of wheat, paying therefore 5% interest per annum, for which purpose he mortgages his real property, consisting of 3 morgens of land opposite the great bridge, house, orchard, brewery, and hop-garden. The entire property shall be inherited by Hendrick, Jacomyntie, Mattys, Pietronella Slecht, at his death, except the 200 sch. wheat to Elsje Jans, Cornells Barentsen's second wife. Signed Cornelis Slecht, and Jan Elting; witnessed by Mattys Slecht and Jochem Hendricksen. — Ibid., Liber VI., part A., p. 26. (T. D. R., IL, p. 614) : HENDRICK JOCHEMSEN and Elsje Jochems, his wife. Testamentary disposition, dated March 4, 168 1/2, and written in Dutch. "Survivor to possess everything, lands, money, goods, gold, silver, coined or uncoined ;" should the survivor remarry, one half of the prop- erty is to be returned (to the other heirs). 192 Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records. The wife's children by a former marriage: Jcmnetie and Sytie shall have 150 gulders each, but as they both have died meanwhile, their chil- dren shall receive the said amounts. As heirs are mentioned Jochem Hendrix, Eghbert Hendrix, Engeltie Hendrix, Hendrick Hendrix, and Pieter Adriaensen. Hendrick Jochemsz, Elsje J onsen, wife of Hendrick Jochemsen (her mark) ; witnessed by Wessel Ten Broeck and W. D. Meyer. Elsje Hendricks or Elsje Jems, wife of the deceased Hendrick Jo- chemsen, in full enjoyment of her senses, and considering how certain friends have exerted pressure and forced her, not leaving her any rest, to thoughtlessly sign certain illegal documents, dated in New Yorck before Notary Bogardus, on May 22, 1683, regarding the inheritance of the chil- dren of Jacob Abrahamsen Santvoordt and Jan Barentsen Kunst, now absolutely annuls said documents, as she has no desire to oppose her dead husband's wishes, as expressed by his will; God forbid that it shall ever again be broken. — Elsie Jans : witnessed by Jan Van Vliet and Yan Stol. Ibid., part A., p. 56. (T. D. R., II., p. 635) : JAN BROERSEN and his wife Willemtie Jacobsz, Testamentary disposition, dated June i, 1682, at Kingston, and written in Dutch. "Survivor to inherit everything, land, houses, money, moveables, etc . . " — Both signed their marks. No witnesses. Ibid. p. 57- (T. D. R., II., p. 635) : AERDT OTTERSPOOR on July 25, 1682 annulled the will which he made in favor of Cor- nells Barentsen's wife. The little closet, bequeathed to Pieternel, is not to be delivered to her. — Signed with a mark. No witnesses, except the Secretary, Wm. Montagne. Ibid., Liber VI., part B., p. 235. (T. D. R., III., p. 184) : WILLEM BEECK. Testamentary disposition, dated March 28, 1684. "His wife shall share with the children the house and lot, one half to each of them. Whereas a woman Indian has with the Governor's ap- proval granted him a plot of land at Waerwaersinck, on condition that the said woman shall have a plantation there, the testator now orders that his wife shall have one half of said land, and the children the other half. Residue to wife. As guardians over the children: Pieter Jacohsen Mauris, Jacob Abrahamsen, Isaack Van Vlerck, and Jan Willemsen Hooghteyling, Signed W. P. Beeck, and witnessed by Roelof Kierstede and Arent Tuenessen. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. PAGE 36 — Last line should read: "See note, page 31." 53 — 5th line, read : "Van Wijlen," instead of "Van Wiljen." jy — Heading should read : "Will owned by Ralph Lefevre, New Palis." 79 — Heading should read : "Will owned by Ralph Lefevre, New Paltz." 93 — 22d line, read: "Magdalena Schutt,"' instead of "Marritje Mar- tissen." 102 — 9th line from bottom, add : "x. Willem, bt. Dec. 5, 1686." 113 — 13th line to be taken out entirely. 132 — 20th line, read: "Znyder," instead of "Zynder." 177 — 5th line, read : "they saw," instead of "the saw." 181 — 1st line, read: "Abstracts," instead of "Absrtacts." 193 INDEX TO WILLS. TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS, LETTERS OF AD- MINISTRATION, ADMINISTRATION BONDS. POWER OF ATTORNEY, RENUNCIATIONS. MARRIAGE CONTRACTS, and INVENTORIES ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. ABBREVIATIONS USED: A. B. (or AtlmmiBlration-Bonils; Inv. (or Inventories; L. A. (or Leilors o( Adminislra- tion; M. C. for Marriage Contracts; O. W. (or Original Wills; P. A. (or Power o( Attorney; R. (or Renunciations; T. D. (or Testamentary Dispositions; W. (or Wills. Instru- Filed ok Name. Residence. ment. Dated. Probated. Page. AARTSE, GERRIT. Kingston, Will, Dec. 17, 171S, Mar. 9, 1720-1, 102 AARTSEN, JACOB. Wagendal, Will, Oct. 5, 1714, Mar. 7, 1716-7, 9J or Van Wageningen, or Ja- cobse. See also Otterspoor. ADREIJANSE, FETTER, Kingston, T.D., Feb. 30, 1686, 47 ADRYANSEN. JOOST. Pynacker, T.D., Sept. 2, 1665, 29 or Joost Adriansen Vermeu- len. ^-^5^ ANDRIESEN. GEER- TRUy, P.A., Nov. 4, 1671, 189 and her husband, Aert Martensefi Doom. aryance; hendrick, Will, Sept. 11,1690, June 16, 1 701, S8 / BARENTSEN, CORNELIS, or Cornelis Barentse Slecht and his wife, Tryntie Ty- sen Bosch. BEATTY, JOHN, BEECK, WILLEM, BEECQMAN, HENDE- RICUS, BEVIERE, LOUIS, SR., BLANCHAN, MATTHES, and his wife, Magdalen loore. BLANCHAN MAT- THEUS, B T.D., Aug. 17, (?) 32 5^^^ fp/^o p.n I Marbletown, W., Apr. 26, 1720, Mar. 9, 1720, 100 T.D., Mar. 8, 1684, ipi M.C., 190 New Faltz, Will, May 2, 1720, July 4, 1720, 97 T.D., Aug. 22,j67i, Apr. 30, 1688, 48 T.D., Sept. 7-17. i66s, 3° 196 Index to Instruments. Instru- Filed or Name. Residence. ment, Dated. Probated, Fagc BLANSJAN, CHATHA- RINA, T.D., Oct. 13,1676, 34 and her husband, Lowies Du Booys. BLANSJAN, ELISABETH, T.D., Nov. I, 1676, 3S and her husband, Peter Cornelissen (Low). BLANSJAN, MADELENA, T.D., Sept. 2S, 1676, 33 and her husband, Jan Ty- sen (Mattysen.) BOGARDIES, PIETER, Kingston, Will, Feb. 3, 1701-2, Sept. 20, 1703, 63 BOGART, HENDRICK, Marbletown , w.. Dec. 12, 1707, May 12, 1707, 92 BOMSCHOTEN, SALO- MON, SR., Kingston, w.. Nov. 14,1737, June 7, I7S4, 132 BOSCH, TRYNTIE TY- SEN, T.D., Aug. 17, (?) 32 or Tryntie Barentsen, and her husband, Cornelis Barentsen or Cornelis Ba- rentse Slecht. BRINK, See Lambert Huy- bertse, and Cornelius Lam- bertse. BROERSON, JAN, T.D., June 1, 1682, 192 and his wife, Willemtje Jacobs (Jans). BRUYN, JACOBUS, Bruynswick , w.. June 20, 1744, June 11, 174^. 124- BURHANS, ABRAHAM, Kingston, O.W.. Oct. 3. 1763, Not recorded.. 181 CHAMBERS, THOMAS, c M.C., 190 CLAESSE(N), HEN- DERICK, T.D., Nov. 12, 1688, 49 CLARWATER, ABRA- HAM, Marbletown, W., Apr, 21. 1776, Sept. 19, 1798, 162 COCK, JOHN, Marbletown, T.D., July 20. 1710, 99 COOL, CORNELIS, Hurley, Will, Jan. 10,1732, Sept. 7,1736, 118 CORNELIS, ANNETIE, T.D., Feb. 23, 1682, 44 and her husband, Cornelis Vernooy. CO'RNELISE, MARTE, Claverak, T.D., Aur. 13, 1685, June 19, 1699, 53 and his wife, Mayke Cor- ^ nelise. CORNELISSE, THEUNIS, W.D., July 21, 1677, 73 or Theunis Cornelisse Swart, and his wife, Elizabeth Van der Linden, or Van der Lende. Index to Instruments. 197 Name. CORNELISSEN, PETER, or Peter Cornelisen Low, and his wife, Elisabeth Blansjan. CORNELISSEN, PIETER, (LOW), CORNELISON, GERRITT, COTTIN, CATHERINE, CRANS, JOHANNIS. CRAWFORD, HENRY, CRESPEL, ANTOIN, iMSTRU- Filed or UENT. Dated. Probated. Page. T.D., Nov. I, 1676, 35 Residence. Kingston, W., Dec. 20, 1690, Mar. 4, 1707, 73 Hurley, W., Feb. •>. 1686, Mar. 4, 1695-6, 59 Kingston, W., July 23, 1712, Dec. 10, 1713, 83 Hanover, W., Apr. 17, 1775, July 5, 1777, 142 Marlborough, W., Mar. 27, 1816, Sept. 6, 1824, 174 Kingston, W., Nov. 6, 1707, Jan. 10, 1707, 71 DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER, DAVITS, JOHANNA, DEIJOU, CHRISTIAN, DELAMATER, DAVID, . DEPUY, JACOBUS, DE WITT, ANDRIES, DE WITT, BOUDEWYN, DR., DEWITT.DIRCK CLAES, see Tjerek Claese De Witt. DE WITT, JAN, DE WITT, JAN CLAETS, DE WITT, LUYCAS, DE WITT, TJERCK CLAESE, DONALDSON, ABRA- HAM, DOORN, AERDT MAR- TENSEN, •and his wife, Geertruy Andriesen. DOYO, ABRAHAM, DUBOIS, CORNELIUS, DUBOIS, DANIEL, DUBOIS, HENDRICUS, DUBOIS, JACOB, DUBOIS, JOSHUA, DUBOIS, LOUIS, DUBOIS, LOWIES, DUBOIS, LOWIES, DUBOIS, LOWIES, and his wife, Chatharina Blansjan. Marbletown, W., M.C., New Paltz, W., Kingston, W., Rochester, O.W,. Kingston, W., June 12, 1778, Sept. 23, 1794, Febr. i, 1687, Sept. 23, 1769, Dec. 15, 1778, Mar. 17, i8oo. June 30, 1687. Sept. 3, 1790, Not recorded. Jan. 8, 1807, Kingston, W., June 24, 1703, July 15, 1703, Mombacus, W., Oct. 29, 1700, Amsterdam, W., Mar. 31, 1699, W., Feb. 15, 1702, Kingston, W., Mar. 4, 1687, New Paltz. W., May 16, 1805, P.A., Nov. 4, 1671, New Paltz, W., Sept. 20, 1724, New Paltz, W., Nov. 6, 1780, New Paltz, O.W., Aug. 16, 1729, New Paltz, W.. June 21, 1774, Hurley, W, Apr. 3, i739, Kingston, W., Dec. 30, 1818, New Paltz, W., Mar. 30, 1686, Kingston, W., Mar. 27, 1694, Kingston, W., Feb. 22, 1695, T.D., Oct. 13, 1676, Apr. 12, I7IS, June 26, 1699, Mar. 9, 1703, Mar. 6, 1700, May 5. 1808, Oct. 7, 172=: Apr. 23, 1781, June 4, 1782, June 7. 1745, Sept. s, 1825, May 5, 1686, June 23, l6q6, June 23, 1696, 155 190 47 ISO 182 165 62 118 54 65 |S6 168 189 no 160 114 158 , 123 / 177 46 SO 51 34 198 Index to Instruments. Naue. DU JOU, CHRISTIAN, DU MONT, WAL- RANDT, SR., Instru Residence. hent. Hurley, Dated. r.D., Aug. 10, 1676, Filed or Probated. Kingston, W., Mar. 15, 1701, Sept. 3, 1713, Page. 31 8S EEN, ABRAHAM, New Paltz, ELMENDORPH, COEN- RAET, Kingston, ELMENDORPH, JACO- BUS, Kingston, ELMENDORPH, PE- TRUS EDMUNDUS, Kingston, ELMENDORPH, WIL- HELMUS, Hurley, See also under Van Elmendorph. ELTYNGE, JAN, or Eltinge Roelofsen, and his wife, facomyntie Slecht. W., Nov. 30, 180S, Jan. 6, 1807, 164 W.. Sept. 2, 1749, Oct. 24, 1788, 146 W., June 2, 1678, 37 W., May 17, 1763, Sept. 27, 1765, I45 W., Mar. 7, I7S4, Dec. 16, 1754, 13S T.D., Sept. 30, 1679, 39 FALSETT, GERRET, FELTEN, PHILIP, FOCKEN, JAN, See Jan Heermans, Sr. FOWLER, STEPHEN, FRANCKFORD, ABRA- HAM, FREER, CATHARINA (wid. of Jonas). FREER, JOHANNIS, FRERE, HUGUE, FRERE, HUGUE, Pals Creek, W., Apr. 13, 1726, May 5, 1726, H2 Kingston, W., July 9, 182-, Sept. 5, 1825, 176 O.W., Jan. IS, 1727, Not recorded. 113 Plattekill, W., Sept. 17, 1807, Mar. 26, 1822, 172 Kingston, W., Sept. 28, 1689, 48 O.W., Sept. 22, 1781, Not recorded. 183 New Paltz, W., Sept. i, 1796, July 15, 1797, 158 Paltz, O.W., Sept. 4> 1697, Not recorded. 77 Paltz, O.W., Feb. 12, 1706, Not recorded. 78 GERRETSEN, ALBERT, Embderland,T.D., Sept. 3,1665, .v GERRITSE, CORNELIS, Hurley, W., Feb. 7,1665, Mar. 4, 1695, 59 / H HARDENBERGH, LEON- ARD, Marbletown, W., June 12, 1706, May 8, 1766, 142 HARMILLE, TOMAS, W., Mar. 12, 1689, Apr. 21, 1690, 48 HASBROUCK, JACOB J., W., June 21, 1818, Aug. 14, 1818, 170 Index to Instruments. 199 Ihstku- Filed or Naue. Rbsidincb. usht. Dated. Fbobated. Fagb. HASBROUCK, JEAN, New Paltz, W., Aug. 26, 1712, Aug. 14, I7I4, 88 HASBROUCK, JOHAN- NIS, New Paltz, W., Dec. 28, 1806, Jan. 8, 180JL 166 HASBROUCK, JOSA- 1 PHAT, New Paltz, W., Apr. 28, 1811, Dec. 14, 1814, 169 HEERMANS, JAN, SR., Kingston, W., Oct. 20, 1723, Mar. S, I724. 105 HENDRICKE, DIRCK, Foxhall, W., Jan. 8, 1699, Sept. 9. 1703, 63 HENDRICKS, HEN- DRICK, Kingston, W., Dec. 30,1686, 47 HENDRIX, GRITIE (wid. of Dirck), W., Sept. 26, 1708, Jan. 17, 1708, 75 HENDRIX, MARGA- RIETIE, M.C., 190 HENDRIX, MAYCKEN, T.D., Dec. 16, 1681, H^ and her husband, Jan Joosten. HERMANS, JAN, JR., Kingston, W., July 18, 1705, Jan. 2, 170S, 7° HEYMANS, see Roosa. HILLEBRANT, PIETER, M.C., Mar. 20, 1665, 29 HOOFMAN, NICHOLAS, Co. Dutchess, W., Feb. 12, 1749, Feb. i, I7S2, i33 HOOGEBOOM, CORNE- LIS, T.D., Aug. 17,1676, 33 ►- and his wife, Annette Cor- nelisen Sleght. HOOGENBOOM, AN- NETIE, W., May 4, 1719. Sept. 17, 1719. 97 / (wid. of Cornells). HOOGHTEYLINGH, JAN WILLEMSEN, T.D., Nov. 8,1671, 36 or Jan IVillemsen, and his wife, Barbara Jans. HOOGHTEYLINGH, JAN WILLEJ^SEN, Kingston, W., Aug. 11,1702, Mar. 4, 1703, 61 HUYBERTSE, LAMBERT, Hurley, W., Feb. 12, 169s, Apr. 11, 1702, 60 / or Brink. J JACOBS, WILLEMTJE, T.D., June i, 1682, 192 JACOBSE, see Gerrit Aaertse. JANS, BARBARA, T.D., Nov. 8,1671, 36 or Barbara Hooghteyling, and her husband, Jan IVillemsen Hooghteyling or Jan IVillemsen. JANS, ELSIE, M.C., Oct. 8,1684, 191 JANS, ELSIE, T.D., 192 JANS, GRITIE, T.D., June 27,1684, 45 or Gritie Jansen, widow of Jan Lambertsen. 200 Index to Instruments. JANSEN, JACOB, Xvan Stoutenborch), JANSEN, MATTYS, JANSEN, THOMAS, see Van Steenberge». JENKENS, LAMRERT, JOCHEMS. ELSJE, (JANS), JOCHEMSEN, HEN- DRICK, and his wife, Ekje Jochenu (fans). jOORE, MAGDALEN, and her husband, Matthes BUmchan. JOOSTEN, JACOB, JOOSTEN, JAN, (VAN MEETEREN), and his wife. Maycken Hendrix. KETCH, DAVID, KETTLE, JEREMY, SR., KLARWATER, ABRA- HAM, KRANS, JOHANNIS. lOSTRU- Filed oe Residence. -IC-SNT. Dated. Probated. Page. P.A., Nov. 7, 1671, 189 Kingston, W., Aug. 21, 1727, Oct. 5, 1727, n6 Paltz, W., jmo., II, 1799, Sept. 17, 1807, 167 T.D., Mar. 4, 1681-2, 192 T.D., Mar. 4, 1681-2, 192 T.D., Aug. 22, 1671, Apr. 30, 1688, 48 T.D., Aug. I, 1680, 40 T.D., Dec. 16, 1681, 41 K New Paltz, W., July 29, 1820, Sept. 6, 1824, 176 Marbletown, W., Jan. 20, 1703, Sept. 7, 1704, 68 Marbletown, W., Apr. 23, 1776, Sept. 19, 1798, '162 Hanover, W., Apr. 17, 1775, July 5, 1777, 142 LAMBERTSE, CORNE- LIUS, or Brink, LANSYNCK, AELTYE, and her husband, Gerridt Van Slichtenhorst. LAURENSEN, JAN, see Jan Lourens. LEFEVER, ANDRIES, LEFEVER, DANIEL, LEGG, JOHN, LEGG, WILLIAM, LEGG, WILLIAM, LEGG, WILLIAM, JR., LIVINGSTON, GILBERT, LOCKWOOD, HENRY, LOMMENDIEU, PETER, LOOMAN, HENDRICK JANSEN, L W., Mar. 8, 1725, Nov. 21, 1726, 112 T.D., Fdb. 16,1682, 43 New Paltz, w., Apr. 19, 1738, May — , 1793. 