CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY *" FROM Digitized by Microsoft® Cornell University Library F 104W7 S85suppl Supplement to The history and genealogie Clin 3 1924 028 843 484 Digitized by Microsoft® This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation witli Cornell University Libraries, 2007. You may use and print this copy in limited quantity for your personal purposes, but may not distribute or provide access to it (or modified or partial versions of it) for revenue-generating or other commercial purposes. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEME'NT HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES ANCIENT WmDSOR, CONN., CONTAINING CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS WHICH HAVE ACCRUED SINCE THE PUBLICATION OF THAT WOKK. BY HEIfEY E. STILES, M. D., WOODBKIDGE, N. J. ALBANY: J. MUNSELL, 78 STATE STEEET. 1863. r Digitized by Microsoft® /CORNELL^ UNIVERSITY^: LIBRARY^ TO MYJPRIEND, ' D. WILLIAMS PATTERSON OF WEST WINSTED, COlfN., AN ENTHUSIASTIC, PATIENT AND ACCURATE GENEALOGIST ; A SINCERE LOVER OF THE TRUTH, WHICH IS THE sorL OP history; THIS VOLUME IS KESPECTEULLY DEDICATED. K. Digitized by Microsoft® NOTJ. Three years ago, when I published the History and Geneahgies of jlncimt Windsor, Conn,, I was induced, if not compelled, by a super-abundance of material, to give my subscribers, without additional charge, over 300 pages more than was promised them — an act of generosity which, as it is easy to see, was much more advantageous to them than to me. And when, at last, relieved from the burdens of authorship and financial cares, I felt that I certainly had fully paid (both principal and interest) my share of the debt of love which I owed to the old town of Windsor j and little dreamed that I should ever again put myself in harness for her historical benefit. But, un- fortunately for toy " sweet dream of peace," I found myself inwrought into old Windsor's history and interest. I could not henceforth be an uninterested looker on, and found myself still tracing out the lines of her ancient families, and that — shall 1 confess it — there was an indefinable charm, for me, in all that pertained to Windsor history. Many errors I detected in the printed volume — some of clerical, others of typographical origin — some evident faults of com- mission, and not unfrequently a fault of omission. These were to have been expected ; the utmost circumspection could not have guarded entirely against them, in a work of such size, and containing so many dates, names, etc. Cor- respondents also constantly furnished me new suggestions, ingenious elucida- tions, " missing links," and " unknown quantities," which threw new light and value upon my printed page. New sources of authority also came to light, by the discovery of ancient records in unthought-of hiding places. What won- der Is it, then, that the notis which gradually enriched the margins of my library copy of the Windsor History, soon grew so voluminous as to suggest the Idea of a Supplement ? For what Genealogist or Historian, who, when he has found a new fact, or a " nugget," is not willing, like the woman in the parable, to call his friends and co-laborers together, saying, " Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost V Therefore, I have compiled this Supplement ; if it convicts me of shortcomings in my former work, it will, at least, assure my friends of my desire to make good any de- ficiencies, and to add to their pleasure and profit. Digitized by Microsoft® 4 HISTOBT OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. I have not blown my trumpet long and loud about this Supplement (for honestly, I was afraid of awaking the echoes), but have compiled it simply of the new material which has come to hand since the publication of the History. I am under especial obligations to H. Sidney Hatden, Town Clerk of Windsor; to the Town Clerk of Windsor Locks; Mrs. Hieam B. Case, wife of the Town Clerk of Bloomfield; Rev. Geo. B. Newcomb of Bloomfleld; D. Williams Patteeson of West Winsted; Chas. J. Hoadlt and Hon. J. Ham- mond Tedmbull of Hartford; and to Samuel H. Paesons and Edwin Steakns of Middletown, for favors received in the compilation of this volume. And now, as I lay down my pen from correcting the last proof of this Sup- plement, I feel that my " labor of love " for Ancient Windsor is finished. If the citizens of that venerable town have need, in the future, of the services of a historian, they need not apply to their true friend, Woodbridge, N. J., Nov., 1862. HENRY REED STILES, M. D. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS VOLUME. In addition to those used in the History of Ancient Windsor, and which are probably familiar to its readers, we have employed the following :. E. W. C. R. — The Record of Baptisms in the 2d Church of Windsor, after- wards the 1st Church of East Windsor, and now the 1st Church of South Windsor, from 1761-1845; sometimes called the Cook Record, from the family by whom it was commenced and kept for many years. R. Mss. — An ancient private record of Births, Marriages and Deaths in Wiu- tonbury parish (now Bloomfield township); furnished to us by Eliza Mills Rundall of Seneca Falls, N. Y. N. S. R. — The Pastoral Records of the North Society of Windsor, under the ministry of the Rev. Theodore Hinsdale, 1761-1794. W. C. R. — The Records of the First Church of Windsor, commenced by the Rev. D. S. Rowland. Marriages, 1777-1846; Baptisms, 1790-1855; Deaths, 1790-1857. Why. C. R. — The Records of the First Church of Wintonbury parish (near Bloomfield, Ct.), Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1738-18bO. Jlfs». Col. Ree. — Three volumes of ancient Colonial Records, recently disco- vered by C. J. Hoadly, State Librarian of Connecticut, and deposited in the State Library at Hartford. These volumes contain transcripts of the Land Records, and of the Births, Marriages and Deaths of Wind- sor, Fairfield, Wethersfield, and some other towns, recorded by order of court, and thus forming duly authenticated and reliable records. Bap., Baptized. Prob., Probably. Pass., Possibly. Menl., Mentioned. N. B. — Genealogists will hardly need my recommendation to examine T'mmbull's Col. Rec. of Connecticut ,- Hoadly's Records of the New Haven Colo- ny, and Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, in connection with any investiga- tions which they may make into Windsor families. In the latter grand and valuable work, some corrections will be found for my Windsor History — dis- crepancies between the works must be settled by patient investigation — yet no one can feel sure that he has exhausted his subject unless he has com- pared my volume with the three works mentioned above, and which are in- exhaustible treasuries of genealogical information. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. Page 5, line 23, for Medforth read Medford. P. 20, 1. 13, for Elitworth read Ellsworth, P. 22, 1. 41, add the same Edward Preston probably, who settled afterwards at New Haven. P. 22, 1. 42, Edward Pattison, seems not to have been a land holder at Windsor, but to have early removed to New Haven, where (according to New Haven Col. Rec, ii, 18) he signed the fundamental agreement, June 4, 1639. New Eng. His. and Gen. Reg., ix, 362, shows that sister Pattison, wife of Edward, had two children baptized, John, January, 1644, and Elizabeth, July 12, 1644, at New Haven. John probably died young, as Dodd's East Hai>en Register, p. 149, shows, that in 1662, Thomas Smith m. Elizabeth only child of Ed. Pattison, and gives their descendants. He also shows that Pattison d. Oct. 31, 1669. D. W. Patteksok of West Wlnsted, Conn., in com- municating the above facts concerning his ancestor, says : " I suppose your authority for saying that he was in the neighborhood of Hartford as late as 1670, is (Conn. Col. Rec, ii, p. 130) the grant of land to him by the General Court at its May session, 1670, and this puzzled me when taken in connec- tion with Dodd's record of his death in 1669. But his petition was very likely prepared for the October session in 1669, and not acted upon until May, 1670 ; for in Conn, Col. Rec, in, 116, is a notice from Thos. Smith (his son-in- law) that he had procured the grant of land to Edward Patterson to be laid out to himself, and the court approved it, 'he being the heire of sayd Patte- Bon ; ' this last you see reconciles the whole." P. 37, 1. 9, for Norelon read Norton. P. 39, 1. 25, for Edward read Thomas j for David read Edward. P. 62, 1. 10 to 18, the list of tax-payers here referred to " taken from an oid Book of Rates," is as follows : Those having a family, a horse [and] two oxen :" John Bissell, S. Grant (no horse), Thos. Bissell, T[ahan] Grant, Sam. Bissell, Jon. Grant, Timo. Buckland, S. Gibbs, Thos. Buckland, G. Gibbs, Digitized by Microsoft® BISTORT OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Nich. Buokland, Peter Browne, Sam. Barber, Mr. D. Clarke, Ed. Chapman, Job Drake, Jr., H. Denslow, Jos. Ellsworth, James Enno, Ben. Eggleston, John Pyler, "Will Filly, Jas. Griswold, Jos. Griswold, Walter Gaylord, J. Gaylord, W. Hoskins, J. Hosford, D. Hayden, Mich. Kelsey, Jon. Loomia T. Loomis, D. Moore, J. Moore, S. Marshall, J. Maudsly, Jon. Osborn, Jon. Osborn, Jr., John Owen, Wl. Phelps, Mr. Pinne, Jos. Phelps. Josias Alvord, John Birge horse and 2 oxen Jos. Birge, horse T. Burnham, horse, E. Elmer, W. Filley, Ephm. frory, horse, Jon. Filley Jon. [Tailer, h|orse and 2 oxen. Hen. Tailer, horse, D. Treat, horse, Jas. Hillier, horse, ' Single men." T. Eggleston, horse, [undeci] Moses [or Moore], horse, Thos. Phelps, horse, Nat. Pond, horse, Thos. Parsons, horse, J. Parsons, horse. Ebns. Parsons, horse, Jos. Sanders, horse, T. Saxton, horse, Wido. Pyler, D. Wilton, [one undecipherable] Total, 24. "Family, horse and 4 oxen." Mr. J. Allyn, Joseph Loomis, J. Bissell, N. Loomis, Nat. Bissell, J. Moses, Job Drake, Newbury, J. Ellsworth, Jon. Porter, Sr., J. Osborn, Stoughton, Jacob Drake, Owen Tudor, Jae. Eggleston, Mr. Wolcot, An. Hoskins, H. Wolcot. S.Rockwell, John Terry, John Strong, W. Thrall, Nio. Sension, T. Thrall, Jon. Stiles, ' E. Watson, Step. Taylor, . N. Winchell. [and one other which could not be deciphered.] Total, 18. Total, 53. Ben. AlTord, Danl. Birge, Sam. Baker, W. Buell, Jo. Cross, [Rev.] Mr. Chauncy, N. Cook, T. Debbie, Jr., Ebns. Debbie, Joo. Debbie, " Family and horse." Lft. Fyler, Zurob. Pyler, Sftm. Filley, John Gillet, Senr., Jon. Gillet, Jr., Corn. Gillet, Jon. Gillet, Jos. Gaylord, R. Hayward, T. Hall, Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. J N. Holcomb, N. Pinne, Jos. Lomas, Tim. Palmer, Ed. Messenger, Hump. Prior, And. Moore, Abm. Randell, Peter Mills, R. Strong, Josias Owen, Hen. Stiles, Jon. Porter, [Rev.] Mr. Woodbridge, Tim. Phelps, S. Wilson. Total, 37. Abm. Phelps, "Family only." W. Adams, M. Pilley, T. Burnham, Jr., Sam. Forward, J. Colt, J. Hodge, W. Morton, N. Palmer, J. Drake, Sr., Thos. Sanders, Jo. Deuslow, R. Vore, E. Elmer, N. Wilton. J. Elmer, Jotal, 15. P. 62, 1. 22, for Daniel read David. P. 68, 1. 13, add as an illustration, " Thomas Stoughton for his unneces- sary withdrawing of himselfe from the publique preaching of the Word on the Lord's day, is fined 5s. Ft. Ct. Rec, vol. ii, April 18, 1654. P. 75, 1. 30, for infringed read impinged. P. 113, line 2, add the following extract from the recently discovered 2d vol. of Ct. Records in Conn. Archives : At a Particular Court, held at Hartford, May 13, 1662. '< This court orders that William Heyden of Wyudsor, shall for future cease to improve the lands at Nameleok that belongs to Spaniunk w<:h is by the Bounds of John Bissel's Lottments. And yt neither the said William nor any other shall any way hinder, or directly or indirectly prevent John Bissel's compounding with ye Indian for that land." Pp. 124 and 125. Addenda to description of The Town House. Mr. Jabez H. Hatdeh of Windsor Looks, to whose surveys we are mainly indebted, as before stated, for this plan and distribution of Ancient Windsor, has,, since the publication of the foregoing, sent us the following note, relative to the Palizado : " I am not quite satisfied with Matthew Grant's figures yet ; the Palizado does not prove exactly, though pretty near it. I am more and more confirmed in the opinion that the present ' parsonage ' stands on the ' Town House lot,' which gives the north bounds of the Palizado, and there is no question about the other three sides." P. 137, 1. 9 and 10. Addenda to remarks on Broad Street, by J. H. Hay- den : " I do not now remember the earliest date at which the present Broad Street is noticed, but it was, at first, but six rods wide where the present traveled road is. I find that when Mr. Warham and his wife Abigail (April 1, 1664), made over the dwelling house and land of John Branker, deceased, it bounded ' east by the highway on the bank against the Little Meadow, and westerly, against or by the highway as it is appointed to range;' proving that at that date the highway on the east had not been changed to its present place, and one would infer that what is now Broad street was then only ap- pointed or set out, and not in use. Broad street was at first but six rods Digitized by Microsoft® 8 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOB. wide, and was probably widened by the owners on the east side, when the highway on the upland against Little Meadow (on which they built) was re- moved to its present location, that they might bring the street nearer their houses. When they rebuilt, they of course, placed their houses behind their barns, and facing the new Broad street." P. 159, 1. 41. This " setting in the yard," was in other words, guard or sentinel duty in the meeting house yard during divine service, a precaution quite necessary in those days of savage invasion and surprises. The follow- ing item from the records [Windsor Rec, ii, p. 13) explains the matter some- what more clearly ; " The townes[men] meet, and Ephraim Strong and Na- thaniel Pinne demanded paye for setting in the yard, and they are allowed to be payed 2e. apiece out of ye towne-rate, and so likewise others that stand in like account with them as have set in ye yard without their J lb. of puder [powderj a man payed to them, but was promised 12 pence a man to each man, in lieu of puder." P. 160, after 1. 30, insert the following interesting incident, extracted from the Remarkable Providences of Rev. Increase Mather, a book which, from its extreme scarcity, has been almost unknown to our authors hitherto, and has only recently been made available by its re-publication in London, under the editorship of George Offer, Esq. Mather says (p. 24 of the above London edition) : " In the next place we shall take notice of some remarkable preservations which sundry in Windsor in New England have experienced; the persons concerned therein being de- sirous that the Lord's goodness towards them may be ever had in remem- brance, wherefore a faithful hand has given me the following account : Jan. 13, 1670. — Three women, viz : the wives of Lieut. Filer, and of John Drake, and of Nathaniel Lomas, having crossed Connecticut river upon a necessary and neighborly account,* and having done the work they went for, were desirous to return to their own families, the river being at that time partly shut up with ice, old and new, and partly open. There being some pains taken aforehand to cut a way through the ice, the three women above- said got into a canoe, with whom also there was Nathaniel Bissell and an Indian. There was likewise another canoe with two men in it, that went before them to help them, in case they should meet with any distress, which indeed quickly came upon them, for just as they were getting out of the narrow passage between the ice, being near the middle of the river, a greater part of the upper ice came down upon them, and struck the end of their canoe, and broke it to pieces, so that it quickly sunk under them. The Indian speedily got upon the ice, but Nathaniel Bissell and the abovesaid women were left floating in the middle of the river, being cut off from all manner of human help besides what did arise from themselves, and the two men in the little canoe, which was so small that three persons durst seldom, if ever, venture in it. They were, indeed, discerned from one shore, ^ Uudouhtedly to attend a woman ia confinement. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 9 but the dangerous ice would not admit from eitber shore one to come near them. All things thus circumstanced, the suddenness of the stroke and distress (which is apt to amaze men, especially when no less than life is oon- oprned), the extreme coldness of the weather, it being a shai-p season, that persons out of the water were in danger of freezing, the unaptness of persons to help themselves, being mostly women, one big with child, and near the time of her travail (who also was carried away under the ice), the other as uuskilled and inactive to do anything for self-preservation as almost any could be, the waters deep, that there was no hope of footing, no passage to either shore in any eye of reason, neither with their little canoe, by reason of the ice, nor without it, the ice being thin and rotten, and full of holes. Now that all should be brought off safely without the loss of life, or wrong to health, was counted in the day of it a remarkable Providence. To say how it was done, is difficult, yet, something of the manner of the deliverance may be mentioned. The abovesaid Natlianiel Bissell, perceiving their danger, and being active in swimming, endeavored what might be the preservation of him- self and some others; he strove to have swum to the upper ice, but the stream being too hard, he was forced downwards to the lower ice, where, by reason of the slipperiness of the ice, and disadvantage of the stream, he found it difficult getting up; at length by the good hand of Providence, being gotten upon the ice, he saw one of the women swimming down under the ice, and perceiving a hole or open place some few rods below, there he watched, and took her up as she swam along. The other two women were in the river till the two men in the little canoe came for their relief At length all of them got their heads above the water and had a little time to pause, though a long and difficult, and dangerous way to any shore, but by getting their little canoe upon the ice, and carrying one at a time over hazard- ous places, they did (though in a long while) get all safe to the shore from whence they came." J". 162. At the end of the chapter, add the following from p. 223 of the above quoted work ; " July 20, 1683, a considerable flood unexpectedly arose, which proved detrimental to many in that colony [i. e., Connecticut]. But on August 13, a second and more dreadful flood came. The waters were then observed to rise twenty-six feet above their usual boundaries ; the grass in the meadow, also the English grain was carried away before it; the Indian corn, by the long continuance of the waters is spoiled, so that the four river towns, viz : Windsor, Hartford, Wethersfield, Middletown are extream suff'erers. They write from thence that some who had hundreds of bushels of corn in the morning, at night had not one peck left for their families to live upon." P. 190. In regard to the Rev. Mr. Woodbridge, we have the following from Mr. John Ward Dean of Boston, in a letter to the author : "My ancestor, Eev. Benj. Woodbridge, appears to have had opponents (and 2 Digitized by Microsoft® 10 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. adherents, too), wherever he was. After he left Windaor, he preached in Bristol, now in the state of Rhode Island, and after that in Medford, Mass. One ciirioas circumstance concerning him was related to me recently by the Rev. Mr. Page of Cambridge. There was trouble between him and a portion of his flock at Medford, and the matter was carried before the General Court or Legislature, who ordered that the town should pay Mr. W. the amount due him, amounting to a considerable sum, and that the church should then proceed to choose a pious and learned minister for their pastor. The money was paid, and the church called together to choose a pastor, and the choice jell upon the Rev. Benjamin Woodbridge, the old pastor.. There was some wincing, but the opponents could not deny that he was a pious and learned ininister, and the General Court had not ordered the church to choose another man." P. 202, 1. 4, for Crane read Crow. P. 208, 1. 25, for Tyler, read Fykr; same on 28th line. P. 211, after line 34, insert the following item : "December 8, 1709, li- berty was granted by the town to Jonathan Ellsworth, Thomas Marshall and Thomas Moore, to erect a mill on the mill brook on the south side of the rivulet, provided it be built within two years." P. 221, 1. 35, for 1757, read 1657. P. 225, note, for Ebenezer, read Elijah; same on page 323. P. 252, 1. 23, for west, read east. P. 253, after 1. 34 add "Zebulon Seymour, carp'r began work on meeting house, July 6, 1761, ceased Nov. 7." The "seating" of the new edifice was completed on 15 of October, and in the old record of baptisms, is the follow- ing entry : " November 22, 1761, that was the first sabbath [we] met in, our new meeting house, there was four children baptized that day." P. 255, after 1. 8, insert the following ; Mr. A. S. Kellogg of Vernon, Conn., has kindly called our attention to the fact that, in the year 1760, a part of the Second Society in Windsor, was set off to help form the Society of North Bolton. He says: " Something respecting this may be found in the Records of the Colony, vols, viii and ix, but most of the papers are in the State Li- brary," Ecclesiastical, vol. xii. " They are under the title North Bolton, which accounts for their not having attracted your attention. My notes are very brief and incomplete, but, if I made correct abstracts, the Assembly, in May, 1750, appointed a committee upon the memorials of Benj. Stoughton and others, of Windsor, for an Ecclesiastical Society, with certain limits ; and of Isaac Jones and others, of Bolton, for an Ecclesiastical Society, with certain other limits. In each case it was reported that they were "too few." Feb- ruary 12, 1754, Isaac Jones, Moses Thrall and John Hills of Bolton, David Smith, John Searl and Joseph Steadman of the South [or Second] Society of Windsor, and John Craw and Samuel Hills of the Parish of Ellington, petitioned for an Ecclesiastical Society. April 23, 1760, a final petition was granted, and in Oct. 1760, North Bolton was made a society, its north and Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 1 I west boundaries being thus defined in the resolution : (Starting from the northeast corner of Bolton) thence turning westward in the line between Bol- ton and Ellington, to Bolton northwest corner, and still continuing the same course into Ellington about a mile and a half and forty-two rods; thence turning and running southwardly at the west end of the second tier of lots to Hartford line ; thence turning eastward in said line to Bolton or the T ditch ; thence turning southwardly one mile in the line betwixt the towns of Hartford and Bolton; thence eastward to the first mentioned bounds." These " Hartford lines" are the present boundaries of Manchester, and the T ditch is at the N. E. corner of Manchester. The part talcen from Windsor seems to have been a rhomboid, its longer sides being the present west line of Vernon, and a parallel line running from the re-entrant angle in the S. W. corner of the town. The line of Windsorj and afterwards of East Windsor, used to pass within 60 or 80 rods of the site of the present meeting house at Vernon Center. P. 255, at bottom, add the following document — which explains itself— relative to the respective salaries of Messrs. Edwards and Perry. The Rev. Mr. Edwards settled Sept., 1695. His salary the first year 1696 was £60 & £12 for wood £72 2 year 1697 Idem 72 3 year 1698, £70 & £12 for wood 82 4 year 1699 Idem 82 5 year 1700 92 6 year 1701 92 7 year 1702 ; 92 8 year 1703 92 9yearl704 92 10 year 1705 .' 92 11 year 1706, £100 & £12 for wood. 112 12 year 1707, £100 & £12 for wood 112 13 year 1708, 100 & £12 for wood 112 14 year 1709, 90 & £12 for wood 102 15 year 1710, 100 & £12 for wood 112 16 year 1711, 100 & £12 for wood ' 112 17 year 1712, 100 & £12 for wood , 112 18yearl713 120 £1754 1480 £274 N. B.— £274 Divided By 18 the number of years leaves £15 4 5 the sum that Mr. Edwards' salary annually exceeded Mr. Perry, for the First 18 years of their Ministry, Including all Donations, subscriptions, & additions made Mr. Perry since his settlement. The Rev. Mr. Perry settled 11th June 1755. His salary the first year 1756 -£60 2yearl757 60 3 year 1758 60 4yearl759 75 5 year 1760 75 6 year 1761 75 7 year 1762 75 Digitized by Microsoft® 12 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. 8 year 1763 £75 subsorip £25 100 9y«-"l,4 ::::: 6 5 10 year 1765 A, „ „ 11 year 1766 £75 addition £50 if " " 12yearl767 ^? "" iayearl768 ••••• ,'k „ „ 14year 1769 £75 addition £40 ,n^ a n 15 year 1770 £75 addition £40 it n n 16 year 1771 „k n n 17 year 1772 £75 addition £20 ^^ n n 18 year 1773 . _—. • £1480 £1480 Divided By 18 leaves £82 4 5. ' Tliis document (together with a duplicate) was found among some old pa- pers in the garret of Maj. H. W. Grant of South Windsor, Conu., by H. K. S., 1859. P. 258, 1, 23, " on the S Dec, 1708, it was voted to give Job Drake thirty- acres of land, on the east side of the sequestered land in fxchange for about I of an acre of land he resigns up to tlie town for a burying- plaice, on tlie East side of the great river." 1st Book Wind. Rec, 102. P. 262, 1. 30, for Wadworth, read Wadaworth. M| P. 275, 1. 12, for Gurdon Hall, read Gordon Hall. * P. 278, John Aborns' epitaph should read " by a flash of Lightling." P. 287, E. Pinney d. 1835. See p. 748. P. 287, Battle of Stillwater, 1777. P. 311, 1. 12, for Stodant read Stoddard. P. 328, 1. 1, for Elward read Edward. P. 344, these deaths of soldiers occurred in 1758, except that of Mumford, which was in 1760. Cheffield here should be Sheffield, and GreenfconA: should be GieeBbush. P. 345, 1. 31, insert after " very forlomness," the words "of hope." P. 349, I. 2, for Fuxley, read Huxley, P. 351, 1. 2, Parsons d. Oct. 1762, Cook d. Dec. 1762. All these deaths occurred in the year 1762. P. 353, after 1. 32, add, "East Windsor was declared a distinct town by the Governor and Assembly, at their session at Hartford on the second Thursday in May following." P. 354, 355, addenda. Extracts from Parson Hinsdale's (North Windsor) Church Records. " Aug. 13, 1768, Mary and Elizabeth, daughters of David Thrall, and Jerusha, daughter >of Charles Thrall, were all, at once, unhappily drowned in Pequonnock river, as they went in for their diversion," and, " no longer after than August 17, Mr. Henry Chapman, in the dusk of the even- ing, climbing a scaffold in a barn, fell and received a wound in his head of which, in a few hours he died. How hard God calls to a hardened people 1 " P. 358, 1. 26, after the words " Society Records," add " by Henry AUyu Clerk." Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 13 P. 367, 1. 23, for Hon. John M-, read Richard. P. 375, note 2 on this page belongs to following page. P. 376, note 2 on this page belongs to following page. P. 386, after 1. 8, insert " Deo. 1775, or Jan. 1776, John Gilman {Wby.), d in camp, a. about 18. (Wb'j. Ch. R.) P. 399, after 1. 7, add Lieut. Samuel Wino, d. at. Danbury, in the service, July 1777. Hinsdale's (No. Windsor) Church Records. See pages 429 and 825. Also " Jan. 1777, Luthek Center, returning from captivity in New York d. at Wintonbnry." {Wby. Ch. R.) P. 400, after 1. 5, add the names of Samuel Cot (see also page 409,) and Joel Denslow (see also page 420,) both of whom died in camp, June, 1778. P. 417, after 1. 26, add name of Thomas Bakbee in same Co. with Lemuel Drake, which see for further particulars. P. 420, after 1. 30, add name of Lemuel Dkake, his services as recorded in his affidavit before pension agent (Samuel H. Parsons, of Middletown, Conn.), were as follows : About the 15th of August, 1776, he enlisted, at Windsor, under Maj. Roger Newberry, in a company of which Eenj. Allen was first lieutenant, and Austin Phelps second lieutenant; remained in service until 'latter part of October, '76, when he was dismissed, being at that time at, or near, Valentine's Hill, N. Y. After his enlistment he was marched to Weth- ersfield, and from thence sailed to New York city, where his company was stationed in Little Dock street, near the East river, and at the time of the bat- tle on Long Island his regiment were paraded near the wharf, but were not called into the action. He had a second tour of duty, from August to the latter part of October, 1777. This time he was drafted at Windsor, in a company commanded by Jonathan Wadsworth of Hartford, captain, Phelps of Windsor, lieutenant, and Owen, ensign. This company belonged to a regiment commanded by Col. Cook of Wallingford, Lieut. Col. Woodbridge, Maj. Kent. Tliey marched from Hartford, to Stillwater, K. Y., where he was in the battles under Gen. Gates, was present at Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga, N. Y., marched to Albany, was there detailed as one of a guard (under Capt. Blake, Austin Phelpa, lieutenant, and Reuben Wadsworth, orderly), to escort 100 prisoners to Hartford. Again, in September, 1778, he was drafted, at Windsor, to go to New London, where he served between two and three months in the miHtia, commanded by Capt. Allen of New London, and Bissell of East Wind- sor, sergeant, mostly on guard service. P. 424, 1. 25, the followingparticulars concerning George Latimer's services, are gathered from the same source as the above : He enlisted as wagoner in Capt. Daniel Jones' company, July 15, 1777, iSr three years, his term expir- ing July 15, 1780. He then enlisted again, at Hartford, went to Pomfret, where he was one of a company of ten men in charge of ammunition wagons, returned to Hartford, went to New York state, at Red Hook and Fishkill. He was drafted for three months in summer of '76, was at N^w York at the Digitized by Microsoft® 14 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. retreat from Long Island. In or about March, 1777, was drafted for three months, and went to Whiteplains, where he was at the time Danbury was burned. P. 425, 1. 21. Additional particulars from same sources as the preceding : Inckease Mathee enli.sted at Windsor in early part of April, 1775, in the com- pany of Captain or Major Roger Enos, Lieuts. Willys and Blodget, and Con- verse, sergeant, for 8 months. He then enlisted while at Roxbury, for 12 or 14 months; was there when the battle of Bunker's Hill was fought. About the middle of November he enlisted, with consent of his captain, in another company, commanded by E. F. Bissell, Capt.; Lieut. Humphreys and Ensign Richard Goodman, in Col. Jedediah Huntington's regiment, from which he was discharged Janua^ry, 1777. During this service he was on Long Island, in August, 1776, was in several , skirmishes there, and was in the army in its retreat from Long Island through Westchester. From July, '76, to January, '77, he acted as sergeant. P. 426, 1. 13, insert the name of Roswell Nobles born Oct. 24, 1758. He enlisted for one year, as a drummer, at Simsbury, May, 1776, in a company commanded by Capt. Noah Phelps, Lieut. Carver and Ensign Benj. Holcomb, belonging to a regiment commanded by Col. Andrew Ward, Lieut.-CoL Johnson and Major Isaac Cook; was dismissed from the service near Morris- town, N. J., May, 1777. P. 426, 1. 34, insert name of Austin Phelps, see deposition above of Lemuel Drake. P. 427, by an^ error of arrangement, three colored soldiers are entered under the head of the Prior family. P. 433, after 1. 22, add, in Rev. Mr. Rowland's Records of Baptisms in Windsor Church, the following entry occurs : " 1795, Baptisms in new meet- ing house, and united parishes." Then follows under this, a record of the baptism, January 4, of a daughter of Samuel Allen. P. 438. The First Congregational Church and Society of Windsor has a Church Fund, Concerning which we have not been able to learn much. It probably had its beginning in the bequest of Jane (Fooks), the widow of William Hosford of Windsor, who returned to her home in Old England after her husband's death. On the 15,th of January, 1671, being the 23d year of Charles the 2d, Mrs. Hosford, described as " of Tiverton, in the county of Devon, widow," made her will, of which her son Stephen Gaylord, John Witchfleld and Walter Pyler of Windsor, were appointed the execu- tors. She devised certain moneys to Esther (or Stephen), Samuel and Sarah Gaylord, and to their children ; the rent of a meadow to her sons-in law John Hosford, and the three above named, during the life of the testator. After her demise, the meadow, comprising about 20 acres of meadow and swamp, was to go and belong to the " Old Church of Windsor " forever. (Lands, vol. i, p. 90, Conn. Arch.) On 13th of Oct., 1692, complaint was njade to the General Court, by petition from the Windsor Church, that they Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 15 were kept out of the right and use of the aforesaid land, it being yet in the hands of her heirs, who say she is not dead. And tlie Court, considering that she was aged when she returned to England, and has been there 40* years or so, and not heard from lately, declared her to he dead in law, unless it could he proved that she was alive or had been heard of within 7 years past. (Docs, in Conn. Arch.) The land was fully confirmed to the Church, Sept. 3, 1695. The Rev. Joseph Marsh, also, the third minister of this church, devised his property, after his wife's death, to the Windsor Church, for gospel and school purposes. P. 439, 1. 24, after separatists insert alone. P. 451, after 1. 32, insert the following item from Timothy Loomis' com- mon-place book: " 1714, April 5. The school house was raised on t'other Hill." Taking Loomis' residence as our standpoint, we infer that he had reference to Stoney Hill, by the expression " t'other hill." P. 480, under head of Stores, Trade, Commerce, etc., insert the following item from Timothy Loomis' common place book, as !llu.stralive : " 1739, I sent 221 weight of tobacco to Barbadoes in the sloop. The Windsor, whereof 20 pounds was my son Timothy's." P. 493, 1. 10, for ( Windsor Locks) read (Suffield). Sheep. — In olden time there were more sheep raised than at the present day. These sheep were all turned into one large flock, .and herded by a shepherd, either in some large field or in the streets. In June, 1733, the people of Windsor voted, " that the sheep iu this town shall be put in three flocks, that is to say on the north side of the Rivulet, to be one flock, and on the east side of the Great River to be one flock, and on the south side of the rivulet to be one flock." It was also decided that each flock could be divided if it was deemed best. In 1735, the east side Windsor people voted that there should be put one flock on that side of the Great River, and Messrs. Lieut. Joseph Loomis, Mr. Joseph Rockwell and Mr. Abiel Abbott should be a committee " for ordering the prudentials of the flock this present year or summer." By the term " ordering the prudentials " was meant as is elsewhere seen, the hiring of a shepherd and folding the sheep. After the Revolution, one " Old Hendricks " as he was called, a Hessian, was the shepherd. The old fellow had married a Windsor negro wench as black as a stove-pipe, and afterwards became quite disgusted with his bargain, affirming that he would cheerfully " give all of forty shillings," if he could get quit of her. He once in a crazy mood, tried to hang himself with a nice cord which he used for ditching, but v^as cut down in time to save his life. He became very indignant, not because his life was saved, but because they had cut his nice ditching cord f * She went in 1655. Digitized by Microsoft® 16 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. (Reprinted from the Congregational Quarterly, ^vrAA^^'^-') CHURCH COVENANT OF WINDSOR, CONN., A. D. 1647* [Dated Windsor, Oct. 23, 1647.] 1. We believe though God made man in an holy and blessed condition, yet by his fall he hath pluiiged himself and all his posterity into a miserable state. Rom. m, 23 ; v. 12. 