"'v '!'■■■; ; ■•':-'v^4«sei/ .•■•;-A:?;ih{JK'a ,■ ■' lir^r^tRKJ^i . I , '■■' ' ' ■'; i vmm^ 1 ' It '' !' f\ T I :,^' > J ' ^ 1 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE ^'If "[entary text-book of physics. 3 l'924'oT2"333"'435 Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tlie Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924012333435 ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSICS. Peof. WM. a. ANTHONY, and Peof. CYRUS F. BRACKETT, Of Cornell University. Of Princeton University. REVISED BY Pbof. WILLIAM FRANCIS MAGIE, Of Princeton University. EIGMTE EDITION, REVISED. FIKST THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited. 1897. Copyright, 1897, BT ■ JOHN WILEY & SONS. W^ ROBERT DRimHOND, ELECTROTYPER AND PRINTER, NEW lORK. PREFACE. The design of the authors in the preparation of this work has been to present the fundamental principles of Physics, the experi- mental basis upon which they rest, and, so far as possible, the methods by which they have been established. Illustrations of these principles by detailed descriptions of special methods of ex- perimentation and of devices necessary for their applications in the arts have been purposely omitted. The authors believe that such illustrations should be left to the lecturer, who, in the perform- ance of his duty, will naturally be guided by considerations respecting the wants of his classes and the resources of his cabinet. Pictorial representations of apparatus, which can seldom be employed with advantage unless accompanied with full and exact descriptions, have been discarded, and only such simple diagrams have been introduced into the text as seem suited to aid in the demonstrations. By adhering to this plan greater economy of space has been secured than would otherwise have been possible, and thus the work has been kept within reasonable limits. A few demonstrations have been given which are not usually found in elementary text-books except those which are much more extended in their scope than the present work. This has been done in every case in order that the argument to which the demonstra- tion pertains may be complete, and that the student may be con- vinced of its validity. In the discussions the method of limits has been recognized Tvherever it is naturally involved ; the special methods of the cal- IV PKEFACE. cuius, however, have not been employed, since, in most institutions in this country, the study of Physics is commenced before the stu- dent is suflSciently familiar with them. The authors desire to acknowledge their obligations to "Wm. F. Magie, Assistant Professor of Physics in the College of New Jersey, who has prepared a large portion of the manuscript and has aided in the final revision of all of it, as well as in reading the proof- sheets. W. A. Anthony, C. F. Bbackett. September, 1887. REVISER'S PREFACE. By the courtesy of the authors and publishers of this book, I have beien given an opportunity to make a rather extensive revision of it. The principal changes which have been made, besides such slight corrections or supplementary statements as seemed necessary, are, an entire rearrangement and enlargement of the mechanics, and the addition of a discussion of the kinetic theory of matter and of a treatment of magnetism and electricity by the method of tubes of force. The omissions have been largely of statements that would naturally be made by the lecturer or of demonstrations in which the results reached did not warrant the expenditure of time and trouble necessary to master them. I trust that I have adhered throughout to the original design of the authors. During the last few years I have been using with my classes Selby's "Elementary Mechanics of Solids and Fluids," and have availed myself in many places in the present revision of the sugges- tions which I received from that admirable book. The additions to the Magnetism and Electricity are based upon the treatment of the eubject by J. J. Thomson in his " Elementary Theory of Electricity aud Magnetism." W. F. Magie. Pkincbton UNrvEBSixy, February, 1897. CONTENTS. PAGE Intbodtiction 1 MECHANICS. Chapter I. Mechanics of Masses 10 II. Mass Attraction, 70 III. MoLECTjiiAK Mechanics, 83 IV. Mechanics op Fluids, 125 SOUND. Chapter I. Origin and Transmission op Sound, .... 149 II. Sounds and Music, 164 III. Vibrations op Sounding Bodies, 170 IV. Analysis op Sounds and Sound Sensations, . . 177 HEAT, Chapter I. Measurement op Heat, 186 II. Transfer op Heat, 201 III. Effects op Heat 206 IV. Thermodynamics, 243 MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY. Chapter I. Magnetism 259 II. Electricity in Equilibrium, 283 III. The Electrical Current, .... .312 IV. Chemical Relations op the Current, .... 333 V. Magnetic Relations op the Current, .... 841 VI. Thermo-electric Relations op the Current, . . 380 VII. Luminous Effects of the Current, .... 387 vii viii CONTENTS. LIGHT. PAGE: Chapter I. Propagation of Light, ...... 394 II. Bbflbction and Refraction, 405 III. Intbrferbncb and Diffraction, . . . • ■ 427 IV. Dispersion, 439 V. Absorption and Emission, 445 VI. Double Refraction and Polarization, .... 457 TABLEg. Table I. Units of Length 481 II. Aocelbration of Gravity, 481 III. Units op Work 481 IV. Densities of Substances at 0°, 482 V. Units of Pressure for g — 981 482 Vi. Elasticity, 482 VII. Absolute Density of Water, 483 VIII. Density of Mercury, 483 IX. Coefficients of Linear Expansion .... 483 X. Specific Heats — Water at 0° = 1, 484 XI. Melting and Boiling Points, etc 484 XII. Maximum Pressure of Vapor at Various Tempera- tures, 485 XIII. Critical Temperatures and Pressures in Atmos- pheres, AT THEIR Critical Temperatures, of Various Gases, 485- XIV. Coefficients of Conductivity for Heat in C. G. S. Units, 485 XV. Energy Produced by Combination of 1 Gram of Cer- tain Substances with Oxygen 486^ XVI. Atomic Weights and Combining Numbers, . . . 486 XVII. Molecular Weights and Densities of Gases, . . 486 XVIII. Electromotive Force of Voltaic Cells, . . . 487 XIX. Electro-chemical Equivalents, 487 XX. Electrical Resistance 487 XXI. Indices of Refraction 488 XXII. Wave Lengths op Light— Rowland's Determinations, 488 XXIII. Rotation op Plane of Polarization by a Quartz Plate, 1 mm. Thick, Cut Perpendicular to Axis, . 489 XXIV. Velocities of Light, and Values of «, . . . 489 Index, ••••-... 491 INTRODUCTION. 1. Divisions of Natural Science. — Everything which can affect our senses we call matter. Any limited portion of matter, how- ever great or small, is called a lody. All bodies, together with their unceasing changes, constitute Nature. Natural Science makes us acquainted with the properties of bodies, and with the changes, or phenomena, which result from their mutual actions. It is therefore conveniently divided into two principal sections, — Natural History and Natural Philosophy.. The former describes natural objects, classifies them according to their resemblances, and, by the aid of Natural Philosophy,, points out the laws of their production and development. The latter is concerned with the laws which are exhibited in the mutual action of bodies on each other. These mutual actions are of two kinds : those which leave the essential properties of bodies unaltered, and those which effect a complete change of properties, resulting in loss of identity. Changes of the first kind are called physical changes ; those of the second kind are called chemical changes. Natural Philosophy h.as, therefore, two subdivisions, — Physics and Chemistry. Physics deals with all those phenomena of matter which are not directly related to chemical changes. Astronomy is thus a branch of Physics, yet it is usually excluded from works like the present on account of its special character. lb is not possible, however, to draw sharp lines of demarcation between the variisus departments of Natural Science, for the sue- 2 ELEMENTARy PHYSICS. [§ 2 cessful pursuit of knowledge in any one of them requires some acquaintance with the others. 2. Methods.— The ultimate basis of all our knowledge of Nature is experience, — experience resulting from the action of bodies on our senses, and the consequent afPections of our minds. When a natural phenomenon arrests our attention, we call the result an observation. Simple observations of natural phenomena only in rare instances can lead to such complete knowledge as will suffice for a full understanding of them. An observation is the more complete, the more fully we apprehend the attending circum- stances. We are generally not certain that all the circumstances which we note are conditions on which the phenomenon, in a given case, depends. In such cases we modify or suppress one of the circumstances, and observe the effect on the phenomenon. If we find a corresponding modification or failure with respect to the phenomenon, we conclude that the circumstance, so modified, is a condition. We may proceed in the same way with each of the remaining circumstances, leaving all unchanged except the single one purposely modified at each trial, and always observing the effect of the modification. We thus determine the conditions on which the phenomenon depends. In other words, we bring ex- periment to our aid in distinguishing between the real conditions on which a phenomenon depends, and the merely accidental cir- cumstances which may attend it. But this is not the only use of experiment. By its aid we may frequently modify some of the conditions, known to be conditions, in such ways that the phenomenon is not arrested, but so altered in the rate with which its details pass before us that they may be easily observed. Experiment also often leads to new phenomena, and to a knowledge of activities before unobserved. Indeed, by far the greater part of our knowledge of natural phenomena has been acquired by means of experiment. To be of value, experi- ments must be conducted with system, and so as to trace out the whole course of the phenomenon. Having acquired our facts by observation and experiment we I 3] IKTRODUCTION. 3 seek to find out how they are related; that is, to discover the laws which connect them. The process of reasoning by which we discover such laws is called induction. As we can seldom be sure that we have apprehended all the related facts, it is clear that our inductions must generally be incomplete. Hence it follows that oonclusions reached in this way are at best only probable ; yet their probability becomes very great when we can discover no outstanding fact, and especially so when, regarded provision- ally as true, they enable us to predict phenomena before un- known. In conducting our experiments, and in reasoning upon them, we are often guided by suppositions suggested by previous experi- ence. If the course of our experiment be in accordance with our supposition, there is, so far, a presumption in its favor. So, too, in reference to our reasonings: if all our facts are seen to be con- sistent with some supposition not unlikely in itself, we say it thereby becomes probable. The term hypothesis is usually cm- ployed instead of supposition. Concerning the ultimate modes of existence or action, we know nothing whatever; hence, a law of nature cannot be demonstrated in the sense that a mathematical truth is demonstrated. Yet so great is the constancy of uniform sequence with which phenomena occur in accordance with the laws which we discover, that we have no doubt respecting their validity. When we would refer a series of ascertained laws to some common agency, we employ the term theory. Thus we find in the ■" wave theory " of light, based on the hypothesis of a universal ether of extreme elasticity, satisfactory explanations of the laws of reflection, refraction, difEraction, polarization, etc. 3. Measurements. — All the phenomena of Nature occur in matter, and are presented to us in time and space. Time and space are fundamental conceptions: they do not admit of definition. Matter is equally indefinable: its distinctive characteristic is its persistence in whatever state of rest or motion it may happen to have, and the resistance which it offers to any 4 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ * attempt to change that state. This property is called inertia. It must be carefully distinguished from inactivity. Another essential property of matter is impenetrability, or the property of occupying space to the exclusion of other matter. We are almost constantly obliged, in physical science, to measure the quantities with which we deal. We measure a quantity when we compare it with some standard of the same kind. A simple number expresses the result of the comparison. If we adopt arbitrary units of length, time, and mass (or quantity of matter), we can express the measure of all other quan- tities in terms of these so-caX\edi fundamental u7iits. A unit of any other quantity, thus expressed, is called a derived unit. It is convenient, in defining the measure of derived units, to speak of the ratio between, or the product of, two dissimilar quantities, such as space and time. This must always be under- stood to mean the ratio between, or the product of, the numbers expressing those quantities in the fundamental units. The result of taking such a ratio or product of two dissimilar quantities is a number expressing a third quantity in terms of a derived unit. 4. Unit of Length.— The unit of length usually adopted in scientific work is the centimetre. It is the one hundredth part of the length of a certain piece of platinum, declared to be a standard by legislative act, and preserved in the archives of France. This standard, called the metre, was designed to be equal in length to one ten-millionth of the earth's quadrant. The operation of comparing a length with the standard is often difficult of direct accomplishment. This may arise from the minuteness of the object or distance to be measured, from the dis- tant point at which the measurement is to end being inaccessible, or from the difficulty of accurately dividing our standard into very small fractional parts. In all such cases we have recourse to in- direct methods, by which the difficulties are more or less com- pletely obviated. The vernier enables us to estimate small fractions of the unit of length with great convenience and accuracy. It consists of an 14] INTRO DUOTION. accessery piece, fitted to slide on the principal scale of the instru- ment to which it is applied. A portion of the accessory piece, ■equal to ii minus one or n plus one divisions of the principal scale, is divided into n divisions. In the former case, the divisions are numbered in the same sense as those of the principal scale ; in the latter, they are numbered in the opposite sense. In either case we can measure a quantity accu- rately to the one nth part of one of the primary •divisions of the principal scale. Fig. 1 will make the construction and use of the vernier plain. In Fig. 1, let 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 10 be the divisions on the vernier ; let 0, 1, 2, 3 . . . 10 be any set •of consecutive divisions on the principal scale. If we suppose the of the vernier to be in coincidence with the limiting point of the magni- tude to be measured, it is clear that, from the S'ig- 1- position shown in the figure, we have 29.7, expressing that magni- tude to the nearest tenth; and since the sixth division of the ver- nier coincides with a whole division of the principal scale, we have -j% of yVj or yf^, of a principal division to be added : hence the whole value is 29.76. The micrometer screw is also much employed. It consists of a -carefully cut screw, accurately fitting in a nut. The head of the screw carries a graduated circle, which can turn past a fixed line. This is frequently the straight edge of a scale with divisions equal in magnitude to the pitch of the screw. These divisions will then show through how many revolutions the screw is turned in any given trial; while the divisions on the graduated circle will show the frac- tional part of a revolution, and consequently the fractional part of the pitch that must be added. If the screw be turned through n revolutions, as shown by the scale, and through an additional fraction, as shown by the divided circle, it will pass through n times the pitch of the screw, and an additional fraction of the pitch 'determined by the ratio of the number of divisions read 6 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§^ •1£ from on the divided circle to the whole number into which it is divided. The cathetometer is used for measuring differences of level. A graduated scale is cut on an upright bar, which can turn about a vertical axis. Over this bar slide two accu- rately fitting pieces, one of which can be clamped to the bar at any point, and serve as the fixed bearing of a micrometer screw. The screw runs in a nut in the second piece, which has a vernier attached, and carries a horizontal telescope furnished with cross-hairs. The telescope having been made accurately horizontal by means of a delicate level, the cross- hairs are made to cover one of the two points, the difference of level between which is sought, and the reading upon the scale is taken; the fixed piece is then undamped, and the telescope raised or lowered until the second point is covered by the cross-hairs, and the scale reading is again taken. The difference of scale reading is the difference of level sought. The dividing engine may be used for dividing scales or for comparing lengths. In its usual form it consists essentially of a long micrometer screw, carrying a table, which slides, with a motion accurately parallel with itself, along fixed guides, resting on a firm support. To this table is fixed an apparatus for making successive cuts upon the object to be graduated. The object to be graduated is fastened to the fixed support. The table is carried along through any required distance deter- mined by the motion of the screw, and the cuts can be thus made at the proper intervals. Fig. 2. §4] INTRODUCTION. The same instrument, furnished with microscopes and access- ories, may be employed for comparing lengths with a standard. It may then be called a comparator. The spherometer is a special form of the micrometer screw. As Fig. 3. its name implies, it is primarily used for measuring the curvature of spherical surfaces. It consists of a screw with a large head, divided into a great number of parts, turning in a nut supported on three legs terminat- ing in points, which form the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The axis of revolution of the screw is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle, and passes through its centre. The screw ends in a point which may be brought into the same piano with the points of the legs. This is done by placing the legs on a truly plane sur- face, and turning the screw till its point is just in contact with the surface. The sense of touch will enable one to .decide with great nicety when the screw is turned far enough. If, now, we note the reading of the divided scale and also that of the divided head, and then raise the screw, by turning it backward, so that the given curved surface may exactly coincide with the four points, we can compute the radius of curvature from the difference of the two 8 ELEMENTAKY PHYSICS. [§5 Fig. 4. readings and the known length of the side of the triangle formed by the points of the tripod. 5. Unit of Time.— The unit of time is the mean time second, which is the srln of * me&u solar day. "We employ the clock, regulated by the pendulum or the chronometer balance, to indicate seconds. The clock, while sufficiently accurate for ordinary use, must for exact investiga- tions be frequently corrected by as- tronomical observations. Smaller intervals of time than the ^second are measured by causing some vibrating body, as a tuning-fork, to trace its path along some suitable sur- face, on which also are recorded the beginning and end of the in- terval of time to be measured. The number of vibrations traced while the event is occurring determines its duration in known parts of a second. In estimating the duration of certain phenomena giving rise to light, the revolving mirror may be employed. By its use, with proper accessories, intervals as small as forty billionths of a second have been estimated. 6. Unit of Mass. — The unit of mass usually adopted in scien- tific work is the gram. It is equal to the one-thousandth part of a certain piece of platinum, called the kilogram, preserved as a standard in the archives of France. This standard was intended to be equal in mass to one cubic decimetre of water at its greatest density. Masses are compared by means of the balance, the construction of which will be discussed hereafter. 7. Measurement of Angles. — Angles are usually measured by reference to a divided circle graduated on the system of division upon which the ordinary trigonometrical tables are based. A pointer or an arm turns about the centre of the circle, and the § 9] INTKODUCTION. 9 angle between two of its positions is measured in degrees on the arc of the circle. For greater accuracy, the readings may be made by the help of a vernier. To facilitate the measurement of an angle subtended at the centre of the circle by two distant points, a telescope with cross-hairs is mounted on the movable arm. In theoretical discussions the unit of angle often adopted is the radian, that is, the angle subtended by the arc of a cirule equal to its radius. In terms of this unit, a semi-circumference equals TT = 3.141592. The radian, measured in degrees, is 57° 17' 44.8." 8. Dimensions of Units. — Any derived unit may be represented by the product of certain powers of the symbols representing the fundamental units of length, mass, and time. Any equation showing what powers of the fundamental units enter into the expression for the derived unit is called its dimen- sio7ial equation. In a dimensional equation time is represented by T, length by L, and mass by M. To indicate the dimensions of any quantity, the symbol representing that quantity is enclosed in brackets. • For example, the unit of area varies as the square of the unit of length ; hence its dimensional equation is [area] = U. In like manner, the dimensional equation for volume is [vol.] = U. 9. Systems of Units. — The system of units adopted in this book, and generally employed in scientific work, based upon the centimetre, gram, and second, as fundamental units, is called the centimetre- gram-second system or the C. G. S. system. A system based upon the foot, grain, and second was formerly much used in England. One based upon the millimetre, milligram, and second is still sometimes used in Germany. MECHANICS. CHAPTER I. MECHANICS OF MASSES. 10. It is an obvious fact of Nature that material bodies move from one place to another, and that their motions are effected at different rates and in different manners. Continued experience has shown that these motions are independent of many of the characteristics of the bodies ; they depend on the arrangement and condition of surrounding bodies, and on the fundamental prop- erty of mattjer, called inertia. The science of Mechanics treats of the motions here referred to, and in a wider sense of those phe- nomena presented by bodies which depend more or less directly upon their masses. The general subject of Mechanics is usually divided, in ex- tended treatises, into two topics, — Kinematics and Dynamics. In the first are developed, by purely mathematical methods, the laws of motion considered m the abstract, independent of any causes producing it, and of any substance in which it inheres ; in the second these mathematical relations are extended and applied, by the aid of a few inductions drawn from universal experience, to the explanation of the motions of bodies, and the discussion of the interactions which are the occasion of those motions. For convenience, the subject of Dynamics is further divided into Statics, which treats of forces as maintaining bodies in equilibrium and at rest, and Emetics, which treats of forces as setting bodies in motion. 10 8 12] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 11 It has been found more convenient to neglect these formal dis- tinctions in the very brief presentation of the subject which will be given in this book. 11. Configuration and Displacement. — An assemblage of points may be completely described by selecting some one point as a point of reference and assigning to each of the others a definite distance and direction measured from this fixed point. Such a set of points is called a system of points, and the assemblage of distances and directions which characterize it is called its configuration. The motion of one or more of the points is recognized by a change in the configuration. The change in position of any one point, de- termined by the distance between its initial and final positions and the direction of the line drawn between those positions, is called the displacement of the point. Any particle in the system may be taken as the fixed point of reference, and the motion of the others may be measured from it. Thus, for example, high-water mark on the shore may be taken as the fixed point in determining the rise and fall of the tides; or, the sun may be assumed to be at rest in computing the orbital motions of the planets. We can have no assurance that the particle which we assume as fixed is not really in motion as a part of some larger system; indeed, in almost every case we know that it is thus in motion. As it is impossible to conceive of a point in space recog- nizable as fixed and determined in position, our measurements of motion must always be relative. 12. Composition and Resolution of Displacements. — If a point undergo two or more successive displacements, the final displace- ment is obviously given by the line joining its initial to its final position. This displacement is called the resultant of the others. If the point considered be referred to a point which is itself dis- placed relative to a third point taken as fixed, the motion of the moving point relative to the fixed point may be considered as re- sulting from a combination of the displacement of the first point, relative to the second point, and the displacement of the second point relative to the third or fixed point. These simultaneous 13. ELEMENTAKY PHYSICS. [§13 displacements are combined as if they were successive displace-' ments. Eepresenting them both by straight lines, of which the length measures the amount of the displacement, and the direction the direction of the displacement (Fig. 5), we apply the initial point of the second of these lines to the final point of the first and join the initial point of the first to the final point of the second. The line thus drawn is the resultant of the simultaneous displacements. The two displacements of which the resultant is thus obtained are called the components. 13. Vector Addition and Subtraction. — Any concept which is completely described when its magnitude and direction are given is called a vector. The sum of two vectors is the vector equivalent to them both, it is obtained by the rule just given for the compo- sition of two displacements, or by the following equivalent rule: Draw from any point the two straight lines which represent the vectors, and upon them construct a parallelogram; the diagonal of this parallelogram, drawn from the point of origin, is the resultant vector or the vector sum. Thus 00 (Fig. 5) is the resultant of OA and OB. This construction is called the parallelogram construction or the par- allelogram law. If more than two vectors are to be added, the resultant of two of them may be added to the third, the resultant thus obtained to the fourth, and so on until all the vectors have been combined. This addition is more easily made by drawing the vectors in succession, so that they form the sides of a polygon (Fig. 6), the initial point of each vector coinciding with the final point of the one preceding it. In general this polygon is not closed, and the line required to close it, drawn from the initial point of the first vector to the final point of the last, is' the sum of the vectors. This con- struction is called the polygon construction or the polygon law. The difference of two vectors is the vector which added to one ot the two will give the other. It is obtained by drawing from a given point the lines representing the vectors, and drawing a line § 14] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 13 from the final point of the subtrahend to the final point of the minuend. This line represents the vector difference of the two vectors. Thus AC (Fig. 5) is the difference between OG and OA. The same difference may be obtained by the following method : If two lines, equal in length, be drawn in opposite directions, they represent two vec- tor quantities which have the same mag- nitude but are affected with opposite signs. If, therefore, a vector be given which is to be subtracted from another, it may be replaced ^'<*- ^• by a vector of the same magnitude having the opposite direction, and the resultant obtained by adding this vector to the ono which serves as the minuend is the difference of the two given vectors. 14. Resolution and Composition of Vectors. — It is in many cases convenient to obtain component vectors which are equivalent to a given vector. If one component be completely given, the other is obtained by vector subtraction. If two components be desired, and their directions be given so that they and the original vector are in the same plane, their magnitudes may be determined by drawing from a common origin lines of indefinite length in the given direc- tions, drawing from the same origin the line representing the given vector, and drawing from its final point lines parallel to the given directions. The sides of the parallelogram thus constructed repre- sent the component vectors in these given directions. If three components be desired in three given directions not in the same plane, and so placed that the given vector does not lie in a plane containing any two of these directions, they may be found by constructing upon lines drawn in these directions a parallelepi- ped of which the diagonal is the given vector. This construction is most frequently used when the three directions are at right angles to one another. Representing the angles between them and the direction of the given vector by a, /?, y, the component vectors are proportional to cos a, cos /J, cos y If these three directions be the directions of the axes of a system of rectangular coordinates, these cosines are called the direction cosines of the vector. 14 ELEMENTAET PHYSICS. [§15 The composition of vectors is often conveniently effected by re- solving them in this way along the three coordinate axes; their components along each of these axes may then be added algebra- ically, and the vector obtained by combining the three sums is the required resultant vector. Thus if the vectors R^ 11,. . . Ji„ be given, making angles with the x, y, z-axes of which the cosines are A„ A^ . . . A„, fx^, ^,.../u„,v^,v,...v„, respectively, the sums of the components of these vectors along the axes are r^jR,M,+Ji,M, + ...+iinMn; > (1) The resultant vector is B == VX' + ¥' + Z% ■ and its direction cosines are X Y^ Z R' R' R' respectively. When only two vectors are given, they may be resolved along two axes in the plane of the vectors. In this case, if the angles made by the vectors R^, R, with the a;-axis be cp, ^, respectively, (Fig. 7,) the component sums are X = R^cos(p-\- R, cos -B, F =: i?, sin + R^ sin -B Fig. 7. 5. ] (3) The resultant vector is ^ = VX' + Y\ and the angle tp which it makes with the a;-axis is given by cos ^ = — or tan tfr = — . 15. Description of Motion.— If we observe a system of points in motion, we perceive not only the displacements of the points, but also that these displacements are in some way connected with the time required for their accomplishment. If we know the law of this connection, we may describe the motion at any desired instant, by the aid of certain derived concepts, which are now to be studied. If a variable quantity be a function of the time, it is usual in § 16] MHCHANICS OF MASSES. 15 Mechanics to call the limit of the ratio of a small change in that quantity to the time-interval in which it occurs the rate of change -of the quantity. This ratio is the differential coefficient of the quantity with respect to time. Other differential coefficients which occur in Mechanics, in which the independent variable is not the time, are sometimes spoken of as rates^ though not frequently. The motion of a point is described when we know not only the path along which it is displaced, but the rates connected with its displacement. 16. Velocity. — The rate of displacement of a point is called its velocity. If the point move in a straight line, and describe equal spaces in any arbitrary equal times, its velocity is constant. A constant velocity is measured by the ratio of the space traversed by the point to the time occupied in traversing that space. If s„ and s represent the distances of the point from a fixed point on its path at the instants t^ and t, then its velocity is represented by If the path of the point be curved, or if the spaces described by the point in equal times be not equal, its velocity is variable. The path of a point moving with a variable velocity may be approxi- mately represented by a succession of very small straight lines, which, if the real path be curved, will differ in direction, along which the point moves with constant velocities which may differ in amount. The velocity in any one of these straight lines is rep- o o resented by the formula v = f. As the interval of time t — t^ approaches zero, each of the spaces s — s^ will become indefinitely small, and in the limit the imaginary path will coincide with the S "~* s real path. The limit of the expression j will represent the velocity of the point along the tangent to the path at the time t — t^, or, as it is called, the velocity in the path. This limit is usually expressed by -j 16 ELEMENTARr PHYSICS. [§17 The practical unit of velocity is the velocity of a point moving, uniformly through one centimetre in one second. The dimensions of velocity are LT'\ Velocity, which is fully defined when its magnitude and direc- tion are given, is a vector quantity, and may be represented by a^ straight line. Velocities may therefore be compounded and re- solved by the rules already given for the composition and resolu- tion of vectors. 17. Acceleration. — When the velocity of a point varies, either by a change in its magnitude, or by a change in its direction, or by changes in both, the rate of change is called the acceleration of the point. Acceleration is either positive or negative, according as the velocity increases or diminishes. If the path of the point be a^ straight line, and if equal changes in velocity occur in equal times, its acceleration is constant. It is measured by the ratio of the change in velocity to the time during which that change oc- curs. If v„ and V represent the velocities of the point at the in- stants t^ and t, then its acceleration is represented by V — V, t: (4> If the path of the point be curved, or if the changes in velocity in equal times be not equal, the acceleration is variable. A variable acceleration in a curved path may always be resolved into two components,, one of which is tangent and the other nor- mal to the path. We will consider the case in which the path lies in a plane. Let A and B (Fig. 8) be two points in the path very near each other, from which normals are drawn on the concave side of the curve, meeting at the point 0, and ^making with each other the angle a. In Pig. 8. ^^^ li«"t, as a vanishes, the lines OA and OB become equal and are radii of curvature of the path at the § 17] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 17 point A. Draw the lines PQ and PH in the directions of the tangents at A and B, equal to the velocities v„ and v of the point at A and B respectively. The line QB is the change in the velocity of the point during the time in which it traverses the distance AB. Draw the line QS perpendicular to PE. The angle QPE, being the angle between the tangents at A and B, equals the angle a. In the limit, as a vanishes, v and «„ difEer by the infinitesimal tiB, and QS equals va. The line SB represents the change in the numerical magnitude of the velocity during the time t — t^, and the rate of that change, which takes place along the tangent to the path, is given by a. - i—i; (5> The line QS represents the change in velocity during the same time along the normal to the path. The acceleration along that yet normal is therefore ^ j. Now under the conditions assumed in AB these statements AB = ra, and ^ j = v, the velocity of the TtX point. Hence v = t r , and the acceleration along the normal ta the path is «n = p (6) • f the path be a straight line, the normal acceleration vanishes, and the whole acceleration is given by the limit of the ratio 2 r° = 77- if the path be a circle, and if the point move in it V ~~~ t f. at uniformly, the whole acceleration is given by — . The unit of acceleration is that of a point, the velocity of which changes at a uniform rate by one unit of velocity in one second. The dimensions of acceleration are LT'^. Acceleration is completely described when its magnitude and 18 ELEMENTAET PHYSICS. [§ 18 direction are given. Ifc is therefore a vector quantity and may be represented by a straight line. Two or more accelerations may be compounded by the rules for the composition of vectors. 18. Angular Velocity and Acceleration. — The angle contained by the line passing through two points, one of which is in motion, and any assumed line passing through the iixed point, will, in gen- eral, vary. The rate of its change is called the angular velocity of the moving point. If and 0„ represent the angles made by the moving line with the fixed line at the instants t and t^ , then the angular velocity, if constant, is measured by — 0„ ^ - T^- (^) If variable, it is measured by the limit of the same expression, -jT- = - _ , -, as the interval t — t„ becomes indefinitely small. The angular acceleration is the rate of change of angular velocity. If constant, it is measured by If variable, it is measured by the limit of the same expression, doo 00 — 00. -TT- — , _ , , as the interval t — t„ becomes indefinitely small. If the radian be taken as the unit of angle, the dimensions of angle become ;^;5j^g J — ~l — ^- Hence the dimensions of angular velocity are T'', and of angular acceleration T~'. If any point be revolving about a fixed point as a centre, its velocity in the circle is equal to the product of its angular velocity and the length of the radius of the circle. 19. Linear Motion with ■ Constant Acceleration. The space s -s„ traversed by a point moving with a constant acceleration a, during a time t-t^, is determined by considering that, since the acceleration is constant, the average velocity ■ ~^ "° for the time ^ 20] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 19 ^ — ^„ , multiplied by t —t„, will represent the space traversed ; hence s — s„ = ^"(^-0; (9) 2 -or, since -^ = — 4 —, we have, in another form, s-s, = v,{t - ^.) + i a{t - Q\ (9a) Multiplying equations (4) and (9), we obtain v' = V + 2a[s - s„). (10) "When the point starts from rest, v^—0; and if we take the starting-point as the origin from which to reckon s, and the time of starting as the origin of time, then 5„ = 0, #„ = 0, and equa- tions (4), (9a), and (10) become v = at, s = ^af, and v' = 2as. Formula (9a) may also be obtained by a geometrical construction. At the extremities of a line AB (Fig. 9), equal in length to t — t„, erect perpendiculars ^C and BD, proportional to the initial and final velocities of the moving point. For any interval of time Aa, so short that the velocity during it may be considered constant, the space described is represented by the rectangle Ca, and the space described in the whole time t — t„, by a point moving with a velocity increas- ing by successive equal increments, is rep- resented by a series of rectangles, eb, fc, gd, *" ''''' «tc., described on equal bases, ab, be, cd, etc. If ab, be ... he diminished indefinitely, the sum of the areas of the rectangles can be made to approach as nearly as we please the area of the quadrilateral A BCD. This area, therefore, represents the space traversed by the point, having the initial velocity v„, and moving with the acceleration a during the time t — t„. But ABGD is equal to A C{t - ;;„) -f {BD — AG){t - tj -i-2 ; whence s - s„ = v„(t - Q + ia{t - Q\ (9a) 20. Angular Motion with Constant Angular Acceleration. — If a 20 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 81 point move in a circle its velocity is equal to the product of its angular velocity and the radius of the circle; its acceleration in the circle is equal to the product of its angular acceleration and the radius of the circle. If its angular acceleration be constant, the relations between the distance traversed by it in the circle, its velocity, its acceleration in the circle and the time are the same as those expressed in equations (9), (9a), (10). Substituting for these quantities their equivalents in terms of the angular magnitudes involved, we obtain the following relations among these angular magnitudes: 0-0„ = ^±^(;-O; (11) - 0. = «o(^ - ^o) + Mt- t^y ; (12) cj' = go/ + 2«(0 - 0„). (13) If the line describing the angle start from rest, co, = 0, and if we take the line in this position as the initial line from which to reckon
and A cos (p, A — (2a' + Sa" cos e)* ; and, by dividing the value of A sin — tan"^:; — ; . •' 1 + cos e The displacement thus becomes s + s' = a(2+2 cos e)* cos [cot - tan-> -^^BJ— V m\ ^ ' \ 1 + cos e/ ^ ' This equation is of great value in the discussion of problems in optics. The principle suggested by the result of the above discussion, that the resultant of the composition of two simple harmonic motions is a periodic motion of which the elements depend on those of the components, can be easily seen to hold generally. A very important theorem, of which this principle is the con- verse, was given by Fourier. It may be stated as follows: Any complex periodic function may be resolved into a number of simple harmonic functions of which the periods are commensurable with that of the original function. 22. Force. — When we lift or sustain a weight, stretch a spring, or throw a ball, we are conscious of a muscular effort which we designate as a force. Since no change can be perceived in the weight if it be suspended from a cord, or in the spring if it be held stretcTied by being fastened to a hook, and since the ball moves in just the same way if it be projected from a gun, we conclude that § 22] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 35 bodies can exert force on one another. This conclusion is not strictly justifiable, and our comparison of the action of one body ■on another to the action of our muscles may be only a convenient analogy. If we throw a weight by exerting a certain efEort for a short time, and then by exerting an equal efEort for a longer time, we find that the velocity acquired by the weight is greater in the latter case. If we apply different efforts for the same time in throwing the same weight, we find that the efEort which we are •conscious of as greater gives the weight a greater velocity than that -efEort which we are conscious of as less. We may substitute for the forces exerted by our muscles those forces which we have assumed by analogy to act between bodies. Eelying upon the uniformity -with which these forces act, as determined by universal experience, 'we can exhibit, more precisely than by the use of our muscular «fiEort, the relations which obtain between the force exerted and the motion caused by it. As our experiments increase in precision, and as one disturbing cause after another is eliminated, we find that the velocity acquired by a given body acted on by a given force increases m proportion to the time during which the force acts, or, as may be said, a constant force produces a uniform acceleration. Purther, if different forces act on the same body for the same time, the velocities produced are proportional to the forces. If F repre- sent the magnitude of the force, t the time during which it acts, v the velocity which the body acquires, and m a proportional factor, the results of these experiments may be embodied in the formula Ft = mv. (18) The factor m is called the mass or the inertia of the body. Since — measures the acceleration of the body, this equation is equiva- lent to F=ma. (19) The dimensions of force are MLT'^. The practical unit of force is the dyne, which is the force that 26 EL-EMENTAET PHYSICS. [§ 23 can impart to a gram of matter one unit of acceleration; that is to- say, one unit of velocity in one second. 23. Impulse.— The product Ft is called the impulse. If the force which acts upon the body vary during the time, the impulse is determined by dividing the time into intervals so small that the force which acts during any one of them may be considered con- stant, forming the product Ft for each interval, and adding those products. 24. Momentum. — The product mv is called the momentum of the body. It is sometimes defined as the quantity of motion of the body; in Newton's laws, which follow, the word "motion" is equivalent to momentum, when it designates a measurable quan- tity. 25. Laws of Motion. — The relation between force and accele- ration, which is embodied in the formula F = ma, was first per- ceived by Galileo, and illustrated by him by the laws of falling bodies. This relation may be expressed otherwise by the state- ment that the effect of a force on a body is independent of the motion of the body. Newton, who first formulated the funda- mental facts of mdtiou in such a form that they can be made the basis of a science of Mechanics, extended Galileo's principle by recognizing that when several forces act on a body at once the effect of each is independent of the others. Newton's Laws of Motion, in which the fundamental facts of motion are stated, are as follows : Law I. — Every body continues in its state of rest or of uni- iorm motion in a straight line, except in so far as it may be com- pelled by external forces to change that state. Law II.— Change of motion is proportional to the external force applied, and takes place in the direction of the straight line in which the force acts. Law III.— To every action there is always an equal and con- trary reaction; or, the mutual actions of any two bodies are always equal and oppositely directed. These laws cannot be applied, without some limitations or modi- § 36] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 27 fications, to all bodies. They are to be understood as applying tO' very small masses, for which we can neglect the velocity of rotation in comparison with the velocity of translation. Such a mass is called a particle. A particle may also be defined as a mass concen- trated at a point. Another definition will be given in | 37. These laws of motion are not immediately susceptible of proof ; they are abstractions, which can be illustrated but not proved by experiment. They cannot be referred to any more ultimate prin- ciples deduced from our observation of Nature, and are therefore to be considered as postulates upon which the science of Mechanics is erected. The question of their validity as expressions of the mode of motion of matter is one which lies outside the range of the purely physical study of the subject. 26. Discussion of the Laws of Motion. — (1) The first law is a statement of the important truths, that motion, as well as rest, is a natural state of matter ; that moving bodies, when entirely free- to move, proceed in straight lines, and describe equal spaces in equal times ; and that any deviation from this uniform rectilinear motion is caused by a force. That a body at rest should continue indefinitely in that state seems perfectly obvious as soon as the proposition is entertained ; but that a body in motion should continue to move in a straight line is not so obvious, since motions with which we are familiar are frequently arrested or altered by causes not at once apparent. This important truth, which is forced upon us by observation and experience, may, however, be presented so as to appear almost self- evident. If we conceive of a body moving in empty space, we can think of no reason why it should alter its path or its rate of motion in any way whatever. (2) The second law presents, first, the proposition on which the measurement of force depends ; and, secondly, states the identity of the direction of the change of motion with the direc- tion of the force. Motion is here synonymous with momentum as before defined. The first proposition we have already employed in deriving the formula representing force. The second, with the 28 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 37 further statement that more than one force can act on a body at the same time, leads directly to a most important deduction re- specting the combination of forces ; for the parallelogram law for the resolution and composition of velocities being proved, and forces being proportional to and in the same direction as the velocities which they cause in any given body, it follows, if any number of forces acting simultaneously on a body be represented in direction and amount by lines, that their resultant can be found by the same parallelogram construction as that which serves to find the resultant velocity. This construction is called the ^parallelogram of forces. In case the resultant of the forces acting on a body be zero, the body is said to be in equilibrium. (3) When two bodies interact so as to produce, or tend to pro- ■duce, motion, their mutual action is called a stress. If one body he conceived as acting, and the other as being acted on, the stress, regarded as tending to produce motion in the body acted on, is a force. The third law states that all interaction of bodies is of the mature of stress, and that the two forces constituting the stress aro •equal and oppositely directed. 