153 New Paltz, w., Sept. 4, 1784, May 7, 1800, 163 Kingston, w.. Dec. IS, 1743. Sept. 18, 1765. 138 Kingston, w.. June S> I7I0, Aug. 28, 1710, 80 Kingston, O.W., Oct. 8, 1780, Not recorded. 184 Kingston, W., Mar. 8, 1743, May 29, 174s, 122 Kingston, W., Dec. 12, 1745, July 31, 1746. 128 Plattekill, W., Apr. 17, 1818, July 1, 1819, 171 Kingston, W., Intes- Feb. 10, 1691, Mar. 30, 1692, 49 tate. Sept. 18, 1663, 21 Index to Instruments. 20I Naue. LOURENS, JAN, LOW, JACOBUS, LOW, PIETER CORNE- LISSE, LOW, see Pieter Cornelisen. Ihstku- Filed or Residence. ubnt. Dated. Probated. Kingston, W., Mar. 21, 1702, Sept. 6, 1705, Kingston, W., Oct. 18, 1793, Jan. 10, 1794, W., Dec. 20, 1690, Mar. 4, 1707, MASTON, CORNELIS, MATTYSEN, JAN, or Jan Tysen, and his wife, Madelena Blansjan. MATTYSEN, JAN, MEYDERSEN, EGHBERT, KTOURITZ, FREDERICK PIETERSEN, M Kingston, W., Jan. 30, 1712, Apr. 12, 1712, T.D., Sept. 25, 1676, Kingston, W., Oct. 7, 1719, T.D., Apr. 9, 1684, NEWKERK, COENRADT, Hurley, NEWKERK, CORNELIS, see Cornelis Gerritse. NEWKIRK, JOHANNIS, WallkiU, NUKERK, CORNELIS, Hurley, Nov. 24, 1724, W., May 30, 1709, May 30, 1709, W., Apr. 26, 1796, Apr. 4, 1806, N W., O.W., Oct. s, 1771, Sept. 15, 1787, Feb. 7, 1777, Not recorded. Page. 69 154 73 82 33 103 45 82 168 140 1^ 183 ' OOSTERHOUT, TEUNIS, Rochester, OTTERSPOOR, AERDT AERDTSEN, OTTERSPOOR, AERDT AERDTSEN, O W., T.D., Annul- lation, June 14, 1739, May S, 1678, July 2S, 1682, Feb. 2. 1747, 129 190 192 PARYS, EVERDT, PERSEN, CORNELIUS, PERSEN, MATTHYS, PIETERSEN, FREDER- ICK (MOURITZ), POULSE, GOMMEN, Hurley, Saugerties, Kingston, Kingston, P W., w., w., w., w.. Mar. 26, 1678, June 27, 1814. July 20, 1748, May 30, 1709, Apr. 6, 1699, Jan. II. 1829, Not recorded. May 30, 1709, June 19, 1699, 37 179 136 82 S3 RAINEY, JAMES, Hanover, ROELOFSEN, ELTING, or Jan Eltinge and his wife, Jacomyntie Slecht. ROOSA, ALBERT HYMAN, Hurley, R W., T.D., Aug. 1, 177s. Sept. 30, 1679, Mar. 2, 1776, W., Aug. 23, 1708, Sept. 9, 1708, 143 39 y 74 / Residence. Instru- ment. Dated. Filed ok Probated. Pace. Hurley, W., Mar. 5, 1726, May 3, I749, 130 202 , Index to Instruments. Name, ROOSA, EVERT, ROOSA, HYMAN, see Albert Hyman. RUTSEN, JOHN, W., Mar. 5, 1724, May 11, 172S, 106 S SCHEPMOES, DIRCK JANSEN, T.D., Nov. 1,1682, 42 and his wife, Marya Wil- lems. SCHEPMOES, DIRCK, Kingston, W., Feb. 15, 172.V4. Sent. 20, 1725, 106 SCHOONHOVEN, HEN- DRICK CLAESEN, T.D., Nov. 12, 1688, 49 SCHOONMAKER, HEN- DRICK, Kingston, W., SCHUTT, WM. JANSEN, Shawangunk, W., May SEBA, WILLIM JANSEN, Intestate. SLECHT, CORNELIS BARENTSE, T.D., or Cornells Barentsen, and his wife, Tryntie Barentsen, or Tryntie Tysen Bosch. SLECHT, JACOMYNTIE, T.D., or Jacomyntie Roelofsen, wife of Jan Eltinge, or Eltinge Roelofsen. SLECHT, ANNETIE COR- NELISEN, T.D., Aug. 17,1676, 33' wife of Cornelis Hoogeboom. SLECHT, HENDRICK CO'RNELISEN, T.D., Nov. is, 1677, 190 SLEGHTENHORST, GER- RIDT. T.D., Feb. 16,1682, 43 or G. V. Slichtenhorst, and his wife, Aeyltie Lansynck. SMITH, JOHANNIS, Marbletown, W., Aug. 13. 1776, Mar. 14, 1780, 141 SMITH, WILLIAM, Montgomery, W., Aug. 15, 1784, Jan. — , 1791, 152 SNYDER, JOHANNIS, Kingston, O.W., June 5. i77i. Not recorded. 185 SNYDER, MARTINUS, Kingston, W., May 5, 1778, May 9, 1789, 148 SWART, CORNELISE THEUNISE, T.D., July 21,1677, 73 or Theunis Comelisse, and his wife, Elisabeth Van der Linden. SWARTWOUT, ROE- LOFF, SWYTS, CORNELIS, Rochester, SWYTS, JANNETJE (wid. of Cornelis). Jan. 12, 1711, Apr. 12, 1712, 8i May 6, 1706, June 4, I7S2, 102 Sept. 18, 1773. 21 Aug. 17,1676, 32 Sept. 30, 1679, 39 W., Mar. 30, 1714. May 14, 1715, 91 W., Apr. 13, i735> May 2, 1738, 120 w.. Feb. 21, 1737, June 3, 1746, 127 Index to Instruments. 203 Instru- Filed or Name. Residence. ment. Dated. Probated. Page. TEN BROECK, MARIA, Kingston, T.D.. Mar. 7,1681, 41 or Maria Ten Eyck, and her husband, Wessel Ten Broeck. TEN BROECK, WESSEL (see above). ^ TEN BROECK, WESSEL, Kingston, W., Sept. 27, 1820, Sept. 7, 1824, 173 TEN BROECK, WESSEL, Foxhall, W., Feb. 14, 1695, Jan. 6, 1704, 66 SR., TEN EYCK, see Maria Ten Broeck. TENHOUT, SEVERYN, Shawangunk, W., Feb. s, 1708, Mar. 6, 1717, 95 TEUNISSEN, CLAESJE, Intestate. Oct. 30, 1663, 21 TROPHAGEN, WILLIAM, Deposition, Aug. 26, 1671, 35 TROPHAGEN, WILLIAM, Kingston, W., Feb. 16,1685, 46 TYSEN, JAN, T.D., Sept. 25, 1676, 33 or Ian Mattysen, and his wife, Madelena Blansjan. V VAN AALSTEYN, MAR- TINUS, Skoherry, W., July 15,1784, Oct. 6, 1787, 146 VAN BORSUM, BA- RENDT, T.D., Nov. 19, 1682, 43 and his wife, Machtel Van Vlyet, or Machtel Adriaensen. VAN BUNTSCHOTEN, see Bomschoten. VAN DER LINDEN, see Theunisse Cornelise Swart. VAN ELMENDORF, JA- COBUS,, W., Aug. 27, 1685, Nov. 30, i699« 55 see also jSlmendorph. VAN IMBROCK, GYS- BERT, Inv. Sept. 7, 1665, 21 VAN LANGEDYCK, MARIA, T.D., May 16,1679, 38 widow of Cornelis Wyn- koop. VAN LEUVEN, JOHN, Marbletown, W., Oct. 9. 1781, Jan. 7, 1791. iSi VAN OSTRANDT, JOHN, Hurley, W., imo., 17, 1822, June 14, 1827, 178 or John Van Vorstrand. VAN SLEGHTENHORST, GERRIDT, T.D., Feb. 16,1682, 43 VAN STEENBERGH, JOHN, Kingston, W., May 16, 1796, Sept. 21, 1796, iS7 Instru- ment. Dated. Filed or Probated. Page. w., Sept. 7, I79S. May 4, 1796. 156 Intes- tate. Nov. 26, 1663, 21 P.A., Nov. 7, 1671, 189 204 Index to Instruments. Name. Residence. VAN STEENBERGH, THOMAS, West Cam see Jansen. VAN STEENWYCK, JAN ALBERTSEN, VAN STOUTENBORCH, JACOB JANSEN, VAN VLYET, see Van Bor- sum. VAN VORSTRANT, see Van Ostrandt. VERMEULEN, JOOST ADRIAENSEN, T.D., Sept. 2, i66s, 29 or Joost Adryaens, of Py- nacker. VERNOOY, CORNELIS, T.D., Feb. 23,1682, 44 and his wife, Annetie Cor- nells. WILLEMS, MARIA, or Marya Schepmoes, wife of Dirck Jansen Schepmoes. WILLEMSEN, DIRRICK, WILLEMSEN, JAN, or Jan Willemsen Hooghtey- img, and his wife, Barbary Jans. WITTAKER, EDWARD, Kingston, WYNKOOP, CORNELIUS, Kingston, WYNKOOP, MARIA (wid. of Cornelius). w T.D., Nov. 1, 1682, 42 Intestate, T.D., Nov. 8, 1671, Sept. 18, 1663, 21 36 W., Sept. 3.1694. T.D., Aug. II, 1676, T.D., May 16, 1679. Jan. 16, 1694, SO 33 38 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX. An * indicates that the same name appears more than once on the same page. Aertsen's, Jacob, land 130 Albany, 6, 10, 13, 30*, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38, 41*, 40, 54. 58*, 61, 6s* 74, 77, 88, 93, 102, 103, 106, 113, 123, 14s, 161, 162, 163, 182. Albany County, 8, 41, S3. 54, S8, 65, 92, 146. Al'ttiedo, Holland 30 Almina, Holland 36 Amersfort, Holland 34 Amsterdam, Holland, 24, 28, 36, 43, 46, 54, 57, 65, 88, 92, 121*, 189. Ancrum, Scotland i^ Anna Salutes Fief, Billeveldt 36 Arme bouwery (poor land) 150 Armentiers, France 31 Artois, France 30, 31, 34, 73 Baarn, Holland 163 Barrevelt 54 Beaver Kill 64, 186 Belgium 99 Bennewater i74 Bergen 43 Bethlehem, Albany Co 54 Bewerwyck 8, 33, 41, 58* 74, 92 Beyla, Holland 39 Big Meadow 163 Billeveldt 36 Binnekill I73 Blue Hills 120 Bommel, Holland 30 Bonticow 158, 163 Boston, Mass 91 Brabant (Kineston) 30, 123. 179 Beestede, Danmark 32 Brooklyn, N. Y 7, 46, I35 Brunnekill i73 Bruynswick 124 Burned Meadow 125 Bushwick, L. 1 3°. 4^* Calais, France 31*, 91 Cale Bergh 31 Callicoone Hooke 34 Catskill 66 Chaumant Bay 178 Churchland 132 Claverack, Albany Co 53, 54 Cline Esopus 56 Columbia County 128 Cocksinck 56, s8 Coonmen, Flanders 88 Corpus Christy fief, Minnen 36 Covelens 41 Cremaker's land 130 Curr Pfaltz, Germany 31 Danmark 33 Delaware 33, i6s Delaware County 6 Delft, Holland ;..30 Dominie's bouwery 65 Dorsetshire, England -. . . . .88 Drenthe Province, Holland, 30, 39, 106 Dudley's Plantation 138 Dutchess County, 40, 95, 106*, 131, 133, 134. 13s, 139, 165. Dwarfskill 143, 163 East Friesland 32, 58 Eight Thousand Acres Tract 12S Elburgh. Holland 30 Embden, Holland 43 Embderland 30 England, 3iy 34, 42*, 88, 99, 100*, 104, IS6. Esopus, 6, 8, 31, 33, 35*, 40. 42, 46. S8*, 7S, 88, 92, 103, 182, 190. Esopus Creek, 120, 146, 147, 148, 165, 173- Esopus Kill, 31, 59, 92, 103, 119, 123, 155- Esopus River 155 "Faith", the ship 35, 42, 44 Five Thousand Acres Tract, 125, 140 Flanders 88 Flatbush, L. I., 39, 41, 44, 59, 169, 184 Flatbush, Kingston i8l- Flatlands, Holland 39 Flatts 138 Flounders 149 Flushing, L. I .' 82 Fort James 30 Fort Orange, 6, 8, 31, 33, 34, 41, 58 "Fox", the ship 41 Fox Hall 5, 6, 33. 42, 66, 75 France, 6, 30, 31*, 34, 49, 73. 9i, 93. i" Frankenthal, Germany 99 206 Topographical Index. Gebrande Vley 125 Gelderland, Holland, 30*, 41*, 44, 61, 75 Germany, 31*, 34* 41, 46, 54, 91, 99, 102, 139, 149. 177. 183, 186. Ghent 54 "Gilded Otter", the ship, 31*, 34, 73 Gottenburg, Sweden 30 Great Creek 46 Great Ditch 138 Great Kill 46, 71, 72 Great Meadow 40, 163 Great Minnissinck Patent 160 Great Piece 173 Great River 35 Great Spring 72 Green County 6 Green Kill 170 Groningen, Holland 92 Groote Buntecoe 164 Groote Fly 40, 163 Groote fontyn 71 Grootholdt, Holland 57 Groot Stuck Church 159 Hackenberg, Germany 149 Halfmoon 164 Hanover 141, 142, 143 Hanover Precinct 142 Harlem 21, 33 Hassell, Holland 44 Hemelycke, Holland 35 Herfort Prebendary 36 Herwynen, Holland 75 High hill 3S Highlands Precinct S Holland, 6, 29, 30*, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41*, 42, 43, 44, 46*, 54, 57, S8*, 61, 65, 75, 81, 88, 92, 102, 106, 163*, 190, 191. Holstein 35 ■Hudsons River, 5, 33, 34, 35, 125, 128, 134, 135- Hurley, 5, 6, 30, 31, 34*, 39*, 40, 43*, 44, 46*, 52*, 59* 60, 61, 66, 71*, 72*, 73, 74, 75*, 79, 92*, 112, 118, 119*, 120, 123, 124, 130, 135, 148, 168, 169, 170, 178, 183*, 184,. Hurley Great Piece 31, 92, 120 Hycoop, Holland 102 Iceland 27 Ireland loi Island, the 122 Jacob's Hook 80, 122 Jacomyntj's fly 4° Jan Joosten's land 119 Jansen, Roelof, "Kill" 128 Johannes Jansen's Wey I77 Juffron's Hook 35 Juoner lott 168 Kinderhook 92, 137 King's Farm 65 King's Highway 150 King's Road 147, 158 Kingston, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 21, 30*, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37*, 38*. 39*, 40?, 41, 42*. 43*, 44, 46*, 47*, 48, 49, 50*, 51, 52, 53"*, 54, SS, 57, S8* 59, 61, 62, 6s, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70* 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 91, 92, 95, 97, 99, 102, 103, 105, 106, 112, 116*, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 128, 130, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139, 145. 146, 148, 149, 150, 154, 157, i6l, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 173, 174, 176, 177*, 179. 180*, 181* 184, 185, 189, 190, 191, 192. Kished, Germany 149 Kiskatama 155 Kline Kill 162 Knightfield 106 Korcksinck 56 Kroonme Elbow river 35 Lake Ontario 178 Lange stuck kill 129 Leerdam, Holland 30 Lemmichor, (Lemgo), Holland, 35, 36, 46. Leydenhad 23 Leyden, Holland . .« 30, 42, 81 Lille, Belgium 99 Linlithgo, Scotland 128 Livingston manor 128 Long Island, 7, 30, 39, 41, 44, 46, 49, 59, 82, 169, 184. Long Reach 35 Long Streak 129 Long Wye Kill 173 Magatt Ramis 35 Manhattan 33 Manhattan Island 65 Manheim, Germany 31*, 34*, 91 Marbletown, 5, 6, 30, 31, 34, 39, 41*, 54, 68, 75, 82, 92, 93, 99, 100*, loi, 102, 104, 120, 130, 132, 141, 142, 143, 151, 155, 161, 162, 170, Maria Vergina fief, Lemigo 36 Marlborough 161, 174 Marmur 79 Massachusetts 91 Meeteren, Holland 29, 30, 41 Mepoelane, Holland 30, 39 Meppelt. Holland 36 Midwoud, L. 1 44, 59, 169, 184 Topographical Index. 207 Mill Kill 30 Minnen Diocese 35. 36 Moudestadt, Germany 31, 34 Moesel, Germany 41 Moghoonck 35 Moise, France 91 Molen Killitje 7° Mombaccus 118 Mombacus Kill 58, 129 Montgomery 152 "Moseman", the ship 59 Mud Kill 149 Munster, Germany 42 Murderers Creek 5 Mutterstadt, Germany 31 Nescotack 154 New Albany. 31, 32. See Albany. New Amstel 33 New Amsterdam, see New York. Newburg 125, 150, 166, Newcastle, Del 165 New Harlem 93 New Jersey 40, 88, 123 New Marlborough 183 New PaltE, 5, 6, 31, 35*. 4i, 46*, 47, 52, 71*. 73*. 73. 79. 88, 91. 99. "O, III, 113, 114, 120, 149, 153, 154*. 158,*, 160, 161, 163*, 164* i6s, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 176, 178, 183*. New Rochelle 49 Newstadt, Germany 31 New Windsor 35 New York, 6, 10, 13, 14, 3O*, 33, 35. 36, 41*, 42, 43*. 46, 49, 54. 57. 58*. 65, 75. 