2. Yet God hath provided a sufficient remedy in Christ for all broken hearted sinners that are loosened from their sins, and selves and world, and are enabled by faith to look to Hira in Christ for mercy, inasmuch as Christ hath done and suffered for such whatever His justice requires to atone- ment and life; and he doth accept His merits and righteousness for them that believe in Him, and imputeth it to them for their justification, as if they had satisfied and obeyed themselves. Heb. vii, 25; Mat. xi, 28 ; xxii, 24 ; v. 4, 6 ; 1 Cor. 1, 30 ; Rom. iv, 3. 5 ; v. 19. 3. Yet we believe that there is no other name or means to be saved from guilt and the power of sin. John, xiv, 6 ; Acts, iv, 12. 4. We believe God hath made an everlasting covenant in Christ with all penitent sinners that rest on him in Christ, never to reject, or cease to do them good. Heb. viii, 6 ; vii, 22 ; 1 Sam. xii, 22 ; Jer. xxxii, 40. 5. We believe this covenant to be reciprocal, obliging us to be his people, to love, fear, obey, cleave to him, and serve him with all our heart, mind and soul ; as him to be our God, to love, choose, deUght in ns and save and bless us in Christ; yea, as his covenant binds us to love him and his Christ for his own sake, so to love our brethren for his sake. Deut. x, 12; Hos. iii, 3 ; ii, 21 ; Deut. xxvi, 17-19; John, iv, 21. 6. We believe that God's people, besides their general covenant with God, to walk in subjection to him, and christian love to all his people, ought also * For this interesting document we are indebted to the kindness of Hon. J. H. Trumbull of Hartford. Mr. T., says, " I found it a few weeks since in the MS. Note Book of one of the Dea- cons of that church (Matthew Grant), along wilb full notes of a sermon by Mr. Warham, Aug , 15, 1647 (two months before this covenant was adopted), ' on the matter and form of a cburLh and of baptizing children.' I was pleased with the discovery, as the covenant is of much earlier date than any 1 have seen or known of in Connecticut. Mr. Warham was at the Cam- bridge Synod, in June, 1647 ; out of which, apparently, grew the sermon ; and the sermon prepared the way for the adoption of the Covenant. I may observe, however, that the sermon is, in great measure, a digest of Hooker's Survey, which Mr. W. must have not only perused, but thoroughly studied in MS. for it was not printed till the next year." The Windsor Church was formed at Plymouth. England, in March, 1630 [there is a mistake in Sprague's notice of Warham; AnnaU, l,lf); Hawe's Note in Eccl. Cont. Own., p. 86; and Mc- Clare's Hist. Wmdsor, Mass. Hist. Coll., 1st series, v, 166; all of whom name January, 1630, as the date, owing to a neglect of the fact that the year 0. S., began with March, so that the " be- ginning of the year " would be March 1, and not January 1], by people from the counties of Devon, Dorset and Somerset ; and Warham and Maverick were ordained its pastor and teacher . They arrived at Dorchester, Mass., about the 1st of June, where they first settled. But hearing from the Dutch of a valuable tract of land on the Connecticut, they concluded to remove, and went in a body in the summer of 1635 ; carrying their church organization and Mr. Warham with them— Maverick dying in Dorchester. This creed and covenant (for it partakes of both elements) seems to have been adopted eleven years after the settlement of Windsor. Warham died in 1670, and Cotton Mather says, he was the first minister in Connecticut who preached " with notes." Eev. H. M. DixiiS. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 17 to join themselves into a church covenant one with another, and to enter into a particular combination, together with some of his people, to erect a particu- lar ecclesiastical body, and kingdom, and visible family and household of God, for the managing of discipline and public ordinances of Christ in one place in a dutiful way, there to worship God and Christ, as his visible king- dom and subjects, in that place waiting on him for that blessing of his ordi- nances and promises of his covenant, by holding communion with him and his people, in the doctrine and discipline of that visible kingdom, where it may be attained. Rom. xii, 4, 5, 6 ; 1 Cor. xii, 27, 28 ; Ephes. iv, 11, 12; Acts, ii, 47; Exod. xii, 43, 44, 45; Gen. xvii, 13; Isa. xxiii, 4. 7. We for ourselves, in the sense of our misery by the fall and utter help- lessness elsewhere, desire to renounce all other saviours but his Christ, and to rest on God in him alone, for all happiness, and salvation from aU misery ; and do here bind ourselves, in the presence of men and angels, by his grace assisting us, to choose the Lord, to serve him, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep all his commandments and ordinances, and his Christ to be our king, priest and prophet, and to receive his gospel alone for the rule of our faith and manners, and to [be] subject to the whole will|of Christ so far as we shall understand it ; and bind ourselves in special to all the members of this body, to walk in reverend subjection to the Lord to all our superiors, and in love, humility, wisdom, peaceableness, meekness, inoflensiveness, mercy, charity, spiritual helpfulness, watchfulness, chastity, justice, truth, self-denial, one to another, and to further the spiritual good one of another, by example, counsel, admonition, comfort, oversight, according to God, and submit or[selves] subject unto all church administration in the Lord. Digitized by Microsoft® 18 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. A LIST Of Natives of the Towns formerly comprised within the limits of Ancient Windsor, who have studied or graduated at Yale College. This list, although probably by no means complete, has been compiled with tfie utmost care from the valuable file of catalogues in Tale College Library, and from all other attainable sources, and majrbe considered reliable, as far as }t goes.* Many of Windsor's children have graduated at other col- leges, but to trace them out would requirp more labor and time than we could spare. Abbreviations. Grad., graduated; med., medical department ; theo., theological department ; fresh., soph., jun., sen., freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes. Abbe, Alanson (E. W.), grad. med. 1821. Allek, John, s. of Alex. (W.), b. 1705 ; liyed at N. gaven ; grad. 1729. Allyn, Maj. Henry, s. of Col. Matt. (W.), b. 1699 ; grad. 1721; d, atW., 1753. A teacher, military ofScer, benevolent and good. Dr. Samuel, s. of -Sam. (W.), b. 1703; "went South," s^ys Pres. Stiles iiaitinnary, " where he d. perjiaps 1780;" grad. 1725. Asms, Hiram P. (W.), grad. 1824. Baker, Rev. Jacob, s. of Joseph (W.), b. 1710 ; licensed by Wiiir 37th 1780, Then our Daughter Ruth was Born. Sept. 20, 1783, Then our Son Jonah was Born. April 12, 1797, Then Died Benja- min Barbar Aged 44 com the 6 day of august." (This identifies him as the son of Jonah Barber,'* p. 530, which before was not fully done.) June 16, 1807, then Died Jonah our Son Aged 23 years and 9 months." (unmarried). " Benjamin Barber's accounts," says Mr. Patterson, " show him to have been a sort of universal genius, weaving, mending shoes, teaming, letting horses, drawing teeth, selling brandy and methegliu." " Euth Barber, his daughter, married Erastus Woodford (Nov. 14, 1805, W. C. E.), settled in Winsted, and both died here a few years ago." P. 630, 1. 13, Jonah," of Poquonnoc, had a Tabitha, bap. May 22, 1758. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 531, 1. 17, for Cass read Case. Their children were Allyn, Ogden, James and Esther. (Wby. Ch. Eec.) Gideon, m. Rhoda Drake, Dec. 22, 1791, and had Maria, bsip. March 1, 1795 ; Anna Gillet, bap. May 7, 1797 ; Ehoda, bap. May 24, 1801. (W. C. R.) Abel, m. Polly Mather, Nov. 24, 1794, and had Fanny, bap. Dec. 27, 1795 ; Eebecca, bap. July 30, 1797 ; John Mather, bap. Nov. 10, 1799. (W. C. R.) Samuel, m. Hannah Olds of Snffield, Sept. 8, 1760, and had Martha, bap. June 28, 1761 ; Samuel, bap. July 25, 1762. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Fkeeman, m. Mabel Palmer, April 9, 1795, and had Norman, bap. July 3, 1796 ; Theodore, bap. March 18, 1798 ; Warren Marsh, bap. April 17, 1801 ; Harriet, bap. Nov. 7, 1802 ; Emily, bap. Jan. 1, 1809 ; son, bap. Oct. 13, 1811. (W. C. R.) Jerijah, Jr.,23 (p. 530) had Rhoda Ann, bap. Oct. 25, 1819. After his death his widow had Nathaniel Hayden ; John Henry and Samuel Jerijah, bap. June 5, 1820. (W. C. R.) THAnDEUs, m. Patty Eggleston, Nov. 24, 1805. Em, had Eli Harvey, bap. March 11, 1792; Horace, bap. Feb., 1794^ Laura, bap. Nov. 6, 1796; Jerusha, bap. July 22, 1798 ; Giles, bap. May 25, 1800 ; Orrin, bap. June 20, 1802 . Abigail, bap. Sept. 30, 1804 ; Jane, bap. Oct. 9, 1808. (W. C. E.) Luke, had Charlotte Melvina, bap. Deo. 26, 1813. Abnee, had Abner, bap. Deo. 27, 1795 ; Strong, bap. Nov. 10, 1799 ; John, bap. Sept. 1802 ; Ralph, bap. July 6, 1807 ; George Pierpont, bap. Nov. 5, 1809 ; Julia Ann, bap. Nov. 3, 1811. (W. C. R.) Reuben, had Wealthy, bap. Oct. 14, 1787; Luther, bap. Feb. 6, 1791; Elnathan, bap. Oct. 20, 1793; Eeuben, bap. Oct. 4, 1795 ; Tirza, b^p. Sept., 1804. (W. C. E.) Benohi, m. Patty Goodwin of Hartford Nov. 11, 1790 (W. C. R.); Fide- lia, m. Alonzo Bridges of Mulford, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1824. (W. C. R.) Aaron, had Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 18, 1784; Levi, bap. Aug. 9, 1799. (Vf. C.R.) Digitized by Microsoft® 30 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WIND80E. Isaac, had Martha, d. Not. 12, 1739, a. about 5 mos. ; Amaziah, tap. Sept. 21, 1740 ; Seth, bap. Jan. 9, 1743. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Thomas, had Thomas, bap. June 20, 1814 ; Sarepta, bap, June 22, 1817 ; Betsey, bap. Aug. 22, 1819. (Wby. Ch. Ree.) ' RoQEK, had Erastus, bap. July 5, 1807; Joshua Kilbom and Mary Ann, bap. Sept. 22, 1805. (W. C. R.) P. 629, 1. 12, this Noah and Sybil, also had Noah, bap. July 22, 1764, and child, hap. Oct. 12, 1766. (E. W. C. R.) J. Warner Barber (author of Hist, Coll. of several states), bap. Oct. 6, 1816. (E. W. C. R.) Marriages from W. C. R. — Eli, Jr., m. Clarissa Wilson, Jan. 13, 1819 ; John, m. Ann Newberry, Jan. 21, 1796; Shubael, m. Mary Denslow, July 4, 1802; Aeiqail A , m. Lyman Stookbridge of H., Deo. 14, 1809; Horace, m. Lucy Wilson, March 16, 1817 ; Charity, m. Pitts Fuller, Nov. 16, 1808 ; Trdmeull, m. Hannah Irvin, March 27, 1815 ; Abigail, m. Thomas Board- man, Aug. 22, 1799. Marriages from Wby. Ch. Rec. — Joel (of 1st Society in Windsor), m. Mary Drake, Nov. 23, 1758. Esther, m. Aaron Foot of Northampton, N. Y., April 7, 1799. Charles, m. Dolly Newbury, July 26, 1801. Esther, m. Jas. Barber of Medway, Deo. 8, 1803. jERnSHA, m. Sam. Lemons, April 24, 1808. Thomas, Jr., m. Hannah Hubbard, Aug. 18, 1811. RnTH, m. Francis of Newington, Aug., 1815. David, Jr. (of Poquonnoc) , proh. s. of David,'^ m. Jane Filley, Dec. 15, 1776. Mart, d. March 3, 1813, a. 66; Asa, d. May 30, 1814; Thomas, son of Thomas, d. June, 1814; Oliver's child, d. Aug. 30, 1814, a. 2-|; Ghandisor'b, d. Dec. 12, 1814; Betsey, d. April 17, 1815, a. 20; Thomas' child, d. April 21, 1816, a. 1 yr. Widow Martha, d. Aug. 6, 1768, a. about 80 yrs ; Mart, d. May 7, 1786, in 80th yr. Allym's wife, d. Jan. 1, 1821, a. 42; his child, b. and d. April 3, 1824; Erastus, d. July 2, 1824, a. 41; Oliver's child, d. Sept., 1824; Thomas, d. July 31, 1820, a. 32. BARKER, p. 532, 1. 7, Samuel, m. Sarah Cook, June 30, 1670. (Col. Reo.) P. 532, 1. 10, add, Ethan, m. Sarah Denslow, March 8, 1814 (W. C. R ); Ephraim, m. Jerusha Ellsworth, Aug. 4, 1790. (W. C. R.) Seth, had a child, which d. May, 1766, a few hours old. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) BARNARD, Aaron, m. Lucy , who d. Sept. 7, 1782; he had child- ren, prob. by 2d wife, bap. Hezekiah and Horace, June 5, 1785 ; Sarah, Sept. 3, 1786. Oliver H., m. Anna F. Moore, July 9, 1828. BARN[E]S (all notes on this name from Wby. Ch. Rec.) Lt. Ebenezeb who, with his wife, came from New Cambridge, d. Sept. 21, 1774, a. about 55 yrs. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 31 Timothy, kad Polly, bap. Deo. 15, 1774; Dorcas, bap. Feb. 16, 1777; Timothy, bap. Sept. 19, 1776 ; Eunice, bap. Sept. 16, 1781 ; , Aug. 31, 1783. Stephen, had , d. Aug. 10, 1781, a. about 6 weeks. BARNETT, Robert, m. Ruth , who d. April 1st, 1754, a. about 52 yra. ; he d. Sept. 20, ; had Joseph, bap. April 29, 1739, d. May 9, 1739 ; Anne, bap. April, 1740 ; Mary, d. July 7, 1743, a. about 16 yrs. (Why. Ch. Reo.) RoBEET, m. Hannah Parsons, March 16, 1758, and had Hannah, bap. July 23, 1758 ; Robert, bap. March 5, 1761 ; Jose, bap. Jan. 22, 1764, d. May 17, 1765; Sarah, bap. June 10, 1766, d, June 12; Jose, bap. June 7,1767; Asaph Parsons, bap. Sept. 16, 1770. John, had James, bap. Aug. 4, 1751 ; John, bap. July 1, 1753 ; Rebecca, bap. Oct. 19, 1755 ; Mary, bap. Sept. 17, 1757 ; Marine, bap. Sept. 30, 1759 ; Samuel Holcomb, bap. Deo. 13, 1761. BARRETT, p. 532, Zebulon, had John, bap. Jan. 13, 1799 ; 2 child, bap. Nov. 17, 1805 ; Backus, bap. Jan., 1808. (E. W. C. R.) BARTLETT, p. 532, 1. 40, Ezaza (Isaiah), d. (prob.) July 13, 1665. (Col. Reo.) P. 533, 1. 1, the date of Benjamin's marriage should be Feb. 16, 1664, ac- cording to Col. Rec. P. 533, 1. 7, Jehoibah, m. Sarah Hillier of Windsor, July 10, 1673. Their son Joseph was b. 1684. (Col. Reo.) P, 533, 1. 36, Isaiah, m. Abia Gillet, Dec. 3, 1663. Fox Sept. 11, on same 1., read 12. (Col. Rec.) P. 536, 1. 1, the family of Rev. John, ' from Why. Ch. Rec. : Harriet, bap. May 19, 1816; Mary, bap. June 21, 1815 ; Delia Jane, bap. Oct. 8, 1820; John Newton, bap. Aug. 24, 1823 ; Ann Eliza, bap. May 21, 1826 ; David Van Watrous Golden, bap. June 22, 1728. Isaac, m. Olive Rowel, April 29, 1772. Children— Olive, bap. May 30, 1773, d. Jan. 13, 1777; Jesse, bap. April 30, 1775, d, Oct. 7, 1777; Isaac, bap. Aug. 3, 1788 ; Olive, bap. Nov. 6, 1777 ; Louise, bap. June 3, 1781. (Why. Ch. Rec.) BASS, p. 537, insert, Nathan, had children bap. May 6, 1764; Dec. 1, 1765 ; Oct. 23, 1768. (E. W. C. R.) BAXTER, p. 537, K 31, add, Fbancis, Jr., had child, bap. March 7, 1790; Anne, bap. Dec. 4, 1791; child, bap. Feb. 16, 1794 ; another, Oct. 30, 1796. (E. W. C. R.) BEAMOND, p. 537, 1. 34, Jonathan, had children bap. Feb. 29, 1764 Oct. 27, 1765 ; Oct. 11, 1767 ; June 18, 1769 ; Sept. 20, 1773 ; May 12, 1776 Jan. 17, 1779. (E. W. C. R.) Thomas, m. Lydia Roberts, Jan. 18, 1753 had Thomas, bap. Oct. 21, 1753 ; Lydia, bap. Jan. 26, 1755 ; Daniel, bap Aug. 29, 1756 ; Elisha, bap. June 24, 1759. " The widow Beaman " d. Aug. 18, 1752, a, about 82 yrs. ( Wby, Ch. Rec.; Digitized by Microsoft® 32 HISTOET OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. BELCHER, p. 637, 1. 35, see also N. E. Hist, and 6m. kegister, xil, 178. BELDING (Bolden), p. 537, insert after 1. 40, George, m. Hannah Porter, July 19, 1796, and had Harriet, hap. Aug. 13, 1797, and George, hap. Not. 7, 1804; Sarah Augusta, hap. July 16, 1809 ; Nathan, had Alfred Goodwin, July 16, 1848 ; Charles Edmond, hap. July 3, 185S. (W. C. R.) Chaelotte, m. Lewis Burr Sturges, Majj 14, 1794. BENNET, p. 538, insert after 1. 9, William, and wife Sarah, moved to Windsor, Conn., from Ipswich, Mass. BENTON, p. 538, 1. 10, Elihu BtAnlt, m. Anna Filley, April 1, 1784, and had Fanny, hap. July 26, 1789 ; William Sidney, hap. April 17, 1791 ; Elizur, hap. Nov. 1, 1795', Anna Maria, hap. July 23, 1797; Henry, hap. Oct. 11, 1801. (W. C. R.) Hepzibah, d. March 11, 1795. P. 638, 1. 11, Thomas, Jr., had Jerod Bunce, hap. June 1, 1800; Mary Stanly, hap. Sept. 20, 1801; Jennet, hap. March 27, 1802; Julia, hap. June 23, 1804; Caroline Dickinson, hap. May 13, 1809. (W. C. R.) Samuel, m. Fanny Benton, Nov. 17, 1814. William, m. Chloe Loomis, Nov. 4, 1821. (W. C. R.) BESUM, John, drowned in the Great river. May 30, 1675. (Col. Rec.) BIDWELL, p. 538 (same as Biddle), " Doctor " Ephkaim, had children, hap. Feh. 19, 1786; 2 bap. Nov. 26, 1786 ; June 3, 1787 ; one early in 1788; Ephraim, April 5, 1789 ; Sarah, Feb. 27, 1791 ; Horace, Cynthia, Eunice and Julia, Sept. 6, 1807. (E. W. C. R.) From Wby. Ch. Rec.—?. 538, 1. 16, this Jonathan, Hi. Hannah Hubbard, Aug. 6, 1740 ; had Mabel, hap. July 2, 1749 ; Candace, hap. June 22, 1755, d. Aug. 21, 1761; Theodosia, hap. Feb. 6, 1758 ; Mabel, bap. Feb. 1st, 1747, was " scalded with milk," and d. Sept. 19, 1748. Jonathan, Jr., m. Abigail Eggleston, July 18, 1771 ; he d. June 11, 1787; Jonathan, bap. Aug. 17, 1783; Nathaniel, bap. Aug. 7,1786. (Wby Ch. ReC.) Nathaniel, m. Triphena Parsons, Feb. 11, 1810, and had Triphena, bap. July 21, d. Dec. 28, 1811 ; Nathaniel, bap. Sept. 20, 1812 ; Jonathan, bap. May 8, 1814; Cyrus, bap. Aug. 11, 1816; Cornelius, hap. Aug. 9, 1818 1 Lucia, bap. July 29, 1821; Cornelius, bap. Oct. 28, 1827. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) James, had Horton, bap. Sept. 20, 1812; Anson Lorenzo, bap. June 11, 1815 ; Catharine, Eliza and Joseph Seymour, bap. Nov. 3, 1816 ; Julia, hap. Oct. 11, 1818 ; Sarissa, bap. Aug. 22, 1819 ; Samuel Walter, bap. Aug. 24, 1823 ; Sarah Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 6, 1826. Marriages. — Anna, m. Nathaniel Austin of Torringford, Sept. 27, 1775 ; Hannah, m. Samuel Foot, March 27, 1766 ; Abigail, m. Charles Sew?,rd of Torrington, March 11, 1773 ; Jonathan, Jr., m. Anna Brown, March 16, 1800. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Deaths, — Widow Pkcdence, d. Feb. 14, 1763, a. 80 yrs. ; LovioiA, wife of James, d. Sept. 16, 1821, a. 37; Rachel, d. May 27, 1792, a. 41 yrs ; widow Hannah, d. Feh. 26, 1794; Jonathan, d. May 12, 1811, a. 65; Jonathan's Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 33 youngest child was scalded to death, April 8, 1812 ; also another child d. May 11, 1814, a. 5 ; Coknelius, d. April 25, 1820, a 25. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) BIRGE, p. 538, I. 23, the name of the emigrant should be Richard, not Daniel. P. 538, 1. 30, he was huried Sept. 29, 1651. (Col. Reo.) P. 538, 1. 32, for Elizabeth read Wjlliam. (Col. Rec.) P. 538, 1. 33, Jeremiah, was b. Jan. 14, 1649, according to Col. Rec, which agrees with the age given on last line of the page. P. 539, 1. 5, for 1651, read 1652. P 539, 1. 12, the first Daniel b. 1680, died Jan. 12, 1681 (Col. Rec), which makes next line incorrect and worthless. P. 539, 1. 24, for her, read his. Same line, "Abigail, b. Feb. 15, 1731, m. James Spencer, 1751." In regard to this item, Mr. D. W. Patterson sends the following correction: " I have it Esther, xa. James Spencer, and that I know is the right name. She was bap. in Bolton, Conn., Feb. 20, 1732, and I have in my notus that she was born Feb. 15, 1732. That date is not from record, but from the mouth of her son, Jeremiah Spencer, now (1860) living in Torringford, in 91st year ; but some six months later I saw him again, and he then said that she was born the same day that George Washington was, which was Feb. 11, 1732." " Abigail, above referred to, was bap. at Bolton, Feb. 8, 1730. James Spencer, m. Esther Birge, Nov. 21, 1751." P. 539, 1. 27, Hinsdale's N. S. R. says, Jeeemiah, d. Sept. 15, 1776, of epidemic dysentery. P. 539, 1. 32, for 1713, read 1763. The Bolton Church Records show that this Capt. Jonathan died at Stamford, Conn., Nov., 1776, "by wounds re- ceived at the battle of White Plains " — instead of being killed in that battle, as stated in the text. It is said that it was a musket shot wound in his arm which caused his death. His widow m. Deacon Amasa Loomis. See p. 682. P. 539, 1. 40, Harris, in the bap. record of N. S., is called Horace, which is probably the correct name. Joseph, had Jeremy, b. Sept. 22, 1686 ; Mart, wife of Joseph, d. April 11, 1690. (Col. Rec.) BISSELL, p. 540, John, Jr.,^ and Thomas,^ were the subjects of the follow- ing marvelous deliverance, as related by Increase Mather, in his Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences, etc., published in 1684 : " Remarkable also was the deliverance which John and Thomas Bissell of Windsor, afore- said (see p. 8 of this Supplement), did at another time receive. John Bissell, on a morning, about break of day, taking nails out of a great barrel, wherein was a considerable quantity of gunpowder and bullets, having a candle in his hand, the powder took fire. Thomas Bissell was then putting on his clothes, standing by a window, which, though well fastened, was by the force of the powder carried away at least four rods ; the partition wall from an- other room was broken to pieces ; the roof of the house opened and slipt off the plates about five feet down ; also the great girt of the house at one end ,5 Digitized by Microsoft® 34 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. broke out so far, that it drew from the summer to the end most of its tenant. The woman of the house being sick, and another woman under it in bed, yet did the divine Providence so order things as that no one received any hurt, excepting John Bissell, wlio fell through two floors into a cellar, his shoes being taken from his feet, and found at twenty feet distance, his hands and his face being very much scorched, without any other wound in his body." P. .041, Mr. A. S. Kellogg of Vernon, Conn., sends the following note : "I am satisfied that you have not ' given the right fathers ' to the families of the John Bissdls. Of the three Johns named in your foot note, I think it was the first (John,* b. 1661) who had the family you assign to John." At any rate, the Coventry settler, whom you call ' John Srd,^ ' was the son of your John," p. 543, 1. 1 {White Memorials, p. 30). 'For your iAird John, son of Thomas,' see Trumbull's Col. Rec. of Conn., in, p. 450. Of your second John, son of Samuel,* I can say nothing. It is possible that he is the one who had the family of John." Your Lt. John.'s ^as an influential citi- zen of Bolton, where he d. March 8, 1771, a. 87, ' one of the first settlers.' He cannot, therefore, be son of Capt. John of Coventry, for he was older. It is very probable that he was the son of Abigail Filley, and the grandson of Samuel.-"' The Bissell genealogist would do well to consult the Hartford Probate Records. P. 541, 1. 30, Col. Rec, verify the date of .Hannah's birth; consequently strike out the interrogation point. P. 541, 1. 33, Mindwell, b. Oct. 23. (Col. Rec.) P. 541, 1. 34, Jonathan was b. March 30, 1664 ; d. Sept. 22, 1672. (Col. Rec.) P. 541, 1. 38, David, b. 1681. (Col. Rec.) P. 542, 1. 17, for 20, read 26; for Deo. 3, read 8. (Col. Rec.) P. 642, 1. 18, for 18, read 1. Thomas," also had Eunice, b. March 30, 1686, and Nathaniel, b. April 14, 1690. (Col. Rec.) P. 542, 1. 19, for Aug. 3, read 23. (Col. Rec.) P. 542, 1. 22, Isaac, " son of Thos., Sen.," b. Sept. 22, 1682 (Col. Rec); examine Luke, page 541, 1. 24. P. 542, near foot, widow of Thos. Loomis of Hatfield. (Col. Rec.) P. 543, 1. 25, Da'niel'sI!' wife Jerusha, d. Feb. 19, 1780. (N. S. R.) P. 544, 1. 1, the 11th of Nov. is given as the date of Daniel's death ("worn out with age and infirmity"), by N. S. R. P. 544, 1. 11, JosiAH,a can this be the one mentioned by Rev. Hinsdale, in N. S. R., "Deo. 21, 1776, died Josiah Bissell, Esq., of the small pox, at Reading. A Pillar is fallen I A year of great mortality "? P. .544, JosiAH,2i m. on 11th of Aug. (Why. C. R.) For obituary notice of the wife of John, Esq., see Connecticut Courant No 322, Feb. 26, 1771. ' ' P. 54:5, 1. 15, Aurelia, d. Sept. 21, 1777. (N. S. R.) P. 545, 1. 41, Jabez,38 m. Dorcas ; also had Jonathan Marsh ban March 21, 1762. (N. S. R.) ' Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 35 P. 547, 1. 1, the obituary of Josiah,*' belongs to his Bon Joslah.*" Edward son of Josiah" was bap. Jan. 27, 1793 ; his son Richard was bap. Sept. 26, 1796. (N. 3. R.) His dau. Mary Mather, bap. Oct. 1, 1809. (W. C. R.) See also Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, N. Y. Henry Bisseh or Bassell came from Windsor with his wife " Content," to Middletowu Upper Houses (now the town of Cromwell), about 1736. He m. Content Cole, Aug. 26, 1736, by Rev. Wm. Russell of Middletown, and had seven children. He d. suddenly while in church, March 30, 1777, in 79th year. His widow d. Deo. 11, 1794, in 85th year. Mr. Bassell removed to the Middletown Townplot (now city), 1745, when he purchased the lot of the late Rev. Mr. Noadiah Russell, on Meeting House Square, 1745, rebuilt the and kept tavern until liis death. Children : Mary, b. Upper Houses, May 16, 1737, d. May 19, 1740; Henry, b. Feb. 16, 1739; Charles, b. Dec. 25, 1740 ; Content, b. April 25, 1743 ; David, b. Sept. 11, 1744; John, b. at Middletown, Nov. 1, 1748; Thomas, b. Feb. 5, 1752. (From E. Steams, Middletown, Conn.) Deliverance Bissell. The 1st Ch. in Middletown, Conn., voted, Aug. 22, 1708, to dismiss Deliverance Bissell (alias Warner), a member of this oh., with her dau. Ruth Bissell (alias Warner), to Windsor Scantic Church, (From E. Stearns, Middletown, Conn.) David (I think No. 62, page 550), is credited in E. W. C. R., with a child bap. Sept. 15, 1771. Eli ("), is called in E. W. C. R., "Lieut." In same Reo. his dau. Electa, is called Rebecca. Epapuras," according to E. W. C. R., had child bap. Oct. 11, 1795, and one bap. June 5, 1808. His s. Theodore, was bap. June 10, 1804; Sidney, bap. in March instead of May, and dau. Frances, bap. Oct. 6, 1799. Timothy had child bap. May 27, 1781. (E. W. C. R.) Matthew had Ami bap. [Sep. or Aug.] 12, 1762; Achsa bap. March 25, 1764, and children bap. Feb. 12, 1769 ; Jan. 30, 1774. (E. W. C, R.) P. 547, 1. 36, Hannah, wife of Ebenezer,^" d. June 14. P. 550, 1. 1, Elizabeth Backus was of E. W. P. 651, 1. 26, Sophia, dau. of Aaron," m. Eli Haskell, July 29, 1809, and Susan, her sister, m. the same Eli Haskell, Sept. 1, 1819. See also p. 652. P. 551, 1. 39, Edward,'^ d. in Toledo, 0., Nov. 9, 1861, a. 64. The follow- ing obituary, by an old and prominent citizen, was published in the Toledo Blade, of the 11th : "We first knew the deceased in the fall of 1817, in Geneseo, Livingston county and state of New York, to which place he came from the city of New York a young man 20 years of age, to commence business as a merchant. By those who knew him he was thought to be a young man of more than ordinary promise, full of vitality, of good habits, great industry, and having entire confidence of a successful life. " He continued in Geneseo until the spring of 1828, when he removed to Digitized by Microsoft® 36 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Lockport and engaged in the business of milling, having erected one of the most extensive mills at that time in Western New York. As a merchant and miller he was very successful, and as a man of integrity we never heard the least charge against him. Indeed, we know and are sure he stood deservedly high, and by his great industry and energy, guided by intelligence, succeeded in accumulating quite a large property, sufficient even at this time to satisfy most men's ambition, but not so with him, having set his mark very high. " In the spring of 1833, when the tide of emigration began to set west, he with another gentleman made a western tour, and aniong many places visited came to this point, then known as Port Lawrence and Vistula, containing at that time less than 100 inhabitants ; and so impressed was he with the commer- cial importance and value of this point, that he made a large purchase of real estate in what is now known as Upper and Lower Toledo, and soon began to make liberal expenditures in various improvements. From the first he seemed to consider this place as his home, where he expected and intended to stake his all and to spend his days. In 1836, associated with a few others, he began to make the Erie and Kala- mazoo Rail Road to Adrian, 33 miles, at a cost of $300,000. The road was 60 far completed in July, 1837, as to commence the running of cars with horses, and at a time when not a barrel of flour or pork came over the road for the first year, but the same was in daily use to carry provisions to Adrian to feed the population of Southern Michigan. It was this road that in after years proved to be the lever that finally settled public opinion in favor of Toledo as the only commercial point of any great value at the south end of Lake Erie, and we now see and know that the final results of making this road at a time when all knew that as an investment 'it would not pay, has been to concentrate at this point six important railroads, costingnot less than $50,000,000, and perhaps it may be said with truth, also, the 700 miles of canal, the business of which, connected with Lake Erie, is done at this point. We think that these are no common monuments to the credit of Edward Bis- BKLL, being the logical results of the opening of the road to Adrian, for which the people of Toledo are more indebted' to him than to any ten other men. He lived long enough to see that his early opinions were confirmed, but not long enough to enjoy all the benefits that he anticipated. The commercial storm that swept over the whole country in the spring of 1837, carried him with others upon the breakers, and of course left him at the mercy of the wreck- ers ; since which he has been most laborious to remedy the losses of that de- structive year, and it gives us unfeigned pleasure to hear that he did succeed in some measure in leaving his family with such means as in the end, if taken care of, will prove a very rich inheritance." His son Henry, is now Sergeant-Major of the lllth Ohio volunteer regi- ment in the civil rebellion. His dan. Julia W., is now the wife of Asa Backus of Norwich, Conn. His son, Edward, Jr., m. Miss Secor of Toledo, Dec. 25, 1862. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 37 P. 552, 1. 12, is this Jonathan the same as the " John Humphrey " bap. Nov. 16, 1800, of the W. C. E.? P. 652, 1. 10, add to this family the name of Eli, who d. Sept. 15, 1777. , (N. S. E.) P. 552, I. ^, the 2d wife of Ozias, was Sarah Hoffman, whom he m. when he was upwards of 80 years old, Elizabeth Kilbourne was the wife of Ozias, Jr. P. 552, 1. 34, Eussell d. in Missouri, in 1807. P. 552, 1. 37, Daniel, was a Brigadier-General in the U. S. A., for many years, and d. near St. Louis more than 20 years ago. P. 553, 1. 9, (reorge also had five sons, four of whom are in Iowa, and one a resident of St. Louis, Mo. The above items relative to the Ozias Bissell branch are furnished by Lewis Bissell of St. Louis, Mo., a grandson of Ozias Bissell, Sr. P. 553, 1. 14, Elijah, and Kezia, had Laura, bap. Dec. 14, 1783. (N. S. E.) P. 553, 1. 20, Rev. Hezekiah's family from Why Ch. Rec. In addition to those named, Mary, bap. Sept. 6, 1747; Wealthy Ann, bap. March 19, 1752 ; Mary, bap. Oct. 8, 1758. Also the following record by Rev. Mr. B., Records of Wby. Church: " Nov'. 9, (1757), at abo*. 2 ° clock in ye morning, dyed with the Canker fever, or the Throat Distemper my Eldest Daughter, Mary Bissell, aged Ten years, one month & Twenty Seven Days. She dyed on ye 12* Day' of her Sicks. Nov^. 21st at abo* half an hour after Eleven at night Dyed my other and only Daughter Wealthann Bissell, with the same Distemper, aged Five years seven months and Eighteen Days. She dyed on ye 14'!' Day of her Sicks." His first son Hezekiah, d. July 12, 1742. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 563, 1. 26, Harry should be Henry ; his wife was of W., and the W. C. R., give Nov. 28, as the date of their marriage. P. 553, 1. 28, 1823 should he 1827. P. 553, 1. 40, should be entirely erased, as an incorrect version of line 3, on page 550. JosiAH, had Mary Strong, bap. Nov. 16, 1800. (W. C. R.) Query— Is this identical with Mary M., line 9, page 547 ? Ebenezer, had John Devotion, bap. Oct, 20, 1782. (W. C. R.) Query — Is this the John M. D., line 5, page 646 ? Probable. Jacob, m. Esther , and had Ralph, bap. Sept. 27, 1789 ; infant dau. Jerusha, d. Sept. 18, 1777. (N. S. R.) Fitch, m. Livia , and had Fitch, bap. Aug. 21, 1791 ; Cyrus, bap. July 21, 1793. (In the record of this birth the name of the mother is Livia Drnsilla.) (N. S. E.) Fitch, m. Fanny Loomis, April 3, 1816. (W. C. R.) Ebenezer Fitch, had Eunice, bap. Jane 29, 1800. (W. C. E.) JoiTATHAN, had Sally Wolcott, bap. Aug. 31, 1794. (W. C. E.) Joseph, had Tulla i had Aurelia, bap. Oct. 17, 1784. (N. S. R.) Digitized by Microsoft® 38 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOU. Joseph and Sally , (possibly and probably intended for, and the cor- rect name of Joseph's wife, instead of TiiUa, as above) had Wolcott, bap. Feb. 19, 1786. (N. S. R.) Joseph and Polly (same as Sally above, I think), had Joseph, bap. Feb. 27, 1791. (N. S. R.) '- Jemima, m. John Crossett, May 27, 1800. , N. S. R. From East Windsor Records. — Noadiah (probably Maj. N. -p. TiSO, 1. 2), ni. Sybil Enos of Hartland, Vt., at Hartford, July 13, 1794; who d. June, 1796; he then m. Betsy Shuttleworth of Dedhanii, Mass., Jan. 27, 1797; he was probably the Noadiah who had dau. Eliza, bap. Oct. 11, 1795, as recorded in E. W. C. R. AuEELiA, m. Wm. Henry Mather of Suffield Jan. 1, 1824. Maet, m. Amos Daniels of Ludlow, Mass., Nov. 10, 1823. Maky, m. Timothy Smith of Amherst, Mass., June 7, 1827. Eleanor, m. Jonah Rice of Hart- ford, April 24, 1832. Dollt, m_. Rufus Russel of Sunderland, Mass., Dec. 8, 1823. Jane Melissa, m. Wm. Green, April 29, 1824. Betsy, m. James Pelton, Feb. 23, 1834. Jemima S., m. Chauncey C. Sexton, Nov. 28, 1839. Hannah Amelia, m. John C. D. Carpenter, Oct. 4, 1842. Apelia, m. Francis W. Shepard of Northampton, Mass., April 29, 1844. Cornelia M., m. Chas. H. Talcott of Glastenbury, Jan. 8, 1851. Elizabeth, d. April 29, 1849. S. W. Graveyard. — Ebenezek's child, d. July 6, 1728 ; and son d. Dec. 28, 1767; the wife of Thomas, Elizabeth, d. April 6, 1742. Nathaniel, d. March 6, 1752. Esther, d. July 31, 1741. Noah, s. of Noah, d. March 25, 1775. Wid. Esther, buried July 31, 1747. Wid. Mary, d. March 9, 1753. Sabah, buried Sept. 15, 1776. Peggy, buried Nov. 20, 1835. From Why. Ch. Rec. — Jonathan, had Jonathan, bap. Feb. 10,1745.- Dea. Hezekiah, d. Jan. 14, 1802, a. 59 ; had Juliana, bap. April 1, 1792. Nancy, m. Asher Adams of Boston, Feb. 23, 1800. BLANCHARD, p. 554, 1. 31, Simon, m. Eunice Squire, Oct. 29, 1823. P. 554, 1. 29, for 1795, r^ad 1793. P. 554, 1. 34, for 1852, read 1832. Ursula, m. Luke Adams, Feb. 19, 1819. (W. C. R.) Adelissa, m. Luman Squires, Feb. 18, 1817. (W. C. R.) Sarah, had child bap. Aug. 3, 1766. (E W. C. R.) BLISS, p. 555, Stoughton (probably -son of Peletiah, line 10), had child, bap. May 20, 1787 ; Jan. 24, 1790 ; Peletiah, bap. April 22, 1792 ; Reuben, bap. . Feb. 7, 1795; Reuben, bap. March 17, 1799. (E. W. C. R.) BLODGET, p. 555, 1. 35, Cephas, then of E. W., m. Huldah Gaylord of "W., Sept. 27, 1814. (W. C. R.) See also page 556, line 28. BOLES, p. 557, 1. 20, " Record of Samuel Boles and Familys Births and Deaths. March 19th, 1710, Samuel Boles was borni Oct. 28, 1719, Ruth Boles, his wife, was born. August 12th, 1747, Mary, their Daughter was born. April 3d, 1753, Ruth, their Daughter, was born. July 31st, 1750, Elizabeth their Daughter, was bom. Sept. 13th, 1762, Samuel Boles departed this life Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 39 aged 52. April 7th, 1792, Ruth, his wife, departed this life aged 73. Nov. 2d, 1797, Klizabeth, his daughter, departed this life aged 47. June 16th 1810, Mary, his daugliter, departed this life 63. June 11th, 1831, Ruth, their Daugliter, died 78 (she was the wife of Benjamin Barber, page 531, and probably the Widow Ruth Rockwell noticed on page 767, line 3). Thus ended the Family of Samuel Boles." (Furnished by D. W. Patterson of W. Wiusted, Cimu.) BOOTH, p. 557. 1. 37, Aakon, Jr. (E. W.), m. Ann Nash (of Why.) Oct. 22, 1773; and d. Aug. 18, 1774, aged a few wks. ; David, bap. April 21, 1776; Levi, bap. April 26, 1778 ; Russell, bap. Sept. 23, 1781. The children given to his father (beginning with Chloe) must also belong to him, he probably having removed to E. W. again. (Why. Ch. Reo.) BOWERS, p. 558, 1. 8, insert Stephen, m. Wealthy Loomis, Nov. 16, 1780. (W. C. R.) John (Bower), had by wife Catherine, Mary Ann, b. Feb. 17, 1765; 2 child, bap. Nov. 14, 1766 ; 2 cBild. bap. Feb. 15, 1769 ; Aug. 4, 1771 ; July 25, 1773; a John (probably same), had child, bap. Sept. 15, 1782 ; Nov. 19, 1797. AzEL, had child, bap. Aug. 21, 1768 ; Aug. 25, 1771 (all above from E. W. C. R.). BRADLEY, p. 558, after 1. 25, insert Almond (E. W.), m. Pamelia Spencer, April 15, 1816. (W. C. R.) BRANKER, p. 558, insert, Mr. John, d May 27, 1662. (CoL Rec.) BROOKS, p. 558, 1. 33, for 20, read 25. In 1. 