WE STFORD VITAL RECORDS F 1/1 ■<. CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM The vmss. St'Jte Library (in exchTige) CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY > 3 1924 081 310 421 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924081310421 VITAL RECORDS OF WESTFORD MASSACHUSETTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR I 849 PUBLISHED BY , THE ESSEX INSTITUTE SALEM, MASS. 1915 UNhM I^S:l'l Y 1 i.u/un' NEWCOMB & GAUSS Printers Salem, Massachusetts ■:^-. EXPLANATIONS The following record's of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks ; in the church records ; in the returns made to the Mid- ■ dlesex County Quarterly Court ; in the cemetery inscriptions ; and in private records found in family Bibles, etc. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential partic- ular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerks' record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses. are used when they occur in the original record ; also to indicate the maiden name of a married woman. When places other than Westford and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. Double-dating is used in the months of January, February and March, prior to 1752, whenever it appears in the original, and also, whenever from the sequence of entry in the original, the date may be easily determined. In all records the original spelling of names is followed, and in the alphabeti- cal arrangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings. When additions to the original record have been made in differ- ent ink or in pencil it is so indicated within brackets. WESTFORD The territory comprising the West Precinct of the town of Chelmsford was set off Sept. 23, 1729, and constituted a distinct and separate township by the name of " Wesford." September 10, 1730, part of Groton was annexed to Westford. The population of Westford at different periods was as fol- lows : 1765, 962. 1800, 1,267. 1890, 2,250. ■ 1776, 1,193. 1820, 1,409. 1900, 2,624. 1790, 1,229. 1850, 1,473- 1910. 2>8Si- ABBREVIATIONS a. — age. aM. — abbreviation. a6(. — about. fi. — born. ief. — before. ^«/.— between. 6J>. — baptized. 6ur. — buried; c- R- I. — church record, First Congregational Church. c. B. 2. — church record, Union Church. ch. — child. eAn. — children. Co. — ^county. CT. R. — court record, Middlesex Co. Quarterly Court. ef. — daughter; day; died. Dea. — deacon. (iup. — duplicate entry. o. R. I. — gravestone record, Fairview Cemetery. a. R. 2. — gravestone record, Westlawn Cemetery. e. R. 3. — gravestone record, Hillside Cemetery. e. R. 4. — gravestone record, Wright private burial ground. h. — husband; hour. inf. — infant. int. — intention, of marriage. jr. — ^junior. m. — male; married; month. p. R. T. — Register of burials in the East Burying Ground (Fair- view Cemetery), kept by Levi Snow, 2d, now in possession of the Commissioner of Public Burial Grounds.- p. R. 2. — Church record kept by Rev. Leonard Luce, now in possession of the J. V. Fletcher Library. p. R. 3. — Copy of a record of deaths kept by Dea. Reuben Leigh- ton. p. B. 4,-rCopy of diary of Rev. Ebenezer Bridge of Chelmsford, now in possession of Rev. Wilson Waters of Chelmsford. p. B. 5. — Bible record now in possession of Mrs. James Hildreth. S 6 ABBREVIATIONS p. R. 6. — Note book record now in possession of Mrs. E. J. Whitney, p. R. 7. — Note book record now in possession of Miss Louise Blodgett. p. R. 8. — Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Lucy Keyes. p. R. 9. — Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Otis Adams of Chelmsford. p. B. 10. — Note book record now in possession of Miss Louise Blodgett. p. R. II. — Bible record now in possession of Capt. Sherman H. Fletcher. p. R. 12. — Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Frances Pres- cott. p. R. 13. — Sampler record now in possession of Fred Blodgett. p. R. 14. — Bible record now in possession of Fred Blodgett. p. R. 15. — Bible record now in possession of Samuel L. Taylor. p. R. 16. — Bible record now in possession of Abiel Abbott. p R. 17. — Bible record now in possession of Mrs. George Drew. p. R. 18. — Framed record now in possession of George E. Gould. p. R. 19. — Bible record now in possession of Miss Ida Leighton. p. R. 20. — Bible record now in possession of John M. Fletcher. p. R. 21. — Bible record now in possession of Charles O. Prescott. p. R. 22. — Family record now in possession of Mrs. Sydney B. Wright, p. R. 23. — Bible record now in possession of Samuel L. Taylor, p. R. 24. — Family record now in possession of John C. Abbot, p R. 25. — Family record now in possession of Miss Mary L. Hutchins of Billerica. rec. — recorded. s. — son. sr. — senior. T. c. — town copy. T. R. — town record. unm. — ^unmarried. w. — wife; week. wid. — widow. wtdr. — widower. y. — year. WESTFORD BIRTHS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 18.49 ABBATT (see also Abbott), Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1736-7. ABBOT (see also Abbott), Abba Maria, d. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W., Nov. 14, 1830. Amos Bancroft, s. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W., Nov. 11, 1833. Bettey, d. Jacob and Polley, Apr. 3, 1792. Catharine, d. Rev. Jacob and Catharine, at Hampton Falls, N. H., Mar. 18, 1808. p. r. 16. Cummihgs, s. Jacob and Polly, Jan. 22, 1790. Ephraim Eliphalet Pearson, s. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W., Aug. 9, 1835. George, s. John W. P., lawyer, b. Hampton, Ct., and Cath- arine, b. Hampton Falls, N. H., Feb. 17, 1845. George Edward Henry, s. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W., Feb. 15, 1838. Jacob [at HoUis, Apr. 12, 1760. in pencil.]. Jacob C[tunmings. c. R. 1.], s. Jacob, Dec. 4, 1798. Joel [at HoUis, Dec. 4, 1757. in pencil]. Joel, s. Joel and Lidy, Jan. 18, 1793. John William, -s. John W- P. and Catharine, Apr. 14, 1834. John 'William Pitt, s. John and Sophia, at Hampton, Ct., Apr. 27, 1806. Joshua, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1750. Julian, s. Abel and Catherine, Oct. 19, 1806. Julian, s. John W. P. and Catharine, May 25, 1837. Julian Thayer, s. John W. P. and Catharine, Jan. 20, 1836. Lucy Miranda [Bancroft, c. r. 1.], d. Rev. Ephraim and Abi- gail W., Apr. 10, 1832. Nancy, d. Jacob, May 29, 1804. Polly, d. Jacob and Polly, Apr. 9, 1788. Samuel, s. Jacob, Oct. 18, 1812. Sarah Bass, d. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W. [W. B. c. R. 1], July 13, 1841. Sophia Elizabeth, d. John W. P. and Catharine; Dec. 6, 1841. 8 WESTFORD BIRTHS A*BBOT, Walter, s. Joel and Lidy, Sept. 17, 1795. , s. John W. P. and Catharine, Jan. 2, 1844. p. e. 16. ABBOTT (see also Abbatt, Abbot), Abel, s. John, jr. and Mary, Dec. 7, 1781. Betsey, d. Joel and Lidy, Jan. 22, 1787. Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1740-41. Isaac Houghton, s. Joel and Lydia, Jan. 18, 1804. Joel, s. Joel and Lydia, June 29, 1789. g. r. 1. John, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1743. John, s. John, jr. and Lucy, Jan. 27, 1777. Lydia, d. Joel and Lydia, Feb. 5, 1798. Martha, d. John and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1755. Mary Phillips, d. Joel and Lydia, Nov. 23, 1801. Rebeca, d. John and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1738-9. ADAMS (see also Addems, Adomas, Adorns), Amos, s. Thomas and Esther, Aug. 24, 1788. Asa, s. Thomas and Esther, Dec. 10, 1784. Betty, d. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 15, 1760. Bridget, d. Sam[ue]l, of Chelmsford, bp. Feb. 17, 1740. c. R. 1. Cyrus, s. Joseph, bp. Dec. 21, 1806. c. R. 1. Dorothy, d. Timothy, bp. Aug. 14, 1737. C R. 1. Eade, d. Sam[ue]l, bp. Apr. 27, 1746. c. R. 1. Eade, d. Thomas, bp. Sept. 15, 1771. c. R. 1. Elizabeth, d. Timo[thy], bp. July 10, 1743. c. R. 1. Elizebath, d. Samuel and Elezebath, Sept. 27, 173 [faded; 1733 dup.]. Esther, d. Thom[a]s, bp. Sept. 4, 1774. c. R. 1. Franklin, s. Sally, bp. Aug. 18, 1822. c. r. 1. Isaac, s. Thomas and Mary, June 22, 1769. I[s]aac, s. Thomas and Esther, June 29, 1793. John, s. Thomus and Esther, July 5, 1798. Jonathan, s. Samuel, jr. and Elesabeth, Mar. 3, 1757. Joshua, s. Thomas and Esther, Feb. 25, 1783. Lucresia, d. Samuel and Thankfull, Aug.' 17, 1782. Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, May 4, 1764. Nancy, d. Samuel and Thankful, Aug. 13, 1786. Nancy, d. Joshua and Nancy, Feb. 5, 1804. Patty, d. Samuel and Thankful, at Chelmsford, Apr. 24, 1771. Phebe, d. Timo[thy], bp. July 18, 1736. c. R. 1. Polly, d. Samuel and Thankfull, at Chelmsford, Oct. 15, 1778. Polly, d. Thomas and Esther, Nov. 24, 1795. Richard, s. wid. Lydia, bp. Oct. 25, 1730. c. R. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 9 Adams, Richard Fletcher, s. Sally, bp. Aug. 18, 1822. c. R. 1. Robert, s. Richard and Sally, Dec. 3, 1807. Ruth, d. Thomas and Mary, Nov. 6, 1766. Sally, d. Richard and Sally, Apr. 6, 1809. Samuel, s. Samuel and Elezebath, Aug. 26, 1731. Samuel, s. Samuel ,[3d. c. r. 1.] and Thankfull, Aug. 16, 1773. Sarah, d. Timo[thy], bp. May 20, 1739. c. R. 1. Sarah Frances, d. Benjamin F., merchant, and Frances Caro- line, Mar. 5, 1844. Sophia, d. Samuel and Thankful, May 21, 1793, Sophia Charllotte Augusta, d. Samuel and Thankful, July 16, 1784. Sukey, d. Samuel and Thankful, Dec. 22, 1789. Tatty, d. Samuel and Thankfull, at Chelmsford, Apr. 4, 1775. Thankfull, d. Samuel and Elezebath, Nov. 4, 1729. Thomas, s. Thomas and Esther, July 22, 1781. Timothy, s. Timo[thy], bp. June 14, 1741. c. R. 1. Timothy, s. Thomas and Mary, June 14, 1762. ADDEMS (see also Adams), Luse, d. Samuell and Elezebeth, Aug. 17, 1734. ADOALAS (see also Adams), Henry, s; Samuel and Elisabath, Apr. 14, 1741. Mary, d. Samuel and Elisebath, June 16, 1738. ADOMS (see also Adams), Isaac, s. Thomas, bp. Oct. 8, 1815. c. R. 1. ALLEN, Frances Jane, d. John P., machinist, b. Waltham, and Susan, b. Northwood, N. H., Jan. 6, 1848. AMES, Jemima Green, d. wid., bp. July 10, 1791. c. R. 1. Mella, d. Nathan, bp. Apr. 13, 1788. c. r. 1. ARVIN, Elisabeth [Erwen. c. r. 1.], d. Joseph and Deborah, Dec. 16, 1766. ATHERTON, Henty, at Roxbury, Mar. 3, 1782. BABCOCK, Emily F., bp. Nov. 3, 1839. p. r. 2. William R., bp. Nov. 3, 1839. p. r. 2. BAILEY (see also Bayley), Addeline Sevens, d. Artemas and Clarissa, June 16, 1829. lO WESTFORD BIRTHS Bailey, Elizabeth Ann, d. Joseph and Mary Smith, Oct. 22, 1842. George, s. Joseph and Mary Smith, . [after 1842.] Hannah Meria, d. Abner and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1824. Harvey N., s. Joseph and Mary Smith, . [after 1842.] John, s. Abner and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1827. Joseph H. N., s. Joseph, farmer, b. Lunenburg, and Mary S., b. Holderness, N. H., July 7, 1848. Julia Ann, d. Abner and Hannah, Sept. 19, 1825. Marietta, d. Joseph and Mary Smith, at Lowell, Dec. 26, 1837. Rufus Beamus, s. Artemas and Clarissa, Dec. 3, 1824. BARKER, Cyrus, s. Ebenezer, bp. [after July 2, 1843]. p. r. 2. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, bp. [after July 2, 1843.]. p. r. 2. George Emery, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. [after July 2, 1843.]. p. r. 2. James, s. Ebenezer, farmer, and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1846. Jonus, s. Ebenezer, bp. [after July 2, 1843.]. p. r. 2. BARON (see also Barron), Abigail, d. Timo[thy], bp. June 23, 1734. c. R. 1. Eunice, d. Timo[thy], bp. June 23, 1734. c. r. 1. BARRET (see also Barrit), Bethiah, d. Oliver, bp. Dec. 25, 1774. c. R. 1. Jeremiah, s. Sam[ue]l, bp. Sept. 20, 1747. c. r. 1. John, s. Nath[anie]l, bp. Mar. 13, 1757. c. R. 1. Martha, d. Nath[anie]l, bp. June 17, 1759. c. r. 1. BARRIT (see also Barret), Benjamin, s. William and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1731. Elisabeth, d. William and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1721. Joseph, s. Nathaniel and Martha, July — , 1769. Levi, s. Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 19, 1767. Lois, d. William and Mary, Sept. 10, 1748. Marah, d. Nathaniel and Martha, Sept. 24, 1753. Nathaniel, s. William and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1717. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, May 8, 1745. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Martha, Oct. 3, 1763. "Samuel, s. William and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1718. sic. Sarah, d. William and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1728-9. Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Martha, May — , 1773. William, s. William and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1724. IZeccheus, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, Apr. 3, 1748. WESTFORD BIRTHS II BARRON (see also Baron) , Dorothy, d. Timothy and Hannah, July 13, 1742. Fletcher, s. Timo[thy], of Groton, bp. Nov. 21, 1736. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. Timothy and Hannah, July 17, 1747. John, s. Timothy and HanngJi, Mar. 29, 1744. Jonathan, s. Timothy and Hannah, Oct. IS, 1727. Jonathan, s. Timothy and Hannah, Oct. 20, 1730. Joshua, s. Timothy and Hannah, May 30, 1729. Joshua, s. Timothy and Hannah, June 30, 1749. Mosses, s. Timothy and Hannah, May 20, 1732. Nathan, s. Timothy and Hannah, Jan. 17, 1751. [1750. dup.] Sarah, d. Timothy and Hannah [Fletcher, in pencil, dup.], Aug. 4, 1726. Timothy, s. Timothy and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1740. William, s. Timothy and Hannah, Mar. 17, 1738. BARRY, Ellen A., d. James M., wheelwright, b, Warwick, and Olive A., Sept. 8, 1846. James Alfred, s. James M., wheelwright, b. Warwick, and Olive, July 18, 1849. BARTON, Hannebill, d. Henry, bp. Nov. 7, 1731. c. R. 1., Henry, s. Henry, bp. Oct. 6, 1734. c. R. 1. Mary, d. Henry, bp. Jan. 11, 1736. c. r. 1. Sarah, d. Henry, bp. Oct. 6, 1734. c. R. 1. BATES (see also Bats), Betty, d. Edward, bp. Dec. 3, 1727. C. R. 1. Edward, s. John, bp. Mar. 3, 1754. c. r. 1. Hannah, d. Edward, bp. Sept. 12,. 1736. c. R. 1. John, s. John, bp. Mar. 8, 1752. c. r. 1. Jonathan, s. John, bp. June 16, 1745. c. R. 1. Mary, d. John, of Dorchester, Canada, bp. July 4, 1756. c. R. 1. Oliver, Capt, Jan. 13, 1721. g. r. 3. Phebe, d. John, bp. June 21, 1747. c. R. 1. BATS (see also Bates), Sarah, d. Edward and Marah, Aug. 29, 1733. BAULDWIN, Caroline, d. twin, Lt. James and Percilla, Sept. 7, 1807. Edwin, s. twin, Lt. James and Percilla, Sept. 7, 1807. Eliza, d. Lt. James and Percilla, Sept. 13, 1805. James, s. James and Percilla, May 13, 1812. John, s. James and Percilla, Apr, 9, 1817. 12 WESTFORD BIRTHS Bauldwin, Josephas, s. Lt. James and Percilla, at Dunstable, N. H., Oct. 15, 1803. Tosiah, s. Lt. James and Percilla, at Dunstable, N. H., July 25, 1801. Nancy, d. James and Percilla, Nov. 29, 1809. Percilla, d. James and Percilla, Oct. 6, 1814. Stephen, s. Lt. James and Percilla, at Dunstable, N. H., Nov. 4, 1799. BAYLEY (see also Bailey), Thomas, s. Joseph and Deborah, June 4, 1767. BEALE, Abel, s. William and Anna, Feb. 4, 1773. Jesse, s. Thomas and Molley, Jan. 29, 1772. Josiah, s. Thomas and Molley, Mar. 30, 1773. BENNET, James H., s. Frank, farmer, Apr. 19, 1849. Lucy Isabel, d. Alden B., shoemaker, and Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1845. BICKNELL, Abigail C, d. John and Abigail, Sept. 26, 1830. Ai, s. Ira and Martha, Mar. 21, 1843. Deborah, d. Lemuel and Abigail, June 25, 1798. Ellen Augusta, d. Ira, farmer, and Martha, July 14, 1847. Ira A., s. Ira and Martha, Aug. 12, 1835. James, s. Lemuel and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1804. John, s. Lemuel and Abigail, June 8, 1797. John S[imon. p. r. 2.], s. John and Abigail, Nov. 26, 1836. Loammi C, s. Ira and Martha, May 23, 1839. Lucy, d. Lemuel and Abigail, at Waterford, Vt., May 1, 1794. Martha M., d. Ira and Martha, Apr. 22, 1841. Mary, d. Lemuel and Abigail, Jan. 18, 1806. Mary Cutler, bp. Sept. 13, 1840. p. r. 2. Mary D., d. John and Abigail, Dec. 17, 1832. Mary J., d. Ira, farmer, b. Shirley, and Maria, b. Littleton, Aug. 16, 1849. Merian N., d. John and Abigail, June 14, 1825. Nathan D., s. Ira and Martha, Apr. 27, 1837. Sabra D., d. John and Abigail, Nov. 3, 1826. Samuel F., s. John and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1824. Sinthy, d. Lemuel and Abigail, Mar. 2, 1801. William Cutler, s. Lemuel and Abigail, Nov. 7, 1803. BIGGELOW, Silas, s. Silas, bp. Feb. 5, 1775. c. r. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 1 3 B'IGSBE (see also Bixby), Abigil, d. David and Abigil, Apr. 13, 1715. Asey, s. David and Abigal, Feb. 24, 1734-5. David, s. David and Abigal, July 17, 1729. Hanah, d. David and Abigal, Sept. 12, 1719. Jacob, s. David and Abigal, Aug. 12, 1728. Joseph, s. David and Abigal, May 2, 1721. Lidah, d. David and Abigal, Oct. 22, 1717. Thankfull, d. David and Abigal, Jan. 15, 1724-5. BIXBY (see also Bigsbe), Abigal, d. Asa and Susanna, July 2, 1764. Abishar, s. Ephraim and Martha, July 30, 1781. Asa, s. Asa and Susanna, Mar. IS, 1761. B. Vamum, s. Asa and Mary, Oct. 12, 1821. David, s. Jacob and Eunice, Aug. 11, 1749. Ephraim, s. Jacob and Eunice, Jan, 4, 1753. Jacob, s. Jacob and Eunice, July 28, 1754. John, s. William and Mary, June 4, 1767. Joseph, s. Asa and Susanna, May 19, 1766. Levi, s. Jacob and Eunice, Nov. 15, 1750. Levi Rogers, s. Asa and Mary, Oct. 31, 1818. Lucy, d. Asa, bp. Aug. 13, 1815. c. r. 1. Mary Elizabeth, d. Asa and Mary, June 7, 1820. Patty, d. Jacob, bp. Mar. 26, 1775. c. R. 1. Patty, d. Ephraim and Martha, Sept. 19, 1776.. Patty, d. Ephraim and Martha, June 28, 1779. Susannah, d. Asa and Susannah, Apr. 27, 1757. Thomas, s. Asa and Susanna, Oct. 21, 1762. Tryphene, d. Ephraim and Martha, May 20, 1783. William, s. Davied and Abigal, July 19, 1737. William, s. William and Mary, Dec. IS, 1762. BLAISDELL (see also Blazdill), Josiah Israel, s. Israel, farmer, and Louisa V., Dec. 13, 1845. Warren H., s. Israel, farmer, b. Carlisle, and Louisa V., b. Chelmsford, Feb. 21, 1849. BLAKE, Caleb Moseley, s. Rev. Caleb and Patty, Apr. 7, 1795. Mary Ann, d. Rev. Caleb, bp. May 20, 1810. c. r. 1. Patty, d. Rev. Calab and Patty, Apr. 6, 1793. Sophia Strong, d. Rev. Caleb and Patty, Apr. 20, 1801. William Herbert, s. Rev. Caleb and Patty, Feb. 23, 1806. BLAZDILL (see also Blaisdell), Isaac, s. William and Lydia, Jan. 4, 1785. 14 WESTFORD BIRTHS BLODGGT (see also Blodgett, Blogget), Ama, d. Jonas and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1784. Azubah, d. James and Abigal, Jan. 26, 1761. Betsy A., d. Thaddeus and. Mary, Oct. 4, 1826. [Oct. 5. p. R. 13.] Catharine F., d. Thaddeus and Mary, Nov. 29, 1832. Charles M., s. Thaddeus and Mary, Jan. 30, 1824. Elisabeth, d. James and Abigal, May 21, 1768. George Warren, s. Jacob and Almira, Nov. 26, 1826. Hannah, d. James and Abigal, Aug. 15, 1778. Hannah, d. Jonas and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1795. Isaiah, s. James and Abigal, May 3, 1764. James, s. Jonas and Sarah, May 18, 1787. . James W., s. Thaddeus and Mary, Aug. 19, 1829. Jesse, s. Jonas and Sarah, July 21, 1789. John, s. Jonas and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1782. John Prescott, s. John and Polly, Oct. 11, 1806. Jonas, s. James and Abigal, Aug. 4, 1757. Joshua, s. Jonas and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1785. Josoiah William, s. Jacob and Almira, Nov, 24, 1834. [Jan. 24. p. E. 7.] Mary, d. James and Abigal, Feb. 13, 1766. Mary Cheney, d. Jacob and Almira, Dec. 24, 1835. [Dec. 23. P. R. 7.] Mitta, d. Jonas and Sarah, July 29, 1791. Morgan F., s. Thaddeus and Mary, at Tyngsborough, May 20, 1817. Olive, d. James and Abigal, Aug. 25, 1774. Reuben Wright, s. Jacob and Almira, July 45, 1837. Sally, -d. Jonas and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1793. Sarah, d. James and Abigal, June 30, 1770. Semantha J., d. Thaddeus and Mary, at Tyngsborough, June 26, 1819. [June 23. p. r. 13.] Thaddeus A., s. Thaddeus and Mary, at Tyngsborough, Oct. 9, 1821. [1822. p. R. 13.] Thomas, s. Thomas [jr. c. R. 1.] and Tabatha, July 28, 1729. BLODGETT (see also Blodget), Almira, d. twin, Thaddeus A., farmer, and Almira, b. Cambridge, Vt., Sept. 26, 1849. Betsey, Sept. 25, 1796. p. r. 7. Frederick, s. Thaddeus and Mary (Frederick), Feb. 20, 1817. p. R. 13. Harvey Hildreth, s. Harvey F., ship joiner, b. Bedford, and Mary A. P., grands. Joseph Hildreth, at Pembroke, Me., May 9, 1849. WESTFORD BIRTHS 1 5 Blodgett, Jacob, Dec. 30, 1800. p. r. 7. Luther, Oct. 7, 1794; p. r. 7. Mary, July 6, 1786. p. r. 7. Mary, d. Thaddeus and Mary (Frederick), Apr. — , 1829. p. R. 13. Samuel, Aug. 30, 1804. p. r. 7. Thaddeus, Dec. 25, 1791. p. r. 13. Thaddeus, s. twin, Thaddeus A., farmer, and Almira, b. Cam- bridge, Vt., Sept. 26, 1849. William, Mar. 3, 1762. p. r. 7. William, June 4, 1789. p. r. 7. BLOGGET (see also Blodget), Bethiah, d. Sarah, bp. Mar. 14, 1773. c. R. 1. Elizabeth, d. Benja[min], of Litchiield, bp. Jan. 30, 1737. c. R. 1. Esther, d. John and Abigel, Feb. 6, 1730. James, s. John and Abigel, Jan. 19, 1733. James, s. James, bp. Oct. 2, 1757. c. r. 1. John, s. wid. Sarah, bp. June 17, 1759. c. R. 1. Luce, d. James, bp. Dec. 28, 1755. c. R. 1. Samuel, s. wid. Sarah, bp. Mar. 23, 1760. c. R. 1. Sarah, d. wid. Sarah, bp. June 17, 1759. c. R. 1. Thomas, s. wid. Sarah, bp. June 17, 1759. c. R. 1. BLOOD, Abigail Chamberlin, d. Eleazer and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1797. Ebenezer, s. Eleazer and Lydia, Mar. 22, 1782. Eleazer, s. Eleazer and Lydia, Feb. 14, 1787. Lucy Leonary, d. Ebenezer [Eleazer. c. r. 1.] and Polly, Oct. 21, 1811. Lydia, d. Eleazer and Lydia, Oct. 14, 1779. Rachel, d. Eleazer and Lydia, June 30, 1792. William Fletcher, s. Eleazer and Lydia, Dec. 6, 1784. BOND, Asa Albert, s. Asa M., farmer, b. Benson, Vt., and Mary A., b. Springfield, N. H., Feb. 20, 1848. Charles A., s. Almon and Marion (Dickey), at Tyngsborough, . Feb. 24, 1844. Clara L., d. Almon and Marion (Dickey), at Tyngsborough, Sept. 30, 1849. Henry W., s. Almon and Marion (Dickey), at Tyngsborough, Sept. 12, 1846. Mary M., d. Asa M., farmer, b. Benson, Vt., and Mary A., b. Springfield, N, H,, Mar. 21, 1847. 1 6 WESTFORD BIRTHS Bond, Nathaniel, s. Almon and Marion (Dickey), at Nashua, N. H., Dec. 29, 1842. Olive Augusta, d. Asa M., stone-cutter, b. Benson, Vt., and Mary A., b. Springfield, N. H., Mar. 12, 1849. BOYDEN, Caroline F., d. Horatio and Harriet, , 1823. p. R. 14. Harriet A., d. Horatio and Harriet, , 1822. p. r. 14. Horatio, May 5, 1798. p. r. 14. Horatio W., s. Horatio and Harriet, Nov. 17, 1828. p. r. 14. Sarah, Nov. 14, 1752. v. r. 8. Sarah E., d. Horatio and Harriet, — —, 1825. p. r. 14. Susan E., d. Horatio and Harriet, Apr. 2, 1826. p. r. 14. BOYNTON, Abel, s. Nathaniel and Rebeckah, Aug. 9, 1755. Abel, s. [Col. c. r. 1.] Abel and Polly, May 4, 1783. Abijah, s. Nathaniel and Elisabeth, Mar. 24, 1740. Amos, s. Nathaniel and Elisabeth, Sept. 20, 1 744. Benja[mi]n Abbott, s. Abel and Polly, Feb. 28, 1790. Benj[ami]n Abbott, s. [Col. c. r. 1.] Abel and Polly, June 10, 1791'. Betsey, d. [Col. c. r. l.J Abel and Polly, Oct. 1, 1787. Betty, d. Josiah, bp. Oct. 12, 1783. c. R. 1. Bridget, d. Nathaniel and Hannah, Oct.* 31, 1727. Dorithey, d. Nethanill and Hanah, Sept. 15, 1733. Edmund, s. Josiah, jr. and Lydia, Feb. 23, 1805. Elisabeth, d. Nathaniel and Hannah, June 13, 1722. Elisabeth, d. Nathaniel and Rebecca, May 26, 1760. Esther, d. Nathaniel and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1729. Federal, s. Josiah, jr. and Lydia, May 20, 1799. George Beecher, s. John [B. p. r. 2.] and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1829. Hannah, d. Nathaniel and Hannah, Jan. 14, 1726. Isaac Newton, s. Abel and Polly, May 24, 1793. Isaiah, s. Nathaniel and Elisabeth, July 23, 1746. Isaiah, s. Ambs, bp. Oct. 28, 1770. c. R. 1. Jeremy, s. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Dec. 2, 1767. Joel, s. Josiah and Lucy, Oct. 2, 1774. John, s. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Feb. 3, 1776. John, s. Josiah, jr. and Lydia, June 14, 1797. Joseph, s.Nathanel and Hannah, June 3, 1731. Joseph, s. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1 764. Josiah, s. Josiah and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1770. Lucy, d. Josiah, bp. Oct. 12, 1783. c. r. 1. Luther, s. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Apr. 7, 1770. WESTFORD BIRTHS 17 iBoYNTON, Lydia, d. Nathaniel and Rebacca, Oct. 7, 17S7. Mary, d. Nathaniel and Elisabeth, Dec; 18, 1737. Molly, d. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Mar. 26, 1765. Myra, d. Josiah, jr. and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1801. Nathan,' s. Nathaniel and Elisabeth, Sept. 18, 1736. Nathan, s. Nathaniel and Elisabeth, June 16, 1742. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Hannah, June 8, 1724. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Jan. 3, 1763. Polly, d. [Col. c. R. 1.] Abel and Polly, Apr. 3, 1785. Rebeckah, d. Nathaniel and Rebeckah, Mar. S, 1753. Rhoda, d. Josiah, bp. , 1784. c. R. 1. Salla, d. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Oct. 10, 1772. Sally, d. [Col. c. r. 1.] Abel and Polly, June 21, 179.4. Samuel, s. Josiah and Lucy, Aug. 30, 1772. Saniuel Tarbel, s. Joseph and Sarah, July 16, 1766. Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Hannah [d. Joseph and Dorothy Par- ham, in pencil, dup.], Mar. 12, 1721. Tarbell, s. Joseph, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. c. r. 1. William Jewet, s. John, bp. Oct. 1, 1826. c. R. 1. BROOKS, Daniel, s. Josiah and Lydia, Mar. 16, 1764. Elizabeth A., d. Foster and Louisa, Apr. 15, 1844. Ellen Freeman, d. Cyrus and Mary, Apr. 15, 1826. George F., s. Foster and Louisa, Feb. 20, 1833. Hannah, d. Josiah and Lydia, June 21, 1760. James B., s. Foster and Louisa, Sept. 20, 1841. John, s. Josiah and Lydia, Mar. 9, 1762. John Dean Freeman, s. Cyrus and Mary, Apr. 21, 1827. Josiah, S. Josiah and Lydia, June 21, 1756. Lucy Ann, d. Foster and Louisa, Oct. 9, 1838. Lydia, d. Josiah and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1754. Lydia, d. Josiah and Lydia, Apr. 23, 1758. Mary, d. Josiah and Lydia, Mar. 2, 1769. Sarah L., d. Foster and Louisa, May 27, 1834. BROWN, David, s. David, bp. Apr. 8, 1739. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. David, bp. Aug. 3, 1740. c. R. 1. Martha, d. David, bp. June 26, 1743. c. R. 1. BRUCE, Abigail Tufts, d. Lewis and Mary Webb, Oct. 19, 1844. Henrietta Blish, d. Lewis and Mary Webb, July 7, 1837. Herbert Eugene, s. Lewis, laborer, b. Marlborough, and Mary W., b. Boston, Aug. 23, 1848. Mary Elizabeth, d. Lewis and Mary Webb, Aug. 21, 1839. 1 8 WESTTORD BIRTHS [BUCK, Lydia, w. Amos Heywood, at Wilmington, . in pencil.], [abt. 1800?] BUNCE, Augustus, s. Elisha and Prissilla Caroline, Sept. 7, 1832. Caroline, d. Elisha, shoemaker, and Priscilla C, Jan. 17, 1845. Charles, s. Elisha and Prissilla Caroline, Oct. 13, 1835. George, s. Elisha, shoemaker, and Priscilla C, June 14, 1843. James, s. Elisha and Prissilla Caroline, at Natick, Mar. 25, 1830. Louis, s. Elisha and Prissilla Caroline, Aug. 3, 1828. Maria, d. Elisha and Priscilla C, July 1, 1839. William, s. Elisha and Priscilla C, July 31, 1837. BURBECK, Charles L., s. Samuel N., farmer, and Eliza P., Sept. 3, 1846. Eliza Jane, d. Samuel N., farmer, and Eliza P., Oct. 10, 1844. Eliza P., w. Samuel N., July 9, 1809. John, s. Samuel N. and Eliza P., Feb. 20, 1833. Joseph, s. Samuel N. and Eliza P., July 4, 1834. Mary, d. Samuel N. and Eliza P., Dec. 1, 1836. Samuel N., Sept. 8, 1805. William Harrison, s. Samuel N. and Eliza P., Oct. 21, 1840. BURG (see also Burge), Abigail, d. Josiah and Susanna, Jan. 3, 1730-31. Elisabeth, d. Josiah and Susana, July 31, 1743. Ephriam, s. Josiah and Susanna, May 1, 1738. John, s. Josiah and Susana, Nov. 14, 1747. Josiah, s. Josiah and Susanna, Sept. 22, 1733. Moses, s. Josiah and Susanna, Oct. 19, 1728. Samuel, s. Josiah and Susanna, Oct. 16, 1726. Sarah, d. Josiah and Susanna, Mar. 29, 1741. Sus3.nna, d. Josiah and Susanna, Apr. 3, 1736. BURGE (see also Burg), Ruth, d. Josiah and Susanna, Sept. 9, 1739. Samuel, s. Josiah Howard, s. adopted, Moses Burge, bp. Feb. 11, 1787. c. R. 1. BURT, Florence Harriet, d. Geo[rge], bp. [after July 2, 1843.]. p. E. 2. Mary Eveline, d. Geo[rge], bp. [after July 2, 1843.]. p. r. 2. WESTFORD BIRTHS 1 9 BUTERFIELD (see also Butterfield), Eliazer, s. Joseph [jr. dup. ; deceased bef .' Aug. 16, 1741. c. r. 1.] and Dorithy [Heald. different ink. dup.], Jan. 8, 1727-8. Hannah, d. Joseph [jr. dup.] and Dorithy, Oct. 6, 1729. Lucy, d. William and Bathsheba, Aug. 22, 1731. Martha, d. Joseph [jr. dup.] and Dorithy, Feb. 9, 1731-2. Rebeckah, d. William and Bathsheba [Shepard of Concord, different ink. dup.], July 20, 1729. Thomas, s. John and Mary, Feb. 25, 1730-31. BUTRFEELD (see also Butterfield) , Benjaman, s. Benjaman and Keziah, May 14, 1726. John, s. Benjaman and Keziah, May 10, 1728. Kezia, d. Benjaman and Kezia, May 14, 1733. Marah, d. Benjaman and Kezia, July 27, 1735. Ruth, d. Benjaman and Keziah, Apr. 13, 1724. Timothy, s. Benjaman and Keziah, June 26, 1730. BUTRFELD (see also Butterfield), John, s. John and Marah, June 16, 1733. Wilam, s. Wilam and Barsheba, May 15, 1734. BUTRIK (see also Buttrick), Tilly, s. Tilly, bp. [1784?]. C. R. 1. BUTTERFIELD (see also Buterfield, Butrfeeld, Butrfeld), Abel, s. Banjamin and Coziah, Jan. 27, 1737-8. Abel, s. John and Martha, of Narragansett, No. 6, at Narra- gansett. No. 6, Feb. 5, 1756. Abraham, s. William and Bathsheba, Apr. 6, 1741. Abraham, s. John and Martha, Sept. 15, 1766. Bathsheba, d. William, bp. Jan. 21, 1728. c. r. 1. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Susanna, Feb. 20, 1749-50. Benjamin, s. John and Martha, Mar. 29, 1751. Betty, d. Robert and Joanna, Nov. 21, 1752. Charles, s. John and Mary, Sept. 25, 1735. Dorothy, d. Joseph, jr. and Dorothy, Dec. 14, 1739. Ebenezer, s. Joseph, jr. and Dorothy, Jan. 28, 1736. Experience, d. Ephraim, bp. Dec. 24, 1732. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. William and Barsehba, June 7, 1737. [Henry, s. John and Martha, at Groton, Mar. 14, 1759. differ- ent ink.] Isaac, s. Benjamin and Coziah, May 7, 1742. James, s. Benjamin and Coziah, Apr. 19, 1744. James, s, Robert and Joanna, Apr. 23, 1755. . 20 WESTFORD BIRTHS . BuTTKRFiELD, Jane, d. John, of Litchfield, bp. Oct. 19, 1740. C. R. 1. Joel, s. Robert and Mehitabel, Sept. 13, 1749. John, s. John and Martha, July 28, 1753. John, s. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Aug. 27 [1786?]. c. R. 1. Jonas, s. Banjamin and Coziah, Apr. 27, 1740. Joseph, s. Joseph, jr. and Dorothy, Feb. 18, 1733. Josiah, s. Josiah and Hannah, Nov. 6, 1738. Lucy, d. Sam[ue]ll, bp. May 6, 1784. c. R. 1. Mary, d. John and Mary, Dec. 24, 1728. Mehittable, d. Robert and Mehittable, Feb. 20, 1745-6. Olive, d. William and Baethsheeby, May 26, 1743. Pelatiah, s. Eleaz[e]r, of Groton Gore, bp. Aug. 17, 1755. c. R. 1. Peter, s. William and Barchabe, June 16, 1739. Polly, d. Samue[l], bp. Nov. 23, 1783. c. r. 1. Rhoda, d. Samue[l], bp. Nov. 23, 1783. c. r. 1. Robert, s. Robert and Mehetable, Feb. 8, 1747. Ruth, d. John and Martha, Mar. 16, 1769. Samuel, s. William and Bathsheba, July 14, 1745. Samuel, s. Samuel and Abigal, Aug. 22, 1774. Sarah, d. John and Mary, Oct. 27, 1737. Simeon, s. Josiah [and Hannah, dup.], Nov. 11, 1740. Stephen, s. Eph[rai]m, bp. Feb. 29, 1736. c. r. 1. BUTTRICK (see also Butrik), Elias Blake, s. Charles and Besey, Mar. 29, 1806. BY AM (see also Byham), Asaph F., s. Asaph and Mary, Nov. 4, 1825. Esther, d'.' Henry and Luce, Nov. 1, 1748. Henry, s. Henry and Lucce, Mar. 31, 1733. Henry, s. Henry, bp. Apr. 3, 1743. c. R. 1. Luce, d. Henry ajid Luce, Sept. 24, 1744. Mary, d. Asaph and Mary, Feb. 8, 1818. BYHAM (see also Byam), Luce, d. Henry and Luce, May 14, 1747. CAMPBELL, Donald Asaph, s. Daniel, tailor, and Lucy, Jan. 1, 1844. Lucy Ann, d. Donald, tailor, b. Scotland, and Lucy, Apr. 6, 1845. Margaret, d. Daniel, tailor, and Lucy P., Mar. 18, 1848. CAMPNELL, Sally, d. David and Patty, Aug. 30, 1803. WESTFORD BIRTHS 21 CANNARY, Bridget, d. John, laborer, and Hannah, both b. Ireland, in Ireland, , 1849. Mary, d. John, laborer, and Hannah, both b. Ireland, in Ire- land, ^— , 1847. CARR, Julia Ann, d. Lyman, farmer, Dec. 15, 1847. CARROLL, see Caryl. CARTER, Edwin, s. Jeremiah J. and Sophia P., Nov. 5, 1842. Henrietta, d. Jeremiah J., farmer, and Sophia P., Oct. 15, 1844. Jerimiah Jaquith, s. Ezra and Anna, at Wilmington, . [bef. 1820?] Sophia Prescott, d. Jeremiah J. and Sophia P., Jan. 30, 1841. Sumner, s. Ezra and Anna, June 5, 1818. CARVER, Benjamin, at Canterbury, Ct, Dec. 10, 1722. g. r. 1. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Ede, Jan. 31, 1748-9. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Ede, Nov. 24, 1761. Ede, d. Benjamin and Ede, Oct. 30, 1757. Jonathan, s. Benjamin and Ede, May 9, 1751. Joseph, s. Benja[min], bp. Dec. 24, 1752. c. R. 1. Joseph, s. Benja[min], bp. July 21, 1754. c. r. 1. Martha, d. Benjamin and Ede, Dec. 9, 1759. Mary, d. Benjamin and Ede, Dec. 28, 1765. [1764? bp. Jan. 6, 1765. c. R. 1.] Polly, d. Jona[than] and Mary, Feb. 13, 1779. * Polly, 2d, d. Jonathan and Mary, , 1792. G. r. 2. Rebecca, d. Benjamin and Ede, Feb. 3, 1766. Sally, d. Jona [than]* and Mary, Oct. 18, 1783. Sarah, d. Benjamin and Ede, Sept. 13, 1746. Thomas, s. Benjamin and Ede, Sept. 4, 1755. CARYL, Charles, s. Moses and Nancy, July 23, 1828. Edwin, s. Moses and Nancy, May 27, 1834. George, s. Moses and Nancy, Mar. 4, 1824. Henry, s. Moses and Nancy, Jan. 30, 1822. Mary, d. Moses and Nancy, Oct. 16, 1819. Nancy, d. Moses and Nancy, May 7, 1836. Orpha Ann, d. Moses and Nancy, Sept. 26, 1831. Sarah, d. Moses and Nancy, Apr. 16, 1826. CHAMBERLAIN (see also Chamberlin), Ephraim, s. Eph- raim and Esther, Mar. 5, 1756. 22 WESTFORD BIRTHS Chamberlain, Rebecca, d. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Mar. 3, 1728. c. R. 1. Rebeckah, d. Ephraim and Esther, Apr. 6, 1754. Sarah, d. Samuel, jr. and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1755. Susanna, d. Jane, bp. May 20, 1733. c. r. 1. CHAMBERLIN (see also Chamberlain), Abigail, d. Ephraim and Esther, June 25, 1760. Asaph, s. Sam[uel], jr. and Sarah, May 16, 1764. Becky Stevens, d. James and Joanna Stevens, Apr. 13, 1799. Charles, s. twin, Phineas and Mary, Aug. 10, 1836. Elijah, s. Eph[rai]m and Esther, Nov. 14, 1770. Elijah, s. Thomas and Molly, Aug. 20, 1793. Elisabeth, d. Samuel [jr. dup.] and Sarah, Apr. 8, 1758. [Ephraim, s. Samuel and Rebecca, , 1725. different ink.] Ephraim, s. Phinehas, of Chelmsford, bp. Nov. 14, 1779. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. Ephraim and Esther, Oct. 14, 1752. Henry, s. twin, Phineas and Mary, Aug. 10, 1836. James, s. Ephraim and Esther, Nov. 13, 1767. [bp. Nov. 8. C. R. 1.] Jarvis, s. James and Joanna Stevens, Apr. 1, 1801. Jesse, s. Samuel and Sarah, June 26, 1770. Joanna Stevens, d. James and Joanna Stevens, Feb. 21, 1797. Joel, s. Ephraim and Sally, Oct. 19, 1802. Joel, s. Phinehas and Mary, July 4, 1832. John, s. Ephraim and Esther, May 24, 1762. John ■ Murry, s. Phineas and Mary [(Parker), p. r. 25.], June 25, 1840. Jonas, s. Thomos and Molly, July 27, 1791. Julia Ann, d. Phinehas and Mary, Aug. 22, 1830. Lucinda, d. Thomas and Molly, June 19, 1797. Luther, s. Thomos and Molly, Sept. 2, 1795. Lydia, d. Benja[min], bp. Oct. 13, 1765. c. r. 1. Maria, d. Phinehas and Mary [(Parker), p. r. 25.], Jan. 8, 1828. Marietta, d. Phineus and Mary, Sept. 19, 1838. Marther, d. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Sarah, June 16, 17S3. Mary, d. Ephraim and Sally, June 23, 1808. Molley, d. Samuel, jr. and Sarah, June 6, 1762. Molly, d. Phinehas, bp. Aug. 10, 1788. c. R. 1. Nathaniel, s. Ephraim and Esther, June 27, 1758. Phinehas, s. Ephraim and Sally, Dec. 3, 1803. Porter, s. James and Joanna Stevens, Feb. 22, 1809. Rebecca, d. Phinehas and Rebecca, Aug. 29, 1770. Sally, d. Ephraim and Sally, May 10, 1806. WESTFORD BIRTHS 23 Chamberlain, Sally Porter, d. James and Joanna Stevens, Mar. 18, 1805. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1767. Sarah, d. Eph[rai]m and Esther, Sept. 30, 1776. Sibbel, d. Samuel [jr. dup.] and Sarah, July 12, 1759. Sophronia, d. Phineas and Mary, July 12, 1834. Submit, d. Sam[uel], jr. and Sarah, Jan. 5, 1766. Thomas, s. Ephraim and Esther, Nov. 10, 1764. Thomas, s. Benja[min], bp. Dec. 13, 1767. C. R. 1. Thomos, s. Thomos and Molly, Dec. 12, 1789. Wilder, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Sarah, July 11, 1754. Wilediar, s. Samuel and Rebecka, Feb. 5, 1730-31. CHANDLER (see also Chandlor, Chanlor), Aaron, s. William and Susanna, -, 1722. Amos Newton, s. William and Rhoda, Feb. 12, 1818. Augustus Hiram, s. William and Rhoda, Sept. 1, 1828. Benjamin, s. William and Susanna, , 1718. Caroline Mariah, d. William aiid Rhoda, Jan. 2, 1832. Charles Edwin, s. William and Rhoda, Sept. 2, 1833. Dorothy, d. twin, Moses and Dorothy, May 22, 1744. [bp. May 20. c. R. 1.] Dorothy, d. Moses and Dorothy, July 4, 1752. Ebenezer, s. William, jr. and Dorcas, Mar. 26, 1753. Eliza Jane, d. William and Rhoda, Mar. 26, 1830. Emily M., d. William and Rhoda, , 1835. George Washington, s. William and Rhoda, Nov. 7, 1826. Hannah, d. Moses and Dorothy, Aug. 16, 1742. Henry, s. William and Susanna, , 1727. Henry, s. Moses and Dorothy, Oct. 2,9, 1749. Henry, s. Moses and Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1765. ^ Henry, s. Isaac and Betty, Mar. 14, 1768. Henry Harison, s. William and Rhoda, Aug. 29, 1840. Isaac, s. Willam and Susanna, Dec. 7, 1730. Isaac, s. Isaac and Betty, June 5, 1760. Jerome Milton, "d." William and Rhoda, Sept. 9, 1825. John, s. William and Susanna, , 1725. John, s. Isaac and Betty, Mar. 17, 1771. John Murry, s. William and Rhoda, Sept. 19, 1823. Joseph, s. Willem and Susanna, Jan. 29, 1728-9. Ledia, d. Willem and Susanna, Dec. 10, 1735. Lydia, d. Isaac and Betty, July 20, 1765. Marcus Mortan, s. William and Rhoda, Jan. 27, 1839. Mary, d. Silas and Mary, Mar. 31, 1804. Mary Ann, d. William and Rhoda, Oct. 14, 1821. 24 WESTFORD BIRTHS Chandler, Milley, d. William and Joanna, Mar. 30, 1 793. Moses, s. William and Susanna, , 1720. Moses, s. Moses and Dor[o]thy, Aug. 27, 1757. Nancy, d. William and Joanna, Sept. 5, 1795. Rachel, d. Willem and Susanna, Apr. 2, 1732. Samuel, s. W[illia]m, bp. Apr. 24, 1737. c. R. 1. Samuel, s. Moses and Dorothy, Aug. 7, 1745. Sarah, d. Willem and Susanna, May 17, 1734. Sarah, d. William and Susanna, Mar. 18, 1738-9. Suseanah, d. twin, Moses and Dorothy, May 22, 1744. [bp. May 20. c. R. 1.] Suseanah, d. Moses and Dorothy, July 14, 1747. Suseanah, d. Moses and Dorothy, Dec. 9, 1754. Warren, s. William and Rhoda, Sept. 3, 1836. William, s. William and Susanna, , 1719. William, s. William, jr. and Dorcas, Dec. 12, 1751. William Procter, s. William and Rhoda, Jan. 19, 1820. CHANDLOR (see also Chandler), Betty, d. Isaac and Betty, Sept. 10, 1763. Jacob, s. Moses and Elisabeth, Sept. 2, 1763. Joanna, d; William and Joanna, Jan. 28, 1789. Silas, s. William [jr. c. R. 1.] and Dorcas, May 16, 1755. William, s. William and Joanna, Mar. 25, 1791. CHANLOR (see also Chandler), Pheebe, d. Ephram and Sa- rah, Sept. 6, 1733. CHICKERING, James F., s. Jonathan F., shoemaker, and Ade- line, Aug. 31, 1846. CLEAVELAND, Enoch, s. Enoch [Enos. c. R. 1.], jr. and Martha, July 26, 1754. Martha, d. Enoch, jr. and Martha, Apr. 14, 1753. COGSWELL, Adam Holden, s. Jona[than] and Sally [grands. Capt. c. R. 1.], July 29, 1801. George Fraderic, s. Jona[than] and Sally, Aug. 16, 1799. Sally Tuttle [Goodhue, c. r. 1.], d. Jona[than] and Sally [grandd. Capt. c. R. 1.], Nov. 14, 1802. COMEY, Abba Hayden, d. William S., farmer, b. Foxborough, and Almira, b. Groton, at Foxborough, May 29, 1847. Edwin Ruthven, s. William S., farmer, b. Foxborough, and Almira, b. Groton, Jan. 16, 1849. WESTFORD BIRTHS 25 CoMEY, William Wallace, s. William S., farmer, b. Fox- borough, and Almira, b. Groton, at Bedford, Mar. 4, 1846. COMING (see also Cummings), Abigail, d. Ephraim and Mary, Apr. 27, 1744. Abigail, d. Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1744-5. Tryphena, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, Feb. 5, 1756. COMINGS (see also Cummings), Abigal, d, Ephraim and Mary, July 16, 1755. Betsey, d. Isaac and Elisabeth, May 25, 1778. Betty, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, Apr. 2, 1764. Bridget, d. Thomas and Sarah, July 16, 1749. Bridget, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, Jan. 5, 1772. Elisabeth, d. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1743-4. Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, July 7, 1769. Elizabeth, d. Thorn [a] s, bp. Feb. 24, 1740. c. r. 1. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Mary, Sept. 6, 1747. Isaac, s. Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1742. Isaac, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, Dec. 23, 1780. John, s. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1745-6. John, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, Jan. 6, 1772. John, s. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Oct. 9, 1781. Joseph, s. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 21, 1736. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Jan. 10, 1768. Luce, d. W[illja]m, of Dunstable, bp. June 19, 1737. c. r. 1. Lucy, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, July 3, 1760. Lydia, d. Isaac and Elisabeth, Nov. 26, 1769. Molly, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, July 21, 1767. Nantsey, d. Isaac and Elisabeth, Sept. 19, 178'3. Nathaniel, s. Nath[anie]l and Rebecca, Sept. IS, 1778. Phebe, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, Apr. 2, 1766. Phebe, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy,. Jurie 2, 1770. Samuel, s. Sapauel and Sarah, Nov. 18, 1742. Sarah, d. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1738-9. Sarah, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, May 11, 1762. Thomas, s. Thomas and Sarah, May 29, 1734. Thomas, s. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, June 16, 1757. Willson, s. Ephraim aijd Lydia, Sept. 29, 1775. Wilson, s. Ephiraijm, bp. Aug. 12, 1753. c. r. 1. CONANT, Amelia, d. Nahum and Eliza Ann, at Acton, Sept. 20, 1838. Eliza Ann, d. Nahum and Eliza Ann, at Acton, Dec. 29, 1835. [Dec. 28. in pencil.] Marcus, s. twin, Nahum and Eliza Ann, Oct. 24, 1842. 26 WESTFOKD BIRTHS CoNANT, Nahum, s. Nahum and Eliza Ann, at Cambridge, Aug. 23, 1833. Peter, s. Robert, bp. Dec. 10, 1727. c. R. 1. Robert Chaffin, s. twin, Nahum, farmer, and Eliza Ann, June 26, 1845. Susanna Chaffin, d. twin, Nahxrai, farmer, and Eliza Ann, June 26, 1845. William, s. twin, Nahum and Eliza Ann, Oct. 24, 1842. COOK, Betsey T., d. Capt. Enoch and Abigail, Apr. 26, 1791. Levi, s. William and Anna, June 14, 1828. Lucinda, d. Capt. Enoch and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1795. Nathan, s. William and Anna, Jan. 21, 1830. Stephen, s. William and Anna, May 27, 1827. William, s. Capt. Enoch and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1793. COOLIDGE, George Henry, s. William F., shoemaker, and Mary Jane, Sept. 29, 1845. COREY, Abel, s. Abel and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1781. Abel, s. Abel and Lucinda, Feb. 8, 1832. Isaac, s. Abel and Hannah, July 22, 1784. Isaac, s. Abel and Lucinda, Jan. S, 1837. John, s. Abel and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1798. Lucy, d. Abel and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1778. Lucy H., d. Abel and Lucinda, Aug. 13, 1833. Mary, d. Abel and Hannah, Feb. 22, 1795. Mary Jane, d. Abel and Lucinda, June 28, 1841. Sarah Augusta, d. Abel, laborer, and Lucinda, Nov. 16, 1843. COWDERY (see also Cowdry), Abigal, d. John and Abigal, Mar. 31, 1737. COWDREY (see also Cowdry) , John, s. John and Abigal, Mar. 13, 1731-2. COWDRY (see also Cowdery, Cowdrey), Betty, d. Nathanel and Rebeckah, Feb. 13, 1790. ■Charlotte, d. Nath[anie]l and Rebecca, Mar. 15, 1794. David, s. John and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1756. John, s. John and Hannah, Apr. 11, 1750. Jonathan, s. John and Hannah, Jan. 30, 1752. Joseph, s. Nath[anie]l and Rebeckah, Mar. 19, 1781. Lucy, d. Nath[anie]l and Rebeckah, July 16, 1774." Mary, d. John and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1747-8. Mighill, s. Nath[anie]l and Rebeckah, Oct. 27, 1784. WESTFORD BIRTHS 2/ CowDRY, Naomi, d. Nath[anie]ll and Rebeckah, Sept. 20, 1787. Nathaniel, s. John and Hannah, . [1745?] Nath[anie]l, s. Nath[anie]l and Rebeckah, July 27, 1776. Rebefikah, d. Nath[anie]I and Rebeckah, Mar. 27, 1778. Sameuell, s. John and Abigal, Sept. 1, 1734. Susanna, d. John and Abigal, Oct. 12, 1739. CRAFT (see also Croft), Ephraim, s. Sam[ue]l, bp. Sept. 15, 1745. c. R. 1. Ephriam, s. Samuell and Margrit, Apr. 20, 1739. Hannah, d. Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1744. Margrit, d. Samuell and Margrit, May 1, 1737. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l, bp. Aug- 2, 1747. c. R. 1. CROFT (see also Craft), Mary, d. Samuel [and Margret. dup.], Dec. 13, 1741. CUMING (see also Ciunmings), Isaac, s. Isaac, bp. Feb. 20, 1774. c. R. 1. Nehemiah Whitman, s. Lt. Timothy and Betsey, Jan. 17, 1806. Timothy, s. Lt. Timothy and Betsey, Mai:. 16, 1808. CUMINGS (see also Cummings), Artemas, s. Capt. Timothy and Elizebeth, Apr. 2, 1810. Artemuss Ward, s. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1815. Benja[min], s. Timothy and Catherine, Dec. 6, 1786. Betsey, d. Timothy and Catharine, June 2S, 1799. Cartherine, d. twin, Capt. Timothy and Elizebath, Nov. 21, 1812. Cate, d. Timothy and Catherine, Feb. 2S, 1780. Charity Ames, d. twin. Col. Timothy and Elisabeth, Feb. 21, 1818. Charles, s. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, July 31, 1792. Daniel Laighton, s. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, Mar. 3, 1794. Elizabeth, d. twin, Col. Timothy and Elisabeth, Feb. 21, 1818. Frances, d. Col. Timothy and Elizabeth, July 1, 1822. George Waldo, s. John W., farmer, and Mary Ann, Sept. 28, 1849. Isaac, jr., s. Col. Timothy and Elisabeth, Feb. 14, 1821. John, s. Timothy and Cartharine, May 4, 1797. John Boynton, s. John, 2d and Sally, Oct. 18, 1838. John Waldo, s. John and Lois, Mar. 8, 1809. Martha Whitcomb, d. John and Lois, June 11, 1811. Molley [Mary. c. r. 1.], d. Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1755. Polley, d. Timothy and Catherine, Oct. 6, 1784. 28 WESTFORD BIRTHS CUMINGS, Polly, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, Apr. 3, 1776. Rebeckah, d. Timothy and Catherine, Aug. 9, 1783, Sarah, d. twin, Capt. Timothy and Elizebath, Nov. 21, 1812. Timothy, s. Thomas and Sarah, Jan. IS, 1752. Timothy, s. Timothy and Catherine, Oct. 11, 1776. William, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, May 23, 1778. Wilson, s. Eph[rai]m, jr., bp. Nov. 6, 1774. c, R. 1. CUMMINGS (see also Coming, Comings, Cuming, Cumings), Almira B., d. Thomas and Lucinda, Feb. 21, 1833. p. r. 10. Amanda J., d. Thomas and Lucinda, Dec. 9, 1835. p. r. 10. Angelina, d. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1802. Benjamin O., s. Thomas and Lucinda, Oct. 26, 1831. p. r. 10. Charles M., s. Thomas and Lucinda, Feb. 22, 1839. p. r. 10. Daniel, s. Joseph, jr. and .Hannah, Feb. 28, 1800. Eliza Ama, d. Thomas and Lucinda, Mar. 26, 1830. p. r. 10. Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Lucinda, Nov. 14, 1815. p. r. 10. Elize, d. John and Louis, July 21, 1803. Francis L., ch. Thomas and Lucinda, Aug. 17, 1842. p. r. 10. George, s. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1795. George, s. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1805. George, s. twin, Thomas and Lucinda, Mar. 25, 1823. p. r. 10. George W., s. Thomas and Lucinda, Jan. 26, 1824. p. r. 10. Hezekiah, s. Thomas and Lucinda, Jan. 20, 1828. p. r. 10. Isaac, s. John and Lois, Oct. 29, 1800. John, s. Thomas and Lucinda, Oct. 20, 1834. p. r. 10. Julia Aurelia, d. Joseph, jr., bp. Aug. 30, 1812. c. R. 1. Lowisa, d. William and Rebecah, May 24, 1801. Lydia, d. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1798. Patty, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1777. Rheuben W., s. Thomas and Lucinda, June 22, 1826. p. r. 10. Rowland, s. William and Rebecah, Sept. 7, 1799. Ruth, d. Timothy and Catherine, Jan. 3, 1790. Sarah, d. Thimothy and Catherine, Oct. 19, 1791. Sarah M., d. Thomas and Lucinda, May 21, 1837. p. r. 10. Thomas, , 1785. p. r. 10. Thomas, s._ Thimothy and Catherine, Mar. 30, 1794. Thomas, s. Thomas and Lucinda, May 26, 1818. p. r. 10. Thomas R., s. Thomas and Lucinda, May 3, 1821. p. r. 10. Walton, s. Thomas and Lucinda, Mar. 24, 1817. p. r. 10. Walton H., s. Thomas and Lucinda, Nov. 19, 1819. p. r. 10. Washington, s.' twin, Thomas and Lucinda, Mar. 25, 1823. p. R. 10. Wyle Richardson, s. William and Rebecah, July 27, 1803. CURTIS, Sarah, d. Enoch, bp. Aug. 28, 1774. c, r. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 2g GUSHING, John Elliot, s. William, schoolteacher, b. Lunen- burg, and Margaret L. W., b. Boston, Jan. 15, 184,9. CUTTER, Asaph Byam, s. [Capt. c. R. 1.] John and Mary, June 2, 1821. Eliza Sophia, d. John and Mary, July 10, 1828. Emely Bissil, d. [Dea. p. r. 2.] John and Mary, Feb. '25, 1830. John Emery, s. [Capt. c. r. 1.] John and Mary, May 27, 1819. John Emery, s. [Dea. c. R. 1.] John and Mary, Apr. 15, 1825. DANE, Ai, s. John, farmer, and Sally Swallow, July 23, 1846. Charles, s. John, farmer, b. Chelmsford, and Sally S., b. 'f yngs- borough, Jan. 13, 1849. Hiram, s. John and Sally, Oct. 18, 1839. John, s. John and Sally S., Sept. 22," 1835. . Joseph, s. John, farmer, and Sally, Aug. 7, 1843. Lydia Josephine, d. John and Sally S., June 3, 1837. William, s. John and Sally, Jan. 2, 1842. DAVIS, Albert E., s. Ancil and Caroline, Dec. 23, 1839. Ancil, at Pittsfield, Vt., Dec. 25, 1810. Andrews Breed, s. George and Sophia, June 6, 1841. Caroline E., d. Ancil and Caroline, Sept. 23, 1842. Caroline M., w. Ancil, Mar. 6, 1812. Ellen Francis, d. Ancil and Caroline, Sept. 3, 1844. John Abbot, s. George and Sophia, May 24, 1825. Jonathan, s. George and Sophia, June 10, 1830. Lucy, d. Samuel and Pheby, July 4, 1801. Luther, s. , bp. , 1794. c. r. 1. Martha Tufts, d. John and Lois, Dec. 16, 1822. Mary Jane, d. John and Lois, Mar. 16, 1830. Ophelia, d. George and Sophia, Oct. 27, 1834. Sarah A., d. Ancil and Caroline, June 6, 1841. DAY, Amos, s. Isaac and Lucy, Apr. 16, 1799. Asa, s. Isaac and Lucy, May 6, 1807. Betsy, d. Isaac and Lucy, May 27, 1812. Betsy Jane, d. Isaac, jr. and Betsy, Dec. 5, 1828. George Thomas, s. Isaac, jr. and Betsey, Aug. 21, 1833. Isaac, s. Isaac and Lucy, Mar. 8, 1797. Isaac Edmund, s. Isaac, jr. and Betsy, Oct. 15, 1826. John, s. Isaac and Lucy, May 14, 1805. John Warren, s. John and Hannah, July 16, 1837. Lucy, d. Isaac and Lucy, Feb. 5, 1803. Lucy Elizabeth, d. John and Hannah, July 24, 1839. 30 WESTFORD BIRTHS Day, Mary Elizabeth, d. Amos and Isabella, July 31, 1841. Nancy Maria, d. John, farmer, and Hannah, May 11, 1846. Sarah Ann, d. John, farmer, and Hannah, b. Tyngsborough, July 28, 1848. Thomas, s. Isaac and Lucy, Aug. 7, 1809. DENNIS, John, s. Arther and Mary, Oct. 1, 1771. Sarah, d. Arthur, bp. June 27, 1773. c. R. 1. DRAKE, Harriet Eliza, d. Seth and Harriet, Sept. 8, 1841. DREW, Cephas, at Halifax, Apr. 21, 1797. p. r. 17. George, s. Cephas and Edea [F. p. r. 17.], Dec. 14, 1828. Thomas, s. Cephas and Edea [F. p. r. 17.], Apr. 20, 1826. DRINKWATER, Louis Augustus, s. Sidney, physician, b. Port- land, Me., and Elizabeth, b. Andover, Nov. 14, 1849. WJDLEY, Ebenezer, s. Daniel and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1759. Isaac, s. Daniel and Hannah, June 4, 1770. Jesse, s, Daniel and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1761. John, s. Daniel and Hannah, Oct. 3, 1765. Sarah, d. Daniel and Hannah, June 30, 1763. DUNN, -Joseph, s. James, bp. May 8, 1737. c. r. 1. DUPEE, Catharine Amanda, d. William and Catharine, at Dedham, Mar. 12, 1822. Charles Henery, s. William and Catharine, Oct. 11, 1823. Edmond Francis, s. William and Catharine, Sept. 23, 1826. George Briggs, s. William and Catharine, at Dedham, Dec. 27, 1820. Harriot Elizabeth, d. William and Catharine, May 27, 1828. Lorenzo Hamelton,^ s. William and Catharine, Feb. 21, 1825. Theodore Watson, s. William and Catharine, Oct. 27, 1829. William Tufts, s. William and Catharine, at Wrentham, Apr. 22, 1819. DUTTON, Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, Sept. 12, 1755. [Oct. 12. dup.]. David, s. David and Esther, Aug. 11, 1766. Es[t]her, d. Joseph and Rebeka, Sept. 22, 1738. Esther, d. James and Rebecca, Mar. 11, 1758. Esther, d. David and Easther, Sept. 6, 1762, Eunice, d. David and Esther, June 21, 1773. Eunice, d. David and Esther, Jan. 31, 1777. WESTFORD BIRTHS 3 1 Button, Hannah, d. Win, David and Esther, Sept. 28, 1764. Hannah, d. Thomos and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1801. Hildreth, s. James and Rebecca, June 9, 1764. Isaac, s. Benja[niin], bp. Apr. 28, 1765. C. R. 1. James, s. James and Rebeca, Feb. 21, 1757. Jesse, s. James and Rebecca, Mar. 1, 1762. John, s. Joseph and Rebeckah, Mar. IS, 1753. John, s. Benja[min], bp. July 31, 1763. c. r. 1. Joseph, s. Joseph and Rebeka, Nov. 25, 1741. Luce,' d. James and Rebeckah, Nov. 17, 1752. Lucy, d. Joseph, jr. and Lucy, Aug. 28, 1768. Luther, s. Thomas and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1800. Lydia, d. Thomas and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1803. Martha, d. Benjam[in] and Mary, Jan. 5, 1761. [Mary, d. Thomas, jr. and Mary, at Billerica, Dec. 14, 1737. • different ink.] Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 12, 1753. Molly, d. Joseph, jr. and Lucy, May 14, 1770. Molly, d. Joseph and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1779. Patty, d. Joseph, jr. and Lucy, May 14, 1773. Patty, d. Joseph and Lucy, Sept. 7, 1782. Rebeca, d. Jarnes and Rebeca, May 3> 175S. Rebecca, d. Joseph and Lucy, Aug. 7, 1775. Rebeka, d. Joseph and Rebeka, Mar. 21, 1745-6. n Salmon, s. Joseph and Rebeka, Jan. 30, 1743-4. Samuel, s. James and Rebeckah, Mar. 3, 1750-51. Sarah, d. Thomas, jr. and Mary, Mar. 18, 1741-2. Sarah, d. twin, David and Esther, Sept. 28, 1764. Sarah, d. Thom[a]s, bp. Apr. 23, 1769. c. R. 1. Sibel, d. Benja[mi]n and Mary, Aug. 9, 1758. Sibil, d. Benja[min], bp. May 19, 1754. c. r. 1. Sieles, s. Thomes, jr. and Mary [Hill of Billerica. different ink. dup.], Nov. 23, 1739. Thomas, s. Joseph and Rebeka, Jan. 8, 1747-8; Thomas, s. David and Esther, Feb. 4, 1769. William, s. Joseph and Rebeckah, Oct. 6, 1750. EAGER, Elizabeth Ellen, d. Winslow, farmer, Apr. 11, 1843. EDWARDS, Alice A., d. Moses, mechanic, b. England, and Mary E., b. Concord, N. H., at Chelmsford, Feb. 10, 1849. Benjamin, s. Peter C. and Martha B., Aug. 30, 1821. Henry Francis, s. Peter C. and Elizabeth B., May 9, 1838. Martha Ann, d. Peter Cooning and Martha B., June 12, 1817. Nathan B., s. Jeter C. and Martha B., Jan. 3, 1820. 32 WESTFORD BIRTHS Edwards, Sarah E., d. Moses, woolsorter, and Mary, both b. England, Dec. 30, 1845. Sarah Somes, d. Peter C. and Elizabeth B., Aug. 3, 1840. William C, s. Moses, mechanic, b. England, and Mary E., b. , Concord, N. H., Jan. 26, 1845. ELIOT, David, s. John and Rachel, Sept. 8, 1787. Tho[ma]s, s. John and Rachel, Oct. 11, 1783. ERSKINE, Charles Edwin, s. Massena B., carpenter, and Su- san, Dec. 26, 1846. Freeman W., s. Massena B., carpenter, and Susan Perry, Jan. 7, 1844. Susan Eliza, d. Massena B., carpenter, and Susan Perry, at Natick, Oct. 21, 1842. ERWTN, see Arvin. ESTABROOKS (see also Esterbrooks), Abigail Underwood, d. Joel and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1779. Joel, s. Joel and Abigail, Apr. 1, 1788. Polly, d. Joel and Abigail, Nov. 1, 1782. Sarah, d. Joel and Abigail, Sept. 10, 1790. Sophia, d. Joel and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1781. Sussanna, d. Joel and Abigail, Nov. 9, 1784. ESTERBROOKS (see also Estabrooks, Estherbrooks), Sarah, d. Benjamin and Sarah, July 18, 1781. Susa, d. Benjamin, bp. Oct. 22, 1786. c. R. 1. ESTHERBROOKS (see also Esterbrooks), Benjamin, s. Ben- jamin and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1773. Hoseah, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1779. Joel, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1772. Rhoda, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1783. Thomas, s. Sarah [s. Benjamin and Sarah, c. R. 1.], Feb. 8, 1770. FAREWEL (see also Farwell), Bridget, d. Sam[ue]l, bp. July 29, .1770. c. R. 1. Mary, d. Sam[ue]I, bp. Feb. 26, 1769. c. r. 1. FAREWELL (see also Farwell), Leonard, s. Jona[than], bp. at Groton, Oct. 5, 1760. c. r. 1. FARLEY, Rebecca, d. Benj[a]m[in], bp. May 4, 1735. c. R. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 33 FARMER, Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Rebeca, July 24, 1 746. Elisabeth, d. Benjemin and Rebeca, May 20, 1748. Gilbert Eugene, s. Gilbert and Mary, Dec. 30, 1840. Mary Helen, d. Gilbert and Mary, at Tewksbury, Oct. 10, 1835. Minott, s. Benjamin and Rebekah, Apr. 17, 1751. Rebecca, d. Benjamin and Rebecca, May 28, 1743. Sarah Jane, d. Gilbert and Mary, at Tewksbury, Jan. 26, 1838. Sibbel, d. Benjamin and Rebekah, Sept. 13, 1753. FARR, Abigail, d. Nath[anie]l, of Chelmsford, bp. Feb. 26, 1769. c.R. 1. Martha, d. Nath[anie]l, bp. Feb. 18, 1770. c. R. 1. FARWELL (see also Farewel, Farewell), Benjamin Otis, s. Samuel and Polly, Oct. 30, 1814., Everett Nicholes, s. Samuell, jr., bp. [after July 2, 1843.]. p. R. 2. George, s. Samuel and Polly, May 19, 1821. George Otis, s. George, farmer, and Lucia Ann, Sept. 6, 1845. Martha, d. Samuel and Polly, Feb. 6, 1818. Martha Ann, bp. Sept. 4, 1842. p. r. 2. Rufus, s. Samuel and Polly, Jan. 9, 1825. Samuel, 3d, s. Samuel, jr. and Polly, Apr. 15, 1813. Samuel Mason, bp. Sept. 4, 1842. p. r. 2. Willie Butrick, s. George, bp. [after July 2, 1843.]. p. r. 2. FASIT (see also Fasset), Benjaman, s. Sameue'll and Lidah, Dec. 6, 1729. FASSET (see also Fasit, Fassit), Abigail, d. Amiziah and Eunice, Nov. 8, 1745. Amiziah, s. Amiziah and Eunice, Feb. 9, 1742. Oatharan, d. Samuel, jr. and Catharan, Sept. 3, 1741. Catharine, d. Benjamin and Rebecah, May 6, 1757. Catharine, d. Joshua and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1771. Eunice, d. Amiziah and Eunice, July 8, 1744. Joshua, s. Samuel, jr. and Catharine, Feb. 5, 1747. Mara, d. Benjamin and Rebecca [wid. Rebecca. Mar. 4, 1759. c. R. 1.], Jan. 15, 1759. Rebeckah, d. Benjamin and Rebeck[ah], Feb. 18, 1754. Samuel, s. Samuel, jr. and Catharine, June 2, 1743. Samuel, s. Joshua and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1769. Sarah, d. Joshua, bp. Sept. 18, 1774. c. r. 1. Thomas, s. Samuel, jr. and Catharine, Dec. 31, 1745. T[h]omas, s. Joshua, bp. Sept. 22, 1782. c. r. 1. 34 WESTFORD BIRTHS FASSIT (see also Fasset), Benjamin, s. Joshua, bp. May 27, 1787. c. E. 1. Caty, d. Joshua, bp. Aug. 8, 1784. c. r. 1. FELLOWS, Adellah, Apr. 28, 1846. G. R. 1. FITCH, Joanna, d. Samuel and Joanna, Jan. 29, 1734. [1735. dup.] Lyda, d. Samuel and Joanna, Mar. 13, 1737. Sameuell, s. Sameuell and Joanah, Aug. 28, 1733. FLAGG, Edwin, s. Daniel and Ancittia S., Apr. IS, 1839. George S., bp. Nov. — , 1837. p. r. 2. Harriet Simonds, d. Daniel and Ancittia, June 17, 1844. FLECTHER (see also Fletcher), Abel, s. Samuel, jr. and Mary; Apr. 13, 1737. [Apr. 18. dup.] Jonathon, s. Jonathon and Jane, Nov. 16, 1736. Mary, d. Timothy and Mary, June 11, 1739. FLETCHER (see also Flecther, Flitcher), Abagil, d. Samuell and Hanah, Dec. 1, 1731. Abel, s. Amos, jr. and Rebecca, July 4, 1782. Abel, s. James, bp. — - [1784?]. c. r. 1. Abel, s. Sampson and Dorothy, Aug. 20, 1789. Abel Banctoft, s. Abel and Susanna, Jan. 28, 1823. Abielgel, d. Jonathan and Jane, Mar. 10, 1735. Abigail, d. Zacariah and Susanah, Sept. 2, 1747. Abigail, d. Zechariah and Eunice, June 13, 1768. Abigail, d. Joshua and Elisabeth, Aug. — , 1768. Abigail, d. Willard and Abigail, Jan. 17, 1781. Abigail Davis, d. Adams and Abigail, Sept. 17, 1807. Abijah, s. Nehemiah and Mary, Nov, 25, 1784. Ahijah, s. Joseph and Frances Grant, Jan. 28, 1807. Aby, d. Willard and Abigail, Aug. 28, 1782. Adams, s. Benja[min], bp. June 18, 1758. c. R. 1. Adams, s. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Mar. 10, 1773. Adams, s. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Aug. 7, 1779. Albert Wright, s. Abel and Mary Kimball, Dec. 26, 1840. Almira, d. Dea. Samuel and Marriam, Apr. 18, 1805. Almira, d. George and Almira, June 21, 1826. Amos, s. Amos and Mary, June 25, 1755. Amos, s. Amos, jr. and Rebecca, Mar. 14, 1777. Amos, s. Amos, jr. and Rebecca, Oct. 12, 1778. Amy Elizabeth, d. Levi T. and Amy, June 21, 1826. Andrew, s. David and Mary, Mar. 25, 1761. " WESTFORD BIRTHS 35 Fletcher, Andrew, s. Andrew and Lydia, Sept. 19, 1785. Andrew, s. twin, Andrew, jr. and Laura, Aug. 7, 1826. Ann Maria Peabody, d. John B. and Joann, Jan. 5, 1831. Anna, d. Dea. Sam[ue]ll and Merriam, Jan. 27, 1788. Asa, s. Jerimiah and Elisabeth, Sept. 10, 1787. Asa, s. Sampson and Dorothy, Nov. 4, 1799. Asa Priest, S. Asa and Sarah, Nov. 1, 1830. Asaph, s. William [jr. c. r. 1.] and Elisabeth, June 28, 1746. Asaph, s. Asaph and Sarah, June 23, 1780. Asaph, s. Seth, jr. and Sally, June 2, 1818. Asenath, d. Lt. Andre^y and Lidy, Dec. 25, 1800. Augustus Kimball, s. Asa and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1834. Augustus Nelson, s. Andrew, jr. and Laura, June 20, 1822. Belinda, d. Willard, jr. and Sally, Nov. 24, 1810. Benjaman Franklin, s. Joel and Abigail, Aug. 6, 1804. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Bethiah, May 8, 1747. Benjamin, s. Benjamin, jr. and Rebecca, June 20, 1775. Bethiah, d. Benja[min] and Bethiah, Nov. 7, 1751. Betsa, d. Jeremiah and Elisabeth, Feb. 14, 1785. [Betsey, w. John, at Groton, J — , 13, 1782. in pencil.] Betsey, d. Dea. Samuel and Merriam, June 6, 1791. Bettey, d. James, bp. [1784?]. c. R. 1. Betty, d. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Dec. 15, 1757. Beulah, d. Samuel, jr. and Beulah, Sept. 6, 1817. Bridget, d. Timothy [jr. dup.] and Bridget, July 14, 1757. [1751. dup.] Bridget, d. Timothy [jr. dup.] and Bridget, Aug. 12, 1760. Callap [Caleb, dup.], s. Wilam [jr. dup.] and Elisabath, Nov. 7, 1735. Calvin, s. Peletiah, jr. and Sally, Feb. 20, 1797. Caroline, d. Horatio and Nancy, Sept. 13, 1827. Charles [Charles Hartwell. c. r. 1.], s. Joseph and Frances Grant, Feb. 6, 1801. Charles Eugene, s. Francis and Esther Bathsheba, June 21, . 1843. Charles Henry, s. Abijah, farmer, and Louisa L., b. Hollis, N. H., Dec. 23, 1843. Charles Leonard, s. Thomas and Orpha, Mar. 20, 1820. Clara A., d. Horatio and Nancy, Mar. 16, 1841. Clarissa, d. twin, Dea. Samuel and Merriam, Mar. 28, 1796. Clarissa, d. Nathanael, bp. , 1797. c. R. 1. Cornelia Augusta, d. Sherman D. and Emily E., June 8, 1841. Daniel, s. Timothy and Marah, Mar. 29, 1735. David, s. David and Mary, Dec. 8, 1752. David, s. Willard and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1791. Dolly, d. Peletiah aiid Dbrithy, Dec. 21, 17S9. 36 WESTFORD BIRTHS Fletcher, Dolly, d. Sampson and Dolly, June 26, 1792. Dorithy, d. Joshua and Dorithy, Mar. 17, 1715-16. Dorothy, d. Gershom, bp. June 30, 1754. c. R. 1. Dorothy, d. Gershom and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1778. Edmund A., s. Jefferson, farmer, and. Sarah A., b. Newbury- port, Oct. 15, 1849. Edward E., s. Cyrus and Clarissa, Feb. 7, 1839. Edwin Francis, s. Francis and Esther Bathsheba, May 21, 1840. Elbridge, s. Dea. Samuel and Marriam, Aug. 24, 1807. Eliaser, s. Samuel [jr. c. R. 1.] and Mary, Mar. 3, 1731-2. Elijah, s. Timothy, jr. and Bridget, June 8, 1747. Elisabeth, d. Joshua and Dorrithy, Feb. 9, 1704-5. Elisabeth, d. William [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, Mar. 2, 1737-8. Elisabeth, d. Jonathan and Jane, Oct. 6, 1746. Elisabeth, d. Zechariah and Susanna, July 5, 1755. Elisabeth, d. Joshua and Elisabeth, Jan. 1, 1766. Elisabeth, d. Seth and Joanna, Mar. 27, 1784. Elisha, s. Amos, jr. and Rebecca, Apr. 27, 1784. Elizabeth, d. Joseph, jr., bp. June 13, 1736. c. R. 1. Elizabeth Carjine, d. Abijah and Louisa, Apr. 3, 1834. Ella Sophia, 'd. Charles Leonard, carpenter, and Sophia M., Dec. 26, 1845. Emery, s. , bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. Emily Augusta, d. Samuel, jr. and Beulah, Feb. 3, 1819. Emily Frances, d. Sherman D., trader, and Emily A., Jan. 1 7, 1845. Ephraim, s. Joshua and Dorithy, Mar. 12, 1709-10. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Hannah, May 26, 1743. Ester, d. Garshom and Lidah, Dec. 13, 1735. Esther, d. Joshua and Dorrithy, Oct. 29, 1708. Esther, d. Joshua [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, Sept. 14, 1726. Esther, d. Timothy and Mary, Sept. 23, 1745. Esther, d. Ebenezer and Joanna, June 9, 1762. Esther, d. Andrew, jr. and Rebecca, Jan. 5, 1818. Eunice, d. Joshua and Dorithy, Nov. 9, 1720. Eunice, d. Zechariah and Eunice, Mar. 20, 1763. Ezikel, s. Samual, jr. and Mary, Apr. 3, 1741. Ezra, s. Pelitah and Dorothy, Oct. 9, 1774. Franc[e]s Grant, d. Joseph and Frances G[rant. dup.], at Groton, May 12, 1796. Francis, s. Thomas, jr. and Orpha, Oct. 14, 1818. Francis Augustus, s. Benja[min], jr. and Sarah M., Dec. 16, 1842. Francis Heywood, s. George and Almira, Aug. 15, 1833. WESTFORD BIRTHS 37 Fletcher, Francis Leighton, s. John B. and Joann, Sept. 22, 1832. Francus, s. Thomas arid Orpha, Oct. 14, 1814. Franklin Adams, s. George and Ahnira, Oct. 25, 1835. George, s. Sampson and Dorothy, June 14, 1797. George Alanson, s. Andrew, jr. and Laura, Oct. 14, 1823. George Elbridge, s. Elbridge and Abigail, Nov. 10, 1832. George Henery, s. George and Almira, Jan. 28, 1829. George Washington, s. Lyman and Lois, Oct. 9, 1803. George Washington, s. Andrew, jr. and Rebecca, June 8, 1820. Gershom, s. Joshua and Dorithy, July 27, 1712. Gershom, s. Gershom, jr. and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1771. Gershom, s. Gershom and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1780. Hannah, d. Joshua and Dorrithy, Sept. 21, 1706. Hannah, d. Dan[ie]l, of Dunstable, bp. Sept. 3, 1758. c. r. 1. Hannah, d. Lt. Andrew and Lidy, Jan. 18, 1796. Harriot, d. Peletiah, jr. and Sally, July 31, 1800. Henry, s. Reuben and Susanna, Aug. 17, 1751. Henry, s. Cyrus and Clarissa, Apr. 10, 1834. Horatio, s. twin, Dea. Samuel and Merriam, Mar. 28, 1796. Horatio R., s. Horatio and Nancy, Aug. 28, 1835. Hosea,, s. Lyman and Lois, Nov. 20, 1799. Isaac, s. Joshua and Elisabeth, Oct. 26, 1763. Jacob, s. Gershom, jr. and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1773. James, s. Timothy and Mary, Sept. 3, 1743. Jane, d. Jonathan and Jane, Nov. 7, 1742. Jefferson, s.,Capt. Thomas and Patty, Apr. 14, 1802. Jemima, d. Jonathan, 3d and Mary, May 2, 1772. Jeremiah, s. David and Mary, Apr. 9, 1756. Jerimiah, s. Jerimiah and Elisabeth, Apr. 23, 1791. Jesa, s. Amos, jr. and Rebecca, Apr. 2, 1786. Jese, s. Timothy, jr. and Bridget, Nov. 9, 1762. Jesse, s. Timothy and Mary, Mar. 20, 1730-31. Jesse, s. Timo[thy], jr., Feb. 27, 1757. c. R. 1. Jesse, s. Lt. Andrew and Lydia, Aug. 9, 1804. Joanna, d. David and Mary, June 21, 1747. [Joanna, w. Seth, July 2, 1747. in pencil.] Joanna, d. Ebenezer and Joanna, June 18, 1755. Joanna, d. twin, Jonathan, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1 764. Joanna, d. Seth and Joanna, July 8, 1779. Joanna Fitch, d. John B. and Joanna (Hildreth), Nov. 9, 1829. p. R. 20. Joanna Stevens, -d. David, jr. and Joanna, Sept. 14, 1778. Joannah, d. Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1729. Joel, s. William [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, June 21, 1743. [June 23. dup.] 38 WESTFORD BIRTHS Fletcher, Joel, s. James, bp. Dec. 18, 1774. c. R. 1. Joel, s. Seth and Joanna, June 26, 1777. Joel, s. Peletiah, jr. and Patty, Feb. 23, 1756. John, s. Samuel and Hannah, June 12, 1727. John, s. Timothy and Mary, Nov. 14, 1751. [Nov. 4. dup. ; bp. Oct. 20. c. R. 1.] John, s. John and Elisabeth, May 30, 1774. John Bateman, s. Ezra and Hannah, at Chelmsford, Nov. 9, 1803. John M., s. John B., pedler, and Joanna H., Feb. 21, 1846. Jonas, s. Jonas and Elisabath, June 20, 1729., Jonas, s. James and Rebecca, Sept. 24, 1770. Jonathan, s. Joseph, bp. Aug. 17, 1729. c. R. 1. Jonathan, s. Wilam [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, Mar. 23, 1733-4. Jonathan, s. twin, Jonathan, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1764. Jonathan Hartwell, s. Adams and Abigail, July 27, 1821. Jonathan Varnum, s. Ens. Joseph and Francis Grant, Feb. 28, 1812. Joseph, s. Benjamin and Bethiah, July 18, 1749. Joseph, s. Pelitiah and Dorothy, Nov. 6, 1761. Joseph, s. Pelatiah and Dorothy, May 13, 1769. Joseph, s. Joseph and Fran[c]es Grant, at Chelmsford, Dec. 25, 1794. Joseph Willard, s. Cyrus and Clarissa, Jan. 4, 1842. Joshua, s. Joshua and Dorithy, Mky 1, 1701. Joshua, s. Joshua [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, July 10, 1724. Joshua, s. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1731. [bp. Oct. 10. c. R. 1.] Joshua, s. Ephraim and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1734. Joshua, s. Zechariah and Susanna, Sept. 4, 1745. Joshua, s. Gershom, bp. Sept. 26, 1756. c. R. 1. Joshua, s. Joshua and Elisabeth, Feb. 27, 1760. Josiah, s. Timothy, jr. and Bridget, Oct. 19, 1749. Josiah, s. Ebenezer and Joanna, July 7, 1757. Jotham, s. Andrew and Lydia, Jan. 19, 1787. Julia Maria, d. Horatio and Nancy, Oct. 7, 1830. Justies, s. Sampson and Olive Spaulding, Apr. 8, 1785. Laura Ann, d. Andrew, jr. and Laura, Feb. 23, 1828. Levi, s. Joshua and Elisabeth, Sept. 21, 1756. Levi Thomas, s. Lyman and Lois, Apr. 22, 1798. Lidia, d. Paul and Deliverance, Mar. 15, 1730-31. Loammi, s. Willard, bp. Sept. 4, 1785. c. R. 1. Loanmii, s. Willard and Abigal, Apr. 22, 178i8. Lois, d. Ephraim, bp. Sept. 10, 1738. c. r. 1. Lois, d. Ephraim and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1741. Loiza, d. Joseph and Frances Grant, Oct. 28, 1799. WESTFORD BIRTHS 39 Fletcher, Lorenzo A., s. Andrew F., bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. R. 2. Louisa, d. Lyman and Lois, Jan. 23, 1802. Luce, d. Gershom, bp. Sept. IS, 1751. c. R. 1. Luce, d. Timothy, jr. and Bridget, Aug. 30, 17S4. Lucy, d. Amos and Mary, Aug. 31, 1761. Lucy, d. Ebenezer and Joanna, Mar. 13, 1765. Lucy, d. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Nov, 14, 1765. Lucy, d. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Feb. 12, 1771. Lucy, d. Gershom and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1775. Lucy, d. Samuel and Lucy, May 3, 1781. Lucy, d. Lt. Andrew and Lydi, Nov. 26, 1793. Lucy, d. Sampson and Dorothy, Apr. 27, 1803. Lucy Adelaide, d. Abel and Mary Kimball, Apr. 26, 1842. Lucy Wheeler, d. Peletiah, jr. and Bulah, Sept. 10, 1806. Luke Lawrence, s. Abijah and Louisa, Nov. 5, 1832. Lydah, d. Garshom and Lydia, Feb. 18, 1733-4. Lydia, d. William, jr., bp. Feb. 22, 1741. c. R. 1. Lydia, d. Reubin and Susanna, June 8, 1757. Lydia, d. [Lt. c. R. 1.] Andrew and Lydia, May 16, 1808. p. R. 8. Lydia, d. twin, Andrew, jr. and Laura, Aug. 7, 1826. Lydia Henrietta, d. Levi T. and Ama, June 15, 1838. Lyman, s. Lyman and Lois, May 30, 1796. Lymon, s. Joshua and Elisabeth, June 12, 1758. [Marcellus M. [H. p. r. 20.], s. John B. and Joann, , in pencil.] [Nov. 10, 1828. v. r. 20.] Margeret, d. Samuel [jr. c. r. 1.] and Mary, Nov. 8, 1744. Margerit, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 13, 1755. Maria, d. Ezra and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1815. Martha, Aug. 27, 1808. Mary, d. Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1735. Mary, d. Samuall, jr. and Mary, Mar. 31, 1739. Mary, d. Gershom and Lydia, July 2, 1746. Mary, d. Ruben and Susanah, Dec. 31, 1746. Mary, d. Amos and Mary, Mar. 21, 1757. Mary, d. Jonathan, 3d and Mary, Apr. 25, 1765. Mary, d. Sam[ue]l, of Ashby, bp. Dec. 6, 1772. c. R. 1. Mary, d. Seth and Joana, Aug. 10, 1781. Mary, d. Dea. Amos and Rebecah, July 7, 1792. Mary, d. Peletiah, jr. and Sally, Jan. 25, 1803. Mary, d. Ezra and Hannah, July 3, 1808. Mary, d. Thomas, jr. and Orpha, Jan. 1, 1813. Mary, d. Jeilerson and Sarah Allison, in New York, Oct. 15, 1835. r" 40 WESTFORD BIRTHS Fletcher, Mary Ann, d. Dea. Samuel and Meriam, Apr. 14, 1798. Mary Edwards, d. Horatio and Nancy, Mar. 16, 1832. Mary Elizabeth, d. Seth, jr. and Sally, Mar. 28, 1815. Mary Elizabeth, d. Joshua, bp. June 16, 1816. c. R. 1. Mary Kimball, d. Abel and Mary Kimball, July 19, 1838. Mary Meriam, d. Henery and Huldah, Dec. 17, 1811. Molly, d. Willard and Abigail, Sept. 17, 1776. Nancy, d. Willard and Abigail, Sept. 13, 1797. Nancy, d. Ens. Joseph and Francis Graijit, Jan. 22, 1805. Nancy, d. Joseph and Francis Grant, Nov. 28, 1808. Nancy Alzyna, d. Cyrus and Clarissa, Apr. 26, 1832. [Nathan, s. John and Betsey, Aug. 18, 1826. in pencil.] Nehemiah, s. Amos and Mary, Nov. 27, 1758. Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Mary, Jan. IS, 1783. Noah, s. Seth and Joanna, Aug. 7, 1786. Olever, s. Sameuell [jr. c. R. 1.] and Mary, June 17, 1735. Olive, d. William, jr. and Elisabeth, Apr. 3, 1749. Olive, d. Oliver, of Groton, bp. Nov. 16, 1760. c. R. 1. Oliver, s. David and Mary, Sept. 25, 1743. Oliver Richardson, s. Abel and Susanna, Dec. 15, 1821. Orpah, d. Willard and Abigail, Mar. 14, 1793. Orpah, d. Willard and Abigal, Mar. 14, 1794. Othiel, s. Ezra and Hannah, Mar. 18, 1806. Othiel Adams, s. Othiel and Sophia, Oct. 21, 1832. Pall, s. Jonas and Elisabath, June 10, 1735. Patte, d. Nehemiah and Mary, July 26, 1780. Patty, d. Tho[ma]s and Sarah, June 12, 1771. Patty, d. Capt. Thomos and Patty, Jan. 8, 1787. Patty, d. twin, Peletiah, jr. and Sally, June 28, 1789. Patty, d. Lt. Andrew and Lydia, Mar. 30, 1790. Patty, d. Limon and Lois, Aug. 27, 1807. Paul Raymond, s. Joshua and Elisabeth, Aug. 30, 1761. Paul Ra5rmond, s. Limon and Lois, Aug. 21, 1809. Peet[e]r, s. Samuel [jr. c. R. 1.] and Marah, Oct. 31, 1733. Pelatiah, s. Joseph and Sarah, May [3. p. r. 11.], 1727. Pelatiah, s. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Apr. 4, 1767. Peletiah, s. Peletiah, jr. and Bulah, June 27, 1804. Peter, s. Ephraim and Hannah, Jan. 11, 1736. Phebe, d; Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Mary, Mar. 2, 1742-3. Phebe, d. Reubin and Susanna, Nov. 16, 1763. Polley, d. John and Elisabeth, Apr. 2, 1777. Polly, d. Joshua and Elisabeth, Apr. — , 1771. [Apr. 23. in pencil, dup.] Polly, d. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Aug. 11, 1776. WESTFORD BIRTHS 4 1 Fletcher, Polly, d. Nehemiah and Mary, Nov. 30, 1781. Polly, d. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Samuel and Lucy, Aug. 1, 1783. Polly, d. Jerimiah and Elisabeth, Apr. 25, 1786. Polly, d. Joseph and Frances Grant, June 13, 1802. Porter Kimball, s. Adam and Abigail, Dec. 28, 1813. Rachel, d. Jonathan and Jane, Aug. 1, 1740. Rachel, d. Reuben, bp. July IS, 1759. c. R. 1. Rachel, d. Reubin and Susanna, Sept. 1, 1761. Rachel, d. twin, Ebenezer and Joanna, Feb. 9, 1769. Raymond, s. Levi and Russia, Sept. 7, 1783. Rebaccah, d. Timothy and Mary, July 25, 1741. Rebecah, d. Amos, jr. and Rebecah, July 14, 1780. Rebecca, d. Jacob and Ruth, Dec. 18, 1754. • ' Rebecca, d. twin, Ebenezer and Joanna, Feb. 9, 1769. Rebecca, d. James and Rebecca, Sept. 17, 1772. i Rebecca, d. Benjamin, jr. and Rebecca, Feb. 14, 1778. Rebecca, d. Dr. Asaph and Sarah, Mar. 10, 1785. Rebecca, d. Andrew, jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 21, 1818. Rebeccah, d. Paul, bp. Sept. 22, 1728. c. R. 1. Rebeckah, d. Ens. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 3, 1750. Rebeckah, d. Benjamin and Bethiah, Aug. 16, 1755. Rebekah, d. Jerimiah and Elisabeth, July 10, 1789. Rebekah Abbot, d. Capt. Thomas and Patty, Jan. 31, 1796. Ruth, d. Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1733. [bp. Aug. 12. c. R. 1.] Sally, d. Joshua and Elisabeth, May 21, 1773. Sally, d. Sampson and Dorothy, Jan. IS, 1786. Sally, d. twin, Peletiah, jr. and Sally, June 28, 1789. Sally, d. Capt. Thomas and Patty, July 1, 1799. Sally, d. Lyman and Lois, Aug. 31, 1813. Sally Mary [Maria, dup.], d. Willard, jr. and Sally, Mar. 25, 1809. Sally Melvin, d. Solomon, bp. Aug. 27, — . [bef. 1786.] c. R. 1. Salmon, s. David, bp. July 2, 1758. c. r. 1. Salome, d. Dr. Asaph and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1783. Sampson, s. Sampson and Dolly, May 4, 1795. Sampson, s. Abel and Susan, Oct. 24, 1829. Samson, s. Samuel [jr. c. R. 1.] and Mary, Aug. 23, 1748. Samson, s. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 24, 1758. Samuel, s. Samuel [jr. c. R. 1.] and Mary, Sept. 8, 1730. Samuel, s. David and Mary, Oct. 13, 1745. Samuel, s. Ens. Samuel and Mary, Jan. 24, 1754. Samuel, s. Samuel, jr. and Lucy, Aug. 27, 1778. Samuel, s. Peletiah, jr. and Sally, Mar. 2, 1792. Samuel Edwards, s. Horatio and Nancy, Jan. 24, 1829. 42 WESTFORD BIRTHS Fletcher, Samuel Haywood, s. Samuel, jr. and Beulah, Jan. 9, 1816. Sarah, d. Joshua and Dorrithy, Feb. 25, 1703-4. Sarah, d. Joshua and Dorithy, Mar. 29, 1719. Sarah, d. Samuell and Hanah, Dec. 17, 1733. Sarah, d. Jonas, bp. Mar. 26, 1738. c. r. 1. Sarah, d. William [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, 22, 1739. [bp. Sept. 23. c. R. 1.] Sarah, d. Gershom and Lydiah, Apr. 14, 1744. Sarah, d. Samuel, jr. and Mary, Oct. 1, 1746. Sarah, d. Ens. William [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, Sept. 26, 1747. Sarah, d. Ruben and Susanna, Oct. 5, 1747. Sarah, d. Timothy and Mary, Apr. 23, 1749. Sarah, d. Ephraim and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1752. Sarah, d. John, of Dunstable, bp. June 7, 1.752. c. R. 1. Sarah, d. Jonathan, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1762. -Sarah, d. Pelitiah and Dorothy, Aug. 12, 1763. Sarah, d. Gershom, jr. and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1770. .Sarah, d. Dr. Asaph and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1778. ■Sarah, d. Jefferson and Sarah Allison, July 26, 1841. rSarah Elizabeth, d. Asa and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1840. Sarah Jane, d. Jefferson and Sarah Allison, at Peterborough, N. H., June 11, 1831. Semion, s. Timothy and Mary, June 30, 1737. Seth, s. William [jr. c. R. 1.] and Elisabeth, Aug. 8, 1744. [Seth, s. Seth and Joanna, bef. , 1775. in pencil.] rSeth, s. Seth and Joanna, Aug: 19, 1775. -Sherman, s. Seth, jr. and Sally, Dec. 29, 1810. Sherman H[eywood. dup. in pencil], s. Sherman D., trader, and Emily A., Dec. 24, 1846. Sious [Cyrus, c. r. 1.], s. Willard and Abigal, Nov. 4; 1802. Solomon, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. Mar. 2, 1760. c. R. 1. Solomon, s. Ebenezer and Joanna, Dec. 27, 1760. Sophia, d. Lt. Andrew and Lidy, June 7, 1796. [1798. p. r. 8.] "Sophia Amelia, d. Othiel and Sophia, Aug. 8, 1830. * Stephen, s. Gershom and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1776. Suanna, d. Jonathan and Jane, Feb. 6, 1733. Suel, s. Benjamen, jr., deceased, bp. Aug. 10, 1788. c. R. 1. Suell, s. Benjimin and Rebaca, Apr. 17, 1780. Susan Agusta, d. Levi T. and Amy, Aug. 3, 1828. 'Susana, d. Zechariah and Susana, Oct. 24, 1743. Susana, d. Jonathan and Jane, July 29, 1744. "Susanna, d. Reuben and Susanna, June 14, 1753. Susanna, d. Simeon, of New Ipswich, bp. Dec. 2, 1759. c. R. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 43 Fletcher, Susanna, d. Zechariah and Eunice, Aug. 12, 1765. Thomas, s. Joseph, jr., bp. Oct. IS, 1738. c. R. 1. Thomas, s. Thomas and Sarah, June 3, 1764. Thomas, s. Capt. Thomas and Patty, Aug. 1, 1791. Thomas Edward, s. Levi T. and Ama, Oct. 1, 1831. Timothy, s. Timothy and Mary, Dec. 21, 1732. Timothy, s. John and Elisabath, May 9, 1780. Timothy, s. Peletiah, jr. and Sally, Nov. 28, 1795. Timothy, s. Ezra and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1820. [Timothy, s. John and Betsey, Jan. 16, 1824. in pencil.] Varnum Tuttle, s. George and Almira, Feb. 28, 1842. Walter, s. Joseph and Frances Grant, at Groton, Nov. 9, 1797. Walter, s. Lyman and Lois, July 20, 1805. Wile, s. Jonathan and Jane, Aug. 24, 1748. Wile, s. Peletiahj jr. and Sally, Feb. 7, 1791. Willard, s. David and Mary, Aug. 21, 1749. Willard, s. WiHard and Abigail, Oct. 21, 1778. William, s. William [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, Dec. 13, 1731. William, s. Ruben and Susanna, Nov. 26, 1749. William, s. Reuben and Susanna, Mar. 25, 1755. [William, s. Seth and Joanna, bef. , 1775. in pencil.] William, s. Asa and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1832. William Edward, s. Thomas, jr. and Orpha, Jan. 18, 1815. Wily, s. Jonas, bp. Apr. 23, 1732. c. r. 1. Zebulon Spaulding, s. Henry and Huldy, Aug. 9, 1814. Zechariah, s. Joshua and Dorithy, Oct. 28, 1714. Zechariah, s. Zechariah and Suanah, Mar. 11, 1735-6. Zechariah, s. Zechariah and Suannah, June 23, 1740. FLINT, Charles Henry, s. James Tilly, laborer, and Sarah Anne, Feb. 4, }846. Charlotte L., d. Tilly, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2, Edward Levander, s. James T., laborer, and Sarah A., July 7, 1847. Esther Mary, bp. Oct. 13, 1833. p. r. 2. Lydia C, d. Tilly, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. Solon Albert, s. Tilly, machinist, and Lucretia D., Jan. 6, 1848. Thomas Granville, s. Thomas and Betsey [grands. Issachar Keyes. in pencil]. Mar. 29, 1807. FLITCHER (see also Fletcher), Susanah, d. Zechariah and Suanah, Sept. 22, 1737. FORSTER (see also Foster), Ephraim, s. Smoth and Esther, at Acton, Jan. 14, 1781. Luther, s. Smith and Esther, at Acton, Mar. 29, 1778. 44 WESTFORD BIRTHS POSTER (see also Forster), Abigail, d. Elias, jr. and Abigail, Mar. 16, 1746-7. Almira, d. Joseph and Mary, Sept. 13, 1803. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Abigail, Mar. 26, 1765. Calvin, s. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 1., 180S. Charles Henry, bp. Dec. 3, 1835. p. r. 2. Elias, s. Elias, jr. and Abigail, Aug. 28, 1.751. Lyman B., bp. June 11, 1837. p. e. 2. Mary, d. Elias, jr. and Abigail, June 9, 1749. Polly, d. Samuel and Mary, Jan. 20, 1788. Rufus, s. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 31, 1801. Samuel, s. Elias, jr. and Abigail, Aug. 16, 1756. Susanna, d. Benja[min] and Abigail, May 16, 1768. FUEDERICK, Ann Maria, d. George and Sarah S., Jan. 3, 1825. Edwin R., s. George and Sarah S., Aug. 3, 1828. George, s. George and Sarah S., Aug. 14, 184L George S., s. George and Sarah S., Sept. 14, 1819. James G., s. George and Sarah S., Sept. 28, 1826. John W., s. George and Sarah S., June 21, 1823. Mary, w. Thaddeus Blodgett, Apr. IS, 1795. p. r. 13. Mary Ann, d. George and Sarah S., Nov. 23, 1837. Sarah A., d. George and Sarah S., Jan. 18, 1831. William A., s.. George and Sarah S., Oct. 9, 1821. FULLER, Julia Maria, d., Charles A. W., farmer, and Emily, Sept. 3, 1843. Mary Elizabeth, d. Rodney, of Reading, farmer, b. Hudson, N. H., and Martha, at South Reading, Dec. 3, 1848. GATES, Betty, d. Stephen and Betty, July 29, 1749. Edwin Artemas, s. Artemas and Sabra, at Lowell, Jan. 17, 1832. Eunice Sophia, d. Artemas and Sabra, at Lowell, Sept. 20, 1840. Harriet Sabra, d. Artemas, fanner, and Sabra, Mar. 17, 1848. John A., s. John and Betsy, Oct. 15, 1836. Lydia Sarah, d. Artemas and Sabra, at Lowell, Dec. 29, 1833. Mary Jane, d. Artemas and Sabra, ait Lowell, Nov. 17, 1838. Willard John, s. Artemas, farmer, and Sabra, July 14, 1846. GERRAUGHTY, Hellen, d. John, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, Sept. 26, 1849. WESTFORD BIRTHS 45 GIBSON, Mary Ann Fletcher, d. , bp. Apr. 24, 1836. p. R. 2. GILSON, Roxana Louisa, d. Charles P., farmer, b. Tyngs- . borough, and Louisa S., b. Canada, Nov. 27, 1848. Solomon Sylvester, s. Samuel S., stonecutter, b. Tyngsborough, and Joan, b. Raymond, Me., June 3, 1849. GLENE (see also Glinne, Glinny), Isaac, s. John and Thank- full, July 8, 1761. ■ John, s. John and Thankfull, July 8, 175 1. John, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Apr. IS, 1772. Molley, d. John and Thankfull, Sept. 14, 1763. Sarah, d. John and Thankfull, Sept. 14, 17SS, Sarah, d. John and Thankfull, Nov. 12, 1757. William, s. John and Thankfull, Aug. 18, 1759. William, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1774. GLINNE (see also Glene) , James, s. John, bp. at Dunstable, Oct. 8, 1769. c. R. 1. GLINNY (see also Glene), Sarah, d. John, jr., bp. Nov. 17, 1754. c. R. 1. GOODHUE, Alinda, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1792. Alinda, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1798. Amos, s. David and Esther, Feb. 22, 1771. C3^thia, d. John and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1795. Daniel, s. Daniel and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1774. David, s. David and Esther, Feb. 14, 1782. David, s. John and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1800. Ephraim Parkhust, s. James and Asenath, June 1, 1804. Francis, s. James and Aseneth, Dec. 16, 1808. Francis Warren, s. William W. and Rebecca A., Jan. 24, 1836. Harriet M., d. John and Sarah,. Oct. 4 [aftei 1809? bp. Nov. 26, 1815. C. R. 1.] Imla, s. David and Esther, Oct. 10, 1776. Jemmy, s. Daniel and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1779. John, s. David and Easther, Sept. 28, 1768. Nancy L[ock. c. R. 1.], d. John and Sarah, May 29, 1809. Paran,.d. David and Esther, Aug. 27, 1779. Patty, d. James and Aseneth, Dec. 11, 1805. Sally, d. David and Esther, Mar. 1, 1774. Sam[ue]l, s. Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1776. 46, WESTFORD BIRTHS Goodhue, Senir, d. David and Esther, Oct. 23, 1786. Thomas Fletcher, s. Daniel and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1784. William W[orrin. c. R. 1.], s. John and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1803. Zoa A[lindia. c. R. 1.], d. John and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1794. GOOLD (see also Gould), Bettee, d. Adam and Elisabeth, . Sept. 9, 1730. GOULD (see also Goold), Edwin, at Tyngsborough, May 14, 1822. p. R. 18. GREEN (see also Greene), Abel, s. Benja[min] and Olive, Nov. IS, 1807. Asa Alonzo, s. John R. and Martha, Apr. 28, 1831. Caroline, d. Benja[min] and Olive, Dec. 1, 1803. Charles, s. Benja[min] and Lucy, July 2, 1816. Eli Franklin, s. Eli and Mary, July 24, 1833. Eliza, d. Benja[min] and Olive, Sept. 10, 180S. Emeline Augusta, d. Eli and Mary, Mar. 25, 1832. Eunice, d. Nehemiah, bp. Dec. 26, 1773. c. r. 1. George, s. Benja[min] and Lucy, Dec. 19, 1820. Hannah Maria, d. John R. and Martha, Dec. 31, 1828. Jabes, s. Benjamin and OUiv, Dec. 25, 1809. John Parker, s. John R. and Martha, July 5, 1827. Lewis, s. Benja[min] and Lucy, Sept. 11, 1818. Lucy, d. Benja[min] and Lucy, July. 7, 1817. Mary Jane, d. John R. and Martha, Feb. 19, 1833. Mary Zibiah, d. Eli and Mary, Jan. 25, 1831. Sarah Elizabeth, d. John R. and Martha, Feb. 7, 1838. William, s. Jenjanen and Olive, June 12, 1812. GREENE (see also Green), Amos, s. Benja[min] and Olive, May 22, 1796. Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1770. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Ollive, Oct. 31, 1794. Huldah, d. Benja[min] and Olive, July 20, 1801. Lucy, d. Benja[min] and Olive, Dec. 25, 1798. GRIFFIN, Benjamin K., s. Mathew and Sally, Mar. 10, 1821. Francis Morelle, s. Henry, trader, and Maria N. P., b. Tewks- bury, Oct. 28, 1843. Joseph B., s. Mathew and Sally, Nov. 10, 1816. Mary A., d. Mathew and Sally, Jan. 28, 1819. Mathew T. A. K., s. Mathew and Sally, July 4, 1812. Susanna, d. Mathew and Sally, Feb. 9, 1814. WESTFORD BIRTHS 47 Griffin, Sylva E,, d. Mathew and Sally, Feb. 6, 1824. . Timothy L., s. Mathew and Sally, Feb. 15, 1827. GROCE, Charles Houghton,, s. Nahum H. and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1819. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Nahum H. and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1824. HADLEY (see also Hadly), Abigal, d. Ebenezer and Abigal, Dec. 16, 1757. Amos, s. John and Eunice, Oct. 2, 1768. Benjamin, s. John and Eunice, Feb. 2, 1766. Benjamin, s. Ebenezer and Abigail, Sept. 25, 1766. Benjamin, s. Ebenezer and Abigail, Mar. 3, 1769. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Abigal, Oct. 20, 1755. Elizabeth Green, d. Daniel, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. Jacob, s. Ebenezer and Abigal, Apr. 16, 1762. Jesse, s. Ebenezer and Abigal, Nov. 13, 1753. John, s. John and Eunice, Jan. 20, 1746. John, s. John, jr. and Ruth, May 10, 1777. JonathaUj s. John and Eunice, July 19, 1754. Joseph, s. John and Eunice, Feb. 26, 1764. Lucy, d. John and Eunice, Apr. 8, 1758. Lydia, d. Jonas and Azuba, at Mt. Holley, Vt., Oct. 23, 1800. Martha, d. Ebenezer and Abigal, Feb. 29, 1760. Mary Rebecca, d. Daniel, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. Ruth, d. John and Eunice, May 4, 1760. Sarah, d. John and Eunice, Mar. 3, 1745. Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Abigail, July 17, 1771. Susanna, d. Ebenezer and AbigaiF, June 13, 1764. Tryphena, d. John and Eunice, Mar. 20, 1762. Unice, d. John and Eunice, Sept. 26, 1750. HADLY (see also Hadley), Eunice, d. John and Eunice, Jan. 14, 1748. Jonas, s. John and Eunice, May 26, 1756. Peter, s. John and Eunice, June 24, 1752. Sarah, d. John, jr. and Ruth, Sept. 1, 1774. HALL, Abigail, d. Willard, of Dunstable, bp. Oct. 12, 1766. c. r. 1. Abigil, d. [Rev. dup.] Wilerd and Abigil, July 19, 1734. Anne, d. Rev. Willard and Abigil, Apr. 22, 1736. Benjamin, s. Willis and Mehitable, July 14, 1796. Elisabeth, d. Willis and Mehibbel, Mar. 6, 1787. Elizabeth, d. [Rev. dup.] Willard and Abigail, Oct. 24, 1732. 48 WESTFORD BIRTHS Hall, Francis, d. Willis and Mehitable, Nov. 6, 1793. Grace, d. Willard, bp. June 30, 1745. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. Willis and Mehitable, May 9, 1791. Isaiah, s. Rev. Willard and Abigail, Jan. 19, 1749-50. Isaiah,^ s. Willard, of Dunstable, bp. Aug. 30, 1761. c. R. 1. Joseph' Fletcher, s. Willard, jr., bp. May 7, 1775. c. R. 1. Martha, d. Rev. Willard and Abigail, June 8, 1741. Martha, d. Rev. Willard and Abigail, July 16, 1752. Mary, d. Rev. Willord and Abigel, July 30, 1738. Mehitable, d. Willis and Mehitable, Apr. 24, 1789. Miranda K., Nov. 17, 1831. p. r. 14. Ruth, d. Willard, of Dunstable, bp. Apr. 14, 1771. c. R. 1. Sarah, d. Willard, of Dunstable, s. Rev. Willard, bp. Aug. 19, 1759. c. R. 1. Stephen, s. Willard, bp. Apr. 13, 1740. c. R. 1. Stephen, s. [Rev. dup.] Willard and Abigal, May 28, 1743. Willard, s. [Rev. dup.] Willard and Abigail, at Portsmouth, N. H., June 12, 1730. Willard, s. Willard, of Dunstable, bp. Feb. 20, 1757. c. R. 1. Willard, s. Willis and Mehitebel, Dec. 24, 1780. William, s. Willis and Mehitebel, Sept. 18, 1783. Willis, s. Rev. Willard and Abigail, Nov. 14, 1747. Wily; s. Willard, of Dunstable, bp. May 21, 1769. c. R. 1. HAMBLIN (see also Hamlin), Edward S., s. Nathan S. and Harriet F., June 28, 1830. Samuel A., s. Nathan S. and Harriet F., Sept. 25, 1832. HAMLIN (see also Hamblin), Catharine S., d. Cyrus, carpen- ter, and Dina Ann, b. Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 12, 1847. Cyrus, s. Asia and Susannah, Mar. 25, 1815. Hannabal, s. Asia and Susannah, July 31, 1810. Mary Anteonett, d. Asia and Susannah, Mar. 8, 1824. Nathan Sumner, s.Asia and Susannah, Dec. 27, 1806. Sarah Dix, d. Asia and Susannah, Oct. 16, 1820. Sarah Dix, d. Cyrus, carpenter, and Dina Ann, b. Brunswick, N. J., Nov."27, 1845. Susan, d. Asia and Susanna, Aug. 29, 1808. HARDY, Emma, d. Charles, machinist, and Sarah C, Oct. 16, 1847. HARLOW, Alathea Cogswell, d. George and Eliza H., Dec. 22, 1836. Amanda Malvina, d. George and Eliza H., Nov. 17, 1833. WESTFORD BIRTHS 49 Harlow, George Mason, s. George and Eliza H., Dec. 11, 1828. Sarah Elizabeth, d. George and Eliza H., Apr. 12, 1830. HARRIS, Oliver, s. Oliver and Mary, Mar. 22, 1780. William, s. Oliver and Mary, Apr. 8, 1782. HARTWEL (see also Hartwell), Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1741. HARTWELL (see also Hartwel, Harwall), Charles, s. Jona- than and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1730-31. Elisabeth, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1731-2. Georgianna, d. Nathan H., bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. HARWALL (see also Hartwell), Mary [Hartwell. dup.], d. Ens. Jonathan and Saroy, May — , 1738. HARWOOD, Charles E., s. twin, Ephraim A., wheelwright, and Louisa C, Feb. 5, 1848. Ephraim Adams, s. Ephraim and Lucy, Mar. 3, 1820. George F., s. twin, Ephraim A., wheelwright, and Louisa C, Feb. S, 1848. Lydia Maria, d. Ephraim and Lucy, Mar. 23, 1825. Maria F., d. Joseph G. and Mary, at Harvard, Apr. IS, 1830. Sarah Ann, d. Ephraim and Lucy, Jan. 28, 1827. Sarah J. W., d. Joseph G. and Mary, at Harvard, June 21, 1831. Stillman Parker, s. Ephraim and Lucy, Mar. 30, 1823. HASTINGS, Samuel Button, s. Zadock Patch and Hannah, Mar. 2, 1830. Zadock Edwards, s. Zadock Patch and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1831. HAYWARD (see also Haywood, Heyward, Heywood), Bet- sey, d. Josiah and Olive, at Concord, Apr. 19, 1789. Betsy, d. Josiah and Rebecca, Apr. 4, 1799. Daniel, s. Josiah and Olive, at Lincoln, Jan. 22, 1793. Jonathan, s. Josiah and Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1794. Josiah, jr., s. Josiah and Rebecca, Feb. 4, 1793. Olive, d. Josiah and Olive, at Concord, Nov. 18, 1790. Rebecca, d. Josiah and Rebecca, Dec. IS, 1791. Thomas, s. Josiah and Rebecca, Jan. 31, 1797. 50 WESTFORD BIRTHS HAYWOOD (see also Hay ward), Samuel Burge, s. Josiah and Rebekah, Jan. 11, 1787. Sarah, d. Josiah and Rebeckah, Sept. 6, 1788. HEALD, Dorothy, d. Thomas and Sarah, at Groton, Feb. 25, 1732-3. Eleazer, s. Gershom and Hannah, Oct. 22, 1763. Elisabeth, d. Gershom and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1761., [Ephraim. different ink.], s. Thomas and Sarah [bp. Jan. 12, 1729. different ink.]. Ephraim, s. Gershom and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1753. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Apr. 24, 1782. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1785. Eseter, d. Thom[a]s and Saryah, Feb. 5, 1736-7. Eunice, d. Thomas and Sarah [Butterfield. different ink. dup.], Jan. 4, 1730-31. Hannah, d. Gershom and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1756. Henry, s. Abra[ha]m, of Dunstable, N. H., bp. Mar. 29, 1761. c. R. 1. Isaac, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1791. Oliver, s. Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1740. Oliver, s. Gershom and Hannah, Mar. 31, 1758. Phebe, d. Gershom and Hannah, Dec. 24, 1769. Sarah, d. Josiah and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1730-31. Sarah, d. Gershom and Hannah, Aug. 14, 17S1. Sarah, d. Ephraim and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1777. Susanna, d. Gershom and Hannah, June 28, 1767. Susanna, d. Ephraim and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1788. Thomas, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1779. Thomas Smith, s. Thomas and Rebekah, July 30, 1808. HERRICK, Augustus, s. Henry and Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1832. Charles, s. Henry and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1814. Elizabeth, w. Henry [d. Ebenezer Prescott. in pencil], Sept. 11, 1788. Elizabeth Jane, d. Henry and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1816. George, s. Henry and Elizabeth, July 18, 1825. Henry [at Beverly, in pencil.]. Mar. 18, 1777. Henry P., s. Henry and Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1811. Joseph, s. Henry and Elizabeth, May 22, 1809. Mary F., d. Henry and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1813. Mary F[oster. in pencil.], d. Henry and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1828. WESTFORD BIRTHS 5 1 HEWITT, Caroline Elizabeth, d. Charles and Caroline Smith, Nov. 20, 1834. Charles Jacob, s. Charles and Caroline Smith, at New Ips- wich, N. H., June 18, 1846. HEYWARD (see also Hayward), Otis Fletcher, s. Otis and Lucy,. Mar. 11, 1829. Rufus Benjamin, bp. July 17, 1842. p. r. 2. HEYWOOD (see also Hayward), [Amos [h. Lydia], at Winchendon, July 11, 1791. in pencil,] Amos Bardwell, s. Amos and Lydia, Sept. 14, 1824. Beaulah Christiana, d. Levi and Martha, May 11, 1832. [Aug. in pencil.] [Beulah, w. Samuel Fletcher, jr., at Winchendon, . in pen- cil.] [bef. 1805.] Carroline Atwoodj d. Amos and Lydia, July 20, 1822. Clinton, s. Levi and Martha,, Dec. 23, 1827. Cyrus Houghton, s. Levi and Martha, Apr. 14, 1823. Edwin Eliel, s. Eliel and Mary, Feb. 1, 1835. Fran[c]is, s. Amos and Lydia, July 1, 1832. George Washington, s. Levi and Martha, Oct. 10, 1829. Horatio Bardwell, s. Amos and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1818. Josiah Read, s. Eliel and Mary, Apr. 29, 1833. Levi Buttrick, s. Levi and Martha, Apr. 27, 1820. Maria Alicia, d. Levi and Martha, Apr. 25, 1825. Martha Augusta, d. Levi and Martha, Dec. 1, 1816. Mary Elizabeth, d. Levi and Martha, Nov. 23, 1818. Nancy Lock, d. Amos and Lydia, Apr. 12, 1820. Sarah Hartwell, d. Amos and Lydia, Apr. 1, 1830. Trueworthy, s. Trueworthy, carpenter, and Catharine, Jan. 10, 1845. Truworthy, s. Levi and Martha, Nov. 1, 1821. HIGLEY, Ebenezer N., s. Alanson, blacksmith, and Mary, May 20, 1843. HILDRATH (see also Hildreth), Thankfull, d. Ephar[ai]m and Mary, Oct. 25, 1734. HILDRETH (see also Hildrath, Hildrick), Abagil, d. Epher- [ai]m [jr. c. r. 1.] and Mary, Aug. 11, 1730. Abba Francis, d. Jesse, farmer, and Lucretia, b. Tyngsborough, Aug. 2, 1849. Abel, s. twin, James [jr. dup.] and Lidia, Dec. 22, 1741. 52 WESTFORD BIRTHS HiLDRETH, Abel, s. Amos and Priscilla, Mar. 26, 1766. Abel Henry, s. Sylvester and Mary, Sept. 7, 1840. Abigail, d. Joseph, jr. and Abigail, Dec. 15, 1747. Abigail, d. John and Abigail,. May 3, 1765. Abigail, d. Jeremiah and Abigail, Apr. 16, 1790. Abijah, s. Elijah and Molly, Oct. 24, 1783. Abijah Edw[i]n, s. Abijah and Susannah, Oct. 19, 1809. Aby, d. Ephraim, 3d and Elisabeth, Feb. 27, 1768. [bp. Jan. 31. c. R 1.] Ai, s. Lem[ue]l and Molly, Apr. 4, 1808. Ai, s. Lemuel and Molly, Apr. 13, 1810. Alonzo Whiting, s. Sylvester and Mary, Aug. 15, 1825. Amaziah, s. Amaziah and Ruth, Dec. 27, 1772. Amiziah, s. Benja[min], bp. Apr. 1, 1739. c. r. 1. Amos, s. James and Dorrity, Nov. 1, 1738. Amos, s. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 29, 1793. Amos, s. Levi and Rebeckah, Mar. 1, 1807. Amos, s. Simeon and Ruth, May 3, 1809. Ann Maria [Mary Ann. c. R. 1.], d. Jeremiah and Abigail, Sept. 4, 1810. Anna, d. Joseph, 3d and Lydia, Nov. 3, 1761. Asa, s. Simion and Ruth, Feb. 16, 1803. Augustus, s. Lt. John and Elesabeth, Nov. 2, 1794. Augustus Sylvester, s. Sylvester [s. adopted, Abel. c. R. 1.] and Mary, Oct, 26, 1821. ^ Benjamin, s. Benja[min], bp. July 21, 1734. c. R. 1. Benjamin, s. Amaziah and Ruth, Aug. 2, 1768. Betsey, d. Elijah and Molly, Aug. 14, 1786. Betsey, d. Jonas and Del[i]verance, Feb. 28, 1796. Betsey, d. Simeon and Ruth, June 19, 1807. Betsey Ann, d. Simeon and Ruth, Mar. 24, 1814. Betsy, d. Oliver and Mary, Mar. 1, 1786. Betsy, d. Jesse and Olive, Apr. 8, 1810. p. R. 5. Betsy, d. Lemuel and Molly, May 28, 1811. Betsy Parker, d. Jeremiah and Abigail, Aug. 11, 1792. Betty, d. John and Betty, May 21, 1779. Bridget, d. William and Dorothy, Feb. 10, 1768. Caroline, d. Jeremiah and Abigail, Mar. 15, 1808. Caroline Augusta, d. Joseph and Pamelia, Feb. 8, 1827. Caroline Dix, d. Sylvester and Mary, May 14, 1837. Charles, s. Elijah 'and Molly, Mar. 14, 1794. Clarisa, d. Lt. Nath[anie]l and Bridget, Apr. 2, 1797. [David, different ink.], s. Jacob and Abigail [Feb. 27, 1746. different ink.]. Debroh, d. Joseph, 3d and Lydia, May 5, 1755. W^STFORD BIRTHS 53 HiLDRETH, DoUe, d. William and Dorothy, Mar. 30, 1762. Dolley, d. Lt. Nath[ame]l and Bridget, Apr. 14, 1801. Dolly, d. W[illia]m, bp. Apr. 1, 1764. c. R. 1. Dolly, d. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 20, 1791. Doraty, d. James and Doraty, Aug. 26, 1736. [Aug. 20. p. R. 11.] Dorcas, d. Benja[min], bp. Nov. 28, 1736. c. R.'l. [Ebenezer, s. Eph[raim], , 1696. in pencil.] Edward Stow, s. Sylvester and Mary, Dec. 25, 1835. Edy, d. Zechariah and Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1771. Elesebeth, d. .Ephr[ai]m and Mary, July 16, 1732. Elijah, s. Elijah and Molly, July 25, 1776. Elisabeth, d. Eph[rai]m, 3d and Elesabeth, July 22, 1754. Elisabeth, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Oct. 18, 1755. Elisabeth, d. Stephen, bp. Dec. 30, 1770. c. r. 1. Elisah [Elijah, dup.], s. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, Feb. 21, 1750. ,- Eliza Ann, d. Jesse and Lucretia, Mar. 10, 1832. Elizabeth, d. James, jr., bp. June 30, 1728. c. r. 1. Elizabeth King, d. Amizi^h and Margaret, Sept. 21, 1807. Elizebath, d. Lt. John and Elizebath, Dec. 6, 1798. Ella G., d. Henry A., farmer, and Martha, Jan. 9, 1848. Elmira, d. Lt. Nath[anie]l and Bridget, Mar. 21, 1803. Elvira, d. Lemuel and Molly, Nov. 9, 1813. Emerline Elizabeth, d. Sylvester and Mary, Dec. 27, 1828. Emily, d. Lt. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1817. [Ephraim, s. Joseph and Abigail, , 1700. in pencil.] [Ephraim. different ink.], s. Joseph and Deliverance { , 1718. different ink.]. [Ephraim. different ink.], s. Ephraim and Mary [ , 1725. different ink.]. Ephraim, s. Elijah and Molly, July 17, 1796. Epraim, s. Jacob and Abigail, Jan. 30, 1732-3. Esther, d. Benja[min], bp. Dec. 16, 1744. c. r. 1. Esther, d. Amaziah and Ruth, 31, 1751. [Oct. 31. dup.] Esther, d. twin, Zechariah and Elisabeth, Apr. 10, 1760. Esther, d. Amiziah, bp. May 30, 1762. c. r. 1. Ezekial, s. twin, Joseph, jr. and Abigail, Nov. 21, 1744. Ezekiel, s. Joseph, jr. and Abigail, Feb. 17, 1753. Ezekiel, s. Timothy, bp. [1784?]. c. r. 1. Fanny, d. Jeremiah and Abigail, May 7, 1794. Frances A., d. Abijah and Susannah, Feb. 10, 1831. Francis Leighton, s. Lt. John and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1797. Franklin, s. Jeremiah and Abigail, Mar. 19, 1797. Franklin, s. Jesse and Olive, Apr. 11, 1804. p. r. 5. 54 WESTFORD BIRTHS HiLDRETH, George, s. Jonas and Deliverance, Sept. 24, 1803. George, s. Jonas and Deliverance [wid. Oct. 23, 1808. C. R. 1.], Sept. 9, 1808. George, s. Lt. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1811. George Everett, s. Horace, farmer, and Everline, Apr. 5, 1845. George H., s. Jesse, farmer, and Lucretia, Oct. 18, 1846. George Madison Loring, s. George B. and Nancy, Feb. 10, 1840. Hannah, d. Jonathan, bp. Nov. 19, 1727. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. Eben[eze]r, bp. Mar. 16, 1729. c. r. 1. Hannah, d. Joseph, jr., bp. Mar. 19, 1738. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. Ephraim, jr. and Priscila, Sept. 18, 1744. Hannah, d. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, May 5, 1749. Hannah, d. Joseph, jr. and Abigail, Dec. 5, 1750. Hannah, d. Zachariah and Elesabeth, Jan. 31, 1758. Hannah, d. Amos and Priscilla, Feb. 14, 1770. Hannah, d. Elijah arid Molly, May 30, 1792. Hannah Wright, d. Amaziah and Margaret, Jan. 1, 1797. Harriet Sophia, d. Sylvester and Mary, July 27, 1832. Harriot, d. Jonas and Deliverance, Jan. 14, 1807. Harriot, d. Jesse and Olive, Nov. 8, 1819. p. r. 5. Harriot Susanah, d. Abijah and Susanah, Feb. 1, 1818. Helen C, d. Louis H., farmer, and Catharine E., b. Charles- town, Nov. 20, 1848. Henry Albert, s. Abijah and Susannah, May 9, 1823. Henry James, s. James, stonecutter, and Sarah R., Oct. 19, 1845. Hezekiah, s. Eph[rai]m, 3d and Elesabeth, Oct. 10, 1758. Hezekiah, s. Hezekiah and Easther, Oct. 15, 1785. Hita, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Sept. 24, 1775. Horace, s. Lemuel and Molly, Aug. 28,. 1804. Horace Newell, s. Horace and Everline, Nov. 14, 1831. Hosea, s. twin, Joseph, jr. and Abigail, Nov. 21, 1744. Hosea, Dec. — , 1744. Hosea, s. Hosea and Experance, Mar. 15, 1774. Huldah, d. Amos and Prissilla, Sept. 1, 1779. Isaiah, s. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, June 22, 1764. [Jacob, different ink.], s. Jacob and Abigail [Mar. 12, 1737. Family removed to Litchfield, N. H. different ink.] [James, s. Eph[ria]m, , 1698(?). in pencil.] James, s. James, jr. and Lydia, Aug. 30, 1745. James, s. Samuel and Sarah, June 9, 1758. James, s. Zecheriah and Elisabeth, Mar. 7, 1762. James, s. Jonas and Deliverance, Jan. 8, 1800. James, s. Jesse and Olive, Jan. 10, 1817. p. r. 5. WESTFORD BIRTHS 55 HiLDRETH, James Henry, s. James, farmer, and Sarah R., Oct. 19, 1845. Jeremiah, s. Ephraim, 3d and Eliseb[e]th, Feb. 22, 1761. Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Abigail, at Cavendish, Vt., Dec. 24, 1788. Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Abigail, Mar. 6, 1802. Jesse, s. Joseph, 3d and Lydia, P'eb. 17, 1757. Jesse, s. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Sept. 22, 1773. Jesse, jr., s. Jesse and Olive, Oct. 1, 1806. p. r. 5. Jesse Alonzo, s. Jesse and Lucretia, May 31, 1837. Joanna, d. Lt. John and Elizabeth, June 15, 1805. Joel, s. Stephen, bp. Aug. 31, 1766. c. R. 1. John, s. Ephraim and Mary, Nov. 5, 1 738. [John, different ink.], s. Jacob and Abigail [ , 1748. dif- ferent ink.]. John, s. John and Abigail, May 21, 1763., John, s. Lt. John and Elizebath, Mar. 23, 1801. John Parker, s. Amaziah and Ruth, Feb. 27, 1778. John Parker, s. Amaziah and Margaret, Aug. 21, 1805. Jonas, s. Zechariah and Elisabeth, June 25, 1766. Jonas Prescott, s. Jonas and Deliverance, Nov. 21, 1798. Jonathan, s. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, Sept. IS, 1757. Jonathan Hartwell, s. Elijah and Molly, Dec. 18, 1788. Joseph, s, Joseph, 3d and Lydia, Jan. 31, 1747-8. Joseph, s. Amaziah and Ruth, July 15, 1780. Joseph, s. Elijah and Molly, Nov. 30, 1798. Joseph Barnard, s. Joseph and Permelia, June 29, 1823. Lemuel, s. John and Betty, Oct. 2, 1781. Levi, s. Amos and Prissilla, Oct. 4, 1775. Lois, d. James, jr. and Lyda, Jan. 4, 1739-40. Loiza, d. Levi and Rebecah, May 2, 1802. Louis Hartwell, s. Abijah and Susannah, Mar. 18, 1813. Luce, d. James and Dorothy, Mar. 28, 1742. I^Lucy. different ink.}, d. Jacob and Abigail [ , 1752. dif- ferent ink.]. Lucy, d. Ephr[aim], jr. and Priscilla, Apr. 11, 1762. Lucy, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Jan. 18, 1764. Lucy, d. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, Feb. 7, 1767. Lucy, d. Oliver and Mary, Nov. 16, 1788. Lucy, d. Jesse and Olive, Aug. 7, 1812. p. r. 5. Lucy, d. Lemuel and Molly, Dec. 9, 1815. Lucy Jane, d. Sylvester and Mary, May 1, 1830. Lyda, d. Jeams [jr. dup.] and Lyda, Apr. 16, 1732. " Xydia, d. Benja[min], bp. Aug. 25, 1734. c. R. 1. lydia, d. Joseph, 3d and Lydia, Sept. 16, 1753. ?S1P . 56 WESTFORD BIRTHS HiLDRETH, Lydia, d. Ephraim, jr. and Prissilla, Mar. 9, 1760. Margaret Webb, d. Amiziah and Margaret, Mar. 13, 1799. Maria, d. Simion and Ruth, Jan. 29, 1801. Maria Theresa, d. Joseph and Permelia, Nov. 18, 1831. Martha Ann, d. Abijah and Susannah, Aug. 31, 1820. Martha C, d. Amos, 2d, farmer, and Martha, Oct. 3, 1844. Martha Maria, d. Sylvester and Mary, Jan. 23, 1834. Marthy Mary Webb, d. Amaziah and Margaret, Apr. 13, 1803. Mary, d. Ebenezer and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1732. Mary, d. Joseph, 3d and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1761. [bp. Mar. 9, 1760. c. R. 1.] Mary, d. Ephraim, 3d and Elisabeth, Dec. 25, 1765. Mary, d. Lt. John and Elizebath, Mar. 10, 1803. Mary, d. I^emuel and Molly, May 14, 1803. Mary Ann, d. Jesse and Olive, Oct. 31, 1814. p. r. 5. Mary Ann, d. Sylvester and Mary, Feb. 3, 1827. Mary Ann Perrrielia, d. Joseph and Permelia, Feb. 9, 1825. Mary Everline, d. Horace and Everline, Sept. 2, 1838. 'Mehitable, d. Jesse and Olive, June 15, 1808. p. r. 5. Molley, d. Amaziah and Ruth, July 30, 1775. Molly, w. Elijah, at Littleton, May 29, 1759. Molly, d. Elijah and Molly, Nov. 20, 1777. Nancey, d. Simeon and Ruth, Mar, 11, 1805. Nancy, d. Jonas and Del[i]verance, Dec. 21, 1794. Nancy, d. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 22, 1795. Nancy, d. Simeon and Ruth, Aug. 10, 1811. Nancy, d. Lemuel and Molly, Aug. 20, 1822. Nancy S[ophia. c. r. 1.], d. Lt. John and Elizabeth, May 26, 1809. Nathaniel, s. Hosea and Expearance, Apr. 8, 1770. Olive, d. Jeams [jr. dup.] and Lyda, Dec. 22, 1729. Olive, d. Ephr[aim], 3d and Elisebiejth, Apr. 2, 1763. Olive, d. Amos and Priscilla, June 9, 1772. Olive, d. Amos and Prissilla, Aug. 22, 1773. Olive, d. Jesse and Olive, June 9, 1805. p. R. 5. Olive, d. adopted, Abel, bp. Dec. 3, 1815. c. R. 1. Olive Augusta, d. Sylvester and Mary, Jan. 25, 1823. Oliver, s. Oliver and Mary, Feb. 8, 1780. Oliver, s. Oliver and Mary, Apr. 16, 1781. Orille Florinna, d. Augustus S., carpenter, and Abigail H., Mar. 14, 1847. [Mar. 2S. dup.] Orin, s. Jonas and Deliverance, Dec. 21, 1802. Otis, s. Lemuel and Molly, May 13, 1806. Patty, d. Amos and Pr[i]csilla, Feb. 1, 1768. Patty, d. Jeremiah and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1805. WESTFORD BIRTHS 57 HiLDRETH, Peda[abb. of Experience, c. R. 1.], d. Hosea and Experance, Apr. 19, 1771. Peter, s. Ephraim and Mary, Nov. IS, 1743. Peter, s. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, June 6, 1747. Peter, s. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, Mar. 1, 1753. Peter, s. William and Dorothy, Apr. 24, 1771. Phebe, d. Joseph, 3d and Lydia, Apr. IS, 1751. [Phinehas. different ink.], s. Joseph and Deliverance [ , 1725. different ink.]. Polley, d. John, bp. [1784?]. c. R. 1. Polly, d. Oliver and Mary, Sept. 3, 1777. Priscila, d. Ephraim [jr. C. r. 1.] and Priscila, Sept. 10, 1742. [Rebecca, d. James and Dorothy, , 1726. different ink.] Rebecca, d. Ephraim, jr. and Prissilla, Mar. 11, 1755. Rebekah, d. Elijah and Molly, Sept. 11, 1781. Rebekah Parker, d. Lt. Nath[anie]l and Mary, Jan. 7, 1809. Rhoda, d. Hosea and Experance, Sept. 8, 1772. Rosalie Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Permelia, Oct. 8, 1838. Rufus, s. Lemuel and Molly, Apr. 17, 1820. Ruth, d. Jeams [jr. dup.] and Lyda, Jan. 18, 1734. Ruth, d. Amaziah and Ruth, Sept. 3, 1763. Ruth, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, May 8, 1768. Ruth, d. Hosea and Experience, Dec. 11, 1776. SaUa, d. Elijah and Molly, Nov. 24, 1779. Sally Hart, d. Amaziah and Margaret, June 21, 1801. Sampson, s. Jona[than], bp. Apr. 27, 1729. c- R. 1. Samuel, s. James, jr. and Lydia [Wright, different ink. dup.], Dec. 11, 173S. Samuel, s. James and Dorothy, Jan. 20, 1744-S. Samuel, s. Stephen and Esther, July 13, 1764. Samuel, s. Jonas and Deliverance, Mar. 1, 1797. Samuel Tenny, s. James, farmer, and Sarah R., Dec. 11, 1849. Samuel Webb, s. Amiziah and Margar[e]t, Jan. 16, 1811. [Sarah, different ink.], d. Ephraim and Mary [ , 1726. different ink.]. Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1753. Sarah, d. John and Abigail, June 28, 1768. Sarah, d. Oliver and Mary, Sept. 6, 1773. Sarah, d. John and Betty, Oct. 14, 1773. Sarah R., d. James, farmer, and Sarah R., Dec. 11, 1842. Sebel, d. Ephraim and Mary, Sept. 15, 1748. [bp. Sept. 11. c. R. 1.] Seth, s. Oliver and Mary, Sept. 1, 1775. Sibbel, d. Ephraim, 3d and Elisabeth, July 22, 1772. Sibel, d. Ephraim and Mary, Sept. 15, 1746. 58 WESTFORD BIRTHS HiLDRETH, Silas, s. twin, James [jr. dup.] and Lidia, Dec. 22, 1741. Simeon, s. Ephraim, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c. R. 1. Simeon, s. Ephraham and Mary, Oct. 7, 1736. Simeon, s. Simeon [of New Ipswich, c. r. 1.], and Hannah, at New Ipswich, Nov. 24, 1758. Simeon, s. John and Betty, Apr. 9, 1776. Simeon, s. Simeon and Ruth, May 27, 1799. Sophia, d. Jesse and Olive, Oct. 7, 1802. p. r. 5. Stephen, s. James [jr. dup.] and Lidia, Feb. 1, 1742-3. Stephen, s. John and Betty> July IS, 1777. Suke, d. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 26, 1783. Susan Elizabeth, d. Horace and Eyerline, June 1, 1847. Susan Frances, d. Horace and Everlirie, Feb. 20, 1843. Susanah, d. Amaziah and Ruth, Mar. 5, 1766. Susanna, d. Hezekiah and Easther, Apr. 27, 1784. Susanna, d. Hezekiah and Easther, Aug. 25, 1787. Susanna Anthony, d. Jonas and Deliverance, Aug. 21, 1805. [bp. Aug. 13. c. R. 1.] Susannah, d. Isaiah and Lydia, Dec. 3, 1789. Thankful, d. James, jr., bp.'Mar. 19, 1738. c. R. 1. Thankful, d. Eph[rai]m, 3d, bp. July 28, 1754. c. R. 1. Thankfull, d. Eph[rai]m, 3d and Elisabeth, Nov. 14, 1756. Thomas, s. Benj[amin], bp. Sept. 14, 1740. c. R. 1. Thomas, s. Amaziah and Ruth, Oct. 19, 1770. Thomas Greenough, s. Ephraim, 3d and Elizabath, Oct. 1, 1775. Thomas William Webb, s. Amaziah and Margaret, Oct. 16, 1817. Timothy, s. Joseph, jr. and Abigail, June 1, 1746. Timothy, s. Joseph, jr. and Abigail, Jan. 31, 1756. Timothy, s. twin, Zechariah and Elisabeth, Apr. 10, 1760. William, s. Joseph, jr.^ bp. June 23, 1728. c. R. 1. [William, different ink.], s. Jacob and Abigail [July 24, 1740. different ink.]. William, s. Ephriam. and Marey, July 1, 1741. William, s. Benja[min], bp. Jan. 2, 1743. c. r. 1. William, s. Amaziah and Ruth, May 25, 1783. William, s. Lt. John and Elizabeth, May S, liS07. William Edward, s. Joseph and Pennelia, Jan. 19, 1829. W[illia]m Raymond, s. Louis H., farmer, and Catharine E., Feb. 29, 1844. Wilson, s. Joseph, jr., bp. Aug. 1, 1731. c R. 1. Zachariah, s; Zachariah and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1754. [Zechariah, s. James and Dorothy, , 1728. different ink.] WESTFORD BIRTHS 59 HiLDRETH, Zimri, s. Lt. Nath[anie]l and Bridget, May 39, 1799. Zimri, s. Lt. Nath[anie]l and Mary, July 13, 1807. Zoa, d. Lemuel and Molly, Apr. 2, 1818. HILDRICK (see also Hildreth), Dorithey, d. Jeams and Dor- ithey, Jan. 18, 1732-3. Ephram, s. Jacob and Abigill, Feb. 21, 1734-S. HILL, Abba Frances, d. Jonathan S. and Nancy, Jan. 31, 1841.. Mary Abbot, d. Jonathan S. and Nancy, Mar. 6, 1836. Nancy Maria, d. Jonathan S. and Nancy, Apr. 12, 1834. HINDS, Augusta Ann, d. David, farmer, b. Sandwich, N. H., and Orilla, b. Belmont, Me., July 10, 1849. HOOKER, Benjamin, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. 30, 1760. c. R. 1. John, s. Joseph, bp. Oct. 15, 1758. c. R. 1. Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. July 10, 1763. c. r. 1. Lydia, d. Joseph, jr., bp. Feb. 27, 1757. c. R. 1. HORAN, Bridget, d. Thomas, farmer, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, May 4, 1849. HORSLEY (see also Hosley), Bety, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, Nov. 14, 1743. Bridget, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, Aug. 15, 1747. John, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, Feb. 20, 1755. Lydia, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, Nov. 20, 1745. Martha, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, at Pepperell, May 3, 1761. Samuel, s. twin, Samuel and Elisabeth, Dec. 6, 1749. Thomas, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, at Pepperell, Nov. 21, 1764. Timothy, s. twin, Samuel and Elisabeth, Dec. 6, 1749. HOSLEY (see also Horsley, Hosly), Aaron [Horsley. dup.J, s. Samuel [of Billerica. different ink. dup.] and Elisa- beth [Keep, different ink. dup.], Apr. 22, 1742. Alonzo Ai, s. James A., laborer, b. Pepperell, and Olive A. [both b. Pepperell. dup.], July 19, 1849. Benjamin, s. Benja[min], bp. June 21, 1747. c. R. 1. Benjamin, s. Benja[min], bp. Sept. 9, 1750. c. R. 1. Bethiah, d. Benja[min], bp. July 7, 1745. C. R. 1. Luce, d. Benja[min],.bp. Mar. 29, 1752. c. r. 1. Lydia, d. Samuel and Elesabeth, at Pepperell, Nov. 14, 1756. Sampson, s. Benja[min], bp. Feb. 26, 1749. c. R. 1. 60 WESTFORD BIRTHS HosLEY, Samson, s. Benja[min], bp. Oct. 7, 17S3. c. R. 1. Sarah Ann, d. James A., laborer, b. Pepperell, and Olive A., Mar. IS, 1848. [Feb. IS, dup.] Steven, s. Samuel and Elesabeth, "in the Destrect of Pepper- ral," Dec. 25, 17 58. HOSLY (see also Hosley), Joshua, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1753. HOWARD, Calvin Luther, s. Calvin, farmer, and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1846. Rebeccah, d. Lt., bp. , 1793. c. R. 1. Sally, d. Lt., bp. , 1793. c. R. 1. HUNT, Betsey, d. Simon and Lydia, Oct. 25, 1803. John, s. Simon and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1793. Luther, s. Simon and Lydia, Nov. 4, 1795. Mary, d. Simon and Lydia, June 12, 1788. Sally, d. Simon and Lydia, Dec. 27, 1798. Simon, s. Simon and Lydia, Apr. 4, 1790. Timothy, s. Simon and Lydia, June 23, 1792. Worren, s. Simon and Lydia, Feb. 17, 1801. HUNTOON, Ashbill Alonzo, s. Jeremiah, farmer, b. Unity, N. H., and Caroline, b. Weathersfield, N. H., June 7, 1849. HUTCHINGS (see also Hutchins), Isaac Whitney, s. Eliakim, jr. and Eunice [(Whitney), p. e. 25.], Nov. 3, 1829. [Nov. 9. p. R. 6.] William Edwin, s. Eliakim, jr. and Sibbyl [(Robbins). p. r. 25.], Sept. 15, 1824. HUTCHINS (see also Hutchings), Albert Walcott [Whitney^- p. R. 25.], s. Eliakim, jr. and Eunice W[hitney. p. r. 25.], Nov. 27, 1844. Edward Everett, s. Stephen and Catharine, Nov. 17, 1842. Eliakim, Aug. 16, 1795. p. R. 6. Emerson Everett, s. Eliakim, jr., farmer, and Eunice [(Whit- ney), p. R. 25.], Feb. 6, 1847. [1846. p. r. 25.] Erastus T., s. Thomas, farmer, and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1846. Eunice Francenia, d. Eliakim, jr. and Eunice W[hitney. p. r. 25.], Mar. 11, 1841. Fanny M., d. John and Lois, Dec. 15, 1842. WESTFORD BIRTHS 6l HuTCHixs, Francis Melbourne, s. Stephen and Catharine, at Dunstable, June IS, 1837. George, s. John and Lois, July 28, 1828. Henery Milo, s. Eliakim, jr. and Eunice, Jan. 9, 1835. Horatio E., s. Thomas, farmer, and Sarah, b. Littleton, Nov. 22, 1848. Isaiah, s. Thomas, jr. and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1829. Jacob Newton, s. Eliakim, jr. and Eunice, Mar. 3, 1833. John, s. Thomas [and Esther, dup.], Dec. 25, 1796. John, jr., s. John and Lois, Apr. 25, 1837. Jonas, s. John and Lois, Dec. 11, 1832. Mary E., d. John and Lois, Mar. 20, 1835. Mary Jane Taylor, d. Stephen and Catharine, at Carlisle, Dec. 17, 1834. Mary Spaulding, d. Thomas, jr. and Abigail, Sept. 29, 1826. Nancy, d. Thomas [and Esther, dup.], Sept. 18, 1793. Rebecah, d. Thomas [and Esther, dup.]. Mar. 5, 1795. Stephen Eliakim, s. Stephen and Catharine, at Carlisle, Jan. 17, 1832. Sybbil Robbins, d. Eliakim, jr. and Sybbil [(Robbins). p. r. 25.], Aug. 5, 1821. Thomas, s. Thomas [and Esther, dup.], Mar. 6, 1802. Varnum, Oct. 9, 1814. p. r. 6. Warren Elbridge, s. Stephen and Catharine, Mar. 4, 1840. HUTCHINSON, Ann E., d. Hezekiah A. and Abigail, Mar. 20, 1835. Ellen, d. Hezekiah A., carpenter, and Abagail, Mar. 2, 1845. Emely, d. Hezekiah A. and Abigail, Nov. 1, 1840. Francis, ch. Hezekiah A. and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1843. George, s. Hezekiah A. and Abigail, Oct. 16, 1838. Martha A., d. Hezekiah A. and Abigail, July 23, 1833. William, s. Hezekiah A. and Abigail, Dec. 4, 1834. HUTSON, Eleanor Asenath, d. Charles A. and Asenath, Sept. 3, 1842. Isabella Battelle, d. Charles A., shoemaker, and Asenath, Mar. 4, 1844. INGALLS, James Sullivan, s. John and Eliza T., Aug. 16, 1842. John Harrison, s. John and Eliza T., Sept. 24, 1838. Mary S., d. John, farmer, and Eliza T., Oct. 12, 1846. JACKSON, Hannah, d. John, woolsorter, and Hannah, July 7, 1847. 62 WESTFORD BIRTHS Jackson, John, s. John, manufacturer, and Hannah, both b. England, Feb. 19, 1849. JEFFROY, John H., s. John, woolsorter, and Harriet, both b. Canada, Sept. 1, 1845. JENKINS, Elizabeth, d. Obadiah, bp. Nov. 24, 1745. c. r. 1. Lydia, d. Obadiah, bp. Nov. 24, 1745. c. R. 1. JEWET (see also Jewett), Ahimoaz, s. John and Elezebeth, Jan. 19, 1794. John, s. John and Elezebeth, Dec. 1, 1787. Jonathan, s. John and Elizebath, at Cavendish, Aug. 11, 1791. Rebecah, d. John and Elizebath, Dec. 30, 1795. JEWETT (see also Jewet), Joshua Abbot, s. Joshua Abbot and Rebecca, Dec. 25, 1800. Joshua Abbott, Feb. 29, 1772. Claracy, d. Joshua A. andT Rebecca, Feb. 18, 1807. Eliza, d. Joshua A. and Rebecca, Dec. 3, 1804. George, s. Joshua A. and Rebecca, Oct. 16, 1802. Harriot, d. Joshua A. and Rebecca, July 22, 1809. Rebecca, w. Joshua Abbott, July 7, 1774. Sally, d. Joseph, bp. June 12, 1808. c. r. 1. Sally, d. Joshua A. and Rebecca, July 31, 1812. William, s. Joshua A. and Rebecca, Nov. 1, 1814. JOHNSON, Arathusa, d. Jonathan, bp. Oct. 13, 1782. c. R. 1. Arthur, s. Jonathan and Susanna, Dec. 12, 1796. Benjamin Wright, s. Jonathan and Esther, Jdn. IS, 1792. Daniel Taylor, s. David and Submit, June 8, 1817. David, s. Jonathan, jr. and Esther, Jan. 20, 1786. Deliverance, d. Jonathan, bp. Oct. 13, 1782. c. R. 1. Elizabeth, d. Jona[than], of HoUis, bp. Sept. 29, 1754. c. R. 1. Esther, d. Jonathan and Esther, Mar. 18, 1788. Esther, d. Jonathan and Sussanna, Oct. 7, 1794. Herbert, s. David and Submit, Nov. 24, 1813. Jonathan, jr., s. Jonathan and Esther, Mar. 2, 1790. Loammi, s. Jonathan, jr. and Esther, Feb. 26, 1784. Rufus, s. David and Submit, at Charlestown, Sept. 21, 1820. Sarah, d. Dole, bp. Sept. 3, 1738. c. R. 1. Zaccheus, s. Jonathan and Susanna, July 9, 1793. JONES, Abel Jackson, s. Abel P. and Mary, Sept. 23, 1827. Abigail, d. Jonathan and Abigail, July 12, 1786. WESTFORD BIRTHS 6$ Jones, Adams Fletcher, s. Jonathan and Bethiah, Nov. 23, 1779. Eliza, d. Abel P. and Mary, Feb. 11, 1819. George Parmenter, s. Abel P. and Mary, Jan. 7, 183Q. Harriot Augusta, d. Abel P. and Mary, Aug. 30, 1817. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Abigail, Dec. 28, 1787. Lucy Laine, d. Abel P. and Mary, Sept. 18, 1822. Mary, d. Abel P. and Mary, Jan. 3, 1821. Sarah Bancroft, d. Abel P. and Mary, Sept. 19, 1824. Susannah Parker, d. Jona[than] and Bethiah, at Dracut, Jan. 4, 1782. KEANT (see also Kent), Abner, s. Abner and Lesabeth, Feb. 3, 1736-7. KEENT (see also Kent) , Abigel, d. Abner and Elisabeth, Jan. 5, 1733-4. KEEP, Abigail, d. Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. S, 1771. Charlotte, d. Jonathan and Hannah, June 28, 1775. Elisabeth, d. Lt. Jabez and Experiance, Apr. 20, 1750. Emla, s. Jonathan and Hannah, at Groton, July — , 1785. Eunece, d. Jabeze and Experence, May 18; 1741. Experiance, d. Jabez and Experiance, Sept. 13, 1748. Experience, d. Jabez and Experience, Jan. 23, 1752. Experience, Feb, 3, 1752. Hannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, June 5, 1770. Jabez, s. Jabez and Sarah, Dec. 13, 1736. Jemima, d. Jabez and Experiance, Aug. 10, 1755. John, s. Jabez and Experience, Sept. 29, 1753. John, s. Jonathan and Hannah, at Groton, Feb. 9, 1779. Jonathan, s. Jabez and Experiance, Aug. 7, 1745. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1773. Leonard, s. Jabez and Experience, Oct. 7, 1742. Lucenda, d. twin, Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1787. Lusey, d. Javes [Jabez. dup.] and Sarah, Nov. ,7, 1734. Luther, s. twin, Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1787. Mary, d. Jabez and Experiance, Mar. 23, 1743-4. Matilda, d. Jonathan and Hannah, June 17, 1789. Rebecca, d. [Capt. c. r. 1.] Jabez and Experiance, Apr. 16, 1758. Ruth, d. Jabez and Experience, Mar. 25, 1746-7. Sameuel, s. Javis [Jabez. dup.] and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1732. Sam[ue]ll, s. Jonathan and Hannah, at Groton, Mar. 20, 1781. Sarah, d. Jabez and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1731. 64 WESTFORD BIRTHS Keep, Sarah, d. Leonard, bp. May 18, 1766. c. R. 1. Solomon, s. Jabez, jr., of Harvard, bp. Oct. 25, 1761. c. R. 1. Susannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, at Groton, May 22, 1783. Sylvia, d. Jonathan and Hannah, at Harvard, June 21, 1777. KEEYES (see also Keyes), Betsy, d. Jonathan and Patty, May 22, 1794. Lydia, d. Jonathon and Patty, Nov. 7, 1792. KEMP, Alfred, s. Jonas, jr. and Anna, July 27, 1804. Ansil, s. James and Margrate, Dec. 27, 1808. Ezekiel, s. Jonas, jr. and Anna, Apr. 22, 1806. Hartwell, s. Jonas, jr. and Anna, Feb. 1, 1808.. James, s. James and Margrate, Mar. 29, 1807. James, s. James and Margrate, . [after 1808.] Joanna, d. Jonas and Joanna, Jan. 7, 1770. Joanna, d. James and Margrate, Mar. 19, 1805. Jonas, s. Jonas and Joanna, at Chelmsford, Oct. 10, 1782. Jonas Avery, s. Jonas, jr. and Anna, June 27, 1810. Josiah, jr. [at Chelmsford, , 1732. in pencil.]. Polla, d. Jonas and Joanna, Sept. 1, 1771. Rachel, d. Josiah, jr. and Sarah, Aug. 21, 1761. Sarah, d. Josiah, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1759. KENNEDY, Elmire Persis, d. Aitemas, June 9, 1809. James Lawrence, s. Artemas, June 23, 1813. Jason [John. c. R. 1.] Franklin, s. Artemas, Oct. 9, 1811. Samuel Horton, s. Artemas, Feb. 13, 1816. KENT (see also Keant, Keent), Abigail, d. Abner, jr. and Dorcas, Nov. 8, 1769. Abner, s. Abner and Dorcas, Nov. 6, 1777. Almira, d. Elisha and Betcy, Oct. 17, 1815. Apphia, d. Abner and Elisabeth, Oct. 20, 1731. Deborah [Dorothy, c. r. 1.], d. Abner and Elisabeth, July 12, 1742. Dorcas, d. Abner, jr. and Dorcas, Nov. 23, 1765. Dorcas, d. Elisha and Fanny, May 25, 1802. Elisha, s. Abner and Dorcas, Nov. 21, 1779. Elisha Sewall, s. Elisha and Fanny, Nov. 30, 1800. Eliza[beth], d. Abner, bp. Aug. 17, 1729. c. R. 1. Fanny, d. Elisha and Fanny, Sept. 20, 1811. Fanny, d. El[i]sha and Betcy, Nov. 6, 1813. George, s. Elisha and Betsy, Apr. 3, 1820. Justin, s. Elisha and Fanny, May 2, 1808. WESTFORD BIRTHS 6$ Kent, Lydia, d. Abner and Dorcas, Sept. 6, 1775. Molly, d. Abner, jr. and Dorcas, Oct. IS, 1767. Saray, d. Abner and Elesabath, Oct. 29, 1739. Susanna, d. Abner and Dorcos, June 21, 1772. KEYES (see also Keeyes), Aaron, s. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Aug. 27, 1751. Aaron, s. Jonathan and Betty, May 29, 1774. Aaron, s. Jonathan and Patty, Apr. 14, 1791. Aaron, s. Joash and Mary Ann, Jan. 14, 1819. Abigail, d. Moses, bp. June 20, 1736. c. r. 1. Abigail,' d. James and Abigail, Oct. 11, 1800. Anna, d. Joseph and Ruth, Oct. 27, 1780. Benja[min] Franklin, s. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, Mar. 7, 1801. Betty, d. Sam[ue]l, bp. Oct. 4, 1772. c. R. 1. [Beulah, d. Jonas, May 12, 1812. in pencil.] Catharine Blake, d. Joseph and Sophia S,, Oct. 28, 1828. Charlottee, d. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, Oct. 11, 1797. Clemantine, d. twin, Trueworthy and Sophia S., June 6, 1838. Cornelius Freeman, s. Imla and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1834. Daniel, s. Moses, bp. Dec. 12, 1731. c. R. 1. [Daniel, s. Joash and Mary Ann, June 6, 1829. in pencil.] Edward, s. Imla and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1827. Elisabeth, d. Jonathan and Elesaheth, Apr. 8, 1759. Elisabeth, d. Isacher and Elisebeth, Jan. 15, 1780. Ellen Maria, d. Jonathan, farmer, and Irena H., June 21, 1843. Emerilla, d. Jonas and Sally, Mar. 20, 1809. Emerline, d. Imla and Hannah, June 29, 1831. Esther, d. David, bp. Oct. 28, 1770. c. R. 1. Frances Grant, d. Jonathan and Betty, Aug. 31, 1771. Francis J., s. Joash and Mary Ann, Mar. 17, 1817. George, s. Imla and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1817. Hannah, d. Jonathan and Elisabeth, May 7, 1761. Imla, s. Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1793. Isreal, s. Daniel and Abigal, Feb. 1, 1756. Ivory, s. James and Abigail, May 15, 1805. Jacob, s. Daniel and Abigal, Feb. 4, 1758. James, s. Issachar and Elisabeth, Feb. 13, 1775. James, s. Joseph, bp. [1784?]. c. R. 1. James, s. Imla and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1833. [Aug. 1. p. r. 8.] Joanah, d. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Feb. 14, 1748-9. Joanna, d. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Feb. 20, 1757. Joash, s. Isacher and Elisabeth, May 29, 1792. Joel, s. Joseph and Ruth, Oct. 22, 1776. .66 WESTFORD BIRTHS Keyes, John, s. Samuel and MoUey, July 4, 1774. John, s. Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1787. John Harriman, s. Jonathan, farmer, and Irena H., July 20, 1844. Jonas, s. Joseph and Ruth, Nov. 13, 1782. Jonas, s. Issachar, bp. July 29, 1787. c. R. 1. [Jonas, s. Jonas, Aug. 25, 1815. in pencil.]. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Betty, Mar. 30, 1763. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Patty, Oct. 25, 1789. Jonathan Hartwell, s. Jonathan and Irene H., May 22, 1842. Jonos, s. Isacher and Elisabeth, July 24, 1788. Joseph, s. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Nov. 26, 1746. Joseph, s. Joseph and Ruth, May 7, 1771. Joseph, s. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, Mar. 7, 1796. Joseph Boydon, s. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1789. Joseph Hammond, s. Joseph and Sophia S., Aug. 20, 1826. Joseph Warren, s. Imla and Hannah, May 2, 1820. Josephine, d. twin, Trueworthy and Sophia S., June 6, 1838. Joshua, s. Joash and Mary Ann, Dec. 6, 1823. Julian Victor, s. Joseph and Sophia S., Oct. 8, 1830. Laurinda, d. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, Jan. 11, 1811. Liberty, s. twin, Imla and Hannah, May 22, 1822, Lucy, d. twin, Jonathan and Betty, Dec. 17, 1764. Lydia, d. twin, Jonathan and Betty, Dec. 17, 1764. Lydia, d. Imla and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1819. Lydia, d. twin, Imla and HannaTi, May 22, 1822. [Marcus, s. Jonas, Jan. 22, 1814. in pencil.] Maria, d. Joash and Mary Ann, July 9, 1824. [Maria M., d. Jonas, at Pelham, May 24, 1830. in pencil.] Martha Maria, d. Imla and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1829. Martha Strong, d. Joseph and Sophia S., Mar. 8, 1824. Mary Ann, d. Joash and Mary Ann, July 12, 1815. Meriam, d. Jonathan and Betty, Mar. 13, 1767. Molly, d. Sam[ue]l, bp.' June 9, 1771. c. r. 1. Moses, s. Joash and Mary Ann, Jan. 10, 1821. Nancey, d. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, Nov. 28, 1799. Nancy [E. in pencil.], d. Jonas and Sally, Apr. 23, 1828. [Apr. 25. in pencil.] Nancy E., d. Jonathan, farmer, and Irena H., Dec. 1, 1845. Otis, s. Imla and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1824. Patty, d. Jonathan and Betty, Jan. 15, 1769. Patty, d. Jonathan and Patty, Aug. 11, l788. Patty, d. Joseph and Sarah, May 18, 1797. Phebe, d. Moses, bp. Apr. 28, 1734. c. R. 1. Polly, d. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1791. WESTFORD BIRTHS 67 Keyes, Priscilla, d. Isacah and Elisabeth, Dec. 26, 1772. Rebecca, d. Joseph and Ruth, Oct. 5, 1774. Rufus, s. Imla and Hannah, Jan. 30, 1826. Ruth, d. Moses and Susannah, Dec. 9, 1729. Ruth, d. Joseph and Ruth, June 4, 1769. Salla, d. Joseph and Ruth, Oct. 20, 1778. Sally, d. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, July 19, 1803. Sally, d. Jonas and Sally, June 16, 1810. Samson, s. Isacher and Elisabeth, Nov. 22, 1777. Samuel, s. Samuel and Molley, Oct. 9, 1769. Sarah, d. Moses, bp. Apr. 27, 1740. c. R. 1. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Imla and Hannah, July 4, 1839. Shepherd, s. Joash and Mary Ann, Mar. 29, 1826. Solomon, s. Isachar and Elisabeth, May 13, 1771. Sophia Moseley, d. Joseph and Sophia S., Mar. 22, 1821. Stephen, s. Jonath[a]n and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1754. Stephen, s. Joseph and Ruth, Dec. 11, 1772. Stephen, s. Isacher and Elisebeth, July 16, 1784. [Stephen, s. Jonas, Jan. 1, 1821. in pencil.] Stephen Adams, s. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, Aug. 3, 1807. Tabitha, d. Moses, bp. May 28, 1738. c. R. 1. Trueworthy, s. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, July 28, 1805. Wright Sumner, s. Capt. Jonathan and Patty, Mar. 5, 1809. Zoa Ann, d. Joash and Mary Ann, Dec. 27, 1813. KIDDER, Almira, d. George, farmer, b. Ashby, and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1849. Charles, s. Charles P. and Mary Ann, July 17, 1839. Charls Proctor, s. James and Patty, Dec. 27, 1801. Elisabeth, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, June 19, 1743. Elizabeth Ann, d. James, jr. and Lucy, June 20, 1836. Emma Abba, d. George, farmer, b. Ashby, and Lydia, ■ , 1849. George, s. James and Patty, Dec. 8, 1803. Harriet, d. Charles P. and Mary Ann, May 9, 1836. Isaiah, s. Thomas, bp. Feb. 25, 1728. c. R. 1. Isaiah, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Aug. S, 1749. James, s. James and Patty, Feb. 2, 1800. James Otis, s. James, jr. and Lucy, Jan. 21, 1831. John Lewis, s. James and Patty, May 12, 1805. Josephine A., d. James Otis, farmer, and Charlotte F., b. Marlborough, Oct. 29, 1849. Laura Ann, d. George, farmer, and Lydia, Feb. 2, 1846. Lydia Maria, d. George and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1836. Martha Caroline, d. James and Patty, Nov. 28, 1808. 68 WESTFORD BIRTHS Kidder, Mary Ann, d. James and Patty, May 29, 1817. Mary Ann, d. Charles P. and Mary Ann, Feb. 2, 1841. Nancy, d. James and Patty, at Ashby, Jan. 21, 1814. Nancy, d. Charles P. and Mary Ann, Mar. 26, 1837. Rebecca, d. Joseph, of New Ipswich, bp. Oct. 13, 1754. c. r. 1. Sarah, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, Sept. 15, 1761. Sarah Jane, d. James, jr. and Lucy, May 10, 1834. Wilder, s. Joseph, of New Ipswich, bp. May 27, 1753. c. r. 1. William, s. James and Patty, at Ashby, May 17, 1811. KING, Asa, s. Rogers and Lydia, Feb. 19, 1770. George Rogers, s. Capt. Rogers and Mary, Apr. 30, 1804. Lydia, d. Rogers and Lydia, July 26, 1774. Lydia, d. Capt. Rogers and Mary, Oct. 9, 1800. Marie [Maria, dup.], d. twin, Capt. Rogers and Mary, Nov. 3, 1802. Mary, d. twin, Capt. Rogers and Mary, Nov. 3, 1802. Rogers, s. Rogers and Lydia, June 11, 1768. Rufus Tilden, s. Maj. Rogers and Mary, May 21, 1807. KITTREDGE, Mary E., d. William, farmer, b. Boston, and Elizabeth, b. Brighton, Mar. 27, 1848. KLATTER, Sampson, s. Jacob, bp. Aug. 27, . [bef. 1786.] c. r. 1. KNEELAND, Augusta Maria Eve, d. Benja[min] and Eve, Jan. 6, 1818. Bartholomew, s. Richard and Martha [wid. in 1800. c. R. 1.], July 21, 1797. Benjamin, s. Richard and Martha, Feb. 13, 1780. Caroline Cogswell, d. Benja[min] and Eve, Mar. 14, 1815. Edward Martyn, s. Richard and Martha, July 4, 1791. James, s. Richard and Martha, Dec. 9, 1786. John Willard, s. Richard and Martha, Sept. 3, 1784. Lidiah, d. Joseph and Miriam, Jan. 18, 1747-8. Martha, d. Richard and Martha, Aug. 12, 1776. Mary, d. Richard and Martha, Feb. 25, 1789. Richard, s. Richard and Martha, Apr. 1, 1778. Samuel, s. Richard and Martha, May 8, 1794. Sarah Fletcher, d. Benja[min] and Eve, Aug. 17, 1820. William, s. Richard and Martha, Mar. 7, 1782. KNOLTON, Lydia, d. Benja[min], of New Ipswich, bp. June 3, 1759. c. R. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 69 LAIGHTON (see also Leighton), Daniel, s. Francis and Lydia, Nov. 9, 1778. Elisabeth, d. Frances and Lydia, Dec. 28, 1774. Hannah, d. Frances and Lydia, June 8, 1770. Isaiah, s. Francis and Lydia, Mar. 31, 1766. Joanna, d. Francis and Lydia, Dec. 30, 1776. John, s. Francis and Lydia, Nov. 6, 1764. Lydia, d; Francis and Lydia, July 27, 1768. Mary, d. John and Hannah, Nov. 27, 1789. Samuel, s. Francis and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1784. Susanna, d. Francis and Lydia, Feb. '21, 1781. LANCEY (see also Lancy), Dorothey, d. Sam[ue]l and Eliz- abeth, Dec. 18, 1806. Isaac Hard, s. Sam[ue]l and Elizabeth, May 31, 1803. John> s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1798. LANCY (see also Lancey), Betsey, d. Sam[ue]l and Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1801. LAWRANCE (see also Lawrence), Aaron, s. James and An- na [at Pepperell. different ink.], July 29, 1797. Anna, d. James and Anna, Apr. 30, 1788. Charles, s. James and Anna, Dec. 8, 1801. Jabez, s. Samuel and Mary, Nov. 4, 1759. James, s. James and Anna [at Pepperell. different ink.], Nov. 17, 1794. Joel, s. Eleaz[e]r and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1781. John, s. Samuel and Mary, May 4, 1744. John Wright, s. James and Anna, July 21, 1804. Luther, s. James and Anna [at Pepperell. different ink.], May 18, 1790. Mary, d, Samuel and Mary, Aug. 2S, 1749. Matilda, d. James and Anna [at Pepperell. different ink.], June 1, 1792. Noah, s. James and Anna, Oct. 1, 1799. Sally, d. Eleazer and Sarah, Dec. 3, 1786. Sarah, d. Samuel and Mary, Apr. 1, 1754. Silas, s. Eleazar and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1784. Thomas, s. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 14, 1746-7. William, s. Samuel- and Mary, Aug. 27, 1751. William, s. Samuel and Mary, June 3, 1757. LAWRENCE (see also Lawrance), Alpheus, , 1813. G. R. 2. 70 WESTFORD BIRTHS Lawrence, Lovey Adams, d. Henery, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. R. 2. Mary Elizabeth, bp. Oct. -^, 1836. p. r. 2. Nathanael, s. Nath[anie]l, bp. Jan. 10, 1748. c. R. 1. William, s. Nath[anie]l, of Dunstable, bp. Jan. 19, 17S5. c. R. 1. LAWS, Alfred, s. William, at Chelmsford, Mar. 4, 1817. Calvin, s. William, at Sharon, N. H., Nov. 10, 1823. Emma, d. William, May 19, 1834. George, s. William, at Sharon, N. H., Dec. 19, 1818. Joseph, s. William, Jan. 3, 1815. Lucinda, d. William, Aug. 21, 1828. Lucy, d. William, May 2, 1831. Mary Anne, d. William, at Peterborough, N. H., Mar. 3, 1826. Sarah, d. William, at Sharon, N. H., Jan. 6, 1822. LEARNED, Mary Ann, d. Isaac and Elisabeth, Dec. 4, 1798, LEIGHTON (see also Laighton), Abel, s. Reubin and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1795. [Almeria, d. John and Hannah, . in pencil.] [after 1789?] Amos, s. Reuben and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1789. Amos, s. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Reuben and Sally, Dec. 17, 1814. Anna, d. Reuben and Hannah, July 16, 1799. Calvin D., s. Reuben M. and Abigail, Dec. 10, 1840. [Caroline, d. John and Hannah, . in pencil.] [after 1789?] Elbert, s. Albert and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1837. Emer Jane; d. Reuben M. and Abigail, Feb. 2, 1843. Ephraim, s. Reuben and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1797. Francis, s. Reuben and Hannah, July 17, 1791. Francis A., June 21, 1813. p. r. 19. Frank, s. Albert and Hannah, June 17, 1848. Freeman Amos, s. Amos, farmer, and Elvira, Jan. 17, 1848. Henry, s. Albert and Hannah, at Natick, Mar. 12, 1833. Lowell E., s. Reuben M. and Abigail, Aug. 11, 1839. Lydia, d. Reuben and Hannah, July 27, 1801. Mary Augusta, d. Reuben M., laborer, and Abigail, b. Chelms- ford, Mar. 9, 1845. Mary Eliza, d. Amos, farmer, and Elvira, June 18, 1843. Nancy Jane, d. Francis, shoemaker, and Almira, Dec. 18, 1845. Patty, d. Reuben and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1794. WESTFORD BIRTHS 7 1 Leighton, [Reuben, eldest s. Francis and Lydia, at Littleton, , 1762. in pencil.] Reuben, Jan. 10, 1821. p. r. 19. [Rufus, s. John and Hannah, . in pencil.] [after 1789?] Samuel, s. Reuben and Sally, Oct. 18, 1809. Sarah Augusta, d. Reuben and Sally, Apr. 19, 1818. Warren, s. Albert and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1834. Warren, s. Albert and Hannah, . [bet. 1837 and 1848.] LELAND, Andrew, s. Jonas and Olive, July 17, 1803. Andrew, s. Ira and Susan, Feb. 27, 1827. Heary [Henry, dup.] Bullard, s. Jonas and Olive, Dec. 22, 1811. Ira, s. Jonas and Olive," July 22, 1798. Joseph, s. Jonas and Olive, Jan. 29, 1808. Martha E., d. Ira, farmer, and Susan P., July 6, 1845. Susan Amelia, d. Ira and Susan, Jan. 3, 1834. Sylvia„ d. Jonas, June 21, 1800. LINCLON, Eliza, w. Capt. Luther, of Hingham, Jan. 29, 1772. Joshua Barker, s. Capt. Luther and Eliza, Aug. 27, 1805. Luther, Capt., of Hingham, Aug. 22, 1764. Luther Barker, s. Capt. Luther and Eliza, Aug. 3, 1802. 1-ITTLEHALE, John D., s. John, stone-cutter, and Leticia, both b. Tyngsborough, Aug. 3, 1847. Morgiana Letitia, d. John, stone-cutter, and Letitia, both b. Tyngsborough, Mar. 27, 1849. LOCKE, Sarah Cochran, w. T. D. M., , 1811. g. r. 1. LONGLEY (see also Longly), Albert Minott, bp. Sept. 5, 1841. p. R. 2. Albert Warren, s. Otis, carpenter, b. Shirley, and Nancy L., Oct. 12, 1848. LONGLY (see also Longley), Charles Otis, s. Ot[i]s, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. LOVEJOY, Samuel, s. Rebeckah Parker, at Billerica, Dec. 6, 1771. LUCE, Abby Phillips, d. Rev. Leonard and Rebecca E. G., Sept. 3, 1836. 72 WESTFORD BIRTHS Luce, Alfred EUery, s. Leonard and Rebecca E. G., Aug. 30, 1833. Miranda Guild, d. Rev. Leonard and Rebecca E. G., June 11, 1841. Rebecca Elizzebeth, d. [Rev. p. r. 2.] Leonard and Rebecca E. G., Nov. 4, 1830. L'UFKIN, Cyrus, s. Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1789. Ezra, s. Samuel and Sarah, July 13, 1791. Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, June 22, 1788. Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 16, 1793. LUNN, Rhoda, d. Phinehas, of Dunstable, N. H., bp. Oct. 9, 1748. c. R. 1. McA'ULEY, Catharine Jane, d. Peter, stone quarrier, and Mar- garet, both b. Ireland, Nov. 14, 1848. MANLY, Ann Jane, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, both b. Ireland, Sept. 6, 1849. MANSFIELD, , s. Asaph, farmer, 'b. Chelmsford, and Silva E., Feb. 16, 1849. MARRILL, Samuall, s. Steven and Abiah [Abigail, dup.], Jan. 26, 1739. [bp. Feb. 3, 1740. c. R. 1.] MARSHAL (see also Marshel), Betty, d. Benja[min], of Dunstable, bp. Oct. 17, 1756. c. r. 1. Herbert, s. Joshua, bp. Apr. 2, 1791. c. R. 1. MARSHEL (see also Marshal), Joanne, d. Joshua, bp. May 3, 1789. c. R. 1. Joshua, s. Joshua, bp. Sept. 30, 1787. c. R. 1. Polly, d. Joshua, bp. Sept. 30, 1787. c. r. 1. ^MEAD (see also Meeds), John, s. Thom[a]s [and Ruth, dif- ferent ink. T. R.], bp. Sept. 14, 1746. c. r. 1. Ruth, d. Thomas and Ruth, Oct. 1, 1749. "^Stephen, s. Thomas and Ruth, Aug. IS, 1752. '•"Susana, d. Thomas and Ruth, Apr. 12, 1744. MEEDS (see also Mead), John, s. Thom[a]s, bp. June 21, 1767. c. R. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 73 Meeds, Lucy, d. Thom[a]s, bp. Sept. 1, 1765. c. R. 1. ^Thomas, s. Thomas and Ruth, Jan. 4, 1741-2. MENTZER, Charles Lewis, s. Phillip A. and Orinda, Oct. 17, 1824. Cyrus, s. Phillip A. and Orinda, Dec. 14, 1817. John, s. Phillip A. and Orinda, Jan. 24, 1820. Orinda, d. Phillip A. and Orinda, Mar. 13, 1822. William Andrew, s. Phillip A. and Orinda, Oct. 2, 1816. MERRIAM, Cynthia, d. Silas and Mary, Sept. 27, 1821. Eliza, d. Silas and Mary, Feb. 6, 1815. George Boynton, s. Silas and Mary, Nov. 12, 1826. Harriet, d. Silas and Mary, May 3, 1817. Jacob Abbot, s. Silas and Marry, Feb. 28, 1824. Maria, d. Silas and Mary, Mar. 18, 1819. Mary, d. John and Hannah, bp. at Littleton, Feb. 4, 1728. C. R. 1. Mary Abbot, d. Silas and Mary, Aug. 26, 1809. Silas Abbot, s. Silas and Mary, Nov. 17, 1812. MERRILL, see Marrill. MESSER, Richard Orin, s. Richard H. and Sally, Oct. 17, 1830. MESSINGER, Sylvia Elisabeth, d. George S. and Sylvania, Aug. 4, 1824. MINOT (see also Minott), Benjamin, s. Samuel and Eliza- beth, June 11, 1744. Betty, d. Jesse and Betty, Dec. 9, 1784. Edward Jesse, s. Jesse and Almira, Apr. 9, 1833. Elisabeth, d. Jonathan and Esther, at Chelmsford, June 13, 1755. Esther, d. Jonathan and Esther, at Chelmsford, May 23, 1747. Isaac, s. Ens. Jesse and Bitse, Aug. 11, 1795. Jesse, s. Jesse and Betty, July 20, 1787. Joash, s. Jonathan and Esther, July 5, 1769. John, s. Jonathan and Esther, Apr. 21, 1767. Jonathan, at Chelmsford, Jan. 19, 1723. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Esther, at Chelmsford, Aug. 23, 1749. Jonathan, s. Jesse and Betty, Aug. 20, 1793. Jonathan, s. Ens. Jesse and Betsey, Oct. 26, 1797. 74 WESTFORD BIRTHS MiNOT, Joseph, s. Jonathari and Esther, at Chelmsford, June 15, 1751. Joseph, s. Jesse and Betty, June 12, 1789. Martha, d. Jonathan and Esther, Oct. 22, 1764. Mary Ann, d. Ens. Jesse and Betsey, May 30, 1807. Olive, d. Jonathan and Esther, at Ch[elmsford], June 14, 1753. Otis, s. Ens. Jesse and Betsey, Mar. 9, 1803. Paul, s. Jona[than], bp. June 13, 1762. c. r. 1. Rachel, d. John and Rachel, Dec. 10, 1754. Rufus, s. Ens. Jesse and Betsey, May 4, 1800. Samuel, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, Oct. 7, 1748. Sarah, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, May 1, 1745. Thomas, s. Jesse and Betty, Sept. 20, 1791. MINOTT (see also Minot), Alma, d. Isaac, farmer, and Mary Ann, Jan. 27, 1849. Isaac Warren, s. Isaac, farmer, and Mary Ann, Oct. 2, 1845. Jesse, s. Jonathan and Esther, Nov. 5, 1759. Joanna, d. Jonathan and Esther, June 6, 1762. Mary, d. Jonathan and Esther, July 8, 1757. Mary Ann, d. Isaac, farmer, and Mary Ann, Feb. 25, 1847. MITCHELL, Huldia, d. David and Nancy, June 27, 1808. MOORE, Frederick Gay, s. George R., wheelwright, b. Gardiner, Me., and Philenda, July 27, 1849. George C, s. George R., wheelwright, and Philinda R., Mar. 27, 1848. MORRILL, Abigail, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 24, 1821. Mary Ayres, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Apr. 22, 1818. MOSELEY, Sophia, d. Ebenezer and Martha, at Hampton, Ct, Oct. 16, 1776. p. R. 16. MULLEN, Rachel, d. Arthur, bp. Sept. 9, 1753. c. R. 1. MURPHY, Michael, s. Michael, farmer, and Catharine, both b. Ireland, Nov. 30, 1849. NEWELL, Horace, s. Horace, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. R. 2. WESTFORD BIRTHS 75 NICHOLES (see also Nichols), Ruth, d. William and Ruth, July 2, 1777. Stephen, s. William and Ruth, Mar. 23, 1774. William, s. William and Ruth, July 23, 1787. NICHOLS (see also Nicholas), Leonard Milford, s. W[il- lia]m H. T., machinist, b. Salem, and Sarah E., b. Pep- perell, Sept. 6, 1849. Lucia, d. Joel, farmer, and Sarah, of Middlebury, Vt., Mar. 1, 1846. Maria Rutha, d. Samuel H. and Nancy, Aug. 3, 1831. Mary, d. William and Ruth, Nov. 8, 1790. Norman Samuel, s. Samuel H. and Nancy, July 18, 1836. Samuel Augustus, s. twin, Samuel H. and Nancy, May 21, 1838. Samuel Hilton, s. Stephen, Mar. 18, 1802. Sarah Augusta, d. twin, Samuel H. and Nancy, May 21, 1838. Sarah Fidelia, d. William H. T., machinist, b. Salem, and Sarah Ann, b. Pepperell, July 3, 1846. Sarah Maranda, d. Samuel H. and Nancy, Sept. 22, 1834. Stephen Norman, s. Stephen, Apr. 24, 1800. NUTTING, Abel, s. Thomas and Sibbel, Nov. 16, 1799. Alden Bradford, s. Asia and Clarissa, Jan. 11, 1825. Asia, s. Daniel and Molly, Aug. 8, 1796. Benjamin, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 6, 1764. Benjamin, s. Thomas and Sibbel, Nov. 7, 1791. Benjamin Franklin, s. Asia and Clarissa, Nov. 9, 1841. Buckley, s. Thomas and Sibbel, Aug. 16, 1796. Clarissa, d. Asia and Clarissa, May 6, 1823. Daniel, s. Daniel and Molly, May 9, 1791. Daniel Washington, s. Asia and Clarissa, Oct. S, 1837. Ede, d. Daniel and Molly, at Groton, July 21, 1780. George, s. Christopher, laborer, and Phebe, Dec. 14, 1846. Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Aug. 23, 17SS. Hannah, d. Thomas and Sibbel, Aug. 22, 1785. John, s. Sarah Chandler, bp. June 30, 1745. c. R. 1. John, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 22, 1756. John, s. Thomos and Sibbel, Jan. 20, 1782. Jonas, s. Thomos and Sibbel, Oct. IS, 1783. Jonas, s. Jonas and Patty Dix, Apr. 7, 1802. Loiza, d. Daniel and Molly, June 7, 1804. Luther, s. Daniel and Molly, Mar. 22, 1795. Luther Lawrence, s. Asia and Clarissa, Mar. 22, 1830. Martha Cole^ d. Asia and Clarissa, June 20, 1839. j6 WESTFORD BIRTHS Nutting, Mary, d. Daniel and Molly, Sept.^8, 1785. Mary, d. Asia and Clarissa, Mar. 17, 1832. Molly, d. Josiah and Mary, Mar. 13, 1736. Molly, d. John and Hannah, July 2, 1761. Nancey, d. Daniel and Molly, May 8, 1798. Ralph, s. Daniel and Molly, Aug. 26, 1787. Rebekah, d. Daniel and Molly, Aug. 24, .1782. Rebekah, d. Thomas and Sibbel, Oct. 5,' 1789. Roxey, d. Daniel and Molly, Apr. 6, 1805. Sally Ann, d.' Asia and Clarissa, Nov. 18, 1833. Samuel, s. Daniel and Molly, Apr. 1, 1784. Samuel Lawrence, s. Asia and Clarissa, Oct. 19, 1835. Sarah, d. John and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1767. Sibbel, d. Daniel and Molly, Feb. 22, 1793. Sibel, d. Thomas and Sibil, Jan. 4, 1794. Stephen, s. Daniel and Molly, June 27, 1789. Stephen Henry, s. Asia and Clarissa, Aug. 10, 1826. 5ybil, d. Asia and Clarissa, Mar. 5, 1828i '•' Thomas, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1758. Thomas, s. Thomas and Sibbel, Sept. 10, 1787. William, s. Daniel and Molly, Dec. 16, 1801. OBRIEN, Anna, d. James, farmer, and Anna, both b. Ireland, at Lowell, Oct. 20, 1849. OSGOOD, Alden Pitt, s. Jacob and Patty, Oct. 9, 1819. Augusta. Ann, d. Jacob and Patty, Nov. 8, 1827. Augustus Holyoke, s. [Dr. c. R. 1.] Benjamin and Eliza, Dec. 22, 1833. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Tryphena, Apr. 25, 1781. Benjamin Everett, s. Jacob and Patty, Aug. 12, 1835. Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin, jr. and Nancy, at Littleton, Aug. 17, 1812. Charles, s. Jacob and Patty, Jan. 16, 1815. Chester Houghton, s. Jacob and Patty, June 2, 1832. •Cyrus Warren, s. Thomas T. and Laura, Sept. 18, 1842. Edward Henry, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 23, 1829. Eliza Jane, d. Jacob and Patty, May 6, 1821. Elizabeth Mayhew, d. Benja[min], jr. and Nancy, July 3, 1823. Ellen Appleton, d. [Dr. c. r. 1.] Benjamin and Eliza, Apr. 7, 1840. George Stuart, s. Benjamin, jr. and Nancy, Feb. 15, 1819. Hannah, d. Danifel, bp. May 20, 1787. c. R. 1. Harriet Emma, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 16, 181-7. WESTFORD BIRTHS ^^ Osgood, Isaac Cumings, s. [Dr. c. R. 1.] Benjamin and Nancy, Apr. 19, 1826. Isaac Newton, s. Jacob and Patty, Aug. 15, 1823. Jacob, s. Capt. Benja[min] and Tryphene, Mar. 13, 1787. Jacob, 8. twin, Jacob and Patty, Sept. 5, 1809. Jacob Newton, s. Jacob and Patty, Oct. 1, 1829. Joel Fletcher, s. Jacob and Patty, July 8, 1807. John, s. Benjamin and Tryphena, Oct. 26, 1784. John, jr., s. John and Patty, Oct. 17, 1807. John Mason, s. [Dr. c. r. 1.] Benjamin and Nancy, May 19, 1828. Josiah, s. Benja[mi]n and Tryphena, Oct. 10, 1782. Josiah, s. John and Patty, Apr. 29, 1809. Judith Pickman, d. [Dr. c. R. 1.] Benjamin and Eliza, July 7, 1836. Lucy, d. , bp. , 1795. c. r. 1. Mariah, d. Jacob and Patty, Sept. 10, 1817. Martha Fletcher, d. John and Patty, Apr. 12, 1811. Nancy, d. Benjamin [jr. dup.] and Nancy [at Littleton, dup.], Apr. 15, 1816. Nancy Houghton, d. Benjamin, jr. and Nancy, Feb. 21, 1821. Patty, d. Benja[min] and Tryphena, Sept. 15, 1790. Patty, d. twin, Jacob and Patty, Sept. 5, 1809. Pelatiah Fletcher, s. Jacob and Patty, May 7, 1811. Phina, d. Benjamin and Tryphena, Dec. 26, 1779. Polly, d. , bp. , 1795. c. r. 1. Zaccheus Wright, s. Benjamin [jr. dup.] and Nancy [at Lit- tleton, dup.], Apr. 30, 1814. PARKER, [Aaron, s. Aaron and Abigail, at Chelmsford, Aug. 19, 1713. different ink.] Aaron, s. Aaron, jr. and Dorrity, Apr. 15, 1739. Aaron, s. Moses and Bridget, Sept. 26, 1762. Aaron, s. Aaron, jr. and Lydia, Sept. 20, 1767. Aaron, s. Capt. Aaron and Joanna, July 25, 1799. Abel, s. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Mar. 25, 1753. Abel, s. Lennard and Marey, May 13, 1773. Abigail, d. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, Dec. 24, 1745. Abigail, d. Moses and Bridget, Feb. 10, 1765. Addison, s. David and Lydia, Mar. 28, 1793. Amaziah Fasset, s. Joshua and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1775. Ann Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 4, 1842.' p. r. 2. Anna, d. Capt. Aaron and Joanna, Mar. 4, 1793. Anna Wright, d. Levi and Betsey, Apr. 6, 1813. Asa, s. Benjamin and Betty, Jan. 25, 1797. 78 WESTFORD BIRTHS Parker, Augusta Ann, d. Elbridge G., fanner, and Nancy T., Aug. 17, 1847. Augustus, s. Thomas C. and Hannah, Aug. 28, 1812. Benja[min], s. David and Mathe, Sept. 7, 1784. Benja[min], s. David and Mathe, Feb. 21, 1785. Betsy, d. Lt. Levi and Aibigail, Jan. 14, 1792. Bille, s. Levi and Rebeckah, Nov. 12, 1780. Bridget, d. Moses, bp. July 7, 1745. c. r. 1. Brigget, d. Moses and Brigget, Oct. 30, 1746. Calven, s. Lt. Levi and Abigail, May 9, 1 790. David, s. