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Issakoff. . Weigel. . Menzies. . Fr. de Meliado. . Boknibk. . Castelian. ,, in Europe WIRTEMBERG Constantinople Siutfgardt . K(ehler & Co. . Baoh. SKETCH OF THE MODE fe o- .',.-, P"--"' --''^ <;/ V MANUFACTURING GUNPOwBlf ISHAPORE MILLS IN BENGAL. A RECOED OF THE EXPERIMENTS CARRIED ON TO ASCERTAIN THE VALUE OP CHARGE, WINDAGE, VENT AND ■WEIGHT, ETC, IN MOHTARS AND MUSKETS; EEPOETS OF THE YAEIOIJS PROOFS OF POWDER. COL. WILLIAM ANDERSON, C.B., lATE AGENT AT ISHAPOKE. WITH NOTES AND ADDITIONS BY LIEUT.-COL. PAELBT, I BETIRED BENGAL ARTILLERY. LONDON: JOHN WEALE, 59, HIGH HOLBOEN. 1862. LONDON : BRATBURT AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. TO THE OFFICERS THE INDIAN ARTILLERY, RECOLLECTION OF OLDEN TIMES. 1862. PREFACE. — I — The following pages result from an earnest study to acquire an insight into the theory of Gunpowder, and from much labour in making numerous experiments to test and fortify the art of manipulation as practised at the Ishapore Mills, No subject can easily be mentioned which is more difficult to bound by fixed laws. Danger attends all operations with Gunpowder. The results are flashed forth in so momentary a period as to elude all scrutiny into the mode by which such extraordinary power is produced : the means have vanished while the end is often to be gathered from destruction. In teaching myself the art, I was necessitated to investigate the facts and make the numerous experiments which form the basis of this sketch ; the record of them may save much trouble to future agents. Every trial carried on, and every experiment made, are truly and faithfully recorded, without deviation to meet any precon- ceived theory. The greatest possible care was taken to have all the circumstances identical except the one under consideration, to the end that attention might not be withdrawn from the point under investigation. Much credit is due to the patience and perseverance of the conductor of the works, and of the overseers of the estabhsh- ment. Vlll PREFACE. The records are true ; the deductions may be unsatisfactory. They were carried on in the attempt to satisfy my own mind, but often lead to no very perfect conclusion ; such is particularly the case in all the reasonings and arguments on the various points of charges, weight, windage, or distances, as connected with mortars or muskets. The simple art of powder-making is probably more correctly worked out, being based on the Memoir of Colonel Galloway ; of which a by no means incompetent judge once observed, " If any person would but impUcitly follow the rules established by Colonel Galloway, he could not fail of fabricating excellent powder." Every officer understanding the subject must acknowledge the labour and ingenuity which first established the present works at Ishapore ; and although some trifling alterations have been since introduced, the system will long remain a monument of no common ability. A few years in the present race of improvements and scientific investigation may aid in obtaining greater perfection, even as the good high roads succeeding mere tracks were in their turn improved by Macadam, to be rendered almost useless for the means of rapid conveyance by the introduction of railroads. The chemical portion of the sketch has received not the sanction or approbation of that eminent chemist Mr. O'Shaugh- nessy,* but his mere simple affirmation that it is fully sufficient and amply accurate for the required purpose. The historical part is the best that my authorities would afford, the greater portion being but a new version of the old story. W. ANDEESON. ISHAPOEE, January, 1849. '' Now Sir William. PEEFACE BY THE EDITOE. There never was a period, since tlie discovery of gunpowder, and its application to artillery and fire-arms, when nations anxious to maintain their status and integrity, could less afford to be inattentive to the improvement of their war equipments than the present. Every civilised country is unceasingly labouring, by invention, experiment, and practice, to improve, regulate, and extend the ranges and effectiveness of their artillery and fire-arms ; and if we may judge from the number of new patents which have been taken out of late years for improvements in them, and in the important processes of the manufacture of gunpowder, from which material all the mechanical power of fire-arms is derived, individuals of the British nation have not been backward in the race for improvement and superiority. As long as other nations remained content with the weapons of inferior power and construction, which served their purposes in former wars, it was well for Great Britain, having no aggressive intentions, but directed solely by the noble and patriotic principle of being prepared for self-defence, to remain quiet and inactive ; but a few years have brought about such important changes in the materials employed in war, and the apparently trifling event of the formidable effect, in naval warfare, of an iron-plated ship in the American waters has produced so powerful an influence. X PREFACE BY THE EDITOE. as necessarily to lead to the complete alteration and construction of our navy, and to the certain necessity that we must alter the old system of fortification, and give increased power to a portion at least of our ordnance. Under this necessity, which is of momentous national import- ance, the nation must willingly submit to increased military expenditure ; for we should recollect that in the time of peace we can most quietly and economically prepare for all con- tingencies : and it needs no argument to prove that what we can thus do with forethought and with just scientific grounds, for improvement and experiment is so much in advance in placing our country in such permanent security as to meet the immediate contingencies of war in the most decided manner, not with the least intention of threatening our neighbours, but with the valu- able certainty that such an established preparation is the best guarantee for the happy continuance of peace. And if the philanthropist will allow the many historical proofs, that wars have become less deadly, less destructive, and less numerous, since the discovery of gunpowder and its application to cannon and fire-arms, than when battles were fought by numerous hosts in close combat with each other, the consideration ought to reconcile any one of right mind, that unless, happily, wars could be made to cease altogether, the study of the science, and of written information on the subject, are neither so unnecessary nor repulsive, as many estimable persons are disposed to consider them to be. The historian well knows, as all who pursue the study of history will find, that the records of wars, and the progress of military science, are intimately connected with the past and present, as they will be with the future conditions of nations ; and it is hoped that the gleanings from this volume may not be found wanting to supply a due portion of interest to some, and of PREifACB BY THE EDITOR. xi advantage to others, objects which every person in placing a new book before the pubhc should have in viev7. The circumstances, however, which have been chiefly instru- mental in bringing this volume forward, are as follows : — Colonel William Anderson, C.B., late of the Bengal Artillery, having, with great professional talent and industry, drawn up voluminous MSS. on the subject of gunpowder, containing much that is curious and instructive, placed them in my hands, to prepare them for publication ; and it will be impossible to ex- amine the patient and laborious experiments here recorded, with his scientific deductions from the same, without according to him the chief merit of the present publication. From my own experience as an Artillery officer, and for some years agent for the Manufactory of Gunpowder and War- Rockets, at Allahabad, in Bengal, I have endeavoured to add to the information given, and to bring down the progress of im- provements to the present time. Not having had access to the mine of very valuable infor- mation which is, no doubt, stored in the records of the Select Committee, on the subject of experiments with modern artillery and fire-arms at Woolwich and Shoeburyness, my statements on these subjects must be shorter and more incomplete than I should wish them to have been ; and this deficiency is an additional argument in favour of the patriotic opinion of Sir Frederic Smith, M.P., in his place in Parliament, on the 16th of May last, that these reports of experiments made at the national expense, should be made public, for the benefit and advantage of inventors, and others interested in the subject of improving our national power in the most important arm of artillery. How very useful it would be, if the causes of the failure in every projected improvement were pubhcly known and ex- BMjBiiytj m'JM^%«*v-'-'^ '~- •.'■■"-^ XU PKEPAOE BY THE EDITOK. plained. It is well known how many celebrated men, from the great Newton to Watt, and others of later dates, have obtained useful knowledge and experience from failures, and it has been related of the last eminent man, to whose talents the world is so deeply indebted, that when some friend was complimenting him upon his extraordinary powers of invention and mechanical skill, his modest reply was, " You are regarding what I have succeeded in, but you are little aware in how many instances I have failed in perfecting what I aspired to do." All experiments in improving artillery and projectiles are attended with expenses that few individuals can support or attempt ; such improvement is a national benefit, and when there is reasonable ground for expenditure, it should be at the national expense. At the present time, when patriotism has embodied so large and noble an army of volunteers, in whose hands gunpowder, fire-arms, and artillery are widely distributed, the present volume may fill a void which, I understand, has been generally felt. In the small additions I have been. able to make to Colonel Anderson's meritorious labours, I have sought to render the pages additionally interesting and instructive ; and if my thoughts upon the chemical effects of the combustion of gunpowder are correct, they will serve to explain some circum- stances as yet incorrectly understood, and probably awaken inquiry, which must tend to valuable results in using gunpowder as a projectile force. SAMUEL PARLBY. London, August, 1862. CONTENTS. PAGE Colonel Andbbson's PiiErAou . . -vii Editor's PBErACE ... . ix HiBIOKT OF GUNPOWBEB .... 1 Opinions of Mons. Dutens — Early em- ployment of rockets and fire-darts — Koger Bacon — Bartholdus Schwartz — Gunpowder used by the Moors, 13i3 — Strength of gunpowder gradually in- creased—China or India place of first invention — Early use of fireworks by the Chinese — Ghungcez Khan^Tatar magicians — Institutes of Teemoor — Battle of Muhmood at Delhi — Elephants and rockets — Smyrna taken, 1402, by Bayuzeed — First mention of match- locks in Indian history — Cannon pro- bably introduced from Europe — Ustad Uli Kuli as gun-founder — Military de- spatch of the Emperor Babur — Fire- arms and cannon in common use with the decline of bows and arrows — Use of bombs by Sheer Shah — His death — Park of artillery drawn by men — The Ayeen Akbarree — Price of saltpetre — The Emperor Akebar's attention to artillery — Mons. Manouchi — Curious account of European gunners employed by Akebar — Ancient artUlery supposed to have been made by the Chinese invaders of India — Akebar's numerous artillery — Conclusion of sketch— Note by Editor — Colonel Chesney's and Mr. Eobert Mallet's works referred to for farther information — China and India produced the first gunpowder — Diffi- culty of the inquiry — Extract from Mr. Halhed's translation of the code of Gentoo laws, proving the antiquity of cannon and fire-arms in India. Establishment oe the Mabupaotuiie op Gunpowder in Bengal . . . 21 Native manufactories— Kemoved from Baugh Bazaar to Ackra, in 1784 — In 1794, Mr. John Farqnhar obtained a Government contract — Established works at Bankee Bazaar, now Isha- pore — New building erected in 1820 — Machinery improved by Colonel Gal- loway — Allahabad Works established by Captain Taylor, at Poppa Mhow, in 1799. First Establishment op Powder Works IN Enoland 23 By the Evelyn family — Various licences granted iu different reigns to dig for saltpetre and make gunpowder — Scarcity of gunpowder and saltpetre — The East India Company esta- blished works in Surrey in 1626 — Bound to furnish the Government with 600 tons of saltpetre annually by charter of 1693. General Principles op Gunpowder . . 31 Chemical Principles op Gunpowder . 32 Tabular Statement of proportions of ia- gredients used in different countries . 36 Saltpetre : Abundant in India — Attempts to produce it artificially in France — Mr. Stevenson's account of the native process in Bengal — The Culmee saltpetre of the Calcutta market — Prices, &c. Salipetee Kepinert at Ishaporb . . 41 Process described — First boiling — Se- cond boiling — Fusing, grinding and sifting — At Madras and in English works large crystals prevented by agitation of solution — Tests to try the purity of — Table of prices — Im- proved process of refining as now pursued at Waltham Abbey Powder- Works . Charcoal 49 Prepared in pits — Mode of preparing by cylinders at Ishapore — Woods used — Specific gravities of various kinds — Amount of charring, its effects upon the density of powder — Quantity produced ■ — Average cost at Ishapore — Test for purity of. XIV CONTENTS. PAGE SaLPHOK . . . . . . . 58 Whence obtained — Varied prices and impurity — Mode of refining — By melt- ing — Sutliming— Cost of new mode of refining by distillation, as pursued at Waltham Abbey — Mode of ascertaining its purity. Mode of Mandpaotuke of Gonpowdeb . 62 Dry-mixing— Mixing barrels — Experi- ments with different times of revolu- tion — Trials of the same. Ikoobpokation of the Materials . . 69 Early mode by foot mills — PUon mills — Colonel Galloway's grinding mill — Hia description and mode of working as used at Ishapore — Calculation of the power of the mills — Considerations of their action in grinding, mixing, press- ing — Mr. Braddock's remarks on the mills at Waltham Abbey and Madras — Experiments in France with pilon mills — Madras process of milling — Tabular comparisons of effect of milling in Eng- land, Bengal, and Madras — Advantages and disadvantages of long milling — Trials of powder to determine these — Quantity of mill charge — Bate of mov- ing — Water for wetting — Question of light or heavy cylinders — Cost of the present mills at Ishapore — Colonel Ten- nant's opinion that powder made by pilon mills is better than that made by cylinders — His reasons — Heat of India requires less velocity to mills than in Europe — Quantity of pounding from the old pilon mills. Beuisinq 86 To prepare the mill cake for the press — Process used at Ishapore — One man's labour required for each mill — Trials of mill cake charges made with different numbers of revolutions. Pbessino 90 Formerly used only to be pressed in the mill — Description of press, by Colonel Galloway, as used at Ishapore — Degree of pressure — Power of the press — Press boxes contain 320 lbs. — Calcula- tion of the power of the Ishapore presses — Specific gravities of mill cake — Of solid gunpowder at Ishapore, Eng- land (Hutton) — Mr. Braddook's opinion of pressing and glazing— The Hon. Mr. Napier's experiments — Table of varie- ties of density of powder — Loss of weight by evaporation — Men required to work the press to produce twenty PAGE barrels in twelve hours — Cost of the Geanulatioh 100 Old process— Continued till 1 824— New corning machine described — Twelve hours work to ICO barrels of powder. SiFiiua 103 By sieves suspended from roof — Where labour is dear a machine might be used with advantage — Sizes of sieves used at Ishapore. GlAZING 101 English large-grained powder probably not glazed — Process pursued at Isha- pore — Glazing reels described. Deiikg 105 In Europe artificial means are used — Solar heat considered sufidcient in India — Ishapore drying terraces described — Process of drying — Heat of the pow- der — After third day weighed and bar- relled — After a month powder is proved — Barrels closed up and marked. Packing, Tbakspobting, Stoking . .108 Cost of transport — Barrels constantly rolled over in magazines — Advantage of occasionally exposing to sun — A pucka terrace convenient. Cost of the Ishapoee Powder . . . 109 Calculation of items — Average price from 1841 to 1848— Prices of English powder — Mr. Farquhar's contract — Cost of Colonel Galloway's — Of Bom- bay powder of 1846-47 — Of Madras powder of 1846-47. Motive Powee to Woek the Mills . Ill Kimning water best power — Steam much used — At Ishapore the power of bullocks only — Number of cattle re- quired — Cost of cattle and pay of at- tendants — Bullocks of present day not strong — Average expense on this head. Htgrometeio Proof .... 113 Hygrometrio reports— French experi- ment — Table of trial. Proof of Powder at the Aoehot . . 115 Various modes adopted — At Ishapore a Gomer chambered mortar used — Officers' proof— Pendulum gun ^prouvette lately introduced — Table of agency proof Proof for commandant of artillery Table of ranges — Court of directors' proof— Trials of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay powders — Triennial reports- Experiments — Madras observations. Extra Glazikg 127 Question of effects of glazing Madras observations— Mr. Braddock'a opinions CONTENTS. XV PAGE — Table of results of prolonged glazing — Hygrometrio reports — Effects of den- sity on range, of facility of ignition — Calculation— Effect of heat on gun- powder — Effect of overcharge — Den- sity — Density measure described, with woodcut. Baerel Depaktment 137 Powder barrels should be made of dry, well-seasoned wood — Bengal barrels — Mr. Walker's patent barrels — Native Dubbas for packing powder — Dimen- sions of Ishapore barrels — Weight — ■ Loss in resetting up — Manufacture of — Common barrels not water proof — Ex- periment, with woodcut to explain — Cost of the barrels — Colonel Anderson's proposal for a new dimension of barrel — Useful for transport by camels — Hoops and staves — Experiment to try the strength of staves and hoops — Ex- periment to prove strength of barrel. To Analyse Powdek , . . .144 Process described. Sekh Gunpowder 145 Sekh gunpowder from Kabul 1842 — Examined in 1849 — With small ball proved superior to Bengal powder — Curi- ous fact with the " Trident's " powder — Proof of Bengal and Sekh powder — Singular experiment of a Sekh Sirdar with shell. BniLBiNflS 147 Distances between— Size — Construction. Experiments on Mortars . . . . 148 Necessity in proving powder to be very exact in mortar and ball — Experiments by reducing weight of ball — With re- gard to size and of grain in the charge — Table of ranges by progressive in- crease of charge — Comparative proof table — Calculations of charges and ranges — Force of powder to blow out clay, by Sir John Burgoyne — Table of effects of reducing weight of ball — Question of the advantages of hollow projectiles. Windaoe : Effects of — The first tenth of windage has the greatest effect on range — Tables showing ranges and loss by windage. Elevation : Ex- periments and calculations of effect of ele- vation. Recoil : Table of Experiment. MuSKETKT Experiments .... 165 Penetration of shot through boards — Tables of proof — Effect of windage — Colonel Anderson's ingenious theory to explain the effect of windage — Large charges of inferior powder compensate for loss by wiudage — Experiment with shot of different windages in 1759, re- lated by Antoni — Table of experiments — Colonel Anderson's deductions — Con- siders a. certain quantity of air neces- sary to complete the explosion of a chai'ge — Difficulty of the question — • Kanges of muskets of olden days longer than at present — Effect of length of barrel — Table of experiments — Disad- vantage of superfluous length — Different lengths required for different qualities of powder — Experiments related by Antoni — Comparison of the effect of Antoni' s charge with that of Bengal powder — Proper proportion of charge to length of barrel — ColonelAnderson's dia- gram lo show the measureof the explod- ing force of powder on different parts of a barrel. Touch-hole : Tabular proof with different sized touch-holes — Difference of size of vent greatly affects range — Antoni's experiment — With no vent less powder of a charge is fired — Unburnt grains of powder driven out of a vent — Up to '3 of an inch of no material consequence — Less than is usually considered by European writers — Supposed effects of the vent. Dis- tance ; Effects of in diminishing initial velocity of a ball — Calculations of the resistance of the air — Differences of charge and of length of barrel give dif- ferent results in the computation — The resistance is as the velocity impressed, and as the square root nearly of the distance. Increase of Charoe : Table of experiments — An excess of powder useless above a certain point — Size of grain — Table of experiments in favour of mixing sizes . — • Large grains evolve fluid slower than smaller — The higher gunpowder is pressed, the smaller should be the grain — Effect of placing different weights before the ball, useful in short barrels, question- able if long. Various Proofs of Powders . . .193 Table of proofs — Comparison of boards and range. Recorded Ranges of Gunpowder from Different Authorities . . . 195 Appendix 199 Experiments on varied proportions of ingredients — Table of proof— Remarks on the same — Unpulverised composi- tions in milling worthy of extended consideration — Remarks on the iron XVI CONTENTS. mill — New propoiiions of ingredients suggeBted — Other changes. Cake of Powdek in Masazines . . . 203 Barrels to be carefully inspected — Barrels to he constantly rolled about— Hoops carefully set home — Occasional exposure to the sun useful, Damaoed Powder 20i May be rendered serviceable for common purposes — Care required. Reoovebt op Saltpetre . . . . ii. Apparatus required — The saltpetre useful for magazine purposes. Empty BAKKELg 205 Care in taKng them to pieces — Mode of packing the hoops, heads, and staves. Kepoei on the Iron Miil . . .206 Constructed by Messrs. Hall at Dartford — Comparative cost of iron and gun metal miUs — Apparent advantages of — Altera- tion of form of bed suggested — Reduc- tion of cost of powder by its adoption — Quality of powders of iron and gun- metal mills — Table of proof. Removal of the Powder Works proposed 208 Admirable report of Colonel Ander- son on the subject, with woodcut-sketch. Analysis of Ishapore Powder Materials BY Sir W. B. O'Shaitqhnessy . 212 Remarks on the Temperature of tee Dryino Terraces. Tables op Heat BY Thermometer, etc. . . . 214 Temperature from 80° to 130° — Appear- ance of powder during three days' expo- sure — ^Register of thermometer during eight months 1843-4i, 1844-46, 1845- 46, and 1848-49. Experiment on the Evaporation of Water by Solar Heat at Ishapore 216 Banger of sun's rays in India. Inquiry into the CiROtrMSTANOES arisins FROM THE Chemical Effects op THE PrODUOTS of GcNPOWDER WHEN Fired in Close Chambers . . 217 Importance of this inquiry — Effects of carbonic acid in extinguishing flame — Known fact of grains of gunpowder being blown out of the vent and muzzle unoonsumed — Cause explained — Mis- take in supposing that a gun filled with powder, and plugged up at the muzzle, is exposed to the severest strain of a charge of gunpowder — How to extend the ranges of cannon shot — Mr. Val- lance's patent experiment with a musket barrel — Mr. Cochrane's gun. GfiiN Cotton, or Pyroxyle. . . . 225 Investigation by Dr. W. B. O'Shaugh- nessy of Calcutta Mint — Rationale of the explosion of— Experiment at Dnm- Dum with a mortar and guns as to its projectile force— Major Mordeoai's expe- riments at the Washington arsenal — Unfavourable to Its adoption — Supposed to be equally unfavourable at Woolwich — Advantages of good gunpowder — New invention to supersede gunpowder — Supposed disadvantages of. Other Substitutes for Gtunpowder . 229 Powders made with nitrate of soda — Nitrate of ammonia — Chlorate of potash — Danger of the last — Experiments made with it in France — Use of it aban- doned — Supposed to have been used by Bonaparte in one of his campaigns — White fulminating powder — For others, chemical works may be consulted. Remarks on Charcoal . . . . 233 Quality of charcoal of the first import- ance in making good gunpowder — Too much charcoal in the English proportions — Mr. Cruickshank's experiments — Serious importance of residue in rifles — Chemical analysis of powders of little use in determining the best proportions of ingredients — Different results of analysis by chemists as to nitrate of potash — Earnest attention of the manu- facturer should be directed to the char- coal used — Nature and properties of charcoal — Slow burning compositions will not satisfy inquiry — Question well worthy the attention of Government — Trials of gas and residue of various charcoals in France — The "charbon rouge" of Mons. Violette. Remarks on Sifting and Sizes op Grain 237 Tabular statements of the different sizes of grain of Madras, Bombay, Ben- gal, England — Comparative proofs with various mixtures of grain — Eprouvette proofs — Fall in the arc of measurement with density and larger grain — With mortars the arc rises with these — Trial of English and Ishapore powders — Su- periority of English powder may be from weakness of Bengal charcoal. Accidents 240 May be expected in making gunpowder — With the old pilou mills in Bengal were constantly occurring — Care and prudence required — Accident when the gloom stove was used — Accident at Alla- habad in 1823, from the falling of a barrel — Accidents at Ishapore in the CONTENTS, XVll PASE Corning House — In the mixing barrela and mills — Colonel Anderson's inquiry into the causes — Explosions of gunpow- der caused by striking with a hammer before a committee — Tabular statement of explosions in the mills — Inquiry into time and cause of explosions — All the explosions took place in the day — Sup- posed causes — The greater number in the hottest season — Why Nos. 2 and 3 mills should have exploded more than the others — Time of working, and quantities of powder produced — Keasou why no old copper or brass should ever be worked up. On the Modekh Impbovbmehts in Artil- lery AND Fire-arms . . . 246 Improvements in America preceded those of Europe — Iroii-plated vessels — Storms'a breech-loading rifle — Colonel Colt — In France under Napoleon I. — • In the reign of Louis Philippe — Under the Duke of Orleans — Monsieur Tami- sier's rifled mortar — The Duke de Montpensier's encouragement — Not the first inventor of rifled guns — Patent of James Bodmer, 1813 — In 1850 — Under Napoleon III. — 200 rifled guns with the Army of Italy — Prussia had 60,000 men armed with rifles in 1848 — Con- tinued improvements in cannon — All the continental nations engaged in these — Great Britain of late years not behind others — Varieties of arms in the International Exhibition — Impossible to state their relative values justly, without the necessary trials under the action of gunpowder — Necessity of not neglecting every improvement — Pro- gress of events has changed the science and materiel of war both by sea and land — Important points of controversy and experiment as to solid or built-up guns — Kifling or smooth bore, &o. — Can only be settled by trial and experience — Advantages of the results of experi- ments being publicly known — Improve- ments in the manu&cture of iron under the Mersey Steel and Iron Works Com- pany — Bessemer and other processes of late years — Meritorious labours of Cap- tain Blakeley — Bobins's experiment on the deflection of round balls in the Charter House Garden — Mr. Bashley Britten's valuable improvements — The advantages gained in the flight of rifled balls — Curious phenomenon of the velocity and momentum of a rifle ball increasing for a short distance after leaving the muzzle — Attempt to explain it — Smooth bores best for heavy guns — Advantages of the breech-loading construction — Best plan of sustaining the recoil of the breech-plug — Singular variety, but nearly equal accuracy in range in the Enfield, Jacob, Lancaster, and Whitworth systems of rifling — Advantages of forming shot tapering to the rear, as Nature teaches us in the shape of birds and fish — Mr. Whit- worth's testimony to its advantages — Time and experience wiU establish it — For heavy guns the form of rifle grooves requires serious consideration — The best form not yet determined — Advantage of having an excess of metal about the breech, applicable to all cannon aawell as fire-arms — General Jacob's opinion ■ — Advantages of modem improvements — The question of the best gun not yet settled — Failure of the 120- pounder Armstrong gun at Shoebury- ness — Table of comparative trial of the Armstrong and Whitworth guns — Captain Blakeley's gun highly ap- proved of in Spain — Severely proved at Woolwich — Expectations from Sir William Armstrong's 600-pounder gun — A 400 -pounder by Mr. LynaU Thomas — Another by Mr. Whitworth. Experiments on the Force and Penb- TKATioN OP Shot, Woolwioh, 1651 261 Statement of the trials against timber butts — Eemarks on the strength of the powder and great penetration of shot more than 200 years ago. Allahabad Experimental Powder dried BY Steam Heat . . . .263 My reasons for making this trial — Permitted by Military Board — Descrip- tion of the temporary means I used — Materials carefully prepared — Attribute the superiority of this powder greatly to carefully selected charcoal — Proof reports of this powder as compared with that of Ishapore — Madras and War Kookbts 270 Antiquity of this weapon — Attempts to improve, as an ofiicer of the Bengal Artillery — Offered my services to the Earl of Moira in 1814 to make rockets for the Nepaul War — Offer declined, as the Congreve rocket had been sent for b XVIU CONTENTS. from Europe — Eetumed to Europe — Made apparatus at my own expense, and on my own plan and invention, to take to India on my return — The value of the rocket as an aid to artillery — Advantages — Explanation of the cause of flight — An error as to this cause long maintained ; endeavoured to cor- rect it in the "Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, " but error still continued — Mar- shal Marmont's opinion of the value of rockets — Faults of construction and combination in the Congreve rocket — Continued to the present day, as shown by the specimens in the International Exhibition — In consequence of the irregularity of flight of the Congreve rocket the weapon is held in contempt — Colonel Boxer's statement of their great irregularity of flight — Failure of the rocket in India during the mutiny 22nd May, 1858 — Many other failures in Bengal, Madras, and Bombay could be detailed — Late failure with the army in China — Large sums have been expended on the Congreve rocket^ Effect of the intimidation of rockets on a Eoyal Regiment of Dragoons at Meerut in 1821 or 1822— Not allowed to make any rockets in India until Mr. Adam was acting Governor-General — In consequence of the failure and de- fects of the Congreve rockets I was ordered to prepare 70 for a compara- tive trial — The trial took place at Dum-Dum May 31st, 1834— Report of the Commandant of Artillery — Extract from "John Bull" newspaper, showing that my rockets had a rotary motion — Eooket manufactory established under me at Allahabad in 1826 — Reports of Captains Graham and Blake on the rockets produced — Gunpowder works and rocket ditto closed by Lord William Bentinck — Return to Europe — Mr. Hale's patent for a rotary principle in rockets taken out in 1844, twenty years after I had invented it — Re- peated offers to the Government of this country to show how to improve the weapon declined — Large rockets made by the Birmese for fireworks — The most formidable vertical fii-e can be produced by large rockets which no other projectile can equal — ^Would be of the utmost advantage in aid of the Volunteers in resisting invasion — No other ammunition so safe in store — Late offer to the War OfiSce declined— Effect of heat in the combustion of a rocket — The reverberatory action causes the great intensity of heat and force in large charges of gunpowder in cannon. On the Velooitt with which Air ktishes INTO A Vacuum .... 283 An interesting inquii-y to an artillerist — No vacuum can take place behind a shot— Inquiries on this subject in the year 1686— The celebrated Dr. Papin's communication to Royal Society — Error in considering the resistance of the air as acting only in front of the shot — The friction of the air on the surface of the ball is the great cause of resistance — Cause of the report of a gun — No vacuum is formed — Not even in the passage of a current of lightning — The striking on the air causes the thunder, the friction the lightning — A cannon ball would produce the same if it moved fast enough. Memokanda bt Colonel Andekson . . 287 Power required to start the cylinder mills at Ishapore — Detail of experi- ment. EXPEKIMENTS ON THE HeATINO PROPERTIES OP Coal and Fikewoop. . . 288 Quantity of each required to evaporate mother waters — Relative cost of wood and coal — Statement of prices. Explosions of Mills 290 Explosion of No. 2 mill — ^Experiments to try the causes of explosions. Firewood at Ishapore .... 291 Trial of weight when wet and dry. Experiments with Compositions op Nitre AND Charcoal ib. Detail of experiment — Table of re- sults. Pendulum Gun Eprouvette . . . 293 Description of woodcut — Principle of construction — Claim of Chevalier D' Arcy to the invention — Trial of result of increase of charge — Trial with large and small grains of powder. Various Patents por Improvements in MAKiNO Gunpowder . . . . 296 Remarks upon them — Private manufac- turers should search for information from the best sources — Iron mills will probably supersede stone or gun-metal — The advantage of experience in all circumstances connected with this ma- nufacture. LIST OF PLATES. WITH REFERENCE TO PAGES. PLATE PAGE I. — Chaecoal Furnaces for charring with Iron Cylinders. ....... to face 60 II. — Mixing-barrel, and Sieve to extract Bullets „ 63 (Referred to in pages 63 — 65.) III. — Plan of Mixing-house with one Barrel . . „ 65 IV. — Mixing-barrels and Glazing-reels, with the Adaptation of Cog-wheels to save manual Labour „ 68 V. — Incorporating of Geinding-mill used at Isha- pore „ 69 VI. — Press foe Gunpowder, as used at Ishapoee . „ 90 VII. — Plan,. Section, and Elevation of Press-house „ ih. VIII. — CORNING-MACHINE, USED AT ISHAPORE . . . „ 101 IX.— Glazing-reel, Filter for damaged Powder. Packing of Hoops and Staves of Baerels. (Referred to in pages 104, 205, 206.) 104 X. — Section of a Charcoal or Sulphur-mill, with Sifting-reel, proposed to be erected at Madras " ^^^ Note omitted in Sir W. B. O'Sitauglinessy's analyses of Ishapore powder, page 213, under Chakooal. Density of selected Pieces. Urliur -ISS Jointee . • -213 Line 18 from top should be 100 grains of the coarse variety of gun- powder. THE HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. The question yet remains to be determined, who were the first inventors and manufacturers of gunpowder. Mr. Dutens, in his inquiry into the origin of the discoveries attributed to moderns, infers with a reasonable appearance of justice, that Gunpowder was known at a much earher age than is usually supposed. This learned author thinks "that the attempts of Salmoneus, King of Elis, to imitate thunder and lightning, suggests to us that this prince used a composition of the nature of gunpowder. Bustathius (a commentator on Homer), in particular, speaks of him on this occasion as being so very expert in mechanism, that he formed machines which imitated the noise of thunder ; and the writers of fable (whose surprise in this respect may be compared to that of the Mexicans when they first beheld the fire-arms of the Spaniards) gave out that Jupiter, incensed at the audacity of this prince, slew him with lightning as he was employing himself in launching his thunder." But it is much more natural to suppose that this unfortunate prince (an inventor of gunpowder) gave rise to these fables by having accidentally fallen a victim to his own experiments. This supposition would carry the invention back to the fabulous age of Grecian history. Dion Cassius, a native of Bithynia, who flourished about a.d. 230, reports of Caligula, that this emperor had machines which imitated thunder and lightning, and at the same time emitted stones. Joannes Antiochenus corroborates the same statement. E L 2 HISTORY OF GUNPOWDEE. Philostratus, who lived about the year 244, wrote the life and travels of Appollonius Thyanceus, a philosopher who is considered to have made extended travels in the East and in Hindostan. On the authority of this traveller, it is recorded "that when the Indians of towns are attacked by their enemies, they do not rush into battle, but put them to flight by thunder and lightning." On the same authority it is said, "that Hercules and Bacchus, attempting to assail the Indians in a fort where they were intrenched, were so roughly received by reiterated strokes of thunder and hghtning launched upon them from on high by the besieged, that they were obliged to retire." Agatheus, an historian of the time of Justinian, reports also " that one Authemius having fallen out with his neighbour Zeno, the Rhetorician, set fire to his house with thunder and lightning." In the works of Julius Africanus, who flourished A.D. 220, Mr. Dutens mentions, that there is a receipt for an ingenious composi- tion to be thrown upon an enemy which nearly resembles gun- powder. We now lose sight of the Latin authorities ; more precise information being probably lost in the dark ages of the Gothic period. An Arabian physician, called Mesue, is the first author brought forward as evidence. He lived about the 9th century, and mentions an author, called Marcus Gl-rsecus. A work in manuscript exists under the name in the Royal Library at Paris, entitled " Liber Ignium." This author describes several ways of encountering an enemy by launching fire upon him ; an(^ among others gives the following : Mix together one pound of live sulphur, two of charcoal of willow, and six of saltpetre, reducing them to a very fine powder in a marble mortar. He adds that a certain quantity of this is to be put into a long narrow and well compacted cover, and so discharged into the air. This is a clear description of a rocket ; and the entire extract speaks of the composition and the effects of gunpowder. The composition was known as Greek Pire.'^^ * There were several kinds of Greek Fire spoken of by different authors. — Editor. mSTOEY OF GUNPOWDER. 3 Rockets were also prepared during the reign of the Emperor Leo, about a.d. 880. The Greeks were exceedingly cautious to retain the secret of the composition, hence it may not have been mentioned in books. We have no positive trace of the use of this composition in rockets previous to the time of the Emperor Leo. The fire-engine, or siphon, mentioned by Thucydides is con- cluded to have been a species of pump, ejecting on the besiegers of towns naphtha, oil, and rosin, in a melted state. These were revived previous to the days of Leo by the earlier emperors of Constantinople, and may in some manner connect the rocket com- position of this emperor with the composition in the time of Julius Africanus. A.D. 1099, according to Maimbourg, in his " History of the Crusades," the Saracens defending Jerusalem against Duke God- frey, "threw abundance of pots of fire and shot fire-darts against the machines to burn them.' On his side, the duke observing that the enemy had filled up the breaches with hay, wood, rags, and soft combustible matter, caused a great quantity of fire-darts to be shot, which set the whole in a blaze, and caused the fall of the city." Frequent mention is made of these fire-darts. Next, in 1216, we have mention of gunpowder by Friar Roger Bacon. " That from saltpetre and other ingredients we are able to make a fire that shall burn at what distance we please." The other ingredients appear to have been studiously concealed at first under a transposition of the letters : thus — lura mope can ubrie stood for carbonum pulveri. The friar told his secret, and the ingredients appeared by name in subsequent works. The French assert that bouches dfeu existed at AmbergA.D. 1301, and were something of the form and shape of our present mortars, but made of wood hooped with iron, probably to cast balls of this Greek fire. Some authors consider that Bartholdus Schwartz, or the Black, first discovered gunpowder in the year 1320, and that it was used by the Venetians during a war with the Genoese in the year 1380. B 2 4 HISTORY OP GUNPOWDER. It was also employed against Lorenzo de Medici at a place called Posso Cloidia, when all Italy made complaints against it, as a manifest contravention of fair warfare. When Mahom- med the Second besieged Constantinople in 1455, he is said to have used metal mortars capable of throwing stone balls of 200lbs. weight. Gunpowder also appears as a means of defence used by the Moors in 1343, when besieged by the King of Castile. The ships of Tunis had certain iron tubs or barrels wherewith they threw thunderbolts of fire. As rockets had ample openings to the rear, and their flight was only opposed by the atmosphere, it is easy to understand that the stronger the composition, the quicker the rocket escaped away from the expanding fluid ; but when the tube was fixed, and the basial opening closed up, with a view to propelling balls, it was soon found that the cases of the rockets were rent to atoms. Hence, in the first experiments on artillery as projecting shot, we find it mentioned that the very weakest powder was used, of equal parts of charcoal, nitre, and sulphur, the tubes for which were probably made of thin iron, leather, or wood. As the means were found for making these tubes of more tough materials and of greater magnitude and tenacity, the strength of powder was by degrees increased, until reaching the present relative proportions of ingredients. The quantity of saltpetre has been gradually increased. A sort of universal belief has given to China or India the credit of being the birthplace of this destructive compound. As saltpetre, its chief ingredient, is largely found in Bengal and to the north-west of India, and probably on many of the vast plains eastward, in the direction of China, this assertion has a probability well founded. At the same time, until the passage round the Cape of Good Hope was discovered, gun- powder must have been an extremely expensive article of European warfare. A camel could hardly carry sufficient salt- petre for SOOlbs. of gunpowder. The nitre of Bahar may have reached the west coast of India, HISTOEY Of GUNPOWDEB, 5 tlience been shipped to some part of Arabia, and thence carried on camels across the desert to Egypt ; or it may have been con- veyed in coasting vessels either up the Red Sea to Suez, or the Persian Gulf to the capital of that country on the Euphrates. On the other side the nitre of Siestan would reach the Caspian, and thence be carried to the various districts of Asia Minor. From the heavy damp nature of the article, and its liability to be spoiled by rain, the cost of transport by land must have been excessive, almost reaching a point of prohibition, unless in small quantities as a matter of curiosity, or as a drug for medicinal purposes. We may thus infer that gunpowder could not have been in general use in Europe at a very early period, and that in all probability the knowledge of the manufacture and use did slowly progress from the East. In this mode may be ac- counted for the first appearance of gunpowder anjong the Turks, Venetians, and Moors ; while their enemies, the Austrians, Genoese, and Spaniards, were taken unawares by its destructive effect. John Bell, of Antermony, on his journey to Pekin, records, under date 1721, January 1st : — " The Emperor's General of Artillery, together with Father Fridelly, and a gentleman named Stadhn, an old German, and a watchmaker, dined at the Ambas- sador's. He was by birth a Tatar, and by his conversation it appeared he was by no means ignorant of his profession, parti- cularly with respect to the various compositions of gunpowder used in artificial fireworks. I asked him how long the Chinese had known the use of gunpowder ; he replied, above 2000 years in fireworks, according to their records, but that its apphcation to the purposes of war was only a late introduction. As the veracity and candour of this gentleman were well known, there was no room to question the truth of what he advanced on this subject." In the Ramayana it is stated, that the ban or rocket of Megnath, son of Rawun, which instrument was called Sangee, emitted a blaze of light equal to the flame from a thousand suns ! Several of these wonderful rockets were dignified by proper G HISTOBY OF GUNPOWDEE. names, and were hurled by their masters with great precision and effect. If we turn to Persian history for any information on the subject, we do not find much bearing directly upon this explosive compound as propelling projectiles. Ferduosee, the author of the celebrated " Shah-namuh," had clearly heard something of the use of this compound ; he describes the undoubted effects of rockets, but, like all the Arabian and Persian authors, attributes the effect to sorcery or jadoee. " One Sawuh Shah, a Tork, at the head of a large army, crossed the frontiers of Persia, and marched on the capital. Buhram Chuobeenah was appointed by the Persian King to command the army sent to oppose the invaders. The armies met on the plains of Herat. Ferduosee then introduces Sawuh Shah, ordering his jadoee to be commenced, that the Persian army might be dispirited, and his own preserved. On the command, Jadogurs set to work and launched fire into the air. The chief sorcerer, or head man, was mounted on a Hon ; in his right hand he grasped a snake, while his left controlled a dragon. He directed the work of destruction, causing the field of battle to be covered with flame ; a wind arose, and dark clouds appeared, from which showers of arrows descended on the Persian army. Buhram entreated his band of warriors to believe the whole an ocular deception, to close their eyes, and charge. Sawuh Shah was killed in the battle, and all the Jadogurs taken prisoners were destroyed." We may in this description clearly trace the rocket in its flight, the dark clouds of smoke, arising from some description of fire- works, under cover of which the soldiers shot forth their arrows : even the metaphors used by the poet for the implements of the chief sorcerer, or fire-master, are the very names long employed for ordnance of different kinds, as snake, bazilisk, serpent : none could better represent tubes vomiting forth flames. These wonderful instruments are described as being with a Toorkee army, and entirely unknown to the warriors of Persia. Buhram puts the Jadoees to death, as workers of deeds of impiety. HISTORY OF GUNPOWDEE. 7 Benjamin, of Todela, visited Persia in 1 1 73 ; he mentions having seen suns and other fireworks. When Teemoor Mulek, Prince of Khojund, fled in boats down the river Sehoon from his capital, ere it was captured by Chungeez Khan about a.d. 1219, Meer Khawend (Mirconde) in the " Ruozet al Sufa" thus relates : — " As soon as the Moguls were in reach of the enemy, they hurled a vast quantity of darts, arrows, and fire at the barks of those of Khojund, but the brigantines, which were proof against these attacks, received no damage, for the leader had them plastered over with a certain composition, which was made of wet felt, kneaded with clay and vinegar ; and the nature thereof was such, that neither the arrows nor fire could hurt these vessels : again, upon a signal given to him that some brigantines full of tar and naphtha were got near the pontoons, of which the bridge was made, and were going to set fire to them, the Prince escaped in his boats." The indication is of pots of burning composition, thrown to set the boats in flames : no fair inference of powder of a propellant nature can here be sustained. Fire-arms do not appear to be distinctly mentioned, or even hinted at, during the conquests of Chungeez Khan. According to Carpini, " one Presbyter John (Ferishtuh Khan), a king of certain Christians of India Major, marched to oppose this Mogul conqueror, Chungeez Khan. Making men's images of copper, he sat them each upon a saddle on horseback, and put fire within them, and placed a man with a pair of bellows on the horse's back behind every image ; and so with many horses and images in such sort furnished, they marched to fight against the Moguls or Tartars, and coming near unto the place of battle, they first of all sent those horses in order one after the other, but the men that sat behind laid I wot not what upon the fire within the images, and blew strongly with their bellows, whereupon it came to pass that the men and the horses were burnt with the wild-fire, and the air was darkened with smoke." This attempt may have been the first rocket troop, but more 8 HISTORY OF GUNPOWDEK. probably consisted of combustible images like the Rawuns, con- structed by the Indian soldiers, to be blown up on one of their grand holidays. The use of vinegar as an antidote to fire is also mentioned in the history of the Crusades. When Toolwee Khan, in 1228, after the death of Chungeez Khan marched from Central Asia to the southern districts of China, he is said by Persian historians to have betaken him- self to Jadoee, for the purpose of discomfiting a large Chinese party. " The Tatar magicians or sorcerers had a means, by the use of certain stones thrown into the air, of producing heavy clouds, thunder, lightning, and a discharge of rain or stones. Incan- tations, forms, and ceremonies, were previously in secret performed; among others, the stone called ' yudah ' was to be well washed in the urine of a pure virgin." Perhaps in the stone we may trace the sulphur dug up from the earth, and in the saline taste of nitre the urine ; the unburnt composition found on the fields of battle may have appeared dense as stones, and their concealed labora- tory work in preparing the compositions been viewed as secret ceremonies. The other phenomena mentioned, may be those of rockets, having stones mixed with their exploding compositions, thrown into the air. Real loss or injury by these instruments is seldom mentioned ; the indication is as of something unreal, as before mentioned, some illusion which was perhaps more confined to terrifying the enemy by fire, noise, and smoke, than by any real projectiles ; for had many of these been thrown, some must have been picked up on the field of battle. A Toorkee Dictionary gives Juduh kash ; Arabic, Hejr-al-metr ; Persian, Sung-yuddah ; — " a stone used by the Tork magicians, which, being thrown into the air, produces all sorts of convulsions of the elements, but which are often turned by the Almighty against those who employ such impious means." D'Herbelot, in the " Bibliotheque Orientale," under the word Barud, says, " espfece de sel qui s'attache h la pierre nomm^e HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. 9 Asius ; les Arabes I'appellent encore Thelg Sini, Neige de la Chine, et les Persans Nemuk Tcliine, sel de la Chine. Ce mot de Barud est aujourd'hui fort en usage dans les langues Arabique, Persienne et Turque, et se prend pour le nitre ou salp^tre et pour la poudre a canon qui en est compos^e." In the metaphor snow of China we trace well-purified saltpetre, and fairly argue, from the adoption of a foreign name, that the substance named did not exist in any country nearer Arabia than a frontier station of China. This last appellation is con- stantly applied to articles reaching Persia from any stations eastward of the meridian of Herat ; any produce of Bokhara would, under certain periods of history, have been considered Chinese. In the " Institutes of Teemoor," written about the middle of the fourteenth century, are laid down many of the equipments for the soldiers of his army, but there is nothing indicative of the use of matchlocks or of gunpowder. The offensive weapons are bows, arrows, spears and daggers. One Hst of necessaries runs thus : — 1 bow; 1 quiver; 30 arrows; 1 spare horse, or yaboo, for carriage of baggage between every two men ; 1 tent ; 1 pickaxe ; 1 bill- hook ; 1 saw ; 1 axe ; 100 needles ; 1 standard ; half a mun of rope ; 1 hide, and 1 cauldron to every ten men. In the battle with Muhmood under the gates of Delhi, we cannot trace fire-arms being used by Teemoor, but on the side of Muhmood 120 elephants were drawn up, from the backs of which men scattered fireworks and flung rockets in every direction. It is true that Dow's " History of Hindostan," on the authority of Ferishtuh, states, " that on reaching Meerut, the Moguls having filled up the ditch, placed their scahng ladders, and fastened their hook ropes to the wall, in spite of all opposition, and without waiting for a breach by means of the mines, stormed the place, and put every soul within it to the sword. The mines, however, having been finished, the king ordered them to be sprung, which blew the walls and bastions into pieces." The word sprung used by the translator indicates the use of gun- powder in mines, but fire had always been adopted by the Asians 10 HISTOKY OF GUNPOWDER. in mining. Galleries were run into the walls, supported by poles and planks, and then filled with straw, which being fired destroyed the support, and allowed the rampart to sink. This attack upon Meerut took place a.d. 1398, at the close of the fourteenth century. We have noticed above, that about fifty years previous to this date, viz., 1343, the Moors of Spain were using gunpowder against the King of Castile, while the Venetians had also been using it against the Turks. Hence, if Teemoor had not already possession of the secret from his birthplace, Sumurkhund, he may have acquired it in his first expedition into Asia Minor. During his second campaign against Bayuzeed, it is recorded at the attack on the citadel of Damascus : — " These platforms were built high enough to command it, from which fire-pots, arrows, and great stones were thrown, as thick as hail. The walls were shaken by battering rams ; the large pieces of rock in the walls were heated, and shattered by vinegar being cast on them, and then broken by hammers. The walls were sapped, and one of the towers fell ; the soldiers rushed into the breach, eighty Persians being crushed under the falling ruins. The troops halted ; the breach was quickly filled up by the Syrians, but the wooden props which supported part of the walls being set on fire, the governor came out and sur- rendered." During Teemoor's march, there preceded the army a rank of elephants, equipped magnificently, to serve as a rampart; their towers were filled with archers and flingers of wild-fire. These elephants were those captured at Delhi, or rather the remnant of them. Elephants appear never to have thriven to the north or west of India. Up to this point we have no mention of gunpowder in the pro- pellant uses understood by moderns. All is a species of Greek fire, burning but not impulsive. The Greek emperors at- Constantinople purchased peace by the promise of the tribute of the usual customs and duties. But of Smyrna it is thus related : — " There was an exceedingly strong HISTORY* OF GUNPOWDEK, H place on the sea-shore, built of freestone, surrounded on three sides by the ocean, and on the fourth by a deep ditch ; it was inhabited by Europeans. It had never been taken by any Mahoraedan, or paid tribute. Bayuzeed had besieged it in vain for seven years ; his zeal for his religion made him resolve to summon them to embrace that of Mahomed, or to pay tribute. This place contained a great number of the bravest Christian captains, or rather a band of desperate men who had laid up much ammunition. By means of sapping, battering rams, and fire,- the place was stormed, and the inhabitants put to the sword. Two large ships, 'Curaccas,' arrived, and their com- manders anchored. Teemoor ordered that some of the Chris- tians' heads should be cast by machinery on board the vessels. This took place in December, 1402." These machines may have been mortars, and here Teemoor may have obtained his first type of cannon ; for it has been shown that about forty years before this period, projectiles by powder were used in Europe. We know from history that it was the invariable custom of Teemoor to secure craftsmen, workmen, manufacturers, artizans, add them to his camp followers, and ultimately locate them at his capital ; therefore, if the manufacture of gunpowder, matchlocks, and cannon, was prevalent in Asia Minor among the Christians, it is more than probable he carried back to Bok- hara this art, which may hence take the date of its re-introduc- tion into Asia. We find the matchlocks and guns were always considered Feringhee (or European), and that all the masters of the" art of gunnery in Asia were denominated as Roomee, Feringhee, or Osmanlee-Torks ; and almost the whole of the terms used in the art by the Asiatics are of Toorkee deriva- tion, -as Koor Khannuli (magazine), Shumkal (hand cannon), Koorchee, Toopchee, Bundoohchce, and Topunchee ; all are ' derived from the Moghul or Toorkee language. About one hundred years after the period of the conquests of Teemoor, we have, at the close of the fifteenth century, the memoirs of Babur as a guide. 