36, for 1665, read 1665-6. BROWN, p. 558, 1. 40, for Salem, read Plymouth. The following from Why. Ch. Rec— P. 559,1. 27, Jonathan,' d. Aug. 26, 1747; and his wid. Mindwell, d. March 1, 1767, a. about 92. P. 559, 1. 40, The wife of Eenjamin,« (Hannah) d. Aug. 25, 1759, a. per- haps 38 yrs. He m. 2, wid. Mary Brown of W. Hartford, June 12, 1760. He had by his first wife, in addition to those mentioned in the book, the fol- lowing: Joseph, bap. May 27, 1753'; Kezia, bap. Jan. 11, 1756; Aaron, bap. Dec. 10, 1758. By his 2d wife he had Louis, bap. March 29, 1761; Moses, bap. Feb. 5, 1764; who d. May 22, 1775. His dau. Hannah seems to have been b. in 1745. P. 560, 1. 9, for 1787, read 1737. P. 560, 1. 26, inasmuch as Justus was bap. after his father's death, the Jonathan on this line is evidently the son of some other Jonathan, than Jonathan, Jr." P. 560, 1. 28, for Eli, read Levi. P. 560, 1. 11, Isaac,* also had the following : Isaac, bap. April 27; d. Oct. 26, 1740; Miirtha, bap, July 25, 1742; d. June 23, 1775 ; Isaac, bap. June 11, 1738; d. Jan. 22, 1739; Isaac, bap. July 25, 1743; d. Oct. 8, 1743; Mindwell, bap. Sept. 23, 1744. Martha (wife of Isaac,*) d. Aug. 12, 1772, a. about 68 yrs.; Isaac himself d. Sept. 8, 1775. Benjamin, had Moses, bap. Nov. 4, 1781 ; Nabby, bap. Nov. 24, 1799 ; Miks, Digitized by Microsoft® 40 HISTOUY OF ANCIENT WINDSOE. Mary and William, bap. May 21, 1809 ; David, bap. June, 1812 ; Orriu, bap. July 10, 1814 ; Rosa Abigail, bap. Sept. 22, 1816 ; Lucy Elizabeth, bap. July 4, 1819 ; Fanny Lucinda, bap. May 4, 1823; William, bap. Aug. 6, 1826. Benjamin, Jr. (perhaps the above), had Rockee, bap. Oct. 6, 1771; Benja- min, bap. Oct. 13, 1776. Ebenezer, m. Susanna Pierce, Deo. 19,1776; had Ebenezer, bap. Sept. 7, 1777; Hezekiah, bap. May 19, 1781 ; Susy, bap. July 23, 1786. TiTcs (of Poq.), had Aaron, bap. March 29, 1761; Abigail, bap. Oct. 2, 1763. Ezra (of Poq.), m. Chloe Hoskins, Oct. 13, 1757 ; had Sarah, bap. April 12, 1758 ; Chloe, bap. March 4, 1759 ; Sarah, bap. March 29, 1761 ; Ezra, bap. May 29, 1763 ; Rh(jda, bap. June 23, 1765 ; Isaac, bap. May 31, 1767 ; Loanna, bap. July 16, 1769; Hannah, bap. Oct. 25, 1772. Ezra (perhaps the above), had bap. Aug. 31, 1783 ; Ursula, bap. Feb. 26, 1775; Polly, bap. April 26, 1778. ALPHEns, m. Miriam Burr, Oct. 9, 1771; he d. S«pt. 3, 1821, a. 72; Char- lotte, bap. Jan. 26, 1772 ; Alpheus, d. Nov. 2, 1779, a. about 20 months ; Miriam, bap. Nov. 4, 1781. Moses, had Sidney and Steward, bap. May 21, 1809 ; James, bap. Aug. 18, 1811 ; Elizabeth, bap. May 21, 1815. Joseph, had ; d. Nov. 23, 1705, a. about 6 months. Joseph, Jr., had Luther Rogers, bap. Sept. 21, 1817 ; Mary Ann, bap. June 18, 1820 ; Almira, bap. Oct. 1824 ; Albert Stow, bap. June 22, 1828 ; had a child d. in 1829, a. 2 yrs.; also one Nov. 22, 1822, a. 15 hours. Stephen, m. Ruth Mahala who d. (and an infant also), Feb. 4, 1811, a. 29 ; had Ruth and Stephen, bap. Sept. 28, 1806. Cornelius (probably son of Dea. Cornelius, p. 569), had Cornelius, bap, Jan. 6, 1740; Stephen, bap. Feb. 17, 1742. Ephbaim, had Ephraim, bap. Oct. 22, 1738. Joel Loomis, m. Wealthyann Burr, Sept. 21, 1800, is probably same Loomis who had Anna, Salome, Sherman and Edwin, bap. June 1, 1814 ; d. June 4, John, Jr. (of Poq.), m. Hannah Owen, March 2, 1758. Uriah, m. Chloe Clark of Poquonnoc, June 4, 1778. Samuel, m. Sena , who d. March, 1782. Ebenezer, m. Ruth Finney of Simsbury, Feb. 16, 1800. Hezekiah, m. Eunice Burr, Dec. 29, 1803. Amy, m. Reuben Judd, Jr., of Hartford, Oct. 31, 1773. Samuel, m. Lois Segar, April 10, 1806. Anna, m. Philip Putnam, Nov. 30, 1806. Lucinda M., m. Harry Webster of Simsbury, March 8, 1809. Benjamin, m. Mrs. Theda Filley, Nov. 10, 1809. Jekusha, m. Calvin Hammon of Jericho, Oct. 6, 1773. « Calvin, m. Sylvia Parsons, July 27, 1815. Susan, m. Fred. Wilson of Hartlaud, Oct. 19, 1815. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 41 Atob m. Smith, Oct. 12, 1824. Chlo?, m. Francis Barnard of Scotland, Oct. 8, 1778. Mary, m. John C. Smith of Wallingford, Oct. 25, 1824. Hakeiet (wid. of Sam.), m. Oliver Baker of Springfield, Not. 7, 1826. Elizabeth, (of Poq.) m. Joel Loomis of Torrington, June 4, 1752. "Wbatht Ann, m. Edwin Bissell of Wallingford, Sept. 22, 1828. Deaths. — Abigail (wife of Benjamin), d. Jnn. 31, 1809, a. 57. Wid. Hannah, d. March 23, 1802, in 81st jr. Samuel, d. Feb. 2, 1803, a. about 60. Stephen, hud an infant, d. Jan. 2, 1808. Samuel's child, d. April 30, 1807, a. 6 mos. Annie, d. April 19, 1801, a. 19. Samuel, d. Deo. 30, 1823. Lucia, d. June 29, 1828, a. 5. Hannah, d. Oct. 19, 1825, a. 80. William, d. Oct. 24, 1825, a. 23. Joseph, Sen'r's wife d. March 7, 1825. Ebexezek, d. June 30, 1796, a 46. An infant of Philip, d. June 30, 1796. Micah's idiot child, d. Deo. 14, 1796, a. 27. Benjamin, d. Nov. 15, 1799. Enoch, d. Jan. 19, 1801, a 27. Wid. Susannah, d. Sept. 14, 1813. Eli's child, d. Sept. 25, 1814, a. 13 mos. Loomis (perhaps), d. Feb. 1818. P. 560, 1. 31, Stephen, m. RuthM. Loomis, Sept. 20, 1801; and Stephen, (probably the same) m. Euth Dean of Simsbury, Nov. 20, 1809. Ephkaim, and Mary (probably the same as Ephraim and Mercy), had son Joab, bap. Feb. 15, 1767. (N. S. R.) ^ JoAB, had William, bap. Oct. 23, 1803. (W. C. R.) William, had Mary, bap. Aug. 2, 1801. (W. C. R.) John, m. Ruby Palmer, Sept. 30, 1798. Eunice, m. John Robeson, Aug. 4, 1800. BUCKLAND, p. 562, 1. 13, Mary, b. Dee. 13. P. 562, 1. 15, Hannah, d. Dec. 23, 1676. P. 562, 1. 27, Hannah, d. Sept. 15, 1674; "b. y« first day." P. 562, 1. 28, John d. also Dec. 7. A Thomas, m. Hannah (dau. of Nathl.) Cook, Oct. 21, 1675. (All above from Col. Rec.) BUEL, p. 563, 1. 15, Sarah, b. in Nov. (CoL Rec.) Benoni, had Eluathan before March 11, 1744. (Why. Oh. Rec.) Peter, m. Martha Coggens, " both of Windsor," March 31, 1670. (Col. Rec.) BULL, Capt. Manning, had a child which d. Feb. 7, 1769, a. few hoars ; Daniel, bap. Feb. 18, 1770. (Why. Ch. Rec.) BURNHAM (page 564) insert Abneb, bad child, bap. Aug. 20, 1780; Feb. 24, 1782; May 23, 1784; Feb. 19, 1786 ; Nov. 18, 1787 ; Oct. 4, 1789 ; Mat- thew Rockwell, bap. July 24, 1791; El—, bap. Sept. 8, 1793; Emily, bap. June 20, 1796 ; Abner, bap. Jan. 19, 1798 ; W , bap. Sept. 8, 1799. (E. W. C. R.) Elijah, had child, bap. June 13, 1773. (E. W. C. R.) Burnham, had child, bap. Nov. 1773; Feb. 6, 1774; May 14, 1780. (E. W. 0. R.) " William, son of Thos. Burnam and Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Lomas, were m. June 2g, 1671." (Col. Rec.) 6 Digitized by Microsoft® 42 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. Daniel, had child, bap. Aug. 13, 1775. (E. W. C. R.) Stephkn, had child hap. July 17, 1796 ; June 21, 1801 ; and Wells, bap. March 16, 1794. {E. W. C. R.) Charles, had child bap. Sept. 11, 1775. Silas, m. Hannah Morton of E. Hartford, Sept. 3, 1747. (Why. Ch. Rec.) BURLISON, Daniel, had Esther, bap. Dec. 8, 1751 ; d. Feb. 9, 1752. Job, had Abigail, bap. May 4, 1755. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) BURR, p. 564, Abraham, had Henry and Abraham, bap. Aug. 5, 1804; William, bap. Oct. 29, 1809. Titus, m. Elizabeth Wilson, Sept. 1814. (W. C, R.) Isaac (probably Dr. Isaac, Hue 26), had. child, bap. May 29, 1792; Sept 28, 1794; Jerusha, Horace, Orrin, bap. Feb. 1, 1801. (E. W. C. R.) Solomon, m. Deborah Watson, Nov. 27, 1754. Samuel's (line 32) first child b. Oct. 4, 1753. (R. MSS.) M following from Wby. Ch. Rec.—F. 564, 1. 13, Stephen and Sarah's children were Clarre, d. Sept. 6, 1775, a. 2| yrs. ; Eunice, d. Sept. 12, 1775, in 7th year; Eunice, bap. Oct. 13, 1776 ; d. Sept. 5, 1777; Clare, bap. April 4, 1779. P. 564, 1. 15, Nathaniel, Jr., had Horace, bap. March 29, 1767; Elijah, bap. April 17, 1768; Bissell, bap. Jan. 26, 1772 ; Nathan, bap. Feb. 25, 1776. Nathaniel m. Hannah Loomia, July 8, 1740, had Hannah, bap. Nov. 8, I741 ; Nathaniel, bap. Jung 19, 1743; Isaiah, bap. Sept. 8, 1745; Anna, bap. March 8, 1747; Eunice, bap. July 16, 1749; Salem, bap. June 14, 1752; Miriam, bap. July 21, 1754; Freelove, bap. July 11, 1756. See also under head of Phelps, Shubael . Adonijah had Adonijah, bap, Jan. 21, 1750; Zabina, bap. Dec. 15, 1751; Asa, bap. Nov. 11, 1753; Roger, bap. Nov. 9, 1755 ; Beersheba, bap. Oct. 2, 1757. Gideon m. Eunice Loomis, Nov. 11, 1742; she d. Aug. 30, 1746, a. about 26 yrs.; had Eunice, " an abortive child ;" bap. June 17, 1743, " in his house;" d. same day ; Eunice, bap. Oct. 14, 1744 ; Sarah, bap. Sept. 7, 1746 ; Gideon, bap. Nov. 20; d. Nov. 30, 1749; Gideon, bap. Dec. 9, 1750; Elizabeth, bap. May 20, 1753; Hannah, bap. June 8, 1755; Ozias, bap. Dec. 4, 1757; Phena, bap. Oct. 26, 1760 ; Moses, bap. April 3, 1763. NoADiAH, Jr. (p. 564, 1. 39), m. Abigail Pease, May 17, 1767; had Abigail, who d. March 5 or 7, 1777, in 18th yr. ; Noadiah, bap. May 18, 1760 ; Hannah, bap. July 5, 1761; Joseph, bap. Oct. 9, 1763; Thede, bap. April ' 28, 1765 ; Rachel and Rhoda, twins, bap. March 16, 1766 ; Abi, bap. March 27, 1768; Kezia, bap. May 7, 1769 ; Abraham, bap. July 15, 1770 ; Lois, bap. July 14, 1771; Asena, bap. Nov. S, 1772 ; d. Sept. 23, 1775 ; Noah, bap. July 17, 1774; d. Sept. 22, 1775 ; Noah, bap. June 2, 1776; Martin, bap. Aug. 2, 1778 ; Abigail, bap. Oct. 10, 1779. ■Noadiah Jr. m. Hannah Rowley, Jan. 20, 1780; had Wealthyann, bap. Sept. 24, 1780 ; Titus, bap. Aug. 31, 1783. Wby. Ch. Rec. in 1785, say ■' some time spring, Noadiah Burr, Jr., had a child scalded to death ; " Noadiah had Erastns and Oliver, bap. Aug. 19, 1778. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 43 Ebenbzer m. Hepzibah Brown, Jau. 10, 1740, had Ebeneze», bap. Aug. 8, 1741; Oliver, bap. Feb. 27, 1743 ; Lucy, bap. Juns 30, 1745 ; Daniel, bap. March 8, 1747 ; Aaron, bap. Oct. 28, 1750. Samuel (p. 564, 1. 32), his wife Christian, d. Jan. 27, 1782; had , bap. Sept. 23, 1764; Mary, bap. August, 1765; Samuel, bap. Nov. 15, 1761; Kittfi, bap. Aug. 5, 1764 ; Peletiah, bap. July 24, 1768. Samdel Jr. m. Clarissa Barber of Windsor South, Oct. 15, 1792, who d. Nov. 24, 1795, a. about 23, and had Peletiah Watson, bap. June 17, 1798 ; Clarissa, bap. July 6, 1800 ; Pamela, bap. Oct. 7, 1804 ; Samuel, who d. Oct. 3, 1804, a. about 2 yrs. ; Samuel, bap. July 3, 1808. Amos m. Anne Rowel, Dec. 30, 1761 ; he d. July 19, 1775, in 65th yr. ; Amos, bap. April 22, 1764 ; Eunice, Thomas and Timothy, bap. Nov. 4, 1792; Timottf^, bap. June 30, 1799; Nathan, bap. Aug. 3, 18110 ; Laura, bap. Aug. 8, 1802. Isaiah m. Eunice Rowel, May 10, 1773 ; he d. April 27, 1779, in 34th yr. ; had ; d. Nov. 30, 1773, about 2 hrs. old; Joab. bap. Jan. 8, 1775; Irum, bap. Feb. 16, 1777; Isaiah, bap. July 18, 1779. Isaac had Rockee (Roxa ?), bap. Aug. 6, 1780 ; Deborah, bap. Oct. 17, 1784; Chester, bap. June 16, 1787. JoHK, Jr. m. Tabitha Loomis, Dec. 17, 1747; had John, bap. Aug. 5, 1750. Salmon (see 1. 36, p. 564) had Salmon, bap. March 21, 1756 ; Elizabeth, bap. March 26, 1758 ; Salmon, bap. March 30, 1769; Theodore, bap. Oct. 9, 1763. Alpheps had Anne, bap. Jan. 29, 1775 ; Alpheus, bap. Feb. 8, 1778. Salem, m. Ann Cole, Feb. 17, 1780 ; Eleanor, m. Amariah Watson of New Hartford, Deo. 5, 1776. Noah m. Lucy Cadwell, Nov. 28, 1799 ; his child d. May 3, 1809 ; Hannah, m. Luther Barber of Norfolk, Oct. 15, 1761. Isaac, m. wid. Tabitha Pilley, Aug. 13, 1800 ; Anna, m. Edmund Brown of Norfolk, May 9, 1761. Samuel's son, Samuel Jr. d. Oct. 21, 1816, a. 4 ; Hannah, d. June 11, 1804, a. 43 ; Ebenezee, d. May 3, 1811, a. 70 ; Samuel, d. Aug. 13, 1817, a. 87 ; Samuel's wife, d. May, 1817 ; John, d. May 5, 1741, a. about 71 ; Noadiab, d. Feb. 12, 1762, a. about 60; Noadiah, d. June 28, 1793, a. 61; John, d^ Sept. 25, 1769, in 74th yr. ; Wld. Deborah, d. June 27, 1792, in 70th year; Samuel Jr. d. Sept. 16, 1814, a. 53; Wid. Burr, d. Sept. 4, 1767, in 93d year; Theodore, d. Feb. 23, 1796, a. 33 ; Titus, d. Jan. 26, 1799, in 62d yr. ; Nathaniel, d. May 5, 1772,, a. about 66 yrs. ; Joseph, d. Jan. 29, 1812 ; Linus, d. Sept. 2, 1775, a. perhaps 43 ; Amos' son d. Aug. 20, 1794, a. 3 yri ; Martin's child, d. October, 1809, a. 9 mos. ; Samuel's wife Sarah, d. Feb. 25, 1806, a. 76 ; wid. Hannah, d. Deo. 16, 1777, in 75th yr. ; wid. Abigail, d. May 15, 1814, a. 76 ; wid. Ruth, d. Dec. 9, 1814, a. 74; Stephen, Jr., d. April 3, 1682; Bhoda, d. Oct. 23, 1722, a. 60 ; Isaac d. May 13, 1822, a. 63; Isaac's wife, d. March 13, 1799, a. 42. Digitized by Microsoft® 44 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. BUTLER, p. S65, Richard m. Mary Griswold, Oct. 19. 1817 ; had son Jo- Biah, bap. Sept. 7. L. 24, Josiah, d, October, 1799. R. MSS., 1755. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) L. 19, Why. Ch. Rec. makes dates of Samuel's child one year later, Tiz : Jerusha's death, and births of Jerusha 2d, Abigail andZachariah 1st and 2d. Also gives 'd. of Zech. 1st as Sept. 24, 1754, a. 18 mos. ; d. of Zech. 2d, April 1, 1759, a. 3 yrs. and about 7 mos. Thomas Jr. and his wife Abigail moved to Windsor from Ipswich, Mass. BOTTOLPH, David, had David, bap. June 5, 1740; Elijah, bap. May 16, 1742. Nathaniel, m. Anne Gillet, Dec. 27, 1770 ; had Lucy and Lucretia, bap. June 13, 1773 ; the former d. 1783 ; Luerne, bap. May 3, 1778 ; d. Sept. 1, 1779; Anne, bap. Aug. 21, 1780; d. same day; Nathaniel, bap. Sept. 9, 1781 ; d. Oct. 10, 1785. (Why. Ch. Rec.) ' Dea. Isaac, m. Sarah, who d. Jan. 12, 1753, a. 54. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Joseph d. March 8, 1797, in 20th yr. ; Anna, d. Dec. 27, 1792, a. about 40. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) CADWELL. Ml the following from Wby. Ch. Rec— P. 565, 1. 32, Thomas m. Mary Porter, Dec. 20, 1752, and had b. May 16, 1753. (R. MSS.) Matthew had Matthew, bap. June 12, 1748 ; Elizabeth, bap. March 11, 1750; Anne, bap. Jan. 5, 1752; Peletiah, bap. July 7, 1754; Theoda, bap. Dec. 5, 1756; Hulda, bap. Aug. 19, 1759; John, bap. Jan. 3, 1762; Lois, bap. March 18, 1764 ; Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 1765 ; Justus, bap. Aug. 25, 1775, Rosanna, wife of Matthew, d. June 26, 1787. Perhaps mother of the above family. Matthew, Jr., m. Joanna Marshall, Feb. 12, 1767, he d. Aug. 1, 1773, in 48th yr. Had Matthew, bap. May 24, 1767 ; Justus, bap. May 7, 1769, d. Oct. 28, 1775 ; Abijah, bap. March 18, 1770 ; George, bap. May 2, 1773 ; Elizabeth, who d. instantly while at dinner, Nov. 3, 1764, in 15 yr. ; Joanna, bap. May 8, 1774, who d. Oct. 13 or 14, 1775 ; Justus, bap. April 19, 1776, who d. Sept. 30, 1777, a. 15 mos. James, who d. Aug. 29, 1771, in 75th yr., had James, bap. Deo. 26, 1742. James, Jr., m. Mary Foot, Nov. 19, 1767, and had Aaron, bap. Nov. 6, 1768; Mary, bap. Nov. 11, 1770; Rhoda, bap. Feb. 7, 1773; James, bap. July 30, 1775 ; Martin, bap. Feb. 15, 1778. Moses, had Lois, d. Aug. 23, 1741, a. about 5 yr.s ; Timothy, d. Feb. 18, 1738, a. about 6 yrs. ; Olive, bap. Nov. 25, 1739, d. Aug. 20, 1741 ; Timothy, bap. Sept. 6, d. Sept. 20, 1741. Samuel, Jr., had child d. Nov. 27, 1828, a. about 2 days ; also — - d. Deo. 10, 1828, a. 6 yrs. Peletiah, m. Lucy Foot, Nov. 7, 1776, who d. Aug. 9, 1781, a. 24 yrs. He d. Sept., 1817. Had Peletiah, bap. Dec. 7, 1777; Levi, bap. Feb. 17, 1780; by 2d wife. Orris and Lucy, bap. Nov. 19, 1786; Erastus, bap. Sept. 2, 1787 ; Sylvia, bap. March 6, 1796. Allyn, m. Nancy Latimer, May 7, 1810, had Nancy Amelia, Edward Lati- mer, Sidney, Elizabeth, Julia Ann, Levi Haydeu, Anson, Allyn. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 45 Theodore, had , d. Sept. 24, 1785 ; a son who d. Nov. 1, 1799, a. 6 yrs. Theodokus (proh. same as above), had Roxy (adult), bap. June 17, 1821 ; Lovicia, Huldah, Esther, Theodoras and Mary, bap. July 29, 1821 ; Maroia Jannet, bap. Aug. 10, 1823 ; Edward S. bap. July 16, 1826. HoLDin, m. Norman W. Moses of Simsbury, Nov. 23, 1831. Abuah (see 1. 27, previous page), m. Eunice AUyn, May 9, 1793, had an infant d. March 30, 1794, and his wife d. March 31, 1794, a. 26 yrs. Aaron, m. Chloe Ford, Aug. 24, 1794. Levi, m. Roxy Brown, Oct. 7, 1799, who d. Sept. 2, 1803, a. 25. Theodore, m. Roxy Parsons, Oct. 25, 1704. Oreih, m. Harriet Pettibone, Oct. 12, 1815. Roxy, m. Jonathan Bodwell of Farmington, Oct. 14, 1828. Meussa, m. William Watson of Torringford, Jan. 30, 1828. Sarah, m. Jedidiah Oloott of New Hartford, Oct. 3, 1759. Ciret, m. Hezekiah Goodwin, Aug. 3, 1815. Orrin, had child which d, Oct. 23, 1826, a 1 yr. Theodore, d. June 9, 1826, a. 44. Maj. Matthew's wife Mary, d. Nov. 2, 1804, a. 46. The wid. Elizabeth, d. Oct. 10, 1776, a. perhaps 45 yrs. The WiD. d. April 24, 1822. Akne, d. Dec 15, 1778, in 27th yr. James, d. Dec. 16, 1811. Calvin's child d. Deo. 30, 1812, in 7th yr. Calvin himself d, Nov. 30, 1813, a 27. I Roger had Rhoda, who d. April 20, 1813, a. 4 ; also, child d. Deo. 30, 1815, a. 27, and child d. April 5, 1816, a. 3 weeks. Iea's child, d. April 26, 1817, infant; Justus, d. Dec. 29, 1815, a. 7 yrs. CARTER, p. 566, 1. 9, read May 10, 1653. (Col. Reo.) CARVER, p. 566, insert Benjamin had Chloe, bap. Sept. 25, 1763, and 3 children bap. Oct. 11, 1772. (E. W. C. E.) CASE, p. 566, Titus had Rebecca, bap. May 8, 1791 ; Sarah, bap. Feb. 2, 1794; Titus Vesper, bap. Nov. 13, 1796 ; Francis, bap. Oct. 21, 1798. (W. C. R.) Ml foUowing from Wby. Ch. Rec. — Samdel, Jr., m. Violet Burr, April 7, 1757, and had Violet, bap. Jan. 28, 1759 ; Eunice, bap. Jan. 16, 1763 ; Louis, bap. Feb. 1, 1767 ; Peletiah, bap. Sept. 4, 1768 ; Samuel, bap. Sept. 23, 1770, d. Aug. 23,1775 ; Russell, bap. June 13, 1773. Dea. Samuel, d. Sept. 23, 1768, in 73d yr., his wife Eunice, d. Sept. 1, 1775, in 72 yr. ; Mary, of Samuel, d. Sept. 8, 1775, a. about 10 yrs ; Perlee, of Samuel, d. Sept. 9, 1775, in 6th yr. Reuben m. Ruth Goodrich, July 9, 1747. Ruth, wife of Dea. Reuben (prob. same), d. Jan. 23, 1782, in 65th yr. ; had Reuben bap. May 15, 1748. William Robe, bap. April 8, 1750, d. Nov. 30, 1828, a. 78; Ashbel, bap. Jtine 21, 1752 ; Elihu, bap. March 3, 1754 ; Darius, bap. July 17, 1757 ; Ruth, bap. Nov. 18, 1759; Huldah, bap. Oct. 3, 1762; AUin, bap. May 20, 1764 ; Lucy, bap. Oct. 4, 1767 ; Anne, bap. April 25, 1771; Susy, bap. March 12, 1775; Susanna, bap. Sept. 21, 1777. Reuben, Jr., had , bap. AprU 16, 1780 ; Lucy, bap. Aug. 25, 1782. Digitized by Microsoft® 46 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. ASHBEL had Chloe, bap. Sept. 17, 1775; Ashbel, bap. June 21, 1778; Timothy, bap. Feb. 19, 1781 ; , bap. Aug. 31, 1783. WitiiAM Robe, m. Hulda Loomis, Feb. 3, 1775, and had William, bap. Aug. 27, 1775 ; Halda, bap. Nov. 23, 1777; Abiah, bap. Oct. 3, 1779 ; Ruth, bap. Aug. 25, 1782 ; Horace, bap. Aug. 29, 1784. George, m. Rhoda Pirce, Dec. 19, 1776, she d. April 11, 1779, in 20th yr. ; a George (prob, this one), d. May 5, 1793, middle aged ; child , d. Feb. 12, 1778, a. about 7 days ; George, bap. Aug. 6, 1780 ; Robert, Rhoda, bap. Sept. 1784 ; Lydia, bap. July 23, 1786. Elihu, m. Freelove Burr, May 7, 1777; had Freelove, bap. Feb. 19, 1781. James, had Hepzibah, bap. Aug. 6, 1780. Darhis, m. Hepzibah Foot, Oct. 21, 1779. Hezekiah, m. Susanna Adams, Dec. 25, 1805 ; had a child d. June 17, 1815. Robert's wife d. June 28, 1817, a. 32 ; child d. infant, July 24, 1817. Benjamin, d. Aug. 21, 1818. Joshua, d. Feb. 15, 1764, a. about 63 yrs. Joshua, d. Aug. 4, 1778, a. about 50 yrs. Peletiah's child d. Nov. 16, 1801, a. 1 yr. ; and his infant d. April 10, 1795. Russel, d. Jan. 27, 1802, middle aged. Wid. Mart, d. Sept. 19, 1803, a. 78. Hezekiah's wife d. Oct. 9, 1804, a. 27. Alexander, son of Joshua, Jr., d. May 12, 1763, a. about 65 yrs. Elizabeth, wife of Oliver, d. July 13, 1772, a. perhaps 25 yrs. Wid. Anna, d. March 28, 1811, a. 84. Nathaniel, d. Dec. 15, 1763, a. about 26. Benjamin, d. Feb. 19, 1798, in 88th yr. The wid. of Ammi, d. May 9, 1773, a. 74 yrs. Samuel, d. Aug. 27, 1775, a. about 40 yrs. Wid. of Lois, d. Feb. 16, 1799, a. 66. P. 566, 1. 20, for William, read Jamet. (Col. Rec.) Nathaniel, m. Miriam , who d. Sept. 24 (N. S.), 1752, a. about 45 yrs; he d. June 5, 1753, a. perhaps 50 yrs. ; had Nathaniel, bap. Feb. 18, 1738 ; Silas, bap. Aug. 3, 1740 ; Nathaniel, bap. Feb. 1, 1761. Hannah, wife of Nathaniel, d. June 3, 1761, a. about 22 yrs. Nathaniel ' of Nathaniel, d. Nov. 13, 1762, a. 21 mos. Benjamin, m. Hannah Drake, Nov. 10, 1743; she d. July 9, 1760, a. about 52 yrs. ; had Zenas, bap. June 5, 1748. Benjamin, m. wid. Mary Loomis of Simsbury, June 13, 1763 ; had Benja- min, bap. Oct. 12, 1766. Hannah, bap. June 2, 1765 ; Rebecca, bap. April 30, 1769. Zenas, m. Mary Loomis, March 2, 1769 ; had Morton, bap. Sept. 17, 1769; Zenas, bap. Sept. 29, 1771; Shadraek, bap. Deo. 5, 1773; Polly, bap. Sept. 16, 1776, d. Oct. 15, 1778; Nathaniel, bap. April 29, 1776; Zenas' son, d. Oct. 14, 1795, in 17th yr. Joshua, Jr., had Oliver, bap. May 22, 1749; Elisha, bap. Oct. 7, 1750; George, bap. Feb. 9, 1752; Mary, bap. Jan. 26, 1755 ; Alexander, bap. Nov. 14, 1756 ; Rhoda, bap. Oct. 29, 1758 ; Lydia, bap. Jan. 11, 1761 ; Sahara, bap. Aug. 22, 1762; Rosetta, bap. Aug. 19, 1764 ; Mabel, bap. May 11, 1766; Alexander, bap. March 6, 1768. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 47 Caleb, m. Cliristian Burr, April 11, 1771 ; had Christian, bap. March 22, 1772 ; Joanna, bap. March 12, 1775, d. Sept. 26 or 27, 1775 ; son d. Oct. 13, 1796, a. 2yrs. JojiAH, Iiad Jonah, bap. Aug. 30, 1741. Sabah, 111. Hez. Richards of West Hartford, May 8, 1755. Ecnice, m. Klisha Lawrence of Keniugton, May 13, 1756. Newton, m. Laura Roberts, Nov. 26, 1S12. Richard's wife had a child bap. Dec. 5, 1779. (E. W. C. R.) CASS, p. 566, insert Nathaniel (Wby.), d. June 5, 1753 ; his wife d. Sept. 13, 1752. (R. MSS.). CHAFFEE, p. '567, 1. 2, Hezekiah, Jr., had Abigail Sherwood, bap. July 8, 1787 ; Hezekiah Bradley, bap. June 28, 1789. Hezekiah and Charlotte had Samuel Griswold, bap. Jan. 15, 1792; who m. Rebecca Phelps, April 13, 1815. (W. C. R.) Hezekiah, Jr., m. Abigail Talcott, Deo. 25, 1814. (W. C. R.) P. 567, 1. 2, John, m. Mary Rowland, March 1, 1795. RuFcs, m. Lovioia Francis, June 26, 1811. BiLLTKGS, m. Charlotte Hoskins, Aug. 27, 1814. CHAMBERLAIN, p. 567, Oliver (line 8), had also children bap. April 17, 1768 ; Jan 24, 1771 ; Jan. 15, 1775 ; June-Oct. 1777 ; Dec. 26, 1779. (E. W. C. R.) CHANDLER, p. 567, 1. 13, Isaac, had Roger, bap. Sept. 24, 1797 ; Mary Ann, bap. June 29, 1800 ; Edward, bap. Sept. 19, 1802 ; Martha AUyn, bap. Oct. 6, 1804 ; a dau. bap. June 7, 1807 ; Agnes Lneinda, bap. July 16, 1809 j Isaac, bap. June 28, 1812, (W. C. R.) John, had Lois, bap. Nov. 29, 1795 ; Lester, bap. May 20, 1798. CHAUNCEY, p. 567, 1. 20, Abigail, b. Oct. 14, 1677. (Col. Rec.) CHAPMAN, p. 567, I. 40, Mary, b. 1664, d. June 30, 1665. (Col. Rec.) Also for Mary, b. Oct. 22 (or 7), 1654, read, b. Oct. 27, 1665. Elizabeth of Windsor, m. Joseph Strickland of Hartford, Dec. 11, 1684. (Col. Rec.) P. 568, 1. 26, Tatlok, m. Roxana Drake, Nov. 28, 1791. Wid Mary, d. April 9, 1792, a. 75. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) CHAPIN, p. 568, 1. 23, Eliphalet also had 2 children bap. Oct. 21, 1781 ; one bap. May 23, 1784 ; and one Oct. 5, 1788. (E. W. C. R.) P. 568, 1. 33, Joseph, was b. June 22, 1718 ; d. May 6, 1803 ; m. Jano Allen Wolcot, who was b. Aug. 16, 1719, and who d. Feb. 3, 1788. Their children were : Jane, b. Aug. 27, 1746 ; d. July 23, 1769 ; Solomon, b. Aug. 19, 1749 ; d. July 21, 1813, at Sodus, N. Y.; Irena, b. March 11, 1752 ; Gideon, b. April 16, 1754 ; Tryphena, b. May 29, 1756 ; m. Asahel Stiles, and d. April 21, 1831 (being the paternal grandmother of H. R. Stiles, the compiler of this work) ; Joseph, b. Oct. 28, 1759 ; Thankful, b. July 3, 1761 ; d. Oct. 30, 1761 ; Abigail, b. March 9, 1763. (Stiles Family Record.) Chester, m. Mary Ely, June, 1815. (W. C. R.) Digitized by Microsoft® 48 HISTOKY OP AXCIBNT WINDSOR. CHAPPEL, p. 569, insert after Chapin, Abnek Brown, m. Huldah Osbom, Jan. 1, 1797. CLAEK, p. 569, Hosea's first child, b. May 20, 1753. From Why. Ch. iJtc— P. 570, 1. 22, this John, had in addition to those mentioned in text the following: Wealthyann, bap April 17, 1763; Roswell, bap. May 19, 1765 ; Hannah, bap. Feb. 20, 1767 ; d. same day ; Hannah, bap. .Tune 12, 1768; Abiah, b.ap. Sept. 28, 1770; Isaac, bi»p. July 12, 1772; d. July 16, 1772; Isaac, bap. April 17, 1774. HosEA, m. Mary Skinner, Oct. 5 (N. S.), 1752; she d. of small pox, Feb. 14, 1777, a. about 52 yrs.; also a dau. Mary, d. on 27th of same disease, a. about 22yrs.: Lad Abraham, bap. May 27, 1753 ; Mary, bap. May 4, 1775 : Ira, bap. March 13, 1757 ; Roger, bap. June 3, 1759 ; Charity, bap. June 21, 1761 ; Amos, bap. Sept. 4, 1763; Saiah, bap. May 18, 1766 ; Charlotte, bap. July 9, 1769 ; Joel, bap. April 30, 1786. HoSEA, m. Hannah Hoskins, Oct. 4, 1778 ; had Molly, bap. Aug. 6, 1780; Elihu, bap. Aug.' 25, 1782. P. 570, 1. 25, this Bekosi, had also ; d. March 16, 1760, a. but a few weeks; Nance, bap. April 1, 1770; Sybil, bap. May 17, 1772; William, bap. June 19, 1774; Kezia, bap. Aug. 23, 1776; Lucy, bap. Sept. 19, 1779. P. 570, 1. 26, for Elias, read Silas. P. 570, 1. 24, EzEKiEL also had Oliver and Ezekiel,bap. Feb. 4, 1750. Solomon, had Mary, bap. May 28, 1738. Solomon, Jr. m. Anne Ashley of Uaitford, Jan. 11, 1747-8 ; June 24, 1754, d. a dau. of Solomon, a. but a few hours ; Anne, wife of Solomon, d. Dec! 15, 1738, a. about 38; Solomon, d. May 6, 1776, a. about 51 yrs. Children, Ann, bap. May 10, 1752; Solomon, bap. June 7, 1752; Hulda, bap. May 25, 1755; Asahel, bap. May 31, 1767; Gecrge, bap. Deo. 4, 1757; Hittie, bap. March 23, 1760; Eunice, bap. June 13, 1762; Jemme, bap. Nov. 25, 1764; Eookee, bap. Feb. 24, 1771. Roswell, m. Rhoda Wilson, Aug. 5, 1793 ; he d. Feb. 26, 1813 ; had Ros- well, d. Feb. 15, 1802, a. 5 yrs.; Judson and Roswell, bap. June 14, 1801 ; Rhoda, bap. 2, 1803 ; Roswell, bap. June 21, 1807. Nathaniel, had Klkaneh, bap. June 4, 1738. Abradam, had Sophia and Fanny, and Abraham Moore, bap. Oct. 25, 1801 ; Selden Pratt, bap. Oct. 9, 1803. JosiAH, m. Deliverence Eggleston, Sept. 6, 1751 ; had Deliverance, bap. Deo. 22, 1751. Isaac (of Scantio), had Ann, bap. Aug. 26, 1753. John, d. Aug. 27, 1784. Roger, d. March 30, 1822, a. 62 ; Roger's wife had a child by former hus- band ; Nancy Judd, bap. Oct. 6, 1799 ; had , inf. d. Oct. 1786. Capt. Solomon, d. March 5, 1767, in the 69th yr. MosES, m. Dslae [Ursula?] Phelps of Poquonnoo, Oct. 30, 1781. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 49 George, m. Charity Clark, Aug. 15, 1779. John, m. Sarah Bak— , July 22, 1787. Ira, m. Beda Barnes, Oct. 10, 1779; had still-born child, Nov. 15, 1793 ; his wife d. Jan. 22, 1800. CLARK, Hooker, m. Ruthjlowley, Jan. 18, 1810. Hannah, m. William Webber, Aug. 7, 1794. Deborah, m. John Giles of Charlemont, Feb. 12, 1797. Lt. Ira, m. Eliza Chaucer, Feb. 5, ISOJ. Wid. Kezia, d. Feb. 6, 1804, a. 75. Giles, son of Solomon, d. May 22, 1804, a. 13. HosEA's child, d. Feb. 14, 1808, a. 2 yrs. Asahel's wife, d. April 5, 1808. Samuel's child, d. April 18, 1828, a. li yrs. James's child, d. Jan. 13, 1800, a. 4 mos. Abraham, Jr., d. Sept. 28, 1801, a. 15. yrs. Asauel, had an inf. d.,Dec. 12, 1796 ; and child, d. Feb. 11, 1800, a. 6 mos. Benoxi's son still-born. May 14, 1797. Hosea, d. Jan. 7, 1799, in 67th yr. Hosea, d. June 17, 1813, a 34. Hosea's wife Sarah, d. May 23, 1813, a. 34; and also an inf. Mrs. Anna, d. Feb. 19, 1820, a. 61. Wid. Anna, d. May 24, 1812. P. 570, Abigail, dau. of Ezekiel and Elizabeth, bap. Nov. 15, 1761. (N. S. R.) Stephen, m. Roxana Mather, Oct. 6, 1802; Horace, m. Eunice AUyn, April 28, 1814 (W. C. R.); Delia, m. Noah A. Phelps of H., April 7, 1822; Grove, m. Mercy Griffin, Jan. 13, 1791 ; Cornelia, m. Isaac Roberts of W. Springfield, March 3, 1834. P. 570, 1. 36, for Julia Fox, read Julia Ann Fox. Samuel, had children bap. Aug. 12, 1770 ; May-3, 1772. (E. W. C. R.) CLEVELAND, p. 571, insert Hosmek, was bap. Deo. 11, 1791, and had Cynthia, bap. early in 1792. (E. W. C. R.) COHOON, p. 571, 1. 23, Capt. Nathan, had Reuben and another child, bap. July 4, 1802 ; John, bap. March 24, 1805 ; Lucina, bap. Nov. 8, 1806. (E. W. C. R.) COLLINS, p. 571, add Ebenezeb, m. Roxanna Moses, Feb. 3, 1806 ; LoviSA, m. Erastus Hoskins, Bennington, Vt., Sept. 10, 1835. (W. C. R.) COLT, p. 571, Alla, dau. of Jabez and Sysil (Cecil ?), bap. Dec. 2, 1787. (W. C. R.) COLTON. All from Why. Ch. Rec— Samuel, m. Lois Brown, April 8, 1779; had Mary, d. Dec. 20, 1786 ; Moses and Polly, bap. Oct. 13, 1793 ; Anna, bap. Oct. 30, 1796; Orinda, bap. June 17, 1798 ; Leicester, bap. May 29, 1803. Samuel, Jr., m. Patty Filley, Nov. 10, 1805; children, Samuel Hunt, Sid- ney Brown, Simeon Edwards and Horatio. Ann (of Windsor), m. Sam. Humphrey of Hartford, Sept. 10, 1819. Lois, m. Erastus Roberts of Granby, Nov. 24, 1803. Moses, had Abraham Moses, bap. Sept. 10, 1820 ; Eunice Celestia, bap. March 23, 1822 ; Miranda, bap. Feb. 8, 1824. Samuel, d. Oct. 22, 1823, a. 67; Georse, d. May 24, 1829, a 1 day. 7 Digitized by Microsoft® 50 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOE. COLYER, Joseph, d. Nov. 28, 1767, a. about 71 yrs., The wid. Coljer (prob. Joseph's), d. May 7, 1786, in 85th yr. (Why. Ch. Eeo.) COMINGS, p. 571, insert Geokoe, had child bap. June 16, 1776, also, Oct. 12, 1776, and March 18, 1781. (E. W. C. R.) COOK. From Col. Rec. — P. 572, 1. 5 and 6, for Jpril, read Jugust. On this and next line, for 6,, read bap. P. 572, 1. 18, for June 26, read 28. P. 572, 1. 19, Lydia did not d. Oct. 24, but May 23, 1676, in 24th yr. ; Han- nah, b. Sept. 21. From Why. Ch. Rec.—V. 572, 1. 35, RicetakdS d. Dec. 5, 1760, a. perhaps 55 ; his wid. d. March 29, 1762, a. about 60. P. 573, 1. 32, Joel, m, Sarah Pinney, April 7, 1754. P. 573, 1. 36, Elisha, b. June, and d. July 9, 1766. For Nama, read Ami. After Nama (or Ami) insert an infant son who d. Deo. 7, 1786. Reuben, m. 1, Thankful Hodge, Nov. 8, 1744 ; she d. June 17, 1758, a. about 31 yrs. ; he m. 2, Mehitabel , who was bap. July 31, 1763, a. about 22 yrs. ; child, , d. April 5, 1756, a. about 4 weeks ; Timothy and Richard, bap. on same day as his 2d wife. On July ], 1759, was bap. Shubael (bound to David Filley), the son of Reuben; Alexander, bap. Nov. 5, 1752; Darius, bap. March 25, 1753 ; Ebenezer, bap. June 1, 1755 ; Jerusha, d. Nov. 7, 1757, a. a few days ; Benjamin, bap. March 29, 1759 ; Jerusha, bap. June 21, 1761. Eli, m. Rachel Russell, Dec. 21, 1777. Job, m. Ruth Pierce, Dec. 16, 1719. Elisha, m. Susanna Rowley, Jan. 16, 1800. Semantha P., m. Jas. M. Barnet of Bridgewater, Jan. 17, 1803. Maetha, dau. of Thos, d. Nov. 8, 1683. (Col. Rec.) From Why. Ch. iJcc— Norman's child, d. Nov. 7, 1823, a. 7 weeks ; Eldad, d. Oct. 6, 1825, a. 5 yrs. ; Mariah, d. April 25, 1826, a. 16 yrs. ; Joel, d. Deo. 4, 1801, a. about 38 ; Joel, d. Oct. 25, 1808 a. over 60 ; Obein, had child, d. Feb. 10, 1808, a. about 2; Mika, d. Feb. 15, 1808, a. 13. Elisha, had still-born infant, Oct. 4, 1803, and child d. April 22, 1807, a. about 6 yrs. ; Joel's child, d. March 17, 1792; Ensign Joel's (1. 32, p. 573 ?) ; Sakah, d. Jan. 27, 1793 ; Job's infant, d. April 19, 1792; Pinney (see 1. 32, p. 573), had child, d. Sept., 1793, and one d. Feb., 1799; bed. May, 1799; Joel, d. Feb. 1794; Joel, Jr.'s child d. Jan. 18, 1797, a. 6 mos. MoEBis, m. Percy Goodwin, May 6, 1819. P. 573, Elisha, m, Hannah Bigelow, Nov. 27, 1794. P. 573, 1. 37 : this is probably the same Roswell who m. Lucina Cook, March 10, 1812. Josiah, m. Chloe Cook:, Feb. 14, 1793 ; Delia, m. Samuel PoUentine of Eastbiiry, Sept. 18, 1828 (W. C. R.); Abigail, m. Horace Daniels, Nov. 24, 1803; LuciNDA, m. Sam. Mitchell, Jan. 3, 1806; Rhoda, m. Geo. Wright June 8, 1809. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. " 51 P. 573, 1. 28, this Benjamin is same as BenJ. (E. W.), 1. 4, p. 574, and his son Oliver should he transferred to page 574. Oliver (prob. the one above referred to, see 1. 28, p. 673), had Abigail, bap. May 30, 1801; Mary, bap. May 15, 1803; Oliver, bap. April 7, 1805; Frances, bap. June 25, 1808 ; Elihu, bap. Sept. 30, 1810. (E. W. C. R.) Noah, had Rhoda, bap. Aug. 21, 1791. (W. C. R.) Shdbael, m. Lucy Westland, Jan. 5, 1783, and had Elihu, bap. Sept. 7, 1783; Silas, bap. June 7, 1790 ; Levi, bap. July 16, 1786; Elijah, bap. Oct. 28, 1792; Lucina, bap. Sept. 7, 1794; Deborah, ba.p. Nov. 1787. Daniel, m. Huldah Barber, March 16, 1784. Eliakim (possibly the one ment. in 1. 6, p. 573), had Lucy, bap. Jan. 9, 1794; John, Nov. 13, 1796 ; John, bap. Nov. 4, 1798. (E. W. C. R.) COGLEY, p. 574, 1. 30, Samuel, m. Mary Clark, Oct. 24, 1711. Eunice of Windsor, m. Amasa Johnson of Middletown, March 16, 1767, and had Eunice, b. Jan. 9, 1768; Mabel, b. Dec. 17, 1769 ; Lois, b. Sept. 25, 1771 ; Daniel, b. March 7, 1773. (Edwin Stearns, Middletown, Conn.) Chaeles, I. 31, also had child, bap. Sept. 27, 1812, and Henry Baker, bap. May 22, 1814. (E. W. C. R.) William, m. Lucinda Evans of E. Hartford, June 11, 1799. (Why. Ch. Rec.) CORNISH, p. 574, 1. 38, for Gahiel, read Gabriel. COY, p. 575, 1. 2, Ukiah, m. Anna , they had a child Silas, bap. July 22, 1764. (N. S. R.) P. 575, 1. 3, Samuel, m. Sarah , P. 575, after 1. 4, insert Silas, and Deborah had Ed[ward], bap. May, 1762. (N. S. R.) CRANE, p. 575, line 9, David, m. Jan. 7, 1779, Jerusha (dau. of David) Smith (p. 775), who lived in the E. W. part of North Bolton. It was doubt- less their son John who d. 1799. Cuktis Crane (1. 10), d. at New Albany, Ind., Feb. 25, 1862, a. 80. P. 575, 1. 11, Aaron (E. W.), m. Mary Barber of 1st. Soc. W. (at Why.). June 16, 1778. (Why. Ch. Rec.) CRESEA (or Cresey), p. 575, 1. 25, Benjamin, m. Wealthy Gillet, April 6, 1787 ; infant dau. d. May 20, 1792 ; his wife d. April 22, 1793. (Why. Ch. Rec.) CROSBY, p. 575, insert Simon, had children, Deo. 23, 1781 ; Dec. 15, 1782; Feb. 6, and April 3, 1785 ; Sept. 30, 1787 ; Edward, bap. Aug. 1, 1790 ; Betsy, June 24, 1792 ; Hepzibah, May 31, 1795. (E. W. C. R.) Elisha, had two children, bap. Jan. 4, 1829. (E. W. C. R.) CROCKER, p. 575, 1. 26, Elihu, was an apprentice to Taylor Chapman. CULVER, p. 576, 1. 17, William, had also children bap. Jan. 28, 1781 ; Jan. 18, 1783. (E. W. C. R.) DART, p. 576, insert, the wid. (mother-in-law to Joseph Colyer), d. April 8, 1753, a. about 85. DAVIS, p. 576, Rebecca, had Daniel, bap. March 7, 1762. (E. W. C. R.) Digitized by Microsoft® 52 HISTORY. OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. DENSLOW, p. 577, 1. 11, Nicholas, d. March 8, 1666. (Col. Rec.) P. 577, 1. 13 and 14, Susannah is the right name. (Col. Rec.) P. 577, 1. 18, John, m. Jan. 1653; Mary, his wife, d. Aug. 29, 1684. (Col. Eec.) P. 577, 1. 20, for Deborah, read Rebecca. (Col. Rec.) Samuel, m. Patience Gfibbs, Dec. 2, 1686. Hannah, dau. of Hannah, b. Not. 14, 1690. " Old Widow Denslo," d. Aug. 14, 1669, prob. wife of Nicholas, the Emigrant. (Col. Rec.) Susannah, d. Aug. 26^ 1683. (Col. Rec.) P. 577, 1. 30, this Samuel and Hannah, his wife, of North Windsor, had Hannah, bap. Nov. 15, 1761 ; Leavit, bap. May 20, 1764, d. Sept. 22, 1777; Lovisa, bap. Dec. 7, 1766; Alpheus, bap. June 19, 1769, d. Sept. 16, 1777; Thaddeus, bap. July 28, 1771. (N. S. R.) P. 578, 1. 4, add to the family of Maetin and Lois, the following children : Thaddeus, bap. July 30, 1775 ; Lois, bap. Aug 2, 1777 ; Anne, bap. Oct. 26, 1782; Carlos, bap. May 4, 1786; Almanga, bap. Oct. 19, 1788. (N. S. E.) ' Alpheus (can this be Thaddeus ?), son of Martin, d. Oct. 25, 1776. Elijah and Lydia. had Elijah, bap. Feb. 10, 1765; Violetta, bap. March 17, 1766; Pamela, bap. May 7, 1774; Elihu, bap. May 11, 1778. (N. S. R.) Elijah and Elizabeth, had Justus, bap. Sept. 20, 1778. (W. C. R.) Elijah, m. Susannah Brown, Jan. 21, 1792. Eliza, m. Ephraim Harris, Jan. 27, 1831. (W. C. R.) Susan, m. George Murphy, Nov. 23, 1820. Anna, m. Chester Loomis of Coventry, Conn., Sept. 1, 1804. Melissa, m. Richard Starr of H., Feb. 18, 1810. Sabah, dau. of wid. Sarah, d. May, 1778. Joel, d. in camp, June 28, 1778 (N. S. R.); insert his name also in p. 420. Oliver, d. June 28, 1777. (N. S. R.) Gaylokd (prob. identical with Joseph Gaylord of line 5), had Sarah and Oliver, bap. Aug. 31, 1794 ; Anna, bap. Nov. 10, 1799, and Olive, bap. July 3, 1803. (W. C. R.) DEMING, Samuel, m. Jerusha Butler, November, 1765. DEXTER, p. 578, 1. 33, Azuba, m. W. Conant Abernethy, May 20. P. 578, 1. 36 (W. C. R.), read Winchester instead of Witisted. P. 579, 1. 22 and 23, for N. Y., read Ohio. DIBBLE, p. 581, 1. 6, Daniel, m. Ruth Phelps, December, 1787. All following from Col. Rec.— P. 581, 1. 9, Thomas, Sr., m. Elizabeth Haydm of Hadley, June 25, 1683; she d. Sept. 25, 1689. P. 581, 1. 10, for Sept. 26, read 21. P. 581, 1. 11, for Deo. 17, read Dec. 7. P. 581, 1. 14, Israel had a son, who d. Dec. 1, 1679. P. 681, 1. 