Strata, Nem $atb ^limSiBfiilramiiifiiiimVi'''* granonaf of thQ oHn.,n? ^924 031 320 793 The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. SEIfTBITCB CHABT, r ■m.S a_ a°i L ■d p » a H— 1 rf > CO 1 1 {0 o ^g CQ ^■tf (U (fi a> ss MO "^ M O CO « — 1 ^ Penn 5een Time i>ime Chime /une -fflng (?o Fme Fine 3%ink 2%en )9ome Zion Shall Pusiori Sat iJun Bar Zook Man JTbw SiTi^ Went Tet VOWELS. 26.11 e 27.1 1 28. A a 29. B 6 so. A s 31. A. % 32. A fi 33. A d 34.0 o 35. U U 36. E e 37.0 38.0 39. (J a 40. L U 41. Uu 42. 1 i 43.0 () 44.0 O nxAxrjjas. Long. I Short. €0^ Hero Milford Maker B«lfry Carefal (22) Barton Palling Volley Compitlsion Worthy Coatless Oakland Ft^Uoess Moving Luting Timely Boiling CoMnter Behave Lentil Mature Gospel Playfair Workman Dunbar Windfall Parasol Impzilae Dilworth Turncoat Whiteoak Grateful Teaspoon Kesolute Pastime Parboil Bisoount OF THE ENaZIBH LANaUA&B. 23 SOUNDS OF THE LETTERS. The Letters of the Common Alphabet represent, each, from one to ten sounds, as follows : a, 9, as in all, what, dollar, bar, oare, can, came, any, vil- e, 7, as in mercy, sergeant, they, mellow, me, pretty, righteous. i, 6, as in fir, time, machine, silver, onion, sirrah. 0, 10, as in nor, worth, borough, accompt, go, whole, move, wolf, women, one. u, 9, as in bulge, burnish, Kussia, fiiU, human, use, bury, busy, persuade. y, 4, as in Lyme, myrrh, lynx, yes. w, 2, as in went, ewer. b, 1, as in bend. d, 2, as in do, laughed. f, 2, as in fall, of. h, 1, as in hat. j, 2, as in joy, hallelujah, k, 1, as in king. c, 4, as in come, cent, suffice, officiate. g, 3, as in gun, gem, rouge, 1, 1, as in like, m, '1, as in make. n, 2, as in man, sink. p, 2, as in pay, cupboard. q, 1, as in queen. r, 2, as in ring, bar. B, 4, as in so, rose, usual, issue. t, 2, as in time, motion. V, 1, as in vain. z, 3, as in zone, azure, chintz. X, 4, as in wax, exist, Xenophon, noxious. Rule for x. X commonly=ks ; but in the prefix " ex ", when followed in the same word by an accented syllable be- ginning with a vowel or silent " h ", x=gz. 24 A COMPLETE SCIENTIFIG GRAMMAR At the beginning of a word x=z. When followed by " i " representing the sound of " j " consonant, xi:=k8h. Rule for C. Before a, o, u, or a consonant, c sounds like k; but before e, i, or y it sounds like s, or z, or sh. Rule for g. Befor ea, o, u, or a consonant, g has a palatal sound, as in go ; but before e, i, or y, it usually sounds like j. Rule for r. Before a vowel, r is rough; but after a vowel it is smooth. A D^f^graph. is a combination of two letters to repre- sent one sound. A Trigraph. is a combination of three letters to repre- sent one sound. A Tetragraph is a combination of four letters to repre- sent one sound. * CONSONANT DIGRAPHS. The Consonant Digraphs represent, each, from one to four sounds, as follows : th, 3, as in thin, then, Thomas, sh, 1, as in shall. ch, 3, as in chain, chasm, machine, gh, 4, as in laugh, hough, burgh, hiccough, ph, 2, as in philosophy, Stephen, ng, 2, as in sing, finger, sc, 2, as in scene, conscious, ck, 1, as in brick, rh, 1, as in rhetoric. ANOMALOUS COMBINATIONS. gl, in a few words, equals " ly ", as in " seraglio ". gn, in a few words, equals " ny " as in " vignette ". wh equals "hw", as in "while", equal to "hwile". cz equals " ts " as in " Czar ", equal to " Tsar ". RULE FOR " CH ". In words from the Latin and Greek, " ch " sounds like '' k " ; in those from the Spanish, like " ch " in ' chain " ; and in those from the French, like " ch " in " machine ". * DOUBLE CONSONANTS. The Double Consonants, bb, dd, etc., constitute a OF THE ENGLISH LAN& UA GE. 25 series of digraphs, each sounding like its corresponding sin- gle consonant. * MIXED DIQRAPHS (COHSOITATfTS AND VOWELS). The Mixed Digraphs represent, each, one or two sounds, as follows : ci, 1, as in special, si, 2, as in pension, fusion, ti, 2, as in motion, question, di, 1, as in soldier, zi, 1, as in glazier, ce, 1, as in ocean. * VOWEL DIGEAPHS. The Vowel Digraphs represent, each, from one to seven sounds, as follows : aa, 2, as in Aaron, Haarlem, ae, 3, as in Caesar, Caesarea, Caernarvon, ai, 5, as in laid, fair, plaid, said, captain, ao, 1, as in gaol. au, 4, as in haul, hautboy, sf^ge, aunt, ea, 5, as in break, spread, swear, ream, heart, ee, 2, as in meet, been. ei, 6, as in conceit, forfeit, veil, heifer, their, eider, eo, 7, as in people, leopard, dungeon, yeoman, galleon, feodal, Macleod. eu, 3, as in neuter, Eunice, hauteur. ia, 1, as in diamond. ie, "4, as in grief, pitied, friend, lie. oa, 2, as in goad, broad. oe, 3, as in foe, shoe, felloe. oi, 3, as in boil, choir, tortoise. 00, 3, as in moon, book, door. ou, 7, as in soup, loud, sought, hough, though, through, rough. ua, 2, as in guard, Guadaloupe. ue, 3, as in true, guest, Gueynsey. ui, 2, as in guile, suit. 26 A- COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC OBAMMAR aw, 1, as in law. ow, 3, as in now, low, knowledge. ew, 2, as in new, sew. ay, 2, as in day, says. ey, 3, as in they, key, eyre. oy, 1, as in boy. uy, 2, as in guy, Schuylkill. * CONSONANT TRIGRAPHS. The Consonant Trigraphs represent, each, one or two sounds, as follows : sch, 2, as in schism, schist, tch, 1, as in caoutchouc, rrh, 1, as in myrrh. * VOWEL TRIQRAPHS. The Vowel Trigraphs represent, each, from one to three sounds, as follows : eau, 3, as in beau, beauty, Beauchamp. eou, 1, as in gorgeous. ieu, 1, as in lieu. oeu, 1, as in manoeuvre. eoi, 1, as in bourgeois. uoi, 1, as in turquois. aie, 1, as in slaie. aou, 1, as in caoutchouc. awe, 1, as in awe. iew, 1, as in view. aye, 2, as in aye, prayer. eye, 1, as in eye. eyo, 1, as in eyot. uay, 1, as in quay. * CONSONANT TETRAGRAPHS. tsch, 1, as in Kamtschatka. * VOWEL TETRAGRAPHS. ueue, 1, as in queue. OF THE ENGLI8M LANG VA GE. 27 SILENT LETTERS. Silent Lietters are those representing no sounds of the •words in which they stand. * The use of Silent Letters is very little, as they merely indicate obscurely the former pronunciation of ■words, and, in a few cases, assist in tracing derivations, and in fixing the sounds of other letters. * Th.e Cost of Silent Letters is very great, amounting annually, in the United States, to more than the interest on the National Debt. The Letters "which are never Silent are f, j, q, r and