12 HISTOBY OP GUNPOWDER. In his early rebellious forays, risings, and battles beyond the Oxus and the Juehoon, we do not trace any notice of gunpowder. Arrows from cross-bows are mentioned as Teer-tutchsh, which, the translator adds, may mean a war-rocket. One man is mentioned who shot from this machine exceedingly well, and wounded a great many people. The defence of Sumurkhund against Shubanee Khan is detailed at some length. All sorts of weapons are mentioned, as well as operations offensive and defensive ; some of them are so described as plainly to indicate that projectiles propelled by gunpowder were not used. Neither in his attack upon the town of Kandahar, nor in the long detailed list of plunder taken, is there any trace of cannon or matchlock. But ten or twelve years after this, when Babur had obtained a permanent position in Kabul, he may have found in that capital some of the rude ordnance brought by Teemoor from Asia Minor, and the art of gunnery may have remained with the descendants of the early Toopchees, brought captives from the same land ; for we find, on a foray for plunder, the following record : — " As the people of Bajoor had never seen any matchlocks, they at first were not the least apprehensive of them ; so that when they heard the report of these fire-arms, they stood opposite to them, making many unseemly and improper gestures. That same day, Ustad Uh Kuh brought down five men with his matchlock, and Wale Khazeen also killed two ; the rest of the matchlock men likewise showed great courage and behaved finely ; quitting their shields, their mail, and cowheads, they plied their shot so well that before evening seven, eight, or ten Bajoorees were brought down by them, after which the men of the fort were so alarmed, for fear of the matchlocks, that not one of them would venture to show his head." Ustad Uli Kuli was also there again, and on that day too he managed his matchlock to a good purpose. The Feringhee piece was also twice discharged. Wale Khazeen also brought down a man with his matchlock. I suspect the shield, mail, and cowheads, were used as a kind HISTOEY OP GUNPOWDER. 13 of stalking horse, behind which the men carried on the ope- rations of loading and firing their pieces, which operations in those early days were most likely a secret service of time and danger. Ustad Uli Kuli is clearly a Persian name. The translator remarks, " much has been written concerning the early use of gunpowder in the East. There is, however, no well-authenticated fact to prove the existence of anything like artillery there, till it was introduced from Europe. Babur here, and in other places, calls his larger ordnance Feringhee, a proof that they were then regarded as owing their origin to Europe. The Turks, in consequence of their constant intercourse with the nations of the West, have always excelled all the other Orientals in the use of artillery ; and when heavy cannon were first used in India, Europeans and Turks were engaged to serve them." After Babur was fairly established at Agra the capital of his dominions, and had obtained possession of the treasures col- lected in that fort, we notice the services of Ustad Uli Kuli called into play as a gun-founder. " I had directed Ustad Uli Kuli to cast a large cannon for the purpose of battering Biana and some other places which had not submitted. " Having prepared the forges and all the necessary implements, he sent a messenger to give me notice that everything was ready. On Monday, the 25th Mohurrum, we went to see Ustad Uli Kuli cast his gun. Around the place where it was to be cast were eight forges '^^ and all the implements in readiness ; below each forge they had formed a channel which went down to the mould in which the gun was to be cast. On my arrival they opened the holes in all the different forges : the liquid metal flowed down each channel and entered the mould. After some time, the flow- ing of the metal from the various channels ceased, one after another, before the mould was full. There was some oversight in regard of the forges or the metal. Ustad Uli Kuli was in terrible * The melting furnaces, from using bellows for blast, were called forges. — Ecitob. 14 HISTORY OF GUNPOWDEE. distress ; he was like to throw himself in the melted metal that was ill the mould. Having cheered him up, and given him a dress of honour, we contrived to soften his shame. Two days after, when the mould was cool, they opened it. listed XJli Kuli, with great delight, sent a person to let me know that the chamber of the gun for the shot was without a flaw, and that it would be easy to form the powder chamber. Having raised the bullet chamber of the gun, he set a party to work to set it to rights, while he betook himself to completing the powder chamber." * With the unlimited command of the resources of India, and of the art above indicated, no emperor after Babur will be found without a means so conducive to dominion as a powerful battery. Soon after this period we may safely allow to have been cast all the numerous immense pieces of artillery which used to be found in the various old forts of India. Many also have been carried away as trophies to Europe by the different nations who have effected conquests in Hindostan. The early Portuguese visitors of India and China state, that they were received with rejoicings by fireworks and explosions like thunder by gunpowder contained in hollow cases. The services of two artillery officers are thus spoken of in the despatches of Babur on his victory at Biana. Previous to the battle, Babur fortified the guns in front and connected them by chains. " Mustafa Rumi had disposed his guns according to the Rumi fashion. He was extremely active, intelligent, and skilful in the management of artillery. TJstad Uli Kuli was jealous of him. " And the wonder of our times, Mustafa Rumi, from the centre, directed by my excellent, -upright, and fortunate son, who is regarded with favour in the sight of the Creating Majesty, and distinguished with the particular grace of the Mighty King who commands to do and not to do, having brought forward the * This clearly describes tliat tte founder must have had a pattern to follow, of a gun formed in separate pieces, having a powder-chamber perhaps similar to the ancient patterns of China and Europe. HISTORY OF GUNPOWDEB. 15 cannon, broke the ranks of the Pagan army, with matchlocks and guns (black), like their hearts." " While the miracle of the times, Ustad Uli Kuli, who was stationed with his men in front of the centre, having exhibited great proofs of valour, discharged large bullets of such a size, that if one of them were placed in the scale of duty, then the man whose scale is heavy gains a name among the blessed ; and if thrown against a rooted hill or a lofty mountain, it would drive them from their foundations liked teazed wool. Such were the bullets he darted on the iron-clad lines of the heathen lands ; and from the discharge of balls, and guns, and match- locks, many of the sons of the heathen were annihilated. The imperial matchlock-men, according to orders, having issued from behind the artillery, in the heat of the fight, each of them made many Pagans drink of the draught of death." During the closing period of the Afghan dynasties, which ruled in India between the last of the Ghuzneevide chiefs and the first of the Mogul kings, we trace fire-arms and artillery coming into more common use with the concomitant decline of bows and arrows. Thus, two Afghan chiefs held out Chunar with great gal- lantry against the troops of Babur's son, Humayoon, the greater part of the besiegers falling by the fire of the artillery. " Sheer Shah, in his attack upon a fort called Raisein, drew the artillery of other citadels to his camp, and planting it upon high scafiblds, pressed so hard on the fort, that the garrison had scarcely time to breathe ; besides that, he placed mine pipes filled with powder at the foot of the besieged place on all sides." On these high scafiblds we may suppose wall-pieces or smaller cannon placed, rather than heavy guns. Sheer Shah himself subsequently fell a victim to his own artil- lery devices, in an attack on the fort of Kalinger. It is related : " Sheer Shah upon this ascended the scaffolds, and having cast with his own hands some bombs into the forts, he descended, and going to the place where the bombs lay, gave orders for the bom- bardment to be kept up. At this moment a shell that was thrown against the wall rebounded, and fell down amongst the 16 HISTORY OF GUNPOWDBE, Store of bombs, which, catching fire, all at once blew up.* Sheer Shah was carried away half burnt and died, "When the Mogul party under Humayoon advanced from Kabul to expel the Afghans, Islam Shah, the Putan king, was urged to advance towards the frontier. On a representation that the bullocks for dragging the artillery were in the country, he ordered men to drag the guns instead of the animals. It is said that he had sixty guns with him, each of them drawn by one thousand men; notwithstanding which, he advanced every day twelve miles, the artillery always arriving in advance at the halting station." About the year 1580 was written the " Ayeen Akbarree." In it we find less than might have been expected on these impor- tant subjects — gunpowder and artillery. The price of saltpetre is stated at that time as from thirty seers to four maunds for the rupee, about one halfpenny per pound, for the finest quality. Under the head of artillery we read — "These are the locks and keys of the empire, and ex- cepting Room (Constantinople), no kingdom can compare with this in the number and variety of its ordnance. Some pieces are so large as to carry a ball of twelve maunds (the Tabreez maund of eight pounds), and others require, each, several elephants and a thousand bullocks for their transportation. " His majesty gives great attention to this department, and has appointed to it daroghas and clerks. He has invented several kinds ; some of which are so contrived as to take to pieces for the convenience of carriage, and when the army halts are nicely put together again. Also seventeen pieces are so united together, as to be discharged by one match. There are others which can be easily transported by one elephant, and they are called gujnal ; others can be carried by a single man, and they are called nurnal, " It has been wisely ordered that a sufficient train of artillery be placed in each Soobuh. The cannon for battery, and for boats, * Here we have the first mention of bombs with fuses, as used in Hindostan/ — Editor. HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. 17 and those which are fit for journeys are kept separate. In this department omrahs and uhdeyans receive large salaries : the pay of the foot soldier (private) is from 100 to 400 dams," the last sum values ten rupees. The price of matchlocks is noted as varying from half a rupee to one mohur (sixteen rupees), and of war-rockets from two and a half to four rupees. I now extract a passage from the History of the Mogul Emperors, sliated to be a translation from an ^.ccount written by a Monsieur Manouchi, a Venetian, who resided at the Court of Aurungzeeb for many years. The anecdote is amusing and illustrative of the customs of a class of persons — the European gunners, who were more numerous at the various Courts of Indian potentates than is usually supposed. " The projects of war which Akebar was continually forming on one another obliged him to erect a school for cannoneers. There was artillery enough in the Indies, and there is reason to think that the Chinese, who doubtless had been formerly masters of Hindoostan, had left some pieces there of which it is impos- sible to discover the antiquity, " It happened, unluckily, that there were but few in the Indies who knew how to make use of them with the same art that we do in Europe. ^' Akebar, therefore, resolved to employ Europeans, and invite them by rewards to come to Agra, The Enghsh had made settlements not long before on the coast of Hindoostan, and soon acquired a great reputation of valour. In sea-fights they com- monly had the advantage of the Portugals. They are since established at Suratte, where they begin to carry on a great trade. It was from the town of Suratte that Akebar procured English- men for his artillery. One of these gunners had an extraordinary reputation of skill among those of his own country, and was no less famous for drinking. " He was at a strange loss, when he found himself in a Maho- metan country, where taverns are forbid by the law. Mark the cunning of the man to have the liberty and conveniency of drinking. One day that the Emperor had a mind to see the 18 HISTOEY OP GUNPOWDER. trial of his skill, there was a large piece of cloth set up for a mark, at a reasonable distance on the other side of the river, where the gunner was to shoot. The Englishman levelled his piece so ill, that he did not come near so fair a mark. The King was surprised, and began to abuse him. ' Sire,' says the Englishman, ' ever since I have left off drinking wine, my sight is so weakened that I do not perceive the plainest object at a very small distance. Nothing but wine is capable of restoring the organs of my sight, and making me perceive objects as I used to do.' The place was never without wine. Akebar kept some for his own drinking, and the elephants had every day a certain quantity given them. The King ordered a bottle to be brought for the gunner, who drank it off at a draught. Then desiring that the mark might be changed (which after his wine seemed too large) for another not much broader than the diameter of the bullet, he hit it exactly, and had the King's applause. " From that time Akebar allowed his European gunners to plant vineyards about Agra, and the wine they make there is excellent. This ordinance of the King's was inserted in the ' Chronicle ' with this preamble : wine is as natural to Europeans as water to fish, and to forbid the use of it is in eflfect depriving them of life. " This liberty of planting vineyards, which the strangers in the Mogul's service enjoy, is a vast profit to them, wine being scarce and very dear at Agra, and the vines are not subject in the Indies to the hazard of nipping frosts, as they are in Europe, so that it is a certain revenue. " Nor did Akebar take only English gunners into his service. He sent for artists of all other kinds from Goa ; as lapidaries, enamellers, goldsmiths, surgeons, and physicians, all of Europe." Monsieur Manouchi closed his sketch of the Mogul armies with the following accounts of the artillery for the period closing the seventeenth century : — " The Emperor has a numerous artillery, and the pieces of cannon which he makes use of in his armies are for the most part older than we have in Europe. Powder and cannon were certainly HISTORY OP GUNPOWDER. 19 known in the Indies long before the conquest of Tamerlane. It is said the Chinese, who are supposed to be the first inventors, had cast some pieces of cannon at Delhi at the time of their being masters there. This is the tradition of the country. Every piece of cannon has its particular name according to the custom of the empire ; one is called Orang var, that is to say, the strength of the throne; another Bargissitan, which signifies that which batters bulwarks. The gunners of the empire were almost all Europeans under the Emperors who preceded Aurungzeeb. The present Mogul's zeal for the Alcoran will permit him to employ none but Mahometans. There are hardly any Feringhees to be seen now at court, except physicians and goldsmiths. All the rest have quitted a country where the free exercise of religion is not allowed as formerly. The Emperor has but too well learnt to dispense with our gunners, and, generally speaking, with all our artisans of Europe." In the preceding imperfect sketch may be seen the progress made by Eastern nations in the art of artillery ; guided by practice and experience, they attained to the manufacturing of very large and very heavy pieces of ordnance, such as were capable of projecting balls fully as large as those in present use in Europe. In the meantime, among the nations of the west, geometry and the higher portions of mathematic investigation have been applied to the art. Certain laws and principles being demonstrated as true, the art of artillery took its place among the sciences, and books and treatises became common on the subject. NOTK BY THE EdITOE. There are so many excellent modern works, in which the early histories of gunpowder and cannon, as well as in our encyclopaedias, have been investigated, or touched upon, that I feel it would be quite unnecessary to do more than refer to them in addition to Colonel Anderson's treatment of the subject ; and I may recommend particu- larly Colonel Chesney's work, " Observations on the Past and Present state of Fire-arms," and Mr. Robert Mallet's truly scientific and valuable work " On the Physical Condition involved in the Construction of c 2 20 HISTORY OP GONPOWDER. Artillery," in which the notes on the above subjects contain much information and instruction. Few, however, can doubt, at the present day, that to China and India the origin of gunpowder may be traced. It is most probable that the kindling of fires upon the surface of the earth, and using tem- porary earthen fireplaces, as well as the early use of pottery, which has ever been, and now is, the custom of eastern nations, may have led to the discovery of iron, gunpowder, and glass. The accidental use of ochreous, nitrous, or silicious earths on these occasions may sufficiently account for them; and we cannot wonder that, when no written records were kept, the impenetrable veil of antiquity stops our search. Let us consider the subject of iron alone; the most useful and most widely distributed metal on the earth's surface. "We know, from the earliest and most sacred of writings,* that the use of iron may be traced back to the greatest antiquity of the race of man, but aU is perfectly obscure as to the date of its first discovery, except that it was most extensively used and wonderfully worked up. And that gunpowder and fire-arms were in use in India in the earliest ages, the following extract — ^which I am aware has been often quoted on the subject — from Mr. Halhed's translation of the code of Gentoo laws, supposed to have been compiled at the time of Moses, 1500 years before the Christian Era, is convincing proof: ^' The magistrate shall not make war with any deceitful machine, or with poisoned weapons, or with cannon and guns, or any hind of fire-arms." And thus, though the invaders of northern India may have brought these, the repressive influence of the laws of the Gentoo code, and their effect upon a superstitious, submissive, indolent, and uninventive people, may have caused their use to lie dormant for many centuries after their invaders retired. * Gen. iv. 22. HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. 21 EARLY ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER IN BENGAL. # In the early records of the progressive conquests of England in India, I cannot find that there was any complaint against the quality of the gunpowder used, nor can I obtain any in- formation of the sources from whence this article was supplied, or of the prices paid. Fire-arms are so clearly the instruments in which the European excelled the native powers, that to them much of the English success is due ; hence probably care was bestowed on the subject of furnishing a good description of powder from England, or in purchasing the best kinds from the native manufacturers. The chief cause of inferiority in gunpowder is that, if the ingredients are not carefully refined, and carefully manipulated, the powder quickly deteriorates from its original strength of propellent force when fresh from the mills. In the early days of European occupation, war and battle were too frequent to admit of the powder being long stored in the magazines. With native armies the powder-makers followed the camp ; the women of families often manufactured the article for the match- locks of their husbands ; such too at the present day is the custom in the wilds of Afghanistan, where the hand flour-mills of the huts are occasionally seen grinding the sulphur and saltpetre, to fabricate a coarse powder for the use of the men on their sporting occasions or plundering forays. From the information I can collect it would appear, that up to the year 1784 there existed at Baugh bazaar, near Calcutta, several native manufactories of gunpowder, which supplied the article at a high price to Government. As the population of Calcutta increased, and as some attention was paid by the local authorities to municipal regulations for the protection and safety of lives and properties, these powder manufactories were declared unsafe and dangerous. 22 HISTOKY OF GUNPOWDEE. From Baugh bazaar the works were removed, in 1784, to Ackra, below Calcutta, where they continued for some years. Though the situation was favourable as regards public safety, yet the place, as unprotecfbd to the seaboard, was considered to be insecure from an invading enemy. About the years 1740 — 50 the Dutch possessed a settlement on the Hooghly, with a fort and factory called Bankee bazaar. These were located on the lands lying between the villages now called Ishapoor and Nawab Gunge; close to the grand ferry at Pultah Ghaut, and nearly opposite to the celebrated French Government house and settlement of Guerettee. The Nawab Nazim of Moorshedabad appears to have defeated the Dutch in a battle, and regaining possession of Bankee bazaar, to have assigned it to Rajah Nubookessen Bahadoor, on payment of a small yearly revenue. The importance of manufacturing good gunpowder, and the profit to be obtained by such an article, did not escape the attention and scrutiny of the talented, able, but eccentric John Farquhar, then an assistant-surgeon in the service of the East India Company, subsequently better known for the large fortune which he acquired from the various speculations into which he entered, and from his penurious habits. Few articles of country produce escaped his attention, from silk for the markets of Europe, to pwh for the bazaars of Calcutta. In 1794 Mr. Farquhar appears to have moved the Government to obtain from Rajah Nubookessen an exchange between the old Dutch factory and some lands at Satanooly, near Calcutta. This was done ; and at Bankee bazaar, now called Ishapore, was laid down the nucleus of the present powder manufactory. Mr. Farquhar appears to have held a contract with the Govern- ment. His powder was made in the native mode, by foot mills under mat houses, and sifted in leather sieves. In 1796 the magazines of Pultah and Duckinsore were es- tablished as reserves for Fort WilHam, by General Kidd, of the Engineers. HISTORY OP GUNPOWDEE. 23 The old Dutch buildings, the Pultah magazines, and, indeed, the earlier parts of the different edifices erected by Colonel McLeod and Colonel Galloway, are of most excellent construction. Land has been from time to time added to the old Dutch factory, until the works have reached their present extent. In 1820 the agent's house was erected by Colonel McLeod. Li the same year Colonel Galloway, returning from a trip to sea for the benefit of his health, fell in with a foreign gentleman at the Mauritius, who appeared well versed in the art of gun casting and metal founding ; and he succeeded in bringing this gentle- man to Calcutta, and by him, in Fort William, were cast in bronze metal the machinery of the eight mills now in use. From this time, slowly and progressively, have various im- provements been introduced by different agents until the works have attained their present magnitude. Allahabad Works. "With a view to meet the extended dominion of .the East India Company, and in consideration of the advantage of a central position, powder works were in the year 1799 established by Captain Taylor, of the Bengal Artillery, at Poppa Mhow, near Allahabad. From motives of state economy, during the first years of Lord William Bentinck's career as Governor- General, both the powder works at Allahabad and Ishapore were closed for three years, and the Allahabad works have not since been re- opened ; and it was fortunate that it was so determined, as in the late mutiny and occupation of Allahabad by the mutineers the most serious results would have followed. The History of the first Establishment of Gunpowder Works in England. Before quitting the subject of the establishment of powder works, I have deemed that it will be of considerable interest to give such information as I have been able to obtain on this subject through the kindness of Mr. Hart, of the Public Record 2ri HISTORY OF QUNPOWDBB. Office, which will in a considerable degree affor.d information as to whence we derived our supplies both of gunpowder and cannon. The exact period when this important article of warfare, gun- powder, was first made use of by our ancestors cannot now be determined; but from the testimony of various records, as shown by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, in a paper printed in the " Archseologia," vol. 25, it is evident that it was used at the battle of Cressy, for in an account rendered by John Cook, the clerk of the king's great wardrobe, of the monies received and expended by him from the 22nd Dec, 19 Edward III. (1349), it is stated that 912 pounds of saltpetre, and 886 pounds of quick sulphur, were sup- plied to the king for his guns. On the 25th November, 1346, the king issued a writ, com- manding that all the saltpetre and sulphur that was anywhere to be sold should be bought. The total amount obtained was 750 pounds of saltpetre and 310 pounds of quick sulphur. In the time of Henry VI. an enterprising merchant of London, John Judde, who was skilled in devising warlike instruments, made at his own expense sixty guns, called serpentines, and also " stuff for gonnepowdre of saltpietre and sidphur, to the weight of XX tonne," which he offered to deliver to the treasurer for the king's use under certain conditions, in consideration of which good service the king, by letters patent, dated 21st Dec, in the thirty-fifth year of his reign, constituted him Master-General of the Ordnance for life. It was not, however, till the latter part of the reign of Eliza- beth that public attention was drawn to the necessity of estabUsh- ing at home the manufacture of gunpowder, which before had been chiefly suppUed by importing from abroad. It had been up to that time an open trade ; but the Government being compelled, by the menacing attitude which Spain assumed, to provide more efficient means of defence, commenced the granting of patents for the manufacture of gunpowder, which constituted it a monopoly in the hands of those whom the Government thought proper to trust with the privilege. HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. 25 The first establishment of gunpowder mills of any importance appears to have been at Long Ditton, near Kingston, in Surrey, by George Evelyn, grandfather of the celebrated Sir John Evelyn. He had mills also at Leigh Place, near Godstone, in the same county. The Evelyn family is said to have brought the art over from Flanders. The mills at Paversham, in Kent, were in operation as far back as the time of Elizabeth ; but those of the Evelyns, at Godstone, were at this time of the greatest importance. It appears, also, that on the 28th January, 1589, the thirty-first of queen Elizabeth, was granted to George Evelyn, Esq., Richard Hills, and John Evelyn, gentlemen, licence and authority for the term of eleven years to dig, open, and work for saltpetre within the realms of England and Ireland, and all other dominions where the same should be found, as well as within the queen's own lands and grounds and those of her subjects, except in the city of London and two miles distant from the walls of the same, and the counties of York, Northumberland, Westmoreland, Cum- berland, and the Bishopric of Durham, and all the saltpetre so found was to be made into powder for the queen's service. And on the 26th April, 31 Elizabeth, George Constable, Esq., had similar licence to dig for saltpetre within the counties of York, Nottingham, Lancaster, Northumberland, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and the Bishopric of Durham, for the term of eleven years. 8th of January, 32 Elizabeth (1590), Thomas Robinson and Robert Robinson had a similar licence to dig for saltpetre within the cities of London and Westminster, and within two miles of the city of London, or from the old palace of Westminster, for the term of ten years. By letters patent, dated 'rth September, 41 Ehzabeth, after reciting that John Evelyn, John Wrenham, gentlemen, Richard Hardinge, Esq., and Simeon Furner, gentleman, had undertaken to deliver yearly into the store of the Tower of London a greater quantity of good, perfect, and serviceable corn gunpowder, meet and serviceable for cannon and caliver shot, at a lower rate than 26 HISTORY OF GUNPOWDEK. was before paid, whereby the queen would not be driven to seek the said proportion of gunpowder out of any foreign countries, and that they had devised means of making saltpetre, whereby the excessive waste and spoil of woods and other inconveniences to the queen's subjects will be avoided, licence was granted them for the term of ten years to make and work for all and all manner of saltpetre and gunpowder within the realms of England and Ireland, and all other the queen's dominions, and to have the sole making of all manner of saltpetre and gunpowder within the realms of England and Ireland, except in the county of York, the city of York, the counties of Nottingham, Lancaster, Northum- berland, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and the Bishopric of Dur- ham ; and they had from the last day of April similar Hcences for those excepted places for the same term of ten years. These parties were bound, it appears, to deliver during the term 100 lasts of powder ; good, serviceable corn powder, eight lasts ; and eight hundred pounds weight every month, half of which was to be cannon corn gunpowder, and half to be caliver corn powder, at the price of sevenpence per pound ; and they had permission to sell to the public. Thus we have estabUshed on undisputed testimony that gun- powder of different sized grains, or corned — an art probably obtained from Flanders — was generally used at this time ; and that before this date the greater quantity of gunpowder used in Great Britain had been imported from abroad. It may be a wrong supposition, but with all this digging for saltpetre, to the great distress and worrying of the inhabitants of houses in the town and country, gardens, orchards, &c., which led to much discontent, probably our great Shakespeare took the expression — Act 1, Henry IV. : — ■ " And that it was great pity, so it was. That vUIanoTis saltpetre should be digg'd Out of the bowels of this harmless earth." Since the general practice in countries where it abounds is to obtain it by hxiviation of the upper soils. HISTORY OJP GUNPOWDER. 27 It appears by letters patent, dated 24th January, 18 James I. (1621), that in consequence of the abuses and inconveniences which the inhabitants of this kingdom complained of as sustained from the servants of the above patentees, that the patent was revoked on the 17th December, and after reciting that there was in the kingdom a great quantity of the mine of saltpetre, it stated that the King had once determined again to furnish the store of gunpowder by importation, but still as there were inconveniences in this mode of obtaining the necessary supplies of gunpowder, the King thought it expedient to continue the manufacture in the kingdom, and to estabhsh certain vigilance and care to re- press all abuses complained of by his loving subjects. The King then granted to George, Marquis of Buckingham, High Admiral of England ; Lord George Carew, Master of the Ordnance ; and Sir Lionel Cranfield, Knight, Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries, licence to make and work for salt- petre and gunpowder. On the 16th of January, 20 James, a proclamation was issued which, after stating the great inconvenience of the sale of weak and defective gunpowder, ordered that no persons should make gunpowder in England and Wales, or any saltpetre, but by warrant of His Majesty's Commission, and that no saltpetre could be sold or bought but to and from the King's powder maker — and all gun- powder was to be proved and allowed by the sworn proof-master, and marked by him, for which he was to have a fee of sixpence the barrel. The marks of the proof-master were three crowns for the best, two crowns if new and strong, but W and one crown for old powder new worked, but good and strong, and fit for ordnance for one year's service at least. By an indenture, dated 26th April, 2 Charles I. (1626), made between the King on the one part and Sir John Brooke, Knight, and Thomas Russell, Esq., after reciting that there was never yet made, since the first making of saltpetre in the kingdom, being about the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, a third part of the saltpetre required for the service of the kingdom, but the King, as well as his subjects, were forced to procure the same 28 HISTORY OP GUKPOWDEH. from Barbary, France, Poland, Hamburgh, and other places in Germany ; and that Brooke and Russell had discovered a new mode of making saltpetre, whereby the King should have what- ever quantity was required ; the King' granted them a Ucence to exercise this invention for twenty-one years, and they were to be paid £3 3s. 4d. for every hundred-weight of saltpetre delivered into the store in the Tower. The East India Company by this time had begun importing great quantities of saltpetre, and had erected gunpowder mills in the county of Surrey, but being in an inconvenient situation they were pulled down by the King's direction. The Bast IncMa Com- pany then petitioned for leave to erect mills in the counties of Surrey, Kent, and Sussex, or any or either of them, and accord- ingly by letters patent, dated 17th August, 2 Charles I. (1626), they were empowered to do so, and also to convert into powder all such saltpetre as should be imported by them from foreign parts, and to employ the same powder for their own use, or to the use of any of the King's subjects. 28th April, 5 Charles I. (1629), the King granted Richard Lord Weston, High Treasurer of England, and others, commis- sions to work for saltpetre ; and on the 18th April, 10 Charles I. (1634), a similar commission was granted to Richard Earl of Portland and others. No doubt the manufacture of gunpowder at this time was a very profitable investment of money, and we find by a commis- sion dated 8th March, 12 Charles I. (1637), directed to the Bishop of London, and others, a contract was made with Samuel Cordwell and John Collins for the sole working and making into gunpowder all saltpetre made in England or imported. A commission dated 26th April, Charles L (1637), after re- citing that grievances had arisen from the indiscriminate sale of gunpowder — Mountjoy, Earl of Newport, and others were ordered and authorised to make choice of and license persons who were desirous of buying and receiving gunpowder from any of the Royal magazines, and selling the same by retail. 7th June (1637), another commission was granted to the HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. 29 Bishop of London and others, giving the licence to dig for salt- petre, and to make gunpowder. I7th March, 16 Charles II. (1663), was issued a proclamation prohibiting the exportation of saltpetre for three months. June 5th, 18 Charles II. (1666), a commission was granted to John Lord Berkeley, Baron of Stratton, and Sir John Dunscombe, Knight, Thomas Chichely, Esq., commissioners for the execution of the office of Ordnance, "WiUiam Legg, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, John Evelyn, of Deptford, E. Strong, Esq., Edward Sherborne, Esq., Clerk of the Ordnance, and Jonas Moore, Esq., to dig and work for saltpetre, and make the same into gunpowder for the King's service. 22nd July (1689), was issued another proclamation prohibiting the exportation of saltpetre. Letters patent, dated 29th October, 1692, were granted to " Our trusty and well-beloved subjects — Richard Earl of Belmont, in our kingdom of Ireland ; Peregrine Bertie and Phillip Bertie, Esqs., sons of our trusty and right well-beloved cousin and coun- cillor, Robert Earl of Lindsey, Sir John Huband, Bart., Sir Nicolas Pelham, and Sir John Bucknall, Knights ; William Gulston, Wil- liam Tindal, Thomas Cox, Rupert Brown, Richard Dayrell, Wil- liam Barnesby, John Hoskyns, Esqrs. ; John Seger Widenfelt, Charles Cox, Thomas Malyn, John Sherman, Patrick Gordon, Samuel Antrim, Jonathan Smith, gentlemen ; Thomas Dawson, and James West, merchants ; and all such others as shall here- after be admitted and made free of the Company by the name of the Governor and Company, for making and refining of saltpetre within the kingdoms of England and Ireland, and to have continuance for ever." They were to sell and deliver into the office of the Ordnance two hundred tons of the best white saltpetre, duly refined, within one year from the date of the patent, and every year afterwards such quantities, not exceeding one thousand tons in any one year, as should be required by the Ordnance, at the price of £70 the ton, in case it bore that price in the market; or if not, then at the market price. 30 HISTORY OF GUNPOWDEK. " They were also to pay, yearly, during the continuance of their grant, to the Treasurer of the Navy, lOOOZ. towards the relief and maintenance of maimed, aged, and decayed seamen, until a hospital should be built for them ; after the erection of which, the money would go towards the support of the hospital." There is no record, Mr. Hart states, that he has met with, of this remarkable charter of incorporation, in any works on the subject of gunpowder, nor is it known when the company was dissolved, or the charter surrendered. There can be little doubt, however, that, as by the Bast India Company's Charter, the Company was bound to import a certain quantity of saltpetre annually, for the use of the Ordnance, pro- bably quite sufficient for the Government purposes, that the supply from the Governor and Company was quite unnecessary, and that the discovery of WiUiam Tindal and Thomas Cox, Esqs., of a " new way of making saltpetre in great quantities," on which the com- pany was formed, was of no commercial value, and thus the supply of Indian saltpetre led to the discontinuance of their project.* I have thus, through the kindness of Mr. "W. Hart, of the Public Record Office, been able to place before the readers of this volume some interesting facts which will establish the cer- tainty that although the manufacture of gunpowder commenced in England in the time of Edward III. (1345), it was not until the reign of queen Ehzabeth, when the improved art was imported from Flanders by the Evelyns, that it was fairly estabhshed ; also that until the reign of Charles II. the quantity required for the King's service, and of saltpetre also, was not sufficient, and that large supplies were imported from various foreign countries. It will also account for the supply to the East Indian armies after the East India Company had established their manufactories in England, in aid of the quantity furnished to the Bengal Government by the native manufacturers, until the time of Mr. John Parquhar, in 1794. — Editor. *■ Acoorcling to tlie ctarter of 1693, A-D., tlie East India Company was bound to funiisli the Government with 500 tons of saltpetre annnally, at from £38 to £45 per ton. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 31 General Principles of Gunpowder. The first object in the manufacture of gunpowder is, to obtain, in small space and weight, a material which produces, when excited by chemical action, a high propellent force, possessing an expansive power which shall be gradual, progressive and under good control. Such is gunpowder. Thus the weight of 2 oz. will, in its expansion when fired, propel 1088 oz., the weight of an iron ball placed before it in a mortar, the distance of 100 yards. We are thus supplied with a power the artillerist requires, infi- nitely superior to the mechanical contrivances of ancient times. The expansion of gunpowder, though amazingly rapid, is by no means instantaneous, as, if so, it would be totally unfit for the purposes we apply it to, for the following reasons : — we can only apply it to artillery projectiles or fire-arms generally, by using chambers of metal to confine its expanding power, except on the side of the shot or projectile placed before it, in which we allow it to expand. Now all metals consist of particles held together by what is termed the power of cohesion, and that this is only a limited power of resistance, differing in different metals, we know by experiment. Thus fulminating powders, laid upon an open plate of metal, though confined only by the atmosphere, produce a perforation in the plate of metal from the momentary impulse of the force ; and when applied to cannon or shot placed before it in a confined chamber, shatter both probably, without producing any intended projectile motion. Hence the advantages of gunpowder ; its expansion is progres- sive, and there is time given to overcome the i?iertia of a weight of matter placed before it, and to impart this force to the pro- jectile, without the evil consequences of fulminating powders. Gunpowder has also the advantage of being easily transported, and, under proper precautions, with perfect safet}'- ; and it is a singular circumstance, that notwithstanding the advance of science, and the wonderful chemical progress of moderns, there has been no substance yet produced that possesses all its advantages, and that the three materials used in its composition from the 32 CHEMICAL PEINCIPLES OF GUNPOWDEE. earliest times, viz., saltpetre, charcoal, and sulphur, have not been superseded by others.* Chemical Principles of Gunpowder. Chemistry teaches us that there exist certain properties in matter which, when different atoms of various kinds are brought into contact, will, under the influence of heat, produce the won- derful phenomena called sudden decomposition and consequent explosion, changing their condition from solid particles to an expan- sive gaseous or aeriform state. We cannot explain the nature of the power, but we can, by experiment with it, produce effects, and from these calculate the power we can produce, with other results. There can be little doubt that, in the first formation of gun- powder, when the science of chemistry was comparatively un- known, accidental circumstances led to these properties being discovered in the mixture of saltpetre, charcoal and sulphur; probably, in the first instance, only saltpetre and charcoal were used. But at the present day, from the science of chemistry, we find that in these ingredients the following properties exist, which render them so essential for the purpose of forming gun- powder. In saltpetre, or nitrate of potash, we have a compound con- sisting of nitric acid and a base of potassium. Chemists of the greatest celebrity have not given to their analysis the exactness of the proportions, but if we take the fair medium, we may consider saltpetre to consist of. Nitric acid 54 Potassium 46 t The charcoal and the sulphur may be considered as simple substances if pure ; and though this is seldom the case, we must so consider them at present. In the three components of gunpowder, we have, therefore, a compound and two simple combustibles. * Gun cotton, and other proposed substitutes for gunpowder, will be noticed in the Appendix. — Editor. I Celebrated chemists differ in the proportions. See Appendix. CHEMICAL PKmCIPLES. 33 The compound (the saltpetre) consists of nitric acid combined with a base of potash. The nitric acid consists of oxygen and nitrogen, six parts of oxygen to one of nitrogen ; when salt- petre is exposed to a red heat, or above 800°, it decomposes gradually if there is no combustible present, and a portion of tRe oxygen and all the nitrogen will pass away into the atmosphere, the other portion of the oxygen will unite with the potash, and form oxide of potassium ; but when we bring a combustible, as charcoal, into contact with the saltpetre at this heat, a violent and sudden decomposition takes place, and consequent explosion, from its striking the surrounding air so suddenly. The oxygen com- bines with the carbon, forming carbonic acid gas, and the nitrogen is set free. It is found from experiment that the volume of gaseous or aeriform fluid thus formed, occupies a space as a per- manently elastic fluid, about 240 to 290 times that of the bulk of the gunpowder used, when cooled down to the state of the atmosphere ; but at the time of explosion the heat generated is so great, that the expansion of this volume of gas is increased from four to eight times in bulk, varying according to quantity and quahty of the gunpowder and the circumstances of the explosion. Such is the cause of the amazing power of fired gunpowder. We have as yet taken no notice of the third material used in the composition of gunpowder, viz., sulphur ; nor of the base of the saltpetre, potash. For neither the sulphur nor the potash are elements from which the expanding gas is formed ; that proceeds alone from the combination of the oxygen of the nitre with the carbon, for gunpowder of equal strength can be formed with saltpetre and charcoal only ; but the sulphur has many valuable properties, which render its mixture necessary and advantageous in the manufacture of good gunpowder ; it is highly combustible at a lower temperature, about 550°, and in the com- bustion, no doubt, assists in thp ignition of the charcoal and com- bines with the potash forming sulphuret of potassium. It has the valuable property, being unalterable itself in moisture, of closing the absorbent pores of the charcoal, and from its hardness and tenacity assists in adding firmness to the grain of gunpowder. 34 CHEMICAL PEINCIPLES. qualities that are invaluable when powder is to be stored or trans- ported. Good gunpowder cannot, therefore, be manufactured without a due portion of sulphur. The question, therefore, now is, what are the best proportions of the three ingredients 1 Chemists have decided, in general terms, that the proportion of charcoal should be just sufficient to absorb the oxygen of the saltpetre, and the sulphur to saturate the potash. Then, according to the theory of chemical equivalents, the weight of the compound will be the sum of the weights of the equivalents, thus : — Nitre consists of . Nitric acid consists of Potassa consists of . {1 proportion nitric acid 1 ,, potassa {5 proportions of oxygen l „ nitrogen oxygen potassium Equivalents. {; Nitre consists of Carbonic acid consists ( r Therefore to absorb it will f 6 require . . . . \3 Sulpburet of potassium fl will reqmre . . • \ 1 oxygen nitrogen potassium carbon . oxygen oxygen . carbon sulphur . potassium 54 48 8 40 14 14 . 8 8 40 40 48 14 40 6 6 8 16 8 48 6 18 16 16 40 40 102 102 102 22 66 oG Supposing nothing lost in the transfer the result would be- Nitrogen 14 "j Carbonic acid 66 > 136 or Sulphuret of potassium 56 J 10 -a 48-6 41-1 100 To obtain the three ingredients in these proportions would require — 136 : 100 102 18. 16. ; T5 '08 saltpetre 13 '12 charcoal 11 '8 sulphur per cent. Dr. Shaughnessy remarks on the above :— « There are, at least, seven definite compounds of sulphur and potassium, and there are, * Carbonic acid gas was first discovered by Dr. Black in ITST ; and Dr. Priestly discovered oxygen gas in 1774 ; and Dr. Cruickshanks, of Woolwich, made many experiments on gunpowder and these gases, for notice of which, see Appendix. — Editok. CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES. 35 at least, two of carbon and oxygen always formed on the explosion of gunpowder. The carbonic acid in part combines with potassa ; the sulphur is partly converted into sulphuric acid ; compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, especially nitric oxyde (N 1, 2), are produced, and in some analyses cyanogen and its compounds have been detected ; all this is cited to show that the results cannot be enunciated in the above simple terms, and admit not of estimation in these simple formulge." There is a simplicity in the above calculations ; but as we find that the most celebrated chemists offer different results, and that it is easy to combine under given proportions atomic weights into other and different forms, we must pause ere we accept the above theory as complete. As regards gunpowder, we may observe, and it is a curious circumstance, that the resulting proportions of chemistry are nearly those universally made use of by manufacturers of gun- powder in early times. The quantity of gas, the temperature of the combustion, and the expansion under this temperature, are uncertain and varied quantities ; but the average may be taken, that one measure of gunpowder will yield from 240 to 290 equal measures of perma- nent elastic gas ;* that if the temperature during combustion is as high as 2196° Fahr., this will create an expansion or a pro- pulsive force of about 1592 atmospheres; taking the atmo- sphere at only 14^ lbs., there results the astonishing pressure of 1592 X 14^ = 22,074 lbs. on the square inch of surface at the moment of combustion. Note. — I am well aware that many writers on the subject have estimated these measures, temperature and expansive forces, both in excess and below the average statement here given. Great variety will arise from the nature of the charcoal used in the composition, supposing the other ingredients pure, and also from the circumstances under which such experiments are tried, from the quality of the manufactured * Gay Lussao estimated this quantity of permanently gaseous volume at 450. See Appendix on this subject. — Editob. D 2 36 CHEMICAL PEOPOETIONS. material and the proportions used. The subject will be further alluded to in the Appendix. — Editob. The following tabular statement of the proportions of the in- gredients to form gunpowder used in different countries may well find a place in this portion of our pages : — Names of Countries and Places, &o. Saltpetre Charcoal. Sulphur. Eemarks. lbs. lbs. lbs. i Bengal, Ishapore, and\ Allahabad . . / 75 15 10 '3 Madras 75 13^ 11| A Bombay . . . . 75 15 10 Best Sikh powder . 75 12-5 12-5 Probably derived from French f England Royal miUs, \ Waltham Abbey . / 75 officers. ja 15 10 S ' Dartford 79-70 12-48 7-82 From French analysis. I" Hounslow . . . 78 14 8 Mining powder 65 15 20 Government mills, 1808 . 75 12-5 12-5 Mons. Champy 80 15 5 „ Bouchet (sporting) . 78 12 10 ,, Chaptal 77 14 9 i\ De Berne . . . . 76 14 10 These proportions -were made Poudre ronde 76 14 10 by the French chemists, in Maoquer . . , . 75 15-5 9-5 order to satisfy the Govem- fi 1794ofBac . GreneUe 76 76 14 12 10 ^ 12 mentwhich were the best pro- portions, and the three first were declared strongest, and M. Merveau . 76 9 9-24| the third proportion was then Ditto. . . . 77-32 9-24 adopted, though it contamed M. KefiFault . 77-50 7-50 7-50l less charcoal and kept bet- ter ; but of late years the Austria . . .J 76 13 11 ^ proportions were adopted of 75-5 11-3 13-2 75-, 12 -S-, 12-5, as the in- United States . / 76 75 14 15 10 10 crease of sulphur was found to be a great preservative. Prussia . . . . 75 13-6 11-5 Switzerland . 76 14 10 Spherical grain. Hanover . . . . 71-2 13-2 10-9 Sweden 76 16 9 Spain , . . . 76-47 12-76 10-78 Belgium 75 12-5 12-5 Ditto, Carbine . . . 78 12 10 HoUand 75-6 12-5 12-5 Wirtemburgj Artillery, ) „ Infantry J 75 12 13 74-6 10-7 14-7 « Russia .... 