18, Mary Wakefield, wife of Ebenezer,' was of, and m. at New Haven. P. 581, 1. 27, Martha, b. 1669-70 ; d. June 13 following. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMKNT. 53 P. 581, 1. 32, for Elizabeth read Mindwdl. P. 581, 1. 34, Thomas,* m. Mary Tucker, Oct. 10, 1672. P. 581, 1. 37, Mary, b. 1680; d. April 9, 1685. DIGGENS, p. 580, 1. 6, Oliveb, m. Mehitable Porter, Sept. 20, 1758 (Wby. Ch. Rec), and had also Luke, bap. May 9, 1762 ; Russell, bap. Dec. 11, 1763, and children bap. Nov. 3, 1765 ; Sept. 20, 1767 ; Oct. 21, 1770 ; Sept. 13, 1772; Aug. 14, 1774; April, 1777; June 20, 1779; Oct. 14, 1781. (E. W. C. R.) DOOR (DUER ?), p. 581, insert Polly had child, bap. Aug. 22, 1779. (E. W. C. R.) DORCHESTER, p. 581, 1. 13, John, b. 1644 ; became inhabitant of Spring- field ; m. Sarah (duu. of Samuel) Gajlord, Nov. 29, 1671. (Col. Rec.) DRAKE, p. 583, 1. 34, wid. Mary, d. Sept. 6. (Col. Rec.) P. 683, 1. 36, Joseph, d. May 22, 1664 ; prob. identical. (Col. Rec.) P. 583, 1. 43, Ruth, b. Deo. 1. (Col. Rec.) P. 584, 1. 3, for Lt. Job,^ read Lt. Job.' P. 584, 1. 5, Job, b. " in Oct." (Col. Rec.) P. 584, 1. 8, Job,* " Sr." d. Sept. 16, 1689. Col. Rec. give him (Job son of John) two additional children, viz: Jeremy, b. Sept. 1, 1684 (prob. Jeremiah, E. W., p. 586), and Josia, b. Jan. 23, 1681. • P. 584, 1. 23, Jacob.s d. Jan. 20, 1762. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 584, 1. 36, Hezekiah, b. 1721-2 ; d. Oct. 7, 1763 ; m. Mary Filley, June l'^47. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 585, 1. 1, Jacob.i* d. Sept. 11, 1771. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 585, 1. 4, John, b. 1739 ; d. Oct. 28, 1741. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 585, 1. 10, Sgt. Enoch,i« m. Sybil Griswold, Aug. 25, 1763 ; had also Sarah, bap. Dec. 7, 1755 ; Sybil, bsip. Dec. 6, 1767 ; Enoch, bap. March 25, 1770 ; d. March 2, 1772 ; Enoch, bap. Oct. 4, 1772 ; Enoch,i« d. Jan. 9, 1782; his son Joseph, d. 1751. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 585, 1. 13, Noah's" child, b. September, 1745 ; d. Oct. 25 in same year; he also had the following children bap. : Hannah, Oct. 26, 1746 ; Ira, Deo. 3; d. Deo. 9, 1749 ; Moses, June 9, 1751; Noah, Sept. 11, 1757; Annise, Feb. 7, 1762; Lucy, May 26, 1764. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 585, 1. 16, foi Kelly, read Kelsy. P. 585, 1. 17, for Damara, read Damaris. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Also to this family add Lucy, bap. Dec. 22, 1754. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 585, I. 18, Jacob, Jr.,i8 m. Rhoda Drake, April 12, 1764. (Wby. Ch. Eec.) P. 585 1. 19, AaroNj^" m. Chloe Gillet; he also had Sarah, bap. Aug. 24, 1760 ; Lydia had Levi, bap. June 16, 1745 ; Mary, bap. Oct. 25, 1747. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 586, 1. 25, Job 3d, had Sabrina, bap. June 23, 1776. (Wby. Ch. Eec.) Ebenezek, m. Mehitable Cook, Feb. 23, 1764 ; he d. May 4, 1776 ; child bap., Ebenezerand Hezekiah, July 19, 1767; Isaac, Feb. 6, 1769; James Wood, Digitized by Microsoft® 54 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Aug. 26, 1770 ; Lyman and Clarissa, twins, July 19, 1772 ; Ira, April 30, 1775. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 5,87, 1. 7, LoEY, m. Amelia Mills, Feb. 26, 1784, and had Amelia, bap. June 4, 1786. (W. C. R ) He m. 2d, Sally Clark, Nov. 27, 1794, and had Samuel, bap. Sept. 13, 1798 ; Rhoda, bap. . (W. C. R.) P. 587, 1. 25, Lemuel and Esther Iiad Esther, bap. Oct. 4, 1795 ; Edward, bap. Feb. 5, 1797 ; Abigail, bap. June 16, 1799 ; Lemuel, bap. April 17, 1801; James, bap. Aug. 14, 1803 ; Matilda, bap. Sept. 22, 1805. (W. C. R.). Phinehas, Jr. (son of Phinehas", p. 584, 1. 39), had Anna, bap. March 5, 1781 ; Frederic, bap. July 27, 1783 ; Susanna, bap. Aug. 29, 1791 ; dau. bap. April 30, 1792 ; Francis, bap. July 13, 1794. {W. C. R.) Eliot, had Gustin, bap. Oct, 14, 1787 ; Elihu, bap. Oct. 9, 1791 ; James, bap. July 13, 1794; Guy, bap. March 12, 1797 ; Mary, bap. June 16, 1799 ; Mary Moore, bap. May 24, 1801 ; Lucy, bap. Deo. 11, 1803. (W. C. R.) P. 587, 1. 15, for March 6, read March 1. (W. C. R.) From Wby. Ch. Bee. — Hepzibah, m. Russell Dewey of Molbury, May 26, 1802; Wid. Sibel, m. Elisha Rose of Granville, April 17, 1777; Clarence, m. Theo. Wadsworth of Hartford, April 11, 1793 ; Hannah, m. David Soheeld, perhaps of New Canaan, Sept. 15, 1776. From W. C. R. — James, m. Sally Simmons, April 17, 1799 ; William m. Lulu Westland, November 29, 1807 ; Bildad, m. JKeziah Loomis, February, 1809 ; had Delia, bap. Aug. 5, 1810; Eleanor, bap. June 12, 1814 ; AnGDSTiNE, m. Abigail Hayden, March 19, 1812 ; Sakah, m. Norton Wright of Massachusetts, May 14, 1818 ; James, m. Roxanna Miller, Jan. 17, 1819 ; David, m. Patty Wilson, Nov. 3, 1791 ; Abigail, m. Wm. How- land, Nov. 15, 1829 ; LoviSA, m. Wm. B. Reed of Granby, Ct., Sept. 20, 1830. Joseph, m. Lois Pierce, Nov. 19,1772; had Joseph, bap. Feb. 29,1773. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Elijah, d. May 6, 1783. Wid. Sarah, d. Sept. 3, 1794, in 87th yr. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) The wid. Elizabeth, m. John Elderkin of New London, March 1, 1660. (Col. Rec.) Elizabeth, had Job, bap. July 27, 1760. John, son of John, m* Mary Watson, March 20, 1671. (Col. Reo.) Hepzibah, m. Timothy Munross of New Canaan, March 17, 1774 (Wby Ch. Rec.) T/ic following from E. W. C. iJ.— Elizde. had child, bap. Oct. 11, 1833. Amasa's wife (see page 586, line 23), had Tho — , bap. Oct. 13, 1799. Wid. LncY, had child bap. May 19, 1811. Wid. Abigail, had child, bap. Nov. 16, 1771. Feancis (poss. the one ment. in line 24, page 586), wife and dau. Eliza W., bap. Feb. 12, 1804, and dau. Elizabeth, bap. May 11, 1806. Red- ben (prob. son Joseph, see line 11, page 586), had children bap. Sept. 13, 1767; Dec. 24, 1769; Nov. 1776. Ebbnbzeb, Jr. (line 19, page 586), had child, bap. Nov. 4, 1764. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. ' 55 Abiel, had children bap. Jan. 3, 1779; Nov. 25, 1781; Feb. 6, 1785;' Dec. 30, 1786 ; Abiel, bap. May 1, 1791 ; child, bap. Nov. 17, 1773; Owen, bap. Sept. 24, 1796. Jonathan, had Noadiah, bap. Aug. 19, 1764; and child, bap. April 30, 1769. Joel, had Eli, bap. April 21, 1765 ; and child bap. Feb. 15, 1767; Oct. 1, 1769. (E. W. C. R.) Gideon (prob. the one ment. in line 31, page 687), had child, bap. Jan. 16, 1763 ; Dorson, bap. March 18, 1764; child, bap. Nov. 16, 1766. (E. W. C. R.) DRISCOLL, p. 587, insert Flukanoe (?), m. Mary Webster, April 24, 1674; "both of Windsor." (Col, Rec.) DUSET, p. 587, after 1. 39, insert Philemon, m. Martha Wing, Jan. 1779. EATON, p. 587, add Sylvester, m. Charlotte Selden, April 20, 1820. Ehoda, m. Sam Soper of Sandisfleld, Nov. 30, 1828. (W. C. R.) P. 588, I. 2, insert a child,,bap. March 18, 1781. (E. W. C. R.) EDWARDS, p. 590, insert Rodolphds, and his dau. Sally, bap. Deo. 19, 1790. (E. W. C. R.) EGGLESTON, p. 590, 1. 28, Mary, b. 1641 ; d. Dec. 8, 3657. (Col. Rec.) P. 591, 1. 8, strike out " (or Shadrake)." (Col. Rec.) P. 591, 1. 11, For Sarah,* read Abigail. The * belongs to Samuel,^ previ- ous page. P. 591, 1. 15, James', d. Deo. 22, 1746. {Why. Ch. Rec.) P. 591, 1. 19, In the list of children of John,'^ insert Hester, b. March 14, 1682-3. (Col. Rec.) P. 592, 1. 1, for " about 1735," read Jan. 30, 1753. (Wby. Col. Rbo.) P. 592, 1. 21, John, Jr. (15 ?), m. Martha , who d. in childbed, July 29, 1752, a. about 18 yrs. and 8 mos. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 593, 1. 12, Nathaniel,22 d, jan. 11, 1796, in 94th yr.; his dau. Abigail, hap. Dec. 8, 1751; son Nathaniel, bap. Aug. 15, 1745 ; Samuel, 34>i bap. Dec. 9, 1746. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 593, 1. 17, Daniel,23 m. 1, Elizabeth ; who d. Feb. IS, 1741, a. about 30 ; Mary, his 2d wife, d. May 6, 1776 ; his son Isaac, was bap. April 20, 1746; dau. Anne, bap. Jan. 17, 1751; Hannah, bap. Aug. 22, 1746. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 594, 1. 15, Thomas, m. Ann Clark, March 26, 1778. P. 594, 1. the last, Samuel, UH m. Dorcas Loomis, Aug. 9, 1770. P. 595, 1. 2, for " about 1770," read Jan. 10, 1771. P. 595, 1. 39, Elijah,*" according to W. C. R., m. 16th April, instead of 3d. P. 595, 1. 6, correction ELiHi7,"m. Kezia Hoskins, Dec. 21, 1801. (W. C.R.) P. 596, 1. 11, W. C. R. give Harriet Goodrich as name of Joseph's*^ wife — supplies the date, Oct. 14, 1802. P. 596, 1. 13, W. C. R. probably give the proper name and date, viz : Jamea Francis, bap. July 3, 1803. P. 596, 1. 15, Fanny, was bap. July 5, 1807. (W. C. R.) P. 696, 1. 16, Ann, bap. Sept. 22, 1805, (W. C. R.) Digitized by Microsoft® 56 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. P. 597, 1. 35-39, add to Jonathas's children Dille and James, bap. Sept. 16, 1770; Susy, bap. Feb. 26, and d. May 6, 1775; Dorme, bap. Jan. 12, 1772 ; Susy, bap. Feb. 9, 1777. Orrin, had children bap.: James, Sept. 18, 1814 ; Delia, July 3, 1817. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel,"^ (?) bap. Feb. 4, 1739 ; d. Nov. 20, 1741. Samdel, had children bap. : Nabbe, April 3, 1774 ; Oliyer, June 3, 1781 ; Aurelia, Aug. 22, 1783. Samuel, had Roxy, who d. Jan. 15, 1786. John, had Timothy, bap. March 19, 1741 ; d. Feb. 26, 1742 ; also Timothy, Sarah, David, bap. Aug. 19, 1759. Mary, had Polly, bap. July 27, 1760. Daniel, had Sarah, bap. Jan. 30, 1780. Jonathan, had John, bap. May 21, 1738. Samoel, had Samuel, bap. April 21, 1776 ; Chloe, bap. Sept. 13, 1778. Elisha, had Rachel, bap. Sept. 8, 1751; Jose, bap. March 3, 1754. Daniel, Jr., had children bap. viz : Daniel, Nov. 13, 1763; Elizabeth, May 25, 1766; Horace, Dec. 2, 1770; Frederick, Nov. 13, 1774. ,IoHN, m. Martha Clark, Jan. 29, 1752. John, Jr., m. Sarah Stannard, Aug. 31, 1753 ; had , bap. Oct. 1753. " The wife of John of Why " perhaps a first wife of this same John. d. July 29, 1752 (R. MSS.) ; Sarah, wife of John (perhaps the same), d. Jan. 3, 1762. Isaac, d. at L'ake George, Oct. 26, 1754. Wid. Mary, d, Nov. 2, 1766, in 98th yr. Wid. Constant, d. Dec. 2, 1769, in 65th yr. Isaac, d. Oct. 1811. James, d. about 1758, a. about 26. Mahala, d. July 10, 1818, a. 25. Eliza- beth, d. Deo. 25, 9820, a. 65. Samdel, son of Samuel, d. Feb. 9, 1771, a. about 4 weeks. Wid. Abigail, d. Sept. 30, 1801, a. 93. Mart, d. Oct. 9, 1797, a. 81. Wid. Hester, d. Jan. 1757, in 92d yr. James, d. about 1758, a. about 26. Foregoing on this page from Why. Ch. Rec. Jonathan, m. Amelia Denslow, June 1, 1793. Mary, m. Ezekiel Brown, July 19, 1805. Abigail, m. Nathaniel Hooker of West Hartford, Dec. 26, 1805. (W. C. R.) Joseph, son of Thomas, bap. Aug. 11, 1782. (W. C. R.) The following is kindly furnished by Edwin Stearns of Middletown, Conn.: Samuel Eggleston (or Eagleston) son of Begat Eagleston of Windsor, was b. in England, emigrated to New England with his parents 1630, was first at Dorchester, Mass., afterwards removed 1635 to Windsor, Conn., with Rev. Mr. Warham and his company, subsequently resided in Hartford, and there m. Sarah, d. of Nicholas Disbrough of Wethersfleld, 1661. He finally settled in Middletown, Conn., and bought house and lot May 18, 1663, of Wm. Smith on " Meeting House Square," where he resided until 1689, Jan. 18, when he sold the property to Rev. Noadiah Russell for £70. He was admitted to the 1st Church on a certificate from church in Windsor (and Obediah Allen was admitted from Windsor same day), lie d. February, 1691, estate £105. His will was dated Dec. 26, 1686 ; names 7 children then living. Inventory, dated March 6, 1691. Children : 1, Samuel, Jr., b. March 6, 1663; 2, Thomas, b. June 4, 16673 d- Aug. 27, 1667 ; 3, Joseph, b. Jan. 24, 1668 ; d. Jan. 31, 1668 ; Digitized by Microsoft® SDPPLEMBNT. 57 4, Sarah, b. Oct. 26, 1670; 5, Susanna, b. May 9, 1674; Mrs. Job Payne ; 6, Nicholas, b. Dec. 23, 1676; 7, Mary, b. , 1678; Mrs. Jacob Averts, Guilford ; 8, Mercy, b. July 27, 1679 ; Mrs. Samuel Miller ; 9, Ebenezer, b. July 7, 1689 (b. 1684-5), was 6 years old when his father died. Corrections furnished by Elijah Eggleston of Hartford, Conn. — P. 590, 1. 22, Begat's 1st wife, name unknown, his second wife is said to have been Sarah Talcott of Hartford, Ct. P. 590, 1. 34, James,^ (according to Savage) b. 1656, was killed at Deer- field, Mass., Sept. 18, 1675. P. 590, 1.37, Hester's birth in 1682-3, being over two years after her father's death, seems to be somewhat incorrect. P. 591, 1. 25, for Grace -Moore (?), read Cfrace Hoskins, b. July 26, 1666. See p. 668 of Windsor Hist. P. 591. Note — This Mrs. Olivia (Eggleston) Phelps, was dan. of Elihu Eggleston, a merchant tailor of Hartford, Ct., who d. there April 10, 1803, in 59th yr., a most devoted christian. Dea. Jacob of Middletown, Ct., was said to be his brother. The mother of Mrs. Olivia (E.) Phelps was Elizabeth Olcott. P. 592, 1. 29, Thomas," was never married. The children assigned him must, therefore, be given to Jedidiah,^^ as will be seen by comparison. Thomas,32 was b. Sept. 26, 1741. P. 592, 1. 39, Joseph's birth, for 1775, read 1757. P. 693, 1. 17, Daniel,23 m. Mary Rockwell. P. 594, 1. 22, Jedidiah's birth, for 1764, read 1768. P. 594, 1. 34, Eeer,^' for "was a Revolutionary soldier," etc., read "a soldier of the war of 1812-15." P. 594, this old brick house was built in 1760, not in 1670. P. 596, 1. 4, Mrs. Mary Ann (Eggleston) Marsh, d. Aug. 7, 1849, a. 51. P. 596, 1. 5, Kesia (Hoskins) Eggleston, was b. about 1783. Elihu and his second wife Eleanor, both d. in Marblehead, Mass. Their son Henry, b. July 12, 1809, in Salem, Mass., is now living in Manchester, N. H., and has 3 children. Their dau. Eleanor, b. in Salem, Feb. 4, 1811, m. Aaron Woods of Hillsborough, N. H., and has 9 children. Their dau. Mary Ann, b. in Salem, Sept. 21, 1814, m. Cyrus Whitmore, and lives in Hoosiok, N. H.; have had 8 children. Their dau. Lucy, b. Oct. 25, 1817, d. at South Boston, Mass., Sept. 7, 1819 ; Charles, b. at South Boston, April 7, 1820, m. Lucina (dau. of William) Eggleston of Burke, Vt. (a descendant of Begat, the settler), lived in Hillsborough, N. H., where he d. Nov. 23, 1849. Children : Mary Ann, and Charles Byram, both d. young. P. 596 1. 11 Joseph,*^ his dau. Delia, m. a, widower, Bancroft, who had 3 children. Fanny, d. 1862. ELLSWORTH, p. 599, 1. 15, for Oct. 1, read Oct 5. Next line read March 3, 1690-1. 8 Digitized by Microsoft® 58 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. P. 599, 1. 29, John*, ni. Esther White of Hatfield. His son Daniel, d. 1782 (page 279) Heney, who d. June 23," 1824, a. 44; had Jonathan, who d. March 15, 1816, a. 4 mos. The Wid. Ellsworth (prob. wife of above), had Oliver Chaf- fee, Harriet Lucinda, and James Brown, bap. May 15, 1825. (Wby. Ch. Sec.) P. 600. Note— The following has been received from ex-Governor William W. Ellsworth of Hartford, Conn., who says that he finds it in his father's (Chief Justice Ellsworth) Bible, and mostly in his own handwriting : David, b. June 28, 1669, had David, b. .July 17, 1709 (for his d. seep. 605, 1. 9, Windsor Hist.), who m. Jemima Leavitt, b. Nov. 9, 1721. Their children were David, b. March 7, 1742, (see Windsor Hist., p. 605, 1. 1); Oliver, b. April 29, 1745; Martin, b. Jan. 12, 1750; Jemima, March 13, 1754. After Mr. E.'s d. his wid. m. Capt. Ebenezer Grant of E. W. Oliver Ellsworth, b. April 29, 1745, and Abigail Wolcott, b. Felj. 8, 1755, were married Dec. lOtt, 1772. Mr. Ellsworth, d. Nov. 6, 1807; Mrs. Ellsworth, d. Aug. 4, 1818. Their children : Nabey, b. Aug. 16, 1774j Oliver, b. Oct. 22, 1776, d. a. 2 yrs.; Oliver, b. April 27, 1781 ; Martin, b. April 17, 1783; Billy, b. June 21, 1785, d. same year; Fanny, b. Aug; 31, 1786 ; Delia, b. Jan 23, 1789 ; William Wolcott and Hekry (twins), b. Nov. 10, 1791. All of whom are now dead, except William W. and Fanny. P. 601, last line of note, Martin (son of Chief Justice), had Oliver, bap. September, 1810 ; Samuel Wolcott, bap. May 31, 1812 ; Abigail Wolcott, bap. May 22, 1814; Frederick, bap. Sept. 1, 1816; Delia Williams, bap. September, 1819 ; EUery Sophia, bap. Dec. 26, 1823 ; Henry Martin, bap. Sept. 16, 1827. (W. C. R.) P. 601, last line of note, Henry (son of Chief Justice), had Ann Maria, bap. April 14, 1809 ; Henry William, bap. May 22, 1814 ; Edward Augustus, bap. April 10, 1818. (W. C. R.) P. 602, 1. 3, Hinsdale in N. S. R., says, " d. March 18, (1777) Hannah, wife of Giles Ellsworth, of a complication of maladies ! " Hezekiah, m. Laurana Loomis, July 21, 1793, had Hezekiah, bap. Nov. 9, ' 1794 ; Laura, bap. Feb. 7, 1796; Nathan, bap. April 15, 1798; Eunice, bap, Sept. 21, 1800 ; Betsey and Fanny, bap. Nov. 16, 1808. (W. C. R.) Jonathan, Jr., m. Jerusha ; had Grove, bap. June 2, 17165 ; Hannah, bap. Aug. 9, 1767 ; Jerusha, bap. Aug. 19, 1770; James, bap. Nov. 22, 1772; Jonathan, bap. June 11, 1775; Charles, bap. Jan. 17, 1779; Allen, bap. Jx^J 13, 1782 ; Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 9, 1785; Abigail, bap. April 14, 1793. (N. S. R.) David, m. Phebe -,. and had Jemima, bap. Feb. 13, 1780 ; David, bap. 1782 ; Phebe, bap. June 5, 1784 ; Lyman, bap. May 4, 1786 ; Mercy, bap. Jan. 27, 1788 ; Erastus, bap. June 6, 1790. (N. S. R.) The father from the date of bap. of his son Lyman is called " Lieut." David, had Leavitt, bapi Nov. 17, 1799. (W. C. R.) Col. Samuel, had Sophia, Samuel and Emma, Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 59 bap. Oct. 12, 1845. (W. C. R.) Giles, m. Helen Haydeu, Oct. 12, 1808; George, m. Hester Pinney of Simsbury, Ct., Dec. 22, 1808; Fanny, m. Joseph Wood, May 10, 1809; Allts, m. Hannah Wilson, Sept. 21, 1811; Ellen S., m. George W. Strong of Rutland, Vt , May 14, 1845. (W. C. R.) Abigail W., m. David A. Hall of Washington, Deo. 25, 1838. (W. C. R.) Elizabeth, m. Horace W. House, May 29, 1817; Delia, m. Thomas Scott Williams, Jan. 7, 1812 ; Abigail, m. Lester Pease, March, 1813 ; Jonathan, m. Harriet Barber, Feb. 2, 1825. (W. C. R.) Samdel W., m. Eleanor Drake, Nov. 27, 1834. (W. C. K.) Giles Jr., m. Hannah Burr, Feb. 1, 1767. (N. S. R.) Henry, m. Brown, Sept. 19,1805; Albxandek of Windsor, m. Chloe Pinney of Simsbury, April 9, 1806. Jonathan, d. April 17, 1761. (N. S. R.) From documents furnished by Josiah Ellsworth, of East Windsor, Conn., we glean the following corrections and additions : P. 600, 1. 9, for dan. of John, read of Job ,■ next 1., for Oct. 13, 1721, read Dec. 12, 1721. P. 604, 1. 5, JbsiAH,22 m. Lucretia (dau. of Jeremiah) Lord of E. W., who was b. Jan. 23, 1791. P. 604, 1. 6, Lucretia Maria, m. Rev. Moses Stoddard. Children — Ellsworth B., b. May 19, 1842 : Berthier, b. Aug. 29, 1845, d. Jan. 29, 1846. P. 604, 1. 8, Emma ^. Buoklaud was b. Feb. 15, 1847. P. 604, 1. 9, Emily Sophia, m. Albert M. Allen. Children — Josiah A., b. Deo. 21, 1860 ; Celia Ann, b. Jan. 17, 1854 ; Alonzo A. ; Avin Lord. P. 604, 1. 10, Ann Amelia, m. Rev. Lorenzo BoUes. Children — Celia Ann, b. Aug. 16, 1846, d. Apl. 1852 ; Lucretia Mary, b. Dec. 1, 1850. P. 604, 1. 11, Rhoda Calista, d. May 24, 1836. P. 604, 1. 12, for Julia R., read Julia Roiette. P. 604, 1. 23, Josiah Orton,^ m. Lucy S. Mills. Children— Mason P., b Mch. 16, 1847 ; Ellen Maria, b. Moh. 12, 1853 ; Althea L., b. Feb. 10, 1858 P. 604, 1. 24, Edgar Lord,'^ has children, Herbert E., b. Nov. 30, 1853 Willie H., b. July 30, 1855; Edward E., b. May 23, 1857. P. 604, 1. 25, John N. Maffit,''^ has children, Uriah Clough, b. May 6, 1851 John 0., b. May 19, 1853; Angeline, b. Oct. 6, 1856. P. 604, ]. 26, Flavius Josephus,'* has children, Flavella Jane, b. Deo. 29, 1853; Calista Ann, b. Dec. 28, 1856; Josephus F., b. June 3, d. June 11 1858 ; Sarah Elizabeth, b. June 11, 1860 ; Flavins Josiah, b. June 23, 1862 ELMER. The following from E. W. C. JJ.— Eliphalet, had Anne, bap, June 20, 1762 ; Naomi, bap. Nov. 6, 1763 ; he also had children bap. Deo 8, 1765; March 6, 1768; Aug. 5, 1770; March 28, 1773; May 10,1778 January, 1781; May 11, 1783, and Mabel, bap. March 20, 1803; possibly this last may have been a grand dau. Joseph (probably the one mentioned on p. 607, 1. 7), had children, bap. Nov. 29, 1761 ; Sarah, bap. April 8, 1764; Feb. 1, 1767 ; April 16, 1769; Joseph (possibly same), had children, bap. Sept. 1, 1782 ; April 27, 1783 ; Digitized by Microsoft® 60 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Joseph, had children, bap. .April 21, 1782; Nov. 18, 1787 ; and Orrin, bap. Nov. 17, 1793. Samuel (possibly Samuel 3d, p. 606, 1. 8, or Samuel, 1. 2, same page), had children, bap. Aug. 11, 1782; April 24, 1785; Nov. 29, 1789; Feb. 10, 1793. Timothy (probably same as mentioned on p. 606,1. 12), had children, bap. March 26, 1765 ; July 18, 1773; Aug. 15, 1779. Alexander (probably' same one mentioned p. 606, 1. 12), had children, bap. Jan. 28, 1781 ; Oct. 6, 1782. RoswELL, had children, bap. Oct. 17, 1778; April 22, 1781 ; Aug. 31, 1783; June 25, 1786 ; Feb. 8, 1789 ; July 31, 1791 ; Esther, Aug. 11, J.793 ; Huldah, June 11, 1797. SiEPHEN, had children, bap. November, 1779 ; Sept. 7, 1783. Justin, had Theodo, Nov. 19, 1803. ELY, p. 605, insert Daniel of Windsor, m. Eoxy AUyn, Nov. 18, 1805. P. 608, insert after line 11, Daniel and Hannah had Daniel, bap. May, 1784; Marcy, bap. Feb. 20, 1785. (N. S. R ) ENOS, p. 607, 1. 22, for 1686, read 1686-7. P. 607, 1. 24, JoHN^, m. Mary (dau. of Ebenezer) Dibble, " he in his 27th, she in her 17th yr." (Col. Rec.) P. 607, add Justus, m. Clarissa Porter of E. W.. Sept. 1799. Jonathan, d. Sept. 5, 1821, a. 52 ( Wby. Ch. Rec.) ; Paoli, d. Sept. 2, 1829, a. 33 (Wby. Ch. Reo.) ; Samuel's wife, d. Sept. 2, 1796, a. 48; Jonathait Alexis, d. Oct. 27, 1819, a. 2yrs. Jonathan, had two children, bap. April 24, 1785. (E. W. C. R.) FAIRCHILD, insert p. 608, Jot, had children, bap. Dec. 14, 1777 ; Feb. 1780. (E. W. C. R.) FENTON, p. 609, insert, Mary was bap. July 28, 1771. (E. W. C. R.) FILER, p 609, 1. 12 (Col. Rec), add to record of this marriage that Eliza- beth Dolman " came from England." The marriage was in 1670. P. 609, ]. 14, Zekeubabel was b. Deo. 23. P. 609, 1. 24, Zeekueabel.s Jr., d. Jan. 29, 1761; " the wid. Rachel," prob. his wife, d. Jan. 28, 1768, a. about 71. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 609, 1. 28, Jeremiah, d. Feb. 1776, a. about 62 (Wby. Ch. Rec.) ; which also give jinnis for jinnie, and Ormon for Norman, as in line 32 ; also, the m. of his son Paris (line 31), to Abigail AUyn, Aug. 15, 1777. P. 609, 1. 34, RoOER, d. Jan. 18, 1777. He m. wid. Tryphena AUin, April 7, 1760, who d. Feb. 25, 1825, a. 79. His son Allyn was b. 1763. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 609, 1. 36, Silas, m. Cateran Drake, Sept. 10, 1747. His son Silas (prob.), m. Lucy Drake, Feb. 4, 1779. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 609, 1. 40, Stephen, m. Polly Collier, July 28, 1778. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Rachel (perhaps same as 1. 24), m. James Stephens, Nov. 30, 1741. (Wby.) Ch. Rec.) Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. ' 61 Elizabeth (wife of John), d. March 17, 1683-4. (Col. Reo.) Jeeusha (dau. of wid. Fyler), d. June 14, 1781, a. about 12. (Why. Ch. Eec.) P.609,rddNAOMi, had Levi, Horace ai.d Polly, bap. Aug 5, 1792. (W.C. R. Thomas, d. Dec. 1778. (N. S. R.) FILLEY, p. 610, 1. 15, Satauel, b. 1673, d. Oct. 7, 1679. Nest Hue, Josiah» b. June. Next line, Mary h^Sept. Also " Nouember 10, '67, SamujU, sonn of Samuell ffilly dyed by drowning in a well." (Col. Rec.) Line 31, Lt. Jonathan,^ d. Mch. 11, 1774; line 41, Samuel,* m. Jerusha Draic, ^ug-..13, 1739; had also Sarah, bap. Aug. 22, 1742, d. Mch. 29, 1794; Dorothy, bap. Nov. 20, 1748 ; also lost an abortive child a few hours old, Aug. 2, 1747. His son,, Moses, was bap. Feb. 9, 1752. (Why. Ch. Rec.) P. 611, 1. 8, Joseph," d. July 17, 1775; his dau. Abigail b. 1746, "had 6 fingers on each hand, and 6 toes on each foot." He had also Daniel, bap. Nov. 27, 1757. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 611, 1. 14, this Kesiah is probably the one who m. David Jones, of Somers, July 18, 1782. P. 611, 1. 16, David,13 m. Lydia Center, of Hartford, July 25, 1775, the wid. Lydia (perhaps same) d. Dec. 28, 1799, a 65. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 611, 1. 20, the R. MSS. makes Hezekiah, b. "Sat., Feb. 11th." P. 611, 1. 22, Lenda, d. Mch. 18, 1761. (R. MSS.) Same line R. MSS. gives " Sunday, Jan. 3rd" as date of Jonathan's birth. (R. MSS.) Jonathan (Wby.) b. Mch. 27, 1805. (R. MSS.) P. 611, I. 26, Amanda, was bap. Oct. 26, 1783. (W. C. R.) P. 611, 1. 28, Nathan, was bap. Aug. 9, 1790. (W. C. R,) P. 611, 1. 37, Jerusha, d. Sept. 11, 1795, a. 8. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 611, 1. 39, Aakon," m. Mindwell Brown, who d. Dec. 2, 1792, in her 48 yr.; he d. Oct 28, 1808, a. 67. Third wife d. Jan. 22, 1805, a. 58. Eliz- abeth, wife of Aaron, (prob. the 2d wife) d. Dec. 7, 1781. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 611, 1. 43, MosEsi* had a child who d: July 10, 1799, a. li yrs. ; his son Pera d. by fall from tree, April 6, 1795. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 612, 1. 3, for Mariah, Elizar, read Maria Eliza; also add the name of Susan E. P. 612, 1. 9, JoSEPn,2o d. Nov. 23, 1808. (Wby. Ch. Rec ) P, 612, 1. 10, LuKE,a m. on May 25, 1799; he d. Sept. 11, 1812; she d. June 5, 1815. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 612, line 12, Timotht,^^ had inf. s. d. Aug. 21, 1798, a. 3 days, and one d. Feb. 9, 1809, a. 15 mo. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 612, 1. 15, DAvm,23 m. on Jan. 19, 1797. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 612, 1. 24, Elijah" m. on Mch. 28, 1802. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 612, 1. 30, Oliver, resided in Bloomfield, over 40 years before his death, over 6 miles from Cook's Hill in W. His eldest son, Oliver D., was born in 1806, instead of 1805, as in the text. Digitized by Microsoft® 62 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. P. 612, 1. 32, HuLDAH, bap. Aug. 2, 1801; and line 34, Emily m.. May 2, 1816. (Why. Ch. Rec.) P. 612, 1. 33, Susannah m Joab Loomis, and had 4 children. P. 612, 1. 33, Jacob read Job. P. 612, 1. 41, Haklow, d. April 10, 1804. P. 613, 1. 1, GraD0if,'8 m. on May 29, 1794. P. 613, 1. 40, date of m. of Horace" is Oct. 25, 1808. P. 614, I. 6, Thomas, m. Charlotte M. Barber,'Nov. 12, 1833. (W. C. R.) P. 615, 1 30, Walter, who died at the tender age of 7 years, it is needless to say, was not " a tanner and carrier," which business, however, was pur- sued by his brother Walter, mentioned on the next line. P. 616, Horace Hayuen, ni. Irene W. Francis, Oct. 28, 1842 (W. C. R.), w;hich also gives the following date of bap. of his children not agreeing with our printed record : Joseph Baker, bap. Oct. 31, 1846 ; Henry Francis, bap. Aug. 1850 ; Mary D. Reed. P. 617, 1. 19, date of Horace's marriage is Dec. 26, 1808. Alvin liad Elizabeth Waters, bap. Oct. 21, 1798 ; George Gray, bap. June 15, 1800; Mary Mumford, bap. Dec. 9, 1804. (W. C. R.) SiLVAKDS, had Jemima, bap. May 1, 1791; July 7, 1793; Sophia, bap. Mch. 13, 1796; Fan. Oct. 15, 1797; Sally, bap. June 29, 1800. (E. W. C. R.) Alleh, had Laurinda Thorp, bap. Feb. 16, 1806. (W. C. R.) Abijah, had Agues, bap. Oct. 30, 1785. (W. C. R.) Debokah, m. John Sackett of Wethersfield, Dec. 1, 1686. (Col. Rec.) Jonah, d. Oct. 21, 1823, a. 60; his wife d. Feb. 4, 1818, a. 54. Jonah, Jr., had Linda, bap. Mch. 18, 1761. From Wby. Ch. iJcc. —Jonathan (perhaps Lt. Jonathan*) had Jonathan, bap. Aug. 17, 1740; Margaret, bap. Aug. 7, 1743; Kezia, bap. Sept. 19, 1748. Joseph, Jr., m. Charity Munsell, June (or July) 1772, had Joseph, bap. Nov. 21, 1773. • Babnabt (perhaps and prob. same as on line 34, p. 612), had Walter Fields, bap. Aug. 10, 1823. GuEDON, had Gurdon, bap. June 25, 1809. David, had Dianthe, bap. Sept. 25, 1808; David, had Nathan Gilbert, bap. July 23, 1809 ; Sarah, dau. of Joseph, had Isaac William, bap. Jan. 26, 1^72; Saeah, dau. of Samuel, had Henry, bap. Aug. 19, 1764; Timothy, m. Sophia Cadwell of Farmington, April 20, 1817. Timothy (evidently No. 22, and prob. same as just mentioned) d. Apl. 26, 1826, a. 75. David, m. Sarah Gillet, Jan. 23, 1809. Dianthe, of W., m. Lyman AUis, Nov. 23, 1816. Beulah (prob. same as on line 40), m. Alpheus Ingham, Apl. 3, 1817. Joseph, m. Chloe Burr, May 30, 1799, who d. Sept. 21, 1807 in 36 yr. (perhaps the same Joseph, who m. Abigail Burr 2d, Mch. 21,1808. Saeah, m. Henry Mumford of Hartwood, July 5, 1772. Mary, of 1st Soc. Windsor, m. Lent Mott, of Winchester, Jan. 1, 1760. David Haskell, m. Nancy Loomis, Mch. 2, 1828. Emily, m. Hector Miller of Avon, Aug. 30, 1830. Harrison, d. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 63 Apl. 14, 1852, a. nearly 15. Daniei, s. of Joseph, d. Moh. 22, 1758, a. 4 mo. Hezekiah, d. June 18, 1803, a. 45. Elizabeth, d. Oct. 5, 1818 a. 96. Kathbeine, d. May 31, 1815, a. 47. Wid. Sakah, d. Feb. 10, 1806, a. 71. FISH, p. 618, insert Jonathan had Eber, Albert and Miriam, bap. Jan. 4, 1829. (\V. C. R.) FITCH, p. 618, John, of Hartford, m. Ann HiUer, wid, of Windsor, Deo. 9, 1656. Mrs. Ahn d. Jan. 20, 1686. (Col. Reo.) P. 619, 1. 2, John* m. 1766. P. 619, 1. 18, Jekemiah, son of Rev. James, settled first at Lebanon, and then at Coventry, of which he was one of the earliest settlers. P. 620, 1. 6, JoHN^ is here incorrectly given as the sou of Rev. James. The real John, son of Rev. James, by his 2d wife Priscilla Mason, was b. Jan. 1667-8, m. Elizabeth Waterman, July 10, 1695, and had children Elizabeth, Miriam, Priscilla and John, and settled at Windham, where he d. May 24, 1743, being one of the earliest settlers, the second clerk, a magistrate, judge of probate, and a very prominent man in the town. Furnished by Wm, L. Weaver of Willimantio, Ct., from the record, which except the death, is in John Mason's own hand writing : 1. 3, James, Jr.,i had a 2d wife, Mrs. Alice (Bradford) Adams, wid. of Rev. Wm., and dan. of Maj. Wm. Bradford of Plymouth, Mass., where he m. May 8, 1687. He was one of the earliest and principal settlers of Canterbury, where he d. Nov. 10, 1727. Children by 2d wife, Abigail, Ebenezer, Daniel, John, Bridget, Jerusha, William, Jabez. P. 620, 1. 7, to;- 1776 read 1676. P. 620, 1. 17, for Ebenezer read EUazer, who settled in Windham, Ct. P. 621, 1. 14 and 15, Anna Theresa, James Lodwick, David Yeomans and John Moore, children of James,^ bap. Oct. 4, 1781. (W. C. R.) P. 621, 1. 25, Ens. Joseph (prob. same as this Joseph, Jr.) d. Mch. 6,' 1807, a. 76. (Why. Ch. Reo.) P. 621, 1. 26, for Olef, read Olive (Why. Ch. Rec); also his son Alexander d. Oct. 1770. Same line, Luther, had Mary Amanda, bap. Nov. 13, 1814. and his brother JnSTOS lost an. inf. Jan. 3, 1808 ; another child, Nov. 1809; another, Mch. 18, 1811, and his wife, Aug. 1821. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) ScSAN of Windsor, m. William Everett of Canton, Aug. 25, 1817. Sam- uel, m. Martha Rowell, Apl. 25, 1754, " ye groome was y:;, as far as I could learn more yn 70 years old, and ye bride near 80 ; neither of which had been married before." — Rev. Hez. Bissell. The wid. Prudence, d. Aug. 9, 1813, a. 79. John (pensioner), d. Oct. 14, 1825. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 621, 1. 27, Joseph's gravestone, discovered by the author of this history in the graveyard of the old Pres. Ch. of Woodbridge, N. J., has the following inscription : " Sacred to the memory of Mr. Joseph Fitch, Junr., son to Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Prudence Fitch of Windsor, in the county of Hartford, in Digitized by Microsoft® 64 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Connecticut, who died Sept. ye 16th, 1791, aged 26 years and 26 days. He was tlie 6th eldest son of the same name who descended from Thomas Fitch, of Braintree, Eagland." J0H.V Field, had child, bap. Feb. 2, 1789; Julia bap. Sept. 6, 1792. (E, W. C. R.) This would indicate an error in record of his birth, (page 618.) Datid T. m. Eunii;e Barber, Aug. 2, 1790. Joseph Pitch's wife, d. Sept. 4, 1748 ; Joseph Fitch's wife, d. Oct. 10, 1771 ; Joseph Fitch's wife, d. Oct. 16, 1786; Joseph, d. Mch. 29, I'Sg, a. 80; John, son of John, son of Joseph, born Feb. 12, 1706. FLINT, p. 621, 1. 31, Akchelaus, had child, bap. Oct., 19, 1766, Sept. 10, 1768, Dec, 18, 1774, May 4, 1777, May 31, 1779, Aug. 19, 1781. (E. W. C. R.) James had Fradivi or Fradiri (?) bap. July 8, 1798; one bap. Feb. 16, 1800 ; Mary, bap. Nov. 19, 1803 ; Charlotte, May 11, 1806 ; Car[oline?], June 29, 1819. (E. W. C. R.) FORWARD, p. 621, last 1., Samdel, d. Sept. 16, 1684; next page, first line, his wile d. Jnne 22, 1685. (Col. Rec.) B'OSDICK, p. 622, insert, William had William and Dorothy, bap. May 9, 1762 ; Lawrence, Sept. 18, 1763 ; Sarah, Feb. 24, 1765 ; child, bap. Feb. 8, 1767; June 25, 1769 ; June 21, 1772; Nov. 20, 1774; May 5, 1776; May, 4 1777 ; July 30, 1780. (W. C. R) FOSTER, p. 622, 1. 13, Abel (prob. son of Abel), d. Dec. 14, 1828, a. 57. Ass B. wife of Erastus, d. Aug. 30, 1832, a. 27. SoPHKONiA, dau. of Rev. Daniel, bap. by Rev. Mr. Rowland, Oct. 17, 1784. John (prob. one ment 1. 11, p. 622) had child, bap. Aug. 29, 1773 ; July 9, 1775 ; June; Oct. 1777; Jan. 31, 1779. (E. W. C. R.) Kev. Daniel m. Mrs. Elizabeth Hayden, Aug. 20, 1778. Thomas, 1., p. 622, had Annie, bap. Feb. 17, 1765 ; Feb. 25, 1767; Oct. 3, 1771. (E. W. C. R.) Thomas, p. 622, 1. 86, had child bap. Feb. 12, 1769. (E. W. C. R.) Peletiah (undoubtedly same as ment. 1. 40, p. 622) had children bap. May 19,1763; Prudence bap. Sept. 16, 1764; July 14, 1764 ; ^Sept. 27, 1767 ; Aug. 9, 1769 ; Feb. 19, 1775. (E. W. C. R.) FOWLER, p. 623, I. 13, for 1654 read 1655. (Col. Eec.) FRANCIS, p. 623, 1. 19, the W. C. R. gives Sept. 2, as date of Wm.'a marriage. The same authority gives Sept. 18, 1785, as the date of their dan. Louisa's baptism. And also adds to them child., Sally, bap. July 22, 1798, and Anna, bap. July 4, 1802. (W. C. R.) FULLER, p. 623, insert Caleb came to Middletown, Ct., from E. Windsor, by letter from ch. there. May 12, 1777. He had a family of children.— Steam's Mem. He had had a child bap. in E. W., Moh. 30, 1766. (E. W. C. R.) GAYLORD, p. 624, 1. 3, William, Jr. m. 2, Elizabeth Drake, Feb. 9, 1653, Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 65 she is meut. in his will ; Hue 5, for Jan. read June. Joseph, son of Wm. (poss. same as Josiah in text) d. May 16, 1667. (Col. Eec.) P. 624, 1. 9, for Aug. 19 read Aug. 7; 1. 15, for Aug. 9, read Aug. 19; 1. 17, for 1653, read 16.54. (Col. Reo.) P. 624, 1. 19, JoHN^ m. in 1655. The Col. Reo. seems to be equally good authority for 1653 or '55. P. 624, 1. 23, John* m. Deo. 13. (Col. Reo.) P. 624, 1. 24, for June read Jan. (Col. Reo.) P. 624, 1. 27, Nathaniel,6 had Hezekiah, b. Apl. 23, 1679. (Col. Reo.) P. 624, 1. 33, Joseph', wife Sarah, was of Farmington. (Col. Rec.) P. 625, 1. 12, Eliakim12, Hinsdale in N. S. R., says, "Elizabeth, wife of Eliakim Gaylord, d. Sept. 21, 1776, of ye fatal dysentery," and of the same disease, " widow Elizabeth Gaylord d.. Sept 2, 1776." • P. 625, 1. 33. "Died, in Hopewell, N. Y., on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1860, Rev. Flavel Stebeins Gatloed, in the 65th year of his age. He was a sou of Rev. Nathaniel Gaylord, who was pastor of the Cong. Church in Hartford, Conn., more than fifty years. He was born August 22d, 1795, and graduated at Williams College, Mass., in 1816, and from the Andover Theological Sem- inary in 1822. His first settlement in the ministry of the Presbyterian Church was in Gorham, N. Y., where he continued ten years. He then taught the Academy in Prattsburgh, N. Y., nine years, preaching also, as there was occasion, in the vicinity ; after which he was again settled in the ministry seven years in Naples, N. Y. For the last seven years he has had charge of the church in Hopewell. During his ministry of almost forty years, he has been most highly respected. He preached for the last time on Sunday, January 22d, and was the next day prostrated by paralysis, and continued in a dis- abled and doubtful state till February 8th, when he rapidly sunk to his rest. — N. Y. Evangelist. P. 625, 1. 35, for 1773, read 1783. This Flavia, m. Samuel Hale, Jr., of Suffield, April 28, 1806. P. 625, 1. 