1 wiynfAswSarf «•» •I ^^i The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924028851000 ^^f^. JkoIFoSEiilR^S: HISTORY TOWN OF WINCHENDON) CWOECESTER COUNTY, MASS.,) ' FROM THE GRANT OF IPSWICH CANADA IN 1735, TO THE PRESENT TIME. REV. A. P. MARVIN. * Childien's children are tlie crown of old men : and the glory (tf childien are their fathers." — PaoTSSBS xth : 6. V^NCHENDON": PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1868. Entered accordiag to Act of Congress in the' year 18G3, by A. P. MARVIN, in the Clerk's OfSce of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Massachusetts. PBINII!!]) BY GABFIELD b STBATTON, ITSItaiirST,, FITCBBtTBa, UAS3. -? ^/ 3 S7/3 X INTRODUCTION. " The door swings wide ; enter the structure plain, Koomy and somewhat large ; of ornament Devoid, save that each hall, bracket and niche. Is graced with some ancestral form and face ; And aU is consecrate to God." OEIGIN OP THE WORK. At a town meeting held in March, 1857, it was voted " that the school committee be a committee to correspond with the family of the late Milton Whiton, to see upon what terms the manuscript can be pro- cured, and report at some future meeting." The " manuscript" re- ferred to in the vote, consisted of four Lectures on the history of Win- chendon, prepared by Rev. John Milton Whiton, D. D., then of Ben- nington, N. H., extending over about one hundred and fifty pages of medium sized sermon paper. Being a native of Winchendon and much interested in its early history, and being moreover addicted to histori- cal ipquiries, he had prepared a brief history of the town from the ori^- nal grant of Ipswich Canada, to the year 1820. In the year 1856, he read two of these lectures in the town hall, to a respectable audience, by whom he was requested to read the remainder. Much interest was expressed in the work, and offers of compensation were made. The Dr. , while declining to receive any pay, consented to continue the reading of his manuscript, at some convenient time. His decease, in the course of the coming season, prevented the fulfillment of his promise, but the people were desirous of possessing his manuscript, and either printing it as a History, or making it the foundation of a History of the town. In accordance with the above vote, the committee, — Messrs. A. P. Marvin, Elisha Murdock, B. F. Clarke, B. S. Merrill and Isaac M. Murdock — corresponded with the family of Dr. Whiton, and purchased the four lectures for iforiy dollars. They reported that " the history was very valuable as far as it goes," but that being in the form of lectures, 4 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOW. it " must be re-written, in part, or else be accompanied by occasional notes." The latter method was preferred by the committee. Besides other suggestions, was this : " that the town as a corporation, will be one hundred years old in a few years, when it is probable there will be a Centennial Celebration, the account of which wiU be an interesting chapter of town history." It was thought best therefore " to defer the publication until after that event." It was voted by the town, that in- asmuch as the work of Dr. Whiton, " though valuable, is not complete, a committee be appointed to collect and compile such additional facts in relation to the military, business, educational and religious history of the town, as are necessary to bring the annals of the town down to the present time." The committee chosen were A. P. Marvin, Elisha Mur- dock, Bethuel Ellis, Stillman Hale and Isaac M. Murdock. In March, 1860, this committee were instructed " to make a full and definite Plan of the History of the town, and report the same to the next town meeting." This vote was complied with, and a Plan was reported, which was adopted by the town. It is substantially that on which the following pages were written, and therefore need not be cop- ied here. It may be said, however, that the report and plan contem- plated a new work, and not merely Dr. Whiton's manuscript with notes. That was found to be impracticable. The manuscript could only be used as materials for history. In accordance with the recommendation of the committee, it was voted that " the work be embellished with pic- tures of the town hall and the old meeting-house on the hill, and also with a map of the town, to be procured at the public expense, and also with portraits, and.with pictures of churches, dwellings, &c., at private expense." At subsequent times, the town voted to add pictures of the academy and the new school-house. In 1861, the committee were authorized to prepare a history on the plan proposed, and " draw on the treasury for all necessary expenses." Action was taken at different times with reference to the publication of the history, as soon after the hundredth anniversary — 1664 — as con- venient. But when the time came, the country was in the crisis of its fate ; the centennial passed by without any municipal celebration ; and it was the general opinion that the work ought not to be put to press until the suppression of the rebellion, in order that the action of the town in sustaining the government, might be included. For this rea. INTRODUCTION. O son, it was voted, at the March meeting, in 1865, that the publication of the work be still farther deferred. At the same time, a vote was passed, requesting the writer to prepare the history of the town, and draw on the town treasurer for his compensation. In the meantime, Capt. Hale had been removed from the committee by death, and Mr. Luke Rice had been chosen in his place. The health of Hon. Blisha Murdock had failed, so that, for several years, he had been able to render no assistance. From the above date, the whole responsibility of preparing the work has rested upon -the author, though votes were passed at different times, referring the matter of publication to the com- mittee and the' selectmen. By a vote in 1866, the work was farther delayed. At the March meeting in 1867, the publication of the work was authorized, and in the autumn of that year, it was seriously prosecuted. Collections had been made during the preceding years, but it was found necessary to make a thorough search of all the town records, as well as those of the churches, parishes and other associa- tions. Several weeks were occupied in this work, and early in the pres- ent year, the writing of the history was commenced. At the March meeting, — 1868 — it was agreed that the " town would furnish the pic- tures and maps voted heretofore, at the town's expense, and subscribe for seventy-five copies of the History," if the author would publish the work at his own expense. SOURCES 01" THE WORK. The " History of Winchendon" by the late venerable Mr. Ezra Hyde, was a very accurate and creditable work. It was appreciated by the public, and the edition was soon exhausted. But it was very .brief, and merely referred to facts and events. All the records copied or referred to by him, I have consulted in the originals. For the dates when certain families moved into the town, and their places of residence, as well as for a number of facts recorded in the chapter on" note-wor- thy eventSj" his work deserves the credit. The manuscript of Dr. Whiton is worthy of his re]putation as an accurate chronicler of events, written in an elegant style. Everything coming from his pen, was neat and correct. The paper is of superior quality, with gilt edges. The handwriting is legible as print, and as beautiful as an engraving, and the words and sentences take their places with almost faultless precis- ion. But as the narrative was not complete, it was necessary to put 6 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOIT. it aside, and write the history of the town anew. If the whole of hia manuscript were printed, it would probably cover about seventy pages of this volume ; but as it contains many references to extraneous mat- ters, the part that relates to Winchendon would occupy much less space. The reader will be indebted to him for many anecdotes and incidents illustrative of the life and character of people here in the olden time. I have thought it right to make these references to the much respect- ed gentlemen who have written on the history of the town, but the true sources of the following history are to be found in original Records. I have read almost every page of the several volumes of town Records, including the Registers of births, marriages, and deaths. In addition, the Recordiof churches, religious, societies, engine companies, literary associatiogs, soldiers' aid societies, and committees, have been careful- ly examitied. The work was long and dreary, but it was unavoidable if the history was to be full and reliable. Besides^ I have consulted ori^nal papers in the offices of the Secretary of State, and the Adju- tant-General. All the names of militia officers were copied from the rolls by my own hand ; ahd in making out the roll of the soldiers in the late war, I searched through more than seven hundred pages of fine print, in the office of the State printers, in order to secure accuracy. But as the State has not yet half completed the work of printing a cor- rect roll of all her soldiers, there must necessarily be omissions and er- rors in the chapter on the war. The individuals to whom the author is indebted, are numerous. Bethuel Ellis, Esq., and Mr. Luke Rice of the eominHttee, have ren- dered very valuable aid. The former has assisted in forming the Kvaps, and in making out the list of soldiers ; and by his surveys, has enabled me to give the height of the Centre above the water in the Village, and to form a plan of the Common. His advice has beeu sought on many occasions, and has always been esteemed. The extraordinary memo- ry of Mr. Rice has been of great asastanee. His inind is a repository of local and personal history, and he has been free to communicate. In particular, the names of all the married couples in town in the year 1800, were furnished by him. His name occurs often in the following pages, where proper credit is given. Many of the names on the pages accompanying the maps, were also derived from his recollection. Web- ster Whitney, Esq., has furnished several excerpts from the Records^ — in particular, nearly all the list of town officers — ^and has given much INTRODUCTION. 7 - verbal information. He has allowed me the freest access to the origi- • nal papers in his office, and the printed works which would throw light on the history of the town. The Records through all the years of the town's eastence, have been written in a legible hand, but some of the clerks had their own peculiar modes of spelling and of forming senten- ces. For the last thirty-six years, the Records are a model of neat- ness a^d accuracy. The author takes pleasure in expressing his indebtedness to the late Mr, Smyrna Greaton for most of the facts in the history of the Meth- /pdist church ; to the Hon. Artemas Hale, of Bridgewater ; to Mr. Al- .bert Brown for the papers of his venerable grandfather, the Hon. Abel Wilder ; to Messrs. Jacob and John Woodbury, and many others, for information in regard to unrecorded facts. It should be added how- ever, that the information of different persons often covered the same ground, and that in every instance, where possible, resort has been had to the Records for the sake of verification. THE CENTENNIAL. Reference has been made to the hundredth anniversary of the organ- ization of the town, and to the fact that the centennial celebration which was contemplated, never took place. In fact, the town intended to have a celebration, and voted a thousand dollars to pay the expenses. A large and respectable committee was appointed to make arrange- ments. The Hon. William B. Washburn, our representative in Con- gress, a native of the town, was invited to prepare the historical ad- dress. But the pressure of business upon him made it impossible for Mm to find time for that service. As the time for the anniversary, the i4th day of June, 1864, drew nigh, the committee concluded to post- pone, for the time, at least, the proposed celebration. The principal reason given was, that the public mind was too intently and anxiously fixed on the great struggle in the " wilderness," and beyond, where many of our soldiers were fighting and falling, to enter into the spirit of a centennial celebration. The time therefore passed by, with per- haps an expectation that later in the year, a day might be found for the commemorative festivity. But what is not done in its time, is gen- erally never done ; and thus it proved in this case. We had no cen- tennial proceedings to make a chapter of history. However, as the season wore away, and the time of year, — Novem- 8 HISTOET OF WINCHBNDON. ber, — when the first town meeting was held in the town, drew near, a desire was expressed by some of the aged inhabitants, to have a histor- ical discourse on the early history of the town. Accordingly it was proposed to have all the congregations unite on Thanksgiving day, and after suitable expressions of gratitude for the Divine favor, in the bless- ings of the year, to recall the past of the town's history. On the ap- pointed day, the North Congregational house of wors'hip was thronged by the people from all parts of the town, who came to participate in the services. The preliminary exercises had special reference to Thanks- giving. The singing, the scriptures and the prayers were appropriate to the day. The devotions were conducted by Eev. Messrs. Clarke, Best and Litchfield. The author then gave an address which extend- ed through an hour and a half, to which the audience listened with ap- parent interest. The facts and anecdotes crowded into it, form a part of this volume. Though a poor substitute for a centenmal celebration, it served to show the interest of the citizens in the history of their ances- try, and a desire to honor their memory. The following hymns, writ- ten for the occasion, were sung. The first is inserted for its, merit j the; last, because it had the fortune to be in good company. OEIGINAL HYMN. B7 MISS V. A. W. PBlESn. 5:UNE DENNY- ONE HUNDKED TEARS AGO- Once more with thankful hearts we greet This glad returning day, Once more withm these walls we meet^ To sing, and praise and pray. To offer grateful thanks to God, With hearts that overflow, And trace the paths the fathers trod, A hundred years ago, A wild, unbroken solitude, By foot of man untrod, The grand primeval forest stood, And stretched green arms abroad. And where our church bells call to prayer. And feet of hundreds go. The wolfs long howl disturbed the air A hundred years ago. Our grandsires came with aze and plough, Jbey felled the forest tieo. INTRODUCTION. Where firuiitf^I fields are Bmiling now. They broke the stubhom lea ; They laid foundations firm and btoad, They builded sure and slow ; We reap rich harvests where they sowed, A hundred years ago. They built them homes, they tilled the soil, Their flocks they watched and- fed. With strong, brown, hands inured to toil, They won their daily bread. And when the revolution came They left the axe and plough, And battled well in freedom's name As we are battling now. Then honor to those men of old, Who felled the forest trees, And warr'd with hunger, want and cold. That we might dwell at ease. God give ns strength our work to do, And grace our work to know. Like those brave, simple men that lived, A hundred years ago. OEIGINAL HYMN. TUNE — PABK STREET. Our others' Qod ! to Thee we raise Our hearts in songs of grateful praise. For all the mercies Thou hast shown, E'erwhile a hundred years have flown. Then wild woods waved o'er all the waste, The streams flowed by in useless haste ; In swift pursuit the fierce wolf* ran, The stealthy savaget marked his man. Beneath Thy smile our fathers wrought, They built, they sang, they prayed, they fought ;:( They hid the seed within the soil. And waving harvests blest their toll. The forest fell before their stroke. The pine, the beech, the sturdy oak ; In opening glades they reared their home, And soon appeared Thy hallowed dome. The rolling- years have swiftly past, But still Thy mercy standefch fast ; That God who broke the Briton's sway, Now guards us in this wrathful day. Then garlands round the browg entwine Of those who lived in " auld laug syne," And worship Him who reigns above. With prayer and songs of grateful love. ♦Incident in the life of Dr. Whiton ; also, of Col. Woodbury. t Incident in the life of John DarUng. t Many were out in the Bevolution. 10 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. MAPS, PICTURES, PORTRAITS. In a work of this kind it is desirable to have illustrations enough, with- out making a picture book. The maps have been prepared with great care. That of the town is mainly Whitney's map on a reduced scale, some of the obvious errors being corrected, as in the bend of the river between the Cemetery and the Butler mill. But instead of inserting the names of present residents in the map, a number has been used to designate the spot where each house or old cellar may be found. The numbers extend from 1 to 157 north and west of Miller's river, and from 1 to 146, south of the river. To each number, printed on a sheet facing the map, are annexed the name of the first owner or occupant, when it cati be ascertained, the names of others who dwelt there sub- sequently, and the name of the present resident. In this way, the map, in itself, is a history of the town. A small o indicates an old cellar, though the artist has sometimes made the letter large, and in others has omitted it. In several instances the exact locahty of early settlers can- not be found, and the name is inserted between those which are known, and near the spot of their residence. The outline of the hills is given as well as the summits. The courses of several brooks have been marked. The enlargement of the Monomonauk is indicated, as well as the loca- tion of smaller lakes. Discontinued roads are indicated by single or double dotted lines. New roads are inserted. The map of the Village is on the same plan. It is copied from Walling's survey, enlarged, and shows the new streets. By reducing the size of the town map, and printing the names on separate sheets, the cost has been reduced, at least one half, while the maps are more manageable, and their value is greatly enhanced. These, with the Plan of the original division of lots, were lithographed by Charles H. Crosby, of Boston. The Pictures are designed to give specimens of the architecture of the place for the information of those who shall live here in future years. At the same time they serve to embellish the work. The churches and the town hall are given with neighboring buildings, simply because they thus appear to better advantage; By this means, moreover, the ex- pense is divided. The picture of the Village, of the South Side, of '"Spring Village, of the Baptist Church, of the Church of the Unity, of the Methodist Church, of the Bank and of the New School House, were drawn on the block by Mr. Roswell M. Shurtleff. The rest, excepting 4 < mBM7^:w:¥mmmmM^ INTRODUCTION. 11 the First Church, sketched by Charles J. Rice, Esq., were photographed by Mr. I. F. Alger. All the engravings, except that of the old Dea. Day house were made by Messrs. Russell & Richardson, of Boston. The portraits have not been inserted for the purpose of flattering in- dividuals or families. The plan of having portraits has been resolved on and reconsidered, several times. The fact that there are no pictures of many who most deserve to be remembered, seemed to render it ad- visable to have none at all. At the last moment, however, it was de- termined to have eight portraits. It was found impossible to have one of Hon. Abel Wilder, Capt. Phihehas Whitney, or any of the clergy- men who were here previous to 1845. The portraits of Ephraim Mur- dock, Esq., Isaac Morse, Esq., and Mr. Amasa Whitney, are inserted, because they were, in a peculiar sense, the fathers of the Village. Mr. James Murdock, Sen., lived to a great age, was a highly respected citizen, and was in a certain sense among the fathers of the town. Hon. Artemas Hale is an aged gentleman, whose birthplace was here, and who has conferred honor on his native place. It was expected up to the last moment, to have a portrait of Dr. Israel Whiton, as a compan- ion to that of Dr. Alvah Godding, because, with a brief interval, they illustrate the medical history of the town for about ninety years. It is an occasion of sincere regret that the portrait could not be obtained. Both Dr. Godduig and Mr. Hale were reluctant to appear in this prom- inent manner, but kindly yielded to the request of friends. The por- trait of the author has been inserted, at the request of friends whose wjghes are imperative. The picture of Mrs. Wakefield,* (Miss N. A. W. Priest,) has been procured by friends, without consulting her wish- es, for which liberty the boon of pardon is hereby craved. It was deemed essential to the completeness of the work, that the portrait of the ex- quisite genius who is the author of" Over the River," and of "Heav- en," should have a place. Thus it appears that Maps, Pictures and Portraits are illustrative of the history of the town, and are therefore of general interest. It may be added that the artists have done their work in a manner worthy of their high reputation. * Mrs. Wakefield, though born In the edge of Eoyalston, belongs to Win- cliendou. Hor family have resided here, from the beginning, through five or six generations. Her father moved into Royalston a little while before her birth, and returned while she was quite young. 12 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. It was the intention to have the work printed here, by Mr. Ward,* who is unsurpassed as a workman, certainly by any outside of Boston. But it was not possible for him to obtain a suitable press until too late. Keluctantly therefore, and after considerable delay, the work was put into the hands of Messrs. Garfield & Stratton, of Fitchburg, whose workmanship will speak for itself. It may be objected by some that the work is too large, and that too much space has been given to " Roads," " School Districts," and mi- nute details. But no apology will be offered, and the work must be left to time for any needed justification. The utmost pains have been tak- en to secure accuracy, and to treat every event and every person with perfect fairness. Some may inquire why certain names are not to be found in the biographic chapter. For example, one son of Rev. Mr. Mor- ton is distinguished as a business man in New York ; Julius- L. Clark, Esq., son of.Rev. E. L. Clark, is highly respected as the Superintend- ent of State Charities ; three sons of Rev. Mr. Storrs are graduates of Amherst College, and two of them were oiEcers in the late war ; and Rev. Charles N. Wilder is a graduate of Burlington University. But none of them are natives, and most of them received their education elsewhere. Doubtless errors and mistakes will be found, but these will be pardoned by those who appreciate even a hundredth part of the labor and care involved in preparing a town history. COKRECTIONS. Some errors have crept into the following pages, which need correction. ; Page 105, line 1, insert Moses before Smith. Page 113, line 27, for 1744 read 1774. Page 226, line 6, insert Miss Caroline A. Pitkin. Page 362, line 1, insert Joel Butler, 99. Page 398, lino 14, for raising read dedication. Page 398, line 14, for 1792 read 1793. Page 398, line 18, Insert David Stoddard. Page 424, line 7, for Otis read Samuel. Page 431, line 7, of note, for Simeon read Daniel. Page 434, line 28, for Newton read Hopiiinton. Page 439, line 9, for 1762 read 1752. Page 476, add that Capt. Benjamin Wilder had 17 children. Add to page 226, Mr. Frederick W. Eussell and Miss Mary A. Marvin; and to page 380, the fact that the Alert Company, true to its antecedents, took the first prize at a muster in Ktchburg, on the 6t!i day of October, 18G8. * The first printer in Winchendon was Mr. Rollins, who had a job office, and started two small papers, one called "The Mirror," and the other the " Torchliglit," a campaign paper, in 1852. Mr. "Ward succeeded him, and prints, either plain or in colors, with much taste and elegance. CONTENTS. 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. — TOPOGRAPHIC. Location of the Town ; Original Boundaries ; Present Boundaries and Extent ; Surface, — Water, Hills, Plains and Meadows, Forests ; Flora, Fauna ; Ge- ology 17 CHAPTBE 11. — EXPLORATIONS. Division of Lots ; Settlement ; First Settlers ; Contrast between 1764 and 1864. CHAPTER III.^-ORGANIZATION AND NAME. CHAPTER IV. — CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. CHAPTER V. — ANNALS ; 1764 — 1800. CHAPTER VI. THE REVOLUTION. Spirit of the People ; First Notes of Defiance ; Lexington and Bunker Hill ; Declaration of Independence; Enlistments; Public Spirit; Depreciated Currency ; The Roll of Honor 80 CHAPTER VII. — SHAYS' REBELLION. Grievances ; Excited Town Meetings ; The Flight 106 CHAPTER VIII. STATE AND NATIONAL AFEAIRS. Representation ; State Constitution ; National Constitution 117 CHAPTER IX. EDUCATION PREVIOUS TO 1800. The First Districts ; The First School Houses ; Second Arrangement of Dis- tricts ; State of Education 122 CHAPTER X. HIGHWAYS AND BY-WAYS. The First Eoads ; Earlington ; Winchendon Lottery ; New Roads and Bridg- es ; The Bridge by Dr. Hall's 131 CHAPTER XI. — THE TOWN AS A PARISH. Preliminary; Mr. Stimpson's Ministry ; Mr. Brown's Ministry; First Meet- ing House ; Second Meeting House ; Names of Pew Holders ; Location of the House; Ministers' Salary ; Devotional Music ; The Town's Quarrel with Mr.Browu; Proceedings of the Council; The Minister's Politics ; The Stee- ple and Bell; Names of Donors ; Decease of Mr. Pillsbury ; Seeking for a New Minister ; Miscellaneous 145 CHAPTER XII. CLOSE OF THE CENTURY. Census ; Houses ; Furniture ; School Books ; Church Music ; Dress ; The People industrious and happy ; Names of Married Couples in 1800 188 CHAPTER XIII. — ANNALS; 1800 — 1868, 14 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. CHAPTER XIV. — EDUCATION SINCE THE YEAR 1800. School Districts ; Efforts for Improvement; New Arrangement of Districts ; New Division of School Money; High School; Winchendon Academy; Town School System; District System Abolished; New School House; Progress ; Names of High School Teachers ; Text Books 204 CHAPTER XV. — ROADS AND BRIDGES. The Eoads bounded and straightened; Through Travel ; New Roads; Wor- cester and Fitzwilliam Turnpike; Contest with Turnpike Companies; A Sectional Struggle ; Various Improvements ; Three New Eoads ; New Bridges •' 225 CHAPTER XVI. — WINCHENDON POLITICS SINCE 1800. Federalism ; The Last War with England ; Hartford Convention ; Constitu- tional Convention of 1820 ; Political Parties ; The Surplus Revenue ; Con- stitutional Amendments; The Party of Freedom; Votes for President and Governor ; Love of Freedom. 250 CHAPTER XVII. — SUPPORT OF THE POOR. Provision for the Poor in Early Times ; Bidding off the Poor ; Town Farm and Poor House; Expense of Supporting the Poor; Names of the Masters. 3GG CHAPTER XVIII. — WINCHENDON AT LAW. Tax and Poverty Cases ; The Minister's Case ; The Slave Case ; Later Cases— Lunenburg, Reed, Sanders 274 CHAPTER XIX. — TEMPERANCE AND MORALS. Convivial Habits ; Tippling and Tavern-Haunting ; Observance of the Sab- bath ; Private Efforts to promote Temperance ; Temperance Societies. 284 CHAPTER XX. THE MILITIA. Remark of John Adams ; 1st Company ; Commissioned Officers ; Training. 292 CHAPTER XXI. — CEMETERIES. The Central Burying Yard ; New Boston Burying Yard ; Riverside Cemetery ; Consecration Services ; Catholic Cemetery 300 CHAPTER XXII. — THE CHURCHES. First Congregational Chukoii ; Early History ; Church Covenant ; Death and Character of Mr. Stimpson ; Settlement of Mr. Brown ; Members of the Church in 1774, G, 7 ; The Departure of Mr. Brown ; Settlement of Mr. sPillsbury; His death and Character; Rev. Elam Clark ; Rev. Eber L. Clark ; Sermons by Drs. Robbins and Todd; Mr. Morton's Ministry; The Era of Supplies ; Later Ministers ; Baptist Church in New Boston ; The Meth- odist Church ; Parsonage ; Names of the Preachers ; The North Con- GBGATioNAL Church ; Ordluatlon of First Minister ; Enlarged House and Bell; The Baptist Church in the Village; The Roman Catholic CONTENTS. 15 CnuKCH; The Unitarian Society; School House Meetings; Past and Present 312 CHAPTER XXin. — A BILL OF MORTALITY. List of Aged People, deceased ; List of Aged People, living 359 CHAPTER XXIV. — BUSINESS OP WINCHENDON. Farming and Stock ; The First Mills ; "Wood Ware ; Cotton Mills ; Machine Shops ; Stores ; Carpenters ; Blacksmiths, &c. ; Amount of Business ; Sav- ings Bank ; National Bank 363 CHAPTER XXV. — FIRE DEPARTMENT. Fire Wards ; The Pilot ; The Alert Company ; The Niagara Company 376 CHAPTER XXVI. — LIBRARIES AND LYCEUMS. The First Libraries ; The Town Library ; Scientific and Literary Association ; Parish Library ; Sabbath School Libraries 383 CHAPTER XXVII. — THE VILLAGES. The Old Centre ; The Village, or Winchandon ; Spring Village ; Waterville. 389 CHAPTER XXVIII. — NOTEWORTHY EVENTS. Frosts ; Storms ; Tempests ; Sudden Deaths by Apoplexy, Heat, &c. ; Deaths by Accidental Drowning; Deaths by Falling Trees; Deaths by Horses, Teams ; Deaths by Burning ; Other Fatal Casualties ; Fires ; Cases of Sui- cide ; Homicides ; Superstition and Witchcraft 391 CHAPTER XXIX. — LIST OF TOWN OFFICERS ; Including Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Selectmen, and Assessors ; also, Eep- resentatives, Senators, Delegates, Justices, &c 410 CHAPTER XXX. — BIOGRAPHICS. Lawyers ; Physicians ; Graduates ; Other Prominent Men 421 CHAPTER XXXI. — MISCELLANEOUS. Inventions ; Lapidaries ; Antiquities ; Wild Animals ; Horses ; White Cedars and White Swallows ; Old Elms ; Winchendon as a place of resort ; Secret Societies ; Population and Valuation 437 CHAPTER XXXII. — SENEALOGT AND PERSONAL HISTORY. CHAPTER XXXIII. — THE WAR OF FREEDOM. Outbreak of the Bebelllon; Effect on the public mind; Action of the Town; Sympathy with the Soldiers ; Volunteering ; Eaising Troops in 1862 ; Rec- ord of 1863 ; Eecruitlng In 1864; Winchendon men who enlisted out of the State ; Close of the War ; A day of rejoicing ; Cost of the War ; List of the wounded, the killed, and of those who died in the service ; The new EoU of Honor ; A day of mourning ; Conclusion 481 INDEX OP NAMES. 523 16 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. ILLUSTRATIONS. MAPS AND PLANS. Page. 1. Map of the Town, facing 17 2. Boundaries of the Town, 20 3. Division of Lots, facing 43 4. Plan of the Centre, " 70 5. Map of Winehendon and Waterville, " 389 PICTURES. 1. WiNCHENDON : Frontispiece. 2. House of Kichard Day, facing 45 3. Meetmg House of 1762, 151 4. Meeting House of 1793, facing 161 5. Town Hall, " 201 6. Academy, " 215 7. New School House, ^— " 223 8. Methodist Church, " 343 9. North Congregational Church, " 347 10. Baptist Church, " 353 11. Church of the Unity, " 357 12. National Bank, " 375 13. South Side View, " 391 14. Spring Village, " 393 15. Picture of Silver Medal, " 488 PORTRAITS. 1. A.P.Marvin, " 1 2. Mrs. Wakefield, " 11 3. Hon. Artemas Hale, " 177 4. Ephraim Murdock, Es(i., " 280 5. Isaac Morse, Esq., " 368 6. Alvah Godding, M. D., " 425 7. Mr. Amasa "Whitney, " 434 8. Mr. James Murdock, " 463 ■ '■) St o * SI o !><.5-a.s.i>s:g'<|Bag l>ag.t>|Qai:^'Tj2;g3..oS3e^^ o=ggg. &■?-= CTQ S^Ss lis ??s:S 3S| f I . g fl g g s-^^s s s I ^^° ^IL^if airri i ill fain n IMV i 13 ^IH tpri I i^iai l^|ll^p ^l I - ^ > i. r i, > L 2 2 I S rf"d 7. ^ ;/■ j< ^ ^ 7. t 2 = 2 s hO *■ :r^ 5 o c 2i^ -; c -jc >. Fj,2^ o c ^2 Q < ■2- £:¥S'i= 2 -; o V D :: r ra!2i = > 3 ^ o P5 IPSWICH CANADA. O o W w Wbst'k. section 3. — present boundaries and extent. By the addition of Royalston Leg, in 1780, six square mile three thousand eight hundred and forty acres, were added ti town ; and the eastern and western boundary lines were lengtl one mile ; but in 1785, it was nearly reduced to its original dimen HISTOST OF WINCHENDON. 21 by the annexation of three thousand six hundred and eighty acres to Gardner, which was incorporated in that year. Since then the south- east boundary has undergone several changes, for the accommodation of land-owners on the border. The present boundaries will be found on the preceding page, and on the map of the town which accompa- nies this work. The northern boundary, which is the line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, is six miles in length: the eastern line, on Ashburnham, is five miles, two hundred rods; the Gardner Ime is three miles, and about one hundred and forty rods ;* the Templeton hne is four miles and forty-eight rods ; and the T^estem line remains as it was after the annexation of Koyalston leg, five miles, and two hundred and sixty rods. These lengths are not mathematically exact, but they approximate to correctness. The circumference of the town is therefore twenty-four miles and about two hundred rods. The northern, eastern and western lines are straight ; that between Win- chendon and Templeton is divided into two nearly equal parts, both direct. The town contains something more than twenty-six thousand two hundred and ninety-five acres of surface, including land and water. SECTION 4. — SURFACE-; WATER, PLAINS, HILLS, &C. The map of the town exhibits the external features of the township with more accuracy than could be attained by verbal description. A few words however may be of use in aiding q, stranger' to understand the surface, and the general appearance of the town. "Water. — -The location and course of lakes and rivers show the configuration of the land. As water always fiows down hill, it is easy, by tracing brooks and rivers to their source, to form an idea of the land surface of a town, county or state. It is convenient therefore, in describing the surface of Winchendon, to begin by a brief reference to its lakes, ponds and streams. * That is, a direct line from the point where the towns of Ashburnham, Gardner, and Winchendon unite, to a similar point between Gardner, Tem- pleton and Winchendon, is three miles, and nearly one hundred and forty rods. The real line, which is broken by many sharp angles, is almost twice as long. 22 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. The town is well watesred. The soil is adapted to retain moisture, and springs abound. The elevationof the land also has some tendency to induce atmospheric moisture. There is but one natural lake of considerable size, wholly within the town. This is situated towards the southwest, and is called Denison pond. It covers nearly one hun- dred acres. It is a beautiful sheet of pure, clear water, surrounded by a margin of clean sand and pebbles, and adorned near the shore with water lilies. A small stream, by gentle descent, flows into it from the north, and an outlet, called Cold brook, with only fall enough to carry off its surplus water, opens from the south side to Miller's river, about a hundred rods distant. When the water in the river is lugh, it flows back into the lake, and in former times, there was a passage where it flowed out again near the southwest corner. The bridge over this latter passage, was formerly called the " dry bridge," because it was dry except a few days in the year. For many years there has been no bridge, and the road has been so high that no water can pass it ; and the traveler would not suspect that water had ever had an outlet in that locality. In the large tract of woodland stretching north from the Butler Mills, (now owned by Rice & Wyman,) to the Monomonauk lake, are two small bodies of water, one of which is called lake Jones ; but ' they are so small in surface, and so shallow, that they require no farther notice. But there is one other natural pond to the southwest of these, which is known io but a few of the inhabitants of the town, . but which may hereafter become a place of frequent resort. It is about two hundred rods south by west from the house of Mr. Stephen Tolman, and nearly equidistant from the Murdock and Butler Mills; A convenient way to reach it is found by following the Cheshire rail- road easterly of the Cemetery to the high sand bank. The little lake, enclosed by wooded hills, is just north by west of the bank. It is completely secluded from observation, and never seen except by those who stray from the haunts of men, when hunting, fishing, or searching. -i^ for nature in her most hidden retreats. The hill, at its eastern end, 4 rises abruptly about eighty feet, and is densely wooded. A stream comes in by several leaps, at the northeast comer. The outlet is from the west. It is sometimes called "Barren Hill lake,"' and by some .-^ •' Lake Martin." It is suggested that a more appropriate and beau- tiful name would be " Sylvan Lake." HISTOKY OP WINCHENDON. 23 At &e northeast of the town lies Monomonauk* lake, about three Hiiles in length ; but the greater part of this fine body of water is in the town of Rmdge, N. H. Nearly one-third of its southern and nar- rower part, lies in Winchendon. At this end a dam raises the water .about eleven feet above its natural level, and so enlarges the lake that it covers not far from twenty-six hundred acres. It is fed by a large stream which flows in from the north by the Converse Mills in Rindge, by several rivulets, and by numerous springs, which combine to render it a vast reservoir of water power. This is the source of the north branch of Miller's river, which runs south by west through Spring Village, and by Murdock's mill, about two miles, when it is joined by the eastern branch which comes in from Ashburnham. The junction is near the middle of Baxter D. Whit- ney's poiid, just northeast of Winchendon Village. Both branches supply about the same amount of water annually. The eastern branch is fed by the upper and lower Naumkeag lakes in Ashburnham, and by several streams. Mr. Amasa Whitney, Sr., who was for many years, the proprietor of the old woolen factory, used to say that the eastern branch supplied the most water in a year, but that the north- ern branch, coming from a large pond and reservoir, was the surest reliance in the dry season of the year. The river descends rapidly, and thus furnishes numerous mill-sites. There are at least a dozen fine water privileges in the course of four miles. The river from its Junction flows west to the railroad bridge ; thence south to the dam of Ipswich. ( Mary Lufkin, ) Uncle Bencdictus, Ebenezer Pulcepher, Gloucester. Father Moses, Jabez Sweet, Ipswich. Father's, Solomon Giddinge, Ipswich. Brother William, Joseph Goodhue, Ipswich, Father's, William Haskell, Gloucester. Brother Thomas, John Ring, Gloucester. Uncle Joseph, Benjamin Cbadwell, Ipswich. Brother John, Edward Nealand, Ipswich. TT 1 -r> T\ • (Nath. Rogers as Guar-) t • i Uncle D. Denison j^j^^ ^^ jS^ j^^.^^^_ j- -...Ip.swich. Wife's Father Durgee, — John Martin, Ipswich. Father Servant, Isaac Knowlton, Ipswich. Father's, John Thompson, Ipswich. ( John Wood in the room ") Uncle Joseph, ■< of and by the consent >• Ipswich. ( of his father, j Facer's j'SeS'rii^-} --Boston. Own, Thomas Berrin, Rowley. Own, David Low, : Ipswich. Uncle Moses Pierce, Moses Wells, Ipswich. Brother Thomas, George Hart, Ipswich. Father's, William Cogswell, Ipswich. Brother Elisha, Thomas Tredwell, Ipswich. Brother Benjamin, Jonathan Jewett, Jun., Rowley. Father's, Robert Cross, — 1 Ipswich. Own, Adam Cogswell, Ipswich. Uncle, Benjamin Ohadwell, Ipswich. Father Whipple, The Hon. Sinionds Epes, Ipswich. Uncle Freeman, Nathaniel Clark, Ipswich. Brother George, Nathaniel 'Clark, Ipswich. ( Capt. Edward Eveleth by ") Dil. Caldwell, ■< and at the req[uest of [• --Ipswich. ( Dilingham Caldwell, ) Brother William, , — Nathaniel Caldwell, Ipswich. Father, Henry Wise, Ipswich. r Thomas Norton, Jun., at ) JohnAyres, ■< the request of Samuel >- Ipswich. ( Ayres, a Petitioner, ) Own, John Ross, Ipswich. Father's, Isaac Giddinge, Ipswich. HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 35 SlOnI ESIEKED OK. ( Edward Eveleth at the ) Thomas Metcalf, -I request of Jos. Metcalf >- Ipswieb. ( a Petitioner, ) Father's, Moses Davis, Ipswich. Grandfather, Ephraim Fitts, Ipswich. Pearce, Thomas Bnardman, Ipswich. Edward Chapman, Ipswich. John Goodhue, Ipswich. Uncle Isaac, Abraham Foster, Jun., Ipswich. Major Ward, Doct. Nicholas Noyes, Andover. Father's, John Pindar, Ipswich. TJncle Samuel, Nathaniel Lord, Ipswich. Uncle Bdmond, Samuel Ingalls, Ipswich. Brother Aaron, Moses Kimball, . Ipswich. Uncle Cheney, John Leighton Ipswich. Eob't Nelson, Joseph Annablo, Beverly. Math. Hooker, Widow Mary Hooker, Ipswich. ( Thomas Lord, Jun., at") Uncle Saund, •< his Father, Jno. Lord's [■ Ipswich. ( ■ request, ) The above-named proprietors met on the 31st of May, and chose Thomas Norton, Jr., a graduate of Harvard, and Preceptor of the Grammar School in Ipswich, as their Clerk. The warrant calling the meeting is given in a note at the bottom of the page.* No apology- can be needed for giving the proceedings of the first Meeting of the " Proprietors and Grantees," in full, in the body of this narrative. The record, copied from the Proprietors' Book, is ,as follows : — " At a legal meeting of the Proprietors and Grantees of the new Town- ship lately granted to Mr. Abraham Tilton and others, oificers and soldiers in the expedition to Canada Anno 1600, at tlie Town house in Ipswich on Monday the 31st day of May, Anno Domini 1736. Voted. That Col. Thomas Berry be Moderator. Voted, That Thomas Norton, Jun., be Clerk to the Proprietors: and he * " The Proprietors and Grantees of the new Township lately granted to Mr. Abraham Tilton and others, officers and soldiers in the expedition to Can- Jida Anno 1690, are hereby notified and warned to assemble and meet at the Town-house in Ipswich, on Monday the thlrty-flrst day of instant May at four of the cloclc afternoon, thon and there to choose a Proprietor's Clerji. and to pass such votes and orders as may be thought most proper for bringing for- ward the said Township agreeable to the General Court's order. And to agree how to call meetings of said Proprietors for the future. Thomas Berry, per order. Dated at Ipswich, May 20th, 1736." 36 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. was sworn to tbe faithful discharge of his oflSce, by Thomas Berry, Esq., at the same time. Voted, That any two of the Committee, viz : Col. Thomas Berry, Capt. John Choate, and Capt. John Hobson, be empowered to employ two men to burn the woods, if according to their discretion, they shall think it best. Voted, That any five of the Proprietors or Grantees shall have power to call a Meeting, and five days from the date of the notification shall be a suf- ficient warning. Voted, That this meeting be dissolved : and the Moderator declared, the Meeting dissolved accordingly. Attest: Tiios. Noktos, Jun., Pro. Cleric, In June of this year, the " Court's Committee" consisting of Messrs. Berry, Hobson, (or HopSon,) and Choate, already mentioned, " went up the country," located the township, and designated its boundaries. It is probable that this Committee made a report in writing, to the General Court ; but there is no trace of it, except in its results, in the Records of the town. From this time, when we fix the first authentic date of the advent of white men to this place, there was an interval of thirteen or fourteen years before a settlement was actually made. The proprietors had various meetings in Ipswich, and took measures to lot out the land, but the troubled condition of the country prevented settlement. At one of these meetings, held on the 28th of June, 1736, Capt. Edward Eveleth, Lieut. Solomon Giddinge, Mr. Wm. Cogswell, Mr. John Martin, and Mr. Isaac Giddinge, were appointed a " Committee to go and view the land, and see the qualifications thereof, and report to the Proprietors as soon as may be." Their'guide was Thomas Bennet, probably an old hunter and trapper, familiar with the region. At another meeting, held on the fourth day of November, following; Col. Thomas Berry, Capt. Edward Eveleth, and Lieut. Abraham Til- ton were chosen a Committee " to lot and lay out the first division, which is not to be under fifty acres, and not to exceed a hundred." Jonathan Wade, Esq., was chosen Treasurer, and an assessment of three pounds, on each Proprietor, was laid, to defray charges. On the sixth of May, 1737, a meeting was held, at which Col. Thomas Berry, Thomas Norton, Jun., and Mr. Henry Wise, were chosen Assessors, and Capt. Edward Eveleth, and Mr. William Cogswel^, Collectors. niSTOKY OF WINCH^NDON. 37 This year Jeremiah Hall was employed by the people of Keene to lay out a road from that place to Townsend and Lunenburg. It passed through this place, and was a mere horse path, indicated by marked trees. The next meeting was held on the 27th of October, 1637, and as this was a meeting of great importance, in its results ; and as it sheds much light on the state of things at the time, it will be inserted in full. The warrant is as follows : "Essex, ss. To Mr. Taorti:is Norton. Jun., Clerk of the Proprietors of the Township lately granted to BIr. Abraham Tilton and others, officers and soldiers in the expedition to Canada, 1690. You are hereby required to notify and warn the Grantees and Proprietors of tlie Township lately granted to Mr. Abraham 'J ilton and others, officers and soldiers in the expedition to Canada Ann* 1G90, that they assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Nath'l Tredwell inn-holder in Ipswich, on Thursday the 27th day of October current, at 4 of the clock afternoon, then and there to receive the return of the Committee appointed to lay out the first division of lots, and subdivide the samo or part of them, if the Proprietors shall think bcit. 2. To make proper and Suitable provision for w.ays through said lots. ?>. To agree upon some method for clearing to the centre of the first divi- sion of lots, or where they shall agree upon to set the first Meeting-house. 4. To fix upon the place to erect and build a Meeting-house, and to reserve a sufficient quantity of land out of some of the lots for a training field and burying place. 5. To make proper allowance to the person who may draw the lot out of which the aforesaid reserves may be made. 6. To give liberty to such of the Proprietors as may draw a lot not aceommodab'e for settling, to make a second draft out of the supernumerary lots that are laid out. 7. To make suitable provision for the erecting and building of a Saw-mili. 8. To give such encouragement to the Grantee who shall build, agreeable to the General Court's order, tho first dwelling-house of 18 feet in length and 7 feet stud, as shall be judged necessary and convenient. 9. For each Grantee to draw his lot in the first division now laid out; and such of them as have not already paid the three pounds voted at the last ^Mecting^to defray tho charge of laying out the lots, pay tho same before they be allowed to draw their lots. 10. To take some proper method to obtain leave of the General Court to 38 HISTOnT OF WINCHENDON. dispose of lots tbat may be lost to any of the Grantees who shall neglect and refuse to pay the charge that hath already arisen in laying out the lots and otherways. 11. To settle and adjust accounts with such persons to whom the Gran- tees and Proprietors are indebted. Thomas Berkt, Edward Eveletii, Abraham Tiltox, Hknry Wise, Jonatiiah Wade. Dated Ipswich, Oct. 22d, 1737." Then follows the return of Mr. Norton, the Clerk, certifying that lie had given due notice, after whicli we find the following record of the proceedings of the Meeting. " At a legal Jleetlng of the Proprietors of the Township lately granted by the General Court to Mr. Abraham Tilton and others, officers and soldiers in the expedition to Canada, Anno Domini, 1690, at the house of Mr. Nath'l Trodwell in Ipswich on Thursday the 27th erf Oct., 1737. Voted, That Col. Thomas Berry be Moderator. Voted, That the return of the Committee appointed to lay out the first division of lots be accepted and recorded, being a hundred acres in each lot. Voted, That the land left for ways bo reserved for the Proprietors' use and service, as thoy shall order and direct. Voted, That 5 acres be reserved out of No. 1 in the South division, for building a Meeting-house on, a burying place and training field. And that an equivalent be allowed out of lot No. 30, in the South division, to the Proprietor drawing lot No. ] . Voted, That there be a road cut from Earlington, [in Northfield,] as near as may be to the Meeting-house lot, at the charge of the Proprietors. Voted, That liberty may bo given to such of the Proprietors as may draw a lot not aecommodable for settling, to make a second draft out of the super- numerary lots that are already laid out ; if not in thorn, then in the undi- vided lands, at his own charge that desires it. Voted, That the use of the streams running through the Township be reserved to the Proprietors, and they shall have liberty to set up such mills as they shall think necessary for the Proprietors for six years to come. The person through whose land the stream shall pass, to erect a mill if he think proper : but on his refusal, the Proprietors may and shall dispose tliereof as they shall think best, without making any other allowance to the Proprietor HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 39 (Jf said lot than for sueh damages as may be done on his land, but none for tlie stream. And that no milt be erected on said Township, but by the allowance of the Proprietors, foi;.the aforesaid term of six years. Voted, That the sum of twenty pounds be allowed and paid out of the Proprietors' treasury to each of the three Grantees who shall first build three houses in the Township, agreeable to the General Court's act, and have a family settled in them ; provided the family bo settled there on or before the last of October next. Voted, That each Grantee pay the Sum of three pounds before he be allowed to draw his lot. Voted, That Mr. Abraham Tilton, the father of the Petition, be allowed to choose his lot.* Voted, That the lots No. 14 and 15 in the south division be reserved for the ProprieWirs' order. Voted, That tiio lot No. 1, in the north division be the Ministry or Parsonage lot. Voted, That the lot No. 31 in the south division be the Minister's lot. Voted, That this Meeting be adjourned to Thursday the third of Nov. next, at four of the clock afternoon, , to meet at this place." Here follows a list of the proprietors, and of each right drawn for each proprietor, according to the plan reported by the Committee appointed Nov 4th, 1736. This was the first division. To accom- pany this list of proprietors, a fao simile of the plan, as found in the Record Book of the Proprietors, has been carefully prepared. This is a most valuable addition to the History of the town, as it enables the reader to see just w^here the rights of those who became proprie- tors by the first and second divisions of the town were located. Only a part of the town was divided into lots, on the first plot. Those bounded by the black line composed the first division. In the first plot, the numbering was from 1 to 36, south division, and from 1 to 35, north division. When filled up, the remainder was divided into lots numbering from 1 to 194. When Royalston leg was annexed, the numbers of the lots were from 96 to 113. The second division will bo found on a subsequent page. *lle cUose the lot No. ?0, in the ijorth division. 40 HISTORY OF WISrCHEXDOIT. FIRST DIVISION. Lt. AbrabamTilton,--N. D. No. Thomas Lord, Jan.,--S. D. No. Moses Davis, S. D. No. Widow Mary Hooker,. N. D. No. Isaac Kiiowlton, S. D. No. Edward Eveleth N. D. No. John Ring, N. D. No. John Martin, N. D. No. Rev. Natb'l Rogers, }_ ^_ j^ ^^_ ^ for J . Denison, ) George Hart N. D. No. •John Loighton, S. D. No. Edward Chapman, ---N. D. No. John Pindar N. D. No. Benj. Chadwell, N. D. No. David Low N. D. No. Bsnjamin Chadwell,--N. D. No. John Ross N. D. No. Edward Nealand S. D. No. John Wood, S. D. No. Moses Welles N. D.. No. Edward Eveleth, S. D. No. Widow Rachel Rust,- -8. D. No. William Cogswell,-— S. D. No. Samuel Ingalls N. D. No. Hon. Simonds Epos, I g t) j;[o Est^., ) ■ ■ Doct. Nicholas Noyes,-S. D. No. Thos. Norton, Jr., S. D. No. Thomas Perrin, N. D. No. Robert Cross, N. D. No. Thos. Lufkin, S. D. No. IsaacGiddinge, Thos. Boardman,-- Thos. Tredwell, Nath'lTredwell,-- Hon. Thomas Berry, lisq. Jonathan Jewett, Jr Joseph Aunablc. Henry Wise , Joseph Goodhue, John Goodhue, Mosea Kimball. ----- Adam Cogswell, Ephraim Fitt.s, John Downing, Thos. Hovey; School, Natb'l Clark Samuel Poland, Abraham Perkins, Jabej Sweet, Benj. White, John Thompson, Jonathan AVade, Esq... Thos. Lufkin, John Harris, Solomon Giddinge,-- Wm. Haskell Ebenezer Pulcepher, - Natb'l Clark Abraham Foster, Jr., Natb'l Lord, -N. D. -N. D. -S. D. -N. D. j-S. D. ,_S. D. -N. D. ._N. D. -S. D. -N. D. .-S. D. -S. D. __S»D. -N. D. ..N. D. ._N. D. -N. D. -N. D. .-N. D. .-S. D. _-S. D. -S. D. -N. D. -N. D. -N. D. .-S. D. -S. D. -S. D. -S. D. -S. D. -N. D. No. 5 No. 32 No. 34 No. 31 No. 2 No. 35 No. '28 No. 19 No. 20 No. 29 No. 5 No. 18 No. 10 No. 4 No. 21 No. 10 No. 7 No. 18 No. 33 No. 13 No. II No. 30 No. 4 No. IG No. 27 No. 22 No. 29 No. 32 No. 36 No. No. 34 The meeting at which the above allotment was made, was adjourned to the 3d of November, when certain accounts were allowed, which are considered of sufficient interest to be placed in a note.* ■ The froprietors of the Township, To Thomas Bekry, Dr. £1, 10, 1736, March. To a Book of Records, To a journey to Lancaster to secure the laying out of the Tov/n ship, oxpeuso, horse, &C:, To 1 day's attendance on the Grantees and admitting, To ^ day in said service, To a copy of the i'lan K., from the Sec'ry's office. To a journey and service in laying out the lots, expenses, &c., Errors excepted, Pr. Tho.aias Bekey 0, 00, 15, 0, 07, fi 0, 15, OOj HISTORY OF WIXCIIENEON. 41 Meetings ivitli reference to erecting a meeting-house, laying out ^ roads, and building mills and bridges, -wore held in 1737, 1738, and 1742. These matters idll be referred to in their proper plqce, more at length. An incident may be recorded here, which has no precise date, but which tradition sanctions. During the years whose record has The Proprietors, &c., To John IIobso;?, Esq., Dr. To 1 day's attcrdancc admitting Grantees, , £0, 15, VuteH, Tliat the acc'ts of Col. Thomas Berry, and ,Tohn Hobson, Esq., above written, be allowed and paid out of the Proprietors' treasury to them in full discharge thereof. Ipst^icii CAXAD.i. G!tA>;Ti:ES, Dr. 173G. Paid to the Depnty Sec'ry for copies, £0, 10, To IVidays' attendance in adinittiug Grantees, 1, 02, fi To a j.jurney up the country, hovse and expenses included, 5, GO, G Total, £G, 13, Errors excepted, John Ciioate." The above acconnt was allowed, and the sura of £61, G, was voted to Thomas Berry, Eh(]., in discharge of the acccnints of Messrs. Wheeler, Par- koi', Wetherbee, Kicliardson, Bellows, and the two surveyors, far laying out the first division in the Township. " Oct. 27, 1737. The Community or Ipswich Canada, Dr. To Abraham Tilton for 17 days' work at lus pr. day, £12, 15, 0" This account was allowed, and also 13s per day to the follov/ing persons who assisted in lotting out the Township. 17 days each; viz, John Martin, Isaac Martin, Thomas Brown, Francis Goodhue, and John Martin, Jr., amounting to £11, 1, to each of them. " Voted, That six pounds l)e allowed and paid out of the treasury to such Proprietor as shall cut ;i horse way from Earlington road to the Meeting- house lot. Voted, That the sum of £3. 03, 2. the expenses of tlie house, be allowed and paid out of the treasury to Mr. Nath'l Tredwell." "TiiK Pr.opiJiKTOits, fie, Dr. To the Committee that went to view the Tov.-nship, vi;;, Edv.-ard Eveleth, Abraham Tilton, Solomon Giddinge, John Martin, and Isaac Giddingo, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1736, 9 days each at 15s pr. day, £33, 15, To paid John Bennet the pilot, 3, 00, Total, £36, 15, lOrrors excepted, Edwap.d Evulktii." This account was allowed, and at an adjourned meeting "liberty was granted to draw John Downing's lot, but not to be recorded till he shall have paid his three pounds." 42 HISTORY OF WIXCIIENDON. ju3t been given, visits were made from time to time, by the grantees; to their wild lands. On one of these excui-sions, a man named Denison, supposed^ to ba a dasoendant of Maj. Gen. Denison, famad in the earlj history of Massachusetts, " being lost in the woods," says Dr. Whiten, " climbed a treo to command a wider range of prospect, and thus dis- covered the gleaming waters of the boautiful lalce in the southwest part of the town, which after him took thff name of Denison pond." Ltt this be noted, that the common error in spelling the name may. be corrected. In one map it is called Donaco, and in another, Dennis pond. Mr. Hyde's history gives it correctly. Denison might well have been pleased with the incident, though perplexing at the time, if he could have foreseen that his name was to be forever associated with this charming little lake. In 1740, the true boundary line between New Hampshire and Massachusetts was run, when it was found that a strip of land on the north enl of this town, about a mile ip width, which had been inclu- ded in the bounds oF N. H., really belonged to the elder colony, J3ut for some unaccountable reason, this strip was given to Royalston, and was known as " Royalston leg." Subsequently it was annexed to Winchendon, and it includes all the northern part of the town, about a mile wide. In the year 1742, a second division of lots was voted, but it doe^, not appear to have been raid 3 before 1761. Cy this division, each original holder, or his succossor by inheritance or purchase, drew by lottery, three lots. The arrangement was as follows : but the reader must bear in mind that in the plot the sam3 number in several cases, is marked on two or threo dilferent lots, and therefore when one of th3se numbers is repeated below, it does not refer to a lot bearing that number already appropriated. For example, No. 2, north division was assigned to Edward Chapman, and No. 2, south division, to Thomas Berry, at the first division of lots. It follows that the No. 2, drawn by .John Goodhue in the last division of the lots, was a third No. 2. The reader will notice that the first division — surrounded by the heavy black line — was divided into north and south divisions. This is indicated on the right or east side of the Plan by the letters N. and S. A PliAlSr of tlie ILif SJ OF lLA\ii mtlie T OWK OF WiyCHEyPOy . -La^iil tJ^w}^ iipe?t/ gfy Seale^ef CH.H.CROSBI LITH. tf WAT£/> ST.BOSTOIt. HISTORY OF WIIfCHENDOIf. 43 SECOND DIVISION. NAMES- RIGHTS. Abraham Tilton,--- 71, 157, 15G Thomas Lord, 176, 16,5, 42 Moses Davis, 80, 39, 179 Mary Hooker, 47, 184, 9 Edward Evelcth, .37, 162, 104 John Ring 19, 97, 76 John Martin, _-:--_]64, 22, 149 Nathaniel Rogers,.- 35, 153, 94 Isaac Knowlton, 48, 23, 136 George Hart 181, 44, 130 John Lighten 69, 40, 95 Edward Chapman,-- 15, SG, 154 John Pindar 174, 115, 132 Benjamin Chadwell, 169, 152, 133 David Low, 87, 175, 93 John Ross 38, 34, 62 Edward Nealand, 178, 160, 151 JohnWnod, 83, 139, 64 Moses VVelles 81, 150, 187 Edward Evcleth 167, 102, 148 Rachel Rust, 5i), 77, 142 William Cogswell,--] 17, 171, 166 Samuel Ingalls, 159, 119, 40 Simond Epos, 114, 17, 98 Nichols Noys 45, 88, 158 Tho. Norton, 168, 72, 1 Tho. Pei-rinn- 18, 146, 124 Robert Cross. 120, 116, 8 Tho. Lufkin 101, 78, 113 Isaac Giddings 100, 118, 90 Tho. Boardman 7, 33, 183 Tho. Trcdwell, 100, 120, 14 NAMES. RIGUTS. Nath'l Caldwell,-— 137, 51, 5 Tho. Berry,-- 92, 135, 141 Jonathan Jewet, 43, 73, 52 Joseph Annable, 91, 75, 11 Henry Wise, 172, 82, 24 Joseph Goodhu* 123, 110, 188 John Goodhue, 2, 127. 96 Moses Kimball 180, U5, 131 Adam Cogswell, 59, 126, 145 EphraimFitts 49, 112, 163 John Downing 09, 60, 20 Tho. Hovey, 122, 79, 61 School Lots 193, 170, 70 Nathaniel Clark 27, 10, 84 Samuel Poland,- --111, 16, 89 Abram Perkens, 28, 66, 07 Jabez Sweet 68, 161', 53 Benjamin White, 121, 182, 20 John Thomson, 58, 143, 144 Jonathan Wade,---- 36, 6, 128 Tho. Lufkin, 85, 4. 56 John Ilaris, 03, 31, 13 Solomon Giddings.-- 57, 147, 125 William Haskell,- --194, 109, 105 Eben'r Pulcepher,-- 54, 186, 55 Nath'l Clark .32, 177, 41 Abram Foster, 12, 103, 29 Nath'l Lord, 107, 140, 134 Benj. Chadwell,--- 2,5, 173, 138 Minister's Lots, 74, 65, 185 Ministerial Lots, 108, 21, 3 SECTION -SETTLEMENT. Abovit nine years passed away. At length, in 1751, the " Old French and Indian war," as it is known iu history, having been brought to a close about two years previously, tho Proprietors made new efforts to effect a real settlement. They sent up a committee to run the lines and renew the bounds between this and the adjoining townships. They were also directed " to take care of the mill irons, and to seo what condition the meeting-house .and mill are in." Bridle paths had been opened through the woods ; the territory had been 44 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. traversed in every direction ; and the way was opened for settlers. And now, on the 29th of January, 1752, the Proprietors took a deci- sive step, which led to actual re-Viilts. They voted £100, " old tenor," equivalent to about forty-four silver dollars, to each one of the first ten men who should by the first of November next, .build a dwelling- house, and settle a family in the township. The result was, ten fami- lies erected log houses, and planted themselves here, this season, some of whom stood their groand through the perils of the next French and Indian war, which soon began to rage. The following extract from the Proprietors' Book will be road with interest, as it shows who were engaged in the actual settlement. " March 10, 1762. Tliomas Brown sent his claim to bo received for one of the first settlors. 1. EJward Eveleth enters his claim for two of the first set- tling families. 2. " 16, " Eiekiel .Jewatt enters his clalra for ono of the first settlers. 1 . " 31, '■ The Hon. Thomas Berry put in his claim for two settling families. 2. April 4, " Thomas Brown desire.stho privilege of being admitted for two more settling rights. 2. " 18, " Col. Tho. Berry claims a privilege for one more of the first settling familioa. 1. '■23, " Edward Eveleth desires tho privilege for one more set-, tling family." 1. Tho next year, 1753, the settlers put up a small frame of a meet- ing-house, a few rods south of the old burying ground, this spot hav- ing been originally selected as the centre. That frame was never occupied for public worship, nor even enclosed ; but was soon sold, on conviction that the present centre common — on " the hill" — was a bette* site for a meetin3;-house and training field. But let it he recorded to their honor, that tho first ten families, the year after they had built log cabins for themselves, undertook to erect a house of God. The names of the first settlers will be read with increasing interest ■. as the years of their pioneer labors recede into the past. The follow- ing list, says Dr. Whiton, is nearly correct, and in relation to most of them, certainly so. By far the most prominent man among them, was tho Hon. Thomas Berry, one of the leading citizens of Ipswich, who settled on the place formerly belonging to Stephen Tolman, and now owned by Samuel Woodbury, resided there a portion of each of the Bay M@uis©j 1?S1. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 45 two or three subsequent years, and then returned to Ipswich, ■where he died, August 12, 1756. He was thus a resident, 'though not legally an inhabitant of the town. Lieut. Tilton was also here, at times, and did much in efiecting the settlement. Another prominent man, of considerable -wealth and influence, who though ho never became a resident, was .a large landholder, was active' in promoting the settle- ment, and occasionally visited his lands here, was Dr. Joseph Man- ning of Ipswich. His name is introduced for the sake of an amusing anecdote which occurred on one of his visits, and v/hich will be related in connection with a name soon to bo mentioned. Hichard Day was a permanent settler, and built the house now owned by Mr. Josiah Dunn, more than a hundred and sixteen years since [1752]. He was the first deacon of the church, and was killed by the fall of a tree, many years afterwards. He was a liseful man, and his decease was much lamented. Thomas Wilder, supposed to have been a brother of the Hon. Abel Wilder, was a respectable man, but left the place soon, probably on account of the war. r *j Abijah Smith was a man of influence. He soon loft, but came back ' after the war. Gabriel Pushoy, or Pouchey, was a French refugee from Kova Scotia or. Cape Breton, lived in a fortified house on the south side of the common, and at his death, left a widow who survived to extreme old age. Some of her descendants of the seventh generation, no-.v reside in the tov/n. We now come to the. anecdote of Dr. Manning. It' is told of the oldlady, then young however, that having received of the Dr., a cake of chocolate, with the direction to prepare it for him against his return to dinner, and being unwilling to acknowledge her ignorance of the article, she came to the sage conclusioii .taat.it was tu be boiled with pork and potatoes. Afcoi-some time, exploring the din ner pot with a fork, to see if the cake was done, she was astonished at its 'disappearance. William Holt lived on or near the common, where his daughter Mary was born, Nov. 15, 1763. She was the first child born in town, was afterwards known as Mrs. Bosworth, lived on the hill in the east- ern edge of Royalston, just beyond the Howard saw-mill, and died in 46 HISTORY Off WINCIIENDON. 1847. According to tradition, there werj but six women resident in the town ; of course some of the first settlers were unmarried men. John Darling was probably another of the ten, and lived on the Jason Keith farm. William Moffat settled, it is believed, in the west part of the town. Eight of the ten have now been named. From 1752 to 1755, Ben- jamin Groodridga, Thomas Jewett, Joshua Priest, David Wilder, Ben- oni Boynton, Nathaniel Burnham, John Moffat and John Brown, were added to the number. Tioo of theso were among the original ten, but which of them is not now known. Some of them left during the war, but soon returned. The first born male child in the place, was Nathan Pushey, who on this account, received from the Proprietors, whea he arrived at the age of twenty-one, the donation of a lot of land, and soon after died in the revolutionary war. In this connection, we may fix some of the first habitations of the original settlers. There were, as appears from the Records, and according to tradition, several block-houses or buildings made of hewn logs, which were occupied as garrisons or forts. One of these was on the plain near the mill in Bullai-dville. Another in which Mary Holt, the eldest child of the town, w^as bom, stood near the south end of the old Meeting-house Common. This was occupied, says Mr. Hyde, by Dea. Moses Hale, as a dwelling for sometime before removing into his own dwelling-house. There was another near the east line of the farm of Mr. Jacob Hale, senior, which he occupied as a dwelling-house, within the memory of persons now living, [1868.] A fourth was some twenty rods east of Tallow Hill school-house, near the house where the late venerable Mrs. Eddy lived. A fifth was near the spot where Mr. Samuel Woodbury now reside^ ; and still another not far from the house now occupied by Mr. William Willoby. One of the best houses erected in the early times was built about 1752, by Dea. Richard Day. It still stands on the high ground a little west of the south end of the Common. It is a large two story house, and by care, may be occupied by generations yet to come. It was at one time owned by Rev. Mr. Brown, the second minister of the town ; and at subsequent periods has been in the possession of Rev. Messrs. Malachi Bullard, John Storrs, and B. F. Clarke ; now HISTORY OF WINCHEXDON. 47 occupied by Mr. Dunn. About the same time, a bouse was built on tbe spot now covered by the residence of Charles J. Rice, Esq. This was occupied as a tavern for many years, being convenient for towns- men and travelers, at the southeast comer of the Common. This hDuse was kept successively by Matthew Knight, Samuel Griggs, Francis Bridge, Bemsley Lord, Joshua Gale, Luther Stimson, James McEIwain and Phinehas Whitney. There was another house occu- pied by James Mansfield, near the old burying ground. Gabriel Pouchey, or Pushey, dwelt in a house near the southwest of the Com- mon. Col. Thomas Berry put up a house where Dea. Desire Tolman afterwards lived. On the 24th of October, 1753, the first Proprietors' meeting was held within the township, at the house of Richard Day, and adjourned to the next day, when it was voted to grant the meeting-house frame to Col Berry, on condition that he would furnish a room in his house for religious meetings. The war alarm induced the settlers to grant <£300 old tenor, for the purpose of fortifying some of the houses ; at the same time a sum of money was raised to procure some supply of preaching during the ensuing winter. The proceedings of the meeting held at the house of Richard Day, Oct. 31, 1754, were as follows: " Voted, That something further shall bo done in fortifying the township. Voted, That the sum of three hundred pounds, old tenor,* be raised in order to fortify the township : fifty pounds of which is to fortify Mr. Darling's housOf and fifty pounds to fortify 5Ir. Boynton's house, and one hundred pounds toward defraying the acc't, of fortifying Thomas Jewett's house. Voted, That Col. Tliomas Berry's house shall bo fortified, and that one hundred pounds, old tenor, be allowed therefor, the said BeiTy to pay what farther sum shall be needed to complete the garrison, which he agreed to. Voted,, That Col. "Berry, Capt. Goodridge, add Mr. Smith be a committee to see that the garrisons are completed." " The spring of 1755, " says Dr. Whiton, " found the people in their fortified houses, of which there were some half dozen, as Berry's, Jewett's, Darling's, Boyntoa's, and Pushey's ; two of the number so well strengthened, as to be called /orts. About planting time the set- * £100 old tenor was equal to £13, C, 8, lawful money, and $44.45 federal money. 48 IIISTOKY OF WINCHENDON. tiers had certain proofs that Indians with hostile purpose were trav- ersing the woods. Their perils will be best learned from their Peti-- tion, dated June 7, 1755, to the government of Massachusetts for protection." It is here given verbatim, a copy having been obligingly furnished by Frederic Kidder, Esq. of Boston, as found in the ancient records of the Common v/ealth. "PETITION OF IPSWICH CANADA. To his Excellency William Shirley, Esq., Captain Greneral and Govenior- in-Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Iky; to the [lonorablc, Iiis Majesty, s Council, and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled ; the Petition of the inhabitants of the place called Ipswich Canada, in the County of Worcester, hereby shewoth, that there are eight families of us now living in said plantation, which is at least eighteen miles from Lunenburg, the nearest place that is settled, or that can possibly afford us any help in case of an attack by the Indian efiemy, which we are in daily fear of; and although the Proprietors of said plantation did in Oct. last, build two good and sufficient forts ; yet we being poor and but new beginning in a very thiclt wooden country, and having all our provision to buy and bring from Lunenbi'rg, Lancaster, or Groton, &c., Vi'horeby it becomes impossible for us to maintain our families and keep the forts : unless wo are protected, must of necessity leave the place and go off, which wd are exceedingly unwilling to do, and give ground to the enemy, having laid out all the small substanue we had here, and have no where to go for refuge— if we masb leave our crops now on the ground, wo and our families will ho finally undone. Wo arc sensible that Indians are .about us, for we heai- tliem shoot, especially on the 28 th of May wo lioard no less than seven guns shot in 'the woods above u^. We scouted the next day, but made no discovery. We are all noYf shut up in the forts, and know not how soon we shall bo beset or destroyed. Therefore your Petitioners Innnbly pray your Excel- lency and Honors would take our distressed case into your wise and com- passionate consideration, and grant us relief and protection, as in your great; wisdom and goodness shall sccra meet. And your Petitioners as in duty ; bound shall ever pray. (Signed,) ^ Oabmel Pl'siihy, B.vvid Wilder, Richard Day, .John Buown, Tiio^iAS JiiWKTT, ; Nathaniel Blodgkt, WiLLiAiM Holt, .Toshua PniEst, John Moffet, William MoFifET." I » HlfiTORT OF WiNCHENDOM. 49 III tHe words of Dr. Whiton, " this simple and artless recital sets forth more impressively than any studied elegance, the fear and dis- tress which existed among the little band who dwelt at the time in Winehendon, a fear showed by all the neighboring settlements ; the people of Athol often went armed to public worship, and their pastor, Rev. Mr. Humphrey, who had been ordained in that place, 1750, carried his gun in times of alarm into his pulpit, placing it where he could lay his hand on it in a moment." There is some traditionary evidence that the earnest petition of the feeble company of settlers lor governmental protection, was not unheeded. A very aged man who died some years ago in Stoddard, B". H., used to relate, that he and a few other soldiers were for a time stationed at Winehendon ; and that he once went on a scout through the woods between Ashburmham and Athol, probably following pretty nearly the course of Miller's river, and making the Pushey house their headquarters. One of these soldiers was named Robert Bradish, \ who afterwards became a settler, and the gun which he carried, is now in existence, aad owned by Mr. Luke Rice. But no life was lost in Winehendon, and not even a drop of blood was shed, in consequence of Indian raids. In 1758 we come to an important event, not only to the town, but especially to Winehendon Village. The Proprietors offered one hun- dred and twenty dollars and a lot of land, to the person or persons w^o should build a grist-mill in the township, keep it in repair, and grind for lawful toll for ten years. The next year, 1759, Bartholo- mew Pearson built the mill in the Village, a work which the people hailed with joy, and deemed a great acquisition, as it saved the hard labor of conveying their grain for grinding, on roads winding among roots and rocks, and over pole-bridges to other towns. From 1755 to 1761, the following persons were added to the num- ber of settlers, viz, Thomas Brown, Jaeob Gould, Charles Tuttle, , Henry Hodgkins, William Hodgkins, Samuel Craig, Philip Goodridge, Dayid Poor, Joseph Fuller, Samuel Reed, Samuel Darling, Silas Darling and Timothy Darling. Some of these became permanent residents. From the Records, dated November 1, 1759, we learn that the Proprietors voted, " That the Surveyors already chosen, John Moffat, 50 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Jacob Gould and Richard Day, are hereby ordered to build a bridge in said township over Miller's River, on the county road to Royalshire, now Royalston, out of the money already granted by the Proprietors, according to their best sMll and judgment." This bridge was beyond WaterviUe. In 1762, June 30, the Proprietors voted,' " That sixty days highways' .work shall be done in building a bridge over the river, by Mr. Pearson's mill place." This was about ten-rods below where^ the bridge now stands, near Goodspeed & Wyman's establishment. Before coming to the organization of the town, there is one more extract to be made from the Proprietors' Book, which, on account of its importance, will be transcribed at length. It is as follows : " Sept. 22, 1761. Voted, That the Proprietors will build a meeting house in the township of Ipswich Canada. Voted, That the said meeting house shall be 35 feet wide, and 45 feet long, and the length of the posts to be 22 or 23 feet. Voted and chose Benjamin Goodridge, Abijah Smith and Philip Good- ridge, a committee to let out the meeting house. Voted, That the committee be empowered to see that the said meeting house be hewed, framed and raised, the outside boarded, shingled and clap- boarded, window, sashes, and glass put up, door heads and doors he made, the lower floor be laid, and the frame be underpinned with convenient stones. Voted, That the said meeting house shall be completed as aforesaid by the last day of September, 1762. V(^ed, That the meetings be held in Ipswich Canada for the future." In pursuance of this object another meeting was .held next yeai:, as follows : " At a legal meeting of the Proprietors of Ipswich Canada, at the house of Mr. Eichard Day, inn-holder at Ipswich Canada, June 30, 1762, Voted, and chose Messrs. Benjamin Goodridge, Richard Day and Barthol- omew Parsons, to be a committee to view and stake out a meeting house plot." . The committee made the following report of their doings. " Laid out five acres of land for a meeting house, training field and bury- in"' yard, on the Northwest corner of the lot NO. 1, in the South division, ' beginning at the Northwest comer bound, running south 48 rods, on line of said lot, then easterly 16.g- rods, then, running northerly a parallel line with the West line 48 rods, and then to the place where we began. Benjamin Goodridge, Bartholomew Parsons, Richard Day." HISTORY OF WINCHENDOSr,. 51 On the reception of this Report the meeting voted, " That the Pro- prietors will accept the land laid out by the committee, on lot No. 1, South division, for the use of the meeting-house, training field and burying yard — there being reference made on said lot for that pur- pose by the Propriety at their meeting on the 27th of Oct., A. D. 1737 — ^notwithstanding a former vote passed by the Proprietors at their meeting held Nov. 1, 1759, to accept of the report of the com- mittee to set the meeting-house on lot No. 30, finding that place not accommodable. And the committee chosen to build said meeting- house, to raise the house on the plot where they judge most convenient." The war being over, people began to fiock in more rapidly. The Rev. Daniel Stimpson, and his brothers, Jonathan and Ephraim Stimp- son, Abel Wilder, Daniel Goodridge, David Goodridge, Jeremiah Stuart, and Reuben Wyman, were added in 1762. Some of these, but not all of them, were from Ipswich. A meeting-house was built, and Rev. Mr. Stimpson was settled. This last event was on the 15th of December, 1762. The two preceding summers had been seasons of excessive heat and drought, cutting short the crops. Tradition says that the milk for the ordination puddings was brought in jugs from Leominster, the township having but four cows,- and these at this wintry time, not afibrding a supply adequate to the occasion. Having brought the story of the early settlers down to the year 1763, when measures were taken to organize a town by applying to the General Court for an act of incorporation, it is interesting to see how the formation of this httle settlement was connected with general histoty. England and France contended for the mastery of North America, at intervals, for more than a century, and the history of the colonies, and almost every town in the colonies, was mixed up with the contentions of those transatlantic nations. The fortunes of Winchen- don were involved in the wars of those times. Its origin was the expe- dition of 1690. The colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York combined to capture the Gibraltar of America. The Bay Col- ony fitted out a fleet, under the command of Sir William Phipps, while the other colonies sent an army. Their forces were to combine in an attack on Quebec, by land and water. The scheme failed, but not its consequences, one of which was the grant of territory compos- ing this township, and its final settlement. The people of Ipswioh 52 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. sent its quota of men on this expedition, and more than forty years later, the survivors of these heroes, and the heirs of those who had died during the long interval, petitioned the General Court for a grant of land, as a partiaF compensation of their losses and sufferings. The petition was granted, and in due time, the grant was settled by the people of Ipswich. But there could be no settlement for many years, on account of the unsettled condition of the frontier. Queen Anne's wars, in her brief reign, and Lovewell's war in 1725, retarded settlements in places nearer the Atlantic towns than this wild region. An effort was made to begina settlement, as already related, in 1735-42, but very little progress was made, when the war of 1744-48, sometimes called " King George's war," or the " old French and Indian war," put an end to all attempts at settlement. There was no meeting of the Proprietors from 1742 to 1751, when new measures were taken to bring in set- tlers. A few began to cut an opening in the forest in 1752, in which year eight or ten men gained a foothold. But the war of 1754-63, commonly called the "last French and Indian war," retarded the growth of the settlement. Some left the place, while others remained in garrison. From 1753 to 1762, only about twenty-two or three men had joined the company as owners or settlers. • Several of these never gained a legal residence, and several of the remainder departed never to return. At length in 1759, Wolfe captured Quebec, and the conquest of North America was secured, though peace was not declared till 1763. Perhaps there were ten or twelve families here in 1761, when the fighting in the northern colonies was over ; from which time, the set- tlers came in more rapidly. By 1764, when the town was incorpora- ted, twenty-one men, most of them probably at the head of families, had joined themselves to the earlier settlers who still remained on the ground. The names of all the men who had effected a settlement here ' by the close of 1764 are here inserted in the order of the date of their settlement. It must not be forgotten however that some of the men herein named had already left the place, while others had probably never become settlers in the proper sense of the word, but were pro- prietors, and interested in the gathering of a township. Some were here a year or two before the coming of their families. The list with the dates must be taken as an approximation to the true state of the facts. HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 53 tRichard Day, *t Thomas Wilder, " t*Abijah Smith, " t Benjamin Goodridge. " t William Moffat, ' " William Holt, " * Thomas Berry, 1754, ♦Abraham Tilton,- " * Thomas Manning, " *Thomas Jewett, " Joshua Priest, " John Darling, " David Wilder, " Benoni Boynton, " Nathaniel Blodget, " Thomas Brown, 1755, tJohn Moffatt, " Jacob Gould, " t * Nathaniel Burnam , " * Charles Tuttle, 1756, t Henry Hodgkins, 1757, "Joseph Tuttle, " Samuel Craig, " Abiathar Houghton, " John Brown, " Samuel Beed, " Gabriel Pouohey, 1758, Nathan Pouohey, " Barzillai Willard, " William Hodgkins, " John Gibson, " First Settlers -1753, fDavid Poor, 1758, Samuel Hunt, " Francis Goodhue, " Joseph Fuller, " Daniel Goodridge, : " David Goodridge, " John Dunsmore, " William Brown, 17^9, Mr. Harvoy was here preaching, " Ebenezer Sherwin, or Sherry,- " Samuel Titus, 1761, Timothy Darling, • " Eev. Daniel Stimson, 1762, Jonathan Stimson, " Ephraim Stimson, " Abel Wilder, " Bartholomew Pearson, " Jeremiah Stuart, " Ephraim Boynton, " Reuben Wyman, " Thomas Sweetland, 1763, Daniel Bixby, " Theophilus Mansfield,—- 1764, Seth Oaks, " William Oaks, , " Silas Whitney, " Stephen Choate, " Nathaniel Bixby, " Amos Spring, " Jonathan Foster, " SECTION 3. — CONTRAST BETWEEN 1764 AND 1864. What mighty changes have been wrought during a single century ! Then the few inhabitants within the limits of this town, belonged to a colony of Great Britain. All writs and warrants, ran in the king's name. George III. had been on the throne less than four years. The ♦Those marked thus were owners of land, and engaged in the settlement, tiiough some of them were not actual settlers. Some of them, after remain- ing for a time, left never to return. Besides there is an uncertainty about the exact year of the coming of a few. Thirty or more of these men, the larger part of them having families, were here at the time of the first town meeting. There is considerable diversity in spelling the names. Oaks is written Oak ; Craig, Crag ; Burnliam, Burnam ; Ponchey, Pushey : Stimson, Stiinpson, &c. t These men were in the place on the 25th of October, 1757. 54 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. thirteen American colonies were sparsely peopled except near the coast. Behind them was the wilderness, filled with wild beasts and savage men. Behind these, on the north and west, French colonies, settlements and military posts stretched from the gulf of St. Lawrence, by Niag- ara, and Pittsburg, to New Orleans. Indians and Spaniards bounded the English settlements on the South. Our fathers were hemmed in by barbarous and civilized enemies on either side except the sea, across which the mother country reached her strong hand for the pur- pose of repression rather than of help. The colonists were poor. Their farms were mere opemngs in the forest. Their villages were separated by intervening woods, over which the meeting-houses could be seen, from hill-top to hill-top. Their houses were either log cabins, or small, rude, unpainted specimens of rustic architecture, with here and there a residence of higher pretensions. There were no manufac- tures except those wrought by female fingers, on wheels and looms, by the domestic fireside. The British Parhament would not permit, if able to prevent, the making of even a "hob-nail" in the colonies. Our fathers were in a state of dependence, and it was the intention of England to keep them dependent as long as possible, and in the mean- time, make them tributary to her wealth and glory. In those days Winchendon was on the frontier. A few settlements were scattered here and there in the wilderness, between this spot and Canada. The greater portion of the land was in the possession of the wild beasts and the Indians. At every outbreak between France and England, the French and their savage allies poured down upon our outlying towns, laid them waste, send carried their people captive. Now the United States are a great and populous nation, rich with the accumulations of industry, and the returns of commerce. The wild beasts and the savages have fled before the advancing wave of population, and the mihtary posts; of the French, which once were gir- dled around us with the design of strangling, have been swept away, leaving no trace. We can travel westward thousands of miles, and see no territory but our own. Arts, learning, civilization, religion, all have their temples in our towns, villages and ciMes. "We send great armies into the field, and we have one of the most powerful navies that ever floated. God has smiled on the vrildemess, and it has become a garden. He has caused it to bad and blossom as the rose. This town has witnessed and participated in the wonderful change. mstoRt oi- wmcHENDosr. 55 One huiidred years ago it was one of the remote settleiaeiits of the colony of Massachusetts Bay. It was nearly all forest^ swamp and rock. It was a week's distance from the cajHtal^ with which it had no regular communication. . Here the ladians fished and huated. The few earliest settlers were not safe, previous to 1763;, unless they slept in fortified houses. But now towns and cities are located on every side, and extend far to the Canada line. That colony itself is now lassuming the greateess and tile JjOLcipient port of an empire. Wnt- chehdon is within two and a half hours of a great, wealthy, populous and highly cultivated metropolis. The forests are turned into farm- lands ; the streams are vocal, not with their native music only, but with the busy hum of industry. Our workshops are full of busy arti- sans ; our schools are filled with happy children, and our homes are the abodes of peace and comfort. If the first settiers could have had a vision of the changes in the land, and in their own home, which were to come, they would have been filled with wonder, and tiieir faith would have staggered at the results which are now accomplished facts. These remarks are not irrelevant, since there is a reason why 1764 and 1864 are intimately connected in general history, and in the his- tory of this town. There is an historical unity between the two dates, as will be seen at once, when it is stated that the conclusion of the last French and Indian war, in 1763, made it possible for Winchen- don to gain population enough to be organized into a town. Many years had the Proprietors been laboring to bring the soil under culti- vation, and to erect a township ; but successive wars between England and France, in which the colonies and the I»dians were always involved, rendered this place, and all the adjacent country insecure. A few per- sons were here previous to the outbreak of the last French war, and they remained throiigh it. Some of the early settiers were probably engaged in that war of hberation, when the foundation of our indepen- dence was really laid. Some followed Wolfe into Quebec, by the cap- ture of which the French power was broken. The war lingered until 1763, when peace was declared, Canada was transferred to England, and all the country between here and the Canada line, was rendered safe for settlement. The people began to move westward and north- ward ; there was an accession to the popiidation of this place. Appli- cation was made for an act of incorporation, which was granted, and in the spring of 1764, Winchendon became a towia. 56 HI9TORY OF WINCHENBOW. The following adrertisement, taken from the Massachusetts Gazette, properly comes in here as an illustration of the times. Notice is hereby given to the definqnent proprietors of Ipswich Canada (so called) in the county of Worcester, who at their 1^1 meeting held on June the 30th, 1762, did vote and raise 123 on each original right to pay for preach- ing, and 12s for highways and other charges, and £1 for the Eev. Mr. Daniei Stimpson's settlement aod £1 for his first year's salary. And at another meeting of said propdetiH's held on Nov. 17, 1763, did vote £1, 6s, to ^e raised on the three after divisions then dravm to pay the Committee for lay- ing out the same, and on each original ri^t £i, 10^, towards finishing ^he meeting-house. THAT if said proprietors do not pay the said taxes and all arrears unto Abiather Houghton, treasurer for said proprietors, that so much of their lands will be exposed to sale at a pubHc Vendue to the highest bidder, at the house of Capt. Joshua Hutohins inn-holder in Lunenburg, as will pay said taxes and arrears and all intervening. charges,, on Wednesday, the 18th day of Jan- uary next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon. And said sale to continue from time to time if need be till finished. D . . , ( Bbnj. Goodeidob, ^^^"fhaoMAS Wilder, Commttee, Ij,^^^^^ Hou(JHTO«. Sept. 9, 1763'. HISTORY OP WINCHENDOK. 57 CHAPTER III, — ORGANIZATION ANP NAME. *' For government, though high and low and lower, Put into parts, doth keep in one consent, Congruing in a full and natural close. Like music," Henky V. In the year 1763, the Proprietors petitioned the Great and General Court for an act of incorporationj-^ith all town privileges. The pro- ceedings of the meeting which took idaeasures for an act of incorpora- tion, were as follows : "At a legal Meeting at the house of Gabriel Pouchey in the township, June 22, 1763, Voted, That the Proprietors will join with the inhabitants in a petition to the General Court, that Ipswich Canada may be incorporated into a town." "June 23, Voted, That a tax of one penny per acre be laid on all the lands that are already laid out in Ipswich Cfanada, for the term of three years. Voted, That Benjamin Goodridge, Esq., and Daniel Bixby, be a committee to draft a petition in order to send to the Great and General Court, that Ips- wich Canada may be incorporated into a town, and the lands taxed according to the above vote." At the same time, the inhabitants of the township sent a petition to the authorities in Boston in the following terms. The document was recently found among the papers of Hon. Abel Wilder, which are in the possession of his grandson, Dea. Albert Brown. A portion of the sheet is torn oiF, and the blank cannot be filled. What remeuns is here given. "To His Excellency, Francis Bernard, Esq., Captain General and Gov- ernor in chief of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay : To the Honorable, His Majesty's Council, and House of Kepresentatives of the said Province, in General Court assembled. May, 1763. The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Tract of land called Ipswich Can- ada, with a number of non-resident proprietors — humbly sheweth : — 58 HISTOKY OP v^IlfOHfi^n)os^ That }he said inhabitants are poor, and their number is so small fey the noip Settlement of many rights of land there, that they are unable to pay their vari- ous taxes, particularly their quota of the salary of their settled minister ; — That the inhabitants, excepting one or two, are under special obligation to pVLj all the charges of the whole rights to Which the lots they inhabit respec- tively belong, till the said Traet of land shall be made a town or district;— That the said inhabitants have already paid of such charges more than their lots are worth separate from the improvements, made thereon by their labor; — And that the best ex humbly conceive, to pre said ti:act of land, is-^^^ ^-^^ actually sulyected to a -- Whereupon your your Excellency and — ^ i ^^ the Eftid tract of land into a toWn (By the name of Epesberry,) and that all the lahds of sufch town may be taxed.^-i. ^=.. for the payment of the said taxes, for the space of- .years ; or otherwise relieve your petitioners as in your wisdom you shall think fit ; and your petitioners shall ever pray, &c. The petitioners, it seems, desired to have the new toWn styled Epes* berry, in honor of two distinguished men of Ipswich, the Hon. Simonda Epes, and the Hon. Thomas Berry. Why this part of the petition was denied, we have no means of ascertaining, but every inhabitant must be gratified that we are saved from the endless confiision in spel- ling which would have been the result of calling the town Epesberry. Besides the sound of Winchendon is far more euphonious. And thus the annals of the township, from the first grant as " Ips> wich Canada," until its incorporation as a regular town, have been recited. In compliance with the prayer of the above petition, the General Court passed an act on the 14th day of Jime, A. D. 1764, incorpora- ting the plantation of Ipswich Canada into a town to be called Win-' chendon. The Act of incorporation is inserted here. " An Act for erecting the Plantation called Ipswich Canada into a Town by the name of Winchendon. . Whereas the inhabitants of the Plantation called Ipswich Canada in the County of Worcester, labor under many diiEculties-.and inconveniences by means of their not being a Town : Therefore, Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Heuse of EepresehtativeS) That the Plantation commonly called and known by the name of Ipswich Canada, in the County of Worcester, bounded as follows, viz : South twelve ■HISTORT OP WINCHENDOrr. 69 . degrees West, seven miles and two hundred rods on Dorchester Canada ; West eighteen degrees South, two hundred and seventy rods on Westmin- ster ; North thirty-six degrees West, four miles and two hundred and twenty rodson Templeton line ; North seventy-eight degrees West, six hundred rods on Templeton line ; North twelve degrees East, four miles and two hundred and sixty rods on Koyalshire ; South seventy-eight degrees West — [rather, East twelve degrees South] — -six miles on Eoyalshire line ; be and hereby is erected into a Town, by the name of Winchelidon, and that the inhabitants thereof be, and hereby are invested with all the powers, privileges and immu- nities, which the inhabitants of the Towns within the Province do or may enjoy. And be it further enacted, That there be laid on the lands already laid out in said Town of Winchendon, a tax of one penny per acre for the term of three years. And be it further enacted, That Edward Hartwell, Esq. be and hereby is empowered to issue his warrant, directed to some principal inhabitant in said Town, requiring him to warn the inhabitants of the said Town, qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet at such time and place as shall be therein set forth, to choose all such officers as are or shall be required by law to manage the affairs of the said Town." This Act of Incorporation -ffas signed by J. BERNARD, Goterkor. A few words may be appropriate in this place in regard to the ori- gin of the name. It is English in its origin, and it is not known that there is another place in the United States having the same name. Mr. Hyde, in his History of the Town, says : " It seems that Win- chendon was so called after the name either of a manor or of a small town in England. An English historian states that ' In the month of December, 1706, Her Majesty, Queen Anne, conferred the following honors, viz, Thomas Lord Wharton was created Viscoimt Winchendon and Earl of Wharton.' " In reference to this subject. Dr. Whiton aays, " The name, that of a small town or, manor, in England formerly and perhaps now giving title to an English nobleman, Viscount Win- chendon, was probably suggested by the then Gov. Bernard, in com- pliment to some friend or place to whom or which he was partial ; it being quite fashionable at that day, for the royal Governors to compli- ment favorite persons or places in England, by scattering their names over new settled places in the colonies." 60 HISTORY OF WINOHENDON. The above suggestions may be true, but I am more inclined to the opinion that the origin of the name was as follows. Ipswich was set- tled by emigrants, some of whom, as I have somewhere read, were from Upper WincMngdon, in Buckinghamshire ; and it is quite probable that the grantees of this place suggested the name of "Winchendon for the purpose of perpetuating a name familiar to their fathers. During this and the preceding year, about ten new settlers came into the town, among whom we find the names of Bixby, Mansfield, Oaks, Whitney and Spring. There were now about thirty families, and probably two hundred souls in the town. The leading men were Richard Day and Abel Wilder. It is a matter of interest to know whence many of the early settlers, both before, and some years after the organization of the Town, came. Ipswich contributed the Days, Poors, Tuttles, Darlings and Polands. The Stimpsons and Whitneys came from Weston ; the Hales, Cur- tises, Sherwins, Perleys and Emerys from Boxford ; the Goodridges from Lunenburg ; the Wilders from Leominster ; the Paysons, and (probably) the Boyntons from Rowley ; the Murdocks and Hydes from Newton ; the Bemises and Balcoms from Sudbury ; the Tuckers from Milton ; the Rices and Greatons from Spencer ; the Raymonds from Holden ; the Browns, in part, from Lexington ; the Stoddards from Cohasset ; the Bradishes and Grouts from Leicester ; the Green- woods from Sherborn ; the McElwains and Bruces from Bolton ; the Evanses from Readuig ; the Farrars from Sterling ; the Tolmans from Dorchester ; the Buttricks and Flints from Concord ; the Bixbys from , and the Waleses from Braintree. As a matter of curious information in relation to persons, and also in regard to the way of doing things, in old times, it is thought best to insert, in this place, the proceedings of the two first Town Meetings, in full, as they are found in the Records. The Warrant for the first meeting and the proceedings of the same, have been obligmgly fur- nished by Webster Whitney, Esq., Town Clerk. " Worcester, ss. To Mr. Eichard Day of the Town of Winchendon, in the County of Worcester, Yeoman, Greeting. Whereas I am ordered and impowered by the Great and General Court, to issue my Warrant, directed to some principal inhabitant of said Town, requiring him to warn the inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in Town affairs, to assemble in some suitable place in said Town, to choose all neces- HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 61 saiy officers td manage the afiairs of said Town, and also to assess, and levy and collect the land tax: These are therefore, In his Majesty's Name, to require you, the said Richard Day, forthwith to warn the inhabitants of said Town of Winchendon, qualified as aforesaid, to assemble and meet at your dwelling-house in said Town, on Monday the fifth day of , November next, at one of the clock in the afternoon, then and there being assembled, to act on the several articles hereafter mentioned, viz : 1st. To choose a Moderator for the government of said Meeting. 2d. To choose Selectmen, and all other Town officers for the present year, as the law directs. 3d. To choose a Collector to gather the land tax. And make due return of this Warrant and your doings thereon, ^^reof fail not. Given under my hand and seal at Lunenburg, this sixteenth day of October, in the fourth year of his Majesty's Eeign, A. D. 1764. Edwakd Haktwell, Justice of the. Peace." " In obedience to the within written Warrant, I have warned all "the free- holders and other inhabitants of the town of Winchendon, to appear at the time and place within mentioned. Winchendon, November ye fifth, 1764. RiCHAED Day." "At a meeting legally warned, November ye fifth, 1764, of the freehold- ers and other inhabitants of Winchendon, to assemble and meet at the house of Richard Day, then and there being assembled, proceeded in manner as follows, viz : Chose Richard Day, Moderator, to govern said meeting. William Oaks, Timothy Darling, Amos Spring, Abel Wilder, Abel Wilder, Town Clork. Theos. Mansfield, ^ Bennony Boynton, >■ Selectmen. Ephraim Boynton, ) Richard Day, Constable. Nathaniel Bixby, Town Treasury. Daniel Goodridge, Collector of the Land Tax. IlubeJwS } ^^""""^ Wardens. John Darling, Tythingman. Daniel Bixby, Deer Reaf. Aaron Hodskins, Fence Viewer. These officers were chosen and sworn as the law directs. Surveyors of Highways. Jonathan Foster, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Silas Whitney, Surveyor of Boards and Shingles. Ruben Wiman, Field Driver. Nathaniel Bijjiy, Sealer of Leather. Stephen Choate, Stave Culler. Nathaniel Burnam, Fire Ward. A true Record, per Abel Wilder, Town Clerk." 62 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. The record of the first annual meetmg shows some changes in the disposition of the various offices, and several new names appear. It will be noted also that by vote of the town all freeholders were allowed to vote. " At a meeting legally warned of the freeholders and other inhabitants of Winobendon, to assemble at the public meeting-house in said town on Mon- day the 11th day of Marcb, 1765, Then and there being assembled, proceeded _ in the following manner, viz : 1st. Chose Theos. Mansfield, Moderator for the government of said meeting. 2. Voted, That all freeholders shall be allowed to vote in said meeting. 3. Proceeded to the choice of town officers and chose Abel Wilder, Town Clerk. Theos. Mansfield, ) Nathaniel Bixby, |- Selectmen. Benoni Boynton, ) Ephraim Boynton, Constable. Richard Day, Town Treasurer. Jonathan Foster, 1 w ^ Theophilus Mansfield, ) Daniel Bixby, ) nriu- Q in •' (- Tithmgmen. csamuel Urage, ) ° John Darling, Samuel Titus, Jonathan Stimson, William Oaks, Surveyors of Highways and Collectors of •Highway Rates. ; Reeves. Reuben Wyman, U^.^ Reeves. Timothy Darung, ) AbnerHale, Uenee Viewers. Jonathan Foster, ) Silas Whitney, )g. Samuel Titus, ) ° Daniel Bixby, Sealer of Leather. Richard Day, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Joseph Stimson, Field Driver. Bartholomew Pearson, Surveyor of ' Boards and Shingles. Daniel Goodridge, Collector of the Land Tax. The officers for the present year were chosen and sworn as the law directs. Attest, , Abel Wildek, Town Clerk." In making these citations, the diflferent modes of spelluig the same names and words, have been followed, as they are found in the Records. At these first meetings of the town, no Overseers of the Poor were chosen, and no provision was made for the poor. Probably there were no paupers in the town to be provided for by law. It is possible, though not certain, that the following proceedings of the town authorities were taken for the purpose^f ridding the town of a family which might become a public burden. In those early days, when new settlers were eagerly welcomed, there must have been strong reasons to induce the Selectmen to take such action as is indicated in the following extract from the Records. BISTORT OF •WINCHBNDOJT. 6S " Worcester, ss. To Richard Day, Constahk in Winchendon, Ctkeeting. You are, in his Majesty's liame, required forthwith to notify and warn Joseph Kneeland and Abigail his wife, Joseph Kneeland, Jr., his son, and Sarah Pierce Bigelow, and Elizabeth Bigelow, her daughter, who came last from Harvard, and Hannah their daughter, who was bound at Ktchburg, all to depart, and leave this town forthwith, or suffer the penaltys of the law in such cases maid and provided. Hereof fail not, but make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to me as soon as may be. Given under my hand and seal, this fourth day of January, in the fifth year of his Majesty's Eeign, A. D. 1765. By order of the Selectmen, Abel Wilder, Town Ckrk.** " Worcester, ss. Winchendon, January ye 7th, 1765. By virtue of this Warrant within written, I have warned the within named Kneeland and family forthwith to depart out of this town to the places from whence t^ey last came. EiCHABD Day, GonstaUe of Winchendon. A true Becord, per Abel Wilder, Town Clerk. 64 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. CHAPTER IV. — CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. " View them near At home, where all their worth and pride is placed ; And there their hospitable fires burn clear, And there the lowliest farm-house hearth is graced With manly hearts, in piety sincere, Faithful in love, in honor stern, and chaste. In friendship warm and true, in danger brave, Beloved in life, and saiuted in the grave." Hallbck. Having completed the annals of the town from the coming of the first explorers to the date of its organization, it may be well to pause here, in our chronology, and take a glance at the character of the in- habitants, their manners, and their social life. In this sketch, the author is indebted to the manuscripts of Dr. Whiton, and to tradi- tionary information derived from aged people, and children of the origijial settlers. The early settlers were an enterprising, industrious, temperate, har- dy and God-fearing people. Some of them were men of property, like Richard Day, while others were poor.; some were men of strong sense and capacity for public business, like Abel Wilder ; while others were plain fanners, and some, undoubtedly, were merely workmen, or " hands," in the employ of others. But as a class, they were capable of subduing the wilderness, introducing the arts of pastoral life, tak- ing care of their families, founding a town, and setting up a churcL None but the enterprising and hardy would be disposed to find a home in such a wilderness ; none but the industrious could live and thrive here. That they kept the Sabbath, and worshiped the God of their fathers, is fully proved by the fact that they immediately made pro- vision for public worship, as if they felt it to be one of the necessities of society. The state of morals was good. The church was enlarged from time to time, and the ministry was held in great respect, and honorably supported. HISTORY OF WINCHENOOHr. §5 The people, in that early day, were strangers to many of the con- veniences and comforts of more recent daily life. ** Their dwellings were without glass, and ill-fitted to exclude the cold. Had it not been for the roaring fires, kept up in winter in huge fire-places, fed contin- ually with great logs, which the owners were glad to get rid of, and thought &.e;y could wot bum up fast enough, the inmates must have sufiered severely. Noble pines that would now be valued at more than fifty dollars, were unsparingly burnt as nuisances. Those immense fire-places were large enough to allow, at one end, a path- way to the oven, and also a location for a wooden bench, on which sat, in cold winter evenings, a row of boys and girls eking out a perhaps scanty supper of bean porridge, by parching com and roasting potatoes in the embers." , " Their farming utensils" continues Dr. Whiton, " were clumsy ; indeed we should deem iJiem intolerable. Homespun and coarse, yet durable was their clothing ; the men vore tow shirts, striped woolen frocks and leather aprons ; the best suit of coarse woolen was reserved for Sundays and special occasions, and lasted year after year, the wearers giving themselves very little concern about the mutations of fashion. Great coats and surtouts were rare ; boots very rare. Many a man would have rejoiced in the ownership of a pair, but felt unable to buy them. In winter they wore shoes, excluding the snow by woolen leggins, fastened over the mouth of the shoe by leather or tow strings. Neither men nor women wore shoes in summer at home ; on Sundays, the women, to save the wear, sometimes carried them in their hand, walking barefoot, or perhaps wearing an old pair till they came near the meeting-house, when they would stop a few moments and put on the meeting-shoes of thick, coarse leather." In confirmation of this statement, the author was told, by an old lady living in the south-western part of the town, whose golden wed- ding he attended a few years since, that she and her companions, when gu'ls, were accustomed to carry their shoes in their hands, nearly three miles, and when near the meeting-house, they stopped at a certain place, and put the shoes on their feet. Customs differ. The ancient Hebrews were accustomed, when entering a sacred place, to put their shoes from off their feet, because the place on which they stood was holy ground. Our ancestors, on the contrary, were in the habit of covering their feet when drawing near to the house of God. s 66 HISTOET OF WTNCHENIKWr. " When engaged in tbeir domestic work," continues Dr, WMtoD, " -which was nearly all the time on week days, they were clad in a short gown and petticoat, of coarse material, with a striped apron j cal- icoes being thought an article too expensive aind dressy for comamon wear. Candles being scarce and oil hardly known, the women carded and spun, and the men shaved shingles or read a little by the light of blazing pine-knots, or pitch-pine splints. The household furraturewas rude and scanty ; the cupboard exhilrited an array of wooden and pew- ter plates, and pewter spoons. Stools and blocks of wood oft served instead of chairs; cairpets^ sofas and pianos were unheard of; instead of them were the spinning wheel, both great and small, and the loom ; articles, if less ornamental, certainly more indispensable. Tea, coffee, and other foreign luxuries were scarce known, or at any rate, seldom used. Broths of various kinds — com, barley, and the far-famed bean broth, nrilk when it could be had, brown bread, journey [or johnny] cakes, hasty-pudding, boiled »nd fried pork and potatoes, baked and boiled beans, were the great staples of living. Sometimes in winter famiUes were conveyed to meeting through deep snows on an ox sled ; in summer the man, if he were the owner of a horse, rode to meeting with his wife seated on a pillion behind him, a child on a pillow before him, and possibly a smaller child in the moth- er's lap, encircled by one of her arms. That age of homespun, of hard work and ample fare, was however interspersed, on the part of the men, with trainings, musters, raisings, huskings, chopping-bees, wrestling-matches, piling-bees; and in the female world, with quiltings, carding-bees, and apple-parings, if apples could be foimd. If the rude dwellings were not often animated with the faces of viatants, they were enhvened with the buzmng of wheels and the clatter of looms. It was deemed not improper, but respecta- ble for females to perform, at certain seasons of the year, many kinds of out-door work. They reaped, raked hay, pulled and spread flax ; in the absence of their husbands, housed and foddered the cattle, milked the cows, fed the swine, took care of the poultry, and when necessary, even caught and saddled the horse. In most instances they carded, spun, wove, colored, and made up the garments of the family. Surely our great grandmothers, many of whom were women of intelligence and high moral principle, we might add in relation to not a few, refine- HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 67 ment, not artificial but native, were far from eating the bread of idleness. Their descendants have ample reason to rise up and call them blessed." Education in those early days was not what it now is, in many respects. The cluldren had very little instruction in school. Where schools were kept, they were open but a few weeks in the year. The branches of study were reading, spelling, writing and arithmetic. But nearly all the inhabitants were able to read, and knew enough of figures to transact business in their limited way. The children one hundred years ago were ignorant of the multiplicity of branches which are now cultivated in our public schools ; they had- but few books, and scarcely any periodicals to read at home. A Boston Weekly brought them all their printed news. But they had the Bible, which is une- qualled by all other books together in its educating and elevating influence. They had Pilgrim's Progress, which is worth whole libra- ries of ordmary juvenile publications, and always fresh because reveal- ing new thought and hidden beauties to the aJdvancing reader. They had Robinson Crusoe, which has arouseS thousands of minds to activity, and set millions of youth forward in paths of enterprise and achieve- ment. They had other works, — i-eligious, historical, literary, biograph- ical, — which trained them to think. And the events of the day in the mother country, as well as in the colonies, gradually made them famil- iar with the principles of government. Their own necessities were a constant spur to industry and invention. In a certain sense therefore the youth of this town, in its earliest years, had a good intellectual training. They grew up to be capable of managing their private afiairs, training their own families, and performing all municipal and mihtary duties. In regard to morals and religion, no people in the world had more intelligent or sounder convictions. The morals of the people were good. The rights of property were respected. Bolts, bars and locks were not needed to guard articles of value. The women and children slept securely at night so long as wild beasts were excluded from their habitations. Female honor and purity kept the domestic hearth secure. If the men used New England or West India rum, as a beverage, drunkenness in those early days, was a rare vice. Though all were not members of the church, yet there was general harmony of religious views. Nearly aU were of the old Puritan stock, and thus formed a homogeneous society. Thus the soHd foundations of the town were laid. 68 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOW. CHAPTER v. — ANNALS OF THE TOWN; 1764—1800. " The lapsing years joined those beyond the flood, Each filled with loves, griefs, strifes and honest toil ; And thus as shadows o'er the checker'd plain, Children their fathers followed to the grave. The fruitage of their lives and deeds is ours." The Annalist. Events which occurred from year to year, but which cannot be grouped under specific heads, will here be given in chronological order, from the time of organization to the close of the century. 1764. The first town meetmg was held, on the fifth of November, at the house of Richard Day. 1765. The first annual town meeting was held at the public meet- ing-house, on the eleventh of March. The line between Winchendon and Templeton was perambulated from the road to Templeton, to the N. E. corner of that town. At a town meeting on the fourth of Sep- tember, a grant of eight dollars was made to be laid out in schooling. Joseph Boynton, Joseph Stimson, Reuben Bumham and Simeon Bum- ham, were added to the population. The line between Winchendon and Ashbumham was perambulated. 1766. S^everal families moved in this year. James Murdock came from Newton, and Abner Hale from Boxford. Levi Bixby, James Mansfield, Thomas Rugg, Richard Bailey and Isaac Stimson joined the settlers. The town declined to send a delegate to the General Court. 1767. Abel Wilder was chosen deacon as coadjutor of Dea. Day. Seven families came in this year, viz, those of Dudley Parley, or Par- ley, John Cheney, William Porter, John N. Pannenter, Richard Pear- son, Thomas Gray, and Jonathan Bixby. The Rev. Mr. Stimpsonwas chosen in place of Thomas Mansfield, chosen at a former meeting, to HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 69 carry a petition to the General Court in regard to taxation. The motive was economy doubf^ss, as the minister, being a public servant, charged his expenses and not his time. Besides, he could take the occasion to visit his friends at Weston. 1768. The town's Minister, Rev. Daniel Stimpson, died of putrid fever, on the 20th of July. In September the town declined to send a delegate to a Provincial Convention, on the ground, as was said in their vote, that they were " a small people ;" but they pledged them- selves to the support of whatever measures might be agreed upon by the Convention. In the words of the records, " to promote manufac- turys and suppress superfluitys." The population had increased to about sixty families, and three hundred souls. The following new names belong to this year : Amos Merriam, Thornton Barret, Mcah Bowker, Rev. Joseph Brown. The latter began to preach here near the close of the year. 1769. Mr. Brown was settled as the minister of the town on the 24th of May. The new comers were John Boynton, Thomas Sawyer, Peter Joslin, Abijah Stimson, Ebenezer Sherwin, Solomon Bigelow, Eli Smith, Phinehas Wheelock, William Joiner, John Joiner, Lemuel Sarjent. 