17, 89, 92, 93, 99, id, i<». J", 113*, 114, 121, 125, 129, 145, 189*, 192. Nieuwkerk, Holland 44* Noeville o corne, France 3" North Carolina 65* North Holland 65 North River 163 Norway 127 Ohio 177 Old Bouery, Hurley 59 Ontario County I79 Oosterbemis, Holland 58 Opymen, Holland 3° Orange County 6, 35, 166 Over-Ysel, Holland 30, 44, 4> Otterspoor farm 121 Pakasek 35 Pakanasink 124 Palatinate 31 Paltz 34, 52, 11, 99, 167 See New Paltz. Paltz Creek .112 Paltz Kal 89 Paltz River 125 Pawachta 35 Perth Amboy, N. J 88 Peter Mour's land 138, 184 Philadelohia, Pa 40, S8 Plaa 173 Platte Beni water 163 Platte Kill, 150, 161, 171, 172, 173, 176, 179. PoncKnockie 5 Poughkepsie fes 95, 165 "The Princess", the ship 65 Pynacker, Holland 29, 30* Raagh, Germany 41 Rappos Island 35 Raritan River, N. J 40, 88 Red Hook 65, 135 Renselaerwyck 8, 44, 53, 58, 65* Rhinish Bavaria 31 Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co 106 Ricame Parish, France 30 Ritsen, E. Friesland 32 Rochester, 44. 99, 100, loi, 118, 120, 124, 125, 127, 129*, 182*. Roeloff Jansen's Kill 128 Roundout Creek, 6, 35, 40, 58, 94, 120 Rosendale 132 Rotterdam, Holland 163 Rundale i73 Ruynen, Holland 106 Rynborch, Holland 38 Saghkill 177 Saintonge, France 91 Salem, N. J 123 Saugerties, 95, 96, 102, 124, 135, 159, 160* 161, 163, 178. Sawyer's Creek 5 Schagticoke 65 Schenectady, 44, S3, Ti, 74*, 79, 121 Shokan 155 Schouwen, Island of 121 Scotland 128 Shawangunk. 95, 96, 102, 124, 135, 159, 160*, 161, 163, 178. Shawangunk Church 159 Shawangunk Creek 124, 125 Shawangunk Kill 124, 163 Shawangunk Mountains 125, 160 Shelter Island 49 Ships : "Faith" 35, 42, 44 "Fox" 41 "Gilded Otter" 31*, 34, 73 "Moseman" 59 208 Topographical Index. "St. Barbara" 66 "Spotted Cow" 30, 75, 120, 182 "St. John the Baptist" 34 Skoherry Kill, Albany Co 146 Sloop "St. Barbara" 66 Somerset County, N. J 40 Southold, L. 1 49 South Holland 30 South River 30 "Spotted Cow," the ship, 30, 75, 120, 182. "St. John the Baptist," the ship 34 Steenwyck, Holland 46 Sullivan County 6 Sweden 30, 135 Swichtalaer, Holland 39 Swol, Holland 44, 88 Tawaeretagne 3S Tiederwelt 41 Tiel, Holland 30 Trinity Church, New York 65 Turtle Falls 30 Utrecht, Holland 34, 38, 65, 88 Vechten, Holland 88 Vovelens 41 Wagendal 93 Wageningen, Holland 61* Waghgashkenck 92 Waghkonk 177 Wakankonach 35 Wakaseeck 35 Wallkill 6, 140, 160, 103 Waracahaes 35 Wassemaker's land, 30, 41, 55, 130, 147 Water Kolch 46 Wawarsing 154, 161, 191 Welpe, Holland 41 West Camp 156 West Compensation 174 West Indies 15 Westphalia 43 White Clay Kill 134 Wicres, France 31, 34 Wie, Holland 88 Wiltwyck, 8, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29^^, 30, 31, 41*, 75, 92, 182. Woerden, Holland 32, 65 Wool, Dorsetshire, England 88 Ysselsteyn, Germany S4 Zunderland, Holland 57 INDEX OF NAMES. Surnames have been indexed as they appear at the beginning of an instrument, as a signature at the bottom thereof, and as they are written in parish registers and public documents, quoted in the historical and genealogical notes, e. g., Mattysen under Mattysen, Tysen, Van Keulen, Van Keuren; Jansen under Vermeulen, Van Oosterhoudt, Joosten, Van Steenbergh; Roosa under Heymanse ; Brinck under Lambertse and Huy- bertse, etc. Children are indexed under the name of their parents, unless known by some other surname. Married daughters are indexed under the names of their husbands, as well as under the various surnames, by which their parents were known. Baptismal names have, as a rule, been placed under English head- ings. Students, who are unfamiliar with Dutch nomenclature, are referred to pages 17-19. Italics indicate a testator, or an intestate. An asterisk (*) signifies that a name occurs more than once on a page. Cross references are given where equivalent names are far apart, or dissimilar, or where members of the family were known by several names, as Aertsen, Van Wagenen, Jacobsen; Alsdorff, Aulsdorff; Slichtenhorst, van Sleghtenhorst. Particular attention is called to the fact that it will not be necessary to search the entire index for various spellings of the same surname. Delamater, De Lamater, Delametter, Le Maistre, De la Maistre, will all be found under Delamater, etc., cross references under all these headings referring to the general heading. Negroes have been indexed, by name, under a general heading. AARTS, AERTS, AERTSEN: Aart, 93, 94, 95, 190; Abra- ham, 95; Annatje, 71, 82, 94, 95, 106, 148; Catrina, 95; Qa- ra, 102, 103 ; Elisabeth, 82, 95, 103; Evert, 94, 95; Gepie, 58; Gerrit, 102; Gerrit, 38, 39, 53, 67, 68, 95*, 103, 131, 16s, 190; Gertie, 94, 95; Gritie, 32, 38, 103; Henderick, 28*; Hille- gond, 95*; Huyberts, 76; Isaac, 93, 94, 95 ; Jacob, 93; Jacob, 40, 48, 50, 55, 70, 71, 79, 93, 94, 95*, 103, 106, 130; Jannetje, 94, 95*; Marytjen, 95; Neeltje, 103, 106; Rebecca, 79, 94, 95 ; Sarah, 79, 93*, 94, 95*, 103, 106; Symon, 94, 95; see also Van Wagenen, Jacob- sen. 2IO Index of Names. ABRAHAMSEN: Jacob, 192. ADDISON: John, 154. ADOLPH: Jannetie, 43; Peter, 43. ADRIAENSE, ADRIAENSEN, ADRIANSE, ARYENSEN, ARIAENSE, ADRIAANZ, ARYANCE, ADRIANSEN, ADRYANES, ADRYAENS, ARYENSSE, ADRIEIJANSE, ARIENS : Annatje, 45, 71; Dirck (Van Vliet) , 41 ; Elisabeth, 30 ; Fem- metje, 29; Geertje, 41; Gepje, 46; Gheppey, 58; Hendrick, 58 ; Hendrick, 30, 46*, 47 ; Jan- netie, 30 ; Joost, 29 ; Joost, 29*, 30*, 33. 37. 38, 39. 41; Joost & Co., 30; Machtel, 43; Mach- tel, 41 ; Mareitje, 29, 30 ; Sara, 30; Petter, 47; Fetter, 47*, 191, 192; Willem, 30; Wyntje, 75 ; see also Arentse, Arentsen, Hendrick. AKEN: Appolonia, 121, 127; Jans Thomasen, 121 ; see also Van Aken. ALBERTS, ALBERTSE, ALBERTSEN : Arent, 75; Barent (Bratt), 92; Eva, 49, 92*; Femmetje, 45; Femmetje, 29*, 30*, Hendrick, 26*, 28; Jan, 58. ALDEGONDE: 24, 28. See Roosa. ALLESSEN: Hyman, 37. AMOYOT: Jacob, 31. ANDERS: Edmond, Sr., 190. ANDRIES: Francyntje, 92 ; Marritje, 106. ANDRIESEN: Albert (Bratt), 92; Anna, 82; Barbara, 44, 57 ; Eva, 92 ; Geer- truyd, 28, 189; Henderick, 58. ANDROS: Governor, 46, 58, 190. ANNIS: William, 69*. ANTHONY: Aefje (Van Niewenkuyzen), 43 ; Engeltie, 191 ; Louis (Van Niewenkuyzen), 43; N., 37, 48; Nicholas, 191. APOLLINAREN: Q-, 24. ARENSE, ARENSEN, ARENTS, ARENTSEN, ARIENS: Bennony (Van Hoeck), 74; Gepie (Fier), 46, 58; Gerrit, 59; Gritie, 88; Hendrick, 46, 58, 59; Jacomyntje, 74; Jan, 88 ; Lysbeth, '44 ; Margaret, 88 ; see also Adriaensen, Come- lisen. ASHFORDBY: Susanna, 34, loi ; William, 37, 42. AUKES: Domine, 74. BACKER: Annah Deamute, 149; Elisa- beth, 149 ; see also De Backer. BAKKERIN: Annah Demold, 149; see also Backer. BALDWIN: Samuel, 167. BANCKER: Abraham B., 155, 157*, 158, 160, 163, 164. Index of Names. 211 BANKS: Justus, 158; William, 175. BARCKLAJ: J., 24, 28. BARENTSE: Cornelius, 33 ; Helena, 41 ; Hester, 41 ; Lourents, 41. BARENTSEN: Annetie, 32, 33 ; Annatie (Van de Cuyl), 44; Cornelius, 32; Cornelius (Van de Wyck), 40; Cornelius (Van der Cuyl), 44; Cornelius, 48, 189, 190; Hen- drick, 32; Jacomyntje, 32, 33; Jan (Kunst), 32, 39; Jan, 58; Lysbet (Van de Cuyl), 44; Matys, 32, 35; Petronella, 32; Trynfie, 32 ; Tryntie, 33, 39". BARTIANSEN: See Cool. BARWEER: Carol, 85. BASTIAESEN: Jan, 75 ; see Low, Kortright. BATTY: See Beatty BAYARD: Catharine, 82. BEAMER: Adam, 152. BEATTY, BATTY, BETTIS, BETTI : Agnes, loi*; Bata, loi ; Charles, loi ; Edward, loi ; Henry, loi ; James, loi ; John, 100 ; John, 34, loi* ; Maria, 34, loi ; Martha, loi ; Robert, 100, loi ; Susanna, 34, 100* ; Thomas, 34, loi*; William, lOI. BECKER: Anna, 149. BEECK: Willem, 191 ; William P., 192. BEECQMAN, BEEKMAN: Catrina, 106*; Cornelia, 106, 128; Gerardus, 163; Henry, 39. 49. 52, 59. 60, 62, 64, 81, 82, 87, 94, 106, 128*, 190, 191 ; Johanna, 190; John, 150; Thomas, 93, 128; William, 23, 25, 26*, 27, 28, 29, 106, 170, 189*. BELTSNYDER: Johannis, 39. BENSCHOTEN: See Bomschoten. BENSON: Cornelia, 135; Robert, 135; Tryntje, 135. BENTHUYREN: See Benthuysen. BENTHUYSEN: Barent, 134; see Van Benthuy- sen. BERDINE: See Bodine. BERGH: See Van den Bergh BERRY: Annatje, 133. BEST: Jacob, 134. BETHLY: See Beatty. BETTI: See Beatty. BETTIS: See Beatty. BETTY: See Beatty. BEUTON: Barnabas, 176. BEVIER: Abraham, 44, 98, 99*, 157, 158, 160, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 183 ; Andries, 97, 98, 99*, 161 ; 212 Index of Names. Anna, 183 ; Catherine, 99, 160 ; Elias, 167; Elisabeth, 91, 99; Esther, 91, 99*, 127, 183*; Hester, 98*, 99; Jacobus B., 183 ; Jacomyntje, 161 ; Jean, 97. 98, 99*; Johannes, 154*; Louis, 77, 91, 99*; Louis, Jr., 97, 99; Louis, Sr., 97; Louis, Sr., 99; Magdalena, 99, 154, 183; Margaret, 154; Maria, 99*; Naithen S., 154; Philip Dv i.SS. 157; Rachel, 44, 99, 154; Samuel, 98, 99*, 114, 116, 154; Sara, 154, 183; Solomon, 99. BICKER: Henry, 149. BIGGS: Jan, 37, 83 ; John, 37 ; Marya, 83 ) Zara, 120. BILLOU: Pierre, 34. BIX: See Biggs, BLAN: See Le Blanc. BLANCHAN, BLANCSAN, BLANKUN, BLANSJAN : Annatje, 183; Catherine, 31*, 34*, 44, 48, 91, 154; Cornelia, 154; Elisabeth, 31*, 35*, 48, 95, 106; John, 170; Magdalen, 48; Magdalen, 30, 31*, 33, 38, 48*, 82, 99; Margrietje, 31; Maria, 31*, 48, 73; Matthes (Mattys, Matthew), 30, 48; Mattys, 30, 31*, 34*, 35, 48*, 71, 72*, 73*, loi, 106, 183; Mattys, Jr., 31. BLEEKER: Catherine, 145; Ruth, 57, 58; Rutger, 145. BLODQOOD: Judith, 32, 42; Niesje, 93. BLOEMS: Mrs., 26. BLOM: Hermanus, 22. BODE: Marie, 42. BODINE: Elisabeth, 140, 141 ; Jacob, 140, 141. BOEL: See Bode. BOGARD, BOGAARD, BOGAART, BOOGAARD, BOGART, BOGARDUS: Aaltjen, 92, 93; Barbara, 57; Cornelia, 93 ; Cornells, 57, 58*, 92, 93 ; Fannerie„53, 54 ; Helena, 58; Hendrick, 92; Hendrickj 54, 83*, 93*; Hendrick Cor- nells, 53, 54, 64; Jannetje, 54; Marten, 92*, 93; Mayken, 34, 92, 93 ; Neeltje, 33, 92, 93 ; Ra- chel, 57, 58, 92*, 93; Rebecca, 92 ; Ruth, 92,' 93 ; Sara, 54, 92, 93 ; Tanneken, 93 ; see Van den Bogaard and Bogardus. BOGARDUS? Anna (Anneke), 65*; An- thony, 64, 65; Cornells, 65*, 66; Ephraim, 64, 65*; Ever- hardus, 65*; Evert, 54, 64, 65* ; Hannah, 65 ; Jonas, 65* ; Maria, 65 ; Marytje, 66 ; Nota- ry, 192; Pieter, 63; Pieter, 64, 65*, 124; Rachel, 65, 127; Re- becca, 124; Shibboleth, 65; Tjatje, 54; William, 65*; Wyntje, 63, 64, 65*. BOMSCHOTEN, BUNSCHOTEN, VAN BUNTSCHOTEN : Anna, 66, 132, 133*; Cathrina, 133; Egbert Hendrikz, 133; Elias, 34, 104; Elisabeth, 133; Elsie, 132*, 133*; Gerrit, 66; Index of Names. 213 Gerretje, 104, 132, 133; Jo- hannis, 104, 132, 133; Maria, 132, 133; Sara, 34, 104, 132, 133*; Salomon, Sr., 132; Ten- nis, 104, 132, 133*. BOOKSTAVER: Mary, 152. BOOTH: Elisabeth, 49. BORDINE: See Bodine. BORENSEN: Cornells, 32. BORSTIUS: Jacob, 25. BORSUM: Gritie, 35; Margaret, 35; Ty- men, 35; see Van B or sum. BOS: Tryntie, 32 ; Tryntie Tysen, 32, 73, 191 ; see Bosch. BOSCH: Cornelis Teunisse, 65 ; Maritie, 65; Pieternella, 130; Tryntie T., 32 ; Wyntje, 65 ; see Bos. BOTTERWOUT: Daniel, 27. BRABANDER: Jan, 26, 27, 130. BRADETH: Elisabeth, 156. BRADLEY: William, 170. BRANNARNE: Jockein, 48. BRATT: Albert Andriessen, 92; Barent Albertse, 92; Eva Andriessen, 92. BRESTEDE: Andrew, 43 ; Annette, 43 ; Eli- za Janse, 32; Engeltje, 106; Jan Jansen, 32, 106; Marritje, 106. BRINK: Andrew, 179, 180; Anna, 149, ^77' ^79> 180; Benjamin M., 136; Cornelius, 113; Cornelius C, 157; Cornelius Lambertse, 133, 182; Egbert, 112*, 113*; Elisabeth, 112; Elsie Lammert- sen, 133; Hendrick, 112, 113*; Hendrickjen, 61, 113; Jacob^ 112, 113*; Janneken, 112, 113, 182; Lambert, 113; Lambert Cornelisen, 112, 113*; Lam- bert Huybertse, 8, 60, 61 ; Marritie Lambertse, 182 ; Meery, loi ; Mynert, 113; Ra- chel, 112, 113; see Lambertse, Huybertse, Hendrickse, Pie- terse. BRINKERHOFF: John, 135. BROADHEAD, BRODIIEAD: Charles, 42, 62, 67, 68*, 69, 75, 154, 168; Daniel, 42*, 100, 104, 170; Daniel, Jr., i6g; Elisabeth, 156; Gerrit, 170; James, 167; John, 156; John C, 170, 172; Johannis^ 170; Magdalena, 34, 104; Maria, 42, 67, 68, 156; Marreganta, 34; Oliver, 167; Richard, 34, 60*, 69, 100, 104. BROERSENS: Jan, 192; Jan, 29; Willemtje, 192. BRONCK: Hannah, 65 ; Pieter, 65. BROWN: Anna, 171, 172; Benjamin, 171, 172; David, 171, 172; Gertie, 124; Hannah, 171, 172; Henry, 171, 172; Jacobus, 40; Mary, 171, 172; Rachel, 172*. 214 Index of Names. BRUYN: Blandina, 145 ; Catherine, 125*, 127*, 145; Cornelius, 124*, 125, 126*, 127, 161 ; Ger- trude, 96, 125, 127*, 160, 161 ; Hanna, 125*, 126, 127*; Hes- ter, 127; Ida, 127; J., Jr., 130; Jacobus, 124 ; Jacobus, 95, 96*, 102, 124*, 126*, 127*, 142, I45> 159; Jacobus, Jr., 127, 160; Jacobus, Sr., 127; Jan, 127; Jeannie, 127; Johannis, 124, 125, 126*, 127, 159, 160*, 161, 166, i68; Josias, 127; Maria, 125*, 126, 127*; Peter- nella, 125*, 126*, 127; Pieter- nelletjen, 127; Severyn, 95, 124, I2S, 126*, 14s, 159; Sev- eryn Tenhout, 127*, 160; Tryntje, 96, 124, 126*; see Tenhout. BUNSCHOTEN: See Bomschoten. BURHANS: Abraham, 181 ; Abraham, 181*, 182*; Annatje, 181, 182; Barent, 34, 104, 182; Catherine, 182; Cornelius, 157; David, 182; Deborah, 182; Elisabeth, 130, 182; Gritie, 182; Helena, 46*, 181*, 182*; Hendrick, 80, 182; Hillitje, 50, 82, 182; Isaac, 181, 182*; Ja- cob, 22, 27, 123, 182*; Jan, 26, 27, 30, 46*, '52, 182 ; Jan- neke, 112, 181*, 182*; Johan- na, 182; Johannes, 80, 81, 182; Maretje, 123, 181 ; Margaret, 34, 81, 104, 182* ; Maria, 182* ; Neeltje, 182; Petrus, 181*, 182; Samuel, 112, 181, 182*; Sarah, 181*, 182; Susannah, 182; William, 122, 182. BUUR: Anneke, 34; Jan Hendricks, 34- BUSH: See Bos and Bosch. BUYR: Jan, 26. CAGE: Rietsert, 27*. CANTINE: Catherine, 164 ; Charles, 171 ; Elisabeth, 164; Matthew, 141, 163; Moses, 154, 155, 164; Moses, Jr., 157; Nathaniel, 143; Petrus, 154, 164; Pierre, 116; William, 141*; see Con- tine. CAPITO: Mattheus, 22*, 25, 26*, 28*, 29*, 30. CAPPOENS: Christian, 30. CARDINAEL: Sybrand Hansen, 24. CARLE: Catherine, 177; Mathew, 177. CARN: Mary, 149; Susan Margaret, 149. CASTLE: Anne, 178; Joseph, 178. CHAMBERS: Abraham, 76; Abraham Gaas- beck, 38, 87, IDS, 106, 120, 132, 13s; Blandina Gaasbeck, 174; Catherine, 135; Esther, 155, 156; Jacob, 155, 156; Lauren- tia, 190; Margaret, 33, 38, 190; Thomas, 190; Thomas, 5, 26, 33, 38, 39, 42*, 46, 48, 190; see Gaasbeck. CHITTENDEN: Nathaniel, 175*. CHRIST, CRIST: Rachel, 140, 141; Stavennus, 140, 141. Index of Names. 