36, Eleazee, m. Hannah Haskell ; had Frances, bap. Aug. 11, 1822 ; Eleazer, May 30, 1S23 ; Ebenezer, bap. June 30, 1826; Flavel, bap. Sept. 16, 1827, (W. C. R.) Maey, m. Benj. Loomis, Jr., Feb. 21, 1805. Elijah, m. Margaret Taylor dau. of Ruth, dau. of John, son of John Stiles the ancestor. (Pres. Stiles MSS.) Betsey, m. Luke Fish, Nov. 10, 1803. From Col. Rec— The wife of Samuel, d. May 2, 1680. Samuel, son of Nathaniel, d. June 21, 1690. John (see John^?), had Thomas and Joseph, b June 20, 1690. From Why. Ch. iJcc— Ethemub of W., m. Lydia Pettibone, Dec. 4, 1800 ; John, of W.,m. Sarah Pinney of Simsbury, June 6, 1804. John, m. Mary , had John, bap. Aug. 2, 1777 ; Betsey, bap. Deo. 11, 1792. (N. S. R.) 9 Digitized by Microsoft® 66 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOE. For obituary notice of Dea. Wm. Gatloed's wife see Conn. Courant, No. 213, Deo. 25, 1770. Joseph, d. March 19, 1761. (N. S. R.) Alexander (prob. the one on 1. 27, p. 626), had four children bap. April 23, 1820. (E W, C. R.) GIBBS, p. 627, 1. 23, Miriam, who m. Josiah Bissell, was b. Dec. 2, 1681. (Col. Rec.) P. 628, Stephen and Charity, had Samuel, Rufus and Charity, bap. March, 1765 ; Levi, bap. May 27, 1778, d. 28th June following; Benjamin (a. 14), bap, Aug. 17, 1783. (N. S. R.) Stephen, had children bap. Nov. 29, 1778 ; Sept. 1779 ; Sept. 17, 1780 ; 3 bap. Sept. 6, 1789 ; Feb. 21, 1790 ; Feb. 10, 1793, and Elizabeth, April 20, 1794. (E. W. C. R.) Benjamin and Charlotte, had Levi, bap. Nov. 11, 1792. James, m. Almena Colgrove, Feb. 8, 1813. GILLET, p. 628, 1. 27, Nathan, Sr., d. Sept. 15, 1689; his dau. Rebecca, d. July 13, 1655 ; his son Nathan, Jr., b. Aug. 17 ; his sou Benjamin, d. July 13, 1655. (Col. Rec.) P. 629, 1 16, Cornelius, Jr., d. Sept. 6, 1746 ; his son Cornelius, b. 1693; d. Oct. 23, 1758, a. about 67yrs. P. 629, 1. 20, this Stephen had also Asaph, bap. Feb. 15, 1741 ; d. Oct. 1741 ; Stephen, bap. Oct. 24, 1742 ; d. July 14, 1745 ; Anne, bap. Aug. 4, 1745 j his first son Stephen, d. Oct. 23, 1741. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 630, 1. 38, Fkahcis B. m. W. A. Baker, Dec. 7, 1840. Elizabeth Geis- woLD Gillett and her sister Eunice, bap. Sept. 30, 1798. (W. C. R.) P. 631, 1. 3, Jonathan, Jr.^ had also Jonathan, b. Oct. 15, 1685. (Col. Rec.) P. 631, 1. 12, Jonah, had Rebecca, bap. March 26, 1738 ; Tryphena, bap Aug. 17, 1740 ; Simeon, bap. Oct. 23, 1743 ; Mercy, bap. Feb. 24, 1746 ; Lucy,' bap. Jan. 20, 1751. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 631, 1. 19, for Lovie read Lois. P. 631, 1. 21, JoEL», had also Joel, bap. Oct. 3, d. Oct. 4, 1738 ; Abner, bap. Dec. 6, 1741; Moses, bap. Nov. 27, 1743. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 632, 1. 7, for Nov. 2, read Nov. 20. (Col. Rec.) P. 632, 1. 8, Jonathan, b. 1669, d. June 3, 1686. (Col. Rec.) P. 632, 1. 12, for Barker read Barber. (Col. Rec.) P. 633, 1. 1, Thos. b. 1676 ; is prob. same one who d. Feb. 28, 1762, in 87th yr. P. 633, 1. 9, for 1776 read 1676 ; Joanna, b. 1680; d. Aug. 11, 1683 ; next 1. for 1682 read 1683, and for June 28 read Oct. 15. (Col. Reo.) P. 633, 1. 15, Jonathan, had also Ruth, bap. Aug. 6, 1739. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 633, 1. 17, it was prob. this Simeon who m. Rebecca Andrns, May 20 1762, and had Rebecca, bap. Sept. 4, 1762. (Wby, Ch. Rec.) P. 633, 1. 18, it was prob. this Stephen who m. Ruth Case, Apl. 30 1778 Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 67 and had Ruth, bap. June 7, 1779 ; Rachel, bap. Sept. 23, 1781 ; Stephen, bap. Aug. 31, 1783. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 633, 1. IS, it was prob. this Thomas who m. Hannah Drake, Sept. 12, 1776, and had Hannah, bap. June 15, 1777; Thomas, bap. Aug. 29, 1779 ; Jesse, bap. June 3, 1781. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 633, 1. 20, Amos, m. Susannah Webster, Feb. 23, 1764, who d. Feb. 24, 1820, a. 77 ; had Susannah, bap. Deo. 30, 1764, d. Dec. 22, 1770 ; Huldah, bap. May 3, 1767 ; Rockee, bap. Moh, 19, 1769 ; Susannah, bap. July 28, 1771 ; Amos, bap. Mcli. 13, 1774 ; Jonathan, bap. Feb. 28, 1777 ; Mary, bap. June 13, 1779. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 633, 1. 20, Jonathan, 3d, had also Rosanna, bap. Oct. 18, 1741 ; Abigail, bap. Mch. 30, 1746, d. Feb. 25, 1752; Stephen, d. same day, a. about 3 yr. 8 mo.; Thomas, bap. Oct. 9, 1747; Stephen, bap. May 13, 1753; Abigail, bap. Nov. 2, 1755; Luoina bap. Apl. 9, 1757; Asa, bap. Sept, IG, 1759. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 633, 1. 21, Lt. Jonathan (prob. same) m. 1, Abigail , who d. Apl. 23, 1758, a. 39 yr., 6 mo.; m. 2, wid. Rachel Goodrich, Apl. 26, 1759; she d. Aug. 11, 1798, a. 61 ; Nov. 29, 1761, bap. R«chel and Ruth, twins ; Ruth d. Oct. 1, and Rachel d. Oct. 4, 1776. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 633, 1. 26, add to Almerin's famUy Charlotte, bap. July 26, 1807. (W. C. R.) Jonah, Jr.,m. Sarah Goodrich, Nov. 9, 1752; Sarah, bap. July 1, 1753 ; Levi, bap. Oct. 13, 1754 ; Jonah, bap. April 17, 1757 ; Aaron, bap. Jan. 14, 1769; George, bap. Dec. 28, 1760; Elizabeth, bap. April 3, 1763. Capt. Jonah (prob. the same) had Chloe, bap. May 13, 1770 ; Nance, bap. Sune 20, 1773. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Jonah, Jr.,m. Wid. Eunice Whiton, Jan. 30, 1787; Jonah, bap. Oct. 20, 1793, also Elizabeth, Susannah, Dana, Chloe, Polly, Sally,"Nancy, bap. Aug. 30, 1795. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Amos, Jr., m. Mitty Hubbard, Mch. 9, 1797, and had Mitty, died ; January 30, 1823, a. 24 ; Amos Hubbard, Fanny, Clarissa, William Augustus, bap. Apl. 22, 1810. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) From Col. Rec. — Josia, m. Hannah Taintor, June 30, 1676 ; their dau. Jo- hanna, b. 1680, d. Aug. 11, 1683 ; Elizabeth, b. 1682-3. John, had Mercy, b. Jan. 31, 1682. Mercy, m. George Norton of Southfield (Suffield?), June 14, 1683. Wid. Mary, d. Jan. 5, 1685. From Wby. Ch. Rec. — Asa, m Violet Case, Feb. 1, 1778, and had "Violet, bap. July 19, 1778 ; Frederick, bap. Apl. 2, 1780. Jacob, m. Huldah Filley, Oct. 29, 1806. Children : Huldah, bap. Dec. 25, 1808; Jacob Mills, bap. Apl. 22, 1810; Rachel, bap. Deo. 1, 1811; Jason, bap. May 8, 1814; Watson bap. June 23, 1816. JcsTus, had Justus Pennoyer, Anson Center, Norman Hubbard, Sylvia Permela, bap. Sept. 3, 1815 ; Edward, bap. Nov. 5, 1820 ; Simeon, bap. Oct. 13, 1822; Flavia Eliza, bap. May 21, 1826. Digitized by Microsoft® 68 • HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. Stlvesteb, had Sybil Lavinia, bap. .June 23, 1816; Susan Merrilla, bap. Nov. 9, 1817. Levi, had Joab, bap. Got. 16, 1786. Wid. Anne, prob. wid. Stephen, m. Mr. Isaac Fosbury of Sheffield, Sept. 11, 1750. Elizabeth, m. Ezra Kent of Suffield, Nov. 8, 1750. Hannah, m. Wm. Shepard of Hartford, Mch. 28, 1754. Eoxice, m. David Ives of Goshen, Feb., 1761. Agnes, m. Asahel Smith of Suffield, June 28, 1763. Lucy, m. David Lane of Suffield, Dec. 26, 1770. Ldct, m. Seth Talcott, Feb. 14, 1788. Mekct, m. John Wells, Jr., of Johnstown, Jan. 1, 1798. Susakhah, m. Harry McClcUan, Dec. 21, 1808. Sally, m. Henry Goodrich of Barkham- Btead, Nov. 8, 1810. Mary, m. Diodate Taylor of Hartford,- June 5, 1817. Betsy, m. Nathan N. Parsons of New Hartford, May 16, 1827. Amos, Senr., ra. Miriam Brown, Apl. 29, 1824. Benjamin's wife, d. Apl. 15, 1751, a. about 23. Capt. Jonah, d. Mch. 14, 1792, in 64 yr. Elizabeth, wife of Jonah, d. May 28, 1753, a. about 44. Jonah, d. Sept. 18, 1825, a. 69, and his wid. d. Dec. 30, 1825, a. 61. Sgt. JoKAH, d. May 21, 1782, a. 79. Elizabeth, wife of Jonah, Jr., d. July .30, 1786, in 23d yr. Wife of Jcnah, d. May 30, 1797, a. about 30. Wid. De- borah, d. Sept. 29, 1753, a. about 74. Wid. Maky (mother-in-law to John Burr), d. Jan. 4, 1755, a. about 82. Thomas, son of Thomas, d. Aug. 9, 1779, a. 9 d. Daniel, drowned Jan. 2, 1761, in a mill-pond, a. about 18. Mary, dau. of Jonathan, d. Oct. 17, 1807, a. 5 yr. CnAnNCEY, d. Jan. 1818. Ches- ter, d. Oct. 31, 1821, a. 23. Ashbel, d. Mch. 16, 1823. Capt. Justus, d. Oct. 17, 1825, a. 42. Miriam, wife of Amos, d. Nov. 15, 1828, a. 74. Be- thuel's wife, d. Nov. 25, 1829, a. 28. Capt. Amos, d. Apl. 4, 1830. Wid. Abel, d. July 9, 1830. Samuel, d. Oct. 1819. Joel's wife, d. Mch. 10, 1795, middle aged. Ashbel, had a dau., d. Sept. 30, 1803, a. 4 yr., and child, d. Sept. 1795, a. 1. Aaron, d. Jan. 25, 1804, a. 45. Wid. Esther, d. Feb. 24, 1804, a. 95. Abel, d. Nov. 22, 1807, a. 63. Betsy, wife of Jonathan, d. Oct. 25, 1804, a. 22. Capt. Jonathan, had Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 26, 1764; Deborah, bap. May 18, 1766; Lucy, bap. July 10, 1768; Wealthyann, bap. Aug. 26, 1770; Mary, bap. May 2, 1773; Jonathan, bap. July 27, 1777; David, bap. Oct. 10, 1779; Jacob, bap. Aug. 28, 1785. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Julia, m. Wm. Perkins, Nov. 8, 1826. {W. C. R.) Benjamin, had children bap. June 10, 1771; May 16, 1773; Oct.1776; Dec. 20, 1778; Dec. 24, 1780; Sept. 15, 1782; May 23, 1784; June 18, 1786; Jerusha, bap. Oct. 31, 1790; Eli, bap. June 3, 1792. (E. W. C. R.) Benjamin, Jr., had Sarah, June 12, 1814; children bap. July 14,1816; Seth, May 15, 1825 ; May 6, 1827 ; Re , Oct. 4, 1829. (E. W. C. R.) Levi, had Levi, bap. May, 1781. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Asa, had Asa, bap. Aug. 25, 1782 ; Jemmy bap. June 26, 1785. (Why. Ch. Rec.) Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 69 GILMAN, p. 634, 1. 11, Benjamin had , tap. Apl. 15, 1787; Henry, Feb. 6, 1791. (E. W. C. R.) GLEASON, p, 634, Phineas, (E. W.) m. Catharine Wolfe, Aug. 29, 1816. (W. C. K.) GOKF, David, had EUenor, Sept. 11, 1762; Savah, bap. July 22, 1764; Betty, bap. Nov. 2, 1766. (Why. Ch. Rec) GOODRICH, .Jacob, d. and was buried at Wethersfleld, Nov. 1745, a. 52 (perhaps). (Why. Ch. Rec.) P. 634, 1. 22, Jacob's birth, according to R. MSS., " Feb. 26." His father Stephen, d. July 20, 1758, in 28th yr. (Why. Ch. Reo.) Seth, d. May 5, 1828, a. 45. Stephen, also had Stephen, bap. Apl. 10, 1757. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 634, 1. 23, Elijah, who m. Margery Gillett, 1752, had (besides those given in the text) Elijah, b. Jan. 2, 1764; John, bap. Dec. 28, 1755; Jere- miah, bap. Aug. 7, 1757; Jesse, bap. Oct. 8, 1759 ; Solomon, bap. Oct. 11, 1761. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) Seth, had Hannah, bap. July 30, 1780; Elizabeth, bap. Dec. 9, 1781. (Why. Ch. Reo.) From Wby. Ch. Rec. — Isaac, m. Sarah Moses, Jan. 12, 1756. Daniel, m. Zeruiah Moses, Feb. 6, 1759. Simeon, who d. .Tune 5, 1785, had Ruth, bap. Nov. 9, 1777 ; Luther, bap. Feb. 9, 1781. Benjamin, m. Caudace Bidwell, Nov. 27, 1794. Wid. Sarah, d. April 4, 1803, in 72 yr. GOODWIN, p. 634, James, m. Hannah Mather, Mch. 10, 1783. GRAHAM, p. 634, 1. 33, Eli.sha, m. Anna Humphrey, June 20, 1754. (R. MSS.) GRANT, p. 635, Matthew Geant's Family Record (from his MSS. Note Book), furnished by the Hon. J. Hammond Trumbull of Hartford, Conn. " Matthew Graunt was married to his first wife Prissilla, in the year 1625, Nov. 16. She died in the yeare 1644, April 27, being 43 year of age and 2 months. Children — Prissilla Graunt, was borne in the yeare 1626, September 14; Samuel Graunt was borne in the yeare 1631, Nouember 12; Tahau Graunt was borne in the yeare 1633, Februarie 3 ; John Graunt was borne in the yeare 1642, April 30. " May the 29, 1645, Matthew Graunt and Snsanna [wid. of William Rockwell] ware maried. Matthew Graunt was then three and forty years of age, seven months and eighteen dayes; borne in the yeare 1601, October 27, Tuesdaye. Susanna Graunt was then three and forty years of age, seven weeks and 4 days ; torne in the yeare 1602, April the 5, Monday. Children of Susanna by her first husband — Joan Rockwell was borne in the yeare 1625, Aprell the 25 ; John Rockwell was borne in the yeare 1627, July the 18 ; Samuel Rockwell was borne in the yeare 1631, March the 28 ; Sara Rockwell was borne in the yeare 1638, July the 24. " Nouember 14, 1666, my wife Susanna died, being aged 64 years and i, 5 weeks and 4 dayes, and since shee and I maried is 21 year, 24 weeks." Digitized by Microsoft® 70 HISTOET OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. P. 635, 1. 18, for 1847 read 1647. P. 635, 1. 20, Samuel, Jr. (6. W.), had Hannah, h. Sept. 2, 1684. (Col. Reo.) P. 635, 1. 28, Tahan, m. Hannah Bissell, prob. in 1690. (Col. Rec.) P. 635, 1. 34, John, son of John,* b. dot. 20, 1671, and Mary b. 1674. The said early John, Jr., d. May 17, 1686. (Col. Reo.) David (of Wby.), d. June 14, 1748. P. G36, 1. 12, Mattliew,' m. Oct. 29 ; John, d. July 22, 1684. (Col. Reo.) P. 636, JoHN,6 had son, bap. 1690-91. (Col. Rec.) P. 636, 1. 37, Capt., afterwards Col. Roswell, had Ebenezer, bap. Feb. 18, 1789 ; Henrietta, bap. Feb. 22, 1789 ; Ann, bap. Mch, 29, 1789 ; and children bap. Mch. 21, 1790 ; May 20, 1792 ; Apl. 6, 1794 ; May 27, 1798. P. 637, 1. 10, AsHBEL,i» who d. June 29, 1774, m. Elizabeth Chapman, Mch. 29, 1764, who d. May 10, 1772. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) This also correota item on 1. 25. From E. W. C. R. — Aakon, had Reuben, bap. Aug, 28, 1763, and children bap. June 20, 1765 ; June 20, 1767 ; Jan. 1, 1769 ; Sept. 20, 1771 ; Feb. 20, 1774. Aakon, Jr., had children bap. Aug. 16, 1784 ; July 23, 1786 ; Aug. 10, 1788 ; Pitkin, Oct. 17, 1790 ; Aaron, Dec. 11, 1791; Hannah, May 18, 1794; Lucy, Dec. 24, 1797 ; Ha , June 29, 1800, and Samuel, Nov. 28, 1802. Samuel Rockwell, had Tliomas, bap. May 13, 1764. AzAKiAH, Jr., had a child bap. Sept. 26, 1775. EnmoE, had a child bap. Deo. 5, 1776 ; Lucretia, had children bap. April' 24, 1785 ; Samuel, had a child bap. July 10, 1774; Oliver, had Orrin, bap. Feb. 19, 1804 ; Davtd, had Abner, bap. Mch. 2, 1794 ; Alfred, had , bap. Nov. 17, 1805. P. 637, the whole paragraph, commencing on 1. 15, is a tissue of errors. Matthew of E. W. is evidently not Matthew'. Lusina's bap. is given in K. W. C. R as Apl. 3, 1763, which does not agree well with her death in 1762. Daniel and Matthew, on line 19, are evidently out of place in this family. E. W. C. R. also give Matthew of E. W. (the father), children, bap. July 28, 1765, ^ndMay 11, 1768. P. 637, 1. 35, Edward Chapman had EUet, bap. Apl. 28, 1762 ; Sept. 26, 1771. (E. W. C. R.) Epaphras, had Frances Maria, bap. May 22, 1825, and , bap. July 30, 1826. Gideon (prob. the same ment. on 1. 24, p. 638), had child, bap. Nov. 22, 1761 ; Hezekiah, July 17, 1763 ; , May 5, 1765. David, had David Wad.'iworth, bap. June 24, 1798 ; Rhoda Emma, bap. Sept. 28, 1806. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Jonathan, had Jonathan Baxter, bap. Nov. 25, 1810 ; Mary Fields, bap. July 4, 1818 ; Johnson Keyes, bap. Nov. 13, 1814 ; Susanna, bap. May 4, 1817 ; Sophrouia, bap. Aug. 8, 1819. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 71 Jonah, m. Sarah Griswold (both of Wintonbury), Oct. 9, 1752, had , b. Jan. 31, 1753; Mrs. Gillet, d. May 28, 1753, hem. 2, Esther Filley, Oct 10, 1754. (R. MSS.) Ehoi>a Emma, m. Asahel C. Washburn of Royalton, Vt., 1828. (Why. Ch, Rec.) Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Cadwell, Deo. 20, 1753 ; had , b. Nov. 7, 1754 (R. MSS.") Abisail and Stephen, of Why, " drowned, Feb. 25, 1752." The wid. Gil let, d. Sept. 29, 1753. (R. MSS.) Rhoda, d. Nov. 12, 1829, a. 62. Wid. Elizabeth, d. Sept. 30, 1807, a. 63. Ens. David (prob. David,'^ p 636) wife, d. Nov. 2, 1775, in 72 yr. He d. Dec. 27, 1791, in 90 yr. They lost an inf. son, Feb. 3, 1793, and a still bora child, Oct. 26, 1794. GRAY, William, m. Annie Fosbury, Dec. 8, 1777. (Why. Ch. Rec.) GREEN, p. 638, third line from bottom, Joel's gravestone says, he d. Aug. 26, 1813, a. 62, which makes his birth in 1751 or '52 ; his wid. Sally, d. Sept. 5, 1833, a. 73. Joel, had children bap. Mch. 18, 1781 ; Sept. 15, 1782. (E. W. C. R.) Harriet, m. Moses Casey, Nov. 28. (W. C. R.) GRIFFIN, p. 639, 1. 32, Alfred and Fanny, had a dau. Sally, who d. Dec. 23, 1829, a. 2 yr. Milton, d. Jan. 8, 1819, in 25 yr. GRIMES, p. 639, insert, Elisha, m. Anne Humphrey, June 20, 1754. (Why. Ch. Rec.) GRISWOLD, p. 640, 1. 15, from Col. Rec, for jlnn read Jinna. P. 640, 1. 18, Joseph, bap. Mch. 12 or 22, the latter prob. correct. P. 640, 1. 19, John, bap. Aug. 1. P. 640, 1. 34, George,2 m. Oct. 3, 1655. P. 641, 1. 8, for July 14, read July 10. P. 641, 1. 31, a Daniel s. of Daniel, d. Mch., 1684-5. Can this be Daniel" ? (Col. Rec.) P. 641, I. 38, among children of Thomas,' insert Samuel, b. Dec. 15, 1684. Corrections furnished by Henry Bright, Esq., of Northampton, Mass. — P. 641, 1. 30, JoHN,2i year of birth, 1703. P. 642, 1. 35, Bathseba, 6., should be d. P. 643, 1. 3, the date of Samuel's birth should be 1720. P. 643, 1. 26, for Man read a dau. P. 643, 1. 30, Nathaniel, b. 1742, is prob. same one who had Friend, bap. June 10, 1764 ; Agnes, bap. Sept. 29, 1765. He then lived in Poquonnoc. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 643, 1. 33, David,'" m. Huldah Brown, Dec. 23, 1731. He died Aug. 1, 1760. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 643, 1. second from bottom, Capt. Thomas,^' was m. in 1728, instead of 1725. P. 643, 1. 36, date of Asinah's birth should be 1751. (Wby Ch. Rec.) Digitized by Microsoft® 72 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOE. P. 644, 2d line from bottom, Capt. Benjamin,'^ was m. 22d July; and. Bhe d. in 1776. P. 645, 1, 7, Moses,25 and wife buried in old Poq. burying ground, had Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 26, 1759. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 645, 1. 12, Phubal,3* also had dau. Phebe, b. Sept. 14, 1719. P. 645, 1. 16, for 1837, read 1737. ' P. 647, 1. 1, for Jedidah, read Jedidiah. P. 647, 1. 5, date of Mary's birth tkould be Aug. 28. P. 647, line 20, for Simon, read Simeon. P. 648, Abiel,*' strike out all said about his second and third wives, as they belonged to Abiel, son of George, Jr.*' Dridania should be Diadema. I believe Abiel,^' had a second wife, Rebecca, who d. April 12, 1819, a. 48. My original memoranda says AbieP' committed suicide. P. 648, 1. 18, Seneca, positively the son of Abiel Buckland, was b. July 21, 1801. Abiel Buckland's other children were Mary, m. a Cpok; Jane, m. Bushrod Clark ; Julia, m. the same Bushrod Clark ; More, m. near Hartford. P. 648, 1. 38, for 2d and 3d wives of Geokge, Jr.,^i see note above. P. 649, 1. 29, the date of marriage should be 1789. P. 649, 1. 30, the date of her death should be 1847. P. 650, 1. 22, for Frederica Elvira, read Fredonia Elvira. P. 650, 1. 26, for Casmer, read Casimir. P, 650, 1. 24, Leonora Fredonia, was b. Nov. 1st. P. 650, 1. 44, Elias of Poquonnoo, had also , d. Dec. 12, 1803, a. 3 yr.; his son Erastus Fitch, b. 1779, d. Oct. 12, 1807; also a child, who d. Nov. 11, 1793, while on a visit at Wby. P. 650, last line, for None read Nona . Rhoda, m. Joshua Abby of Enfield, May 3, 1827. (W. C. R.) Olive H., m. Roland S. Pox of E. H'tt'd, Sept. 9, 1840. (W. C. R.) Daniel E., m. Eliz P. Baker, Nov. 16, 1842. (W. C. R.) Isaac P., m. Cynthia M. Hillyei, Apl. 7, 1841. (W. C. R.) John E., m. Caroline Griswold, Nov. 5, 1832. (W. C. R.) LnciA Ann, m. Cadwell Strickland, of Simsbury, July 29,. 1834. ( W. C. R.) Marcos, m. Martha Holcomb of Granby, Feb. 15, 1827. (W. C. R.) Mehitable, m. Henry W. Miner of Vernon, Apl. 11, 1827. (W. C. R.) EuzABETH, m. Chas. Hollister, May 1, 1828. (W. C. R.) Gatlokd, m. Mary Hooker, Aug. 3, 1796. Erastus, m. Charlotte Pinney, Jan. 10, 1809. William, m. Case of Simsbary, Sept. 8, 1814. (W. C. R.) Owen, m. Soper, Deo. 26, 1814. (W. C. R.) Gut, m. Elizabeth Marshall, July 2, 1818. (W. C. R.) Joel, m. Mary Evans, May 11, 1758. Elijah, m. Sarah Thrall, Oct. 1806. From Poquonnoc New Burying Ground. — Elijah, above named, d. Apl. 26, 1835, a. 56 ; his wife Sarah, d. Nov. 14, 1834, a. 63. Eunice, their dau., d. Oct. 22, 1845, a. 25. Elijah, Jr. (prob. their son), d. Nov. 26, 1840, a. 34; an inf. dau., d. Jan. 10, 1813, a. 13 days. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 73 U. Elijah, d. Apl. 12, 1826, a. 76, ancl liis wife Eleanor, d. Aug. 18, 1830, a. 85. Elisha, d. June 22, 1842, a. 30 ; Edwin T., d. Nov. 30, 1840, a. 26. Orisen, d. Sept. 28, 1855, a, 70 ; by bis wife Selma, be bad James Ethel- bert; d. Apl. 20, 1854, a. 14 yr. ; Hector Abiel, d. Apl. 15, 1844, a. 18 ; James W., d. Mch. 20, 1836, a. 3 yr.; Everett, d. Mdi. 27, 1836, a. 2 mo ; Nathan S.. d. Mob. 30, 1853, a. 31 ; bis dan. (by wife Clarinda H.) Emma P., d. Deo. 30, 1848, a. 6 mo., 13 d.; John, d. May 18, 1815, a. 38 ; bis wife Mary, d. Dec. 8, 1834, a. 56, and son, Abiel Woleott, d. Jan. 9, 1817, a. 3 yr.; Edward W.. d. Feb. 27, 1845, a. 62; his wife Harriet, d. Aag. 26, 1832, a. 49 ; tbeir dau. Elizabeth (wife of Wm. S. Loomis), d. Feb. 27, 1847, a. 27; Samuel B., d. Aug. 29, 1853, a. 24 ; Bradford, d. Sept. 3, 1855, a. 59 ; his wife Sophia, d. Aug. 25, 1854, a. 68; Friend, d. Feb. 4, 1831, a. 67, bis dau. (by wife Dolly), Allissa, d. Feb. 4, 1833, a. 44; Bridgman, d. Oct. 9, 1836, a. 45 ; his wife Hannah, d. Aug. 4, 1829, a. 39 ; Mahshall B., son of Bridg- man and Maria, d. Jan. 1, 1842, a. 4 yr. 9 mo.; Abigail, wife of Nathaniel, d. Apl. 26, 1820, a. 73 ; Giles (see Giles, 1. 7, p. 647), d. Dec. 13, 1850, a. 53 ; Levi, d. Mch. 19, 1844, a. 75 ; his wife Azubah, d. June 18, 1841, a. 66; Benjamin, d. May 25, 1823, a. 57; his wife Sally, d. July, 1811, a. 43; Martha, of Marcus, d. Aug. 30, 1846, a. 42; Richard P., d. Jan. 19, 1842, a. 4 yr. 10 mo.; Stlvia, of Warham and Sylvia, d. Deo. 12, 1840, a. 2; Lothrop and Jennette's dau. Ada Eliza, d. Apl. 8, 1857, a. 2 ; George M. Griswold, d. July 18, 1853, a. 31; his son Charles A. (by wife Emily), d. July 4, 1853, a. 2yr., 6 mo.; Phineas, d. Sept. 18, 1829, a. 47; Giles, d. Dec. 13, 1850, a. 53 ; his son Gatlord B. (by Charlotte), d. July 10, 1846, a. 11 ; Alfred, d. Sept 28, 1826, a. 26. Poquonnoc Old Burying Ground. — Grove and Tirzah, children of Nathaniel and Abigail, d. June 11, 1771, a. 3 days. Francis, d. Nov. 9, 1796, iu 78tb yr.; his wife Keziah, d. Dec. 28, 1798, in 75 yr. Anne, wife of Joab, d. May 28, 1799, in 28th yr. Bloomfield Burying Ground. — Capt. William, d. May 10, 1830, a. 55 ; wf. Anna, d. Feb. 7, 1813, a. 36. Children : Erastus Wolcot, d. Apl. 1, 1807, a, 5 ; William Pomeroy, d. Apl. 10, 1S07, a. 10; Anna Maria, d. Mob. 10, 1811. a. 14 ; Mary Anna, d. Apl. 14, 1812, a. 2 ; Capt. Edward, d. Feb. 22, 1785, a. 66 ; Edward, d. Mch. 27, 1788, in 80. From Why. Ch. Rec. — Jonah, ru. Oct. 9, 1746, to Ruth Barnett ; had Ruth, bap. Mob. 11, 1750; Ann, bap. May 9, 1757. Joel, who d. Feb. 3, 1814, a. 80, m. Mary Evans, May 11, 1758; had Joel, bap. Nov. 5, 1758 ; Elijah, bap. July 22, d. 23, 1761 ; Elijah, bap. Aug. 22, 1762; Mary, bap. Dec. 2, 1764; Luther, bap. Sept. 28, 1766; Rufus and Eleanor (twins), bap. Sept. 1769 ; Eleanor, d. Nov. 28, 1776 ; Rebecca, bap. May 3, 1772 ; Ralph, bap. Apl. 30, 1775. Noah of Poq., bad Elisha, bap. Dec. 23, 1757. Noah, Jr. of Poq., had Aurelia, bap. June 23, 1765 ; Frederick, bap. Apl. 26, 1766 ; Noah, bap. 10 Digitized by Microsoft® 74 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. Sept. 15, 1771; Zuba, bap. May 14, 1775. Edwakd of Poq., had Simeon, bap. Aug. 25, 1765. Deborah, m. William Watson, Oct. 30, 1768. Solomon, m Abiah AUyn, Apl. 27, 1780. Friend, m. Dorothy Waller, Moh. 12, 1787. Ariel of Poq., m. wid. Rebecca Phelps, May 13, 1802. Lydia, m. Asahel Bliss of Canton, June 7, 1810. Ekastus, d. Apl. 1821 ; wid. Eebecca, d. Apl. 12, 1819. Wid. Hdldah, d. June 4, 1785, a. 73. Frederick, d. Nov. 1829. Pamela, d. Oct. 14, 1825, a. 21. Joel, d. Apl. 11, 1811, a. 84. From Col. Rec. — Hannah, m. Jonas Westover, Nov. 19, 1663. Daniel, son of Daniel, d. Mch, 1684^5. Joseph, d. Jan. 6, 1673, a. 23 yr. Miscellaneous. — Esther, b. Mch. 1, 1695-6; Daniel, d. Moh. 1684^5. Ann, b. Mch. 20, 1718. GUNN, p. 651, I. 9. Col. Rec. appear to give date of Elizabeth's b. as 1649. She d. Jan. 3. 1655. Deborah, was bap. on date given. HAKES, p. 651, 1. 13, John, son of John, was b. Aug. 10. (Col. Rec.) P. 651, 1. 19, for Aug. 12, 1659, Col. Rec. give Sept. 29, 1657. HALL, p. 651, 1. 20, Timothy, m. Sarah Barber, Nov. 26, 1663, and had Sarah, b. Aug. 9, 1665. (Col. Rec.) P. 651, Daniel's wife had a child, bap. Jan. 1, 1775 ; he had a child, bap. Nov. 16, 1777. (E. W. C. R.) HALLIDAY, p. 651, insert Jonah, m. Mary Rowel, Nov. 21, 1781. HALSEY, p. 651, James, m. &ziah Ellsworth, Oct. 10, 1811 ; Helen T., m. James Buckit, Oct. 12, 1836. (W. C. R.) Philip (1. 27) , had Philip, bap. July 6, 1783, and James L., bap. Sept. 2, 1787. (W. C. R.) HAMLIN, p. 651, Harper, m. Mary Fox, Feb. 25, 1779. HASKELL, p. 652, 1. 27, (Hon.) Eli B.,i d. in Toledo, 0., Aug. 20, I86I1 in 83d yr.; John, m. Polly Allen, Dec. 7, 1808. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) HAWKES, p. 653, evidently same as Hakes, p. 651. HAWKINS, p. 653, 1. 4, Isabel, wife of Anthony, d. July 12, 1655. (Col. Rec.) HAYDEN, p. 653, 1. 33, William's (the emigrant) wife, d. July 17, 1655. (Col. Rec.) P. 654, 1. 31, for 1637, read 1737. . P. 654, 1. 34, according to N. S. R., Anna, m. Daniel Dibble of Parmington, Nov. 17, 1768. P. 654, last 1., for 1837, read 1737. P. 655, 1. 15, the date 1741-2 here, is an obvious error. P. 655, 1. 29, Tbomas,« was m. Nov. 19, 1767. (N. S. R.) P. 655, I. 31, Chester, d. Sept. 17, 1777. (N. S. R.) P. 656,1. 1, tor Mtumia,Tea,iMmira. (N. S. E.) P. 656, 1. 20, (ovNathan, read (according to N. S. R.) Nathaniel. P. 657, 1. 6, Norman, bap. Aug. 13, 1786; Arabella, bap. Deo. 28, 1793, (W. C. R.); Sidney Prior, bap. 1797. ' Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 75 P. 657, 1. 6, N. S. R. /ays, " Rosanna, dau. of Ebenezer, Jr., and Rosanna, bap. July, 1784." P. 657, line 7, Elvira was -bap. May 1, 1791. P. 657, 1. 10, the following large and valuable addition to the Hayden genealogy is owing to the zealous labor of Mrs. Matthew Patterson of Dansville, N. Y., and the coBperation of D. Williams Patterson of W. Winsted, Conn. The arrangement is our own. David,^ of Newington, not Harwinton, m. Jemima (dau. of William, see p. 600. 1. 18,) Ellsworth, and d. near Angelica, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1813 She d. at Painted Post, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1828, a. (85, according to her gravestone, but ■really) 86. DavidSi (see 1. 23, p. 660, Hist, and Gmtal.of Windsor, a.), had children: I. William Ellsworth, b. June 3, 1799, m. Eunice Jacobs, moved to Wis- consin. Mrs. Wm. E. Hayden, d. Aug. 3, 1839, had (1) Eliza, b. at Post Town, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1800, m. Elijah Dickson of Erie, N. Y., 1823 ; Issue, Gleason Fillmore, Millard Fillmore, Susannah, Elizabeth, Minerva, Angelica, Barnett Hayden; Edward, George White, Ann Eliza, deceased. This family live in Pulaski, Mich., whither they removed from Williamsville, N. Y. (2) Nancy, b. Aug. 7, 1802, m. Joseph Rice of Angelica, N. Y., removed to Chester, Ohio, where shed. 1839. (3) Sophia. (4) Perry. (5) Walker. (6) Jemima. II. Matilda Ann, b. Feb. 18, 1805, m. Lymau Hitchcock, 1840, in Paines- ville, Ohio, mechanic, no issue. Mrs. H. was the first white child b. on Church's Purchase, near Angelica, N. Y. III. Lyman Munson, b. Apl. 9, 1807, d. near Dansville village, 1838, of quick consumption ; was a millwright, unmarried. IV. Olive, b. Sept. 28, 1809, m. Dr. Stephen Matthews of Painted Post, now lives at Candor, N. Y. No issue. V. David Napoleon, b. Aug. 15, 1810, m. Miss Rice of Angelica, 1831, had .one child, removed to Iowa, on the Desmolnes river, 1832. Jemima (incorrectly given in the Hist, as /er««Aa), b. Feb. 25, 1764, m. at Newington, Ct., Apl. 10, 1785, Ichabod Patterson, b. 1763 [son of Ephraim and Sarah (Chandler) Patterson.] They lived a year or two at Newington y removed to New Lebanon, Columbia co., N. Y., where they lived till 1790, then removed to Painted Post, N. Y., where he d. Aug. 1796, aged 33 years. She was the third white woman in that new town ; she reached there at evening, while her mother-in-law, the second in town, reached there in the morning of the same day. Mrs. Calkins, the pioneer white woman, had then lived there nearly a year. Ichabod Patterson kept the first tavern at Painted Post (several years before Benjamin Patterson opened his, as noticed in French's N. Y. Gazetteer, p. 624, foot note 7), which she continued to keep some three years after his death (according to her son Matthew Patterson), when she m. 2d, Nehemiah Hubbell, from New Lebanon, N. Y. (prob. a native of Weston, Ct.), who d. at Knoxvillei (in the town of Corning), June Digitized by Microsoft® 76 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. 21, 1835, a. 70 yrs., 2 mo., 14 days. She d. at Bath,'N. Y. (buried at Knox- ville). May 27, 1842, a. 78 yrs., 3 mo., 2 days. Children: I. Matthew (Patterson), b. New Lebanon, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1788; m. Feb. 12, 1815, Rebecca, dau. of Robert and Sarah (Green) Irwin ; he was a merchant at Northumberland, Pa , from 1812 to 1821, when he settU^d in Dansville, N. Y., where he has since resided, engaged in lumbering and agriculture; had (1) Harriet, b. Narthumberland, Pa., Deo. 28, 1815; m. Oct 1, 1850, James Galbraith, of Glenairn, Co. Antrim, Ireland, son of Patrick and Elizabeth (Mcllvane) Galbraith. He is a physician, removed in 1857 to West Unity, Fulton co., Ohio ; is a member of Co. G, 68th Ohio Volunteers; issue, James Matthew Patterson, b. Groveland, N. Y., June 23, 1852; Alex- ander Hunter (twin), b. Sept. 7, 1853, d. a. 9 mo. ; George Green (twin), b. Sept. 7, 1853, d. ; Rowley Patterson, b. South Dansville, N. Y., Sept. 16, d. Sept. 21, 1855 ; (2) Robert Irwin, b. Northumberland, Aug. 6, 1817; m. May 1, 1850, Harriet (dau of Robert and MartKa) Land of Corning, N. Y.; live at Sparta, N. Y. ; is,sue, Chauncey Land, b. Corning, N. Y.,Mch. 8, 1851 (made a wonderful Sam Patch leap, down Patterson Falls, near Sparta, N. Y., in 1855); Helen Adelaide, b Sparta, N. Y , July 17, 1854 ; Elizabeth Peat, b. Sparta, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1862 ; (3) George Green, b. Northumber- land, Pi., Deo. 8, 1819, d. Sept. 18, 1822; (4) George Rowley, b. Dansville, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1822, d. Feb. 8, 1824 ; (5) Jonathan Rowley, b. Dansville, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1826 ; resides with his father 4 miles south of Dansville, N. Y., a farmer, unmarried. ir. Harriet (Patterson), twin, b. Painted Post, Aug. 14, 1796 (after the death of her father), m. Dr. Robert Hoyt, and d. at Painted Post, Aug. 12, 1830 ; issue, (1) Jane, d. in Philadelphia, unmarried ; (2) Harriet, m. Charles Campbell, a lawyerof Bath, N. Y., and d. leaving 2 children ; (3) Patterson, resided in Philadelphia, and after the death of his sister Jane, removed to Virginia; (4) lehabod, d. before his mother; (5) Robert, d. before his mother. III. Jemima (Patterson) twin, b. at P. P., Aug. 14, 1796, m. Bath, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1817, John McBurney, b. near Bath, Pa., Aug. 29, 1796, son of Thomas and Mary (Mulholloii) McBurney. She d. P. P., Feb. 8, 1831. He has represented his county in the New York legislature ; has, since her death, been three times m., and has several children by the 2d and 3d wives; issue, (1) Mary, b. P. P., Sept. 2, 1818, m. 1837, Charles K. (son of Robert) Miller of Big Flats, N. Y., she d. P. P., Oct. 20, 1838, leaving one child, Mary .Jane, b. Oct., 1838, who now lives in Aurora, 111; (2) James, b. P. P., Sept 4, 1820, m. Lucy Briant, lives at Ottawa, 111.; issue, John, James, Thomas, and twins, name, unknown to compiler ; (3) Thomas, b. P. P. Aug. 22, d. Oct. 9, 1822 ; (4) John, b. P. P., Apl. 25, 1824, d. Feb. 19, 1827 ; (5) Jemima, b. P. P., Aug. 3, 1826 m. John Dodge, lives at Harbor Creek, Erie CO., Pa,; issue, Edward, John, Thomas, Charies ; (6) Sarah, b. P. P., Sept. 3, 1828, d. Feb. 8, 1830. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 77 IV. Philo P. (Habbell) resides at Winona, Minnesota. V. Hon. William Spring (Hubbell), h. 1801, m. Maria MoCall of Painted Post, N. Y.;.is a banker at Bath, N. Y., has Mary, m. Halleck, and has one child, Edward ; Fanny, m. Mr. Waterbury of Avoca, N. Y.; William. Peletiah«2 (see 1. 24, p. 660, Hist, and Geneal. of Windtor, Ct.). Ltman, when a young man, lived with his sister, Mrs. Jemima Patterson, and tended the Patterson Mill ; d. 8 days after his father ; was a major, and filled offices of trust in his neighborhood ; m. Betsey Fairohild. He lived at Angelica, N. Y., his farm, on the Genesee river, adjoining that of his father. He left a son Frank, b. 8 days after his father's death, and seems to have also left a son Nathaniel. Abijah, had Manly Lord, Miles Lester, Almira These all lived in Pompey, N. Y., and with their families moved to Michigan. Plivek«3 (1. 28, p. 660, Hist, and Geneal. Windsor, Ct.), was an intelligent and well educated man, a school teacher ; m. Abigail Cleaveland of Wyalusing, Pa., and had two children, William and Henry H.j enlisted in war of 1812, was'not heard from for two years, and his wife m. again. On returning and finding his " claim jumped," he l^ft the country, changed his name, and m. a second wife. One of his sons by his second m. had his name changed to Hayden, by act of legislature. Olive, m. Robert Bonham of Northumberland, Pa., was then a merchant, but bought a farm on the Coshocton river, 6 miles above P. P. where he lived and d.; his wife d. at P P., July 10, 1821. They had, I. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 180.3, m. Enos Smith, Campbelltown, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1830, and had 6 children, all of whom d. young, but one, Olive B., who was b. June 20, 1843, at Big Flats, N. Y., and d. May 3, 184.5, at Caton, N. Y. II. Jemima Hayden, b at Painted Post, N. Y., July 14, 1805; unmarried. III. William, b. June 3, 1807, m. Eliza Cook, Feb. 16, 1841; issue (1) Joseph Boyd, b. Feb. 26, 1842 ; (2) Gertrude E. b. Oct. 5, 1843 ; (3) Van Wye, b. Apl. 4, 18i52. IV. David Hayden, b. Aug. 17, 1810, m. at Big Flats, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1842, to Sarah G. Reynolds; issue, (1) Frances Matilda, b. July 28, 1844; (2) Eloisia Margaret, b. May 16, 1847. V. Charles, m. Mary B. Goodwin, Sept. 18, 1835; he d. Jan. 26, 1859; issue, (1) Martha E , b. Dec. 18, 1839 ; (2) Robert T., b. Oct. 10, 1841, now a volunteer in the Union army ; (3) Delphine, b July 12, 1843, d. May 12, 1859 ; (4) Jolm Charles, b. Aug. 1, 1846. Sarah, b. at P. P., Dec. 27, 1815, m. George Cook of Campbelltown; have dau. Regina, b. about 1840. George, m. Lovisa Sharp; she d. leaving 4 children; he lives at Addison, N. Y. Mary,'b. 1820, m. Melwin Fanton of Conn.; are now both dead. They Digitized by Microsoft® 78 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. had, (1) Edmund B., b. Oct. 5, 1846 ; (2) Charles B., b. May 14, 1849 ; (3) Manfred G., b. July 21, 1851. P. 657, I. 11, for Jerusha, read Jemima. P. 657, 1. 40, Anson B.,36 m. on 16th Feb. 1815. P. 657, 1. 42, Isaac," was m. Dec. 6, 1809. (W. C. R.) P. 657, 1. 43, Juliette was bap. July 9, 1815. (W. C. R.) P. 658, 1. second from bottom, date of Nathaniel L., m. Oct. 24, 1808. (W. C. R.) P. 659, 1. 11, according to W. C. R., Hezekiah,*^ m. Hannah Hayden, Dec. 7, 1801: on same authority his dau. Fanny ■w.&s bap., as Frances Henry ; Manson, was bap. Dec. 15, 1805, and Hezekiah, bap, Oct. 6, 1804. P. 661, 1. 40, George P.,*" m. Frances jl. Loomis, Dec. 30, 1840. (W. C.R.) Capt. Nathaniel's wife Ann, d. Jan. 16, 1761. (N. S. R.) Melinda, m. Levi Joy of Amherst, Mass., Dec. 29, 1829 ; Mikdwell, m Joseph Kent of Suffield, Jan. 8, 1799 ; Alethina, m. Norman Griswold of Norwich, Oct. 16, 1822 {W. C. R.) ; SnsAs Ann, m. James H. Wells of'H., Feb. 26, 1840. (W. C. R.) Daniel's wife Elizabeth, d. Feb. 17, 1761. (N. S. R.) Elizabeth, had Pascal, bap. Jan. 1805. (E. W. C. R.J HEART, Elisha, d. Aug. 15, 1683. (Col. Rec.) HIGLEY, p. 664, 1. 3, Hannah, b. lu 1677, is recorded as dead in 1680. (Col. Rec.) P. 664, 1. 7, Nathan, had also children, bap. Sept. 13, 1767; Feb. 11, 1770 ; Dec. 18, 1774; Nov. 23, 1777. (E. W. C. R.) P. 664, 1. 9, Elijah, m. Anne ; his son Elijah, d. Oct. 17, 1776. (N. S. R.) Anna, d. Oct. 30, 1776. (N. S. R.) Chloe, bap. Jan. 22, 1775, d. Oct. 19, 1776. (N. S. R.) Elijah 2d, bap. May 11, 1777. Oliver, bap. Sept. 19, 1779. Nathan, Jr., had Nathan AUyn and Sally, bap. Mch. 30, 1794, , Feb. 23, 1797 ; , July, 8, 1798 ; Wil , Nov. 1, 1801. (E. W. C. R.) HoKACE, had Horace, bap. Jan. 4, 1795 ; , M^y 14, 1797; Peter, May 30, 1802. (E. W. C. R.) Akoda, had Job Loomis, bap. Mch. 28, 1802 ; Hiram, bap. Sept. 30, 1804. (E. W. C. R.) Olive, d. Nov. 1819. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Matthew (E. W.), m. Hannah Allyn, Nov. 11, 1790. (N. S. R.) Job, m. Dorcas Eggleston, May 9, 1792. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) HILLIER, p. 664, 1. 