1770. Travel began to pass through this town from the west and northwest to Boston. Eleven new names appear among the inhabi- tants : Moses Hale, Jacob Hale, Amos Hale, brothers, Israel Green, Gershom Fay, Robert Bradish, John Chamberlain, John Day, Daniel Gould, Moses Foster, Jesse Fox. The Hales became numerous in the lapse of years, and many of their descendants sdll reside here. John Day was not a new comer, but a son of Dea. Richard Day, and prob- ably admitted as a freeman or voter this year- The town declined to send a delegate to the General Court. 1771. We find nine new names under this date : viz, Samuel Noyes, James Noyes, Jonas Bradish, Gideon Fisher, Timothy Knee- land [spelled Nealand elsewhere,] Stephen Boynton, John Porter, Joseph Fay, Edward Payson. In 1764, and in 1766, the legislature authorized the town to tax the lands of delinquent tax-payers in order to get their taxes. The tax was one penny per acre for three years. In 1771 an act was passed by the LieuL Governor, Council and House of Representatives, author- izing the sale of lands to pay the tax. The first sale was on the 9th 70 HISTORY OF WIKCHENDON. of January, 1771, at the house of Silas Whitney, inn-holder. There were fifteen sales. On the 30th there wlte twenty sales, or twenty " pieces" struck off. The next day one sale was made. On the 18th of February, eleven sales. " 19th " twenty-two sales. " 27th " eight sales. In all seventy-seven sales were made. The purchasers were Silas Whitney, William Houghton, Kichard Day, Grideon Fisher, James ^pionds, P?iul Eager, Darnel Gould, Nathaniel Oaks, Amos Merriam, Abel Wilder, Thomas Sawyer, Joseph Wilder, Phinehas Wheelock, Ephraim Stimpson, John Cheney, Jeremiah Stuart, Joseph , David Whitcomb, Abel Hunt, Levi Carter, Seth Oaks, Jonathan Stimpson, John Boynton, Ely Simth ; in aH twenty-four. This sale effected quite a change in the ownership of property. Several persons ' had removed from town. By vote. May 3d, the town declined to send a delegate to the General Court. The subject of selling the land of delinquent tax-payers was revived in town meeting on the 12th of April, it having been reported that the taxes of the late Col. Berry of Ipswich, were paid before the sale. " If the receipt can be produced, to see if the town will come into some method to redeem the same." The proposal was negatived, and the presumption is that the receipt was not produced. 1772. New immigrants continued to establish their domiciles in Winchendon. Here follow the names of seven men : John Homer, Matthew Knight, Zebulon Conant, Francis Bridge, Samuel Mason, Ephraim Gale, Ephraim Sawyer, Antipas Dodge. liberty was ^ven for any person in the town to " build horse stables" on the Common. This provision was made for the comfort of the horses on the Sabbath, while the ownera and their wives, and children sat shivmng in the unwarmed sanctuary. John Homer had a lease of a cpiarter of an acre on the north end of the Common, west side of the road, for a house lot. On the 25th of May the town voted nat to choose a representative. For seven or eight years next in order, the history of the town is involved in that of the country, and in tins connexi(»i may be hurriedly passed over. An occaaoual incident will be noted. 1773. The first record of help to any poor person, is November 8th of ttas year. It is for ^hauEng sxid ebopping w> C9CCUIIU JUVCUIJg XIOUBC 1 C. Third McetingHouse. 7/^ n J3 J[2 n WINCHENDON CENTRE. o {^"^301! ''™''"- Scale of 8 rods to an inch. HISTORY OF WIBTCHENDON. 71 •wife," six shillings ; and later, for things delivered to Mrs. Moffat, amounting to over eleven shillings, iaeluding the pay for five pints of rum, Is, 3d. The same year Gershom Fay was taken from the town to If orthborough. The town declined to send a delegate. A large number of settlers came in this year, viz, Levi Nichols, Miles Putnam, Amos Edmands, Joseph Wilder, Thomas Beals, Dan- iel Joslin, Ebenezer Smith, James McBlwain, David Brown, Nathan- iel Brown, Boger Bates, Jonathan Evans, Levi Carter, Ebenezer How, Samuel Steel, Josiah Baldwin. Levi Nichols was a man of enterprise and energy. His tavern was a great resort of travelers. This was on the spot occupied recently by Capt. Oliver Adams, and now owned by Mr. Cromwell Fisher. 1774. March 7, Voted to buy " a funeral cloth," or pall. May 3^ Voted not to send a representative- The new settlers were as fol- lows : Ezra Hyde, Sr., William Whitney, Joseph Broadstreet, Eben- ezer Sherwin, David Stoddard, Daniel Balcom, Samuel Spring, Nathan Green. The names heretofore given have been taken from Mr. Hyde's His- tory, and Dr. Whiton's manuscript, for the most part, but many have been inserted which are not found in their lists. For the future the names of settlers will not be given from year to year ; but in the next chapter will be found the names of all who engaged in the public service in the revolutionary war ; and in a subsequent chapter the names o£ every married couple in the town in the year 1800. 1775. The dysentery prevailed in the summer of this yeai*, and in a considerable number of cases terminated fatally. In this or the next year, the £rst store for the sale of foreign goods was opened in the town, just south of Nichols' tavern. The death of Mr. Pushey, Pou- chy, or Pouehey, one of the early settlers occurred iMs year. 1776. May 27, Chose Mr. Robert Bradish repreeentative to the General Court. The tradition is that he was a man of strong sense and an ardent patriot, but very rough and uncouth in Ids manners and appearance. Early in the session he was about to enter within the bar of the House, when the oflScer stopped him. " I am a member of the House," said our stalwart delegate. " Indeed, "replied the official, " I be^ pardon, I thought you were a member of the bam." If the tcaditipn is truthful, the officer lacked the spirit as much as Mr. Brad- ish lacked jibe appearance of a, gentlemtan. 72 HISTOET Of WUfGHErriWliF. 1777. Israel Whiton, M. I>,, settled m town. He came from Con- necticut. He was, for a time, surgeon in the regiment of the brave and competent Col. Knowlton, whom Waalungton held in high estima- tion. Dr. Whiton lived here to a good old age, and bad great influ- ence in the town and in the church. Robert Bradi^ was re-elected. 1778. January 23, The Articles of CanfederatiOTJi c£ Mie United Colomes were read in town meeting. March 2, Voted to receive the atrip of land lying between the north line of WincbendcHi and the Province line, called " Royalston Legg," on to the town of Winchen- don, " upcm the inhabitants of said Legg, and several principal inhab- itants in the north part of Wincbendon promising never to be instru- mental in niioving the meetuig-house off of the mieeting-iouse Common, so called." 1779. Abel Wilder, Ifeq., was chosen delegate to the Convention called to frame a Constitution for the State, He was in the public councils nearly all tiie time until his decease in 1792. March 1, " Voted to give thirty pounds to any inhabitant of this town who shall kill a Avolf before March, 1780." May 2, Voted "not to choose a rep- resentative." The winter of 1779-80 has always been known as the "hard winter." The cold was so extreme that Long Mand Sound was frozen over, and a man drove a horse and sleigh from Saybrook to Long Island. The snow was deep and drifted, and the cold weather continued for a long time. During ax weeks there was no dripping from the eaves on the south ade of the bous^, 1780. The weather continued intensdy cold. In fte words of Dr. Whiton : "• at the begbning of 1780, and for weeks onward, most of the roads were impaseaiWe ; traveliag, except on great roads, and even tiiere, accomplished with the utmost difficulty, was sa^eraded ; physi- cians walked to viat their patients on rackets ; foe! waa drawn to the door on hand-sleds ; many families used boiled or pounded com instead ' of meal, the malls being either frozen up or inaccessible. The family of Rev. Mr. Brown lived thus on com about three weeks, till Dr, Whiton, who then boarded in the house, went to nnll on rackets, car- rying on his back a peek of com, and returned with meal, affording to the family the pleasure of once more eating bread. Till late in April the fences were buried under the snow." October 11, " Granted £450 to Levi Bixby aS' a bounty for three lyolves Hue and Beal have killed sioee kfit Mareh." HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 73 " Voted and chose a Committee to dispose of the common and undivided land belonging to the ministerial and school rights. Chose Dea. Bale, Capt. John Boynton, and Lieut. Samuel Prentice." ' " Voted, That if the Proprietors choose a Committee to dispose of their com- mon and undivided lands lying in this town, that the above Committee join with them and malt^ale of the common and undivided land belonging to the above-mentioned rigbcs, or dispose of it otherways as the Committee see fit." "The Committee are directed to see that the above rights draw full share in all the common lands which was not drawd in second division lots." w " That the Assessors be directed for the future to rate all the common and undivided lands lying in the town." May 18th was the memorable " dark day." The d£y;j£nes8 was so dense by 11 o'clock, that fowls went to roost, and cattle came to the bams as if it were night. Before noon candles were necessary. In the evening the darkness was like that of Egypt. December 27, " Landlord Griggs" is mentioned in the Records. He was the second or third landlord on the Common. 1781. Abel Wilder, Esq., was the first representative under the State Constitution. March 5. Chose a Committee of three to take up the petition of Gideon Fisher and others, inhabitants in the south- easterly part of this town, to be set off, and report to the town at the annual May Meeting. The Committee were Abel Wilder, Moses Hale, Israel Whiton." This led to the incorporation of Gardner. [See the end of this chapter.] March 22. " Voted that the petition be taken out of the front galery so that the men may have the whole of the front galery." April 23. " Voted, That the money due to the Widow Oaks be paid ninety to one." " Voted, That the women have one-third part of the front gallery in the meeting-house, and that there be a petition erected for that purpose." " Voted to see if the town is willing to have the mode of singing without reading introduced on Sundays." Passed in the affirmative. December 14. Warwick sent a letter about a new county. No action taken. 1783. May 16. Persons who had moved into the town from other 74 HISTORY OF WINCHENBON. towns vrliere they had paid their rates for hiring three years' men, asked to have their rates abated here. The town refused. 1784. March 1, The town meeting was held in the school-house. Marches, Francis Bridge and Joseph Sweetzer were allowed to set up a store on Meeting-house Common. April 5, Jason Bemis had liberty to set a blacksmith's shop on the meeting-house Common. It was to be south of Mr. Burr's shop on the east line of theTlommon. «iMay 26, .The town voted in favor of having a new county, and enjamin Brown, Dea. Moses Hale, and Capt. Wilder were chosen a Committee to consult with Committees of other towns. This question came up frequently in subsequent years, and never came to anything. September 6, The Selectmen were directed to purchase a " funeral cloth." 1785. A tract of 3680 acres was taken from the town, and joined \rith territory taken from adjoining towns, to form the town of Gard- der. The people of Winchendon concurred in the measure. William Whitney obtained a vote to have all his farm left in Winchendon. At one time he owned six 80 acre lots adjoining, besides land in other parts of the town. Voted one penny on the pound to the Constable, for collecting for the year 1783, March 7, In a freak the town chose Dr. Whiton hog-reeve, and Dr. Atherton fish-reeve. It was probably done by the Shays' men, who had a decided opponent in the former. May 16, Voted to commit a certain inhabitant of the town to gaol unless he paid his taxes. 1786. Abel Wilder was chosen to the Senate, and continued in the same oflSce until his death. Dea. Hale succeeded him as repre- sentative. There was no vote in the town against Mr. Wilder. May 15, " Voted' to build a new pound, and to build it with stone. Voted to set it on the northeast corner of the Common, twenty-five feet each way within the walls, six and one-half feet high, four feet broad at the bottom, and properly tapering to the top." 1787. May 14, Abel Wilder was chosen representative, but hav- ing been chosen a Senator at the same time, the town chose Dea. Hale representative on the 30th of July. The town changed its mind about the pound, and voted to build it of wood, of white pine timberj HISTORY OF WINCHENDOSr. 75 eight feet high. Struck off for ten dollars to Mr. Levi Moor. The town refused to give the front gallery " to convene the singers." October 8. An article was in the warrant in relation to setti^ up grave-stones in memory of Eev.. Daniel Stimpson. Negatived. December 3, Dea. Moses Hale was chosen delegate to the Conven- tion for ratifying the Constitution of the United StsSes. He voted in the negative, with a large majority of the delegates from Worcester county. 1788. May 12, Chose Samuel Crosby, Efeq., to take care of the town's stock of ammunition. September 15, Voted, That two of the Assessors should go round and take a new invoice of the town. This " invoice" which would be a great curiosity now, was probably burned with all the Assessors' books and papers a few years since. December 18. A town meetbg was held to choose a representa- tive to the first Congress under the Constitution of the United States; and also to vote for presidential electors. For Congressmen the vote was as follows: "Hon. Jonathan Grout, Esq., 20; Hon. Artemas Ward, Esq., 16 ; Hon. Abel Wilder, Esq., 6 ; Hon. Timothy Paine, Esq., 1. This was the first movement towards sending Mr. AVilder to Congress. The following was the vote for electors : Hon. Amos Sin- gleary, Esq., 19;'Hon. John Fessenden, Esq., 19; Hon. Samuel Baker, Esq., 4; Hon. Moses Gill, Esq., 14. The meetmg then adjourned from the cold meeting-house to " Mr. Stimson's east room," where was a good fire, and other warming things. This " east room" was in the tavern which stood for many years on the spot where the house of Charles J. Rice, Esq., now stands. The business transacted shows that the town was getting earnest about collecting its taxes. " Voted, That the Treasurer call immediately upon the persons that owe upon notes and if not paid soon, the notes to be put in suit. 2dly, Voted, That the Treasurer be directed to receive lumber fOr these notes in favor of the town, at cash price. 3dly, Voted, That the Treasurer allow 20s. a thousand for good merchantable closing boards ; 6s. per bunch for good merchantable shingles, 6-8 per thousand ; eight dollars a thousand for good merchantable clapboards. Voted, That the lumber be delivered at the Treasurer's own dwelling-house. If not sold before the next March meeting, to be set up at the vendue." Dea. Hale was Treasurer, and his house was then on the southeast comer of the Common. 76 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 1789. May 8, The town had thrown Jonathan Stimpaon into jail for his taxes. An article in the warrant for the meeting held this day, was " to see what method the town will take to said Stimpson and his family*." The town voted " to let out said Stimpson upon the best conditions for the town they can." 1791. Septem^^r 5. The lot of school land, No. 170, was sold to Dea. Levi MooiV and the money was loaned on land security. No- vember 7, the town voted to petition the General Court for liberty to convey by deed the ministerial and school lots belonging to the town. November 12, Abel Wilder was chosen to draft a petition respecting the sale of land, which draft was approved by the town. By the census this year it was found that there were one hundred and fifty houses, and nine hundred and fifty inhabitants in the town, showing that the increase of population had been quite rapid. The houses were scattered over the town, for as yet there were no villages except at the centre. 1792. April 2d, " Voted, That the town will have their town meet- ings opened and proceed to business at the hour set in the warrant. September 5, Thaddeus Bowman and Thaddeus Bowman, Jr., left in debt to the town. The town, by execution, took land in Wethers- field or Cavendish, Vt., and now Mr. Amos Hey wood was chosen agent to make sale of said land. September 24, Samuel Prentice was chosen agent to prosecute those who had not fulfilled their obligations in respect to building the new meeting-house. The town refused to have a house occupied as a hos- pital by persons " inoculated for the small pox, in some remote part of the town, to be under the care of some skillful physician." In consequence, the Hon. Abel Wilder went to Jaffrey for treatment, where he died in the pest-house. The town had a law-suit before the Court of Common Pleas at Wor- cester, with Luther Stimson, respecting the support of Mrs. Thankful Stimson. Dea. Hale was agent of the town in conducting the case. He employed Esq. Paine and Esq. Strong as counsel. The decis- ion was in favor of the town. 1793. Jeremiah Stuart's part of the tax for building a meeting- house was abated. He claimed to be a Quaker. June 3, Dea. Sam- uel Prentice was chosen Treasurer, in place of Lieut. John Burr, who died in the preceding month. HISTORY OP WINCHENDOS. 77 1794. Here is an item which must have been the occasion of talk in every house in town, at the time. A meeting was called, on the 6th of January, to take into serious consideration the request of Sally Lord. Voted, " That Miss Lord improve the house she now lives in, and also the red shop on the east side of the common, during the town's pleasure, and that the Selectmen assist her in conducting the matter according to their best discretion." She was the only living daughter of the first minister, and had been deserted by a selfish husband. April 7. The town refused to petition the General Court for a new county. Also, " voted against setting off a part of the southwest of the totra, to make a new town. Also, voted to burn a number of old notes due to the town from several persons. Chose a Committee to pe- tition the General Court for liberty to sell ministerial and school lots." May 5, " Voted to petition the General Court to abate a fine im- posed on the town for not sending a representative." May 28, Voted and empowered Moses Hale to sell the land be- longing to the town in the State of Vermont, and ^ve a deed for the same. # September 1. The following action was probably taken in connec- tion with Washington's call for troops to suppress the " Whiskey Re- ^ bellion" in Pennsylvania. That was suppressed in October. The town of Winchendon voted " to make up to the soldiers who have turned out as minute men in this town, forty shillings per month as wages, including what they receive from Congress, from the time they march, to the time they are dismissed from the camp ; and if they are called out of town before they march, to muster, or any other matter more than the rest of the militia, the town vote to give them three shillings per day for each day." November 3, " Voted to let out to the lowest bidder the making an accurate plan of the town, agreeable to a Resolve of the General Court, passed June 19 preceding." Chose a committee to let out the business. Nov. 21. It was let out to Major Paul Boynton for $39.67. " Voted and made choice of Moses Hale as a committee man, with Major Boynton, for the above-mentioned purpose of taking a plan of the town." The work was done by Dea. Hale, and the original by his pen is now in the office of the Secretary of State, in the State Houso at Boston. The effort to set off a portion from the southwest 78 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. of the town to form a new town was still pursued, but the town re- fused to take ^ any action in favor of the measure. The design was to make New Boston a centre. 1795. A post route was established through this town this year. A store was set up where the Village now stands. Its precise locar tion is not known, probably where Mrs. Caswell lives. It was a small affair, suitable to the times. Thojnas Wilder was the st(^re-keeper. May 6, Voted on the question of the necessity and expediency of revising the Constitution of the State. Yeas, 2 ; nays, 61. Accept- ed the Plan of the town. September 3, Voted to set up guide-posts, agreeably to an act of the- General Court. The toAvn generally set itself against all changes of town or coun- ty lines. In December of this year it voted against setting off Har- vard to Middlesex county. 1796. May 5, Voted against dividing the county, and also against building a new Court House in Worcester. September 5, Voted not to pay for a singing-school. November * Voted to request the church to shorten the intermis- sions on Sundays in the longest days, to an hour and a half, and in the • shortest, to an hour. 1797. May 2, Voted to give a bounty of three shillings for every old crow, and one shilling for every young crow killed in the town, by the inhabitants thereof, to. continue for the time of six month's from this day. A vote similar to this was passed at different times down to a recent period. 1798. January 1, Chose Dea. Moses Hale, Amos Heywood and Dea. Samuel Prentice a committee to remonstrate to the General Court against granting any money for the building a Court House in the town of Worcester." March 5, " Voted that the three first Selectmen — there were five this year — be a Committee to give a deed of the leased lands when the money is paid in, and let out the same at six per cent., taking land security." By degrees the town was disposing of its lands. April 2, Voted on dividing the county ; yeas, 15 ; nays, 40. Voted to procure a carriage and harness to be used at funerals. ' Voted that the Seal of the town be the letters W. and N., and that the Selectmen procure said Seal. HISTOKY OF WINCHENDOUr. 79 May 7. The love of office was not so strong in the last centniy as it is at present, else ambitious men -would have prevented any need of 8uch action as is expressed by the following vote : " Voted to petition the General Court to abate the fine for neglecting to send a represen- tative last year." It is possible however that towns would sometimes neglect or decline to send representatives in these days, because they were obliged to pay the expense. • 1799. September 30. The following action proves that the Mili- tia system was considered important by those who had a lively recol- lection of revolutionary times. " Voted that the Selectmen equip such of the trainband as they think are unable to equip themselves." Appendix to Chapteu V. The action of the town, embodied in the Report of its Committee, in reference to parting with a large section to the proposed town of Gardner, is so unselfish and honorable, that it is inserted here, as an appendix to^the Annals. The Report was presented, " accepted and adopted," on the 17th of May, 1781. It was as follows : " We, the subscribers, being appointed by the town of Winchendon, as a Committee to take into consideration the petition of Gideon Fisher and others, inhabitants of the southeasterly part of Winchendon, requesting to have a part of said town set off, and being annexed to parts of other towns, to form a distinct district, have attended to that business, and report as follows. Con- Bidering the situation of the petitioners, we think it reasonable a part of said town should be set off when those towns concerned have determined the res- pective boundaries of the district to be so formed, as that the same may be properly accommodated ; and as'circumstances now appear, we think a straight line beginning at the northeast corner of lot No. 15, to the southeast corner of lot No. 80, would best accommodate, if the parts taken from the other towns are correspondent thereto ; and in order that said boundaries may be ascertained, we think it expedient that those towns concerned should meet by their Committees, or otherwise, to consult on the same." 80 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. CHAPTER VI. — THE REVOLUTION. "The God of battles smll'd— Justice triumph'd; The Stars and Stripes, Columbia's sacred Flag, Like eagles' pinions flutter'd to the breeze ; And the Eed Lion, haughty Britain's emblem, Discorafltted, went howling back with rage, To lair amidst the white cliffs of Albion." Watson. SECTION 1. — SPIRIT OF THE PEOPLE. Having recited the annals of the town to the close of the century, it is now necessary to return, and dwell more fully on certain impor- tant events in which local and national history are blended. The first of these was the Revolution, which most deeply affected every inhab- itant of the town. The first settlers were in sympathy with their countrymen in rela- tion to everything which pertained to the general welfare. They were full of the spirit of patrotism and of the love of independence. They responded to all the movements of Boston, led by Samuel Adams, in the years preceding the Declaration of Independence. The " Boston Massacre" occurred, and sent a thrill of indignation through all New England. In January, 1773, a letter was received by the Selectmen from the town of Boston, in reference to public affairs, and requesting the peo- ple of Winchendon to take action in relation thereto, and send the result to the Committee of correspondence in Boston. Abel Wilder and John Boynton, two of the Selectmen, in response to a request signed by ten freeholders, called a special town meeting, " to see if the town will take iuto consideration the distressing circumstances of the present affairs of the province : and so far as concerns particular towns and individual persons, to act thereon by choosing Committees, or otherwise, as they shall see fit." The meeting was held on the HISTOKY OP WINCHENDON. 81 fifteenth of Pebraary, the records of -which are here copied, as they show the spirit of the people, two years before the clash of arms. " At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitaots of Winchen- don, qualified by law to vote in, town affairs, on the fifteenth day of Febru- ary, 1773, chose Moses Hale, Moderator for the government of said meeting. The meeting was then adjourned to 1, and again to 3 o'clock. " Voted, to take into consideration the distressing and dangerous circum- stances of our public affairs. Voted, to choose a committee consisting of five persons to prepare a draft to lay before the town, of such measures as may be thought proper for the town to come into, in order to defend their rights and liberties. Chose Messrs. Moses Hale, Levi Nichols, John Boynton, John Homer, and Dudley Perley, Committee for the purposes aforementioned. Voted, and consented to the proceedings of the town of Boston in their stating the rights of the Colonists, as they are set forth in a pamphlet sent by a Committee of Correspondence in Boston to the Selectmen of Winchendon." Adjourned to the first day of March at 2 P. M., in the meeting-house. "At a legal meeting of the freeholders and others of Winchendon, upon adjournment from the fifteenth day of February last, the Committee appointed the fifteenth day of February last, by the town of Winchendon, legally assem- bled to consider the letter from the town of Boston, with their statement of rights of the Colonies, and the infringements made upon them, which was publicly read at the said meeting, beg leave to report. That from a full con- viction of the propriety and expediency of the measure, they do recommend to the inhabitants of this town to pass the following Besolves, namely : 1. Resolved, that having taken into serious consideration the state of the rights of the Colonies, and of the Province in particular, as men, as christians, and as subjects, and a list of infringements and violation of rights, as speci- fied and set forth by the committee of the town of Boston, We are of opin- ion that the rights of this Province are well and truly stated in said list, as they are well supported and warranted by the laws of God, of nature, of the realm of Great Britain and the charter of this Province ; that a list of infringe- ments and violations of those rights and privileges inherent to the inhabitants of this Province are well stated, vindicated and supported by a great variety of uncontestable facts, whereby it appears to us as aforesaid, that the time is speedily hastening when we shall be reduced to the most abject slavery. 2. Sesolved, that having consulted our charter, we find that by the afore- said infringements and violations, our rights and liberties, thereby derived, are sapped to the very foundation. 6 82 HISTOEY OF WINCHENDON. 3. Resohed,: that it is of the utmost importance the Colonies in general and the inhabitants of this Province in particular, stand firm as one man to support and maintain all their just rights and privileges. 4. Resolved, that this town will, at all times, heartily join with our brethren of this Province, and with every true friend to liberty, in all lawful measures which may be proper, salutary and effectual for the redress of our grievances and the establishment of our charter rights, privileges and liberties. 5. Resolved, that this town choose a committee to correspond with the Boston committee, and the committees of other towns, to receive and com- municate to the town all salutary measures that shall bo proposed or offered by any other towns for removing the common grievances of this Province, and to communicate the sentiments of this town to the corresponSent com- mittee of the other towns of this Province, 6. Resolved, that the united thanks of this town and of every true son of liberty and friend to the constitution of the Province, is due to the town of Boston for their early and indefatigable zeal in endeavoring to preserve the constitutional rights and liberties of this Province. 7. Resolved, that the town of Boston be served with an attested copy of our proceedings. MosES Halu, Levi Nichols, John Boynton, John Homer, Dudley Peeley, Winchendon, February 22, 1773. The above Resolves being publicly read, it was put to vote. Accepted by unanimous vote. Voted, and chose Messrs. Moses Hale, Levi Nichols, John Boynton, John Homer, and Dudley Perley, a Committee of Correspondence. Voted, that the Town Clerk be directed to record the foregoing Resolves in the town book of records, and to return an attested copy of the same to the Committee of Correspondence above chosen. Moses Hale, Moderator. A true copy, Attest, Adel Wilder, Town Clerk." The intention of tte British government became plainer from year to year, and the determination of the Colonists rose in opposition. They would not surrender their birthright without a struggle. The people of Winchendon were in full accord with their countrymen in taking proper measures of resistance to tyranny. The Selectmen Committee to consider of Grievances. HISTOBY OS WraCHBKDON. ' 83 issued a warrant for a town meeting to be held on the fourth of August, 1774. This was the language of one of the articles. " Whereas the committee of Correspondence of the town of Winchendon, have received a letter from the committee of Correspondence of Worcester, — requesting the town of Winchendon to appoint one or more of the committee of the town of Winchendon, to meet the other committees of the several towns in this county, at Worcester on the ninth of August next, to consult together, and come into some regular method to oppose the late Acts of Parliament ; the intent of which is to bereave us of our rights and privileges ;" and the meeting was to " see if the town will choose one or more of the committee for the abovesaid pur- pose." The record of the meeting was as follows : "At a meeting of the town of Winchendon, August 4, 1774, Chose Mr. Eli Smith, Moderator for the government of said meeting. Chose Mr. Amos Merriam to join the Committee of Correspondence in the town in the room of John Homer, deceased. •Chose Mr. Moses Hale to meet the committee that may be appointed by the several towns in this county, at the widow Mary Stearns, at Worcester, on the 9tk day ^f August instant, at 10 of the clock in the morning." Adjourned to the 25th of August. Then met and acted as follows : " Voted, that Dea. Moses Hale go to Worcester upon the adjournment of the County Convention — That is, the adjourned meeting of the Convention. Voted to accept of the following Kesolves, namely : 1. Sesolved, that we acknowledge ourselves true and liege subjects to his Majesty, king George III., and that we will, to the utmost of our power, defend his crown and dignity. 2. Sesolved, that the charter of this Province is the basis of allegiance to his Majesty, the sacred obligation he is under to protect us, his American subjects, and that all Acts of the British Parhament which tend to vacate our charter without our consent, have a tendency to destroy our allegiance to the king, and also the obligation he is under to protect us, his most loyal sub- jects, which consequently reduces us to a state of nature. 3. Resolved, that those unconstitutional Acts lately passed in the British Parliament, wherein they claim a right to tax the Americans without their consent, and to alter our free Constitutions at then- pleasure, has a direct ten- dency to break off the affections of his Majesty's true and loyal subjects in America, from the king, and therefore most certainly weaken the British nation, and will, if persisted in, unavoidably endanger, if not actually be a means of the destruction of the king, and the whole British realm. 84 HISTOKT OF WIWCHENDOIT. 4. Resolved, that we will, to the utmost of our power, oppose all sneb ■unconstitutional acts, which in our opinion, are directly against the dignity of the king and the constitution of this Province, and are ready to risk our lives and fortunes in defence of our rightful sovereign, and to maintain our free constitution, in order to save ourselves and posterity from nun and slavery, which seems, like a torrent, rushing in upon us. 5. Resolved, that we will do all that lies in our power to maintain peace and good order amongst us according to the laws of this Province ; and that we will break off all dealings, as far as possible, with all officers who hold their commissions under unconstitutional laws. 6. Resolved, that those men who are appointed Counsellors by a manda- mus from England, directly contrary to the charter of this Province, and have taken the oaths required to sei-ve in that office, are destitute of any regard to the good of their country, and ought to be treated as open enemies to the once free constitution of this Province." SECTION 2. — ^THE PIRST NOTES OP DEFIANCE. The above resolutions truly indicate the sentiments of the inhabit- ants of this town, though they may have been drafted, possibly, in Boston. It was not uncommon for the people of one ^lace to adopt the resolves of another, inasmuch as the crias produced almost entire unanimity among' the people. An adjourned meeting was held on the 15th of September, when it waa " Voted to send a person to the Provincial Congress to meet at Concord the second Tuesday of October next. Chose Mr. Moses Hale to go to Concord. Voted, that every person from the age of sixteen to sixty years old, appear at the meeting-house in Winchendon, on Tuesday, the 20th day of this instant September, at one ,of the clock in the afternoon. Voted, . that the town wUl indemnify Mr. Jeremiah Stuart, Constable, in his not returning a list of the persons qualified to serve as Jurors agreeable to a late Act of Parliament ; and he is hereby directed never to make such returns." The last resolve was really a defiance to the government of the mother country, and evinces the purpose of the people to maintain their rights at all hazards. New events were in the same direction from month to month. In September, Gen'. Gage, the royal Gov- ernor, issued a proclamation convoking the General Court to meet m HISTORY OP WmCHENDOK. 85 Salem, m October. Though the Grovernor countermanded the meet- ing, the representatives, nevertheless, assembled at the appointed time and place, resolved themselves into a Provincial Congress, adjourned to Concord, and there adopted a series of measures adapted to the times. To this adjourned meefing, the town of Wiachendon sent a representative in the person of Dea. Hale, as appears by the vote above recited. Though the Provincial Congress was held in defiance of the constituted authority, yet the sanction of tiie people gave all tiieir recommendations tke force of law. This year, 1774, is noted in American annals for the destruction of tea in Boston harbor. Between three and four hundred chests of. tea were thrown into the water, by a party of men disguised as Indians, followed and assisted by a crowd in their usual dress. The British government, in their alarm at the excitement which their measures had aroused in the Colonies, and with the hope of conciliation, had repealed the duties on articles imported, witli the exception of Sirce pence per pound on tea, retained for the purpose of asserting their right to tax the Colonies. This claim was reasted, on priacipie, and one of the rough modes of resistajice was taken by the pretended Indians. A venerable lady, now deceased, wJiose husband was one of iSie band, used to narrate the evesat, and tell how^ frightened sTse was when her door was opemed that night, by a fierce looking Indian, and how she was calmed by a well-known voice, saying : " Don't be frightened, Elizabeth." According to her account, the number of men in the Indian costume was not largo, but every man in the crowd afterwards claimed to be one of the tea-party-, aad by implication, at least, one of the Indians. It is said, thai tliough the ladies joino'fi in the league which pro- scribed the use of tea, yet sometimes their love of the beverage would get the upper-hand of their patriotism. Under the name of sc^e tea, or mint tea^ or some other herb, the genuine article was sipped by stealtii, in the ceilar or the garret. And &ere are stories that even parties of ladies would eontpive, by settmga guard, to have a social tea-drink- ing ; nor need there be any doubt, that under such inspiration, thdr tongues ran as gliMy and patriotically on the engrossing topics of the day. The next act of the town taikcu in uoisoQ witih &e oliber towns of the 86 HISTORY OF ■WIN'CHENDOIf. Province, was another defiance of the royal govemmentv Harrison Gray, Esq., was the Treasurer under the government of the crown, and the taxes could not be paid lawfully except into his hands. The Congress, however, recommended the several towns to pay their annual taxes into the hands of Henry Gardner, Esq., of Stoir, as Treasurer for the Province. In reference to this matter the town passed the fol- lowing vote, at a town meeting held on the 10th of January, 1775. " Voted, that the Province taxes granted and levied upoii the town of Winchendon, for the years 1772, 1773, and 1774, committed and soon to be committed to Thomas Sawyer and Jeremiah Stuart, Constables of Win- chendon, be paid to Henry Gardner, Esq., of Stow, as soon as conveniently may be ; and the Constables are hereby ordered to pay the above-said money as above voted ; and the town mil hereby indemnify the above-said Thomas . Sawyer and Jeremiah Stuart in so doing, upon their producing receipts from the above-mentioned Henry Gardner, Esi];. Voted and chose Levi Nichols, Thomas Sawyer, Moses Hale, Abel Wil- der, John Boynton, Eli Smith and David Poor, a committee to see that the Association of the Continental Congress be put in execution. Voted, that the town will assist the above committee in carrying the above-mentioned Association into execution, provided they proceed agreeably to the directions of the Provincial Congress." Here was an actual though not formal defelariation of separation from the mother country. The authoirity of the roy'a! governor was set aside, and the Provincial Congress was the recognized authority. The action of the Congress which the above comnaittee were chosen to enforc0, proscribed the importation and use of artJdeS frofia Great Britain. SECTION 3. LEXINGTON AND BUNKElS SlLL..' There were at this time, according to Dr. Whiton^ about ninety families in the place, and near five hundred and fifty people, so that they were able to muster quite a company cxf militia. And if their ■ guns were old fashioned, and mayhap rusty, they were wielded by strong and sturdy hands. When the news came of the battle of Lex- ington, in April, the alarm was spread in Winchendon by the firirg of guns and the beating of drums. The people sprang to arms, ar.d xmder the: lead of Dea. Moses, Hale, without a conurus^oa, ai party of HISTORY OF WINCHENBON. 87 them started for tlie scene of action. Learning, however, while on their way, that there were men enough in the field, near Boston, they returned home. They attended to spring work on their farms, and put themselves in preparation for the contest which was now opening before them. In the meantime, Capt. Abel Wilder was commissioned as captain. The. time for preparation was brief, for letters dated May 6 and May 10, prove that Capt. Wilder was already in the camp at Cambridge. Sometime — the exact date has not been discovered, — prior to the battle of Bunker Hill, which was fought on the 17th of June, Capt. Wilder marched to Cambridge with his company. This company, says Dr. Whiton, " was composed of men from Winchen- don, Royalston and Templeton." . Among the soldiers from this town were Benjamin Rice, Amos Hale, David Stoddard, Samuel Bradish, John Day, Nathan Day, (both sons of Dea. Richard Day,) Timothy Darling, Samuel Brown, and EHsha Brown. It is supposed that some twelve or fifteen of the company were per- sonally engaged in the battle ; the remainder being on guard, or oth- erwise employed. " The Winchendon men engaged in the thick of the figbt, were Wilder, Bradish, Stoddard, Rice, and Hale," and per- haps others. Stoddard, though he received no injury, was covered with dust thrown up by a canon ball which struck the earth near his feet. Bradish was severely, and for a time it was supposed, fatally wounded, " by a ball accidentally discharged by a comrade, which entered the back of his neck, and came out at one of his eyes. The eye perished, but he himself surprisingly recovered. Apparently des- perate as was the wound, he walked off from the battle-field to a place of refuge. When Capt. Wilder came to him after the retreat, he found the wound undressed, and demanding of the surgeon the reason for the neglect, was told it was of no use, as the man must certainly die ; but he insisted that the wound should be dressed, which was ac- cordingly done." A letter* written by Capt. Wilder to his wife Anna, the day after the battle, finds its place here. The ancient spelling is retained. " ClIAELESTON ENCAMPMENT, June ye 18th, 1775. } Dear Wife : These Ljnes are to inform you that I am pretty well, though I have had a poorly two or three days. Friday night I was quite poorly. * Kindly fiirnished, with many others, "by his gi-aiid.soii, Dea. Albert Brown. &S HISTOKT OF WINCHEOTJOW. Doctor Wait said I must have a Vomit ; but I told him as there was & battle expect«d Satterday, I would not take it, lest I should be charged ef taking it on purpose. But I took some tincture, which answered a good purpose. And according as was expected, a very hot Battle insued Satterday after noon. Our -people had built a fort on a hill in the town of Charleston, and the Begulars landed upwards of two thousand men on said hill ; and our K.egimertt on the hill ; aod they fired upward from four or five Ships, the north battery, and two or three field pieces , but blessed be God, there wa» mot many killed by them. But presently they advanced up near to us, and I fi,red nineteen times, and had fair chances, and then they was too hard foy us, and we retreated. The bals flew very tluck, but tteougb the Divine potection, my company was all preserved but one, Pbiaehas Nevers,* who is missing, and Samuel- Bradish, badly wounded. Bat men are in good spirit. I- remain your txue and loving husband, Abel Wilder." The ^irit of the man is revealed in every line. He relied upon €rod ; he loved his wife ; he was careful of his men ; he was in the "-Ijot battle," where the " bals flew very thick," and " fired nineteen times," though he waS' a captain, and had " fair chances," which means prob- ably that he took aim at good marks. He Kad a long, dender gun, and fired it till if " was so stopped up " that he could not fire it any longer. Other officers of the company were lieitt. Jonas. Allen, of Royalston, and Ensign Isaac Nichols, of Royalston. Benjiaimn Rice was second Sergeant in this Regiment, commanded by CoL Doolittle. One of the company died while in camp. This was young Nathan Bay, of tHs town, the son of Dea, Day^ whose untimjely fate was doubtless mourned by the inhabitants generally, as one of the first victims of the war, though he fell by disease rather than by the vio- lence of the enemy. The following inventory of the few tbings belong- ing to the young soldier, while in service, is not without interest, after the lapse of almost a century. " Camp on Wistbr Hils, Sept. ye Ist, 1775. Then rec'd of Capt. Abel Wilder, the several things hereafter mentioneJ, Being all the things my brother Nathan was possessed of in the army when he died. *Nevei!s was wounded, and taien pKisoner to Boaton., where lie dieaL BISTORT OF wmCHENDOIir. 89 One Great Coat, Two pair of Trowses, One Shirt, Two p'r of Stockens, One Coat and One Waistcoat, One Silk Handkerchief, One Hat, One p'r of Old Shoes, One Gun and Bagonet, One Cartridge Box, One Shirt. / John Day." The following was found among the papers of Mr. Wilder, without a date, but it probably belongs to this period ; and if so, gives us the names of the " Minute Men," who were ready for instant service. They are all Winchendon names. " Order for Wages due on ye Minute Roll. Lt. John Boynton, Lt. Dudley Perley, Serg't. Amos Merriam, John N. Parson, Jr., Daniel Goodridge, Corp'l Abijah Stimpson, Roger Bates, David Goodridge, Elisha Brown, Samuel Brown, Saniuol Bradish, Thadeus Bowman, Stephen Boynton, Zebnlon Conant, John Day, Nathan D^, John Darling, Jacob Hale, Benj. Kimball, John Porter, Eben'r Sherwin, (drummer) Eph'm Sawyer, Eph'm Stimpson, Bill Hancock, Joseph Wilder." The following extract from a letter written by Capt. Wilder soon after he joined the army, gives us a vivid glimpse of the condition of the people of Boston, when leaving their homes in the possession of British troops. " The people are coming out of Boston daily. I was at Charleston Ferry Monday, to see a load come over. They seemed to be glad that they had got out, but looked back sober to think they had left all their substance be- hind them." There is occasional mention in his letters of visits froaa Winchendon friends, as " Mr. Mansfield and Sybil," and " Mr. Biglow," who " lodged in the tents two nights," and became " so beat out that he was obliged to go to the Hospital." Under date of October 7, he writes from Camp on Winter Sill, giving the following touching inci- dent. " As for going into Boston, it is but a fancy. Last week on Friday, two of our floating batteries went down so nigh that they shot several balls through the houses, and it is said shot a woman through, with a child in her arms." 90 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. The following letter is so cliaraeteristic of the -writer, and so de- scriptive of the times, that its space will not be grudged by any intel- ligent reader. No alterations have been made but such corrections w are necessary in preparing ancient letters — ^ oven those of Wash- ington — for the press. " Prospect Hill, Chaeleston, ) June 29th, 1775. | Dear Wife ! I received a letter from you yesterday, which informed me that the family was well, and you as well as you could expect, which gives me satisfaction. I hope you will be patient under common infirmities, and even if God is pleased to lay greater upon you than is common under your present circumstances. I shall not forget you, neither at the throne of grace, nor in common mediEktions, though I would not be understood that I am uneasy, for since it is the will of God that I should bo here; I am entirely content to serve him in this way. I had almost forgot to tell you that I am Well. I am as well as usual, but Abel is not tfell ; he took physic last night, and is better to-day. As to the judgments of heaven, I am glad that you take a suitable notice of them, and wish every one might. But alas, there are some here that appear neither to fear God nor regard man ; though blessed be God, there are not many such. We have been without a chap- lain ever since we came down here, until about a week, but now we have one, Mr. Emory, who preached last Sabbath, and prays night and morning. And Col. Doohttle, who I was afraid Was heedless, takes good care to have men attend, and attends himself with constancy and steadiness, which gives me pleasure. * * * * These from your true and loving husband, Abel Wilder." In a letter written early in November, he alluded to the fears of his wife lest he should remain in the army till spring, and expresses liis own fear lest for some cause, not specified, he should be dismissed before his time was up. But on the 20th of the month, he writes from Winter Hill that " the officers of the army have their wages raised. A captain has twenty-six dollars per month, which is about enough more than I have to hire a man at home, and if are a mind to have me stay on these conditions, you must send me word." This letter properly introduces the paper which follows, headed : " Those names that are determined not to tarry longer than the last of December, 1775." As this list contains names not found in the roll of "minute men," HISTORY OF -VyiKCHUNBeiS-. 01 it i3 proper to insert them in this place. It is probable e^Iso that some of the names in this list, and that -which follows, belonged to men from Royalston and Templeton. As the paper is torn, the surnames of sev- eral cannot be given. Serg't. Seth Oaks, " Benjamin Eice^ " Daniel Joslin, " William Dike, *Corporal William Clements, " Elisha Brown, " Solomon BigloWj Henry Poor, *Peter Woodbury, David Stoddard, Michael Coffin, fBezaleel Barton, Then comes a list of " those names that are enlisted for the year ensuing," being members of " Capt. Abel Wilder's Company." The nanies, as well as they can be deciphered, are as follows : *Eliphalet Kiohardson, ■ •Ebenezer Goodale, f Joshua Goodnow, Amos Hale, Moses Hale, *John Norton, Calvin Ea , Samuel , Ephraim , Seth W. ;, Joseph ■= , Ebenezer . Sg't Isaac Nichols, tCapt. Nathan Wheeler, Eobert Steef, (drummer) Ahimaa Sherwin, Joseph Goodale, *Abijah Richardson, Samuel Norton, The paper is endorsed, " Capt.'Abel Wilder's Return." George Moseley, Benjamin Bolland, Josiah Green, Michael Coffin, John Corneal], Barnabas Garrison. SECTION 4. — DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. In 1776 several citizens of the town engaged in the struggle. The March meeting was called as usual, in the name of His Majesty. The Committee of Correspondence for the year were chosen, as fol- lows : Abel Wilder, Moses Hale, Miles Putnam, Thos. Kimball, Francis Bridge. On the 27th of May the town voted in favor of the plan that the Council and House of Representatives should form a system of laws. So far, though the town had taken steps incompatible with true allegi- ance to the king, yet His Majesty's authority had not been openly repudiated and defied. At length the time had come to throw off all Trom Eoyalston. t Unknown. 92 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. pretence of submission, and to assume the position of independencei And what was a most happy coincidence, the town of Winchendon declared for independence on the very day when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress. A meeting was called by the Selectmen, " in the name of the gov- ernment and people of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay," to assemble on the fourth day of July, 1776, and that memorable meet- ing took the following action : " At a legal meeting of the free-holders and other inhabitants of Winchen- don, qualified by law to vote in the choice of a Kepresentative, on the 4th day of July, 1776, Chose Thomas Sawyer, moderator for the government of said meeting, ■ WKereas, this town has been called upon by the Honorable House of Representatives of this Colony, to signify their minds in regard of American independency ; being duly sensible of the cruel and oppressive measures which are pursued by the King and Parliament of Great Britain in order to enslave the Colonies, and consequently the difficulty that will attend our be- ing ever again united with Great Britain, therefore. Unanimously Resolved, That if the Honorable Continental Congress should think best for the safety of these Colonies to declare them independ- ent of the Kingdom of Great Britain, that we will with our lives and im- tunes, support them in the measure." This resolution was in response to the General Court, which body had assured Congress of the support of the people of this Colony. The question had been sent out for each town to act upon, individu- ally, and the people of Winchendon were ready to peril lives and ■fortunes in maintaining the cause of freedom and indepfendence. At the regular town meeting held on the third of March, 1777, the Declaration of Independence was read by order of the General Court, and was put upon record in the Town's Record Book, " as a perpetual memorial thereof." At a meeting held on the 8th of the preceding January, an account to the Selectmen for numbering the people was presented. SECTION 5. — ENLISTMENTS. On the 13th of March it was voted " to grant some money to encour- age the enlisting of our quota of Continental soldiers." Then voted " to give £20 by way of hire to each man of a sufficient number of HISTORT OF WINCHENDOW. 93 men to complete the quota of men levied on this town for the Conti- nental armj, provided they -will not engage upon the encouragement given by the Continent and State*" Then chose a " committee of elevenpersons to estimate services done in the war." Robert Bradish, repre^tative the preceding year, was re-elected. The town, in accordance with a warrant addressed to all that " have estate of freehold in lands in this State or Territory of forty shillings per annum," or other " estate to the value of fifty pounds sterling," at a meeting. held on the 22d of May, " Voted and allowed £9 credit to those men who marched the last of April last, now at Rutland." The names of the men are not in the Book of Records. At the same time the town " Voted and granted ^3000 to pay all the service that had been done in the present war by inhabitants of this town." It was also " Voted to allow £18 to each man who went with Capt. Oaks." The destination of Capt. Oaks is not given. With an eye to the fu- ture, the town, at this meeting, " Voted to procure men to serve in the war," and " Chose a committee of three men to hire men to serve in the war for this town in the future." The committee were Capt. John Boynton, Dea. Moses Hale, and Capt. Abel Wilder, who were authorized to hire money. After taking into consideration the Constitution, or Form of Gov- ernment, (prepared by the Council and House,) and deliberating thereon, it was put to see if the town would accept of the same. Yeas, 28 ; Nays, 6. At the same time the town declined to send a repre- sentative. On the Slat of July news came to town requiring action in " hot haste." The Selectmen were prompt, and directed Joseph Wilder " to warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants of Winchendon, living south of the road from Ashbumham, and David Goodridge to to warn all living north of said line, to meet in Town Meeting on the first day of August, at 6 o'clock in the morning." These constables rode, post haste, over the poor roads of that day, on horseback, to get word to every man that he must be at the Common at 6 in the morn- ing of the next day. One article in the warrant was in these words : ".Whereas, there is one sergeant and six privates called for to march to-morrow, to see if the town will direct the committee to hire them, or come to some other method to procure them, and men for the . 94 HISTORY OF WINCHENBOIT. future." The town voted, " that the committee be directed to hirg the men that are now called for as heretofore ;" and also, " to hire men for the future as they are called for, without calling the town together." At a meeting on the 18th of November, the town granted £ltO in addition to the sum granted last spring, to pay the hire given to Con- tinental soldiers. At the same timOy sums were granted to pay for several things relating to the war, as fellows : " Journey to Watertown, after powder, £2, lis. 2, 6. ' Concord, after lead, 2, 17, 6. " Worcester, to join the Committee of Safety, 2, 0, 0." In the beginning of 1778, the town manifested an unflagging zeal jn the cause of the country. In town meeting on the 23d of January, the Articles of Confederation of the United States were read. The same meeting " voted and granted £290 to be assessed and collected ■with the town rate in order |p pay into the Provincial Treasury agree- able to a late Act of Court granting liberty to any town to have any part of their quota of State money put on interest." This was recon- sidered. On the 2d of February a committee of three persons was ehosen to " peruse the Articles of Confederation, and report at March meeting. Chose Ebenezer Sherwin, Francis Bridge, and Robert Bradish." Thus cautiously did the town consider any proposition to bring the State into political relations with the other States as a uni- ted body. At the annual meeting, March 2, Francis Goodhue, James Cool- edge, Ebenezer Sherwin, Israel Whiten and Solomon Bigelow, were chosen the committee of Correspondence. A new committee was also chosen, which shows the care of the town for the families of sol- diers : " Dea. Moses Hale, David Brown, Ebenezer Howeand Benja-^-'^ min Brown, a Committee to take care of the Continental soldiers' fam- ilies agreeable to the Act of Court." At the same meeting, 1778, a Report of the committee chosen by the town to estimate the services that had been done since the war began, was presented in these words : " The following estimations were consented to by the major part of the committee, viz ; OS., Od 10, 0. 6, 8. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0, 6, 8- 10, 0. 10, 0, HISTORY OF WINCHENDOHr. 95 First. 8| months to Cambridge, in the year 1775, £15, 2ly. 1^ to Dorchester, in 1776,-— 2, Sly. 2 months to Dorchester, in 1776, 3, 41y. One year in Continental servis, in 1776, 25, 51y. 5 months to York, in 1776, 16, 61y. 4 months to Tie.,* in 1776, 16, 71y. 4 months to Dorchester, in 1776, 6, Sly. 2 months to York, in 1776, 7, 91y. 3 months to York, in 1777, -- 9, lOlj. As to those men that paid ten pounds to hire the Continental men for three years' servis, we look upon it that they should be allowed equal to three months' servis that was done in the last part of the year 1777, being 14, Illy. 2 months to Ehodeisland, 1777, 5, 121y. 1 month to Stillwater, in 1777, 6, IBly. 1 week to Bennington alarm, in 1777, 2, 141y. 1 month to Stillwater, in 1777, 4, 151y. 6 months to Brookfield, in 1778, 6, 161y. 3 months in the Continental servis, in 1778, 15, I71y. 3 months to Stillwater, Albany, &c., in 1777,-— 14, As to them men that went with Lt. Parmenter and Capt. Oaks, we leave it to the town to do as they think proper. Voted, and allowed 25sh. to those men who marched on the alarm on the 19th of April, 1775. Benja. Kice, Alex'dk May, Amos Merriam, John Day, Daniel Hdbbard, Joshua Gale, The above Report accepted at an adjournment of the annual meeting, March A. D., 1778. 181y. As to Nathan Knight, that was drafted to go to Brookfield, wo think that he ought to be allowed 25s. 191y. Them men that went with Lt. Parmenter, we think they ought to be allowed 30s." In May, " Voted, and granted £3 per month as credit for those men now in servis at Eutland." 0, 0. 10, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0, 10, 0. 0, 0- 0, 0. 0. 0. Committee chose ly the Town. ♦Ticonderoga? 96 HISTORY OP WINCflBNDON. SECTION 6, — PUBLIC SPIRIT. The year 1779 witnessed the same activity in regard to the public service. On the 14th of January a meeting was called for the next day, the warrant being served personally on all the voters by two constables. The town allowed £30 to the committee chosen to pro- vide for soldiers' families, which they paid to Dr. Green in cash, be- sides a note. Also, 18s, to Abel Wilder for going to Cambridge to get a State note for the town. At the annual meeting on the first of March, the town " chose Capt. John Boynton, William Whitney, James McElwain, a committee to hire men for the war." Then " Voted that the above committee hire men for the war as they are called for, without calling the town to- gether ; and when there is occasion for it that they hire money for the purpose, and the town will indemnify them for so doing. Voted, to allow 6s. per pair for 15 pair of shoes, which the Selectmen provided for the soldiers in the year 1778, which sum they gave more than the Court's Committee allowed. Voted, to allow £4, 18, 4, for one month's service Edward Putnam has done in the war. Voted to allow ten pound credit to those men who paid a fine of ten pound for not performing the servis they were called upon to do." What the ' servis' was that was not performed, is not recorded, but it is presum- able that the town considered the men excusable. The town also "Vo- ted and allowed £28 to Lt. Samuel Prentice for his done in the three years' State servis." May 20, " Voted £4.10 to Samuel Newton for 2 months' servis he did in the Jersies in the year 1776." At a meeting held on the 3d of August, it was voted " to comply with the spirit of the Resolves passed in the Convention at Concord on the 14th of July preceding." A committee was chosen, consistihg hi Dr. Israel Whiton, Dea. Moses Hale and Capt. John Boynton, to prepare some plan iri regard to prices, and submit it to the town. At the adjoumed meeting, August 31, this vote was reconsidered, and then it was voted " to comply with the spirit of the Resolves of the Convention at Worcester, held on the 11th inst., respecting prices. Chose a committee of nine to state the prices of those articles not enumerated in the proceedings of said Convention. Chose Moses Hale, Seth Oaks, Matthew Knight, John Beemis, Samuel Noyes, HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 97 Ebenezer Richardson, Francis Goodhue, Theodore May, John Darling. Then chose a committee of thirteen to see that the proceedings of said'.Convention are complied with, viz : Francis Bridge, Joseph Boyn- ton, John Beemis, Moses Hale, Joshua Gale, Samuel Stone, Benja- min.Brown, Daniel Hubbard, Matthew Knight, Seth Oats, Ebenezer Shenvin, Francis Goodhue." The people were terribly in earnest. Such committees could not, of course, " fix " the prices of things, but they could by corregpondence arrange to have the charges nearly uni- form throughout the Colony, and so prevent imposition upon the igno- rant. Another meeting was held at Cambridge on the first "Wednes- day in October, to which the town sent " Moses," according to the Records ; probably Dea. Moses Hale. On the 19th of October, the town voted' to choose- a committee of nine to set a price on the neces- saries of life, labor,- &c., agreeable to the Resolves of the late Con- vention at Concord, and " hkewise to see that such regulations of pri- ces are complied with." Chose Samuel Stimpson, John Day, Seth Oaks, Joseph Boynton, Abel Wilder, Moses Hale, Joshua Gale, Thad- eus Bowman, John Boynton. The action adopting the prices agreed on at Concord, was reconsidered, as we have seen, but in this last vote, the town went back of the Conventions at Worcester and Cam- bridge to that of Concord again, and therefore the report of the com- mittee made on the 8d of August, is given in full, in these words : " That the pries of teaming do not exceed 27s. per mile, per ton. West India rum, £7, 14, per gallon. New England mm, 5, 9, " Molasses, 5, 5, " Coffee, 1, 1, per lb. Sugar from 13s. to 15s., per lb. ^alt, best quality, £14, 10s., per bushel. Other West India articles in the same proportion. Entertainment. — Meal of Victuals, boiled, 12s. , Hip and toddy, 14s. per mug or bowl. Other articles in the same proportion. * Farming labor, £3 per day. Blacksmith— Shoeing a horse, steeled, £5, 10, and all other work in proportion. Men's best shoes £8, 10, per pair, and other work in proportion. Best Wool, £1, 10 per lb.— Flax, 15s. per lb. 7 98 HISTOKT OP WINCHENDON. The committee consider the above as a sufficient enumeration by which the prices of every article of consumption and commerce may be regulated in the same proportion, and that none evade or infringe upon the above regula- tions ; or none exceed the prices expressed or understood, without being able to render a sufficient or satisfactory reason. N. B. Those articles regulated by. the Convention not here enumerated, the committee refer to the town. Kye at £4, 10, per bushel." The town " Voted and accepted of the above priceanns they stand." It is probable that the committee chosen to see this plan enforced, couid i}ot carry it out in all respects, but the " spirit of the Resolves" was generally complied with. On the 29th of November it was voted to allow " Messrs. Matthew Knight, Daniel Goodridge, Joseph Wilder- and Ebenezer Richardson, each of them, as much as those men who hired as Continental soldiers for three years." In 1780, on the 20th of March, John Beemis, Amos Merriam and John Day were chosen a committee to hire men for the war. May 29, Chose Abel Wilder to search into the reason why the town was fined ,£1200 in the last State tax, and get the same taken off if pos- sible. On the third of July, Joshua Gale, Constable, was required forth- with to notify and warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants qual- ified by law to act in tow/i affairs, who lived west of the road from the meeting-house to Jonathan Whitcomb's, to meet the next day, July 4, at 2 o'clock P.M. In, like manner, Lieut. Amo| Merriam was required to warn all who lived east of the road from the meeting-house to Jon- athan Whitcomb's, and north of the road to Ashburnham, excepting Mr. Eemis, Buttrick and Flint. John Day carried a similar warning to all living north of Royalston road, and west of the north road. Ezra Hide notified i!he remaining part of the town. Onearticle in the warrant lyas " to see if the town will come into some method to expe- dite the raising ten men from the militia which are called for." Also, " to grant some suitable sum or sums of money to pay soldiers' hire," &c. They were also to warn " aJJ the male inhabitants from the age of sixteen years old to sixty-five, to appear on the meeting-house Com- mon at two of the clock on said day, P. M., with their arms, upon the HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 99 pajns and penalties of the law in that case made and provided." The meeting was opened at 2, and Benjamin Brovm was chosen Modera- tor. Adjourned to 5, when the meeting " Voted and granted £50,- 000 for. the pur{x)se of hiring men for the war, and to defray other town charges." At the same time eighty-five dollars per day were allowed as the wages of a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. SECTION 7. — DEPRECIATED CUHEENCY. By this time, as will be inferred from the above vote, the currency was in hopeless disorder, and the governmental " promises to pay", had greatly depreciated. The Continental paper was at par at the open- ing of 1777 ; in a year, it took four and a half dollars of currency to buy one of specie ; in another year, f 1 in specie was equal to $8.38 in paper ; in 1780 it took $32.50 to buy a silver dollar. In 1781, the rate was " ninety for one," that is, $90 m paper for $1 in specie. We need not wonder that in 1782 the town voted " that the Constable and Collectors be directed to receive no more paper money for town rates," La one case, withm a day's ride from Winchendon, a clergyman paid his whole salary for the yestr for a pig four weeks old. It should be said, to the honor of his people, that they afterwards took measures to make up the deficiency. In 1781, $412,000 were needed to defray town charges. The following citations reveal the spirit of,our forefathers, while evin- cing the methods they took to support the government. " Oct. 23, Voted to choose a committee to carry into execution the Resolves of the Court respecting providing beef. Chose William Whitney, [the best judge of cattie in the town,] Francis Bridge and Joshua Gale. Toted that the above committee be directed to purchase two yoak of cattle so as to dehver them at Petersham next Wednesday. Also, to pay the money for the remaining part of the beef after two yoak of cat- tle have been delivered, if it can be collected." " Dec. 27,.Voted that the committee chose last March to hire men for the war, be directed to engage this town's quota of men for three years, and report at the adjournment of this meeting, hov^they can get them, and what secu- rity th^ require." 100 HISTORY OP WiNCHENDOlf. 1781. January 1. " Granted £10,000 to procure beef that is now called for, and to help procure Continental soldiers." January 29. The following vote indicates the state of the currency in the early part of 1781. « Voted to pay £300 to Thadeus Bowman for £1, 14, 6, due to him in March, 1778. In the March meeting, £15 periday for labor on the roads was allowed. At the same meeting a committee was authorized to hire men and money for the war without calling the town together. • On the 25th of June a committee was chosen to pur- chase the remaining part of the beef that is required of the town, as may be required the ensuing year. August 6. All sums of iaoi;ey granted to be considered to be in hard money. Voted £30.0 to paj towards the hire of three years' men. Also voted £173, 6, 8, to pay for the hire of three and five months' men, beef, and other things." The design in making the preceding citations from the Records, has been to show in their own words, the opinions and the deeds of the men of the revolutionary era. Nearly everything has been copied that relates in any way to the war, and it is. believed that no one really interested in the part which the town took in the war, will consider the narrative tedious. Incidentally, the reader will learn who were the most prominent men in civil and military life in the period under review. Unfortunately we have no record of the labor and sacrifices mfl,de by the virtuous and patriotic women of that day, and it is too late to draw anything definite from tradition. It is known, generally, that they wrought with their own hands, to spin, weave and make up clothing for their fathers, husbands, sons and brothers, who went to fight the bat- tles of freedom. Besides, they aided the old mgn and the boys by W boring on the farm in, planting, hay and harvest-time, and also in the care of the cattle. They were the mates an4 mothers of heroes. It would be impossible, at this late day, to give a perfect history of what was done by Winchendon in the war of the revolution ; but much may be gathered from the foregoing pages ; and the following extract from the Records is of great value. On the 20th of March,"1780, John Beemis, Amos Merriam and John Day, were chosen a committee to hire men for the war. In April, 1782, they made a Report, which of course does not go back previous to the time of their appointment, covering about two years. The Report is as foUowa : § mSTORY 6i Wii^CHBNDON. loa *' Acobjint of money paid by the committee for hiring men. To JTesse Ellis, £535, 10, 0. Samuel Stimpson, 22, io Samuel Russell, 422, o; 0. Joseph Wilder, 105, To John HeywQod, 150, 2, 0. Isaac Stimpson, 30, Jesse Ellis, by picking Josiah Beeman, 19, and sowing 4 acres William Whitcomb, 36, "of land, 480, . 0, 0. Samuel Stone, 51, To Amos Mei;riam, Abner Hale, 15, for Daniel, 385, 10, 0. Committee's Rec't, 216, 'To Jesse Ellis, 141, 0, 0. William Whitney, 280, Moses Potter, 150, 2, 0. Joseph Day, 150, Joseph Day, 2212, 4, 0. Jesse Ellis, 141, Abel Brown, 245, 5, 0. Committee's Rec't, 80, Jonathan Smith, 821, 4, 6. Benjamin Brown, iB9; David Smith, 150, 2, 0. Corimittee's Rec't, 106, William Poor, 454, 12, 0. Jacob Hale, sr, Samuel Griggs, igo, 2, 0. Josej^h Day, 152, James Stoddard, 240, 0, 0. James Noyes, 160, In hard money, £6. Edward Withington, 161, Zenas Stoddard, 240. 0. 0. Joseph Day, 90. In hard money, £4, 10'. Joseph Boynton, 100, Edward Payson, 1428, 0, b. Hezekiah Hancock. 40, It ii 90,' 0, 10. Committee's Rec't, 61, Francis Goodhue, 150, 2 0. Abel Brown, 36, Nathan Maynard, 890, 0, 0. Stephen Barrett, 15, Jeremiah Lord, 352, 2, 0. Joseph Day, 77, Silas Bemis, 390, 0, 0. Benjamin Rice, 57, Nathaniel Bixby, 498, 0, 0. Daniel Hubbard, 45, Paid as mileage to the Joseph Boynton, 135. three months' mer I, 480, 0, 0. Committee's Rec't, 563, Joseph Wilder, 94, lOi 0. Edward Payson, 288, John Burr, 87, 0, 0. Committee's Rec't, 30, Hezekiah Hancock, 51, 0, 0. Levi Nichols, 600, Bbenezer How,* • 12, 0, 0. James Noyes, 27, Samuel Noyes, 33, 6, 0. Abraham Brigham, 209, Joseph Day, 82, 17, 0. Abel Wilder, 37, John Boynton, 393, 15, 0. Joseph Boyntonj 160, Oommittee Receipt, 31, 10, 0. Gardner Moor, 468, Phillips Switzer, 110, 5, 0. Amos Hale, 30, Samuel Prenticej .81, 0, 0. Uriah Crooks, 45. ifhillips Switzer; 210, 0, 0. Samuel Noyesj 160, (< (( ^28, 0, 0. Uriah Crooks, 27, Solombn Biglow, 160, 0, 0. James Stoddard, 30, Thadeus Bowman, 84, 0, 0. Money the committee Abner Hale, 200, 2, K received by the way Solomon Biglowj 10, 10, 0. of David Smith, 112, Johh Day, 6, 2, 0. Committee's Rec't, 46, Amos Halet 6* 0, 0. '^ 10, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 10, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 10, 0. 8, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. .10, 0. 0, 0. 16, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 10, 0. 4, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 4, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 15. 7. 7, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 10, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. Oi 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. lOi 0. 16, 0. 102 HISTOET OF WECTCHElirDOlf. SECTION. 8. — THE EOLL OF HONOR- The names in the preceding list are, -in several instances, repeated, and some of them occur in the following roll. What were the services rendered by the men whose names "have been given an the foregoing page, with the exception of those which are to be foimcl in the columns following, cannot now be ascertained. It is certain that some of them were in service for a short time during the last two years of the war. The following list contains the names of those men of Winchendon, who are known to have borne arms in the revolutionary war. The larger part of them were inhabitants of the town at the time. . A por- tion of them moved hither after the war, but their names are record- ed in the roll of honor, because they reveal to us the character of the people who settled here in the first generation. The following men were in the battle of Bunker HiB, viz ; Capt. Abel Wilder, Serg't. Benjamin Eiee, Samuel Bradisb, Elisha Brown, Timothj Darling, John Day, Nathan Day, Amos Hale, David Stoddard. The following were " Minute Men," ready to take the field at a mo- ment's warning, all of whom served more or less during the war. Roger Bates, Thaddeus Bowman, John Boynton, Stephen Boynton, Samuel Bradisb, Elisha Brown, Samuel Brown, Zebidon Conant, John Darling, John Day, Nathan Day, David Goodridge, Jacob Hale, Moses Hale, Bill Hancock, Benjamin Kimball, Amos Merriam, Dudley Parley, or Perley, John N. Parson ,v Jr., John Porter, Benjamin Eice, Ephraim Sawyer, Eb'r Sherwin, (drnmmet,) Abijah Stimson, Ephraim Stimson, Joseph Wilder, The following, though not at Bunker Hill, nor in the roll of " Min- ute Men," were soldiers in active service. Gramaliel Beaman, Solomon Bigelow, Joseph Boynton, George Coffin, Jewett B. Darling, John Darling, Daniel Day, Joseph Day, HISTORY OS ■WINCHENDON. 103 Eliphalet Goodridge, Jacob Hale, Eden London,* Theodore May, James MoElwain, Isaac Nichols, Isaac Noyes, James Noyes, Seth Oaks, Kichard Parsons, David Poor, Nathan Pushey, David Rice, Ahimaaz Sherwin, (drummer,) Jonathan Smith, Eohert Steel, Samuel Steel, Luther Stimpson,t Joseph Wilder. The following men went into the war from other towns, but soon afterwards moved into Winchendon. Capt. Samiiel Baldwin, Daniel Balcom, Thornton Barrett, Andrew Benjamin, Asa Bowker, John Brooks, Levi j^rooks, Stephen Emery, John Estey, John Fessenden, John Flint, Thomas Flint, John am, Capt. Thomas Greaton, Thomas Greenwood, Daniel Hubbard, Benjamin Hubbard, Capt. Lemuel Heywood, Eleazar Parks, Ephraim Parmenter, William Poland, Sr., Lt. Col. Paul Raymond, Lt. Paul Raymond, James Raymond,! Phinehas Rice, David Roberts, Sawtell, David Smith, Ebenezer Smith, Seth Jucker, Jedeiah Tuttle, Capt. Jacob Wales, Jacob Whitney, , Dr. Israel Whiton, Col. Jacob B. Woodbury. A few personal anecdotes and incidents will be a fitting conclusion to this chapter, , Stephen Emery, who moved into the town after the revolution, was in the war, and fought at Bunker Hill. His daughter, Mrs. Cum- mings, used to relate that her fatherfs gun became so heated, by rapid firing, that he was obliged to desist until it became cooled. George CofiSn, afterwards the well known Dea. Coffin, entered the service at the age of sixteen, and remained three years. He was such *Eden London was the slave of Daniel Goodridge, and as such was not lia- ble to do military dnty ; but he served in lien of his master, on condition of becoming a Areeman. tSon of the first minister. j Went as a substitute about three weeks. 104 HISTOEY , OP ■\VINCHBNDON, a slender stripling that the recruiting officer inquired if he could shoot a man. He thought he could, with a good gun. At the time of his discharge, the army was in Virginia, and he came home on foot, stop- ping at various places to earn enough to provide food. How different from the return of our soldiers after putting down the rebelhon, by rail and steamboat ! Moses Potter was very short in stature, and in order to " pass" him, he was provided with high heeled shoes, by John Day, one of the town's committee for hiring men. He made a good soldier, though not a gianf. David Smith assisted in placing the hand-cuffs upon Andrd. He was a blacksmith. Seth Tucker was near West Point at the time of Arnold's treason, and the capture of Andrd. He told me that the army was a '* dread- ful wicked place." He was a man of warm and simple-hearted piety, who was shocked by the profaneness and vice of the camp. ^ Luther Stimpson was a mere stripling of sixteen when he entered the army, but came out with credit. John Darling and Phillip Rollins went with Arnold, through the wilds of Maine, to Quebec,' and was there when the brave Montgomery fell, and was borne from the thick of the fight by young Aaron Burr. Lieut. David Poor was out several years. For awhile he was a pris^ oner in New York, when he worked as a tailor, and received good pay from the British officers. While in the army, a soldier made a bet that heicould walk a certain number of rods with a pumpkin on his head. Poor took up the wager. The other started, and was drawing near to the gaol, when Poor, determined not to lose his bet, raised his gun and shot the pumpkin from the soldier's head. It is related that when he came home, after several years' absence, and dressed in an officer's uniform, with a sword by his side', his wife did not recognize him. She prepared food for him as a returning soldier, and made inquiries about the war, but could not be induced to give him lodgings. At length, thinking him indelicately importunate to remain, she seized the long fire-shovel, and drove ham out. As he passed through the door, he turned and laughingly said : " Miss Poor, I guess you don't know me." She knew him at once, when her proper indignation gave way to glad- ness for his return. "'^ }% m ^]i^is ^tor(S5E2im ^nir^ HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. IGS Smitt, above-mentionecl, lost one of his hands, but would not aban- don the service. By the use of a hook, he contrived to load and fii;e, and to hit his mark. But the stories of the soldiers, if they could be collected, -would fill a volume. It is necessary to pass from the history of individuals, to that of the town. It may however be proper to record in this place, that Jonathan Pollard, Aaron Ellis, Thornton Barrett, and James Bra- dish, Sr., were in the last French war. Barrett was shot in the body at Fort Edward, and all of them saw hard service. In the same war, Robert Bradish, Sr., was a scout. 106 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. CHAPTER VII.— SHAYS' REBELLION. 'Ah me ! what- perils do environ Tlie man that meddles with cold iron! For though Dame Tortnne seems to smile, And leer upon him for a while, She'U after show him, in the nick Of all his glories, a dog-trick." Butler. SECTION 1. — GRIEVANCES. The next event in order, in connection with the history of the town, which requires distinct treatment, is what is called " Shays' Rebellion." The temptation to give a general account of this affair, will be avoided, while attention will be confined, as far as possible, to the part which Winchendon shared in it, with many other towns extending from Bris- tol to Berkshire. The people of this place felt the 'deepest interest in the matter, and there was a brief season when war seemed imminent even here between neighbors, relatives and friends. There are prob- ably aged persons who remember the old ballad about Shays that be- gan in this way : — "My name is Shays, In former days In Pelham I did dwell, Sir^^ I was obliged to quit that place * : ' Because I cfid rebel, Sir." If not, they remeinber, without doubt, hearing of Shays and his re- bellion, in their childhood. After the revolutionary war many people were very poor, and many soldiers who had fought'and suffered severely, found themselves desti- tute. It was a hard time to pay debts, and even honest people felt that their creditors were too pressing. Besides, loose notions were abroad, and some held the idea that the true policy was to divide all property BISTORT OF WmCHBNDON. 107 equally among the people. One man being asked what should be done, ■when in the course of years, some men became richer than others, ex- pressed the -wish of many in his reply : " divide again." The discon- tent was so great in Massachusetts, as to create alarm in the breast of Washington and other patriots throughout the Union, lest aU the fruits of the war of independence would be lost. Complaints began to be made before the return of peace, and the acknowledgment of our nation- ahty by the king of -England, but there was no actual outbreak except mobs at Northampton and one or two other places, for two or three years. The hardships of the people increased however, and many be- came impatient. That large numbers should be in debt, after so long a war, was inevitable. Moreover all the evidence of tradition and rec- ords concurs in the verdict, that intemperance had greatly increased, as well as vice and immorality generally. The irregular habits of camp life, and the prevalence of French infidelity had done much in the way of demoralizing the people. The only remedy for the unhappy state of afiairs, was a reformation of morals, industry and frugaUty. But this process would require the self-denial which many were not ready to endure. It is doubtless true also that many persons who had mea^n ; speculators who had. become wealthy during the war, and others, to«k advantage of the necessities of the poor, and those in moderate circum- stances, and pressed for the payment of debts when liquidation was impossible without ruinous sacrifice to the debtor. The movement finally took the shape of an attack on the Courts of Justice, for the purpose of delaying judgment against debtors. The State was in debt to the amount of several millions, including the State debt, what was due to ofi&cers and soldiers, and its proportion of the national debt. Probably the State could now carry more easily the load of 1100,000,000, than our fathers could bear what weighed upon them in 1786. Their situation and wants may be inferred from the action of County Conventions held in 1786, at Concord, Leicester, Pax- ton and Hatfield, m the month of August and later m the autumn. The evils they wished to have redressed were : " Sitting of the General Court in Boston ; 2, The want of a circulating system ; 3, Thp abu- ses in the practice of the law, and the exorbitance of the fee table ; 4, The existence of the Courts of Common Pleas in their present mode of administration ; 6, The appro|)riating the revenue arising from the im- 168 taSTORY OJ AtlNCHENbON-. post and excise to the payment of the interest of the State securities | 6, The unreasonable and unnecessary grants made by the General Court to the Attorney General and others ; 7, The Servants of the government being too numerous, and haying too great salaries ; 8, The existence of the Senate." The Conventions expressed devotion to the government, even while favoring measures that undermined all exist- ing authority. For example, the Convention at Paxton, November 3, 1786, declared that however they might suffer in their characters, per- sons and estates, they should think themselves " happy if they could, in the least degree, contribute to restore harmony to the Common- wealth, and to support the weight of a tottering empire." To carry out their design, they organized into armed bands, led gen- ei'ally by officers who had fought in the Revolution. It is to be noted that no officers of distinction, and none above the rank of captain-, were visible in the movement ; though it has been the opinion of not a few, that such a wide-spread and concerted outbreak taking a military form, must have been fostered by men of capacity and wicked ambition, who were directing in secret, tiU matters should come to such a head that tl^ could openly assume command with the hope of success, and per- haps of becoming the head of a new order of things. These bands met in Taunton, Concord, Worcester, Springfield, Northampton and Lenox, and in several cases succeeded in forcing an adjournment of the Courts, and thus compelled the creditor class to wait for the payment of their dues. This action of the rebels, for such they finally became, made it necessary for the State to take extraordi' nary measures for the maintenance of its authority. But before nar- rating the closing scene, when the rebellion was suppressed, it is our part to follow the proceedings of the town in its corporate capacity. The votes passed will be given with sufficient fulness to exhibit the state of things here at the time. It wiU be seen by the reader that there was almost a dramatic interest in the proceedings of a town meeting, which in ordinary times are prosaic and dull. On the 4th of February, 1786, the town voted to instruct their rep- resentative in the General Court — Abel Wilder — " to use ilis influence to have an act passed making personal, and in some cases, real estate a tender to satisfy debts, when the action is commenced, or to ^ve any other instruetion the town shall think proper." The committee of in^ HISTORY OP WINCnENDOl^ 109 struotions were Levi Nichols, Samuel Crosby, Stephen Barrett, Ben- jamin Kidder and Dea. Hale. The town voted in " fevor of the [pro-, posed] tender act," an(^' against having paper money," and then " to have paper money, proWded a tender act could not be obtained." In these days if there was general discontent, it would be manifested in the organization of a party to seek redress in a peaceable way, but in 1786, this course was not taken. No arrangements were made to change the State government, but the towns expressed the general sentiment in the election of their representatives. Thus the discontent ran into violence and military resistance. At the election in May, the votes in this town ahow that no expectation of redress was expected from the election of governor, and other State officials. Gov. James Bowdoin had 191 votes, John Hancock, 7, Benjamin Lincoln, 4, for the office of governor ; Lieut. Gov. Benjamin Lincola had 7 votes, and Thomas Gushing 4 for the second office. Abel Wil- der had 17 for Senator and Councillor. At the same time the latter was unanimously chosen representative. SECTION 2. — EXCITED TOWN MEETINGS. On the 11th of August the question came up in town meeting wheth- er a delegate shoujd be sent to a Convention of Worcester county, ta be held by adjournment, at the house of George Bruce, "in Leicester, on the 15th of the month. The motion passed in the affirmative, when Mr. Samuel Litch was unanimously chosen for the above purpose. A committee of five was chosen to draw up instructions to the delegate, viz : Levi Nichols, Ebenezer Richardson, Matthew Knight, James Mc Elwain, and James Steel. The meeting adjourned for one hour, that the committee might have time to draw up the instructions. These are not on the Records, The meeting then adjourned to the 21st, to hear a report from Mr. Litch, when he laid the proceedings of the Convention before the town. On the 6th day of Octob#, Mr. Litch brought a petition of Convention — probably some later meeting of the same Comvention — before the town, when the town voted " it agreea- ble to their mind." Mr. Litci, was instructed to attend an adjourned meeting of the Convention. Then adjourned to November 21st, at which time Mr. Litch presented an address of the Convention to the people, which being read, the town "voted it agreeable to their minds." 110 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDOU. Adjourned to December 18. An Act of the General Court was then read. This was probably the Act relating to private debts, intended to favor the debtor class. The meetmg then adjourned to January If, 1787. All this time the insurgents were in dmas, and the Grovernment troops were moving to the scene of action. At the adjourned meeting, on the first day of the new year, the ad- dress from the General Court to the people was read, and several acts and laws. These laws included a " tender act ;" an " act of indem- nity ;" an " act reducing fee bills ;" an " act for the more easy pay- ing of back taxes;" and an " act regulating the Courts of Common Pleas and Sessions of the Peace." They were all intended to remove every just cause of complaint, and thus take away all excuse for re- sisting the Government. At the saine time, while showing this kindly regard for the suffering classes, the Government maintained its honor and authority by raising a sufficient force to quell the rebellion. Before giving the action of this meeting, it is necessary to go back a few days, and bring up a few other proceedings bearing on the sub- ject before it for consideration. Here is a document which shows the state of mind quite prevalent here, and gives the names of many of ' the actors. " To the Selectmen of Winckendon : < Gentlemen : We the subscribers request that you [call] a town meeting, to be held on Thursday, the 21th of this instant, at two of the clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles, viz : First, to choose a moderator to govern said meeting. 2dly, To take into consideration a letter directed to the Town Clerk of Winchendon, respecting the Regulators, (as they are called) signed by Rug- les Spooner, and all letters and papers that has, or may be sent to the said town of Winchendon, before the said meeting herein before requested, re- specting the present mode of government within this State, and the opposition made by the above-mentioned Regulators, and take the minds of the town thereon, or ait on the whole as they shall think proper. December 15th, 1786. ' Francis Bridge, Eli Smith, Joshua Gale, Jeremiah Lord, Ahimaaz Sher- win, Asa Robinson, Paul Boynton, Ebenezer Sherwin, Daniel Hubbard, Sol- omon Bigelow, Bill Hancock, David Stoddard, James Steel, Levi Bixby, Amos Heywood, Samuel Steel, Nathan Knight, Daniel Baloom, Samuel Nbyes, Nathan Flint, John Beemis, Bartholomew Steams, Jonathan Stimp- - HISTORY OF WINCHENDOH. Ill son, Moses Hale, Abner Hale, Abner Curtice, El^enezer Biehardson, Ado- nijah Bixby, Samuel Liteh, Thos. Greaton, Isaac Proughty, Amariah Haven, * Thomas Kugg, BemsIyLord, Jacob Hale, Amos Hale, Jewett Darling, Jonathan Smith." This petition was so cautiously worded that the opinions of the sign- ers could not be positively inferred at this late day, but it is known that their sympathies were with the Regulators. They took care, however, to avoid all action in town meeting, which would involve themselves in the guilt of rebellion. The meeting was held in accord- ance with this petition, on the 21st of December, and Samuel Litch was chosen Moderator. Upon a motion being made " to see whether the town will take up the letter under consideration, the vote passed in the affirmative." A motion was then made " to see if the town will petition the Governor and Council to liberate Capt. Shattuck and others, taken by Government, agreeable to the request in said letter." Carried in the affirmative. This Capt. Shattuck was a prominent leader in the ' Shays movement, in Middlesex county. His violence had led justiy to his arrest and imprisonment. A motion was then made " to see if the town will petition the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives to suspend the Court of Common Pleas, till a hew choice of the General Court." The yeas had it. Then chose the following committee to draw up the petition : Dea. Moses Hale, Eli Smith, Fran- cis Bridge, Matthew Knight, and Bbenezer Richardson. Then the meeting adjourned to January 1, 1787. Here follows the petition. " To his Excellency James Bowdoin, Esq. The Petition of the town of Winchendon humbly sheweth : That whereas, there is great disturbance as to the administration of gov- ernment in this State, and it appears to this town that it will not do to settle matters by fire and sword ; but for the parties to unite in a peaceable way and manner, — this is therefore to pray your Excellency to immediately lib- erate Capt. Shattuck and others taken in the county of Middlesex, and con- fined in the town of Boston, in consequence of fte opposition they have made to the present mode of government ; and as it is our opinion it will be the most direct way to still the commotions now subsisting among the people. And your petitioners, in duty bound, shall ever pray." We now return to the meeting on the first of January, 1787, to ^ which jjhe meeting of the 18th, and that of the 21st of December, were adjourned. 11'2 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. * The address and acts having been read, as stated above, a marked effect -was produced. The majority of the meeting were evidently con- vinced that the government was right, though only ten days before, the petition in favor of Capt. Shattuck had been approved. It was first moved " to see if the town will continue a member at the Conven- tion." Decided in the negative. Then it was moved " to see if the town will dismiss their member from any further service in Cjpnven- tion." The yeas had it, and the meeting adjourned. There was another meeting three days later, in which the contest was renewed ; but the government men were still in the ascendant. According to the Records, " the draft — that is, of the Petition to the Governor — came up again, when it was moved to see if the town will accept the same in the present form." No, the town will not accept it. A mo- tion was then made to amend the paper ; but the town would not amend it. Growing bolder, the friends of government then moved " to see if the town will vote to recall the Petition sent to his Excel- lency the Governor, to liberate Capt. Shattuck," &c. This motion passed in the affirmative. Whether this vote to recall merely means to rescind, or whether the committee had sent off the Petition, and this vote was to send foj; it, is uncertain ; but it is clear that this meet- ing was resolved to. stand by the constituted authority. The meeting then adjourned to the 15th instant. And now the tables were turned-. The other party rallied in force, and reversed the former action of the town. The first motion was to dissolve the meeting ; but this was negatived. After an hour's ad- journment, the meeting again assembled, when it was moved " to see if the town will reconsider a vote passed at a former adjournment of this meeting. Said vote is as follows, to wit : " to see if the town will vote to recall a petition sent to his Excellency the Governor, to fiber- ate Capt. Shattuck," &c. The vote being put, it passed in the affirm- ative." That is, the town had voted a petition, then it had voted to recall the petition, and now it voted to reconsider the vote of recall, and the result was, that the ^petition was the final action of the town. The meeting then adjourned, and the matter rested. Nothing farther was done in town meeting in relation to the insurrection, or the grievances that brought it on ; but at the subsequent MarcTi meeting, the Shays men had the majority, and put their friends in office, making an almost HISTORY OF WINCHENDOir. 113 clean sweep of those "who were elected the year before, unless some of them happened to be on their side. But in the following May, Abel Wilder, a friend of the government, was sent again to the General Court. This might have been due to his great personal popularity, for the people never lost confidence in him amid all the changes of the times. Having thus given the Records of the exciting town meetings, it is necessary to return and present some view of the action of individuals in relation to the same subject. And here use will be made to some ex- tent, of the words of Dr. Whiton. The government raised a force of 4,400 men to bring the rebels to submission. " When the order came to draft this town's quota of the troops, one of the most exciting scenes occurred ever witnessed in this place. The large militia company, the only one then in the place, was assembled on the centre Common. A numerous crowd of other citizens stood around, of whom a decided ma- jority were Shays' men, many of them good men and honest, but goad- ed on by trying times, to measures which sober second thought disap- proved^ There was a considerable minority of firm and resolute men, determined to support the existing government. The parties, with ex- cited feelings, now stood face to face. The Shays men threatened that if the government men raised the required quota of soldiers, they would send on two to one to strengthen the insurgents. The government men looked on with deep anxiety, fearing they should be unable to raise the ■men. When the drummer began his round to beat up for volunteers, it was to both sides, a moment of painful suspense ; all voices were hushed ; but the resolution of one man soon changed the scene. Will- iam Whitney, who came into the town in 1744, a prominent and de- cided government man, father of the late well-known Capt. Phinehas Whitney, addressing his son, who was one of the company, exclaimed , aloud, ' Turn out, Phin.' Immediately Phin stepped from the ranks and followed the drummer. It was a bold example and had an impor- tant influence on the result. Successively one after another followed the example, and the required number of men ■^s soon raised." Hos- tile feeling ran high ; while the government men were running bullets at the house of Esq. Crosby, the Shays men were employed at the same hour, in the very same business, at the house of a neighbor. At this time the government men wore a fillet of white paper in their hats, as 114 HISTOBY OF WINCHBNDOH. their badge of distinction, wbile the Shays men were designated by a tuft of pine, or as Mr. Hyde says, " a sprig of evergreen." But the evergreen speedily withered. In a few weeks the insurrection was suppressed, and the wheels of government rolled on smoothly in their accustomed track. How many men from this town actually joined the insurgents, can- not be stated with accuracy at this remote time, and it might not be of any use to record their names, if they were known. It is probable that the number was very small. The people of this place desired a redress of grievances, and this the government hastened to grant. No action taken by the town directly favored treason or rebellion ; and it is quite certain that the opposition of individuals ended in talk. The name of one man may be given with certainty, and without impropri- ety, as an insurgent, since the fact was published at the time in the county paper. The Worcester Magazine, printed in the second week . of February, 1787, contains the following passage : " A correspondent, informs us that the member of Convention from the town of Winchen- don, whose name is [Samuel] Litch, went off with his arms, week be- fore last, and actually joined the insurgents under Adam Wheeler." The " week before last" would be toward the close of January, and thus Mr. Litch had time to reach the camp before the final march and de- feat. Adam Wheeler was a bold, rough revolutionary captain, living in Hubbardston, who was very forward in the rebel movement. SECTION 3. — THE FLIGHT. The drama was hasting to its ignoble exit. After various maneu- verings, the insurgents were collected, in considerable force, in Pelham, about the 29th of January, and on Saturday, the 2d of February, see- ing the government troops advancing, they began a retreat in the even- ing. The weather was mild, and the evening light, but at length snow began to faU., The insurgents could find no shelter, and so pressed forward all night, un^jl the morning of the 3d, when they halted in Petersham to prepare their breakfast and take some rest. This was Sunday morning, the sndw flying thick and fast, and being piled in drifts. The weather had become intensely cold. The Shays men sup- posed that their pursuers had halted, and felt increased security fi'om pursuit on account of the ragmg of the storm. But this was the cause HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 115 of their sudden surprise and total rout. As the government soldiers could find no place of shelter and comfort, they kept moving all night, for the sake of keepLag up a circulation of the blood. The result was that they came pouring into Petersham in the morning, and captured two hundred find fifty of the insurgents. According to the narrative of the late Col. Benjamin Adams, and Capt. Phinehas Whitney, who were in the ranks of the government troops,: — being then quite young — ^they caught the Shays men cooking their breakfast ; but they took to their heels, leaving the kettles on the camp fires. The troops helped themselves to a warm meal, and the great mass of the rebels disap- peared like a morning mist. A portion of them fied to Winchester, N. H., from whence they scattered, in smaller numbers ; but a large part left the camp at Petersham for their homes. They hid their guns, and gave up all sign of opposition, for the declaration of a rebellion had been issued, and the government was pursuing with an overwhelming force. One anecdote, related by Dr. Whiton, will here find its appropriate place. " After the dispersion of the insurgents at Petersham, four or five of them belonging to Middlesex county, passed through this town on their way home, in ill-humor at their want of success. Calling at Dr. Whiton's, where Mr. Winn has resided for many years, and find- ing the Dr. a strong government man, one of them used high words, and threatened to run him through with his bayonet. The Dr. raised a heavy, long-handled iron shovel to defend himself; his wife, affrighted, seized fi:om the cradle, her sleeping infant, for protection; but the passionate man was checked by one of his more prudent associates, who told him it would never do to threaten a man's life in his own house, and induced his companions immediately to depart." That infant thus snatched from the cradle, became the Rev. Dr. Whiton. Thus ended a wild and utterly unjustifiable attempt to work a change in the laws, if not in the form of government, of the State. In a few years the misguid- ed insurgents and their friends were glad of their failure,*and were zeal- ous supporters of the constituted authority. Party bitterness, in this place, gave way to old neighborly kindness,ai}d the parties lived in peace together as if they had never been at variance. Mr. Litch, being obnoxious to the penalty of the law, left the State, and never returned to reside. Others kept out of public view for a sear 116 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOir. '* son. One or more took refuge on the borders of the Monomonauk, where they had a boat, and a hut. The boat itaa for ffight as -nell as for fishing. Bnt the gOTermnent was lenient, and the men soon re- tamed to their homes, where thej were unmolested by the officers oS the law, while they were respected by their neighbors. An old ballad has been quoted ah-eady ; — another will fdmisb a fitting dose to this narradre. " Says sober Will, ' well Shays has fled, And peace retnms to Mess onr days.' 'Indeed!' cries Ned, 'I ahrays said. He'd proye at last nfiH back Sliays;* And those turned ov^ and undone. Call him a worthless SMys to run.' "' * The cAaise, then in use, was sometimes spelled «Aa^,like the insurgent leader's name. HISTOST OP \niTCHElfDOir. 117 CHAPTER VIII. — STATE AND NA- TIONAL AFFAIRS. SECTION 1. — EEPEESENTATION. " A firm union will be of the atmosfc moment to the peace and liberty of the States as a barrier against domestic faction and insurrection." The Fkdbiui^bt. In this chapter the connectiou of Wincliendon witk the political ac- tion of the times, will be briefly traced. In the EevolutionJ the people were unanimous, so far as is now known, in supporting the Declaration of Independence, and they did not falter, n^ withhold their support, till peace and independence were secured. Shays' Rebellion divided the town into two hostile bands, a majority of the people being on the side of the insurgents, though but a very few of them engaged in any hostile acts, while much of the intelligence, property and moral worth of the place steadfastly adhered to the government. In regard to oth- er questions there was difference of opinion, and the people ranged them- selves with the great parties of the country, though without the violence and rancor which characterised the tames of Shays. Winchendon was rather backward in claiming her place in the State House. For several years after the organization of the town, no del- egate was sent to the House of Representatives. In May, 1770, the town declined to send a representative. Similar action was taken in several of the next succeeding years. Robert Bradish, a plain, rough, but sensible man, was sent in 1776, and 1777, to the General Court. At the meeting. May 27, for choosing their representative, the town chose a Committee of seven persons to draft instructions for his guid- ance. As a peculiar interest attaches to every name engaged in the. heroic work of those times, they will be given in fiill. The same rule will hold in the future. The committee were Ebenezer Sherwin, Thorn- ton Barrett, Moses Hale, Daniel Goodridge, Richajd Pearson, Abel Wilder and Benjamin Brown. The Report of the committee which was approved by the t»wn, was in these words. 118 HISTORY &s -wiiircHBisrDorr, » "To Mr. Eobert Bradisb, Sir: You being legally appointed to represent tbe town of Wm- chendon in the Great and General Court the ensuing year, the town think proper to give you the following instructions, viz: That you use your influence to the utmost, to obtain a repeal of an Act, passed by the General Court in the close of their session in tbe year 1776, entitled an Act for a more equal representation. And upon the repeal of said Act, to issue writs for the choice of a new House, and then dissolve. And in case' the saiid Act should not be repealed, not to proceed to any business, but return home." SECTION 2.r— STATE CONSTITUTION. The &st vote of the town, May 22, 1778, on the subject of a State Constitution, has already been mentioned. The state of the case was this. The Greneral Court of 1777—8, in accordamce with a recommen- dation'of the General Court of the previous year, met together as a Convention, and adopted a form of Constitution " for the State of Mas- sachusetts Bay," which wajS submitted to the people. This town voted in its favor, 25 to 6, Imt it was rejected by the State. At this same meeting the town declined to send a representative to the legislature. The Greneral Court followed up the movement for a new Constitution, by passing a Resolve on the 20th of February, 1779, calling upon the q^ualified voters to ^ve in their votes on tbe questions — 'Whether they chose to have a new Constitution or Form of Government made, and, Whether they will empower their representatives to vote for calling a State, Convention for that purpose. The people, by a large majority, voted in favor of both these propositions,. and then the General Court, on the 17th of June, 1779, passed a Resolve, calling on the people to choose delegates to a Constitutional Convention, to be held in Cam- bridge on the 1st of the ensuing September. The people of this town, on the 20th of May, 1779, voted in favor of having a new Constitution, 18 to 7, and at the same tune declined to send a representative in the General Court. In accordance with the above Resolve, a town meet- ing Tvas held on the 8th of July, and Abel Wilder, Esq., was chosen delegate to the Convention at Cambridge. It may be stated here, that at a subsequent meeting, in July, 1780, the town " voted and granted 85 dollars per day for 34 days service at the Convention on the Con- stitution, the whole, £367," or 12890. ' The Convention met on the first of September, and was presided over by Jambs Bowdoin. After organization, a committee of thirty • HISTOKT OP WINCHBNDON. 119 was chosen, to ■whom the work of drawing up a " Declaration of Rights and the Form of a Constitution," was assigned. The Convention then had " a general and free conversation" upon the subject of a " Decla- ration and Rights," &c., in the presence of their committee, after which the body adjourned to the 28th of October. The committee of thirty appointed John Adams to draught a " Declaration of Rights," and a sub-committee of three, viz: James Bowboin, Samuel Adams and John Adams, to pifepare a " Form of Government." This committee assigned this task to John Adams, who was thus the author of the whole work, which was, finally, after being somewhat amended, adopt- ed by the Convention. What part the delegate of this town took in the proceedings, does not appear, as the debates were not published. His name is not found in the Journal as a member of any committee, but doubtless a man of his sense and weight of character, had, influ- ence in private discussion. After several adjournments the Convention completed their work, and submitted it to the scrutiny of the people. It should be noted that the warning of the meeting to choose dele- gates to the Convention, was addressed " to all the freeholders and oth- er inhabitants, being free and twenty-one years of age," thus putting the great work of forming a new frame of government into the hands of all the people, without regard to property or rank. The same for- mula was used in calling the town meeting to vote on the Constitution, held on the 15th of May, 1780. It was in these words : " All male persons, inhabitants of Winchendon, being free and twenty-one years of age," &c., were warned to meet and " hear the Declaration of Rights and Constitution or Form of Grovernment for the State of the Massa- chusetts Bay." After reading the above instrument of government, the meeting adjourned to the 24th of May, that the people might form their deliberate conclusion. The meeting met and again adjourned to the 29th, when the vote was taken, as follows : " For the Constitution with tke Amendments, 21 yeas. For the Frame of Gfovernmeiit as it stands, yeas, 9 ; nays, 2." The people of the State approved of the new Constitution, and un- der it the first General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts met at the State House in Boston, on Wednesday, October 25, 1780. Abel Wilder represented the town in the House, or the county in the Senate, from this time to his decease in 1792. On May 20th, 1782, Samuel Crosby, Esc[., Dea. Moses Hale and Mr- Alexander Brown, 120 HISTORY Off WINCHENDON. ■were chosen a committee to draw some instructions for " ye represen- tative, Abel Wilder, Esq." These instructions are not on record, and the design of them- is not kno^v:n. On the 5th of April, 1784, Mr. Wilder received 25 votes for Senator and Counsellor. This vote brought his name before a larger constituency, which a year or two later adopt- ed him. In 1786, January 6, it was voted " to take taxes in shingles," in the case of several persons. In March, the town voted a hundred pounds to pay the town debt, and in keeping with its honorable course towards the new town of Gardner, the proportion assessed to that town was de- ducted. SECTION 3.— NATIONAL COIpTITtTTION. In 1788, March 10, Dea. Moses Hale was chosen delegate to the State Convention to consider the proposed Constitution for the United States. There was a powerful opposition to the adoption of the Con- stitution, which would perhaps have been defeated, in the Convention, if the great patriot, Samuel Adams, and his compeer, John Hancock, had not been induced to give it their suppifrt. A majority of the del- egates from Worcester county, including the delegate from this town, on the final vote, were found in the negative. Those persons, as a general rule, who had favored the Shays' move- ment, were opposed to the. adoption of the Constitution of the United States. There was a prevalent fear that the central government would become too strong ; and they could not foresee that a great, wicked, and bloody rebellion would in the next century, grow in part, out of a jeal- ousy for State rights. But besides these, there were others who were reluctant to enter into a union with slave-holders, and become bound to endure the slave trade until 1808, and take on themselves the obli- ^tion to restore fugitives from servitude. Their fears have been nwre than realized in our recent history. If the men of 1788 could have clearly foreseen the evils that a tolerated system of oppression has brought upon this generation, it is hardly conceivable that they would have entered the Union except on condition of the total abolition of slavery in all the States. The first meeting to choose officers under the Constitution of the United States, was held on the 18th of December,- 1788, when the town cast its vote in favcfr of Washington and Adams for President and Vice President. HISTOBT OP -VVINCHBNDOK. 121 Samuel Adams received every vote for Governor, on the 6tli of AprU, 1795. At the election, in 1792 and 1796, the Presidential candidates sup- ported by the federal party received a large majority of the votes cast by the freemen of Winchendon. The warrant fo^ town meeting in the last year of the last century, was addressed to "the freeholders and other inhabitants of the t(twn qualified by law ta vote in town meetings, viz : " such as pay to our single tax besides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two-thirds of a sin- gle poll tax." The warrant for a meeting to choose a representative was " to the male inhabitants of the town, being twenty-one years of age, and resident in the town for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate oAhe annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value of fifty pounds." The voters of this town gave to Washington their most cordial and zealous support during both of his presidential terms. When troops were called for to suppress the " Whiskey rebellion" in Pennsylvania, they were ready to take the field. When he died, they sincerely mourned, in common with the great mass of his countrymen. Mr. Adams, though following in the footsteps of his predecessor, met with a strenuous, and even fierce opposition, especially in the South ; but his own State was united in his support. The people of Winchendon concurred with the State in casting their votes for him, in the autumn of 1796, and also in 1800, when he was defeated. Their resentment against the insults .of the French government was ardent, and they were ready to take up arms in defence of the honor of the nation. The well-known song, " Adams and liberty," was a favorite with our pat- riotic and high-spirited ancestry of that period. But Mr. Jefierson, the leader of the Virginia school of pohtics, came into power. The " "NJirginia and Kentucky Resolutions" superseded the principles of Washington, Adams and Marshall, and the country entered on a career which naturally culminated in the wicked rebellion of 1861. In closing these notices of the political affinities of the town, it is but fair to state, that though the Rev. Mr. Brown, then supported by the town in its capacity as a parish, was a firm friend of the Govern- ment, in the time of the Shays excitement, he was not, on that account, called in question, the people, even in the time of the most violent agi- tation, conceding to their minister his right to untramelled action as a citizen. ' 122 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. CHAPTER IX.— EDUCATION PRE VIOUS TO 18 0,.