215 CHROECK: See Crook. CHURCH: Caleb, 170. CLAES: Aeltje, 22*. CLAESSEN: Ariantje, 121; Carsten, 58; Catherine, 49; Claes, 49; Cor- nelia, 49, 92; Cornelius, 49, 121; Deborah, 49; Elisabeth, 6g; Fransyntje, 49; Hendrick, 49; Hendrick, 49, 88, 92, 100; Hendrick (Schoonhoven), 92; Ifje, 49; Jannetje (Vechten), 88 ; Margriet, 31, 49 ; Nicholas, 49; Tierck, 8, 21, 22*, 26, 27*, 28, 34, 42, 45, 55, 56; see De Witt, Schoonhoven, Schoon- maker, Vechten. CLARKSON: Mattis, 49. CLEARWATER: Alphonso Trumpbour, 5, 163; Elsie, 112; Isaac, 7; Tunis Ja- cobse, 8, 163; see Klaarwater. CLINTON: Charles, 127; George, 5, 141, 144, 145- CLOETE: See Clute. CLOM: George, 135. CLUTE: Francyntie, 86*, 87, 88; Fre- drik, 86*, 87, 88. COBES: Lodevicus, 73. COCK: Alice, 99, 100; Bregjen, 100; Catrina, 100 ; Eleanor, loi ; Elsje, 100*; John, 99; John, 75, 99, 100*; Magdalena, 99, 100 ; Margaret, 99, loo* ; Sam- uel, 99, 100*; Thomas, 99*, 100*, loi ; William, 99, 100, 101. COCKBURN: Mr., 188. CODDINQTON: Jacob, 168. COERTEN: Steven, 39. COLDEN: Cadwallader, 125*. COLE: Cornelis, 59; John, 173; see Cool. COLLINS: H. O., 14. COMELIS: Ariantje, 121 ; Geertje, 66. CONES: James, 141. CONKLING: Frank J., 14. CONNELLER: James, 141. CONNELLY: Arthur C, 4, 14. CONSTABLE: Christopher, 141 ; see Konsta- pel. CONTAIN: See Contine and Cantine. CONTANT: Peter J., 179. CONTINE: Petrus (Pierre), 116; see Can- tine. COOBES: Jannetje, 92. COOK: John, 69, 108. COOL: Anna, 38, 118, 120*; Gather- 2l6 Index of Names. ine, 124; Cornelis, 118; Corne- lis, 38, 52,60,61,91, 113, 120; Cornelis Teunisen, 61, 120; Geertie, 119, 120*; Hendricke, 119*, 120*; Janneke, 38, 118, 1 1 9, 120*; Jacob Barents, 28; Lambert, no, 118, 119*; Mar- griet, 118, 119*, 120, 177; Sara, 93, 120; Symon, 93; Theunis, 120 ; Theunis Bartian- sen, 120; see Cole and Kool. COOPERSLAEQER: Anna, 36; Johannes Willem- sen, 36. CORNBURY: Lord, 15. CORNELIS, CORNELISE, CORNELISEN : Abraham, 121 ; Adriantie, ^; Aeltie, 121 ; Annatje, 33,'''44 ; Annatje, 33,'^, 58, 189; Apol- lonia, 121*; Arie, 59; Barent, 59; Catalyn, 121; Cheiltje, 59, 60, 169, 184; Claes (Van Schoonhoven ) , 121; Claes (Swits), 121 ; Cornelia, 44, 53, 54, 121 ; Cornelius, 35, 44, 53, 54, 121 ; Elisabeth, 35, 44 ; Eli- sabeth (Low), 31, 73, 106; Fannerie, 53, 54; Fytie, 59; Garret] e, 59; Gerard, 60; Ger- retje, 59, 124; Gerrit, 59; Ger- rit, 40, 59*, 60, 73, 124, 169, 184; Geertruy, 44, 53; Gilie, 59 ; Hendrik, 26*, 28, 54 ; Hen- drik Cornelisen, 190; Hen- drikje, 61 ; Isaac, 54, 121 ; Jacob, 44, 54, 121 ; Jacob Mar- tensen, 53 ; Jacomyntje, 32, 59; Jan, 30, 59; Jannetje, 44, 54, 121 ; Johannes, 44; Marte, 53; Metje, 75 ; Neeltje (iVan Vegh- ten), 88; Peter, 35, 73; Peter, 8, 31, 35, 106, 121, 190; Ra- chel, 44; Sara, 44, 54; Selie, 44; Susanna, 121 ; Teuntie, 53 ; Theunis, 59, 73, 74; Willemtje, 30; see Ariens, Bosch, Brink, Gerritse, Lambertse, Low, Newkirk, Swart, Swits, Van Schoonhoven, Van Vechten, Vernooy. COSENS: Barnes, 62. COTTIN: Catherine, 83 ; Catherine, 34, 83; Jan, 34,' 77, 83, 84, 85; Sara, 84, 85. COUCH: Sarah, 42 ; William, 42. COUTANT: Peter, 179* ; Peter J., 179*. COYLER: Anna, 43* ; Henry, 43*. CRANS: See Krans. CRAWFORD: Abigail, 174; Absalum, 175*; Charles, 175; Daniel, 175; Da- vid, 175; Henry, 174; Henry, 175*; Jane, 175; John, 175; Lowis, 175 ; Nelly, 175 ; Phebe, 175- CRESPEL: Antoin, 71 ; Anthony, 73. CRISPEL: Anthony, 31, 71, 72, 73, 135, 165 ; Antoin, 71 ; Aryantie, 7ii 72; Elisabeth, 72*, 73*, 165; Geertje, 7i> 73; Hilligard, 95; Jan, 71*, 72*; Jannetje, 71, 72, 73*. 135 ; Jean, 73 ; Johan- nis, 71, 72; John, 73; Maria, 31, 71, 73, 184; Mary Magda- lena, 33, 71, 72, 73; Neeltje, 43, 73; Peter, 43, 71, 72, 73; Petronella, 73; Sara, 72, 73*; see Crupel and Crespel. Index of Names. 217 CROEING: Lysbeth, 30. CROM: Geertrud, 41; Gysbert, 41, 43; Willem, 74, 75; Wyntje, 74, 75- CROOK, CROOKE: Catherine, 34, 104, 148; John, 128, 130, 135, 145, 148; John, Jr., 34, 104, 117, 124; Maria, 14s, 148. CROOKSHANK: Alexander, 156. CROSWELT: Bay, 62 ; Ray, 62. CRUPEL: Marya Maddelen, 33; Neeltje, 43 ; Pieter, 43 ; see Crispel and Crespel. DAMOUR: Anne, gi. DAMPORT: See Davenport. DARETH: Jan, 92 ; Ryckie, 92. DAVENPORT: Gerret, 152; Humphrey, 47*, 49*> 58, 73*; John, 70, 80, 81; Maria, 81 ; Richard, 122. DAVIS, DAVIDS, DAVIDSZ, DAVITS, DAVY, DAVID : Anna, 155*, 156*; Christopher, 15s; Christopher, 5, 28*, 156*; David, igo; Deborah, 182; Elisabeth, 155*, 156*; En (Anna), 156; Engel, 156; Es- ther, 155, 156*; Frederick, 156; Geertruy, 43; George, 37, 190; Isaak, 83, iss*, 156* Jacobus, 190; Jannetie, 83 156*; Johanna, 190; Johannes 152; John, 47, 49> iS5*, 156* John C, 156; Joris, 156 Mary, 156*; Rachel, 155, 156* Richard (Ritsert), 11^5*, 156*; Salomon, no, 156, 190; Sam- uel, 156, 190; Stoffel, 156; Wyntie, 155, 156. DEAMUTE: Annie (Backer), 149. DE BACKER: Hendrick, 58. DEBOIS: See Dubois. DECKER, DECKERS, DEKKER. DEKKERS : Amey, 171, 172; Barbara, 118; Cornelius, 67, 68*; Elsie, 67, 68; Geertje, 94, 95, 130; Ger- rit, 102; Gerrit Janse, 95, 118; Henry, 129*, 171, 172; Heyl- tie, 30; Jacob, 94; Jacob Ger- ritse, 95 ; Jan Broerse, 30 ; Jan Gerritse, 118, 129; Johannis, 117; Magdalena, 118; Magda- lena Janse, 95, 102; Margaret, 118; Maria, 117, 171, 172; Sal- ly, 171, 172 ; Willemtje, 30. DEDERICK: Geysbert, 146; Jurry Wm., 180. DE DUYTSE: Catharine, 127. DE FEREEST: Rachel, 23. DEFFENPORT: See Davenport. DE QRAAF, DE GRAAVE, DE GRAFF : Jan Andries, 33; Maria, 31; 3^. Moses, 62. DE GRAU: See De Graaf. DE HOOGES: Anneken, 92 ; Anthony, 92* ; Catrina, 92; Eleonora, 92; Eva, 44, 92 ; Johanna, 182 ; Jo- hannes, 41, 92; Marichen, 92. 2l8 Index of Names. DE HULTEN: John, 5. DEIJO, DEIJOU: See Deyo. DE JONQE: Weilke, 75; see Deyo. DE JOU, DE JOO, DE JOUW: See Deyo. DE LAET, DE LALDT: Johanna, 58, 103. DELAMATER, DE LAMATER, DELAMETTER, LE MAISTRE, DE LA MAISTRE : Abraham, 44, 57, 76, 82, 93*, 151; Abraham, Jr., 93; Catha- rina, 150*, 151*; Christina, 174; Cornelia, 93; Cornelis, 95, 127, 132, 151, 179; David, 150; David, 150*, 151*, 174; Dinah, 179; Jacobus, 6i,|)[^o, 151*; Jan, 93; Johannes, k8, 132. 137. 151 ; John, 174; Lau- rentia, 151; Ruth, 93; Sarah, 93, 150*, 151*; Selia, 44; Se- letje, 44; Tanneken, 93. DE LA MONTAGNE: See Montagne. DE LANCY: Stephen, 49*. DELANDAL: Eeledt, 36; Johannes, 36. DELVA: Annatje, 58, 66; Anthony, 26, 27, 58, 66; Jannetje, 58, 66. DE MAJER: See De Meyer. DE MEYER, MEYER: Benjamin, 76, 96, 188; Cath- rina, 82; Elsie, 82; Hendricus, 179*, 180; Mary, 177, 179, 180; Nicholas, 37, 82, 189*; William, 38, 42, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 62*, 63, 68, 69, 70, 71, 76, 82, 87, 96, 191, 192. DE MES: Benjamin, 93; Rachel, 93. DEMOLD: Annah (Backer), 149. DEMON: See Dumond. DE MOTT: Jacob, 58; Maria, 58. DEO: See Deyo. DE PRE: Pieternel, 182. DEPUY, DEPEW, DUPUIS, DE PUY: Annatje, 182; Benjamin, 182; Catrina, 127, 182*; Cornelius, 132, 182*; Daniel, 182; Eiche, 182 ; Elisabeth, 182* ; Ephraim, 182; Jacobus, 182; Jacobus, 182*; John, 182; Magdalena, 182 ; Margaret, 182 ; Maria, 32, 182*; Moses, 32, 118, 127, 182*; Nicholas, 32, 47, 97, 182; Petroneltje, 182; Sarah, 182*; Simon, 182*; Susanna, 182* ; Weyntje, 182. DERRICKSEN: Teunis, 88 ; see also Teunissen. DE SILLE: Nicasius, 65. DEUNIS: Antjen, 186; Grietjen, 186; see Theunis. DEUSEN: John v., 184. DE VIQA: Johannes, 24. DEVOE: EUsabeth, 186; Michael, 186. DE WANDELAER, DE WANDELOER : Index of Names. 219 Aef je, 43 ; Andries, 43 ; Johannes, 43* ; Sarah, 43*. DE WITT: Agje, 57, 58; Andries, 165; Andries, 45, 56, 58, 118*, 143, 166; Anne, 58, 65*, 66*, 166, 169; Ariantje, 66; Barbara, 44, 56, 57*, 58*. 66, 118*; Bastian, 76; Blandina, 118*; Boude- wyn, 62; Boudewyn, 50, 62*; Catherine, 66, 132; Charles, 169; Cornelius, 166*; Dieck, 57 ; Dirck Claessen, 58 ; Egbert, 127; Eiche, 118, 182; Emmer- entje, 57, 73, 135; Geertruy, 57, 58, 82; Grietje, 58; Henry, 166; Ikee, 118; Isaack, 165, 166; Jacob, 44, 58, 118, 136; Jan, 118; Jan, 56, 58, 65*, 66* ; Jan Claetz, 54 ; Jan Claetz, 55. 58; Jannetje, 45, 57, 58*, 65, 66, ir8, 121 ; John C, 154; Klaes, 58 ; Luycas, 65 ; Luycas, 57, 58, 66, 132 ; Maria, 57, 58*, 62, 106; Neeltje, 165, 166*; Peek, 58; Peter, 93; Petronel- la, 62; Rachel, 57, 58, -65, 118*, 165; Tialie, 54; Tjatje, 34. 57, 58; Tjerck, 56, 58, 88, 108, 165*, 166* ; Tjerck Claes- se, 56; Tjerck Claesse, 8, 21, 22*, 26*, 27*, 28*, 34, 42, 44, 45, 55, 57, 58, 66, 82, 87. 118, 121, 135; Wyntje, 58, 118; see Claesen. DEYO: Abraham, no; Abraham, go, III, 163*, 170; Agatha, 31, 158; Anne, 31*, 91 ; Catherine, 165; Christian, 31, 47; Chris- tian, 31*, 34*, 47, 91, 154; Christoffel, 183; David, 165; Elisabeth, 31*, 154, 164; Elsje, no, in; Jacob, 158; Johan- nes B., 158*; Jonathan, 163, 164*, 165; Margaret, 31*, 34*, 39, 158; Maria, 31*, 91, 95, III, 163*, 164*; Peter (Pierre), 31*, 47; Rachel, 165, 166; Wyntje, in, 170. DIEDERICK: Christian, 134. DIEPPOIS: Jan Belot, 24. DUO: See Deyo. DINQMANS: Eva, 91, 92; Jacob, 91, 92. DINGS: Hans Jacob, 134*- DIRCK: Aeltie, 46; Jannetje (Van Vechten), 86, 88; Michel (Van Vechten), 86, 88; see Dyrck, Turck and Van Veghten. D0^::J0U, DOIAN, DOIAU, DOIO: See Deyo. DODGE: John, 167. DOLE: Adam J., 155. DONALDSON^ Abraham, 168; Abraham, 168: Catherine, 168; Esther, 168; John, 168*; Magdalena, 168; Margaret, 168; Rachel, 168; Samuel, 168*. DONGAN: Governor, 5, 30; Thomas, 30, 52. DOORN: Aert Martensen,, 189; Aert Martensen, 26*, 28, 189; Geertruyd, 28, 189*. DOW: Volckert Janse, 92. DOYAN, DOYEAU, DOYOO: See Deyo. 220 Index of Names. DUBOIS: Abraham, 31, 34, 39, 51, 84, 89*; Adam, 137; Annatje, 44, 137, 160, 177*, 178; Anna Mar- garet, 161, 178; Ariantje, 160; Barent, 123, 124; Benjamin, 115*; Catharina, 34; Catharina (Catrintje, Cataline), 31*, 34, 35, 44, so, 91, 123, 124, 137*, 154, 160, 178; Charles, 178*; Cornelia, 34, 44, 170; Cor- nelius, 137, 160*, 161*, 162, 178; Cornelius, Sr., 160; Dan- iel, 112, 114, 154; David, 34. 44, 51, 52, 84, 137; Dina, 159*, 160; Elisabeth, 34, 44, I IS, 153. 154*; Gerrit, 123, 124*, 148*; Gerritje, 59, 123, 124, 148; Gertrude, 124, 127, 160, 161 ; Gieltje, 124; Hendric, 158; Hendric, 158, 159*, 160*; Hiskia, 137*; Isaac, 34, 51, 91, 116, 124, 166; Jacob, 123; Jacob, 34, 44, 51*, 52*, 59, 80, 81. 84, 87, 119, 124, 137, 148* ; Jacomyntje, 123, 160, 161; Jan, 81; Jannetje, 159, 160*, 161, 182; Johannes, 123, 124; Jonathan, 35, 153, 154; Joshua, 177; Joshua, 161*, 177, 178*; Josia, i6i ; Judik, 124; Lea, 159*, 160*, 161*, Louis, (Lowis, Lewis), 34, 46, 50, 51 ; Louis (Lowis, Lewis), 31*." 34*, 35*, 37, 41, 44, Si, 52, 84, 91, 117, 123, 124*, 125*, 127, 161 ; Magdalena, 123, 124*, 136; Margaret, 31, 34, 39, 117, 124, 136, 148, 160, 178*; Maria, 34, 91, 115*, 154; Matthew, 34, "3s, 51*, 52*, 84, 137, 161, 180; Methusalem,i58, 159*, 160*, 161; Nathaniel, 125, 127, 152. 160, 161 ; Neeltje, 123, 124*, 166; Petrus, 89, 182; Philip, 116, 129, 159, 160; Polly, 160; Rachel, 34, 35, 115, 125, 127, 159*, 160*, 161, 166; Rebecca, 34, 123, 124, 160; Sara, 34*, 35, 39, 41, 51, 52, 95, 123*, 124, 127, 137*, 148, i6o*,.i6i ; Simon, 115, 154, 170; Solomon, 33, 34, 40, 51, 52, 84, 95, 159, 160*, 161 ; Su- sanna, 81; Tanneke, 137; Tryntje, 33, 34, 40, 95, 159*, 160*, 161*; Wilhelmus, 160, 161. DU CONT: Marytje, 31. DU JOU, DU JOY: See Deyo. DUKE: Jan, 48. DUKE OF YORK: 42, 50. DU MOLLIN: Pieter, 89. DUMOND. DUMONT, DUMON, DU MON, DEMON : Catelyntje, 88; Catharin, 88; Cornelius, 184; Femmetje, 88; Francyntje, 86, 87, 88; Grietje, 85, 88; Henderica, 184; Jan Baptist, 85*, 86, 87*, 88; Jan- netje, 86, 87, 88*, 182; Jo- hanes, 133; John, 157; Marga- ret, 86, 87*, 88*; Neeltje, 88 Petrus, 85, 86*, 87, 88*; Pe tronella, 73; Walran, 26, 27 28, 31, 47, 71, 72, 86, 87*, 88* 182; Walran, Jr., 87; Wal- randt, Sr., 85, 87 ; Warren, 46 Weibrandt, 85. DUNN: David, 171, 172*; Jeremiah, 171, 172; John, 171*, 172*; Josiah, 172*; Phebe, 171, 172; Sally, 171*, 172. Index of Names. 