27. Constrained Motion. — One of the most interesting appli- ■cations of the third law is to the case of constrained motion. If the motion of a particle be restricted by the requirement that the particle shall move in a particular path, it is said to be constrained. If the velocity of the particle at a point in the path, at which the radius of curvature is r, be v, its acceleration v' toward the centre of curvature is -, and the force which must act r on it in that direction is — . However this force is applied, whether by a pull toward the centre or by a push or pressure from the body determining the path, or by the action of the forces •which bind the particle to others moving near it, the reaction of the particle will in every case be equal to -^—, and will be directed § 28] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 29 outward along the normal to the path. This reaction is sometimes called a centrifugal force. There are certain cases in which it may be treated as if it were a real force, determining the motion of a body. 28. Work and Energy. — If the point of application of a force F move through a distance s, making the angle a with the direction of the force, the product Fs cos a is defined as the toork done by the force during the motion. If the force or the angle between, the direction of the force and the displacement vary during the displacement, the work done may be found by dividing the path of the point into portions so small that F cos a may be considered constant for each one of them. By forming the product Fs cos a for each portion of the path, and adding all such products, the work done in the path is obtained. In the defined sense of the term, no work is done upon a body by a force unless it is accompanied by a change of position, and the amount of work is independent of the time taken to perform it. Both of these statements need to be made, because of our natural tendency to confound work with conscious effort, and to estimate it by the effect on ourselves. If work be done upon a particle which is perfectly free to move, its velocity will increase. In this case the force F is measured by ma, where m is the mass of the particle and a its acceleration. We may suppose that the particle has the velocity «„ when it enters upon the distance s, and that the distance s coincides with the direction of the force. Using equation (10), we then have Fs = mas = ^mv' — \mv'. (20) The product ^mv' is called the kinetic energy of the particle. The equation shows that the work done upon the particle by a constant force is equal to the kinetic energy which it gains during the motion. If the direction of the, motion or the magnitude of the force vary, we may divide the path into small portions, for each of which the force may be considered constant. Forming the equation just proved for each of these portions and adding the 30 ELBMBNTAEY PHYSICS. [§ 38 equations thus obtained, we obtain for this general case the same result as that already obtained for the special case. The forces introduced by constraints need not be considered, since they are always perpendicular to the path, and so do no work. When several forces act at a point, the work done by them during any small displacement of the point is equal to the work done by their resultant; for the sum of the projections of all the forces on the line of direction of the resultant is equal to the resultant, and the sum of the projections of each of these projec- tions upon the direction of motion or the projection of the result- ant upon the direction of motion is equal to the sum of the pro- jections of each force upon the direction of motion. If, then, several forces do work on a particle, the kinetic energy gained by the particle will be equal to Es cos a, where E is the resultant of the forces, and a the angle between its direction and the direction of the displacement s. Let us suppose that the forces are so related that E=0. Then the work done by one of the forces must be equal and opposite to that done by the others, the particle will move with a constant velocity, and no kinetic energy will be gained. If any of the forces against which work is done are such that they depend only upon the position of the particle in the field, the work that is done against these forces is equal to that which is done by them if the particle traverse the path in the opposite direction. Such forces are called conservative forces. Other forces, which are not functions of the position of the par- ticle only, but depend on its motion or some other property, are called non-conservative forces. When a particle acted on by con- servative forces is so displaced that work is done against those forces, it is said to have acquired jiotential energy. The measure of the potential energy acquired is the work done against the conservative forces. Energy is frequently defined as the capacity for doing work. The propriety of this definition is obvious in the case of potential energy; for the particle, acted on by conservative forces, and left free, will move under the action of these forces, and they will § 29] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 31 thereby do work. The particle possessing kinetic energy has also the capacity for doing work, for, in order to bring it to rest, the amount of work given by the formula Fs = imv^ must be done upon it. The unit of work and energy is the work done by a unit force upon a particle while it is displaced in the direction of the force through unit distance. , The dimensions of energy are MUT'', the same as those of "work. Since the square of a length cannot involve direction, it follows that energy is a quantity independent of direction and is 3iot a vector quantity. The practical unit of work and energy is the erg. It is the work done by a force of one dyne, in moving its point of application in the line of the force through a space of one cen- timetre : Or, it is the energy of a body so conditioned that it can exert the force of one dyne through a space of one centimetre : Or, it is the energy of a mass of two grams moving with unit Telocity. 29. Bodies, Density. — The particle with which we have been dealing hitherto has no counterpart in Nature. In our experi- «nce we have to deal with extended bodies or systems of bodies, and the description of their motions and of the way in which forces act on them is more complicated than the corresponding descrip- tion for the ideal particle. The notion of the particle is never- theless of great utility : we may in the first place consider bodies as composed of numbers of these particles or as being systems of particles; and, in the second place, we may to some extent de- scribe the motion of bodies by comparison with the motion of a particle. It is, however, often convenient to be able to represent the mass of a body as distributed continuously throughout its volume. In that case we make use of a special concept, the density. To define it we suppose the particles of the body so distributed that each unit volume in the body contains the same number of them. 32 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 30 The density is then defined as the ratio of the mass of the body to its volume, or as the mass contained in a unit of volume. By sup- posing the mass of the body uniformly distributed throughout its volume, so that the ratio of mass to volume has the same value no- matter how small the volume is, we may represent the mass con- tained in any infinitesimal volume by the product of the density and the volume. The concept of density used in this way is an artificial one, and the validity of the results obtained by it is due to the fact that the particles constituting a body are so small that their distribution is practically uniform in a homogeneous body in. any jolume which can be examined by experiment. M The formula for density is D —-^ , and the dimensions are [£>] = ML'^- The unit of density is the density of a homogeneous body so constituted that unit of mass is contained in unit of volume. By using the hypothesis of a continuous distribution of matter in a body, we may define the density at a point in a body which is not homogeneous as the ratio of the mass contained in a sphere described about that point as centre to the volume of the sphere,, when that volume is diminished indefinitely. 30. Centre of Mass. — The ceyitre of mass of two particles is defined as the point which divides the straight line joining thfr particles into two segments, the lengths of which are inversely pro- portional to the masses of the particles at their extremities. Thus if A and B be the positions of the two particles of which the masses are ?»„ and m,, respectively, then the point C, lying on the line joining A and B, is the centre of mass if it divide AB so that m^. AC = lUf, . BC. The centre of mass of more than two particles is found by find- ing the centre of mass of two of them, supposing a mass equal to their sum placed at that centre, finding the centre of mass of this- ideal particle and a third particle, and proceeding in a similar way until all the particles of the system have been brought into com- bination. The final centre thus found is the centre of mass of the § 30] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 33 system. The point thus determined is independent of the order in which the particles are taken into combination; it is a unique point, and depends only on the positions of the particles and their masses. The centre of mass may be defined analytically as follows: Let the particles m^, m„ ... be referred to a system of rectangular coordinates. The coordinates $, r/, Z of the centre of mass are then given by the equations ^ _ m,a;, + rn^x, + ■ ■ • _ -^^^ "" 7J = m, -\-m^-{- . . . 2m ' in,y, + w,y, + . . ■ _ 2my _ '^i + "'a + • • • -Swi ' _ _ m,z, + m^z^ + . . . _ 2mz ~ w, + OT, + . . . — 2m ' (21) These equations are evidently consistent with the former defini- tion of the centre of mass, if we remember that if the line joining any two particles be projected on one of the axes, the segments into which it is divided by the centre of mass of the two particles will be in the same ratio after projection as before. Consider the two particles m^ and m^, and denote the coordinate of their centre of mass by 5. Then from the former definition of the centre of mass we have mX^ — xj — m^x^ — ^), from which 4 _ — !-_!_ZI — 2-2-. This demonstration can easily be extended to m^ + m, include all the particles of the system. If some of the particles of the system be in motion, the centre of mass will, in general, also move. Its velocity is determined by the velocities of the separate particles. Let 5„, »;„, C„, represent the co- ordinates of the centre of mass at the time t^ , while ^, tj, Q repre- sent its coordinates at a later time t. The component velocities of the centre of mass are then given by the limit of the ratios -3 ~, -^ 7^, -J — f^. Using the equations which define the coordinates of the centre of mass, we have : 34 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§30 5„ ^ ^m{x-x,) / t- t. V - V, t- ■ t. C- -c. i 2m = 2 2m = 2- t-L 2m = 2- My - y.) .m{z — z„) t-t^ (22) The terms on the right are the components of momentum of the separate particles, and the equations express the law that the veloc- ity of the centre of mass of a system of particles is equal to the resultant obtained by compounding the momenta of the separate particles and dividing it by the sum of all the masses of the system. Representing the component velocities of the centre of mass by IJ, V, W, and those of the separate particles by u, v, w, the rule just given may be expressed by U2m = 2mu, V2m = 2mv, W2m = 2mw. It the velocities of some or all of the particles vary, the velocity of the centre of mass will in general vary also. Its acceleration depends upon the accelerations of the separate particles. Letting U and f/„,etc., represent the component velocities at the times t and t^, we may express the component accelerations of the centre of mass by U-U„ , m(u - u„) t- K t- -h V- y. 2m = 2 m{v t- -O t- K -t. w- t- 2m 2 m(w t- (23) The terms on the right represent the components of the forces which act on each particle of the system, and the equations express the law that the acceleration of the centre of mass of a system of particles is equal to the resultant of all the forces which act on the separate particles divided dy the sum of the masses of the particles. This law may be otherwise expressed by saying that the acceleration of the centre of mass is the same as that which would be given to § 31] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 35 a particle having a mass equal to the sum of all the masses if it ■were acted on by a force equal to the resultant of all the forces. Forces which act between particles belonging to the same system are called internal forces ; such forces do not afEect the motion of the centre of mass, for, by Newton's third law of motion, they al- ways occur in pairs, of which the two members are equal and oppo- site. They therefore contribute nothing to the resultant force, and so do not influence the acceleration of the centre of mass. If the only forces which act be internal forces, the acceleration of the centre of mass is zero and the momentum of the system remains constant. This principle is known as the conservation of mo- mentum. 31. Kinetic Energy of a System of Particles. — The kinetic en- ergy of a system of particles may also be expressed in terms of the Telocity of the centre of mass. Represent by u, v, w the compo- nents of velocity of each particle, by U, V, W the components of velocity of the centre of mass, and by a, b, c the components of Telocity of each particle relative to the centre of mass. We have then M,= Z7+a„ u,=:^ U+a„ . . . v,^V+b„ v,= V+i„... to^ = W+c,, w,=W+c,,... The kinetic energy of the particle wz, is im^{u' + v,'' + w'), ■and the kinetic energy of all the particles or of the system is the sum of the similar expressions obtained for each particle of the system. Substitute in the equation for the kinetic energy the val- ues of m", v', w'. We consider first the values of m'. We have u,' = n' + a.' + 2a, U, < = U' + a,' + 2a,U, ... Multiplying by ^m and adding, we obtain ^^mu' = iU'{m, + w, + . , . ) + im,a,' + Jm^ff/ + . . . + U\mfi^ -f m,a, + ...). Now since a„ a,, . . . are referred to the centre of mass as origin, and since in that case the coordinates of the centre of mass are zero, the sum m,a, + »",«, . . . must equal zero. If the expres- 36 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 32 Bions for Jm.v,' + ^m,v,' . . . , im,w,'' + im^w,' ... be formed in a similar manner, and added to the expression just obtained, we have on the left the sum of the kinetic energies of the particles, and on the right the expression The first of these terms expresses the kinetic energy of a mass equal to the sum of all the masses moving with the velocity of th& centre of mass. The other terms express the kinetic energies of the separate particles moving with their velocities relative to the centre of mass. We therefore arrive at the following rule : The kinetic energy of a system of particles is equal to the kinetic energy of a mass equal to the sum of all the masses moving with the velocity of the centre of mass, plus the kinetic energies of the separate masses moving with their velocities relative to the centre of mass. 32. Work done by Forces on a System of Particles. Potential Energy. — The forces which act on the particles of a system may be classified as external and internal forces. The external forces arise from the action of bodies outside the system, the internal forces from action between parts of the system. If the resultant of all the forces which act on any one particle be considered as the force which acts on that particle, the particle will acquire kinetic energy, given by the formula Fs = ^mv" — ^mv', already estab- lished (§ 28). If, however, we consider the resultant of the ex- ternal forces acting on the particle as producing kinetic energy and doing work against the internal forces which act on the parti- cle, the work done by the former will be equal to the kinetic en- ergy gained by the particle plus the work done against the latter. If the internal forces be conservative, the work done against them can be recovered when the external forces cease to act. The action of the external forces in that case gives to each particle potential energy. In case the external forces equilibrate the internal forces for each particle, the velocities of the particles remain constant, no kinetic energy is gained, and the energy given to the system by the work done is wholly potential. In any case the energy gained % 34] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 37 by the system is equal to the work done on it by the external forces. If no external forces act on a system, its energy remains constant, however the velocities of the separate particles may ■change in consequence of the action of internal forces. A rigid body is. one in which the particles retain the same rela- tive positions. Whatever internal forces act between the particles, they are equilibrated by others due to the reactions in the system. The internal forces can therefore do no work, and the internal en- ergy of such a body is wholly kinetic energy. 33. Conservation of Energy.— The theorem stated in the last section is the simplest illustration of the general principle known as the conservation of energy. If no external forces act on a sys- tem, and if the internal forces be conservative, the sum of the ki- netic and potential energies of the system remains constant. In many operations in Nature, however, the internal forces are not all conservative, and the theorem just stated no longer holds true. Ex- periment has shown that when non-conservative forces act, other forms of energy are developed, which cannot as yet be expressed as the potential and kinetic energies of masses, and that if these forms of energy be taken into account, the sum of all the energies of the system remains constant so long as no external forces act on it. This principle is called the principle of the conservation of energy. It may be used as a working principle in solving ques- tions in mechanics, and finds a very wide application in all depart- ments of physical science. The evidence for it will appear in ■connection with many of the topics which are subsequently treated. 34. Systems to be Studied. — The description of the mot-ions of a system of particles which are free to move among themselves, and between which forces act, cannot in most cases be given. Cer- tain general theorems relating to this general case can be found, but the conditions which determine the individual motions of the particles are so complicated that they cannot be brought into a form suitable for mathematical discussion, and hence the motion of the system cannot be completely described. There are two ■cases, however, of very general character, in which, by the aid of 38 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 35 certain limitations assumed for the system, we are able fully to de- scribe its motions. The first of these is that of a pair of bodies which act on each other with a force, the direction of which is in the line joining the bodies. This case, known as the problem of two bodies, may be completely solved. The problem of three bodies can be solved only approximately, under certain limitations as to the relative magnitudes of the bodies. The second case is that in which the system forms a rigid body. While no truly rigid bodies exist in Nature, yet the changes of shape which most solids under- go under the action of ordinary forces are so slight in comparison with their dimensions that in many cases we may consider such solids as rigid, and illustrate the theorems relating to rigid bodies by experiments made upon solids. We shall first examine the mo- tion of rigid bodies, and we shall limit ourselves to the case in which the motions of any one particle of the body always take place in one plane. By thus restricting the problem, it is possible to obtain the most essential facts connected with the motions of rigid bodies without the use of advanced mathematical methods. 35. Impact. — The changes in motion impressed upon bodies by their impact with others depend upon so many conditions that they present complications which render the discussion of them impossi- ble in this book. We will consider, however, the simple case of the^ impact of two spheres, the centres of which are moving in the same straight line. We call the masses of the two spheres m, and m^ and their respective velocities tt, and «,. The two spheres consti- tute a system for which the velocity of the centre of mass is given by (m, +m,)V= m^u^ + m^w,. (35) The bodies on impact are momentarily distorted, and a force arises between them tending to separate them, the magnitude of which depends upon the elasticity of the bodies. The velocity of the centre of mass will remain uniform, whatever be the forces act-, ing between the bodies, and the momenta of the two bodies relative to the centre of mass, both before and after impact, will be equal and opposite. Call the velocities of the bodies after impact v and § 35] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 39 V,. We then nave m,(M, - V) = m,{V - u,) and W2,( V - v^) = in^y^ — V). That these equations may both be true we must have f>- = rr — ^> ^'i experimental constant, called the coef- ficient of restitution. The coeificient e depends upon the elasticity of the bodies and their mode of impact. It has been shown by experiment to be always less than unity. From these equations we deduce «(«*. - M,) = t', - V,. ' (26) Combining this equation with the equation for the velocity of the centre of mass, we obtain for the velocities v, and v, after impact the equations V, = F -? — e(M, — M ) ; V+ -^ e{u,-u,). (27) The kinetic energy before impact equals im^uj' + ^m^u^. The kinetic energy after impact equals ^wi,«;,° + ^m^z;/. Substituting in this last expression the values just obtained for v^ and v^ and reducing, we obtain for the kinetic energy after impact (m, +wO(l-e')F ' e'(OT,M.' + m,u,') 3 "^ 3 • By subtracting this from the kinetic energy before impact we find that the loss of kinetic energy by impact is _3^ . LZ1\,, _ ^^).. (28) If the bodies are such that e = 0, or such that the velocities after impact are both equal to the velocity of the centre of mass, they are called iweZas^ic bodies; the kinetic energy lost by their collision is V-^- . ' „ — ^. If, on the other hand, e = 1, so that the m, + m, 2 velocities after impact relative to the centre of mass are equal to those before impact but of opposite sign, the bodies are called perfecily elastic bodies. In this case no kinetic energy is lost by 40 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 36 the collision. These extreme values of e are never exhibited by real bodies, though the value « = may be closely approached in many instances. No body has a value of e that is even appreciably equal to 1, so that there is always a loss of kinetic energy by im- pact. The energy thus lost is transformed into other forms of energy, principally into heat. 36. Displacement of a Rigid Body. — Under the limitation that we have set, that the points of the body shall move only in parallel planes, it is manifest that the motion of the body is completely given if the motion of its section by any one plane be given. In describ- ing the displacement of a body under these limitations we need only describe the displacement of one of its sections by one of the planes in which the motion occurs. It is furthermore clear that the motion of this section will be completely described if the motion of any two points in it or of the line joining them be given. When a body is so displaced that each point in it moves in a straight line through the same distance, its displacement is called a translation. When the points of the body describe arcs of circles which have a common centre, its displacement is called a rotation. Any displacement of a body may be effected by a translation com- bined with a rotation. To show this, let AB (Fig. 11) represent the initial posi- tion of a line in the body, A'B' its final position. The transfer from the initial to the final position may be effected by a translation of the line AB to such a position that the point C, which may be any point in the body, coincides with the corresponding point C". Taking this point C" as the centre, a rotation through an angle 6, which is the same whatever point be chosen for C, will bring the line into its final position. While the angle of rotation is the same whatever point be chosen for O the translation which brings C into coincidence with C" will differ for different positions of C. § 37] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 41 If the line AB he rotated through the angle ff about any point in it, and if then another point in it be taken and the line rotated about that point through an angle ~ff, the result is a translation of the line AB. We may therefore substitute for a rotation about one point a translation and an equal and opposite rotation about another properly chosen point. By the following construction it is always possible to find a point in the plane in which AB moves, such that a pure rotation of AB about it will bring the body from its initial to its final posi- tion. Join AA', BB' (Fig. 12), and bisect the lines AA' and BB' at the points C and D. At those points erect perpendiculars which will intersect at the point 0. Join OA, OB, OA', OB'. By the geometry of the figure the triangles A OB and A' OB' are similar, and adding to their equal angles at the common angle A' OB, we have AOA' — BOB'. Hence a rotation through the angle AOA' = BOB' will transfer AB to A'B'. The perpendicular through may be called the axis of rotation. This construction fails when the initial and final positions ot AB are parallel. 37. Kinetic Energy of a Rotating Body. — Let r represent the ■distance of any particle of the body, of mass m, from the axis about which the body rotates, and co its angular velocity about that axis. Then the kinetic energy of this particle is ^mr^oo', and the kinetic ■energy of the rotating body is 100' Smr'- In § 36 we have shown that we may replace a rotation by a translation and a rotation of the same amount about another axis. Since velocities are measured by the displacements of the moving particle which occur in the same interval of time, it is also possible to replace an angular velocity by a velocity of translation and an equal angular velocity in the oppo- site sense about another axis. We choose for the new axis that passing through the centre of mass, at the distance R from the original axis. The velocity of the centre of mass Is then Rao. We represent by 1 the distance of the mass m from the axis passing 42 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 38 through the centre of mass. The kinetic energy of the body rotat- ing about this centre is -^SmV, and the kinetic energy of the whole body moving with the velocity of the centre of mass is ioa'R'2m. By § 31 we have ioo'^mr' = ioo'R'Sm + ^as'^mr. (29) When a rigid body is so small that its kinetic energy due to its rotation about its centre of mass is negligible in com- parison with that due to its translation, it is called a particle. This definition supplements that of § 35. 38. Moment of Inertia. — The expression ^mr' is called the moment of inertia of the body about the axis from which r is measured. The formula just obtained shows that the moment of inertia about any axis is equal to the moment of inertia about a parallel axis passing through the centre of mass plus the moment of inertia of a particle of which the mass is equal to the mass of the body placed at the centre of mass. The moment of inertia depends entirely upon the magnitude of the masses making up the body and their respective distances from the axis. If the mass of the body be distributed so that each ele- ment of volume contains a mass proportional to the volume of the element, the moment of inertia then becomes a purely geometrical magnitude, and may be found by integration. It is evident that it is always possible to find a length h such that k^2m = ^mr\ This length k is called the radius of gyra- tion of the body about its axis. The moment of inertia of any body, however irregular in form or density, may be found experimentally by the aid of another body of which the moment of inertia can be computed from its dimensions^ We will anticipate the law of the pendulum— which has not been proved— for the sake of clearness. The body of which the moment of inertia is desired is set oscillating about an axis under the action of a constant force. Its time of oscillation is, then, t = ni^ § 39] MECHANICS OF MASSES. 43 ■where j. is the moment of inertia and / a constant depending on the magnitude of the force. If, now, another body, of which the moment of inertia can be cal- culated, be Joined with the first, the time of oscillation changes to /7+7 t' = ny — ^ — , where /' is the moment of inertia of the body added. Combining the two equations, we obtain, as the value of the moment of inertia desired, I-fT^^' (30) 39. Rotation about a Fixed Point.— Suppose a body so condi- tioned that its only motion is a rotation about the fixed point (Fig. 13). Suppose the force i^ applied at a point in the body, which moves under the action of the force ^ - through the infinitesimal distance QR. This motion is a rotation about the point through the angle (b — %-r. The work done by the OQ ^ force during this rotation is Since, in the limit, when QR and Q8 are infinitesimal, the triangles QT> OP QRS and OPQ are similar, — = jj^, and hence W=F.OP.^ = F.OP.
' s'
for every external stress in which its molecules are in equilibrium. Any change of the stress in the body is accompanied by a readjust- ment of the molecules, which is continued until equilibrium is- again established. 98. Strains. — The complete geometrical representation of the changes of form which occur when a body is strained is in general impossible, or at least exceedingly complicated. In the theory of elasticity it is generally possible to avail ourselves of a simplifica- tion in the character of the strain, which facilitates its geometrical representation, by assuming that the strain is such that a line in the body which was straight in its unstrained position remains straight after the strain: such a strain is called a homogeneous- strain. It may be shown, by an argument too extended for pre- sentation here, that in any case of homogeneous strain there are always three directions in the strained body, at right angles to one another, in which the only change produced by the strain is a change in length and not a change in relative direction. Thus, if the strained body be originally a cube, with its sides parallel to these three directions, the cube will strain into a rectangular parallelepiped. If the strained body be originally a sphere, it will strain into an ellipsoid, the three axes of the ellipsoid being the three directions already mentioned. These three directions are- called the principal axes of strain. The increase in length of a line of unit length by strain is. called its elongation. Evidently, from the description of the rela- tions of a homogeneous strain to the principal axes, the whole strain will be described if the elongations along the principal axes be given. Let us denote by e, , e, , e, the elongations, which may be either positive or negative, along the three principal axes. These elongations are assumed to be so small in comparison with the unit line that their squares or products may be negkcted. Then, in the examples just given, if a represent a side of the cube before strain and a' its volume, the increase in volume of the cube by the strain is given by a\l -h e,) (1 + «,) (1 + e,) - «' = «'(«, + e, + «,)> since- the products of the e'a may be neglected. Similarly, the sphere,. 110 ELEMENTABT PHYSICS. [§ 98 of which the radius is r, becomes by the strain the ellipsoid, of which the axes are r(l + «,), r{\ + ej, r(l + e,); the increase in volume of the sphere by the strain is therefore inr\l + e,)(l + ej (1 + e,) - inr' = inr^e^ + e, + e,). The quantity e, + e, + e, is called the coefficient of expansion of the body. Two cases of strain need to be specially examined — the pure expansion or dilatation, and the shear or shearing strain. A dilata- tion occurs if the three coefficients of elongation are equal; in this case the strained cube remains a cube, the strained sphere remains a sphere, and the change of volume in each case is 3e times the original volume. A shear occurs when one of the coefficients, say «3 , equals zero, and when e, equals — e,; in this case the expansion is zero. The shear may be defined from another point of view. For, consider a body subjected to a shear and suppose a section made in c c, D E D ^* ^y ^^^ plane containing the elonga- 7 tions e and — e: it is clear that the shear / will be completely described if Ve de- scribe the deformation of a figure in this plane. We select for this purpose a * ^ rhombus, ABDC, of which the diagonals AB and BC are so related that after the shear we have AD{l+e) = BO and BC{1 - e) = AD. If the rhombus produced by the shear be turned until one of its sides co- incides with AB, we shall have the original rhombus and the one produced by shear in the relation shown in Fig. 34. The new rhombus AC'D'B may manifestly be produced from the original rhombus by the displacement of all its lines parallel to the fixed base AB, each line 'being displaced by an amount proportional to its distance from the line AB. The ratio of this displacement to the distance of the displaced line from the base AB is called the DD' amount of the shear; that is, -^ is the amount of the shear. § 100] MOLECULAR MECHANICS. HI 99. The Superposition of Strains.— We will now show that two elongations, applied successively or simultaneously in the same direction, are equivalent to a single elongation equal tp their sum. This follows from the assumption already made, that the elonga- tions are so small that their squares or products may be neglected. For, suppose a line of unit length to receive the elongation e, ; its length becomes 1+e,. If it then receive the elongation e, , its length becomes 1 + e, + e,(l+«,) = 1 +e, + e,, because the" pro- duct e,e, may be neglected. This principle is called the principle ■of the superposition of strains. By its help we may show that a simple elongation may be pro- duced by the combination of a dilatation and two equal shears in planes at right angles to each other. In the case of a simple elon- gation, the elongations along the principal axes are e, 0, 0. Let Jis suppose a dilatation of which the elongations are -, -, -; a shear O O of which the elongations are 4— -^, 0; and a shear of which the o o 6 6 elongations are -, 0, — -. By the principle of the superposition of strains we find the elongations produced if these three strains be superposed by adding the three elongations along the three axes. Carrying out this operation we obtain e, 0, as the elongations pro- duced by the superposition, that is, the superposition of these three strains is equivalent to a simple elongation. Since all homogeneous strains may be produced by three simple elongations at right angles to each other, any homogeneous strain may be produced by a Combination of dilatations and shears. 100. Stresses. — If a body be maintained in equilibrium by forces applied to points on its surface, and if we conceive it divided into two parts, A and B, by an imaginary surface drawn through it, and if we assume, for the present, the molecular structure of matter, it is clear that the forces applied to the portion A of the body are in equilibrium with the forces which act between the molecules of A lying near the surface which divides it from B, and the mole- 113 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 100 cules of B lying on the other side of that surface. Similarly, th& forces which act on B are in equilibrium with the forces which act across the surface between the molecules of B and A. Let us con- sider any area s taken in the surface separating A and B. Repre- sent by F the sum of the molecular forces which act across that area. If the forces which act across different equal elements of the F area be equal, the ratio — is called generally the pressure per unit s area on the surface s, or, simply, the pressure on the surface. This pressure is positive if the force i^^be directed away from the portion of the whole body which is held in equilibrium, negative if directed toward that portion. It is plain, from the equality of action and reaction, that if this force be directed toward the portion A of the body, an equal force is directed toward the portion B at every point of the surface which separates A and B. The name pressure is frequently reserved for a negative pressur& in the sense just defined; when the pressure is positive, it is fre- quently called a tension. In case the force which acts across the surface between A and B vary from element to element of that surface, the pressure at a point of the surface is the limit of the F ratio - , when the area s is so drawn that its centre of inertia is o always kept at that point, and is diminished indefinitely. The forces acting across the surface separating A and B will, in general, make different angles with the surface at the different points of it. Similarly, the pressure which is substituted for the- forces makes different angles with the surface at different points. The pressure, being a vector quantity, like the force from which it is derived, may be resolved into components perpendicular to the surface and in the plane tangent to it. It is best, for the sake of greater generality in our statements, to consider the tangential component of pressure as resolved into two components, at right angles to each other in the tangent plane. These components are called respectively, the normal pressure and the tangential pres- sures. § 100] MOLECULAR MECHAU-ICS. Il3 To examine the relations which must hold among the compo- nents of pressure in different directions at any point within a body subjected to stress, we consider a small cube described in a body, and examine the relations among the pressures on its faces neces- sary to maintain it in equilibrium. We assume that no external forces act directly on the matter contained in the cube. In gen- eral, each of the faces of the cube will be subjected to a stress. This stress may be resolved into a normal component and two tan- gential components taken parallel with the sides of the face to which the stress is applied. Calling the normal components acting on two opposite faces P and P', those acting on another pair of opposite faces Q and Q' , and those acting on the third pair R and R' , we may ex- press the conditions that the centre of mass of the cube will not be displaced by the equations P=P', Q= Q', R — R'. Since the forces which act upon the cube are in equilibrium, and since their normal components maintain the equilibrium of the centre of mass, their tangential components give rise to couples, and these couples are also in equilibrium. These couples are ar- ranged as shown in Fig. 35, for those lying in the plane of one pair of faces. Since equilibrium exists, the two couples formed by the forces S and the forces /S'are equal, and therefore S = S', where S and ;S" may be used to denote the tangential pressures on the surfaces of the cube. Similar coup- les in equilibrium will act on the cube in two other planes at right angles with this one so that the whole set of pressures acting on the cube are the three normal pressures P, Q, R, and the three tangential pressures S, T, U. It may be shown, by an analytical method that need not be given, that if a small sphere be described about a point in the body and the pressures applied to its surfaces examined, there will be three radii at right angles to each other, at the extremities of which the pressures are normal to the surface of the sphere. These three directions are called the principal axes of stress. 114 ELEMElirTARY PHYSICS. [§ 101 The combination of tangential stresses which maintain equilib- rium may be considered from another point of view. For, if we ex- amine the triangular prism of which the cross-section is ABD (Pig. 35), and to which the tangential stresses S and S' are applied, it appears at once that equilibrium will obtain when a fbrce equal to the resultant of aS and aS', where a is the area of each of the square faces of the prism, is applied to the face of which AB is the trace. The area of this face is a V2, and if X represent the pres- sure on this face, the force applied to it is aXV2. But S equals S', and the resultant of aS and aS' is aS V2 ; whence JC=S. A similar pressure acts in the opposite direction upon the face of the similar prism ACB. These pressures are positive, that is, they are tensions which tend to separate the parts of the body to which they are ap- plied. If we compound the tangential stresses in another manner by taking as the element of the combination the stresses applied to the faces AD and A C, it is at once evident that they are equivalent to a negative pressure S upon the diagonal face CD. A similar pres- sure acts across the same face toward the other prism CBD. We may therefore consider the set of stresses constituting the couples in the plane A CBD as equivalent to a positive pressure or tension in the direction of one diagonal and a negative pressure in the direction of the other diagonal. This combination of couples, or its equivalent tension and pressure, is called a shea?-ing stress. 101. Superposition of Stresses. — Stresses, whether pressures or tensions, being vector quantities, are compounded like other vector quantities, and, in particular, when they are in the same line, are added algebraically. Suppose a cube so subjected to stress that equal and opposite pressures, which we will assume to be directed outward from the cube, act on two opposite faces, and that the other faces experience no stress. Such a stress is called a longitudinal traction. We will show that this form of stress may be obtained by the combination of a stress made up of equal tensions acting on each face of the cube, and of two shearing stresses. In Fig. 36 let P represent the value of the longitudinal §101] MOLECULAR MECHANICS. 115 traction. It may be considered as made up of three equal trac- p tions — -. Apply to each of the four other faces of the cube two p ■opposite stresses, each equal to — . Two of these pairs of stresses are represented in the figure. These stresses on the sides of the cube, being equal and opposite, are equivalent to no stress. It is evident that •«— the combination of stresses here described is equivalent to a tension — applied to «ach face P of the cube, to a shearing stress — acting in the plane of the figure. Fig. 36. and to a shearing stress — acting in the plane at right angles to the plane of the figure. Thus the longitudinal traction may be resolved into a tension uniform in all directions and two shearing stresses, all of the same numerical value. The uniform tension just employed is an example of a hydro- static stress. More generally, a hydrostatic stress is a stress which is normal to any surface element drawn in a body, whatever be its di- rection. The numerical value of a hydrostatic stress is the same in ■whatever direction the surface be drawn to which it is applied. To show this, we examine the relations of the pressures on the faces of the tetrahedron formed bypassing a plane through the points ABC taken infinitely near the point (Fig. 37) on lines drawn through that point in the directions of the three coordinate axes. Let I, m, n represent the di- rection cosines of the normal to the face ABC, and let a represent the area of this face ; the areas of the other faces are respectively equal to al, am, an. Let X, P, Q, R represent the pressures on the faces in the order mentioned : the forces acting on the faces are then Xa, Pal, Qain, and Ran. By the definition of hydrostatic 116 EJiEMENTART PHYSICS. [§ 102 stress these forces are normal to their respective faces, and the tetrahedron will be in equilibrium when the components of the force JT are equal respectively to the forces applied to the other faces ; that is, when Xa . Z = P.al, Xa .m — Q. am, Xa .n = R.an-^ that is, when X=P= Q=R. It has been stated that the stresses in a body may always be rep- resented by the combination of three longitudinal stresses at right angles to each other. Since a longitudinal stress may be replaced by a hydrostatic stress and two shearing stresses, it follows that any stress in a body may be replaced by a hydrostatic stress and a proper combination of shearing stresses. 102. Relations of Stress and Strain. Modulus of Elasticity. — When a body serves as the medium for the transmission of stress it experiences a deformation or strain, the type of strain depending upon the stress applied. The resistance offered by a body to de- formation is ascribed to its elasticity. If the body be deformed in a definite way by a given stress, and recover its original condition when the stress is removed, it is said to be perfectly elastic. If the deformation of a body do not exceed the limits within which it may be considered perfectly elastic, it may be proved by experiment that the strain is of the same type as the stress and proportional to it. This law was proved for certain cases by Hooke, and is known as Hoohe's Laxv. The ratio of the stress applied to the strain experienced by a unit of the body measures the elasticity of the substance com- posing the body. This ratio is called the modulus of elasticity of the body, or simply its elasticity; its reciprocal is the coefficient of elasticity. It is of course understood that the stress and strain are of the same type. Thus, for example, the voluminal elasticity of a fluid is measured by the ratio of any small change of pressure to the corresponding change of unit volume. The tractional elas- ticity of a wire stretched by a weight is measured by the ratio of any small change in the stretching weight to the corresponding change in unit length. Since all stresses may be reduced to hydrostatic stresses and S 1^^] MOLECULAE MECHANICS. 117 shearing stresses, and all strains to dilatations and shearing strains, the knowledge of the voluminal elasticity and of the elasticity ex- hibited during a shear, or the rigidity, is sufficient to describe the elasticity of the body under any form of stress. 103. Voluminal Elasticity.— Let a body of volume V be sub- jected to a uniform hydrostatic stress P, by which it undergoes a change of volume, given by v. From Hooke's law we know that, at least within certain limits of stress and consequent deformation, V and P are proportional. The dilatation or the change of the unit of volume is y. The modulus of elasticity in this case, or the vol- uminal elasticity of the body, is therefore — . The voluminal V elasticity is denoted by k. 104. Rigidity.— Let S be one of the tangential stresses which constitute a simple shearing stress, that is, a shearing stress of which the elements act in one plane; then the deformation pro- duced is a simple shear. The modulus of rigidity is measured by the ratio of the shearing stress to the amount of the shear (§ 98); it is denoted by n. The amount of the shear may be defined in a more convenient form as follows : Let us suppose that the rhombus A GDB (Pig. 38) has been strained by a simple shear into the , ■' '^ c c D E d' rhombus A C'D'B, and that this deformation \ — ] / is infinitesimal. The elongation of the diag- \ I ■ /y onal AD is then FD'. The triangle DFD' \ \ // is then an isosceles triangle, since the angle \ \ yy DFD' is a right angle, and the angle DD'F \/_ differs from half a right angle only by an in- * ^ finitesimal. Therefore i^lCVg = Z»Z»'. Now Pre- 38. AD, being the diagonal of a rhombus that is only infinitesimally dif- ferent from a square, is equal to BE V2; and therefore the amount of the shear, or ^^^ , equals , that is, equals twice the elonga- iion along the axis of the shear. 118 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 10& The modulus of rigidity is therefore equal to half the tangen- tial stress ^S" divided by the elongation of unit length along the axis of the shear. 105. Modulus of Voluminal Elasticity of Gases. — Within cer- tain limits of temperature and pressure, the volume of any gas, at constant temperature, is inversely as the pressure upon it. This law was discovered by Boyle in 1662, and was afterwards fully proved by Mariotte. It is known, from its discoverer, as Boyle's law. Thus, if p and p' represent different pressures, v and v' the cor- responding volumes of any gas at constant temperature, then pv = p'if. (45/ Now, p'v' is a constant which may be determined by choosing any pressure p' and the corresponding volume v' as standards : hence we may say, that, at any given temperature, the product pv is a constant. The limitations to this law will be noticed later. Let p and v represent the pressure and volume of a unit mass of gas at a constant temperature. A small increase Ap of the pres- sure will cause a diminution of volume Av; by Boyle's law we have the relation pv ^= {p -\- A'())(v — Av) =pv-\- vAp — pAv — ApAv. We may assume that the increment Ap is very small, in which case Jv will also be small; we may therefore, in the limit, neglect the product of these increments and obtain -~- = — . Now — is the Av v V Ap change of unit volume, and therefore — r-*' = ^ is the modulus of voluminal elasticity. The elasticity of a gas at constant tempera- ture is therefore equal to its pressure. 106. Modulus of Voluminal Elasticity of Liquids. — When liquids are subjected to voluminal compression, it is found that their modulus of elasticity is much greater than that of gases. For at least a limited range of pressures the modulus of elasticity of any one liquid is constant, the change in volume being proportional to § 106] MOLECULAR MECHANICS. 119 the change in the pressure. The modulus differs for different liquids. The instrument used to determine the modulus of elasticity of liquids is called a piezometer. The first form in which the instru- ment was devised by Oersted, while not the best for accurate deter- minations, may yet serve as a type. The liquid to be compressed is contained in a thin glass flask, the neck of which is a tube with a capillary bore. The flask is im- mersed in water contained in a strong glass vessel fitted with a water-tight metal cap, through which moves a piston. By the piston, pressure may be applied to the water, and through it to the flask and to the liquid contained in it. The end of the neck of the small flask is inserted downwards under the surface of a quantity of mercury which lies at the bottom of the stout vessel. The pressure is registered by means of a com- pressed-air manometer (§ 124) also inserted in the vessel. When the apparatus is arranged, and the piston depressed, a rise of the mercury in the neck of the flask occurs, which indicates that the water has been compressed. An error may arise in the use of this form of apparatus from the change in the capacity of the flask, due to the pressure. Oer- sted assumed, since the pressure on the interior and exterior walls was the same, that no change would occur. Poisson, however, showed that such a change would occur, and gave a formula by which it might be calculated. By introducing the proper correc- tions. Oersted's piezometer may be used with success. A different form of the instrument, employed by Kegnaulfc, is, however, to be preferred. In it, by an arrangement of stopcocks, it is possible to apply the pressure upon either the interior or ex- terior wall of the flask separately, or upon both together, and in this way to experimentally determine the correction to be applied for the change in the capacity of the flask. It is to be noted that the modulus of elasticity for liquids is so great, that, within the ordinary range of pressures, they may be 120 ELEMENTAKY PHYSICS. [§ 107 regarded as incompressible. Thus, for example, the alteration of volume for sea- water by the addition of the pressure of one atmos- phere is 0.000044. The change in volume, then, at a depth in the ocean of one kilometre, where the pressure is about 99.3 atmos- pheres, is 0.00437, or about 5-^ of the whole volume. 107. Modulus of Voluminal Elasticity of Solids. — The modulus of voluminal elasticity of solids is believed to be generally greater than that of liquids, though no reliable experimental results have yet been obtained. The modulus, as with liquids, difEers for difPerent bodies. 108. Elasticity of Traction. — The iirst experimental determina- tions of the relations between the elongation of a solid and a tension acting on it were made by Hooke in 1678. Experimenting with wires of different materials, he found that for small tractions the elongation is proportional to the stress. It was afterwards found that this law is true for small compressions. The ratio of the stretching weight to the elongation of unit length of a wire of unit section is the modulus of tr actional elas- ticity. For different wires it is found that the elongation is pro- portional to the length of the wires and inversely to their section. The formula embodying these facts is SI , ,„. e = — , (46) where e is the elongation, I the length, s the section of the wire, S the stretching weight, and ju the modulus of tractional elasticity. The behavior of a body under traction may be examined in the following way: We assume for convenience that the traction is applied to the upper and lower faces of a cube with sides of unit length. As already shown, the traction P is equivalent to a hydro- P static tension — - and two shearing stresses equivalent to two tensions P . . . P — in the direction of the traction, and a pressure — in each of two directions at right angles to this and to each other. The hvdro- f 109] MOLECULAR MECHANICS. 131 P static tension causes an increase of volume given by -^ . This is P •equivalent to an elongation of each side of the cube equal to ^, .since the changes of form are supposed infinitesimal (§ 98). One -of the shears produces an elongation between the upper and lower p faces equal to ^ — , and a negative elongation or contraction equal to P — between one pair of the other faces. The other shear produces an equal elongation between the upper and lower faces and an equal contraction between the remaining pair of faces. The total elonga- tion between the upper and lower faces is therefore P (-^ + - — J, xind the total contraction between either pair of the other faces is given by p(A^-gi). Since the two shears involved in the longitudinal traction cause no change of volume, the change of volume experienced by the body is due to the hydrostatic tension alone. It is therefore equal p to —f-. A body under longitudinal traction will therefore experi- otC €nce an increase of volume unless it is practically incompress- p ible, that is, unless the ratio ^ is negligible. 