70 18-5 11-5 For mining 65 15 20 Hesse Cassel . 73-3 13-35 13-35 Chinese . 75-7 14-4 9-9 SALTPETRE. 37 Other analyses of 1844 give different proportions to these powders with but slight alterations. But there are many cir- cumstances which will cause variation, and much will depend upon the purity of the saltpetre employed by different manu- facturers. All the rarious powders agree in these points — to require nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon ; to reject all substances attractive of moisture, as hydrogen and its compounds, or sulphuric acid and its salts. Hence it appears the object should be to bring those substances evolving the first desiderata free from all com- binations of the latter ; or when found together to separate them as "far as possible, so as to neutralise the effects of the injurious ingredients. Saltpetre is found in abundance in Siestan, and between Persia and India ; but in Bengal this salt exists, perhaps, in greater abundance than in any other country. The great demand for it in the periods of European warfare, combined with the distance from whence brought, rendered saltpetre a truly valuable article. The greatest exertions were used in France to counteract the EngHsh monopoly, but they were not rewarded with the success desired, art being unable to compete with the natural production. Still the attempts led in some measure to a better understanding of the nature of the article. In some cases advantage was taken of situations affording a portion of the required elements, and by the addition of the other portions the compound was produced. Thus in cases of limestone containing nitric acid, the stone was pounded up and mixed with earth ; to this was superadded ashes obtained from vegetable matter affording potassa; after which the whole mixture was watered. The nitric acid combined with the potassa and rose to the surface, whence, the water being evaporated, the saltpetre was deposited. The carbonic acid united to the lime was allowed to remain at the bottom. In other cases decaying animal matter of every description was obtained as containing nitrogen and yielding ammonia. This was brought into contact with a mixture of earth and ashes with water. 38 SALTPETRE. when the same result appeared in an efflorescence of nitre on the surface. Thus from 433 lbs. of urine thus mixed were obtained 100 lbs. of crude saltpetre. Experience pointed out that the following conditions required to be fulfilled : — The presence of a base ; ,, „ of moisture ; ,, ,, temperature above 32° Fahr. ; ,, ,, matter containing nitrogen ; ,, J, atmospheric air. The great difficulty appeared to exist in the obtainment of the nitric acid. Many other opinions were held. Some considered the presence of carbonic acid necessary, and that both the elements required for the nitric acid were obtained from the atmosphere, and were gene- rated and recombined under certain laws, with reference to the moisture, temperature, and mode of union. Unable to compete with the natural production, from the time that the material was brought to Europe by commercial enterprise, the manufacture of the article by such processes was abandoned. The subsequent development of th,e process of manufacturing saltpetre in the provinces of Bengal indicates that a near approach had been made in France, under the clever chemists of that nation, to the correct elements of the compound, all that was further required being the vivifying energy of nature peculiar to certain locations. According to Mr. Stevenson's account, all the soils of the districts of Tirhoot, Bahar, and Agra consist more or less of saline matter intermixed with sand and carbonate of lime. The quantity of saline matter is extremely various, the salt of potash being chiefly found in places tainted with animal matter. There exist also large portions of saline ground, barren by reason of their saltness. During the periodical rains these districts are overflown, the various salts are dissolved and brought into con- tact, when new combinations follow, and fresh salts result; as the SALTPETEB; 39 water evaporates or percolates the soil, these are found and collected ; the lowest produce of saltpetre bemg, perhaps, three per cent, of the collection of surface soil, and the highest about thirty-eight per cent. These products, by repeated washings, evaporations, and filterings, are collected in a mass, valued at three rupees per uiaund, and contain by analysis — Moisture . . . . . . . . 10'6 Sand, mud . . . . . . . . 22'V' Sulphate of soda . . . . . . . 23'8 Muriate of soda . . , . . . . 4 "2 Nitrate of potash . . . . . . . 38 '7 100 This raw material next passes into the hands of the class who crystallise it in the form required by the Calcutta mer- chants. The crude mass above (called dhoah) is boiled in its weight of water ; evaporation goes on, and it is skimmed on the surface. The liquor is then let off into a deep tub, where the insoluble matter sinks to the bottom ; after that the solution is again transferred into a shallow vat, where in three days the crystals are formed. These crystals are then well washed in pure spring water, and are then called the culmee saltpetre of the Calcutta market, and valued at 94 per cent, of pure nitre, which, however, is full 20 per cent, over estimated. Mr. Stevenson gives the following result of an experiment to ascertain the quantity of culmee saltpetre, extraneous salts, and insoluble matter contained in 20 maunds of native dhoah, or crude saltpetre, purchased by the Gomastah at 3 rs. 8 as. per maund. Dhoah saltpetre ...... 20 maunds. Water used in solution . . . . . 20 „ Time in evaporating the solution to a crystal- lising state ...... 3^ hours. Fuel consumed (jungle grass) . 3 maunds. Time the liquid remained to crystallise . 30 hours. Temperature after standing 30 hours S4? Pahr. Produce of culmee saltpetre 4 maunds 10 seers. 40 SALTPETRE. Mother Liquok or Fikst Boiiino. Time in effecting the evaporation of this . 3 hours. Fuel consumed (iimgle grass) . . . . 2 maunds. Time setting to crystallise . . • -30 hours. Oulmee saltpetre produced . . . . 3 maunds. Mother Liqttok of Second Boiling. Time in evaporating . ' . . • • 2j hours. Fuel consumed (jungle grass) . . . . 2 maunds. Time in crystallising 30 hours. OuJmee saltpetre produced .... 1 maund 33 seers. Last portion of Mother Liquor evaporated to Dryness contained Md. Seers. Sulphate and chloride of soda 3 5 Insoluble matter, mud and sand . . • . . 4 36 Total Quantity from the 20 Maunds of Dhoah Saltpetre, Md. See Culmee saltpetre .....■•" 3 Extraneous salts . . . • ■ • . . 3 10 Insoluble matter, mud and sand . . . . . 4 36 Moisture in the dhoah . . . ■ ■ . . 2 31 20 The above Quantities reduced to per-cbntage, Non-insoluble matter 25 per cent. Extraneous salts . . . . . • • 16 ,, Moisture in the dhoah . . . ■ . 14 ,, Total impurity . . ■ • • . . 65 Nitre or culmee saltpetre . . . • .45 100 Such may be estimated as the result of the manufacture of the nitre or saltpetre of the Calcutta market ; and, notwithstanding the recorded extraction of 1 6 per cent, of extraneous salts in the native processes, a large quantity — more than half the above per-centage — still remains, which must be extracted before the saltpetre is fit for the manufacture of gunpowder. As the gunpowder agency holds forth a demand for a consider- able supply of culmee saltpetre in its crude state, of course the dealers attempt to sell it to the best advantage, and the agent to buy on the same terms. Tenders are invited for the quan- EEFINIKa SALTPETRE. 41 tity required, and musters sent. Of each sample fifty pounds are taken, and boiled with an equal quantity of water. On the third day the produce of crystals is weighed, and that tender giving the best result, with reference to the price, is usually taken (provided the terms are in every other respect unexceptionable) . The price multiplied by 61, and divided by the produce of the 50 lbs., gives the rate per 100 lbs. on the price per maund. In examination of an extended average of the loss in refining the saltpetre of the Calcutta market to the state of purity fit for powder, it may be put down as 32 per cent. According to the charter of 1693 A.D., the East India Com- pany was bound to furnish the Government with 500 tons of saltpetre at from £38 to £45 per ton. The price in London in April, 1849, was about £28 per ton. Of course, at the present day, the Government obtain their own supplies in the market. Bengal exported on an average of seven years, from 1840 to 1847, of saltpetre 570,300 maunds, valued in invoice at rupees 5 r. 6 a. 5 p. per maund, about £16 the ton. SALTPETRE. PEEPAKATION OF THE SALTPETEB FOE THE FOEMATION OF GUNPOWDBE AT ISHAPORB. First Boiling. In the evening 32 maunds of crude saltpetre of commerce was put with 40 maunds of tank water into each of the large boilers ; a strong fire in the furnace below (having proper flues to carry the heat and flame round the boiler before it entered the chimney) was kept up all night, by which the solution was boiled until the morning, when the fire was withdrawn and all impurities that had risen to the surface were skimmed off. A small quantity of cold water was then thrown in to check the ebullition, and 42 EEFINING SALTPETRE. cause the lighter impurities to rise, and the muriate of soda and other impurities to subside. The solution was then pumped off into large wooden vats, and there left to settle for three or four hours ; after this the liquor was run off into large wooden vats, 16 ft. square by 18 in. deep, where it was allowed to remain three days to crystaUise. The mother liquor, remaining uncrystallised, was then drawn off, and returned to evaporating boilers, where it was boiled down to a state fit to form crystals, which state was easily ascer- tained by dipping in a small clean stick, and exposing a drop of the moisture upon it to cool in the air on a cold surface ; if crystals form in cooling, the boiling has proceeded sufficiently. The crystals are now drained from all moisture, and placed in the store as the first-boiled saltpetre. Second Boiling. The first-boiled saltpetre was treated in the same manner as in the first boiling, and then run off to cool in copper pans, to avoid any chance of impurity being imbibed from the wood of the vats. These pans were set on an incline, upon elevated troughs, to allow the crystals when formed to be well drained from moisture. The crystals were then thrown on a canvas-covered platform, and broken up coarsely to allow all impure water in the cavities of the crystals to escape. The bruised crystals were then put into a washing-tub and washed with cold tank-water, which, carrying with it a small portion of saltpetre as it runs off, will free the crystals from almost all the impure salts which may have remained. After this the nitre was piled up in baskets over draining troughs, and sprinkled with distilled water from watering-pots. It was then tried with the test of a solution of nitrate of silver in distilled water ; and if no cloudiness appeared as it dissolved, was received as pure nitre ; and after draining in the baskets for two days, was carried to the fusing-house. All the washing or draining waters, dirty or clean, were then returned to evaporating boilers ; this liquor was kept constantly REFINING SALTPETEE. 43 on the sifiimer, impurities skimmed off, and the evaporation carried on for about twenty-four hours, till crystals began to form in cooling. These crystals after being drained, were con- sidered and stored as saltpetre of the first boiling. The crystals of the second boiling, after having been tested by the nitrate of silver, and drained in their basket for two days, were then carried to the fusing-house, where they were placed into iron pots, set in proper furnaces, and heated until melted, and then appeared perfectly fluid, and as clear as water. The heat may be continued until a little slip of paper dipped in occasionally begins to ignite ; the fire must then be damped, and the liquid nitre ladled off into shallow copper pans, in which it cools in twenty-four hours into a solid cake, opaque, being the sal prunella of commerce, quite free from all water of crystalhsation ; and when broken and put under the mills, far more easily reduced to a fine powder than when in a crystallised state. The time required to heat a pot of 200 lbs. of saltpetre to the melting point, is about four hours : wood fuel was used in all the furnaces. Care must be taken in this process that the heat does not reach that of redness, or 1050° Fahr., for then a portion of the nitre would be decomposed ; but the test of the strip of paper will guard against this evil. This process is by many considered unnecessary and useless ; it can in no respect render the nitre more pure ; and should the pot ever attain a red heat of 1050° Fahr., a portion of the nitre might be decomposed, part with some of its oxygen, and become hyponitrite of potash, a salt extremely attractive of moisture. The advantage hes in leaving no water whatever in the nitre, and hence the weight given to the powder being quite correct, and always the same. But this difference might be easily calculated. No very large amount of weight or loss of nitre should result from this operation, except that quantity incidental to all handling ; still the fuel, the pots, buildings, labour, and loss, all add to the cost of the powder. Very dry first-boiled nitre, being 44 REFIiiriNa SALTPETEE. fused, lost by weight 1-8 per cent., but from waste fmd other causes 2 per cent, may be considered as the loss. The fused cakes of nitre, when cool, being broken up by hard mallets, their produce was then placed in the grinding mill of the common construction, viz., vertical wheels running round on a circular bed. These were of iron at the Ishapore Mills, the wheels 7 ft. diameter, with iron rims 16 in. in face, with a small bed of iron to work upon 2 in. thick, and their required weight was made up by fiUing up the openings of the wheels with blocks of wood. Three or four bullocks worked the mill, and could turn out 75 lbs. of saltpetre finely ground in forty minutes, a man follow- ing the wheels round with a wooden spatula to prevent it caking under the process. Heavier wheels were tried ; but though the effect was produced in a shorter time, the nitre was found to cake, and time was lost in breaking the lumps. When the nitre was considered sufficiently pulverised, it was taken and dried over an iron stove, and afterwards passed to the sifting-house, and sifted in common hand-sieves, the bottoms of which are made of fine Tussore silk. I am inclined to doubt if there exists any advantage in this very fine sifting ; and to ask, if the impurities resulting from too much handling (especially in a hot climate, as India) may not counterbalance the advantage of this minute state. Indeed, pulverised and sifted nitre soon sets together under- the dampness of the atmosphere, so that it will hardly pass a second time through the sieve with less labour than the first operation required. The expense of the silk sieve is great. A fine wire one would answer equally well, and save money.. The old agency books go far to estabHsh that unfused, coarsely pulverised nitre, and even first-boiled nitre, do not give inferior powder when fresh. At Madras, and in some of the English works, the saltpetre is prevented from crystallising by causing the solution, in the boil- ing, to cool down and settle under constant agitation ; the result being that no crystals of any size are fornied, and the saltpetre EEFINIKG SALTPETKE. 45 is produced at once in a fine powder ; and -where great economy and quick production are required, the process might be followed without disadvantage, and considerable saving of expense. The average quality of the saltpetre brought to the agency at Ishapore, yielded about 69 per cent, of pure nitre. Prices varied, but the cost of the 100 lbs. of nitre, after going through all the processes of refining and preparation for mixture, was from 13 to 14 rs. for the 100 lbs. The analysis of saltpetre, as given by chemists, differs con- siderably ; but we shall bring this under further consideration in the concluding pages of this book; and in this place will merely allude to The Tests to try the Purity of Saltpetre as fitted for Gunpowder. To ascertain the presence of muriates, common salt, &c., a solution of nitrate of silver in distilled water is the most con- venient — 4 grains of this substance being dissolved in 1 ounce of distilled water. If a small portion of the refined saltpetre is to be examined, it may be dissolved in pure distilled water, and, if the saltpetre is pure, when a few drops of the solution of silver are mixed with it, no cloudiness or change of transparency will be observed ; but if the contrary, and any white cloudiness appears, it denotes the presence of a muriate, and the saltpetre will require further refining. One drop of the solution of the nitrate of silver will indicate the presence of so minute a quantity of muriate as -^q. By this test the quantity of the muriate present may be detected; for if 100 grains of crude saltpetre are dissolved in distilled water, then 2 drachms of the solution of nitrate will throw down a precipitate ; and if more be not occasioned by a further addition, the saltpetre may be considered to contain \ per cent, of common salt : one drachm of the solution will detect -g- per cent. To ascertain the presence or absence of sulphate of soda, a similar process is followed with a solution of 4 grains of nitrate of barytes to 1 ounce of water ; of which solution 2 drachms will indi- cate the presence of \ per cent, of sulphate of soda or Glauber salt. 4G TABLE OF AVEKAQES •(Si Co ■jsp/iod loj ig psngai jo ^soq si. e 6-' •pS[;oq-puoo8S JO -^uao .red pauifaj no ssor[ o •poiioq -pnooss JO f)S0Q CO ■pajioq-^si^ JO •^nao J9d paijoq -paooas tto ssoi 8 Eg 00 00 •psiioq -}sig JO ■iSOQ a, 00 o 05 r-l r-l o> •poare^qo apnio JO ■'iVLSo i9dp3]ioq-:}BjTj T3 S s isd rannpts9]j 8 05 o •opnjo JO •^nso lai pojioq -!(Big no ssotj 8 CD o ■qj 001 «d ((soo pstiiods'jj a, e 00 rH r-l CD •p.iBoji iJB? 'HIM 0* p3!J-iod ■ai ranunQ 8" e2 •qi 001 'aoud .Hi^zBg; si, 03 r-( 00 •pnn^ni .lad 'aoud j'u^zBg o rH CO .-J J;- ^ o "^ 00 -H> 00 T-i r-l ° 1 CO ^' cq S3 Si m o o o OQ l> ■fab 13 ^ O CO o B O r^ -* »■ r-l rH O CO ^ IS cu o u m •^ •^ i ■^ r-l ^ 'S O O O f3 a § IMPKOVED PROCESSES. 47 Improved Process of Refining Saltpetre. The usual impurities of unrefined saltpetre — as nitrates and muriates of lime, with other salts having bases of magnesia and soda — dissolve and remain in solution equally in hot or cold waters, and saltpetre has the property of excess of solution as the temperature is increased : advantage has been for some years taken of this property, both in France and at Madras, as well as the saving of labour accruing, in preventing large crystals being formed by the slow process of coohng, by keeping the solution in agitation during the boiling, so as to obtain pure saltpetre in the state of fine meal at one operation. This new system of refining has now been improved upon, and adopted at the Royal Mills, Waltham Abbey, and by some other private manufactories. A quantity of unrefined saltpetre, according to the size of the manufactory, say 40 cwt., is put into a copper boiler holding 500 gallons, with 270 lbs. of water, and brought to a boiling point ; the impurities are carefully skimmed off as they rise, and a small additional quantity of cold water is occasionally thrown in to assist in precipitating such salts, as not equally soluble with the nitre as the temperature rises. After boiling about 3 J hours, the fire is damped, and those salts that have crystallised fall to the bottom. In about two hours a copper pump is used to pump ofi" the solution into a trough, properly provided with cocks, to each of which a canvas bag of a jelly-bag shape is attached, and the solution runs ofi" through the canvas into large troughs 10 ft. by 6 ft. wide, 9 in. deep, lined with sheet copper, and is kept in a state of agitation with wooden rakes until nearly cold. Thus a large quantity of very minute crystals are formed, which are drawn up by a wooden hoe, and thrown by a shovel on a framework wire sieve resting on the opposite sides of the trough ; here they are allowed time to drain, and have the appearance of fine white snow ; when drained sufficiently, the produce is raked over into a washing cistern conveniently placed, which is 6 ft. long by 4 ft. wide, and 3 ft. 6 in. deep, and fitted with a false bottom of wood, that can be removed at plea- 48 IMPROVED PKOCESSES. sure. A quantity of pure cold water is then allowed to run on the saltpetre into this cistern until it is nearly full ; after remain- ing an hour in this bath, the first water is drained off, and fresh water is again added to fill the cistern. After an hour this is drained off by raising the bottom, and the saltpetre is found to be perfectly pure, and equal to that which used to be obtained in three crystallisations on the old plan of refining. The water remaining in the cisterns where the solution had been kept in agitation is allowed to remain until the next morn- ing, when a quantity of larger crystals will be found at the bottom and sides. These are placed with the unrefined saltpetre, and the mother liquor from the agitating cistern is then drained off and evapo- rated to crystallising density as usual. The water from each washing of the crystals is conveyed to cisterns, and used with the boiling of the unrefined nitre instead of other water ; but, as it contains a small portion of saltpetre in solution, a lesser quantity of the unrefined saltpetre is used to make the proportions correct. This saltpetre, having a snowy appearance, contains a degree of moisture, which is evaporated by its being placed in 2 copper trays, about 10 ft. 6 in. by 3 in. deep; and these, trays are heated by being placed over flues heated by a furnace ; 4 in. of dry sand being laid between the flues and the bottom of the trays. The saltpetre is spread about 2 in. thick in strata, and raked about till dry : 4 cwt. will dry in about 2 hours. The saltpetre is then barrelled for use. Thus the whole process of refining takes place in one day, instead of six on the old plan, and with less than half the amount of labour and fuel. The apparatus is trifling in quantity, and the space required in the refining building greatly reduced. Thus, for a refinery to produce 23 cwt. of refined saltpetre per day, the following apparatus will be ample : — 1 copper boiler, holding 500 gaUons, set in a proper furnace, and provided with a wooden trough lined with copper or CHARCOAL. 49 lead, and 4 or 5 cocks with canvas filtering bags of the jelly-bag form. 50 copper crystallising pans. 2 copper cisterns, 10 ft. long by 6 ft. wide, and 9 in. deep. 2 wooden cisterns, 6 ft. by 4 ft. wide, 3 ft. 6 in. deep, having false wooden bottoms, easily fitting, and loops to lift by. 2 copper evaporating pots for the mother water, &c. 2 copper drying trays, 10 ft. by 6 ft., with 4 in. rims, and set over furnaces with flues, and a bed of 4 in. of sand, on which the trays are placed. 2 copper pumps, and troughs of the necessary length. Wooden rakes, shovels, &c., as required, with cisterns to receive the washing water. The floor of the refinery should be lined with flag-stones, and the sides and roof capable of free ventilation. — Editor. CHARCOAL. The common mode of preparing charcoal is to fill a deep pit with the pieces of wood in regular layers, and then to apply fire. The water, gum, mucilage, and other volatile parts distil from the wood ; the greater part falls from the upper to the lower strata ; to these denser particles succeeds a gas, called carbonic acid, with portions of hydrogen gas. The fighter gaseous matters ascend to the upper strata. Both these exudations are ultimately eva- porated, incinerated, "or driven off by the fire. When the carburetted hydrogen gas appears in its purest form coloured with a light tinge of red, and inflammable by a light being applied, the external air is excluded by closing up the pit ; the fire dies out, and charcoal remains. Such is the common and cheapest mode of preparing charcoal. By many authors it is considered equal to all other expensive ways of producing it, and to this day it is followed at the Madras manufactory of gunpowder. 50 CHAUOOAL. The method used at Ishapore, as in the best manufactories in England, is to cut the wood into small sticks about 5 or 6 inches in length, and to separate them into parcels of nearly equal diameters ; carefully taking off the bark of the wood, and sepa- rating all unsound pieces. The wood is then packed into a sheet- iron cyhnder 6 feet long by 2 feet 5 inches diameter, and its cover fitted on. The cylinders will contain 150 pounds to double that quantity of wood with reference to its state of dryness and the size and close packing of the pieces. The cylinder is then placed inside a thick cast-iron cylinder or retort, of a little larger diameter and length, fixed horizontally, and set, generally two or three together, in a proper brick furnace. The open end of the cylinder is then closed with an iron circular plate, fitting exactly to the neck of the retort, and luted up with clay. An iron shutter working on hinges below, and looped up at the top, covers the retort completely, and the edges of this shutter being turned inwards close against the brickwork of the furnace, the vacant space between the shutter and the mouth of the retort is filled up with damp sand. There are four short projecting pipes cast on the opposite or rear end of the retort, two of which only are required to be used in the process, the other two being carefully luted up. The advantage of having the four pipes is, that after use for some time, the lower parts of the retort being exposed to the greatest heat of the furnace burn, when the whole retort being shifted J round in the brickwork, will bring fresh parts of the exterior into equal exposure. The two open pipes are so placed that one is above and the other directly below in a vertical line, and to these are attached copper pipes about 1 8 feet long, leading to cisterns of water, into which, after the denser vapours are passed off when the furnaces are first lighted, they are, by means of a bent nozzle, to be fitted on at the proper time, made to dip a little below the surface of the water, to prevent the admission into the retorts of any atmospheric air, which would cause the consump- tion of the charcoal. The fire is then applied to the grate below the (g Ki -^ K (g © /g^ [L I" y [^ ca /?\ (g PlcLte. 1. IS,;' Pcu/e^ SOJ Jia. L/ la ID {■ • • a atf -- ' g^ '= Jag I H IJLjL^J P P c □ n w n w w w J\ \J w^/////////^^//////f'/M . ',W/MM///MMm//MMu/in ■WcaJ.'.Lonrlc-n FlcUe^ 4. ga ©n ^Q iw OF GLAZING REELS, PARTLY OPEN. REFER ENCES. D- The ,'\finet info whxrh the Powder falls. F. The ."^pur tvheel cf S$ Coi/s whirh works the. Reel Nttts of 2€0}i^s. C. Hcrl Nuts luinq on the sajne shaft as the^ Reeh. Scale of Feet'. Pu>lish©d Vy iJaKn 'W.jale, London. Ml BroS tith'.? Cssfl* S«HoIlMm. •»<^ © IfiV, S 1 ly) .1 I MODE OF MANUFACTURING GUNPOWDER. 69 Incorporation of the Ingredients of the Composition. During the early manufacture of powder, this part of the process was looked upon as the key-stone of the fabrication, on which entirely depended the goodness of the powder, and it was then considered that milling could not be performed for too long a period to any detrimental extent. In those times the process of milling, long continued, did duty for the dry-mixing just detailed, and for the act of pressing, which will be explained hereafter. The native mode of incorporating the ingredients was by the simple denkee, or pestle, worked by the foot, and falling into a wooden mortar ; such I found to be the case in the wilds of Affghanistan; and such was the mode pursued by which the powder was incorporated in the earlier days of the Ishapore works. Subsequently an attempt was made to introduce a grand pilon- mill, worked by cattle, with several other machines, all of which have been discontinued since the cylinder-mills were introduced. In the first alteration, these mills were used to grind the crude materials, intermix them with each other, and incorporate the whole into one mass. The following is Colonel Galloway's description of the mill erected by him. (See Elevation of Mill. See Plate.) " The construction of the new cylinder mills is extremely simple. The cylinders are 6 ft. in diameter and 18 in. broad on the face ; they are of bronze or gun-metal, and their weight is between 5f tons and 6 tons each. They are termed cylinders because their outline is that of a cylinder, whose axis is 18 in., and diameter 6 ft. ; but it wiU be seen that the weight of a perfect cylinder of these dimensions, of metal, would far exceed 6 tons. To preserve the size whilst we limit the weight, they are consequently made more like a wheel than a cylinder, with a nave 22 in. in diameter, rim 18 in. broad, the space between containing six openings, and the faces are hollowed out to reduce the weight of metal. 70 MODE OF MANUFACTURING GUNPOWDER. " The bed on which they revolve is also of the same metal ; the outer rim (or curb of the bed, as it is technically called) is made to slope outwards at an angle of about 35°, and is cast in one piece ; and being cast perfectly true, the angle formed by the horizontal and sloping hnes thus forms a defined circle, in the centre of which is the box on which the pivot of the upright shafts works, which conveys the motion to the cylinders. The outer plough, which throws the composition inwards under the cylinder, consequently works with the greatest accuracy in the angle of the curb in moving round. " The cyhnders are attached to the upright shafts above men- tioned, by a horizontal spindle or axle of iron, 4|- in. in diameter, turned perfectly cylindrical, on which they revolve. This spindle passes through the centre of the vertical shaft and through both of the cylinders, which are keyed up at each end of the spindle, and confined in their proper position by means of washers, which also keep them off the shaft as well as off the keys, and which may be shifted, so as to admit of the cylinders moving either in the same or in different tracks, if required. " The bed is raised about 6 ft. above the level of the floor of the mill and the bullocks' walk, for the purpose of giving pro- tection to the driver and cattle in case of explosion. " This great elevation, together with the form of the curb, or outer rim of the bed, which slopes upwards, as above described, gives the blast, already above their heads, a direction still farther upwards, so as to pass over them entirely. " Even the men who turn the composition, and whose bodies above the middle are on a level with it, by throwing themselves instantaneously down, might possibly find a little shelter from the blast. " The action of a cylinder mill as a machine for incorporating the ingredients of gunpowder, is perhaps the most perfect of any yet introduced for that purpose. The compound action of grind- ing and compression seems to be precisely that which is wanted, viz., to pulverise and unite the heterogeneous atoms of the composition. MODE OF MANUFACTTJEIKG GUNPOWDEK. VI " The power of these mills is immense, each cylinder weighing nearly 6 tons ; so that with the weight of the spindle, boxes, washers, &c., 12 tons of metal are constantly in motion on the composition. To derive the full advantage of this immense power, it is necessary that the composition be kept well under the cylinders ; this is done by a plough moving on each side of the composition, which is also necessarily stirred up by the men with shovels (whom we call turners), who follow the cylinders, or runners as they are called, taking care at the same time to keep the composition from caking, which it would otherwise do, and ' drift before the runner. " These turners are furnished with prongs or shovels made of wood, resembhng the human hand with the fingers spread out. I found this preferable to the flat shovel, which laid too much of the bed bare, shoving the composition before it, instead of turning it up, as it ought to be. One man moves round directly opposite the inner plough, and it is here that the principal part of the labour of turning is performed : the side of the plough, offering a perfect resistance to the shovel, admits of the prongs being pushed through the composition, without shoving it on one side of the track of the runners, each prong forcing up its furrow, and thus answering the required purpose in the most perfect manner. " The turner, who moves before the other runner and outer plough, is merely required to keep patting the composition gently with his shovel, which breaks the incipient cakes, and thus has the effect of entirely preventing the drifting, which, when allowed to form into large sheets or cakes, would fly or " drift," as it is called, before the runner, leaving the bed bare. " This, it is thought, might be attended with danger. The great weight of the cylinder falling upon the bare bed, it is sup- posed, might occasion such a degree of percussion and friction as to produce explosion. I doubt this, but still every precaution ought to be observed, and the danger ought to be strongly impressed upon the minds of the people, to ensure their own safety and secure their attention to their duty." Previous to any disquisition or comparison of the effect of this 6* tons each 6 feet. 18 inches. 6 feet. 3 feet. 72 MODE OF MANUFACTURING GUNPOWDER. with that of any other mill, we will carefully examine the facts of the case. Cylinder weight ..... ,, diameter .... Face of cylinder Diameter of outside track „ of inside track Therefore, 3^— 6^ x -7854 = 21-105, say 20 sq. ft., or 2880 sq. in., will be the space covered by the composition. Allow the line of contact to be ^ in. broad, then 18 x "25 = 4-5 sq. in., supporting 6 tons. Hence 4-5 : 120 cwt. : : 1 : 26^ cwt., is the weight per square inch. Now, the cubic contents of 80 lbs. of composition is 4257 in. ; hence the composition would be "43, or not -^ in. deep. Again, 80 lbs. x 16 = 1288 oz. in a charge ; 2880 : 1288 : : 1 : '41, say half an ounce to a square inch, as the ratio of com- position to surface. Now what is the action caused by the revolution of this frustum of a cylinder round its axis, while the axis is carried round in a circle 1 It is a grinding, tearing, mixing, and pressing action combined in one. For the sake of simplification, let us consider each of these actions in detail, and first the grinding. It is evident that the grinding action, under the weight of 26 cwt. on each square inch, will be met by the impenetrability and resistance of the composition interposed between the cyUnder and the bed ; this consists of a stratum of the very finest par- ticles ; and as the breadth of the surfaces in contact is not very great at the point where the actual grinding action takes place, I doubt if the particles themselves are reduced to a much finer state than when issued from the sifting-house, though no doubt two or more particles of different ingredients might, under this twisting, grinding action, have their union rendered more com- plete. The edges and the points of the atoms are abraded, and the contact rendered more facile. These results will be more apparent as the depth of the stratum becomes less. MODE OP MANUFACTUEIKG GUNPOWDER, 73 But we have already ground tlie ingredients to almost the finest possible state, and the depth of the stratum is con- siderable. Next we will glance at the mixing action. Some of this results from the twisting action under and near the line of motion of the cylinder ; also from the sinking of the cylinder into and through the mass of the composition, which causes a motion among the particles, a portion of them escaping laterally. Again, we have the two ploughs turning over these raised ridges, separating the mass and altering its form ; also two men with wooden forks, who are constantly employed in breaking up the cakes and lumps, and giving the whole a good deal of motion. "We have already given to the composition almost all the mixture it can require. Lastly, we have the pressing of the weight of the cylinders. In many respects this is opposed in result to the grinding and mixing process. The pressing no doubt may, and does force a compact union between the different particles of the various ingredients, and if these have assumed their correct relative position towards perfect amalgamation, then the pressure would confirm the same, and render the arrangement, binding. We do not require the density of mass, because this we seek and subsequently obtain from the continued operation of a powerful press. Let us pause for a moment on the simple operation of mixing with a pestle and mortar : if we merely press down with the pestle, the matter under it might be broken, but without the twisting round and round and shaking up we should never acquire a perfect mixture ; and so it is with our cylinders, the more dense the strata is made, the less easily it is broken up and the matter re-mixed. If the mass of the composition becomes set under the cylinders, their use, since the introduction of presses, is concluded. Now we have well ground, well mixed, and propose in a sub- sequent operation to give the composition good pressure : hence there must be some other law or element in action under the 74 MODE OP MANUFACTURING GUNPOWDER. mills, and this I take to be the water, which operates to expel the air from between the atoms, to lubricate, damp, and soften the surfaces of the saltpetre, so as to permit the atoms of the other ingredients being pressed into the interstices — a union which the gradual contraction in drying up of the water would render permanent. Hence the grinding, mixing, and pressing are all of service to cause the water to percolate the mass, bring the particles into close contact, and give tenacity to the whole — constant motion all furthers this end. A quantity of water holding nitre in solution would, on its evaporation, leave a most minute deposit of nitre on the other particles. The extremes would be, constant milling continued till all the water was evaporated, when the result would appear in a dry composition such as it left the mixing barrel ; or, water holding- nitre in suspension to be mixed with the charcoal and sulphur, kept from being precipitated by agitation. The quantity of water and of mixture under the evapora- tion are the points to be determined. These I conceive to be various as the attending circumstances, only to be determined by practice. The conclusion would be — that a certain time is requisite for the cylinder to overcome the elasticity and impenetrability of the damp composition. That the quicker the cylinder turns on its axle the greater will be the grinding action. That as regards pressure, 400 revolutions in two hours would be equal to 200 in two hours, although the former would give more pulverisation. That more tossing about, intermixture, and evaporation, would result from the quicker velocity of the cylinders, but less as regards the work of the turners, who would have diminished time in which to perform their operations. That the greater the charge, the less it is certainly pressed. That ploughs, confining the charge under the path of the MODE OF MANUFACTURING GUNPOWDER. 75 runners, render it more thick, and cause it to be less pressed, but enhance the intermixture by extra motion. That the atmosphere has much influence on the extent of evaporation. That there may be an essence in the ingredients which escapes in too much handling, as does decidedly the light volatile charcoal. The following is the remark of Mr. Braddock on this subject : — " The incorporating mills at Waltham Abbey are turned by water-power. They make six or seven revolutions per minute ; the quantity of ingredients laid on a mill at one time is called a charge, it weighs 42 lbs., and is worked for three hours — hence from 1000 to 1200 revolutions of the mill result as the regulated degree of incorporation for 42 lbs. of composition. " The cylinders are of dark grey limestone, bearing a good polish ; not brittle, nor of an easy fracture, and weigh about 3 tons each, and, calculating the weight of the two cylinders at 6 tons, it follows that in three hours, at six revolutions per minute, they subject the ingredients to the action of no less a pressure than 6,480 tons. It is this exceedingly great quantity of manipulative effect, that makes most ample compensation for the imperfect mixture of the ingredients before incorporation. " The gun metal cylinders at Madras weigh, as nearly as possible, 41 tons each; the pair of cylinders therefore being 9 tons, and number of revolutions 100, the pressure they exert on the composition is 900 tons — the charge laid on the Madras mill is 60 lbs., about half as much again as at Waltham Abbey — and at the 80th revolution of the mill, gunpowder dust from the corning-house is mingled with the composition, and the whole is then worked and incorporated during 20 more revolutions to complete the established number of 100 ; so that the Madras fowder undergoes, finally, only about one-tenth part of the King's gunpowder. " There is a certain point beyond which it is unnecessary to carry the process of incorporation, but where that point is gained 76 MODE OP MANUPACTUEING GUNPOWDER. remains to be fixed. I think it difficult to say, having reason to believe that it differs in different systems of manufacture. " To determine the maximum effect of the cylinders at Madras, 60 lbs. of composition vrere milled from the rising to the setting of the sun ; it was made into powder, proved, and found greatly inferior to that which had been only miUed with 100 rounds. The powder so made was kept apart some years after it was proved, and as often found of the same inferiority. Similar quantities were milled with 1000, 500, 400, and 200 rounds, and found still in corresponding proportion inferior. " In the ' Aide M^moire,' p. 707, ed. 1819, maybe seen the results of some experiments made in France in 1816, on the incorporation of powder in Pilon mills, whereby it appears that 1 7 hours' stamping produced a powder no stronger than 8 hours' stamping. The following were the ranges in metres : — 8 hours . . 260-6 11 hours . . 261-5 14 hours . . 262-6 17 hours . . 258-4 " These experiments plainly show that there is a certain point at which the process of incorporation has attained its maximum, and beyond which the powder derives from it no increase of strength. " The practice of mingling the dust of gunpowder with the fresh composition is not in use in England. " The gunpowder made from reworked dust or mill-powder gains no additional strength by its additional incorporation ; on the contrary, it is not so strong nor so regular in its effects as the powder which is made from fresh ingredients." From a manuscript memorandum the following is given as the Madras mode of procedure : — " The composition having been brought from the mixing-room, one charge of 60 lbs. is placed on the bed of the mill, and sprinkled with 4 pints of distilled water ; the mill is then put in motion, and at the 17th revolution 20 lbs. of gunpowder dust, received from the coming-room, is added to the above quantity MODE OF MANUFACTUEING GUNPOWDER. 77 of composition without stopping the mill, which continues re- volving till it has completed 100 revolutions, which number is denoted by a tell-tale or dial plate ; the time occupied with one charge is 35 minutes. " The composition is pressed into hard cakes by the weight of the cylinders, which weigh 6 tons." In the following Tables we have some results worthy of notice : S? a CQ u ii 1 ll SI Kemarks. Tons. Hrs. lbs. Qts. Revolutions. England .... 6 3 (3601 lisoj 42 1 50° 1 360 by water. 180 by horses. Bengal .... 12 2 150 80 3 ■^ Madras (Bradook) . 9 * 200 60 I 80° MSS. Mem. . . 12 i 200 60 2 -^ Table I. JRatio of weight and time, to charge. England Bengal Madras (Bradock) MSS. Memo . 42 : 18 : : 1 : -42 80 : 24 : : 1 : -3 70 : 4-5 : : 1 : -076 60 : 6 : : 1 : •I Table II. • Batio, England being 1. . 1^ •392 . ■170 •238 Batio of revolutions, weight, and time, to charge. England Bengal Madras Ditto, MSS. . . ,., f6480) . , ri54 1 ^^ =13240/ ■■^■\ 77/ 80 : 3600 : : 1 : 45 60 : 900 : : 1 : 15 60 : 1200 : : 1 : 20 • . 1- •292 ■097 ■129 In addition to which, at the 70th revolution, 20 lbs. of dust is added to the Madras charge, further reducing the ratio of water to the composition : England Bengal Madras 1-4^ in fair proportion to the heat of climate. The evaporation of the atmosphere in India is so much greater 78 MODE OP MANUPACTURmG GUNPOWDEB. that a much shorter time, or less numbers of revolutions, will be required to reduce a mixed damp mass of composition to an equal degree of tenacity, than in Europe. The whole process is in its results very analogous to kneading of bread, mixing of mortar, or making clay for bricks : a certain quantity of mixture reduces all these articles to the required tenacity, beyond which few manufacturers would think it necessary to carry on the labour ; indeed, extra labour would vitiate the process. If water equal to the evaporated quantity was added to every 100 revolutions, I believe the composition would retain the same tenacity up to 10,000 revolutions; but, if water was not added, that after a time it would deteriorate into dust from which the lighter particles would escape. I consider the Madras powder to be nearly equal to the Bengal, and neither to be greatly inferior to the English ; yet by Table I. we find the products for mixture to vary from 1 to "238, and by Table II. from 1 to '129 — variations in no way commensurate with the trifling difference in quality of the powders. Hence I argue that a very large amount of labour has been, and is, thrown away, and that double the quantity of composition might be milled at the Ishapore works in the same period ; that much lighter cyhnders would answer equally well, especially since the introduction of presses, which now entirely supersede one of the former chief objects of milling. The question has been much argued and variously treated and tried, but never, I think, in its simple bearing. Mixing barrels and presses have been superadded, and yet no reduction made in the quantity of milling. Can there be any reason given why the Madras powder of 100 revolutions should be equal to the Bengal of 240 ? Colonel Galloway considered that the power of 28 lbs. would keep the cyhnders in motion over the empty bed, and that 200 lbs. would continue the motion over 60 lbs. of composition. I find it requires full work for five good bullocks to move the mills for four hours in every twelve, and to keep up 120 revolu- tions per hour. MODE OP MANUFACTURING GUNPOWDER. 79 Each, of the mills is provided with a register clock to record its revolutions. Much argument was entered upon to determine the number of revolutions, and many experiments made ; at last a final trial was ordered. Barrels of powder were made from 100 to 600 revolu- tions. These were distributed to various stations, and ordered to be regularly tried. This powder was made in 1836, after the mills had been reset up, and cylinders newly faced ; and would therefore be a superior specimen of the manufacture. The agency proof of these samples is given in the following page. 80 TABLB OF AGENCY PKOOP. ^ l:^inJr--^COODCS O O rH 00 ■* O 00 05 05 in -^ ■* ■* lo o iHr-lT-li-lrHTHi-l 05 OS OS ^ 03 05 C: i •aSujSAY . ■^ 05 O O i:- ■* 05 00 00 cq lO ■* i:- 05 to • • g lOIMiniOlOrHlO 05 -* cq rH rH cq K5 n . lOCOi^tOtOir-M i:^ 00 OS OS 00 OS 00 P* 00 00 00 00 00 00 -* J>- t>- ^— h- i— *— 05 1 O (M -^ 1^ OS OS OS OS 00 OS OS lO OS CO iH lO rA rH f cq cq iM (M cq iM (M rH iH rH rH rH rH rH iH rH 1 O O 05 O K5 iH rH rH 00 i:- 00 rH lO ^ OS ^ wst lO XO iH . r-i rH -* lO rH rH . n U o O O r-l i-J rH rH • to : CO 00 OS 00 OS OS OS * -^ : ■* o IN iM cq cq oq cq oq i-< rH rH rH rH rH rH tH rH % to to -* iH 1-1 -* cq cq 05 05 rH 00 O 1£5 o O o" •8881 ># lO 05 K5 . , iH cq lo cq tC i£5 . ^ o- 05 OS OS OS OS OS OS ir- . J>- A s iM cq cq cq iM cq iH r-\ r^ r^ r^ t-i r-^ 1-t r-{ ■^ s ft ■isn : : ; ^ ; ; ; i : : s" 05 N 05 05 to i:' 05 o: OS -"H i^ 00 cq o o i^ OS rH OS cq "-• ~ (NiniO(NK5-*^ r-1 ^ C<1 cq tH lO rH lO lO 05 r-{ 3 9E8I o cqcqcqtNCqcqrH CC iH to O O O rH O O OS Ttl OS la "o cq (5q oq cq cq cq (M 1-^ r^ cq cq cq cq cq cq rH rH rA 1 00 Ir- lO 03 02 ■* lO J>. 00 00 lO 00 Jr- rH 00 ir- lO to o o in lO 05 OS 05 05 ^ to ■o i^totOJr-tOJr^Jt-i- K5 lO 1£5 lO 1(5 lO lO o •aSeiaAy S-t--*Oi^-0S05rH f"J:-10iHCqr-OrH lO J^ ir- rH to -* cq ; io — 1 Jr- OS i- J;- OS cq 2 05 05 lO 05 T)H ^ lO rH O rH O O O rH rH iH iH iH iH rH iH r^ rA r-\ i-\ r^ r-^ i-t +:> fe DO • 005J:-CqrH05rH ^^rH to -* cq lo lo cq cq 00 00 00 o H?f "8^81 '05 ^ioo5mo5ioiocq It; cq 05 o OS c 00 OS OS cq OS cq r~ £ •OiJ J'B^IOM ^totoir-iototoi- to i:^ 05 05 lO ■* to ■* ■* ^ lO 115 lO 05 o 05 ?l ft 1^ •0^81 : ="a i •8881 ^5 <1 S'^ ■Z88X ^i h 2 ■9S8t 'ZZ ™ mir-rH051000tOO IC C5 ■* rH lo cq to '«i< cq cq lO OS CO "n if o .g ^cqcqiO05toji5O5 Ci J>. -* rH X OS 00 00 O OS rA lO in E>l oo g -ojj .TO^JOM >Hj^_J>.J:-±^ir^i>-l- IC -* to lO lO O lO to lO ■* 05 ^5 cq rH '^ lO tK rH to i~. cq t^ th 05 to nS H _^l^i:~OOJ:-ir-0000 i- 00 00 00 00 00 gs •9313J3AY [tJ'^oo^tocqoioo to rH J:- to OS rH • '. 1, d ^Hto^ocqJ^-Jt-o^o 00 rH 05 O rH 05 ' 05 05 ■* 05 05 ■* cq 05 ■* 1* ■* tH 1* tg •SfSX '8 JrHT)(J?-010-*tO Pl:^tO00J:-tOJ>.00 h- CO rH 05 r)( J:- iO 00 00 rH to rH lO 1 •0^ JB^JOJl ir 00 05 Jt- t- 00 Jt- Jr- J:- 00 ■* 00 to u •OfSI 'oz ij l^- Jr- O rH 00 in • S to to 00 1:- to 00 . oc * rH rH ■* 05 05 CO ■ 00 : tr, 1?? ■0^ I'eqjojj o- . J:~ 00 00 00 00 00 . 00 . 00 ^5 ■8881 'OS " 00 cq tX rH rH rH ' ^ i- i- G5 00 00 00 • ■^ - to OS 05 to cq cq ■ 00 : 00 s« it •0^ JB^jojn ' 00 00 OS 00 OS OS . 05 . 05 lO •Z88I 'OS »'tDO-^03i^05-* ^lr-i^00±-±~00Q0 o- tH lO to 00 ■* "* OS lis io rH lO to 1 •Oil i^l^OH 00 J;^ ir- 00 Jt^ J:^ 00 00 to 00 in •9881 'EE JO ^'cqOJOJlOrHCiOO 0- 00 la O OS OS 00 Jr- O O 05 O 05 5 -OM J«!JMM ^l^-Jt-i-i-OOJr-OO IT 00 to 00 00 00 00 00 OS 00 o 00 to cq lO §:■ ■98St 'n-ldV ^} epi-] (I to 05 1 > ■> >? ■9 ESI 'ludV ni spi!) ■n7 0. >. fcIZi ^ ^ "u 1 r3 lo ^ ■^ X 05 ^^ 11 g • • o5 t tJ B a ■n'n ^ 00 c o o .tl O revolutions of ditto . ditto ditto . ditto ditto . bay powder, 1 P- w .! • • --^ pq n 1^-S 1 a D 1 Ordnanc revolutions ditto . ditto ditto . ditto ditto . bay powder, ll As. o o o o o o a HJ o o o o o o a _g fi o o o o o o o ,<- o o o o o o o ti rH cq 05 ■* in to FH H rH cq 05 ■* 115 to W EH MILL CHARGES. 81 To determine the best quantity for mill charge, Colonel Galloway records the following experiments : — 8-Inoh Brass Mortab, Shell 50 lbs., Charge 3 oz. 100 revolutions 200 ditto 300 ditto 400 ditto ■ Totals 100 revolutions 200 ditto 300 ditto 400 ditto Totals Mm charge 60 lb. MUl charge 80 lb. Musketry. Ordnance. Musketry. Ordnance. Yards. 128 150 172 165 Yards. 129 144 172 158 Yards. 128 149 167 155 Yards. 119 131 158 141 615 603 599 549 Eprouvette. Degrees. 24 24} 25| 25f Degrees. 21 21i 23| 22f Degrees. 23i 24f 251 24| Degrees. 21i 221 231 22i 100 88f 97f 89 These trials exhibit but trifling difference. Again, we have the following remarkable experiment on the subject of mill charge : — Moll charge 40 lbs., 300 revolutions musketry . „ 60 lbs., „ „ „ 60 lbs., „ „ 8-inch Mortar, 68 lb. ball, 2 oz. charge. Eprouvette. Yards. 95 95i 96^ Degi-ees. 22f 22^ 22f and to this last charge 14 lbs. of dust were added, making the charge 80 lbs. at the taking out. Here we do not find any of the diff"erence we were prepared to expect ; in fact, as each of these had early attained its maximum effect, so they remained stationary. In the matter of the velocity of the cyhnders, I find recorded 82 MILL CHARGES. in the old books of the Agency the following experiment, made by horses, giving 300 revolutions in one and a-half hour ; — Date. Mnstetry. Ordnance. m la's 2 ■« .« «0 tH 00 8-inch Mortar, 68 lb. ball, 2 oz. charge. 1 i .g to i-f GO 8-inch Mortar, 68 lb. ball, 2 OZ. charge. 1 1 Po-svder milled by- horses, 300 revolutions in 1^ hour. / 6 Dec. 1834 19 Dec. 1834 12 Jan. 1835 Total . Average . Yards. 725 753 688 Yards. 88 75 75 22-17 23-5 22-50 Yards. 554 593 511 Yards. 94 79 76 20-5 20-40 20-30 2166 238 68 12 1658 249 61-15 722 79 22-44 552 83 20-25 This is probably- the quickest rate of revolution ever given to cylinders in India. The slowest rate which I can find recorded is, that of the commencement of the season, 1848 ; the buUocks being all new were extremely slow, and required two hours and forty minutes to work off the charge. Po-wder milled by bul- locks : 240 revolutiona in 2 hours and 40 min. October, 1847. Average of five trials made on the 1st of every month to April. Musketry. Ordnance. 8-in. Mortar, 68-lb. BaU, 1-lb. Charge. 8-in. Mortar, 68-lb. Ball, 2-oz. Charge. 1 8-in. Mortar, 68-lb. Ball, 1-lb. Charge. 8-in. Mortar, 68-lb. Ball, 2-oz. Charge. 1 o 1 Yds. 784 Yds. 102 23-9 Yds. 630 Yds. 101 20-49 The 1-lb. charge was here with a 68-lb. ball. We may affirm that no great gain is apparent from the difference of 300 revolutions in one and a half hour, and 240 revolutions in two hours and forty minutes, the first being, in fact, a double velocity. "We have thus seen that there appears no great appreciable difference between a double ratio of mill charge of velocity or of revolutions. It must be noticed that we haA^e no measure for MILL CHAEGES. 83 the quantity of tossing about, the amount of evaporation of the moisture, or any very precise mention of the quantity of water ; whether, for instance, in the 600 revolutions in four hours only the three quarts of water was given, as settled for the 300 revolu- tions in two hours, or whether double water was aiforded, which would require, of course, double the work to reduce the composi- tion to the same state of tenacity and adhesion. Density of mass is not sought for, because this operation is now obtained by the subsequent operation of pressing. All, then, we seek in the ■ operation of milling is, to overcome the natural re- pulsion between the particles, to expel the internal air from between the atoms, and thus engender a strong tenacity and adhesion amongst them : a point more to be judged of by touch and experience, than reached by measure. Extremely dry dust, without being remilled and watered, can- not be pressed into a cake, on the one hand ; while, on the other, a very small addition to the three quarts of water would cause a liquid state, in comparison with the usual damp com- position ; and between these extremes lies the answer to the inquiry. Hence the heat of the atmosphere, quantity of water, amount of tossing about and being pressed to cause the water to percolate the mass, must all be considered — and these will hardly be the same in any two charges ; but for practical work, a proper medium quantity of each is soon found. In the native manufactories of gunpowder in India, the com- position is made much more damp, and in this state is forced to drop or distil through the catgut sieves they use to form their grains. My opinion is, that a little less water, and a reduced number of revolutions, would fabricate equally good powder ; and in the event of a sudden demand of powder for war, a greater supply might be furnished in a shorter time. The following record, in regacd to the weight of cylinders, may well find a place here : — G 2 84 MILL CHARGES. Description of Gnnpowder. 