€mndl WLnivmity ptag THE GIFT OF S^A.l,J&ttk...:fccL&uL lM)iucUpr& V\&JLfe.....£jfiaJiu. ^asf&aq &a)gr./ife. 7583 Z2069 .N59 ne " U " iVerSi,y """"> + List m C i , iiiiMiHiiiii s ii relatin 9 ,0 Scotland, comp olin 3 1924 029 566 902 Overs Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029566902 A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND COMPILED Br GEORGE F. BLACK, Ph.D. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1916 •M- A-3 5^3^ NOTE This list contains the titles of works relating to Scotland, owned by The New York Public Library on December 31, 1914. They are in the Reference Department of the Library, in the Central Building at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street. Reprinted, with Additions, At The New York Public Library From the Bulletin January - December 1914 form p-35 li-20-14-2c] TABLE OF CONTENTS Bibliography ----___ Periodicals and Transactions - Public Documents ...... Anthropology ------- Archaeology ------- General Works - - Prehistoric Archaeology - Roman Antiquities ------ Mediaeval Archaeology - History and Description ----- Collections ------- General Works ------ Special Periods ------ Celtic Period to 1286 - - - - - Struggle for Independence, 1286-1314 - - - Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542-1587 - Gowrie Conspiracy, 1600 - Darien Scheme, 1698-1701 - Union Negotiations, 1700-1707 - - - - Jacobite Rebellions, 1715-1745 - - - - Ecclesiastical History - Local History and Description - Place Names ------- Clan History (General), Tartans, Arms, Regimental Histories _.._._ Biography ....... Collected Biography - Individual Biography - Heraldry, Blazonry, Seals - Genealogy -------- Bibliography ------- Surnames ------- General Works ------ Collected Genealogy - ' - Individual Families ------ Law PAGE 1-4, 1041-1042 4-17, 1042-1043 18-48, 1043 48-53, 1043-1044 53-107, 1044-1046 53-54 55-87, 1044-1046 87-91 91-107, 1044-1046 108-434, 1046-1059 108-117 117-132 132-208, 1048-1051 132-135, 1048 135-139, 1048 143-157, 1049-1050 162-163, 1050 176-179 179-181 183-191, 1050 208-298, 1051-1052 298-424, 1052-1058 425-428, 1058 428-434, 1059 434-553, 1059-1067 434-438, 1059 438-553, 1059-1067 554-558, 1067 558-634, 1067-1068 558 558-559, 1067 559-566, 1067 566-568, 1067 568-634, 1067-1068 635-643, 1068 [i» IV THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and other Trials Collections - - - - Individual Trials - Economics - Sociology - - - - - Education - Art, Architecture, and Sculpture Music - Numismatics - Folklore - - - - - Religion and Philosophy Language and Literature History and General Works Language - Literature - Chapbooks .... Gaelic Language and Literature Bibliography - - - - Periodicals and Societies - History and Criticism Language . - - Literature - Natural History - - - - Transactions • - - - General Works - Geology and Palaeontology Transactions ... General Works ... Geography, Physical Geography, Maps, etc. Botany .... - Transactions ... General Works ... Supplement .... Index ..... PAGE 643-659, 1068-1069 643-645 645-659, 1068-1069 660-679, 1069 680-694, 1070 694-710, 1070 710-719 719-726 727-730 731-750, 1070 750-761, 1070-1071 761-912, 1071-1072 761-770, 1071 770-773, 1071 773-895, 1071-1072 895-912 912-930 912 912-913 913-917 917-921 921-930 930-955 930-931 931-955 955-1017 955 955-1017 1017-1024 1025-1041 1025 1025-1041 1041-1072 1075-1233 ERRATA "And in this wark, that I haue heir assailyeit To bring to lycht, maist humely I exhort Yozv nobill reders, quhare that I haue failyeit In letter, sillabe, poyntis tang, or schort, That ye will of your gentrice it support, And tak the sentence the best wyse ye may; I sail do better, will God, ane othir day," — "The Excusation of the Prentar" of The Hystory and Croniklis of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1536. PAGE COLUMN LINE 14 2 7 17 1 22 17 1 21 25 2 3 78 2 8 259 2 2-3 304 1 28 317 1 23 339 1 23 352 1 14 400 2 23 401 1 3-9 416 2 4 456 2 18 470 2 11 482 2 10-13 487 2 24 492 1 32 532 1 17 603 1 9 606 1 20 609 1 31 620 1 8 673 1 24 679 2 2 704 1 17 714 2 19 742 1 14 743 1 26 763 1 10 768 1 17 768 2 27 780 2 27 788 2 11 829 1 12 870 1 14 870 2 27 915 2 1 976 2 8 : 1009 1 31 : 1013 2 20 : 1022 2 20 : 1050 1 32 ) 1064 2 9 1 from top, for an daccount read and account. from top, for Rome read Rose. from bottom, for CP read ZDVH. from bottom, for and read land. from bottom, for I read J. from bottom, to be transposed. from top, for Baeu's read Blaeu's. from bottom, for Gaughan read Gauchan. from bottom, for Andrew read Archibald. from top, for M. read W. from top, for Macnaughton read Macnaughtan. from top, to be cancelled. from top, for I'isle read L'isle. from top, for Carlyle, Thomas, The love letters of, read Carlyle, Alexander, minister of Inveresk. from bottom, for Dnyisdaill read Dryisdaill. from top, insert under line 8. from top, for metaphysican read metaphysician, from top, for historic read historie. from' top, for Ranken read Rankin, from top, for Allan read Alan, from top, for Allan read Alan, from top, for Savir read Saoir. from bottom, for Allan read Alan, from top, for light read lights, from top, for bill read hill. from bottom, for Kynymound read Kynynmound. from top, insert Macdonald after Athole. from bottom, omit /. from bottom, for naine read uaine. from bottom, for Essays read Essay, from top, for Nicol read Nichol. from top, for Tassungen read Fassungen. from bottom, for Macgregor read Macgreegor. from bottom, for Alexander read John, from top, for Fugen read Eugen. from bottom, for De Quincy read De Quincey. from