109. Elasticity of Torsion. — When a cylindrical wire, clamped at one end, is subjected at the other to the action of a couple, the axis of which is the axis of the cylinder, it is found that the amount of torsion, measured by the angle of displacement of the arm of the couple, is proportional to the moment of the couple, to the length of the wire, and inversely to the fourth power of its radius. It also depends on the modulus of rigidity. The relation among these magnitudes may be shown to be represented by the formula r=-^., (47) nnr 123 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 109 where t is the amount of torsion, I the length, r the radius of the wire, C the moment of couple, and n the modulus of rigidity. No general formula can be found for wires with sections of variable form. The laws of torsion in wires were first investigated by Coulomb, who applied them in the construction of an apparatus called the torsion balance, of great value for the measurement of small forces. The apparatus consists essentially of a small cylindrical wire, suspended firmly from the centre of a disk, upon which is cut a graduated circle. By the rotation of this disk any required amount of torsion may be given to the wire. On the other extremity of the wire is fixed, horizontally, a bar, to the ends of which the forces constituting the couple are applied. Arrangements are also made by which the angular deviation of this bar from the point of equilibrium may be determined. When forces are applied to the bar, it may be brought back to its former point of equilibrium by rotation of the upper disk. Let represent the moment oftorsinn; that is, the couple which, acting on an arm of unit length, will give the wire an amount of torsion equal to a radian, C the moment of couple acting on the bar, r the amount of torsion measured in radians; then C= 0r. We may find the value of © in absolute measure by a method of oscillations analogous to that used to determine g with the pendulum. A body of which the moment of inertia can be determined by calculation is substituted for the bar, and the time T of one of its oscillations about the position of equilibrium observed. Since the amount of torsion is proportional to the moment of couple, the oscillating body has a simple harmonic motion. The angular acceleration a of the oscillating body is given by the equation C = &t =^ la {% 39). Now, since every point in the body has a simple harmonic motion, in which its displacement is proportional to its acceleration, and since its displacement and ac- celeration are proportional respectively to the angular displacement r and the angular acceleration a, we may set a = -^r. Making § 111] MOLECULAR MECHAN'IOS. 123 this substitution, we obtain © = -^, or = ^, (48) if we observe the single instead of the double oscillation. The torsion balance may therefore be used to measure forces in absolute units. If the value of just obtained be substituted in equation (47), we obtain 30Z "inn n — — I = — rjT-- (49) 7ir rH ^ ' Since all these magnitudes may be expressed in absolute units, we may obtain the value of n, the rigidity, by observing the oscilla- tions of a wire of known dimensions, carrying a body of which the moment of inertia is known. 110. Elasticity of Flexure. — If a rectangular bar be clamped by one end, and acted on at the other by a force normal to one of its sides, it will be bent or flexed. The amount of flexure — that is, the amount of displacement of the extremity of the bar from its origi- nal position — is found to be proportional to the force, to the cube of the length of the bar, and inversely to its breadth, to the cube of its thickness, and to the modulus of tractional elasticity. The formula expressing the relations of these magnitudes is f=^-^ (50) 111. limits of Elasticity. — The theoretical deductions and empirical formulas which we have hitherto been considering are strictly applicable only to perfectly elastic bodies. It is found that the voluminal elasticity of fluids is perfect, and that within certain limits of deformation, varying for different bodies, we may consider both the voluminal elasticity and the rigidity of solids to be prac- tically perfect for every kind of strain. If the strain be carried beyond the limits of perfect elasticity, the body is permanently de- formed. This permanent deformation is called set. 124 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 111 Upon these facts we may base a distinction between solids and fluids : a solid requires the stress acting on it to exceed a certain limit before any permanent set occurs, and it makes no difference how long the stress acts, provided it lies within the limit. A fluid, on the contrary, may be permanently deformed by the slightest .shearing stress, provided time enough be allowed for the movement to take place. The fundamental difference lies in the fact that fluids have no rigidity and offer no resistance to shearing stress other than that due to internal friction or viscosity. A solid, if it be deformed by a slight stress, is soft; if only by a great stress, is hard or rigid. A fluid, if deformed quickly by .any stress, is moMle ; if slowly, is viscous. It must not be understood, however, that the behavior of elastic solids under stress is entirely independent of time. If, for example, a steel wire be stretched by a weight which is nearly, but not quite, .sufficient to produce an immediate set, it is found that, after some time has elapsed, the wire acquires a permanent set. If, on the other hand, a weight be put upon the wire somewhat less than is required to break it, by allowing intervals of time to elapse between the suc- cessive additions of small weights, the total weight supported by the wire may be raised considerably above the breaking -weight. If the weight stretching the wire be removed, the return to its origi- nal form is not immediate, but gradual. If the wire carrying the weight be twisted, and the weight set oscillating by the torsion of the wire, it is found that the oscillations die away faster than can be explained by any imperfections in the elasticity of the wire. These and similar phenomena are manifestly dependent upon peculiarities of molecular arrangement and motion. The last two .are exhibitions of the so-called viscosity of solids. The molecules of solids, just as those of liquids, move among themselves, but with a certain amount of frictional resistance. This resistance causes the external work done by the body to be diminished, and the in- iernal work done among the molecules becomes transformed into heat. CHAPTER IV. MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 112. Pascal's Law. — A ^perfect fixiid may be defined as a bodj which ofEers no resistance to shearing-stress. No actual fluids are- perfect. Even those which approximate that condition most nearly,. ofEer resistance to shearing-stress, due to their viscosity. With most however, a very short time only is needed for this resistance to- vanish; and all mobile fluids at rest can be dealt with as if they were perfect, in determining the conditions of equilibrium. If they are in motion, their viscosity becomes a more important factor. As a consequence of this definition of a perfect fluid follows a most important deduction. In a fluid in equilibrium, not acted on by any outside forces except the pressure of the containing vessel, the pressure at every point and in every direction is the same. This law was first stated by Pascal, and is known as Pascal's law. The truth of Pascal's law appears at once from what has been proved about hydrostatic stress (§ 101). For since the fluid ofEers no resistance to a shearing stress, the only stress within it on any surface must be perpendicular to that surface, and hence has the same value in all directions at a point. To compare the pressure at any two points we draw a line joining them, and, with it as an axis, describe a right cylinder with an infinitesimal radius, and through the two points take cross-sections normal to the axis. Then the pressures on the cylindrical surface being everywhere nor- mal to it, have no tendency to move it in the direction of its axis, and since it is in equilibrium, the presspres on its end surfaces must be equal. 135 126 BLEMENTAET PHYSICS. [§ 113 If a vessel filled with a fluid be fitted with a number of pis- tons of equal area A, and a force Ap be applied to one of them, acting inwards, a pressure Ap will act outwards upon the face of each of the pistons. These pressures may be balanced by a force applied to each piston. If n -\- 1 be the number of the pistons, the outward pressure on n of them, caused by the force applied to one, is up A. The fiuid will be in equilibrium when a pressure p is acting on unit area of each piston. It is plain that the same reasoning will hold if the area of one of the pistons be A and of another be nA. A pressure Ap on the one will balance a pressure of nAp on the other. This principle governs the action of the hydrostatic press. 113. Relations of Fluid Pressures due to Outside Forces. — If forces, such as gravitation, act on the mass of a fluid from with- out, Pascal's law no longer holds true. For, suppose the fluid to be acted on by gravity, and consider a cylinder of the fluid, the axis of which is vertical, and which is terminated by two normal cross-sections. The pressure on the cylindrical surface, being everywhere normal to it, has no efiect in sustaining the weight of the cylinder. The weight is sustained wholly by the pressure on the lower cross-section, and must be equal to the difEerence be- tween that pressure and the pressure on the upper cross-section. As the height of the cylinder may be made as small as we please, it appears that, in the limit, the pressure on the two cross-sections only differs by an inflnitesimal; that is, the pressure in a fluid acted on by outside forces is the same at one point for all direc- tions, but varies continuously for different points. If, in a fluid acted on by gravity, a surface be considered which is everywhere perpendicular to the lines of gravitational force, the pressure at every point in this surface is the same. To show this we draw a line in the surface between any two points of it, and construct around it as axis .a cylinder terminated at the chosen points by end-surfaces drawn normal to the axis. The pressures on the cylindrical surface,- being normal to it, occasion resultant § 113] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 127 forces which are everywhere in the opposite direction to the gravi- tational force and make equilibrium with it. The cylinder being in equilibrium, by hypothesis, the forces on the end surfaces, which alone can produce movement in the direction of the axis, must also be equal, and the pressures on those surfaces are therefore equal. Surfaces of equal pressure are equipotential surfaces; in small masses of liquid they are horizontal planes; in larger masses, such as the oceans, they are curved so as to be always at right angles to the divergent lines of force. The surface of separation between two fluids of different den- sities in a field in which the lines of gravitational force may be supposed parallel is a horizontal plane. For, take two points, a and c, in the same horizontal plane in the lower fluid, and from them draw equal vertical lines terminated at the points b and d, respectively, in the upper fluid. The horizontal planes containing a and c, t and d, respectively, are surfaces of equal pressure. Now -with these lines as axes construct right cylinders with the same small radius and terminated by equal cross-sections in the upper and lower horizontal planes. The pressures on the cylindrical surfaces, being everywhere normal to them, will have no effect in sustaining the weights of these cylinders. Their weights are sustained by the difference in pressure between the upper and lower cross-sections, and, since these cross-sections are in surfaces of equal pressure, the difference of pressure is the same for both cylinders, and the weights of the cylinders are therefore equal. By the construction the cylinders contain portions of both the fluids, and since these fluids are of different densities the weights in the cylinders can only be the same when each cylinder contains the same quantity of each fluid, that is, when the surface of separation between the fluids is parallel with the planes which contain the end cross-sec- tions. The surface of separation is therefore also a horizontal plane. This theorem may be extended so as to prove that the sur- face of separation between two fluids in any gravitational field is at right angles to the lines of gravitational force, or is an equipoten- tial surface. 138 ELEMENTABT PHYSICS. [§ 113 In an incompressible fluid or liquid the pressure at any point is proportional to its depth below the surface. For, the weight of a column of the liquid contained in a vertical cylinder, terminated by the free surface and by a horizontal cross-section containing the point, is manifestly proportional to the height of the cylinder j and this weight is sustained by the pressure on the lower end cross-sec- tion, which must therefore be proportional to the height of the cylinder. If the height of the cylinder be Ji and the area of its cross-section s, and if the density of the liquid be D, the weight of the column is Dshg. If p represent the pressure at the base, the upward forc& on the base i&ps; so that we have p = Dhg. (51) From the foregoing principles it is evident that a liquid con- tained in two communicating vessels of any shape whatever, will stand at the same level in both. If, however, a liquid like mercury be contained in the vessels, and if another liquid, like water, which does not mix with it, be poured into one of the vessels, the surface of separation will sink, and the free surface in the other vessel will rise to a certain point. If a horizontal plane be passed through the surface of separation between the two liquids, the pressures at all points of it within the liquids, in both vessels, will be the same. These pressures, which are due to the superincumbent columns of liquid in the two vessels, are given by Dgh and D'gh', and since they are equal, we have Dh = D'h'; that is, the heights of the two columns above the horizontal plane passing through the surface of separation are inversely as the densities of the liquids. There is nothing in this demonstration which requires us to- consider both the columns as liquid : one of them may be of any fluid, and equilibrium will obtain when the pressure exerted by that fluid on the surface of separation is equal to the pressure ex- erted by the column of liquid in the other vessel on the horizontal plane containing the surface of separation ; so that, if we know the § 114] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 139: density and the height of the liquid column, the pressure exerted by the fluid may be measured. 114. The Barometer.— The instrument which illustrates these principles, and is also of great importance in many physical inves- tigations, is the barometer. It was invented by Torricelli, a pupil of Galileo. The fact that water can be raised in a tube in which a complete or partial vacuum has been made was known to the ancients, and was explained by them, and by the schoolmen after them, by the maxim that " Nature abhors a vacuum." They must have been familiar with the action of pumps, for the force-pump, a- far more complicated instrument, was invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria, who lived during the second century B.C. It was not until the time of Galileo, however, that the first recorded observa- tions were made that the column of water in a pump rises only to a height of about 10.5 metres. Galileo failed to give the true ex- planation of this fact. He had, however, taught that the air has weight; and his pupil Torricelli, using that principle, was more successful. He showed, that if a glass tube sealed at one end, over 760 millimetres long, were filled with mercury, the open end stopped with the finger, the tube inverted, and the unsealed end plunged beneath a surface of mercury in a basin, on withdrawing the finger the mercury in the tube sank until its top surface was about 760 millimetres above the surface of the mercury in the basin. The specific gravity of the mercury being 13.59, the pressure of the mercury column and that of the water column in the pump agreed so nearly as to show that the maintenance of the columns in both cases was due to a common cause, — the pressure of the atmosphere. This conclusion was subsequently verified and established by Pas- cal, who requested a friend to observe the height of the mercury column at the bottom and at the top of a mountain. On making the observation, the height of the column at the top was found to be less than at the bottom. Pascal himself afterwards observed a slight though distinct diminution in the height of the column on ascending the tower of St. Jacques de la Boucherie in Paris, 130 BLBMEN-TARY PHYSICS. [§ 114 The form of barometer first made by Torricelli is still often used, especially when the instrument is stationary, and is intended to be one of precision. In the finest instruments of this class a tube is used which is three or four centimetres in diameter, so as to avoid the correction for capillarity. A screw of known length, pointed at both ends, is arranged so as to move vertically above the surface of the mercury in the cistern. When an observation is to be made, the screw is moved until its lower point just touches the surface. The distance between its upper point and the top of the column is measured by means of a cathetometer; and. this dis- tance, added to the length of the screw, gives the height of the column. Other forms of the instrument are used, most of which are arranged with reference to convenient transportability. Various contrivances are added by means of which the column is made to move an index, and thus record the pressure on a graduated scale. All these forms are only modifications of Torricelli's original in- strument. The pressure indicated by the barometer is usually stated in terms of the height of the column. Mercury being practically in- compressible, this height is manifestly proportional to the pressure at any point in the surface of the mercury in the cistern. The pressure on any given area in that surface can be calculated if we know the value of g at the place and the specific gravity of mer- cury, as well as the height of the column. The standard baro- metric pressure, represented by 760 millimetres of mercury, is a pressure of 1.033 kilograms on every square centimetre. It is called a pressure of one atmosphere ; and pressures are often meas- ured by atmospheres. In the preparation of an accurate barometer it is necessary that all air be removed from the mercury; otherwise it will collect in the upper part of the tube, by its pressure lower the top of the column, and make the barometer read too low. The air is removed by partially filling the tube with mercury, which is then boiled in the tube, gradually adding small quantities of mercury, and boiling § 117] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 131 iifter each addition, until the tube is filled. The boiling must not be carried too far; for there is danger, in this process, of expelling the air so completely that the mercury will adhere to the sides of the tube, and will not move freely. For rough work the tube may be filled with cold mercury, and the air removed by gently tapping the tube, so inclining it that the small bubbles of air which form can coalesce, and finally be set free at the surface of the mercury. 115. Archimedes' Principle. — If a solid be immersed in a fluid, it loses in weight an amount equal to the weight of the fluid dis- placed. This law is known, from its discoverer, as Archimedes' principle. The truth of thjs law will appear if we consider the space in the fluid which is afterwards occupied by the solid. The fluid in this space will be in equilibrium, and the upward pressure on it must exceed the downward pressure by an amount equal to its weight. The resultant of the pressure acts through the centre of gravity of the assumed portion of fluid, otherwise equilibrium would not exist. If, now, the solid occupy the space, the differ- ence between the upward and the downward pressures on it must «till be the same as before,— namely, the weight of the fluid dis- placed by the solid; that is, the solid loses in apparent weight an amount equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. 116. Floating Bodies. — When the solid floats on the fluid, the weight of the solid is balanced by the upward pressure. In order that the solid shall be in equilibrium, these forces must act in the same line. The resultant of the pressure, which lies in the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid, must pass through the centre of gravity of the solid. Draw the line in the solid joining these two centres, and call it the axis of the solid. The equilibrium is stable when, for any infinitesimal inclination of the axis from the vertical, the vertical line of upward pressure cuts the axis in a point above the centre of gravity of the solid. This point is called the metacentre. 117. Specific Gravity.— Archimedes' principle is used to deter- mine the 'specific gravity of bodies. The specific gravity of a body 133 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 117 is defined as the ratio of its weight to the weight of an equal volume of pure water at a standard temperature. The specific gravity of a solid that is not acted on by water may be determined by means of the hydrostatic balance. The body under examination, if it will sink in water, is suspended from one scale-pan of a balance by a fine thread, and is weighed. It is then immersed in water, and is weighed again. The difference between the weights in air and in water is the weight of the dis- placed water, and the ratio of the weight of the body to the weight of the displaced water is the specific gravity of the body. If the body will not sink in water, a sinker of unknown weight and specific gravity is suspended from the balance, and counter- poised in water. Then the body, the specific gravity of which is sought, is attached to the sinker, and it is found that the equilib- rium is destroyed. To restore it, weights must be added to the same side. These, being added to the weight of the body, repre- sent the weight of the water displaced. The specific gravity of a liquid is obtained by first balancing in air a mass of some solid, such as platinum or glass, that is not acted on chemically by the liquid, and then immersing the mass succes- sively in the liquid to be tested and in water. The ratio of the weights which must be used to restore equilibrium in each case is the specific gravity of the liquid. The specific gravity of a liquid may also be found by means of the specific gravity bottle. This is a bottle fitted with a ground- glass stopper. The weight of the water which completely fills it is determined once for all. When the specific gravity of any liquid is desired, the bottle is filled with the liquid, and the weight of the liquid determined. The ratio of this weight to the weight of an equal volume of water is the specific gravity of the liquid. The same bottle may be used to determine the specific gravity of any solid which cannot be obtained in continuous masses, but is friable or granular. A weighed amount of the solid is introduced into the bottle, which is then filled with water, and the weight of the joint contents of the bottle determined. The difference § 117] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 133 between the last weight and the sum of the weights of the solid and of the water filling the bottle is the weight of the water dis- placed by the solid. The ratio of the weight of the solid to the weight thus obtained is the specific gravity of the solid. The specific gravity of a liquid may also be obtained by means of hydrometers. These are of two kinds — the hydrometers of con- stant weight and those of constant volume. The first consists usually of a glass bulb surmounted by a cylindrical stem. The bulb is weighted, so as to sink in pure water to some definite point on the stem. This point is taken as the zero; and, by successive trials with different liquids of known specific gravity, points are found on the stem to which the hydrometer sinks in these liquids. With these as a basis, the divisions of the scale are determined and cut on the stem. The hydrometer of constant volume consists of a bulb weighted so as to stand upright in the liquid, bearing on the top of a narrow stem a small pan, in which weights may be placed. The weight of the hydrometer being known, it is immersed in water; and, by the addition of weights in the pan, a fixed point on the stem is brought to coincide with the surface of the water. The instrument is then transferred to the liquid to be tested, and the weights in the pan changed until the fixed point again comes to the surface of the liquid. The sum of the weight of the hydrometer and the weights added in each case gives the weight of equal volumes of water and of the liquid, from which the specific gravity sought is easily obtained. The specific gravity of gases is often referred to air or to hydro- gen instead of water. It is best determined by filling a large glass flask, of known weight, with the gas, the specific gravity of which is to be obtained, and weighing it, noting the temperature and the pressure of the gas in the flask. The weight of the gas at the standard temperature and pressure is then calculated, and the ratio ■of this weight to the weight of the same volume of the standard gas is the specific gi-avity desired. The weight of the flask used in i*is experiment must be very exactly determmed. The presence 134 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 118 of the air vitiates all weighings performed in it, by diminishing the true weight of the body to be weighed and of the weights employed, by an amount proportional to their volumes. The con- sequent error is avoided either by performing the weighings in a vacuum produced by the air-pump, or by correcting the apparent weight in air to the true weight. Knowing the specific gravity of the weights and of the body to be weighed, and the specific gravity of air, this can easily be done. 118. Motions of Fluids. — If the parts of the fluid be moving relatively to each other or to its bounding-snrface, the circum- stances of the motion can be determined only by making limitations which are not actually found in Nature. There thus arise certain definitions to which we assume that the fluid under consideration conforms. The motion of a fluid is said to be uniform when each element of it has the same velocity at all points of its path. The motion is steady when, at any one point, the velocity and direction of motion of the elements successively arriving at that point remain the same for each element. If either the velocity or direction of motion change for successive elements, the motion is said to be varying. The motion is further said to be rotational or irrotational accord- ing as the elements of the fluid have or have not an angular veloc- ity about their axes. In all discussions of the motions of fluids a condition is sup- posed to hold, called the condition of continuity. It is assumed that, in any volume selected in the fluid, the change of density in that volume depends solely on the difference between the amounts of fluid flowing into and out of that volume. In an incompressi- ble fluid, or liquid, if the influx be reckoned plus and the efflux minus, we have, letting Q represent the amount of the liquid passing through the boundary in any one direction, 2Q = 0. The results obtained in the discussion of fluid motions must all be interpreted consistently with this condition. If the motion be such that the fluid breaks up into discontinuous parts, any results obtained by hydrodynamical considerations no longer hold true. § 119] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 135 If we consider any stream of incompressible fluid, of which the cross-sections at two points where the velocities of the elements are v^ and r, have respectively the areas J, and A^, we can deduce at once from the condition of continuity A^v^ - A.^v,. (52) 119. Velocity of Efflux.— We shall now apply this principle to discover the velocity of efflux of a liquid from an orifice in the walls of a vessel. Consider any small portion of the liquid, bounded by stream lines, which we may call a filament.- Eepresent the velocity of the filament at B (Pig. 39) by v^ , and at G by v, and the areas of the cross-sections of the fila- ment at the same points by Ai and A. We have then, as above, A^v^ = Av. We assume ' that the flow has been established for a time sufficiently long for the motion to become steady. The energy of the mass contained in the filament between B and C is, therefore, constant. Let T", represent the potential or the potential energy of unit mass at B due to gravity, V the potential at C, and d the density of the liquid. The mass that enters at ^ in a unit of time or the rate at which mass enters at B is dA^v^. The rate at which mass goes out at is the equal quantity dAv. The energy entering at B is dA^v^(^v^^ -\-V^),th.e energy passing out at Cis dAv{iv' + V). If the pressures at B and C on unit areas be expressed hj p^ and p, the rate at which work is done at B on the entering mass by the pressure p, is p.A^v., and at C on the outgoing mass is pAv. This may be seen by considering the cross-section of the filament at C. The pressure p acting on each unit of area of that cross- section is equivalent to a force pA, and v is the rate at which the cross-section moves forward, so that pAv is the rate at which the pressure does work. The energy within the filament remaining constant, the incoming must equal the outgoing energy; therefore 136 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 119 pAv + dAv{iv' +V) = p,A,v, + dA.v.ilv,'- + F,), whence, since A,v, = Av, we have | + i*^' + ^ = f + i^.'+ ^'• By using again the relation A^v^ = Av, this equation becomes iv\l-^^^{V^-V)+P^. (53) To apply equation (53) to the case of a liquid flowing freely into air from an orifice at G, we observe that the difference of potential (^V^—V) equals the work done in carrying a gram from C to 5 or equals g{h — A,), where h represents the height of the surface above G, and A, that of the surface above B. Further we have p^ — p^ + dgh^, where p^ is the atmospheric pressure. At the orifice p I A^\ equals <■ We have then ^v'\l - -j-\ = g{h — h;) + gh^ = gli, whence v'' = — ^--r^ . If, now, A becomes indefinitely small as 1- — a: compared with ^, , in the limit the velocity at C becomes ■0 =-- V2gh ; (54) that is, the velocity of efflux of a small stream issuing from an ori- fice in the wall of a vessel is independent of the density of the liquid, and is equal to the velocity which a body would acquire in falling freely through a distance equal to that between the surface of the liquid and the orifice. This theorem was first given by Torricelli from considerations based on experiment, and is known as Torricelli's theorem. Its demonstration is due to Daniel Bernoulli. We may apply the general equation to the case of the efflux of a liquid through a siphon. A siphon is a bent tube which is used to convey a liquid by its own weight over a barrier. One end of the siphon is immersed in the liquid, and the discharging end, which must be below the level of the liquid, opens on the other side of § U9J MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 137 the barrier. To set the siphon in operation it must be first filled ■with the liquid, alter which a steady flow is maintained. A' In this ease, as before, we may set —— ^ = 0, v^= 0, p and p^ both =Pa> and ( F, — V) = gl, where I is the distance between the surface level and the discharging orifice. The velocity be- comes V = V'Zgl. The siphon, therefore, discharges more rapidly the greater the distance between the surface level and the orifice. It is manifest that the height of the bend in the tube cannot be greater than that at which atmospheric pressure would support the liquid. The flow of a liquid into the vacuum formed in the tube of an -ordinary pump may also be discussed by the same equation. The pump consists essentially of a tube, fitted near the bottom with a partition, in which is a valve opening upwards. In the tube slides a, tightly fitting piston, in which is a valve, also opening upwards. The piston is first driven down to the partition in the tube, and the enclosed air escapes through the valve in the piston. When the piston is raised, the liquid in which the lower end of the tube is immersed passes through the valve in the partition, rises in the tube and fills the space left behind the piston. When the piston is again lowered, the space above it is filled with the liquid, which is lifted out of the tube at the next up-stroke. To determine the velocity of the liquid following the piston, -we notice that in this case p, = Pa and ^ = if the piston move iipward very rapidly, ( F, — V) = — gh, where h is the height of the top of the liquid column above the free surface in the reser- voir, and — again = 0. We then have i^' = j^ ~ 9^- The velocity when }i = Q\%v— \ -j" • ^^^^n h is such that dgh — Pa, V — Q, which expresses the condition of equilibrium. The equation v = 'y -j" expresses, more generally, the velocity 13S ELBMENTAEY PHYSICS. [§11^ of efflux, through a small orifice, of any fluid of density d, from a region in which it is under a constant pressure p^, into a vacuum. Torricelli's theorem is shown to be approximately true by al- lowing liquids to run from an orifice in the side of a vessel, and measuring the path of the stream. If the theorem be true, this ought to be a parabola, of which the intersection of the plane of the stream and of the surface of the liquid is the directrix; for each portion of the liquid, after it has passed the orifice, will behave as a solid body, and move in a parabolic path. The equation of this path is found, as in § 52, to be a;" = y. Now by Torricelli's theorem we may substitute for v' its value '^gh, whence a;' = — ihy. In this equation, since the initial movement of the stream is sup- posed to be horizontal, the perpendicular line through the orifice being the axis of the parabola, and the orifice being the origin, Ji is the distance from the orifice to the directrix. Experiments of this kind have been frequently tried, and the results found to approximate more nearly to the theoretical as various causes of error were removed. When, however, we attempt to calculate the amount of liquid discharged in a given time, there is found to be a wider discre- pancy between the results of calculation and the observed facts. Newton first noticed that the diameter of the Jet at a short distance from the orifice is less than that of the orifice. He showed this to be a consequence of the freedom of motion among the particles in the vessel. The particles fiow from all directions towards the ori- fice, those moving from the sides necessarily issuing in streams in- clined towards the axis of the jet. Newton showed that by taking the diameter of the narrow part of the jet, which is called the vena contracta, as the diameter of the orifice, the calculated amount of liquid escaping agreed far more closely with theory. When the orifice is fitted with a short cylindrical tube, the in- terference of the different particles of the liquid is in some degree lessened, and the quantity discharged increases nearly to that re- quired by theory. §120] MECHAN^ICS OF FLUIDS. 139 120. Diminution of Pressure.— The Sprengel air-pump, an im- portant piece of apparatus to be described hereafter, depends for its operation on the diminution of pressure at points along the line of a flowing column of liquid. Let us consider a large reservoir filled with liquid, which runs from it by a vertical tube entering the bottom of the reservoir. Prom equation (53) the value of p, the pressure at any point in the tube, is p = p^ + (^i — 1^)<^ \Av (-9- The ratio -J-., may be set equal to zero. If h (Fig. 40) represent the Fig. 40. height of the upper surface above the point in the tube at which we desire to find the pressure, then ( F, — V) — gh. We then have j[> = ^„ -(- dgh — ^dv\ If the tube be always filled with the liquid, Av = A^v„, where A and A, represent the areas of the cross-sections of the tube at the point we are considering and at the bottom of the tube, and v and w, represent the corresponding velocities. Further, «„" = 2gh^ if 7t„ represent the distance from the upper surface to the bottom of the tube. We obtain, by sub- stitution, do A' P=Pa-\- dgi^o-^K). (55) If Ji equal -A-^n, we have p = Pa'> a^nd if ^t^ opening be made in the wall of the tube, the moving liquid and the air will be in equi- A ' librium. If h be less than -rr^c the pressure p will be less than Pa, and air will flow into the tube. Since this inequality exists when ^„ = J, it follows that, if a liquid flow from a reservoir down a cylindrical tube, the pressure at any point in the wall of the tube is less than the atmospheric pressure by an amount equal to the pressure of a column of the liquid, the height of which is equal to the distance between the point considered and the bottom of the tube. 140 ELMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 131 121. Waves. — "When a disturbance is set up at a point in the free surface of a liquid, it moves over the surface of the liquid as a wave or series of waves. Each wave consists of a crest or elevated portion and a hollow or depressed portion of approximately equal length, and the distance from a particle at the summit of one crest to a particle at the summit of the next succeeding crest, or the distance between particles in successive waves which are in the same condition of motion, is called a ivave length. A line which is drawn along the crest of any one wave or through the par- ticles in that wave which are in the same condition of motion, and which at every point is at right angles to the direction in which the wave is propagated, may be called the wave front. The formation of waves is explained by inequalities of hydro- rstatic pressure arising in the liquid if by any cause one part of it be elevated above the rest. H. and W. AVeber examined the peculi- arities of waves in water and the motions of the water particles in them by the aid of a long trough with glass sides; by immersing one end of a glass tube below the surface, raising a column of water in it a few centimetres high by suction, and allowing it to fall, they excited a series of waves which proceeded down the trough and could be examined through the sides. The motions of the particles in the wave were studied by scattering through the water small fragments of amber, which were so nearly of the same specific gravity as the water that they remained suspended without motion except during the passage of the wave, and took part in the motion ex- cited by the wave as if they had been particles of water. It was found that the wave motion was a form of motion transferred from ■one portion to another of the water, and did not involve a displace- ment of the particles concerned in it, — at least when the successive waves had the same wave length. In that case — which is the typi- cal one — the particles in the surface of the water described closed curves, which were elliptical or circular in form, the diameter of the circle being equal to the vertical distance between the crest and the hollow or the height of the wave. In the upper part of the «ircle the particle moved in the direction in which the wave was § 121] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 141 moving, in the lower part of the circle in the opposite direction^ The velocity of the wave was found to be dependent on its height and on the period of oscillation in the wave, and to be independent of the density of the liquid. The disturbance of the liquid by the wave is not merely on the surface, but extends to a considerable depth; as the depth increases the elliptic paths of the particles approach more and more closely to short horizontal lines. The theory of these waves is extremely complicated, and has not yet been satisfactorily worked out; but we can indicate in a general way their causes and the mode of their propagation. Imagine a small hillock of water elevated at some print in the surface, and consider a particle at the base of this hillock; the hydrostatic pressure arising from the elevated column near it will tend to move it upward and outward from the centre of the hillock. It will ac- cordingly begin to move in the upper half of its circular path and in the direction in which the wave is propagated ; the precise form of its path being determined by the changes of pressure which it experiences and by its inertia. Since the pressure which sets it in motion will be different for different heights of the hillock which gives rise to it, the velocity of the particles, and therefore also the velocity of the wave, will depend on the height of the wave, being greater as this is greater; the velocity of the wave is also greater as the wave length is greater. Since the pressure behind the particle and the inertia are both proportional to the density of the liquid, it is evident that the acceleration of the particle will be the same under similar circumstances, whatever be its density, s& that the velocity of the wave should not depend on the density of the liquid. The form of a wave is greatly modified by the character of the- channel in which it moves, on account of the motion of the parti- cles extending to a considerable depth, and on account of their viscosity. On the free surface of a large and very deep body of water the successive waves have the same form; the slope of the crest is a little steeper than the slope of the hollow, and its length is less than that of the hollow. As the depth decreases, the slope 142 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 132 of the front of the crest becomes still steeper because of the re- straint which then is imposed upon the movement of the particles in the lower half of their paths, and at last the forward motion in the crest so much predominates that the wave curls over and breaks. 122. Vortices. — A series of most interesting results has been ob- tained by Helmholtz, Thomson, and others, from the discussion of the rotational motions of fluids. Though the proofs are of such a nature that they cannot be presented here, the results are so im- portant that they will be briefly stated. A vortex line is deflned as the line which coincides at every point with the instantaneous axis of rotation of the fluid element at that point. A vortex filament is any portion of the fluid bounded by vortex lines. A vortex is a vortex filament which has " contiguous to it over its whole boundary irrotationally moving fluid." The theorems relating to this form of motion, as first proved by Helmholtz, in 1868, show that, — (1) A vortex in a perfect fluid always contains the same fluid elements, no matter what its motion through the surrounding fluid may be. (2) The strength of a vortex, which is the product of its angu- lar velocity by its cross-section, is constant; therefore the vortex in an infinite fluid must always be a closed curve, which, however, may be knotted and twisted in any way whatever. (3) In a finite fluid the vortex may be open, its two ends termi- nating in the surface of the fluid. (4) The irrotationally moving fluid around a vortex has a mo- tion due to its presence, and transmits the influence of the motion of one vortex to another. (5) If the vortices considered be infinitely long and rectilinear, any one of them, if alone in the fluid, will remain fixed in position. (6) If two such vortices be present parallel to one another, they revolve about their common centre of. mass. (7) If the vortices be circular, any one of them, if alone, moves with a constant velocity along its axis, at right angles to the plane § 123] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 143 of the circle, in the direction of the motion of the fluid rotating on the inner surface of the ring. (8) The fluid encircled by the ring moves along its axis in the •direction of the motion of the ring, and with a greater velocity. (9) If two circular vortices move along the same axis, one fol- lowing the other, the one in the rear moves faster, and diminishes in diameter; the one in advance moves slower, and increases in diameter. If the strength and size of the two be nearly equal, the one in the rear overtakes the other, and passes through it. The two now having changed places, the action is repeated in- definitely. (10) If two circular vortices of equal strength move along the same axis toward one another, the velocities of both gradually de- crease and their diameters increase. The same result follows if one «uch vortex move toward a solid barrier. The preceding statements apply only to vortices set up in a perfect fluid. They may, however, be illustrated by experiment. To produce circular vortices in the air, we use a box which has one of its ends flexible. A circular opening is cut in the opposite end. The box is filled with smoke or with finely divided sal-ammoniac, resulting from the combination of the vapors of ammonia and hy- drochloric acid. On striking the flexible end of the box smoke- Tings are at once sent out. The smoke-ring is easily seen to be made up of particles revolv- ing about a central core in the form of a ring. With such rings many of the preceding statements may be verified. An illustration of the open vortex is seen when an oar-blade is drawn through the water. By making such open vortices, using a -circular disk, many of the observations with the smoke-rings may be repeated in another form. 123. Air-pumps. — The fact that gases, unlike liquids, are easily compressed, and obey Boyle's law under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure, underlies the construction and operation of several pieces of apparatus employed in physical investigations. The most important of these is the air-pump. 144 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 125 The working portion of the air-pump is constructed essentially like the common lifting-pump already described. The valves must be light and accurately fitted. The vessel from which the air is to- be exhausted is joined to the pump by a tube, the orifice of which is closed by the valve in the bottom of the cylinder. A special form of vessel much used in connection with the air- pump is called the receiver. It is usually a glass cylinder, open at one end and closed by a hemispherical portion at the other. The edge of the cylinder at the open end is ground perfectly true, so that all points in it are in the same plane. This ground edge fits upon a plane surface of roughened brass, or ground glass, called the plate, through which enters the tube which joins the receiver to the cylinder of the pump. The joint between the receiver and- the plate is made tight by a little oil or vaseline. The action of the pump is as follows : As the piston is raised,, the pressure on the upper surface of the valve in the cylinder is diminished, and the air in the vessel expands in accordance with Boyle's law, lifts the valve, and distributes itself in the cylinder, so that the pressure at all points in the vessel and the cylinder is the same. The piston is now forced down, the lower valve is closed by the increased pressure on its upper surface, the valve in the piston is opened, and the air in the cylinder escapes. At each successive stroke of the pump this process is repeated, until the pressure of the remnant of air left in the vessel is no longer sufficient to lift the valves. The density of the air left in the vessel after a given number of strokes is determined, provided there be no leakage, by the relations of the volumes of the vessel and the cylinder. Let V represent the volume of the vessel, and C that of the cylinder when the piston is raised to the full extent of the stroke. Let d and c?, respectively represent the density of the air in the vessel before and after one stroke has been made. After one down and one up stroke have been made, the air which filled th,e volume Fnow fills V -\- O. It follows that ^ = As this ratio is §123] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 145 constant no matter what density may be considered, it follows that, if dn represent the density after n strokes, V I -\v+c) ■ As this fraction cannot vanish until n becomes infinite, it is plain that a perfect vacuum can never, even theoretically, be obtained by means of the air-pump. If, however, the cylinder be large, the fraction decreases rapidly, and a few strokes are sufficient to bring the density to such a point that either the pressure is insufficient to lift the valves, or the leakage through the various joints of the pump counterbalances the effect of longer pumping. In the best air pumps the valves are made to open automati- FiG. 41. cally. In Fig. 41 is represented one of the methods by which this is accomplished. They can then be made heavier and with a larger surface of contact, so that the leakage is diminished, and the limit of the useful action of the pump is much extended. With the best pumps of this sort a pressure of half a millimetre of mercury is reached. The Sprengel air-pump depends for its action upon the princi- 146 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 124 pie, discussed in § 120, that a stream of liquid running down a cylinder diminishes the pressure upon its walls. In the Sprengel pump the liquid used is mercury. It runs from a large vessel down a glass tube, into the wall of which, at a distance from the bottom of the tube of more than 760 millimetres, enters the tube which connects with the receiver. The lower end of the vertical tube dips into mercury, which prevents air from passing up along the walls of the tube. When the stream of mercury first begins to flow, the air enters the column from the receiver, in consequence of the diminished pressure, passes down with the mercury in large bub- bles, and emerges at the bottom of the tube. As the exhaustion proceeds, the bubbles become smaller and less frequent, and the mercury falls in the tube with a sharp, metallic sound. It is evi- dent that, as in the case of the ordinary air-pump, a perfect vacuum cannot be secured. There is no leakage, however, in this form of the air-pump, and a very high degree of exhaustion can be reached. The Morren or Alvergniat mercury-pump is in principle merely a common air-pump, in which combinations of stop-cocks are used instead of valves, and a column of mercury in place of the piston. Its particular excellence is that there is scarcely any leakage. The compressing-pump is used, as its name implies, to increase the density of air or any other gas within the receiver. The re- ceiver in this case is generally a strong metallic vessel. The work- ing parts of the pump are precisely those of the air-pump, with the exception that the valves open downwards. As the piston is raised, air enters the cylinder, and is forced into the receiver at the down- stroke. 124. Manometers. — The manometer is an instrument used for measuring pressures. One variety depends for its operation upon the regularity of change of volume of a gas with change of pres- sure. This, in its typical form, consists of a heavy glass tube of uniform bore, closed at one end, with the open end immersed in a basin of mercury. The pressure to be measured is applied to the surface of the mercury in the basin. As this pressure increases, the air contained in the tube is compressed, and a column of mer- § 136] MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 147 If the disturbance be small, the expression on the right is ap- proximately the condensation per unit volume of the medium at the cross-section A, and the equation shows that the ratio of the velocity of the matter passing through the cross-section A to the velocity of propagation of the disturbance is equal to the conden- sation at that cross-section. Now, to eliminate the unknown quantities t»„ and da , we must find a new equation involving them. A quantity of matter if en- ters the region between the two moving cross-sections with the velocity Va, and an equal quantity leaves the region with the veloc- ity Vb. The difference of the momenta of the entering and out- going quantities is M{Va — Vt). This difference can only be due to § 135] ORIGIN AXD TEANSMISSIOK OF SOUND. 