^ "Beside yon straggling fence that skirts the way, With blossom'd fUrze, unprofltably gay, There, in his noisy mansion, skilled to rale. The village master, taught his little sehool." V Goldsmith. In this chapter, a full, though concise history will be given of the progress of education, including schools, school-houses, districts, teach- ers, committees, &c., down to the opening of the preset century. The first entry in the Records bearing on this subject, is dated May 6, 1765, when eight dollars were approprifited for schooling. This was the first year after the organization of the town. The school was at the Centre. The sum granted, March 3, 1766, was |20. In 1767, $13. The next year, the appropriation was six pounds, or twenty dol- lars ; and it was voted as follows : " the extreme parts of the town to have a school by themselves, they providing a place and keeper." This year one bill brought against the town was for " a horse to bring the school dame up and carry her down again," five shillings. She be- longed, of course, to one of the lower towns. On the 6th of March, 1769, forty shillings were devoted to schoohng, and the Selectmen were authorised to lease eighty acres of school land, and use the pro- ceeds in supporting a school. The school land was rented for school- ing in 1772, and in the next year, twelve pounds, besides the rent of the school land. The following bill helps to fill out the picture of those primitive times. "The town of Winchendon Dr., to me for Boarding the school Dame, Mrs. Down, four weeks, at three shillings per week, £0, 12, 0, 0." On the 7th of March, 1774, £7, 6s. was devoted to schooling, "partly rents, and partly money not used last year." At the same time, " voted, to choose a committee to divide the town into districts HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 123 for Schooling. Chose Daniel Goodridge, Moses Hale, William Whit- ney, John Boynton and Seth Oaks." SECTION l.-^THE FIRST DISTEICTS. The committee made a report dated March 17, 1774, which was accepted by the town. This action did not constitute legal distriq,ts, in the modem acceptance of the term, but merely divided the town into sections for school purposes, the town still having full care of the schools. It will be interesting to know where the population was loca- ted at the opening of the Revolution. The report herq, follows. "We the subscribers, being chosen by the town of Winobendon, legally assembled on the seventh day of March — 1774, — a committee to appoint places for school houses to be set up in order for schools to be kept in said town, have agreed upon the following places which appear to us to [be] most convenient for said purposes. For the southwest part of the town we have agreed to have a school house upon the road between Potato brook and Joseph Wilder's [now Luke Wil- der's] house, if the town shalFthink proper. [Never built.] For the southeast part of the town we think proper to have a school house on the new county road about half a mile south of Wm. Whitney's, as near the south side of the first brook south of said Whitney's as the land will allow of. [This section was afterwards sat off to Gardner.] For the east part of the town, we think the most convenient place for a school house is in the great road by Mr. Dudley Perley's. [That is, on the old road from the Centre to Ashburnham.] For the north part of the town, it appears to us that the most convenient place for a school house to be set up is on the county road near where the road turns out that leads by Mr. John Boynton's to Eindge. [John Boyn- ton lived on the place at the north part of the town, now owned by Capt. E. Murdock, Jr.] For the west part of the town, we think best to .have the school house erected on the county road that leads to Royalston, near the mouth of fly road, so called. [Just beyond what has since been known as the Caswell place, west of Miller's river and where the road comes in from BuUardville.] Winchendon, March 17, 1774." The Centre already had a school. It was several years before all the sections of the town were supplied with school houses. Schools were kept in private houses, cooper's shops, and wherever room could 124 HISTORY OP WINCHBNDON. be found. It will be seen that no provision was made for children in the Village, Waterville or Spring Village. The simple fact was that there were scarcely any inhabitants near the river, between the Mo- nomonauk and New Boston ; where we now find not far from four-fifths of our scholars. The next year the sum granted was the rent of the school lands, besides £5 given by the county ; in 1776, £20 were de- voted to schooling. A new step was taken in 1777. The appropriar tion was enlarged to £30, and a committee was appointed " to see af- ter schooling," viz : Dea. Moses Hale, David Goodridge, Daniel Good- ridge, Peter Joslin, Ebe'r. Howe. This was the first school commit- tee, as far as can be ascertained. Their duties were mainly those af- terwards assigned to the prudential committees chosen by the districts. The examination of teachers and schools generally was done by the clergy, as officers of the town. The school committee of 1778, were Ebenezer Howe, Lt. Joseph Boynton, Lt. Amos Merriam, Dea. Hale, John Day, each one belonging to a separate district. This year £100 were voted for schooling ; of which £1, 6s were to be derived from rent of land. Money had already begun to depreciate. On the 9th of September, the question came up again in regard to dividing the town into districts, but nothing was done. In 1779, £400 were granted to be employed in schooling. This was paper money. It was voted, " that the school money for this year be equally divided into six parts. The following committee was chosen, viz : Capt. John Boynton, Capt. Seth Oaks, Dea. Moses Hale, William Whitney, Abel Wilder and James McElwain, to agree on six places to have a school kept in this town where it will best accommodate the inhabitants." Then chose Capt. Joseph Bacon, Dea. Moses Hale, Abel Wilder, Capt. John Boynton, Phillips Sweetaer and James McElwain, " to see that the school money is properly laid out." In other words, they were the prudential committee of the town. This action was taken at the March meeting. The committee immediately reported in relation to districts, as follows, thus showing that no school houses had yet been erected. " The committee on locating school houses reported that " it appears to us that it is most convenient to have the school houses erected in the following places, namely, one on the Meeting House Common ; one about 20 rods south of the brook which runs across the road between Mr. Phillips Sweet- zer and Mr. Jeremiah Stuart, [not far from the trotting park, now No. 10, HISTOKT OF ■WIirCHENDOK. 125 Of Tallow hill school,] one at the comer of the road between Bill Hancock's and Dayid Stoddard's, [now No. 7, and part of No. 8,] one just on the eausey by Jonathan Stimpon's, [now No. 5, or Estey sehool house ;] on© just over the brook on the road from DaArid Groodridge to I4eut. Joseph Boynton, [just northeast of the house of Mr. Jonas Nutting, towards Mr. James Mordock's jj the other on the county road towards Westminster, on the east district lot. No. 2." [Now in Gtardner.] The next vote indicates the cause of still farther delay iji building the houses, viz : derangement of the currency. It was in these words : " Voted, that the town will not take the present currency for the rente on those school and ministerial lands wherein the lease noentions law- ful money of Great Briton." At the annual meeting, March 9, 1780, it was voted " that a school- master be. hired to keep school nine months in a year*" Also, that " the nine monfcs' schooling be equally divided into six parts, to be kept in the several places agreed upon by the town." The schools were probably kept in private houses. At a meeting, October 13, the largest nominal appropriatioa for schools was made that is upon record, viz : ^62300, worth perhaps $100. At the March meeting in 1781, the school money " was equally divided between the several schools." The following provision was made : " Six months of writing school in each quarter, and the remainder of the money to be laid out in a wO' man's school, (if it appears to be the desire of the quarter,) in such places as will best accommodate the whole of said squadron, and when BO woman's school is dem-ed, the whole to be laid out in a man's school." It was then voted to build school houses in " the several places agreed upon by the toiro." But voting is not building. The subjedt came up again at the acl- jonmed meeting, March 22, when it was " Voted to have a school house built in the centre of the town 20 feet square." The " others to be 18 feet square." Then the vote to build school houses was re- conadered. It was next voted to ^ve " liberty to each squadron or school district, or any particular persons, to build school houses on the spots agreed upon by the town, and that those persons who build said houses, shall hold them as their own property until such time as the town shall see fit to purchase them of the proprietors for the town's use." After this comes the rather inconsistent vote "to build six school 126 HISTOEY OP WINOHBNDON. houses this present year." A committee was also appointed to s6e to the building of school houses, viz : Samuel Prentice, James McEl- wain, Phillips Sweetzer, Edward Withington, Francis Bridge, Joseph Bacon. These men represented districts Nos. 1, 7, 10, 3, 5, as they have been arranged for many years past. Bacon was in the Gardner section. It was then voted " that those squadrons who get the school houses done the cheapest, have so much money laid out in schooling' more than their quota of school money, as to make them equal to the highest priced houses." Now it would seem as if the children would soon be accommodated with school houses, but " there's many a slip," &c. At the meeting on the 3d of April, it wa-s " voted to postpone the building of school houses until next year." The burdens of the war pressed too heavily upon them to admit their doing anything which was not absolutely necessary. The appropriation for schooling was£40. In 1782, March 4, the town granted £36, or £6. to each squadron, for schooling. The term " squadrpn," seems to have come into use • in the Revolution ; that is, in its application to districts or sections of the town. On the 19th of March, the old vote was renewed to " build the school houses the present year," but on the following 11th of April, this vote was reconsidered. On the 28th of May, it was " voted that the committee chosen last March to provide schooling the present year, be a committee to divide the pay of the town into six equal parts, both as to polls and estates, for the purpose of buildmg school houses. No action was taken the next year, and nothing in the year fol- lowing which led to results. The school money was £40. In 1785, March 14, the town voted to have a " Grammar school for the year en- suing," and granted £50 for schoohng. The same sum was voted next year, including the rent of the school land. At the same time, March 7, 1786, the town " chose a committee of nine to take up and consider whether the town will build school houses in the several parts of the town as now divided," viz : Benjamin Kidder, Ahimaaz Sherwin, Paul Raymond, Samuel Crosby, Esq., Dea. Moses Hale, Samuel Prentice, PhUhps Sweetzer, Daniel Hubbard and Joseph Boynton. SECTION 2. — THE FIRST SCHOOL HOUSES. This committee reported on the 3d of April, 1786, " that there be no alteration in the school squadrons, nor in the several places hereto- fore agreed upon for school houses. Also, we beg leave to report as HISTOEY OF WINCHENDON. 127 our opinion, that it ■will be best for the town to raise a sum of money to be appropriated to the building school houses, in the places already agreed on, or in such other place or places as the squadrons more intimate- ly concerned agree upon. Also that the money granted, shall be divided into five equal parts, and a committee man or men be chosen in each squadron to have the oversight of the work, who shall give each one as equal a chance as may be in finding materials and doing the work." It was then voted " to build six school houses in the town of Winchen- don," and " to set the school houses in the several places before ap- pointed, except the south part." Threchundred dollars were granted for the purpose, and a committee of twelve " to see to the building of the school houses." These are their names : Abel Wilder, Benjamin Brown, Edward Withington, Joseph Boynton, Phillips Sweetzer, Da- vid Poor, Daniel Hubbard, Bill Hancock, William Whitney, Paul Ray- mond, Dea. Moses Hale and Isaac Proughty. The houses were erected in accordance with these votes, and were located as follows : one in the Centre, near the house of John Woodbury, and was of brick ; another in the eastern district, near the present site, perhaps on the same spot ; another in what was known as the old sixth district, near the Bigelow place ; another in the southern section, near the Poor mill, just west of the stream. This was bus-ned. Then the -house was loca- ted on the east side of the stream, about a rod east of the John Poor house, now occupied by Mr. Carter ; another in the northwest, on the road between Levi Parks' and the- Royalston road, near the trotting park ; and the sixth in the northern part of the town, near Daniel Boyn- ton's house, between his house and John Boynton's. The appropriation for 1789 was about $200, or £60 ; for 1790, £72. At the March meetmg, 1791, it was voted that " each district shall school out their proportion of money within a year after the grant is made, or forfeit it." The sum granted for schools, for several years to come was $240 to $450, increasing towards the close of the cen- tury. At a meeting November 7, 1791, £150 were granted for build- ing and repairing school houses in the town. Chose Moses Hale, John Burr and James McElwain, a committee for the purpose. At a meet- ing held a fortnight later, this vote was reconsidered, and £50 grant- ed. On the 1st of August, 1792, it was voted to move the school house to the east line of the Common. 128 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. SECTION 3. — SECOND AREANGEMENT 01" DISTEICTS. The increase of population made it important, in a few years, to increase the number of school houses. Some of the children were under the necessity of going long distances to reach their school. New wants must be met by new arrangements. Accordingly, at a meeting held May 6, 1793, the town " chose a committee of seven persons to make a new arrangement of school districts in the town. Chose one in each district, and the seventh by ballot. Dea. Samuel Prentice rep- resented No. 10 in recent times, that is, the northwest part of the town ; Benjamin Wilder,, No'. 1 ; David Goodridge, No. 3, or the north district ; Peter Robinson, No. 6 formerly, near the Bigelow place ; Dea. Moses'Hale, the east district in recent times. No. 5 ; and Da- vid Hubbard, No. 7. William Whitney was chosen by ballot, and acted as chairman. At a meeting June 3, the following report was offered and accepted : " That there be one school house on the Boyalston road near the line be- tween the Rev. Joseph Brown's land and Mr. Abner Curtice ; [never built,] 2, that there, be one do. on Fitzwilliam road, near the north line of Capt. Paul Boynton's land, on the east side of said road, [between the Village and Henry Keith's ; 3, one do. on the Eindge road near the line between Lt. Joseph Boyntori and Mr. James Payson ; 4, one do. on the road leading to Ashburnham, on the easterly side of the long causey near Mr. Jere'h Lord's land, where it now stands;* 5, one do. on the county road leading through Gardner, near where the road comes &om Mr. David Smith's into said road, where the school house now stands ; 6, one do. on the Templeton road pear Mr. Eliphalet Goodridge's, where the school house in No. 7, now stands ; [af- terwards moved to its present location] 7, one do. near Mr. Peter Russell's, where the frame now stands ; [near Miss Sylvia Howard's] 8, one do. on the road leading from Mr. Jere'h Stuart's to Mr. Francis Goodhue, where the school house now stands [near the trotting park.]" After hearing the report, it was voted " to build the school houses in the several districts agreed upon." A committee of eight was cho- sen to draw a plan of the houses, and to propose ways and means to build them : viz, Benjamin Hall, Esq., Capt. Paul Boynton, Lt. Joseph Boynton, Dea. Moses Hale, David Smith, Paul Raymond, Jr., Eben- ezer Sherwin and Jeremiah Stuart. This committee reported on the third of September that " each dis- trict build their own school houses. Granted j£243 including £50 HISTORY OF -WINCHENDON. 129 lately granted to build and repair school houses, said sum to be divided to each district, according to their pay. This looked like work, and accordingly a building committee was chosen, viz : Phinehas Whitney, No. 1 ; Lieut. Joseph Boynton, north district ; Ezra Hyde, the house .on the Fitzwilliam road ; Jeremiah Stuart, for the northwest ; Jesse EUis, for the southwest ; Daniel Hubbard, No. 7, or the south ; Peter Robinson for the old 6th, near the Bigelow place ; and Moses Hale for the eastern district. It was then voted that " the middle or centre district have hberty to set their school house where they think best." It was placed near the present house of Mr. John Woodbury. A com- mittee was chosen to view the situation of the southwest district, and determine upon the spot on which said house ought to stand. Thomas Graton, or Grreaton, Jeremiah Stuart and Benjamin Hall were the com- mittee, and they reported subsequently in favor of the old site, though preferring another if the roads were convenient for it. On the 6th of January, 1794, the Assessors were directed to commit the school house tax to the collector ; and he was to receive school house committee or- ders in discharge of said tax. The assessors and school house com- mittee were directed to meet and make a division of the money grant- ed to build school houses according to the school districts and their pay, and the non-residents' pay to be divided by the assessors and commit- tee according to their best discretion. On the 5th of May, it was vo- ted " that the school houses should be finished on or before the first day of January next." May 28, the north district was allowed to " apply the money granted to it for schoohng last year to building thek school house." The southwest district was allowed, by vote passed March 7, 1797, " to place its school house where they pleaae exclusive of cost to the town." It was probably placed near the south side of the Denison pond, near the house of Miss Sylvia Howard. SECTION 4. — STATE OF EDrCATION. The history of education in the town will be arrested at this point, for the purpose of bringing forward other parts of the work. This, however, is the natural period for a division of the narrative, since the opening of the present century was really the beginning of a new era in the cause of popular education. ' Before turning to a new subject, it may be well to take a passage from the manuscript of Dr. Whiton, since his recollections embraced a portion of the period under review. He 130 SlSTOBt 01* wmcHENDcwr. says : " I -wisli I had been able to ascertain when the first school house ■Was built ; it' was probably prior to 1770, it being, at my earliest rec- ollections, a rough, ricketty affair, of diminutive size, standing a little west of Dea. Cutter's present dwelling." This was the northwest cor- ner of the Common. The Records give no information in regard to the building of this first school-house. It was probably erected before the Eevolution, though not long previous to that event. School-hous- es in those days were generally " rough," and they soon became " rick- etty," taking on rapidly the marks of age. They were without paint, and so felt all the changes of the seasons, and yielded to the gnawings of the tooth of time. Dr. W. continues : " In the earliest schools, the only books to be found were the old New England Primer, small in size but rich in value ; Dilworth's Spelling Book and the Psalter, including Psalms and- Proverbs, or the Testament. I do not think the schools in Winchendon ever exhibited the primitive simplicity of some places where the scholars learned to Write on white birch bark for lack of pa- per, and were taught in rotation a week each, by all the men who could read ; some of whom would cut but a sorry figure as instructors. Schools here were a grade above this. About 1790 a decided advancement was made in school books. Perry's Spelling Book superseded Dil- worth's ; Pike's Arithmetic was introduced, afterwards superseded by Adams' ; Webster's Third Part came into use as a reading book, fol- lowed not long after by the American Preceptor. The study of Eng- lish Q-rammar began to be thought of, Alexander's Grammar finding its way into the schools. Not the least attention was given to Geog- raphy till 1795, when a small abridgement of Morse's Geography began to be called for. Jhese books held possession of the schools for many years, till better and more modern compilations expelled them. It was scarce known that such sciences as Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Botany, Rhetoric, Physiology or Algebra were in existence ; of their introduction into Primary schools, no one at that day dreamed. To read, spell and write decently, and acquire enough of Arithmetic for the transaction of ordinary business, was all the young aspired to. The medical pupils of Dr. Israel Whiton, of whom there was a considerable number, aided to furnish a supply of teachers of the winter schools. The schools were however, as good as the means and circumstances of the town, in those days, allowed ; and if they were not what could be wished, still they effected a large amount of good." HISTOET OP WINCHENDOS. 131 CHAPTER X.— HiaSWATS AND BY-WATS. " Ods whips and spurs ! A road fit for a king Winds through these woods :— that is, a Mng of knaves. The farmer's white-oak cart jolts over rocks, Logs, stumps; the springless wagon sinks in mud While on the way to mill. The traveler, Bewildered by the crooks, and thick-leaved shade, Lists to the forest sounds, and dreads the sight Of the fierce wild beast, or well-armed foot-pad, — Perchance of stealthy Indian on his tramp. It seems the very hatching place of theft And murder. — A change comes o'er the scenery. See the long row of horses and their freight, — Men, mothers, chUdren, on their way to church. The squirrel chirrups on the trees ; the tunefUI birds FiU all the air with song; a solemn hymn Breaks forth from human lips, and all the aisles Are vocal with their melody." Old Scout. RoSds -while they mark the condition and progress of civiliaation, fur- nish great facilities for general improvement. The history of a town, no more than of a nation, cannot be complete, without some account of its means of inter-communication. Macaulay, who more than any oth- er historian, exhibits every phase of a people's life, enters into exceed- ingly interesting details concerning the roads of England. We are sur- prised to learn that the great lines of travel were in a wretched condi- tion far along into tiie last century, while the cross roads were almost impassable. In our own country good roads were very uncommon till several years after the Revolution. Indeed, the art of road making was not understood, among us, till very recently. At first the people followed Indian trails ; then they marked bridle-paths by cutting or blazing trees ; next they cut cart roads, removing the largest stones and stumps, and roots, so that oxen, and perhaps steady horses, could 132 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. move a load without shaking vehicle and contents to pieces. By de- grees came highways on which prudent drivers could venture to travel, by using proper vigilance. The next step in progress was the turn- pike, buUt by a corporation, and deriving its support from travelers who paid their fare at gates swung across the road at suitable intervals — say, six or eight miles apart. These were a great advance, in com- parison with the old roads, but in time the people became educated up to the point where they were willing to tax themselves to pay for free roads that should be better than the turnpikes. Such has been the course of things in the eastern States. We read of western towns, where one can take his start in an avenue, which soon changes into^a street, that diminisjies to a road, then dwindles into a cart-path, and finally vanishes in a squirrel track up a tree. With us avenues come last, but well-built roads are demanded by an advancing public senti- ment. A county Commissioner remarked a few years since, that a team could draw twice as much from any part of the county to the Court House in the same time, as the same team could have drawn twenly- five years before ; so great had been the improvement in the roads. SECTION 1. — THE FIRST EOADS. The first Proprietors of Ipswich Canada found their way to these -ffilds, by trails and bridle-paths, either through Westminster and what is now Gardner, or through Dorchester Canada, now Ashbumham. Lunenburg and Leominster were settled sometime before the towns at the west of them, and travelers found their way hither by either route. It is probable however, that the northern road was most frequented. Ashbumham was settled about the time our fathers came here, and thus a way was opened to our eastern border. Before this time, the towns in the valley of the Connecticut had become quite populous, and it was necessary to have lines of travel from the valley of the Nashua to the great river. This explains the vote of the Proprietors in a meeting held on the 27th of October, 1737, which was in these words : " That there be a road cut from Earlington as near as may be to the Meeting- House Lott, at the charge of the Proprietors." For a long time, it was imposable to find the location of Earlington. Mr. Hyde, who was aged enough to remember several years into the last century, says in a note on the 79th page of bis History, that he " has not yet discor- HISTORY OF WINCHENBON. 183 ered what place is meant by Earlington." The supposition was that it was some parish or precinct in. one of the lower towns, as Lunen- burg, Leominster or Lancaster, through which the travel would nat- urally take its course in coming to this region. On inquiring at the State House for Earlington, the antiquarians in the Secretary's ofiBlce confessed themselves ignorant of that locality. However, in the Index of Plans, Grants, &c., it was found that a part of Northfield had been granted to Major Joseph Willard, — being a large strip on the north and east sides of the town — with the name of Earlington. This dis- covery made the design of the Proprietors evident. It was to bring tiie travel between the settlements east and west through this place. A far-sighted project, never yet fully realized. In after times a canal was surveyed from the Hudson to Boston, through Winchendon Village, and stiU later a railroad, but neither have been transformed from pro- jects to facts. It is to be hoped that the time is not far distant when one of the great lines of railway travel from the seaboard to the west- ern part of the State, and so on to the Great West, will pass through our principal Village. But to return from our digression : The next meeting of the Proprietors was on the 3d of November, when it was voted " that six pounds be paid and allowed out of the treasury to such proprietor as shall cut an Horse- way from Earlington road to the Meet- ing House Lett." Such was the beginning of the road system of this town, the design of which was to open ways through the place, rather than to accommo- date families, since there were none on the ground. A road was the necessary means of bringing them here. On the 13th of February,* 1737-8, it was voted " that there be a Cart Way cut from Dorchester Canada Meeting House Lott — which was on the top of the old meeting- house hiU, — on the nearest and most convenient way that can be found from Dorchester Canada road to the centre of the Lotts as laid out in the Township of the said Ipswich Canada, and make such bridges and causeys as are absolutely necessary for making the way passable." This road was " cut," and in the course of time became the traveled way between Winchendon hill and Ashburnham hill, as it can be traced on the map. It was continued from the centre of the town to Koyal- aton line on its way to " Earlington." * The next year, February 8, — * The year in old times began with the mouth of March. 134 HISTOKT OF WIKCHENDOK. as for convenience sake we shall fix the dates as if the year began in January — it -was voted " that Col. Berry be empowered and directed to agreie with some proper person to clear a road that shall be markt out by the Proprietors of Paquaige, from the line d the Township to the TowDf Road." Pac[uaige or Bayquaige was Athol, and the road or path thither was probably by the lands of Enoch Wyman and John Raymond, and so,on across the plain, and over the river by the Ben- jamin Alger place, thence by the Baptist nseeting-house towards Athol, In 1741, March 18, a committee was empowered to " clear the old way into the Township of the trees that are fallen into it." The next year, May 19, Col. Thomas Berry, Capt. Edward Eveletbj and Lieut. Will- iam Brown were chosen a committee to lay out and clear a road from the north part of the Township, by the place where the saw-mill is to be erected, to the South Bound." The saw-mill was at the mouth of Poor's or Carter's pond, so that the road was to extend from the north part of the town, by the centre, and over Raymond hill towards Tem- pleton, via Jonesville. At the same time Col. Berry was directed to take some " proper method as he shall think best to oWige the Propri- etors of Lunenburg and Dorchestesr Canada to make suitable and con- venient ways" to this place. Pasang an interval of ten years, we find that on the 29th of Janu- ary, 1753, Thomas Brown was appointed "-to have the oversight of mending the hi-way." May 6, a committee was directed " to look out the most suitable place to erect a bridge over the river ;" and on the 2d of September following, it was voted " that a foot or horse bridge be built across the river where the couniy road runs." This bridge was probably over Miller's riyer, on the road to Royalston, about a mile northwest of WatervUle. On the 3d of July a committee was chosen " to petition the next Sessions of the Peace in the county of Worces- ter, in order to establish a hi-way from Lunenburgh through Dorchester Canada and Narragansett No. 2, to Ipswich Canada, and so far as Ips- wich Canada exten -J J 1, ivT f 4 cap sticks, 16 by 16, 20 feet long. Provided by Mr. ] g ^^^^^ jg ^ ^g^ ^g ^^^^ j^^^g, David Karrar. ^ ^ '' .. ^^hy 12, 18 feet long, Mr. Joseph ( Having the bridge corapleate, Heywood. ( Logs for 1000 plank dtlivered at the mill, Mr. Haywood Kidder, Ten string sticks, at 3s. each, Mr. Nath'l f 4 small posts, 12 by 12, 18 long, Bixby. 1 4 girths, 12 by 12, 20 long. James MurSk { ^^^'''^ ^°^^ ^°'" ^^^^ ^^^' °* P^^"'"' James Hall, One oak log for braces, Mr. Bart w j Framing, raising and covering, fit for raving, 7-v, TT 11 ( Sawing 2500 feet plank, and moving the same Ziba Mall. I j.^ j.jjg bridge, and sawing the braces for do. £i, 13s, 1, 0, 1, 4. 18. 10. 16. 1, 10. 5. 5 i, 0. ' 2 10. £18, 6. Service of the committee in letting out the above business, and attending on the same, 1, 10. £19, 16." Thus the committee came four shillings within the amount appro- priated. The next year it was voted to put extra work on the road leading from Dr. HaU's, (by the mill,) to FitzwiUiam ; and a road was accept- ed from Amos Edmands' to the old road leading from the Village to Ezra Hyde's. In May, it was voted to alter the road from near the Boynton place north to the Eindge line. This road was " just west of Hananiah Whitney's [Joshua Nutting's] house." In 1793, May 6, £30 were granted " to be laid out on the county road between Mr. Kidder's and Fitzwilliam. A road for Levi Divoll, leading westerly to the road extending from Israel Whitcomb's by the poor farm to the meeting house, was accepted. Also, a road for Aaron Massey. In 1794, £150 was the grant for highways. On the 5th of May, a road for Ezra Hyde was accepted, leading from his house down the hill, across Miller's river, where the two pail shops now stand, and a few rods on to the road that went from Nichols' tavern over Benjamm hill, by Dea. Samuel Prentice's to Royalston. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 143 In 1795, there was considerable stir about roads, but these were generallj short, and for private convenience. Samuel Brown secured the change of direction of one or two roads on the east of his farm, near Thomas Greenwood's ; and a road was laid out for Mr. Isaac Taylor, in the southeast section of the town ; and a slight alteration was made in the road at the north end. It was also voted, Septem- ber 3, " to mend the rforth end of the bridge by Goodhue's mill ;" and on the 24th, " to repair .the bridge over MiUer's river by Mr. Crooks', to last this fall, and preparations be made for building a bridge next summer." In 1796, April 4, an important vote was passed, viz : " that the town win lay out their roads for the future by a point of compass." Up to this time the mode had been on this wise : " from a stake and atones by Mr, 's bam to a pine tree with — chops, — rods ; thence to a beech tree with — chops, — rods," and so forth. On this account it has been exceedingly difficult for the author to trace many of the old roads. On the 5th of May, a committee was chosen " to oppose the new county road proposed to be laid out in the westerly part." This was another project to compel the town to build a road which would divert travel and business away from it. A proposal for a road from James Raymond's to Dudley Perley's, was negatived. This was renewed from time to time, but always defeated ; the fear being probably that it would gradually lead the people in the east section, to do business in the Village, where were a store and mills. A half century passed away, and then a road was opened from the Estey school house by the houses of Mr. Raymond's children, on the way to Gardner. In 1797, May 2, a road was accepted from Mr. Phinehas Parks' to Mr. Amos Edmand's. This was " cut out" in part, but afterwards the vote was reconsidered. Like the Raymond road, it was delayed more than half a century, and then laid from Mr. Parks' to Hydeville. It was a great point to secure the travel from Fitzwilliam ; therefore £50 were granted to improve the road beyond Mr. Kidder's, and on to the State line. The county road on the westerly side was put through, notwithstand- ing the opposition of the town, and then in 1799, the grand inquest of the county found an indictment against the town for not making and 144 ■ HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Keeping in repair a county road, that was laid out in 1797. Dea. Moses Hale was chosen as agent to appear in behalf of the town at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace, at Worcester, and make answer. At the same time, chose Mr. Paul Raymond, Jr., as a committee " to hire as much labor as he can for fifty dollars, to be laid out to the best advantage on said county road." This was Lieut. Paul Raymond, son of Lt. Col. Paul Raymond, and father of the late Dea. Paul Raymond. His name appears in connection with roads and bridges during the next quarter of a century. The Selectmen were charged with repairing or building the bridge over Miller's river near Mr. John Day's, but afterwards the matter was put into the hands of Lieut. Paul Raymond, " to repair the old bridge and causey," with sixty dollars to pay expenses. Later, $48 dollars were added. The expense of opposing the new county road and of neglecting to work upon it ran up to quite a sum — viz : " Expense of opposing the road, $60. The Presentment cost, 30. Expense of the Council, 44.98. Edward Bangs, Esq., 34." 1800, May 28. The town adopted the following mode to be ob- served in future in laying out town roads and private ways, viz : " that when a new way is to be laid out, the course and distance shall be as- certained, unless the whole of said way is laid out on the side of a lot or lots." This was at the opening of the new century, and as in the course of a year or two, the town had all the old roads which were con- sidered necessary, straightened, we have come to a natural point of division to our subject. Our travels over the roads of Winchendon, on paper, will be resumed in due time. Meanwhile other parts of the history will be brought forward to this period. HISTORY OF WmCHENBON. 14& CHAPTER XI.— THE TOWN AS A PARISH. " Hor, Is it a custom? Bam. Ay, marry, is't; But to my mind, though I am native here. And to the manner born, — it is a custom More honored in the breach, than the observance." Hamlet. PRELIMINARY. In former times the towns of this Commomvealtli were legal parish- es, and the churches were generally in connection with them. Both had a distinct existence ; but in some respects acted in unison. The church was a purely religious body, made up of voluntary adherents, and had the whole matter of determining the principles on which it was founded, its by-laws, and methods of discipline, in its own power. It received, dismissed, disciplined ana excommunicated members without being subject to external control. It chose its own officers^ whether Pas- tors, Deacons, Clerks or Committees, and was amenable to no authori- ty save that of Christ, the Head of the Church, though seeking frateiv nal sympathy and advice through the agency of Ecclesiastical Councils. But for the purpose of raising funds to build houses of worship, support the ministry, and pay other charges, parishes were formed. As said above, by the laws and usages of this State, the towns acted as parish- es in connection with the Congregational churches. In accordance with this fact, the town of Winchendon was a parish, and continued -to act in that capacity down to about the year 1825, when the union between it and the Congregational church was dissolved. Out of this relation it comes that quite a poriion of the town history pertains to religious af- fairs, such as church-building and sustaining the ministry. The eccle- siastical history of the town will be given hereafter in the history of each 10 146 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOW. church -within its bounds ; but the history of Winchendon as a parish will receive distinct treatment in this chapter. As preliminary and strictly in otder, it will be proper to relate what- ever was done by the Proprietors for the establishment of pubhc wor- ship in the place. The early settlers, as well as the Proprietors, were men who understood the value of religious institutions. Some of them — how many is not certainly known — were members of the Church of Christ. At a Proprietors' meeting held on the 27th of October, 1737, it was voted " that five acres be reserved out of the Lott No. 1, in the South Division, for building a meeting-house ; also for a burying yard, and a training-field." In February, 1737-8, it was voted that " four acres be cleared in the meeting-house lot, in the most convenient place for erecting a meeting-house, and to be sowed with herd's-grass ;" and a committee of four Avas chosen to agree when to clear, in order for the location of a meetmg-house." About 1752, the frame of a small meet- ing-house was raised, not far from the hearse house. This was never finished. On July 3d, 1753, Thomas Wilder and Abijah Smith were chosen a committee to prepare stuff in order to build a meeting-house next spring. This was not carried out, for on the 24th of October, " the first frame erected for a meeting-house was granted to Col. Berry, to enable him to build a suitable and craiveniienit room to meet in on the Sabbath days for pubhc worship." On the 31st of October " one dol- lar was assessed on each and every right, to pay for preaching the win- ter coming." Messrs. John Brown and Thomas Jewett were desired to provide a suitable person to preach for them. In 1769 there were about thirty men in the place, some of whom had families, and it is on record, that a Rev. Mr. Harvey was with them as a preacher. On the 31st of October the land laid out for a meeting- house lot, &c., was accepted. In 1761, September 22, it was voted " to raise two dollars on each original right to pay for preaching." The committee were ordered to " provide a preacher half the Sabbaths ;" and it was voted " to build a meeting-house 30x45, 20 feet posts." The next year the people concluded that it was best to select a new spot for the meeting-house lot, and traming-field, leaving the old spot for a bury- . ing ground. It was then determined to place the new meeting-house ' on the present central Common. This was erected forthwith, and though HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 147 never painted or finished, was made fit to be occupied as a place of worship.* SECTION 1. — MR. STIMPSON'S MINISTRY. It was voted to settle a minister. This implies that a Church had been, or was about to be formed. Mr. Daniel Stimpson was invited to settle, and was ofiered " the minister's right, and sixty pounds of money, and sixty pounds salary." On the 17th of November it Was " yoted that instead of giving ye said Daniel Stimpson sixty pounds salary ^yearly so long as he shall carry on the ministry, to give him sixty pounds sal- ary yearly so long as he shall continue our minister." This was intended to secure his support in sickness and old age, even if he might not be able " to carry on the ministry." Mr. Stimpson was ordamed on the 15th of December, 1762, by a Council called by the Proprietors. The Church was formed,at-the time of the meeting of the Council, and probably gave Mr. Stimpson a reg- ular "call." What particulars there are relating to this transactbn, vfill be given in the history of the Church. The committee who acted for the Proprietors were Bartholomew Parsons, Richard Day and Samuel Titus.f * It may interest some readers to see the record of the meetings of the Pro- prietors in regard to this subject. Benjamin Goodridge, Abijah Smith, and Philip Goodridge were chosen a committee to let out the meeting-house. They were empowered to see "that the said meeting-house be hewed, framed and raised, the outside boarded, shingled, and clapboarded, window sashes and glass put up, door heads and doors be made, the lower floor be laid, and the frame be underpinned with convenient stones." This action was taken on the 22d of September, 1761. A legal meeting of the Proprietors was held at the house of Bichard Day, June 30, 1762, at which Benjamin Goodridge, Bichard Day and Bartholomew Parsons, were chosen a committee to " view and stake out a meeting-house plat."| This committee made the following report : " Laid out five acres of land for a meeting-house, training field and burying yard, on the northwest corner of the lot No. 1, in the south division, beginning at the northwest cor- ner bound, running south 48 rods, on line of said lot, then easterly 16 1-2 rods, then running northerly a parallel line with the west line 48 rods, and then to the place where we began." The Proprietors approved the report, and voted to have the house placed on lot No. 1, instead of lot No. 30, which had been selected for that purpose. The committee were then directed " to build said meeting-house, to raise the house on the plat where they judge most con- venient." , tThe proceedings of the Proprietors in regard to this important subject, were as follows, as stated in their Book of Becords. " At a legal meeting of the Proprietors of Ipswich Canada, assembled and met at the house of Mr. Bichard Day, innholder at Ipswich Canada, June 30, 1762, 148 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. The town was incorporated in 1764, and soon assumed tlie duties of a parish, but it is recorded under date of June 24th, 1767, that the Proprietors " voted to pay Rev. Mr. Daniel Stimpson the sum of thirty- seven pounds, five shillings and eight pence." It was manifestly just that the Proprietors, being large landholders, should unite with the town in supporting the ministry. In 1765, September 4, there was a sale of pew ground. Mr. Stimps'on died of a violent, putrid fever, on the 20th of July, 1768, after a ministry of less than six years. The town met the same day and voted " to bear the charges that may arise at the funeral of our deceased pastor ;"' and " that the Bearers be desired to preach one Sabbath day" each. The funeral of Mr. Stimpson was on the 22d, the second day after his decease, and was hastened on account of the intense heat, and the putrescent nature of his disea^. The town paid the charges, and it may gratify a reasonable curiosity to read the bill, which was as follows : " To diners for the Bearers, 3s. ; to providing for three £0, 3, 0, 0. Ministers two nights and one day, 9s. ; to providing food, Three do. one night, and one day, 6s., To diging the grave, 4s. ; to three pair of Gloves, 7s. , 2, 2, To Brandy, 3s., 7d., Iq. ; to brown sugar, 6s. ; to Loaf Sugar, Is., 6d., To two Quarts of Kum, Is., 9, 0. 9, 0, 0, 0, 6. 0, 0, 0, 11, 2, 2, 0, 11, 1, 1. 0. 1, 9, 0, Voted, That the Proprietors will settle a minister provided the inhabitants can find a man that will settle with them. Voted, That the Proprietors will give to Mr. Daniel Stimpson the Minis- ter's Eight [of land] granted by the Court, and £60 of money as a settlemeflt, provided he will settle and perform the office of a gospel minister in the town- ship ; and also to give him £60 salary, so long as he shall carry on the work of the ministry in said township." , Nov. 17, " It was put to vote to see if the Proprietors would make any al- teration in their former [action] respecting Mr. Daniel Stimpson's salary. Voted, That instead of giving the said Daniel Stimpson sixty pounds salary » » so long as he shall carry on the ministry — to give him sixty pounds yearly so long as he shall continue our minister in said township. Voted, That Mr. Daniel Stimpson be ordained the 15th day of December next, and that the church in Weston, the church in Harvard, the church in Lunenburg, and the church in Dorchester Canada, be sent to, to assist in his ordination. Voted, That Bartholomew Parsons, Richard Day and Samuel Titus, be a committee to send letters missive to the above-named (Siurches to assist in the ordination of Mr. Daniel Stimpson, in the name of the Proprietors. Voted, To allow Richard Day £4 in order to enable him to entertain the Council, and Mr. Stimpson's relations, at his ordination." HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 149 To several articles from Dr. Taylor's, procured by Mr. Eich- ard Pearson, amounting to 2, 17, 11, 1. To making a Cofin, 0, 6, 0, 0. Total, 5, 06, 0, 0." On the 28th of August it was voted " to hire preaching," and then more definitely, " to provide preaching twelve Sabbaths with what may be given to us." SECTION 2. — MR. brown's MINISTRY. On the 20th of the following November it was voted " to have preach- ing this winter," and also to hear Mr. Joseph Brown " four Sabbaths more." It is probable that he remained here through the winter, for on the 2d day of January, 1769, the town " made choice of Mr. Joseph Brown by a unanftnous vote to settle with us in the ministry." They tten ' Voted and granted fifty-three pounds, six shillings and eight pence for an encouragement for him to settle with us in the ministry, to be paid as foUow- eth, viz : Sixty-six pounds, thirteen shilling and four pence to be paid at the end of six months from his ordination, and the remaining part to be paid at the end of twelve months from the first payment ; agreeable to tho vote of the church. Voted to concur with the vote of the Church to give Mr Joseph Brown fif- ty-three pounds, six shillings and eight pence, as salary annually for the space of five years, and at the expiration of the abovesaid term of five years, to give Mr. Joseph Brown sixty pounds annually, until the town of Winchendon in- creaseth to the No. of one hundred families, and then sixty-six pound, thir- teen shilling, and four pence annually so long as he shall continue to be our minister." • Besides this offer, the Proprietors had granted, after Mr. Stimpson's death, two additional lots of land to aid in the settlement of another min- istej. In addition, on the 6th of March, 1769, liberty was granted for Mr. Joseph Brown " to be absent two Sabbaths in a year annually." At the same time it was voted " to seat the Meetiag-house agreeable to the estates both real and personal, having some reference to age." The former of these Jast two votes proves that the custom of giving ministers two or more Sabbaths yearly, is not of recent origin, as many suppose; The last vote reminds us of an age that has forever passed away. The custcfm of " seating" the meeting-house was a relio of the times when people made much of rank and distinction. It was brought from the old country and lingered here nearly two hundred years after 150 HISTOEY OF WINCHENDOK. the settlement of Boston. In former times the students in College were not arranged alphabetically, but their names were printed according to the rank in life of their fathers. In " seating" the meeting-houses in towns where there were people of different classes, regard was had to their relative position. Governors were in the first rank, as a matter of course. Then came the Lieut. Governor, Counsellors, Senators, Rep- resentatives, military officers of high rank> Clergymien, Esquires, Gen- tlemen, Yeomen, &c. In a place like Winchendon, such a mode of grading was scarcely possible, and therefore the people took the less in- vidious plan of seating " by estates both real and personal, having some reference to age." In a congregation of farmers it was known who had the largest property, but it would be intolerable to have one set above another on account of siq)posed superior worth. Not personal quali- ities, but the acddent of property, was therefore wiSfely selected as the title to a " higher seat in the synagogue." But this was not all. The people of those times respected gray hairs, and therefore " some refer- ence to age" was observed. On the 20th of March, the town voted to have the ordination on the 24th of the ensuing May, and granted ^3, 16, to enable Mr. Silas Whit- ney to entertain the Coimcil for Mr. Brown's ordination. The ordina- tion took place accordingly, and the new minister was happily settled, among a united people, and with a comfortable proviaon for his sup- port. " Numerous, accesaons" says Dr. Whiton, " of settlers in the three or four preceding years had increased the numbra* of famihes, it is estimated, to nearly sixty, and the population to- about three hundred and fifty, a number which, accustomed as was that generation to a con- stant and universal attendance on public worship, would farnish a con- gregation by no means inconsiderable. For many years Mr. Brown's connection with the people was harmonious and acceptat^ to both parties." SECTION 3. — FIRST MEETING HOrSE. In 1771 a proportion to widen the asHeysinthe meeting-house, and to paint the pulpit was negatived. The Minister being now settled, and the people being united in one mode of worship, thergfeiw thing left for history in this line, for severaj years. A few words may be devoted to the first meeting-house. As stated already, a frame was erected near the bilrying-yard, but it was never enclosed and fitted for use. The HiSTOKY 01' WINCHENDON. 151 first iouse of worsl^p was put up on the present Common, near the south- east comer, just north of the road that passes between the site and the house of Mr. Benjamin Wilder. This house was 30 by 45 feet, and the posts were twenty feet high. The house was never painted outside nor inside ; not even the pulpit ; neither was it ceiled or plastered. Clapboards and shingles kept out the cold in*winter to such a degree that the people, with foot-stoves, could continue to Hve through the mom- img service. They then adjourned to the tavern, on the southeast cor- aer of the Common, across the road, or to private houses, where a good fire, some hot drink, and a luncheon, fortified them for the rigors of the afternoon meeting. The floor was covered with benches where the wor- shippers sat as they were " seated" by a committee annually chosen for that purpose. There is no picture of the Meeting-house in existence ; probably never was ; but from the recollections of aged people the sketch below has been made by Mr. Robert Hill, and they agree that it gives Tjg|j|>^T*H7 - r a tolerably correct notion of the external appearance of the first sanctu- ary ever used in Winchendon, for the worship of Almighty God. In 1775, at the March meeting, £60 was raised for the Minister, according to the agreement when he was settled. Three years later, measures were taken to make up for him the depreciation of paper. Thus on the 23d of January, 1T78, a committee of five, viz : Dea. 152 HISTORt OP WINCHENDOir. Moses Hale, Jacob Hale, John Boynton, Abel Wilder and James Cool-., edge, — ^was cbosen " to draw subscription papers, and see what the peo-, pie will give to Mr. Brown in consideration of the high prices on the necessaries of life." It would seem that the subscription failed, since at an adjourned meeting, when the report of the committee was made, a vote was passed " to wiake some compensation to Mr. Brown by way of a tax." The town granted £50. The next year the town voted " to pay Mr. Brown, £5S, 6, 8, in produce of the farm, labor, &c., at the prices they generally bore in the year 1774 ; Rye at 4s. per bushel, and labor in hay-time at 28., 8, per day ; or so much money as will purchase so much produce and labor." Tbis was going back to the original salary nearly, but when we consider the " hard times," it waa a liberal arrangement. In 1783, February 10, the town took action on an -article in the war- rant " to see if the town will vote to exempt those persons from paying taxes to the settled minister in the town who attend Baptist or Friends' meeting." The article was passed over ; but at the March meeting, the question came up again, when it was voted to submit the matter to the judgment of the assessors. One of these petationers was Mr. Jer-' emiah Stuart. This town was always firm in its adherence to the prin-" ciples of civil and reli^aus freedom. SEcrrioN 4. — the second meeting housi:. > 1790, March 1. Will the town build a new meeting-'bouse ? j^ay. But a new house must be had, and so the town voted, on the 10th of September, " to build a ne\^ meeting-house in this town." They chose a committee of five " to propose ways and means for said bouse," vi2 : Abel Wilder, Esq., Dea. Moses Hale, Mr. Thomas Graton, Benjamin Hall, Esq., and Dea. Samuel Prentice. The committee were to report to the town at an adjourned meeting. This meeting was held October 4, when the report was probably presented. At all events, the town took definite action on the subject ; and as the enterprise was the oc- casion of much feeling and excitement for several years, and further- more as the enlarged church-accommodation furnished by the new house was a source of vast intellectual, moral, social and religious benefit to the inhabitants, the proceedings in relation to its' erection wiU be ^vea HISTOETf Oi' WINCHBNDOJT. 158 at Considerable length. At the meeting on the 4th of October, the following votes were passed : " Voted, to set the new meeting-house on the meeting-house Common. Voted, That said house be 60 feet in length, 50 feet in width, 27 feet posts, and a porch at each end of the houso 10 feet on the house, 14 feet deep. Voted 54 pews on the lower floor, and 24 in the^lleiies, and 3 seats on each side below, and 3 in the galleries. Voted, That there bo 20 windows, 40 squares in each window, below, and 21, 35 squares in each, in the galleries ; the pulpit and gable end windows excepted. Voted, That the pews be sold at public vendue to the inhabitants, to pro- cure materials and worlcmefl for building the house : That the purchasers of pews give security for the same to the acceptance of the committee. Voted, That the materials be divided into small lots, and let out to those persons who will procure the same the cheapest. Voted, That the frame be raised in the fore part of the season in the year 1792. Voted, That the materials for building be delivered at such time and place, as the committee for building the meeting-house shall direct. Voted, To choose a committee to see to the building of said house. , Voted, The committee to consist of three persons. Voted, and chose Abel Wilder, Esq., Mr. Thomas Graton and Benjamin Hall, Esq., for the above committee." Another meeting was held, November 1, when farther action was taken as given below. " Voted To reserve one pew in Said house for a ministerial pew. Voted, Pew west of the pulpit, next to it, for a ministerial pew. Voted, To choose a committee of three persons to pitch upon a spot to set the new meeting-house upon. Voted and chose Mr. James Steel, Dea. Moses Hale, and Doct. Ziba Hall for the above committee. Voted, To set the south side of the new meeting-house 30 feet north of the north side of the old meeting-house. Voted) To accept of the plan of said house that the committee has drafted and laid before the town. Voted, and accepted the conditions of the sale of the pews the committee has proposed." The sale of the pews as they were arranged in the draft or plan then took place, and it cannot fail to be interesting to all the children and 154 aiSTOKT OF WINCHBNDON. descendants of the purchasers to read the record of the sale. It is in these words : " 1790, Nov. 1. At a vendue held for the sale of the pews in the meet- ing-house voted to be built at a meeting held September 10, 1790, at the meeting-house in Winchendon aforesaid, the pews were sold as follows, viz : No. 1, struck off to Capt. Daniel Hubbard, for forty dollars 2, tt Abner Curtice, " seventy-one (1 3, it Dea. Moses Hale, " forty-one 4, (1 (( (( " thirty-nine t< 5, tt Benjamin Hall, Esq., " forty 6. it Dr. Ziba Hall, " forty 7, ti Dea. Levi Moor. " thirty eight 8, li Lieut. Jacob B. Woodbury. " thirty-seven 9. It Samuel Crosby, Esq., " forty 10, it Bemsly Lord, " thirty-nine 11, (( David Stoddard, " forty 12. tt Jacob Hale, " thirty-six 13, tt Samuel Crosby, Esq., " thirty-nine 14, tt Benjamin Brown, " forty 15, tt Capt. Joseph Wilder tt tt 16. tt James Hall, << « 17. ti Samuel Brown, *( (( 18. tt Amos Hale, " thirty-nine 19. tt James Stoddard, " forty • 20, tt Lieut. David Poor, ft tt 21. (( Koger Bigelow, " thirty-eight 22, ti Abel Jones, " thirty-six 23, tt John Goodhue, " thirty-seven 24, tt Jesse Ellis, " thirty-eight 25, tt Paul Kaymond, Jr., " forty 26, tt Eliphalet Groodridge, " thirty-nine 27, tt David Smith and Thomas Grreenwood, tt It 28, tt James MoElwain, " forty-one 29, tt Joseph Sweetzer, tt tt 30, tt Assigned by the town for a Ministerial pew. 31. Struck off to William Whitney, for sixty-two dollars. 32, tt Joseph Sweetzer, " forty-one tt 33, tt Dea. Moses Hale, " forty-seven ^i 34. tt Eev. Mr. Brown, " forty-five f( 35. tt Thomas Graton, " thirty-eight ti 86, t« Francis Goodhue and Francis Goodhue, Jr., " thirty-seven it 37, tt Ensign Adonijah Bixby, and Amos Heywood, " thirty-five tt 88, tt James Payson, " forty It 39, tt Dea. Samuel Prentice and Samuel Prentice, Jr., (( *e tt 40, tt Jeremiah Lord, ** thirty-nine it HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 155 No. 41, struck off to Lieut. John Burr, for thirty-nine dollars. " 42, 11 Bill Hancock, " thirty-eight " " 43, It Daniel Goodriclge, " forty-two " " 44, (( Dr. Israel Whiton, " forty-nine " " 45, (( Lieut. Joseph Boynton, " fifty " 46, 11 Abel Wilder, tt tt tt " 47, <( Desire Tolman, " forty " 48, 11 Abner Curtice, Jr.. " thirty-six " " 49, (( Benjamin Hall, Esq., tl It tt " 50, it Isaac Noyes, " thirty-eight " " 51, c( Josiah Bruce, tt ft ft " 52, (( Daniel Goodridge, ft tt tf " 53, It Capt. Paul Boynton, ft ft ft " 54, (1 . Amos Merriam, THE GALLERY PEWS. " forty " No. 1, (1 Dea. Moses Hale, " twenty-four " " 2, (C Abel Wilder, Jr.. " seventeen " " 3, l( Samuel P. Goodridge, " sixteen " " 4, tt George»#ofBn, Lemuel Hey wood. " fifteen " 5. (t tl It tt " 6, tl Thomas Graton and Francis Goodhue, Jr., " fourteen " " 7, tl Samuel Crosby, Esq., " twelve " 8, tt Dea. Moses Hale, " twenty-two '■' " 9, tt Abel Brown, " thirteen " 10, It Thomas Wyman, " fifteen " 11, tt Ziba Hall and Thomas Wilder, " fifteen " 12, *l Dea. Moses Hale, " sixteen " " 13, ic Joseph Sweetzer, ft ti tt " 14, . t( Dea. Moses Hale, " twelve " 15, (( Levi DivoU, " fifteen " 16, (( John Burr, " fourteen " " 17, tt Dea. Moses Hale, " seventeen " " 18. (t Josiah Bruce, " thirteen " " 19, (( Jedediah Tuttle, " fourteen " " 20, tt Daniel Day, " thirteen " 21, tt Joseph Sweetzer, " fourteen " " 22, " tt tt " twenty-one " " 23, (1 Jeremiah Stuart, Jr., " thirteen " " 24. (( Benjamin Hall, Esq., " nineteen " Abel Wiidbb, ) Thomas Graton, >- Oommiiiee. Benjamin Hall, ) Voted to establish and confirm the pews mentioned in the foregoing report. to the purchasers whose names are thereunto annexed, and to their heirs and assigns forever." 156 . HISTORY OF WINCHENBON. The following were fixed as the " Conditions of Sale." " Each person who hicls off a pew must give security for the sum the pew sells for, with sufficient hondsmen ; two shillings and six pence on the pound to be paid in cash on or before the first of November, 1791 ; the remainder to be paid in materials or in pay of the workmen, provided the materials are procured and delivered agreeable to the vote of the town ; the securityto be given immediately upon the sale ; or fifteen shillings paid down in cash, or a note on demand as earnest, and the securities to be given on a day the com- mittee shall appoint for the remainder. The above conditions was accepted by the town." " Voted and accepted of the form of the note the committee laid before the town — the purchasers of pews have signed — which form is as follows : WiscHENDON, November first, 1790. For value received, we, the subscribers, jointly and severally promise the inhabitants of the town of Winchendon, to pay them ■ pounds in materi- als for building a meeting-house, or in pay of the workmen to be on demand after ten months from the date hereof. Witness our 'hands." On the 29th of November, a meeting was held, when the town "voted and accepted the conditions of sale the committee has draughted for the materials." They also appointed Dea. Moses Hale for the " ven- due master," and voted that the " posts of said meeting-house be 28 feet in length ; and that there be 40 squares of glass in each window." Oa the 20th of December, it was voted "to have banisters in the pews," and that " the committee shall procure the glass." On the 9th of May, 1791, the town accepted and approved the sale of the pews made in the preceding November. At a meeting, Novem- ber 7, the town voted " to agree with some person or persons to make provision for the raisers to raise the meeting-house," and granted £30 to pay the expense. Then voted "that the committee for building the house let out to the lowest bidder the provision for the raising the new meeting-house." LOCATION OF THE HOUSE. The town now encountered a difficulty which caused great division and heart-burning. The question of location had been settled once, but a large party were dissatisfied, and made strenuous opposition. Those who lived south of the old spot were unwilling to place the new house very far north of the old site, while those living north contended HISTORY OF WINCHENDON, 157 for a spot nearer tlie northern end of the Common. The contest broke out at a meeting on the 21st of November, 1791, when it was "Voted to re-consider a vote passe|3 in a former meeting, November 1, 1790, which was to set the south side of the new meeting-house 30 feet north of the north side of the old meeting-house. Yeas, 47 ; nays; 25. Voted to choose a committee of seven persons to pitch upon a spot to set the meeting-house upon, and report at the adjournment of this meeting. Voted and chose Abel Wilder, Esq., Dea. Samuel Prentice, Doct. Ziba Hall, Lieut. John Burr, Mr. Thomas Grraton, Mr. James Steel, and Samuel Crosby, Esq., for the above committee." Dea. Hale, indignant at this vote, resigned being moderator, and • Dea. Samuel Prentice was chosen moderator in his stead. The meet- ing was adjourned to Thursday, when the town then met, and " voted and accepted of the report of the committee," which is as follows, viz : " WiNCHENDON, Nov. 24, 1791. The committee appointed on the 21 o&this instant, to view and report the most convenient spot to build a meeting-house upon, have attended that ser- vice, and a majority of that committee agree that the meeting-house be set one hundred and twenty feet south of Luther Stimson's* house, and thirty- one feet east of the stone wall by Mr. Brown's garden. By order of the committee, Abel Wilder, Uhairman." On the 26th of December, the town rnet again, and voted " to choose a committee of six persons to review and pitch upon a spot to set the new meeting-house, and report at the adjournment of this meeting." The following are the names of the committee, viz : Abel Wilder, Esq., Dea. Moses Hale, Samuel Crosby, Esq., Mr. William Whitney, Ben- jamin Hall, Esq., and Dea. Samuel Prentice. After several unimportant meetings, the town met according to ad- journment, on the third of May, 1792, and voted to adjourn the meet- ing for half an hour for the purpose of viewing the northerly part of the Common, in order to see if the town could agree, unanimously, upon a spot of ground to set the new meeting-house upon. After taking a view, the town met again ; and after some debate,' it was tried by a vote to see if the town would re-consider the vote passed at a former meeting respecting placing the meeting-housO in the northerly part of ♦Stimson's house was at the north end. 158 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. the Common. The motion failed. Then it was voted that the select- men should purchase a " barrel of West India rum, and a quantity of sugar sufficient to make it into toddy, and that it be expended partly upon the men that assist the day preceding the day set for raising the meeting-house,. in laying the timber in order for raising; and the remaining part upon the people that attend as spectators at the raising, and that the selectmen see that it is properly dealt out." A vote was then passed to allow. Ensign David Rice a " sum of money over and above what he was heretofore agreed with to provide for those persons who raise the meeting-house ; the sum to be determined by the rise of West India articles since said Rice agreed to make provision for the raising." It was then voted that the committee " for building said house, shall not receive any stuff for said house of those persons who agreed to pro- cure it, after the 20th day of May current, and that the committee purchase seasoned stuff after that time in the best manner they can, if any is wanted." * At an adjourned meeting held on the 7th of May, the contest re- specting the location of the house was renewed, and after some debate, it was put " to see if the town would agree to set the meeting-house three rods southerly from the place lately agreed upon to build said house." The town voted to re-consider their vote for placing the house one hundred and twenty feet from the north side of the Com- mon, and then voted to set the north side of the house one hundred and seventy feet from the north line of the Common ; and " that the east end of said house should stand nearly on a ridge that was made by .the east side of the field." The following citations give signs of returning harmony. "May 31. The town met according to adjournment, and voted to choose a committee of three persons to use their endeavors to settle matters of diffi- culty respecting the meeting-house. Messrs. Thomas Graton, Amos Hey- wood, and James Steel were chosen for said purpose. Then thej meeting was adjourned for one hour. The town met according to adjournment, and the committee reported verbally that proposals were made for accommodation." The meeting adjourned to June 15, but the house was raised before , that date, as appears by the following. June 15th. The town met according to adjournment, and after some' de- HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 159 bate, Toted that the committee for building the meeting-house jpurchase such articles as are necessary to finish said house, in the best way and manner they can, and go on with the work us soon as may be with convenien.ce. Then voted that the time for bringing in materials for finishing said house, except clear boards for inside work not seasoned, be lengthened out until the twenty-fifth of June current ; boards for lathing to be received until July tenth, of those persons who agreed to find materials. The town voted that the committee have leave to alter the plan of the pul- pit stairs as they shall think will be best ; and that Ensign David Kice be allowed for entertaining eleven men on the day the meeting house was raised over and above the 1 00 men he agreed to provide for, and that he be allowed in the same proportion for the eleven men as for the one hundred ; and also that he be allowed 16s, 8d, for what he found for those persons who belonged out of town, and assisted the second day in raising the roof of the meeting house." The following citations show the progress of the work, and the an- cient way of dong thin^. " September 5. The town met according to adjournment, and granted the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds in addition to the money raised by the sale of pew ground, to defray the charge of building the meeting house in said town. Adjourned to October 24th, and then to the 29th, when it was voted that the £150 granted the fifth day of September last, be paid into the treas- ury on or before the first day of January next. Adjourned to the first Mon- day in September," when the town met and made choice of Lieut. John Burr a committee-man for finishing the meeting-house in the room of the Hon. Abel Wilder,* deceased." Dec. 17, "Met according to adjournment, and voted that the Treasurer be directed to receive the meeting-house committee orders to the amount of £150. Then voted to sell the refuse. boards, stone drags, old casks &c., that belong to the town that were left at the new meeting-house at public vendue. Then voted that the first day of January, 1793, be the day to dedicate the new meeting-house. Then voted that the three deacons, Hale, Prentice and Moor, be a committee to inform the Eev. Joseph Brown [of] the proceedings of the town respecting dismissing the old meeting-house and dedicating the new one. Adjourned to the last day of the year, at 12 o'clock, on the spot of ground where the old meeting-house stood, and ad- journed the meeting into Mr. McElwain's east room, and then met there and adjourned for half an hour— for the purpose of viewing the new meeting-hq^ge. — Then met again and voted to accept the new meeting-house. *His decease occurred on the first day of Novemb er. 160 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Then, at the request of various parties, certain pews were transferred. Then voted that two pews in the gallery that were struck off to Dea. Moses Hale, viz : No. 17 and No. 8, be transferred to Lieut. John Burr ; and that there- upon all matters of difficulty heretofore subsisting between the town and said Hale, and any individuals in the town concerning the now meeting-house, shall subside, upon condition that the persons who have purchased pews in said house, pay for the same in a reasonable time. Then voted that the singers have the whole of the front gallery on the day set for the dedication flf said house, and after that to have one-half the front gallery — ^both men's and women's seats — next the alley, taking half of each seat until the further order of the town." Going back a little in date, we will finish up the business of dispos- ing of the old meeting-house, and wharfing the new one. In 1792, September 5, the town voted to build a wall and wharf round the new meeting-house, by a tax. A grant of one hundred pounds was made to defray the charge thereof, which was to be worked out at the follow- ing rates, viz : " 4d. an hour for man's labor, 2 l-2d. an hour for a yoke of oxen ; 1 l-2d. per hour for a cart ; 4 l-2d. an hour for a plow that will hold ten oxen." It was voted at the same time, to purchase " four stone drags, so called, for the use of the town." On the 24th of Sep- tember, a committee was raised, and then a vote was passed, " that the aforesaid committee may plow the highest part of the Common, and dig stone thereon as they think proper, and that they may take away as much of the underpinning of the old meeting-house as they can and not injure the house ; the work to be begun on the 8th day, and finished on the 27th day of October." October 29, it was voted to sell the old meeting-house, at public vendue, in lots. On the 2d of November it was voted " that those persons who purchase the old meeting-house, may take it down as soon as the new one is fit to meet in ;" and the committee were authorized to sell it for what any one would give, at private sale. At a meeting held on the 17th of December, it was voted to " ^ve the Rev. Joseph Brown the pulpit, the ministerial pew, the pulpit stairs, the deacons seat and the canopy." The committee for report- ing the conditions of sale of the old meeting-house, — viz : Dea. Sam- uel|^rentice, Mr. Thomas Graton and Lieut. Joseph Boynton, — ^were empowered to sell the same ; Dea. Moses Hale to be vendue master, and " the vendue to begin at one quarter of an hour past one o'clock, t.- ■■'! I ll^M. BISTORT OF WINCHENDON. 161 tills afternoon." After the sale, the meeting adjourned to December 24, when at 2 o'clock it met in Mr. McElwain's east room, and voted " that the whole of the proceeds of the sale of the old meeting-house, together with the refuse stuff of the new meeting-house, and all the ma- terial belonging to the town that was sold at public vendue, be appro- priated to the payment of the cost of building the new meeting-house." It was then voted to " sell the surface of the earth under the old meet- ing-house to the highest bidder, the purchaser to take away such a quan- tity as he pleased at any time before the first day of May next." It was sold to James McElwain " for 9 shillings," and he doubtless col- lected all the saltpetre from it that his methods allowed. Adjourned to the last day of 1792, when the " old meeting-house meeting" was dissolved. ^ A brief extract from the papers of Di*. Whiton, will appropriately, close the account of the locating and dedicating the new meeting-house. " The whole affair was an illustration of the tenacity with which men will cling to a very trifling interest when their feelings become aroused. On the 24th and 25th of May the frame was raised. Then, or very soon after, one of the workmpn, a Mr. French of Rindge, fell from the roof, broke several bones, vas dangerously injured, butfinally recovered. The house, thought at the time, an elegant and tasteful edifice, with no steeple, but porches at the ends, was dedicated the first day of the next January, the Rev. Mr. Brown, the pastor, preaching the dedication ser- mon. I well remember my boyish impressions, that the pamting and , ornamental work of the pulpit, and of the old-fashioned appendage to it, the canopy, over the head of the minister, could not fall much short of the glory of Solomon's Temple." The author well remembers the interior of that ancient house as it appeared to his half-bewildered eyes, on the first Sabbath of May, 1843, when he walked up the middle aisle, and cork-screwed his way up the pulpit stairs. Nothing but the solem- nity of the occasion could have repressed the smile that such architec- ture, painting and ornamentation was fitted to excite ! The house was now erected and dedicated. It was a well-built house, made of the best materials, and large "enough to seat about six hundred people, old and young. A few items of b^iness more will complete the record. They are as follows : 1793, March 6, " Voted and directed the meeting-house committee to pur- 11 162 HISTOKT OF WINCHEKDOIf. chase hooks and staples to hook down all the meeting-house windows that haw weights to them. Also directed the said committee to line the inside of the ban- isters [balusters] of the pulpit with boards and paint the outside green." Ad- journed to the 6rst Monday in April, and then Voted ' ' that the comujittee for building the meeting-house, be requested to lay before the town at the May meeting, a Statement of the sums they have received by the sale of the pews j also by a sum raised by the sale of the old meetiDg-house and ground under said old house ; and also by the sale of all the refuse stuff which was left of the new meeting-bouse : and also by way of a tax, and any other way by which they have received money. And also that said eommittee be requested to lay be- fore the town a statement of what has been expended in the building of said house." " After several meetings and adjburnnsents, the town met on the Gith of Jan- uary, 1794, and directed occasion t& depart from their decisMHi. As to some other particnlai-s, we find it hard ta reconcile Mr. Brown's recollections one ^tb another. List do not find ourselves warranted from the evidence exhibited to us, to fix ©b him a eensure. We are convinced that in most, if no* all the particulars. Mr. R-own's efeclarations might be reconeiled with a regard to truth, without implicating any of the witnesses. 51y. In respect to the former grant of the fifth general charge relative to a vote of amnesty in the Aureh, we refer to the resoilt ef the former Council. HISTOKT OF WnfCHENDOK. 169 In relation to the aceeptance of said result, it appears to this Council, that Mr. Brown, at the first church meeting after the sitting of the Council, in- stead of representing the result as absurd and ridiculous, as stated in the charge, did manifest a readiness to accept it. Afterwards, when the aggrieved hesitated, desired timo to consider, and requested Mr. Brown to discuss and explain it, he appears to have expressed himself in such a manner as tended . greatly to irritate the feelings, and excite the resentment of the aggrieved, and accompanied those irritating expressions with a countenance and gesture ■which served to embitter his enemies, and alienate some cf his friends; which, though not a rejection of the result, we consider as not savoring of that pa- cific and humble temper it recommends to the parties. 61y. In relation to the last general charge, we find it to be a fact, judging by the vote of the town, that the majority are alienated from Mr. Brown, although it does not appear to us that it is owing to the canse assigned in this article of charge. The above charges arc the general reasons alleged by the aggrieved breth- ren, and that part of the town which has connected itself with them, why the pastoral relation of the Rev. Joseph Brown to this people should be dissolved. To these reasons; a majority of the church, who still adhere to Mr. Brown, have opposed a number of weighty reasons. We have attended to them with care, and a disposition to admit their proper influence in determining our minds; but we think they will not justify our resulting that Mr. Brown shall hold his office among this people, or any part of them, unless reconciliation should be effected. In attending to the unhappy controversy in this place, we have had painful evidences of a strong bias in human nature to err en the uncharitable side, and to censure failings with unchristian severity, especially when the passions are irritated with real or supposed injuries. That we may not fall under the imputation of such a bias, we have made all candid and charitable allowances for human frailties and infirmities, in forming a result for the parties in this town; and have not magnified imprudences on either side intoljgroat crimes, nor made any one a great offjnder for every unadvised word which has escaped him in the warmth of controversy, or under the impressiojis of designed or apprehended provocations. Had such allowances been made by the contend- ing parties, in this town, in the management of these disputes, we are persua- ded that this controversy would never have arisen to its present height, nor have plunged them into their present embarrassments. Could the parties be persuaded to consent, it would afford this Council great pleasure and satis- faction, if a general amnesty, founded on acts of mutual forgiveness and ob- livion might tetminate their present difficulties, and restore peace among them. 170 HISTORY &P WINCHENDON. This we would earnestly recommend to the parties, as the best way to heal their difficulties, and free their minds from unfriendly animosities towards each other. But if an accommodation cannot take place on this ground, within one month, we judge it advisable, under the existing circumstances, that Mr. Brown's pastoral relation to this church and people be dissolved. And whereas, we are expressly desired, in the letters missive, on the supposition, in our judgment, that his dismission is expedient, to direct and assist as to the mode of effecting it, our advice is, that previously to its taking place, it be submitted to a reference, what compensation of a pecuniary nature he shall have for relinquishing his contract, unless he and his people can c^me into an agreement between themselves respectuig the matter. If either party re- fuse thus to submit their pecuniary concerns, on the supposition they cannot agree between themselves; or if either party neglect actually to make choice of referees, and notify such choice to the other party, for more than three . months, it ought, in our opinion, to be considered as a departure from the spirit and design of this result. This advice to refer pecuniary considerations, implies what we do not scruple to declare, that though Mr. Brown has been chargeable with some imprudences and unjustifiable conduct, especially in the late days of trial and temptation, yet he has not, in our opinion, forfeited his ministerial character. We can, therefore, in case of his dismission from this church, sincerely recommend him to any other who may wish to employ him as a minister. We add that we feel disposed to embrace Mr. Brown's opponents, as well as himself, in the arms of christian candor, and to put as favorable a construction as possible, upon any improprieties in words or actions, which may be justly imputed to them; but impressed with the idea that an accusa- tion for evil report against an Elder is not to be received but at the mouth of two or three witnesses, we recommend it to them seriously to consider whether they have not, in some instances, suffered themselves to be too much exas- perated by the report of a single witness, contrary to the express directions of the Gospel. It is recommended that this result be accepted by all parties, and by each considered as christian satisfaction from the other in every in- stance wherein offence has been given. In respect to the complaint of Goodrich and Smith against the church in this place, that they for very insufficient reasons, dismissed a petition for inquiring into the conduct of Samuel Crosby, Esq., respecting certain depositions taken by said Crosby, in a case pending between Brown and Godfi-ey or Corey, it is our opinion that the church in that instance, was not reprehensible, but had full right, according to their discretion, to dismiss said petition in manner and form as alleged. In respect to the proceedings of the church against Abel Wilder, upon the HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 171 complaint of Samuel Crosby, Esq., it is our opinion, notwithstanding the no- toriety of the fault charged against said Wilder, that the first and second steps should have been taken before the complaint could have been regularly brought into the church, and that the church ought not to have admitted it in opposi- tion to the plea that the previous steps had not been taken. Although the fault is represented as notorious, we conceive that the satisfaction might have been equally notorious, if given upon private application, or in consequence of either the first or second steps. These, in our opinion, ought to have been taken. We therefore advise the church to rescind their vote of suspension passed against said Wilder, and dismiss the complaint brought against him. We also reccommend it to said Crosby and Wilder to accept this result as a final result of the dispute between them. Having thus resulted on the several general articles 'brought before us, and advised the parties, we now most earnestly desire and entreat them to proceed with moderation and candor in everything yet to be transacted by them, re- membering that soft words turn away wrath, and that mutual condescension and forbearance are necessary to the restoration of peace and harmony in this place. Hoping that our patient hearing and attending to all matters of dis- pute, will have a suitable influence on the temper and conduct of this people, we commend all persons and parties to God, and the word of his grace, ear- nestly praying that he would bless them with that peace which passeth all un- derstanding, and bring tham again to know how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Voted unanimously. • A true copy, Attest, Setii Payson, Scribe." Such was the Result of Council, a model for candor, impartiality and precision. It reached the only possible solution of the difficulties then existing, in the dismission of Mr. Brown, while it maintained his min- isterial character, and his right to a pecuniary consideration in conse- quence of yielding his claim on the town for salary in the future. The aim was probably, to effect his dismission, and to damage his reputation to such a degree, that his claim for compensation would be invalid. In this last regard, the minister gained a substantial victory in the Coun- cil. But the contest was not ended. The matter of compensation, ac- cording to the advice of the Council, was submitted to referees ; and there the point was to get clear of all damages, or reduce them to a minimum. To find the sequel, we must refer again to the town Rec- ords, On the 30th of September, 1799, a town meeting was held. 172 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. which " heard the Result of the Ecclesiastical meeting read." This meeting was adjourned to October 11, when after hearing the Result again, and maturely considering the same, it was voted, " to complj with the advice given in said Result, in referring pecuniary concerns to referees mutually chosen between the Rev. Mr. Brown on the one part, and the town, or their committee, on the other part, in case they cannot agree between themselves respecting the matter." The Select- men were directed " to negotiate and transact all necessary matters with Mr. Brown respecting a reference, and settling pecuniary matters." The committee attended to their duties without delay, and at the same meeting made a renort to the town in writing as follows : " Pursuant to our being appointed a committee to negotiate matters with the Rev. Joseph Brown, we attended the service, and made an attempt to set- tle pecuniary matters, but did not succeed. We then attempted to choose referees, and each party nominated three persons. The committee nominated Daniel liiglo [Bigelow] Esq., of Petersham, Esq. Hale, of Brookfield, and Esq. Heywood, of Worcester. Then Mr. Brown nominated Major Bridge, of Lexington, Col. Wright, of Westford, and Esq. Walts, of Dorchester. Mr. Brown offered to let the committee choose either of them for a chairman. Then the committee proposed to take the matter under consideration, and withdrew." SaMOEL CitOSBY, Ezra Hide, Desikk Tolman, Be.njamin Hubbabd. Another meeting was held on the 29th of November, when the Se- lectmen as a committee were empowered " to enter into arbitration bonds in behalf of the town, and submit matters relating to Mr. Brown, to ar- bitrators or referees." A committee — the Selectmen — to wait on Rev. Joseph Brown, " to see if he will take a dismission in form from the town as their minister." A committee was chosen to supply the pul- pit after the 10th of December ; viz : Doct. Israel Whiton, Dea. Sam- uel Prentice and Samuel Crosby. On the 1st of December it was vo- ted that the same committee be authorized " in behalf of the town, to sign a rule of submission which was drawn up by Daniel Biglow, Esq., and was read in town meeting previous to the passing said vote. Also, voted that said committee acknowledge said vote before a Justice of the Peace, agreeable to an Act of the General Court, in which said rule is prescribed ; and then the meeting was adjourned for one hour for the HISTORY OF WINCDESDON. 173 purpose of signing and acknowledging said rule, which was done ac- cordingly ; and at the end of the hour, the town met again according to adjournment, and after being informed that pecuniary concerns wtre submitted to referees, viz : to Zaccheus Wright, of Westford, Josiah Goddard, of Athol, and John Bridge, Esqrs. ; then the town passed the following vote, viz : " Whereas the town have complied with the con- ditions of Mr. Brown's dismission on their part, they consider his dis- mission as now effected, and that they do not consider themselves as holden to pay him any more salary from this time, and request him to desist from preaching, for the future, in this town." In regard to this reference, Dr. Whiton remarks : " that there was a great deal of excitement. The town attempted to show that Mr. Brown had had so much to do in creating the difficulty as not to be entitled to pecuniary damages ; numerous witnesses were called in support of charg- es against him ; crowds were collected to hear the trial in the meeting- house. The town employed as their advocate, Hon. Levi Lincoln, soon afterwards Attorney General of the United States ; Mr. Brown had Hon. Timothy Bigeltw, of Groton ; both advocates of the first eminence. The Referees — one of them however dissenting-rgave Mr. Brown al- most one thousand dollars, and costs ; an award with which the town, however, reluctant, was obliged to comply." The town, as we have seen, thought its obligation to pay Mr. Brown's salary ceased after the first of December. They had agreed to abide by the decision of the leferees, and had given bonds to that efiect, and therefore now claimed the pulpit asunder their control. It woi^d seem however, that the other party had not arrived at the same conclusion. A town meeting was held on the 30th of December, when it vv'as voted " to shut up and fasten the meeting-house." The committee chosen to do this business, were Col. Boynton, Capt. Graton, Col. Woodbury, Lieut. Adams, Lieut. Raymond, Mr. Phinehas Whitney, and Mr. Geo. Coffin. This committee were instructed not to admit " any other person into the pulpit on the Sabbath, excepting the preacher, or preachers employed by order of the town, or their committee." The marks of this committee's work are stiU to be seen in the old window Bashes of the meeting-house now in one of the shops of Mr. Baxter D. Whitney. What was the necessity for this action, is not definitely known ; but it is quite possible that Mr. Brown thought the town had not complied with the conditions of the reference until he had rcQeivQd 174 HISTORY OF WIKCHENDON. his dues. However that may be, it is pretty certain that Mr. Brown could not force his way to the pulpit through such a cordon of military oflfteers as were set to guard the entrances to the sanctuary. A feiv items more from the records, will close the nari-ative of this unhappy controversy. On the 20th of January, 1800, the town voted a " sum of money to pay the cost of the late reference, and allowed Havel Crosby's charge for two journeys to Worcester, and, including cash paid Judge Lincoln and Mr. Bangs, f260." Take also in this connection, the following significant move. -One article in the warrant for the annual meeting, March 3, 1800, was " to see what instructions the town will give the assessors respecfing abating the rates of those persons who are of the denomination of Baptists or Methodists, respecting all charges on account of our late Minister in town." This matter Avas left with the Assessors. On the 7th of May, the town granted "the sum of eight hundred eighty-six dollars and eighty-eight cents, for the purpose of discharging the demand that Rev. Joseph Brown has against the the town ;" and on the 28thi a vote was passed, granting " to witnesses at the referees, and summoning them, $26,78." At the same meeting, the question was^ raised in respect to " petitioning the General Court to grant a new hearing in the action, ' Joseph Brown, clerk, against the inhabitants of the town of Winchendon.' " The motion was passed over. How- ever reluctant to pay, the town did not think it best to prolong the con- test. Their delay however laid them open to jm action in law, which led to the following vote in town meeting, November 3, 1800. "Vo- ted that the money be collected immediately for the purpose of repay? ing the money that was borrowed to discharge the execution, " Brown against the Inhabitants of Winchendon." After all these details, it is pleasant to read the following words, from one whose boyhood was fa- miliar with the whole transaction. Dr. ^hiton says : " Soon afterwards these agitations, which had made Winchendon hke a boiling caldron, began to subside. Mr. Brown, a year or two after his dismission, re- moved from town, supplied for a few years the desk at Guilford, Ver- mont, and died at Windsor, at the house of a son-in-law, in 1810." THE TOWN-PABISH SINCE 1800. Perhaps it may be as well to finish up the history of the town as a parish, before laying the subject aside. It continued to act in that EISTOKY OF WmCHENBOW. 175 capacity throughout the ministry of Mr. Pilsberry * and a few years into that of his successor, Mr. Clark, when its functions in that line terminated. On the 2d of February, 1801, the town voted to " take some meas- ures respecting agreeing with Mr. Levi Pillsbury as to the time of his settling among us as a publick teacher of piety, morality and religion." In the next place, under another article, it was voted to make choice of Mr. Levi Pillsbury as their " publick teacher of piety, morality and religion." They voted to offer him $400 as salary annually, and every year, including rents of ministerial lands, as long as said town and said Mr. Pillsbury shall agree. A committee was chosen to attend to the basiness, viz : Dr. Israel Whiton, Amos Heywood, Lt. Paul Raymond, Col. Jacob B. Woodbury and Col. Paul Boynton., This committee reported on the 9th of March, and from the tenor of their report it is clear that the candidate would not agree to settle outhear proposal as to time — " as long as they — shall agree ;" because, after hearing the report, it was voted not to accept it. Then the last clause of the report was erased. After the " erasement," the report _ was accepted. Probably the committee agreed with Mr, Pillsbury, in inserting other words, given below, and that the town rejected them. Then the committee were directed to see Mr. Pillsbury " to see if he will accept the same ; that is, their terms — and if he will not, to agree with him, if they can, and report to the town." By the proceedings at the next meeting, March 16, it appears that the town agreed to Mr. Pillsbury's terms. " Voted to give Mr. Levi Pillsbury 400 dollars for his annual salary so long as he shall continue to be our public teacher of piety, religion and morality, the said Mr. Pillsbury relinquishing all claims to ministerial lands and rents belonging to said town." Mr. Pillsbury was ordained on the 24th day of June, in preparation for which ceremony, the town m^de arrangements by the choice of ap- propriate committees. The Selectmen were to make provision for the ordaining Council, and a committee of six were to " superintend the or- dersofthedayof ordination." These were Messrs. Thomas Graton, Ben- jamin Wilder, Benjamin Hubbard, Mason Spooncr, Ephraim Murdock and Abel Jones. One hundred dollars were granted for the necessary *Pilsberry was his way of spelling his name, but in deference to the wishes of some of his descendants, it will be given hereafter as Pillsbury, according to their mode. 176 HISTORY OF WmCHENDON. charges of the ordination ; and then the two committees were directed "jointly to examine the meeting-house before the ordination, to see if it is suflSoient for the ordination day." 1802, January 5. The town voted " to paint the meoting-house, next season, a bright stone color." 1803, April 4. It was voted * to purchase a Great Bible for the pulpit." Rev. Mr. Pillsbury, with Dea. Hale and Esq. Crosby were the committee to purchase. November 21. The town voted to pass over an article in the warrant about a petition of " some inhabitants of the town, to the General Court, for incorporation as a Baptist Society." A wise conclusion not to meddle. 1804, March 5. Nathaniel Holman, Paul Raymond and Thomas Greenwood were chosen to " lay out 50 dollars" for a singing-school. 1806, November 3. Voted to "shorten the intermission on Sundays to one hour thro' the year." SECTION 7. — THE MINISTER'S POLITICS. The town was strongly federal in its political views and party con- nections, the candidate of the federal party for the office of Governor sometimes receiving every vote, and always a large majority. Mr. Pillsbury was a republican, which term in those days denoted a sup- porter of Mr. Jefferson and his principles. This difference of opinion led to some alienation between the minister and his people, and an at- tempt was made in 1807, to bring about a dissolution of the pastora2 relation. At a meeting on the 4th of May, a committee was chosen " to converse with the Rev. Levi Pillsbury, to come into some method in order for an accommodation concerning difficulties that have arisen between him and the inhabitants of the town." Messrs. Hananiah Whitney, Paul Raymond, J. B. Woodbury, Thomas Graton and De- sire Tolman, were the committee. Then the followi»g motion was put and accepted, as the vote is recorded ; there being 33 yeas, and 28 nays. " Lamenting the unhappy difficulties that have arisen in this town respeefr- inw the utility of retaining the Key. Levi Pillsbury in this place, as a teacher of piety, religion and morality, but believing that they are of such a nature that it will be for the interest of each party to have a separation of the minis- terial relation take place upon ecclesiastical principles, without any inquiry HIBTORT OF WINCHEKDON. 177 into ctarauter, 'tis moved and seconded that the committee chosen to talk vrithhim, wait on him and see on what terms he will dissolve said ministerial relation, and report his answer at the adjournment of this meeting." At a subsequent meeting on iJie 15tli of June, Mr. Pillsbury's written answer was sent.in and read in town meeting. This is not on., record. There was another meeting on the 29th of June, when the question was , " To take the sense of the inhabitants of the town, whether in their opin- ion, the Kev. Levi Pillsbury's usefulness as a teacher of piety, religion and morality, be at an end in this place or not, and whether they are willing to gi-ant him ^ny farther support as a teacher thereof; and to see if the town will choose a committee to use all legal means to bring about a separation between the Rev. Levi Pillsbury and the town." The article was divided, and the town voted that their minister's usefulness was not at an end, by a vote of 51 to 44. It was then voted to grant Mr. Pillsbury further support, and the proposition for a com- mittee was passed over. This matter rested for several years, the ma- jority not thinking it profitable to have another quarrel with their set- tled minister. In 1810, a sum of money was granted for the support of a singing school, any inhabitant of the town being free to attend. In 1811, the Selectmen were authoriaed to " repair the meeting-house as they think best." In 1814, March 7, at the annual town meeting, the feelings of a portion of the town in regard to the politics of the minister, were again manifested. For though no cause of displeasure was expressed, it is well known that a difference of sentiment on public questions was at the bottom of the movement. Mr. Pillsbury sustained the administra- tion in declaring war against Great Britain, while a large majority of the voters supported Gov. Caleb Strong in his strenuous opposition to the policy of the general govemtnent. There was an article in the war- rant to see " whether any alteration can be made which wiU render the preaching of the Gospel in this town more useful." The action taken, while it avoided a struggle with the minister, was probably considered as an implied censure of his course, while it conveyed a wholesome piece of advice to his opponents. It was as follows: " Voted as the sense of this town, that the most effectual means of making the preaching of the gospel useful in this place, will be for each individual to 19 178 HISTOET OF WINCHENDOK. attend more strictly to the duties it enjoins, to follow the precepts it contains, and by using that Christian charity inculcated thereby, may teach its enemies that however Christians may disagree in minor subjects, yet as brethren of the same family, they can dwell togetnerin unity. Voted that it be recommend- ed to the preacher to abstain from disseminating from the pulpit those princi- ples which are not contained in the gospel." There was no pretense that Mr. Pillsbury inculcated principles con- trary to the gospel, for he was eminently sound in the Orthodox faith. By " those principles which are not contained in the gospel," the town probably meant the political sentiments of Messrs. Jefferson, Madison and others of that school of politicians. After this the minister was not molested by any movement of the same kind till his decease. The town respected him, and cheerfully paid his annual salary. May 2, " Voted and granted $15 for the purpose of purchasing sing- ing books for the use of the singers." 1815, March 6. '^ Granted $40 for the use of singing, and exempt the Methodists from paying their part." Probably they had a school of their own in the northwest part of the town. SECTION 7. — THE STEEPLE AND BELL. , It was voted at a meeting held on the 11th of September, " to make the ground where the body seats are on the lower fioor in the meeting- house, into pews for the purpose of building a tower." By tins it will be understood that a portion of the central part of the meetingrhouse had never been filled with pews. A committee was raised at this meeting, who reported on the 7th of ' November as follows : " The committee chosen by the town to take into consideration the expedi- ency of selling any ground in the meeting-house, and also the expediency of building a tower, cupola, or steeple, with receiving such proposals as may be made for building the same, report, that having attended to an examination of the meeting-house, they are of opinion that there may be six pews on the lower floor, and have the front seats entire, as appears by the plan ; and are of opinion that they will fetch six hundred dollars when built. They are al- so of opinion that th^re may be four pews built in each side gallery, and have all the seats as far north as the stairway, and the first seat north of that, as appears by the plan, which will probably fetch two hundred dollars when fin- ished. And they are of opinion that the expense of building the pews will HISTOKT OF WINCHENDON. 179 amount to one hundred dollars, leaving to be disposed of by the town, the sum of seven hundred dollars. They farther report that they have received sun- dry proposals for erecting a tower, cupola or steeple, agreeable to the annexed plan. One is, that it may be built for seven hundred dollars ; and another, that it may be built for the pew ground as is laid out in the annexed plans, on condition that they may build the pews this fall, and complete the tower, cupola or steeple the next season. They therefore report that it is expedient to sell the pew ground in the annexed plans, and erect a tower and cupola, or steeple, with the proceeds thereof. They are much induced to this from the very liberal subscription which is made by sundry inhabitants for a bell which is herewith submitted. Ephraim Murdock, Joseph Wyman, Isaac Morse, Mosbs Hale, Jr., Bbnj. Adams, Israel Whitcomb, Sam'l Noyes, Committee." The above plan was adopted by the town, and carried into efifect. Later in the season a committee was appointed, consisting of Lt. Paul Raymond, Mr. Ephraim Murdock and Lt. Isaac Morse, to see to the repairing of the meeting-house ; and on the 4th of Kovember a meet- ing was held, when, under the articles to see what measures the town will take respecting the acceptance of the bell and belfry, and to see if the town will choose a committee to convey the pews recently built to Capt. Phmehas Whitney, the following proceedings took place. " To the inhabitants of the town of Winohendon, in town meeting assem- oled : At a meeting of the subscribers for the purchase of a church bell, designed for the use of the Congregational Society in said Winohendon, held in Win- chendon, in October, 1816, Voted to choose a committee to present the bell, in behalf of the proprietors, to the town of Winohendon, on the conditions which will appear in the representations to the town hereunder written. Chose Horatio Gates Newcomb, Ephraim Murdock, and Isaac Morse, a committee for the aforesaid purpose. Horatio G. Newcomb, Glerh." . * The conditions are given in the following paper, with a list of the names of subscribers. " Certain individuals, inhabitants of the town of Winohendon, whose names are hereunto annexed, beg leave respectfully to represent to the town, by their committee, that having purchased a church bell by subscription, suitable for, and to be used at the 'Congregational meeting-house in said town, are desirous 180 HISTORY OF WINCHEITBOir. to present the same to said town, for their use and benefit, on the following conditions : that the town accept the same, keep it in good and sufScient re- pair, cause it to be rung and tolled at the usual and customary times, and in a suitable and devout manner ; and that they will cause, by their vote, this rep- resentation of the said subscribers, by their committee, together with the names of the subscribers who have purchased by their liberality, the said Church bell, with the sum that each individual has given therefor, to be entered and en- rolled on the records of the said town, that the same may stand as a perpetu- al monument and testimony of the deed, — that it may be known from view of the records of the town, at whose expense, and in what manner the Church bell of Winchendon was obtained. The following are the names of the persons who by subscription, purchased and hung the church bell of this town, and the sum annexed to each name is the amount given by the subscriber therefor. NAMES. Capt. Phinehas Whitney, Col. Benj. Adams, Dr. Israel Whiton,- Lieut. Isaac Morse, Mr. Ephraim Murdock, Mr. Amasa Whitney, Mr. Joseph Jewett, Rev. Levi Pillsbury, Mr. Joseph Wyman, Horatio Gr. Newcomb, Esq. , Moses Hale, Jr., Esq., Capt. Israel Whitcomb, Dr. Wm. H. Cutter, Mr. Samuel Noyes, Mr. Asa Perley, Col. Jacob B. Woodberry, Mr. Joseph Whitney, Mr. Jacob Whitney, Capt. Abijab Pierce, Lt. Hananiah Whitney, Jr., l|r. Asa Washburn, Mr. Lovell Goodridge, Mr. Joshua Gill, Mr. Moses M. Eeed, " Stephen Tolman, " Seth Tucker, " Jonas Brooks, " Joshua Smith, Capt. Joshua Stoddard, $5100 50 00 50 00 25 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 12 00 7 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 7 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 8 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 Mr. Jacob Woodberry. 2 00 " Luke Wilder, 2 00 " John Flint, 2d, 1 OO " Jacob Wales, Jr., 3 00 " Charles Tolman, ' 2 50 " Samuel Steel, 2 75 " Stephen Beals, 100 Capt. Joseph Bobbins, 2 OO Mr. John Brooks, 2 00 Capt. Benj. Wilder, 3 00 Mr. Jewett B. Darling, 2 33 " George Heywood, 1 GO Ensign Simeon Stearns, 1 00 Mr. Lyman Raymond, 1 00 " James Martin, 1 00 Capt. Timothy Hancock, 3 00 Mr. Levi Woodberry, 3 00 " Richard Stuart, 3 00 " Samuel Brown, 2d, 3 00 " Phinehas Parks, 100 Capt. Abel Jones, 1 00 Mr. Eber Arnold, 5 00 " Mr. Luke Parks, 100 " Rufus Wilder, 100 Enoch Kidder, Esq., 2 00 Lt. Paul Raymond, Jr., 5 00 Mr. Asa Hale, 1 00 " Samuel Brown, Jr., 1 00 " Charles Raymond, 1 00 HISTORY OF WmCHBNDON. 181 Mr. Levi Brooks, 100 " Ebenezer Kichardson, Jr., 100 Lt. John Kaymond, 1 00 Mr. David Buttrick, 1 00 " John Crosby, 1 00 " William Potter, 100 " Eeuben Vose, 1 00 " Bartholomew Stearns, 1 32 " Seth Sargeant, 50 " Joseph Ditson, 25 " Aaron Sargeant. 25 Capt David Beaman, 1 00 Mr. Thomas Greenwood, 5 00 " Atkins Norton, 7 00 " Luther Stimson, 1 50 " Israel Taylor, Jr., 1 00 " John Brook, 2d, 1 00 " Phinehas Ross, 1 00 " William Tolman, 1 50 " David Goodridge, 1 50 " Caleb Lincoln, 1 00 " Arba Brooks, 1 00 " John Estey, 1 00 H. G. Newcomb, ) Ephraim Mtjrdock, >- Committee." Isaac Mokse, ) The report of tlie committee respecting the belfry was taken up in town meeting, which report was " that they accept of the belfry or stee- ple, on condition that the undertakers make some alterations as they agreed." The report was accepted. Thenthe town " accepted of the bell as offered by the proprietors' committee." After which the town *' tendered their thanks to the proprietors of the bell for their great gen- erosity and benevolence." Samuel Prentice was chosen as agent to convey the pews recently built to Capt. Phinehas Whitney, who had been foremost in the enterprise of erecting the steeple, obtaining the bell, and building the new pews. The bell was a great novelty, and the young people listened to its booming sound with wonder. They rang it by the hour ; and when one party was wearied, another relieved them, until not oa^y the air, but the people were full of the sound. The next year, April 7, the town made certain regulations about the time of ringing, which are here giv- en. " Voted, that the bell is to be rung on Sundays according to usu- al custom, and for all other meetings and funerals. And till the 15th of May, at 9 o'clock in the evening ; and from the 15th of September, at 9 o'clock in the evening for the remainder of the year; and ai 12 o'clock at noon during the year." 1818, May 4. The town fitose a committee of three " to see if they can find a convenient place in the meeting-house to set a stove, viz : Messrs. Ephtaim Murdoek, Israel Whitcomb, and Moses Hale." It was more than five years after this before the town allowed a stove to be pat into the house at private expense. At this meeting, 1250 were 182 pSXORT OP WINCHBNDON. granted to defray the expense of painting the meeting-house — the work to be done this year or next — the body of the house to be white, the roof black. Messrs. Murdock, Morse and Hale were the committee. SECTION 8. — DEATH Or MR. PILLSBURT. After a brief dckness, Mr. Pillsbury departed this life on the 5th of April, 1819, in the maturity of his powers, and while increasing inde- votedness to his work, and growing in usefulness. The next day, Tues- day, April 6, " a large number of the inhabitants of the town of Win- chendon," say the Records, " assembled at the meeting-house in said town, occasioned by the recent death of the Rev. Levi Pillsbury, Pastor of the church of Christ in Winohendon, and minister of the Congregation- al Sqciety in said town, who departed this life, April 5th, 1819, in the forty-eighth year of his age, and eighteenth of his ministry ; after the throne of grace was addressed in prayer by the Rev. Samuel Simonds, , the following votes were passed, Dea. Desire Tolman, Moderator. " Voted, that the town pay the funeral charges of their deceased minister. Voted, that the tdwn provide necessary articles of mourning for the family of the deceased minister. Voted, that Messrs. Horatio G. Newoomh, Isaac Morse, Ephraim Murdock, Phinehas Whitney, Israel Wbitcomb, Paul Raymond, Jr., Moses Hale, Jr., Jacob Woodbury, and Moses M. Reed, be a committee to provide for, make arrangements, and conduct the funeral procession. Voted, that the Rev. Samuel Simoisds he invited to attend the funeral with other ministers. Voted, that three of the principal singers be a committee to make arrange- ments respecting the singing at the funeral. Messrs. Elias Sherwin, Zenas Hancock and Job Hyde, were ohosea for said committee." On the 10th of May, the town voted to allow the account presented by the committee chosen to superintend the funeral of Mr. Pillsbury. It is headed, " Bill of the expense of the funeral of the late Rev. Levi Pillsbury, and the amount expended for mourning clothes for the fam- ily." Then follow the items, including articles of food, as flour, sugar, meat, as well as pay for horses, and the inevitable Equor. Besides bran- dy and West India rum, there were " 16 mugs of toddy delivered the Music, costing 14.00, and 11-4 mugs for the committee, at 31 cents." Articles of wearing apparel were procured, amounting to aibout thirty HISTORY OP WINCHBNDON-. 183 * dollars. The coffin cost four dollars, whicli was above the usual price in those days. One item indicates the severity of the season. The fu- neral was on the 7th or 8th of April, and there must have been, either a great body of old snow on the ground, or a recent fall, with drifts. The item is this : " rum and sugar for men shoveling road in snow, $1.54 ; cigars, 13." The close of the report of the committee, hke all the proceedings of the town, shows the respect of the people for their minister, and their own proper self-respect, in paying due honor to his remains. " The foregoing schedule compriaes all the items and total amount of the funeral expenses of the late Rev. Levi Pilsberry, together with a specification of the articles, and amount expended in procuring for Mrs. Pilsberry and her family, a decent and suitable suit of mourning clothes, in conformity with a vote unanimously given by a large and respectable portion of the inhabitants of the town, convened for that purpose, on Tuesday, the 6th day of April, 181 9. The committee would here observe that they can safely assure the town , that in making the necessary arrangements for the funeral, as well as in pro- curing the materials therefor, and for the family suit, they avoided all unne- cessary expenses, observing the best economy the nature of the case, and the' circumstances would admit. All which is by your committee humbly sub- mitted." I^hus reverently did the town follow their minister to the narrow house appointed for all the living. SECTION 9. — SEEKING FOR A NEW MINISTER. At this meetmg. May 10, a committee of five, — viz : Oeorge Coffin, Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentice, Phinehas Whitney and Samuel Brown, —was chosen " by written votes, to supply the town with a preacher of the gospel." There is something curious about this meeting in one respect ; that is, that it was continued by adjournment, for several months, and never accompUshed anything farther. First, it adjourned to Au- gust 2 ; then to the 23d ; then to November 1 ; then to the 22d ; then to December 3d ; then to the 14th ; then to March 6, 1820. After hearing the report of the committee to supply the pulpit, adjourned to March 13 ; then met and voted that the committee hire a candidate as soon as possible. Adjourned to April 3 ; then to May 1 ; then to Ju- ly 3 ; then met and voted that the committee be mstructed to hire the Bev. Eber L. Clark seven Sabbaths more if they can agree with him. 184 HISTORY OF •wwcHBirooir* Then adjourned to August 21 ; -then met and adjourued to the firsC Monday in October next, at 4 o'clock P. M. Then says the town clerk, ■with a touch of humor, " this meeting died a natural death." In the meantime, other meetings had been held, for the same pur- pose, but in reference to another candidate. On the 12th of October, 1819, it was voted " to choose a committee of three persons to wait on the Rev. Seth Payson, of Eindge, N. H., and Mv. Mam Clark, to the meeting-house, viz: I>ea. Desire Tolman, lieut. Isaac Morse, Capt. Phinehas Whitney." After the throne of grace was addressed by Df, Payson, the town proceeded to business, and voted unanimously, " to join with the church, and ^ve Mr. Elam Clark a call to settle in the gospel rmnistry in this town. "Voted to give Mr. Elam Clark six hun- dred and fifty dollars salary annually so long as he may be a gospel min- ister in this town ; and two [or ten] hundred dollars settlement." This call was declined. Mr. Clark preached some Sabbaths subse- c^uently, and on Monday, March 6, 1820, it was voted, "that the town renew their call to Mr. Elam Clark, and to settle him as a gospel min- ister in this town upon the same conditions in all respects, which were offered him previously to his answer." In a few days Mr. Clark gave bis second answer in the negative. On the 14th of August, a committee was chosen— Messrs. Tolman, Coffin and Morse — to wait on the Rev. John Sebbins, [Sabin] of Fitz- wilham, and on Rev. Eber L. Clark, to the meeting-house to attend prayer. After prayer by Mr. Sabin, the towia " voted unanimously to join with the church and give the Rev. Eber L. Clark a call to settle as a gospel minister in this town." The matter came up again on th«' 7th of September, at which time the terms of settlement were fixed.; The town voted, with- entire unanimity, to unite with the drofch, in calling Mr. Clark, upon the following conditions and terms : "That this town will pay him six hundred dollars salary annuially, so' long as he remains a gospel minister in this place ; also a settlement of four hun- dred dollars ; the salary to commence on the day of his Cffdination. The town also agreed to pay him. the fout hundred dollars settlement, and so much of his salary as may become due on the twenty-fourth day of February next, af- ter which time his salary shall become due' on the 24th day of February ann- naally." histoey op wnrcHENDonr. 