8 -in. Mortar, 68-lb. Ball, 2-oz. Charge. Pendulum Eprouvette. Cannon. Heavy Bengal double cylinder mill Light Bombay „ ,, . . . Light Bombay single „ . . Musketry. Heavy Bengal double cylinder mUl . . . Til gilt Bombay „ ,, . . Light Bombay single „ ... Feet. 313i 310| 306| 314f 320i 2921 Deg. Min. 23 36| 23 31| 22 30 25 45 25 40 25 36^ All circumstances, so necessary to any comparison of gunpowder, are not recorded, but the ranges indicate very little inferiority in the single light cylinder. The single cylinder would allow the turners niuch more time and space in which to turn over the composition, and break up the lumps ; in short, to give the desired intermixture and motion. The state of the mills, as to the level surfaces of the bed and cylinders, is of much consequence. In this point, I believe, consists the reduction of the revolutions ; for I am convinced that 100 revolutions in a good mill are equal — nay, superior — ■ to 200 in one out of order ; and that after a year's work in a mill, it will require a compensation of at least twenty revo- lutions to keep it up to its proper work. We are not told in the above record the breadth of the faces or the distance of the cylinders from their working centre, and hence the area of the ring of the bed over which the composition is spread and worked ; elements affecting the thickness of the composition, the velocities, and hence the milling obtained. In England, in consequence of the danger from explosions, the mill charge is regulated by law to 42 lbs. of composition, which is well damped. The revolutions are variously stated ; by some authors as 480 in the hour from water power ; the time of working the charge being from three to six hours, according to the state of the atmosphere. Ploughs are used ; but I strongly suspect that the turners are COST OF GRINDING MILL. 85 not, as with us, constantly employed over the powder, but now and then visit the mills to lay the composition even ; having previously stopped the machinery. Many of the cylinders are of stone ; and cast-iron beds are mentioned by Mr. Wilkinson. It requires one chuprassee, two turners, six bullocks, and three drivers to work off four charges in twenty-four hours at Ishapore. The cost of the present mills may be resolved into — Two gun-metal cylinders, about 5 tons each, at r. a. p, Ir. 3a. 4j9. per lb . 2Y,057 1 8 One bed of ditto, at Ir. la. %p. per lb. . . 8,546 13 10'4 Machinery ... ... 2,500 House and foundation . . . . 3,625 10 2 Total .... 41,729 9 1-2 The necessary weight may be obtained by cast-iron wheels inserted into a brass rim, should new cylinders ever be required. Stone beds might be obtained at a less cost than the above- mentioned articles of brass, which are soft, and soon rubbed into hollows. Colonel Tennant,Bengal Artillery, writes to me that he considered powder made by the pilon mills to be superior to that fabricated by the cylinder mills, for this reason : — that the sulphur played a certain part in the composition of binding into one molecule the other particles, whether by the plastic adhesive tenacity inherent in the sulphur, or by its electricity. If the former be taken as the active cause, a certain degree of heat and friction is requisite to generate this adhesive attraction and soften the sulphur ; while, if electricity be considered as the combining and binding cause, then also was friction and heat requisite. The nature of the pilon mill was such, that by the fall of the pestle much motion was given to the composition as it escaped sidewards and upwards from under the pestle ; while, by the movement of the trough longitudinarily, these side heaps were in turn brought under a second pestle ; and in their turn the com- position of these side heaps was forced down, much escaping laterally and upwards ; that thus there resulted a constant motion and friction, and intermixture of the particles, which 86 COMPAEISON OF MILLS. raised the sulphur into the adhesive state, or excited its elec- tricity. That, taking either cause as the active one, a particle of sulphur required heat and friction to generate the required state ; and then a certain freedom of motion in space, as it were, to permit the particle of sulphur to wander about until it had drawn into itself its proper coating of charcoal and salt- petre ; which obtained, it then lost its power of attraction and adhesion, or even electricity. Now the pilon mills had all the required elements of motion, friction, and intermixture, while the very essence of the cylinder mills is pressing, which in its nature represses both mixture and motion, and movement of the particles, except as much as may result from the ploughs and the forks in the hands of the turners. The longer the milling is continued, the harder and denser becomes the cake ; and thus there is less motion of the particles. Convex-faced cylinders cause something of this lateral play, and when mo^^ng in different tracks, they afforded more mixing by the second breaking up the cake formed under the preceding cyHnder. Thus convex-faced cylinders, not following each other in the same track, are superior to fiat-faced cylinders following each other at the same distance from the centre of motion. The necessary heat may be obtained in this country (India) with a less velocity than is requisite for the colder climate of England ; hence the mills may require to be worked with far greater quickness in Europe. To the absence of motion, want of mixture, and of agitation, may be attributed an inferiority, perhaps, of cylinder to pilon mills. The pilon mills used in India were generally of two batteries of 12 pilons each. The theoretic weight was about 80 lbs., falling from a height of 10 ft. at 50 times in a minute, on a charge of 22 lbs., for a period of from seven to eleven hours ; thus an enormous quantity of pounding was given to a small charge. Bruising. The next step in the process of the manufacture conveys the BRUISING MILL CHAEGE. 87 composition from the mill to the bruising-house. Here men, seated in a large vat, pick out any very hard bits of mill-cake, as fit for corning ; and rub down between a roller and a plate of zinc all smaller lumps, till the mass is of one uniform consistency. Hence there is an apparent undoing of the work of the mills in this operation. The reduction to one consistency is necessary, to enable the composition to run into the interstices between the sheets of copper of the press-box. There is perhaps no fitter place to introduce a question, often raised, how best to re-work up the dust which is obtained at every stage of the manufacture. It has been mixed up with the fresh composition under the cylinders, in the bruising-house, before reaching the press, and in several other modes ; which have all ended, at Ishapore, in a . mill being appropriated to the dust, at 40 revolutions to the charge, with one quart of water. Some particles of the dust, in its working and re-working, must receive many thousands of revolutions. It is by many manufacturers considered that the dust consists of a greater portion of charcoal, which has separated in the course of manufacture, being the lightest of the component particles ; but, on analysis, I did not find this to be the case. I do not believe the dust to require more incorporation than it has already received ; but it may become too dry for the press, especially in India, hence the propriety of a little water and a few turns under the cyhnders; forty revolutions is the utmost that is required. This point is of importance, as to finish 100 barrels of powder, requires 140 barrels of new composition, 40 being returned in dust from the various stages. Several trials were made on this subject, which are here given. The operations of the bruising-house require one man for each mill. 88 EFFECTS OF NUMBER OP RETOLUTIOKS. No. 1. — IsHAPOEB, Aprix 22, 1834. Description of Powder. Musketry. Ordnance. 8-in. Mortar, 1-lb. Charge, 654-lb. Ball. 1 s a 8-in. Mortar, 1-lb. Charge, 65i-lb. Ball. If rn o Powder witli only 50 revolutions in the mills .... Powder with only 100 revolutions in the miUs . . . . Powder from dust, but not re- milled, dry, pressed as usual Powder from dust re-milled with 60 revolutions . . . . . Powder from dust re-miUed with 100 revolutions Powder from dust re-milled with 150 revolutions . . . . Yds. 729 754 791 758 747 766 Deg. Min. 22 25 23 7* 23 20 23 25 22 25 23 10 Yds. 590 602 619 605 602 618 Deg. Min. 20 45 21 2i 21 25 21 20 21 35 21 35 No. 2. — IsHAPOEB, Mat 1, 1834. Musketry. Ordnance. tT oT * >::• o •??3 S S. a OO ,-1 -J3 Qo cq oo f»m CO r-i CO OO (N CO ^ w « Yds. Yds. Deg.Min. Yds. Yds. Deg. Min. Powder made from fresh ^ composition and dust incorporated together in the mills ; 16 lb. , of dust being added 755 95 22 45 591 91 21 2^ to the charge of fresh composition at 260 revolutions ^ Powder from fresh com-^ position and dust, in- corporated in the 744 95 23 30 598 94 20 55 bruising-house as usual with aU common manu- facture / Ishapore common manu-^ N facture delivery, No. , 762 97 23 7i 587 96 20 45 22 63 ) §■3 Ditto, ditto. No. 64 . 754 100 22 50 583 104 20 47 Ditto, ditto, No. 65 . 739 98 22 55 603 102 20 55 I believe all these powders to be of one age — about a month. It is certainly strange how very little difference is to be dis- covered between them. There exists an indication that the 50 revolutions fresh powder is slightly inferior ; that of 100 revo- lutions proving the best, even superior to that of 300. The dust-powder of 50 revolutions is equal to any, even to the dust of 150 revolutions. Dust-powder, being already dampish, would probably reach the amount of tenacity of fresh composition of 100 revolutions in about half the time. There appears no difference, whether the dust was mixed up in the bruising-house or under the cylinders. In the 300 revolutions, fresh composition, as probably the most dense, we trace the worst range in the ordnance-powder, and in the dust not milled at all, the very best range. I have no doubt this last powder was very porous and light, hence in the larger 90 PRESSING. charges it ranged most high, but how this powder would have stood travelHng and keeping was not ascertained. Much depends on the state of the dryness of the dust ; when very dry, I could hardly force it into a rotten porous light cake, which would not have borne graining. Much depends, as stated before, on the state of the beds and cylinders ; when these are perfect, I suspect the best powder is reached at 150 revolutions, and that all above is labour lost, whether with dust or fresh composition. Pressing. The next step carries the bruised composition to the press. In earlier days of the manufacture, this operation was not performed ; but the composition was pressed into cake, more or less thick, under the cylinders. This mode was, in the first instance, superseded by a press, in which the whole mass was formed into a dense block, to be sub- sequently broken up. A great improvement next resulted from the introduction of copper sheets between strata of composition. This plan has been attended with the best success. The presses are thus described by Colonel Galloway : — " We now introduce, horizontally, sheets of copper, at regular intervals of three-quarters of an inch, among the composition ; so that, when the whole is pressed, the composition is taken out in separate cakes, of a superficies equal to the horizontal section of the press-box, and half an inch in thickness. " These cakes are perfectly smooth and well defined on both sides, resembling so many slabs of black marble, and almost equally hard when dry ; and when broken still more closely resembling in fracture that of marble, having all that closeness of grain and gloss which is seen in that substance when recently fractured. " For the convenience of loading the press, the composition- containing box is made to fold backwards, instead of being loaded with composition, as it stands within the cheeks of the press; the front moves on hinges, and is made to lift up. IPKlSg ^®U ©yK][P@M®EK [yJSES) ATT fl§M/aiP®K[E Fla£e 6. (gAlPSTi\lK] [F®1^ [PK[E§§ pullislied bj Jolm.'Weale London. KeUEic'Lirr:.';! Cas;lr tj'.Kolt:.m.. Ilate. 7. IPIL^iKl g[E©Tll®Kl ^Kl© llLIIW/af 11®K1 ©IF KIIEM IPI^ESg Kl®l!J)i[E ai[HlAtP@[^l = Ha^' ¥ ''~^ Tp ^^^^^^^^^' lii'" u w lea i FrorvlySle'VcUioTv' . Section/ on/jl B y .... -f .. . . f : /pj^eet^ PiLblished. I17 Jolm-Weale Loiidim. Kelllird^-LitK" Casclfl StHoTtom. PEESSING. 91 "The whole box, thus folded backwards, takes its position behind the press, with its front now become, as it were, the lid or top ; so that the sheets of copper, horizontal when the box was in the press, are now vertical, and the composition is put in between them with great ease and all at once, which shortens the labour of loading the press exceedingly : for without this con- trivance, each layer of composition must have been put in sepa- rately, beginning with the lowermost ; it is, in fact, an improve- ment on the French mode of pressing in plateaux. " "When loaded, the front is shut down and bolted, and the box is raised up, and being attached to the bottom of the press by hinges, is folded up into its position between the cheeks of the press. The blocks are now placed over the lid or top of the box, and the power of the screw is applied. " These blocks are of hard wood ; and as well as the lid of the box, are made small enough to go down within the box, as the pressure is exerted.' "The quantity of composition put into the press is regularly measured by a measure. Our presses hold 500 lbs., and are worked by eight men, with a lever and capstan, the arms of which should be 6 ft. instead of 4, as at present, which would save labour. In order to secure as much as can be done the essential point of equality of composition, besides the test of exhaustion of the power in the men, we have the presses gauged and a mark made, so that the volume of composition being always the same, when the stamp of the press reaches that mark, we know that a sufficient quantity of compression has been given. " If sufficiently pressed, the quantity of moisture being cor- rect, as I have before said, the cake on being broken presents a clean, smooth, shining fracture ; otherwise the fracture is coarse, rough, and dull, without any gloss, an appearance so easily discriminated that it is unnecessary to be more minute in describing it." There are small rods f in. square, used to keep the copper sheets separate when loading. 92 PRESSING. From Mr. Braddock we gather only a few remarks on the art of pressing, because it was not in use at Madras. He says : — " At Waltham Abbey each 500 lbs. of composition received pressure considered to be equal to 600 tons." The following is a fair description of the press in use at Ishapore. (See plates.) The upright posts are 22 in. broad. The screw beam is 2 ft. 2 in. broad. The thicknesses are shown in the plate. A tenon of 9 in. passes through the foundation timber, and is bolted through with an 1^ in. bolt. Of the screw-box beam, two tenons A^ in. thick, pass through each post ; and two of 4 in. thick slip across the front and rear edge of the posts ; and two bolts, 1| in. thick, secure each end. The head is com- posed of two pieces, about 10 in. broad, let upon the post half their breadth, and let 1 in. into the posts, so that they project 4 in. front and rear. The space between, at the outer end, is filled up with a small block, and bolted with inch bolts. Above the beam, under the press-box, is a platform rabbeted, 1^ in. into the faces of the posts, and extending 8 in. beyond the cheeks of the press in front and rear. In front and rear of the press-box, a rabbet, ^ in. deep, is made across ; into these rabbets the low edges of the front and rear planks rest. These planks are 3 in. thick, chamfered oflf at each end to 2 in. The false cheeks of the press are 3 in. thick, and so long as to extend 3^ in. beyond the outside of these planks ; and across each end a piece of hard wood is riveted 3j in. broad, and 1 in. thick. When the press-box is filled and set in its place, the front and rear planks are set into the rabbets in the platform, and pressing against the press-box ; then the false cheeks are screwed home, so that they likewise touch the press-box, and the ends of the front and rear planks are laid hold of by the piece of hard wood riveted across the ends of the false cheeks. Thus forming another and stronger box, closely embracing the press-box on all sides, so that it is enabled to sustain the lateral pressure, which is very considerable. PKBSSINa. 93 The press-box is made of Sisoo planks, 1^ in. thick, and strongly clamped with copper clamps, riveted on the inside ; it is 11 ft. 5^ in. wide, 2 ft. 3^ in. long, and 2 ft. 7-^ in. deep. The screw, inclusive of the head, is 2 ft. 10 in. long; diameter over the threads 7^ in., thickness of the head f of an inch, depth of the thread i^ths, thickness of the thread f of an inch ; diameter of the head of the screw 14 in. ; length of the head 13^ in., diameter of the hole in the head, 7 in. Taking into consideration the loss of the time by constant shifting of the lever, this machine (though not costly in itself) is expensive in its result on the powder. After the press-box is charged, 8 press blocks are put in, at which point there are 3 '5 threads of the screw exposed ; after which, the operation is as follows : — Layer of Press blocks. Quarter Eevolutiona of Screw. Eevolistions of Screw. 2 1 1 ( 20 by hand of 4 men ..'... \ 7 by 2 handspikes, 1 man each . 24 with small lever, by 3 men J 8 small lever 5- 1-75 6- 2- 5 '5 \ 22 large lever and windlass, with 6 men 4 81 20 '25 Now, as it requires four quarter movements, or four quarter revolutions, of the lever, to one revolution of the screw, the levers have to be shifted eighty times, and the screw to be screwed back twice, to admit the blocks. The windlass makes 3\ revolutions to 1 quarter revolution of the lever. There remains 1 foot 3 inches of mass in the box when finished. The loss of time and loss of impulse is very great. The present screws might be improved if second or third threads were added to them ;* or, if they were fitted with a crown wheel. * After this was written, there was one awful explosion at the press-house ; five men were killed, and not a vestige was left of the building. The lighted bits 94 PEESSING. and some machinery admitting of their being worked by bullocks, with no stoppage for shifting the lever, or addition of press- blocks : a division of labour among the men, and a succession of boxes, one being emptied, the second being pressed, and the third being filled by different parties, would enable one press to work off the composition of four or five mills with greater facility. The only disadvantage I can discover being the larger quantity of powder assembled in one spot, and the danger of explosion when hurry and velocity are given to operations on gunpowder. Great care is requisite that the composition be uniformly and evenly worked into the intervals between the copper sheets, in loading the press, with the wooden slices. The present press-boxes at Ishapore contain about 320 lbs. of composition, being the charges of four mills. It takes about one and a-half hour to work one box clear. The cake, on being taken out of the box, has a dampish appearance ; but on being exposed to the sun, becomes quite as hard and even very similar to slate. If the great force used in compression be borne in mind, some idea may be formed of the force again requisite to sepa- rate the cake from the sheets of copper, or indeed to re-open the box. To make an accurate calculation of the power of the screw moved under the many modes just described, with the con- sideration of the resistance of the sheets of copper, and of the composition, and of the friction of the screw and ropes, would be no easy matter. I am induced to write off all the turns by hand and handspikes to the above ; to consider the windlass as merely sufficient to bring into operations the full powers of six men, and to estimate the pressure as that attained by the six last turns of the screw. Then^ — ■ of wood were scattered over the whole enclosure, and the results might have been terrible. The press-houses at Ishapore are all too small, and hardly placed at suffi- cient distances from each other : no accident had before taken place. POWER OF THE PRESS. 95 Diameter of tlie circle of leverage . . . 16 ft. 8 in, Distance between the tlu-eads . Power of a man .... Number of men . ... Revolutions of the screw f of an inch. 150 lbs. Therefore, 16-8 x 3-1416 x f = 1407, say 1400 ; 1400 x 6 ^ ■'■^^ ^ 2^0 ~ ^^2 tons per revolution of the screw. 17'5 X 27'5 = 481 square inches in the superficies of the box. 1^ = 1-17 tons, or 23 cwt. per square inch. 375 lbs. of composition = 6000 ounces. ^ = -093 tons, or 1-86 cwt. of pressure per ounce of com- position. Mr. Braddock says " that every 500 lbs. of cake was at Wal- tham Abbey submitted to a mean theoretic pressure of 600 tons." It is difficult to estimate the result of an increased number of turns of the screw. I pressed some composition with both eleven and with twenty-two turns of the lever ; but the cake from the latter did not indicate any greater density. The fact is, after a certain point, I suspect the strain fell on the various parts of the machine, on the bottom of the box, tenons, cross heads, and side-posts, but did not increase the density of the composition. Composition fit to press is too damp to run into our density measure. Fresh dry composition from the mixing barrels will so run, and gives a density of 145 drams, while dry much-handled dust gives 240 ; our density measure holds 307 drams of distilled water |^ = '78, as the specific gravity of dust. We press the composition into half its bulk: therefore '78 x 2 = 1-56, will be about the specific gravity of cake. I made many experiments by taking the specific gravity of cake in distilled water. Common press cake runs between 1"6 and 1'8, while mill cake varies between 1-5 and 1-7 ; the average is about 1-75. Of course this result depends on many circumstances, as the bit selected being from the centre of the box under the screw, or from the sides. There was an indication that thicker pieces gave a greater density ; perhaps in the thinner pieces all the water was evapo- rated, while in the thicker bits the interstices may have been 96 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. occupied by water and not air ; for, on the evaporation of the damp, the interstices would not close up, but remain as honey- combs filled with air. I thus make solid gunpowder to have a specific gravity of 1-75. Allow our ordnance powder to give by our measure of 33-25 cubic inches, 280 drams, its specific gravity is '912. Hutton gives solid gunpowder 1-74, and gunpowder in grains close shaken -937 ; a proof that my calculations are not very far wrong. Probably the average of our cake is 1'8, or higher than the Enghsh. The advantages and disadvantages of pressing and glazing powder are fairly laid down by Mr. Braddock in the following memorandums, which in some measure anticipate the question of glazing. He says : — " The susceptibility that even the best powder possesses to absorb moisture from the hygrometric property of the charcoal, renders pressing and glazing always desirable, and in some cases indispensable. " It is essential that gunpowder should not only possess great impellent force, when newly made, but that it retain its force to remote periods. No other modes of efiecting this are known at present, than b}"^ imparting density to the powder, and a gloss or polish to the surface of the grain. " The operations of pressing and glazing preserve the powder ; they make it competent to withstand the shaking and friction of carriage ; and render it less liable to deteriorate if kept long in store, or if subjected to the influence of humid atmospheres." This cannot be better illustrated than by an extract from the report of experiments made on Marlbro' Downs in 1811. " Mill cake gunpowder cannot retain its strength because the grains are too soft and porous, and, in consequence, attract moisture like a sponge. Mill cake gunpowder made in the year 1789, ranged this year 3628 yards. " Gunpowder manufactured from hard-pressed cake has a firm close grain ; and, consequently, is not liable to attract moisture. A charge of this powder similar to the charges which EFFECTS OF PRESSING AND GLAZING. 97 "Were used with unpressed cake powder, ranged 4193 yards, although it had been made five years longer than the former. "Moderately glazed powder is more durable than unglazed powder, because the grains are rendered firmer, and less liable to attract moisture. " The benefits of pressing and glazing are absolute ; the disadvantage (if so it may be termed) is rather imaginary than real, unless the powder be of inferior quality. " These operations interrupt the rapidity of combustion, and therefore, in all ordinary cases, they impair the propellant force of the powder. This deterioration has been estimated as high as from ^ to ;^ of the range : that is, if a given charge of mill cake powder ranges 1000 yards, the same charge of the same powder when pressed and glazed will range but 750 or 800 yards. This refers to the powder only when newly made ; we have Just shown that it does not apply when it is 20 or 30 years old, for then pressed powder will range further than unpressed. " It is a well-known fact that pressed and glazed powder does not range so far as mill cake gunpowder. "The Hon. Mr. Napier, while superintendent of the Royal Laboratory at Woolwich, found, from a mean of 600 experiments, that pressing and glazing gunpowder reduced its strength, about one-fifth if the powder is good, and nearly one-fourth if it is of in- ferior quality. This ratio of deterioration corresponds exactly with experiments I made on gunpowder fabricated at Madras in 1813, according to the English system of manufacture. The loss of range was a Httle more than one-fifth, but less than one-fourth ; but the degree of density, as well as size of the grain, will very much modify the result of experiments made to ascertain the quantity of loss. " It does not appear necessary to investigate the causes why dense powder ranges short of lighter powder of the same manu- facture ; it is sufficient that such is the fact ; but if it be thought a question of curiosity worth examining into, we think it attri- butable not to loss of inherent strength, or the less copious 98 EFFECTS OF PRESSING AND GLAZING. extrication of the elastic fluids, but simply to the delay in their due development. We think that the gunpowder of light specific gravity ranges further than powder of greater density, only because it explodes with greater facility ; for the same reason that fir will burn quicker than oak, the one is more solid than the other. Time, however, reverses this action ; the porousness of the light powder makes it more susceptible of injury, Jt imbibes more humidity than the dense powders, and what it gains in immediate effect, it loses by long keeping." Thus dense powder, in large charges, does not display its full impellent power before the act of impulsion is over — from its slower ignition. Suppose we were to make a column of solid cake one foot long, just fitting a musket, it would not explode, but burn vividly and quietly to the end. The fluid disengaged would force the column of solid composition up the bore ; the portion unburnt would be shot forth into the air, but to no useful pur- pose ; the unburnt portion would be greater as the density of the solid column of composition was greater. The same takes place in long narrow charges of power ; much is exploded to no pur- pose as the density of the powder is increased. There exists a ratio of inflammation to the elasticity of the fluid, could we hit upon it, but then such ratio varies with every change of cir- cumstance. In srnall charges, exposed over a large space, and hence not deep, density is an object, as it concentrates the fire and fluid, otherwise left too free and unconfined ; but this soon disappears with increase of charge. On the other hand, density is of the greatest effect in preserving powder through time, carriage, and change of climate. Hence we sacrifice a portion of the impel- ling power to the necessity of durability, and perhaps in some measure also to the desire of pleasing the eye of inspectors, who require a hard uniform grain, free from dust. Again, each year's keeping, and every mile of transit, combine by the abrasion of angles to form a dust, and thus to counteract this fault of too hard a grain. The greater the density of the cake, the less may be the size of the grains. VARIETIES OF DENSITY. 99 The following statement of densities are from my own experi- ments :— Average. 1-73 Average. ) 1-79 Mill cake, fresh, l-inoh tHck, 4 or 5 days old . . . 1 -76 ,, 1 day, thick and -well cleaned, a selected bit 2' 09 „ 50 revolutions, 25 days old, unpicked, rough 1'54 „ 100 „ „ . 1-70 „ 150 „ „ . 1-58 . Press cake, thin fine pieces, selected, i-inch thick, 5 days old 1'65 "^ ,, not cleaned, rough, 6 months . . . . 1'86 „ „ 7 days, 22 turns .... 1 -83 ,, ,, ,, 11 ,, .... 2'02 „ dry dust, 14 days old l-SO ,, best that could be selected, ^inoh thick, 22 turns 1-66 1, „ ,, g-inch thick 1'85 „ cylinder mill, very thin and clean . . . 1'69 ^ The following facts were ascertained : — 1280 drams of fresh press-cake, placed in a house of the mill-yard during the month of November, parted with 14 drs. of weight by evaporation of the moisture in seven days = -019. Exposed for six months in a like situation, from April to November, 5 lbs. lost 14 drs. in the first seven days, and then continued nearly at the same weight during six months ; 5 lbs. of cake, well dried on exposure to the sun, absorbed 8 drs. of moisture in three days, and the same quantity of very damp cake parted with 15 oz. 6 drs. of water in the same period. The press-cake requires two or three days in the sun ere it is fit to corn. The total quantity of water given to composition is about '075. In England, the best Bramah's hydrostatic press is used for pressing, at a cost of some 1200/. each. In time these will no doubt be introduced into India. The present presses in use cost about 3000 rupees each, of which the screws, male and female, will require nearly 1000 rupees. The complement of men for each press is one mate and six men to work oflF cake for twenty barrels of powder in twelve hours. The copper sheets should be changed by degrees, some new ones being given every month, as much depends on the perfect H 2 100 QEANTJLATION. condition of these sheets ; the drying-terraces attached to each press should be covered with copper, to increase the heat, and thus more quickly dry the cake. The cake being now well dried in the sun, is advanced to the next stage of the process. Granulation. The old process of corning, or of breaking up the sohd cake into grains, is described by Colonel Galloway as follows : — " The process of corning, that is, of forming the powder into grains, was formerly performed at this manufactory as described in several books, viz., by breaking the large block of composition above described, of 500 or 600 lbs. weight perhaps, first with heavy wooden mallets, and then with Ught ones, till it was reduced to small pieces from the size of a cubic inch downwards ; these were put in small quantities into sieves of parchment with holes in them, just sufficiently large to admit the largest grains of the powder required. Everything smaller went through of course. These sieves were placed on a frame horizontally sup- ported (some frames contained 24 sieves) from the four corners, and revolving by the motion of a crank in the centre, so that a violent horizontal and circular motion might be given to the frame. Over the composition in the sieves a flat but circular, rounded piece of lignum vitse, or other hard wood, was put, so that when the frames revolved this disc moved round within the sieves, dashing against the rims with considerable force, and breaking the bits of composition that might intervene ; this action of the disc, and motion of the powder under it, broke the larger lumps of composition to a size equal to admit of their passing through the holes of the sieves ; and also rounded them into spherical grains, more or less perfect in proportion to the hardness of the composition. " But this season, since the cylinder-mills have been in use, and I have endeavoured to attain the utmost possible density of grain in our powder, I have not only found that the corning- sieves, as such, have been perfectly useless, but that in breaking down the cakes to granulate the powder, the wooden slabs and PlalR 8. ©(©KSaaSiO© MA (5 531 Kill (y)i[|® ihl OSIKIAIP®^! Sca/f of Feft . -^^rt ! -T - /^T ^ \ □ a D a IFU 3C i J SIDE ELEVATION . ELEVATION OF HORSE OR BULLOCK POWER SIDE VIEW END VIEW. ■published, ky JolmWeiie ionaon '^'ellEio'litJi'.; CuOe Stadliom. GEANULATION. 101 mallets used before were chopped up by the sharp edges of the hard grains, like so much chaff ; these chopped fibres of wood were necessarily mixed with the composition and the dust of the powder, from which it was impossible wholly or even nearly to extract them ; millions of particles, being of the same gravity with the dust, fell along with it in winnowing, and being of the same size, went through the same meshes of the sieves. " They were consequently carried back to the mill and-wofked up with the fresh composition, forming a most extensive impurity in it, equal perhaps to that of which I had hoped we had got rid by the introduction of metallic cylinders and beds, in the room of the wooden troughs in which the incorporation was formerly carried on here. " I have been able to obviate this great evil entirely by intro- ducing slabs of metal instead of wood, and using mallets of lignum vitae, so that no foreign substance can now find its way into the powder ; these slabs are 3 ft. 10 in. long, 15 in. broad, and f in. thick, and are cast out of the old beds of the cylinder mills made here by Mr. Farquhar many years ago, com- posed of a kind of pewter, Banca tin, with an alloy of zinc." This mode, with trifling alteration, appears to have been con- tinued until 1834, when the modern granulating machine was introduced. At present the press-cake, after being exposed to the sun and air for about 48 hours, is, when quite cool, sent to be corned : which is done as follows : — The corning machine consists of a frame of strong tough wood, in which are placed five pairs of brass rollers (toothed), with several brass wheels to work them. The cake is passed between these rollers which reduce it to grain and a portion of dust. There is a large sieve under the machine, kept in motion by the same power that works the machine, one pair of bullocks. All cake that is broken up fine enough for the grain of powder passes through this sieve and is received into small barrels under- neath it, while the parts that are not broken fine enough are 102 GRANULATION. carried back, on elevating bands worked by the machinery, to be passed again through the rollers. (See plate.) As the small barrels under the sieve are filled they are carried to the sifting house. The runs from the different corning machines in various-sized grains are about as follows : Ordnance. Musket. Dust. Loss. Bengal cake, three days in store •334 •329 •312 •023 „ ,, one month ,, ■360 •348 ■285 •005 England, Waltham Abbey ■555 ■277 •16 •006 Madras . . . . . . •38 ■22 •40 ... Bombay ..... •37 ■31 •29 •03 The large sieve fixed to the corning house frame is composed of brass wire of 13X13 meshes ; all that passes through this sieve is fit for powder of some one of the three sorts — Ordnance (0.) ; Musketry (M.) ; and Rifle (R.) ; below which are Fine (F.), and Dust (D.). These two last are hardly to be called powder. All that will not pass through the sieve in the corning house is returned to the rollers to be broken up smaller. The machinery of the corning house is of a very rough de- scription, all cast and finished in the Agency. The metal is made purposely soft, to avoid any chance of concussion. All parts exposed to friction are kept well oiled. The wear and tear of the wheels and rollers is very great ; a set of wheels would probably last five seasons, but a set of rollers hardly two seasons ; the latter are 3 ft. 2^ in. long and 3 H) in^ ^^ diameter — perhaps too light, as they often bend or break when the cake is very hard. Rollers of increased strength would be an improvement, but, if too large, the velocity might be dangerously augmented, a result to be avoided in powder works. In England the rollers are large drums, similar to those of an organ barrel, into which are screwed the teeth of brass ; these are thus replaced when broken or worn. SIFTING. 103 A pair of Ishapore rollers will cost . . 150 rupees. The entire macliine about . . 3000 „ In 12 hours' constant work it could corn about 100 barrels of powder, but at the end of the month would require very extensive repairs. The present establishment is three mates and six men. This house was once destroyed by explosion, with great loss of life. I consider the great absence of rigidity from all our very rough machinery to be an advantage, as the giving way of the parts prevents concussion, and saves explosion.* Sifting. Prom the corning house the entire run is carried to the sifting houses, where it is separated into sizes by hand, men working common sieves suspended from the roof of the house. Were labour dear I have no doubt that a machine might be made which would save much of the time and trouble now undergone in passing the powder through several sieves in suc- cession ; but it is a question whether the result would be cheaper or less dangerous. The sieves in use at Ishapore are — i a 13 Holds. ill If ge Eprouvette. Cm o n to 1 5 ... KunkuT . . 13 Yds. 77 Yds. 453 o / 296 298 K 4 ... Ordnance 17 90 C18 20 41 281 279 3 ... Musketry 24 94 793 22 67 270 269 M 2 ... Rifle . . . 34 95 827 22 35 256 254 R 1 ... Fine . . . 54 89 437 23 36 248 244 F ... Dust . . . ... ... D * I believe one of the great causes of explosions in gunpowder manufactories to arise where there is machinery in quick motion, from the accumulation of the dust of powder round the axles of the parts of the machinery ; and wherever these are, the supporting them on double friction rollers, with reservoirs of oil, well covered, as I used with my mixing barrels at AUahabad, is a great preservative against these disastrous accidents. I had only one trifling explosion, which was in the grinding mills, during the five years I was agent at Allahabad. — Editor. 104 GLAZING. Further details of experiments as to sizes of grain will be given in the Appendix. Glazing. The various kinds of separated grains are next advanced to the process of glazing. Much importance is attached to this portion of the process, which I am not quite prepared to argue the value of. From inspection, and from various memoranda, I am convinced that the large grained ordnance powder of the English service is not submitted to this operation. It probably adds a little to the durability of the powder, and to the uniformity of the range, as reducing the grains to nearly the same size, and thus equalising the combustion of the charge. The following is the description of the glazing process : — The powder is sent to the glazing house, where the whole is glazed by putting 100 lbs. of powder into a skeleton rib-barrelled frame, covered with coarse but equal-fibred canvas. These barrels are turned on their axis for three hours, which gives a slight polish to the grains, and at the same time clears them from all dust. The glazing reel or barrel is 3 ft. 10 in. long and 14 in. in diameter inside. It is formed by 8 longitudinal ribs of wood, with short stays from rib to rib to strengthen the frame, and with heads at each end into which the ends of the long ribs are morticed. The canvas is lashed to the heads besides being sewed the whole length of the side. Two of these glazing barrels work in one large box or plank covering, on brass axes fixed to the heads of the box, and brass sockets to receive them in the supporting frame of the box ; one man turns each by a copper crank handle attached to the pro- jecting end of the axes. There are 10 or 11 of these used every day in the working season. As the harder surface will take a better pohsh than a softer one, I consider that this operation should follow the drying of the powder, and not precede it, as is the present mode. Glazing should @ JAJ] ■33 © 1=1 |W| cm 43 ® .Si @ (K5) ® ® DEYING. 103 be the finishing act of the manufacture, ere the powder be passed through the final sieve before being barrelled for despatch to the magazine. There are ten men working at these reels in a very confined space ; were any accident to take place there would result a distressing loss of life. It would be an advantage if these reels were turned by a simple mechanical power, to turn the whole at once, which might easily be constructed, and the workmen would thus be comparatively secured from danger. It is probable that under the term of glazing very different operations are included. In the Indian process glazing takes place when the grains are dry and hard, but in Europe the powder is probably glazed in a damp state, ere the powder is dried, and then no doubt alteration of shape, roundness of form, would result, all ending in the increase of density in a certain measure of capacity. The English reels are much as those at Ishapore, but are made with cross rods to increase the friction, which serve also to strengthen the frame ; and, for the convenience of unloading, the frame is so constructed as to be capable of being lowered to an incHne, with an opening for this purpose at that end. Drying. In the variable climate of Europe it has been found necessary to resort to artificial means for drying the large quantities of powder at the manufactories. This is accomplished by gloom stoves, or in rooms heated by steam-pipes to the required temperature, rising by degrees from 66° to perhaps 140°, and then sinking back to 66°, by the same regular degrees in 24 hours. But in India, with an ample command of solar heat, and a continued season of dryness without rain, there can exist no reason for resorting to artificial means. English powder being considered as usually superior to the Indian, the use of solar desiccation has been considered by some as a cause of the inferiority.* * See Appendix in " Allahabad Experimental Powder." — Editok. 106 DEYING TERRACES. It is "well known that solar rays hate an effect in dissipating certain substances — hence their use in bleaching ; but it is not proved that any bad effects are produced on the simple elements, or the compounded substance, of gunpowder. Indeed the powder is nearly as strong when fresh from the corning house and before exposure, as after lying for three days in the sun on the terraces in use at Ishapore. The object in drying gunpowder is, by evaporation, to get rid of the water or dampness caused by the use of water in the milling, which then amounts to about 7^ per cent. This water is in a constant state of passing off during the different processes subsequent to the milling. In the presses it is forced out in a great degree, while in all the subsequent various handlings, as in corning, sifting, &c., a further portion is evapo- rated. Still a small quantity of moisture remains, and it is the object of drying to dissipate this. The fear that is usually entertained is that under too great a heat some of the ingredients may alter their form. Thus, sulphur is said to evaporate at 1 70° Fahr., but this is a temperature not to be reached from simple exposure to the solar rays in India. I find that in the register of three years, at 11 a.m., the temperature in the heaps of gunpowder but once ex- ceeded 139° Fahr. The following is the description of the Ishapore terrace : — It is raised 1 8 in. above the ground by masonry, into which wooden sleepers are laid, and over them platforms of wood, four in number, 94 by 21^ ft. each, with passages between them. These plat- forms are covered with sheet copper. Over this drying cloths, or sheets of canvas, are laid, and on these the powder is spread about 1-| in. deep in the thickness of stratum. The powder is brought out about 9 a.m. and taken in about 3'30 p.m., a little later or earlier according to the season of the year. During this interval of time it is repeatedly raked and turned. The whole platform is enclosed with a wall 6 ft. high, in which there are two openings on every side, with shutters, how- DRYING TEEEACES. 107 ever, to close them up, so as to regulate the temperature, which is somewhat raised by this enclosure of the area. This platform is sufficiently extensive to dry for a manufacture of 32 barrels daily. The chief faults are, the' sheet-copper being far too hght, and nailed on the platform in sheets by copper nails, rather than con- sisting of long rolls soldered together. A good slope would also assist in draining off dew and rain, while the wall to the east should be very low, to avoid the shadow cast by the sun when at a low altitude in the winter season, and the days are compara- tively shortened ; perhaps the walls are too high, and there should be a shed close at hand to receive the powder cloths. The process is as follows : The day promising well, about eight o'clock, when the dew of the night has disappeared, the powder- cloths are spread over the terraces, and the powder, emptied from barrels, spread over them — one, two, and tliree days dried, being kept separate ; the whole is then spread evenly out by rakes of wood, to about an inch in thickness ; these fields of powder are constantly being raked and turned over. Towards evening the powder is gathered up in heaps, which are tossed up and shaken in the air if there is any wind, and thus winnowed and dusted ; this done, the whole is returned to the barrels, and carried for the night to the magazine. This process is continued for three days. The powder leaves the terraces heated to about 110°Fahr. ; during the night it sinks a little towards the uniform temperature of the air of the magazine, which seldom varies much from 80° at this season. Tables of the trials of temperature are given in the Appendix. The gunpowder thus exposed for three days to the sun, on the second day became rather greyish in colour, and during the third assumed a very pale grey ; but after being removed to the shade returned to its original colour, black. New and improved terraces, with thicker copper, with a slope to the south, and only one division, thus forming two platforms, were afterwards sanctioned, sufficiently large to dry 300 to 400 108 PACKING, TRANSPORTING, STORING. barrels of powder at once. The expense of them probably 40,000r., but they will last for many years, and prove a saving ultimately. When the third day's drying is completed, the powder is carried to the weighing magazine ; there it is weighed into quantities of 100 lbs., and filled into barrels. The barrels are then conveyed to the magazine. At the close of the month, the powder being proved, and found up to the established range, the bungs of the barrels are well closed down with wax cloth, and covered with a piece of leather. The beads are then marked : — Kiiid of powder. Place of manufacture. Date. Number. OfiBcer's name who proved. Eange in yards. The barrels are then delivered to the Ordnance Department. Packing, Transporting, Storing. Before the powder is carried to any distance, the barrels are done up in wax cloth and in gunny (a coarse canvas), also' well lashed with rope. This packing probably costs per barrel 2r., but is ad- mirably done, and never to my knowledge during all our long and distant campaigns was the gunpowder found to be injured. The transport of the powder depends of course on the mode of carriage peculiar to the country through which it is passing. Thus, from Calcutta to Delhi may be performed by water at a cost of 2r. 8ffi. per barrel. If we suppose carts to be used from Delhi to Loodianah, the charge will perhaps be 12ffl. To reach the frontier, say, Peeshawur, the barrels will be loaded on camels, and the expense incurred reach 3r. If to the actual outlay for carriage be added all the contingent expenditure for guards. COST OP ISHAPORE POWDER. 109 •attendants, loss, and minor charges, perhaps from 70 to 80 per cent, may be added to the original cost of the powder, and thus when the interest of block and capital are included, the price of the powder is doubled from first cost at the manufactory. In magazines it is ordered that the barrels be constantly rolled over. I believe a great improvement would be effected if now and then, during the hottest season of the year, the barrels were taken out a few at a time in some secure place, and well heated in the sun. This exposure would drive off much of the damp- ness which attends all magazines. The staves also, from shrink- ing under the heat, would admit of the copper hoops being well set up at such a time. In England, all powder that has been at sea or on any campaign is re-stoved on return. This operation drives off any contracted damp, but exposure to the Indian sun produces much the same heat as that to which stoves in Europe are raised. A small pucka terrace attached to, but at a proper distance from, a magazine, would be very advantageous when any powder is found to have contracted dampness, as the powder might be passed through a sieve, and the dust extracted ; and from this dust, and other damaged powder, saluting cartridges might be formed, or the saltpetre extracted for magazine purposes at a trifling expense. Cost of the Powder. Secondary, and only secondary, to the quality of the powder is the cost. Good powder made with a small outlay is the point required from the agent by the Government ; but much of the cost depends entirely on causes beyond the control of the agent, as on the price of the crude materials. This assertion will be better understood when it is added that the cost of the nitre alone is one-half of the expense of powder. All the ingredients and necessary articles vary with the rates of the day. The cost of the powder of 1848, per 100 lbs., may be resolved into the following items : — 110 COST OP ISHAPOEE POWDER. r. a. p. 97 lbs. 14 oz. crude saltpetre, for 75 lbs. of pure nitre, at Ir. 9a. 4-357iJ. per 100 lbs. . .7 6 9-4 10 lbs. 9 oz. of crude sulphur for 10 lbs. of pure, at 5r. la. 9 -35^3. per 100 lbs. . . . 8 7-59 91 lbs. of urbur and joiiitee wood for 15 lbs. char- coal, at 2a. 5-4^. for 80 lbs 3 1-4 Tools, stores, materials, and firewood used up, viz., Firewood 14 European stores . . . . 12 0-68 Country stores . . . .020 8 2 6-39 I 12 0-68 Labour, including all establishments ..... 309 /Feeding. 1 1 6-81 Bullocks for motive power . . . ■ \ jjeath 1 8-9 Interest on fixed capital in block . . . . . 1 8 6-27 r. a. p- 20 7 9 18 11 15 11 2 15 11 2-05 Many of the items of charge depend on the quantity ma'de during the year. The average price from 1841 to 1848 is, per barrel of 100 lbs. — Maximum .... Medium ..... Minimum .... But in an article of such great national importance, price should ever be a secondary consideration compared with quality. The English service powders cost 5l. upwards for the 100 lbs., say 50 rupees. The best sporting powders sell in London about 2s. to 35. per lb.— 10/. to 15/. the 100 lbs. Blasting powder is sold by dealers at from 50s. to 75s. per 100 lbs. Previous to 1814 Mr. Farquhar made the powder on a contract of 32r. per barrel, of 100 lbs. Ishapore, Colonel Galloway's powder of 1825-26, cost only 18?'. 15a. 3p. per barrel. The Bombay powder of 1846-47, cost 27r. 11a. ; the Madras powder of 1846-47, cost 29j*. 11a. 8p. per 100 lb. barrel. (See Appendix.) THE MOTIVE POWER FOR MILLS. Ill On the Motive Power used for inaMng Gunpowder. Every species of power has been used in powder mills. Running water is a most excellent agent where available, cost- ing little, requiring no great attendance, and hence, on explosions, less danger to life exists. Steam is now much used, but is obnoxious to this fault, that it assembles together in a space too small so much of the explosive matter. When accidents have taken place the loss of life and destruction of property have been excessive. At Ishapore the entire motive power is of bullocks, which enables all the houses to be entirely independent of each other, and so distant that the explosion in one house has hardly ever communicated to the next. Each of the Ishapore mills requires three changes of six bullocks each, or, with an allowance for sick or lame, at least 24 bullocks for each mill. The work of these cattle is extremely heavy, being the circular movement of twelve tons of metal on a damp substance for four hours in every twelve, at the rate of three miles the hour, covering a full distance of twelve miles, with hardly a single moment of rest in the whole period. Such is probably the very maximum effect ob- tainable from a first-rate young bullock, and far above the aged and infirm; indeed, the work tells exceedingly on all the cattle, they being much reduced in condition when the season for manufacture closes, in spite of the utmost care and attention bestowed upon them. The average complement of eleven years has for five mills been 204 head of cattle, with an average casualty of 26, giving about eight years effective work in each animal ; but this average is too favourable. Under the present large quantity of powder required, not less than 280 head should be kept up, with an annual supply of at least 3. 