161 the different pressures p„ and p^ on the moving cross-sections, since the interactions of the portion of matter between those cross-sec- tions cannot change the Uiomentum of that portion. Hence we have M{v^ — vt) =Pa — Pb- If we for convenience assume v,, = 0, we have p^ = P, the pres- sure in the medium in its undisturbed cudition. If we further substitute for «„ its value, we obtain MV — d/-~ =-. If the n p changes in pressure and density be small, the quantity d^ ~f y: equals E, the modulus of elasticity of the medium. If we further substitute for Jf its value VD, we obtain finally F' = J or F=|/|. (60) 135. Velocity of Sound in Air. — In air at constant temperature the elasticity is numerically equal to the pressure (§ 105). The compressions and rarefactions in a sound-wave occur so rapidly that during the passage of a wave there is no time for the transfer of heat, and the elasticity to be considered, therefore, is the elasti- city when no heat enters or escapes (§ 313). If the ratio of the two elasticities be represented by y we have for the elasticity when no heat enters or escapes E = yP, and the velocity of a sound-wave in air at zero temperature is given by F = ^yr-. The coeflScient y equals 1.41. P is the pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76 centimetres high and with a cross- section of one square centimetre, or 76 X 13.59 X 981 = 1013373 dynes per square centimetre. D equals 0.001293 gram at 0°, hence /: / 1 A~\ \/ 1 C\'\ Q "^ f** Q X iuiao/a _ ggg^Q^ pj. 333 4 metres per second. 0.001393 Since the density of air changes with the temperature, the ve- locity of sound must also change. If dt represent the density at temperature t, and c?„ the density at zero, df = -. ° , , from § 311. 163 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 136 The formula for velocity then becomes V — y ^[l + at). This formula shows that the velocity at any temperature is the velocity at 0° multiplied by the square root of the factor of expansion. 136. Measurements of the Velocity of Sound. — The velocity of sound in air has been measured by observing the time required for the report of a gun to travel a known distance. One of the best determinations was that made in Holland in 1833. Gruns were fired alternately at two stations about nine miles apart. Observers at one station observed the time of seeing the flash and hearing the report from the other. The guns being fired alternately, and the sound travelling in opposite directions, the effect of wind was eliminated in the mean of the results at the two stations. It is possible, by causing the sound-wave to act upon dia- phragms, to make it record its own time of departure and arrival, and by making use of some of the methods of estimating very small intervals of time the velocity of sound may be measured by experi- ments conducted within the limits of an ordinary building. The velocity of sound in water was determined on Lake Geneva in 1836 by an experiment analogous to that by which the velocity in air was determined. In § 144 and § 146 it is shown that the time of one vibration of any body vibrating longitudinally is the time required for a sound- wave to travel twice the distance between two nodes. The velocity may, therefore, be measured by determining the number of vibra- tions per second of the sound emitted, and measuring the distance between the nodes. In an open organ-pipe, or a rod free at both ends, when the fundamental tone is sounded the sound travels twice the length of the rod or pipe during the time of one complete vibration. If rods of different materials be cut to such lengths that they all give the same fundamental tone when vibrating longitudinally, the ratio of their lengths will be that of the velocity of sound in them. In Kundt's experiment, the end of a rod having a light disk at- tached is inserted in a glass tube containing a light powder strewn § 136] ORIGIN AND TRANSMISSION OF SOUND. 163 over its ianer surface. When the rod is made to vibrate longitudi- nally, the air-column in the tube, if of the proper length, is made to vibrate in unison with it. This agitates the powder and causes it to indicate the positions of the nodes in the vibrating air-column. The ratio of the velocity of sound in the solid to that in air is thus the ratio of the length of the rod to the distance between the nodes in the air-column. CHAPTBK II. SOUNDS AND MUSIC. COMPAKISON OF SOUNDS. 137. Musical Tones and Noises. — The distinction between the impressions produced by musical tones and by noises is familiar to all. Physically, a musical tone is a sound the vibrations of which are regular and periodic. A 7ioise is a sound the vibrations of which are very irregular. It may result from a confusion of musi- cal tones, and is not always devoid of musical value. The sound produced by a block of wood dropped on the floor would not be called a musical tone, but if blocks of wood of proper shape and size be dropped upon the floor in succession, they will give the tones of the musical scale. Musical tones may differ from one another in pitch, depending upon the frequency of the vibrations ; in loudness, depending upon the amplitude of vibration; and in quality, depending upon the manner in which the vibration is executed. In regard to pitch, tones are distinguished as high or loto, acute or grave. In regard to loudness, they are distinguished as loud or soft. The quality of musical tones enables us to distinguish the tones of different instru- ments even when sounding the same notes. 138. Methods of Determining the Number of Vibrations of a Musical Tone. — That the pitch of a tone depends upon the fre- quency of vibrations may be simply shown by holding the corner of 164 § 138] SOUNDS AND MUSIC. 165 a card against the teeth of a revolving wheel. With a very slow motion the card snaps from tooth to tooth, making a succession of distinct taps, which, when the revolutions are sufficiently rapid, blend together and produce a continuous tone, the pitch of which rises and falls with the changes of speed. Savart made use of such a wheel to determine the number of vibrations corresponding to a tone of given pitch. After regulating the speed of rotation until the given pitch was reached, the number of revolutions per second was determined by a simple attachment; this number multiplied by the number of teeth in the wheel gave the number of vibrations per second. The siren is an instrument for producing musical tones by puffs ■of air succeeding each other at short equal intervals. A circular disk having in it a series of equidistant holes arranged in a circle around its axis is supported so as to revolve parallel to and almost touching a metal plate in which is a similar series of holes. The plate forms one side of a small chamber, to which air is supplied from an organ bellows. If there be twenty holes in the disk, and if it be placed so that these holes correspond to those in the plate, ^ir will escape through all of them. If the disk be turned through -a small angle, the holes in the plate will be covered and the escape of air will cease. If the disk be turned still further, at one twen- tieth of a revolution from its first position, air will again escape, and if it rotate continuously, air will escape twenty times in a revo- lution. When the rotation is sufficiently rapid, a continuous tone is produced, the pitch of which rises as the speed increases. The siren may be used exactly as the toothed wheel to determine the number of vibrations corresponding to any tone. By drilling the holes in the plate obliquely forward in the direction of rotation, and those in the disk obliquely backward, the escaping air will cause the disk to rotate, and the speed of rotation may be controlled by controlling the pressure of air in the chamber. Sirens are sometimes made with several series of holes in the disk. These serve not only the purposes described above, but also to compare tones of which the vibration numbers have certain ratios. 166 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§13» The number of vibrations of a sounding body may sometimes be determined by attaching to it a light stylus ■which is made to trace a curve upon a smoked glass or cylinder. Instead of at- taching a stylus to the sounding body di- rectly, which is practicable only in a few cases, it may be attached to a membrane which is caused to vibrate by the sound- waves which the body generates. A mem- brane reproduces very faithfully all the characteristics of the sound-waves, and the curve traced by the stylus attached to it gives information, therefore, not only in regard to the number of vibrations, but to some extent in regard to their amplitude and form. PHYSICAL THEOKY OF MUSIC. 139. Concord and Discord. — When two or more tones are sounded together, if the effect be pleasing there is said to be con- cord ; if harsh, discord. To understand the cause of discord, suppose two tones of nearly the same pitch to be sounded to- gether. The resultant curve, constructed as in § 132, is like those in Fig. 53, which represent the resultants when the periods of the components have the ratio 81 : 80 and when they have the ratio 16 : 15. The figure indicates, what experiment verifies, that the resultant sound suffers periodic variations in intensity. When these varia- tions occur at such intervals as to be read- ily distinguished, they are called beats. These beats occur more and more frequently as the numbers expressing the ratio of the Fig. 53. §143] SOUNDS AND MUSIC. 167 vibrations reduced to its lowest terms become smaller, until they are no longer distinguishable as separate beats, but appear as an unpleasant roughness in the sound. If the terms of the ratio be- come smaller still, the roughness diminishes, and when the ratio is I the effect is no longer unpleasant. This, and ratios expressed by- smaller numbers, as f , |, |, |, f , represent concordant combinations. 140. Major and Minor Triads.— Three tones of which the vi- bration numbers are as 4 : 5 : 6 form a concordant combination called the major triad. The ratio 10 : 12 : 15 represents another concordant combination called the minor triad. Fig. 53 shows the resultant curves for the two triads. 4:5:6 Iff: 12:15 yv Fig. 53. 141. Intervals. — The interval between two tones is expressed by the ratio of their vibration numbers, using the larger as the numerator. Certain intervals have received names derived from the relative positions of the two tones in the musical scale, as de- scribed below. The interval f is called an octave; f , a fifth; f, a fourth; f , a major third; |, a minor third. 142. Musical Scales. — A musical scale is a series of tones which have been chosen to meet the demands of musical composition. There are at present two principal scales in use, each consisting of seven notes, with their octaves, chosen with reference to their fit- ness to produce pleasing effects when used in combination. In one, called the major scale, the first, third, and fifth, the fourth, sixth, and eighth, and the fifth, seventh, and ninth tones, form major triads. In the other, called the minor scale, the same tones form minor triads. Prom this it is easy to deduce the following relations : 168 ELEMEH^TAEY PHYSICS. [§ 143 MAJOK SCALE. 1' 2' ToneNumber 123456 7 89 Letter C DEFGABCD' Name do or ut re mi fa sol la si ut re Number of vibrations m |m {m |m fm |m ^m 2m |m Intervals from tone to tone.. f V fl I V I fl MINOR SCALE. ToneNumber 1234 5 6789 Letter AB C D E FGA'B' Name la si ut re mi fa sol la si Number of vibrations m |m fm |m fm fm |m 2m Jm Intervals from tone to tone. . I if V I If i V The derivation of the names of the intervals will now be appar- ent. For example, an interval of a third is the interval between any tone of the scale and the third one from it, counting the first as 1. If we consider the intervals from tone to tone, it is seen that the pitch does not rise by equal steps, but that there are three different intervals, |, V^, and |f. The first two are usually con- sidered the same, and are called toliole tones. *rhe third is a half- tone or semitone. It is desirable to be able to use any tone of a musical instru- ment as the first tone or tonic of a musical scale. To permit this, when the tones of the instrument are fixed, it is plain that extra tones, other than those of the simple scale, must be provided in order that the proper sequence of intervals may be maintained. Suppose the tonic to be transposed from C to D. The semitones should now come, in the major scale, between F and G, and C and D', instead of between E and F, and B and C. To accomplish this, a tone must be substituted for F and another for C. These are called F sharp and C sharp respectively, and their vibration numbers are determined by multiplying the vibration numbers of the tones which they replace by ff . The introduction of five such extra tones, making twelve in the octave, enables us to preserve the proper sequence of whole tones and semitones, whatever tone is ■■§ 142J SOUNDS AND MUSIC. 169 taken as the tonic. But if we consider that the whole tones are not all the same, and propose to preserve exactly all the intervals of the transposed scale, the problem becomes much more difficult, and can only be solved at the expense of too great complication in the instrument. Instead of attempting it, a system of tuning, called temperament, is used by which the twelve tones referred to above are made to serve for the several scales, so that while none are perfect, the imperfections are nowhere marked. The system of temperament usually employed, or at least aimed at, called the eve7i temperament, divides the octave into twelve equal semitones, and each interval is therefore the twelfth root of 2. With instru- ments in which the tones are not fixed, like the violin for instance, the skilful performer may give them their exact value. For convenience in the practice of music and in the construc- tion of musical instruments, a standard pitch must be adopted. This pitch is usually determined by assigning a fixed vibration number to the tone above the middle C of the piano, represented by the letter A'. This number is about 440, but varies somewhat in different countries and at different times. In the instruments made by Konig for scientific purposes the vibration number 256 is assigned to the middle 0. This has the advantage that the vi- bration numbers of the successive octaves of this tone are powers of 2. CHAPTEE III. VIBRATIONS OF SOUNDING BODIES. 143. General Considerations. — The principles developed in § 133 apply directly in the study of the vibrations of sounding bodies. When any part of a body which is capable of acting as a sounding body is set in vibration, a wave is propagated through it to its boundaries, and is there reflected. The reflected wave, travelling away from the boundary, in conjunction with the direct wave going toward it, produces a stationary wave. These stationary waves are characteristic of the motion of all sounding bodies. Fixed points of a body often determine the position of nodes, and in all cases the length of the wave must have some relation to the dimensions of the body. 144. Organ Pipes. — A column of air, enclosed in a tube of suitable dimensions, may be made to vibrate and become a sound- ing body. Let us suppose a tube closed at one end and open at the other. If the air particles at the open end be suddenly moved inward, a pulse travels to the closed end, and is there reflected with change of sign (§ 133). It returns to the open end and is again reflected, this time without change of sign, because there is greater freedom of motion without than within the tube. As it starts again toward the closed end, the air particles that compose it move outward instead of inward. If they now receive an inde- pendent impulse outward, the two effects are added and a greater disturbance results. So, by properly timing small impulses at the open end of the tube, the air in it may be made to vibrate strongly. If a continuous vibration be maintained at the open end of the tube, waves follow each other up the tube, are reflected with 170 §144] VIBKATIONS OF SOUNDING BODIES. 171 change of sign at the closed end, and returning, are reflected without change of sign at the open end. Any given wave a, therefore, starts up the tube the second time with its phase ' changed by half a period. The direct wave that starts up the tub© at the same instant must be in the same phase as the reflected wave, and it therefore differs in phase half a period from the direct wave a. In other words, any wave returning to the mouthpiece must find the vibrations there opposite in phase to those which existed when it left. This is possible only when the vibrating body makes, during the time the wave is going up the tube and back, 1, 3, 5, or some odd number of half-vibrations. By con- structing the curves representing the stationary wave resulting from the superposition of the two systems of vibrations, it will be- seen that there is always a node at the closed end of the tube and an anti-node at the mouth. When there is 1 half-vibration while the wave travels up and back, the length of the tube is i the wave length; when there are 3 half -vibrations in the same time, the length of the tube is f the wave length, and there is a node at one third the length of the tube from the mouth. If the tube be open at both ends, reflection without change of sign takes place in both cases, and the reflected wave starts up the tube the second time in the same phase as at first. The vibrations must therefore be so timed that 1,2, 3, 4, or some whole number of complete vibrations are performed while the wave travels up Ihe tube and back. A construction of the curve representing the stationary wave in this case will show, for the smallest number of vibrations, a node in the middle of the tube and an anti-node at each end. The length of the tube is therefore | the wave length for this rate of vibration. The vibration numbers of the several tones produced by an open tube are evidently in the ratio of the series of whole numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., while for the closed tube only those tones can be produced of which the vibration numbers are in the ratio of the series of odd numbers 1, 3, 5, etc. It is evident also that the lowest tone of the closed tube is an octave lower than that of the open tube of the same length. 173 ELEMENTAKT PHTSICS. [§145 This lowest tone of the tube is called the fundamental, and the others are called overtones, or harmonics. These simple rela- tions between the length of the tube and length of the wave are only realized when the tubes are so narrow that the air particles lying in a plane cross-section are all actuated by the same move- ment. This is never the case at the open end of the tube, and the distance from this end to the first node is, therefore, always less than a (quarter wave length. 145. Modes of Exciting Vibrations in Tubes. — If a tuning-fork be held in front of the open mouth of a tube of proper length, the sound of the fork is strongly reinforced by the vibration of the air in the tube. If we merely blow- across the open end of a tube, the agitation of the air may, by the reaction of the returning reflected pulses, be made to assume a regular vibration of the proper rate and the column made to sound. In organ pipes a mouthpiece of the form shown in Fig. 54 is often employed. The thin sheet of air projected against the thin edge is thrown into vibration. Those ele- ments of this vibration which correspond in frequency with the pitch of the pipe are strongly reinforced by the action ot the stationary wave set up in the pipe, and hence the tone proper to the pipe is pro- duced. Sometimes reeds are used, as shown in Pig. 54a. The air escaping from the chamber a through the passage c causes the reed r to vibrate. This alternately closes and opens the passage, and so throws into vibration the air in the pipe. If the reed be stiff, and have a determined period of vibration of its own, it must be tuned to suit the period of the air-column which it is intended to set in vibration. If the reed be very flexible, it will accommo- date itself to the rate of vibration of the air-column, and may then serve to produce various tones, as in the clarionet. In instruments like the cornet and bugle the lips of the player Fig. 54a. Fig. 54. § 148] VIBKATIONS OF SOUNDIUrG BODIES. 173 act as a reed, and the player may at will produce many of the different overtones. In that way melodies may be played without the use of keys or other devices for changing the length of the air- column. Vibrations may be excited in a tube by placing a gas flame at the proper point in it. The flame thus employed is called a sing- ing flame. The organ of frhe voice is a kind of reed pipe in which little folds of membrane, called vocal chords, serve as reeds which can be tuned to different pitches by muscular effort, and the cavity of the mouth and larynx serves as a pipe in which the mass of air- may also be changed at will, in form and volume. 146. Longitudinal Vibrations of Rods.— A rod free at both ends vibrates as the column of air in an open tube. Any displace- ment produced at one end is transmitted with the velocity of sound in the material to the other end, is there reflected without change of sign, and returns to the starting-point to be reflected again exactly as in the open tube. The fundamental tone corresponds to a stationary wave having a node at the centre of the rod. 147. Longitudinal Vibrations of Cords.— Cords fixed at both ends may be made to vibrate by rubbing them lengthwise. Here reflection with change of sign takes place at both ends, which brings the wave as it leaves the starting-point the second time to the same phase as when it first left it, and there must be, therefore, as in the open tube, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., vibrations while the wave travels twice the length of the cord. The velocity of transmission of a longitudinal displacement in a wire depends upon the elasticity and density of the material only. The velocity and the rate of vibration are, therefore, nearly independent of the stretching force. 148. Transverse Vibrations of Cords. — If a transverse vibration be given to a point upon a wire fastened at both ends, everything- relating to the reflection of the wave motion and the formation of stationary waves is the same as for longitudinal displacements. The velocity of transmission, and consequently the frequency of the vibrations, are, however, very different. They depend on the stretching force or tension and on the mass of the cord per unit 174 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§149 length. The number of vibrations is inversely as the length of the cord, directly as the square root of the tension, and inversely as the square root of the mass per unit length. 149. Transverse Vibrations of Rods, Plates, etc. — The vibrations of rods, plates, and bells are all cases of stationary waves resulting from systems of waves travelling in opposite directions. Subdivi- sion into segments occurs, but in these cases the relations of the various overtones are not so simple as in the cases before consid- ered. For a rod fixed at one end, sounding its fundamental tone, there is a node at the fixed end only. For the first overtone there is a second node near the free end of the rod, and the number of vibrations is a little more than six times the number for the funda- mental. A rod free at both ends has two nodes when sounding its funda- mental, as shown in Fig. 55. The distance of these nodes from the . ,. ends is about f the length of the rod. '-'^ ' ^- If the rod be bent, the nodes approach Fig. 55. the centre until, when it has assumed the U form like a tuning-fork, the two nodes are very near the centre. This will be understood from Fig. 56. '^ -n Jf m Fig. 56. The nodal lines on plates may be shown by fixing the plate in a horizontal position and sprinkling sand over its surface. When the plate is made to vibrate, the sand gathers at the nodes and marks their position. The figures thus formed are known as Chladni's figures. 150. Resonance. — If several pendulums be suspended from the § 150] VIBRATION'S OF SOUNDIlfQ BODIES. 175 same support, and one of them be made to vibrate, any others which have the same period of vibration will soon be found in motion, while those which have a diilerent period will show no signs of dis- turbance. The vibration of the first pendulum produces a slight movement of the support, which is communicated alike to all the other pendulums. Each movement may be considered as a slight impulse, which imparts to each pendulum a very small vibratory motion. For those pendulums having the same period as the one in vibration, these impulses come just in time to increase the mo- tion already produced, and so, after a time, produce a sensible motion; while for those pendulums having a different period the vibration at first imparted will not keep time with the impulses, and these will therefore as often tend to destroy as to increase the motion. It is important to note that the pendulum imparting the motion loses all it imparts. This is not only true of pendulums, but of all vibrating bodies. Two strings stretched from the same support and tuned to unison will both vibrate when either one is ■caused to sound. A tuning-fork suitably mounted on a sounding- box will communicate its vibrations to another tuned to exact unison «ven when they are thirty or forty feet apart and only air intervenes. In this case it is the sound-wave generated by the first fork which €xcites the second fork, and in so doing the wave loses a part of its «wn motion, so that beyond the second fork, on the line joining the two, the sound will be less intense than at the same distance in other directions. Such communication of vibrations is called resonance. Air-columns of suitable dimensions will vibrate in sympathy with other sounding bodies. If water be gradually poured into a •deep jar, over the mouth of which is a vibrating tuning-fork, there will be found in general a certain length of the air-column for which the tone of the fork is strongly reinforced. From the theory of organ pipes, it is plain that this length corresponds ap- proximately to a quarter wave length for that tone. In this case, also, when the strongest reinforcement occurs, the sound of i he fork will rapidly die away. The sounding-boxes on which the tr.n- 176 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [ §150 ing-f orks made by Konig are mounted are of such dimensions that the enclosed body of air will yibrate in unison with the fork, but they are purposely made not quite of the dimensions for the best resonance, in order that the forks may not too quickly be brought to rest. A membrane or a disk, fastened by its edges, may respond to and reproduce more or less faithfully a great variety of sounds. Hence such disks, or diaphragms, are used in instruments like the telephone and phonograph, designed to reproduce the sounds of the voice. The phonograph consists of a mouthpiece and disk similar to that used in the telephone, but the disk has fastened to- its centre, on the side opposite the mouthpiece, a short stiff stylus, which serves to record the vibrations of the disk upon a sheet of tinfoil or wax moved along beneath it. The wax is in the form of a cylinder mounted on an axle moved by a screw working in a fixed nut, so that when the cylinder revolves it has also an end- wise motion, such that a fixed point would follow a spiral track on its surface. To use the instrument, the disk is placed in position with the stylus attached and slightly indenting the wax. The cyl- inder is revolved while sounds are produced in front of the disk. The disk vibrates, causing the stylus to indent the wax more or less deeply, so leaving a permanent record. If now the cylinder be turned back to the starting-point and then turned forward, causing the stylus to go over again the same path, the indentations pre- viously made in the wax now cause the stylus, and consequently the disk, to vibrate and reproduce the sound that produced the record. The sounding-boards of the various stringed instruments are- m effect thin disks, and afford examples of the reinforcement of vibrations of widely different pitch and quality by the same body. The strings of an instrument are of themselves insufficient to com^ municate to the air their vibrations, and it is only through the sounding-board that the vibrations of the string can give rise to audible sounds. The quality of stringed instruments, therefore, depends largely upon the character, of the sounding-board. The tympanum of the ear furnishes another example of the- facility with which membranes respond to a great variety of sounds. CHAPTEE IV. ANALYSIS OF SOUNDS AND SOUND SENSATIONS. 151. Quality. — As has already been stated, the tones of differ- ent instruments, although of the same pitch and intensity, are dis- tinguished by their quality. It was also stated that the quality of a tone depends upon the manner in which the vibration is exe- cuted. The meaning of this statement can best be understood by Fm. 57. considering the curves which represent the vibrations. In Fig. 57 are given several forms of vibration curves of the same period. Every continuous musical tone must result from a periodic vibration, that is, a vibration which, however complicated it may be, repeats itself at least as frequently as do the vibrations of the lowest audible tone. According to Fourier's theorem (§ 21), every periodic vibration is resolvable into simple harmonic vibrations having commensurable periods. It has been seon that all sound- ing bodies may subdivide into segments, and produce a series of tones of which the vibration periods generally bear a simple rela- 177 178 ELEMBNTAKY PHYSICS. [§152 tion to one another. These may be produced simultaneously by the same body, and so give rise to complex tones, the character of which will vary with the natnre and intensity of the simple tones produced. It has been held that the quality of a complex tone is not affected by change of phase of the component simple tones relative to each other. Some experiments by Konig seem to indi- cate, however, that the quality does change when there is merely change of phase. Fig. 58. In Fig. 58 are shown three curves, each representing a funda- mental accompanied by the harmonics up to the tenth. The curves differ only in the different phases of the components rela- tive to each other. Fig. 59 shows similar curves produced by a fundamental accom- panied by the odd harmonics. Fig. 59. 152. Resonators for the Study of Complex Tones. — An apparatus devised by Helmholtz serves to analyze complex tones and indicate the simple tones of which they are composed. It consists of a series ^ 153] ANALYSIS OF SOUNDS AND SOUND SBNSATIONS. 179 of hollow spheres or cylinders, called resonators, which are tuned to certain tones. If a tube lead from the resonator to the ear and a Pig. 60. sound be produced, one of the components of which is the tone to which the resonator is tuned, the mass of air in it will be set in vibration, and that tone will be clearly heard ; or, if the resonator be connected by a rubber tube to a manometric capsule (§ 128), the gas flame connected with the capsule will be disturbed whenever the tone to which the resonator is tuned is produced in the vicinity, either by itself or as a component of a complex tone. By trying the resonators of a series, one after another, the several components of a complex tone may be detected and its composition demonstrated. 153. Vowel Sounds. — Helmholtz has shown that the differences between the vowel sounds are only dififerences of quality. That the vowel sounds correspond to distinct forms of vibration is well shown by means of the manometric flame. By connecting a mouthpiece 180 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 154 to the rear of the capsule, and singing into it the different vowel sounds, the flame images assume distinct forms for each. Some of these forms are shown in Fig. 60. 154. Optical Method of Studying Vibrations. — The vibratory motion of sounding bodies may sometimes be studied to advantage Oo Fig. 61. by observing the lines traced by luminous points upon the vibrating body or by observing the movement of a beam of light reflected from a mirror attached to the body. Young studied the vibrations of strings by placing the string where a thin sheet of light would fall across it, so as to illuminate a single point. "When the string was caused to vibrate, the path of the point appeared as a continuous line, in consequence of the per- sistence of vision. Some of the results which he obtained are given in Fig. 61, taken from Tyndall on Sound. The most interesting application of this method was made by Lissajous to illustrate the composition of vibratory motions at right angles to each other. If a beam of light be reflected to a screen from a mirror attached to a tuning-fork, when the tuning-fork vibrates the spot on the screen will describe a simple harmonic motion and will appear as a straight line of light. If the beam, instead of being reflected to a screen, fall upon a mirror attached to a second fork, mounted so as to vibrate in a plane at right angles to the first, the spot of light will, when both forks vibrate, be actuated by two simple harmonic motions at right angles to each other, and the resultant path will appear as a curve more or less complicated, depending upon the relation of the two forks to each other as to both period and phase (§ 21). Fig. 62 shows some of § 155] ANALYSIS OF SOUNDS AND SOUND SENSATIONS. 181 the simpler forms of these curves. The figures of the upper line are those produced by two forks in unison ; those of the second V- FiG. 63. line by two forks of which the vibration numbers are as 2 : 1 ; those of the lower line by two forks of which the vibration numbers are as 3 : 2. 155. Beats. — It has already been explained (§139) that, when two tones of nearly the same pitch are sounded together, variations of intensity, called heats, are heard. Helmholtz's theory of the perception of beats was, that, of the little fibres in the ear which are tuned so as to vibrate with the various tones, those which are nearly in unison affect one another so as to increase and diminish one another's motions, and hence that no beats could be perceived unless the tones were nearly in unison. Beats are, however, heard when a tone and its octave are not quite in tune, and, in general, a tone making n vibrations produces m beats when sounded with a tone making 2m ± m, 3« ± m, etc., vibrations. This was explained in accordance with Helmholtz's theory, by assuming that one of the harmonics of the lower tone, which is nearly in unison with the upper, causes the beats, or, in cases where this is inadmissible, that they are caused by the lower tone in conjunction with a resultant 182 ELEMENTAET PHYSICS, [§15& tone (§ 156). An exhaustive research by Konig, however, has de- monstrated that beats are perceived when neither of the above sup- positions is admissible. Figs. 63 and 64 show that the resultant n I i\MiWm\mmkkfMmmmmM^^ Fig. 63. vibrations are affected by changes of amplitude similar to, though less in extent than, the changes which occur when the tones are nearly in unison. In Fig. 63 I represents a flame image obtained in 15:46- Fig. 64. when two tones making n a.nd n ± m vibrations, respectively, are produced together, and II represents the image when the number § 156] AN'ALTSIS OF SOUNDS AND SOUND SENSATIONS. 183 of vibrations are n and 2n ± m. Fig. 64 shows traces obtained mechanically. In I the numbers of the component vibrations were n and w + m, in II and III n and 2n ± m, and in IV n and 3m + m. In all these cases & variation of amplitude occurs during the same intervals, and it seems reasonable to suppose that those varia- tions of amplitude should cause variations in intensity in the sound perceived. Cross has shown that the beating of two tones is perfectly well perceived when the tones themselves are heard separately by the two ears ; one tone being heard directly by one ear, while the other, produced in a distant room, is heard by the other ear by means of a telephone. Beats are also perceived when tones are produced at a distance from each other and from the listener, who hears them by means of separate telephones through separate lines. In this case there is no possibility of the formation of a resultant wave, or of any combination of the two sounds in the ear. 156. Resultant Tones. — Resultant tones are produced by com- binations of two tones. Those most generally recognized have a vibration number equal to the sum or difference of the vibration numbers of their primaries. For instance, ut^, making 2048 vibra- tions, and re„, making 2304 vibrations, when sounded together give utj, making 256 vibrations. These tones are only heard well when the primaries are loud, and it requires an effort of the attention and some experience to hear them at all. Summation tones are more difficult to recognize than difference tones, nevertheless they have an influence in determining the general effect produced when musical tones are sounded together. Other resultant tones may be heard under favorable conditions. As described above, two tones making n and n + m vibrations respectively, when m is considerably less than n, give a resultant tone making m vibrations; but a tone making n vibrations in combination with one making 2m + m, Sn + m, or xn + m vibrations, gives the same resultant. This has sometimes been explained by assuming that internnediate resultants are produced, which, with one of the primaries, produce resultants of a higher order. In the case of the two tones making n and 184 liLEMESTARr PHTSICS. [§ 156 3n + m vibrations, for instance, the first difference tone would make 2n + tn vibrations. This tone and the one making n vibrations would give the tone making n -\-m vibrations ; this tone, in turn, and the one making n vibrations would give the tone making m vibrations. This last tone is the one which is heard most plainly, and it seems difficult to admit that it can be the resultant of tones which are only heard very feebly, and often not at all. In Fig. 64 are represented the resultant curves produced in several of these cases. The first curve corresponds to two tones of which the vibration numbers are as 15 : 16. It shows the periodic increase and decrease in ampli- tude, occurring once every 15 vibrations, which, if not too frequent, give rise to beats (§ 139). If the pitch of the primaries be raised, preserving the relation 15 : 16, the beats become more frequent, and finally a distinct tone is heard, the vibration number of which cor- responds to the number of beats that should exist. It was for along time considered that the resultant tone was merely the rapid recur- rence of beats. Helmholtz has shown by a mathematical investi- gation that a distinct wave making m vibrations will result from the coexistence of two waves making n and n -\- m vibrations, and he believes that mere alternations of intensity, such as constitute beats, occurring ever so rapidly cannot produce a tone. In II and III (Fig. 64) are the curves resulting from two tones, the intervals between which are respectively 15: 39(= 3 X 15 — 1) and 15: 31(= 3 X 15 + 1). Eunning through these may be seen a periodic change corresponding exactly in period to that shown in I. The same is true also of the curve in IV, which is the resultant for two tones the intervalbetween which is 15: 46(=: 3x15+1). In all these cases, as has been already said (§ 155), if the pitch of the components be not too high, one beat is heard for every 15 vibra- tions of the lower component. Fig. 63 shows the flame images for the intervals n:n + m and n:2>i + m. The varying amplitudes resulting in m beats per second are very evident in both. In all these cases, also, as the pitch of the components rises the beats be- come more frequent, and finally a resultant tone is heard, having, as already stated, one vibration for every 15 vibrations of the lower § 156] ANALYSIS OF SOUNDS AND SOUND SENSATIONS. 185 component. In Fig. 65 are shown two resultant curves having three components of which the vibration numbers are as 1 : 15 : 29. In I the three components all start in the same phase. In II, when 15 and 39 are in the same phase, I is in the opposite phase. HEAT. CHAPTEK I. MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 157. General Effects of Heat. — Bodies are warmed, or their temperature is raised, by heat. The sense of touch is often suffi- cient to show difference in temperature; but the true criterion is the transfer of heat from the hotter to the colder body when the two bodies are brought in contact, and no work is done by one upon the other. This transfer is known by some of the efEects described below. Bodies, in general, expand when heated. Experiments show that different substances expand differently tor the same rise of tem- perature. Gases, in general, expand more than liquids, and liquids more than solids. Expansion, however, does not universally ac- company rise of temperature. A few substances contract when heated. Heat changes the state of aggregation of bodies, always in such a way as to admit of greater freedom of motion among the mole- cules. The melting of ice and the conversion of water into steam are familiar examples. Heat breaks up chemical compounds. The compounds of sodium, potassium, lithium, and other metals, give to the flame of a Bunsen lamp the characteristic colors of the vapors of the metals 186 § 159] MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 187 which they contain. This fact shows that the heat separates the metals from their combinations. When the junction of two dissimilar metals in a conducting circuit is heated, electric currents are produced. Heat performs mechanical work. For example, the heat pro- duced in the furnace of a steam-boiler may be used to drive an en- gine. 158. Production of Heat. — Heat is produced by various proc- esses, some of which are the reverse of the operations just men- tioned as the effects of heat. As examples of such reverse opera- tions may be mentioned, the production of heat by the compression of a body which expands when heated; the production of heat during a change in the state of aggregation of a body, when the freedom of motion among the molecules is diminished; the pro- duction of heat during chemical combination; and the production of heat when an electric current passes through a junction of two dissimilar metals in an opposite direction to that of the current which is set up when the junction is heated. Heat is produced in general in any process involving the ex- penditure of mechanical energy. The heat produced in such processes cannot be used to restore the whole of the original me- chanical energy. The production of heat by friction is the best example of these processes. Further, an electric current, in a homogeneous conductor, gen- erates heat at every point in it, while if every point in the conduc- tor be equally heated no current will be set up. These cases are examples of the production of heat by non- reversible processes. 159. Nature of Heat. — Heat was formerly considered to be a substance which passed from one body to another, lowering the temperature of the one and raising that of the other, which com- bined with solids to form liquids, and with liquids to form gases or vapors. But the most delicate balances fail to show any change of weight wheh heat passes from one body to another. Eumford was able to raise a considerable quantity of water to the 188 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 159 boiling-point by the friction of a blunt boring-tool within the bore of a cannon. He showed that the heat manifested in this experi- ment could not have come from any of the bodies present, and also that heat would continue to be developed as long as the borer continued to revolve, or that the supply of heat was practically inexhaustible. The heat, therefore, must have been generated by the friction. That ice is not melted by the combination with it of a heat substance was shown early in the present century by Davy. He caused ice to melt by friction of one piece upon another in a vac- uum, the experiment being performed in a room where the tem- perature was below the melting-point of ice. There was no source from which heat could be drawn. The ice must, therefore, have been melted by the friction. Eumford was convinced that the heat obtained in his experi- ment was only transformed mechanical energy; but to demonstrate this it was necessary to prove that the quantity of heat produced was always proportional to the quantity of mechanical work done. This was done in the most complete manner by Joule in a series of experiments extending from 1842 to 1849. He showed that, however the heat was produced by mechanical means, whether by the agitation of water by a paddle-wheel, the agitation of mercury, or the friction of iron plates upon each other, the same expendi- ture of mechanical energy always developed the same quantity of heat. Joule also proved the perfect equivalence of heat and elec- trical energy. These experiments prove that heat is a form of energy. Con- sistent explanations of most if not all of the phenomena of heat may be given if we assume that the molecules of bodies, and the atoms constituting the molecules, are in constant motion, that the temperature of a body varies with the mean kinetic energy of an atom, and that the heat in a body is the sum of the kinetic energies of its atoms. § 161] MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 189 THERMOMETRY. 160. Temperature. — Two bodies are said to be at the same temperature when, if they be brought into each other's presence, no heat is transferred from one to the other. A body is at a higher temperature than the other bodies around it when it gives up heat to them. The fact that it gives up heat may be shown by its change in volume. A body is at a lower temperature when it re- ceives heat from surrounding bodies. It is understood, of course, in what is said above, that one body has no action upon the other, or that no work is done by one body upon the other. 161. Thermometers. — Experiments show that, in general, bodies expand, and their temperature rises progressively, with the appli- cation of heat. An instrument may be constructed which will show at any instant the volume of a body selected for the purpose. If the volume increase, we know that the temperature rises; if the volume remain constant or diminish, we know that the tempera- ture remains stationary or falls. Such an instrument is called a thermometer. The thermometer most in use consists of a glass bulb with a fine tube attached. The bulb and part of the tube contain mer- cury. In order that the thermometers of different makers may give similar readings, it is necessary to adopt two standard tem- peratures which can be easily and certainly reproduced. The tem- peratures adopted are the melting-point of ice, and the temperature of steam from boiling water, under a pressure equal to that of a column of mercury 760 millimetres high at Paris. After the instru- ment has been filled with mercury, it is plunged in melting ice, from which the water is allowed to drain away, and a mark is made upon the stem opposite the end of the mercury column. It is then placed in a vessel in which water is boiled, so constructed that the steam rises through a tube surrounding the thermometer, and then descends by an annular space between that tube and an outer one, and escapes at the bottom. The thermometer does not touch the water, but is entirely surrounded by steam. The point 190 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 161 reached by the end of the mercury column is marked on the stem, as before. The space between these two marks is then divided into a number of equal parts. While all makers of thermometers have adopted the same stand- ard temperatures for the fixed points of the scale, they differ as to the number of divisions between these points. The thermometers used for scientific purposes, and in general use in Prance, have the space between the fixed points divided into a hundred equal parts or degrees. The melting-point of ice is marked 0°, and the boiling- point 100°. This scale is called the Centigrade or Celsius scale. The Reaumur scale, in use in Germany, has eighty degrees between the melting- and boiling-points, and the boiling-point is marked 80°. The Fahrenheit scale, in general use in England and America, has a hundred and eighty degrees between the melting- and boil- ing-points. The former is marked 32°, and the latter 212°. The divisions in all these cases are extended below the zero point, and are numbered from zero downward. Temperatures below zero must, therefore, be read and treated as negative quan- tities. A few points in the process of construction of a thermometer deserve notice. It is found that glass, after it has been heated to a high temperature, and again cooled, does not for some time return to its original volume. The bulb of a thermometer must be heated in the process of filling with mercury, and it will not return to its normal volume for some months. The construction of the scale should not be proceeded with until the reservoir has ceased to con- tract. For bhe same reason, if the thermometer be used for high temperatures, even the temperature of boiling water, time must be given for the reservoir to return to its original volume before it is used for the measurement of low temperatures. It is essential that the diameter of the tube should be nearly uniform throughout, and that the divisions of the scale should rep- resent equal capacities in the tube. To test the tube a thread of mercury about 50 millimetres long is introduced, and its length is I 162] MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 191 measured in different parts of the tube. If the length vary by more than a millimetre, the tube should be rejected. If the tube be found to be suitable, a bulb is attached, mercury is introduced, and the tube sealed after the mercury has been heated to expel the air. When it is ready for graduation, the fixed points are determined; then a thread of mercury having a length equal to about ten de- grees of the scale is detached from the column, and its length measured in all parts of the tube. By reference to these measure- ments, the tube is so graduated that the divisions represent parts ■of equal capacity, and are not necessarily of equal length. If such a thermometer indicate a temperature of 10°, this means that the thermometer is in such a thermal condition that the volume of the mercury has increased from zero one tenth of its total expansion from zero to 100°. There is no reason for sup- posing that this represents the same proportional rise of tempera- ture. If a thermometer be constructed in the manner described, using some liquid other than mercury, it will not in general indi- cate the same temperature as the mercurial thermometer, except at the two standard points. It is plain, therefore, that a given frac- tion of the expansion of a liquid from zero to 100° cannot be taken as representing the same fraction of the rise of temperature. 162. Air-thermometer. — If a gas be heated, and its volume kept constant, its pressurs increases. For all the so-called permanent gases — that is, those which are liquefied only with great difficulty — the amount of increase in pressure for the same increase of tem- perature is found to be almost exactly the same. This fact is a reason for supposing that the increase of pressure is proportional to the increase of temperature. There are theoretical reasons, as will be seen later, for the same supposition. An instrument constructed to take advantage of this increase in pressure to measiye temperature is called an air-thermometer. A bulb so arranged that it may be placed in the medium of which the temperature is to be determined, is filled with air or some other gas, and means are provided for maintaining the volume of the gas constant, and measuring its pressure. For the reasons given above. 