221 DYRK: Catrina, 137, 180; see Dirck and Turck. EBBINCK: Jeronimus, 58, 103 ; Johanna, 58, 103. E^N: Abraham, 164; Abraham, 165*; Annatje, 165*; Cather- ine, 164, 165*; Elias, 72, 73*, 164*, 16s*, 167; Elisabeth, 72, 73*, 165*; Geesjen, 165; Isaak, 165; Jan, 165*; Mar- garet, 165; Mary, 165; Mary Magdalena, 165; Peter, 164*, 165*; Rachel, 165*; Sarah, 165. EQBERTZ: Marytje, 113. EGBERTSEN: Jannetje, 58. EIGN, EIN: See Een. ELIGH: Jeremiah, 146. ELISSE: Teunis, 38, 62*, 66. ELMENDORPH: Anna, 34, 38*, 55, 117, 120, 136; Ariantje, 38, 71, 148*; Blandina, 38, 136*, 145*, 146; Catrina, 127, 145*; Conrad, 146; Conrad, 38*, 55, 56, 71, no, 124, 136*, 14s, 148*; Conrad G., 165; Conrad, Jr., 147; Cornelius, 71, 147, 148*; Elisabeth, 145*; Eliza, 145; Engeltje, 71, 148; Gerrit, 136*, 147, 148*; Gertrude, 32, 38*, 55, 56; Grietje, 32, 53*, 103, 148; Helena, 148; Henrica, 136* ; Jacobus, 37, 55 ; Jacobus, 32, 38, 53, 55, 56, 72*, 120, 146, 148*; Jacobus C, 103; Janneken, 38, 55, 56, 136*, 148*; John, 145*, 155; Jona- than, 127, 147, 148*; Lucas, 136, 145, 147, 148 ; Margrietje, 38, 124, 148*; Mary, 145*, 148; Neeltje, 165, 166; Petrus, 165, 166; Petrus Edmundus, 145 ; Petrus Edmundus, 145*, 147, 148*; Sara, 124, 145*, 148*; Tekla, 55; Tobias, 148; Wilhelmus, 135 ; William, 145*, 147, 148*; see Van El- mendorph. ELTINGE: Aaltje, 39*, 40, 103 ; Abraham, I37> iS9> 160; Bartelt, 39; Blandina, 136; Cornelis, 39, 40*, 41, 88, 97, 136; Dina, 160; Geertje, 39, 40; Henry, 165; Jacomyntje, 32, 33, 39*, 148; Jan, 39; Jan, 33, 39*, 40, 60, 71, 72, 131, 136, 137, 148, 191*; Jannetje, 39; Jonas, 136; Magdalena, 136; Maria, 39; Philip, 167; Rebecca, 39, 41; R. 'Josias, 145; Roeloff, 39; Roeloff, 39*, 40*, 90, 97; Sara, 39.' 137; Tryntje, 33; William, 39*, 40*, 137, 148; see Roelof- sen. ELTON: See Eltinge. ELYESSEN: Bastiaen, 75 ; Metje, 75. ENTHELBERT: Joshem, 43. ENTE: Jan, 39. ESSELSTEIN: Gertrude, 96, 127; Jan Wil- lemse, 96, 127; Willemtje, 96, 127; see Ysselstein. ETKENS: Elisabeth, 152. 222 Index of Names. EVANS: John, 35, i6o ; Thomas G., 1 14. EVERITT: Esther, 183 ; Martha, 183 ; Rob- ert, 183. EVERTSEN: Annetje, 189; Jan (Maeter), 189; Saer, 189. EXVEEN: Catryntjen, 106; Cornells, 106. FALSETT: Gerret, 112. FELDEN: See Felten. FELTEN: Annatje, 177; Catherine, 176*, 177*; Elisabeth, 17*, 177*; Helena, 177; Jacob, 177; Ja- cob, Jr., 177; Johannis, 142, 176*, 177*; Lawrence, 176*; 177*; Lena, 177; Margriet, 177*; Maria, 177*; Philip, 176; Philip, 176, 177. FERNOW: B., 14. FERRE: See Fiero. FEVER: See Le Fevre. FIERO: Christian, 186, 187; Christian, Jr., 187, 188; Christina, 186, 187; Johannes, i86, 187; Mar- garet, 149; Stephen, 186, 188. FISHER: William, 44. FOCKEN, FOKKER: Andries, 103; Elisabeth, 106; Engeltje, 106; Gerrit, 32*, 39*; Gritie, 35; Hillitje, 32*, 97; Jacomyntje, 32*, 33, 39, 97; Jan (Heermans), 106*; Neelt- je, 103; see Heermans. FOLANT: Eva, 182; Philippus, 182; Su- sanna, 182. FOWLER: Caty, 172*, 173; David, 172; 173; Levi, 172, 173; Polly, 172*; Reuben, 172*; Stephen, 172; Stephen, 172*, 173*. FRANCKFORD: Abraham, 48; Jack, 48; Pearle, 48 ; Sara, 48. FRANK: Sebastian, 24, 28. FRATSHER: John D., 4, 14. FREDRICKSEN: See Mourits. FREDRIX: Aeltie, 121. FRELIQH: Maria, 149; William, 188. FRERE, FREER: Abraham, 78, 114, 183; Aeche, 78; Agatha, 158*; Anna Ma- ria, 158; Antje, 78, 158, 183*; Benjamin, 79; Blandina, 79, 113; Bregje, 158, 183; Catrina, 183; Catrina, 79, 95, 113, 154, 164, 183 ; Elias, 183 ; Elisabeth, 113, 114; Gerrit, 183; Gerrit, Jr., 183; Hester, 79. "3; Hugh, 77, 78, 113; Hugh, 31, 77"", 78*, 79*, "3*, "4. 158*. 164, 183; Hugo, Jr., 154; Isaac, 78, 79, 113*, 114; Jacob, 77, 78, 114, 158*; Jan, 94, 95, 114; Jannetje, 78, 113, 114; Jean, 77, 78; Johannes, 158; Johannes, 79, 158, 183; Jonas, 113, 169, 170, 183*; Jonathan, 158*; Joseph, 78; Lena, 183; Magdalena, 183; Margrietjen, 158*; Maria, 77, 78*. 79, 113, IS4, 164, 165, 183*; Maria Index of Names. 223 Anne, 78*, 183* ; Martha, 183 ; Martinus, 183; Petrus, 183; Rachel, 113, 114; RebeCca, 78, 94> 95, "3, 114; Sara, ^^, 79, 113, 158, 183; Simon, 79, 113, 114, 183; Thomas, 173; Wynt- je, 169, 170. FURMAN: John, 168. FYNHOUT: Annatje, 81, 139, 185; see Vynhout and Tenhout. GAASBECK: Margritta, 118, 119; Thomas, 1 18 ; see Chambers. OAEMAIR: See Guimard. CARTON: Anne, 100; Anne, Jr., 100; Thomas, 49, 50, 100. GASHERIE: John, 64, 72, 73; Joseph, 10, 160, 161; Stephen, 55, 71, 72, 116. GEE: Benjamin, 175; Joseph, 125. GEMAAR: See Guimard. GERLEOQH: Nicholas, 146. GERMAN: Anna Mary, 140, 141 ; Jost, 140, 141- GERON: Daniel, 179. GERRITSE, GERRITZ, GERRITSEN : Adrian, 120; Aeltje, 39; Aert, 39; Albert, 30; Annatje, 82, 103; Ariantje, 38, 71, 148; Arien, 40, 55, 59, 60*, 61*, 81, 87, 90, 91, 100, no, 113, 119, 120, 131, 148, 169, 184; Breechje, 61 ; Cleartje, 61 ; Cornells, 59; Cornelis, 40, 59, 141 ; Cornelis Newkerk, 59, 141 ; Dirrick, 61 ; Geertje (Decker), 95; Gerretje, 59, 124, 133, 148*; Jacob (Deck- er) , 95 ; Jan, 59 ; Jannetie, 59* ; Lysbeth, 59, 61, 148, 169, 184; Neeltje, 43, 59*, 73; Teunis, 61 ; Tryntje, 34, 95, 160, 161 ; Willemtje, 30. GEUL: Johan, 24. GIDNEY: William, 176. GIMAIR: See Guimard. GODKINS: Ann, 172; Frederick, 172. GOMAAR: See Guimard. GORDONIER: Lysbeth, 92. GOVERTSEN: Albert, 26*, 28. GRAHAM: Jeannie, 127. GRIEKHOLF: D. L., 149. GRIGGS: Elisabeth, 175 ; Henry C, 175 ; Verdinant, 175. GROEN: Jacob Marieus, 165, 169, 173. GROENVIS: Jannetje Claesen, 36, 46; Just- je, 46. GROOT: Simon, 121; Susanna, 121. GUDERIS: Catharina, 69. 224 Index of Names. GUIMARD: Anna, 91 ; Hester, 89, 91 ; Pe- ter, 72*, 89, 91*. OYSBERTSEN: Aeltje, 29; Albert, 21, 22, 28, 29*; Gysbert, 29; Jan, 29; Lysbet, 29. HAAL: Marya, 83. HALE: George, 83 ; Joris, 26, 83 ; Ma- ria, 83 ; Oeyeke, 83. HALL: Elisabeth, 190; Geertje, 39, 40; George, 190; George, 189; Ma- rie, 37; Mr., 37; Thomas, 39, 40. HALS: Elisabeth, J90. HAMEL: Geertrud, 41 ; Jan, 41. HANSEN: Maria, 106. HARDENBERGH: Abraham, 143* ; Catharina, 127, 143*; Gerardus, 118, 142, 143*; J., 95, 96; Jacob, 125, 127, 167; Janneke, 118; Johan- nes, 87, 95, 96, no, 124, 127, 143*; Johannes A., 159, 160; Johannes & Co., 120 ; Johannes, Jr., 164*; Johannes L., 143; Leonard, 142; Leonard, 143*; Margaret, 143*; Maria, 164; Petronella, 125, 127 ; Philippus, 143*; Rachel, 143*, 160, 167; Sara, 143. HARDENBROECK: Johanes, 48. HARMILIE: Tomas, 48. HARRIS: John, 125 ; William, 97. HARRISON: Francis, 125; George, 140. HARTQERS: Fytie, 65 ; Pieter, 65*. HASBROUCK: Abraham, 31, 40, yy, 89, 90, 91*, 95, 125, 126, 127, 170*, 171 ; Abraham J., 171 ; Agetta, 158; Andries, 166, 170*; An- na, 31, 91, 165; Benjamin, 91, 165; Catharina, 125, 127, 170; Cornelia, 169, 170*; Cornelius, 161, 171*; Cornelius Dubois, 160; Daniel, 89, 91, 112*, 114, 170; Daniel I., 170* ; Elisabeth, 88, 89*, 91, 99, 16s, 167, 170, 183; Elsje, 127; Esther, 91, 99, 127; Hester, 89, 91, 98; Isaac, 88, 127, 170*, 171; Isaac, Jr., 170; Isaac S., 171; Jacob, 88, 89*, 90, 91, 98, 99*, 112*, 116, 127*, 154, 161*, 170, 171*; Jacob J., 170; Ja- cob J., 170, 171*; Jacobus, Jr., 155, 161, 183^ Jan, 31, 99, 167; Jannetie, 161 ; Jean, 88 ; Jean, 90, 91; Johannis, 166; John E., 166, 167; Jonathan, 160, 163, 165, 168, 169; Jos., 183; Joseph, 91, 98, 127; Josaphat, 169; Josias, i6i, 165, 170, 171*, 173*; Louis, 170*, 171*; Margaret, 170, 171 ; Maria, 31, 34, 88, 89*, 91*, 95, 127; Pe- tronella, 154; Philip, 89, 166; Polly, 166, 171*; Rachel, 35, 90, 127, 159, 166, 167, 169, 170; Samuel, 167; Sarah, 95, 161, 170; Simon, 170*; Solo- mon, 91, 95, 167; Tobias, 178; William, 158, 169, 170, 171*; William, Jr., 166; Wyntje, 169, 170* ; Zacharias, 170*. HAYNES: William, 73. Index of Naues. 225 HAYS: Marya, 30*, 79. HAYWOOD: John, 112, 125; Thomas, 125. HEEREKEUS: Tialie, 54. HEERMANS, HERMANS, HEERMANSE: Andreis, 105, 106; Annatje, 70, 71, 95, 106*, 148; Elisa- beth, 64, 106, 13s; Engeltje, 70, 71, 105, 106, 148; Focke, 106; Grietje, io6*; Hendrick, 105, 106, 131; Jacob, 70, 71; 105 ; Jacomyntje, 71 ; Jan, 53, S4> 55. 64, 70, 71*. 95. 105*, 106*, 148; Jan, Jr., 70; Jan, Jr., 66, 71 ; Jan, Sr., 105 ; Jan, St., 71 ; John, 40 ; Margarieta, 105* ; Maritje, 71 ; Ndtje, ic6; Philippus, 106; Pieter, 106; Wilhelmus, 106; see Focken. HENDRICKS, HENDRICX, HENDRICK, HENDRICKSE, HENDRIX, HENDERICKS: Aarian, 59; Anna, 30, 34, 43, 103*, 130; Arrie, 59; Catrina, 59; Dirck, 63; Dirck, 63, 75; Egbert, 191, 192; Elsje, 192; Eltje, 43; Engeltie, 83, 191, 192; Femmetje, 29*, 30*; Gep- jen, 59; GriHe, 75; Gritie, 43, 88; Hendrick, 47; Henricus, 28, 47. 59. 63, 103*, 191. 192; Jan, 32, 33*, 34, 55; Jochem, 191, 192 ; Margaret, 33, 58, 88, 177, 190; Maycken, 41; Hat- tys, 5 ; Rachel, 59, 61 ; Roelof, 27, 29*; see also Hendricksen, AryoMce, Van Wegen. HENDRICKSEN: Guert, 28 ; Jan, 28 ; Roelof, 29, 30; see Kortright. HERKER: Meriba, 152. HERLS: Cornells, 24. HERMANS: See Heermans. HERMANSEN: See Heermans. HEXMAN: Henry, 24. HEYMANS: Albert (Roosa), 8, 75; Weynt- je, 75- HEYN: Piet, 38. HEYS: Marritje, 30. HILL: Anthony, 125. HILLEBRANTS: Femmetje, 29; Jannetje, 58, 66; Pieter, 29; Pieter, 27*, 29, 37- HODGES: Secretary, 15. HOFFMAN, HOOFMAN, HOFMANS : Alida, 135; Anthony, 134*, 135* ; Annatje, 135 ; Catherine, 135 ; Emmerentje, 58, 73, 135 ; Henricus, 135; Hester, 127; Ida, 127; Jannetje, 71, 73*, 133*. 135; Lysbeth, 135; Ma- ria, 135*; Marten Hermans, 13s ; Martin, 45, 58, 73, 134*, 13s*; Nicholas, 133; Nicholas, 54, 72*, 73*, 102, 135*; Pe- trus, 134, 135; Sarah, 151; Tryntje, 135; Zacharias, 127*, 134. 135- ' " HOFSTEDE: Guiljemus, 39. HOLLEY: Catherine, 149. 226 Index of Names. HOMMEL: Aantje, 149; Johannis, 149; Jurry, 186*; Margaret, 149; Maria, 149; Peter, 149. HOOD: Joseph, 168. HOOFMAN: See Hoffman. HOOQEBOOM: Annatie, 33, 97; Annatie, 33; Bartholomew, 33 ; Catryn, 33* ; Comelis, 33 ; Comelis, 33*, 40, 43, 97; Cornells Pie- terse, 33; Janita, 40; Pieter, 33*> 40. HOOGEN: See De Hooges. HOOQHTEYLINQ, HOOHTALEN, HOOG- TEELING, HOUGHTEEL- ING, HOOGHTEGLINGH, HOUGHTELLING, HOUGH- TALING, HOOGTELING, HOOGHTLYING, HOOGH- TALEN, HOOGHTIG: Anna Margaret, 161, 178; Ari- antje, 34, 36*, 82; Barbara, 36 ; Desia, 36, 61 ; Dina, 36, 184; Hiskia, 36, 61; Jannetje, 37, 74, 75, 160; Jan Willemse, 61 ; Jan Willemsen, 36 ; Jan Willemse(n), 8, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29*, 30, 34, 36, 61, 62, 192; Jan Willemsen, Jr., 37, 61 ; Kezia, 34, 36, 61 ; Maria, 64 ; Philip, 36, 61, 74, 75; Rachel, 143 ; Samuel, 36, 61 ; Sara, 133 ; Tresia, 36; Willem Jansen, 34, 36, 61*. HOOSTYLER: Willem, 36. HOOGHTIG: Jan W., 37. HOORNBERG: Warner, 37. HOORNBECK: Anna, 127, 129, 130; Ariantje, 127; Cornelius, 121, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132; Eva, 44; Johan- na, 130; Lodewyck, 44, io6j 121 ; Maria, 127, 128; W., 27; Warnaar, 44. HORTENBURG: Gerrit, 43* ; Joaptie, 43*. HOVENIER: Lysbeth Jacobse (Gordonier), 92. HOWELL: John, 176. HUE: Anne, 160. HUME: William, 156. HUNTER: Matthew, 152. HUTTEMAN: Albert, 24, 28. HUTTERIS: Albert, 24, 28. HUYBERTSEN: Eve, 61; Hendrick, 61*; Hen- drickje, 61 ; Johannis, 61 ; Lambert, 60; Lambert, 8, 26*, 27*. SI. 59. 61*, 113, 120, 169, 184 ; Roeloff , 61 ; Thomas, 61 ; see Lambertse and Brink. HYMANS: See Heymans and Roosa. HYSELSTEIN: See Esselstein and Ysselstein. HYSER: John, 157. IN: See Een. INDIANS: 35- Index of Names. 