185 Then comes tliis singular proviso : which shows that the town still re- membered what it cost to get a former minister dismissed. " Provided however, that the Bev. Eber L. Clark, or two-thirds of the le- gal voters of the church and the Congregational Society in said town, shall in legal town meeting assembled for that purpose, think it expedient that the min isterial connection between them shall be dissolved, shall state to each other in writing, the peculiar grounds and causes of their dissatisfaction ; then in six months thereafter, in case a reconciliation should not take place, both parties shall consider themselves bound to join in a mutual ecclesiastical council., be- fore whom the grounds of their dissatisfaction shall be stated ; and the con- nection shall he by them dissolved by their giving the minister and people Biich characters as they may think will be most for the honor of religion. And uo money to be demanded as damage on either side." Then a committee of five-— Messrs. Tolman, Coffin, Morse, Murdock and Woodbury,— -were sent to wait upon Mr. Clark to the meeting ; and after half an hour, he came in and gave his answer in the affirma- tive. A committee of three,-"Dea. Hale, Dea. Coffin and E. Mur- dock, Esq.,—- were chosen to confer with Mr. Clark in regard to the time of the installation, who agreed upon the third Wednesday of Oc- tober. The Selectmen were directed to agree with Mr. Eliel Sherwin " to take the lead of singing" at the public service. A committee of five to provide for the Council, was chosen, viz : E. Murdock, Lt. Paul Raymond, Samuel Brown, Amasa Whitney and Thomas Greenwood. All the neighboring ministers, with the Rev. John M. Whiton, of An- trim, N. H., a native of this town, were to be invited to the Council. On the 18th of September, twelve Marshals of the day were chosen, viz : Messrs. H. G. Newcomb, Esq., E. Murdock, Esq., David Sea- man, Israel Whitcomb, Lt. Paul Raymond, Capt. John Forristall, Capt. Joshua Stoddard, Capt. Abijah Pierce, Capt. Hananiah Whitney, Jr., Capt. John Raymond, Capt. Nathan Wood and Mr. Jacob Woodbury. This committee was also to see " to the propping of the meeting-house." Another committee was chosen to present the doings of the town to the Council, viz : Samuel Prentice, Moses M. Reed and Capt. Phinehas Whitney. And finally, a committee of three, in addition to the Select- men, was chosen " to provide for singing on the day of installation, not to exceed 20 dollars." The committee were Capt. Stoddard, Stephen Tohnan and Samuel Brown, Jr., besides the Selectmen, who were Gid- 186 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. eon Baleom, Asa Hale and William Tolman. Such was the action of the town when performing the part of a parish, in settling a minister, according to the old method. MISCELLANEOUS. A few extracts from the Records will close the history of the town as a parish. On the 21st of the following August, the town granted $15, to be pdd to Mrs. Pillsbury, for the purpose of purchasing grave stones for the Rev. Levi Pillsbury, deceased. Four years later, No- vember 1, 1824, we find the following : " Voted that there be a grave- stone procured for the Rev. Levi Pillsbury, in the room of the one that was broke, to be assessed in the minister's tax next year, so that the Rev. Mr. Clark's society shall be at the expense of said stone." 1825, January 3. " Granted $100 to be laid out in the instruc- tion of singing in each religious society in town, in proportion to what they pay, and chose a committee of nine to lay out the money for that purpose to the best advantag'e of each society." The committee was composed of these persons. For the Congregational Society, Mr. Job Hyde, Dr. James M. Fuller, Mr. Stephen Tolman. For the Baptist Society, Dea. Joshua Smith, Mr. Stephen B. Smith, Luke Rice. For the Methodist Society, Capt. Joseph Robbins, Mr. Smyrna Graton, Mr. Richard Stuart. Probably the Baptist Society did not spend their por- tion of the appropriation for singing, as the Society was authorized by the town, May 2, to draw their money for singing, and pay it to indi- viduals of said Society, by Dea. Joshua Smith. At length the town became willing to have the meeting-house warmed, provided stoves could be procured at private expense, as will be seen by the following action. December 26, 1825. " Voted that the town accept of a stove or stoves and suitable funnels, and cause that they • shall be erected, and taken proper care of, and provide wood for the same, and that a fire shall be made in said stoves at all proper times, provided there should be one or two purchased by subscription." Chose a committee, Israel Whitcomb, Amasa Whitney and Phinehas Whit- ney, " to superintend the erecting said stove or stoves." Then voted to purchase a cord of " good hard wood, seasoned and cut, birch, beech or maple ;" the above committee " to superintend the building the fire in the stoves." By one move farther the town fixed this matter satis- factorily to itself. On the 12th of January, 1826, the above vote was HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 187 reconsidered, and then it was voted, " that the town give liberty that the stoves which are purchased by subscription, be erected in the Con- gregational meeting-house, and be supported by the Congregational So- ciety." Probably the members of the Congregational Society, having learned that they could not have a stove in the place where they were accustomed to worship, without the consent of the town, were prepared to see that an entire separation from the town would be beneficial to the Congregational church and society. At all events, a vote was passed, at this meeting, by which the town ceased to act as a parish, and sev- ered its connection with the Congregational church. It was in these words : " Voted that the town will cause all business relating to either society in town to be transacted in futer by the members of said society." The time had fully come for the connection between the town and the parish iftbe terminated. It was formed when nearly all the inhabit- ants were of one mind in matters of religion, and when the fairest and- readiest method of sustaining public worship, was through the action of the town. But a' great change had taken place in the lapse of years. New families had moved in who were connected with other denomina- tions of Christians. The unhappy troubles in the parish, and in the church, which had arisen from time to time, had alienated many from the " standing order." A Baptist and a Methodist church had been organized, and there was a number of persons who were neither Bap- tist, Methodist or Orthodox. It was obviously unjust to tax all these dissenting classes for the support of Orthodox preaching ; and there was an inconvenience in abating their taxes every year. The best course to be taken for all parties, was for the town to cease to be a parish, and thus leave all denominations on the same basis, in regard to their con- nection with the town. This was done, and the town left the meetin'g- house in the possession of the Congregational Society for all pui-poses of worship, while it continued to hold town meetings within its walls until the new Town Hall in the Village was built. Since then the town, in its corporate capacity, has been happily free from all differences in regard to the maintenance of public worship, and the various religious societies have proved amply qualified to perform all the duties, in this line, which formerly were attended to by the municipal officers. 188 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON, CHAPTER XII. — THE CLOSE OP THE LAST CENTURY. " While systems change, and suns retire, and worlds slumber and wake- Time's ceaseless march proceeds." H. Wake. The main portion of our history has been brought down to the year 1800. What remains pertaining to the mihtia, to business, and other matters, will be given in subsequent chapters. But before pro- ceeding farther, it will be well to pause here, and look at the state of society, the condition of the people, and their mode of living, as well as their numbers, at the close of the eighteenth century. *"" The population, as found at the taking of the first census by the gen- eral government, in 1790, was nine hundred and forty-six. In the year 1800, the people had increased to the number of one thousand and ninety-two. This was a gain of one hundred and forty-six in ten years. There was a corresponding increase in business and value of property. Land was cleared by degrees, and some of the timber was worked into lumber, such as boards, shingles, and planks ; but the great business of the town in after years, that is, the manufacture of wooden ware, had not yet been undertaken. " At the beginning of the present cen- tury," says Dr. Whiton, " Winchendon, though it had made consider- able progress in its material interests, yet exhibited a strong contrast to its present appearance. The very last log house had disappeared ; but most of the dwellings were of one story, nearly all unpainted, and very many un-clapboarded, the abundance and excellence of the pine timber notwithstanding. The door-yards were covered with logs and litter, and it was no strange thing for the pig-sty to hold a position in part of the house. Of the comparatively few two-story buildings, most of those that had been painted at all, were red or yellow. Not more than one or two white houses were to be seen, white then being thought, too expensive and pretentious, subjecting the owner of the house to some unpleasant criticism as trying to out-shine his neighbors. Scarce a house could boast of an ornamental fence, or any ornamental append- age whatever ; not one of Venetian blinds ; it had been thought extrav- HISTOEYOI' WmCHENDON. 189 agance. Not more than two or three papered rooms could be found in the town, and hardly such a thing as a carpet. Sofas, ottomans, pianos, were unheard of. Tea had become a common beverage, but coffee did not make its way into common use till some time after. The great lux- uries of that day were rum, and tea in female society, among whom was found, here and there, a tobacco-smoker. The roads were imper- fectly wrought, and rocky, and there were not more than two or three pleasure carriages in the place." This, however, was a sign of great advancement, since the tradition is, that the wife of the first minister, Mrs. Stimpson, was drawn into town, by the Templeton road, on a hand sled ; that Mrs. Brown, the second minister's wife, rode into town in an ox-cart ; and that Mrs. Pillsbury came in a chaise. This last event was in 1801. At this time, " many of the fields were deformed with rocks, stumps, decaying logs, and log-fences. Men had formerly in winter dug their wood from under the snow, but now began to think of wood-houses, and to feel able to build them. In addition to what is said above, in regard to dwellings in the year 1800, the, author has learned from ancient people, that about twenty houses were two stories in height. Some of them remain, while others have yielded to decay, or have been re-placed by smaller buildings. The Abel Wilder house, where Mr. Dexter Bruce now resides, was of two stories. The John Boynton house, where Mr. Cain lives at pres- ent, was of similar form. The Nichols tavern, half way up the hill, was a very large house for the country. There had been no very marked improvement in the schools, up to this time, though unquestionably some advancement had been made in the means of education. Some of the school-books were better than those used by the early settlers. Teachers were better qualified for their ofiSce than those who taught in the preceding generation. Yet the only advantage of much value which the children of 1800 had over those of 1764, was in the increased length of the schools. Larger appro- priations of money from time to time, gave the scholars greater oppor- tunities for mental improvement. Reading, spelling, writing and arith- metic, constituted, however, nearly the whole curriculum of the pu- pils down to the close of the period now under review. A great change had taken place in the style of church music, and in the use of instruments in pubhc worship. The citations already made from the Records, show that the town had favored a change from the 190 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. ancient hymns, and the old version of the psalms, to those of Watts. By a vote of the town, the church had been desired to introduce a bass viol into the choir. New singing books came into vogue, and the town sometimes paid the expense of supporting singing-schools. These chan- ges were not made without a struggle. Old usages were not lightly abandoned for new-fangled notions. In many places, scenes similar to that which occurred in Peterborough, N. H. , were enacted. Though no such disturbance took place here, the anecdote may be given as illus- trative of the times towards the close of the last century. On one occa- sion, when Dr. Payson, of Rindge, was preaching at Peterborough, the chorister, John Smith, brother of Gov. Smith, gave the key-note on the pitch-pipe ; the choir began to sing, but soon became confused, and stop- ped; when one of the Scotch-Irish settlers, who called the bass-viol dagon, and the pitch-pipe the whistle, sitting in the ancient body seats near the desk, slowly turned his head toward the choir, and excldmed aloud in the church, in his broad Scotch accent, " Mr. Johnny Smith, ye must hlaw your whastle again." The first meeting-house was abandoned in the beginning»of 1793, In the latter part of its occupancy, says Dr. Whiton, " the choristers were Ebcnezer Sherwin and Daniel Farrar, the tunes most in vogue, were the old fugues of Billings and other American composers, which had almost driven out of use the more ancient and simple melodies sung by our Pilgrim Fathers. These fugues were sung here with not a su- perabundance of taste ; he that could make the most noise, and get along the fastest, bearing off the palm as the best performer. The key- note was sounded by a pitch-pipe which in boyhood I used to behold vdth a sort of awe as a very mysterious contrivance." But in time the musical instruments made their way into the sanctuary, and before the century came in, they were considered almost indispensable in choirs which made any pretensions to taste and correctness in rendering the musical productions of that day. Fashions changed in old times, though not so rapidly as now. About the last of the century came in vogue the Quaker bonnet, with its im- mense projection over the face, the very antipode of the bonnet now fashionable. Indeed, a bonnet is now among the antiquities ; hats and other head-gear having displaced bonnets almost universally. Could the ladies of the present day, says our author, " look in on a congrega- HISTORY OF WINOHENDON. 191 tion interspersed ■with Quaker bonnets, the whole scene would strike them as grotesque. Two or three antique wigs continued to make their appearance here on Sunday. How great the changes which the inter- vening years have ushered in ! But if some tfeings relative to our predecessors provoke a smile, we are not to forget that if the circum- stances surrounding them were less favorable to the developement of taste, they were perhaps vioj'e favorable to the developement of moral worth. At the beginniiig of the century, Winchendon contained a large number of men and women of warm hearts, intelligent heads and kindly dispositions ; who, if their external appearance put forth less of preten- sion, were exemplars of good sense, industry, frugality, and fidehty to moral and religious obligations." Habits and customs had not become changed so much as to indicate a marked advance between the time of the incorporation of the town and the close of the century. " Homespun" was still the outward garb, and manners were but a shade less rustic than in the first generation. The amusements of the people, old and young, were the same as in the time of their fathers and mothers. " Bees," of all kinds were yet in vogue, and " trainings " were great days both for boys and " children of a larger growth." And here it may not be out of place to obseiTC that there is no point in our history about which' there is more gross misapprehension than this. It is difficult for many to believe that our predecessors of two generations back, and farther into the past, knew anything of the enjoyments of life. Young persons, taking their impres- sion from novelists and poets, suppose the people in old times were grave, sour-visaged and morose, and that they made it their business to repress every expression of youthful delight. So far has this unfilial misrepresentation been carried, that patient endurance of it has ceased to be a virtue. One cannot resist the conclusiifc that some of our most admired writers, either have no knowledge of Puritan character, or that a bigoted prejudice renders them unfit to describe the noblest and most happy race of people who ever lived on earth. There is a posi- tive pleasure in turning from their untruthful pages to the noble " His- tory of NewJ3ngland," by Dr. Palfrey, who has evidently made the character of our ancestors a pleasant study to himself, as well as a de- lightful object of contemplation to us their descendants. The people m " old times" were a happy people. If they were not, in the language of Mrs. Brown, " as poor as poverty," at the close of the century, as 192 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. they were on her arrival in 1769, yet they were " as merry as griggs." In other words, they lived an industrious, upright and joyous life. The following list of names finds its appropriate place here between the two centuries. It will enable persons bom since that time, to trace their genealogy as far back as to their father, grandfather, and it may be, their great-grandfather. The table may be taken as a point of de- parture in family history, by those whose family records do not reach far back into the past. It will be a great convenience to increasing numbers, in coming generations, who will be grateful to Mr. Luke Rice, from whose tenacious memory it is derived. The following persons were living together in Winchendon as man a,nd wife in the year 1800. For convenience the names are arranged alphabetically. Name op Husband. Col. Benjamin Adams, Lt. Abiel Alger, Sen., David Alger, Eber Arnold, Sen., Daniel Balcom, Gideon Balcom, Benjamin Barry, Noah Battles, Sen., *Samuel Beal, Storr Beal, Capt. David Beaman, John Bemis, Andrew Benjamin, Thomas Bennet, Sen., Ebenezer Bigelow^ Roger Bigelow, Levi Bixby, Walsingham Bosworth, ^ Asa Bowker, Sen., Daniel Boynton, Lt. .Joseph Boynton, Ool. Paul Boynton, Eobert Bradish, Jr., James Bradish, Sen., John Brooks. Levi Brooks, Amasa Brown, Benjamin Brown, Jr., Maiden Name of Wife. Zeruiah Boynton, Bhoda Drake, Sally Lathrop, Lucy Green, Mercy Maynard, Anna Hale, Jane Poor, Lucinda Hallowell, Eunice Boynton, Mary Leavitt, Polly Carter, Susan Saunders, Polly Pierce, Mary Pratt, Sally Wales, Widow Boynton, Mary Piper, Hannah Harwood, Dolly Boynton, Zeruiah Wilder, Sally Sweetzer, Lucy Jackson, Polly Moore, Lois Barr, ^^j, Betsey Flint, ^ Sybil Stoddard, Susanna Fletcher, *Perhaps not married quite so early as this date. HISTORY OF ■^rINCHE^'DO]Sr. 193 Name of Husband. Cyrus Brown, Hezekiah Brown, Son., Rev. Joseph Brown, Levi Brown, Samuel Brown, Sen., Jonas Bruce, Oliver Buckley, Abiel Buttriok, Sen., Daniel Buttrick, Capt. Charles Chase, Sen., George CoiEn, Sen., Henry Crooks, Sen., Flavel Crosby, John Crosby, Samuel Crosby, Esq., Abner Curtis, Sen., Abner Curtis, Jr., Moses Curtis, Jewett B. Darling, Daniel Day, John Day, Sen., Joseph Day, Levi Divoll, Sen., Alexander Dunham, Artemas Edmands, Francis Emery, Stephen Emery, Sen., Jonathan Evans, Sen., Eliphalet Fairbank, Daniel Farrar, Sen., .lohn Fessenden, Sen., Simeon Fisk, .John Flagg, Sen., Nathan Flint, Sen., Thotoas Flint, Sen., Joseph Freeman, Job Fry, Sen., John Gill, Calvin Goss, Amos Goodhue, John -Goodhue, Daniel Goodridge, Sen., Eliphalet Goodridge, Samuel P. Goodridge, David Goodridge, Sen., Capt. Thomas Graton, Thomas Greenwood, Sen., Maiden Name of Wife. Harmah Cook, Priseilla Marcy, Sarah Smith, Rebecca Phillips, Lavina Bruce, Lucy Taylor, Eunice Heywood, Fairbanks, Hannah Stewart, Abigail Raymond, Betsey Barrett, Lucy Howe, Mehitable Locke, Azubah Howe, . Ruth Hale, Betsey Pike, Betsey Benjamin, Deborah Mualook, Ambrey Bruce, Betsey Joselyn, Lucy Sherwin, Grace Wilder, Mary Hale, Esther Hyde, Eunice Philbrick, Lydia Kimball, Mehitable Sherwin, Ednah Boynton, Howard, Betsey Blanchard, Abigail Brown, Mehitajile Brown, Hannah Howard, Parney Drake, Lincoln, Betsey Russell, Sally Pay son, Mary McFarland, Hannah Low, Rebecca Snow, Joanna Stoddard, Silena Joselyn, Rebecca Chaplin, Deborah Barber, 18 194 HISTOKT OF WISCBVSllXM. Name op Husband, • Isaac Grout, Sen,, Amos Hale, Sen., Asa Hale, Benjamin Hale, Jacob Hale, Sen., Jacob Hale, Jr., Dea. Moses Hale, Sen., Capt. Timothy Hancoet, Samuel Hartwell, Sen., -Eobert Houghton, Dea. Amos Heywood, Daniel Heywood, Sen., Capt. Lemuel Heywood, *Lieut. Levi Heywood, Lieut. Benjamin Hubbard, , Ezra Hyde, Sen., Job Hyde, Sen., Samuel Johnson, Capt. Abel Jone\ Sen., *Apollos Keith, Benjamin Kidd^, Howard Kidder, Matthew Kmght, Nathan Knight, Thomas Litcb, Aaron Marcy, Paul Matthews, Nathan Maynavd, Daniel May, Sen., James Miles, Dea. Levi Moor, Sen., Ephraim Murdock, Sen., James Murdock, Sen., James Murdock, Jr., James McElwain, Dea. Asa Nourse, Sen,, Lieut. Isaac Noyes, Sen., James Noyes, Sen., Samuel Noyes, Sen., Benjamin Nutting, Ephraim Parmenter, Eleazar Parks, Jacob Parks, Phinehas Parks, Oliver Parsons, Jairus Partridge, Eliot Payson, * Died the year before. Maiben Name of Wife. Sally Stearns, Sally Day, Sally Hancock, Sally Brown, Euth Towne, Betsey Brown, Ruth Foster, Lucy Stoddard, Lois Hartwell, Sarah Joues, , Widow Parsons, Hannah Fairbanks, Abigail Parsons, Beulah Buttrick, Rebecca Paine, Elizabeth Whitney, Elizabeth Ward, Susan Sanderson, Lucinda Heywood, Mary Drake, Ruth Howard, Zilpah Phelps, Susan Putnam, Jane Kennedy, Huldah Stoddard, Ellen Gilbert, Lydia Butlei, Betsey Willard, < Parna Howe, Zeruiah Bixby, Deborah Williams, Polly Chaplin, Rebecca Whitcomb, Olive Fosgate, Sally Haven, Hannah Russell, Hannah Faulkner, Silence Goodridge, Unity Darling, Elizabeth Whitney, Hannah Chaplin, Betsey Stewart, Lois Priest, Betsey Goodale, Ruth Hale, HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 195 Name of Husband. James Payson, Asa Perley, Lieut. Dudley Perley, John Perley, William Poland, Sen., Daniel Poor, Lieut. David Poor, Sen., Luke Prentice, Dea. Samuel Prentice, Sen., Dea. Samuel Prentice, Jr., Esq., Seth Prouty, James Eaymond, Jesse Eaymond, Col. Paul Kaymond, Sen., Lieut. Paul Raymond, Jr., Amos Rice, Lieut. Benjamin Rice, Capt. David Rice, Sen., Ebenezer Richardson, Sen., William Robbins, Sen., William Robbins, Jr., David Roberts, Peter Russell, Samuel Sargent, Sen., Ebenezer Sherwin, Sen., *Francis Sherwin, Sen., David Smith, Isaac Smith, Bartholomew Stearns, Sen., Aiflos Stevens, Paul Stewart, Isaac Stirapson, Luther Stimpson, Sen., Abel Stockwell, David Stoddard, Sen., David Stoddard, Jr., James Stoddard, Capt Joshua Stoddard, ■ Leavitt Stoddard, Major Nathaniel Sylvester, Isaac Taylor, Sen., Dea. Desire Tolman, Elisha Tucker, Seth Tucker, Sen., Jedediah Tuttle, Sen., Simon Tuttle, Sen., * Perhaps left town before 1800. Maiden Name of Wife. Widow • ■ Robbins, Polly Hunt, Hale, Mary Spalding, Betsey Brown, Polly Martin, Jane Martin, Susanna Wilder, Beulah Sawyer, Rebecca McElwain, Eunice Stearns, Widow Molly G-ale, Mary Miller, Abigail Jones, Sarah Gale, Martha Brown, Ruth Budge, Eunice Hosmer, Sarah Richardson, Nancy Leland, Eunice Ware, Elizabeth Woodbury, Sally Noyes, Mary Darling, Lucy Curtis, Rachel Knight, Lydia Dodge, Betsey Curtis, Molly Raymond, Susan Noyes, Hannah Robbing, Sally McElwain, Betsey , Sybil Leavitt, Lydia Brown, Susan Humphrey, Lois Balcom, Ruth Hale, Lucy Clapp, Elizabeth Whitney, Elizabeth Howe, Sally Preston Howe, Jane Payson, Lucy Smith, Lucy Witheredge, 196 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Name op Husband. Capt. Jacob Wales, Sen., Samuel Walker, Sen., Dea. Stephen Weston, Sen., Israel Whitcomb, Sen., Jacob Whitney, Hananiah Whitney, Sen., Joseph Whitney, Capt. Phinehas Whitney, William Whitney, Dr. Israel Whiton, Esq., Abel Wilder, Jr., Capt. Benjamin Wilder, Gardiner Wilder, Capt. Joseph Wilder, Sen., Thomas Wilder, Isaac Willard, Nathaniel Wilson, Sen., Col. Jacob B. Woodbury, Thomas Wyman, Sen., Thomas Wyman, Jr. Maiden Name op Wife. Phebe Howard, Betsey Wyman, Susan Whitney, Eunice Wilson, Mary Patch, Keyes, Hannah Perley, Bethiah Barrett, Mary Mansfield, Dolly Crosby, Eunice Hale, Lydia Lane, Lueinda Bixby, Anna Barrett, Lucy Crosby, Sally Goodrich, Mary Atwell, Hannah Eoberts, Betsey Bead, Sylvia Bowker. HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 197 CHAPTER XIII.— ANNALS; 1800^1868. " One generation passeth avray, and another generation cometh : but the earth abideth forever." Ecclesiastes. In this chapter the Annals of the town will be brought down to the close of one hundred years from the date of organization. Various items of a miscellaneous character will be inserted under this head, which do not belong to continuous history, but which will either throw light on the condition of the town, or will be interesting to individuals because of the connection of ancestral names with them. What may seem triv- ial to some persons, will be read with deep interest by others. 1800, September lO. Granted Benjamin Adams leave to set up a blacksmith's shop on the meeting-house Common, west of the new pound, and adjoining the north line of the Common. November 3, Voted to raise the canopy three feet higher than it now is. Chose Dea. Moses Hale an agent to meet in convention to forma Hew county. December 1, Dea. Hale reported the doings of the convention, and then the town voted to dismiss the article. 1802, March 1. Voted to build a powder-house of brick. 1803, April 4. Chose the Selectmen a committee " to procure a carriage to convey corpse on to the burying-yard." 1804, March 5. Voted to build a house " to keep the carriage in that the town has bought to carry corpse on." November 5, Left with the Selectmen, if they see proper, to make a place in the hearse house, for the town's stock of military stores. 1806, November 3. 'Voted that the Selectmen build a place in the hearse house to secure the town's stock of ammunition. 1807, March. Voted that the Selectmen provide a place for the laaps of the State. August 31, An article to see if the town will make the soldiers that are detached in this town, any compensation, provided they are called rate actual service. Voted " to make up" ten dollars per montk 198 HISTORY OP WINCHENBON. 1808, March 7. Voted and chose Capt. Abel Jones, Capt. David Beaman, and Col. Benj. Adams, a committee to provide a sufficient quantity of cartridges for the soldiers, to be kept by the Selectmen for review at the annual training. [These were to be used in shamrfights, and in other ways incident to military trainings.^ 1810, May 7. The town approved the doings of the Selectmen in getting brandy and opium for the use of the sick. Voted to sell the brandy and opium to the best advantage. Passed over the article to see what farther method the town will take to defray any expense that may arise in case the spotted fever should break out in the limits of the town. 1812, August 10. Voted that the town will make up the detached soldiers ten dollars per month, in case the General Court doth not make them up $10 per man. 1813, May 1. Voted that the town clerk procure a case to keep his books in, and estabhsh his office where he thinks proper. 1814, November 7. Voted to makeup to the detached soldiers from this town, including what the Greneral Government gives them, $13.33 per month. 1815, September 11. Voted that the Selectmen "dispose of the prop-^ erty left by Rebecca Goodridge, to the best advantage of the town, all except the gold nubs which is to be given to the widow Goodridge, moth- er of the deceased." 1815, November 7. Col. Benjamin Adams was allowed to move some of the horse sheds that stood in the way of his building a house. He was to move them as far south of his bam as the town pound, on condition that he should do it at his own co&t, and erect a convenient stone horse-blockj and ^ve the town two dollars annually, and remove them back when the town should think proper. 1817, March 3. An article to see if the town will grant any assist- ance to the town of Fitzwilliam towards building a meeting-house. Passed over. Voted that the Assessors, the present year, take a valuation in the town of Winchendon, of the real and personal estate, hj going to each taxable person in said town ; to begin the first day of May. The As- sessors were Isaac Morse, Jacob Woodbury and Moses Hale, Esq. May 26, A committee was appointed to see about the boundaries of HISTORY Ot WmCHENDON. 199 tJie Common, with the idea that certain persons were encroaching on it at the southeast part. The following is their report. " They find by the Proprietors' Book, that in the year 1762, the Proprie- tors voted a lot of five acres from the northwest corner of lot No. 1, in the south dii^on, for a Meeting House, Training Field and Burying Ground, be- ginning at the northwest corner of said lot, thence southerly with the lino of said lot, 48 rods ; thence easterly, W^ rods ; thence northerly on a parallel line with the west line, 48 rods; thence westerly to the place of beginning. " The supposed encroachments were found to be noxt to nothing. The stone post for a leading corner was erected in the northwest corner. The report was not accepted, for some reason, but the boundaries are correct. 1818, November 2. Voted that the town cause a book-case or drawers to be procured, to keep the town books and records of said town. Also two books to record the valuation and standards of taxes. 1819, May 10. Voted to give a bounty of one dollar for each wild- cat that may be killed within the limits of the town of Winchendon, and brought whole to the Treasurer of said town. 1823, April 7. Reconsidered the vote passed March 2, 1772, re- specting building horse sheds on the meeting-house Common. 1825, March 7. Voted to request the Court of Sessions, to cause a survey of the county to be made giving the county and turnpike roads, &c. April 21, Voted that the Selectmen be a committee to procure a new hearse and harness. 1826, March 6. For the first time since the organization of the town, no appropriation was made at the annual meeting, for the support of the gospel. The first Congregational church was now connected with an independent parish, which assumed the duty of maintaining public wor- ship in the meeting-house on the Common. 1827, April 2. Voted that the AssesSors take a new valuation the present year. This and other valuations were destroyed when the Assessors' books were burned. .j^ 1828, April 7. On the question of dividing the county, the votes were, yeas, 32 ; nays, 84. 1830, May 3. Voted that the Selectmen carry out the Resolve of the Legislature requiring towns to make survey of their territory. 200 HISTOKY OF WlNCHENDOJf. They appointed Elias Whitney, Surveyor, by whom the y(ork Tl'as done. His map is considered tolerably correct as to distances and loca- tions, but is full of errors in respect to names of persons and places. November^l6, Voted toinstructour Representative, [William Brown] to vote not to appropriate any of our public money for the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument. 1831, April 4. Voted to pay all the soldiers their poll tax, that are entitled to it by law. 1831, November 14. Voted that the toivn Treasurer be author^ iaed to pay three dollars a head for every wild-cat that is killed in the town of Winchendon. 1833, March 7. Voted that the Selectmen procure a hearse. 1837, May 1. Voted that individuals may build horse sheds on the Common in any place that the Selectmen shall direct. 1838, June 18. Chose a committee with reference to building a tomb for a depository of the dead in winter. August 20, Authorized the Selectmen to biiild a tomb, provided they can get one built for what they consider a reasonable sum. 1839, April 1. Voted that the town pay the sexton's bills for bury- ing all the dead in the public burying grounds in the town. 1840, March 2. Voted to allow the account for the expense of the small pox, '$109.19. Allowed the account of Dr. A. Godding for vac- cinating inliabitants, §98. 37. March 2, Voted to repair the bell-deck and belfry. 1844, March 3. Voted to repair the bell. Expense of repairing, ^120.93. Voted that the Assessors put the inhabitants upon their oaths, as to the truth of their statements in giviiig their valuation. 1847, November 29. Chose a committee to see about building; a new Town House, or fitting up the lower part of the first Congrega-' tioual Meeting-house. 1848, March 6. Voted not to build a TownHall, yeas, 78 ; Jiays, 145. November 28, Voted to relinquish all right and title the town may have, (if any,} to the first Congregational MeetingAouse, to the first Congregational Society. 1849, January 19. Certain rules were made respecting rabid dog^ They were to be restrained three months^ Those running, at large, were liable to be killed. Any person for killing a rabid dog was' to have a;, bounty of a dollar. History of winchenSon. 201 March 20, Voted to have the hells on ,the First and the North Con- gregational churches rung at noon and in the evening. 1850, April 15. Took action respecting guide-boards. Chose a committee with reference to new Town Hall. April 15, Voted to build a Town House to transact our town busi- ness in. Chose a committee of nine to purchase land, and contract for building Town House, subject to the approval of the town ; viz : Ej Murdock, Jr., Joseph White, Levi Raymond, Ezra Porter, Seth Tucker, Jr., Levi Barks, C. C. Alger, Levi Greenvrood^ 0. R. Whitman. May 13, The town meeting was held in Mrs. Lucy Rice's barn. At this time, the old meeting-house was being taken dovra, that the mate- rials might be used in building a new one. May^l, The town meeting was held in the basement of the North Congregational Church. The committee on Town Hall reported, and by; vote, were discharged after getting deeds and lease executed and recorded. Cho33 three for a building committee ; viz : Elisha Mur-* dock, David Caswell and Sidney Fairbanks. May 27, Met in the basement o|" the North Congregational Society's house. Voted that the committee chosen on the 21st inst., called the , building committee, be and are hereby instructed to fulfil the contract made by the town With Harrison Harwood,,by finishing and completing theibuilding contemplated in that contract according to the plan pre- sented by the committee on location and place of Town Hall. November 11, Metin basement, and adjourned to the newTown Hall. 1851, March 18. The question of dividing the county came up again i For it, 35 ; against it, 46. 1852, January 31. Voted to purchase a Safe for the Books and Papers of the town. May 4. The Selectmen to lot the Town Hall only to such exhibit tlons as thoy may think advantageous to the town. 1854, March .6. Chose B. Mardook, Jr., agent to oppose the di- vision of Worcester county. 1855, March 25. Laid two dollars tax on dogs for license, annu- ally ; and voted to enforce the law in relation to dogs. 1856, March 3. Again, the question in regard to dividing Wor- cester county came up, and received an emphatic answer. For a di- vision, 50 ; against, 190. 202 HISTOKT OP WmCHENDON. 1860, March 5. Committee on tombstones for Mrs. Tolman, Mrs. Rice, and first minister, reported. Report laid on the table. March 10, The Selectmen were instructed to put up guide-boards where needed. June 4, A committee of twenty-five was chosen — one or more in each district — to see that the laws restraining; cattle from running at large, are carried out to their fullest extent. The following rules were adopt- ed, and put in force, as the people were much alarmed by the Cattle Disease, or Pleuro-pneumonia. " No cattle to be in highway, unless at work, or being driven from place to place. Not to be suffered to stop in highway to feed, or for any other purpose. To use all legal measures to prevent cattle from being driven into or out of town. When cattle are driven, owners on the road to be notified. * No cattle on the line of the road to be allowed to come near them. The citizens agree to co-operate, and give notice of any violations of law. Voted that it is desirable that the L3gislature now in session, take such ac- tion in reference to the cattle disease, called Pleuro-pneumonia, as to give cities and towns power to forbid neat cattle from entering, leaving, or passing through their bounds. That Selectmen may have power to isolate, kill, or apply rem- edies, (as they may think proper,) to any cattle within their limits, which may be suspected, or known to have been exposed to said disease." June 18, The Selectmen issued a notice, in accordance with a spe- cial act of the Legislature, forbidding all neat cattle, coming into or go- ing from the town. All neat cattle turned into the highway, except to work, to be driv- en from place to place, without stopping for any purpose. Appointed twenty-six men to assist in carrying out the law. Some may think these details have been copied at too great length ; but those who remember the panic caused by the cattle disease, at this tjme, would not sanction the omission of a full report of the action of the town on the subject. It was, for weeks, the subject of general anx- iety. The alarm was universal. In addition to other precautions, in some cases, the fields were fenced several rods from the highway. That is, an inner fence was put up, to keep the cattle from getting near the road. But the alarm soon subsided. 1862, March meeting. Voted to request the Selectmen to draw an order upon the town Treasurer in favor of Hon. Giles H. Whitney, and present the same to ^m for his gentlemanly and faithful performance of HISTORY or WINCHENDON. 203 the duties of Moderator at the annual March meeting. The order was for $10. 1863, April 27. The following was moved by E. Murdock, Jr. : " Inasmuch as Esq. Whitney said to us at the commencement of this meet- ing, that it was probably the last March meeting that he should be with us, he would accept the office of Moderator, and has most faithfully filled that of- fice, I now offer the following resolution : Resolved, that we now express our most sincere thanks to Esq. Whitney for the able, impartial and patient man- ner in which he has presided over this meeting, as also all others when called to the Chair, since lie has been with us. And that the Selectmen be request- ed to pay him from the treasury of the town, the sum of twenty dollars, as a small compensation for his services." ' 1864, April 25. Chose a committee to buy a new hearse — ^not to exceed $500. The committee were John H. Fairbanks, G. B. Parker and Isaac M. Murdock. 1865, May 20. The Selectmen together with John H. Fairbanks, were instructed to purchase a suitable Safe for the use of the Town Clerk. The matter of Safes for the use of the Selectmen and Assessors, was left to the same committee. 204 HISSOUY Oi' WINCIIENDON. CHAPTER XIV. — EDUCATION SINCE THE YEAR 1800. " Close in the hollow of yon hill Tlie district school^houso wins the view. Where jabbering ui'ohins 'gainst their will In swinging rows their tasks pursue. And there's the turf on which they plaj' And tan their opon-coUarod necks ; And there's the brook where every day Their paper barks make sad shipwrecks Of little hopes, that now endure The coming world in miniature." I!ev. J-. H. Nichols. W e resume the liistorj of edacational progress in the town since thd opening of the nineteenth century. As in the former chapter on this subject, notice will be talcen of the arrangement of districts, the build- ii\g of school houses, the appointntient of committees, the addition of new branches of learning, the increase of appropriations, and the gen- eral improvement of the schools. The appropriation for schools, for the year 1800, was £80, or $26G) 66. There was a gradual increase in the sum sot apart for the pur^ pose of education. Oh the 7th of March, 1801, the northwest school squadron was " al' lov/ed to appropriate their part of the school money to'^^'ards building n school-house, if the squadron can agree to it." It is the testimony of tradition, supported by the written words of Dr. Whiton, that the cause of education received a great impulse in the beginning of t^ century, from EdtVakD PatsoNj a son of Rev. t)r. Payson, of ilindge, N. H., and a student of Harvard. He taught at the CentrCj and wrought with the same energy which afterwards made him so successful as a teacher, and so celebrated as a divine. SBOTION l.-^TIIS BINES 0}? THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS. On the 6i;h of April, of this year, a committee of eight persons was HISTORY OF WINCIIENDON. 205 chosen " to draw the lines of the school districts." Dea. Moses Hale, James McEhvain, Abel Jones, Ebenezer Sherwin, David Goodridgc, Paul Raymond, Ezra Hyde and Jacob B. Woodbury were chosen. The vote was re-considered, and then the town re-considered the re-con- sideration. In other words, the committee remained. It is needless to give the exact boundaries, or " hnes" of the districts, as they wero sixty-four years since, but it may be interesting to some to know where the old school-houses were located. The committee reported on the 4th of May, and their arrangement, which was as follows, substantially, was accepted. " 1. East district. The school-house was where house No. 5 now stands. 2. South-east district. The house stood where that numbered 6 stood until the district was abolished. 3. South district. The house was near the pres- ent residence of Mr. Carter, south of the pond. 4. South-west district. The house was south of Denison pond, near the corner of the road by Miss Sylvia Howard's. It accommodated all the children of New Boston.' 5. West dist- rict. The house was north of the junction of the roads west of the bridge and causeway, beyond the Caswell place ; perhaps half way up to Levi Park's. 6. North-west district. The bouse was on the FitzwJlliam road, some forty rods north of the present No. 2 school-house. 7. North district. The house was ten or a dozen rods east of Jedediah Morse's farm-house, — the old Dan- iel Boynton place. 8. The middle district was the centre of the town The west district included nearly all of what is now Waterville, reaching to Pren- tice hill." In 1808, the appropriation for schools was five hundred dollars. This sum was continued till 1819, when five hundred and fifty dollars were granted. * Previous to the year 1809, the town ctose annually a committee equal in number to the districts, whose duties were simply prudential. If a teacher was to be examined, or a school to be visited, the duty de- volved on the Congregational minister. He was recognized by law as the proper person to perform this office, and being supported by the town, he made no charge for this service. He was expected, in addi- tion to inspecting the schools, to give religious instruction, catechise the children in regard to the great truths of Christianity, and in gen- eral, to exert the best possible influence over the young. On the 10th of April, this year, the town chose a committee of three, viz : Dr. William Parkhurst, Mr. Moses Hale, Jr., and Mr Aaron Green- 206 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. ■wood, " whose duty it shall be, with the assistance of the minister, ex officio, to inspect the schools at the commencement and termination." In the year 1811, this subject came up again in an article to see if the town " will choose a committee, whose duty it shall be, with the assist- ance of the minister," to examine teachers and inspect schools. The article was passed over. On the first of April, it was voted that Robert Houghton have his school-money by his " giving bonds that it shall be laid out for the ben- efit of his children." He lived in the extreme north-east part of the town, as yet without a passable road to the school-house. The same privilege was allowed to him for several years. This seems to be the proper place to notice one of the few natives of the town who have aspired to authorship. There are those who still remember Samuel Litch, as one of their school-masters. He was a son of the Mr. Litch who took the lead here in the time of Shays. He was quite noted in this vicinity, as a teacher, and contributed his part to enlarge the circle of learning. In 1814, he published a work with the following title : " An Astronomical and Geographical Cate- chism, for the use of Common Schools and Private Persons ; By Sam- uel Litch, Author of a Concise Treatise on Rhetoric," &c. The motto on the title page was in these words : " Geography is necessary to the understanding of that connection which this Globe has with the plan- etary system, and with all the wonderful works of God." The book was printed by Salmon Wilder, of Jafirey, N. H. It was bound in board, and contained 118 pages, about two inches by four. The work is v^ry comprehensive, treating of "universal, particular, natural, po- litical and astronomicaljjpography." It embraces a description of the " erth," and the " hevenly bodies." Winds, tides, the " atmosfere," magnetism, light, elipses and electricity, are among the topics. In like manner, we read of governments, religions, races, &c. The au- thor defines an " iland," an " istmus," and an " oshun." He quotes the opinions of " wise filosofers," and in short, crowds a vast amount of interesting information into a narrow space. His " noledg" was fully up to the time when he wrote, though his spelHng proved the need of Web- ster. He treats of topics which our scholars now find expanded into several volumes, but it is only fair to acknowledge that he deserves credit for his information and his method, as well as for his enterprise HISTOKY OF WINCHENDON. 207 in attempting to enlarge the field of study. His little book* was doubt- less the cause of much pleasure and improvement to the youth of Win- chendon a half century ^ce. SECTION 2. — ^AN EFFORT TOWARDS IMPROVEMENT. In 1816, the number of inhabitants had so increased in the region of Waterville, that John Kilburn and others wanted a new school dist- rict. A committee reported in favor of granting their request one year, " so far as receiving their school money is concerned." A committee was appointed on the 25th of March, consisting of the following persons, viz : Daniel Henshaw, Esq., Dr. William H. Cutler, Jacob Woodbury, WilUam Brown and Moses Hale, Esq., to see "what regulation is necessary in the schools." On the 6th of May, they of- fered the following report, which was doubtless from the pen of Esq. Henshaw. " The education of the rising generation is an object of the first importance. On this will principally depend the morality of the public, the stability of oar republican form of government, and the welfare and prosperity of the com- munity. Wherever knowledge is generally diffused, the people are free from that hability to deception, imposition and error, which is sure to attend them where ignorance prevails. Morality and pure religion too are often found the companions of knowledge and correct education. The advantage of schooUng in this country, and especially in this Com- monwealth, and the State of Connecticut, is said to be superior to that of any part of the world, and may be named among the greatest blessings of our common country. But the committee, while impressed with the importance of literature to personal happiness, and the welfare of the community, regret to state that there appears to have been less progress made in the schools in this town than is found in many other places. The causes of which appear to be various. Want of money to procure sufficient instruction may be consid- ered one of the leading causes. The sum of money usually granted by the town, appears to be quite inadequate to the purpose. It requires some length of time for scholars to learn the rules of the school, the mode of instruction, and to become inured to study, before they make much improvement. Hence the latter part of the school is much the most valuable. There are four or five months in the cold season o'f the year, which to farmers are considered leisure * The copy before me has been preserved by Sir. Luke Kicc more than fifty years. 208 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. months, ■which cannot bo spent by their children in any other way to so great advantage as in schooling. Your committee would suggest the propriety of raising money enough by the town for at least three months schooling in-the winter or cold season of the year, and throe months in the summer season in every school district. Another important consideration is the instructor ; and this ought to be a person not only of sufficient learning, but of correct morals. For in vain would it be for a master to attempt to instill into the minds of his pupils good mor- als, while his own life and conduct were at variance with his precepts. This latter important, we might say indispensable requisition,is too little attended'to. Setting up the master's board, to boarding him at a remote part of the dist- rict, is a barbarous practice and ought to be abandoned. The mode of providing wood is a very great defect attending our schools. It is a vulgar, but very true maxim, that what is'everybody's business, is no- body's, \yhere no one is compelled to do his duty, it is not always the case that all do it. On the contrary it often happens that many neglect it. The school suffers and sometimes stops for the want of wood. As our laws are si- lent on this subject, it is difficult to point out any method of providing wood by the individuals of a district. What seems the most eligible mode is to have the wood provided by an individua-1, who should bid off the same at the low- est price per cord, aijd have the same examined and measured by an inspec- tor of wood to be chosen by the district. To have the same kind of classical books, and one uniform mode of instruc- tion in all the districts, would be a great improvement. The practice of schol- ars reading the Bible at least once a day, cannot be too highly recommended. A reverence for this holy volume, and a belief of the great truths it contains, cannot be too early inculcated and riveted in the tender minds of children. Indeed there is no book which contains such fine specimens of sublimity and eloquence. The other books usually read in our schools are all good school books, but there appears to be too great a diversity. Were it necessary they frould desig- nate the following as the most approved, viz : Murray's English Grammar, Adams' Arithmetic, Scott's Lessons, Art of Beading, and Perry's Spelling Book. The practice of distributing presents to the most distinguished scholars, has been proved to be a very powerful incentive to study ; and to have every school visited regularly near the beginning aiid close, by the Selectmen, or by a com- mittee chosen for the purpose, which would perhaps be preferable, would he an advantage. All which is respectfully submitted." Several of these suggestions were acted upon by the town at onc8. HISTORY OF WmCHBNDONv 209 A committee of three was chosen to inspect the schools, for one year; viz : Daniel Henshaw, Esq., Dr. William H. Cutler, and Moses Hale, Esq. At the same time, it was voted that two dollars of the school money in each district be laid out by the committee to inspect the schools, as premiums to encourage the scholars in learning. It was also voted to recommend to the several school committee-men, to purchase the books " recommended by the report of the committee for the regulation of schools. The persons chosen to visit schools in 1817, were Jacob Woodbury, Joseph Jewett and Lowell Goodridge. It should be borne in mind, that the town also chose, annually, a prudential committee-man for each district. In 1818, at the annual meeting, March 2, a committee of five was chosen " to regulate the school books, and inspect the schools, with the minister, the ensuing year." The committee were Horatio G. New- comb, Esq., Samuel Prentice, Moses Hale, Esq., Daniel Henshaw, Esq., and Jacob Woodbury. At a meeting held on the 6th of April, the fol- lowing step- was taken. " Voted that the school committee be directed to give a certificate in wri- ting to the Selectmen, how much money they have laid out for schooling in each district, and how much they gave a month for their teachers, and what a week for hoard; and that the Selectmen shall not give them their orders till they produce said certificate. And that the Selectmen lay said certificate he- foro the town at their annual March meeting, so that the town may know how their school money is expended." In 1819, the town chose a committee, — H. G. Newcomb, Daniel Henshaw, Ezra Hyde, Jr., William H. Cutler, and Jacob Woodbury — ^to inspect the schools ; and directed that they " attend with the min- ister to examine the masters and mistresses respecting their qualifica- tions, when requested by the minister, and recommend such books into school as they think best." The next year, 1820, the appropriation for schooling was cut down to $500 ; the committee was partially changed, by putting Dr. Mat- thias Spalding and Lieut. Luke Parks, in the place of Messrs. Cutler and Hyde. Several famihes in what is now Spring Village district, were set off to the north district. These were WiUiam Tolman, James Martin, Seth Prouty, and Nathan Wood. As there was no road from their houses to the north school-house, until several years later, the chil- 14 210 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. dren must have gone " across lots." Probably there was a bridle or a cart path through the woods. In 1821, the Waterville school district was formed. The families in it were those of Jacob Hale, Daniel Hale, Jonas Bradish, Jr., Nathan- iel Hale, Jacob Hale, Jr., Asa Hyde, Benj. Fry, Alpheus Guy, Ste- phen Emery, Richard Thomas, John Newhall, Phinehas Ball, Asa Hale, Phinehas Ball, Jr., Thomas Kimball, William Bobbins, Jr., Stillman Hale and Lewis Bobbins. It will not be necessary to give the names of the school conmiittee from year to year. There was constant change in the names except in the case of the minister. The Rev. Eber L. Clark had now taken the place of Mr. Pillsbury. The gentlemen who were on the committee, from time to time, between 1820 and 1830, were, in addition to those already mentioned, Messrs, James M. Fuller, Thomas Bennet, Jr., Luke Heywood, George Alger, Moses M, Reed, William Brown, Reuben Hyde, Reuben Harris, Richard Stuart, William Tolman, Dr. Alvah Godding, Gilman Day, Jacob Wales, Foxwell N. Thomas and Elisha Murdock. Some of these were on the committee but a year or two ; others, many years in succession. In the year 1826, the committee con- sisted of eleven ; generally, of three or five. In 1828, for the first time, the town omitted to choose the pruden- tial committee, and voted that each school district choose their school agent in a district meeting appointed for that purpose. This practice of allowing the districts to choose agents to spend the town's money, when they were not accountable to the town, was continued for nearly forty years. In 1829, Elisha Murdock was put on the school committee. With the exception of a few years when he was absent, teaching school, he was a member of the committee until he resigned in the year 1863. The appropriation for schooling, this year, was $600. It was continued at the same figure for several years. SECTION 3. — NEW ARRANGEMENT OF DISTRICTS. ,The population had increased to such a degree, and become so dis- tributed, that a new arrangement of districts had become necessary. At an adjournment of the March meeting, April 4, 1831, it was voted that the Hale school district — No. 9, Waterville — have an equal share HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 211 of the school money •with the o&er cUstriets in to\ra. TMs made nine districts. How the sciool-house was biult, is not specified in the Rec- ords. The author has been informed that the 'house was built by sub- scription. On the 11th of May, a committee of one man from each school dis- trict was chosen, " to see if any alteraiioKS in any of the school districts are necessary, and if any, what alterations, and report at the adjourn- ment of this meeting." The committee were as follows, the number in- dicating the district to which the member belonged. 1. Col. Benjamin Adams; 7. Capt. Israel Whitcomb ; 5. Joseph Whitney; 3. Capt. John Forristall ; 10. Capt. Joseph Robbins ; 2. Ephraim Murdock, Esq.; 9. Richard Stuart ; 6. Jacob Woodbury ; 8. Capt. George Al- ger. These numbers are given as they are known to the present gen- «ration, and printed on Whitney's map. There could not have been a No. 10, as there were but nine districts. This committee made a re- port, which the town did not adopt ; but the matter could not rest, be- cause there was need for more accommodation. Accordingly ia 1832 it was voted " to set off the inhabitants of the Spring Village, and others, into a separate school district, with the same privileges as the other districts in town." This made the number of districts equal to ten, and no alteration has since been made, except the formation of No. 11 , and the discontinuance of No. 6. The final arrange- ment will be given on a subsequent page. In 1833, the sum devoted to schooling was raised to $700. The same sum was granted the next year, when it was voted, that the school committee, — Messrs. Clark, R. Harris and Elisha Murdock, " visit all the schools in town, and that they be paid a reasonable price for their services." This action was probably prompted by the Act of the Legis- lature, requiring that schools should be visited as often as once a month, and providing for their pay. From this time, school inspection became more efficient. In 1834, June 12, a committee of one in each district was chosen " to examine the bounds of the several school districts, and ascertain wheth- er the town is lawfully districted ;" if' it is not, to district anew. This committee reported, and on the first of September, the districts were numbered as they have stood ever since, with the exception that No. 2l2 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOif. 8 was, in 1839, diviSed into two, one of which was No. 11, and that No. 6 was discontinued.in the year 1853. More correctly, it was sus- pended. In 1837, it was voted to divide the school money, $700, equally winong the several school districts. At a meeting held April 1, 1839, the prudential committee of the several school districts, were authorized to contract with teachers for ■fiieir respective schools. The sum devoted to schools was $900. The following gentlemen served on the school committee more or less, from 1830 to 1840 : Rev. E. L. Clark, D. 0. Morton, Warren Coop'er, and Richard Swazey, Doct. Fay, and Messrs. Wilham Brown, Elisha Murdock, Reuben Harris, Levi Hancock, Warham Rand, and Luther Jiichardson. SECTION 4. — NEW DIVISION OF SCHOOL MONEY. At the annual meeting, March 2, 1840, the town voted to divide the money appropriated to schools, in the following manner: " Divide one- half of the money raised for the support of schools equally among the several districts in town, and the other half according to the number of scholars in each district, between the age of 4 and 21 years. The next year it was changed to 4 and 16 years, and the scholars were to be num- bered on the first of May, by the joint action of the school and pruden- tial committees. This year f 1000 were appropriated for schools. The same sum was continued a few subsequent years. In 1844, f 1100 were granted for education. At the March meeting, the question of dividing the money came up again, when a committee of one from each of the eleven school districts was chosen " to investl^ gate the subject of the division of the school money ; said committee to report at the adjournment of' this meeting. Chose the following per- sons from the districts as they are numbered : 1. Benjamin Wilder ; 2. Elisha Murdock; 3. Seth Tucker, Jr. ; 4. Joseph Watson ; 5. Eb- enezer Butler; 6. Jacob Woodbury; 7. Wilham Brown; 8. Luke Rice.; 9. Moses Hancock; 10. E dward Lo ud ; ll. Joel Sibley. At a meeting on the 19th of March, remarks were heard from several mem- bers of the committee. The matter was adjourned to the first of April, when the following Report was presented. It was mainly prepared'by Messrs. Brown and Murdock, who had served on the school committee HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 213 many years. It is glvea here, although the plaji Is now superseded, because it illustrates the character of the town. The design was to giye each child in the town an equal chance, and it certainly was as fair an arrangement as ever came under the notice of the writer. By it, the districts that were favored with the greatest pecuniary ability, helped the weaker districts to enjoy equal school privileges. The Report was read, when the town, on the 16th of April, voted to adopt it, as follows : " A portion of your eommitttee have attended to the duty assigned them, amd agreed mpoa the following Report That the meney raised by the town for the support of schools, be divid^ed among the several districts according to the number of scholars, in the man- ner following, vh : ^hat each district numbering less than 40 scholars, be allewed to draw for 4o scholars. That each school district numbering between 40 and 50 scholars, be allowed to draw for 50 scholars. That each school district numbering from 50 to 90 scholars, draw for their whole number. That each school district numbering over 90 scholars, draw for 90 scholais cinly, unless their num'ber exceeds 100 scholars, -in which case they shall draw for their whole number ; and that the amount received from the Massachusetts School Fund, be divided equally among the several school districts as formerly." The town then voted to divide the school money agreeable to the report of the committee. This arrangement, with slight modifications, remained till the districts were abolished,. At a meeting held on the first of April, an efibrt to divide the sec- ond district, and call the new one No. 12, was defeated. This propo^ al was renewed on the 16th, and again defeated. The people had be- gun to get an idea of graded schools. In 1846, the town granted $1200 for schools, besides the sum re- ceived from the Sfcate> In, 1848, the appropriation for schools was $1500. In 1849, the sum of $15, to help district No. 4 defray their expense for a school district library, was granted. The following were on the committee between 1840 and 1850. Ref. Messrs. Rice, Dunn, Pettee, Marvin, Tracy, Bullard, and Messrs. Muf- •dock, Richardson, Godding, Brown, Moses Hancock, Emerson Whit- ney, John C. Eddy, Abel E. Parks, and Henry Perley. Some were chosen for a single year, and others continuously. 214 HISTOKT OF WmCHENDOir. The subjefct of abolishing the districts was referred to ai committee, who reported to a meeting held on the 13th of March, 1852, " 1, that, in their opinion, it is not expedieot to alter the limits of districts No. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, and 11 ; 2, that No. 6 s&oiild be abolished, and it» inhabitants should be set to 1, 5 and 7." The grant for schools was cut down to $1400. SECTION 5. — HIGH SCHOOL. The first distinct movement for a High School was made in 1851, when, on the 10th of November, on motion of Rev. A. P. Marvin, a comuuttee of fifteen, one at least in each district, was raised, to take the subject of a High School into consideratjoa. The committee con- fflsted of the following persons. Eev. John Storrs, Rev. A. P. Marvin, Messrs. Ejw p jdJ^oud, Stillman Hale, Amos Wheeler, B. O. Tyler, filisha BeamaaTJ^Spb White, Ebenezer Butler, Jacob Woodbury, Wilham Brown, C. C. Alger, Moses Hancock, Levi Parks and Joel Sibley. The committee reported on the 31st of January, 1852. The Report on the subject of a High School, prepared mainly by Rev. John Storrs, was long and iotere^ting. No action was taken by the town at this meeting. It was doubted by some whether there were faiMKes enough in the town to lay it under obligation, by law, to support a High School. In order to settle this point, one of the committee went over the town care- fully, and found that the families numbered considerably over five hun- dred. This fact was brought before the town, at the proper time. At a meeting on the 26 th of May, 1852, the Report of the High School committee, and a substitute presented by Mr. Marvin, were re- jected, and the matter was indefinitely postponed. But the project would not stay postponed, and it came up again on this wise. Ephraim Mur- dock, Esq., had erected a building called the Wincbendon Academy, in the year 1843, which had been used, without charge, for academical purposes, about ten years. Many of the youth belonging to the town, and quite a number from other places!, had here enjoyed good advan- tages for mental improvement. The first teacher, under whom the build- ing began to be used as an Academy, in the autumn of 1843, was Mr. John G. Giles, a graduate of Dartmouth College. He was followed, in succeeding yealrs, by Mr. Levi 0. Stevens, of Burlington College, Mr. Stephen F. Kellogg and Mr. Charles L. Brace, of Yale College, I: - 'rj' f*fYi''T-/; m m M asp sal HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 215 and Mr. A. H. Merriam* of Dartmouth College. After him, came the Rev. Mr. Willmarth, an accurate scholar, in the modern as well as an- cient languages. Mr. Kellogg is a prominent lawyer and public man in Connecticut. Mr. Brace has a wide reputation as an author and philanthropist. All were faithful to their duties. In 1848, Mr. Hyde wrote as follows of the Academy, in his History. " The benefits of the institution are already manifest. Many hundreds, of both sexes, have already derived great advantage from it ; and the desire for a higher and more thorough education has been excited in many a youthful breast. If it shall be sustained according to its praiseworthy design, it will be the source of manifold blessings to the community." A view of the Academy may be seen on another page. It is 30 by 40 feet, and two stories in height. A boarding house was also erected, to be for the coijvemence of scholars from other places. The cost of both bidldings was between three and four thousand dollars. The design of Mr. Murdock was Uberal and praiseworthy. When the law was passed requiring towns containing five hundred families, or twenty-five hundred inhabitants, to support a High School, it was seen that an Academy would not be needed ; whereupon Mr. Murdock in- serted a provision in his will, by which the Academy building was left to the town of Winchendon, on condition that it should be used for ed- ucational purposes. In view of this will, the testator having departed this life, a commit- tee of five was appointed on the 30th of April, 1853, " to look into the will of E. Murdock, Esq., respecting the Winchendon Academy." They reported on the 25th of May, when it was voted " to accept and adopt the proposition made by Ephraim Murdock, Esq., the testator, in his will, and establish a school." It was moved to reconsider this vote ; but the motion was negatived. The way was now prepared for the es- tablishment of a High School, and accordingly, on the 3d of August, the town, acting on an article " to see if the town will establish and main- tain a High School," it was voted "that the school committee be instruct- ed to procure a teacher in order to commence a term of school in the spring." At the annual meeting, March 6, 1854, upon motion, it was voted to appropriate $12-5, for supporting the spring term of the High School, to be expended by the school committee. At this time, the first term of the school was in session, and since that date, the children of 216 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. the town have had the advantage of a good High School -without intei^ ruption. In furtherance of this object, a vote was passed on the 3d of April, as follows : " To provide a High School for all the children of the town thirteen years of age, and upwards, for a term of ten weeks, commencing in September, and another term of ten weeks, commencing not far from the first of December, of the present year. Provided, that if those scholars who are of the requisite age, are not numerous enough to fill the school, younger children may be admitted at the discretion of the committee.", A grant of $200 was made for the support of the High School. It was then voted that a committee of eleven, (one from each of the schools in the town,) in addition to the school committee, be appointed to ma- ture a town school system, with all necessary details. The school com- mittee were Messrs. A. P. Marvin, Elisha Murdock and Henry Per- ley. The members from the districts were as follows : 1. JohnStorrg; 2. Ephraim Murdock, Jr., and Alvah Godding ; 3. Seth Tucker, Jr., 4. Maynard Partridge ; 6. Ebenezer Butler ; 7. Lincoln Balcom ; 8. C.C.Alger; 9. Ezra Porter; 10, Reuben Harris ; 11. Minot Patch. It was also voted " That |75 be taken from No. 2, $20 from No. 3, and $20 from No. 9, and appropriated for the support of the High School." This was done because these three districts, being contigu- ous to the High School, derived the greatest advantage from it. At the same meeting. Rev. John Storrs and B. 0. Tyler, Esq., were added to the school committee. The enhghtened liberality of Esq. Murdock. deserved grateful reis^ ognition from the town, whereupon, on motion of the chairman of the school committee, the following preamble and resolutions were unani- mously adopted. "Whereas, the late Ephraim Murdock, Esq., in his last will and testament, bequeathed to the town the building known as the " Winchendon Academy," in order that it might be used for a High School for the benefit of all the children of the town, of suitable age and qualifications, therefore, Besolved, in full town meeting, that the aforesaid bequest be and is hereby, received, according to the intention in which it was made, to be used in ae^ cordance with the intention of the testator. Resolved, that the late Ephraim Murdock, Esq., by his far-sighted libej'- HISTOEY OF WINCHENDON. 217 ality and generosity, as evinced in making the aforesaid bequest, merits the grateful respect and remembrance of the inhabitants of this town." SECTION 6. — TOWN SCHOOL SYSTEM. , On the I3th of November, the committee appointed to mature a town schoatfi^tem, reported the following plan, which was adopted. "1. JJesofofrf, that henceforth the school system of this town, shall con- mt of the usual district schools, and a High School. 2. That the High School shall be provided with teachers competent to give instruction in the languages, as well as in the higher branches of an English education. B. That the High School, as well as the district schools, shall be for the beijefit of the children and youth of the town exclusively,- excepting at such times as the school committee shall think it for the interest of the sct.ool to ad- mit scholars from other places. And at such times, they shall have the power to do so. 4. That the interests of education require the appropriation of $1800 for the support of the schools during the ensuing year. 5. That $600, more or less, ought to be appropriated for the support of the High School. 6. That the remainder, with the money from the State School Fund, be applied for the support of the district schools. 7. That the division of money shall be according to the existing plan, with this exception, viz : that $50 be taken from district No. 2, $10 from No. 3, and $20 from No. 4, and divided among the other districts equalljr." The reason for this last provision was this, Districts 2 and 3 being near the High school, their children derived the greatest benefit from it ; while No. 4, or Spring Village, was enabled to keep its school in session several weeks longer than the other districts, because it drew monej for sixty or seventy scholars. It was only fair to deduct some- thing from its share, according to the old plan. In August, 1853, the Selectmen were directed to paint the Acade- 1^ my building, and put it in good repair. Also, to fe^ce in and repair .around the Academy. At the March meeting, in 1855, the town granted $1800 for edu- cation, according to the above recommendation. At this meeting there ■was much excitement about the school committee. Two of the com- mittee, Messrs. Murdock and Marvin, -were especially obnoxious be- 218 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. cause they had not fallen in ■with the measures of the " American," or " Know-nothing" party, and declined to require the children of Bo- man Catholic families to read the Protestant version of the Bible, or be excluded from the schools. They followed a course which was af- terwards substantially adopted by the Legislature, and has been in op- eration ever since, with the general approbation of the pepple of. the State. At the time, however, the two members of the committee above, named, were subject to much unpleasant censure, and even odium. At the election, the following gentlemen were chosen, viz : Rev. Silas Piper, Rev. A. Baldwin, E. S. Merrill and Bethuel Ellis, Esqrs. Mr. Murdock was re-elected by a small majority. He and Mr. Ellis de- clined to serve. Whereupon the town, after considerable discussion in open meeting and privately, re-elected Messrs. Murdock and Marvin, and the excitement subsided. The affair is referred to here, because it exhibits a phase of the times. In 185y, $2000 were granted for schools ; of which |575 were for the High School. It was also voted that the prudential committee ' should not employ the school teachers. In 1859, the grant for schools was raised to $2200, and the com- mittee were instructed to build a wood-house and privy, for the use of the High School. Messrs. A. W. Buttrick, and George B. Raymond ' were added to the committee. ' The following persons were on the committee between 1850 and 1860 : Rev. Messrs. John Storrs, A. Baldwin, Silas Piper, B. F. Clarke, T. H. Dorr, and A. P. Marvin, and Messrs. Elisha Murdock, Edwin S. Merrill, D. L. Morrill,. and Isaac M. Murdock, besides a few others mentioned in preceding pages. The grant for schools in the years 1860 and 1861, was the same as in the preceding year, $2200. In 1862, the second year of the war, when many were out of employment, and money was scarce, the ap- propriation was reduced to^$1600, but as wages were somewhat lower than usual, the schools, including the High School, were kept in session nearly as long as usual. " In the spring of 1863, Mr. Murdock, on account of illness, resigned his office as a member of the school committee. No man since the in- corporation of the town, unless possibly Rev. Joseph Brown, had ever served so long as a member of the committee ; none had ever been more faithful in the performance of duty, or felt a deeper interest in the HISTORY OF WINCHEHDOS. 219 ffelfare of the young. It was fitting, therefore, that the town should depart from its usual course so far as to pass a resolution expressive of its sense of Mr. Murdock's services. At a Kseeting held on the 6th of April, his resignation having been reluctantly accepted, on motion of one of his colleagues, it was unanimously *' Resolved, that the thanks of the town be rendered to the Hon. EHsha Murdook, for his faithful and aeceptable services as a member of the school committee during the term of twenty-six years ; and that this vote be entered upon the records by the town clerk." The mover offered a few remarks, in which he said, in substance, that Mr. Murdock deserved the thanks of the town for his long-contin- ued and faithful service as a member of the school committee. He had been associated with him about nineteen years, and in all that time there had not been a word, and probably not a thought, of difference between them, in relation to the schools. Mr. Murdock was a man of cautious but independent mind, accustomed to think for himself, and 80 was a valuable associate. Though a man of large business, which engrossed his time and periled his health, no occasion could be recalled when he failed to meet any exigency which required his attention. Be- sides visiting the schools, and examining teachers, as the law required, he was ever ready to leave his business, at a moment's notice, if there were trouble in any school, however remote, which demanded his pres- ence. He shirked no responsibility, and never failed to sustain his as- sociates when e.-qjosed to undeserved censure. He loved the children, set them a good example, and without ostentation or pretence, did much to promote their happiness and prosperity. Those who have served with him, have learned to esteem him more and more, and feel that his resignation will be a great loss to them, and to the town. [fhe grant for schools in 1863, was raised to i^lSOO, as the people be^an to learn how to bear the burdens of the war. In 1864, the sum was $2200. The next year, $2500 were granted. In 1866, the grant was 13000, and in 1867, it was raised to $3500, and in 1868, to $3800. SECTION 7. — THE DISTRICT SYSTEM ABOLISHED. The question of abolishing the districts had been occasionally re- ferred to in town meetings, previous to the year 1865, but it had never been pressed upon the public attention. It now came up for inquiry. 229 HISTORY OF WINCHEND03T. a^d at tks annual meeting, March 6, a committee was appointed to consider and report on the subject. On the 20th of May, they report* ed, when the subject was re-committed. At a meeting on the 3d of June, the committee reported against the measure, and the town voted not to do away with the district system. On the 5th of March, 1866, tlje Selectmen were authorized " to divide the scholars in No. 8, be- tween Nos. 7 and 11, as convemenee requires." At a meeting on the 7th of May, it was voted that a committee be appointed " to con^der the subject of abolishing the school districts, or of re-districting the town, and report at an adjourned meeting." Many were by this time convinced that not more than nine districts were need* ed, and that all above that number, involved a needless waste of money. It was voted that the committee consist of the school committee, viz : A. P. Marvin, E. S. Merrill, and George A. Litchfield, and one from each district, to be nominated by the chair. The following were cho- sen : Charles J. Rice, Luke Hale, H. 0. Clark, N. D. White, Reuben Bemis, Paul Raymond, Jr., C. C, Alger, William L. Woodcock, Levi N. Parks and William Sibley. This committee reported in favor of abolishing the districts, to a meet- ing held on the 11th of June. The number present was not large, and those who came together, were generally opposed to any change. The committee recommended that the town should buy the school-houses, and should divide the town, for the present, into nine sections, in which schools should be maintained. The plan was advocated by Rev. A. P. Marvin, and opposed by Messrs. Reuben Harris' and Grover S. Whitney. The vote was nearly a unit ia the negative. But the sub- ject was now fairly before the public. In the course of the ensuing winter, Mr. Northrop, the agent of the Board of Edncatioui', addressed the citizens on the general subject of education, on which occasion he spoke of the benefits which would flow from the abandonment of the districts, and from the town's resuming its ancient entire control of the schools. , At the annual meeting, March 4, 1867, the proposal was again brought forward. Mr. Orlando Mason moved that " we do abolish the school districts." The discussion was opened by the chairman of the school cemmittee, and on the next day was continued by several speak- ers ; after which the motion was carried by the following vote : yeas, 77 ; nays, 29. BISTORT Oy WIirCBENDOM. 221 This having been done, the school committee- was enlarged to the number of twelve. Messrs. Marvin and Merrill held, over ; Mr..Litchr flesld was re-elected; and the following gentlemen were. added,, viz.: Messrs. Giles H. Whitney, Cliarles' J. Rice, Nelson D. White, Will- iam Woodcock, Windsor N. White, George Gregory, Charles A: Loud, Ira Russell, M. D., and Rev. Charles Wheeler. The committee we?e then instructed, to employ three persons from out of town, to appraise the property of the old school districts. They were further " to meet a committee of three from each of the school districts, to see what al- terations, repairs, or new houses, or changes of location, may be needed, if any, and the probable cost of the same,, aad repofft to an adjourned meeting." It was next voted, " that the Selectmen be requested to take possession of the school-houses and other property of the school districts, forthwith." The division of the school money was; left to tht- school comimttee. (The town, on the first of April, voted to accept the report of the appraisers selected by the school committee to a,ppraisfr the several school-iouses in the town, which was as follows : " We the undfirsigaad. Appraisers, appointed, under the direction of the town of Winchendoii, to appraise the value of the fichod-houses, land, apparatus and other property owned and used for school purposes, do appraise the value of the school-houses, &c., in said districts. No. 1, $80. No. 7, S80. " 2, 800. " 8, 175. " 3, 4750. " 9, 300. " 4. 000.* " 10, 475.. " 5,- 200. " 11, 200.. All of which is respectfully submitted. GiLMAN Day, Ohio Whitney, Jr., John King. WinchendoD. SECTION 8. NEW SOEIOOL HOUSE. The same meeting, March 6, 186-5, wliich raised the committee oh districts, chose another committee, of five persons, to consider the pro- priety of erecting a new school-house, for the use of the town, to be lo- * The house in this district is the property of the Nelsoa Manufacturing; Co. 222 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. cated in the Village. This matter was held in abeyance until the dist- ricts were abolished, except so far as obtaining a lot of land was con- cerned. In relation to this matter, the committee made a report on the 11th of June, 1866, as follows : in " regard to the expense of prepar- ing the E. Murdock, Jr. lot." " Necessary ditches, 200 rods, $500 Taking out stones and roots, ploughing, leveling, and filling ditdies, 1 100 Manure, 200 Big. cellar and wharfing, 500 Underpinning, 200 Making road by C. W. Newman's, 200 Total, §2700 Sbth Tucker, William Bkown, J. H. Fairbanks, Bethuel Ellis." At a meeting, on the 2d of July, 1866, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee, viz : Bethuel Ellis, William L. Woodcock, Will- iam Beaman, Orlando Mason, and George B. Raymond, to examine the Academy, fence and yard, and into the conditions on which the town came into possession of the same. Also, whether it is best to repair the Academy, or erect a new one, or build on any other site." On the 7th of July this committee made a report. In relation to the conditions of the gift of the Academy, they reported as follows : " The town came in possession of the property ia the following manner. In the last will aad testament of the late Ephraim Murdock,- Esq. , is the fol- lowing item : ' I hereby order that the Academy building in said Winchendon, and the ground enclosed around said building, be used and occupied for a school, free of rent, so long as the town, or Trustees of said Academy, shall cause a good school to be kept therein, and the building, and fence around the enclosure, to be kept in good repair ; and upon the failure of the town of Win- chendon, or the Trustees of said Academy, to perform these conditions, then said Academy building and land to revert to my heirs. This clause to be con- stmed reasonably ; a continued neglect in the particulars only to work a for- feiture.'" The committee considered the house entirely inadequate for a High School, but did not agree on any special recommendation. Messrs. 0. HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 223 Mason, B. D. Whitney and Gr. B. Raymond were chosen a committee to examine and get up a plan for a High School building. On motion of Rev. George A. Litchfield, it was voted " that the town purchase three and three-quarters aci;es of land recently offered by E. Murdock, Jr., for f 1000, for High School purposes." The meeting was then adjourned to August 4, at which time there were not persons enough present to warrant the clerk in calling the meeting to order, he, in the words of the Records, " considering the meeting dead for want of friends." At the annual meeting, March 5, 1867, the committee chosen by the town at a meeting held on the 15th day of November, 1866, to confer with E. Murdock, Jr., in regard to giving a title to the property referred to by the vote of the town, July 20, 1866, reported in these words : "They have had a conference with Capt. Murdock, as contemplated by vote of the town, and obtained from him the following proposition, to wit: ' that the town shall have a warranty deed of the land referred to by vote of the town, July 20, 1866, for school purposes, or for a- public Common, and for no other, together with lOOOloadsof gravel for filling up the same, for $1000; and when suitable High School buildings, or any other public school buildings are erected on the land ; or failing to erect such buildiiigs, shall fit up such lands as a public Common, then all restrictions as to future use of the prop- erty, and all forfeiture on account of other use of the same shall be null and void.'" 0. Mason, B. Ellis, S. Tucker. Then, on jnotion of E. Butler, it was voted that the ". Selectmen be authorized to take a deed of the land, and pay for the same." At an adjourned meeting, April 16, it was voted to build the school-houses needed in the former districts No. 1 and 9, of brick, and finally the question of a new school-house in the Village was settled by authori- zmg the buUding committee, viz : Nelson D. White, J. B. Sawyer, Charles A. Loud, John M. Forristall and Sidney Fairbank, to erect a building for school purposes, on the land purchased of E. Murdock, Jr., according to the plan which was presented. The same committee was authorized to erect a new school-house in Waterville, and another at the Centre. SECTION 10. — PROGRESS. Such is a succinct account of the measures taken by the town for the 224 HISTORY OF WmCHENDON. education of the children and youth within her borders, since the be- ginning of the century. It is an honorable record, shoTving that a deep interest has been felt, from year to year, throughout the' whole period, in regard to the most important matter which can be acted upon by a town, in its municipal capacity. The advance in appropriations of money has more than kept pace with the growing number of scholars, and the increasing wealth of the town. The sum granted in the year 1800, was 1266.66 ; in 1868, 13,800.00. Has there been corresponding improvement in the schools ? In re- gard to all the material means and apparatus of education, there has been great advancement. The school-houses, poor as some of them are now, are vastly superior to those where the fathers and mothers of the town learned the rudiments of education. In place of the ancient benches extending round the room, so high that the feet of the younger scholars could not reach the floor, our children have convenient desks and seats, or chairs, graduated to their siae. There has been an en- tire change, and a great improvement in school-books, maps and black- boards. These improvements the most unyielding sticklers for old times cannot deny. But the question returns, are the schools better than they were ? Do our children receive a better education than did their predeces- sors ? The answer must be in the affirmative. The children attend schoQl.more weeks each year ; tTiey attend to more branches of study; and they are more proficient, generally, in those to which they give their attention. Sixty or seventy years ago, besides reading, spelliiag and writing, arithmetic was the great study. By degrees, some few took up the study of geography, with the aid of Morse. At last, some more enterprising than the majority, ventured upon the intricacies of English grammar, under the lead of Alexander, and afterwards of Lindley Murray. But a few weeks devoted to these studies in the win- ter, could not enable the scholars to make much progress. " The first winter of this century," says Dr. Whiton, " that of 1800-1, an excel- lent school was taught at the Centre, by a son of Rev. Dr. Payson, of Rindge, Edward Payson, then a member of Cambridge College ; af- terwards the distinguished Rev. Dr. Payson, of Portland, a name known and honored on both sides the Atlantic. I think his school gave a new impulse to educational interests, and the next twenty years were years HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 225 of advance." The next impulse was probably given in 1816, when the committee whose report has been copied at length in preceding par ges, entered on their labors. There was a rising interest in the im- provement of our schools years before the late Hon. Horace Mann was chosen Secretary of the Board of Education. Such men as the Hon. John G. Carter, of Lancaster, and his compeers, did much to awaken attention to the defects in our system of education, and thus the way was prepared for the mighty work accomplished by Mr. Mann and his successors. The schools of Winchendon participated in the general advancement. The writer can speak from personal knowledge in regard to the schools in this town since the beginning of 1844. At that time the schools were good. They were under the care of excellent teachers. There were differences, of course ; some teachers were superior to oth- ers ; but generally they were worthy of their high vocation. Many of these are stiU held in grateful remembrance by their pupils, and in high esteem by the committee who visited their schools. The advance- ment since that time is due in part to some improvement in books and apparatus, as-well as in the seats of the scholars in amajority of the school houses ; but the chief advancement is due to these four causes. Tirst, the Normal Schools have increased the efficiency of teachers, not only those who have attended, but others ; secondly, more time is improved in attending school each year ; thirdly, several of our schools are graded, and thus made doubly valuable ; and lastly, the High School has been a great incentive to study and good behavior. The hope of being admit- ted there has been a stimulus felt in every district, and by hundreds of our youth. Thus all the schools have been improved, while the High School itself has been the means of givmg many an excellent education, and preparing others for higher institutions of learning. The standard of education is higher than ever before ; and doubtless the schools in this town will partake of all improvements enjoyed by other places, in the generations to come. NAMES 01? HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS. The names of the Principals and Assistants who have had charge of the High School since its opening in the year 1853, are here given, in the order of their service. 15 226 HISTORY OF WINOHENDON. 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, PBINCIPALS. Mr. A. E. Upton. Mr. Wm. W. Godding, Mr. J. J. Milson. Mr. D. C. Chamberlain, Miss Lucy A. Rice, Mr. Win. W. Godding. Mr. S. Hardy, ) Mr. D. C. Chamberlain, j 1858-65, Mr. D. C. Chamberlain. 1865-6, 1866, 1867, 1867-8, Mr. Frank Braekett. Mr. A. S. Howe. Mr. J. F. Pielden. Rev. Milan H. Hitchcock. Mr. JohuK. Browne. 1854, 1855, 1856, 1864, 1865, 1865-6, 1866, 1867, 1867-8, ASSISTANTS. Miss Ellen R. Murdock. Miss Ellen E. Murdock. , Miss Mary E. Whitney,^ " Miss Ellen R. Murdock. ' i Miss Anstriss Weston, ") Miss Emily R. Pitkin. ] Miss Maria D. Newton. Miss Ursula E. Clark. Mrs. A. S. Howe. Miss M. D. Newton. Miss Caroline E. Marvin. SCHOOL BOOKS. - It may be a matter of interest to those who come after us, to know what books were used in the schools of this town, by the children pf this generation. For their information, a list is here given. English Branches. — The Bible; Webster's Dictionary ; Spelling, — Sargent's Pronouncing Speller; Series of Readers, — Willson; Geog- raphy, — Guyot's for the High School, and Warren's for the other schools ; Arithmetic,-^-Greenleaf's Series ; Grammar, — Wells ;■ His- tory, — Goodrich ; Physiology, — Cutter ; Natural Philosophy, — Loo- mis' Olmstead; Mental Philosophy, — Watts and Abercrombie/; Compo- sition, — Quackenboss; Physical Geography, — Fitch and Colton; Wrij>- ing Books, — ^Payson and Dunton; Algebra, — Greenleaf; Geometiry, — ^Davies' Legendre ; Chemistry; Surveying; Book-keeping; Drawing- Latin. — Grammar, — ^Andrews and Stoddard; Lexicon, — ^Andrew?; Lessons, — Andrews; Latm Reader, — ^Andrews; Cornelius Nepos; Vir- gil; Cicero; Csesar; Sallust. Greek. — Grammar, — Crosby; Lexicon, — ^Donnegan; Lessons,— r Crosby ; Greek Reader ; Greek Testament ; Anabasis ; Iliad. French. — Fasquelle's Course. In conclusion, the reader who may desire a more full statement of the condition and progress of our schools, during the last twelve or fifteen years, can consult the printed Reports of the School Committee, depos- ited in the oflBice of the town clerk, and prior to tiiis date, the Reports as copied into the Records. , HISTORY OF WmCHENDON. 227 CHAPTER XV.— ROADS AND BRIDGES. "And round and round, over valley and hill, Old roads winding as old roads will. Here to a ferry and there to a mill." Whittibk. section 1. — the roads bounded and straightened. In continuing the history of Roads and Bridges in the toTvn, it is not designed to give a minute account of every shght change and improve- ment, but such a general statement of facts as will enable the reader to learn the progress of the town in respect to local and through travel. Roads mark the progress of a people, and contribute greatly to their wealth and civilization ; and when good roads are completed, they are a rich legacy to succeeding generations. Tip to this time, the people had been opening bridle-paths and cart- roads from their own homes to their neighbors, and changing the locar tion of them from time to time, as convenience required. The same process was pursued in the first year or two of this century. Thus a road was accepted for Charles Chase, April 6, 1801, extending from where Mr. Stephen Weston lives, northerly towards the State line. On the 4th of May it was voted to alter Robert Bradish's road, and also Lieut. Isaac Noyes' road. The time had now come for the adoption of some system of roads, and accordingly a committee was appointed " to ascertain the bounds of the roads in the town ; also to straighten said roads." The gentlemen chosen were Dea. Moses Hale, Lieut. Paul Raymond, and Capt. Thomas Graton. These men were well qual- ^ified for the work. Dea. Hale was a surveyor ; Lieut. Raymond had a talent for road and bridge making, and Capt. Graton had experience in the same line. On the 5th of January, 1802, the town accepted the road from Ste- phen Weston's to Joseph Robbins', thus opening a means of communi- cation from Robbinsville to Tallow Hill. At the same time, the town heard the Report of the committee chosen to ascertain the bounds of 228 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. the roads, and straighten them. Each road in the report was read ahd put to vote separately, and after the reading of them, their report was accepted by said town, excepting the last mentioned road, namely, the road from Col. Woodbury's to the county road leading from Esq. CroSr by's to Gardner. The substance of the report is given below ; partly in the language of the committee. By following this report carefully, the roads as they were in 1802 may be found on the map. The names of present inhabitants is sometimes substituted for those mentioned by the committee. * EEPOKT. " The committee chosen by the town of Winchendon, to straighten and re- new the bounds of the roads in said town, have attended that service, and make the following report, which is submitted to the town for their consideration. Winchendon, Januaiy 2, 1802. 1. A road from Ashburnham to Eoyalston, 7 13-32 miles from the Ash- burnham line near Isaac Stimson's house — by the Estey school-house, and the Common, and so on to Eoyalston. 2. A road from Templeton road near Eliphalet Groodridge, to the county road by Eobert Bradish, 402 rods, or 1 mile and 82 rods. 3. A road from the southwest school-house, by Mr. C. C. Alger's, Capt. Alger's and M. M. Keed's to Templeton road, 960 rods, or 3 miles and 37 rods. 4. A road from a spot north of Jonathan Evans' house, by Isaac Grout's to the road near Timothy Hancock's. That is, from the Tyler Eaymond place south to the new county road, 1 1-2 miles and 38 rods. ' ■ 5. A road from the last mentioned road, beginning 3 rods south of Isaac Grout's, going by Lt. Benjamin Kice's, westerly to the road by C. C. Alger's, 2-22 rods, or 1-2 mile and 62 rods. 6. A road from the notch of the road south of the bridge on Mr. Whit- ney's mill pond to the south side of the Common, 457 rods, or 1 1-4 miles and 57 rods.* * This must have been the distance by the original road from the mill to the south end of the Common. By three several surveys, in more recent times, the distance ftom the bridge to the meeting-house built in 1792, is just about a mile. This would make the distance from the mill to the south end of the Com- mon, about one mile and twenty rods. Whitney, in maldngup his map,followed the old survey, and gives the distance as one mile and one hundred and thir- ty-seven rods, nearly, as may be seen by applying his scale to his map, yet the present road Jiad been in use at least thirty years before his map was pub- lished. How can we account for the distance as given in the old surveys ? In this way. There are traces of old roads around and over the central hill, which HISTOEY OF WINCHENDON. 229 7. A road from Major Sylvester's house by Dea. Samuel Prentice's to Paniel Farrar's, on the Koyalston road, 1 7-8 miles and 32 rods. 8. A road from the above road, starting at Waterville, by Mr. Page's, to the bridge over Miller's liver, 16 rods, and thence by Ezra Hyde's and Mr. Winch's to the Fitzwilliam road ; that is, the old road from Waterville to Win- chendofl Village, 307 rods. 9. A road from Eindge line by Benjamin May's, now Daniel May's, to the Fitzwilliam road, not far from where Mr. Belknap now lives, 266 rods, or 6 furlongs, and 26 rods. 10. A road from the Templeton road a few rods north of Abel Wilder's barn, or a little west of the poor-house, by the Tuttle and Bigelow farms, to the county road from Winehendon to Gardner, 582 rods, or 1 3-4 miles and 22 rods, 11. A road from the before-mentioned road, going by Mr. Vose's, Nathan Knight's, and Thomas Greenwood's to the comer where Capt. Levi Greenwood formerly lived, 582 rodsi or 1 3-4 miles and 22 rods. meet the case, and whicli verify the remark made by the aged Mrs. Daniel Jioynton before her death, that when she came to town, she " went to meet- ing over the top of the hill." About half way from the old Nichols tavern to the brow of the hill, at the north-east corner of the cleared field north of the summit, the author has discovered the traces of an old road. It crosses the ditch on the west side of the present road. Passing from this point, across the field, in a southwesterly direction, to the bars in the middle of the west- ern boundary, tlie curious will find clear traces of an old traveled way, going past the clump of trees, on the east side, sltirting the west side of the hill, and. coming out just west of the yard of Mr. Josiah Dunn. Going back almost to the clump of trees, and facing tlie south, a branch road will be found tend- ing to the south-west, till it is lost In a field that is under cultivation. This last was probably a private road. Going back again near the clump of trees, and faint traces will be found of a road reaching up the hill-side, just east of the great boulder, and so on south by east to a point about south-west from the new saloon on the summit ; thence extendin;; east over the hUl to the blacksmith shop of Dea. John Cutter. By this road, or by that which reaches the Koyalston readjust west of Mr. Dunn's, the distance of the original sur- vey would be met. Again, starting from Dea. Cutter's shop, ascending the hill west a few rods, and very distinct traces of an old road will be seen run- ning in a northerly direction, in a direct line, to the wall. This side of the wall, repeated ploughings have obliterated the marks of the road, except pos- sibly in two or three places. This road is eight or ten rods east of the saloon, or observatory, and may be the one by which Mrs. Boynton went to meeting ■ " over the top of the hill ;" though the summit is a few feet higher. It is said that this last road was made by Col. Adams, but It is probable that for his own convenience, he repaired an old road, then nearly obliterated by long disuse. My conjecture is that the first road went by the clump of trees to Mr. Dunn's, or the Day place, with a branch over the hill to the north end of the Common ; that the second road went over the hill east of the saloon, and that the pres- ent is the third road, which is about a third of a mile shorter than the first. The road starting west of the clump of trees, and going south-west, was prpbably for the convenience of Abner Curtice and others, living in that di- rection, 'These old roads are shown on the map by dotted lines. 230 mSTOBY OF WINCHENDON. 12. A road from the east school-house to Samuel Sargent's land, [or John Estey's] 799 rods, or 2 1-2 Ailes. 13. A road running from the old Ashburnham road, by John Berais', on the east side of the town, running south, to Gardner, 476 rods, or 1 mile and l56 rods. 14. A road from the Pitzwilliam road, a little north of the John Gill house, almost due east to Asa Perley's, 81 rods. 1 5. A road for Amasa Brown and Amos Hale, beginning south of Koyal-: ston road by Warner's blacksmith's shop — the road by John Raymond's, 224 rods, or 1-2 mile and 64 rods. i 16. A road from Templeton line, north of Jonesville — a few rods north of the house of Abijah Kendall — ^by Samuel Brown's, and Paul Kaymond's, to Rev. Mr. Brown's barn, near the southwest corner of the Common, 1118 rods, or 3 miles and 158 rods. .-i 17. A road starting about 18 rods north from where the last mentioned road began, on the west side, and extending twelve rods westerly to Templetpn line. , 18. A road from Royalston road, west of Esq. Crosby's, or Jarvis Winn's,' northerly, across the river, to Matthew Knight's, and so on to William Tol- man's, 811 rods, or 2 1-2 miles and 31 rods. 19. A road from Joseph Adams' place, by Flavel Crosby's to 3 rods north of Dea. Moor's barn, near Samuel Woodbury's, 188 rods, or 1-2 mile and 28 rods. 20. A road for Capt. Jacob Wales, and others, beginning at the comer north of Capt. Alger's, thence west, by the house of Capt. Jacob Wales, to a spot about midway of the plain, thence south, by the Bowker house, thence west across the river to the county road leading from Royalston to Templeton near Joseph Day's bouse, a little south of the New Boston meeting-house, 588 rods, or 1 3-4 miles and 28 rods. 21. Henry Crooks' road extending 52 rods north from David Alger's just west of Miller's river, north of where Mrs. B. Adams now lives. 22. A road from Mr. Dudley Perley's by Moses Hale's to Mr. Benjamin Kidder's, through the Village, 1397 rods, or 4 miles and 117 rods. 23. A road from the last, beginning near said Kidder's, and leading west^ erly to John Brooks, through Bullardville, and by Tallow Hill school-house, 743 rods, or 2 miles and 103 rods. 24. A road from Royalston line, west of Paul Stuart's, or George Greg- ory's, southeasterly by Albert Brown's, and the Simeon Poland place, to the road from Winchendon to Royalston, east of the Barzillai Martin place, 431 rods, or 1 mile and 111 rods. 25. A road for Capt. Graton, be^nning at Seth Tucker's, going easterly. HISTORY OP WINCHENBON. ' 231 to Cayt. Graton's, since J. Hapgodd's, now used as a barn by Whitcomb & Fairbank, 92 rods. 26. A road from Asaph Brown's house near the Bindge line, where John Crosby formerly lived, to Fitzwilliam road near Merriain's tavern ; that is from Mr. Brown's to the Village, taking the Bindge road and coming by t}ie Pay- son, or E. Murdock, Jr. , and the Boynton farms, 830 rods, or 2 1-2 miles and 30 rods. 27. A road from Esq. Crosby's, or Jarvis Winn's to Gardner line, south of Mr William Whitney's, afterwards Joseph Whitney's, 1074 rods, or 3 mUes, 114 rods. All the roads three rods wide, and the bounds at the angles are heaps of stones." - "March 1, Voted to build a powder house of brick. May 3, Accepted a road from John Brooks', west by south, to Paul Stu- art's bound. Now out of use." From this time, changes were made in the old roads, or new roads were opened, as the public convenience required ; but this action of the town marks a new epoch in the means of travel. Bridle roads began to be obsolete, and the families generally lived on the highways. SECTION 2. — THROUGH TRAVEL. An effort was made very early to bring the travel from the west through this place to Boston and the eastern part of the State. We have seen that the Proprietors took measures to cut a road to Earlington, or North- field, and thus open a communication from the valley of the Connecti- cut to thaij^of the Nashua. Not far from the same time, a road was opened to Fitzwilliam and Keene, by which travel from the northwest was turned hitherwards. The tavern-keepers of those days, naturally felt an interest in the opening and improving of roads. An enterpris- ing and energetic man by the name of Levi Nichols, came into the town, probably ih the year 1772. " Encouraged by the large travel through the town," says Dr. Whiton, " he erected a tavern establishment, spa- cious for that day, on the spot where Mr. Cromwell Fisher's house now stands." After the Revolution, travel, increased, and the tavern was well patronized. " In times of fine sleighing, it was not uncommon to see around Jiis house, thirty or forty two-horse sleighs, loaded with prod- uce for market ; the sleigh-spires turned up, resembled a little forest ; while the large bams were filled with horses, and the house was crowded 232 ■ HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. with teamsters, put up for the night, from the towns westward as far as the Green Mountains. Mr. Nichols became extensively known, anctf his tavern was for many years the most noted locality in Winchendon." He finally moved to Keene, and thence to Springfield, Vt., where he died. Kichard Day's house just west of the Common, was usefl for a while as a public house ; then he set up a log-house tavern in the orch*; ard west of the house of Mr. Isaac Cummings, where are the marks of an old cellar ; but very early in our history, a public house was put: up on the southeast comer of the Common, where the house of Charles J. Rice now stands. Several names of the keepers of this house have already been mentioned. About the time of Mr. Nichols' r^gmoval.,; James McElwain, of Scotch-Irish descent, came here, and " for many years in the latter part of the last century, was the well-known keepeK of the old tavern-stand at the Centre, which had been formerly kept by- Matthew Knight. Mr. McElwain was a man of remarkably social dis- position, and had a good share of custom. In cold weather, he had always ready for the traveler a blazing fire, in which lay a red-hot iron poker or flip-dog ; to be plunged into the countless mugs of flip he com- pounded ; that being then the favorite beverage of his customers. Those mugs of sweet-spiced flip, flavored with a cracker, crowned with froth ! alas ! many a man they lured along in the path to intemperance ; but no man at that day suspected that in this state of things there was anyr thing wrong." About 1790, the tavern stand of Mr. Nichols was bought by Benja-; min Hall, a very respectable man from Keene. After a few years, he sold out to Major Sylvester from Hanover, Mass. In time, this house: was closed as a tavern, and the house of Mr. McElwain became the great place of resort by the traveling public, as well as by the quidnuncs of the town. There was a tavern also kept by Benjamin Kidder, for many years, where Jason Keith now lives. In those times the road to Tallow Hill branched off at this tavern. Two great bams furnished ac- commodations for teams. A few years subsequently, Dea. Moses Hale opened a public house where Seth Maynard recently lived. This was the most roomy house in town, and being on the road — afterwards a turnpike — agoing directly from the village to Ashbumham, recdved the' travel which was diverted from the bill or Centre. Early in 1795, a post-route was established from Boston to Charies-; town, N. Hr, via Leominster, Winchendon and Keene. Jotham John- HISTORY OF WmCHKNDON. ' 233 son, of Leominster, informed the public, through the " Columbian In- fbrmer," a newspaper published at Keene, dated February 4, 1795, that he " transports the mail from Boston to Charlestown, conveying it in winter in a covered sleigh, carrying passengers at three pence per mile, with fourteen pounds baggage gratis." He carried the mail several years ; in summer on horse-back. One summer he tried the experiment of running a four-horse stage. This was " quite an epoch in Winchendon ; the excitement was hardly less than that attendant on the first running of the cars. The inmates of the houses ran to the d6ors and windows, to gaze at the stage, and scan the passengers ; but the proprietor foutod the roads too bad, and the patronage too small, to justify the continuance of the stage." The mail passed from Bos- ton to Leominster, on Wednesday ; from Leominster to Keene on Thurs- day ; Friday, from Keene to Charlestown and back to Walpole ; Sat- urday, from Walpole to Leominster ; and thence, Monday, to Boston. " Johnson's arrival with the Boston mail, was awaited with great im- patience, by the quidnuncs of the day ; they thought themselves for^ tunate indeed in having a mail from Boston once every tveek; it seemed to them all they could wish." Sixty years ago it was thought " quite a feat" to come from Boston to this place by stage, in a day. About that time, — 1805-6 — is the date of the completion of the old turnpike road from Fitzwilliam to Winchendon, and on to the East. It was deemed at the time a great achievement, giving promise of a " flood of travel to pass through town." For a time there was a good share of travel upon it ; but rival routes were constructed, which drew away much of the patronage. After some years, the Rindge route was most frequented, and that through Winchendon became comparatively forsaken. ' To the proprietors it proved a bad investment ; in fourteen or fifteen years, shares of one hundred dollars depreciated down to fifteen or twenty, and soon after- wards became worthless. That day was the age of Turnpikes; but sooner qi; later, a similar fate overtook nearly, if not quite all these roads." The opening of the road by the Hale tavern diverted travel from the hill, and took away custom from the tavern half way up the hill, and from that at the southeast corner of the Coramon. When the travel began to go through Rindge, the Hale tavern suffered. By opening the new road from the Village to Ashburnham, up the valley of Mil- 284 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. ler's river, travel was brought hither again, and for some years before the railroad was extended through thislown, long lines of teams were continually passing through the Village. A team of six, eight, and even nine horses, was not an uncommon sight. At this time, the only hotel much patronized, — indeed the only one in town, except the Cobb tavern in New Boston, — was kept by Mr. Milton S. Morse. A daily stage between Boston and Keene, passed each way. Previous to this, a stage line ran from Worcester, via Templeton, through the Centre of the town, to the north and west. At another period, a stage Ime passed up and down, through Fitzwilham, the west part of this town, and Templeton. But since 1830, a vast amount of travel, by road or railway, has passed through the Village. The Post Office was at the Centre till about 1805, or 1806, when the Turnpike created a sort of necessity for it to be located in the Vil- lage, where, with a brief interval, it has since remained. SECTION 3. — NEW KOADS. It is time to resume the chronological narrative of the progress of road and bridge-making in the town. In 1802, a new line of road for Charles Chase was accepted, and the old discontinued. Both were, long since, abandoned. The people of Royalston wanted a good road towards the east, without the necessity of going over Winchendon hill. In 1802, September 6, the town chose the Selectmen. as a committee to oppose a change in the road in the south part of the town, which the people of Royalston were trying to secure. Samuel Crosby was chosen agent to attend the Court, and use his influence, " and aU other means he shall judge host," in opposition. November 1, it was voted to build over the river, above the oil mill, where the bridge now stands, [near the works of Goodspeed & Wyman] " and take it in shares, if they will make a turnpike road through the town, so as to pass over said bridge." A road was accepted for Col. Woodbury, by James Ray- mond's and north by west to the county road from Esq. Cro|by's to Gardner, coming into the latter a little south of where Isaac Cummings formerly lived. It was a miserable road ; two houses were on it, both long since fallen down ; and the road north of Mr. Raymond's has been unknown to any of this generation. Before this time, Mr. Woodbury reached the Common by going south and west, to the Gardner road. The road was 1043 rods, or three miles and 85 rods in length. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 235 In 1803, a road 236 rods long, from Levi Brooks' north to the State line, was accepted. It never came into use. At the same time, a road was accepted for Isaac Taylor and others, from Gardner line north by east to another " road already laid out, 104 rods." On the first of November, the town voted to repair the bridge above Amasa Whitney's mill. Accepted a road by the dry bridge near Samuel Hartwell's, 257 rods north by west. The " dry bridge" was west of the Wales or Cobb tav§m. When Denison pond was very fall, a stream passed from it under this bridge. In 1804, the town strenuously opposed opening a new road from Capt. Hoar's, in Gardner, to Winchendon Common. In April, it was voted to oppose the road, the old road answering the needs of travel. In July, Lieut. Paul Raymond was chosen agent to oppose the road — before the county authorities — of course. The road was laid out, but in November, the town renewed the opposition. A subscription had been raised by those favoring the road, and the question came up in town meeting, to see if a sum of money should be granted in addition. " No," said the town. The road was made, and in after years, cost the town much money. The town almost always neglected it, and was compelled by the county to make repairs. It was the new county road, nearly in a straight line, regardless of hills, rocks or swamps. There were no houses on the road, and it was of little use to the town. Tav- ern-keepers at either end received some patronage from through travel. The year 1805 witnessed several attempts at mending or opening roads. There was an alteration in the road from Robert Bradish's, by the burying-yard, to where C. C. Alger lives; an alteration in William Tolman's road ; a road accepted for Stephen Tolman, 119 rods, and another for Peleg Battles, extending from near John Brooks' house, northwest, 106 rods, to the extreme northwest part of the town. On the 10th of March, $300 were voted to pay the damages incurred on the new county road to Gardner. In May, $300 were voted to pay for making the new county road to Gardner. On the 3d of Novem- ber, the Selectmen were directed to answer by letter, a complaint from the Grand Jury respecting the old county road from Gardner to Win- chendon, by William Whitney's. The turnpike through the Village, and the causeway over the pond, were made this year. 1807, April 6. Accepted a road for Mr. Wood, from Stephen Tol- man's road to the Mineral Spring, half a mile. This road was the first 236 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. openmg to the Spring by a town road. The next year, June 29, it was voted " to lay out $25 on the road to the ' Virtuous Springs.' '•' This was ancient usage in regard to mineral springs. In 1808, March 7, a road from Jacob Hale's, — near the Waterville school-house, — to Kilburn's mill, was accepted, for David MpElwain and Daniel Farrar. May 2, it was voted to. build a bridge near Mr. Ezra Hyde's, and "that the .abutments be of stone. This was the bridge at Waterville. Grant for bridges, 1100. May 26, f300 were voted for the new county road to Gardner ; Lieut. Raymond to see to the work. SECTION 4. — WOECESTER AND riTZWILLIAM TURNPIKE. Another source of annoyance and expense to the town, with very little good by way of compensation, came this year, in the new turn- pike, along the western border. On the 7th of November, Lt. Ray mond, Dea. Halo and Capt. Nathaniel Holman, were chosen to meet the committee of the above company, " to see on what conditions they can agree to build the bridge over Miller's river, near Lieut. John Pierce's." That is, west of Denison Pond. At an adjourned meet- ing, November 21, it was voted, " that if the proprietors of the Wor- cester and Fitz^villiam Turnpike will enter into bonds to the town^s acceptance, to clear the town from any further expense for keeping in ir'epair the county road from John R. Gelding's, that is, the Gibson or Bagley corner, by John Pierce's, to Templeton line, the town will build a bridge and causeway for the use of the town and said corporation." Chose Lt. Raymond, Dea. Hale and Capt. Graton a committee to in- form the turnpike company. As the turnpike passed oyer the county road from Fitzwilliam to Templeton, this was perhaps a good arrange^ ment for both parties, until finally the gate-fees became an intolerable burden. The above meeting adjourned a week, and then voted " to build the bridge and causeway, stone abutment on west side, logs on east side, forty feet wide for .the run. Then east about eleven rods and sluiceway, forty feet wide. Bridge and causeway twenty-four feet wide." Since the new turnpike was opened from the Village to Fitzwilliam, the best way to Bullardyille was on this road to the comer, by the ol(J May house ; accordingly, the road from the Kidder tavern to the May corner, was discontinued in 1809. On the 10th of April, #300 were granted for the new county road to Gardner. December 28, a road HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 237 from Stephen Weston's to Joseph Robbins' 225 rods was accepted ; by Tfhich it appears that the former action had effected nothing. In 1810 a part of the old road to Gardner was discontinued ; the part extending from near the old Emery or Isaac Cummings place, to the present road from the Poor-farm to the Bigelow place. On the 9th of April, 1811, a road was accepted for James and Jesse Raymond, from the new Gardner road, east by south to the said Ray- mond's, 248 rods ; no damages to any one to be paid, and no extra money for making. On the 11th of October, it was voted to repair the bridges over Miller's river, by Abel Jones' beyond Waterville, and also by David Alger's, near New Boston, and te build one over the river in the Village. At a meeting, November 4, it was voted " to let the Vil- lage bridge' as lotted out by the committee. Total, $100.85." The new county road to Gardner was always like Oliver Twist, " ask- ing for more." In 1812, May 2, a grant of $200 was made for re- pairs. On the 6th of April, a change was made in the road from Dea. Amos Heywood's to Rindge line ; a change also in the road frem Ste- phen Weston's by Levi Brooks', and the Chase road was given up. On the 10th of A.ugust, a bridle way was accepted from Robert Hough- ton's house southerly, to the bars south of Samuel Sargent's house, 130 rods. In 1814, May 2, the town accepted a road laid out for John Kilburn and others, from near Daniel Stimson's — or rather, near the Kilburn mill southerly, across the plain, to the road extending from the Common to New Boston ; 251 rods in length. Mr. Kilburn and Mr. Reed to pay land damages. In 1815, September 11, it was voted to repair the old road leading from the turnpike near Joseph Robbins, to the old county road. The old road has loiig been out of use. John Flagg lived south of the junc- tion of Otter and Miller's rivers, and needed a road and bridge. The town therefore voted to accept a road for the said Flagg, and appoint- ed a committee to confer with him about a bridge across Otter river. The road begins a little south of Jonathan Wyman's house and goes directly west across the river. Mr. Wyman bid off the bridge at $11. November 4, 1816, the Selectmen were directed to build a bridge near the Robbins null on the road to Weston's. Some may be not unwilling to know where the first guide-boards were set up. Here is a list as they were placed in 1817. 