193 ELEMENTAEY PHYSICS. [§ 153 the air-thermometer is taken as the standard instrument for scien- tific purposes. Its use, however, involves several careful observa- tions and tedious computations. It is therefore mainly employed as a standard with which to compare other instruments. If we make such a comparison, and construct a table of corrections, we may reduce the readings of any thermometer to the corresponding readings of the air-thermometer. 163. Limits in the Range of the Mercurial Thermometer.— The range of temperature for which the mercurial thermometer may be employed is limited by the freezing of the mercury on the one hand, and its boiling on the other. For temperatures below the freezing-point of mercury alcohol thermometers may be used. For the measurement of high temperatures several different methods have been employed. One depends upon the expansion of a bar of platinum, another upon the variation in the electric resistanca of platinum wire, another upon the strength of the electric current generated by a thermo-electric pair, another on the density of mer- cury vapor. The special devices used in applying these methods need not be considered here. CALOEIMETBT. 164. Unit of Heat. — It is evident that more heat is required to raise the- temperature of a large quantity of a substance through a given number of degrees than to raise the temperature of a small quantity of the same substance through the same number of degrees. It is further evident that the successive repetition of any operation by which heat is produced will generate more heat than a single operation. Heat is therefore a quantity the magnitude of which may be expressed in terms of some unit. The unit of heat gen- erally adopted is the heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from zero to one degree. It is called a calorie. It is sometimes convenient to employ a smaller unit, namely^ the quantity of heat necessary to raise one gram of water from zero to one degree. This unit is designated as the lesser calorie or the § 1G6] MEASUEEMENI OF HEAT. 193 gram-degree. It is one one-thousandth of the larger unit. It may, therefore, be called a millicalorie. The fact that heat is energy enables us to employ still another unit. It is that quantity of heat which is equivalent to an erg. This unit is called the mechanical unit of heat. According to the determination of Griffiths, a calorie contains about 41,983,000,000 mechanical units. 165. Heat reciuired to raise the Temperature of a Mass of Water. — It is evident that to raise the^temperature of m kilograms of water from zero to one degree will require m calories. If the temperature of the same quantity of water fall from one degree to- zero, the same quantity of heat is given to surrounding bodies. Experiment shows, that if the same quantity of water be raised to different temperatures, quantities of heat nearly proportional tO' the rise in temperature will be required : hence, to raise the tem- perature of m kilograms of water from zero to t degrees requires mt calories very nearly. This is shown by mixing water at a lower temperature with water at a higher temperature. The temperature of the mixture will be almost exactly the mean of the two. Regnault, who tried this experiment with the greatest care, found the tempera- ture of the mixture a little higher than the mean, and concluded that the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water one degree increases slightly with the temperature ;: that is, to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water from twenty to twenty-one degrees, requires a little more heat than to raise the temperature of the same quantity of water from zero to one degree. Eowland found, by mixing water at various temperatures, and also by measuring the energy required to raise the temperature of water by agitation by a paddle-wheel, that, when the air thermo- meter is taken as a standard, the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a given quantity of water one degree diminishes slightly from zero to thirty degrees, and then increases to the boiling- point. 166. Specific Heat. — Only one thirtieth as much heat is required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of mercury from zero to one 194 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 167 degree as is required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water through the same range. In order to raise the temperatures of other substances through the same range, quantities of heat peculiar to each substance are required. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of a substance from zero to one degree is called the specific heat of the substance. If the temperature of one kilogram of a substance rise from t, to t, the limit of the ratio of the quantity of heat required to bring about the rise in temperature to the difEerence in temperature, as that diSerence diminishes indefinitely, is called the specific heat of the substance at temperature t. If we represent the quantity of heat by Q, the limit of the ratio — — -jj expresses this specific heat. The specific heats of substances are generally nearly constant between zero and one hundred degrees. The mean specific heat of a substance between zero and one hundred degrees is the one usually given in the tables. The measurement of specific heat is one of the important objects of calorimetry. 167. Ice Calorimeter.— 5^ac^'s or Wilcke's ice calorimeter con- sists of a block of pure ice having a cavity in its interior covered by a thick slab of ice. The body of which the specific heat is to be determined is heated to t degrees, then dropped into the cavity, and immediately covered by the slab. After a short time the tem- perature of the body falls to zero, and in so doing converts a certain quantity of ice into water. This water is removed by a sponge of known weight, and its weight is determined. It will be shown, that to melt a kilogram of ice requires 80 calories; if, then, the weight of the body be P, and its specific heat c, it gives up, in falling from t degrees to zero, Pet calories. On the other hand, if p kilo- grams of ice be melted, the heat required is &0p. Therefore Pet ~ 80/?; whence 80» ' = W (61) MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 195 Bunsen's ice calorimeter (Fig. 66) is used for determining the specific heats of substances of which only a small quantity is at hand. The apparatus is entirely of glass. The tube B is filled with water and mercury, the latter extending into the graduated capillary tube C. To use the apparatus, alcohol which has been artificially cooled to a temperature below zero is passed through the tube A. A layer of ice forms around c the outside of this tube. As water freezes, it expands. This causes the mercury to advance in the capillary tube G. When a sufficient quantity of ice has been formed, the alcohol is removed from A, _ the apparatus is surrounded by melting snow or ice, and a small quantity of water is introduced, which soon falls in tem- perature to zero. The position of the mercury in C is now noted; and the sub- stance the specific heat of which is to be Fig. 66. determined, at the temperature of the surrounding air, is dropped into the water in A. Its temperature quickly falls to zero, and the heat which it loses is entirely employed in melting the ice which surrounds the tube A. As the ice melts, the mercury in the tube G retreats. The change of position is an indication of the quantity of ice melted, and the quantity of ice melted measures the heat given up by the substance. The number of divisions of the tube G cor- responding to one calorie can be determined by direct experiment. 168. Method of Mixtures. — The method of mixtures consists in bringing together, at different temperatures, the substance of which the specific heat is desired and another of which the specific heat is known, and noting the change of temperature which each undergoes. The water calorimeter consists of a vessel of very tbm copper or brass, highly polished, and placed within another vessel upon non- conducting supports. A mass P of the substance of which the specific heat is to be determined is brought to a temperature t' in a suitable bath, then plunged in water at a temperature t, con- 196 ELEMENTAKY PHYSICS. [§ 168 tained in the calorimeter. The whole will soon come to a common temperature 0. The heat lost by the substance is Fc{t'—&) calories. The heat gained by the calorimeter is the sum of that gained by the water and that gained by the materials of which the calo- rimeter is constructed. If p represent the mass of water, and p' the water equivalent of the calorimeter, or the mass of water which will rise by the same temperature interval as the calorimeter vessel does on the introduction of a given quantity of heat, the total heat gained by the calorimeter is {p -\-p'){ff — t); and hence Pc{t' - ff) ^ {p + PW - t), (62) from which c may be determined. The water equivalent p' is de- termined by experiment. There is a source of error in the use of the instrument, due to the radiation of heat during the experiment. This error may be nearly eliminated by making a preliminary experiment to determine what change of temperature the calorimeter will experience; then, for the final experiment, the calorimeter and its contents are brought to a temperature below the temperature of the surround- ing air, by about half the amount of that change. The calorimeter will then receive heat from the surrounding medium during the first part of the experiment, and lose heat during the second part. The rise of temperature is, however, much more rapid at the begin- ning than at the end of the experiment. The rise from the initial temperature to the temperature of the surrounding medium occu- pies less time than the rise from the latter to the final temperature. The gain of heat, therefore, does not exactly compensate for the loss. If greater accuracy be required, the rate of cooling of the calorimeter must be determined by putting into it warm water, the same in quantity as would be used in experiments for determining specific heat, and noting its temperature from minute to minute. Such an experiment furnishes the data for computing the loss or gain by radiation. To secure accurate results the body must be transferred from the bath to the calorimeter without sensible loss of heat. I 170] MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 197 169. Method of Comparison. — The method of comparison con- sists in conTeying to the substance of which the specific heat is to be determined a known quantity of heat, and comparing the con- sequent rise of temperature with that produced by the same amount of heat in a substance of which the specific heat is known. In the early attempts to use this method, the heat produced by the same flame burning for a given time was applied successively to difEerent liquids. A more exact method was the combustion, within the calorimeter, of a known weight of hydrogen. The best method of obtaining a known quantity of heat is by means of an electrical current of known strength flowing through a wire of known resist- ance wrapped upon the calorimeter. 170. Method of Cooling. — The method of cooling consists in noting the time required for the calorimeter, in a space kept con- stantly at zero, to cool from a temperature t' to a tem- perature t, when empty, when containing a given weight of water, and when containing a given weight of the substance of which the specific heat is sought. The thermo-calorimeter of Eegnault, represented in Fig. 67, is an example. It consists of an alcohol thermometer, with its bulb A enlarged and made in the form of a hollow cylinder, inside of which- the substance is placed. The thermometer is warmed, and then placed in a vessel surrounded by melting ice. It radiates heat to the sides of the vessel,'and the column of alcohol in the tube falls. Let X be the time occupied in falling from the division n to the division n' when the space B is empty. Let the times occupied in falling between the same two divi- sions, when the space B contains a mass P of water, and when it contains a mass P' of the substance of which the specific heat c' is sought, be respectively x' and x". Fig. 67, Let M be the water equivalent of the instrument. We then have M ^ M + P ^ M + ^'c' gjjj^g^ ^^j^^gj. the conditions of the ex- X %' x" periment, the heat lost per second must be the same in each case. \y 198 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ ^'''1 Eliminating M, we obtain ir^e-:)- '^^' 171. Determination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat.— It has been stated that whenever heat is produced by the expenditure of mechanical energy, the quantity of heat produced is always pro- portional to the quantity of mechanical energy expended. The mechanical equivalent of heat is the energy in mechanical units, the expenditure of which produces the unit of heat. Heat applied to a body may increase the motion of its mole- cules; that is, add to their kinetic energy. It may perform inter- nal work by moving the molecules against molecular forces. It may perform external work by producing motion against external forces. If we could estimate these effects in mechanical units, we might obtain the mechanical equivalent of heat. But the kinetic energy of the molecules cannot be estimated, for we do not know their mass or their velocity. We must, therefore, in the present state of our knowledge, resort to direct experiment to determine the heat equivalent. In one of the experiments of Joule, already referred to, a paddle-wheel was made to revolve, by means of weights, in a vessel filled with water. In this vessel were stationary wings, to prevent the water from acquiring a rotary motion with the paddle-wheel. By the revolution of the wheel the water was warmed. The heat so generated was estimated from the rise of temperature, while the mechanical energy required to produce it was given by the fall of the driving weight. Joule repeated this experiment, substituting mercury for the water. In another exper- iment he substituted an iron plate for the paddle-wheel, and made it revolve with friction upon a fixed iron plate under water. Joule expressed his results in kilogram-metres — that is, the work done by a kilogram in falling under the force of gi-avity through one metre. He stated the mechanical equivalent of one calorie, in this unit, to be 423.9, from the experiments with water; 425.7, from those with mercury; and 426.1, from those with irott § m-] MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 199 plates. He gave the preference to the smallest value, and it has been generally accepted as the mechanical equivalent. This me- chanical equivalent is called Joule's equivalent, and is represented by /. In absolute units, according to the later determinations of Griffiths, it is about 41,982,000,000 ergs per calorie. Eowland has repeated Joule's experiment with water; but he caused the paddle-wheel to revolve by means of an engine, and de- termined the moment of the couple required to prevent the revolu- tion of the calorimeter. Fig. 68 shows the apparatus. The shaft -o -Wo= FiQ. 68. of the paddle-wheel projects through the bottom of the calorimeter, and is driven by means of a bevel-gear. The vessel A is suspended from C by a torsion wire, and its tendency to rotate balanced by weights attached to cords which act upon the circumference of a pulley D. By this disposition of the apparatus he was able to ex- pend about one half a horse-power in the calorimeter, and obtain a 200 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 171 rise of temperature of 35° per hour; while in Joule's experiments the rise of temperature per hour was less than 1°. These experi- ments give, for the mechanical equivalent of one calorie at 5°, 429.8 kilogram-metres; at 30°, 436.4 kilogram-metres. Several other methods have been employed for determining the mechanical equivalent. The concordance of the results by all these methods is sufficient to warrant the statement that the ex- penditure of a given amount of mechanical energy always produces the same amount of heat. An experiment to determine the mechanical work done by the expenditure of a known quantity of heat was executed by Hirn. By the help of Regnault's measurements of the heat of vaporization Hirn was able to calculate the amount of heat which entered the cylinder, during the operation of a steam-engine, with the steam from the boiler, and by direct measurements he determined the amount of heat which left the cylinder during the operation of the engine and entered the condenser. So long as the engine was run- ning without doing any external work, he found that these amounts of heat were appreciably equal; when the engine was made to do work, less heat passed from the cylinder into the condenser than had entered it from the boiler. A comparison of the amount of heat lost with the work done by the engine showed the same ratio between heat and work as that determined by Joule. Hirn's ex- periments were on so large a scale and the sources of error and the difficiilties connected with the experiments were so numerous, that the number obtained by him for the mechanical equivalent of heat is of no great value. His experiments are, however, X>t very great in- terest because, while the experiments of Joule and of all the others who have worked on the problem prove the convertibility of work into heat, those of Hirn alone have proved the converse converti- bility of heat into work. CHAPTER II. TRANSFER OF HEAT. 172. Transfer of Heat. — In the preceding discussions it has been assumed that heat may be transferred from one body to another, and that if two bodies in contact be at different temperatures, heat will be transferred from the hotter to the colder body. In general, if transfer of heat be possible in any system, heat will pass from the hotter to the colder parts of the system, and the temperature of the system will tend to become uniform. There are three ways in which this transfer is accomplished, called respectively convection, con- duction, and radiation. 173. Convection. — If a vessel containing any fluid be heated at the bottom, the bottom layers become less dense than those above, pro- ducing a condition of instability. The lighter portions of the fluid rise, and the heavier portions from above, coming to the bottom, are in their turn heated. Hence continuous currents are caused. This process is called convection. By this process, masses of fluid, al- though fluids are poor conductors, may be rapidly heated. Water is often heated in a reservoir at a distance from the source of heat by the circulation produced in pipes leading to the source of heat and back. The winds and the great currents of the ocean are con- vection currents. An interesting result follows from the fact that water has a maximum density (§ 190). When the water of lakes cools in winter, currents are set up and maintained, so long as the surface water becomes more dense by cooling, or until the whole mass reaches 4°. Any further cooling makes the surface water lighter. It therefore remains at the surface, and its temperature 201 202 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 174 rapidly falls to the freezing-point, while the great mass of the water remains at the temperature of its maximum density. 174. Conduction. — If one end of a metal rod be heated, it is found that the heat travels along the rod, since those portions at a distance from the source of heat finally become warm. This proc- ess of transfer of heat from molecule to molecule of a body, while the molecules themselves retain their relative places, is called con- diiction. In the discussion of the transfer of heat by conduction it is as- sumed as a principle, borne out by experiment, that the flow of heat between two very near parallel planes, drawn in a substance, is pro- portional to the difference of temperature between those planes, or that the flow of heat across a plane is proportional to the rate of fall of temperature across that plane. 175. Flow of Heat across a Wall. — The simplest body in which the flow of heat can be studied is a wall of homogeneous material bounded by two parallel infinite planes, one of which is kept at the temperature t' and the other at the temperature t ; we repre- sent the distance between the planes or the thickness of the wall by d. We suppose that the flow of heat across this wall has con- tinued so long that it has become steady, or that the tem- peratures at all points have assumed flnal values. Manifestly the temperature at all points in any plane parallel with the faces of the wall is the same, and the same amount of heat passes across any one such plane as passes across any other. We conclude therefore by the fundamental principle assumed (§ 174) that the rate of change of temperature across each plane in the wall is the same, or that the change of temperature through- out the wall from one face to the other is uniform; the rate of change of temperature is therefore given by -, where it has been assumed that t' is the higher temperature. If d' represent the distance of any plane in the wall from the hotter surface, the fall of temperature between it and the hotter surface is (f — t)— ^ d* § 177] TRANSFER OF HEAT. 203 d' and the temperature of the plane is t' — {t' — t)-j. The confirma- tion by experiment of this law of temperature distribution in a wall is a warrant for our assumption of the fundamental princi- ple of the flow of heat. 176. Conductivity. — If, now, we consider a prism extending across the wall, bounded by planes perpendicular to the exposed surfaces, and represent the area of its exposed bases by A, the quantity of heat which flows in a time T through this prism may be represented by Q = E*^^AT, (64) where X is a constant depending upon the material of which the wall is composed. K is the conductivity of the substance, and may be defined as the quantity of heat which in unit time flows through a section of unit area in a wall of the substance whose thickness is unity, when its exposed surfaces are maintained at a difference of temperature of one degree; or, in other words, it is the quantity of heat which in unit time flows through a section of unit area in a substance, where the rate of fall of temperature at that section is unity. In the above discussions the temperatures t' and t are taken as the actual temperatures of the surfaces of the wall. If the colder surface of the wall be exposed to air of temperature T, to which the heat which traverses it is given up, t will be greater than T. The difference will depend upon the quantity of heat which flows, and upon the facility with which the surface parts with heat. 177. Flow of Heat along a Bar. — If a prism of a substance have one of its bases maintained at a temperature /, while the other base and the sides are exposed to air at a lower temperature, the con- ditions of uniform fall of temperature no longer exist, and the amount of heat'which flows through the different sections is no longer the same: but the amount of heat which flows through any section is still proportional to the rate of fall of temperature at that 204 ELBMEN-TART PHYSICS. [§ ITO section, and is equal to the heat which escapes from the portion of the bar beyond the section. 178. Measurement of Conductivity. — A bar heated at one end furnishes a convenient means of meas- uring conductivity. In Fig. 69 let AB represent a bar heated at A. Let the ordinates aa', W , cc', represent the excess of temperatures above the tem- B perature of the air at the points from which they are drawn. These temper- atures may be determined by means of thermometers inserted in cavities in the bar, or by means of a thermopile. Draw the curve a'b'c'd' . . . through the summits of the ordinates. The inclina tion of this curve at any point represents the rate of fall of tem- perature at that point. The ordinates to the line b'm, drawn tangent to the curve at the point b', show what would be the tem- peratures at various points of the bar if the fall were uniform and at the same rate as at b'. It shows that, at the rate of fall at V, the bar would at m be at the temperature of the air; or, in the length bm, the fall of temperature would equal the amount repre- sented by bb'. The rate of fall is, therefore, t— • If Q represent the quantity of heat passing the section at b in the unit time, we have, from § 176, Q = E X rate of fall of temperature X area of section. Q is equal to the quantity of heat that escapes in unit time from all that portion of the bar beyond b. It may be found by heating a short piece of the same bar to a high temperature, allow- ing it to cool under the same conditions that surround the bar ^5, and observing its temperature from minute to minute as it falls. These observations furnish the data for computing the quantity of heat which escapes per minute from unit length of the bar at different temperatures. It is then easy to compute the amount of heat that escapes per minute from each portion, be, cd, etc., of the bar beyond b; each portion being taken so short that its tempera- § 183] TKANSFER OF HEAT. 205 ture throughout may, without sensible error, be considered uniform and the same as that at its middle point. Summing up all these quantities, we obtain the quantity Q which passes the section b in the unit time. Then E=. ^ . rate of fall of temperature at b X area of section 179. Conductivity diminishes as Temperature rises. — By the method described above, Forbes determined the conductivity of a bar of iron at points at different distances from the heated end, and found that the conductivity is not the same at all temperatures, but is greater as the temperature is lower. 180. Conductivity of Crystals. — The conductivity of crystals of the isometric system is the same in all directions, but in crystals of the other systems it is not so. In a crystal of Iceland spar the con- ductivity is greatest in the direction of the axis of symmetry, and equal in all directions in a plane at right angles to that axis. 181. Conductivity of Non-homogeneous Solids. — De la Eive and De Candolle were the first to show that wood conducts heat better in the directioii of the fibres than at right angles to them. Tyndall, by experimenting upon cubes cut from wood, has shown that the conductivity has a maximum value parallel to the fibres, a minimum value at right angles to the fibres and parallel to the annual layers. Feathers, fur, and the materials of clothing are poor conductors because of their want of continuity. 182. Conductivity of Liquids. — The conductivity of liquids can be measured, in the same way as that of solids, by noting the fall of temperature at various distances from the source of heat in a column of liquid heated at the top. Great care must be taken in these experiments to avoid errors due to convection currents. Liquids are generally poor conductors. 183. Radiation. — We have now considered those cases in which there is a transfer of heat between bodies in contact. Heat is also transferred between bodies not in contact. This is effected by a process called radiation, which will be subsequently considered. CHAPTER III. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 184. The Kinetic Theory of Heat. — In order to describe more easily certain of the effects of heat, it is advantageous to have an idea of the theory by which they are explained. This theory, the kinetic theory of heat, asserts that the molecules of all bodies are in constant motion, and that the heat of a body is the kinetic energy of its molecules. The idea that heat consists of the motion of the least parts of matter was introduced into science by New- ton, of course with a very imperfect knowledge of the facts. The apparently unlimited production of heat by mechanical work led Eumford and Davy, more particularly the latter, to assert the equivalence of heat and motion. This theory was afterwards dis- placed for many years by the influence of the French school of physicists, who considered bodies, at least in their mathematical discussions, as assemblages of stationary particles, and heat as a separate substance. It was revived by Mohr, who showed its very general applicability in the explanation of ordinary heat phenomena. Since the discovery of the conservation of energy, the reasons in its favor have been very much strengthened and its foundations securely laid by the complete success attained with it in explaining the laws of gases. We will use this theory in its general form in the description of some of the effects of heat, and will discuss it more fully in § 221 seq. SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 185. Expansion of Solids.— When heat is applied to a body it increases the kinetic energy of the molecules, and also increases the 206 § 185] EFFECTS OF HEAT. ^ 207 potential energy, by forcing the molecules farther apart against their mutual attractions and any external forces that may resist ex- pansion. Since the internal work to be done when a solid or liquid expands yaries greatly for different substances, it might be expected that the amount of expansion for a given rise of temperature would vary greatly. In studying the expansion of solids, we distinguish linear and mluminal expansion. The increase which occurs in the unit length of a substa,nce for a rise of temperature from zero to 1° C. is called the coefficient of linear expansion. Experiment shows that the expansion for a rise of temperature of one degree is very nearly constant between zero and 100°. Kepresent by Z„ the distance between two points in a body at zero, by l^ the distance between the same points at the temperature i, and by a the coefficient of linear expansion of the substance of which the body is composed. The increase in the distance Z„ for a rise of one degree in tem- perature is al^ , for a rise of i degrees atl,. Hence we have, after a rise in temperature of t degrees, I, = ?„(1 + at). (65) The binomial 1 + at is called the factor of expansion. In the same way, if k represent the coefficient of voluminal ex- pansion, the volume of a body at a temperature t will be F, = F„(1 + M); (66) and if d represent density, since density is inversely as volume, we have For a homogeneous isotropic solid, the coefficient of voluminal expansion is three times that of linear expansion j for, if the tem- perature of a cube, with an edge of unit length, be raised one degree, the length of its edge becomes 1 -f «, and its volume 1 ^ 3a _|_ Sa" + a'. Since a is very small, its square and cube 208 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§' 186 may be neglected; and the volume of the cube after a rise in tem- perature of one degree is 1 + 3ar. 3a; is, therefore, the coefficient of voluminal expansion. 186. Measurement of Coefficients of Linear Expansion. — Coeffi- cients of linear expansion are measured by comparing the lengths, at different temperatures, of a bar of the substance the coefficient of which is required, with the length, at constant temperature, of another bar. The constant temperature of the latter bar is secured by immersing it in melting ice. The bar the coefficient of which is sought may be brought to different temperatures by immersing it in a liquid bath; but it is found better to place the bar upon the instrument by means of which the comparisons are to be made, and leave it for several hours exposed to the air of the room, which is kept at a constant temperature by artificial means. Of course several hours must elapse between any two comparisons by this method, and its application is restricted to such ranges of temper- ature as may be obtained in occupied rooms; but within this range the observations can be made much more accurately than would be the case when the bar is immersed in a bath, and it is within this range that an accurate knowledge of coefficients of expansion is of most importance. 187. Expansion of Liquids.— In studying the expansion of a liquid, it is important to distinguish its absolute expansion, or the real increase in volume, and its apparent expansion, or its increase in volume in comparison with that of the containing vessel. To determine the absolute expansion, some method must be used which does not require a knowledge of the expansion of the vessel containing the liquid. The method used by Eegnault in determining the absolute expansion of mercury consisted in compar- ing the heights of two columns of mercury at different tempera- tures when they were so adjusted as to give the same pressure. The apparent expansion is determined by filling a vessel of known volume with the liquid at one temperature, and by measur- ing the amount of the liquid which runs out when the temperature is raised. This method was also used by Regnault in his study of § 189] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 209 the expansion of mercury. The vessel which he used was a glass bulb furnished with a capillary tube. It was filled with mercury at a known temperature, and its volume determined by the weight of the mercury contained in it and the specific gravity of mercury. It was then heated to another known temperature, and the mer- cury which ran out was collected and weighed. From these data the apparent expansion of mercury in glass could be determined. When the absolute expansion of mercury is known the knowl- edge of its apparent expansion in glass enables us to determine the absolute expansion of glass also. If the apparent expansion of mercury be known, and if we assume that its expansion is proportional to the rise of tempera- ture, we may evidently use the amount of mercury which runs out when the bulb is heated as a measure of its change of temperature. The instrument just described is therefore called a weight ther- mometer. 188. Determination of Voluminal Expansion of Solids. — The "weight thermometer may be used to determine the coefficient of voluminal expansion of solids. For this purpose, the solid, of which the volume at zero is known, must be introduced into the bulb by the glass-blower. If the bulb containing the solid be filled, with mercury at zero, and afterward heated to the temperature t, it is evident that the amount of mercury that will overflow will depend upon the coefficient of expansion of the solid, and upon the coefficient of apparent expansion of mercury. If the latter has been determined for the kind of glass used, the former can be deduced. By this means the coefficients of voluminal expansion of some solids have been determined; and the results are found to verify the conclusion, deduced from theory (§ 185), that the voluminal coefficient is three times the linear. 189. Absolute Expansion of Liquids other than Mercury. — The weight-thermometer may also serve to determine the coefficients of expansion of liquids other than mercury; for, if the absolute expan- sion of glass has been found as described above, the instrument may be filled with the liquid the coefficient of which is desired, and the 210 ELEMJENTABT PHYSICS. [§ 190 apparent expansion of this liquid found exactly as was that of mer- cury. The absolute coeflScient for the liquid is then the sum of the coeflBcient of apparent expansion and the coefficient for the glass. 190. Expansion of Water. — The use of water as a standard with which to compare the densities of other substances makes it neces- sary to know, not merely its mean coefficient of expansion, but its actual expansion, degree by degree. This is the more important since water expands very irregularly. The best determinations of the volumes of water at different temperatures are those of Mat- thiessen. The method which he employed was to weigh in water a mass of glass of which the coefficient of expansion had been pre- viously determined. Water contracts, instead of expanding, from 0° to 4°. At 4° it is at its maximum density, and from that temperature to its boiling- point it expands. 191. EfiFect of Variation of Temperature upon Specific Heat. — It has already been stated (§ 166) that the specific heat of bodies changes with temperature. With most substances the specific heat increases as the temperature rises. For example, the true specific heat of the diamond At OMs 0.0947 At 50° is 0.1435 At 100° is 0.1905 At 200° is , 0.2719 192. Effect of Change of Physical State upon Specific Heat. — The specific heat of a substance is not the same in its different physical states. In the solid or gaseous state of the substance it is generally less than in the liquid. For example : Jlean Specific Heat. Solid. Liquid. Gaseous. Water 0.504 1.000 0.481 Mercury 0.0314 0.383 Tin 0.056 0.0637 Lead 0.0314 0.0403 Bromine 0.1129 0.0555 § 193] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 211 193. Dulong and Petit's Law. Atomic Heat.— In their study of the specific heats of a number of chemical elements which are solid &t ordinary temperatures, Dulong and Petit found that the product of the specific heat by the atomic weight of the element was ap- proximately a constant quantity. Further researches, especially those of Kopp, have confirmed this statement as a general law for all solid elements. The constant number to which the product of the specific heat and the atomic weight approximates is ordinarily given as 6.4 when the specific heat is measured in calories, though this is probably a little too high. The deviations from this number presented by different elements are rather large, amounting in many cases to as much as 5 per cent. If masses of the different elements be taken which are propor- tional to their atomic weights, these masses will contain the same numbers of atoms. The heat required to raise one of these masses -one degree in temperature is therefore the same for all such sub- stances. This statement is of course true only within the limits of accuracy with which the, different substances conform to Dulong and Petit's law. The experiments of P. Neumann and Eegnault showed that a similar law applies to compounds of solids which are -of the same chemical constitution; that is, which contain the same number of atoms in the molecule. For all such bodies the product ■of the specific heat and the molecular weight is a constant ; this constant is different for the different classes of substances — that is, for those substances which have different numbers of atoms in the molecule. But if the constant obtained for each class of substances be divided by the number of atoms in the molecule of that class, the quotient is approximately the same constant, 6.4, as that ob- tained for the elements. By applying this law to compounds in which one of the elements is a substance, like hydrogen, which •cannot be examined directly in the solid state, the atomic heat of that substance may be calculated. It is found that the atomic heats of certain substances, notably hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and silicium, deviate very widely from the constant with which the other atomic heats approximately agree. 312 ELEMENTAKY PHYSICS. [§ 19i The elementary gases obey a similar law with considerable ex- actness; the constant given by the product of their specific heats at constant pressure and their atomic weights is about 3.4. The following table will illustrate the law of Dulong and Petit. The atomic weights are those given by Clarke. Specific Heat Product of Specific Elements. of Atomic Weight. Heat and Atomic Equal Weights. Weight. Iron 0.114 55.9 6.372 Copper 0.095 63.17 6.001 Mercury.... 0.0314 (solid) 199.71 6.128 Silver 0.057 107.67 6.137 Gold 0.0339 196.15 6.453 Tin 0.056 117.7 6.591 Lead 0.0314 306.47 6.483 Zinc 0.0955 64.9 6.198 194. Fusion and Solidification. — When ice at a temperature below zero is heated, its temperature rises to zero, and then the ice begins to melt; and, however high the temperature of the medium that surrounds it may be, its temperature remains constant at zero so long as it remains in the solid state. This temperature is the melting-point of ice, and because of its fixity it is used as one of the standard temperatures in graduating thermometric scales. Other bodies melt at very different but at fixed and definite tempera- tures. Many substances cannot be melted, as they decompose by heat. Alloys often melt at a lower temperature than any of their con- stituents. An alloy of one part lead, one part tin, four parts bis- muth, melts at 94°; while the lowest melting-point of its constitu- ents is that of tin, 328°. An alloy of lead, tin, bismuth, and cad- mium melts at 62°. If a liquid be placed in a medium the temperature of which is below its melting-point, it'will in general begin to solidify when its temperature reaches its melting-point, and it will remain at that temperature until it is all solidified. Under certain conditions, however, the temperature of a liquid maybe lowered several degrees below its melting-point without solidification, as will be seen below. § 196] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 213 195. Change of Volume with Change of State.— Substances are generally more dense in the solid than in the liquid state, but there are some notable exceptions. Water, on solidifying, expands; so that the density of ice at zero is only 0.9167, while that of water at 4° is 1. This expansion exerts considerable force, as is evidenced by the bursting of vessels and pipes containing water. 196. Change of Melting- and Freezing-points. — If water be en- closed in a vessel sufficiently strong to prevent its expansion, it cannot freeze except at a lower temperature. The freezing-point of water is, therefore, lowered by pressure. On the other hand, substances which contract on solidifying have their solidification hastened by pressure. The lowering of the melting-point of ice by pressure explains some remarkable phenomena. If pieces of ice be pressed together, even in warm water, they will be firmly united. Fragments of ice may be moulded under heavy pressure, into a solid, transparent mass. This soldering together of masses of ice is called regelation. If a loop of wire be placed over a block of ice and weighted, it will cut its way slowly through the- ice, and regelation will occur be- hind it. After the wire has passed through, the block will be found one solid mass, as before. The explanation of these phe- nomena is, that the ice is partially melted by the pressure. The liquid thus formed is colder than the ice; it finds its way to points of less pressure, and there, because of its low temperature, it congeals, firmly uniting the two masses. "Water, when freed from air and kept perfectly quiet, will not form ice at the ordinary freezing-point. Its temperature may be lowered to —10° or —13° without solidification. In this condition a slight jar, or the introduction of a small fragment of ice, will cause a sudden congelation of part of the liquid, accompanied by a rise in temperature in the whole mass to zero. A similar phenomenon is observed in the case of several solu- tions, notably sodium sulphate and sodium acetate. If a saturated hot solution of one of these salts be made, and allowed to cool in a closed bottle in perfect quiet, it will not crystallize. Upon opening 314 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 197 the bottle and admitting air, crystallization commences, and spreads rapidly through the mass, accompanied by a considerable rise of temperature. If the amount of salt dissolved in the water be not too great, the solution will remain liquid when cooled in the open air, and it may even suffer considerable disturbance by foreign bod- ies without crystallization; but crystallization begins immediately upon contact with the smallest crystal of the same salt. 197. Freezing-point of Solutions. — It has been long known that the freezing-point of a solution of salt and water is lower than that of pure water. The relation of the lowering of the freezing-point to the concentration of the solution was investigated by Blagden, who found that for dilute solutions the lowering of the freezing- point was proportional to the concentration. This matter has been investigated by Raoult, who established some most important gen- eralizations. Raoult showed that, for indifferent solutions, that is, for solutions which are not electrolytes, provided they are very di- lute, the lowering of the freezing-point is very closely proportional to the concentration; its amount differs for different solvents. He fur- ther showed that, for any one solvent, the lowering of the freezing- point is the same whatever be the dissolved substance, provided that the solutions are equimolecular, that is, contain the same num- ber of molecules of the dissolved substance in unit volume of the solution. It may be shown on theoretical grounds that the change in the freezing-point depends upon the osmotic pressure, the freez- ing-point, the heat of fusion, and the density of the solution. Solutions which are electrolytes, or are not indifferent, also ex- hibit a lowering of the freezing-point proportional to the concentra- tion, but the amount of change is greater than in indifferent solutions. This difference is explained by assuming a partial or complete dis- sociation of the molecules of the dissolved substances into their constituent ions (§ 285). 198. Heat Equivalent of Fusion.— Some facts that have ap- peared in the above account of the phenomena of fusion and solid- ification require further study. It has been seen that, however rapidly the temperature of a solid may be rising, the moment fusion. § 199] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 215 begins the rise of temperature ceases. "Whatever the heat to which a solid may be exposed, it cannot be made hotter than its melting- point. When ice is melted by pressure its temperature is lowered. When a liquid is cooled, its fall of temperature ceases when solidi- fication begins; and if, as may occur under favorable conditions, a liquid is cooled below its melting-point, its temperature rises at once to the melting-point, when solidification begins. Heat, there- fore, disappears when a body melts, and is generated when a liquid becomes solid. It was stated (§ 159) that ice can be melted by friction; that is, by the expenditure of mechanical energy. Fusion is, therefore, work which requires the expenditure of some form of energy to ac- complish it. The heat required to melt unit mass of a substance is the heat equivalent of fusion of that substance. When a substance solidifies, it develops the same amount of heat as was required to melt it. As will be shown later at greater length, the absorption of heat which occurs when a solid is melted is explained by supposing that it is used in doing work against the forces which determine the direc- tion of the molecules in the solid and in increasing the kinetic energy of molecular translation. 199. Determination of the Heat Equivalent of Fusion. — The heat equivalent of fusion may be determined by the method of mixtures (§ 1 68), as follows : A mass of ice, for example, represented by P, at a temperature t below its melting-point, to insure dryness, is plunged into a mass P' of warm water at the temperature T. Eepresent by the resulting temperature, when the ice is all melted. If p represent the water equivalent of the calorimeter, (P' -\- p) {T ~ 0) is the heat given up by the calorimeter and its contents. Let c represent the specific heat of ice, and x the heat equivalent of fusion. The ice absorbs, to raise its temperature to zero, Ptc calories; to melt it, Px calories; to warm the water after melting, PO calories. We then have the equation Ptc + Pe + Px = {P' + p){T - 6), (68) from which x may be found. 216 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 200 Other calorimetric methods may be employed. The best ex- periments give, for the heat equivalent of fusion of ice, very nearly eighty calories. VAPORS AND GASES. 200. The Gaseous State. — A gas may be defined as a highly compressible fluid. A given mass of gas has no definite volume. Its volume varies with every change in the external pressure to which it is exposed. A vapor is the gaseous state of a substance which at ordinary temperatures exists as a solid or a liquid. 201. Vaporization is the process of formation of vapor. There are two phases of the process : evaporation, in which vapor is formed at the free surface of the liquid; and ebullition, in which the vapor is formed in bubbles in the mass of the liquid, or at the heated surface with which it is in contact. 202. Evaporation. — If a liquid be enclosed in a vessel which it does not entirely fill, the space above the liquid begins at once to be occupied by the vapor of the liquid. The presence of the vapor can be detected in many ways, some of which are applicable only in special cases. Those which are always applicable are the meas- urement of the increased pressure due to the vapor and the con- densation of the vapor into the liquid state after isolating it from the mass of liquid beneath it. The process of forming vapor in this way is evaporation. Evaporation goes on continually from the free surfaces of many liquids, and even of solids. It increases in rapidity as the temperature increases, and ceases when the vapor has reached a certain density, always the same for the same tem- perature, but greater for a higher temperature. It goes on very rapidly in a vacuum; but it is found that the final density of the vapor is no greater, or but little greater, than when some other gas. is present. While evaporation is going on, heat must be supplied to the liquid to keep its temperature constant. Evaporation may be readily explained on the kinetic theory (§ 184) on the supposition that, in the interaction of the molecules, the motion of any one may be more or less violent, as it receives § 203] EFFECTS OE HEAT. 217 motion from its neighbors or gives up motion to them. At the ex- posed surface of the substance the motion of a molecule may at times be so violent as to project it beyond the reach of the molec- ular attractions. If this occur in the air, or in a space filled with .any gas, the molecule may be turned back, and made to rejoin the molecules in the liquid mass; but many will find their way to such a distance that they will not return. They then constitute a vapor -of the substance. As the number of free molecules in the space .above the liquid increases, it is plain that there may come a time when as many will rejoin the liquid as escape from it. The space is then saturated with the vapor. The more violent the motion in the liquid, that is, the higher its temperature, the more rapidly the molecules will escape, and the greater must be the number in the space above the liquid before the returning will equal in number the outgoing molecules. In other words, the higher the tempera- •ture, the more dense the vapor that saturates a given space. If the .space above a liquid be a vacuum, the escaping molecules will at first meet with no obstruction, and, as a consequence, the space will be very quickly saturated with the vapor. The presence of another vapor or a gas impedes the motion of the outgoing molecules, and •causes evaporation to go on slowly, but it has very little influence upon the number of molecules that must be present in order that those which return may equal in number those which escape. Since ■only the more rapidly moving molecules escape, they carry ofE more than their share of the heat of the liquid, and thus the temperature will fall unless heat is supplied from without. 203. Pressure of Vapors. — As a liquid evaporates in a closed space, the vapor formed exerts a pressure upon the enclosure and upon the surface of the liquid, which increases so long as the quantity of vapor increases, and reaches a maximum when the space is saturated. This maximum pressure of a vapor increases with the temperature. When evaporation takes place in a space filled by another gas which has no action upon the vapor, the pressure of the vapor is added to that of the gas, and the pressure of the mixture is, therefore, the sum of the pressures of its constituents. The law 218 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 204 was announced by Dalton that the quantity of vapor which satu- rates a given space, and consequently the maximum pressure of that vapor, is the same whether the space be empty or contain a gas. Eegnault has shown that, for water, ether, and some other sub- stances, the maximum pressure of their vapors is shghtly less when air is present. 