227 JACOB: Long, 26. JACOBS: Gritie, 102; Heyltje, 30; Wil- lem, 46; Willemtje, 30, 192. JACOBSE: Lysbeth (Hovenier), 92; see Jacobs. JACOBSEN: Aert, 8, 38, 82, 95, 103 ; Annat- je, 103; Annatje (Van Wag- enen), 82, 103; Grietje, 38; Ruth, 26; Theunis (Klaarwa- ter), 8, 163; see also Pietersen and Van Wagenen. JACOBUS: Jannetje, 92. JAN, THE SMITH: 28, 37- JANS, JANZ, JANSSE, JANSZ: Anneke, 43, 45, 65, 82; Bar- bara, 36; Catrina, 65, 148; Diewertje, 82; Elsie, 32, 82, 191, 192; Fytie, 65; Gritie, 45; Grietje (Roosa), 73; Grietje (Schut), 102; Hester, 41 ; Hil- litje, 60; Jacobje, 45; Jaepje, 45, 58 ; Jan, 65 ; Johannes, 43 ; Joost, 34, 39, 51, 52; Margaret, 182; Maria, loi ; Maria (Lan- gendyk), 32, 38, 39; Mattys, 82; Mattys (Van Keuren), 33 ; Pieter, 58 ; Pieterje, 45 ; Rebec- ca, 39; Roeloff, 65; Sara, 34, 51, 52, 65; Thomas, 64, 157; Volckert, 92; Willemtje, 96, 127; William (Schut), 102; see Jansen, Ryckman, Schutf, Van Steenbergen, Decker, Lan- gendyk. Van Keulen, Joosten, Brestede, Kortright, Roosa. JANSEN, JANSSEN, JANZEN: Aeltje, 29; Albert, 26*, 27*, 28*, 36; Albert v. S., 29; An- na (Anneke, Anne), 34, 38, 117* ; Anna (Van Oosterhout), 30, 130; Arent, 26; Catherine, 34*, 41, 104, 117; Claes (Van Heyningen), 95; Cornelius (Cortright), 75; Cornelius, 116, 117; David, 34, 104, 117; Derrick, 39; Dirck, 43; Dirck (Schepmoes), 42, 43, 73 ; Elisa- beth, 41, 117; Elsie, 32, 191, 192; Geertruy, 189; Geesje, 45, 61; Gritie, 45, 116, 117; Gysbert, 41 ; Hendrick, 34, 104, 117, 165; Hilligond (Van Heyningen), 95; Jacob (Slico- ten), 189; Jacob {Van Stoun- tenborch), 189; Jacobus, 116, 117; Jan, 29, 32, 34*, 41, 104* ; Jan (Brestede), 32; Jan Mat- tysen), 8, 31, 38; Jan (Schep- moes), 43; Jan (Slicoten), 189; Jan (Van Amersfort), 26*, 27; Jan (Van Ooster- hout), 26, 29, 30, 31, 130; Janneken (Van Heyningen), 95; Jannetie, 33; Johannes, 116, 117*, 120, 177; Joost, 41; Laurens, 75 ; Lubbert, 29 ; Magdalena, 31, 34, 38, 104, 116*, 117; Margaret, 33, 34, 58, 104, 117; Maria, 34, 75, loi, 116, 117; Mayken, 34, 92, 93; Mattys, 116; Mattys, 22, 34, 38, 58, 104; Rachel, 34, 116*, 117*; Rebecca, 41 ; Sara, 34, 41, 102, 104; Sara (Schep- moes), 43 ; Theunis, 43 ; Thom- as, 34, 92*, 93, 104*, 116, 117*, 157; Volckert (?), 64; Wil- lem, 36*; Willem (Schutt), 102; Willem (Slicoten), 189; see Jans, Fransen, Hooghtey- ling, Joosten, Matty sen, Oos- terhout, Pruyn, Van Keuren, Van Steenbergen, Schutt, Schepmoes, Van Heyningen, Van Osterhout, Brestede, 228 Index of Names. Kortright, Decker, in this and the second volume. JARRET: Allen, 35. JAY: Augustus, 49. JELLES: Annetjen, 30. JENKINS: Albert, 167; Brijet, 167; Cath- erine, 167; Crines, 167*; El- ener, 167; Hannah, 167; James, 167*; John, 167; Lam- bert, 167; Margaret, 167; Mary, 167; Rachel, 167*; Wil- liam, 167. JOCHEMSEN: Christina, 30 ; David, 30 ; Elsie, 32; Hendrick, 192; Hendrick, 8, 22, 27, 32, 191, 192*; Mar- ritje, 30. JOHNSTON: WilHam, 152. JOIRE, JOORE: ^ Magdalen, 30, 31, 48; Magda- len, 48. JOOSTEN: Adriaentie, 41 ; Jacob, 40; Ja- cob, 41*; Jan, 41 ; Jan, 23, 25, 26*, 27, 28, 30*, 37, 39, 40, 41*, 42, 43, 119; John, 40; Maycken, 41 ; Maycken, 37, 41 ; Neeltje, 41 ; Rebecca, 41 ; Simon, 43 ; see Jansen. JORISE: Catalyntje (Rapalie), 88; Je- ronimus, 88; Maddalen, 31, 48. KAMP: Jan & Co., 124. KANTAIN: See Confine. KEALET: John, 141. KEATOR: Claes, 93; Engeltje, 129, 130; Nicholas, 129, 130. KEECH: David, 176. KEGEL: Philip, 25. KELLENAER: Laurentia, 42*, 66, 67, 190. KETCH: Alexander, 176; Aney, 176 Benjamin, 176*; Daniel, 176 David, 176; Deby, 176; Henry, 176; John, 176; Maria, 176 Peter, 176; Phoebe, 176* Ruth, 176; Stephen, 176* WilHam, 176*- KETCHAM: Titus, 168; William, 168. KETELKAS: Aeltje, 43 ; Jan Evertz, 43. KETTLE, KITTLE, KETTEL: Catharine, 69; EHsabeth, 68*; 69*; Jeremy, Sr., 68; Jeremy, 68, 69; Richard, 68, 69*; Su- san, 68, 69; Susanna, 69. KIEFT: Director, 33. KIERSEN: Janneken, 95. KIERSTEDE, KEERSTEDE, KIERSTEDER : Aldert, 119, 148; Anghe, 58; Anna, 32 ; Blandina, 38, 136, 145; Christopher, 159, 160; Eyke, 32, 38; Eyke Albertse Roosa, 38; Hans, 65, 91, 98, 120; Ikee, 58, 75; like, 75; John, 65; Lea, 159, 160; Luke, 166; Roelof, 32, 37, 38, 58, 75, 192; Sara, 33, 46, 65*, 184; Wyntje, 58. KIP: Antie, 86, 87; Henderick, 44,. Index of Names. 229 131 ; Jacob, 22, 23, 26, 40, 91, 92*, 131, 182, 190; Lea, 182; Marytje, 182; Rachel, 91, 92*; Tryntje H., 32; Tyntie, 41. KITTLE: See Kettle. KLAARWATER: Abraham, 162; Abraham, 162*, 163*; Daniel, 162*; David, 163; Esther, 162*; Eva, 162*, 163; Frederick, 162*, 163; Hester, 163 ; Isaac, 162*, 163 ; Jacob, 162, 163* ; Joseph, 162*, 163 ; Lisabeth, 163 ; Mary, 162*, 163*; Theunis Jacobsen, 8, 163; Thomas, 162*, 163; Wyntje, 162*, 163; see Clear- water. KLUN: Joisg, 135. KLUTE: See Clute. KNICKERBACKER: Cornells, 133, 134. KOECH: Sarah, 42; William, 42. KOOL: Beeletjen, 139; Catherine, 124, 182; Cornells, 59; Hendrickje, 148 ; Jacob, 81 ; Margriet, 177 ; Sara, 81, 93; Symon, 93; Wil- lem C, 128; see Cool. KORTRIQHT: Catrina Hansen, 58; Cornelis Jansen, 75; Hendrick Hen- dricksen, 58 ; Hendrick Jansen, 58; Marritje, 58; Metje, 75; see Low. KRANS: Adam, 142*: Catherine, 142; Christeen, 142 ; Elisabeth, 142* ; Hendricus, 142 ; Jacobus, 142* ; Johannis, 142 ; Maria, 142*; Petrus, 142*; Stofel, 142; Susannah, 142*; Wilhel- mus, 142*. KROM, KRUM: Elisabeth W., 30; Geertje, 41; Guisbert, 41. KRYPEL: See Crispel. KUNST: Barent, 32; Jacomyntje, 32, 39, 60; Jan Barentsen, 32, 39, 60, 192; Jannetie, 32, 59*, 60; Jannetje Jansen, 33. LABONTE: Christina, 158. LA CHAIR: Jan, 87. LAFAVER: See Le Fevre. LAKE: Wells, 176. LAMATER, LA MAISTRE: See Delamater. LAMBERTSE, LAMBERTSEN: LAMMERSE, LEMBERT- SEN, LAMBERT, LEM- MERTSE, LAMBERTZ : Abraham, 44; Antje, 45, 6i; Breecje, 61 ; Claertje, 61 ; Cornelius, 112; Cornelius (Brink), 60, 61*, 112, 120, 133, 182 ; Dirrick, 61 ; Elsie (Brink), 133; Gerrit, 37, 61*; Geesje, 45, 61; Gritie, 45; Helena, 61; Hendrik, 61*; Hendrickje, 61, 91, 92*; Huy- bert, 60, 61*, '91, 92*; Jan, 45; Janneken, 38, 61, 120, 182; Johannes, 61 ; Lambert, 61* ; Lysbeth, 59, 61*, 148, 169, 184; Marytje, 112, 182; Mat- thew, 61; Pieter, 61*; Teunis, 61 ; see Brink, Huybertse. LAMETTER: See Delamater. 230 Index of Names. LA MONTAQNE: See Montague. LANQEDYK: Cornelis, 66; Geertie, 66; Jan- netje, 66; Maria Janse, 32, 38, 39; Pieter Janse, 66. LAMESINK: Abraham, 44. LANSING, LANSYNCK, LANSINGH, LANSINCK: / Aeltye, 43: Gerrit, 44*; Gys- bertje, 44; Hendrick, 44; Hil- litie, 44; Johannis, 44. LARUAH: John, 146; Peter, 146. LATTING: Elisabeth, 179; John, 179. LAUCK, LAUCKS, LAUKS: Eva, 46; Hans Jurian, 46. LAUW: See L01V. LAWRENCE, LOURENS, LOURENSE, LAURENSE, LAURENSEN, LOUWERSEN : Blandina, 69*, 70; Claes (Van de Volgen), 74*; Claes (Van Purmerend), 74*; Jan, 69 Janneke, 69, 70; Johanna, 69 johannis, 6g ; Laurence, 69, 70 Marytje, 74; Mettje, 69. LE BLANC, BLAN: Andre, 99; Maria, 99*. LE CONT: Moyse, 71, 72; see De Graaf. LEENDERSEN: Arriaentjen, 41 ; Marckes, 41. LE FEVRE, LAFAVER, LEFEVER, LEFEVRE, LE FEVER, FEVER, LE FEBRUE : Abraham, 154; Andries, 153; Andries, 98, 114, 154*; Cath- erine, 153, 154*. 163, 164*; Cornelis, 153, iS4; Daniel, 163; Daniel, 164*; Elisabeth, 31, I53> 154*, 163, 164*; Isaac, 154, 158, 164*; Isaac, Jr., 164; Jacob, 164; Jan, 154; Janneke, 164; Jean, 154; Jo- hannes, 164, 167; John, 167; Magdalena, 153, 154; Maria, 153, 154*, 163*, 164*; Mar- griet, 143, 154*; Matthew, 153*, IS4*, 163, 164*; Moses, 164; Nathaniel, 154; Peter, 163*, 164*, 166, 167; Peter, Jr.", 158, 165; Petronella, 154; Philip, 164; Rachel, 153, 154, 167; Ralph, 35, 77, 113; Sarah, 153, 154, 164; Simon, 31, 153*, 154*, 164*. LEGG: Annatje, 81, 139, 184, 185*; Barent, 122*, 123; Beeletjen, 139; Cornelis, 139, 184, 185*; Elisabeth, 185; Geesje, 81, 123*; Helena, 139, 184, 185*; Jan, 123, 139*; John, 138; John, 63, 80, 81, 138*, 139*, 185*; John, Jr., 138; Mar- griet, 8i, 122*, 123, 182; Ma- ria, 81, 122, 123*, 185 ; Neeltje, 138*, 139; Samuel, 81, 122*, 123, 139, 184, 185*; Sara, 80, 81, 123, 138*, 139, .184, 185; Susanna, 80, 81*, 138, 139*; William, 80, 184; William, 50, 62, 75, 76*, 80*, 81*, 122*, 123*, 138*, 139*, 192, 184, 185*; William, Jr., 122. LE MAISTRE: See Delamater. LEMBERTSEN: See Lambertse. LENDT: Elisabeth, 74. Index of Names. 231 LEONARDS: Albert, 121; Ariantje, 121. LE ROY: Anna Maria, 158; Maria Anne, 79. 183. LE SEUR, LESUER: Elsie, 39; Hillebrand, 39; Jan- netie, 39. LESTER: Albert, 179. LEWIS: George H., 65. LIEVENS: Marritje, 43. LIEUW: Marritje, 30; Philip, 30. LIVINGSTON: Alida, 128*, 129, 135 ; AUada, 106; Catherina, 128, 129; Cor- nelia, 106, 120, 128; Corneli- us, 128, 129; Gilbert, 128; Gil- bert, IDS, 106*, no, 117, 120, 128*; Gysbert, 128; Henry, 120, 128*, 129; Jacobus, 129; James, 128; Joanna, 128*, 129; Margaret, 128*, 129; Philip, 128*, 129, 135; Robert, 53, 128*, 134; Samuel, 128, 129; Wilhelmus, 129. LIVIUS: Titus, 24. LLOYD: Thomas, 124. LOCKWOOD: Abby, 171, 172 ; Cornelius, 171, 172*; David, 171*, 172*; Gil- bert, 171, 172; Henry, 171; Henry, 171*, 172*; Jeremiah, 171 ; Josiah, 171 ; Patience, 171, 172 ; Rachel, 171 ; Robert, 171, 172; Sally, 171*, 172; Samuel, 171*, 172*; Uriah, 171, 172. L'HOMMEDIEU: Benjamin, 49; Benjamin, Jr., 49; Elisabeth, 49; Hosea, 49; Martha, 49 ; Patience, 49* ; Pe- ter, 49; Peter, 49; Silvester, 49 ; Susan, 49. LOOM AN: Hendrik Jansen, 21, 22. LOPERS: Johanna, 190. LOUKS: See Lauck. LOUNDERT: Philip, 134. LOURENCE: See Lawrence. LOUW: See Low. LOVELACE: Governor, 31, 41, 58, 92. LOVERIDQE: Margaret, 86, 87, 88; William, 86, 87, 88. LOW: Abraham, 35, 154, 155; Antje, 35, 154; Benjamin, 155; Cath- erine, 154; Cornelius, 35*; Cornells Pietersen, 73; David, 161*; Elisabeth, 31, 73, 95, 106, 154*; Geertruy, 44; Hel- ena, 177; Hendrikje, 119, 120, 148; Jacob, 35, 154; Jacobus, 154; Jan, 132; Janneken, 44, 148, 154; Johannis, 35; John, 154*; Johannis A., 177; Lau- rens Jansen, 75; Magdalena, 35 ; Margaret, 35; Maria, 35, 95; Mattys, 35, 75; Peter, 35, 44, 95, 188; Pieter Cornelisse, 35. 73; Pieter Cornelisse, 8, 31, 35. 43. 73. 106; Rachel, 154, 15s; Timotheus, 113, 119, 120, 131*, 132*, 148 ; Zara, 132 ; see Cornelisse, Kortright. LUBBERS: Aeltje, 30. 232 Index of Names. LUBBERTSE: Abraham, 92. LUBBERTSEN: Francyntje, 92. LUCAS: Daniel, 188. LUCASSE: H., 99- LUCASZ: Willem, 81. LUSENA: Jacob, 37. LUYCK: Neeltje, 138*, 139; Pieter, 138*, 139; Willem, 81. LYNCH: Frances, 173*; Francis, 173; George W., 173. LYNDRAEYER: Hendrick Cornelisen, 26*, 28. McDONALD: William, 167. MACKEY: John, 172. McKINSTRY: John, 152. MACKLIN: See Maklin McPIKE: Eugene, 14. MAETER: Jan Evertsen, 189. MAKLIN, MACKLIN: Cornelis, 82; Grietje, 106; Jan, 58, 106*, 151; Marritje, S8* ; Sarah, 82. MARET: Susanna, 81, 139. MARKEL: See Merkel. MARRID: Susanna, 81, 139. MARSTON: John, 82. MARTINSEN, MARTENSEN, MARTENZ, MARTISSEN, MARTENSE, MARTENS: Aert (Doom), 189; Aert (Doom), 26*, 27*, 28, 189; Cornelia, 54; Cornelis, 54*; Cornelis (Van Buren), 38; Fannerie, 54; Geertruy, 189; Jannetje, 54; Marritje, 54; see Cornelisse. MARTESTOCK: Diederick, 135. MARTIN: James, 175; John, 53; Phebe, 17s ; Selah Tuthill, 175. MARVEN, MARVIN: Anna, 172; Augustus, 172. MASTEN, M ASTON: Aart, 82*; Abraham, 34, 82*, 117; Catherine, 82; Cornelis, 82; Cornelis, 58*, 76*, 82*, 103, 151; Deborah, 82*; Die- wertje, 82*, 95 ; Elisabeth, 82*, 103, 180 ; Ezekiel, 82 ; Gertruy, 76, 82*; Grietjen, 82; Johan- nis, 82*; Margaret, 178; Ma- rytje, 82*; Pieternella, 82. MATTHEWS: Peter & Co., 125 ; Vincent, lOO. MATTYSEN, MATTHYSEN, MATTHEWSSEN : Anna, 34, 38; Catrina, 34; Cornelis, 36 ; Geertruy, 61 ; Jan, 33, 103 ; Jan, 8, 31, 34*, 38, 40, 54, 82, 117, 182; Kesia, 36; Magdalena, 31, 33, 34, 38, 82, 103; Margriet, 182; Mat- tys, 3.3, 34*, 35, 38, 57, 58, 82, 87; Matty s, Jr. (Van Keuren), 33; Sara, 35; Tjatje, 34, 57, 58; Tjerck, 95; Trezia, 36; Tryntje, 33 ; see J onsen, Tysen, Van Keuren. Index of Names. 233 MAURITS: See Mounts. MEERMANS: Aeltie (Dirricks), 36, 46. MERKEL: Frederik, 170. METSELAER: Maria Adams, 157, MEYER: See De Mayer. MYNDERSEN, MEYNDERTSE, MEYDERSEN, MEIN- DERTSE, MEYNDERTSZEN, MEYDERSE, MYNDERSE: Eghbert, 45; Eghbert, 58; F emmet je, 45 ; Jacobje, 45 ; Jaepje, 45, 58; Jannetje, 45, 58; Marritie, 113; Mayken, 45 ; Myndert, 45. ' MIDDAQH: Batha, 10 1 ; Brechje, 100; Jan, 83 ; Johannis, loi ; Jons, 83*, 92, 93, loi, 102; Magda- lena, 93, 102; Martha, loi. MIDLER: Christopher, 185. MILLER: Gavin, 144; Johannes, 157; Moses, 182. MILSPAUGH: Jacob, 142. MINQAEL: Thomas, 65. MOLE: See Moull. MOLINEJ: Petrus, 25, 28. MONE: Marytjen, 102; Paulus, 102. MOORE, MORE, MOURE, MOOR: Governor, 15; Peter, 138, 184. MONTAIGNE: Catherine, 99 ; Jan Money, 23 ; Johannes, 22, 23, 58; Rachel, 22, 23 ; Wm. de la, 23*, 24, 26, 31, 35, 37, 44*, 45, 48, 192. MORRISON: Geo. A., Jr., 14. MOULL: Christopher, 142. MOURE: See Moore. MOURITZ, MAURITS, MOURITSE: Elisabeth, 83* ; Engel, 83 ; En- geltie, 82, 83*, 156; Fredrick Pietersen, 82 ; Fredrick Pieter- sen, 83, 156; Geertruid, 83*; Hendrick, 83; Jannetie, 83*, 156; Marya, 83; Mouritz, 83; Oeyke, Oetje, 83*; Peter, 83*; Pieter Jacobsen, 192. MOWRIS: See Mouritz. MYER: See De Meyer. MYNDERSE: See Meyndersen. NEGROES: Abram, 166; Anna, 150; Ben- jamin, 135; Bet, 163, 166*; Bette, 135; Bishe, 134; Carlyn, 118; Charles, 153; Cuffe, 139; Dejaen, 150, 163; Dick, 150; Dien, 136; Dina, 84, 156; Floor, 186; Fortune, 134; Fredrik, 71, 72; Gerrit, 88; Harry, 165; Kerry, 136; Jack, 154, 164; James, 88, 154, 166; James York, 175; Jan, 163; Jane, 160; Jenny, 106, 1 10; Joe, 13s, 166; John, 138; Judy, 153; Kieser, 61; Margriet, 71, 163; Mary, 135; Mingo, 150; Molly, 89; Pegge, 134; Peter, 234 Index of Names. 75; Phill, 140; Phillis, 168; Rachel, 84 ; Rose, 160 ; Samson, 63; Sera, 84; Seser, 153; Sime, 160; Susan, 153; Susan- nah, 118; Tom, 81, 153, 166, 175 ; Yanna, 175. NEWKERK, NEWKIRK, NIEUWKERK, NOUKERK, NUKERCK, NEWKIERK, NIEUWKIRK, NUKIRK: Aaltje, 93 ; Adam, 140, 141 ; Adrian, 60, 93, 141 ; Andries, 168, 169; Anne, 168, 169*; Ann Mary, 140, 141 ; Arian Gerritsen, 148, 184; Ariantje, 148, 183, 184*; Ary, 169, 184*; Barent, 60, 106; Benjamin, 169; Blandina, 168, 169; Charles, 168, 169; Coenradt, 169; Conrad, 168, 169*, 184; Cornelis, 183 ; Cornelis, 40, 60, 61, 113, 124, 183, 184*; Cor- nelis Gerritse, 60, 141 ; Dina, 183, 184; Dorothea, 141; Elis- abeth, 140*, 141, 169, 184*; Gertrude, 112; Gerrit, 60, 113, 131, 141, 148, 183, 184*; Ger- rit B., 169*; Gerrit Cornelis- sen, 73; Gerretje, 168, 169; Ghilje, 184; Gilles, 60; Gritie, 148; Hendericus, 112, 140, 141*; Hendrikje, 73, 183, 184*; Jacomyntje, 60; Jacob, 140*, 141 ; jan, 60, 141, 184 ; Jan- netie, 40, 60, 119*, 136, 148, 169, 183, 184; Jannetie (Ger- ritse), 60; Johannes, 112; Jo- hannis, 140; Johannis, 59, 140, 141*, 169; John, 168; J. M., 180; Lea, 183, 184*; Margaret, 168, 169; Maria, 168, 184; Meyndert, 141 ; Neeltjen, 73, 124, 141; Onmary, 112; Pe- trus, 184 ; Philippus, 183*, 184 ; Rachel, 140*, 141, 184; Sara, 184; Trineke, 149. NICKOL, NICHOLLS, NICOLL: Agatha, 31; Col., 42; Gover- nor, 31, 32. NIEHOSEN: Johannes, 36. NOBLE: John, 69. NOLAND: Philip, 181. NOORTRYCK: Joosje Wilemsen, 36, 46. NOTTINGHAM: Mr., 37; William, 69, 72*, 75*, 81, 82, 83*, 88, 90, 91, 93, 98. 