238 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. " One board near Capt. Phinehas Whitney's, directing to Worcester, Westminster and Ashbumham. One board near Esq. Newcomb's, ditecting to Worcester and ^em- pleton. One board near James McElwain's, directing to Worcester and Templeton. One board near John Estey's, directing toWinchendon and RoyalstOn. One board near Isaac Morse's, directing to Worcester and Eiridge. One board near Ephraim Murdock's, directing to Royalston. One board near Mr. Readfield's, directing to Royalston. One board near Joshua Wyman's, directing to Royalston. One board near Storr or Stower Reals' directing to Ashburnhain." The annual grant for keeping the highways in repair, grew morehb- eral from the beginiiing of the century. In 1808 the grant was $1000. The same sum was continued for many years, even down to, and beyond the period to which we have now arrived. In May, 1820, it was voted to lay out |50 on the Isaac Taylor road. In 1821 the bit of road from Dea. Hale's tavern, south by west, ab^^t forty rods, to the road leading from the Common to Ashburnham was accepted. At the same time, the road from Dea. Hale's to Joseph Whitney's — the old Dudley Perley place — ^was discontinued. After- wards — in 1823 — it was re-opened. There was a straight road — since discontinued, from Dea. Hale's to the Estey school-house. 1822, May 6, the town accepted the road from David Seaman's to widow Hey wood's — since Capt. Forristall's — 164 rods in length, on con- dition that the town be indemnified from any charges for the land, or ^ncing the same, and the north district make the road. A slight alteration was made in the road from the southwest burying- yard to the turnpike, in 1824. On the 7th of March, 1825, a road for John Kilbum, was accepted, from his mill, on the west side of Miller's river, north, to the Royals- ton road. This road was made, in course of time, and was used till the woods in the neighborhood were all cut up. The road is now grown over, in spots, with young trees, and entirely out of use. It was 238 rods in length. In May, the Selectmen were directed without expense to the town, to view the roads, see where they were too narrow, and have all three rods wide. Robert Houghton's bridle-path was changed into a road. Cyrus Pierce, who then lived at the Butler mill place, HISTOKY OP WINCH^NDON. 289 had a road from the mill, southerly, 215 rods, to the road leading from the Estey school house to Robert Houghton's ; the point of junction being just west of the bridge over Miller's river. SECTION 6. — CONTEST WITH TURNPIKE COMPANIES. In 1823, the North Branch Turnpike Corporation wanted to set up a toll-gate near the house of Esq. Murdock, in lieu of two gates at other points on the road, with the privilege of charging double toll. The town remonstrated with great spirit ; sent the remonstrance to the General Court, and instructed their representative, Isaac Morse, Esq., to oppose the project. Two or three years later, the town was troubled by the action of the other Turnpike company, and on the 1st of May, 1826, voted unani- mously to remonstrate against the Worcester and Fitzwilliam Turnpike Corporation erecting a gate near the Denison pond in Winchendon. A remonstrance was drawn up at considerable length, probably by Esq. Henshaw, presenting the objections with great force. It seems that the town, and the inhabitants living on and near the road, were at a great part of the expense and trouble of making the turnpike-road, (besides giving the land,) and making the bridges on the same. The town built the largest bridge at great expense ; and the next largest was built by private inhabitants, without any expense to the corpora- tion, or any benefit to themselves, except the free use of that part of the turnpike l^ng near them, and within the bounds of Massachusetts. The fifth point of remonstrance is of general interest, as may be seen by reading it in the words following : " Because in this age, and in this land of liberty, turnpike gates are every- where considered a nuisance, and vexatious to travelers, as well as the turn- pike roads themselves, which are generally the poorest rbads over which the traveler passes from one part of the country to another ; it is often the case that people are obliged to travel on a turnpike , and to he obhged to travel on a bad and dangerous road, and to be frequently and forcibly stopped and de- tained, and have draughts made on their purses, and their patience, is con- sidered an infringemont of liberty, a sort of legalized robbery, which is fast be- coming intolerable. Your remonstrants would therefore humbly yet respect- fully suggest the propriety of diminishing this great evil, by improving every legal means to lessen the nnmber of gates, instead of increasing the evil by adding to the nmnber ahready erected." 240 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. This remonstrance was unanimously adopted, and sent to the Gen- eral Court. The next year, December 24, 1827, the town chose a committee of three — David Henshaw, Jacob Wales and Israel Whitcomb — to remon- strate against theWorcester and Fitzwilliam Turnpike Corporation mov- ing their toll gate from where it now is, to near Jacob Wales'. In 1830, this Corporation wished to get rid of its road from the Baptist meeting- house to the FitzwilUam line. Probably there was no gate between the two points. The town chose a committee to remonstrate against such discontinuance. The idea was this ; that the Turnpike Co. as long as it took toll, should keep its whole line of road in repair. In 1828, October 13, there was a meeting to act on an article in the warrant, " to see what course the town will pursue as respects the North Branch Turnpike road being laid out as a county road." It was voted to choose a committee of three to meet the county Commissioners ; viz : D. Henshaw, Benjamin Adams, Sen., and Ebenezer Richardson. It was voted that the inhabitants of this town are in favor of the petition of Amory Holinan in behalf of the North Branch Turnpike Corpora- tion, for making such turnpike a free road. Several reasons are given. 1. Tnat there must be a road on the route for the convenience of the people. 2. There was no way to compel the Corporation to repair the road. It was thought right also that the county should bear some part of the expense. This was the last of the turnpike " nuisance." Going back and collecting stray items, we find there was a vote. May 1, 1826, to repair the causeway between Mr. Ball's and Mi-. Caswell's, when Luke Parks, John Kilburn and Oliver Lovejoy were chosen to see it done. The town was indicted for not keeping the new county road to Gard- ner in repair. On the 18th of August, a grant of $300 was made, to be expended on this road, and the town instructed a committee " to hire the best of hands," &c. An agent was chosen to inform the Court of Common Pleas of this action. The indictment was removed. The next entry is suggestive. On the 11th of September the vote granting |300 for the county road, was reconsidered, and then f 100 was granted for the county road, and the other |200 for the Houghton and the Pierce or Butler roads. On the 7th of March, 1827, Capt. John Forristall was chosen agent to put the new county road to Gardner, in good re- pair, from John Woodbury's to the Common. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 241 1828. The town accepted a road, May 5, from the southwest corner of the town, near Mr. Forbush's, leading north by east, to the turnpike going from Templeton to Fitzwilliam, by the Gibson corner, 402 rods, on condition that the town " be indemnified from paying any damages for said road, and have four years to make it in, by paying $30 per year in highway work, in addition to the highway district's proportion of high- way money in which said road is situated." ' This road was built in two or three years, after several delays, and by it a good route was opened to South Royalston. SECTION 6. — A SECTIONAL STRUGGLE. About this time — 1828 — the town was agitated by a sectional strug- gle, which, after several fluctuations, finally settled in favor of the Vil- lage, and as a consequence, secured its lead in town affairs, and helped to its rising prosperity. There was an effort to run two roads through the town, neither of them to touch the Common, but north and south of it. Oliver Far and others petitioned for one from S. Bowker's in Roy- alston, through Winchendon Village and Ashburnham to Fitchburg. The town voted against this — 12 yeas to 17 nays, — and chose D. Hen- shaw, Esq., and Col. B. Adams to meet the Commissioners, and oppose the project. The other road was asked for by Joseph Estabrooks and ^others, to start from near Bowker's, go through the south of the town, Gardner and Westminster. The town voted in favor of this route. The object of the town was to prevent, so to speak, a disturbance of its equi- librium. A road through the south part of the town would be of scarce any benefit to the town, and of none at all to the Centre ; but a road through the Village, which was now quite a nucleus of business, would tend to its increase. This raised visions of the removal of the meeting- house, and the place of holding town-meetings, which it was painful to the people of the central and southern parts of the tolirn to contemplate. In April, 1829, the town granted §200 to be laid out on the old turn- pike, below the Village ; that is, on the way towards the Hale tavern, and so to Ashburnham, by one branch, and Westminster, by another. The town could vote for this, because it would thus head off a new pro- ject for a road direct to Ashburnham, near the river. On the 4th of May, the north rallied, and the town chose Isaac Morse an agent to wait on the Commissioners and " request them to postpone laying out a road through the south part of Winchendon, for the present." This was the. 16 242 HISTORY OP WINCHBNDON. most that could be secured. The town had declared in favor of the southern route, but was willing to have it postponed " for the present." At the same time, it was voted to lay out $150 on the old turnpike above the Village, under the superintendence of Capt Forristall. The, south road was not " postponed," and the town was called on to build it. On the 7th of September, a committee of five, — Jacob Wales, Col. Adams, Capt. B. Wilder, Capt. Levi Greenwood, and Jacob Wood- bury — were chosen " to lot out and let out the road" through the south part of the town. The road was built, and perhaps other towns have derived some benefit from it, in former times. To this town it was sim- ply a bill of expense. At the same meeting it was resolved, that the town are opposed to the laying out of a new road in the north part of the town. D. Hen- shaw, Esq., Capt. Benj. Wilder, and Messrs. William Brown, M. M. Reed, and Stephen Tolman, — all living south of the Centre or on the old turnpike— were chosen a committee " to use all reasonable means to oppose the laying out of said road," and to meet the Commissioners for that purpose. It should be said, in this connection, that a few in the north section joined the opposition. Those whose houses were on the old turnpike, and whose farms would be cut in the rear by the new county road, did not see any advantage to themselves in the proposed measure, and voted with the south section. But in spite of this persist- ent opposition, the Commissioners laid the road. In consequence, the town was soon called upon to furnish the means. A meeting was held on the Slst of October, at which it was voted to choose a committee of five " to lot out, and let out, and superintend the making of the road." Chose Isaac Morse, Israel Whitcomb, Benjamin Adams, John Forris- tall and Amasa Whitney. Two of these lived in the Village, one at the extreme north, one at the extreme south and one in the centre of the town. For nearly twenty years, the annual grant for highways had been f 1000 ; but in 1830, May 5, there was an increase. There was the usual grant of flOOO, and a part of the $1700 for expenses of the town, was to be devoted to the making of the two new roads. In ad- ; dition, a subscription had been made for the purpose of aiding the north ' road. In 1889, $1250 were granted for highways, and $2000 for neiBf roads and other necessary charges. As $1000 was about the HiSToaT ©p wisrcHBNBOir- 243 EUTB usuafly granted jearly for roads before this time, it will be seen that the two new roads required quite an outlay of money. SECTION 7. VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS. The Gardner road, on which scarcely anybody lived, was up again for repair. A complaint had been made to the grand jury. !fihe town chose an agent, August 2, 1830, to repair the road under the inspection of the Selectmen, and granted $100 for the purpose. Nothing was done however till the next spring, when Capt. Forristall was chosen a special agent to lay out the money, on the road " between the Common and Gardner line." In 1830, the Selectmen were authorized to build a new bridge by Poor's kjiU, if thought necessary. It was voted also, to bmld a bridge of wood over the river by Amasa Whitney's mill. This was delayed four or five years, as repairs at the north end, made the bridge safe. In 1832, measures were taken to repair the old turnpike from the ViSage to Fitzwilliam. This was the turnpike by Robbinsville. It was, by this time, given up by the Turnpike Co., and the gates were removed. The causeway west of the New Boston meeting-house was repaired. On the 27th of October, it was voted, almost unanimously, to oppose the proposed road from Royalston Factory to the Village. Probably this scheme, and another which came up the next year, 1833, were thought to be for the benefit of Waterville rather than the Village. The other proposed road was to go from Waterville, over Prentice and Eenjamin hills to Capt. Adams', now Mr. Fisher's. It was, pr&bably, a new and improved route, by which the Waterville people could get to the Centre without going through the Village. Both attempts failed. In 1833, March 7, the town voted to lay out a road ftom Levi Pren- tiss', — ^near the present house of Harvey Wyman, — to the county road, where William Brown 2d now resides, 22 rode ; and discontinue the old road from the said Prentiss' to Luke Hey wood's. This old road went by Mr. Sumner Wyman's and Mrs. Connors' to the old Brooks house. On the 21st of September, the town " accepted the doings of the Seleotr men in laying the road by the ledge, near Lewis Bobbins' house." The ledge was near the present house of William Woodcock, and the road went from B. Stuart's to Bobbins', and thence up to the hill to Levi Priest's, 69 rods- 244 HISTORY OF WINCHEHDON. A road was needed from Spring Village toRindge, but the town voted, in March, 1834, not to accept one. The roads in Waterville were slightly altered, but the changes were not important. On the 10th of Novem- ber, the town accepted a road made by Amasa Whitney, leading east from S^ Tucker's to the Gibson house, 24 rods. Also a road 58 rods long, fwm. Charles Tolman's — -just west of the Methodist parsonage — to the cironty road ; that is, to the east comer of the Academy lot. This was probably an alteration of the old road. In 1835, March meeting, Joseph Bobbins, was forbidden to flow the road, in two places, by his dams. On the 25th of September it was voted to build a bridge by Amasa Whitney's mill. On the 9th of No- vember, the town was called upon to build the road from Spring Vil- lage, northward ; and it accordingly chose a committee to " lay out and let the building of the road ordered by the County Commissioners from Spring Village to Rindge line. Chose John Forristall, James McEl- wain, and Henry Greenwood. An important move was made in 1837, to bring the Village and Waterville into more .easy communication. On the 1st of May, it was voted to accept the river road from Waterville to the Village, 279 rods and 6 links in length. Damages awarded to Job Hyde, f 30 ; to Esq. Murdock, $60. November 13, an alteration was made in the road leading from Baldwin's to the Estey school-house. The change was from the new county road to Ashburnham, across, the river, southerly, to the road from Butler's mill to the school-house. Also, an alteration in the road, from the Spring crossing, north by east, towards Spring Village, 57 rods, 7 links. In 1838, the road from Waterville to No. 9 school-house was ac- cepted ; 162 rods. Also, a road was accepted from Joseph Bobbins', north by east, to the State line, 157 rods. March 4, 1839, a road from near No. 6 schobl-house, to the new county road to Gardner, about 131 rods, was accepted. On the third of June, this was authorized as _■& private way. There was to be a gate at each end. The grant for highways, in 1834, was $1600 ; in 1835, $1200 ; in 1836, $1600 ; the same sum the next three years ; in 1839, $1800 ; the same sum in 1840. In this last year, September 14, the town directed the Selectmen to meet the County Commissioners^ and oppose, if expedient, the Chesh- ire Railroad Company's laying their road across town ways at grade. HISTOKY 05' WINCHBNDON. 245 In 1841, May 3, the road from Spring Village to Richard Whitney's ^ — now Capt. E. Murdock's farm — 249 rods, was accepted. In 1842, there was an alteration in the road from Edward Load's, in Bullardville, westward, 89 rods. And a road was authorized from the house of John Brooks, 139 rods, to Samuel Holman's. It was vo- ted to put up gates at the ends of the road extending from Kilhum's mill northerly to the Royalston road ; then voted to discontinue the road. An effort was made to improve the road from Marvin T. Nash's — then living near the No. 2 school-house — to the Kidder place ; but it failed by a vote of 14 to 76. A few days later, June 6, a commit- tee was chosen to meet the Commissioners, and see if there is not a better route from M. T. Nash's by the J. Bradish place, to the Ktz- wUliam line, and request them not to cause the town to msike a new road until it is known whether a railroad is to be made to Fitchburg, or not. The improvement was ordered, and on the 7th of March, 1843, the town chose a committee of five, — E. Murdock, Jr., John Forristall, Isaac Morse, Levi Greenwood and George Alger, — " to lot out and let out, and superintend the building of the road ordered by the County Commissioners." On the 1st of May, #600 were granted for building the road. On the 5th of June, the Selectmen were authorized to bor- row $1500 for building said road. Voted, also to accept a re-lay of the road from Mr. Nash's to the old road, 129 rods. And the next year a road from the new road to FitzwilUam to the Nahum Bobbins road, was accepted. This new road to the FitzwilUam line was a great improvement, inasmuch as it avoided two formidable hills on the old turnpike road. In 1843, March 6, the Selectmen were directed to repair the road to Gardner, and the old road to Ashbumham. June 5, they were au- thorized to repair the road in New Boston — the old Worcester and Fitzwilliam turnpike, the company now being defunct. At the same time, the street in front of the Methodist meeting-house was accepted, 15 rods, 12 links. Also, accepted an improvement of the road this side of Mr. Ball's ; that is, up the sand hill this side of the bridge over Miller's river, by Mr. Ball's. The change extended about 68 rods. In 1845, March meeting, $150 were granted for the new road to Ashbumham, and $2337.76 for the new road to Fitzwilliam. Here it may be remarked, that from the time when the new road to Ashbum- ham was opened, travel began again to take the route through the Vil- 246 HISTOKI OF WIRCHENBOW- lage, and GHKitimied so till the raflroadl was opened m 1847. Oa the 30th of June, the road from the Houghton place, eastward 110 rods; to the Ashbumham line, was accepted. No damage awarde*?. On the 10th of November, thist part of Summer street east of Central street, was iaccepted. Also, a road from oppoate Harvey Wyman's old black- smith shop to the residence of Rev. A. P. Marvin—now Dea. Butler's, —33 1-2 rods. 1846, B%cter D. Whitney was allowed, November 9, to raise the road this ade of the Spring crossing, becaiuse the elevation of his dam flowed the water over the road. In 1847, November 29, a road was accepted from S. Tusker's, west, 16 rods ; a part of Maple street. In 1849, November 12, » road was accepted from the Butler mills', south, acrosa the railroad, to the Ashbumham road, 61 rods ; with the right to carry the water across the road, and to build a railroad track beside the Cheslrire railroad, but not to obstruct travel. At the same meeting, the road from the Butler mills, north-east, about 180 rods to liie Houghton road, was accepted. The old road from the Butler mills to David Hint's was discontinued. At the same time, an effort was made to shut up the old road from Waterville over the Benjamin hill. The motion failed, partly because the road- was convenient for some persons to resell! their lands, and partly because the road affords many splendid vi'ews to those who admire the beauties of nature. Every house forBSerly on this road has disappeared ; but the time w2l come when a part of it ^vill be cho^n for pleasant residence^ At this meet- ing, a few rods of road were discontinued just east of the No. 9 school-" house. In 1850, November 11, an alteration ia the road by Jacob Wood- bury's, 85 rods, was allowed, and $90 damages were awarded to him. Pleasant street, from Front, northerly 76 rods, was accepted- In 1851, an alteration was authorized in the road from where Horace Whitcomb then lived, south by the old burying-yard, and^O damages awarded. SECTION S.-^THKEE NEW BOADS. At this period there was need of at least fbtsr-— perhaps five-— new loads, for the accommodation of the public. Oite of them, extending from Waterville school-house, south by west, thiFOugh the Asa Hyde Harm to the comer o£ the Fry road, 183 rods, and ofiering: a (Erect HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 247 route towards New Boston and South Royaiston, was accepted on con- ditions. But the road has never been opened. Another was needed, extending from Bullardville to Waterville, by the Hyde mill, but it had to wait four or five years before the town took favorable action. Three of the needed roads, by strenuous effort, were opened. , The first of these extends from the Raymond corner to the Estey school-house. More than half a century before, Messrs. James and Jesse Raymond, and Mr. Woodbury applied for a road to the Dudley Perley place, whereby they could reach the Centre or the Village mill. Their effort failed. Their descendants, Levi and Clark Raymond, and the Woodburys, applied for a road in 1849, and on the 10th of De- cember, it was accepted. This was to extend to the Estey school-house, because it would be more convenient than the route proposed before, and was 359 rods in length. Damages allowed, $305. On the 1st of April, 1850, the former vote was reconsidered by a vote of 75 to 18. In 1853, May 25, the subject came up again, and several votes were taken, but finally the application for the road was rejected. At length the County Commissioners approved of the route, and the road was built in 1855. It is not only a great convenience to the people in the east section of the town, bjit also to all travelers between the Village and Gardner. The second of the needed roads which succeeded in the struggle for existence, was what is called the Alger road. The town declined to build it ; an appeal was made to the County Commissioners, who ap- proved it. On the 15th of April, 1850, the town chose a committee to oppose the Alger road before the Commissioners. The route was approved, and the road was built. It extends from the Royaiston road, at a point a little east of Mr. Nathaniel Hale's house, southerly to the Corner north of Capt. George Alger's, and thus opens all of the 8th district to Waterville, while affording a good road between the Village and Baldwinville. The third road was called the Kilbum and Gibson road ; more prop- erly, Kilburn and Sibley. On the 21st of February, 1853, the town accepted this road, extending from near the Kilburn mill to the Sibley mill, 332 rods, and allowed |350 for damages. On the 30th of April, this action was reconsidered ; and then the last vote was reconsidered. The subject came up again on the 25th of May, when the result was 248 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. in favor of the road. It was built accordingly. On the 30th of August, a short road from Gibson's comer to the flag station on the Vermont & Massachusetts railroad, which had been resisted strongly, was ac- cepted. This was reconsidered, and then again accepted. At length, the proposed road from Bullardville to Hydeville, and so on to Waterville, was, through the persevering efforts of Mr. E^ra Hyde and others, accepted, in 1854 ; length, 278 rods ; damages, fSO. But opposition prevented its being built until 1860, when on the 10th of March, it was agreed to finally, and was to be 343 rods in length. SECTION 9. — NEW BRIDGES. The great flood in April, 1852, made it necessary to lay out quite a sum of money, without delay, for bridges. Nearly every dam and bridge on the river, from the Ashbumham line to New Boston, was swept away. The waters on the northern branch were held back by the great .Mo- nomonauk lake and reservoir, so that no damage was incurred. On the 4th of May a town meeting was held, and a committee of nine chosen to examine the several bridges to be built, and make plans and estimates for rebuilding the same, and report to an adjourned meeting. Also to do all things which they think necessary and proper for forwarding the rebuilding said bridges, before the meeting. On the 15th of May the committee made a report, which was accepted. A committee of three — Oliver Adams, Milton S. Morse, and Ephraim W. Lord, was chosen to lot out, let out, and superintend the building of the bridges. The appropriations for highways fluctuated from f 1000 to $1600, for several years. This included bridges, except those which, on account of their cost, required a special grant. In 1853, the grant for highways was but $1200 ; but that for town charges was $3,500. In 1854, for the same purpose, $4,000. The next two years, the grant was $5,000 for each year. A part of this went to pay tor the bridges ; but the exact amount is not known. In May, 1852, the road from Robbins' mill to the bridge, on the Wa- terville road was accepted. At first, when this road was laid out, it crossed the river by the bend between the tannery and the Robbins mill, and followed the east bank of the river. The bridge having been washed away, was not rebuilt, but the road was continued on the west side, some rods be5t)nd the mill, where a new bridge was thrown across the stream. HISTORY OP WINCHENDOIf. 249 On the 2(i of November, a road from the Gardner line to the Greenwood mills, about 44 rods, with $25 damages was accepted. In 1853, several Village streets were accepted as roads ; as parts of Maple, Grove and Pleasant streets. Also an alteration in the road from the Thomas place to Luke Wilder's. In 1854, the town accepted the following roads : One for William Harris, in the east part of the town, 29 rods ; damages, $25.00 ; another for Luke Rice to C. C. Alger's, 20 rods ; damages, $7.00. In 1855 allowed John Cutter to fill the hollow at the foot of Pillsbury hill, east of Jarvis Winn's. In 1856, a road was accepted from John T. Wood- bury's to the Gardner road, 114 rods ; damages, $185.00. Beach street was accepted as a road in 1860, 61 rods ; and other streets at various times. In 1866, two rather important roads were before the town for action. The first was to bring the>Algej^oad directly into Wat^rville, without making the sharp angle at the s^ol-house. This was carried, and now the road inosculates at the Royalston road, east of the house of the late Nathaniel Hale, with the Alger road to Baldwinville. The other was a direct road from Spring Village to the railroad station. After a live- ly and protracted struggle, in 1867, this road was secured, though the County Commissioners were summoned into the field, before the victory was won. 250 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON, CHAPTER XVL— WINCHENDON POLITICS SINCE 1800. " The gi-eatest glory of a free-born people, Is to trausmit that freedom to their children." Havakd. SECTION 1. — FEDERALISSI. This town was firmly on the side of the party in power, both in the State and Nation from the inauguration of Washington, in 1789, until 1800. During the term of Mr. JeEE^son, it adhered as firmly to Gov. Caleb Strong. On the 2d of April, 1804, Mr. Strong had every vote for (jovernor. In 1806, after the'attack on the Chesapeake, by a British man-of- war, there was a call for volunteers. This town responded, and the fol- lowing men volunteered, viz : Capt. Timothy Hancock, (he was the old- est captain in the regiment, and by the call, was obliged to respond) ; Jacob Parks, Eliphalet Parks, John Grout, Luther Bowker. None of these were obliged. to enter the service. The cavalry company cora- tnanded by Capt. Phinehas Whitney were warned to be in readiness, and paraded, and all volunteered to go ; but they were not called into service. In 1808, September 5, the town voted to petition the President of the United States, to suspend the embargo, in whole or in part. Then voted to choose a committee to draft a petition to the President, Mr. Jefierson. The committee consisted of the following persons, viz : Dr. Israel Whiton, Capt. Thomas Graton, Col. Jacob B. Woodbury, Capt. Lemuel Heywood, and Lieut. Paul Raymond. Adjourned for half an hour. Then met, and accepted the petition drafted by the committee, by a nearly unanimous vote. The Selectmen, with the town Clerk, were chosen to transmit a copy of the petition to President Jefferson. It was then voted that the Moderator sign the petition with the Selectmen and h3 Clerk. , Ta.3 Midorator waa Col. Woodbury, the Clerk, Samuel; HISTORY OF WINCHENDOOS. 251 Prentice, and the Selectmen, Paul Raymond, James Raymond, David Beaman, Isaac Morse and Abijah Pierce. The following is the petition. " To THE President or tub United States : The inhabitantiS of the Town of Wincbendon, in the County of Wor- cester and Commonwealth of Blaspaohusetts, in legal town meeting, met on Mon- day, the fifth day of September, A. D. 1808, beg leave to represent to yonr Excellency, that they feel themselves interested in whatever tends to the peace and prosperity of the United States ; they also feel themselves under the great- est obligation to submit to a. government of their own choice, yet we, yonr pt^ titionera, now look up to the political raler of our nation, and ask the mani- festation of his sineei'e regards, as there has been so great a change of affairs among the European nations of late, that we expect the restraints of our trade cannot have that good effect which Was expected by our constituted authority ; and it appears to «s that the situation of our Eastern States so far differs from that of the Southera States, that we suffer in a greater degi-ee than they. And as it now appears that the present time is a more favorable one for regaining our losses, and of preventing our farther sinking into ruin ; therefore we hope your Excellency will have the honor and happiness of making glad the hearts of themselves, by the suspension of the embargo, in whole or in part, whieh is now creating evils which language cannot express. And we now expect that the President is sensible that those laws capnot effect the good intention he be- fore contemplated; and if your Excellency should doubt of the power vested in you by the Congress of the United States, we will wait patiently for the coming of Congress, to talse the subject into consideration ; and we, your pe- titioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray." The President replied to this Petition, and the answer was read in town meeting on the 7th of November ; but it is not to be found on the Records. SECTION 2. — THE LAST WAE WITH ENGLAND. Jt is a part of our national history, that the Eastern States, and es- pecially Massachusetts, were opposed to the war of 1812:1.5, with Great Britain ; and that, under the lead of Gov. Strong, Josiah ,Qaincy and others, her people were anxious for the return of peace. They believed the war was unnecessary, and that the objects, for which it was osten- sibly waged, could be better secured by peaceful means. In these views the inhabitants of Winchendon sympathized. A meeting was held on the 10th of August, 1812, " to take the sense of the town on the alarm- ing situation of public affairs, and use any constitutional method to al- 252 HISTORY OF WINCHEiTDOSr. leviate the distress we now suflfsr, and avert impending calamities, in the best method they think proper." A committee of five was chosen to prepare a respectful memorial to the President of the United States, " expressing our opinion of the present war, and prepare some resolu- tions for the acceptance or non-acceptance of the town." Israel Whiton, 'M. J)., Isaac Morse, Esq., Daniel Henshaw, Esq., Capt. Joshua Stod- dard, and Col. Woodbury were the committee. The Memorial and Resolves were read and accepted. Besides send- ing them to President Madison, the town voted to have them printed in the Worcester Spy. Two agents were then chosen to attend a coun- ty Convention called to meet at Worcester, viz : Messrs. Henshaw and Prentice. A committee of safety, viz : Samuel Brown, Israel Whiton, Jacob B. Woodbury, Paul Raymond and James McElwain, was chosen. It was voted that the Memorial and Resolves be signed by the moder- ator, Isaac Morse, and the clerk, Mr. Prentice. A committee of nine was also chosen to circulate the Memorial for signers. The document is not to be found. What were the duties of the " Committee of Safe- ty," Ave are left to conjecture. In 1814, March 7, the question came up : Will the town petition the General Court, at their next session, respecting the alarming state of our national affairs ? It was referred to a committee of seven to draft a petition to the General Court, and report at an adjournment of this meeting. Chose Messrs. Henshaw, Morse, Whiton, Prentice, Ez- ra Hyde, Jr., Woodbury and McElwain. It was about this time that a portion of the town was so much exercised about the Minister's preach- ing. The action of the town has been already cited. As Mr. Pillsbury was a republican, or Jeffersonian, and sustained the administration, by vote, and perhaps sometimes mildly in speech, he was, so far forth, ob- noxious to the majority ; but the matter was not pushed, and the excite- ment subsided. The Avar, however, continued to agitate the public mind, and accord- ingly, on the 30 th of January, 1815, a meeting was called " to take into consideration the calamitous state of our country with regard to the war, and with particular reference to public taxes ; to see if some method can be devised Avhich shall render the same less burden- some to this part of the country by choosmg a committee to report what is most expedient to be done, by petition to the General Court or other- wise to act on the same, as may be thought proper." HISTORY OF WINCHENDOIT. 25S During the war, it may here be said, the town met every requiation made upon it by the State, and voted extra pay to all of her soldiers who in any manner rendered service at Boston, or elsewhere near the sea- coast. Gov. Strong had a controversy with the General Government; he maintaining that the naihtia of any State was under the orders of its constituted authorities, and could not be ordered out of the country by the national government. The town went with the Governoir, and gave him an unwavering support, but was ready to maintain the honor of the nation against its foreign foes. Several men from this town, were engaged in the service of the United Stateg. Three men enlisted in the United States service. One was Seth Sargeant. He was under Hull, and became a prisoner at Detroit, in 1812. Another was Joel Hancock, who was wounded in the service. The third was Jonas Bradish, but he did not serve long. Those of the militia who volun- teered when called by the requisition of the President, in 1812, were the following seven of the south company, viz : Serg. Levi Raymond^ Corp. Samuel Hartwell, Reuben Vose, Sr., Gideon Balcom, Leavitt Stoddard, Simon Tuttle, Joseph Wyman. The following were mem- bers of the north company : Samuel Sargeant, Jr., Jacob Hale, Jr. These were called to go wherever the government should send them ; but Gov. Strong would not consent to their being taken beyond the bounds of the country. In 1814, a draft was sent for two men from each company, and a volunteer could not be found. Asaph Brown and Samuel Poland were drafted. Both hired sustitutes ; Samuel Wiley and James Murdock. From the south company, James McElwain and William Brown were drafted. The former hired William Hancock, and the latter hired Siinon Tuttle, Jr. On the 30th day of January, the adjourned meeting was held, and chose Lt. Paul Raymond, Moderator. Chose a committee as follows : Dr. Israel Whiton, Mr. Daniel .Henshaw, Col. Jacob B. Woodbury, Messrs. Daniel T. Bruce, Samuel BrowTi, Samuel Koyes and Jacob Woodbury. The meeting adjourned for one hour, then met and voted t6 hear the report of the committee. "To THE Hon. Senate and House of Eepkesentatives of the Common- wealth OP Massachusetts, in Genekal Coukt assembled : The inhabitants of the town of Winehendon in legal town meeting assem- bled, would briefly and respectfully represent that we are sensibly impressed 254 HISTORY OP WINCHENDOST. ■with the evils ■of the present disastrous -war ; and liaving in vaiis sougut relief frotp those ■who were the authors of cur calamity, now apply to the legislaturcof our own Commonwealth, •with pride and confidence in their wisdom, firmness and fflhility to take such means as they may see fit to adopt. And we would aval ©urselvea of this opportunity to express our hearty approbation of the proceed- ings of the New England ConvBHtion at Hartford. The moderation, wisdom and firmness expressed in that important State paper, are calculated to satisfy tSie high expectations excited by tiie appointment of snch experienced, well- tried and distinguished patriots to so important and arduous a trust. We deem it unnecessary for the people to point out to their more enlightened represen- tatives the various calamities»arising from this war by the enormous and uoex- jBled profusion of money, the appointment of innumerable unskillful and un- principled officers civil and military, which infects all parts of our country.inor the imbecility and ill success in which the war is conducted, the impolicy in- justice or wickedness, of our rulerE> in firit declaring it, or its baneful eflTccts on the morals of the community, as all these are well known to all classes of people. But as the representatives of so large and respectable a body of people i% the Commonwealth of Massachasetts, collectively, must be supposed to hav« some influence with our national legislature, it is hoped some method may by their wisdom be devised, which ehall in some measure relieve the people from the insupportable burden of Government Taxes, much of which is borne, by the poorer classes of people. And whatever measures may be adopted, consist- ent with theii- duty as citizens, they pledge themselves to support." " Voted that the report be signed by the Moderator and Clerk, and forward- ed to the Legislature." Speaking of the war, Dr. Whiton says : " A powerful Britisli armar nient appeared on the coast of New England, August, 1814, and after the seizure of some places in Maine, threatened- the towns on the east- em coast of Massachusetts. A good deal of alarm was felt for the city of Boston, and large draughts of militia were marched from the interior to the vicinity of the capital, for its protection. — With various fluctua- tions of disaster and success, by sea and land, the war continued from 1812 to the beginning of 1815. The news of peace, February, 1815, threw the country into almost a delirium of joy. In cities and villages men went round with glad hearts and elastic steps to congratulate their neighbors. When the news arrived in the night, the firing of cannon, the ringing of bells, and the loud shouts in the streets, Peace, Peace, aroused the sleepers from their beds to join in the general joy ! In this HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 255 place, -where the war had been from the first, unpopular, there was a hearty participation in the public exultation." In 1820 there was an animated canvass for Representative. The fijast ballot resulted in no choice. lEph'm MurdockjEsq., had 5 votes, secoxd ballot. Mr. Amasa Whitney, 1 " Mr. Murdock, 1 vote. Mr. Thomas areenwood, 1-3 " Mr. Greenwood, 11 votes. Daniel Henshaw, E§q., 63 " Mr. Henshaw, 68 " Horatio G.Newcomb,E6,q.65 " Mr. Newcomb, 74 " SKCTION 3. — CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION IN 1820. At a meeting held on the 2l8t of August, of this year, the question which came down from the General Court was : " Is it expedient that delegates be chosen to meet in ctavention for the purpose of revising or altering the Constitution of Government of this Commonwealth?" The town voted with the following result : for said measure, 23 ; against, 82. A majority of the people, however, throughout the Commonwealth voted in favor of holding the proposed Convention, and the election of delegates took place on the 16th of October. The vote in this town was as follows : For Ephraim Murdockj Esq., - - - 1 vote. '' Lieut. Isaac Morse, - - - - - 4 votes. " Horatio G. Newcomb, Esq., - - - 21 " " Samuel Prentiss, Esq., - - - 74 " On the 29th of the following April, the vote was taken on the Amend- ments approved by the Convention. This town voted in favor of all but three of the four-teen submitted to the people. These three — the 1st, 2d and 10th, were rejected by the State, as were also the 5th and 9th. The articles adopted are those numbered from 1 to 9 in the Amendments. The 10th Amendment to the State Constitution was rejected on the 11th of May, 1831, by the following vote : yeas, 34 ; nays, 36. In 1833, November 11, the Amendment of the third article of the Bill of Rights, was voted upon by the town. It is now numbered as Amendment XI, and relates to public worship. The vote was : yeas, 144 ; nays, 0. The people of Winchendon felt a deep interest in this 256 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. subject, being firm friends of religious freedom. In 1831, they had petitioned the Legislature to make this Amendment. SECTION 4. — POLITICAL PARTIES. The majority of the town were attached to the Federal party from the inauguration of Washington to the breaking up of old parties in the days of President Monroe. The vote of this town was given for Washington, the elder Adams, Pinckney and Rufus King, and against Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, until the second election of the latter in 1820, when almost all opposition ceased. It was called the " era of good feeling," a time of halcyon calm in politics. But as a very fair, warm day in winter, is called a " weather-breeder," and is sure to be followed by a storm, so in this time of political quiet, the elements for a furious agitation which was to convulse the whole country, were gathering. The first outbreak of this tempest was felt in 1824, when five candidates for the presidency were before the people, viz : Adams, Jackson, Crawford, Clay and Calhoun. Neither having received a ma- jority of the electoral votes, the House of Representatives elected Mr- Adams. Then the storm swelled into a tempest, which raged all through the administration of Mr. Adams. The nature of the opposition, as well as its violence, was expressed by one of the leaders of the Jackson par- ty, in the well-remembered sentiment that^ the f administration of Mr. Adams should be overthrown if he were as pure as the angels of God.?' This town voted for Mr. Adams, in 1824, by a slight vote, there being but little opposition to overcome. At the next election, in 1828, the lines were drawn closer, and all the votes cast, 82, were for John Quincy Adams. The vote for Governor was, for Levi Lincoln, 87, and for Marcus Morton, 2. The next year Morton had 4 votes ; and in 1830 he had 38 to 110 for Lincoln. In 1831, the Anti-Masonic party had gathered considerable strength in several of the Northern States, includ- ing Massachusetts. The vote in this town for Governor, was, For Samuel Lathrop, Anti-Masonic, 76. " Levi Lincoln, Whig, 49. " Marcus Morton, Democrat, 33. In the Presidential election in the year 1832, the town voted as follows : For Henry Clay, Whig, 85 votes. " Martin Van Buren, Democrat, 64 ", HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 25T Fot William Wirt, Anti-Masonic, 38 votes, la the State election, the vote was For Levi Lincoln, 73 " " Marcus Morton, 43 ^ « Samuel Lathrop, 65 « The next year, the votes for Governor were as follows: For John Davis, 52 " " John Quincy Adams, 57 " " Marcus Morton, 48 " In 1836, on amending the Constitution relatimg to the General Court, the Amendment known as the 12th-, was voted upon by the town as follows : yeas, 150 ; nays, 3. In November, the town went with the State in support of the Whig candidate for the Presidency, It is not necessary to give minutely the political state of the town, from year to year. On a subsequent page the facts relating to State and National elections will be presented in tabular form. A brief space will be given to the rise and progress of the Anti-Slavery party, under its different names. Here it is enough to record that the vote for Mr. Morton was, in 1838, 117 against 165 for Mr. Everett, and in 1839, 181 for Morton to 158 for Everett. This was the culmination of his vote. The next year the town went for John Davis, 202 ; Marcus Morton, 153. In 1843,„he had the same vote as Gov. Briggs, that ' is, 160 ; when Samuel E. Sewall had 16 votes. SECTION 5. — THE SURPLUS REVENUE. The income of the United States Treasury, from various sources, but principally from Customs, during the last term of Gen. Jackson's administration, was far beyond the expenditures of the government. This surplus revenue, as it was called, to the amount of about #37,000, 000, was distributed equally among the several States, with the proviso that it should be paid back when demanded by the national government. The Legislature of Massachusetts distributed the portion of this money which fell to the Commonwealth, among the cities and towns, according to population. The amount which came to this town was $3,729. The question came up at a meeting held on the 1st of May, 1837, as to what action the town w6uld take in relation to the matter ; where- upon it was voted, " That this town agrees to receive from the Treasurer and Receiver 17 258 HrsTOEr of winchenuoit. General of the Commonwealth, its proportion of the Surplus Eevenne of the United States, in deposit, and will comply with the terms of the several acts passed by the Le^slatare of the Commonwealth concern- ing the deposit of the Surplus Rerenue. " Voted, that Isaac MorsOj Esq., be the Agent of the town for the purpose of receiving from the Treasurer and Eeceiver General of the Commonwealth, this town's proportion of the said Treasurer's deposit. Voted, that Isaac Morse, Esq., Agent as aforesaid, be and he hereby is authorized to sign a certificate of deposit for the sums of money he may receive from time to time from the said Treasurer and Receiver General of this Com- monwealth, binding the town, in its corporate capacity, for the repayment to said Treasurer, of the money so deposited with this town, and any and every part thereof, whenever the same shall be required by said Treasurer and Re- ceiver General, to be by him refunded to the Secretary of the Treasiny of the United States." Though provision was thus carefully made for the repayment of the funds deposited, there was probably no expectation on the part of Con- gress, in depositmg, or the States in receiving the depoHta, that the money would ever be called for by the nation. Some of the States dis-. tributed the money so that the people received it, and used it in pay- ing their own personal expenses. Some of the towns and cities, in certain States, created funds for educational or other useful purposes. _ This town tpok the following action, on motion of Mr. Elisha Gregory, viz : " Voted, that the Treasurer of said town on receipt of the town's proportion of the Surplus Revenue, pay the debts now ovring by said town, and the res- idue, if any, to let to individuals, in small sums, say not less than $100, nor more than $500, to any one man, for one year, interest annually, and in case the interest is not paid within twenty days of the time it may fall due, the principal shall be called for." In 1842 there was a close vote for Representative to the General Court. Henry Greenwood had 164 votes; Levi Parks, 162; and Moses Hancock, 1. SECTION 6. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. In 1840, another Amendment to the Constitution, now marked XIH, came before the people for consideration.' It also related to the Gen- eral Court, like the preceding one, and on the second of April, this town voted in its favor, yeas, 48 ; nays, 2. ■ HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 259 In 1852, on the 7th of May, an Act was passed, calling upon the people to vote upon the question of calling a Constitutional Convention. A majority of the people having voted in favor of the proposed Conven- tion, the election of delegates took place on the 7th of March, 1853. Rev. A. P. Marvin was chosen delegate fronj this town. The action of the Convention was submitted to the people for approval or rejection, on the 14th of November. This town voted in favor of all the proposed eight Amendments, by large majorities, but they were rejected by the State. Several Amendments substantially like some of those rejected in 1853, were ratified in subsequent years, but it will not be necessary to give a circumstantial statement in respect to them. It may not be improper to mention that one proposition which was submitted to the Convention by the delegate from this town, and which was withdrawn by the mover, to save it from anticipated defeat, was brought up in the General Court in 1856 and 1857, and ratified by the people May 1st, 1857. It is the Amendment numbered XX, and is in these words : " No person shall have the right to vote, or be eligible to office under the Constitution of this Commonwealth, who shall not he able to read the Con- stitution in the English language, and write his name : provided, however, that the provisions of this Amendment shall not apply to any person prevented by a physical disability from complying with its requisitions, nor to any person who now has the right to vote, nor to any persons who shall he sixty years of age, or upwards at the time this Amendment shall take effect." SECTION 7. — THE PARTY OP FREEDOM. It was stated, on a former page, that space would be reserved for a brief account of the rise and progress of the party which was distinct- ively known as opposed, not only to the extension, but the existence of slavery. Nothing will be said in a partisan spirit, nor will it be implied that there were not many in the old parties who were sincerely opposed to human bondage. But the political history of the town cannot be giv- en, without showing how the voters acted in reference to the question of slavery. In the autumn of 1840, two votes were given in this town for James G. Bimey, the candidate of the Liberty party for the ojBSce of President of the United States. One of these votes was given by Dr. Alvah Godding, the other, probably, by the late Mr. David Poland. For other candidates, about 350 votes were cast at the same election. 260 HISTORY OP WINCHBNDOK. In 1842, Samuel E. Sewall had nine votes for the office of Gover- nor. Mr. Luke Rice had by this time, if not before, joined the little band. In 1844, the vote for Mr. Birney, for President, had increased to 43, and for Mr. Sewall, for Governor, to 41. The author was set- tled in the be^ning of this year, and records with -pleasure that he belonged to this vanguard of freedom. The whole vote for President was 361. In 1845, Mr. Sewall had 45 votes ; the next year, 59 ; and the next, 71; while the votes of the other parties had decreased. Thus, in 1847, Mr. Briggs had 122 votes ; Mr. Gushing, 98 ; and Mr. Sew- aU, 71. ■ The year 1848 witnessed a most exciting struggle. Gen. Taylor was the candidate of the Whig party ; Gen. Cass, of the Democratic party, and Mr. Van Buren, by a great political blunder on the part of the friends of freedom, of the Free-Soil party. If the right man had been set up, by the Free-Soilers, their vote in Massachusetts would have been much larger than it was. There was no confidence in Mr. Van Buren as an anti-slavery man. He was brought forward by those who wished to defeat Gen. Cass, in revenge for his desertion of Mr. Van Buren, four years previously. But as he had been discarded by his party on account of his known hostility to the acquisition of Texas as a slave- holding state, he was voted for by many as the least of three evils. The vote in this town was as follows : Gen. Taylor had 98 votes ; 'Gen. Cass, 45 ; and Mr. Van Buren, 263. Here was a complete revolution. This was true of the County and the whole Congressional district. The Hon. Charles Allen took the place of the Hon. Charles Hudson in Con- gress. In 1852, Hon. John P. Hale received 176 votes for President ; Gen. Scott, 138 ; and Mr. Pierce, 63. In 1854, the town passed a strong Resolve against Senator Douglas' Kansas-Nebraska bill. In 1856, the Republican party was formed, and absorbed, with few exceptions, the members of the old Liberty and Free-Soil organizations, The town went strongly for Col. Fremont. In 1860, and also in 1864, the town gave a large majority for Abraham Lincoln, whose name is consecrated forever in the hearts of the friends of human freedom in all lands. VOTES FOR PRESIDENT AND GOVERNOR. The vote of Winchendon for candidates for the office of President of the United States, and also for Governor of the Commonwealth, ance HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 261 the century came in, here follow. In the case of the national officers, the names of the candidates rather than of the presidential electors are given. 1800. President* Christopher Gore had 129 votes John Adams, John Quincy Adams " 1 ld him to J. Ingersoll, Esq., an inhabitant of, and settled in Westfield. There be lived several years with bis new master, and then ho lost bis settlement in Hatfield, by gaining a now derivative settlement in Westfield. As it is not stated that the pauper, at any time afterwards, again lived in Hat- field, either as a slave or freeman, it is unnecessary to pursue the case further. Having lost bis settlement in Hatfield, and not having regained a new settle- ment there, the defendants are not liable for his maintenance, and the judg- ment must be affirmed with costs." . This decision relieved Hatfield from the support of Eden London, and threw the costs of the suit upon Winohendon ; but must Winchendon continue to support him? It was claimed by the town's counsel, Mr. Bigelow, among other things, that a slave could obtain a settlement by length of residence, and not merely derivatively from his master. -It was farther claimed, that by two decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court, it had been decided that slavery could not exist in this Commonwealth. In the first action referred to, involving the right of the master, which came before the Supreme Judicial Court, after the establishment of the HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 279 Constitution, tlie judges declared, that, by virtue of the first article of the declaration of rights, slavery in this State was no more. Afterwards in an action by the inhabitants of Littleton, brought to maintain the expenses of supporting a negro, tried in Middlesex, October term, 1796, the Chief Justice, in directing the jury, stated as the unanimous opinion of the court, that a negro born in the State before the present constitution, was born free, although bom of a female slave. If this decision should stand, then London was legally a free man, when he lived in Hatfield, and had a settlement in his own right, which he had never forfeited, since he had been removed without any regard to his own wishes. But Judge Par- sons and his Associates dismissed this matter with the curt remark : '' It is however ferj certain that the general practice and common usage had been opposed to this opinion." The decision settled this point : that *' before the Revolution the settlement of a slave always followed that of his master." Eden's residence was here therefore, because his last three masters lived in this town. Again the decision aiSrmed that slaves when " manumitted, could acquire a settlement in their own right, and if they had resided a year in the town where they were manumitted, they could not then be warned out." Whichever of these decisions of the Court was right ; the more hu- mane one of the Court in 1796, or the possibly'more legal one of the Court in 1808 ; the town was obliged to support Eden London in his old age, and as he did service in the war of independence, it is to be hoped that the maintenance was cheerfully rendered. It has come down to us that he was a " pretty smart man." He was probably an old man by this time, as it is fifty-one years from the time he began to. figure, or rather to be figured, in these sales, to the final decision. He was buried in the old graveyard in the Centre, in the northeast corner. SECTION 4. — LATEK, CASES. In 1821, August 27, the town chose Ephraim Murdoct, Esq., to car- ry on the lawsuit against the town of Lunenbuk©. He became con- vinced that the right of the case was with Lunenburg, and therefore kept the case out of Court. He settled on the best terms possible with the agent of that town on condition that all the papers, in the case — evidence, &c. — should be delivered to him. This was done, but not 280 HISTORY OF WINCHENfiOW. long after, as lie told the story, lie received notice from the " whelp" that he had collected the evidence anew, thus securing his town's claim for the future, in case the memory of men should fail. The facts of the case, in brief, were these. A woman, who shall be nameless, living when the town was organized, not far from the east school-house, bore illegitimate children. Some were white, and some were not so white. She removed to Lunenburg, but her legal domicile was in Winchendon. Some of her white, and some of her colored chil- dren, about fifty years afterwards, became chargeable to the town . The authorities of Lunenburg traced them to Winchendon, since the place of their birth is privileged with the support of such indigent ofispring, and this town made an allowance to Lunenburg to pay the expense of keeping them. Perhapsignorance of the law in such eases made and provided, led the town to contest the case. When Esq. Murdoclc found what the law required, he made the best terms practicable with the rather sharp agent on the other side. For the credit of the family it should be statedj that one of the col- ored grandsons of the woman aforesaid, was among the first volunteers from this town, in the late war of freedom. The Reed case was the next of sufficient importance to be noticed. A teamster by the name of Henry Reed, used to drive a long team of horses through the town, from Brattleborough to Boston. In 1843 he brought a complaint against the town for a defective bridge near the Robbins mill, on the old Fitzwilliam turnpike. The matter was sub- mitted to reference, and was heard in the winter of 1844, in the old Ml of Mr. Milton S. Morse's tavern. Reed's counsel was Hon. Na- thaniel Wood, of Fitchburg ; Hon. Emory Washburn, since judge, gov- ernor and professor in the Harvard Law School, appeared for the town. His argument is still remembered by the writer, as characterized by candor and force, with«iut any resort to finesse and cunning. The case was this. The bridge needed repairs, and the workmen were about to> begin, when a teamster came along who desired to pass. The bridge was strengthened by throwing on loose plaiiiks, when the team went over in safety. Reed came from below toward night, and stopped at the tavern till morning. Hearing of the bridge and wishing to avoid the other road, which was then in a bad state, he applied to Mark Whit- eomb, Esq. , Selectman, and requested permission, to pass over the bridge'. SIPIEISJ\.IIIE SEWISIo)C5)(SIE,Ilg(^_c HISTOEY OF WINCHBNDON. 281 In pure kindness of heart, the Esq. rode up earlj in the morning, and told the workmen to let the plank remain until Reed had passed. The latter came along, and in crossing the bridge, either by accident or de- sign, ran his off wheels outside of the end of the top planks. The wheels cut through the lower planks, and the load was turned over into the stream. He claimed that the order from the Selectman made the town responsible for the whole width of the bridge, and his lawyer succeeded in leading the Referee to that conclusion. The whole expense was about eight hundred dollars. The Sanders case, so called, came up in 1849, and on the 12th of November, Harvey Wyman was chosen agent of the town. He em- ployed the Hon. Benjamin F. Thomas as counsel ; Hon. N. Wood ap- peared for the plaintiff, which was the town of Fitchburg. The case was singular, in some of its aspects, and will therefore be given at some length, and principally in the words of Cushing's Report. Lemuel San- ders and family became paupers while living in Fitchburg. The ques- tion was this : Did they have a legal settlement in Winchendon ? It was claimed by the plaintifis that the paupers had gained a resi- dence in Winchendon in the twelfth mode pointed out in the Revised Statutes ch. 45, § 1, by a residence of ten years, and the assessment and payment of taxes five years during that period in the town of Win- chendon ; and it was admitted that Sanders was assessed and paid a poll tax in Winchendon, as of the 1st of May, 1832, and in each suc- ceeding year until 1840. Sanders was called as a witness by the plaintiff, to prove his ten years' residence in this town. Everything turned on his intention. About the Ijst of June, 1831, he came to Winchendon, and went to work for John D. Dunbar. He lived here until October 26, 1842, when he re- moved to Fitchburg. His family were not brought hither until the 6th of November, 1832. They lived in Oakham up to that time, and he occasionally visited them at his home. As there were not ten years between November 6, 1832, and October 26, 1842, "feow coflld he ac- quire a residence in Winchendon? By intention. He finally, after re- peated questionings, ventured to testify that he had formed the inten- tion, in the course of the summer, 1832, to make Winchendon his home. In the words of the " Reports :" " It was his intention — in June, 1831 — to remove to Winchendon, thoagh 282 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. he did not know that anything was said to Dunbar about his removal, and nothing was said about the remaining or removal of his family ; that he had some conversation with Dunbar — in March or April, 1832— about removing to Wiacheadon, and told him that they wanted him (the witness) back to the Barrc factory; that he told Dunbar if he was going to work there (in Win- ehendon) any longer, he wanted to be getting his family up ; that Dunbar thought he had better stay, and that if he had a mind to stay, and would stay and do as well as he had done, he should have the first chance there was for a tenement, of which there were then none to be had, but they were going to build some ; that he thereupon determined to stay in Winchendon, and did stay ; that at the time of this conversation, he had been and was boarding and continued to board at the factory boarding-house in Winchendon, where he had his washing and most of his mending done, some of the bad mending be- ing done at Oakham, where his family continued to reside ; that his wife and children came to Winchendon to reside on the 6th of November, 1832; that the reason why they did not come to Winchendon sooner was because there was no tenement there ready for the witness to remove into ; that after his con- versation with Dunbar, he never expected to go back and live in Oakham, but that if Dunbar did not keep him, he should go somewhere else, though he had no thoughts of leaving ; that he was assessed in Winchendon, and paid a tax there in 1832, that during this time he did not think anything about where his home was, though, in answer to any proper question, he should probably have spoken of Oakham as his home ; that he was then at work in Winchen- don, liable to be turned away at any time, and having no lease of a house at Oakham, he was liable to be turned out by his landlord at any time ; that the Assessors of Winchendon did not, to his knowledge, come to see him, except once in 1840 or 1841 ; that during the whole time while he worked in Win- chendon, before his family came theie, he worked by the day, and did not maks or ask Dunbar to make any contract, &c." The judge, Hopkinson, was of opinion that the evidence was not suf- ficient to authorize the jury to find a verdict for the plaintiffs, a verdict was therefore rendered in favor of Winchendon and the plaintiffs alleged exceptions. The case came before the Supreme Court, October terra, 1849, when judge Fletcher gave the decision. Having stated the case, the judge proceeded as follows : " After the evidence for the plaintiffs was put in, the judge ruled that it would not warrant the jury in finding a verdict for the plaintiffs. Whereupon a verdict was given for the defendants. To this ruling the plaintiffs except. If therefore there was evidence which would have warranted the jury in find- HISTORY or ■ffllfCHENDON'. 283 ing a verdict for the plaintiffs, tbe ruling of the court below was erroneous, and a new trial must be granted. Tliero was evidence to show that Sanders was at work in Winchendon, from June, 1831, to October, 1842, and that he had left his former home not intending to return to it again. There was also ev- idence tending to show that ho went to Winchendon, with the intention of fix- ing his residence and having his settlement there, and to remove his family there as soon as practicable. The intention, which formed a most essential element in the case, was a matter to be inquired of and settled exclusively by the jury. What was the intention of the pauper was a most material fact, and not a question of law, and could only be settled by the jury, and not by the court. The case, therefore, being one which was peculiarly and eminently for the jury, the ruling of the judge was erroneous, and the verdict must be set aside and a new trial granted." Accordingly a new trial was had, and by that time Sanders, by some means, hadi become satisfied that he could testify that he had formed a definite intention, sometime in the summer or eai-ly autumn of 1832, to make Winchendon his home. This settled the matter, and the jury gave the verdict for the plaintiffs. It was however, and still is the opin- ion of the agent of the town, that if the case had been given to the first jury, the verdict would have been in favor of Winchendon. At that time the pauper did not seem to know much about his intention. At the latter trial, he testified to a real intention to remove hither, and that testimony governed the jury. ' The expense was not far from $350.00. This case certainly illustrates the truth of the motto at the head of the chapter — " the glorious uncertainty of the law." 284 HISTORY OF WINCHBKDON. CHAPTER XIX.— TEMPERANCE AND MORALS. "What war so cruel, or what siege so sore, As that which strong temptation doth apply Against the fort of reason evermore. To bring the soul into captivity ?" Fairy QuEEjf. " Nature, good cateress. Means her provision only to the good. That live according to her sober laws, And holy dictates of pure Temperance." CoMUS. SECTION 1. — CONVIVIAli HABITS. Winchendon has always enjoyed a fair reputation, in comparison with other towns, in regard to Temperance and Good Morals. At times, intemperance has been quite too prevalent ; and other forms of vicious appetite have ruined their votaries and victims. But as a general thing, the tone of moral sentiment has been high, and the people, in suc- cessive generations, have been industrious, frugal, law-abiding and vir* tuous. Their character, in this respect, should find a place in their History. Accordingly, in this short chapter, the desigii Will be to set forth what the town, in its corporate capacity, as well as what societies and individuals have done to promote temperance and good morals. Nothing of special significance bearing on this subject, is found in our early annals. The fact, however, that the town Was a parish, and by annual grants, sustained the preaching of th- ain. This was in 1783. In 1786-7, the Governor of Massachusetts sent a requisition for troops to put down the Shays' rebellion. When the requisition reached here, the company was wanted, and met on the dom.mon, when there was a call for volimteers. The names of the com- missioned officers have not been learned by the author with certainty, but as Paul Boynton, and Daniel Hubbard were commissioned captains in 1788, it is probable they were either first Ueutenants or ensigns, in the two or three preceding years. Starting from this point, the names of the officers and their rank, with the date of their commission, will be given in the following table. The Winchendon companies belonged to the Fifth Regiment, Second Brigade, Seventh Division, until 1820, af- ter which they belonged to the Sixth Division ; the number of the Regi- Hient and Brigade remaining unchanged. 1788. Paul BoyntoiiT Captain. 1788. Daniel Hubbard, Captain. " Jacob B. Woodbury, Lieutenant. 1789. Adonijah Bixby, Ensign. 1793. Paul Boynton, Major. 1793. David Eice, Captain, 294 HISTOET OF WIlTCHEiaWK. TEAR. KAME. KANK. 1793. Levi Moor, Captain. " Adonijah Bixbj, Lieutenant. 1793. Isaac Noyes, Ensign. 1794. Thomas Gratori, Ensign. 1794. Isaac Noyes, * Lieutenant. 1794. Samuel P. Goodricb, Ensign. 1795. Levi Heywood, " " Tkomas Graton,, Lieutenant. 1797. Benjamin Wilder, ' " " Gyrus Btowb, Ensign. 179a Paul BoyntoBi, Lt. Colonel. " Levi Moor, Major. " Nathaniel Holman, Qr. Master. " Levi Heywood, Lieutenant. Benjamin Adams, ' ' " Daniel Boynton, Ensign. About this time some of the soldiers of Win- chendon belonged to the Cavalry, First Reg- iment Horse, Second Division. 1791. Joseph Brown, 2'd Lieutenant. Battalion of Cavalry, in Second Brigade, Seventh Division. 1790. Paul KaymoncT, Lieutenant. 1791. Joseph Brown, 2d Lieutenant. 1802'. Pbinehas Whitney, Lieutenant. 180&. " Captain. It was at this last date that the- aSair of the Chesapeake occurred, when the soldiers of the country were called upon to be in readiness for puWie service'. The Cavaliy Co. , made up of soldiei'& from this and neighboring towns, pa- raded at New Boston, and under the appeal of Capt. Whitney to volunteer with him, they all pledged themselves to march when summoned. They were root needed, but this spirit was none the less conspicuous. We return to the In- fantry. 1800. Jacob B. Woodbury, Lt. Col. Cora'g. 1800. Abel Jones, Ensign. 1801. Benjamin Hubbard, Lieutenant. " Abiel Alger, Ensign. 1802. Abel Jones, Lieutenant. 1802. Abiel Alger, Lieutenant. " Lemuel Heywood, Ensign. " Samuel Leach, " 1803. Nathaniel Holmau, Adjutant. William Bickfotd;, Qr. Master. HISTORY OF ■WINCHBNDOJT. 295 TEAR. NAME. RANK. Major. Lieutenant Ensign. it Captain. Lieutenant Ensign. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. Ensign. ■Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. Lt. Colonel. Lt. Col. Cofla'g. Captain. Ensign. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. Captain. Lieutenant. Unsign. 'Cafptain. Lieutenant. Unsign. Captain. Lieutenant. lEnsigtt. Oaptain. Lieutenant. Ensign. Captain. Lieutenant. lEnsign. Adjutant. Lieutenant * About this date, two Companies were formed, one belonging to the south- ern, and the other to the northern half of the town. They sometimes met oa the Common and engaged in exciting Sham-flghts. North Company. 1804. Benjamin Adams, " Lemuel Heywood, tt Timothy Hancock, (< David Beaman, 1805.* Lemuel Haywood * T< David Beaman, n Luke Prentice, tt Timothy Hancock.f it Israel Whitcomb,- a Joslua Stoddard, 1806. Lemuel Heywood,* 4( David Beaman, (< Luke Prentice, 1807. tt Benjamin Adams, It ti David Beaman,* it Charles Chase, 1808. Luke Prentice,* tt Charles Chase, ti Joseph Robbins, 1809. Israel Whitcomb, f - ter of 1842-3, there was a powerful revival of religion in this place, and about twenty persons were added to the Church. From that time to the present, there have been frequent accessions, both by letter and by profession, but the decrease by deaths aEid removals has sometimes neaiiy eq^ualed the increase. But on the whole some progress has been made in regard to mrmbers. In 1833 the membership did not exceed fifty ; in 1865 there were one hundred and seventy-one in fall membership, besides seventeen probationers." Mr. Greaton continues : ■" Our former records were very imperfect, at best, but were all lost down to the year 1837. I have had access to the first and second volumes of Dr. Abel Stephens' History of Methodism in New England, whwe I find 1^ names HISTOKY OF wmCHEITDON. 345 of tie preachers, and where they were stationed by the Conference, from the Commencement of Methodism in New England, down to the year 1809, which was three years previous to the time when I became a member. From the tune of the formation of the Society to 1812, (the year that I became a mem- ber,) I am indebted to Mrs. Eunice E. Poland for much valuable information. She united with the Church in 1801, and is now,— 1865 — the senior member of the Church, by eleven years. My name appears nest on the Becords, bear- ing date March, 1812. The Kecords now show that all of the former mem- bers of the Church have passed away by death or removals, (with the two ex- ceptions above named,) down to 1824. In this and the succeeding year, we find an addition of ten or twelve members, five of whom are still living in this town, and are members of the Church. Of those who were members when the present house of Worship was first occupied in 1833, only twelve raembera remain, all others having been removed by death or otherwise." THE SABBATH SCHOOL. The first Sabbath Sctiool in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Society, was organised in the summer of 1824, It consisted of about twenty scholars, a superintendent and three teachers. " The first ten or twelve years, our school was discontinued through the winter, and for several years we were destitute of a library." A few boots were occasionally purchased, which " were distributed as presents among the children. Some thirty-three or four years ago, one hundred vol- umes, (published expressly for Sabbath Schools,) were purchased, and our library has been replenished from time to time, till now, in 1865, it contains six hundred and thirty volumes." The scholars number one hundred and seventy-one. NAMES or THE PEEACHERS. It would be impossible, says Mr. Greaton, " for me to give a correct list" of all the Methodist ministers who have preached in this town. In the early days of Methbdism, it was not unfrequently the case that the Presiding Elder transferred preachers from one field to another, after three or six months, where it was thought they^pight be more useful. " As new fields were frequently opening, the ^rly preachers were often transferred to those new fields of labor, and generally in a few weeks, some other persons would be appointed to fill their place. Consequently we can obtain from the minutes of the Conference, only 346 niSTOEY OF WINCHENDON. the names of the preachers who were stationed at the meeting of the Conference." Here follows the list, from 1796 to 1868, inclusive : MINISTERS NAMES. 1796. Lorenzo Dow, P. Wager. 1797. Smyth Weeks. 1798. Elijah Bachelor. 1799. John Nichols, D. Browley. 1800. Henry Eames. 1801. Abner Wood, Martin Rutter. 1802. John G-ove, Nathan Pelch. 1803. Joshua Crowell, Phin. Cook. 1804. Thomas Ravlin. 1805. Wm. Stephens, J. Tinkham. 1806. Benjamin Hill, Bela Willis. 1807. Asa Hunt, Elisha Streeter. 1808. Benj. Hoyt, G. R. Norris. 1809. David Carr, Robert Arnold.- 1810. Ph. Munger, Step. Wingat9. 1811. Joel Steele, Lewis. 1812. Thomas W. Tueker. 1813. E. Streeter, V. R. Oshorn. 1814. A. Stebbins, B.enj. Shaw. 1815. B. Sabin, S. Winchester. 1816. Edw. Hyde, L. Bennett. 1817. L. Bennett, E. Steele. 1818. Joel McKee, Wm. Wright. 1819. A. Taylor, G. W. Fairbanks. 1820. Phinehas Orandall. 1821. E. Dunham, H. Thatcher. 1822. Barzillai Pierce. 1823. W. Barstow, Benj. Paine. 1824. Ai. Lummus, J. Harrington. 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831, 1832 1833 1884, 1835, 1836- 1838- 1840- 1842, 1843. 1844. 1845- 1847- 1849. 1850- 1852- 1854. 1855- 1857- 1859- 1861- 1863- 1866. . Asahel Otis. . J. E. Risley, Hiram Waldon. . Wm. Nelson, R. Spaulding. . Henry J. Wooley. . Enoch Bradley, H. Mayo. . William Braynard. . P. Townsend, E. Stephens. . P. Townsend, Obed Sperry. , 0. E. Bosworth, D. Graves. . H. Moulton, Philetus Green. , Otis Wilder, Thos. Marcy. 7. Richard Livesey. ■9. Stephen Gushing. 1. Nathan B. Spaulding. George W. Bates. , John T. Pettee. Kinsman Atkins(Jn. 6. David K. Merrill. •8. William Gordon. Howard C. Dunham. 1. Philander Wallingford. 3. Damon Y. Kilgore. A. Flagg. 6. Silas Piper. 8. William J. Hambleton. '60. J. W. P. Jordan. 2. Thomas B. Treadwell. 5. Edward S. Best. William Pentecost. "P. S. Previous to 1836, Winchendon Society belonged to Ashburn- hara circuit, which accounts for having two preachers in a year. In 1836, we were made a station." The following, found in the Town Records, follows properly as an appendix to the foregoing account of the Methodist Episcopal Society. It is entitled, J||| 'JjffilENEZER KICHABDSOn's LICENSE TO PREACH." " This may certify that Ebenezer Richardson has applied to us for liberty to preach in our Church, and after examination concerning his gifts, grace and usefulness, we judge him a proper person to be licensed, and we accord- '$'-. M@s^tl!i €©air©f iLtl@S!al (SSnas^el^ HISTORY OE WINCHENDON, 847 ingly authorizo him to preach. Signed in behalf of the Quarterly Conference held at Ashburnham. , Erastus Otis, Presiding 'Elder. Eindge, July 18th, 1818." "This may certify that Ebcnczer Eichardson, Jr., of Winchendon, is a regular member of a religious Society in Winchendon, called Methodist, and pays there. Stephen Weston, Smyrna Gkeaton, Bakzillai Maktin. Winchendon, Sept. 7, 1S20." THE PARSONAGE. The old parsonage was not owned by the Church, but by an associ- ation of the members formed for tlie specific purpose. The present par- sonage stands on the old location. It was finished in June, 1864. The cost was about 12500. It is a residence creditable to the Society. The building committee were Messrs. William L. Woodcock, Aaron Winch and William Wilder. The Rev. Mr. Best, who was in charge at the time, was very efficient in his efforts to secure a good parsonage for his successors. New parsonages and church edifice^ are his monu- i ments in various places. 4. TUB NOHTH 0O.VGR3GATI0NAL CHURCH. The tendency of the population towards the Village, which began about 1830, created a necessity for religious privileges there. Accord- ingly the Methodist Society acted vasely for themselves, and for the public good, when they erected their new house of worship, in 1832-3. For similar reasons, those members of the Congregational Church and congregation who resided in the northern part of the town, felt impelled to establish a meeting for themselves, and others who might join them, in the Village, and in 1842, or the beginnmg of 1843, several per- sons formed a company to build a meeting-house, which should be trans- ferred to a regular Congregational Parish, in due time. The names of the members of this company are copied below, to gratify the curi- osity of a future generation. They are as follows : Reuben Hyde, Ez- ra Hyde, Asa Hyde, Job Hyde, Artemas Edmands, Alvah Godding, Elisha Hyde, John Hyde, Oliver Lovejoy, Samuel Brown, John For- ristall, Isaac Goodspeed, Elisha Beaman, Ebenezer Butler, Nathan H. Hand, Mark Whitcomb, Harvey Wyman, Levi N. Fairbanks, William 848' HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Tolman, Sidney Fairbanks, William Brown, Daniels Ellis, Seth Tucker^ Jr., Cyrus Houghton. This company chose a building committee, con- sisting of Mark Whitcomb, Esq., Dr. A. Godding, Dea, Ebenezer But- ler, and perhaps others were members. The frame was raised on a pleasant day in June, 1843. A prayer was offered on the occasion by Mr. Marvin, at the time supplying the pulpit on the hill. The house was about 64 by 44 feet, including the portico and pillars — five feet — in front. The spire rose 110 1-2 feet from the ground. There were sixty-two slips on the floor of the house, besides a singers' gallery. The audience room was neatly finished, and quite pleasant. The original cost was not far from #5,000. CHURCH ORGANIZED. The North Congregational Church in Winchendon, was consti- tuted by a regular Ecclesiastical Council, on the 7th day of December, 1843. The Council was composed of the following members : From the Church in Royalston, Rev. Ebenezer Perkins, Br. William Chase ; Rindge, Rev. A. W. Burnham, Dea. L. Goddard ; Templeton, Rev. Lewis Sabin, Dea. B. Hawkes ; AVinchendon, Dea. Paul Raymond. Rev. Benjamin Rice acted with the Council hy request. Mr. Perkins was moderator, and Mr. Sabin scribe. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Rice ; Recognition and Consecrating Prayer by Mr. Perkins ; Fellowship of the Churches by Mr. Burnham ; Concluding Prayer by Mr. Sabin. The original members of the Church were sixty-seven, who were all members of the First Church, with one or two exceptions. They adopt- ed the following Confession of Faith, which, as it is brief, is given entire. '• We believe there is one God, self-existent, eternal, perfectly holy; the Creator and rightful Disposer of all things, subsisting in a manner mysteri- ous to us, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is the revealed will of God to mankind, and was given by inspiration, as the only unerring rule of faith and practice. We believe that mankind are fallen from their original rectitude, and are, while in a state of nature, wholly destitute of that holiness which is required by the divine law. We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Word, was made flesh, or in a mysterious manner, became man, and by his obedience, sufierings and death, made full satisfaction for the sins of the world, and opened a way by which HISTORY OP WINCHBNDON. 349 all who believe in him, with repentance for their sins, may be justified and saved, without an impeachment of the divine justice and truth. We believe that they, and they only, will be saved, in consequence of the merits of Christ, who are born of the spirit, and united by a living faith to the Son of God. We believe that God has appointed a day in which he will judge the world ; when there shall be a resurrection of the dead, and when all the righteous will enter on eternal happiness, and all the wicked will be condemned to eternal misery " The Covenant adopted at the same time, is substantially, and almost literally, like that of the First Church, as found on page 314. At this meeting, the Church voted unanimously, the female members concur- ring, to invite Mr. AbijakP. Marvin, a graduate of Trinity College, Hartford, and of the Yale Theolo^cal Seminary, who had been approba- ted to preach by the New London, Conn., Association, to settle with them in the Gospel Ministry. The Parish, -which had already been legally constituted, united in this invitation, vfithout a dissentmg voice. The correspondence between the parties is omitted. The invitation was ac- cepted, and the ordination services took place according to the follow- ing record. THE ORDINATION. The Council met on the 9th day of January, 1844, at the house of Dr. Alvah Godding, and was made up of ministers and delegates from the following Churches : Rindge, Rev. Mr. Burnham, Br. J. B. Breed ; South Royalston, Rev. S. H. Peckham, Br. D. W. Upham ; Temple- ton, Rev. Mr. Sabin, Br. Daniel Foster ; Athol, Rev. R. M. Chipman, Dea. Samuel Clapp ; Gardner, Rev. W. B. Stone, Br. R. G. Cowee ; Ashburnham, Rev. E. Jennison, Br. 0. G. Caldwell ; Royalston, Dea. E. Pierce ; Winchendon, Br. Henry Greenwood. Rev, B. Rice, of Winchendon, and Rev. Edward R. Tyler, (editor of the New England- er) of New Haven, being present, by verbal invitation of the Church and pastor elect, were invited to sit with the Council. Mr. Burnham was moderator, and Mr. Jennison, scribe. The examinatipn of the can- didate took place in the afternoon and evening. The next forenoon, which was a bright and pleasant winter day, the new meeting-house was dedicated to the worship of the triune God. The Rev. Richard M. Chipman ofiFered the Intaroductory Prater ; the 350 mSTORT OF WINCHEXDON. Sermon was by tlis pastor elect, and the Prayer of Dedication was by the Rev. Samuel H. Peckham, of South Royalston. lu the afternoon, the Ordination services took place in presence of a crowded assemblage. The Rev. Benjamin Rice, then ministering to the First Church, read the Scriptures, and made the Introductory Prayer ; the Sermon was by Mr. Tyler, of New Haven ; the Ordain- ing Prayer was offered by Mr. Jennison ; Rev. Mr. (now Dr.) Burn- ham, gave the Charge to the Pastor ; the Right Hand of Fellowship was by Rev. (now Dr.) Sabin ; the Address to the people was by Mr. Chipman, and Mr. Stone closed the exercises with prayer. The sing- ing, under the direction of Mr. Osgood Collester, was excellent, and all the services were well received by the large audience.* The min- ister was settled on a salary of $500 per annum, which was about the average of salaries in the neighboring parishes. Though the projectors of this new enterprise had misgivings about their ability to sustain public worship, and doubts whether a congrega- tion, respectable in number, could be collected ; and though they had but scanty encouragement from others, yet the house was immediately filled up, and from that time, there has been no lack of pecuniary means necessary to pay all the expenses of the parish. The congregation be- came, and remained the largest in town since the flourishing days of the First Church. The day succeeding the ordination, the pews were offered for sale, and nearly money enough was raised to pay for the meeting-house. Brothers Reuben Hyde and Ebenezer Butler, were chosen to the office of Deacon. In the year 1844, sixteen persons were received into the Church by letter, making the whole number eighty-three. Seven were received in 1845, four in 1846, three in 1847. In the next year, there were fifteen additions, eleven or twelve of which were by profession. From that date there have been admissions by profession, every year, except 1852. * Xlio following is taken from the Boston Recorder, January 25; 1844 : " The day was beautiful for a wintry day — the house crowded to overflowing, the .services solemn and appropriate, "the music excellent, and the appearance of the audience furnished ample evidence that a good impression was produced. This new church, having but just been oi'ganized, with their new meeting- house located in a flourishing village, and their young pastor in the freshness of ministerial life, commences its career by the brightest prospects of useful- ness and success." HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 351 ENLARGED HOUSE, AND BELL. In 1855, there was a need felt for more room, and money enough ■was subscribed for enlarging the house of worship. The east end of the house was removed, and an addition built on large enough to ad- mit twenty-four new pews. The gallery was enlarged by adding the front row of seats. In this way the capacity of the house was increas- ed about one half; that is, before the enlargement, the house would accommodate only about two-thirds as many as afterwards. There are eighty-six pews on the floor of the house, which will hold five or six persons, according to their size ; and the gallery will accommodate about fifty. At the same time, the eastern half of the basement, which is entirely above-ground, was finished oif into a Lecture room, two Parlors, a Dressing room, and large entry, for religious and social uses. The whole cost of these improvements was about $2,000. The entire length of the house, outside, is 84 feet. The audience room is about 70 by 42 feet. Dea. E. Butler, Mr. C. R. Whitman and Capt. C. W. Big- clow had charge of the work. The first bell was purchased by subscription, and was hung in the year 1848. It weighed 1640 pounds, and cost nearly $600. It was from the Meneely foundry, and was one of their sweetest toned bells. . This was broken, and in 1804, was replaced by another, which did not give satisfaction. This was returned, according to agreement, and the present bell obtained, in that year, at an expense of about $300.00 in addition to the old bell metal. Its weight is 1818 pounds. There were addicions to the Church, from year to year, amounting in all, during the pastorate of the first minister, to one hundred and thirty-two. Of these, about ninety joined by confessing Christ, all of whom were added in the eighteen last years of the period. The ut- most harmony prevailed during these years of rise and progress. Only a single instance of discipline — involving three persons — occurred, and in that case the conclusion reached was unanimous. No member who first united with this Church, by confessing Christ, has been a subject of discipline. The utmost care has been taken in the examination of candidates. Mr. Marvin asked a dismission on the 2"0th of July, 1865. The Church and Parish voted instead, to give him leave of absence for a year. Near the close of the year, (July 22, 1866,) he renewed the request, 352 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOW. and the Church united with him in calling a Council, by whom the ddSr solution of their relation as pastor and people, was effected, on the 22d day of August, 1866. ■> A Sabbath School was organized soon after the commencement of public worship, in 1844, and has been in a flourishing condition to the present time. The Superintendents have been Deacons Hyde and But- ler, and Messrs. Maynard Partridge, Harvey Wyman, Grover S. Whit- ney, and Orlando Mason ; the latter having served many years. The library contains a good collection of books, numbering several hundred volumes, some of them of permanent value. The Sabbath School, for several years, has numbered about one hundred and eighty. The salary of the minister was |500 for several years. For a year or two it was |550 ; and then $600. In 1856 it was raised to |800, and so remained till 1866, except that in 1862, Mr. Marvin gave up 10 per cent., or $80, on account of the " hard times." On the settle- ment of Mr. Austin Dodge, who was ordained and installed on the 9th of October, 1866, it was raised to $1200. He continued as pastor about one year, when he was dismissed by a mutual Council. The Church passed highly complimentary resolutions in his favor. The Eev. Davis Foster is now supplying the pulpit on an engagement for a year, with a salary of $1500. The Church took early measures for raising money in aid of the great benevolent objects of the day. Besides private benefactions to those in want, without distinction of class or denomination, to aid whom the members have ever been prompt, a regular collection has been taken at every season of communion, for the benefit of members of the Church in needy circumstances. The contributions for other benevolent objects for several years, amounted to about $300 per annum ; averaging rath- er more than that sum. In 1860, the sum was $467 ; in 1861, about $470; in 1862, $321: in 1868, $495; in 1864, $663; in 1865, about $720. The average for the two succeeding years was about the sum last named. The whole amount is more than $10,000. 6. BAPTIST CHUKCH IN THE VILLAQE. This Church was organized in the year 1848, on the 27th of April. It was composed of members of the Church in New Boston, and others living in and near the Village, who belonged to churches m other towns. The ori^al number was thirty. The Rev. Andrew Dunn, who had '^iiuiiiyiiiiiuiL.. -•^H Av^ .d^^ HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 358 ministered for several years to the church in New Boston, was the first pastor. In co-operation with Mr. Seth Tucker, Jr., and others, he was acfive in starting the enterprise. The fact that the Congregational and Methodist Churches were well filled on the Sabbath, and that the population of the Village was steadily increasing, seemed to warrant the undertaking, and the success which has followed, fully vindicates the wisdom of those engaged in. it. Measures were immediately taken to erect a house of worship. !l!he members of the church, and their friends in the congregation, subscribed liberally. Others who thought the es- tablishment of anew religious society, would be conducive to the improve- ment of society in the place, rendered assistance. A neat and com- modious sanctuary was erected, and was dedicated to the Triune God, on the 17th day of January, 1849. The Sermon on the occasion was preached by the Rev. Rollin H. Neale, D. D., pastor of the First Bap- tist Church in Boston. Other parts in the exercises were borne by Rev. Messrs. Tracy, Bowers and Dunn. The services were deeply interest- "ing to a large audience. From this time onward the Church has received additions from year to year, by a regular, steady growth. At the end of the first year, the Church consisted of thirty-eight members. There had been " no special revival, but some were rejoicing in hope." The first Deacons were Jo- seph White and John L. Reed. Mr. 0. Collester was the first Clerk. He was also the leader of the choir, and the singing was conducted with great spirit. Much interest was manifested in the Sabbath School, which was attended by nearly all the children of the congregation, and by all the members of the Church who could be present. During the Becond year, the Church is reported to have " enjoyed a precious and extensive revival." . Much of the interest in this awakening was felt amoilg those who resided in Spring Village. Mr. Goodale, a young man who was preparing for the Missionary work, but who died in the course of this year, was very active in rendering assistance to the pas- tor. Twenty-seven persons were received by baptism, and seven by letter, during the year ending September, 1850. Three had been dis- missed, leaving the whole number sixty-nine. In the next year two were added by baptism, and eleven by letter ; so that, after deducting a few dismissions and exclusions, the Church contained eighty members. The society was united and prosperous during the following year. SB 354 HISTOSY OF WINCnESDON. The year closing September, 1853, seems to have been a season of depression. The Church was without a pastor, the Rev. Mr. Dunn hav- ing removed to another place. Preaching was sustained but part of the time. Seventeen were dismissed to other Churches, and others left town. In addition, the furious tornado which rushed over the Village, August 27, 1853, broke off the spire, and otherwise injured the sanc- tuary. The Rev. A. Baldwin became pastor in the year 1854, and continued in that relation about three years. He was a faithful min- ister, and the Church recovered somewhat from its depression. In 1.856, four " young ladies in the Sabbath School were hopefully con- verted." After the departure of Mr. Baldwin, in 1857, the Church was reported to the Wachusett Baptist Association, as " in a low and dying condition," There were but " nineteen male members, and of these nine did not live in town." The report of the next year was more favorable. Rev. Lester Will- iams though not a settled pastor, was efficient in his ministrations. There were some cases of conversion, and there was an increasing interest in the Sabbath School. The Church now numbered sixty-nine. Mr. Will- iams was succeeded in the course of the next year, by Rev. W. W. Ash- ley. In the report from the Church printed in the Minutes of the Wa- chusett Association for 1860, we find the following : " Winchendon. — This body report themselves a united Church, a hopeful Church, a strong Church, a growing Church, and are thankful to God for his bene- fits." Four were added by baptism, and the whole number was sixty- nine. Mr. Ashley left in April, 1861, and the Church had preaching by different ministers for several months. In the summer of this year, Mr. Greorge A. Litchfield entered upon the work of the ministry here, and his labors were attended with success. At the time of the annual report in September, 1862, it was stated that a " deep sense of the divine pres- ence pervaded the Church," and with " scarcely an exception, all seemed ready to come up to the help of the Lord." Twenty-two were added to the Church by baptism, and the number rose to eighty-seven. The Sabbath School was flourishing. The report for the next year dated September, 1863, says : " We are a united Church, united in our pas- tor, free from debt, and praying for the conversion of sinners." There was considerable religious interest during the winter, though no known conversions. One member of the Church and Sabbath School had died HISTOfiY OP ■WINCHENBON. 355 m the service of his country. The number of members of the Church reported in 1864, was one hundred and four. The house of worship was usually well filled on the Sabbath, and the Sabbath School was lar- ger than usual. The Church enjoyed outward and spiritual prosperity. During the year 1864-5, there were indications at times that the Lord was coming to bless in copious measure, and although anticipations were not realized, yet some souls were " rescued from the downward road, and the religious condition of the Church was permanently improved." The young people's prayer meeting had its origin at this time, and since then has been well sustained. Mr. Litchfield's pastoral labors termi- nated in the autumn of 1865, the state of his health inducing him to chaise his occupation, though he has frequently preached on the Sab- bath in various places. His pastorate was filled with labor, and was at- tended with success. In 1865, the Church had one hundred and eleven members. Since ihat time the Church has had no pastor or stated supply, but has enjoyed the services of.a large number of ministers. In the fall of 1866, the Church was refreshed with a precious revival, commencing with the young, and resulting in the conversion of many children, youth, and persons of middle age. The work seemed to be under the imme- diate direction of the Holy Spirit, and went steadily forward without any regular pastoral labor- It was noticed that whoever preached — and there was a new minister almost &s often as the Sabbath came — the Spirit appeared to speak as if he had been specially directed what message to bring to thewaiting congregation. The members of the Church were generally active. The number of admissions by baptism as the fruits of this work, was thirty-eight. The congregation has since been favored with the services of a number of ministers, but has not succeeded in se- curing one as a permanent pastor. In 1867, the house was repaired, at considerable expense, internally, and the spire, blown over by the gale m 1853, was rebuilt. The congregation has increased with the steady growth of the Village. The following have been chosen deacons, viz : Otis Chamberiain and Windsor N. Wlute- 6. SHE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Soon after the openmg of the Cheshire Railroad, in 1848, the incom- ing of families of Irish parentage, created a need for the mimstrations 856 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. of the Catholic priesthood. Meetings were held occasionally, by the priest from Fitchburg, or elsewhere, until the year 185-, when a build- ing erected for another purpose, was fitted up for a Church, on the north side of the Village, some fifty rods north of the Railroad Station, where religious services have been maintained, at stated times, ever since. 7. THE UNITARIAN SOCIETY. The town hall was occupied by those holding Unitarian sentiments, in the year 1851. The " Third Congregational Society" was organ- ized, January 17, 1852. Various gentlemen preached for them in suc- cession, whose names cannot be recalled, with the exception of Rev. Mr. Mclntire, of Ktchburg, and Rev. Mr. I. Putnam, a young man of great promise, who died soon after. On the 19th of January, 1852, Rev. T. H. Dorr was duly installed. The Sermon was by Rev. Calvin Lincoln, of Fitchburg ; Installing Prayer, Rev. John S. Brown, Fitzwilliam ; Right Hand, Rev. Wm. P. Tilden; Address to the people. Rev. Dr. A. Hill. Other members of the Council were Revs. E. Gr. Adams, H. 0. White, C. Wellington, H. Stebbins, A. Young, D. D., F. D. Himtington, J. D. Bridge, Samuel. Pettis, and S. F. Clark. Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Tucker presented a " costly and valuable Bible." After about a year's service, the engage- ment with Mr. Dorr was dissolved by mutual consent. After his depar- ture, different ministers, including Rev. Mr. Hicks, supplied for two or three years, when Rev. Benjamin Huntoon was invited. He was here some two years, 1856-8. He was much esteemed by the public gen- erally. There was an intermission of services for several years, but in the' winter of 1864r-5, a society was formed, styled the Third Congrega- tional Society. The Rev. Charles H. Wheeler was engaged to preach, in the month of September, 1865, and has continued to the present time. A building committee was chosen, consisting of the following gentlemen, viz : I. M. Murdock, B. D.. Whitney, Wm. W. Whitney, Sidney Fairbanks, John Folsom and George Goodspeed, under whose direction a church was erected in the years 1866-7, which was dedica- ted on the 13th day of November, 1867. The Prayer of Dedication was offered by Rev. Mr. Wheeler ; the Sermon by Rev. Dr. Bartol, of Boston, and an address was delivered by Rev. E. E. Hale, of Boston. 4- J, GliUFGbi q£ ttoe XTaitf . HISTORY OF WINCHENDON* 357 This house, styled " Church of the Unity," is a fine specimen of archi' tecture, unsurpassed in elegance by any edifice of the kind> between Boston and Berkshire. It is an ornament to the place, and will remain a " thing of beauty" for generations. It is built of Fitzwilliam gran- ite, and is 45 by 95 feet in dimensions. The spire rises one hundred and thirteen feet from the base. The whole cost, including the organ, was about $44,000. Sinae the church was opened for worship, there has been a good attendance, and the- Sabbath School is flourishing. In former times, there was Universalist preaching in the town. About the year 1840, Rev. Mr. Clark, then of Jaffrey, and others, held meet' ings, either statedly or occasionally, in the Village school-house. Af- terwards, similar meetings were held in the Waterville school-house, in the afternoon or evening of the Sabbath. But no meeting of the kind has been held in the town for several years ; the larger part of those who used to be present at them, now attending at the Church of the Unity. Spiritualism and kindred notions never had much prevalence in the town. 8. SCHOOL-nOOSB MEEtlNGS. The ministers have been in the habit of holding meetings in the va- rious sahool'-houses, from time to time, but the only stated meetings of this kind have been in Spring Village and Waterville. Mn John D. Dunbar, and the Messrs. White have always favored the holding of meetings on Sabbath evenings in the school-house, which belongs to the corporation. Sometimes the pastors of the Churches have made it in their way to preach in the school'hoilse ; and at other times, ministers have been employed for a season. Rev. Leonard Tra* oy. 8&S CHAPTEE XXIT.— BUSINES-S OF WIN- OHENDON. " How blest the fanner's simple life ! How ptti'e the joy it yields ! Wat from the world'a tempestuous strife-, Free, 'mid the scented fields ! Rev. C. W. EvEunsf. "Tbc sreitfa, a mighty man is lie." LoxorELLQ-W. "With a bnzz and ahum swift rolls the wheel, In go wool, cotton, wood, iron and steel, Out come the nice cloth, barrows, hoops and sleds, Fig boxes, lemon squeezers, faucets and beds. Pails, tubs, clnirna, buckets, the sewing machine, And strawberry baskets fit for a queen." MACniNiE POESIS. The history of business in the town cannot be made complete,- he- cause the information needed was lost when the Assessors' books were burned. What can be gleaned from the Records, and from the mem" orj "of aged persons, in relation to the last century ; and from various Sources, in regard to the present century, will be arranged, so far a9 oonvenieat, in chronological order. SECTION 1. l-AUMIXG AND STOCK. The chief business of the early settlers was fanning, The best land in all parts of the town was soon taken up, and put under cultivation. Some had much more land than they could properly manage, but in time this was divided among children, or sold to new comers, till farms became more convenient in size. As long ago as 1790, about thirty- si.x years after the organization of the town, there were probably as many engaged in cultivating the land, and drawing their subsistence from it, as there are at the present day. Two-thirds of our present population live in the villages, and are employed otherwise than in agriculture. The soil in old times was said to bo good. The ordinary crops of S64 filSTOKY OP WI2fCflEStoO:f. central 'Sew England were raised in this town. Late frosts sonletimes cut down the new corn, beans and vines ; and in some seasons, early frosts in autumn, injured the unripened fruits of the earth. But in general the farmer was well rewarded for his labor. Pastures and grass lands have always yielded well, as the soil is naturally moist except on the sand plains. With good cultivation, the lands have borne well to every successive generation of farmers. During the last quarter of a century, there has been a decided improvement in different parts of the town ; especially near the Village. The aspect of the land is more pleasant, as stumps, rocks and hummocks have been removed. In former times, cattle and horses were pastured and fed here in considerable numbers. Neat stock were sent here in the spring, and driven away in the fall, to market. Horses were taken up from belowj as cold weather came on, and iVere fed, during the winter, on the su- perabundant hay. Thus the hay was sold at a good profit, manure was saved for the land, and the farmer was paid for his trouble. Some of the inhabitants, as William Whitney, and Phinehas, his son, besides this business, dealt largely in cattle and horses, at times, with profit. Besides, thousands of cattle, sheep and swine, used to be driven through the town, on the way to market, and quite a revenue was obtained from feeding them while on the way. SECTION 2.-'^TIIE FIKST MILLS. yhe first reference to a mill in the Proprietors' Records, is under date of 1738. It was voted " that twenty shillings on each original right be raised for the encouragement of such persons as shall build a saw-mill." Nothing was done. In 1742, March 14, the following ac- tion was had. " Voted, that Col. Thomas Berry, Messrs. William Brown and Samuel Dodge be a committee to build a saw-mill in the most convenient place, and for the best advantage to the Proprietors, taking the best advice therefor," It is said, on good authority, that the mill was built where the Carter mill now stands, but it was not put in operation for several years. The above committee were " direct^ cd and empowered to treat and agree with Joseph Priest, or his son, or some other blacksmith, to do the Proprietors' blacksmith's work in the Township in the best way and manner they Can for the advan- tage of the Proprietors." Priest had been induced by a grant of land by government, to build a house of entertainment, on the road from HISTOEY OP WINCHENBON. 365 Keene to Lunenburg, just over the Royalston line, west from Mr. George Gregory's. There is an old tradition that an attack was made on this " half-way house," in 1747, by Indians. An aged woman said so to somebody, but no authentic information of anything so warlike in this neigborhood, can be found. In 1756, March 10, the saw-mill was accepted. This was eighteen years after the first vote in relation to a saw-mill, and fourteen years after it is supposed to have been built ; but only three or four years after the actual and permanent settlement of the place. Two years later, November 30, 1758, we have the first notice of an efibrt to build a grist, or corn-mill, in the township. The Proprietors voted that they would " act on the affair to build a grist-mill." And they farther vo- ted, that " for encouragement, two dollars be granted on each original right, to any person or persons, that shall undertake and build a grist- mill in said Township, and keep said mill in repair, and grind for the inhabitants for lawful toll, for the term of ten years ; and that the money shall be paid as soon as the milHs fit to grind. Also, 100 acres of land, with the stream, be given by said Proprietors, for further encourage- ment to the person or persons, that shall undertake and build said mill." The mill was built before 1762, by Bartholomew Parsons, or Pearson, because in that year we find it recorded that a bridge was built " over the river by Mr. Parsons' mill-place." This mill stood near the shop of Messrs. Loud. A saw-mill was added, as the wants of the neigh- borhood required, and both were continued, though in successive build- ings, until recently. The last building, which covered both sets of machinery, is now the west end of Goodspeed & "Wyman's long shop. Among the .proprietors of this mill, or more correctly, mill-site, were Bartholomew and Richard Parsons, Mr Cambridge, Mr. Mason, Ben- jamin Hall, Gamaliel Beaman, Miles Putnam, Amos Goodhue, Phine- has Whitney, and Amasa Whitney, the Winchendon Manufacturing Company and the present owners. Many kinds of business have been pursued in connection with this water power. Messrs. Phinehas & Amasa Whitney had an oil mill in operation^^ several years, where the Messrs. Loud now make faucets. Flaxseed Was pressed for the oil, and the residue was made into oil cake and fed to cattle. This business was given up in 1828. In 1793, there was a clothier in town, named Cambridge. His mill was not far from the dam. The fulling miU was burned in 1818. Mr. 366 niCTORY OF WINCHENDOX. Silas Coffin run the mill from 1812 to 1816. It was rebuilt and spin- ning macluHery was put in. The weaving was done in families. The building was burned in 1825. A new factory was erected, and ma- chinery for weaving was added. During these years the business was carried on by Mr. Amasa Whitney. It then — about 1837 — passed into the possession of the Winchendon Manufacturing Co. Mr. George Coffin and Messrs. Coffin & Vose, and Mr. Denny, of Barre, and again Mr. Coffin carried it on successively as a woolen factory. The Seamless Garment Company rented the building in 1856 and a year or two thereafter. It was burned in the year 1859. In 1793, there were two or three Potash works in the town. One was a little east of the house of Esq. Rice ; halfway down the hill-side, "by the road. Another was on the Asa Perley place. It is not certainly known what mill was set up next, in the order of time ; but the Cook mill was iimong the first. This was just south-west of the bridge this side of Burrageville, aiid near the present road to Ashburnham. The old logs which always are to be found near old dams and saw-mills, are still embedded in the sand. This mill was in existence as early as the year 1793, when, according to Whitney's History of the coianty, there were six saw-mills and two grist-mills in this town. There was a run of stones in the Cook mill, for the conven- ience of the neighborhood. The way to the mill was by a cart-path^ running north -from the old Ashburnham road to the river. This path or mill-road started near the house of Mr. John Cook. The mill was abandoned not far from the year 1818. Coming down the stream about one-third of a mile, we find the site of the old Stimson mill, not far east from the bridge on the road that leads north from the Estey, or No. 5 school-house, to the Baldwin place. It belonged to Jonathan Stimson, who lived near ; afterwards it was the property of Roger Bigelow, and then of Nathan Knight. It was an old mill as long ago as 1800, and was given up about that time. The Butler mill, so called, was started about 1795, by Jonas Mar- shall. It was in the hands of Rufus Wilder about fourteen years, from 1806 to 1820, at which last date it fell again into the possession of Mr. Marshall. . It was then sold to Cyrus Pierce, who put in a grist-mill. In 1826, the property was bought by Messrs. Joel and Ebenezer But- ler, father and son. In 1864, Messrs. Wyman, Rice & Bigelow be- HISTORY OF WINCnENBOS. 