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, Nov. 15, 1757. David, s. David and Lydia, Mar. 18, 1802. Deborah, d. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, May 25, 1751. Dorethy, d. Eben[ezer] and Experience, Feb. 21, 1792. Dorothy, d. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, Oct. 26, 1742. Ebenezer, s. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, June 18, 1749. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Expearance, Aug. 27, 1780. Elbridge Granville, s. Elbridge G., farmer, and Nancy T., b. Acton, Jan. 16, 1846. Ellas, s. Lennard and Marey, May 17, 1771. Elisabeth, d. Samuel and Mary, May 9, 1755. Eliza Ann, d. Jacob Osgood and Rachel, Jan. 5, 1813. Elizabeth, d. Aaron, bp. July 14, 1728. c. R. 1. Elizabeth, d. Moses and Brigit, Mar. 8, 1749. Elvira, d. Jacob Osgood and Rachel, Jtme 15, 1820. Emeline, d. Jacob Osgood and Rachel, Aug. 26, 1811. Ephraim Hildreth, s. David and Lydia, July 7, 1798. Eri, s. Eben[ezer] and Experience, Dec. 25, 1797. Esther, d. Aaron and Abigail [Adams, different ink.], July 4, 1738. George, s. Levi and Rebekah, Oct. 11, 1783. George William Albert, s. Addison, bp. July 16, 1826. c. r. 1. Hannah, d. Joshua and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1778. Hannibal, s. Jacob Osgood and Rachel, Sept. 28, 1818. Harriet Frances, bp. Sept. 4, 1842. p. r. 2. Hester [Esther, dup.], d. Aaron and Abigil, July 4, 1738. Hildreth, s. Aaron, jr. and Lucy, Oct. 9, 1763. Horace, s. David and Lydia, Jan. 7, 1796. Hosea, s. Thomas C. and Hannah, June 21, 1820. Isaac, s. Aaron and Abigail, May 20, 1731. Isaac, s. Moses and Brigit, July 18, 1751. Isaac, s. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, Sept. 23, 1755. Isaac, s. Moses and Bridget, Aug. 22, 1760. Isaac, s. Isaac and Bridget, at Litchfield, July 30, 1779. Isaiah, s. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, Nov. 27, 1752. WESTFORD BIRTHS 79 Parker, Isaiah, s. Eben[ezer] and Experience, May 26, 1788. Jabez, s. Eben[ezer] and Experience, Feb. S, 1786. James, s. Levi and Abigail, Jan. 6, 1787. Jeremiah; s. Josh[u]a, bp. Mar. 31, 1771. C. R. 1. Jesse, s. Jacob Osgood and Rachel, June 16, 1816. Joel, s. Benjamin and Betty, June 17, 1799. John, s. Moses and Bridget, July 12, 1757. John, s. Ebenezer and Expearance, Aug. 15, 1778. John, s. John and Abigal, June 15, 1783. John Davis, s. John Brooks, of Salem, and Angeline D. H., bp. July 2, 1845. c. R. 1. Jonathan, s. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 28, 1751. Jonathan Fletcher, s. Capt. Aaron and Joanna, Apr. 29, 1795. Joseph, s. Aron and Abigal, Jan. 2, 1734-S. Joseph, s. Samuel and Sarah, May 20, 1742. Joshua, s. Joshua and Mary, Dec. 31, 1764. Joshuah, s. Aaron, jr. and Dorrity, Dec. 13, 1740. Lennard, s. Lennard and Marey, June 28, 1769. Leonard, s. Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1745. Levi, s. Levi and Rebekah, Jan. 9, 1778. Loanuni, s. Eben[ezer] and Experience, Aug. 2, 1795. Lucy, d. Moses and Brigit, July 17, 1753. Lucy, d. Aaron, jr., bp. June 5, 1774. c. R. 1. Lucy, d. David and Lidia, Mar. 26, 1791. Lucy, d. Thomas- C. and Hannah, June 7, 1814. Luther, s. Lt. Levi and Abigail, May 1, 1789. Luther, s. Levi, bp. July 10, 1791. c. r. 1. Luther L., s. Levi and Betsey, Oct. 31, 1815. Lydia, d. Samuel and Mary, July 13, 1757. Lydia, d. Aaron, jr. and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1771. Lydia, d. Lennard and Marey, May 22, 1793. [Martha, d. Levi and Betsey, . in pencil.] [bef. 1813.] Martha, d. Thomas C. and Hannah, Mar. 28, 1816. Mary, d. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, Apr. 7, 1744. Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 14, 1748-9. Mary, d. Joshua and Mary, Nov. 3, 1769. Mary, Mar. 31, 1773. p. r. 9. Mary, d. Eben[ezer] and Experience, May 8, 1790. Mary,'d. Jacob Osgood and Rachel, Oct. 3, 1814. Mathe, d. David and Mathe, Aug. 7, 1787. Mille, d. Lennard and Marey, Aug. 3, 1787. Moses [s. Eben[eze]r and Elizabeth, , 1720. in pencil.]. Moses, s. Moses and Bridget, Aug. 14, 1755. Patte, d. Joshua and Mary, July 12,. 1767. Polly, d. Lennard and Marey, July 3, 1775. 80 WESTFORD BIRTHS Parker, Rebaca, d. Lennard and Marey, Dec. 18, 1780. Rebaca, d. Lennard and Marey, Apr. 8, 1782. Rebecca, d. Ebenezer and Experance, Apr. 1, 1784. Sally, d. Lennard and Marey, Mar. 11, 1777. Sally, d. Lennard and Marey, May 24, 1778. Salome, d. Eben[ezer] and Experknce, Nov. 2, 1793. [Samuel, s. Aaron and Abigail, at Chelmsford, Jan. 1, 1717. different ink.] Samuel, s. Samuel and Sary, Feb. 27, 1738-9. Sarah, d. Aaron, jr. and Dorothy, Sept. 12, 1747. Sarah, d. Sam[ue]l, jr., bp. Nov. 25,. 1764. c. r. 1. Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Experance, Sept. 10, 1782. Sarah, d. Isaac and Bridget, Dec. 21, 1787. Sary, d. Samuel and Sary, Oct. 23, 1740. Silas, s. Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1743-4. Silas, s. Lennard and Marey, June 29, 1785. Thomas' Carver, s. David and Mathe, Feb. 18, 1783. Thomos Cummings, s. Isaac and Briget, at Chelmsford, July 11,1781. [William, s. Levi and Betsey, . in pencil.] [bef. 1813.] PARLIN, Asaph, s. Asaph and Sarah F., at Carlisle, Apr. 12, 1837. Laura Amanda, d. Asaph and Sarah F., Jan. 20, 1841. Mary Ann; d. Asaph and Sarah F., June 25, 1838. PARMENTER, Abba Maria, d. Micah, teamster, and Mary R., June 26, 1844. Mary Rebecca, d. Micah, teamster, and Mary Rebecca, July 6, 1842. Olive Ann, d. Micah, teamster, and Mary R., Aug. 23, 1846. PARRIT (see also Parrot), Margret, d. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1744-5. Mary, d. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1743. Sarah, d. Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1739-40. Thomas, s. Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 12, 1742. PARROT (see also Parrit), Joanna, d. Margaret, bp. Apr. 28, 1765. c. R. 1. PATCH, Abel, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, at Grpton, Feb. 22, 1769. Abijah, s. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, at Cavendish, Vt., May 29, 1790. Albert, s. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, Mar. 17, 1801. WESTFORD BIRTHS 8 1 Patch, Alvah, s. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, Apr. 30, 1799. Asa, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, at Groton, Oct. 17, 1764. Asa Laurence, s. Mary, bp. Nov. 12, 1815. c. R. -l. Daniel Lawrence, s. Daniel and Betsy, Dec. 7, 1800. Daniel Lawrence, s. Daniel and Betey, Dec. 7, 1810. David, s. David and Susanna, Aug. 5, 1807. Elisabeth, d. Isaac and Elisabeth, June 20, 1766. Elizabeth Thompson, d. Mary, bp. Nov. 12, 1815. c. R. 1. Isaac, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, Oct. 1, 1762. James Thompson, s. Mary, bp. Nov. 12,^^ 1815. c. R. 1. John Avery, s. Isaac and Elisabeth, at Pepperell, Jan. 4, 1761. Lucinda, d. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, Nov. 17, 1792. Phebe, d. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, Jan. 27, 1797. Ralph, s. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, at Cavendish, Vt., Apr. 17, 1788. Saloma, d. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, Nov. 22, 1794. Silva, d. twin, Daniel and Betsey, Apr. 3, 1808. Silvester, s. twin, Daniel and Betsey, Apr. 3, 1808, Sophronia, d. Isaac, jr. and Phebe, Dec. 6, 1808. Susanna Cheney, d. David and Susannah, Sept. 11, 1805. William Richey, s. Mary, bp. Nov. 12, 1815. c. r. 1. PATTEN (see also Pattin, Patting), Augusta Virginia, d. Rufus and Sarah B., June 15, 1838. Claria Virginia, d. Rufus, farmer, and Sarah B., b. Concord, N. H., Sept. 30, 1849. Elizabeth Hannah, d. James Pollard and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1817. Emaline Desdamona, d. James P[ollard. dup.]. and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1820. Georgiana, d. Rufus and Sarah B., Nov. 12, 1840. Jonathan, s. Isaac and Lydia, — — . [bef. 1837?] Lucindia, d. Ede Nutting, Aug. 23, 1796. Mary Olivia, d. Rufus and Sarah B., Aug. 16, 1839. [Rufus Orlando, s. Rufus and Sarah B., June 30, 1844. in pen- cil.] Sarah J[ane. p. r. 2.], d. Rufus, farmer, and Sarah B., Sept. 3, 1846. Thomas Oliver, s. James P[ollard. dup.] and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1822. William Oliver, s. Rufus and Sarah B., May 22, 1842. PATTIN (see also Patten), Betsy, d. Isaac and Lydia, Sept: 14, 1800. Isaac, s. Isaac and Lydia, at Chelmsford; Feb. 25, 1784. 82 WESTFORD BIRTHS Pattin, Jane Ann, d. Isaac and Lydia, May 22, 1807. John, s. Isaac and Lydia, at Chelmsford, Feb. 14, 1786. Joseph, s. Isaaaand Lydia, Nov. 24, 1804. Lydia, d. Isaac and Lydia, Nov. 9, 1794. Mary, d. Isaac and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1798. Oliver, s. Isaac and Lydia, at Ashby, Feb. 12, 1788. Pollard, s. Isaac and Lydia, at Chelmsford, Dec. 4, 1783. Rufus, s. Isaac and Lydia, Sept. 7, 1802. William, s. Isaac and Lydia, Sept. 7, 1796. PATTING (see also Patten), Thomas, s. Isaac and Lydia, at Ashby, Oct. 8, 1792. PEABODY, Ann Maria, d. , bp. Julv 25, 1824. c. R. 1. Ann Mariah, d. Theoder and Sally, Oct. 29. 1806. Sally Esther Carver, d. , bp. July 25, 1824. c. R. 1. PEACOCK, Esther, d. John, bp. May 29, 1737. c. r. 1. Margaret, d. John, bp. Oct. 28, 1739. c. R. 1. Mary, d. John, bp. May 16, 1742. c. R. 1. PEARSON (see also Persons), Anna, d. Thomas and Ame, May 21, 1783. Thomas, s. Thomas and Ame, Jan. S, 1785. PELSEUE, Sally P., w. William Wheeler, at Chelmsford, Aug. 16, 1790. PERHAM, Eliza Ann, d. Samuel and Eliza, Oct. 20, 1830. PERRY, Charlotte E., d. William K., farmer, and Charlotte J., Nov. 24, 1846. Eben J., s. William K., farmer, b. Natick, and Charlotte J., Aug. 15, 1849. Edward Everett, s. Lendall and Emily, at Natick, Aug. 28, 1834. Emily, d. Lendall and Emilv, at Sherburne, Feb. 16, 1836. Esther, d. James, bp. Dec. 20. 1772. c. r. 1. Esther, d. James and Marv. Dec. 11, 1773. [Lendall, s. William and Hannah (Leland), at Woburn, , 1803. different ink.] Lewis, s. Lendall, shoemaker, and Emily, Tune 21, 1843. Mary, d. James and Mary, at Dunstable, Mar. 2, 1770. Rachel, d. James and Mary, Oct. 13, 1778. WESTFORD BIRTHS 83 Perry, Sarah, d. James and Hepzibah, both residents now in Westford, Feb. 7, 1765. PERSONS (see also Pearson), Caleb, s. Thomas and Ame, Nov. 20, 1786. PIKE, Albert E., s. Sherman, stone-cutter, and Eliza, June 21, 1845. Albert Eliot, s. Joseph Forbush and Eliza, June 23, 1845. Caroline Mehitable, d. Joseph Forbush and Eliza, Sept. 30, 1835. Falicia Hosmor, d. Joseph F., stone-cutter, b. Hudson, N. H., and Eliza, b. Newton^ Feb. 18, 1848. Hannah Jane, d. Joseph Forbush and Eliza, Sept. 11, 1839. Joseph Sherman, s. Joseph Forbush and Eliza, July 9, 1833. Mark Hursey, s. Joseph Forbush and Eliza, Apr. 23, 1842. Mary Eliza, d, Joseph Forbush and Eliza, Aug. 16, 1831. William Henry, s. Joseph Forbush and Eliza, Sept. 5, 1837. POOL, Emeline, d. Rufus and Patty, Jan. 28, 1817. William, s. Rufus and Patty, at Dedham, Dec. 31, 1812. POWERS, Isaac, s, Jona[than], bp. Mar. 1, 1730. c. R. 1. PRATT, Eliza, d. Ira and Betsey, Feb. 8, 1807. PRESCOT (see also Prescott), Abigail, d. David, of Groton, bp. Jan. 26, 1755. c. R. 1. Alvah, s. William and Unice, Mar. 31, 1803. Amos, s. David, of Groton, bp. Aug. 14,. 1768. c. r. 1. Anna, grandch. Timothy Prescot, bp. , 1794. c. R. 1. Azubah, d. Dav[id], of Groton, bp. July 29, 1764. c. r. 1. David, s. David, of Groton, bp. Jan. 13, 1754. c. r. 1. Elezebath, d. Ebenezer and Lidy, Sept. 11, 1788. Esther, d. Timothy and Lydia, May 29, 1757. Eunice, d. David, of Groton, bp. Mar. 15, 1761. c. r. 1. Ezra, s. David, of Groton, bp. May 9, 1756. c. R. 1. Joel, s. David, of Groton, bp. June 24, 1759. c. r. 1. Jonathan, s. Ebenezer and Lydia, July 24, 1783. Levi, s. Jonas, jr., bp. Sept. 24, 1769. c. r. 1. Lucy, d. Ebenezer and Lydia, Sept. 21, 1793. Luther, s. Lt. Jonathan, bp. Oct. 19, 1817. c. R. 1. Nancy, d. Ebenezer and Lydia, May 3, 1791. Olive, d. Capt. Abraham and Olive [(Adams), p. r. 21.], Nov. 10, 1802. 84 WESTFORD BIRTHS Prescot, Rachel, d. Dav[id], of Groton, bp. Mar. 23, 1766. c. R. ]. Sampson, s. Dav[id], of Groton, bp. Nov. 28, 1762. c. R. 1. PRESCOTT (see also Prescot), Aaron, s. [Dea. c. R. 1.] John and Martha, Nov. 19, 1787. Aaron Abbot, s. Thomas and Sally, Oct. 31, 1815. Abel, s. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 12, 1759. Abel, s. Abram and Olive, Aug. 3, 1816. Abigail Eaton, d. Thomas and Sally, Mar. 22, 1820. Abigal, d. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 2, 1757. Abram, s. Oliver and Bethiah, Sept. 21, 1769. Abram, s. Capt. Abram and Olive, Jan. 6, 1809. Almira, d. twin, Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Feb. 19,' 1806. Alva, ch. Bulkley, bp. Oct. 27, 1822. c. R. 1. Amos, s. Timothy and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1771. Amos Emerson, s. Amos and Polly, Sept. 5, 1812. Anna, d. Timothy and Lydia, May 7, 1761. Asa, s. Ebenezer and Lydia, Jan. 2, 1778. Asa, s. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1800. Augusta Maria, d. Asa and Sophia, Apr. 22, 1834. Augustus Asa, s. Asa and Sophia, Oct. 9, 1823. Avery, s. Joseph and Abigail, June 3, 1781. Banjamin, s. Jonas, jr. and Elisabeth, Dec. 17, 1739. Benjamin, s. Oliver and Bethiah, Mar. 15, 1754. Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin, deceased, and Mary Stratton, bp. Sept. 5, 1841, a. 4 y. c. R. 1. Bethiah, d. Oliver Smd Bethiah, June 26, 1758. Bethiah, d. Capt. Abram and Olive, Nov. 4, 1804. Bethiah, d. Capt. Abram and Olive, Apr. 1, 1805. Betsey, d. Isaiah and Betsey, May 10, 1797. Bulkley, s. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Feb. 5, 1766. Candace, d. Isaiah and Betsey, July 6, 1799. Charles Abbot, s. Asa and Sophia, Jan. 18, 1828. Charles Albert, s. Charles A., laborer, and Martha Ann, b. Strafford, Vt., Oct. — , 1848. Charles Franklin, s. Asa and Sophia, Apr. 15, 1825. Charles Fredric, s. Benjamin, deceased, and Mary Stratton, bp. Sept. 5, 1841, a. 2 y. c. R. 1. Charlotte [Jones, c. r. 1.], d. Eben[eze]r and Charlotte, Nov^ 7, 1819. Eben, s. Nathan P., bloomer, and Bethire, b. Strafford, Vt., July 9, 1849. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Aug. 15, 1747. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Lydia, May 6, 1776. WESTFORD BIRTHS 85 Prescott, Eben[eze]r, s. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.J and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1810. Eben[eze]r, s. Eben[ez]er [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1811. Ebenezer, s. Asa and Sophia, Feb. 23, 1836. Edea, d. Jacob and Bathsheba, June 21, 1809. Edee, d. Joseph and Abigal, Dec. 8, 1775. Edward, s. Abram and Olive [(Adams.) p. r. 21.], Sept. 4, 1821. Edward M., s. Henry A., Feb. 3, 1848. p. r. 21. Elias, s. Asa and Sophia, Apr. 14j 1840. Elijah, s. Timothy and Lydia, Mar. 4, 1767. Elisabath^ d. Jonas [jr. c. R. 1.] and Elisabath, Sept. 15, 1734. Elisabeth, d. Oliver and Bethiath, May 8, 1756. EUiah [Elijah, dup.], s. Jonas [jr. c. R. 1.] and Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1731-2. Elnora, d. twin, Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Feb. 19, 1806. Esther, d. Jonas, jr. and Rebeckah, Oct. 25, 1742. Esther, d. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 14, 1763. Eugene De Costar, s. Charles A., laborer, and Martha Ann, b. Strafford, Vt, July 10, 1849. Eunic, d. Ebenez[e]r and Hannah, Aug. 17, 1734. Franklin, s. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1808. Franklin, s. Eben[eze]r and Charlotte, Nov. 7, 1813. ■George, s. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Nov. 6, 1801. George Albert, s. Asa and Sophia, Dec. 11, 1831. •George Gilbert, s. William and Unice, Mar. 27, 1805. George Gilbert, s. Bulkley, bp. Oct. 27, 1822. c. r. 1. George Henry, s. Henry A. and Mary M. F., May 1, 1838. Hannah, d. Oliver and Bithiah, Jan. 16, 1752. Hannah, d. [Dea. c. R. 1.] John and Martha, Aug. 8, 1786. Hannah, d. James and Hannah, May 1, 1795. Hannah, d. Jonas and Martha W., Oct. 30, 1840. Hariot, d. Isaiah and Betsy, July 18, 1803. Henery Adams, s. Capt. Abram and Olive, Jan. 13, 181 1. Isaac, s. Jonas, jr. and Elisabath, June 27, 1738. Isaac, s. Oliver and Bethiah, Apr. 2, 1771. Isaiah, s. Timothy and Lydia, Apr. 21, 1763. Jackson, s. Abram and Olive, Feb. 27, 1819. Jacob, s. Joseph and Abigail, Feb. 28, 1783. Jeptha, s. Joseph and Abigail, June 7, 1779. John, s. Lt. Jonas, jr. and Rebeckah, Apr. 14, 1752. John, s. John and Martha, Sept. 25, 1779. Jonas, s. Jonas [jr. dup.] and Esther, Apr. 7, 1727. 86 WESTFORD BIRTHS Prescott, Jonas, s. Jonas, jr. and Rebeckah, Aug. 26, 1751. Jonas, s. Levi and Hannah, Apr. 2, 1810. Joseph, s. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, May 19, 1749. Joseph Fletcher, s. Ebenezer and Sally, May 24, 1823. Joseph Henry, s. Bulkley, bp. Oct. 27, 1822. c. R. 1. Joshua, s. John and Martha, Nov. 15, 1780. Julia Ann, d. Asa and Sophia, May 9, 1822. Levi, s. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Dec. 29, 1771. Levi, jr., s. Levi and Hannah, Mar. 24, 1823. Louisa, d. Amos and Polly, June 27, 1801. Lucinda, d. Amos and Polly,' at Ashby, Sept. 2, 1805. Lucinda, Mar. 30, 1842. g. R. 1. Lucinda, d. Nathan P., forgeman, and Bethiah, July 28, 1847. Lucritia, d. James and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1 798. Lucy, d. Timothy and Lydia, Apr. 14, 1759. Lucy, d. Oliver and B.ethiah, Sept. 23, 1765. Lucy, d. James and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1800. Luther, s. Jonathan and Huldah, Dec. 3, 1809. Lydia, d. Timothy and Lydia, Jan. IS, 1754. Lydia, d. Ebenezer and Lydia, Jan. 8, 1780. Lydia, d. Amos and Polly, June 29, 1799. Martha, d. Oliver and Bethiah, Dec. 16, 1767. Martha Jane, d. Asa and Sophia, Oct. 22, 1842. Marthe Tryphosa, d. Amos and Polly, May 25,. 1810. Mary, d. 01iv[e]r and Bethiah, June 1, 1762. [June 9. p. R. 21.] Mary, d. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Feb. 1, 1768. Mary, d. Oliver and Bethiah, Dec. 27, 1772. Mary Eliza, d. Samuel, forgeman, and Parazina, Aug. 4, 1847. Mary Jane, d. Asa and Sophia, Jan. 29, 1830. Maryan d. Levi and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1813. [Melbourne, s. Jonas and Martha W., '■. in pencil.] [after 1840?] Melvin, s. Asa and Sophia, Feb. 22, 1838. Melvina, d. Benjamin, deceased, and Mary Stratton, bp. Sept. 5, .1841, a. 1 y. c. R. 1. Nathan, s. Jacob and Bathsheba, Aug. 21, 1807. Nathan Pollard, s. Eben[eze]r and Charlotte, Nov. 1, 1817. Noah, s. Nathan P., bloomer, and Bethia, b. Strafford, Vt., at Strafford, Vt, June 21, 1845. Olive, d. Timothy and Lydia, Dec. 10, 1774. Olive, d. Amon [Amos?] and Polly, at Ashby, Dec. 7, 1807. Olive, d. Levi and Hannah, June 14, 1815. Olive, d. Levi, bp. Sept. 20, 1835. c. R. 1. Olive Ann, d. Luther and Olive, June 4, 1841. Oliver, May 5, 1725. p. r. 21. WESTFORD BIRTHS 87 Prescott, Oliver, s. Oliver and Bethyah, Feb. 22, 1760. Oliver, s. Abram and Olive, Nov. 25, 1806. Patty [Martha, p. r. 21.], d. Abraham and Polly [(Fletcher). p. R. 21.], Aug. 25, 1801. [1800. p. r. 21.] Peter, s. Jonas [jr. dup.] and Rebecca, Dec. 28, 1761. Peter Bulkley, s. Bulkley, bp. Oct. 27, 1822. c. R. 1. Phebe, d. Oliver and Bethiah, Sept. 7, 1763. Polly, d. Amos and Polly, Feb. 23, 1796. Polly Fletcher, d. Abram and Polly [(Fletcher), p. r, 21.], Aug. 2, 1799. Rebecca, d. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Apr. 10, 1753. Rebecca A., d. Levi, farmer, and Rebecca, Mar. 3, 1848. Rebeccah, d. Bulkley, bp. Oct. 27, 1822. c. r. 1. Rebeckah, d. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Jan. 21, 1751. Ruth, d. Timothy and Lydia, Feb. 28, 1769. Sally, d. Amos and Polly, Sept. 20, 1797. Samuel, s. John and Martha, Jan. 8, 1782. Samuel, s. E-ben[eze]r and Sally, May 8, 1822. Samuel, s. Eleazer, bp. Nov. 10, 1822. c. r. 1. Sarah, d. Jonas [jr. dup.] and Rebeckah, Jan. 31, 1744-5. Sarah, d. Timothy and Lydia, Mar. 31, 1765. Sarah, d. Abram and Olive [(Adams), p. r. 21.], Aug. 23, 1813. Sarah Ann Hale, d. Thomas and Sally, Nov. 23, 1817. Sebel, d. Jonas, jr. and Rebecca, Jan. 6, 1756. Sherman Luther, s. Luther and Olive, Apr. 25, 1839. Simeon, s. Ebenezer and Sally, Feb. 4, 1826. Sophy, d. Joseph and Rachel, Sept. 3, 1804. S[t]ephen, s. [Dea. c. r. 1.] John and Martha, Aug. 29, 1784. Sukey [Susanna, dup.], d. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1802. Susanna, d. Oliver and Bethiah [(Underwood), p. r. 21.], May 25, 1750. Susanna, d. James and Hannah, May 3, 1793. Susanna, d. James and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1796. Thomos, s. [Dea. c. R. 1.] John and Martha, May 30, 1791. Timothy, s. Jonas [jr. c. R. 1.] and Esther, Nov. 21, 1728. Timothy, s. Timothy and Lyida, Sept. 22, 1755. Timothy, s. Amos and Polly, Nov. 6, 1815. Timothy Jones, s. Eben[eze]r and Charlotte, July 11, 1815. William, s; Joseph and Abigail, Oct. 16, 1777. William, s. William and Eunice, July 1, 1807. William, s. Bulkley, bp. Oct. 27, 1822. c. R. 1. , eh. Isaiah and Betsy, Feb. 21, 1802. g. r. 2. 88 WESTFORD BIRTHS PRESSEY, Caroline Augusta, d. Thomas W., inuholder, and Clarissa, Feb. 25, 1844. PROCTER (see also Proctor), Aaron, s. Oliver, bp, Nov. 27, 1768. c. R. 1. Abel, s. Leonard and Lydia, Dec. 28, 1762. Abigail, d. twin, Ezekiel and Elisabeth, July 5, 1747. Abijah, s. Ezekeel and Elisabeth, Feb. 9, 1736-7. Agnese, d. Joseph and Agnese, Apr. 18, 1742. Amos, s. Jona[than], bp. Feb. 4, 1739. c. R. 1, Amos, s. John, jr., bp. May 3, 1767. C. R. 1. Asa, s. Rebecca, bp. Sept. 21, 175S. c. r. 1. Asa, s. Leonard and Lydia, Nov. 26, 1766. Charles, s. Philep and Phebe, Sept. 13, 1755. Daniel, s. Lt. Daniel and Esther, June 30, 1814. Ede, d. Dr. Charles and Lydia, May 31, 1785. Elisabath, d. Ezekiel and Elisabath, Oct. 23, 1741. Elisabeth, d. John and Mary, Oct. 18, 1724. Elisabeth, d. Ezekiel, jr. and Elisabeth, May 9, 1762. Elisabeth, d. James and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1766. [Elizabeth, different ink], d. Jonathan and Elisabeth [ , 1721. different ink.]. [Ephraim. different ink.], s. Jonathan and Elisabeth [ , 1726. different ink.]. Esther, d. twin, Ezekiel and Elisabeth, July S, 1747. Esther, d. Lt. Daniel and Esther, Aug. 25, 1812. Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel, jr. and Elisabeth, at Dunstable, Dec. 5, 1764. Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel, jr. and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1768. Ezra, s. Ezekiel and Elisabeth, Aug. 6, 1752. Ezra, s. Ezekiel, jr. and Elisabeth, Jan. 18, 1761. Hannah, d. Phillip and Phebe, Aug. 4, 1747. Hannah, d. James and Hannah, Mar. 18, 1748. Hannah, d. James, bp. June 23, 1771. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. Jonas, bp. Oct. 14, 1781. c. R. 1. Hosea, s. James, jr., bp. June 14, 1801. c. r. 1. Isaac, s. Philep and Phebe, Aug. 11, 1758. Isaiah, s. John,, jr. and Molly, Apr. 29, 1764. Israel, s. Israel, of Chelmsford, bp. Apr. 13, 1740. c. R. 1. [Jacob, different ink.], s. Jonathan [s. Gershom. in pencil.] and Elisabeth [ , 1724. different ink.]. James, s. John and Mary, Nov. 14, 1720. James," s. James, bp. Dec. 11, 1763. c. R. 1. James, s. James and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1764. James, s. James, jr., bp. Sept. 16, 1787. c. R. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS 89 Procter, Jesse, s. John [jr. c. r. 1.] and Sarah, July 21, 1773. Joanna, d. Philip, bp. Sept. 30, 1753. c. R. 1. Joanna, d. James, bp. Jan. 29, 1769. c. R. 1. Job, s. Jonathan [s. Gershom. in pencil, dup.] and Elisabeth, Aug. 24, 1730. John, s. John and Mary, Oct. 14, 1733. John, s. John, jr. and Molly, Sept. 4, 1765. John, s. Leonard, of Cavendish, bp. Feb. 5, 1786. c. R. 1. Jonas, s. Phillip and Phebe, Sept. 16, 1749. Jonas, s. Jonas, bp. Apr. 22, 1781. c. R. 1. [Jooathan. different ink.], s. Jonathan [s. Gershom. in pencil.] and Elisabeth [ , 1722. different ink.]. Jonathan, s. Nathan and Phebe, Aug. 13, 1766. Joseph, s. Ezekiel and Elisabeth, Aug. 6, 1743. Joseph, s. Ezekiel, jr. and Elisabeth, June 19, 1770. Josiah, s. John, bp. Dec. 21, 1735. c. r. 1. Josiah, s. James and Hannah, May 31, 1749. Josiah, s. John, jr. and Molly, Nov. 5, 1762. Lennerd, s. Thomes and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1734-5. Leonard, s. Leonard and Lydia, Oct. 8, 1764. Lydia, d. James and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1756. Lydia, d. Leonard and Mary, July 7, 1772. Lydia,. d. Jonas, bp. Oct. 14, 1781. c. r. 1. Lydia, d. Nathan andPatieance, Oct. 30, 1788. Martha, d. James and Hannah, Dec. S, 1754. , Mary, d. John and Mary, Mar. 27, 1719. Mary, d. Ezekil and Elisabeth, Oct. 30, 1738. Mary, d. Oliver and Mary, July IS, 1749. Mary, d. James and Hannah, May 8, 1758. Mary, d. Ezekiel, jr. and Elisabeth, Dec. 22, 1766. Mehitabell, d. Nathan and Phebe, June 20, 1768. Molly, d. Leonard and Mary, Oct. 20, 1770. Nathan, s. Nathan and Phebe, Oct. 17, 1762. Olive, d. John, bp. Mar. 2, 1729. c. r. 1. " "' Olive, d. Joseph, bp. Oct. 31, 1736. c. e. 1. Olive, d. James and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1760. Oliver, s. John and Mary, Feb. 25, 1729. 011[i]ve, d. Thomes and Hanna, Jan. 22, 1737-8. Phebe, d. Nathan and Phebe, Oct. 13, 1764. Phillip, s. Leonard and Lydia, Sept. 2, 1761. Phinehas, s. John and Mary, Nov. 10, 1722. Phinehas, s. James, jr., bp. Feb. 10, 1788. C. r. 1. Phyneas, s. James, jr., bp. , 1794. c. r. 1. Polly, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 24, 1775. Rachel, d. Oliver, bp. Apr. 21, 1765. c. r. 1. 90 WESTFORD BIRTHS Procter, Rebacah, d. Joseph and Agnes, Nov. 28, 1737. Ruben, s. Phillip and Phebe, Aug. 8, 1751. Ruth, d. Jona[than], bp. Oct. S, 1735. c. r. 1. Salla, d. Dr. Charles and Lydia, Sept. 6, 1788. Sally, d. Nathan, jr. and Patieance, Oct. 2, 1787. Sarah, d. John and Mary, Sept. 30, 1726. Sarah, d. Joseph, bp. Dec. 15, 1728. c. R. 1. Sarah, d. Ezekiel and Elisabeth, Aug. 15, 1745. Sarah, d. James and Hannah, Feb. 24, 1762. Sarah, d. 01ive[r] and Mary, June 21, 1762. Sebble, d. Joseph and Agness, Apr. 26, 1744. Sibil, d. John, jr., bp. Aug. 1.4, 1768. c. R. 1. Silas, s. James and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1750. Solomon, s. Leonard and Mary, July — , 1774. [bp. July 24. ■. c. R. 1.] Stephen, s. James and Hannah, July 9, 1752. Tatty, d. , bp. , 1792. c. R. 1. Thankful, d. Oliver [and Mary, different ink. t. r.], bp. Nov. 14, 1756. c. r. 1. Thomas, s. John, bp. Nov. 14, 1731. c. r. 1. Thomas, s. Leonard and Mary, May 19, 1776. Uriah, s. Daniel, of Chelmsford, bp. Mar. 23, 1740. C. R. 1. .Zevah [Zeruiah. c. R. 1.], d, Joseph and Agnus, Nov. 20, 1739. PROCTOR (see also Procter, Proctur), Alvin Lorenzo, s. Aza- riah, milkman, and Lettice W. B., Apr. 13, 1844. Betsey, d. James, bp. , 1797. c. R. 1. Esther, now w. Jonathan Minot, at Chelmsford, Nov. 27, 1725. Hannah, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1784. Hosea, s. John and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1777. Isaac, s. Oliver and Mary, Jan. 23, 1750. Jeabes, s. Leonard, bp. Apr. 23, 1780. c. R. 1. Joel Gardner, s. Azariah, milkman, and Lettice W. B., Oct. 20, 1845. Joseph, s. John and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1779. Mary, w. Jonathan Carver, , 1753. G. r. 2. Sally, d. John and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1782. Thankfull, d. Oliver and Mary, July 18, 1752. PROCTUR (see also Proctor), Agnes, d. Joseph and Agnes, Feb. 16, 1734-5. Ezecal, s. Ezecal and Elisabath, Aug. 5, 1735. Luyey [Lucy, dup.], d. Thomas and Hanah, Feb. 10, 1732 3. Philap, s. Thomas and Hanah, Jan. 3, 1725-6 [Feb. 3. dup.] Sibel, d. Joseph and Agnes, Mar. 15, 1732-3. WESTFORD BIRTHS 9 1 PROVANCHA, George Augustus, s. George, farmer, b. Canada, and Olive, b. Strafford, N. H., Mar. 29, 1849. PUFFER, Georgianna, d. L. E., bp. [be£. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. R. 2. Martin L., s. Luther E., bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. R. 2. PUSHEE, Almira, d. John and Abigail, Nov. 13, 1822. Betsy, d. John and Abigail, July 17, 1820. Daniel, s. John and Lucy, Jan. 6, 1775. George W. B., s. Luther H., shoemaker, and Mary, at Stan- stead, Lower Canada, Feb. 10, 1846. Gilman, s. John and Abigail, Feb. 17, 1826. Henery Clay, s. John and Abigail, June 25, 1815. James Madison, s. John and [Abigail, diilerent ink. dup.], Dec. 16, 1812. John, s. John and Lucy, Oct. 11, 1771. Lucy, d. John and Lucy, at Acton, Mar. 10, 1773. Luther, s. John and Abigail, Jan. 16, 1813. Mary Frances, d. Luther H., shoemaker, at Lowell, Sept. 16, 1847. RANDALL, Ann Eliza, d. Ephraim, bp. Aug. — , 1830. c. r. 1. Frederick Bryant, s. Ephraim, bp. Aug. — , 1830. c. R. 1. Lewis Gould, s. Ephraim, bp. Aug. — , 1830. c. R. 1. Mary Bryant, d. Ephraim, bpi. Aug. — , 1830. c. r. 1. RAYMOND, Daniel, 3d, s. Daniel, jr. and Naomy, Mar. 18, 1784. Daniel, 3d, s. Daniel, jr. and Naomy, Aug. 20, 1787. Elisabeth, d. Dan[ie]l, bp. Oct. 22, 1758. c. r. 1. Hephzibah, d. Dan[ie]l, bp. May 23, 1762. c. r. 1. John, s. Dan[ie]l, bp. Aug. 26, 1764. c. r. 1. Lydia, d. Daniel, jr. and Naomy, June 25, 1789. Sally, d. Daniel, jr. and Naomy, Sept. 13, 1785. READ (see also Reed), Aaron, s. Eleazer and Joanna, Nov. 27, 1778. Abel, s. Benjamin and Abigal, Mar. 2, 1757. Abel, s. Abel and Rebekah, Nov. 1, 1782. ■ Abigail, d. John, jr. and Abial, July 21, 1743. Abigail, d. Thomas, 3d and Susanna, Jan. 5, 1757. Abigail, d. Silas and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1788. Abigal, d. Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 8, 1758. Abigal, d. Benjamin and Abigal, Oct. 15, 1759. ; i 92 WESTFORD BIRTHS Read, Abigal, d. Oliver and Abigal, Nov. 25, 1780. Abigal [Osgood, p. R. 9.], d. Zaches and Polly [Mary. p. R. 9.], May 27, 1801. Abijah, s. Abijah and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1789. Abijah, s. Abijah and Susan, Feb. 16, 1796. Abram, s. Rosel and Sybil, Jan. 18, 1824. Alenutt, s. Lt. The [ma] s and Polly, Oct. 16, 1797. Almira, d. Zacheus and Polly, Oct. 19, 1811. Alvira, d. Abijah and Susan, Apr. 7, 1816. Alvira Melvina, d. Jeremy B. and Nancy, Nov. 20, 1835. Amos, s. Joshua and Mary, Aug. 1, 1768. Amos Prescot, s. Amos and Rachel, Apr. 7, 1794. Anna, d. Thomas [jr. c. R. 1.] and Susanna, Dec. 5, 1773. Anna, d. Willard and Olive, May 2, 1788. Anna Rebecca, d. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Feb. 21, 1831. Asa, s. Willard and Olive, Dec. 23, 1792. Augusta Maria, d. Amos and Rachel, Sept. 4, 1812. Batsey, d. Silas and Hannah, May 21, 1784. Benjamin, s. Benja[min], bp. Sept. 17, 1758. c. R. 1. Benjamin, s. Joshua and Mary, Dec. S, 1760. Benjamin, s. Benja[min] and Abigail, June 8, 1768. Benja[min], s. Abel and Rebekah, Jan. 19, 1779. Benjamin Abbott, s. Benjamin and Brigit, Jan. 30, 1810. Benjamine, s. Joseph and Ruth, Dec. 31, 1742. Bethiah, d. Joel and Joanna, Dec. 20, 1818. Bethuel, s. Amos and Rachel, May 26, 1792. Bethyer, d. Leonard and Bethyer, June 4, 1770. Betty, d. Silas and Hannah, Aug. 2, 1773. Bridget, d. Samuel and Hannah, July 14, 1762. Bridget, d. Silas and Hannah, July 1, 1796. Bridget, d. Silas and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1801. Catharine, d. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Oct. 13, 1750. Catharine, d. Eleazer and Joanna, Apr. 14, 1764. Catharine Manly, d, Luther and Ann Thaxter, Apr. 26, 1840. Charles, s. Lt. Thomas and Phebe, Dec. 11, 1785. Charles Bojmton, s. Jeremy B. and Nancy, Dec. 7, 1833. Charles Granderson, s. Joel and Joanna, Nov. 7, 1813. Charles Hartwell, s. Abijah and Susan, Mar. 29, 1804. Charlottee, d. Lt. Tho[ma]s and Phebe, Jan. 25, 1786. Clarissa, d. Rosel and Sybil, Aug. 13, 1828. Cortes, s. Seth and Rhoda, Mar. 27, 1815. Cynthia, d. Rosel and Sybil, Feb. 2, 1820. Dana, s. John and Sally, Mar. 22, 1814. Edwin, s. Zacheus and Polly, Nov. 23, 18i4. Edwin Ransome, s. Joel and Joanna, July 2, 1815. WESTFORD BIRTHS 93 Read, Ekzer, s. twin.Elazar, jr. and Elisabeth, Dec. 26, 1786. Elbridge, s. Rosel and Sybil, Mar. 27, 1826. [Eleazer. different ink.],.s. Timothy and Mary, . [after 1738?] Eleazer, s. Eleazer and Joanna, Mar. 1, 1760. Eliakim, s. Eleazer and Joanna, Aug. 1, 1762. Elihu, s. Eleazer and Joanna, Apr. 2, 1766. Eliphalet, s. Eleazer, bp. Sept. 23, 1804. c. r. 1. Elizabeth, d. Abijah and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1787. Elizabeth, d. Eleazer, bp. Sept. 23, 1804. c. r. 1. Ellen Amanda, d. Jeremy B. and Nancy, Aug. 31, 1839. Elmira, d. Rosel and Sybil, Dec. 25, 1830. Elnathan, s. Joshua and Mary, Oct. 12, 1758. Ephraim, s. Silas and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1780. Ephraim, s. Silas and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1782.i Francis, s. Amos and Rachel, Dec. 28, 1809. Hannah, d. Thomas, jr. and Olive, May 4, 1754. Hannah, d. Silas and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1777. Hannah, d. Silas and Hannah, Apr. 1, 1786. Harriet, d. Abijah and Susan, Mar. 3, 1806. Harriet, d. Rosel and Sybil, Aug. 19, 1817. Howard, s. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Feb. 26, 1762. Huldah, d. Sam[ue]l, bp. Feb. 28, 1768. c. r. 1. Isaiah, s. Joshua and Mary, Oct. 14, 1770. [Isaiah, different ink.], s. Joshua and Mary [Mar. 17, 1778. different ink.]. Jacob, s. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Mar. 18, 1748-9. James Madison, s. Abijah and Susan, Apr. 30, 1813. Jane, d. Sam[ue]l, bp. July 15, 1770. c. R. 1. Jemima, d. Thomas, 3d and Susanna, Nov. 10, 1761. Jeptha, s. Eleazer, jr. and Elisabeth, , 1790. Jeremy Bojmton, s. Abijah and Susan, Nov. 9, 1801. Jesse, s. Samuel and Eliz'ebeth, Dec. 20, 1779. Joanna, d.' Eleazer and Joanna, Oct. 3, 1754. Joanna, d. Rosel and Sybil, July 22, 1815. Joanna, d. Joel and Joanna, Apr. 5, 1817. [Joel, s. Leonard and Bethiah, , 1776. (?) different ink.] Joel, jr., s. Joel and Joanna, Dec. 29, 1811. John, s. John, jr. and Abial, Sept. 1, 1740. John, s. Willard and Olive, Mar. 26, 1775. John, s. John and Sally, Aug. 9, 1805. John Cummings, s. Silas and Hannah, Apr. 7, 1792. Jonathan Minot, s. Willard, jr. and Miriam [d. Dea., sister of Dea. John White of Concord and Aaron White of West- ford, in pencil, dup.], Jan. 20, 1804. 94 WESTFORD BIRTHS Read, Joseph, s. Joseph and Ruth, Oct. 9, 1746; [Joseph, different ink.], s. Joshua and Mary [Mar. 13, 1776. different ink.]. Joseph, s. Willard and Olive, July 22, 1779. Joseph, s. Willard, jr.. and Mariam, July 20, 1806. Joseph Warren, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Dec. 6, 1836. Joshua, s. Joseph and Ruth, Dec. 1, 1737. Joshua, s. Joshua and Mary, Mar. 6, 1763. Joshua, s. Amos and Rachel, Mar. 2, 1796. Joshua [Fletcher, c. R. 1.], s. twin, Elazar, jr. and Elisabeth, Dec. 26, 1786. Katharine, d. Timo[thy and Mary. t. r. in pencil], bp. June 4^ 1738. c. R. 1. Laura, d. Rosel and Sybil, Apr. 24, 1833. Leonard, s. Joel and Joanna, Mar. 12, 1821. Leornard, s. Joseph and Ruth, Apr. 23, 1750. Levi, s. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Feb. IS, 1760. [bp. Feb. 10. c. R. 1.] Lois, d. Leonard and Bethiah, Dec. 26, 1771. Lowell, s. John and Sally, Feb. 13, 1810. Lucy, d. John, bp. Nov. 19, 1727. c. R. 1. Lucy, d. Thomas [jr. c. R. 1.] and Susanna, May 16, 1771. Lucy, d. Samuel and Elizebeth, Apr. 19, 1781. Lucy, d. Oliver and Abigal, Sept. 22, 1785. Luther, s. Silas and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1799. Luther Felton, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Feb. 1, 1838. Luther Warren, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Dec. 22, 1828. Luther Warren, 2d, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, July 26, 1832. Lydia, d. John, jr., bp. June 18, 1749. c. R. 1. Lydia, d. Eleazer and Joanna, June 7, 1768. Lydia, d. Samson, bp. Dec. 11, 1774. c. R. 1. Lydia, d. Lt. Tho[ina]s and Polly, May 13, 1798. Lyman, s. Eleazer, bp. Sept. 23, 1804. c. R. 1. Martha, d. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Mar. 18, 1758. Martha, d. Seth, bp. July 27, 1817. c. R. 1. Martha Louisa, d. Jeremy B. aiid Louisa, May 19, 1827. Mary, d. John, jr., bp. June 7, 1752. c. R. 1. Mary, d. Zaches and Polly [Mary. p. r. 9.], Dec. 23, 1798. [1799. p. R. 9.] Mary Adeline, d. Eleazer, bp. June 3, 1810. c. R. 1. Mary Ann, d. Abijah and Susan, Feb. 8, 1808. Mary Elizabeth, d. Benjamin A. and Betsey, May % 1835. Merrick, s. Rosel and Sybil, Nov. 29, 1821. Miriam, d. Eleazer and Joanna, Mar. 27, 1772. Molly, d. Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 31, 1761. WESTFORD BIRTHS 95 Read, Nancy Chandler, d. Joel and Joanna, Aug. 30, 1822. Nancy Irene, d. Abijah and Susan, May 27, 1810. Nancy Maria, d. Jeremy B. and Nancy, Oct. 30, 1831. Nancy Thaxter, d. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Dec. 16, 1829. Olive, d. Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1760. Olive, d. Abel and Rebekah, Apr. 30, 1781. Olive, d. Willard and Olive, Oct. 16, 1783. Olive, d. John and Sally, May 15, 1824. Oliver, s. W[illia]m, bp. Aug. 15, 1756. c. r. 1. Oliver, s. Oliver and Abigil, July 25, 1779. Orpah, d. Abijah and Susan, Feb. 1, 1798. Otis, s. Amos and Rachel, May 18, 1807. Patty, d. W[illia]m, jr., bp. Dec. 9, 1764. c. R. 1. Patty, d. Joseph, jr. and Martha, Apr. 4, 1773. Patty, d. Oliver and Abigal, Oct. 22, 1782. . Permelia, d. Abijah and Susan, Nov. 27, 1799. Peter, s. Sam[ue]l, bp. Apr. 27, 1766. c. R. 1. Peter, s. Abel and Rebeckah, Oct. IS, 1788. '- Phebe, d. Sani[ue]l, bp. Sept. 6, 1772. c. r. 1. Phebe, d. Lt. Thomas and Phebe, Sept. 26, 1784. Phinehas, s. Joshua and Mary, Oct. 18, 1765. '' Phisinda, d. Lt. Tho[ma]s and Polly, Nov. 28, 1803. Polly, d. Willard and Olive, May 1, 1790. Polly, d. Lt. Tho[ma]s and Polly, Apr. 10, 1795. Rachel, d. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Aug. 12, 1756. Rachel, d. Amos and Rachel, Aug. 19, 1790. Rebecca, d. Benjamin and Abigal, Sept. 3, 1761. Rebeckah, d. Silas and Hannah, June 3, 1794. Rebekah, d. Abel and Rebekah, Aug. 30, 1786. Rhoda, d. Eleazer and Joanna, Mar. 1, 1770. Richard, s. Oliver and Abigal, Apr. 22, 1789. Roswell, s. Lt. Tho[ma]s and Polly, Sept. 19, 1793. Ruth, d. Joseph and Ruth, Jan. 4, 1739. [1740. dup.] Ruth, d. Joseph, jr. and Martha, Dec. 22, 1771. Ruth, d. Leonard and Bethyah, Nov. 12, 1774. ■■'■ '' Sally, d. Willard and Olive, Mar. 30, 1786. Sally, d. John and Sally, Mar. 11, 1812. Samson, s. Josep and Ruth, May 13, 1754. Samson, s. Samson, bp. Aug. 8, 1773. c. R. 1. Samuel, s. Eleazer and Joanna, Mar. 7, 1756. Samuel, s. W[illia]m, jr., bp. Apr. 24, 1763. c. R. 1. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l, bp. Aug. 26, 1764. c. r. 1. Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, May 15, 1774. Samuel, s. Silas and Hannah, Dec. 20, 1789. Sarah, d. John, jr. and Abial, June 16, 1738. g6 WESTFORD BIRTHS Read, Sarah, d. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Apr. 2S, 1747-8. Sarah, d. Thomas, 3d [jr. c. R. 1.] and Susanna, June 27, 1766. Sarah, d. Eleazer and Joanna, Mar. 17, 1776. Sarah Ann, d. Benjamin A. and Betsey, Feb. 16, 1839. Sarah Rosinia, d. Joel and Joanna, May 21, 1824. Sebel, d. Benjamin and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1755. Seth, s. Willard and Olive, July 24, 1781. Silas, s. Samuel and Abigal, Apr. 2, 1737. Silas, s. Silas and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1775. Silas, s. Silas and Hannah, July 12, 1778. Silas Cumings, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Sept. 7, 1834. Simeon, s. John, jr., bp. May 9, 1756. c. R. 1. Stephen, s. Thomas, 3d and Susanna, Mar. 26, 1754. Stephen, s. Amos and Rachel, Mar. 5, 1799. Susan, d. Abijah and Susan, June 21, 1794. ' Susanna, d. Tho[ma]s, 3d and Susanna, May 2, 1759. Susanna, d. Thomas, jr. and Susanna, Mar. 29, 1764. Thadeus, s. Will[iam] and Thankfull, May 15, 1742. Thankful, d. W[illia]m, bp. Dec. 17, 1758. c. R. 1. Thomas, s. Samuel and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1 732-3. Thomas, s. Thomas, jr. and Olive, Aug. 28, 1752. Thomas, s. Benja[min] and Abigail, Mar. 14, 1766. Thomas, s. Thomas [jr. c. R. 1.] and Susanna, Jan. 5, 1768. Thomas, s. Samuel and Elizebeth, Oct. 11, 1778. Timothy, s. Abel and Rebekah, Sept. 18, 1785. Walter, s. John and Sally, Apr. 1, 1807. Warren Abbot, s. Benjamin A. and Betsey, Feb. 5, 1837. Willard, s. John, jr. and Abial, Aug. 15, 1746. Willard, s. Willard and Olive, Jan. 18, 1777. Willard, s. John, and Sally, June 11, 1816. William, s. Samuel and Abigal, Sept. 24, 1739. - William, s. Will[iam] and Thankfull, July 9, 1753. William Chandler, s. Joel and Joanna, Dec. 17, 1810. Zaccheus, s. Joshua and Maryj Mar. 8, 1773. Zaches [jr. dup.], s. Zaches and PoUey [Mary. p. r. 9.], Jan. 27, 1796. , s. Willard and Meriam, Mar. 2, 1802. g. r. 2. REED (see also Read), Abigail Winn, d. Joseph and [Abigail. different ink.], Mar. 11, 1811. Abijah, s. Abijah, bp. July 3, 1768. c. R. 1. Albert Spaulding, s. Benjamin A., farmer, and Betsey,- Jan. 20, 1845. Alonzo, s. Joseph, June 29, 1823. WESTFORD BIRTHS 97 Reed, Alpheus, s. Joseph, Apr. 27, 1813. Alpheus Joseph, s. Joseph, Nov. 3, 1815. Amanda Jane, d. Joseph, June 9, 1827. Anan, s. Joseph, Jan. 1, 1818. Aronet, s. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [after 1812?] Barnard, at Littleton, Apr. 27, 1780. Barnard, jr., s. Barnard and Mary, at Littleton, Aug. 7, 1829, Benjemen, s. [Capt. c. r. 1.] Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1732. Betsey Wheet, d. Joseph, Apr. 1, 1819. Beulah, d. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [after 1809?] Charles, s. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [after 1810?] Charlotte Augusta, d. Joshua and Charlotte, Nov. 23, 1816. David, s. Barnard and Mary, at Acton, Aug. 11, 1824. Debrah, d. Wilam and Hanah, July 10, 1729. Deidamia, d. Barnard and Mary,< at Littleton, Jan. 18, 1834. Dorcas, d. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [after 1827?] Edward Zacheus, s. Zacheus, jr. and Mary H., Aug. 13, 1825. Edwin, s. Zaccheus and Mary, Mar. 12, 1807. p. r. 9. Elezebeth, d. Timothy and Mary, Feb. 2, 1732-3. \\ Eliaser, s. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1730-31. \\ Elisabeth Hartwell, d. Jeremy B. and Loisa, Feb. 19, 1824. U Elzira, d. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [after 1825?] ' \ Emily Fletcher, d. Zacheus, jr. and Mary H., Aug. 9, 1837. 1 Ephraim, s. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [bet. 1821 and 1825?] 1 Francis Adelaide, d. Abijah, jr. and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1836. 1 George, s. Barnard and Mary, at Acton, June 27, 1819. iGeorgianna Rebecca,- d. Abijah, jr. and Sarah, Apt. 5, 1839. Harriot Augusta, d. Jeremy B. and Loisa, Feb. 28, 1825. James Henry, s. Abijah, jr. and Sarah, July 9, 1835. Toseph Henry, s. Zacheus, jr. and Mary H., Aug. 5j 1835. ^osiah, s. Zaccheus and Mary, Mar. 18, 1804. p. r. 9. Dsiah, s. Barnard and Mary, at Acton, Sept. 3, 1822. evi, s. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [1832. in pencil.] pis, d. Wilam and Hanah, Feb. 3, 1733-4. Louisa Ann, d. Charles and Beulah (G.), Jan. 15, 1821. rtha Ann, d. Zacheus, jr. and Mary H., Sept. 6, 1828. ^ry, d. Timothy and Mary, Feb. 22, 1734-5. w. Francis Leighton, , 1790. g. R. 2. MVy, w. Barnard, at Concord, July 3, 1794. Mfy, d. Zaccheus and Mary, Aug. 5, 1809. p. r. 9. Ma^ Ann Manning, d. Timothy and Mary, Dec. 22, 1827. Mir Elizabeth, d. Zacheus, jr. and Mary H., Sept. 2, 1823. Ma^ H., w. Zacheus, jr., June 30, 1798. 98 WESTFORD BIRTHS Reed, Mary Jane, d. Barnard and Mary, at Acton, June 6, 1827. Nancy, d. Charles and Beulah.(Gilson), . [after 1832?] Olive, d. Asa and Betsy, Nov. 20, 1821. [Olive, d. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . in pencil.] [after 1828?] Parmelia, d. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [after 1811?] Rufus, s. Asa and Betsy, Sept. 6, 1818. Samuel, s. Samuel and Abagil, Jan. 20, 1734-5. Sarah Matilda, d. Abijah, jr. and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1831. Susan, d. Charles and Beulah (Gilson), . [bef. 1821?] Susan Colman, d. Abijah, jr. and Sarah, Jan. 3, 1833. Timothy, s. Timothy and Mary, Aug. 30, 1736. Timothy F., s. Timothy and Mary, June 6, 1826. William, s. Barnard and Mary, at Acton, Oct. 3, 1820. William, s. Charles and Beulah (G.), Feb. 7, 1825. RICHARDSON (see also Richerdson), Abiel, s. Abiel, bp. June 5, 1748. c. R. 1. Abigail, d. Thom[a]s, bp. June 16, 1771. c. R. 1. Abigail, d. Thomas and Abigail, June 13, 1772. Abigal, d. Abial and Sarah, at Pepperell, Sept. 7, 1754. Abijah, s.Thom[a]s, bp. Sept. 4, 1748. c. R. I.- Albert P., s. Solomon and Sarah, at Jaffrey, N. H., Mar. 3, 1843. Alfred Austin, s. Joseph and Lucy Miranda, May 19, 1842. Ama, d. Samuel and Ama, June 16, 1805. Benjamin, s. Benj[amin], bp. Apr.. 20, 1729. c. r. 1. Betcy, d. Samuel and Ama, May 11, 1810. Betsey, d. Lt. Wile and Fanny, Feb. 22, 1792. Betty, d. Luke and Sarah, July 4, 1770. Bridget, d..Wille and Bridget, Nov. 10, 1777. Charles N., s. Solomon and Sarah, at JafErey, N. H., Apr. V, 1839. Dorothy, d. Benja[min], bp. Sept. 8, 1734. c. r. 1. Edee, d. Abiel and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1745-6. Edward Francis, s. Edward P. and Louisa Dyer Hildrei, Sept. 22, 1838. " Elisabeth, d. Henry and Prissilla, Dec. 12, 1747. Eliza Ann, d. Edward P. and Louisa D. H., June 7, 1842. Eunice, d. Benja[min], bp. Apr. 3, 1737. c. R. 1. Fanny, d. Lt. Wile and Fanny, Apr. 7, 1794. Gardner Hamlin, s. Ira G., currier, and Sarah D., Ma' 14, 1843. George Washington, s. Thomas and Philinda, Oct. 28, 181. Hannah, d. Abiel and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1743. WESTFORD BIRTHS 99 Richardson, Hantjah, d. Thorn [a] s, bp. May 6, 1750. c. r. 1. Hannah, d. Thomas and Abigail, Jan. 23, 1776. Hannah, d. Lt. Wile and Panny, Nov. 11, 1796. Jesse, s. Thomas and Abigail, Jan. 3, 1773. John, s. Luke and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1768. John, s. Luke and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1772. John, s. Abijah, bp. June 6, 1773. c. r. 1. John Gilbert, s. Thomas and Philinda, Sept. 27, 1822. Joseph Henry, s. Joseph and Lucy Miranda, Dec. 26, 1835. Lucy Adams, d. Joseph and Lucy Miranda, Jin. 23, 1834. Lucy Taylor, d. Samuel and Ama, May 18, 1814. Luke, s. Henry and Prissila, Mar. 6, 1744-5. Lydia, d. Samuel and Ama, Apr. 12, 1812. Mariah, d. Thomas and Philinda, Nov. 10, 1826. Mary, d. Lt. Wile and Fanny, June 2, 1799. Mary, d. Samwel and Ama, Aug. 8, 1808. Mary E., d. Solomon and Sarah, June 15, 1847. Mary Eliza, bp. Nov. — , 1837. p. R. 2. Mary Eliza, d. Joseph and Lucy Miranda, Jan. 20, 1838. Mary Jane, d. Thomas and Philinda, Nov. 22, 1824. Milton Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, Feb. 7, 1843. Nancy, d. Lt. Wile and Fanny, Aug. 17, 1803. Olive, d. Henery and Priscilla, Apr. 24, 1742. [May S. p. r. 21.] Peter, s. Lt. Wille and Fanny, Mar. 6, 1784. Philinda; d. Thomas and Philinda, Mar. 26, 1818. Rebecca, d. Thom[a]s, bp. Feb. 2, 1752. c. r. 1. Rebeckah, d. Wille and Bridget, Jan. 26, 1779. Robert, s. Abijah, bp. Oct. 26, 1783. c. r. 1. Rufus Byam, s. Joseph and Lucy Miranda, . [after 1842.] Sally, d. Lt. Wille and Fanny, Nov. 10, 1786. Samuel, jr., s. Sam[ue]l and Ama, Oct. 25, 1806. Sarah, d. Abiel and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1741-2. Sarah, d. Henry and Prisila, Aug. 2, 1750. Sarah, d. Samuel and Ama, June 14, 1818. Sarah Elizebeth, d. Thomas and Philinda, Nov. 8, 1828. Sarah F., d. Solomon and Sarah, at Jaffrey, N. H., Feb. 7, 1841. Solomon, s. Lt. Wile and Fanny, ^eb. 12, 1789. Susan, d. Samuel and Ama, May 14, 1816. Thomas, s. Thom[a]s, bp. Jan. 25, 1747. C. R. 1. Thomas, s. Abial and Sarah, at Pepperell, Jan. 8, 1751. Thomas, s. Thomas and Abigail, Mar. 9, 1770. Thomas, s. Willard and Mary, Feb. 3, 1803. Warren, s. Thomas and Philinda, Jan. 3, 1814. lOO WESTFORD BIRTHS Richardson, Willard, s. Thomas and Abigail, Mar. 13, 1774. William, s. Abijah, bp. Oct. 26, 1783. c. R. 1. Wily, s. Thom[a]s, bp. Apr. 14, 1754. c. R. 1. Zibiah, d. Thomas and Philinda, Mar. 29, 1820. RICHERDSON (see also Richardson), Lydia, d. Henry and Persiller, Oct. 11, 1738. ROBBINS (see also Robins), Abel, s. John and Sarah, July 13, 1769. Almira, d. Lt. Benja[min] and Huldah, Aug. 9, 1800. Anna, d. Thom[a]s, bp. Oct. 18, 1730. c. R. 1. Anna, d. Philip, bp. Oct. 20, 1751. c. R. 1. Anna, d. Phillip and Anner, Mar. 23, 1760. Annis, d. Joseph, bp. Feb. 3, 1751. c. r. 1. Asa, s. Jona[than], bp. Apr. 30, 1769. c. R. 1. Benjamin, s. Zechariah and Elisabeth, July 10, 1758. Benjamin Osgood, bp. July 17, 1842. p. r. 2. Elisabeth, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Mar. 21, 1747. Eliza, d. Lt. Benja[min] and Huldah, Apr. 18, 1804. Elizabeth, d. John, jr., of Chelmsford, bp. Apr. 13, 1740. C. R. 1. Elizabeth, d. Zechariah, bp. Nov. 18, 1744. C. R. 1. Elzina Elizabeth, bp. July 17, 1842. p. r. 2. Ephraim, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. 6, 1748. c. R. 1. Hulda, d. Lt. Benja[min] and Huldah, Jan. 3, 1785. Jacob, s. Jacob [and Lydia, different ink. t. r.], bp. Oct. 14, 1753. c. R. 1. Jacob, s. Jacob and Lydia, Oct. 28, 1755. Jacob, s. Jacob and Lydia, May 3, 1762. James Adams, bp. July 17, 1842. "p. r. 2. James Delevan, s. Jedediah, farmer, and Eliza Ann, Jan. 23, 1846. Jedediah, s. Lt. Benja[min] and Huldah, Jan. 7, 1793. Jeremiah, s. Phillip and Anner, Aug. 14, 1753. Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Elisebeth, Apr. 6, 1781. John [h. Sarah], Oct. 15, 1727. Jonathan, s. Thom[a]s, bp. June 3, 1739. c. r. 1. Jonathan, s. Jona[thanJ, bp. June 24, 1744. c. R. 1. Jonathan, s. Jona[than], bp. Sept. 8, 1765. c. R. 1. Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. June 22, 1746. c. R. 1. Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Mar. 28, 1756. c. r. 1. Joseph Lincoln, s. Joseph, jr., bp. Aug. 24, 1788. c. R. 1. Levi, s. twin, Lt. Benja[min] 'and Huldah, Nov. 4, 1790. Luce, d. Joseph, bp. Feb. 25, 1753. c. r. 1. WESTFORD BIRTHS lOI RoBBiNS^ Lydia, d. Jacob and Lydia, Sept. S, 1757. Lydia, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Aug. 1, 1760. Martha, d. Jona[than], bp. Feb. 8, 1767. c. R. 1. Martha, d. Lt. Benjafmin] and Huldah, Oct. 9, 1788. Mary, d. Joseph, bp. Nov. 11, 1744. c. R. 1. Nathan, s. Thorn [a] s, bp. Apr. 11, 1736. c. R. 1. Nathan, s. twin, Lt. Benja[niin] and Huldah, Nov. 4, 1790. Olive, d. Zech[a]r[iah], bp. May 8, 1763. c. R. 1. Olive, d. Philip, bp. July 14, 1765. c. R. 1. Patty, d. Zecha[riah], bp. Feb. 2, 1766. c. R. 1. Perley, s. Lt. Benja[min] and Huldah, June 2, 1786.^ Phillip [s. Thomas, , 1725. in pencil]. Phillip, s. Philip, bp. June 12, 1757. c. r. 1. Phillip, s. Jeremiah and Elisibeth, Nov. 9, 1783. Rebekah, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Nov. 30, 1753. Sarah, w. John, at Concord, Nov. 18, 1732. Sarah, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1751. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 7, 1774. Sibbel, d. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Apr. 14, 1749. Thomas, s. Jacob and Lydia, June 20, 1759. Willard, s. John and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1771. Zechariah [s. Benjamin, , 1720. in pencil.]. I Zechariah, s. Zechariah and Elisabeth, Mar. 16, 1756. ROBBINSON (see also Robinson), Francis Perley, s. John and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1812. Harriet, d. twin, John and Hannah, Apr. 19, 1818. Huldah, d. John and Huldah, Sept. 23, 1765. Huldah, d. twin, John and Hannah, Apr. 19, 1818. John, s. John and Hannah, May 10, 1810. Mehitabel, d. John and Huldah, Aug. 9, 1767. Walter, s. John and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1814. ROBERSON (see also Robinson), John, s. John, bp. July 18, 1784. c. R. 1. ROBINS (see also Robbins), Benjamin, s. John and Sarah, July 2, 1766. Billy Hildreth^ s. Jacob, jr., grands. Dea. William Hildreth, bp. June 14, 1789. c. r. 1. David, s. Thom[a]s, bp. Feb. 10, 1734. c. R. 1. Dolly, d. Jacob, jr. and Dolly, Feb. 28, 1785. Ezekiel, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1761. Hannah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Nov. 24, 1731. Hannah, d. John and Sarah, May 16, 1757. I02 WESTFORD BIRTHS Robins, John, s. John and Sarah, Aug. 12, 17S2. Mary, d. Jacob and Lydia, Oct. 10, 1767. Peter, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 18, 1755. Samuel, s. John and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1759." Timothy, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1763. William, s. Jacob, jr. and Dolly, June 29, 1783. ROBINSON (see also Robbinson, Roberson), Betty, d. John and Huldah, May 3, 1770. Harriot Mehitable, grandch. Col. Robinson's widow, bp. July 20, ,1806. c. R. 1. John, s. Col. John and Huldah, Feb. 17, 1781. Rebecca [Robertson, c. r. 1.], d. John and Huldah, July 7, 1774. Salla [Sarah, c. r. 1.], d. John and Huldah, May 3, 1772. ROGERS, Molly, d. Thomas and Molly, May 20, 1774. Molly, d. Thomas and Molly, Jan. 2, 1777. ROUILLARD, Edwin R., s. John P., laborer, and Marian W., Feb. 28, 1848. RUMRIL, Joanna, d. David, bp. Feb. 2, 1766. c. r. 1. RUSSEL, Abel, s. Amos, bp. Sept. 16, 1753. c. R. 1. Edwin, s. Charles, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. R. 2. Hannah, d. Amos, bp. Aug. 10, 1755. c. R. 1. Hannah, d. Amos, jr., bp. Sept. 9, 1781. c. R. 1. . James, s. twin, Charles, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. Mary, d. twin, Charles, bp. [bef. Oct. 13, 1833.]. p. r. 2. Molly, d. Amos, bp. July 9, 1758. c. R. 1. Polly, d. Amos, bp. Oct. 31, 1784. c. R. 1. Rememberance, d. Amos, bp. Nov. 4, 1787. c. R. 1. Ruth, d. Amos, bp. Dec. 12, 1784. c. R. 1. Simeon, s. Jason, bp. Oct. 2, 1743. c. r. 1. SANBORN, Olive Ann, d. Ivory, farmer, and Maria, Nov. 16, 1845. SARGENT, George Henry, s. George, painter, b. Strafford, Vt., and Susan, b. Groton, at Dorchester, July 24, 1849. SATWELL, Phebe, d. Zacriah and Lydia, Dec. 22, 1779. WESTFORD BIRTHS IO3 SAUNDERSON, Sally, d. William, bp. , 1796. c. r. 1. Timothy Farrar, s. William, bp. , 1796. c. R. 1. William, s. William, bp. , 1796. c. R. 1. Wily, s. William, bp. , 1796. c. r. 1. Zaccheus, s. William, bp. , 1796. c. R. 1. SAVAGE, John, s. James, laborer, and Ellen Dilla, both b. Ireland, May 15, 1849. SAWTELL, Antoinette Betey, d. Homer and Nancy, Dec. 4, 1816. George Fletcher, s. Homer and Nancy, Jan. 30, 1819. Homer Needham, s. Homer and Nancy, May 23, 1813. Isaac, s. Homer and Nancy, Jan. 25, 1815. Lydia, d. Hopier and Mary, Apr. 29, 1810. Maryan, d. Homer and Mary, Jan. 18, 1809. Nancy, d. Homer and Nancy, Apr. 5, 1821. SOOT (see also Scott), Hannah, d. John, of Dunstable, bp. Sept. 26, 1762. c. R. 1. SCOTT (see also Scot), Alfred, s. Samuel and Sarah, June 26, 1821. Caroline Matildia, d. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1812. Cyrus Leonidas, s. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1826. Frederick, s. Samuel and Caroline Metildia, Feb. 20, 1804. Isaac N., s. twin, Frederick, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 28, 1848. John H., s. twin, Frederick, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 28, 1848. Jonathan Adolphus, s. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1824. Marcus King Chipman, s. Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1830. [Samuel, Jan. 26, 1772. in pencil.] Samuel Edwards, s. Samuel and Sarah, May 6, 1819. Sarah Ann, d. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1817. SCRIBNER, Abigail, d. Rev. Mathew and Sara, Feb. 16, 1794. Elijah Porter, s. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1782. Hannah, d. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1786. Nathaniel, s. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, June 30, 1784. Rufus, s. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1795. Samuel, s. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1790. Sarah, d. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1781. Sarah, d. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, Feb. 25, 1787. William, s. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, July 27, 1789. William, s. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, June 22, 1792. . '] I04 WESTFORD BIRTHS SEARL (see also Searls), Augusta Maria, d. Augustus H. and Mariah, July 22, 1824. SEARLS (see also Searl), Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l, of Dunstable, bp. Nov. IX, 1738. c. R. 1. SHERBURNE, George J., s. Thomas J., stone-cutter, and Bet- sy, May 3, 1847. SHERWIN (see also Shurwin), Otis, s. Solomon, bp. Aug. 3, 1817. c. R. 1. Susanna, d. Solomon, bp. Aug. 3, 1817. C. R. 1. SHOVE, Elizabeth, d. Jacob, of Dunstable, bp. Oct. IS, 1752. c. R. 1. Frances, d. Jacob, of Dunstable, bp. May 18, 1755. c. r. 1. SHURWIN (see also Sherwin), Daniel, s. Salome and Beulah, Mar. 27, 1800. Hannah, d. Salome and Beulah, Sept. 1, 1798. Stephen, s. Salome and Beulah, Apr. 26, 1804. Thomas, s. Salome and Beulah, Jan. 17, 1802. SKINER (see also Skinner) , Samuel, s. William and Elisabeth, Sept. 3, 1731. SKINNER (see also Skiner, Skinor), Elizabith, d. William and Elizabith, Mar. 11, 1735-6. SKINOR (see also Skinner), Sarah, d. Wilam and Elisabath, May 11, 1733. SMITH, Asa, s. Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1770. Beca, d. Thom[a]s and Molly, Dec. 17, 1784. Clara Ann, d. Jacob, farmer, and Persis Ann, both b. Duxbury, Sept. 21, 1849. Daniel Oilman, s. Daniel and Anna, Jan. 1, 1814. Deborah Louisa, d. Jacob and Ann W., at Marshfield, Jan. 25, 1840. Dorcas Elizebeth, d. William C. and Dorcas, July, IS, 1828. Elisabeth, d. Thomas ,[ jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, Apr. 25, 1763. [Apr. 20. dup.] Eliza M., d. Timothy and Betsey, Apr. 6, 1818. Epharam, s. Thomas and Lydia, Nov. 20, 17S6. Francis, s. Thomas and Lydia, May 6, 1753. WESTFORD BIRTHS IO5 Smith, George, s. Timothy and Betsey, May 22, 1834. George H., s. Timothy and Betsey, Apr. 25, 1828. Hannah, d. Thomas and Lydia, Mar. 5, 1751-2. Hannah, d. Thomas [jr. dup.] and Elisabeth, May 31, 1765. Harriet J., d. Timothy and Betsey, May 9, 1822. Henry Harrison, s. Jacob and Ann W., Nov. 27, 1841.. [Oct. 29. in pencil.] John, s. Thom[a]s and Molly, Feb. 22, 1783. Joseph, s. Thomas and Molly, Sept. 27, 1793. Laura A., d. Timothy and Betsey, July 17, 1832. Lydia, d. Thomas [jr. c! R. 1.] and Elisabeth, Nov. 4, 1768. Martha A., d. Timothy and Betsey, Feb. 4, 1830. Martha Ann Selina, d. William C. and Dorcas, Mar. 7, 1827. Mary Ann, d. Daniel and Anna, Apr. 25, 1812. Mary Ann, d. Timothy and Betsey, Apr. 13, 1820. Mercy Maria, d. William C. and Dorcas, Apr. 8, 1830. Mercy Maria Glazier, d. William C. and Dorcas, Oct. 23, 1825. Nancy A., d. Timothy and Betsey, July 2, 1824. Polla, d. twin, Thom[a]s and Molly, Oct. 20, 1778. Ruth, d. twin, Thom[a]s and Molly, Oct. 20, 1778. Sally, d. Tho[ma]s and Molly, Feb. 13, 1787. Samuel, s. Thomas and Molly, Nov. 15, 1780. Samuel C, s. Timothy and Betsey, Apr. 20, 1826. Sarah, d., Thomas and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1749. Thom[a]"s, s. Thom[a]s and Molly, Aug. 14, 1772. ■ Timothy, s. Thomas and Lydia, Dec. 4, 1759. Timothy, s. Tho[ma]s.and Molly, June 25, 1789. Timothy A., s. Timothy and Betsey, June 30, 1816. Will[ia]m, s. Thom[a]s and Molly, July 20, 1774. William Dutton, s. William C. and Dorcas, Jan. 14, 1824. S^M)W, Daniel Brooks, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, July 9, 1803. George Franklin, s. Levi and Louisa^ June 12, 1841. James, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Jan. 1, 1794. Joanna, d. Lt. Levi and Lucy, June 3, 1801. Jonas Parker, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1800. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1786. Joseph B. Varnum, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Jan. 24, 1807. Joshua,'s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Mar. 20, 1805. Levi, s. Levi and Lucy, May 9, 1790. Levi, s. Levi and Lucy, Feb. 25, 1792. Levi, s. Levi and Lucy, Apr. 18, 1795. Levi, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1808. Louisa Ann, d. Levi and Louisa, Dec. 4, 1836. Lucy, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1795. I06 WESTFORD BIRTHS Snow^ Lucy, d. Levi and Lucy, Mar. 1, 1797. Lucy Fletcher, d. Salmon and Nancy, Mar. 22, 1822. Maria [Mira. dup.], d. Salmon and Nancy, June 30, 1823. Nancy, d. Jonathan and Sarah, May 9, 1797. Parker, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1792. Polly, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1791. Salmon, s. Levi and Lucy, June 9, 1799. Sarah, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1788. SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Henry, s. Dea. Andrew and Mahetable, July 5, 1750. Isaack, s. Josiah and Marah, Oct. 1, 1735. Jonathan, s. Timothy and Bethiah, Feb. 21, 1730. [1730-31. dup.] Josiah, s. Timothy [jr. c. r. 1.] and Thankfull, July 13, 1-732. Rebekah, d. Phinehas, bp. Oct. 1, 1780. c. R. 1. Timothy, s. Timothy [jr., deceased, c. r. 1.] and Thankfull, Aug. 25, 1734. SPAULDEN (see also Spaulding), Ebenezer, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. June 25, 1738. c. R. 1. Philip, s. Eben[ezer], bp. Mar. 21, 1736. c. R. 1. Thomas, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. Aug. 26, 1733. c. r. 1. SPAULDING (see also Spalding, Spaulden, Spawlding, Spoulding), Abigail, d. Andrew and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1734. Abigail, d. [Dea. dup.] Andrew and Mehatibel, June 3, 1754. Ama, d. James and Ama, Sept. 13, 1750. [Amaziah. diflEerent ink.], s. Timothy and Hannah, . [af- ter 1773?] Andrew, s. Andrew and Hannah, Jan. 6, 1728-9. Andrew, s. Solomon and Jamima, Feb. 5, 1788. Anna, d. James and Ama, June 23, 1754. Anna, d. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, May 7, 1790. Asa, s. William and Esther, Apr. 11, 1769. Benjamin, s. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Andrew and Hannah, Feb. 1, 1744-5. Betty, d. Leonard and Margret, June 22, 1758. Betty, d. William and Esther, Jan. 31, 1777. Bridget, d. Oliver, bp. Sept. 21, 1746. c. R. 1. Caleb, s. James and Ami, Jan. 19, 1747. [Ede. different ink.], d. Timothy and Hannah, . [after 1773?] Edward Augustus, s. Simeon and Rhoda, Mar. 31, 1832. WESTFORD BIRTHS I07 Spaulding^ Elezebeth, d. Josiah and Mary, July 17, 1739. Eli, s. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, Aug. 4, 1799. Elizabeth, d. Philip and Elizabeth, July 8, 1765. Ephriam, s. .[Dea. c. R. 1.] Andrew and Hannah, May 24, 1742. Esther, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, Mar. 25, 1731. Esther, d. Jonathan and Lydia, June 25, 1760. Esther, d. William and Esther, Mar. 17, 1767. George, s. Lt. Solomon and Jainima, May 8, 1796. Hannah, d. Andrew and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1730-31. Hannah, d. Eben[eze]r, bp. Oct. 7, 1739. c. r. 1. Hannah, d. Philip and Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1767. [Hannah, different ink.], d. Timothy and Hannah [ , 1771. different ink; bp. June 30. c. R. 1.] Henery, s. [Dea. c. R. 1.] Andrew and Hannah, Apr. 17, 1740. James, s. twin, James and Ama, Aug. 31, 1748. James, s. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, Mar. 9, 1785. Jamima, d. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, Sept. 30, 1782. Janes [Jonas, dup.], s. James and Ame, Feb. 16, 1739-40. Jesse, s. Jonathan and Lydia, Aug. 19, 1771. Joel, s. Timothy, bp. Oct. 12, 1783. c. R. 1. John, s. William and Esther, Dec. 29, 1760. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Lydia, May 2, 1769. Jonathan, s. Jam[es], jr., bp. Aug. 26, 1770. c. r. 1. Joseph, s. William and Esther, July 31, 1771. Josiah, s. Josiah and Mary, Apr. 29, 1734. Josiah, s. Josiah and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1765. Lenard, s. Timothy [jr. c. r. 1.] and Thankfull, Oct. 27, 1728. Leonard, s. Leonard and Margret, Mar. 14, 1760. Levi, s. Thomas, bp. Apr. 16, 1758. c. R. 1. Levi, s. Thomas and Rachel, Nov. 18, 1758. Levy, s. Timothy and Hannah, July 13, 1766. Loiza, d. Lt. Solomon and Jemimy, Mar. 27, 1805. Luce, d. Oliver, bp. Jan. 8, 1744. c. R. 1. Lusy, d. Josiah and Mary, Sept. 5, 1741. Lydia, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Nov. 22, 1731. ■ Lydia, d. Josiah and Lydia, Apr. 12, 1754. [1764? bp. Apr. 15, 1764. c. R. 1.] Lydia, d. Jonathan and Lydia, May 19,- 1774. Mary, d. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Andru and Hannah, June 4, 1736. Mary, d. Josiah and Mary, Apr. 19, 1746. Mary, d. Leonard, bp. Nov. 15, 1761. c. R. 1. Mary, d. William and Esther, Dec. 3, 1 764. Mehittable, d. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, Oct. 5, 1793. Moses, si Josiah and Jemima, Mar. 3, 1778. ro8 WESTFORD BIRTHS SpauldinGj Olive, d. Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. 6, 1763. Oliver, s. Timothy and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1764. Philip [h. Elizabeth], Mar. 18, 1737. Phillep, s. Phillep and Elisabeth, May 4, 1770. Phinehas, s. James and Ama, June 4, 1759. Rebeckah, d. Oliver and Sarah, May 16, 1737. Rebekah, d. Josiah and Lydia, Dec. 20, 1767. [bp. Nov. 28. c. R. 1.] Reuben, s. Timothy and Tha[n]kfull, Aug. 29, 1726. Reuben, s. Leonard and Margret, Nov. 19, 1756.. Ruth, d. [Dea. c. R. 1.] A[n]drew and Mehetable, Dec. 15, 1746. Samuel, s. Timothy [jr. c. r. 1.] and Thankfull, Sept. 4, 1730. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l, of New Ipswich, deceased, bp. Feb. 1, 1761. c. R. 1. Sarah; d. Oliver and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1732. Sarah, d. Josiah and Lydia, Mar. 16, 1770. Sarah, d. Leonard and Margret, at Westmoreland, N. H., July 19, 1763. [Sarah, diilerent ink.], d. Timothy and Hannah [ , 1773. different ink; bp. June 6. c. R. 1.]. Silas, s. James and Ama, May 11, 1744. Silas, s. James and Ama, Mar. 25, 1757. Solomon, s. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Andrew and Mehitable, Sept. 28, 1748. Solomon, s. Solomon and Jamima, Oct. 29, 1780. Susana, d. James and Amey, Feb. 14, 1741. [bp. Mar. 28, 1742. c. R. 1.] Susanna, d. James, bp. Nov. 26, 1752. c. R. 1. Susanna, d. Benja[min], of Dorchester, Canada, bp. Jan. 6, 1760. c. R. 1. Susanna, d. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, Nov. 6, 1797. Susannah, d. twin, James and Aina, Aug. 31, 1748. Susannah, d. James and Ama, Nov. 24, 1752. • Thankfull, d. Oliver and Sarah, May 3, 1752. Thomas, s. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, July 11, 1791,. Timothy, s. Oliver and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1741. Timothy, s. Timothy and Hannah, Mar. 29, 1769. William, s. William and Esther, Oct. 15, 1762. Zaccheus, s. William and Esther, Nov. 20, 1779. SPAWLbiNG (see also Spaulding), Zedekiah, s. William and Esther, Feb. 21, 1775. WESTFORD BIRTHS IO9 SPOULDING (see also Spaulding), Banjamin, s. James and Amey, Mar. IS, 1737-8. Joanan, d. [Dea. c. R. 1.] Andrew and Hanno, Apr. 7, 1738. Ollvere, s. Ollvere and Saray, Nov. 3, 1739. [Oct. 29. dup.] William, s. Josiah and Mary, Sept. 11, 1737. SPRAGUE, Ann M. P., d. Otis, farmer, and Lydia C, Feb. 14, 1847. Emily Meriam, d. Otis and Lydia C, Nov. 13, 1842. Harriet, Jan. 3, 1800. v. r. 14. SQUIER, John, s. Samuel and Mary, June 8, 176S. Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary, July 18, 1768. Solomon, s. Samuel and Mary, Apr. 20, 1770. STEVENS, Abel, s. Abel and Betsey, Sept. 22, 1803. Albert, s. Simeon and Betsy, July 8, 1809. Amilia, d. Bill Wright and Phebe, July 23, 1807. Belinda Augusta, d. Lucy, bp. Aug. 31, 1823. c. r. 1. Betsy, d. Bill Wright and Phebe, Sept. 20, 1793. Bill Gould, s. Bill Wright and Phebe, Apr. 14, 1796. Edward Jefferson, s. Sampson, jr., wheelwright, and Edee P., Oct. 12, 1846. George Putnam, s. Abel and Lucy W., Apr. 26, 1829. Georgianna E., d. Sampson, jr., wheelwright, and Edee P., Oct. 30, 1849. Jesse, s. Abel and Betsy, Dec. 18, 1811. Maria Edee, d. Sampson, jr. and Edee P., June 1, 1844. Merrill Sampson, s. Sampson, jr. and Edee P., Dec. 30, 1841. Nancy, d. Simeon and Betsy, May 8, 1811. Phebe Gould, d. Bill W[right. dup.] and Phebe, Mar. 21, 1798. Richard, s. Bill W. and Phebe, July 12, 1812. ^ Sally, d. Bill W[right. dup.] and Phebe, July 16, 1805. Sally, d: Bill Wright, bp. Aug. 5, 1821. c. R. 1. Samuel Small, s. Abel and Betsey, Mar. 30, 1807. Sarah Maria, d. Lucy, bp. Aug. 31, 1823. c. R. 1. [Simeon Willard Ambrose, s. Abel and Sally, July — , 1818. in pencil.] Zilpah, d. Bill W[right. dup.J and Phebe, Apr. 28, 1800. , three chn. Sampson, jr. and "Edee P., Nov. 27, 1840. STODDER, Charles, s. Charles and Fayette, Nov. 9, 1808. Harriet Ann, d. Charles and Fayette, June 23, 1815. John Turner, s. Charles and Fayette, Sept. 22, 1818. Mary Ann Turner, d. Charles and Fayette; June 10, 1813. no WESTFORD BIRTHS STONE, Allen, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, July 12, 1762. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, June 30, 1754. Ebenezer W., s. Samuel and Grace, June 10, 1802. Elias R., s. Samuel and Grace, Dec. 17, 1799. Grace, w. Sam[ue]l, May 27, 1777. Grace S., d. Samuel and Grace, Apr. 27, 1801. Isaiah, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, July 25, 1760. John, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1756. Luce, d. Priscilla Roper, bp. Mar. 23, 1740. c. R. 1. Lucy L., d. Samuel and Grace, Oct. 19, 1807. Mary B., d. Samuel and Grace, Apr. 26, 1803. Mary Elizabeth, d. Benjaman and Deborah, Nov. 2, 1801. Neomi, d. Ebenezer and Sarah, at Wenham, May 1, 1743. Ruth, d. Ebenezer and Sarah, Apr. 30, 1745. Samuel, Sept. S, 1771. Samuel W., s. Samuel, July 13, 1796. Sarah, d. Eben[ezer], bp. May 10, 1752. c. R. 1. Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1766. Stephen S., s. Samuel and Grace, June 11, 1805. [Timothy, in pencil.], s. Ebenezer and Sarah [ , 1758. in pencil.]. Waldron, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1749. SURTRASS, Victor F., s. Victor, laborer, and Mary, both b. Canada, Jan. 23, 1846. SWALLOW, John, s. John, bp. Mar. 29, 1730. c. R. 1. SWEETSER (see also Switser), Charles, s. Elias and Mary, Mar. 23, 1820. Elias Dupee, s. Elias and Mary, May 17, 1814. John, s. Elias *nd Mary, Oct. 15, 1830. Lucy, d. Elias and Mary, at Chelmsford, Jan. 17, 1812. Mary, d. Elias and Mary, Aug. 1, 1822. Sally, d. Elias and Mary, June 2, 1818. Samuel, s. Elias and Mary, Mar. 24, 1816. SWITSER (see also Sweetser), Maryan Deupa, d. Carline Ma- tida Lawrence, Sept. 24, 1811. SYMMES, Betsy,, d. Caleb and Lydia, Sept. 5, 1788. Caleb, Capt, Oct. 10, 1732. g. r. 1. Caleb, s. Caleb and Lydia, Sept. 1, 1786. Caleb, s. Thomas and Rebecker, Nov. 15, 1800. Eadey Fletcher, d. Thomas and Rebecker, Aug. 2, 1795. WESTFORD BIRTHS III Symmes^ Edmund, s. twin, Thomas and Rebeckah, Apr. 1, 1806, Edward, s. twin, Thomas and Rebeckah, Apr. 1, 1806. Elizabath Hall, d. Thomas and Rebecker, Apr. 16, 1803. John Kebler, s. Edward, farmer, and Rebecca P., Nov. 5, 1845. Lydia, d. Caleb and Lydia, Jan. 16, 1791. Pattey [Martha, p. r. 17], d. Thomas and Rebecker, May 4, 1797. Patty Carver, d. Thomas and Rebecca (Carver), Aug. 14, 1791. p. R. 17. Sarah Rebecca, d. Edward, farmer, and Rebecca P., Oct. 20, 1847. Susannah Bancroft, d. Thomas and Rebecker, July 5, 1793. Thomas, Sept. 19, 1765. p. r. 17. Thomas, s. Thomas and Rebecker, Mar. 27, 1790. Thomas Edmund, s. Edward, farmer, and Rebecca P., Oct. 28, 1843. William Edward, s. Edward and Rebecah Pierce, Sept. 5, 1841. TAILER (see also Taylor), Lois, d. Jacob and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1732-3. Marah, d. Jacob and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1735. TAYLER (see also Taylor) , Azubah, d. Jacob and Sarah, Jan, 9, 1739. Silence, d. Jacob and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1737. TAYLOR (see also Tailer, Tayler), Abel, s. Abrah[am], of Ashby, bp. Dec. 4, 1768. c. r. 1. Daniel, s. Eleaz[e]r, bp. Sept. 6, 1767. c. r. 1. Elisabeth, d. Eleaz[e]r, bp. July 14, 1765. c. r. 1. Hannah Wright, d. Joel and Sally, Apr. 12, 1820. Harriet, d. Joel and Sally, May 26, 1814. Harriet Jeannette, d. Robert, farmer, b. Ryegate, Vt., and Catharine, b. Dunstable, Feb. 12, 1848. Isaac, s. Eleazer and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1761. James, s. William, farmer, and Susan [Law.' p. r. IS.], Mar. 10, 1847. Joel, jr., s. Joel and Sally, Aug. 26, 1811. Joel, 3d, s. Joel and Sally, Mar. 22, 1818. John, s. Eleazer and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1763. ; Luce, d. Jacob and Sarah, July 30, 1742. Lucy, d. Joel and Sally, Mar. 28, 1816. ' ' !« 112 WESTFORD BIRTHS Taylor, Phebe, d. Elea2[e]r, bp. Max. 16, 1760. c. R. 1. Sally, d. Joel and Sally, June 2, 1809. Samuel Law, s. William, farmer, and Susan [Law. p. r. 15.], Dec. 4, 1845. Sarah, d. Eliezar and Sarah, June 8, 1765. TEMPLE, Henrietta, d. Samuel, farmer, and Mary, both b. Ac- ton, Feb. 8, 1849. Jemima, d. Christopher and Jemima, Aug. 19, 1749. Luce, d. Joseph, bp. July 5, 1741. c. r. 1. Rachel, d. Levi, bp. June 26, 1774. c. R. 1. Sarah Sophia, d. Samuel, farmer, and Mary, Sept. 10, 1845. TENNEY (see also Tinny), Almira, d. Samuel and Rebeckah, at Concord, Apr. 17, 1805. Benjamin ■ Franklin, s. Sammuel and Rebeckah, at Dunstable, June 25, 1809. John Brooks, s. Sammuel and Rebeckah, at Tyngsborough, Apr. 2, 1807. Samuel Clark, s. Samuel and Rebeckah, Dec. 24, 1803. Sarah Rebeckah, d. Samuel and Rebeckah, Jan. 21, 1818. William Palmer, s. Sammuel and Rebeckah, Juiie 13, 1814. THOMPSON, see Tompson. TID (see also Tidd), Betsy, d. John and Elisabeth, Aug. 16, 1783. Ebenezer, s. John and Elisabeth, Feb. 23, 1788. Joel, s. John and Elisabpth, July 13, 1785. John, s. John and Elisabeth, Aug. 1, 1781. TIDD (see also Tid), Benjamen Franklin, s. John and Elisa- beth, Mar. 28, 1796. Charts Louis, s. John and Elisabeth, Nov. 28, 1793. George Cliff erd, s. John and Elisabeth, June 28, 1791. Jacob Alonzo, s. Ebenezer and Permelia, Feb. 15, 1835. Nancy Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Permelia, Mar. 3, 1830. TINhfY (see also Tenney), Joseph, s. Wiiliam, bp. July 13, 1746. c. R. 1. TOMPSON, Mary, d. William and Mary, June 30, 1745. William, s. William and Mary, Oct. 21, 1743. WESTFORD BIRTHS 113 TOWER, Abbie, d. Eli and Mary, at Concord, Jan. 5, 1836. Adeline, d. Eli and Mary, at Concord, Mar. 15, 1838. Albro W[aldo. p. r. 12.], s. Eli, farmer, and Mary, Oct. 1, 1846. [Oct. 2. p. R. 12.] Ama, d. Eli and Mary, June 23, 1842. [June 22. p. r. 12.] Amanda, d. Eli and Mary, at Concord, Apr. 4, 1834. Eli,-s. Peter and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1794. Frances Antonette, d. Eli, farmer, b. Townsend, and Mary, Dec. 24, 1848. [Dec. 26. p. r. 12.] Hellen, d. Eli and Mary, July 30, 1844. Reuel, s. Peter and Sarah, May 30, 1792. Sarah, d. Peter and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1790. [June 21. p. r. 12.] Waldo, s. Eli and Mary, at Concord, June 22, 1840. TOWNSEND, Ebenezer, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. Jan. 2, 1732. c. R. 1. Elizabeth, d. Eben[eze]r, bp. Dec. 29, 1728. c. R. 1. - TROWBRIDGE, Abigail Prescott, d. Luther and Abigail, Jan. 30, 1824. Albert Blake, s. Phineas and Rebeckah, Sept. 11, 1819. Ann Moria, d. Phineas and Rebeckah, Nov. 7, 1824. Cemantha, d. Jeptha and-Permela, Mar. 4, 1820. Charles Avery, s. Phineas and Rebeckah, June 12, 1826. Eliza Ann, d. Phineas and Rebeckah, Nov. 19, 1820. Ellen Eliza, d. Phineas P., shoemaker, and Eliza S., Mar. 31, 1847. Emma Jane, d. Phineas P., shoemaker, and Eliza S., Jan. 18, 1845. George Nelson, s. Jeptha and Perinela, Jan. 13, 1819. Jeptha, s. Jeptha and Permela, May 14, 1823. John, s. Jeptha and Permela, June 27, 1817. Julia Ann, d. Phineas P., shoemaker, and Eliza S., Nov. 27, 1843. Lydia Ann, d. Luther and Abigail, July 29, 1825. Martha Maria, d. Phineas P. and Eliza Sylva, Dec. 17, 1842. Phineas Parker, s. Phineas and Rebeckah, Sept. 3, 1822. William, s. Jeptha and Permela, Oct. 8, 1821. TUCK, Abba J., d. William, miller, b. Andover, and Abba, b. Dracut, Apr. 16, 1849. TUTTLE, Joseph Peirce, s. Joseph and Mary, July 20, 1801. . Nelson Levan, s. Alson, farmer, b. Littleton, and Mary L., July 23, 1844. 