bottom, for Ashiesteel read Ashistiel. from top, insert Thomas after M'Lauchlan. from top, omit comma, from top, for argonite read aragonite. from bottom, for karne read kame. from top, for and read und. from top, for Home read Home, from top, for Louis John read Jean Louis. [v] INTRODUCTION ALTHOUGH Scotland is a small country, it is no exaggeration to say that • its influence in the world has been in inverse geometrical proportion to its size and population. For centuries the country was extremely poor and economically unproductive. The natural consequence was that many thou- sands of her ablest sons passed over to the Continent, there to carve out careers for themselves. Some idea of the extent of this migration is shown by the statement of William Lithgow, that in his time Poland was a mother and nurse "for the youth and younglings of Scotland, who are yearely sent hither in great numbers," and that "thirty thousand Scots families" were living "incorporate in her bowells" (Rare adventures and painefid peregrinations, London, 1632, p. 422). Large numbers entered the service of France, Russia, and Sweden, many rising to positions of the highest eminence and trust. 1 On the plantation of Ulster in 1609 and following years, large numbers of Scots emigrated to that province, and from there in later years many thousands crossed to the American colonies. One of the main causes of this second emigration was the Irish insurrection of 1641, which was in fact an outbreak directed mainly against the Scottish and English settlers in Ulster. Another contributing cause was the petty oppressions and restrictions on trade imposed by the English government. In Scotland proper, the seventeenth century was also a period of storm and stress and ecclesiastical persecution, with the inevitable result of a constant emigration to the colonies, where hopes were entertained of greater freedom and liberty of conscience. In their new homes on this side of the Atlantic a people who had endured such suffering and persecution were little inclined to submit to further oppres- sion, and hence it was that among their descendants were found the leaders in the struggle for American independence. Their leadership in the causes which led to the Revolution has been well put by Bancroft in the following words: "The first voice publicly raised in America to dissolve all connec- tion with Great Britain came not from the Puritans of New England, nor the Dutch of New York, nor the planters of Virginia, but from the Scotch- Irish Presbyterians." In literature Scotland can point to such names as Barbour, Henryson ("the Scottish Chaucer"), Dunbar, Gawin Douglas, Sir David Lindsay, Drum- mond of Hawthornden, Arthur Johnston, George Buchanan, Allan Ramsay, Robert Fergusson, Burns, Thomson, Blair, Smollet, Scott, Henry Mackenzie, Falconer, Tannahill, Jeffrey, Hogg, Allan Cunningham, Tennant, Motherwell, Campbell, Miss Ferrier, Joanna Baillie, "Christopher North," Gait, Aytoun, Michael Scott, Mrs. Oliphant, George Macdonald, William Black, John David- son, R. L. Stevenson, Andrew Lang, Sir J. M. Barrie, S. R. Crockett, etc. 1 See: (1), Leith, The Scots men-at-arms and life-guards in France, Edinburgh, 1882. (2), Fischer, The Scots in Germany (1902), The Scots in eastern and western Prussia (1903), The Scots in Sweden (1907), all three volumes published in Edinburgh. (3), Steuart, Scottish influences in Russian history, Glasgow, 1913; and Papers relating to the Scots in Poland, Edinburgh, 1915. (4), Donner, The Scottish families in Finland and Sweden, Helsingfors, 1884. [vii] v jii THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY In history (omitting the old chroniclers) she has David Calderwood, Archbishop Spottiswoode, Sir James Dalrymple, Bishop Burnet, Principal Robertson, David Hume, George Chalmers, John Pinkerton, Malcolm Laing, Patrick Fraser Tytler, Sir Archibald Alison, John Hill Burton, W. L. Mathie- son, Hume-Brown, etc. In philosophy, David Hume, Thomas Reid, and Adam Smith have pro- foundly influenced intellectual Europe and America. Other great names in this field are Lord Karnes, Dugald Stewart, Thomas Brown, Sir James Mackin- tosh, Sir William Hamilton, Professor Ferrier, Thomas Carlyle, and Arthur James Balfour. Science is represented by such names as Napier of Merchiston, the Grego- ries, Simson, Joseph Black, Sir David Brewster, J. D. Forbes, James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin, Peter Guthrie Tait, Balfour Stewart, Sir William Ramsay, and Sir James Dewar. In British geology Scotland can claim most of the greatest names: Hutton, Playfair, Hall, Murchison, Miller, Lyell, Ram- say, Croll, Peach, Home, Gregory, and the two Geikies. In medicine and surgery there are the Gregories, Cullens, Monros, Hunters, Bells, Simpson, Liston, Syme, Lister, etc., and in engineering and steam navigation, James Watt, the Rennies, Telford, Symington, Henry Bell, the Stevensons, Macquorn Rankine, and Arrol. In art the names of Jameson, Nasmyth, Allan, Thomson, Raeburn, Wilkie, Dyce, David Scott, Roberts, Phillip, MacCulloch, Fettes-Douglas, Sir George Reid, and J. Y. Cameron are high in the roll of fame. Scottish music and song are renowned the world over, and in the domain of theology, as becomes the mother-land of John Knox, Scotland has long held a leading place. The founders of the Bank of England (Paterson) and of the Bank of France (Law) were Scotsmen, and Scotland has given to England two lord chancellors (Erskine and Campbell), alord chief justice (Cockburn), two archbishops of Canterbury (Tait and Davidson), and