367 came the proprietors ; then Messi-s. Rice & Wyman, who sold out in July of the present year to Mr. George S. Coffin. It has been much improved of late. The mill-stones have been taken out, and all the space is employed in working up timber for various uses. It is now to be used as a woolen mill. Going now to the north branch of the river, we find that in 1805 there was a small house over the spring which gives the name to Spring Village, but there was no dwelling-house. Jacob Whitney, father of Elias Whitney the surveyor, owned the land. He lived north-east of the John Crosby place, more than half a mile from the spring. Some years later, Capt. Israel Wood started a saw-mill, where the cotton fac- tory now stands. In 1826, a woolen factory was set up by Silvenus Holbrook, and managed by Rob't Follett. Then came Philip Ridgway. William and John D. Dunbar began the cotton business in 1831 . The establishment took the name of the Nelson mills in 1843, when Messrs. Henry Upham and others, including Dea. Joseph and Mr. Nelson D-. White, became proprietors. From that time to the present, the latter gentleman has had charge of the business, of which he has been the principal owner since 1845. The first factory was built of wood. This was burned in May, 1854. The next year, the present building was erected. It is of brick, of the modem style of architecture, with tower and bell, and with neat surroundings. During thfc pi-esent year, 1868, the building is receiving large additions, giving it a capacity of 7000 spindles. Following down the stream, we come to the Caswell, or Bigelow mill, which was run by David Caswell ; then by Capt. Charles W. Bigelow, and is now the property of Murdock & Co. Farther down stream, and about one mile and a half north-east from the Village, is the Murdock mill. A dam and mill were built here in 1827. It Avas in the hands of Joseph Adams from 1829 to 1836. He was lulled by an accident in 1836, soon after parting with the property. Since the year 1836, it has been the property of Capt. Ephraim Murdock, Jr., and Murdock & Co. Mr. Murdock became the owner in that year, and Major Sidney Fairbanks was taken into partnership in 1849. By removing the dam at the Caswell mill, and raising the dam of the lower mill, a head of water of more than thirty feet can be obtained. This would be a power probably unsurpassed in the county. The Woodbury mill was on the new county road to Gardner. The 3D0 history of WINCHEN»Oir. stream is small, and the mill was run' only a' parti of the year. The fii'st mill was built in the year. 178-, by Isaac Woodbury. The sec- ond, by his brother, Col. J. B. Woodbury. Nehemiah, son of the lat- ter, built it the third time. It was run by Capt. Levi Priest, a brother- in-4aw of the latter, during the last years of its existence, being at the time the property of Mr. John Woodbury, . About the beginning of the century, and some years later, there was a tannery behind the spot on which the Bank now stands. A Mr. Burr was the proprietor'; afterwards it was owned and improved by Esq. Morse. His currier's shop was where Mr. William W. Whitney now lives. The frame of the shop was newly covered, and so made into the' house, by additions* In 1817, Mr. Morse built a. small dam part way across the river, and put up a tannery where the tan-works now stand. Previously he had ground the bark in a horse mill. This establishment grew by degrees, during his day. After his decease, in 1850, it was purchased by Messrs. Nelson & Eice, of Shrewsbury. Mr. George- Brown became a joint proprietor and resident manager at this time. At his death' in 1866, Mr. Jonas A; Stone took the same position.. The business is extensive. There was formerly a blacksmith shop opposite the house of Hon. Elisha Murdock, on the hill-side. It was owned by Esq. Murdock. He made sleighs in a sh^ which is now the residence of Mr. A. Whitney, Jr. The iron work for the sleighs was ^done in the blacksmith shop. This latter shop is now the property of Daniel ' and Salmon Scott, at the corner of Front and River streets. In 1823, Esq. Murdock set up a small shop, 20 by 18 feet, close by ,the Morse dam, for cutting stuff for sleighs. In due time the dam was raised and extended across the river. The- power was greatly increased, and in the course of years, put to more extensive use. Col. William Murdock built a machine and bobbin shop in 1831. This was half way from the dam to the tannery. Still later, Capt. Murdock put up a building between Col. M's and the dajn. This was burned, and anoth- er was built. It was occupied by Mr. William Beaman, for a time, as a pail shop. Mr. M. T. Nash has manufactured various articles, by the help of this water power. The most recent water power in the Vil- lage is that of Mr. Baxter D. Whitney, at the railroad crossing. It was begun in 1846.' Going dowrr-stream, half way to Waterville, we find another fine mill - ^./ 'f 1 ?^' 4» s^^^o sE®m^ii, HISTOEY or WINCHBNDON. 369 ' site. Here Capt. Levi Priest and Dea. Eeuben Hyde put up a dam about 1825, but this was washed away. In 1850, Mr. Joseph A. Rob- bins and his brother Hervey, built anew, and secured a great power. A large shop was erected, in part of which is an excellent flouring-mill, with two run of stone. The main part of the building is used by Mr. William Beaman, in the manufacture of wooden ware. The establish- ment is now owned jointly by Mr. Beaman, and by Messrs. Beals & Bowker. The latter firm carry on the flour and grain business. The first mill helow Waterville was built about eighty years since, by Daniel Farrar, Sen., and a Mr. French. It was a saw and grist- mill, owned by Mr. Amasa Whitney when it was burned in 1810 or 12. The first mill in Waterville was the Aldrich mill, so called, built not far from 1820. It is the lower, or third one in the centre of Water- ville. It was built by William, or " uncle Bill" Bobbins. His son Lewis afterwards was connected with the establishment. Then Rich- ard Stuart, and still later, the Aldrich brothers, were proprietors. It is now in the possession of E. Murdock & Co., or Whitney & Whit- man. The upper mill was first started by Lewis Bobbins, about 1825. The first attempt to make pails, tubs, &c., by machinery, was by Tuck- er & Chessman, between 1820 and 1830, either at this or the lower mill. The staves were not sawed, but spht with a free. They were shaved by hand, with a curved shave. • Mr. Shailer next took the business, and he was succeeded by Lewis Bobbins. Elisha Murdock bought the mill and water privilege in 1834. It was carried on by him successfully untill 1860, when his son-in-law, William W. Whitney, entered into partnership. In 1862, a new ar- rangement was made, by which Mr. Murdock retired, and James Whit- man became a partner. The business is still done under the title of E. Murdock & Co. The mill privilege now belonging to Woodcock & Sawyer, was first improved about the year 1835, by Capt. George Alger and Moses Han- cock. . The mill-site of Mr. 0. Mason was first occupied by Mr. Polycrates, ([^commonly called Cratus) Parks. He made clothes-pins, &c. This was in 1832. In 1845,. Mr. Bphraim Kendall bought the property and built a saw-mill and a pail-shop. In 1853, the firm became Ken- dall & Mason. In 1863, Mr. Mason became the sole proprietor. Si 370 HISTORY OF WTINCHENDON. Some ihirty-five years since, Moses Foskett took the water from the river, below the Aldrich mill, by a ditch across the fields almost to the corner of the old Boyalston and the Waterville roads, near his house, thence across the road northerly twenty or thirty rods, where he had a saw-mill. This was given up in 1852. In 1851, "Warren and Alfred Hyde, sons of Ezra Hyde, Jr., the his- torian of the town, and grandson of the first Ezra, built the Hyde inill in Hydeville. The dam was swept away in 1852 ; then re-built ; then in 1853, came into possession of the present Ezra Hyde. As the Fos- , kett mill took the water from the river above this mill and returned it below, that was now abandoned. Various kinds of business have been carried on at the Hydeville shops, such as chair making, the makmg of fancy boxes, spring beds, matresses, carte, sleds, and wheelbarrows for children, &c. A mile farther down the stream was the Kilbum mill-site, now aban- doned. This was used for cutting lumber. Stuart's brook comes in from Fitzwilliam about a mile east from the northwest corner of the town. A dam was built by Joseph Bobbins, in Robbinsville, about the beginning of this century. This has been in successive hands, and for many years past, has been a wooden ware es- tablishment, as well as saw-mill. Reuben Harris came into possession in 1845 ; Percival Sherwin and George B. Raymond were the next owners. It is now the property of Harrison Aldrich & Co. The lo- cality is sometimes called Harrisville. Descending the stream to BullardviUe, we come to the mill and bob- bin shop of the Messrs. Parks. There have been at least five different sites for a dam near this place, and all below the present one. The first was built probably by Jeremiah Stuart, sometime after the Revolution, but the year cannot be ascertained. The dam on the spot now occupied, was put up in 1827, by Levi Parks and his brother Luke. It was sub- sequently owned by Charles BuUard, Calvin R. Whitman, Day & Parks, Whitman" & [Edwin] Parks, and perhaps by others. Whitman, Parks, Day, and others, used it in making wooden ware. Messrs. Levi N., Martin H. and William Parks are now engaged in making an improved bobbin, (their own invention) in great quantity. The east branch of Stuart's brook comes in from Rindge, a little more than a mile east fi-om the west branch. Benjamin May has a saw-mill • HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 371 near the State line. It was built by his father some eighty years since. Just below is the mill built in 1828, by William Bobbins, called " uncle Bill." It is now the property of Nahum Bobbins, his son. Descendmg to Bullardville, we find the mill of Edward Loud, Jr. This was started by the above "William Bobbins, who was also the pio- neer in settling WaterviUe. He began sometime between 1805 and 1810. Edward Loud, Sen., owned and run it many years. His son Edward has carried on the business — ^making measures, &c., — for sev- eral years past. Crossing the road south, and on the west side of the stream, a shop was built about 1820, by Jacob Simonds. It was afterwards run by Bill and Jake Taylor, and Levi Haskell. About forty years since, it became the property of Phinehas Parks, Jr., and is still in his pos- session. It has been used in cutting up timber for various purposes. The Gibson mill, so called, near the mouth of Priest's brook, was built not far from the beginning of the century. It stood near the road to South Eoyalston. A flood swept it away in 1817. It was rebuilt farther down stream, on the present site. Just below is the sash and blind shop of Mr. Minot Patch. The mill belonging to William Beaman, about half way from Car-, ter's mill to the Vt. & Mass. railroad, was put up in 1843-4. WOOD WARE. In early times, shmgles in large quantities, were split out of the no- ble pines which almost covered the land. From this circumstance, neigh- boring people called the place Shingletown. There is an old joke that shingles were used for currency. It is said that when a party of young fellows took their girls to ride, they used to throw a bundle or two of shingles into the wagon to pay their tavern bills. In due time the abundance of pine timber was worked into other forms, chiefly by hand. The first attempt at making pails, &;c., by machinery, has been referred to above. The invention of the cylinder or barrel saw, by Dea. Beuben Hyde, was the indispensable requisite to the rap- id making of pails, tubs, chums, &c. After Elisha Murdock engaged in the business, the improvement in machinery was a steady growth. At first the staves were split with a free, and shaved by hand. Then they were set up endwise and driven down between two shaves, one 372 msTOET OF wikchendoh;. # concave and ifee other convex. The present mode was a great improve^ ment. When Mr. Murdock wanted anything in the shape of machin- ery, he used to g» to ihe shop of his brother William and aslc him if lie coisid fix iL And so the ingenious machinery by which wood ware is now tamed off bo rapidjy, took ^ape. Others, by ihdr ingenuity, conbibuted to the final perfection. At present there are eight or mne large mills for themaMngof wood ware in the town. Two are car^^d on by Mnrdock & Co., two by E. MBidook & Co., one by Irnag E. Weston, one by Washington Whit- ney, one by William Seaman, one by Woodcock & Sawyer, one by Or- lando Mason, the Sibley mill, and the Aldrich & Co. mill. This boaness was the specialty of the town, for many years. From small begiMmi^ it grew by degrees to its present importance. The in- Teniiaii of the cylinder saw made it possible for the buaness to be done on an exbgoave scale. The Hon. Elisha Murdock, and Capt. Ephraim MmrSo^, availing themselves of this and other faculties, commenced a mew era isa Sie wood ware business, which has been followed up by them- edves and others to the present time. The statistics of this and oi^er feaacfces of biaan^s eamiot bo gjven for want of space. It would re- qpre & volome. For several years, the {^ and tab buaness was con- fined to Urn town, bnt it is now carried on in many places, east and Tfcst Nearly all &e machinery, however, for the i^ops far and near, has betsn made in got machine shops. COTTON BJILLS. !Oie woden mills have sdready been referred to, so far as their ori^ is omcensed ; and as none are in operation now, nothing farther need be sw.d in lelalion to them. There are two cotton fectories now in suc- ce^fid bosmess, — one in Spring Village, and one at B. D. Whitney's dam. The on^B and Mstoiy of the first has already been ^ven. The second was built in 1858-4, is 112 feet long and 45 feet wide, and is two stories in heigiht, beades the attic. The Mill is rented by N. D. White & Co., and is under &e superintendence of Dea. Windsor N. White. It contains 2,500 spindles. MACHIK^ SHOPS. The first machine shop, properly so called, was started by Col. WiE- imiMvxdoek, in 1839. It was thou^ quite wondecfol that he had a mSTOET OP WraCHENBOH. 373 tnadune mth whieh he could stave iron. Probably Ms shop has turned out the greatest variety of work of any in town. Baxter D. WMtney was engaged with him several years. In 1846, he built the railroad dam, and set up a saw-mill and machine shop where his extensive estabhshment now stands. The mill and dam were car- ried away by the flood of 1852. Since them all the other buildings, in- cluding foundry, wooden-ware shop, factory, carriage-makers and black- smith shops, have been erected. Mr. Whitney makes machinery for working in wood, and his machines are widely and favorably known. The LoMon " Engineering," in 185T, in an article upon American mar chineiy, says that the English workmen prefer the American machines to those taade in etny other country, and that Mir. Whitney's gjre the best. In 1860, Messrs, st Hatl@ffial Baak. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 375 and Oliver, wrouglit at the same trade. Most of tHs business in the Village, during the last thirty-five years, has been in the hands of Oli- ver Adams, Daniel and Salmon Scott, Harvey Wyman and Luke Hale. J. C. Lynch is a carriage maker, and Levi Flagg aids in promodng gen- eral cleanliness by making a large quantity of soap. The workers and dealers in tin, copper, stoves, &c., at different times, have been Wm. and S. Knapp, E. T. Eussell, J. P. Barber and A. P. Bateman. Bricks in large quantity, are made by S. Chamberlain and Wm, Brown. But this catalogue must have an end. AMOUNT OP BUSINESS. It is not possible to ^ve the exact amount of manufacturing business in the town annually. The following derived from an authentic source, is ^ven as an approximation. The annual product of wood ware, and things of that nature, amounts probably to the value of $400,000. The cotton fabrics are not less than $300,000. Machinery of various kinds, amounts to nearly $150,000. Other manufactures will swell the sum total to $1,000,000. To this must be added the products of the soil, the profits of trade, &c. CORPORATIONS. WINCHENDON SAVINGS BANK. This was organized in 1854. Hon. Elisha Murdock was the first President, Sullivan B. Ball, Treasurer, and Calvin R. Whitman, Clerk. Quite a large amount has been deposited in the bank, from the begin- ning. The present deposits are not less than $175,000. The .follow- ing is the present board of officers ; E. Murdock, Jr., President ; Al- vah Goddmg, Wm. Brown, 2d, J. H. Fairbank, M. T. Nash, N. D. White, and W. L. Woodcock, Vice Presidents ; Silas Raymond, Ix- vmg E. Weston, Seth Tucker, 0. Mason, Henry Whitcomb, B. Ellis, S. Fairbank, B.D. Whitney, C. C. Alger, and I. M. Murdock, Trus- tees ; (S-. H. Whitney, Auditor ; B. Ellis, Secretary, pro tern ; Charles L. Beals, Treasurer. WINCHENDON NATIONAL BANK. This institution was started in 1864, as a National Bank, with a cap- ital of $100,000. The next year it was increased to $150,000. John Henry Fairbank has been President, and Charles L. Beals, Cashier, from the beginning. The first Board of Directors was as follows, viz : J. H. Fairbank, 0. Mason, Sidney Fairbank, George Brown, I. E. Weston, J. B. Sawyer, and William Smith, of Templeton. The fol- lowing changes have been made : Messrs. Charles J. Rice, and N. D. White, take the places of Messrs. Brown and Weston. 376 HISTORY OF WUfCHENDOI?. CHAPTEE XXV. — PIEE DEPARTMENT. "Then came The hollow sound of rushing flame ; And from each loophole flashing light, A spout of fire shines ruddy bright, And gathering to united glare, Streams high into the midnight air." Scott. section 1. — jfire wards. In the early history of the town, no special measures were taken by the public in reference to fires. There was little danger that log cab- ins would take fire, and if seasonably discovered, there was no great dif- ficulty in extinguishing the flames. When a fire occurred, the family exerted themselves to put it out ; and the neighbors, if any were near enough to render assistance, hastened to their aid. Perhaps the first step in the way of organized co-operation, was the annual choice of Pire "Wards by the town, and the requirement that famihes should be sup- plied with fire buckets. In many places, every house was required to be furnifehed with a certain number. These were made of leather, were always to be in order, and hung up in a particular place, so as to be avail- able at once. In other places, ordinary pails were used. It is many years since the town began the practice of choosing fire wards, who have been generally selected from the most respected citizens. Their au- thority is considerable, and in former times, was exercised more than at present. The establishment of a weU-organized fire department has naturally transferred much of the actual responsibility, in case of fire, to the Foreman. The oflSce of fire ward, however, is still important, as it is necessary for the town's authority to be represented on such occasions. SECTION 2. — THE PILOT. The first fire company in this town,, was formed sometime between 1830 and 1836. oie meeting which stands first in the Record Book fiiSTORt OF WINCHENbON. 377 ot tiie Co., bears date, July 7th, 1835. At this meeting a committee ' was chosen " to settle accounts of 1834," showing that the organization was in existence as early as that year. The officers chosen at the meet- ing in July, 1835, were as follows : Ephraim Murdock, Jr., Captain ; Joshua Keith, 2d, Mate ; Benjamin F. Eddy, Clerk ; Mark 'Whitcomb, Sumner Wyman, Calvin R. Whitman, Engine Committee. The annual meeting was held on the first Tuesday in April. It was a rule that " the meetings for drill shall be at the Engine House on the first Mon- day of each month from May to October inclusive, and the time for roll calling shall be in May, at 5 o'clock, A.M.; in June, July and August, £lt 4 o'clock, A. M. ; in September, at 5 1-2 o'clock, iWM. ; in Octo-^ ber, at 6 o'clock, P. M." That was taking " time by me forelock." The burning of Col. B. Adams' blacksmith shop is said to have aroused the people to the necessity of having an engine and a company to work it. The money for purchasing the Pilot was raised by sub- scription. The engine was used at a fire foi' the first time, as well as can be ascertained at this late! day, when thei house of Asa Stearns was burned in 1834, or 35. It was not a very powerful machihe, itccording to the present standai'd, but with an efficient company, it did good ser- vice on many occasions. It may gratify some to read the names of the first members. The following were on the roll in 1835. Elisha Murdock, Sumner Wyman, Charles Smith, Joshua Keith, 2d, Benj. F. Eddy, ' Oliver Adams, Amasa Whitney, Jr.; Isaac Taylor, Jr., Emery Carriel, Samuel Walton, Charles Murdock, Calvin E. Whitman,- Alonzo Merriam, Mark Whitcomb, Isaac Pollard, Joel M. Heywood, Harry Pitkin, Ephraim Murdock, William Murdock, John Eitts, Milton S, Morse, Levi Poskett, Levi Woodbury, Leander Sampson, Stephen Burpee, Hiram S. Newton, D. J. Groodrich, Moses H. Koss, Seth Tucker, Jr., Edwin Bradbury, M. T. Nash, Elihu li. Morse,' t- Joseph Smith,' A. C. Fay,. George W. Morse'; William Kussell, William Wilder. Total, 378 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. . The following officers were chosen in 1836, viz : William Pollard, Capt. ; Oliver Adams, Mate ; Calvin R. Whitman, Clerk ; William Murdock, Amasa Whitney, Jr., Harry Pitkin, Engine Committee. The next year, the Captain, Mate and Clerk, were Ephraim Murdock, Mil- ton S. Morse and William Murdock. It is not necessary to give the officers' names from year to year. The following gentlemen besides those named above, acted as Captain at different periods, several of them holding the office repeatedly : Milton S. Morse, Baxter D. Whitney, Marvin T. Nash, Sumner Wyman, Harvey Wyman. The Records of the Pilot Company close in 1847, but the engine has been used at fixes, since that time, on various occasions. It was sold in 1867, for iife. SECTION 3.— THE ALERT COMPANY. This Company had its ori^n in a paper dated January 27, 1851, and signed by a number of citizens who felt the need of an efficient organ- ization for extinguishing fires. On the 8th of February, a " meeting of those interested in forming an En^ne Company to be attached to Engine No. 1, of this town, was held at the Passenger house of the Cheshire Railroad Co., at 7 o'clock, P. M." William Murdock was chairman, and Nathaniel Gilmore, clerk. A Constitution and By-laws were adopted, and the following officers were chosen : James P. T. Bur- bank, Foreman; Edwin S. Merrill, First Assistant; Sidney Fairbank, Second Assistant ; William Murdock, Treasurer ; M. B. Felton, Clerk. A committee was chosen to petition the Selectmen to insert an arti- cle in the " warrant for the March meeting, asking the town to appro- priate a sum of money sufficient to purchase a Suction Engme." The Selectmen complied with the request, and in accordance with the Stat- utes, appomted certain persons as " Engine-men to be attached to En- gine No. 1." The En^e was purchased by subscription, but the town, at the March meeting, in 1852, appropriated $100 for purchasing " Hose for Alert Engine Co.," and $67.75 for Engine-men. ' In 1853, the ex- pense of the Fire Department, including hose and couplings, repairs of En^ne, and money paid to menj amounted to $395.77. The next year, " En^ne Hose, $200." The expenses from year to year need not be given. The citizens have ever been proud of the Alert Com- pany, and by vote of the town or private subscription, have evinced HISTORT OF WINCHENDON. S79 their appreciation of its services. It has always been very serviceable at fires ; promptly on the ground, and both alert and skilled to do ef- fective duty. It was noticed on the first occasion, when the Co. bat- tled with a considerable fire — by which Mr. N. H. Hand's store and the barracks were burned, — that the noise and confusion formerly at- tendant upon fires was superseded by stillness and order. The contrast was striking. This Company has competed with others, on various occasions, and has always come off with honor. The first contest was at Keene, N. H., on the 10th of September, 1857. The Alert Engine was manned by sixty-eight men, some of them volunteers. Twelve companies en- gaged in the trial, and the third prize was won by the Alert. The Del- uge, of Claremont, N. H., threw to the height of 152 feet. The Frank- lin, of Greenfield, 151 feet, and the Alert, 150 1-2 feet. It was a close struggle. The day was windy, and the height reached was far less than the Co. had achieved at home. A few days before this trial, the Engme threw water five or six feet over the- Liberty Pole, which was 173 feet in height. The third prize was $50. The next trial was at Manchester, N. H., on the 15th of September, 1859, when fifty-three companies were on the ground, and competed for the prizes. They came from many of the principal cities and towns of New England, as Boston, Providence, Worcester, Portland, Lynn, Portsmouth, Charlestown, Cambridge, Lowell, Chelsea, Nashua, Law- rence, Roxbury, Dover, &c. The Alert Engine surpassed all other companies ; the water thrown by it reaching the height of 170 feet, while the next attained to 166 feet only. The highest prize was $400. The following extract- from the Record book — W. C. Hunt then clerk —gives Gxe jkude o£ this effort. " Friday evening, Sept. 16th, 1859. On the Alert's arrival at Winchen- don, the citizens of this place gave us a most cordial welcome. We were re- ceived at the depot by the Niagara Co. No, 2, when a torchlight procession Was formed, headed by the Keene Cornet Band, and as we marched through the principal streets, we were greeted by the citizens, amid illuminated houses, bonfires, torches and cheers. We then proceeded to the American House, where a good supper awaited us, which was rounded off by a number of ad- dresses and congratulatory speeches." On the 15th of September, 1860, the water was thrown about twenty feet above the top of the pole, or about 207 feet above the water in the 380 fliSTOKY OP T^INCHENDOJJ. teservoir. The Co. ■were getting ready for a contest at Templetoi. This trial came off on Templeton Common, September 21, 1860, when eight companies from the vicinity competed. The Alert reached the height of 168 3-4 feet ; the next highest was 148 feet. The prize wa^ a Banner. The playing being over, the Kecord says : " After which the companies were ordered to form a hollow square, to hear the report of the several trials, at which time the Prize Banner was presented to the Alert Engine Co. No. 1, Winchendon, by Col. Henry Smith, with a powerful speech, which was responded to by Mr. I. M. Murdock, in behalf of the Foreman." The company is still in a flourishing condition, under the command of a favorite captain,-^Charles Forristall— ^with full ranks. The Fore^ men, at different times, have Been as follows : James P. T. Burbant, Ed- win S. Merrills Charles E. Forristall, John D. Howard, A. P. Bateniam Doubtless the following extract from the Records — ^D. L. Morrill, Esq., Clerk — will remind many of the earlier members of the company of a pleasant day when they contributed much to the enjoyment of the people, while partaking themselves in the general joy. CELEBEATION DAY. " The Company met at the Engine House, in full uniform. Foreman coni- manding. The Company was here joined by the Waterville Brass Band, un- der direction of Col. J. Merriam, Chief Marshal, by whom they were accom- panied to the Academy yard, where a procession was formed of the schools in town, and the citizens. The procession then moved under the escort of the Company, to the island of E. Murdock, Jr., where it is estimated there was an audience of more than 2000 persons. Numerous speeches were made, and refreshments furnished. The exercises in the grove were closed about 4, P. M.; after which the Company, with Band, paraded through the streets; and worked the Engine from the reservoir in front of the Academy building, greatly to the satisfaction and amusement of the assembled crowd, till 6, P. M; At 7, the members of the Company, with their ladies, partook of a bountiful supper, provided, by Messrs. Whitcomb, Fairbank & Mason, at their hotel. Songs and sentimeiits succeeded, arid at 8 1-2, P. M., the members and ladies separated; and repaired to witness the Fire Works under direction of Mr. T. Saul, T^hich were very brilliant, and exceeded the expeetatioris of £tlL The members of the Company then dispersed at their leisure." mSTOET OF WmCHEN^ON. 38!^ For many years the company was accommodated -witli an Engine kouse and hall by Capt. E. Murdock, Jr., for -which the town gave him a vote of thanks. Thirty-seven members entered the public service in putting down the rebellion. Their names will appear in the list of those who went from this tiJwn to the war. They had the hearty approbation of those who- remained at home. The company was proud of their achievements, and rendered honor to ,those who fell in the field, or died from wounds, hardships, and exposure. They rendered needed aid to comrades who Buffered for the public good. In this connection it should be added that their Records contain grateful mention of a donation of $100, received from Capt. E. Murdock, Jr., for the. benefit of these soldiers or their surviving friends. SECTION 3. — THE NIAGARA COMPANY. TMs company belonged to "Watervillev It was organized in the year^ 1855, and after twelve years of service, was disbanded in 1867. The first meeting with a view to forming a company, was held in the Water- ville school-house, on the 31st of March, 1855. William L. Woodcock presided, and Stillman Safiord acted as Clerk. At a meeting, April; 2, a committee chosen at the previous, meeting reported a Constitution, which was adopted, after which the following officers were chosen : Will- iam Towne, Foreman ; William L. Woodcock, First Assistant ; L. B. Piper, Second Assistant ; Charles Hyde, Clerk ; Adam French, Treas- urer. The stewards were L. Taylor and S. C. Aldrich. There were changes in the course of the year, by which Mr.C. Hyde became Treas- urer, and Mr. J. Hastings became 2d Assistant. The Engine, named the Niagara, was purchased by subscription. In 1857, the town paid $112.72, for repairing the engine. In 1859, the town appropriated $633.29, for Engine Hose. It is supposed that the Niagara had its share of this necessary apparatus. The officers, fra- the second year, were William L. Woodcock, William. H. Grant, Charles J. Piper, James A. Wood, including the stewards, Levi Taylor and Ozro Hancock. In the eoui-se of 1857, Mr. Stillman Safiord was cho- sen Clerk, and he held that office during the entire existence of the com- pany, except brief intervals, when S. C. Aldrich, D. Boyce, J. B. Burke and J. Lear^ kept the Records. These Records, if not filled with de- 382 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. scriptions of eventful scenes, present some very amusing specimens of humor. The successive Foremen were William L. Woodcock, Jairus Hast- ings, Samuel Page, William H. Grant, Amasa Aldrich, Samuel Ken- dall, Francis D. Perry. The company was always, according to its motto, " ready for action," and rendered very prompt and efficient service, in case of fire, wheth- er in Waterville, or in other parts of the town. And at various trials, as at Jaffrey, Keene, &c., it came off honorably, if not with the high- est prizes. The spirit by which this company was sustained so long, is highly creditable to the members, and the citizens of Waterville, who gave their encouragement ; and it is matter of regret that an organi- zation capable of such energetic service, which is at times, almost in- dispensable, has disbanded. Quite a proportion of the members en- tered the public service, and some fell in the sacred cause of freedom. HISTORY OF WmCHBNDON. 383 CHAPTER XXVI.— LIBRARIES AND LY- CEUMS. " Books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a progeny of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are ; nay, they do preserve, as in a vial, the purest eflScacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them. Unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good book ; who kills a man, kills a reasonable creature, Sod's image ; but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were in the eye." Melton. " The grand debate, The popular harangue, the tart reply, The logic, and the wisdom, and the wit. And the loud laugh— I long to know them all." COWPBK. SECTION 1. — THE FIRST LIBRARIES. The first settlers of the town were not a literaiy people. Books were few and periodicals almost unknown. The successive ministers had cer- tain works which were necessary in studying the Bible in the original tongues, besides a moderate number of theological, controversial and miscellaneous books. Through their preaching, the intellectual as well as moral and religious tone of the public mind was elevated. They were often sfyled, in the B,ecords, " teachers of morality, piety and religion." They were in the habit also of giving instruction in different branches, to the youth, either singly or in classes. In Mr. Stimpson's Book of Accounts, there is a charge for teaching Arithmetic "to some youth whose wants the schools did not meet. In former times, the ministers fitted the boys for College, though very little in that line was done in Win- ohendon. ■ Perhaps the two mmisterial sons of Dr. Israel Whiton were the first who began a classical education in this place. The physicians had their collection of books which were necessary in their profession. The same was true of the lawyers — ^Messrs. New- comb and Henshaw — ^in later years. Doubtless there were works on their shelves pertaining to history, philosophy and the belles lettres ; but §S4. HISTOE,T OF WINCHENPON. the number was not large. In scattered farm houses there would be found stray volumes of poetry — ^Young, Thomson, Cowper, &c., — but there was, of course, nothing to be compared with the abundance of books, magazines and papers, which are now to be seen in all our homes. And it may be said farther, that there was scarcely any of the trash which now enfeebles rather than invigorates the minds of the readers. The first library for circulation was in the Centre. When it was be- gun is not known to the present generation. It was kept for a while by Dea. Joshua Smith, and afterwards by Mark Whitcomb. It was. sold about forty-two years since. The next collection of books belongs ing to a coQipany, was in the Village,, and was kept for many years in the house of Ephraim Murdock, Esq. It is supposed by those who re- member this library, that it was started about the year 1810. This continued in existence until somewhere near 1825; when it was sold by auction. There were from 150 tp,175 volumes in the collection. Some- time between 1830 and 1835, another library was commenced, which was for a long series of years, under the care of Mark Whitcomb, Esq. This contained between 200 and 300 volumes, some of which were works, of value. The- Family Library series well known in the last generation, was in the collection. TMs. library, after a career of usefulness, fol- lowed in the way of its predecessors, and was scattered by sale at auc- tion, a little more than twenty years since.. SECTION 2. — THE TOWN LIBRARY. The- public library owes its origin to private liberality. On the even- ing of December 6, 1850, the writer gave a lecture in the hall of the. Academy^ on the subject of Reading, The lecture closed in the words, following. " There is theij, money enough, if it can only be got at ; and it can be had,, just as soon as our young gentlemen take the same interest in reading, and in a library, that they do in other things. May we not hope that such a time will come ? May we not hope that the time has already arrived, when many of this enterprising class are ready to commence the enterprise ? But surely the burden ought not to be thrown upon them ; nor would it be. I am not authorized to speak for any man, but I feel sure that there are ladies and gen- tlemen in this place, who will readily co-operate in establishing among us a well-selected library, and in that way open up to our youth, of either sex, a fountain of improvement and of happiness ; an inexhaustible spring of the pur- HISTORY OF ■WmCHENDON. 885 est, richest nutriment for the immortal minds of the youth of this generation, and of the many generations that are to come." At the close of the address, Ira Russell, M. D., rose and proposed that immediate measures be taken to establish a library. The motion was passed without opposition, and a committee was chosen to raise a subscription. At the same time, it was determined to form a literary association for general improvement. A corporation was formed un- der the General Statute, and adopted at a meeting held on the 18th of February, 1851, of which meeting the following is the record. " Academy Hall. Meeting was called to order by D. L. Morrill, Esq., in pursuance to a war- rant which was read. On Motion, William L. Lincoln was chosen Clerk fro tern. Heard the report of the committee appointed to present a Constitution for this Association, which was read by A. P. Marvin, Chairman. Voted that the Constitution be taken up, article by article. After some discussion on the part of several gentlemen present, it was vo- ted to adopt the following Constitution." Then follows the Constitution, after which the names of the first of- ficers are recorded. They are as follows : "President, ElishaMurdoek; Vice President, Calvjp K. Whitman; Clerk, B. S. Merrill ; Treasurer, Amasa Whitney, Jr. ; Executive Committee, Ira Kussell, Orlando Mason, Wm. L. Lincoln, Henry Perley and Ebenezer But- ler; Library Committee, A. P. Marvin, B. 0. Tyler, E. Murdock, Jr., D. L. Morrill and Alvah Godding." Mr. Merrill declined serving, and H. Harwood was chosen Clerk. The following was the result of the effort to raise a subscription for the purchase of books. The condition of payment was that $300 should be raised. Col. William Murdock procured the subscriptions. Elisha Murdock, Milton S. Morse, Wm. Murdock, B. 0. Tyler, Alvah Grodding, D. L. Morrill, H. Harwood, Sidney Fairbanks, E. Murdock, Jr., $30 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 30 00 G-eo. Brown, $5 00 Joel M. Heywoofl, 5 00 Orlando Mason, 5 00 M. B. Pelton, 5 00 Wm. Knapp, 5 00 Geo. B. Eaymond,') 2 00 Wm. L. Lincoln, 6 00 Chas. E. Forristall, 2 00 A. P. Marvin, 5 00 as 386 HISTOKT OP WINCHENDOIT. Oman Hoar, $3 00 Smyrna Greaton, $2 00 ]6. D. Whitney, 5 00 Leander Hartwell, 100 Wm. Beaman, 3 00 Amasa Whitney, Jr., 3 00 J. M. Doane, 2 00 Calvin R. Whitman, 10 00 Keuben Hyde, 8 00 Leander Leland, 100 Joseph Merriam, 2 00 ■ Wm. W. Whitney, 2 00 B. R. Day, 2 00 . 8. S. Cooledge, 3 00 Andrew Parker, 1 00 M. D. Raymond, 1 00 E. S Merrill, 5 00 E. W. Lord, 2 00 S. W. Fairbank, 2 00 A. W. Buttrick, 2 00 E. W. Weston, 5 00 Maynard Partridge, 2 00 Ira Russell, 10 00 Seth Brown, 1 00 C. C. Parker, 100 Theodore Reynolds, 2 00 Selah Lovejoy, 2 00 David Caswell, 2 00 Bethuel Ellis, 2 00 Elisha Hyde, 100 A. S. Kimball, 2 00 Joel Hyde, 2 00 Henry Perley, 3 00 H. M. Heywood, 2 00 Elisha Beaman, 5 00 S. A. Parker, 100 Grover 8. Whitney, 2 00 Walter Conant, 1 00 Franklin Heywood, 2 00 Amos Knowlton, 2 00 John Hyde, 100 Harvey Wyman, 5 00 The design of the organization, which was styled " The Winchendon Scientific and Literary Association," included more than the gathering of a library. The Constitution provided for Discussions, Lectures, and Evening Schools for young men. This last part of the design was nev- er carried out. The discussions which took place in the town hall dur- ing the winter months for several years, are still remembered with in- terest by many who attended them. They were conducted with ability and courtesy. Several courses of lectures were provided by the exec- utive committee. The tickets sometimes more than paid the expenses, though not in every instance. Besides lectures from several citizens of the town, quite a number were delivered by distinguished speakers from abroad. Among these may be mentioned Messrs. Beecher, Em- erson, Whipple, Holmes, Bp. Clark, Alger, Starr King, Parker, Phillips, Richardson of Worcester, and Dr. Jackson of Boston, who gave a course on Geology. Some of the lectures were strictly scientific, as on Astronomy, Geology, &c.,but the larger part were on literary or his- torical subjects, or topics of the day. The library however was what gave permanent value to the Associ- ation, and great care was used in selecting the books. The following General Rules in relation to the library, were adopted by the Associa- tion, in accordance with the recommendation of the library committee. HISTOET OF WINCHENDON. 387 " 1st. The design is not to form # complete library in any of its depart- ments immediately ; but to lay the foundations of a good one in the various departments of History, Biography, Poetry, Essays, Travels, &e. The in- tention of the founders must be filled out by periodical additions. 2d. It is considered important to exclude all sectarian works, and all those which openly or covertly attempt to undermine the principles ofilChristian mo- rality and religion. 3d. The Constitution proviHes that no book shall be purchased, or received as a g^ft, for the use of the library, unless it is approved by a majority of the whole committee." The money was spent in purchasing books, and a book case, and the library was opened, first in the " Barracks," and then in a room over the store of Amasa Whitney, Jr. D. L. Morrill. Esq., was the first librarian. He was succeeded by Mr. Whitney, and by Dr. A. B. Hoyt. The books then passed into the care of Mrs. Calista P. Fair- banks, who was librarian for a term of five years. The library was kept in her parlor. In 1862, Mr. George S. Dodge was appointed librarian, and he kept the books in a room at the rear of his apotheca- ry's store in the Union block. The library was enlarged, from time to time, by judicious selections, and as means were provided by gifts, fines, assessments and fairs. In the meantime an Agricultural Library had been formed by subscription. This contained about one hundred and thirty volumes of standard works in that department. In the year 1865, an arrangement was made by which these volumes were added to the library of the Association. At a meeting held on the 16tb of January, 1867, it was voted " to present , the library to the town at the next March meeting, provided the town will provide for its maintenance and enlargement and proper keeping for the accommodation of the readers of the town." This was done ac- cordingly, and the library passed into the possession of the town. And as the town is authorized, by a special law, to appropriate money for the purpose of founding and enlarging pubhc libraries, it is to be hoped that the library established by the Association, will become more val- uable and useful than it could be while in private hands. In commen- cing a library, the town is authorized to appropriate one dollar for every ratable poll, and in continuing it, half a dollar for every ratable poll, annually. The library of the town now contains more than fifteen hundred volumes, the greater number of which are works of permanent value. The Trustees of the library, chosen annually by the town, are 388 HISTORY OF WrNCHENDON. in 1868, Messrs. Isaac M. Murdock, William Pentecost, Windsor N- White, George S. Dodge and George A. litchfield. Mrs. Wheeler Doland is the librarian. SECTION 3. — OTHEE LIBRARIES. The North, CoNSKBGATioNAL Parish Library waa begun in the year 1847. It originated in a proposition made by the pastor to his congregation on a Sabbath when preparations were making for the an- nual contribution for benevolent objects. His su ggestion was, that at every annual subscription for benevolent societies, in the month of May, there should be a column for the Parish Library. Each one was to ^ve as he might feel at the time. The library was to be in the pas- tor's study, and though any member of the congregation might use the books, it was expected that the parish would derive its chief advantage from them through the mind and heart of the minister. The sugges- tion was favorably received, and from that date, every year has added a few choice volumes to the parish library. It contains the works of the chief New England divines, with those of Calvin, Turretin, Robert Hall, and Neander, and those of other distinguished authors in the old world. Milton's prose writings, Robinson's Palestine, Story on the Con- stitution, and Morell on the History of Philosophy, enrich the collection. iy judicious nursing it may grow to be a very valuable library, just such a one as would draw hither a man earnest to feed his people with knowledge of divine things. The Sabbath School Libraries belonging to the several churches in the town, are quite large, and many of the books have more than a transient value. These libraries are in a constant process of change. After the volumes are read, they are generally given to Sabbath Schools in other places. The number of the volumes in the various Sabbath School libraries cannot be given, but probably it is not less than fifteen hundred. A Common School library was kept in Spring Village, several years, but was finally scattered. In addition it may be said, that of the buying of " many books there is no end." Besides the hbraries of profesaonal men, — ^ministers, law- yers and doctors — which contain the works necessary in the professions, most of our houses are supplied, in difierent measure, with usefU or en- tertaining works. lii^H • ^ ~''^" some cases several families have lived in the same house. Siieh families are placed in coiinection with the same figure. When a short dash — separates a name frum the preceding, it shows thftt the fearrily li V H '■'^ ?'i, ? ^^^ ^^' ^"^^ example, under figure 1, Airios Goodhue lived hetween Mark Whitcomh's and (1. H. Whitney's or where the Church now stands. When several names are placed between two figures, as 39-46, the familwi uvea in the order of the namss, and when two or more families have occupied the same house, they are joined together hy a brace. No. '22i> should be placed further east, and 22 1 neftr by it, should be erased. STKEETS.— a Front, b Central, c Spring, d Ash. e Water, f High, h Prospect, k Beech. 1 Chestnut, m Wa»nut. n Summer, o Poplar, r Maple, s Cedar, t Grove, u Pleasant, V Spruce, w River, x Chapel, y Forest, z'' School. PUBLIC BUILDINGS &c.— A North Cong'! Church. B Baptist Church. C Methodist ''hurch. D Church of the Vnity. E Catholic Chui-ch. F New School House. Lewis Howe, ) Farqufir McRay, ry wnuconio, larwood, 1 3b Taylor, ? ediah Morse, ) 37 Amos Withlnglon. 38 James C. Lynch. 39-46 Sidney Fairbank, Harry jitkin, ? Martin Manzer, 5 Leavitt Lincoln, i John Sweetzcr, ) John W. Hand, Henry Whitconib, H. Harwood Jacob Jeded Union Block, Marble Yard, Grain Store'. 47 Stillman Watson, G. S.Whitney, John Folsom. Wm. Stanley, Dennis B. Pipor. 48 Misses Ivnowlton. 49 Irving E. Weston. 50 Nathaniel Gilmore, Samuel A. Parker, I). H. Barnes. r»l Horace Whitcomb, Alonzo Shedd, Jonas A. (Jarruth, George E. Rogers. 52 Luther Si^cvens, David F. Hall. 53 Silas Raymond, Orlando Mason. 54 M. B. Boardman, O.E. Weatherhead. 55 Webster H. Tucker, Silas Raymond, A. G. Sinclair. 56 Scth Tucker, Seth Tucker, Jr., Webster H. Tucker. 57 Geo. A. Litchfield, T. K. Parker. 58 Wm. A. Deland. 59 Chas. W. Plumraer, Mrs. Magovern. 60 Frank S. Knapp. 61 H. O. Clark. 62 L. D. Pierce, L. W. l^ierce, O. E. Skinner. 63 L. D. Putney, L. J. Wilkinson. 64 JohnL. Reed. 65 John Lake. 66 Mrs. II. Jones. 67 Harvey Taft, D. W. Harvey. 68 Charles E. Plummer, Mrs. Daniel Hale. 69 Patrick Morrisey, Amable Beaudry, 70 Daniel Conner. '(1 John Cailahan. 72 John Fitzgerald. 73 Mrs. Hayes. 74 Timothy Lyons. 75 William Booster. 76 Andrew Dunn, W.N. White. 77 Elisha Beaman, A. A. Ballon. 78 George B, Raymond. 79 James ^Vhitman . 80 Thomas Greatoii, Isaac (Jibson, Thomas Knowltoii. 81 E. Murdock, -Ir. 82 M. T. Nash. 83-88 D. C. v^hamberlain, j George Hubbard, ; M.oses Manzer, J A. B. Smith, (..'harle« A. Loud, AV. E. Cutting, O. Mason, i iJavis Foster, ) George S. Loud. 89 George tJonverse. 90 Isaac J. Dunn. 01-93 James Woodbury, Absalom Hastings, George L. Beals. 94 Lyman Raymond. 95-6 Mary Estey, .Samuel Smith, C. T. Bryant, Lorenzo Ballou. 97 (leorge 1*. Sherwin, Bart'w Stearns. 98 G. Shedd, Addison Kimball. 99 A. W. Buttrick. 100 S. '\ Ketcham. David Desilets. 101-106. Joan D. Howard, Oliver Puffer, Austin Parks, Otis Chamberlain, Levi Flagg, Benjamin Talbot. 107-116 Richard Smith, Solon Maynard, Mrs. Eagan, Thomas Powers, James Powers, Patrick Macarty, Andrew Macarty, Thomas Burt, Cornelius Cochran, William Ready, Thomas Condon. 117 Charles W. Newman. 118 Almon Mann jn9 Robert Ruggles, I Isaac Morse, Benj. R. Day. ,120 William Whitney. !l21 Elisha Murdock. jl22 Amasa Whitney, Jr. 123 Amos Spring, Samuel Spring, Ephraim Murdock, G'iorge Brown. 124 Charles Wheeler. 125 Alvah Godding. 126 Chas. \y. Bigelow, Frank W. Ward. 127 Daniel M. Scott. 128 Aaron Winch. 129 Luther Richardson, Edward Murdock. John Hand, A. IL MerrJam, R. W. Ocddes. David S. J{oby, Lincoln Balconi. John Sawyer, H. G. Lovcll, ilharles Streeter. M. T. Nash, Edwin T. Warner, I'onj. Kendall. Amos Withington, Henry Newman. Elijah Smith, John Dcraary. Seth Brown." Adams Stanley. William Beaman. Stephen Poland. Methodist I'arsonage Charles Totman, Kdwin Parks, Jonas A. Stone. Joseph A. Robbins. Job Hyde's Shop. Job and Joel Hyde, A. N. Brown. Paul Boynton, Reuben Hyde. J. H. Robbins. J. H. Townsend. John Hyde, A. F. Spauiding ■161 Jas. M. Doanc, WheeJer Poland, Simon B. Poland, Smyrna Oreatnn, Wm. A. Brooks, George H. Westcott. i J. Wesley Poland, > Leander Leiand , J Hiram L. Pjland, Wm. B. Brooks, i D. C. Chamberlain John P. Barber, Salnjijn M. Scott, ^^arriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop. -lU Store of E. dock, Jr., Post Office, Mann's Shoe Store, Millinery Store, FurniUr-e Store, A. B. Smith's Store, Old Barracks formerly, Winchendon Bank, Mrs. Converse's Store, A. B. Sherman's Store, Tarbell's Shoe Store, Isaac J. Dunn's Store, Josiah J. Dunn's Store Daniel M. Scott, i Benj. Talbot, ; Oilman Taggart, ) Boarding House, C. Whitcomb's Shop, ) Printing Office. i -178 C. R. Whitman, Joel M. Heywood, / M. D. Raynjond, ) Eliphalet Parks, Oman Hoar, I ) Mur- 176 Bettiuel Kills. 418 Patrick Sullivan, 177 A, P. Marvin, ") Kbcnezer Butler, J- N. W. Wj-man, J M. Ribideau, Morty Sullivan, Jas. ITarriman, 178 tieorge N. Goodspeed, John Donahey, Hnrrison Goodspeed. Richard Murray, ISO Asa ■\Vasliburn, rlamcs Connor, Amasa Whitney, M. and D. Dacoy . James Wilson,- 219-221 M. Buckley, C. C. rarker. Dennis Shay, 181 Washington AVhitney. M. Ready, 182 Charles Weller. John Lappan, 183 .John G.-.y. Ed. Brabston, 184 Comfort Searle. Patrick Fitzg.erald. 186 Timothy E. Turner. 222 0. W. Betterly, 186 AVilliam Raymond. Alonzo Hale, 187 Henry Partridge. George Farrar, 188 William Parks, Samuel Kendall, Levi Woodbury, H. S. Knapp, P"ra'.ik Priest. Ch. U. Vose, 189 Gardner Wilder, M. Wood. Ki'phaitt Parks, Sen.. 223 (Jeorge S. Dodge, Levi Poskett. ■Fohn Sawin, 190 Oliver Adams. Th. B. Barber, 191 Levi Nichols, H. Crocker, Benjamin Hall, — Major Sylvester, ti. S. Backus, Oliver Adams, 1'. 8. Davis, Cromwell Fisher. Mrs. 8ttllman Watson. 192 .\bel .Tones, __ Levi Prentiss, L. M. Sawyer, M. Partridge, E. W. Morse. Harvey Wyman. 224 Abram Childs, Horace AVvman. James Lawrence, 193 Benjamin V. Eddy, John O'Niel, Mrs. L. 8. Wells, Michael Foley aiid James F. Phillips. others. 1194 Wavland Howard, 225 Francis Goodhue, M. ■W. Oh.andler. Francis Goodhne, Jr., 195 Sumner Wyman. Mr. Benjamin. 196 Mrs. Connor. 197 John I'eabody. WA'"EBVILLE. 19« Wm. H. Vose, A. Whitney, Jr., 1 John Hyde, Austin Parks, Archibald Chase, ' Wm. Brown, 2d. 2 Joel Mosman, IBS Ma-tin McCabe, Eben'r Woodward. 3 Ezra Hvde, Patrick McCabe. O. W. Hapgood, 1 1200-204 L. Heywood, Amasa Tennev. Wm. Brooks, 4 Ezra Hyde, John Dray, .J. B. Sawyer, M. McBrldc, Jonathan Carter. John Olary, 5 Denzil Boyce, James Connor. J. 0. Kenny. '205 Patrick Connor. 6 Ezra Porter. .206 Dennis Shay. 7 Adam Shaler, .207 B. Siearns," Charles M. Chase. i Timothy Riley. 8 Mrs. Sawyer. 1208 Joseph Lees. 9 Charles Chase. 209 Patrick Ready. 10 Wm. L. Woodcock. ,210 Humph i-ey Connor. 11 Misses Uamsdell, 1211 Harry Pitkin. Andrew Fisher, Samuel Pierce. 212 John Donahoe. 213 Grover S. Whitney. 12 Boarding House. j314 Patrick Connor. " " 1215 Timothy Coffee. '216 Edward Fitzgerald, 10 Samuel Page, C. D. Bruce, Dennis Shay, D. McKennon. Timothy Sullivan. 14 James Marsh, 217 Michael Sullivan, Traek Ray, Michael lieardon. W. H. Whittemore. Daniel Connor. 15 Mrs. Carroll. 16 Amasa Aldrich. 17 J. B. Sawyer, B. H. Streeter. 18 Lyman Davis. 19 Moses Hancocls, Oren Powers. 20 Harrison Aldrich. 21 Gorge Fitts, Levi R. Sawtell. 22 Elisha Morse. 23 Stephen Samsofi. 24 Mrs. Jacob Simoiid«, Oren Hale. 25 Oscar Gerould, Geo. 8. Chadwiok, Charles Simonds. 26 Mrs. Syrena Sawtell. 27 John Hitchcock. 28 Mrs. M. Coburn. 29 Charles Hill. 30 Stephen Samson, Solomon Stone. 31 Mason Baldwin. 32 Cyrus Alger. 33 Cheney Smith. 34 Nathan KendilU. 35 David Carter. 36 Jairus Hastings. 37 F. D. Perry. 38 Henry Haskell. 39 John Ainslcc, Edward Godding. 40 S.C. Aldrich. 41 Adam Shaler. 42 Stewart's Shop. 43 Jiichard Stewart, Heman Daniels. 44 Milton M. Perks. 45 Samuel Felch, Friend Bail, Thomas Bickford. 46 Ephraim Kendall, Wm. Gray, Bailey Thomas. ■17 Jeremiah Ci!man,acd several others. 48 Daniel Farrar, Sen., Moses Foskett. 49 Polycrates Parks, Thomas ParkR, 50 J'atrick Kiley. John Connor. K' bevt Rich. 51 flolin Goodhue, iSathaniel Hale, vStillinan Halo, Solomon NorcroBi. ^2 Jeremiah Oilman. .j3 A. Mann, I. V. M. Butler. .^4 Josiah Hill. 55 Thomas Rugg. 56 Jeremiah Stewarti Samuel Prentiss,. Samuel Prentiss, Jr, 57 John Chamberlain. 58 William Oaks, l*hinchas Ball, Jonathan Wilder, John Nolan. HISTORY OF WINCHENDpN. 389 CHAPTER XXVII. — THE VILLAGES. " Sweet was the sound when oft at evening's close. Up yonder hiil the village murmur rose ; There, as I passed with careless steps and slow. The mingling notes came softened from below." Goldsmith. the centre or common. For fifty years after the incorporation of the town, there was no -vil- lage within its bounds except at the Centre. The fact that it was the central point in the town, and the location of the meeting-house, secured a small collection of dwellings. The minister, the traders, one or more, at different times, the tavern keeper, the blacksmith and the doctor, with three or four farmers, made up the little settlement. There are now eight or ten houses on or near the Common. Probably there has not been a less number at any time during the last eighty years. In the days when numerous teams wended their way over the hill, and the tavern was haunted by the quidnuncs of the town, as well as by trav- elers ; when two stores attracted purchasers, and all the cattle and hor- ses were taken by turn to the blacksmith ; when the room of the Jus- tice of the Peace was thronged by the crowd who often met at the trial of some petty malefactor, and the doctor and minister, and even the lawyer, were sought by those needing advice and counsel, the old Cen- tre was quite a busy place. But this is all changed now, and the quiet of a perpetual Sabbath reigns there. Yet it is a pleasant, healthful spot, and the time may come when men doing business in the villages will choose it for their home, and as a suitable place for the rearing of their children. THE VILLAGE, OR WINCHENBON. What has in past times been known as Morse's, or Winchendon, or North Village, is now styled either the Village, or "Winchendon. The ^90 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDOir. latter is the proper designation, as it contains half the population of the town, has the only Post Office, all the stores and places of business but one or two, and is the real centre of the town. On the map accompa- nying this volume, it is styled Winchendon. The first step in the history of this Village was the erection of a mill about one hundred and eight years ago. It was voted on the 30th of November, 1758, by the Proprietors, " that, for encouragement, two dollars be granted on each original right, to any person or persons that shall undertake to build a grisUnill in said township, for ten years, and one hundred acres of land with the stream." Mr. Bartholomew Pear- son or Parsons, father of Eichard Parsons, put up the mill, where now stands the establishment of Groodspeed & Wyman. The dam was be- low the present site, the road crossed the dam, and the mill was not far from the shop of the Messrs. Loud. This was done between 1758 and 1762, because in June of the latter year, it was voted that " sixty days highways' work shall be done in building a bridge over the river by Mr. Parsons' mill-place." The work was " highway work ;" in oth- er words, carting earth on to the dam till it became wide enough for a road. At the same time it was voted to build a road from Mr. Darling's place, — -now Henry Keith's — and from the Boynton place, — now the Jed. Morse farm — -to the mill ; and also from the mill to the county road, or to the south end of the Common. Thus this mill was the nucleus of the Village. A dwelling house was erected where the paint shop now stands, close by the- pond, on the east side of the road and the north side of the pond. From this starting point in 1760, we come down some forty-five years, and find seven houses in this neighborhood. 1. Where the former counting-room, now Weston's paint shop, stands ; 2. Near Horace Wyman's ; 3. Where the Congregational Church now stands; 4. Where the " Old Barracks" stood, now covered in part by A. B. Smith's store ; 5. Where Mrs. Caswell lives, corner of Central and Spring streets, and two others, one of them at Dea. Hyde's. In 1831^ there were sixteen houses, including that of Seth Tucker, Sen. The road to Mr. Tucker's was very winding, bending half-way down tow- ards B. D. Whitney's works, then curving up by Mr. Tucker's, and go- ing north, it took a lurch westward as far as thirty rods into the Hon. Elisha Murdock's lot ; thence making for Mr. Nutting's. The road from Dea. Hyde's or Paul Boynton's, came as far as William Beaman's, ;-_.;_.„„:^(;ft4!rf-i"=''"' '< Il»ii!|iiiiiiii;.[;"iir,i.;i.iii'!riiiiiii.ii' 11 ill il iei|!l!i;| i Siiil iA I i '' i 1 ill Mm^ li|l||i|||l|j|!!M'l| 'fiilii mSTOKY OF WINCHENDON. 391 and then turned north into the Fitzwilliam road. The greater part of the business in the Village for twenty-five years preceding the above date, was done by three men, viz : Bphraim Murdock, Amasa Whit- ney and Isaac Morse. The latter owned the tannery and the hotel ; Mr. Whitney carried on the woolen business ; Esq. Murdock built hous- es, made sleighs, &c. All of them were large landholders. Their sons were now coming forward to take their places, and accelerate the growth of the place. In 1843, at which time, the author first saw the Village, there were forty dwellings here, not including two or three which are now on the outskirts. Thus it appears that the increase from 1807 to 1843 had been about one house yearly. During the latter part of the period how- ever the increase had been more rapid. Several houses had been erect- ed which indicated increased attention to convenience and taste. The dwellings of Capt. B. Murdock, Jr., Dr. A. Godding, Hon. Ehsha Murdock, and Col. William Murdock, were recent. Mr. C. R. Whit- man's house was built in that year. At that time there was one Church in the Village— the Methodist — one hotel, two mill privileges, one school- room, three or four stores and shops, one piano, two shade trees, — one, the great elm in front of Esq. Murdock's ; the other a small maple on Central street, — and the Academy, then in process of building. There were no streets, properly so called, but several roads leading to neigh- boring towns. There was but little shrubbery, and garden flowers were scarce. The yards and windows of four or five houses on Front street, with a few others, here and there, showed signs of taste and the love of natural beauty. Since then the change has been going on gradually, at the average rate of increase of about eight new houses, though the increase has not been uniform. In some years only a house or two has been put up ; in other years, a dozen or more. There are now in the Village, not far from two hundred and fifty dwelling houses, and fifteen hund- red people. There are five houses of worship, one of them elegant and costly ; three, neat and convenient, and the fifth about to give place to a hew edifice of larger dimensions. Besides the Academy and the school-house, with two apartments, of the former second district, there are now the large and finely proportioned school-house in the north part of the Village, with space for four rooms, and the new school-house now in building, with four large school-rooms, a fine hall for examinations. 392 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. a recitation and an apparatus room. There are now three mill dams in place of two, with greatly increased power. There is a bank, and a town hall. There are twenty or more streets besides the old roads ; shade trees, shrubbery, fruit trees, and flowers abound on every side, and the dwellings are becoming yearly more tasteful and elegant.* Then there was a single piano; there are now not less than thirty, besides ser- aphines, cabinet organs and other musical instruments. Some tweniy- five stores and shops, including dry goods, groceries, millinery, boots and shoes, hardware,, drugs and medicines, clothing, harness, and jewelry, supply in part the wants of the Village and vicinity. Twenty-five years ago, the hdll-side below Mr. Doane's slaughter-house was a dense tan- gle ; now it is a continuation of one of the most beautiful crescent-shaped slopes to be seen in a summer's travel. Then the whole works and pond of Baxter Whitney, with the exception of the river, was covered with a forest ; now there is a fine sheet of water, and numerous buildings, full of busy industry. Then the houses were neat and well-painted ; now there are several which are superior in architecture and finish. The transformation, though gradual, seems to one who looks back, and takes it in at one view, almost incredible. But there are yet greater changes in the future. The opening of the Cheshire railroad in 1847, gave a new impulse to business. The opening of a cross road, and the ■ connection with the Vermont and Massachusetts road, in the south part of the town, which are inevitable, will cause the Village to enter on a new career of prosperity. And when all the water power of the town shall be made available, there will be no cause but the want of enter- prise on the part of the people, to prevent this place becoming one of the largest, busiest, and most beautiful towns in the Commonwealth. *In the yeair 1851, there was a meeting one eveningi in the North Congre- gational Church. A lecture on "Village Improvements" was delivered, in which the lecturer set forth the importance of planting shade and fruit trees and shrubbery ; of beautifying the yards and gardens ; andof having a regard for correct taste in architecture. A society was formed to carry out these suggestions, and though the Association never took any farther action, the members and other citizens, caught the spirit of improvement, and immedi- ately began the work. Now the streets are lined, and the yards are filled with trees, and among all our neat, convenient dwellings, there is not one which is odd in shape, or which offends the eye, while several, as those of George Con- verse, Washington Whitney, James Whitman, Orlando Mason and E. Mur- dock, Jr., are fine specimens of village architecture. The latter especially, while elegant and imposing on the exterior, seems within to combine every eonveuienee with cultivated taste. Illlllllli.i.'* S.N *-8 IF 7, i i 1 iillil i ir-M'^ " "i HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 393 SPRING VILLAGE AND WATERVILLE. The origin of these villages has already been given. They are both capable of considerable increase. There is a plan under consideration for raising the dam of the Monomonauk some ten feet above its' present level. This -would probably double the power in the dry season of the year. Moreover, if the proposed railroad from Peterborough shall be brought through Spring Village, it -will add to its prosperity. Besides the increase of business, the Spring would become a place of resort, since the faciUties for promoting the health and enjoyment of visitors, are almost unrivalled. Wateeville has greater capabilities, inasmuch as it receives water from both branches of Miller's river, and including Hydeville, has a greater fall. The river descends some sixty or seventy feet in the course of half a mile, and there are good building spots the whole distance. When the connection between the Village and the railroad in the south part of the town is made, Waterville will take a new start, and its three or four hundred souls will be multiplied. New Boston, Btjllakdvil]!;b, and Robbins or Hareisville, con- tain each from half a dozen to a dozen houses. Having only a limited water power, there is no probability that either of them will ever in- crease hke those situated on Miller's river. Perhaps the future will see a village at the Mukdock mills, and also at the Butler place, as the power is great and easily available. 894 HISTOEY OP WINCHENDON. CHAPTEK XXVIII.— NOTEWORTHY EVENTS. " Oh night, And storm, and darkness ! ye are wondrous strong." B-TKON. " Win all Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clear from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making this green one red." Shakespeare. "A horrid spectre rises to my sight. Close by my side, and plain and palpable, In all good seeming and cl«se circumstance, As man meets man." Joanna Baillie. In this chapter, various events which almost defy classification, will be arranged under the following titles, viz : Fkosts, Stokms and Tem- pests ; Casualties ; Fibes ; Homicides ; Suicides ; Superstitions, \ &c. Many of the facts are derived from Mr. Hyde ; others from Dr. Whiten, and others still from various sources. Quite a number came under the author's own observation. SECTION 1. — FROSTS, STORMS, TEMPESTS. In 1752, there was a snow-storm in which Joshua Priest was frozen to death. In 1755, the " great earthquake" shook all New England, and pro- duced an extraordinary effect on the public mind. The few settlers in these woods felt the shock. In 1774, there was a hurricane, moving from west to east which struck the meeting-house on Ashbumham hill so violently as to move it three or four feet rom its foundations. It was furious in this town, though there is no record of serious damage. The awful cold -winter of 1780-81 has been referred to already. M HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 395 On the 17th of May, 1794, there was a severe frost. The spring had been early, and vegetation was forward. Rye was headed, and apples were large as bullets. Everything was killed. This is one of the many facts which confirm the saying, that " all attempts at an early spring here will prove a failure." In the summer of 1795, there was a violent tempest about sun-set. Dr. Whiton well remembered " the terrors of the scene." A wild com- motion in the clouds, and a roar in the atmosphere, forewarned of its approach ; thickening darkness came on fast ; soon the hurricane and hail struck the buildings with great fury. The dwelling of Mr. Thorn- ton Barrett was unroofed, and the furniture in the chamber scattered over adjacent fields ; locks of wool blown from the chamber were found adhering to trees miles distant. Some bams were partially unroofed, sheds blown over, and a multitude of trees prostrated. This was spe- cially severe on the road to Fitzwilliam, where fallen trees bore witness to the fury of the storm, many years afterwards. The following even- ing was of pitchy darkness, save when vivid flashes of lightning revealed for an instant the distant hills and*forests. No one was killed, but many were frightened ; some with fear that the day of judgment had come. In the winter of 1798-9, the weather was extremely cold. The snow was very deep. It lay on the ground from the middle of Novem- ber into April ; in the woods, till the middle of May. The stage-sleigh passed through this town eighteen weeks successively. In 1801, about the 20th of June, a severe frost cut down nearly all the grain, and growing crops. There was a memorable northeasterly storm in February, 1802. It was furious and driving. The snow was dense like small hail. It fell to the depth of two feet. People thought that if it had been light, the depth would have been as great as in the " great snow-storm" of 1717, that is, six feet. The spring of 1804 was cold and backward ; hay was scarce, and thj cattle were driven to browsing. Trees were felled for that purpose. They scarcely lived till grass grew. In June, 1806, the total eclipse of the sun filled the inhabitants of Winchemlon, in common with all who beheld it, with the profoundest fcelic^s of admiration and awe. In the same season, on a day when the Cavalry Company, under command of Capt. Phinehas Whitney, paraded in this town, a fearful 396 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. thunder-storm arose. Some of the Co., while on the way home, took refuge in a tavern in Templeton. The electric fluid came down. Some twelve of them were thrown into a heap in the middle of the room, and two were killed. The points of their swords were melted. In 1807, on thef 30th and 31st of March, and the 1st of April, there was the heaviest fall of snow within memory. Rev. Mr. Pillsbury, and Dr. Whiten, then a young man, struggled through the snow, to the meeting-house, on the Sabbath, sometimes on the top of the wall. No one else was there, and they returned in the same way. On the 9th of June, 1816, there was a fall of snow. I have heard the late Dea. Raymond say that apples and snow were together on the trees in his father's orchard. There were frosts at unusual times. The whole summer was cold. There was but little fruit, or corn, though English grain was good. It was called " poverty year." The September gale — on the 16th — of this year, blew down many acres of timber in the westerly part of the town. The next season was also cold, and but little pork was made. As mackerel were uncommonly abundant, this was styled "mackerel year." From the last of May to the first of September, 1819, there were thunder-showers as often as every other day. On the afternoon of the Sabbath, August 20, the commotion of the elements was terrific. Clouds arose in all quarters of the heavens, and met together. All the artil- lery of the skies seemed to be in full play. Many buildings were struct by lightning, and consumed. In the evening, fires could be seen in various directions. In 1821, September 9, there was a fearful hurricane in Athol and towns west of this. Fragments of trees and clothing were borne by the tempest to Winchendon. No damage was done here. The winter of 1842-3, was noted for snow-storms. The snow came early, and did not go ofi' until the last week in April. There were drifts in the woods in the middle of May. On the 12th of November, 1843, people rode in sleighs to the November election. On the 22d of April, 1852, there was a great flood in Miller's river. There had been a fall of snow six or eight inches deep ; this was fol- lowed by rain till the snow was almost ready to run ; then a warm sun came out, and the water rushed down every hill-side into the small streams, which poured their tribute into the river. It was rapidly swbl- BISTOKT OF WINCHBNDON. 397 len above its banks, and roared along its bed mth fearful violence. Men watched at the dams that night, and about one o'clock in the morning of the 22d, the ringing of the alarm bell roused the people. Baxter Whitney's dam was beginning to give way. At two the top of the old woolen factory dam went off, and the rush of waters carried off the Bobbins, the Aldrich and the Hyde dams. About six P. M., Mr. Whitney's dam, and saw-mUl, and the railroad bridge went down with a crash, and the dAris borne by the rushing flood, swept away the cause- way and bridge, on Spring street. The causeway was several feet un- der water. Next the bridge and dam by the woolen mill (now Good- speed & Wyman's site) were taken up as a feather, and hurled down stream with frightful velocity. The accumulated waters and broken timbers rushed along, making a clean sweep of all the bridges and dams below. Standing on Prospect street, the writer had a clear view of the memorable scene. Following the rush towards Waterville, he heard the large rocks in the river dashing against each other with a loud noise, as they were bowled along by the flood. At the same time, all the bridges between the Village and the Ashbumham line, and the Butler mill-dam, were destroyed. This was the greatest and most destructive flood within the memory of the most aged inhabitants. In 1853, on the 27th of August, there was a violent storm. At tea-time a thunder-storm came up ; and there was quite a fall of rain. Suddenly there was a singular and fearful rumbling, such as is rare- ly heard, and which leads one instinctively to seek divine protection. Looking from the front door of his residence on Prospect street, the author saw that the village was shrouded in darkness, and that a fierce tempest was sweeping up the valley. It soon passed over, to the great relief of the shuddering people. The tornado first struck Waterville, doing much damage to trees, bams and houses, and then tore along up the valley of the river, as through a tunnel, and spreading out over the Village. Twenty trees in Dea. Hyde's orchard, and eight belonging to Joel Hyde were upturned. Many others were prostrated. Chim- neys were blown down, three barns were unroofed, the horse-sheds at the Methodist meeiing-house were demolished, and the spire of the Bap- tist meeting-house was thrown down. The morning of January 11, 1859, was the coldest ever known here. The mercray in the thermometer fell to 38 degrees below zero. The winter of 186&-6,was remarkable for the absence of suow- 398 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. * storms. Whenever the clouds gathered, the temperature was a few degrees above the freezing point, and the moisture came down in rain. There was but about a fortnight sleighing all winter, and then the earth was only veneered with a thin crust. The summer of 1868 has been as remarkable for extreme heat. There were a few very hot days in June. In the early part of July, the sun's rays came down with scorching heat. On the 5th, which was Sunday, the thermometer indicated from 95 to 104 degrees in the shade, over a large extent of country. The two next succeeding weeks, with the occasional exception of a day, were similar. Hundreds were cut down by sun-stroke in dififerent parts of the land. Some were pros- trated with the extreme heat, in this town, though none lost their lives. SUDDEN DEATHS BY APOPLEXY, HEAT, &C. In the night preceding the raising of the meeting-house, in 1792, Mr. Bill Hancock died in his bed. In 1809, Bartholomew Stearns, Jr., was found dead in the road near the house of Capt. John Raymond. He had been reaping, became heat- ed, went to the well and drank, and died on his return. In November 1818, Enoch Stuart retired in health, but died in the night. 1819, July 1, David Goodridge, 2d, died suddenly in bed. In 1823, Peter Parmenter was found dead in his bed. 1824, September 17, Abzina Cummings died suddenly. On the 27th of January, 1829, Paul Stewart fell dead in or near his barnyard. 1831, December 16, Capt. Samuel Baldwin was found dead in his bed in the morning. June 15, 1832, Andrew Benjamin was found dead, by his daugh- ter, in the road near the house of Mr. Cromwell Fisher. In this year, John R. Golding fell dead in his house, and an infant child of Lydia Golding died suddenly. On the 22d of November, Isaac Grout, Jr., was found dead in the mowing land of Mr. Luke Rice. He had been missing through the night. In 1834, Simon Wilder was found dead in his bed, and Mary God- dard died in a fit. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 399 In 1837, Mrs. Tisdale Howard died very suddenly. On the 22d o^^October, Mrs. John Arba Brooks died in a fit. In 1840, a girl died on the road near Spring Village. On the 26th of July, 1841, Mrs. Phinehas Parks was found dead near the door. She had stepped out to get some fuel. In 1842, January 7, A child of Peter Thomas was found dead by its mother when she awoke in the night. On the 21st of March, Dea. Luther Richardson died instantly in John Poor's mill yard. He was a very useful man in the church, in the schools, and in the community. In this year, Mrs. Samuel Bro-\vn, wife of Samuel Brown, Sen., at the south end of the town, was found dead in her bed. So was Mrs. Carter, mother of Mrs. David Beaman. Jewett B. Darling was found dead in his bed in the day-time. In 1843, May 14, Phinehas Elwin Parks died suddenly in bed. On the same day. Col. Benjamin Adams died suddenly. On the first Sabbath in May, he was at meeting to hear the writer's first sermon in Winchendon. Preaching the funeral sermon was a severe trial in his early ministry. On the 19th of June, Capt. Joshua Stoddard, another of those whom curiosity led to hear the new minister, died very suddenly. On the 11th of August, 1846, Mr. Enoch Wyman's wife died sud- denly while at work in the house. In 1852, January 7, Enoch Kidder, Esq., died of apoplexy. 1853, August 3, Benjamin Adams, Jr., died in an apoplectic fit. lo 1864, December 1, Mrs. Lucy Whitney, aged nearly 83 years, died in the morning before rising. She was stepmother of Hon. Giles H. Whitney, a gentlewoman with the ancient courtesy, whom every- body loved. On the morning of the Sabbath, January 21, 1866, Mr. George Brown, a respected citizen, died suddenly, of apoplexy. The people heard of the event while on the way to Church. It produced univer- sal solemnity and sorrow. In 1867, November 5, Mrs. Keziah Evans died instantly of apoplexy. On the 18th of the same month, Mrs. Harriet W. Pierce, daughter of the late Amasa Whitney, died suddenly of apoplexy. On the 9th of May 1868, about seven in the evening, Mr. Cal- 400 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. vin R. Whitman, fell and died instantly, of apoplexy, near his house. He was busily at -work with a shovel. He died accordii!^ to his desire, as he had often expressed the wish that he might depart in an instant. He had " put his house in order," and made every preparation for such an event, whenever it might come. He was a man of active temper- ament, large brain — weight 64 ounces — and strong, analytic mind. Nothing i)ut over-cautiousness hindered him from taking the lead in busi- ness and in affairs generally. He was quick to speak, but slow and discreet in action. One who knew him intimately for twenty years and more, in sorrow and in joy, holds his memory in tender remembrance. DEATHS BY ACCIDENTAL DROWNING. In April, 1771, in the spring flood, William Oaks and Robert Mof- fat were drowned. This event has been spoken of on a preceding page. They were in a boat just below the bridge a mile beyond Waterville. The boat was upset, the river was high and rapid. They clung to a large, low stub, for a while. Mrs. Oaks saw them but could render them no help. No neighbors were near. The water was cold, and they became chilled till they could hold on no longer. The mother's ago- ny, as she saw her boy and his companion swept away, no pen can re- cord. In July, 1781, a child of Samuel Stimson was drowned in a well, nearly opposite Mr. 0. Fisher's, on the south side of the road, in the lot of Mrs. Connor. In 1786, William Brown, son of David, was found dead in a well, on the place long occupied by Wilham Brown, Esq., near the Paul Raymond farm. He was subject to fits, and it was supposed that he went to the well for water, fell in, and was drowned. In 1818, July, Cyrus Partridge was drowned in Ashuelot river, 'at Hinsdale, N. H., and was brought the same day to the house of his fath- er, in this town. On Sunday, December 14, 1825, Henry Holden, aged 24, was re- turning home from the New Boston meeting-house, and while crossing the ice on Denison lake, broke through. As he went down the third time, he said : " I must die ; Lord, have mercy on my soul." In 1834, a child of Mr. Capron, was drowned at Spring Village. In 1837, a boy aged eleven years, was drowned at Spring Village. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON, 401 On the first of July, 1843, Henry, son of Mr, Harry and Mrs. Mi- nerva Pitkin, was drowned in the tannery mill-pond, while bathing. He was a bright boy. His funeral was attended in the Methodist Church, on Sabbath evening, when the scene was rendered doubly sol- emn by a heavy thunder-storm. In 1846, August 2, a child of Mr. Moses Foskett was drowned. On the 19th of November, 1849, Leander, son of Mr. Joel and Mrs. Lavina Hunt, was drowned in the pond near their house. He fell from the bridge. On the 21st of August, 1851, Frederic P., a little son of Mr. Levi N. and Mrs. Calista P. Fairbanks, was drowned in Athol. The pa- rents belonged here, and their affliction elicited the sympathy of many friends. In 1860, February 27, Sarah Ann, a daughter of Mr. B. Talbot, was drowned a few rods above the causeway bridge. On the 22d December, 1861, a son of Thomas Hughes was drowned. Joseph H. Crowley, a little boy was drowned on the 2d of June, 1863. In 1866, June 24, Pliny H. Tannant was drowned near Goodspeed & Wyman's dam. On the 28th day of June, 1868, James B. Gardham, of St. John, Canada, was drowned above the railroad dam. Though a comparative stranger here, he was esteemed by those who knew him. DEATHS BY FAILING TEEES, &C. . The first case of this kind befel the most important man in town, in both Church and State, at the time, Dea. Richard Day. He was instant- ly killed by the falling of a tree, near the corner of the road northeast of Capt. G. Alger's. This was on the third of May, 1774. May 19, 1784, John Chamberlin was killed by a falling tree, which he and his son had been cutting. On the 10th of May, 1786, Uriah Crooks was fataUy hurt by the fall- ing of a stub, at a chopping bee. This was at the northeast corner o f Denison lake. He survived but a few hours. 1791, in May, Jonathan Stimson, when ploughing on the Beaman farm, was struck by a tree blown down by the wind, and killed. In 1883, January 14, Samuel Brown, Jr., was killled by the fall of a tree, near the southeast part of the Brown farm, where a monument 96 402 HISTORY OF wirrcHEjrDojr. ffiarfa the spot. He was a brother of the late Wm. Brown, Esq., and father of the Rev. Samuel Watsoa Brown, recently deceased. In 1834, Mary Day, daughter of Mr. Daniel Day, Sen., was killed hj a falling tree. She and a young playmate, now Mra. A. Bowker, were at a safe distance, but the choppers told them to ruD, when they started, the little Day ^rl fell, and was killed by a branch. This occur- red just across Miller's river, and north of the Fry place. September 2, 1836, Joseph Adams, son of Col, Adams, was kiDed at the Murdock mills, which he had sold, not long before, to Capt. Mur- dock. A log which he was hauling, swung round, and hitting him on the head, gave a mortal blow. He hved but a few hours. He was an enterprising man, pleasant in his family, and respected by his friends, A falling tree killed Mr. Humphrey Harris, on the 13th of January, 1847. DEATHS BY HOKSES, TEAMS, &C. Capt. Israel Whitcomb is often mentioned in the Records, near the close of the last century and the opening of the present. He was killed by the kick of a horse, in Fitzwilliam, November, 1804. He was found in the road by Esq. Murdock, In 1811, Joseph Story of Eitchburg, was killed on the road just be' yond Capt. Levi Steams', by falling out of a chaise, and being run over by the wheels. In November, 1814, Luke Knight was killed in a wagon, by the kick of a horse, on the road near where Mr. William Capron lives. On the 14th of October, 1816, Thomas Wyman, Jr., was killed, it was supposed, by falling from a horse, and being dragged by the stir- rup. He was found dead in the road near. On the 6th of the" following December, Thomas Wyman, Sen., who was deaf, was killed in Worcester, by a stage running over him in the dark. In 1818, June 6, Silas Brown, eleven years old, came to his death by being run over by a cart loaded with gravel. On the 30th of December, 1830, a boy named Elisha Fry, was killed by the falling of a cart body upon him, at the Elias Whitney place. In 1834, July 13, Elizabeth Goodspeed was killed, a large loaded wagon passing over her head and neck. She, with others, was return- HISTORY 03? WmCHBNBON. 403 ing from meeting in a wagon. In attempting to pass the loaded wag- on, their vehicle was upset towards the wagon, and she was thrown under a wheel. Joel Bobbins, of Rindge, on the 18th of September, 1835, was MUed near the Woodbury saw-mill, by a wagon. In October, 1843, a little son of Mr. Newell and Mrs. Rebecca Wy^ man was killed by the kick of a horse. Edson A. Parks, son of Mr. Austin Parks, was killed by the kick of a horse, on the 8th of January, 1866. BEATHS BY BURNING. In 1824, the widow Elizabeth Baldwin was found burnt to death, by the family, on returning from meeting on the Sabbath day. Nearly all her flesh was consumed. In 1828, a child of a Mr. Lathrop came to its death by falling into a pot of hot fat. In 1837, a child of Mr. Joel Hunt died in consequence of being scalded. On the morning of the 5th of December, 1854, Mrs. Phebe H. Wy- man, wife of Mr. Harvey Wyman, was burned to death. She was en- feebled by sickness, and being left a few minutes, it is supposed she ap- proached the fire for some purpose, and fell in, and being unable to extricate herself, perished. She was a sensible, pious woman, and was greatly missed by her friends. OTHER FATAL CASDAITIES. ^ In 1778, a traveller, while stopping at the Nichols tavern, was chok- ed to death by a piece of meat. 1786, Mrs. Jonathan Smith had a child die in her arms while riding in a sleigh ; probably smothered. In 1830, a daughter of Mr. Lewis Robbins, named Maria, feU upon a revolving water-wheel, and was instantly killed. On the 17th of October, 1833, Samuel Hartwell was found dead near a bridge, in the south-west part of the town. He was out in the ■dark, the evening before, and the supposition was that he fell from the bridge. In 1884, Februaiy 5, a young man, Adams by name, working in 404 HISTORY OF WIIfCHENDOW. the factory at Spring Village, had his hand caught in a running helt, which injurfed him so as to cause his death. "— October 15, 1840, a son of Mr. Edward Loud, named William, was tilled by being caught in a belt, and thrown round a shaft. On the 25th of March, 1846, a young man from New Salem, named Weeks, was tilled by falling upon a water-wheel. On the 2d of April, same year, a girl named Taggart, aged 16 years, from Sharon, N. H., was found dead, having been frozen, a lit- tle distance from the road, in the woods north from the school-house. She had been working in the cotton factory, but was missing in the previous November. For a time it was supposed that she had return- ed to her home. In 1852, Oct. 29, Mr. Jason Goodaledied in consequence of a fall. March 21, 1860, Elisha R., son of Mr. Newell Wyman, ten years of age, while playing on a mow in the barn, slid on to an iron hay-hook, which entered the lower part of his body, and penetrated sixteen inches. It was impossible to extract it before the death of the lad, which oc- curred in a few hours. The little fellow knew that he niust die, but he manifested the sweetest trust in his Saviour. In 1862, December 29, Mrs. Nancy Bobbins died literally of old , age, bang 101 years and 5 months old. Ob the 2d of September, 1864, Wallace R., son of Mr. H. 0. Clark, came to his death by an accident on the Wilmington & Baltimore rail- road. His remains were brought here for burial. The event awak- ened deep sympathy for the afflicted family. in 1865;, on the 4th of Apii!, Walter G. Bryant, son of Mr. Nathan Bryant, was killed by the bursting of a gun, near the house of Capt. Levi Greenwood, and a few rods from his father's door. He was an only child, and was greatly beloved by his parents, teachers and com- panions. He was eighteen years of age. FIRES. Kres were not common in the early years of the town, though there are traditions of an occasional case of the kind. Kres have been con- fined mainly to mills, shops and dry-houses. Three factories, two oil nulls, one grist mill, a large bam and two large dry-houses, have been bumed on the ate of Goodspeed & Wyman. Some of the fires will be mentioned in chronological ord^-. HISTORY OF WnfCHENDON. 405 1851, April 22. The shoe shop of Wm. Pollard, the Union store, the Post Office, and the stores and shops of N. H. Han'd, Knapp & Beals, Joel Hunt, J. M. Claughlin and M. B. Felton, were burned to the ground. December 19. The house of Ozro Hancock, and the store of Mo- ses Hancock in Water ville, were burned. 1852, June 11. The large boarding-house and two dry-houses were burned at Murdock's mill. August 20. Two barns, with considerable property belonging to the tavern stand, were consumed. October 19. The store occupied by George S. Pollard, and the Odd Fellows hall, was much damaged by fire. 1853, January 23. The house of Messrs. Wheeler & Hayward, on the hiU, was half consumed. 1854, August 12. The tub and pail shop of E. Murdock, Jr., oc- cupied by William Beaman and Mr. Converse, was burnt. November 17. Whitman & Parks' mill and pail shop, at Bullard- ville, were burnt to the ground. 1855, The large barn of the Winchendon Manufacturing Co., with hay and grain, was entirely consumed. May 30. The large factory at Spring Village, was burned to the ground. Insured for f30,000. 1856, May 27. The tannery was consumed. November 21. E. Murdock & Co's pail shop at Waterville, was burned. 1857, May. The mill and pail and tub shop of Parks & Day, at Bullardville, were totally destroyed. 1858, October. The barn of Elisha Beaman, with all its contents, was burned. 1859, September 27. The woolen factory met its fate the third and last time. 1863, March 20. The foundry of B. D. Whitney, occupied by EUsha Beaman, was consumed. The above were the principal fires during the last twenty years. The origin in most cases, was accident, or carelessness ; in others, the pub- lic opinion was, that incendiaries had been at work. But no case of conviction for incendiarism has occurred. 406 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. CASES OF SUICIDE. The first instance of self-destruction occurred on tlie 12th of March, 1797, when a boy named Jonathan Moor, hung himself on a sleigh- tongue, in the bam of Lieut. Benjamin Hubbard, who then lived on what was afterwards known as Elias Whitney's farm. Inquiry elicits nothing to account for the act but the remark that " the boy was a witch-eat." On the 29th of June, 1862, Miss Jerusha Dunham took her own life by hanging. She was naturally anaiable and attractive, but was long afflicted with hereditary insanity. In 1864, June 20, Miss Lorinda Phelps committed suicide by drown- ing. In 1864, June 20, Miss Lorinda Phelps was found in the Kendall & Mason pond near Hydeville. It was supposed liiat, in a fit of de- pression, she had given up hfe in this mode. HOMICIDES. On the 8th of September, 1800, a youth by the name of Stephen Bixby, was killed and horribly mangled with an axe, by Daniel Rob- bins, an insane man. This took place in or near a log house on land of Capt. Joseph Bobbins. Bobbins labored under the delusion that the end of the world was near, and that in order to its actual arrival, blood must be shed, and that God had set him apart to do the work. He chased his own brother, who was obliged to flee for his life. Men turn- ed out armed with guns, pitchforks and other weapons, and captured him. He was put in prison, and confined for Kfe. This was before the day of hospitals for the insane. Dr. Whiton says that boys were afraid to go after the cows, fearing lest Bobbins would dart out from the bushes and kill them. In 1861, on the 14th of September, Mrs. Betsey Page died from poi- son. At the same time, her two daughters. Miss Miranda Page and Mrs. Leander Hartwell; sufiered, the former severely, the latter inildly, from the same dose. The case was this. Hartwell had married the youngest daughter, and lived on the place, having the care of a moth- er-in-law and a sister-in-law who were invalids. His wife was healthy. He obtained arsenic of the apothecary, on the plea that he wanted to kill rats. The poison was mixed in some hash prepared for breakfast. HISTOBT OF •WINCHBNDON. 407 The moflier was fatally poisoned ; Miranda just escaped death ; Mrs. Hartwell paxtook of but little. It was clearly proved )that Hartweli put the poison in the victuals, but he was cleared on the plea of insan- ity. He was kept in the insane hospital for a while, and then releas- ed. He lived with his wife till her death a year or two since. Many believed that the plea of insanity had no foundation. A dark crime occurred a few years since. A large paper box was found floating on the pond in the Tillage, containing the tiny bodies of two infent-s. Whether they were born dead, or were smothered, or died from exposure, is not known. This was one of those cases of hid- den guilt which make a judgment day a necessity. In this connection, it is proper, if any allusion is made to the mat- ter, to speak of a supposed case of homicide, or murder, which occurred many years since. The author has hesitated to relate the circumstan- ■ces, lest injustice might be done to an innocent man ; but as he was considered guilty at the time, and is still by aged people, it will help to clear his memory, to state the case. Along before and after the be- ginning of the century, a man by the name of Bber Arnold, lived in the old Oaks house, now occupied by Mr. Townsend, beyond the bridge a mile from Waterville. He was a man of violent temper, and intem- perate habits. A young man was working for him one season, with whom he became very angry. They were at work one day, in the meadow south of Miller's river, and when called to dinner, Arnold in- sisted that the young man should carry him on his back, across the stream. The youth contrived to stumble and throw the old man into the water. The latter was in»a towering passion, and threatened to kill the roguish fellow. As evening Came on, the young man left the house, and went up the road to the house of Mr. Phinehas Parks. Soon Arnold came along, but the young man left the house by the back door before his pursuer entered. He disappeared in the dark towards the woods southwest of the house. Arnold wore an old cloak, and had a rusty old sword underneath it. He started after the young man, and the story is,. the latter was never seen afterwards. In after years it was observed that Arnold, in abstracted moods, talked as if conscious of some dark and secret crime. It is the old story of Eugene Aram. A watcher with him when sick, related how he was disturbed in his dreams and his waking hours. He spoke of the hands that were not coveredf 408 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. up, and of other things, as if he had had a struggle with his victim. The impression made on the mind of his attendant was, that Arnold was cognizant of the cause of the young man's absence. The result of all the circumstances was a conviction in many minds that he was guilty, either of murder, or of homicide in a fight. It is gratifying to be able to state that those suspicions probably were unfounded. A cit- izen of this town, while traveling a few years since in Vermont, staid over night at the house of a sister of the missing man, and she said that the family did not believe that her brother was killed by Arnold. Whether they had heard from him, or not, is not known, but they har- bored no suspicions of his murder. Thus a stain is taken from the mem- ory of Arnold, and also from the fair fame of the town. SUPERSTITION AND ■WITCHCEAPT. The town traditions are not rich in cases of witchcraft and appari- tions, though doubtless the early settlers partook of the spirit of the times, when every neighborhood had its stories of ghosts. Even to this day there are those who believe in the supernal or infernal knowledge of witches, and there are those living who have resorted to such hags to get information of lost cattie, and of the location of drowned bodies. Here and there one has been weak enough to seek for similar intelli- gence from spirit rappers, though the town has been remarkably free from such delusions. About 1790, according to Dr. Whiton, there was a supposed case of witchcraft in this town. The members of a family living on the Bige- low place in the east part of the town, were alarmed by what they deemed supernatural noises, and by stones thrown against the house by invisible hands. The disturbance rose to such a pitch, and the family were so alarmed, that they called in the minister, Mr. Brown, to lay the spirit, check-mate the witch, exorcise the foul fiend, or remove the cause of disturbance, whatever it might be. Mr. Brown was never in- clined to say much about the matter, but it was supposed fcat he con- sidered the noises to be the work of human cunning. In 1814, an aged inhabitant died. Some time after, his son went to the old burying-yard to put up gravestones. He related that his fa- ther appeared to him, and religiously believed that it was a real case of ghostly apparition. It does not appear that the departed had anything HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 409 to eommunicate that would justify takiDg such a journey ; a circum- stance often noticed in relation to alleged spiritualistic messages from the unseen world. It must be confessed that this section upon superstitions is very mea- ger, but the author is glad that there is nothing farther of this nature to relate. The more enlightened a people are in their religious convic- tions, the better instructed they are in Scriptural truth, the more free are they from dark and degrading superstitions. 410 HISTORY ' OF WINCHENDON. CHAPTER XXIX. — LIST OF TOWN OF- FICERS. " Honor and shame ifi'om no condition rise ; Act well your part,-*ifliiere all the honor lies.' i,l Pope. LIST or TOWN OrFICEES. In the following list will be foun^.-the names of the principal town of- ficers from the year 1766. The first column, headed " Moderators, &c.," contains the names of the M'bderator, Clerk and Treasurer, for each year, and always in that order of sequence. YEAR. MODERATORS, ETC. 1766. Ephraim Boynton, Abel Wilder, Kicbard Day. 1767. Theos. Mansfield, Theos. Mansfield, Eiehard Day. 1768. Theos. Mansfield, Abel Wilder, Richard Day. 1769. Theos. Mansfield, Abel Wilder, Richard Day. 1770. Theos. Mansfield, Abel Wilder, Richard Day. 1771. Richard Day, Abel Wilder, Richard Day. 1Y72. John Cheney, Abel Wilder, Richard Day. 1773. Richard Day, Abel Wilder, Moses Hale. SELECTMEN. Theos. Mansfield, Richard Day, Abel Wilder. Theos. Mansfield, Joseph Boynton, Silas Whitney. Abel Wilder, Seth Oaks, Jonathan Stimson. Abel Wilder, Seth Oaks; Jonathan Stimson. Abel Wilder, Seth Oaks, John Boynton. Richard Day, John Cheney, Thomas Sawyer. Abel Wilder, John Boynton, Dudley Perley. Richard Day, Amos Merriam, John Homer. ASSESSORS. No Assessors. HISTORY OP WINCHBNDON. 411 TEAK. MODERATOKS, ETC. 1774. Seth Oaks, Abel Wilder, Moses Hale. 1775. Moses Hale, Abel Wilder, Moses Hale. 1776. Moses Hale, Abel Wilder, Moses Hale. 1777. Thomas Kimball, Abel Wilder, Amos Merriam. n78. Moses Hale, Abel Wilder, Abel Wilder. 1779. Benjamin Brown, Abel Wilder, Abel Wilder. 1780. Dr. Israel Whiten, Abel Wilder, Abel Wilder. 1781. Ebenezer Sherwin, Abel Wilder, Benj. Brown. 1782. Sam'l Crosby, Abel Wilder, Benj Brown. SELECTMi N. Abel Wilder, Levi Nichols, Abner Hale, Wm. Whitney, . Eli Smith. Abel Wilder, Levi Nichols, John Boynton, David Po ir, Gideon Fdsher. Abel Wilder, William Whitney. Joseph-'Boynton, Eli Smith, James Murdock. Abel Wilder, John .Boynton, Wm. Whitney, Eli Smith, Amos Merriam. Moses Hale, Miles Putnam, Daniel Goodridge, Joseph Bacon, Abner Curtiss. Amos Merriam, Ebenezer Sherwin, Solomon Bigelow, Seth Oaks, Samuel Noyes. Abel Wilder, Samuel Prentiss, Benjamin Brown, Samuel Stone, Francis Bridge. Amos Merriam, Joshua Gale, Bill Hancock, Paul Boynton, John Day. Amos Merriam, Sam'l Crosby, Esq., Amos Hey wood, Edward Withington. ASSESSORS. No Assessors. Abel Wilder, Moses Hale, Thomas Kimball. No Assessors. Selectmen. Selectn Amos Merriam, Ebenezer Sherwin, Solomon Bigelow. Abel Wilder, Sam'l Prentiss, Benjamin Brown. Amos Merriam, Joshua Gale, BiU Hancock. Amos Merriam, Sam'l Crosby, Amos Heywood. 412 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. YEAR. MODBRATOKS, ETC. 1783. Moses Hale, Benj. Brown, Moses Hale. 1784. Moses Hale, Benj. Brown, Amos Merriam. 1785. Abel Wilder, Benj. Brown, Amos Merriam. 1786. Moses Hale, Benj. Brown, Amos Merriam. 1787. Sam'l Prentice, Amos Heywood, Amos Merriam. 1788. Sam'l Crosby, Amos Heywood, Moses Hale. 1789. Sam'l Crosby, Amos Heywood, Moses Hale. 1790. Sam'l Crosby, Amos Heywood, Moses Hale. 1791. Sam'l Crosby, Amos Heywood, Moses Hale. SELECTMEN. Amos Merriam, Sam'l Crosby, Benj. Brown, David Foster, Daniel Hubbard. Benj. Brown, Samuel Prentice, Samuel Litch, James Steel, James Cooledge. Benj. Brown. Sam'l Prentice, Sam'l Litch, James Steel, James Cooledge. Benj. Brown, Sam'l Prentice, Sam'l Crosby, Esq., John Burr, Levi Moor. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart, Daniel Heywood. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart, Daniel Hubbard, Paul Boynton. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart, Daniel Hubbard, Paul Boynton. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart, Paul Boynton, Ebenezer Richardson, Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart, Paul Boynton, Ebenezer Richardson. ASSESSORS. Amos Merriam, Sam'l Crosby, Benj. Brown. Benj. Brown, Sam'l Prentice, Sam'l Litch. Benj. Brown, Sam'l Prentice, Sam'l Litch. Benj. Brown, Sam'l Prentice, Sam'l Crosby. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart. Amos Heywood, Jeremiah Stuart, Abiel Buttrick. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart. Amos Heywoo^, Jeremiah Stuart, Abiel Buttrick. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 413 VEAE.. MODERATOKS, ETC. 1792. Sam'l Crosby, Sam'l Crosby, Moses Hale. 1793. Sam'l Prentice, Amos Heywood, John Burr. 1794. Moses Hale, Moses Hale, Sam'l Prentice. 1795. Amos Heywood, Moses Hale, Levi Moor. 1796. Desire Tolman, Amos Heywood, Levi Moor. 1797. Desire, Tolman, Amos Heywood, Levi Moor. 1798. Desire Tolman, Moses Hale, Amos Heywood. 1799. Desire Tolman, Sam'l Crosby, Amos Heywood. 1800. Desire Tolman, Samuel Crosby, Amos Heywood. SELECTMEN. Samuel Crosby, Abiel Buttrick, Paul Boynton, Ebenezer Kichardson. Desire Tolman. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, - Jeremiah Stuart, Peter Kobinson, Amos Hale. Moses Hale, Desire Tolman, Paul Boynton, Ezra Hide, Benjamin Wilder. Moses Hale, Desire Tolman, Benjamin Wilder, Jacob Wales, Thomas Greenwood. Amos Heywood, Benj. Wilder, Sam'l Prentice, Jr., Thomas Wilder, Phinehas Whitney. Amos Heywood, Benj. Wilder, Sam'l Prentice, Jr., Phinehas Whitney, Jonas Bruce. Moses Hale, Ezra Hide, - Amasa Brown, Benj. Hubbard, Levi Heywood. Samuel Crosby, Ezra Hyde, Desire Tolman, Thomas Grraton, , Benj. Hubbard. Sam'l Crosby, Thomas Graton, Paul Raymond, Jr., Jacob B. Woodbury, Benj. Adams. ASSESSORS. Sam'l Crosby. Abiel Buttrick, Paul Boynton. Amos Heywood, Abiel Buttrick, Jeremiah Stuart. Moses Hale, Desire Tolman, Paul Boynton. Moses Hale, Desire Tolman, Benj. Wilder. Amos Heywood, Benj. Wilder, Sam'l Prentice, Jr. Amos Hejrwood, Benj. Wilder, Sam'l Prentice, Jr. Moses Hale, Amasa Brown, Ezra Hyde. Sam'l Crosby, Ezra Hyde, Desire Tolman. Sam'l Crosby, Thomas Graton, Paul Raymond, Jr. 414 HISTORY OP WmCHENDON. YBAK. MODERATOES, ETC. 1801. Desire Tolman, Amos Heywood, Levi Moor. 1802. Desire Tolman, Amos Heywood, Samuel Prentiss. 1803. Desire Tolman, Amos Heywood, Samuel Prentiss. 1804. Desire Tolman, Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond, Jr. 1805. Desire Tolman, - Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond. 1806. Desire Tolman, Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond. 1807. Jacob B. Woodbury, Samuel Prentiss, Thomas Grraton. 1808. Desire Tolman, Samuel Prentiss, Thomas Graton. 1809. Paul Raymond, Samuel Prentiss, Thomas Graton. 1810. Amos Heywood, Samuel Prentiss, Benj. Adams. SELECTMEN. Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond, Jr., Sam'l Prentice, Jr., Eph'm Murdock, Isaac Noyes. Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond, Jr., Sam'l Prentiss, Jr., Benjamin, Hubbard, Abel Jones. Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond, Jr., Thomas Greenwood, Samuel Brown, Hananiah Whitney. Amos Heywood, Thomas Greenwood, Hananiah Whitney. Thomas Greenwood, Sam'l Brown, Hananiah Whitney. Thomas Greenwood, Samuel Brown, Samuel Prentiss, George Coffin, Timothy Hancock. Paul Raymond, James Raymond, David Beaman, Daniel Day, Thomas Knowlton. Paul Raymond, James Raymond, David Beaman, Isaac Morse, Abijah Pierce. Paul Raymond, Sam'l Prentiss, Sam'l Brown, Eph'm Murdock, Asa Perly. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Asa Perly. ASSESSOKS. Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond, Jr., Sam'l Prentice, Jr. Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond, Jr. Sam'l Prentiss, Jr. Amos Heywood, Paul Raymond, Jr., Thos. Greenwood. Amos Heywood, Thos. Greenwood, Han'h Whitney. Amos Heywood, Sam'l Prentiss, Jr., Amos Goodhue. Amos Heywood, Han'h Whitney, Amos Goodhue. PaulHaymond, Phinehas Whitney, Nathaniel Holman. Paul Raymond, James Raymond, David Beaman. Sam'l Prentiss, John McElwdn, Isaac Morse. Paul Raymond, Moses Hale, Jr., John McBlwain-. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 415 YEAR. MODERATORS, ETC. 1811. PaulRaymond, Samuel Prentiss, Benj. Adams. 1812. Eph'm Murdook, Sam'l Prentiss, Benj. Adams. 1813. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Benj. Adams. 1814. Isaac Morse, Sam'l Prentiss, Benj. Adams. 1815. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Benj. Adams. 1816. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Benj. Adams. 1817. Horatio G.Newcomb, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. 1818. H. G. Newoomb, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. 1819. Israel Whitcomb, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. SELECTMEN. Isaac Morse, Thos. Greenwood, Sam'l Brown, George Coffin, Asa Hale. Isaac Morse, Thomas Greenwood, George Coffin, Asa Hale, Amasa Whitney. Thomas Greenwood, Sam'l Prentiss, George Coffin, Asa Hale, Amasa Whitney. Thomas Greenwood, Sam'l Prentiss, George Coffin, Asa Hale, Amasa Whitney. Thomas Greenwood, Asa Hale, Asa Perly, Israel Whitcomb, Sam'l Noyes. Thomas Greenwood, Asa Hale, Israel Whitcomb, Samuel Noyes, David Beaman. Thomas Greenwood, Asa Hale, Israel Whitcomb, Sam'l Noyes, David Beaman. Israel Whitcomb, Asa Perly, Gideon Balcom, Levi Brooks, Moses Hale. Israel Whitcomb, Gideon Balcom, Daniel Henshaw. ASSESSORS. • Paul Raymond, Nathaniel Holman, John McElwain. Samuel Prentiss, Paul Raymond, John McElwain. Isaac Morse, Sam'l Prentiss, William Tolman. Paul Raymond, Isaac Morse, John McElwain. Paul Raymond, Samuel Prentiss, Isaac Morse. Paul Raymond, Sam'l Prentiss, Jacob Woodbury. Isaac Morse, Jacob Woodbury, Moses Hale. Moses Hale, Horatio G. Neweomb, Jacob Woodbury. Paul Raymond, Sam'l Prentiss, James McElwain, J r. 416 HISTORY OF -VTINCHENDON. YEAR. MODBEATOKS, ETC. 1820. 1821. 1822. H. G-. Newcomb, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. 1823. Israel Whiteomb, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss, Amasa Whitney. 1828. Isaac Morse, Samuel Prentiss,* Amasa Whitney. Jacob Wales, Isaac Morse, Benj. Adams. Foxwell N. Thomas, Joshua Smith, Benj. Adams. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1829. 1830. 1831. Jacob Wales, Joshua Smith, Benj. Adams. 1832. Elisha Gregory, Webster Whitney, Benj. Adams. 1833. Mark Whiteomb, Webster Whitney, Benj. Adams. SELECTMEN. Gideon Balcom, Asa Hale, William Tolman. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Benj. Adams. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Benj. Adams. Israel Whiteomb, James McElwain, Paul Kaymond, Jr. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Sijni'l Prentiss. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Israel Whiteomb. Benj. Adams, William Brown, Jacob Woodbury. Benj. Adams, Israel Whiteomb, Jacob Woodbury. Isaac Morse, Israel Whiteomb, Luke Parks. Isaac Morse, Israel Whiteomb, Luke Parks. William Brown, 'f-'^dward Loud, Henry Greeiiwood, Jacob Wales, Reuben Harris. William Brown, Henry Greenwood, Jacob Wales. Henry Greenwood, -Edward Loud, Seth Tucker, Jr. Benj. Adams, Israel Whiteomb, Henry Greenwood, ASSESSORS. Paul Raymond, Samuel Prentiss, James McElwain, Jr. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Benj. Adams. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Benj. Adams. Isaac Morse, Jacob Woodbury, ' Sam'l Prentiss. Isaac Morse, Eph'm Murdock, Sam'l Prentice. Isaac Morse, Jacob Wales, Israel Whiteomb. Benj. Adams, William Brown, Jacob Woodbury. Benj. Adams, Israel Whiteomb, Jacob Woodbury. Isaac Morse, Israel Whiteomb, Jacob Woodbury. Isaac Morse, Israel Whiteomb, Luke Parks. Jacob Wales, James McElwain, William Tolman. James McElwain, Edward Loud, Jacob Wales. James McElwain, Thomas Knowlton, Mark Whiteomb, James McElwain, George Alger, William Bro^n. * Died October 13. Joshua Smith served the remainder of the year. HISTOET 01? WINCHENDON. 417 TEAR. MODBKATOES, ETC. 1834. Eeuben Harris, Webster Whitney, Webster Whitney. 1835. John Cutter, Webster Whitney, Webster Whitney. 1836. John Cutter, Webster Whitney, Webster Whitney. 1837. Eph'mMurdock.Jr., Webster Whitney, Isaac Morse. ^ 1838. E. Murdoek, Jr., Webster Whitney, Isaac Morse. 1839. E. Murdoek, Jr., Webster Whitney, E. Murdoek, Jr. 1840. John Cutter, Webster Whitney, E. Murdoek, Jr. 1841. John Cutter, Webster Whitney, E. Murdoek, Jr. 1842. E. Murdoek, Jr., Webster Whitney, E. Murdoek, Jr., 1843. E. Murdoek, Jr., Webster Whitney, E. Murdoek, Jr. 1844. E. Murdoek, Jr., Webster Whitney, E. Murdoek, Jr. 1845. E. Murdoek, Jr., Webster Whitney, C. K. Whitman. 1846. Calvin K. Whitman, Webster Whitney, C. E. Whitman. 1847. E. Murdoek, Jr. Webster Whitney. C. R. Whitman. SELECIUEN. William Brown, Isaac Morse, Levi Greenwood. William Brown, Isaac Morse, Levi Greenwood, /Isaac Morse, Levi Greenwood, Elisha Beaman. Levi Greenwood, Mark Whitcomb, Reuben Vose. Levi Greenwood, Mark Whitcomb, Eeuben Vdse. Mark Whitcomb, Henry Greenwood, John Forristall. Henry Greenwood, John Porristall, Webster Whitney. Henry Greenwood, John Forristall, Webster Whitney. Henry Greenwood, Levi Parks, Webster Whitney. Levi Parks, Henry Greenwood, Webster Whitney. Webster Whitney, Levi Eaymond, Epb. W. Weston. Eph. W. Weston, John Gutter, Moses Hancock. Webster Whitney, Henry Greenwood, Epb. Murdoek, Jr. Elisha Beaman, Harvey Wyman, Levi Raymond. ASSESSORS. Eph'mMurdock.Jr., William Brown, George Alger. James McElwain, Eph'mMurdock.Jr., George Alger. Webster Whitney, Benj. Adams, George Alger. Eph'm Murdoek, Jr., James McElwain, Levi Parks.' James McElwain, Levi Parks, William B. Whitney. Levi Parks, William B. Whitney, Ezra Porter. Levi Parks, James McElwain, Webster Whitney. Levi Parks, James McElwain, Moses Hancock. Levi Parks, Moses Hancock, Levi Greenwood. Moses Hancock, Eph. W. Weston, Levi Greenwood. Levi Greenwood, Eph. W. Weston, Moses Hancock. Eph. W. Weston, Joseph Porter, George Brown. Ezra Porter, Jacob Woodbury, Seth Tucker, Jr. Eph'm Murdoek, Jr., Moses Hancock, Seth Tucker, Jr. 27 418 SIS rOKY OF -WINCHENDO^. YEAR. MODERATORS, ETC. SELECTMEN. ASSESSaKS- 1848 Milton 8. Morse, Webster Wbitney, C. K Wbitman. Elisha Beaman, Harvey Wyman, Levi Raymond. Milton S. Morse, Eph'm W. Weston, Ezra Porter. 1849 Milton S. Morse, Webster Whitney. E. W. Weston- Levi Greenwood, Oliver Adams, Grover S. Whitney. Ezra Porter, Seth Tucker, Linebln Balcom, 1850 Elisba Murdock, Webster Whitney, E. W. Weston. Webster Whitney, Eph'm Murdock, Jr., Grover S. Whitney. Es/a Porter, Ejisba Murdocb, ^ra Porter. 1851 E. Murdock, Jr., Webster Whitney, Benj. K. Day. Moses Hancock, Nelson D. White, Oliver Adams. p. W. Weston, /Moses Hancock, ; Ezra Porter. 1852 E. Murdock, Jr., Webster Whitney, Benj. R. Day. Moses Hancock, Nelson D. White, Oliver Adams. / Ezra Porter, Seth Tucker, Jr., Calvm R. Wbitman, 1853. E. Murdock, Jr., Webster Whitney, B. R. Day. Oliver Adams, Seth Tucker, Jr., Levi Parks. Seth Tucker, C. B. Whitman, Edwin Parks. 1854 John Cutter, Webster Whitney, B. R. Day. , Oliver Adams, Maynard Partridge, David Caswell. Betbnel Ellis, Charles W. Bigelo\f, Amasa Wbitney. 1855 John Gutter, Webster Whitney, B. R. Day. Maynard Partridge, John Cutter, Joshua B. Sawyer. Bethuel Ellis, Edwin Parks, Seth Tucker, Jr. 1856. Oilman B. Parker, Webster Whitney, B. R. Day. Webster Whitney, Orlando Mason, Seth Tucker. Seth Tucker, Calvin R. Whitman, Bethuel Ellis. 1857 B. Murdock, Jr., Webster Whitney, B. B. Day. Webster Whitney, Orlando Mason, George Brown. Calvin R. Wbitman, Bethuel Ellis, Wra. L. Woodcock. 1858 Giles H. Wbitney, Webster Whitney, B. R. Day. Webster Whitney, Orlando Mason, Oliver Adams. Bethuel Ellis, Elisha Beaman, Seth Tucker. 1859 Giles H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, B. R. Day. Webster Whitney, Orlando Mason, Oliver Adams. Bethuel Ellis, Elisha Beaman, J. H.Fairbank. 1860 Giles H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, B. R. Day.* Oliver Adams, J, B. Sawyer, Luke Hale. Bethuel Ellis, Seth Tucker, Elisha Beaman. 1861. Giles H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, Wm. Brown, 2d. Oliver Adams, J. B. Sawyer, George B. Raymond. Bethuel Ellis, Seth Tucker. Charles D. Brown. ; ♦Besigned in August, when William Brown, 23, was appointed. HISTORY OP WINCHBNDON. 419 TB&B. MODERATORS, ETC. 1862. G. H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, John H. Fairbauk. 1863. G. H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, John H. Fairbank. 1864. G. H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, John H. Fairbank. 1865. G. H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, Anson B, Smith. 1866. G. H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, Anson B. Smith. 1867. G. H. Whitney, Webster Whitney, A. B. Smith. 1868. G. H. Whitney, * Webster Whitney, A. B. Smith. SELECTMEN. Oliver Adams, J. B. Sawyer, George B. Raymond, Bethuel Ellis, Geo. B. Baymond, William Beaman. Bethuel Ellis, Geo. B. Baymoftd, William Beaman. Geo. B. Raymond, John D. Howard, M. B. White, Bethuel Ellis, William Beaman, Wm. L. Woodcock. Bethuel Ellis. William Beaman, Wm. L. Woodcock. Bethuel Ellis, Seth Tucker, Edward Loud, Jr. ASSESSORS. Bethuel Ellis, Seth Tucker, Charles D. Brown. Selectmen. Bethuel Ellis, Seth Tucker, Wm. Beaman. Bethuel Ellis, Wm. Beaman, Wm. L. Woodcock. Selectmen. REPRESENTATIVES. The following named gentlemen have represented the town in the General Court in the years annexed to their names. In some years there was no choice. In other years there were two representatives. Since 1858 this town has alternated with Ashbumham in the selection of a candidate. Robert Bradish, Abel Wilder, Moses Hale,* Samuel Prentiss, William Whitney, Israel Whiton, Daniel Henshaw, H. G. Newcomb, Isaac Morse, Samuel Simonds, Reuben Hyde, 1776, 1777. 1780-85. 1786-1799. 1800, 1812-16. 1803, 1805-8. 1809-11. 1817. 1820. 1823, 25, 34, 38. 1824. 1827. William Brown, 1830-32, 34, 36, 39. William Dunbar, 1833. Jacob Wales, 1835, 36. C. B. Whitman, 1835. Israel Whitcomb, 1837. Elisha Murdock, 1838, 40, 48, 51. Elisha Beaman, 1841. Henry Greenwood, 1842. Wareham Rand, 1843-45. Moses Hancock, 1849. Alvah Godding, 1850. John L. Reed, 1854, Maynard Partridge, 1855. Jacob B. Harris, 1856, 57. William Murdock, 1859. Nelson D. White, 1861. G. H. Whitney, 1863, 65. W. N. White, 1867. ♦Not every year. 420 HISTORY OF ■WINCHBNBOK. SENATORS. Abel Wilder was senator from 1786 to 1792. Elisha Murdook in the years 1852 and 1853. Horatio Q. Newoomb was senator after leaving the town. Giles H. Whitney, before becoming a resident. DELEGATES. Abel Wilder was delegate to the Convention of 1779-80, which formed the Constitution of the Stato. Moses Hale to the Convention which adopted the national Constitution.in 1788. Samuel Prentiss, Jr., to the Convention of 1820, which revised the State Constitution. Abijah P. Marvin, to the Constitutional Convention of 1853. OTHER OFFICERS. The following gentlemen have held office under the state or national govemmente : Justices. Samuel Crosby, Ephraim Murdock, Isaac Morse, Mark Whit- comb, A. W. Buttrick, Edwin S. Merrill, Giles H. Whitney, L. W. Pierce, and Bethuel Ellis, Esqs., have served as justices of the peace. The latter has been trial justice. Others have held the commission. Sheeipp. Joseph S. Watson has been deputy sheriflF a long term of years. Postmasters. Samuel Crosby, in 1795 ; Amos Goodhue, in 1806 ; Dan- iel Henshaw, Mark Whitcomb, E. W. Weston, and E. S. Merrill. Congbessmen. Hon. Artemas Hale, Hon. William B. Washburn, and Hon. Carter Wilder, natives of the town, (except the last, who lived here in childhood and youth,) have been in Congress ; the fitst from the Old Colony, the second from the ninth district, and the last from Kansas. HISTORY OF WINCHENDOir. 