114 WESTFORD BIRTHS UNDERWOOD, Aquila, s. Aquila and Margret, Dec. 6, 1723. Bethiah, d. Joseph and Susannah, Sept. 27, 1729. Debroh, d. Timothy and Rachel, Sept. 19, 1754. Hannah, d. Aquila and Margret, Oct. 1, 1727. Hannah, d. Jonathon and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1740. Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Oct. 3, 17S2. James, s. Joseph, bp. Dec. 5, 1731. c. R. 1. James, s. Timothy and Rachel, at Groton, Mar. 7, 1771. Jeremy, s. John and Hannah, July 10, 1750. John, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. 19, 1727. c. r. 1. John, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1755. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1744. Joseph, s. Timothy and Rachel, Sept. 8, 1751. Joseph, s. Timothy and Rachel, Aug. 1, 1757. Lucy, d. Aquila and Margret, May 17, 1731. Mary, d. Aquila and Margret, Dec. 4, 1724. Molly, d. Timothy and Rachel, at Groton, Aug. 10, 1768. Parkar, s. Aquila and Margret, Feb. 10, 1729-30. Phinehas, s. Timothy and Rachel, Mar. 18, 1764. Rachel, d. Timothy and Rachel, May 21, 1747. Rebecca, d. Timo[thyl, bp. Sept. 2, 1753. c. R. 1. Russel, s. Timothy and Rachel, Aug. 16, 1766. Samuel, s. Aquila and Margret, Feb. 1, 1723. Sarah, d. Aquila and Margret, Nov. 26, 1725. Silas, s. John, bp. Jan. 11, 1784. c. r. 1. Susanna, d. Timotliy and Rachel, May 6, 1762. Susannah, d. Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 11, 1747. Thomas, s. John, bp. Aug. 11, 1754. c. r. 1. Timothy, s. Timothy and Rachel, Aug. 15, 1749. Timothy, s. Timothy and Rachel, Nov. 30, 1759. William, s. Aquila and Margret, Jan. 4, 1728-9. VOSE, Elizabeth, d. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1808. Hannah [Hannah Dunbar, c. R. 1.], d. Jeremiah and Elisabeth, Dec. 12, 1806. Josiah, s. Josiah and Mary, Mar. 28, 1807. Lucy, d. Jeremiah, bp. Oct. 24, 1813.. c. r. 1. Lydia Grain, d. Josiah and Mary, Sept. 9, 1810. Martha, d. Jeremiah, bp. Apr. 28, 1811. c. R. 1. Mary, d. Josiah and Mary, Jan. 9, 1813. Mary, d. Jeremiah and Elisabeth, July 25, 1819. Sally, d. Jeremiah, bp. July 5, 1812. c. R. 1. WALKER, Clara Augusta, d. Josiah and Lydia D., Apr. 23, 1841. WESTFORD BIRTHS 115 Walker, George Edgar, s. Josiah and Lydia D., Nov. 6, 1846. Lydia Arabella, d. Josiah and Lydia D., Jan. 25, 1843. WEAVER, Helen Gates, d. Benjamin H., merchant, b. Ply- mouth, Vt., and Sarah Jane, b. Charlestown, at Lowell, July 19, 1848. WEBBER, Betsy R., d. Josiah K., carpenter, and Betsy Ann, Apr. 9, 1848. Henry Augustus, s. Josiah K., carpenter, and Betsy Ann, Jan. 16, 1846. WENDEL (see also Wendell), Rachel, d. Jacob, bp. Oct. 14, 1787. c. R. 1. WENDELL (see also Wendel), Ancill, s. Jacob and Lydia, July 8, 1798. Eleanor, d. Jacob, bp. July 8, 1781. c. r. 1. Elisabeth, d. Jacob, bp. June 12, 1774. c. R. 1. Ellenener, d. Jacob and Lydia, May 28, 1803. Jacob, jr., s. Jacob and Lydia, Sept. 1, 1 790. Lydia, d. Jacob and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1788. Pothifer, s. Jacob and Lydia, Oct. 11, 1801. Sally, d. Jacob, bp. June 17, 1784. c. R. 1. WHEELER, Alonzo Dallas, s. Thomas Jefferson, cooper, and Harriet J. Gilson, Aug. 24, 1846. Caroline S., d. William and Sally P. ( Pelseue) , at Chelmsford, Aug. 10, 1823. Charles A., s. William and Sally P. (Pelseue), at Carlisle, May 14, 1817. George G., s. William and Sally P. (Pelseue), Oct. 17, 1827. Lucy C, d. William and Sally P. (Pelseue), at Carlisle, Oct. 21, 1819. Otis Parker, s. Thomas J., cooper, and Harriet J., b. Halifax, N. S., Mar. 3, 1849. Ruth, d. Elisabeth, of Concord, bp. Sept. 19, 1756. c. R. 1. Samuel F., s. William and Sally P. (Pelseue), Aug. 10, 1831. William, s. Hezekiah and Catherine, at Acton, June 13, 1793. William W., s. William and Sally P. (Pelseue), at Chelmsford, Dec. 20, 1825. WHETCOMBE, Oliver, s. Oliver, bp. at Littleton, Nov. 5, 1752. c. R. 1. Il6 WESTFORD BIRTHS WHIDDEN, Abel Goodridge, s. Joshua and Martha, Aug. 18, 1836. Augustus Fletcher, s. Joshua and Martha, Sept. 2, 1844. Charles Erwin, s. Joshua and Martha, May 27, 1837. George Washington, s. Joshua and Martha, Jan. 13, 1839. Hannah Jane, d. Joshua [farmer, dup.] and Martha, Dec. 31, 1845. John Henry, s. Joshua and Martha, Sept. 20, 1842. Joshua, at Merrimack, N. H., Nov. 17, 1808. Martha Maria, d. Joshua and Martha, Feb. 1, 1835. WHITCOMB, see Whetcombe. WHITE, Aaron, s. Aaron and Sally, Sept. 9, 1802. Dorothy, d. Samuel and Dorothy, June 12, 1773. Dorothy, d. Samuel and Hepzabah, Oct. 26, 1776. Hephsibah, d. Sam[ue]]l and Hephsibah, Apr. 20, 1779. John, s. twin, Samuel and Hephsibah, Aug. 18, 1781. Otis, s. Aaron and Sally, Mar. 3, 1805. Sally, d. Aaron and Sally, Apr. 2, 1801. Samuel, s. twin, Samuel and Hephsibah, Aug. 18, 1781. WHITEING (see also Whiting), Alonzo, s. William and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1803. Alonzo, s. William and Lucy, Sept. 23, 1805. Augustus, s. William and Lucy, Apr. 2, 1795. Augustus, s. William and Lucy, July 7, 1796. Isaac Newton, s. William and Lucy, Dec. 2, 1799. William, s. William and Lucy, June 27, 1787. WHITING (see also Whiteing), Frances Wentworth, d. Benja- min and Grace, Apr. 19, 1771.. Leonard, s. Leonard and Anna, Feb. 21, 1762. WHITNEY, Albert, s. David and Catharine, Oct. 28, 1839. Charles, s. David and Catharine, at Southborough, Dec. 11, 1828. Charlotte E., d. Nath[aniel] and Susan, Apr. 27, 1842. Daniel, s. Dan[ie]l, bp. Feb. 20, 1757. c. r. 1. David, s. David and Catharine, Aug. 23, 1830. Eunice, w. Eliakim Hutchins, at Stow, Nov. 8, 1807. p. r. 25. Harrietj.d. David and Catharine, July 29, 1836. Hiram, s. David and Catharine, Nov. 10, 1834. John H., s. Nathaniel and Susan, Apr. 7, 1835. Mary, d. David and Catharine, . [after 1839.1 WESTFORD BIRTHS 117 Whitney^ Mary B., d. Nathaniel and Susan, June 21, 1844. Nathaniel F., s. Nathaniel and Susan, Sept. 26, 1830, Sarah F., d. Nathaniel, laborer, and Susan, Feb. 21, 1847. [1846. dup.] Sidney D., s. Nathaniel, farmer, b. Watertown, and Susan, b. Dorchester, May 12, 1849. [May 11. dup.] Susan E., d. Nathaniel and Susan, Feb. 11, 1833. William, s. Nathaniel and Susan, Nov. 27, 1839. AVIOHT, Caleb Otis, s. Caleb and Mary, Aug. 12, 1817. Caroline, d. Caleb and Mary, Apr. 8, 1819. Gilbert'Nahum [Nahum Gilbert, c. R. 1.], s. [Dea.' c. R. 1.] Caleb and Mary, Jan. 17, 1826. Harriet, d. Caleb and Mary, July 7, 1815. Henry Martyn, s. [Dea. p. r. 2.] Caleb and Mary, Aug. 1, 1831. Jane, d. [Dea. p. r. 2.] Caleb and Mary, May 15, 1828. Joanna, d. Caleb and Mary, Aug. 29, 1813. Lucy Osgood, d. Caleb and Mary, May 4, 1821. Mary Ann, d. Caleb and Mary, Dec. 29, 1811. Nstncy, d. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Caleb and Mary, Nov. 29, 1823. WILEY, Samuel Mason,' s. Samuel, farmer, b. Jay, Me., and Maria, b. Waterford, Me., Aug. 1, 1849. WILKERSON, Joseph D., s. Robert and Ann (Durant), at Carlisle, Oct. 29, 1818. WILKINS, Francis, s. Chamberlain, bp. July 30, 1826. c. r. 1. John Chamberlin, s. John C. and Susanna, Apr. 20, 1807. Martha Esther, d. Chamberlain, bp. July 30, 1826. c. R. 1. Mary Elizabeth, d. Chamberlain, bp. July 30, 1826. c. R. 1. Samuel Leighton, s. John C. and Susanna, May 25, 1805. Susanna, d. John C. and Susanna, Oct. 30, 1803. Timothy Lorenzo, s. Chamberlain, bp. July 30, 1826. c. R. 1. WILLIS, Betty, d. Eben[eze]r, bp. Aug. 29, 1762. c. r. 1. Ebenezer, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. Aug. 29, 1762. c. R. 1. John, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. Aug. 29, 1762. c. r. 1. Joseph, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. July 29, 1764. c. R. 1. Lucy, d. Zech[a]r[iah], bp. June 30,' 1771. c. R. 1. Mary, d. Eben[eze]r, bp. Aug. 29, 1762. c. r. 1. William, s. Eben[eze]r, bp. Aug, 29, 1762. c. R. 1. Il8 WESTFORD BIRTHS WILLOUGHBY, Jonas, s. Jonas, bp. Oct. 9, 1763. c. r. 1. Oliver, s. Jonas, bp. July 15, 1764. c. R. 1. WILSON, Haanah, d. Henery and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1807. Henery, s. Henery and Hannah, at Littleton, Dec. 22, 1803. John, s. Henery and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1795. Levi, s. Henry and Hannah, July 5, 1811. Sally, d. Henery and Hannah, May 18, 1799. Sarah, d. Rev. Luther, bp. June 9, 1839. c. R. 1. Sophia, d.. Henery and Hannah, at Groton, Feb. 12, 1797. Timothy Spaulding, s. Henery and Hannah, at Littleton, Nov. 4, 1801. WINN, Aaron B., s. Rodney, shoemaker, and Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1847. Joseph, s. Hezikiah and Bashabath, Aug. 11, 1793. Polly, d. Hezikiah and Bashabath, Apr. 22, 1792. Rebakah, d. Hezikiah and Bashabath, Mar. 21, 1795. WOODARD (see also Woodward), George, s. Theodore and Mahitable, Apr. 18, 1826. John S., s. Theodore and Mahitable, Jan. 26, 1824. Martha, d. Theodore and Mahitable, Nov. 17, 1818. Mary P., d. Theodore and Mahitable, June 11, 1817. Susan, d. Theodore and Mahitable, June 17, 1822. Theodore, jr., s. Theodore and Mahitable, Oct. 20, 1820. WOODS, Mary, d. Solomon and Mary, Feb. 6, 1811: Mary, d. Solomon and Mary, Dec. 11, 1817. Sarah, d. Solomon and Mary, Sept. 4, 1812. Sarah Fiske, d. SoUomon and Sarah, Jan. — , 1809. Solomon, s. Solomon and Mary, June 1, 1814. William, s. Solomon and Mary, Apr. 22, 1816. WOODWARD (see also Woodard), Alden, s. Hilliard E. and Sophia, Nov. 13, 1835. Alden H., s. Hilliard E. and Sophia, . [after 1835.] Hilliard, s. Hilliard E. and Sophia, Sept. 8, 1833. Oliver Wallace, s. Oliver, farmer, b. Tyngsborough, and Eme- line, b. Windsor, Vt., at Chelmsford, Nov. 21, 1846. WORCESTER, Ann Maria, bp. Aug. 18, 1839. p. r. 2. Martha Williams, bp. Aug. 18, 1839. p. r. 2. Mary Eaton, bp. Aug. 18, 1839. p. R. 2. WESTFORD BIRTHS I I9 WRIGHT, Abel, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Mar. 29, 1735. Abel.i s. Henry and Sarah, Apr. 12, 1770. Abel, s. Joseph and Dorothy, Dec. 23, 1770. Abel, s. Samuel and Esther, Oct. 31, 1771. Abel, s. Abel and Lafe, Mar. 30, 1808. Abigail, d. Ephraim and Abigail, July 21, 1753. Abigail, d. Zaccheus, jr., bp. June 29, 1800. c. R. 1. Abigal, d. Ebenezer [jr. c. R. 1.] and Deliverance, Feb. 28, 1730-31. Abigal Ruhamer, d. Martin and Abigal, Feb. 17, 1831. Abijah, s. Pelatiah and Alice, June 29, 1780. Abraham, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Mar. 22, 1752. Abraham Butteriield, s. Jacob, jr. and Luce, Dec. 6, 1760. Abram, s. Ephriam and Aseneth, Feb. 16, 1828. Albert Austin, s. Jacob A. and Harriet A., July 25, 1838. Albion, s. Erastus, farmer, and Elizabeth M., b. Charlestown, Aug. 3, 1847. Alfred Orlando, s. Timothy P., blacksmith, and Elnora P., Sept. 13, 1847. Alice, d. Pelatiah and Alice, Aug. 15, 1778. Almaette Luella, d. Erastus and Elizabeth, Apr. 10, 1845. Alpheus Fletcher, s. Horatio and Ann, Sept. 26, 1S33. Amos, s. Ebenezer and Deliverance, Jan. 6, 1743. [1743-4. dup.] Amos, s. Amos and Dorcas, Feb. 10, 1771. Amos, s. Levi and Rhoda, May 14, 1795. Andrew Stevens, s. Jesse and Sibyl, Aug. 28, 1833. Anna, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1772. Anna, d. Samuel, bp. , 1797. c. r. 1. Anna, d. Jacob and Sally, May 16, 1816. Archibold, s. Abijah and Polly, Dec. 11, 1803. Arthur, s. Asa and Bathsheba, Aug. 24, 1837. Asa, s. Joseph and Dorothy, Dec. 4, 1767. Asa, s. Asa and Betsey, Oct. 22, 1798. Augustus, s. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, . [after 1843.] Azubah, d. Simeon and Dorcas, Mar. 29, 1758. Banjamin, s. Jacob and Abagal, Oct. 31, 1738. Bathsheba Esther, d. Asa and Bathsheba, June 15, 1823. Bekkah, d. Henry, jr. and Sarah, Sept. 22, 1763. Bela, s. Abel and Leife, Apr. 26, 1796. Benjamin, s. John and Mary, Oct. 12, 1751. Benjamin, s. Silas and Mary, Apr. 9, 1769. Benjamin, s. Pelatiah and Alice, May 9, 1770. Benjamin Loring, s. Abijah and Polly, July 18, 1808. Betsey, d. A'Sa aijd Betsey, Mar. 4, 1787. I20 WESTFORD BIRTHS Weight, Bettey, d. Simeon and Dorcas, Sept. 9, 1759. Betty, d. Samuel and Esther, Apr. 18, 1779. Billy, s. Jonas and Rebaca, May 14, 1790. Bridget, d. Henrey, jr. and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1760. Bridget, d. Pelatiah and Alice, Dec. 15, 1765. Calab, s. Ebenez[e]r [jr. c. r. 1.] and Delivernce, July 26, 1735. Calvin Blanchard, s. Reuben and Sarah, June 10, 1800. Clarisa J., d. Joel and Sally, Aug. 7, 1823. Deborah, d. John and Sarah, July 30, 1762. Dolly, d. Joseph and Dorothy, June 5, 1761. Dorcas, d. Simeon and Dorcas, Oct. 31, 1743. Ebenez[e]r, s. Ebenez[e]r [jr. c. r. 1.] and Deliverance, Jan. 29, 1733-4. Ebenezer, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, June 20, 1746. Ebenezer, s. John and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1777. Ebenezer, s. Amos and Dorcas, Mar. 21, 1791. Edee P., d. Asa and Bathsheba, Mar. 10, 1821. Edmond, s. Nathan and Betsey, Apr. 28, 1794. Edmond [Edmond Trowbridge, c. r. 1.], s. Nathan and Bet- sey, Mar. 1, 1796. Edward Elliot, s. Jacob A. and Harriet A., Dec. 16, 1841. Edward Payson, s. Tiniothy P. and Elnora, Apr. 22, 1840. Edwin, s". Phineas and Betsy, June 26, 1822. Eleazer, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1765. Elener Windall, d. M'artin and Abigal, Sept. 18, 1832. Elijah, s. Henry and Sarah, the first child baptized in the new meeting house, Nov. 26, 1771. Elisabeth, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, June 19, 1742. Elisabeth, d. Caleb and Elisabeth, Dec. 26, 1771. Elisabeth, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1773. Eliza Ann, d. Martin and Eliza, Aug. 29, 1838. Eliza Thompson, d. Phineas and Betsy, June 1, 18l9. Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1809. Elizabeth, d. Erastus and Elizabeth, July 10, 1839. Ellery Channing, s. George and Mary Ann, Nov. 4, 1842. Elmira, d. Reuben and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1805. Elmira, d. Reuben, jr. and Esther, July 19, 1822. Elnora G., d. Timothy P. and Elnora, Dec. 30, 1834. Elvira Angela, d. Archibald and Elvira, at Boston, Sept. 23, 1836, Emeline Augusta, bp. June 17, 1834. p. r. 2. Emery Augustus, s. Jacob A., trader, and Harriet A., June 6, 1844. Emily, d. Erastus and Elizabeth, , 1839. g. r. 4." WESTFORD BIRTHS 121 Wright, Emily Augusta, d. Asa and Bathsheba, June 20, 1841. Ephraim, s. Jacob and Abigal, Feb. 7, 1725-6. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Abigal, June 3, 1761. Erastus, s. Abijah and Polly, Feb. 17, 1806. [Esther, in pencil.], d. Jacob and Abigail [— — , 1726. in pen- cil.]. Esther, d. Henry, jr. and Sarah, June 22, 1762. Estlier, d. Pelatiah and Alice, Feb. 13, 1768. Esther, d. Sam[ue]ll and Esther, Oct. 22, 1786. Esther Woo [d] ward* d. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Jan. 11, 1810. Eugene Harvey, s. Erastus, farmer, and Elizabeth, b. Chaxles- town, Nov. 12, 1849. Eunice, d. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Henry and Easter, Oct. [blot], 1740. [Oct. 1. dup.] Everett E., s. Erastus and Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1832. Ezekiel, s. Zacheus, jr., bp. Oct. 25, 1801. c. R. 1. Ezekiel Atwood, s. Ezekiel C. and Susanna, Jan. 20, 1824. Ezekiel Conant, s. Stephen and Sarah, May 26, 1797. Ezra P[rescott. c. R. l.J, s. Jacob and Sally, Apr. 20, 1831. Ezra W'., s. Joel and Sally, Feb. 27, 1822. Francis Ballard, s. Horatio and Ann, Nov. 5, 1837. Freeman Atwell, s. Ezekiel C. and Susanna, Feb. 18, 1829. George, s. Abel and Lafe, June 5, 1802; George, s. Bela and Sarah, at Nelson, N. H., Oct. 1, 1830. George F., s. Ephraim and Asenith, July 25, 1831. George Henry, s. Jacob A. and Harriet A., Aug. 2, 1840. George Newton, s. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Feb. 29, 1828. George Oliver, s. Bela and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1830. George P., s. Jacob and Sally, at Dunstable, Oct. 12, 1821, George Sumner, s. Nathan and Betsey, Oct. 20, 1810. George W., s. Walter and Hannah, Aug, 11, 1841. Gilman Fessenden, s. Erastus and Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1841. Oilman Jesse, s. Jesse and Sibyl, Jan. 19, 1829. Hanah, d. Ebenez[e]r ] [jr. c. R. 1.] and Deliverance, Aug. 23, 1732. Hannah, d. Henry and Esther, June 30, 1730. Hannah, d. Simeon and Dorcas, Jan. 19, 1749. Hannah, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1750. Hannah, d. Caleb and Elisabeth, June 27, 1768. Hannah, d. Henry and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1768. Hannah, d., Ephraim and Abigail, Feb. 1, 1770. • Hannah, d. Joseph and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1776. Hannah, d. Amos and Dorcas, July. 5, 1776. Hannah, d. Samuel and Easter, June 21, 1789. Hannah, d.-Jacob and Sally, at Tyngsborough, Mar. 5, 1813. 122 WESTFORD BIRTHS Wright, Hannibal H., s. Benjainin L. and Elizabeth, May 20, 1839. Harriet Maria, d. Jesse and Sibyl, Apr. 24, 1836. Henery Otis, s. Ephriam and Aseneth, Jan. 19, 1824. Henry, s. Henry and Esther, June 10, 1732. Henry, s. Henry, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1767. Henry Chapman, s. Archibald and Elvira, at Lexington, Apr. 22, 1832. Horace Homer Watson, s. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Jan. 17, 1826. Horace Washington, s. Levi, jr. and Hannah B., at Brookfield Township, O., Sept. 8, 1837. Horatio, s. Abijah and Polly, Jan. 4, 1801. Horatio Gass, s. Horatio and Ann, Nov. 10, 1829. Hosea, s. Levi and Rhoda, Dec. 19, 1797. Huldah, d. [Dea. c. r. 1.] Henry and Esther, Sept. 6, 1749. Huldah, d. Asa and Betsey, Nov. 2, 1791. Irwin B. W., s. Joel A., farmer, and Martha B., Oct. 1, 1847. Isaac, s. John and Mary, Sept. 4, 1754. Isaac, s. John, bp. Feb. 12, 1769. c. R. 1. Isaac, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1770. Isaac Sumner, s. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Jan. 6, 1833. Jacob, s. Jacob and Abigel, Se'pt. 20, 1732. Jacob, s. Jacob, jr. and Luce, Dec. 9, 1758.. Jacob, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Apr. 24, 1772. Jacob, s. Joseph and Hannah, June 19, 1786. Jacob A., s. Jacob and Sally, at Tyngsborough, Jan. 30, 1811. James, s. Simeon and Dorcas, Jan. 5, 1754. James, s. John Tidd and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1799. James, s. John Tidd and Hannah, Aug. 12, 1801. James Madison, s. Reuben and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1809. Jefferson, s. Asa and Bathsheba, July 30, 1825. Jephthah, s. Abel and Lafe, Nov. 17, 1804. Jepthah, s. Bela and Sarah [at Nelson, N. H. dup.], Jan. 11, 1828. Jessa, s. Olever and Dolly, at Groton, Sept. 29, 1800. Joanna, d. Caleb, bp. June 13, 1762. c. r. 1. Joanna, d. Samuel. and Esther, Nov. 21, 1781. Joel, s. Silas and Mary, Feb. 21, 1765. Joel, s. Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 30, 1783. Joel A., s. Joel and Sally, May 15, 1815. Joele, s. Ebenezer and Deleverence, Sept. 8, 1740. John, s. Jacob and Abigel, Sept. 7, 1723. John, s. John and Mary, May 14, 1 748. John, s. John and Sarah, June 26, 1764. WESTFORD BIRTHS 1^3 Wright, John, s. Amos and Dorcas, Oct. 26, 1785. John, s. Nathan and Betsey, Nov. 4, 1797. John, s. James, bp. Aug. 11, 1811. c. R. 1. John Boynton, s. Jonas and Rebaca, Jan. 25, 1797. John Franklin, s. John and Betsey, Oct. 15, 1821. John Woodward, s. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Mar. 10, 1817. Jonas, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Feb. 6, 1759. Jonathan, s. Caleb and Elisabeth, May 23, 1761. Joseph, s. Jacob and Abagail, Sept. 25, 1736. Joseph, s. Joseph and Dorothy, Mar. 3, 1758. [Mar. 4. dup.] Joseph, s. Joseph and Hannah, June 6, 1778. Joseph, s. Asa and Betsey, Apr. 19, 1789. Joseph E., s. Jacob and Sally, at Tyngsborough, July 20, 1823. Joseph Minot, s. Samuel and Esther, Aug. 27, 1778. Joshua, s. Ebenezere and Delevenance, May 30, 1737. Josiah C, s. Erastus and Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 1834. Jotham, s. Ephraim and Abigal, Dec. 27, 1767. Jotham, s. Nathan and Betsey, Sept. 17, 1792. Julian E., d. Joel and Sally, Oct. 7, 1825. Kindall Asa, s. Asa and Bathsheba, Apr. 27, 1831. Laura Ann, d. Abijah and Polly, Oct. 18, 1815. Laura Ann, d. Archibald and Elvira, July 19, 1840. Laura Ann, d. Levi, jr., fanner, and Hannah B., Aug. 30, 1843. Laura Maria, d. Phineas and Betsy, Apr. 2, 1817. Lavisa, d. Jacob and Lucy, July 12, 1764. Leffee, d. Abel and Leifee, June 5, 1800. Leonora Minervi, d. Hosea and Lucinda M., Sept. 7, 1826. Levi, s. Simeon and Dorcas, Feb. 29, 1756. Levi, s. Amos and Dorcas, Sept. 11, 1768. Levi, s. Lt. Levi and Rhoda, Oct. 21, 1807. [Levi, jr., s. Lt. Levi and Rhoda, . different ink.] [after Feb., 1808.] Loring, s. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1835. Louisa, d. Levi, jr. and Hannah B., Oct. 22', 1840. Lovey Maria, d. Martin and Abigail, Nov. 17, 1834. Luce, d. Jacob, jr. and Luce, Nov. 7, 1756. Lucindia, d. Reuben and Sarah, June 9, 1797. [Jan. 9. p. R. 40.] Lucius Franklin, s. John F., farmer, and Lavinia, b. Dracut, May 30, 1848. Lucy, d. Thomas and Mary, at New Ipswich, N. H., Feb. 25, 1770. Lucy Parker, d. [Col. c. r. ].] Samuel, jr. and Martha, June 10, 1819. LucySuzan, d. Zacheus and Abigail, Apr. 8, 1807. 124 WESTFORD BIRTHS Wright, Luther, s. Samuel and Esther, Nov. 13, 1773. Luther, s. Jonas and Rebeca, Nov. 7, 1793. Lydia, d. Ebenezer and Deliveranc, Aug. 29, 1745. Lydia, d. Ephraim and Abigail, July 28, 1765. Lydia, d. Thom[a]s, bp. Aug. 21, 1774. c. R. 1. Lydia, d. Stephen and Sarah, June 15, 1799. Lydia, d. Lt. Levi and Rhoda, Sept. 6, 1803. Lydia, d. Parker and Mary, July 6, 1819. Lydia Powers, d. Pelatiah and Alice, Mar. 3, 1772. Lydya, d. Semion and Dorcos, Oct. 4, 1739. Malvina E., d. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, Dec. 30, 1841. Margia Annah, d. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Feb. 26, 1830. Maria P[rescott. c. R. 1.], d. Bela and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1841. Mariella Maria, d. Levi, jr., farmer, and Hannah B., June 1, 1845. Marien Lavina, d. John F., farmer, and Lavinia, Sept. 30, 1845. Martha Ann, d. [Col. c. R. 1.] Samuel, jr. and Martha, Mar. 10, 1811. Martha Asenith, d. Ephraim and Asenith, Dec. 5, 1835. Martha E., d. Joel and Sally, Dec. 6, 1832. Martin, s. Abijah and Polly [s. Nathan, c. R. 1.], Mar. 12, 1805. (the name Martin not in Abijah Wright's family.) [Martin, s. Nathan and Betsy, in pencil], Dec. 1, 1806. Martin, s. Abijah and Polly, Dec. 1, 1807. (The name Martin not in Abijah Wright's family.) Mary, d. Jacob and Abigel, Mar. 4, 1727-8. Mary, d. Dea. Henry and Esther, Aug. 15, 1745. Mary, d. Henry, jr. and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1753. Mary, d. John, bp. Sept. 9, 1753. c. R. 1. Mary, d. John and Sarah, at Dunstable, May 24, 1757. Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, at New Ipswich, N. H., Mar. 6, 1768. Mary, d. Stephen and Sarah, Nov. 1, 1801. Mary, d. Zacheus, jr. and Abigail, June 25, 1803. Mary Alzina, d. Ephraim and Asenith, Nov. 16, 1833. Mary Ann, d. Reuben, jr. and Esther, June 29, 1814. Mary Elizabeth, d. Parker and Mary, Dec. 28, 1823. Mary Fletcher, d. Ephriam and Asenith, Aug. 11, 1821. Mary M., d. Timothy P. and Elnora, Oct. 23, 1836. Mary Maria, d. James M. and Sarah, Sept. 19, 183S. Mary Maria, d. James M. and Sarah, Apr. 9, 1840. Mary Prescott, d. Charles and Mary A., Jan. 3, 1836. Maverick Wyman, s. Phineas and Betsy, May 16, 1815. Miriam, d. Jacob and Sally, Dec. 21, 1806. Morton G., s. Benjamin L., stone-cutter, aiid Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1843. WESTFORD BIRTHS I 25 Wright, Nahum Harwood, s. Ezekiel C. and Susanna, at Lit- tleton, Sept. 15, 1831. Naomy, d. Jacob and Lucy, May 15, 1766. Nathan, s. Ephraim and Abigal, Apr. 29, 1763. Nathan, s. Nathan and Betsey, July 3, 1789. Nathan, s. Parker and Mary, Jan. 16, 1822. [Nehemiah. in pencil.], s. John and Mary [Oct. 12, 1756. in pencil.]. Newell, s. Reuben and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1795.. Olive, d. [Dea. c. R. 1.] Henry and Ester, July 11, 1736. Olive, d. Ebenezer and Diliverance, Feb. 23, 1748. [1748-9. dup.] Olive, d. Jacob [jr. dup.] and Lucy, Nov. 9, 1762. Oliver, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Dec. 1, 1738. [Oliver, in pencil.], s. John and Mary [Sept. 14," 1758. in pen- cil.]. Oliver, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1759. Oliver, s. Oliver and Dolly, Jan. 29, 1798. Oscar, s. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1837. Oscar L., s. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1838. Otis Danville, s. Benjamin L., stone-cutter, and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1846. Parker, s. Nathan and Betsey, Mar. 6, 1791. Paul, s. Caleb and Elisabeth, May 30, 1762. Peletiah J., s. Joel and Sally, Sept. 12, 1829. Pelitiah, s. Jacob and Abigel, Sept. 8, 1734. Peter, s. Joseph, bp. Dec. 19, 1731. c. R. 1. Peter, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Apr. 2, 1748. Peter, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, May 30, 1752. [Phebe. in pencil.], d. Henry and Esther [ . 1728. in pen- cil; bp. Nov. 24. c. R. 1.].' Phebe, d. Joseph and Dorothy, May 9, 1773. Phebe, d. Jacob and Sally, at Dunstable, Feb. 24, 1818. Philind^, May 9, 1811. p. r. 7. Philinda Ellen, d. James M. and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1842. Phillip, s. [Dea. c. R. 1.] Henery and Ester, Feb. 28, 1742. Phineas, s. Amos and Dorcas, Oct. 25, 1788. Phinehas, s. Ebenezer and Deliverance, May 22, 1747. Phinias, s. Abel and Lefe, May 17, 1798. Phisendia, d. Reuben and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1792. Rachel, d. [Dea. c. R. 1.] Henry and Esther, Aug. 7, 1738. Rachel, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1767. Rachel, d. Henry, bp. July 4, 1773. c. R. 1. Rachel, d. Zacheus, jr. and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1805. Ralph, s. Jonas and Rebaca, Mar. 5, 1784. 126 WESTFORD BIRTHS Wright, Rebeca, d. Jonas and Rebaca, Mar. 25, 1786. Rebecca, d. Pelatiah and Alice, Feb. 28, 1764.' Rebekah, d. Stephen and Sarah, Nov. 16, 1803. Relief T., d. Joel and Sally, June 12, 1813. [June 19. p. R. 22.] Reuben, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Apr. 7, 1740. Reuben, s. Joseph and Dorothy, Sept. 30, 1763. Reuben, s. Reuben and Sarah, June 24, 1788. Reuben, 3d, s. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Aug. 12, 1811. Rhoda, d. Asa and Betsey, July 29, 1796. Rhoda, d. Lt. Levi and Rhoda, June 10, 1805. Rosilla, d. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, . [after 1843.] Roxanna, d. Joel and Sally, Dec. 13, 1809. [Dec. 3. p. r. 22.] Rufus Samuel, s. [Col. dup.] Samuel, jr. and Martha, Feb. 10, 1810. Ruth, d. Jacob and Abigal, June 13, 1721. Ruth, d. Simeon and Dorcas, May 1, 1751. Ruth, d. Ephraim and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1755. Ruth, d. Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 22, 1781. Ruth, d. Amos and Dorcas, July 7, 1783. Ruthy Tidd, d. John T[idd. dup.] and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1803. Sallathiul, s. Asa and Betsey, Feb. 23, 1794. Sally, d. Jonas and Rebaca, Aug. 1, 1788. Sally, d. Samuel and Easter, July 7, 1792. Sally, d. Reuben and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1803. Sally, d. Jacob and Sally, at Tyngsborough, Jan. 14, 1808. Sally Read, d. Reuben, jr. and Esther, Sept. 10, 1819. Samuel, s. Simeon and Dorcas, Sept. 23, 1745. Samuel, s. Silas and Mary, Nov. 1, 1770. Samuel, s. Samuel and Esther, June 10, 1784. Samu[e]l, s. Samuel, bp. -, 1797. c. r. 1. Saphrona, d. Asa and Betsey, June 23, 1802. Sarah, d. Jacob and Abigail, Apr. 3, 1730. Sarah, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, July 20, 1744. Sarah, d. Simeon and Dorcas, June 9, 1747. Sarah, d. Dea. Henry and Esther, Oct. 28, 1747. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, at Dunsta^ble, Sept. 12, 1755. Sarah, d. Ephraim and Abigail, Sept. 16, 1757. [Sarah, in pencil.], d. John and Mary [Sept. 4, 1762. in pen- cil.]. Sarah, d. Henry, jr. and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1765. Sarah, d. Oliver and Dolly, Mar. 12, 1799. Sarah Ann, d. Bela and Sarah [at Nelson, N. H. dup.], Jan. 1, 1826. Sarah Jane, d. James M. and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1833. WESTFORD BIRTHS 127 Wright, Sarah M.,.d. Joel and Sally, Sept. 18, 1818. Sarah Maria, d. Ezekiel C. and Susanna, Jan. 25, 1826. Sarah Peabody, d. Ephraim and Asenath, Mar. 10, 1838. Sibel, d. Henery and Ester, May 1, 1734. Sidney E., s. Joseph E., shoemaker, and Harriet A., July 29, 1845. Silas, s. Ebenezer and Deliverance, Apr. 8, 1742. Silas, s. Silas and Mary, Jan. 21, 1767. [bp. Jan. 18. C. R. 1.] Simeon, s. Simeon and Dorcas, July 26, 1741. Sophia A., d. Joel and Sally, Aug. 31, 1811. Soph[r]ona, d. Levi and Rhoda, Oct. 10, 1796. Sophronia, d. Levi, jr. and Hannah B., at Brookfield Town- ship, O., Oct. 6, 1838. Steven, s. Henry [jr. dup.] and Sarah, May 18, 1758. Stewart Parks, s. Horatio and Ann, Oct. 19, 1827. Susan Elmira, d. James M. and Sarah, Oct. 21, 1837. Susan Emily Hester, d. Ezekiel Conant and Susanna, Janj 8, 1822. Susanna, d. Pelatiah and Alice, Feb. 25, 1774. Thankfull, d. Henry, jr. and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1755. [bp. Oct. 6, 1754. c. R. 1.1 Thomas, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Jan. 1, 1 734. Thomas, s. Thom[a]s, bp. Aug. 9, 1772. c. r. 1. Thomas, s. Tho[ma]s and Mary, Jan. 22, 1773. Thomas Read, s. Reuben and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1790. Timothy G., s. Timothy P. and Elnora, July 12, 1833. Tiihothy G., s. Timothy P. and Elnora, July 3, 1838. Timothy Prescot, s. Stephen, bp. Oct. 6, 1822. c. r. 1. Timothy Prescott, s. Stephen and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1806. Varnum, s. Bela and Sarah, Nov.* 10, 1833. Vamum B., s. Bela and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1833. Walter, s. Nathan and Betsey, Feb. 8, 1800. Warren, s. Abijah and Polly, Jan. 28, 1812. Washington, s. Levi and Rhoda, Nov. 25, 1799. Wilbur Fiske, s. Erastus and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1837. William, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Dec. 8, 1736. William, s. Jacob, deceased, and Lucy, Oct. 25, 1771. William Artemas, s. Parker and Mary, Dec. 1, 1825. William O., s. Joel and Sally, Nov. 21, 1816. William S[mith. diip.], s. Jacob and Sally, at Tyngsborough, Feb. 4, 1827. Zaccheus, s. Amos and Dorcas, Jan. 7, 1774. Zacheus, s. Zacheusj jr. and Abigail, Sept. 4, 1809. Zebedee, s. John and Mary, July 19, 1749. Zebedee E., s. Joel and Sally, June 5, 1820. : 1 ' 128 WESTFORD BIRTHS Wright, Zeccheus, s. Ebenezer and Deleverance, Oct. 27, 1738. Ziba, s. Jacob and Lucy, July 22, 1770. Zilpah A., d. Joel and Sally, Feb. 22, 1827. [July 22, p. r. 22.J Zilpah Amanda, d. Joel A., farmer, and Martha B., June 13, 1844. WYMAN, Asahel, s. Asahel and Rebecca, Nov. 19, 1764. Betty, d. Asahel and Rebecca, Mar. 21, 1763. Jereyme, s. Asahel and Rebecca, Mar. 21, 1774. Molly, d. Asahel and Rebecca, Apr. 17, 1769. Pattey, d. Asahel and Rebecca, Apr. 29, 1772. Rebecca, d. Asahel and Rebecca, June 3, 1767. NEGROES Munroe, Peter T., s. Stephen, laborer, b. Acton, and , b. Townsend, at Littleton, Mar. 2, 1849. Phillis, child belonging to Sam[ue]l Lawrence, bp June 2, 174S. c. R. 1. Prince, child belonging to John Read, bp. Sept. 4, 1743. c. r. 1. Tony, Frances, d. Sarah, bp. Nov. 24, 1751. c. r. 1. WESTFORD MARRIAGES TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1 849 ABBOT (see also Abbott), Betsy, and Timothy Smith, Sept. 12, 1815* Catharine [of Windham, N. H, int.], and John William Pitt Abbot, at Windham, N. H., July 18, 1833. p. r. 16.* Ephraim, Rev., and Abba W. Bancroft of Groton, int. Dec. 5, 1829. Jane, and Hon. John Scott of Detroit, Mich., Aug. 24, 1842.* John, and Sophia Moseley, at Hampton, Ct., May 5, 1805. p. R. 16. John WiJliam Pitt, and Catharine Abbot [of Windham, N. H. int.], at Windham, N. H., July 18, 1833. p. r. 16.* Nancy, and Jona[than] S. Hill, Aug. 29, 1833.* Oliver, of Billerica, and [Mrs. int.] Abigail Hall, Aug. 1, 1769.* Rebeckah, and Joseph Jewett of Littleton, at Lexington, Nov. 3, 1763.* ABBOTT (see also Abbot, Abott), Abel, and Catharine Cum- mings, Nov. 24, 1805.* Elizebath, and [Rev. int.] Jonathan Cogswell of Saco ["in the Distrect of Main." int.], May 1, 1811.* John, jr., and Lucy Procter of Chelmsford, int. July — , 1769. John, jr. [Ens. int.], and Mary Farrar of Concord, June 22, 1780.* Lydia, and Capt. Frances Kidder of Littleton, int. Dec. 11, 1812. Martha, and John Prescott, int. Nov. 16, 1776. Nath[anie]ll, and Phebe Comings, Jan. 3, 1788.* Polly, and Abel Boynton, July 28, 1782.* Polly [Mary, int.], and Silas Marriam, Apr. 2, 1809.* ABOTT (see also Abbott), Jacob, of Cavendish, Vt., and Mol- ly Cumings, int. July 8, 1787. Joel, and Lydia Ctmiings, Sept. 4, 1786.* 'Intention also recorded. 130 WESTFORD MARRIAGES ADAM (see also Adams), Edee, and Henry Adams of Dun- stable, int. Sept. 3, 1767. ADAMES (see also Adams), Sarah, of Lexington, and Benja- min Hadley, int. Nov. 29, 1746. ADAMS (see also Adam, Adames, Addams), Abel, of Chelms- ford, and Olive Richardson, July 22, 1771.* Abi, and Solomon Byam, both of Chelmsford, Mar. 13, 1791.. Benjamin F., of Chelmsford, and Francis C. Leighton, May 7, 1840.* Betsy W., of Carlisle, and Nathan W. Sweetser, int. Sept. 1, 1831. Betty, and Jesse Minott, Sept. 7, 1784.* Civonia, and James R. Davis of Chelmsford, May 25, 1837.* Esther, wid. [of Chelmsford, int.], and Josiah Spaulding, at Chelmsford, Nov. 25, 1760.* Henry, of Dunstable, and Edee Adam, int. Sept. 3, 1767. Joseph, of Littleton, and [Mrs. c. R. 1.] Mehitable Hildreth, Nov. 3, 1805.* Luce, and Elijah Robbins of Dunstable, int. July 14, 1759. Lydia, and Philip Woolary of Dunstable, Dec. 2, 1736.* Lydia [of Chelmsford, int.], and Ephraim Cumings [jr. int.], . at Chelmsford, Nov. 25, 1773.* Mary, wid., and Matthew Griflen of Pepperell, int. Apr. 18, 1777. Mary, and Joseph Foster, both of Chelmsford, Sept. 24, 1789. Mary, of Chelmsford, and Elias Sweetser, int. Jan. 13, 1811. Nathaniel, of Charlestown, and Susanna Prescott, July 27, 1769.* Nathaniel, of Ashby, and Paran Goodhue, Aug. 18, 1814.* Olive, of Chelmsford, and I,t. Abraham Prescott, int. Nov. 12, 1801. Otis, of Chelmsford, and Abigal O. Reed, Apr. 4, 1822.* Rachel [Mrs. int.], and Sam[ue]l White of Cavendish [Vt. int.], Sept. 9, 1804.* Rebecca, of Chelmsford, and Joseph Dutton, Nov. 6, 173S.* Richard, and Sally Fletcher, Dec. 9, 1806.* Salathial, and Betsy Chamberlin, int. Nov.. 19, 1831. Sally, of Chelmsford, and Matthew Griffin, int. Oct, 19, 1810. Samuel, and Elizabeth Butterfield of Chelmsford, Oct. 28, 1728. [Oct. 31. c. R. 1.] Samuel, and wid. Hannah Spaulding, Nov. 14, 1769.* Samuel, of Acton, and Ruth White, Nov. 25, 1783.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES I3I Adams, Samuell, of Chelmsford, and Esther Fletcher, Aug. 28, 1734* Sophia, and Daniel W. Hemenway of Concord, Dec. 3, 1835.* Thomas, and Mary Meads, July 11, 1759.* Thomas, of Chelmsford, and Esther Perry, Mar. IS, 1781.* Timothy, of Chelmsford, and Joanna Keyes, Sept. 18, 1781.* Timothy, and Lydia Robbins, at Littleton, July IS, 1783.* William, and Phebe Patch, int. Dec. 6, 1836. ADDAMS (see also Adams), Joshua, and Anna Woods of Pep- perell, int. Oct. 4, 1803. Mary, of Chelmsford, and John Nutten, Dec. 1, 1747.* Samuel, jr., and Elisabeth Blood, int. Dec. 3, 1756. Thankfull, and John Glene of Dunstable, int. Mar. 29, 1751. [ALDRICH, , and Lydia Wright, . in pencil.] [after 1820?] ALLEN, John, residing in Danvers, and Sally Hunt, Sept. 17, 1821.* John P., 2d m., a. 49 y., machinist, s. James and Hannah, and Susan York, a. 29 y., b. Northwood, N. H., d. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 21, 1847.* AMES (see also Eames), Buckley, of Groton, and Lydia Pres- cott, Sept. 22, 1799.* Eleazer, resident in Westford, and Suza Windal, int. Apr. 15, 1785. Jacob, and Olive Davise, both of Groton, Feb. 16, 1748. ATHERTON, Amos, of Groton, and Mary Pratt, int. Dec. II, 1830. ATWOOD, Joshua, and Esther Chamberlain of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 16, 1758. AVERY, Elisabeth, and Isaac Patch, int. June 14, 1760. AYRES, Susanna, and Ebenezer Wright [jr. int.], Apr. 24, 1776.* BABCOCK, William, of Milton, and Rebeccah Raymond, Nov. 27, 1825.* 'Intention also recoided. 132 WESTFORD MARRIAGES BACON, Nancy, of Lowell, 2d m., a. 39 y., b. Lowell, d. Lo- ammi and Sarah Cutler, and Francis Leighton, 3d m., a. 54 y., shoemaker, s. Reuben and Hannah, Apr. 8, 1846.* Roda, wid., of Bedford, and Samuel Button, int. May 6, 1778. BAGLEY, Joseph [Bailey, int.], and Lydia Tilden, at Little- ton, Dec. 28, 1797.* BAILEY (see also Baley, Baly), Artemas, and Clarissa Billings of Lunenburg, int. Sept. "about middle," 1823. Asenath, and Charles A. Huttson, both now resident in West- ford, int. Nov. 28, 1840. Nancy, of Medfield, and James Chickering, int. Feb. 27, 1836. BAKER, Mary Angeline, and Jonathan Wheeler of Acton, Mar. 13, 1834.* Sarah S., of Holdemess, N. H., a. 29 y., and Alden P. Osgood, a. 29 y., int. May 18, 1849. BALCOM, Joel, and Almira [Elmira. int.] Flagg, Apr. 27, 1823. [Apr. 17. c. r. 1.]* . BALDWIN (see also Boldwin), James, of Dunstable, and Pri- cilla Keyes, Nov. 23, 1798.* Thankful, and John Marshall of Nottingham West, Feb. 18, 1752.* BALEY (see also Bailey), Abner, of Tewksbury, and Hannah Mears, Jan. 28, 1823.* BALL, Abraham, of Townsend, and Deliverance Perham, May 23, -1786.* Ebenezer, of Townsend, and Rebecca Butterfield, Nov. 1, 1753.* BALY (see also Bailey), Israil, and Abigail Tilding, Sept. 6, 1795.* BANCROFT, Abba W., of Groton, and Rev. Ephraim Abbot, int. Dec. 5, 1829. Amos, Dr., resident in Westford, and Abigail Whiting of Hol- lis [N. H., at Groton. dup.], Aug. 29, 1796.* Amos, M. D., of Groton, and Mary Kneeland, Oct. 31, 1841.* Luther, of Pepperell, and Anna Fletcher of Chelmsford, Feb. 22, 1803. 'IntentioD also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 33 BANNISTER, John F., and Joanna Read, int. July IS, 1839. BARKER, Asa [Jesse, int.], of Chelmsford, and Sally Foster, at Carlisle, Sept. 18, 1794.* Eliza, of Tyngsborough, and Charles A. Wheeler, int. Oct. 2, 1843. Martha, of Acton, and Ephraim Bixby, int. Aug. 25, 1775. Olive, of Carlisle, and James Wright, int. Mar. 8, 1825. BARNES, Priscilla, resident in Westford, and Josiah Burge, jr. of Townsend, July 31, 1781.* Thomas, of Chelmsford, and Mary Fletcher, June 4, 1772.* BARRET (see also Barrett), Eb[e]n[e]z[e]r, and Jane Read, Mar. 17, 1789.* Jonas, of Townsend, and Mary Fletcher, Nov. 19, 1766.* Lois, resident in Westford, and Stephen Temple, Oct. 16, 1780.* Mary, and Thaddeus Gaffel of Weston, int. Apr, IS, 1775. Nathaniel, and Abigail Searls of Concord, Feb. 8, 1744.* Simeon, of Chelmsford, and Ruth Wright, int. Feb. 15, 1776. William, resident in Westford, and Abigal Cowdry, int. May 25, 1764. Zaccheus, of Narragansett, No. 6, and Elizabeth Sprague, int. Mar. 29, 1760. BARRETT (see also Barret, Barrit, Barritt, Barrot), Anna, of Concord, and Nathaniel Boynton [jr. int.], at Concord, Dec. 28, 1790.* Bethiah, and Phineas Witney of Winchendon, Feb. 15, 1796.* Francis J., and Nancy Bemis, July 4, 1838.* Hepsibah, of Concord, and Samuel White, at Concord, May 23, 1775.* Joseph [Jonas, int.], jr., of Ashby, and Sarah Chamberlain, , 1798. c. R. 1. [Sept. 28. int.]* Persis, of Concord, and Ephraim Chamberlin [jr. int.], at Con- cord, June 28, 1786.* Prescott, of Concord, and Olive Ha3rward, Jan. 15, 1818.* Rebecca [wid. int.], of Concord, and Jonas Prescott [jr. int.], at Concord, Dec. 25, 1740.* BARRIT (see also Barrett), Anna, wid., and Lt. Moses Parker, int. Aug. 20, 1779. Elisabeth, and Eliazer Heald of Concord, int. Jan. 11, 1745-6. Polly, of Ashby, and Tho[ma]s Chamberlin, int. Dec. 6, 1788. * Intention also recorded. 134 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Barrit, Rebekah, and Nathaniel Boynton, int. Nov. 23, 1750. [1751?] Samuel, and Rebecah Button, int. May 10, 1746. William, and Mary Craft, Jan. 27, 1746-7.* BARRITT (see also Barrett) , Jeremiah, of Ashby, and Sarah Fletcher, Feb. 9, 1773.* BARRON, Hannah, jr., and James Spaulding, jr., Sept. 26, 1769.* Priscilla, and Ephraim Hildreth [jr. int.], Nov. 30, 1741.* . Sarah, and Joseph Jenkins of Wilmington, int. Oct. 28, 1749. Sarah, of Acton, and David Fish, int. June 20, 1767. BARROT (see also Barrett), Marah, of Chelmsford, and Aron Parker, jr., int. Dec. 6, 1735. BARRY, James M., a. 26 y., wheelwright, s. David and Sarah W., and Olive A[ugusta. v. r. 2.] Hildreth, a. 22 y., d.' Sylvester and Mary, Oct. 9, 1845.* BARTEN, Henry, of Littleton, and Sarah Bell, Jan. 26, 1730- 31.* BARTLETT, Francis, of New York City, and Caroline C. Kneeland, July 20, 1837.* Martha, of Lowell, and Joel A. Wright, int. Apr. 8, 1843. William, of Marblehead, and Mary Raymond, Oct. 29, 1761.* BASON, Francis, and Phill[i]p Smith, int. Dec. 17, 1776. BATEMAN, Betsey, of Chelmsford, and Adamsi Fletcher, May 27, 1806. BATES,. John, and Martha Foster of Littleton, June 7, 1744.* Oliver, and Ruth Wright, Jan. 16, 1744.* Ruth [wid. int.], and Henery Richardson, July 12, 1784. [July 16. int.]* Sarah, and Jonathan Johnson of Hollis, July 4, 1754.* BAXTER, Calista, of Littleton, and Luther Hildreth, int. Apr. 18, 1840. BEAL (see also Betes), Thomas, and Molly Kimble of Ips- wich, int. July 14, 1770. 'Intention also lecorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 135 BEAN, Eldad P., of Chelmsford, and Sarah Sweetser, int. Nov. 9, 1839. True A. [of East Charlestown, Vt. int.], a. 26 y., laborer, b. East Charlestown, Vt., s. Ebenezer and Comfort, and Mary Ann Blake, a. 38 y., d. Caleb and Patty, Aug. 16, 1848.* BELES (see also Beal), William, and Anna Wood of Groton, at Groton, May 7, 1772.* BELL, Sarah, and Henry Barten of Littleton, Jan. 26, 1730- 31.* BEMIS, Nancy, and Francis J. Barrett, July 4, 1838.* BENNET, Lucretia J., of Groton, and Merrick Reed, int. June 25, 1844. Thankfull, and Stephen Patch of Ashby, int. Oct. 21, 1775. BERRY, Molly, and Allen Stevens [Steward, resident in West- ford, int.], at Littleton, Jan. 29, 1779. [May IS. int.]* BETTIES (see also Bettyes), Andrew, jr., of Chelmsford, and Rebecca, Farmer, Dec. 6, 1765.* BETTYES (see also Betties), William, and Olive Cory, both of Chelmsford, June 6, 1785. BEVENS, Polly, and Tho[raa]s Holt, both of Wilmington Jan. 26, 1785. BEVERSTOCK, Lucy, of Charlestown, and Asa Parker, int. Sept. 8, 1821. BICKNALL (see also Bicknell), Ruth, and Simeon Hildreth, May 13, 1798.* BIGKNELL (see also Bicknall, Bignell), Fanny, and Nathan Green [jr. int.; 2d. c. r. 1.] of Gardner, Nov. 11, 1807.* Ira, and Mrs. Martha Dadman, Nov. 13, 1834.* Ruth [wrd. int.], of Shirley, and John Hildreth, at Shirley, Apr. 21, 1789.* ■Intention also recoi^d. 136 WESTFORD MARRIAGES BIGELOW (see also Biglow), Beulah, and Jonathan Hall of Ashby, at Groton, Sept. 22, 1778* BIOLOW (see also Bigelow), Lucy, and Joseph Button, jr., Sept. 17, 1766.* Sarah, and Thomas Button, Nov. IS, 1768.* Silas, and Rachel Petts, int. July 30, 1774. BIGNELL (see also Bicknell), Lucy, and Benjamin Green, Oct. 14, 1815. BIGSBY (see also Bixby), Abigail, and Zecheriah Sartel of Groton, Sept. 11, 1733.* Elizabeth, and Horatio Clark [resident in Westford. int.], Sept. 14, 181?.* Hannah, and Bavid Brown, Bee. 7, 1738.* Jacob, and Eunice Heald, Apr. 6, 1 749.* Lucy, and Artemus Rogers of Newton, July 11, 1816.* Lydia, and Obadiah Jenkins of Wilmington, Bee. 21, 1738.* Thankful, and Jonathan Searls of Nottingham, Oct. 12, 1748. BILLASH, Amma, of Brookline, and Samuel Stems, int. Feb. 17, 1806. BILLINGS, Clarissa, of Lunenburg, and Artemas Bailey, int. Sept. "about middle," 1823'. Luther, and Moria Procter of Acton, Apr. 12, 1827.* Polly H., of Acton, and Horace Ward, int. Sept. 18, 1835. BIRD, Sally, and Isaiah Prescott, Apr. 19, 1809.* BIXBY (see also Bigsby), Asa, and Susanna Howard, int. Apr. 17, 1756. Asa, and wid. Elisabeth Welkinson, Oct. 26, 1780.* Asa [jr. int.], and Elisabeth Wilkerson, Apr. 21, 1785.* Asa, jr., and Lucy Gilson of Groton, at Groton, Mar. 26, 1 793.* Asa, jr., and Mary Gilson of Groton, July 3, 1817. [July 13. c. R. 1.]* Bavid, and Alice Haywood [Howard, int.] of Bunstable, at Bunstable, Feb. 10, 1773.* Ephraim, and Martha Barker of Acton, int. Aug. 25, 1775. Jacob, and Martha Hardy, Oct. 14, 1773.* Lydia, wid., and Nath[anie]l Bowen, resident in Westford, int. Jan. 24, 1783. 'Intention also recoided. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 37 BiXBY, Lydia, and Calvin Farnsworth of Washington, Dec. 28, 1799. Susanna, and Ephraim Button, June 28, 1781.* Theopelas, and Anna Fisk of Groton, Mar. 3, 1805. William, and Lydia Farrington, int. Sept. 5, 1776. BLACKINTON, Fisher, of Attleborough, and Nancy Fletcher, Jan. 4, 1814.* BLAISDELL (see also Blasdale, Blasdel, Blazdell), Israel, and Louisa Vose, Dec. 28, 1843.* Joel S., of Carlisle, and Maria Vose, int. Nov. 18, 1848. BLAKE,. Mary Ann, a. 38 y., d. Caleb and Patty, and True A. Bean [of East Charlestown, Vt. int.], a. 26 y., laborer, b. East Charlestown, Vt., s. Ebenezer and Comfort, Aug. 16, 1848.* Patty [Martha, int.], and Luther Gilson of Groton, Feb. 11, 1822.* Sophia S[trong. int.], and Joseph Keyes [jr. int.], June IS, 1820.* BLANCHARD, Benjamin, of Littleton, and Hannah Keys, at Littleton, Sept. 23, 1740. [Aug. 14, 1747. int.]* Calven, and Abigail Read, int. July 5, 1777. John, of Boxborough, and Margaret Burbeck, int. Mar. 19, 1838. Joseph, and Betty Spaulding, both of Dunstable, Sept, 19, 1748. Joseph K., of Boxborough, and Mary A. Calver [Culver, p. r. 2.] of Boston, Apr. 7, 1840. [Apr. 9. p. r. 2.] Moses, of Athol, and Azubah Blodget, int. Aug. 11, 1779. Simeon [Simon, int.], of Boxborough, and Mary Keyes, Oct. 27, 1814.* BLASDALE (see also Blaisdell), Ann, and Oliver Hildreth, Oct. 26, 1744.* BLASDEL (see also Blaisdell), Will[ia]m, resident in West- ford, and Lydia Robbins, int. Jan. 19, 1782. BLAZDELL (see also Blaisdell), Henry, resident in West- ford, and Mary Robbins, int. Jan. 1, 1785. 'Intention also recorded. 138 WESTFORD MARRIAGES BLODGET (see also Blodgett, Blodgit, Bloget, Blogget), Ab- igail, and John Crece of Littleton, int. Feb. 5, 1778. Azubah, and Moses Blanchard of Athol, int. Aug. 11, 1779. Jacob, and Almira [Elmira. int.] Wright, Aug. 30, 1826.* John, of Mason, and Mary Prescot, Mar. 30, 1802.* John, and Mary Prescot of Groton, int. Jan. 2, 1806. Jonas, and Sarah Fletcher, resident in Westford^ int. 'July 23, 1781. Samuel, and Sarah Spencer of Groton, int. Oct. 13, 1744. BLODGETT (see also Blodget), Harvey F., of Robbinston, Me., and Mary A. P. Hildreth, int. Sept. 25, 1845. Lucy, and John Pushee of Acton, at Concord, Nov. 20, 1770.* Mary, and Ephriam Wright, Nov. 4, 1784.* Semantha J., and Joseph Gould, jr. of Quincy, Jan. 3, 1843.* Thaddeus, and Mary Frederick, Feb. 23, 1817. p. e. 13. BLODGIT (see also Blodget), Ezra, and Sarah Wright, int. July 6, 1782. Mary, and John Taylor of Stoddard, N. H., int. Oct. 30, 1782. BLOGET (see also Blodget), James, and Abigail Keyes, int. Feb. 1, 1755. BLOGGET (see also Blodget), Abigail [wid. int.], and Na- thanel Farmer of Littleton, June 2, 1795.* benjamin, of Chelmsford, and Elizabeth Fletcher, Feb. 14, 1733.* BLOOD, Aaron, and Hannah Marble, Sept. 1; 1768.* Aaron, jr., and Easther Perry, Dec. 28, 1796.* Abigal, of Groton, and Ephraim Chandler, int. Nov. 12, 1747. Clement, and Eunice Gilson, both of Groton, May 29, 1746. Daniel, and Polly Perry, Feb. 8, 1796.* Dorcas, and William Chandler, jr., Nov. 28, 1750.* Ebenezer, and Polly Fletcher, Sept. 9, 1810.* Eleazer, and Lydia Fletcher, int. Mar. IS, 1779. Eleazer, jr., and Betsey Parker, int. June 18, 1808. Elisabeth, and SamuelAddams, jr., int. Dec. 3, 1756. Fredrick, of Carlisle, and Mary Cummings, Apr. 27, 1814.* Hannah, and Gershom Heald, Oct. 31, 1750.* Josiah, and Tabitha Corey [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelms- ford, July 2, 1767.* •Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 139 Blood, Lucy L., and Joseph V. Wright, both of Townsend, Sept. 20, 1836. Lydia, and David Walker [jr. int.] of Chelmsford, Apr. 3, 1811. [Apr. 15. int.]* Nabby, and Bradford Norton .of Williamsburg, . Mar. 20, 1800.* Oliver, and Mary Foster, both of Concord, Feb. 14, 1743. Rachel, and William H[oward. int.] Smith, resident in West- ford [of Norton, int.], Oct. 14, 1818.* BOHONON, Sally, of New Chester, N. H., and Jonathan Snow, int. Sept. 5, 1813. BOLD WIN (see also Baldwin), Joseph^ of Townsend, and Thankfull Spoulding, July 7, 1741.* 1 BOWEN, Nath[anie]l, resident in Westford, and wid. Lydia Bixby, int. Jan. 24, 1783. \ BOYDEN, Josiah, of Groton, and Jane Read, Apr. 12, 1749.* Marthy, and Isaac Green, both of Groton, Feb. 18, 1741-2. Polly, and Joel Keyes, Nov. 27, 1800.* BOYNTON, Abel, and Polly Abbott, July 28, 1782.* Abel, and Polly Pierce, at Charlestown, May 18, 1798.* Abijah, of Pepperell, and Sarah Chamberlin, Mar. 23, 1769.* Amos, and Mary Parker, Jan. 9, 1770.* Edman, of Salem, and Betsey Needham, Feb. IS, 1803.* [Edmund, and Martha Parker, . in pencil.] [after 1830?] Elisabeth, and Abijah Read, Mar. 23, 1786.* Elizabeth [wid. int.], of Pepperell, and Thomas Heald, at Pepperell, Aug. 15, 1759.* Esther, and Ephraim Chamberlin, Jan. 9, 1752.* Hannah, and William Warrin of Littleton, May 15, 1746.* Joseph, Lt., and Sarah Tarbel of Groton, int. Apr. 10, 1762. Josiah, and Lucy Raymond, Apr. 25, 1769.* Josiah, jr., and Lydda Perkins, Sept. 18, 1796.* Luther, and Nabby [Abigail, int.] Parker, May 13, 1798.* Lydia, and Jonathan Lawrance [jr. int.] of Ashby, June 24, 1800.* Martha, and John Smith, Apr. 9, 1811.* Mary, and Joshua Parker, Mar. 15, 1764.* ■Intention also recorded. I40 WESTFORD MARRIAGES BoYNTON, Mehitabel, of Dunstable, and Robert Butterfield, Jan. 7, 1744-5.* Molly, and Rev. Ebnenezer Hill of Mason, int. Oct. 24, 1790. Nathaniel, and Rebekah Barrit, int. Nov. 23, 1750. [1751?] Nathaniel [jr. int.], and Anna Barrett of Concord, at Con- cord, Dec. 28, 1790.* Nathanil, and Elisabath Sheed of Billerica, int. Sept. 13, 1735. Rebeca, and Benjamin Fletcher, jr., June 14, 1774.* Rebecca, wid., and Timothy Prescott, July 10, 1800.* Rhoda, and Isaac Needham, jr., Mar. 30, 1809.* Sally, of Meredith, N. H., and John Cummings, jr., int. Sept. 28, 1833. Sarah, and Abiel Richardson, July 9, 1741.* BRABROOK (see also Braybrooks), Joseph, and Hannah Johnson, Apr. 12, 1781.* BRACKETT, Ebenezer, of Peterborough [N. H. int.], and Clarisa Hildreth, Nov. 16, 1817.* BRADLY, Sarah, and David Keyes, both of Tyngsborough, May 15, 1792. BRAYBROOKS (see also Brabrook), Nancey, and Samuel Hil- ten, jr. of Lunenburg, int. Feb. 23, 1801. BRAYNERD, Eleazer, of Salem, and Lucinda Reed, int. Oct. 16, 1825. BREED, Andrew, of Charleston, and Susan Davis, Aug. 29, 1822.* BREISINO, Abraham, and Bridget Brown of Dunstable, int. Sept. 11, 1784. BROADSTREET, Marah, and Ebenezer Kemp,, both of Groton, Oct. 31, 1749. BROOKS, Anna, and Benja[min] Nutting^ of Medford, int. Mar. 5, 1747-8. Anna, and Benjamin Hoar of New Ipswich, May 28, 1750.* Daniel, and Louis Snow of Chelmsford, Nov. 16, 1797.* Foster, and Louisa Fletcher, int. Apr. 28, 1832. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES I4I Brooks, Josiah, and Lydia Heywood of Concord, Jan. 12, 1753.* Loas, Mrs., and Samuel Read, int. Dec. 11, 1805. Lydia, and Jonas Procter, int. Nov. 17, 1778. BROWN, Abel, and Polly Hildreth, Dec. 24,' 1794. [1795. c. R. 1.]* Asa, of New Ipswich, and Mary Hunt, int. Oct. 13, 1783. Bridget, of Dunstable, and Abraham Breising, int. Sept. 11, 1784. Calvin, Dr., of Ackworth, N. H., and Lydia Patten, June 8, 1824.* Clark, of Harvard, and Luce Davis, int. Jan. 15, 1757. David, and Hannah Bigsby, Dec. 7, 1738.* George, and Harriet E. Osgood, May 23, 1839.* Horace K., of Groton, a. 24 y., farmer, b. Groton, s. Joseph and Sybil, and Emerline E. Hildreth, a. 20 y., d. Sylves- ter and Mary, Nov. 23, 1848.* Josiah W., of Acton, and Harriet N. Parker, int. Oct. 7, 1842. Louisa S., resident in Westford, and Charles P. Gilson, int. Oct.- 21, 1846. Mary, of Billerica, and Silas Chandler, int. Oct. 18, 1802. Samuel, of Concord, and Mrs. Lucy Osgood, June 30, 1812.* Samuel, jr., of Maiden, and Elizabeth Haywood [Howwood. int.], Apr. 23, 1815.* Sarah, and Joseph Hildreth, 2d, Nov. 23, 1838.* Thomas, jr., of Billerica, and Esther Hildreth, at Littleton, May"7, 1791.* BUCK, Lydia, and Amos Haywood, Oct. 16, 1817.* BUCKLEY, John, Capt., of Groton, and Mrs. Mary Under- wood, June 29, 1748.* BULLARD, Joseph, of New Ipswich [N. H. int.], and Sarah Proctor, Mar. 22, 1754.* Rufus, and Mary E. Leighton, at Littleton, May 29, 1842.* BUNCE, Elisha, and Priscilla Caroline Wright, May 6, 1827. [Apr. 29. dup.]* BUNNEL, Chancey L., now resident in Westford, and Rebecca S. Longley of Townsend, int. Jan. 21, 1843. 'Intention also recorded. 142 WESTFORD MARRIAGES BURBECK, Margaret, and John Blanchard of Boxborough, int. Mar. 19, 1838. BURG (see also Burge), Abigail, and Thomas Penniman of Braintree, Apr. 23, 1752.* Susanna, and Reuben Kidder, Mar. 21, 17,54.* BURGE (see also Burg), Josiah, jr., of Townsend, and Pris- cilla Barnes, resident in Westford, July 31, 1781.* BURGES, Polly, and Lemuel Lawrence of Chelmsford, int. Sept. 22, 1811. BURT, George E., and Harriet S[usanah. dup.] Hildreth, Sept. 20, 1838.* BUTERFIELD (see also Butterfield), Abigail [wid. int.], and [Capt. int.] Enoch Cook of Groton, Sept. 26, 1790.* Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Tabitha Buteriield, May 7, 1730. Tabitha, and Samuel Buterfield of Chelmsford, May 7, 1730. BUTRFIELD (see also Butterfield), Mary, and Samuell Saris of Dunstable, Jan. 17, 1736-7.* BUTRICK (see also Butterick), Sarah, and Benjamin Davis, both of Concord, Mar. 19, 1740-41. BUTTERFIELD (see also Buterfield, Butrfield, Butterfild), Abiel, and John Read, jr., Feb. 3, 1736-7.* Bathsheba, and Nathaniel Lawrance, "Late of Wobom Now in His Majesties service and Resident Wesford," int. Sept. 18, 1747. Benjamin [jr. int.], and Susanna Spaulding of Chelmsford, Sept. 26, 1748.* Deborah, and James Robbins of Grafton, Dec. 9, 1740.* Eleazer, and Mary Wright, Dec. 21, 1749.* Elizabeth, of Chelmsford, and Samuel Adams, Oct.' 28, 1728. [Oct. 31. c. R. 1.] Ephraim, and Eliza [beth] Davis of Littleton, Mar. 16, 1731. Esther, and Benj[amin] Perham of Sutton, Dec. 6, JL731.* Henery, and Betsey How of HoUis, int. Apr. 8, 1805. Isaac, of Dunstable, and Ruth Spaulding, Dec. 3, 1772.* Joanna, and Isaac Patch, at Concord, Oct. 29, 1739.* John, and Martha Trull, Oct. 2, 1750.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES I43 BuTTERFiELD, Kezia, and Josiah Nutting, int. June 28, 1755. Luce, and Jacob Wright, jr., Sept. 11, 1755.* Martha, and Enoch Cleaveland, jr. of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 20, 1753. Mary, of Chelmsford, and David Fletcher, int. Nov. 13, 1742. Rebecca, and Ebenezer Ball of Townsend, Nov. 1, 1753.* Robert, and Mehitabel Boynton of Dunstable, Jan. 7, 1744-5.* Robert, and Joanna Parker of Chelmsford, Feb. 24, 1752.* Ruth, and Aaron Chandler, Apr. 4, 1749.* Samuel, of Dunstable, and Hannah Chandler, Nov. 12, 1761.* Samuel, and Abigail Petts, Dec. 24, 1772.* BUTTERFILD (see also Butterfield), Josiah, and Hannah Fannworth of Harvard, int. Apr. 9, 1737. BUTTERICK (see also Butrick), Ephraim [jr. int.], of Dun- stable, N. H., and Lydia Fletcher, at Tyngsborough, Nov. 11, 1835.* BYAM (see also Byham), Amos, of Chelmsford, . and Eliza- beth Hildreth, Feb. 9, 1832.* Asaph, Dr., and Polly Spaulding of Chelmsford, int. Apr. 11, 1817. Lucy M., and Joseph Richardson, both of Chelmsford, Apr. 4, ,1833. p. R. 2. Mary, a. 26 y., d. Asaph and Mary, and Richard L. Saville of Boston, a. 25 y., merchant, b. Gloucester, s. William and Sally B., May 5, 1844.* Patty, and Isaiah Spaulding, both of Chelmsford, Sept. 12, 1813. Solomon, and Abi Adams, both of Chelmsford, Mar. 13, 1791. BYHAM (see also Byam), Phinehas, of Narragansett, No. 6, and Tabitha Chamberlin, int. Apr. 25, 1760. CABLING, Lydia Ann, and John G. Rodgers, both of Lowell, Feb. 10, 1835. v. r. 2. CALDWELL, Francis, now resident in Westford, and Eliz- abeth M. Gilson, int. Mar. 4, 1841. CALTON (see also Carlton), Abigal, of Chelmsford, and James Keys, Nov. 28, 1799.* 'Intention also recorded. 144 WESTFORD MARRIAGES CALVER, Mary A. [Culver, p. r. 2.], of Boston, and Joseph K. Blanchard of Boxborough, Apr. 7, 1840. [Apr. 9. p. r. ■ 2.] GAMBLE (see also Campell), Ann, of "Winham," and Wil- liam Preson of Groton, June 13, 1745. CAMPELL (see also Gamble), Daniel, and Lucy Perry, Nov. 14, 1841.* i CAMPNEL, David [Camptwell, resident in Westford. int.], and Polly [Patty, int.] Dutton, May 22, 1803.* t- CAPEN, Betsey, of Leominster, and Avery Prescott, int. Nov. 13, 1815. CARLTON (see also Galton), Abigal, Mrs. [resident in West- ford, int.], and Isachar Keyes, May 1, 1817.* Ascenah, of Ghelmsford, and James Goodhue, July 7, 1803.* CARRIGAIN, Elizabeth, of Lowell, and John C. Hall, int. Sept. 24, 1842. CARRYL, Moses, and Nancy Gage, Sept. 12, 1819.* CARTER, Ann C., and Otis Manning of Littleton, Dec. 10, 1833.* Jeremiah J., and Sophia Prescott, Jan. 31, 1839.* Michael, of Dunstable, and Hannah Smith, June 10, 1807. Sarah, of Hollis, and [Ste]phen Wright, int. Dec. 8, 1779. Thadeus, of "Sandystream in the County of Lincoln," and Bet- sy Derumple of Groton, Aug. 24, 1797. CARVER, Benjamin, and Eade Fletcher, May 23, 1745.* Edee, and Charles Procter, int. Feb. 28, 1778. Jonathan, and Mary Procter, Aug. 16, 1774.* Martha, and David Parker, at Littleton, June 18, 1782.* Mary, wid., and Capt. Nathan Davis of Boston, int. May 9, 1813. Rebecca [d. Benjamin, p. r. 17.], and Thomas Symmes, Aug. 2, 1789.* CASANNAS, Almira, Mrs., of Stow, and Francis Leighton, at Stow, Nov. 10, 1842.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 45 CHAFFIN, Asaph, of Acton, and Anna Read, Apr. 18, 1805.* Reubin [resident in Westford. int.], and Eunice Walcutt of Bolton, at Bolton, Dec. 15, 1788.* CHAMBERLAIN (see also Chamberlin), Anna, and Mark White of Acton, at Acton, May 14, 1742.* Anna,- of Acton, and William Cook, int. July 9, 182S. Benj[amin], of Chelmsford, and Esther Fasset, Jan. 27, 1731-2.* Esther, of Chelmsford, and Joshua Atwopd, int. Feb. 16, 1758. Geen [Jane, int.], and Jonathan Fletcher, May 5, 1735.* Joseph, and Anna Davis of Acton, int. Mar. 19, 1757. Mary, and Joseph Robbins, Mar. 21, 1743-4.* Mary, and Walter Fletcher, Aug. 31, 1828.* Phineas, and Mary Parker of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 1, 1826. Sard.h, and Joseph [Jonas, int.] Barrett, jr.' of Ashby, , 1798. c. R. 1. [Sept. 28. int.]* CHAMBERLIN (see also Chamberlain, Chimberlim), Abigail, and Nathaniel Hammond, both of Littleton, Mar. 8, 1732. Abigail, and Isaac Green of Townsend, Nov. 8, 1780.* Betsy, and Salathial Adams, int. Nov. 19, 1831. Elizabeth, of Chelmsford, and Ezekiel Proctor, at Concord, Oct. 24, 1734.* Ephraim, and Esther Boynton, Jan. 9, 1752.* Ephraim [jr. int.], and Persis Barrett of Concord, at Con- cord, June 28, 1786.* Ephraim, and Sarah Haward of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 10, 1801. Hannah, and Silas Read, June 2, 1772.* Harriot, and Asa Stephens of Chelmsford, Apr. 23, 1832.* Irena, and Moses P. Worthing of Lowell, Jan. 1, 1834.* Jacob [of Chelmsford, int.], and [wid. int.] Ruth Hall, at Chelmsford, Feb. 8, 1780.* James, and Joanna S[tevens. int.] Fletcher, Mar. 9, 1796.* Loammi, 2d m., of Chelmsford, a. 35 y., stone-cutter, b. Chelms- ford, s. Robert and Lydia, and Augusta A. Osgood, a. 21 y., d. Jacob and Patty, Dec. 5, 1848.* Phineas, of Chelmsford, and Sibbel Hildreth, int. July 4, 1776. Phinehas, and Rebecca Dutton, Nov. 16, 1769.* Rebeca [Mrs. int.]. and Rev. Elijah Fletcher of Hopkinton, May 24, 1773.* Rebecca, and Joseph Kidder, Feb. 27, 1752.* " 'Intention also recorded. 146 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Chamberlin, Sally, and Brackley Rose of Lyndeborough, N. H., Feb. 4, 1835* Samuel [Lt. int.], and Sibel Roper of Marlborough, Mar. 27, 1733.* Samuel, j,r., and Sarah Tinny of Littleton, Feb. 27, 1752.* Sarah, and Abijah Boynton of Pepperell, Mar. 23, 1769.* Tabitha, and Phinehas Byham of Narragansett, No. 6, int. Apr. 25, 1760. Tho[ma]s, and Polly Barrit of Ashby, int. Dec. 6, 1788. CHAMBERS, William, and Sally Keyes, May 13, 1798.* CHAMPEY (see also Champney), Hannah, of New Ipswich, and James Prescot, resident in Westford, int. Nov. 16, 1791. CHAMPNEY (see also Champey), Rebecca, a. 29 y., and James M. Wright, a. 21 y., int. Aug. 12, 1848. CHANDLER (see also Chaiidlor), Aaron, and Ruth Butter- field, Apr. 4, 1749.* Benjamin, and Hannah Button, Oct. 21, 1743.* Betty, and John Patch, June 3, 1784.* Ebenezer, and Ruth Wright, Apr. 17, 1781.* Ephraim, and Abigal Blood of Groton, int. Nov. 12, 1747. Hannah, and Samuel Butterfield of Dunstable, Nov. 12, 176.1.* Henry, and Polly Procter, Apr. 13, 1796.* Isaac, and Betty Procter [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Nov. 1, 1759.* Isaac, and Rachel Procter of New Ipswich, int. Aug. 30, 1785. Joanna, and Joel Read, Jan. 7, 1810.* Julia, and Jona[than] Crosby of New Ipswich, at Townsend, Dec. 22, 17S7. Lauera, and Andrew Fletcher, jr., Sept. 27, 1821.* Lydia, and Jonah Crosbey of New Ipswich, int. Oct. IS, 1757. Mary Ann, a. 27 y., and Asaph B. Cutter, a. 28 y., int. Apr. 21, 1849. Moses, and Dorothy Marble, resident in Andover [of Andover. int.], at Andover, June 28, 1742.* Moses, and Elizabeth Kindall of Litchfield, N. H., Mar. 19, 1762.* Nancy, and Jeremy B. Read, Jan. — , 1831. c. R. 1.* Parmilly, and Jepthah Trowbridge, Nov. 10, 1816.* Rachel, and Thomas Spaulding, Aug. 29, 1757.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 47 Chandler, Silas, and Mary Brown of Billerica, int. Oct. 18, 1802. Susanna, and Reuben Fletcher, int. May 4, 1745. William, jr., and Dorcas Blood, Nov. 28, 1750.* William, jr., and Rhoda Procter of- Dunstable, int. June 2, 1816. CHANDLOR (see also Chandler), Sarah, and Benjamin Spaulding of Dorchester, Canada, int. Feb. 3, 1759. W[illia]m, jr., and Joanna Read, int. Sept. 26, 1787. CHAPMAN, Elvira, of Mason, N. H., and Archiabald Wright, int. Feb. 9, 1831. [CHENEY, r-, in pencil.], and Parmelia Reed, . [after 1825?] CHESLEY, Greenleaf Gennis, of Canterbury, N. H.,- resident in Westford,. and Hannah W. Hildreth, Apr. 7, 1818.* CHEVER, Grace [Mrs. int.], and Rev. Samuel Whitman of Ashby, Dec. 25, 1780.* CHICKERING, James, and Nancy Bailey of Medfield, int. Feb. 27, 1836. Jonathan G., and Adaline Patch, int. Sept. 30, 1843. CHILDS, Nahum, of Lowell, and Elizabeth Wright, Nov. 12, 1833.* Nancy, of Cambridge, and George B. Hildreth, int. Sept. 8, a838. CHIMBERLIM (see also Chamberlin), Abigill, of Chelmsford, and Janies Pollard, Dec. 17, 1734.* CILLEY, Hannah, and Samuel. Hoyt, Oct. 6, 1833.* CLARK (see also Clerk), Elias, and Phidelia Prescott of Lowell, int. Sept. 28, 1844. Horatio [resident in Westford. int.], and Elizabeth Bigsby, Sept. 14, 1819.* Joel, of Stanstead, Lower Canada, and Sally Stevens of Chelmsford, Jan. 23, 1821. 'Intention also recorded. 148 WESTFORD MARRIAGES CLEAVELAND (see also Cleveland), Elisabeth, of Acton, and Caleb Wright, int. Mar. 29, 1760. Enoch, of Pomfret, and Debroah Fasset, Dec. 20, 1744.* Enoch, jr., of Chelmsford, and Martha Butterfield, int. Jan. 20, 1753. Lydia, of Acton, and Josiah Spaulding, Feb. 15, 1763.* CLENNY, Betsy, and Daniel Read, int. Dec. 5, 1797. CLERK (see also Clark), Benja[min], of Gardner, and Mar- tha Minott, May 31, 1787.* CLEVELAND (see also Cleaveland), Martha, and John Stams of Littleton, at Littleton, Mar. 3, 1773.* CLIFFORD, Mary W., of Boston, and Stimpson Puffer, int. May 14, 1837. COBLEIGH, Hannah, of Littleton, and Joshua A. Jewett, jr., int. Nov. 20, 1834. COBOURN (see also Coburn), Lemuel, of Dracut, and Meriam Read, Mar. 3, 1794. [Mar. 25. int.]* COBURN (see also Cobourn, Colburn), Franklin S., of Dra- cut, and Phfbe L. Jewett [both of Dracut. c. R. 1.], May 19, 1844. Washington, of Milford, N. H., and Relief T. Wright, int. Oct. 10, 1841. COGSWELL (see also Cogswill), Eve, and Benjamin Knee- land, June 26, 1814.* Jeremiah, of Littleton, and Sarah Fletcher, at Littleton, Oct. 31, 1771.* Jonathan [Rev. int.], of Saco ["in the Distrect of Main." int.j, and Elizebath Abbott, May 1, 1811.* Mary, and Capt. Leonard Jarvis of Cambridge, Sept. 4, 1808.* Nancy, and Solomon Richardson, May 8, 1814.* Rebecah, and Joel Mansfield of Chelmsford, Jan. 1, 1815.* COGSWILL (see also Cogswell), Lucy, of Littleton, and Dr. Samuel Maning, int. Sept. 15, 1801. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 149 COLBUI^ (see also Coburn), Lucy, of Dunstable, and Wil- liam Cumings, int. July 12, 1734. COLEMAN (see also Colman), James, of Norridgewock, and Betsey Read, Feb. 14, 1808.* COLMAN (see also Coleman), Susanna, and Abijah Reed, Dec. 26, 1793.* COMEY, William S., and Almira Heyden, int. Mar. 15, 1845. COMINGS (see also 'Cummings), Abigail, and Sam[ue]ll Read, Nov. 23, 1-732.* Betsey, and Jacob Tuttle of Littleton, June 18, 1795.* Bridget, and Moses Parker, June 6, 1744.* Bridget, and Peter Hildreth, jr., int. July 24, 1797. Elisabeth, and Asa Shed of Ashby, int. Feb. 6, 1779. Elisabeth, and John Jewett, Apr. 30, 1787.* Ephraim, and Mary Hildreth, Oct. 12, 1742.* Lucy, and [D]aniel Ozgood, int. Jan. 18, 1780. Lydia, wid., and Dr. Charles Procter, Apr. 30, 1784.* Mary, and Timo[thy] Read, Nov. 10, 1732.* Mary, and Jonathan Harwood of Chelmsford, int. Mar. 8, 1776. Phebe, and Nath[anie]ll Abbott, Jan. 3, 1788.* Samuel, and Sarah Spoulding of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 21, 1741. Sarah, and Simeon Read, int. Jan. 21, 1779. Thomas, and Sarah Fasset, Sept. 26, 1733.* Thomas, 3d, and Elisabeth Hildreth, int. Jan. 16, 1779. Timothy, and Katharine Fasset, int. Mar. 5, 1776. Tryphena, and Benjamin Osgood, int. Oct. 31, 1778. CONANT, Adeline M., of Groton, and Levi Hildreth, int. Sept. 17, 1831. Esther, Mrs., and Samuel Dodge of Beverly, Dec. 11, 1821.* Josiah, of Pepperell, and Lydia Prescott, at Pepperell, Oct. 5, 1773.* CO^W, Margaret, of Littleton, and Jacob Gragg of Lancaster, Nov. 16, 1731. COOK, Enoch [Capt. int.], of Groton, and [wid. int.] Abigail Buterfield, Sept. 26, 1790.* 'Intention also lecorded. 150 . WESTFORD MARRIAGES Cook, James, and Rebecca Read, July 14, 179*3.* John, Capt., of Claremont, N. H., and Molly Procter of Chelmsford, Apr. 27, 1797. Louisa, of Meredith Village, N. H., and Ephraim A. Harwood^ int. Nov. 8, 1845. Lucinda P[ets. int.], and William Laws [jr. int.] of Chelms- ford, May 4, 1815.* William, and Anna Chamberlain of Acton, int. July 9, 1825. COOLIDGE, Alexander, of Natick, and Lydia Leighton, Apr. 7, 1823. [May 9. int.]* Hannah, a. 26 y., b. Natick, d. Oren,and Rebecca, and Abel L. Davis of Concord, a. 21 y., farmer, b. Concord, s. Abef and Rebecca L., jr., June 26, 1849.* Timothy A., a. 21 y., and Sarah B. Davis of Concord, a. 23 y., int. July 31, 1848. William [jr. int.], of Natick, and Anna Leighton, Apr. 8, 1824.* COOPER, Jane, and Barney Holmes, int. Sept. 10, 1842. CORE (see also Corey), Triphene, and Josiah Heild of Con- cord, int. Sept. 16, 1773. COREY (see also Core, Cory), Abel, and Hannah Raymond, int. Jan. 16, 1778. Ebenezer, and Hannah Robbins, Apr. 12, 1753.* Hezekiah, of New Ipswich [of Ipswich, N. H. int.], and Sarah Fletcher, Jan. 17, 1764.* Joanna, of Chelmsford, and Jonas Kemp, Sept. 12, 1769.* Joseph, of Boston, and Polly [Mary, int.] Fletcher, Nov. 17, 1804.* Lucy, and Judah Wheeler of Acton, May 20, 1762.* Phebe, and Jeduthan Parker, both of Chelmsford, Jan. 1, 1793. Priscilla, of Chelmsford, and David Rumril, at Billerica, Aug. 20, 1765.* Samuel [jr. int.], of Littleton, and Sarah Read, Mar. 3, 1741.* Stephen, of Littleton, and Luce Parker, June 6, 1744.* Tabitha [of Chelmsford, int.], and Josiah Blood, at Chelms- ford, July 2, 1767.* CORY (see also Corey), Abel, and Mrs. Lucinda C. Jones, Mar. 8, 1830.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 151 Cory, Abigail, and Simeon Sartell of Townsend, int. Aug. 25, 1772. Ezra, and Pheobe Parker, both of Chelmsford, May 3, 1798. Mary, and Abel P. Jones, Mar. 9, 1817.* Olive, and William Bettyes, both of Chelmsford, June 6, 1785. COWDRY, Abigal, and William Barret, resident in Westford, int. May 25, 1764. Elizabeth N., and Nason S. Houghton of Bolton, int. Nov. 29, 1849. Hannah, wid., and Peter Larkin of Boston, int. Oct. 28, 1769. John, of Billerica, and Hannah Davis of Groton, May 30, 1744. Lucy, and Wilson Cumings, Jan. 11, 1796.* Mary Ann, and Alfred Kemp," Jan. 27, 1831.* Nathaniel, and Rebecca Parker [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Mar. 11, 1773.* Rebecca P., and Orville Peckens, Nov. 27, 1834.* Silas H. P., of Chelmsford, and Catherine P. Johnson, Dec. 30, 1832.* CRAFT, Esther, Mrs., and Isaac Patch, Jan. 5, 1813.* Hannah, and Ebenezer Spaulding, Dec. 4, 1730.* Hannah Read, and Jesse Worcester of. Groton, int. Oct. 30, 1825. Margrate, and James Kemp, ijit. Jan. 8, 1805. Mary, and John Durant of Billerica, int. Mar. 15, 1744-5. [Mar. 1744-5, forbidden by Mary Craft.) Mary, and William Barrit, Jan. 27, 1,746-7.* Mary, and Silas Wright, int. Jan. 14, 1764. 'Sameuell, and Margit Richerdson, int. Aug. 29, 1735. Samuel, and Hannah Read, Aug; 23, 1742.* ■Samuel, and Margret Parret, int. Feb. 14, 1767. CRAM, Lucy W., of Lowell, and Aaron R. Foster, int. May 22, 1840. -CRECE, John, of Littleton, and Abigail Blodget, int. Feb. 5, 1778. •CROOKER, Isaac, and Mary Ann Odall of Amherst, N. H., int. May 17, 1828. 'Intention also recorded. 152 WESTFORD MARRIAGES CROSBEY (see also Crosby), Jonah, of New Ipswich, and Lydia Chandler, int. Oct. 15, 1757. CROSBY (see also Crosbey, Crosbye), Benjamin, of Chelms- ford, and Mary Parrot, Jan. 1, 1767.* Bridget, and Joseph Spaulding of Westminster, int.. Jan. 6, 1764. Clarissa, and Charles P. Kidder, int. Sept. 6, 1841. Jona[than], of New Ipswich, and Julia Chandler, at Towns- end, Dec. 22, 1757. Mehitable, Mrs., of Andover, and Dea. Andrew Spaulding, at Andover, Nov. 26, 1745.* Nathan, and Ann Hildrith, both residents in Westford, int. Dec. 19, 1829. Phebe, and Jabez Keep, jr., July 7, 1757.* CROSBYE (see also Crosby), Lydia, of Carlisle, and John Stems of Chelmsford, Aug. 27, 1789. CROUCH, Fanny, of Littleton, and Elisha Kent, int. June 19, 1800. CUMING (see also Cummings), Nancy, and Dr. Benjamen Os- good, Apr. 19, 1810.* CUMINGS (see also Cummings), Amos, and Betsey Wright, Oct. 6, 1793.* Becca, of Dunstable, and Moses Thomas, at Pepperell, Jan. 8, 1795.* Bridget, and Isaac Parker, int. Mar. 30, 1776. Elizabeth, of Andover, and Dr. Sidney Drinkwater, int. July 7, 1847. Ephraim [jr. int.], and Lydia Adams [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Nov. 25, 1773.* Isaac, and Elizabeth Trowbridge, May 17, 1769.* John, and Lois Tuttle of Littleton, at Littleton, Nov. 27, 1798.* John W[aldo. c. R. 1.], a. 40 y., farmer, s. John and Lois, and Mary Ann Wight, a. 37 y., d. Caleb and Mary, Feb. 1, 1849.* Joseph, and Elizabeth Fletcher, Sept. 12, 1765.* Joseph, jr., and Hannah Leighton, Nov. 3, 1790.* Lydia, and Joel Abott, Sept. 4, 1786.* Martha W., and [Capt. int.] Jonas Prescott, May 30, 1839.* *Inteiitioii also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 153 CuMiNGS, Mollyj and Jacob Abott of Cavendish, Vt., int. July 8, 1787. Patty, and James Kidder, Aug. 5, 1799.* Thomas [jr. int.], and Lucy Lawrence of Littleton, at Little- ton, Feb. 20, 1755.* Thomas, jr., and Lucinda Wright, Sept. 14, 1815.* Timothy, jr., and Alice Ditson, int. June 10, 1799. Timothy, and Elizebath Farrar of Pepperell, int. June 13, 1813. Walter H., of Tyngsborough, and Clarissa Reed, int. Sept. 22, 1845. William, and Lucy Colburn of Dunstable, int. July 12, 1734. Wilson, and Lucy Cowdry, Jan. 11, 1796.* CUMMINGS (see also Comings, Cuming, Cumings), Betty, and John Dalrumple, Sept. 10, 1787.* Catharine, and Abel Abbott, Nov. 24, 1805.* Eleazer, Capt., of New Ipswich, and wid. Mary Hildreth, June 6, 1803.* Eliza, and Dr. Benjamin Osgood, Feb. 21, 1833.* Isaac, and [Mrs. c. R. 1.] Polly Richardson, Dec. 9, 1804.* James, of Wilton, "in the County of Kenebeck," and Edee Spaulding, int. Oct. 7, 1804. John, jr., and Sally Boynton of Meredith, N. H., int. Sept. 28, 1833. Joseph, of Littleton, and Rebeca; F. Procter, Dec. 25, 1.832.* Mary, and Fredrick Blood of Carlisle, Apr. 27, 1814.* Polly, and Salathial Patch, int. July 15, 1804. Rebecca, and Thommas Read, jr., Dec. 8, 1803.* Ruth, and Salathial Patch [of Maiden^ int.], Feb. 4, 1817.* Timothy, jr., and Betsey Whitman of Groton, int. Dec. 22, 1804. William, of Tjmgsborough, and Rebecca Richardson of Chelmsford, May 22, 1799. CUTLER, Lois, and Joseph Herrick, both of Townsend, Nov. 11, 1742. CUTTER, Asaph B., a. 28 y., and Mary Ann Chandler, a. 27 y., int. Apr. 21, 1849. John, Capt., and Mary Prescot't, Oct. 21, 1817.* DADMAN (see also Dadmun, Deadmati), Bathsheba, of Fram- ingham, and Jacob Prescott, int. July 27, 1807. 'Intention also recorded. 154 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Dadman, Bethsheba, and Asa Wright, jr., July 23, 1820* Hannah, and Thomas Hutchins, 3d, Apr. 12, 1832.* Martha, Mrs., and Ira Bicknell, Nov. 13, 1834.* Nathan, and Abigal Prescott, Oct. 12, 1813.* Sarah, and Thomas Hutchins, jr., at Chelmsford, Oct. 22, 1840.* DADM'UN (see also Dadman), Susan, and Calvin Green, Feb. 7, 1839.* DAIKEN, Mary, of Stoddard, N. H., and Eber Pike, int. Jan. 9, 1823. DAISY, John, of Grafton, and Betsey Flint, June 7, 1835. DALAND, John, 3d, and Sarah G. Laine of Salem, Aug. 3, 1823. DALRUMPLE (see also Derumple), John, and Betty Cum- mings, Sept. 10, 1787.* DALY, Catharine, and John Murray, laborer, both b. Ireland [both of Boston, p. r. 2.], Dec. 9, 1847. DAMAN, Samuel, of Ashby, and Patty Reed, May 9, 1816.* DANE, Abiah Moors, of Chelmsford, and Reuben Wright, jr., int. Mar. 18, 1834. Lucy A. I., and Joseph Neal of Lowell, int. Sept. 2, 1848. DANFORTH, David, of "Camblin, N. H.," and Hannah Proctor, int. Dec. 5, 1772. DARBY (see also Derby), Benjamin, of Concord, and Sarah Fletcher, June 25, 1745.* DAUGHTY, Hannah, and Amos Handly of Acton, int. Apr. 23, 1837. DAVIES (see also Davis), Diliverance, of Acton, and Han- nah Hildreth, int. Sept 9, 1749. ■Intention als* recorded. WESTFORD' MARRIAGES 1 55 DAVIS (see also Davies, Davise), Abel L., of Concord, a. 21 y., farmer, b. Concord, s. Abel and, Rebecca L., jr., and Hannah Coolidge, a. 26 y., b. Natick, d. Oren and Rebec- ca, June 26, 1849* Abigal, and Adams Fletcher, Jan. 29, 1813. [Jan. 28. c. R. 1.]* Ancil [of Acton, int.], and Caroline M. Scott, May 19, 1839.* Anna, of Acton, and Joseph Chamberlain, int. Mar. 19, 1757. Benjamin, and Sarah Butrick, both of Concord, Mar. 19, 1740- 41. David, of Acton, and Polly Hildreth, at Carlisle, July 4, 1793.* Eliza[beth], of Littleton, and Ephraim Butterfield, Mar. 16, 1731. Garshom, and Rebackah Prescott, both of Acton, July 8, 1741. George, and Sophia H. Whitcomb of Templeton, int. Mar. 14, 1824. Hannah, of Groton, and John Cowdry of Bjllerica, May 30, 1744. Hannah, of Dunstable, and Jacob Kidder, Jan. 8, 1797. [1796. c. R. 1.] James R., of Chelmsford, and Civonia Adams, May 25, 1837.* John, of Chelmsford, and Elizabeth Skinner, Feb. 7, 1749.* John, and Lois Tufts, Apr. 8, 1819.* Kend[a]ll, Dr., of "Reading South Parish," and Jane Ann Patten, Apr. 14, 1831.* Luce, and Clark Brown of Harvard, int. Jan. 15, 1757. Martha C. [Mrs. int.], and Laban Hersey, jr. of Hingham, June! 3, 1812.