34, John's wife was «4m», who afterwards m., Dec. 9, 1656, John Fitch of Hartford. John Hillier, d. July 16, 1655. In inventory of John's estate, July 24, the ages of the other children are thus stated : John, a. 18 yrs. ; Mary, a. 15 yrs. and 9 m. ; Timothy, a. 13 yrs., 17 wks. ; Andrew, 9 yrs. 4th of next month; Simon, 7 yrs. 25th of next month. (Col. Rec.) Add to this family the name of Abigail, b. Aug. 21, 1654. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 79 P. 664, 1. 38, Jambs, son of James, h. 1678, d. Apl. 27, 1679. P. 664, 1. 39, John had a dau., d. July 25, 1680, also Elinor Elizabeth, b. , and d. Deo. 23, 1682. (Col. Reo.) HILLS, p. 664, LucBETiA, m. Sam. Jabez Vernon, Sept. 11, 1816. (W. C. R.) Stephen, son of wid. of Stephen, d. Sept. 29, 1741, a. about 4. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) jlll the following from E. W. C. M. — John (prob. same as on 1. 27, p. 664), had Norman, bap. May 22, 1763; and children, bap. Deo. 1, 1765 ; Apl. 3, 1768; June 6, 1773. Wid. Hills, had a ohild bap. June 22, 1777. Oliver, had Anna, bap. Mch. 10, 1765; , Feb. 23, 1766. HINSDALE, p. 664-5, insert, Rev. Theodore, m. Ann Bissell, July 14, 1768. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) Had Ann, bap. Apl. 23, 1769 ; Lucy, bap. Jan. 6, 1771 ; Theodore, bap. Nov. 17, 1772; Josiah Bissell, bap. Nov. 20, 1774; James, bap. Oot. 27, 1776, d. Sept. 17, 1777 ; Levi, bap. Jan. 14, 1781 ; Almira, bap. Deo. 13, 1782; Daniel, bap. May 1, 1785 ; Horatio, bap. Dec. 16, 1787; William, bap. Apl. 24, 1790. {Ml the foregoing from N. S. R.) HITCHCOCK, p. 665, Caleb, Jr., m. Electa Foot, Jan. 15, 1797, had Samuel Foot and Electa Amelia, bap. May 18, 1800, d. Mch. 2, 1805, a. 5 ; Abi- gail, m. Levi Dudley of Berlin, Deo. 23, 1802; Eliza Abby, bap. Aug. 30, 1801, d. 1802; Eliza, bap. Aug. 28, 1803 ; Mary, bap. Sept. 9, 1810, d. Aug. 1, 1829 ; Electa, bap. May 8, 1814; Julia Ann, bap. Apl. 12, 1818, d. Apl. 17, 1818; Gaylord, bap. June 4, 1820. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 665, 1. 7, Stephen, b. 1767, d. July 3, 1776, in 8th yr.; Eleanor, b. 1770, d. Jan. 20, 1819 ; wid. Deborah, d. Jan. 24, 1809, a. 98; Eleanor, d. Deo. 31, 1827, a. 86; Dea. Caleb (prob. same as Doctor), d. July 11, 1818, a. 81. HODGE, John, p. 665, 1. 5, also had Thomas, b. Feb. 13, 1668 ; Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1670; Henry, b. Aug. 19, 1676; William, b. April 10, 1678. (Col. Reo.) P. 665, insert, Susannah, a member of church in Windsor, had Susannah, Abigail and Samuel, bap. in Middletown, Sept. 18, 1692. (Steam's Mem.) HOLCOMB, p. 666, Elijah, m. Mary Smith, Feb. 13, 1785 ; Mart, m. Henry Moshier, Sept. 4, 1834. (W. C. R.) Miscellanea and Addenda, p. 840, 1. 19, the statement here made relative to the death of Hezekiah's wife, is pronounced incorrect by our friend, Henry Bright, Esq. of Northampton, Mass., who furnishes the following from his own original memoranda, copied from her gravestone in Scotland burying ground, Sirasbury, viz : "Mrs. Chloe Holoomb, wife of Hezekiah Holcomb, and dau. of Capt. Abraham and Elizabeth Pinney, d. January 20, 1787, a. 37 yrs." Also the following inscriptions : " Hezekiah Holcomb, Esq., d. Nov. 8, 1820, a. 70," and " Capt. Hezekiah Holcomb, d. July 17, 1794, a. 69." He also adds his opinion " that the name should be spelled with a final e. Digitized by Microsoft® 80 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. Burke, in his Armory, and in his Landed Gentry of England, etc., etc., spells the name almost uniformly with a final e ,■ in one place he spells the name Holcombc or Holtcombe, and remarks in a note, " Holtcombe is com- pounded of Holt, a Saxon word signifying woody, and ctim, or, as written in DroonsAm, comie, a valley between two hills." The W. Holcombes, coming from the west of England, would naturally have retained the final e, and there are some families of the name in the Southern States which so spell it. P. 665,. 1. 18, Abigail, was bap. in Jan. (Col. Reo.) P. 665, 1. 22, for Sept. 15, read Sept. 13. (Col. Eec.) P. 665, 1. 27, for 1687, read 1681. (Col. Ree.) P. 665, 1. 30, Nathaniel^ and Mary Bliss, m. Feb. 27. (Col. Eec.) Joseph, m. Olive Marshall, Jan. 15, 1787. Jabez of Poq., m. Anne Hosmer of Hartland, Nov. 27, 1805. HOLLIBUT, p. 666, insert. Dr. Josiah, had Abigail, bap. Meh. 26, 1748. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) HOLMAN, p. 667, add John, had Henry, bap. Aug. 20, 1815. (K. W. C. R.) HOOKER, p. 667, 1. 13, Dollt G., m. Charles Beebe Strong, June 22, 1814, and Maey Chaffee, m. James C. Maguffin of N. Y., Feb. 4, 1818. HOKACE, m. Elizabeth Filer, Aug. 2, 1769, and had Mary Elizabeth and Hannah, bap. Nov. 20, 1774 ; also Nathaniel, bap. June 18, 1775 ; Ann, bap. Apl. 5, 1778; Samuel Fowler, bap. Feb. 13, 1780; Eunice, bap. Dec. 13, 1782; Harry, bap. Oct. 15, 1785. HOSFORD, p. 667, 1. 21, John, d. Aug. 7, 1683. (Col. Rec.) P. 667, 1. 27, strike out " or Marcy." (Col. Rec.) P. 667, 1. 29, for Sept. 28, read 23. (Col, Rec.) P. 668, 1. 2, Samijel,2 had Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1690-1. (Col. Rec.) P. 668, Daniel, m. Abigail Welch, Oct. 4, 1769. (N. S. R.) HOSKINS, p. 668, 1. 18, Col. Rec. supply the date of John's burial, May 5, 1648. Anthony ,3 b. 1664, d. July 9, 1747. (Wby. Ch. Eec.) P. 668, 1. 26, for 1772, read 1672. A Thomas, son of Anthony, d. Apl. 13, 1666. P. 668, 1. 27, for Jan. 27, read 29. The wid. Hoskins, d. Mch. 6, 1662; Thomas, m. Elizabeth Birge, widow, Apl. 20, 1653. The wid. Elizabeth (prob. this one), d. Dec. 22, 1675; John, son of (this prob.) Thomas, was b. May 29, 1654. All above from Col. Rec. P. 669, 1. 1, Zebulon,6 d. Apl. 21, 1813; his sou Zebulou, b. 1728, d. Aug. 27, 1768. P. 669, 1. 4, Alexander, m. Mindwell , who d. Oct. 17, 1751, a. per. 40 ; the same Alexander, also lost a child about 10 d. old, on Jan. 29, 1742. His son, Alexander, b. 1739, d. Mch. 15, 1773. P. 669, 1. 11, Pure, d. Nov. 13, 1781. P. 669, 1. 13, for June, read May. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 81 EzEKiEL (prob. the son of John, 1. 28), and wife Elizabeth had Esther, bap. Oct. 19, 1776; Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 25, 1778; Sarah, bap. Mch. 28, 1781 ; Eli, bap. May 1, 1785 ; Silas, bap. 1787. (N. S. R.) AuGtisins, m. Electa Palmer, Deo. 4, 1814. (W. C. R.) Thankful of Wby., d. April 23, 1753. (R. MSS.) Lt-dia, d. Mch. 22, 1761. (N. S. R.) Jonathan, d. Jan. 20, 1761. (N. S. R.) Wid. Elizabeth, d. Jan. 1777, " worn out with age." (N. S. R. ) Catharine, d. Nov. 8, 1776. (N. S. R.) P. 669, I. 31, Daniel, m. Abigail Welch, Oct. 4, 1769. (N. S. R.) The following from Wby. Ch. Rec. — Alexandek, m. Martha Parsons, Feb. 13, 1752. Alexander, Jr., m. wid. Mary Drake, Feb. 14, 1765. Timothy, m. Rhoda Gillett, Apl. 30, 1772, had Timothy, bap. Dec. 25, 1774; Alexander, bap. Nov. 2, 1777; Joab, bap. Jan. 2, 1780; , bap. Aug. 25, 1782 ; Rhoda, bap. Aug. 29, 1784. Joseph,' p. 669, 1. 8, had also Joseph, bap. Feb. 25, 1738 ; Benjamin, bap, June 15, 1740, and Elisha, bap. Dec. 22, 1745. P. 669, '1. 9, for Mfred, read Mson. P. 669, 1. 10 Abel,i» had also Abiah, bap. Nov. 23, 1777. Eli, p. 669, 1. 27 and 1. 37, whose wife d. June 22, 1818, had Eli, bap. Jan. 31, 1773; Matty, bap. Aug. 14, 1774; Kezia, bap. Nov. 10, 1776, d. Sept. 6, 1777 ; Kezia, bap. Jan. 31, 1779 ; David, bap. June 3, 1781 ; Alethea, bap. Aug. 29, 1784 ; George, bap. July 1, 1787 ; Chloe and Clara, bap. Sept. 21, 1788 ; Augustus, bap. Oct. 17, 1790 ; , bap. Nov. 2, 1793. Thomas, p. 669, 1. 32, m. April 23, 1760; had also Mary, bap. June 29, 1766; Ruth, bap. Mch. 13, 1768; Luoy, bap. Apl, 18, 1773, d. Oct. 18, 1775 ; Moses, bap. Oct. 15, d, Oct. 20, 1775 ; John, bap. Feb. 11, 1770; John, had Faircina, bap. Feb. 16, 1755 ; John, Jr., had Jerusha, bap. Dec. 7, 1755 ; George, bap. Feb. 13, 1758 ; Increase, m. Martha Persons, Mch. 20, 1779 ; he d. Apl. 1824 ; had Mol- ly, bap. and d. Oct. 7, 1777; Molly, bap. July 11, 1779 ; Nabbe, bap. 1786 ; Gordon, bap. 1783 ; " ye wid. Hoskins," had Mary and Jemima, bap. Apl. 8, 1759; Hannah, had Abigail, bap. July 28, 1771; wid. Mary, m. Capt. Reuben Loomis, Nov. 23, 1777 ; Chloe, m. Thomas Dyer, Sept. 27, 1807; Hitty, m. Koderio Adams of Onondaga, Oct. 11, 1807 ; Olive, m. Joseph Allen of Hartford, Nov. 7, 1820; George, m. Lovicia Parsons, June 3, 1811 ; John 3d (p. 669, 1. 37), for June, read July; Zebdlon, d. Mch. 10, 1776, in 80 yr. ; Zebdlon, d. Feb. 21, 1826, a. 38 ; John, d. May 5, 1777, in 64 yr.; Thankful, d. Apl. 23, 1753, a. about 42; Henry, d. at Philadelphia, Aug. 22, 1796, a. about 20 ; Betty, d. Mch. 7, 1813, a. 87 ; wid. Martha, d. May 31, 1803, a. nearly 99; wid. Hannah, d. Dec. 2, 1751, a. about 84. The following curious advertisement appeared in 1767, in the columns of the Conn. Courant ; " Zebulon Hoskins of Windsor, hereby informs the publick, that for the space of four years, he was greviously afflicted with the Gravel, to such a 11 Digitized by Microsoft® 82 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOB. degree as to cause him to make water a hundred times in 24 hours, butcould void hut very little at a time, sometimes but a few drops, attended with the most distressing pain, and, after the use of many things to no benefit, he was accidently informed by a travelling gentleman, that a tea made of rushes, viz : such as the women scowr their pails with, had been found by experience to be a sovereign remedy for that disease ; he, therefore, immediately ap- plied the medicine, and it had the desired effect — he drank plentifully of it, made it his constant drink, and in about eight or ten days his pain abated, and he voided abundance of gravel. He kept on in the use of it for about two months, when he found he was perfectly cured, and has remained well now for about two years, except when once he wet himself and took a great cold, which brought on the disease again, but the same medicine removed it immediately." HOSMER, p. 670, 1. 1, Joseph, had children, bap. Dec, 1781 ; Dec. 20, 1789 ; Mch. 19, 1797. P. 670, 1. 2, Pkospee, had Marcus, bap. Nov. 8, 1801. P. 670, 1. 4, Thaddeus, was bap. Apl. 1, 1792. P. 670, 1. 5, HoEACE, bap. Sept. 21, 1794; Miriam, bap. Oct. 6, 1799. (E. W. C. R.) HOWARD, p. 670, 1. 21, Nathaniel, had Nathaniel, bap. June 30, 1776. (N. S. R.) P. 671. (Col. Reo.) Ltcia, d. May 4, 1676. (Col. Rec.) Samdel, was bap. Aug. 9, 1778. (E. W. C. R.) HOYT, p. 671, 1. 23, for " he d., read " she d.;" Nicholas, d. July 7, 1655, P. 671, 1. 26, for May 1, read May 7. P. 671, 1. 28, Daniel d. in yr. 1655. (Col. Rec.) HUBBARD, p. 671, 1. 2d from bottom of page, John, Jr.,' had also Timo- thy, bap. Deo. 16, 1750, and is the rightful father of all the children accred- ited (on p. 672) to Nathaniel,^ from Agnes to Oliver, inclusive ; he (John^) d. Nov. 24, 1760. (Why. Oh. Rec.) P. 672, 1. 1, Nathaniei,,^ being thus despoiled of half his family, deserves the credit of Sarah, bap. Aug. 22, 1762, and Dothesius, bap. Sept. 30, 1764. He (Nathaniel) is prob. the one who d. Nov. 16, 1773, in 50 yr. (W. C. R.) P. 672, 1. 6, Asa', whose wife d. Nov. 2, 1823, a. 67, had Mitty (prob. the " short " of Submit, her mother's name), bap. Feb. 16, 1777 ; Asa, bap. Jan. 3, 1779, d. Mch. 15, 1786; Bei)0ui,bap. Oct. 17, 1784; Augustus, bap. Jan. 29, 1785 ; Asa, bap. Apl. 30, 1787 ; Hannah, bap. Aug. 22, 1788 ; Julianna and Alethea, bap. May 4, 1800 ; Susannah Hosmer, bap. June 29, 1800. Nathaniel, Jr. (prob. son of Nathaniel^), m. Dolly Cole of Hartford, Nov. 28, 1770; " Dorothy, wife of Nathaniel," d. Jan. 19, 1820, a. 66 ; Nathaniel, b. Jan. 31, 1773; he d. Mch. 14, 1774; Nathaniel, bap. Apl. 30, 1775; Thede, bap. Aug. 24, 1777; Dolly, bap. Sept. 24, 1780; Frederick, bap. Aug. 17, -1783; Cliloe, bap. June 24, 1792. (Why. Ch. Rec.) Dothesids (prob. son of Nathaniel'), had Dose (Dothesius?), bap. Sept. 21, Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 83 1788; Nathan, bap. Oct. 10, 1790; Alvin, bap. Feb. 19, 1792; Orrin, bap. Oct, 13, 1793. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Timothy (prob. son of John), m. Sarah Gillett, June 18, 1772, who d. May 31, 1811, a. 58 ; he d. Oct. 15, 1824, a. 74, and had Sarah, bap. Oct. 18, 1772, d. Oct. 6, 1795; Timothy, bap. Ang. 21, 1774; Hannah, bap. Dec. 1, 1776; Eleanor, bap. Moh. 21, 1779 ; Roger, bap. Aug. 17, 1783; Erastus,bap. June, 1787. (Wby. Ch. Kec.) John (prob. son of Johni), m. Susannah Mills, June 15, 1775, and had John, bap. Apl. 21, 1776 ; Joab, bap.'Jan. 18, 1778. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Nathan (prob. son of Dothesius), m. Orinda Colton, May 10, 1819. He d. June 22, 1826, a. 38 ; Orinda Pamelia, Oct. 8, 1820; Emily, Susan Jane, and James, bap. June 16, 1822 ; Nathan Edwards, bap. Aug. 10, 1823 . Samuel, bap. June 18, 1826. (Wby. Ch. Reo.^ Alvin (son of Dothesius), had Louisa, bap. Nov. 13, 1814; Drusilla, bap. Sept. 21, 1817 ; Mary Cornelia, bap. Aug. 13, 1820 ; Louisa, bap. Apl. 24, 1825 ; Harriet, bap. June 27, 1830. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Oliveb (poss. son of John^), had Silva, bap. Sept. 28, 1788 ; Wealthy, bap. Aug. 11, 1793; Flaria, bap. May 4, 1794; Oliver Kellogg, bap. June, 1796 i John Flavel, bap. June 24, 1798 ; Thomas Jefferson, bap. June 10, 1804; Simeon Edwards, bap. Aug. 10,1806; Anna Sophia, bap. July 3, 1808. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Lev:, m. Juliana Smith, Apl. 23, 1818, had Levi Smith, bap. June 27, 1819 ; John Newton and Samuel Newell, bap. July 1, 1821 ; Juliana Matilda, bap. July 6, 1823. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Bishop, who d. Aug. 24, 1823, a. 43, had Sarah Maria, bap. July 29, 1821. John, m. Mabel Barnard of Simsbury, Nov. 14, 1803; Joab, m.' Ruth. Brown, Dec. 2, 1804; Nathaniel, Jr., m. Sarah Hubbard, Aug. 27, 1828; Agnes, m. Ebenr. Center of W. Hartford, MchI 17, 1768 ; Rachel, m. Dan. Olmstead of Simsbury, Nov. 24, 1774. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) DoLLT, m. John F. Waters, Nov. 26, 1800 ; Rachel, m. Wm. Crosby of W. Hartford, Apl, 4, 1802 ; Maria, m. Edward Francis, Nov. 18, 1823 ; Anna Sophia, m. Edward Medcalf of E.. Hartford, Mch. 25, 1824; Emily, m. Levi Hough of Glastenbnry, Oct. 18, 1830. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) AGNES.dau. of Lt. John, d. Apl. 11, 1773, a. 88 ; Okein, d. June 29, 1811, a. 18; Theodoke, son of Nathaniel, Jr., d. Aug. 2, 1812, a. 7; Theodore, d. July 22, 1800, a. 23 ; Asa, Jr., d. July 16, 1808, a. 19 ; John's wife, d. Nov. 27, 1806, a, 49 ; Francis, d. Oct. 15, 1815, a. 2 ; Susan, d. Sept. 20, 1824, a. 15 ; Sally (Mrs.) d. Mch. 26, 1828, a. 51; John, d. Sept 11, 1830, a. 9. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) HUIT, p. 672, line 22, Rev. Ephraim's wife's name was Isabel ; so ment. in a record of land purchased by Henry Clarke, Esq., where she is spoken of as wid. of Rev. Ephraim deceased. His dau. Lydia, m. Joseph Smith of Hart- ford, April 10, 1656. (Col. Rec.) HULL, p. 672, 1. 42, for Sarah, b. jlug. 9, read b. Jpl. 9. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) HUMPHREY, p. 673, 1. 15, Susanna, bap. Jan. 12, 1752. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Digitized by Microsoft® 84 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. P. 673, 1, 17, for 1736, read 1756. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Noah, had Sarah, bap. Oct, 2, 1743; Jonathan, Jr., had Jonathan, bap. Oct. 2, 1743; Lyman, had Trumbull Lyman, Chloe, bap. May 21, 1815; George, bap. Aug. 25, 1816; Hector F. , bap. June 21, 1818; Mary Ann, bap. June 18, 1820; , bap. Oct. 6,1822; Laura Maria, bap. April 25, 1824 ; Cordelia, bap. Oct. 28, 1827 ; Henry and Henrietta, bap. July 12, 18S9. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Thomas, d. at Sheffield, April 13, 1768, a. about 57 ; wid. Abioail, d. Sept. 2, 1775, a. about 62 ; Lot's son Tkdmbcll, d. July 30, 1797, a. 2| ; Aba's wife, d. March 26, 1826 ; Mrs. Chloe, d. May 5, 1829, a. 62. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Mahala, m. Stephen Fosbury of Simsbury, June 28, 1802. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 674, 1. 12, for Luicus, read Lncius. HUNTINGDON, p. 674, Thomas went to Branfard from W. It is sup- posed that three sons accompanied Margaret Huntingdon, then Mrs. Thomas Stoughton, from Roxbury or Dorchester to W. P. 674, 1. 19, Geo. W. Sward, read Seward. HURLBUT, Dr. Josiah, had Elizabeth, bap. April 4, 1748 ; Josiah, bap. Jan. 28, 1750; Ruth, bap. Feb. 23, 1752; Samuel, had Bildad, bap. June 17, 1750, d. Oct. 21, 1754. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) HUTCHERSON, p. 675, d. June 11, 1743, a. about 11 yrs. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) - JARNIELS, (Gerrils, Jurrels, Grarls) p. 675, insert Harden or Akden had children, bap. July 18, 1773; Deo. 21, 1777; April 22, 1781 ; Sept. 15,1781. (E. W. C. R.) JOHNSON, p. 675, Hannah, was bap. Dec. 17, 1797. (E. W. C. R.) JONES, p. 675, Mary, d. Nov. 13, 1666. (Col. Rec.) KELLY, p. 675, Joseph, had Aaron, bap. Aug. 30, 1741. John (from Ireland), m. Loomis of Simsbury, June 8, 1766, had John, bap. June 21, 1767; Roger, bap. Nov. 19, 1775. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) KELSEY, William, Jr., m. Tryphena Allyn, Jan. 27, 1774; Oliver, m. Lydia Fish, both of W., Sept. 4, 1807 ; Zaccheus, d. May 26, 1818. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) KERR, p. 676, insert, William, had Moses, bap. Sept. 4, 1748. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) KING (allfrom E. W. C. R.), p. 676, 1. 21, Alexander, had children; bap. Feb. 24, 1782; June 25, 1786; May 11, 1788; April 25,1790; Anne, bap. April 28, 1793; Havi— , March 1, 1796 ; Cla— , July 2, 1799 ; B— , Sept. 8, 1799 ; Theron, Dec. 6, 1801. P. 676, 1. 28, Augustus, had children, bap. Nov. 9, 1788; Feb. 24, 1790; July 7, 1793 ; Laura, March 22, 1796. Timothy's wife (perhaps mother of above), d. May 20, 1785, in 50 yr. ; Timothy, son of Timothy, d. Sept. 8, 1760, a. about 32 mos. P. 676, 1. 25, Timothy, who d. 1765, was bap. Jan. 9, 1763 ; his parents were m. in 1753. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 85 Joel, had Eliza Verstille, t)ap. July 21, 1816; Charlotte, bap. Nov. 23, 1817; Mary, bap. June 5, 1824, and two children, bap. July 30, 1826. Wby. Ch. Rec. supply the following members of this family : Miriam, bap. Aug. 30, 1767; Nabhy, bap. Jan. 31, 1773; Timothy, bap. Dec. 12, 1775 ; Reuben, bap. March 7, 1779. George, m. Triphena Latimer, Aug. 13, 1776, and had George, bap. Jan. 12, 1777 ; Triphena, bap. July 11, 1779; Sept. 16, 1781; Chesterfield, bap. Sept. 1787. Ekastus, had Moses, bap. Aug. 1, 1802; Sarah, m. Aaron Bates of Hart- land. Sept. 8, 1779 ; Abigail, m. Isaac Hunt of Sharon, March 31, 1793. KINGSLEY, p. 676, Nathan, had Nathan, bap. May 20, 1764. (E. W. C. R.) KIRTLAND, p. 676, insert, wid. Sarah (mother-in-law to Samuel Webster), d. Deo. 12, 1762, a. about 85. LADD, p. 677, 1. 15, Elisha, m. Chloe Barber, Nov. 8, 1785. LAMBERTON, p. 677, 1. 18, Obed, had also Mabel, bap. March 21, 1761 ; Moses, bap. Feb. 10, 1766 ; Elizabeth, who d. Sept. 21, 1777 ; Keziah, who d. Sept. 29, 1777 ; Nathaniel (1. 19), also d. same day as Keziah. (All fore- going from N. S. R.) From same we get the d. of Mehitable, wife of Obed Lamberton, May 27, 1790, a. 69 ; Obed, Jr., m. Ruth , and had Na- thaniel, bap. March 23, 1777; Samuel Taylor, bap. Aug. 1781. Elizur, m. Mary Winslow, April 29, 1811. LAMFIRE, p. 677, Rachel, was bap. Dec. 17, 1797 (E. W. C. R.); prob. the same who d. Nov. 17, 1828, a. 36. LANE, p. 677, David, had Lucy, bap. Feb. 15, 1773. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) LATTEMORE, p. 677, Chauncet, m. Polly Newring, Feb. 16, 1815; George, m. Hannah Loomis, April 3, 1783; John, m. Dorcas Skinner, Dec. 1780 ; Jacob, m. Mary Mather, Dec. 17, 1795 ; Hannah, m. Jeremiah Wood- ford, April 2, 1807; Levi, m. Rebecca Filley, June 1, 1791. LAWRENCE, p. 677, Amos, whose wife Sarah, d. June 8, 1794, had first child Amos, bap. March 12, 1752. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Elihc — , bap. Jan. 14, T759, and dau. Eunice, d. April 27, 1760, a. about 15 mo.; his wife Eunice, d. Nov. 20, 1760, a. about 30 yrs. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Sarah, d. Oct. 10, 1778, a. about 18 yrs. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 677, Bezaleel, had also Mary, bap. March 31, 1765; Ebenezer Whet- more, bap. Oct. 25, 1766; Nabbe, bap. Nov. 19, 1769 ; Bille, bap. Oct. 1771; Jacob, bap. Dec. 29, 1772; Aholiab, had Elihu, bap. Aug. 29, 1789. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Elihu (prob. son of Aholiab above), had Lucretia, Elihu, Hector, d. Jan. 21, 1817, a. 23; Abiram, hap. June 16,1822; Mary Maria, bap. April 24, 1825 ; Clarissa, bap. July 16, 1826. (Wby. Cb. Rec.) Levi, d. April 13, 1810, a. 41, had Nancy, Maria, Eliza, bap. Nov. 17, 1799; Leicester Filley, bap. Oct. 12, 1800; Emily Susan, July 2, 1809 ; he lost a dau., d. Maf 28, 1806, a 4. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Digitized by Microsoft® 86 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. , Ebenezee, m. Eunice Hoskins, Jan. 9, 1766 ; had Eunice, bap. Feb. 16, 1767; Ebenezer, bap. Jan. 22, 1769; Alexander, bap. Jan. 27, 1771; Eunice and Ebenezer, bap. July 27, 1800; Orrin, bap. Aug. 23, d. Nov. 6, 1801; Eliezer Curtis, bap. July 15, 1810; Herman, bap. July 4, 1813, d. Aug. 11, 1814, a. liyrs. ; Anson Herman, bap. April 28, 1816; Ebenezer's "youngest child," d. April 14, 1812. (Wby. Ch. Eec.) Hezekiah, m. Tryphena Gillett, Jan. 26, 1758, had Tryphena, bap. Jan. 28, 1759; Hezekiah, bap. June 28, 1761; Wealthyann, bap. May 27, 1764; Kuth, bap. Feb. 1, 1767; Levi, bap. July 23, 1769 ; Rockee, bap. Aug. 16, 1772; Elihu, bap. May 7, 1775, d. Sept. 17, 1776. (Wby. Ch. Eec.) Hezekiah, Jr., had Rebecca, Clara, Hezekiah, Elitu, bap. Sept. 28, 1788; Laura, bap. Oct. 1790 ; John Thrall, Mahala, Mary Ann, bap, Sept. 21, 1800; Parmela, bap. Oct. 21, 1804. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Elihu, had Edward M., bap. Aug. 31, 1783; Elisha, had John and Submit, Prudence, Comfort and Lucina, grown children, bap. June 10, 1766, (W. C. E.) Hezekiah 3d,m. Bede Butler, Dec. 25, 1808 ; Clarissa, m. Henry Shepard, Dec. 4, 1806 ; Lauea, m. Augustus Shepard, Nov. 23, 1809 ; Eunice, m. Silas Corel of Glastenbury, June 18, 1807; Mahala, m. Roger Rowley of Bennington, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1829; Eliza, m. Luther Pratt of Granby, Aug. 30, 1820 ; John J., m. Abigail M. Shepard of Farmington, Nov. 25, 1819. Stephen, Jr.'s child MoUe, d. May 21, 1773 ; Elisha, d. Jan. 24, 1779, in 65 ; Sahah, dau. of Bezaleel, d, Oct. 16, 1783, in 30 ; Lucina, d. March, 1784, in 19; Bezaleel, d. May 29, 1786; wid. Abigail, d. 1810, a. 90; Abigail (dau. of John), d. Feb. 18, 1828, a. 67 ; John, d. Oct. 8, 1828, a. 32; MiKDWELL, wife of Hezekiah, d. June 20, 1820 ; Hezekiah, d. April ^9, 1818, a. 82. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) LEE, p. 677, 1. 31, Oliver, m. Abigail Roe, Oct. 4, 1769 ; Oliver's death must have occurred before May 14, 1778, at which time his son Oliver is bap., as son of Abigail Lee, " widdow." (N. S. R.) LEWIS, p. 677, John, m. Hannah Drake, March 11, 1779. P. 677, 1. 34, John, who d. 1713, m. Mary (dau. of Michael Humphrey) at Hartford, June 16, 1675, and his son John, b. 1676, d. May 10, 1676 ; Joseph, m. Elizabeth Case, April 30, 1674. (Col. Rec.) LOOMIS, p. 678, 1. 22, David, b. 1665, d. June 24, same year. (Col Eec.) P. 678, 1. 26, Mart Chadncet, 2d wife of Joseph, Jr. ,2 d. April 22, 1631. P. 678, 1. 33, Mart Jcdd, was of Farmington. (Col. Eec.) P. 678, 1. 34, for 1655, read 1655-56. (Col, Eec) P. 678, 1 35, Hannah, was b. Feb. 23, not 20. (Col. Rec.) P. 678, 1. 36, Elizabeth, b. Jan. 21. (Col. Rec.) P. 678, I. 42, Nathaniel,* m. 1st, Nov. 24, 1653 ; his second wife was dau. of Josias Ellsworth. (Col. Rec.) P. 679, 1. 39, for March 19, 1684, read 1685. P. 679, 1. 39, Joseph.'^ m. 1, Lydia (dau, of John) Drake, April 10, 1681. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 87 (Col. Reo.) The same authority gives his son Caleb, "of Joseph, of Joseph," d. March 5, 1686-7. P. 680, 1. 39, Abraham,''^ settled in Torrington, where his wife Isabel, and their dans. Jerusha and Isabel, joined the church July 17, 1754. Their son Abraham, Jr., and wife, owned eov. in T. church, Dec. 25, 1757. Their son, Epapliras and wife, did the same, June 6, 1756 ; Epaphras, d. at Win- chester, Sept. 10, 1812, a. 80 ; his wife Mary, d. at W., Feb. 12, 1813, a. 78. P. 680, 1. 14, for 1682, read 1683. (Col. Rec.) P. 681, 1. 4, IohAbod,^ and his wife Esther, joined the church in Torring- ton, July 17, 1764, but did not long remain there. lohabod, Jr., settled there, and many descendants now live in W. Winsted, Ct. P. 681, 1. 5, Lucy, Elijah and Abigail, given as children of Iohabod,^ prob. belong, rightfully, to some other Ichabod (see note in this Supplement on 1. 1, p. 685) ; and Elijah's death, mentioned in same line, belongs to some other Elijah. P. 681, 1. 7, Elijah, was bap. Nov. 18, 1753, in Torrington church. Ichabod (same line), m. Jan. 29, 1766, in Winchester, Mindwell Lewis, both owned cov. in T. church, March 1, 1767, and descendants lived in Winchester. P. 681, 1. 17, Aakon,'2 and wife joined Torr. church. May 6, 1744, and also at same time, Aaron, Mindwell and Esther, their children. Aaeon, Jr. m. Hannah , who joined T. church, March 30, 1746 ; Moses, m, Sarah , and both owned cov. in Torrington, June 6, 1756 ; Aenek, m. Sarah , and both owned cov. in T. church, Oct. 23, 1757 ; Epbkaim, owned cov. in T. church, Aug. 6, 1758. Above, from 1. 3, furnished by D. W. Patterson of W. Winsted. P. 682, 1. 10, Justin, according to W. C. K., should be Justus. P. 682, 1. 11, Oliver,*' had children, bap. March 20, 1768 ; March 5, 1769; July 28, 1771 ; May 4, 1777 ; April 16, 1780 ; March, 1782. (E. W. C. R.) P. 682, 1. 14, OziAS,« had Odiah, bap. Dec. 7, 1783. (W. C. R.) Ozias,« m. Sarah Roberts (b. 1747, and d. Aug. 10, 1820), and had children, Sarah, b. and d. March 5, 1773 ; Sarah, b. Dec. 20, 1775, d. May 10, 1790 ; Jamps.i b. Oct. 24, 1779 ; Odiab,2b. Sept. 24, 1783 ; Ozias, b. Oct. 31, 1788, d. Sept. 10, 1793. James,! m. March 7, 1805, Abigail Sherwood (dau. of Dr. Hezekiah Chaffee of Windsor, Ct., by his wife Charlotte Bradley of Greenfield Hill, Ct.), b. April 24, 1787, and had children, Abigail Sherwood, b. Nov. 28, d. Dec. 30, 1805 ; James Chaffee,' b. April 29, 1807 ; Hezekiah Bradley,* b. Feb. 27, 1809 ; Samuel Odiah, b. April 19, 1811, m. June 2, 1847, Charlotte (dau. of Alfred) Bliss of Windsor, Ct., and d. July 18, 1855; Osbert Burr, b. July 30, 1813, m. Dec. 19, 1843, Jeannette Hart (dau. of Rev. Dr.) Jarvis of Middle- town, Ct., lives in New York city ; Abigail Sarah, b. Sept. 23, 1815, m. Heze- kiah Sydney (son of Levi) Hayden of Windsor, Ct., Aug. 9, 1848 ; John Mason,5 b. Jan. 5, 1825; Col. James, the father of this family, d. May 11, 1862. Odiah,^ m. Harriet AUyn, Sept. 16, 1807, and d. Oct. 14, 1831. Children : Dr. William Ozias, b. July 21, 1808, d. Feb. 1, 1836; Eli Odiah, b. Dec. 14, Digitized by Microsoft® 88 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. 1809, d. May 9, 1842; Edgar,« b. Feb. 14, 1812; Sarah Jerusba, b. March 12, 1814, d. April 22, 1832 ; Harriet Emily, b. June 14, 1818, m. Dr. J. P. Jewett of Lowell, Mass., has four children : Charles Henry, b. Jan. 17, 1820. d. Nov. 10, 1848 ; Thomas Warharo,' b. March 1, 1827. James Chaffee,' m. 1, May 1, 1833, Eliza Cesarine (dau. of J. S.) Mitchell of New Haven, Ct., who d. March 24, 1840 ; he m. 2, April 24, 1844, Mary Beach (dau. of Ira) Sherman of Bridgeport, Ct., where he now lives. Children by 1st wife : James Mitchell, b. March 24, 1836, d. Dec. 16, 1841 ; by 2d wife, James Sherman, b. May 8, 1846 ; Mary Sherman, b. March 17, 1848, d. March 5, 1855. Hezekiah Bradley,* now of New York city, m., Aug. 13, 1835, Carolina Elizabeth (dau. of Luther) Loomis, of Suffield, Ct., who d. April 23, 1844, He m. 2, Sept. 9, 1849, Eaphemia (dau. of Dr. James) Anderson of New York city. Children: Luther, Jr., b. Sept. 18, 1836, d. July 7, 1843; Elizabeth Leavitt, b. Sept. 20, 1843, d. Feb. 2, 1844. John Mason,^ now of Chicago, 111., m., Aug. 20, 1849, Mary Jane Hunt of Sherburn, N. Y. Child : Mary Hunt, b. June 16, 1855, d. Jan. 5, 1861. Edgak,^ m. Harriet (dau. of Nathaniel) Smith, Torringford, Ct., and had William Edgar, and Charles. Thomas Wakham,' m. Mary Jane (dau. of Allen) Cook of Poq. in Windsor, Nov. 17, 1858, had Allen Cook, b. Nov. 21, 1860. The foregoing records furnished by Osbert B. Loomis, Esq., of New York city. P. 682, 1. 19, Wakham, son of John, Jr.,** had John, bap. Deo. 9, 1792; Ma,ry, bap. July 10, 1796. Ml the foUmmng from E. W. C. i?.— Luke*^ (E. W.), p. 682, 1. 21, had a 2d dau. .^nne, bap. July 14, 1765, His son Simeon, had Luke, bap. March 2, 1794; Charles, bap. Jan. 29, 1797; Robert C, bap. March 30, 1806; William, bap. July 30, 1809 ; Eliza Ann, bap. Oct. 9, 1811; Julia, bap. May 7, 1815. His son Russell, had Eli, bap. April 22, 1792 ; , Sept. 8, 1793; Anne, Nov. 16, 1794; Russell, July 17, 1796; ', Sept. 23, 1798; Eliza, June 8, 1800; Lorena, June 21, 1801; Us—, Jan. 9, 1803; , June 10, 1804 ; Mary, Jan. 1806.; Francis, March 27, 1808 ; Jo—, Aug. 16, 1809. P. 682, 1. 26, Dea. Amasa,*' has been badly treated, and I am surprised to find how many people are interested in him, and anxious for the preservation of his fair fame. I've received letters from Wisconsin to Connecticut relative to Dea. Amasa, and will now endeavor to straighten out some of the kinks. 1st. All the children from Amasa, b. 1785, to Betsy villa, b. 1805, inclusive, belong not to the Deacon, but to his son Amasa (1. 25), b. in 1763. Having taken so much of the load off the Deacon's back, we proceed to remark 2d. That a principal cause of the confusion is probably in the fact that the wife of the second Amasa was also a Priscilla Birge. This fact may clear away the seeming defamation which rests upon Dea. Amasa*' of having a child b. while he was a widower. Amasa, b. 1785, grad. Y. C, 1807. For Betsyvilla, read BetsyrUla. " Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 89 P. 682, 1. 29, Eliakim (prob. Ellakim,'' 1. 22), Wby. d. March 29, 1753. (R. MSS.) P. 682, 1. 32, CHAnNCET, son of Amasa,*' had Juliet, bap. March 27, 1808; Harriet, bap. June 25, 1809 ; Olive Elmer, bap. Nov. 10, 1811. Mr A. S. Kellogg says there was a third Amasa, who with his wife (name unknown) joined the church in No. Bolton, Jan. 26, 1783. Thevchurch recoi'd shows two children, bap, there — Nancy, bap. Feb. 9, 1783 (named on page 682, line 33, as b. July 10, 1782), and Samuel, bap. Sept. 26, 1784. Gershom (prob. son of Amasa*'), had children, bap. Aug. 3, 1806 ; Jan. 14, 1810. (E. W. C. R.) P. 683, 1. 32, Elijah, had Sylvester, bap. April 15, 1787, d. Jan. 14, 1797. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 683, 1. 35, Eltphalet, m. Theodosia Clark, March 28, 1749, and had also Israel, bap. Oct. 8, 1758, d. Nov. 3, 1759 ; Lizzie, bap. March 8, 1761. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) For Thdsdamia, read Thedean, prob. Theodosia. P. 683, 1. 37, Gideon, d. May 7, 1802, a. 67. Giles (prob. the one ment. on 1. 15, p. 684), had children, bap. Deo. 23, 1781; May 23, 1784, and June 20, 1784; Feb. 25, 1786; Horace, bap. Feb. 15, 1789 ; Harry, bap. June 26, 1791 ; Sally, bap. April 7, 1793. (E. W. C. R.) P. 684, 1. 24, Joseph, Jr., d. Sept. 5, 1739. His wid. Mary, d. Sept. 12, 1740. P. 685, 1. 1, Mr. S. W. Patterson of W. Winsted, Ct., informs me that he has been informed by one of this Reuben's descendants, that he (Reuben) was son of Icliabod, who was son of Timothy, and his being m. in 1742, would in- dicate his birth as early as 1720. Mr. P.'s theory, therefore, is thatlchabod, b. 1692, in., and had Ichabod, who m. 1738, and had this Reuben and possi- bly one or two more before Lucy, b. 1727. See 1. 5, p. 681, and note of correction on same, on page 87 of this Supplement. This (Capt.) Reuben's 2d wife Rebecca, d. Jan. 11, 1775, a. about 55; he d. Oct. 12, 1801, a. 82. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 685, I. 38, Roman W., had Lucretia Barber, bap. Nov. 6, 1836. (W. C. R.) Odiah, m. Harriet Allyn, Sept. 16, 1807, and had William Ozias, bap. Dec. 11, 1809 (W. C. R.) ; and Eli Odiah, bap. June 17, 1810; Edgar, bap. July 20, 1812 ; Sarah Jerusha, bap. Oct. 9, 1814. (W. C. R.) AKTH0K, had Laura, bap. Nov. 21, 1813. (W. G. R.) Job (prob. Job, b. 1743, 1. 13, p. 684), had Simeon, bap. April 22, 1798 ; James, bap. 22 June, 1800 ; Willard, bap. Oct. 21, 1805 ; Simeon, bap. Dec. 20, 1807 ; Harris Allyn, bap. Oct. 20, 1811 ; Lester, bap. Sept. 14, 1815. (All above from W. C. R.) Gilbert and wife Abigail N., had Mary Jane, bap. May 6, 1853. Elihu, m. Rhoda Phelps, May 6, 1813; Harriet E., m. J. R. Jewett of Lowell, Mass., May 26, 1841 (W. C. R.) ; Melinda, m. Abial King of Suffield, May 12, 1841. (W. C. R.) ]2 Digitized by Microsoft® 90 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. jDsirs (prob. the same as on 1. 2, p. 682), had children, bap. Jnly 29, 1770 ; Sept. 13, 1772; June 4, 1775. (E. W- C. R.) Gideon (prob. the same as onl. 37 and 39, p. 683), had children, bap. Aug. ~ 2, 1772. This Gideon was prob. the same as one on line 43, same page. SiMoif (poss. Simeon), had Simon Lorenzi, bap. March 11, 1792. (E. W. C. R.) Ldcy, had Lucy, bap. Nov. 4, 1764 ; Hannah, had child, bap. Oct. 29, 1775 ; Naomi, had child, bap. Aug. 15, 1775. (E. W. C. E.) The following from Why. Ch. Rec. — Samuel, m. Jernsha Filley, Deo. 13, 1759, and had Jerusha, bap. May 25, 1760, Samuel, bap. Aug. 23, 1761. Samuel (of Windsor), had Zedekiah, bap. Nov. 10, 1766 ; David, bap. Feb. 26, 1771. Stephen, Jr., m. Mary Mumford, June 13, 1765 ; had Andrew, bap. July 13, 1766; Kesiah, bap. Nov. 15, 1767; Molly, bap. March 22,1772; MoUe, bap.' March 27, 1774; Ralph, 'bap. April 7, 1776; Elven, bap. Oct. 25, 1778; Heman, bap. April 24, 1780; Russell, bap. May, 1780; , bap. Aug. 31, 1783. Jacob, m. Diademia Hubbard, Aug. 15, 1771, and had Diademia, bap. Jan. 12, 1772 ; Jacob, bap. Oct. 31, 1773 ; Becky, bap. Jan. 12, 1777. Elijah (p. 683), m. Abigail Gillet, May 10, 1778, had Clarissa andErastus, bap. Nov. 3, 1799 ; Abigail and Eunice, bap. Aug. 31, 1783 ; Aureliaj. bap. July 10, 1785. Abijah, had Timothy, bap. June 22, 1787. Eliphalet (poss. one ment. 1. 35, p. 68S), had Ann, bap, Oct. 22, d. 27, 1750. EliAkim33 (see p. 681, 1. 22), who d. March 28, 1753, a. 52 yrs., 9 mos., had Mary, bap. May 3, 1747 ; Sarah, bap. Deo. 31, 1749. Abel (1. 25, p. 685), whose wife Eunice, d. Feb. 13, 1757, a. about 38, had ' Eunice, bap. July 25, 1742 ; Abelfbap. May 6, 1744; Ezon, bap. March 23, 1746; Daniel, bap. Aug. 21, 1748; Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 27, 1751; Hezekiah, bap. Oct. 7, 1753. JoAB, had Susannah, Reuben, Harrison and Sarah Ann, bap. Nov. 18, 1821. Geokge, had Eunice Aurelia, bap. July 4, 1813. Jacob, had Julianna, bap. May 5, 1799. Samuel, 1st Society Windsor, had David, bap, Aug. 5, 1764. Samuel, had Russell, Jesse, George, bap. April 19, 1789. Joab, bap. Feb. 19, 1781, d. Aug. 9, 1783; Anna, bap. Aug. 29, 1784; .Jacob, bap. June, 1787. Timothy, m. Wealthy Ann Hubbard, May 2, 1811, and had Timothy Dwight, bap. May 31, 1812. Jedidiah, m. Sibel Case, Nov. 25, 1748; and had Sybil, bap. Deo. 3, 1749. Lucy, m. Robert Joyner of Sheffield, March 3, 1757; wid. Theodobia, m. Simeon Judd of Hartford, June 20, 1771. Rebecca, m. Hez. Goodwin, Aug. 29, 1798 ; Nabby, m. Jonathan Hutoh- Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 91 inson of Granby, May 11, 1802; Clarissa, m. Romanta Woodford of Win- chester, Jan. 26, 1809 ; Chaelotte M,, m. Horace Daniels, Feb. 18, 1830. William, m. Densy Burr, Sept. 27, 1807. Abijah, had Huldah, bap. Aug. 25, 1782 ; Wealthy Ann, whod. April 17, 1796, a. 8. Wid. Sakah, d. Aug. 3, 1794, a. 88 ; Eils. John, d. Sept. 6, 1765, in 77 : wid. LooMis (sister to Jno. and Isaac Brown), d. Jan. 6, 1766, a. about 60 ; wid. Abigail, d. April 13, 1793 ; inf. of Stephen, Jr., d. Feb. 10, 1785 ; Stephen, d. Oct. 30, 1794, in 78 ; David, d. Aug. 20, 1797, a. 78. Eliakim, d. April 15, 1802, in 66 ; wid. Gkace, <1. April 2, 1803, in 82 ; wid. Mart, d. April 25, 1804, a. 73 ; Abijah, d. June 27, 3805, a. 49 ; wid. Maey, d. Nov. 13, 1806, a. 59; Pamelia, dau. of Hez,, Jr., d. May 23, 1807, a. 3; Jacob, d. Jan. 13, 1826, a. 75 ; Hannah, d. June 25, 1823, a. 87 ; Jbbusha, d. July 26, 1823 ; Dea. Elijah, d. May 10, 1820, a. 66 ; Ltdia, d. Nov. 9, 1818, a. 91. MoSES, m. Nancy Loomis, May 5, 1834. (W. C. R.) " Left. Richard Buruham of Hartford, and ye widow Hannah Loomis of W., m. Oct. 15, 1742."