two archbishops of York (Maclagan and Lang). The late editor-in-chief of the great Oxford English Dictionary, Sir James Murray, was a Scotsman, and so also is one of the two assistant editors, Craigie. Lastly, the names of Scottish heroes are "writ large" on every page of the naval and military history of the United Kingdom. To some, the collections in the Library relating to Scotland will appear to be complete or very nearly so. Such, however, is far from the fact — the gaps are many and serious. Particularly is this true of local history and genealogy, and of the publications of the early book-clubs — the \bbotsford Bannatyne, Maitland, and Spalding Clubs. As they stand, however the Li- brary's resources form an excellent foundation on which to build up 'a collec- tion worthy of the country whose influence on the settlement, formation and progress of the United States has been adequately recognized only within recent years. This list includes, besides separately printed books and pamphlets papers in the transactions and proceedings of scientific societies, and important arti cles in magazines. Not everything of this latter class has been included as the time at my disposal did not permit of an exhaustive search for titles Nevertheless, I do not think that much of importance has been overlooked. ' — George F. Black. LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO SCOTLAND Compiled by George F. Black ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Bibliography. Periodicals and Transactions. Public Documents. Anthropology. Archaeology. History and Description. Collections. General t Works. Special Periods. Ecclesiastical History. Local History and Description. Place Names. Clan History - (General), Tartans, etc. Biography. Heraldry, Blazonry, Seals. Genealogy. Law. Criminal Trials. Economics. Sociology. Education. Art, Architecture, and Sculpture. Music. Numismatics. Folklore. Religion and Philosophy. Language and Literature. Gaelic Language and Literature. Natural History. Geology and Palaeontology. Geography, Physical Geography, Maps, etc. Botany. Bibliography Aldis, Harry Gidney. A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700, including those printed furth of the realm for Scot- tish booksellers, with brief notes on the printers and stationers. Edinburgh: The Bibliographical Society, 1904. xvi, 153 p. 4°. Reserve Reviewed in the Athenaum, March 11, 1905. Aldis, Harry Gidney, and others. A dic- tionary of printers and booksellers in Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland, and of foreign printers of English books, 1557-1640. By H. G. Aldis, Robert Bowes, E. R. McC. Dix [and othersj. General editor, R. B. McKerrow. London: printed for the Bib- liographical Society, by Blades, East & Blades, 1910. 2 p. 1„ (i)viii-xxiii, 346 p. 8°. Reserve Anderson, John Parker. The book of British topography. A classified cata- logue of the topographical works in the library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland. London: W. Satchell & Co., 1881. xvi, 472 p. f°. Room 328-Desk Large paper copy. Scotland is dealt with in p. 354-413. . London: W. Satchell & Co., 1881. xvi, 472 p. 8°. CBD Axon, William Edward Armytage. On an unrecorded issue of the Aberdeen press of Edward Raban in 1627. With a handlist of the productions of his presses at Edin- burgh, Saint Andrews and Aberdeen, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 24-33.) CPA Beveridge, Erskine. A bibliography of works relating to Dunfermline and the west of Fife, including publications of writers connected with the district. Dun- fermline: privately printed by W. Clark & Son, 1901. 4 p.l., 320 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. *GAA Three hundred copies printed of which seventy- seven were presented to the Edinburgh Bibliographi- cal Society, and included in the society's publica- tions as v. 5. Cameron, Alexander. Oldest printed Gaelic books. (In his: Reliquiae Celtics:. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 524-532.) NDO Cameron, James. A bibliography of Peter Buchan's publications. (Edinburgh [i: THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bibliography, continued. Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 105-116.) *GAA ■ A bibliography of Slezer's Thea- trum Scotiae. By J. C. With an analytical table of the plates by W. Johnston. (Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society. Publica- tions. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 141-147.) * GAA Supplement to a bibliography of Scottish theatrical literature. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1896. 4°. v. 1, no. 24.) * GAA Catalogue, A, of books, to be sold by way of auction in the Coffee-house of Glasgow, upon the 17. day of June... Printed in the year mdccii. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 313-335.) CPA Cathologus librorum quos vir eximius et beate memorie magister Clemens Litill Edinburgene ecclesie et ministris ejusdem obiens legavit et consecravit. 1580. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 283-301.) t CP From this bequest has sprung the valuable library now belonging to the University of Edinburgh. Chalmers, George. Catalogue of the . . . library of... George Chalmers, part 3. [London: W. Nicol, printer, 1842.] 137 p. 8°. * GO Couper, W. J. The Edinburgh periodi- cal press; being a bibliographical account of the newspapers, journals, and maga- zines issued in Edinburgh from the earli- est times to 1800. Stirling: E. Mackay. 1908. 