204. The Vapor Pressure of Solutions. — The pressure of the saturated vapor formed from an indifferent solution, or one which is not an electrolyte, is always less than the vapor pressure of the pure solvent. Kaoult discovered that the diminution of vapor pressure is proportional to the concentration, provided the solutions are very dilute and that, for any one solvent, the diminution of vapor pressure is the same, whatever be the dissolved substance, provided the solutions are equimolecular, .that is, contain the same number of molecules in equal volumes of the solutions. It may be shown on theoretical grounds that the diminution of vapor pressure depends upon the density of the vapor and the osmotic pressure and density of the solution. Solutions which are not electrolytes, or which are not indiffer- ent, exhibit a diminution of vapor pressure proportional to the concentration, but the amount of change is greater than in indiffer- ent solutions. This difference is explained by assuming a partial or complete dissociation of the molecules of the dissolved substances into their constituent ions (§285). 205. Ebullition. — As the temperature of a liquid rises, the pressure which its vapor may exert increases, until a point is reached where the vapor is capable of forming, in the mass of the liquid, bubbles which can withstand the superincumbent pressure of the liquid and the atmosphere above it. These bubbles of vapor, escaping from the liquid, give rise to the phenomenon called ehul- lition, or boiling. Boiling may, therefore, be defined as the agita- tion of a liquid by its own vapor. Generally speaking, for a given liquid, ebullition always occurs at the same temperature for the same pressure ; and, when once commenced, the temperature of the liquid no longer rises, no § 306] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 219 matter how intense the source of heat. This fixed temperature is called the boiling-point ot the liquid. It differs for different liquids, and for the same liquid under different pressures. That the boiling-point must depend upon the pressure is evident from the explanation of the phenomenon of ebullition above given. Substances in solution, if less volatile than the liquid, raise the boiling-point. While pure water boils at 100°, water saturated with common salt boils at 109°. The material of the containing vessel also influences the boiling-point. In a glass vessel the tem- perature of boiling water is higher than in one of metal. If water be deprived of air bj long boiling, and then cooled, its tem- perature may afterwards be raised considerably above the boiling- point before ebullition commences. Under these conditions the first bubbles of vapor will form with explosive violence. The air dissolved in water separates from it at a high temperature in minute bubbles. Into these the water evaporates, and, whenever the elastic force of the vapor is sufficient to overcome the superin- cumbent pressure, it enlarges them, and causes the commotion that marks the phenomenon of ebullition. If no such openings in the mass of the fiuid exist, the cohesion of the fiuid, or its adhesion to the vessel, as well as the pressure, must be overcome by the vapor. This explains the higher temperature at which ebullition com- mences when the liquid has been deprived of air. 206. Spheroidal State. — If a liquid be introduced into a highly heated capsule, or poured upon a very hot plate, it does not wet the heated surface, but forms a fiattened spheroid, which presents no appearance of boiling, and evaporates only very slowly. Boutigny has carefully studied these phenomena, and made known the fol- lowing facts: The temperature of the spheroid is below the boil- ing-point of the liquid. The spheroid does not touch the heated plate, but is separated from it by a non-conducting layer of vapor. This accounts for the slowness of the evaporation. To maintain the liquid in this condition the temperature of the capsule must be much above the boiling-point of the liquid; for water it must be at least 200° C. If the capsule be allowed to cool, the temperature- 220 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 207 will soon fall below the limit necessary to maintain the spheroidal state, the liquid will moisten the capsule, and there will be a rapid ebullition with disengagement of vapor. If a liquid of very low boiling-point, as liquid nitrous oxide, which boils at - 88°, be poured into a red-hot capsule, it will assume the spheroidal state; and, since its temperature cannot rise above its boiling-point, water, or even mercury, plunged into it, will be frozen. 207. Production of Vapor in a Limited Space.— When a liquid is heated in a limited space the vapor generated accumulates, in- creasing the pressure, and the temperature rises above the ordinary boiling-point. Cagniard-Latour experimented upon liquids in spaces but little larger than their own volumes. He found that, -at a certain temperature, the liquid suddenly disappeared ; that is, it was converted into vapor in a space but little larger than its own volume. It is supposed that above the temperature at which this ■occurs, which is called the critical temperature, the substance can- not exist in the liquid state (§ 223). 208. Liquefaction. — Only a certain amount of vapor can exist at s. given temperature in a given space. If the temperature of a space .saturated with vapor be lowered, some of the vapor must condense into the liquid state. It is not necessary that the temperature of the whole space be lowered; for when the vapor in the cooled por- tion is condensed, its pressure is diminished, the vapor from the warmer portion flows in, to be in its turn condensed, and this con- tinues until the whole is brought to the density and pressure due to the cooled portion. Any diminution of the space occupied by a saturated vapor at constant temperature will cause some of the vapor to become liquid, for, if it do not condense, its pressure must increase; but a saturated vapor is already at its maximum pressure. If the vapor in a given space be not at its maximum pressure, its pressure will increase when its volume is diminished, until the maximum pressure is reached; when, if the temperature remain constant, further reduction of volume causes condensation into the liquid state, without further increase of pressure or density. This statement is true of several of the gases at ordinary temperatures. I 310] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 321 Otilorine, sulphur dioxide, ammonia, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide,, and several other gases, become liquid under sufficient pressure. Andrews found that at a temperature of 30.9S° pressure ceases to liquefy carbon dioxide. This is the critical temperature for that substance. The critical temperatures of oxygen, hydrogen, and the other so-called permanent gases, are so low that it is only by methods capable of yielding an extremely low temperature that they can be liquefied. By the use of such methods any of the gases may be made to assume the liquid state. In the case of hydrogen, however, the low temperature necessary for its liquefaction has only been reached by allowing the gas to expand from a condition of great condensation, in which it had already been cooled to a very low point. The first successful attempts to condense these gases were made by Cailletet and Pictet, working independently. The best work on the subject has been done by Olszewski, who has succeeded in obtaining large quantities of liquid oxygen, nitrogen,, and hydrogen, and in freezing nitrogen. 209. Pressure and Density of Saturated Gases and Vapors.— It has been seen that, for each gas or vapor at a temperature below the critical temperature, there is a maximum pressure which it can exert at that temperature. To each temperature there corresponds a maximum pressure, which is higher as the temperature is higher. A gas or vapor in contact with its liquid in a closed space will exert its maximum pressure. The relation between the temperature and the corresponding maximum pressure of a vapor is a very important one, and has been the subject of many investigations. The vapor of water has been especially studied, the most extensive and accurate experi- ments being those of Regnault. 210. Pressure and Density of Non-saturated Gases and Vapors. — If a gas or vapor in the non-saturated condition be maintained at constant temperature, it follows very nearly Boyle's law (§ 105), If its temperature be below its critical temperature, the product of volume by pressure diminishes, and near the point of saturation the departure from the law may be considerable. At this point 222 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 211 the pressure becomes constant for any further diminution of vol- ume, and the gas assumes the liquid state. The less the pressure and density of the ^as, the more nearly it obeys Boyle's law. 211. Gay-Lussac's Law. — It has been stated already that gases expand as the temperature rises. The law of this expansion, called, after its discoverer, Gay-Lussac's law, is that, for each increment of temperature of one degree, every gas expands by the same con- stant fraction of its volume at zero. This is equivalent to saying that a gas has a constant coefficient of expansion, which is the same for all gases. Let Fo , Ft represent the volumes at zero and t respectively, , and a the coefficient of expansion. Then, the pressure remaining constant, we have Vt = F„(l + at). (69) If d„ , dt represent the densities at the same two temperatures we have, since densities are inversely as volumes. Later investigations, especially those of Eegnault, show that this simple law, like the law of Boyle, is not rigorously true, though it is very nearly so for all gases and vapors which are not too near their points of saturation. The common coefficient of expansion is a = 0.003666 = -^^ very nearly. 212. Boyle's and Gay-Lussac's Laws. — From the law of Boyle we have, for a given mass of gas, if the temperature remain constant, Vpp = Vj,,p' = volume at pressure unity, where Vp , Vp, represent the volumes at pressure p and p' respectively. From the law of Gay-Lussac we have, if the pressure remain constant, Fj = fX^^ = f IT^/ I^ ^he temperature and pressure both vary, we have l-^at 1 + at" y^^l § 313J EFFECTS OF HEAT. 223 that is, if the volume of a given mass of gas be multiplied by the corresponding pressure and divided by the factor of expansion, the quotient is constant. Let us represent this constant by C and write ^j for a and v for Fpt. Then we have ^^J^ ^ = _ = ^, where ^ is a constant. If the temperatures of the gas be reckoned from a zero point which is 273° below the melting-point of ice, or the zero of the centi- grade thermometer, we may set 273 + if = T, where T is the tem- perature reckoned from the new zero, and have finally pv = RT (72) as the equation which embodies Boyle's and Gay-Lussac's laws. The temperature T is called the temperature on the scale of the air-thermometer, and the zero from which it is reckoned is called the zero of the air-thermometer. For reasons which will subse- quently appear, it is also called the absolute temperature, and its aero the absolute zero. 213. Elasticity of Gases. —It has been shown (§ 105) that the •elasticity of a gas obeying Boyle's law is numerically equal to the pressure. This is the elasticity for constant temperature. But when a gas is compressed it is heated (§158); and heating a gas increases its pressure. Under ordinary conditions, therefore, the ratio of a small increase of pressure to the corresponding decrease of unit volume is greater than when the temperature is constant. It is important to consider the case when all the heat generated by the compression is retained by the gas. The elasticity is then a maximum, and is called the elasticity when no heat is allowed to enter or escape. Let mn (Pig. 70) be a curve representing the relation between volume and pressure for constant temperature, of which the abscissas represent volumes and the ordinates pressures. Such a curve is called an isothermal line. It is plain that to each tem- perature must correspond its own isothermal line. If, now, we suppose the gas to be compressed, and no heat to escape, it is plain 224 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 3M that if the volume diminish from OC to OG, the pressure will become greater than GD; suppose it to be GM. If a number of such points as M be found, and a line be drawn through them, it will repre- sent the relation between volume^ and pressure when no heat enters- or escapes. It is called an adia- latic line. It evidently makes a greater angle with the horizontal than the isothermal. The tangents to these lines at the point of intersection, being the ratios of the changes of pres- sure to the same changes of volume under the conditions repre- sented by those lines are proportional to the elasticity at constant temperature, or the isothermal elasticity Ef, and to the elasticity when no heat is allowed to enter or escape, or the adiabatic elas- ticity E^, respectively. 214. Specific Heats of Gases. — The amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of unit mass of a gas one degree, while the- volume remains unchanged, is called the specific heat of the gas at constant volume. The amount of heat necessary to raise the tem- perature of unit mass of a gas one degree when expansion takes- place without change of pressure, is called the specific heat of the gas at constant pressure. The determination of the relation of these two quantities is a very important problem. The specific heat of a gas at constant pressure may be found by passing a current of warmed gas through a tube coiled in a calorimeter. There are great difficulties in the way of an accurate determination, because of the small density of the gas, and the time required to pass enough of it through the calorimeter to obtain a reasonable rise of temperature. The various sources of error pro- duce effects which are sometimes as great as, or even greater than, the quantity to be measured. It is beyond the scope of this work I 215] EFFECTS OF HEAT. S25 to describe in detail the means by which the effects of the disturb- ing causes have been determined or eliminated. The specific heat of a gas at constant volume is generally de- termined from the ratio between it and the specific heat at constant pressure. The first direct determination of this ratio was accom- plished by Clement and Desormes. It is now most commonly de- termined from the velocity of sound (§§ 135, 216). 215. Work Done by the Expansion of a Gas.— It was shown by Joule that when a gas expands without doing external work, its temperature remains practically constant. His expei'iment consisted in allowing gas compressed within a reservoir to flow into another reservoir in which a vacuum had been made. The reservoirs were immersed in the water of a calorimeter; it was found that in these circumstances the expansion of the gas was not attended either by the evolution or absorption of heat. As the gas had done no ex- ternal work during the expansion, this proved that its energy remained unchanged. The energy of a gas is therefore a function of its temperature alone. If the temperature of a unit mass of gas be raised 1° while its volume is kept constant, the quantity of heat C„, the specific heat at constant volume, must enter the gas. If its temperature be raised by the same amount while it is allowed to expand under con- stant pressure and to do work IF by that expansion, a quantity of heat G^, the specific heat at constant pressure, must be used. Since the gas is at the same temperature at the end of each of these opera- tions, its energy must be the same m both cases, and the difference between the quantities of heat employed, or Op — C„, must be equal to the work W done by the expansion. The experiments of Joule and Thomson, which proved that the experiment of Joule just described was not sufficiently sensitive to yield an exact result, and that the temperature of a gas really falls slightly when it expands without doiug external work, do not seriously invalidate the conclusion just drawn; they merely prove that some internal work is done in the gas during its expansion. This internal work is so small in amount that it may be neglected in most cases. 226 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 216 216. Ratio of the Elasticities and of the Specific Heats of a Gas. —The ratio of the two principal specific heats of a gas is the same as the ratio of its two principal elasticities. To show this, construct an adiabatic line and an isothermal line (Fig. 71) intersecting at the point ; from that point draw a line parallel with the axis of volumes and take a point A on that line very near the point 0. Through that point draw a line parallel with the axis of pressures, intersecting the isother- ^'^- '^^- mal and the adiabatic lines at B and respectively. OA is the diminution of volume, Av, caused by an increase of pressure AB — Sp if the compression is isothermal, or by the increase of pressure AC- Jpit the compression is adiabatic. From the definition of elasticity (§ 102) we have the equations Et - -^^, K- ^^ , and iience ^^ - ^^. Ap We will now determine the value of the ratio —■ in terms of the o'p principal specific heats. For convenience we assume that we are dealing with a unit mass of gas. The diminution of volume Av at constant pressure sets free the quantity of heat C^ . At, where At is the change of temperature that occasions the change of volume; the point A then represents the condition of the gas. The gas may be brought into this same condition by an adiabatic compression from to C, during which no heat either enters or leaves the gas, and by a diminution of pressure AC ^ Ap while the volume is con- stant, caused by the abstraction of the heat produced by the com- pression. The heat which must be abstracted from the gas in order that it shall attain the condition denoted by ^, is to the heat that must be abstracted to cause the diminution of pressure BA = Sp in the ratio of Ap to Sp. The heat which must be ab- stracted to cause the diminution of pressure BA = Sp at constant volume is C„ . At, where At has the same value as before, since the fore be set equal, so that we have Op/It ~ C^-~At, and hence § 317] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 227 -change of temperature is that experienced in passing from the isothermal OB to the isothermal which passes through A. The heat abstracted to produce the diminution of pressure Ap is there- in fore C„ . -^ . M. Now the internal energy of the gas in the con- -dition represented by A depends only on its temperature and is independent of the way in which that condition is reached. The work done on the gas in its change from to ^ does depend on the way in which the change is effected, but the difference between the work done on it during the first operation and that done on it during the second operation is an infinitesimal of the second order, represented by the area OCA {§ 232), and may be neglected. The quantities of heat abstracted during the two operations may there- Ap dp dp- c; - Et' ^^^' by the equation already obtained. It has been shown that the Telocity of sound in any medium is equal to the square root of the quotient of the elasticity divided by the density of the medium; that is, velocity = y -=■ In the progress of a sound-wave the air is alternately compressed and rarefied, the compressions and rarefactions occurring in such rapid succession that there is no time for any transfer of heat. If this equation be applied to air, the E becomes E,^ , or the elasticity under the condition that no heat enters or escapes. Since we know the density of the air and the velocity of sound, E,^ can be computed. In § 105 it is shown that Et is numerically equal to the pressure; hence we have the values of the two elasticities of air, and, as seen above, their ratio is the ratio of the two specific heats of air. 217. Examples of Energy absorbed by Vaporization. — When a liquid boils, its temperature remains constant, however intense the source of heat. This shows that the heat applied to it is expended in producing the change of state. Heat is absorbed during evapora- 228 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 218 tion. By promoting evaporation, intense cold may be produced. In a vacuum, water may be frozen by its own evaporation. If a liquid be heated to a temperature above its ordinary boiling-point under pressure, relief of the pressure is followed by a very rapid evolution of vapor and a rapid cooling of the liquid. Liquid nitrous oxide at a temperature of zero is still far above its boiling- point, and its vapor exerts a pressure of about thirty atmospheres. If the liquid be drawn off into an open vessel, it at first boils with extreme violence, but is soon cooled to its boiling-point for the atmospheric pressure, about — 88°, and then boils away slowly, while its temperature remains at that low point. By liquefying nitrogen and then allowing it to evaporate under low pressure, Olszewski obtained the temperature of — 220° C, and by allowing liquid hydrogen to boil under atmospheric pressure, — 243.5° C. was reached. 218. Heat Equivalent of Vaporization. — It is plain that the for- mation of vapor is work requiring the expenditure of energy for its accomplishment. Each molecule that is shot off into space obtains the motion which projected it beyond the reach of the molecular attraction, at the expense of the energy of the molecules that remain behind. A quantity of heat disappears when a liquid evaporates; and experiment demonstrates, that to evaporate a kilo- gram of a liquid at a given temperature always requires the same amount of heat. This is the heat equivalent of vaporization. When a vapor condenses into the liquid state, the same amount of heat is generated as disappears when the liquid assumes the state of vapor. The heat equivalent of vaporization is determined by passing the vapor at a known temperature into a calorimeter, there condensing it into the liquid state, and noting the rise of tempera- ture in the calorimeter. This, it will be seen, is essentially the method of mixtures. Many experimenters have given attention to this determination ; but here, again, the best experiments are those of Eegnault. He determined what he called the total lieat of steam at various pressures. By this was meant the heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water from zero to the temperature § 221] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 229 of saturated vapor at the pressure chosen, and then convert it wholly into steam. The result of his experiments give, for the heat equiva- lent of vaporization of water at 100°, 537 calories. That is, he found that by condensing a kilogram of steam at 100° into water, and then cooling the water to zero, 637 calories were obtained. But almost exactly 100 calories are derived from the water cooling from 100° to zero ; hence 537 calories is the heat equivalent of vaporization at 100°. 219. Dissociation. — It has already been noted (§ 157), that, at high temperatures, compounds are separated into their elements. To effect this separation, the powerful forces of chemical affinity must be overcome, and a considerable amount of energy must be consumed. 220. Heat Equivalent of Dissociation and Chemical Union. — From the principle of the conservation of energy, it may be assumed that the energy required for dissociation is the same as that developed by the reunion of the elements. The heat equivalent of chemical union is not easy to determine, because the process is usually com- plicated by changes of physical state. We may cause the union of carbon and oxygen in a calorimeter, and, bringing the products of combustion to the temperature of the elements before the union, measure the heat given to the instrument; but the carbon has changed its state from a solid to a gas, and some of the chemical energy must have been consumed in that process. The heat meas- ured is the available heat. The best determinations of the available heat of chemical union have been made by Andrews, Favre and «Silbermann, and Berthelot. THE KINETIC THEORY OF HEAT. 221. Molecular Motion. States of Matter.— The continued pro- duction of heat by the expenditure of mechanical work proves that heat is not a substance, and suggests that it must be in some way dependent on motion. It has been seen that such phenomena as expansion and fusion may be explained on the hypothesis that the molecules of a body move more rapidly when the body is heated. 230 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 221 The emission of light or, in general, of radiant energy from a body affords a demonstration of the existence of some motion in those parts of a body which are so small that the motion cannot be directly perceived by ordinary observation ; for we can explain radiance only as a motion in a medium through which it travels, and it is evident . that this motion cannot be due to the mere presence of a sub- stance, but must be set up by the motion of matter. We may first apply the kinetic theory to the distinction between solids, liquids, and gases. Each molecule of a solid is supposed to be retained within a certain small region by the action of the surrounding molecules and to move within that region. The phenomenon of crystallization leads us to think that molecules in a solid have certain determinate forms and an arrangement in the body; their motions, therefore, are such that they do not overstep the limits of this arrangement, and we think of their motion as vibratory, using the word vibratory in a rather loose sense. The molecules of a liquid have no fixed position in the mass, but are free to move from one point to another; they are in very close- proximity to one another, as appears from the phenomena of capil- larity, and exert considerable forces on one another. The chief difference between solids and liquids consists in the absence in the latter of any definite arrangement ; we may think of the molecules of a liquid as rotating and as gliding past each other, and can characterize their motion as rotatory. The great increase in vol- ume exhibited on the change of a mass of liquid into vapor shows that the molecules of a vapor or gas are farther apart than those of a liquid. They are so far apart that their mutual actions due to • molecular forces have very little influence on their motions, except during the excessively short period within which any two of them come close together or undergo an encounter. A molecule of a gas is therefore thought of as moving in a succession of short rec- tilinear paths, the direction of which is in general changed at each encounter. "We may therefore characterize the motion in a gas as translatory. The consideration of this translatory motion is sufii- § 231] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 331 cient to explain most of the laws of gases, though to explain others a rotation or something equivalent to it must be assumed. The characteristics of the molecular motion assumed in the kinetic theory may be best explained by considering the motion in a gas. Let us suppose that a very large number of material par- ticles is distributed uniformly throughout the region contained within a closed vessel, and that velocities are given to these mole- cules at a certain instant in various directions. If we further sup- pose that these molecules act on each other only by collision or by forces which are effective only when two molecules are extremely near each other, it is plain that the paths of the molecules thus assumed will in general be short straight lines, changing in direc- tion with every encounter between two molecules. It is also evi- dent that, no matter what the initial velocities were, they will not be maintained for any length of time, but that the velocity of any one molecule will change at each encounter, and that the velocities of the molecules in the mass will speedily acquire values ranging from zero to a very great or practically infinite velocity. It is also plain that very few molecules will possess these extreme velocities at any one time, and that most of them will possess velocities which do not depart far from a certain mean. An obvious con- dition to which the velocities must conform is that the kinetic energy of all the molecules in the mass must remain the same at all times, it being assumed that no energy enters the mass from without and that the encounters do not involve the loss of kinetic energy. It was shown by Clausius, and afterwards more rigorously by Maxwell, that the distribution of velocity among the molecules may be deduced by the theory of probabilities. Some idea of it may be got from the distribution of shots iu a target; if a rifleman shoot at a target a great many times, and if the distance of the shots from the centre of the bull's eye be measured, these distances conform to the same law of distribution. It is clearly infinitely improbable that any one of the shots will strike the exact centre of the bull's eye, and also infinitely improbable that any one will be sent directly away from the target, and it is very highly improb- 333 ELEHENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 322 able that any one will miss the target entirely; the vast majority of the shots will meet the target, and their distances from the centre will lie around a certain average distance. Similarly, it is extremely , improbable that any molecule of a gas will have a velocity far exceeding the average; the great majority of them will have veloci- ties which lie around a certain mean velocity. The law of distri- bution of velocities among molecules of liquids and solids is not known, but it probably possesses the essential characteristics of the law for gases. When a gas is heated, all but a very small part of the heat which enters it is uoed in increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules; this is not true for solids and liquids, because, when they are heated, work is done against their molecular forces which does not appear as kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of the molecule is the sum of the kinetic energy due to the motion of its centre of mass or to its translation, and of the kinetic energy due to its motion relative to its centre of mass. This latter energy may be thought of as due either to rotation about the centre of mass or to the vibrations of the atoms constituting the molecule. We will subsequently prove that the temperature of a gas is proportional to the kinetic energy of its molecules. It is therefore natural to assume that the measure of temperature is some part of the kinetic energy of the molecule. The most consistent explanation of all the effects of heat can be reached by supposing that the energy of atomic vibration or of molecular rotation is directly proportional to the temperature measured on the absolute scale (§ 212). The total kinetic energy of the molecules of a body measures the heat in the body. 222. Kinetic Theory of Gases. — The foundation of the theory of matter now under discussion is the linetic theory of gases. In this theory a perfect gas consists cf an assemblage of free, perfectly elastic molecules in constant motion. Each molecule moves in a straight line with a constant velocity, until it encounters some other molecule, or the side of the vessel. The impacts of the molecules I 223] EFFECTS OF HEAT, 233 upon the sidos of the vessel are so numerous that their effect is that of a continuous constant force or pressure. The entire independence of the molecules is assumed from the fact that, when gases or vapors are mixed, the pressure of one is added to that of the others ; that is, the pressure of the mixture is the sum of the pressures of the separate gases. It follows from this, that no energy is required to separate the molecules j in other words, no internal work need be done to expand a gas. This was ■demonstrated experimentally by Joule (§ 215). The action between two molecules, or between a molecule and a solid wall, must be of such a nature that no energy is lost; that is, the sum of the kinetic energies of all the molecules must remain constant. Whatever be the nature of this action, it is evident that ■when a molecule strikes a solid stationary wall it must be reflected back with a velocity equal to that before impact. If the velocity be resolved into two components, one parallel to che wall and the ■other normal to it, the parallel component remains unchanged, while the normal component is changed from + u, its value before impact, to — u, its value after impact. The change of velocity is therefore 2m, and if 6 represent the duration of impact, the mean acceleration is -^, and the mean force of impact p = fn-rr, where m represents the mass of the molecule. Since the effect of the impacts is a continuous pressure, the total pressure exerted upon unit area is equal to this mean force of impact of one molecule multiplied by the number of molecules meeting unit area in the time 0. To find this latter factor, we sup- pose the molecules confined between two parallel walls at a dis- tance s from each other. Any molecule may be supposed to suffer reflection from one wall, pass across to the other, be reflected back to the first, and so on. Whatever may be the effect of the mutual collisions of the molecules, the number of impacts upon the surface considered will be the same as though each one preserved its rec- tilinear motion unchancred, except when reflected from the solid walls. The time required for a molecule moving with a velocity u 234 ELEMEJfTAKY PHYSICS. [§ 232 to pass across the space between the two walls and back is — ; and the number of impacts upon the first surface in unit time is -^. Consider the molecules contained in a rectangular prism, with bases of area a in the walls. These molecules must be considered as moving in all directions and with various velocities. But the velocity of any molecule miiy be resolved in the direction of three rectangular axes, one normal to the surface and the other two par- allel to it, and the effect upon the walls will be due only to the normal components. Let us single out for examination a group of molecules which have a normal velocity that lies near the value m, , and let w, represent the number of such molecules in unit volume. Then the number of such molecules within the prism considered is w,sa. The number of impacts made by them in unit time on one 01 the walls is n,sa . jr- = ~r-, and in the time o is ' ' -. ' 2s 2 2 Hence the total pressure which they exert on the area a is 2m, n,au,6 j j •. ■ i m-jr . '_-,' - = mn^u'a, and on unit area is inn^u^. Now the total pressure on unit of area is the sum of the pres- sures due to all the i groups into which the molecules of the gas may be divided, or p — m^n^u^ ■\- n^u^ + • • • «!»,■"). If we repre- sent by n the number of molecules in unit volume and by u the mean velocity given by nu'' = n^u' -\- n^u^ + . . . «,?, we have p = mnii'. Similar expressions hold for the pressures on the other walls, the velocities normal to which are v and w, and we assume that these mean velocities are independent of direction, so that «' = v' = vr'. But the velocity of any molecule is given by Vt = u* + «<" + w', and the mean velocity is given by a similar equation. Hence F' = 3m% and we have finally, p = \mnV\ (74} The velocity V in this expression is called the velocity of mean square. If we now suppose the volume of the gas to change so that the [ 232] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 235 volume which contains n molecules becomes v, the pressure takes a new value, which we will still designate by p. We have 1.11 1 p = -m-V% or pv—~mtiV\ (75) Since V remains constant so long as the temperature is con- stant, and since m and w are fixed, we have pv constant. Hence Boyle's Law follows from the kinetic theory of gases. From Gay-Lussac's law (§ 211) it has been shown that if we reckon temperature from — 273° 0. as a zero, we have pv = ET for all gases. Using the equation just proved, we have ET=^mnr'. (76) O 'Now imV is the mean kinetic energy of the molecule. The formula shows, therefore, that the temperature on the scale of the air-thermometer is proportional to the mean kinetic energy of the molecule. The zero of this scale will be that temperature at which F = 0, or at which the molecules are at rest. There can be no temperature lower than this, and hence we obtain a warrant for call- ing this temperature a real or absolute zero. The final demonstra- tion of the existence of such a zero will be given in § 231, where it is not based upon any particular theory of matter. It was demonstrated by Maxwell that the mean kinetic energies of the molecules of difEerent gases at the same temperature are the same, or that ^m, F," = Im^F/. If we consider equal volumes of two gases at the same pressure and temperature, for which, therefore, im^n^ V^ — im^n^ V^, we obtain w, = w^ , or the numbers of molecules of the two gases in the same volume are the same. This is Avogadro's law. Up to this point we have considered the molecules as particles, ■ and have supposed that all their energy exists as the kinetic energy of molecular motion. It is easy to show, however, that this suppo- sition is in error, and that the molecules possess more energy than that given by \mn V. Let us consider a unit mass of gas, the tem- perature of which is raised under constant pressure by a small amount JT. Then the work done by its expansion (§ 215) is rep- 236 ELEMBNTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 223 resented by (Cp - Cv)AT. We shall show (§ 332) that this work is also given by the product of the pressure by the increase in vol- ume, or by p^w. Hence we have the relation pAv — {Cp—Cv)AT. The kinetic energy of molecular translation is ^mn V, and if C„ represent its increase for arise in temperature of one degree, C^AT represents its increase for the rise of temperature AT. But since pv = \mn V% we have G,AT— ipAv, and hence Cp— C„ = |C„, or S = -2(t-^)- ^''^ Now on the supposition that the molecules are particles which have 710 energy except energy of translation, C„ = C„, and hence -^ = -. We know by experiment that this is not always the case. For monatomic gases, such as mercury vapor, and possibly argon, (J -^ = 1.66; but for the common diatomic gases it is more nearly •J = 1.4, and for gases with complex molecules, it is about | = 1.33. Hence, in the case of gases with more than one atom in the molecule, the total energy is not merely the energy of translation, but in- cludes other energy internal to the molecule. Boltzmann has shown that the ratio of the internal energy to the energy of trans- lation is such as can be accounted for by supposing the monatomic molecules to be spheres or points, the diatomic molecules solids of revolution, and the more complex molecules irregular solids. It is likely that this is merely an artificial representation, since there is strong reason to believe that the atoms vibrate within the molecule and that the molecule is not rigid. We have used C„ to represent the increase in the energy of molecular translation in a unit of mass when the temperature rises one degree. If we represent the increase in the kinetic energy of a single molecule by AlmV', we have C„ = nA:^mV\ Now n is the number of molecules in unit volume, which in this equation is the volume containing unit mass, so that - is the mass of one mole- n cule or m. The gain in kinetic energy for a rise of temperature of § 233] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 237 one degree is, by Maxwell's law, the same for all gases, so that A^mV is a constant for all gases; and hence G^m is a constant for C all gases. C, cannot be directly observed, but we may set -^ = /?, and observe Cv. If /3 is the same for all gases, Cjni should also be constant. This is Dulong and Petit's law for gases. It holds quite closely for all gases of the same type of molecular structure, and the departures from it are readily explained by the probability that y3 is not the same for all gases. The phenomena exhibited by the radiometer afford a strong experimental confirmation of the kinetic theory of gases. These phenomena were discovered by Crookes, In the form first given to it by him, the instrument consists of a delicate torsion balance suspended in a vessel from which the air is very completely ex- hausted. On one end of the arm of the torsion balance is fixed a light vane, one face of which is blackened. When a beam of light falls on the vane it moves as if a pressure were applied to its black- ened surface. The explanation of this movement is, that the mole- cules of air remaining in the vessel are more heated when they come in contact with the blackened face of the vane than when they come in contact with the other face, and are hence thrown off with a greater velocity, and react more strongly upon the blackened face of the vane. At ordinary pressures the free paths of the molecules- are very small, their collisions very frequent, and any inequality in the pressures is so speedily reduced that no effect upon the vane is apparent. At the high exhaustions at which the movement of the vane becomes evident, the collisions are less frequent, and hence an immediate equalization of pressure does not occur. The vane therefore, moves in consequence of the greater reaction upon its. blackened surface. 223. Influence of the Size and Attractions of the Molecules. ■Critical Temperature.— On the elementary theory which has just been developed all gases should conform precisely to the so-called gaseous laws, whereas in fact they only conform to those laws approximately. It was shown by van der Waals that the devia- 238 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 233 tions exhibited by gases from the gaseous laws can be accounted lor by extending the theory so as to include the consideration of the size of the molecules and of their mutual attractions. In the elementary theory the molecules were assumed to be points or particles of negligible magnitude, but if we assume them to have volumes which, though small, are appreciable, it is plain that the efEective volume within which the molecules have free motion is reduced by an amount dependent on the molecular volumes. It was furthermore assumed in the elementary theory that the time of encounter is negligible in comparison with the time during which the molecule is free from the action of other molecules; but if we assume that the time of an encounter, though small, is not negligible, it is plain that the molecular at- tractions will tend to hold together the mass of gas or will be equivalent to an addition to the pressure upon the gas. From these considerations van der Waals expressed the relations among the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas by the formula [p + '^){v-h)=RT, (78) where a is a constant depending upon the molecular attractions, and b is four times the sum of the volumes of the molecules. This formula, when tested by experiment, represents the behavior of gases far more accurately than the simpler form; it is not, how- ever, exact, and various others, constructed empirically, have been proposed which give even a better representation of the facts. It is as yet the only formula for which a theoretical demonstration has been given. This formula possesses the great advantage that it can represent the behavior of a body, at least in certain cases, not only in the gaseous but in the liquid state; that is, it exhibits the con- tinuity which we have every reason to think exists between those states. In particular it gives an explanation of critical temperature and a determination of it in terms of the molecular constants a and b. If the formula be expanded and arranged in the order of the descending powers of v, it becomes v' — v''ib + —\ -\-v-- — — — Q \ P I ^ p p § 334] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 339 This is a cubic equation, and, for given values of p and T, will have three roots, which are either all real or of which one is real and the others imaginary, depending upon the values of the constants and on the particular values chosen for p and T. The existence of tlaree real roots shows that for the assumed values of pressure and temperature three difEerent volumes are possible; one of these is the volume of the body as a gas, another its volume as a liquid, and the third its volume in an intermediate or transition state which is unstable. The existence of only one real root shows that, for the particular values of pressure and temperature which give it, the substance can exist in only one state, either as a liquid or as a gas. The study of the real roots shows that, as the pressure and tempera- ture increase, the values of the roots become more nearly equal, until for a certain definite pressure and temperature they become coincident; when the value of the temperature is still higher two of the roots cease to be real. The temperature which corre- sponds to the existence of three coincident roots is the critical tem- perature; at any temperature higher than that the substance can exist only as a gas. 224. General Explanation of Liquefaction, etc. — We will now apply the kinetic theory to give an explanation of the principal phenomena exhibited by a substance as it is heated. Let us con- sider a substance in the solid state at a temperature below its melt- ing point ; suppose heat applied to it gradually and at a uniform rate from some source. Its temperature will rise and it will in general expand; the rise of temperature is of course due to the in- crease in that part of the kinetic energy of the body which is the measure of temperature; on the view we have adopted, to the increase in the kinetic energy of molecular rotation or atomic vibration. The expansion is explained by the increase in the kinetic energy of translation, which enables the molecules to move farther from one another and so to increase the regions occupied by them. "When the temperature rises to the melting-point, these regions have become so large that the molecules in them are no longer constrained to any definite directions ; their motions there- 240 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. f§ 224 fore become rotatory and they are free to glide past each other in the mass. We can explain the constancy of temperature dur- ing melting, and the absorption of heat, by assuming that that por- tion of the energy which measures temperature remains constant, and that the heat is used in doing work against the molecular forces which determine the direction of the molecules in the solid and in giving the molecules increased velocity of translation. Such a change as is here described, in which the energy received by the molecule does work against the forces acting on it and gives it greater velocity as a whole, while the mean energy of vibration which it had at first is equal to the mean energy of rotation which it acquires, has been shown by Eddy to be mechanically possible- On melting, the body generally changes its volume, sometimes ex- panding, sometimes contracting. This may be explained by sup- posing that as the molecules are heated, their volumes diminish. The admissibility of this assumption has been proved by Lorentz and Sutherland. The change in volume on melting is then the resultant of the expansion due to the increased molecular motion and the contraction due to the shrinking of the molecules, and it may therefore be either positive or negative. After melting, the temperature of the body continues to rise and the body generally expands until the boiling-point is reached ; at that point the temperature again ceases to rise and the liquid becomes a vapor. We explain this by supposing that in consequence of the changes in velocity which go on among the molecules, there will arise an assemblage of molecules in a small region with veloci- ties above the average ; these will beat back the surrounding mole- cules and form a small bubble within which the molecules are in the gaseous state. Those molecules near the surface of this bubble which possess velocities above the average will pass through the liquid surface against the attractions of the molecules surrounding them and will increase the gas contained in the bubble, until its size becomes such that its buoyancy is able to overcome the viscosity of the liquid, so that it rises and sets free a number of molecules at the surface of the liquid in the gaseous state. The equality of § 225] EFFECTS OF HEAT. 241 temperature between the liquid and the vapor formed from it, and the absorption of heat during this process, are explained by sup- posing that that part of the kinetic energy which measures tem- perature remains constant, and that the heat is used in doing work against the molecular foi-ces which determine the volume of the liquid. Any further heating of the vapor increases ibs total kinetic energy and that part of it which measures temperature in nearly the same proportion. The specific heat of the substance increases when it passes from the solid to the liquid state, and decreases when it becomes a gas. This is explained by the supposition, which many facts render probable, that the kinetic energy of translation of the molecule is greater in the liquid state than in either of the other two states in comparison with the kinetic energy of rotation or of atomic vibra- tion. The explanation of evaporation which goes on from many solids and liquids at all temperatures has been already given (§ 202); it depends upon the fact that the velocity of some of the molecules is always far greater than the average velocity, and may be sufficient to carry those molecules beyond the range of molecular action. The hypothesis that the temperature is measured by the kinetic energy of rotation or of atomic vibration is confirmed by its appli- cation to Dulong and Petit's law; as it is our purpose to give a general idea of the theory rather than a defence of it, we will not enter upon the discussion of this point. 225. Molecular Velocities and Dimensions. — The formula pv = ^mnV enables us to calculate V, the velocity of mean square, since mn is the mass in the volume v, and p can be measured in abso- lute units. If we apply the equation to hydrogen under atmospheric pressure, we have p = 1013373 dynes per square centimetre and t)X'fb — , or the density, = 0.00008954 grams per cubic centimetre, and hence F =184260 centimetres per second, or a little more than a mile per second. Since for different gases with the same pressure, volume, and temperature V is inversely as m, the velocities in the 242 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 225 other gases can be found by dividing this velocity by the square root of the ratio of their masses to the mass of the molecule of hydrogen, or by the square roots of their molecular weights divided by 2. From calculations based on the behavior of gases with reference to their viscosity and thermal conductivity, Maxwell deduced a number of conclusions respecting the dimensions and motions of molecules, which are given in the following table. The symbol fifi denotes a micromillimetre, or the millionth of a millimetre. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Carbon dioxide. Mean free path in fXjx .... 96.5 56 43 Number of collisions per sec. 1.775- 10'° 0.7646-10'° 0.972-10'" Diameter in )Xfj., molecules supposed spherical .... 0.58 0.76 0.93 Mass in 10"" grams 46 736 1012 The number of hydrogen molecules in a milligram is about 200 million million million, and about 2 million could be placed side by side in one millimetre. The number of molecules of hydrogen, and so also of any other gas, in one cubic centimetre at the standard pressure and temperature is about 19 million million million. From the experiments of Quincke and Eeinhold and Riicker the range of molecular action is estimated to lie between 50 fifi and 118 fxfj. The molecular forces give rise to pressures in the gas which van der Waals estimates as, for hydrogen, 0; for air, 0.0028; for carbon dioxide, 0.00874. Other calculations yield values for these various molecular constants which, while not numerically the same as those of Max- well, are yet of the same order of magnitude, and considerable confidence can be placed in their general accuracy. CHAPTEE IV. THERMODYNAMICS. 