— rim. Loomish MSS. Benjamin, m. Chloe Brown of E. W., May 18, 1778, is prob. the father of George, b. Sept. 24, 1783 ; Jedediah, m. Martha Drake, May 18, 1783 ; Eleanor, m. Henry Wilson, Nov. 5, 1809 ; Horace, m. Lula Clark, April 22, 1800, and had Triphena, bap. (W. C. R.) May 21, 1809 ; LovEL, m. Zuba Phelps, Feb. 20, 1793; Amelia, m. John Hills (E. W.), Feb. 8, 1815 : Benjamin, Jr., m. Mary Gaylord, Feb. 21, 1805. William, had Fanny, bap. May 20, 1798 (W. C. R.); Sally, bap. April 20, 1800 (W. C. R.); Samuel, had Harriet, bap. Sept. 11, 1796 (W. C. R.) ; Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 1733; Samuel, Jr., had Eleazer, Keziah and Sally, bap. Aug. 10, 1794 (W. C. R.) ; Hannah, wife of Gideon, d. May 3, 1817, a 77; see page 683; John, d. Nov. 30, 1732, his wife 1734; wid. Ruth, d. July 11, 1767; Mart, d. Dec. 18, 1819, in 33d yr. (E. W. 0.); Eecle (?), of Moses and Eunice, d. Dec. 21, 1794, in 35 yr. P. 685, 1. 30, Henry, m. Ruth Bidwell, 1727; see p. 683 foot. " Joseph, son of Joseph," had Joseph, who d. March 19, 1682-3 ; Joseph, b. Oct. S, 1684; Caleb, who d. March 5, 1686-7; Martha, b. Oct. 31, 1690. (Col. Rec.) JosiAH, had Josiah, b. Feb. 17, 1684. (Col. Reo.) P. 841, 1. 29, Addenda and Miscellanea, John, b. Jan. 30, 1782, d. July 16, 1854. In Bennington, N. Y., Nov. 19th, 1862, Capt. Geo. Loomis, in his 75th year. Capt. Loomis was the last of the eight original settlers of the town of Bennington, who came from Windsor, Ct., in 1806. During the last war, he with his company of militia, was called out to assist in protecting our Cana- dian frontier. For more than thirty years, almoBt from its £rst commence- ment, he has been a subscriber to The Evangelist. He had been considered a consistent christian by all who knew him, for many years, but never made Digitized by Microsoft® 92 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. a public profession of religion till the autumn of 1857, when he, with nearly his whole family, united with the Baptist church. "This had long been the church of his choice, yet he was no sectarian, but loved all christians wher- ever he met them. The unanimous testimony of neighbors and acquaint- ances is, " No one can say aught against him." And in view of his long and useful life, and peaceful death, all feel to say, " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." — N. Y. Evangelist. EzEKiEL, Sen., d. May 24, 1857, a. 42. (Wp. N.) LORD, Elisha, had Bidwell, bap. July 4, 1795. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 686, Jamks, m. Rhoda Loomis, April, 1813; Elisha, m. Susannah Al- cott, Dec. 13, 1794, he d.,Feb. 29, 1808, a. 59. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) Theodosia (perhaps first wife), of Elisha, d. Sept. 19, 1793. LOTHROP, p. 687, insert Thaksher (Thatcher?), had children, bap. Jan. 30, 1763; Jan. 20, 1765; Oct. 12, 1766; May 11, 1768 ; May 30, 1770. (E. W. C. R.) LUCAS, p. 687, insert Ichabod, m. Abigail Smith, Dec. 29, 1783. LYMAN, p. 691, insert Nathaniel, was bap. and had children bap. April 1, 1792; Oct. 27, 1793 ; July 31, 1796 ; Backus, Oct. 6, 1799; William, Nov. 8, 1801. (E. W. C. R.) McCLURE, p. 691, insert Rev. David, had children bap. Sept. 10, 1786; Nov. 16, 1788 ; Hannah Pomeroy, Aug. 23, 1791. (E. W. C. R.) MACK, p. 691, 1. 5, Andrew's wife's name was Sarah . MoLEAN, Hkctok, m. Esther Chaffee, June 1, 1789 ; had Esther Chaffee, bap. Sept. 3, 1797; Henry Augustus, bap. Oct. 6, 1799. (W. C. R.) Betsy Goodwin, d. Nov. 15, 1810, a. 23; Sarah, d. May 5, 1817, a. 70; John, d. Sept. 1822. Thomas, had Sally, bap. May 29, 1785. Lacchlan, m. Lucy Humphrey, April 11, 1762, and had Hector, bap. Deo. 1762; Charles, bap. Oct. 20, 1765 ; Mariann, bap. March 27, 1768 ; Archibald, bap. April 28, 1771 ; James, bap. July 11, 1779 ; Lucy, bap. Aug. 31, 1783. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Neal, had child, d. July 6, 1772, a. about 14 days. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) John, had John, bap. June 16, 1776 ; William, bap. July 11, 1779 ; Betsy Goodwin, bap. Aug., 1787. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Allyn, had inf., d. Oct. 27, 1795 ; Roderick, bap. Dec. 6, 1777. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) MANLEY, p. 691, 1. 22, Eeenezee, d. in 1776. He m. Mary Gillet, Deo. 24, 1762. His son Allyn was b. in 1766, and he also had dau. Permena, bap. March 6, 1774. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Geobqe, had George, bap. April 8, 1753. This corrects line 32, page 691. Dea. William's first child, b. 1753, was named William ; also had Mary, bap. Nov. 2, 1755 ; his wife Molly (prob. 2d wife), d. June, 1786. The month of Dea. William's marriage is given as Nov. by Wby. Ch. Reo. Maet, m. Jacob Merrils of W. Hartford, Feb, 17, 1765. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 93 William's wife d. Dec. 1, 1802 ; William, d. July 22, 1805, a. about 30 ; William (prob. Dea.), and wife were adm. to Wby. Ch., March 3, 1744-5, from Wethersfleld. (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 691, Ekastds, m. Abigail Brown, Jan. 15, 1835. (W. C. R.) Timothy, had child, bap. June 18, 1786. (E. W. C. R.) Pamela, m. Chester Rice of Saudlsfield, Feb. 27, 1797. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) MANNING, p. 691, Johu, m. Lydia Holcomb, Deo. 29, 1777. (Wby. Ch. Rec:) MANSFIELD, p. 691, 1. 33, JoHif, m. 1683. (Col. Rec.) MARSH, p. 692, John, m. Sarah Strong, April, 1779. Nathaniel of Htfd., m. Naomi Barber, Feb. 20, 1795. MARSHALL, p. 692, 1676 (under autograph), read 1672. P. 692, 1. 47, for their generations, read three generations. P. 696,1. 13, Samuel's wife Joanna, d. March 13, 1783; he d. Nov. 7, 1797. (Wby. Ch. Rec) Wid. Mart, had Reuben, bap. Aug. 2, 1778 ; Alexandek, had Zerniah, bap. Aug. 2, 1778; Alexandek, d. April 25, 1801, a. 54; Olitek, d. April 18, 1804, a. 34; Wid. Lydia, d. Nov. 7, 1804, a, 53; Samuel, d. June 4, 1813, a. 39. Col. Bee. say that Maey (wid. of Capt. Samuel ?) d. Aug. 25, 1683. P. 697, 1. 1, Eliakim," m. Anne Palmer, Dec. 27, 1785 ; his son Warren, m. Elizabeth Wolcott, Sept. 26, 1811. P. 697, 1. 21, Capt. Elihu," m. March 7, 1793. P. 697, 1. 27, Samuel," d. Aug. 14, 1800. He m. Sabra Mills, Jan. 12, 1769. (Wby. Ch. Eeo.) P. 697, 1. 34, Calista, who m. Mr. Herron, has two children, Fred. M., Calista S. P. 697, 1. 38, Elisha G., now Captain 6th Infantry, U. S. A., and Colonel of the 13th N. Y. V., Army of the Potomac. Same line, for Josepha Toule, read Josepha Toule. Candaoe, m. Odiah L. Sheldon, Aug. 1, 1826. (W. C. R ) Samuel, s, of Samuel, m. Rebecca Newberry, June 22, 1675. (Col. Rec.) Edwakd W. m. Julia A. Haydon, Nov. 10, 1836. (W. C. R.) Alexander, had Lydia, bap. March 31, 1771. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Geo. Loomis, Sarah and Noah, children of Josiah, bap. June 22, 1794. (W. C. R.) Wid. Lydia, had Ruth, bap. Nov. 1, 1801. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Marion, m. Hiram Wells of West Hartford, July 22, 1824. (Wby. Ch. R^c.) MATHER, p. 699, 1. 21, for 1634, read 1635. P. 700, 1. 23, Rev. Samuel,' had also dau. Hannah, b. Sept. 1682, d. prob. in 1683. (Col. Rec.) P. 702, 1. 2, William (with his brother §amuel), was bap. Nov. 15, 1761. (N. S. R.) He d. Jan. 1, 1800. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 702, 1. 13, Allen, bap. April 4, 1773. .(N. S. R.) Digitized by Microsoft® ^4 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. P. 702, 1. 14, add William, bap. Aug. 4, 1776. (N. S. R.) P. 702, 1. 15, Rev. Alltn,' grad. Y. C, 1771 ; ord. Feb. 3, 1773, at Fair Haven, Ct. P. 702, 1. 17, Allyk (prob. AUyn, Jr.), and Parthenia, had Edward, Mary, Samuel, d. June 10, 1830, a. 19. *), m. Rachel Beldeu, Jan. 1803; d. Deo. 1, 1847. Children: Orpha, b. Oct. 4, 1804; m. Lumau Andrus, Jan. 1821; Harriet, b. Sept. 22, 1806; d. Oct. 25, 1828 i Alta, b. Sept. 1808 ; d. April, 1812; Elvira, b. Aug. 4, 1810; m. Thos. Dunn, Sept. 19,1837; Melissa, b. April 10,1813; m. Reuben Standoliff, Jan. 13, 1852 ; Martin,' b. Aug. 12, 1815 ; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 31, 1820; m. William Torrey, Oct. 6, 1846; Mary, b. Jan. 17, 1823; m. Cyrus Crouch, Feb. 12, 1848 ; Elisha,2 b. Feb. 14, 1827, and lives in Penn. Maeti.v,i m_ i_ Louisa Mix, April 6, 1847; she d. July 18, 1848 ; he m. 2, Adeline Standoliff, Deo. 24, 1843. Children by 2d wife : Ovid, b. Nov. 18, 1849 ; Louise, b. July, 1851 ; Eugene, b. April, 1854 : Amelia, b. August, 1857. Ei,isnA,2, m. Mary Thompson, Sept. 4, 1854. Children : Alice, b. Aug. 14, 1855 ; Lamberteen, b. June 20, 1857; Frank, b. June 26, 1859. P. 749, 1. 2, Elidu (son of Lieut. Abraham'^), m. Margaret Langford of Maryland, and had one son, John Book,^ b. in Baltimore, Dec. 25, 1806.. John Book,'* m. Ellen Agnes Seward of Guilford, Conn. (b. in Savannah, Ga., March 13, 1816), on Sept. 13, 1836. Children : Sarah Agnes, b. in Pitts- burg, Pa., Oct. 23, 1838 ; John Patterson, b. Philadelphia, Jan. 15, 1841 ; d. June, 1843 ; Alice Langford, b. in Philadelphia, May 2, 1843 ; d. Oct., 1843. * Kev. John Boob: Pinnet, after the death of hie grandfather (Lieut. At»rahani,18) lived among hiaj unclefi in Colebrook and Canaan, from the spring of 1814 until thatof 1817, when being 10 years old, he wae placed by his father, at school in the Academy at Windsor, Ct., where, to use his own words, "for nearly nine years I was allowed, under theunwatchful, not to say unfaithful care of my guardian, to waste my lime among a constantly changing sot of incompetent teachers." When nearly 19 years of age he went to Lexington, Ga., where much against his inclination, he was placed at a private school, and during the next season entered the junior class of the Georgia University at Athens, from which he graduated in l&ZB. While in college, young Pinney became a subject of an extensive revival of religion which occurred among the students, and became a member of the Presbyterian Church Having studied law considerably while in his senior year at college, under the direction of Jos. H. Lumpkin, Esq., then a leading lawyer, and now Chief Justice of the state of Georgia, he was in that year admitted to the bar under William H. Crawford, Esq., formerly Secretary, then judge of the Supreme Court of Georgia. He however soon quit the law, in order to prepare for the ministry, and by teaching school for a year at Walterboro, S. C, he procured the means necessary for the prosecution of a three years' course of theological study, and in the fall of 1829 entered the Theological Institution at Princeton, N. J., where he graduated in I8ii5. While there, he decided to become a missiouary among the great Negro nations of Bomea and Hausa in tho interior of Africa. In the fall of that year he was ordained, together with a companion, the Rev. Joseph W. Barr of Ohio, and started on their intended work. Mr. Barr, however, while they were awaiting the departure of the vessel which was to convey them, was suddenly out off by an attack of Asiatic cholera, and Mr. Pinney proceeded alone. The hardships and fatigues, however, of a journey from the coast of Africa to the interior Digitized by Microsoft® 112 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOE. Wm. Seward Piersoo, b. at Windsor, Conn., Aug. 4, 1846; Annie I'oster, b. at Washington, Pa., April 14, 1848; Robert MoKenuan, b. in New York city, April 2, 1850, d. Feb. 18, 1852; Ella Keed, b. in New York city, July 10, 1852; Fanny Loomis Prime, b. Deo. 25, 1853; Benj. Coates, b. May 6, 1856 ; Maud Fay, b. Jan. 29, 1858, d. Sept. 13, 1859. P. 749, 1. 4, HoKACE (son of Lieut. Abraham^^), went to Virginia, .about 1810, where he m. Nancy Snavely, Oct. 31, 1811, and soon after emigrated to Jackson co., Ohio, where he lived until 1837, when he removed to Liporte CO., Ind., where he d. April 25, 1839. His wife d. Jan. 4, 1841, a. 52. Child- ren (still living in Indiana): (1.) David, b. Nov. 9, 1812, lived in Pine Grove, Gallia co., Ohio, and has two children, Aurora and Abraham; (2.) Horace^, b. Sept. 17, 1817 ; (3.) William^, h. July 28, 1819 ; (4.) Mary, b Nov. 27, 1821, m. Phineas Small (b. Nov. 9, 1§05), June 25, 1840, had Lois Cyrena, b. Aug. 23, 1841, m. Sept. 13, 1859, to Elijah Reynolds; Nancy Jane, b. Feb, 6, 1844, m. Emry Jener, Jan. 1, 1862; Eunice Loquincey, b. Aug. 31, 1846; Orlando V., b. May 14, 1849; Riley Francesco, b. March 23, 1852; Harrison, b. Sept, 11, 1854, and a twin with Henderson Thornburgh ; Phineas Orange, b. May 25, 1858; (5.) Harvey, b. April 12, 1825, d. Oct. 25, 1834; (6.) Lois, b. June 24, 1827, m. Jacob Thornburgli, Dec. 5, 1848, had Dameris Cyrena, b. Aug.. 3, 1850; William Elvin, b. April 10, 1853 ; (7.) Hester. HoKACF-i, m. May 4, 1843, Angeline C. Haskell (b. Feb. 4, 1827). Child- ren : Jay, b. Jan. 2, 1847 ;, Jane, b. April 20, 1850 ; Janurah, b. Sept^ 4, 1852; Kay, b. Nov. 16, 1854; Elb, b. May 6, 1856; Erastus, b. Feb. 3, 1861. William^, m. Cynthia Long (b. Sept. 20, 1822), Dec. 23, 1841. Children : Elizabeth Nancy, b. Oct. 6, 1842; Harvey Wright, b. July 15, 1844; James Andrew, b, Jane 27, 1846, d. July 14, 1846 ; William Eslis, b. Nov. 10, 1847; BO coraplotely broke down his health, as to compel his temporary return to this country in 1S33. In the fall of that year, he again set out, with nine miesionary companions, and lauded at Monrovia on the Ist of January, 1834. Just as Mr. P. was leaving the United States, ho had been persuaded to become (temporarily) the agent of the American Colonization Society, ■which constituted him ex-ofBcio, acting governor of the Colony of Liberia. At the same time the early death of certain missionaries so discouraged the American Board of Foreign Mis- sions, that they consented to the proposition of the American Colonization Society to have him commissioned as governor of thecolony, and to suspend their miesion awhile. Coincident with the above named commission, Mr. P. received another from the United States govern- ment as agent for recaptured Africans. His views, however, were not in accordance with those of tire two boards, and though by circumstances obliged to retain the authority con- ferred upon him until he could be relieved by a successor, Mr. Pinney at once refused to ac- cept the appointment permanently. Finally, the heavy cares and anxieties incident to such duties, together with repeated at- taoks of African fever, so undermined his health, as to necessitate his return to the United States in the fall of 1835. Since that time, with the exception of a little over a year, during which he was the set- tled pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Washington, Pa., Mr. Pinney has been chiefly en- gaged ns Corresponding Secretary of the Pennsylvania and New York Colonization Societies ; meantime, however visiting liiberla in 1S40, and again in 1355, on special duties. In 1862, Mr. P. was appointed Consul General for the Republic of Liberia, for the United States, a well merited compliment. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 113 Perry Guilford, b. Feb. 3, 1850; Herman Franklin, b. March 26, 1852; Lois Charlotte, b. Sept. 1, 1854 ; Elvin Clinton, b. Julj 17, 1860. P. 752, 1. 6, for jlmelia, read Aurdia. P. 752, I. 35, for Elizabeth Melonia, read Elizabeth Victoria. Maetin (can this be Martin^i ?), had Mary, bap. Jan. 13, 1799. (W. C. R.) David, m. Anna Sill of W., Sept. 12, 1822. (W. C. R.) Elihu, s. of Jonathan, bap. March 5, 1769. (N. S. R.) Elihu and Oliver of Jonathan and Mary, bap. Oct. 6, 1773, (N. S. R.) Sakah, dan. of Noah and Elizabeth, bap. Nov. 15, 1761. (N. S. R.) Dabt- lEL, s. of Noah and Abigail, bap. June 15, 1766. (N. S. R.) Noah (perhaps the above), d. " of mortification," Aug. 30, 1776. (N. S. R.) Fanny, bap. June 5, 1796. (W. C. R.) POMEROY, p. 753, 1. 5, ELiwED'swife, d. July 5, 1655; Eltwed (prob. the same), m. wid. Lydia Parsons, Nov. 30, 1664; his s. Caleb, m. Hep. Baker, March 8, 1664, and had dau. Hepzibah, b. July 27, 1666, befofre he went to Northampton ; Mary, d. April 21. (Col. Reo.) POND, p. 753, 1. 11, Samuel, d. March 14, 1654 ; his wid. Sarah, m. 2, John Linslee of Toket, July 9, 1655; Samuel's son Nathaniel, was b. Deo. 1651, and Sarah, b. Feb. 11, 1662. P. 753, 1. 13, Isaac,! m. May 10. (Col. Rec.) PORTER, p. 753, 1. 33, Samdbl, was b. in 1664-65 ; and Rebecca, b. 1666-7. (Col. Rec.) P. 754, 1. 4, for Sept., read Dec. (Col. Rec.) P. 754, 1. 31, " Cousin Mindwell Portek, wid°. went to 'liampton [prob- ably Northampton], with Lt. Joseph King, in order for marriage, Aug. 22, 1733." (Time. Loomis' MSS.) Hezekiah (Hez." or Hez.'^?), had Ruma, b. 1751, m. Baker; also, Israel, b. 1746, m. Happy Sadd. (E. W. Bap. Rec.) If these are children of Hezl^i, the dates are evidently incorrect. P. 756, 1. 24, for Capt. John, read Capt. Jonathan. P. 756, 2d 1. from bottom, strike out Sally. The following from E. W. C. R. Hezekiah (is this Hez.i" p. 755, 1. 11?), had children bap. Feb. 12, 1764; Oct. 5, 1766 ; May 2, 1773 ; March 5, 1775 ; March 4, 1787; July 18, 1790. Warham" (p. 755, 1. 12), had child, bap. Jan. 2, 1791 ; Frederick, bap. Sept. 30, 1804; Elijah, bap. Feb. 3, 1793; Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 1797; -, Aug. 25, 1799; , May 30, 1802; Warham, Jr., bap. June 7, 1807 ; Mary, bap. July 2, 1809. Nathaniel, Jr., had children bap. Oct. 3, 1771; Jan. 16, 1774; May 4, 1777; Aug. 22, 1779 ; Aug. 11, 1782; April 3, 1785; Edward, Oct. 7, 1792. John, had children bap. Nov. 15, 1767 ; Jan. 7, 1770 ; Feb. 28, 1773 ; Feb. 3, 17S2 ; Oct. 12, 1788. Sarah, had Arethusa, bap. Feb. 22, 1795 ; Huldah, bap. Oct. 29, 1797. LnciKA had child, bap. Sept. 11, 1785. 15 Digitized by Microsoft® 114 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Samuel, had children, hap, Feb. 18, 1781 ; June 1, 1783 ; Joseph, had child- ren, bap. Aug. 31, 1800; July 11, 1802. From Why. Ch. iJec— Anhe, m. Wm. Wallls, Nov. 10, 1738 ; Maet, m. Thomas Cadwell, Jr., of W. Hartford, Deo. 28, 1752. Capt. Joseph, d. March 24, 1759, a. abont 60; his wife d. May 27, 1757. POWELL, p. 757, last 1., Col. Rec. give the name of I'hoiuas' wife as " Mlse (Alice ?) Trahame," (possibly an Indian girl). Their son Thomas was b. July 11 — ; his son Hannibal, b. Oct. 3, 1682, and d. Jan. 15, 1684; John, d. Jan. 17, 1685. (Col. Rec.) PRATT, p. 758, insert, Timothy had children, bap. Get. 11, 1776; Jan. 3, 1779; Aug. 12, 1781; May 23, 1784. PRIOR, p. 758, 1. 5, 4th Col. Rec. contain the record of m. (no date given) of Humphrey and Mary Whitcomb. Prob. (from context) in 1686. His first wife Ann, d. Sept. 29, 1682. P. 758, 1. 9, concerning this Daniel,^ Mr. Edwin Steams of Middletown, Conn., sends the following from M. records: "Daniel Prior, formerly of Windsor, m. Sarah (dau. of Samuel) Egglestone, 1697. Children: Thank- ful, b. Jan. 21, 1698 ; Daniel, b. Nov. 5, 1699, d. June 9, 1710; Daniel,^ b. April 8, 1701; Susannah, b. March 5, 1702; Mary, b. July 13, 1705; Ebe- nezer, b. Sept. 23, 1707; Mrs. Sarah Prior, d. April 6, 1768; Daniel Prior, m. 2d, Mary, wid. of John Lucas, by whom he had Experience, b. April 16, 1710. Abnek (see line 20 ?), had SaVah, bap. July 1, 1781. PDRKINS, p. 758, insert John, had child, bap. Feb. 15, 1767. RANDALL, p. 760, 1. 21, Elizabeth, the 2d wife of Abraham, was the wid. of John Kirby of Middletown, Conn., who had d. 1677. She m. Randall, April 22, 1684. (Ed._ Stearns.) He d. Aug. 21, 1690. (Col. Rec.) Col. Rec. give Phillup, d. May 6, 1662, and " Old Wid." d. Aug. 24, 1665. REED, p. 759, 1. 6, for Porter of Windsor, read Dr. Porter of East Windsor. P. 759, 1. 11, for 1804, read 1824. P. 759, 1. 12, LncT Wells, b. 1804, m. R. Hazlett in 1820. P. 759, 1. 21, Celina (according to Rev. Julius Reed of Davenport, Iowa), was living in 1860-1. If so, the date of death belongs to some other Celina, that's sure. E. W. C, R. make her bap. April 14, 1799. P. 759, 1. 22, Emily, was bap. June 27, 1818. (E. W. C. R.) P. 759, 1. 23, Elijah F.*, M. D., commenced practice in that part of Bolton now Vernon, April 16, 1789. His wife was b. there. P. 759, 1. 27, Harriet S. Reed, who m. John Hall, had also Robert b. 1831, and Harriet, both now dead. P. 759, 1. 29, Rosanna, b. 1810, d. May 20. Isaac (prob. same as on p. 760, 1. 14), had by his wife Dinah, a son Elijah, bap. May 20, 1764, and Martin, bap. Dec. 7, 1766. The foregoing are from N. S. R. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 1 15 Isaac of North Windsor, had Elijah, tap. May 1764. (Why. Ch. Rec.) RICE, p. 760, insert, Aaron, m. Lucy Burnham, Aug. 7, 1788. RICHARDS, p. 760, Hezekiah had Hezekiah, hap. Nov. 14, 1756. (Why. Ch. Reo.) RILEY, p. 760, Eunice, dau. of Nathaniel, hap. Jan. 30, 1785. RISING, p. 760, 1. 40, J-ames was voted an inhahitant of W., March 11, 1668 (Town Reo.) ; m, Martha Bartlett, wid., Aug. 13, 1673, prob. the one who d. (see Hist.), April 20 (not 2), 1674. His first wife d. Aug. 11, 1669. (Col. Reo.) ROBERTS, p. 761, 1. 38 [»], Henet, had son Henry, bap. 1786, also Mary, tap. Sept. 4, 1788, and Barzilla, bap. Sept. 19, 1790. (W. C. R.) James, p. 761, 1. 43, m. Lauranna Loomis, June 2, 1783, and had Betsy, bap. Nov. 21, 1784. Joel, had child, bap. Jan. 31, 1762. (E. W. C. R.) Elihc, p. 761, 1. 44, m., Deborah Munsell, Feb. 2, 1801. Roxanna, m. Taylor, Jan. 2, 1806. Ruhama, m. Timothy J. Dawson of N. Haven, 1814. Laueanna, m. Jabez Gillet of Torrington, Jan. 11, 1798. Saut, p. 761, 1. 43, m. Daniel Talcott, Jr., May 17, 1798. From Why. Ch. Sec. — P. 761, 1. 2, Samoel, was hap. June 4 ; Ruth, bap. March 27, 1768 ; Hannah, bap. May 20, 1770 ; Samuel,^ bap. May 3 ; Eunice and Lois, bap. Oct. 2, 1774 ; Hezekiah, bap. June 5, 1776 ; d. same day ; Hezekiah, bap. Aug. 26, 1781. Lemhei, had Lemuel, bap. Oct. 17, 1742 ; Nathaniel, bap. March 24, 1745 ; Margaret, bap. May 28, 1749 ; d. Jan. 8, 1752. Nathaniei, had Rhoda, bap. Dec. 14, 1766 ; Nathaniel, bap. Feb. 6, 1769 : Lydia, bap. April 28, 1771 ; Orpha, bap. Aug. 22, 1773; Electa, bap. Feb. 4, 1776 ; Esther, bap. April 11, 1779 ; Erastus, bap. Aug. 26, 1781. EkAstus (son of Nathaniel above), m. Lois , who d. Oct. 24, 1804, a. 22 ; had Erastus Seymour (off. by Sam. Colton), bap. June 23, 1805. Paul had Paul, bap. Nov. 24, 1776 ; Mindwell, bap. Aug. 2, 1778 ; John (of Windsor), had Ann, bap. Feb. 4, 1750. Oliver, m. Anna Bunoe, April 15, 1792. EtjHiCE, m. Jas. Goodwin of Hartford, March 3, 1799. Esther, m. Joseph Goodwin, Jr., March 23, 1806. Chester, m. Harriet Wilson, Oct. 12, 1806. About 1751, Richard, d. a. about 60, and, about 8 yrs. before, his father Richard, d. Lieut. Lemuel, d. September 10, 1772, a. about 70; Johk, d. March 11, 1773; Abigail, d. Sept. 30, 1773, in 41 yr. ; Wid. Deborah, d. March, 1777, about 88 ; the wid. d. May 8, 1786, in 74th yr. ; Nathaniel, d. July 31, 1800, a. 54; Hiram, d. April 27, 1810, a. 16; Nathaniel, d. Nov. 19, 1813, a. 34; RhodA, d. April 15, 1815, a. 67; Lemuel, d. July 28, 1828; Ljsmubl, d. July 1, 1829, a. 63. Digitized by Microsoft® 116 HISTOKY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. ROBESON, p. 762, insert, Elizek (f>rob. Elizur), had Faith, bap. Sept. 16, 1764. (E. W. C. B.) ROCKWELL, p. 762. In the 2d Book of Records of Court and Probate of the Connecticut Colony, recently discovered, we find (page 162) the will of John Rockwell of Windsor, who must have been the father of Simon Rock- well, who, with his sisters Mary (Watson) and Sanford, are mentioned on page 762, lines 19, 21. This will of John Rockwell, dated April 4, 1661, constitutes, his son Simon, as his executor, and to have the estate after his mother's death. The house, land, one cow, etc., are devised to his wife. Simon was to have a cow, and himself and sisters Mary, Hannah (wife of Zachary Sanford, mentioned above), were to have one pound each, and their children one pound apiece. The value of the estate was £244.05. He d. May 10, 1662. Wilmet (Wilmoth, Wilmarth) Rockwell, wid. of the above John, executed a will on the 12th of May, 1662, wherein she gives " to my daughter Mary, one Bed, that which Simon lies on, with two Blankets, two sheets, one pil- low " and, "to my daughter Hannah, one little Bed, which my husband died on, with two blankets, two sheets, one pillow," and " all my wearing clothes to my two daughters to be equally divided to them. And all ye rest of my estate I give to my son Simon." She d. May 12, 1662. 'Query. Who can inform us of the origin of this family ? P. 762, 1. 19, Simon, d. June 22, 1665. He and his sisters, as will be seen from the foregoing paragraphs, were children of John and Wilmet. P. 762, 1. 26, Deliverance, wid. of John,' afterwards m. Robert Warranar of Middletown, Feb. 2, 1674. P. 762, 1. 30, for Nov. 27, read Nov. 23. P. 762, 1. 35, Abigail, b. 1664, prob. d. May 3, 1665. (Col. Rec.) P. 762, 1. 32, this Elizabeth m. Lieut. James Ward of Middletown, Conn., Feb. 1, 1694. With her brother Joseph', owned the oov. and was admitted to Midd. Ch. Oct. 28, 1694, having both been bap. in Windsor, where their father was in full communion. She d. July 28, 1721 ; Lieut. James Ward, d. Jan. 4, 1712. Children: Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1694; Mary b. April 9, 1697 ; James b. March 6, 1700 ; Samuel, b. March 25, 1703 ; Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1705 ; John b. Sept. 6, 1708. (Communicated by Mr. Edwin Stearns, of Middletown, Conn.) P. 762, 1. 31, strike out the index figure ' attached to Joseph's name. P. 762, 1. 37, strike out this and next line, being family given to Joseph,' but belongs to Joseph,' as see below. P. 762, 1. 36, Joseph^, b. in Windsor, May 22, 1670 (this varies as will be seen, from the date in the Windsor Hist., p. 762, 1. 31, see also note above), admitted to Middletown Ist Church, Oct. 28, 1694, m. Elizabeth (dau. of Edward) Foster of M., Feb. 1, 1694, was chosen deacon May 31, 1704 ; was captain of a company, and was town clerk from 1708 to 1734, and his son William after him, from 1735 to 1765, and was also deacon after his father's Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 117 death. Deacon Joseph, d. Oct. 28, 1742, in 75th yr. ; his wife d. Aug. 15, 1753, a. 80 (having been b. May 7, 1673). Children: John, b. Oct. 29, 1694; Joseph, b. Oct. 24, 1697; Edward and Elizabeth, twins, b. Oct. 10, 1700, both d. March, 1701; William, b. July 3, 1702; Hannah, b. Dec. 18, 1704 ; Edward, 2d, b. July 23, 1707 ; Ebenezer, b. March, 9, 1711. (Com- muuicated by Edwin Steai-ns, Middletown, Ct.) P. 764, 1. 19, after HockweUs, insert in Colebrook, Ct. P. 764, line 12, Isaac '« had also a child bap. Nov. 1, 1767. Furnished by A. O. Finney— P. 766, 1. 7, Ephkaim^, had, in addition to Sarah, mentioned in the text, Allen^, b. June 10, 1776; Hannah,* b. Sept. 19, 1778, m. David Wadsworth; Ephraim, Jr. b. Feb. 19, 1781, left home in early life, not since heard from— a silversmith by trade ; Abner C.^ b. May 4, 1783; Ebazer,'* b. Nov. 10, 1785; Zerah,**, b. March 6, 1787; Sally, f b. Jan. 3, 1791, m. Jacob Bowman ; Bernard,^! *, b. March 30, 1793. Allek,! m. Phebe Davis, and he d. Jan. 25, 1851. He was one of the first settlers of Bt-adford county, Pa. Children : Allyn, Jr., b. Feb. 22, 1800, m. Oath. Cole, Oct. 23, 1821; Polly, b. Aug. 31, 1801, m. David Cole, d. May 23, 1838 ; Nancy, b. March 2, 1804, m. Nathan Bullock, d. Sept. 4, 1846 ; Levi, b. Jan. 11, 1806, m. Lois Davidson ; Oliver, b. Feb. 4, 1807, m. Nancy Smith; Betsy, b. July 4, 1812, m. Henry Stone, May 20, 1830; Hiram,, b. Jan. 4, 1814, m. Deborah Greene, Oct. 11, 1837 ; John, b. March 11, 1817, m. Susannah Greene, April 15th, 1841 ; William A., b. Jan. 9, 1820, m. Rachel Craton, Oct. 20, 1844. Abneb C.,2 m. Betsy Fowler, Dec. 20, 1808, and he d. July 29, 1836. He was one of the first settlers of, and the first sheriff of Bradford county. Pa. Children: Donna M., b. Sept. 29, 1809, m. J. D. Montanye ; Zerah,« b. Nov. 17, 1811; James L.,' Feb. 15, 1814 ; Hannah M., b. Aug. 10, 1816, d. March 21, 1824; Mary C, b. Nov. 15, 1818, d. Feb. 12, 1825 ; William A., b. Sept. 10, 1821, d. March 22, 1824; William A., 2d, b. July 18, 1824, m. Mary Nichols; Roland R., b. June 15, 1828, m. Sarah Wilson, July 2, 1851. Eleazee,^ m. Kezia Spring, June 11, 1806. Children : Ephraim F.,^ b. March 4, 1808 ; Lodoiska S., b. April 28, 1810, m. J. W. McFaddan, Oct. 20, 1825 ; Calvin D., b. June 12, 1812, m. Rebecca Blystone, Sept. 6, 1832; Clarissa F., b. June 24, 1814, m. Jacob Blystone, Jan. 31, 1833 ; Darius N., b. June 29, 1816, m. Eunice Herrick, Jap. 18, 1838; Hannah M., b. Jan. 10, 1818, m. Albert E. Kingsley, Oct. 11, 1842; Orville A., b. July 25, 1820, m. Mary Baldwin, Oct. 13, 1842 ; Sally R., b. Nov. 16, 1825, m. George Wilson, May 23, 1844; Pamelia M., b. July 5, 1831, m. David Stoke, June 31, 1849. ZEEAH,*m. Phebe Carter, Feb. 25, 1812, and he d. Feb. 1, 1859. Child- ren : William S.,« b. Jan. 6, 1813: Louisa M., b. Oct. 17, 1814, m. John 0. Hodges ; Laura A., b. Jan. 13, 1817, d. Feb. 11, 1852 ; Abner C, b. May 10, 1819, m. Sarah Grear; Horace N., b. April 10, 1821, m. Harriet Parker; * These children were all among the ftret settlers of Crawford county, Pa. ' f A first settler of Bradford county, Pa. Digitized by Microsoft® 118 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOE. Ephbaim S.," b. July 13, 1823; Harriet P., h. Deo. 31, 1825, m. Alvali BeDJamin ; Phebe L., b. June 19, 1828, m. Henry C. Long. BEKifAKD,5 m. Rebecca Marcy, Feb. 3, 1819. Children: Addison 0.," b. Deo. 16, 1819 ; Sally A., b. Dec. 5, 1821, m. Nathan L. Snow, Oct. 9, 1845; Emeline M., b. Not. 26, 1826; Emily M., b. April 13, 1824, d. July 27, 1825; Eunice L., b. Deo. 10, 1829, m. Justin E. Snow, May 22, 1850, d. Feb. 2, 1855 ; E. Fidelia, b. Oct. 7, 1832, m. S. B. Root, Oct. 10, 1855. Zebah,' m. Mary A. Hart, and he d. March 19, 1857. Children : Elma S., b. April 28, 1836, d, July 13, 1838 ; Clarence B., b. Jan. 19, 1840, d. April 7, 1841 ; Maylon L., b. Jan. 29, 1843, d. July 30, 1850; Abner Clayton, b. Nov. 27, 1845 ; Helen E., b. Oct. 24, 1847 ; Mary M., b. Feb. 24, 1849. James L.,' m. Cordelia Lyon, Sept. 15, 1845. Children: Abner L., b. April 21, 1853 ; Mary J., b. AprU 25, 1855 ; Frank M., b. July 24, 1859 ; John L., b. July 28, 1861. Ephraim,^ m. Rhoda Washburn, Dec. 23, 1830. Children: Anon B., Sally M., Fanny, Sylvester, Sophia. » William S.,' m. Elinor A. Snow. Children: Annor A., James William, Jesse Z., Elma A, Ephraim S.,^" m. Mary E. Dodge. Children: William DePorest, "b. July 8, 1850, d. Sept. 12, 1852 ; Frank DeElmer, b. Sept. 10, 1853. Addison 0.," m. Martha L. Root, Oct. 8, 1846. Children : Wilbur Forness, b. April 25, 1848, d. Sept. 19, 1852; La Rue Du Retz, b. Aug. 9, 1849. The following from E. W. C. iJ.— Abner (prob. son of Deacon Daniel," see line 7, page 764), had children bap. Aug. 11, 1771 ; Aug. 8, 1773. Amasa, had children bap. Deo. 30, 1792; Jan. 17, 1796. Daniel (prob. Daniel,^^), had " a little boy " bap. July 29, 1770 ; Aug. 29, 1773 ; May 28, 1775 ; April, 1777; Feb. 18, 1781 ; Aug. 11, 1782; Dec. 9, 1787; Jan. 11, 1789. Daniel, Jr., had children bap. D , Aug. 4, 1793 ; Jo , Feb. 4, 1798; B , June 19, 1803. IsAAC,2i had a child, bap. Aug. 23, 1772. P. 766, 1. 9, Chaeles.2* Emily and Maria, were bap. Oct. 23, 1796; Abigail, bap. July 31, 1799; W. Hayden, bap. April 6, 1800; Mary (on records " Mariam " prob. Mary Ann), bap. April 25, 1773 ; Julia, bap. Feb. 24, 1805 ; Naomi, bap. April 12, 1807 ; Helen, bap. April 7, 1811. William, had William, bap. Feb. 20, 1763; Nov. 3, 1765; child, bap. March 6, 1768; Sept. 15, 1771; June 20, 1774 ; May 25, 1777. Silvands (son of John*), had child bap. Dec. 5, 1776. JoAB, had dau. bap. Jan. 20, 1799 ; , Oct. 12, 1800. Rdssell (son of Samuel, see line |14, page 766), had children bap. Jan. 30, 1819 ; July 23, 1820 ; Oct. 8, 1826. Ebenezer'^ (line 1, page 765) had also James Barber, bap. June 26, 1763. Nathaniel, Jr., had four children bap, Oct. 31, 1816, and one July 29, 1821. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 1 19 George's wife had children bap. Aug. 31, 1817; June 6, 1819 ; July 15 1821. •' ' Isaac" (page 764), had a child bap. Nov. 1, 1767. David's wife was bap. Nov. 9, 1788 ; had two children bap. Nov. 16, 1788 ; Jan. 3, 1790 : David, April 20, 1794. had Solomon, bap. Oct. 31, 1762, prob. d. soon, as he had an- other Solomon, bap. Jan. 22, 1764, the one whose biography is given on page 765. Daniel, h^d Jane Allison, bap. Nov. 14, 1813 ; Henry, bap. June 2 1816. (W. C. R.) Wid. Anna, d. Jan. 31, 1792. (Wby. Ch. Eec.) Simeon, m. Olive Cook, Sept. 28, 1797. Children : Anna, bap. Oct. 14, 1798 ; Harriet, bap, Feb. 1, 1801. (W. C. R.) Elijah of E. W., m. Nancy Green, Oct. 3, 1832. (W. C. R.) Owen, m. Ann Frances, April 28, 1827. (W. C. R.) Elizabeth, m. Thomas D. Elliot, Nov. 30, 1843. (W. C. R.) P. 767, 1. 14, for 43, read 53. P. 767, 1. 34, for 1744 read 1744-45. David (of E. W.), m. Lucy Wilson of Simsbury, Oct. 10, 1808. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) • From Wby. Ch. JJec— ROWELL, John had Roger, bap. Aug. 26, 1750 ; John, Jr. had Mary, bap. Nov. 2, 1760; Martin Steele, bap. Aug. 2, 1772; • Simeon, bap. July 16, 1780. • Daniel, m. Phebe Spencer 6f Suffield, Jan. 23, 1775; had Justice, bap. June 30, 1776 ; Chloe, bap. Oct. 18, 1778 ; Susannah and Eunice, bap. Oct. 17, 1784. » RoGEK, m, Anne Bunoe of New Haven, May 31, 1778. P. 768, 1. 1, Samuel, had also Elizabeth, bap. April 3, 1748. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) P. 768, 1. 4, For Hayts read Hayu (prob. Hays). (Wby. Ch. Reo.) P. 768, 1. 9, Samuel, Jr. m. Catharine Fyler, June 9, 1771; had Sabra, bap. Aug. 25, 1782, and Amelia, bap. Aug. 29, 1784. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) Wid. Makt, d. June 12, 1739, a. about 90. Thomas, Jr. (prob. the one ment., line 29 and 30, page 767), d. Oct. 28, 1741, a. about 70 ; his wid. Violet, d. April 1, 1751, a. 70. Hannah, d. Sept. 23, 1801, a. 78. Wid. Mabt, d. Sept. 7, 1806, a. 81. Philandek, Jr.'s wife, d. Sept. 16, 1814. Wid. Elizabeth, d. Sept. 26, 1814, a. 89. Wid. Mart, d. June 12, 1738, a. about 80. Grace, d. May 18, 1765, a. about 73. William, son of Samuel, d. Oct. 28, 1772, a. about 13 mos. Daniel, son of Daniel, Jr., d. Aug. 23, 1777, a. 6 mos. Stephen, d. April 30, 1778, a. about 23. Job's dau. Naomi, d. Feb. 21, 1794, a. 2| yrs. Daniel, d. March 18, 1798, a. 81. P. 768, 1. 10, Thomas, had Justin, bap. June 17, 1792; Thomas (prob. same as foregoing) and Mary, had Q'homas, bap. Feb. 11, 1781; Rox- Digitized by Microsoft® 120 HISTORT OF ANCIENT, WINDSOE. anna, bap. May 25, 1783; Horace, bap. Aug. 13, 1786 ; AUyn, bap. July 10, 1790 ; Polly, bap. Aug. 23, 1795. (All these from W. C. R.) P. 778, 1. 34, John, b. Feb. 20, 1744-5. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) John, Jr.'s wife Roxanna, bap. 1790 ; Nathaniel Steel, bap. Sept. 7, 1783; Henry Allyn and Timothy were bap. July 25, 1790 ; Polly, bap. Nov. 18, 1792. (All from W. C. R.) John, had Jehiel, bap. July 14, 1799. (W. C. R.) Justus, m. Almira Riley, Jan. 6, 1817. (W. C. R.) Martin, m. Ruth Barber, Nov. 23, 1780. James, m. Catherine Morgan, March 3, 1836. (W. C. R.) ROWLAND, p. 768, 1. 20, Rev. Henkt A. m. Elizabeth Newberry, March 25, 1795 ; Abraham, m. Deborah Gillet, June 1, 1803 ; had Wiliam Frederick, bap. Nov. 3, 1806. (W. C. R.) Abigail, m. George Bliss of Springfield, Nov. 15, 1804. ROWLEY, p. 768, 1. 28, Thomas, m. Mary Denslow, May 5, 1669. His child d. May 22, 1676. He also had Abigail, b. Feb. 10, 1686. (Col Rec.) P. 768, 1. — , Elizabeth of Windsor, m. William Lucas, Jr., of Middle- town, Conn., July 15, 1695 ; was admitted to Mid. Ch. in 1696, her mother being a member of the Church in Windsor. She had children : Elizabeth, b. August, 1698 ; Martha, b. March, 1699 ; William, b. March 14, 1701 ; De- borah, b. Nov. 1702; Gideon, b. May 31, 1705 ; Ebenezer, b. May 8, 1707j • Samuel, b. Sept. 6, 1709 ; Anna, bap. May 3, 1712. (Furnished by Edwin Stearns, Middletown, Conn.) From Wby. Ch. Sec. — Thomas, m. Mary Hale of Salmon Brook, Nov. 4, • 1779 ; Silas, had Nabby, bap. Jan. 20, 1814. Job, had Job, Ruth, Bildad, Loomis, bap. July 20, 1800. Bildad, m. Clarissa Shepard, Sept. 17, 1818. The wife of Rogee, d. May 2, 1821, a. 69; Roger, d. Feb. 11, 1822, a. 73. . Roger's wife d., June 24, 1800, a. 52. Eunice, wid. Daniel, d. Sept. 1, 1800, a. 84. Nabbt King (dau. of Silas), d. Jan. 24, 1804, a. 6. Job's child, d. Feb. 5, 1809, a. 7. Samuel, d. Deo. 6, 1811, a. 101. Job, d. Feb. 24, 1823, a. 71. " Roger, Jr. m. Rebecca Lattimer, Nov. 8, 1801. Levi, m. Abigail Center of Hartford, Jan. 19, 1804. Mart and Pamela, bap. Oct. 6, 1808. Theodore, m. Hannah Loomis, Nov. 29, 1810. RUSSELL, p. 769, 1. 