V. EXAMPLES. Debt, doubt, subtle, indict, victuals, benumb, Wednesday, stadtholder, Scheldt, sign, malign, phlegm, apothegm, ghost, John, rhyme, caught, sought, knit, knight, calm, half, kiln, Lincoln, mnemonic, condemn, hymn, psalm, ptyalism, pteropod, coquet, antique, croquet, isle, disme, viscount, depot, Guizot, wrench, write, hour, evil, basin, mason, reason, spoken, shovel, worked, laugh, strayed, give, programme, have, some, day, say, bow, plough, who, corps, corpse, gnat, Xenophon, eclat, billet- doux, receipt, phthisic, czar, raspberry, thistle, hasten, rendezvous, schism, yacht, drachm. * THE FINAL " E " The Final " e " is sometimes absolutely silent, as in " give " ; but usually it is employed to indicate the sound of a preceding vowel, as in " hate ", or a preceding conso- nant, as in " sage ", or a preceding digraph, as in " gil^ge ", or " sheathe ", — ^thus forming, with the preceding letter or letters, a digraph or a trigraph. * FINAL " E " DIGRAPHS (VOWELS). The Pinal " e" Vo-wel Digraphs represent, each, from one to three sounds, as follows : a — e, 3, as in make, care, village, e — e, 2, as in mete, there, i — e, 2, as in bite, ravine. o — e, 3, as in note, done, prove. 28 A. COMPLETE SOIENTIFIG GRAMMAR u — e, 2, as in tone, use. y — e, 1, as in thyme. * FINAL " E " DIGEAPHS (MIXED). The Final "e" Mixed Digraphs represent, each, one or two sounds, as follows : ce, 2, a& in lace, suffice, ge, 2, as in sage, rouge, se, 1, as in surmise * FIKAI " E " TRIGRAPHS (VOWELS). The Final " e " Vowel Trigraphs represent, each, one sound, as follows . au — e, 1, as in gauge. ea — e, 1, as in breathe. * FINAL " E " TRIGRAPHS (MIXED). The Final " e " Mixed Trigraphs represent, each, one sound, as follows : — ^the, 1, as in sheathe, is — e, 1, as in disme. * SILENT CONSONANTS. Silent Consonants, as well as the Final " e ", are sometimes used to indicate the sounds of preceding Vowels or Digraphs, and thus they form Digraphs, Trigraphs, or Tetragraphs. * SILENT CONSONANT DIGRAPHS (MIXED). The Silent Consonant Digraphs represent, each, one or two sounds, as follows : ah, 2, as in hurrah, hah. eh, 1, as in eh ! al, 1, as in halm, ic, 1, as in indict, ig, 1, as in sign, is, 1, as in island, ol, 1, as in holm, ug, 1, as in impugn, uh, 1, as in buhl, eg, 1, as in impregn. OF THE ENGLISH LANG UAGE. 29 * SILENT CONSONANT TRIGRAPHS (MIXED). The Silent Consonant Trigraphs represent, each, one Bound, as follows : ach, 1, as in yacht, igh, 1, as in sight, oul, 1, as in should. * SILENT CONSONANT TETRAGRAPHS (MIXED). The Silent Consonant Tetrag^raphs represent, each, two or three sounds, as follows : eigh, 2, as in sleight, weight, ough, 3, as in ought, though, through. * DIFFERENT SIGNS FOR THE SAME SOUND. Each Elementary Sound has from one to eighteen different signs to represent it, as follows : CONSONANTS. Sound No. 1 has two, as in dip, slipper. Sound No. 2 has two, as in hut, ehb. Sound No. 3 has six, as in set, setting, Thomas, indict, worked, mezzotint. Sound No. 4 has three, as in do, add, Dhu. Sound No. 5 has three, as in chair, latch, Kamtschatka. Sound No. 6 has six, as in gem, join, edge, soldier, adju- tant, Ledyard. Sound No. 7 has eight, as in king, cone, wick, chasm, queen, quoin, except, hough. Sound No. 8 has three, as in gum, egg, ghost. Sound No. 9 has four, as in if, staff, laugh, philosophy. Sound No. 10 has three, as in vain, of, Stephen. Sound No. 11 has one, as in think. Sound No. 12 has one, as in then. Sound No. 18 has five, as in so, toss, cent, scene, chintz. Sound No. 14 has five, as in is, gaze, buzz, hussy, suflSoe. Sound No. 15 has eight, as in shall, sure, issue, ocean, ma- chine, Lucian, motion, pension. 