226. First Law of Thermodynamics.— The law of the conser- vation of energy, in the special case of heat and niechanical work, is called the first law of thermodynamics. It may be thus stated: When heat is transformed into work, or work into heat, the quan- tity of work is equivalent to the quantity of heat. The experiments of Joule, Rowland, and Hirn establishing this law, and determin- ing the mechanical equivalent, have already been described (§ 171). 227. The Thermodynamic Engine.— When a body does work against non-conservative forces, so that heat is evolved, the opera- tions may be so regulated that all, or practically all, of the work done is transformed into heat. On the other hand, if a certain quantity of heat be present in a body, from which it may be drawn in any manner, so that it can be used for the doing of work, it is never possible, under conditions attainable on the earth's surface, even if they were ideally perfect, to transform the whole of this heat into work. The operations necessary for the transformation of some of it involve the transfer of the rest to other bodies of lower temper- ature. The operation of transforming heat into work is in general very complicated; it is, however, possible to conceive of a simple operation by means of which heat may be transformed into work, and in which a relation may be found between the quantities of heat and the temperatures concerned. The relations thus developed may then be extended to far more complicated cases. An arrangement designed to transform heat into work is called 343 2U ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 228 an engine. In the ideal form it consists of a body called the source, from which heat may be drawn, another body called the refrigerator^ into which heat may be sent, and a third body called the working hodij, which expands or contracts on the reception or emission of heat. The working body will itself always possess energy in the form of heat and possibly also in other forms. If heat be supplied to it from the source, it will expand and do work, but no relation can be stated between the work done and the heat supplied to it, because the change in its own energy experienced during the expansion is, in general, unknown. In order to obtain a relation between the heat supplied to the working body and the work done by it, the oper- ations performed with it must be so conducted as to bring the working body back to its original state. It will then possess the same energy as at the outset, and the first law of thermodynamics enables us to assert that the difference between the heat which leaves the source and the" heat which enters the refrigerator is equal to the work done by the working body. Such a series of operations is called a cycle. The ratio of the work done to the heat which leaves the source is called the efficiency of the engine. 228. The Carnot's Cycle. — In order to study the efficiency of an engine we restrict the conditions under which the transforma- tion of heat into work goes on. We suppose that the source is so large and furnishes so unlimited a supply of heat that its temper- ature S remains constant, notwithstanding the loss or gain of heat which it may receive from the working body. Similarly, we sup- pose the refrigerator to have a constant temperature R, notwith- standing the gain or loss of heat it may receive from the working body. The changes by which the working body does work are supposed to occur only when the working body is either at the temperature of the source or of the refrigerator, or when it is so conditioned that it neither receives nor emits heat. While it is kept at a constant temperature, its change is isothermal; when it neither receives nor emits heat, its change is adiabatic (§ 213). In order to exhibit the operation of this simple engine most clearly, we will assume that the working body is one which § 228] THERMODYNAMICS. 245 increases in volume on the introduction of heat, and does work by expansion, under a pressure which is the same for all points on its surface. Construct two rectangular axes of Tolume and pressure as in I'ig. 72. Let the pressure and corresponding volume of the body, when its temperature R is that of the refrigerator, be represented by the point A. The operation •of transforming the heat received from the source into work is then performed as follows : The body, being so placed that it can neither re- ceive nor emit heat, is compressed adiabatically; ^'**- '^2- its volume diminishes and its temperature rises, and the operation is continued until its temperature becomes 8, equal to that of the source. Its pressure and volume in this state are represented by the point B. It is then put in contact with the source and allowed to expand; as soon as its expansion begins, its temperature falls and heat enters from the source. The expansion may be so reg- ulated that the difference of temperature between the body and the source never exceeds an infinitesimal, so that the heat which enters the body during this part of the process enters it at the con- stant temperature S. The expansion may be allowed to continue until any desired quantity of heat H is taken from the source. The pressure and corresponding volume attained by this isothermal expansion are represented by the point C. The body is then removed from the source and allowed to continue its expansion under such conditions that it neither receives nor emits heat. Its volume will increase and its temperature will fall. This adiabatic expansion is allowed to continue until the temperature of the body becomes R, that of the refrigerator. The body is then placed in contact with the refrigerator and compressed. As its volume begins to diminish, its temperature rises, and heat passes out from it into the refrigerator. The compression may be so regulated that the ■difference of temperature between the body and the refrigerator never exceeds an infinitesimal, so that the heat which leaves the body during this part of the process leaves it at the constant tem- 346 ELEMENTAKY PHYSICS. [§ SriS' perature R. The operation is continued until the volume and pressure of the body are again denoted by the point A. During this operation the quantity of heat h is transferred from the body to the refrigerator. These operations constitute a cycle, for the body at the end of the operation is in the same condition as regards pressure, volume, and temperature as it was at the beginning. The work done by it is therefore equal to the heat transformed into work, or to H—h. Such a cycle is reversible, for if the body be constrained to go through the operations just described, in the reverse order, the same quantities of heat will be transferred in opposite senses and the same quantity of work done upon the body that, in the direct operation, was done by the body. That is, the refrigerator will give up the quantity of heat h, the source will receive the quantity of heat H, and the amount of work H— li will be done upon the body. The only difference between the two operations will be that, whereas in the direct operation the temperature of the body was infinitesimally lower than that of the source while it was receiving heat, and infinitesimally higher than that of the refrigerator while it was emitting heat, in the reversed operation the temperature of the body is infinitesimally lower than that of the refrigerator while it is receiving heat, and infinitesimally higher than that of the source while it is emitting heat. These infinitesimal differences may be neglected, and one of these operations may be considered in every respect the reverse of the other. 229. Second Law of Thermodynamics. — We will now prove a most important proposition, due to Carnot, the founder of the theory of thermodynamics. To do this we make use of a principle first laid down by Clausius and known either as Clausius's princi- ple or the second law of thermodynamics. This principle is, that heat cannot pass of itself, or without compensation in the form of work done or of heat transferred in the opposite sense, from a colder to a hotter body. This principle is in conformity with our common experience, that heat passes by conduction or radiation from a place of higher to a place of lower temperature. It is not § 231] THERMODYNAMICS. 247 susceptible of immediate demonstration, and is accepted as a gen- eral principle for reasons similar to those which determine the acceptance of Newton's laws of motion as statements of general truths respecting motion. 230. Efaciency of a Reversible Engine.— Carnot's proposition, which is now to be proved, asserts that the efficiency of all reversi- ble engines is the same. To show this, let us suppose a reversible engine A and a non-reversible engine B, working between the same source and the same refrigerator, and let us assume that the effi- ciency of the non-reversible engine B is greater than that of the reversible engine A. Let the engine B work forward, so as to do work l^and give to the refrigerator the quantity of heat A^; it will therefore take from the source the quantity of heat H^ = W -{-h^. Let the work W be expended in driving the reversible engine A backward. The engine A will take from the refrigerator the quantity of heat h^ and give to the source the quantity of heat H^ = W -{- h^. Now, by hypothesis, the efficiency of the non- W W reversible engine B is the greater, so that -== > ^t! ^iid there- JJb JJa fore H^ > Eg, and also h^ > ^b- The result of these combined operations is that no work is done by the engines, and that the source receives heat while the refrigerator loses heat. This conclu- sion is contrary to Clausius's principle and must be rejected, as inconsistent with the operations of Nature. We conclude, there- fore, that no engine can have an efficiency greater than that of the reversible engine. It follows as a corollary that the efficiency of all reversible engines is the same. 231. Absolute Scale of Temperatures. — Since the efficiency of all reversible engines is the same and is a maximum, it is mani- festly indiflEerent what material is used in the working body; in- deed, since the demonstration just given does not involve as essential the particular mode of doing work assumed in the con- struction of the diagram, it is also indifferent in what way the working body changes its dimensions and does work. The work done depends only on the heat received from the source and on the 248 ELEIIENTART PHYSICS. [§ 231 temperature of the source and refrigerator, and the efiBciency de- pends only on the temperatures of the source and the refrigerator, or is a function of these temperatures. If the temperatures be represented on any conventional scale, the form of this function may be found by experiment; on the other hand, the assumption of a form of this function will determine a scale of temperatures. The proposal to form such a scale, which is dependent only on the efficiency of the reversible engine, and is therefore independent of the properties of any particular body, was made by William Thomson. The scale of temperatures which is most convenient for applica- tion in thermodynamics, and which is so distinguished by its sim- plicity from all others that might be formed that it is called distinctively the absolute scale of temperatures, is formed by as- suming that the efficiency of a reversible engine is equal to the ratio of the difference of temperature between the source and the refrigerator and the temperature of the source, that is, by assuming This assumption may also be stated in the form h_R H~ S' (80) The maximum efficiency of an engine is attained when all the heat which is received from the source is transformed into work, so that no heat is transferred to the refrigerator; on the scale of temperatures just assumed this condition is attained when i? = 0. This zero is an absolute and not an arbitrary zero. It depends on the general properties of bodies, and not on the particular proper- ties of any one body. It is the lowest temperature attainable in Nature, for, if it were possible to have a refrigerator at a lower temperature than this, the efficiency of an engine working with that temperature as the temperature of its refrigerator, would be § 232] THERMODTSAMICS. 249 greater than unity. This temperature is therefore called the abso- lute zero. The length of the degree on the absolute scale may be deter- mined by designating the difference of temperature between two bodies by an arbitrarily chosen number and by measuring the effi- ciency of an engine working between the temperatures of those bodies. The most convenient assumption to make is that the abso- lute difference between the temperature of boiling water and the temperature of melting ice is 100 degrees. The temperature inter- vals or degrees on the scale thus formed are very nearly those of the Centigrade scale. 232. Relation of the Absolute Temperature to the Temperature of the Air Thermometer. — Let us assume that a substance exists which obeys perfectly the laws of Boyle and Gay-Lussac; such a substance is called a perfect gas. We wish to show that the tem- peratures indicated' by the expansion of a perfect gas, used as a thermometric substance, will be those of the absolute scale. We must first prove that the work done by the expansion of a gas is equal to the area included between the lines representing its changes of pressure and volume, the two ordi nates representing its extreme pressures and the horizontal line of zero volume. The proof of this proposition does not depend on the properties of a perfect gas, and the proposition holds in all cases in which the body ■does work by expanding under a hydrostatic pressure which is the same at all points of its surface. Let us select a small area s on the surface of the body. The pressure p is applied to all points of the surface, and the force which acts on the area s is therefore ps. Let the body expand slightly, so that the area s is displaced along its normal through the distance n. The work done in displacing the area ,s is psn, and the work done in expanding the whole body is 2psn = p2sn, since p is the same for all points on the surface. Now 2sn is equal to the increase in the volume of the body, or to dv. The work done during the small expansion is therefore pdv. This expansion will, in general, involve an infinitesimal change in the pressure; but if the process here described be repeated for each 250 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 232 infinitesimal increment of volume, the sum of all the terms pdv •will equal the total work done by the ezpansion of the body. Now let us consider the area hBCc standing under the line BC (Fig. 73). This area may be conceived of as made up of a series of infinites- imal rectangles, the heights of which are the ordinates of the successive points of ^~)? the line BC, and the bases of which are i\ successive elements taken along the line ./i|° he. If dv represent the length of one of I j these elements, and p the corresponding ~c d ordinate, the area of the infinitesimal rect- PwJ. 73. angle determined by them is pdv. The sum of such areas for the expansion indicated by the line BC is the area hBCc; and since 'S.pdv represents the work done, the area hBCc also represents the work done during the expansion of the body in the way indicated by the line BC. Now to demonstrate the relation between the temperatures in- dicated by the perfect gas thermometer and those of the absolute scale, let us suppose an engine m which the working body is a perfect gas, and let us suppose that the changes in pressure and volume experienced by the working body during the cycle are so small that the portions of the isothermal and adiabatic lines which bound it are straight, and that the cycle is a parallelogram. This cycle is represented by the area ABCD (Fig. 73). We may assume as the result of the experiments of Joule that when a gas expands at constant temperature, no internal work is done upon it, or that the heat which enters it is entirely spent in doing ex- ternal work. Produce DA to e; then the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram eBCf, and this parallelogram represents the work done in the cycle by the gas acting as the working body. The work done during the expansion from B to C, which is equal to the heat received during that expansion, is represented by the area hBCc. Let g be the middle point of the line BC; the perpendicular gh will bisect the line ef at i. The area hBCc = ic . gh, and the area eBCf= he . gi. Therefore the efficiency of I 232] THEUMODYNAMICS. 251 ^BCf , qi ,, the engine, or ^jj^^, equals ^. Now gh represents the pressure of the gas at the temperature t of the source, when its volume is Ohy and gi represents the diminution of pressure caused by a fall of temperature to 0, the temperature of the refrigerator, when the volume is kept constant. The eflaciency of the engine is therefore V^ — . And since the efiSciency is also given by — ^^— -, where S Pt b and R are the temperatures of source and refrigerator on the ab- solute scale, — ^ — = ^ — i-* ov- =^. We know, from the experi- ments of Gay-Lussac, that if t and 6 be measured on the Centigrade scale, and if p„ represent the pressure of the gas at the Centigrade- zero on the condition that the volume is constant, p^ =^o(l + oit) and pe =i'o(l + «^)> where a = --- is the coefficient of expansion. Using these values in the above equation we obtain -= = * S !-{■ at 273 A- 6 „^„ , . If the pressure or volume of a gas, the two being inter- changeable by Boyle's law, be used as a measure of its temperature,,. the pressure or volume and the temperature will always be directly proportional, provided the zero of temperature be taken at — 273°' Centigrade; this temperature is the zero of the perfect gas thermom- eter. Prom the equation just obtained it is clear that the absolute- scale of temperatures is the same as the one given by the perfect gas thermometer, and that the absolute zero is the zero of the per- fect gas thermometer. No gases conform precisely to the laws of Boyle and Gay-Lussac-,, and consequently no gas thermometer can be constructed which will accurately indicate the absolute scale of temperatures. Never- theless, some gases depart only slightly from the conditions of a perfect gas, and the temperature determinations given by thermom- eters in which such gases are employed may be converted by suit- able corrections into the corresponding absolute temperatures. 253 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 233 233. The Steam-engine. — The steam-engine in its usual form consists essentially of a piston, moving in a closed cylinder, which is provided with passages and valves by which steam can be ad- mitted and allowed to escape. A boiler heated by a suitable fur- nace supplies the steam. The valves of the cylinder are opened and closed automatically, admitting and discharging the steam at the proper times to impart to the piston a reciprocating motion, which may be converted into a circular motion by means of suita- ble mechanism. There are two classes of steam-engines, condensing and non- condensing. In condensing engines the steam, after doing its •work in the cylinder, escapes into a condenser, kept cold by a cir- culation of cold water. Here the steam is condensed into water; and this water, with air or other contents of the condenser, is re- moved by a pump. In non-condensing engines the steam escapes into the open air. In this case the temperature of the refrigerator must be considered at least as high as that of saturated steam at the atmospheric pressure, or about 100°, and the temperature of the source must be taken as that of saturated steam at the boiler-pres- Cf T> sure. Applying the expression for the efficiency (§ 231), e — — - — , S it will be seen that, for any boiler-pressure which it is safe to em- ploy in practice, it is not possible, even with a perfect engine, to convert into work more than about fifteen per cent of the heat used. In the condensing engine the temperature of the refrigerator may be taken as that of saturated steam at the pressure which ex- ists in the condenser, which is usually about 30° or 40° : hence S — Risz, much larger quantity for condensing than for non-con- densing engines. The gain of efficiency is not, however, so great as would appear from the formula, because of the energy that must be expended to maintain the vacuum in the condenser. 234. Hot-air and Gas Engines. — Hot-air engines consist essen- tially of two cylinders of different capacities, with some arrange- ment for heating air in, or on its way to, the larger cylinder. In one form of the engine an air-tight furnace forms the passage be- § 2^4:] THERMODYNAMICS. 253: tween the two cylinders, of which the smaller may be considered as a supply-purap for taking air from outside and forcing it through the furnace into the larger cylinder, where, in consequence of its expansion by the heat, it is enabled to perform work. Ou the re- turn stroke this air is expelled into the external air, still hot, but at a lower temperature than it would have been had it not ex- panded and performed work. This case is exactly analogous to- that of the steam-engine, in which water is forced, by a piston work- ing in a small cylinder, into a boiler, is there converted into steam, . and then, acting upon a much larger piston, performs work, and is rejected. In another form of the engine, known as the "ready motor," the air is forced into the large cylinder through a passage kept supplied with crude petroleum. The air becomes saturated with the vapor, forming a combustible mixture, which is burned in the cylinder itself. The Stirling hot-air engine and the Eider " compression-engine " are interesting as realizing an approach to Oarnot's cycle. These engines, like those described above, consist of two cylin- ders of different capacities, in which work air-tight pistons; but, unlike those, there are no valves communicating with the external atmosphere. Air is not taken in and rejected; but the same mass of air is alternately heated and cooled, alternately expands and con- tracts, moving the piston, and performing work at the expense of a portion of the heat imparted to it. It is of interest to study a little more in detail the cycle of operations in these two forms of engines. The larger of the two cylinders is kept constantly at a high temperature by means of a furnace, while the smaller is kept cold by the circulation of water. The cylinders communicate freely with each other. The pistons are connected to cranks set on an axis, so as to make an angle of nearly ninety degrees with each other. Thus both pistons are moving for a short time in the same direction twice during the revolution of the axis. At the instant that the small piston reaches the top of its stroke, the large piston will be near the bottom of the cylinder, and descending. The small piston now descends, as well .254 BLEMBNTAET PHYSICS. [§ 235 as the large one, the air in both cylinders is compressed, and there is but little transfer from one to the other. There is, therefore, comparatively little heat given up. The large piston, reaching its lowest point, begins to ascend, while the descent of the smaller con- tinues. The air is rapidly transferred to the larger heated cylinder, .and expands while taking heat from the highly heated surface. After the small piston has reached its lowest point there is a short time during which both the pistons are rising and the air expanding, -with but little transfer from one cylinder to the other, and with a relatively small absorption of heat. When the descent of the large piston begins, the small one still rising, the air is rapidly trans- ferred to the smaller cylinder: its volume is diminished, and its heat is given up to the cold surface with which it is brought in con- tact. The completion of this operation brings the air back to the condition from which it started. It will be seen that there are here four operations, which, while not presenting the simplicity of the four operations of Carnot, — since the first and third are not per- formed without transfer of heat, and the second and fourth not with- out change of temperature, — still furnish an example of work done by heat through a series of changes in the working substance, which brings it back, at the end of each revolution, to the same -condition as at the beginning. Gas-engines derive their power from the force developed by the combustion, within the cylinder, of a mixture of illuminating gas and air. As compared with steam-engines, hot-air and gas engines use the working substance at a much higher temperature. S—B is, therefore, greater, and the theoretical efficiency higher. There are, however, practical diflBculties connected with the lubrication of the sliding surfaces at such high temperatures that have so far pre- vented the use of large engines of this class. 235. Sources of Terrestrial Energy. — "Water flowing from a higher to a lower level furnishes energy for driving machinery. The energy theoretically available in a given time is the weight of the water that flows during that time multiplied by the height of § 335] THEEMODTNAMICS. 255 the fall. If this energy be not utilized, it develops heat by friction of the water or of the material that may be transported by it. But water-power is only possible so long as the supply of water con- tinues. The supply of water is dependent upon the rains; the rains depend upon evaporation ; and evaporation is maintained by solar heat. The energy of water-power is, therefore, transformed solar energy. A moving mass of air possesses energy equal to the mass multi- plied by half the square of the velocity. This energy is available for propelling ships, for turning windmills, and for other work. Winds are due to a disturbance of atmospheric equilibrium by solar heat ; and the energy of wind-potver, like that of water-power, is, therefore, derived from solar energy. The ocean currents also possess energy due to their motion, and this motion is, like that of the winds, derived from solar energy. By far the largest part of the energy employed by man for his purposes is derived from the combustion of wood and coal. This energy exists as the potential energy of chemical combination of oxygen with carbon and hydrogen. Now, we know that vegetable matter is formed by the action of the solar rays through the mechanism of the leaf, and that coal is the carbon of plants that grew and decayed in a past geological age. The energy of wood and coal is, therefore, the transformed energy of solar radia- tions. It is well known that, in the animal tissues, a chemical action takes place similar to that involved in combustion. The oxygen taken into the lungs and absorbed by the blood combines, by proc- esses with which we are not here concerned, with the constituents of the food. Among the products of this combination are carbon dioxide and water, as in the combustion of the same substances elsewhere. Lavoisier assumed that such chemical combinations were the source of animal heat, and was the first to attempt a measurement of it. He compared the heat developed with that due to the formation of the carbon dioxide exhaled in a given 256 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 235 time. Despretz and Dulong made similar experiments with mofe perfect apparatus, and found that the heat produced by the animal was about one-tenth greater than would have been produced by the formation by combustion of the carbonic acid and water exhaled. These and similar experiments, although not taking into ac- count all the chemical actions taking place in the body, leave no doubt that animal heat is due to atomic and molecular changes within the body. The work performed by muscular action is also the transformed energy of food. Eumford, in 1798, saw this clearly; and he showed,, in a paper of that date, that the amount of work done by a horse is much greater than would be obtained by using its fo,od as fuel for a steam-engine. Mayer, in 1845, held that an animal is a heat-engine, and that every motion of the animal is a transformation into work of the heat developed in the tissues. Hirn, in 1858, executed a series of interesting experiments bear- ing upon this subject. In a closed box was placed a sort of tread- mill, which a man could cause to revolve by stepping from step to step. He thus performed work which could be measured by suit- able apparatus outside the box. The tread-wheel could also be made to revolve backward by a motor placed outside, when the man de- scended from step to step, and work was performed upon him. Three distinct experiments were performed; and the amount of oxygen consumed by respiration, and the heat developed, were determined. In the fiist experiment the man remained in repose; in the sec- ond he performed work by causing the wheel to revolve; in the third the wheel was made to revolve backward, and work was per- formed upon him. In the second experiment the amount of heat developed for a gram of oxygen consumed was much less, and in the third case much greater, than in the first; that is, in the first case, the heat developed was due to a chemical action, indicated by the absorption of oxygen ; in the second, a portion of the chemical action went to perform the work, and hence a less amount of heat § 336] THBEMODYKAMICS. 357 was developed; while in the third case the motor, causing the tread-wheel to revolve, ;performed work, which produced heat in ad- dition to that due to the chemical action. It has been thought that muscular energy is due to the waste of the muscles themselves; but experiments show that the waste of nitrogenized material is far too small in amount to account for the energy developed by the animal; and we must, therefore, conclude that the principal source of muscular energy is the oxidation of the non-nitrogenized material of the blood by the oxygen absorbed in respiration. An animal is, then, a machine for converting the potential en- ergy of food into mechanical work : but he is not, as Mayer sup- posed, a heat-engine; for he performs far more work than could be performed by a perfect heat-engine, working between the same limits of temperature, and using the food as fuel. The food of animals is of vegetable origin, and owes its energy to the solar rays. Animal heat and energy are, therefore, the trans- formed energy of the sun. The tides are mainly caused by the attraction of the moon upon the waters of the earth. If the earth did not revolve upon its axis, or, rather, if it always presented one face to the moon, the elevated waters would remain stationary upon its surface, and fur- nish no source of energy. But as the earth revolves the crest of the tidal wave moves apparently in the opposite direction, meets the shores of the continents, and forces the water up the bays and rivers, where energy is wasted in friction upon the shores or may be made use of for turning mill-wheels. It is evident that all the energy derived from the tides comes from the rotation of the earth upon its axis; and a part of the energy of the earth's rota- tion is, therefore, being dissipated in the heat of friction it causes. The internal heat of the earth and a few other forms of energy, such as that of native sulphur, iron, etc., are of little consequence as sources of useful energy. They may be considered as the rem- nants of the original energy of the earth. 236. Energy of the Sun — It has been seen that the sun's rays 258 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 337 are the source of all the forms of energy practically available, ex- cept that of the tides. It has been estimated that the heat re- ceived by the earth from the sun each year would melt a layer of ice over the entire globe a hundred feet in thickness. This repre- sents energy equal to one horse-power for each fifty square feet of surface, and the heat which reaches the earth is only one twenty- two-huiidred-millionth of the heat that leaves the sun. Notwith- standing this enormous expenditure of energy, Helmholtz and Thomson have shown that the nebular hypothesis, which supposes the solar system to have originally existed as a chaotic mass of widely separated gravitating particles, presents to us an adequate source for all the energy of the system. As the particles of the system rush together by their mutual attractions, heat is generated by their collision; and after they have collected into large masses, the condensation of these masses continues to generate heat. 237. Dissipation of Energy. — It has been seen that only a frac- tion of the energy of heat is available for transformation into other forms of energy, and that such transformation is possible only when a difference of temperature exists. Every conversion of other forms of energy into heat puts it in a form from which it can be only partially recovered. Every transfer of heat from one body to another, or from one part to another of the same body, tends to equalize temperatures, and to diminish the proportion of energy available for transformation. Such transfers of heat are continually taking place; and, so far as our present knowledge goes, there is a tendency toward an equality of temperature, or, in other words, a uniform molecular motion, throughout the uni- verse. If this condition of things were reached, although the total amount of energy existing in the universe would remain unchanged, the possibility of transformation would be at an end, and all ac- tivity and change would cease. This is the doctrine of the dissipa- tion of energy to which our limited knowledge of the operations of Nature leads us; but it must be remembered that our knowledge is very limited, and that there may be in Nature the means of restor- ing the differences upon which all activity depends. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY. CHAPTBE L MAGNETISM. 238. Fundamental Facts. — Masses of iron ore are sometimes found which possess the property of attracting pieces of iron and a few other substances. Such masses are called natural magnets or lodestones. A bar of steel may be so treated as to acquire similar properties. It is then called a magnet. Such a magnetized steel bar may be used as fundamental in the investigation of the proper- ties of magnetism. If pieces of iron or steel be brought near a steel magnet, they are attracted by it, and unless removed by an outside force they remain permanently in contact with it. While in contact with the magnet, the pieces of iron or steel also exhibit magnetic properties. The iron almost wholly loses these properties when removed from the magnet. The steel retains them and itself becomes a magnet. The reason for this difference is not fully known. It is usually said to be due to a coercive force in the steel. The attractive power of the original magnet for other iron or steel remains unimpaired by the formation of new magnets. A body which is thus magnetized or which has its magnetic condition disturbed is said to be affected by magnetic induction. In an ordinary bar magnet there are two small regions, near the ends of the bar, at which the attractive powers of the magnet 259 260 ELEMENTAKT PHYSICS. [§ 239 are most strongly manifested. These regions are called the poles of the magnet. The line joining two points in these regions, the location of which will hereafter be more closely defined, is called the magnetic axis. An imaginary plane drawn normal to the axis at its middle point is called the equatorial plane. If the magnet be balanced so as to turn freely in a horizontal plane, the axis assumes a direction which is approximately nortli and south. The pole toward the north is usually called the north or positive pole; that toward the south, the south or negative pole. If two magnets be brought near together, it is found that their like poles repel and unlike poles attract one another. If the two poles of a magnet be successively placed at the same distance from a pole of another magnet, it is found that the forces- exerted are equal in amount and oppositely directed. The direction assumed by a freely suspended magnet shows that the earth acts as a magnet, and that its north magnetic pole is situated in the southern hemisphere. If a bar magnet be broken, it is found that two new poles are formed, one on each side of the fracture, so that the two portions are each perfect magnets. This process of making new magnets by subdivision of the original one may be, so far as known, con- tinued until the magnet is divided into its least parts, each of which will be a perfect magnet. This last experiment enables us at once to adopt the view that the properties of a magnet are due to the resultant action of its constituent magnetic molecules. 239. Law of Magnetic Force. — By the help of the torsion bal- ance, the principle of which is described in §5 109, 253, and by us- ing very long, thin, and uniformly magnetized bars, in which the poles can be considered as situated at the extremities. Coulomb showed that the repulsion between two similar poles, and the at- traction between two dissimilar poles, is inversely as the square of the distance between them. A more exact proof of the same law was given by Gauss, who calculated the action of one magnet on another on the assumption. % 240] MAGNETISM. 261 of the truth of the law, and showed by experiment that the action calculated was actually exerted. All theories of magnetism assume that the force between two magnet poles is proportional to the product of the strengths of the poles. The law of magnetic force is then the same as that upon which the discussion of potential and of flux of force was based. The theorems there discussed are in general applicable in the study of magnetism, although modifications in the details of their appli- •cation occur, arising from the fact that the field of force about a magnet is due to the combined action of. two dissimilar and equal poles. If m and m' represent the strengths of two magnet poles, r the •distance between them, and k a factor depending on the units in which the strength of the pole is measured, the formula bxpressing the force between the poles is k — —, 240. Definitions of Magnetic ftuantities. — The law of magnetic force enables us to define a unit magnet pole, based upon the fundamental mechanical units. If two perfectly similar magnets, infinitely thin, uniformly and longitudinally magnetized, be so placed that their positive poles are unit distance apart, and if these poles repel one another with unit force, the magnet poles are said to be of unit strength. Hence, in the expression for the force between two poles, k becomes unity, and the dimensions of ^ are those of a force. That is, ~ I =MLT-\h:om which the dimensions of a magnet pole are [m] = M*L^T -'. This definition of a unit magnet pole is the foundation of the magnetic system of units. The strength of a magnet pole is then equal to the force which it will exert on a unit pole at unit distance. The product of the strength of the positive pole of a uniformly and longitudinally magnetized magnet into the distance between its poles is called its magnetic moment. 263 ELEMENTAEY PHySICS. [§ 241 The quotient of the magnetic moment of such a magnet by its volume, or the magnetic moment of unit of volume, is called the intensity of magnetization. Since any magnet may be divided into small magnets, each of which is uniformly magnetized, and for which by this definition a particular value of the intensity of magnetization can be found, it is clear that the magnetic condition of any magnet can be stated in terms of the intensity of magnetiza- tion of its parts. The dimensions of magnetic moment and of intensity of mag- netization follow from these definitions. They are respectively [ml] = M^L-T-' and [^H = M^L'^ T-\ 241. Distribution of Magnetism in a Magnet.— If we conceive of a single row of magnetic molecules with their unlike poles in contact, we can easily see that all the poles, except those at the ends, neutralize one another's action, and that such a row will have a free north pole at one end and a free south pole at the other. If a magnet be thought of as made up of a combination of such rows of different lengths, the action of their free poles may be represented by supposing it due to a distribution of equal quan- tities of two imaginary substances, called north and south magnet- ism. This distribution will be, in general, both on the surface and throughout the volume of the magnet. If the magnet be uni- formly magnetized, the volume distribution becomes zero. Thfr surface distrilution of magnetism will sometimes be used to express the magnetization of a magnet, by the use of a concept called the magnetic density. It is defined as the ratio of the quan- tity of magnetism on ai element of surface to the area of that ele- ment. The magnetic density thus defined has the same numerical value as the intensity of magnetization which measures the real distribution. To illustrate this statement, we will consider an infinitely thin and uniformly magnetized bar, of which the length and cross-section are represented by I and s respectively. Its inten- sity of magnetization is -p or — . If, now, for the pole m we sub- to S § 242] MAGNETISM. 363 stitute a continuous surface distribution over the end of the bar, then — is also the density of that distribution. The dimensions of magnetic density follow from this definition. They are [f] == ^^^^ = ilf^i-^r-'. Coulomb showed, by oscillating a small magnet near different parts of a long bar magnet, that the magnetic force at different points along it gradually increases from the middle of the bar, where it is imperceptible, to the extremities. This would not be the case if the bar magnet were made up of equal straight rows of magnetic molecules in contact, placed side by side. With such an arrange- ment there would be no force at any point along the bar, but it would all appear at the two ends. The mutual interaction of the molecules of contiguous rows makes such an arrangement, how- ever, impossible. In the earth's magnetic field, in which the lines of magnetic force may be considered parallel, a couple will be set up on any magnet, so magnetized as to have only two poles, due to the action of equal quantities of north and south magnetism distributed in the magnet. The points at which the forces making up this couple are applied are the poles of the magnet, and the line joining them is the magnetic axis. These definitions are more precise than those which could be given at the outset. 242. Action of One Magnet on the Other.— The investigation of the mechanical action of one mag- net on another is important in the construction of apparatus for the measurement of magnetism. (1) To determine the potential of a short bar magnet at a point distant from it, let JSTS (Fig. 74) g- represent the magnet of length 21, the poles of which are of strength m, and let the point P be at a distance r from the centre of the magnet, taken as origin. 264 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ 243 Let the angle POiV equal 6 and draw the perpendiculars NQ and OR to PS. Then, in the limit, if SN is very small in com- parison with OP, we have PN= r - Ar and PS=r-]- Z(r, where Ar is a small length equal to SR = L cos 0. The potential at P due to the pole at iV^ is ^ ^^ = m [-+ -^j, since z/r is very small in comparison with r. Similarly the potential at Pdue to the pole at ^ is — — = —m{ 5- V The potential at P due to the r -\- Ar \r r j magnet is therefore 2mAr 2ml cos M cos 6 . . ^X- = r' = —r^—' ^^^' where M is the magnetic moment of the magnet. We may consider the magnetic moment as projected upon the line r by multiplica- tion by cos d; the formiila shows that the potential at any point due to a short magnet is equal to the projection of the magnetic mo- ment upon the line joining the centre of the magnet with the point, divided by the square of the length of that line. The maximum value of the potential due to the magnet, for a M given value of r, is p^-, where R represents the assigned value of r. If we set -rp^ = — '—^ we obtain r' — R' cos 6 as the equation of R r the equipotential surfaces at a considerable distance from the small magnet. When i? = co , it determines an equipotential surface of zero potential, for which, for every finite value of r, we have COS 6^ = 0, and d = ~. The plane passing through the centre of the magnet and perpendicular to its axis is therefore an equipotential surface of zero potential. Since r = whenever cos ^ = 0, whatever be the value of R, all the other equipotential surfaces pass through the point 0; they are in general ovoid surfaces surrounding the poles. The lines of force of the magnet arise at the north pole and pass perpendicularly through all these surfaces to the south pole. § 243] MAGNETISM. 265 (2) The force due to a sliort lar magnet in any direction may- be determined by determining the rate of change of its potential in that direction. It is not, however, important to determine this iorce in the general case : it will be sufficient to determine it for points in the line of the axis of the magnet. Let the length of the magnet N8 (Pig. 75) be represented by •2Z and the distance from its centre to the point F by r. Then the force at Pig 75 F due to the pole at N, and directed away from the magnet, is , ^, and the force due to the pole at S, and directed toward the magnet, is . ,.^ . Now we may write m m / 1 ,2A . , ^^TTT)^ = r' - 2lr "^ ^ Ir' +?/' ^^^^^ ^ ^^ very small in compari- son with r, and similarly . ,,, = »i f-^ A. The force at P ■due to the magnet and directed away from it is, therefore, (3) In the construction of apparatus used in the measuring of magnetic quantities it is important to know the moment of couple set up by one magnet on another. We will determine this for the particular case in which both the magnets are small in comparison with the distance between their centres, and in which the centre of one is situated on the prolongation of the axis of the other. We will call the magnet, the axis of which lies in the line joining the centres, the first magnet, and the other the second magnet, and will examine the couple exerted on the second magnet by the first. Under the limitations made as to the size of the magnets, we may assume that the forces exerted by the first magnet on the poles of the second are the same as if the poles of the second magnet lay in the prolongation of the axis of the first magnet, and that they are the same for any position of the second magnet (Fig. 76). 266 BLBMBNTAEY PHYSICS. f§ 243' We designate by m' the pole of the second magnet, by IV its length, and by ^ the complement of the angle made by its axis with the line joining the cen- s N /^ tres of the magnets. On these assumptions, the force acting on the north pole of the second s'^ '0 %m' M Fig. 76. magnet is — 5 — , and the force acting on its 2971' M south pole is =— . These two forces constitute a couple with an arm 2V cos 6, and the moment of this couple is Am'l'M cose 2MM' cos ,„„. p — ~p ' y^^i where M' represents the magnetic moment of the second magnet. 2MM' This moment of couple varies from — 5 — if the magnets are at right angles to each other, to zero if they are in the same straight line. 243. The Magnetic Shell. —A magnetic shell may be defined as an infinitely thin sheet of magnetizable matter, magnetized transversely; so that any line in the shell normal to its surfaces may be looked on as an infinitesimally short and thin magnet. These imaginary magnets have their like poles contiguous. The product of the in- tensity of magnetization at any point in the shell into the thick- ness of the shell at that point is called the strength of the shell at that point, and is denoted by the symbol/. Since we may substitute for the magnetic arrangement an imag- inary distribution of magnetism over the surfaces of the shell, we may define the strength of the shell as the product of the surface- density and the thickness of the shell. The dimensions of the strength of a magnetic shell follow at once from this definition. We have [/] equal to the dimensions of intensity of magnetization multiplied by a length. Therefore [/] = M^L^T-\ We obtain first the potential of such a shell of infinitesimal § 243] MAGNETISM. 267 area. Let the origin (Fig. 77) be taken half-way between the two- faces of the shell, and let the shell stand perpendicular to the x axis. Let a rep- -'"^T resent the area of the shell, supposed in- ,''^'' 'y finitesimal, 21 the thickness of the shell, ,,-''' | and d the intensity of magnetization. °\B'' ~ ' The volume of this infinitesimal magnet Fig- "7. is 2al, and, from the definition of intensity of magnetization, Zald is its magnetic moment. The potential at the point ^ is then given by equation (81), since Hs very small. We have F= -3- cos 6^ = -^^ cos (9 r r" Now a cos is the projection of the area of the shell upon a plan& through the origin normal to the radius vector r, and, since a is- Ct COS infinitesimal, 5 — is the solid angle 00 bounded by the lines drawn from P to the boundary of the area a. The potential then becomes V= 2ldoa =joo, since 2ld is what has been called the strength of the shell. The same proof may be extended to any number of contiguous areas making up a finite magnetic shell. The potential due to such, a shell is then ^joo. If the shell be of uniform strength, the poten- tial due to it becomes y^ftj, and is got by summing the elementary solid angles. This sum is the solid angle £1, bounded by the lines drawn from the point of which the potential is required to the boundary of the shell. The potential due to a magnetic shell of uniform strength is therefore j£l. (84) It does not depend on the form of the shell, but only on the angle subtended by its -contour. At a point very near the positive face of a flat shell, so near that the solid angle subtended by the shell equals 27C, the potential is 27ij; at a point in the plane of the shell outside its boundary, where the angle subtended is zero, the poten- tial is zero ; and near the other or negative face of the shell it is — 27tj. The whole work done, then, in moving a unit magnet pole from a point very near one face to a point very near the other ■268 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. [§ "244 Jace is 4:7rj. This result is of importance in connection with elec- trical currents. 244. Magnetic Measurements. — It was shown by Gilbert in a -work published in 1600, that the earth can be considered as a magnet, having its positive pole toward the south and its negative toward the north. The determination of the magnetic relations of the earth are of importance in navigation and geodesy. The princi- pal magnetic elements are the declination, the dip, and the horizontal intensity. The declination is the angle between the magnetic meridian, or the direction assumed by the axis of a magnetic needle suspended to move freely m a horizontal plane, and the geographical meridian. The dip is the angle made with the horizontal by the axis of a magnetic needle suspended so as to turn freely m a vertical plane •containing the magnetic meridian. The horizontal intensity is the strength of the earth's magnetic field resolved along the horizontal line in the plane of the magnetic meridian. A magnet pole of strength m in a field in which the horizontal intensity is represented by H is urged along tliis horizontal line with a force equal to mH. From this equation the dimensions of the horizontal intensity, and so also of the strength of a magnetic field in any case, are yH'\ = -J m The horizontal intensity can be measured relatively to some .assumed magnet as standard, by allowing the magnet to oscillate freely in the horizontal plane about its centre, and noting the time ■of oscillation. The relation between the magnetic moment M of the magnet and the horizontal intensity H is calculated by a for- mula analogous to that employed in the computation of g from -observations with the pendulum. If the magnet be slightly displaced from its position of equilib- rium, so as to make small oscillations about its point of suspension, it can be shown, as in § 60, that it is describing a simple harmonic motion. If cp represent the angle made by the magnet with the magnetic meridian, the moment of couple acting on the magnet is § 244] MAGNETISM. 369 giyen by MH sin
0, so that the induction is greater
than the magnetic force of the field, the resultant magnetic force
within the body is less than the magnetic force of the field, because
the poles induced in the body act in the opposite sense to the force
of the field.