* Martha T., a. 23 y., d. John and Lois, and Henry A. Hildreth, a. 23 y., farmer, s. Abijah and Susun, Apr. 30, 1846.* Mary, and Porter Kymball of Fitchburg, Nov. 6, 1809.* Mial, of Dunstable, and Lucy Hutchins, May 28, 1822.* Molly, of Acton, and Samuel Keyes, at Concord, Mar. 21, 1769.* Nathan, Capt., of Boston, and wid. Mary Carver, int. May 9, 1813. Orphelia, and Dr. John Ramzey of Greenfield, N. H., Dec. 16, 1818.* Sarah, of Actoii, and John Robbins, int. May 5, 1750. Sarah B., of Concord, a. 23 y., and Timothy A. Coolidge, a, 21 y., int. July 31, 1848. Susan, and Andrew Breed of Charleston, Aug. 29, 1822.* Thaddeus, of Dunstable, and Bridget Wright, at Tyngsbor- bugh, Aug. 18, 1791.* 'Intention also recorded. 156 WESTFORU MARRIAGES Davis, Thaddeus U. [Uriah T. p. e. 8.], of Tyngsborough, a. 27 y., farmer, b. Tyngsborough, s. Thaddeus and Rachel, and Lydia Keyes, a. 24 y., d. Imla and Hannah, July 4, 1846.* DAVISE (see also Davis), Olive, and Jacob Ames, both of Groton, Feb. 16, 1748. DAY, Amos, and Isabella Hildreth, Nov. 3, 1839.* Betsey, and Samuel [Lemuel, int.] Whiting of Leominster, Jan. 31, 1832.* Isaac, and Lucy Dutton, Mar. 29, 1796.* Isaac, jr., and Betsy Procter, Jan. 3, 1826.* John, and Hannah Wright, Dec. 4, 1834.* DEADMAN (see also Dadman), Lois, of Littleton, and John Hutchins, int. Sept. 3, 1825. DERBY (see also Darby), Mary, and Capt. Eli Green, May — , 1830. c. R. 1.* Sophia, of Rindge, N. H., and Asa Prescott, int. Dec. 23, 1821. DERGIN, Julia Ann, of Lowell, and Dawson Pollard, int. Dec. 7, 1839. DERUMPLE (see also Dalrumple), Abigail, of Groton, and Joseph Prescott, at Groton, Dec. 22, 1774.* Betsy, of Groton, and Thadeus Carter of "Sandystream in the County of Lincoln," Aug. 24, 1797. Mary, of Groton, and Stephen Read, int. Apr. 8, 1779. Sarah [wid. int.], of Groton, and Joseph Keyes, at Groton, Apr. 19, 1786.* DEWY, Sherman, of Hartford, Vt., and, Joanna Fletcher, June 26, 1808.* DEXTER, Alvin, of Stow, and Mary Ann Eldredge, int. July 12, 1834. Nathan, and Mehitable Procter, Oct. 21, 1819.* DITSON, Alice, and Timothy Cumings, jr., int. June 10, 1799. William, and Mary Leigton, Mar. S, 1809.* DIX, Clarissa, of Billerica, and Warren Richardson, int. Jan. 30, 1836. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 157 DODGE, George, of Bennington, N. H., a. 73 y., and Mrs. Martha B. Edwards, a. 54 y., int. Oct. 30, 1847. Samuel, of Beverly, and Mrs. Esther Conant,-Dec. 11, 1821.* DOWS, Eleazer, of Billerica, and Lucy Procter, int. Mar. 4, 1763. DRAKE, Seth, and Harriet Lawrence of Lowell, int. June 20, 1840. DREW, Cephas, of Boston [of Halifax, p. r. 17.], and Ede F[letcher. p. r. 17.] Symmes, Apr. 2, 1823. c. R. 1.* DRINKWATER, Sidney, Dr., and Elizabeth Cumings of An- dover, int. July 7, 1847. DUDLEY, Hannah, Mrs., and Isaac Patch, int. Oct. 21, 1811. John, and Sarah Button, Nov. 11, 1787.* Paul, of Concord, and Mrs. Rebecca Nichols, int. Nov. 18, 1840. DUNN, Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Charlotte Keyes, Dec. 25, 1823.* DUPAY (see also Dupee), Clode, of Reading, and Sarah Wise, int. Oct. S, 1750. DUPEE (see also Dupay), Catharine A., and Joseph Griffin, int.], Dec. 16, 1837. [Marriage never took place, different ink.] Catharine A., a. 24 y., d. William and Catharine, and Oren H. Grandville of Boston, a. 25 y., trader, s. Stephen and Anna, Oct. 8, 1846.* Edmund F., a. 23 y., mason, s. William and Catharine, and Martha Ann Read, a. 21 y., d. Zacheus and Mary H., jr., Dec. 4, 1849.* George B., and Hannah M. -Hutchins of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, Nov. 30, 1843.* DURANT (see also Duren), Abraham, and Adaline Sullendine of Shirley, int. May 9, 1824. Henry, of Littleton, and Mary Perrey [wid. int.], at Littleton, Oct. 22, 1786.* ^Intention also recorded. ( / 158 WESTFORD MARRIAGES DuRANT, John, of Billerica, and Mary Craft, int. Mar. 15, 1744-5. (Mar., 1744-5 forbidden by Mary Craft.) Persia, and John Pushee, Apr. 8, 1793.* f DUREN (see also Durant), John, of Chelmsford, and wid. Ruth Fletcher, int. Feb. 12, 1763. DURGIN, see Dergin. DUTTIN (see also Button) , Hannah, of Chelmsford, and Za- dok P. Hastings, int. Mar. 4, 1829. DUTTON (see also Duttin), Anna, and Amos Peirce of Wal- tham, Nov. 26, 1812.* Benjamin, and Mary Rumril, July 10, 1751.* Benja[min], and Elisabeth Freetoe [wid, int.] of Dunstable, N. H., Mar. 14, 1786.* David, and Esther Heald, Nov. 19, 1761.* David, of Chelmsford, and Hannah Wright, June 1, 1802.* Dorcas, of Chelmsford, and William C. Smith, int. Feb. 17, 1823. Elbridge, of Chelmsford, and Laura M. Wright, int. Dec, 14, 1839. Ephraim, and Susanna Bixby, June 28, 1781.* Ephraim, of Cavendish, and Esther Dutton, June 12, 1797.* Esther, and William Spaulding, Nov. 29, 1759.* Esther, and Ephraim Dutton of Cavendish, June 12, 1797.* Eunice, and Emerson Parker of Dunstable, Oct. 9, 1812.* Hannah, and Benjamin Chandler, Oct. 21, 1743.* Hannah, and Abel Patch, int. Jan. 5, 1788. (Jan. 9 denied by Hannah Dutton.) Hannah, and' Jonathan Johnson, int. June 16, 1792. James, and Rebecca Hildreth, June 28, 1750.* Joseph, and Rebecca Adams of Chelmsford, Nov. 6, 1735.* Joseph, jr., and Lucy Biglow, Sept. 17, 1766.* Lucy, and' Isaac Day, Mar. 29, 1796.* Molley, and Lemuel Hildreth, int. June 20, 1802. Polly [Patty, int.], and David Campnel [Camptwell, resident in Westford. int.], May 22, 1803.* Rebecah, and Samuel Barrit, int. May 10, 1746. Rebecca, and Phinehas Chamberlin, Nov. 16, 1769.* Rebecca [wid. int.], and Ezra Jewett of Littleton, at Littleton, May 11, 1780.* Rebekah, and Timothy Lock of Ashby, Jan. 1, 1804.* ^Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 159 Button, Samuel, and wid. Roda Bacon of Bedford, int. May 6, 1778. Sarah, and John Dudley, Nov. 11, 1787.* Solomon [Salmon, c. R. 1. and int.], audi Sarah Parker, Feb. 28, 1765.* Susanna, and Thomas Read, 3d, Dec. 13, 1753.* Thomas, and Sarah Biglow, Nov. 15, 1768.* Thombs, and Hannah Twiss, Aug. 5, 1799.* William, and Phebe Temple of Acton, Dec. 17, 1777.* William, and Susanna Read, Dec. 7, 1781.* EAMES (see also Ames), Charles, of Leominster, and Han- nah Robbins, int. Dec. 22, 1753. EASTERBROOK (see also Esterbrooks), Benjamin [resident in Westford. int.], and Sarah Heald, Nov. 28, 1769.* EASTMAN (see also Eastnun), Hannah, of Hollis, and Jon- athan Minot [jr. int.], at Concord, Sept. 3, 1777.* EASTNUN (see also Eastman), David, of Strafford, Vt., and Patty Fletcher, May 31, 1815.* EATON, Abel B., of Groton, and Miriam Wright, int. Sept. 26, 1829. Osgood, of Reading, and Joanna [Anny. int.] Leighton, Nov. 7, 1796.* EDWARDS, Eunice P., and Dr. George Haskell of Cambridge, June 13, 1827.* John, of Acton, and Moria Adeline Heald, Dec. 5, 1826.* Martha B. [A. int.], and John Whittredge of Hamilton, July 3, 1838.* Martha B., Mrs., a. 54 y., and George Dodge of Bennington, N. H., a. 73 y., int. Oct. 30, 1847. Nancy, of Acton, and Horatio Fletcher, int. Sept. 24, 1826. Nathaniel, of Acton, and Hannah Prescott, Jan. 11, 1749-50. Peter C, and Elizabeth B. Hartwell of Littleton, int. Apr. IS, 1837. ELDREDGE, Mary Ann, and Alvin Dexter of Stow, int. July 12, 1834. ELLENWOOD, Judith, of Pelham, N. H., and George W.i Richardson, int. Sept. 18, 1838. *IiiteDtion also recorded. l60 WESTFORD MARRIAGES i' EMERSON, Jonathan, of Dunstable,, and Rebekah Nutting, Apr. 2, 1807.* Parker, of Chelmsford, and Rebecca Pollard, resident in West- ford, int. Sept. 4, 1770. Polly, and Amos Prescott, Jan. 20, 1795.* Rebeccah, and Phineas Trowbridge, both now resident in West- ford, int. Oct. 31, 1818. EMERY, Ebenezer [of Chelmsford, int.], and Agnes Proctor, at Chelmsford, Jan. 16, 1769.* Priscilla, and William Read, jr., Oct. 7, 1762.* ERSKINE, Mandana W., and Thomas D. Pushee of Littleton, Oct. 4,,. 1838.* Massena B., and Susan Perry, Apr. 7, 1841.* ESTERBROOKS (see also Easterbrook) , Joel, and Abigail Underwood of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 4, 1778. Josiah, and Molley Perrey, int. May 25, 1781. FAIRBANK, Asaph, of Concord, N. H., and Hannah E. Whitcomb of Boxborough, May 13, 1834. p. r. 2. FANNWORTH (see also Famsworth), Hannah, of Harvard, and Josiah Butterfield, int. Apr. 9, 1737. FARMER, Gilbert, of Tewksbury, and Mary Wright, Oct. 30, 1832.* John, and Lydia Richardson, both of Chelmsford, Jan. 24, 1788. Nathanel, of Littleton, and [wid. int.] Abigail Blogget, June 2, 179S.* Rebecca, and Andrew Betties, jr. of Chelmsford, Dec. 6, 1765.* Silas, and Mrs. Beulah Read, both residents in Westford, int. Mar. 29, 1837. FARNSWORTH (see also Fannworth), Calvin, of Washing- ton, and Lydia Bixby, Dec. 28, 1799. FARR, Levy, of Littleton, and Eunice Hadley, at Littleton, Dec. 17, 1775.* Nathaniel, of Littleton, and Abigail Foster, at Littleton, Feb. 17, 1768.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES l6l FARRAR, Elizebath, of Pepperell, and Timothy Cumings, int. June 13, 1813. Hannah, and John Leighton, Sept. 3, 1789.* Joseph, and Rebecca Wyman, int. Mar. 28, 1772. Mary, of Concord, and [Ens. int.] John Abbott, jr., June 22, 1780.* Rebecca, and Abel Read, Nov. 24, 1778.* FARRINGTON, Lydia, and William Bixby, int. Sept. 5, 1776. FARWELL, Benjamin O., and Mary Horn of Lowell, Dec. 22, 1842.* . George, and Lucia [Lucia Ann. int.] Kilburn, Dec. 29, 1840.* Henry [jr. int.], of Groton, and Sarah Taylor, at Groton, June 3, 1761.* Martha, a. 28 y., d. Samuel and Polly, and Rodney Fuller of Hudson, N. H., a. 23 y., farmer, b. Hudson, N. H., s. Daniel and Ruth, Mar. 14, 1848.* Samuel, and Mary Lawrance, May 2, 1774.* Samuel [jr. int.], and Mary Parker, Jan. 19, 1813.* Samuel [jr^ int.], and Harriet Horn, Oct. 8,i 1839.* Sarah, of Tyngsborough, and Warren Wright, int. Nov. IS, 1844. FASSET (see also Fassett), Abigail, and Benjamin Read, Jan. 2, 1755.* Abigail, and Peter Stone of Groton, at Groton, Sept. 14, 1773.* Ainaziah, and Eade Richardson, May 17, 1768.* Ainiziah, and Eunice Fletcher, Oct. 12, 1742.* Benjamin, and Rebecca Russell of Litchfield, Apr. 17, 1753.* Debroah, and Enoch Cleaveland of Pomfret, Dec. 20, 1744.* Esther, and Benj[amin] Chamberlain of Chelmsford, Jan. 27, 1731-2.* Eunice, wid., and James Spaulding, Jan. IS, 1771.* Katharine, and Timothy Comings, int. Mar. 5, 1776. Lydia, and Benj[amin] Hildreth, Jan. 20, 1731-2.* Mary, and William Tomson of Chelmsford, Jan. 18, 1743.* Mary, and John Underwood, int. Apr. 3, 1779. Samuel, jr., and Katharine Read, Jan. 1, 1741.* Samuel, and Rebecca Powers of Littleton, at Littleton, Nov. 25, 1790.* Sarah, and Thomas Comings, Sept. 26, 1733.*, Susanna, and Zacheriah Fletcher, at Concord, Sept. 23, 1735.* 'Intention also recorded. 1 62 WESTFORD MARRIAGES FASSETT (see also Fasset), Joshua, and Sarah Priest of New Ipswich, N. H., int. Nov. 12, 1768. FAULKNER, Charlotte, of Acton, and Avery Reed, int. Apr. 9, 1825. FAUSELL, Fredric, of Salem, and Sally Read, int. June 4, 1805. FENNY, Rhoday, and Seth Read, Mar. 20, 1804.* FISH, Daniel G., of Southborough, and Lorenza Pierce, Dec. 3, 1818.* David, and Sarah Barron of Acton, int. June 20, 1767. FISK, Abigail, of Waltham, and Josiah Hayward, int. Nov. 13, 1823. Anna, of Groton^ and Theopelas Bixby, Mar. 3, 1805. FITCH, Joanna, and Eleazer Read, Mar. 22, 1754.* Lydia, and Francis Leighton [Laughton. int.] of Littleton, Oct. 20, 1760.* Polly, resident in Groton, and feamuel Reed, jr., at Groton, Dec. 29, 1795. Sam[ue]ll, and Joanna Kidder, Apr. 24, 1732.* FLAGG, Allen [Dr. int.], and Sally Goodhue, Dec. 26, 1794.* Almira [Elmira. int.], and Joel Balcom, Apr. 27, 1823. [Apr, 17. c. R. 1.]* Mary S., of New Ipswich, N. H., and Benjamin Prescott, int. Oct. 11, 1834. Solomon, of Littleton, and Mary Hutchings, int. Sept. 13, 1827. FLETCHER, Abel, and Abigail Hildreth, June 23, 1768.* Abel, and Susan Richardson of Chelmsford, int. Dec. 10, 1820. Abel, and Mary Kimball, June 16, 1836.* Abigail, and Eleazer French of Dunstable, Apr. 16, 1752.* Abigail, and Josiah Fletcher, Apr. 9, 1786.* Abigail, of Ashburnham, and Salmon Snow, int. Nov. 16, 1817. Abigail, of Boxborough, and Elbridge Fletcher, int. Oct. 11, 1831. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 63 Fletcher, Abigail D., and TheopWlus C. Hersey of Portland, Me., Sept. 24, 1840.* Abijah, and Louisa W. Lawrance of HoUis, N. H., int. Feb. 12, 1831. Adams, and Betsey Bateman of Chelmsford, May 27, 1806. Adams, and Abigal Davis, Jan. 29, 1813. [Jan. 28. C. R. 1.]* Almira, of Littleton, and George Fletcher, int. Sept. 3, 1825. Almira, and Jesse Minott, Dec. 23, 1830.* Amos, and Mary Perham, Sept. 3, 1741.* Amos, and Rebecca Prescott, int. June 15, 1776. • Amy, of Dunstable, and Samuel Richardson, int. Sept. 2, 1803. Andrew, and Lydia Wright, Nov. 25, 1784.* Andrew, jr.,, and Rebeca Hutchins, Nov. 28, 1816.* Andrew, Dea., and Mrs. Mary Hapgood [Hapwood. int.] of Acton, Dec. 16, 1819.* Andrew, jr., and Lauera Chandler, Sept. 27, 1821.* Andrew, Dea., and Mrs. Abigail Hildreth, 2d, Dec. 13, 1838.* Anna, of Chelmsford, and Luther, Bancroft of Pepperell, Feb. 22, 1803. Asa, and Sarah Priest of Littleton, int. Sept. 19, 1829. Asaph, and Sarah Green of Chelsea, at Chelsea, Oct. 3; 1776.* Assenoth, and Ephraim Wright, June 1, 1820.* Belinda A. [of Gardner, p. r. 2.], and Francis Richardson of Providence, R. I., May 15, 1838. Benjamin, and Bethiah Herrick, June 29, 1742.* Benjamin, jr., and Rebeca Boynton, June 14, 1774.* Benjamin, Capt., and wid. Elisabeth Symmes, Feb. 9, 1779.* Benjamin, and Mehitable Robinson, Aug. 27, 1797.* Betcy, and Simon [Simeon, int.] Stevens, Jan. 1, 1809.* Betcy, of Ashburnham, and Joshua Fletcher Read, int. Apr. 6, 1815. Betsy, and Calvin Howard of Chelmsford, Apr. 20, 1826.* Betty, and Dr. William Little, int. Aug. 15, 1778. Bettyah, and Jonathan Jones, jr. of Dracut, int. Dec. 30, 1778. Bridgett, and Isaac Parker [jr. int.], Feb. 8, 1785.* Calven, and Nancy Reed, Oct. 10, 1819.* Charles L., and Sophia M[osely. dup.] Keyes, Apr. 2, 1844.* Charlottee, and Samuel Towns of-Boxford, May 29, 1808.* Cyrus, and Clarisa Puffer of Stow, int. Mar. 11, 1831. Cyrus, 2d m., a. 46 y., carpenter, s. Willard and Abigail, and Everline Hildreth, 2d m., a. 43 y., d. Jonas and Betsy Reed, Aug. 7, 1849.* Daniel, of Acton, and Sarah Hartwell, at Acton, Nov. 12, 1741.* ■Intention also recorded. 1 64 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Fletcher, David, and Maty Butterfield of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 13, 1742. . David, jr., and Johannah Steavens of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 27, 1774. David, jr., and Sarah Richardson, Nov. 22, 1779.* David, and Abigal Wright [wid. int.], June 17, 1784.* David, and Anne Warran of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 6, 1819. Debroah, and Benoni Jewel of Nottingham, Nov. 15, 1744.* Dolly, and Sampson Fletcher, Feb. 1, 1785.* Dolly, and [Ens. int.] Elias Parker, Nov. 28, 1796.* Dolly, and Calvin Holms, int. June 5, 1828. Dorothy, and Aaron Parker, jr., Apr. 20, 1738.* Eade, and Benjamin Carver, May 23, 1745.* JEbenezer, and Joanna Stearns of Billerica, at Billerica, Aug. 8, 1754.* Elbridge, and Abigail Fletcher of Boxborough, int. Oct. 11, 1831. Eleazer, and Mary Fletcher, Jan. 16, 1755.* Elijah, Rev., of Hopkinton, and [Mrs. int.] Rebeca Chamber- lin. May 24, 1773.* Elisabeth, and Jonathan Keyes, Jan. 20, 1745-6.* Elisabeth, and Elazer Read, jr., May 4, 1786.* Elisha, and Abigail Wright of Littleton, int. Nov. 29, 1806. Elizabeth, and Benjamin Blogget of Chelmsford, Feb. 14, 1733.* Elizabeth, and Joseph Cumings, Sept. 12, 1765.* Emily A., and Sherman D. Fletcher, Nov. 28, 1839.* Ephriam, and Hannah Roe, int. Sept. 14, 1731. Esther, and Samuell Adams of Chelmsford, Aug. 28, 1734.* Esther, and James Tarbel of Pepperell, int. Oct. 25, 1755. Esther, and James Hildreth of Townsend, at Townsend, May 20, 1772.* Esther, and Oliver Heild, Dec. 26, 1786.* Eunice, and Amiziah Fasset, Oct. 12, 1742.* Ezekiel, of Groton, and Bredget barker, int. July 25, 1766. Ezera, and Esther Taylor of Boxborough, int. May 3, 1828. Fanny [G. int.], and Gardner Fletcher of Chelmsford, May 9, 1815.* Francis, of New Ipswich, and Sarah Parker, June 11, 1760.* Francis, and Esther B. Wright, int. June 10, 1839. Gardner, of Chelmsford, and Fanny [G. int.] Fletcher, May 9, 1815.* George, and Almira Fletcher of Littleton, int. Sept. 3, 1825. Gershom, and Lydia Townshend, May 28, 1733.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES' 1 65 Fletcher, Gershom, jr., and Sarah Robinson, Dec. 7, 1769.* Hannah, and David Taylor of Dunstable, Apr. 16, 1752.* Hannah, and Samuel Parker, int. July 28, 1758. Hannah, and Ebenezer Parker, both of Chelmsford, May 29, 1787. Hannah, and Imla Keyes, Sept. 30, 1816.* Hannah, and Perly Raymond of New Bedford, N. H., Mar. 22, 1821.* Hannath, Mrs. [wid. int.], and [Capt. int.] Eleazer Hamlin of Harvard, June 3, 1789.* Harriet, and Nathan S. Hamlin, Nov. — , 1829.* Henry, and Deborah Parker, Nov. 30, 1773.* Horatio, and Nancy Edwards of Acton, int. Sept. 24, 1826. Isaac, and Ruth Parse [Peirce. ct. r.] of Groton, Sept. 26, 1784.* ' Jacob, and Ruth Trul, Dec. 11, 1746.* James, and Rebecca Prescott, Feb. 21, 1770.* Jeremiah, and Elizabeth Perham of Dunstable, at Dunstable, Dec. 11, 1783. Jese, and Lucy Keyes, Aug. 8, 1782.* Joanna, and Seth Fletcher, June 2, 1772.* Joanna, and Jacob Klatter, Oct. 4, 1784.* Joanna, and Capt. Arron Parker, int. Mar. 12, 1791. Joanna, and Ira Spaulding of Chelmsford, int. June 21, 1795. Joanna, and Sherman Dewy of Hartford, Vt., June 26, 1808.* Joanna S[tevens. int.], and James Chamber lin. Mar. 9, 1796.* Joel, and Abigail Maynard, Dec. 22, 1803. [Dec. 25. dup.]* John, and Elisabeth Perry, Nov. 30, 1773.*' John, and Betesy Longley of Shirley, int. Feb. 9, 1823. [m. Apr. — , 1823. in pencil:] John B., and Joann Hildreth, Dec. 6, 1827.* Jonathan, and Geen [Jane, int.] Chamberlain, May 5, 1735.* Jonathan [jr. int.], and Sarah Spaulding [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Jan. 22, 1761.* Jonathan [3d. int.], and Mary Lawrence of Littleton, at Lit- tleton, Jan. 28, 1762.* Joseph, and Elezabath Underwood, May 21, 1735.* Joseph, Capt., and wid. Kezia Nutting, int. May 5, 1764. Joseph, and Lucy Procter, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 17, 1791. Joseph [Ens. int.], and Francis Grant Keyes, Apr. 7, 1794.* Joseph, of Dunstable, and wid. Abigail Read, int. Aug. 14, 1797. Joshua, and Elisabeth Raymond, int. June 28, 1755. 'Intention also recorded. 1 66 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Fletcher, Joshua, and Lucy Jones of Ashburnham, int. Mar. 4, 1815. Josiah,, and Margaret Fletcher, at Littleton, Feb. 25, 1779.* Josiah, and Abigail Fletcher, ^pr. 9, 1786.* Justice, and Sally Glynn of Tyngsborough, Sept. — , 1806.* Levi T., and Amey [Anna, int.] Richardson, Apr. 14,' 1825.* Levy, and J erusha Morton of Athol, int. Jan. 4, 1783. Louisa, and Foster Brooks, int. Apr. 28, 1832. Lucy, and John Spaulding, 3d [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Jan. 26, 1786.* Lucy, and Levi Snow, at Billerica, Oct. 13, 1789.* Lucy, and Joseph Rockwood, jr. of Groton, Nov. 26, 1789.* Lucy, and John Keepe of Fitchburg, Sept. 14, 1800.* Lucy, and Willard [Hibbard. int.] Jones of Vershire, Vt., Jan. 23, 1820.* Lucy, ,and Moses Wheeler of New Ipswich, Oct. 12, 1823.* Lucy Wheeler, and Abel Stevens, int. May 25, 1828. Lydia, and Joseph Hildreth, 3d, Apr. 7, 1747.* Lydia, and Timothy Prescott, Feb. 22, 1753.* Lydia, and Silas Richardson of Ipswich, N. H., Dec. 28, 1769.* Lydia, and Eleazer Blood, int. Mar. 15, 1779. Lydia, and Ephraim Butterick [jr. int.] of Dunstable, N. EL, at Tyngsborough, Nov. 11, 1835.* Lyman, and Lois Gates of Ashburnham, at Ashburnham, Apr. 20, 1796.* Margaret, and Josiah Fletcher, at Littleton, Feb. 25, 1779.* Martha, and Joseph Read, jr., Nov. 11, 1771.* Martha, and Joshua Whidden [of Lowell, dup.], Oct. — , 1832. [Oct. 28. dup.]* Marthy, of New Ipswich, N. H., and Jephtheh Read, int. Dec. 14, 1827. Mary, and Josiah Spaulden of Chelmsford, July 2, 1733.* Mary, and Eleazer Fletcher, Jan. 16, 1755.* Mary, 3d, and Jonathan Robbins, Nov. 13, 1764.* Mary, and Jonas Barret of Townsend, Nov. 19, 1766.* Mary, and Thomas Barnes of Chelmsford, June 4, 1772.* Mary, and Henry Sp'aulding, jr. of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 28, 1774. Mary, and [Cornet, int.] Thomas Kidder, June 21, 1780.* Mary, and Sam[ue]ll Foster, Aug. 30, 1787.* Mary, and Joseph Gilbert Harwood, int. Aug. 9, 1828. Mary, ahd Joseph Hildreth, 2d, int. June 24, 1830. Mary, and Eli Tower of Concord, Dec." 23, 1833.* ; I " ^ 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 67 Fletcher, Mary, and Thomas Richardson, Jan. 23, 1840.* Mary Ann, and Leonard L[yman. c. R. 1.] Gibson of Boston, Dec 29 1S25 * Mary M.', aild Capt. Henry A. Prescott, Jan. 10, 1837.=^ Nabby, and Jesse Hadley of Brattleborough, May 29, 1803.* Nancy, and Fisher Blackinton of Attleborough, Jan. 4, 1814.* Nancy E., and Samuel H. Nicholes, Nov. — , 1829.* Nehemiah, and Mary Welch, Oct 21, 1779.* Olive, and Paul Thorndyke of Tewksbury, Feb. 27, 1772.* Olive, and Jesse Hildreth, Mar. 24, 1801. [Mar. 27. P. R. 5.] Olive, and Zaccheus Wright, M^y 21, 1818.* Oliver, and Olive Procter, int. July 7, 1759. Oliver, and Sarah Fletcher, Sept. 22, 1768.* Orpah [Mrs. int.], and Thomas Fletcher, 3d, Aug. 9, 1812.* Othiel, and Sophia Fletcher of Littleton, int. Apr. 1, 1829. Othiel, and Asenath Lyford, int. Dec. 11, 1840. Jatty, and Grant Hauston of .Tyngsborough, at Tyngsborough, June 6, 1796.* Patty, and Jacob Osgood, Apr. % 1807.* Patty, and John Osgood, June 14, 1807.* Patty, and David Eastnun of Strafford, Vt., May 31, 1815.* Pelatiah, Capt., aind wid. Betty Keyes, Oct. 15, 1782.* Pelatiah, jr., and [Mrs. c. r. 1.] Beulah Haywood of Con- cord, June 28, 1803. [June 23. c. R. 1.]* Pelatiah, and Susan Hamlin, May — , 1830. c. R. 1.* Peletiah, and Dorothy Hildreth, Jan. 13, 1757.* Pelletiah, jr., and Patty Keyes, Dec. 5, 1785.* Pelletiah, of Ashburnham, and Salley Woodward, Sept. 22, 1788.* Phebe, and Isaac Patch, jr., Feb. 21, 1786.* Polly, and Abram Prescott, Oct. 21, 1798. [Dec. 26. v. r. 21.]* Polly, and Abijah Wright, Sept. 7, 1800.* Polly [Mary, int.], and Joseph Corey of Boston, Nov. 17, 1804.* Polly, and Ebenezer Blood, Sept. 9, 1810.* Polly, and Orville Richardson of Leominster, June 29, 1826.* ■Rachel, and Simeon Fletcher, int. Oct. 28, 1758. Rachel, and Leonard Parker, jr., Aug. 28, 1788.* Rebeca, and Isaiac Read [jr. int.] of Littleton, July 9, 1789.* ■Rebecah, Mrs., and Samuel Wright, Apr. 22, 1823.* Rebecah P., of Carlisle, and Edward Symmes, int. Nov. 4, 1840. IRebecca, and Jonas Stone of Groton, May 23, 1765.* .E.ebecca, and Levi Parker, Dec. 11, 1777.* 'Inteatioa also recorded. 1 68 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Fletcher, Rebecca, wid., and Jonas Wright, Sept. 17, 1783.* Rebecca, of Groton, N. H., and Levi Prescott, farmer, s. Levi and Hannah, Mar. 30, 1847. Rebecca A[bbott. int.], and William W[arren. int.] Goodhue, Nov. — , 1829.* Reuben, and Susanna Chandler, int. May 4, 1745. Roxana, arid Jabez Parker [late of Westford. int.], Nov. 9, 1812.* Ruth, and Willard Hall, jr., Jan. 16, 17S5.* Ruth, wid., and John Duren of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 12, 1763. Sally, and Richard Adams, Dec. 9, 1806.* Sally, and Lt. Amos Lawrance [jr. c. R. 1.] of Fitchburg, Mar. 1, 1807.* Sally [Mrs. int.], and Abel Stevens, Sep't. 22, 1814.* Sally, and Ebenezer Prescott, Feb. 1, 1821. Sally, and Sual Parkhust of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 10, 1828. Sampson, and Dolly Fletcher, Feb. 1, 1785.* Samuel, jr., of Chelmsford, -and Mary Lawrence of Littleton, Sept. 17, 1729. Samuel [jr. int.], and Olive Wright, Jan. 15, 1771.* Samuel, jr., and Lucy Jones of Concord, int. June 26, 1777. Samuel, jr., and Lydia Webber of Bedford, int. Mar. 4, 1805. Samuel, jr., and Beulah Haywood, Apr. 13, 1815.* Sam[ue]Il, Dea., and Milla Keyes, Dec. 14, 1786.* Sarah, and Samuel Parker, Jan. 22, 1739.* Sarah, and Benjamin Darby of Concord, June 25, 1745.* Sarah, and Hezekiah Corey of New Ipswich [of Ipswich, N. H. int.], Jan. 17, 1764.* Sarah, and Oliver Fletcher, Sept. 22, 1768.* Sarah, and Jeremiah Cogswell of Littleton, at Littleton, Oct. 31, 1771.* Sarah, and Jeremiah Barritt of Ashby, Feb. 9, 1773.* Sarah, resident in Westford, and Jonas Blodget, int. July 23, 1781. Sarah, and Sampson Tuttle of Hancock, N. H., at Littleton, Feb. 24, 1789.* Sarah M., and Burknap Nichols of Gardner, May 27, 1833.* Sarah P., and Stephen P. Wiley [now resident in Westford. int.], at the house of Joshua Whidden, May 1, 1842.* Seth, and Joanna Fletcher, June 2, 1772.* Seth, jr., and Selly Proctor, May 30, 1809.* Sherman D., and Emily A. Fletcher, Nov. 28, 1839.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 69 Fletcher, Simeon, and Rachel Fletcher, int. Oct. 28, 1758. Solomon, and Abigal Melven of Concord, int. Feb. 20, 178 [2]. Sophia, and George W[ade. int. ; Wash. c. R. 1.] Jones of Ver- shire, Vt., Jan. 19, 1825.* Sophia, of Littleton, and Othiel Fletcher, int. Apr. 1, 1829. Stephen, and Betty Hildreth, Nov. 28, 1796.* Suel, and Mary Stone, int. Feb. 1, 1803. Susanna, wid., and Capt. William Fletcher, at Medford, June 22, 1762.* Susanna, and Joseph Parker, July 18, 1763.* Susanna, and Simon Parker, both of Chelmsford, July 5, 1791. Thomas, and wid. Sarah Hildreth, int. Jan. 15, 1763. Tho[ma]s, jr., and Patty Jewett [Jewell, ct. r.], Feb. 7, 1786.* Thomas, 3d, and [Mrs. int.] Orpah Fletcher, Aug. 9, 1812.* Timothy, jr., and Bridget Richardson of Chelsmford, int. Feb. IS, 1745-6. Timothy, jr., and Huldah Pearley of Boxford, int. May 14, 1774. Timothy, jr., and Hannah Parker [Procter, int.], Nov. 25, 1778.* Walter, and Mary Chamberlain, Aug. 31, 1828.* Willard, and Abigail Hadley, at Chelmsford, Dec. 26, 1775.* Willard, jr., and Sally Spaulding of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 13, 1808. W[illia]m, jr., and Elizabeth Remington, Mar. 16, 1731.* William, Capt., and wid. Susanna Fletcher, at Medford, June 22, 1762.* _ Zacheriah, and Susanna Fasset, at Concord, Sept. 23, 1735.* Zechariah, and Eunice Keep, int. Aug. 22, 1761. FLING, Patty, and Luther Osborn, both of Concord, Nov. 13, 1808. FLINT, Amos, jr., of Walpole, N. H., and Mary Lancv, Jan. 17, 1808.* Betsey, and John Daisy of Grafton, June 7, 1835. Harriot, and William S. Walker, Mar. 10, 1836.* James T"., and Sarah A. Scott, int. Mar. 22, 1845. Julia A., and Henry Wesson, both of Grafton, May 1, 1838. Thomas, of Chelmsford, and Betsey Keyes, Sept. 28, 1806.* FOLSOM, Harriet N., of Lowell, and Benjamin F. Leighton, int. Nov, 7, 1847. 'Intention also lecbided. 170 WESTFORD MARRIAGES FORBUSH, Ruth, of Acton, and Joseph Keyes, at Acton, May 7, 1768* FOSTER, Aaron R., and Lucy W. Cram of Lowell, int. May 22, 1840. Abigail, and Nathaniel Farr of Littleton, at Littleton, Feb. 17, 1768.* Almira, and Solomon Keyes, jr. of Littleton, Nov. 23, 1825.* Almira, Mrs., and Nathan Hartwell of Littleton, June 9, 1842.* , David, and Elizabeth [Minot. int.], at Winchendon, May 27, 1779.* Elias, jr., and Abigail Wheeler of Acton, int. Apr. 12, 1746. Esther, and Nathaniel Jefs of Acton, Feb. 27, 1740.* Hannah, wid., and Amos Russell, jr., int. Aug. 17, 178[0]. James, of Goffstown, N. H., and Hannah Gordon, resident in Westford, Dec. 21, 1820.* Joseph, and Mary Adams, both of Chelmsford, Sept. 24, 1789. Leonard, of Carlisle, and Dorando Tufts of Littleton, May 29, 1825. Martha, of Littleton, and John Bates, June 7, 1744.* Mary, and Oliver Blood, both of Concord, Feb. 14, 1743. Mary, and Jacob Warrin of Littleton, July 3, 1744.* Mary, and Leonard Parker, Sept. 20, 1768.* Obadiah, and Mary Goodhue, both of Chelmsford, July 15, 1790. Sally, and Asa [Jesse, int.] Barker of Chelmsford, at Carlisle, Sept. 18, 1794.* Sam[ue]ll, and Mary Fletcher, Aug. 30, 1787.* Sarah [resident in Westford. int.], and Eleazer Lawrance, . Feb. 28, 1780.* Smith, and Esther Sartell of Acton, at Acton, June 16, 1778.* Sophia, and Vandolo Emroy Whitcomb of Littleton, May 15, 1828.* Susannah, and Elijah Nutting of Groton, May 18, 1786.* FOX, Ephriam, resident in Milford, N. H., and Sally Par- ker of Carlisle, int. Apr. 2, 1819. FRADRICK (see also Frederick), Garge, of Chelmsford, and Rhode Read, Mar. 18, 1788.* George, of Tyngsborough, and Elizabeth Russel, int. Apr. 11, 1829. *Intention also recorded. t WESTFORD MARRIAGES Ijl FREDERIC (see also Frederick), Rhoda, of Tyngsborough, and George W. Spaulding, int. Nov. 8, 1821. FREDERICK (see also Fradrick, Frederic, Fredrick), George S., a. 30 y., and Eliza A. Hildreth, a. 17 y., int. Nov. 11, 1849. Mary, and Thaddeus Blodgett, Feb. 23, 1817. p. R. 13. FREDRICK (see also Frederick), Saniue[l], and Lucindia Patten, Mar. 21, 1822.* FREETOE, Elisabeth [wid. int.], of Dunstable, N. H., and Benja[min] Button, Mar. 14, 1786.* FRENCH, Eleazer, of Dunstable, and Abigail Fletcher, Apr. 16, 1752.* Elisabeth, of Hollis, N. H., and Ephraim Hildreth, 3d, int. Aug. 25, 1753. Mary, of Dunstable, and Samuel [Lemuel, int.] Perham, at Dunstable, May 29, 1759.* Samuel, of Dunstable, and Mary Johnson, at Groton, May 7, 1778.* FROST, Sarah, wid., resident in Chelmsford, and Abel Russel, Nov. 1, 1781.* FRYE, Lavinia, of Dracut, and John F. Wright, int. Oct. 7, 1843. FULLER, Charles A. W., and Emily Vose, both of Lowell, June 18, 1843. P. R. 2. Rodney, of Hudson, N. H., a. 23 y., farmer, b. Hudson, N. H., s. Daniel and Ruth, and Martha Farwell, a. 28 y., d. Sam- uel and Polly, Mar. 14, 1848.* FURBUSH, Louisa E., of Carlisle, and Samuel' E. Scott," int. Apr. 21, 1844. GAFFEL, Thaddeus, of Weston, and Mary Barret, int. Apr. 15, 1775. GAGE, Andrew, and Orphelia fOrpah. int.] Reed, Mar. 26, 1820.* 'Intention also recorded. 172 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Gage, Andrew, of Stoddard, N. H., and Lucy Prescott, Sept. 4, 1825.* Mary, and Parker Wright, June 25, 1818.* Nancy, and Moses Carryl, Sept. 12, 1819.* Sarah, and George Prescott of Boston, July 28, 1830. c. R. 1.* GARDNER, Peleg [resident in Westford. int.], and Amma [Lo- amy, int.] Lue of Dracut, at Dracut, Dec. 12, 1792.* Peleg, and Patty Jackson, int. Oct. 23, 1796. GASS, Ann, of Dunstable, and Horatio Wright, int. Mar. 4, 1827. GATES, Betsey M., and Daniel Veazey of Acton, int. Sept. 5, 1840. Eetsey M., Mrs., and Josiah K. Webber, at Littleton, May 21, 1843.* Betty, and John Hildreth, Dec. 24, 1772.* John B., and Betsey M. Searles, Mar. 3, 1836.* Lois, of Ashburnham, and Lyman Fletcher, at Ashburnham, Apr. 20, 1796.* ■GEORGE, Eliza Ann, of Lowell, and William R. Lowd, int. Oct. 26,, 1845. GIBSON, Jacob, of Stow, and Hannah Hardy, at Stow, Oct. 7, 1789.* Leonard L[yman. c. R. 1.]. of Boston, and Mary Ann Fletcher, Dec. 29, 1825.* -GILBERT, Lyman, of Boston, and Mary Hildreth, Oct. 5, ' 1828.* Patty, and Joseph [Josiah. dup.] Harwood of Boston, Jan. 15, 1801.* Samuel, of Littleton, and Elizabeth Robbins, at Concord, Oct. 9, 1770.* •GILLMAN, Sally, of Mason, and Sampson Klarter, int. Sept. 27, 1806. GILSON, Bulah, of Groton, and Charles Read, int. Jan. 3, 1810. Charles P., and Louisa S. Brown, resident in Westford, int. Oct. 21, 1846. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 73 GiLSON, Daniel, of Groton, and Apphia Kent, Nov. 27, 1760.* Elizabeth M., and Francis Caldwell, now resident in West- ford, int. Mar. 4, 1841. Eunice, and Clement Blood, both of Groton, May 29, 1746. Hannah, and Simon Page, both of Groton, Oct. 8, 1741. ■ John, jr., and Hannah Green, both of Groton, Oct. 20, 1747. Lucy, of Groton, and Asa Bixby, jr., at Groton, Mar, 26, 1793.* - Luther, of Groton, and Patty [Martha, int.] Blake, Feb. 11, 1822.* Mary, of T)mgsborough, and Levi Lund of Dunstable, N. H., Mar. 14, 1816. Mary, of Groton, and Asa Bixby, jr., July 3,' 1817. [July 13. c. R. 1.]* Sebell, of Groton, and Roswell Read, int. June 24, 1813. Sibel, and Henry Myer, int. Feb. 6, 1819. Sukey, of Groton, and James Snow, Apr. 28, 1796.* Nathaniel S., of Groton, and Nancy B. Hildreth, Aug. 19, 1821.* Nehemiah, of Dunstable, and Esther Keyes, int. July 8, 1789. GLENE (see also Gliney) , John, of Dunstable, and Thankfull Addams, int. Mar. 29, 1751. GLINEY (see also Glene), Isaac [Glynne. ex. r.], and [Mrs. int.] Salley Nutting, Oct. 24, 1785. [July 11. ct. r.]* GLOVER, Joel, and Nancy S. Hildreth, Nov. 6, 1828.* GLYNN, Sally, of Tyngsborough, and Justice Fletcher, Sept. — , 1806.* GOALD (see also Gould), Phebe, and Bill Wright Stevens, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1792. GOODHEW (see also Goodhue), Emly, and Nancy Lock of Ashby, int. June S, 1802. GOODHUE (see also Goodhew), Cintha, and Samuel C. Tenne, Apr. 9, 1829.* Daniel, and Sarah Hildreth, Apr. 7, 1774.* David, and Esther Prescott, Nov. 5, 1767.* Hannah, of Groton, and John Woods, jr., at Groton, Nov. 19, 1768.* 'Intention also recorded. 174 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Goodhue, James, and Ascenah Carlton of Chelmsford, July 7, 1803.* John, and Sally Tuttle, Apr. 2, 1792.* Mary, and Obadiah Foster, both of Chelmsford, July 15, 1790. Nancy L. [S. int.], and Otis Longley, Dec. 23, 1830.* Paran, and Nathaniel Adams of Ashby, Aug. 18, 1814.* Sally, and [Dr. int.] Allen Flagg, Dec. 26, 1794.* Sarah Ann Heald, and Samuel L. Wilkins of Lowell, June 7, 1831.* William W[arren. int.J, and Rebecca A[bbott. int.] Fletcher, Nov. — , 1829.* Zoa A., and Thomas Minott, May 3, 1818.* GOODWIN, William, and Sarah Pebody of Boston, int. May 9, 1823. GORDON, Hannah, resident in Westford, and James Foster of Goffstown, N. H., Dec. 21, 1820.* GOULD (see also Goald), Edwin, a. 23 y., stone-cutter, b. Tyngsborough, s. Joseph and Mary, and Arville M. Wood- ard, a. 23 y., d. John and Mary, Mar. 30, 1845.* George [Charles, int.], and Eliza Ann Trowbridge, Mar. 23, 1841.* Joseph, and Polly Smith, June 5, 1806.* Joseph, jr., of Quincy, and Semantha J. Blodgett, Jan. 3, 1843.* Sarah, and James M. Wright, May 23, 1833.* GO WEN, Anna, of Littleton, and Jonas Wright, int. Mar. 1 1, 1814. GRAOG, Jacob, of Lancaster, and Margaret Conn of Little- ton, Nov. 16, 1731. GRANDVILLE, Oren H., of Boston, a. 25 y., trader, s. Stephen and Anna, and Catharine A. Dupee, a. 24 y., d. William and Catharine, Oct. 8, 1846.* GREEN, Benjamin, of Groton, and Ruth Keep, int. June 21, 1765. Benjamin, and Olive Hildreth, Nov. 24, 1793.* Benjamin, and Lucy Bignell, Oct. 14, 1815. Calvin, of Carlisle, and Rebecca Richardson, Sept. 3, 1798.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1/5 Green, Calvin, and Susan Dadmun, Feb. 7, 1839.* Eli, Capt, and Mary Derby, May—, 1830. c. R. 1.* Elizabeth, and Peter Hadley, Aug. 17, 1824.* Hannah, and John Gilson, jr., both of Groton, Oct. 20, 1747. Isaac, and Marthy Boyden, both of Groton, Feb. 18, 1741-2. Isaac, of Townsend, and Abigail Chamberlin, Nov. 8, 1780.* Joel P., and Mrs. Almira T. Wright, Jan. 3, 1841.* John R., and Martha Parker, Mar. 5, 1827.* Mary, Mrs., and Elijah Holmes, both of Windham, N. H., Mar. 2, 1844. Nathan [jr. int.; 2d. c. r. 1.], of Gardner, and Fanny Bick- nell, Nov. 11, 1807.* Phebe, Mrs., of Stoneham, and Nathan Proctor, at Stoneham, Dec. 1.7, 1761.* Sarah, of Chelsea, and Asaph Fletcher, at Chelsea, Oct. 3, 1776.* Zacheus, of Concord, and Elizabeth Kidder, June 18, 1765.* ■GREENOUGH, Ann, formerly of Boston, now resident in Westford, and Alexander Grey, June 13, 1776. [June 21. int.]* ■GREY, Alexander, and Ann Greenough, formerly of Boston, now resident in Westford, June 13, 1776. [June 21. int.]* GRIFFEN (see also Griffin), Matthew, of Pepperell, and wid. Mary Adams, int. Apr. 18, 1777. William, and Olive Read, int. Feb. 27, 1806. GRIFFIN (see also Griifen), Elizabeth S., and Asaph Mans- field of Chelmsford, Apr. 7, 1840. [Apr. 9. p. r. 2.]* George A., and Eliza T. [F. int.] Wright, at Chelmsford, June 11, 1840.* Joseph, and Catharine A. Dupee, int. Dec. 16, 1837. [Marriage never took place. difEerent ink.] Mary, of Sudbury, and Willard Richardson, int. Jan. 18, 1802. Mary A., and Jacob B. Smith of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 30, 1840. Matthew, and Sally Adams of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 19, 1810. Prudance, and Ballard [Pollard, dup.] Smith of Dunstable, May 31, 1803.* Sally, and Aaron White, int. May 25, 1800. 'Intention also recorded. 176 WESTFORD MARRIAGES GROSE, Nahum H., and Ede Procter, Aug. 14, 1814.* Nahum H., and Sarah [E. int.] Procter, Dec. 24, 1815.* Nahum H., and Betsey Keyes, Oct. 28, 1830.* GUILD, Rebecca Eaton, of Dedham, and Rev. Leonard Luce, int. Oct. 17, 1829. HADLEY, Abigail, and Willard Fletcher, at Chelmsford, Dec. . 26, 1775.* Benjamin, and Sarah Adames of Lexington, int. Nov. 29, 1746. Ebenezer, and Abigail Spaulding [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, June 11, 1753.* Eunice, and Levy Farr of Littleton, at Littleton, Dec. 17, 1775.* Jesse, of Brattleborough, and Nabby Fletcher, May 29, 1803.* John, jr., and Ruth Kemp of Groton, at Groton, Jan. 6, 1774.* Jonas, and Azubah Prescott [of Groton. int.], at Groton, Dec. 14, 1780.* Mary R., of Lowell, and William Marten, int. Dec. 1, 1848. Peter, and Elizabeth Green, Aug. 17, 1824.* Sarah, and Joseph Warren of Littleton, Sept. 5, 1769.* HADLOCK, John, of Weathersfield, Vt., and Sarah Wright [resident in Westford. int.], Feb. 25, 1788.* HAILD (see also Heald), Ephraim, and Sarah Hardy, int. Apr. 6, 1776. HALD (see also Heald), Saly, and David Patch of Groton,. May 18, 1800. HALE, Saly, of Stow, and Thomas Prescott, int. Aug. 13, 1814. Samuel, of Stow,, and Moley Parlin, int. Feb. 2"2, 1780. HALL, Abigail .[Mrs. int.], and Oliver Abbot of Billeripaj Aug. 1, 1769.* Abigail, and Oliver Spaulding, Aug. 14, 1787.* Anne, and Capt. Leonard Whiting, Apr. 23, 1761.* Elizabeth [Mrs. int.], and Caleb Symmes of Charlestown, Sept. 21, 1756.* Grace, and Benjamin Whiting, at Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 9, 1770. Hannah, and Thomas R. [B. int.] Wright, May 2, 1815.* Is[a]iah, of Groton, and Hannah Keep, May 12, 1788.* *Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 177 Hall^ James, of Cavendish [Vt. int.], and ThankfuU Hildreth, Jan. 20, 1784.* John C, and Elizabeth Carrigain of Lowell, int. Sept. 24, 1842. Jonathan, of Ashby, and Beulah Bigelow, at Groton, Sept. 22, 1778.* Mary [Mrs. int.], d. Rev. Willard, and Jonas Minot of Con- cord, Jan. 16, 1759.* Maryi, Ann, of Lowell, and Joseph Hildreth, 2d, int. Nov. 5, 1836. Ruth [wid. int.], and Jacob Chamberlin [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Feb. 8, 1780.* Sarah B., and Rufus Patten, Dec. 2, 1836.* Willard, jr., and Ruth Fletcher, Jan. 16, 1755.* Willis, and Mehetabel Pool of Hollis, int. Sept. 4, 1779. HAMBLIN (see also Hamlin), Isaac, and Mary Walcut of Bolton, int. Aug. 14, 1802. HAMLIN (see also Hamblin), Asia, and Hannah Moulton of Littleton, int. Oct. 10, 1845. Eleazer [Capt. int.], of Harvard, and Mrs. Hannath Fletcher [wid. int.], June 3, 1789.* Maria, of Lowell, a. 28 y., b. Waterford, Me., d. America and Huldah, and Samuel Wiley, a. 29 y., farmer [b. Jay, Me. in pencil.], s. Robert and Hannah, July 30, 1848.* Nathan S., and Harriet Fletcher, Nov. — , 1829.* 4 Sarah Dix, and Ira G. Richardson, Sept. 16, 1841.* Susan, and Pelatiah Fletcher, May — , 1830. c. r. 1.* HAMMOND, Nathaniel, and Abigail Chamberlin, both of Littleton, Mar. 8, 1732. HANDLY, Amos, of Acton, and Hannah Daughty, int. Apr. 23, 1837. HANNAFORD, Martha W., of Lowell, and John B. Palmer, int. June 21, 1847. HAPGOOD, Mary, Mrs. [Hapwood. int.], of Acton, and Dea. Andrew Fletcher, Dec. 16, 1819.* HARDING, Thomas [J. int.], of Brighton, and Sylvia Leland, Dec. 2, 1824.* • •Intention also recorded. 178 WESTFORD MARRIAGES HARDY, Amos, and Lydia Stratton, int. Aug. 6, 1768. Hannah, and Jacob Gibson of Stow, at Stow, Oct. 7, 1789.* Jameson, of Lowell, and Harriet Hildreth, int. May 24, 1841. Martha, and Jacob Bixby, Oct. 14, 1773.* Sarah, and Ephraim Haild, int. Apr. 6, 1776. HARRIMAN, Irena, late of Westford, and Jonathan Keyes, int. June 16, 1841. HARRINGTON, Joseph, of Concord, and Mary Snow, May 3, 1821.* HARRIS, Sarah [resident in Westford. int.], and John Hill of Acton, at Concord, Jan. 7, 1770.* HARTWELL, Elizabeth B., of Littleton, and Peter C. Ed- wards, int. Apr. 15, 1837. Ellen, a. 18 y., b. Acton, d. Timothy and Elenor, and Joseph B. Hildreth of Acton, a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. Joseph and ' Permelia, Mar. 22, 1849. Martha, of Littleton, and D. Augustus Kimball of Burlington, Vt., June 26, 1838. Nathan, of Littleton, and Mrs. Almira Foster, June 9, 1842.* Sarah, and Daniel Fletcher of Acton, at Acton, Nov. 12, 1741.* Sarah E., of Littleton, and Leonard C. Sanburn of Chelmsford, Oct. 5, 1837. P. R. 2. Thomas, of Littleton, and Caroline Reed, at Littleton, Sept. 28, 1799. [Dec. 22. int.]* William, and Abigal Stratton of Concord, int. Nov. 21, 1761. HARWOOD, Elisabeth, and Jonas Prescott, int. Mar. 7, 1730- 31. Ephraim, and Lydia Parker of Carlisle, int. Feb. 24, 1816. Ephraim A., and Louisa Cook of Meredith Village, N. H., int. Nov. 8, 1845. Jonathan, of Chelmsford, and Mary Comings, int. Mar. 8, 1776. Joseph [Josiah. dup.], of Boston, and Patty Gilbert, Jan. 15, 1801.* Joseph Gilbert, and Mary Fletcher, int. Aug. 9, 1828. Lydia Maria, and Rev. Socrates Smith of New York City, June 26, 1845. P. R. 2.* Mary, wid., and [Capt. int.] Preserved Leonard of West Springfield, Apr. 6, 1788.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 79 HASKELL, George, Dr., o£ Cambridge, and Eunice P. Ed- wards, June 13, 1827.* Joseph, of Lowell, and Mary Prescott, Dec. 7, 1826.* HASTIN (see also Hastings), Mary, of Dunstable, and Isaac Patch of Groton, May 26, 1748. HASTINGS (see also Hastin), Nancy, of Waltham, and Levi Robbins, int. Apr. 25, 1817. Samuel, and Arville Patch, int. Oct. 6, 1798. Thomas, 3d, of Watertown [New town, int.], and Bridget Richardson, July 3, 1796.* Zadok P., and Hannah Duttin of Chelmsford, int. Mdr. .4, 1829. HAUSTON, Grant, of Tyngsborough, and Patty Fletcher, at Tyngsborough, June 6, 1796.* HA WARD (see also Hay ward), Sarah, of Chelmsford, and Ephraim' Chamberlin, int. Oct. 10, 1801. HAWLEY, Nathan, of New Milford, Ct., and Sarah Kent, May 1, 1765.* HA WOOD (see also Hayward), Josiah [Howard, int.; Hey- wood. CT. R.], and Rebecca Read of Littleton, Mar. 23, 1786.* HAYDEN (see also Heyden), Daniel, of Groton, a. 32 y., farmer, b. Groton, s. Luther and Betsy, and Calista Hil- dreth, 2d m., a. 33 y., d. Levi and Lucy Baxter, July 22, 1847.* HAYNES, Joseph, jr., of Townsend, and Lucy Osgood, Feb. 8, 1814.* HAYWARD (see also Haward, Hawood, Haywood, Heywood), Josiah, and Abigail Fisk of Waltham, int. Nov. 13, 1823. Olive, and Prescott Barrett of Concord, Jan. IS, 1818.* HAYWOOD (see also Hayward), Alice [Howard, int.], of Dunstable, and David Bixby, at Dunstable, Feb. 10, 1773.* •Intention also recorded. l8o WESTFORD MARRIAGES Haywood. Amos, and Lydia Buck, Oct. 16, 1817.* Betcy, of Chelmsford, and John Wright, int. Aug. 22, 1819. Beulah [Mrs. c. r. 1.], of Concord, and Pelatiah Fletcher, jr., June 28, 1803. [June 23. c. R. 1.]* Beulah, and Samuel Fletcher, jr., Apr. 13, 1815.* Elizabeth fHowwood. int.], and Samuel Brown, jr. of Maiden, Apr. 23, 181S.* Levi, and Martha Keyes, Apr. 13, 1815.* Mary, and Zacheus Read, jr., Nov. 28, 1822.* HEALD (see also Haild, Hald, Heild), Dorothy, and Joseph Wright, May 23, 1757.* Eleazer, and Elizabeth Lawrence of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Aug. 7, 1783.* Eliazer, of Concord, and Elisabeth Barrit, int. Jan. 11, 1745-6. Elisabeth, and Benjamin Robbins of Littleton, Jan. 23, 1783.* Elizabeth R., and Otis H. Penniman of Carlisle, at Carlisle, Oct. 26, 1843.* Ephraiin, jr., and Lydia Patch of Groton, int. Apr. 22, 1808. Esther, and David Dutton, Nov. 19, 1761.* Eunice, and Jacob Bigsby, Apr. 6, 1749.* Gershom,"and Hannah Blood, Oct. 31, 1750.* . Isaac, and Ruth Read, Mar. 4, 1813.* Jonas, and Sally Parker, Mar. 31, 1823.* '' Joseph, of Carlisle, and Mary Proctor, int. Mar. 16, 1804. I^ydia, of Acton, and Jacob Robbins, int. Nov. 25, 1749. Moria Adeline, and John Edwards of Acton, Dec. 5, 1826.* Phebe, and Benjamin Twist of Chelmsford, Apr. 17, 1792.* Sarah, Mrs., and John Mclain [McCoin. t. c], both of Con- cord, Jan. 3, 1744. Sarah, and Benjamin Easterbrook [resident in Westford. int.], Nov. 28, 1769.* Susanna, and Jonathan Johnson, Nov. 6, 1792.* Thomas, and Elizabeth Boynton [wid. int.] of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Aug. 15, 1759.* Thomas, of Carlisle, and Abi Hildreth, at Carlisle, Sept. 11, 1791.* Thomas, and Rebekah Smith, Apr. 7, 1808.* HEILD (see also Heald), Josiah, of Concord, and Triphene Core, int. Sept. 16, 1773. . Oliver, and Esther Fletcher, Dec. 26, 1786.* HEMENWAY, Daniel W., of Concord, and Sophia Adams, Dec. 3, 1835.* ^Intention also recorded. . WESTFORD MARRIAGES l8l HERRICK (see also Herrik), Bethiah, and Benjamin Fletcher, June 29, 1742.* Henery, 2d, of Beverly, and Elizabeth Prescott, Mar. 6, 1808. [Mar. 2. dup.]* Henery P. [jr. p. r. 2.], and Betsey Hildreth, Dec. 29, 1831.* Joseph, and Lois Cutler, both of Townsend, Nov. 11, 1742. Luce, and Benj[amin] Horsley, Dec. 17, 1744.* Mary, and Ezra Jewett of Littleton, at Littleton, Mar. 4, 1734-S.* Molly, and Thomas Smith, Mar. 3, 1772.* HERRIK (see also Herrick), Bethyah, and Leonard Read, int. Nov. 25, 1769. HERSEY, Laban, jr., of Hingham, and [Mrs. int.] Martha C. Davis, June 3, 1812.* Theophilus C, of Portland, Me., and Abigail D. Fletcher, Sept. 24, 1840.* HEWIT, Charles, and Caroline Smith of Duxbiiry, int. Aug. 22, 1833. HEYDEN (see also Hayden), Almira, and William S. Comey, int. Mar. IS, 1845. Parazina, a. 23 y., b. Groton, d. Luther and Betsy, and Sam- uel Prescott, a. 23 y., forgeman, s. Ebenezer and Sally, Apr. 3, 1845.* HEYWOOD (see also Hayward), Benjamin, of Jailrey, N. H., and Mrs. Betsey Wright, Dec. 7, 1843.* Eliel, and Mary Read, May 17, 1832.* Levi, and Mrs. Lucy Pike of Tyngsborough, int. Nov. 8, 1842. Lydia, of Concord, and Josiah Brooks, Jan. 12, 1753.* Mary E., d. Levi and Martha, and Ira G. Richardson, 2d m., currier, [b. Templeton. in pencil], Nov. 24, 1844.* Nancy L., and Charles B. Richmond of Lowell, May 26, 1840.* Silas N., of Springfield, a. 28 y., farmer [and gardner. c. r. 1.], b. Boylston, s. Silas, and Mary E[lizabeth. c. r. 1.] Reed, a. 21 y., d. Zacheus and Mary, jr., Jan. 28, 1844.* Trueworthy, and Catherine Richardson, Apr. 4, 1844.* HILDRETH (see also Hildrith), Abel, and Ruth Hildreth, int. Nov. 24, 1802. Abi, and Thomas Heald of Carlisle, at Carlisle, Sept. 11, 1791.* 'Intention also recorded. 1 82 WESTFORD MARRIAGES HiLDRETH, Abigail, and John Russell, jr. of Littleton, July 18, 1749.* Abigail, and Abel Fletcher, June 23, 1768.* Abigail [of Chelmsford, int.], and Zacheus Wright [jr. int.], at Chelmsford, Feb. —, 1799.* Abigail, 2d, Mrs., and Dea. Andrew Fletcher, Dec. 13, 1838.* Abigail H., of Townsend, and Augustus S. Hildreth, int. Apr. 13, 1843. Abigal, and Zachariah Robins, jr., Apr. 14, 1785.* Abijah, of Townsend, and Joanna Keyes, int. June 3, 1779. Abijah, and Susannah Hildreth, Apr. 19, 1809.* Amiziah, and Ruth Read, int. May 30, 1761. . Amiziah, and Peggy Marstins [resident in Westford. int.]. Mar. 2, 1796.* Amos, and Priscilla Hildreth, May 21, 1765.* Amos, 2d, and Martha Parker, Feb. 6, 1834.* Augustus S., and Abigail H. Hildreth of Townsend, int. Apr. 13, 1843. Benj[amin], and Lydia Fasset, Jan. 20, 1731-2.* Benjamin, and Eunice Willis, both now resident in Westford, int. Nov. 24, 1753. Benjamin, and Polly Kemp, Sept. 6, 1790.* Betsey, and Lt. Abijah Tarbell, Nov. 6, 1803.* Betsey, and Henery P. Herrick [jr. p. r. 2.], Dec. 29, 1831.* Betty, and Stephen Fletcher, Nov. 28, 1796.* Bridget, d. William, and Nathaniel Hildreth of Cavendish, Vt., , 1796.* Calista, 2d m., a. 33 y., d. Levi and Lucy Baxter, and Daniel Hayden.of Groton, a. 32 y., farmer, b. Groton, s. Luther and Betsy, July 22, 1847.* Charles, and Mehitable Trast [Trask. int.] of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1819.* Clarisa, and Ebenezer Brackett of Peterborough [N. H. int.], Nov. 16, 1817.* Dolly, and Jacob Robbins, jr., Jan. 16, 1783.* Dorcas, and Abner Kent, jr., Nov. 29, 1764.* Dorcos, of Chelmsford, and Simeon Wright, Oct. 31, 1738.* Dorothy, and Peletiah Fletcher, Jan. 13, 1757.* Elijah, and Molly Read, int. Jan. 13, 1776. Elisabeth, and Thomas Comings, 3d", int. Jan. 16, 1779. Elisabeth, and Sam[ueill Richardson, May 27, 1784. [May 20. CT. R.]* Eliza A., a. 17 y., and George S. Frederick, a. 30 y., int. Nov. 11, 1849. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 83 HiLDRETH^ Eliza D., and Edward Richardson, int. Jan. 28, 1837. Elizabeth, and William Hunt of Concord, at Concord, Apr. 3, 1743. [Jan. 25, 1745-6. int.]* Elizabeth, and Amos Byam of Chelmsford, Feb. 9, 1832.* Emerline E., a. 20 y., d. Sylvester and Mary, and Horace K. Brown of Groton, a. 24 y., farmer, b. Groton, s. Joseph and Sybil, Nov. 23, 1848.* Emily, and Elisha Shaw of Chelmsford, June 2, 1840.* Ephraim [jr. int.], and Priscilla Barron, Nov. 30, 1741,.* Ephraim, 3d, and Elisabeth French of HoUis, N. H., int. Aug. 25, 1753. Esther, and Thomas Brown, jr. of Billerica, at Littleton, May 7, 1791.* Everline, 2d m., a. 43 y., d, Jonas and Betsy Reed, and Cyrus Fletcher, 2d m., a. 46 y., carpenter, s. Willard and Abi- gail, Aug. 7, 1849.* Experience, wid., and Eben[ezer] Parker,. Nov. 18, 1777.* Ezekiel, and Luce Robbins of Chelmsford, int. Apr. 11, 1774. Farmy, and Addison Parker, Mar. 4, 1819.* George B., and Nancy Childs of Cambridge, int. Sept. 8, 1838. Hannah, and Diliverance Davies of Acton, int. Sept. 9, 1749. Hannah, and Jonathan Keep, July 26, 1769.* Hannah, and Timothy Hildreth, int. Mar. 15, 1777. Hannah, and Reuben Laighton, at Littleton, Nov. 20, 1788.* Hannah, of Sterling, and James Pollard Patten, int. May 5, 1816. Hannah W., and Greenleaf Gennis Chesley of Canterbury, N. H., resident in Westford, Apr. 7, 1818.* Harriet, and Jaifteson Hardy of Lowell, int. May 24, 1841. Harriet S[usanah. dup.], and George E. Burt, Sept. 20, 1838.* Harriot, and Israel [Isaac, c. r. 1.] Litchfield, both of Lowell, Sept. 9, 1832. Henry A., a. 23 y., farmer, s. Abijah and Susun, and Martha T. Davis, a. 23 y., d. John and Lois, Apr. .30, 1846.* Hezekiah, and Esther Parlin, Jan. 29, 1784.* Horace, and Evelina Reed of Lowell, int. Oct. 7, 1830. Hosea, and Experience Keep, June 22, 1769.* Isabella, and Amos Day, Nov. 3, 1839.* Isai[a]h, and Lydia Ledghton, Mar. 17, 1789.* James, of Townsend, and Esther Fletcher, at Townsend, May 20, 1772,* James, and Sarah R. Tenney, Jan. 3, 1841.* Jeremiah, and Abigail Parker, Mar. 6, 1788.* 'Intention also recoided. 184 WESTFORD MARRIAGES HiLDRETH, Jesse, and Olive Fletcher, Mar. 24, 1801. [Mar. 27. P. R. 5.] Jesse, jr., and Lucretia Ingals of Tyngsborough, int. Nov. 6, 1830. Joaiin, and John B. Fletcher, Dec. 6, 1827.* John, and Abigail Parker, July 27, 1762.* John, and Betty Gate?, Dec. 24, 1772.* John, and Ruth Bicknell [wid. int.] of Shirley, at Shirley, Apr. 21, 1789.* John, Lt., and Elisibeth Laighton, int. May IS, 1793. Jonas, and Dilly Johnson, May 10, 1794.* Jonathaia, and Eunice Warren, int. Aug. 14, 1779. Joseph [jr. int.], and Abigail Hill of Billerica, Feb. 22, 1743-4.* Joseph, 3d, and Lydia Fletcher, Apr. 7, 1747.* Joseph, and Parmela Read, Nov. 10, 1822.* Joseph, 2d, and Mary Fletcher, int. June 24, 1830. Joseph, 2d, and Mary Ann Hall of Lowell, int. Nov. 5, 1836. Joseph, 2d, and Sarah Brown, Nov. 23, 1838.* Joseph B., of Acton, a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. Joseph and Perme- lia, and Ellen Hartwell, a. 18 y., b. Acton, d. Timothy and Elenor, Mar. 22, 1849. Lemuel, and Molley Dutton, int. June 20, 1802. Levi, and Rebecca Hildreth, int. June 19, 1800. Levi, and Adeline M. Conant of Groton, int. Sept. 17, 1831. Lois, and Joshua Snow [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, May 28, 1761.* Louis H., and Catharine E. Raymond of Maiden, int. Feb. 14, 1840. Lowiza, and Jeremiah B. Reed, Sept. 14, 1823.* Lucy, and Aaron Parker, jr., int. July 9, 1763. Lucy, and William Whiting, Dec. 17, 1786.* Lucy, and Abraham Knowlton of East Sudbury, now resident in Westford, Feb. 28, 1824.* Lucy, and Robert Worden, both of Lowell, Jan. — , 1836. p. R. 2. " Luther, and Calista Baxter of Littleton, int. Apr. 18, 1840. Lydia, and David Procter of Acton, int. Apr. IS, 17S7. Lydia, and David Parker, Oct. 8, 1789.* Martha Ann, and John H. Spalter of Groton, July IS, 1841.* Mary, and Samuel Lawrence of Littleton, at Littleton, Mav S, 1737.* Mary, and Ephraim Comings, Oct. 12, 1742.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 85 HiLDRKTHj Mary, and Samuel Squire [resident in Westford. int.], Apr. 10, 1764.* Mary, wid., and Capt. Eleazer Cummings of New Ipswich, June 6, 1803.* Mary, of Townsend, and Sylvester Hildreth, int. May 1, 1821. Mary, and Lyman Gilbert of Boston, Oct. S, 1828.* Mary A. P., and Harvey F. Blodgett of Robbinston, Me., int. Sept. 25, 1845. Mary Ann, a. 34 y., d. Jeremiah and Abigail, and Isaac Minott, a. 48 y., farmer, s. Jesse, Aug. 30, 1844.* Mehitable, and Seth Hildreth, int. Apr. — , 1797. Mehitable [Mrs. c. r. 1.], and Joseph Adams of Littleton, Nov. 3, 1805.* Mehitable, Mrs., and Foster Woodward of Lyndeborough, N. H., int. May 6, 1838. Moriah, and Abram Wright, Oct. 7, 1824.* Nancy, and Jacob Upham of Lowell, Oct. 8, 1833.* Nancy B., and Nathaniel S. Gilson of Groton, Aug. 19, 1821.* Nancy S., and Joel Glover, Nov. 6, 1828.* Nathaniel, of Cavendish, Vt., and Bridget Hildreth, d. Wil- liam, , 1796.* Nathaniel, Lt., and Mary Peirce, Jan. 1, 1807.* Olive, and Eleazer Parlin of Concord, June 10, 1783.* Olive, and Benjamin Green, Nov. 24, 1793.* Olive A[ugusta. p.r. 2.], a. 22 y., d. Sylvester and Mary, and James M. Barry, a. 26 y., wheelwright, s. David and Sarah W., Oct. 9, 1845.* Oliver, and Ann Blasdale, Oct. 26, 1744.* ' Oliver, and Mary Wright, Apr. 22, 1773.* Oliver, jr., and Betsey Lamard, Jan. 4, 1801.* Peter, jr., and Bridget Comings, int. July 24, 1797. Phebe, and Phillip Procter, Feb. 10, 1746-7.* Polly, and David Davis of Acton, at Carlisle, July 4, 1793.* Polly, and Abel Brown, Dec. 24, 1794. [1795. c. R. 1.]* Polly, and Aaron Maynard of Concord, Oct. 30, 1797.* Priscilla, and Amos Hildreth, May 21, 1765.* Rebecca, and James Dutton, June 28, 1750.* Rebecca, and Levi Hildreth, int. June 19, 1800. Rebeckah, and Silas Johnson of Dunstable, Dec. 2, 1788.* Rhoda, and Levi Wright, Apr. 22^ 1794. Richard, of Chelmsford, and Hanah Wright, int. May 15 1736. Ruth, and Abel Hildreth, int. Nov. 24, 1802. •Intention also recorded. 1 86 WESTFORD MARRIAGES HiLDRETH^ Ruth, and Benjamin Sleeper of Francistown, N. H., int. June 8, 1822. [Mar. 19, 1823. dup.] Sally, and Joash Minot, Mar. 31, 1794.* Samuel, and Sarah Proctor [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelms- ford, Mar. 14, 17S3.* Sarah, and Amos Russel of Harvard, June 25, 1747.* Sarah, wid., and Thomas Fletcher, int. Jan. IS, 1763. Sarah, and Daniel Goodhue, Apr. 7, 1774.* Seth, and Mehitable Hildreth, int. Apr. — , 1797. Sibbel, and Thomas Wood of Littleton, int. Aug. 28, 1733. [1773?] Sibbel, and Phineas Chamberlin of Chelmsford, int. July 4, 1776. Simeon, and Hannah Spaulding, Feb. 8, 1758.* Simeon, and Ruth Bicknall, May 13, 1798.* Simion, jr., and Harriot Prescott, Jan. 31, 1823.* Sophia, and George W. Wocester, Apr. 19, 1827.* Stephen, and Esther Manning of Townsend, at Townsend, Apr. 3, 1764.* Stow, of Townsend, and Mary Richardson, int. Jan. 4, 1832. Susanna, and Simeon Kemp, Nov. 19, 1785. [Nov. 11. ex. r.]* Susannah, and Abijah Hildreth, Apr. 19, 1809.* Sylvester, and Mary Hildreth of Townsend, int. May 1, 1821. Thankfuil, and James Hall of Cavendish [Vt. int.], Jan. 20, 1784.* Timothy, and Hannah Hildreth, int. Mar. IS, 1777. William, and Dorothy Parker, int. Apr. 16, 1763. Zachariah [jr. int.], and Elizabeth Keyes, at Townsend, Sept. 1, 1777.* Zechariah, and Elizabeth Prescott, Apr. 12, 1753.* HILDRITH (see also Hildreth), Ann, and Nathan Crosby, both residents in Westford, int. Dec. 19, 1829. HILL, Abigail, of Billerica, and Joseph Hildreth [jr. int.], Feb. 22, 1743-4.* Ebnenezer, Rev., of Mason, and Molly Boynton, int. Oct. 24, 1790. Hannah W., of Lowell, and George N. Trowbridge, int. Sept. 16, 1843. John, of Acton, and Sarah Harris [resident in Westford. int.]. Jan. 7, 1770.* Jona[than] S., and Nancy Abbot, Aug. 29, 1833.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 87 HILTEN (see also Hilton), Samuel, jr., of Lunenburg, and Nancey Braybrooks, int. Feb. 23, 1801. HILTON (see also Hilten), Mary, of Lunenburg, and Thomas Spaulding, jr., int. Oct. 31, 1818. Nancy, of Lunenburg, and Stephen N. Nichols, int. Oct. 10, 1824. Rebecca, of Lunenburg, and Stephen Nichols, at Lunenburg, May 31, 1798.* HINCKLEY (see also Hinkley, Hinkly), John, and Eunis Warren of Littleton, int. Aug. 22, 1800. HINKLEY (see also Hinckley), Lucy, and Isaac Prescot, int. May 5, 1796. Sophia, and John D[ay'. int.] Howard [Haywood, int.] of Boston, Oct. 19, 1807. [Oct. 18. c. R. 1.]* HINKLY (see also Hinckley), Stephen, of Gorham, Me., and Sophronia Shed, int. Oct. 3, 1829. HOAR, Benjamin, of New Ipswich, and Anna Brooks, May 28, 17S0.* HOLDEN, Jonas, and Sarah Read, int. Nov. 18, 177S. HOLMES (see also Holms), Barney, and Jane Cooper, int. Sept. 10, 1842. , Elijah, and Mrs. Mary Green, both of Windham, N. H., Mar. 2, 1844. HOLMS (see also Holmes), Calvin, and Dolly Fletcher, int. June 5, 1828. HOLT, Tho[ma]s, and Polly Bevens, both of Wilmington, Jan. 26, 1785. HOOKER, Joseph, jr., and Ruth Powers, Apr. 7, 1756.* HORN, Harriet, and Samuel Farwell [jr. int.], Oct. 8, 1839.* Mary, of Lowell, and Benjamin O. Farwell, Dec. 22, 1842.* HORSLEY (see also Hoslev), Benj[amin], and Luce Herrick, Dec. 17, 1744.* 'Intention also recorded. 1 88 WESTFORD MARRIAGES HOSLEY (see also Horsley, Hosly), Samuel, of Pepperell, and Mary Reed, Apr. 4, 1815 * Samuel W., a. 26 y., and Mary Anne Laws, a. 18 y., at Wal- tham, Apr. 21, 1844.* HOSLY (see also Hosley), Samuel, of Billerica, and Elisabath Keeys, int. Nov. 22, 1740. HOSMER, Mira, of Concord, and Joel Wright, jr., int. May 25, 1821. HOUGHTON, Nason S., of Bolton, and Elizabeth N. Cow- dry, int. Nov. 29, 1849. HOUSTON, see Hauston. HOW, Betsey, of Hollis, and Henery Butterfield, int. Apr. 8, 1805. Isaac, of New Ipswich, and Sibel Proctor, Dec. 17, 1760.* Ivory H., of Methuen, a. 38 y., stone-mason, s. Benjamin and Vasta, and Betsy W. Read, a. 27 y., d. Joseph and Abigail, Oct. 8, 1846.* HOWARD, Calvin, of Chelmsford, and Betsy Fletcher, Apr. 20,-1826.* Calvin, and Mrs. Sarah Richardson of Tjmgsborough, int. Nov. S, 1842. John D[ay Haywood, int.], of Boston, and Sophia Hinkley, Oct. 19, 1807. [Oct. 18. c. R. 1.]* Olive, of Chelmsford, and Thomas Read, jr., int. Feb. 21, 1746-7. Silas, and Sibel Read, Jan. 6, 1775.* Susanna, and Asa Bixby, int. Apr. 17, 1756. Timothy, and Estha Taylor, at Groton, Dec. 10, 1755. Timothy, and Sarah Spaulding, both of Chelmsford, July IS, 1788. HOYT, Samuel, and Hannah Cilley, Oct. 6, 1833.* HUBBARD (see also Hubbart, Huboard, Huburd), David, and Sarah Parker, both of Groton, Mar. 12, 1744. HUBBART (see also Hubbard), Gershom, of Groton [resident in Westford. int.], and Phebe Patch, July 11, 1769.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 89 HUBOARD (see also Hubbard), Gershom, and Mary Towns- hend, both of Groton, Jan. 11, 1743. HUBURD (see also Hubbard), Deborah, and Robert Parker, both of Groton, Aug. 13, 1745. HUCHINS (see also Hutchins), Benjamin, of Putney, N. Y., and Sarah Richardson, int. Dec. 20, 1776. HUNT, Betsey, and Benjamin A. Read, Jan. 29, 1835.* John, of Concord, and Martha Perry, Feb. 2, 1815.* Mary, and Asa Brown of New Ipswich, int. Oct. 13, 1783. Mary, and Andrew Kelly of Concord, Mar. 23, 1815.* Paul, and Bitty Parkhuerst, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 19, 1789. Rebecca, and Samuel Parker, jr. of Groton, at Groton, Dec. 27, 1768.* Ruth, and Nathan Wheeler of Carlisle, at Concord, Nov. 16, 1785. [at Carlisle, Nov. 17. dup.]* Sally, and John Allen, residing in Danvers, Sept. 17, 1821.* Sarah, and Josiah Johnson, Mar. 7, 1750.* Simon [jr. ct. r.], of Acton, and Lydia Procter [wid. int.], June 16, 1785.* Warren, and Clarissa Willson, Nov. 26, 1840.* William, of Concord, and Elizabeth Hildreth, at Concord, Apr. 3, 1743. [Jan. 25, 1745-6. int.]* HUNTER, Joel, of Chelmsford, and Lucy Read [Kent, int.], Aug. 10, 1809.* HURTER, William, of Mobile, Ala., and Sophia H. Kimball of Littleton, July 30, 1840. p. r. 2. HUTCHINGS (see also Hutchins), Mary, and Solomon Flagg of Littleton, int. Sept. 13, 1827. HUTCHINS (see also Huchins, Hutchings), Catharine, 2d m., a. 37 y., b. Dunstable, d. Leonard and Mary Butterfield, and Robert J. Taylor, a. 28 y., farmer, b. Ryegate, Vt., s. Archibald and Jennet, Feb. 12, 1846.* Eliakim, of Carlisle, and Mary Prescott, Feb. 22, 1793.* Eliakim, and Sibel Robbins of Carlisle, int. Sept. 27, 1817. Eliakim [jr., and Eunice Whitney of Stow, int.], Dec. 16, 1828. p. R. 6.* 'Intention also recorded. I go WESTFORD MARRIAGES HuTCHiNs, Hannah M., of Chelmsford, and George B. Dupee, at Chelmsford, Nov. 30, 1843* John, and Lois Deadman of Littleton, int. Sept. 3, 1825. Lucy, and Mial Davis of Dunstable, May 28, 1822.* Nancy, and Capt. Nathaniel Switsir [Sweetsar. int.], Nov. 17, 1817.* Rebeca, and Andrew Fletcher, jr., Nov. 28, 1816.* Thomas, of Carlisle, and Esther Prescott, June 18, 1792. [Nov. 29. c. R. 1.]* Thomas, and Abigail Prescott, int. Aug. 11, 1818. Thomas, 3d, and Hannah Dadman, Apr. 12, 1832.* Thomas, jr., and Sarah Dadman, at Chelmsford, Oct. 22, 1840.* HUTTSON, Charles A., and Asenath Bailey, both now resident in Westford, int. Nov. 28, 1840. INGALLS (see also Ingals, Ingoles), Eliza, of Tyngsborough, and Martin Wright, int. Sept. 3, 1835. John, and Eliza T. Spaulding of Tyngsborough, int. Nov. 10, 1837. INGALS (see also Ingalls), Joel, of Tyngsborough, and Laura Ann Wright, int. Nov. 1, 1840. Lucretia, of Tyngsborough, and Jesse Hildreth, jr., int. Nov, 6, 1830. INGOLES (see also Ingalls), Eleazer, of Dunstable, N. H., and Amy Persons, June 15, 1806.* JACKSON, Patty, and Peleg Gardner, int. Oct. 23, 1796. JAQUETH, Rebecca, of Dunstable, and Phinehas Spaulding, Nov. 18, 1779.* JARVIS, Leonard, Capt., of Cambridge, and Mary Cogswell, Sept. 4, 1808.* JEFS, Nathaniel, of Acton, and Esther Foster, Feb. 27, 1740.* JENKINS, Joseph, of Wilmington, and Sarah Barron, int. Oct. 28, 1749. I,evina, and Abraham L. Stevens of Boston, June 7, 1807.* Obadiah, of Wilmington, and Lydia Bigsby, Dec. 21, 1738.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES I9I JEWEL (see also Jewell), Benoni, of Nottingham, and Deb- roah Fletcher, Nov. 15, 1744.* JEWELL (see also Jewel), John, of Chelmsford, and Margret Parref, int. Oct. 20, 1764. JEWET (see also Jewett), Ahimoaz, and [Elize Scott, ■. in pencil.] [after 1814?] Joseph, and Hannah Spaulding, Nov. 12, 1795.* William, of Littleton, and wid. Esther Wright, Dec. 30, 1771.* JEWETT (see also Jewet), Ezra, of Littleton, and Mary Her- rick, at Littleton, Mar. 4, 1734-5.* Ezra, of Littleton, and Lucy Spaulding, Jan. 14, 1768.* Ezra, of Littleton, and Rebecca Button [wid. int.], at Little- ton, May 11, 1780.* John, and Elisabeth Comings, Apr. 30, 1787.* Joseph, of Littleton, and Rebeckah Abbot, at Lexington, Nov. 3, 1763.* Joseph, and Esther Symons, Dec. 20, 1785.* Joshua A., jr., and Hannah Cobleigh of Littleton, int. Nov. 20, 1834. Joshua Abbot, and Sally Spaulding, July 22, 1797.* Joshua Abbott, and Rebecca Robbinson, May IS, 1800. Patty [Jewell. CT. R.], and Tho[ma]s Fletcher, jr., Feb. 7, 1786.* Phebe L., and Franklin S. Coburn of Dracut [both of Dracut. c. R. 1.], May 19, 1844. JOHNSON, Ann [Anas, int.], of Harvard, and Benjamin Rob- bins, July 12, 1733.* Asa, and Sally Perry, both of Concord, Nov. 19, 1798. Catherine P., and Silas H. P. Cowdry of Chelmsford, Dec. 30, 1832.* David, of Boston, and [Mrs. int.] Submit Taylor, Feb. 18, 1812.* Dilly, and Jonas Hildreth, May 10, 1794.* George R., and Sybil Nicholes, both of Waltham, , 1829. [May 3. p. R. 2.] Hannah, and Joseph Brabrook, Apr. 12, 1781.* Jonathan, of Hollis, and Sarah Bates, July 4, 1754.* Jonathan, jr., and Esther Wright, June 22, 1783.* Jonathan, and Hannah Dutton, int. June 16, 1792. Jonathan, and Susanna Heald, Nov. 6, 1792.* *Intention also recorded. 192 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Johnson, Josiah, and Sarah Hunt, Mar. 7, 1750.* Mary, and Samuel French of Dunstable, at Groton, May 7, 1778.* Silas, of Dunstable, and Rebeckah Hildreth, Dec. 2, 1788.* JONES, Abel P., and Mary Cory, Mar. 9, 1817.* Abigal, of Dracut, and Martin Wright, int. Apr. 10, 1830. Betsy, and Samuel Peabody of Lunenburg, May 27, 1819.* Charlottee, and Ebenezer Prescott, Apr. 18, 1813.* Eliza S., and Phineas B. Trowbridge [now resident in West- ford, int.], June 4, 1840.* George W[ade. int.; Wash. c. R. l.J, of Vershire, Vt., and Sophia Fletcher, Jan. 19, 1825.*, Hannah, Mrs., of Acton, and Frances Leighton, int. Oct. 30, 1802. Jonathan, jr., of Dracut, and Bettyah Fletcher, int. Dec. 30, 1778. Jonathan, and Abigail Wright, May 31, 1785.* Lucinda C, Mrs., and Abel Cory, Mar. 8, 1830.* Lucy, of Concord, and Samuel Fletcher, jr., int. June 26, 1777. Lucy, of Ashburnham, and Joshua Fletcher, int. Mar. 4, 1815. Willard [Hibbard. int.], of Vershire, Vt., and Lucy Fletcher, Jan. 23, 1820.* KEELE, Elisabeth, and Jeremiah Robbins, int. Dec. 2, 1780. KEEP (see also Keepe), Eunice, and Zechariah Fletcher, int. Aug. 22, 1761. Experience, and Hosea Hildreth, June 22^ 1769.* Hannah, and Is[a]iah Hall of Groton, May 12, 1788.* Jabez, and Experience Lawrence of Littleton, at Littleton [Apr. in pencil.] 3, 1740.* Jabez, jr., and Phebe Crosby, July 7, 1757.* Jonathan, and Hannah Hildreth, July 26, 1769.* Leonard, and Ruth Stone, Oct. 7, 1765.* Mary, of Harvard, and Leonard Proctor, at Harvard, Dec. 23, 1769. Ruth, and Benjamin Green of Groton, int. June 21, 1765. Sarah, and Preserved Leonard of Springfield, May 22, 1751.* KEEPE (see also Keep), John, of Fitchburg, and Lucy Fletch- er, Sept. 14, 1800.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 193 KEEYS (see also Keyes), Elisabath, and Samuel Hosly of Billerica, int. Nov. 22, 1740. KELLOGG, Jacob P[ool. int.], of Shelburne, and Lucy Wright, Oct. 18, 1820.* KELLY, Andrew, of Concord, and Mary Hunt, Mar. 23, 181S.*' KEMP (see also Kempt), Alfred, and Mary Ann Cowdry, Jan. 27, 1831.* Ebenezer, and Marah Broadstreet, both of Groton, Oct. 31, 1749. Hannah, and Joseph Wright, int. Nov. 8, 1773. Hartwell, and Susan Shurtlifl of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 9, 1840. James, and Margrate Craft, int. Jan. 8, 1805. Joanna, a:nd Simon Rumrill of New Ipswich, Dec. 6, 1790.* Jonas, and Joanna Corey of Chelmsford, Sept. 12, 1769.* Josiah, and wid. Lydia Robinson, int. Nov. 14, 1772. Lydia, and John Philleps of Cambridge, int. Dec. 15, 1763. Nathaniel, and wid. Mary Russell, Apr. 30, 1759.* Polly, and Benjamin Hildreth, Sept. 6, 1790.* Ruth, of Groton, and John Hadley, jr., at Groton, Jan. 6, 1774.* Simeon, and Susanna Hildreth, Nov. 19, 1785. [Nov. 11. CT. R.]* KEMPT (see also Kenip), Jonas, jr., and Nancy Lorrance, int. Jan. 30, 1804. KENDALL (see also Kindall), Mary, of Dunstable, and John Wright, Mar. 19, 1747.* Sophia E[liza. int.] L[ane. int.], and Aaron White, jr., July 20, 1826.* KENNEDY, Lavina, and William Nicholes of South Reading, Apr. 18, 1813.* KENT, Abigail, and Paul Wright of Stoddard, N. H., July 23, 1793.* Abner, jr., and Dorcas Hildreth, Nov. 29, 1764.* Apphia, and Daniel Gilson of Groton, Nov. 27, 1760.* Elisha, and Fanny Crouch of Littleton, int. June 19, 1800. Elisha, and Mrs. Betsy Patch [wid. int.]. May 19, 1813.* Lucy, see Read Lucy. ' 'Intention also recorded. 194 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Kent^ Sarah, and Nathan Hawley of New Milford, Ct., May 1, 1765.* KEYES (see also Keeys, Keys), Abigail, and James Bloget, int. Feb. 1, 1755. Anna, and John Prescot, jr., Aug. 20, 1801. Betsey, and Thomas Flint of Chelmsford, Sept. 28, 1806.* Betsey, and Nahmn H. Girose, Oct. 28, 1830.* Betty, wid., and Capt. Pelatiah Fletcher, Oct. IS, 1782.* Charlotte, and Samuel Dunn of Chelmsford, Dec. 25, 1823.* Daniel, and Abigail Procter [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelms- ford, Sept. 19, 1754.* David, and Sarah Bradly, both of Tyngsborough, May 15, 1792. Elizabeth, and Zachariah Hildreth [jr. int.], at Townsend, Sept. 1, 1777.* Esther, and Nehemiah Gilson of Dunstable, int. July 8, 1789. Francis Grant, and [Ens. int.] Joseph Fletcher, Apr. 7, 1794.* Hanna, and Uriah Drury Pike of Dunstable, N. H., Sept. 10, 1781.* Imla, and Hannah Fletcher, Sept. 30, 1816.* Isachar, and Mrs. Abigal Carlton [resident in Westford. int.]. May 1, 1817.* Issacher [resident in Westford. int.], and Elisabeth Richard- son, Oct. 22, 1770.* Joanna, and Abijah Hildreth of Townsend, int. June 3, 1779. Joanna, and Timothy Adams of Chelmsford, Sept. 18, 1781.* Joash, and Maryanar Legrose, int. Mar. 7, 1813. Joel, and Polly Boyden, Nov. 27, 1800.* Jonas, and Sally Read, Nov. 6, 1808.* Jonathan, and Elisabeth Fletcher, Jan. 20, 1745-6.* Jonathan, and wid. Betty Read of Littleton [resident in West- ford. int.], July l,'l762.*'- Jonathan, and Patty Woodward, Nov. 25, 1787.* Jonathan, and Irena Harriman, late of Westford, int. June 16, 1841. Joseph, and Ruth Forbush of Acton, at Acton, May 7, 1768.* Joseph, and Sarah Derumple [wid. int.] of Groton, at Groton, Apr. 19, 1786.* Joseph [jr. int.], and Sophia S[trong. int. ] Blake, June 15, 1820.* Lucy, and Jese Fletcher, Aug. 8, 1782.* Lydia [jr. c. R. 1 and int.], and Isaac Patten, Sept. 8, 1782.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 195 Keyks, Lydia, a. 24 y., d. Imla and Hannah, and Thaddeus U. [Uriah T. p. r. 8.] Davis of Tyngsborough, a. 27 y., farm- er, b. Tyngsborough, s. Thaddeus and Rachel, July 4, 1846.* Martha, and Levi Haywood, Apr. 13, 1815.*. Mary, and Simeon [Simon, int.] Blanchard of Boxborough, Oct. 27, 1814.* Milla, and Dea. Sam[ue]ll Fletcher, Dec. 14, 1786.* Nancy, aiid Benjamin G. [F. int.] Tidd of Lancaster, May 3, 1821.* Patty, and Pelletiah Fletcher, jr., Dec. 5, 1785.* Patty [Martha, int.], and Kindal Swallpw of Dunstable, Dec. 26, 1822.* Pricilla, and James Baldwin of Dunstable, Nov. 23, 1798.* Ruth, and Thomas Pike, int. June ll, 1790. Sally, and William Chambers, May 13, 1798.* Sampson, of Wilton, and Betsey [Patty, dup.] Little, Nov. 25, 1802.* Samuel, and Molly Davis of Acton, at Concord, Mar. 21, 1769.* Sarah, and Eleazer Taylor of Townsend, Apr. 11, 1759.* Solomon, jr., of Littleton, and Almira Foster, Nov. 23, 1825.* Sophia M[osely. dup.], and Charles L. Fletcher, Apr. 2, 1844.* Sophia S., Mrs., and Trueworthy Keyes, Apr. 9, 1837.* Trueworthy, and Mrs. Sophia S. Keyes, Apr. 9, 1837.* KEYS (see also Keyes), Hannah, and Benjamin Blanchard of Littleton, at Littleton, Sept. 23, 1740. [Aug. 14, 1747. int.]* James, and Abigal Calton of Chelmsford, Nov. 28, 1799.* KIDDER, Charles P., and Maryan Wright, May 30, 1827.* Charles P., and Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder, at Groton, Apr. 2, 1835,* Charles P., and Clarissa Crosby, int. Sept. 6, 1841. Elizabeth, and Zacheus Green of Concord, June 18, 1765.* Frances, Capt., of Littleton, and Lydia Abbott, int. Dec. 11, 1812. Francis [jr. int.], and Abigail Russell of Littleton, at Little- ton, July 13, 1779.* George, and Lydia Sawtell, Mar. 31, 1831.* Hannah, of Cambridge, and Joshua Parker, int. Mar. 8, 1774. Jacob, and Hannah Davis of Dunstable, Jan. 8, 1797. [1796. c. R. 1.] ^Intention also recorded. 196 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Kidder, James, and Patty Cumings, Aug. S, 1799.* James, and Lucy Pushee of Littleton, Aug. 30, 1827.* Joanna, and Sam[ue]ll Fitch, Apr. 24, 1732.* Joseph, and Rebecca Chamberlin, Feb. 27, 1752.* Mary Ann, Mrs., and Charles P. Kidder, at Groton, Apr. 2, 1835.* Reuben, and Susanna Burg, Mar. 21, 1754.* Thomas [Cornet, int.], and Mary Fletcher, June 21, 1780.* Themes, and Elisebath Wheeler of Littleton, int. July 18, 1741. KILBURN, Lucia [Lucia Ann. int.], and George Farwell, Dec. 29, 1840.* KIMBALL (see also Kimble, Kymball), D. Augustus, of Bur- lington, Vt., and Martha Hartwell of Littleton, June 26, 1838. Mary, and Abel Fletcher, June 16, 1836.* Saraii, of Dracut, and Reuben Parker, at Dracut, Mar. 7, 1771.* Sophia H., of Littleton, and William Hurter of Mobile, Ala., July 30, 1840. p. r. 2. Walter S., and Catharine J. Moulton, now resident in West- ford, int. Oct. 3, 1845. - KIMBLE (see also Kimball), Molly, of Ipswich, and Thomas Beal, int. July 14, 1770. KINDALL (see also Kendall), Elizabeth, of Litchfield, N. H., • and Moses Chandler, Mar. 19, 1762.* KING, Roger, and Polly Tilden of Scituate [both of Westford. int.], at Scituate, Sept. 1, 1799.* Rogers, and Lydia Woods, June 22, 1767.* KITTREDGE, Albert G., and Melvina D. Mead, both of Chelmsford, May 7, 1843. p. r. 2. Solomon, now resident in Westford, and Hannah H. Richard- son of Lowell, int. June 15, 1842. William, and Elizabeth H. Tilton of Brighton, int. Nov. IS, 1846. KLARTER (see also Klatter), Sampson, and Sally Gillman of Mason, int. Sept. 27, 1806. ^Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 197 KLATTERlf(see also Klarter), Jacob, and Joanna Fletcher, Oct. 4, 1784.* KNEELAND, Benjamin, and Eve Cogswell, June 26, 1814.* Caroline C, and Francis Bartlett of New York City, July 20, 1837.* Mary, and Amos Bancroft, M. D. of Groton, Oct. 31, 1841.* Patty [Martha, int.], and Isaiah Leighton, Dec. 4, 1798.* KNOWLTON, Abraham, of East Sudbury, now resident in Westford, and Lucy Hildreth, Feb. 28, 1824.* Benjamin, and Phebe Wright, Sept. 26, 1750.* KYMBALL (see also Kimball), Porter, of Fitchburg, and Mary Davis, Nov. 6, 1809.* LAIGHTON (see also Leighton), Elisibeth, and Lt. John Hil- dreth, int. May IS, 1793. Reuben, and Hannah Hildreth, at Littleton, Nov. 20, 1788.* LAINE, Sarah G., of Salem, and John Daland, 3d, Aug. 3, 1823. LANCY, Mary, and Amos Flint, jr. of Walpole, N. H., Jan. 17, 1808.* LARKIN, Peter, of Boston, and wid. Hannah Cowdry, int. Oct. 28, 1769. LARNARD (see also Leonard), Betsey, and Oliver Hildreth, jr., Jan. 4, 1801.* LARWANCE (see also Lawrence), Lucy, of Ashby, and Aveory Prescott, May 5, 1806.* LAW (see also Laws), Nancy, of Littleton, and Salmon Snow, int. Apr. 23, 1821. Samuel) and Sally Taft of Lowell, int. Mar. 26, 1842. LAWRANCE (see also Lawrence), Amos, Lt. [jr. c. r. 1.], of Fitchburg,' and Sally Fletcher, Mar. 1, 1807.* Charles, and Naomi Stone, int. Feb. 5, 1763. Eleazer, and Sarah Foster [resident in Westford. int.], Feb. 28, 1780.* ^Intention also recorded. 198 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Lawrance, James, 3d, of Pepperell, and Anna Wright, Oct. 29, 1787.* Jonathan [jr. int.], of Ashby, and Lydia Boynton, June 24, 1800.* Louisa W., of Hollis, N. H., and Abijah Fletcher, int. Feb. 12, 1831. Mary, and Samuel Farwell, May 2, 1774.* Nathaniel, "Late of Woborn Now in His Majesties service and Resident Wesford," and Bathsheba Butterfield, int. Sept. 18, 1747. LAWRENCE (see also Larwance, Lawrance, Lorrance), Anna, Mrs., and Jonah Williams, both of Pepperell, Sept. 25, 1816. Elizabeth, of Pepperell, and Eleazer Heald, at Pepperell, Aug. 7, 1783.* Experience, of Littleton, and Jabez Keep, at Littleton [Apr. in pencil.] 3, 1740.* Harriet, of Lowell, and Seth Drake, int. June 20, 1840. Henery L., of Groton, and Martha H. Leighfon, Dec. 20, 1832.* Lemuel, of Chelmsford, and Polly Burges, int. Sept. 22, 1811. Lucy, of Littleton, and Thomas Cimiings [jr. int.], at Little- ton, Feb. 20, l75S.* Lydia, and Asa Patch, June 3, 1784.