2 v. 8°. NARF Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 6, p. 204-205, Glasgow, 1909. Crawford (26. earl) and Balcarres (9. earl), James Ludovic Lindsay. Bibliog- raphy of royal proclamations of the Tudor and Stuart sovereigns, and of others pub- lished under authority, 1485-1714. With an historical essay on their origin and use by Robert Steele. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910. 2 v. f°. (Bibliotheca Linde- siana. v. 6.) ft * GO v. 2, part 2, p. 205-496: Scotland and the Borders, 1525-1714. Subject to revision. First provi- sional hand-list of proclamations. Mary Queen of Scots. 14. December 1542-24. July 1567. [Aberdeen?, 1891. 8 1. 8°. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana.) CBAp. box Douglas, Sir George. List of books re- lating to or published in the counties of Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Peebles. (In his: A history of the Border counties. . . Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. p. 433-472.) CR Earliest, The, Scottish newspaper. (Good words. London, 1901. 8°. v. 42, p. 58-63.) *DA An account of the Mercurius Caledonius. Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. — Library. Annual report by the curators ... [I860.] [Edinburgh, 1861?] 8°. * C p.v. 428 Catalogue of manuscripts relating to genealogy and heraldry preserved in [thej library... [Preface signed: W. B. Turnbull.] London: C. Dolman, 1852. 24 p. 4°. ARC One of only ten copies printed. Catalogue of the printed books in the library of the Faculty of Advocates, v. l-[6j A-rZypoeus and Supplement]. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1867-[79]. 7 v. 4°. f * GSG v. 1 has an added title-page dated 1863. v. 7 has title: "Catalogue... Supplementary volume... 1879." ■ Report of the committee appointed by the faculty on 24th Jan. 1829, to inquire into the matters stated in Mr. Repp's me- morial. Edinburgh: A. Balfour & Co., 1829. 32 p. 8°. * C p.v. 543 ■ A report by the curators of the library. Edinburgh, 1833. 29 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1059 Statement to the Faculty of Advo- cates, . by the curators of the library, re- garding the case of Mr. Repp. Edinburgh, 1834. 46 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1059 Strictures on the management of the Advocates' Library. By a member of faculty. Edinburgh, 1834. 18 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1059 Faculty of Procurators. Library estab- lished for the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. Catalogue of books. Glasgow: W. Tait, 1817. 32 p. 12°. Ferguson, John. Bibliographical notes on the witchcraft literature of Scotland. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Soci- ety. Publications. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 3, p. 37-124.) *GAA Geddie, William. A bibliography of middle Scots poets; with an introduction on the history of their reputations. Lon- don: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1912. 4 D.I., (l)viii-cix p., 1 L, 364 p. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. Publications, v. 61.) NDP Glasgow University. — Hunterian Mu- seum. A catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the. . .museum. Planned and begun by the late John Young; con- tinued and completed... by P. Henderson o ltke "- Glasgow: James Maclehose & Sons, 1908. xi(i) p., 1 1., 566 p., 1 1., 1 port 4 • t * GRK LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Bibliography, continued. Glasgow University. — Library. Index of abridged titles of books selected from the general catalogue. Glasgow, 1887. 2 p.l., 128 p. 4°. * GRK Guild, J. Wyllie. Early Glasgow direc- tories. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 199-203.) CPA Harvard University. Catalogue of Eng- lish and American chap-books and broad- side ballads in Harvard College Library. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1905. xi, 171 p. 8°. (Bibliographical con- tributions, no. 56.) * GB Hay, George. List of authorities. (In his: History of Arbroath... Arbroath, 1876. 8°. p. ix-xi.) CR Inventories of buikis in the colleges of Sanctandrois, 1588-1612. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 303-329.) fCP Irving, David. A catalogue of the law books in the Advocates Library. [By David Irving.] Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1831. vii, 579(1) p. 8°. XA Laing, David. Calendar of the Laing charters, A. D. 854-1837, belonging to the University of Edinburgh. Edited by the Rev. John Anderson. Edinburgh: James Thin, 1899. vii, 1054 p. 4°. " t CP Law, Thomas Graves. Bibliography of John Major and his disciples. 1 fac. (In: J. Major, A history of Greater Britain... Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. p. 403-417.) CPA His disciples were David Cranston, George Lokert, William Manderston, and Robert Caubraith. Pages 418-450 contain reprints of prefaces of Major's works. List of books and manuscripts which belonged to the Franciscan convent in Aberdeen at the time of the Reformation. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 466-468.) t CPA List of communications to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland by the late David Laing, LL.D. 1 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 6-16.) CPA Livingstone, Matthew. A calendar of charters and other writs relating to lands or benefices in Scotland in possession of the Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 303-392.) CPA Lyman, Alice. Reading list on Scotland, submitted for graduation by Alice Lyman, New York State Library School, class of 1901. Albany: New York State Education Department, 1907. 