1, Ellis, seems to have again been m. to Katharine , and their son Walcott was bap. Aug. 17, 1766. (N. S. R.) P. 769, 1. 4, William had, besides William, b. 1767; the following by "his wife Mary:" Theodore, bap. Nov. 19, 1775; Mary, bap. Aug. 2, 1777; Joseph Hunt, bap. Aug. 17, 1783. (All from N. S. R.) P. 769, 1. 6, Rev. William, of this gentleman and his family little informa- tion remains in Windsor. He d, just as the Revolution commenced, and in the distractions and turmoils of war, almost all traces seems to have disap- Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 121 peared. For the following items concerning him and his descendants, we are indebted to the courtesy of Edwin Stearns of Middletown, Conn., who is engaged upon a history of the Russell family, or the descendants of William Russell of New Haven. " Rev. William, sou of Rev. William* and Mary of Middletown, Conn., h. July 23, 1725 i grad. at Yale, 1745; member of 1st Church in Middletown June 5, 1749; tutor at Yale, 1749-50; was called to Wiudsor 1st Church in February, 1751; ord. July 24, 1754; was twice m.: 1, to Abigail Andrew a gr. dau. of Rev. Samuel Andrew of Milford, Conn., about 1754, she d. about 1762; 2, Jan. 18, 1770, to Abigail Newberry of Wiiidsor. Rev. William d. April 19, 1775 (the day on which the battle of Lexington occurred) in 50th yr. and the 24th of his ministry. Children by 1st wife— William Andrew, b. about 1755; grad. Yale, 1774; d. 1786, unm. ; Samuel Andrew; Abigail, d. in inf.; Abigail, 2d, m. John N. (son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth) Mather of Windsor (he was b. Oct. 8, 1750 ; was an officer in Continental army ; d. at Kingston, N. Y., during the war). Only child by 2d m— James, d. in inf. Jacob and Hester (or Esther 1) had Elijah and Hester bap. Nov. 27, 1774; Jerusha, bap. Aug. 4, 1776 ; Return, bap. May 5, 1778 ; Elislia, bap. January 1780 ; Samuel, bap. Dec. 13, 1782 ; Jerusha, bap. April 13, 1785 ; Content, bap. Jan. 24, 1787 ; Hosea, bap. June 3, 1792. All these from N. S. R. Samuel (probably son of Jacob and Hester above), m. Hepzibah Ells- worth, Feb. 28, 1805. Elisha (probably son of Jacob and Hester above), m. Lydia Ellsworth, June 2, 1803. Samuel, d. February, 1778; William, d. June 18, 1780. SADD, p. 769, Thomas, Jr., also had children bap. June 20, 1774 ; Oct. 12, 1776; Sept. 11,1785. P. 769, 1. 20, SiEEL (dau. of Matthew), was bap. Dec. 4, 1763. Matthew also had child bap. April 21, 1766. John, had children bap. Jan. 29, 1764 ; March 9, 1766 ; May 8, 1768 ; June 17, 1770; June 13, 1773. Noah, had Lucina, bap. June 27, 1802 ; Joseph, bap. Feb. 12, 1804; , Oct. 12, 1823. Waitstill, had Polly bap. May, 20, 1792. (All foregoing from E. W. C. R.) SANDERS, p. 770, 1. 8, for 1691, read 1690. (Col. Rec.) SAXTON, p. 770, 1. 13, Richard and his wife must esehange dates of death. (Col. Rec.) , Thomas, 1. 21, had also AUyn, bap. Oct. 28, 1764. (E. W. C. R.) SAYER, p. 771, insert, Wid Phebe, d. May 21, 1763. (R. MSS.) SEDGWICK, Abraham, had Jonathan who d. being scalded in a milk bowl, with water. May 27, 1748 ; a. about 27; Thankful, bivp. March 29, 1748; * Ancestry of Key. William of Windsor : 1, William, b. in England, 1612, emigrated to New- Haven, 1639 ; 2, Rev. Noadiab, b. at N. H., 1669, settled in Middletown ; 3, Iter. William, b. at Middletown, 1690, successor to hia father ; 4, Key. William of Windsor, 16 Digitized by Microsoft® 122 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Ebenezer, bap. April 1, 1750 ; Abi, bap. June 7, 1752 ; Wealthyann, bap. Jan. 17, 1754; Linda (d. fewhrs.) andLina (twins), bap. April 7, 1757; Abraham, bap. April 29, 1759. SEGAR, p. 770, insert, from Wby. Ch. Rec, Damps, m. Eunice Drake, Nov. 12, 1772 ; had Darius, bap. Aug. 5, 1773 ; Elijah, bap. Nov. 8, 1778 ; Hezekiah, bap. May 14, 1780. Joseph, whose wife d. Feb. 19, 1743, a. 73, had Zuba, bap. Nov. 9, 1740 ; d. Feb. 4, 1756; Abigail, bajj. July 15, 1744; Elijah, bap. Nov. 8, 1747; d. September, 1750 ; Darius, bap. Sept. 29, 1751. < MicAH, had Micah, bap. June 9, 1765; Mary, bap. Oct. 19, 1766; Amos, bap. Aug. 28, 1768; Anne, bap. July 15, 1770 ; Russell, bap. Deo. 6, 1772 ; Rachel, bap. Oct. 17 (Oct. 23), 1775 ; Daniel, bap. Sept. 7, 1777 ; Levi, bap. Aug. 6, 1780 ; Joseph, d. March 9, 1794, a. 88. SEWARD, Chakles, had Charies bap. Feb. 16, 1777 ; Nabbe, bap. March I, 1778. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) SHEPFELAND, Ellas, had dau. Delana, bap. July 22, 1764. (N. S. R.) SHADDOCK, p. 770, last line, Elias, m. Hanna (dau. of John) Osborn, and was buried at W., May 26, 1676. (Col. Rec.) SHARE (?) p. 770, insert John, d. Sept. 29, 1669. (CoL Rec.) SHELDING, p. 771, Rbmembeance, and Mary (probably this is a second wife of Remembrance, Jr., line 12), had a dau. bap. June 2, 1765 ; Elisha, bap, Nov. 1, 1767. (N. S. R.) Selah, m. Amy Drake, Jan. 24, 1782 ; Sasah, m. Aaron Fish, Feb. 21, 1806. SHEFPARD, WiLHAM, had William, bap. Oct. 8, 1758. Amos, had Jonathan, bap. April 5, 1761 ; Jesse, bap. March 18, 1764 ; Luther, bap. April 23, 1769. Thomas, had Levi, bap. May 2, 1779 ; Aurelia, bap. Oct. 25, 1788. Thomas, Jr.'s son d. April 17, 1793, a. 2; his wife d. June 29, 1800, a. 35; his youngest child d. October, 1809; Mary, d. July 7, 1810 ; his child, d. Jan. II, 1809, a. 4; his wife (2d one prob.) d. Jan. 11, 1809, a. 45; aU of spotted fever ; another son, d. Feb. 20, 1809. Thomas, d. May 26 or 27, 1775, aged about 88. Aabon, son of Thomas, d. August, 1775, a. about 18 mos. Mart, wife of Thomas, d. Sept. 20, 1775, a. about 43 ; their child d. June 11, 1786. Thomas's wife d. Nov. 27, 1822. Thomas, d. May 22, 1819, a. 90. SHERMAN, p. 771, insert, Nathaniel, had child bap. March 18, 1781. (E. W. C. R.) '^ SIKES, p. 771, insert, Walter, had child bap. March 25, 1792; Morella, March 13, 1796; , May 17, 1795. SILL, p. 772, RicHAKD, had William ; Richard; Jennet; Thomas; Hale; Roderic; bap. Oct. 19, 1788. (N. S. R.) Horace, son of Elihu, bap. Aug. 13, 1797. (W. C. R.) P. 772, 1. 10, insert " a dau. by wife Mary " before Enoch, bap. Dec. 1779 ; also " Filley " after Joseph. (N. S. R.) Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 123 P. 773, 1. 3, for 1741 read 1841. SKINNER, p. 774, 1. 1, Isaac, Jr. m. Dorcas Drake, Oct. 8, 1744 ; their son Hezekiah, d. May 7, 1761. Dakiei of E. W. m. Clarinda Barber, June 5, 1799. The following from E. W. C. il.— Abiram, had children bap. May 25, 1777 1 Sept. 19, 1778; Aug. 6, 1780; Feb. 24, 1782. Benjamin (prob. Benj. on line 26, page 774), had Benjamin, bap. March 14, 1762 ; child bap. Sept. 1, 1765. Benjamin, had children bap. Feb. 6, 1785 ; Sept. 3, 1787 ; Oct. 26, 1788 ; Norman, Oct. 17, 1790 ; Seth, Jan. 27, 1793 ; , April 12, 1765 i Ti— , April 22, 1798 ; Wil— , Aug. 1, 1802. Timothy (line 3, page 774), had also a child bap. June— October, 1777. Levi (prob. one on line 14, page 774), had children bap. Jan. 3, 1802; Sept. 21, 1800 ; May 13, 1804 ; Levi, Sept. 17, 1809 ; , July 14, 1816. OuvEE, Jr.'s wife and child were bap. Nov. 19, 1797. Daniel, Jr. (line 39, page 774), had children bap. May 20, 1766 ; Oct. 1, 1769; Oct. 5, 1777. Giles, and his wife Sarah, had Nathan, bap. Aug. 2, 1796 j Si—, July 10, 1796. Oliver, had child bap. Jan. 4, 1767; Oct. 4, 1772. Oliver, had child bap. March, 1771; , Oct. 4, 1772) William, bap. Feb. 19, 1764 ; Lizzie, bap. Aug. 21, 1774. (Why. Ch. Rec.) From Why. Ch. Rec. — IBAAC, had Anne, bap. Nov. 12,- 1738 ; Isaac, Jr., had Elizabeth, Armin, Skinner and Orson, bap. Nov. 5, 1788 ; Lucy, d. Feb. 23, 1740, a. about 18 yrs. Ambrose and Kate, bap. Sept. 23, 1792; Isaac, bap. Oct 16, 1796 ; Ambrose, bap. Oct. 21, 1798 ; Abby, bap. June 7, 1802 ; War- ren, bap. Oct. 7, 1804. Deborah (line 39 »), Uby, d. Sept. 13, 1750; the wife of Timothy, d. Jan. 31, 1754. (R. MSS.) Isaac, d. June 13, 1799, a. 82 yrs. Chester, son of Isaac, d. Oct. 2, 1805, a. 12. Orson, d. Nov. 15, 1805, a. about 18. Kezia's child, d. Sept. 23, 1744, a. but a few- hours. Deborah, d. Sept. 14, 1750, a. about 18. Sgt. Isaac, d. Oct. 31, 1762, a. about 71. Lizzie, of Lucy, d. Oct. 7, 1776, a. about 2. Wid. Hannah, d. Oct. 17, 1793, in 97. Isaac, d. Oct. 3, 1816, a. 70. SMITH, p. 775, 1. 28, David's dau. Mary, was b. 1756. " Lt." Samdel, Jr., had children bap. June 10, 1771 ; Feb. 16, 1772 ; Anne, April 25, 1773 , May 14, 1775. Samuel (prob. same as line 22, page 775), had Abigail, bap. March 19_ 1763 ; , Nov. 23, 1766. (E. W. C. R.) SNOW, Widow, had four children bap. Sept. 3, 1775. (E. W. C. R.) SOPER, p. 776, Maria Antoinette, m. S. J. McKinney, Dec. 26, 1836. From Why. Ch. JJec— John, m. Rosanna Blanoher of W. Hartford, Jan. 8, 1766. Levi, m, Hannah Mills, April 14, 1768, had Levi, bap. Jan. 22,1769; Digitized by Microsoft® ]24 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. Hezekiah, bap. Deo. 2, 1770 ; AUin, bap. Oct. 18, 1772 ; Roger, bap. Deo. 25 , 1774. Phebe, id. Roice Beech of Gofehen, June 9, 1756. John (line 11, page 776), d. at Simsbury, Nov. 22, 1749, a. perhaps 41j his wife Phebe, d. May 21, 1753, a, about 42. Wid. SoPEB,.d. September, 1760, and was buried at Kensington, a. about 84. STARTWEATHER (Starkweather), p. 776, insert Thomas, had children bap. Jan. 24, 1773 ; July 23, 1776 ; June 22, 1777 ; Aug. 12, 1781; Aug. 16, 1784. (E. W. C. R.) STILES, a new and enlarged edition of the Stiles Family Genealogy is in preparation. P. 783, the pastor of Ellington Church is Rev. Thomas K. Fessenden. STOCKING, p. 807, Insert Samuel, had Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 11, 1793. (E. W. C. R.) STOUGHTON, p. 807, 1. 12, Thomas, m. Mary Wadsworth, Nov. 30, 1655. (Col., Reo.) P. 808, Elisha (prob. the one whose death is given in line 41), and Anna, had Israel, bap. Jan 22, 1775. Elisha (prob. the same), had Ruth, bap. Nov. 28, 1784 ; Harry, bap. June 11, 1786. Sakah, d. and buried May 3, 1652. (Col. Rec.) Elijah, had Dolly, bap. Dec. 24, 1786; Elijah and Mary, had Olive, Pat.ty, Elijah and Clarissa, bap. Sept. 23, 1787. (W. C. R.) Erwih T. (or J.) of E. W., m. Julia Green, Sept. 6, 1809. (W. C. R.) Ruth, m. James Phelps of Westfield, Nov. 8, 1804. John, had children bap. March 23, 1766 ; March 24, 1771 ; Oct. 23, 1779 ; July 1, 1781. John, Jr., had child bap. April 23, 1769. Epheaim, had child- ren bap. May 7, 1775; March 30,1777. Silence, had child bap. Jan. 11, 17 89. Alexahbek, had children bap. Dec. 3, 1775 ; May 14, 1780. Samuel, d. April 24, 1806, a. 70. Samuel's inf. child d. April 18, 1792. Samuel, d. Jan. 28, 1818, a. 52. Samuel A., son of Wolcdt, d. Not. 13, 1827, a. 2. From Why. Ch. iScc— Samuel Jr. m. Chloe Gillet, June 6, 1787 ; she d. Sept. 17, 1805 in 37; their son d. Nov. 29, 1795, a. 6. Chloe, m. Wm. Case of Say- brook, Deo. 2, 1824. Sakah, m. John A. Hettistead of Hartford, Sept. 7, 1830. Th» following from E. W. C. JR— Oliver (prob. son of Nathaniel,* p. 808), had children bap. Deo. 20, 1761 ; April IS, 1764 ; June 8, 1766 ; June 19, 1768; Nov. 11, 1770; Aug. 29, 1773. Russell (prob. son of William, Jr., line 19, page 808), had Russell, bap. July 22, 1793; Elmira, bap. Nov. 13, 1796; — — , Sept. 24, 1796. "Willie, had Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 12, 1826. Timothy, had child bap. Sept. 17, 1797 ; Lydia, bap. March 10, 1799 ; Fran—, bap. June 7, 1801. William, had children bap. Feb. 15, 1789 ; .Tan. 30, 1791 ; March 23, 1794. John, Ixad child b.ip. Oct. 22, 1786; April 12, 1789. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 125 STRONG, p. 809, 1. 18, for jlpril, 1643, read JpHl 28, 1663. (Col. Eec.) P. 809, 1. 31, for bap. read b. (Col. Rec.) P. 809, 1. 40, Mart, b. 1668 ; m. Timothy Standly of Farmington, Not. 22, 1676. (Col. Eec.) P. 810, 1. 6. for 1684 read 1686. (Col. Reo.) P. 810, 1. 34, add to children of Abei, (E. W.), the name of Abel, bap. March 17, 1793. (W. C. R.) Abel's son Nathan, m. Didemia Soper, Oct. 31, 1804. Dakiel (son of Abel) (E. W ?), m. Wealthy Loomis, July 3, 1799 ; and had Betsy, bap. Feb. 1, 1801. (W. C. R.) Elisha and Mary, had Jane, bap. April 8, 1787 ; Elisha Bebee, bap. June, 1789 ; Samuel, bap. Sept. 25, 1790 ; Charlotte, bap. June 15, 1 794 ; (the preced- ing from N. S. R.) ; Almira, bap. Aug. 20, 1797 ; Oliver, bap. July 28, 1799 ; William^Augustus, bap. Nov. 14, 1802. (W. C. R.) John, m. Elizabeth Bissell, Aug. 24, 1682. (Col. Rec.) John' was married in 1686. (Col. Reo.) Return, m. Jennet Sill, Deo. 29, 1799. Julia, m. Heman Norton of N. Y. Aug. 23, 1807. Mart, m. Ward Woodbridge, March, 1809. Samuel, m. Delia Selden, Oct. 14, 1811. Almika, m. Charles ;Babcock, Oct. 15, 1816. (W. C. R.) Samuel and Delia, had Delia, Charlotte, Mary Jane; Samuel, bap. Nov. 13, 1819 ; Mary Selden, bap. Oct. 4, 1823. M the folUnmng from E. W. C. R. — John, Jr. had child bap. Nov. 24, 1782. John, had children bap. Feb. 19, 1786 ; July, 1788. Noah R. had Marilda, bap. March 9, 1800. Wahham, had children bap. June 12, 1803 ; June 23, 1805 ; Eliza, July 26, 1807. Nathaniel, had children bap. Oct. 17, 1778 ; July 23, 1780; Sela Jan. 1, 1797. TiMOTHT, had children bap. June 10, 1764 ; Nov. 25, 1770 ; May 17, 1772; Oct. 17, 1773 ; June— Oct. 1777 ; dau. June 23, 1805. Nathaniel (prob. same as on line 6, page 811), had also Haivey, bap. March 27, 1763; Rachel, bap. Deo. 2, 1764. (N. S. R.) STRICKLAND, p. 811, insert Joseph of Hartford, m. Elizabeth Chapman, Bee. 11, 1684. TAYLOR, p. 812, Samuel, m. Mary Bankes of W., Oct. 27, 1670. Wid. T. d. Aug. 5, 1689. (Col. Rec.) Same authority also supplies 1682 as year of Nathaniel's birth, last line. TERRY, p. 813, Geer, m. Louisa Denslow, Nov. 15, 1798. Wid. Chloe had two children bap. Oct. 28, 1821. (E. W. C. R.) P. 813, 1. 2, Mart, b. 1633, m. Richard Goodman of Hartford, Dec. 8, 1659. (Col. Rec.) P. 813, 1. 6, John. b. 1669-70, d. Dec. 30, 1670. (Col. Rec.) THRALL, p. 814, 1. 2, for 1798-9 read 1708-9. P. 814,1. 9, Mary Roberts, wife of John, Jr., i was probably the wife of John,5 23d line same page. Digitized by Microsoft® 126 HISTOBT OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. P. 814, 1. 28, Chloe, b. July 27, 1771, was bap. with Eunice July 23, 1775. (N. S. R.) P. 814, 1. 29, David's wife was Jane . From Why. Ch. Rec. — Oliyek J. m. Harriet Moore, Deo. 23, 1817. Isaac, m. Rhoda Phelps, Jan. 26, 1775 ; had Rhoda, bap. June 25, 1775 ; Linda, bap. Nov. 30, 1777; Isaac, bap. Feb. 19, 1781 ; Thomas, bap. Aug. 17, 1783 i Polly, bap. June, 1787 ; Patty, bap. Oct. 1790 ; Friend, bap. June 16, 1793. John, had Elizabeth, bap. June 14, 1770; Eli, bap. June 26, 1774; d. Jan. 23, 1775. The Wid. Elizabeth " the younger" had a dau. Elizabeth, who d. Aug. 29, 1777. (N. S. R.) Wid. Elizabeth (prob. same as above), had Timothy, Elizabeth (see preceding) and Mary, llfep. Aug. 4, 1776. (N. S. R.) The Wid. Thkall, had Mary, who d. Sept. 18, 1776. (N. S. R.) Probably all the same family. Jesse, had Nathaniel, bap. May 4, 1786 ; Marilla, bap. June 10, 1787; Jesse and Mehitable had Timothy, bap. Oct. 26, 1789 ; Anna, bap. Oct. 5, 1793; preceding from N. S. R.; Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 2. 1796. (W. C. R.) David, m. Zulima, had Henry, Mary, Sarah, Joel, all bap. Oct. 1, 1786; also Huldah, bap. Jan. 30, 1791; William, bap. July 27, 1794. (N. S. R.) Genealogy of Walter (son of Jesse, son of Samuel, son of John, Jr.,l son of Sgt. John) of Circleville, Ohio, furnished by him. , P. 814, Samuel (son of John, Jr.,l line 9, son of Sgt. John, line 4), b. July 11, 1737, m. Lucy Winchel of Windsor, and moved thence, before the Revo- lution, to Granville, Mass., and thence, in 1790, to Rutland, Vt., was an offi- cer in the French war, and a captain in the American army in Revolution. He was one of the insurgents in the Shay's Rebellion, for which it is said he lost his property. In 1788 he was a member of the Massachusetls Legislature, and d. in Vermont in 1821, oe. 84 yrs. He was an honest man, and had considerable influence, for many years was a member of Congregational Church. He had nine children, all of whom had large families, and six of whom moved to Rutland with him. One of his daughters m. Eber Spelman of Stafford, Ct.; one son Worthy, d. in Windsor about 1816, a. 47, and left a good property ; he also had sons Jesse, Eliphas, Samuel and Aaron. Jesse, wife Mabel and family ; Eliphas and family, and Aaron's family, he being dead, all moved together from Vermont to Ohio, about 1815-16. Samuel, removed from Granville, Mass., to Granville, Ohio in 1805. TILTON, p. 816, 1. 1, Elizabeth, d. July 17, 1655. (Col. Rec.) ■ TUDOR, p. 816, 1. 17, Owen's wife, " Wid. Mary Skinner " was the dau. of Loomis, she d. Aug. 19, 1680. They had Samuel and Sarah (twins), b. Dec. 5 (and another record says Nov. 26), 1652; Owen, Jr. b. March 12, 1654 ; Mary, b. March 6, 1660, m. a Judson ; Jane, m. a Smith, and d. before 1717. P. 816, 1. 23, Maky, b. 1690. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Marshall, and was Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 127 living in Oct. 1766, but divorced; for interesting documents relative to the case, see Com. .Arch, Lotteries and Divorces, io\. 1, No. 107, et alios. They then lived at Torrington, Conn. P. 816, 1. 34, for Oliver read Jamts. P. 817, Olivek,6 had Mary Ann, bap. May 15, 1803; David McC. bap. April 7, 1805; Abigail, bap. July 5, 1807 ; Sophia, bap. April 19, 1818; Pauline, bap. Nov. 5, 1819. Elizabeth, had Eliza, bap. May 29, 1803. Henkt, had Mary Sophia, bap. March 29, 1801. Samtjel,* the dates of his children's baptisms as follows : Naomi, April 8, 1764 ; June 9, 1765 ; Sept. 10, 1769 ; Sept. 6, 1772. The daus. of John, Jr. l (line 9, page 814), Luct, m. John Hathaway; Maet, m. Elisha Winchell; Mindwell, m. John Morand. P. 817, 1. 17. for Elknah read Elkanah. WADSWORTH, p. 817, Eogee, m. Ann Prior, July 10, 1777. HoBACE, m. Electa Chandler, May 17, 1801. Lt. Timothy, had [Lufretia, bap. Sept. 16, 1781 ; , bap. Aug. 31, 1783. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) WAKEFIELD, p. 817, L 37, Ades, m. Susanna Barney, March 12, 1794 ; WARDWELL, p. 818, add " Mariam," bap. Nov. 22, 1775. (AVby. Ch. Rec.) WARNER, p. 818, 1. 20, Looms, had Eli Whitney, bap. March 1, 1798. (W. C. R.) P. 818, 1. 1, Nathem read Nathan. Ann (line 5), Mr. Ebenezer (line 6) and Ebenezer, jr. (line 7), should pro- perly come under the head of Wardwell ; and the name of Abigail Warham belongs at the end of Warham record below. The date of Jane 2d, wife of Rev. Mr. Warham, should be April 23, 1645 ; Mrs. Abigail Branker was his 3d wife. From Wby. Ch. JJcc— George of W. (prob. one mentioned line 21, page 818), m. Nabby Griswold Mills, May 17, 1792; had Abigail, bap. July 3, 1808; George Loomis, bap. Oct. 21, 1810. (W. C. R.) Flint (prob. one mentioned line 23, page 818), m. Charlotte Brown, June 17 1799. WATERS, John, m. Phebe Roberts, Sept. 29, 1768. John, had Samuel, bap. April 16, 1768. James (father unknown), bap. June 3, 1781. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) WATSON p. 819, 1. 8, for 1749 read 1747, according to E. W. O. P 819 1 6 for 1730 read 1738, according to E. W. 0. ; see also Clark. p'. 8I9! l."5,' Jedidiah d. (not in Dec. 1641) but Dec. 17, 1741, in 76 yr. P 819, 1. 14, for Aug. 10, read Aug. 19. (Col. Rec.) P. 819, 1. 21, Elizabeth, was daughter of Joseph Mather, ajid d. in 30th yr. (E. W. 0.) P. 819, 1. 33, JoHN,6 d. a. LXXV. (E. W. 0.) His wife Hannah (see graye- Digitized by Microsoft® 128 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. stone, E. W. 0.), d. Deo. v, MDCCCXXVII., ae. LXXVII. lu the same E. W. 0., are also monument of following children of John '- and Hannah; B'rederic Bliss, b. Sept. 4, 1810, d. Sept. 17, 1810 ; Mary Alice, b. Oct. 10, 1800, d. Jan. 1. 1809. RoBEET, d. Nov. 3, 18.32, his wife Mehitable, d. April 6, 1824, a. 49. (15. W. 0.) Sophia, d. March 13, 1811, a. 12. (E. W. O.) Edmund, d. Dec. 24, 1843, a. 42; his dau. Maria, by Hannah, his wife, d. Feb. 28,1840, a. 3 mo. (So.) WAY, p. 820, insert Hammond m. Anne Potwine (?) June, 1777. WEBSTER, p. 821, Cyrends (line 11). had also child, bap. Feb. 15, 1784 ; Warham, bap. Feb. 27, 1791. (E. W. C. R.) From Wby. Ch. Rec. — Samuel, had Ashbel, bap. Dec. 17, 1741 ; d. a few days old; Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 30, 1743 ; Ashbel, bap. May 13, 1744; a child d. Feb. 22, 1746, a few min. old ; Ruth, bap. March 8, 1747 ; Samuel, bap. April 9, 1749; Micah, bap. March 17, 1751 ; Aaron, bap. Sept. 1, 1753 ; Timo- thy, bap. and d. Aug. 9, 1757 ; Anne, bap. Nov. 12, 1758 ; Timothy, bap. April 26, 1761 ; Rachel, bap. April 8, 1764. Ashbel, had Lucy, bap. April 24, 1774, d. Sept. 2, 1775 ; Anna, who d. Sept. 6, 1775, a. about 24 ; Lucy, bap. May 2, 1779 ; Eunice, bap. May, 1781; Ashbel, bap. May 14, 1786. Sgt. William, had James bap. Nov. 16, 1740 ; Anna, bap. July 20, 1760 ; Joseph, bap. Feb. 14, 1762 ; Hezekiah, bap. March 30, 1766; William, hap. April 5, 1767 ; Daniel, bap. April 2, 1768 ; there were also two (twins) who d. Sept 6 and 9, 1748, a. a few days. William, Jr. had Asaph, bap. June 5,1768, d. Sept. 24,1779; Elijah Drake, bap. March 18, 1770 ; Elisha, bap. Aug. 9, 1772 ; Chloe, bap. April 17, 1774, d. Oct. 2, 1775 ; Phineas, bap. June 23, 1776 ; Jehiel, bap. Oct. 10, 1779 ; Chloe, bap, Nov. 4, 1781. James, had James, bap. Feb. 7,1768; Mary, bap. Oct. 15,1770; John, . bap. May 9, 1773, d. June 23, 1775 ; John, bap. Nov. 12, 1775 ; Susanna, bap. May 9, 1779 ; Alanson, bap. June 4, 1793. Aaron, m. Mary Sheppard, July 1, 1778 ; Aaron, bap. June 28, 1779 ; Samuel, bap. Aug. 25, 1782 ; Polly, bap. Aug. 29, 1784; Electi (?) bap. 1786; Samuel, bap. Nov. 24, 1787; Charles Shepard and Theron,bap. Got. 14, 1792. AsAHEL, m. Anna Atwell, July 22, 1778. Capt. Hezekiah, had Anna Harriet, bap. Feb. 23, 1800 ; Hezekiah Good- win, bap. Deo. 14, 1800 ; David Hawley, bap. June 8, 1806 ; Wealthy Ann, bap. Oct. 7, 1810 ; Samuel, bap. Nov. 26, 1815. Joseph, had Joseph Case, bap. Jan. 11, 1801 ; also Ebenezer, Mehitable, Nancy, Daniel William. Ebenezee of W. m. Mary Willis of Farmington, July 5, 1807; had Hiram, Dwight, Ebenezer Wells, Mary Jane and William Wells, bap. Aug. 4, 1822i Sarah Jennette, Milo Merry, Martha Morilla, bap. Oct. 1, 1826. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPtliEMBNT. 129 ASAHEL, jr. m. Esther Bissell, Dec. 2, 1806 ; Wealthy Ann, m. Thomas Shepard, Jr. Feb. 14, 1802 ; Nanoy, m. Edwin Griswold of Simsbury. April 20, 1825. William's wife Mary d. May 6, 1754, a. about 44 ; Samuel, d. (at sea), 1772, ». about 2 (?) ; William d. March 21, 1779, a. 76 ; Ruth, d. Nov. 26, 1785, a. about 38 ; Samuel, d. Nov. 13, 1798, a. 84 ; Hezekiah's, inf. sou a, 6 weeks, d. Nov. 15, 1798 ; Elizabeth (wid of Samuel), d. Sept. 24, 1799, in 77 ; David Hawley of Hezekiah, d. Jan. 29, 1809, a. 3; Joseph's son a. 2, d. Feb. 2, 1809 ; Ebenezbk's child d. Oct. 1812 ; Wealthy Ann of Hezekiah, d. April 11, 1813, a 3 ; Jacob, d. Dec. 21, 1813, a. 91. Jambs, s. of William (p. 821, 1. 3)i should be WiUiam according to Wby. Ch. Rec. WELCH, p. 821, 1. 17, Jekusha, m. William E. Tudor of E. W., June 3, 1819. (W. C. R.) P. 821, 1. 19, Cynthia, m. Daniel Barker, June 3, 1819. (W. C. R). Julia, m. Stanton Babcock, Jan. 6, 1840. (W. C. R.) Hopestill and Ellis, had Ellis, Vine and Benjamin, all bap. Dec. 25, 1768 (N. S. R.) ! Sarah, bap. March 24, 1770. (N. S. R.) WELLER, p. 821, Aeneh, m. Mary Griswold, April 1, 1784. P. 821, 1. 27, Ann, wife of Richard, d. July 10, 1655. The date given to Sarah should be of her hap. Insert also the name of John, bap. Aug. 10, 1645. (Col. Rec.) WELLES, p. 821, Elisha, m. Huldah Clark, Nov. 7, 1784. Silas (E. W.) m. Anne Denslow, Nov. 10, 1790. Ursula, m. Josiah Corning, Oct. 15, 1834. (W. C. R.) Timothy, m. Huldah Phelps, July 20, 1818. (W. C. R.) Thomas, had dan. Prudence, bap. Sept. 7, 1799. (W. C. R.) MosEB, had -, bap. Nov. 22, 1761 ; James, bap. Aug. 21, 1763 ; Silas, bap. June 9, 1765. Silas, had Samuel,- bap. Nov. 3, 1793; , April 9, 1797; Julia, bap. Oct. 6, 1799 ; Justus Denslow, bap. Nov. 8, 1801 ; , bap. June 17, 1804. Noah, had , bap, June 23, 1782 ; , Feb. 15, 1784 ; , Nov. 4 1787; , Feb. 21, 1790; Frederick, bap. March 18, 1792; Nancy, bap. April 12, 1795. The foregoing from E. W. C. R. WHALEMAN, p. 822, insert Ebenezek, had a child bap. August, 1776. (E. W. C. R.) Ralph G. m. Eunice AUyn, Oct. 28, 1829. Floba, m. Israel J. Palmer of Farmingtoii, Oct. 3, 1828. (Wby. Ch. Rec.) WESTLAND, p. 822, 1. 28, Joseph, m. Lucina Rowell, Jan. 5, 1786; same line for Cota, read Catharine ; and for Grave, read Grove. In addition to these Joseph had Orma, bap. Aug. 14, 1791 ; Harvey, bap. June 15, 1800. (W. C. R.) RoBEBT, m. Lydia Cook, Sept. 19, 1785. Robert, Jr., m. Wid. Chloe Cook, 1818. (W; C. R.) JeeushA (" adult "), dan. of Robert, bap. March 25, 1792. Trtphena (adult), dau. of Robert, bap. Aug. 3, 1794. (W. C. R.) " Wahham Pease of Tryphena," bap. Aug. 31, 1799. (W. C. R.) Hannah (see line 27) m. John Alderman, Aug. 23, 1802. 17 Digitized by Microsoft® 130 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. Oliver m. Louise Clement, May 26, 1793. WESTOVER, p. 822, insert Jonas, had Jonas, b, Sept. 20, 1664. (Col. Rec.) WHITE, p. 822, Olivek, m. Lucy Wood, April 10, 1796. Heket of E. W. m. Jerusha Barber, June 9, 1825. (W. C. E.) WILLIAMS, p. 823, third line from bottom, I have reason to thipk that this iMcinda should be Zv^cretia. P. 823, 1. 23, Aethub, had Zebediah, b. Oct. 29, 1649. P. 823, 1. 24, John was buried April 18, 1681, having been m. 37 yrs.; his wife d. Aug. 3, 1665. P. 823, 1. 27, for ^biel, read Abigail. P. 823, 1. 28, strike out the word " (Marshall »)." P. 823, 1. 31, Nathaniel, m.^Mary Owen, Oct. 3, 1681 ; their dau. Mary b. 1682, (Col. Rec.) P. 823, 1. 36, should read " the first female child that was born in Hartford." (Wind. Town Reo.) The following from E. W. C, R. — Ashbel, had Clarissa, bap. July 10, 1796; , June 26, 1808 ; , July 14, 1816. Ebenezee, had , bap. May 26, 1799 ; H— , June 7, 1801 ; William, Oct. 16, 1803 ; , July 31, 1805 ; July 24, 1808. Jonathan, had Sarah, bap. May 1, 1803 ; Mary Ann, bap. June 7, 1807; Samuel, bap. July 2, 1809 ; Pa — , bap. July 26, 1812 ; two children bap. Sept. 9, 1821. Joseph, had Owen D., bap. Ji}ly 2, 1815 ; , Sept. 19, 1819 ; , June 23, 1811. WILLIAMSON, p. 823, insert Ann (dau. of Elias), admitted to 1st Church Middletown, Conn., Nov. 19, 1727, by letter from Church in Windsor. (E. S.) WILLISTON, p. 823, insert William, m. Dolly Goodwin McLean, Oct. 27, 1791. WILSON, p, 824, 1. 19, Eli, m. Ruth More, April 8, 1798, for her death see line 34. The words " and his wife who d. a. 62 ; m. Nov. 3, 1845," in line 19, evidently belongs elsewhere. ' P. 824, 1. 23, Calvin, b. in Stafford, Conn., was a Revolutionary soldier, and d. May 20, 1809, a. 54. Hia wife Submit, d. Dec. 10, 1840, a. 74. P. 824, 1. 28, Dea. PraNEHAS, m. Susannah Giles, Dec. 28, 1785, hadPhine- has and Oliver, bap. April 20, 1788. (W. C. R.) P. 824, 1. 31, for Nov. 2, 1829, read Nov. 20, 1827. (W. C. R.) From Why. Ch. Rec. — Joel, Jr. (see line 12, page 824), m. Jan. 24, 1768, Grace Loomis, had Grace, bap. Oct. 1, 1755 ; Joel and Susannah, bap. March 23, 1774 ; Susy, bap. Aug. 3, 1777 ; John, bap. Sept. 16, 1781 ; Deborah, bap. Auff. 31, 1783. Joel, Jr., had Olive, bap. Oct. 10, 1792 ; Annis, Orson Skinner and Olive bap. Aug. 4, 1822 ; Olive Cerelia, bap. June 1, 1823. Joseph, m. Candace Barber, March 7, 1811. Warren, m. Ruth Marshall, March 18, 1811. Ammi, m. Betsy Burr, July 3, 1828. Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 131 Joel, d. Sept. 20, 1797, a. 80. Joseph, d. Sept. 28, 1801, a. 64. Wid. Abiah, d. April 19, 1813, a. 70. EoXanAj d. Sept. 26, 1826. HuLDAH, m. William Marsh of Hartford, May 9, 1822. (W. C. R.) P. 824, 1. 35, for No. 1 read No. 2. WILTON, p. 824, 1. 37, for Stanford read Stamford. (Col. Eeo.) WINCHELL, p. 825, 1. 1, for 1638, read 1639. Phebe, d. May 23, 1662. (Col. Reo.) V P. 825, 1. 3, for iuricd read rficd. (Col. Rec.) P. 825, 1. 4, for Bruton read Brunson. (Col Reo.) WING, p. 825, 1. 28, Samuel, m. Hannah - — ; " Aug. 22, 1769, d. Mrs. Joanna Wing, wife of iSamuel, of a putrid fever after ohildbearing," a. 30, (N. S.R.) Moses (see line 30), Roger and Martha, children of Samuel and Hannah, bap. March 19, 1769. (N. S. R.) Samuel and Lydia, had Abigail, bap. Oct. 14, 1771 ; Samuel, bap. July 9, 1775. (N. S. R.) P. 825, 1. 39, Lt. Samuel," " d. at Danbury in the service," July, 1777. (N. S. R.) There is some confusion in these Samuels, but I consider the date of the above as less authoritative than the other records. P. 825, 1. 34, Adeline, m. Oliver Kingsbury of Coventry, April 29, 1805. Flint, d. Aug. 5, 1834, a. 39. (W. C. R.) WITCHFIELD, p. 823, I. 18, Col. Rec. says Elder W.'s wife d. July 27, 1669. (Col. Reo.) From Col. JJcc— WOLCOTT, P. 826, 1. 11, where, read whose ; p. 827, 1. 29, for 7th read 5th. P. 828, 1. 30, for July, read June. Henry, Jr., had also sou Samuel, b. April 16, 1656 ; Hannah, b, March, 7, 1653. P. 828, 1. 37, the name of Henry's wife was Abia. P. 828, 1. 38, for Elizabeth, read Abiah. P. 828, 1. 38, Henry, b. 1667 ; d. May 14, 1667. P. 828, 1. 42, Samuel, b. 1679 ; d. 1690. Elizabeth, dau. of George, m. Gabriel Cornish of Westfield, Dec. 1?, 1686. P. 829, 1. 10, Curmin, read Curwin. P. 832, 1. 17, RoaEB,8 after the death of his first wife, sued for the hand of Mrs. Eunice Ely of Springfield, Mass., as will be seen by the following (now first published), copied from the original in the possession of Mrs. E. Simmons of Windsor. The lady afterwards m. the Hon. Roger Newbury of Windsor : Windsor, Feby. 10, 1759. Madam :— As I have No other Way of Conversing with you than by Writ- ing I Embraced this opportunity by Mr. Wolcott to Let you know that I am in helth and must Tel you that when on ye 5 of June Last I committed to ye Dust the Richest Tresure I had iii this World, and a Darkened Gloomy Pros- Digitized by Microsoft® 132 HISTOEX OP ANCIENT WINDSOR. peot appeared on Every other Injoyment in Life a sublime Mantel Hnng Round about me, and so it Eemained untill I .had tbe Plesur of Waiting upon you, and then ye Innercens and oblidging Entertainment I met with Gave me sum Prospect, y' my Dayes might acquire Durence — my sore might cease, and yo Long Night of affliction be in some mesur att an ende,«if I might be a Partner in ye Pleasurs you Enjoye : it has been ye Greatest Plesur' I ever Enjoyed in Life in Contributing to ye Happiness of her yt is now Re- moved Beyond my Care. But shold you smile on my addresses, I hope to feall ye same Plesure In Doing Every Thing in my Powers to contribute to your Happiness, there is nothing I more Desier than to Give you full Evidence of my sincerity in this and Did I Believe this coul^ not be obtained by so Near and Intimate a Relation with you, I should be farrfrom Desiring it, But I should Rather still Remaine in a State of Moping Melancholy. I now with Impatiens Waight the Return of the" hapy Hour when I hope to have y^ Pleasur of Waiting upon you againe. My Days of Prosperity fly with Raysed and Impetuous forse, but ye hours of Affliction Especially when I have some Prospect of Deliverance and Happiness Before me — how slow Do the minits Roale. Time seems to stand still and make a Pause, my fortin is all att you Dys- pocis, and how Ever you may Dyspose of it I sincerely Wish you a Long, Prosperous and hapy Life. I add no more except to answer you, I am your Affectionate friend and very Humble Servant, Mrs. Eunice Ely. Rooeb Wolcott. P, 832, 1. 29, a copy of an acrostic written by Dr. Alexander* Wolcott, for his second wife (Mary Richards), before their marriage : Milder than light ia my triumphant fair. As kind as angols ; soft as evening ait. Rich in her mind, in every state content, Young, modest, virtuous, chaste and innocent. Religious, pious, meek, sincere and good, lust to her friends, but truer to her God, Courteous to all, from affectation free, Haughty to none and very kind tome, Attached to truth whene'er it does appear^ Rigid to none, though to herself severe, Dear to the ivorld and to the heavenly powers. Such is the charmer whom my heart adores. The following from E. W. C. R. — ElIhii (mentioned in p. 833, 1. 35), son of Samuel,'^ had Elihu, bap. June 5, 1808 i Hannah McClure, bap. Jan. 26, 1812; Satauel (mentioned line 38), bap. Nov. 21, 1813; Arthur, bap. Aug. 27, 1815 ; , bap. Dec. 28, 1817; Nan—, bap. July 18, 1819. Elihit (per- haps same), had H— , bap. Oct. 10, 1824; , bap. Oct. 8, 1826. EpHRAiM (prob. the same ment. 1. 16, p. 832), had Betsy, bap. March 10, 1793 : Ephraim, bap. Feb. 17,' 1795. " Lt." et " Capt.'' et " Major " Abiel (prob. the same ment. I. 15, p. 832), Digitized by Microsoft® SUPPLEMENT. 133 Iiad Ursula, bap. June 27, 1796; Sa-^, bap. June 15, 1800; , June 17, 1804. Talcott (prob. ment. 1. 31, p. 829), had children bap. AprlllS, 1798 ; Aug. 25, 1799 ; Lojry {?), Dec. 11, 1803. P. 834, 1. 10, Sabah's birth accordiiig to E. W. C. E., was in 1764. P. 834, 1. 13, Paemenio,i5 had a child bap. April 14, 1793. Albert, had children Sept. 24, .1786 ; March 3, 1793 ; Laura, Nov. 2, 1794; Oct. 29, 1797. Akoda, had children, bap. March 31, 1793 ; Nov. 23, 1796 ; a dan. Jan. 20, 1799. P. 834, 1. 23, for 1683, read lt83. P. 834, 1. 25, to family of Dr. Christopher,i» add Philip, bap. June 8, 1704 ; m. Emily Marshall, July 11, 1817 (W. C. R.) ; Elizabeth, bap, March 18, 1792 (W. C. R.) ; his son Dr. Christopher, m. Anna Gillet, Sept. 25, 1806. P. 835, 1. 1, a Guy Woloott, had Abigail, bap. Sept. 18, 1785. (W. C. R.) Can these two Abigails be the same ? Also to Guy,^! give the following children : Eleazer, bap. Feb. 10, 1793 ; Henry, bap. Jan. 31, 1796 ; Anne, bap. Feb. 11, 1798. (All from W. C. R.) P. 835, 1. 18, Mart, dau.'of Roger.^s was bap. July 17, 1791 ; add to thig family also another dau. Sarah, bap. Sept. 24, 1796. P. 835, 5th line from bottom, for discoilered, read considered. Frahces (perhaps dau. of Alexander 2°), m. Archibald Holston of Berthier, 5. C, May 2, 1840. (W. C. R.) P. 836, the curious inscription to "B. W." should have been credited to the jVindsor Grave Yard, WOOD, p. 836, an Obediah, had child bap. May 7, 1775. (E. W. C. R.) James,2 m. S. Elmer both of E. W., Aug. 10, 1780 ; had child, bap Jan. 6, 1782. (E. W. C. R.) Jonathan (last line but one, p. 836), had also child, bap. Dec. 13, 1778 ; two bap. Nov. 28, 1779. WOODWARD, p. — , insert Oliver, m. Thankful Brown, 1772, had Wealthy Ann, bap. Oct. 18, 1770 ; Betty, bap. July 13, 1775 ; Oliver, bap. Aug. 6, 1780 ; Eleanor, bap. Aug. 31, 1783; Elihn, bap. June, 1787. (Why. Ch. Rec.) WOODWORTH, p. 837, insert James, had Hosea and Pamela, bap. Jan. 14, 1798 ; , Jan. 12, 1800. (E. W. S. R.) WRIGHT Moses and Chloe had also children Polly and George, bap. August, 1788 ; Almira, bap. July 11, 1782 ; John, bap. Nov. 2, 1783 ; Jemima, bap. Aug. 21, 1791 ; Eunice, bap. April 9, 1793 ; Esther, bap. Aug. 23, 1795» P. 838, 1. 19, for Chaptain, read Chapman. VERSTILLE, p. 842, had child, bap. May 11, 1788 ; William Henry and an- other were bap. Aug. 14, 1791 ; Peter, was bap. (the record says " St." Peter), April 7, 1793 ; Sheldon, bap. May 29, 1803. (E. W. C. R.) Digitized by Microsoft® 134 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDSOR. WILLS, p. 842, Joshua, m. Azubah Lamson, May 5, 1670 ; his dau. Hannah was b. Aug. 24, 1682. (Col. Reo.) P. 842, the heading of Appendix No. 1, should be Sir Richard SaltonttaU's letter, etc. P. 854, Note to Wine and Bread Accounts of the Windsor Church — It would seem as if the church in Mr. Warham's day (the first communion in the record is dated before his death), in their zeal to imitate that planted by the, apostles, may have made a regular meal of the communion service, instead of the practice of the present day. The large quantity of bread * and wine xised — and the data of calculation in the record (the number of members, the number of communions, and quantities of bread and wine, all being given) are unusually full — would seem to indicate a " love feast " on a more hearty scale than is in accordance with the present custom; Still it may possibly be susceptible of some other explanation. J. Hammond Trumbull, Esq., of Hartford, Conn., some years ago received letters from England enquiring for evidence of such a practice in the early American churches, and in reply sent to his correspondent a copy of this record. * Supposed to be an average of about two ounces per each member. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by M/crosd/?®