* Mary, of Littleton, and Samuel Fletcher, jr. of Chelmsford, Sept. 17, 1729. Mary, of Littleton, and Jonathan Fletcher [3d. int.], at Lit- tleton, Jan. 28, 1762.* Samuel, of Littleton, and Mary Hildreth, at Littleton, May 5, 1737.* Samuel, jr., and Rebecca Si)aulding, Jan. 28, 1762.* Silvia, of Ashby, and Joel Spaulding, int. Oct. 2, 1797. Simon, of Littleton, and Sibel Robins, at Littleton, Nov. 8, 1769.* Susannah, of Littleton, and Isaac Spaulding, at Littleton, Sept. IS, 1761.* LAWRIE, Thomas, Rev., of Roxbury, and Martha F. Osgood, int. June 18, 1842. LAWS (see also Law), Mary Anne, a. 18 y., and Samuel W. Hosley, a. 26 y., at Waltham, Apr. 21, 1844.* Sally, and Joseph Wright, Oct. 3, 1805.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 1 99 Laws, Sarah C, and Henry C. [O. int.] Rockwell of Fitch- burg, Apr. 14, 1842.* William [jr. int.], of Chelmsford, and Lucinda P[ets. int.] Cook, May 4, 1815.* LEACH, Caroline Ann, of Chelmsford, 2d m., a. 37 y., b. Chelmsford, d, Solomn and Abigail , and Elias War- ner of Harvard, 2d m., a. 50 y., farmer, s. Elias and Abi- gail, Sept. 29, 1845. LEAVITT, Leah, of Hingham, and David Jones Nichols, at Hingham, Mar. 5, 1794.* LEGROSE, Maryanar, and Joash Keyes, int. Mar. 7, 1813. LEIGHTON (see also Laighton, Leigton), [Albert, and Han- nah Perry, d. William and Hannah (Leland), . dif- ferent ink.] [after 1820?] Anna, and William Coolidge [jr. int.] of Natick, Apr. 8, 1824.* Benjamin F., and Harriet N. Folsom of Lowell, int. Nov. 7, 1847. Caroline, and Michael Regally of Boston, May — , 1830. c. R. 1.* Frances, and Mrs. Hannah Jones of Acton, int. Oct. 30, 1802. Frances, and Mary Reed, Jan. 24, 1813.* Francis [Laughton. int.], of Littleton, and Lydia Fitch, Oct. 20, 1760.* Francis, and Mrs. Almira Casannas of Stow, at Stow, Nov. 10. 1842.* Francis, 3d' m., a. 54 y., shoemaker, s. Reuben and Hannah, and Nancy Bacon of Lowell, 2d m., a. 39 y., b. Lowell, d. Loammi and Sarah Cutler, Apr. 8, 1846.* Francis C, and Benjamin F. Adams of Chelmsford, May 7, 1840.* George, and Eliezea Roberts Nye of Littleton, int. Sept. 13, 1828. Hannah, and Joseph Cumings, jr., Nov. 3, 1790.* Harriet A., and Jacob A: Wright, Oct. 10, 1837.* Isaiah, and Patty [Martha, int.] Kneeland, Dec. 4, 1798.* Isaiah, jr., and Hannah Reed, Sept. 30, 1824.* Joanna [Anny. int.], and Osgood Eaton of Reading, Nov. 7, 1796.* John, and Hannah Farrar, Sept. 3, 1789.* Lydia, and Isai[a]h Hildreth, Mar. 17, 1789.* ^Intention also recorded. 200 WESTFORD MARRIAGES I,EiGHTON^ Jjydia, and Alexander Coolidge of Natick, Apr. 7, 1823. [May 9. int.]* Martha, and Addison Parker, Apr. 21, 1836. p. r. 2.* Martha H., and Henery L. Lawrence of Groton, Dec. 20,. 1832.* Mary E., and Ebenezer Swan, jr. of Tyngsborough, Sept. 23, 1830.* Mary E., and Rufus Bullard, at Littleton, May 29, 1842.* Naomi, and Daniel Raymond, jr., at Littleton, Sept. 27, 1781.* Patience [of Gloucester, int.], and Nathan Proctor [jr. int.], at Gloucester, Oct. 26, 1786.* Reuben, and Sally Wilson, int. Mar.. 4, 1805. Reuben M., and Abigail Wright of Chelmsford, int. Mar. 24,. 1838. Sarah F., and Ebenezer R. Whitney of Newton, Mar. 20, 1842.* Susannah, and John C[hamberlin. dup.]- Wilkins of Carlisle, Oct. 31, 1802.* LEIGTON (see also Leighton), Mary, and William Ditsonr, Mar. 5, 1809.* LELAND, Ira, and Susan Prescott, Apr. 6, 1826.* Joseph, and Louisa Read, Feb. 8, 1838.* Sylvia, and Thomas [J. int.] Harding of Brighton, Dec. 2, 1824.* LEONARD (see also Larnard), Ira, and Abigail Wa5anoth, int. July 23, 1837. Preserved, of Springfield, and Sarah Keep, May 22, 1751.* Preserved [Capt. int.], of West Springfield, and wid. Mary Harwood, Apr. 6, 1788.* LINCOLN, Daniel, of Westminster, and Martha Robbins, Oct. 1, 1816.* Martha E., and Elisha Shaw of Chelmsford, int. June 8, 1844- LITCHFIELD, Betsy,' of Littleton, and William Moultoun, int. Aug. — , 1822. Israel [Isaac, c. r. 1.], and Harriot Hildreth, both of Lowell, Sept. 9, 1832. LITTLE, Betsey [Patty, dup.], and Sampson Keyes of Wilton, Nov. 25, 1802.* William, Dr., and Betty Fletcher, int. Aug. 15, 1778. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 20I LOCK, Nancy, of Ashby, and Emly Goodhew, int. June 5, 1802. Timothy, of Ashby, and Rebekah Button, Jan. 1, 1804.* LONG, Rufus, jr., of Lowell, a. 38 y., and Lucy C. Wheeler, a. 29 y., int. May 26, 1849. LONGLEY, Betesy, of Shirley, and John Fletcher, int. Feb. 9, 1823. [m. Apr. — , 1823. in pencil.] [Elijah, of Shirley, and Betsey of Groton, at Groton, Apr. 17, 1805. in pencil.] Otis, and Nancy L. [S. int.] Goodhue, Dec. 23, 1830.* Rebecca S., of Townsend,, and Chancey L. Bunnel, now resi- dent in Westford, int. Jan. 21, 1843. LORRANCE (see also Lawrence), Nancy, and Jonas Kempt, jr.,. int. Jan. 30, 1.804. LOVEJOY, Daniel, of Lowell, a. 24 y., blacksmith, s. Ralph and Nabby, and Maria L. Richardson, a. 21 y., d. Thomas and Philinda, Nov. 21, 1847.* LOWD, William R., and Eliza Ann George of Lowell, int. Oct. 26, 1845. LUCE, Leonard, Rev., and Rebecca Eaton Guild of Dedham, int. Oct. 17, 1829. LUE, Amma [Loamy, int.], of Dracut, and Peleg Gardner [resident in Westford. int.], at Dracut, Dec. 12, 1792.* LUND, Levi, of Dunstable, N. H., and Mary Gilson of Tyngs- borough. Mar. 14, 1816. LYFORD, Asenath, and Othiel Fletcher, int. Dec. 11, 1840. MCLAIN (see also McLane), John [McCoin. t. c], and Mrs. Sarah Heald, both of Concord, Jan. 3, 1744. McLANE (see also Mclain), Elizabeth, and William Scott of Dunstable, May 3, 1763.* MANING (see also Manning), Samuel, Dr., and Lucy Cogs- will of Littleton, int. Sept. 15, 1801. 'Intention also recorded. 202 WESTFORD MARRIAGES MAJ^ING (see also Maning), Esther, of Townsend, and Stephen Hildreth, at Townsend, Apr. 3, 1764.* Otis, of Littleton, and Ann C. Carter, Dec. 10, 1833.* MANSFIELD, Asaph, of Chelmsford, and Elizabeth S. Grif- fin, Apr. 7, 1840. [Apr. 9. p. r. 2.]* Joel, of Chelmsford, and Rebecah Cogswell, Jan. 1, 1815.* Rachel, and Stephen Wilson, both of Chelmsford, Mar. 13, 1791. MARBLE, Dorothy, resident in Andover [of Andover. int.], and Moses Chandler, at Andover, June 28, 1742.* Hannah, and Aaron Blood, Sept. 1, 1768.* Isabel, and Lemuel Perham of Littleton, July 3, 17S4.* MARCEY, Lydia, of Chelmsford, and Silas Richardson, Oct. 30, 1797.* MARRIAM, Silas, and Polly [Mary.^int.J Abbott, Apr. 2, 1809.* MARSHALL, John, of Nottingham West, and Thankful Bald- win, Feb. 18, 1752.* MARSTINS, Peggy [resident in Westford. int.], and Amiziah Hildreth, Mar. 2, 1796.* MARTEN (see also Martin), William, and Mary R. Hadley of Lowell, int. Dec. 1, 1848. MARTIN (see also Marten), Charles, resident in Lynn [of Andover. int.], and Fanny Richardson, May 28, 1820.* MAYNARD, Aaron, of Concord, and Polly Hildreth, Oct. 30, 1797.* Abigail, and Joel Fletcher, Dec. 22, 1803. [Dec. 25. dup.]* MEAD (see also Meade, Meads), Melvina D., and Albert G. Kittredge, both of Chelmsford, May 7, 1843. p. r. 2. Thomas, and Lucy Read, int. Mar. 26, 1763. Thomas, and Sarah Porter [Foster, int.] of Concord, at Con- cord, Nov. 3, 1778.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 2O3 MEADE (see also Mead), Stephen, resident in Westford, and Lucy Wright, Feb. IS, 1780* MEADS (see also Mead), Mary, and Thomas Adams, July 11, 1759* MEARS, Hannah, and Abner Baley of Tewksbury, Jan. 28, 1823.* MoUey, and Zebulen Spaulding, jr., both of Chehnsford, Mar. 9, 1791. Rebeckah R., of Chelmsford, and William Mears, jr., int. Jan. 7, 1826. William, jr., and Rebeckah R. Mears of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 7, 1826. MELVEN, Abigal, of Concord, and Solomon Fletcher, int. Feb. 20, 178[2]. MERRIAM, see Marriam. MIER (see also Myer), Henry, and Elizebeth Nutting of Gro- ton, Dec. 9, 1822.* MILES, Abner, of Shrewsbury, and Deborah Underwood, at Shrewsbury, June 24, 1773.* MILLER, Russell A., of Lowell, a. 21 y., operative, s. Samuel B. and Anna, and Ellen E. Searle of Lowell, a. 18 y., d. Augustus H. and Maria, Nov. 16, 1845. i MINOT (see also Minott), Anna, of Chelmsford, and Phillip Robbins, int. June 20, 1750. Elizabeth, and David Foster, at Winchendon, May 27, 1779.* Esther, and Samuel Wright, Jan. 15, 1771.* Joash, and Sally Hildreth, Mar. 31, 1794.* Jonas, of Concord, and [Mrs. int.] Mary Hall, d. Rev. Wil- lard, Jan. 16, 1759.* Jonathan [jr. int.], of Chelmsford, and Esther Procter, Mar. 6, 1745-6.* Jonathan [jr. int.], and Hannah Eastman of HoUis, at Con- cord, Sept. 3, 1777.* Mary, and James Wright, Apr. 19, 1781.* Olive, and Willard Read, at Charlestown, Nov. 30, 1774.* Sarah, and Luke Richardson, Jan. 7, 1768.* 'Intention also recorded. 204 WESTFORD MARRIAGES MINOTT (see also Minot), Isaac, a. 48 y., fanner, s. Jesse, and Mary Ann Hildreth, a. 34 y., d. Jeremiah and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1844.* Jesse, and Betty Adams, Sept. 7, 1784.* Jesse, and Almira Fletcher, Dec. 23, 1830.* Lucinda, of Hillsborough, N. H., and Hosea Wright, int. Oct. 24, 1824. Martha, and Benja[min] Clerk of Gardner, May 31, 1787.* Samuel, of Concord, and Sarah Prescott, at Concord, Mar. 7, 1731-2.* Thomas, and Zoa A. Goodhue, May 3, 1818.* MOORE, George R., a. 29 y., wheelwright, b. Gardiner, Me., s. John and Myra, and Philinda Richardson, a. 28 y., d. Thomas and Philinda, Dec. 31, 1846.* MORGAN, Abraham, of Wilton [N. H. int.], and Anna Per- sons, Sept. IS, 1806.* Henry, and Hannah Whitney of Chelmsford, Aug. 25, 1768.* MORISON, David, and Mary A. Sargent of Fitzwilliam, N. H., int. Sept. 27, 1841. MORTON, Jerusha, of Athol, and Levy Bletcher, int. Jan. 4, 1783. MOSELEY, Sophia, and John Abbot, at Hampton, Ct., May 5, 1805. p. R. 16. MOULTON (see also Moultoun), Catharine J., now resident in Westford, and Walter S. Kimball, int. Oct. 3, 1845. Hannah, of Littleton, and Asia Hamlin, int. Oct. 10, 1845. MOULTOUN (see also Moulton), William, and Betsy Litch- field of Littleton, int. Aug. — , 1822. MUNROE, William, jr., of Lexington, and wid. MoUey Rog- ers, int. Mar. 23, 1782. MURRAY, John, laborer, and Catharine Daly, both b. Ire- land [both of Boston, p. r. 2], Dec. 9, 1,847. MYER (see also Mier), Henry, and Sibel Gilson, int. Feb. 6, 1819. •Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 205 NEAL, Joseph, of Lowell, and Lucy A. I: Dane, int. Sept. 2, 1848. NEEDAM (see also Needham), Betsey, and Edman Boynton of Salem, Feb. 15, 1803.* NEEDHAM (see also Needam), Ebenezer, of Andover, and Sally Wright [d. Jacob. C; R. 1.], Apr. 5, 1832.* Isaac, of Templeton, and Sarah Raymond, Jan. 24, 1771.* Isaac, jr., and Rhoda Boynton, Mar. 30, 1809.* Nancy, and Homer Sawtelle, Dec. 27, 1812.* NESMITH, Robert D., of South Berwick, Me., a. 29 y., man- ufacturer, b. Windham, N. H., s. Jacob and Margaret, and Nancy H. Osgood, a. 26 y., d. Benjamin and Nancy, Jan. 25, 1848.* NEWELL, John C, of Concord, and Mary Richardson, Apr. 5, 1821.* NEWTON, Mary W., of Maiden, and Frederick Scott, int. Jan. 17, 1841. NICHOLES (see also Nichols), Samuel H., and Nancy E. Fletcher, Nov. — , 1829.* Stephen N., and Salley M. Stemes of Bedford, int. Oct. 3, 1829. Sybil, and George R. Johnson, both of Waltham, , 1829. [May 3. p. r. 2.] William, of South Reading^ and Lavina Kennedy, Apr. 18, 1813.* NICHOLS (see also Nicholes), Burknap, of Gardner, and Sarah M. Fletcher, May 27, 1833.* David Jones, and Leah Leavitt of Hingham, at Hingham, Mar. 5, 1794.* Rebecca, Mrs., and Paul Dudley of Concord, int. Nov. 18, 1840. Stephen, and Rebecca Hilton of Lunenburg at Lunenburg, May 31, 1798.* Stephen N., and Nancy Hilton of Lunenburg, int. Oct. 10, 1824. 'Intention also recorded. 206 WESTFORD MARRIAGES NOICE (see also Noyes), Pblley, of East Sudbury, and Thom- as Richardson, int. Dec. 7, 1796. NORCROSS, George L., and Lucy H. Proctor of Carlisle, int. June 24, 1843. NORTON, Bradford, of Williamsburg, and Nabby Blood,'. Mar. 20, 1800.* NOYES (see also Noice), Josiah, of Acton, and Hetty White, at Acton, June 26, 1794.* NUTTEN (see also Nutting), John, and Mary Addams of Chelmsford, Dec. 1, 1747.* NUTTING (see also Nutten), Benja[min], of Medford, and Anna Brooks, int. Mar. 5, 1747-8. Betsy, and Eleazer Wright, Feb. 6, 1794.* David, and Charlotte Read, June 12, 1808.* Elijah, of Groton, and Susannah Foster, May 18, 1786.* Elizebeth, of Groton, and Henry Mier, Dec. 9, 1822.* Hannah, and James Proctor, May 19, 1747.* Hannah, and Peter Wyman of Pelham, int. Mar. 2, 1805. John, and Hannah Read, int. Mar. 23, 1754. John, and Eunice Peirse, int. Oct. 8, 1802. Jonas, and Mary Spaulding of Ashburnham, int. June 1, 1805. Josiah, and Kezia Butterfield, int. June 28, 1755. Kezia, wid., and Capt. Joseph Fletcher, int. May 5, 1764. Lorisa [Loisa. int.], and Nathan Pennington of Chelmsford, Dec. 26, 1824.* Lydia, and Leonard Procter, int. Sept. 6, 1 760. Mary, and Joseph Perham of Tyngsborough, int. Dec. 7, 1799. Molly, and John Proctor, jr., June 17, 1762.* Rachel, and Levy Temple, Mar. 10, 1774.* Ralph, and Hannah Wright of Hollis, int. Oct. 8, 1809. Rebekah, and Jonathan Emerson of Dunstable, Apr. 2, 1807.* Salley [Mrs. int.], and Isaac Gliney [Glynne. ex. r.], Oct. 24, 1785. [July 11. CT. R.]* Thomas, and Sibel Prescott, int. Aug. 31, 1781. NYE, Eliezea Roberts, of Littleton, and George Leighton, int. Sept. 13, 1828. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 207 OBERT, Elisabeth, of Acton, and Phillep Spaulding, int. Apr. 10, 1762. ODALL, Mary Ann, of Amherst, N. H., and Isaac Crooker, int. May 17, 1828. OSBORN, Luther, and Patty Fling, both of Concord, Nov. 13, 1808. OSGOOD (see also Ozgood) , Alden P., a. 29 y., and Sarah S. Baker of Holdemess, N. H., a. 29 y., int. May 18, 1849. Augusta A., a. 21 y., d. Jacob and Patty, and Loammi Cham- berlin, 2d m., of Chelmsford, a. 35 y., stone-cutter, b. Chelmsford, s. Robert and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1848.* Benjamen, Dr., and Nancy Cuming, Apr. 19, 1810.* Benjamin, and Tryphena Comings, int. Oct. 31, 1778. Benjamin, Dr., and Eliza Cummings, Feb. 21, 1833.* Harriet E., and George Brown, May 23, 1839.* Jacob, and Patty Fletcher, Apr. 9, 1807.* John, and Patty Fletcher, June 14, 1807.* John, and Mrs. Sarah Perham of Chelmsford, int. Dec. 30, 1815. Lucy, Mrs., and Samuel Brown of Concord, June 30, 1812.* Lucy, and Joseph Haynes, jr. of Townsend, Feb. 8, 1814.* Martha, and Samuel S. Stevens of Gardner, int. Oct. 5, 1830. Martha F., and Rev. Thomas Lawrie of Roxbtiry, int. June 18, 1842. Mary, and Caleb Whight, Mar. 20, 1811.* Nancy H., a. 26 y., d. Benjamin and Nancy, and Robert D. Nesmith of South Berwick, Me., a. 29 y., manufacturer, b. Windham, N. H., s. Jacob and Margaret, Jan. 25, 1848.* Patty, and Alpheus Spaulding of Chelmsford, Oct. 12, 1815.* Phene, and James Bobbins, June 7, 1803.* OZGOOD (see also Osgood), [D]aniel, and Lucy Comings, int. Jan. 18, 1780. PAGE, Simon, and Hannah Gilson, both of Groton, Oct. 8, 1741. PALMER, John B., and Marth,a W. Hannaford of Lowell, int. June 21, 1847. 'Intention also recorded. 208 WESTFORD MARRIAGES PARKER (see also Parkers), Aaron, jr., and Dorothy Fletch- er, Apr. 20, 1738.* Aaron, jr., and Lucy Hildreth, int. July 9, 1763. Aaron, jr., and Lydia Spaulding of Chelmsford, June 3, 1766.* Abigail, and John Senter of Londonderry, Mar. 11, 1742.* Abigail, and John Hildreth, July 27; 1762.* Abigail, and Jeremiah Hildreth, Mar. 6, 1788.* Abigail, and Lenard Parker, both of Groton, May 20, 1741. Addison, and Fanny Hildreth, Mar. 4, 1819.* Addison, and Martha Leighton, Apr. 21, 1836. p. r. 2.* Aron, jr., and Marah Barrot of Chelsmford, int. Dec. 6, 1735. Arron, Capt., and Joanna Fletcher, int. Mar. 12, 1791. Artemas, and Sibbel Spaulding, both -of Chelmsford, Jan. 20, 1807. Asa, and Lucy Beverstock of Charlestown, int. Sept. 8, 1821. Asa, and Nancy Saunderson of Littleton, int. May 14, 1825. Betsey, and Eleazer Blood, jr., int. June 18, 1808. Bredget, and Ezekiel Fletcher of Groton, int. July 25, 1766. Caleb, of Pepperell, and Olive Prescott, Jan. 29, 1794. [Feb. 6. int.]* David, and Martha Carver, at Littleton, June 18, 1782.* David, and Lydia Hildreth, Oct. 8, 1789.* Deborah, and Henry Fletcher, Nov. 30, 1773.* Dorcurs, and Zebulon Spaulding of Carlisle, June 5, 1806.* Dorothy, and William Hildreth, int. Apr. 16, 1763. Dorothy [wid. int.], and Peter Read of Littleton, Sept. 24, 1772.* Eben[ezer], and wid. Experience Hildreth, Nov. 18, 1777.* Ebenezer, and Hannah Fletcher, both of Chelmsford, May 29, 1787. Ebennezer, of New Ipswich, and Lydia Richardson, int. Mar. 1, 1790. Elbridge G., a. 23 y., and Nancy Tuttle of Acton, a. 19 y., at Concord, Apr. 17, 1845.* Elias [Ens. int.], and Dolly Fletcher, Nov. 28, 1796.* Elisabeth, and Gershom Procter [jr. int.] of Chelmsford, July 22, 1746.* Emerson, of Dunstable, and Eunice Dutton, Oct. 9, 1812.* Eunice, of Groton, and Joseph Shipley, June 27, 1744. George A., a. 23 y., and Sarah A. Winchester of Lowell, a. 21 y., int. Dec. 9, 1849. Gilbert, of Acton, and Sally White, May 31, 1820.* Hannah, and Benjamin Stevens, both of Chelmsford, June 1, 1797. *IiiteBtion also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 20g Parker, Hannah, and Samuel Wesson, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 28, 1799. Hannah, and. Moses Wright of Templeton [both of Westford. int.], Jan. 6, 1800.* Hannah [Procter, int.], and Timothy Fletcher, jr., Nov. 25, 1778.* Harriet N., and Josiah W. Brown of Acton, int. Oct. 7, 1842. Isaac, and Bridget Cumings, int. Mar. 30, 1776. Isaac [jr. int.], and Bridgett Fletcher, Feb. 8, 1785.* Jabez [late of Westford. int.], and Roxana Fletcher, Nov. 9, 1812.* Jacob 0[sgood. int.], and Rachel Read, June 18, 1811.* Jeduthan, and Phebe Corey, both of Chelmsford, Jan. 1, 1793. Joanna, of Chelmsford, and Robert Butterfield, Feb. 24, 1752.* Joseph, and Susanna Fletcher, July 18, 1763.* Joshua, and Mary Boynton, Mar. 15, 1764.* Joshua, and Hannah Kidder of Cambridge, int. Mar. 8, 1774. Lenard, and Abigail Parker, both of Groton, May 20, 1741. Leonard, and Mary Foster, Sept. 20, 1768.* Leonard, jr., and Rachel Fletcher, Aug. 28, 1788.* Levi, and Rebecca Fletcher, Dec. 11, 1777.* Levi, Lt., and Mrs. Nabby Pool of Hollis, int. May 9, 1785. Levi, and Betsey Wright, Sept.. 22, 1803.* Loamini, and Mary Whitcomb, Jan. 9, 1821.* Luce, and Stephen Corey of Littleton, June 6, 1744.* Lucy, and Samuel Richardson of Methuen, int. Feb. 12, 178[0]. Lydia, of Carlisle, and Ephraim Harwood, int. Feb. 24, 1816. Martha, and Samuel Wright, jr., Jan. 25, 1808. [Jan. 26. dup.]* Martha, and John R. Green, Mar. 5, 1827.* [Martha, and Edmund Boynton, . in pencil.] [after 1830?] Martha, and Amos Hildreth, 2d, Feb. 6, 1834.* Martha L., Mrs., and Isaac Spaulding of New Ipswich, N. H., Apr. 27, 1837.* Mary, and Oliver Procter of Chelmsford, Apr. 10, 1744.* Mary, jr., and Thomas Wright of New Ipswich, N. H., June 30, 1767.* Mary, and Amos Boynton, Jan, 9, 1770.* Mary, and Samuel Farwell [jr. int.], Jan. 19, 1813.* Mary, of Chelmsford, and Phineas Chamberlain, int. Oct. 1, 1826. 'Intention also recorded. 2IO WESTFORD MARRIAGES Parker, Mary, and Vandalo E. Whitcomb, both of Littleton, Apr. 11, 1837. p. R. 2. Moses, and Bridget Comings, June 6, 1744.* Moses, Lt., and wid. Anna Barrit, int. Aug. 20, 1779. Nabby [Abigail, int.], and Luther Boynton, May 13, 1798.* Pheobe, and Ezra Cory, both^of Chelmsford, May 3, 1798. Polly, and Benjamin Wheeler [jr. int.] of Pepperell, Apr. 10, 1794.* Polly, and Zac[cheu]s Read, Dec. 13, 179S.* Rachel [of Chelmsford, int.], and Zacheus Wright, at Chelms- ford, Jan. 5, 1764.* Rachel, and Eldad Procter, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1792. Rachel, and Jeremy B. Read, int. Sept. 13, 1828. Rebecca, of Groton, and Jonas Prescott, jr., int. Feb. 16, 1750-51. Rebecca [of Chelmsford, int.], and Nathaniel Cowdry, at Chelmsford, Mar. 11, 1773.* Reuben, and Sarah Kimball of Dracut, at Dracut, Mar. 7, 1771.* Robert, and Deborah Huburd, both of Groton, Aug. 13, 1745. Sally, and Peter Read, June 9, 1789.* Sally, of Carlisle, and Ephriam Fox, resident in Milford, N. H., int. Apr. 2, 1819. Sally, and Jonas Heald, Mar. 31, 1823.* Samuel, and Sarah Fletcher, Jan. 22, 1739.* Samuel, and Mary Robbins, May 12, 1748.* Samuel, and Hannah Fletcher, int. July 28, 1758. Samuel, jr., and Zeruiah Proctor, Oct. 16, 1759.* Samuel, jr., of Groton, and Rebecca Hunt, at Groton, Dec. 27, 1768.* Sarah, and David Hubbard, both of Groton, Mar. 12, 1744. Sarah, and Francis Fletcher of New Ipswich, June 11, 1760.* Sarah, and Solomon [Salmon, c. R. 1. and int.] Dutton, Feb. 28, 1765.* Sarah, Mrs., and Jonathan Snow, int. June 23, 1811. Sarah S., a. 26 y., d. Gilbert and Sally, and Alpheus J. Reed, a. 34 y., farmer, s. Joseph and Abigal, July 17, 1849. Simon, and Susanna Fletcher, both of Chelmsford, July 5, 1791. Susanna, and David Patch of Littleton, int. Oct. 20, 1804. Thomas C, and Hannah Procter, Apr. 19, 1810.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 211 PARKERS (see also Parker), Elisabath, and Thomas Wright, int. Jan. 13, 1732-3. PARKHUERST (see also Parkhurst), Bitty, and Paul Hunt, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 19, 1789. PARKHURST (see also Parkhuerst, Parkhust), Catherine, and Parker Stevens, both of Dunstable, May" 27, 1799. Sarah, of Bedford, N. H., and Solomon Woods, int. Dec. 28, 1821. PARKHUST (see also Parkhurst), Josiah, and Rachel Stevens, both of Chelmsford, May 3, 1792. Sual, of Chelmsford, and Sally Fletcher, int. Jan. 10, 1828. PARLIN, Eleazer, of Concord, and Olivei Hildreth, June 10, 1783.* Esther, and Hezekiah Hildreth, Jan. 29, 1784.* Hepsebeth, of Concord, and Jonathan StrSton, int. Feb. 24, 1780. [1781?] Moley, and Samuel Hale of Stow, int. Feb. 22, 1780. PARMENTER, Micah, and Mary R. Porter of Chelmsford, int. May 20, 1841. PARRET (see also Parrott), Margret, and John Jewell of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 20, 1764. Margret, and Samuel Craft, int. Feb. 14, 1»767. PARROT (see also •Parrott), Mary, and Benjamin Crosby of Chelmsford, Jan. 1, 1767.* PARROTT (see also Parret, Parrot), Thomas, and Sarah Rob- bins, at Concord, Dec. 6, 1739.* PARSE (see also Pierce), Ruth [Peirce. ct. r.J, of Groton, and Isaac Fletcher, Sept. 26, 1784.* PATCH, Abel, and Hannah Dutton, int. Jan. 5, 1788. (Jan. 9 denied by Hannah Dutton.) Adaline, and Jonathan G. Chickering, int. Sept. 30, 1843. Arville, and Samuel Hastings, int. Oct. 6, 1798. Asa, and Lydia Lawrence, June 3; 1 784.* Betsy, Mrs. [wid. int.], and Elisha Kent, May 19, 1813.* •Intention also recorded. 212 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Patch, Betty, and Asa Wright, Oct. 5, 1786* Daniel,- and Betsey Wright, Aug. 26, 1807.* David, of Groton, and Saly Hald, May 18, 1800. David, of Littleton, and Susanna Parker, int. Oct. 20, 1804. Ebenezer, of Groton, and Sarah Wright, June 14, 1746.* Isaac, and Joanna Butterfield, at Concord, Oct. 29, 1739.* Isaac, of Groton, and Mary Hastin of Dunstable, May 26, 1748. Isaac, and Elisabeth Avery, int. June 14, 1760. Isaac, jr., and Phebe Fletcher, Feb. 21, 1786.* Isaac, and Mrs. Hannah Dudley, int. Oct. 21, 1811. Isaac, and Mrs. Esther Craft, Jan. 5, 1813.* John, and Betty Chandler, June 3, 1784.* Lucinda, and William Read, jr., Jan. 12, 1817.* Lydia, of Groton, and Ephraim Heald, jr., int. Apr. 22, 1808. Phebe, and Gershom Hubbart of Groton [resident in Westford. int.], July 11, 1769.* Phebe, and William Adams, int. Dec. 6, 1836.. Salathial, and Polly Cummings, int. July IS, 1804. Salathial [of Maiden, int.], and Ruth Cummings, Feb. 4, 1817.* [Saphronia, and Moses Titus of Lyman, N. H., "settled in Pepperell," Apr. 28, 1831. difEerent ink.] Stephen, of Ashby, and Thankfull Bennet, int. Oct. 21, 1775. PATTEN, Betsey, and Stephen Richardson of Lowell, Feb. 18, 1829.* Isaac, and Lydia Keyes [jr. c. R. 1 and int.], Sept. 8, 1782.* James Pollard, and Hannah Hildreth of Sterling, int. May S, 1816. ' • Jane Ann, and Dr. Kend[a]ll Davis of "Reading South Par- ish," Apr. 14, 1831.* Luciridia, and Samue[l] Fredrick, Mar. 21, 1822.* Lydia, and Dr. Calvin Brown of Ackworth, N. H., June 8, 1824.* Rufus, and Sarah B. Hall, Dec. 2, 1836.* PEABODY (see also Pebody), Samuel, of Lunenburg, and Betsy Jones, May 27, 1819.* Sarah E. C, and Dr. Theodore Wells, June 18, 1839.* PEARCE (see also Pierce), "Benjamin, and Rebecca Wright, int. Apr. 8, 1782. ♦Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 213 PEARLEY (see also Parley), Huldah, of Boxford, and Timo- thy Fletcher, jr., int. May 14, 1774. PEARSON, see Persons. PEBODY (see also Peabody), Sarah, of Boston, and William Goodwin, int. May 9, 1823. PECKENS, Orville, and Rebecca P. Cowdry, Nov. 27, 1834.* PECOK, Agnos, and Joshua Presone of Littleton, int.' Nov. 24, 1739. PEIRCE (see also Pierce), Amos, of Waltham, and Anna But- ton, Nov. 26, 1812.* Betsey, of Waltham, and James Series, int. Mar. 26, 1808. Lucy, of Sterling, and Moses Wilson of Guilford, Sept. 14, 1807. Mary, and Joseph Tuttle of Littleton, int. Oct. IS, 1801. Mary, and Lt. Nathaniel Hildreth, Jan. 1, 1807.* Ruth [wid. int.], of Groton, and Phillip Robbins, at Groton, Nov. 22, 1792.* PEIRSE (see also Pierce), Eunice, and John Nutting, int. Oct. 8, 1802. PENNIMAN, Otis H., of Carlisle, and Elizabeth R. Heald, at Carlisle, Oct. 26, 1843.* Thomas, of Braintree, and Abigail Burg, Apr. 23, 1752.* PENNINGTON, Nathan, of Chelmsford, and Lorisa [Loisa. int.] Nutting, Dec. 26, 1824.* PEPER, Lavina, Mrs., of Rindge, N. H., and Obediah Perry, jr., int. Nov. 6, 1811. PERHAM, Benj[amin], of Sutton, and Esther Butterfield, Dec. 6, 1731.* Deliverance, and Abraham Ball of Townsend, May 23, 1786.* Elizabeth, of Dunstable, and Jeremiah Fletcher, at Dunstable, Dec. 11, 1783. Jonathan, of Littleton, and Hannah Wright, Oct. 18, 1757.* Joseph, of Tyngsborough, and Mary Nutting, int. Dec. 7, 1799. 'Intention also recorded. 214 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Perham, Lemuel, of Littleton, and Isabel Marble, July 3, 1754* Mary, and Amos Fletcher, Sept. 3, 1741.* Samuel [Lemuel, int.], and Mary French of Dunstable, at Dunstable, May 29, 1759.* Samuel, and Eliza Pratt, , 1829. [May 27. p. r. 2.]* Sarah, Mrs., of Chelmsford, and John Osgood, int. Dec. 30, 1815. PERKINS (see also Purkiris), Lydda, and Josiah Boynton, jr., Sept. 18, 1796.* PERLEY (see also Pearley), Abraham, of Boxford, and Bet- sy Robinson, Mar. 8, 1808.* Huldah, Mrs. [of Boxford. int.], and Lt. John Robbenson, at Boxford, Nov. 27, 1764.* PERREY (see also Perry), Mary [wid. int.], and Henry Du- rant of Littleton, at Littleton, Oct. 22, 1786.* MoUey, and Josiah Esterbrooks, int. May 25, 1781. PERRY (see also Perrey) , Easther, and Aaron Blood, jr., Dec. 28, 1796.* Elisabeth, and John Fletcher, Nov. 30, 1773.* Esther, and Thomas Adams of Chelmsford, Mar. 15, 1781.* [Hannah, d. William and Hannah (Leland), and Albert Leighton, . different ink.] [after 1820?] [Lendall, and Emily Sparhawk, . different ink.] [after 1&20?] Lucy, and Daniel Campell, Nov. 14, 1841.* Martha, and John Hunt of Concord, Feb. 2, 1815.* Mary, and Abel Prescott, 2d of Concord, Aug. 2, 1796. [Aug. .28. int.]* Obediah, jr., and Mrs. Lavina Peper of Rindge, N. H., int. Nov. 16, 1811. Polly, and Daniel Blood, Feb. 8, 1796.* Sally, and Asa Johnson, both of Concord, Nov. 19, 1798. Susan, and Massena B. Erskine, Apr. 7, 1841.* W[illia]m K., and Charlotte J. Prescott, Apr. 28, 1841.* PERSONS, Amy, and Eleazer Ingoles of Dunstable, N. H., June 15, 1806.* Anna, and Abraham Morgan of Wilton [N. H. int.], Sept. 15, 1806.* *Intention also recoided. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 215 Persons^ Ebnezer, and Polly Swan, int. Mar 26, 1791. Thomas, Ens. [jr. int.], and Esther Wright, Nov. 29, 1810.* PETTS, Abigail, and Samuel Butterfield, Dec. 24, 1772.* Rachel, and Silas Biglow, int. July 30, 1774. PHELPS, Lydia, and Samson Read, Mar. 18, 1773.* PHILLEPS, John, of Cambridge, and Lydia Kemp, int. Dec. 15, 1763. PIERCE (see also Parse, Pearce, Peirce, Peirse, Piers), [James in pencil.], and Sarah Robins, . [after 1790?] John, of Groton, and Sarah Piers, at Groton, Nov. 26, 1765. Lorenza, and Daniel G. Fish of Southborough, Dec. 3, 1818.* Polly, and Abel Boynton, at Charlestown, May 18, 1798.* Silas [of Chelmsford, int.]. and Lucy Spaulding, at Chelms- ford, Mar. 26, 1771.* ' PIERS (see also Pierce), Sarah, and John Pierce of Groton, at Groton, Nov. 26, 1765. PIKE, Ann, and Daniel Trask of Billerica, Oct. 24, 1822.* Eber, and Mary Daiken of Stoddard, N. H., int. Jan. 9, 1823. Josep F., and Eliza Rogers, Aug. — , 1830. c. R. 1.* Lucy, Mrs., of Tyngsborough, and Levi Heywood, int. Nov. 8, 1842. Mahala, and Daniel B. Willoby of Hollis [N. H. int.], Dec. 27, 1821.* Thomas, and Ruth Keyes, int. June 11, 1790. Uriah Drury, of Dunstable, N. H., and Hanna Keyes, Sept. 10, 1781.* PIPER, Joseph, of Concord, and Esther Wright, Nov. 18, 1743.* POLLARD, Dawson, and Julia Ann Dergin of Lowell, int. Dec. 7, 1839. James, and Abigill Chimberlim of Chelmsford, Dec. 17, 1734.* Rebecca, resident in Westford, and Parker Emerson of Chelms- ford, int. Sept. 4, 1770. POOL, Mehetabel, of Hollis, and Willis Hall, int. Sept. 4, 1779. Nabby, Mrs., of Hollis, and Lt. Levi Parker, int. May 9, 1785. ♦Intention also recorded. 2l6 WESTFORD MARRIAGES POOR, Frances, of Andover, and Wiley Richardson, at An- dover, May IS, 1783.* PORTER, Mary R., of Chelmsford, and Micah Parmenter, int. May 20, 1841. Sarah [Foster, int.], of Concord, and Thomas Mead, at Con- cord, Nov. 3, 1778.* Sarah [Mrs. int.], of Topsfield, and Rev. Mathew Scribner, at Topsfield, Dec. 16, 1779-.* POWERS, Allice, and Peletiah Wright, June 11, 1761.* Lucy, of Peterborough, N. H., and Leonard Read, jr., int. Nov. 3, 1810. Lydia, and Abel Spaulding of Dunstable, at Dunstable, Nov. 19, 1767.* Mary, d. Walter, of Nashobah, and Joseph Wheeler of Nash- obah, at Chelmsford, Mar. 1, 1681. Rebecca, of Littleton, and Samuel Fasset, at Littleton, Nov. 25, 1790.* Ruth,' and Joseph Hooker, jr., Apr. 7, 1756.* PRATT, Eliza, and Samuel Perham, , 1829. [May 27. p. R. 2.]* Horace, and Mary Procter of Littleton, int. Nov. 14, 1835. Mary, and Jasse Read, int. Oct. 26, 1807. Mary, and Amos Atherton of Groton, int. Dec. 11, 1830. PRESCOT (see also Prescott), Dolly [wid. int.], of Groton, and Oliver Wright, Mar. 30, 1797.* Hannah, and Levi Prescott, Oct. 25, 1809.* Isaac, and Lucy Hinkl[ey], int. May 5, 1796. James, resident in Westford, and Hannah Champey of New Ipswich, int. Nov. 16, 1791. John, jr., and Anna Keyes, Aug. 20, 1801. Mary, and John Blodget of Mason, Mar. 30, 1802.* Mary, of Groton, and John Blodget, int. Jan. 2, 1806. Rachel, of Groton, and Amos Read, Feb. 22, 1790.* Ruth, and Abel White, Mar. 20, 1803.* William, and Eunice Wheelar of Littleton [both of Westford. int.], Oct. 28, 1801.* PRESCOTT (see also Prescot), Abel, 2d, of Concord, and Mary Perry, Aug. 2, 1796. [Aug. 28. int.]* Abigail, and Thomas Hutchins, int. Aug. 11, 1818. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 217 Prescott, Abigail, and Ens. Luther Trowbridge, Nov. 16, 1822.* Abigail E., and Thomas E. Prescott of Reading, Mar. 23, 1843.* Abigal, and Nathan Dadman, Oct. 12, 1813.* Abraham, Lt., and Olive Adams of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 12, 1801. Abram, and Polly Fletcher, Oct. 21, 1798. [Dec. 26. p. r. 21.]* Amos, and Polly Emerson, Jan. 20, 1795.* Anna, and Elnathan Read, int. Aug. 4, 1781. Asa, and Sophia Derby of Rindge, N. H., int. Dec. 23, 1821. Aveory, and Lucy Larwance of Ashby, May 5, 1806.* Avery, and Betsey Capen of Leominster, int. Nov. 13, 1815. Azubah [of Groton. int.], and Jonas Hadley, at Groton, Dec. 14, 1780.* Benjamin, and Polly Reed, at Littleton, , 1799. [June 10. int.]* Benjamin, and Mary S. Flagg of New Ipswich, N. H., int. Oct. 11, 1834. Bethyah, and Jeremiah Willard of Harvard, int. Apr. 6, 1779. Bitsy, and Asa Reed, Apr. 26, 1818.* Bulkly, and [Mrs. c. R. 1.] Eunice Prescott, Jan. — , 1812.* Charles A., a. 20 y., trader, s. Asa arid Sop.hia D., and Martha Ann Sargeant, a. 20 y., b. Strafford, Vt., d. Noah and Lu- cinda [of Stratford, Vt. c. R. 1.], Feb. 22, 1848.* Charlotte J., and W[illia]m K. Perry, Apr. 28, 1841.* David, and Abigail Wright, int. Dec. 9, 1752. Eibenezer, a,nd Elisabeth Sprague of Groton, Feb. 19, 1745-6.* Ebenezer, and Lydia Wood of Littleton, at Littleton, Jan. 20, 1774.* Ebenezer [jr. int.], and Hannah Waight, May 29, 1800. [May 2. dup. ; May 25. int.]* Ebenezer, and Charlottee Jones, Apr. 18, 1813.* Ebenezer, and Sally Fletcher, Feb. 1, 1821. Elijah, and Eunice Walker of Ashiiy, at Ashbumham, Mar. 12, 1797.* Elizabeth, and Zechariah Hildreth, Apr. 12, 1753.* Elizabeth, and Henery Herrick, 2d of Beverly, Mar. 6, 1808. [Mar. 2. dup.]* Elnora, and Capt. Timothy P. Wright, Oct. 2, 1832.* Esther, and David Goodhue, Nov. 5, 1767.* Esther, and Thomas Hutchins of Carlisle, June 18, 1792. [Nov. 29. c. R. 1.]* Eunice, and Benjamin Warren of Littleton, Dec. 4, 17SS.* 'Intention also recorded. 2l8 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Prescott, Eunice [Mrs. c. R. l.J, and Bulkly Prescott, Jan. — , 1812.* Ezra, of Groton, and Dolly Wright, at Groton, Jan. 29, 1780. [May 25. int.]* George, of Boston, and Sarah Gage, July 28, 1830. c. R. 1.* Hannah, and Nathaniel Edwards of Acton, Jan. 11, 1749-50.* Hannah, and Richard Wait of Charlestown, May 11, 1769.* Harriot, and Simion Hildreth, jr., Jan. 31, 1823.* Henry A., Capt., and Mary M. Fletcher, Jan. 10, 1837.* Henry A., and Olive E. Read, Oct. 3, 1843. p. r. 21. Is[a]iah, and Betty Wright of Littleton, July 6, 1786.* Isaiah, and Sally Bird, Apr. 19, 1809.* Jacob, and Bathsheba Dadman of Framingham, int. July 27, 1807. John, and Martha Abbott, int. Nov. 16, 1776. Jonas, and Elisabeth Harwood, int. Mar. 7, 1730-31. Jonas [jr. int.], and Rebecca Barrett [wid. int.] of Concord, at Concord, Dec. 25, 1740.* Jonas, jr., and Rebecca Parker of Groton, int. Feb. 16, 1750-51. Jonas [Capt. int.], and Martha W. Cumings, May 30, 1839.* Jonathan, Ens., and Huldah Robberson [B.obins. c. R. 1 and int.], Jan. 29, 1809.* Joseph, and Abigail Derumple of Groton, at Groton, Dec. 22, 1774.* Julia Ann, and Olvin [Oliver, c. R. 1.] F. Raymond of Lit- tleton, Dec. 29, 1842.* Levi, and Hannah Prescot, Oct. 25, 1809.* Levi, farmer, s. Levi and Hannah, and Rebecca Fletcher of Groton, N. H., Mar. 30, 1847. Lucy, and Andrew Gage of Stoddard, N. H., Sept. 4, 1825.* Luther, and Olive Prescott, Nov. 28, 1837.* Lydia, and Josiah Conant of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Oct. 5, 1773.* Lydia, and Buckley Ames of Groton, Sept. 22, 1799.* Martha, and Hezekiah Sprague, Mar. 4, 1797.* Mary, and Eliakim Hutchins of Carlisle, Feb. 22, 1793.* Mary, and Capt. John Cutter, Oct. 21, 1817.* Mary, and Joseph Haskell of Lowell, Dec. 7, 1826.* Mary Ann, and George Wright, Sept. 12, 1833.* Olive, and Caleb Parker of Pepperell, Jan. 29, 1794. [Feb. 6. int.]* Olive, and Samuel [H. c. R. 1.] Richardson, jr., Feb. — , 1830.* Olive, and Luther Prescott, Nov. 28, 1837.* Oliver; and Bethiah Underwood, June 8, 1749.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 219 Prescoti, Peter B. [Capt. int.], of Lowell, and Zibiah Rich- ardson, May 30, 1841.* Phidelia, of Lowell, and Elias Clark, int. Sept. 28, 1844. Polly [Mrs. int.], and John Woodward of Tyngsborough, Jan. 15, 1806.* Polly F., and Benjamin Spaulding of Chelmsford, Feb. 18, 1830.* Rebackah, and Garshom Davis, both of Acton, July 8, 1741. Rebecca, and James Fletcher, Feb. 21, 1770.* Rebecca, and Amos Fletcher, int. June 15, 1776. Sally, 2d m., a. 63 y., d. Sampson and Dorothy Fletcher, and Zacheus Read [sr. c. r. 1.], 2d m., a. 76 y., farmer, s. Joshua and Mary, Apr. 29, 1849. [1848. c. R. 1.]* Samuel, a. 23 y., forgeman, s. Ebenezer and Sally, and Para- zina Heyden, a. 23 y., b. Groton, d. Luther and Betsy, Apr. 3, 1845.* Sarah, and Samuel Minott of Concord, at Concord, Mar. 7, 1731-2.* Sarah, and Abraham! Taylor of Ashby, Dec. 3, 1767.* Sarah, and Stephen Wright of Littleton, Apr. 5, 1787.* Sibel, and Thomas Nutting, int. Aug. 31, 1781. Sophia, and Jeremiah J. Carter, Jan. 31, 1839.* Susan, and Ira Leland,. Apr. 6, 1826.* . Susanna, and Nathaniel Adams of Charlestown, July 27, 1769.* Thomas, and Saly Hale of Stow, int. Aug. 13, 1814. Thomas E., of Reading, and Abigail E. Prescott, Mar. 23, 1843.* Timothy, and Lydia Fletcher, Feb. 22, 1753.* Timothy, and wid. Rebecca Boynton, July 10, 1800.* PRESON (see also Presone, Presons), William, of Groton, and Ann Gamble of "Winham," June 13, 1745. PRESONE (see also Preson), Joshua, of Littleton, and Agnos Pecok, int. Nov. 24, 1739. PRESONS (see also Preson), Joshua, of Littleton, and [E]liz- abath Read, int. Jan. 16, 1737-8. (Jan. 21 Joshua Preson altered his mind and desired not to be published.) PRICE, Charles D., of Lowell, a. 24 y., and Mary Jane Rich- ardson, a. 24 y., int. Oct. 6, 1849. 'Intention also recorded. 220 WESTFORD MARRIAGES PRIEST, Sarah, of New Ipswich, N. H., and Joshua Fassett, int. Nov. 12, 1768. Sarah, of Littleton, and Asa Fletcher, int. Sept. 19, 1829. PROCTER (see also Proctor), Betsy, and Isaac Day, jr;, Jan. 3, 1826.* Betty [of Chelmsford, int.], and Isaac Chandler, at Chelms- ford, Nov. 1, 1759.* Charles, and Edee Carver, int. Feb. 28, 1778. Charles, Dr., and wid. Lydia Comings, Apr. 30, 1784.* Charlotte, of Littleton, and Luther Emes Puffer, resident in Westford, int. Apr. 17, 1819. David, of Acton, and Lydia Hildreth, int. Apr. 15, 1757. Ede, and Nahum H. Grose, Aug. 14, 1814.* Eldad, and Rachel Parker, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1792. Elisabeth, and Zecariah Robbins, Apr. 4, 1744.* Elisabeth, and Jesse Purkins of Carlisle, May 29, 1781.* Esther, and Jonathan Minot [jr. int.] of Chelmsford, Mar. 6, 1745-6.* Gershom [jr. int.], of Chelmsford, and Elisabeth Parker, July 22, 1746.* Hannah, and John Tidd Wright of Bedford, Oct. 11, 1796.* Hannah, and Thomas C. Parker, Apr. 19, 1810.* Isaac, and Rebecca Read, Jan. 30, 1783.* John, jr., and Sarah Wright, Dec. 24, 1771.* Jonas, and Lydia Brooks, int. Nov. 17, 1778. Leonard, and Lydia Nutting, int. Sept. 6, 1760. Lucy, and Eleazer Dows of Billerica, int. Mar. 4, 1763. Lucy, of Chelmsford, and John Abbott, jr., int. July — , 1769. Lucy, and Joseph Fletcher, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 17, 1791. Lydia [wid. int.], and Simon Hunt [jr. ct. r.], of Acton, June 16, 1785.* Lydia, and Henrey Spaulding, 3d, both of Chelmsford, Dec. 22, 1791. Lydia, and Isaiah Read, Feb. 12, 1799.* Marah, of Littleton, and William Wright, Feb. 21, 1"748. Marah, of Chelmsford, and Ephraim Wesen of Wilmington, Nov. 16, 1748. Mary, and Jonathan Robbins, May 4, 1743.* Mary, and William Procter of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 5, 1768. Mary, and Jonathan Carver, Aug. 16, 1774.* Mary, and Timothy Reed, both of Chelmsford, Dec. 6, 1825. Mary, of Littleton, and Horace Pratt, int. Nov. 14, 1835. Mehitable, and Nathan Dexter, Oct. 21, 1819.* •Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 221 Procter, Miriam [Mrs. int.], and' Daniel Raymond, July 1, 1788. [July 11.. CT. R.]* Molly, and Joel Wheelor of Carlisle, Jan. 22, 1784.* Molly, of Chelmsford, and Capt. John Cook of Claremont, N. H., Apr. 27, 1797. Moria, of Acton, and Luther Billings, Apr. 12, 1827.* Nathan, and Mehittabel Varnum of Dracut, int. Apr. 24, 17S6. Olive, and Oliver Fletcher, int. July 7, 1759. Olive, and Thomas Scott, Nov. 27, 1780.* Oliver, of Chelmsford, and Mary Parker, Apr. 10, 1744.* Phebe, wid., of Groton, and Lt. Thomas Read, Jan. 20, 1784.* Phebe, and John Raymond, Oct. 23, 1788.* Phillip, and Phebe Hildreth, Feb. 10, 1746-7.* Polly, and Henry Chandler, Apr. 13, 1796.* Rachel, of New Ipswich, and Isaac Chandler, int. Aug. 30, 1785. Rebeca F., and Joseph Cummings of Littleton, Dec. 25, 1832.* Rhoda, of Dunstable, and William Chandler, jr., int. June 2, 1816. Sarah, and Job Spawlding, Mar. 3, 1785.* Sarah [E. int.], and Nahum H. Grose, Dec. 24, 1815.* Sary, and Henry Willard of Lancaster, int. June 12, 1741. Silas [Lt. int.], and Olive Read, June 26, 1784.* Susanna, and Nehemiah Wheeler of Acton, Dec. 10, 1746.* William, of Chelmsford, and Mary Procter, int. Nov. S, 1768. PROCTOR (see also Procter), Abigail [of Chelmsford, int.], and Daniel Keyes, at Chelmsford, Sept. 19, 1754.* Agues, and Ebenezer Emery [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelms- ford, Jan. 16, 1769.* Daniel, and Mrs. Esther Spaulding of Chelmsford, int. May 30, 1811. Eliza[beth], and Oliver Proctor, jr., at Charlestown, Jan. 12, 1756.* Elizabeth, of Dunstable, and Ezekiah [Ezekiel. int.] Proctor, jr., at Dunstable, May 16, 1760.* Ezekiah [Ezekiel. int.], jr., and Elizabeth Proctor of Dun- stable, at Dunstable, May 16, 1760.* Ezekiel, and Elizabeth Chamberlin of Chelpisford, at Concord, Oct. 24, 1734.* Hannah, and David Danforth of "Camblin, N. H.," int. Dec. 5, 1772. James, and Hannah Nutting, May 19, 1747.* •Intention also recorded. 222 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Proctor, James [jr. int.], and Esther [Wright, int.], at Towns- end, Dec. 25, 1783.* John, jr., and Molly Nutting, June 17, 1762.* John, and Rachel Shed of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Feb. 5, 1794.* Leonard, and Mary Keep of Harvard, at HarvaW, Dec. 23, 1769. Lucy H., of Carlisle, and George L. Norcross, int. June 24, 1843. Mary, and Joseph Heald of Carlisle, int. Mar. 16, 1804. Nathan, and Mrs. Phebe Green of Stoneham, at Stoneham, Dec. 17, 1761.* . Nathan [jr. int.], and Lydia Robbins of Chelmsford, at Con- cord, Jan. 9, 1774. [Apr. 23. int.]* Nathan [jr. int.], and Patience Leighton [of Gloucester, int.], at Gloucester, Oct. 26, 1786.* Oliver, jr., and Eliza[beth] Proctor, at Charlestown, Jan. 12, 1756.* Robert, jr., of Littleton, and Elizabeth Reed, at Littleton, Aug. 12, 1740. Sarah, and William Tenny of Littleton, at Littleton, Oct. 2, 1745.* Sarah [of Chelmsford, int.], and Samuel Hildreth, at Chelms- ford, Mar. 14, 1753.* Sarah, and Joseph Bullard of New Ipswich [N. H. int.], Mar. 22, 1754.* Selly, and Seth Fletcher, jr., May 30, 1809.* Sibel, and Isaac How of New Ipswich, Dec. 17, 1760.* Zeruiah, and Samuel Parker, jr., Oct. 16, 1759.* PUFFER, Clarisa, of Stow, and Cyras Fletcher, int. Mar. 11, 1831. Luther Ernes, resident in Westford, and Charlotte Procter of Littleton, int. Apr. 17, 1819. Stimpson, and Mary W. Clifford of Boston, int. May 14, 1837. PURKINS (see also Perkins),. Jesse, of Carlisle, and Elisa- beth Procter, May 29, 1781.* PUSHEE, John, of Acton, and Lucy Blodgett, at Concord, Nov. 20, 1770.* John, arid Persia Durant, Apr. 8, 1793.* John, and Mrs. Abigail Williams, int. Nov. 16, 1811. Lucy, of Littleton, and James Kidder, Aug. 30, 1827.* "Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 223 PusHEE^ Thomas D., of Littleton, and Mandana W. Erskine, Oct. 4, 1838.* PUTMAM (see also Putnam), Mary, of Fitchburg, and Elea- zer Read, jr., int. Aug. 13, 1814. PUTMAN (see also Putnam), Caleb, of Wilton [N. H. int.], and Lydia Spaulding, Feb. 24, 1801.* PUTNAM (see also Putmam, Putman, Putnum), Caleb, of Wilton, N. H., and Amy Spaulding, Mar. 8, 1775.* PUTNUM (see also Putnam), Betsey [of Fitchburg. dup.J, and Abel Stephens, Oct. 12, 1802. RAMOND (see also Raymond), Hephsibah, and Robert Spaulding, int. Apr. 4, 1784. RAMZEY, John, Dr., of Greenfield, N. H., and Orphelia Davis, Dec. 16, 1818.* RAYMOND (see also Ramond), Catharine E., of Maiden, and Louis H. Hildreth, int. Feb. 14, 1840. Daniel, jr., and Naomi Leighton, at Littleton, Sept. 27, 1781.* Daniel, and [Mrs. int.] Miriam Procter, July 1, 1788. [July 11. CT. R.']* Elisabeth, and Joshua Fletcher, int. June 28, 1755. Elisabeth, and Samuel Read, jr., int. Aug. 1, 1778. Hannah, and Abel Corey, int. Jan. 16, 1778. John, and Phebe Procter, Oct. 23, 1788.* Liberty C, of Boxborough, and Sarah Ann Spaulding of Tyngs- borough, Apr. 6, 1843. Lucy, and Josiah Boynton, Apr. 25, 1769.* Mary, and William Bartlett of Marblehead, Oct. 29, 1761.* Mary, and Solomon Woods, Feb. 15, 1810.* Nancy, and Benjamin Slater of Carlisle, int. May 4, 1818. Olvin [Oliver, c. r. 1.] F., of Littleton, and Julia Ann Pres- cott, Dec. 29, 1842.* Perly, of New Bedford, N. H., and Hannah Fletcher, Mar. 22, 1821.* Phebe, and Capt. Samuel Reed of Milton, May 4, 1817.* Rebeccah, and William Babcock of Milton, Nov. 27, 1825.* 'Intention also recorded. 224 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Raymond, Sally, and William Sweetser of Boston [of Charles- town, c. R. 1.], Nov. 8, 1807.* Sarah, and Isaac Needham of Templeton, Jan. 24, 1771.* READ (see also Reed), Abel, and Rebecca Farrar, Nov. 24, 1778.* Abigail, and Calven Blanchard, int. July 5, 1777. Abigail, and Peter Wright, Sept. 13, 1781.* Abigail, wid., and Joseph Fletcher of Dunstable, int. Aug. 14, 1797. Abigal, and 01[i]ver Read, int. Apr. 13, 1779. Abijah, and Elisabeth Boynton, Mar. 23, 1786.* Amos, and Rachel Prescot of Groton, Feb. 22, 1790.* Anna, and Asaph ChafEn of Acton, Apr. 18, 1805.* Anna, and Daniel Smith [jr. int.] of Exeter, N. H., Apr. 25, 1811.* Benjamin, and Abigail Fasset, Jan. 2, 1755.* Benjamin A., and Betsey Hunt, Jan. 29, 1835.* Bethiah, and Josiah Spaulding [of Pepperell. c. r. 1 ; both of Westford. int.], Apr. 30, 1792. [June 26^ c. R. 1.]* Betsey, and James Coleman of Norridgewock, Feb. 14, 1808.* Betsy W., a. 27 y., d. Joseph and Abigail, and Ivory H. How of Methuen, a. 38 y., stone-mason, s. Benjamin and Vasta, Oct. 8, 1846.* Betty, wid., of Littleton [resident in Westford. int.], and Jon- athan Keyes, July 1, 1762.* Beulah, Mrs., and Silas Farmer, both residents in Westford, int. Mar. 29, 1837. Catherine, and Sam[ue]ll Read [jr. int.] of Littleton, July 28, 1785.* Charles, and Bulah Gilson of Groton, int. Jan. 3, 1810. Charlotte, and David Nutting, June 12, 1808.* Daniel, and Betsy Clenny, int. Dec. 5, 1797. Elazer, jr., and Elisabeth Fletcher, May 4, 1786.* Eleazer, and Joanna Fitch, Mar. 22, 1754.* Eleazer, jr., and Mary Putmam of Fitchburg, int. Aug. 13, 1814. [E]lisabath, and Joshua Presons of Littleton, int. Jan. 16, 1737-8. (J*an. 21, Joshua Preson altered his mind and desired not to be published.) Elnathan, and Anna Prescott, int. Aug. 4, 1781. Hannah, and Samuel Craft, Aug. 23, 1742.* Hannah, and John Nutting, int. Mar. 23, 1754. Harriet, and Charles G. Sargent of Lowell, int. Mar. 28, 1842. *Intention also Tecor(ted. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 225 Read, Isaiac [jr. int.], of Littleton, and Rebeca Fletcher, July 9, 1789.* Isaiah, and Lydia Procter, Feb. 12, 1799.* James M., and Joann Read, int. Aug. 14, 1837. Jane, and Josiah Boydenof Groton, Apr. 12, 1749.* Jane, and Eb[e]n[e]z[e]r Barret, Mar. 17, 1789.* Jasse, and Mary Pratt, int. Oct. 26, 1807. Jemima, and Solomon Spaulding, May 3, 1780. [May 31. c. R. 1.]* Jephtheh, and Marthy Fletcher of New Ipswich, N. H., int. Dec. 14, 1827. Jeremy B., and Rachel Parker, int. Sept. 13, 1828. Jeremy B., and Nancy Chandler, Jan. — , 1831. c. R. 1.* Joann, and James M. Read, int. Aug. 14, 1837. Joanna, and W[illia]m Chandler, jr., int. Sept. 26, 1787. Joanna, and John F. Bannister, int. July 15, 1839. Joel, and Joanna Chandler, Jan. 7, 1810.* John, jr., and Abiel Butterfield, Feb. 3, 1736-7.* John, and Sally Wight [Wirghfint.], Nov. 1, 1804.* Joseph, and Ruth Underwood, at Concord, May 30, 1737.* Joseph, jr., and Martha Fletcher, Nov. 11, 1771.* Joseph, Capt., and Abigal Winn of Tewksbury, int. Mar. 10, 1810. Joshua, and Mary Spaulding, int. May 27, 1758. Joshua, jr., and Rebecca Wright, int. Aug. 31, 1781. Joshua Fletcher, and Betcy Fletcher of Ashburnham, int. Apr. 6, 1815. Katharine, and Samuel Fasset, jr., Jan. 1, 1741.* Leonard, and Bethyah Herrik, int. Nov. '25, 1769. Leonard, jr., and Lucy Powers of Peterborough, N. H., int. Nov. 3, 1810. Louisa, and Levi Snow of New Ipswich, N. H., Sept. 25, 1832.* Louisa, and Joseph Leland, Feb. 8, 1838.* Lucy, and Thomas Mead, int. Mar. 26, 1763.- Lucy [Kent, int.], and Joel Hunter of Chelmsford,' Aug. 10, 1809.* Lydia, and Jacob Wendal, jr.. Mar. 4, 1788.* Martha Ann, a. 21 y., d. Zacheus and Mary H., jr., and Ed- mund F. Dupee, a. 23 y., mason, s. William and Catharine, Dec. 4, 1849.* Mary, and Eliel Heywood, May 17, 1832.* Mary Ann, and William O. Wright, int. Mar. 21, 1840. Meriam, and Lemuel Cobourn of Dracut, Mar. 3, 1794. [Mar. 25. int.]* *Inteiition also recorded. 226 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Read^ Mitilda, Mrs., and Stephen Wright, int. Jan. 12, 1820. Molly, and Elijah Hildreth, int. Jan. 13, 1776. Nancy Irene, and Dexter Richardson of Sudbury, int. Dec. 14, 1832. Olive, and [Lt. int.] Silas Procter, June 26, 1784.* Olive, and William Griflfen, int. Feb. 27, 1806. Olive E., and Henry A. Prescott, Oct. 3, 1843. p. r. 21. 01[i]ver, and Abigal Read, int. Apr. 13, 1779. Parmela, and Joseph Hildreth, Nov. 10, 1822.* Peter, of Littleton, and Dorothy Parker [wid. int.], Sept. 24, 1772.* Peter, and Sally Parker, June 9, 1789.* Polly, and Samuel Spaulding, Dec. 31, 1812.* Pricilla, of Hollis, and Luther Wright, int. Nov. 6, 1797. Rachel, and Jacob 0[sgood. int.] Parker, June 18, 1811.* Rebecca, and Thomas Richardson, Aug. 1, 1745.* Rebecca, and Isaac Procter, Jan. 30, 1783.* Rebecca, of Littleton, and Josiah Hawood [Howard, int. ; Hey- wood. CT. R.], Mar. 23, 1786.* Rebecca, and James Cook, July 14, 1793.* Rhode, and Garge Fradrick of Chelmsford, Mar. 18, 1788.* Roswell, and Sebell Gilson of Groton, int. June 24, 1813. Ruth, and Amiziah -Hildreth, int. May 30, 1761. Ruth, and Isaac Heald, Mar. 4, 1813.* Sally, and Samuel Sherburn of Chelmsford, June 24, 1794.* Sally, and Fredric Fausell of Salem, int. June 4, 1805. Sally, and Jonas Keyes, Nov. 6, 1808.* Samson, and Lydia Phelps, Mar. 18, 1773.* Samuel, and wid. Hannah Underwood, June 22, 1757.* Samuel, jr., and Elisabeth Rajmiond, int. Aug. 1, 1778. Samuel, and Mrs. Loas Brooks, int. Dec. 11, 1805. Sam[ue]ll, and Abigail Comings, Nov. 23, 1732.* Sam[ue]ll [jr. int.l, of Littleton, and Catherine Read, July 28, 1785.* Sarah, and Samuel Corey [jr. int.] of Littleton, Mar. 3, 1741.* Sarah, and Jonas Holden, int. Nov. 18, 1775. Sarah, and Reubin Wright, Dec. 19, 1787.* Sarah, Mrs., of Stoddard, N. H., and Lt. Levi Snow, int. May 9, 1823. Sarah E., of Chelmsford, and Samuel A. Waters of Millbury, Dec. 5, 1838. Seth, and Rhoday Fenny, Mar. 20, 1804.* Sibel, and Silas Howard, Jan. 6, 1775.* Silas, and Hannah Chamber lin, June 2, 1772.* *Inteiition also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 2 27 Read, Simeon, and Sarah Comings, int. Jan. 21, 1779. Stephen, and Mary Derumple of Groton, int. Apr. 8, 1779. Susanna, and William Button, Dec. 7, 1781.* Thaddeus, and Anna Sartle, int. Mar. 19, 1774. Thomas, jr., and Olive Howard of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 21, 1746-7. Thomas, 3d, and Susanna Button, Dec. 13, 1753.* Thomas, Lt., and wid. Phebe Procter of Groton, Jan. 20, 1784.* Thomas [Lt. int.], and Molly Spaulding, June 17, 1792. [June 19. c. R. 1.]* Thomas, jr., and Phebe Wright, Dec. 13,. 1796.* Thommas, jr., and Rebecca Cummings, Bee. 8, 1803.* Timo[thy], and Mary Comings, Nov. 10, 1732.*. Willard, and Olive Minot, at Charlestown, Nov. 30, 1774.* Willard [jr. int.], and Meriam White, Jan. 1, 1800.* William, and Thankful Spaulding, Dec. 29, 1741.* William, jr., and Priscilla Emery, Oct. 7, 1762.* William, jr., and Lydia Straton, Oct. 24, 1785.* William, jr., and Lucinda Patch, Jan. 12, 1817.* Zac[cheuis, and Polly Parker, Bee. 13, 1795.* Zacheus, jr., and Mary Haywood, Nov. 28, 1822.* Zacheus [sr. c. r. 1.], 2d ni., a. 76 y., farmer, s. Joshua and Mary, and Sally Prescott, 2d m., a. 63 y., d. Sampson and Borothy Fletcher, Apr. 29, 1849. [1848. c. r. 1.]* REED (see also Read), Abigail, and Thomas Richardson, at Charlestown, Apr. 13, 176.9.* Abigal O., and Otis Ada,ms of Chelmsford, Apr. 4, 1822.* Abijah, and Susanna Colman, Dec. 26, 1 793.* Almira, and Ebenezer Richardson of Chelmsford, int. Apr. 6, 1831. Alpheus J., a. 34 y., farmer, s. Joseph and Abigal, and Sarah S. Parker, a. 26 y., d. Gilbert and Sally, July 17, 1849. Asa, and Bitsy Prescott, Apr. 26, 1818.* Avery, and Charlotte Faulkner of Actoii, int. Apr. 9, 1825. Benjamin, of Templeton, and Olive Robbins, at Concord, May 30, 1783.* Caroline, and Thomas Hartwell of Littleton, at Littleton, Sept. 28, 1799. [Dec. 22. int.]*. Charlotte, and Joshua Reed, May 5, 1816.* Clarissa, and Walter H. Cumings of Tyngsborough, int. Sept. 22, 184S. Cyntha, and James M. Treadwell of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 14, 1843. *Intention also recorded. 228 WESTFORD MARRIAGES ReeDj Elizabeth, and Robert Proctor, jr. of Littleton, at Little- ton, Aug. 12, 1740. Evelina, of Lowell, and Horace Hildreth, int. Oct. 7, 1830. Hannah, and Isaiah Leighton, jr., Sept. 30, 1824.* Harriet A., a. 20 v., d. Jeremy B. and Louisa, and Joseph E. Wright, a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Jacob and Sally, Dec. 19, 1844.* Jeremiah B., and Lowiza Hildreth, Sept. 14, 1823.* Joshua, and Charlotte Reed, May 5, 1816.* Lucinda, and Eleazer Braynerd of Salem, int. Oct. 16, 1825. Lydia, and Joseph Wild of Braintree, Jan. 5, 1814.* Mary, and Frances Leighton, Jan. 24, 1813.* Mary, and Samuel Hosley of Pepperell, Apr. 4, 1815.* Mary, Mrs., and Samuel B. Tibbetts, Oct' 23, 1831.* Mary Ann, and Dexter Richardson of Lowell, Oct. 10, 1826.* Mary E[lizabeth. c. r. 1.], a. 21 y., d. Zacheus and Mary, jr., and Silas N. Heywood of Springfield, a. 28 y., farmer [and gardner. c. r. 1.], b. Boylston, s. Silas, Jan. 28, 1844.* Merrick, and Lucretia J. Bennet of Groton, int. June 25, 1844. Nancy, and Calven Fletcher, Oct. 10, 1819.* Orphelia [Orpah. int.], and Andrew Gage, Mar. 26, 1820.* Parmelia, and [ Cheney, in pencil.], . [after 1825?] Patty, and Samuel Daman of Ashby, May 9, 1816.* Polly, and Benjamin Prescott, at Littleton, , 1799. [June 10. int.]* Samuel, jr., and Polly Fitch, resident in Groton, at Groton, Dec. 29, 1795. Samuel, Capt., of Milton, and Phebe Raymond, May 4, 1817.* Sarah, and Oliver Spaulding, Nov. 2S, 1730.* Timothy, and Mary Procter, both of Chelmsford, Dec. 6, 1825. REGALLY, Michael, of Boston, and Caroline -Leighton, May — , 1830. c. R. 1.* REMINGTON, Elizabah, and W[illia]m Fletcher, jr.. Mar. 16, 1731.* RICHARDSON (see also Richerdson), Abiah, and Stephen Wright, jr.. Mar. 8, 1810.* Abiel, and Sarah Boynton, July 9, 1741.* Amey [Anna, int.], and Levi T. Fletcher, Apr. 14, 1825.* Bridget, of Chelmsford, and Timothy Fletcher, jr., int. Feb. 15, 1745-6. * Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 229 fliCHARDSONj Bridget, and Thomas Hastings, 3d of Watertown [New town int.],. July 3, 1796* Catherine, and Trueworthy Heywood, Apr. 4, 1844.* Charles, of Oxford, and Mary Roper, Feb. 2, 1736-7.* Dexter, of Lowell, and Mary Ann Reed, Oct. 10, 1826.* Dexter, of Sudbury, and Nancy Irene Read, int. Dec. 14, 1832. Eade, and Amaziah Fasset, May 17, 1768.* Ebenezer, of Chelmsford, and Almira Reed, int. Apr. 6, 1831. Edward, and Eliza D. Hildreth, int. Jan. 28, 1837. Elisabeth, and Issacher Keyes [resident in Westford. int.], Oct. 22, 1770.* Fanny, and Charles Martin, resident in Lynn [of Andover. int.], May 28, 1820.* Francis, of Providence, R. I., and Belinda A. Fletcher [of Gardner, p. r! 2.], May 15, 1838. George W., and Judith Ellenwood of Pelham, N. H., int. Sept. 18, 1838. Hannah, of Medway, and Jonathan Underwood, at Medway, June 15, 1739.* Hannah, and Timothy Spaulding, Aug. 4, 1763.* Hannah, and Solomon Wheat [jr. int.], at Concord, Oct. 31, 1769.* Hannah H., of Lowell, and Solomon Kittredge, now resident in Westford, int. June 15, 1842. Hannah H., of Lowell, and Seth E. Smith, int. Dec. 28, 1844. Henery, and Ruth Bates [wid. int.], July 12, 1734. [July 16. int.]* Henry, and wid. Lucy Wright, int. Oct. 10, 1777. Ira G., and Sarah Dix Hamlin, Sept. 16, 1841.* Ira G., 2d m., currier [b. Templeton. in pencil.], and Mary E. Heywood, d. Levi and Martha, Nov. 24, 1844.* Joseph, of Fitchburg, and Ruth S[t] evens of Chelmsford, Feb. 14, 1791. Joseph, and Lucy M. Byam, both of Chelmsford, Apr. 4, 1833. p. R. 2. Luke, and Sarah Minot, Jan. 7, 1 768.* ' Lydia, and Jonathan Spaulding, Jan. 11, 1759.* Lydia, and John Farmer, both of Chelmsford, Jan. 24, 1788. Lydia, and Ebennezer Parker of New Ipswich, int. Mar. 1, 1790. Lydia, and Walter Wright of Lowell, int. Apr. 24, 1841. Maria L., a. 21 y., d. Thomas and Philinda, and Daniel Love- joy of Lowell, a. 24 y., blacksmith, s. Ralph and Nabby, Nov. 21, 1847.* 'Intention also recorded. 230 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Richardson, Mary, and John C. Newell of Concord, Apr. S, 1821* Mary, and Stow Hildreth of Townsend, int. Jan. 4, 1832. Mary Jane, a. 24 v., and Charles D. Price of Lowell, a, 24 y., int. Oct. 6, 1849. Olive, and Abel Adams of Chelmsford, July 22, 1771.* Orville, of Leominster, and Polly Fletcher, June 29, 1826.* Philinda, a. 28 y., d. Thomas and Philinda, and George R. Moore, a. 29 y., wheelwright, b. Gardiner, Me., s. John and Myra, Dec. 31, 1846.* Polly [Mrs. c. R. 1.], and Isaac Cummings, Dec. 9, 1804.* Rebecca, and John Tidd, int. Aug. 24, 1776. Rebecca, and Calvin Green of Carlisle, Sept. 3, 1798.* Rebecca, of Chelmsford, and William Cummings of Tyngsbor- ough. May 22, 1799. Samuel, of Methuen, and Lucy Parker, int. Feb. 12, 178[0]. Samuel, and Amy Fletcher of Dunstable, int. Sept. 2, 1803. Samuel [H. c. R. 1.], jr., and Olive Prescott, Feb. — , 1830.* Sam[ue]ll, and Elisabeth Hildreth, May 27, 1784. [May 20. CT. R.]* Sarah, and Benjamin Huchins of Putney, N. Y., int. Dec. 20, 1776. Sarah, and David Fletcher, jr., Nov. 22, 1779.* Sarah, Mrs., of Tyngsborough, and Calvin Howard, int. Nov. 5, 1842. ■ Silas, of Ipswich, N. H., and Lydia Fletcher, Dec. 28, 1769.* Silas, and Lydia Marcey of Chelmsford, Oct. 30, 1797.* Solomon, and Nancy Cogswell, May 8, 1814.* Stephen, of Lowell, and Betsey Patten, Feb. 18, 1829.* Susan, of Chelmsford, and Abel Fletcher, int. Dec. 10, 1820. Thomas, and Rebecca Read, Aug. 1, 1745.* Thomas, and Abigail Reed, at Charlestown, Apr. 13, 1769.* Thomas [jr. int.], and Abigail Spaulding, Nov. 28, 1774.* Thomas, and PolleyNoice of East Sudbury, int. Dec. 7, 1796. Thomas, jr., and Filinda Wright, May 9, 1811.* Thomas, and Mary Fletcher, Jan. 23, 1840.* Warren, and Clarissa Dix of Billerica, int. Jan. 30, 1836. Wile, Lt., and Mrs. Mary Wilson of Bedford, int. Dec. 31, 1815. Wiley, and Frances Poor of Andover, at Andover, May 15, 1783.* Willard, and Mary Griffin of Sudbury, int. Jan. 18, 1802. W'illiam, of Chelmsford, and Lucy Ann Weber, Oct. 8, 1829.* Zibiah, and [Capt. int.] Peter B. Prescott of Lowell, May 30, 1841.* ^Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 23 1 RICHERDSON (see also Richardson), Lyda, and John Roobey of Litchfield, Mar. 11, 1741-2.* Margit, and Sameuell Craft, int. Aug. 29, 1735. RICHMOND, Charles B., of Lowell) and Nancy L. Heywood, May 26, 1840.* RIDER, John, and Susanna Winslow, int. Aug. 17, 1754. ROBBENS (see also Robbins), Esther, and Joseph Swallow of Dunstable, int. Oct. 25, 1751., ROBBENSON (see also Robinson), John, Lt., and Mrs. Hul- dah Perky [of Boxford. int.], at Boxford, Nov. 27, 1764.* ROBBERSON (see also Robinson), Huldah [Robins, c. R. 1 and int.], and Ens. Jonathan Prescott, Jan. 29, 1809.* •John [Robbinson. int.], and Hannah Woods, Jan. 1, 1809.* ROBBINS (see also Robbens, Robens, Robins), Almira, and Augustus Tuttle of Concord, Oct. 30, 1823.* Asa, of Townsend, and Anna Wright, ' Apr. 15, 1835.* Benjamin, and Ann [Anas, int.] Johnson of Harvard, July 12, 1733.* Benjamin, of Littleton, and Elisabeth Heald, Jan. 23, 1783.* Elijah, of Dunstable, and Luce Adams, int. July 14, 1759. Elizabeth, and Samuel Gilbert of Littleton, at Concord, Oct. , 9, 1770.* Hannah, and Ebenezer Corey, Apr. 12, 1753.* Hannah, and Charles Eames of Leominster, int. Dec. 22, 1753. Jacob, and Lydia Heald of Acton, int. Nov. 25, 1749. Jacob, jr., and Dolly Hildreth, Jan. 16, 1783.* Jacob, and Annis Taylor of Hollis, at Carlisle, Jan. 1, 1795.* James, of Grafton, and Deborah Butterfield, Dec. 9, 1740.* James, and Phene Osgood, June 7, 1803.* Jedediah, and Eliza Ann Searls, June 30, 1833.* Jeremiah, and Elisabeth Keele, int. Dec. 2, 1780. John, and Sarah Davis of Acton, int. May 5, 1750. Jonathan, and Mary Procter, May 4, 1743.* Jonathan, and Mary Fletcher, 3d, Nov. 13, 1764.* Joseph, and Mary Chamberlain, Mar. 21, 1743-4.* Levi, and Nancy Hastings of Waltham, int. Apr. 25, 1817. I,uce, of Chelmsford, and Ezekiel Hildreth, int. Apr. 11, 1774. ♦Intention also recorded. 232 WESTFORD MARRIAGES RoBBiNS, Lydia, of Chelmsford, aiid Nathan Proctor [jr. int.], at Concord, Jan. 9, 1774, [Apr. 23. int.]* Lydia, and Will[ia]m Blasdel, resident in Westfprd, int. Jan. 19, 1782. Lydia, and Timothy Adams, at Littleton, July 15, 1783.* Martha, and Daniel Lincoln of Westminster, Oct. 1, 1816.* Mary, and Samuel Parker, May 12, 1748.* Mary, and Henry Blazdell, resident in Westford, int. Jan. 1, 1785. Olive, and Benjamin Reed of Templeton, at Concord, May 30, 1783.* Phillip, and Anna Minot of Chelmsford, int. June 20, 1750. Phillip, and Ruth Peirce [wid. int.] of Groton, at Groton, Nov. 22, 1792.* Sarah, and Thomas Parrott, at Concord, Dec. 6, 1739.* Sarah, and John Tuttle of Littleton, Apr. 27, 1740.* Sibel, of Carlisle, and Eliakim Hutchins, int. Sept. 27, 1817. Thomas, and Bridget Wright, int. Feb. 11, 1780. Zecariah, and Elisabeth Procter, Apr. 4, 1744.* ROBBINSON (see also Robinson), Rebecca, and Joshua Abbott Jewett, May IS, 1800. William, of Westminster, Vt., and Alice Wright, Aug. 5, 1799. [Aug. 25. c. R. 1; Aug. 11. int.]* ROBENS (see also Robbins), Elezabath, and St[e]p[h]en. Shathuck of Littleton, Sept. 3, 1734.* ROBERTSON (see also Robinson), Huldah [Robbinson. int.], and Benja[min] Robins, Aug. 25, 1784.* ROBINS (see also Robbins), Benja[min], and Huldah Robert- son [Robbinson. int.], Aug. 25, 1784.* Peter, and Rachel Robins of Dunstable, N. H., int. Feb. 9, 1788. Rachel, of Dunstable, N. H., and Peter Robins, int. Feb. 9, 1788. Sarah, and [James Pierce, . in pencil.] [after 1790?] Sibel, and Simon Lawrence of Littleton, at Littleton, Nov. 8, 1769.* Zachariah, jr., and Abigal Hildreth, Apr. 14, 1785.* ROBINSON (see also Robbenson, Robberson, Robbinson, Rob- ertson), Betsy, and Abraham Perley of Boxford, Mar. 8, 1808.* •Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 233 Robinson, Lydia, wid., and Josiah Kemp, int. Nov. 14, 1772. Mehitable, and Benjamin Fletcher, Aug. 27, 1797.* Sarah, and Gershom Fletcher, jr., Dec. 7, 1769.* ROCKWELL, Henry C. [O. int.], of Fitchburg, and Sarah C. Laws, Apr. 14, 1842.* ROCKWOOD, Joseph, jr., of Groton, and Lucy Fletcher, Nov. 26, 1789.* RODGERS (see also Rogers), John G., and Lydia Ann Cab- ling, both of Lowell, Feb. 10, 1835. p. r. 2. ROE, Hannah, and Ephriam Fletcher, int. Sept. 14, 1731. ROGERS (see also Rodgers), Artemus, of Newton, and Lucy Bigsby, July 11, 1816.* Eliza, and Josep F. Pike, Aug. — , 1830. C. R. 1.* Molley, wid., and William Munroe, jr. of Lexington, int. Mar. 23, 1782. I ROOBEY, John, of Litchfield, and Lyda Richerdson, Mar. 11, 1741-2.* ROPER, Mary, and Charles Richardson of Oxford, Feb. 2, 1736-7.* Sibel, of Marlborough, and [Lt. int.] Samuel Chamberlin, Mar. 27, 1733.* Sibel, and William [Isaac, int.] Wilson of Weston, Apr. 26, 1739.* ROSE, Bracklev, of Lvndeborough, N. H., and Sally Chamber- lin, Feb. 4,' 1835.* RUMRIL (see also Rumrill), David, .and Priscilla Corey of Chelmsford, at Billerica, Aug. 20, 1765.* Mary, and Benjamin Dutton, July 10, 1751.* RUMRILL (see also Rumril) , Simon, of New Ipswich, and Jo- anna Kemp, Dec. 6, 1790.* RUSSEL (see also Russell), Abel, and wid. Sarah Frost, resi- dent in Chelmsford, Nov. 1, 1781.* Amos, of Harvard, and Sarah Hildreth, June 25, 1747.* *IntentioD also recorded. 234 WESTFORD MARRIAGES RussEL, Elizabeth, and George Fradrick of Tyngsborough, int. Apr. 11, 1829. Hannah, and Francis Smith, Jan. 2, 1783.* RUSSELL (see also Russel), Abigail, of Littleton, and Francis Kidder [jr. int.], at Littleton, July 13, 1779.* Abigal, of Acton, and Zechariah Willis, int. Jan. 3, 1761. Amos, jr., and wid. Hannah Foster, int. Aug. 17, 178[0]. John, jr., of Littleton, and Abigail Hildreth, July 18, 1749.* Mary, wid., and Nathaniel Kemp, Apr. 30, 1759.* Rebecca, of Litchfield, and Benjamin Fasset, Apr. 17, 17S3.* RYAN, Rogers, of Lowell, and Hannah Wight, Apr. 30, 1833.* SANBURN, Leonard C, of Chelmsford, and Sarah E. Hart-- well of Littleton, Oct. 5, 1837. p. r. 2. SANDERSON, Nancy, of Lowell, and James F. Whitney, int. Aug. 1, 1841. SARGEANT (see also Sargent), Martha Ann, a. 20 y., b. Straf- ford, Vt., d. Noah and Lucinda [of Stratford, Vt. c. R. 1.], and Charles A. Prescott, a. 20 y., trader, s. Asa and Sophia D., Feb. 22, 1848.* SARGENT (see also Sargeant), Charles G., of Lowell, and Harriet Read, int. Mar. 28, 1842. Mary A., of Fitzwilliam* N. H., and David Morison, int. Sept. 27, 1841. SARLS (see also Searle), Samuell, of Dunstable, and Mary Butrfield, Jan. 17, 1736-7.* SARTEL (see also Sawtell), Zecheriah, of Groton, and Abi- gail Bigsby, Sept. 11, 1733.* SARTELL (see also Sawtell), Esther, of Acton, and Smith Foster, at Acton, June 16, 1778.* Simeon, of Townsend, and Abigail Cory, int. Aug. 25, 1772. SARTLE Csee also Sawtell), Anna, and Thaddeus Read, int. Mar. 19, 1774. ^Intention also lecorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 235 SAUNDERS, Hannah, of Groton, and Thomas Smith, at Gro- ton, Dec. 10, 1767.* SAUNDERSON, Nancv, of Littleton, and Asa Parker, int. May 14, 1825. SAVILLE, Richard L., of Boston, a. 25 y., merchant, b. Glou- cester, s. William and Sally B., and Mary Byam, a. 26 y., d. Asaph and Mary, May 5, 1844.* SAWTELL (see also Sartel, Sartell, Sartle, Sawtelle), Lydia, of Groton, and Robert Wilkinson, at Groton, Feb. 16, 1795. [Feb. 19. int.]* Lydia, and George Kidder, Mar. 31, 1831.* SAWTELLE (see also Sawtell), Homer, and Nancy Needham, Dec. 27, 1812.* SCOTT, Caroline M., and Ancil Davis [of Acton, int.], May 19, 1839.* [Elize. in pencil.], and Ahimoaz Jewet, . [after 1814?] Frederick, and Mary W. Newton of Maiden, int. Jan. 17, 1841. John, Hon., of Detroit, Mich., and Jane Abbot, Aug. 24, 1842.* Samuel, and Sally Weathereby, Apr. 1, 1810.* Samuel E., and Louisa E. Furbush of Carlisle, int. Apr. 21, 1844. Sarah A., and James T. Flint, int. Mar. 22, 1845. Thomas, and Olive Procter, Nov. 27, 1780.* William, of Dunstable, and Elizabeth McLane, May 3, 1763.* SCRIBNER, Hannah, Mrs., and William Usher of Charles- town, Feb. 25, 1824. Mathew, Rev., and [Mrs. int.] Sarah Porter of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Dec. 16, 1779.* SEARLE (see also Saris, Searles, Searls, Series), Ellen E., of Lowell, a. 18 y., d. Augustus H. and Maria, and Russell A. Miller of Lowell, a. 21 y., operative, s. Sariiuel B. and Anna, Nov. 16, 1845. SEARLES (see also Searle), Betsey M., and John B. Gates, Mar. 3, 1836.* 'Intention also recorded. 236 WESTFORD MARRIAGES SEARLS (see also Searle), Abigail, of Concord, and Nathaniel Barret, Feb. 8, 1744.* Augustus H., of Chelmsford, and Rebecca Wright, Dec. 8, 1831.* Eliza Ann, and Jedediah Robbins, June 30, 1833.* Jonathan, of Nottingham, and Thankful Bigsby, Oct, 12, 1748. SH^ITER, John, of Londonderry, and Abigail Parker, Mar. 11, 1742.* SERLES (see also Searle), James, and Betsey Peirce of Wal- tham, int. Mar. 26, 1808. SHATHUCK (see also Shattuck), St[e]p[h[en, of Littleton, and Elezabath Robens, Sept. 3, 1734.* SHATTUCK (see also Shathuck), Jemima, of Pepperell, and Joseph [Josiah. int.] Spaulding, at Townsend, May 7, 1777.* SHAW, Elisha, of Chelmsford, and Emily Hildreth, June 2, 1840.* Elisha, of Chelmsford, and Martha E. Lincoln, int. June 8, 1844. SHED (see also Sheed), Asa, of Ashby, and Elisabeth Com- ings, int. Feb. 6, 17.79. Jacob, jr., of Tewksbury, and Susanna Spaulding of Chelms- ford, Sept. 11, 1803. Rachel, of Pepperell, and John Proctor, at Pepperell, Feb. 5, 1794.* Sophronia, and Stephen Hinkly of Gorham, Me., int. Oct. 3, 1829. Susanna, and Christopher Way of Gorham, Me., May 29, 1836.* SHEED (see also Shed), Elisabath, of Billerica, and Nathanil Boynton, int. Sept. 13, 1735. SHEPHERD, Charles, of Bedford, N. H., and Betsy Wright, int. Oct. 9, 1824. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 237 SHERBURN, Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Sally Read, June 24, 1794.* SHIPLEY, Joseph, and Eunice Parker of Groton, June 27, 1744. SHURTLIFF!, Susan, of Chelmsford, arid Hartwell Kemp, int. Nov. 9, 1840. SKIFFINGTON, Mary, and John Whitney, both resident in Westford, int. Feb. 16, 1779. SKINNER, Elizabeth, and John Davis of Chelmsford, Feb. 7, 1749.* SLATER, Benjamin, of Carlisle, and Nancy Raymond, int. May 4, 1818. SLEEPER, Benjamin, of Francestown, N. H., and Ruth Hil- dreth, int. June 8, 1822. [Mar. 19, 1823. dup.] SMITH, Ballard [Pollard, dup.], of Dunstable, and Prudance Griffin, May 31, 1803.* Caroline, of Duxbury, and Charles Hewit, int. Aug. 22, 1833. Daniel [jr. int.], of Exeter, N. H., and Anna Read, Apr. 25, 1811.* Francis, and Hannah Russel, Jan. 2, 1783.* Hannah, and Michael Carter of Dunstable, June 10, 1807. Hannah, and Joseph Wright, jr., Apr. 21, 1812.* Jacob B., of Chelmsford, and Mary A. Griffin, int. Jan. 30, 1840. John, and Martha Boynton, Apr. 9, 1811.* Joseph, and Susan Spaulding, int. Dec. 10, 1820. Lydia, and William Sweetser of Reading, int. Oct. 29, 1757. Phill[i]p, and Francis Bason, int. Dec. 17, 1776. Polly, and Joseph Gould, June 5, 1806.* Rebekah, and Thomas Heald, Apr. 7, 1808.* Sally, and Jacob Wright, Mar. 18, 1807.* Seth E., and Hannah H. Richardson of Lowell, int. Dec. 28, 1844. Socrates, Rev., of New York City, and Lydia Maria Harwood, June 26, 1845. p. r. 2.* Thomas [jr. int.], and Elizabeth Walton of Reading, at Read- ing, Feb. — , 1762.* 'Intention also recorded. 238 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Smith, Thomas, and Hannah Saunders of Groton, at Groton, Dec. 10, 1767.* Thomas, and Molly Herrick, Mar. 3, 1772.* Timothy, and Betsy Abbot, Sept. 12, 1815.* William C, and Dorcas Dutton of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 17, 1823. William H[oward, of Norton, int.], resident in Westford, and Rachel Blood, Oct. 14, 1818.* SNOW, James, and Sukey Gilson of Groton, Apr. 28, 1796.* Joanna, and Robert Spaulding of Chelmsford, Nov. 23, 1820.* Jonathan, and Mrs. Sarah Parker, int. June 23, 1811. Jonathan, and Sally Bohonon of New Chester, N. H., int. Sept. 5, 1813. Joshua [of Chelmsford, int.], and Lois Hildreth, at Chelms- ford, May 28, 1761.* Levi, and Lucy Fletcher, at Billerica, Oct. 13, 1789.* Levi, Lt., and Mrs. Sarah Read of Stoddard, N. H., int. May 9, 1823. Levi, of New Ipswich, N. H., and Louisa Read, Sept. 25, 1832.* Louis, of Chelmsford, and Daniel Brooks, Nov. 16, 1797.* Mary, and Joseph Harrington of Concord, May 3, 1821.* Sally [Mrs. int.], and Joseph Wright of Dedham, Sept. 3, 1811.* Salmon, and Abigail Fletcher of Ashburnham, int. Nov. 16, 1817. Salmon, and Nancy Law of Littleton, int. Apr. 23, 1821. SOUTHER, Mary, and Samuel Taylor, both of Waltham, Feb. 10, 1828. SPALTER, John H., of Groton, and Martha Ann Hildreth, July 15, 1841.* [SPARHAWK, Emily, and Lendall Perry, . different ink.] [after 1820?] SPAULDEN (see also Spaulding), Josiah, of Chelmsford, and Mary Fletcher, July 2, 1733.* SPAULDING (see also Spaulden, Spawlding, Spolding, Spoulding, Spualding), Abel, of Dunstable, and Lydia Powers, at Dunstable, Nov. 19, 1767.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 239 Spaulding, Abigail [of Chelmsford, int.], and Ebenezer Had- ley, at Chelmsford, June 11, 1753.* Abigail, and Thomas Richardson [jr. int.], Nov. 28, 1774.* Alpheus, of Chelmsford, and Patty Osgood, Oct; 12, 1815.* Amy, and Caleb Putnam of Wilton, N. H., Mar. 8, 1775.* Andrew, Dea., anpl Mrs. Mehitable Crosby of Andover, at An- dover, Nov. 26, 1745.* Benjamin, of Dorchester, Canada, and Sarah Chandlor, int. Feb. 3, 1759. Benjamin, of Chelmsford, and Polly F. Prescott, Feb. 18, 1830.* Betty, and Joseph Blanchard, both of Dunstable, Sept. 19, 1748. Calvin, and Sally Wright, J^. 14, 1823.* Ebenezer, and Hannah Craft, Dec. 4, 1730.* Edee, and James Cummings ctf Wilton, "in the County of Ken- ebeck," int. Oct. 7, 1804. Eliza T., of Tyngsborough, and John Ingalls, int. Nov. 10, 1837. Ephraim, of Fitchburg", arid Lydia Spaulding of Chelmsford, Apr. 5, 1792. Esther, Mrs., of Chelmsford, and Daniel Proctor, int. May 30, 1811. George W., and Rhoda Frederic of Tyngsborough, int. Nov. 8, 1821. Hannah, and Simeon Hildreth, Feb. 8, 1758.* Hannah, wid., and Samuel Adams, Nov. 14, 1769.* Hannah, and Henry Wilson, May 5, 1792.* Hannah, and Joseph Jewet, Nov. 12, 1795.* Hazadiah, of Chelmsford, and Moses .Woods of Acton, Apr. 16, 1793. Henrey, 3d, and Lydia Procter, both of Chelmsford, Dec. 22, 1791. Henry, jr., of Chelmsford, and Mary Fletcher, int. Oct. 28, 1774. Ira, of Chelmsford, and Joanna Fletc[her], int. June 21, 1795. Isaac, and Susannah Lawrence of Littleton, at Littleton, Sept. 15, 1761.* Isaac, of New Ipswich, N. H., and Mrs. Martha L. Parker, Apr. 27, 1837.* Isaiah, and Patty Byam, both of Chelmsford, Sept. 12, 1813. James, jr., and Hannah Barron, jr., Sept. 26, 1769.* James, and wid. Eunice Fasset, Jan. 15, 1771.* James, and Anna Tenna of T5mgsborough, Mar. 17, 1807.* 'Intention also recorded. 240 WESTFORD MARRIAGES "Spaulding, Joanna, and Benjamin Swallow of Dunstable, at Dunstable, Mar. 5, 1767.* Joel, and Silvia Lawrence of Ashby, int. Oct. 2, 1797. John, 3d [of Chelmsford, int.], and Lucy Fletcher, at Chebns- ford,.Jan. 26, 1786.* Jonathan, and Lydia Richardson, Jan. 11, 1259.* Joseph, of Westminster, and Bridget Crosby, int. Jan. 6, 1764. Joseph [Josiah. int.], and Jemima Shattuck of Pepperell, at Townsend, May 7, 1777.* Josiah, and Esther Adams [wid. of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Nov. 25, 1760.* Josiah, and Lydia Cleaveland of Acton, Feb. IS, 1763.* Josiah, and Marah Wesh [Mary Welsh, int.], Dec. 1, 1772.* Josiah [of Pepperell. c. r. 1.], and Bethiah Read [both of Westford. int.], Apr. 30, 1792. [June 26. c. R. 1.]* Loiza, and Parker Woodard, int. Nov. 10, 1827. Lucy, and Ezra Jewett of Littleton, Jan. 14, 1768.* Lucy, and Silas Pierce [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Mar. 26, 1771.* Lydia, of Chelmsford, and Aaron Parker, jr., June 3, 1766.* Lydia, of Chelmsford, and Ephraim Spaulding of Fitchburg, Apr. S, 1792. Lydia, and Caleb Putman of Wilton [N. H. int.], Feb. 24, 1801.* Mary, and Joshua Read, int. May 27, 1758. Mary, of Ashburnham, and Jonas Nutting, int. June 1, 1805. Mehitable, and Theodore Woodard, Apr. 11, 1816.* Molly, of Chelmsford, and Jesse Stevens of Fitchburg, Nov. 25, 1790. Molly, and [Lt. int.] Thomas Read, June 17, 1792.* Oliver, and Sarah Reed, Nov. 25, 1730.* Oliver, and Abigail Hall, Aug. 14, 1787.* Phillep, and Elisabeth Obert of Acton, int. Apr. 10, 1762. Phinehas, and Rebecca Jaqueth of Dunstable, Nov. 18, 1779.* Polly, of Chelmsford, and Dr. Asaph Byam, int. Apr. 11, 1817. Rebecca, and Samuel Lawrence, jr., Jan. 28, 1762.* Robert, and Hephsibah Ramond, int. Apr. 4, 1784. Robert, of Chelmsford, and Joanna Snow, Nov. 23, 1820.* Ruth, and Isaac Butterfield of Dunstable, Dec. 3, 1772.* Sally, and Joshua Abbot Jewett, July 22, 1797.* Sally, of Chelmsford, and Willard Fletcher, jr., int. Feb. 13, 1808. Samuel, and Polly Read, Dec. 31, 1812.* 'Intention also recoided. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 24 1 Spaulding, Samuel, of Tyngsborough, and Mary Ann Wright, Sept. 7, 1834.* Sarah, and Henry Wright, jr., int. Jan. 13, 1753. Sarah [of Chelmsford, int.], and Jonathan Fletcher [jr. int.], at Chelmsford, Jan. 22, 1761.* Sarah, and Timothy Howard, both of Chelmsford, July IS, 1788. Sarah Ann, of Tyngsborough, and Liberty C. Raymond of Box- borough, Apr. 6, 1843. Sibbel, and Artemas Parker, both of Chelmsford, Jan. 20, 1807. Solomon, and Jemima Read, May 3, 1780. [May 31. c. r. 1.]