30 A COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC GRAMMAR Sound No. 16 has five, as in azure, glazier, measure, lesion, rouge. Sound No. 17 has one, as in hat. Sound No. 18 has two, as in run, rhyme. Sound No. 19 has three, as in car, whirr, myrrh. Sound No. 20 has two, as in look, mill. Sound No. 21 has four, as in dim, dimmest, condemn, lamb. Sound No. 22 has two, as in tin, Lynn. Sound No. 23 has two, as in ring, link. Sound No. 24 has four, as in way, persuade, one, choir. Sound No. 25 has six, as in yet, million, use, chameleon, ewer, hallelujah. VOWELS. Sound No. 26 has eighteen, as in me, mete, leaf, leave, meet, conceit, receive, relief, relieve, people, key, Caesar, suhpoBna, albino, machine, quay, disme, impregn. Sound No. 27 has fifteen, as in mill, build, nymph, live, sieve, women, busy, been, England, village, surfeit, lettuce, captain, carriage, tortoise. Sound No. 28 has seventeen, as in cable, mate, plague, rain, raise, slaie, gaol, pray, Payne, g(i%feing, ^^e, great, veil, weigh, they, eyot, rendezvous. Soimd No. 29 has eleven, as in bell, wealth, belle, friend, nonpareil, many, ate, bury, feoffment, says, meant. Sound No. 30 has eight, as in care, fair, heir, prayer, eyre, faery, bear, brass. Sound No. 31 has four, as in man, plaid, comrade, Kaaters- kill. Sound No. 32 has eight, as in bar, Haarlem, ah, calm, sergeant, aunt, heart, Caernarvon. Sound No. 33 has eight, as in nor, war, haul, bawl, awe, sought, walk, George. Sound No. 84 has four, as in not, what, knowledge, lough. Sound No. 35 has seven, as in pun, blood, come, Douglas, pigeon, cushion, son. ' OF THE ENGLISH LANQ UA GE. 31 Sound No. 36 has seven, as in learn, worth, first, her, myrrh, turkey, nourish. Sound No. 37 has two, as in stone, coat. Sound No. 38 has fifteen, as in go, cove, doe, coal, oh, door, soul, know, owe, though, folks, sew, beau, yeoman, hautboy. Sound No. 39 has fourj,s in wool, wolf, full, should. Sound No. 40 has ei§^, as in spool, move, soup, rouge, shoe, manoeuvre, Sohuylkill,_PoesteHla[L Sound No. 41 has fourteen, as in ^duty, abuse, due, lieu, view, suit, feud, foed, beauty, few, impugn, through, you, queue. Sound No. 42 has eighteen, as in aisle, eider, height, eying, eye, aye, bind, mine, indict, lie, sign, night, island, beguiling, guile, buy, fly, dye. Sound No. 43 has two, as in boil, boy. Sound No. 44 has three, as in our, foul, sauerkraut. * TOTAL NTJMBER. The -whole Number of Letters and Letter- equivalents is two hundred and sixty-four. ORGANIC CLASSES OF SOTTNDS.-CRAITKS 5). 1. Labials are lip-sounds, — ^formed in the front part of the mouth. 8. Dentals are tooth-sounds, — formed just back of the teeth. 3. Ltnguals are tongue-sounds, — formed in the middle of the mouth. 4. Palatals are palate-sounds, — formed in the back part of the mouth. 5. Gutturals are throat-sounds, — formed in the throat. 