421 CHAPTER XXX. — BIOGRAPHIC, " The clouds may drop down titles and estates, Wealth may seek us — but wisdom must be sought." Young." This chapter must, of necessity, be of a miscellaneous character. Li it will be included the names, 1. Of all the professional men of the town ; 2. Of all College graduates ; 3. Of those who — though bom here — have followed a profession elsewhere ; and 4. Of several men prominent in business or in some other respect. SECTION 1. — CLERGYMEN. The names of these have been mentioned so often, and their charac- ters presented so fully, in the preceding chapters, that it would be su- perfluous to give them again in this connection. SECTION 2. — LAWYERS. The first resident lawyer of whom we have any knowledge, was Ben- jamin Bridgb, who came hither in 1796, from Worcester. He found little encouragement, and did not long remain. His health was not good, and he died not long after his departure. It is said that his chi- rography was very beautiful. Samuel Thatcher succeeded him. He was a graduate, probably, of Harvard. The tradition is that he was a man of highly respectable talents, but that he was so discouraged here as to say that he would nev- er bring up a son to College. He left in a few years and settled in Maine, where he was prospered in his profession, and was sent to Con- gress. It is supposed that he became convinced, by success, of the value of education. A distinguished lawyer of this name, recently died at an advanced age, in Maine. Daniel Hbnshaw opened a law oflSce here as early as 1809. He belonged to ike Henshaw family, of Leicester. He was a man of tal- 422 HISTORY OP WINCHENDOR. ents and education. Though not fitted to push hia way to distinction, he had abilities sufficient to perfonn well the duties to which the public might cali him. His influence was always in favor of education, good morals and religion. He was on the school committee several years, was clerk of the first Church, and represented the town in the General Court in the year 1817. After a residence of fifteen or twenty years, he left town and resided at various places, as Lynn, Salem and Boston. For a time he was editor of a paper in Lynn, and boldly advocated the cause of Temperance and of Freedom, when they were unpopular. At one time he was obliged to go armed. He was one of the first in the inauguration of Post Office reform. Mr. Henshaw wielded a ready, vigorous and elegant pen, and wrote much for the press. At one time he had thoughts of writing the History of Winchendon, but if he made any collections for that purpose, it has not been the good fortune of the writer to see them. In his old age, he visited Winchendon often, and seemed very much to enjoy renewed intercourse with former friends. HoBATio Gates Newcomb was in town in 1816, and perhaps ear- lier. In 1820, he was representative in the le^Iatnre. He was a lawyer of respectable address and attainments. But Winchendon was not a congemal soil for men of the legal profesaon in those days, and he removed to Greenfield. He represented Franklin County in the State Senate. The lawyers in practice here anee the removal of Mr. Newcomb, have been Benjamin 0. Tyler, David L. Morrill, L. D. Pierce, La- fayette W. Pierce, and Giles H. Whitney, Esqrs. These are still liv- ing, except L. D. Pierce, Esq. All but the two last mentianed^ left several years since. T. G. Kent, S. A. Burgess, and Jacob B. Har- ris, Esqrs., studied law here, and perhaps conducted a few causes, but they are settled, and prospering in the following places, viz : Milford, Blackstone and Abington. SECTION 3. — ^PHYSICIANS. The first phyacian of whom mention is made in the Records, was Dr. Taylor. The town paid a bill of his for attending Rev. Mr. Stimpson, but his residence is not given. After him, Dr. Dunsmore of Lunenburg had a run of practice in this town. Although a good doctor, he was a man of violent temper. It HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 423 is related that once when he had dismounted for the purpose of gathering chestnuts by the road-side, his horse refused to be caught. As the Dr. drew near he would caper away. Dr. D. was in the habit of taking his gun. Being exasperated, he leveled his musket and shot the horse dead. Dr Shattuck, of Templeton, practised here as early as 1770, and for years later. . Dr Grbeh came here in 1774, and remained a year or two ; but nqt finding business, he departed. In 1777, Israel Whiton, M. D., of Ashford, Conn., settled in this town, and remained till his death in 1819, about forty-two years. He had been Surgeon's Mate in the celebrated Col. Knowlton's regiment two or three years. He had hard times in Winchendon, for a few years, but his practice grew by degrees till he had most of the business here, besides riding in nearly all the towns of Worcester Ifortk, and some in New HanapsMre. Many young men studied medicine with him, and taught school in the winter. He was a man of seisse, ii^egrity and pru- dence. He had the confidence of the commuioaty, and was a worthy member of the Church. He Tised to relate that while in New York, in the Ecvolution, he bought as elegant cane of a' soldier for a shilling. Not long after he met an old gentleman who desired to look at his cane. Taking it in his hand, he burst into tears,, saying : " This is all that is left of my son, the brave Capt. Cheeseman, who died fighting aPQuebec." . Express- ing a strong desire to recover it, and offering any price that might b^ demanded. Dr. Whiton felt jieasui'e in parting with it for the shilling which it had cost him. At one time he had a patient in Eoyalston, a man who was in the babb- it of taking the property of other people, and neglecting to restore it. Being very sick and afraid of dying, the nian confessed his sins to the Dr. On his return, in answer to an inquiry in regard to the patient's* health, he remarked that the man would " probably get well, for he had puked up a harrow, a log chain and a pair of saddle-bags." He was pursued by wolves on his return from the western part of Rindge, towards the close of the last century. They came near, and howled frightfully. He had a leg of veal on the crupper behind him, and thought of throwing it to the wolves, but thinking, as he said, that 8ae had the best right to itj he put spurs to his horse, holding on to the 424 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. veal. When he reached the opening by the old Keith tavern, the pack left him and slunk off into the woods. In 1811, he bought of the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis, two hundred and forty acres of land, including the outlet of Monomonauk lake, and extending almost to Spring Village. Mr. Otis was tired of paying taxes on unproductive land and sold the whole for $50 ! Otis Crosby, Esq., came to town in 1781. He had been a physi; cian in Shrewsbury. It does not appear that he practised here, but he kept an apothecary store fifteen to eighteen years, and supplied the doc- tors in the region with drugs and medicines. He was appcMnted Post- master in 1795. For many years he was a noted Justice of the Peace, and his Record Book reveals a rather low state of morals in those days. After a residence of about twenty-five years, in the house which he built, where Mr. Jarvis Winn now lives, he removed to Vermont, and died in Montpelier. Dr. ZiBA Hali, resided here a few years beginning with 1790. He came from and returned to K^ene, N. H., where he obtained notorie- ty from the peculiarity of his religious views. In 1793, Dr. Mason Spooner took up his readence here as a physi- cian, by invitation of Dr. Whiton, his medical instructor. He remained about nine years, and then removed to Templeton. He was a man of sense, shrewdness and wit, and had a remarkable faculty for characteriz- ing obnoxious individulls mth a few words which would stick to them like a burr through life. Nothing but the love of strong drink prevented him from rising to the front rank of the medical profession. He mar- ried one of the daughters of Major Sylvester. Dr. Jacob Holmes opened an office here, by advice of Dr. Whiton, in 1804, and remained about two years ; he then removed to Westmin- ster, then to Athol, and finally to Leicester. He had a high reputa- tion and large practice. In the year 1806, in compliance with the wishes of Dr. Whiton, Dr. William Parkhurst began practice here, but after a few years re- moved to Petersham, where he still resides. His wife was a daughter of Major Sylvester. He has always maintained a good reputation as a physician. Dr. William H. Cutler came in 1816, and rode his circuit a few ation, but s -wife be:, ed. Mr, '^ notatop wait- "-ifcx ^uMJE^m (§®mmEM3, m:.m. m HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 425 years ; then removed to Ashbumham, where he resided till recently. His home is now in Andover. Dr. M. Spaulding succeeded him, but soon took his departure. Subsequently Dr. Allen C. Fay resided here a brief period, but soon removed to Milford, where he .'-? a large practice. Dr. James M. Fuller y' ^ , X-^va 1821 to 1824. Another Dr. Fuller resided here about ' _, ; 3. -and Jlepri In 1826, Dr. Alvah GOi- '' pil of the celebrated Dr. Twitch- ell of Keene, settled in the ^row' '^ -^^ nearly all the preceding phy- sicians had resided. AsDr.'V;^ •'■ )d in 1819, there was but a space of a few years between "them, slu^-^ / together have filled out a term of about eighty-five years of medi 'al practice. Whether as a citizen, a physician, or a member of the C 'ch of Christ, he has always been held in high estimation. like Dr , /hiton, he has represented the town in the General Court. He removed to the Village in 1841. Of the later physicians who are yet in active life and strength, it is not needful to speak at length. Dr. Ira Russell, who became a partner of Dr. Godding in 1844, who afterwards resided in Natick, and who gained a distinguished reputation as a Surgeon in the army, during the late rebellion, returned to town in 1866, and has an extensive practice. Dr. Miller was here a few years subsequent to 1853 ; he returned to Troy, N. H., whence he came. Dr. William Lincoln came in 1852, and remained a few years. He was held in high esteem. He is now practising in Wabashaw, Minn., of which town he has been Mayor. In 1860, Dr. John T. Page commenced practice in the Village. His business grew by degrees, and he was esteemed a skillful physician by a large circle of patients in this vicinity. He was found dead in his office, early in the morning of the 27th day of December, 1866. Dr. M. L. Brown has opened an office here the present season. . Dr. William P. Geddes entered on his profession here as an eclec- tic physician in 1854, and has had a large business in this and the neigh- boring towns. This seems the proper place to refer to a resident who, though not a physician, bore the title of doctor, and kept an apothecary store, with other articles of a miscellaneous sort. Dr. Pentland, bo called, lived 426 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. near the house of Mr, John Cook, not far from the Ashhurnham line. He was a Scotchman who came here with some money, and afterwards visited Scotland, where he obtained more. But he was of unthrifty habits, and soon scattered all his substance. According to Dr. Whi- ten, he carried on a farm as well as a ^r&„ He was a gentleman of pol- ished manners and general information, butJ, he grew intemperate and dissipated, and at last, he and \a$ wife beicame literally vagabonds, ■ all their means having been consuo^d. Mr .'John Woodbury recollects his going to the store to buy somi potatofljs when a boy. Mrs. Pent- land, dressed like a fine lady in silk, i^aited upon him and tore a wide rent in her dress. What became ofi t^em is not known, as they left town more than fifty years since. M. Whiton says " they might well be designated the unhappy pair." ' SECTION 4. — GRADUATES. Otis Crosby, though not a native, belonged to this town when he took his degree at Dartmouth College, in 1791. He studied for the ministry, and was invited to settle in New Gloucester, Me., but died of consumption prior to settlement. Rev. John Milton Whiton, D. D., son of Dr. Israel Whiton, took his degree at Yale College in 1805. He was settled for nearly half a century in Antrim, N. H., when he sought a field of labor requiring less exertion, in Bennington, N. H. He was a man of piety and wis- . dom. His influence at home and far and wide among the Churches, was that of a discreet, peace-loving and godly minister of the gospel. He was superior in ability and scholarship. Rev. Samuel H. Tolman, son of Dea. Desire Tolman, was a grad- uate of Dartmouth, in 1806. He was settled in several places, one of which was Atkinson, N. H., and was a useful minister; of exemplary life and conversation. Stephen Emery, Jr., graduated at Dartmouth, in 1808, and set- tled as a lawyer, in Athol. Rev. Sbwall Goodridgb, son of Payson Goodridge, received his de- gree at Dartmouth in 1806. He preached in Canada. Rev. Otis C. Whiton, graduated at Yale College. He was a son of Dr. Israel Whiton. His ministerial life was passed in North Yar mouth, Me., Westmoreland N. H., and other places. He was a useful minister. HISTORY OF TTOTOHENDON. 427 Rev. Gamaliel C. Beaman, son of David Beaman, toolt his degree at Amherst College. He has been a worthy Presbyterian minister, in Iowa, for many years. Hon. William B. Washburn, son of Asa and Phebe [Whitney] Washburn, is a graduate of Yale College, — class of 1844. He has been in Orange and in Greenfield, where he now resides. He is President of the Greenfield Bank, and Representative of the Ninth District in Congress. Rev. Samuel Watson Brown, son of Samuel Brown, Jr., gradu- ated at Yale College near 1850. After spending several years in teach- ing and in business, he was ordained in Rindge, N. H., in 1863. He preached in South Coventry and Groton, Conn. His death occurred in the latter place in the autumn of 1866, at the age of thirty-eight years. He was esteemed in every place of his residence, as a modest, sensible and christian man, as well as a faithful minister. Emerson C. Whitney took his degree at New Haven in 1851. He was a man of fine promise, but deceased at the age of twenty-nine, be- fore entering on his profession. Many high hopes were buried in his too early grave. Samuel Baldwin, Esq., son of Samuel Baldwin, took his degree at Yale College. He is a lawyer at the west. The more recent graduates are as follows : William W. Godding, M. D., a graduate of Dartmouth College, in the year 1854, now first assistant physician in the National Asylum for the Insane near Wash- ington, D. C; Jacob B. Harris, Esq., a graduate of Yale in the class of 1854, now a lawyer at East Abington, Mass.; John Nelson Mur- dock, Esq., a graduate of Brown University in 1852, now a lawyer at Wabashaw, Min.; Isaac M. Murdock, a graduate of Brown University in the year 1853 ; and Charles Edward Bigelow, who took his degree at Williams College in 1866. At present, Fredrick Russell is a Senior, and Charles L. B. Whit- ney a Sophomore in Harvard University ; John Hale is a Sophomore in Amherst College ; and Addison B. Poland a Freshman in Wesleyan University. In this connection may be given the names of certain natives, or r'er- idents of the town, who, though not graduates, have held a respectable position in some profession. 428 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Artemas Brown, M. D., son of Samuel Brown, was bom In 1789. He was a physician of honorable -standing in Medway, where, after a long course of practise, he died within a few years. He was a mem- ber of the Constitutional Convention of 1853. Eev. David Woodbury, was son of Col. Jacob B. Woodbury. He is a clergyman of good reputation in the Baptist Church, and resides in Silver Creek, N. Y. Rev. Silas Woodbury is brother of the preceding. He is a respected minister in connection with the Presbyterian branch of the Church of Christ. His residence is in the State of Tennessee, Shelby Co. Rev. Andrew Pollard, D. D., a prominent clergyman in the Baptist denomination, is a native of Harvard, though he was in Winchendon in his early years. He has, for many years been pastor of a Church in Taunton. Dr. Abel H. Wilder was the son of Levi DIvoU. His surname was changed to that of his mother. He has lived in Groton and other places, and always maintained a respectable position as a physician. ■Levi Pillsbury, M. D., is the son of the Rev. Levi Pillsbury. His residence is in Fitchburg, where his practice is quite extensive. Rev. Moses Hale Wilder, son of Abel Wilder, Jr., and grandson of Hon. Abel Wilder and of Dea. Moses Hale, is a Congregationsd clergy- man of highly respectable standing. He has published a work on mat- ters pertaining to Church polity, with credit to his reputation. As a pastor, he has been successful. His present charge is at Paris, N. Y. The Hon. Carter Wilder, formerly member of Congress from Kan- sas, though not born in this town, lived here and attended our schools in his early years. He is the son of " one-eyed Abel," so callecj. The residence of the family was at the Pollard place, between the Bigelow farm and the old No. 6 school-house. Hon. W. W. Rice, of Worcester, is connected with Winchendon by ancestry and residence, though this is not his birth-place. A grand- son of Capt. Phinehas Whitney, he has been tainiliar with the town from early days, and his father, Rev. Benjamin Rice, lived here sev- eral years, while he was still a member of his father's family. He is a graduate of Gorham Academy, and of Bowdoin College. After hav- ing charge of the Leicester Academy a few years, he settled in Wor- HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 429 cester as a lawyer, and has a large practice. He has been Mayor of the city, and for a time, Judge of Probate. Dr. Joshua Tucker, and Dr. Elisha Tucker, sons of the late vener- able Seth Tucker, have long had a high reputation as dentists in Bos- ton. Dr. Levi W. Foskett follows the same profession with success in this vicinity. Roswell M. Shurtleff, son of the late Dr. S., of Rindge, came, here in childhood, and was trained in our schools. He is an artist of rising reputation in New York. This work is adorned with several products of his pencil. OTHER PROMINENT MEN. Hon. Thomas Berry of Ipswich, is often referred to in the first part of this work. As he was prominent in settling the town, and resided here occasionally, though not a permanent inhabitant, a few lines may be properly ^ven to his memory. Dr. Fitts, of Ipswich, in a letter to Dr. Whiton, says that Col. Berry " was a very influential man here, both in Church and State. He was the most prominent member, he was a wise counsellor, and manifested great interest in the prosperity of rehgion and the cause of education. He was Judge of Probate of Essex county from 1739 to 1756, and for most of the. time Judge of the county court also." » Dea. Richard Day, who came hither from Ipswich, as early as 1752, is believed to have been a native of Ireland. His wife, a daughter of Gabriel Pushey, was of French ancestry, in Acadia. Dea. Day was a large landholder, the tradition being that at one time, he owned near- ly a third of the town. The first proprietors parted with their lots at a very low price. It is said that some lots were sold for a mug of flip, so little money-value had land, in this remote place, during the time of Indian wars. Mr. Day built the best house in town, which is still standing. He also built a log tavern, which was in the orchard west of the house of Isaac Cummings. There Mary Holt, the first child of the town, had her birth. He was the most prominent man till his death, in 1774. He was the Moderator of the first town meeting, town Trear surer for several years, and held other offices. H-e was the first dea- 430 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. con of the Congregational Church. In addition to talents and charao, ter, he is said to have been a man of great physical strength. Three of his sons, John, Nathan and Daniel, -were revolutionary soldiers. Na- than died of dysentery, in camp near Somerville. Hon. Abel Wilder was born in Leominster, April 15, 1741, old style, the 26th, new style. He was in Winchendon as early as 1762, and from that time till his decease in 1792, was constantly in public em- ployment. He was the first town Clerk, and he held, at different times, every oflSce worth having. He was the first representative to the Gen- eral Court, after the Constitution was adopted, and from 1779 to 1792, was either in the House or the Senate, except a year or two when the town sent no delegates. He represented the town in the first Consti- tutional Convention. At his decease the public mind was prepared to send him to Congress. He was chosen deacon of the First Church in 1769. Mr. Wilder was a remarkable man. He was of stout build, and though not handsome, had a pleasant countenance and command- ing presence. Though in constant employment in public business, not only aa an officer, but as a member, and generally chairman of every important committee in town, parish and church, he seems never to have provoked the jealousy and envy that usually follow superior men. Though a man of firm principle and unbending rectitude, and earnest piety, he appears to have been one of those rare men whose " enemies are at peace with him." His minister relied upon him, the public con- fided in him, the church rested on him as a pillar, and his family, re- garded him with love and reverence. He fills the largest place in the history of the town. And as' he was so useful in his life, so there were mitigating circumstances attending his lamented departure. He was chairman of the building Committee, in erecting the meeting-house in 1792. The day he left home to go to Jaffrey, where he was inocula- ted for the small pox, of which he died, he passed over the Common. The men were leveling the land before the meeting-house, and when, after a few pleasant words, he rode on his way, the workmen, with the ancient courtesy, took off their hats and bowed to him. He returned the salute, and was seen no more. When it appeared that his case was to have a fatal tennination, Dr. Israel Whiton visited him, and received his parting directions respecting his business and family. He was cheer- ful and prepared for his departure. His grave, says a note from Mrs. Albert Brown, " is with six others, who died at the time, of the same HISTORY OF WmCHEND05. 431 disease,* on the farm owned by Mr. Benjamin Pierce, one mile north- east of East Jaffrey. The graves are enclosed, and there are grave- stones to two of them." Many letters of Mr. Wilder are preserved, and if there were room, they would be inserted here, as illustrative of his noble character. Two of them may be found on pages 88 and 90. Dea. Moses Hale, a native of Boxford, came here in 1770. He lived for a time with Abel Wilder ; then became a surveyor and farmer, and after living on the south-east of the Common, west of the Gardner road, several years, he set up the Hale tavern. Next to Dea. Wilder, he filled the largest place in public estimation ; and after the death of Mr. Wilder, he was in the first rank. He filled many offices, and was, several years, delegate to the General Court, besides being delegate to the State Convention, for adopting the national Constitution. He was deacon of the Congregational Church for a long term of years preceding his decease in 1828. Capt. Phinehas Whitney, son of William Whitney, was the most prom- inent business man in the town from about 1800 to his death in 1831. Besides a large farm, he kept tavern for a while, owned an oil mill and woolen factory, and did a large business in raising and keeping cattle anH horses. ■ Though esteeemed by his townsmen, he was rarely in of- fice, because his engrossing business led him to decline public employ- ment. He was the first to enlist to put down the Shays rebels, being then a youth of twenty years. Afterwards he was Captain of the Cav- alry Company of this and neighboring towns. He was an indefatiga- ble worker, and kept all about him at work ; yet he was a good employ- er, and those brought up by him, remember him with respect and grat- itude. At the time of the great rehgious awakening in 1820-21, he paid the wages of his workmen whenever they were inclined to attend * The graves of three persons — two awaits and a child — may still be found, on the " old Capt. John Pilce place," now owned by Capt. Oliver Adams, abont sixty rods south of the place long occupied by Aaaph Brown, and thirty rods west of the road going from Levi Stearns' to the old burying-yard. There is a cellar and well in an old orchard. The town declined to furnish a " pest-house," but these three persons died here of the small pox, and their graves were forgotten till Mr. Simeon B. Stearns, of Williamsburgh, N. Y., who was on a visit here, this summer, 1868, informed the author. The graves —of two adults and one child — are within six feet of the north and south wall, and a few rods south of the wall running east and west. They are per- pendicular to the former wall. The names are not l^nown. Double red roses, after -seventy or eighty years, still flourish there — or did till recently— and shed beauty and fragrance over the lonely graves. 432 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. the week-day meetings. From that period, through life, he was deci- ded and devoted as a Christian. He was active as a pioneer in the Tem- perance reform. He died at Newton, while on a journey to Boston with his youngest daughter. But though summoned away while far from home, he was ready, as is the good man always, to go to " be for- ever with the Lord." Lieut. Paul Raymond, son of Col. Paul Raymond, was one of the foremost men in all public business, for a quarter of a century. His father was Lt. Col. in the Revolution, and the tradition is, that while the Colonel of the Regiment was generally sick or out of the way, in times of danger, Lt. Col. Raymond was a brave and competent com- mander. Lieut. Paul, was a brave revolutionary soldier, as well as his father, and also his brother James. Lieut. Raymond was Moder- ator, first Selectman, Assessor, Treasurer, &c., &c. ; and during along period, was on committees to manage cases before the Courts, and to build roads and bridges. He was the father of the late much esteemed Dea. Paul Raymond. Seth Tucker, Senior, settled early on the place now occupied by his son and grandson. He was a revolutionary soldier. As a man of in- dustry and integrity ; as a pioneer in the beginning of the Village, and as an exemplary member of the Baptist Church, he deserves honorable mention. - The author remembers him as a venerable old man, to whose talks about old times, and on religious themes, he listened with interest. He attained the great age of 98 years. His grave is in the old bury- ing-yard. There was a remarkable spirit of fraternal confidence be- tween Mr. Tucker and his brother Elisha. Their first property was a hen owned in common. When they became men, and removed to Win- chendon, they owned a farm together. The house was in the lot north of the North school-house. Bach took what he needed from the farm, but they made no division of crops. This went on until each had five children when they made a division of property satisfactory to both. Elisha died in the course of the year ensuing. Lieut. David Poor has already been mentioned in several places. He is referred to again because of his singular notions. One of them waa that he should come back again, at some future time ; another was, that stones grow. Both these notions were brought together on one occa- sion. He was building a stone wall, and a neighbor remarking that it HISTORT OF WINCHENBON. 433 was too low, he replied : " "Well, it will grow, and when I come back, it will be high enough." Another anecdote may be given. Having a quarrel with a. neighbor named Bosworth, who threatened violence, Lieut. Poor came before Esq. Crosby to " swear the peace" upon him. As the Esq. read the paper to which Poor was to take oath, he listened attentively till the passage was reached which stated that he was in bodily fear of Bosworth, when he could hold in no longer, and burst out : " No : I'm not afraid of him, and never was." " Mr. Poor," said Esq. Crosby, " you had better go home and be qniet." Col Jacob B. Woodbury is worthy of a place in this series of sketchr es. He came from Ipswich, after the Revolution, in which he had been a faithful soldier and good officer. The record of his military life would furnish several interesting pages in a family history, but there is not room for it in this condensed volume. The story of his contest with the woF, however, must not be omitted. About eighty years ago, — the exact year is not known by his surviving sons— word came to him that a wolf had been tracked from Hubbardston into the southern border of this town. The hunters were fatigued with the long chase inPthe snow, and handed over the pursuit to Woodbury and his neighbors, one of whom was his brother-in-law, Roberts. They got upon the track, and pursued the animal to the ledge of rocks north of James Raymond's, nearly half way from Raymond's to the Perley, or Joseph Whitney place. While the dogs followed the wolf over the ledge, the men skirt- ed its eastern base, expecting to meet the game at the northern end. Their expectation was confirmed, but the leading dog and the wolf had evidently had a fight, in which the dog fared hard, as he could not be induced to close with the wolf again. He followed with the men, but his courage was gone. The pursuit was continued into the Manning swamp, southwest of the Estey, or No. 5 school-house. The men drew near the animal, the Col. heading the party. He snapped his gun, but it held fire, the priming being wet by the moist snow that fell from the branches. Mr. Woodbury then followed the victim along the body of a fallen tree, and when near enough, gave him a stuiming blow on the head with the butt of his gun. This staggered the wolf, now fatigued with his race and his struggle with the dog. Mr. W. now threw him- self upon the body of the wolf, and pressed him into the snow. The animal made desperate effort to rise, and to assail his antagonist, but «8 434 HISTOKT OF WINCHENDOW. the Col. held on with a fatal grip. He called to Roberts for his jack- knife. Reaching from a safe distance, the knife was put in his hand, when he cut the wolf's throat, and the contest was over. The body was swung under a staddle, and carried on the shoulders of the men, to Mr. Woodbury's house as a trophy. That was the last and the most fa- mous wolf fight in the annala of the town. It should be said that Col. Woodbury was not only a brave soldier, but a good farmer, a respect- ed citizen often in public employment, and a faithful member of the First Church. An interesting sermon was delivered at his funeral, by Rev. Mr. Morton. This was printed, and stray copies of it are yet extant. Ephraim Murdock, Esq., Isaac Morse, Esq., and Mr. Amasa Whit- ney, are placed in this list .of worthies, because they really laid the foundations of the growth and prosperity of the Village. By their in- dustry, frugality, foresight and "enterprise, the business of the town was largely increased. They were all in public employment somewhat, and had much influence in town and parish affairs, but their mark was made as men of business. They were contempoi-aries here for almost half a century. They were men of good morals, of temperate habits, supportr ers of religious institutions, prudent as well as enterprising, and there- fore did much to give character to the place. It is owing in large meas- ure, to their example and their instructions, that buaness has ever been done here on a safe scale, and that there have been but few failures, in hard times. It is the habit of the place to pay debts. May the in- fluence of these men, as relates to integrity, good habits and upright- ness in business, continue till the Village becomes a city, and through all its history. Mr. Joel Butler was born in Newton. If not, he attended school there in childhood, as the following instructive anecdote will prove. He used to relate that on one occasion, the old minister of Hopkinton came to examine the school. Some of the children were guilty of bad behav- ior. The old gentleman took no notice of this till he came to the clos- ing prayer, when he gave a lesson that could not be forgotten. He prayed as follows : " Lord, bless these children ; for thou knowest that if they were well brought up at home, they would not act so like sarpents in school." A truth as applicable now as it was ninety years .. ago. Mr. Butler came into town in 1826, from Townsend, where, miRoMMA^M^ WMETmmix. HISTOfiY OF WINCHENDON. 435 aear tlie east border of Ashby, he had a mill and farm. In company with his son, Ebenezer, he purchased the Butler mill place, and a large tract of land around it, and there he lived to the great age of almost ninety-nine years. He was an industrious, intelligent man, and his faculties held out remarkably well. He was interested in all that per- tained to the welfare of the Church of Christ, and was better versed than most people, in the prophetic SiJfiptures, and the literature per- taining to them. It was remarked at his funeral, that he had proba- bly known persons who had seen some of the first settlers of Boston, and perhaps, some of those who came over in the Mayflower. The following paragraphs ought to have found a place on page 427 : The Hon. Artemas Hale, of Bridgewater, son of Dea. Moses Hale, Ls-^ne of those who not' only confer honor on the place of their birth, but who hold their native town in kind remembrance. He has ex- pressed to the author his deep interest in the fortunes of the town, and in its forthcoming History. In early life he was engaged in survey- ing, and teaching school. He settled in Bridgewater when a young man, where he has acquired wealth, and at the same time, the' respect and confidence of the community. He has represented his district in Congress, and held other offices of honor and trust. Rev. Eliot Payson, son of Eliot, and gr.-son of James Payson, was bom in 1808. While young he removed to central New York with his father's family. It is probable that he graduated at Hamilton Col- lege, in Clinton, near Utica, as that was the only College in those days west of Schenectady. He has been, for many years, a respected min- ister of the Presbyterian Church. A sermon delivered by him, in the North Congregational Church, fifteen or twenty years since, is still dis- tinctly remembered. It was very impressive. Oliver Lovejoy, M. D., son of Oliver Lovejoy, is a native of this town. He received a good academical education ; obtained the disci- jJine which comes from keeping school, in which calling he was veiy successful ; and then studied medicine with great thoroughness. Af- ter being engaged as assistant physician in Insane Hospitals at Provi- dence, R. I., and Brattleboro, Vt., he took up his residence as a phy- sician at Haverhill, where he enjoys a high reputation and hjis an ex- tensive practice in his profession. Rev. A. Hastings Ross had his birth m Winchendon. By persist- 43& HISTORY OF WINCHENDOIiF. ent effort, and constant reliance on divine aid, he worked himself into and through Oberliu College. His theolo^cal education was chiefly obtained in Andover Seminary. After a few years' settlement in Boyl- strai, he removed, two or three years since, to the city of Springfield, Ohio, where he is the eflSeient pastor of the Congregational Church. It is quite possible that there are others who have conferred honor on their Hrth-place, and who are equally deserving of honorable men- tion. If so, they and their friends will understand that their names have not been omitted by design. " Think not that these alone deserve ihe praise, As worthy children of their Mother-town ; But all her daughters fair and sons, whose days With blessed deeds have wrought her jewel'd crown : These by their toil, their love, their holy vow, Have bound immortelles round their Mother's brow." Oli> Faibplay. HISTOKT OP WIKCHENBON. 437 CHAPTER XXXI. — MISCELLANEOUS. "So various, that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change And pleas'd with novelty, might tje indulg'd." COWPBE. Several topics will receive attention im this chapter ; some, because they defy classificatioa, and others, because they were overlooked at the proper place. SUCTION 1. — INVENTIONS. There has been much ingenuity displayed in the workshops of Win- chendon from their first establishment. Many improvements in ma- chinery that do not rank with inventions, and for which no patents are taken out, are familiar to mechanics. Some of the important inventions made by residents of Winchendon, are referred to below. Richard Stuart was a contriver in mechanics, and among other things cpnceived the idea of bending a saw round the edge of a cylinder, and liius sawing circular stuff. Dea. Eeuben Hyde, however, was the real inventor of the cylinder or barrel saw, of which he had the patent, till it was sold for the trifling sum of fifty dollars. Jacob Simonds was the inventor of a combination of saws of differ- ent sizes, for cutting out the fluting of wash-boards. Edward Loud invented a revolving cylinder for fluting wooden wash- oards. Lewis Bobbins invented the machine for making clothes-pins with ra- pidity. Formerly the process was slow ; now the pins are turned, sawed and shaved as if by magic. Polycrates Parks is an ingenious contriver of mechanical improve- ments. 438 HISTORY OP WINCHEND03V. Edwin Parks is the inventar of an auger-faucet which bares into the barrel-head. Of course, it just fits the hole, and there is no spirting between withdrawing the auger and inserting the faucet. Col. William Murdock invented a bobbin for the mills in Lawrence, which is still in'use. His special improvement in jack-spools has been adopted by others in all improved spools. A more recent bobbin of his is now coming into use. The Parks brothers make an improved jack-spool in large quantity. Stephen Ketchum is the inventor of an improred method of screw- ing the ends of pipe together, thus dispensing with soddering together, and cutting apart. He has also made improvements in the sewing ma- chine. His chopping-knife is manufactured by himself and Sumner Loud. Quimby S. Backus has invented a machine to print labels for spools, &c. ; also a vice ', and still another for cutting slate pencils. Lyman Jennings is the inventor of a machine for cutting or slicing off, instead of sawing veneers. John G. Folsom has made several improvements of sewing machines, Jonathan Carter is the inventor of a neat method of painting the " star pails." Baxter D. Whitney's first patent was for a machine for stretching wrinkles out of cloth while in the process of fulling. A machine of his for smootlnng hard wood lumber after pasang liirough the ordinary planer, is in general use; it has been patented in several European countries. The same is true also of his gauge lathe, and his improvements in cyl- inder planers. He is the inventor also of a machine for grinding cylin- der saws. The latter has been patented iii this country. He obtained a silver medal for the smoothing machine and ihe gauge lathe, at the Great Exposition at Paris^ in 1867. A picture of the medal is insert- ed opposite. SECTION 2. — LAPIDARIES. The author does not know where the people of &As town obtained their monumental stone work in former times ; but of late years, they have been fortunate in this respect. Mr. Tateum, who was here some fifteen years ago, was an excdlent workman in marble, granite, and oth- m IfcM .1« »=* HISTOEY OF WINCHENDON. .439 er kinds of stone ; and Mr. Greorge H. Allyn, now in the establishment of Mr. Henry Peck, has made his calling a fine art. SECTION 3. — ANTIQUITIES. There is very little in a town so recently settled as Winchendon, that has the flavor of antiquity. Some things, however, which are relative- ly ancient, may be noticed. The oldest house in the town is a few rods west of the south end of the Common. It has already been stated that this house was built in 1762, by Dea. Richard Day. The picture of it may disappoint some because the tall elms in front are not ^ven. But it was deemed best to ^ve the house without accessories which must have had a place if the elms were included. The roof originally was not four-sided. The same house appears in connection with the old meeting-house on page 151. It has recently become the property of Mr. D. E. Poland, of Boston, a native of the town. For convenience the picture is inserted between pages 44 and 45. The house occupied by Dexter Bruce is made of materials taken from the two story house of Hon. Abel Wilder, which stood on the same spot. The house of Joshua Nutting is the old two story house of Hananiah Whitney, Sen. , razeed. Both these houses were built quite early. The old house long occupied by Joseph Whitney, Sen., and now inhabited by Mr. Page, formerly belonged to Dudley Perley. The low L part of that house is much more ancient than the house itself, and was part of the first house of Mr. Perley. The house of the late Esq. Murdock, by the great elm, and Mr. Winn's house, built by Esq. Crosby, are both ancient, for Winchendon, and are still in good repair. Fragments of the old meeting-house on Tallow Hill, may still be seen at Mr. Wes- ton's, near whose house it stood. The old " Society House," which was the cradle of the New Boston Baptist Church is still standing, some twenty rods north of Daniel Day's. James McElwain, the tavern-keep- er, bought the old meeting-house in the Centre, in 1792, and probably the timbers are still in use. In this connection the following extract from the Records, which was not found when the chapter on the Par- ish was printed, finds its place. " A record of the pew ground sold at publie vendue, the fourth day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1765, by Eicbard Day, John Darling and Theos. Mansfield, Committee men, and a list of the men's names that purchased thp same. 44Q HISTORY OF WJnsrCHETfDOrr. ^0. 16, struck off to Silas Whitney, for 9 doflars' " 1, " Daniel Goodridge, " 10 " " 10. " Joseph Stimson, " 5 " " 15, Theos. Mansfield, " 10 " 1 qnar. " 4, Dea. Richard Day, " 8 " 1 quar. " 11, "■ Ephraim Stiinsom,' " 10 " Ibalf. " 9. Dea. Richard Day, " 10 " 1 half. " 8, Silas Whitney 16 " 1 quarter " 12, " Benoni Boynton, " 11 " " 13, " John Darling; " S "■ I half. " 14, Abel Wilder, 9 " 1 half.. " 2, " Jonathan Poster, " 10 " " 3, Abel Wilder, 9 " - 5, " Jonathan StiiHSOii', 7 " " 6, "■ Jonathan StimsoB, 11 " " 7, " Jonathan Stimson, 15 " I half."- Other biriMi^ might be mentioned, as -vreH as the half buried re- mains of numerous old dams, mills ancJ bridges ; but tbey are not of sufficient interest to attract pilgrims to their sites. The gun and powder-horn which are here represented, belong to Mr. Luke Rice, who received tbemi from his father, Lieut. Benjamin Rice, a revolutionary worthy. He bought them of Robert Bradisb, Sen., who used them both, when acting as a scout, in this neighborhood, in the last French and Lidian war. The gun was made in England' in 173T. Both articles, therefore, besides bei»g antique, have an historical interest. Mr. Jacob Woodbury has an old hatchet which was carried to Que- bec, in Arnold's expedition through the wilds of Maine, by Jonathan Pollard. In his hands it was not only a convenient tool, but a formida- ble weapon,, and on more than one occasion, was the means of saving his life. In this coimection it is appropriate to refer to the old " Block Hous- es" again. It was stated on a former page that there was one at Col. Berry's, now Samuel Woodbury's. It was on the Berry farm, but was east of the house about half way to the John and Joshua Gill place, on the: north, side of the road, where the cellar may still be seen. HISTORY OF WINCHENDGBr. 441 It was also stated that there was one east of the Tallow Hill school- house. In strict truthfulness, this log house, of the Bbyntons and Ed- dys, was the old block house of Bullardville, moved and built anew. The block house on Jacob Hale's farm, was not near the Waterville school-house, as previously stated, but east of Merritt Hale's, on the north side of the road near the top of the hill. If relics properly come under this head, it may be mentioned that human bones were found, many years since, on the eastern shore of Den- ison lake. By some they were supposed to be Indian remains. SECTION 4. — WILD ANIMALS. Allusions have been made to the fact that wild animals were preva- lent here, and in this region, for years after the first settlement. The howl of the wolf was often heard, and his prowlings in the sheep pas- tures were more fatal than when chasing after Dr. Whiton's leg of veal. Bears were also met with occasionally. Since the present century came in, a she-bear and two cubs were seen not far from the Evans place, by Mr. Luke Rice (then a boy,) and others. Though pursued, it made its escape. Poisonous serpents are rarely if ever met with in our borders. SECTION 5. — HORSES. The people of this town have long been noted for liking good horses. Perhaps the fact that the Messrs. Whitney, — William and Phinehas — raised, bought and kept so many horses, had some influence in creating this preference for good animals. However this may be, the writer found here, twenty-five years ago, a large number of excellent horses ; and the number has largely increased since that time. Many farmers are particular to have a good horse ; the team-horses are large and strong ; and many families have spirited and elegant teams. Fast hors- es are sometimes associated with " fast young men," but thus far, we have been favored with the former without the drawback of the latter. In addition it is pertinent to the subject to say, that the stables of Whit- comb & Fairbanks, Wood & Rand, and the more recent one of J. Morse, are well supplied with horses which keep up the credit of the town in this regard. SECTION 6. — WHITE CEDARS AND WHITE SWALLOWS. It seems that-the " white cedars" of Winchendon are referred to in 442 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Wood's Botany. It would therefore be a censurable omission if the author failed to say that Hon. Elisha Murdock formerly owned about four acres of this species of wood, so rare in this section of country. It was cut up and used in the manufacture of those elegant pails made of alternate white and red cedar staves, which many families will remem- ber. One in the writer's possession, a gift from Mr. Murdock, is still as " good as new," and as fragrant as the " cedars of Lebanon." Not less fragrant, in a moral sense, is the memory of many years service with him, in the cause of education, of temperance, and of freedom. In the years 1865, 6 and 7, one or two specimens of the white swal- low, were seen in the Village, by a few persons. They were near, on each occasion but one, the bridge by Groodspeed & Wyman's. Their singular appearance attracted attention. SECTION 7. — OLD ELMS. The wide-branching elm between the houses of Reuben Vose, Jr., and Charles J. Rice, on the old Common, was set out a little more than a hundred years ago, by Mr. Stimson, the first minister. Long may it honor his memory. The elms in front of the old Day house are an- cient. It is not certainly known who planted them ; but it is probable that Mr. Brown, the second minister, deserves the credit. Dea. Day was killed before people generally felt like setting out shade trees. The whole endeavor was to get trees out of the way. As Mr. Brown lived in the house during several years, and as the trees seem too old to have been planted by any one since his day, it will be safe to ascribe the planting to him till the claims of some other worthy are proved. It is known that he was fond of trees, and that he was engaged in set- ting out. apple trees between the house and the Common on the day of the battle of Bunker Hill, and the tradition is that he heard the big guns. The old elm in front of the house of Mrs. George Brown, was quite a tree when the late Esq. Murdock built the house. The planter of it is not known to the author. There is a double row of fine elms in front of the house of Mr. Luke Rice, most of which were set out by his father, Lt. Benjamin Rice. Mr. Rice has many beautiful maples also. He has the only shag-bark wahiut trees in the town. Indeed, there are but two or three walnut trees of any kind in any other part of the town. HISTORY OE WINCHENDON. 443 SECTION 8. — WINCHENDON AS A PLACE OP EESOET. It is a curious fact that this town had a reputation — rather limited to be sure — as a place of resort, fifty years and more ago. The " vir- tuous spring" at Spring Village was visited by -many who drank the water for their health. Mr. Ahijah "Wood kept a public house for their accommodation. If proper means were taken, the place would be thronged with summer visitors. The beautiful Denison lake, has always been a resort, in the sum- mer season; by those living not very remote. A good hotel there would bring its quota of patrons. The Village is too busy to attend to company, and the hotel of Mr. Fairbanks, though well kept, and free from the loaferism which makes many village taverns disgusting, is generally full of boarders residing here. If enlarged, or if the proprietor should open another for the special accommodation of transient visitors and summer boarders, it would, without doubt, be filled. SECTION 9. — SECRET SOCIETIES. It has been stated incidentally, on other pages, that an association of Odd Fellows was in existence here about twenty years since ; and that the temperance cause has been furthered by Sons of Temperance and Good Templars. At present there is a Lodge of Free Masons, called the Artisan Lodge. It is said to be in a flourishing condition. SECTION 10. — POPULATION AND VAUJATION. The population of the town, at various dates, in the last century, has been given in former chapters. The following figures show the gradual increase of inhabitants from decade to decade. In 1790, 946 In 1830, 1463 " 1800, 1092 " 1840, 1754 « 1810, 1173 " 1850, 2445 « 1820, 1263 " 1860, 2624 The population is now greater than at the last census, but the exact number of the inhabitants is not known. At one time the valuation of this town was below that of all the towns in the county, except two or three. In 1865, the valuation was fl, 160,952. In 1868, it was $1,537,126. 444 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. CHAPTER XXXII. — aBNEALOGY AND PERSONAL HISTORY. " True Is, that wliilome that good poet said, That gftntle mind by gentle deed is known, For man by nothing is so well bewray'd As by his manners, in which plain is shown Of what degree and what race he is grown." Spenser. " How poor are all hereditary honors, Those poor possessions from another's deeds, Unless our own just virtues form our title. And give a sanction to our fond assumptions !" Shirley. This chapter must be brief, for two reasons, either of which is suffi- cient. The first is, that though families have been desired, pubhcly; and privately, to furnish their family history, but few have responded. The author is however indebted to a few who have aided him in this regard, to whom he hereby tenders his thanks. Mrs. Dudley Whitney, Hon. Artemas Hale, Miss Orelba Hale, Mr. Nelson W. Wyman and Mr. Luke Rice are entitled to special mention for the amount of infor- mation furnished by them. The other cause of brevity is the firm conviction that genealogy and family history have no legitimate place in municipal history. Many fam- ilies are to be found in scores of towns in New England ; some of them in hundreds of towns. The time is coming when all these towns will have their history. It follows that if genealogy is to have its place in them all, the same matter wiU be printed hundreds of times. The true meth- od is, for families to gather their own history and genealogy into sep- arate volumes respectively. This will save expense and subserve the convenience of all. But in accordance with the promise made in the Proposals for publishing this volume, a few pages of genealogy and fami- ly history will be given. The author holds himself responsible for no HISTOET OF WINCHENDON. 445 omissions. Those who have neglected to furnish facta, have no right to complain if they are not published. A few families only are men- tioned here except those in town previous to the year 1800. The best method of arranging genealogical facts is probably that of Hon. Charles Hudson in his valuable Histories of Marlboro' and Lexington ; but as only two or three generations are given in this chapter, no special at- tention to method is required. The residences of the families can in most cases be found on the maps in this volume. ADAUS. Col. Benjamin Adams settled here after the Shays rebellion, and lived at the north end of the Common. He married Zeruiah, daughter of Joseph Boyn- ton. His children were : 1. Benjamin, b. Nov. 3, 1794, m. Susannah Alger; 2. Zeruiah, b. Sept, 4, 1796, m. Lyman Raymond ; 3. Eunice, b. Aug. 11, 1798, m. Arba Reed; 4. OHve, b. Dec. 20, 1800, m. John Longley ; 5. Oliver, b. July 24, 1804, m. Chastina Stone ; 6. Joseph, b. Oct. 20, 1805, m. Hannah Whitney ; 7. Albert, died young. ALOER. David Alger lived just west of the bridge over Miller's river, beyond the Fry plaqp. He came from Bridgewater, and settled in Winohendon about the year 1794. His children were : 1. Chloe, b. Jan. 7, 1793, at Bridgewater ; 2. Jonathan, b. in W., Sept. 20, 1795; 3. David, b. Oct. 3, 1798; 4 and 5. Joseph and Benjamin, b. Jan. 13, 1804; 6. Susanna, b. Dec. 30, 1806, m. Benj. Adams, Jr. ; 7. Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1814. David Alger died Oct. 22, 1810. Abiel Alger, came from Bridgewater, with his br. David in 1793 or 94. The christian name of his wife was Rhoda. Children : 1. Olive b. Oct.9, 1789 ; 2. Vina, b. Apr. 1, 1791 ; 3. Abiel, b. Mar. 19, 1793; 4. Chloe, b. Nov. 11, 1794; 5. Sylvia, b. July 30, 1796, and two others. BALCOM. Gideon Balcom, son of Daniel Balcom, m. Anna Hale. Several of their chil- dren died in 1810-11, during the great mortality among children. Of those who survived, were : 1. Lmcoln, m. Abigail Raymond; and 2. Sabrina, m. C. C. Alger. BALL. Phinehas Ball lived in the first house south of Miller's river, a mile beyond WatervUle, on the road to Royalston. This was the Oaks place. He had a son, Joel Ball. BAKRETT. Thornton Barrett and Abigail, his wife, had children : 1. Hannah, b. May 4, 1768 ; 2. John, b. Apr. 26, 1773 ; 3. Jerusha, 446 HISTORY OF -WINCHENDON. b. Mar. 20, 1775 ; 4. Thornton, b. Mar. 27, 1777 ; 5. Samuel, b. Aug. 9, 178*; 6. Joseph, b. July 1, 1783 j 7. Henry, b. Dec. 1, 178*; 8. Na- thaniel, b. July 15, 178*. BATTLES. Noah Battles and Miranda his wife had children : 1. Jairus, b. Oct. 17, 1785; 2. Philander, b. Dec. 5, 1798; 3. Lucin- da, b. March 5, 1791 ; 4. Noah b. March 31, 1793. The above were born in Scituate. 5. Fanny, b. Oct. 3, 1795 ; 6. Susey, b. Jan. 14, 1798 ; 7. Naaman, b. June 10, 1800; 8. Lewis, b. March 12, 1803; 9. Nabbe, b. June 14, 1805. BEAL3. Stower Bcals m. Mary Leavitt. Children : , 1. Martha, m. Cyrus Pierce ; 2. Mary, m. Hananiah Whitney, Jr. ; 8. George L. m. Nancy Norcross. Lt. Samuel Deals and Eunice his wife had children : 1. Jonathan; 2. Madison; 3. Wilder; 4. Eunice A. ; 5. Samuel; 6. Mary P. ; 7. Nathaniel. BEAMAN. Gamaliel Beaman had a son David. David m. Polly Carter, and had children : 1. Gamaliel Carter, b. March 20, 1799; 2. Elisha. b. Sept. 22f 1800; 8. Sally T., b. Sept. 29, 1802; 4. David W., b. Aug. 29, 1804; 5. Melas, b. July 31, 1806, d. Oct. 13, 1808; 6. Mary Ann, b. Dec> 4, 1808; 7. Prudence W., b. Jan. 7, 1811 ; 8. Harriet, b. Jan. 8, 1814; 9. Eliza, b. Aug. 19, 1816; 10. William, b. Sept. 16, 1818. BEAMIS. Abel Bemis or Beamis, b. May 10, 1772. Susanna, his wife, b. Feb. 10, 1780. Children : 1. Eebecca, b. Feb. 20, 1803; 2. Loiza, b. Dec. 2, 1805 ; 3. Sarah, b. Feb. 23, 1806; 4. Susan, b. May 27, 1807; 5. Dolly, b. Aug. 10, 1809; 6. Eoxanna.b. March 1,1811; 7. Keuben, b. Oct. 25,1813; 8. Abel, b. Nov. 30, 1815 ; 9. Sylvester, b. Nov. 6, 1816, d. July 11, 1818 ; 10. Mer- rie, b. March 23, 1820; 11. Lavinia H., b. Feb. 10, 1822; 12. Lucinda R., b. Sept. 6, 1823. Jason Bemis had a blacksmith shop, 60 to 70 years ago, near the top of the hill from the Village to the Centre. Children : 1. Jason; 2. Amos; 3. Joel; 4. Luke; 5. James. BENJAMIN. Andrew Benjamin and Mary Pierce his wife had children : 1. Stephen, b. Feb. 13, 1778; 2. Amos, b. Jan. 6, 1780; 3. Betsey, b. Aug. 13, 1781 ; 4. Francis, b. Apr. 9, 1784 ; 5. Jonathan, b. May 20, • The figure is worn off the Records. HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 447 1786; 6. Charles, b. March 7, 1789; 7. Levi, b. July 18, 1791 ; 8. Pol- ly, b. May 13, 1794 ; 9. Sally, b. Oct. 26, 1796. The two eldest were bora in Ashby, Betsey in Fitzwilliam, and the last six in Winchendon. BIGELOW. Roger Bigelow and Mary his wife had children : ,1. Eunice, b. Apr. 24, 1783; 2. Mercy, b. July 4, 1785; 3. Samuel, b. Sept. 11, 1787; 4. Alpheus, b. Aug. 4, 1789; 5, Ezra P., b. July, 1791. Solomon Bigelow was the father of 1. Benjamin ; 2. Ebenezer ; 3. Sally ; 4. Patty ; 5. Asa. Ebenezer Bigelow, m. Sally Wales. Children : 1. Grate, b. Oct. 19, 1796 ; 2. Joseph, b. May 6, 1798 ; 3. John, b. Jan. 31, 1800; 4. Louis, b. May 18, 1802; 5. Sally, b. June 29, 1804. BIXBr. Daniel Bixby was here in 1763 ; Nathaniel in 1764. Levi Bixby, son of Nathaniel and Jerusha [Houghton] Bixby, his wife, of Lancaster, was born Aug. 7, 1743, and moved to Winchendon about the time of his marriage with Ruth Darling, which occurred Oct. 2, 1766. Chil- dren by first wife : 1 and 2. Lois and Eunice, twins, b. Apr. 5,1768. Lois m., Sept. 28, 1794, Obil Fassett, and lived in Jaffroy, where some of her descend- ants now reside. Eunice m. Barnabas Miller and moved to Westboro. 3. Zibiah, b. Oct. 17, 1770. and m. Ephraim Murdock ; 4. Lucinda, b. May 8, 1773, ni. Gardner Wilder, and had several children; 5. Levi, b. Feb. 2, 1776, m. Nancy Pierce, March 29, 1803. He moved to Boston. Mrs. Bixby d. in 1778, and Mr. Bixby m., May 13, 1779, Tabitha Foster Boyn- ton, widow of Stephen Boynton. Children: 6. Stephen, b. Dec. 8, 1780, killed Sept. 8, 1800, by insane Daniel Bobbins; 7. Ruth, b. Dec. 21, 1782, m. Richard Stuart, March 29, 1803 ; 8. Tabitha, b. Sept. 26, 1784, m., June 7, 1801, John Green, and moved to Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; 9. Persis, b. Oct. 5,1786, m. Sept. 17, 1805, Andrew Fowler, and moved to Rupert, Vt. Levi Bixby died Oct. 5, 1803, and his widow married for her third hus- band, Nov. 13, 1810, Benjamin Eddy, b. Oct. 20, 1739, and was gr. gr. grandson of " John Eddy who came to Plymouth from Suffolk Co., England, Oct. 29, 1630." He was a soldier in Col. Putnam's regiment in the Revo- lution. Widow Tabitha, who seems to have provided a home for her last two hu.sbands, died Feb. 10, 1845, aged 96 years, at the house of her son-in-law, Richard Stuart. Nathaniel Bixby was a brother of Levi, and m. a sister of Samuel Brown. Children : ] . Amos ; 2. Hannah ; 3. Lincoln ; 4. Betsey. Keziah Bixby, sister of the above, was the wife of Richard Parsons, and of Amos Heywood. 448 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. Daniel and Jonathan Bixby were not brothers of Levi. The former had these children : 1. Daniel, b. in 1763 ; Aaron, b. in 1765. Adonijah Bixby and Mary his wife had children : 1. Abel; 2. Polly; 3. Lucy; 4. Dolly; 5. Adonijah; 6. Sarah, all born between 1782 and 1792. BOSWOKTH. Walsingham Bosworth m. Mary Piper. Children : 1. Anna, b. Dec. 26, 1798; 2. Nabby, b. March 31, 1800; 3. Olive, b. June 27, 1801; 4. Katharine, b. March 15, 1804; 5. JosiahP.,b. June 19, 1808; 6. Jonathan, b. Sept. 18, 1810. BOWKER. Asa Bowker, Sen. m. Hannah Harwood. Children : William and Asa. William and Sally Bowker had children : 1. Dexter, b. Apr. 22, 1806 ; 2. Sullivan, b. March 28, 1808 ; 3 and 4. John and Aaron, b. Apr. 8, 1811. Asa and Joanna Bowker had children : 1. Esther, b. Sept. 9, 1817; 2. Abigail, b. Jan. 16, 1819; 3. Levi, b. Feb. 4, 1821 ; 5. Ephraim, b. Jan. 25, 1825 ; 6. Joanna, b. March 26, 1828 ; 7. AbigaU, b. July 4, 1830. The last three were children of his wife Nabby. BOYNTON. Benoni Boynton was here in 1754. He and a brother (probably Ephraim, who was a settler as early as 1762,) held a large lot extending from a point near the Tallow Hill school-house, east so far as to include nearly all of Bul- lardville. It reached south of Levi Parks' house. It included upland, low- land and water privileges. They had a block-house in the French and Indian war, in Bullardville, between the road and the river, south of the present Parks pond. One day, hearing a click, and seeing over the bushes the head of an Indian, they took refuge in the blockhouse. Then taking a gun, they fled to the McElwain, or more probably, the Day tavern, in the Centre. The au- thor knows nothing of the descendants of Benoni and Ephraim Boynton. Af- ter the war the block-house was taken down, and set up as a dwelling-house, by the great elm east of the school-house, where Mrs. Eddy used to reside. The two Boyntons were on the first board of Selectmen in 1764. Stephen Boynton was probably a son of one of the above-named, or a broth- er of both. His name first appears in 1771. He died previous to 1779, be- cause his widow, Tabitha Foster Boynton, was married to Levi Bixby on the 2d of May, J 779. Her third husband was Benjamin Eddy. As both Bix- by and Eddy, her second and third husbands, resided on the Boynton place, . by the great elm, it is probable that Mrs. Eddy held the property from her first husband, Stephen Boynton, and that he was the heir of Benoni or Ephraim. The children of Stephen and Tabitha, his wife : HISTORY OF WINOHBNDON. 449 1. Sally, b. June 13, 1772 ; 2. Lucy, b. Jan. 7, 1774 ; 3. Sukey, b. Nov. 22, 1776. Joseph Boynton came hither in 1765, and settled on the farm now owned by Jedediah Morse. He, like the preceding, came from old Eowley, where he was born, July 5, 1788. In 1766, he m. Zeruiah Wilder of Sterling, b. Nov. 6, 1746. He d. in 1820 ; she in 1889. His children were : 1. Joseph, b. Jan. 18, 1767 ; 2. Daniel, bom in W. Sept, 17, 1772, m. Dolly, dau. of Paul Boynton, March 1, 1795, d. June 10, 1845. Children : Mary, b. July 23, 1796, and others. Ephraim Boynton and Abigail his wife had children : 1. Irena, b. Dec. 9, 1765 ; 2. Jonathan, b. Aug. 1, 1766. John Boynton came to W. in 1769, and settled on the farm now owned by Capt. E. Murdock, Jr. He removed to Wethersfield, Vt., and the Payson family bought the place. Children : 1. John, b. Aug. 31, 1769; 2. David, b. Deo. 20, 1771 ; 3. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 21, 1778; 4. Sarah, b. Feb. 16,1776; 5. Hannah, b. July 10, 1778; 6. Gyrus, b. June 14, 1780 ; 7. Nancy, b. June 12, 1782. Major Paul Boynton settled where Dea. K. Hyde now resides. He was b. Oct. 21, 1751, and m. Abigail Fairbanks, b. Dec. 31, 1759. Their daugh- ter Dolly m. her cousin, Daniel Boynton. She was b. Jan. 20, 1778 ; d. Feb. 16, 1855. Mrs. M. D. Poland, wife of Stephen Poland, is the daughter of Daniel and Dolly Boynton, and so the granddaughter of both Joseph and Paul Boynton. Paul Boynton had also : 2. Nabby; 3. Benjamin; 4. Sally; 5. Paul; 6. John. Levi Boynton and Mary his wife had children : 1. ErastusD., b. Oct. 14, 1805; 2. Alfred W., b. Sept. 14, 1807; 3. Harrison L., b. July 26, 1809. BKADISH. Kobert Bradish. Kobert Bradish, son of Kobert, m. Lucy Jackson. Kobert Bradish and Nabbe his wife had children : 1. Thomas; 2. Lucy; 3. Polly; 4. Lydia; all bom between 1794 and 1800. ' Samuel Bradish and Hannah his wife had : Samuel b. Oct. 2, 1783. Jonas Bradish and Jerusha his wife had children : 1. Jerusha, b. Oct. 9, 1772 ; 2. James, b. Dec. 31, 1774 ; 3. Samuel M., b. Dec. 12, 1777. James Bradish, son of Jonas, m. Polly Moore. BBIDOE. Francis Bridge and Eunice his wife had : 1. Patty, b. Feb. 1, 1774; 2. Eunice, b. March 27, 1776; 3. Francis, 38 1-8 450 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. b. July 4, 1778; 4. Euhamah, b. March 30, 1781 ; 5. Levi, b. Feb. 15, 1784; 6. OUver, b. July 20, 1785. BKOOKS. John Brooks m. Lois Barr. Children : 1. John A., b. Feb. 19, 1789; 2. Jonas, b. March 31, 1791 ; 3. daughter, lived three weeks, b. Oct., 1793 ; 4. William, b. Nov. 31, 1794; 5. Hep- zibah, b. Sept. 14, 1797; 6. William B.„b. Sept. 24, 1800. Levi Brooks m. Betsey Flint. Children : 1. John, b. March 6, 1785 ; 2. Betsey, b. Apr. 17, 1788 ; 3. Peggy, b. Aug. 16, 1790 ; 4. Nancy, b. June 25, 1793. Joel Brooks and Tamesin his wife had : Lydia, b. March 7, 1792. BBOWN. Benjamin Brown and Esther his wife had children : 1. Amasa, b. May 23, 1770; 2. Cyrus, b. May 23, 1772 ; 3. Benjamin, b. Nov. 6, 1774; 4. Esther, b. Oct. 3, 1776 ; 5. Patty, b. Dec. 23, 1778 ; 6. Betty, b. Nov. 30, 1780 ; 7. OUve, b. Nov. 7, 1782 ; 8. Caty, b. May 16, 1785 ; 9. James, b. June 5, 1787 ; 10. Artemas, (a physician in Med- way,) b. Apr. 3, 17,89. The four first were born in Templeton ; the rest in this town. Samuel Brown and Lavina his wife had children : 1. Asaph, b. Jan. 21, 1778, m. Martha, dau. of Hon. Abel Wilder ; 2. Mercy, b. Sept. 31, 1779, m. Wm. Tolman; 3. Abigail, b. June 11, 1782, m. Dea. Paul Eaymond; 4. Dolly, the mother of Hon. Wm. B. Spooner; 5. William; 6. John; 7. Samuel; 8. Lucy. Amos H. Brown, b. July 16, 1785, m. Betsey Borman, b. July 11, 1786. Children : 1. Hezekiah B., b. May 26,' 1810; 2. Charles M. ; 3. Amos H.; 4, Elizabeth; 5. John B. ; 6. Sally M. ; 7. Charles M. ; 8. Polly. Hezekiah and Huldah Brown had children : 1. Amos; 2. Luke; 3. Hervey; 4. Eliza; 5. James S. ; 6. Harriet N. Kev. Joseph Brown and Sarah his wife had children : 1. Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1765 ; 2. Jane, b. Feb. 27, 1767 ; 3. Joseph, b. Nov. 26. 1768 ; 4. James, b. Apr. 24, 1771 ; 5. James, b. Nov. 13, 1772 ; 6. Sarah, b. Jan. 6, 1775 ; 7. Mary, b. May 19, 1778 ; 8. John, b. Feb. 22, 1780 ; 9. Amos, b. July 14, 1782. Samuel Brown, 2d, m. Eunice Hagar. Children : 1. William; 2. Eunice; 3. Mary; 4. Charles D. BTJRNETMAN OE BOBMAN. Charles G. Martin Burneyman or Borman, and Chloe his wife had children : 1. Mary Massey, b. Feb. 27, and seven others. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 451 BUTTEICK. Daniel Buttrick and Eunice his wife had children : 1. Daniel, b. Jan. 23, 1783 ; 2. Lucy, b. Apr. 7, 1785, died soon; 3. Lucy, b. Aug. 6, 1787 ; 4. Silas, b. Feb. 8, 1790; 5. David, b. Apr. 22, 1792; 6. Jonathan, b. Apr. 26, 1794; 7. Jonas, b. June 22, 1796; 8. Mary, b. Feb. 7, 1799. Abiel Buttrick and Eunice Heywood his wife had children : 1. Eunice, b. July 31, 1780 ; .2. Abiel, June 23, 1782 ; 3. Amos, b. Sept. 12, 1784; 4. Samuel, b. Nov. 19, 1786; 5. Betsey, b. Feb. 23, 1789; 6. Amos, b. Oct. 12, 1792; 7. Cyrus, b. Apr. 16, 1795. BUER. John Burr and Sarah his wife had children : 1. John, b. March 4, 1784 ; 2. Samuel, b. Oct. 24, 1787 ; 3. Piam, b. May 14, 1792. CARIER. Levi and Silence Carter had : 1. James, b. Nov. 23, 1774 ; 2. Joannah, b. July 28, 1777. CHASE. Charles Chase m. Hannah Stewart . Children : 1. Silas, b. Nov. 27, 1794 ; 2. Lucy, b. May 12, 1798 ; 3. Hannah, b. June23,1800;4. Charles, b. Jan. 11, 1806; 5. Mary, b. March 26, 1809. CHOATB. Stephen and Bathsheba Choate had children : 1. Eunice,.b. Apr. 13, 1765 ; 2. Lucy, b. May 15, 1766. COEWN. George Coffin, bom in Boston, Feb. 13, 1761, a soldier in the Eevolution, and deacon of the First Ch. Winchendon, m. Abigail, daughter of Col. Paul Eaymond, died in 1852, aged 91. Children : 1. Polly, b. March 12, 1790 ; 2. Silas, b. June 27, 1792 ; 3. Phebe b. Apr. 14, 1795 ; 4: Eunice, b. July 1, 1797 ; 5. George, b. Oct. 1, 1797 ; 6. Nancy, b. May 12, 1802 ; 7. Eufus, b. June 19, 1805. COMANT. Zebulon Conant and Mary had : 1. Euth, b. May 2, 1772 ;' 2. Ma— y b, Feb. 13, 1774. COOK. John Cook and Anna his wife had children : 1. Anna, b. July 21, 1798; 2. Tryphena, b. Sept. 19, 1799; 3. Mary F., b. Apr. 23, 1801 ; 4. John, b. March 20, 1803 ; 5. John, b. March 15, 1805; 6. Deborah, b. July 30, 1806; 7. Martin, b. March 1, 1808; 8. Clarissa, b .Jan. 26, 1810 ; 9. Edward, b. June 12, 1812 ; 10. Ivas, b. May 21, 1814; 11. Abigail, b. May 17, 1816; 12. Eliza, b. March 26, 1820 ; 13. Joanna, Aug. 15, 1822. 452 niSTOEY OF winchbndon. CEAGB OK CKAIG. Samuel and Mary Craig had : 1. Samuel, b. Feb. 7, 1758 ; 2. May, b. July 29, 1760 ; 3. Anne, b. Apr. 20, 1762 ; 4. Sarah, b. May 4, 1764. CROSBY. Samuel Crosby, Esq., b. Feb. 13, 1732, m. Azubah Howe of Worcester, b. Sept. 14, 1733. Children : 1. Sarah, b. Sept. 24, 1754; 2. Samuel, b.Sept. 12, 1756; 3. Simeon, b. Sept. 13, 1758 ; 4. Dorothy, b. Aug. 26, 1760 ; 5. John, b. Oct. 18, 1762 ; 6. Eusebia. b. Aug. 23, 1763 ; 7. Otis, b. Jan. 15, 1766 ; 8. John, b. Oct. 18, 1767 ;19. Flavel, b. Jan. 26, 1770 ; 10. Arethusia, b. March 22, 1773 ; 11. Sophia, b. Jan. 9, 1775. Flavel Crosby m. Lucy Howe. Children : 1. Ephraim G., b. Jan. 1, 1794; 2. Harriet, b. Oct. 6, 1796, d. Nov. 12, 1800 ; 3. Samuel, b. Oct, 6, 1798, d. Nov. 20, 1800. CUBTIOB OE CURTISS. Abner Curtice, m. Ruth Hale. Children : 1. Abner; 2. Moses, and others, it is supposed. Abner, Jr., m. Betsey Pike. Moses, m. Betsey Benjamin. Children : 1. Koxana, b. July 8, 1799; 2. Humphrey; 3. Moses; 4. Evelina; 5. Evelina; 6. Lucy; 7. Charles B.; 8. Charles; 9. Elizabeth; 10. Levi C, b. May 30, 1823. CUTLBK. Dr. William H. Cutler m. Abigail Lowe. Children : 1. William J., b. Apr. 9, 1815; 2. Abigail H., b. June 8, 1816; 3. Abraham L., b. June 3, 1818. DARLING. John Darling was here as early as 1754. After the French and Indian war, some Indians affirmed that they once watched, with intent to kill, John Darling, as he was mowing grass in a natural meadow, near Fitzwilliam line. Says Dr. Whiton : " he was a portly, athletic man, whose large, prominent eyes I well remember ; but the whites of his eyes were so big and glaring, they dared not fire at him." Indian superstition saved his life. In 1764, John and Timothy Darling were among the first town officers, as tything-man, surveyor of highways and deer-reeve. The Darling lot was a large one, where Henry Keith now lives, with a gore extending up to the road south of the Ephraim Flint place. There was a Darling house near Mr. Keith's, and al- so near the road, south from Mr. Flint's. John Darling and his wife Ruth had children : 1. Joseph, b. July, 26, 1762 ; 2. Priscilla and Calvin, b. June 13, 1765. Ruth Darling m. Levi Bixby, Oct. 2., 1766. Jewett B. Darling m., in 1790, Deborah Murdock, and had three daugh- ters. HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 453 Timothy Darling and his wife Joanna had children : 1. Daniel, b. July 9, 1761 ; 2. Oliver, b. Oct. 13, 1763 ; 3. Anna, b. Sept. 19, 1765. DAY. Dea, Richard Day, m. Euth Pushey. Children : 1. John, b. Aug. 31, 1749; 2. Hannah, b. Aug. 31, 1752; those two were b. at Groton; 3. Nathan, b. in Lunenburg, Oct. 2, 1754; the follow- ing were born in Winchendon : 4.- Sarah, b. Apr. 11, 1757.; 5. Kuth, b. Oct. 27, 1759 ; 6. Daniel, b. July 27, 1762; 7. Sylvia, b. Oct. 17, 1764; 8. Elizabeth, b. May 12, 1767 ; 9. Lydia, b. Aug. 3, 1770; 10. Susan- nah, b. Sept. 9, 1773. John Day, Sen., son of Richard, m. Betsey Joselyn. Children: 1. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1771 ; 2. John, b. March 14, 1773 ; 3. Jo- seph, b. March 27, 1775 ; 4. Lucy, b. June 14, 1777 ; 5. Hannah, b. Dec. 29, 1779; 6. Richard, b. March 6, 1782; 7. Peter, b. June 6, 1785 ; 8. Daniel, b. Feb. 17, 1787 ; 9. Susanna, b. June 8, 1789. Daniel Day, son of Richard, m. Ambrey Bruce. Children : 1. Charlotte C, b. May 12, 1800; 2. Gilman L., b. Apr. 1, 1802; 3. LucyT.; 4. Betsey R.; 5. Ambrey B.; 6. Susan M.; 7. Sarah W., 8. Mary S. ; 9. Alathine H. _ John Day, son of John, Sen., m. Elizabeth , and had Mason S. and several daughters. Daniel Day, son of John, Sen., m. Eunice Rioe, and had a large family. DIVOLL. Levi Divoll and Grace Wilder his wife had children : 1. Sally, b. Nov. 2, 1790 ; 2. Levi, b. Oct. 19, 1792 ; 3. Nancy, b. Aug. 31, 1794; 4. Sophronia, b. Aug. 17, 1796; 5. Alden, b. Feb. 13, 1798; 6. Hervey, b. June 16, 1801 ; 7. Myrendia, b. Dec. 13, 1803; 8. Caroline B.,b.MarQh 21, 1806; 9. David W., b. March 4, 1808 ; 10. Jo- siah F., b. Oct. 9, 1814. EMIANDS". Amos Edmands and Lydia his wife had children : 1. Esther, b. Feb. 28, 1784 ; 2. Artemas, b. Oct. 6, 1785, m. Esther Hyde. (The second wife of Amos was Abigail.) 3. Anne, b. Apr. 20, 1801. Jesse Ellis and his wife Miriam had children : 1. Miriam, b. Apr. 7, 1780 ; 2. Zipporah, b. Nov. 29, 1782 ; 3. Jesse, b. June 19, 1789. EMOKY, Francis Emory'and Eunice Philbrick had children : 1. Grata, b. Oct. 17, 1796 ; 2. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1798, both in Graf- ton, Vt. ; 3. John, b. Nov. 20, 1799; 4. Eunice, b. Apr. 80, 1803; 5. Lucretia, b. Feb. 24, 1805 ; 7. Louisa, b. Oct. 3, 1807. 454 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOIir. Stephen Emery and Lydia Kimball- his wife had children : 1. Betsey, b. at Wenham, Aug. 29, 1769 ; 2. Sally, b. at Boxford, Jan. 26, 1777 ; 3. Lydia, b. at Winchendon, March 31, 1779 ; 4. Stephen, b. Feb. 18, 1781 ; 5. John, b. March 7, 1783; 6. Nancy, b. Apr. 4, 1785; 7. Oliver, b. March 4, 1787. Lucy and Olive were born in 1807, 1811. EVANS. Jonathan Evans and Mehitable Sherwin his wife had : 1. Mehitable, b. Jan. 17, 1775; 2. Martha, b. Apr. 7, 1776; 3. Jona- than ; 4. George. TAIEBANKS. Ephraim Fairbanks m. Sukey Weston, Children : 1. Ephraim W., b. May 12, 1814; 2. Levi Nelson, b. May 12, 1816; 3. Elisha W., b. Aug. 31, 1818; 4. Stephen W., b. May 5, 1842. PARKAR. Daniel Farrar m. Ednah Boynton. Children : 1. Silas, b. Nov. 22, 1777; 2. Lucy, b. Feb. 4, 1779; 3. MoUy, b. Sept. 11, 1780 ; 4. Daniel, b. Feb- 15, 1784. Daniel, son of Daniel, m. Rebekah . Children : 1. Dennis, b. Jan. 29, 1806, d. June 29, 1807 ; 2. Sibbel, b. Sept, 28, 1807; 3. Salmon S., b. Aug. 17, 1809; 4. Rebekah, b. Aug. 18, 1813. FESSENDEN. John Fessenden d. Feb. 15, 1810. He was a revolutionary soldier, and lived between Levi Stearns and the Joseph Adams place, on the east side. ELAGG. John Plagg was b. at Hinsdale, Jan. 4, 1760, m. Betsey Blanchard. Chil- dren : 1. John, his son, b. Oct. 25, 1790 ; 2. Lucinda, b. Sept. 13, 1792 ; 3. Alpheus, b. Apr. 11, 1796; 4. Philena, b. June 13, 1804. ELINT. Thomas Flint b. in Concord, March 6, 1759, son of John, and gr. gr. grand- son of Thomas, who with his brother, Rev. Thomas Flint, came to Boston in • 1 635, from Matuck, Derbyshire, Eng. He, that is, Thomas, m. Abigail Brown, Apr. 19, 1789, and some time after came to W. He d. in 1840; his wife in 1815. Children: 1. John, b. Dec. 31, 1789 ; d. Oct. 10, 1847 ; 2. Hepzibah, b. Apr. 8. 1791, d. Aug. 1851 ; 3. Thomas, b. April 14, 1794, m. Tryphena Cook in 1819; 4. Eleazar, b. Feb. 29, 1796; 5. David, b. Sept. 6, 1797, m. Pru- dence Whitcomb, d. Jan. 2, 1858;- 6. Dolly, b. Oct. 3, 1800, m. a Whit- man of Westminster; 7. Abigail, b, Apr. 1, 1802, m. Joseph Whitney, Oct 20, 1821, d. Dec. 17, 1837; 8. William, b. June 3, 1805, m.. May 7, 1839, Rhoda Pollard. Nathan Flint, elder brother of Thomas, b. in 1755, in Concord, and came to W. about the same time. Children : HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 455 1. Mary, b. June 24, 1782, d. May 16, 1834; 2. Abigail, b. Oct. 8, 1783, died young; 3. Nathan, b. Oct. 17, 1785, died young; 4. Abigail; 5. Nathan, b. May 11, 1788 ; 6. Bphraim, b. Nov. 10, 1789; 7. Hannah, b. Nov. 9, 1791 ; 8. Martha, b. Aug. 27. 1793 ; 9. Hepzibah, b. May 12, 1795, m. Wm. Harris ; 10. David B., b. Sept. 28, 1797 ; 11. John, b. Nov. 8, 1799; 12. Charlotte, b. Jan. 5, 1802, m. Mr. Nutting, and for second husband, Joseph Whitney, Jan. 3, 1842 ; 13. Almira, b. Jan, 31, 1806. JOSTBB. David Foster and Elizabeth his wife had children : 1. Betsey, b. March 1, 1781 ; 2. Susannah, b. Jan. 11, 1783. FEY. Job Fry, born in Bridgewater, m. Pernal Drake. Children : 1. James; 2. Mary, m. Hiram Lewis of Athol ; 3. Phebe ; 4. Mason; 5. Job; 6. Kichard; 7. Martin; 8. Silas; 9. Calvin; 10. Susan H., m. Aaron Bowker. GILL. John Gill. Joshua Gill, (son of John,) and Lucy his wife had children : 1. Lucv, b. May 17, 1807; 2. Hannah, b. Aug. 13, 1808; 3. Joshua, b. Aug. 2"l, 1810 ; 4. Warren, b. Aug. 19, 1812 ; 5. Mary T., b. Aug. 3, 1814; 6. Charles, b. May 25, 1816. GOODHtTB. Francis Goodhue was chosen Treasurer of the Proprietors in 1751. He was a descendant of Kev. Francis Goodhue, minister of Jamaica, L. I., who died in 1707. John Goodhue drew lot No. 29, north division, and Joseph Goodhue, No. 20, south division, in 1737. Both had a share in the next drawing. Probably Francis was son to one of them, and if so, most proba- bly Joseph, as he had a grandson named Joseph. His son Francis lived west of the Nichols tavern, (where it is supposed the first Francis resided.) He m. Polly, daughter of Rev. Joseph Brown, in 1794. Afterwards he settled in Brattleboro, Vt., and as a trader became rich. He had sons, Joseph and Wells- The daughter of Joseph was the wife of Hon. Frederic Holbrook, ex-Gov. of Vermont. Amos Goodhue, m, Sally Payson, and lived in a house where the North Cong'l Ch. now stands. Children : Hitty Payson, and David Payson. John Goodhue, m. Mary McFarland, and lived on the Capt. Stillman Hale place. GOODRIDGE. Daniel Goodridge, came to W. in 1762. His house was where the Poor- House now stands. He m. Hannah Low of Lunenburg in 1766. He d. Apr. 12, 1821, aged 81 ; she d. Feb. 7, 1820, aged 75. Children : 1. Benjamin, b. Aug. 5, 1767, d. Feb. 29, 1824 ; 2. Daniel, b. Aug. 24, 1769,"moved to New York, and died ; 3. Elijah, b. Nov. 16, 1771 ; d. Ju- 456 HISTORY OF -WINOHENDON. ly 15, 1773 ; 4. Sarah, b. March 13. 1774, m. Isaac WiUard, Feb. 5, 1798 ; ~ 5. Polly, b. Oct. 20, 1776, d. Aug. 15, 1778; 6. Mary, b. March 20, 1779, m. Amasa Whitney ; 7. Hannah, b. Apr. 17, 1781, m.. Mar. 6, 1808, James McAfee; 8. Jonathan, b. March 2, 1785, moved to New York; 9. Lowell, b. Feb. 2, 1790, m. Rachel Knight, and then Lydia Wilder White. David Goodridge came in 1762, and settled where Jonas Nutting now lives. Mr. Nutting's father married his daughter. He, like the preceding, was a member of the First Church. They were not brothers ; their relation- ship, if any, is not known. He died in 1818, aged 66. Philip Goodridge was here as early as 1761, and Benjamin as early as 1762. The latter was on a committee to " stake out a meeting-house lot" in 1762. David Goodridge and Silence his wife had children : 1. David, b. Apr. 24, 1774 , 2. Jonas, b. Dec. 8, 1775 ; 3. Silence, b. Dec. 9, 1777; 4. Betty, b. Nov. 15, 1779 ; 5. Dolly, b. Nov. 12, 1781 ; 6. Anna, b. Jan. 31, 1784; 7. David, b. Apr. 11. 1787; 8. A son; 9. Calvin, b. May 18, 1782. David Goodridge, Jr., and Susanna had children : 1. Maryanna; 2. Susan H. ; 3. Calvin G. ; 4. David J. ; 5. Betsey Boynton. QOULD. Daniel Gould and Mary his wife had chidren : 1 Daniel Green, b. July 22, 1770 ; 2. Mary, b. July 8, 1772; 3. Dar vid, b. June 4, 1775. GEEATON. Thomas Graton or Greaton was the son of an English soldier, who took French leave of the British army while passing through Worcester Co. under Lord Amherst, it is supposed. Graton was not his original name. Thomas m. Eebeoca or Becca Chaplin, and had children : 1. Smyrna, b. June 29, 1791 ; 2. Sally P., b. March 16, 1793; 3. Mar- sena, b. Jan. 19, 1795 ; 4. Tamar, b. June 20, 1798 ; 5. Leona, b. May 8, 1800 ; 6. LaFayette, b. Feb. 13, 1804 ; 7. Alvin, b. August 2, 1806, died ; 8. Alvin, b. May 24, 1808. GREENWOOD. Thomas Greenwood and Deborah Barber his wife had children : 1. Henry, b. May 1, 1791 ; 2, Sophia, b. .July 16, 1793 ; 3. Levi, b. July 29, 1797. GROUT. Isaac Grout m. Sally Stearns. Children : 1. John, b. March 31, 1786; 2. Phebe; 3. Cyrus,: 4. Lewis; 5. Isaac; 6. Betsey; 7. Lorey. His second wife was Eebekah . 8. Sally; 9. Eebekah; 10. Samuel B. ; 11. Hannah, b. Apr. 15, 1820. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 457 GUY. Alpheus Guy and Betsey his wjfe had children : 1. Sarah; 2. Elizabeth B. ; 3. Hannah; 4. Elvira D. HALE. Moses Hale was born in Boxford, June 5, 1742, m. Kuth Poster, July 2, 1769; came to W. May 3, 1770. He die* May 31, 1828, aged 86; wife died Jan. 11, 1837. Their children wore : 1. Eunice, m. Abel Wilder, Jr. ; 2. Ruth, m. Eliot Payson ; both removed to Madison Co., N. Y. ; 3. Lucy, alive in 1866, aged 89 years; 4. Moses, m. Mary Flint in 1807 ; he was a bright man ; lived in New York for a while ; lost all his family but one son, in Columbus, Miss.; went to live with him, and died there in 1843 ; 5. Achsa, m. Joseph Cooledge of Gardner ; 6. Ar- temas, m. Deborah Lincoln, of Hingham, in 1815, and has since resided in Bridgewater. Besideshisbrothers, mentioned below, Dea. Hale had two sisters; 1. Ruth, m. Abner Curtice, and 2. Judith, m. Absalom Towne. They came from Boxford not far from the time of Dea. Hale's coming. About the year 1795, when many left the place for the then "west," Mr. Towne settled in Madison Co., N. Y. Mrs. Towne d. March 18, 1854, aged 106^ years. Abner Hale, brother of Moses, b. July 22, 1737, came to W. in 1766. He removed to Madison Co., N. Y., with Mr. Towne. Jacob Hale, brother of Moses, b. Dec. 19, 1744, m. Ruth Tovme, b. Oct, 2, 1746, came to W. in 1770. Their children were : 1. Asa, b. Feb. 2, 1768 ; 2. Ruth, b. Apr. 2. 1770 ; 3. Anna, b. June 22, 1772 ; 4. Jacob, b. June 25, 1774 ; 5. Thomas, b. Feb. 14, 1776 ; 6. Abel, b. Nov. 30, 1777 ; 7. Polly, b. Dec. 11, 1779; 8. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 7, 1782; 9. Daniel, b. Sept. 4, 1785 ; 10. Joseph, b. Feb. 21, 1787; 11. Miriam, b. Nov. 26, 1788. Asa Hale, son of Jacob, m. Sally Hancock ; he d. Dec. 30, 1852, aged 84 ; she d. Apr. 25, 1852. Their children were : 1. Stillman, b. IV^ay 1, 1797; 2. Lyman; 3. Persis; 4. Sally; 5, Olive ; 6. Elmira. Jacob Hale, son of Jacob, m. Betsey Brown, d. in 1843. They were m. May 29, 1806| Children: 1. Syrena; 2jJBaily; 3. Amos, m. Mary, dau. of Jesse Raymond ; 4. Betsey ; 5. Priseflla ; 6. Joseph, m. Adaline Chase ; 7. Lucy, m. Levi W. Poskett ; 8.' Sally, m. Stephen Sampson ; 9. Mary, m. Daniel Chase ; 10. Syrena,' M^ Wm. Sawtell; 11. Elizabeth; 12. Freeman S., m. Ma- ria Sibley, and Mrs. Eliza K. Hale. Nathaniel, son of Jacob, ra. Margaret Hale, b. May 29, 1784. Children : 1. Nathaniel W., b. March 21, 1807, m. Sarah Guy; 2. Merritt, b. Oct. 1, 1809; m. Harriet Johnson; 3. Albert, b. Oct. 11, 1811, m. Harriet Brown ; 4. Julia A. b. June 17, 1813, m. Wm. Wilder; 5. Sal- ly M., b. July 12, 1818, m. John Fitts; 6. Nancy, b. March 27, 1820. Nathaniel d. Oct. 11, 1857, aged 85. 29 458 HISTORY Of WINCHENDON. Daniel, son of Jacob, left a daughter, now Mrs. Frank Priest. Amos Hale, brother of Moses, b. May 25, 1752, m. Sally Day ; came to W. in 1770. Children : 1. Sarah, b. Jan. 8, 1780 ; 2. Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1782 ; 3. Amos, b. May 9, 1784 ; 4. Nathan, b. June 23, 1786 ; 5. Obed, b. Oct. 23, 1788; 6. Edward, b. Oct. 29, 1790 ; 7. Salmon, b. March 10, 1793 ; 8. Laura, b. June 3, 1795 ; 9. Justus, b. Apr. 27, 1797. HALL. Benjamin Hall m. Sally, dau. of Rev. Joseph Brown. Children : 1. Henry, b. Oct. 25, 1796; 2. Betsey, b. Jan. 23, 1799. HANCOCK. Timothy Hancock and Lucy Stoddard his wife had children : 1. Lot, b. Feb. 12, 1792; 2. Persis, b. July 8, 1794; 3. Bill, b. Feb. 1, 1796; 4. Zenas, b. Jan. 20, 1798; 5. Orras, b. Apr. 19, 1800; 6. Benjamin H. b. Apr. 10, 1802 ; 7. Lucy A., b. Aug. 21, 1804 ; 8. James A., b. Aug. 7. 1806; 9. Cirisman, fe. July 12, 1808; 10. Lucy A., b. Apr. 2, 1811. Eufus Hancock, son of Hezekiah, of Wrentham, b. in Winchendon, Aug. 21, 1780, m. Sally Bacon. Children : 1. Benjamin F., b. Nov. 25, 1803 ; 2. William M., b. March 16, 1806 '. 3. Artemas H., b. Aug. 13, 1809 ; 4. Ozro, b. Jan. 10, 1812. Bill Hancock, son of Samuel, of Wrentham, died suddenly in 1792. HAPGOOD. John and Betsey Hapgood, had children : 1. George, d. young; 2. Charles, b. Feb. 27, 1806; 3. Willard; 4. Sally ; 5. Sally; 6. Dana; 7. Abigail; 8. Mary; 9. Rhoanna;10. Jane, b. June 4, 1821, m. Bethuel Ellis, Esq. ; 11. Otis W. HENSHAW. Daniel Henshaw and Deborah B. his wife had children : 1. Frances E., b. July 25, 1824; 2. Daniel H., b. Sept. 25, 1827. HBTWOOD. Dea. Amos Heywood, m. the widow of Eichard Parsons, bom, Keziah Bix- by, sister of Levi Bixby. Childiren : 1. Susan, b. March 27, 1786 ; m. Thomas Knowlton ; 2. Sally, b. July 4, 1789, m. Mr. Carter. His second wife was widow Elizabeth Cogswell, mother of Mrs. Richard Whitney. Daniel Heywood, brother of Amos, m. Hannah Fairbanks. Children : 1. Betsey, b. Nov. 24, 1783 ; 2. Hannah, b. Apr. 24, 1785 ; 3. Bet- sey, b. Aug. 17, 1787 ; 4. Daniel, b. Oct. 7, 1790 ; 5. Alpha, b. Sept. 15, 1792 ; 6. Miriam, b. June 2, 1794 ; 7. Alpheus, b. Apr. 11, 1797 ; 8. Ira, b. Apr. 6, 1799, d. May 25, 1799 ; 9. Eliel, b. Feb. 9, 1801 ; 10. Soly- man, b. Jan. 5. 1805. HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 459 Lieut. Levi Heywood, br. of Amos and Daniel, lived at the Ephraim Flint place. He m. Beulah Buttrick. He d. June 21, 1799. Children : 1. Amos; 2. Levi; 3. Beulah; 4. Mary; 5. Cyrus, Capt. Lemuel Heywood, cousin of the above, also lived on the B. Flint place, m. Lucy Heywood, a cousin, and had children : 1. Kufus, b. Oct. 12, 1782 ; 2. Keuben, b. Dec. 27, 1783 ; 3. Luke, b. Dec. 9, 1785; 4. George, b. Nov. 30, 1787; 5. Kial, b. Feb. 25, 1790; 6, Lucy, b. March 23, 1792, m. Simeon Stearns ; 7. Samuel, b. July 4, 1794; 8. HepzibahS., b. Oct. 1, 1796, m. Phinehas Parks, Jr. ; 9. .Eliza, b. May 8, 1799. His second wife was Abigail or Nabby Parsons, dau. of Richard Parsons. Children : 10. Richard P., b. Dec. 1, 1801, d. Sept. 26, 1825; 11. NabbeB., b. Feb. 28, 1803 ; 12. Bushrod V., b. July 29, 1804, d. Sept. 28, 1805 ; 13. Sally R., b. Jan. 19, 1806 ; 14. Caroline C, b. Nov. 6, 1807, m. Levi Parks ; 15. Horatio N., b. Apr. 2, 1809 ; 16. Adaline B., b, May 5, 1812; 17. Lemuel A., b. Apr. 3, 1814. holmanI Capt. Nathaniel Holman, b. at Bolton, July 5, 1767, m. Charlotte Bruce, b. at Berlin, Jan. 31, 1783- Children : 1. Charlotte B., b. Apr. 22, 1806; 2. Betsey T., b. Dec. 19, 1807; 3. Nathaniel, b. Sept. 10, 1809. . HOUGHTON. Robert Houghton and Sarah his wife had children : 1. John, b. Feb. 2, 1791; 2. Asaph, b. Oct. 8. 1792; 3. Ephraim, b. Feb. 18, 1795 ; 4. Sally, b. March 22, 1797 ; 5. William, b. Oct. 26, 1798 ; 6. Cyrus, b. Apr. 19, 1799 ; 7. Lucy, b. March 17, 1801 ; 8. Cyrus, b. March 17, 1803; 9. Abigail J., b. Dec. 12, 1805 ; 10. Susan F., b. Oct. 4. 1811. HOWE. Ebenezer Howe and Elisabeth his wife had : 1. Tamesin, b. Aug. 31, 1770 ; 2. Parley, b. Nov. 7, 1773 ; 3. Ezekiel, b. March 20, 1775; 4. Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 1777. HYDE. Ezra Hyde, son of Job and Prudence Hyde, of Newton, b. Nov. 1749 ; m.Elizabeth Whiting, Dec. 1773, moved to W, 1774 ; he d. 1837, aged 88 ; she was b. iti Sherborn, in Aug., 1851, d. in 1840, aged 88. Children : 1. Ezra Jr., the historian, b. Sept. 1774, d. Oct., 1849, aged 75; 2. Asa, b. 1776, d. July, 1858, aged 82 ; 3. John, b. Feb. 1779, d. March, 1826, aged 47; 4. Elizabeth, b. 1781, d. 1817, aged 36; 5. Prudence, b. 1783, d. 1787; 6. Sally, b. 1785, d. 1786 ; 7. Prudence, b. 1788, m. Levi Priest; 8. Sally, b. 1791, d. 1825, aged 34; 9. Job, b. 1794, d. 1821. Ezra, Jr. m. Betsey Perley, Sept. 1806. Children : 1. Ezra, b. Aug., 1807 ; 2, daughter, b. 1811, d. soon. He married Polly, 460 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. dau. of James Raymond, in June, 1813, and had children : 3. Maria H., b. Apr., 1814, m. Howe, of Gardner, in 1854; 4. James R., b. Feb. 1816; 5. Daniel H., b. Oct. 1818; 6, Alfred, b. Sept. 1820; 7. Warren, b. Nov. 1822; 8. John M., b. May, 1825; 9. Susan B., b. May, 1831. Asa Hyde, son of the first Ezra, m. Betsey Hyde. Children : 1. Levi, b. Oct. 5, 1808, d. Jan. 15, 1811 ; 2. Levi, b. Jan. 15, 1811 ; 3. Phebe, b. Sept. 6, 1816; 4. Ward, b. Nov. 1, 1818. John Hyde, son of Ezra, m. Abigail, dau. of Job and Elizabeth Hyde, in Nov. 1803. Their children were : 1. John, b. Sept., 1804; 2. Blisha, b. Oct. 1805 ; 3. Abigail, b. 1806 d, March, 1818; 4. Nancy, b. March, 1809, m. Wetherbee, May; 1831, d. Sept, 1849; 5. Eliza, b. 1812; d. July, 1820; 6. Mary, b. 1818, d. 1825. Job Hyde, brother of the first Ezra, and son of Job and Prudence Hyde, of Newton, b. March, 1752, m. Elizabeth Ward, Dec. 1779, moved to W. in 1796 ; he d. in 1824, aged 72 ; she d. in 1804, aged 45. Children, born in Newton : 1. Abigail, b. Nov. 1782 ; m. in 1803 ; d. May, 1859, aged 76; 2. Elifr abeth, b. Sept., 1784, m. Oct. 1806; d. Jan., 1825, aged 41 ; 3. Job, b. Nov., 1786 ; m. Elizabeth Tolman, Nov., 1817; 4. George W., b. July, 1790, d. Oct. 1810 ; 5. Reuben, b. Oct. 1793, m. Sarah Wood, Dec. 1830; 6. Lucretia, b. Feb. 1798, m. Artemas Bdmands, Dec, 1830, d. Feb. 1855 ; 7. Joel, b. March, 1800, d. Oct., 1810. Job, son of Job and Elizabeth, had children : 1. Sarah T., b. Aug., 1818; 2. Joel, b. Oct., 1819; m. Eliza Do- witt, Oct. 1849, and Katharine W. Dole, Dec, 1861, d. 1866. JONES. Capt. Abel Jones, Sen., m. Lucinda Hey wood. Children : Abel Jones, ta. Hannah Knight. Children : 1. Harriet B., b. Sept. 23, 1807 ; 2. William R., both born in Fitz- william ; 3. Lucinda ; 4. Elizabeth K. ; 5. Mary S. ; 6. Sarah K. ; 7. Evelina. JOSLIN OE JOSELYN. Peter Joslin and Sally his wife had children : 1. Sally, b. Mar. 24, 1787; 2. Betsey, b. Jan. 1, 1789; 3. Peter, b. ■ Nov. 24, 1790; 4. John, b. Sept. 24, 1792; 5. Polly, b. Aug. 10, 1794; 6. Persis, b. Sept. 23, 1798. KEITH. ApoUos Keith came hither from Baston in 1799. He m. Mary Drake. Children: 1. Jason, b. in 1797; 2. Joshua, b in 1803. Joshua Keith, brother of ApoUos, came about 1810. He m. Grace Un- derwood. Children : 1. Josephine; 2. died young ; 3. Henry. HISTORY OF WmCIIENDON. 461 KENDALL. Caleb Kendall and Lucy his wife had Samuel, b. Oct. 11, 1792. KIDDEB. John Kidder and Dorothy his wife had children : 1. Samuel, b. May 5, 1785; 2. Sukey, b. Jan. 17, 1788. Hey wood Kidder m. Zilpah Phelps, and had children : 1. Levi, b. Jan. 19, 1798; 2. Almira, b. Oct. 12, 1800; 3. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 2, 1803 ; 4. Mary, b. Nov. 8, 1804. KNIGHT. Matthew Knight lived here, but no trace of his family has been found in the Eecords. Nathan Knight and Susannah his wife had children : 1. Aaron, b. Apr. 17, 1776; 2. Nathan, b. Jan. 12, 1778; 3. Luke, b. Sept. 4, 1782 ; 4. Levi, b. Apr. 24, 1786. Aaron Knight m. Susan Putnam. Aaron Knight m. Betsey Wilder. Children : 1. Levi, b. Sept. 16, 1808 ; 2. Philenus; 3. Luke L. ; 4. ElamC; 5 Eliza Ann; 6. Abel Wilder, b. Dec. 80, 1831. Luke Knight and Kachel his wife had children : 1. Horatio L.; 2. Harriet; 3. Nathan; 4. Almira. KNOWLTON. Thomas Knowlton m. Susan or Sukey, dau. of Dea. Hey wood. Children : 1. Mary H., b. Aug. 31, 1807; 2. Elizabeth S., b July 8, 1809; 3. Lucy C, b. April 20, 1811 ; 4. Thomas S., b. May 20, 1813; 5. Amos, b. May 27, 1815 ; 6. Susannah A., b. June 22, 1821 ; 7. Charles G., b. Dec. 20, 1824, d. 1828 ; 8. Charles Henry, b. Juno 4, 1830. LOED. Bemsley Lord m. Sarah Stimpson. Children : 1. Eunice, b. March 3, 1786, d. in 1868 ; 2. Sally, b. July 17, 1789 ; 3. Bemsley, b. July 16. 1789; 4. Luke, b. Nov. 18, 1792. LITCH. Thomas Litch, b. in Ireland, came to this country when four years old, m. Jane Kennedy. Children : 1. Samuel; 2. Betsey; 3. Samuel. Samuel Litch, son of Thomas, and Betsey his wife, had cluldren : 1. Samuel, b. in Lunenburg, July 9, 1779 ; 2. Betsey, b. in Lunen- burg, March 10, 1781 ; 3. Thomas, b. July 1, 1785. The first Samuel was the Shays man. The body of Thomas, Sen., was keyt three weeks after death because the depth of snow stopped all travel. This was in Feb. 1802. LOVEJO*. Oliver Lovejoy m. Nancy Ingalls. Children : 462 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 1. Mary Ann; 2. Sarah; 3. Gratia; 4. Nancy; 5. Julia Ann; 6. Ol- iver S., a physician in Haverhill. MANSFIELD. James Mansfield and Lois his wife had : 1. Lydia, b. June 11, 1766 ; 2. James, b. Nov. 20, 1767 ; 3. Amasa, b. August, 1769 ; 4. Lois, b. July 10, 1771 ;• 5. Josiah. MAY. Theodore May and Elizabeth his wife had children : 1. Theodore, b. May 4, 1775 ; 2. Betsey, b. Dee. 28, 1785. Benjamin May and Lucy his wife had children : 1. Benjamin, b. Jan. 8, 1784; 2. John, b. Aug. 30, 1785; 3. Daniel, b. Nov. 12, 1787; 4. Fanny, b. Feb. 27, 1790; 5. Thomas, b. July 4, 1792; 6. Eichardson, b. Oct. 27, 1794; 7. Augustus, b. Oct. 4, 1798. m'elwain. James McElwain and Kebekah Whitcomb had children : 1. Sally, b. Apr. 28, 1770, m. Luther Stimpson ; Rebekah, b. March 19, 1772, m. Samuel Prentiss; 3. James, b. Nov. 27, 1777; 4. David, b. Jan. 20, 1780; 5. William, b.. May 15, 1782; 6. John, b. Sept. 5. 1785. Ho d. Nov. 24, 1820, an aged man. His wife d- Nov. 3, 1811, aged 67. Mekriam. Capt. Amos Merriam and Elizabeth his wife had children : 1. Amos, b. June 2, 1768 ; 2. Jonathan, b. Oct. 4, 1770 ; 3. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 2, 1772; 4. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1776; 5. Luther, b. June 4, 1779. His wife Susoy had : 6. Sukey, b. Feb. 13, 1790. MOrFAT. William Moflfat and Mary bis wife had children : 1. William, b. Sept. 7, 1767; 2. David, b. Feb. 27, 1771 ; 3. James, b. May 7, 1773; 4. Joseph, b. March 27, 1775. MOOK. Dea. Levi Moor and Parna his wife had children : 1. Tabitha, b. Aug. 3, 1781; 2. Levi, b July 14, 1787, died soon; 3. Levi, b. Feb. 8, 1790. MOKSB. Isaac Morse and Miriam SpofFord had children : 1. Eliza M. b.tTan. 9, 1802; 2. Sophia A., b. Jan. 1, 1805; 3. Milton S., b. Nov. 12, 1806 ; 4. Rhoanna, b. Sept. 4, 1808 ; 5 and 6. Edward and Edmund, twins, b. Aug. 5, 1810; 7. Miriam C, b. Oct. 1, 1812; 8. A dau. b. Sept. 14, 1814; 9. Susan L., b. Sept. 2, 1816; 10. Mary B. b. Jan. 10, 1819. Mrs. M. d. Aug. 21, 1819. By his wife Frances he had : 11. Charles H., b. Jan. 31, 1822; 12. Frances A., b. Aug. 23, 1824; 13. A dau. b. Jan. 11, 1827 ; 14. Laura S., b.'Oran. 26, 1828 ; 15. Laura A,, b. May 2, 1829. SEIMc^^SEHg MIWISIDOSIE HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 4G3 "mukdock. Japics Murdock, grandson of Robert of Roxbury, was born in Newton, Marqii 15. 1738. He m., Oct. 9, 1765, Deborah Williams, (gr. gr. grand- daughter of Robert Williams of Roxbury, "the common ancestor of very many distinguished men who have honored their country,") and moved to W. in 1766. He d. Oct. 26, 1813 ; wife d. Aug. 15, 1809. Children : 1. James, b. Aug. 24, 1766; 2. Deborah, b. Oct. 4, 1768 ; 3. Patty, b. June 11, 1770; 4. Ephraim, b. Jan. 26, 1772; 5. Hannah; 6. Dor- cas; 7. Abel. James, son of James, m. Polly Chaplin, Dec. 2, 1792. Children : 1. Chloe Thursting, b. Sept. 7, 1793 ; m. James Wilson, Feb. 25, 1819; 2. Shebpinith Reed, b. June 10, 1795, d. March, 1801 ; 3. Ed- ward Newton, b. Apr. 22, 1797 ; m. Philinda Walker ; 4. Tabitha Moore, b. Feb., 1800, m. Aaron L. Phelps; 5. James, b. June 29, 1802; m. Silence Nutting; 6. Daphne Pratt, b. March 25, 1806, m. Paul Pierce; d. Sept. 22, 1852 ; 7. Mary Hovey, b. May 21, 1809, d. Aug. If, 1811 , 8. John Hovey, b. Dec. 16, 1811, d. March 14, 1812; 9. MaryPai-ker, b. March 15, 1816, m. Asa P. Rand, Oct. 23, 1838. James Murdock died Sept. 25, 1859 ; his wife, April 9, 1849. Deborah, m., in 1790, Jewett Boynton Darling. Children : 1. Ruth, b. Apr. 2, 1791, m. James King, July 25, 1808 ; 2. Nancy, b. Feb. 1, 1794; m. B. Darling, Feb. 19, 1822. Patty, married a Mr. Deeth. Epbraim, m. Zibiah Bixby, Feb. 4, 1798. He d. Feb. 21, 1853 ; first wife d. July 20, 1824; second wife now lives in Wabasha, Minn. Chil- dren : 1. Lucy, b. Dec. 16, 1798, m. Mark Whitoomb, March 13, 1821 ; 2. Ephraim, b. Aug. 17, 1800, m. Sophia Morse, Nov. 24, 1825 ; 3. Eli- sha, b. Aug. 27, 1802, m. Rhoanna Morse, Nov. 29, 1832; 4. William, b. Oct. 9, 1804, m. Mary G. Whitney, July 8, 1841 ; 5. George, b. Nov. 2, 1806, d. Dec. 24, 1838 ; 6. Charles, b. Apr. 24, 1809, m. Fidelia Prouty, May 21, 1837, moved to Baltimore, and died there, Oct. 12, 1868 ; 7. Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1811, m. Amasa Whitney, July 24, 1834. The above are the children of the' first wife. He married widow Abigail W. Wood- bury, dau. of Capt. Jacob Wales, March 30, 1826, and had children; 8. Emily, b.. March 19, 1827, m. Albert 0. Tyler, Nov. 2, 1845, and resides in Cincinnati ; 9. Joseph, b. Feb. 23, 1829, m. Louisa King, Nov. 15, 1853, and Mary Baldwin, Dec. 24, 1857, d. in 1858, July 12, much la- mented; 10. Nelson, b. Sej)t. 23, 1831, m. Cynthia Baldwin, Sept. 18, 1855, and is a lawyer in Wabasha, Minn. Hannah, m. Jewett Boynton Darling, Dec. 12, 1809. Children : 1. Sally C, m., in 1835, to Ebenezer H. Converse ; 2. Hannah, m. in 1833, to John D. Stearns ; 3. Mary. NOUKSE. Dea. Nourse, of the New Boston Baptist Church, had a family, but the rec- ord has eluded search. 464 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOK. NO^ES. Isaac Noyes and his wife Sally had these children : 1. Levi, b. Apr. 8, 1792; 2. b. Aug. 21, 1793; 3. Isaac, b. Feb 24, 1796 ; 4. Henry, b. Oct. 9, 1797 ; 5. Jane, b. Sept, 17, 1799. Samuel Noyes had children : 1. Susanna, b. Feb. 27, 1771; 2. Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1774; 3. Samuel, b. June 26, 1778 ; 4. Nancy, b. Sept. 7, 1783. Elizabeth was mother of the first child; Hannah, his wife, of the remainder. James Noyes and Elizabeth his wife had children : 1. James, b. Nov. 17, 1771; 2. Ward, b. April 21, 1774. NUTTING. Benjamin and Silence Nutting had children : 1. Silence J., b. Sept. 29, 1797 ; 2. Lucy W. b. March 8, 1800; 3. Betsey G., b, Sept. 19, 1802 ; 4. David G., b. March 29, 1805 ; 5. Jonas G., b. Apr. 25, 1807; 6. AnnaH., b. Oct. 4, 1809; 7. AnnaT., b. May 25, 1813; 8. Susanna T., b. July 5, 1819. OAK. Seth Oak and Elizabeth his wife had children : 1. Salloma, b. May 25, 1764; 2. John, b. July 31, 1766; 3. Thomas, b. July 6, 1768; 4. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 12, 1771. William Oak and Eeleaf his wife had children : , 1. Joel, b. Sept. 1, 1767; 2. Abraham, b. Aug. 15, 1770; 3. Ephraim, b. March 9, 1773. PARKS. Eleazar, Samuel and WiUiam Parks were brothers. Eleazar m. Elizabeth Whitney, but had no children. The tradition is that he was an excellent man. Samuel moved hence, and was the father of Elisha and Luther Parks of Bos- ton, and of Mrs. Whitman, the mother of the late Calvin E. Whitman and of the late Mrs. Webster Whitney. William lived on the old place near Frank Priest's. Children : 1. Elizabeth, b. May 8, 1758, d. Sept. 10, 1843 ; 2. Mehitable, b. Aug. 17, 1760, d. March 1, 1853, aged 92; 3. Jacob, b. Jan. 31,1763; d. Oct. 22, 1850; 4. Lydia, b. June 11, 1765, d. Feb. 2, 1854; 5. WilUam, b. Feb. 28, 1768; 6. Phinehas, b. July 28, 1770, d. Oct. 28, 1857 ; 7. Elisha, b. June 6, 1773, d. Jan. 27, 1858 ; 8. Eliphalet, b. Feb. 15, 1777, d. Oct. 23, 1855 ; 9. Patty, b. Nov. 11, 1780, d. May 10, 1866; 10. Pol- ly, b. Nov. 11, 1780, d. April 23, 1866. The last two were twins, and died within seventeen days of the same time. Not one of the ten lived less than 78 years. The sum of the ages of nine is 782 years, and the average age about 87 years. Jacob, m. Hannah Chaplin. Children : 1.- Polycrates, b. Jan. 10, 1796; 2. Thomas Graton, b. Jan. 6, 1798; 3. Sophronia, b, Sept. 5, 1799. HISTORY OF WIKCHENDON. 4G5 Phinehas, m. Betsey Stewart. Their cbildren were : 1. Luke, b. in 1793; 2. Phinehas, b. in 1795; 3. Elizabeth, b. in 1798 ; 4. Levi, b. in 1803 ; 5. Lucy, b. in 1806. Eliphalet m. Abigail, dau. of Paul Boynton. Children : Eliphalet, b. July 24, 1802, m. Kebekah Prentiss. PAKMENTEE. John Parmenter and Lydia his wife had : 1. Elizabeth, b. June 22, 1767; 2. Lydia, b. Sept. 21, 1769; 3. Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1771. PARSONS. Bartholomew Parsons, or Person, or Pearson, father of Kichard, died March 20, 1766. Richard Parsons m, Keziah . Children : 1. Relief, b. Apr. 6, 1769 ; 2. Nabbe, b. Apr. 22, 1771 ; 3. Oliver, b. May 15, 1773 ; 4. Hitty, b: June 5, 1775 ; 5. Sarah, b. May 14, 1777. Oliver Parsons m. Lois Priest. Children : 1. Louisa D., b. Apr. 7, 1802; 2. MaiyB., b. June 30, 1803; 3. Oliver S., b. April 11, 1805; 4. Mary B., b. Nov. 22, 1806. PAYSON. James Payson m. widow Bobbins. He d. Aug. 21, 1811, aged 81. Eliot Payson m. Ruth Hale, and had childi-en : 1. Lucy H., b. Oct. 4, 1799; 2. Mary C, b. Sept. 13, 1801 ; 3. James P.,b. Sept. 7, 1802; 4. Mary C, b. Oct. 16, 1804; 5. Edward L,, b. Oct. 3, 1806; 6. Eliot, b. Aug. 12, 1808; 7. Clarissa, b. Aug. 17, 1810; 8. Eliza Ann, b. Oct. 24, 1814; 9. Evelina L., b. Apr. 6, 1818, at Leb- anon, Madison Co., N. Y., whither the family had moved. Eliot became a minister in the Presbyterian Church. PEBLEY. Lieut. Dudley Perley, or Parley, came from Boxford. He m. Hannah Hale of B., Deo. 3, 1767, He d. Dec. 16, 1810, aged 72. She d. Aug. 1806, aged 63. Children : 1. John, b. Oct. 2, 1768, m. Mary Spaulding : 2. Dudley, b. Aug. 26, 1770; 3. Asa, b.July9, 1772, m. Mary Hunt, of Westminster, Jan., 1803; d. March 10, 1847 ; 4. Betsey, b. Feb. 22, 1776, m. Ezra Hyde, the his- torian. She d. June 2, 1812 ; 5. Hannah, b. Dec. 8, 1777 ; 6. Mehitable, b. Aug. 17. 1779, m. Jeremiah Spaulding, Aug. 1799; 7. Thomas, b. June 1, 1783, d. Jan. 22, 1803 ; 8. Henry, b. July 2. 1785. Asa, son .of Dudley, lived a few rods northeast of the Gill place. Among his children was Henry, school teacher and committee man ; now a farmer in Illinois, Prairie City. He m. Emeline Smith, Oct. 25, 1854. PILLSBURY OK PILSBEERY. Rev. Levi Pillsbury and Sarah Piekard, his wife bad cbildren : 1. Eliza, b. Sept. 25, 1802; 2. Sally D., b. May 1, 1804; 3. JohnC, S9 1-8 466 HISTORY OF WINOHBNDON. b. Feb. 27, 1806 ; 4. Dolly W., b. Apr. 4, 1807 ; 5. Joshua P., b. July 12, 1809; 6. John M., b. Dec. 3, 1812; 7. Mary.b. March 13, 1815; 8. Levi, b. Apr. 2, 18i7; 9. Abigail, b. July 3, 1819. POLAND. William Poland, b. in Hamilton, Apr. 6, 1757, moved to W. in 1788, d. in 1843 ; m. Betsey Brown of Ipswich, b. June 6, 1763, d. in 1849, Chil- dren born in Hamilton : 1. Betsey, b. Jan. 18, 1782, d. July 16, 1803 ; 2. Wm. Jr., b. Dec, 12, 1784, m. Eunice Crane of Fitzwilliam, d. June 19, 1859; 3. Nancy, a twin, m. Barzillai Martin, d. Sept. 12, 1859; 4. David, b. Sept. 12, 1786, m. Lucy Marble of Orange, d. March 15, 1846. Those bom in Winchen- don are : 5. Susan, b. Nov. 2, 1788, m. John Crane ; 6. Samuel, b. Nov. 29, 1790, m. Thankful Smith and widow Simonds; 7. Sally, a twin, m. Smyrna Grreaton, d. 1868 ; 8. Lucy, b. Oct. 29, 1792, m. Smyrna Greaton, d. 1846 ; 9. Polly, b. May 9, 1795, m. David Smith; 10. Olive, b. Feb. 25. 1797, m. Phinehas Ball; 11. Simeon B., b. June 1, 1802, m, Betsey Wheeler. Francis Pollard and Eleanor his wife had children : 1. Francis, b. July 20, 1775 ; 2. Eufiis, b. May 6, 1782. Jonathan Pollard. Levi Pollard and Rhoda his wife had eleven children : one of them is the Rev. Andrew Pollard, D. D,, of Taunton. POOR. Lt. David Poor, Sen., m. Jane Martin, Daniel Poor m. Polly Martin. Children : 1. Joseph, b.Dec. 15, 1799; 2, Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1801; 3. Daniel, b. Nov. 13, 1803; 4. Phebe, b. Jan. 16, 1806; 5. Patience, b. Apr. 24, 1807; 6. Hosea, b. June 4, 1809; 7. Ira, b. Nov. 21, 1811 ; 8. Sally, b Sept. 10, 1815. POKIER. John Porter and Jane his wife had children : 1. Jane, b. July 12, 1773; 2. John, b. May 12, 1778. PRENTISS. Dea. Samuel Prentiss, Sen., m. Beulah Osgood. Children: 1. John; 2. Samuel; 3. Levi; 4. Luke; 5. Thomas; 6, Prudence, m. Laban Burr. Samuel, son of Samuel, m. Rebekah, dau. of James McElwain. He was b. July 9, 1764, d. 1828; she was b. March 19, 1772, d. 1857. Children : 1. Anna, b. Dec. 15, 1794, m. Jonas Brooks; 2. Samuel, b. Oct. 20, 1796, m. Clara Whiting; 3. John, b. Dec. 4, 1798; 4. Prudence, b. Aug. 21, 1800, d. 1855; 5. James, b. Feb. 28, 1803, d, 1856; 6. Levi, b. HISTORY OF WINOHENDON. 467 Feb. 11, 1805 ; 7. Kebekah, b. May 27, 1807, m. Eliphalet Parks ; 8. Mary, b. Feb. 12, 1810, d. 1832 ; 9. William, b. Aug. 9, 1812, d. 1863 ; 10. Henry, b. Apr. 20, 1815, d. same year. Luke, son of Samuel, m. Susanna Wilder. Children : 1. Emma, b. Aug. 12, 1797; 2. Horace, b. June 26, 1799; 3. Gil- man, b. Feb. 13, 1801 ; 4. Harriet, b. Feb. 9, 1803 ; 5. Maryanna, b. Feb. 1, 1807; 6. Lucy Sylvester, b. March 1, 1809. PEIEST. Joshua Priest, frozen to death. Joseph Priest and Patience Wilder his wife had : Levi, b. Oct. 16, 1785, m. Hannah Woodbury, and had several children ; among them is : Mr. Frank Priest, father of Miss N. A. W. Priest, author of " Over the River." Samuel Priest and Susanna his wife had children : 1. Henry, b. Feb. 5, 1783; 2. Samuel, b. Feb. 18, 1785. , PKOUTY OB PEOUGHTY. Isaac Prouty and Molly his wife had children : 1. Isaac, b. Jan. 2, 1780; 2. Molly; 3, Asenah ; 4. Hannah; 5. Sa- rah; 6. Charlotte; 7. John W; the latter b. jTune 23, 1793. PUSHEY. Gabriel Pushey, of Acadia, had children : 1. Nathan Pushey, first male child in town ; 2. Ruth, m. Dea. Richard Day. Probably others. Mr. Pushey lived near the spot where Dea. Out- er's house stands. *Mrs. P. was struck by lightning, but not killed. EAYMOND. Paul Raymond, son of Paul and Tabitha, b. at Salem, May 12, O. S., 1732 ; Moved to Holden, and thence to W. Died in 1817, aged 87. He m. Abi- gail Jones, dau. of James and Abigail, b. at Westown, April 6, 0. S., 1734, d. 1809, aged 75. They were married in Nov. 1755. Children : 1. Eunice, b. Jan. 12, 1757, d. Sept. 29, 1759 ; 2. Paul, b. Aug. 13, 1759, d. July 12, 1832, aged 72 ; 3. James, b. Dec 9, 1761 ; 4. Joel, b. Dec. 9, 1764 ; 5. Abigail, b. Feb. 24, 1767, m. George Coffin ; 6. Jesse, b. May 4, 1769; 7. Silas, b. Oct. 15, 1771 ; 8. Liberty, b. July 7, 1774; 9. Anna, b. Nov. 7, 1776. All born in Holden. Paul, son of Paul, m. Sarah Gale, b. in Holden, July 29, 1759. She died in W., January 1, 1822, aged 63. Children : 1. Tyler, b. in Holden, May 28, 1781 ; 2. Paul, in Winchendon, Nov 2, 1782, m. Afigail Brown. He was deacon of the first Ch. and d. in 1867 ; 3. John, b. Dec. 16, 1784 ; 4. Abigail, b. Dec. 22, 1786, d. in 1796 ; 5. Sally, b. June 28, 1789; 6. Lyman, b. March 15, 1791, m. Zeruiah Adams; 7. Nancy, b. June 20, 1793, d. in 1801 ; 8. Asenath, b. Dee. 3, 1795; 9. Sumner, b. April 5, 1799 ; 10. George, b. June 16, 1801 ; 11. Harriet, b. Nov. 1, 1803. 468 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. James, son of Col. Paul, m. widow Molly Gale, Jan. 11. 1789. She d. Sept. 19, 1831, and he m. widow Dolly Haven, Dee. 27, 1832. He d. Aug. 18, 1834. The children, all by first wife, were : 1. Levi, b. Aug. 17, 1789, ra. Sophia Greenwood, d. in 1868; 2. Pol- ly, b. April 4, 1791, m. Ezra Hyde, d. Oct. 11, 1841 ; 3. James, b. Oct. 17, 1792; 4. Nathan, b. June 29, 1794 ; 5. Lueinda, b. Feb. 18, 1796 ; 6. Clark, b. Nov. 13, 1797 ; 7. Fidelia, b. January IS, 1800. Jesse, son of Col, Paul, m. Polly Miller. Children : 1. Daughter, b. Oct. 24, 1792, d. same day ; 2. Amey, b. Nov. 6, 1794; 3. Charles, b. July 23, 1796 ; 4. Joel, b. June 3, 1798 ; 5. Lin- coln, b. Feb. 17, 1800 ; 6. James, b. Sept. 24, 1801 ; 7. Lucy, b. Apr. 25, 1803 ; 8. b. April 16, 1805; 9. Nahum Jones, b. Aug. 11, 1808. BEEI). / Lincoln Eeed and Betsey his wife had children : 1. Mary Ann; 2. Nathan; 3. Betsey; 4. Harriet; 5. John; 6. Mar- tha ; 7. John ; 8. Nelson ; 9. Sarah Jane. KICE. Capt. David Kice and Sarah his wife had the following children : 1. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 25, 1778 ; 2. Martha, b. March 30, 1780, d. Nov. 8, 1792 ; 3. David, b. Jan. 8, 1782 ; 4. Sarah, b. Apr. 18, 1784 ; 5. Ku- fus, b. June 1, 1786 ; 6. Achsah, b. March 23, 1788- His second wife was Eunice Hosmer. Their children were : 7. Persis, b. Oct. 8, 1791 ; 8. Asa, b. March 31, 1793; 9. Josiah, b. Oct. 4, 1794, d. Apr. 9, 1795; 10. Jed- idiah, b. June 2, 1796; 11. Tabitha, b. Apr. 8, 180O. Lieut. Benjamin Rice came to town in 1772, and settled where his son Luke now lives, the next year. His wife was Euth Budge. Children : 1. Amos, b. Feb. 12, 1778 ; 2. Betsey, b. April 1, 1783; 3. Kathar rine, b. May 30, 1786 ; 4. Eunice, b. Aug. 11, 1789; 5. Luke, b. May 18, 1793. RICHARDSON. Ebenezer Richardson m: Sarah Richardson. Ebenezer, Jr. KOBBINS. William Robbins, Sen., m. Nancy Leland. Children: 1. William; 2. Joseph. William Robbins m. Eunice Ware. Children : Nahum, David, and sisters, Joseph Bobbins and Sarah his wife had children : 1. Alonzo W., b. Nov. 15. 1805 ; 2. Abigail E., b. Mar. 23, 1808; S, Joseph A., b. Oct. 10. 1809 ; 4. Joseph, b. May 22, 1811 ; 5 and 6. Su- san and Sarah, b. May 1, 1813; 7. Hervey; 8. Frances. ROBERTS. David Roberts- ra. a sister of Col. Woodbury. Children : HISTOKY OF WINCHBNDON. 469 1. Betsey, b. June 4, 1798; 2. David, b. Aug. 13, 1800; 3. Isaac W., b. April 21, 1803. BOSS. Phinehas Ross and Betsey his wife had children : 1. 'Esther, b. Aug. 13, 1816; 2. Phinehas M. ; 3. Almeda; 4. Robin- son; 5. Betsey; 6. William, and 7. Alexander Hastings, b, Apr. 28, 1831, Cong'l minister at Springfield, Ohio. EUSSELL. Samuel Russell and Martha (b. at Littleton, Apr. 6, 1764,) his wife had children : 1. Peter, b. at Litttleton, Aug. 7, 1786 ; 2. Stephen, b. at Littleton, Jan. 15, 1769; 3. Lydia, b. July 16, 1771; 4. Rebecca, b. Aug. 5, 1773; 5. Betty, b. June 15, 1775 ; 6. John, b. Aug. 29, 1778. SAKGENT. Samuel Sargent, Sen., m. Mary Vryling. Children : 1. Mary, b. July 16, 1790; 2. Elizabeth, b. May 16, 1792; 3. Lydia, b. Feb. 11, 1794; 4. Noah,b. Oct. 28, 1795; 5. Aaron, b. Oct. 24, 1797, d. Oct. 24, 1797 ; 6. Aaron, b. Nov. 26, 1799. SCOTT. Jacob Scott m. Polly Maynard. They came from Harvard. Children : 1. Abigail; 2. Israel; 3. Daniel, died young ; 4. Daniel M.; 5. Elijah S.; 6. Jacob; 7 and 8. Abram and Mary ; 9. John M.; 10. Ruth; 11. William. SHEKWIN. Ebenezer Sherwin m. Lucy Curtiss. Children : 1. Ebenezer, b. Dec. 11, 1775; 2. Susanna, b. Oct. 11, 1778; 3. Eliel, b. Apr. 21, 1780 ; 4. Lucy, b. Nov. 1, 1781 ; 5. Patty, b. May 5, 1783 j 6. Nancy, b. June 5, 1785 ; 7. Alvina, b. March 8, 1787 ; 8. Robert, b. Dee. 23, 1790 ; 9. Arba, b. Nov. 7, 1791 ; 10. Ivory, b. Sept. 18, 1793 ; 11. Samuel, b. Apr. 26, 1796; 12. Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1797; 13. Hiram, b. July 4, 1800. Ebenezer Sherwin, son of Ebenezer, and Sarah his wife had children : 1. Francis, b. July 9, 1770 ; 2. Azarias, b. May 2, 1773. Eliel Sherwin, son of Ebenezer, Sen., and Dolly his wife had children : 1. Dolly B., b. March 12, 1804; 2. Alathine, b. Jan. 12, 1806; 3. Lucy, b. May 5, 1807 ; 4. Joanna, b. June 11, 1809 ; 5. John Melanc- thon Wells, b. Jan. 26, 1811 ; 6. Elvira, b. Feb. 19. 1813 ; 7. Eliel, b. Nov. 3, 1814; 8. Harriet, b. Feb. 27, 1817; 9. Maria, b. March 20, 1819; 10. Jonas B., b. Jan. 30, 1821; 11 and 12. John Chrysostom Wolfgang TheophUus, and Mozart, b. July 21, 1822 ; 13. Elvira, b. Nov. 20,1825; 14. Dolly, b. Feb. 18, 1828; 15. Lyman Harrington, b. Oct. 29, 1829. Ahimaaz Sherwin and Ruth his wife had children : 470 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 1. Ruth, b. July 9, 1770 : 2. Asa, b. Dec. 27, 1782 : 3. Ruth, b. Oct. 11, 1785. SIMONDS. Elder Samuel Simonds and Sally his wife had children : 1. James L.; 2. George W.; 3. Albert G.; 4. Lucius BoUes; 5. James M. ; 6, Frederick A. SMITH. John Smith and Sarah his wife had children : 1. Sally, b. Sept. 7, 1782 ; 2. Esther, b. March 25, 1787. Ebenezer and Anna Smith had children : 1. Joel; 2. Ezra; 3. Enos, all born between 1773 and 1781. Reuben Smith and Bumam his wife, had : Abraham.'jb. Dec. 30, 1765. Ely Smith and Elenor his wife had children : 1. Elenor, b. Oct. 20, 1769 ; 2. Ely, b. May 15, 1771 ; 3. Ruth, b. Apr. 22, 1773 ; 4. Lucy, b. Nov. 27, 1774 ; 5. Jonas, b. Apr. 20, 1776 ; 6. Lyd- ia, b. July, 1777 ; 7. An infant that died soon ; 8. Abijah, b. July 20, 1784. Jonathan Smith and Mary his wife had children : 1. David, b. Sept. 5, 1779; 2. Jonathan, b. Aug. 23, 1781; 3. John, b. Aug. 24, 1786 ; 4. Nabbe, b. July 10, 1788 ; 5. Polly, b. Apr. 9, 1790; ,6. George, b. Dec. 30, 1791. Dea. Joshua Smith and Eunice his wife had children : 1. Lucy, b. Feb. 1, 1811 ; 2. Joshua, b. Aug. 8, 1814 ; 3. Eunice, b. Jan. 7, 1818; 4. Reuben T., b. July 6, 1825; 5. Melzar D., b. Oct. 27, 1827 ; 6. Moses (not David,) lost a hand in the battle of Princeton. He is referred to on p. 105. SIBAENS. Bartholomew Stearns, b. Aug. 15, 1740, m. Mary Raymond, b. May 10, 1745, in March, 1768. . ' His son Amos, m. Deborah Hunt, Dec. 31, 1803. Children : 1. Levi, b. Aug. 15, 1804 ; 2. Mary, b. June 14, 1806 ; 3. Dolly H., b. May 2, 1808 ; 4. Bartholomew F., b. March 5. 1811 ; 5. WilUam, b. June 15, 1812; 6. Amos B.,b. Jan. 15, 1814; 7. Eli, b. May 16, 1815. Wife died Feb. 7, 1817. He m. widow Sarah Maynard, bom Miller, Dec. 25, 1817. Children : 8. Miriam E., b. Oct. 13, 1818 ; 9. Isaac M., b. June 4, 1821 ; 10. Deborah H., b. June 5, 1823 ; 11, Nancy M., b. Dec. 5, 1825 ; 12. Harriet M., b. Nov. 2, 1829 ; 13. Lavina H., b. Nov. 14, 1885. Simeon Stearns and Lydia his wife had children : 1. Simeon A.; 2. Daniel Bailey, b. Apr. 10, 1818; 3. Mary E., 4. Lucy; 5. Benjamin F. ; 6. Lydia. HISTORY OF -WINCHENDON. 471 STBEL. Samuel Steel and Bacbel his wife had children : 1. William, b. April 20, 1777 ; 2. James, b. May 11, 1779 ; 3. Sally, b. Fb. 25, 1781 ; 4. Samuel, b. July 14, 1785 ; 5. Kachel, b. March 4, 1788 ; 6. Nabbe, b. Aug. 17, 1790. James Steel and Susanna his wife had children : 1. Susanna; 2. Elizabeth, b. March 3, 1789 ; 3. Levi, b. Oct. 29, 1791 . BTIMPSON. Eev. Daniel Stunpson m. his cousin, Beulah Stimpson. Children : 1. Luther; 2. Sarah or Sally ; 3 and 4. Twin sons, b. March 22, 1763. Both died within a day. His wife died in 1767, and himself in 1768. Luther m. Sally McElwain. Children : 1. Daniel, b. June 9, 1789; 2. James, b. June 12, 1791; 3. Luther, b. Aug. 19, 1794 ; 4.' Levi, b. July 15, 1796 ; 5. SaUy, b. Nov. 24, 1798. Sarah m. Bemsley Lord and had four children. One was : Eunice, who died the present year. Jonathan Stimpson and Esther his wife had children : Jonathan, b. Aug. 8, 1762; 2.- Joel, b. Nov, 16, 1763. Both bom in Weston. The following in Winchendon : 3. John, b. Jan. 30, 1766 ; 4. Jonathan, b. March 5, 1768 ; 5. Ephraim, b. Jan. 15, 1770 ; 6. Esther, b. Sept. 9, 1771 ; 7. Daniel, b. March, 2, 1773. The Stimpsons were so nu- merous that outsiders sometimes called Winchendon by the name of " Stimp- son Town." STODDARD. David Stoddard m. Sybil Leavitt. Children : David, b. in 1743, m. Lydia Brown ; found dead in his bed, July 18, 1818. Joshua Stoddard, b. Jan. 16, 1778, m. Lois Balcom, b. June 6, 1775. Children : Seven wha died young ; four of them in the terrible sickness of 18 10. 8. James M., b.iMarch 30, 1816; 9. Pamela, b. Aug. 28, 1819. STONE. Samuel Stone and Martha his wife had children : 1. Eunice, b. March 17, 1778 ; 2. Samuel, b. June 30, 1779 ; 3. Jo- seph, b. June 8, 1781 ; 4. Josiah, b. Apr. 22, 1783. STUAET. Jeremiah Stuart and Hannah his wife had children : 1. Paul, b. June 8, 1762 ; 2. Jeremiah, b. July 6, 1767 ; 3. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22. 1769 ; 4. Hannah, b. Nov. 4, 1774 ; 5. John, b. Jan. 21, 1778 ; 6. Kichard, b. March 25, 1780. Paul Stewart m. Hannah Bobbins and had children : 1. Enoch, b. May 17, 1791 ; 2. Keziah, b. July 2, 1794 ; 3. Joseph B., b. Nov. 19, 1797. 472 HISTORY OF WJNCHBNDON. SWEETLAND. Thomas and Abigail Sweetland had childreh : 1. Benjamin, b. July 30, 1763 ; 2. Betty, b. Nov. 7, 1766. SWEETZEB. Philips Sweetzer and Persia his wife had children : 1. Esther, b. Sept. 20, 1786. SYLVESTER. Nathaniel Sylvester and Lucy Clapp his wife had : Lucy, b. in 1783 ; Evelina, b. March 7, 1800. TATLOB. Isaac Taylor, b. in Stow, Jain. 25, 1765, d. Dee. 25, 1848 ; m. Betst^ Whitney of Watertown, b. March 7, 1769, d. June 18, 1844. Children: 1. Edward L., b. May 20, 1790; 2. Isaac, Jr., b. Oct. 19, 1794, d. Feb. 3, 1837; B. Lois, b. Aug. 19, 1796; 4. Betsey, b. May 5, 1798; 6. Abel, b. Apr. 3, 1800, d. in 1820; 6. Cynthia, b. Feb. 17, 1802; 7. Nancy, b, Apr. 15, 1804, d. in infancy; 8 and 9. Abraham and Jacob, b. July 15, 1805; Jacob d. Jan. 11, 1864; 10. William, b. May 2, 1808; 11. Addison, b. July 17, 1810, d. March 4, 1887, in Columbus, Texas ; 12. Nelson, b. June 16, 1813. TITUS. Samuel and Anna Titus had children : 1. John, b. Aug. 1, 1761 ; 2. Eleazar, b. Apr. 5, 1763; 3. Samuel, b. March 2, 1765. TOLMAN. Dea. Desire Tolman, b. in Dorchester, m. Elizabeth Howe, resided on the Col. Berry place. Children : 1. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 7, 1789 ; 2. John, b. July 12, 1791 ; 3. James, b. Dee. 24, 1793 ; 4. Sally, b. Apr. 2, 1793, d. Apr. 22, 1793 ; 5. Joseph, b. March 7, 1796, d. July 13, 1796 ; 6. Samuel H. ; 7. WiUiam ; 8. Ste- phen; 9. Charles. William, son of Desire, m. Mercy Brown. Children : 1. Eliza, b. Apr. 12, 1804; 2. WmiamM.,b. May 3, 1806; 3. Har- riet, b. July 6, 1808 ; 4. Stephen, b. July 16, 1811. TOWNE. ' Absalom Towne m. Judith Hale. Children : 1. Judith, b. Aug. 7, 1768; 2. Phinehas,b. Sept. 11, 1770; 3. David, b. Oct. 13, 1772; 4. Abel, b. May 13, 1775; 5. Amos, b. June 4, 1777 ; 6. Hitty. b. Oct. 29, 1779 ; 7, Asa, b. Apr. 25, 1782 ; 8 and 9. Silas and Sally, b. Jan. 21, 1786 ; 10. Betsey, b. Sept. 1, 1788 ; 11. Levina, b. Sept. 9, 1792. The family moved to Central N. Y. TUCKER. Setb Tucker, b. Jan. 18, 1760, d. in 1865, aged 98 ; m. on the 81st of Nov. 1791, to Jane Payson, b. March 11, 1761, d. 1813, aged 42. Chil- dren : HISTOET OF WINOHBNDON. 473 1. Nathaniel; 2. Elliot P. ; 3. Same name; 4. Betsey P.; 5. Joshua; 6. Jane; 7. Seth; 8. Elisha; 9. Same name; 10. Samuel; 11. Same name; 12. Susanna. Elisha Tucker, br. of Seth, m. Sarah Preston. Children : 1. Mary S., b. Oct. 17, 1793 ; 2. Sarah P., b. July 17, 1795 ; 3. EU- sha, b. July 24, 1797 ; 4. Joanna How, b. June 24, 1799 ; 5. Abigail E., b. Apr. 23, 1803. TUTTLE. Jedidiah Tuttle m. Lucy Smith. ' Children : 1. James, b. Aug. 10, 1780; 2. David, b. Dec. 3, 1782; 3. Jedidiah, b, April 18, 1785 ; 4.. Frances, b, March 9, 1788 ; 6. Clarissa, b. Nov. 2, 1790; 6. Eleetus, b. Feb. 8, 1793 ; 7. Silas, b. Nov. 8, 1795, 8. Eli, b. July 5, 1797 ; 9. Ainsworth, b. Jan. 1, 1799 ; 10. Sarah S., b. Jan. 5, 1802. Simon Tuttle, Sen., m. Phebe . Children : Simon, b. Jan. 15, 1791 ; Phebe; John; Lucy; John; Jewett ; Joseph j Daniel; Mary; Stilhnan; Phebe; and 12. Anna, b. Nov. 12, 1811. VOSE. Keuben Vose, Sen., had : Eeuben, Jr., who m. Hannah . Children : 1. Abigail, b. Apr. 24, 1807 ; 2. Charles; 8. Mary Ann; 4. Son, d. early; 5. Jerusha; 6. Keuben, b. Deo. 24, 1824. WALES. Oapt. Jacob Wales m. Phebe Howard. Children : 1. Jacob; 2. Abigail, m. Levi Woodbury and Ephraim Murdock. WALEEB. Samuel Walker m. Betsey Wyman. Children : 1. Betsey, b. Aug. 22, 1796; 2. Joanna; 3. Demas; 4. Samuel; 5. Patty; 6.- Sally; 7. Lovell; 8. Leonard; 9. Seth, b. June 1, 1824. WHITCOMB. Israel Whitoomb m. Eunice Wilson. Children : 1. Kufus, b. May 8, 1784 ; 2. Caty. b. Nov. 4, 1786, d. Sept. 19, 1789 ; 3. Caty, b. July 21, 1790; 4. Mark, b. Nov. 10, 1792, m. Lucy Murdock. WHITNEY. Silas Whitney was in W. as early as 1764. In that year he was chosen church warden, and surveyor of boards and shingles. He kept the tavern at the Centre for a time. Jacob Whitney lived during several years in a house northeast of the John Crosby place ; perhaps half way down towards the Monomonauk ; and three- quarters of a mile north of Spring Village. He afterwards lived on the Hub- bard place, where his son Elias, the surveyor, lived and died. Besides Elias, he had a daughter Sarah, b. Oct. 27, 1794, d. July 26, 1797. 