* Susan, and Joseph Smith, int. Dec. 10, 1820. Susanna, of Chelmsford, and Benjamin Butteriield [jr. int.], Sept. 26, 1748.* Susanna, of Chelmsford, and Jacob Shed, jr. of Tewksbury, Sept. 11, 1803. Thankful, and William Read, Dec. 29, 1741.* Thomas, and Rachel Chandler, Aug. 29, 1757.* Thomas, jr., and Mary Hilton of Lunenburg, int. Oct. 31, 1818. Timothy, and Hannah Richardson, Aug. 4, 1763.* Zebulen, jr., and Molley Mears, both of Chelmsford, Mar. 9, 1791. Zebulon [jr., of Chelmsford, int.], and Lydia Wright, at Chelmsford, Feb. 12, 1767.* Zebulon, of Carlisle, and Dorcurs Parker, June 5, 1806.* William, and Esther Dutton, Nov. 29, 1759.* SPAWLDING (see also Spaulding), Job, and Sarah Procter, Mar. 3, 1785.* SPENCER, Sarah, of Groton, and Samuel Blodget, int. Oct. 13, 1744. SPOLDING (see also Spaulding), Jam[e]s, of Chelmsford, and Ame Underwood, int. Sept. 18, 1736. SPOULDING (see also Spaulding), Sarah, of Chelmsford, and Samuel Comings, int. Oct. 21, 1741. Thankfull, and Joseph Boldwin of Townsend, July 7, 1741.* SPRAGUE, Elisabeth, of Groton, and Ebenezer Prescott, Feb. 19, 1745-6.* 'Intention also recorded. 242 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Sprague, Elisabeth, and Zaccheus Barret of Narragansett, No. 6, int. Mar. 29, 1760. Hezekiah, and Martha Prescott, Mar. 4, 1797.* SPUALDING (see also Spaulding), Rachel, of Billerica, and Jeremiah Warren of Chelmsford, Oct. 1, 1789. SQUIRE, Samuel [resident in Westford. int.], and Mary Hil- dreth, Apr. 10, 1764.* STARNS (see also Stearns), John, of Littleton, and Martha Cleveland, at Littleton, Mar. 3, 1773.* STEARNS (see also Starns, Sternes, Sterns), Joanna, of Bil- lerica, and Ebenezer Fletcher, at Billerica, Aug. 8, 1754.* STEAVENS (see also Stevens), Johannah, of Chelmsford, and David Fletcher, jr., int. Oct. 27, 1774. STEPHENS (see also Stevens), Abel, and Betsey Putnum [of Fitchburg. dup.], Oct. 12, 1802. Asa, of Chelmsford, and Harriot Chamberlin, Apr. 23, 1832.* Susan, of Chelmsford, and Ezekiel Wright, int. Jan. 6, 1821. STERNES (see also Stearns), Salley M., of Bedford, and Stephen N. Nicholes, int. Oct. 3, 1829. STERNS (see also Stearns), John, of Chelmsford, and Lydia Crosbye of Carlisle, Aug. 27, 1789. Samuel, and Amma Billash of Brookline, int. Feb. 17, 1806. STEVENS (see also Steavens, Stephens), Abel, and [Mrs. int.] Sally Fletcher, Sept. 22, 1814.* Abel, and Lucy Wheeler Fletcher, int. May 25, 1828. Abraham L., of Boston, and Levina Jenkins, June 7, 1807.* Allen [Steward, resident in Westford. int.], and Molly Berry, at Littleton, Jan. 29, 1779. [May 15. int.]* Benjamin, and Hannah Parker, both of Chelmsford, June 1, 1797. Betsev [Mrs. int.], and Levi Worran of Littleton, May 20, 1812.* Bill Wright, and Phebe Goald, both of Cheljnsford, Nov. 29, 1792. 'Intention sJso recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 243 Stevens, Bill Wright, and Rachel Woods of Groton, int. July 15, 1816. Deliverance, of Chelmsford, and Ebenezer Wright, May 25, 1730. Jesse, of Fitchburg, and Molly Spaulding of Chelmsford, Nov. 25, 1790. Parker, and Catherine Parkhurst, both of Dunstable, May 27, 1799. Rachel, and Josiah Parkhust, both of Chelmsford, May 3, 1792. Ruth, of Chelmsford, and Joseph Richardson of Fitchburg, Feb. 14, 1791, Sally, of Chelmsford, and Joel Clark of Stanstead, Lower Canada, Jan. 23, 1821. Sampson, jr., and Edee P. Wright, Apr. 1, 1840.* Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Ruth Wright, Mar. 4, 1731.* Samuel S., of Gardner, and Martha Osgood, int. Oct. 5, 1830. Simeon [of Chelmsford, int.], and Elizabeth Wright, at Chelmsford, July 19, 1764.* Simon [Simeon, int.], and Betcy Fletcher, Jan. 1, 1809.* Sybel, of Chelmsford, and Jesse Wright, Jan. 10, 1828.* STEWARD, Timothy, and Esther Taylor, int. July 26, 1755. STODDARD (see also Stodder), Charles, Capt., and Fayette Turner of Pembroke, int. Mar. 4, 1805. Grace, and Samuel Stone of Boston, Feb. 23, 1800.* STODDER (see also Stoddard), Mary, and Joseph Swasey, jr. of [Edgartown. int.] Martha's Vineyard, Aug. 5, 1799.* STONE, Eunice, of Lexington, and Abijah Tarbell, Aug. 4, 1794. Jonas, of Groton, and Rebecca Fletcher, May 23, 1765.* Mary, and Suel Fletcher, int. Feb. 1, 1803> Naomi, and Charles Lawrance, int. Feb. 5, 1763. Peter, of Groton, and Abigail Fasset, at Groton, Sept. 14, 1773.* Ruth, and Leonard Keep, Oct. 7, 1765.* Samuel, of Boston, and Grace Stoddard, Feb. 23, 1800.* STRATON (see also Stratton) , Jonathan, and Hepsebeth Par- lin of Concord, int. Feb. 24, 1780. [1781?] Lydia, and William Read, jr., Oct. 24, 1785.* 'Intention also recorded. 244 WESTFORD MARRIAGES STRATTON (see also Straton), Abigal, of Concord, and Wil- liam Hartwell, int. Nov. 21, 1761. Lydia, and Amos Hardy, int. Aug. 6, 1768. SULLENDINE, Adaline, of Shirley, and Abraham Durant, int. May, 9, 1824. SWALLOW, Benjamin, of Dunstable, and Joanna Spaulding, at Dunstable, Mar. 5, 1767.* Jonathan, of Groton, and Jemima Wilson, Mar. 18, 1788.* Joseph, of Dunstable, and Esther Robbens, int. Oct. 25, 1751. Kindal, of Dunstable, and Pattv [Martha, int.] Keyes, Dec. 26, 1822.* SWAN, Ebenezer, jr., of Tyngsborough, and Mary E. Leigh- ton, Sept. 23, 1830.* Polly, and Ebnezer Persons, int. Mar. 26, 1791. SWAS'EY, Joseph, jr., of [Edgartown. int.], Martha's Vine- yard, and Mary Stodder, Aug. 5, 1799.* SWEETSER (see also Switsir), Elias, and Mary Adams of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 13, 1811. Mary, and William M. Vose, int. Apr. 14, 1847. Nathan W., and Betsy W. Adams of Carlisle, int. Sept. 1, 1831. Sarah, and Eldad P. Bean of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 9, 1839. William, of Reading, and Lydia Smith, int. Oct. 29, 1757. William, of Boston [of Charlestown. c. r. 1.], and Sally Ray- mond, Nov. 8, 1807.* SWITSIR (see also Sweetser), Nathaniel [Sweetsar. int.], Capt, and Nancy Hutchins, Nov. 17, 1817.* SYMMES (see also Symms), Caleb, of Charlestown, and [Mrs. int.] Elizabeth Hall, Sept. 21, 1756.* Ede F[letcher. p. r. 17.], and Cephas Drew of Boston [of Hal- ifax, p. R. 17.], Apr. 2, 1823. c. r. 1.* Edward, and Rebecah P. Fletcher of Carlisle, int. Nov. 4, 1840. Elisabeth, wid., and Capt. Benjamin Fletcher, Feb. 9, 1779.* Thomas, and Rebecca Carver [d. Benjamin, p. r. 17.], Aug. 2, 1789.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES . 245 SYMMS (see also Symmes), Caleb, and Lydia Trobridge, Nov. 23, 1784* SYMONS, Esther, and Joseph Jewett, Dec. 20, 1785.* TAFT, Sally, of Lowell, and Samuel Law, int. Mar. 26, 1842. TARBEL (see also Tarbell), James, of Pepperell, and Esther Fletcher, int. Oct. 25, 1755. Sarah, of Groton, and Lt. Joseph Boynton, int. Apr. 10, 1762. TARBELL (see also Tarbel), Abijah, and Eunice Stone of Lexington, Aug. 4, 1794. Abijah, Lt., and Bejsey Hildreth, Nov. 6, 1803.* TAYLER (see also Taylor), Joel, and Sally Wright, Jan. 19, 1809.* TAYLOR (see also Tayler), Abraham, of Ashby, and Sarah Prescott, Dec. 3, 1767.* Annis, of Hollis, and Jacob Robbins, at Carlisle, Jan. 1, 1795.* David, of Dunstable, and Hannah Fletcher, Apr. 16, 1752.* Eleazer, of Towns'end, and Sarah Keyes, Apr. 11, 1759.* Estha,- and Timothy Howard, at Groton, Dec. 10, 1755. Esther, and Timothy Steward, int. July 26, 1755. Esther, of Boxborough, and Ezera Fletcher, int. May 3, 1828. John, of Stoddard, N. H., and Mary Blodgit, int. Oct. 30, 1782. Robert J., a. 28 y., farmer, b. Ryegate, Vt., s. Archibald and Jennet, and Catharine Hutchins, 2d m., a. 37 y., b. Dun- stable, d. Lec^nard and Mary Butterfield, Feb. 12, 1846.* Sally, of Ashby, and Thaddeus Taylor of Grafton, Jan. 6, 1796. Samuel, and Mary Souther, both of Waltham, Feb. 10, 1828. Sarah, and Henry Farwell [jr. int.] of Groton, at Groton, June 3, 1761.* Submit [Mrs. int.], and David Johnson of Boston, Feb. 18, 1812.* Thaddeus, of Grafton, and Sally Taylor of Ashby, Jan. 6, 1796. TEMPLE, Levy, and Rachel Nutting, Mar. 10, 1774.* Phebe, of Acton, and William Duttoil, Dec. 17, 1777.* Sarah, and Simon Wheeler of Acton, July 13, 1742.* Stephen, and Lois Barret, resident in Westford, Oct. 16, 1780.* 'Intention also recorded. 246 -WESTFORD MARRIAGES TENNA (see also Tenney), Anna, of Tyngsborough, and James Spaulding, Mar. 17, 1807.* TENNE (see also Tenney), Samuel C, and Cintha Goodhue; Apr. 9, 1829.* TENNEY (see also Tenna, Tenne, Tenny, Tinny), Sarah E.., and James Hildreth, Jan. 3, 1841„* William W., of Charlestown, and Ester W. Wright, Apr. 7, 1831.* TENNY (see also Tenney), Almira [Elmira. int.], and Calvin B. Wright, Feb. 20, 1827.* Esther, and Jonathan Worster, Feb. 3, 1801. [Feb. 30. int.]* William, of LittlSton, and Sarah Proctor, at Littleton, Oct. 2, 1745.* THOMAS, Moses, and Becca Cumings of Dunstable, at Pep- perell, Jan. 8, 1795.* THOMPSON, see Tomson. THORNDYKE, Paul, of Tewksbury, and Olive Fletcher, Feb. 27, 1772.* TIBBETTS, Samuel B., and Mrs. Mary Reed, Oct. 23, 1831.* TID (see also Tidd), John, and Elisabeth Willson, June 27, 1780.* TIDD (see also Tid), Benjamin G. [F. int.], of Lancaster, and Nancy Keyes, May 3, 1821.* Ebenezer [Jacob, c. r. 1.], and Mrs. Parmelia Trowbridge, June — , 1829.* John, and Rebecca Richardson, int. Aug. 24, 1776. TILDEN (see also Tilton), Lydia, and Joseph Bagley [Bailey. int.], at Littleton, Dec. 28, 1797.* Polly, of Scituate, and Roger King [both of Westford. int.], at Scituate, Sept. 1, 1799.* TILDING (see also Tilton), Abigail, and Israil Baly, Sept. 6, 1795.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 247 TILTON (see also Tilden, Tilding), Elizabeth H., of Bright- on, and William Kittredge, int. Nov. 15, 1846. TINNY (see also Tenney), Sarah, of Littleton, and Samuel Chamberlin, jr., Feb. 27, 1752.* [TITUS, Moses, of Lyman, N. H., "settled in Pepperell," and Saphronia Patch, Apr. 28, 1831. different ink.] TOMSON, William, of Chelmsford, and Mary Fasset, Jan. 18, 1743.* TOWER, Eli, of Concord, and Mary Fletcher, Dec. 23, 1833.* Sarah, wid., of Carlisle, and James Wright, resident in West- ford, int. Feb. 6, 1803. TOWNS, Samuel, of Boxford, and Charlottee Fletcher, May 29, 1808.* TOWNSEND (see also Townshend), Dennis, of Francestown, N. H., and Nancy Wilson, Dec. 20, 1810.* TOWNSHEND (see also Townsend), Lydia, and Gershom Fletcher, May 28, 1733.* Mary, and Gershom Huboard, both of Groton, Jan. 11, 1743. TRASK (see also Trast), Daniel, of Billerica, and Ann Pike, Oct. 24, 1822.* TRAST (see also Trask), Mehitable [Trask. int.], of Beverly, and Charles Hildreth, Sept. 5, 1819.* TREADWELL, James M., of Chelmsford, and Cyntha Reed, int. Oct. 14, 1843. TROBRIDG (see also Trowbridge), Betsy, and Nathan Wright, Oct. 21, 1788.* TROBRIDGE (see also Trowbridge), Lydia, and Caleb Symms, Nov. 23, 1784.* TROW, Sobrina, of Mount Vernon, N. H., and Joseph Un- derwood, int. May 31, 1844. 'Intention alio recorded. 248 WESTFORD MARRIAGES TROWBRIDGE (see also Trobridg, Trobridge), Eliza Ann, and George [Charles, int.] Gould, Mar. 23, 1841.* Elizabeth, and Isaac Cumings, May 17, 1769.* George N., and Hannah W. Hill of Lowell, int. Sept. 16, 1843. Jepthah, and Parmilly Chandler, Nov. 10, 1816.* Lefe, of Groton, and Abel Wright, at Groton, Mar. 10, 1795. Luther, Ens., and Abigail Prescott, Nov. 16, 1822.* Parmelia, Mrs., and Ebenezer [Jacob, c. R. 1.] Tidd, June — , 1829.* Phineas, and Rebeccah Emerson, both now resident in West- ford, int. Oct. 31,. 1818. Phineas B. [now resident in Westford. int.], and Eliza S. Jones, June 4, 1840.* TRUL (see also Trull), Ruth, and Jacob Fletcher, Dec. 11, 1746.* TRULL (see also Trul), Martha, and John Butteriield, Oct. 2, 1750.* TUCKER, Joseph, of New Ipswich, N. H., and Rebecca Wy- mon, int. June 23, 1770. TUFTS, Dorando, of Littleton, and Leonard Foster, of Car- lisle, May 29, 1825. Lois, and John Davis, Apr. 8, 1819.* TURNER, Fayette, of Pembroke, and Capt. Charles Stoddard, int. Mar. 4, 1805. TUTTLE, Augustus, of Concord, and Almira Robbins, Oct. 30, 1823.* Charles, of Acton, and Mrs. Maria H. Wright, June 4, 1833.* Jacob, of Littleton, and Betsey Comings, June 18, 1795.* John, of Littleton, and Sarah Robbins, Apr. 27, 1740.* Joseph, of Littleton, and Mary Peirce, int. Oct. 15, 1801. Lois, of Littleton, and John Cumings, at Littleton, Nov. 27, 1798.* Nancy, of Acton, a. 19 y., and Elbridge G. Parker, a. 23 y., at Concord, Apr. 17, 1845.* Sally, and John Goodhue, Apr. 2, 1792.* Sampson, of Hancock, N. H., and Sarah Fletcher, at Littleton, Feb. 24, 1789.* 'Intention alio recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 249 TWISS (see also Twi^t), Hannah, and Thomos Button, Aug. 5, 1799.* TWIST (see also Twiss), Benjamin, of Chelmsford, and Phebe Heald, Apr. 17, 1792.* UNDERWOOD, Abigail, of Chelmsford, ,and Joel Ester- brooks, int. Feb. 4, 1778. Ame, and Jam[e]s Spolding of Chelmsford, int. Sept. 18, 1736. Bethiah, and Oliver Prescott, June 8, 1749.* Deborah, and Abner Miles of Shrewsbury, at Shrewsbury, June 24, 1773.* Elezabath, and Joseph Fletcher, May 21, 173S.* Hannah, wid., and Samuel Read, June 22, 1757.* Jeremy, and Lucy Wheat of Lincoln, at Lincoln, Feb. 17, 1754. [Should be 1774; Dec, 1773. int.]* John, and Hannah Wright, June 22, 1749.* John, and Mary Fasset, int. Apr. 3, 1779. Jonathan, and Hannah Richardson of Medway, at Medway, June IS, 1739.* Joseph, and Sobrina Trow of Mount Vernon, N. H., int. May 31, 1844. Mary, Mrs., and Capt. John Buckley of Groton, June 29, 1748.* Ruth, and Joseph Read, at Concord, May 30, 1737.* UPHAM, Jacob, of Lowell, and Nancy Hildreth, Oct. 8, 1833.* USHER, William, of Charlestown, and Mrs. Hannah Scribner, Feb. 25, 1824. VAIWUM, Mehittabel, of Dracut, and Nathan Procter, int. Apr. 24, 1756. VEAZEY, Daniel, of "Acton, and Betsey M. Gates, int. Sept. 5, 1840. VO'SE, Emily, and Charles A. W. Fuller, both of Lowell, June 18, 1843. p. r. 2. Louisa, and Israel Blaisdell, Dec. 28, 1843.* Maria, and Joel S. Blaisdell of Carlisle, int. Nov. 18, 1848. William M., and Mary Sweetser, int. Apr. 14, 1847. 'Intention also recorded. 250 WESTFORD MARRIAGES WAIGHT (see also Wait), Hannah, and Ebenezer Prescott [jr. int.], May 29, 1800. [May 2. dup.; May 25. int.]* WAIT (see also Waight), Richard, of Charlestown, and Han- nah Prescott, May 11, 1769.* WALCUT (see also Walcutt), Mary, of Bolton, and Isaac Hamblin, int. Aug. 14, 1802. WALCUTT (see also Walcut), Eunice, of Bolton, and Reubin Chaffin [resident in Westford. int.], at Bolton, Dec. 15, 1788.* WALKER, David [jr. int.], of Chelmsford, and Lydia Blood, Apr. 3, 1811. [Apr. 15. int.]* Eunice, of Ashby, and Elijah Prescott, at Ashburnham, Mar. 12, 1797.* William S., and Harriot Flint, Mar. 10, 1836.* WALTON, Elizabeth, of Reading, and Thomas [Smith, jr. int.], at Reading, Feb. — , 1762.* WARD, Horace, and Polly H. Billings of Acton, int. Sept. 18, 1835. WARNER, Elias, of Harvard, 2d m., a. 50 y., farmer, s. Elias and Abigail, and Caroline Ann Leach of Chelmsford, 2d m., a. 37 y., b. Chelmsford, d. Solomon and Abigail , Sept. 29, 1845. WARRAN (see also Warren), Anne, of Chelmsford, and Da- vid Fletcher, int. Nov. 6, 1819. WARREN (see also Warran, Warrin, Worran), Benjamin, of Littleton, and Eunice Prescott, Dec. 4, 1755.* Eunice, and Jonathan Hildreth, int. Aug. 14, 1779. Eunis, of Littleton, and John Hinckley, int. Aug. 22, 1800. Jeremiah, of Chelmsford, and Rachel Spualding of Billerica, Oct. 1, 1789. Joseph, of Littleton, and Sarah Hadley, Sept. 5, 1769.* Samson, of Littleton, and Huldah Wright, Oct. 31, 1771.* WARRIN (see also Warren), Jacob, of Littleton, and Mary Foster, July 3, 1744.* William, of Littleton, and Hannah Boynton, May 15, 1746.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 25 1 WATERS, Samuel A., of Millbury, and Sarah E. Read of Chelmsford, Dec. 5, 1838. WAY, Christopher, of Gorham, Me., and Susanna Shed, May 29, 1836.* WAYMOTH, Abigail, and Ira Leonard, int. July 23, 1837. WEATHEREBY, Sally, and Samuel Scott, Apr. 1, 1810.* WEBBER (see also Weber), Hannah, and Walter Wright, Nov. 30, 1837.* Josiah K., and Mrs. Betsey M. Gates, at Littleton, May 21, 1843.* Lydia, of Bedford, and Samuel Fletcher, jr., int. Mar. 4, 1805. WEBER (see also Webber), Lucy Ann, and William Richard- son of Chelmsford, Oct. 8, 1829.* WELCH (see also Wesh), Mary, and Nehemiah Fletcher, Oct. 21, 1779.* WELKINSON (see also Wilkinson), Elisabeth, wid., and Asa Bixby, Oct. 26, 1780.* WELLS, Theodore, Dr., and Sarah E. C. Peabody, June 18, 1839.* WENDAL (see also Wendall), Eleanor, and Walter Wright, Mar. 31, 1825.* Jacob, jr., and Lydia Read, Mar. 4, 1788.* WENDALL (see also Wendal, Windal), Jacob, resident in Westford, and Lora Winslow, Mar. 10, 1762.* WESEN (see also Wesson), Ephraim, of Wilmington, and Marah Procter of Chelmsford, Nov. 16, 1748. WESH (see also Welch), Marah [Mary Welsh, int.], and Jo- siah Spaulding, Dec. 1, 1772.* WESSON (see also Wesen), Henry, and Julia A. Flint, both of Grafton, May 1, 1838. Samuel, and Hannah Parker, both of Chelmsford, Nov 28, 1799. *Intention also recorded. 25^ WESTFORD MARRIAGES WHEAT, Benjamin, of Ipswich, N. H., and Sarah Wright, Nov. 27, 1766.* Lucy, of Lincoln, and Jeremy Underwood, at Lincoln, Feb. 17, 1754. [Should be 1774; Dec. 1773. int.]* Solomon [jr. int.], and Hannah Richardson, at Concord, Oct. 31, 1769.* WHEELAR (see also Wheeler), Eunice, of Littleton, and Wil- liam Prescot [both of Westford. int.]', Oct. 28, 1801.* WHEELER (see also Wheelar, Wheelor), Abigail, of Acton, and Elias Foster, jr., int. Ap'- 12, 1746. Benjamin [jr. int.], of Pepperell, and Polly Parker, Apr. 10, 1794.* Charles A., and Eliza Barker of Tyngsborough, int. Oct. 2, 1843. , Elisebath, of Littleton, and Thomes Kidder, int. July 18, 1741. Jonathan, of Acton, and Mary Angeline Baker, Mar. 13, 1834.* Josepih, of Nashobah, and Mary Powers, d. Walter, of Nasho- bah, at Chelmsford, Mar. 1, 1681. Judah, of Acton, and Lucy Corey, May 20, 1762.* Lucy C., a. 29 y., and Rufus Long, jr. of Lowell, a. 38 y., int. May 26, 1849. Moses, of New Ipswich, and Lucy Fletcher, Oct. 12, 1823^* Nathan, of Carlisle, and Ruth Hunt, at Concord [at Carlisle. dup.], Nov. 16, 1785. [Nov. 17. dup.]* Nehemiah, of Acton, and Susanna Procter, Dec. 10, 1746.* Simon, of Acton, and Sarah Temple, July 13, 1742.* Tabitha, of Groton, and Samuel Wood, jr., Sept. 22, 1747. WHEELOR (see also Wheeler), Joel, of Carlisle, and Molly Procter, Jan. 22, 1784.* WHIDDEN, Joshua [of Lowell, dup.], and Martha Fletcher, Oct. — , 1832. [Oct. 28. dup.]* WHIGHT (see also Wight), Caleb, and Mary Osgood, Mar. 20, 1811.* WHITCOMB (see also Witcomb), Hannah E., of Boxborough, and Asaph Fairbank of Concord, N. H., May 13, 1834. p. R. 2. Mary, and Loamini Parker, Jan. 9, 1821.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 253 Whitcomb, Sophia H., of Templeton, and George Davis, int. Mar. 14, 1824. Vandalo E., and Mary Parker, both of Littleton, Apr. 11, 1837. P. R. 2. Vandolo Emroy, of Littleton, and Sophia Foster, May IS, 1828.* WHITE, Aaron, and Sally Griffen, int. May 25, 1800. Aaron, jr., and Sophia E[liza. int.] L[ane. int.] Kendall, July 20, 1826.* Abel, and Ruth Prescot, Mar. 20, 1803.* Hetty, and Josiah Noyes of Acton, at Acton, June 26, 1794.* Mark, of Acton, and Anna Chamberlain, at Actcn, May 14, 1742.* Meriam, and Willard Read [jr. int.], Jan. 1, 1800.* Ruth, and Samuel Adams of Acton, Nov. 25, 1783.* Sally, and Gilbert Parker of Acton, May 31, 1820.* Samuel, and Hepsibah Barrett of Concord, at Concord, May 23, 1775.* Sam[ue]l,. of Cavendish [Vt. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Rachel Adams, Sept. 9, 1804.* WHITING, Abigail, of Hollis [N. H. dup.], and Dr. Amos Bancroft, resident in Westford [at Groton. dup.], Aug. 29, 1796.* Benjamin, and Grace Hall, at Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 9, 1770. Leonard, Capt., and Anne Hall, Apr. 23, 1761.* Samuel [Lemuel, int.], of Leominster, and Betsey Day, Jan. 31, 1832.* William, and Lucy Hildreth, Dec. 17, 1786.* WHITMAN, Betsey, of Groton, and Timothy Cummings, jj:., int. Dec. 22, 1804. Samuel, Rev., of Ashby, and [Mrs. int.] Grace Chever, Dec. 25, 1780.* ■WHITNEY (see also Witney), Ebenezer R., of Newton, and Sarah F. Leighton, Mar. 20, 1842.* [Eunice, of Stow, int.], and Eliakim Hutchins [jr. int.], Dec. 16, 1828. p. R. 6.* Hannah, of Chelmsford, and Henry Morgan, Aug. 25, 1768.* James F., and Nancy Sanderson of Lowell, int. Aug. 1, 1841. John, and Mary SkiflBngton, both resident in Westford, int. Feb. 16, 1779. 'Intention also recorded. 254 WESTFORD MARRIAGES WHITTEMORE, Abigail, of Dunstable, and Ephraim Wright, May 2, 1751.* WHITTREDGE, John, of Hamilton, and Martha B. [A. int.] Edwards, July 3, 1838.* WIGHT (see also Whight), Hannah, and Rogers Ryan of Lowell, Apr. 30, 1833.* Mary Ann, a. 37 y., d. Caleb and Mary, and John W[aldo. C. R. 1.] Ciunings, a. 40 y., farmer, s. John and Lois, Feb. 1, 1849.* Sally [Wirght. int.], and John Read, Nov. 1, 1804.* WILD, Joseph, of Braintree, and Lydia' Reed, Jan. 5, 1814.* WILEY, Samuel, a. 29 y., farmer [b. Jay, Me. in penciL], s. Robert and Hannah, and Maria Hamlin of Lowell, a. 28 y., b. Waterford, Me., d. America and Huldah, July 30, 1848.* Stephen P. [now resident in Westford. int.], and Sarah P. Fletcher, at the house of Joshua Whidden, May 1, 1842.* WILKERSON (see also Wilkinson), Elisabeth, and Asa Bix- by [jr. int.], Apr. 21, 1785.* WILKINS, John C[hamberlin. dup.J, of Carlisle, and Susan- nah Leighton, Oct. 31, 1802.* Samuel L., of Lowell, and Sarah Ann Heald Goodhue, June 7, 1831.* WILKINSON (see also Welkinsoii, Wilkerson), Robert, and Lydia Sawtell of Groton, at Groton, Feb. 16, 1795. [Feb. 19. int.]* WILLARD, Henry, of Lancaster, and Sary Procter, int. June 12, 1741. Jeremiah, of Harvard, and Bethyah Prescott, int. Apr. 6, 1779. WILLIAMS, Abigail, Mrs., and John Pushee, int. Nov. 16, 18n. Jonah, and Mrs. Anna Lawrence, both of Pepperell, Sept. 25, 1816. *Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 255 WILLIS, Eunice, and Benjamin Hildreth, both now resident in Westford, int. Nov. 24, 1753. Zechariah, and Abigal Russell of Acton, int. Jan. 3, 1761. WILLOBY, Daniel B., of Hollis [N. H. int.], and Mahala Pike, Dec. 27, 1821.* WILLSON (see also Wilson), Clarissa, and Warren Hunt, Nov. 26, 1840.* Elisabeth, and John Tid, June 27, 1780.* WILSON (see also Willson) , Henry, and Hannah Spaulding, May S, 1792.* Jemima, and Jonathan Swallow of Groton, Mar. 18, 1788.* Martha R., and Rufus Wright of Old Town, Me., int. Sept. 17, 1831. Mary, Mrs., of Bedford, and Lt. Wile Richardson, int. Dec. 31, 1815. Moses, of Guilford, and Lucy Peirce of Sterling, Sept. 14, 1807. Nancy, and Dennis Townsend of Francestown, N. H., Dec. 20, 1810.* Sally, and Reuben Leighton, int. Mar. 4, 1805. Stephen, and Rachel Mansfield, both of Chelmsford, Mar. 13, 1791. William [Isaac, int.], of Weston, and Sibel Roper, Apr. 26, 1739.* I WINCHESTER, Sarah A., of Lowell, a. 21 y., and George A. Parker, a. 23 y., int. Dec. 9, 1849. WINDAL (see also Wendall), Suza, and Eleazer Ames, resi- dent in Westford, int. Apr. IS, 1785. WINN, Abigal, of Tewksbury, and Capt. Joseph Read, int. Mar. 10, 1810. WINSLOW, Lora, and Jacob Wendall, resident in Westford, Mar. 10, 1762.* Susanna, and John Rider, int. Aug. 17, 1754. WISE, Sarah, and Clode Dupay of Reading, int. Oct. 5, 1750. WITCOAIB (see also Whitcomb), Betsey, of Templeton, and Phineas Wright, int. May 29, 181.4. 'Intention also recorded. 256 WESTFORD MARRIAGES WFTNEY (see also Whitney), Phineas, of Winchendon, and Bethiah Bajrett, Feb. 15, 1796* WOCESTER (see also Worcester), George W., and Sophia Hildreth, Apr. 19, 1827.* WOOD (see also Woods), Anna, of Groton, and William Beles, at Groton, May 7, 1772.* Lydia, of Littleton, and Ebenezer Prescott, at Littleton, Jan. 20, 1774.* Samuel, jr., and Tabitha Wheeler of Groton, Sept. 22, 1747. Thomas, of Littleton, and Sibbel Hildreth, int. Aug. 28, 1733. [1773?] WOODARD (see also Woodward), Arville M., a. 23 y., d. John and Mary, and Edwin Gould, a. 23 y., stone-cutter, b. Tyngsborough, s. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 30, 1845.* Parker, and Loiza Spaulding, int. Nov. 10, 1827. Theodore, and Mehitable Spaulding, Apr. 11, 1816.* WOODS (see also Wood), Anna, of Pepperell, and Joshua Ad- dams, int. Oct. 4, 1803. Hannah, and John Robberson [Robbinson. int.], Jan. 1, 1809.* John, jr., and Hannah Goodhue of Groton, at Groton, Nov. 19, 1768.* Lydia, and Rogers King, June 22, 1767.* Moses, of Acton, and Hazadiah Spaulding of Chelmsford, Apr. 16, 1793. Rachel, of Groton, and Bill Wright Stevens, int. July IS, 1816. Solomon,. and Mary Raymond, Feb. 15, 1810.* Solomon, and Sarah Parkhurst of Bedford, N. H., int. Dec. 28, 1821. WOODWARD (see also Woodard), Esther, of Tyngsborough, and Reuben Wright, jr., Oct. 19, 1809.* Foster, of Lyndeborough, N. H., and Mrs. Mehitable Hildreth, int. May 6, 1838. John, of Tyngsborough, and [Mrs. int.] Polly Prescott, Jan. 15, 1806.* Patty, and Jonathan Keyes, Nov. 25, 1787.* Salley, and Pelletiah Fletcher of Ashburnham, Sept. 22, 1788.* WOOLARY, Philip, of . Dunstable, and Lydia Adams, Dec. 2, 1736.* •Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 257 WORCESTER (see also Wocester, Worster),' Jesse, of Grotoq,. and Hannah Read Craft, int. Oct. 30, 1825. WORDEN, Robert, and Lucy Hildreth, both of Lowell, Jan. — , 1836. p. R. 2. WORRAN (see also Warren), Levi, of Littleton, and [Mrs. int.] Betsey Stevens, May 20, 1812.* WORSTER (see also Worcester), Jonathan, and Esther Ten- ney, Feb. 3, 1801. [Feb. 30. int.]* WORTHING, Moses P., of Lowell, and Irena Chamberlin, Jan. 1, 1834.* WRIGHT, Abel, of Ipswich, N. H., and Eunice Wright, int. Dec. 11, 1762. Abel, and Lefe Trowbridge of Groton, at Groton, Mar. 10, 1795. Abigail, and David Prescott, int. Dec. 9, 1752. Abigail, and Jonathan Jones, May 31, 1785.* Abigail, of Littleton, and Elisha Fletcher, int. Nov. 29, 1806. Abigail, of Chelmsford; and Reuben M. Leighton, int. Mar. 24, 1838. Abigal [wid. int.], and David Fletcher, June 17, 1784.* Abijah, and Polly Fletcher, Sept. 7, 1800.* Abram, and Moriah Hildreth, Oct. 7, 1824.* Alice, and William Robbinson of Westminster, Vt., Aug. 5, 1799. [Aug. 25. c. R. 1; Aug. 11. int.]* Almira [Elmira. int.], and Jacob Blodget, Aug. 30, 1826.* Almira T., Mrs., and Joel P. Green, Jan. 3, 1841.* Amos, and Dorcas Wright, Nov. 26, 1767.* Anna, and James Lawrance, 3d of Pepperell, Oct. 29, 1787.* Anna, and Asa Robbins of Townsend, Apr. 15, 1835.* Archiabald, and Elvira Chapman of Mason, N. H., int. Feb. 9, 1831. Asa, and Betty Patch, Oct. 5, 1786.* Asa, jr., and Bethsheba Dadman, July 23, 1820.* Bela, and Sarah Wright, Feb. 16, 1825.*. Benjamin L., and Elizabeth Wright, Jan. 2, 1834.* Betsey, and Amos Cumings, Oct. 6, 1793.* Betsey, and Levi Parker, Sept. 22, 1803.* Betsey, and Daniel Patch, Aug. 26, 1807.* 'Intention also recorded. 258 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Wright, Betsey, Mrs., and Benjamin Heywood of Jaffrey, N. H., Dec. 7, 1843.* Betsy, and Charles Shepherd of Bedford, N. H., int. Oct. 9, 1824. Betty, of Littleton, and Is[a]iah Prescott, July 6, 1786.* Bridget, and Thomas Robbins, int. Feb. 11, 1780. Bridget, and Thaddeus Davis of Dunstable, at Tyngsborough, Aug. 18, 1791.* Caleb, and Elisabeth Cleaveland of Acton, int. Mar. 29, 1760. Calvin B., and Almira [Elmira. int.] Tenny, Feb. 20, 1827.* ' Dolly, and Ezra Prescott of Groton, at Groton, Jan. 29, 1780. [May 25. int.]* Dorcas, and Amos Wright, Nov. 26, 1767.* Ebenezer, and Deliverance Stevens of Chelmsford, May 25, 1730. Ebenezer [jr. int.], and Susanna Ayres, Apr. 24, 1776.* Edee P., and Sampson Stevens, jr., Apr.' 1, 1840.* Eleazer, and Betsy Nutting, Feb. 6, 1794.* Eliza T. [F. int.], and George A. Griifin, at Chelmsford, June 11, 1840.* Elizabeth, and Simeon Stevens [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, July 19, 1764.* Elizabeth, and Nahum Childs of Lowell, Nov. 12, 1833.* Elizabeth, and Benjamin L. Wright, Jan. 2, 1834.* Ephraim, and Abigail Whittemore of Dunstable, May 2, 1751.* Ephraim, and Assenoth Fletcher, June 1, 1820.* Ephriam, and Mary Blodgett, Nov. 4, 1784.* Ester W., and William W. Tenney of Charlestown, Apr. 7, 1831.* Esther, and Joseph Piper of Concord, Nov.. 18, 1743.* Esther, wid., and William Jewet of Littleton, Dec. 30, 1771.* Esther, and Jonathan Johnson, jr., June 22, 1783.* Esther, and James Proctor [jr. int.], at Townsend, Dec' 25, 1783.* Esther, and Ens. Thomos Persons [jr. int.], Nov. 29, 1810.* Esther B., and Francis Fletcher, int. June 10, 1839. Eunice, and Abel Wright of Ipswich, N. H., int. Dec. 11, 1762. Ezekiel, and Susan Stephens of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 6, 1821. Filinda, and Thomas Richardson, jr.. May 9, 1811.* George, and Mary Ann Prescott, Sept. 12, 1833.* Hanah, and Richard Hildreth of Chelmsford, int. May IS, 1736. Hannah, and John Underwood, June 22, 1749.* 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 259 Wright, Hannah, and Jonathan Perham of Littleton, Oct. 18, 1757.* Hannah, and David Button of Chelmsford, June 1, 1802.* Hannah, and Zebedee Wright [jr. c. R. 1.] of Dunstable, July 12, 1803.* Hannah, of Hollis, and Ralph Nutting, int. Oct. 8, 1809. Hannah, and John Day, Dec. 4, 1834.* • Henry, jr., and Sarah Spaulding, int. Jan. 13, 1753. Horatio, and Ann Gass of Dunstable, int. Mar. 4, 1827. Hosea, and Lucinda Minott of Hillsborough, N. H., int. Oct. 24, 1824. Huldah, and Samson Warren of Littleton, Oct. 31, 1771.* Jacob, jr., and Luce Butterfield, Sept. 11, 1755.* Jacob, and Sally Smith, Mar. 18, 1807.* Jacob A., and Harriet A. Leighton, Oct. 10, 1837.* James, and Mary Minot, Apr. 19, 1781.* James, resident in Westford, and wid. Sarah Tower of Car- lisle, int. Feb. 6, 1803. ■James, and Olive Barker of Carlisle, int. Mar. 8, 1825. James M., and Sarah Gould, May 23, 1833.* James M., a. 21 y., and Rebecca Champney, a. 29 y., int. Aug. 12, 1848. Jesse, and Sybel Stevens of Chelmsford, Jan. 10, 1828.* Joel, and Sally Wright of Dunstable, int. Sept. 7, 1807. Joel, jr., and Mira Hosmer of Concord, int. May 25, 1821. Joel A., and Martha Bartlett of Lowell, int. Apr. 8, 1843. John, and Mary Kendall of Dunstable, Mar. 19, 1747.* John, and Betcy Haywood of Chelmsford, int. Aug. 22, 1819. John, and Ursula Wright [Brown, p. r. 2.], both of Hudson, N. H., Oct. 11, 1838. John F., and Lavinia Frye of Dracut, int. Oct. 7, 1843. John Tidd, of Bedford, and Hannah Procter, Oct. 11, 1796.* Jonas, and wid. Rebecca Fletcher, Sept. 17, 1783.* Jonas, and Anna Gowen of Littleton, int. Mar. 11, 1814. Joseph, and Dorothy Heald, May 23, 1757.* ' Joseph, and Hannah Kemp, int. Nov. 8, 1773. Joseph, and Sally Laws, Oct. 3, 1805.* Joseph, of Dedham, and [Mrs. int.] Sally Snow, Sept. 3, 1811.* Joseph, jr., and Hannah Smith, Apr. 21, 1812.* Joseph E., a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Jacob and Sally, and Harriet A. Reed, a. 20 y., d. Jeremy B. and Louisa, Dec. 19, 1844.* Joseph v., and Lucy L. Blood, both of Townsend, Sept. 20, 1836. 'Intention also recorded. 26o • WESTFORD MARRIAGES Wright, Laura Ann, and Joel Ingals of Tyngsborough, int. Nov. 1, 1840. Laura M., and Elbridge Button of Chelmsford, int. Dec. 14, 1839. Levi, and Rhoda Hildreth, Apr. 22, 1794. Lucinda, and Thomas Cumings, jr., Sept. 14, 1815.* Lucy, wid., and Henry Richardson, int. Oct. 10, 1777. Lucy, and Stephen Meade, resident in Westford, Feb. 15, 1780.* Lucy, and Jacob P[ool. int.] Kellogg of Shelburne, Oct. 18, 1820.* Luther, and Pricilla Read of Hollis, int. Nov. 6, 1797. Lydia, and Zebulon Spaulding [jr. of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Feb. 12, 1767.* Lydia, and Andrew Fletcher, Nov. 25, 1784.* [Lydia, and Aldrich, . in pencil.] [after 1820?]. Maria H., Mrs., and Charles Tuttle of Acton, June 4, 1833.* Martin, and Abigal Jones of Dracut, int. Apr. 10, 1830. Martin, and Eliza IngaJls.of Tyngsborough, int. Sept. 3, 183S. Mary, and Eleazer Butterfield, Dec. 21, 1749.* Mary, and Oliver Hildreth, Apr. 22, 1773.* Mary, and Gilbert Farmer of Tewksbury, Oct. 30, 1832.* Mary Ann, and Samuel Spaulding of Tyngsborough, Sept. 7, 1834.* Maryan, and Charles P. Kidder, May 30, 1827.* Miriam, and Abel B. Eaton of Groton, int. Sept. 26, 1829. Moses, of Templetoii, and Hannah Parker [both of Westford. int.], Jan. 6, 1800.* Nathan, and Betsy Trobridg, Oct. 21, 1788.* Nathan, of Shelburne, and Sally Wright, Feb. 7, 1815.* Olive, and Samuel Fletcher [jr. int.], Jan. IS, 1771.* Oliver, and Dolly Prescot [wid. int.] of Groton, Mar. 30, 1797.* Parker, and Mary Gage, June 25, 1818.* Paul, of Stoddard, N. H., and Abigail Kent, July 23, 1793.* Peletiah, and Allice Powers, June 11, 1761.* Peter, and Abigail Read, Sept. 13, 1781.* Phebe, and Benjamin Knowlton, Sept. 26, 1750.* Phebe, and Thomas Read, jr., Dec. 13, 1796.* Phineas, and Betsey Witcomb of Templeton, int. May 29, 1814. Priscilla Caroline, and Elisha Bunce, May 6, 1827. [Apr. 29. dup.]* Rebecca, and Joshua Read, jr., int. Aug. 31, 1781. Rebecca, and Benjamin Pearce, int. Apr. 8, 1782. 'Intention also recorded. WESTFORD MARRIAGES 26 1 Wright, Rebecca, and Augustus H. Searls of Chelmsford, Dec. 8, 1831.* Relief T., and W-ashington Coburn of Milford, N. H., int. Oct. 10, 1841. Reuben, jr., and Esther Woodward of Tyngsborough, Oct. 19, 1809.* Reuben, jr., and Abiah Moors Dane of Chelmsford, int. Mar. 18, 1834. Reubin, and Sarah Read, Dec. 19, 1787.* Rufus, of Old Town, Me., and Martha R. Wilson, int. Sept. 17, 1831. Ruth, and Samuel Stevens of Chelmsford, Mar. 4, 1731.* Ruth, and Oliver Bates, Jan. 16, 1744.* Ruth, and Simeon Barret of Chelmsford, int. Feb. 15, 1776. Ruth, and Ebenezer Chandler, Apr. 17, 1781.* Ruth, and Samuel Percy Wyman of Tyngsborough, Sept. 6, 1812.* Sally, of Dunstable, and Joel Wright, int. Sept. 7, 1807. Sally, and Joel Tayler, Jan. 19, 1809.* Sally, and. Nathan Wright of Shelburne, Feb. 7, 1815.* Sally, and Calvin Spaulding, Jan. 14, 1823.* Sally [d. Jacob, c. R. 1.], and Ebenezer Needham of Andover, Apr, 5, 1832.* Samuel, and Esther Minot, Jan. IS, 1771.* Samuel, jr., and Martha Parker, Jan. 25, 1808. [Jan. 26. dup.]* Samuel, and Mrs. Rebecah Fletcher, Apr. 22, 1823.* Sarah, and Ebenezer Patch of Groton, June 14, 1746.* Sarah, and Benjamin Wheat of Ipswich, N. H., Nov. 27, 1766.* Sarah, and John Procter, jr., Dec. 24, 1771.* Sarah, and Ezra Blodgit, int. July 6, 1782. Sarah [resident in Westford. int.], and John Hadlock of Weathersfield, Vt., Feb. 25, 1788.* Sarah, and Bela Wright, Feb. 16, 1825.* Silas, and Mary Craft, int. Jan. 14, 1764. Simeon, and Dorcos Hildreth of Chelmsford, Oct. 31, 1738.* [Stejphen, and Sarah Carter of HoUis, int. Dec. 8, 1779. Stephen, of Littleton, and Sarah Prescott, Apr. 5, 1787.* Stephen, jr., and Abiah Richardson, Mar. 8, 1810.* Stephen, and Mrs. Mitilda Read, int. Jan. 12, 1820. Thomas, and Elisabath Parkers, int. Jan. 13, 1732-3. Thomas, of New Ipswich, N. H., and Mary Parker, jr., June 30, 1767.* Thomas R. [B. int.], and Hannah Hall, May 2, 1815.* ■lotention alsa recorded. 262 WESTFORD MARRIAGES Wright, Timothy P., Capt., and Elnora Prescott, Oct. 2, 1832.* Ursula [Brown, p. r. 2.], and John Wright, both of Hudson, N. H., Oct. 11, 1838. Walter, and Eleanor Wendal, Mar. 31, 1825.* Walter, and Hannah Webber, Nov. 30, 1837.* Walter, of Lowell, and Lydia Richardson, int. Apr. 24, 1841. Warren, and Sarah Farwell of Tyngsborough, int. Nov. 15, 1844. William, and Marah Procter of Littleton, Feb. 21, 1748. William O., and Mary Ann Read, int. Mar. 21, 1840. Zaccheus, and Olive Fletcher, May 21, 1818.* Zacheus, and Rachel Parker [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelms- ford, Jan. 5, 1764.* Zacheus [jr. int.], and Abigail Hildreth [of Chelmsford, int.], at Chelmsford, Feb. ^, 1799.* Zebedee [jr. c. R. 1.], of Dunstable, and Hannah Wright, Julv 12, 1803.* WYMAN (see also Wymon), Peter, of Pelham, and Hannah Nutting, int. Mar. 2, 1805. Rebecca, and Joseph Farrar, int. Mar. 28, 1772. Samuel Percy, of Tyngsborough, and Ruth Wright, Sept. 6, 1812.* WYMON (see also Wyman), Rebecca, and Joseph Tucker of New Ipswich, N. H., int. June 23, 1770. YORK, Susan, a. 29 y., b. Northwood, N. H., d. Joseph and Sarah, and John P. Allen, 2d m., a. 49 y., machinist, s. James and Hannah, Nov. 21, 1847.* NEGROES Dugan, Thomas, of Concord, and Cate Porter, at Concord, Dec. 29, 1791.* Freeman, Olive, a. 23 y., and Peter Hazard, jr. of Littleton, a. 29 y., laborer, b. Littleton, s. Peter and Susannah, Oct. 13, 1849. Hazard, Peter, jr., of Littleton, a. 29 y., laborer, b. Littleton, s. Peter and Susannah, and Olive Freeman, a. 23 y., Oct. 13, 1849. Porter, Cate, and Thomas Dugan of Concord, at Concord, Dec. 29, 1791.* •Intention also recorded. WESTFORD DEATHS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1 849 ABBOT (see also Abbott), Abba Maria, d. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W., Oct. 30, 1831. [Oct. 29. p. r. 2.] Abel, s. John, jr. and Mary, May 9, 1810. [a. 28 y. G. r. 1.] Amos. Bancroft, s. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W., Jan. 25, 1835. [a. 1 y. p. r. 2.] [Catherine, w. Abel, d. Timothy Cumings, July 21, 1809. in pencil; a. 31 y. g. r. 1.] Ephraim Eliphalet Pearson, s. Rev. Ephraim and Abigail W., Apr. 20, 1841. [a. 5 y. p. r. 1 ; a. 6 y. p. r. 2.] Hannah, w. [Dea. g. R. 1.] John, Nov. 29, 1795. [in her 82d y. g. r. 1.] [Jacob, Apr. 11, 1815, a. 55 y.' in pencil; a. 65 y. G. R. 1.] Jacob, drowned, Nov. 2, 1834. p. r. 24. John, D^a., s. Joshua, of Billerica, and Rebecc[a], Oct. 22, 1791. [in his 79th y. g. r. 1.] John, jr., s. Dea. John and Hannah, May 8, 1804. [a. 60 y. g. r. 1.] John A., s. Dea. John B. and Hannah, Oct. 8, 1753, in his 3d y. G. R. 1. Julian Thayer, s. John W. P; and Catharine, Mar. 10, 1836. [a. 7 w. c. R. 1 ; a. 4 m. p. r. 2.] Mary, w. John, jr., Feb. 26, 1815. [a. 68 y. G. r. 1.] ■Sophia, w. John, Mar. 27, 1821. [Mar. 26. p. r. 3; a. 44 y. 5 m. lid. G. R. 1.] Sophia Elizabeth, d. J[ohn. g. r. 1.] W. P. and Catharine, cholera infantum, Aug. 15, 1843, a. 1 y. 8 m. , s. John W. P. and Catharine, Jan. 2, 1844. p. r, 16. ABBOTT (see also Abbot), Hannah, d. [1st d. Dea. g. r. 1.] John [B. G. R. 1.] and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1738. [in her 2d y. G. R. 1.] Hannah, d. [Dea. g. r. 1.] John [B. g. r. 1.] and Hannah [Dec. 5; 1783. in pencil; in her 43d y. g. r. 1.]. Joel, s. Joel and Lydia, June 29, 1789. g. R. 1. 263 264 WESTFORD DEATHS Abbott, Joel, Apr. 12, 1806. [a. 48 y. dup. in pencil.] Joshua, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 8, 1753. Lucy, w. John, jr., Apr. 27, 1779. [in her 33d y. G. R. l.J Lydia, d. Joel and Lydia, Aug. 20, 1791, a. 8 m. 3 d. G. R. 1. , w. Ephraim, July 16, 1829. p. R. 2. ADAMS, [Esther Perry, w. [wid. p. r. l.J Tho[ma]s, sr., Aug. 22, 1843, a. 83 y. in pencil.]. Horace, , 1838. p. r. 2. John, s. Thomus and Esther, , 1801. Lucretia, d. Samuel and Thankful, Sept. 18, 1783. [a. 1 y. 1 m. 1 d. G. R. 1.] Mary, at Carlisle, , 1843. p. r. 2. Patty, d. Samuel [3d. g. r. 1.] and Thankful, Sept. 14, 1773. [a. 12 y. 4 m. 14 d. G. R. 1.] Sukey, d. Samuel and Thankful, Nov.. 13, 1790. Tatty, d. Samuel and Thankful, Nov. 10, 1791. Thomas, Serg., Apr. 10, 1775, in his 68th y. G. R. 1. [Tho[ma]s, sr. [h. Esther Perry], Nov. 24, 1824. in pencil; a. 74 y. G. R. 1.] -, Mrs., Oct. 1, 1819. p. r. 3. -, Mrs., pauper, Jan. 14, 1831. p. r. 2. -, w. William, , 1836. p. r. 2. -, ch. W[illia]m, , 1836. p. r. 2. APPLEBY, , Mr., , 1839. p. r, 2. [bur. June 11. p. R. 1.] , Miss, , 1839. p. R. 2. [bur. Oct. 18. p. R. l.J ATHERTON, Lowell, Dec. 29, 1834, a. 21 y. p. r. 2. Lucretia, Nov. 13, 1834, a. 63 y. p. R. 2. BAILEY, Deborah, w. Joseph, Mar. 29, 1796, in her 27th y. G. R. 2. Martha, d. Joseph and Deborah, Mar. 9, 1798, in her 6th y. G. R. 2. BANISTER, , July 22, 1833. p. r. 2. , Mr., pauper, , 1840. p. r. 2. BARET (see also Barrit), Sarah, w. Samuell [and mother Wil- liam. dup.J, Mar. 28, 1736. BARKER, , ch. Mr. , 1839. p. r. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 265 BARRIT (see also Baret), Loas, d. William [and Mary, dup.], Feb. 25, 1749. Nathaniel [abt. 1773. in pencil.]. Sarah, w. William, Jan. 11, 1743. BARRON, Jonathan, s. Timothy and Hannah, Dec. 24, 1729. Joseph, Lt, Nov. 6, 1759, in his 72d y. G. R. 1. BATES, Mary, w. Edward, Feb. 7, 1776, in her 78th y. G. R. 3. Oliver, Capt., July 4, 1775. G. R. 3. ' BAULDWIN, James [h. Priscilla], at Dunstable, N. H., Nov. 25, 1827. BICI^ELL, Abigail, w. Lemuel, liver complaint, Aug. 2.1, 1842, a. 71 y. Mary D., d. John and Abigail, July 29, 1836. , d. Lemuel, Dec. 6, 1814. p. r. 3. BIRD, Samuel, July 24, 1807, a. 55 y. G. R. 2. Thomas, Nov. 27, 1810, a. 28 y. g. r. 2. BIXBY, Asa, Sept. 21, 1819. p. r. 3. , Mrs., June 26, 1818. p. r. 3. BLAKE, Caleb, m., clergyman, b. Wrentham, s. Solomon and Abial, old age, May 11, 1847, a. 85 y. 10 d. [settled over the first church in Westford 1792, dismissed 1827. G. R. 1 : a. 86 y. p. S. 2.] Martha, w. Rev. Caleb, , 1841. c. R. 2. ; ch. Mr., Feb. 8, 1813. p. r. 3. ' BLODGET (see also Blodgett, Blogget), Charles M., s. Thad- deus and Mary, July 11, 1833. [July 12, a. 9 y. p. r. 2.] [Elmira W. G. R. 3.], ch. Jacob [and Elmira. g. r. 3.], July 13, 1829. p. R. 2. [July 14, a. 5 d. g. R. 3.] Harvey H., b. Pembroke, Me., s. Harvey F. and Mary A. P., fever, Sept. 19, 1849, a. 4 m. 10 d. John, Dec. 23, 1829, a. 49 y. g. r. 2. Jonas, at Swanzey, N. H. [Aug. 19, 1826. different ink.]. Mary, w. Thaddeus, consumption, July 1, 1843. [a. 42 y. p. R. 2.] Mary Ann, Feb. 15, 1829, p. r. 2. Mary Ann P., m. [w. Harvey F. g. r. 2.], d. Joseph and Per- melia Hildreth, scarlet fever, Aug. 21, 1849, a. 24 y. 6 m. 12 d. 266 WESTFORD DEATHS Blodget, Mitta, d. Jonas and Sarah [ , 1811, a. 19 y. in pencil; May 27. p. R. 3.]. Morgan F., s. Thaddeus and Mary, Feb. 15, 1829. Reuben Wright, s. Jacob and Almira, June 7, 1839. [a. 1 y. 10 m. 23 d. G. R. 3.] William, s. W[illia]m and Elizabeth, Apr. 9, 1774, in his 51st y. G. R. 3. , , 1845, a. 15 y. p. R. 2. BLODGETT (see also Blodget), Frederick, s. Thaddeus and Mary (Frederick), Feb. 15, 1829. p. r. 13. BLOGGET (see also Blodget), Thomes, Mar. 30, 1741. BLOOD, Aaron, June 21, 1812, a. 73 y. p. r. 3. Asa, Jan. 31, 1825, a. 44 y. G. r. 2. Elazur, pauper, July 20, 1832, a. 87 y. p. R..2. Lydia, pauper, Aug. 28, 1833. p. r. 2. Sally, w. Asa, Sept. 22, 1827, a. 50 y. g. r. 2. BOYDEN, Horatio, , 1838. p. r. 14. BOYNTON, Abram, July 8, 1829. p. r. 2. Anna, , 1836. p. r. 2. [bur. May 11. p. r. 1.] Benja[mi]n Abbott, s. [Capt. G. R. 1.] Abel and Polly, Mar. 23, 1790. [a. 3 w. 3 d. g. R.^1.] Betsy [pauper, p. r. 2.], consumption, Oct. 13, 1842, a. 60 y. Hannah, w. Nathaniel [d. Joseph and Dorithy Perham. dup.], Sept. 16, 1733. Isaac Newton, s. [Col. g. r. 1.] Abel and Polly, June 10, 1793. Jeremy, s. Ens. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Dec. 19, 1797, in his 30th y. G. R. 2. John, s. Ens. Nathaniel and Rebecca, July 9, 1796, in his 21st y. G. R. 2. Josiah, June 28, 1816, a. 72 y. p. r. 3. Nathan, s. Nathaniel and Elisabeth [Sept. 18, 1736?]. Nathaniel, Ens., Apr. 5, 1798, in his 74th y. g. r. 2. Polly, w. Col. Abel, July 7, 1797, a. 35 y. 9 m. 18 d. o. r. 1. "Salla, d. Nathaniel and Rebecca, Oct. 16, 1772. , Mrs., -— — , 1841. p. R. 2. BRADSTREET, Nathan, Rev., formerly a settled minister, 25 y. in Chester, N. H., Jime 29, 1827, a. 57 y. g. r. 1. Susannah [Phebe, w. Rev. Nathan, g. R. 1.], Sept. 1, 1829. ' p. R. 2. [a. 54 y. g. r. 1.] WESTFORD DEATHS 267 BROOKS, Anna, w. Daniel [mother of Josiah. dup.], Mar. 6, 1760. [a. 76 y. 10 m. 24 d. g. r. L] Daniel [jr. g. r. l.J, s. Daniel and Anna [brother to, Josiah. dup.], Apr. 12, 1761. [a. 40 y. 6 m. 29 d. G. R. 1.] Daniel, father of Josiah, Mar. 17, 1769. [a. 90 y. 11 m. 22 d. G. R. 1.] Daniel, s. Josiah and Lydia, Sept. — , 1800. [Sept. 15. dup.; a. 36 y. g. R. 1.] Hannah, d. Josiah and Lydia, Mar. 30, 1762. [a. 1 y. 9 m. 9 d. G. R. 1.] John, s. Josiah and Lydia [frozen to death, Dec. 27, 1785. in pencil; in his 24th y. G. R. 1.] Josiah, Aug. 9, 1771. [in his 50th y. g. r. 1.] Josiah, s. Josiah and Lydia, at West Point, Feb. 23, 1782, in his 26th y. G. r. 1. Lydia, d. Josiah and Lydia, Aug. 13, 1755. [a. 11 m. 23 d. G. R. 1.] , Mrs., Jan. 15, 1812. p. r. 3. BROWN, Elizabeth, d. Josiah and Olive Haywood, Jan. 27, 1823, a. 34 y. G. R. 2. Lucy, w. Samuel, Mar. 19, 1840, a. 79 y. g. r. 4. Thomas, Mar. 22, 1830. p. r. 2. , grandch. Capt., Derf 13, 1814. p. r. 3. BRUCE, John, , 1848, a. 20 y. p.r. 2. , ch. Mr., Feb. 7, 1835. p. r. 2. -, ch. Mr., of Boston, , 1848. p. r. 2. [bur. Feb. 18. p. R. 1.] BULL, Elisabeth, Dec. 1, 1747. BUNCE, George, s. Elisha and Priscillst W., heart complaint, Jan. 21, 1844, a. 7 m. James, s. Elisha and Priscilla Caroline [by accident, in pencil ; killed by the discharge of a gun. p. r. 2.], May 14, 1841. [a. 11 y. p. R. 2.] BURG (see also Burge), John, s. Josiah and Susanna, Oct. 2, 1749. [Oct. 9, in his 2d y. G. r. 1.] Samuel, Jan. 25, 1729, in his 82d y. g. R. 1. Susanna, w. Josiah, Apr. 17, 1750. [in her 47th y. g. r. 1.] BUROE (see also Burg), Josiah, s. Josiah [and Susanna, dup.], July 4, 1750. [in his 17th y. g. r. 1.] 268 WESTFORD DEATHS BuRGE, Josiah, Oct. 16, 1756. [in his 61st y. g. r. 1.] Moses, Dec. 22, 1796, in his 68th y. G. R. 1. Sarah, d. Josiah [and Susanna, dup.], July 11, 1753. [in her 13th y. G. R. 1.] BURN, James, Jan. 19, 1771, in his 81st y. g. r. 1. BURT, Harriet S[usanah (Hildreth). dup.], m. [w. George E. C. R. 2.], d. Abijah and Susan Hildreth, cancer. May 4, 1849, a. 31 y. 2 m. 7 d. [May 6. G. R. 2.] BUSWELL, Julia ["French girl." p. r. 1.], b. Canada, d. Lorin, Sept. 29, 1848, a. 9 y. 2 m. 8 d. BUTTERFIELD, Abel, s. Benjamin and Kezia, Sept. 9, 1745. Abraham, s. William and Bashaba, at Crown Point, Sept. 24, 1760. , Bathsheba, wid. W[illia]m, Apr. 6, 1793, in her 86th y. G. R. 1. Benjamin, Sept. 13, 1748. [Joseph, jr. [father of Eleazer.],bef. Aug. 16, 1741. in pencil.] Olive, d. William and Bashaba, Jan. 20, 1750. [Jan. 24, 1749- 50 dup.; Jan. 24, 1751, in her 7th y., g. r. 1.] Robert, late of Westford, near Lake George, Oct. 23, 1756. Samson, s. Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1778, a. 1 y. 11 m. G. R. 1. William, Feb. 7, 1785, in his 80th y. g. r. 1. William, jr., s. W[illia]m and Bathsheba, Oct. 10, 1793, in his 58th y. G. R. 1. BUTTRICK, , ch. Mr., Oct. 31, 1815. p. r. 3. BYAM (see also Byham), [Asaph, Dr., b. Chelmsford, May 30, 1838, a. 47 y. in pencil.]. BYHAM (see also Byam), Henry, s. Henry [and Lucy, dup.], Oct. 30, 1745. Luce, d. Henry [and Lucy, dup.], Oct. 25, 1745. CALDWELL, Martha L., b. Andover, d. Francis and Eliza- beth, dropsy of the brain, at Lowell, Nov. 20, 1849, a. 10 m. 20 d. CAMPERNELL, ^, d. Mrs., Nov. 8, 1818. p. r. 3. , ch. Mrs., Nov. 16, 1818. r. R. 3. WESTFORD DEATHS 269 CARROLL (see also Caryl), Moses, Oct. 3, 1819. p. r. 3. CARTER, Anna, w. Ezra, Aug. 29, 1844, a. 75 y. [Sophia P., w. Jeremiah J., d. Joseph Prescott, Jan. 12, 1845, a. 40 y. in pencil; June 12. g. R. 2.] CARVER, Benjamin, July 18, 1804. g. R. 1. Edea [Fletcher, g. r. 1.], Mrs. [w. Benjamin, o. r. 1.], Aug. 13, 1813, a. 38 y. p.'r. 3. [Aug. 9. o. R. 1.] [Jonathan, Oct. 16, 1805, a. 64 y. in pencil.] Mary, d. Benjamin and Ede, Mar. 15, 1767. [Polly [d. Jonathan and Mary. o. R. 2.], Feb. 23, 1790. in pen- cil.] Polly, 2d, d. Jonathan and Mary,' , 1793. G. R. 2. Sally, d. Jonathan and Mary [Sept. 2, 1837. in pencil.]. t CARYL (see also Carroll), Nancy, w. Moses, June 8, 1836. CHAMBERLAIN (see also Chamberlin), Ephraim, Mar. 27, 1840, a. 62 y. p. r. 1. Joel, s. Phineheus [and Mary P. g. r. L], bur. Oct. 6, 1840, a. 8 y. p. R. 1. Sibyl Hildreth, w. Phinehas, of Chelmsford, , 1797. g. r. 1. CHAMBERLM (see also Chamberlain), Eliza M., d. [Loam- mi and g. r. 3.] Eliza M., whooping cough, Oct. 15, 1845, a. 6 m. Eliza M[aria. g. r. 3.], (Smith), Mrs. [w. Loammi. g. r. 3.], fever [at Cambridge, p. r. 2.], Sept. 11, 1845, a. 27 y. Joel, s. Ephraim and Sally, June 4, 1803. Phineas, , 1840. p. r. 2. Samuel, Lt., June 6, 1769, in his 84th y. Sibbel, d. Samuel, jr. and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1760. , ch. Isaac, Oct. 2, 1819. p. r. 3. CHANDLER (see also Chandlor), Dorothy, d. Moses and Dor- othy, June 1, 1744. Francelia M., d. N[ewton. p. r. 2.] A. and J. M. [at Charles- town, p. R. 2.], Sept. 9, 1848, a. 2 y. 9 m. 7 d. G. r. 3. Henry, s. Moses and Dorothy, at Amherst, N. H., Oct. 8, 1764. [Joanna, w. William, sr., d. Eleazer Read, Jan. 23, 1842, a. 87 y. in peftcil; a. 86 y. p. r. 2.] Lydia, pauper, Jan. 8, 1838, a. 70 y. p. r. 2. Mary, w. Silas, Sept. 17, 1827, a. 63 y. G. r. 1. 270 WESTFORD DEATHS Chandlkr, Silas, , 1839. p. r. 2. [Dec. 29, a. 84 y. G. R. 1.] Suseanah, d. Moses and Dorothy, June 11, 1744. Suseanah, d. Moses and Dorothy, July 17, 1753. William, July 27, 17S6, a. 67 y. 7 d. G. R. 1. [W[illia]m, sr. [h. Joanna], Feb. 25, 1826, a. 74 y. in pencil.] William P[rocter, s. William and Rhoda. dup.], typhus fever, Dec. 28, 1844. [Dec. 19, 1845. G. R. 3; a. 25 y. p. r. 2.] , "old Mrs.", Aug. 22, 1817, a. 90 y. p. r. 3. , Mrs., pauper, Sept. — , 1835. p. R. 2. CHANDLOR (see also Chandler), Dorothy, w. Moses, Apr. 11, 1760. [a. 40 y. 5 m. 18 d. o. r. 1.] CHARLES, Sarah, palsy, Nov. 1, 1842, a. 55 y. , Mrs., pauper, ,1842. p. r. 2. CHILD, Willard P., s. Moses and Rebecca, drowned, July 26, 1845, a. 3 y. 3 m. 19 d. CLARK, Horatio, May 18, 1833. p. r. 2. Mary, wid. Samuel, 2d, b. Sherburne, old age, bur. Sherburne, d. May 6, 1848, a. 98 y. 23 d. CLATTER, Anna, Aug. 11, 1811. p. r. 3. Joanna, wid. [w. Jacob, pauper, p. r. 2.], d. Ebenezer and Jo- anna Fletcher, old age. Mar. 30, 1847, a. 91 y. 9 m. 12 d. [a. 94 y. p. r. 2.] COGSWELL, [Jer[emia]h, Capt., father Jonathan, removed from Littleton, Apr. 17, 1820, a. 86 y. in pencil.]. Jona[than], May 9, 1806, a. 29 y. 10 m. 9 d. [Sarah, w. Capt. Jer[emia]h, Jan. 11, 1814, a. 67 y. in pencil; Jan. 14. p. R. 3.] , ch. Mrs., bur. Nov. 22, 1849, a. 10 m. p. r. 1. ■ — 1) COLE, Forest D., s. Danville and Charlotte, Aug. 1, 1846, a. 4 m. G. R. 4. COLLAGE (see also Coolidge), Lydia (Leighton), July 6, 1841, a. 39 y. p. r. 19. COMEY, Arba H., ch. W[illia]m S. and Almira, bowel com- plaint, Sept. 6, 1847, a. 3 m. 8 d. WESTFORD DEATHS 27 1 COMINGS (see also Cummings), Elisabeth, wid. Dea. John, Apr. 30, 1759. [in her 79fh y. g. R. 1.] Phebe, d. Thomas, jr. and Lucy, June 2, 1766. CONANT, Samuel, Sept. 25, 1819. p. R. 3, [a. 69 y. G. R. 2.] William, s. twin, Nahum and Eliza Ann, Oct. 24, 1842. COOK, , Mrs., , 1839, a. 87 y. p. R. 2. [bur. Feb. 2. p. R. 1.] COOLEDGE (see also Coolidge), George, s. Oren and Re- becca, Nov. 1, 1825, a. 3 m. 14 d. g. r. 1. Mary Jane, d. Oren and Rebecca, Sept. 30, 1834, a. 4 w. g. r. 1. COOLIDGE (see also Collage, Cooledge), George, unm., farmer, b. Natick, s. Oren and Rebecca, ulcers on the brain, Dec. 28, 1849, a. 20 y. 3 m. COREY (see also Cory), Abel [h. Hannah], June 6, 1829. Hannah, w. Abel, Apr. 26, 1841. [a. 85 y. p. R. 1 j a. 86 y. p. R. 2.] Isaac, s. Abel and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1839. John, s. Abel and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1827. CORY (see also Corey), , ch. Abel, , 1834, a. 3 y. p. R. 2. . , ch. Abel, Sept. 5, 1838, a. 2 y. p. r. 2. COWDREY (see also Cowdry), , ch. , Mar. 3, 1817". p. R. 3. • COWDRY (see also Cowdrey), John, s. John and Abigal, Apr. 3, 1734. CRAFT, Samuall, s. Samuall and Margit, May 7, 1740. CUMINGS (see also Cummings), Abigail, d. Ephraim and Mary, Aug. 27, 1753, a. 9 y. 3 m. G. R. 1. Artemas, s. Capt. Timothy and Elizebeth, July 12, 1813. [July 13. p. R. 3 ; a. 3 y. 4 m. g. r. 1.] Benjamin [F. g. r. 1.], s. Timothy and Catherine [Feb. 19, 1829. in pencil; a. 42 y. g. r. 1.] Betsy, d. Timothy and Catharine, June 20, 1805, a. 6 y. G. R. 1. Cartherrine, d. twin, Capt. Timothy and Elizebath, Aug. 11, 1813. [Aug. 10. p. R. 3; a. 8 m. 11 d. g. r. 1.] 272 WESTFORD DEATHS CuMiNGS, . [Catherine, w. Timothy, Oct. 14, 1812, a, 56 y. in pencil J Oct. 15. G. r. 1."| Daniel Laighton, s. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, Nov. I, 1798. Elisabeth, w. Isaac, Feb. 11, 1804. [a. 60 y. o. r. 1.] Elizabeth [F. c. R. 2.], d. Col. T[imothy] and B[ets]y, [E. W. G.-R. 1.], Oct. 8, 1841. [a. 23 y. p. R. 1.] Elizabeth W., w. Col. T[imothy], Feb. 27, 1839, a. 58 y. Ephraim, Jan. 17, 1775, in his 5 5th y. G. r. 1. Isaac, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1775, a. 1 y. 6 m. 8 d. G. R. 1. Isaac, June 27, 1817, a. 75 y. John, s. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 27j 1758. [in his 13th y. G. R. 1.] John, Dea., Apr. 27, 1759. [in his 77th y. g. R. 1.] Joseph, Mar. IS, 1814. [a. 77 y. g. r. 1.] [Lucy, w. Lt. Tho[ma]s, -Oct. 28, 1815, a. 81 y. in pencil; a. 84 y. g. r. 1.] Lucy, wid. Wilson, Jan. 22, 1849, a. 72 y. p. r. 1. Mary, wid., old age, Feb. 22, 1843, a. 84 y. [a. 86 y. in pen- cil, p. R. 2.] Nehemiah Whitman, s. Lt. [Col. g. r. 1.] Timothy and Betsy [W. g. R. 1 ; Oct. 4, 1839. diiferent ink; a. 38 y. p. r. 1.]. Patty, d. Wilson and Lucy, Oct. 30, 1848, a. 40 y. Sarah, d. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1791, in her 53d y. G. R. 1. Sarah, w. Thomas, Jan. 13, 1800, a. 86 y. G. R. 1. Sarah, d. Timothy and Catherine [June 22, 1825. in pencil; a. 33 y. g. r. 1.]. Thomas, Nov. 13, 1787, in his 74th y. g. r. 1. [Tho[ma]s, Lt. [h. Lucy], Nov. 17, 1818, a. 84 y. in pencil; Nov. 16, a. 86 y. p. r. 3.] Thamas, s. Timothy and Catherine [June 12, 1839. in pencil; a. 45 y. g. r. 1.]. Timothy, s. Thomas and Sarah [Oct. 12, 1832. in pencil; a. 81 y. dup. in pencil.]. Wilson, s. Ephraim and Mary, Aug. 29, 1753, a. 3 w. g. R. 1. Wilson, m., laborer, s. Ephraim and Lydia, by a fall, July 16, 1847, a. 71 y. 9 m. 17 d. , s. stillborn, Isaac and Elizabeth, Mar. 19, 1776. G. R. 1. , 2d ch. John, bur. Feb. 18, 1846. p. r. 1. CUMMINOS (see also Comings, Cumings), Calvin, - 1847. p. R. 2. Elizabeth, w. Joseph, Nov. 26, 1799, in her 62d y. g. r. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 273 CuMMiNGS, Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Lucinda [perished by the burning of her father's house, in his absence, p. r. 3.], May 28, 1819. P. R. 10. George, s. Joseph, jr. and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1798. Hannah [w. Joseph, g. r. 2.], at Boston, , 1843. p. r. 2. [May 12, a. 73 y. o. R. 2.] Isaac [s. John and Lois. o. r. 1.], , 1835, a. 34 y. p. r. 2. [Sept. 26. o. r. 1 ; a. 35 y. P. R. 1.] Joseph, May 29, 1829. p. r. 2. [a. 61 y. o. r. 2.] Thomas, s. Thomas and Lucinda [perished by the btiming of his father's house, in his absence, p. r. 3.], May 28, 1819. p. R. 10. Walton, s. Thomas and Lucinda [perished' by the burning of his father's house, in his absence, p. r. 3.], May 28, 1819. p. r. 10. William, s. Rebecca, Jan. 23, 1811, a. 3 y. p. r. 3. • , ch. Col. Timothy, Feb. — , 1821. p. r. 3. , ch. John, , 1834, p. r. 2. CUSHING, , ch. , , 1834. p. r. 2. CUTTER, John Emery, s. John and Mary, Sept. 18, 1824. Liberty, Apr. 3, 1822. p. r. 3. DADMAN (see also Dadmun), , ch. Mr., Apr. 27,- 1814. p. R. 3. DADMUN (see also Dadman), , Mrs., , 1839. p. r. 2. DAISEY (see also Daisy), Elizabeth [w. John. o. R. 1.], d. at Grafton, bur. Jan. 2, 1838, a. 25 y. p. r. 2. [a. 26 y. G. R. 1.] DAISY (see also Daisey), , s. John and Betsy [Dec. 1837 or Jan. 1838], a. 2 d. o. R. 1. DANA, Augustus, , 1834, a. 11 y. p. r. 2. DAVIS, [Andrews Breed, s. George and Sophia, Sept. 7, 1842. in pencil; a. 15 m. g. r. 1.]. John Abbot, carpenter, s. George and Sophia, typhus fever, Jan. 17, 1844, a. 19 y. [a. 18 y. p. R. 2.] [Jonathan, father of George, Mar. 15, 1800, a. 42 y. in pencil.] Mary [w. Jonathan, o. r. 1.], mother of George, Dec. 12, 1839. [a. 80 y. in pencil.] 274 WESTFORD DEATHS Davis, [Mary [(Proctor), g. r. 2.], w. Capt. Nathan, former- ly .w. Jonathan Carver, May 3, 1841, a. 88 y. in pencil; a. 86 y. p. r. 2.] [Nathan, Capt, Jan. 15, 1817, a. 72 y. in pencil; Jan. 14, a. 73 y. p. R. 3.] , eh. John, , 1838. p. r. 2. , inf. ch. John, , 1839. p. r. 2. : , Miss, , 1840. p. R. 2. DAY, Asa, s. Isaac and Lucy [Sept. 17, 1838. in pencil ; a. 30 y. p. R. 2; a. 31 y. G. R. 2.] Betsy Jaiie, d. Isaac, jr. and Betsy, Aug. IS, 1831. [Aug. 18, a. 3 y. p. R. 2; Aug. 16. g. r. 2.] [Henry A. a. r. 2.], ch. Isaac, jr. [and Betsey, g. r. 2.], at Lowell, , 1842. p. r. 2. [Nov. 7, a.- 3 m. 12 d. g. r. 2.] Lucy, d. Isaac and Lucy [Apr. 11, 1837. in pencil; a. 34 y. G. R. 2.] Lucy Ann, d. Thomas [and Betsey, g. r. 2.], dropsy in the head. Mar. 2, 1843, a. 1 y. Lucy E. [d. John and Hannah, g. r. 2.], , 1847. p. r. 2. [Oct. 10, a. 8 y. 2 ra. 16 d. g. r. 2.] Nancy M. [d. John and Hannah, g. r. 2.], , 1847. p. E. 2. [Sept. 20, a. 1 y. 4 m. 9 d. g. r. 2.] Thomas, m., hatter, s. Isaac and Lucy, consumption, Nov. 24, 1842, a. 31 y. [a. 33 y. p. r. 2.] , inf. ch. Amos, , 184J. p. r. 2. DEXTER, Lois, w. Peter, Apr. 28, 1821, a. 38 y. G. R. 1. Mehitabel, w. Nathan, June 20, 1832, a. 64 y. g. r. 1. [July 18. p. R. 2.] Nathan [s. Nathan, of Maiden, g. r. 1.], July 30, 1832, a. 90 y. p. R. 2. [a. 88 y. o. r. 1.] [Phebe. g. r. 1.],' w. [Nathan, g. r. l.J, Aug. 22, 1818. p. r. 3. [Aug. 23, a. 66 y. G. R. 1.] , d. Mr., May 6, 1821. p. r. 3. DITSON, Mary, w. , of Boston [eldest d. John and Han- nah Leighton. g. r. 2.], , 1840, a. 49 y. p. r. 2. [Jan. 3. G. R. 2.] DRAKE, Seth, Aug. 20, 1845, a. 36 y. g. r. 2. DREW, Cephas [h. Edea F. (Symmes). p. r. 17.], Sept. 5, 1833. p. R. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 275 DUDLEY, [Jesse s. Daniel and Hannah, in the army, , 1778. in pencil.] , w. John, Dec. 3, 1828. p. r. 2. , Mr., pauper, , 1843. p. r. 2. DUNN, Charlotte, wid. d. Jona[than] and Patty Keyes [con- sumption, in pencil.], Oct. 12, 1842, a. 45 y. Pierce, Apr. S, 1835, a. 31 y. G. R. 3. DURANT, Helena, w. Isaac, July — , 1834. c. R. 2. [July 13, a. 69 y. G. R. 2.] Isaac, "from Boston," , 1848, a. 80 y. p. r. 2. [Jan. 9, a. 90 y. 5 m. g. r. 2.J DUTTON, Benjamin, Sept. 4, 1811, a. 92 y. p. r. 3. David, Mar. 10, 1818, a. 87 y. p. R. 3. Eunice, d. David and Esther, Sept. 23, 1775. [a. 2 y. 3 m. 2 d. G. R. 3.] Hannah, wid. Thomas, June 10, 1775, in her 85th y. g. R. 1. John, s. Joseph [and Rebecca, dup.], Feb. 14, 1754. John, s. David and Esther, Dec. 30, 1775, a. 3 w. g. r. 3. John, Apr. 18, 1812, a. 51 y. p. r. 3. Joseph, May 1, 1775, a. 63 y. 4 m. 19 d. g. r. 1. Joseph, Mar. 7, 1817. p. r. 3. Lucy, w Joseph, Sept. 14, 1807. Luther, s. Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1802. Molly, d. Joseph and Lucy, Oct. 1, 1776, in her 7th y. g. r. 2. Patt'ay, d. Joseph and Lucy, Sept. 30, 1776, in her 4th y. G. R. 2. Patty, unm. [pauper, p. r. 2.], old age, Nov. 29, 1848, a. 96 y. Thomas, b. Billerica, d. Aug. 4, 1759, in his 78th y. g. r. 1. , s. Nathaniel, Dec. 15, 1814, a. 16 y. p. r. 3. , Miss, Jan. 12, 1824. p. r. 3. EATON, Joann, Sept. 1, 1803, a. 27 y. p. r. 19. EDES, Andrew [J., s. Benjamin and Charlotte, Mar. 10, g. R. 4.], 1844, a. 15 y. p. r. 2. Charles B., May 5, 1845, a. 28 y. G. R. 4. , Mr., at Lowell, , 1846. p. r. 2. EDWARDS, Peter C, Jan. 4, 1832. p. r. 2. ERSKINE, Susan Eliza, d. Massena B. and Susan P., throat distemper [at Chelmsford, p. R. 2.], May 17, 1845, a. 2 y. 6 m. 26 d. 276 WESTFORD DEATHS FARMER, Sarah Jane [d. Gilbert and Mary. g. r. 2.], scarlet fever, May 29, 1843, a. 5 y. 4 m. [a. 3 y. 4 m. 3 d. G. R. 2.] , ch. Silas, Oct — , 1818. p. r. 3. , Mr., , 1837. p. R. 2. FARRAR, Jonathan, Mar. 24, 1817, a. 17 y. g. r. 2. FARWELL, [Frank, g. r. 2.], s. George [and Lucia Ann. g. r. 2.], at Concord, , 1848. p. r. 2. [Aug. 19, a. 1 y. 13 d. G. R. 2.] Frank Adams, s. George and Lucia Ann, June 11, 1849, a. 3 m. G. R. 2. [George Kilburn. g. r. 2.], ch. George [and Lucia A. G. R. 2.], , 1841. p. R. 2. [Dec. 5, a. 9 d. g. r. 2.] Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 16, 1825, a. 9 y. G. R. 2. Mary H., w. Benja[min] O. [d. Winsor and Matilda Horn. G. R. 2.], consumption, Dec. 27, 1842, a. 30 y. [Dec. 26. G. R. 2.] , Mr., May 30, 1824. p. r. 3. , Mrs., pauper. May 29, 1831. p. r. 2. , w. Otis, , 1842. p. R. 2. FASSAT (see also Fassett), Lydia, w. Samuel, Feb. 22, 1757, in her 79th y. G. r. 1. Samuel, Feb. 22, 1757, in his 79th y. g. R. 1. FASSET (see also Fassett), , s. Sam[ue}ll, d. at Eleazer Reed's, bur. Nov. 5, 1759. p. r. 4. FASSETT (see also Fassat. Fasset), Catherine, wid., Apr. 19, 1805. FELLOWS, Adellah, Sept. 18, 1848. g. r. 1. FELPS, [Isabella, p. r. 2.], typhus fever, Oct. 20, 1844, a. 16 y. FELTON, Levi, Oct. 21, 1829. p. r. 2. FISHER, [Willard. g. r. 1.], ch. Abner [and Joanna, g. r. l.j, July 12, 1822. p. r. 3. [a. 3 y. 2 m. 15 d. g. r. 1.] , ch. Mr., , 1834. p. r. 2. FITCH, [Joanna, w. Samuel, Mar. 4, 1787, a. 90 y. in pencil.]. Samuel, May 18, 1762, a. 29 y. p. r. 19. Samuel, Jan. 29, 1775, in his 75th y. g. r. 1. WESTFORD DEATHS 277 Fitch, Samuel, Feb. 29, 1779, a. 75 y. p. r. 19. Samuel, July 11, 1809, a.- 73 y. G. R. 1. FLAGG, George S., "killed by the accidental discharge of a gun," , 1838, a. 5 y. p. R. 2. [June 16. G. R. 1.] FLATCHER (see also Fletcher), Bethiah, w. Capt. Benjamin, Dec. 21, 1772, a. 49 y. 4 m. 2 d. G. r. 1. Hannah, w. Samuel, July 8, 1759, a. 70 y. G. R. 1. Joseph, Capt., Oct. 4, 1772, a. 84 y. 3 m. 13 d. G. R. 1. Samuel, Sept. 6, 1749, a. 66 y. G. R. 1. FLETCHER (see also Flatcher, Flitcher), Abiegel, d. Jona- than and Jane, Dec. 3, 1736. [a. 1 y. 8 m. 23 d. G. R. 1.] Abigail, d. Zechariah and Susannah, Aug. 17, 1763, in hen 6th y. G. R. 2. Abigail, w. David, Mar. 24, 1814, a. 83 y. G. R. 3. Abigail, Miss, Nov. — , 1848. c. R. 2. Adams, s. Capt. Benjamin and Bethiah, June 4, 1764, a. 5 y. 'iTm. 26 d. G. R. 1. Adams, s. Capt. Pelatiah, Apr. 10, 1823, a. 43 y. 8 m. g. r. 1. Ama Elizabeth, d. Levi T. and Ama, constunption, Feb. 22, 1847, a. 20 y. 8 m. 1 d. Amos, s. Amos, jr. and Rebecca, Sept. 18, 1778. Amos, Capt, "Mar. 27, 1798, a. 80 y. G. r. 1. Andrew [Dea. c. r. 2.], m., farmer, apoplexy, Aug. 24, 1843, a. 82 y. [Aug. 23. g. R. 1 ; a. 83 y. c. R. 2.] Asaph, s. Seth, jr. and Sally, Sept. 14, 1824. [Sept. 16. p. r. 3; a. 6 y. 3 m. 12 d. G. R. 2.] Augustus N[elson. g. r. 1.], unm., machinist, s. Andrew and Laura, typhoid fever, Aug. 6, 1847, a. 25 y. 1 m. IS d. [Aug. 4. p. R. 1 ; Aug. 5. G. r. 1 ; a. 26 y. p. r. 2.] Benjamin, Capt., Jan. 25, 1789, in his 72d y. g. r. 1. Beulah, Mrs. [w. Pelatiah. g. r. 1.], May 18, 1814. p. r. 3. [a. SO y. G. R. 1.] Beulah, d. Samuel, jr. and Beulah, July 10, 1826, a. 9 y. g. r. 1. Bridget, w. Timothy [d. Capt. Zach. Richardson, p. r. 4.], June 8, 1770, in her 4Sth y. G. r. 1. Charles, s. George, Apr. 31, 1843, a. 12 y. p. r. 1. Clarissa, Aug. 1, 1813, a. 17 y. p. r. 3. Clarissa, b. Stow, w. Cyrus, dysentery, Sept. 14, 1848, a. 42 v. 4 m. 8 d. Daniel, s. Timothy and Mary, at Crown Point, Sept. 5, 1760. David, June 4, 1804, in his 88th y. g. r. 1. Deliverance, wid. Dea. Paul, Jan. 24, 1761. 278 WESTFORD DEATHS Fletcher, Dorothy, w. Dea. Joshua, Aug. 20, 1770, in her 92d y. G. R. 1. Dorothy, w, Sampson, May 10, 1828. [a. 68 y. in pencil.] Dorythy, w. Capt. Pelatiah, June 14, 1782, in her 46th y. G. R. 1. [Elisabeth, g. r. l.J, w. Joshua, Feb. 16, 1817, a. 80 y. p. r. 3. [Feb. 15, a, 81 y. G. R. 1.] Elisebeth, w. Lt. William, May 24, 1748, in her 40th y. G. R. 1. Elizabeth, d. Seth and Joanna, Oct. 15, 1799, in her 16th y. G. R. 2. Elizabeth, w. Capt. Benjamin, former w. Capt. Caleb Symmes, d. Rev. Willard Hall, bur. Littleton, d. at Groton, Jan. 31, 1813. G. R. 1. Elizabeth, mother of Capt. Jonathan Keyes, Feb. 10, 1826, a. • 95 y. G. R. 1. Esther, d. Joshua and Dorithy, Nov. 17, 1708. Esther, d. Timothy [and Mary, dup.], Oct. 16, 1745. Ezra, Aug. 24, 1832, a. 58 y. G. R. 1. Francis H., s. George and Almira, Oct. 16, 1834, a. 14 m. G. R. 1. George, , 1843. a. 12 y. p. r. 2. George [W. g. r. 1 ; s. Lyman, p. r. 1.], at Georgetown, — ; — , 1844. p. R. 2. [Oct. 22, a. 41 y. g. r. 1 ; Oct. 23, a. 40 y. p, R. 1.] George Washington, s. Andrew, jr. and Rebecca, Oct. 1, 1820. [Oct 4. p. R. 3 ; a. 3 m. g. r. 1.] Gershom, s. Gershom [jr. g. r. 2.] and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1778. [a. 6 y. 10 m. 19 d. g. r. 2.] Gershom [sr. g. r. 2.], June 28, 1779. [in his 67th y. G. R. 2.] Hannah, w. Ezra, Nov. 22, 1826, a. 45 y. G. r. 1. Hosea, s. Lyman and Lois, Sept. 28, 1800. Huldah, w. Timothy, Aug. 21, 1777, a. 60 y. G. r. 1. Jacob, s. Gershom and Sarah, Oct. 8, 1778. [a. 5 y. 6 m. 26 d. G. r. 5.] Jane, d. Jonathan and Jane, June 28, 1753. [a. 10 y. 7 m. 20 d. G. R. 1.] Jemima, d. Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 2, 1813. Jesse, s. Timothy and Mary, Apr. 24, 1756. Jesse, s. Lt. Andrew and Lydia [drowned, in pencil; July 9, 1821, a. 17 y. g. r. 1; July 29. p. r. 8.]. Joanna, d. Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 3, 1730. Joanna, w. David, jr., Sept. 18, 1778. Joanna, d. John B. and Joanna (Hildreth), Nov. 21, 1829, a. 12 d. p. R. 20. WESTFORD DEATHS 279 Fletcher, Joanna, wid. [Seth. g. r. 2 ; d. David and Mary Fletcher, dup.], old age, June 19, 1842, a. 94 y. 11 m. 17 d. [a. 96 y. p. r. 2.] •Joel, s. James and Rebekah, Sept. 11, 177S, a. 8 m. 24 d. G. R. 2. John, Jan. 4, 1810, a. 58 y. g. r. 2. Jonathan, Dea., Oct. 27, 1813, a. 79 y. G. R. 2. Jonathan [at Pepperell. p. r. 2.], Aug. 9, 1844.. [a. 80 y. G. R. 2.] Joseph, s. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Dec. 25, 1765. Joseph, m., farmer, s. Peletiah, dropsy in the chest, Jan. 23, 1843, a. 74 y. [a. 73 y. p. r. 2.] Josheue [Dea. dup.], Oct. 19, 1732. [in his SSth y. G. R. 1.] Joshua, s. Joshua and Dorithy, Sept. 15, 1727. Joshua, June 10, 1782, a. 52 y. g. r. 1. Joshuah, s. Zachariah and Susanah, Oct. 13, 1747. Laura C, m. [2d w. Andrew, g. r. 1.], b. Reading, Vt., d. Ebenezer and Ruth Chandler, apoplexy, Nov. 28, 1846, a. 46 y. 5 m. 8 d. [Nov. 21. dup. in pencil; Nov. 24. G. R. 1.] Lucy, d. Pelatiah and Dorothy, July 1, 1766. Lucy, d. Gershom and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1778, [a. 3 y. 7 m. 1 d. G. R. 2.] Lucy, w. Dea. Samuel, A^ag. 5, 1785. [1784, in her 30th y. G. R. 2.] [Lydia, w. Dea. Andrew, Aug. 12, 1818, a. 53 y. in pencil.] Margret, d. Ens. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 6, 1752. Maria, d. Ezra and Hannah, Sept. 15, 1818. Mary, w. Capt. Samuel, Dec. 4, 1780, in her 71st y. g. r. 2. Mary, w. David, Nov. 8, 1783, a. 60 y. g. R. 1. Mary, d. Willard, jr. and Sally, Dec. 14, 1812, a. 6 m. 14 d. g. r. 1. [Dec. 12. p. R. 3.] Mary, w. [Dea. p. r. 2.] Andrew, Jan. — , 1837. c. r. 2. [Jan. 5. p. R. 2.] [Nathan, s. John and Betsey, Sept. 21, 1827. in pencil.] [Othiel, Capt., s. Henry, Mar. 27, 1842, a. 36 y. in pencil.] ■Othiel [Othiel Adams, g. r. 1.], s. [Capt. g. r. L] Othiel and Sophia, dysentery, Sept. 27, 1843, a. 11 y. Patty, d. Thomas and Sarah [Feb. 22, 1779. in pencil; a. 7 y. 8 m. 9 d. g. r. 1.]. Patty, w. Peletiah, jr., Dec. 9, 1787. [1786, a. 17 y. 10 m. 25 d. (V r. 1.] Tatty, w. Capt. Thomas, Aug. 14, 1824. [Aug. 15. p. r. 3; a. 56 y. G. R. 1.] Patty Osgood, d. Thomos and Patty, Oct. 18, 1815. Paul, Dea., Jan. 8, 1736. [1735, in his 57th y. g. r. 1.] , 28o WESTFORD DEATHS Fletcher, Pelatiah, Capt, Feb. 23, 1807. [a. 79 y. G. r. 1.] Pelatiah, s. Calvin and Nancy, drowned in Merrimack River, July 11, 1833, a. 6 y. 3 m. 20 d. g. R. 1. Peletiah [s. Pelatiah and Dorothy. dup.J, May 7, 1811. [a.* 44 y. p. r. 3.] Phebe, d. Saniuel and Mary, May 12, 1759. Rebecca, w. Andrew, jr., Sept. 7, 1820. [a. 25 y. in pencil.] Rebeccah, d. Dea. Amos and Rebecah, Oct. 23, 1803, a. 23 y. G. r. 1. Rebeckah, d. Ens. Samuel and Mary, Dec. 11, 1751. Rebekah, d. James and Rebekah, Sept. 9, 1775, a. 2 y. 11 m. 22 d. G. r. 2. Sally, w. Peletiah, jr., Feb. 1, 1803. [a. 33 y. G. r. 1.] Sampson [h. Dorothy], Sept. 2, 1828. [a. 70 y. in pencil.] Samson, s. Ens. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 20, 1752. Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 29, 1730. Samuel, jr., s. Samuel [and Mary, dup.], Oct. 30, 1749. Samuel, Capt., Mar. 11, 1780, in his 74th y. g. r. 1. Samuel, s. Samuel and Lucy, Mar. 26, 1815. [Sam[ue]l, Dea., Aug. 25, 1838, a. 85 y. in pencil; Aug. 26, a. 86 y. c. r. 2.] Samuel E., , 1840, a. 12 y. p. r. 2. Samuel H. [s. Samuel, 2d and Beulah. g. r. 1.], Nov. 24, 1832, a. 17 y. p. R. 2. Samuel [W., s. Calvin and Nancy R. g. r. 1.], at Groton, , 1845, a. 20 y. p. r. 2. [Jan. 12, a. 19 y. p. r. 1.] Sarah, d. Joshua and Dorithy, May 17, 1704. Sarah, d. [Lt. g. r. 1.] Willam, jr. and Elisabeth, Dec. 3, 1742. [a. 3 y- 4 m. g. r. 1.] Sarah, w. Capt. Joseph, Apr. 24, 1761, in her 70th y. g. r. 1. Sarah, d. Lt. Timothy and Mary, Feb. 22, 1774, in her 25th y. g, r. 2. Sarah, d. Capt. Pelatiah and Dorothy, Aug. 22, 1783, a. 20 y. 10 d. G. R. 1. Sarah, Mrs. [w. Thomas, g. r. 1.], Apr. 2, 1813, a. 76 y. 5 m, Sarah, wid. Dea. Jonathan, Nov. 4, 1815, a. 76 y. g. r. 2. Sarah Jane, d. Jefferson and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1834. [Sarah Jane, d. L[evi. p. r. 2.] T. and Ama, Feb. 12, 1837, a. 8 m. in pencil.] Seth, s. Seth and Joanna, July 20, 1773, a. 4 w. 1 d. G. R. 2. Seth, s. Seth and Joanna, Mar. — , 1774, a. 4 h. G«tR. 2. [Seth [h. Joanna], July — , 1812. in pencil; July 2, a. 68 y. p. R. 3.] Seth, m., farmer, s. Seth and Joanna, consumption, May 24, 1842, a. 67 y. WESTFORD DEATHS 28 I Fletcher, [Sophia, w. Capt. Othiel, Mar. 4, 1840, a. 31 y.. in pencil.] Suannah, d. Zechariah and Suannah, Jan. 13, 1738. Susanaa, d. Jonathan and Jane, Mar. 13, 1736-7. [a. 4 y. 1 m. 7 d. G. R. 1.] Susanah, d. Jonathan and Jane, July 3, 1753. [a. 8 y. 11m. 15 d. G. R. 1.] Susanna, d. Samuel and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1730. [Susanna (Richardson), h. Chelmsford, w. Abel, Feb. 12, 1836, a. 44 y. in pencil.]' Susannah, w. William, formerly w. Zechariah Fletcher, June 30, 1763, in her 46th y. g. r. 2. Thomas, July 19, 1813, a. 92 y. 4 m. Thomas [sr. in pencil.], Sept. 22, 1838. [a. 76 y. o. R. 1.] Thomas Edward [Edward Thomas, g. r. 1.], s. Levi T[homas. p. R. 2.] and Ama [Sept. 19, 1833. in pencil; Sept. 20. p. R. 2; a. 2 y. g. r. 1.]. Timothy, s. Timothy and Mary, Oct. 12, 17SS. Timothy, Lt., May 7, 1780, in his 73d y. g. r. 2. Timothy, Apr. IS, 1786, a. 67 y. G. R. 1. Wiley, s. Jonathan and Jane, July 9, 1753. [a. 4 y. 10 m. 15 d. G. R. 1.] Willard [jr. g. r. 3.], Jan. 7, 1813. p. r. 3. [a. 34 y. g. r. 1.] William, Jan. 7, 1753, a. 79 y. 2 m. G. R. 1. .William, s. Reubin and Susanna, Mar. 4, 1754. [William, s. Seth and Joanna, bef. , 1775. in pencil.] William, Capt., Sept. 22, 1784, a. 82 y. g. r. 2. William, Dea., Oct. 27, 1813, in his 79th y. g. r. 2. William Edward [s. Thomas and Orpah. o. R. 1.], Sppt. 14, 1828. [Sept. 15, a. 14 y. a R. 1.] Zebulon S., s. Henry and Huldah, Feb. 9, 1815, a. 6 m. g. R. 2. Zechariah, s. Zechariah and Suannah, Jan. 4, 1738., , ch. Dea. Samuel and Lucy, Aug. 5, 1785. , w. Dea. Amos, June 9, 1813. p. r. 3. , ch. Henry, Feb. 16, 1815. p. r. 3. , w. Willard, — — , 1820. p. r. 3. , wid. Oliver (?), Jan. 24, 1821. p. r. 3. , ch. Othniel, , 1834. p. r. 2. , s. David, drowned, bur. June 2, 1836. p. r. 1. FLINT, Charles H., s. James T. and Sarah A., bowel com'- plaint, Oct. 12, 1846, a. 8 m. 8 d. Charlotte Lucretia, Oct. 6, 1833, a. 4 y. p. r. 2. , Mrs., June 6, 1831, a. 69 y. p. r. 2. , ch. Tilly, , 1846. p. R. 2. 282 WESTFORD DEATHS FLITCHER (see also Fletcher), Ebenezer, Mar. 17, 1799, in his 74th y. g. r. 1. Joanna, w. Ebenezer, June 1, 1806, a. 82 y. 0. R. 1. FOSTER, [Abigail, c. R. 2.], Mrs. [w. Jonathan, g. r. 2.], Apr. 28, 1819, a. 70 y. p. r. 3. Anna, mother of Elias, jr., June 18, 1770. Elias, s. Elias and Abigail, Oct. 19, 1759, in his 9th y. g. R. 1. Elias, sr. [father of Elias, jr. dup.], Dec. 15, 1760. Reuben [Capt. G. r. 1.], , 1839. c. r. 2. [Dec. 19, a. 38 y. G. R. 1.] FREDERICK, George, , 1841, a. 49 y. p. r. 2. Mary Ann, d. George and Sarah S., Nov. 17, 1840. [a. 2 y; p. R. 2.] FROST, , Mrs. , 1840. p. r. 2. GAGE, Henry, m., seaman, b. Beverly, s. Andrew and Eliza- beth, affection of the kidneys, Nov. — , 1848, a. 74 y. 5 m. GARDNER, , s. Mr., May 8, 1821. p. r. 3. , s.Mr. [bet. Aug. 8 and Dec. 20], 1821. p. r. 3. GATES, Eunice Sophia, d. Artemas and Sabra, dysentery, Aug. 19, 1842, a. 2 y. Mary Jane, d. Artemas and Sabra, dysentery, Aug. 15, 1842, a. 4 y. ■GIBSON, Leonard L., Jan. 2, 1832, a. 30 y. G. R. 2. [1833. p. R. 2.] Martha E., d. Leonard L. and Mary A. [at Fitchburg. p. r. 2.], July 28, 1834, a. 2 y. 2 m. c. r. 2. OILSON, Rosanna L., d. Charles P. and Louisa S., cholera in- fantum, Sept. 17, 1849, a. 9 m. 21 d. Solomon, m., farmer, b. Tyngsborough, s. Solomon and Tamar, hmg fever, Apr. 21, 1849, a. 58 y. 8 m. 29 d. , ch. Mr., , 1836. p. r. 2. - — , Mr., , 1840. p. R. 2. GLOVER, [Nancy Sophiah. g. r. 2.], w. Joel [d. John and Elizabeth Hildreth. g. r. 2.], Sept. 29, 1830. p. r. 2. [Sept. 30, a. 21 y. g. r. 2.] WESTFORD DEATHS 283 GOODHUE, Arlinda, d. John and Sally, Oct. 7, 1801, a. 3 y. 3 m. 17 d. G. R. 2. [Asenath, w. James [pauper, p. r. 2.], Nov. 18, 1838, a. S3 y. in pencil.] David, Col., Aug. 3, 1798, a. 56 y. David, s. John and Sally, Oct. 3, 1801, a. 1 y. 5 m. 16 d. G. R. 2. Esther, wid. [Col. g. r. 2.] David, June 11, 1833, a. 91 y. [John, Jan. 3, 1842, a. 74 y. in pencil; Jan. 31. c. R. 2; Jan. 30. G. R.' 1.] Patty, d. Daniel and Sarah, July 1, 1794, a. 1 y. 10 m. 18 d. G. R. 1. Sally [Sarah, g. r. 1.], b. Littleton, wid. John, lung fever, Jan. 28, 1849, a. 78 y. 2 m. 13 d. [Jan. 29. p. r. 1.] GOULD, , w. Joseph, , 1846. p. r. 2. GREEN, Benjamin [at Chelmsford, p. r. 2.], Jan. 10, 1838, a. 43 y. g. r. 2. Calvin, at Chelmsford, , 1840. p. R. 2. Caroline, Apr. 17, 1835. p. R. 2. Eli, , 1834. p. R. 2. Eliza, Nov. 4, 1829. p. r. 2. John, pauper, , 1840. p. r. 2. Lucy, d- Benj,ajnin [arid Olive, c. R. 2.], Mar. 24, 1815. [Mar, 21, a. 16 y. g. R. 2; Mar. 20. p. r. 3.] Lucy, d. Benja[min] and Lucy, Nov. 8, 1817. Mary, Mrs., , 1836. p. r. 2. Olive, w. Benjamen, July 24, 1815. [a. 43 y. G. r. 2.] , Miss, "Brought from Lowell," , 1848. p. r. 2. GREENOUGH, Thomas, jr., late of Boston, Aug. 14, 1775, in his 38th y. g. r. 1. GRIFFIN, [Deborah Clough. g. r. l.J, w. Joseph [B. g. r. 1.], at Lowell, July 13, 1848, a. 39 y. p. r. 1. Emory A., s. George A. and Eliza W., Sept. 9, 1845, a. 13 m. 27 d. G. R. 1. , Mrs., Oct. 26, 1820. p. r. 3. , ch. G., at Lowell, , 1846. p. r. 2. , w. George, at Lowell, , 1848. p. r. 2. GROCE (see also Grose), [Ede (Procter), w. N[ahum. p. r. 3.] H., consumption, , 1814. in pencil; Dec. 18. p. R. 3.]. 284 • WESTFORD DEATHS GROSE (see also Groce), [Charles Houghton, s. Nahum H. and Sarah, July — . in pencil; 1841. in different ink; July 9, a. 21 y. p. r. 1.]. [Sarah, w. Nahum H., d. Dr. Charles Procter, July — , 1828. in pencil.] HADLEY, Amos, Dec. 6, 1842, a. 72 y. Benjamin, s. Ebenezer and Abigail, May 21, 1767. Peter [pauper, p. r. 2.], , 1842. c. R. 2. HALL, Abigirl, w. Rev. Willard, Oct. 20, 1789. [a. 84 y. in pencil.] Isaiah, s. Rev. Willard and Abigail, June 16, 1752, a. 2 y. 4 m. 27 d. G. R. 1. Martha, d. Rev. Willard and Abigail, July 13, 1752, a. 11 y. 1 m. 7 d. G. R. 1. Mary H. P., at Boston, Aug. 18, 1838. p. r. 2. [Mehitable, w. Willis, Mar. 4, 1804, a. 49 y. in pencil.] Stephen, s. Rev. Willard and Abigail, Apr. 17, 1740, a. 4 d. G. R. 1. Stephen, s. Rev. Willard and Abigail [at Portland, Me,, , 1795. in pencil.]. Willard, Rev., Mar. 19, 1779. [a. 77 y. in pencil; in the 52d y. of his ministry, g. R. 1.] Willis, s. Rev. Willard and Abigail [May 13, 1813. in pencil; May 23. p. r. 3; a. 66 y. dup. in pencil.]