5 fresh young beasts. The cattle should be yearly sent of the same age (say, four years), that a regular and constant influx of youth and strength may take place. When the regularity of the supply has been interrupted, or the admitted cattle have been 112 HYGEOMETEIC PROOF. aged, or even of one age, ultimate compensation in after years will be demanded and must be paid. The bullocks cost from 30r. to 40r. each. During the working season, one driver with a small proportion of Sirdars is allowed to each pair ; but not so during the rains, when the manufacture ceases ; then one man is allowed to four bullocks. This is perhaps a bad policy, as the men, knowing they will be dis- charged at the close of the season, take less interest in their cattle than is proper. Sirdars receive lOr. monthly pay, and drivers 4r. In the working season each bullock receives' three seers of grain and as much straw as can be eaten, but only two seers of grain, four seers of straw (boosie), and one seer of oil-cake in the resting season. The total expense of the motive force by bullocks cannot be less than 2r. on each barrel of gunpowder. The food given to these bullocks should be of the best descrip- tion. The pace at which they are driven requires they should receive the largest possible nourishment in the smallest volume, and such as can be easily consumed and digested. The bullocks of the present day are not so powerful as they were twenty years ago. The breed of large cattle is rapidly disappearing. The average expense on this head for the years 1834, 1836, expense of feeding and servants, per bullock, 6r. 9a. A\p. per month, and the charge per barrel of powder on this head, 2r. 8a. 9p., varying, of course, with the quantity of powder made and the prices of food. A separate hospital and good cattle doctor are much required. Hygrometric Proof. To ascertain the quantity of damp absorbed by gunpowder has ever been a subject of inquiry. Various modes have been adopted ; many of them extending over an exposure of nearly a month, but powder is so extremely susceptive under change of atmosphere, that one trial under a HYGEOMETIUC EEPOKT. 113 ■well-defined variation of atmosphere exhibiting marked results, is ample. I used 500 drams of powder highly dried in the sun, and then exposed for one night, spread over a sheet of paper 1 9 in. by 13 in. in area. It was laid in a small room of wood, about 10 feet from the ground, by this the powder is merely subject to the variations in the superincumbent strata of the atmosphere. I then tal* lO >- ■* 1-1 uu^jom •5- 03 o 03 o o iH ^iH IC cq 05 CO 00 lO o (M m CO lO CO oCO rH M O cq o CO iH (M (N cq cq cq cq cq cq ^«0 to j>- Ir- 00 T« o \a •It!M IM lO ■.* ■* W3 „" o cq o CO 1-1 CO o i. °(M cq cq cq cq cq cq cq ^"* 00 CO CO lO lij CO Cl •ludy 03 C<3 ■* lO CO CO 1C5 -* n 0^ O cq o CO o . cq o °cq (M cq cq cq cq cq cq ^l:~ •* -* lO la CO cq ■tH lO CO CO tH CO (U •ilOJUH ol^ T-l CO o CO o CO o 1 g (M cq cq cq cq cq cq cq o (M iH to 00 1-1 CO CO •jCjBiuqaj o03 —1 CO rH CO o CO o - lO 03 03 a ■^^H o ca m 03 o o iH 03 C3 CO M cq CO to CO I:- to ,N •ipdy C3 o Ci cs o o 1-! C3 cn o S . >^ o 0-1 to 00 J^- O ±- to S :a 00 03 03 03 o o 03 03 1-4 iH ^r^ o "^ CI 00 O X-. to to 1^ •iienjc[3£ 05 03 o C3 o r-l 03 C3 03 '^ ^ 00 o lO O to I:^ •Xi^nauj" o C3 o o> o> o O m oo -* o> cq lO J:- o CO C5 C5 o o o O o o r^ T—l iH iH 1-1 s O. to CO o a) % O 00 % O t < rH H rH 118 PEOOF FOE THE COMMANDANT OF AETILLEEY. Proof for the Commandant of Artillery. To ascertain that the powder does not deteriorate by keep- ing, at the close of the practice season of the next following year, the Commandant of Artillery sends to the Arsenal for any barrels at hand of the last year's manufacture. These are taken indiscriminately from the number in store, and from these barrels a trial is made with every available piece of ordnance. Hence this proof exhibits excellent service ranges of what may be expected from Bengal powder with the common description of ordnance in use, great and small. The occasional falling off of the 68-lb. ball proof in this annual report from that of the first proof at the Agency, has often attracted the notice of the authorities and of Government. But the variation may, I believe, be satisfactorily accounted for in several ways. 1. From any deviation in shape or windage of the mortar and shot compared with those first used at the Agency. 2. From the temporary accession of damp from the maga- zines on the river. 3. From the acclimating of the powder itself from its fresh state at the manufactory to its average state with refer- ence to the atmosphere. 4. From the difference in the mode of setting home the ball. The deviations of range in different mortars have often reached 18 yards. The powder in passing from its highly-finished and well-dried state at the Agency through all the variations of one year's mutable climate in Bengal, will lose about one-tenth of its original range in small charges, and frorn that estimate will improve or deteriorate a trifle with reference to the atmosphere in which it is immediately exposed. If the contact between the ball and the converging sides of the Gomer Mortar is not complete, so that there is considerable PROOF FOR THE COMMANDANT OF ARTILLERY. 119 windage, the range of a shot with the 2-oz. charge will be reduced one-half nearly. It will also be noticed that the ranges from all the pieces of ordnance do not follow the first, or 68-lb. ball proof, but often the reverse, and that a good range from the 2-oz. charge is often followed by a proportionable decrease of range from larger charges in longer-barreled pieces than the mortar. This has reference to the length of the bore and the inflammability and expansion of the powder. The general average will be found to correspond admirably with the various range-tables formed from practice at the different artillery stations. The totals exhibit a uniformity not to have been expected, and in the numerous and varied pieces of artillery used the errors of one have counterbalanced the errors of a second, producing a general equality. o ■< — — 00 LO 1-" CO CO -^ CD O CO la 03 C3 GO 00 T-H CO cq i- cq I— ' CO CO I?* !>• lO Ci O lO CD 1-- O cq Tfi CO '^ CO cq co Cl in lO O 00 i-t 00 OJ 05 in 1^ 1-- CO cq I-H I-H 1-H I-l iH I-H I-H OS tH lO O O O T-H 00 t-H 05 CO in ■* -T* CD CO C3 t~l iC J:^ -«Ji 05 tH C5 03 rX CO cq 00 I-H CO -* cq 00 CO CO -^ oo TjH lO i^- 00 CO --O 1- 10 in I-H J:- CD cq tH ttH 1-H cq I— 1 t-l C3 CO •aS-BJOAy CO XI O r-( -* 00 CO CD -^ 00 U5 •jS O t- (M O CO 00 CO cq CO iH m 00 Jr- CO -* 03 CJ3 rH rH cq XDjauaQ lO J:^ 00 r-. i-l 00 00 CO 10 in CO CD I-H T-H I-H I-H iH rH rH e>m rHiM (NiMtNiCO --1M CNICO o CD O r-i t- Ttl CO 03 O) ■* cq J:~ 6b '^ CO CI t- "^ •dScjOAy o O J:~ O O CO ->* CO T-H 10 I^ 1^ t^ -* C3 03 T* in lO J:- 00 I-H 00 00 00 m in 1:- CD cq i-H cq rH rH rH I-l T-H -i— -i- -1- -i- * iH rH 00 (M 00 CO fJ 1^ 05 ^ CD cq 03 T-i CD I-H t^ j>. rH ■* CO OQ i.-- 1— CD -<* O Oi O CO lO CO T-H 10 CO cq CO 00 CD CO cq lo i-- O) o 00 J^- i:^ ■>n m C3 CD CO cq rH rH I-H rH 00 t-H iH G3 * -i- * -t- -i- -t- H— CO »o b- ■* lO O CO ca T-H 03 O 03 in CO ±- CD 03 03 CD rH CO O CO J:^ en O J:~ lO 00 tH CO CO 03 03 Jr- CO CO cq 03 rH 4- CO lO ir- C3 tH Jr- ^- 00 CO CO C3 CO CO cq cq cq rH cq rH T-H rH >'.' * -1- ->- +- -i- H- 03 iH ->* O CO O O Jt- (M O C3 CO -H CD 00 00 00 CO a C3 03 "^ O CO CO J^- 00 C^ Jr^ Cs 00 -* tH ir- 00 M cq 1:- T-H n cq OO in lo 00 CM C5 03 00 in in cq J:- 1- cq rH cq cq rH rH rH J— 1 T-H tH c^lco OS 00 CO CD OS iH in CO Jr- 00 00 00 CO T-H CO 00 CO CO cq ■* "oS-GjaAy o CO Jt- CO O CO (M CO CO C3 CO in J>-. CD 00 CO i:^ ■01 cq lO Ir- CO r-l 00 i:- 00 tH in CO CD iH cq iH rH rH rH iH iH wlrH rtle, -H -i-H" - ir- J:- CD CO rH 00 T-H cq CO Til 00 CO iO Jt~ 03 r-4 CO 00 00 ^ ■»)( I-H 1:- J^- I-H CO cq cq rH rH i-i T-i T-H ■4- -i- -1- MlCT -i- rrp^:'^ H-Jo -)- s'l; CI ^- 00 o 00 o 0:1 03 CD Tti i:- CD rf -^ 00 03 cq CO I-H CO i- J:- •^ in 03 CO CO 1-1 iH T-* C5 m\7i tM!7;Q)l?) 0)1:0 Gi\:n "in CD CO m CO m li^ CO m CO in 1— tH CO I-H ir~ cq CO rH Jr- •dSvxsAY CO CD CO 00 lO J;~ tH O: Cl cq CO J>. Jt- T)( 10 CO 00 00 rH lO i>- oo T-H 00 i:- 00 in 10 CD CO tH t-I -H 03 -^ iH C3 , -K -(- * * * ■* o iH oq -# 00 . CO i:^ CO cq CO CD- CO -* in ■■* 03 00 in CO I-H ■* 00 J:~ T-H t- J:- 1-- ■* in 03 CO CD tH i-i rH © -f- * +- +- -i- * * -* OS ■* CO -^H Ir- i- la t~ CO 01 -* ±~ 03 t- CO 03 tH CO CO CO CO J>. O OD CD CO cq cq cq J;- 03 CO CO cq 00 03 ■? O 00 00 -' 05 03 in m Cn CO Ir- tH iH rH 6 rH I-H tH T-H * * +- * * * C3 CO * lO O C5 CO o 03 C5 0-5 cq CO -* 00 CO CO in C3 -* -ii CO o ^ lO CO 00 tH g lO i^ 00 (N cq cq CO in CO i^- CO in J:- in in CO op CO CO t- J^-. CO 10 in rH CD CD T-H iH tH rH 03 N J 00 o 00 000 T|l 00 So d 6 •oSitjqo o -a 'O '^ •Ti t3 Cq CT tH T-H O 00 CO tX CO cq cq cq th CO CO Tf -^ CO •aoi^UA9[a Sri rH tH I-H in in tH T-H S ^c^'r^ ^^ , brass howitzer er brass gun . er brass gun . ■I' 1 ^ -s g a i * ■ ■ 00 • la .9 -^ 4 4 d -s :; CO o -T ■^(o' der, iron der, „ der, „ " 1 • • '3 -poun -poun -poun i4 4-pndr, -pound -pound ° 1 1 '^ 00 cq '"§ m 2 CO tH iH 00 lO cq th T-H 1 T-H 00 cq C3 CD 1 ■5 SfiH -I g= rH '^ directors' proof. 3 21 The Court of Directors' Proof. The last and most minute Report is that called the " Court of Directors' Proof." It is carried on at each of the Presidencies, Bengal, Bombay, and Madras, on the powders of the several Agencies, by a committee of artillery officers, and is as full and particular as could be desired. I have abstracted the results of the Reports of 1845 from each Presidency. The average must be the most fair value of the Indian Agency powders. The size of the grain is not determined with the precision that might be desired. It would, perhaps, be an improvement were five pounds of powder passed through each sieve (five in number composing a set), and the quantity of grains retained on each noted. The hardness is that of the cake whence the powder is cut, and is in some degree a measure of the quantity of milling and pressing given to the composition. The density is that of the mixed grains, or of the powder, and is directly as the size of the grain and the hardness of the cake. The state of the atmosphere at the period of trial will afiect all these quantities, as will the mode in which the results are taken. From the ranges we may notice the groat diff'erences in the mortars, or in the mode of loading. ! Bengal . . . . .421 yards. Total from report of Madras 478 + 57 [ Bombay . . . . 578 + 100 This is greatly in favour of the Madras and Bombay powders. The powders being all acclimated to the same atmosphere, the range is almost identical from the 2-oz. charge. Experiment No. 3 entirely depends on the materials — dry mixture and proportions, perhaps, on the charcoal, more than any other of the materials. Now, as I believe the Madras powder to contain one pound and ten ounces less of charcoal, and one pound and ten ounces more of sulphur, I do not understand its being, ■when pulverized, the most quick of ignition, and hence forming a 122 ALTERATION OF STEENGTH BY EXPOSURE. more quick burning fuze composition, unless this may be attri- buted to the cake being less liard, from the diminished milling at Madras. In the percussion musket experiments we may remark that, as the Madras powder, being the most dense, gives the best mortar range with the 2-oz. charge, so it gives the lowest musket range. The Bombay powder, with the lowest mortar range, exhibits the best musket result, being less dense and less hard. The time of the train burning will be influenced by the quick- ness of the ignition of the composition, varied by the size and combination of the grains. Hence the Madras is the quickest. In the wet weather report we may notice the result of an accession of damp to the powder, from the state of the atmosphere at the time. Diy Tveatlier Wet Bengal . . . < Madras . . /Dry^e^tlier . \_ Wet 421 398 — 23 42^—51 578 564—14 -o 1 r Dry weather . Bombay . . | ^^^^ _ The boards in the musket proof do not appear to have been of the same wood ; hence they afford no comparison between the two seasons. I suspect all the small-grained powder will have reached the same degree of dampness. The result of the 60-lb. exposure depends entirely on the previous state of the powder, on the atmosphere of the day, and on the size of the grain. Small grain is more liable to injury from damp than larger. All the powders must have been damp, and thus lost weight by exposure to the sun. Powder exposed is so quickly affected by the atmosphere, that without minute data on all the atmospheric phenomena it is im- possible to explain the results. I was not prepared to find that the decreased quantity of char- coal in the Madras powder did render it more susceptible under atmospheric changes. Does the diminution of the charcoal account for the less TRIENNIAL EBPOET ON POWDEE. 123 smoke and fiercer burning of the powder, or is the last due to the diminished milHng 1 Powder standing so many tests of such various kinds may be fairly depended upon for regularity of strength. Result op the Tkienniai Report on Powdeu feom the Theee Pkesidbncies Bengal, Madras, and Bombay. Hot Weather, Bengal Re- Madras Re- Bombay Re- Result. Powders of 1845, one year old. port. May, 1846, port. July, 1846. port. June, 1846. Total. Average. Colour. Bengal . . Black Grey black f Bluish [ black Madras ■{ Bluish black Bluish black Bluish black ( Lighter Bombay • Black Black < than ( Madras Size of Grain. Bengal ( 492 492 500 1484 494 S >-Sj Madras r 606 507 508 1521 507 ""■s g| Bombay- 500 492 506 1498 499 p S CO & Bengal j M 174 244 202 620 206 Madras 54 28 125 207 69 Bombay 154 154 218 526 176 Sardness. ■s g g g> Bengal . 32 4 19 55 18 "S E '" -S . Madras , , 42 4 16 62 20 .s-sg -s Bombay 46 14 - 23 83 27 ^rH « « a Density /M 1 264 272 306 842 280 s^s Bengal 274 280 328 882 294 Madras CM 1 266 263 317 846 282 =« s 272 280 334 886 295 «-.- Bombay /M 256 278 252 ' 272 302 333 810 883 270 294 1 g.g« 4th May. 17th June 2nd April. M 7 a.m. 7 a.m. Bengal. 842 883 Total Thermom, Thermom. Thermom. densities. 93. 85-5. 76. Madras. 846 886 Barometer Barometer Barometer 29-8. 29 '9 29-8 Bombay. 810 882 Hygrome- Hygrome- Hygrome- ter, 85 -5. ter, 85-5. ter, 74. IS-t EXPERIMENTS. Ranges. Bengal. Madras. Bomhay. 2-oz. charge. 1 2-oz.charge. 1 g 2-oz. charge. Total. Average. ^ S 1 6 i i i 1 r-t .a u 1 1 1-1 1 1 2oz. 1 lb. 2oz. lib. Bengali^ 71 24 34 838 80 2°3 6 828 100 24 75 382 251 2048 831 819 76 22 14 665 77 21 5 649 97 21 1 309 250 1623 83* 649 Madras j ^ 74 23 50 783 82 24 9 813 98 24 85 257 254 1953 84f 781 71 21 38 590 81 214 567 93 21 75 279 245 1436 81f 574 Bombay | ^ 63^23 24 763 82 24 6 814 98 25 75 352 233 1929 81 771 66j20 56 551 76 215 659 92 21 45 298 234 1508 78 603 Total . 421 4190 478 4330 578 1977 1477 10497 492i ExPEEIMENT No. 3. Time of burning 8 inches of a 13-inch fuze. f Sulphur i Mealed Powder (. Saltpetre 17 /■ Composition. 15 j Bengal . . Madras Bombay . 33^ 35f 39 19 -^ Only 1 8 > 5 inches 22 ) long. 26i 23 26 78 76 87 26 25i 29 Percussion Musket. Charge, 44 drams. Boards Jin. thick. Bengal Madras . . Bombay 17f 15 16f 19 19f 21 22-6 22- 24-4 59 56 62 191 181 201 Time of burning SOlbs. length of train, 87 ft. long, 2 in. broad, in Seconds. Bengal j^ 17 21J 21 24 17 15 Bengal 60^ M 55 Madras ■ _ 18 19 23 14 15 Madras 56 50J Bombay | ^ 14* 21 21 24 13 17 Bombay 62 63 EXPERIMENTS. 123 Wet Weather Proof. Bengal, Madras, Bombay, September. December. July. No. 2. 2 !. charge. 8-inch mortar and epvouvette. 2 oz. charge. 2 oz. charge. 2 oz. charge. Total. Average. 8-inch Eprou- 8-inch Eprou- 8-inch Eprou- Bengal r-M Mortar. vette. i Itortar. Tette. Mortir. vette. 69 1 23 18 75 2°2 24 96 2°4 50 240 80 72 20 41 70 21 2 96 21 50 238 791 Madras ■\o 66 23 10 74 23 24 87 24 40 227 75i 71 20 34 74 21 2 94 22 239 79i Bombay (M ■10 57 22 40 64 23 94 25 41 215 7lf 63 20 32 70 21 97 21 233 77| Total . 398 427 564 1 Bengal . Madras . Bombay . Percussion Mnsket, charge 4^ drams. Boards J of an inch thick. 15| 16i 14 25 24f 25 25 23 25 65 63 64 21| 21 21i Bengal . < ^ Madras . ■ „ Bombay, -j ^ 60 lbs. exposed for 14 hours in the sun, from 1'45 p.m., and then weighed after exposure. 1 — 2 drs. + 14 + 10 + 2 -39 — 38 —32 — 34 —38 — 30 — 160 — 144 — 128 -176 — 192 -128 1 Thermometer, 861° Thermometer, 79|° Thermometer, 86° 126 MADRAS OBSERVATIONS. Exposure for 12 days, in different quantities, on trays, — the powder 1 inch. deep. Bengal, September. Madras, December. Bombay, July. Nearly all the small trays lost a trifle, and the 20-lb. trays gained very little. All gained. The 20-lb. trays gained 1 oz. 10 drs. In all instances the 20-lb. trays lost 4 to 5 oz. The smal- ler trays gained. Remarks. Bengal Madras . . . Bombay Very slightly caked. Much caked. Rather more than Bengal . Slightly caked. Much caked. Rather more than Bengal. No Remarks. Musketry more than ordnance. Thermometer, 87° to 88°. All the musketry more than ord- nance. Thermometer, 79° to 82°. Thermometer, 81° to 89°. Madras Observations on Flashing. Bengal Powder. Madras Powder. Bombay Powder. ^No residuum, no beads, no sparks observable in the ordnance, and but few in the musket powder ; clear, bright light ; the smoke- marks extended from 6 to 12 inches on each side" the train. The musket powder slightly caked, the lumps breaking when pressed by the hand. { Left no residuum or beads ; a few sparks observable in both M and O powders ; the flame clear and bright ; the marks of the smoke not so great as the Bengal powder, but extended as far on each side the train. The M powder burnt fiercer and made more noise than any of the other powders. The Madras M powder slightly caked, but not so much as the Bengal M. ^Left no residuum or beads ; a few sparks observed in both O and M powders ; the flame clear, but not so bright as the Bengal ; the smoke-marks extend from 8 to 15 inches on each side of the train ; the powder not caked in the least. EXTRA GLAZING. 127 Extra Glazing. Circumstances induced me to make an extended trial of the effects of glazing. The following table gives the results at each period, as the operation on a single charge proceeded. First. Let us examine the process of glazing in India. One hundred pounds of "well dried powder are enclosed in a reel covered with coarse canvas, length 3 ft. 8 in., diameter 1 ft. 4 in., solid capacity 8844 cubic inches. One hundred pounds of powder will occupy 2743 cubic inches ; hence there is a space for movement of 6101 cubic inches. The reel is turned for two hours at the rate of 1.500 revolutions per hour. This motion will cause the removal of all the dust from the surface of the grains, the truncating of the angles, and the abra- sion of the sharp edges, from which facts may be expected the following results : — A general diminution in the size of the grain, with a mixture of grain ; a reduction of the density of the powder ; an increased liability to be affected by the atmosphere as the grains become reduced in size ; a decrease of quickness of inflammation by the polish and absence of dust, counterbalanced by an increase of inflammation by the reduction of size and mixture of grains. The result wiU be variable as either effect may preponderate. Let us examine what inferences may be drawn from the table of experiment. An increase of density of 10 drs. in the 36-hour glazed, Avlien taken fresh from the reel, the damp being driven off by the friction ; but a decrease of 3 drs. when exposed in the usual manner to the atmosphere. The diminution of density results from the permanently re- duced size of the grain. The large grain of sieve No. 4 is reduced in quantity from 404 to 830 drs., by which difference the quantity of sieve No. 3 is increased from 82 to 162 drs. The single size of the original ordnance has resolved itself into three sizes. In the 2-oz. mortar range there was a sHght improvement 128 BXTHA GLAZING, of 3\ yards, and in the eprouvette an increase in tlie arc of recoil of 0° 11', In the pure ordnance unmixed grain of this powder there ap- peared a gain of density of 10 drs. before drying, but of only 2 after that process. To appearance the 36-hour glazed powder shows a very trifling advantage. The colour, previously a deep black, did not alter ; but the grain, on exposure, remained a little harder than the grain of the less glazed. The slight improvement in the small charges is hardly to be considered much in favour of the long glazed ; while, in the larger charges, the unglazed powder, both from mortar and cannon, will give longer ranges. Glazing will probably cause powder well preserved to last a little longer without becoming dusty. When the expense is taken into consideration, I can see no gain whatever by the operation being continued longer than two hours. Indeed, was a sudden demand for powder made for immediate service, I believe the whole operation of glazing might be neglected, or very materially reduced in time. All that is necessary is to free the grain from dust. Glazing continued beyond this point can only end in a reduction of the size Df grain with a rounding of the grains, and slight, but very slight pohsh. Mr. Braddock, and the generality of writers upon gunpowder, consider pressed and glazed powder will not range so far as mill cake powder. These statements relate to mere density, and are attributable rather to the first operation of pressing, than to the subsequent one of glazing, for press cake is more dense than mill cake. I am not aware that the simple question of glazing has been considered alone, and I much doubt if the ordnance powder manufactured in England, is submitted to this operation ; its grain being a mixture of many sizes, and less hard than the Indian powder, it also contains very large amounts of dust. RESULT OF PEOLONGED GLAZING. 129 -^ r^ 3 ^- % £S o tao .3 »j4 tl4 •| .9 a J -^ 3 i) & -43 ,a 1 i" 3 r ■s J rQ ^ Ti 3 "a •a 1 1 o H r-H ■3 ^ O ■q O ft o O O ?^ 1 . 00 rH OS IN OS rH -* IN OS r-< o 1 |> rH iH ■ ° (M IN (M IM IN IN IN * •* 00 CO ■* •* CO CO tH ^ ''.t S" O ^ Til ■* ■* ■* 05 ■<* rH T^ ■* a .g iH -§ g <3 *5 m m '^ CO 1 « 00 -i •* o J>- CO CO CO CO lO CO CO CO ^■l ■* co CO CO M CO CO CO . 1 ml" i:- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oq (M cq IN IN IN (N > . , c€ "mtj :S ^ fl £ t m m q? S § s 2 ^ u U ^ ^ g ^ S oj M O 'S C3 o o o o o 5 o O A A Ji A A A A A H ri:^ -*^ A A IN lO flO •« i:~ o CO CO OT CO OS r-l 7-\ rH IN IN CO CO CO 1 1 130 HYGEOMBTEIC EEPOET. Hygrometric Report. Boarded floor. Pucka floor. Bemarks. Weight. Density. Weight. Density, The regular 3 1 hours glazed J 36 hours glazed . + 3 + 2 + 1 + 14 + 13 — — 8 Colour and grain as usual. (■ Colour black, grain harder 1 than the above. Proo£ The regular 3 hours 36 hours glazed . ( Before exposure . . \ After boarded floor . . . (. After pucka floor ( Before exposure . . . . < After boarded floor ( After pucka floor . . . Mortar. Eprotfvette. 102 89 80 105i 96 82 o / 21 20 56 19 11 21 11 20 40 19 28 On the receipt of the above Reports, the Military Board was pleased to order one barrel of musketry powder, to be made of 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours' glazing. This was done, the common manufacture of the season standing for the three hours glazed. Previously to sending this powder to Dum-Dum, I made the experiment recorded in the following Tables. Very little difference can be traced in the various densities or ranges, as exhibited in Table No. 1. Again, in the exposure. Table No. 2, very little variation is seen ; the 24-hour glazed appears to have absorbed less damp, although the grains were reduced in size by the operation of glazing. The Hygrometric Table No. 3 shows no great superiority in the 24-hour glazed powder. On the 24th of October, or nearly one month after the last trial, I examined these powders, which had continued to he exposed in the magazine. All proved good, nor could I distinguish one from the other in appearance. PKOOF REPORTS. 131 No. I. Proof eepobt of 1849. Density. 8 In. Mortar, 2 oz. charge. Bprouvette. S -a Si 1 Si 00 oo o ^ CO -^ 00 O 1 *i! m 00 ^ ^ iH ;§?? ^ 00 00 "S o6 ^ 1 k rH ,*-s "^ ■ Cfl 6 hours glazed . 12 hours glazed . 24 ho\u-s glazed . '' 1 drs. 500 500 [500 500 drs. 508 517 610 512 + 8 + ir + 10 + 12 drs. 258 262 262 260 drs. 256 258 254 253 — 2 -4 - 8 -7 / Clodded and set to- 1 gether,colourblack, j grain very soft, a \ little dust. /Slightly clodded, alit- \ tlesettogether,grain j softer, colour deep \ and black, no dust. r Slightly clodded, S colour deep, no dust ( grain soft. f Slightly clodded, -^ colour deep black, ( grain soft, no dust. On the Density of Powder in regard to Range. Captain Bishop truly remarks, " That it is of the utmost im- portance to attend to the quantity of water. If the cake be very moist the water in the composition occupies certain interstices, which itself occasions, and which in the process of drying are left as receptacles, which inclose particles of air that introduce them- selves as the water escapes. This powder will always be hght, pulverable, susceptible to every change in the atmosphere, and be improper for keeping. A cubic foot of this light powder weighs 48lbs., while that of the denser powder weighs 53lbs." Dr. Scott, at Bombay, maintained, " That fine powder is stronger than coarse, and that allowing a quantity of fine grain to remain with the coarse improves the strength." Captain Bishop considered that fine powder is not so strong as coarse, which result he considered to be proved by the one ounce charge experiment. Assertions diametrically opposed, and yet, EFFECT OF DENSITY ON EANGE. 133 to a certain extent, both true ! Captain Bisliop considered, " That large grains were denser than small, as cut from the densest and strongest places in the cake." Mr. Braddock says, " We think that gunpowder of light specific gravity ranges frirther than powder of greater density, only be- cause it explodes with greater facility ; for the same reason that fir will burn faster than oak." This, I have no doubt, is the truth. Suppose the composition from which the powder is made to be perfect in its elements and manipulation, that is to say, suppose the matter of the powder to be merely the solid state of the elastic fluid to be generated, only waiting the required heat to cause ex- plosion ; then a charge of moderate size, in a single block, will not explode, but burn away steadily but fiercely, when ignited from the exposed surface, there being no passage for the fire to the centre of the mass. Hence, sufficient heat is not concentrated at one instant to create and expand the fluid. As the number of pieces are in- creased, so is the passage for the fire, and so is the surface exposed to the action of the fire, and so is the quantity of air between the pieces ; so that the whole is exploded with greater facility. All tilings being the same, the facihty of inflammation wiU be in- versely as the density of the powder. Now the moment the fire touches any part of a charge, that part inflames and expands ; this fluid drives before itself, in con- fined tubes, the distant unexploded portion of the charge. It would appear that the flame or fire has no power in itself to proceed or go before the expansion of the fluid ; hence there is a ratio between the velocity given to the unexploded portion of the charge, which is the velocity of the ball, and the rate of passage of the fire through the charge : — If T be the time of passage of the ball up the tube, t the time of passage of the flame through the charge, then t should not be more than T, if greater, then a portion of the charge will be fired beyond the tube to no effect. If the density of the powder is such as to increase the time, t to 2 t, it is clear, one half of the power of the charge will be lost. In very small charges unconfined by any tube, as one ounce 134 EFFECT OP HEAT ON EANGE. in the 8 in. mOrtar, the reverse is experienced, because the piQ-vfdd^r is spread over a large space, and^ without any depth, occupies an extended surface. Here the fire is less opposed, the large grains- are less quickly separated by the fluid, also being of a greater density, two ounces occupy less space than the same weight of smaller grained powder, hence the heat and the fluid are more concentrated. In this ratio of the inflammation of powdef to the ratio of ball's velocity, we may trace the resulting decreased effect from a very minute accession of damp ; for all have witnessed the difficulty of inflaming damp powder. This will also account for a fact recorded by Mr. Braddock: " Humidity and dryness are well known to exert a great and opposite influence on gunpowder, and when it is heated by artificial means, and fired while it possesses a high temperatiire, the ranges of shot are amazingly increased." As it may soriie- times occur in practice that a longer range may be required, while any addition to the charge might not be made efPeetual to promote it, it may be useful to state an experiment which seems to point out that the same weight of powder will produce this result, if it be only allowed to acquire an increase of temiperaturfe' before it be used. One ounce troy of powder fifed in a 4i inch mortar, shell ) ■. ^ ■■ j 81bs., gave a medium range of . . . . . j One ounce of the same powder was heated in a copper pan ") to about 400° of Fahrenheit, and then fired as before, > 242 yards. gave a medium range of . . . . • - J The following trials were made with a 24-pounder brass giin, at the same degree of elevation specified. The range is taken to the first graze of the shot. Point blank, 2° elevation 61bs. of powder Tarda. 480 1100 Yards. lOlbs. of powder 480 „ 1100 2i „ 1165 1158 2i „ 1210 „ 1216 3| 1496 „ 149? 4 „ 1552 „ 1552 4i „ 1599 „ 1599 H „ 1646 „ 1646 4f „ 1690 1693 5 1746 „ 1740 EFFECT OF OVEECHARGE. 135, Here are too many coincidences to be the effect of accident, and therefore we may conclude, that in every case 4 lbs. were blown out of the gun unconsumed. The accession of a quantity of damp cannot alter the propor- tions of the ingredients, or abstract from their amounts : but it delays the progress of combustion, and retards the concentration of the fluid. We hear of cannon being loaded with 40 or 50 lbs. of powder, and the mind is at once deceived into the idea of the great tenacity of the metal of the gun ; but the fact is, that probably after 1 lbs. that it would have made no difference on the metal were the rest of the 40 or 50 lbs. composed of sand or sawdust. Of a drier powder 12 lbs., and of a damper powder 8 lbs., would, probably, only be burnt to any useful effect. The ratio of the length of the charge to its diameter will vary with the humidity of the powder, but still is almost a fixed quantity, which cannot be exceeded to any good purpose. In the Court of Directors' proof, we find the difference of twenty seconds in the time of the total burning of the three trains of 87 ft., between the ordnance and the musketry powder ; but there is no difference between the composition of the two powders except in the size of the grains. If the initial velocity of the ball from a musket 3 ft. 5 in. length of barrel, is 1,700 ft. in a second, we have -^'-is for T as this maximum of inflammation. Now the difference in the inflammation of dampish powder is perceptible, while tItst of a second wfll hardly be appreciated. How much more will this effect of damp be experienced in the very short tube of a mortar. In the old proof books, I find the following experiment taken to ascertain the general results of hard and medium pressed cake : — 136 EFFECTS OF DENSITY OK RANGE. Description of Powder. Density. Charge, lib. 6Slb. ball. 8-inch, mortar. Soft mill cake . / ^ Hard mill cake . . | ^ Medium pressed cake -1 „ Hard pressed cake . -j _ 237 240 262 280 259 272 266 288 yards. 955 940 875 699 835 674 786 620 These, tabulated according to densities, will prove, in a wonder- ful mode, the value of density in ranges. Density. 237 240 Bange. 955 940 Hardly one of these ranges is 259 262 266 835 875 786 misplaced in an inverse ratio of density. Hence a differ- ence of 51 drama in the 272 280 288 674 699 620 Ishapore measure gives a less range by 335 yards, or 6 yards for each dram. According to the report for the French Minister, the density of the French powder was to the litre 905 grammes, while the English powder was 857. According to the Ishapore measure, this would give the former 276, and the latter 261 drams. Sir John Burgoyne estimates the specific gravity of powder at •9200 which gives, by the Ishapore measure, 281 drams. Mode of ascertaining the Density, The density of the powder is a useful index of the mode in which the work is being performed in the various parts of the manufactory. The slightest change is instantly betrayed by alteration in the density. DENSITY MEASURE. 137 The measurements of the cup and stand are as follows :- Cup, Interior dimensions . | ^Jght '' "^ ^^'^ " Funnel . . f Diameter at top ■ t Height . Diameter of tube ..... 3 '5 inches. 3-5 9- •05 2-5 Distance from the bottom of tube to the top of the cup One and a quarter pounds of ordnance powder, or one and a half of musketry, is thrown into the funnel descending by the tube to the cup ; the level of the grains at the top of the cup is struck off by a piece of copper, and the weight taken in drams, say 262, which constitutes Ishapore density. This divided by 307'2 will give the specific gravity of the powder. The size, height, and pressure must always be the same. ON THE BARREL DEPARTMENT. Powder barrels should be well made of perfectly dry well- seasoned wood — so close that no dust can escape, so strong that they should be secure against the common accidents of transport. They should, indeed, be water and air tight. The barrels used in Bengal are serviceable, as is proved by the excellent state in which the agency powder is found after it has been carried from one end of India to the other ; but the packing is very heavy and costly. Still, when the nature of gunpowder is taken into consideration — its cost, and the labour to produce it — and the necessity that it should not deteriorate 138 BARBELS. in store, thus rendering the acquired skill and practice of the artillery useless, surely it is of the utmost importance to use every means of preserving it securely, Mr. Walker's patent barrels have been introduced, lined with a thin case of copper, or rather, a copper cylinder is cased over and protected by an outward covering of wood. These are, no doubt, more protective of the powder, but they are expensive and heavy, and always occupy the same room, full or empty. Three common barrels, taken to pieces and packed up for store or carriage, only occupy the same space as one of the patent barrels. The native mode of packing gunpowder in dubbahs, or vessels of raw hide, is most excellent. These dubbahs are air and water tight, very elastic, and seldom break open as do the wooden barrels with a fall. Covered with a casing of wicfcer work, they would prove a most superior vessel for holding gunpowder or transporting it from one magazine to another. Perhaps they would be liable to injury from atmosphere, or from those destructive insects, the white ants. But if each magazine were supplied with a complement of patent barrels, the powder relight be carried to them in these dubbahs, and exterior varnish or other chemical suitable composition might be applied to them to secure them from the evils above mentioned. Several kinds of wood have been tried in India, for powder barrels. Common refuse oak is soon destroyed by the ants and other insects. Gomer wood was for a long period the material used, but it proved heavy, hard to work up, and very brittle. At present all the barrels are made of teak. The regulated interior dimensions for powder barrels are— Diameter of bulge . . . . . . .16 inoheg, ,, head . , . . . . . . 14 ,, Length of staves . . . . . . . . 21 ,, Thickness of staves at head . . . . . . 1 inch. „ „ bulge I „ Diameter of bung hole . . . ... 1 '5 Weight 341bs, Contents ...... 100 to I121bs. of powder. Contents in cubic inches . . . . . .3180 BAEEELS. 139 There are four copper hoops to each barrel of the following measurements > — Length . . . 4-7ft. Breadth . . . 1-25 in. Weight. . . . 21bs. 2oz. Thickness . . . O'l in. The "weight of a new barrel complete is from 35lbs. to 40lbs. ; that of a patent barrel 45lbs. These are considered to measure 4" 08 cubic feet each for tonnage. The rivets of the hoops range from 43 to 60 in the pound. Repaired barrels are allowed to have the staves reduced to f in the bulge, and f at the head ; the weight being thus reduced to 251bs. The staves, or wooden casing, of the patent barrels are thinner than in common barrels. There is great loss in resetting-up old barrels. Many of the edges being broken in transit, require to be recut to enable them to join correctly. Hence the heads have to be reduced in size, while the openings for the heads are enlarged by the trimming of the staves, whereas the old heads, as such, are useless, and require to be enlarged by a new centre bit. Even then the job is not very satisfactory. The mode at present adopted is, that the half wrought heads and staves are supplied by contract at the average rate detailed in the table of prices. The master cooper sets them up at the contract rate for work- manship. First the fresh staves are set up with iron former hoops over the fire to give them the required bend and curve. In this half wrought state they are retained as long as possible for the wood to dry. In this first operation many staves are broken. The next year these half- wrought barrels are finished. The staves, now well set, are cut, trimmed, pared down correctly, and the edges fitted with the utmost exactness. The heads are also sloped off", cut carefully to a perfect circle, and fixed in the groove, when the copper hoops are well driven home. The barrel being finished, is retained as long as possible in the magazine. 140 BARBELS. The great advantage of this plan is, that by occasionally setting home the hoops, any seams caused by the shrinking or drying of the wood are immediately closed. The new staves had never sufficient space given them in the storing sheds for the circulation of air. In England steam machines are used for the manufacture of barrels : these, in time, will doubtless reach India. When filled, these barrels will bear very great direct pressure. Some barrels, made with extraordinary care, were left under water for a few days, and admitted no fluid inside to spoil the contents ; but the common run of barrels will not long resist the action of the fluid on its seams. To ascertain this fact, I made the following experiment : April 23rd. — .a.m, 8h. 25m. — Placed a barrel on a copper cooling-pan, so that merely a small section of the bulge was touched by the water, which did not reach the crown. At 4 p.m. a little water had entered between the staves, and a few small clods of powder existed. The water had not pene- trated the wood. In twelve hours more, the powder would have been all damp. At 5 p.m. placed a second barrel so that the water reached 2^ inches up the head over the crown. April 24:th. — At 8 a.m. opened the barrel ; 1-| inch of the water was absorbed, the powder was half dissolved and much clogged. From a bung-hole of diameter 1'5 inches one of these barrels will empty itself, if inverted, in about five minutes. The following is the minimum value of a barrel, with no charge for tools or establishment. R. A. p. R. A. p. 4 Half beads at 3 7-6 z= 14 6-4 18 Staves of teak . „ 1 10-0 = 2 1 4 Copper hoops . „ 1 3 3-0 zz 4 13 0-0 4 Eivets „ i 0-0 = 1 00 Making in work ,, 6 9-0 = 6 9-0 Total . . . .8 4 3-4 BAERELS. 141 The barrels are divided into a class -with 4, and a class -with 6, copper hoops each. The latter were required for the lower tier of barrels on shipboard, but are now seldom called for. My experience in Affghanistan led rae to suggest to the Mili- tary Board, in March, 1845, some alterations in the powder barrels, as set forth in the following extract. As the matter stands at present it is usual to consider four 100 lb. barrels as the load for a camel, that is — Powder 400 lbs. 4 Barrels , 140 „ Hopes gearing — tarpaulings . . . 20 „ Total 560 lbs. Four barrels also involve extra ropes. Now, 560 lbs. is soon found to be above the average load of even one of our best camels at the pace we force them to proceed. It becomes necessary to reduce the load, one barrel is taken away, one is then slung on each side of the animal, and one is piled on the top of the saddle ; a diflSculty arises in fixing this single one securely ; from frequently rolling down it is constantly injured. I therefore conceive that barrels capable of containing 150 lbs. of powder of the length of the saddle of a camel, and not in- creased in diameter, would be very useful, and enable a convoy to start with a medium load, which it would continue to carry per camel. This arrangement would be attended with much less trouble in loading and unloading, with some saving of expense in ropes and shngs. The load wUl thus stand — Powder 300 lbs. 2 Barrels 90 „ Rope, ifec. . . . . . . 15 „ Total 405 lbs. which I think is a better medium weight. The heads remain the same as at present, only the staves are to be made longer ; perhaps six hoops will be more secure than four. 142 HOOPS AND STAVES. There will be a trifling saving in the barrelhng expense of the 100 lbs., but the chief object has reference io facility of tuanaport. I do believe suchibarrels will be fojand most convenient at stations depending on camel (Carriage. The dimensions proposed are as follows : — • Interior diameter at bulge . . . . .16 inches. „ „ liead 1^ » Depth between heads . . . . . . 28 „ Weight 45 lbs. Contents — powder ...... 100 ,, It is not beyond the strength of a single man to carry this barrel, and it rolls equally easy. I cannot anticipate any in- creased danger in the mass of 150 over 100 lbs. of powder. Hoops xmd Staves. I was directed to make certain experiments towards ascertain- ing the strength of zinc hoops, with a view to their employment in the construction of powder barrels. It consequently became necessary to ascertain in some mode the actual strength or resistance in powder barrels, towards esta- blishing a scale of comparison. I determined to try the experiment mentioned in philosophical works, of the power of a column of water, if suflSciently high, to burst any barrel ; and thus, in the height of the column, to obtain the required measure. I consequently selected 12 ft. of a leaden pipe,l in. in diameter; this when filled with water, had no effect on the barrels. The pipe was then increased to 24 ft. With a new barrel, the water was forced through the pores of the end of the staves, but the barrel was unaltered. With a good repaired barrel the result was much the same. ■ With a very thin staved and hooped barrel, such as would not be sent out of the agency, the staves bent a little, the seams opened, and the water escaped. A still thinner staved barrel, with iron hoops of the thickness HOOPS AKD STAVBS. 1:43 of a^j, of an inch, allowed the water to escape at all the seams, the hoops appeared quite unaltered. Having thus reached no satisfactory results, I proposed to try the strength of the various component parts. I made a scale of rod -iron, and suspended the hoop between the hook of the scale sand the hook of the gin, which last was loaded until ithe Ihoop Obroke, ithe results being — A. H00P8. Dimensions — Length, 4 ft. 8. in. Breadth, 1^ in. Hoop from 12 oz. copper „ „ 16 oz. copper. . . „ „ 40 oz. copper . . Weight given, lbs. 344 430 2236 Torn in half at hook. / Torn at upper, broke at lower \ hook. Broke at hook. Hoops of common powder bar- \ lel. about 60 oz . . . / Ditto ditto soldered, \ rand no riyet . . ■ • J Hoop of ditto cut up centre, \ being half breadth . , J Ditto ditto ditto Ditto ditto ditto \ without riyets soldered . . J Hoop ^ breadth of 12 oz. copper . „ „ 16 oz. ditto. Hoops iroli, from sulphur cask, \ breadth 1;^ in., thickness ^'^ in. J 4859 5461 2365 , 1333 1935 86 86 3053 f Cut ^ across at the hook end. ■J Rivet dragged through the (. :hole. r Broke below soldering, where < it may have been a little (. weakened by the fire. Gave at rivet hole. Gave at rivet hole. Broke in middle of side. > Broke at rivet. Torn at lower hook. I then added side bars to the scale rods, placed between them a stave, and suspending the scale by a ring to the staves added weight till the stave broke. The result was as follows : 144 HOOPS AND STAVES. B. Staves. Measures. Thickness. Weight required to break. An old stave, three times set\ up, very dry . . . / An old stave once set up, re- 1 turned from Bombay dry . j A new stave cut down and ) ready for setting up, good . J A fresh half-wrought stave un- 1 trimmed . . . . j A ditto ditto 1 average of \ divided in half J each half, j Inches. Length. Breadth. 21 by 2-r 21 by 3 22 by 3f Inches. i i i H H lbs. 258 645 8ir 1892 1118 The staves all broke readUy in the centre at the weight mentioned, some pf the wood was very dry from the action of the fire in giving the bend. Barrels. I next loaded weights on a barrel full of saltpetre, when the weights reached about 6,628 lbs. a stave broke, and three others were flattened down and separated, the mass of weight had then reached the resistance of the saltpetre. A new empty barrel stood 7,000 lbs. when the head slipped in being so forced by the staves becoming straight, two of the staves were split, hence new barrels will stand a direct external pressure of three tons. To Analyse Powder. To 100 grains, add 600 grains more or less of distilled water, then filter the solution through clean filtering paper. The water is then to be evaporated over a spirit lamp, the dried residue will be the proportion of saltpetre. The mass collected on the filter- ing paper consists of the sulphur and charcoal combined. If this residue be placed in a copper dish and heated to above 240°, the sulphur will disengage itself in fumes, and leave the charcoal. If the saltpetre of any quantity of gunpowder to be examined is not pure, by dropping a few drops of the solution of nitrate of silver into the clear solution that has drained through the paper filter, any impurity of chloride salts will be indicated by SEKH GUNPOWDEE. 145 the clear solution becoming cloudy : the proportion of impurity may be detected by chemical tests. Sehli Gunpowder. In passing Peishawur on the return from Kabul, in December, 1842, I purchased from the Tooshuk Khanah a beautiful match- lock and appointments, which had been presented to Sir George Pollock, G.C.B., by the young Prince. Every article was of the best description, and the powder-horn contained about one pound of Sekh powder. Considering the rank of the donor, I have no doubt that it was powder of their first quality. This powder remained until 1849 ; on opening the horn then, to my astonishment I found it perfectly good. I had also taken at the battle of Tazee, from an Afghan chief, an excellent Sekh matchlock, with the barrels of which I made the trials recorded under the head " Long Lahoor Matchlock." With 5 drams of English powder the initial velocity of the small ball of the matchlock is superior to that of the large ball of the English musket, which with 5 drams would only penetrate 6 boards, while the matchlock, with 5 drams, penetrated 8^ boards. From the matchlock, 3^ drams from the wretched powder of the ship " Trident " gave an initial velocity equal to that from 3^ drams of our own fine musketry powder — a fact requiring attention and consideration. The strength of this " Trident's " powder may be seen in a subsequent Table, headed " Various Proofs." After the battles of the Sutlege, the common Sekh powder was submitted to proof and comparison with Bengal powder, of which the following is the result : — 146 SEKH GUNPOWDER. Pkoop taken at Kussook ok the 16th Jvly, 1846. S-in. mortar. Shell filled with sand, 45 lbs. Charge, 2 oz. 1. . , Bengal P. 78 . Sekh powder 14 2. 80 . . >, 31 3. . 65 . . „ 13 4. 75 . . „ 18 5. . 75 . . „ 20 6. „ 80 . . „ 19 Average . 75^ Average . 19 •16 In 1849 I turned attention to the powder In the horn given with the matchlock : the result was, that in an 8-inch mortar, with 2 oz. charge, and 67 lb. ball, it ranged 53 yards, to the Bengal powder 94, under the same circumstances, and with the ^prouvette gave an arc of 16° 52' against the Bengal musketry powder arc of 23° 5'. The density of the Sekh powder was 272 to the Bengal powder 262. The appearance of the Sekh povrder may be thus described — grain mixed, round as if cast, and not very hard, not much dust ; colour, bluish black ; apparently con- tained a large proportion of sulphur. To analysis, this powder gave — „ ,, , f Better than 1 boiled . . 501 „„ Saltpetre . -^ ^ . . ,„}- . . 69- llnfenor . . . . . 19J Sulphur 12-5 Charcoal .......... 12'5 Loss ........... 6- Total 100 In 1844-45 one of the cleverest of the Sekh Sirdars, who re- sided some time at Benares, when passing down the country, exhibited to Colonel Brooke, C.B., the projection of a small shell without either gun or mortar. This was done by excavating a hole in the ground at an angle of about 45° with a small chamber like the contraction of the bore of a piece of ordnance. Tent pins were driven so as to cover the bottom of the bore, and a piece of quickmatch was in- serted at the mouth. The shell was then prepared with fusee, and fired. The shell was projected about 300 yards, and exploded in falling to the ground ; the charge was small, but no weights BUILDINGS. 147 or measure recorded. The excavation was very little injured in firing two rounds. Buildings. The distance between buildings cOtit&inibg powder should be beyond the range of the quantity contained in each house. The range of powder forced by resistance into one direction is as the quantity, but, when left unconfined, will perhaps be as the square root of the quantity. The distance between the Ishapore Mills, say 60 yards, is proved by experience to be Well calculated for about 80 to 100 lbs. of powder, and may be assumed as the unit ; hence for the press houses and corning houses, containing upwards of 400 lbs. of powder, the interval should be double at least. All the houses should be as large as possible, for the purposes of room in which to work, and for free circulation to the fluid in case of explosion ; they should also be as high as possible, to re- move all beams and rafters from the flame ; these should also be as heavy as possible, with due regard to economy and convenience, that they may be carried by the explosion to as little distance as possible. From the flight of burning beams or sphnters lies the great secondary danger from explosion. Perhaps the better form of walls w6uld be strong corners or plinths in any position from which it is desirable to turn the blast, with fillings-up of very weak masonry, to give way before the fluid in any more safe direction. As few door or window frames as possible should be inserted, with as Uttle wood-work as is compatible with convenience. L 2 148 EXPEEIMENTS ON MORTARS, EXPERIMENTS ON MORTARS. To arrive at any certainty in the matter of the proof of powder, it becomes necessary to well understand the instruments of proof in all their circumstances. To this end I instituted a long series of experiments on each. My great aim was to have only one circumstance in variation, and the remainder constant ; the utmost care was given to obtain this end. First, in regard to the mortar ; with all other circumstances identical, the range was taken from 1 to 64 drams, and from one ounce to a pound. Next, to ascertain the value of weight, a brass ball was fired off, placed on the lathe, and reduced internally each time by 5 lbs. of metal. It is true the centre of gravity was not always the same, but this could not be avoided. To determine the effect of windage, Colonel Wilson,* then in the Cossipoor foundry, after each trial reduced the shot exter- nally by one-tenth of an inch in diameter. This was done with the precision for which the Cossipoor foundry is celebrated. Elevation was tried by a progressive advance on the quadrant. Recoil by the mode and means indicated in the Table. After this, an attempt was made to ascertain the value of the circumstances of charge and size of grain as operating on the gun pendulum. The results are mentioned under that instru- ment. Lastly, the musket was used. The experiments on this head were made in the usual mode, by fixing the barrel in the rest, and firing at planks secured in a * Nov Sir Archdale Wilson, K.C.B. EXPERIMENTS ON MOETAES. 149 stand placed at the regular distance. But it was soon found that half-inch planks, with an inch interval, were destroyed after a few rounds ; to obviate this difficulty, the interval between the planks was omitted ; then one-inch planks, with one-inch interval ; and lastly one-inch, with no interval, was adopted, which proved the best arrangement. The equation between these modes is recorded, so that the result under one mode may be reduced and compared with that of any other. Captain Bazely, the Principal Commissary of Ordnance, kindly furnished the muskets. Every possible care was taken in keeping all the circumstances as nearly identical as possible. The observations are faithfully recorded, and may be depended upon, though the deductions drawn from them are crude, and may be erroneous. Still these recorded facts may be useful to others. I have added a table of musketry results on planks, compared with the ranges obtained from the average of the Commandant's proof at Dum-Dum. Also a table of trials of various powders obtained from time to time. The powders from the ships " Trident," " Good Hope," " Per- severance," and " Mysoor," had laid in. the Myapoor magazine from the dates mentioned until sold by auction, in 1847. The results are curious, and show that powder inferior in mortars and broader tubes is not so inferior in narrower tubes. As much interest has been raised on the subject of Sekh powder and Sekh matchlocks, I have added a separate paper on this head. Also a tabulated statement, tracing the effect of powder as far back into past years as I could obtain for it authentic and un- doubted authority. 150 EXPERIMENTS WITH CHAEGES, Charge. OOMPARATIVB PeOOF BY A PUOGRBSSIVE InOBBASB 01? DkAMS OP OUDNAIfCB Powder of 1844-45. Weight of ball, 68 lbs. Diameter of ball, 7 '92 in. Diameter of mortar, 8 '02 in. Windage, '10 in. Ranges in feet. A h B g B A B? B' BN B' o . 11 A cl II 33 B .a 307 C s B A B2 B' |3 2 S M E3 o -H u a 11 a 2 S a S >"" o . o % 11 X 10 10 + 9- 3 1- 2 ir + 7 8 5 1-70 1-7 34 33 5 + 8 9-26 1-02 — 3 31 + 14 10 33 1-82 3 1 35 321 + 6 9'17 101 — 4 35 + * 8 75 1-12 3-5 36 330 + 9 916 1-02 — 5 45 + 10 9 1'28 4-5 37 342 -f 12 9-24 1-03 — 6 58 + 13 9 66 1-28 4-5 38 361 + 9 9-23 102 — 7 67 + 9 9 57 1'45 6-7 39 357 + 6 9-15 101 — 8 71 + 4 8 87 1-05 7-1 40 369 + 12 9-32 1-03 — 9 83 + 12 9 22 1-16 8-3 41 378 + 9 9-21 1-02 — 10 110 + 27 11 1-32 11- 42 384 + 6 9a4 1-01 — 11 114 + 4 10 36 1'03 11-4 43 387 + 3 9- 1-00 — 12 119 + 5 9 91 104 11-9 44 405 + 18 9- 2 1-04 — 13 127 + 8 9 76 1-06 12'7 45 414 + 9 9' 2 1-02 — . 