100, 102, 105, 106. NOUE: Margaret, 88; Pierre, 31, 61, 88. NOXON: Thomas, 40, 70, 71. NUEE: See Noue. OLIVER: James, 164. OOSTERHOUT: Abraham, 181 ; Aldert, 129*, 130*; Annatje, 129, 130*, 182; Appolonia, 130; Ariaan, 130; Ariaantje, 66, 130*; Cornelis, 185, 186; Elisabeth, 112, 130, 185, 186*; Engeltje, 129*, 130*; Geertie, 130; Gysbert, 66; Helena, 130, 149, 182; Henry, 82, 129*, 130*, 181 ; Hendricus P., 152; Heyltje, 182; Jacob, 129*, 131; Jan, 112, 129*, 130*, 132, 182; Jan- net je, 82, 182; Jan Pietersen, 123; Johanna, 130; Johannes, 130*; Kryn, 80, 129, 130*; Lawrence, 182; Margaret, 127; Maria, 66, 123, 129, 130*, 131, 132, 186; Petrus, 80, 81*, 129, 130* ; Pieter Jans, 182 ; Pieter- Index of Names. 235 nella, 130; Teunis, 129; Teu- nis, 53, 130, 182; Tryntje, 82; see Van Oosterhout. OSTRANDER: Cornelis, 172; Geesjen, 132; Harmanis, 132; Huybert, 184; Jacob, 132*; Jonathan D., 179; Levi, 173; Marytje, 132*; Petrus, 91 ; Wilhelmus, 172 ; see Van Ostrandt. OSTRANDER & SUDAM: 171. OTTERSPOOR: Aerdt Aerdtsen, 190, 192 ; Pe- tronella, 190, 192. OVERBAQH: Mary, 149. PAREE: Ambrosius, 24. PARSON: See Persen. PARYS: Everdt, 2>7\ Everdt, 37. PATTISON: Michael, 185. PAULDING: See Pawling. PAULUS: Hendrikje, 73. PAWLING, PAULDING: Aagje, 58; Albert, 106; Anne, 166; Catherine, 106; Henry, 27*, 28*, 33, 40, 58, 59, 75; Jacomyntje, 33, 40; Jan, 58: Marie, 34; Neeltje, 58, 75. PEARTREE: William, 163. PEARS: Mattys, 85, 136, 137. PEARSON: See Persen. PEELE: Tryntje, 46. PEERS: Mattys, 85; see Persen. PELS: Clara, 103, 106; Evert, 22*, 26, 27, 95, 103* ; Jannetie, 103 ; Sara, 79, 95, 103, 106. PERSEN, PERSON, PEARSON, PEARSE, PIERSON : Abraham, 82; Adam, 136*, 137*; Alida, 137, 180; Anna, 137*. 179, 180*; Catrina,,82, 137*, i79» 180*; Cornelius, 179; Cornelius, 136, 137*, 157, 180*, 186; Deborah, 137;, Elis- abeth, 179* 180*; Jan, 136, 137* ; John J., 185 ; Margaret, 179, 180*; Maria, 137, 179, 180*; Matthys, 136; Matthys, 85, 180; Sara, 137*; Tanna, 137; Theunis, 180. PETERS: Annatje, 65; Margaret, 171. PETERSON: See Pieterson. PHILIPPSE, PHILIPP, PHILIPS, PHILIP : Adolphus, 163; Cornelius, 172; Fredrick, 140; Henry, 172*; Mary, 172 ; Widow, 143. PICK, PIK: William, 143. PIER: Gepje, 46. PIERSON: See Person. PIETERS: Sarah, 42, 43. PIETERSON, PETERSON, PIETERSEN, PIETERSE: Adrian Van Alcmaer, 32 ; Ant- je, 61 ; Cornelis, 61 ; Comel- isen, 33, 73; Elsie, 32; Engel- tie, 83 ; Fredrick, 83 ; Gerrit, 61 ; Grietje, 63 ; Helena, 61 ; 236 Index of Names. Henderik, 61 ; Johannes, 61 ; John, y^; Lambert, 61*; Lys- beth, 61 ; Matthew, 61 ; Pieter, 46*, 71, 72; Rebecca, 46*; see Jacobsen, Cornelisen, Lambert- sen and Mouritz. PLOEQ, PLEEQH, PLOEQH, PLOEY : Abraham, 123; Arent, 112; Barbara, 82; Catharina, 157; Elisabeth, 182; Geertruy, 123; Geesje, 81, 123; Helena, 139, 185* ; Jan, 182, 185 ; John, 185 ; Rachel, 112; Wilhelmus, 82. POPINQE: Rachel, 34, 117. POST: Catrina, 179, 180; Elisabeth, 167; Hendrick, 123; Isaac, 179, 180*; Margaret, 123; Samuel, 180. POULSE: Gommen, 53 ; Gommert, 38. POULUSSEN, POWLISSEN: See Poulse. PRAA: Marya, 30* ; Peter, 30*. PROVOOST: Benjamin, 37*, 39, 41 ; David, 125. PRUYN: Hendrick, no. PULING: See Pawling. QUACKENBOSS: Neeltje, 118, 182. QUYNELL: Mr., 37. RADEMAKER: Claes (Swyts), 121. RAINEY: Christian, 143; David, 143; Esther, 143; Hesia, 143; James, 143; Mary, 143; Mar- tha, 143; Ruth, 143; Samuel, 143 ; Sara, 143 ; Susan, 143. RAPELYEA: Catalyntje Jorise, 88; Jeroni- mus Jorise, 88. RAY: Cornelius, 145; Elisabeth, 145. RECHTINQER: Jurry W., i8b*. RELYA: Denie D., 161; Lucas, 172; Sally, 171, 172. RIGHMEYER: Mary, 149. RIKER: Abraham, 34; Mary, 34. ROE: John, 170. ROELANDSEN: Adam, 65. ROELOFSEN: ElHng, 39; thing, 33*, 41, 103; Jacomyntje, 39; Jaco- myntje, 32 ; Jan, 58, 65 ; Sarah, 65; Willemtje, 39; see Eltinge. ROQQAN: Peter, 163. ROMEYN & VAN BUREN: 180. RONK: George, 172; Polly, 172. ROOSA, ROSA, ROSE, ROOS: Abraham, 130, 132, 136; Al- bert Heymans, 8, 58*, 75 ; Al- dert, 75, no, 130, 131*, 132; AUdert, 74, 75*, 131*; Anghe, 58; Anna Margriet, 42, 75; Antjen, 130, 131, 132; Arie, 75, 131*, 132, 182; Ariaantje, 130; Barbara, 66; Benjamin, 184; Cathrina, 66, 130, 131, Index of Names. 237 132*, 149; Claes, 75; Cornelia, 135; Dirck, 136; Eiche, 32; Elisabeth, 132; Evert, 130; Evert, 66, 131*, 132; Eyke Al- bertsen, 38; Geertje, 71, 73; Ge6sjen, 132, 165; Gritie Janse, 73; Guert, 75; Gysbert, 74, 75*- Hilligond, 66, 75; Hymcm, 74; Hyman, 42*, 51, 52, 58, 75; Hyman Aldersen, 28, 75; Ikee, 58; like, 75; Ja- cob, 130, 131, 132, 149; Jan- netje, 37, 74, 75*, 148, 184; Johanna, 182; John, 108, 147, 176; Lea, 74, 75*, 130, 131, 132; Maria, 75, 130, 131*, 132, 176 ; Neeltje, 58, 75*. 124, 182 ; Nicholas, 74, 75*; Petronella, 75; Rachel, 42, 74, 75*, 127, 130, 131, 132, 148; Rebecca, i.?o; Sarah, 75, 13O, T31, 132; Tietje, 66, 130, 132; William, 176 ; Wyntje, 40, 74, 75*, 182. ROSEBOOM: Guysbertje, 44 ; Hendrick, 44. ROSENKRANZ, ROOSEKRANS: Antje, 66*; Appolonia, 130; Ariantje, 130*; Harmon, 130; Helena, 130; Hendrick, 66; Herman, 130*; Jacobus, 152; Sara, 62. ROSEVELT: Ann Margriet, 42, 75. RUTAN: Abraham, 8g ; Abraham B., 50. RUTGERSEN: Jacop, 43. RUTS, RUTZ, RUTSE: Elisabeth, 132; Jacob, 37; Ja- cob, Sr., 106; Sara, 75. RUTSEN: Alida, 128, 129; Allada, 106; Catherine, 106*, 127; Hendri- cus, 106; Jacob, 40, S2,"53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 82, 96, 100, 106*, 120, 128, 129; Jacob, Jr., 129; Johanna, 106; Johannes, 125; John, 106; John, 93, 97, 110, 124. RYCKE: Hendrick, 35. SALAEME: Maria (Metselaer), 157. SALAMONSE: Jacob, 64. SAMUELS: Ariaentie, 34, 36. SAMUELS=d6gHTER: Ariaentie, 36. SANDTVOORDT: Jacob Abrahamsen, 192. SARCHARSON: Johan, 24. SCHAETS: Dom., 74. SCHELLINCK: Willem, 36. SCHEPMOES: Abraham, 43*; Aeltie, 43*; Anna, 43*, 107, 108, 109, 117; Ariante, 43, 107, 108, 109, no; Catharina, 32, 178; Dirck, 106; Dirck, 30, 33, 38, 43*> 46, 52, 59, 62*, 75, 82, 87, 91, 109; Dirck Jansen, 42; Dirck Jan- sen, 32, 43*, 73, 191; Dirck Willemse, 43, 109; Geertruy, 43; Jan, 43; Jan Janszen, 42, 43*; Joaptie, 43; Jobje, 43; Johannes, 43, 73, 96, 109; Lea, 43, 103, 109; Maregrietie, 43, 106; Maria, 42; Maria, 103; Maria Willems, 43, 73 ; Neelt- je, 43. 73 ; Rachel, 43, 92, 109; Sarah, 42, 43, 109; Tryntje, 43 ; Wesel, 43 ; Widow, 147 ; William, 43, 82, 107, 108, 109, no. 238 Index of Names. SCHERP: Pieter, i88. SCHMIDT: See Smith. SCHOONHOVEN, SCHOOHOVEN : Catharine, 49; Claes, 49; Cor- nelia Claessen, 49; Cornelis, 49, 92; Deborah, 49; Fran- cyntje, 49; Henricus, 49; Hen- drick Claessen, 49; Hendrick Claessen, 92; Ifje, 49; Mar- griet, 49, 141; Nicholas, 49; see Schoonmaker and Van Schoonhoven. SCHOONMAKER: Annatje, 34, 133; Aryantje, 82; Barbara, 81, 82; Benjamin, 127, 182; Catrina, 81, 82, 127, 182; Daniel, 117; Edward, Jr., 185; Egbert, 81, 87; Eg- bert Hendricksen, 133; Elisa- beth, 163, 182; Elsie, 32, 81, 82*, 127, 133 ; Gertruy, 58, 81, 82; Hendrick, 81; Hendrick, 81, 82, 112; Hendrick Hen- dricksen, 58, 82, 122; Hendrick Jochemse, 8, 32*, 58, 82; Hes- kia, 81, 82; Jacobus, 81, 82; Jannetie, 81, 82* ; Jochem, 32*, 82, 129, 133; Jochem Hen- drikse, 32, 127, 182* ; Johannes 81, 82*, 106, 145, 157; John, 121, 130; Magdalena, 117; Margaret, 182; Maria, 81, 127; Peter, 180; Petronella, 32, 127; Philip, 166, 167*; Sara, 81, 82*, 182; Theodosia, 82; Thomas, 163, 182; Thomas, Jr., 182; Tjerck (Tyrk), 81, 82, 185; Tyrick, 82, 138; Tryntje, 82, 96, 127. SCHOUTEN: Jannetie, 70; Johanna, 70; Jo- hannis, 70; Mettje, 70. SCHRIVER: Jacob, 151. SCHUTT: Abraham, 102* ; Ephraim, 102 ; Geerthen, 102; Gritie, 102*; Heyltje, 102; Jan, 102; Jan Willem, 102; Jannetje, 102; Magdaleen, 95, 102* ; Marytje, 93, 102* ; Menasses, 102 ; Myn- dert, 102*; Neyltie, 102*; Sal- omon, 102*; Sara, 102; Wil- lem Jansen, 102. SCHUYLER: Alida, 128; Geo. W., 35; Phil- ip, 49; Philip & Co., 125; Phil- ip Pieterse, 92. SEALE: Esther, 162, 163; Jacob, 162, 163. SEBA: Wm. Jansen, 21, 22. SEEBRINCK: Jan, 39. SEELEY, SEALE, SEELY: Esther, 162; Hester, 163; Ja- cob, 162, 163. SELLECK: David, 172. SELLICK: Abby, 171, 172. SEMONS: See Symons. SESUMS: See Tysen. SHARPS: William, 140*. SHEVER: Johannis, 133, 134. SHEW: Martinus, 134. SHOE: Martinus, 134. Index of Names. 239 SHUART: John, 172*. SILVESTER: Nathaniel, 49; Patience, 49. SIMS, SYMS: Lancaster, 125. SLECHT, SLEQHT, SLEQT: Anna, 32, 33*, 133; Awnitie Cornelissen, 33; Anthony, 33, 93; Cheiltje Cornelis, 59; eornelis, 26, 27, 33*, 191 ; Cor- nelis B., 3'2, 191 ; CorneUs Ba- rentsen, 21, 22, 33, 36, 39, 60, 73, 189*,' 19P, 191*; Elisabeth, 3^; Elsie, 32, 191*; Hendrick Cornelisen, 190 ; Hendricus, 32, 33, 190, 191 ; Jacomyntie, 39; Jacomyntie, 32*, 33, 39, 6o*,J9i; Jan, 33; John, i47> Madleen, 64; Mattys, 32, 52, 64, 71, 72*, 73, 76, 191*; Mat- tys Cornejisen, 32, 33, 35; Maria Magdalena, 32, 33*, 71, 72, 73; Neeltje, 33, 93; Petro- nella, 32, 127, 191 ; Petrus, 33 ; Sara, 33 ; Tryntje, 33, 34, 191 ; Tryntje Tysen Bosch, 32, 73. SLICOTEN: Geertruy, 189; Jacob Jansen, 189; Jan Jacobsen, 189; Jan Jansen, 189; Willem Jansen, 189; see Slykkoten. SLIMER: Mathise, 112. SLINOSLAND: Teunis, 92. SLICHTENHORST: Aeltye, 44 ; G. V., 4A', see Van Sleghtenhorst. SLUYTER: Daniel, 158. SLYKKOTEN: Geertruyd, 28; Jan Jacobs, 28; see Slicoten. SMEDES: Benjamin, 35, 102, 117; Ca- trina, 124, 148; Elisabeth, 33; Helena, 148; Magdalena, 35; Peter, 124, 148; Rachel, 117. SMITH: Abraham, 141* ; Daniel, 141 ; Elisabeth, 152; Fallen, 141; Henry, 141, 152*; Hezekiah, 170; Jan, 141; Jan Cornelisen, 27 ; Johannis, 141 ; Margaret, 141, Marrslye, 141 ; Nelly, 141 ; Petrus, 141 ; Thomas Gibson, 168; William, 152. SNYDER, SNIDER, SNEYDER, SCHNEIDER: Abraham, 149*, 186; Antjen, 148, 149*, 186*; Annah Dea- ■ — mute, 149; Benjamin, 149*, 157*; Catherine, 132, 149*, 186; Ceeletjen, 186; Christian, 148, 149; Christina, 185, 186*; Cornelia, 186; Elisabeth, 149, 186*; George, 186; Grietje, 149, 185, 186*; Helena, 149; Henry, 149* ; Isaak, 148, 149* ; Jacob, 151, 173; Jeremiah, 148, 149, 180; Johanna, 186*; Jo- hannes, 185; Johannes, 148; 149*, 151, 186*; Johannes, Jr., 186; Jury, 186; Lea, 186; Mar- garet, 149*; Martinus, 148; Martin, 148, 149*; Maria, 149*, 185, 186*; Petrus, 186; Rachel, 186*; Seletje, 186; Susan Margaret, 149 ; Trineke, 149; Willem, 134, 148, 149; Zacharias, 148*, 149*. SOPER: William, 170, 176. SPROEDT: Harmen, 36. STAAT: Abraham, 54. 240 Index of Names. STEENBERQH, STEENBERGE : Maria, iS7; Thomas, 157, 188; Thomas J., I57; see Van Steenbergen. STEVENSE: Geertruy, 83 ; Joseph, 83. STEVENSEN: Goert, 39. STOL: Jan, 191, 192. STYLES: James J., 177; William J., 177. STOKER: Catharina, 183. STRAHAN: James, I44- STRYCKER: Jan, 39. STUYVESANT: Director, 58 ; Governor, 92. SUDAM & OSTRANDER: 171. SUYLANDT: Huybert, 72, 73*; Johannes, 184; Rachel, 182; Sara, 72, 73*- SWAAN: Jacob, 62*. SWACHENHALS: 37- SWART: Adam, 71, 74; Baartjen, 182; Catharine, 1^7, 137; Cornelius, 74, 85, 150; Cornelisse Theu- nis, 73; Elisabeth, 73, 74; Esais, 74; Femmetje (van Middle), 88; Jan Teunissen, 88; Frederic, 74; Gertruyd, 103; Jacomyntje, 71, 74; Janneke, 164; Jesias, 74; Jo- hanna, 186; Marytje, 74, 82; Metje, 71; Rachel, 186; Ten- nis, 74; William, 106; see Cor- nelisse, Theunissen. SWARTWOUT, SWARTWOLT: Anthony, 91, 92*; Ariantje, 92; Bemardus, 43, 92*, iio, 119; Cornelia, 49. 9^> 9^*' Elisabeth, 92 ; Eva, 49, 91, 92* ; Francyntje, 92 ; Hendrikje, 61, 91, 92; Jacobus, 92; Jacomy- na, 92; Jannetje, 92; Rachel, 43, 91, 92*; Roeloff, 91; Roe- loflf, 22*, 26, 27*, 28*, 29, 31, 37, 40*, 49, 55. 60, 92*, 189*; Rudolphus, 92; Thomas, 91*, 92*- SWITZ, SWVTS, SWITS, SWETTS, SWITSER, SWITZART : Abraham, 121; Aeltie, 121; Apolonia, 121*, 127; Arientje, 121 ; Claes Comelissen, 121 ; Cornelia, 121; Cornells, 120; Cornells, 57, 58, 118*, 121*, 127; Cornells Claessen, 121; Isaac, 121; Jacob, 121*; Jan- netje, 127; Jannetje, 57, 58, 120, 121 ; Pieter, 121 ; Susan- na, 121. SWITZLER: Eva, 182. SYBRENDE: Wyntje, 65. SYMONS: Ariantje, 92; Jannetie, 103. SYMS: See Sims. TACK: Aart Pietersen, 22*. TAFFIN: Jan, 25. TAPPEN: Barber, 127*; Barbara, 34; Catharina, 43; Charles, Jr., 171, 172, 178; Christ, 149; Index of Names. 241 Christopher, 120, 141 ; Corn., 165; Elsie, 39; Geo., 166, 177; H. & Co., 177; Jheunes, no; Maragritie, 43; Pieter, 34, no, 171 ; Teunis, 66. TAPPER: See Tappan. TELLER: Helena, 58. TEN BROECK: Abraham, 174; Benjamin, 181*; Blandina, 174; Cather- ine, 106, 127, 14s, 148; Con- rad, 42*, 67, 68; Cornelia, 32; Cornelius, 173, 174*; Dirck Wesselse, 32, 65, 106, 128 ; Eli- sabeth, 42; Elsie, 42, 66, 67, 68; Geertruy, 42, 66, 67*, 68*; Henry, 173, 174; Jacob, 42, 67, 68; Jacomyntje, 42; Johannis, 67. 