32 A COMPLETE 8GIENTIFIG GRAMMAR * GROUPING OF THE CONSONANTS. iBT BAITK. Labials, \l i; m w ir> BANK. Dentals. u ( th 1 th 3d bakk. lAnguals. )1 ( sh (zh 1 r 4th bank. Palatals. r Sth bank. Outturals. * EELATIONS AND CHANGES. Related Sounds are those of the same rank. Related Words are those having a common origin. Th.e Consonants of Related Words of the same class are usually the same, or slightly changed. Consonant Changes are mostly according to simple and definite laws. • Vo'wel Changes are usually not according to any definite laws yet discovered. Assimilation is the change of a sound into coincidence with a following or preceding sound, as when "adnex" is changed into " annex." Accommodation ia the change of a sound into another which will more easily unite with a following or preceding sound, as in "compel" for "conpel"; "sympathy" for "feynpathy"; &c. !Bduction is the development of a sound from a pre- ceding one, as in '' drownded " for " drowned ", — in which " d " is educed from " n ". A Euphonic Change is the change of some element of a word to make the sound more agreeable, or the pro- nunciation easier, as when Accommodation, Eduction, or Omission occurs. An Orthographic Expedient is the use of more than one letter to represent one sound, as in " shall ", " think ", "mourn ", " dike ", " piiysic ", &o t PHONETIC LAWS.— 12. (See Note 23.) 1. Correlative Sounds are most frequently inter- changed. OF THE ENGLraS LANGUAGE. 33 2. Related Sounds are very often interchanged. 3. Sounds of Adjacent Hanks are sometimes inter- changed. 4. Sounds of more Remote Ranks are less fre- quently interchanged. 5. A sound is often assimilated or accommodated to a fol- lowing or preceding one. 6. A sound is often omitted from a word. 7. A sound is sometimes inserted in or appended to a word. 8. Two sounds are sometimes mutually transposed. 9. A sound is sometimes educed from a preceding one. 10. A sound is often substituted for tioo others. 12. A consonant sound is sometimes changed to a vowel. 12. A vowel sound is sometimes changed to a consonant. t EXAMPLES. Baptist, babtist ; cupboard, cubboard ; pill, ball ; purse, bourse (Fr.) ; bump, bomb ; life, live ; leaf, leaves ; heave, heft ; ablaiif (Fr.), abla- tive ; teufelifi.), devil; alt (G), old ; thor (G), door; adtain, attain; cloth, clothe ; face, phase; so, zoo (D.); cleriei (It.), clergy; malice, ma- licious ; parish, parage (Fr.) ; cress, grass ; cat, gatto (It.) ; tyke, dog ; poke, bag; fieus (L.), flg; seif (Q.), soap; Joppa, Jaffa; April, .4w«7 (Fr.) ; flow, blow ; table, tafel {Or.) ; Rufus, rubus (L.) ; habe (G.), have ; gebe (G.), give ; Polly, Molly ; break, wreck ; bear, wear ; tuber, tumor; marble, marmor (L.) ; wasp, vespa (L.) ; i)ulnus (L.), wonni; helve, helm; author, awieur (Fr.) ; mot'h,motte (Q.); father,^a ^c- CLASSES OF WORDS ABBB,EVIATED.-15. 1. Titles of Honor, as A. M., D. D., LL. D., Ph. D., H. B. M., &c. 2. Titles of Office, as Capt., Gov., Gen., A. A. G., Abp., fto. OJP TBE ENGLI8H LANG tTA OE. 47 3. Geogi-aphical names, as Al., N. T., "W. Va. IJ. S Can., &c. ' ' '' 4. Names of Months and Days, as Jan., Dec, Ap., Tues. Wed., &o. 5. Names of Persons, as Chas., Wm., Thos., Benj.,