1 p.l., r49-]77 p. 8°. (New York State Library. Bulletin 112.) *SAB Macfie, Robert Andrew Scott. A bibli- ography of Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun. (1653-1716.) 27 fac. of title-pages, 2 fac. of ms., 5 port. (Edinburgh Bibliographi- cal Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 117^148.) * GAA Mackay, .^Eneas James George. List of books relating to Fife and Kinross. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pub- lications. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-31.) *GAA This list also forms an appendix to the same author's Fife and Kinross. A short note on the local presses of Scotland; with a list of books relating to Fife, and a special list of those printed at Cupar-Fife. (Edinburgh Bibliographi- cal Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 33-35.) * GAA Masson, Donald. Some rare Gaelic books. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n.d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 193-218.) NDO Mitchell, Sir Arthur. A list of travels, tours, journeys, voyages, cruises, excur- sions, wanderings, rambles, visits, etc., re- lating to Scotland. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 431-638.) CPA ■ Supplementary list of travels and tours relating to Scotland, with index. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 500-527.) CPA Second and final supplementary list of travels and tours relating to Scot- land, with an index. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 390-405.) CPA Mitchell Library, Glasgow. Report, no. [1]-12 (1874-94). Glasgow, 1880-95. 8°. *HPD Niven, G. W. The bibliography of the Scots magazine. (The Library. London, 1898. 8°. v. 10, p. 310.) * HA Plomer, Henry R. A dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667. London: The Bibliographi- cal Society, 1907. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xxiii(i), 199 p. sq. 8°. * HE Reid, John. Bibliotheca Scoto-celtica; or, An account of all the books which have been printed in the Gaelic language, with bibliographical and biographical no- tices. Glasgow: John Reid & Co., 1832. lxxii, 178 p. 8°. NDO THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bibliography, continued. Glasgow: John Reid & Co., 1832. lxxii, 178 p. Imp. 8°. (largest size.) Reserve Printed on thick writing paper of which it is believed only two copies were so printed. Presenta- tion copy to "Mr. J. A. Marsden with the author s respects." Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Cata- logue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Observatory. Edinburgh, 1890. viii, 497 p., 1 1. f°. t OM Rutherfurd, Andrew, Lord Rutherfurd. Catalogue of the . . .library of the late Right Hon. Lord Rutherfurd. . .sold. . .by Mr. T. Nisbet...l8SS. [Edinburgh: T. Con- stable,] 1855. 2 p.l., 162 p. 8°. * GO Skene, William Forbes. Notice of the existing mss. of Fordun's Scotichronicon. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 239-256.) CPA Smith, Adam. A catalogue of the libra- ry of Adam Smith. Edited with an intro- duction by J. Bonar. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. xxx, 126 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 8°. *GO Society of the Writers to Her Majesty's Signet in Scotland. — Library. Catalogue of the books. . .classed according to sub- ject, part 1. Edinburgh, 1856. 4°. * SAB Part 1. Jurisprudence. Catalogue of early printed books in the library of the society... Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1906. x, 27 p. f°. Reserve Catalogue of the printed books in the library, part 1-2, A-Z. Supplement and list of manuscripts. Edinburgh: the society, 1871-82. 2 v. 4°. t * GSG A second supplement to the cata- logue, 1882-1887. With a subject index to the whole catalogue. Edinburgh: the so- ciety, 1891. vi p., 1 1., 610 p. 4°. t * GSG List of books added to the library in the years 1888-1911. Edinburgh, 1889- 1912. 4°. t * GSG Terry, Charles Sanford. A catalogue of the publications of Scottish historical and kindred clubs and societies; and of the volumes relative to Scottish history, issued by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1780- 1908, with a subject index. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1909. xiii, 253 p. 4°. CPA Aberdeen: the university, 1909. xiii, 253 p. 4°. (Aberdeen Univer- sity studies, no. 39.) Room 204 Young, Sir Charles George. Catalogue of works on the peerage and baronetage of England, Scotland and Ireland in his li- brary. London, 1827. 8°. ARC Periodicals and Transactions Abbotsford Club. [Publications. Edin- burgh, 1836-42. 4°.] The Abbotsford Club was founded in Edinburgh in 1833 for the "printing of miscellaneous nieces, illustrative of history, literature, and antiquities." It ceased publishing in 1866. The volumes in the New York Public _ Library are here numbered in the order in which they appear in the club's official list. [no. 6.] Historical memoirs of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, and a portion of the reign of King James the Sixth. 1836. [no. 11.] Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club, v. 1. 1837. [no. 22.] The chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores. 1841. [no. 23.] Extracta e variis cronicis Scocie. 1842. Each of these volumes is catalogued separately in this list. Aberdeen Auxiliary Society for Improv- ing the System of Church Patronage in Scotland. Account of the proceedings of the 1st annual meeting. . .May 4, 1826. Aberdeen: D. Chalmers & Co., 1826. 