14 135 + 8 9 64 1-06 13-5 46 423 + 9 9-19 1-02 — 15 144 + 9 9 6 1-06 14-4 47 435 + 12 9-25 102 . — 16 166 + 22 10 37 1'15 16-6 48 469 + 24 9-56 1-05 45-9 17 167 + 1 9 82 1- 16-7 49 456 + 3 9- 3 1-01 — 18 183 + 16 10 16 1'09 18-3 50 466 + 9 9- 3 101 — 19 189 + 6 9 94 103 18-9 51 477 + 12 9-35 1'02 — 20 204 + 15 10 2 3 '07 20-4 52 489 + 12 9- 4 1-02 — 21 228 + 24 10 85 111 22-8 53 489 + 9-22 1- — 22 237 + 9 10 77 103 — 54 495 + 6 9-16 101 — 23 240 + 3 10 43 1-01 ■ — 65 510 + 15 9-27 1'03 ■ — 24 252 + .L2 10 5 1-05 — 66 513 + 3 9-16 1-00 — 25 258 + 6 10 32 1-02 — ■ 57 625 + 12 9-21 1-02 — 26 261 + 3 10 03 1-01 — 58 534 + 9 9- 2 1-01 — 27 273 + 12 10 11 1-04 — 59 558 + 24 9-45 1-04 — 28 274 + 1 9 78 1-00 — 60 567 + 9 9-45 1-01 — 29 285 + 11 9 83 1-04 — . 61 573 4- 6 9'S9 1-01 — 30 292 + ^ 9 73 1-02 — 62 570 + 3 9'29 1-00 — 31 294 + 2 9 48 1-00 — 63 586 + 9 9-28 1-01 — 32 307 + 13 9-59 1'04 30-7 64 582 + 3 9-09 0'99 68 '2 EXPEEIMENTS WITH CHARGES. 151 Of A B C B A B* 10 + 909 Total. 1 dram = 2,080 ?. X i - ^^^'^ = 9-56 15-1617 drs. A ■ 64 64 3 19,64'r = average loss per dram. 3l'32'33 55-2 612-08 07'61 3 47 '48 -49 3 63-64 10 = 9-93 —•07 = 9-45 —-48 = 9-37 —-08 = 9-18 —-19 Total' -p "205 4 82 •013 „„ = '013 loss of range per dram. YcT ~ '0013 per foot. 9-54 mean of extremes per dram. Total B = 19,647 Total A = 2,080 9 -44 average of extremes per dram. COMPAKATIVE PeOQ]? ET A PROGRESSIVE INCREASE OF OtTNOES. Diameter of mortar ,, of ball Windage 8-04 inches. 7-93 „ 0-12 „ A B C B BN_ B3 A B' B' Charge in Range in 1st Range fur each Ratio of in- Ratio ounces. yards. difference. ounce. crease of one. of increase. 1 47 47 2 87 40 43 1-851 1-851 3 130 43 43-3 2-765 1-494 4 168 38 42 3-574 1-292 5 213 45 42-6 4-531 1-268 6 245 32 40-8 5-212 1-150 7 287 42 41 6-106 1-171 8 328 41 41 6-978 1-142 9 369 41 41 7-851 1-124 10 419 50 41-9 8-914 1-136 11 455 36 41-3 9-680 1-085 12 516 61 43 10-979 1-134 13 563 47 43-3 11-970 1-091 14 614 51 43-8 12-970 1-197 35 674 60 44-9 14-340 1-097 16 723 49 45 15-360 1-072 152 CHAEGES AND RANGES. ^^^^ I = 43 '6 yards per oz. 136 i ' I = 45 average differencer I = 42-75 :6 mean range per ounce. On inspection of column B, we notice an approach to an arithmetical progression, of -which the common difference de- creases as the number of drams increases. Taken in periods of sixteen drams — Total. r Total B = \ Total A = 5838 : Of 4 . 136 136 . B , 5838 „, , C 676 1 , 676 Total - = A— 1 15 i B A 684-9 Total A A 684-9 BN , 123-081 16 16 gi" B= B' . 18-304 47 + 45 2 ■ = 4 1st period of 16 drs. . common difference 10-4^ 2nd „ 9-3 Average, 3rd „ 10-1 9-55 4th „ 8-4y Assume the column B to be a regular arithmetical progression, then the common difference = 9'07. Sum of the series 18944, onlj 703 less than the sum exhibited in the table. Or, if we T> take the column—, the value in range of each dram, then 10 — A 9'09 = -91-r-63 = "0144, the average decreases in value of each added dram. This column might be treated as a geometric progression where the common ratio f-'^d ""^") would be -998. Hence ■998^>i» x 10 is the value of each dram in a charge of 16 drams. But this ratio of '998 must be limited to a few terms, and it will probably answer best to sixteen. 9 '78 ft. or 3-26 yards may be taken as the average range of a 68 lb. ball, with a dram of powder, from an 8 -in. mortar, as described. If the range be inversely as the weight, then one dram should convey one pound of weight in the shape of a ball 7'92 diameter, with a windage of O'l, from an 8-in. mortar, 221 yards ; CHAEGES AND EANGES. 153 to be decreased in the ratio of •9981 ""^ for each increase of the terms of the charge. 221 yards X 1 ^ 1 lb. of ball = for a dram. 221 yards x -OOSl" X 16 -f- 68 = 50-3 for the ounce charge \ ^j^j^ ^ ggj^^ ^^-^ 50-3 X ^^98^" X 16 -j- 1 = ITT for the lib. charge . ) In fact, in the large tubes of mortars, -within reasonable limits, the range is nearly as the charge, for a larger addition of weight of powder makes but a small increase to the depth of the charge, and hence the total ignition is not delayed as in narrow tubes. A table of ranges might be better constructed from the first, second, and third differences, if necessary, according to the formula of the Summation of Series,'" where the sum of the series would he a + ^ d' ^ Sj ' 1 7// X — - — a -^ X X- 1 d?-2 3!" , &c. 2 2 3 the value in range for each increase of charge being considered as a diminishing series, by reason of the delayed ignition, and the quantity of the resistance of the air being increased with aug- mented velocity. Worked out from the recorded ranges of 1, 6, 11, and 16 ozs. the following is a range table for Bengal musketry powder from an 8-in. mortar : — Powder. Ounces. 1 2 . 3 4 . 5 6 . 7 8 . Eange. Yards. . 47 Powder. Oances. 9 . 83 10 . . 121 11 160 12 . . 200 13 . 242 14 . . 285 15 . 329 16 . Eange. Yards. 374 428 470 518 567 617 668 720 According to a rough conclusion by Sir John Burgoyne, two inches of powder in a — Hole 1 in. in diameter will blow out 7 in. of clay. " ^ )» )> 18 „ » 3 „ ,, 20 ,, The friction at the circumference will be as the diameters ; * See Baker's and Cowling's " Eules and Formulie." 1862, 154 EFFECT OF POEM OP CHARGE. the areas and the weight of the clay will be as the square of the diameters. If the latter, or weight of clay, measure the result, the 3 in. hole is the more effective size for two ounces of powder. This is a question which should be determined. If these facts are correct, they prove how much depends on the form, or rather on the thickness of the charge. Diameter of bore. Inches. 1 Area of bore. •7854 Depth of powder. Inches. 4-4 Quantity of powder. Oz. 2 Quantity of clay. Cubic ins. 5 2 3'1416 1-1 2 66 3 7- ■48 2 140 Note. — In my remarks on tlie effect of reverberatio'n in large charges of powder, with a heavy shot before it (see Appendix, on the paper on " War Rockets"), it will appear that great consideration in calculating the force of gunpowder should be given to this cause, a subject hardly noticed before, I believe, by any writer. — Editob. EFFECTS OP EEDUCING WEIGHT OP BALL. 155 § I 4 3 ~ pq o r/3 Hi o Ph M E-l a M - i>- Jr- CO O ^ -M CO C5 C35 (33 05 O H Cs -— ' o 1 CO iH to CO O tH -^ a)ooi--J?-oO!oo o M |< (M in lO ■* o o iH CO CO i-O Jr- O CO I^ lO Tt< r-ii-llHC^'M'MC'O-* ^iS J:- O CO O O CO rJ O rH iH tH W CO ■* tM iH iH tH iH r-( r-l & \^ in O 05 (M O to iH 1^ {M CO Cq fM rH CO O O O p O rH O H T-l iH 1-1 iH t-l i-l Charge, lib. Diameter of mortar, 8 '04. Windage, -13. •puno.iS sx{% m indaa _j -* CO **^ H H tH r-l iH ■[i^q ^CO lO CO •aon3.i9jgT(£ O CO CO O lO T-4 IjS CO iM cq G^ w i-i CO ■sp.rei (¥? cocococqc^j^^ooco osioi-ocq-^ioiM i^OOOOcnOSOJOiH r-l 1-1 o Mk 00 O ipO3C0Jj-THCi)Cp-*C;0 r^IH(N(^^co■*l«J^-o 65 1,12, OT-l0000"^C0'nj>.03iHC0ipcpprH r^THl^l^I^l^rtI-^|^^(Nl^llMcol^o « J& OC3COOOiHiH^i*!lil lO lO •3on92ajji(j OOJ>-0 10COOr-IJt-(MCO^O i-irH t-!r-lr-lC^(^^^^c^^o^(^q •sp.re;t M lO lo lo iM N ±- in lo CO CO lo 00 o lo ooi-icsicOTfcoooocq-.-ticoooo rHi-lr-lr-ii-li-lr-l(N(M(M- -jc ^ ^ r-lr-li-liHiH(MCqCO-*tOiHCOO •sqi <4 o in o in o lo o m o in o lo r-l o CO in in Tif -rii CO CO (N (M i-i 1-1 156 EFFECTS OF EEDUCING WEIGHT OF BALL. Tota] Lto 20 lbs., 2 oz. charge. A . • 360 D . . . . B . . , 12T2 B= B' . . 8-T8 BN B' . 13 -32 B A . . 36-T4 Total to 20 lbs.. ,11b. charge. B 7474 B^ B' ■ • • 7-365 BN B' 9-007 B A ■ ■ • 19-65 At the reduction of the 40 lbs., the ball contained 5 J lbs. of powder, which is 40 about the ratio of the specific gravity — powder 1, metal 8 _ = 5. o Now, as far as the reduction of weight to 20 lbs., we have actual experienced results. The object is to complete the Table. 2 B The column -— - offers results so nearly similar, that we cannot be far wrong in assuming them as identical, and taking the average of 1"1 as the uniform ratio of the range for a reduction of 5 lbs. of metal, all other circumstances being constant, and the velocity low. 40 lbs. - .5 = 35 lbs. 132 x i-i = 147. The Table shows 147. nB .. common ratio I'l. Hence for a reduction of 40 lbs. or 5 x 8 = 40 10^8 = log. -041393 X 8 = -331144 h« = 2-14. j^ = ^^=2-14.-.8R=lRxl^«- If We extract the 5th root of this 1-1, we have a ratio for a decrease of 1 lb. Log. of 1-1 = 041393 -^ 5 = 008278 = nn = 1-019, say 1'02 for a reduction of 1 lb. What would be the range for a reduction of 59 lbs., or at lib.? Log. of 1-02 = 008278 x 59 = '488402 nn = 3-079 x 95 = 291 for the range of 1 lb. of metal in shape of a ball 7-91 in. diameter, with a windage of -11 and charge of 2 ozs. of powder. Next :|-^ is almost a continued geometrical progression of this EFFECTS OF REDUCIITG WEIGHT OF BALL. 157 What would be the range at 59 lbs., or with a decrease of one pound 1 95 X 1-02 = 96-8, range of a 59 1b. ball in the above shape. By Table 95* is the range of a 601b. ball diff. 1-8x5 = 9 yards, while for a difference of 5 lbs. the Table shows 10 yards. For an increase of weight, we have only to inverse the ratio. For 65lbs._95 ^ gg 1-1 ~ 70lbs._95_^ ^g 1-21 ^ In the pound charge the results are nearly the same, r052 being the average ratio. Log. 1-052 = 022116 x 7= 15i8l2 n n = 142. Table at 25 lbs. = 1-41. 793 X 1-42 = 1131. Table as above for 25 lbs. = 1123. . , . Bib. . ,. ^ The regular progressive decrease in ratio -5 — maicates new laws resulting from alteration in the momentum and velocity. The full force of the powder, in the large charge, may not have time to operate on the lighter body, which has left the tube ere the whole of the fluid has been evolved from the powder. The records of the flight and penetration are too few to establish any rule. These facts tend to the advantage of hollow projectiles, in the decreased weight of the shells to be carried, and the probably greater destruction from the larger quantity of exploding powder within the hollow of the shell. Whether these advantages would counterbalance the loss of momentum in the faUing ball remains to be seen. An interesting experiment might be made in progressively hollowing out an 18 or 24-pounder brass shot. Now, if we consider the action of the powder to be a momen- tary force, then the velocity generated at the issue from the 158 EFFECTS OF EEDUCING WEiaHT OF BALL. m mortar is V = t-. When b = Q), then Y = m = / the force of the powder ; •which could be measured by the range. This may be diminished for the weight of the ball by the ratio 1"02, raised to the power of the number of pounds. / of 2 oi. of powder = 295. Table at weight 0. 295 1^60 ^ 3-13 , . ^ 94_ Tjjg rpg^ijjg gjygg 95 f^j. ^ gg lb. ball. Now, in the former experiment (Table 1) we found the range of a 68 lb. ball, with 1 oz. of powder, to be 50 yards : 1*02'^^ = 3'65 X 50 = 182 for the simple force of 1 oz. This multiplied by "909, or ratio for increase of charge from 1 to 2, gives 164 X 2 = 328 for the/ of 2 ozs. In the Table on elevation it is established, that half the range 295 at 45° is equal to the altitude due to the velocity. Hence — - — 147, is the altitude due to the simple unloaded charge. The same experiment gives the altitude due to a 68 lb. ball as 44 yards. 44 x ll)2)«« = 44x3-65zz:160, the altitude due to a charge of 2 ozs. unloaded. It would appear that these reductions in the weight h augment the initial velocity in the direction of the curve, by increasing it directly in a ratio of the reduction of weight. The form of the curve would hence be different, and the height greater ; consequently the velocity attained on reaching the ground may be increased ; the momentum at this point will depend on the difference between increased velocity and di- minished weight. The resistance of the air will be increased by the augmented velocity, and by the size of the ball being greater in proportion to its solid contents. The thickness of metal for the shell necessary to resist the impelHng charge, and the falUng momentum, requires to be ascertained. In many instances more is not required, as I beheve greater WINDAGE. 159 damage would often result from the explosion of an increased quantity of powder, than from the effect of the large splinters from the thick sides of the heavier shell. In destroying gates, we find powder in a leather bag almost as destructive as from a petard.* Windage. Comparative Proof by reducing the Ball externally to the following Diameters. Diameter of mortar, 8-04. Diameter of mor- Ball tar, 8-02. Charge, 2 oz. Charge, 2 oz. Charge, 1 lb. Diameter of (6 s Weight of -a a 1 0) (A 11 .3^ ■3 a ball. baU. A S 3 (^g 0,0 1 lb. oz. ft. ft. 7-92 07 12 100 •4 780 1-6 7-78 ■14 62 11 51 49 646 134 1-11 7-67 ■n 60 2 34 17 30 566 80 1-5 7-59 •08 •58 24 10 •4 20 487 79 2-8 7-47 •12 55 12 12 ■6 13 426 61 7-37 •10 52 7 19 +r 17 462 + 36 To deduce any practical results from this Table is a matter of extreme difiBculty, because there are two items in constant varia- tion, both the weight and the diameter of the ball. Also in some cases a third, in the difference of diameters of the two mortars. * The surrounding atmospliere offering its resistance to tlae expansion of the gaseous yolume of the fired powder. Hence, that powder which is quickest of ignition is the best for this purpose ; but qviick fulminating powder would not be so destructive in extent as good gunpowder. — Editor. ICO WINDAGE. In the DirFBKENCE OF THE TwO MORTABS. Mortar (^^5"^"^'' « ?" \ Diameters [ I'^t] Difference, -02 ( Short range, S. R. J ( 8 02 ) Balls of the same weight and diameter. Weight. Diameter. Mortar. Kange, yards. Difference. 68 60 58 55 r-92 7-67 7-59 7 '47 / Long range \ Short range fLong range \ Short range { Long range ( Short range 1 Long range \ Short range 87 102 30 34 20 24 13 12 I 4 1 ' 102 : 15 : : 34 : 5 ::24:3-5 ::12:l-7 Hence the loss by the difference of diameters of the mortars is as the range. The enlargement of the mortars from 8'02 to 8'04 reduces the range. Now the difference in the area of the two is about '25 of a square inch ; hence may be conceived the great discrepancies observed by using, for proof purposes, old mortars and shot, of which the flaws and imperfections would soon equal this area. The great reduction in the range, resulting from the reduction in. the diameters of the shot, must next be considered. When this becomes very great, the shot sinks deeper into the chamber of a mortar, and approaches nearer to the powder, when other relations may come into operation. With the same mortar, same weight of ball, and well ascer- tained diameter of shot — Diameter Diameter Windage. S s Weight of Kange, i of mortar. of shot. sS ball. yards. ^ p 3 8-02 7-91 7-67 •11 ) ■35 1 24 60 1 95 1 34 1 61 The 7-91 range is taken from 7-91 7-47 •11 ) •65 / 44 55 1 105 1 12 1 93 the last Table on Weight. Thus, after the first tenth of an inch in windage, the average EFrECTS OP WINDAGE. 161 loss for each of the 2nd and 3rd tenths is one quarter of the range, for the 4th and 5th tenths about one-seventh : and the whole range would be destroyed between the 6th and 7th tenths ; with very small charges. To return to the Table. r5^ 35 Reduced loss in yards for each 15 ) increase of one-tenth of 1 tenth •02 : 2 tenths •14 : 3 „ •11 : 4 „ •08 : 5 „ •12 : 15 : 49 : IT : 10 : 12 : 12 10 windage. 200 yards would be the extreme range, were the contact perfect, and no windage existing. Suppose we equate the recorded ranges by the equation for difference of weight l-02>i- Table 2. Weight of ball. Equated range. Eeeorded range. Diffei ence. Windage. Difference. a b 68 100 •1 62 110 51 59 •24 •14 •42 60 114 34 80 21 •35 •11 •19 58 118 24 94 14 •43 •08 •17 55 128 12 116 22 •55 •12 •18 The result again appears to be that the 1st tenth of windage has the greatest effect on range. Hence the great loss, on a trifling windage, to balls which previously fitted closely and tightly in the mortar. The ratios between the loss for windage in the 2-oz. and in the 1-lb. charge are so different as not to be conclusive ; I- is the probable ratio in range for this difference of charge. Loss by windage, 2 oz. and 1 lb. charges. 49 : 134 : : 1 : 2-1 IT : 80 : : 1 : 4^7 10 : 79 : : 1 : 7-9 12 : 61 : : 1 : 5 Average of loss . . 5 Average of charge . 8 Eange, 2 oz. and 1 lb. charges. 100 : 780 : : 1 : 7-8 51 : 646 : : 1 : 12^ 34 : 566 : : 1 : 17^ 24 : 487 : : 1 : 20^ 12 : 426 : : 1 : 34- Average of range . . 20 No doubt any circumstances altering the initial velocity will inversely affect the loss by windage ; the escape of the fluid will 162 EFFECTS OF WINDAGE. be in a ratio of the time of tlie passage of the shot up the bore ; more fluid will escape as the transit is slower. The difference of area may be stated a cause of the loss. The area of a circle of tlie diameter of the mortar — 8-02 is 8^'= 64 '32 X •7854 = 50-47 Area of a shot diameter . . . 7 "47 = 43-8 Difference . . . 6-69 Now the shot at this point will hardly leave the mortar, hence an area of 43 in., loaded with 53 lbs., is a measure of the fluid generated by 2 oz. of powder acting on an unpressed area of- 6 in. Diameter. Area. Difference. Total loss of range calculated on the difference of area. Table. 802 50-4 66 : 100 : : 2-9 : 43 49 7-92 49 '2 1-2 4-2 : 62 66 7-78 47-5 1-7 5-1 : 76. 76 7-67 46-2 1'3 6-6 : 100 88 7-59 45-3 0-9 7-47 43-8 1-5 Total 6-6 Hence, in some degree, the loss by windage is measured by the difference of areas. In the 1-lb. charge : 29 : 134 In the 2-oz. charge : 29 : 49 66 : 304. Table 354. 66 : 111. Table 88. The greater the weight, and the less the charge, the larger will be the loss by windage, as is shown that '24 of windage in the 2-oz. charge reduces the range one-half; but this reduction of range requires 6 or 7-tenths with the 1-lb. charge. Thus a clever officer, with attention to an increase of charge, may compensate for an under-gauge shell, one that otherwise might be thrown aside as unserviceable. Thus it requires 8 oz. of powder, or four times the 2-oz. charge, to restore to a ball 7-27, or of a windage 73, its original range. The result on trial was 107 yards from a new 8-in. mortar, in which 2 oz. would give 102 with a 7-97 ball. EFFECTS OF ELEVATION. 163 Elevation. COSEPABATITE PbOOP OF ElBTATION. Charge, 2 oz. ; ■weight of ball, 6? lbs. Diameter of ball, 7 '92 ; diameter of mortar, 8 •02. EleTation. Range in yards. Difference. Degrees. Minutes. 16 46 25 64 + 18 35 78 + 14 45 83 + 05 55 76 -07 65 62 —14 15 38 — 24 77 25 32 Height of curve 45 yards. The result of this experiment confirms the parabolic theory that the range is as the sine of the double angle of elevation, for — S z 90 83 Per table 78 „ 64 „ 46 Hence also S Z 35 X 2 : 78 09 S Z 26 X 2 : 63-5 S Z. 16 X 2 : 43-9 S Z 5x2: 14-4 S Z 1X2: 2-8 Also that there are two elevations giving the same range, those equally distant from 45°. Also that the range at 15° is equal to half the range at 45° = qq — = 41-5, per table at 16° = 46. As well as to (a), the alti- 2 tude due to the projectile velocity. Ten degrees on either side of 45° only cause the range to vary, 78 _ 76 83 83. An attempt was made to measure the height of the curve by attaching a string to the ball ; the result of four rounds at ^7° 25' was a range of 32 yards, and a height of 45, which reduced to the perpendicular with a base of 16, will be 42. The mortar could not be elevated higher. This trial gives 44 for the height of the curve with 90° elevation, and exhibits an initial velocity of 9Q ft. in the second. For 44 yards x 3 = 132 ft. height of curve a = space. Now the space is the same as the square of the time : 16ft. : V" :: 132 ft. : 8-2", square root, say 3". u 2 as 164 EFFECTS OP ELEVATION. The velocity acquired is as the time : 1" : 32 : : 3" : 96. The initial velocity is equal to that acquired by a body falling through (a), or the space of 132 ft. ; or for a period of 3". The time of flight also equals the time of falUng through 4 a, 132 X 4 = 528. 16 ft. : V)^ : : 528 ft. : 33'', square root, say 5-7. According to the projectile theory, Hutton, vol. ii. p. 156, for 90° Elevation : = 93-5. sc 35° V = ^4agf = ^44x3 x 4: x 1& = ■s/ 8448 = 96, Initial Velocity. T= *-= — = 6". for s of 90° = 1 z= Flight. R = 2 a S z= : for s of 180° = S = = Range. H = a s^ = 132 X 1' = 132 Height of curve. For 35° Elevation : R=2aS:2a= 264, log = 2-421604 Sine TO 9-988724 2-410328 wn = 257 ft., or 85 yards. Table 78. X _ s'^_ I-og 96 = 1-982271 ~ 'g~ sine 35 9-758591 Log 16 1-204120 = 0-536742 n n 3"-4 H = as^ = L°S «-^. = 2-120574^ ^.^g^^gg ^ ^3 sine 35/ 9-517182 V=V 7^ _ sc 35° For a charge of 1 lb., when R = 800 yards. Elevation 45° : V= v^^R 800 X 3 X 16, log = 4-584331 s c 45" 9-698770 2)4-885561 = 2-442680 = n.?i 277. T. l.-.V. 32)277 = 8" = < = Time. A or d =z Space = t"^ 1' : 1 6 :: 8^ : 1024 = a = altitude due to initial velocity. Ai '^- iioQ 1 45°R 2400 i„„„.. Also a:: — =1198 also a .-. =1200 ft. 4:g 2 2 All evidences of the correctness of the theory at low velocities. Altitude due 1 lb. = 1024 ,, ^ j.- j; ij.-i. j =7-7 ratio of altitudes. „ „ 2 oz. 132 a.:Y\: a of lb. 277^2 r ^I 0*3. 96^ These are about the ratios of the charges, or eight to one. RECOIL OF MOETAE. Recoil. 165 Weight of mortar bed Total Cwt. qr. lbs. 8 10 11 1 6 19 2 6 CJharge, 2 oz. ; diameter of mortar, 8-02 ; of ball, ^•92 ; -weight, &! lbs. Nature of Platform. Kange. Platform composed of sleepers laid flat on ^ pucka brick -work, over these a plank ( platform of 2^ in. thick, boards well f secured . . . . . . J A platform of fascines, 1^ feet in diameter, "\ of dalwood sticks, laid on the bare 1 earth. A plank, 1 ft. broad, 2 in. thick, f imder each cheek of the mortar bed . . J Platform of fascines as above, but no"^ planks between the cheeks and the ■ fascines Bare hard soU, covered with the natural \ light grass . . . . • • / 86 86 86 88 The result was, that so small a charge as 2 oz. had no power to move BO heavy a mass as the bed and mortar. MUSKETRY EXPERIMENTS. Each set of these experiments was concluded with the same description of boards ; and it is regretted that the whole series was not so concluded. But the disadvantages of the thin boards were only found out as the experiments progressed. Tables. Letters for Keference. Charge, 6 drams. Measure of Elasticity. D A, &c. 2 and 6 1 „ 3 4 „ 6 A B D f Boards, ^ in. \ Interval, 1 in. C Boards, | in. . \ No interval 1 Boards, 1 in. . ( Interval, 1 in. f Boards, 1 in. . \ No interval } } } } 17 11 6-8 5 16 6 1-64 303 432 758 1- ■ 166 MUSEETET EXPEEIMENTS, The gain by the elasticity of the half-inch boards is 6. Hence, if 17 : 6 :: 1 : -35. If the elasticity is inversely as the thick- ness of the boards, the loss for inch boards will be "17. Hence, 6-8 will lose 1-15 .-. 6-8 — 1-15 = 5-65 ; table 6 gives 5-16. Much depends on the density of the wood, and on the screwing up of the frame. I assume 6-in. boards, with no interval, as the measure of the usual initial velocity of the common musket, with 6 drams of powder, equal to a point blank range of 250 yards. Hence each board is 41 "6 yards. The planks are of mangoe wood. Boards, 1 in. Interval, 1 in. Distance, 30 ft. No. I. WmDAQE. Barrel, length . 3 ft. 2J in. „ weight . . 41b. 14 oz. ,, diameter . '78 in. ,, touch hole. '09 in. Ball, brass. / -j-Jths copper. ( j^thfl tin. **^ Two Drams. Six Drams. SS . s O g c-1 1% 1 11 f n3 T3 i r= i «-a ■5 *§•!. 1 Drams. 1") ■2) * ) ^^ 2 •6 8 •3 •26 4^4 4-23 JJ J^- CO -^ CO CO 3J •3J * &< " cq i 1) •5) 4-6^ n •625 •025 9 1 •4 •43 4^8 4-7 3J •4) 4-8) Si tK i-\ 11-) 6 ) g tH cq A •650 •025 10 1 1- 103 5 5- 3) 1- 3 6 / 1) ^' ] •^ r-l <0 2[ •675 •025 12 2 1^1 V 1-06 6 6^33 3J 11 1 7 3 ■ ■ 1") 1' ) IS] s s 2 ■ •? •025 13 1 1-5 I 1-4 .6-5 7-43 »0 rQ 3) 1-1) 8- ) e<) to 1) 1^5 1 2- V 1-7 j 9-6 \ 2 •725 •025 14 1 1^73 9 8^83 CO i-l J;- 3J 8 j 1} 2-3) 8 ] §■ ■'§'« i •750 •025 15 1 3- } 2 •76 12 ( 10 •775 •025 oz. dr. 1 1 2 s- 1 5'5) 4^13 10 j Ball lost at tills round. 1 h oq CO •-' • .si »2 g fin Sh! Totals Memo. Ball -6- fOfaU . . 12-80 '\ Up to -750 . 8-67 -10 drams powder — 6^5 boards. MUSKETKY EXPEEIMBNTS. 167. In all these experiments there appears to be requisite a certain relation of all the parts to render the result comiilete : as a certain relation of space to the quantity of powder to be fired. Thus we find the two-dram charge not to afford proportional results with the six drams fired from the same barrel. The momentary impact of a column of fluid on a hemisphere may be supposed only one-half the pressure on the area of the great circle. The areas are as the squares of the diameters ; hence the velocity communicated will be as the square of the diameter. But the momentum will be as the velocity and weight of the ball. The weights are as the cubes of the diameters ; hence the result on the boards may be assumed as the fifth power of the diameter. The friction against the barrel will be more in a heavy body. We will suppose the column of fluid from the charge to move up the length of the barrel with a velocity of 6, without any ball before it ; when loaded with a well-fitting ball, let the velocity of the mass, ball and fluid, be reduced to 5 ; next sup- pose the barrel to be fitted with a ball of only half the area : the result is, supposing a perfect division in the barrel, there would be two columns of fluid, one moving up the barrel with a velocity of 6, and the other with a velocity of 5, or less. As there is no partition between the columns, either a vacuum could take place at once, or the continuity of the two could only be supported by the loaded column being still further reduced by the pressure of the ball against the vacuum, by which its velocity would be diminished say to 4 ; thence a double loss would take place from the windage, first, in the portion of the ball unpressed upon by the column of fluid, which would make the velocity of a reduced ball less than * The resistance to a sphere in a discontinued fluid is half that to a cylinder of the same diameter j but I can hardly agree with the application of this law to the action of gunpowder impinging on solid matter in a close chamber. But the idea of working out the question of the effect of windage, if fanciful, is very in- genioua — ^Bditob. 168 EFFECT OF DIFFERENCE OF WINDAGE. the assumed 5 ; and, secondly, in the loss of the fluid forced into the vacuum. Hence all circumstances retarding the velocity of the ball increase the loss by windage. For the second loss of fluid, friction, &c., let one power of the diameter be taken, and other circumstances being the same, the momentum on the boards may be as the fourth power of the diameter of the ball. T)^ :

!* : 1* : : T-43 : -0031 7-5" : 1* : : 10 : "0031 for the value of "1 in diameter, supposing all other circumstances in proportion. The loss from windage varies inversely, as the velocity of the ball, or the charge : directly as the friction, weight, or diameter of the ball. Thus we see that the manifest imperfections of the native guns and cannon, and balls, in this respect of windage, are met by very large charges of powder, and probably a denser fluid from inferior powder. If we revert to the remarks on this subject by Antoni, we find, p. 124 : — "In the month of July, 1759, the Commander De Vincenti, Colonel of Artillery, made the following experi- ments with two 16-pounders of the same weight and length, but of difierent calibres : the calibre of A was divided into 813 parts, and that of B into 819 of the same parts ; the guns were fired horizontally, mounted on their carriages upon platforms perfectly horizontal. The shot were of two kinds, and grazed on an even piece of ground, about 5 ft. below the axis of the gun ; the shot of the first kind had the diameter = C .divided into 784 of the above mentioned parts, and weighed -J- lb. more than the proper weight ; the diameter = D of the second weighing ^th more, was divided into 774 of the same parts. Common grained powder was used, the charge was 4 lb. 2 oz., put into flannel cartridges, in order to collect it exactly in the EFFECT OF DIFFERENCE OP WINDAGE. 169 same manner at each discharge. The -wads were of junk ; two gunners gave three strokes with the rammer to the one over the powder, and two to that over the shot." The following table shows the result : — Length of ranges Ofthegim Of the gun With the shot of the diameter = C. < With the shot of the diameter = D. I A. B. No. of rounds. Yards. Tarda. 1 188 249 2 198 197f 3 196| 224| 4 198; .. 245 6 . 224^ .. 248J 6 . 197 213J 1 . 221| .. 199^ 2 . 193 213 3 226 199| 4 . 223 199 That is, with the 4 lb. 2 oz. of powder from two 16 -pounders Diameter of bore, 813 Dif- ference. Diameter of bore, 819 Dif- ference. Diameter of shot. Windage. Range. Diameter of shot. Windage. Eange. 784 774 29 39 200 216 + 16 784 774 35 45 233 203 -30 Windage. Kange 29 200 36 233 39 216 45 203 Difference. -33 beat -17 -13 Tried according to the formula D* would be : d^ ■.:'R : r, the result Diameter. Bange, Loss. Eange. Loss. 784 774 200 189 11 233 221 12 1.70 EFFECTS OF WINDAGE. showing that this formula is not very far from the truth, even on data nearly 100 years old. The subject in those days appears to have been more considered with reference to the destruction of the bores of ordnance, than with reference to the result from the powder. Antoni considers, that windage may be too small, and assumes the windage 35 of the range 223 yards to be the 784 correct value : or 1 to 958 in the diameters. 819' No doubt the friction on the bore is the cause of decreased velocity, as is also windage. There will be a point where the two should meet. Captain Broome found that a 16 to the pound ball, forced from a barrel nicely adjusted to a 1 7 to the pound ball, decreased the eflEect. A certain quantity of air is also necessary to the complete ex- plosion of the charge ; hence I am prepared to espect, that the loss from small windage is not so great as has been usually represented, and seldom such as could not be made up by a shght increase of charge. We notice in the experiment on this head, that with a 3 . charge of three times ^ C, a difference of diameters in the balls of - — has been compensated for. May not much shot and many guns be unnecessarily condemned on this head 1 New balls were subsequently made by me of the weight of one ounce, and the diameter of 7"75 ; these in two cases, — one for Table 3, and one specially for this Table, — gave Table 3 . 2 drams charge. . 3-5 6 drains cliarge. : 6-8 Special . . 3-8 . . . 6-8 75 showing that above the windage of ^-— there is deterioration re- 78 suiting from friction, and, perhaps, from want of air. These two losses being superior to the gain by the non-escape of fluid. Indeed, if to be depended upon, this result would prove the EFFECTS OP WINDAGE. l7l friction of "025 in excess of the proper point, to be equal to "075 of the loss of fluid by windage, and to diminish the result in ^~ See table D, 6-75. Now— = -961, is nearly the same 10 . 78 -^ 784 ratio with = '958, established above by Antoni as the best 814 •' point of windage, or ratio between the diameter of the bore and the diameter of the shot. 819 If Antoni's ratio of best effect is increased by or 1 "00 7, •^ 813 the ratio of the bores of his two guns, the loss will be "85 = 233, 775 while if our ratio be increased by - — or 1"03, the loss is '' 750, ^ = -68. 10 This diminishing result is so very far removed from the accepted theory of rifle balls and tight wads, and ramming home, that a suspicion of mistake is excited. But I think I can partly account for this decrease of effect with increased diameter of ball in another manner. By Table 2, on length of barrel, we establish, that with a •73 "75 11 windage of -—r to -=- the barrel was too long by of result. '^ -77 "78 15-3 Friction reduces the result by drawing back the point of best effect in the bore, and thus creating superfluous length. It is thus resolved : that at the point of best effect the windage and length are in equiUbrium, and the loss from wind- age = 0. Let R = the range of the point of best effect. u, = the loss by windage. 6 ^ the loss by increase of length. Then if the windage is increased, R a will be the result. But if the windage is decreased, it increases the length of the barrel by friction and want of air, which creates the loss {b). Hence we have E, + a - ^ for the result. 172 EFFECTS OF WINDAGE. The scale will stand Katio of diameters. Difference, Kesult. Difference. Bemarks. R'best effect U + a — b 9-29 9-61 9-93 -0-32 + 0-32 8-83 10 6-8 — 3-2 Loss by idndage. Loss by friction from increased length. Hence if the barrels are not well proportioned to R, there may be a loss by tight balls, or balls tightly set home, or, strange to say, by superior powder, that is, powder of quicker ignition. This receives strong confirmation from Antoni's experiments, where A decrease of windage of "06, gives a loss of 33. An z?zcrea5e of windage of "06, gives „ 17. Hence also it foUows that equal powders will preserve the same ratios from the same piece in all charges, biit that in different pieces of other proportions of length and of calibre, these ratios may not continue the same. The ranges of our muskets of olden days will be found longer than at present, although the powder is now superior ; that is of quicker ignition. This want of identity of proportions will account for the difference found between proof-mortars, as those of Dum Dum and Ishapore, and evinces that powder superior in range from a shoi t mortar may be inferior for a long gun proof. EFFECT OP LENGTH OF BAEEEL. 173 TSTo. 2. Length of Barrbi. Boards, i in. Ball, diameter -73 in. Musket, diameter -n in. Interval, none. „ weight 16 drs. „ weight 4-13 lbs. Distance, 30 ft. „ length 3 ft. 2 '5 in. Charge M. P. 2 drs. Length. Boards pierced. ft. in. 3 2-5 3 2 10 2 8 2 6 2 4 2 2 2 1 10 1 8 1 r-25 -95 3-6 4-5 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 1-5 2 2 3-5 3 4 4-5 4-5 4-5 5 6-5 6 4.6 5 4-5 4-5 3 5 5-5 4 4 5 4 4 6 1-5 1-5 2 Average. 3 4 1-85 3-5 4-5 5-5 4-6 4-5 4-33 4-33 1-66 Charge M. P. 6 drs. Length. ft. in. 3 2-5 3 2 10 2 8 2 6 2 4 2 2 2 1 10 1 8 1 7-25 -95 Boards pierced. 11 11 11 10 10 16 11 16 12 12 12 11 10 13 14 12 15-5 13-5 15-5 13-5 15-5 13-5 14 12 13-5 15 15 14 13 13 11-5 11 11-5 4-25 4-5 5 Average. 11 12 13 11 '6 12-5 13-6 15-33 13-17 14-5 13-3 11-33 4-58 New boards. Mnch recoil. New ball. Great reooU. C Length of barrel J reduced to one- ( half. ( Length of barrel < reduced to one- fourth. The correct length of the barrel may be defined, in relation to the initial velocity, that which admits the perfect evolvement of till the fluid and heat, and concentrates all the explosive force on 174 EFFECT OF LENGTH OF BAREEL. the ball. The moment the explosive force remains stationary or decreases, if the friction along the barrel he greater than the resist- ance from the external air, then it is letter the hall should leave the barrel; and any increase of length, as regards initial velocity, is disadvantageous. Benefit, of course, may be derived from forcing the ball into a higher curve, and thus increasing its range. As the explosion of the charge is progressive, it would warrant the assumption that the length of the barrel depends on the size of the charge, combined with the degree of inflammabihty of the powder. It may be that the fluid from a certain quantity of powder will drive before it both ball and the remaining powder ; and that an increase of effect may result from the evolvement of fluid in transit, — the first being a fixed amount, and the second depend- ing on the length of the charge. We may notice, in the Table, that the results gradually increase both in the 2 and 6-dram charges until reaching the point of 2 ft. 2 in., which appears to give the greatest result, whence both are progressively retrograde ; marking 2 ft. 2 in. as the best length under all the circumstances recorded. There exists also an appearance of equilibrium in this length, for the results being as the charge is a proof of the correctness and of the absence of disturbance. 5-5x3= 16-5. Table 16-33 If the disadvantage of superfluous length be as the friction, it will clearly be as the time of its continuance, and hence be measured by the length of tube ; and if the disadvantages of shortness lie in the non complete concentration of the fluid, this is a want of time measurable by the length of the barrel. If we convert the lengths into decimals, when the charges are the same, the loss by the increased length from friction or by diminished length from want of concentration will be found as the length. For, under friction, 2-16 : 3-16 : : 4 : 58 :: 11 : 16 EFFECT OF LENGTH OF BARREL. 175 and for want of concentration, 1-6 : 216 :: 4-33 : 5-8 „ : : 11-33 : 15-29 nearly the quantities in the Table. When the length is the same, 1-66 : 4-58 : : 1 2-7 4-33 : 11-33 :: 1 2-7 5-5 : 15-33 : : 1 3 4 : 11 : • 1 2-75 which are nearly the ratios of the charge — It may be remarked in Table No. 5, on the increase of charge, that it was requisite to increase the charge of 6 drams to 8 drams for the purpose of raising the result from 11 boards to 15 boards ; hence -§■ of the charge is lost in compensating for the extra length between 3 ft. 2 in. and 2 ft. 2 in. From the totals it would appear that 1 ft. of the fluid from the 2 drams was equal to 1-57 boards ; but to 5-34 from the 6-dram charge. A column of a certain base and height is converted into fluid in a certain time or space. This point being settled, any varia- tion in the result will be as the variation in the space. The space may have a relation to the base of the column, hence the length 2-16 divided by the diameter may be a good measure, so that — -^ wiU - indicate 28 calibres as a correct length. The space may be that required to form the highest density of the fluid from the powder. For Bengal powder 2 ft. 2 in. appears the best length with 6 drams on a base of -77. Hence wads, tight balls, ramming home, &c., which increase the time, wiU in a certain degree improve a musket's range, if shorter than the correct length, but depreciate the result from one of the proper length, or from one longer than required. Long barrels are best calculated for slowly igniting powder ; hence the long native matchlock of India, and the short rifle of England are suited to the difi'erent quaUties of their powders. If we turn to Antoni on this subject, at page 83, he remarks : " To obtain the initial velocities, four muskets of different lengths 176 EFFECT OP LENGTH OP BAEEEL. carrying a 1-oz. ball, were fired with 7 drams of fine war powder, under a mean state of the atmosphere : — " Lengtli of barrel from the ball to the muzzle, ft. in. 11 Initial velocities. Feet in a second. 1037 1 10 1390 3 8 1736 That is 1 4 8 Length of 2 : B. : 1 Eange. 1-3 1815 1 2 : : 1 1-25 "S; 2 : 1-3: : 1 : 1 1-6 1 1-04) Obtained from the next proportion of 3ft. 8 in. to 4ft. Sin. and ^^^^ Take the 1 avera 2 : ge : 1 1-38 Our table gives (1 : 1-47 : : 1 : 1-4) °Ml : 2 :: 1 : 1-9 j The result of increase from 2 ft. 2 in. to 3 ft. 2-5 in. Starting from the length 2'16 ft. as the point of best effect for 6 drams of Bengal powder, and from 4-66 as the best point for 7 drams of Antoni's powder, we have 1"9 in result for the ratio of an increase of 2*2 in length to the Bengal, whUe a cor- responding increase will only give to Antoni's 1'6 in result. Again if drs. Initial Telocity. 7 : 1815 : : Length. 7 : 4-66 : : Length and result, 2 : 1-38 : drs. 6 1558 ; 6 : 3-98 = 3 ft. 11 in. Length for 6 drs. ^ = -85 X 1815 = 1542, for the initial Telocity of 4-66 length for 7 drs. 6 drams, according to Antoni's Table. It appears 1542 ft. of initial velocity of Antoni is measured by 15 '3 3 boards one inch thick ; or each board is equal to 100 feet. In fact, it takes a column of fluid of a certain measurement to give a certain result ; if you reduce this column, you reduce the result. What would result from increasing the length of 9*5 in. three times ? Boards. 2 : 1-9 : : 3 : 285 = 4-58 x 2-85 = 13 9-5 X 3 = 28-5 = 2 ft. 4 -5 in. The Table gives 13-6 at this length. LENGTH OP BAEEEL. 177 The result varies as tlie length x by the charge ; hence the result at 2 drams, with length 2 ft. 4 in., should equal the result at 6 drams, with length ft. 9-5 in., which it does. (See Table.) At Dum Dum experience proved that a charge well adjusted to a short carbine, gave nearly equal results in a long carbine, and that 2^ drams with the long carbine gave better results than a larger charge. •This length of barrel causes the remarks we so often hear, that such a maker's powder is "very hard hitting." A sportsman with a short barrel, previously using a slowly igniting powder, finds a great improvement in a more quickly inflaming powder, and hence his remark. The diagram below exhibits a measure of the explosive force of the powder at each point of the length of the barrel. LENQIB Of BABBEL. We usually find that inferior fowling pieces burst some way up the barrel ; where the increasing force of the powder meets the diminished thickness of metal.* The figure also points out the position for any reinforces to the metal. I should have wished a trial to have been made under progres- sive decrease to the thickness of the metal of the barrel, but it could not be managed. * I cannot agree witli these theories ; the force would be much greater at first, and the calculations of power exerted would be different in any calculation of this kind, with varied qualities of powder and size of grain. The resistance the com- pressed column of air meets with from any trifling circumstance in the bore of a barrel, a little snow, paper, even a feather, might cause the barrel to burst near the muzzle. — ^Bdiiok. 178 TOUCH HOLE OR VENT. No. 3. Touch Ho£b oe Veni. Boards, 1 in. Ball, diameter . -775 Barrel, diameter •'78 Interval, 1 in. ,, weight . 16 drams. ,, weight . 4'14 lb. Distance, 30 ft. „ length. 3 ft. 2 J in. Charge, M. Powder, two drams. Charg e, M. Powder, six drams. Touch hole. Bianieter, Boards. Remarks. Touch hole. Diameter. Boards. 4 Bemarks. (3 ) (6-5\ •09 4^25 (3^25) 3-5 •09 1;! 6-8 •1 3^5 ) 3'66 •1 7^33 •12 1 3 (3 ) 2^75) 31 •12 7 •14 3-5 } (3 ) 3^8 •14 IH 7-33 •16 (2-75) •16 (^ ) •18 2-75 (3 ) l2-'75) 2^83 •18 (6-5) 8^3) 6-8 •2 \l 1 (2 ) 2-9 •2 8-3 (8-3) (7-5) 8^3 New boards. •22 (2-5 (2 ) 2-16 ("Much unburnt •22 7-66 •24 1^ } (1^5 ) 2 J powder ejected ] at the touch L hole. •24 7-5 (8 ) (8 ) 7^58 New ball. •26 1^5 (2-2 j (2 ) 1^66 •26 8 •28 2 (2 ) (1 ) 2 •28 7-33 •3 k\ 1^33 ■3 hi 6 •34 ■75 •91 ■34 ' 6 ) 5-S j Muchimbaint ( powder eject- 1 ed with force. •39 I 3'3 ) 2 •75 1^03 •39 !L! 3-8 / Touch hole I being f the 1 diameter of ' the bore. SIZE OF VENT. 179 Average. Average. From •! = 3-66 -2 = 8-3 •39= 1-03 -39 =3-8 oa o CQ / per •! of touch-hole, 4 '5 per 1 touch-] •^9 _ 2 -63 j .g ^^^^^^^ 2 -4 boards. Medium. Medium. From-1 3-66 -2 8-3 •39 1-03 -39 3-8 2)-49 4^69 2)-59 12-1. ( boards. Table a1 I ^24 = 2 boards o^K „ o^ flaoards. Table at -295 6 Table at "3 = 6 boards. We remark in both charges, 2 drams and 6 drams, that con- trary to expectation, the effect increases with the size of the touch-hole up to a point, and then commences to decrease. That in the 2-dram charge •! gives a greater result than '09 ; that in the 6-dram charge the effect increases up to % and then re- trogrades, proving that a column of air may be necessary to the full development of the fluid, and that this column has a relation to the size of the charge, 2 drams requiring •! and 6 drams "2 of touch hole. This fact receives confirmation from the experiments recorded in Antoni (p. 46), as follows :— " We will conclude this chapter by showing experimentally how much the difference in the size of the vent affects the force of the shot. A musket was taken j^ of an inch in diameter, and 33 in. in length of barrel. The axis of the large screw which closes the breech was perforated with a hole j^ of an inch in diameter, to which three screws were successively applied ; the first exactly closing the opening, and consequently forced all the fired powder to pass through the muzzle ; the second had in its axis a hole or vent ^q of an inch in diameter, through which a part of the fluid might escape ; and the third had a vent of j^ of an inch in diameter. The musket thus prepared was loaded each time with 10 drams of fine powder, put into cartridges, and with an iron ball 1 J oz. in weight ; the wads were rammed down with equal force by the same man. " The experiment began by firing the musket with the screw ^0 in. diameter ; afterwards with that of -^^ ; and at length without any vent in the screw. N 2 180 SIZE OF VENT. " The medium of the penetration of the balls in 24 rounds is as follows : — 'With, the vent entirely closed. . . .6 inches. _ ,. , I ,, Jtt of an in. in diameter . 8 In discharges ^ ' " H s_ . 4 " It results from this experiment that, "whfen there is no vent, less powder is fired, and that which does take fire burns more slowly. If the large vent be left open, and a sheet of paper stretched at 2 ft. from it, the paper will be pierced full of holes by the powder forced through the vent at the explosion. Soldiers firing in line are often pricked in the face by grains of powder driven with force from the muskets on their left ; the common opinion that these grains are a part of the priming is erroneous." When the vent was nothing, 0, the result was 6 ; when the vent was •!, the result was 8 ; nor are Antoni's results on the increase from "1 to "2 very different from those of the Table. 8 : 6-3 : : 3-6 : 2-8 Table gives at •2 — 2-9 boards for 2 drams. 8:6-3:: 73 : 6-? „ „ 8 -3 boards for 6 drams. but all the circumstances were not similar. The whole extract is confirmed in the present experiment. Again we may remark, that the ejection of unburnt grains is noted at "24 with 2 drams, but not until -34 with 6 drams. The loss appears to be directly as the diameter of the touch- hole. A similar opening for fluid in the form of windage of one-half the diameter of the ball would reduce the effect to "6, in place of to 3-8. The result is, that up to "3 of an inch the size of the touch- hole is of no material value in the point of effect. No doubt much inconvenience would be felt when firing from closed ranks and files with very large touch-holes. We may note also the little real value of a point on which much stress is placed as a matter of theory ; and that the enlarged touch-hole of a native musket used by men not in rank and file is of less real importance than it is usually considered to be by SIZE OF VENT. 181 European writers. A bad powder, to be well ignited, may re- quire the air from a large touch-hole. Perhaps many muskets and guns are unnecessarily condemned on the account of enlargement of the vent. If we take -2 for the most advantageous vent for 6 drams, and "l for 2 drams, then if these be in equilibrium, the result should be as the charge. =: 2 "3 for the result. 3-6 3 2 — = 3 for the charge, and —for the diameter of the vent. A very small portion of the fluid can escape directly from the touch-hole, as the bulk of the fluid is soon carried up the bore. Increased calibre would probably augment the loss on this head, for the column of fluid pressing on the touch-hole would be as the diameter of the bore, I can understand that the size of the touch-hole may alter materially the point of concentration of the fluid ; first, by the removal of the resistance in the rear ; secondly, by the lateral escape of the fluid, and also by a greater or lesser admission of oxygen.* This point of concentration will be where the maximum of heated fluid overtakes the rest of the powder, propelling before it the ball. Alterations in the touch-hole may counteract other varia- tions : as, for instance, a small opening may delay the com- plete ignition, and thus remedy the loss experienced by too great a length of barrel. Change in any one of the principles of construction may require corresponding alterations in all other parts. * The inconveBience of the escape from the rent laterally is now avoided by the vent being placed vertically, as ia the percussion fire-arms. I am also rather inclined to attribute the better ignition of the powder, with a large vent, to the great movement amongst the grains which a more rapid escape of the fluid by the vent may allow, and thus more perfect inflammation, as I cannot imagine any air can enter against the opposing current of the expanding fluid of the gas from the inflamed powder. — Editok. 182 DISTANCE. Boards, 1 in. ,, interval, none. No. 4. Distance. Ball, weigM, 1 oz. ,, diameter, •733. Barrels, length, 3 ft. 2^ in. and 1ft. 7'25in. ; diameter, -77. Distance. Long Barrel. Short Barrel. r 6 drams. 2 drams. 6 drams. 2 drams. Ave- rage. Ave- rage. . Ave- rage. Aye- rage. . . 30 ft. . 60 ft. . 120 ft. 240 ft. ix } til 1. 6 -25 J 8'41 8- 8-16 6-41 3-75 i 2-75 i I 3-75 j I 3-5 J r2-25^ <( 2'25 y l^2-25j 1-5 3-5 3-66 2-25 2-16 1-5 t 8-25J {!B t6-25j (ii) <( 3-25 y I 2-75 j 7-5 5-9 5-75 4-13 2-83 m <^ 2-75 } I 2-75 j 2-8 3-16 2-75 2-5 5-5 3 -75 2-5 •75 Distance, — Distance, 240 ft. — From stand 8-41 From stand 3-75 Shoulder of sergeant 6-5 Shoulder of sergeant . 3-25 Distance. Whatever may previously be the case, at the moment of leaving the barrel, the momentum may be considered as generated by a single impulse ; hence, m — bV. In the effect on the boards, we have a measure of m ; as 3 is constant, 7n will be a measure of V. If we take the effect on the boards as the value on the velocity remaining in the ball after passing over any distance, when the distance is 0, the result is the measure of the total velocity of which the ball is susceptible, i. e., the initial velocity. In the differences between the results of any two distances, we have a measure of the velocity lost by the resistance of the air, gravity or other causes operating during the flight — RESISTANCE. 183 m of = V. m 240 feet = w .-. V — u is the measure of the resistance of the air of 240 feet in the trajectory of the ball. Distance. 6 drams Long Barrel. 2 drams Long Barrel. Boards. Difference. Total. Boards. Difference. Total. Feet. 8-41 3-50 120 6-41 2- 2-16 1-34 240 3-n 2-66 4-66 1-5 ■66 Where R, the resistance, is measured by 2 for 120 feet, by 2'66, for the second 120 feet, and by 4-66 for the whole distance, with 6-dram charge. If E. is as V (according to some authors V^.) Y :v::n:r -y- 8-41 : 6-41 : : 2 : 1-5. The table gives 2-66 for 120 x 2. If a table for an increase of 240 feet were completed on the „ , vR . ,, - lormula -^ = », it would run thus : Distance. 6 drams Long Barrel. 2 drams Long Barrel. Boards. Difference. Total. Boards. Diffei-ence. Total. Feet. 8-41 3-5 240 3-75 4-66 1-5 ■2 480 1-68 2-07 6-73 •65 •85 2-85 960 •38 1-3 8-03 •2 •45 3^3 Distance. 6 drams Short Barrel. 2 drams Short Barrel. Boards. Difference. Total. Boards. Difference. Total. Feet. 240 480 960 2-83 1-13 •28 4-67 1-7 •85 6-37 7-22 2-81 1'75 1-05 184 RESISTANCE. If we compare the resistance under different lengths, but the same charge — 8-41 : 7-5 : : 4-66 : 4-1. Table, 4-67 3-5 : 2-8 : : 2 : 1-4. Table, not given it will be as the ratio for the lengths of barrel, which by Table 2 4 under the respective length is j:^ or nearly 1. If under the same lengths but different charges — 8-41 3-5 : : 4-66 : 1-9. Table 3 : : 1-68 : -68 „ -65 : : 8-03 : 3-3 „ 3-3 The resistance will be nearly as the charge. If we reduce the values of r of each of the experiments to the values they would afford had they started from the initial velocity of the long barrel and 6 drams — Yr V : Y :: r : R = — , we have for 240 feet V 6 dram long barrel 4-66 2 „ ), 4-80 6 „ short barrel 5-2 3) 14-66 =4-88 for the value of the resistance to a ball of "775 diameter impelled from a musket with 6 drams of powder, giving an initial velocity of 8'41 planks, during a progress of 240 feet. For 120 feet we have — Long barrel . . j Short barrel . . | 6 drams . . .2 2 drams . . .3-2 6 drams . . .3 2 drams . . .3-7 4) 11-9 = 2-9 as R for 120 feet. 4-88 . o • r 240 ^ nTq = 1'8, ratio of resistance for Yon f^^^j or. double, = 2- 4-88 - 2'9 = 1-98 „ the second 120 feet. 2-9 — -, ratio of resistance between 1st and 2nd space of 120 feet /240 EBSISTANCE. 185 Hence the resistance is as the velocity impressed ; and as the square root nearly of the distance. If we turn to the results with a ball of reduced diameter, and in the same mode calculate R = for the ball of "55 diameter, V For 120 feet we have R = 4-59, and for 240 feet R = 7-26, 4-59 compared with R of the ball ■7-75 diameters, we have-HTq- = 1"5, 7-26 and tjqo =1-4 for the respective distances. D "775 Now -^, or -^ = 1-3, or R is inversely as the diameter of the ball. The resistance will be as the surface of the ball, that is, d^, and inversely as its weight, that is, as rf^ Hence, R is as jj =-7 4-88 X -775 2-9 X -775 = 3-7 5 = 'S-S the resistance on a ball of "0 •6 diameter for the above distances of 120 and 240 feet. This supposes the initial velocity equal in both cases, but re- 5"5 duced to the state of actual velocities, we have 3'7 x— — - = 2'4. o'41 Table 3. -.V-w of diameter -55 = 5-5 -2-5 = 3 for 120 feet, 6-3 x —-^ = 4-15. Table gives 475 ; 5-5 - -75 = 4-75 for 240 feet. Hence the resistance varies directly as the initial velocity, and inversely as the diameter of the ball and the square root of the distance. 5"5 "775 V = gT^j = -65 D - -:g- = 1-3 X -65 = -845 x 4-66 R of 240 ft. = 3-932 = to resistance of 240 to ball -6 diameter. 2-9 X -845. = 2-4. Table gives 3 = R, for ball "6 at 120 ft. 2-4 X V 2 = 1-41= 3-36. Table gives 4-75, for ball -6 at 240 ft. The result shown in the table in next page, increases in a ratio almost equal to the ratio of the increase of charge ; in small quan- tities the increase is a shade greater than in the larger. Eight drams gives the highest effect, with the given length of the musket : at which point the result is nearly that of the average up . 72-5 , 15-3 to itself — -q^ = 2 result = —5 — = 1'91 charge. 186 mCEEASE OF CHARGE. From eight drams the effect slightly decreases. As a general rule, we may predicate that all circumstances being in equilibrium, the result is nearly as the charge -within a regulated maximum. No. 5. Increase of Ohaegb. Boards, ^ in. Ball, brass. Musket barrel, length, 3 ft. 2j in. ,, close together. „ diameter, ■'IS, ,, weight, 4 lbs. 13 oz. „ distance, 30 ft. ,, weight, 1 oz. ,, diam. of bore, '7'7 ia. Charge. Difference. Boards. Pierced. ATerage. Remarks. Drams. 1 {1} 1-66 2 1 IE} 4- 3 1 m 6-6 4* 4 1 (i) 9-6 5 1 (ii) 9-5 6 1 m 11- r 1 {1} 13-3 8 1 m 15-3 9 1 m 14-5 10 1 (1} 14- 65 Totals. 101- ^=- ■ 36 / Totals to 8 drams. 72'5 r- The following experiments, bearing on the subject of charge, prove how useless is any excess of powder above a certain point. INCREASE OF CHARGE. 