. — , w. Benj[amin], Mar. 1, 1829. p. r. 2. HAMLIN, Eleazer, Maj. [father of Asia. dup. in pencil.], Dec. 1, 1807. [a. 75 y. dup. in pencil.] Green, s. Eleazer and Sarah, July 2j 1798, a. 16 y. 6 m. G. r. 1. [Hannabal. g. R. 1.], ch. Asia [and Susan, g. r. 1.], Aug. 3, 1813. p. r. 3. [Aug. 2, a. 1 y. G. R. 1.] [Hannabal. g. r. 1.], ch, Mr. [Asia and Susan, g. r. 1.], Feb. 23, 1814. p. r. 3. [Feb. 2, a. 6 w. g. r. 1,] Hannah, Mrs. [mother of Asia. p. r. 1.], July — , 1837, a. 90 y, p. R. 2. [bur. July 8. p. r. 1.] Mary Antionet, d. Asia and Susan, Dec. 9, 1826, a, 2 y. 9 m. G. R. 1. Susan R., w. Asia, consumption, at Groton, July 22, 1844, a. 62 y. 11 m. 10 d. HARLOW, Alatheah C, d. George and Eliza H., June 9, 1838. & R. 1. [a. 18 m. p. r. 1.] WESTFORD DEATHS 285 HARRIS, William, s. Oliver and Mary, at Concord, Feb. 22, 1785. HARWALL, Jonathan [Hartwell. dup.], s. Ens. Jonathan and Saray, Feb. 19, 1738. HARWARD (see also Harwood), , ch. Mr., Oct. 8, 1819. p. E. 3. HARWOOD (see also Harward), Charles E., ch. Ephiaim, bur. Mar. 24, 1849. p. r. 1. Louisa C, m. [w. Eph[raim] A. c. R. 2.], b. New Hampshire, d. Coffin and Rebecca B. Cook, consumption, Nov. 24, 1848, a. 26 y. 6 m. 27 d. HAYWARD (see also Heywood), Daniel [Haywood, s. Josiah and Olive, g. r. 2.], Aug. 29, 1822, a. 29 y. p. R. 3. [Aug. 30. G. R. 2.] Josiah, Sept. 15, 1827, a. 64 y. G. R. 2. -Olive, w. Josiah, Jan. 17, 1823, a. 55 y. G. R. 2. Sarah, ^,1837. p. r. 2. HEALD (see also Heeld), Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Jan. 24, 1784. Hanna, d. Thomes and Saraah, Mar. 25, 1736-7. Saraah, d. Thomas and Saraah, Mar. 15, 1736-7. Sarah, w. Josiah, Mar. 24, 1731-2. Susanna, d. Ephraim and Sarah, Apr. 7, 1789. HEELD (see also Heald), Josiah, May 26, 1733, HERRICK, Betsey H[ildreth. g. r. 2.], w. [Henry P. g. r. 2.], Apr, 4, 1841, a. 29 y. p. r. 2. Joseph, s. Henry and Elizabeth, June 7, 1810. Mary F., d. Henry and Elizabeth, May 18, 1824. , Mrs. [bet. Apr. 20 and Sept. 1], 1820. p. r. 3. HEYWOOD (see also Hayward), Caroline, bur. May 12, 1843. p. R. 1. Caroline A[twood. dup. in pencil], d. Amos and Lydia [B. G. R. 1.], consumption, Feb. 18, 1843, a. 20 y. 6 m. [Feb. 13. dup. in pencil.] Francis [Frances A. g. r. 1.], s. Amos and Lydia, Feb. 21, 1836. [a. 3 y. 7 m. g. r. 1.] 286 WESTFORD DEATHS Heywood, Horatio Bardwell, s. Amos and Lydia [B. G. R. 1.], Mar. 4, 1819. [Mar. 3, a. 6 m. g. r. 1.] Levi, m., farmer, b. Winchendon, s. Levi and Bewlah, consump- tion, Oct. 23, 1848, a. 59 y. 2 m. 29 d. [Oct. 25. p. r. 1.] Levi B., unm., currier, s. Levi and Martha, consumption, Sept. 23, 1846, a. 26 y. 4 m. 26 d. [Maria A., d. Levi and Martha, Feb. 9, 1839. in pencil; a. 15 y. p. R. 2 ; a. 14 y. g. r. 1.] [Martha, w. Levi, d. Jona[tha]n Keyes, Feb. 3, 1839, a. SO y. in pencil.] Martha A., dressmaker, d. Levi and Martha, consumption, Nov. 11, 1847, a. 30 y. 11 m. 11 d. [Sam[ue]l,'Dec. — , 1832. in pencil.] Trueworthy, m., carpenter, s. Levi and Martha, typhus fever, Oct. 16, 1844, a. 22 y. 11 m. 16 d. [a. 24 y. p. r. 2.] , ch. Amos, Mar. 8, 1819. p. r. 3. , s: Amos and Lydia B., July 11, 1829, a. 6 d. G. R. 1. HILDRETH (see also Hildrick, Hildrith), Abba Francis, d. Jesse and Lucretia, infantile, Sept. 24, 1849, a. 1 m. 17 d. Abel, s. James, jr. [and Lydia. dup.], Feb. 14, 1741. [1742. dup.] . . Abel, widr., farmer [s. Amos and Priscilla. dup.], dropsy, May 27, 1842, a. 76 y. [June 27. G. R. 2.] Abigail, w. John, Oct. 30, 1769. [a. 24 y. 1 m. 25 d. g. r. 1.] Abigail, w. Joseph, June — , 1780, in her 70th y. g. R. 1. Abigail, July — , 1837, a. 45 y. p. r. 2.' Ai, s. Lemuel and Molly, Apr. H, 1810. [a. 2 y. 7 d. g. r. 1.] Ai, s. Lemuel and Molly, June 16, 1810. [a. 2 m. 3 d. G. R. 1.] Amaziah, pauper, Jan. 1, 1832. p. r. 2. Amos, Sept. 28, 1807. [a. 70 y. G. R. 2.] Benjamin, Oct. 2, 1820. p. r. 3. Benjamin, jr., Oct. 8, 1820. p. r. 3. Betsey, d. Simeon and Ruth, July 5, 1808. [a. 1 y. 16 d. G. R. 1.] Betty, w. John, Apr. 13, 1787, in her 38th y. g. r. 1. Bridget, w. Lt. Nath[anie]l, Sept. 11, 1806. Charles, July 5, 1830. p. r. 2. [a. 36 y. G. R. 2.] Deliverence, wid. Joseph, Mar. 3, 1776, in her 87th y. g. r. 2. Deliverence [w. Jonas, g. r. 2.], Mar. 1, 1839. p. r. 2. [a. 67 y. G. R. 2.] Dolly, d. Nathaniel, Jan. 24, 1811, a. 10 y. p. r. 3. Dorothy, w. James, Sept. 3, 1774, in her 75th y. G. R. 1. Dorothy, Mrs. [wid. Dea. W[illia]m. G. R. 1.], Sept. 30, 1813. p. R. 3. [a. 70 y. g. r. 1.] Easther, w. Hezekiah, June 3, 1789. [a. 30 y. g. r. 1.] WESTFORD DEATHS 287 HiLDRETH, Edy [Miss. g. r. 2.], Sept. — , 1819. p. R. 3. [Sept. 16, a. 47 y. g. r. 2.] Elijah, Mar. 17, 1798, a. 47 y. 12 d. Elisabeth, d. Ephraham and Mary, Oct. 17, 1737. [a. 5 y. 3 m. G. r. 1.] [Elizabeth, g. r. 2.], w. Zachariah, May 1, 1812, a. 77 y. p. R- 3. Elizebeth, wid. Ephraim, Apr. 5, 1818, a. 88 y, G. R. 1. Ephraim, Cornet, Dec. 29, 1783^ in his 8Sth y. G. R. 1. Ephraim, jr., Feb. 27, 1790. [1791, in his 66t}i y. G. R. 1.] Ephraim, July 15, 1797, a. 78 y. G. R. 2. Ezekel, s. Joseph and Abigail, Jan. — , 1747, a. 2 y. 2 m. G. R. 1. Frances A., d. Abijah and Susannah, Feb. 10, 1831. Franklin, s. Jesse and Olive, Aug. 10, 1834. p. r. 5. •George, s. Jonas and Deliverance, Aug. 19, 1805. [a. 2 y. G. R. 2.] Hannah, d. Joseph and Deliverance, May 15, 1726. Hannah, d. Joseph and Phebe, Mar. 8,, 1742, in her 4th y. G. R. 1. Hannah, d. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, Apr. 6, 1746. [a. 1 y. 6 m. G. R. 1.] Hannah, d. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, Apr. 6, 1752. [a. 2 y. 11 m. G. R. 1.] Hannah, formerly w. Ebenezer Wright, Sept. 18, 1752, a. 83 y. 1 m. 18 d. G. R. 1. Hannah, d. Elijah and Molly [ , 1823. in pencil.]-. Hartwell, Feb. 2, 1812, a. 23 y. p. r. 3. Hezekiah, at St. Vincent, Nov. 7, 1809, in his 52d y. Horace, s. Lemuel and Molly [Sept. 14, 1848. in pencil; a. 44 y. p. r. 1.]. Hosea [h. Experience], Dec. 20, 1776. [in his 33d y. g. r. 1.] Huldah [d. Amos and Priscilla. g. r. 2.], Oct. 2,' 1801. [a. 22 y. G. R. 2.] Isaiah, June 9, 1813, a. 49 y. o. r. 2. James, jr., at Cape Breton [at Louisburg. g. r. 1.], Oct. 11, 1745. [a. 44 y. 4 m. in pencil.] James, s. Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1759. [in his 2d y. G, R. 1.] James, Feb. 25, 1761. [Feb. 26, in his 63d y. g. r. 1.] Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Abigail, June 23, 1789. Jeremiah, Apr. 17, 1817. p. r. 3. Jesse, Apr. 22, 1840, a. 67 y. p. r. 2. John, Aug 13, 1802, a. 64 y. g. R. 1. John; m., farmer, s. John and Abigail, old age, Mar. 12, 1849. a. 85 y. 9 m. 19 d. 288 WESTFORD DEATHS HiLDRETH, John Parker, unm., laborer, consumption, May 24, 1842, a. 37 y. Jonas, Jan. 14, 1808. [a. 45 y. G. R. 2.] Jonathan, s. Joseph and Deliverance, May 22, 1731. [Jonathan [H. g. r. 2.], s. Levi [and Rebecca, g. r. 2.], June 23, 1819, a. 3 y. in pencil] Jonathan Hartwell, s. Elijah and Molly [ , 1810. in pen- cil; Feb. 3, 1812, a. 23 y. G. R. 2.]. Joseph, Nov. 17, 1764. [a. 75 y. 8 m. 14 d. G. R. 1.] Joseph, Jan. 4, 1780, in his 85th y. G. r. 1. [Levi, s. Amos, Jan. 16, 1825, a. 49 y. in pencil.] Lucy, d. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, July 3, 1766. [a. 4 y. 2 m. 22 d. G. R. 2.] Lucy, d. Ephraim and Pricilla, Nov. 19, 1810, a. 44 y. G. R. 2. Lucy, May 30, 1831, a 18 y. p. R. 2. [1830. p. r. 5.] Lucy J., d. Horace and Everline [grandd. Jesse, g. R. 1.], dropsy on the brain, Sept. — , 1842, a. 6 m. Luther, m., farmer, s. [twin. dup. in pencil.], Levi and Rebecca, typhus fever, Oct. 30, 1842, a. 24 y. Lydia, d. James [jr. dup.] and Lydia, Oct. 17, 1736. [in her Sth y. G. R. 1.] Lydia, w. Isaiah, Aug. 31, 1813, a. 45 y. G. R. 2. [Aug. 30. p. R. 3.] Martha C, d. Amos and Martha P., 2d, Oct. 17, 1847, a. 3 y. 12d. [Oct. 15. G. R. 1.] Mary, yf. Ephraim, Jan. 26, 1770, in her 64th y. G. R. 1. Mary, d. Lemuel and Mary, July 17, 1826, a. 23 y. G. R. 1. Mary, w. Sylvester, b. Townsend, strangulated hernia, Apr. 5, 1848, a. 46 y. 7 m. 18 d. [Mary W., w. Elijah, sr., d. Peter Read, Feb. 22, 1843, a. 83 y. in pencil.] Mehitable, d. Jesse and Olive, Apr. 16, 1836. p. r. S. Molly [Mary. g. r. 1.], w. Lemuel, apoplexy, Dec. 1, 1842, a. 63 y. 9 m. Nancy, d. Simeon and Ruth, Apr. 1, 1809. [a. 4 y. 20 d. G. R. 1.] Olive, d. James [jr. dup.] and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1736. [Oct. 29, in her 7th y. g. R. 1.] Olive, d. Amos and Priscilla, June 23, 1772. [Aug. 23, a. 2 m. G. R. 2.] Olive, d. Jesse and Olive, d. adopted, Abel and Ruth, Dec. 13, 1821, a. 16 y. g. r. 2. [Dec. 1, 1820. p. R. 5.] ' Oliver, s. Oliver and Mary, Feb. 22, 1780. Oliver [bet. Aug. 8 and Dec. 20], 1821. p. r. 3. WESTFORD DEATHS 289 HiLDRETH, Orilla Florinna, d. Augustus S. and Abigail, dysen- tery, Sept. 8, 1848, a. 1 y. 5 m. 10 d. Patty [Miss. g. r. 2.], June 8, 1816. p. r. 3. [a. 48 y. G. R. 2.J Peter, s. Ephraim, jr. and Priscilla, Apr. 7, 1752. [a. 4 y. 10 m. G. R. 1.] Peter, s. Ephraim and Mary, July 19, 1769, in his 26th y. G. R. 1. Peter, May 29, 1819, a. 66 y. p. r. 3. Phebe, w. Joseph, Jan. 21, 1743, in her 43d y. G. R. 1. Phinehas, s. Joseph, Jan. 19, 1777, in his S2d y. G. R. 2. Polly, d. John and Betsy, Oct. 18, 1802, a. 18 y. G. R. 1. Pricilla, wid. Ephraim, Apr. IS, 1809, a. 85 y. G. R. 2. Prissillah, w. Amos, May 12, 1810, a. 67 y. G. R. 2. Rufus, s. Lemuel and Molly, Sept. 29, 1821. [a. 1 y. 6 m. 10 d. G. R. 1.] [Rufus, s. twin, Levi [and Rebecca, g. r. 2.], Oct. 4, 1837, a. 19 y. in pencil.] Ruth, d'. James [jr. dup.J and Lydia, Oct. 28, 1736. [in her 3d y. g. r. 1.] Ruth, w. John, M-ar. 2, 1802, a. 57 y. G. R. 1. Ruth, Jan. 5, 1829. p. R. 2. [Ruth, G. R. 2.], w. Abel, Feb. 20, 1829. p. r. 2. [a. 61 y. G. R. 2.] Ruth, Nov. 20, 1833. p. R. 2. [Ruth, w. Simeon, Nov. 29, 1844. in pencil ; a. 68 y. g. r. 1.] Samuel, s. James, July 17, 1748. Samuel, Oct.^, 1759. [in his 24th y. g. R. l.J Sarah, d. John and Abigail, Mar. — , 1770. [Mar. 9, a. 1 y. 8m. 7 d. g. r. 1.] Seth, Sept. 25, 1801, a. 26 y. G. R. 2. Silas, s. James, jr. [and Lydia. dup.], Feb. 14, 1741. [1742. dup.] Simeon, s. Ephraim and Mary, May 5, 1731, a. 3 y. G. R. 1. Soffia, d. Seth and Hitty, Sept.. 13, 1801, a. 4 y. g. r. 2. Susan Francis, d. Horace and Everline, brain fever, Dec. 17, 1844, a. 1 y. 9 m. 27 d. Susanna, d. Hezekiah and Easther, Nov. 16, 1784. [a. 7 m. G. R. 1.] Susannah, d. Jonas and Deliverance, Jan. 13, 1847, a. 41 y. G. R. 2. Thankful, d. Ephraham and Mary, Oct. 22, 1737. [a. 3 y. 20 d. G. R. 1.] Thankful!, d. James, jr. [and Lydia. dup.J, Feb. 19, 1741. Timothy, s. Joseph and Abigail, Jan. — , 1747, a. 8 m. G. R. 1. William, Dea., Feb. 3, 1800, in his 60th y, g. R. 1. 290 WESTFORD DEATHS HiLDRETH, William, s. Lt. John and Elizabeth [Aug. 21, 1840, a. 33 y. in pencil.]. Zechariah, Lt., Apr. 18, 1784, in his S8th y. G. R.^2. Zimri, s. Nath[anie]l and Bridget, Mar. 26, 1807. Zimri, s. Lt. Nath[anie]l and Mary, July 26, 1807. -, ch. Benjamin, Feb. 20, 1815. p. R. 3. -, ch. Levi, June 22, 1817. p. r. 3. -, ch. Benjamin, Nov. 14, 1817. p. R. 3. -, d. Amaziah, July 13, 1818. p. r. 3. -, d. Amaziah, Oct. 11, 1820. p. r. 3. -, ch. Charles, June 9, 1821. p. r. 3. -, wid. Ephraim, Apr. 5, 1822. p. r. 3. , ch. Asa, Aug. 17, 1833. p. r. 2. , wid. Benj[ami]n, pauper, , 1838. p. r. 2. [bur. Mar. 8. p. r. 1.] , ch. Amos, bur. June 18, 1839. p. r. 1. , ch. W[illiam. g. r. 2.], at Chelmsford, , 1840. p. r. 2. [Sept., a. 6 m. g. r. 2.] ■ , ch. Joseph, of Carlisle, Aug. '23, 1844, a. 1 y. p. r. 1. , w. Jeremiah, , 1845, a. 72 y. p. r. 2. -, ch. Augustus, , 1848, a. 2 y. p. r. 2. HILDRICK (see also Hildreth), Dorithey, d. Jam[e]s and Dorithey, Oct. 12, 1735. Ephram,.s. Jacob and Abigil, Dec. 14, 1734. HILDRITH (see also Hildreth), , ch. Amos, bur. May 3, 1842. p. R. 1. HILL, Abigail, d. Nathanael and Abigail, Jan. — , 1747, in her 11th y. G. R. 1. Nathanael, s. Nathanael and Abigail, "at Quebec in ye serves of his King & Country," Mar. 31, 1760, in his 23d y. G. R. 1. HINKLEY, [Ebenezer. g. r. 1.], Aug. 15, 1812. p. r. 3. [a. 76 y. G. R. 1.] HORNE, Matilda, w. Windsor, Jan. — , 1839. c. r. 2. [Jan. 25, 1837, a. 55 y. c. r. 1.] HOWARD, Betsy, w. Calvin, palsy, June 25, 1842, a. 50 y. HUMPHRIES, , Mrs., of Littleton, Aug. 30, 1833, a. 85 y. p. R. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 29 I HUNT, John, July 28, 1829. p. r. 2. Lydia [w. Simeon, g. r. 1.], , 1837, a. 78 y. p. R. 2. [Oct. 6, a. 79 y. g. r. 1.] Simon, Apr. 14, 1821. p. r. 3. [Apr. 13, a. 65 y. G. R. 1.] HUNTER, Lucy, w. , of Tyngsborough, d. Samuel Read, May 21, 1839. P. R. 1. [a. 42 y. G. R. 1.] HUTCHENS (see also Hutchins), Thomas, , 1847. p, R. 2. Varnum, at Illinois, , 1840, p. r. 2. [Aug. 28, a. 25 y. 10 m. 13 d. p. R. 6.] , ch. John, — , 1834. p. r. 2. , w. Thomas, , 1838. p. r. 2. , Mrs. , 1839. p. r. 2. , ch. Thomas, , 1843. p. r. 2. HUTCHINGS (see also Hutchins), Sibbyl, w. EliaMm, jr., Aug. 3, 1827. [a. 29 y. G. R. 2.] HUTCHINS (see also Hutchens, Hutchings), Louisa, d. John and Lois, fits, bur. Chelmsford, d. Apr. 22, 1846, a. 1 y. 5 m. Sarah D., d. Tho[ma]s and Sarah, throat distemper, bur. Chelmsford, d. May IS, 1845, a. 9 y. 8 m. 29 d. [a. 8 y. p. R. 2.] Stephen, farmer, s. Eliakim and Mary, killed accidentally, Sept. 10, 1842, a. 35 y. , Mrs., July 30, 1817. p. r. 3. , ch. Eliakim, Apr. 24, 1819. p. r. 3. , ch. John, Aug. 26, 1831. p. r. 2. INOALLS (see also Ingals), Susan L., scarlet fever, July 10, 1846, a. 2 y. INGALS (see also Ingalls), , ch. Joseph, , 1846. p. r. 2. JACKSON, Philii^, Aug. 9, liSll. p. r. 3. JEWETT, Esther, wid. Lt. William, formerly w. Dea. Henry Wright, June 19, 1788, in her.82d y. G. R. 1. Esther, w. Joseph, June 9, 1795, in her 43d y. g. r. 3. Hannah, w. Joseph, formerly w. Timothy Spaulding, Oct. 27, 1807, a. 64 y. G. R. 1. 292 WESTFORD DEATHS Jewett, Joshua Abbot [h. Rebecca], found dead in an old building in Concord, Mar. 23, 1838. Rebeckah, w. Joseph, Feb. 19, 1785. [in her 46th y.. G. R. 1.] Sally, w. Joshua A., May 20, 1798, a. 25 y. G. R. 1. Sally, d. Joshua A. and Rebecca [Jan. 25, 1835. in pencil; a. 22 y. p. R. 2.]. JIPSON, Isaac (Gibson?) Sept. 14, 1817. p. r. 3. JOHNSON, Benjamin W., s. Jonathan and Esther, Jan. 20, 1795, a. 3 y. 5 d. g. r. 3. Catherine, w. Cyrus, Oct. 22, 1839, a. 61 y. g. r. 2. Esther, d. Jonathan and Esther, Jan., 31, 1792, a. 4 y. 13 d. G. R. 3. Esther, w. Jonathan, Apr. 26, 1792, in her 26th y. G. R. 3. Sarah, Mrs., Feb. 27, 1813, a. 78 y. v. r. 3. Susanna, d. Jonathan and Susanna, Dec. 30, 1798, a. 1 d. G. R. 3. , ch. David, Nov. 14, 1812. p. r. 3. , Mrs., , 1836. p. r. 2. JONES, Lucy L., d. Capt. Abel P. and Mary [at Lowell, p. r. 2.], May 11, 1840, a. 17 y. 8 m. G. R. 2. Sarah B., d. Capt. Abel P. and Mary, Sept. 22, 1830, a 6 y. 2 d. G. R. 2. KEEP, Experience, d. Lt. Jabez and Experience, Sept. 12, 1750, a. 2 y. g. r. 1. Jabe^ Capt., at Harvard, Aug. 19, 1774. Sariah, w. Jabeze, Mar. 9, 1738-9. [in her 32d y. c. r. 1.] KEMP, [Josiah, bef. Mar. — , 1763. in pencil.]. Simeon, Jan. 9, 1813. p. r. 3. Susan, d. Simeon and Susan, Oct. 21, 1826, a. 17 y. G. r. 1. , Mr., at Littleton, — — , 1847. p. R. 2. KENT, Abner, Apr. 2, 1814, a. 77 y. p. r. 3. Elisha, June 30, 1824. p. r. 3. Fanny, d. Elisha and Fanny [Feb. 13, 1813. p. r. 3.]. , w. Elisha, Dec. 18, 1812. p. r. 3. , wid. Abner, Mar. 27, 1816. p. R. 3. , ch. James, Mar. 7, 1817. p. r. 3. , ch. James, Mar. 13, 1817. p. r. 3. , ch. Elisha," Nov. — , 1818. p. r. 3. WESTFORD DEATHS 293 KEYES, Aaron, s. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Aug. 1, 1753. [a. 1 y. 11 m. 15 d. g. R. 1.] Aaron, s. Jonathan and Bettey, Sept. 7, 1775, a. 15 m. G. R. 3. Catharine Blake, d. Joseph and Sophia S., consumption, Sept. 15, 1844, a. IS y. 10 m. 19 d. Daniel, s. Joash and Mary Ann, May 10, 1843. Elisabeth, w. Jonathan, July 23, 1761, a, 41 y. 4 m. 3 d. G. R. 1. Elisabeth, w. Joseph, Sept. 3, 1775, a. 78 y. G. r. 1. Francis J., s. Joash and Mary Ann, July 19, 1819. Issachar, Apr. 20, 1820. p. r. 3. James, s. James and Abigail, Apr. 4, 1802, a. 3 m. g. r. 3. James, s. Imla and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1833. Joanah, d. Jonathan and Elisabeth, June 17, 1753. [a, 4 y. 4 m. 3 d. G. R. 1.] Joanna [w. Joseph, dup.], "granmother to" Jonathan, Mar. 31, 1758. [Mar. 18, a. 87 y. G. R. 1.] John, pauper, , 1846. p. r. 2. Jonathan, June 20, 1781, in his 60th y. g. r. 3. Jonathan [Capt. dup. in pencil.], s. Jonathan and Bettey [May 25, 1828, a. 65 y. in pencil.]. Jonathan, m., farmer, s. Jonathan and Patty, disease of the brain. May 4, 1845, a. 55 y. 6 m. 9 d. Joseph, jr. [father of Jonathan, dup.], July 11, 1744. [a. 46 y. 10 d. G. R. 1.] Joseph, "granfather to" Jonathan, June 9, 1757. [a. 90 y. 3 d. G. R. 1.] Joseph, s. Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 30, 1775. [a. 4 y. 3 m. 23 d. G. R. 3.] Joseph, Feb. 22, 1823, a. 77 y. [Joseph, s. Jona[tha]n [and Patty, g. r. 1.], Jan. 26 [1836. different ink.], a. 40 y. in pencil.] Joseph Boyden, s. Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1796. [a. 8 y. G. R. 3.] Laurinda, d. Capt. Jonathan and Patty [Oct. 13, 1839. in pen- cil; a. 28 y. G. r. 1.]. Lydia, d. Imla and Hannah, Apr. 10, 1819. [Apr. 9, a. 2 m. G. R. 3.] Martha S., seamstress, d. Joseph and Sophia S., consumption, Dec. 31, 1845, a. 21 y. 9 m. 23 d. [Patty [Martha, c. r. 2.], w. Capt. Jonathan, Sept. 4, 1841, a. 75 y. in pencil.] Rebecca, d. Joseph and Ruth, Sept. 1, 1775. [a. 10 m. 26 d. G. R. 3.] Roxa, d. James and Abigail, Apr. 26, 1803, a. 3 m. 4 d. c. R. 3. Ruth, w. Joseph, Aug. 20, 1785. [a. 36 y. in pencil.] 294 WESTFORD DEATHS Keyes, Sally, d. Jona[than] and Patty, consumption, June — , 1843, 3. 40 y. [June 18. g. r; 1.] [Sarah (Boyden), 2d w. Joseph, formerly w. Dalrymple, Nov. 21, 1830, a. 78 y. in pencil.] Sophia Strong, m. [w. Trueworthy, formerly w. Joseph Keyes. in pencil.], d. Caleb and Patty Blake, consumption, May 10, 1844, a. 43 y. 20 d. [a. 40 y. p. R. 2.] Stephen, s. Jonathan and Elesabeth, Aug. 3, 1758. [a. 3 y. 8 m. 19 d. G. R. 1.] Stephen, s. Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 30, 1775. [a. 2 y. 8 m. 19 d. G. R. 3.] Stephen, s. Issachar and Elizabeth, June 8, 1798, a. 13 y. 10 m. 23 d. G. R. 3. Stephen A., unm., farmer, s: Jona[than] and Patty, typhus fever, Nov. 24, 1842, a. 35 y. [Nov. 4. p. R. 1.] , Mrs., Jan. 7, 1816. p. r. 3. —, — , w. Issachar, Jan. 19, 1817. p. r. 3. KIDDER, Elisabeth, w. [Comet, g. r. 1.] Thomas, Nov. 19, 1764. [in her 42d y. G. R. 1.] Isaiah, s. Thomas and Joanna, , 1728, a. 8 m. G. R. 1. Isaiah, s. Thomas and Elesabeth, Sept. 14, 1759. [in his llth y. G. R. 1.] Lydia, w. Capt. Francis, of Littleton, formerly w. Joel Abbot, at Littleton, Mar. 5, 1813, a. 43 y. 4 m. Thomas, Sept. 22, 1729, in his 39th y. g. r. 1. Thomas [Comet, g. r. 1.], Jan. 31, 1793. [a. 75 y. lacking 13 d. G. R. 1.] -, Mr., Mar. 16, 1824. p^ r. 3. -, ch. P., , 1833. p. R. 2. -, ch. C. Proctor, bur. Aug. 29, 1836. p. r. 1. -, w. Procttor, bur. Mar. 2, 1841, a. 33 y. p. R. 1. -, ch. George, bur. July 31, 1841, a. 3 m. p. r. 1. KING, Lydia, d. Rogers and Lydia, July 21, 1798, a. 24 y. G. R. 2. Mary, w. Maj. Rogers, July 13, 1814, a. 37 y. G. R. 2. Rogers, Jan." 18, 1797. [in his 71st y. G. r. 2.] KITTREDGE, Abiah, Miss, Dec. 15, 1813, a. 65 y. G. r. 1. Julia, w. William, bur. at Harvard, d. Mar. 3, 1844, a. 33 y. G. R. 1. KNEELAND, Augusta M. E., d. Benjamin and Eve [at New York. p. R. 2.], Aug. 1, 1838, a. 20 y. [a. 21 y. G. R. 1,] WESTFORD DEATHS 295 Kneeland, Bartholomew, s. Richard and Martha [Oct. 21, 1826. in pencil; a. 29 y. G. R. 1.]. [Benj[amin], Aug. 14, 1828, a. 48 y. in pencil.] Edward Martyn [Capt. g. r. 1.], s. Richard and Martha [June IS, 1823, a. 32 y. G. R. 1.] Eve [w. Benja[min]. c. r. 2.], Apr. — , 1849. p. R. 2. John, late of Boston, Oct. 5, 1789, a. 36 y. G. R. 1. Martha, w. Richard, Sept. 4, 1840, a. 88 y. G. R. 1. [Richard [h. Martha], drowned in Concord River [at Carlisle bridge, g. R. 1.], Mar. 8, 1800, a. 48 y. in pencil; Mar. 28. G. R. 1.] Sarah Fletcher, d. Benjamin and Eve [May 17, 1835, a. IS y. p. R. 2.]. KNIGHTS, Sally, housekeeper, b. Hancock, N. H., d. Benja- min, liver complaint, bur. Hancock, N. H., d; Feb. 18, 1846, a. 53 y. KNOLTON (see also Knowlten), — —, ch. Abraim,. bur. Oct. 1, 1839. p. R. 1. I- KNOWLTEN (see also Knolton), , ch. , Jan. — , 1834. p. R. 2. LAIOHTON (see also Leighton), Lydia, w. Francis, Feb. 13, 1801, a. 63 y. Samuel, s. Francis and Lydia, July 17, 1804, a. 21 y. LAW, Mercy [Adams, p. r. 23.], w. Capt. Samuel, May 23, 1840, a. 56 y. g. r. 1. Samuel B. [Adams, p. r. 23; s. Capt. Samuel, p. r. l.J, at Lowell, , 1846. p. r. 2. [Apr. 14, a. 23 y. G. r. 1 ; 1844, a. 22 y. p. r. 23.1 LAWRENCE, Alpheus, shipwrecked on the coast of Maine, Oct. 29, 1837. G. R. 2. Andrew, canker rash, Feb. 26, 1843, a. S y. [Feb. 27. p. r. l.J Eleazer, Lt., who served in the French and Indian War, 1788. G. R. 2. Sarah Foster, w. Lt. Eleazer, , 1840. G. r. 2. William, Apr. IS, 1751, a. 1 y. 7 m. 9 d. g. r. 1. , w. , at Groton, , 1841. p. r. 2. , ch. , Nov. 2, 1842, a. 8 m. p. r. 1. ■ •• , Mrs., , 1843. p. r. 2. 296 WESTFORD DEATHS LEIGHTON (see also Laighton), Abel, Nov. 20, 1845, a. 50 y. p. R. 19. Almira [Whitney, g. r. 2.] b. Stow, w. Francis, Dec. 18, 1845, a. 38 y. Amos [s. Dea. Reuben and Hannah, g. R. 2.], Mar. 18, 1811, a. 21 y. p. R. 3. Augusta [Sarah Augusta, g. r. 2.], d. Reuben and Sally, fits, Oct. 9, 1842, a. 24 y. [Oct. 7..G. R. 2.]. Daniel, Nov. 11, 1784, a. 6 y. p. R. 19. Frances, Mar. 1, 1763, a. 67 y. p. R. 19. Francis, Apr. 9, 1806, a. 72 y. [a. 73 y. G. R. 2.] George, Aug. 21, 1830. p. R. 2. [a. 28 y. G. R. 1.] Hannah, w. Reuben, Nov. 1, 1803, a. 34 y. [Hannah (Farrar), b. Concord, w. John, Mar. 26, 1830, a. 63 y. in pencil.] [Isaiah, Sept. 14, 1829, a. 65 y. in pencil; a. 63 y. G. r. 1.] John, Mar. 15, 1773, a. 80 y. p. r. 19. Levenah, daughter-in-law, Francis, Jan. 13, 1849. p. r. 1. Martha, d. Isaiah and Martha, Dec. 22, 1809, a. 9 y. 6 m. G. R. 1. [Martha, w. Isaiah, formerly w. Richard Kneeland, d. Rev. Willard Hall, Sept. 4, 1840, a. 88 y. in pencil.] Martha, wid. Isaiah, spine disease, at Tyngsborough, Apr. 20, 1848, a. 71 y. 8 m. 8 d. Mary M., d. Francis, Aug. 26, 1816. p. r. 19. Mary [Reed. G. r. 2.], Mrs. [w. Francis, g. R. 2.], , 1842. ^. R. 2. Reuben, jr. [s. Dea. Reuben and Sally, g. r. 2.], May 30, 1824. p. R. 3. [May 31, a. 3 y. 3 m. 21 d. g. R. 2.] Reuben [Dea. c. R. 2.], m., farmer, s. Francis and Lydia, apo- plexy, Sept. 9, 1844, a. 82 y. 3 m. 19 d. Sarah A., Oct. 7, 1818. p. r. 19. Sarah Agusta, Oct. 7, 1842, a. 24 y. 6 m. p. r. 19. Warren, s. Albert and Hannah, fits, May 6, 1843, a. 8 y. 7 m. [a. 7 y. p. r. 2.] , ch. George, Sept. 12, 1829. p. r. 2. -, w. John, Mar. 25, 1830. p. r. 2. LELAND^ Andrew, s. Ira and Susan, May 26, 1827. Andrew, Apr. 25, 1840. [a. 37 y. p. r. 2.] Jonas, m. [father of Andrew, p. r. 1 ; came to Westford from Sherburne, dup. in pencil.], farmer, consumption, Oct. 4, 1843, a. 72 y. [a. 76 y. g. r. 1.] , ch. Joseph, bur. Aug. 26, 1840. p. R. 1. WESTFORD DEATHS 297 LINCOLN, Martha, Mrs. [w. Daniel, g. r. 2.], , 1847. p. R. 2. [Oct. 24, a. 59 y. G. R. 2.] LOCKE, Sarah Cochran, w. T. D. M., , 1844 G. R. 1. LONGLEY, Albert [Albert Minot. o. R. l.J, s. Otis and Nancy [L. G. R. 1.], scarlet fever, July — , 1843, a. 3 y. [July 18. G. R. 1.] LOWELL, , Mrs., , 1848. p. r. 2. LUCE, Alfred Ellery, s. [Rev. p. r. l.J Leonard and Rebecca E. G., scarlet fever, June 12, 1842, a. 9 y. MARBLE, , ch. Mrs., bur. Sept. 9, 1836. p. r. 1. , ch. Joseph, bur. July 28, 1843. P. R. 1. MARSHALL, Elisabeth, wid. Jesse, Oct. 14, 1790, in her 36th y. G. R. 2. Jesse, Mar. 5, 1789, in his 35th y. g. r. 2. MARVEL, , ch. Mr., blind, Feb. 13, 1816. p. r. 3. MEAD, , ch. Mr. [bet. Sept. 17 and Dec. 9], 1824. p. r. 3. MEARS, Polly, Sept. 17, 1829. p. r. 2. William, Sept. 17, 1832, a. 71 y. p. R. 2. , d. Mr., Dec. 27, 1821. p. r. 3. MERRIAM, Silas Abbot, s. Silas and Mary, Mar. 20, 1814. MINOT (see also Minott), Betsey [d. Jesse and Betsy, g. r. 1.], Sept. l'5, 1818. p. R. 3. [a. 33 y. g. r. 1.] [Betty, w. Jesse, Oct. 3, 1828, a. 68 y. in pencil.] Jesse [sr. dup. in pencil.], s. Jonathan and Esther [Oct. 17, 1828. in pencil; a. 69 y. dup. in pencil.]. Jonathan, s. Jesse and Betty, Feb. 15, 1796. [a. 2 y. 5 m. 26 d. G. R. 1.] Mary Ann, d. Ens. Jesse and Betsey, Jan. 7, 1808. [a. 7 m. 23 d. G. R. 1.] , Mrs., May 24, 1818. p. e. 3. MINOTT (see also Minot), Esther, wid. Maj. Jonathan, Mar. 30, 1808, a. &3 y. G. R. 1. 298 WESTFORD DEATHS MiNOTT, Joanna, d. Maj. Jonathan and Esther, Mar. 9. 1 780, a. 17 y. 9 m. 3 d. g. r. 1. Jonathan, Maj., Feb. 7, 1806, a. 83 y. G. R. 1. Joseph, s. Maj. Jonathan and Esther, "killed at Bunker Hill," June 17, 1775, a. 23. y. 11 m. 22 d. G. r. 1. Rufus, June 11, 1825, a. 25 y. G. R. 1. , ch. Isaac, , 1844. p. r. 2. NEEDHAM, Isaaq Oct. 16, 1817. p. r. 3. , Mrs., Oct. 9, 1819. p. r. 3. NELSON, Mary A., May 23, 1839, a. 15 y. p. r. 2. [NEWELL, W. G. [John C. g. r. 1.], Rev., h. Mary (Rich- ardson), Nov. 17, 1836. in pencil; a. 41 y. g. r. 1.] NICALS (see also Nichols), Ruth, w. W[illia]m, bur. July 26, 1840, a. 88 y. p. r. 1. NICHOLS (see also Nicals), [Charles E., s. Stephen Norman and Nancy, May 12, 1826, a. 32 d. in pencil.]. Lucy Miranda, , 1834. p. r. 2. Mary, d. William and Ruth [Dec. 9, 1823. in pencil; in her 33d y. G. R. 1.]. Nancy E., wid., d. Joseph and Francis G. Fletcher, consump- tion, Dec. 3, 1844, a. 36 y. 5 d. [Nancy (Hilton), w. Steph[en] Norman, July 5, 1826. in pen- cil; a. 24 y. g. r. 1.] Norman Samuel, s. Samuel H. and Nancy, Aug. 13, 1836. Ruth, d. William and Ruth [Mar. 9, 1801. in pencil; in her 24th y. G. R. 1.]. Samuel Augustus, s. twin, Samuel H. and Nancy, May 22, 1838. Samuel H., m., carpenter, s. Stephen and Rebecca, bilious colic, July 27, 1842, a. 40 y. [a. 41 y. p. r. 2.] Sarah Maranda, ^. Samuel H. and Nancy, Nov. 28, 1834. Stephen, s. William and Ruth [July 17, 1826. in pencil; a. 52 y. dup. in pencil.]. William [father of Steven, p. r. L], Aug. 24, 1835, a. 88 y. c. R. 2. [bur. Aug. 22. p. r. 1.] NORRIS, , ch. Mrs., Mar. 10, 1813, a. 4 y. p. r. 3. NUTTING, Benjamin, s. [Ens. g. r. 1.] John and Hannah [ , 1778, a. 13 y. 10 m. different ink; Oct. 11. G. r. 1.]. WESTFORD DEATHS 299 Nutting, [Daniel [a soldier of the Revolution, g. r. 3.], Apr. 11, 1836, a. 80 y. in pencil.]. John, Ens., Aug. 26, 1776, a. 70 y. 3 m. 22 d. g. R. 1. John, s'. [Ens. g. r. L] John and Hannah [at Albany [in ye service of his country, g. r. 1.], Dec. 25, 1777. different inkj a. 21 y. 2 m. 3 d. G. R. 1.]. I.uther L., s. Asia and Clarissa, Aug. 4, 1833, a. 3 y. 5 m. G. R. 3. [Molly, w. Daniel, Nov. IS, 1838, a. 79 y. in pencil.] , ch. David, May 27, 1819. p. R. 3. ch. Asia, Aug. 18, 1833. p. r. 2. , ch. Mr. C, , 1847. p. r. 2. OSGOOD, Benjamin [Col. p. r. 3.], Dec. 9, 1824, a. 70 y. Chester Hougton, s. Jacob and Patty, bowel complaint, Mar. 27, 1847, a. 14 y. 10 m. Eliza Jane, d. Jacob and Patty, July 19, 1834. [a. 13 y. G. R. 1.] George Stuart, s. [Dr. p. r. 1.] Benjamin and Nancy, Dec. 25, 1837. [a. 18 y. 10 m. G. r. 1.] Gustavus Porter, s. [Capt. p. r.'L] Charles and Betsy, Sept. 19, 1839, a. 1 y. G. R. 1. Hannah, Apr. 6, 1840, a. 68 y. g. r. 4. Isaac Newton, s. Jacob and Patty, Mar. 13, 1825. [a. 19 m. G. R. 1.] Jacob, jr., .s. Jacob and Patty, Apr. 24, 1829. [Apr. 23. p. r. 2 ; a. 19 y. 6 m. g. r. 1.] Josiah, s. Benjamin and Tryphena, Dec. 8,- 1784. [a. 2 y. 2 m. G. R.- 1.] Judith Pickman, d. [Dr. p. r. 1.] Benjamin and Eliza, Nov. 1, 1837. [a. 1 y. 3 m. G. R. 1.] Nancy, d. [Dr. p. r. 3.] Benjamin and Nancy, Sept. 9, 1819. [a. 3 y. 4 m. g. r. 1.] Nancy, w. Benjamin [M. D. g. r. 1.], Oct. 7, 1831, a. 48 y. 18 d. Palatiah F., Mar. 13, 1843, a. 32 y. g. r. 1. Patty, w. John, d. Thomas and Patty Fletcher, Oct. 18, 1815. [a. 29 y. g. r. 1.] Phena, w. Benjamin, Dec. 13,. 1826, a. 71 y. Zaccheus Wright, s. Benjamin and Nancy, Sept. 18, 1821. [a. 7 y. 4 m. g. r. 1.] ch. Dr., Nov. — , 1819. p. r. 3. , s. Dr., June 18, 1821. p. r. 3. PARKER, Aaron, jr., Sept. 30, 1762. [in his 50th y. g, e. l.J 300 WESTFORD DEATHS Parker, Aaron, Dec. 19, 1775,; a. 86 y. 7 m. 28 d. G. R. 1. Aaron, s. Capt. Aaron and Joanna, Aug. 2, 1802. [a. 3 y. G. R. 2.] Aaron, Capt., Dec. 29, 1823, a. 61 y. p. R. 3. Abigail, wid. John, June 24, 1820, a. 69 y. G. r. 1. Addison, s. David and Lydia [May 16, 1836. in pencil ; a. 43 y. c. R. 2.]. Anna, d. Capt. Aaron [and Joanna, g. r. 2.], Dec. 16, 1837. [in her 4th y. G. R. 2.] Aron, Capt., Dec. 29, 1823. Augustus, s. Thomas C. and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1830. [Jan. 4, 1831, a. 18 y. p. r. 2.] Benja[min], s. David and Mathe, July 17, 1785. [a. 10 m. 10 d. G. R. 1.] Benjamin, widr., farmer, b. Chelmsford, s. David and Phebe, mortification, Aug. 7, 1848, a. 84 y. 5 m. 3 d. [a. 81 y. p. R. 2.] Betsy, m. [w. Benj[ami]n. p. r. 2.], old age, Oct. 10, 1844, a. 82 y. [a. 81 y. p. r. 2.] Bridget, w. Lt. Moses, Oct. 19, 1778, in her S6th y. G. r. 1. Bridget, w. Isaac, at Weathersfield, Vt., July 16, 1834, a. 44 y. Calven, s. Lt. Levi and Abigail, Oct. 9, 1790. [a. 6 m. g. r. 1.] David [h. Lydia], July 8, 1834, a. 76 y. Ebenezer, Dec. 29, 1831. c. R. 2. [a. 83 y. p. r. 2.] Elisabeth, Miss [d. Lt. Moses and Bridget. G. R. l.J, Feb. 20, 1829. [a. 80 y. in pencil.] Ephraim Hildreth, s. David and Lydia, Mar. 16, 1801. Experience, w. Ebenezer, May 27, 1817, a. 65 y. G. R. 1. Hildreth, s. Aaron, jr. and Lucy, Jan. 1, 1764. [Horace, seven years physician in Gardner, June 13, 1829. in pencil; in his 34th y. g. r. 1.] Hosea, s. Thomas C. and Hannah, June 22, 1820. Isaac, s. Moses and Briget,.June 17, 1753. Isaac, s. Aaron, jr. [and Dorothy, dup.], June 30, 1756. Isaac, at Byron, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1825, a. 65 y. Jacob Osgood, Mar. — , 1822. p. r. 3. [Mar. 25, a. 36 y. g. r. 1.] [Jacob Osgood, Apr. 25, 1826, a. 56 y. in pencil.] Joanna, w. Capt. Aaron [d. Jonathan Fletcher, in pencil], Sept. 4, 1838. [Sept. 3, a. 74 y. p. r. 2.] John, s. Moses and Bridget [Feb, 5, 1778. different ink; killed by a fall on ye ice with a stick of timber on his shoulder, a. 20 y. 6 m. 22 d. G. R. 1.]. John, Lt., Dec. IS, 1814, a. 73 y. g. r. 1. WESTFORD DEATHS 3OI Parker, Jonathan [unm. in pencil.], s. Samuel and Mary [at Rindge, N. H., , 1820. in pencil.]. Lucy, w. Aaron, jr., Oct. 9, 1763. [in her 22d y. G. R. l.J Lucy, May 8, 1811, a. 20 y. p. r. 3. Lucy, d. Thomas C. and Hannah, July 6, 1826. [a. 12 y. G. R. 1.] Lydia, d. Samuel, Feb. 10, 1774. Lydia, w. David, June 16, 1834, a. 74 y. Mary, w. Aaron, jr., Feb. 20, 1737. [in her 22d y. G. R. 1.] Mary, w. Samuel, Nov. 22, 1757. Mary, w. Joshua, Nov. 30, 1771. [a. 33 y. 11 m. 2 d. G. R. 3.] Mathe, w. David, May 10, 1788. [in her 29th y. G. R. 1.] Moses, s. Moses and Bridget, Dec. 17, 1775, a. 20 y. 4 m. 4 d. G. R. 1. [Moses, Lt, July 13, 1797, a. 79 y. in pencil.] Rachel Reed, wid. Jacob O., June IS, 1830, a. 40 y. G. R. 1. Rebecca, d. Ebenezer and Experience, Apr. 1, 1808, a. 24 y. Rebekah, w. [Lt. g. r. 1.] Levi, May 10, 1784. [a. 29 y. G. R. 1.] Sarah, w. Samuel, Oct. 12, 1746. , ch. Artimus, jr., , 1834. p. r. 2. PARMBNTER, Eliab, m., laborer, b. Sudbury, s. Eliab, heart complaint, June — , 1848, a. 84 y. 2 m. . PATCH, Albert, June 14, 1832. p. r. 2. Daniel, Jan. 27, 1829. p. r. 2. J., Mar. 13, 1824. p. r. 3. , w. Isaac, Mar. 10, 1811. p. r. 3. , w. Isaac, Nov. 20, 1812. p. r. 3. PATTEN, Augusta V., , 1847. p. r. 2. Clariai V., d. Rufus and Sarah B., infantile, Oct. 7, 1849, a. 7d. Isaac, , 1811. G. R. 2. Isaac [h. Lydia], Oct. 31, 1836. [a. 75 y. p. r. 2.] Jesse, jr., July 24, 1811, a. 26 y. p. r, 3. Joseph, found dead in Spencer, Apr. 7, 1837. Lydia, w. Isaac, Jan. 8, 1838. [a. 73 y. p. r. 2.] [Rufus Orlando, s. Rufus and Sarah B., July 12, 1844. in pencil.] Thomas, June 23, 1811, a. 21 y. p. r. 3. PATTS, Rhoda, d. John and Abigail, of Townsend, Feb. 25, 1844, a. 83 y. [a. 92 y. p. r. 2 and c. R. 2.] 302 WESTFORD DEATHS PEABODY, Ann Mariah, d. Theodore and Sally [Mar. 10, 1825. different ink; Mar. 11, a. 18 y. p. R. 3.]. [Jonathan C[arver. g. r. 2.], s. Theodore and Sally, Dec. 12, 1803, a. 11 m. in pencil.] Sally, w. Theodore [d. Jonathan Carver, in pencil.], Sept. 2, 1837, a. 53 y. [1836, a. 52 y. p. r. 2.] Theodore [h. Sally], Jan. 2, 1821, a. 43 y. 2 m. 5 d. [1822. G. R. 2.] PERRY, Mary, wid. [w. Obediah. c. R. 2.], old age, Sept. 8, 1844, a. 83 y. [a. 92 y. p. r. 2. and c. R. 2.] PHELPS, see Felps. PHILIPS, , ch. , , 1834. p. r. 2. PIERCE, Nancy, pauper, , 1840. p. r. 2. Sarah, , 1838. p. r. 2. , Mr., Oct. 1, 1819. p. R. 3. POLLARD, Abigail, w. Capt. James, Apr. 19, 1774, in her 67th y. G. R. 1. James, Capt., Mar. 7, 1781, in his 73d y. o. R. 1. POOL, Rufus, July 21, 1825, a. 42 y. g. r. 1. William, pauper, Dec. 22, 1833. p. R. 2. PORTER, Dorithy, wid. Elijah, July 26, 1794, in her 72d y. G. R. 1. PRATT, Ephraim, Dec. 26, 1817. p. r. 3. PRENTICE, , Feb. 26, 1815. p. r. 3. I PRESOOTT, Abigail, w. Joseph, Apr. 23, 1804, a. 48 y. g. r. 2. [Abram [at Utica, N. Y. p. r. 2.], -, 1846. in pencil; Dec. 19, 1845. p. R. 21.] Almira, d. twin, Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1815. Alvah, , 1846. p. r. 2. Amos, pauper, Sept. 18, 1833. p. r. 2. [Anna, w. John, jr., Jan. 26, 1802, a. 21 y. 3 m. in pencil; 1801. p. R. 8.] Augusta Maria, d. Asa and Sophia, Oct. 18, 1837. [a. 3 y. p. R. 2.] WESTFORD DEATHS ' 3O3': Prescott, Avery, jr. [s. Avery and Lucy. g. r. 2.], Sept. 23, 1830. p. R. 2. [a. 23 y. G. R. 2.] Avery, m., carpenter, s. Joseph, brain disease, Nov. 13, 1843, a. 63 y. [a. 62 y. p. r. 2.] Banjamin, s. Jonas, jr. [and Elisabeth, dup.], Apr. 3, 1741. Benjamin, s. Jonas, Aug. 10, 1804, a. 29 y. G. R. 2. Benjamin, s. Oliver, Mar. 7, 1839, a. 85 y. p. R. 21. Benjamin, , 1840. p. r. 2. Bethiah, w. Oliver, Oct. 6, 1813, a. 84 y. p. r. 21. Bethiah, d. Oliver and Bethiah, Mar. 17, 1832, a. 73 3-4 y. p. R. 21. Betsey, w. Isaiah, May 31, 1806. [a. 40 y. g. r. '2.] Charles Franklin, s. Asa and Sophia, July 27, 1827. Charlotte, w. Eben[eze]r, Mar. 1, 1820. David, Feb. 9, 1774, a. 45 y. 7 m. 3 d. g. r. 2. David, Nov. 20, 1813, a. 62 y. G. R. 2. Ebenezer, Dec. 1, 1771. [a. 71 y. 4 m. g. r. 2.] Eben[eze]r, s. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1810. Ebenezer [father of Ebenezer. o. r. 2.], Jan. 23, 1811, a. 63 y. p. r. 3. Eben[eze]r, s. Eben[ez]er [jr. dup.] and' Hannah, Feb. 23, 1815. Ebenezer, s. Asa and Sophia, Oct. 16, 1837. Ebenezer, , 1841. p. r. 2. Elisabeth, w. [2d w. dup.] Jonas, jr., Dec. 27, 1739. Elisabeth, d. Oliver and Bethiah, May 4, 1821, a. 65 y. p. r. 21. Elliah [Elijah, dup.], s. Jonas and Elisabeth, Mar. 11, 1732. [Mar. 10. g. r. 1.] Esther, w. Jonas, Oct. 4, 1730. Esther, d. Timothy and Lydia, Sept. 23, 1759. Eunice, d. David and Abigail, June 18, 1770, a, 9 y. 3 m. 9 d. G. R. 3. Ezra, Apr. 29, 1789, a. 33 y. G. R. 2. Francis C, s. Avery and Betsey, May 5, 1822, a. 3 y. G. R. 2. Franklin, s. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, drowned, July 22, 1812. [a. 4 y. G. R. 2.] Franklin, s. Eben[eze]r and Charlotte, Feb. 21, 1815. George, s. Eben[eze]r [jr. dup.] and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1801. George, , 1840. p. r. 2. Hannah, w. Eben[eze]r, Sept. 8, 1812. [a. 39 y. G. R. 2; a. 29 y. p. E. 3.] Harriot, d. Ens. Isaac and Lucy, Sept. 22, 1799, a. 10 m. 11 d. G. R. 2. Isaac, s. Jonas, jr. and Elisabath, Sept. 17, 1738. 304 WESTFORD DEATHS Prescott, Isaac, s. Oliver, Aug. 16, 1849, a. 79 y. p. R. 21. Isaiah, s. Timothy and Lydia [at Concord, Aug. 27, 1838, a. 75 y. dup. in pencil.]. • Jackson [s. Abram, Mar. 3. p. r. 21.], 1841, a. 22 y. p. r. 2. Jeptha, Jan. 28, 1816, a. 37 y. p. r. 3. John, s. John and Martha [July 25, 1847, a. 67 y. in pencil.]. Jonas, Sept. 9, 1784, in his 83d y. g. r. 2. Jonas [Lt. g. r. 2.], Mar. 23, 1813, a. 86 y. p. r. 3. Jonas, Sept. 2, 1820. p. r. 3. Joseph, Apr. 1, 1813. p. r. 3. [a. 64 y. g. r. 2.] Levi, May 7, 1839, a. 67 y. p. R. 2. Lucinda, Feb. 26, 1846. g. R. 1. Lucy, d. Timothy and Lydia, Oct. 1, 1759. Lucy, d. Oliver and Bethiah, May — , 1845, a. 80 y. p. r. 21. [Lucy L. g. R. 2.], w. Avery, June 28, 1814. p. R. 3. [a. 31 y. G. R. 2.] Lucy [L., d. Avery and Lucy. g. r. 2.], Dec. 12, 1833, a. 24 y. p. R. 2. Lydia, w. Timothy, May 1, 1798. [a. 64 y. g. r. 2.] Mary, w. Jonas, Feb. 17, 1749. Mary, d. Oliver and Bethiah, Jan. 30, 1766. [a) 3 y. 8 m. g. r. 2.] Mary [B. g. r. 2. J, wid. [w. David, g. r. 2.], old age, Aug. 31, 1843, a. 90 y. Mary Jane, d. Asa and Sophia, Aug. 17, 1832. [Aug. 16. p. R. 2.] Mary M. F[letcher. p. r. 21.], w. Henry A., Dec. 22, 1839, a. 27 y. [Jan. 22. p. r. 21.] Mary Ollive, d. Benjamin and Mary S., June 20, 1836, a. 7 m. G. R. 2. Olever, Dea. [father of Capt. Abraham. G. R. 2.], Jan. 1, 1803, a. 77 y. 7 m. Olive, d. Amos and Polly, Aug. — , 1811, a. 2 y. G. R. 2. Olive, m. [w. Luther, dup.], d. Levi and Harmah Prescott, in- flammation of the lungs, May 13, 1845, a. 29 y. 10 m. 30 d. Oliver, s. Oliver and Bethiah, Dec. 22, 1843, a. 83 y. p. r. 21. Patty, d. [Lt. g. r. 2.] Abraham and Polly, Jan. 29, 1802. [1801, a. S m. 4 d. G. R. 2.] Peter, Mar. 12, 1813. p. r. 3. Peter, Dec. 28, 1813, a. 52 y. g. R. 2. Phebe, d. Oliver and Bethiah, Oct. 13, 1844, a. 81 y. p. r. 21. Polly, w. [Lt. g. r. 2.] Abram, Dec. 19, 1800. [a. 24 y. g. r. 2.] [Polly, g. r. 2.], w. Amos, Aug. 23, 1817.' p. R. 3. [a. 44 y. G. R. 2.] Rachel, w. Joseph, Sept. 15, 1841, a. 83 y. c. R. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 305 Prescott, Rebeccah, w. Lt. Jonas, May 23, 1795, a. 65 y. G. R. 2. Rebeckah, w. Timothy, Mar. 30, 1805. [a. 74 y. G. R. 2.] Stephen, s. John and Martha [Oct. 7, 1808, a. 24 y. in pencil.]. Timothy, s. Timothy and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1759. Timothy, Apr. 30, 1808. [a. 79 y. G. r. 2.] Timothy Jones, s. Eben[eze]r and Charlotte, killed by a horse, Sept. 1, 1820. , ch. Isaiah and Betsy, Feb. 21, 1802. g. r. 2. — —, ch. Levi, Feb. 2, 1812. p. r. 3. , ch. David, Jan. 14, 1814. p. r. 3. , ch. Jacob, Aug. 12, 1814. p. r. 3. , ch. Asa, Oct. 8, 1815. p. r. 3. r, ch. Asa, Oct. 16, 1817. p. r. 3. -, ch. Levi, Jan. 19, 1818. p. r. 3. -, ch. Thomas, Sept. 10, 1819. p. r. 3. -, w. Buckley, Feb. 15, 1824. p. r. 3. -, ch. Asa, Sept. 17, 1824. p. r. 3. -, wid. Sampson, , 1834. p. R. 2. -, ch. Benj[ami]n, , 1837. p. r. 2. -, ch. Asa, , 1837, a. 5 y. p. R. 2. , ch. Fetter, bur. Aug. 17, 1842, a. IS d. p. r. 1. , ch. Luther, , 1842. p. r. 2. , ch. Peter, bur. Dec. 24, 1845. p. r. 1. , w. Eben, at Dracut, , 1845, a. 95 y. p. r. 2. , w. Isaiah, pauper, , 1847. p. r. 2. PRESSEY, Caroline A[ugusta. p. r. L], d. Thomas W. and Clarissa, bowel complaint, July 25, 1844, a. 5 m. PROOOTTER (see also Proctor), Sarah, wid. Gershom, Jan. 26, 1752, a. 83 y. 8 m. g. r. 1. PROCTER (see also Proctor), Agnes, d. Joseph and Agnes, Oct. 14, 1736. [Anna, d. [Lt. g. r. 1.] Jonas and,^ Lydia, Nov. 29, 1783; a. 9 w. in pencil.] [Charles, M. D. in pencil], s. Phillip and Phebe [Mar. 6, 1817. p. R. 3.]. Esther, d. Ezekiel and Elisabeth, Aug. 2, 1747. Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel, jr. and Elisabeth, June 24, 1766; Ezra, s. Ezekiel, now of Hollis, and Elisabeth, at New York, May 15, 1776. Isaiah, s. John, jr. and Molly [Apr. 29, 1764?]. [Jonas [Lt. G. R. 1.], s. Philip and' Phebe, at Louisburg or Cape Breton, Nov. 6, 1783. in pencil; in his 3Sth y. g. r. 1.] 306 WESTFOBD DEATHS Procter, Joseph, s. Ezekiel and Elisabeth, Jan. 24, 1746. Josiah, s. James and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1753. Lydia, w. Leonard, Nov. 17, 1767. [1768, in her 31st y. g. R. 2.] [Lydia, Mrs., formerly w. Capt. James Hildreth, jr., Apr. 13, 1797, a. 87 y. in pencil.] [Lydia (Adams), b. Chelmsford, w. Dr. Cha[rle]s, Sept. — , 1830. in pencil; Sept. 23. p. r. 2.] Peter, Aug. 1, 1730. Pheby, wid. Philip, and d. Joseph and Phebe Hildreth, Aug. 13, 1762, in her 41st y. g. r. 1. Philip, Feb. 27, 1759, in his 33d y. g. r. 1. Sarah, d. Ezekiel [and Elisabeth, dup.], Dec. 11, 1749. Sebbell, d. Joseph and Agnes, Apr. 14, 1737. Stephen, s. James and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1753. Thomas, Sept. 3, 1774. [in his 76th y. g. r. 1.] PR'OCTOR (see also Procotter, Procter, Procttor), Agness, w. Joseph, May 15, 1790, a. 87 y. 2 m. 7 d. G. R. 1. Ezekiel, Feb. 21, 1777. Hosea, Mar. 6, 1796. Jesse, Sept. 22, 1777. John, Apr. 17, 1783, a. 88 y. 6 m. g. R. 2. Joseph, Jan. 16, 1754. [Jan. 4, in his 51st y. o. r. 1.] Joseph [Nov. 23. g. r. 2.], 1838, a. 59 y. p. r. 2. Leonard [h. Mary], Jan. 3, 1827. Levi, widr., farmer, b. Acton, s. Cotton and Tabitha, old age, bur. Chelmsford, d. Oct. 6, 1845, a. 87 y. 7 m. Mary, w. John, Aug. 9, 1781, a. 80 y. 3 m. 20 d. g. r. 2. Mary, w. Leonard, Sept. 3, 1827. Mehittabel, w. Nathan, Jan. 20, 1761, a. 48 y. 6 m. 10 d. G. R. 2. Nathan, Jan. 16, 1788, in his 90th y. g. r. 2. Patience, wid. [Nathan, g. r. 2.], Sept. 25, 1819. p. r. 3. [Sept. 26, a. S3 y. g. r. 2.] Phebe, wid., Apr. 7, 1814, a. 84 y. p. r. 3. Phinehas, jr., s. James, jr. and Esther, Oct. 6, 1790, a. 2 y. 10 m. G. R. 2. William, Apr. 29, 1817. p. r. 3. PROCTTOR (see also Proctor), Anna, d. Philip and Phebe, Sept. 27, 1756, in her 3d y. g. r. 1. Isaac, s. Philip and Phebe, Aug. 15, 1758, a. 2 d. g. r. 1. PUFFER, Cynthia, Oct. 1, 1833. p. r. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 307 PUSHEE, , w. John, May 23, 18U, a. 56 y. p. r. 3. PUTMON, Ame, d. Caleb, of Wilton, and Ame, Sept. 15, 1783. RAMOND (see also Raymond), , wid. John/ bur. Aug. 22, 1839. p. R. 1. RAYMOND (see also E.amond), Daniel, 3d, s. Daniel, jr. and Naomy, Dec. 17, 1784. [a. 9 m. G. R. 1.] Daniel, Nov. 7, 1808, a. 57 y. p. r. 19. John, Nov. 12, 1832. p. r. 2. Naomy, w. Daniel, Nov. 1, 1808, a. 48 y. READ (see also Reed), Abigal, w. Samuel, Mar. 31, 1743. [in her 27th y. g. R. 1.] Abigal, w. Benja[min], May 10, 1787. . Abijah [jr. g. r. 2.], s. Abijah and Elizabeth, Dec. 6,- 1789. [Nov. 10, a. 3 m. 5 d. g. r. 2.] Alenutt, s. Lt. Tho[ma]s and Polly, Oct. 25, 1802. Alvira [Elvira Melyina. c. r. 2.], d. Abijah and Susan [Feb. 9, 1835. in pencil; a. 17 y. p. R. 2.; a. 19 y. G. R. 2.]. Alzina,. pauper, , 1836. p. r. 2. Benjamin, s. Joseph and Ruth, at Crown Point, Oct. — , 1760. Benja[min], s. Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1778. [Benjamin, Apr. 2, 1788. in pencil.] Betsey, d. Silas and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1777. [a. 4 y. 1 m. 16 d. G. R. 2.] Betsey, Nov. 14, 1818. p. r. 3. Bridget, d. John and Jean, May 4, 1761, a. 36 y. 11 m. 20 d. G. R. 2. Bridget, d. Silas and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1 798. Charles, Feb. 2, 1835. p. r. 2. Edwin, s. Zacheus and Mary, Aug. 5, 1807, a. 17 m. g. r. 2. Edwin, at sea, , 1838, a. 24 y. p. r. 2. [Aug. 13, 1839. p. R. 9.] Eleazer, June 8, 1789, in his 59th y. g. r. 1. Eleazer, jr., Dec. 27, 1818. p. r. 3. [Eleazer, jr. [h. Elisabeth], July 15, 1827. in pencil; a. 67 y. G. R. 1.] Elihew [pauper, p. r. 2.], bur. Aug. 30, 1840. p. r. 1. [Elisabeth, w. Eleazer, jr., Feb. 3, 1841. in pencil; a. 74 y. G. R. 1.] Elizabeth, w. Abijah, Aug. [29. in pencil, dup.], 1790. [a. 31 y. in pencil, dup.] Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Oct. 6, 1804, a. 46 y. g. S. 1. 308 WESTFORD DEATHS Read, Elizabeth Hartwell [ch. Jeremy B. p. r. 2.], Jan. 19, 1829. [Jan. 18. p. r. 2.] Ephraim, s. Silas and Hannah, Nov. 20, 1781. [a. 1 y. 10 m. ■G. R. 2.] Erenet, s. Charles, fever, at poor house, Apr. 10, 1845, a. 21 y. [a. 29 y. p. r. 2.], Fletcher, May — , 1822. p. r. 3. George, July 16, 1829. p. r. 2. Hannah, d. Silas and Hannah, Sept. 22, 1777. [a. 7 m. 27 d. G. R. 2.] Hannah, wid. [Lt. g. r. 1.] Samuel, Mar. 7, 1811, a. 81 y. p. R. 3. [a. 80 y. G. R. 1.] Hannah, d. Samuel, May 30, 1814, a. 24 y. G. R. 1. Hiram, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 24, 1804, a. 2 m. G. R. 1. Huldah, d. Lt. Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1775, a. 7 y. 7 m. 1 d. G. R. 1.. Isaiah, s. Joshua and Mary, Mar. 13, 1773. Joanna, w. Joel, Nov. — , 1826. Jean, wid. John, Oct. 2, 1771, in her 89th y. g. r. 2. John, Jan. 19, 1767, in his 82d y. G. R. 2. . Joseph, Capt, Nov. 1, 1795, a. 79 y. G. r. 1. Joseph Warren, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Jan. 5, 1837. [Joshua, Apr. 20, 1809, a. 73 y.. in pencil; Apr. 6. G. r. 1.] Leonard, June 8, 1811, a. 61 y. p. r. 3. Lois, wid. Samuel, formerly wife Daniel Brooks, Nov. 6, 1840, a. 69 y. p. r. 1. Louisa, w. Jeremy B., Sept. 26, 1827. [in her 26th y. g. r. 2.] Luther Warren, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Jan. 17, 1829. Luther Warren, 2d, s. Luther and Ann Thaxter, Jan. 13, 1835. [Jan. 14, a. 3 y. p. r. 2.] Martha Louisa, d. Jeremy B. and Louisa, Dec. 30, 1827. Mary, d. Zacheus and Mary, July 27, 1802, a. 3 y. 7 m. g. r. 2. Mary, d. Willard and Meriam, May 4, 1803, a. 3 w. G. R. 2. Molly, d. Capt. Joseph and Ruth, Feb. 22, 1777. [Olive, w. Willard, sr., Sept. 25, 1827, a. 74 y. in pencil.] Oliver, s. William and Thankfull, June 20, 1791. [in his 35th y. G. R. 2.] Phebe, d. Lt. Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1775, a. 3 y. 11 m. 9 d. G. R. 1. Richard, s. Oliver and Abigal, Apr. 29, 1790. [a. 1 y. 7 d. G. R. 2.] Ruth, w. Capt. Joseph, Feb. 8, 1777. [a. 57 y. g. r. 1.] Sally, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, May 29, 1800, a. 5 m. g. r. L Samuel, s. Samuel and Abigal, Jan. 20, 1755. [Jan. 4, 1756, in his 21st y. G. R. 1.] ' WESTFORD DEATHS 3^9 Read, Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1763, a. 10 w. Samuel, Lt., Mar. 29, 1781, a. 69 y. 7 m. 11 d. g. r. 1. Samuel, , 1834. p. R. 2. [Oct. 7, a. 78 y< 7 m. G. R. 1.] Sarah, w. Thomas, Dec. 25, 1774, in her 84th y.'G. B..1. Sarah Rosinia, d. Joel and Joanna, Mar. 1, 1825. Silas, s. Silas and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1777. [a. 2 y. 7 m. 18 d. G. R. 2.] Silas, Aug. 17, 1816, a. 79 y. p. r. 3. Stephen, s. Amos and Rachel, Nov. 8, 1804. Susanna, d. Thomas and Susanna, Mar. 2, 1762. Susannah, w. Lt. Thomas, Apr. 8, 1781, in her 49th y. g. r. 3. Thaddeus, Apr. 1, 1816. p. r. 3. Thomas, Dec. 24, 1.773, in his 86th y. [in his 87th y. G. r. 1.] Thomas [s. Samuel, p. r. L], Dec. 17, 1841, a. 63 y. G. R. 1. Thomas C, s. Thomas and Rebecca, Oct. 17, 1824, a. 17 y. G. R. 1. Timothy, July 11, 1830. p. r. 2. [a. 48 y. g. r. 1.] [Willard, sr., Feb. 8, 1814, a. 67 y. in pencil.] , s. Willard and Meriam, Mar. 2, 1802. g. r. 2. , d. Thomas, July 8, 1811, a. 5 y. p. R. 3. , w. Thaddeus, Mar. 25, 1816. p. r. 3. , w. Jeremy B., June 15, 1830. p. r. 2. -, [pauper, p. r. 2.], ch. Peter, bur. May 14, 1836. p. r. 1. -, [pauper, p. r. 2.], ch. Peter, bur. Sept. 3, 1836. p. r. 1. , [pauper, p. r. 2.], ch. Peter, bur. Aug. 11, 1837. p. r. 1. [a. 1 y. 8 m. p. r. 2.] , [pauper, p. r. 2.], 3d ch. Peter, bur. Sept. 17, 1837. p. r. 1. [a. 10 m. p. R. 2.] , ch. Peter, bur. Mar. 31, 1838. p. r. 1. , [pauper, p. r. 2.], ch. Peter, bur. Sept. — , 1840. p. r. 1. REED (see also Read), Abigail Winn, d. Joseph [and Abi- gail. G. R. 2; suicide, p. r. 2.], Sept. 10, 1831. [a. 19 y. p. r. 2; a. 20 y. 6 m. g. r. 2.] Abijah, m., farmer, old age, Mar. 27, 1844, a. 89 y. 9 m. Alonzo, s. Joseph [and Abigail, g. r. 2.], July 24, 1824. [a. 1 y. ] m. G. R. 2.] Alpheus, s. Joseph [and Abigail, g. r. 2.], Mar. 20, 1814. [a. 1 y. G. R. 2.] Asa [s. Willard and Olive. dup.J, July 8, 1826. [a. 33 y. dup. in pencil.] Betsey, , 1847. p. R. 2. Bridget, m. [w. Benjamin, g. r. 1.], b. Chelmsford, d.' W[il- lia]m and Bridget Abbot, dropsy, June 16, 1849, a. 78 y. 6 m. 4 d. 3IO WESTFORD DEATHS Reed, Dick, May 4, 1814. p. r. 3. Edward A., m., farmer, b. Littleton, s. Isaac and Mary, con- sumption, bur. Littleton, d. Oct. 19, 1849, a. 62 y. 2 m. 9 d. Edwin, s. Zaccheus and Mary (Parker), Aug. 30, 1810. p. r. 9. Eliza [d. SaAiuel. p. r. 1.], at Boston, , 1845. p. r. 2. [Sept. 10, a. 57 y. G. R. 1.] Ephraim, , 1838. p. r. 2. Josiah, s. Zaccheus and Mary (Parker), Sept. 12, 1840. p. r. 9. Lucinda, w. William, jr., d. Isaac, jr. and Phebe Patch, July 12, 1818. Lucy, d. Samuel, May 30, 1814. p. r. 3. Lydia, pauper, , 1841, a. 92 y. p. r. 2. Lyman, Nov. 13, 1824, a. 35 y. g. r. 1. Mary, wid. [Joshua, g. r. 1.], May 6, 1813. p. r. 3. [a. 77 y. G. R. 1.] Mary, m. [w. Zaccheus. g. r. 1.], b. Andover, d. John and Abi- gail Parker, old age, Nov. 24, 1847, a. 74 y. 7 m. 24 d. Mary Jane, d. Barnard [and Mary. g. r. 1.], typhus fever, , 1844, a. 18 y. [Nov. 22, a. 17 y. 5 m. 16 d. g. r. 2.] Nancy Maria, d. Jeremy B. and Nancy, scarlet fever, June 14, 1842, a. 11 y. Rebecca, wid. Thomas, consumption, at Lowell, Nov. 11, 1849, a 66 y. 3 m. 2 d. Saloma, in factory, b. Stoddard, N. H., d. Eliakim and Sarah, bleeding, Nov. 22, 1849, a. 38 y. [Nov. 23. g. R. 1.] Samuel, at Boston, , 1846. p. r. 2. [Dec. 11, a. 51 y. g. r. 2; Dec. 12. p. r. 1.] Sarah Matilda, d. Abijah [C. g. r. 1.], jr. and Sarah [C. Locke, g. r. 1.], Mar. 6, 1847. [1846. G. r. 1.] Susan Colman, d. Abijah [C. G. R. 1.], jr. and Sarah [C. Locke. G. R. 1.], Sept. 21, 1837. [Sept. 22, a. 5 y. p. R. 2; July 10. G. R. 1.] RICHARDS, , d. wid., Aug. 31, 1817. p. r. 3. RICHARDSON, Abigal [pauper, p. r. 2.], bur. July 23, 1838. p. r. 1. Abijah, Nov. 23, 1828. p. r. 2. [a. 80 y. G. R. 1.] Bridget, w. Wyle, Mar. 28, 1782, a. 29 y. 2 m. 17 d. g. r. 1. Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Man 13, 1803, a. 46 y. g..r. 2. Elizabeth, w. Abijah, May 11, 1826, a. 77 y. G. R. 1. Fanny, w. Lt. Wile, Aug. 22, 1815, a. 59 y. g. r. 1. [Aug. 25. p. R. 3.] [Geo[rge] W., June 27, 1841. in pencil;, a. 32 y. p. r. 2; a. 29 y. 7 m. 29 d. G. R. 1.] WESTFORD DEATHS 3II Richardson, Hannah, d. Wyle and Bridget, Dec. 14, 1774, a. 5 w. G. R. 1. Hannah [pauper, p. r. 2.], d. Thomas, deceased, bur. Feb. 23, 1836. p. R. 1. Hannah, d. Abijah, bur. Jan. 21, 1837. p. r. 1.' Henry, Jan. 22, 1793, a. 78 y. g. r. 3. John, s. Luke and Sary, Jan. 8, 1769. [a. 10 w. 1 d. G. r. 3.] Jonas, s. Wyle and Bridget, July 9, 1774, a. 10 m. 10 d. g. r. 1. Joseph, m., farmer, b. Chelmsford, s. Elijah and Mary, inflam- mation of the brain, Feb. 24, 1848, a. 47 y. 1 m. 26 d. . [a. 49 y. p. r. 2.] Luke, Sept. 21, 1773, a. 28 y. 6 m. 4 d. g. r. 3. Lydia, w. Silas, Oct. 1, 1803, a. 27 y. 2 m. 8 d. G. R. 1. Lydia W., d. Silas and Lydia, Aug. 15, 1802, a. 1 y. 11m. 17 d. G. R. 1. Nancy, d. Lt. Wile and Fanny, . [a. 16 or 17 y. in pencil. 1819?] Philinda, d. Thomas and Philinda, Mar. 31, 1818, a. 2 y. 24 d. G. R. 1. [Mar. 30. p. r. 3.] [Philinda, w. Tho[ma]s, Aug. 29, 1831, a. 45 y. 9 m. in pen- cil; Aug. 30, 1838, a. 48 y. p. R. 2.] Prissillar, w. Henry, June 7, 1776, a. 63 y. G. r. 3. Rebeccah, wid. Thomas, Apr. 2, 1801, in her 74th y. g. R. 1. Ruth, w. Henry, Sept. 7, 1800, a. 79 y. G. r. 3. [Samuel, Dec. 13, 1837, a. 81 y. in pencil.] Sarah D[ix. dup. in pencil.], m. [w. Ira G. G. R. 1.], d. Asia and Susan R. Hamlin, consumption, Feb. 3, 1844, a. 23 y. 4 m. [Feb. 4. g. r. 1.] Silas M., s. Silas and Lydia, Sept. 1,.J800, a. 1 y. 11 m. 12 d. G. R. 1. Solomon, s. Wyle and Bridget, May 11, 1778, a. 2 y. 8 m. 24 d. G. R. 1. Solomon, s. Wyle and Bridget, Mar. 12, 1782, a. 9 w. G. r. 1. Susan, d. Samuel and Ama, July 9, 1817, a. 11 m. g. r. 1. [June 20. p. r. 3.] Thomas, Maj. [pauper, p. r. 2.], Feb. 11, 1845, a. 72 y. p. r. 1. Wile [Lt. p. R. ].], widr., farmer, s. Thomas and Rebecca, old age, Feb. 1, .1846, a. 90 y. 10 m. 1 d. [a. 92 y. c. r. 2.] William, unm., pauper, s. Abijah and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1847, a. 65 y. 2 m. 25 d. , ch. Solomon, Sept. 13, 1818. p. r. 3. , ch. Joseph, bur. Dec. 26, 1835. p. r. 1. , w. Lt. Wyle, Jan. 19, 1840, a. 66 y. p. r. 1. RICHIE, Mrs., , 1848, a. 33 y. p. r. 2. ' 312 WESTFORD DEATHS RIGHT (see also Wright), , ch. Rufus, bur. Dec. 31, 1836. p. R. 1. ROBBINS (see also Robins), [Beiij[aimii], Lt. [h. Huldah], Jan. 14, 1837, a. 78 y. in pencil.]. Eliza, d. Lt. Benja[min] and Huldah, May 14, 1804. [Huldah, w. Lt. Benjamin, Feb. 8, 1848, a. 82 y. in pencil.] Jeremiah, Oct. 17, 1811, a. 58 y. p. R. 3. Perly, s. Lt. Benjamin and Huldah, July 12, 1820, a. 34 y. ch. Jedediah, Sept. 25, 1833. p. r. 2. , ch. J., , 1838, a. 2 y. 6 m. p. r. 2. ROBBINSON (see also Robinson), [Huldah, w. Col.- John, Aug. 5, 1812, a. 70 y. in pencil.]. [John, Col. [h. Huldah], June 13, 1805, a. 70 y. in pencil.] ROBINS (see also Robbins), Hannah, w. Benjamin, Dec. 9, 1731. ROBINSON (see also Robbinson), Betty, d. Col. John and Huldah, Aug. 30, 1775, a. 5 y. 3 m. 27 d. g. r. 2. Jacob, Ens., in 1775 he commanded the soldiers who first op- posed the British at Concord Bridge, July 7, 1778, a. 68 y. 4 m. 21 d. G. R. 2. John, , 1841, a. 72 y. p. r. 2. Mary, w. Ens. Jacob, Dec. 2, 1789, a. 85 y. 9 m. G. R. 2. Mehetibal, 2d d. Col. John and Huldah, Sept. 9, 1775, a 8 y. 28 d. G. R. 2. Sarah, d. Col. John and Huldah, Aug. 30, 1775, a. 3 y. 3 m. 7 d. G. R. 2. ROGERS, Deiadamia, Aug. 27, 1834, a. 59 y. p. r. 2. Molly, d. [Lt. G. R. 1.] Thomas and Molly, Aug. 30, 1775. [Aug. 29, a. 1 y. 3 m. 9 d. G. R. 1.] Molly, d. Thomas and Molly, Sept. 11, 1778, a. 20 m. 10 d. G. R. 1. [Thomas, d. on an expedition to Canada, in pencil.; by the bursting of cannon, Lake Champlain, Oct. 17, 1776. dif- ferent ink; Oct. 11, a. 26 y. 9 m. G. R. 1.] ROUILLARD, , ch. Mr., , 1848. p. R. 2. SANBORN, William, of Vermont, , 1838. p. r. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 3^3 SAUTTLE (see also Sawtell), Nancy, wid. Homer, Sept. 9, 1849, a. 70 y. p, r. 1. [SAVELLE, Mary, Mrs. [w. Richard L. g. r. 1.], d. [Dr. p. r. 1.] Asaph and Mary Byam [at Boston, g. r. 1.], Aug. 9, 1844. in pencil; a. 26 y. G. R. 1.] SAWTELL (see also Sauttle), Homer, Aug. 30, 1831. p. r. 2. [Aug. 31, a. 48 y. G. r. 1.] , Mrs., Apr. 12, 1812, a. 22 y. p. r. 3. , eh. Mr., Sept. 4, 1812. p. r. 3. SCOTT, Caroline Metildia, w. Samuel, Jan. 23, 1806. [a. 32 y. in pencil.] , ch. Mr., July 28, 1814. p. r. 3. SCRIBNER, Matthew, Rev., at Tyngsborough [Jan. 6, 1813. p. R. 3.]. Sarah, d. Rev. Mathew and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1781. Sarah, w. Rev. Matthew, at Tyngsborough [Mar. 19, 1815. p. R. 3.]. William, s. Rfev. Mathew and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1790. SHAW, Emily H., , 1843. p. r. 2. SHED, Ebenezer, Mar. 2, 1829. p. r. 2. SHEPARD, , Mrs., Jan. 7, 1814. p. r. 3. SHERBURN, Samuel, Mar. 31, 1846, a. 78 y. 4 m. p. r. 1. SHERRON (see also Sherwin), , ch. Salome, July 30, 1817. p. R. 3. SHERWIN (see also Sherron), Mr., at Lincoln, , 1846. p. R. 2. SMITH, George H., s. Timothy and Betsey, Aug. 29, 1832. [a. 4 1-2 y. p. r. 2.] Martha An Selina, d. William C. and Dorcas, Sept. 20, 1828. [a. 18 1-2 m. G. R. 3.] Mercy Maria Glazier, d. William C. and Dorcas, Oct. 12, 1828. [a. 3 y. G. R. 3.] Molly [w. THomas. g. r. 3.], Dec, [18. in pencil.], 1835. [a. ^ 92 y. in pencil.] 314 WESTFORD DEATHS Smith, Ruth, d. Thorn [a] s and Molly, Oct. 5, 1778. [a. 3 d. G. R. 3.] Thom[a]s, s. Thom[a]s and Molly, Sept. 13, 1775. [a. 3 y. G. R. 3.] Tho[ma]s, s. Tho[ma]s [and Molly, g. r. 3.], Nov. 10, 1786, [1789, a. 10 y. g. r. 3.] Thomas,. Nov. 19, 1829. [1828, a. 91 y. in pencil.] William, s. Thom[a]s and Molly, Sept. 19, 1775. [Sept. 14, dup. J a. 1 y. G. R. 3.] SNOW, Daniel Brook, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Oct. 25, 1803. James, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Oct. 17, 1794. [a. 9 m. 17 d, G. R. 1.] Jonathan, Lt., Dec. 17, 1827, a. 65 y. g. r. 1. Joseph B. Varnum, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Feb. 8, 1807, Levi, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, May 1, 1791. [a. 11 m. 23 d, G, R. 1.] Levi, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Mar. 17, 1793. [a. 1 y. 20 d. g. r. 1.] Levi, s. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Apr. 18, 1802. [Levi, Lt., Aug. 2, 1835, a. 69 y. in pencil.] Lucy, d. Lt. Levi and Lucy, Mar. 6, 1802. [Lucy, w. Lt. Levi, Dec. 19, 1821, a. 56 y. in pencil.] Parker, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1796. Sarah, wid. [w. Lt. Levi, formerly w. Eliakim Read. g. r. 1.], b. Chelmsford, d. John and Lois Mansfield, liver com- plaint, Oct. 5, 1846, a. 78 y. 2 m. 5 d. , Mrs., Sept. 15, 1824. p. r. 3. , ch. Mr. [bet. Jan. 16 and Mar. 11], 1825. p. r. 3. SOUTHER, , w. Joseph, Dec. 9, 1829. p. r. 2. SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Joanna, Sept. 22, 1819. p. R. 3. Joanna, w. Robert, Nov. 15, 1834, a. 33 y. G. R. 1. Josiah, s. Timothy and Rebeca, Aug. 14, 1732. Robert, Mar. 26, 1842, a. 56 y. g. r. 1. Susannah, d. James and Ami, Aug. 30, 1737. Timothy, s. Timothy and Rebecah, Apr. 11, 1734. , ch. James, Dec. 10, 1812. p. r. 3. SPAULDING (see also Spalding, Spolding), Ama, w. James, May 24, 1770. [in her 53d y. g. R. 3.] Ama, d. James and Ama, Feb. 1, 1777. [Amaziah, unm. different ink.], h. [Lt. g. r. 1.] Timothy and Hannah, . [Dec. 7, -1795, a. 19 y. 3 m. 10 d. g. r. 1.] , WESTFORD DEATHS 315 Spaulding, Anna, d. Lt. Solomon and Jamima, May 19, 1790. Bethyah, w. Serg. Timothy, Dec. 4, 1759. Caleb, s. James and Ami, Aug. 27, 1747. Ephraim, pauper, Jan. 5, 1831. p. r. 2. George W., uimi., machinist, .b. Chelmsford, s. Robert and Joanna, consumption, June 26, 1848, a. 23 y. 2 m. 14 d. [a. 22 y. p. r. 2.] Hannah, w. Andrew, Feb. 11, 1744. James, s. James and Ami, Aug. 30, 1747. [Joel, different ink.], s. Timothy and Hannah [bef. 1806. dif- ferent ink; Sept. 13, .1806, a. 24 y. 6 m. 6 d. g. r. l.j. Jonathan [Serg. g. r. 1.], Sept. 5, 1775. [in his 45th y. g. r. 1.] Josiah, Jan. 4, 1780, a. 74 y. g. r. 1. Mehittabel, w. Dea. Andrew, July 1, 1768. Oliver, July 27, 1757. [July 22, in his 48th y. g. r. 1.] Oliver, s. Oliver [and Sarah, dup.], Sept. 29, 1757. [in his 18th y. G. R. 1.] Silas, s. James and Ama, Oct. 17, 1752. Solomon, Lt., Aug. 6, 1826, a. 78 y. g. r. 3. Susanna, d. James and Ama, Aug. 30, 1733. Susannah, d. James and Ama, Oct, 12, 1748. Thankfull, d. Oliver and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1753. Timothy, father of Jonathan, Apr. 14, 1763. .Timothy, Lt., Sept. 24, 1785, in his 44th y.*G. R. 1. , d. Josiah, at house of her brother W[illia]m, Sept. 13, [1776 or 77.]. p. r. 4. , Mrs., pauper, June 27, 1832. p. r. 2. , Mrs., at Tyngsborough, , 1847. p. r. 2. SPOLDTNG (see also Spaulding), , s. James, , 1834, a. 14 y. p. r. 2. SPRAGUE, Mary M. P., d. Otis and Lydia C, cholera morbus, Aug. 15, 1848, a. 1 y. 6 m. STEPHENS (see also Stevens), David, Feb. 1, 1820. p. r. 3. STEVENS (see also Stephens), [Abel, b. Chelmsford, d. [Jan. 31. G. R. 1.], 1820, a. 45 y. in pencil.]. Albert, s. Simeon and Betsy, Mar. 9, 1832, a. 23 y. g. r. 1. Alfred, s. Simeon and Betsy, Feb. 14, 1843, a. 30 y. g. R. 1. Almond, s. Simeon and Betsy, May 14, 1823, a. IS m. g. r. 1. Almond, s. Simeon and Betsy, Mar. 8, 1825, a. 9 m. g. r. 1. Amilua [Amelia, g. r. 3.], d. Bill Wright and Phebe, Mar. 27, 1813. [a. 5 y. 8 m. g. r. 3.] 31 6 WESTFORD DEATHS Stevens, [Betsey, b. Fitchburg, w. Abel, , 1814, a. 34 y. in pencil;' May 24, a. 36 y. G. R. 1.] Bill Gould, s. Bill W [right, dup.] and Phebe, Feb. 7, 1816. [a. 20 y. P. R.' 3.] Bill W., , 1840. c. R. 2. [Apr. 13, a. 72 y. g. r. 4.] Charlotte, d. Simeon and Betsy, July 13, 1831, a. 6 y. G. R. 1. Edward Jefferson, s. Sampson and Edee P., jr., dysentery, Aug. 15, 1848, a. 1 y. 10 m. 8 d. Elizabeth, d. Simeon and Betsy, Dec. S, 1841, a. 22 y. G. R. 1. Phebe, w. Bill Wright, Aug. 29, 1815. Rebecca, d. Simeon and Betsy, Sept. 16, 1836, a. 19 y. G. R. 1. Richard, s. Bill W. and Phebe, Oct. 13, 1812. [Oct. 15. p. R. 3 ; a. 3 m. G. R. 3.] Sarah, Miss [at Littleton, p. r. 2.], , 1848. c. R. 2. [Mar. 27, a. 43 y. G. R. 4.] , three chn. Sampson, jr. and Edee P., Nov. 27, 1840. STODDARD (see also Stodder), , Mr., Aug. 8, 1821. p. R. 3. • STODDER (see also Stoddard), Grace, w. Stephen, , 1821, a. 80 y. Mary Ann Turner, d. [Capt. p. r. 3.] Charles and Fayette, Sept. 20, 1814. [Sept. 25. p. r. 3.] Stephen, father of Charles, Apr. 20, 1797, a. 60 y. STONE, Grace, b. Cohasset, w. Samuel, consumption, Nov. 10, 1849, a. 72 y. 5 m. [Timothy, in pencil.], s. Ebenezer and Sarah [at Cavendish, , 1839, a. 81 y. in pencil.] SYMMES, Caleb, Capt., "Descendant of Rev. Zechariah Symmes who emigrated from England to Charleston, Mass. in 1634 and d. Feb. 4, 1671, a. 71 y.", at St. Lucia, W. I., Feb. 4, 1771. G. R. 1. Caleb, s. Thomas and Rebeckah [Mar. 29, 1821. in pencil; in his 21st y. g. R. 1.] Elizabeth Hall, d. Thomas and Rebecca (Carver), , 1805. p. r. 17. John Kebler, s. Edward and Rebecca P., cholera infantum, Oct. 6, 1848, a. 2 y. 11 m. 1 d. Pattey [Martha, g. r. 1.], d. Thomas and Rebeckah [Apr. 24, 1820. in pencil; in her 23d y. g. r. 1.]. Pattey Carver, d. Thomas and Rebecca, June 28, 1795, a. 3 v. 10 m. 14 d. G. R. 1. WESTFORD DEATHS 317 Symmes, [Rebecca, w. Tho[ma]s, d. Benja[inin] Carver, Nov. 17, 1836, a. 70 y. in pencil; bur. Nov. 9. p. R. 1.] Sarah Rebecca, d. Edward and Rebecca P., dropsy on the brain, Oct. 5, 1848, a. 11m. IS d. Susannah Bancroft, d. Thomas and Rebeckah [Apr, 22, 1813. in pencil ; in her 20th y. g. r. 1.]. Thomas, s. Capt. Caleb [h. Rebecca (Carver), p. r. 17.], Sept. 1, 1817, in his 52d y. g. r. 1. [Tho[ma]s, jr. [s. Thomas and Rebecca (Carver), p. r. 17.], perished in the stranding of the steamboat "Atlantic," Long. Island Sound, Nov. 27, 1846. in pencil; bur. Jan. 10, 1847. p. R. 2.] TAYLER (see also Taylor), Lois, d. Jacob [and Sarah, dup.], Feb. 21, 1744. TAYLOR (see also Tayler), James, s. William and Susan, in- fantile, Mar. 18, 1847, a. 9 d. Mary, w. William, Mar. 3, 1844, a. 33 y. G. R. 1. -, ch. Joel, Aug. 29, 1813. p. r. 3. -, ch. Joel, Sept. 10, 1819. p. r. 3. -, w. Joel [bet. Apr. 20 and Sept. 1], 1820. p. r. 3. TEMPLE, , ch. Samuel, , 1834. p. r. 2. -, ch. Samuel, , 1842. p. r. 2. , ch. Samuel, — — , 1844. p. r. 2. TENNEY (see also Tenny), Rebecca, d. Samuel and Rebecca, Sept. 28, 1814, a. 3 y. G. r. 3. TENNY (see also Tenney), Rebecca [(Clarke), b. Concord, dup. in pencil.], w. Samuel, dysentery, Nov. 16, 1848, a. 70 y. [Nov. 17. dup. in pencil.] THOMPSON, , Mr., Mar. 10, 1819. p. r. 3. TIBBETS, [Mary. g. r. 1.], Mrs. [w. Samuel B. g. r. 1.], May 5, 1832. p. R. 2. [a. 25 y. g. r. 1.] TIDD, Jacob Alonzo, s. Ebenezer and Permelia, Aug. 21, 1841, [a. 6 y. p. R. 1.] John, s. John and Rebekah, May S, 1778, a. S w. 4 d. g. r. 1. [John, Apr. 9, 1811, a. 60 y. in pencil; a. 59 y. p. r. 3.] Lorenzo, , 1841, a. 6 y. p. r. 2. Permelia, w. Ebenezer, formerly w. Jeptha Trowbridge, Aug. 26, 1841, a. 48 y. g. r; 1. [a,. SO y. p. r. 2.] 3^1 8 WESTFORD DEATHS TiDD, Rebekah, w. John, Apr. 9, 1778, a. 26 y. 3 m. 14 d. G. R. 1. Thomas, s. John and Rebekah, May 11, 1778, a. 6 w. 4 d. G. R. 1. [Warren [s. John and Elizabeth, g. R. 1.], Sept. 10, 1799, a. 9 m. in pencil; a. 10 m. g. r. 1.] TILESTON, , Mr., , 1840. p. r. 2. TOWER, Albro Waldo, s. Eli and Mary, dysentery, Aug. 29, 1848, a. 1 y. 11 m. 4 d. Waldo, ch. Eli [and Mary. g. r. 1.], Dec. 5, 1841, a. 17 m. p. R. 1. TRiOWBRIDGE, Elizabeth, June 27, 1831, a. 86 y. p. r. 2. Jepther T., July 21, 1825, in his 42d y. G. R. 1. Phineas, , 1834. p. r. 2. , ch. -Capt., , 1834^ p. r. 2. TUCKER, Theon, b. Boston, s. illegitimate, , dysentery, Oct. 12, 1848, a. 2 y. TUFT (see also Tufts), , s. Mr., Feb. 4, 1818, a. 22 y. p. R. 3. TUFTS (see also Tuft), Martha, Mar. 30, 1818, a. 27 y. p. R. 3. Martha, w. Samuel, Feb. 5, 1832. c. R. 2. [Feb. 12, a. 71 y. G. R. 2.] Samuel, Jan. 4, 1819. p. r. 3. [Jan. 5, a. 59 y. G. R. 2.] UNDERWOOD, Aquila, s. Aquila and Margret, Jan. 3, 1723-4. Joseph, s. Timothy and Rachel, Oct. 19, 1752, a. 1 y. 1 m. 11 d. G. R. 1. Joseph, Jan. 29, 1761, a. 70 y. 4 m. 9 d. G. R. 1. Thomas,' s. Joseph and Susanah, Oct. 20, 1732. Timothy, s. Timothy and Rachel, May 30, 1759, in his 10th y. G. R. 1. VOSE, Josiah, s; Josiah, Mar. 3, 1811, a. 4 y. p. r. 3. Josiah, m., farmer, s. Jeremiah and Mary, spine complaint, bur. Chelmsford, d. Feb. 1, 1846, a. 67 y. 6 m. 24 d. [a. 64 y. p. R. 2.] , ch. Jeremiah, Dec. 12, 1817. p. r. 3. , grandch. Mr., , 1837. p. r. 2. WESTFORD DEATHS 3^9 WALKER, Edith A., b. Peterborough, N. H., d. James and Mary A. T., cholera infantum, Sept. 2, 1848, a. 1 y. 8 m. [Sept. 1. p. R. 1.] , Mr. [bet. May 8 and June 9], 1821. p. R. 3. WEBBER, Augusta Ann, b. Chelmsford, d. Josiah and Han- nah, consumption, Nov. 24, 1845, a. 20 y. 8 m. 19 d. Martha G. [J. p. r. 1.], d. Josiah and Hannah, consumption,' Nov. 20, 1849, a. 19 y. 9 m. Mary Porter, Apr. — , 1838. c. r. 1. [a. 23 y. p. R. 2.] WENDALL (see also Wendell), Ansel, s. Jacob and Lydia, Aug. 30, 1819, a. 21 y. G. R. 3. Jacob, jr., s. Jacob and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1813, a. 23 y. G. R. 3. Potipher, s. Jacob and Lydia, Nov. 18, 1819, a. 18 y. G. R. 3. Susanna, d. Jacob and Lydia, Oct. 6, 1796, a. 4 w. G. R. 3. WENDELL (see also Wendall), Jacob [drowned in Merri- mack River at Tyngsborough. in pencil, dup.], June 23, 1809. [a. 45 y. G. R. 3.] WHEELER, [Jesse G. G. r. 1.], Mr., S 1838, a. 30 y. p. r. 2. [Nov. 20. G. R. 1.] WHIT (see also White), Sarah, w. John, July 19,. 1733. WHITE (see also Whit), Dorothy, w. Samuel, June 20, 1773. [in her 28th y. g. r. 1.] Dorothy, d. Samuel and Dorothy, Aug. 23, 1775, a. 2 y. 2 m. 13 d. G. R. 1. , Mrs., Mar. 26, 1819, p. r. 3. WHITEINO (see also Whiting), Alonzo, s. William and Lucy, Mar. 10, 1804. [1803. a. 7 m. g. r. 1.] Augustus, s. William and Lucy, , 1795. [Apr. 2, 1796, a. 4 h. G. R. 1.] WHITING (see also Whiteing), Alonzo, s. William and Lucy [Apr. 14, 1828. in pencil; a. 23 y. G. R. 1.]. [Betsy, Mrs., d. Isaac and Lucy Day, at Gfoton, Sept. 11, 1838. in pencil; a. 26 y. p. r. 2.] [Liicy (Hildreth), w. William, May 6, 1845, a. 80 y. in pen- cil; a. 81 y. 3 m. 18 d. p. r. 1.] [W[illiajm. sr., Apr. 19. 1828, a. 67 y. in pencil.] 320 WESTFORD DEATHS Whiting, [W[illia]m, jr. [s. W[illia]m and Lucy. G. R. 1,], May 6, 1838, a. 51 y. in pencil.] , Miss, Jan. 13, 1812, a. 94 y. p. r. 3. WHITNEY (see also Whitny), , ch. , , 1841. p. R. 2. WHITNY (see also Whitney), , ch. I?avid, bur. June 16, 1843. p. R. 1. WIDDON, — , Mr., bur. Oct. 27, 1835. p. r. 1. WIGHT, Joanna, d. Dea. Caleb and Mary, Oct. 10, 1837, a. 24 y. G, R. 4. Nahum, Lt., Sept. 18, 1834, a. 89 y. g. r. 4. WILEY, Charles, , 1847. p. r. 2. — — , ch. Robert, Oct. 20, 1831. p. r. 2. , ch. , bur. Oct. 16, 1842. p. r. 1. WILKINSON, Polly, Mar. 24, 1812, a. 43 y. p. r. 3. Wn^SON, Hannah Spaulding, w. Henry, Aug. 29, 1816, a. 45 y. G. R. 1. Henry, Dec. 12, 1821, a. 55 y. G. R. 1. [John, Jan. 20, 1810, a. 85 y. in pencil.] [John, Sept. 5, 1840, a. 45 y. in pencil.] Lucy, Aug. 15, 1830. p. R. 2. , ch. Rev. L., , 1838, a. 3 y. P-. R. 2. WOOD (see also Woods), Sally, Aug. 29, 1833. p. r. 2. , Mrs. [bet. Oct. 26, 1820 and Jan. 2, 1821.] p. r. 3. WOODARD (see also Woodward), Alden, s. Hilliaxd E., lung fever, Dec. 21, 1844, a. 9 y. 1 m. 6 d. Arvilla, w. Oliver, consumption, Feb. 8, 1845, a. 65 y. , s. Theodore, July 7, 1835, a. 11 y. p. r. 2. WOODS (see also Wood), Amelia, d. Nahum, of Groton, Sept. 6, 1847, a. 61 y. g. r. 4. Ann, b. Groton, d. Nahum and Jane, heart complaint, Jan. IS, 1845, a. 38 y. Mary, d. Solomon and Mary, Mar. 15, 1811. [Mar. 14, a. 5 w. p. R. 3.] Sarah, w. Solomon, May 19, 1809. [a. 27 y. G. R. 2.] WESTFORD DEATHS 321 Woods,. Sarah [F. g. r. 2.], d. SoUomon and Sarah, May 29, 1809. [a. 4 m. 13 d. G. R, 2.] , ch. Mr., Sept. 5, 1833. p. r. 2. WOODWARD (see also Woodard), , ch. Parker, Dec, — , 1833. p. R. 2. WORCESTER, Louisa, b. Boston, w. Joel, cancerous disease, July 30, 1849, a. 54 y. 7 m. 15 d. WRIGHT (see also Right), Abel, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Mar. 15, 1765. Abel, , 1841, a. 70 y. p. r. 2. [Sept. 11, a. 71 y. G. R. 4.] Abigail, w. Jacob, Nov. 30, 1761. [in her 65th y. in pencil.] ^ Abigail, mother of Nathan, Mar. 24, 1814, a. 84 y. p. r. 3. Abigail, w. Martin, May 10, 1835, a. 28 y. G. R. 4. Abijah, Sept. 20, 1834, a. 54 y. G. r. 4. Abrahain, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Oct. 9, 1752. Abram, Nov. 19, 1827, a. 30 y. g. r. 1. Amos, s. Amos'and Dorcas, July 25, 1775. [a. 4 y. 5 m. 15 d. G. r. 1.] Amos, jr., s. Lt. Levi and Rhoda, June 17, 1819, a. 24 y. G. R. 1. [June 16. p. R. 3.] Amos, Mar. 19, 1825, a. 81 y. p. r. 3. Anna, Mrs., Jan. 27, 1812. p. r. 3. Anna, d. Samuel and Esther, Feb. 28, 1812, a. 31 y. G. R. 1. Azubah, d. Simeon and Dorcas, Oct. 11, 1758. [in her 7th m. G. R. 1.] Benjamin, s. Jacob and Abiagal, Nov. 2, 1741. Betsy, w. Phinas, Mar. 3, 1827, a. 34 y. Betsy [w. Asa, pauper, p. r. 2.], old age. Mar. 24, 1846, a. 83 y. [a. 84 y. p. r. 2.] Betty, d. Simeon and Dorcas, Mar. 17, 1760. [in her 7th m. G. R. 1.] Calvin B., Sept. 24, 1839, a. 39 y. G. R. 3. Deborah, pauper, , 1847. p. r. 2. Deliverance, w. Ebenezer, June 8, 1789, in her 8Sth y. g. r. 1. Dolly, w. Oliver, Dec. 16, 1827, a. 66 y. G. r. 2. Dorcas, d. James and Mary, Mar. 15, 1792, a. 4 y. 10 d. G. R. 1. Dorcas, w. Simeon, July 22, 1793, in her 74th y. g. r. 1. Dorcas, w. Amos, Apr. 7, 1818, a. 74 y. G. r. 1. Dorothy, w. Joseph, May 23, 1773. [a. 41 y. g. r. 3.] Ebenez[e]r, s. John, Aug. 16, 1735. [a. 69 y. 9 m. 5 d. G. R. 1.] Eben[e]z[er], Aug, 12, 1781, a. 7,6 y. p. r. 4. 322 WESTFORD DEATHS Wright, Ebenezer, s. Amos and Dorcas, June 17, 1795. [June 19, a. 4 y. 2 m. 20 d. g. r. 1.] Edmond, s, Nathan and Betty, Oct. 20, 179S, a. 1 y. 5 m. 23 d. G. R. 3. Edmund, s. Nathan and Betsey, Oct. 20, 180S. Edmund T., si Nathan and Betsy, Dec. 20, 1819, a. 24 y. G. R. 4. [Eleazer, by accident, July 31, 1821, a. 51 y. in pencil.] [Elizabeth, g. r. 4.], w. Nathan, July 16, 1835. p. R. 2. [a. 68 y. G. R. 4.] [Ellen. G. R. 4.], w. Walter, Dec. 3, 1830. p. R. 2. [a.' 28 y. G. R. 4.] E^pily, d. Erastus and Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 1841. g. r. 4. Ephraim [s. Jacob and Abigail, dup.], Sept. 14, 1775. [in his SOth y. dip. in pencil.] Epihriam, s. Ephriam and Abigail, at Littleton, Oct. 20, 1827. Ester P., w. Reuben, Apr. 4, 1833, a. 41 y, G. R. 3. [Esther (Minot), w. Samuel, Dec. 28, 1821, a. 74 y. in pencil; Dec. 29. p. R. 3.] Ezekiel, s. Z and A., Oct. 3, 1807, a. 7 y. G. R. 1. Ezekiel, s. Zacheus and Abigail, Oct. 23, 1808. Francis, s. Walter and Ellen, May 14, 1827, a. 14 m. G. R. 4. [Franklin, s. Eleazer and Betsey, drowned in Forge Pond, Sept 5, 1835, a. 22 y. in pencil; Sept. 6, a. 21 y. p. r. 2.] George Henry, s. Jacob A. and Harriet A., Feb. 18, 1841. Hannah, d. Simeon and Dorcas, July 25, 1753. [in her 5th y. G. r; 1.] Hannah, d. Caleb and Elisabeth, Jan. — , 1769. Hannah, d. Eph[rai]m and Abigail, Aug. 23, 1775. [a. 5 y. 6 m. 23 d. G. R. 3.] Hannah, d. Samuel and Esther, Feb. 24, 1797, in her; 7th y. G. R. 1. Hannah, d. John T. arid Hannah, Oct. 25, 1800, a. 3 y. 7 m. G. R. 2. Hannah, 2d w. Joseph, June 20, 1832, a. 88 y. G. r. 3. [June 21, a. 84 y. p. R. 2.] Harriet Maria [d. Jesse and Sybyl Stevens. G. R. 1.], scarlet fever. May 25, 1843, a. 7 y. 1 m. [May 26. G. R. 1.] Henry, Dea., Apr. 13, 1771. [in his 72d y. G. R. 1.] Henry, s. Walter and Ellen, July 17, 1828, a. 5 m. G. R. 4. Henry, s. Martin and Eliza, Sept. 15, 1837, a. & m. 9 d. G. R. 4. Henry Otis, s. Ephraim and Asenith, Feb. 2, 1835. Hosea, Sept. 4, 1826, a. 29 y. G. R. 1, Jacob [h. Abigail], Nov. 25, 1761. [a. 65 y. in pencil, dup.] WESTFORD DEATHS 323 Wright, Jacob, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Aug. 20, 1775. [a. 3 y. in pencil, dup.] James, s. John T. and Hannah, Oct. 20, 1800, a. 2 y. G. R. 2. James Minot, s. Samuel and Esther, Apr. 3, 1778, a. 19 m. 7 d. G. R. 1. Jeptha, s. Abel, Nov. 3, 1827, a. 22 y. G. R. 4. Joanna, d. Samuel and Esther [Feb. 28, 1812. in pencil.]. Joel, s. Ebenezer and Deliverence, Dec. 12, 1758. Joel [h. Sally Wright, p. r. 22.], s. Joseph and Hannah, July 22, 1834. John, late of Chelmsford, Oct. 13, 1730. John, July 1, 1802, a. 68 y. G. r. 3. John, Feb. 27, 1830. p. r. 2. [a. 44 y. G. r. 1.] Jonas, Apr. 24, 1829. p. r. 2. Jonathan, s. Caleb and Elisabeth, Sept. 11, 1761. Joseph, s. ■ Joseph and Dorothy, at White Plains, N. Y. [in the Service of his Country, g. r. 3.], Feb. 11, 1777. [in his 19th y. G. R. 3.] Joseph, s. Joseph and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1781. [in his 9th y, G. R. 3.] Joseph, Apr. 16, 1813, in his 77th y. g. R. 3. Joseph Minot, s. Samuel and Esther, Apr. 3, 1779. Jotham, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Aug. 22, 1775. [a. 7 y. in pencil, dup.] [Jotham Bruce, in Ohio, , 1828. in pencil; May 22, a. 36 y. G. R. 4.] Lavisa, d. Jacob and Lucy, Jan. 19, 1777. Lefe, d. Abel, Oct. 18, 1810, a. 10 y. G. R. 4. Lefe, w. Abel, July 13, 1835, a. 64 y. g. r. 4. Lenora M., d. Hosea and Lucinda, Sept. 21, 1826, a. IS m. G. R. 1. Levi, s. Lt. Levi and Rhoda, Feb. 11, 1808. [a. 3 m. 20 d. G. R. 1.] Levy, s. Simeon and Dorcas, Mar. 14, 1766. [in his 11th y. G. R. 1.] Loring, s. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1835, a. 12 h. Lucy S. A., d. Z. and A., May 8, 1808, a. 2 y. G. R. 1. Lydia, d. Stephen and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1817, a. 18 y. G. R. 2. [a. 17 y. P. R. 3.] Lydia, Miss, Apr. 3, 1828, a. 88 y. G. R. 1. Lydia, w. Walter, Jan. 7, 1841, a. 52 y. G. R. 4. Maria, , 1843, a. 7 y. p. r. 2. Martin, s. Abijah and Polly, Sept. 19, 1805. (This name not in Abijah Wright's family.) 324 WESTFORD DEATHS Wright. Mary, d. Thomas and Mary [ ,1775. in pencil; Aug. 3, a. 7 y. 4 m. 28 d. g. r. 3.]. [Mary. g. R. 4.], w. Abijah, June 20, 1831, a. 55 y. p. R. 2. Mary Alzina, d. Ephraim and Asenith, Dec. 13, 1834. [a. 1 y. p. R. 2.] Mary Fletcher, d. Ephriam and Aseneth, Sept. 7, 1826. Mary M., d. Timothy P. and Elnora, Jan. 6, 1839. [a. 2 y. p. R. 2.] Mary Maria, d. James 'M. and Sarah, June 9, 1839. [a. 3 y. 8 m. 21 d. G. R. 3.] Nathan, at Lowell, — ■■ — , 1846. p. r. 2. [Mar. -5, a. 83 y. G. r. 4.] Nathan, jr., , 1846. p. r. 2. [June 17, a. 57 y. G. r. 4.] Oliver, , 1834. c. R. 2. [May 28, a. 75 y. G. R. 2.] Oscar, s. Benjamin L. and Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1837, a. 15 d. Otis, Feb. 2, 1835, a. 11 y. p. r. 2. Pelatiah, Mar. 1, 1800, a. 65 y. G. r. 3. Peter, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, May 22, 1752. Prisilla, Nov. S, 1831. p. r. 2. Rachel, w. Zaccheus, Sept. 27, 1817. Rachel, wid. Zaccheus, June 27, 1823, a. '86 y. g. r. 1. Rebecah, formerly w. James Fletcher, Dec. 1, 1833, a. 83 y. G. R. 2. Rebeccah, d. Stephen and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1817, a. 14 y. G. R. 2. [Oct. 23, a. 13 y. p. r, 3.] Relief, July 13, 1835. p. r. 2. Reuben, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Dec. 22, 1759. Reuben, , 1835. p. r. 2. [Oct. 22, a. 72 y. g. r. 3.] [Samuel, Dec. 28, 1827, a. 83 y. in pencil.] Sarah, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, May 15, 1752. Sarah, d. Eph[rai]m and Abigal, Feb. 4, 1762. [a. 4 y. 4 m. 19 d. g. r. 3.] Sarah, w. Stephen, Sept. 21, 1817, a. 52 y. G. r. 2. Sarah, w. Reuben, Sept. 11, 1839, a. 73 y. G. R. 3. [Sarah Jane. g. r. 1.], , ch. Abram [and Maria, g. r. 1.], Sept. 24, 1829. p. r. 2. [Sept. 20, a. 3 y. 10 m. G. R. 1.] Simeon, s. Simeon and Dorcas,~at New Ipswich, Jan. 13, 1786. Simeon, July 7, 1789. [a. 71 y. 2 m. 29 d. g. r. 1.] Simon, s.^ James and Mary, Mar. 27, 179-, a. 1 y. 4 m. 6 d. G. R. 1. Sydney E., s. Joseph E. and Harriet A., lung fever. Mar. 19, 1846, a. 7 m. 21 d. ■ Thomas, Dec. 10, 1769. [in his 63d y. different ink. dup.] Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary [ , 1775. in pencil; Aug. 4, a, 3 y. 1 m. 13 d. g. r. 3.]. WESTFORD DEATHS 325 Wright, Tilden B., s. Joel and Martha, Jan. 23, 1847, a, 9 m. G. R. 4. Timothy G[ilbert. p. r. 2.], s. Timothy P. and Elnora, Jan. 13, 1839. [a. 5 y. p. r. 2.] Walter, m., carpenter, s. Eleazer [and Betsey, dup. in pencil.], typhus fever, Nov. 8, 1842, a. 31 y. William, s. Thomas and Elisabeth, Dec. 1, 1762. Zaccheus, Mar. 20, 1811, a. 72 y. p. r. 3. Zach[e]us, s. Zachues, jr. and Abigal, Dec. 10, 1809. [a. 3 m. G.' R. 1.] Zacheus, Apr. IS, 1835, a. 64 y. o. r. 1. Zilpah A., d. Joel and Sally, Nov. 28, 1840. [a. 13 y. p. r. 2.] , ch. Joseph, Apr. 16, 1813. p. r. 3. , ch. Asa, Mar. 16, 1814. p. r. 3. , ch. Jacob, June 9, 1830. p. r. 2. , ch. Jesse, Sept. 29, 1830. p. r. 2. , ch. Charles, May 7, 1833. p. R. 2. -, ch. Charles, Sept. 13, 1833. p. r. 2. , Mrs., pauper, , 1833. p. r. 2. , ch. George, , 1844. p. r. 2. WYTHE, Ebenezer, Dec. 14, 1813. p. r. 3. SURNAMES MISSING -, "Irishman," pauper, , 1847. p. r. 2. -, "Irishman," , 1848. p. r. 2. -, ch. "of a french family," , 1848. p. r. 2.