18 p. 8°. * C p.v. 493 Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce and North of Scotland Trade Protection So- ciety. Report of the directors. . .at the annual general meeting. 1874. Aberdeen, 1874. 8°. TLK p. box Aberdeen and North of Scotland Col- lege of Agriculture. Bulletins, no. 1-14 (1903-10). Aberdeen, 1904-10. 8°. (Uni- versity of Aberdeen. Aberdeen Univer- sity studies, no. 44.) VPG Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Trans- actions, v. 1-2 (1840-92). Aberdeen: the society, 1884-92. 8°. * EC Aberdeen University. Aberdeen Uni- versity studies, no. 38-41, 44, 46-49, 51-57, 61. Aberdeen, 1909-11. 4° and f°. See note under New Spalding Club. no. 38. Studies on alcyonarians and hydroids. series 3. 1909. ■)■ QHH no. 39. Terry, C. S. A catalogue of the publi- cations of Scottish historical and kindred clubs and societies. 1909 . Room 204 no. 40. Anderson, P. J. Aberdeen friars, Red, Black, White, Gray. Preliminary calendar of illus- trative documents. 1909. ZMT no. 41. Studies on alcyonarians. series 4. 1909. t QHH no. 44. Aberdeen and North of Scotland Col- lege of Agriculture. Bulletins. 1910. VPG no. 46, 48. Zoological studies chiefly on alcyo- narians. series 5-6. 1911. f QHH no. 47. Phillips Library of Pharmacology and Iherapeutics. Subject catalogue. 1911. WT no. 48. See no. 46. no. 49. Lees, John. The anacreontic poetry of Lrermany in the eighteenth century. 1911. NFI no. 51. Harrower, J. Aberdeen alumni at other universities, v. 1. 1911. STG LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Periodicals and Transactions, continued. no. 52. Elder, J. R. The royal fishery com- panies of the seventeenth century. 1912. VRS no. S3. Zoological studies, series 7. 1912. no. 54. Craib, W. G. The flora of Banffshire. 1912. no. 55. Reid, R. W. Illustrated catalogue of the Anthropological Museum... 1912. no. 56. Bremner, A. The physical geology of the Dee valley. 1912. no. 57, 61. Craib, W. G. Contributions to the flora of Siam. 1912-13. Aberdeen University magazine, v. 1, no. 15 (August 3, 1836). Aberdeen, 1836. 8°. STK Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions, v. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1886-1901. 8°. SIC Continued in: Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland. Agricultural Chemical Society of Scot- land. Proceedings. 1845. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. VPH Alembic Club reprints, no. 13-14, 16, 18. Edinburgh, 1897-1911. 12°. Amalgamated Society of Railway Ser- vants of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. General secretary's report to the annual general meeting. 1906-08, 1910, 1912. London, 1906-12. 8°. TDR Report and financial statements. no. 34, [36-40] (1905, 1907-11). London, 1906-12. 8°. TDR Annual Burns chronicle and club direc- tory. Edited by John Muir. no. 1-2 (1892- 93). Kilmarnock: D. Brown & Co., 1892- 93. 8°. AN Anti-patronage reporter. See Church, The, patronage reporter. Architectural Institute of Scotland. Re- port of the council of management, no. 1, 5-6 (1850, 1854-55). Edinburgh, 1850-55. 8°. MQA The first report also contains the laws and bye- laws of the institute, and is issued as an appendix to the Transactions for 1850-51. Transactions, sessions 1, 3, 5-6, 10/11(1850/1, 1852/3, 1854/5-1855/6, 1859- /61). Edinburgh, 1850-62. 8°. MQA and * C p.v. 366 Title of sessions 10/11 reads: Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Scotland; in continua- tion of selections from its proceedings. Sessions 1, 3, and 6 are in MQA; sessions 5, 10/11, in * C p.v. 366. Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran; edited by J. A. Balfour. Glasgow: The Arran Society of Glasgow, 1910. xiv, 295 p., 1 map, 54 pi. illus. 4°. CDA Association for Promoting the Defence of the Firth of Forth and of the Country in General. [Circular.] Edinburgh, 1803. 8°. * C p.v. 1053 Association for Promoting Improve- ment in the Dwellings and Domestic Con- dition of Agricultural Labourers in Scot- land. Annual report, no. 3-7 (1856-60). Edinburgh, 1857-61. 8°. TDNpbox2 Report of an adjourned public meeting held at Edinburgh... Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1854. 12 p. 8°. * C p.v. 463 Aungervyle Society. [Publications, no. 1-30. (July, 1881-June, 1884); new series, no. 1-13. Edinburgh, 1881-86. 8°. NCE no. 13-30 also called 1-18 of 2d series. The publication for Feb., 1886 has no number. Auxiliary Society of Glasgow for the Support of Gaelic Schools. Statement of the year's proceedings of the committee of management, [no.] 16, 20 (1828, 1833). Glasgow, 1828-33. f°. no. 20 is in ft STH p.v. IS, no. 3. Ayr and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation. See Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ayrshire and Galloway [formerly Ayr- shire and Wigtownshire] Archaeological Association. [Publications.] Edinburgh: the society, 1878-99. 18 v. 4° and 8°. CA and t CPA This association was founded in 1877 as the Ayrshire and Wigtownshire Archaeological Associa- tion. Its designation was changed in 1885, and in 1897 it was dissolved. The title of v. 1-4 reads "relating to the counties of Ayr and Wigtown." no. 1-10. Archaeological and historical collections relating to Ayrshire and Galloway. 1878-99. 4°. no. 11. Munimenta fratrum predicatorum de Are. Charters of the Friars Preachers of Ayr. 1881. 4°. no. 12. Charters of the royal burgh of Ayr. 1883. 4°. no. 13. Charters of the abbey of Crosraguel. 2 v. 1886. 4°. no. 14. Correspondence of Sir Patrick Waus of Barnbarroch. 2 v. 1887. 8°. no. 15. Muniments of the royal burgh of Irvine. 2 v. 1890-91. 