80 474 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. WDliam Whitney, not nearly related to the William Whitney whose family follows next below, kept the tavern at the Centre, and afterwards left the place. William Whitney settled in- Winohendon, about 1774. He was the eldest child of William Whitney and his wife, Hannah Harrington, and great-great- grandson of John Whitney, Jr., of Watertown, who came from England " in the ship Elizabeth and Ann, Roger Cooper, Master," in 1635, at the age of eleven years, with his father, mother and four younger brothers. William Whitney was born in Weston, April 10, 1736. He was married, June 14, 1762, to Mary Mansfield of Weston, by Rev. Samuel Woodward. Children : 1. William; 2. Phinehas; 3. Mary; 4. Joseph; 5. Amasa; 6. Sally; 7. Luke. He d. July 10, 1817; wife d. Dec. 17, 1815. William, son of William, born in 1765, m. Ann Heywobd of Gardner,,, January 13, 1791. He moved to Gardner, and died there in 1846; his wife died a few days after, and both were buried at the same time. Mr. ~ Washington Whitney, and Mrs. Betsey Weller of this town are his grand- ' children. Phinehas, son of William, Sen., b. April 1, 1766, m. Phebe Stearns, Jan. 17, 1793, and had: 1. Phinehas, b. in 1794, d. July 12, 1804. His wife Phebe died Apr. 7, 1794, aged 20. He married Bethiah Barrett of Barre, Feb. 15, 1796, and had children : 2. Phebe ; 3. Lucy, b. June 4, 1797, m. Rev. Ben- jamin Rice of South Deerfield; 4. William Barrett, b. Jan. 14, 1801 ; 5. Mary, b. March 17, 1803, m. Dr. Alvah Godding; 6 and 7. Phinehas and Nelson, who died young; 8. Sarah Ann, b. Jan. 30, 1809, m. Josiab ' Brown and C. W. Bigelow; 9. Louisa, b. May 30, 1812, m. Rev. Giles > H. Lyman. He died May 10, 1881 ; his wife d. Aug. 2, 1849. Mary, dau. of William, Sen., b. April 10, 1773, m. in 1799, Benjamin Heywood, son of Seth Heywood of Gardner, gr. of Phinehas, and great- gr. of Dea. John Heywood of Concord. Children : 1. Levi ; 2. Benjamin F. ; 3. Walter ; 4. William ; 5. Seth ; 6. Charles. Joseph, son of William, Sen., b. May 20, 1775, m., in 1799, Hannah, dau. of Dudley- Perley. Children : ' ' . , 1. Joseph, b. Oct. 10, 1800, m. Abigail Flint; 2. Dudley, b. July 12, ' 1802, m. Mary S. Shore ; 3. Seba, b. Feb. 21, 1805, m. Geo. Cummings; 4. Thomas, b. March, 1807; 6. Hannah, b. Aug. 6, 1809, m. Joseph Adams, and Horace Whitcomb; 6. Cynthia, b. Jan. 25, 1812; 7. Will- iam, b. July 29, 1814, m. Mary Glines ; 8. Grover S., b. July 10, 1816, m. Laura Robey; 9. Betsey E., b. May 21, 1825, m. Almon H. Poland. Amasa, son of William, Sen., b. June 16, 1777 ; m., Dec, 1802, Ma- ry, dau. of Daniel Goodjidge, b. March 20, 1779. He d. Feb. 2, 1852 ; she d. Jan. 11, 1855. Children: 1. Webster, b. Oct 6, 1803, m., March 16, 1828, Eliza Parks Whit- man, whod. March 4, 1867 ; 2. Amasa, b. Apr. 24, 1806, m., July 24, 1834, Mary Murdock; 3. Harriet, b. Jan. 27, 1811, m. C. C. Pierce-, Nov. 13, 1833, d. Nov. 18. 1867 ; 4. Wm. Lowe, b. March 24, 1815, d. July 13, 1832; 5. Baxter D., b. June 28, 1817, m. March 1, 1846, HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. 475 Sarah Jane Whitney; 6. Mary Goodridge, b. Aug. 2, 1819, m. July 8, 1841, Wm. Murdock; 7. John MUton, b. Dec. 18, 1823, d. Sept. 20, 1825. Sally, dau. of William, Sen., b. Sept. 3, 1779, m. Jan. 12, 1802, Smy> na Bancroft of Gardner. Her children are : Dea. Smyrna Bancroft, Amasa Bancroft, Preddent of Gardner Bank, ^nd Mrs. Smith. Luke, Eon of William, Sen., lived in Gardner. Hananiah Whitney, Sen., m. Azubah . Children: 1. Moses, b. Nov. 28, 1789; 2. Hananiah, b. May 29, 1792 ; 3. Alphe- ns,b. March 8, 1794; 4. Azubah, b. Aug. 25, 1796; 5..Artemas,b. Sept. 5, 1798 ; 6. Stacey ; 7. Barsina, b. Feb. 4, 1801 ; 8. Esther, b. Jan. 13, 1803; 9. Silas S., b. June 27, 1805; 10. Levi P., b. Aug. 19. 1807; 11. Samuel A., b. Nov. 10, 1809; 12. AbigaU F., b. Dec. 27, 1812. Hananiah Whitney, Jr., m. Mary Leavitt, dau. of Stowers Beals. Chil- dren : 1. George Leavitt. He then m. Sarah Beaman. 2. John M.; 3. Ma- ry; 4. William; 5. Henry M.; 6. Sarah; 7. Elizabeth ; 8. Abigail ; 9. Harriet; 10. Charles. Silas Whitney, mentioned above, and his wife Jane had cluldren : 1. Love, b. Dec. 8, 1758 ; 2. David, b. Aug. 31, 1760 ; 3. Silas, b. June 12, 1762, (all born in Princeton) ; 4. Oliver, b. Sept. 16, 1764 ; 5. Bar- tholomew, b. JttsieSO, 1766; 6. Jane.b. June 6, 1768; 7. Phebe.b.Feb. 1, 1770. WHITON. Dr. Israel Whiton b. Sept. 3, 1754, at Ashford, Conn. His fathetintend- ed that he should be educated at Yale, but he was not, on account of an im- pediment in his speech. He studied medicine with Dr. Huntington of West- ford, Conn., in 1773. Otis m. Dorothy Crosby, dau. of Samuel Crosby, Esq. Ciiildren : 1. John M., b. in Winohendon, Aug. I, 1785; 2. Dorothy, b. Apr. 6, 1788, d. in 1812; 3. Israel, b. May 30, 1791, d- in 1815; 4. Otis 0., b. Sept. 27, 1794. He was twice married, but left no children. John M., son of Israel Whiton, m. Abigail Morris, b. at Litchfield, Conn., Aug. 3, 1783. Children: 1. JamesMorris.b.Nov. 9, 1809; 2. Elizabeth D., b. March 7, 18li; 3. Helen D., b. July 8, 1814; 4. AbigaO, b. May 31, 1817; 5. Mary C, b. Feb. 20, 1819 ; 6. John MUton, b. March 7, 1821. James M., the eldest son of Rev. Dr. Whiton, was a man of great energy of character, and was a noble pioneer in Christian abolitionism. His son, Rev. James M. Whiton, is pastor of the First Congregational Church in Lynn. WILDEB. Hon. Abel Wilder m. Anna Butler, June 27, 1764 : Children : I. Eunice, b. Apr. 22, 1765, m Eli Bruce ; 2. Maryanna, b. Oct. 13, 1766, m. Mr. Burr ; 3. Abel, b. March 15, 1768 ; 4. Thomas, b. March 1, 476 HISTOKT OF WINCHENDON. 1770 ; 5. Grace, b. Dee. 8, 1771, m. Levi Divoll ; 6. Susanna, b. Nov. 17, 1773, m. Luke Prentiss ; 7. David b. Oct. 10, 1775, d. May 10, 1785 ; 8. Martha, b. Jan. 21, 1780, m. Asaph Brown ; 9. Betsey, b. Aug. 4, 1782, m. Aaron Knights; 10. David, b. Dec. 5, 1785. Abel, son of Abel, Sen., m. Eunice Hale. Children : 1. Abel, b. 1792, d. 1865; 2. Charles, b. in 1794, d. in 1867; 8. Artemas, b. in 1796, d. in 1866 ; 4. Moses Hale, b. in 1798 ; 5. , b. in 1800, d. in 1864 ; 6. Mary, b. 1805, m. Joseph Johnson, d. 1836 ; 7. David, b. 1805 ; 8. Albert, b. in 1809. All these had their birth in W. The family removed to Paris, N. Y., where were.bOTQ : 9. Milton, b. in 1812; 10. Lucy, b. in 1814; 11. William, b. in 1816. David Wilder and Elizabeth his wife had : John, b.- Jan. 16, 1784. Elijah Wilder and Azubah his wife bad children : 1. Oshea, b. July 16, 1784. Capt. Joseph Wilder, (br. of Hqd. Abel,) and Anna Baiyett his wife had children : 1. Joseph, b. March 17, 1783; 2. Thomas 0., b. July 14, 1784; 3. James, b. May 24, 1786; 4. Luke, b. Oct. 15, 1788; 5. Abel, b. March 19, 1798. WITHINGTON. Edward Withington and Emma bis wife had children : 1. Eunice, b. Apr. 14, 1781; 2. Betsey T., b.,May 4, 1783; 3. Al- pheus M., b. Aug. 13, 1785 ; 4. Edward, b. Deo. 29, 1787. WOODBXIKT. Col. Jacob B. Woodbury, b. in Ipswich, m. Hannah Eoberts. He d. in 1839, aged 82 ; she d. in 1845, aged 85. Children : . 1. Jacob, m. Eunice Rice; 2. John, m. Lucy Dutton, and Phebe [Wasb- bum] Whitney ; 3. Hannah, m. Levi Priest ; 4. David, in. Esther Wales; 5. Levi, m. Abigail Wales ; 6. Sally, m. Henry Chreenwood ; 7. Rowe- na, m. Eeuben Harris; 8. Silas, m. Mary Woodruff and Sarah King; 9. Nehemiah. WTMAN. Thomas Wyman was the gr. gr. grandson of Eranois Wyman, who came from England, though the family is said to be of German origin. Thomas ■was the* son of Eleazar, who m. Martha Kicbardson, and lived in Wobuin. Thomas was b. in Woburn. in 1745, m. Betsey Reed, May 25, 1773 ; moved to Templeton in 1783, and to Winchendon in 1784. Lived west of the New Boston Meeting House. Children : 1. Thomas, b. 1774; 2. Betsey, b. 1775; 8. Joshua, Apr. 10, 1778; 4. Patty or Martha, b. 1780. The above were b. in Woburn. 5. Jonathan, b. in Templeton, Nov. 7, 1782. The following were b. in Winchendon-: 6. Samuel, b. 1784; 7. SUas, b. 1786; 8. Sally, b. Apr. 14, 1788; 9. Pol- ly, b. 1791; 10. Isaac, b. Sept. 29, 1794; 11. Levi, b. 1796. HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 477 Thomas, son of Thomas, m. Lydia Bowker. Children : 1. Asa, b. Oct. 2, 1800, d. Nov. 12, 1811; 2. Lydia, b. Aug. 10, 1802, d. Sept. 10, 1820 ; 3. Olive, b. March 28, 1804, d. Nov. 10, 1811 ; 4. Franklin, b. June 17, 1806, d, Nov. 7, 1811 ; 5. Stilhnan, b. May 10, 1808, d. Nov. 15, 1811 ; 6. HaiTey, b. Oct. 5. 1810 ; 7. Newell, b. Deo. 13, 1812, d. Sept. 15, 1813; 8. Newell, b. Feb. 6, 1814; 9. Olive, b. March 10, 1816, d. Oct. 10, 1841. Betsey, dau. of. Thomas, m. Samuel Walker, and Noah Holman. She is now living in this town, aged 93 years. Joshua, son of Thomas, m. Nancy Noyes. Children : 1. Laura, b. July 28, 1803, d. March 22, 1804 ; 2. Enoch N., b. May 4, 1805, m. Huldah Twitchell and Mary Loveland ; 3. Gilman, b. Feb. 12, 1807, m. Hannah Taft; 4. Sumner, b. Feb. 22, 1809, m. Sally Lew is, and Philura Pitkin ; 5. Franklin, b. Jan. 26, 1812, d. Jan. 11, 1814; 6. Henry W., b. Dec. 26, 1821. Patty, dau. of Thomas, m. a Mr. Stearns, and d. in New York. Jonathan, son of Thomas, m. Olive Alger. Children : 1. Nelson, b. Dec. 1, 1812, d. Oct. 6, 1826 ; 2. Vesta, h. May 10, 1815, d. Sept. 26, 1826; 8. Ahneda, b. Jan. 10, 1818; 4. Olive, b. June 24, 1820; 6. Nathan A., b. Sept. 7, 1823, d. Jan. 3, 1827 ; 6. Vesta, b. Aug. 13, 1826; 7. Adah P., b. Dec. 13, 1828. They were m. Apr. 18, 1812, and have lived in the same house to the present time, fifty- m years. Their golden wedding was celebrated in 1862. Samuel, son of Thpmas, m. Patty Wyman. Children : 1. Isaac; 2. Levi; 3. Lewis; 4.. Mary; 5. Mary Jane; 6. James'. Silas, son of Thomas, m, a Miss Bowker, and Betsey Bingham. • • Sally, dau. of Thomas, m. John Lewis, and lived in Orange. Polly, dau. of Thomas, m. Joshua Clark. Isaac, son of Thomas, m. Mercy Poor. Children : 1. Lucy; 2. Sylva, b. Nov. 2, 1816; 3. Sarepta, b, July 9, 1820, d. July 28, 1831; 4. Sophronia, b. July 11, 1823, m. Luke Hale. Levi, son of Thomas, m. Roxy Piper. Children : 1. Orsemas; 2. Adaline. The preceding is a full^though not a perfect transcript of the Eecord of Births. Of some families very little is to be found ; of others, more might be collected by minute examination ; of others still, no notice has been taken, chiefly because their names have long ceased to be familiar here. But it can be said truly, that five.times as much as was intend- ed, has forced itself into this chapter. When a man plunges into a gen- ealogical quagmire, he finds it as difficult to emerge as a swimmer who is entangled arid drawn under by sea-weed. For the sake' of showing how the roots of ancient families are inter- 478 HISTOKT OP WINCHENDOSr. twisted, the following marriages, or intentions of marriage, of a date previous to 1786, are here inserted. Some were married in the place of the bride's residence ; others, here. "January 4th, 1763. There was married Mr. Thomas Sweetland and Mrs. Abigail Pushee, boath of Ipswich Canada, in the County of Worcester, by the Rev. Mr. Daniel Stimson. Married — Bartholomew Pearson and Lydia Bandal, Nov. 3, 1763; M.* — Aaron Hodgkins and Eunice Bixby, January 24, 1764. M. — Henry Poore, «rf Eoyalston, and Kezire [Keziah] Foster, September 11, 1764. Int. — Simeon Burnant and Mary Warson, April 27, 1765. Int. — Joseph Boynton and Zeruiah Wilder, Sept. 30, 1765. M. — James Mansfield and Lowis Darling, March 4, 1766. Int. — ^Isaac Stimson and Elizabeth Bixby, April 12, 1766, and married on the 26th of March, 1767. Int.— William Mofiatt and Mary Priest, June 6, 1766. Int. — Daniel Goodridge and Hannah Lowe, July 5, 1766. M.— Levi Bixby and Ruth DarKng, Oct. 2. 1766. Int. — Abner Hale and Abigail Goodridge, Nov. 18, 1766. Int.— Richard Person and Keaa Bixbe, May 30, 1767, and married Ju- ly 6, 1767. Int. — Dudley Perley and Hannah Hall, August II, 1767. Int. — Jonathan Bixbe and Esther Gale, Nov. 1, 1767. [The greater part of the above were married by Mr. .Stimson.] M.— Daniel Gould and Mary Porter, Feb. 15, 1770. M. — John Joiner, or Joyner, and Jerusha Bixby, July 10, 1770. M.— John Day and Elizabeth Joslin, Jan'y 10, 1771. M. — David CU)odridge and Silena Joslin, Aug. 20, 1772. ' M. — Abijah Stimson and Lois Bixby, Sept. 28, 1772. , M.— Ephraim Sawyer and Peggy Fisher, Dec 3, 1772. M. — Job Boynton of Monadnock No. 4, N. H., and Mary Joslin, Mirch 18, 1773. M.— Samuel Steele and Rachel Putnam, Nov. 4, 1773. M. — Nathan Green and Lucy Gardner, March 20, 1774. Int.— John Porter and Jane Stuart, Sept. 28, 1771. Int. — Stephen Boynton and Tabitha Foster^ Dec. 14, 1771. Int.— Samuel Mason and Sarah Whitney, May 26, 1772. Int. — Solomon Biglow and Hannah Sanders, June 10, 1772. Int. — ^Francis Bridge and Eunice Brown, Dee. 10, 1772. Int. — ^Levi Carter and Silence Beeman, Nov. 13, 1773. M. — Jonathan Evans andMeUtabel Sherwin, July 21, 1771. M. — Ebenezer Sherwin; Jr. and Lucy Bradish, Dec. 14, 1774. M. — ^Elisha Brown and Merrill Bales, Nov. 16, 1775. M.— Jonathan Smith and Mary Barrett, May 29, 1776. M.— Phihps Rollins and Abigail Porter, April 29, 1777. *M. stands for married ; Int. for intentions. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. : 479 ■ M.^— Samuel Brown and Leavina Bruce, July 14, 1777. M. — Ephraim Parmenter and Unity Darling, July 17, 1777. M.— Daniel Joslin and Maiy Nichols, Oct. 20," 1777. M. — John Bemis and Lucy Bates, April 28,' 1778. M.— James Bates and Elizabeth Nichols, Oct. 12, 1778. M.— John Marble and Sarah Curtice, Nov. 5, 1778. M. — Amos Hale and Sarah Day, March 23, 1779. M. — Abiel Boynton and Lois Raymond, March 30, 1779. M.— Levi Bixby and Tabitha Boyaton, May 13, 1779. M.— David Foster and Elizabeth Minot, May 27, 1779. M. — Joseph Mastick and Mary Putnam, Sept. 14, 1779. M. — Edward Putnam and Hannah Mastick, Sept. 28, 1779. M. — ^Amos Baymond and Alice Joslin, Dec. 9, 1779. M. — Joseph Stimson and Elizabeth Groodenough, April 27, 1780. M,-r-David Heywood and Abigail Bixby, May 11, 1780. M. — Zebulon Stratton and Jcrush Bradish, June 9, 1780. - M. — Samuel Bradish and. Hannah Dunton, Nov. 29, 1780, - M. — Ahimaaz Sherwin and Ruth Day, Dee. 1780. M.— Edward Payson and Eunice Nichols, Sept. 2, 1771. • M. — Antipas Dodge and Luhy Woodward, March 8, 1772. i M.— David Wilder and Elizabeth Reed, Nov. 28, 1782. M.— Nathaniel Bixby and Abigail Heywood, March 15, 1782. M. — Nathan Stoddard and Lydia Dunton, July 1, 1784. M.— Dr. Israel Whiton and Dolly Crosby, Nov. 2 1784. M, — Phillips Sweetzer, 3d, and Persis Joslin, May 29* 1785. . M.— Abel Brown and Sally Stoddard, June 23, 1785. M. — Daniel Bradish and Phebe Jones, August 4, 1785. M. — Capt. Allen Todd, foreigner^ and Mary Millage, Boston, August 12, 1785. M. — Beamsly Lord and Sally Stimson, Oct. 5, 1785. M. — Amos Heywood and Mrs. Kezia Person, Oct. 6, 1785. M;-^Paul Heywood and Amity Darling, Dec. 15, 1785. M.— Zephaniah Wood and Sarah Litch, Feb. 28, 1785. Int. — John Kidder and Dolly Joslin, Jan'y 7, 1785. Int. — Nathan Maynard and Lydia Butler, January, 1785. Int. — Francis Whitcomb and Alice Houghton, October, 1785. Int. — Jonathan Broadstreet and Elizabeth Handsome, February, 1785." The above, with few exceptions, were married by Rev. Joseph Brown. Afterwards, quite a number were joined in marriage by Abel Wilder and Samuel Crosby, Esqrs. It appears that many families were numer- . 0U8 ; sometimes the children counted up to ten or twelve and even fif- teen ; in a few cases perhaps the number was still greater. The con- trast is certainly great between those times and these, when — ^in a cer- tain stratum of society— it takes three families to raise two children. It would seem as if female labor, in every sense of the word, was in the process of transfer, here in New England, from native-born women to 480 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. the daughters of Irish and German blood. If so, .then population, wealth, power and honor, will be the inheritance of their children. At this point the History of Winchendon, as originally designed, should end. The year 1864 filled out one hundred years from the in- corporation of the town. A few facts, however, belon^ng to the fol- lowing years, have been inserted. And as the expressed wish of the ' town, and the obvious propriety of the case, requires, another chapter will be added, ^ving the action of the town, and of her brave soldiers, in putting down the late wicked rebeUion. Note. Under the name Greenwood, on page 456, several names were omitted. The children of Thomas Greenwood were : 1. John; 2. Deborah, m. Stephen Tolman; 3. Oliver; 4. Thomas; 5. Henry ; 6. Sophia, m. Levi Kaymond . 7. Levi. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 481 CHAPTER XXXIII. — THE WAR OF FREEDOM. " In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, As modest stillness and humility ; But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood. Disguise fair nature with hard-favor'd rage : Then lend the eye a terrible aspect ; — Now Sfet the teeth, and stretch the nostril wide ; Hold hard the breath, and bend up every spirit To its full height." Henky v. section 1. — outbreak of the rebellion. . In 'this chapter will be ^ven as much of the history of the town in connection with the rebellion, as can be condensed into the space that ia left. The people here had partaken of the spirit of the loyal North, during all the months of winter, while the southern states were prepar- ing to secede from the Union, form a southern confederacy, and set the national government at defiance. When the news came, on the 14th of April, that the rebels had made their nefarious attack on fort Sumter, and that it had been surrendered to them by Major An- derson, and his few brave soldiers, the hearts of the people were ani- mated by one common desire and determination to uphold the govern- ment, suppress the rebellion, and at the same time, remove the cause of it, by the abolition of slavery. At that time, public sentiment with us was in advance of the nation generally and of the authorities at Wash- mgton. With almost entire unanimity, the voice of the citizens was for war, not from revenge, or from hatred of the southern rebels, but because of their love of country and of freedom. Without any formal call, the inhabitants held large meetings on Mon- day and Tuesday evenings, April 15th and 16th, to give expression to their feelings, and to organize for action. The meeting on Monday 482 HISTORY OP WINCHBNDON. evening was held in the town hall ; that on Tuesday evening assembled in the street, between the town hall and the post office, because no hall or church would accommodate the multitude. Hon. Giles H. Whitney presided and addresses were made by many gentlemen, all animated by a fervent love of the national flag. Some of the speakers were Messrs. Whitney, Dr. Godding, Capt. E. Murdock, 0. Mason, G. S. Whitney, I. M. Murdock, E. Harris, Rev. T. B. Treadwell and Rev. Mr. Marvin. The two latter spoke from the top of the piazza in front of Capt. Murdock's store. All the speeches were brief and to the point. It was the voice of all, that Winchendon must and would do her part in upholding the government of our fathers by suppressmg the wicked re- bellion. SECTION 2. — EFIECT ON THE PUBLIC MIND. • The effect of the surrender of fort Sumter, on the public mind, did not terminate in meetings and resolutions. The sentiment of the peo- ple took shape, at once, in raising money and volunteers, and by all measures by which anything coul4 be done for the good of the great cause. The young men, especially, were urgent to take the field. The first effort was to raise a company irl the town, but as there were Im- pediments to success in this attempt, some, in their ardor to be in the' field, went to other places, and offered themselves as soldiers. Sever- al made a provisional arrangement with a company in Ashbumham ; and when that fell through, joined the second regiment of Massachu- settB volunteers, under Col. Gordon. In the meantime, meetings of the citizens were held for drill in the town hall, and the ladies manifested the liveliest interest in the work of enlistment, and the warmest sympa^:. thy with those who " girded on the armor." In public worship on the : Sabbath, and in all prayer meetings, the cause of the country and the welfare of the soldiers, were presented at the throne of divine grace. The movement assumed the character of a sacred contest, a "war of the Lord." SECTION 3. — ACTION OP THE TOWN. While the people were thus.pressing forward, in an informal way, the town was preparing for organized action. The first town meeting was held on the 27th of April. One article m the warrant was iu these words : HISTOKT OF WINCHENDON. 48S " To see what action the town will take at this alarming crisis of the coun- try, in regard to the raising of a military company, to assist in the suppression of Behellion, Insurrection or Invasion." Giles H. Whitney, Esq., was chosen Moderator. A committee of five was appointed by the chair, to r»ammend the appropriation of a certain sum of money for the purposiisjbf sustaining a military company^ to act in the present crisis, and also to recommend some measures cal- culated to encourage the forming of such a company. 0. Mason, H. 0. Clark, Sidney Fairbank, Seth Tucker and John H. Fairbank were appointed. The committee soon reported, recommending : " That the town appropriate a sum not exceeding $5,000 for the purpose' specified above. That we guarantee to all persons volunteering to form said company, wh» are able-bodied, and found to answer the requirements of the commander-in- c'hief : first, a suitable uniform; second, a good revolver ; third, eight dollar^ per month, in addition to the pay from government, for the time the company is absent in the service of the country. Those who enlist and are suitable for service, one dollar a day for every day they are drilled, for a term of time not exceeding one month. If a fall company cannot be raised in this town, the same guaranty be made to any number of citizens not less than twenty-five, who shall join with any neighboring town in makiiig up a full company. Also, that all between eighteen and twenty-five, meet at the town hall, ev-i ery Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, for the purpose of drill." At the same time, Sidney Fairbanks, Orlando Mason and Baxter D. Whitney, were chosen a committee to take in charge the raising a vol-, unteer militia company in this town. This committee reported to a sub- sequent meeting that a company could not be raised ; but perhaps a company could be raised in Winchendon and Gardner. SECTION 4. — SYMPATHY WITH THE SOLDIERS. Th3 effort to form a company here failed ; and no arrangement was eSTeoted with the soldiers of other towns. But the spirit of the young men was up, and they sought connection with companies and regiments elsewliere. Among the first to enlist were the following, viz: Theodore K. Parker, Edwin A. Pollard, J. Hervey Taylor, Harrison A. Crocker, George H. Boston, Henry S. Pierce, Frederick Maynard, George A. 484 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Bruce, Charles F. Pope, Isaac Hadley and Henry Partridge. Some if not all of these, at first joined a company in Ashburnham ; but soon left it, and became members of Co. D, Capt. Savage, in the Second Reg- iment, under command of Col. Gordon. Much interest in these young pioneers was felt by all — men, women and children. ThOy were re- garded as the advance guardJp'the town, and the hopes and prayers, as well as fears and anxieties of the people, went with them. The fol- lowing letter is inserted here at length, because it expressed the gen- eral thought and sympathy of the community at the time. It will al- so furnish some interesting facts in regard to the action of individuals and societies in behalf of the soldiers. WiNCHENDON, May 27, 1861. » To Messrs. Parker, Pollard, Taylor, Crocker, Boston, Pierce, Maynard-i Bruce, Pope, HaSLey, and, any others, who may he members oj Col. G!o*« don's regiment, from this town : * Gentlemen and Friends: — I have felt a very strong desire to visit you in your camp at West Eoxbury, before you leave for the seat of war. But as I cannot do this, I yield to the request of others, and to the impulses of my own heart, in writ- ing you a letter, which I trust you will receive as coming from a friend, who respects and honors you for enlisting in this necessary and sacred war, and who earnestly desires your highest welfare. While conversing with Dea. Parker, on Saturday, in regard to addressing this letter to you, it seemed to me that before doing so, an effort ought to be made to see if our citizens would not do something to show then interest in you,', who are to be our brave representatives in the field of strife. Accordingly,- notice was given in Church, yesterday, that a prayer-meeting would be held in the Congregational Lecture Room, at half-past five, in behalf of our coun. try, and especially of the young soldiers who belbng to this town, and it was stated that measures would be proposed for raising a contribution in their be- half. At the appointed time, there was a full meeting, composed of citizens of va- rious denominations, and it was a season of great interest and solemnity. Ear- nest prayers were oflfered that you, our young fellow-townsmen, might be faith- ful and courageous in all miUtary duties ; that God would shield you in the day of battle, and that you all might be led to put your personal trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The following resolutions were then read and unanimously adopted, after HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 485 remarks by Dr. Godding, Dea. Butler, Dea. Parker, Messrs. G. S. Whitney, 0. Mason, H. 0. Clark, J. H. Fairbank, Harvey Wyman and myself. "Resolved, That we honor the young,men, our fellow-townsmen, who have gone forth from, among us, to engage in the war that has been forced upon us iy the enemies of freedom. . . * i ^Resolved, That as a proof of our sympathy, we will raise a subscription in their behalf as a partial remuneration for the expenses they have already in- curred; that they may be able, in some measure, to mitigate the rough hard- Bhipsof the camp. mk ^jResolved, That we mil remember them when we invoke the blessings of Heaven on ourselves, and pray that God would ever have them in his holy keeping. Resolved, That Messrs. H. 0. Clark, Harvey Wyman, J. H. Fairbank, G. B. Parker and Nelson Wyman, be a committee to collect funds, to be ap- propriated as follows, viz : five dollars to be given to each of the soldiers, and the remainder — ton dollars for each, more or less, — to be put into a common fund and deposited with some officer of the regiment who may be designated by our volunteers, and who shall disburse the same as their wants may require. 1 Resolved, That the volunteers be desired to make known their wants, as tfley may arise hereafter, to the above committee, and that they may be assured that these will be promptly attended to by their friends at home. i jReSolved, That Dea. G. B. Parker be hereby requested to visit camp An- drew, and convey to our friends, the volunteers, the money which shall be raised, and whatever other articles may be sent by him, at our expense." These ressiutions were passed with an earnestness which would have cheered yon if you had been present, and I believe they express the general feeling of the town. , ^Immediately after the close of the meeting, the committee entered on their work, and received twenty-six dollars on the spot. They have con- tipued their exertions to-day, with the following result. .As the people were passing out, several young ladies, recently members of the High School, asked me if it was too late for them to do something: I told them it was not, and that if they would prepare some handkerchiefs, tow- els, and articles of that sort, I presumed they would be kmdly received. * Whereupon they made their plans, and this morning, they have made up the package of articles which Dea. Parker will deliver to you. They would glad- ly do more, but the time is short, and they do not know your wants. I need not mention their names, because all the girls in the town participate in the feelings which have prompted those whose busy fingers have prepared this 486 HISTORY OP WINOHENDOIT. I ought to mention that some weeks since, the ladies of the Methodist So- ciety Toted to work in behalf of the soldiers, when there should be a call upon them, and also that the Ladies' Benevolent Society of the Orthodox Church, at their last meeting, passed a similar vote ; but as they did not know of your plans tefore. your leaving home, nothing could be done. 1 may add that the latter Society purchased the articles sent herewith, and that the young ladies . prepared them for use. These facts, gentlemen, are detailed at such length,, that you may be as- ' sured of the deep and universal sympathy of the peopyM the town in you ^ as the soldiers who have gone forth to represent ns in tHe great contest which has been so wickedly brought upon our beloved country. We feel that you are going to engage in a wai for government against revokUion and anarch/, i ior freedom against slavery, for civilization against barbarism, and for the ;. christian religion in opposition to a religion of caste. It is a holy war to which ,3 we are imperatively called by the providence of G-od, and we want you to en- ; ter into it, not rashly, not with -the spirit of bloodshed and plunder, but as th%." friends of good government, and the servants of the Most High. Thinking you may have leisure moments for reading, we have requested Dea. Parker to call at the book-store of the Tract Society in Boston, and pro- cure a quantitiy of the books which have been expressly prepared for the sol- diers, and which are highly approved by Pres. Lincoln, Sec'y Cameron and Gen. Scott. We hope that you will read the.'ie, as well as the Holy Bible, because we believe that the truth of God, if heartily received, will not only render you more valiant in the field, but will make you wise unto salvation. I know it will not pain you to hear that earnest prayers are ofiered^n your behalf, in all our meetings ; that you are affeetionately remembered when fam- ilies bow around the family altar, and that many men and women seek the divine blessing for you when they are alone with God. I need not say that I have had a strong interest in you all, from the begin- •.. , ning of the effort made to raise a company in this town. Your disappoint- ment was keenly felt by me. My heart prompts me to take the field with you, if that course were for the best. But as it is not for me be to with you in person, I shall follow you, step'by step, in spirit.' I shall contemplate you as faithful in all the duties of the camp ; temperate in all your habits ; fittentive to all the religious services of the Chaplain, and stout of heart in the field of ■ bloody strife. I shall pray for you, that you may all, at once, give up your^ selves to Jesus Christ, to be his servants; that you may have true repentance for your sins ; that you may be ready for death at any moment, through faith in him who died to save all who love him ; and that you may have the bles- . ,,. sing of the Lord of Hosts in all your labors and sufferings in the defence of our glorious Union. HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 487 I shall be glad to greet you when you retnm from the war, if God shall grant us that happiness ; but if you never return, I assure you that your mem- opes will be cherished, and your names shall be held in lasting honor." The articles above specified, were gratefully received by the soldiers, not merely on account of their value, but chiefly because they evinced the esteem and approbation of the fair donors. Before the regiment left for the seat of war, most of the above named soldiers came home to take leave of their friends. Two of them, in behalf of the whole num- ber, called on the writer of the letter, and expressed their gratitude and that of their comrades, for the gifts and the words of cheer which they had received. One of these was Mr. Parker, who entered the service a private, and came out, after the triumphant march of Sherman, a cap- tain ; the other was Mr. Maynard, who fell dead on the second day of the battle at Gettysburg, in consequence of his dauntless courage, which unpelled him to attack the assailants in front of the line. No braver man fell on that decisive 'day. The soldiers whose names have been mentioned above, with perhaps one exception, did good setvice. Far- ther particulars respecting them will be given in subsequent pages. The following entered the service in June of this year, for the term of three years. William S. Hersey, John Taylor, William T. Wells, joined Co. C, Sixteenth Regiment, Capt. L. G. King. SECTION 5. — VOLUNTEERING. On the fourth of July, 1861, a town meeting was held, Dea. John Cutter being Moderator. The town voted : "That the Selectmen be instructed to carry out the provisions of chapter 222 of the the Acts of 1861." The 222d chapter relates to " aid of the families of volunteers," &c. As ;it promoted volunteering, this is the proper place to cite one of its Sections. It reads as follows : " Sect. 1. Any town or city may raise money by taxation, and, if neces- sary, apply the same, under the direction of their selectmen, or mayor and aldermen, or city council, for the aid of the wife, and of the children under sixteen years of age, of any one of their inhabitant^, who, as a metpber of the volunteer militia of this State, may have been mustered into or enlisted in the service of the United States, and for each parent, brother or sister or child, trho, at the time of hi^ enlistment, was dependent on him for support." 488 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. At a town meeting held on the 14th of September, Calvin R. Whit- man being in the chair, it was voted : "That the town authorize the Selectmen to pay out of the money raised for contingent expenses, to families of volunteers, the following sums : one dollar per week for the wife, and one dollar per week for each child under sisteen years of age, that was dependent on said volunteer for support at the time of his enlistment ; provided, that the whole sum does not exceed twelve dollars per month to any such inhabitant." At this time the list of persons liable to enrollment in the Militia of Massachusetts, contained four hundred and eighty-three names. The names of those who volunteered, with their Co. and Reg't, are here in- serted. The first named enhsted in July, and their term expired in July, 1864. In Co. B, Thirteenth Regiment, Capt. Simonds, were the following, viz : Amable Beaudry, William E. Bailey, Robert Bruce, ]!fap. B. Bruce, Edwin Chase,. Andrew Fisher, Seth R. Fisher," E. B. HartweU, Wm. W. Holman, Chas. W. Kendall, Edward S. Kendall, Oscar A. Kendall, '^^5'rahcis H. Loud, , Henry C. Lowell, Winthrop Maynard, Joseph B. Matthews, Charles I*i Pope, Andrew Riley, Abram Scott, Elijah M. Scott, Walter D. Scott, Stillman Safford, Fred. C. Stewart, Charles A. Stevens, William B. Taylor, George S. Taylor, Horace H. Wyman, Enoch Whitney, Benjamin Whitcomb." In Co. A, Twenty-first Regiment, Capt. Bradford, were the follow- mg, VIZ : George W. Bradish, Jacques Gowing, Stephen Miller, George E. Cook, Augustus E. Houghton. John Welch was a member of Co. D in the same Regiment. In Co, G, same Regiment, were the followiag volunteers from Winchendon, un- der command of Capt. A. A. Walker, viz : Patrick Brabston, Charles A. Crayton, Andrew J. Flagg, Patrick Finton, George B. Gorman, Henry Haskell, HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 489 George H. Matthews, Jerome L. Stevens, Robert N. Shaw, James S. Stratton, Josiah T. Town, Herbert E. Weston, John Wells, Edwin Wells, Thomas Wells, Eichard M. Whitney, In Co. F, Twenty-first Reg't, was J. Henry Lake ; in Co. I, Eight- eenth Reg't, was Albert Gr. Nuttbg ; m Co. — , Ninth Regiment, was Martin McCabe ; in Co. L, Seventh Cavalry, was George Thomas ; in Sharpshooters, was George L. Norcross ; in Co. C, Follett's Batttery, was Daniel Norcross, and in Co. C, Twentieth' Regiment, was Frank Sawtell. The following volunteered later in the year, as September, October and December, viz : Charles Bates, Otis Rice, Nelson Rice and Den- nis Sullivan, in the Third Vt. Regt., whose time expired in September, 1864 ; Bverard Alger, George Brown 2d, Charles H. Stratton, John Simonds, Albert H. Whitcomb and Sidney L. Reed, in Co. F, Twen- ty-fifth Regiment, whose time expired in October, 1864 ; Jason L. Cof- fin, S. Jones Hale and William Welch, in Co. C, Twenty-fourth Reg- iment, Capt. Stevenson, whose term expired in Decembir, 1864. This list comprises all, or nearly all, who enlisted in the year 1861. The number is eighty. Perhaps others entered the service during this sea- son, in some Massachusetts Regiment ; it is certain that some joined Regiments in other States. The first year of the war will ever be remembered as a year of dis- aster. With partial success in some localities, the Union armies gen- erally met with defeat. At Bull Run, after almost wiiming the day, our forces were driven from the field in a shameful rout. The unex- plained attack at Ball's BlufiE was repulsed with great loss to the loyal troops. Several Of our men, in the Fifteenth Regiment were in this fight, and sought safety by crossing the Potomac, in whose chilling wa- ters many brave men found their too early grave. Horace H. Wyman crossed the river safely, by wading and swimming. He was able to help Col. Ward across. Elijah M. Scott was probably either killed on the shore, or was lost in the river. There was mourning in some fam- iUes, and anxiety in all. Meantime, busy fingers and liberal hearts were engaged in providing for the comfort of the soldiers. Supplies of all kinds, by various agencies, were sent to our men ; and the communi. cation by letter was frequent. Thus active sympathy was kept up be- 31 490 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. tween tho3» at home and their friends in the field. The expedition of Burnside to North Carolina, which met hardship at every step, but which was crowned with success, had several Winchendon men, who did their duty with fidelity. But it is not possible or desirable, in this brief nar- rative, to give a history of the war, or even of the regiments to which our men were attached. SECTION 6. — PRAISING TEOOPS IN 1862. In the spring of 1862 it became evident that the rebellion could not be put down, unless the government should put forth its strength with greater energy than had yet characterized its movements. According- ly, the President issued a call for three hundred thousand men, and the requisition met a hearty response. But as business had recovered from the paralysis which had seized it on the breaking out of the rebellion, and as wages were higher, the services of the soldiers deserved increased pay. Therefore bounties were resorted to, that those who remained at home, might in a measure, share the privations of those who took the field. A town meeting was held on the 19th of July, 1862, when it was voted: " That under the recent call from goTernment, for three hundred thousand men, this town is called ttpon to furnish a certain number, in making up the quota for this state That this town will pay to such men' as will enlist within twenty days, to make up the required number, one hundred dollars each, in addition to the bounty offered by government, to be paid as follows : $25, as soon as the recruit is sworn into service, and $75 at the expiration of the term for which he enlists, with interest from the true date of his being sworn into service. And if the recruit prefer, the $75 shall be paid to his family, or to those dependent on him for their support, by his order, at such times, and in such sums, as the Selectmen may think required. In case of death, what is due shall be paid to his heirs. Provided, if any volunteer prefer to receive the whole bounty of $100 at, the time he is sworn into service, he shall be paid accordingly." The Treasurer was authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding f 5,000, to c^rry out the above vote. At the same time, a committee was cho- sen from the different districts, to act as a rallymg committee, to assist the Selectmen in obtaining recruits : One from each district, and an additional one in Nos. 2, 3 and 9, as follows : HISTORY OF WmOHENDON. 491 " District No. 1, Charles J. Rice ; 2, Bethuel Ellis, Williailli Murdock ; 3, A. W. Buttrick, H. O.Clark; 4, Nelson D. White; 5, SethMaynard; 7, Paul Raymond, Jr.; 8, John B. Brown ; 9, James Marsh, Jairus Hast- ings; 10, Reuben Harris ; 11, Minot Patch." On the 2d of August,a committee consisting of Alvah God<^g, James Marsh and Giles H. Whitney, was chosen to provide speakers to address the citizens of the town upon the subject of the war. The Hon. A. H. Bullock spoke to a large audience, with characteristic force and per- suasiveness. It was reported that tins town's quota of forty-eight men had been filled by volunteers. Another meeting was held on the 16th of August — Joseph S. Wat- aon in the chair — ^when, on motion of Seth Tucker, it was voted : ^' That this town will pay to each man that will enlist, within the next fifr teen days, to make up the quota of this town, of the last 300,000 men called for by the government, the sum of $100, upon their being sworn into service." From this vote it may be inferred that the report in respect to the filling of the quota had been premature. However, the men were raised in time, and the town kept in advance of the demands lAiade upon it throughout the war. The Treasurer was authorized to borrow, under the direction of the Selectmen, a sum of money not exceeding $5,000, to carry into effect the above vote. About this time a call came for nine months men, in consequence of which a town meeting was held on the 13th of September, when it was voted : " To pay to each volunteer — an inhabitant of this town, — to fill a company of nine months men from this town, under the last call of the government for 300,000 men, the sum of $100, upon their being sworn into the service of the United States." During this year the amount paid to the families of volunteers, was $1,095,65. The names of the men who volimteered during the year 1862, un- der the calls specified above, with the date when their term of service expired, here follows : In Co. I, Twenty-sixth Regiment, whose term closed in February, 1865, were the following volunteers from this town, via: Baldwin, H. H., I Beal, Madison, Ball, Jos. J. T., 1 Brooks, Levi W., 492: HISTORY OF WIircHBNDON-. Clough,. Lewis V., Elford, William, Fitzgerald, Michael,. Gowaa, George,. Harwood,. Joseph Hi Hyde, Alfred, KnoW'Iton, Georggj Lawrence, HoUghtonj. Parks, Elwin A.,. Powers, Henry, Powers, "Warren, Prentiss, Samuel H., Kich, Jerome T., Skwtell, Orcasto L., Taylor, Eardley K, Townsend, William. The following were in Go. D^Tlurtieth.Regi,ment, and their termiex^- pired in April, 1866 : David' Caswell^ Frederick Leland, Alson Nor- cross, Gharlea Samson and John. Spalding. In. C0..D, Thirty-fourthi Regiment, was Paul Psiro, whose terms expiredl in. August, 1866. In Co. B, Thirty-second Regiment, was Whitney. Thompson;; term expu:ed August, 1865. Wesley B. Baldwin enlisted in- the- Sixth Battery. Company D', Thirty-sixth Regiment, whose term expired, in, Augjist, 1865 ,, had' the ■ f(dlowing. men, fromi Winchendon, viz ~ Alger, Cyrus, Allen, Austin B.!, Bosworth, Henry E;^ Breen, Peter, Brooks, George W'., Brown, Fiederiok M2,., Byam, Charles ¥,^, Chamberlain^ Stillman.F.,. Chase, Daniel W., Chase, William !>;, Coburn, Mi Van Buren;. C6mb8,,John L., Gutter; JohnsC, Damon, Theodore P.,. Demary; John-M., Felch, Samuel C, Fisher, C. B5, Foskett, Liberty W.,.. Foskett, Wellington^ Freneh, AdamE., Gilman, Jeremiah^ Godding,, Edward,. Hale, Livesey B., Hayden, Charles W.,. Holmaui Albert G;, Hale, S. B., Howard;. Marcus M.,, Lippit, Joseph,. Morrill, Oscar, Parker, GbrneliusG., Partridge, Greenwood,, Perry, .Francis Di, Plummer, George E',, Pbwers, Hiram E., Eich,. J. MunroB; Rich^ Robert TL, Sawtell,.Aldenj Smithj William 23,.. Tatro, Marcus, Tenny, James H., Warner, Edwin T.,, WTiitney, Franklin L. ,. Wilder, B. Oliver, Williams, Alfred-H. The following erJistedundfertfie-call dated October 7, for, three-years. Bruce, Robert,, Chiller, Frank, Doyle, Luke, Farnum, William S.,- Dunn, Isaac Jl, | Snow, Henry E. Near the close of the yeail86S, the- Fifty-third Regim^tvof nine mSTDEY OS WINCHEIfDOlSf. 493 sffioniQis men was formed, and left for the Gulf of Mfexico, and the re- gion of the lower Mississippi. In Co. H of this Regiment, were the following men from Winchendon, viz : Alger, Edward, Baldwin, John, iBeaman, William P., Bickford, Leander E., iBowker, Joseph, Bryant, €r. Q. A,, Buttrick, H. Newell, Oarriel, Almon E., €obum, Charles E,, Fitzgerald, Patrick, Flint, Eleazar, Flint, William M,, Cribson, A. A., Gorman, Isaac, Handy, Jonathan, Harding, Darius H^ Hartwell, John H,, Hill, Josiah, Hill, Theodore J., Houghton, John M ., Hubbard, Timot% F,, Kinney, JohnO., Mitchell, John, Moore, Deiter, Mosman, Orange, McLennan, ©onald, Nimms, Samuel H., Norcross, Alson, Noreross, Salmon A., Packard, Freeman A., Page, George, Parks, Georga H^, 'Piper, George H., Putney Charles, Baymond, James A.-. Beed, Sidney L<, Smith, William J., Stearns, Charles T-., Sweetzer, Joseph, Tatro, Charles, Tatro, Le*pis, Warren, Charles A-.-, Wyman, John M. Of the men from this town the following died before the close of the jear 1862; viz : Levi W. Brooks, Theodore F. Damon, G. C. Parker, "George H. Matthews, Josiah T. Towae, James S. Stratton, Thomas Wells, J. Henry Lake, Albert G. Nutting, and perhaps others. The Thirty-sixth Regiment was in the battle of Antietam, and our meii shared in the peril and the victory. Stratton was conspicuous in the •combats near Newborn, N. C, and fought like a tme soldier at Antie- tam, where he was killed. Lake was killed at Chantilly, Sept. 27, ■doing his duty. Matthews, equjdly faithful, was mortally wounded at Roanoke, on the 8th of February. Others received wounds in the ser- vice. The bodies of several of those who had fallen in the field, or had died by lingering disease in the camp, were brought home for burial. There was a peculiar interest in the funerals, which were largely attended by those who sympathized with the bereaved relatives, and who respected the heroic dead. Much was done also in sending out supplies to the 494 HISTORY OF WINCHEN&OK. soldiers, who were always kept in ttougbtful remembrance while absent at the post of duty and exposure. SECTION 7. — ^RECOKD OF 1863. At the March meeting it was voted " not to enforce the collection of the poll tax assessed upon volunteers in the service, and that where the poll tax has been paid, it should be refunded ; " and on the 27th of April, it was voted, " that the Selectmen be instructed to render aid to all such families of volunteers for which, under any law, the town may be reimbursed by the State." This looks, on the face of it, as if the money paid to the families of soldiers, cost nothing to the town ; but it will be borne in mind, that the town was taxed to enable the State to grant the " aid." The action of the State only served to equalize the burden throughout the Commonwealth. At this date axty-five of the enrolled militia were in the service of the United States. At another meeting held on the 3d of November, the town voted "that the Selectmen be instructed to pay and adjust the towm's proportion of the tax created by virtue of chap. 218 of the Acts of 1863, in accord- ance with sec. 9 of said Acts." The amount of aid furnished to families of volunteers during the year ending December 31, 1863, was $6,420.68. After the Fifty-third Regiment sailed from New York for the south- west, in January, there was but little volunteering in this town, except as returned soldiers re-enHstcd. Among those who entered the service a second time, were Jaques Gowing, Stephen Miller, Everard Alger, John Simonds, Lewis V. Clough, Jerome T. Rich, George H. Parks, and it may be others. This was a year of mourning in many households. Among those killed in battle were the following : Rollins E. Hartwell, a good soldier, fell at Chancellorville, in May. Frederick Maynard sprang at the foe, at Gettysburg, and was killed by a ball in his forehead, on the 3d of Jtily. Elwin A. Parks was killed at Lafourche, La., on the 21st of June. Others were killed either in this year or the next ; as Peter Breen, S. B. Hale, Alden J, Sawtell. Timothy F. Hubbard was killed by the fall of a tree, on the 23d of March. He was sitting in his tent, between his friends Bryant and Stearns. He had been reading in the Testament, and also a letter from his wife, which was still in his hand, while a smile was on his face. The wind was high, a liiab was broken HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 495 from the tree overhead, and came crashing through the tent. It struck Hubbard on the head, leaving bis friends unharmed. He died in a few hours. The number -who died in the army was large, especially of those be- longing to the Fifty-third Regiment. Edward Alger died on the 19th of July ; H. N. Buttrick, May 18 ; John Baldwin, May 2 ; D. H. Harding, August 3 ; Josiah Hill, July 19 ; Theodore J. HiU, June 25 ; D. McClennan, July 2 ; Charles Putney, August 24 ; James A. Ray- mond, February 19 ; William J. Smith, March 26 ; John M. Wyman, May 20. Members of other Re^ments died at the following dates : George E. Plummer, November 16 ; Hiram E. Powers, September 23 ; George Knowlton, May ; Leander E. Bickford died at home. May 18. Probably others died this year. The liberality of the citizens in raising money and sending out sup- plies to their friends in the field was praiseworthy. Besides, contribu- tions were frequently made to the Sanitary and Christian Commissions, in promoting the same object. The amount given in these and other ways, will be summed up in another place. Under the call for nine months men, as might have been related in the record of the preceding year, a strong effort was made to form a Winchendon company. As the Regiment to which it belonged did not sail until the beginning of this year, it is not out of place to refer to the subject in connection with this year's events. By a union with men from JIubbardston and Warwick, and a few from Phillipston, a Com- pany was formed which was called the Winchendon Company. Half or more of the members were from this town. J. B. Sawyer was cho- sen captain, and A. A. Gibson, first lieutenant. Several of the non- commissioned officers belonged here, so that Co. H was mainly officered by Winchendon men, and the interest and pride of the citizens were enlisted in its fortunes. But it so happened that its commissioned of- ficers, through aU the time of service, were all from other towns. Capt. Sawyer resigned, and Lieut. Lymaa Woodward of Hubbardston, was chosen in his place. Mr. Gibson was chosen first lieutenant, and then resigned, when George E. Priest of Watertown, was chosen. Russell Carruth of Phillipston, became second lieutenant. The first serjeant was Oren Marcan of Hubbardston ,but on account of his ill health, the duties were performed by Charles T. Steams, second serjeant. This 496 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. result was the source of regret, but it was mitigated by the fact that the officers were competent, and had the confidence of the men. The company went into camp at Groton Junction, in October, 1862 ; sailed for New York on the last of November, and after a tedious delay, in cold and wet, in that city, embarked, early in January, 1863, on board the Mississippi, for the Gulf of Mexico. There was however so much sickness among the men, it was deemed prudent to put them on shore. In about a fortnight, that is, on the 16th of January, the Regiment shipped in the steamer Continental for New Orleans. They had a rough passage, in which they suffered much from storms of wind and rain, as well as from fire and sickness, in close quarters, but reached New Or- leans on the last day of January. From that day, till they started for home, via the Mississippi, and the northern railroads, the company was in constant service, and took part in several conflicts. They had the pleasure of seeing Port Hudson fall on the 8th of July. In the siege, Co. H, in common with the Regiment, was exposed to imminent peril, and rendered efficient service under fire ; but lost not a single man in action. The government being in need of more troops, and the volunteers coming in slowly, resort was had to conscription. An Act was passed by Congress for recruiting the forces of the United States, and a new enrollment of men liable to do military duty, was ordered. The enroll- ing officer for Winchendon was Hon. Giles H. Whitney. The enroll- ment was ordered for July 1, 1863. The enrolled men were divided into two classes. The first included all between twenty and thirty-five years, and the unmarried men and widowers between thirty-five and for- ty-five. The second class comprised the married men who were more than thirty-five but under forty-five years of age. The number required of Winchendon was eighty-three . f these , only one man went into the service, viz : Sidney N. Smith. Twenty-four others were found, on examination, to be qualified, but they paid the commutation fee of f 800, and were not required to take the field. The remainder, being fifty- eight, were aliens, or disabled, or had relations dependent on them, and so were not liable to do military duty under the call. The following are the names of those who paid the required $300. Some of them found it difficult to raise the money and they deserve due credit, because the fee was their direct contribution for the preservation of their country. HISTORY OP -WINCHENDON. 497 Adams, Walter R., Aldrich, Marcus, Baldwin, Marcus M., Brown, Frederic P., Childs, Andrew A., Dray, Edward, Dunn, Josiah J., Hayward, Charles B., Kemp, Horatio J., Nutting, Wm. H., Plummer, Charles W., Parks, Wm. M., Parker, Samuel W., Rice, Charles J., Robbins, Amos D., Shaler, Adam M., Sibley, Charles, Sibley, Delano H., Stevens, Charles A., Streeter, A. W., Sullivan, Patrick, Wilson, Edward E., Wilson, Milton A., Woodward, Amos. Under the call of October 17, 1863, the following men enlisted, viz : Robert Bruce, Luke Doyle, Isaac J. Dunn, Frank Chiller, Wm. 0. Farnum, and Henry E. Snow. Famum was not accepted, and Snow ran oflf", leaving four to enter the service. SECTION 8. — aECRUITINQ IN 1864. At the annual town meeting, March 7, 1864, it was voted to raise $2000, State aid, for the families of volunteers. Meetings of citizens were held in April, May and June, to raise money by subscription, with which to procure men, — ^residents or otherwise, — to fill out the quota of the town. This statement explains the following action of the town. At a regular town meeting held on the 26th of April, it was voted " to raise $4,100, to be applied, under the direction of the Selectmen, in reimbursing individuals for money already contributed and paid, in aid of, and for the purpose of procuring its proportion of the quota of volunteers in the military service called for from this Commonwealth, under the order of the President of the United States, dated October 17, 1863, and February 1, 1864 ; and that the money be assessed up- on the polls and estates of the inhabitants and non-residents of the town, and paid into the treasury as other taxes are paid." On the 30th of July the town instructed the treasurer " to borrow a sum of money not exceeding 17000, to be applied under the direction of the Selectmen, to pay one hundred and twenty-five dollars for each man apphed to the quota of the town since March 1, 1864." The war expenses for the year 1864, were $9,677.62. The greater part of the soldiers secured this year, were procured through brokerSj at considerable expense. It is impossible to state ex- 498 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. actly how many men were obtained, or what was paid for each, as no record was kept by the town, and the papers of committees are in a chaotic state. The raising of money, and the procuring of men, were done by committees chosen at meetings of the citizens. The money raised thus by subscription, was afterwards refunded by the town, ex- cept about $5,000.00. The men were not obtained at uniform prices. One lot of twenty cost $95.00 per man, or $1900.00 ; four others cost $110.00 each, or $440.00. Some cost $125.00, and others still $250.00, or more. All possible efforts to secure accuracy have been made ; the results as to men and money raised to obtain them, will be given on a subsequent page. It should be stated that the meetings held in the spring and early summer of 1864, were frequent, and the committees chosen were effi- cient. These meetings were presided over at different times by Har- vey Wyman, 0. Mason, and Giles H. Whitney. John D. Howard was Secretary, and he has kindly shown me the records of the proceedings. The committee men chosen at different times to carry out the designs of the meetings, were Orlando Mason, Bethuel Ellis, John H. Fair- banks, James Marsh, G. W. Converse, Charles A. Loud, George M. Whitney, Archus S. Kimball, William H. Grant, John 0. Kinney, Levi M. Parks, A. H. Britton, C. J. Bryant, and George B. Ray- mond. Mr. Converse acted as treasurer for receiving subscriptions'. At a citizens' meeting held about this time, — date not recorded, — the following report was made by a committee. " Your committee recommend that each enrolled man pay a sum not less than fifteen dollars for the purpose of procuring forty-five men, more or less. That a subscription be taken up, and a paper be presented to each enrolled man, as well as all others, on or before Tuesday evening next. They also recommend that the sum of $5,625.00 be raised by taxation, in order to secure the above-mentioned forty-five men, provided the like sum be raised by subscription. Voted to accept and adopt the report." It was deemed just to ask the enrolled men for a subscription, and one larger than the average on the whole of the citizens, because they would thus be released from the necessity of going into the field. The number of men recruited, (most of them by the agency of bro- kers,) during the year 1864, was not far from fi%. The names HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 499 of &ose belonging to this town, with the date of enlistment, &c., here follow : George H. Parks, veteran, Dec. 22, 1863, entered Fifty-sev- enth Reg't. ; Isaac J. Dunn, January 4, 1864, Thirty-sixth Reg't ; Sidney L. Reed, veteran, Jan. 26, Twenty-fifth Reg't. The names of the remainder will appear in the full roll of soldiers on subsequent pages. The recruiting officer was allowed |25 for each vet- eran, and f 15 for each new recruit. The sum for the whole list was $710.00, for which neither the Selectmen nor the committee ever re- ceived anything but their expenses. The year 1864 was one of toil and triumph. Sherman made his way to Atlanta, and on to the Atlantic coast, fighting and driving back the enemy at every step. Grant led his invincible hosts through the wil- derness, and put them on the defensive in Richmond and Petersburg. Thomas annihilated the army of Hood at Nashville. Everywhere on the sea as well as on the land, our forces were victorious. In all these successes our citizens felt the deepest patriotic interest; in some of them the interest was personal also, because our men were engaged in them. Our neighbors and friends endured the hardships of war. Some were wounded ; some died of disease, and some were killed in battle. Hub- bard H. Baldwin was killed in action on the 19th of September, and Adam E. French on the 19th of June. Franklin L. Whitney was killed in the same month. These and others, the date of whose death is not ascertained, fell in the " high places of the field." George H. Parks died at Annapolis, on the 19th of September. He was a good boy, and a noble young man. An only son, it was hard to give him up, but his sense of duty impelled him to enlist, at first in the Fifty-third Regiment. He remained with it in Louisiana till compelled to come home. He was discharged in May, 1863, and when he reached home, appeared like a corpse that had been a week in the tomb. But he raUied, grew strong, and pure love of the cause hurried him again into the field. He joined the Fifly-seventh Regiment, Co. A, and was appointed serjeant. For awhile he'acted as clerk of Col. Kimball, but preferred the severer duties of the soldier. He was in the Wilderness, and endured its terrible straggle. The day before the explosion of the mine at Petersburg, on the 80 th day of July, he wrote home that he was sick, and should go into hospital the next day. Instead of that, he was in the assaulting column, and owing to the absence of officers, led his company into that *" hell of horrors." He was taken prisoner, and carried to Danville. 500 HISTORY -Ot WINCHEfflJOJr. In Septeiaber te was exchanged and brought to Annapolis. Word came that he was doing well, but sickaess in a rebel prison had been too much .for his constitution. He died in a few days, ffis remains were brought Tiome, and amid universal sympathy, were laid in our beautiful ceme- tery. What is thus said of Parks, applies with more or less propriety, to our other young heroes. They were willing oiferings on the altar rf their beloved country, " They were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions." SECTION 9. — WINCHENDON HEN WHO ENLISTED OUT OF THE STATE. Before closing up the story of the war, it seems best to insert the names of residents of this town who joined Regiments belonging to oth- er States. In New Hampshire Regiments were the following : In €o. C, Sec- ond Reg't, C. H. Lawrence, John M. Stea^ms ; in Co. A, Second Reg't, Albert R. Bowen, Frederick A. Bowen, Frank Nash, Frank Peirce ; iin Co. E., Second Reg't, Luther W. Forrest ; in Co. -^, Sixth Reg't, Almon Nutting ; in Co. I, Third Reg't, John H. Hitchcock ; in Co. K, Fifth Reg't, Lorenzo Cobum, 6reorge Goodall, Noah Paro ; in Co. — , Sixth Reg't, Ambrose Butler, Enoch Nichols ; in Co. — , Ninth Reg't, Henry W. Gla,rk. In Verrtont Regiments were the following : In First Cavalry, Jo- seph Hyatt ; in Co. — , Twenty-fourth Reg't, Wm. W. Peirce ; in •Co. — , Seventh Reg't, W. H. H. Putnam. The foflowing were in Connecticut Regiments : In Co. — , First Reg't, E. W. Stocking, George Taylor ; in Co. — , Fourth Reg't, Clinton D. Towns. The fdlowing men were in New York Regissaents : In the One Hun- dred Seventh Reg't, L. J. Wilkinson, Walter Wilkinson ; in the Nine- ty-ninth Reg't, C. F. Brown, A. E. French, Samuel J. Lowell. Be- sides these, George Thomas was, for some time, in the New York Cav- alry. Thomas Mitchell was a member of Co. M, Third Reg't Rhode Island Heavy Artillery. SECTION 10.— 'CLOSE OP THE WAR . There was a call for additional troops on the l9th of December, 1864, but it was not acted on until the opening of 1865. A subscription was raised to obtain recruits. This was done by assessment, and none were HISTORY OF ■WnsrCHENBOIT. 501 asted to subscribe more than six dollars, though a fe^v gare more. Over two hundred names are in the subscription book, and the amount raised was $1122.00 ; but about three-quarters of this was refunded by the town, leaving about f 27®.00 as the real sum. obtained by subscrip- tion at this tinie. At a town meeting held on the 30th of Januairy, 1865, rb was voted " that the Treasurer be instructed to borrow a sufficient sum of money, to be appHed, under the direction of the Selectmen, to pay a bounty not exceeeEng #125.00 ij& each voJunteer necessary to fill the quota of this town imder the- call of December 19, 1864." And ob the 6th of March, it was voted " to raise money and appn^riate the same for the rehef of the femiUes an^ dependents; of volunteer a" This, is the last vote of the town in relation to raising soldiers for the war. The work of recruiting was done, and the army and navy were giviag iske finish- ing stroke to- the rebdlion. Terry an«J Porter took fcrt Fi'Aer early in the y^ar ; Sherman marched north through the Carolmas ; Grant pounded his- way into ISchmond and Pfetersburg, and the' wicked rebell- ion was subdued. Our soldiers who were yet in the field soon returned home, and there was geueral rejoicing. Before closing this section,, howefver, it should be said that our quota had been read^' filled at every caU ; and generally the town was in advance of the demands of the gpvemmeait. Every requisition, had been promptly and cheerfully met ; money had been raised freely; and the town paid its- way, with- out ineumng large debts. It was wisely judged that it was easier to pay when gold was at 280, thau when paper should approximate to par value. Itia;to the-creditof thetownthat all the hea"vy burdens of the war were borne vfithoutstinting the appropriations for other objects ex- cept for a year or twSi. In 1862, the appropriation, far schools was diminished, but by reason of the depresaon of wages^ the schools were in session nearly up to the average time. By degrees- the sums raised for schools and other purposes^ were brought up to the usual standard, and before the war closed, the annual sum for schools was increased more- th-an twenty-five- per cent. SECTION 11. — A DAY CF KEJOICI-NG. News of the capture of Richm(md and Petersbuisg reached town on the third of April, 1865. This was rightly considered the harbinger of peace, and the pledge of the speedy collapse of the rebellion. The 502 HISTORY OP WINCHENDON. next day, the fourth of April, was given up to general rejoicmg. There was a procession of great length. The bells were rung, cannon were fired, and happy congratulations were exchanged whenever people met in the streets. There was a meeting in the town hall, which was attended by a large crowd. John H. Fairbanks was in the chair. Brief, spirited, pointed speeches were made by Hon. Giles H. Whitney, Eev. Messrs. Marvin, Best and Litchfield, and Messrs. H. Wyman, 0. Mason, G. S. Whit- ney and Keuben Harris. All were applauded to the echo, because the speakers expressed what was in all hearts. After the meeting was over, there was a novel exhibition in the streets, which, while it provoked laughter, was suggestive of grave thoughts, and indicative of a mighty revolution accomplished. An elegant coiach, drawn by two spirited horses, with a white driver, passed along, and inside was seen a colored gentleman, painted up for the oc- casion, riding in state. Yes, the war was over ; the rebellion was ended, substantially. Slavery was dead ; a n6w civilization was begun at the South ; our country was becoming homogeneous, and men could ride in coaches without regard to race or color. Cheers greeted this little pantomime. Volumes of meaning were crowded into it, and the whole revolution was seen at a glance. With a touch of burlesque it mingled the gravest truth, and betokened the most marvelous progress. In the evening there was a general illumination, and the Village was in a blaze of light from end to end. On the 10th of April, word came flashing over the wires, that Lee had surrendered the army of Virginia, at Appomattox, on the morning of the ninth. The rejoicing broke out anew. Flags were raised, sa- lutes were fired, and the bells were rung right merrily. On the follow- ing Sabbath, thanksgivings to the Lord of Hosts were offered up m all our churches. SECTION 12. — COST OF THE WAR. The pecuniary cost of the war of freedom and nationality, to the peo- ple of Winchendon, is to be found by adding together the appropriations made by the town for war purposes, and for " aid" to the soldiers' fam- ilies ; the subscriptions of individuals to pay bounties, and furnish arms to the soldiers ; the gifts of societies and personal friends, to provide comforts for the men ; and the contributions to the Sanitary and the . HISTORY OF WINOHENDON. 503 Christian Commissions. Exactness cannot be attained in fixing the amomit, but enough can be given to confer lasting honor upon the town. The war expenses of the town are recorded, from year to year, in the annual reports of the Selectmen and Town Treasurer. Large bounties were paid to some of the soldiers. In some cases, these were raised by subscription ; but the town refunded the sums thus raised, to a great extent. Several thousond dollars were given to soldiers' families, year by year, called " State aid." As this was refunded by the State, some may hastily infer that the State aid cost nothing to the town. But the town was taxed, in common with all the towns and cities in the Com- monwealth, to raise the money by which the State aid was refunded to the towns. As Winchendon is about an average town, in the matter of taxation, the amount paid to soldiers' families was about equivalent to what was received from the State Treasury. It will be safe, there- fore, to give the amount paid- out to families, by the town Treasurer, aa the real expense of the town for that object. Apd in the matter of boun- ties, the sums voted in advance, are not to be taken, but the sums ac- tually paid, as given in the Treasurer's report. Each report was made at the March meeting, and related to the year closing on the last day of the preceding December. The expense m 1861 was all for State aid, and amounted to 11,095.65. The expenses of the year 1862, were as follows : Bounties to eighty- nine men, at flOO each man, 18,900.00 ; State aid, 14,707.60 ; Sun- dries, $184.05. Amount for the year, $13,791.65. Expenses of the year 1863 : Bounties for volunteers, $4,615.16 ; State aid, $6,341.56 ; Sundries, $88.12. Amount for the year, $11,- 039.84. Expenses for the year 1864 : Bounties for volunteers, $7,250.00 ; State aid, $4,315.45; reimbursement of subscriptions, $4,100.00; Sundries, $860.17. Amount for 1864,. $16,025.62. Expenses in the year 1865 : State aid, $1,489.06 ; Sundries, $7.75. Besides this, there were nearly $300.00 of a subscription not refunded. Amount for the year, $1,796.81. The total amount during the war, was $48,749.12. To this must be added about $5,000 of another sub- scription, makmg the amount $48,749.12. The commutation money paid by twenty-four men, at one time, at $300, each, amounted to $7,200. The amount given by individuals to furnish arms to the soldiers, and as private bounties, can never be ascertained. Several of the first to 604 HISTORY OF WINCHENDOlSr. enlist, were provided witli revolvers. Individuals, at different timei added to the bounties oifered by the town, state or nation. As on man, — Mr. Nelson D. White — gave not far from $300 in this way, will be perfectly safe to set down the amount contributed for this pui pose, as not less then f 1000. The amount thus far isrery near $56 949.12. All the soldiers had personal fiiends and relatives, who sent aid i various forms. The aggregate was large ; but of this no record can l made, since there are no means of approximating to accuracy. More over, the remains of many soldiers were brought home and buried, j great expense. Of this expense, no account can be rendered. Many visited the army at various times, and never went empty-hahc ed. The sums contributed in this way were large, but there is no meai of ascertaining the amount. The yoimg ladies in the North CongTegationa! Church, the ladies i the Methodist Church, and the ladies in the Centre, and a Society ( ladies in Waterville, of which, in successive years, Mrs. C. P. Carpei ter and Mrs. Wm. L. Woodcock were Presidents, and Mrs. A. D. Has ings and Mrs. George Brooks, Secretary and Treasurer, did much t relieve the wants of their friends in the field. A tTnion Society of li dies from different sections of the town, met often in the town hall, an by their labor, and the sums collected by them, and the avails of le( iures, they gathered and reimtted supplies of great value to the so diers, either directly, or through the Sanitary and Christian Commii sions, or the Boston Tract Society. Of this Society, Mrs. Rev. B. I Clarke and Mrs. Jacob Taylor were Preadents, Mrs. Elisha Murdocl Treasurer, and Mrs. WilEam Brown, Secretary. The Vice Preaden were Mrs. 0. Chamberlain, C. H. Marvin, Mary W. Godding, W. 1 Woodcock, Jdin Cutter, E. H. Townsend, George Brown, and 0. M; son. There was a numerous, list of Directresses- and Collectors. Tl Society was very efficient. The meetings were always opened wil prayer, either by a clergyman or by a member. The amount raisei and forwarded, estimated in money, was §1,079.39. The amount sei by the Waterville Society was not less than flSO.OO. From the Cei tre came about f75.00. Tot^, $1,304.89. In addition, collections were taken up in the North Congregation Church, on several occasions, not included in the above recital. Pas ing over contributions for Kansas sufferers, in 1861, to the amount HISTOKT OF WINCHENDON. 505 9, and aid for the freedmen, at various times, amounting to $205.- 25, this Church gate in 1862, f 25.00 for aid of soldiers ; in 1863, 145.25, through the Christian Commission, and $30.00 through the Tract Society ; in 1864, $90.00 through the Sanitary Conmiission, and tlirough the Christian Commission, $156.33 ; in 1865, $35.00 through the Sanitary Commission, and $70.68. The amount is $352.26.' In May, 1864, a meeting was held in the town hall, and a commit- tee was chosen to " collect funds for the benefit of the soldiers from this town in the field, and for the Christian Coromission." For the soldiers they collected $521.00, besides stores, and for the Commission, $98.50. Total. $620.00. 0. Mason, John H. Fairbank and H. E. Weston were chosen a sub-committee to disburse the fund. Mr. Weston was appoint- ed treasurer. Of this sum, $389.83 were given to soldiers in the field, or to aid their friends at home. The balance, $230.17, is in the Savings Bank, and may be used as " aid" to soldiers, or for a monument. The amount raised by the town and by subscription, as bounties, state aid, &c., for war purposes was $55,949.12 Private bounties, not less than l,000.p0 Contributions by ladies' societies, citizens, churches ,&c., 2,276.65 Total, $59,225.77. SECTION 13. — NUMBER 01" SOLDIERS, CASUALTIES, &C. The number of soldiers which Winchendon was required to furnish, through the war, was between three hundred and seventy and three hun- dred and eighty. The exact number, after inquiry in-every quarter, cannot be ascertained. The number of men who went into the field, from this town, in Massachusetts regiments, and in the regular army, including volunteers and drafted men, was — very nearly — two hundred and fifty-five. The number who re-enlisted, and were therefore counted twice, was about twenty. The number of colored recruits, entered in the name of some citizen of Winchendon, was four. The nmnber who joined regiments of other states, some if not all of whom were counted in the quota of this town, was twenty-seven. The number obtained through the intervention of brokers was fpriy-two. The number of Massachusetts men m the navy who were counted in 506 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. ,, ^ , this town's quota, was about sixteen. The whole number is three hun- dred and eighty-eight. In addition it should be said that Roswell M. Shurtleff, whose home was here almost up to the beginning of the war, was first heutenant and adjutant in the Naval Brigade, known as the Ninety-ninth N. Y. Vols. ; was wounded and captured while on scouting duty, near Bethel, Va., July 9, 1861 ; was returned on parole, Feb. 22, 1862, and was on du- ty at Camp Parole, Annapolis, more than a year. . Corporal Henry Eddy Chase, son of Mr. Archibald Chase, was in Battery G, Rhode 'Island Light Artillery. He was killed instantly, October 19, 1864, at the battle of Cedar Run, when Sheridan annihi- lated the forces of Early. A letter from his captain speaks of him in the highest terms as one who " performed his duty faithfully, and was loved by every one." Edgar Pitkin, son of Mr. Harry Pitkin, was a native of this town, and was educated in our schools. At the outbreak of the war he was in a lawyer's office in Burlington, Vt., but he felt an irrepressible de- sire to enter the service. He first served as private in the thre6 months volunteers ; he then received the appointment of adjutant in the First Regiment Vermont Cavalry, and under Gen. Banks, distiaguished him- self at Orange C. H., Culpepper C. H., and at Winchester. Being mustered out of service, he received a good clerkship in the treasury office, at Washington, but his heart was in the field, and he enlisted in the Fifth U. S. Cavalry, declining to receive a commission through political influence, but determined to merit it. He served as Serjeant during Gen. Grant's campaign in Va., where he was wounded in the ankle. He then took part in the brilliant career of Sheridan, in the Shenandoah Valley, where he received a severe wound in the groin. As soon as possible he hastened back to engage in active service but died suddenly, on the 19th of February, 1865, at Camp Remount, Pleasant Valley, Md. He had been recommended for promotion, and would soon have received a commission. He entered the service under the impulse of a noble patriotism, which ripened into christian heroism. The following, are the names of those who were wounded, arranged alphabetically, viz : Ball, Joseph J. G., Chase, Daniel W., Clough, Lewis Y., Crocker, H. A., Hyatt, Joseph, Matthews, Joseph B., Parker, Theo. K., Eeed, Sidney L., HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 507 Stratton, Charles H., Sullivan, D., "Wells, Wm., T., Whitoomb, Benjamin, Wilkinson, Leon J., Wyman, Horace H. The following soldiers died of disease or the hardships of war, either at home, in the hospital,- or as prisoners, viz : Alger, Edward, Baldwin, John, Baldwin, Wesley B., Bickford, LeanderE., Brabston, Patrick,- Bradish, George W. , Brooks, George W., Brown, George, 2d, Bruce, Eobert, Buttriek, H. Newell, Cobum, Lorenzo, Damon, Theodore F., Evans, Milo 0., Fenton, Patrick, Fisher, C. B., Flint, Wm. M., Gott, Orlando, Harding, Darius H., Hill, Josiah, Hill, Theodore J., Knowlton, George, McLennan Donald, Norcross, George L., Nutting, Albert G. , Parker, G. Cornelius, Parks, George H., Powers, Hiram E., Putney, Charles, Baymond, James A., Samson, Charles, Smith, Wm. J., , Sweetzer, Joseph E., Taylor, Eardley N., Thomas, George, Town, Josiah T., Wells, Thomas, Wyman, John M. Here follow the names of those who were killed or mortally wounded. Baldwin, Hubbard H., Breen, Peter, French, Adams E., Hale, Samuel B., Hartwell, B^llin E., flubbard, Timothy F., Lake, J. Henry, Maynard, Frederick, Matthews, George H., Norcross, Daniel, Parks, Edwin A., Plummer, Gefirge E., Sawtell, Alden J., Scott, Elijah M., Stratton, James S., Whitney, Franklin L., Wilkinson, Walter. SECTION 14. — THE NEW ROLL OP HONOR. The following pages contain the names, as far as can be ascertained, of all who entered the service from this town, whether in Massachusetts regiments, or the regiments of other states, in the regular army or the navy, including those obtained through the intervention of brokers. The names of those who paid commutation, are also inserted. Those ob- tained by brokers are at the end of the list. 508 HISTORY OF WmCHBNDON, M ^ Ph M S' S2 TS pH -•. 173 ,4 'a ^ a ^ a pi -- P ^ 0) O it! Ph ^ 03 .^ 00 ?3 a ch o o CO CD . 00 eo T-l CO .00 ^ i-H . .2 .a i.: S 03 CO .^ CD oo'S 1=^ ,; '^ CO f^ a> <'» —1 -9 '73'nU'^l I ns g-S 00 oHrH tt" OJ. O) >-» s CQ GO r^ OJ "S CO . « >»_r'c3 'Sj .0 . « ^ OS i-g g .2 .2 fe" S .s § s J S ftfip^fifits^jfipHfiflPH t>.P 6H P4 fi fi 6-1 CO "-I o CD ^ ^i . ^ 00 CI B'^.-" ^ *S o a « M W « i^ ^ . o te fe £ o « '* .2 S £ J i S .2 ■< OQ O -q i-s as DQ 02 Hs 1-3 6 M fiWPjfipqMW 1— 1 wWMWfl.P<1-*!llid3 < 1 OJCOCOOCOiOCOlM M IM CO r-l (N K5 , McD CO CiStOSOiOeoncOOllNWTH (M m r-J lO CO lis '2 - -g ~ j,- g ^ >« p MM M w m pq M pq pq. S oi as CD 1^ S iz; ft Pi H o fi S ft ^ 60 04 tp5P2 ^ >-< i-' rj s ■-< CO «o cffl ?" ' ^..2i1'il''^"^'5i'^'i ; b :: : ' 3 WM W M ^ " O ^ ^,g ^ ^ P S ^ 1^ *^ '^ <,H ^^ 1 si a 's":§'l"!s"l i -si iH33e»,(Scsc3^-i3.^ ri3-« 0) J -at C3 O 33 510 HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. • o CO . CO oo CO T(< .3 <-! .5 "Sti 11 nne nlisi mas ervi pr. l-S 03 fci m died , and luarte 163. dfor 3. 863; 862. 03 « TiO' '^ :a> CO rH rH \< •~ tH O)"" — B 00 - 1 expired. Hampshire Eegiment arged. expired. arged. sfrged. arged in 1863, Feb. arged. sergt. ; wound ofced, first lieutenant ; November 29,. 1862. commutation, arged. rcall of October 17, ,tion. e. f ; never joi rgeant. ebruary 3, 1 eptember 25 eptember 10, commuta expired, in servic Artiller arged. oted; Be arged^ P arged, S expired, arged, S T3 g'*:§'g'^ BTS-g-i 2-3 ■sSpa3oQoaa«3 ^ S P a S P fin P P P S P n • 5 ^P^^sPssps O i-s > _>» (S CO «S CD •^ CO Sa r-l rH (M CO CO CO iO- CO (M CO "^ 0 H 2 *< ^ O ft 13 "Sb. (M CD 00 to rti a C ^S M-TS ■« &> a -e -a r^ g-TS .ft '"' •e< on CD m rti £3 ri fl rti m a rtv (^. _ •»pQa3pd3S9Pd303S03'£L|.« „ „ ..„ - .. §)&i^'&-:-g'&'fri5 S (O^TJJa-'S•Sb.03^il-«'«^.^a3.3 Cg'Sa3 03 03t3 03rrjO_0)-o 3 , 03 03 m CO 00 0.2 G^0 o > go •5 to CO W OO p. 5" 'g C3 .—I rrf CO Qj P 03 CO ~ 5- a 00 O^ SO i-lO OQ 03 OD . 03 '■^ 03 S 03 IN (M (M (M CO CO CO CO 03 03 3 3 § t- ^ iS a sh a, a, a> 5* ST i a l-S-< l-Ba2CZ2 o eoi— i(N>nco>ffl »T3 6: a 55.92 a e24 o Xi 13 03 a5 SI 03 03 " 03-9 _« S.i oSiIomSSSm 1-5 ?0 CO CO 5P Jo 03 03 03 0? EQCCCIQ pn 1-H 1-1 (M • (N 1-1 CO CO CO 1"* CO CO »< -N rs i;0 -^ " ■* !-<■ o S d 1-i d '^ coco ir^ ^ CO CD CO CO 3-§ 03 03 r !;; r; p a3 02<)O-o CO (N CO iH O CO CD CO W3 IC CO CO .a 2 = 2 a I— ::: ;= a - 2 3 3 a B.S S ^ 2 - o P ... = -Si- ^a '5'= s .2 S sea ;:l, ^ gT3 •-53 „- _ P>1 03 M § -3 03 03 03 .S ^ " .^ri ?-« S O O <« ^-^-^sti a a ^ : ^ Q Q c3 ca rt cs p^ pHP^pHCQ020Qa2 ■ .Si a-S: •CjQ 516 HISTOET OF WINCHBNDON. Ti a S tatio enlis p i a " a .J • o a> u . >- "« ■« ' &B 03 ^ . _J .W +3 . M CO M M m PI _j K • OO CD CD O c8 ^ P .. wJ 'fl ^^ 1-r .^ ^ (Mai .Sa^jis.^spoQ's J Bl tion. ry. tion. tion. Id lie ibma !6, 1 me e re El ibrua nuar; egim ugus etam tion. dlos tion. nklir Time expired. Paid commuta Discharged. Heavy Artillei Paid commuta Paid commuta Re-enlisted; 2 Discharged Fe Time expired. Died, March 5 Ean off. Discharged. Sergeant. Ti New Hampshi Discharged Fe Time expired. Discharged Ja Connecticut E Discharged, A Killed at Anti Paid commuta Discharged an Paid commuta Time expired. Time expired. Time expired. Died near Fra ^ S 3^ 3 PP P 3SS 33 S PPPs p33 o 35 S^pp^^p S'P^^o m ds .f^ PK PSoMCsM P=(CS KWPm 1 ^ la r-i(N rococo ococMio T-<.\a th «s — i «> c3 m.cd co r-l (M (MCNCOiO COO ^ IM i-H (N Sq O lO CO (M Walter D., , AdamM., Robert N., Patrick, . Delano H., Charles, ds, John, , R. C, ' William, ' Wm. J., Henry E., ng, John, IS, Charles T., ' John, M., IS, Charles A., ' Jerome L., rtFred. C, ng, E. W., on, Charles H , ' James S., cr, A. W., an, D., ' Patrick, Charles, ' Lewis, ' Marcus, r, E. N., Scott, Shaler Shaw, Shea, Sibley Simon Smith, Snow, Spaldi Steam Stever Stewa Stpcki Stratti Street Sulliv Tatro, Taylo: HISTORY OF WINCHBNDON. 517 13 i. t3 ■Sb CD -»a 0? CD s* S *-• § s g n ffi 01 S a S <£) CD a a « .S S SI . so Ph h ^ g (U o rri a m CO _ ^ g JJ o IS ^ • <0 Kg £?- 13 g o I 00 • a -a a -S -^ .§ ^ 'S -2 S3 S »3 ^ o o '^ n ^-^ ^-' OQ g CQ OQ PHflP CO eg 2 o) ^.^ -I § . . g .-3 .S .3 § P =5 a 3 P o «p CO &b>» SSso^'oSpp'p tops' o ±>^ § ^-ts ^^ a"^ ^^ P ►^ ►^ ►^ H^ o H? H? «: ►? < > « s CQ t4 May e. shear K 'g £"2 3 ;--s « BW York regiment ; me expired lid commutation, aid commutation, aid commutation, iscbarged ; wounde ied May 20, 1863, Izq e Pm Cu Ph Q « \i 'iai ^si piD cop as , " ■" NI •g do >,-i£ n ^5 '^^ d o Q PQW B O CD lO CO -^ CO rH »0 1 ^ H 3 a> - . - < Wilkinson, W Williams, A. •. Wilson; Ed. E Wilton A., Woodward, A Wyman, Hora Jo 05 05 O a OS 02 a a a a 2^ = J5 JJ -- i § -I ^ ^ 3 Sfe ; -3 hri .° . p.^ a H^ » a ts O a m 3 -£3 '^ .. o -ja l> . o .M^ S^ Its ^ b o-ii ^ ^ ^ *S ^ ^p^ "^ S ^ *pa-S 2 S S - S d 3.- a* S d ^■"H -^l-S -I §«< •«> K- £. a S « - - ^s .a M § § CO o o rp3 3 U>^^ S 0,0 iii^^ HISTORY OF ■WINCHBNDON. 519 SECTION 15. — A DAY OP MOURNING. The war was ended, virtually, though Johnson had not yet surren- dered to Sherman, and Kirby Smith still held out in sullen rebelhon beyond the Mississippi. By the capitulation of Gen. Lee, on the 9th of April, the war for national existence and for the freedom of all the peo. pie within the national jurisdiction, was triumphantly closed. The loyal part of the nation was filled with rejoicuig. Just then an event occurred which caused universal horror and mourning. On the even- ing of April 14, the wise and good President, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated. After lingering a few hours, in an unconscious state, he expired. The sad intelligence reached here early in the morning, while he was yet alive. Soon the word came over the wires that he had breathed his last breath. The story was told with tremulous Hps and tearful eyes. A great grief fell upon the people. As the tolling bell sounded out the awful event, all nature seemed in mourning. Sadness was on every countenance. In the evening, Saturday, April 15, a great meetuig was held in the town hall. It was a spontaneous gatliering of the people, who felt im- pelled to sympathize with one another in the universal sorrow. Hon. Giles H. Whitney presided, and in appropriate words, alluded to the death of our beloved chief magistrate. Rev. A. P. Marvin read selec- tions from the Bible, and offered prayer. Remarks were made by Rev. Messrs. Best, Litchfield and Marvin, and by Messrs. Reuben Harris and Isaac M. Murdock. Historical parallels were inferred to in the deaths of the great king Henry IV, of Prance, and the good prince of Orange. Solemn dirges were played by the Band. The people hung upon the lips of the speakers, as if they could not hear enough about the good president. There was the feeling in all hearts as if a personal friend had fallen. The next day, being the Sabbath, all the houses of worship were tastefully draped in mourning, and the services, including music, pray- ers and sermons, had pathetic reference to the death of Mr. Lincoln. The writer, on this day, and on other occasions, was called on to speak at eight different times ; others addressed the people several times, and yet there was a desire to hear. The funeral of Mr.- Lincoln took place at Washington, on tha 19th of April, and by a concerted movement, funeral services were held all over the land, on the same day. In thisjVillage, the churches were all open at twelve o'clock, M., and were all filled. After prayer, singing 520 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. and remarks, in each, the procession started from the Baptist church, led by the Band and the Alert Engine Company ; arriving near the Congregational Church, the large audience, preceded by the Niagara Engine Company, formed in the procession, and all marched to the Methodist church, where a large number fell into line, and then proceed- ed to the town hall. The committee of arrangements consisted of the following gentlemen, viz : Orlando Mason, Baxter D. Whitney, John Folsom, L. Wilkinson and Charles Loud. Mr. Mason was chief mar- shal, and Messrs. Windsor N. White, James Marsh and William L. Woodcock, assistant marshals. Capt. Ephraim Murdock was president of the day. Eight hundred persons were crowded into the hall, and many stood outside the building. The order of exercises was as follows : ■Reading of the Scriptures, by Rev. A. P. Marvin ; Prayer, by Rev. B. F. Clarke ; Dirge by the Band ; Addresses, by Rev. Edward S. Best, Hon. GUes H. Whitney and Mr. Isaac M. Murdock; ♦ Singing by the choir ; Addresses by Rev. George A. Litchfield and A. P. Marvin ; Singing by the choir ; Benediction, by Rev. Mr. Colver ; Dirge by the Band. Though remarks were offered by so many different speakers, they did not repeat each other. The subject seemed exhaustless, and the great assembly held together till a late hour, as if bound by a sacred speU. The conviction seemed to be general, that while the nation had suffered an irreparable loss, still, the God of our fathers, who had sus- tained us through a wicked rebellion, would watch over and bless us in the future. Then sadly, yet hopefully, the people went to their homes. A day never to be forgotten even by the youngest child present, had reach- ed its solemn close. And a great epoch in history had been consecra- ted by the martyrdom of the wisest and best actor in its memorable scenes. The following Hymn, composed for the occasion^ by Miss N. A. W. Priest, — ^now Mrs. Wakefield — was sung on the occasion, and finds here its appropriate place. It was sung by the vast audience, and the choir, led by E. S. Merrill, Esq., to the tune " America." HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. 521 FUNERAL HYMN. " Oh God forever nigh, Who hear'st the mourner's cry, Incline thiae ear : We mourn the noble dead. Our nation's honored head ; Come, and thine influence shed, Our hearts to cheer. For four long, weary years Of darkness, 'doubts and fears. He led our way ; . He taught us faith and hope, He shared our bitter cup. He bore our banner up In danger's day. Now> when the sky grows bright With victory's radiant light. The nation weeps ; Ah ! dreadful was the blow, That laid our leader low, . But while we bend in woe. He calmly sleeps. Rest sweetly, sainted dust ! We will fulfill the trust Imposed by thee ; The land that holds thy grave. The land thou died'st to save, Shall never own a slave — All shall be free." CONCLUSION. This chapter is merely an account of what the town did in suppress- ing the rebellion, and not a history of the individual soldiers who bore a part in that great work. There is no space left for giving such a per- sonal history, even if it were desirable to do so in a history of the town. But it would be well if a separate volume should be prepared, in which 33 622 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. the story of every soldier who represented this town in the great war of freedom, should be narrated. The battles fought and the victories won by them, in common with their comrades from other States, should be recorded, in their honor, and for the credit of the town which sent them forth. The volume should contain extracts from letters written from the camp and hospital, to friends at home. Letters from oflScers announcing the death of soldiers, would also find a place. If suitable encouragement is given, such a work will, without doubt, find an au- thor. In conclusion, allusion must be made to another, though a kindred subject. There should be a monument, not only on paper, but in stone, to commemorate the patriotic heroism and devotion of the soldiers of Winchendon. In one respect, the town has not yet idone all its duty. She raised her fall quota ; she paid large bounties to the soldiers ; wid- ows and orphans, made such by the war, have been generously provid- ed for, by public vote, and private benevolence, but the town has nev- er done anything directly to honor the soldiers. They had no recep- tion on their return, and by no public act has there been a suitable rec- ognition of their services. It has been suggested by some, that a monument be erected, in some suitable place, to commemorate those who died in the war. Others have manifested a preference for a Memorial Hall, in which the names of the soldiers who fell, should be inscribed on tablets, while the build- ing could be used for other purposes. Another method could be taken, which would answer the design admirably, and at the same time, meet a public want. It is to erect a Memorial Chapel in the Cemetery, of suitable proportions, and of enduring granite, on the walls of which could be placed marble tablets, containing the names of the wounded ; of those who died of disease or wounds ; and of those who were killed in the war. In addition, the names of all those who entered the ser- vice and came out tinharmed, should be inscribed, because they were impelled by as noble a spirit, and did as much, amid the hardships of the march and the fire and blood of the battle-field, in behalf of the country, and of impartial freedom, as they who feU in the " high places of the field." INDEX OF NAMES. 523 INDEX OP NAMES. This Index contains all the names mentioned in the volume, except those in the Introduction, and on the following pages, where they are arranged in col- umns. See pages 33-35, 40, 43, 53, 89, 91, 101-103, 154, 155, 180, 181, 192-196, 261, 264, 293-297, 320, 346, 361, 362, 374, 375, 377, 385, 386, 410-420, 440, 445- 479 480 and 490, and the chapter on the War of Freedom. Boynton, Pao», 77, 110,127, 138, 176, 293, 390. " Stephen, 69, 89, 102. Brace, Charles Ii., 214, 215. Braokett, Prank A., 226. Bcadish, James, Sen., 105. " Jonas, 69, 245, 303. " Jonas, Jr., 210, 253. " Robert, Sen., 49, 69, 71, 72, 94, 105, 117, 118, 440. ' ' > " Samnel, 87, 89, 102. Bridge, Benjamin, 421. " Branois, 47, 70, 73, 91, 94, 97, 99, 110, Ul, 129. " Key. Josiah, 167. " Major John, 172, 173. Briggs, Go7., 257, 260. Brigham, Abraham, 101. Broadstreet, Joseph, 71. Brooks, Joel, 273. " Mrs. John A., 399. " John, 103, 230, 231, 236, 245. . ' • > " Levi, 103, 236, 237. " Sumner, 343. ^ Browne, John K., 226. Brown, Albert, 67 , 87, 230. " Alexander, 119. " Amasa, 270. " Amos H. " Artemss, 428. " Asaph, 231, 253. " Benjamin, 74, 94, 97, 99, 117, 127, 136, 138. " David, 71, 94. " Elisba, 87, 89, 91. " George,309, 368, 399. " John, 46, 48, 146. " John S., 366. •' Bev. Joseph, 46, 69, 72, 121. 149, 152, 159, 161, 163, 165-174, 275, 286, 303, 312, 313, 318, 821- 323, 325, 442. " Nathaniel, 71. " Samuel,87,89, 143, 186, 230, 252. " Sam'l, Jr.,186,262,401. " Samuel, 2il, 347 . " Rev. Sam'l W., 402,426. " Silas, 402. " Thomas, 41, 44, 49, 134. " William, Esq., 200, 207, 210,212-214, 242, 253, 400, 402. " William, 23, 222, 243, 306, 309. " William, son of Samuel, 2d, 348. " William, early settler, 53, 134, 364. A. Adams, Benj., 115, 173, 197, 198, 399. •' « Jr., 399. " John, 119,121,266,293. " John Q., 256, 257. " Joseph. 230, 367, 401. " Oliver, 71, 248, 307, 378. " Samuel, 80, 119, 120 121. Aldrich, Amasa, 382. " Harrison, 170, 372. " S. C, 881. Alger, Benjamin, 134, 138. « C. 0., 141, 201, 214, 306, 306. " David, 230, 237. " George, 210, 211, 245, 306, 369. Allen, Charles, 260. " Jonas, 38. AUyn, Qeorge H., 439. Arnold, Eber, 407. Ashley, W. W., 364. Atherton, Dr., 74. Backus, Quimby S., 438. Bacon, Joseph, 124, 126. Bailey, Richard, 68. Baker, Samuel, 76. Balcom, Daniel, 71, 110. " Gideon, 186, 268, 360. " Lincoln, 216. Baldwin, A., 218, 364. >' Elizabeth, 403. « Josiah, 71. " Loammi, 18. « Samuel, 103, 398. " Samuel,,Esq., 427. Ball, Fhinehas, 210, 240, 245. " " Jr., 210. " Sullivan B., 289. Bangs, Edward, 144, 174. Barrett, Stephen, 101, 109. " Thornton, 69, 105, 117, 140,341,396. Bartol, Dr., 356. Barton, Bezaleel, 91. Barton, Rev. Mr., 324, 325. Eateman, A. P., 380. Bates, Rev. Lemuel P., 336, 336. " Roger, 71, 89, 102. Battles, Feleg, 235. Beals & Bowker, 369. " Stower, 238. " Thomas, 71. Besman, David, 186, 198, 233. " Elisha, 214, 306, 347, 405. " Gamaliel, 102, 365. : " Bev. Q. C, 427. « Josiah, 101, 136. Beaman, WiUiam 222, 368, 369, 371, 372, 390, 396. Becket, Bev. Mr., 330. Belcher, Gov., 32. Belknap, Mrs., 220. Bemis, Jason, 74. " John, 96-98, 100, 110, 186, 230. « Reuben, 220, 273. " Silas, 101. Benjamm, Andrew, 398. Bennet, Thomas, Jr., 210. Bernard, Gov., 57, 69. Berrin, Thomas, 44. Berry, Thomas, 36, 38, 40-44, 47, 364, 429. Best, Rev. Edward S., 347. Bigelow, Chas. E., 427. " Chas. W.,351,366, 367. " Daniel, 172; " Roger, 342, 366. " Solomon, 61, 94. 110. " Sarah P., 63. " Thnothy, 173, 276. Birney, James G., 259, 260. Bixby, Adonijah, 110. " Daniel, 57, 61, 62. " Jonathan, 68. " Levi, 68, 72, 110, 303. ■' Nath'l, 61, 62, 136, 142, " Stephen, 303, 406. Blodgett, Nathaniel, 48, 53. Boardman, Thomas, 34 40, 43. Bolland, Benj., 91. Bond, William, 277. Bosworth, Alpheus, " John, 341. " Mrs., 46,341. " OUverE., 343. Bouton, Rev. Dr., 337. Bowdoln, Gov., 109, 111, US, 119. Bowers, Rev. Mr., 363. Bowker, Asa, 103. " Luther, 250. h" Mrs. Aaron, 402. " S., 241. " Micah, 69. Bowman, Tbadeus, 76, 89, 97, 276. " T. H., 311. Boyce, D., 381. Boynton, Benoni, 46, 63, 61, 62, 136. " Daniel, 127, 205. " Ephralm, 61, 62. " John, 26, 69, 70, 73, 80-82, 86, 93, 96, 97, 123; 124, 136, 152. " Joseph, 26, 68, 97, 124, 126,129,187,141,160. " Mrs. Daniel, 229. 524 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON, Brown, Wm., son of David, 400. " Kev. Mrs,, 189, 191, 819. " Mrs. Albert, 430. " Mrs. Samuel, 399. " Elder, 341. Brace, Daniel I., 263. " Dexter, 189, 439. « Jonas, 302. Bryant, Nathan, 404. " Walter &., 404. Ballard, Ct)arles,370. " Ber. Malachi, 46, 213, 338. Burbank, J.V. T., 378, 380. Barge, Bev. Caleb, 330. Burgess, 8. A., 422, Burke, J. B., 331. Bumham, Ber. Amos, 336, 348, 460. " Nathaniel, 46, 61, 135. " Keuben, 68. " Simeon, 68. Burneyman or Bormau, John &. M., 305. " " Chas., 306. Burr, Aaron, 104. " John, 76, 141, 157, 169. Butler, t>ea. E., 27, 24^, 307, 343. " Joel, 434. Buttrick, A. W., 213. a Gain, Mr., 189. Calhoun, John C. , 25S. Cambridge, Mr., 365. ^apron, , 400. barter, John G., 225. " Jonathan, 438. " Levi, 70, 71. " Simeon, 127, 205. !ass, Lewis, 260. laswell, Dairld, 201, 240, 367. " Mrs, David, 78, 390. ihamberlain,' D. C, 226. " John, .69, 401. " . Oljfl,355. ihapman, Edward, 42. !hase, Archibald, ,17^. " Charles, 2?7, 234. « Loring, 373. " ■William, 348. Iheesebrougb, Mr, Engineer, 18. Iheney, John, 08, 70. Iheshire, Mr., 272. Ihipman, Bev, B. M,, 349, 360, ihoate, John, 32, 33, 36. " Stephen, 61. Happ, Samuel, 349. ' Hark, Bev. Elam, 184, 328. « Eber 1., 176, 183-186, 210, 289, 313, 333-336. " Bev., of Lexington, 319. « Bev., 357. " JuUus L., 333. " H. C, 220, 404. '• WaUaco B., 404. Ilarke, Bev. B. P., 46, 218; 309, " Miss Ursula £.,226. Claaghlin, J. M., 406. Clay, Benry, 256. Clements, Wm., 91. Coffin, Geo., 141, 173, 133-186, 839. " &eo. S., 366. 367. Cogswell, Wm., 36, Colleater, Osgood, 350, 353. Oonant, Zebulon, 70. Connor, Mrs., 139, 343, 400. Converse, O. W., 392. " Mrs. EUea A., 374. Cook, John, 366. Cooledge, James, 94, 162. Cooper, Bev. W,, 212, 341, 342, Cowdin, Thomas, 247, Cowee, B. Or., 349. Craig, 49, 63, 62. Crane, Wm., 343. Crawfbrd, Wm. H., 266. Crooks, Henry, 138, 143, 230. " IJriah, 401. Crosby, Elavel, 174, 230, " John, 231, 387, " Otis, 426, " Sam'l, 75,109,113,119, 126, 136, 137, 139, 157, 172, 302, 424. Crowley, Joseph H., 401. Calvert, Elder, 342. Cummings, Absina, 398. " George, 339. " Mrs., 103. " Isaac, 232, 234, 237. « Bev. Henry, 167. Curtice, Abner, HI, 123, 133, 139, 140, 229, 301. Cashing, Caleb, 260. " Bev. Dr., 319, 324 325, 330. " Bov.Mr., of Waltham, 319. Thomas, 109. Cutler, Dr. Wm. H., 206, 209, 424. Cutter, John, 249, 271, 273, 304, 307, 339. Catting, Bobert, 167. Darling, Jewett B., HI, 142, 399. " John, 46,61, 62,89, 97, 104. " Samuel, 49. ti Silas 49. " Tiniothy, 49, 61, 82, 87. Davis, John, 257. Day, B. R-, 370. " Daniel, 341, 402. " OUman, 210, 221. " John, 69, 87,89,95,97,98, 100, 104, 124. " Joseph, 230. " Mary, 402. " Nathan, 87. 88, 369. " Bichard, 45-48, 60, 63, 60- 64,147,303,313,316,339, 401, 429, 439. Denison, J., ^. " Maj. Gen., 42. Denny, Mr., 366. DivoU, Levi, 142, 428. Doane, J. M., 392. Dodge, Bev. Austin, 352. " Geo. S., 387, 388. " Samoel, 364. Dcolittle, Col,, 88, 90. Dorr, Bev, T, H., 218, 356. Douglas, Stephen A., 260. Dow, Lorenzo, 342. Downe, Mrs., 122. Downing, John, 41. [S57, 367. Dunbar, John D., 272, 281, 282, Dunham, Miss Jerusha, 406. Dunn, Bev, Andrew, 213, 289, 841, 362-364, " Jos!ahJ,,46, 229, 273. Dunsmore, Dr., 422. " John, 57. £3 Eager, Paa,l 70. Eddy, Mrs., 46. " John 0., 213. Edmands, Amos, 71, 142, 143. " Artemas, 347/ Ellis, Aaron, 105, 306. « Asa 140. " Bethnel,' 218, 222, 223, 307, 308. " Daniels, 348. " Jesse, 129. Emery, Stephen, 110. " Stephen, Jr.. 42S. Epes or Epps, SlmondS, 68, Estabrook, Joseph, 341, '■ Bev. Joseph, 167. Estey, John, 230, 238. '' Oliver, 342. Evans, Jonathan, 71, 228. " Mrs. Keziah, 399. Eveleth, Edward, 36, 41, 44, 134. Everett, Edward, 257. F Fairbanks, Jabez, 30. " John, 167. " John H., 203, 222, 307, 308, 443. " Levi N, 347, 401. " Mrs. 0. P., 374, 387. " Sidney, 201,223,809, 348, 366, 367, 378. Far, Oliver, 241. Farrar, Daniel, (lOO, 229, 235, 369. " David, 142. Fay, Elder, 342. " Dr. Allen C, 212, 426. " Gershora, 69, 71, " Joseph, 89. Felton, M, B.,378, 406. Ferrier, Ama«i, 308. Fessenden, Joim, 7€, Fielden, J. F., 226, Fisher. C, 71, 136. " Gideon, 69, 70, 73. Fitts, Bev. D., 429. Fitzpatrick, Bp;, 311. Elaggg, John, 237; Fletcher, Judge, 282. Flint, David, 246. " Nathan, 110. Follet, Bobert, 367. Folsom, John G., 356, 373, 433. Forristall, Charles, 380. " John, 185, 211, 23S, 240,242-246,347. " John M., 223. Foskett, Levi W., 429. " Moses, 370, 401. Poster, Dwight, 277, 278. " Daniel, 349, " Bev. Davis, 362. " Jonathan, 63, 61, 62. " Moaes, 69. Fox, Jesse, 69. Fremont, John C, 260. French, Mr., 161, 369, INDEX OF NAMES. 525 French, Adun, SSI. Fry, BeigamSn, 210. " Elifiha,402. " James, 270, 273. fuller, James M., 186, 210. " Joseph, 19. " Key. Robert W., 337. a- Oage,aen.,g4. ' Gale, Bphraim, 70. " Joshwa, 47, 95, 97-99. Oardham, J. B., 401. Qardner, Henry, 86. " Bev. Mr., of Leomin- ster. 319. " Wiinam, 167. Garrison, Barnabas, SI. Oeddes, Dr., 42S. George HI., 83. Gibson, John. 247. Olddings, Isaac, 86, 41. " Solomon, 36, 41. Gill, Moses, 75. " John, 230. Giles, John G., 214. Goddard, Joslah, 173. " Mary, 398, Godding, Dr. Alvah, 200, 210, 213,216,259,290,347- 349, 391, 425. « I)r.Wm.W.,226,309, 427. Golding, John B., 236, 398. " Lydia, 898. Ooodhne, Amos, 141, 143, 365. " Francis. 41, 94, 97, 128,137,323. " John, 42, 139. Ooodnow, Joshua, 91. Goodridge, Benjamin, 46, 60, 56, 67, 147. Daniel, 51, 61. 62, 89,98,117,123,124. " David, 26, 51, 89, 124, 128, 205, 313. " David, 2d, 398. '• EUjhalet, 128, 137, 1«).228. » .w Philip, 49. 50. 147. " -Eehecoa, 198.' " -loweU, 209. " Sewall, 426. Goodspecd & Wyman, 18, 365, 373. " Elizabeth, 856, 402. " George, " Isaac, 347. Goodyear, Her. George, 335. Gonld, Daniel, 69, 70. " Jacob. 49, 50. Orant^m. H., 381, 382, Gray, Harrison, 86. " Thomas, 68. Greaton, Smyrna, 186, 342-345, 347. " Thomas,lll,129,141, 162,160,176,230,260, 276. Qreen, Dr., 96, 423. " Israel, 69. " Nathaniel, 71. Greenwood, Aaron, 205. " Henry, 244, 258, 349, 404. " Levi, 201, 220, 242, 245, Greenwood, Ihomas, 143, 176, 186, 229, 256, 276. Gregory, Elislia, 258. Geo. Wy 221, 230, 365. GriSn, Samuel, 167. Grout, Isaac, 228, 398. " John, 250. " Jonathan, 75. Cruy, Alpheus, 210. Hagar, Nathan, 167. Hale, Abner, 62, 68,111. " Amos, 69, 87, 91,111,230. '^ Amos H. " Artemas, 167, 314, 435,444. " Asa, 186, 210. " Ea(i.,172. " Daniel, 210. " Jacob, 46, 69, 111, 139, 152,210,360. " Jacob, Jr., 210, 238,253. " John, 427. " John P., 260. " Luke, 220, 375. " Merrifct, 301. " Miss Orelba, 444. " Moses, 26, 46, 69, 72, 74- 78, 81-86, 91, 431, passim. " Moses, Jr., 182. " Nathaniel, 210, 247, 249. " Rev. E. B., 366, " Stillmte, 210, 214. HaU, Benjamm, 129. 141, 152, 162, 323, 366. " Jeremiah, 37. " Ziba, 141, 142, 157, 424. Hambleton, Ber. Wm. J., 310. Hancock, BiU, 89, lio; 125, 127, 141. " Joel, 253. " John, 109, 120. " Levi, 273 " Moses, 212-214, 268, 307, 369, 405. " Ozro, 381, 405, " Tbnothy, 228, 260. " William, 253. '■ Zenas, 182. Hand, Nathan H., 347, 379, 405. Hapgood, John, 230, 360. Hardy, SUas, 226. Harris, Humphrey, 402. " Jacob B., 422, 427. " Keuben, 210-212, 216, 220, 370. " William, 249. Harwood, Harrison, 201. Ebrtwell, Edward, 59, 61. ■■ Mrs. Leander, 406. " Bam'1,236,263,403. Harvey, Key. Mr., 53, 146, 313. Haskell, Levi, 371. Hastings, Jairus, 381, 382. Hawkins, John H., 291. Henthaw, Daniel, 207,209, 239- 242, 262, 253, 255, 268, 289, 328, 421. Henry, Matthew, 317. Heywood, Amos, 76, 78,110, 137. - 168, 331, 339. " Charles, 137, 139. " Bag., 172. " Joseph, 142. " I/emuel, 260. " Levi, 303. " Luke, 210, 243. Hloks, Rev. Mr., 356. Hill, Alonzo, 366. " Robert, 151. Hinsdale,Bev. Mr., 334, mtchcock, £eT. M. H., 226, 338,339. Hoar, Oapt., 235. HobBon, John, 32, 36, 41. Hodgkins, Heniy, 49. " Wm., 49. Hodskins, Aaron, 61, 135. Holbrook, Silvenus, 367. Holcomb, Joshua, 277. Holden, Henry, 400. Holman, Amory, 240. " Nathaniel, 176, 236. " Samuel, 245. Holmes, Dr. Jacob, 424, Holt, Mary, 46, 46, 429. Holt, Wm., 45, 48. Homer, John, 70, 81-83. Hopkinson, Judge, 282. Houghton, Abiathar, 66. " Cyrus, 348. " Robert,206,237-239. " Wm., 70. How, Ebenezer, 71, 94, 124. Howe, A. S., m. " Mrs., 226. Howard, John D., 380. " Mrs. l^dale, 398. " Sylvia, 128, 129, 206. Hubbard, Benjamin, 172, 175, 303, 406. " Daniel, 93, 97, 110, 126, 127, 129, 293. " David, 128, 140. Hudson, Hon. Charles, 446. Hughes, Thomas, 401. Humphrey, Rev. Mr., 49, 319. Hunt, Abel, 70. " Joel, 406. " Leander, 401, 403. '• Samuel, 313. " Warren, 379." Huntington, Rev. Dr., 366. Huntoon, Rev. B., 366. Hutcbins, Joshua, 56. Hyde, Alfred, 370. " Aea, 210, 246, 847. " Charles, 381. « Elisha, 847. " Ezra, Sen., 71, 98, 129, 166,172,205,229,236. " Ezra, (the historian,) 26, 30,42,114,216,262,394, passim. " Ezra, 3d, 247, 347,;370, 373. " ■ Job, 374. " Joel, 397. " John, 347. " Reuben, 210, 307, 331, 335,839, 347, 360,352, 369, 370, 373, 390, 397, 437. " Warren, 370. IngersoU, John, 277, 278. Jackson, Andrew, 256. Jefferson, Thos., 121, 176, 178, 250, 256. Jeunings, Lyman. 438. Jewett, Ezekiel, 44. 526 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Jewett, Joseph, 209, 373. " Thomaa, 46-18, 63, 146. " Dr., 291. Johnson, Jotham, 232. Joiner, or Joyner, John, 69. " William, 69. Jones, Abel, 179, 198,205, 237. Joslin, Daniel, 71, 91. " Peter, 124. Keith, Henry, 128, 390. " Jason, 46, 136, 232. Kellogg, Stephen F., 214, 215. Kendall, Abijah, 230. " Ephraim, 369. " Samuel, 167; 882. Kendall & Maaon, 406. Kent, T. G., 422. Ketchum, Stephen, 438. Kidder,Benj ,109,126,143,230, 232, 246. " Enoch, 399. " Srederio, 48, 319. " Heywood, 142. " John, 167. Kilburn, John, 207. 237, 238, 240, 245, 247. Kimball, Thomas, 91, 210. King, KutiiB, 266. " John, 221. Kinney, Aaron, 341. " Rev. Moses, 340, 341. Kneeland, Joseph, 63. '• Timothy, 69, 137. Knight, Luke, 402. " Matthew, 47, 70, 97, 109, 111, 230, 232. " Nathan, 96, 110, 229, 366. Knowlton, Col., 72, 423. Lathrop, Samuel, 256, 257. Lawrence, Rev. Mr„of Lincoln. 319 Leary, J., 38li Lee, Rev. Mr., 319, 324, 326. Lewis, Mr., 273. Lincoln, Abraham, 260 " Benjamin, 109. " Rev. Oalvin, 356. " Dr. William L., 425. " Levi, 173, 174, 275. " Levi, Jr., 256, 2.57. " Kev. Sumncr,375. litch, Sam'1, 109, 111, 114, 115. " Samuel, Jr., 206. Litchfield, Rev. George A., 220, 221,223,354,365,368. London, Eden, 276-279. Lord, Bemsley, 47, 111, 267, 316, 373. " Ephraim W., 248. " Jeremiah, 110, 128. " Sally, 77, 267. Loud, Chas. A., 221, 223, 373. " Edward, 212, 214, 245, 343, 371, 404, 437. " Ed., Jr., 371. •• G. Sumner, 373.- LoT€30y, Oliver, 240, 847, 435. '■ Dr. OUver, 435. Lovell, Rev. A., 336. Lyman, Eev. Giles, 336. Macaulay, Lord, 25, 131. Madison, James, 178, 252, 256. Mann, Rev. Cyrus, 335. " Horace. 225. Manning, Joseph, 45. " Thomas, 61, 68, 139. Mansfield, James, 47, 68. " Theo's, 62. Marshall, John, 121. -' Jonas, 366. Martin, Barzillaj, 230, 343, 347. " Isaac, 41. " James, 209. " John, 41. " Eev. Mr., 357, Marvin, Rev. A. P., 213, 214, 216, 362, passim. Miss C, E., 226. Mason, Mrs. Jane I'., 309. " Mr., 366. " Orlando, 220, 235. 307, 309,352,369,372,392. " Samuel, 70. " Thad., 32. Massey, Aaron, 142. Maynard, Alexander, 96. " Benjamin, 140, 229, 370. " Daniel, 229. •' Theodore, 97. " Seth, 232. Merriam, Amos, 69, 70,83,89, 95, 98, 100,124,139, 293. . " A. H., 215. Merrill, E. S. , 218, 220, 221, 308, 310, 378, 380. Merriam, Col. J., 380. MUler, Dr., 425. Milson, J.J.,226. Mitchell, Rev. Mr., 357. Moffat, John, 46, 48, 49. " Mrs., 71. " Kobert, 303, 400. " Wm., 46, 48, 136. Monroe, James, 256. Moor, Jonathan, 303, 406. " Lovi,75,76,159,230,339. Morrill, D. L. , 218, 380, 387, 422. Morse, Isaac, 179, 182-185,239, 241, 246, 251, 258, 269, 434. " Jedidiah, 205, 390, 431. " M.S., 234,248,280,378. Morton, Atkins, 373. " Rev. Dan'10.,212,335, 336, 434. '< Lydia, 305. " Marcus, 266, 267. Mosely, Geo., 91. Murdock, Elisha, 210-213, 216- 219, 289, 309, 371, 391, 432. Eph'm,175,179,182. 185,211,214-216,270, 279, 288, 454. " Eph'm,Jr., 26, 201, 203,216,271,307-309, 343, 367, 372, 381, 892, 405. " Isaac M., 203, 218, 366,380,388,427. " James, 68, 142. " James, Jr., 125, 253. " John N., 429. Miss Ellen K., 226. Murdock, WiUiam, 168, 372, 378,391,438. Murray, Lindley, 224. McElwain, David, 236. " Jas., 47, 71, 96, 109, 124, 126, 206, 232, 244, 360. « James, Jr., 252, 253. " Sally, 267. McIntyTe, Rev. Mr., 356. Nash, Marvin T., 245, 368, 373, 378. Neale, Bev. Dr. Bollin H., 353. Nelson & Bice, 368. " Rev. Dr. John, 330. Newcomb, H. G., 179, 182, 185, 209,255,422. Newhall, John, 210. Newman, C. W., 222. Newton, Miss D. M., 226. " Samuel,96. Nichols, Isaa«, 88. " Levi, 71, 81, 88, 109, 136, 231, 232. NorcrosB, .Tames, 342. " Joseph, 343. " Orrm, 306. Northrop, Rev B. G., 220. Norton, Kev. C. H., 834. » Thomas, Jr., 38-88. . Nourse, Asa, 341, 342. Noyes, Isaac, 227. " James, 69. " Samuel, 69, 96, 110, 179, 253. Nutting, Jonas, 126. O Oaks. Nathaniel, 70. " Seth, 53, 70, 93, 96, 97, 128, 293. " Wm., 63, 61, 62. Wm., Jr., 303, 400. OUver, John. 167. Osgood, Rev.John, 324, 325, 330. I> Paine, Timothy, 75. Palfrey, Dr., 191. Parkhurst, Dr. Wm., 205, 424. Parker, G. B., 203, 307, 308. Page, Dr. John T., 425. " Mrs. Betsey, 406. *' Miss Miranda, 406. " Samuel, 382. Parks, Abel, 213. " Austin, 403. " Edson A., 403. " Edwin, 309, 370, 438. " Eleazar, 103. " Eliphalet, 250. « Jacob, 250. " Levi, 127, 201, 205,214, 258, 370. " Levi N., 220, 370,438. " Luke, 209, 240, 370. " Martin H., 370. " Phinehas, 143,407. ' " Mrs. Phinihaa, 399. " Polycrates, 369, 437. '■ P. Blwaln, 399. " William, 370. Parks & Day, 406. Favmenter, Ephraim, 103. John N., 68. INDEX OF NAMES. 527 Pannenter, Peter, 398. Parsons, or Pearson, Bartholo- mew, 49, 50, 62, 147, 148, 365, 393. " Oliver, 272, 278. " Kev. Levi, 337. " Richard, 68, 135, 390, 117, 149. " Thaophilus, 278, 279. Parson, John IS., 89, 92. Partridge, Cyms, 400. " Maynard, 216, 307, 862. Patch, Minot, 140, 216, 371. Fajson, Edward, 204,- 224. " Bov.Dr.Seth,167,171, 184,190,204,330. " Kev. Eliot, 436. " James, 128. Peck, Henry, 439. Peokham, Bey. S. H., 349, 350. Pentecost, Key. Wm., 888. Fentland, Dr., 426. Perkins, Rev E., 330, 335, 348, Perley, Asa, 230, 366. " Dudley, 68, 81, 82,89,; 123, 143. " Henry, 213, 216. " John, 166. Perrin, Prancis S., 382. c Pettee, Bey. Mr., 213. Pettis, Samuel, 856. Phelps, Mies L., 406. 1 Phipps, Sir Wm., 51. , ' Pierce, Abyah, 18B, 251. / '• Cyrus, 238, 366. " E., 349. " Franklin, 260. " Mrs. Harriet W., 399. " John, 286. " La&yetteW.,422. " Lucius D., 422. Pierpont, Rev. John, 291. Pike, Oapt. John, 431. Pillsbury, Rev. Leyi, 176-178, 182, 186, 262. 313, " Levi, M. D., 428. Pinckney, C. 0., 266. Piper, Rev. Silas, 218. f' J., 881. Pitkin, Harry, 304, 378, 401. " Miss Caroline A., 226. " Miss Emily B.. 226. Pollard, Andrew, D. D., 428. " George S., 406. " Jonathan, 106, 440. " Wm., 378, 405. Poland, Addison B., 427. " I). B.. 439. " David, 259, 343. .. " Samuel, 253. " Simon B., 280,343. " Wm., Sen., 348. Fomroy, Rev. J. L., 330. . Poor, David, 49, 86, 127, 136, 293, 432. " John, 127, 316. Porter, Ezra, 201. 216. " John, 69, 89. " Rev. Dr., 291. ■" Wm., 68. Potter, Moses, 404. Prentice, or Prentiss, Levi, 243. Samuel, 26, 73, 76, 78, 96, 126,128,162,160. 165,174,181,183,185, 275,302,321,839. Prentice, Samuel, Jr., 209, 262, 255, 331. Priest, Joseph. 364. " Joshua, 46, 48, 301, 802. " Levi, 248, 368. " Lemuel, Jr., 262, 255, 331, 339. " Joseph, 364. Prouty or Proughty, Isaac, 111, 127. " Seth, 209. Pushey, Gabriel, 45, 47, 48, 71. " Nathan, 46. Putnam, Edward, 96. " Miles, 71, 91, 365. " Putnam. Rev. I, 356. Quincy, Josiah, 32, 251. y '_-, IR ' Rand, Warham, 212 Raymond, Clark, 247. " Cornelius, 873. " Col. Paul, 144, 304. Dea. Paul, 144, 304, 331, 335, 339, 348, 395. " Geo. B., 218,222,228, 370. " James, 143, 284, 287, 241, 261. " Jesse, 237, 247. " John, 134, 186, 230, 398. / " John, Jr., 273. " Levi, 201, 247,253, 306. " Lieut. Paul, 126-128, 140,144,173,176,182, 186,206,227,230,285, 236,250-252,263,805, 432. " Paul, Jr., 220. " saas, 874. " Tyler, 136, 223. " Minor, D. D., 344. Eeadfleld, Mr., 238. Eeed, Henry, 280. " John L., 308. " Lincoln, 273. " Moses M., 182, 185, 210, 228, 395. " Samuel, 49. Reed & Walker, 378. Bice, Benjamin, 87, 83, 95, 223, 442. " C. J., 47, 75, 220, 308, 809, 366. " David, 158, 159, 165. " Hon. W. W., 338, 428. " Luke, 49, 141, 186, 190,207, 212, 249, 260, 808, 306, 398, " Mrs., 202. " Miss Lucy Ann, 226. " Rev. B., 213. 337, 348-320. " Rev. Mr., of Westminster, 318. Bice & Wyman, 22. Richardson, Ebentzer, 97, 98, 109, 111, 240, 342, 347. <> Luth., 212,218,399. " Thos.,M.D.,322. Ridgway, Philip, 367. Robertson, Asa, 140. Bobinson, Asa, 110. " Peter, 128, 129. Bobbins, Daniel, 303, 406. " Hervey, 369. " Joseph, 186, 211, 227, 287,144,269,870,406. " Joseph A., 369. " Lewis, 210, 243,869, 4.37. " Maria, 403. " Mrs. Nancy, 404. " Nahum, 245, 371. " Bev. Dr. ThoB., 330, 331. " Wm., 369, 371. " Wm.,Jr.,210. Bollins, PhiUp, 104. Ross, Rev. A. H., 435. Bugg, Joel, 303. '• Thomas, 68, 111. Eussell, Frederic, 427. " Ira, M. D., 221, 885, 426. " Peter, 128. Sabin, Lewis, D. D., 248-350. " Rev. John, 189, 328. Safford, S., 381. Sargent, Lemuel, 69. " Samuel, 230, 237. " Seth, 258. Saul, Thomas, 380. Saunders, Lemuel, 281, 283. Sawyer, Ephraim, 70. " J. B.,228. " Thog., 69, 70, 86, 278, 305. Scott, Daniel, 368. " Salmon, 368. Sewall, S.IE.,267,260. Shattuok, Capt., HI, 112. " Dr.. 423. Sherwin, Ahimaaz, 111, 126. " Ebenezer, 69, 71, 94, 97, 110, 117, 128, 129, 190, 205. " Eliaa, 182. " Elicl, 186. " George, Percival, 870. Shurtleff, B. M.,429. Shirley, Wm., 48. Sibley, Joel, 212, 214. 247, 305, 806. " Wm., 220. Simonds, Jacob, 371, 437. '* James, 70. " Sev. Ssm'l, 182, 841. Singletaiy, Amos, 76. Smith, Abijah, 45, 60. 146, 147. " David, 104, 128. " Eli, 69, 70, 83, 86, 110, lU. 301. « Gov., 190. " Henry, 380. " Johnny, 190. (c Jonathan. 111. ■' Joshua, 186, 384. ( < Mrs. Jonathan , 403. " Prof. EU B., 837. " Stephen B., 186. Spalding, Dr. M.. 209, 425. Sparhawk, Kev. Mr., 318, 324. Spooner, Mason, 175, 424. " Ruggles, 110. 528 HISTORY OF WINCHENDON. Spring, Am09, Ql. " Samuel, 71. Steams, B., 110, 139. 112, 312, 398 • " Daniel B., 131. " leTi, 135. " Mary, 83. Stebbins, H., 356. Steel, James. 109, 110, 158. " Samuel, 71. HO, 157. Stephens, Abel, 341. Stevens, Levi 0., 211. Stimson, or Stimpson, Abijah, 69, 89. •' Daniel, 237. '■ Sev. Daniel, 51, 56, 68,69,75,117-119,267, 313-318,122,112. •' Bphraim, 51, 70. " Isaac, 68, 228. " Jonathan, 61, 62, 70, 76, 110,125,271,277, 302,303,366,401. '• Joseph, 62, 68. " Rev. lieTi, 316. Luther, 47, 76, 104, 157,267,276. " Mrs. Thankful, 76, 275. " Mrs., 189. " Kev. Samuel, 316. " Samuel, 97, 400. Stockwell, Isaac, 312. Stoddard, David, 71, 87,110,125. " Joshua, 186, 252, 806, 360, 393. " Leavitt, 268. Stone, Jonas A., 368. " Joseph, 343. " R^v. W. B., 349. " Samuel, 97. Storrs, Kev. John, 46, 214, 216, 218, 338, 339. Story, Joseph, 402. Stratton, Elisha, 1«7. Strong, Caleb, 177, 260, 251,253. Stuart, Enoch, S98. " Jeremiah, 61, 67.70,76,84, 86, 124, 1^: 163, 840, 870, " Paul, 330, 281, 898. '! Kichard, 186, 210, 211, 248, 869. Swapey, Bichard, 212. Sweetzer, Phillips, 124-127, 134. Sylvester, Major, 229,282. Tannant, Pliny H,, 401. Talbot, B.H., 401. Tateum,Mi.,438. Taylor, Bill, 371. " Dr., 149, 422. " Isaac, 143, 235,238. " Jake, 371, " I/., 881. " Zachary, 260. Thomas, B. I'.. 281. - ' F.N.,210. Tilden,Kev.Wm.P.,S58. Tilton, Ab., 21, 32, 36-88, 41, 46. Titus, Samuel, 62, 147, 148. Todd, Kev.Dr. John, 834, Tolmnn, Charles, 244^ " Desire, 47, ]73, 176, 182, 184, 185, 802, 328, 329, 339. " Mrs., 202. " Rev. S. H., 426. " Stephen, 22, 44.185,186, 286,242. " Wm., 185, 209, 310, 230, I 236,848. Towne. Wm., 381. TrBCy, Bev. Leonard, 218, 863,367. Treadwell, Nathaniel,38, 41. Trumbull, Gov., 316. Tucker, Elisha, Sen,, 432. " Elisha, 429. " Joshua, 304,356, 429. " Seth, Sen., 104, 230, 360, 890,432. " Seth, Jr., 201, 212, 216,222- 224, 246, 308, 348, 362, 363. Tattle, Charles, 49, " SimoD, 253. " Simon, Jr., 263, Tyler, B.O., 214, 216. '■ Bev. E.E.,849,S60. XJ Upham. Heniy, 367. Upton, A. £., 226. Van Bnren. Martin, 266, 200. Vose, Benbeu, 229, 263. " Beubea,Jr.;818. ■' Wm., 366. Wade, Jonathan, 86, 38. Wales, Escj., 172. " Jacob, 210, 230, 240, 242, 270. Wallingford, Rev.P.,344, Word, Artemas, 75. Warner, Silos, 348. Washburn jEmoiy , 280. " Wra.B.,427. Washington, Oeu.jl20, 121, 256. Watson, Bev. Joseph, 212. Walls, Kev. Dr., 163. Wellington, Bev. C, 330, 366. Weston, Miss Anstrisg, 226, " EleazarP,,343. " I.E., 372, " Stephen, 227,237,843,347. Wharton, Lord Thomas, 59. Wheeler, Adam, 114. " AmoB, 214. " Kev. Charles, 221, 356. Wheeler a Hay ward, 406. Wheelock, Fhbiehas, 69, 70. Whitcomb, David, 70. " Horace, 46. ■' Israel,179,181,186,lS6, 211, 240, 242, 268-271, 305. 402. " Jonathan, 98. " Mark, 280,347,348,384. Whitcomb & Fairbanks, 231, 431. White, Joseph. 201, 363, 367. " N. Dj 220, 221, 308, 367, 372. " W.N., 221, 356, 372, 388. Whitman, C. B., 201, 351, 370, 378, 391,399. " James, 306,392. Whitman & Parks, 405. Whitmore, John,'341. Whitney, Amasa, Sen.,23, 185,186, 242,270,365,366,369,391, 435. " Amasa, Jr., 368, 387. " Baiter D., 23, 173, 223, 246, 366,3^,372; 373, 397, 405,438. • " Chas.L,B.,437. " EBas, 200, 367, 402, 406. " Emerson C, 213, 427. " Ephraim, 341. " Giles H., 202, 203,221-3 422, 399. 422. •' GroverS.,220, 362. Hananiah, 142, 175,185, 329. " Jacob, 167. " Joseph, 2U, 238, 273. *' Joseph, Jr., " Joseph, 3d, 231. " Mrs. Dudley, 444. Whitney, Mrs. Iiucy, 399. " Miss MaiyS., 220. " Ohio, Jr., 221. " Phiuchas, 47, 113, U6, 173, 179-186, 238, 250, 289, 332,395,431.441. " Bichard, 246. << Silas, 63, 61, 62, 70, 135, 150. " Washington, 306, 392. <• Webster, 60, 271, " William, 71, 79, 96, 99, 113,123,127,128,136,157, 231,235,304,364,441. " Wm. W., 366, 368. Whitney & Whitman, 369. Whilon, Dr. Israel, 72-74, 94, 06, 130, 165, 172, 176, 260. 262, 302,339.423,425. " Bev. John M., 30, 42, 44, 47, 49, 87, 116, 188, 301, 426 ; passim, " Rev, Otis C, 426. Wilder, Abel, 46, 61,53,60.64,72- 76,80,86-98, 113,117-121), 430 ; passim. " Abel, Jr., 170. 171. i " Benjamin, 161, 212, 242! " Carter, 428. " David, 46. 48, « Joseph, 70, 71. 93, 98, 123, 134. " Lewis, 270. " Luke, 123, 249, 301. •* Bev. Moses H., 428. " Bufus,366. ■■ Salmon, 206. " Simon, 298. « Thomas, 45, 56, 78, 146. '• William, 347. Wiley, Samuel, 253. Willard, Seo'y, 32. Williams, Kev. L., 354. " Rev. Mr., 324. " Wm., 277. Willoby, Wm., 46. Willmarth,Kev. Mr., 213. Winch, Aaron, 229, 347. W ingate. Judge, 316. Winn, Jarvis, 115, 230, 249 Wirt, Wm„ 257, Wise, Henry, 38. Withington, Edward, 126. Wood,Ahijah,443. •' Israel, 367. " James A., 3S1. ." Mr., 236. " Nathan, 185, 209. " Nathaniel, 280, 281. Wood & Rand, 431. Woodcock, Wm. h., 220-222, 243, 309, 310, 347, . 381. Woodcock & SSwyer, 369. Woodbury, Isaac, 368. " Jacob B„ 103, 173, 176, 228, 253, 329, 363, 433. " Jacob,182, 198,207- 214, 242, 247, 253, 269,270. " John, 127, 240, 247. 304, 363. " John T., 249. " Nehemiah, 368. v-i " Bev. David, 428. '.," " Bev. Silas, 128. " Samuel, 14,46,230. Worcester. Rev. Dr., 331. Wright, Col. Z.,172, 17S. Wyman, Elisha, 405. " Oilman. 273. Wyman, Haryey, 243, 24S, 281, 306, 347, 352, 378, 407. « Nelson W., 444. " Sumner, 139,242,366. m ""o^s-M- <" .% ^:.:^ f-\rai mmi ■i.^' m