187 The boards in this differ from the previous experiment on charge in t^q, reducing the 14 boards to 8 '6 for 10 drams. This result does not greatly vary from the 8 with 13 drams under different ball, barrel, and powder. The strange point is, that 40 drams did not burst the barrel. When destroying the useless arms at Kundahar, I found that three balled cartridges, when placed one over another, burst the barrels with facility. Boards, 1 in. Ball, brass. ,, interval between each, 1 in. „ diameter, •'75. „ distance, 30 ft. ,, weight, 1 oz. 2 drs. Musket barrel, length, 3 ft. 2l in. ,, weight, 4 lb. 13 oz. ,, diameter of bore, -TS. Charge. - Difference. Boar Is. Average. Remarks. Drams. 12 (i: }^- 14 2. (i; V 9-33 16 2 I 10 > 10-33 18 20 2 2 I 10 ( 11 rii Reports very loud ; recoil on the hold- ing frame very heavy. Towards the muzzle the 24 28 4 4 k V 11-33 metal became so hot as to be hardly touchable by the hand. 32 4 (li :}- 36 4 •■ 40 4 (i; • V 10-16 • 188 SIZE OF GBAIN. No. 6. — Size of Gkain. Boards, 1 in. ; no interval between them. Ball, diameter "75 ; weight. Musket Barrel, length 3 ft. 27 in. ; bore, '78 ; touch-hole, -09 ; charge of powder, 6 drams. 1 oz. total m , oi fc. i 1? rtii Ti /I a 1 1 1 1 Boards pierced Ave- Eemarke. jLLUUUUB* § 1 c5 1 3 ty the shot. rage. B M o ^ s ft o E-l 1 ... ... 1 r } 2 6 6- 3-08 3 ... ... 1 ... ... ( 4 '25 ) 2 6 6 I 4-50 V 4-41 3 [ 4'50 j 1 • . . ... ( 4-60 ) 2 4 2 6 { 4-60 Y 4-50 3 • • . ... > . . { 4-50 j 1 ... ( 5-50 ) { 5-50 V ( 5-25 j 2 3 3 6 6-41 4-77 3 ... 1 ... (■ 5 '25 ] 2 2 i 6 { 5-25 > 5-25 4-9 3 • •* ( 6-25 J 1 • . ■ . .. ... f 4- ) 2 • 1 • 6 6 1 6-5 f 5-16 3 1 6- j 1 • . . ( 6-25 ) 2 ... ... 4 2 6 { 6-75 [ 6-8 3 ... ( 7-50 3 1 . . • ... • . • r 8-75 ) 2 ... 3 3 6 { 6-50 > 7-16 6-21 3 . . . { 6-25 ) 1 r 7-60 ) 2 t . . 2 4 6 <^ 7-25 \ 7-5 6'56 3 • • • ... ... { 7-75 J 1 1" i 7-26 3 2 ... 6 ... 6 7-27 3 ... . . . • . . 1 ... ( 6-25 ") 2 ... 4 2 ... 6 6-25 > 6-33 5-34 3 ... . . . ... i 6-5 ) 1 ... . . . ... f 7-25 ) \ 5-75 [ 2 3 3 ... 6 6 '83 5-82 3 . • . ... ( 7-50 3 1 ... ... ... 1 ^'5 ) 2 2 4 6 X 5-75 \ 5-91 3 . > . [ 5'5 3 1 ... • > • ... r 9- ) 2 2 • • . 4 6 7- f 7-66 3 ... ... 1 7-5 3 Note. — A line of coarse cloth was laid on the ground to the boards, and a thin curtain suspended perpendicularly to intercept grains unbumt. The result was, that with Kunkur nearly half a dram was ejected unbumt, and with the Ordnance many grains were observed. \^th the dust the report was very heavy. SIZE 0¥ GRAIN. 189 Description of Charge. Powder as taken up from the coming sieve ; tlie Kunkur extracted and the dust sifted, but the powder was not glazed or much dried. Long Barrel, 3 ft. 2-5 in. Short Barrel, 9 '5 in. Charge, 6 drams. I275J Charge, 2 drams. pre-) |o.,.|o 83 In Table 2 we have these lengths of barrel with pure mus- ketry-powder, The results of which, reduced by -^j will give fi^2^ 2^75~ 2^ ^ being all in favour of this mixture, and against pure unmixed musketry grain. Size of Grain. Thus with unmixed powder the result appears to be, in some ratio, inversely as the size of the grain rising progressively from Kunkur to dust. Of the mixtures that yield the best result in which the smallest grains predominate. That the total result is not the simple aggregation of the shares of the compound {vide Column B), but that something is gained by mixture. The order appears to be — • Eifle and Musketry. Rifle and Ordnance. Musketry and Ordnance. When the composition, as in a fuze, is compact, the fire destroys the surface, creates the fluid, and expands it by the heat. Thus, in one inch, a certain quantity of fluid would be generated and raised to a certain temperature. Supposing no heat to escape in the burning of the second inch, more fluid would be created, but whether the heat of the total fluid of the two inches would be raised to a higher point is questionable. 190 • SIZE OF GEAIN. But heat must escape into the surrounding medium, hence it is probable that the heat evolved in the second inch would not increase the temperature of the fluid of the two inches. As the fire and fluid are unable to penetrate beyond the surface of the compact composition, the elasticity of the earlier portions of the fluid may be weakened or destroyed ere the whole is evolved. In the charge of powder, the compactness is as the size of the grains. Between the grains are interstices by which both the fire and the fluid can penetrate. The fire will therefore advance and inflame a second layer of grains ere the first are quite consumed. While some are expiring others will be commencing to inflame in the propor- tion of the density of the cake and the facihty of the fire passing through the interstices of the grains. This ratio will be determined by the diameter of the sphere of fire. The heated fluid, more subtle than the fire, will expand, carry- ing with it burnt and unburnt grains ; but as the space enlarges, the fire will be less powerful, the distance between the grains will become longer, the supply of oxygen will become less, until reach- ing a point where the fire will be unable to touch and inflame the grains in advance. These with the fluid will be carried on and expelled unburnt from the barrel. It takes a longer time to inflame the surface of a large than of a small grain. Large grains evolve the fluid slower, circxilate the fire with less rapidity ; hence more grains are expelled unburnt, or are only burnt in the flame and fire issuing in a mass after the ball has left the barrel ; these add not to the velocity of the ball. The object appears to be, a size of grain that shall continue to burn, evolve fluid, and raise the heat, as long as the flame takes to penetrate the entire mass, and that the elastic fluid should be kept rather behind than in advance of the flame, so as not to force any grains beyond the reach of the fire ; this will constitute the sphere of fire. A certain depth of charge to a certain length. Large grains burn slower and create more heat, while small ones, lying in the interstices, better conduct the flame as a train. EFFECTS OF PEBSSURB. 191 These experiments show the desired effect to be best obtained by musketry as the base ; and rifle as the train. A large evolYement of heated fluid, with a rapid passage to the flame, are points to be justly apportioned. The Table exhibits the following ratios : — m ^ o o ^ _ , , 4-41 - = -70 - = -85 : : - "70 x -85 = -595, Table -606 = ■=-^ r m r ' 7"27. A mixture of a smaller kind of grain appears decidedly to improve the result from a larger grain. I think the Ishapore powder is too regular, and that it will be found that almost all other powders, English, Continental, Madras, Bombay, and Indian contain a mixture of small with larger grain. The higher the cake is pressed, the smaller should be the grain. The use of the percussion caps has caused a reduction in the amount of charge ; the percussion composition is more powerful, the inflammation of the charge is quicker, and the fire of the percussion powder is thrown into the charge. I believe with percussion caps, a larger grained powder may be used with advantage. And I think that one properly proportioned mixture of powder would answer for all purposes, and save expense. Column B contains the result by composition of the effects of the unmixed grains. A dram of musketry powder of Ishapore manufactory contains about 3000, and of common ordnance powder 1200, separate grains. The Effect of Pebssukb, ob Placing additional Weight before the Ball. Boards, 1 in. „ interval, 0. Ball, diameter, "74. ,, weight, 16 drs. Barrel, length of long, 3 ft. 2 '5 in. „ length of short, 9 '6 in. Long Barrel . Short Barrel Charge of 6 drams. i drams of Sand between Powder and Ball. 6 drams of Sand between Powder and Ball, set as usual. Boards. { H ) Average. 6-16 2-93 Boards. ( r } { i^ } Average. 7-25 3-83 192 EFFECTS OF PEESSITEB. The previous experience of the barrel of 9-5 in. is in Table 2 B reduced to D, the result is •4-58 x •4-32 = 1-97. Hence, -with the short barrel, by 4 drams of sand placed before the ball, the result is increased from •1-97 to •2-83 = •1-49 ; and by 6 drams of sand •1"97 to •3'83 = '1'86. The long barrel gives an increase of 1-25 for 6 drams of sand over the usual result of this barrel of 6 boards. The result clearly proves the advantage of pressure in very short barrels, with its questionable advantage or propriety in those of increased length. Boards, 1 in. „ interval, 0. Long Lahore Matchlock. Ball, diameter, -5. Barrel, length, 4 ft. 2 in. „ weight, 6 drs. ,, bore, -55. ,, weight, 6 lbs. 5 J oz. Charge of Powder, Bengal Musketry. Boards. 2^ drams . Difference. ( r } Average. 6-5 3i „ . . . r 6-75 -j <^ 675 ). i 6-75 j 6-75 6 „ . 1 r^ } 8' 25 8 „ . . in 8-5 Trident's Powder. 3| drams . (D 6-41 •5l' The charge 2-5 is 8 drams X — > o"^ ^ ^^^ cube of the diameters of the shot. •75]' 4-2 ft. 3-5 is the last increased in the proportion of—— for length of barrel o' ^ lt( „ 6 and 8 drams were taken at random. The range with the Trident's powder is curious, being equal to that of the best powder in these small quantities. In the musket the Trident's result, compared with the Ishapore TAEIOUS PROOFS. 193 powder, was 4-62- 92 15 in the mortar ^ ; as if the force of the powder were in some inverse ratio of the diameter of the charge. This Trident's powder had been in the Moyapoor magazine since a.d. 1834. In the long charge which 5 drams must constitute with a barrel of such small diameter as -55, we note no additional force from 3 additional drams. Vamotts Proofs. Description of Powders. Bombay powder, received from Dum Dum . " Trident," dated when placed in magazine 1834 " Good Hope," 1826 . "Perseverance," 1829 . Ship "Mysore," 1815 Danish, H. D. Majesty's ship " Galathsea Dartford, from Bazaar Decayed TJrhur wood (charcoal) . Well damped with water, redried Very damp, and clotted in lumps, redried M. P. of 1846 from Dum Dum, dried O. P. after exposure to sun from 10 to 4 O. below,* M. above; 3 drams O., 3 drams M M. below, O. above .... M. below, E. above ; 3 drams M. , 3 drams R. Ishapore musketry, fresh Bombay, 3 years old, sifted to size of above English sporting .... Ishapore rifle .... Madras common manufacture, 1844 Spanish, from a Spanish man-of-war . English powder received from H.M. ship "Sphinx" .... English sporting .... Ishapore rifle, 30 hours glazed ■3 .">-< ^ i «; '^ 9 p=i g S S S ^- -a J g -g S tOOWM Average. T-33 M. 0. M. O. 62 5 3 25 91 25 3 08 25 25 . . .^ Average. Yds. 15 66 59 10 115 87 75 76 91 100 94 87 130 91 86 89 70 108 99 130 93 C5 t.- o a P w „ ^ a .§ a is a-« O fi 'eS S 1 CTvi n p Q> fn SO &4 ^ ^ ^ s s^ -«" t ^ -^ ^1 o *a O -^ .^ '*^ to > eg . < ft 1 w o o CD CO lo as ... id io ■* rH •^ i-H (M ■*^ bfl fn!S s OO CO a 00 1" o g b bO 5 ■-< o (N O 1 J »o OO 1« CO ITS t-fc^rH OO M tS-i CO U-5 t* lO t>. »0 (M CO t^ ii 8° o o o o O o O o O o g ^o .a rH l-\ w tH T-t »-i 1-^ 1 _. ^£ rH r-t 1-1 rH o =3f„ rH rH ' rH rH rH rH nrei CD j^ OQ g i-i )— 1 ,_( ,-1 ,—1 ,_! lO "^ ^ •^ -*(1 - y * s- — OO 2 OO OO CO 00 ° __ _ OS >-* T-* rH EECOEDED RANGES. 197 1 , ■a ! . its average state, from an 8-inch ortar, with lib. charge, and a 45 lb. lell, a range of more than 750 yards, hich could be depended upon as certain. This is the average Dum, taken each yea made during the previ 1 o 8 8 O s bo I — s a-s ^ ^^ o tH j-H m rH (M Pt i-i (MrH dH *-> r-" "^ to 1 «g' • • OS g a, ^ o o *— * — I O »0 W5 to CO '^ -^ Oi to lO (M CO ^ Oi i-H OO COt^rH r-( t^ ^ r-l ^ rH CO 00 OO 00 ^ A ^ "— 1 o to (N to lO CO o ■o to T-H ca *^ to Wl OO OO OO to OS OO t^ -«*< o o o o o o r-l W3 o o lO cq o o i-t I-I O rH r-l O iH 1—1 T~i to to to '--t '^J* r-l • -"Jl '^ -i* ■* — — — e+H 1— I — — S9 p. a, to * 60 TS >» s s CO tS l>> to 1 « o ^ 1 1 1 B 1^ K? I-H >^ a 1 i ^ ^ 1 ■§ 11 srist's Ma- Capt. Gtrif- A., Wool- ractice Colonel 1 ►o 6 1 o i a 03 ft 1 8 1 >ii 1 ■s Is g i 1 CO O S 2 ..• Ill •|^M His -g* 5 1 1 a f-i .2 rH 03 ■a p q f P. g ^ £<-;< < fl f^ &( EH o i-H OO CO OO ■^ "T '^ ■^ "T OS CO J> 1 o 1 OO ti ii CO ■^ CO -«ii '* OO 00 OO CO OO OO r-l r~i T-t rH i-t 1-1 APPENDIX. Experiments on varied proportions of Ingredients in Gunpowder. During the years 1851-1853 I considered it advisable to ascertain if any variations in the proportions of the ingredients, or other changes in manipulation, would be attended with im- proved results in the range of powder. To determine the first point, I was careful that a well-marked increased quantity of each ingredient should be made. For an excess of saltpetre, I adopted a set of quantities which I found as those of the Hounslow manufactories, viz. — Saltpetre . 78 Charcoal . . . 14 Sulpliiir . 8 Total . . 100 Here is given a quantity of three pounds more saltpetre than in the common Ishapore powder. For an excess of sulphur was used the proportions obtaining at Madras — Sulphur . . .11 Saltpetre . . . 75 Charcoal. . 14 100 giving an extra pound of sulphur to the composition of 100 lbs. of powder. For an excess of charcoal, I used — Charcoal . . 16'5 Saltpetre. . . 75- Sulphur . . 8-5 100 having \\ lb. of charcoal additional. This was named "Ex- perimental Powder." 200 EXPEEIMBNTS ON VAEIOITS PROPORTIONS OF INGREDIENTS. Charcoal was also prepared from very old unserviceable teak- wood staves, and was denominated " Teak Powder." Powder was also made with unfused nitre ; but in all other ingredients and respects like the established manufacture. Next was made powder from the usual materials, but without the previous grinding, sifting, or mixing by the mixing barrels ; much in the mode in which the ingredients are mixed in England and at Madras. The unpounded materials were thrown upon the mill-bed and evenly placed by hand before the mill was started. It required 600 revolutions before the composition was considered fit to be passed to the press. In 1853 I tried further experiments, as I had formed an opinion that the cake of our powder was too dense, and of too uniform a consistency, and that a more porous cake would certainly improve the range of the Indian powder of the large grained Ordnance size. First. I substituted wire sieves in place of the silk used with the saltpetre and sulphur. This powder was all called "Wire Powder." Second. I used silk sieves with the sulphur ; as its great density and its smaller quantity rendered advisable that it only should be reduced to the finest particles possible. This powder is denominated " Sulphur Silk Powder." In January, 1853, was set up a new mill received from Europe, manufactured at Dartford by Messrs. Hall and Co., on the principles obtaining in England. The essential difference of this mill is, that every part of it is composed of iron, cast or wrought ; the runners do not follow each other, but overlap about one -half in their runs, so that the area of the bed is necessarily much larger. The runners are of the diameter 6 ft. 5 in., the breadth of the faces 1 ft. 3 in., and these are slightly convex from the centre. The ploughs are single, and no turners follow the runners. The result of the trials of all these powders is given in the following Table. The custom obtained at Ishapore, to try all- experimental powders at the same time with the common manu- PROOF OP EXPERIMENTS. 201 °i^i ■§55 ^ a^ .3 ^ 'S a S ■I <1 o pii o o n EH O s •aSOTqg •qi-X 'Jfl^tJOW •zo-2 'i^jjojn •Ji^isaag ^ t3 o -a g •73 1 1 S •N >X) t =1 PS M I ^1 a> (U (D (D O O P< o n n 1-^ ^ ■^ y T3 o rt M S ^ -a I s Ph 3 1^ ^ ■a -s 1=1 o U o o M ^ ^ 00 o SQ O oT "= w O O «3 ■i fc- >s 03 03 > Si Ai _5 Ti 3 o 03 Fh m -^ -^ 03 t„ o se e ^1 o 00 00 -* 1-1 m i>. CO 05 J>. 00 iH CO CO oj CO CO 50 ■>* O CO O (M - W CO iO 1>- • 9 „ 101 „ 9 3^ 12J •60 3> S> • 12 noon. 109 „ 7 14 1 5i •50 >■) » • 3 P.M. 114 „ 6 2 1 12 •40 :i:n )3 3J • 6 „ 90 „ 4 8 1 10 •27 l-l^-s Calculating by specific gravity, 10 lbs. of water, exposed on a circular base of 20-5 in. would give a depth of '83 of an inch, and 4 lbs. 8 oz. of water would require a depth of •37. The difference is -46 by rough measurement. I made the difference -38. This DANGER OP sun's KAYS IN INDIA. 217 will give an evaporation of "26 of an oz., or 4-16 drams of water per square inch in twelve hours, under the circumstances detailed. Note. — As an evidence of the dangerous power of the sun's rays in India, Colonel Anderson states that some sporting powder, exposed at Dum-Dum in a chUumchee (a broad brass basin used for washing, in the apparatus of an Indian toilet) to the sun's rays, exploded in the presence of several gentlemen ; some part of the polished metal no doubt acting as a reflector, and concentrating the rays on the powder. I have myself experienced the danger of allowing globular glass bottles, filled with water, to stand in a place exposed to the sun's rays, both in India and at the Cape of Good Hope, the rays being concentrated into a focus, as with a burning-glass, and producing combustion both in cloth and wood. — Editor. INQUIRY INTO THE CIRCUMSTANCES ARISING PROM THE CHEMICAL EFFECTS OP THE PRODUCTS OP GUNPOWDER, WHEN PIRED IN CLOSE CHAMBERS, SUCH AS THE BORES OF CANNON, MlfSKETS, &C. This is a most important subject for an artillerist to study, and it appears to me to be a very singular omission, that in all chemical books, or others specially connected with the subject of gunpowder which I have had access to, this inquiry seems to have been generally entirely passed over, or by no means pur- sued and explained as it ought to have been. About thirty-eight years ago, when I was in the situation of agent for gimpowder, and for the manufacture of war rockets of my construction, at Allahabad, in the Bengal Estabhshment, I made a great number of experiments with compositions resem- bling gunpowder, which were fired in various modes in close chambers, and I then became convinced that a true explanation of such combustion had, at that time, never been placed before the public, neither has it to the present day, so as to explain satisfactorily the phenomena presented. Por instance, it is commonly known to all practical artillerists, that a great increase in the quantity of gunpowder to that of a 218 CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF COMBUSTION IN CLOSE CHAMBERS. common charge does not produce that greater range of the projectile or shot placed before it that might have been expected ; and this has generally been accounted for by the supposition that a great portion of this enlarged charge is blown out of the muzzle of the gun without being inflamed, but the circum- stances to which I attribute the cause of its not being inflamed have never before been stated. Again, it has been proved by experiment that cannon loaded to the muzzle, and afterwards closed up with an immovable plug, and fired in the usual manner at the vent, have neither been burst by the effect of the combustion, nor has the charge of powder ex- ploded in the usual way, but has issued out of the small vent in a violent current of inflamed expanding gases, and occupying some seconds of time before the whole charge was consumed. Such trials of an excessive quantity of powder so fired, have also, erroneously, in my opinion, been considered as proofs of the great strength in resistance to fracture, of cannon, fire-arms, or cylinders ,used in the experiments ; and my reasoning is founded upon the explanation which I shall now proceed to offer, and, I trust, satisfactorily explain. At another part of this work, the nature and analysis of the three components of gunpowder are stated; it is therefore un- necessary to enter on that subject here, as I wish to confine myself to the effect which the gaseous products of infiamed gunpowder produce at the moment of combustion. Taking then the principal part of the volume of the gaseous product to consist of carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and nitrogen gases, of which the former is much the greatest in quantity, we have a gaseous compound which is not only a non-supporter of combustion, but actually extinguishes if. Thus, suppose we take an open-mouthed jar or receiver, filled with carbonic acid gas, which being more than half as heavy again as atmospheric air, will remain unmixed ; if we introduce a burning body into it, even ignited phosphorus or sulphur, it will be immediately extinguished. If we lay the finest ignitable tinder, or mealed or grained CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF COMBUSTION IN CLOSE CHAMBERS. 219 gunpowder, on the bottom of tlie jar, and ignited particles of steel are struck off from a flint above tlie opening, their ignition and their luminosity instantly disappear directly they enter the gas, and neither the tinder nor the gunpowder will be fired. If, in a volume of carbonic gas, under high pressure of several atmospheres, gunpowder is laid in a loose train, and the end of the train is fired by a hot iron or other means, the combustion will not proceed, and the rest of the gunpowder will remain unconsumed. We have only therefore to consider, that the moment one grain is fired in a charge of gunpowder, it produces its volume of gas, and every contiguous grain, as it inflames, adds to this volume, so that the whole vacant space between the grains will become filled with it in a highly concentrated state, acting with a pressure of from 1500 to 2000 atmospheres. There can be no wonder then that the grains which are furthest from those first infiamed will not take fire under such a compression of ?i flame-extinguishing gas ; hence if they are not driven out of the muzzle perfectly unignited, as many grains constantly are with every charge of gunpowder that is fired, yet, having been exposed to a heat of high intensity, a portion of these, meeting the atmos- phere, the oxygen of which permits their combustion, will inflame, partly producing that flash of flame beyond the muzzle and over the vent which is seen at every discharge, but lending no assist- ance to the propelling power. That many grains of gunpowder escape combustion altogether has been constantly proved. It was found to be so in Dr. Button's experiments at Woolwich. I have often proved it myself, and Major Alfred Mordecai, in his pubhshed experiments made at Washington Arsenal, in 1847-48, with a 6-pounder and a 12- pounder gun, records that in several instances the solid grains of gunpowder, unconsumed, reached the face of the baUistic pendulum placed at the distance of thirty feet from the muzzle of the piece of ordnance used. In many instances where screens of paper or cloth have been placed over the vents at some feet distance, solid grains of gun- powder have passed through or been attached, quite unin- 220 CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF COMBUSTION IjST CLOSE CHAMBERS. flamed, though passing through the narrow space of a vent, under intense heat. It may be considered a singular circumstance, but I have found some of these unconsumed grains, under examination, to have lost their portion of sulphur, which appears to have been volatilised by the heat, only the proper proportions of charcoal and saltpetre remaining in them. It is a mistake, then, to suppose that an excessive charge of gunpowder is a proof of the power of resistance of the metal of a gun or cylinder, when the ends are closed up, and the escape of the expanding gases is only allowed through the vent : — the presence of the compressed volume of incombustible gases preventing the quick ignition of the grains. Yet this has been considered to be the case in regard to trials vidth the Arm- strong, Whitworth, Blakeley, and other guns, as also by Mr. James Longridge, an eminent civil engineer, in his experiments on the strength of cylinders. The pressure under such trials, I believe, to have been far less severe than that which a cannon sustains when fired with a full charge, especially when rifled, and having a heavy weight or shot placed before it to be propelled. It may be argued, that if the volumes of gases are extinguishers of combustion, as I represent them to be, the combustion of part of a large charge of powder would totally prevent the remainder being consumed ; but we must recollect, that every grain of gun- powder contains within itself the elements of combustion, when exposed under common circumstances to a certain degree of heat, about 800°, necessary to cause the chemical affinities of the materials in its composition to enter into action ; and as the heat of fired gunpowder is of far greater intensity, we can in no other possible way explain the circumstance of any grains being uncon- sumed, and especially as escaping through the small space and intense heat of a narrow vent, except the fact of their being encompassed with a highly compressed volume of non-combus- tible, flame-extinguishing gas, which prevents the charcoal and sulphur from being ignited, as they would certainly be if sur- rounded by atmospheric air ; and to this cause we must attribute HOW RANGES OP CANNON SHOT MAY BE INCEBASED. 221 the retarded ignition of charges of gunpowder in pieces of artillery or cylinders closed at the ends, as above stated. Now, the consideration of such circumstances is of great im- portance, not only in regulating charges of gunpowder, but also in the forms of the chambers in which it is confined to be exploded. It has been generally supposed by writers on artillery sub- jects, that the flame of fired gunpowder penetrates imme- diately to the extremity of the charge, through the interstices between the grains, and thus ignites the whole charge ; but if it was so, then in the instances of the experiments with the cannon having the muzzles plugged up as above stated, or the cylinders having the ends immovably closed, the ignition of the charges would not have been delayed, as it proves to be in such experi- ments, by, as I have before stated, the condensation of flame- extinguishing gas ; and it is an argument that the quantity of atmospheric air contained between the grains, which may be in- creased by using cartridges, not filling the chamber, is advantageous, as yielding an additional supply of oxygen, the best supporter of combustion, which will, in a degree, neutrahse the action of the carbonic acid gas, and consequently promote the quicker ignition of a greater quantity of the grains, producing a greater propel- ling power from the same charge of gunpowder than when less atmospheric air is present : and this has been found to be the case in actual artillery practice on the continent, and, I believe, at Woolwich, although the advantage gained has been attributed to a wrong cause. I will merely add here, that in the year 1855, in the number of the Mechanics' Magazine for August, in a paper I wrote on the subject of projectiles, is the following paragraph : — " Are we, therefore, at once to admit that there is a limit to the range to which we can throw a projectile by the means of gun- powder ? I say, certainly not. Whether it is one mile or twenty miles, the range can be effected. For it would be very easy to ignite the largest quantity of gunpowder that could be accumulated in one hundred points at once, by means of electrical action 222 HOW RANGES OP CANNON SHOT MAT BE INOEEASED. properly applied, and thus, instead of the slow progression of igniting by one vent or touch-hole, we should precipitate the pro- duction of the elastic gas one-hundredfold ! The only difficulty would be to construct a piece of ordnance strong enough for the purpose ; but this perhaps may be done, and the range of pro- jectiles may be thus increased to distances never before contem- plated." By such means also, employing electricity to ignite a large charge in several places at once, we can overcome the natural obstacle to quick inflammation, which the carbonic acid and other gases present in long charges, and obtain that superior initial velocity in the projectile which seems to be the desire of the present day. And I am given to understand, that Sir William Armstrong used this means, having two electric wires to ignite the charge at different points, with the 12-pounder of his principle of construction, in the experiment at Shoeburyness, in April last, when he obtained an initial velocity with an 8-lb. shell and 2 lbs. of powder, of 1740 ft. But I have also a project, by the complete alteration of the form of cannon, by which this desirable object may be obtained, which I shall bring forward, if suitable opportunity offers, at a future day. Having thus stated my explanation of the circumstances which, I believe, have an important effect in the explosion of gunpowder, I will just refer to a printed paper which is laid upon a table in the Military Department of the International Exhibition, as the explanation of the retarding causes of the combustion of powder in narrow tubes may be derived from my theory. Mr. Vallance heads his paper; which I give below, as describing his " patent improvements in placing and. igniting the charge in fire-arms and ordnance," and he states as follows : — " When gunpowder, gun cotton, a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, or other explosive compound, is placed in a narrow tube, and ignited at an open end, the explosion is changed from a sudden flash to a gradual and rocket-like combustion, and the narrower the tube, the slower is the charge in burning. By taking advan- tage of this, and placing the charge of a gun in a conical chamber. ME. vallance's patent. 223 having the base of the cone at the furthest end from the muzzle of the gun, and igniting it in front, and so proportioning the diameter of the chamber and the angle of the cone to the length of the barrel as for the whole of the charge to be ignited just before the shot leaves the muzzle of the gun, the greatest velocity may be given to the shot, although very gradually started from a state of rest, and consequently the recoil of the gun, and the bursting strain on the barrel, may be reduced to a minimum. " In this manner I have fired repeatedly three drams of powder» and two ounces of shot, from the thinnest drawn trumpet tube, with all the effect of the best fowling piece, and I have also fired from the shoulder many times a six-ounce bullet, and six drams of powder, without any unpleasant effect from the recoil." I have given the whole paper, because I consider that experi- ments of this description are always worthy of notice and con- sideration, and as such I trust they will be considered by my readers. If Mr. Vallance had stated any results of comparative trials of ranges, and penetration of bullet fired from his conical-chambered barrel, as compared with others of the common cylindrical bore, it would have been more satisfactory, as rapidity of ignition is certainly a prime element in causing the strain upon the metal of fire-arms, independent of other causes, as rifling, &c. Such trials, among others also, are convincing facts that the proof of the strength, or propeUirig force of gunpowder by the Gun Eprouvette, is not to be depended upon, especially when different powders are examined in comparison, and some very singular effects were found to be produced when I made the following experiments with fired charges of gunpowder, which I will now relate. I took a strong musket barrel, and removed the breech-plug. To make sure that the barrel was perfectly cylindrical, I passed a steel cylinder, armed with four well tempered steel cutters, through the barrel. This cylinder was mounted on an axis of sufficient length to be supported by sockets at each end, to each end of which, crank handles were attached, and by gradually 224 BXPEEIMBNTS WITH A MUSKET BAEEEL. turning the same, and moving tlie barrel horizontally, the interior was made truly cylindrical and pohshed. I then bored a small touch hole, exactly in the centre of the barrel, a cartridge con- taining three drams of powder was then introduced, and by regular measured rods placed exactly equi-distant from each end ; steel plugs flat at the end next the cartridge, and acorn-shaped in front, were shoved down to the cartridge on each side. At the distance of 5 ft. from each end of the barrel, two stems of plantain trees, which were equally fresh, soft, and juicy, were cut off with per- fectly flat faces, and placed as targets to receive the projectiles. The charge was fired by a match, and the two balls penetrated equally 17^ in. into the stems of the plantains. I then screwed in the breech plug, placed the cartridge next it, then the shot, and fired at the usual touch-hole, the baU having the range of the whole length of the barrel ; the penetration was 29^ in. This was repeated three times, with nearly similar results. A half cvi^t. of iron was placed against the breech, to prevent any recoil. I then placed the cartridge, the same weight of powder, in the middle, having stopped up the usual vent with a screw, and leaving the air only behind the cartridge. The charge was fired by the middle vent. The penetration of the shot was 28 in., or only slightly differing from the penetration when the shot was placed close to the breech, the air in the after part of the barrel acting Uke an elastic cushion, and, I think, greatly assisting the combustion of the powder, as the report was sharper, and I was surprised to find, on removing the heavy weight at the breech, and replacing it by lighter ones, that the force of the recoil was greatly weakened by this cushion of air, and that a weight of 7 lbs. completely sustained it. To prove that the fire of an exploding cartridge, placed in the middle of this barrel, and fired, wiU not communicate its fire to another, placed at the end vent of the breech, I fired the central 'cartridge several times, without causing the explosion of that next the breech ; and 1 conceive this circumstance to arise from the for- mation and compression of the carbonic gas preventing the fire being communicated. OtJlT COTTON. 225 I find by the American papers, that a young mechanic, of New- York, Mr. Cochran, has invented and experimented with a cannon having a mechanical elastic cushion or volute spring behind the charge, and that his ranges are equal to those without it, if not superior, while the shock of the recoil is greatly lessened. Editoe. GUN COTTON, OR PYROXYLB. FROM COLONEL ANDERSON'S MSS. AccoEDiNQ to the investigation by Dr. W. B. O'Shaughnessy, of the Calcutta mint, this explosive material resolves itself into an acid nearly allied to the active principle of the fulminating powders, a species of cyanic acid. Cyanogen is a compound of carbon and nitrogen, which, acidified by oxygen, compose cyanic acid, detonating and expanding under the operation. Cotton is composed of carbon and water. One hundred parts of the best cotton are saturated with a mixture of equal measures of sulphuric and nitric acid ; all superfluous acid being expressed by force, or neutralised. The cotton thus pre- pared and well dried, weighs 120 parts.^^^ The .rationale of the explosion is thus proposed : — The sul- phuric acid absorbs the water of the cotton, and leaves that substance as carbon to combine with the oxygen and nitrogen, which it does with detonation and force. Further investigation is not yet settled. The affinities come into action at a tem- perature of 375° Fahrenheit. A violent blow will also explode this substance. I' Carbon ^°"°° ) Water /Hydrogen. V I Oxygen. Nitric acid . ff^'°S^^- \ Oxygen. Sulphuric acid . < ^ \_ Oxygen. * There are various receipts for preparing this material, — Editok. Q 228 NEW INVENTION FOE GUNPOWDEH. less dangerous than gun cotton, and is quite strong enough as a propellant for safe use with any cannon that have yet been made. Reports, however, are constantly published in the public journals, either of some improvement in the preparation of gun cotton, rendering it more safe and suitable to fire-arms and artillery, or that some new preparations, no doubt deriving their propellant power from the same chemical principles, are to astonish the world as substitutes for gunpowder. Thus, only a few days back, in the "Times" and " Standard" of the 8th July, and other papers, there appeared the following : — " Gunpowder superseded. — Apart from the ancient discovery of Berthold Schwartz, and the more novel invention of gun cotton by Professor Schonbein, the feat has just now been repeated in another way by two officers in the Prussian and Austrian services. Of these Hauptman Schmidt, a captain of artillery at Berlin, is the original discoverer, whose idea was subsequently imitated and im- proved by Colonel von Uchatius. The latest explosive material consists of the flour of starch, which, boiled in a peculiar way with nitric acid, possesses a far greater projectile force than the gun- powder in ordinary use. It has also the great advantage of not fouling the piece to any appreciable extent, and, from the nature of the materials used, is produced at a far cheaper rate. Another point in its composition, which recommends It especially for for- tresses and magazines, is the facility with which the ingredients are mixed together, thus rendering it possible to keep them separate until wanted for actual use. In this state the powder is non-explosive. The experiments now in course of progress in Vienna and Berlin, are said to leave little doubt as to its general adoption in the Austrian and Prussian armies." From the preparation with nitric acid, and the vegetable matter acted upon, there can be Httle doubt that it assimilates to gun cotton ; but it may still be doubted, until satisfactory experi- ments prove the contrary, if it will supersede the admirable and well-established agent for projectile force which gunpowder is universally acknowledged to be ; and the question may well be asked, would the wonderful exactness of the ranges of the rifles at SUBSTITUTES FOE GUNPOWDEK. 229 Wimbledon and elsewhere have been obtained, had charges of gun cotton been used 1 Although it has been found that gun cotton does not generate so much heat as gunpowder when fired, and the residue it leaves is trifling, yet its chemical effect on iron or steel, if the mois- ture it forms is not carefully wiped out, would seriously damage the surface of the bore, and therefore be very injurious to rifled barrels, and it is probable that this new composition, having the same elements, would be equally deleterious. Editok. ATTEMPTS TO USE OTHER COMPOSITIONS AS SUBSTITUTES FOB GUNPOWDER. Notwithstanding the acknowledged advantages of gunpowder, yet at various times experimentalists have, from different causes, endeavoured to form a substitute, some with a view to economy, others hoping to gain superior force. The astonishing violence of the detonation of the fulminating powders made from metals, as gold, silver, and mercury, is found useless as a projectile force, and destructive to the tenacity of the metal of guns or cannon, and they are therefore well set aside ; but we wiU notice below a few compositions that have been tried. 1st. Powder made with nitrate of soda. This. salt was used in the place of nitrate of potash, and a compound made with some proportions of sulphur and charcoal, as are usually employed in common gunpowder. It was found to inflame more difficultly, its detonation was weaker and slower, and its projectile force much less than that of gunpowder made with nitrate of potash. This salt also subdeliquesces on exposure to the air, so that no powder made with it would keep. 2. Powder made with nitrate of ammonia. This composition was made at Essonne, in France, by Mons. Eobin ; but it was found that with a charge of 6 oz. the shell from a mortar was not projected. The composition also inflamed very slowly, liquefying without 230 DANGER OF CHLORATE OF POTASH. detonating; it is also very deliquescent, its water of crystal- lisation cannot be separated without a difiBcult process, and it soon imbibes moisture on exposure to the air. 3. Powder made with oxymuriate of potash, or hyperoxy- muriate of potash, now named chlorate of potash. This astonishingly powerful compound was first made known by Bertholet, in 1785, who proposed to substitute it for common gunpowder. When Bertholet first formed this salt, he named it oxygenised muriate of potash — afterwards Mr, Kirwan shortened the term to oxymuriate of potash — because, as chlorine is produced by distilling black oxide of manganese and muriatic acid, Ber- tholet thought that it was a compound of muriatic acid and oxygen. But in 1809, Sir H. Davy proved that it contained no oxygen, and called it chlorine, from its yellow colour ; and this t6rm was afterwards adopted by chemists. This discovery set aside at once the old opinion that any atmosphere which supported combustion was respirable and in- noxious, and that without the presence of oxygen combustion could not take place, for if any animal inhales chlorine, in a pure state, it produces instant death, and some substances will inflame in it spontaneously. What Fourcroy says of this salt will convey an excellent idea of its nature. (See Vol. iii. of his Chemistry.) He says, " that it appears to include the elements of thunder in its particles," and that "Nature seems to have concentrated all her powers of detonation, fulmination, and inflammation in this terrible com- pound." If three grains only of this composition are struck with a hammer upon an anvil, the report is as loud as that of a gun. There is great danger in mixing this composition, and too much circumspection cannot be used in making experiments with it. It explodes instantly on any violent stroke — often by friction only, and sometimes spontaneously, or when at a state of rest, and no known cause for its combustion can be ascertained. Several individuals have lost their lives, or been dreadfully wounded, in their attempts to manufacture gunpowder with this salt, and the lives of the two first workmen employed by Bertholet were EXPERIMENTS WITH VARIOUS PROPORTIONS. 231 sacrificed to the experiment; for immediately they began to triturate the ingredients, they exploded with dreadful violence, which destroyed the building, and proved fatal to these un- fortunate men. This was in 1788, and the accident was supposed to have occurred principally from the ingredients not having been reduced to extreme tenuity, as subsequent trials have succeeded in manufacturing this dangerous compound without accident, and the above melancholy fate of the two workmen employed by Bertholet did not deter others from attempting the manufacture under careful precautions. Mons. Riffault, one of the members of the Imperial Adminis- tration of Powder and Saltpetre in France, prepared, with great caution, about 8 oz., by slowly triturating the materials when moistened ; he then formed it into grains by pressing it through a sieve, but he did not dare to dry it completely, and in this moist state, with a charge of 8 oz., he tried its force in an old mortar dprouvette, which, with a charge of 6 oz. of the best cannon powder, would project a solid globe 240 yards. The new composition threw the globe (with a velocity that the eye could hardly follow it in the air) to the distance of 500 yards, where it penetrated deep into the earth. Mons. Cossigny made many experiments with this kind of gunpowder, using a process which seems to be almost free from any danger. He first made a strong solution of the salt in a certain quantity of water, then adding the proportions of sulphur and charcoal, and stirring the mixture gently, he evaporated the moisture to dryness. His proportions were 75 chlorate of potash, 12^ sulphur, and 12^ of charcoal, in 100 parts. He also tried to increase the force of gunpowder by substi- tuting a portion of this salt for a part of the nitrate of potash. First Experiment :—d*t\ parts of chlorate of potash, 371 of nitrate of potash, 12^ parts of sulphur, 12^ of charcoal. The detonation of this was very strong, above that of common gunpowder. Second Ewperiment : — 3 parts of saltpetre ; 1 of chlorate of 232 EXPERIMENTS WITH VAEIOUS PEOPOETIONS. potash ; 1 of sulphur ; 1 of charcoal The detonation of thi^ was also very strong. Third Eosperiment : — 3 parts of saltpetre ; 2 of chlorate of potash ; 1 of sulphur ; 1 of charcoal. This -was stronger than the last, but -when made without any saltpetre, the composition is strongest, being more than double that of gunpowder. It was soon found, however, that fire-arms of the common standard would not sustain, without danger of bursting, the violence of the explosion, even with a small charge ; and when the arms were made stronger, they were soon injured by the vehemence of the combustion, and its active oxidation of the metal. Experiments were afterwards made with it for the purpose of firing a charge of common gunpowder in cannon and fire- arms by means of a priming of this compound, which should be exposed in a peculiar kind of lock to a violent blow.* It answered this end completely, but the vent and lock were soon oxidated by the small quantity thus used (only an eighth of a grain), and the danger attending the transport of this composition soon caused it to be abandoned, even for the pur- pose of priming, because a new preparation of silver was found to be superior for this purpose. Several attempts were made under Bonaparte to make use of these gunpowders in his campaigns, and it is reported that, in one campaign, they were actually used. It is certain, however, that the disadvantages and dangers • attending the use of compositions containing chlorate of potash, greatly overbalance any advantages that can be gained from their superiority in projectile force. A white powder for fulminating may be made from — Saltpetre . 3 ") Salt of tartar 2 > parts by weight. Sulphur . . l) A small quantity of this explodes with great violence, if ex- * I suspect these experiments in France must have preceded the invention of the Eev. Mr. Forsyth for this purpose ia England. REMARKS ON CHARCOAL. 233 posed to a moderate heat for a quarter of an hour. Chlorate of potash and arsenic mixed, also inflame with astonishing quickness and incredible force. Many others might be named, but chemical works can easily be consulted for their pre- scription s. — Editor . EEMAEKS ON CHARCOAL. There is, perhaps, no ingredient in the composition of gun- powder which is more important, supposing the others pure, than the charcoal. It has been remarked by French chemists, that the English use too much charcoal in the composition ; and Chaptal, who searched carefully into the subject, says, the proportions which yield the best gunpowder are, 77 Saltpetre \ 14 Charcoal | " Chemistry Applied to the Arts," vol. iv. p. 142. 9 Sulphur ) There is every reason to believe that these proportions of charcoal and sulphur might be advantageously introduced, and many private manufacturers in England have certainly done so. Not only in France, but at Woolwich, Mr. Cruickshanks, who devoted much attention to the subject many years back, found on examining the residues of fired gunpowder, that the uncon- sumed charcoal amounted to, generally, one third of the quantity used in the composition. As the residue or foulness of the bores of cannon and fire-arms is of serious importance, now that we have rifles in common use with the army manufactured with the utmost truth and dehcacy of bore, sm-ely it would be as well if careful experiments were made on this subject, leading, perhaps, to a judicious improvement in our national gunpowder ; and as charcoal is so high an absorbent of moisture, any reduction of its proportion would be highly im- portant for sea service. Chemical analysis must fail in exactly determining the best proportions of the ingredients for gunpowder made with varieties of charcoal. 236 " CHAEBON EOUGE " OF MONS, VIOLETTE. Here may be remarked the effect in the loss of gas from the willow from overheating. I do not, however, consider this trial satisfactory, unless the composition was as intimately mixed and milled as it is in gunpowder ; but it shows the great superiority of black dogwood in proportion to that of other woods. I was in hopes of having obtained from France a statement re- garding a peculiar preparation of charcoal for gunpowder by Mons. Violette, which is fully detailed in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Paris, 1848, in which the inventor has given, a very ingenious mode of preparing charcoal, which he terms " charbon rouge," from its red appearance. It is made by passing super- heated steam through the wood in the retort, until it is charred by a degree of. heat not exceeding 400° of the centigrade ther- mometer, so as to preserve a portion of the hydrogen gas which, at a higher heat, would be driven off, and M. Violette, with powder made with this charcoal, obtained very high ranges in projecting shells and shot. It has been stated, of late years, that the use of this charcoal for gunpowder in France has been given up, as it was injurious to the fire-arms, and I wished to learn whether this was the case, and what was the cause ; whether the gunpowder was too strong for the guns, or whether it was from any dele- terious action on the metal chemically ; but I have not been able to obtain a satisfactory answer, or I should have described the whole process, as it seems an important one. — Editor. EBMAEKS ON SIZES OF GRAIN. 237 REMARKS ON SIFTING AND SIZE OF GRAIN. BY COLONEL ANDERSON. Thti manufactories of gunpowder appear to work with different sieves. Madras Meshes. O J 1 4. t Hence Madras contains a great deal of larger and a ' ( 18 ( portion of smaller grain than that of Bengal. Bombay Bengal M. 0. M, ■18 24 „„ ^ The Madras M, uniformly smaller than that of Bengal. 36 J}' As Madras. As Madras. O. J^^ J- Small. M are proposed, which will be very large musketry. England . J, riOlI suspect, more mixed, contains both larger and smaller ) '124/ than Bengal. ( M. /24 \36 Smaller than Bengal. The following is the composition of the Ishapore powder, in sizes of grains : — Sieves. Ordnance two months old. Density. Ordnance sifted to utmost. Musketry two months old. Density. 5 4 3 2 1 •86 •13 •00 •01 •32 •61 •06 ■01 •47 •50 •03 Total . 1^00 280 1-00 1^00 263 The Table below gives the result obtained by sifting English and Bombay powders : — English Ordnance 6 years old. Density. English Ordnance sifted to utmost. Density. Bombay Musketry, 6 years old. Density. 5 4 2 1 Dust •20 •32 •33 •1 •05 •59 ■28 •09 •04 English Musketry 6 years old. •35 •45 •16 •14 Total . 1-00 272 1-00 267 1^00 254 238 RANGES WITH VARIOUS SIZED GEAIIf. I made the following experiments on the run from the Corning House : — No. I. Comparative Proof of GtrNPCwnBR taken at Ishapore on the 22nd of November, 1844, with powder of the different sizes of grain, that was passed through the upper and retained by the next lower sieve. Description of powder. - Charge 1 lb. 65i lbs. ball iron. dia. 7-85. Charge 2 oz, 68 lbs ball iron, dia. 7-92. Remarks. Ishapore powder of \ 1844-45. Large grain. > Retained on No. 5 sieves. ) Tarda. 453 Yards. 77 f Ktjkkttr. (^ Firm sharp grain. Ishapore powder of 1844-45. Retained on No. 4 sieve, j 618 87 Ordnance. Similar and regular grain . Ishapore powder of \ 1844-45. 1 Retained on No. 3 sieve. ) 793 93 Musketry. Long and flat, less round ( grain. Ishapore powder of \ 1844-45. 1 827 89 Refle. Rounder and smaller Retained on No. 2 sieve. ) ( grain. Ishapore powder of 1844-45. 437 53 ( Fine. J Dusty ; brownish colour. Retained on No. 1 sieve. ) ( small grain. Dust, with a few minute 7 grains . . . ) 288 35 { DirsT. I Dust, with a few minute ( grains, brown coloxur. The above powder was not glazed, nor winnowed on the drying ter- race ; hence the different kinds contain some small portion of dust. No. IL Comparative Peooi' of Gtrerpo'WBER taken at Ishapore Powder Manufactory, on the 3rd December, 1844, with powder passed through the following sieves, aU the larger grain extracted being the complement of the run of the Corning House. Description of powder. Charge 1 lb. with 654 lb. ball iron, dia. 7-84. Charge 2 oz. with 68 lb. ball, proof ball, dia. 7-93. Remarks. Powder as passed through \ the Coming House sieves J Ditto, ditto, No. 4 sieve . Ditto, ditto. No. 3 sieve . Ditto, ditto, No. 2 sieve . Ditto, ditto, No. 1 sieve . Yards. 685 678 486 340 356 Yards. 68 76 52 38 43 ( This contaiQS 0. M. R. P. Dust. Unglazed, colour dark brownish /This containRM.R.F.cfeDust. \ Unglazed dark slate colour. f This contains R.F. and Dust. \ Unglazed, dark black colour. fThis contains F. and Dust. \ Unglazed, black colour. / This contains Dust. Un- \ glazed, black colour. TRIALS OF COMBINATIONS OP VAEIOFS GRAINS. 239 Towards elucidating the question of grain, I also made the following combinations of various sizes and sorts : — 8-in. mortar. Charge, 2 oz. 68 lb. ball. Tarda. Press cake, 10 pieces . 12 ,5 20 pieces . . . 16 ,, 30 pieces . 20 ,j 40 pieces 24 ,, 50 pieces . 27 Next from the common run of powder, giving an average to the officer on proof duty of ordnance, 96 yds., musketry 97. I made up 2 oz. charges in the following proportions : — Ordnance . 9 H Average proof of officer on duty. Musketry .97/ Proportion. 0. M. K. T 8 i s 8 i i s. a 8 I o t 8 I f J 8 2-5 4 2'5g f I 3. 8 Yards. 105 110 102 99 92 90 96 96 97 89 89 89 93 90 92 Mortar No. 8, an average mortar, was used. To indicate the improvement by a slight mixture of musketry with the ordnance powder ; the difference would be infinitely more remarkable in long charges. Sort of powder. 8-iii. mortar. M. 2-oz. charge. 68 lb. baU. Pendulum EprouTette. Density. Kemarks. M. 2 oz. 5-35 e % >> 2-65 8 0. 265 8 t 2 oz. 5-3 S 8 Yards. 66 59 66 69 70 o / 23 1 22 9 21 21 20 29 21 6 256 270 274 276 280 Prom a very inferior, bad mortar, rejected for proof, No. 173. This mortar is 20 yards in range, inferior to No. 8. 240 ACCIDENTS. There is an indication of the Eprouvette are, falling progressively ■with the density and with the larger grain. The mortar range "with 2 oz. rising with the density and with the larger grain. To ascertain how far the mixture and size of grain caused the difference between Ishapore and English ordnance powders, I compounded some Ishapore of the same quantities of the same sizes as the EngUsh ; the result was — 8-in. mortar. 2-oz. charge. 68 lb. ball. Pendulum Eprouvette. English war powder 6 years old . . Ishapore similar to the above . Yards. mi 91f 2°2 1 20 11 So that other cause for the difference must be found than the variation in sizes, and quantities of grain. This must be in the density of the cake, or in the weakness of the Bengal charcoal.* ACCIDENTS. BY COLONEL ANDERSON. In the manufacturing an article of the explosive nature of gunpowder, serious and fatal accidents may be expected and will occur. These have certainly taken place in the Ishapore works, but perhaps, in proportion, less than in works of a similar nature in other countries. In former days, when pilon mills were in use, under common bamboo huts, and worked by old women and children, these explosions were constantly occurring ; but in later years they have been few, and resolvable into two kinds : those from acci- dental presence of fire, and those from a second cause, not quite determined. To those of the first kind there is no limit but under care and prudence. With reference to the arrangement of the works, it is won- derful that they do not more often take place. * See Appendix, my remarks on Charcoal. — Editor, ACCIDENTS. 