4°. Ayrshire and Wigtownshire Archaeolo- gical Association. See Ayrshire and Gal- loway Archaeological Association. Banking and insurance. [Monthly.] v. 1-19(1879-97). Edinburgh, 1879-97. f°. ttsic v. 1-8 title reads: Scottish banking and insurance magazine: v. 9-10, British economist; v. 11-17, North British economist. Bannatyne Club. [Publications. Edin- burgh, v.d. 4°.] Founded in Edinburgh in 1823 for the "printing and publication of works illustrative of the history, literature, and antiquities of Scotland." The club was dissolved in 1861. The numerical order is according to the club catalogue. _ Each of these volumes is catalogued separately in this list. fno. 7.] Report by Thomas Tucker upon the settlement of the revenues of excise and customs in Scotland. A. D. 1666. 1824. [no. 13.] The Historie and life of King James the Sext, being an Account of the Affairs of Scot- land from the year 1566 to the year 1596, with a short continuation to the year 1617. 1825. [no. 19.] Bannatyne miscellany; containing original papers and tracts, chiefly relating to the history and literature of Scotland. 3 v. 1827-55. [no. 20.] Chronicon Coenobii Sancta Crucis Edinburgensis, iterum in lucem editum. 1828. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Periodicals and Transactions, continued. [no. 24.] Letters from the Lady Margaret Ken- nedy to John, duke of Lauderdale. 1828'. [no. 25.] The history of the troubles and mem- orable transactions in Scotland and England, from 1624 to 1645. By John Spalding. 2 v. 1828-29. [no. 27.] Sir David Hume of Crossrigg. Diary of the proceedings in the Parliament and Privy Council of Scotland, 1700-1707. 1828. [no. 29.] Les Affaires du Conte de Boduel, L'an mdlxviii. 1829. [no. 30.] Papers relative to the regalia of Scot- land. 1829. [no. 34.] The Diary of Mr. James Melvill. 1556-1601. 1829. [no. 35.] Memorials of George Bannatyne, 1545- 1608. 1829. [no. 36.] Grahame, Simion. The Anatomie of Humors; and the Passionate Sparke of a Relenting Minde. 1830. [no. 39.] Moysie, David. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland, 1577-1603. 1830. [no. 43.] A diurnal of remarkable occurrents that have passed within the country of Scotland, since the death of King James the Fourth till the year 1575. 1833. [no. 48.] Letters and papers relating to Patrick, Master of Gray, afterwards seventh Lord Gray. 1835. [no. 49.] Chronica de Mailros, e codice unico in bibliotheca Cottoniana servato, nunc iterum in lucem edita. 1835. [no. 51.] Bannatyne, Richard. Memorials of transactions in Scotland, 1569-1573. 1836. [no. 54.] Excerpta e libris domicilii domini Ja- cobi Quinti Regis Scotorum. 1525-1533. 1836. [no. 58.] Registrum episcopatus Moraviensis, e pluribus codicibus consarcmatum circa A. D. 1400. Cum continuatione diplomatum recentiorum usque ad A. D. 1623. 1837. [no. 59.] Ancient Scotish melodies from an ms. of the reign of James VI., with an introductory enquiry illustrative of the history of the music of Scotland. 1838. [no. 63.] Ferrerii Historia Abbatum de Kynlos: una cum Vita Thomae Chrystalli Abbatis. 1839. [no. 70.] Liber cartarum Sancte Crucis. Mu- nimenta ecclesie Sancte Crucis de Edwinesburg. 1840. [no. 72.] Correspondence of George Baillie of Jerviswood, 1702-1708. 1842. [no. 74.] Registrum de Dunfermelyn. Liber Cartarum Abbatie Benedictine S. S. Trinitatis et B. Margarete Regine de Dunfermelyn. 1842. [no. 75.] Registrum episcopatus Glasguensis: Munimenta ecclesie metropolitane Glasguensis, a sede _ restaurata seculo ineunte XII., ad reformatam religionem. 2 v. 1843. [no. 77.] Leven _ and Melville papers. Letters and state papers chiefly addressed to George, earl of Melville, secretary of state for Scotland, 1689' 1691. 1843. [no. 79.] Accounts, The, of the great chamber- lains of Scotland, and some other officers of the Crown rendered at the Exchequer. 3 v. 1817-36. [no. 81.] Acts and proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, from the year 1560. 1560-1618. 3 v. 1839-45. [no. 82.] Liber S. Marie de Calchou: Regis trum Cartarum Abbacie Tironensis de Kelso, 1113 1567. 2 v. 1846. [no. 84.] Carte monalium de Northberwic- Prioratus Cisterciencis B. Marie de Northberwic munimenta vetusta que supersunt. 1847. [no. 85.] Liber insule missarum: Abbacie ca- nonicorum regularium B. Virginis et S. Johannis de Inchaffery registrum vetus: premissis quibusdam comitatus antiqui de Stratherne reliquiis. 1847. [no. 86.] Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc. Registrorum Abbacie de Aberbrothoc. Pars prior. Registrum vetus munimentaque eidem coetanea complectens, 1178-1329. Pars altera. Registrum nigrum necnon libros cartarum recentiores complec- tens. 1329-1536. 1848-56. [no. 87.] Historical notices of Scottish affairs, selected from the manuscripts of Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. 1661-1688. 2 v. 1848. [no. 90.] Darien papers, The: a selection of original letters and official documents relating to the establishment of ' a colony at Darien, by the Company of Scotland. 1695-1700. 1849. [no. 91.] Laing, Henry. Descriptive catalogue of impressions from ancient- Scottish seals, royal, baronial, ecclesiastical and municipal. . .from A. D. 1094 to the Commonwealth... 1850. [no. 92.] Original letters relating to the eccle- siastical affairs of Scotland, chiefly written by or addressed to King James the Sixth after his acces- sion to the English throne, 1603-1625. 1851. [no. 94.] Registrum Honoris de Morton: a series of ancient charters of the earldom of Mor- ton, with other original papers. 2 v. 1853. [no. 96.] Breviarium Aberdonense: Pars Esti- valis et Pars Hyemalis. 