75, 105, 127, 148; John, 42*, 173, 174*; Laurentia, 42, 66, 67, 151 ; Maria, 41 ; Maria, 42*, 44, 66, 67, 68 ; Rachel, 42, 75, ^27, 148; Sarah, 42, 44, 66, 67*, 68*, 150; W., 105; Wessel, 32*, 33, 34, 42*, 44*, SO, 59, 61, 66, 67*, 68*, 173, 174*, 191, 192; Wessel, 41, 66, 173; Wessel, Jr., 42; Wessel, Sr., 42, 46. TEN EYCK: Abraham, 148; Conrad, 42; Grietje, 148, 182; Hendrick, 62; Janneke, 75, 148*; Maria, 41 ; Maria, 34, 42, 44; Matthys, 42, 75, 148, 169, 182; Petro- nella, i62. TENHOUT: Catherine, 148; Cornelis, 103; Gertrude, 95, 96, 127 ; Leveryn, 41 ; Neeltje, 103 ; Severyn, 95 ; Severyn, 40, 41, 96, 127, 148; see Bruyn, Fynhout, Vynhout. TER BOSCH, TER BOS: Catrina, 88; Marytje, 102. TERPENNINQ: Breechje, 158, 183. TBRWILLIQER, TERWELOER, TIRWILLIGER: Maria, 129, 130; Mattheus, 129, 130; Salomon, 132. THEUNISSEN, TUENISSEN, THEUNIS, THEUENIN, THUNJUN, TEUNISSE, THONISSEN : Adam (Swart), 74; Antjen, 186; Arent, 27*, 47, 58*, 192; Christina, 186; Claesje, 22; Claesje (Swart), 74; Cornelis (Cool), 120; Derick, 88; Esai- as (Swart), 74; Femmetje (Van Middle Swart), 88; Frederic (Swart), 74; Geer- truy, 61; Grietjen, 186; Jaco- myntje (Swart), 74; Jan (Swart), 88; Jan, 116; Jan- netie (Cool), 120; Maria, 58, 74 ; Sweer, 22, 74, 105 ; Teunis ( Swart) , 74 ; see Bosch, Cool, Derriksen, Klaarwater, Swart, Van Middle Swart, Van Vech- ten. THOMASSE: Jan, 64. THOMPSON: Beekman, 177; Elisabeth, 177; William A., 168. THEUNGAS: Annatje, 186. THUNJUS: See Theunissen. TILSON: Hannah, 179*; Paul, 179. TITSOORT, TOETSOO: Abram, 68; Aeche, Willem, 79; Elisabeth, 50. 242 Index of Names. TRAPHAGEN, TRAPHEQEN, TROPHAGEN : Aaggien, 46; Aarent, 46; Ael- tie, 36, 46*; Alida, 46; Anna, 36; Anthony, 36; Catryn, 36, 46; Eelet, 36*, 46; Elsebus, 36; Eva, 46; Eycke, 46; Gees- je, 46; Gepje, 46; Helen, 46*, 182; Hendrick, 35, 36, 46*; Jannetie, 36, 46*; Johannes, 36, 46*; Jonathan, 46; Joosje, 36, 46; Josie, 46; Justje, 46; Lucas, 46; Rebecca, 36, 46*; RoelofF, 46; Sara, 46; Tryntje, 46; Willem, 35, 46; William, 35, 36*, 46*, 63, 7^*, 182 ; Wil- liam Jansen, 46. TRIMPER: Andrew, 142 ; Elisabeth, 142. TROMMELS: Ariantje, 121. TROPHAGEN: See Traphagen. TRUMPOR: See Trimpor. TUNISSEN: See Theunissen. TULP: Nicholas, 24. TURCK: Catrina, 95, 137, 180; Jacob, 95 ; Jannetje, 94, 95 ; Johannes, 94, 95- TUTHILL: Jonathan, 49. TYNHOUT: See Tenhout. TYSELL: Jan, S3. TYSENs JoM, 33; Jan, 105; Jannetje, 102; Matelen, 33; Magdalen, 34; Marreganta, 34; Tryntie (Bosch), 32; Tryntie (Bosch), 73, 191* ; see Mattysen. TYSON: John & Co., 34. UIN: See Een. UYTHOFF: Elisabeth, 74; Wouter, 74. VALLEOU: Steven, 49*, 51. VAN AALSTEYN: Isaac, 146; Martinus, 146. VAN AKEN: Abraham, 118; Catrina, 182; Cornelius, 182; Isaak, 118; Jannetje, 118; John E., 180; Maria, 177; Martinus, 182; Pieternel, 182; Rachel, 118; Samuel, 177; see A ken. VAN ALCMAER: Adrian Petersen, 32; Elsie, 32. VAN AMERSFORT: Jan Jansen, 26*, 27, 28. VAN BENSCHOTEN: See Bomschoten. VAN BENTHUYSEN: Barent, 81, 103*, 134, 182 ; Ca- tryntje, 95; Janneke, 81, 103*, 182 ; Margriet, 81, 182. VAN BERGEN: Deborah, 137. VAN BOMMEL: See Van Bone. VAN BOMSHOTEN: See Bomschoten. VAN BONE, VAN BOME, VAN BOMMEL, VAN BUMMEL, WAMBOMEZ: Deborah, 182 ; Pieter, 95, 182. VAN BORSUM: Aefje, 43; Annatje, 43*; Bch rendt, 43; Barendt, 190; Cor- Index of Names. 243 nelis, 65; Egbert, 43*; Gritie, 35, 43; Hermanus, 43; Hen- drick, 43 ; Jannetie, 43 ; Mach- tel, 43 ; Margaret, 35 ; Neeltie, 43 ; Sarah, 65 ; Tyman, 35, 43. VAN BROUQH: Catherine, 65 ; Johannes, 65 ; John, 65. VAN BRUGH: See Van Brough. VAN BUNTSCHOTEN: See Bomschoten. VAN BUREN, VAN BEUREN: Anneke, 133; Ariantje, 38; Cornelius, 133, 178, 179, 180; Cornelius Martinsen, 38; Elis- abeth, 179, 180; Gerrit, 133; Henry, 180; John, 180; Sara, 133 > Tobias, 106. VAN BUYTSCHOTEN: See Bomschoten. VAN CLECK: Johannes, 113; Tryntie, 113. VAN COVELENS: Adriaentie, 41 ; Jacob Joosten, 41. VAN CURLER: Jonkheer, 121. VAN DAM: Kip & Co., 125; Rip, 163. VAN DE CUVL: Annatje, 44; Cornelis Barent- sen, 44; Lysbet, 44. VAN DEN BERG: Ariantje Gerritse, 38, 71 ; Divert] e, 82*, 95 ; Deborah, 82*; Elisabeth, 95; Guysbert, 82*, 95, 136; Marytje, 58. VAN DEN BOGAARD: Catrina, 59; see Bogaard. VANDERHEUL: Abraham, 32; Femmetje, 32; Tryntje, 32. VAN DER LINDEN: Elisabeth, 73, 74. VAN DER MERKEN: Gees j en, 130. VAN DER VOLGEN: Claas Lourense, 74; Claes (Laurense van Purmerend), 74; Marytje, 74. VAN DER WVCK: Cornelis Barentse, 40. VAN DER ZEE: Hillitie, 44; Storm, 44. VAN DEUSEN: Jan, 136; Job., 184. VAN DE WATER: Hendrick, 42. VAN DYCK, VAN DYKE: Jacobus, no. VAN ELMENDORPH, VAN ELMENDORF : Anna, 38*, 55; Ariantje, 38; Blandina, 38; Conrad, 38, 55*, 56; Geertje, 38*, 55, 56; Ger- ti^, 55 ; Jacobus^ 55; Jacobus, 38*, S3. 55, 56; Jenneke, 55, 56; Margaret, 38, 53; Tekla, 55*; see Elmendorph. VAN ETTEN, VAN ETEN, VAN NETTEN : Catharine, 182; Jacobus, 75, 182; Jacobus G., 177; Lea, 182 ; Petronella, 75 ; Tietje, 66, 130, 132. VAN FLIET: See Van Vliet. VAN GAASBECK: Abraham, 157, 163, 190; Dom., 42 ; Jacobus, 173* ; Jacomyntje, 42, 190; John, 174; Laurentia, 42*, 190; Laurentius, 42, igo; Maria, 190; Peter, 174; Thom- as, 173, 174- 244 Index of Names. VAN QISEN: Aeltie, 43* ; Johanes, 43*. VAN HEYNINGEN: Claes Jansen, 95; Hilligond Jansen, 95; Janneke Jansen, 95 ; Marytje, 103. VAN HOECK: Bennony (Arents), 74; Jaco- myntje, 74. VAN HOOGHTEQHLINQH: Sara, 133 ; see Hooghteyling. VAN IMBROCK: Gysbert, 23; Gysbert, 22*, 25, 26 ; Lysbeth, 22. VAN KEULEN: See Van Keuren. VAN KEUREN, VAN KEULEN: Barbara, 34; Benjamin, 34; Claes, 34; Cornelius, 34, 36; Gerardus, 34; Hasuel, 34; Hendrick, 34; Kesia, 34, 36; Lea, 34; Maria, 34*; Mattys, 34; Matys Jansen, 33; Mattys Matthysen, 58; Nicholas, 34; Sara, 34; Tjatje (Mattysen), 58 ; Thomas, 34* ; Tjerck, 34* ; Tjerck Mattysen, 34; Trezia, 36; Tryntje, 34; see Matthy- sen. VAN LEUVEN: Andries, 139; Angenietjen, 152; Annatie, 158*; Barbara, 66; Catrina, 152; Daniel, 151, 152*; Dina, 152; Elisabeth, 152*; Hanna, 152; Johannes, 66; John, 151; John, 152; Margaret, 152; Mary, 152; Meribah, 151, 152*; Peter, 139*, 151, 152*; Rachel, 152. VAN MEETEREN: Emanuel, 24; Jan Joosten, 41 ; Joost Jansen, 39, 41 ; Maycken, 41 ; Rebecca, 39; Sara, 39, 41. VAN MIDDLE SWART: Femmetje, 88. VAN NAMEN: Joshem Enthelbert, 43. VAN NEECK: Lambert, 58. VAN NETTEN: See Van Etten. VAN NEWKERK: See Nemkerk. VAN NIEVENKUYZEN: Aef je, 43 ; Louis, 43. VAN OOSTERHOUT: Anna Janzen, 30, 130; Jan Janse, 26, 29, 30, 31, 130; see Oosterhout. VAN OSTRANT, VAN VORSTRAND : Anna, 178; Dinah, 179; Elias, 178; Elisabeth, 179; Frederick, 178; Hannah, 179; John, 178; Lewis, 178, 179; see Ostran- der. VAN PURMEREND: Claes Laurense, 74. VAN RENSSELAER: Alida, 128; Elisabeth, 145; Rev. Nicholas, 128. VAN SCHOONHOVEN: Catalyn, 121; Qaes Cornelis- en, 121; Margrietje C, 31; see Switz and Schoonhoven. VAN SLICHTENHORST, VAN SLEGHTENHORST: Aeltye, 43; Brandt Arentse, 44; Gerrit, 43; Gerrit, 33, 44; Gouda, 44; Hilligond, 44; Ra- gel, 44- VAN SLYK: Alida, 137, 180; Angenietjen, 152; Metje, 71. VAN STEENBERQH(EN): Abraham, 156*, 157*, 158*; Index of Names. 245 Alida, 157; Annatje, 136, 157, 158*; Aries, 182*; Baartjen, 182; Benjamin, 182*; Cathar- ine, 157*; Christina, 156*, 158; Cornelis, 156, 158; Elisa- beth, 157, 158; Geertruyd, 157; Helena, 156*, 157, 158, 181, 182; Henderikus, 156, 157; Jane, 157; Jannetje, 158; Johanna, 182; Johannes, 157*, 181, 182; Johttj 157; John, 156, 158, 165, 168, 169; John T., 158; Margaret, 156, 157*, 168*; Maria, 157; Matthew, 156, 158; Paul, 156, 157; Pe- trus, 158; Rachel, 182; Sara, 136*, 182; Tobias, 156; Tobi- as, 156, 157*, 158*"; Tobias Jansen„ 157; see Steenhergen. VAN STEENWYCK: Albert Jansen, 25, 29 ; Jan Al- bertsen, 22. VAN STOUTENBORCH: Jacob Jansen, 189. VAN TWILLER: Governor, 65. VAN VEQHTEN, VAN .VECHTEN : Jannetje, 88; Johannis, 65*; Maria, 65 ; Michael Dirk, 88* ; Neeltje Cornelis, 88; see Theu- nissen, Vechten. VAN VENETIEN: P. Paulus, 24. VAN VELPEN: Adriaentie Cornelis, 41. VAN VLERK: Isaac, 192. VAN VLIET: Anna Andriesen, 71, 82; An- natje, 71 ; Arry (Arie, Aerry), 82; Catharina, 151; Dirck, 71, 82, 120; Dirck Aryensse, 41; Geertjen (Gritie), 41, 43, 82; Gerrit, 62; Jan, 76, 191, 192; Machteld, 43; Machteld, 41. VAN VQVELENS: Jacob Joosten, 41. VAN VORSTRAND: See Van Ostrand. VAN VREDENBURQH: Cornelia, 54. VAN WAGENEN (WAGENINGEN) : Aart, 35, 39, 71, 82*, 95, 103*, 114; Abraham, 95; Aeltje, 103; Aeltje Gerritse, 39; Aert Jacobsen, 8, 38, 82, 95, 103; Anna, 70, 82, 103; Annatje Aertse, 71, 95, 103, 106*, 148; Barent, 103*, no; Benjamin, 95; Catherine, 95, 165; Clara, 103, 106; Elisabeth, 82, 95; Evert, 70, 95, 103*; Ger- rit, 40, 95*, 103; Gerrit H., 14; Gerrit Aartsen, 106*; Gertrud, 95, 103; Gritje Aart- sen, 32, 38, 148; Goosen, 103* ; Hannah, 127 ; Hillegard, 95"; Hillegond, 95; Isaac, 95; Jacob, 103*, 182 ; Jacob Aart- ^ L. "t"^ sen, 71, 79, 95*, 106; Jannetje, « ^- 81, 95*, 103*, 182; Lea, 103; Maria, 35, 95, 103*; Neeltje, 103*, 106; Rachel, 167; Rebec- ca,' 79. 95. 103. 160; Sara, 95*, 127; Sara Aartsen, 79, 95, 106; Simon, 95, 103*, 127, 147 ; Sol- omon, 127, 167; see Aartse, Aartsen, Jacobsen. VAN WEQEN, VAN WAYEN. VAN WYAN, VAN WEYEN : Annatie, 79. VAN WOLPEN: Arriantie, 41. VAN WYCK: 135- 246 Index of Names. VAN ZUTPHEN: Bernard, 24, 28. VAS: Dom. Petrus, 93, 117. VAUQHAN: Sir John, 5. VECHTEN: ' Hendrick Claessen, 88; Jan- net je Claessen, 88; see Van Veghten. VELLE: Mary, 79 ; Louis, 79. VELTEN: Max ( imilian ) , 177; Philip, VERBEEK: Jan, 54. VERBRUQQE: Old Michael, 27*. VERKINDEREN: Jan, 46 ; Joosje, 46. VERMEULEN: Elisabeth, 30; Femmetje, 29, 30; Joost A., 29; Joost A., 41 ; Marietje, 29, 30. VERNOOY: Anna, 58; Annetie, 44; Con- rad, 154; Cornelia, 34, 44; Cornelis, 44; Cornells, 42, 44, 58, 81 ; Cornelius, Jr., 81 ; Elis- abeth, 34, 44, 164; Geertruy, 44; Grietje, 44, 58; Hendrick, 163; Jacob, 44; Jenneke, 44; Johannes, 44; Margriet, 154; Maria, 44, 162, 163; Petrus, 162, 163 ; Rachel, 44, 99 ; Sara, 42, 44, 164; Sella, 44; Seletje, 44. VER PLANCK: Wm. Gordon, 14. VERSCHEUER: Arriaentjen, 41. VERSTEEQ: Diederick, 28. VIELE: Antje, 35; Arnold, 135; Jaco- myntje, 74; John, 128; Philip, 35 ; Philip, Jr., 122 ; Petrus, 74, 134 ; Pieternella, 82. VLECHT: Mellysen, 55. VLIET: Arie, 82; Geertie, 82; Volck- ert, 64; see Van Vliet. VOSBURQH: Jan, 134. VREDENBERGH: Antje, 66. VROOMAN: Elisabeth, 74; Jacob Meese, 74- VYNHOUT: Cornelis, 74; Jacomyntje, 74; see Fynhout and Tenhout. WALDERON, WALDRON: Isaac, 163; Niesje, 93; Ruth, 92*, 93; Samuel, 93; Sarah, 163. WALRAVEN: 38. WANBOOM: See Van Bone. WARD: Jan, 49. 5i ; John, 39, 55, 104. WARRING: James, 171, 172; Patience, 171, 172. WEBBER: Catrina Hansen, 58. WELLS: A. J., 92 ; Mary, 82. WELLES: „PW)ipPs. 3i> 34, 59, 92. WEMP: Jan Barentsen, 22. Index of Names. 247 WESSELSE: Dirck, 65; see Ten Broeck. WEST: John, 135, 139; Petrus, 146; William, 94. WESTBROECK: Johannis, 72, 106. WESTPHAEL: Blandina, 118; Jurian, 27, 31, 118; Neeltje, 118, 182*; Sy- mon, 118, 182. WEYEN: Antje, 158. WHEALER: Joseph, 106. WHITAKER, WITTIKER: Benjamin, 177* ; Catherine, 177*; Edward, 50; Edward, SO*, 80, 81, 82, 182; Edward James, 122; Elisabeth, 50; George, 177; Hannah, 50; Helena, 182; Hillitje, 50, 82, 182 ; James, 50*, 80, 81, 181 ; John, 122, 123; Lawrence, 177*; Peter S., 177; Philip, 177; Sawney, 177*; Theo- dosia, 82; Tjerck, 177; Zach- arias, 177. WIBAU: Janneke, 79. WIDDIQER: See Whitaker. WILEMAN: Henry, 124. WILLIAM, WILLEMS, WILLEMSE, WILLEMSEN, WILLIAMSEN : Aeche (Titsourt), 79; Bar- bary, 36; Catherine, 142; Dir- rick, 21; Elisabeth, 30; Hilli- gondt, 75 ; Jan, 36; Jan, 8, 26*, 27*. 28, 30, 36, 189; Jan- netie (Qaes proenvis), 36, 46; J9hn, 48, 142; Joosje (Noortryck), 46; Justje (Claes Groenvis), 36, 46; Maria, 43, 73- WILLEMSEN: See Schutt. WILLEMSDOGHTER: Maria, 43. WILLKIN: John, 144*, William, 144. WINEKOOP: Johannes, Sr., 112; see Wyn- koop. WINNE: Aagje, 46; Anna, 137; Livi- nus, S3 ; Peter, 54, 188 ; Tanna, 137 ; Teuntie, S3- WIRTSUNGH: 24. WITTIGERT, WITTIKER: See Whitaker. WOLF: Maria, 185. WOLVEN: Edward, 138; Frederick, 163; Jan, 52; Jonathan, 172; Mad- deleen, 100; Margriet, 152; Thomas, 163. WULFIN: Anna Margaretta, 149; Johan- nes, 149; Sara, 185. WYGERT: Aeltje, 22, 29. WYNKOOP: Annetie, 32, 97 ; Benjamin, 32, 38; Catherine, 32, 38; Corne- lia, 32; Cornelius, 32; Corne- lius, 32, 36, "38*, 39, 42, 124, 161, 182 ; Cornelius D., 161 ; D., Jr., 181 ; Dirck, 120*, .136, 141, 146, 148, 149, 151, IS2, iSS, 160, 162; Elisabeth, 42; Evert, 32, 38, 64, 81 ; Fem- metje, 32; Geertjen, 38, 56, 248 Index of Names. I20*; Gertrude, 32; Hillitje, 32*, 40, 97; Janneke, 127, 128; Johanes, 32, 38, 42*, 47, 52, 62, 64, 112; John D., 145; Judith, 32, 42, 124; Lea, 160*, 161, 162; Maria^ 38; Maria, 32, 38*, 39, 182; Maria Janse Langedyk, 32*, 38, 39; Mat- tyse, 56 ; Nicholas, 32 ; Tobias, 122. YATES: Peter W., 161, 162. YEA: August, 49. YORK: Elias, 173*. YSSELSTEIN: Gertrude, 96, 127; Jan Wil- lemse, 96, 127; Willemtje, 96, 127; see Esselstem. ZALOME: Maria (Mestelaer), 157. ZOUT: Eva, 46. ZUYLANT: See Suylant. ZWITS: Comelis Claesse, 121 ; see Swits.