241 When the gloom stove was used to dry the powder, a spark once found entrance,* and the whole place was blown up with serious loss. At Allahabad, in 1823, a long string of men was carrying barrels of powder to the drying terrace; it was supposed that one man let a barrel fall, and the whole quantity of the powder exploded, killing some men, and all the others wefe much burnt. Unfortunately the fire communicated to the press house and one of the counting-houses, at that time constructed of thin boards, thus sadly increasing the effect of the disaster. The friction of the corning house wheels at Ishapore has twice caused explosion, which, considering their velocity, is not to be wondered at. The explosion constantly of either the mixing barrels or mills, excited my curiosity, and I attempted to examine the cause. This had been identified by several agents with friction with bits of wood, or stone, or copper ; with wilful neglect or intention on the part of the workmen, and to every cause but the correct one, of concussion. This having been denied at the commencement as a possible cause by Colonel G-alloway, has since been disallowed by all ; but I made the experiment, and found it was facile in the extreme, with a very slight blow, to ignite gunpowder placed between different substances. To a committee sent up to Ishapore by Government, I proved that, with gunpowder placed as follows, the results were, — . f 5 misses Iron upon iron < ., „, . „ ^ (45 explosions Brass on iron -f ". '3 misses 47 explosions , f 9 misses Iron on brass 1 41 explosions „ , r 20 misses Brass on brass | 30 explosions With a Tiammer about 4 lbs. in weigbt. I had previously tabulated all the mill explosions I could find recorded, and had traced them to this cause of concussion on heated dry composition. * Or perhaps it was oyerbeated. — Editor. 242 TABLE OF MILLS EXPLODED. This cause also accounts for the firing of the mixing barrels in the direct impingements of one brass ball on another. Table of Mills Exploded. Month and Date of No. of Mill. Time of Explosion. Remarks. Explosion. 1821. May 9th . No. 3 9 a.m. By lightning. 1822. Jan. 16th . No. 2 10 a.m. 1823. Nov. 17th. No. 3 2 p.m. 1833. „ 30th. No. 3 12 noon. Charge out. 1834. April 5 th . No. 2 8 p.m. [dry. 1835. April 3rd . No. 2 10 a.m. 1836. Cylinders sent to foun- 1840. Dec. 2nd . No. 1 4 p.m. Oharge just put in. 1842. Dec. 6th . No. 4 8 a.m. Charge out. 1843. March 1st . No. 4 7 p.m. 1844. April 3rd . No. 2 1^ p.m. 1847. Jan. 5th . No. 3 4| p.m. \Only thus far was com- / mented upon. 1847. Oct. 31st . No. 5 12 noon. 1848. Oct. 27th . No. 5 4:1 p.m. Charge just put in. 1848. Nov. 23rd . No. 5 3 p.m. „ half worked off. 1848. Nov. 25th . No. 1 2i p.m. 15th revolution. 1849. Feb. 24th . No. 4 9 p.m. Charge half worked off. Abstract. Tears and No. Montis and No. of Hours and No. of Mills Exploded and No. of of Hxplosions. Explosions. Explosions. Explosions. r 1 2 3 4 1821 January 2 5 1822 February 1 6 1823 March 1 -i V 1833 April 3 9 1 1 1834 May 1 10 2 1—11 1835 June 11 2—4 1840 July ( 12 1 1 2 1 1-1 3-4 1842 August 4—2-1 1843 Sept. S 0-1 5-1-2 1844 October 1-1 4 2'1 6— 1847 2 5 7— 1848 0-3 November 2*2 ^ 6 7 R 1 1 1849 0-1 December 2 h 9 0-1 10 -s 11 12-4 1 12 0* 12-4 12-4 12-4 N.B. — There were only 4= mills working up to 1836 : 5 mills to 1846 ; 6 mills to 1847. * The second column are the additions after the report was submitted to Military Board. EXAMINATION OF TIME OF EXPLOSION. 243 We will now proceed to examine these facts, and, if possible, deduce from them gome cause of these explosions, and, perhaps, eliminate their laws. First, as regards the years, I believe, in 1820, that these mills began to work. From 1823 to 1833, I can trace no ex- plosion. During a portion of this period, from 1828 to 1832, the works were closed, and for the whole period, my records are not very complete. From 1835 to 1840, we miss the almost annual explosion, for this reason, at the close of the season of 1835, the whole of the cylinders, axles, washers, &c., &c., were sent down to the foundry of Fort William to be refitted. The faces of the cylinders from use, having become highly concave, were turned to their original and proper form, of slightly convex. As long as this new surface lasted, nearly five years, we have no explosions, but in 1840 thej comm'ence to reappear in their usual ratio. In 1844 I took much care, with my imperfect means, to reduce the beds to a water level, but could not turn, from want of power, the faces of the cylinders. For three years we had no explosions, but now, in 1847, they are com- mencing to reappear. All this goes towards a proof, that a perfectly level bed, and convex face of the cylinder, are to be desired, and that the reverse are a cause of explosion, . This is also in accordance with the best evidence I can obtain on this subject, viz., the conversation in the hospital of the men who had suffered from the explosions, as from time to time gathered by our intelhgent native doctor, Gunga Saugor. He states all the men to say, that explosions take place from any sudden fall of the cylinder on the bed,* or any sudden contact between the raised edges of the cylinders and the high edge of the bed ; that this is their fear ; no danger being apprehended when the cylinders are once fairly in motion, moving over a good deep mass of damp composition. * A singular accident is stated in the " Mechanics' Magazuie" of the explosion of a cylinder mill at Hounslow, in confirmation of this cause of explosion, from a cricket-hall having been struck from a distance, and falling into the trough of the runners as they were moving. — Editor. K 2 244 DEDUCTIONS FROM T?HE TABLfi OF EXPLOSIOKS. That a fear of explosion is always present in their minds during the first transfer of the cylinders from the old mill charge to the dry, fluffy, new composition ; that at this point, or near it, take place all explosions, a fact proved here by a reference to the abstract of mills and hours. In regard to the months, we notice that the fewest explosions are at the cooUow temperature of February and March ; while the greatest number occur in the hot month of April ; hence may be inferred that dryness of atmosphere and of composition are dis- posing causes of explosion. In regard to the hours, a most curious and highly interesting feature is brought forward — that, of all these explosions, not one has taken place during the night ;* all of them, but one, at the hours of changing charges, and chiefly during the latter portions of the day. Had negligence or want of care been a cause, assuredly during the inefficient light and want of superintendence during the night, more explosions would have taken place than during the day, but for the dampness of the atmosphere. Hence I again argue, that dryness of composition and the act of changing charges, are truly predisposing causes. In regard to the mills, Nos. 2 and 3 have exploded more than three times often er than any other, because always used for the dust, and hence, having the charge changed about three times as often in them as in any other mill, dust only receiving one-sixth of the revolutions of fresh composition. The system of watering is to be considered, and runs thus : First At 30 At 100 At 150 At 200 At 250 starting. revolutions. revolutions. revolutions. revolutions. revolutions. 1 seer. ^ Beer. '^ seer. J seer. J seer or more, ac- cording to weather. Hence the cylinders first start on perfectly dry composition, of the most minute particles. From these simple facts I deduce, that the heat of the atmo- * The great discovery of Professor Schonbein, of BMe, of nascent oxygen, called ozone, has awakened much inquiry in its relation to the phenomena of combus- tion and explosion ; and as the quantity varies greatly in different months, and is more diffused in the day than in the hours of night, it is very probable that it is intimately connected with the explosions of gunpowder mills. — Editor. CAUSES 01" EXPLOSION. 245 sphere and dryness of composition are predisposing causes, and the contact of the cylinders and bed the active cause of these explo- sions ; that the latter again exists in the want of level in the beds and convex face to the cylinder. A further inspection of the table shovrs another feature illus- trative of the correctness of the idea of the contact of the edge of the cylinders being the cause of explosion ; viz., that we find the same will continue to explode in succession. I have no doubt it would do so week after week, as fast as renewed, if some change was hot made in the bed or in the cylin- ders. The bed and cylinders rub down into hollows, which con- taining the mass of composition, allows the cylinder to drop from a strata of composition on the bare bed, when the mill explodes. This is believed to be caused by some accident, the mill is rebuilt, and again explodes, when some change is made ; thus 1 am informed, after No. 2 had twice exploded, all the cylinders for the eight mills were refaced at Cossipore. After No. 4 had twice exploded, its cyhnders were changed for newly faced ones. Now No. 5 has exploded thrice, I shall take it to pieces. In 1836 all the cylinders for the eight mills were refaced. On my arrival, in 1843, only one of these sets remained untouched ; therefore, in seven years, although only working five mills, my predecessors had used up the faces of cylinders for seven mills. From 1836 to 1843, eight years, my predecessors appear to have made 64,277 barrels of gunpowder, experienced three explosions, and used up the faces of the two pair of spare cyhnders. From 1844 to 1848, five years, I have made 52,397 barrels of powder, and had six explosions, and used up no spare cylinders, and this with machinery that, since its last re-setting up, had pre- viously worked eight years, and is now thirteen years unset up. Tables and drawings of the present state of the mills were sent to the Mihtary Board. No old copper or brass should ever be worked up in powder- works (such always contain the points of steel files and grains of filings, calculated to strike fire — I have seen a magnetic instru- ment for extracting such steel), but only new metal should be used. 246 MODERN IMPEOTEMBNTS IN ARTILLERY, ETC. ON THE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS IN ARTILLERY AND FIRE-ARMS. It is a singular circumstance, that in the comparatively new country of the American Union improvements in cannon and fire-arms have preceded those of the old nations of Europe. Thus in the last American war the successes against our troops were greatly owing to the skill with which their countrymen used the rifle, while our soldiers, generally, were only furnished with the common musket. We find also that ships covered with iron plates, to be impelled as rams by steam power, and formidable floating batteries in iron-plated steam vessels, in which the heavy guns were partly worked by steam power, as Stevens's, originated, or, at any rate, Avere first brought into practical use, by the Americans. It is true, that proposals for iron-plated vessels had been made by French officers of the navy, and by the celebrated General Paixhans many years back to the French Government, which were rejected by the official committee appointed to examine the project ; and probably if we could ransack the old records in our public military and naval departments, where many a good principle or suggestion is now dwelhng in cobwebby existence, we might perhaps claim precedence as to time ; but our Trans- atlantic brethren were the first to bring them into useful form ; and, notwithstanding the unhappy war which is now devastating that fine country, the Americans are still proceeding with their experiments and improvements ; and, perhaps, without wishing to depreciate the many ingenious inventions and beautiful work- manship of EngHsh and Scotch gunmakers, Storms's American breech-loading rifle, lately invented and brought over to the International Exhibition, may be considered as the simplest, strongest, and most handy of any breech-loading fire-arm that has yet been brought before the public,* and we must not be * Since this was written, I find that the inventor has received a medal for this arm from the Commissioners of the International Exhibition. MODERN IMPEOVEMENTS IN AETILLERY, ETC. 247 forgetful of the American improvements, both in machinery and weapons, of the late Colonel Colt. In France, under Napoleon I., there were no great or decided improvements in the construction of artillery or fire-arms made, if we except the Paixhans gun and the elongated mortars ; but in the reign of Louis Philippe, under the Duke of Orleans, several advances took place in 1837-38, and in the year 1848 the French had at least 16,000 men of their numerous army provided with improved rifles. In the year 1842, Monsieur Tamisier, who had been formerly a captain of artillery in the French service, was in charge of a course of instruction in musketry at Vincennes, and he constructed a rifled mortar with cylindro-conical shells to be propelled from it. The young Duke de Montpensier, then colonel of artillery, at once saw the importance of the project, and earnestly promoted it ; but it must not be allowed that this Captain Tamisier was the first to propose rifled cannon, as has been asserted by some writers, as in the records of our Patent Office, amongst others, may be found a patent taken out by Mr. James Bodmer, dated 23rd November, 1813, for a method of loading cannon at the breech, rifled or plain bore, and a plate showing the spirals in the bore for rifling, accompanies the specification. From Captain Tamisier's various improvements in introducing elongated shot for rifles both for cannon and fire-arms, we may, however, trace the progress of improvement in France ; and much is due to the encouragement given him by the Duke de Montpensier's causing many experiments to be made at his own expense (in 1847) in the construction of Captain Tamisier's elongated shot and shells, in which he satisfied himself of their superior range and efficacy ; the project dropped for a time, but in 1850, under Napoleon III., it was revived, and it was proved at Vincennes, that with elongated projectiles, thrown from a 6-pounder rifled bore, extraordinary, accurate, and extended ranges were made. Thus a 6-pounder rifled borcj with three grooves, projected elongated shot to a range of 1500 metres, with a charge of 700 grammes of powder; and so great was the success 248 MODERN IMPEOVEMENTS IN ARTILLERY, ETC. of the continued experiments there, and at other places in France, that the Army of Italy brought into the field more than 200 rifled guns of a calibre of 84 millimetres, requiring, for service, only two-thirds of the men and horses usually employed with guns of the same calibre of the old construction, and these field guns projected balls of 4 kilogrammes, 3500 metres, with such precision as to fall at that range within the area of a rectangle 80 metres long and 40 broad. Prussia, in 1848, had 60,000 men armed with the needle rifle, which, though not a perfect weapon, was a great improvement on their old fire-arms ; and rifled and breech-loading cannon are now engaging the earnest attention of their Government. The Austrians, Belgians, Germans, Danes, Russians, Spaniards, Italians, &c., are all providing themselves with improved cannon and fire-arms ; and it may be remarked, that in the International Exhibition there is an extraordinary variety of construction from almost all the States of continental Europe. It is well known that Great Britain, of late years, has not been behind other nations in this military display ; and as to work- manship, it cannot be disputed that our experienced workmen, under able and scientific directors, stand first in the list of comparison. It would bQ difficult, laborious, and, perhaps, considered an invidious task, to search into and endeavour to explain the con- struction and the merits of the varieties of military weapons now placed before the public in the International Exhibition ; and it wovild be impossible to state their relative values justly, without the necessary trials under the action of gunpowder. I may, however, remark in this place, that as an entire change has been effected, or is now taking place, in almost every depart- ment of the science of war, those nations that are neglectful, or remain unprepared in this advance, — if unfortunately they become involved in hostilities, — must suffer the evil consequences of such neglect. Those who depend upon the traction of horses for conveyance, cannot attempt to compete with the railroad speed of the present day ; neither can the less powerful cannon and NECESSARY ALTERATION IN SHIPS, ORDNANCE, ETC. 249 fire-arms of comparatively very recent date, be now brought into the field with any chance of success ; and, moreover, the stream of advance and improvement is yet moving on ! Only a few years ago, from the great improvements in the rifle, it was supposed that field artillery would become of greatly less importance, as the artillerymen could be struck down by the certain aim and accuracy of the rifle ball, at distances where the projectiles commonly used with cannon would be of little avail. It was supposed that by building wooden ships of war of large size (too large to enter most of our harbours), carrying formidable batteries of numerous heavy guns, a few broadsides would eff"ect the destruction of an enemy's ship or fort ; but the improvements in the range and accuracy of cannon, as well as the projectiles used with them, are now fully keeping pace with those of smaller fire-arms ; and plated iron ships, steam rams, and a few, but heavier, pieces of ordnance, will supersede the continuance of the " wooden walls " which have been so long and so worthily our national pride. In naval and land battles, therefore, as well as in our system of fortification, great changes must necessarily take place ; and it requires no argument to prove, that to be effective against iron- plated ships, we must have more powerful ordnance, and probably abandon the old plan of placing guns on ramparts to fire through embrasures, by which defective plan ships can run up close to the batteries, exposed to the fire of only a fraction of the number of guns planted upon them. The ramparts should be plain, and the cannon defended by moving cupolas, or shields, with proper traverses between each gun, to prevent the effects of enfilade, and to protect the unemployed gunners and those that serve the ammunition, and only high enough for those purposes. Thus the guns will be " en barbette," and by having no limitation as to their lateral range, can bring the whole force of the artillery into play on any front attacked by land or sea. A few powerful guns will then be able to effect all that can now be expected from a great number of cannon firing through embrasures. 250 WHETHER SOLID OR BUILT-UP GUNS. There are now at least four serious questions the sub- jects of controversy and experiment relating to artillery and fire-arms. First.' — Whether cannon should be of solid metal, cast or other- wise ; or whether they should be built up ; or a combination of separate parts 1 Secondly. — Whether to be rifled or smooth bore ? Thirdly. — Whether they shall be muzzle or breech-loading 1 Fourthly. ^The best form of projectile. It is evident that experience, and trials with charges of fired gunpowder, and suitable projectiles, can alone settle these ques- tions satisfactorily, and as our Government authorities are now directing such experiments to be made at Woolwich and Shoebury- ness, with a hberal expenditure, and under able and scientific artillery officers, there is no doubt the result will be satisfactory to the nation ; and we trust that the several experiences gained by such trials may be open to public inspection, or at any rate to those who have the interests of the nation at heart, and are engaged, mentally or experimentally, in such improvements. It was the remark of Mr. Rennie, the celebrated engineer, in a pubUc discourse relating to architecture, " that more useful lessons were given hy failures in construction than by records of success- ful inventions." And this truth is peculiarly applicable to mili- tary science, both in theory or in practice. As regards the first question, there can hardly be a doubt, that from the great skill, science, and practical abilities of Sir William Armstrong, Mr. Whitworth, Captain Blakeley, and the several great practical metal working companies that have taken up the subject of forming built-up cannon, all that can be accompHshed has been, or will be, obtained ; but at present it must be consi- dered as an unsettled question, while there is every reasonable hope, from the great improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel under the Mersey Steel and Iron Works, the Bessemer, and other processes, that solid guns will be produced quite equal to any service that can be required from them ; and though it is true that built-up guns, carefully manufactured, have stood very WHETHER RIFLED OR SMOOTH BORE. 251 severe proofs, and admirable scientific theories have been advanced by Captain Blakeley and others in their favour, yet from the very nature of metal, there must be a want of perfect combination and solidity in the different parts, which the vibration of large charges of powder, constantly appUed, will tend to increase, so that the question of durability, probably, may still rest with the soUd gun after much service.''^ The second question, whether they shall be rifled or smooth borel The experiments made by Robins in the Charter House Garden of London more than one hundred and twenty years ago, first brought to public notice the true cause of the deflection of round balls, from the looseness of their fitting, and consequent windage. The friction and striking against the interior of the cylinder through vrhich round shot are propelled, causing a motion of ro- tation on their axes, at right angles to the hhe of flight ; and, by chance, from the position of the last point of contact just before quitting the muzzle of the piece, this axis of rotation may be perpendicular, horizontal, or inclined ; and thus from the unequal action of the air on the frontal surface of the ball, one side, or half the hemisphere turning towards, and the other half turning from the line of resistance, such shot are deflected, upwards, downwards, or laterally from the proper or intentional line of flight ; and although the experiments of Professor Magnus of Berlin and others dispute this theory, yet it is sufl&ciently true to stand. * Although the practice of making buUt-up cannon is of very early date, yet to Mr. Longridge, C.E., and to Captain Blakeley must be given the merit of working out the theory, and putting on record the reasons for, and the possibility of, forming strong cannon on the built-up principle of construction ; and as Captain Blakeley's guns have stood the severest trials by fired gunpowder, and are justly in repute and demand, both at home and abroad, in several of the European continental nations, as well as in America, I am happy to find that the Jury of the International Exhibition has awarded him a medal for investigating the true relation between the sizes of the inner and the outer tubes, on which the strength of the principle of construction depends ; and I am informed by Captain Blakeley that a built-up gun of ? inches diameter can be made for less than half the price of the solid forged one, and one of 13 inches diameter at less than a quarter the price of one forged solid. 252 FLIGHT -OF EIFLED BALLS. It is true that this rotation might be prevented, as well as the loose fitting of a round shot, by attaching an expanding bottom, or sabot, preventing all windage, and the contact of the surface of the shot with that of the bore, as has been done by Mr. Bashley Britten and others ; but still this would not embrace all the advantages of rifling, for by adopting this we are able to use elongated shot, which having the same, or greater weight than round shot, and being of less diameter, consequently meet with less resistance than round shot in passing through the air. There are also other advantages in the extended ranges of rifle balls, as well as their accuracy, which must be considered in favour of using rifled barrels. As the rifle ball in its flight rotates upon an axis coinciding with its own elongated axis, and, if properly fitted, with the axis of the bore of the piece from which it is discharged, this gyratory motion, when the piece is fired at a low elevation, from the axis of the projectile being inclined to the direct line of resistance, will cause it to be partially supported, as long as the rotation is sufficient, against the constant force of gravitation ; and thus its range, although moving with less velocity than a round shot, will be proportionally prolonged and extended. It has also been found by experiment that the velocity and consequent momentum of a projectile from a rifle increase for a short distance after it has left the muzzle of the piece from which it is discharged, which can only be accounted for by the resist- ance it meets with in its passing along the bore preventing the maximum of the propellant power of the fired powder being dis- played for certain moments of time, till it has completed a part of its couree. We have, besides the resistance offered by the spirals of the rifling, to consider the great compression, and con- sequent condensation of the column of air in a barrel as it is driven before the shot until it escapes from the muzzle, so that, all at once, it starts into a comparatively rarefied medium, and escapes from a spring, as it were, which held it back. At least, I thus attempt to explain this curious phenomenon, though I am not , WHETHER MUZZLE OR BREECH-LOADraG. 253 quite satisfied with the explanation, and the subject will, I hope, be one of scientific investigation and experiment.* The question of the advantages of rifled barrels over smooth bores may be considered as settled, as far as fire-arms and the smaller description of cannon ; but for heavier guns, from the loss of velocity in the shot, and the violent additional strain which a large gun with a heavy elongated shot receives when rifled, there is every reason to suppose that the smooth bore will be preferred for a portion at least of the heavy ordnance we now require. Thirdly, whether they shall be muzzle or breech-loading ? If we may judge from the patterns of our own country, and those of foreign nations, in the International Exhibition, the ex- cess in number of the breech-loading principle evinces a general desire to form both small arms and cannon on this plan. The advantages of breech-loading are eminent ; and if the difficulties of construction, so as to ensure safety and durability without a complication of parts, can be overcome with our larger cannon, as they are already accomplished with fire-arms and moderate-sized guns, the general adoption of breech-loading to all fire-arms will be certain to follow. The advantages of breech-loading are so great that its opposers generally can only advance as the principal argument against it, that the soldiers would be inclined to waste their ammunition from firing too rapidly ; but discipline would soon overcome this, and therefore the objection is not worth consideration. "We may state as the advantages; first, with regard to cannon, greater safety and protection to the artiUerymenf and guns, because there need be * Another explanation of this phenomenon may be, that when a rifle projectUe first leaves the barrel the greatest quantity of rotary motion which the spirals of the bore cause is imparted to it : this will be the cause of violent friction on its exterior by the air it is passing through, and its qtiickness of rotation is certain from this cause to be diminished, and, with its diminution, also a certain quantity of resistance to the velocity of the projectile ; and thus, until the shot has gained the maximum of the momentum impressed upon it by the fired gunpowder of the charge, its velocity and consequent momentum may be increased, to a certain extent of range, after leaving the muzzle of the piece from which it is projected. t Such an unhappy and fatal accident as that which occurred at Blyth, the 254 BEST FORM OF PROJECTILE, less exposure, and protection by shields, &c., can be easily made ; greater ease and facility in loading and firing ; fewer men are required to keep up an effective fire and serve the gun than with muzzle-loaders ; fewer loose implements are required ; and the advantages of rifling in stopping the windage by an expanding sabot or wadding more effectually and simply obtained. The heating of the chamber of the piece, from successive quick dis- charges, is comparatively trifling : and with cupola ships breech- loading cannon can hardly be dispensed witL With small arms, the facility of loading on horseback, the loss of the ramrod, or re- versal of the cartridge, which in the hurry and confusion of the battle-field often occurs — for a time disabling the piece — cannot take place with a breech-loader. Some objectors consider that heavy cannon cannot be made with sufficient solidity to resist the powerful strain at the breech and ■chamber of the exploding powder. I think this may be over- come by taking the support of the breech-plug from the trunions, by carrying a heavy and solid strap, embracing them behind the breech. I imagined that this plan had not been tried, and sub- mitted one of this description to the War Office, which was sent to the Select Committee at Woolwich, whose reply was that the plan had been tried and failed. After I had submitted that, I found Captain Blakeley had one on a similar principle, and there is a very beautiful small model of a gun so formed amongst the Bessemer steel trophy in the International Exhibition. With all deference to the Select Committee, I am of opinion that it is the best plan of sustaining the recoil of the breech-plug, and that if the cause of its failure, when tried, was explained, perhaps a modification of it would ensure success. Fourthly, the best form of projectile ? This opens several important questions : The nature of the rifling and closing of the windaga The purpose for which the projectile is intended. other day, by whioli two esteemed young men lost their lives, who belonged to the 3rd Northumberland Volunteer Artillery, could not have taken place with a breech-loading gun. ^rAEIO^JS PLANS OF EIFLES. 255 The resistance of the air. The position of the centre of gravity, &c. It is evident that experiment can best decide these questions, and from the wonderful accuracy which has attended the practice at targets with rifled small arms at Hythe, Wimbledon, and other places and with projectiles so differently shaped and formed as the Enfield, the Jacob, the Lancaster, and the Whitworth shot, it does not appear that there is cause for much difference of choice, but from what I hear from the riflemen, for long dis- tances, there is a leaning in favour of the Whitworth shape. It is indeed a matter of wonder that such perfect accuracy at ranges of 800 and 1000 yards should be obtained, that some of the skilful marksmen could, at these distances, hit the centre of the target, or the bull's-eye, several times in succession ; and leaving out of the question the merit of the shooter, such accuracy reflects the highest credit on our national and private manu- facturers of rifles, and on the excellence and uniformity of the propelling property of our gunpowder. With the Jacob rifle, with four grooves cut rather deep, having a shot formed with four projections to fit them, and with the centre of gravity nearer the rear end of the shot than the point, the most accurate ranges are obtained from 1200 to 1400 yards, the pointed end of the shot still maintaining its true position in striking the target ! This rifle has four-fifths of a turn in 24 inches, the length of the barrel. The Enfield rifle, with the Pritchett ball, or, I believe, with a ball slightly improved by General Hay, also makes excellent practice. It has three grooves, cut slightly deeper at the breech than at the muzzle, and the spiral makes one revolution in 78 inches, the barrel being 3 feet 3 inches long, and tltte shot of less weight than General Jacob's, has its centre of gravity near the middle of its length. The Whitworth rifle is used with a hexagonal shot, well fitted to his hexagonal shaped bore, and makes one turn in 20 inches, and I believe Mr. Whitworth has lately introduced a quicker spiral, even to one turn in 16 inches, which the solid form of his 256 VARIOUS PLANS OF RIFLES. shot, and its flat pressure upon the faces of the hexagon, enables him to do, but such quickness of turn would probably be destruc- tive to a soft metal shot with shallow or deep grooves. The centre of gravity in Mr. Whitworth's shot is towards the head of the shot, a little in advance of the centre. Mr. Lancaster's plan is to use a slightly elliptic bore, with a corresponding elongated shot to fit. He gives one turn in 32 inches ; and the most accurate practice and great length of range have been obtained with his rifles. Here, then, we have four different kinds of rifles, having dif- ferent quicknesses of spiral, and shot of quite different forms, yet all making excellent practice ; and therefore with small arms it does not appear that any one has great superiority over the other ; but when we approach the subject of rifling heavy guns or cannon, the nature of the rifling, and the shape of the shot so as to give the least resistance in moving through the air, and the least strain upon the gun at starting, are circumstances of serious consideration. Mr. Whitworth, in the specification for his patent " for improve- ments relating to elongated projectiles," states that according to the purpose to which they are to be employed, the fore part may be more or less pointed, or curved, or flat-fronted, having the rear part of his shot, behind the centre of gravity, tapering to the rear. And he states that compared with his projectiles formerly used, which had pointed fronts, and non-taperimg rears, that the former, that is tapering to the rear, give from one-fourth to one-third greater ranges. He uses a flat end to the taper, as >that shape, he asserts, gives greater steadiness to flight. Now this tapering to the rear is a subject of serious considera- tion when we want velocity of flight, and I advocated this prin- ciple in a paper written in the " Mechanics' Magazine," in August, 1855, and in a lecture at the United Service Institution, as a form which the prime instructor, nature, teaches us, in the shapes of birds and fish; and the idea was afterwards taken up by Mr. Bridges Adams and others. From the great advan- tage of this slaape, that by a proper non-metallic wadding, all the ADVANTAGES OF RIFLING. 257 advantages of rifling, and perfect protection to the bore of the gun from injury by a solid hard metal shot, can be obtained, I con- sider will only be a work of time to demonstrate ; and experience alone is wanting to establish the superiority of rear-tapering shot. The form and grooves of a rifled barrel, as well as slowness or quickness of turn, though not of much importance in small barrels having to propel but a moderate weight of projectile, are of serious consideration when, in large cannon, that weight is greatly increased. With all rifles, however, it may be laid down as a rule, that with increased quickness of turn the length of the barrel may be reduced ; and that as the length of the projectile is increased, the greater should be the quickness of the turn, to ensure its most perfect direction. It is evident, however, that with this increase of quickness of turn, whatever may be the shape of the grooves, and whether numerous or few in number, the strain on the metal of a large gun must be dangerously increased. If the grooves, or mode of rifling in a large gun, also, are so formed as to cause the action of the projectile to assume the lateral force of a wedge, as it appears to me the projectile of the Lancaster gun will do, then it must produce a dangerous strain, liable to burst the metal open, in addition to the expanding force of the gun- powder ; and all rifled cannon, having their grooves formed with inclined planes, not perpendicular to the radii of the circle of the bore, must have the sam'e dangerous tendency. If rifling is continued to large guns, experiment alone can de- termine that form which can be used with the greater safety, and the best effect ; it is not yet a settled question, and it is evident that different lengths of shot should be used — one kind if long, another if short ranges are required. The great variation in the rifled ordnance, and the forms of the projectiles used, seem to determine that the question of superiority is not yet decided. The disparity in the proportions of the thickness of metal about the breech end,* where the first and greatest strain * Alluding to the cannon shown in the International Exhibition. 258 QUESTION" OF BEST GUN NOT SETTLED, of the exploding charge is sustained, is remarkable. In the Whitworth and some other guns, in consequence of the small quantity of metal about the breech, I should be inclined to think there is a mistake in the construction ; for, leaving out of the ques- tion the greater strength required in that part of the gun, it is no longer doubted, I beUeve, that by throwing an excess of weight of metal into the breech, the recoil is less violent, and the precision of fire more certain; and General Jacob expressly states, that if twice the usual quantity of metal is interposed between the chamber and the false breech, the recoil of the most pon- derous rifle need not exceed that of an ordinary fowling-piece. The same jDrinciple applies to cannon, whatever their size may be. The question may well be asked. What have these improve- ments achieved beyond those of former artillery and fire-arms 1 and it may be answered, that a few years back, from windage and other causes, the length of range and accuracy of fire, both in fire-arms and artillery, were quite inferior to those now obtained, and there was, consequently, a greater waste of ammunition. The arms now used are lighter and more compact, and the quantity of gunpowder required for charges, from reduced windage and the close fitting of all balls in rifle arms, is greatly reduced, so that with the old musket at 200 yards the shooting at a mark could hardly be depended upon, while with the improved rifles, at distances from 600 to 1000 yards, a target of 6 feet by 4 can be, with tolerable certainty, hit ; and the same comparative superiority in precision of fire and length of range of cannon over those of former days has been fully established. It is useless at the present time to enter upon a discussion as to the rival merits of the various inventors of guns. Although immense sums of national money have been spent, the question of a fit gun for our army and navy is yet unsettled. It appears that Sir William Armstrong's shimt gun, 140-pounder, with a charge of 25 lbs. of powder and a 91 lb. flat-ended shot, has given way — on the 14th of July, in an experimental trial at Shoe- buryness. According to an answer to a question in Parliament COMPARATIVE TEIAL OF ARMSTRONG AND WHITWOBTH GUNS. 259 by Mr. Osborne, Sir G. 0. Lewis, the Minister of "War, states that it was a 120-pouncier, and having been tried experimentally with a charge of 25 lbs. of powder, which was double the ordinary service charge, it cracked near the centre. If people will call the guns by a wrong denomination, I cannot pretend to explain ; but supposing a 120-pouuder, and a plain, smooth-bored gun, the service charge for a round ball, according to the established custom, should be one-fourth of the shot's weight, or 30 lbs. of powder, — the nation, therefore, does not appear to be benefited by Sir William Armstrong's labours at present. In the Table below, it will appear that the ranges are in favour of the Whitworth gun ; but I believe if Captain Blakeley's rifled cannon, Mr. Lancaster's, and others, had been tried at the same time, under equal circumstances, there would be very little difference in ranges or accuracy. The report will, however, serve to show the great improvement in accuracy of fire and length of range, as well as in the reduction of the charge of gunpowder with modern field artillery as compared with those in former use. Results op Experiments made on the 2nd Apkil, 1861, at Shoeburyness, under the Select Ordnance Committee, to ascertain the Range and Deflection of WMfcworth's breech-loading 12-pounder Gun, in comparison with Sir William Armstrong's breech-loading 12-pounder. Names. No. of Rounds. Charge of Powder. Elevation. Mean Range in Yards. Mean difference in Ranges of tlie Five Rounds. Mean Deflection of the Five Rounds. lb, oz. Tards. Yards. Yards. Whitworth . . 6 1 8 2° 1198 19 If Armstrong . 5 1 8 2° 1180 12 1: 4 Whitworth . . 5 1 12 2° 1289 28 If Armstrong . 5 1 12 2° 1256 26 5 Whitworth . . 5 1 8 5° 2365 119 If Armstrong . 5 1 8 5° 2146 11 9 Whitworth . . 5 1 12 5° 2471 91 If Armstrong . 5 1 12 5° 2358 15 11 Whitworth . . 5 1 8 10° 4222 68 3 Armstrong . 5 1 8 10° 3668 24 12 Whitworth . . 5 1 12 10° 4399 25 H Armstrong . 5 1 12 10° 3908 41 17 From this Table may be seen the extraordinary ranges of s 2 260 CAPTAIN BLAKELEYS GUN. these new guns and the reduced charge of powder. The range of a medium 12-pounder gun of old construction, with a charge of 3 lbs. at 2° elevation, would be about 1000 yards. It will appear that the Whitworth gun exceeded the Armstrong in range ; the mean difference in ranges is in favour of the Armstrong, the mean deflection of the shot greatly in favour of the Whitworth gun. Captain Blakeley's cannon have been highly approved of by committees of Spanish officers in Spain, and the results of the trials with high charges are stated to be most satisfactory ; the aim was very certain, and the ranges with a 6^-inch cannon, charged with 8 lb. 13 oz. of powder, with 17° elevation, 6600 yards. This was a rifled gun. Another 6^-inch smooth-bore, with charges from 6 lbs. to 8 lbs. 13 oz., had been fired upwards of 900 rounds without sustaining the slightest alteration, and the hooped cast-iron guns on Captain Blakeley's plan had proved perfectly satisfactory in Spain. A rifled cannon, 6^-inch bore, weighing 62 cwt., fired with an elongated shot weighing 61 lbs., had undergone the trial of 1366 rounds, with a charge of 6 lbs. 9 oz . of powder, the greater part of the rounds fired in rapid succession. At Woolwich, also, an expe- rimental trial was made, in 1855, by the Ordnance Select Com- mittee of one of Captain Blakeley's guns, 9 -pounder, against a cast-iron service 9-pounder and a brass ditto. The cast-iron gun burst, the brass gun became unserviceable after standing 64 rounds more than the cast-iron one, and Captain Blakeley's gun was con- tinued 144 rounds after the brass gun had failed, and remained perfectly uninjured. The firing continued for 158 rounds with a charge of 6 lbs. of powder, and as many shot as the gun would hold over the charge to the muzzle — a severity of proof, perhaps, that no other gun ever sustained before this trial. The improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel by the Mersey Iron and Steel Company of Liverpool are such that we may expect strong soUd guns from them f' and Sir G. C. Lewis * Medals have been awarded for these improvements, in England, America, France, and Holland, EXPERIMENTS WITH CANNON; WOOLWICH, 1651. 261 has stated in Parliament that Sir William Armstrong is making a 600-pounder gun, and Mr. Lynall Thomas a 400-pounder, besides others by different makers, amongst whom is, I believe, Mr. Whitworth. We may thus hope to see this decisive point of heavy guns fit to cope with iron-clad ships in some fair way of being settled to the satisfaction of the country. — Editor. EXPERIMENTS ON THE FORCE AND PENETRATION OP SHOT FIRED FROM CANNON MADE AT WOOL- WICH IN THE YEAR 1651.— Phil. Transactions. " At 200 yards distance from the platform for great ordnance were raised three butts, one behind the other ; the space between the first and the second butt was 14 yards, and the space between the second and the third 8 yards. "The thickness of each was 19 inches, whereof 13 inches was of beams of massy oak fastened to the ground, and set so close that they touched each other. On each side, front and rear, were planks of oak 3 inches thick, jointed close, and fastened on both sides with iron bolts and strong pins of wood ; and on the back, at the ends, and on the middle, there were three crossing braces of elm, a foot in breadth and 5 inches in thickness. " The first gun was an iron demi-cannon of 3500 lbs. weight, the shot 32 lbs., iron, the charge 10 lbs. ; the shot passed through the two first butts and stuck in the third, so that the ball was almost quite within the wood, but the timber was not shivered, nor scarce split. When the charge was 9 lbs. the same results as at the first discharge, and with 8 lbs. of powder the same. " This demi-cannon was with a cylinder bore. " The second experiment was with an iron demi-canno7t, having a taper bore ; 3600 lbs. in weight, and 4 inches longer than the first gun. The iron bullet 32 lbs., charge of powder 7 lbs., which in three trials seemed to have the same force as the first. One of the shots piercing through the first butt and lighting near the edge of the middle butt of elm, tore it ; but, by its yielding, the 262 EXPERIMENTS WITH CANNON ; WOOLWICH, 1651. bullet glanced aside off the third butt and entered into the earth. "The third experiment was with a whole cuherin in brass, 5300 lbs. weight, 11 feet 1 inch long, with a taper bore, being intended for a chase piece for the frigate called the ' Speaker ;' the iron bullet was 18 lbs., the charge of powder, first. trial, 10 lbs. ; second trial, 9 lbs. ; third trial, 8 lbs. ; which last pro- portion did the best execution, and passed through the two first butts, entering gently into the third, which the two first shots struck but did not enter. " The fourth experiment was with a whole ctiherin in brass, made at Amsterdam for the French, with this mark, 3580, being 10 feet long and not very thick at the breech; the first shot, 18 lbs. iron ; charge 9 lbs. of powder ; passed through the three butts, and entered one foot into the ground ; it passed through the joints of the timber, two planks having been beaten off before. "The second shot, with 8 lbs. of powder, passed through two butts, and grazed between them. The third shot, with 8 lbs. of powder, was much battered ; passed through two butts, and in both butts through the middle of a massy strong beam that had not been battered. " The fifth experiment was with an iron Aevai-culverin, having 9 lbs. shot of iron, 4 lbs. of powder; this passed through one butt, which was torn before, and entered the second butt. " This half culverin was shot eight times, as fast as they could charge it with powder and the iron bullet, and yet was scarce luke-warm at the breech, a little more so in the middle, most at the muzzle, and this last scarce so hot as my hand, and yet the gunners in charging her wet not at all the scoop or sponge. " The sixth experiment was with a brass d^Qvai-cidverin ; the breech of her was 13f inches (tried with calliper compass), the muzzle 9|. The first shot, 9 lbs. iron, with a charge 4 lbs. of powder, passed two butts. The second shot, with 3 lbs. of powder, passed almost two butts ; this proved to be the best shot, because the timbers struck were the strongest." ALLAHABAD EXPERIMENTAL POWDER. 263 Remarks. — These guns must have been of good metal, for the proportion of powder was very high compared with the weight of the shots, and from the penetration of the shot, the gunpowder; though probably not so quick of ignition as that now made, must have been of good serviceable strength. The reader will observe the great weight of the brass gun used in the third experiment : it is to be regretted that the measurements and weights of all the guns are not given, as well as the windage and nature of the wads used. The penetration of the shot and the strength of the gunpowder more than 200 years ago, as records, must prove curious and interesting to the artillerist. — Editor. & ALLAHABAD EXPERIMENTAL POWDER DRIED BY STEAM HEAT. As there had been a' very fatal explosion just before I was appointed to take charge of the works at Allahabad, which is supposed to have originated from an accident on the drying terrace, and knowing that in the dry season, at the time the manufacture of gunpowder is carried on, the atmosphere is filled with fine particles of dust or sand, more or less saline, I pro- posed to the Military Board that I should be allowed to make the experiment of drying by the heat of steam in a covered building, and I was authorised to prepare 100 barrels for this purpose. There was an old overseer's house in the grounds of the mills, which, not being required, I used for this purpose, setting up a boiler outside the walls enclosing the powder works for the sake of safety, and bringing two small copper pipes along the wall on an incline to connect them with«rtie building in question. Inside this building I placed two thin copper pipes, well soldered, and suspended from the roof to allow for expansion and contraction ; these were connected with the small pipes, and they were laid on such an incline that the steam passed up one and the condensed 264 ALLAHABAD EXPERIMENTAL POWDER. water ran back to tlie boiler through the other.* I set up frames in the house of the bottle-rack form, on which I placed shallow trays having canvas bottoms, which were to receive the powder m thin strata. When complete, I found I could easily regulate the heat to about 140°, which I never allowed it to exceed, as I thought the heat on the terraces exposed to the sun, often at 145° to 150°, had an injurious effect on the powder. It took about two days to dry the loaded trays of powder, the powder being gently stirred every day. The roof was very open tile- work, and therefore did not require more ventilation. When the drying was complete, the gunpowder was passed through a glazing reel to take away all dust, and carefully barrelled up. In preparing this powder I was exceedingly careful in taking the best of urhur, or dhalwood, for charcoal; and although I con- sider the advantage of drying without exposing the powder on the terraces was very great, yet the powder proved so superior in strength, as the following Table will show, that I must attribute this greatly to the charcoal. I was of course very careful in bringing all the ingredients to their proper state of purity ; the saltpetre, in refining, was always passed through canvas filtering bags, and was fused ; the proportions of the ingredients were as usual, 75, 15, 10, and in all respects the milling was like that pursued at Ishapore, the only difference being my care in refining the saltpetre, and careful selection of the other ingredients. * The large copper pipes for the steam were suspended from the roof by ropes, — so that they were near the floor. They were 5 inches in diameter, and the boiler was sunk in the ground to allow the slight inclination of the pipes to carry the condensed steam back to the boiler. There was also a small connecting pipe, outside the building, which conveyed a portion of the distilled water from the pipe running back to the boiler into a copper vessel ; and this distilled water was used for watering the mill charges, a precaution quite necessary where the local water obtaiaable is not quite free from ^aline impurities. The boiler, for safety, was 100 feet from the drying-house ; and the small connecting pipes in the recess in the wall rested upon friction-wheels, to allow for longitudinal expansion. On such a plan a perfect drying-house may be made. An artificial draught of air, to carry off the moisture, would be highly advantageous. TABLES OF PEOOF OF POWDERS. 265 Trial of Allahabad Powder, dried hy Steam Heat. Extracts from a Report of Proof Trials made at Dum-Dum in 1828, by Order of the Military Board, to ascertain the respective Qualities of Gunpowders manufactured by the Agent at Allahabad, Captain Samuel Parlby ; the Agent, Lieut. -Col. Galloway, at Ishapore ; and by the other Agents at Madras and Bombay, respectively. The Allahabad powder, part of 100 barrels made for the experiment, was dried by steam heat. 1 "4-1 O s o II 11 .»=> OQ 02 Where and when Manufactured. Average Eange of Five Rounds in Yards. Remarks. 00 00 1 O .s 6 i § o § iH u1 lO 00 1 Allahabad, 1824-25 Ishapore, 1824-25 Madras, 1825 . . Bombay, 1825 39f 32^ 28^ 5t In favour of the Allahabad powder, as compared with the next best, the Ishapore, 6| yards. 1 in O 6 .—1 6 o i 1 N O CO o5 00 Allahabad, 1824-25 Ishapore, 1824-25 Madras, 1824-25 . Bombay, 1825 . . 3B42 255 253 68f In favour of the Allahabad powder, as compared with the next best, the Ishapore, 99i yards. 1 lO o o I-l i 1 §■ r-i lO 00 Allahabad, 1824-25 Ishapore, 1824-25 . Madras, 1824-25 . Bombay, 1824-25 . eni- 46U 558|- 154| In favour of the Allahabad powder, as compared with the next best, the Ishapore, 210i yards. 1 o 00 O cq i -a o O o OS 02 Allahabad, 1824-25 Ishapore, 1824-25 . Madras, 1825 . . Bombay, 1825 . . 65 46 1 39^ 10.^ In favour of Allahabad powder, as compared with Ishapore, 18-^ yards. With Madras . 25f „ With Bombay . 54| „ 266 TABLES OF PROOF OF POWDERS. ^ a^ o g S 3-^ 4s M Where and when § § » 5p=i s Remarks, |l Jl Manufactured. ft eg 5-3 f^' iUahabad, 1824-25 5571 In favour of Allahabad powder. 1 s ^ 1-1 5 [shapore, 1824-25 . 3184 as compared with Ishapore, 239 yards. ^ tH ->* Madras, 1825 . . 419f Madras, 137|- „ tH .3 CO o ^ ^ Bombay, 1825 97^ Bombay, 460-| „ i N rH AUaliabad, 1824-25 1168f In favour of Allahabad powder, § o o g m as compared with r1 ,fel >-l rO lahapore, 1824-25 . T09J Ishapore, 459 J yards. ■s -a A -s -^ Madras, 1825 . . 1148 Madras, 23f „ r-t .id 00 r^ o CD Bombay, 1825 .; 371 Bombay, 7 97-§- „ | i 1 s ^ .S to lO rt ,D 00 i' Allahabad, 1824-25, 56^ In favour of AUahabad powder, i a g u as compared with j N O 3 Ishapore, 1824-25 . 41-J Ishapore, 14| yards. 5 -3 CI I-' Madras, 1824-25 . 42-1 Madras, 12 „ rl .H O Bombay, 1824-25 . llf Bombay, 43'- „ 00 .^ -3 o ^ ^"o Allahabad, 1824-25 501f In favour of Allahabad powder. 9 S as compared with ;2i ^ 3 1 s:7^ Ishapore, 1824-25 . 358^ Ishapore, 1 42-^ yards. i-H •"l lO Madras, 1824-25 . 449A Madras, 5 2^1- „