248. Energy in a Magnetic Field. — On the view we are now
taking, that the actions between magnets are due to a condition of
the medium which occupies the field, it is natural to suppose that
the energy of a set of magnets is distributed in the field. We will
find a law for this distribution, which associates the energy with
the tubes of induction.
The energy of the system is manifestly equal to the work that
would be required to construct that system. We will first show
that this may be expressed, in terms of the magnet poles and of the
potentials of the places occupied by them, by the formula 2'|m V.
We assume that whatever bodies are in the field are of such a
character that their magnetization is proportional to the magnetiz-
ing force; on this assumption, the potential at any point and the
magnitude of the poles vary in the same proportion. Let m„ ni,,
m„ represent the values of the respective poles, and r„ F„
F„ the potentials at the places occupied by them in the final
condition of the field. Each of these poles may be conceived of as
an assemblage of a great number n of small poles, each equal to-.
If we think of the region occupied by the field as originally free
from magnets, its energy after the magnets are present in it will
be equal to the worls done in forming the magnet poles by the suc-
cessive addition of such elementary poles. Let the field be free
from magnetism, and let the quantities of magnetism —' -—> —>
be brought to the points which the separate poles occupy in the
final condition of the field ; since the potentials at those points are
originally zero, no work will be done in this operation. The
presence of these poles causes a rise of potential throughout the
field, and the potentials at the places occupied by the poles become
— ij. — , ... — -■ Let elementary poles similar to those already intro-
duced be brought to their respective places in the field; the work
done on any one of them is — j-j and the work done on them all is
2 — r- By this increase in the quantities at the poles the potentials
become %—, 2—, 2^^. This operation is repeated until m
quantities have been brought to each pole, so that the poles are in
their final condition and the potential has everywhere its final
value. The work done in bringing up the w* elementary pole to
its place is -(w— 1) — ; the work done in forming the field is there-
. ^fl + 2 + 3 + . . . + (w - 1)\ ^^ ^^
fore ^[ — ! ! '—^ — ^^—^ ']mV. Now
§ 348] MAGNETISM. 375
l + 2 + 3 + ... + (w-l) _ (w - l)n _ 1/ 1\ _ 1
if n be supposed to be very large. The work done in forming the
magnetic field is therefore 2im V.
Now, to show how this energy may be distributed in the field,
we may consider any one of the magnets which give rise to the field
as being the origin of 47r/a unit tubes of induction, the magnets
being thought of as bar magnets. The energy of this magnet is,
by the previous proposition, equal to hn(V„- F^), where V„ and
Fj are the potentials at the places occupied by its poles; the pole m
is equal to la (§ 341). The difference of potential V,. — V^ equals
2RAI, where R is the force along a line of force in the field pass-
ing outside the magnet from its north to its south pole, and Al is an
element of that line, the summation being extended over the whole
line. If, therefore, we suppose each unit tube of induction which
proceeds from the magnet to contain an amount of energy equal to
2— — , the energy contained in the bundle of tubes belonging to
the magnet will equal the energy of the magnet. We may therefore
consider the energy of the magnet as distributed throughout the
field, in such a way that each unit length of a unit tube of induc-
tion contains 5— units of energy. The tubes of induction here con-
sidered are those which exist outside the magnets. It has already
been shown that the number of tubes of induction which pass
through unit area is equal to the induction, or that N — F —
(1 -f 4:7ik)R = fiR. Hence the energy in unit length of a tube
of induction may be expressed by -q— •
The energy in unit volume of the field may be determined
by considering a small cylinder of length I and cross-section s
placed in the field with its end surfaces normal to the lines of in-
duction. The number of tubes of induction which pass through
the end surfaces is iVJs = /^Rs, and the energy contained in the
length I of each of these tubes is^^ = -^. The energy contained
in the cylinder is therefore —^^ — ^ — -, and the energy contained
m unit Tolume is — r— = — — •
249. Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism. — It was discovered by-
Faraday that all bodies are affected when brought into a magnetic
field: some of them, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and oxygen, are
attracted by the magnet setting up the field ; others, such as bis-
muth, copper, most organic substances, and nitrogen, are repelled
from the magnet. The former are said to he ferromagnetic or
paramagnetic, the latter diamagnetic.
The most obvious explanation of these phenomena, and the one
adopted by Faraday, is to ascribe them to a distribution of the in-
duced magnetization in paramagnetic bodies, in an opposite direc-
tion from that in diamagnetic bodies. If a paramagnetic body be
brought between two opposite magnet poles, a north pole is induced
in it near the external south pole, and a south pole near the external
north pole. The magnetic separation is then said to be in the di-
rection of the lines of force. According to this explanation, then^
the separation of the induced magnetization in a diamagnetic body
is in a direction opposite to that of the lines of force. In other
words, if a diamagnetic body be brought between two opposite
magnet poles, the explanation asserts that a north pole is induced
in it near the external north pole, and a south pole near the exter-
nal south pole.
One of Faraday's experiments, however, indicates that the dif-
ferent behavior of bodies of these two classes may be due only to a
more or less intense manifestation of the same action. He found
that a solution of ferrous sulphate, sealed in a glass tube, behaves,
immersed in a weaker solution of the same salt, as a paramagnetic
body; but, when immersed in a stronger solution, as a diamagnetic
body. It may from this experiment be concluded that the direc-
tion of the induced magnetization is the same for all bodies, and
that the exhibition of diamagnetic or paramagnetic properties de-
pends, not upon the direction of induced magnetization, but upon
§ 349] MAGNETISM. 277
the greater or less intensity of magnetization of the surrounding
Faraday discovered that many bodies while in a vacuum exhibit
diamagnetic properties. In accordance with this explanation, we
must conclude that a vacuum can have magnetic properties. It
seemed to Faraday unlikely that this should be the case, and he
therefore adopted the explanation which was first given. As it has
since been shown that the ether which serves as a medium for the
transmission of light, and which pervades every so-called vacuum,
is also probably concerned in electrical and magnetic phenomena,
there is no longer any reason for the opinion that the possession of
magnetic properties by a vacuum is inherently improbable.
To classify bodies as paramagnetic or diamagnetic, we examine
the energy existing in them when placed in a magnetic field. We
will first assume that Jc, the coefficient of magnetization, is so small
that the resultant force in the region occupied by the body is not
appreciably changed by the presence of the body. The value of k
for vacuum is assumed to be zero, and for air it is very slightly dif-
ferent from zero ; hence the value of n for air may be set equal to
1. Before a body is brought into the field, the energy per unit
volume in the space finally occupied by it is ^ ; the energy per
unit volume in the same space when the body is brought into the
field is -5—. The increase of energy caused by the introduction
of the body, on the assumption we have made that the field is not
■disturbed by the body, or that N remains the same after the
introduction of the body as it was before, is — - -], and this
07l\ }A, I
is positive or negative according- as yw is less or greater than 1.
Now a body free to move will move so as to diminish its potential
•energy, and therefore a body for which yu > 1 will move so as to
make N" as large as possible, or will move from a weaker to a
stronger part of the field. Such a b@dy is called a paramagnetic
body. On the other hand, a body *f or which n This iirst
law is evident, because, after the current has become steady, there
is no accumulation of electricity at the junctions.
2. The sum, taken around any number of branches forming a
■closed circuit, of the products of the currents in those branches and
their respective resistances is equal to the sum of the electromotive
forces in those branches. This law can easily be seen to be only a
modified statement of Ohm's law.
These laws may be illustrated by their application in a form of
apparatus known as Wheatstone's Iridge. The circuit of the AVheat-
stone's bridge is made up of six branches. An end of any branch
meets two, and only two, ends of
other branches, as shown in Fig. 87.
In the branch 6 is a voltaic cell
with an electromotive force E. In
the branch 5 is a galvanometer
which will indicate the presence of
& current in that branch. In the
other branches are conductors, the
J rlG.o/.
resistances of which may be called
respectively r,, r„ r^, »\.
From Kirchhoff's first law the sum of the currents meeting at
the point C is i, + \ -j- i^= 0, and of those meeting at the point
B \si -\- i -\- ii= 0. By the second law, the sum of the products
ir in the circuit ^DC is i,r,+ i>3-f «:,r,= 0, and in the circuit
DBG is ir -\- i r^-{- i^r^=0, since there are no electromotive
forces in those circuits. If we so arrange the resistances of the
l)ranches 1, 3, 3, 4 that the galvanometer shows no deflection, the
current i. is zero, and these equations give the relations i = — i„
i — _ ^ l^ — ^ir,ir = — i^r^. From these four equations
follows at once a relation between the resistances, expressed in the
^,r, = r^Vy (105)
If, therefore, we know the yalue of r, and know the ratio of r, to
r, , we may obtain the value of r,.
This method of comparing resistances by means of the Wheat-
stone's bridge is of great importance in practice. By the use of a
form of apparatus known as the British Association Iridge the
method can be carried to a high degree of accuracy. In this form of
the bridge, the portion marked AGB (Fig. 87) is a straight cylin-
drical wire, along which the end of the branch CD is moved until a
point G is found, such that the galvanometer shows no deflection.
The two portions of the wire between C and A, and C and B, are
then the two conductors of which the resistances are r, and r^, and
these resistances are proportional to the lengths of those portions
(§ 275). The ratio of r^ to r, is therefore the ratio of the lengths
of wire on either side of C, and only the resistance of r, need be
known in order to obtain that of r,.
It is often convenient in determining the relations of current
and resistance in a network of conductors to use Ohm's law direct-
ly, and consider the difference of potential between the two points
on a conductor as equal to the product ir. When a part of a cir-
cuit is made up of several portions which all meet at two points A
and B, the relation between the whole resistance and that of the
separate parts may be obtained easily in this way. For convenience
in illustration we will suppose
the divided circuit (Fig. 88)
made up of only three portions,
1, 3, 3, meeting at the points A
and B, and that no electromotive
force exists in those portions. Then the difference of potential be-
tween A and B\sV^-Vb- i,r, = i,r, = i,r^. We have also by
Kirchhoff's first law - t, = t, + i, +i,. By the combination of
these equations we obtain
-i.= iV.-V.)^+'-y-\ (106)
The current in the divided circuit equals the difference of po-
tential between A and B multiplied by the sum of the reciprocals
of the resistances of the separate portions. If we set this sum equal
to -, and call r the resistance of the divided circuit, we may say
that the reciprocal of the resistance of a divided circuit is equal to
the sum of the reciprocals of the resistances of the separate por-
tions of the circuit. When there are only two portions into which
the circuit is divided, one of them is usually called a shunt, and
the circuit a shunt circuit.
The rules for joinijig up sets of voltaic cells in circuits so as
to accomplish any desired purpose may be discussed by the same
method. Let us suppose that there are n cells, each with an elec-
tromotive force e and an internal resistance r, and that the c! "I'lual
resistance of the circuit is s. If m be a factor of n, and if we join
up the cells with the external resistance so as to form a divided cir-
cuit of m parallel branches, each containing — cells, we shall have
for the electromotive force in such a circuit — , and for the resist-
ance of the circuit s-\-—,. The current in the circuit is therefore
. . Two cases may arise which are common in practice,
m's -f nr
The resistance s of the external circuit may be so great that, in
comparison with m's, nr may be neglected. In that case i is a maxi-
mum when m = l, that is, when the cells are arranged tandem, or
in series, with their unlike poles connected. On the other hand, if
m's be very small as compared with nr, it may be neglected, and i
becomes a maximum when m- - n, that is, when the cells are
arranged abreast, or in multiple arc, with their like poles in con-
306. Induced Currents.— It was shown in § 277 that the move-
ment of a magnet in the neighborhood of a closed circuit will give
rise, in general, to an electromotive force in the circuit, and that
the current due to this electromotive fores will be in the direction
opposite to that current which, by its action upon the magnet,
would assist the actual motion of the magnet. This current is
called an induced current. From the equivalence between a
magnetic shell and an electrical current, it is plain that a similar
induced current will be produced in a closed circuit by the move-
ment near it of an electrical current or any part of one. Since the
joining up or breaking the circuit carrying a current is equivalent
to bringing up that same current from an infinite distance, or
removing it to an infinite distance, it is further evident that similar
induced currents will be produced in a closed circuit when a circuit
is made or broken in its presence.
The demonstration of the production of induced currents in
§ 277 depends upon the assumption that the path of the magnet
pole is such that work is done upon it by the current assumed to
exist in the circuit. The potential of the magnet pole relative to
the current is changed.
The change in potential from one point to another in thd
magnetic field due to a closed current is (§ 290) i[£l' — £1 -{■ Ann),
and the work done on a magnet pole m, in moving it from one
point to another, is mi{D,' — f 2 + inn). In the demonstration of
§ 277 we may substitute m{£2' — £1 + 4t7in) for A, and, provided
the change in potential be uniform, we obtain at once the expres-
m(n' -n-\- iTtn) ^ ,, , , . „
sion for the electromotive force due to the
movement of the magnet pole. If the change in potential be not
uniform, we may conceive the time in which it occurs to be
divided into indefinitely small intervals, during any one of which,
t, it may be considered uniform. Then the limit of the expres-
in(n' — n -\- Ann)
^^°^ f > as t becomes indefinitely small, is the
•electromotive force during that interval.
The current strength due to this electromotive force is
•/ _ _ m{n' -n + Ann)
If the induced current be steady, the total quantity of electricity
flowing in the circuit is expressed by i't = — '"•(-Q' — D.-\- imi)
The total quantity of electricity flowing in the circuit depends,,
therefore, only upon the initial and final positions of the magnet
pole, and the number of times it passes through the circuit, and
not upon its rate of motion. The electromotive force due to the
movement of the magnet, and consequently the current strength,,
depends, on the other hand, upon the rate at which the potential
changes with respect to time.
A more general statement of the mode in which induced cur-
rents are produced may be given in terms of the changes in the
number of tubes of induction which pass through the circuit.
When the number of tubes of induction which pass through a,
circuit is altered, an electromotive force is induced in the circuit
which is proportional to the rate of change of the number of tabes
of induction. This law may be easily proved, as in the special case
already considered, if the change in the number of tubes of induc-
tion be produced by a movement of magnet poles or their equivalents,
and not by changes in other currents in the field ; in case there are
other currents in the field, the interactions between them introduces-
conditions which cannot be discussed by elementary methods. The
law, however, is a perfectly general one, and holds for all cases in
which the tubes of induction passing through the circuit change in
While we cannot, by elementary methods, determine exactly the
laws of the production of an induced current in a circuit by changes
in the currents in neighboring circuits, we may yet form some idea
of the induced current by considering the magnetic field about the
circuits. Suppose that a current traverses circuit 1 and that there
is no current in circuit 2 ; circuit 2 encloses a number of tubes of
induction due to the current in circuit 1. If the current in circuit
1 be suddenly interrupted, these tubes of induction are removed
from circuit 2, and from the dynamical principle that a change is
resisted by the non-conservative forces to which it gives rise, there
will arise in circuit 2 a current tending to maintain the tubes;
within it. If the two circuits are parallel, this current will be in
the same sense as that in circuit 1. The current induced in circuit
2 gives rise to tubes of induction which enter circuit 1, and their
entrance into circuit 1 is resisted by a current tending to repel them
from circuit 1, or to set up tabes of induction in the opposite sense.
Thus there will be a small current in circuit 1 in the oj^posite sense
to that originally in it and the current in circuit 1 will therefore
diminish more rapidly than if circuit 2 were not present. On the
other hand, if neither circuit carries a current, and a carrent be
suddenly impressed on circuit 1, the tubes of induction to which it
gives rise will enter circuit 2, and will be resisted by a momentary
current in circuit 3 tending to repel them, or to set up tubes of
induction in the opposite sense. Thus the induced current in
circuit 2 in this case, if the two circuits are parallel, is in the oppo-
site sense to that in circuit 1. This current in circuit 2 will in turn
set up tubes of induction which enter circuit 1 and are there resisted
by a momentary small current which will be in the same sense as
that impressed upon circuit 1. Thus the presence of circuit 2 will
temporarily increase the current m circuit 1.
The fact that induced currents are produced in a closed circuit
by a variation in the number of lines of magnetic force included in
it was first shown experimentally by Faraday in 1831. He placed
one wire coil, in circuit with a voltaic battery, inside another which
was joined with a sensitive galvanometer. The first he called the
pritnary, the second the secondary, circuit. When the battery
circuit was made or broken, deflections of the galvanometer were
observed. These were in such a direction as to indicate a current
in the secondary coil, when the primary circuit was made, in the
opposite direction to that in the primary, and when the primary
circuit was broken, in the same direction as that in the primary.
When the positive pole of a bar magnet was thrust into or with-
drawn from the secondary coil, the galvanometer was deflected.
The currents indicated were related to the direction of motion of
the positive magnet pole, as the directions of rotation and propul-
sion in a left-handed screw. The direction of the induced currents
in .these experiments is, easily seen to be in accordance with the law-
above stated. ■ A simple statement, known as Lenz's law, which
enables us to determine the sense of an induced current produced
by the motion of a magnet or a circuit, is as follows: When an
induced current is produced, it is always in such a sense as to oppose
the action which produces it. This is equivalent to the statement
that the induced current tends to oppose the change in the number
of tubes of induction which pass through the circuit.
The case in which an induced current in the secondary circuit
is set up by making the primary circuit is, as has been said, an
extreme case of the movement of the primary circuit from an infinite
distance into the presence of the secondary. The experiments of
Paraday and others show that the total quantity of electricity
induced when the primary circuit is made is exactly equal and oppo-
site to that induced when the primary circuit is broken. They also
show that the electromotive force induced in the secondary circuit
is independent of the materials constituting either circuit, and is
proportional to the current strength in the primary circuit. These
results are consistent with the formula already deduced for the
induced current.
307. Currents of Self-induction. — If the current in a circuit
be changed, the number of tubes of induction which pass through
the circuit will vary, and an induced current will be set up in the
circuit. If there be originally no current in the circuit and if an
electromotive force be suddenly impressed upon it, so that the cur-
rent which finally exists in the circuit is i, the number of tubes of
induction developed through the circuit as equal to Li (§ 293).
Let t be the time required for the current to rise to its full value ;
then the average electromotive force induced in the circuit by the
increase in the number of tubes of induction which pass through it
will be — , and the average current will be — r. The total current
t rt
due to this induced electromotive force is therefore—, and is op-
posed, in sense, to the current impi-essed upon the circuit. If the
circuit be suddenly broken, the same expression represents the total
induced current due to the loss of the tubes of induction which pass,
through the circuit ; this current is in the same sense as the current of
the circuit. Since by Ohm's law i = -, where e is the electromotive
force impressed upon the circuit, the average electromotive force is
in both these cases -- . Now t, the time required for the current
to rise from zero to its full value, or to sink from its full value to
zero, is very small, and the average electromotive force of induction
may be much larger than the electromotive force of the circuit.
When the current is made, this induced electromotive force
diminishes the electromotive force of the circuit; so that the current
is established gradually and not instantaneously. The time required
to establish the current depends upon the resistance and self-in-
duction of the circuit. When the circuit is broken, the electro-
motive force of induction is in the same sense as that of the circuity
and produces a momentary current which is much greater than the
steady current of the circuit. The induced electromotive force is
frequently so high as to cause the current to leap across the gap
formed where the circuit is broken, and to give rise to a spark at
that gap. The induced current thus formed is often called the
extra current or the current of self-induction. It should be noted
that the induced electromotive force is proportional to the coefficient
of self-induction of the circuit. The establishment of a current in
the circuit may therefore be retarded and the extra current at the
break may be increased by so arranging the circuit as to increase its
coefficient of self-induction; while by so winding the circuit that
its coefficient of self-induction is reduced to a minimum these effects
may be almost entirely avoided. A wire doubled on itself, and
coiled so that a current in it always passes in opposite directions,
through immediately contiguous portions of the wire, will mani-
festly have a very small coefficient of self-induction ; such a coil is
called a non-inductive coil.
308. Alternating Currents. — If the electromotive force in a cir-
cuit be made to vary, especially if it be made to change in sense,
the tubes of induction which pass through the circuit will also vary^
and the current in the circuit will vary in a way dependent not
only on the variations in the electromotive force, but also on the
currents produced by induction. The case of the greatest interest
and importance is that in which the electromotive force varies
periodically; in this case the current also varies periodically. It
may be shown, by a method which cannot be given here, that the
maximum value of the current is never as great as that deduced
from the maximum electromotive force on the supposition that the
current follows Ohm's law. The formula which expresses the maxi-
mum value of the current is , , ,,^ , , where e is the maximum
electromotive force and T the period of the alternation. The de-
nominator of this expression is a quantity of the same order as
resistance, but it involves, besides the resistance of the circuit, its
coefficient of self-induction and the period. In case is very
large in comparison with r', the current has its maximum value at
the time when the electromotive force is zero, and is zero when the
electromotive force is a maximum. The theory farther shows that
the rate of propagation of the electrical disturbance along the con-
dactor is a function of the period of the alternation, being less
when the period is greater. When the period is infinitesimal, or in
general when it is very small, the velocity is equal to the velocity Vy
the ratio between the electrostatic and the electromagnetic units
(§ 311), or to the velocity of light. The currents developed in the
conductor, by rapid alternations of electromotive force, are not the
same for all parts of the cross-section of the conductor, but diminish
from the outside of the conductor inwards. For very rapid alter-
nations the currents exist only in a small layer near the surface of
the condactor. These deductions of theory have been fully con-
firmed by experiment.
309. Apparatus employing Induced Currents.— The production
of induced currents by the relative movements of conductors and
magnets is taken advantage of in the construction of pieces of
apparatus which are of great importance not only for laboratory use
but in the arts.
The telepho7iic receiver consists essentially of a bar magnet
around one end of which is carried a coil of fine insulated wire. In
front of this coil is placed a thin plate of soft iron. AVhen the coils
of two such instruments are joined in circuit by conducting wires,
any disturbance of the iron diaphragm in front of one coil will
change the magnetic field near it, and a current will be set up in
the circuit. The strength of the magnet in the other instrument
will be altered by this current, and the diaphragm in front of it will
move. When the diaphragm of the first instrument, or transmitter,
is set m motion by sound waves due to the voice, the induced cur-
rents, and the consequent movements of the diaphragm of the
second instrument, or receiver, are such that the words spoken into
the one can be recognized by a listener at the other.
Other transmitters are generally used, in which the diaphragm
presses upon a small button of carbon. A current is passed from a
battery through the diaphragm, the carbon button, and the rest of
the circuit, including the receiver. When the diaphragm moves,
it presses upon the carbon button, and alters the resistance of the
circuit at the point of contact. This change in resistance gives rise
to a change in the current, and the diaphragm of the receiver is
moved. The telephone serves in the laboratory as a most delicate
means of detecting rapid changes of current in a circuit.
The various forms of magneto-electrical and dynamo-electrifcal
machines are too numerous and too complicated for description. In
all of them an arrangement of conductors, usually called the ar7na-
hire, is moved in a powerful magnetic field, and a suitable arrange-
ment is made by which the currents thus induced may be led ofi
and utilized in an outside circuit. The magnetic field is sometimes
established by permanent magnets, and the machine is called a
magneto-machine. In most cases, however, the circuit containing
the armature also contains the coils of the electromagnets to which
the magnetic field is due. When the armature rotates, a current
starts in it, at first due to the residual magnetism of some part of
the machine: this current passes through the field magnets and
increases the strength of the magnetic field. This in turn reacts
upon the armature, and the current rapidly increases until it attains
a maximum due to the fact that the magnetic field does not increase
proportionally to the current which produces it. Such a machine
is called a dynamo-machine. By suitable arrangements of the con-
ductors which lead the current from the machine, either direct or
alternating currents may be obtained.
The induction coil, or Ruhmhorff's coil, consists of two circuits
wound on two concentric cylindrical spools. The inner or primary
oircuit is made up of a comparatively few layers of large wire, and
the outer, or secondary, of a great number of turns of fine wire.
Withm the primary circuit is a bundle of iron wires, which, by its
magnetic action, increases the electromotive force of the induced
ourrent in the secondary coil. Some device is employed by which
the primary circuit can be made or broken mechanically. The
electromotive force of the induced current is proportional to the
number of windings in the secondary coil, and as this is very great
the electromotive force of the induced current greatly exceeds that
of the primary current. The electromotive force of the induced
current set up when the primary circuit is broken is further
heightened by a device proposed by Fizeau. To two points in the
primary circuit, one on either side of the point where the circuit is
broken, are joined the two surfaces of a condenser. When the
circuit is broken, the extra current, if the condenser be not intro-
duced, forms a long spark across the gap, and so prolongs the fall
of the primary current to zero. The electromotive force of the
induced current is therefore not so great as it would be if the fall
of the primary current could be made more rapid. When the con-
denser is introduced, the extra current is partly spent in charging
the condenser, the difference of potential between the two sides of
the gap is not so great, the length of the spark and consequently
the time taken by the primary current to become zero is lessened,
and the electromotive force of the induced current is proportionally
310. Determination of the Unit of Resistance. — If the circuit
considered in § 306 move from a point where its potential relative
to the magnet pole is mfl' to one where it is mO,, provided that the
magnetic pole do not pass through the circuit, and that the move-
ment be so carried out that the induced current is constant, the
mfp.' -O.) ,„
electromotive force of the induced current is . It
« f
the movement take place in unit time, and if m{(l' —£1) also equal
unity, the electromotive force in the circuit is the unit electromo-
tive force.
The expression »i((l' —CI) is equivalent to the change in the
number of tubes of induction passing through the circuit in the
positive direction. More generally, then, if a circuit or part of a
circuit so move in a magnetic field that, in unit time, the number
of tubes of induction passing through the circuit in the positive
direction increase or diminish by unity, at a uniform rate, the
electromotive force induced is unit electromotive force.
This definition is consistent with the one given in § 303. For,
the energy of a circuit carrying the current (', due to the field in
which it is placed, equals iN, and the change of this energy in
unit time is the energy expended in the circuit in that time. But
]^' — jSf N' — N .
this change in energy is { , and — — is the electromo-
t t
tive force, so that ie represents the energy expended in unit time.
A simple way in which the problem can be presented is as
follows: Suppose two parallel straight conductors at unit distance
apart, joined at one end by a fixed cross-piece. Suppose the circuit
to be completed by a straight cross-piece of unit length which can
slide freely on the two long conductors. Suppose this system placed
m a magnetic field of unit intensity, so that the lines of force are
everywhere perpendicular to the plane of the conductors. Then, if
we suppose the sliding piece to be moved with unit velocity perpen-
dicular to itself along the parallel conductors, the electromotive
force set up in the circuit will be the unit electromotive force, and
if it move with any other velocity v, the electromotive force will
be equal to v.
If we now insert a galyanometer in the fixed cross-piece, and
suppose the resistance of all the circuit except the sliding piece to
be negligible, and moye the sliding piece at such a rate that the
-current in the galyanometer is unity, we have the resistance of the
sliding piece determined from the velocity with which it moves.
For, by Ohm's law, i= -, and since i = 1 and e = v, we have
r '
r — V.
Such an arrangement as that here described is of course impos-
sible in practice, but it embodies the principle of the method
actually used to determine the unit of resistance by the Committee
of the British Association. In their method, a circular coil of wire,
in the centre of which was suspended a small magnetic needle, was
mounted so as to rotate with constant velocity about a vertical
diameter. From the dimensions and velocity of rotation of the coil
and the intensity of the earth's magnetic field, the induced electro-
motive force in the coil was calculated. The current in the same
coil was determined by the deflection of the small magnet. The
ratio of these two quantities gave the resistance of the coil.
311. Ratio between the Electrostatic and Electromagnetic
Units. — When the dimensions of any electrical quantity derived
from its electrostatic definition are compared with its dimensions
■derived from its electromagnetic definition, the ratio between them
is always of the dimensions of some power of a velocity. The ratio
between the electrostatic and electromagnetic unit of any electrical