2 v. 1854. [no. 97.] Origines parochiales Scotiae: the antiq- uities, ecclesiastical and territorial, of the parishes of Scotland. 2 v. in 3. 1850-55. [no. 99.] Memoir of Thomas Thomson, advo- cate. 1854. [no. 100.] The Black book of Taymouth. With other papers from the Breadalbane charter room. 1855. [no. 102.] Registrum episcopatus Brechinensis. Cui accedunt cartae quamplurimae originales. 2 v. 1856. [no. 105.] Registrum Cartarum Ecclesie Sancti Egidii de Edinburgh, a series of charters and origi- nal documents connected with the Church of St. Giles, Edinburgh, 1344-1567. 1859. [no. 107.] Papiers d'etat, pieces et documents inedits ou peu connus relatifs a l'histoire de I'fecosse au xvi. siecle. Tires des bibliotheques et des archives de France, et publies pour le Bannatyne club, par A. Teulet. 3 v. 1852-60. [no. 108.] Tracts by Dr. Gilbert Skeyne, medic- inar to His Majesty. 1860. [no. 109.] Registrum domus de Soltre, necnon ecclesie collegiate S. Trinitatis prope Edinburgh, etc. 1861. [no. 113.] Concilia Scotige: Ecclesiae Scoticanae Statuta tarn Provincialia quam Synodalia quae su- persunt 1225-1559. 2 v. 1866. [no. 114.] Royal letters, charters, and tracts, relating to the colonization of New Scotland, and the institution of the Order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia, 1621-1638. 1867. [no. 115.] Adversaria: notices illustrative of some of the earlier works printed for the Banna- tyne Club. 1867. Beauties, The, of magazines, reviews, and other periodical publications, v. 1-2 (1788.) Edinburgh, 1788. 8°. * DE No more published. Bee, The; or, Literary weekly intelli- gencer, consisting of original pieces and selections from performances of merit, foreign and domestic... [Edited byj James Anderson, v. 1-18(1790-94). Edin- burgh, 1791-93. 8°. *DE No more published. See Couper's Edinburgh periodic press, v. 2, p. 178-182. Many of the princi- pal unsigned articles are from the editor's pen. The essays signed "Senex," "Alcibiades," and "Timothy Hairbrain _ are also credited to him (W. Anderson, I he Scottish nation, v. 1, p. 127). Berwick, The, museum; or, Monthly literary intelligencer, being a view of the history, politics and literature of the times, v. 2, Feb., Mar., May, 1786. Ber- wick: W. Phorson, 1786. 8°. *Cp.v.44S Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. l ; date. Edinburgh, New York, 1817-date 8 ■ *DA zine' K a R V| h »V itle: Jfe Edinburgh monthly maga- v %o "!3" l 4 ar Z,°i the American edition? With v. 179 Edinburgh" dropped from the title General burgh, 1855. 8 index. 1-50. Edin- *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Border counties' magazine: a popular monthly miscellany, v. 1-2, no. 6 (1880- 81). Galashiels, 1880-81. 8°. CA Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings, v. 1-25 (1840- 1911). Edinburgh, 1840-1911. 8°. QEA v. 1-11 have title: Transactions. Merged in: Scottish botanical review, 1912. British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Excursion handbook, Edinburgh meeting, August, 1892. [Edin- burgh, 1892.) 168 p., 4 maps. 8°. CRB Caldwell's musical journal, v. 1. Edin- burgh, 1847. f°. *MN Caledonia. A monthly magazine of literature, antiquity & tradition chiefly northern, edited by A. Lowson. v. 1. Ab- erdeen: W. Jolly & Sons, 1895. 8°. * DE No more published. Caledonian Horticultural Society. Com- munications read at the general meeting, 1st March 1849. c n. p., 1849?, 17 p. 8°. VQE p. box 1 Title-page wanting. Memoirs, v. 1-3, 5, part 1. Edin- burgh, 1814-32. 8°. VQA Celtic, The, magazine: a monthly periodical devoted to the literature, his- tory, antiquities, folklore, traditions, and the social and material interests of the Celts, at home and abroad, v. 1-13 (1876- 88). Inverness, 1876-88. 8°. * DE No more published, v. 1 edited by Alexander Mackenzie and Rev. Alexander Macgregor; v. 2-11 by Mackenzie; v. 12-13 by Alexander Macbain. Celtic, The, monthly: a magazine for Highlanders. Edited by John Mackay. v. 15-date. Glasgow, 1907-date. sq. 8°. NDM Celtic, The, review, v. 1-date (1904- date). Edinburgh, 1905-date. 8°. NDK Celtic, The, Society, Edinburgh. [Re- port, 1825.] [Edinburgh, 1825.] 8°. * C p.v. 477 Chambers' Edinburgh journal. Con- ducted by William and Robert Chambers, v. 1-12 (1832-43); new series, v. 1-20(1844- 53). London and Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1833-54. f°. * DA Continued as Chambers 1 Journal for_ popular literature, science, and arts, under which later volumes are entered. 1844-45 edited by Henry Willis; 1846-59, by Leitch Ritchie; 1860-73, by James Payn; 1873-88, by Robert Chambers, son of the original editor; 1889-95, by Charles E. S. Cham- bers; 1896, no editor given. Chambers' Journal for popular litera- ture, science, and arts. Conducted by W. & R. Chambers, [series 3,] v. 1-20 (1854- 63); series 4, v. 1-20 (1864-83); series 5, v. 1-14 (1884-97); series 6, v. 1-13 (1898- 1910); series 7, v. 1-date (1911-date). Lon- don and Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1854-date. 8°. * DA Continuation of Chambers' Edinburgh journal, under which earlier volumes are entered. Chambers' Papers for the people, v. 1-12. Edinburgh: t W. & R. Chambers,, 1850-51. 8°. NCZ Church, The, patronage reporter, no. 9-19(1832-34). Edinburgh, 1832-34. 8°. ZWGS no. 14-19 title reads: Anti-patronage reporter. Clarendon Historical Society. Reprints, series 1, 1882-84; new series, no. 1-12(1884- 85). Edinburgh, 1882-85. 8°. CBA Clydesdale stud-book... v.- 10(1888). Glasgow, 1888. 8°. MXG Comunn Gaidhealach. An Deo- Ghreine... See Deo-Ghreine, An... Comunn na Gaidhlig an Lunnainn. The Gaelic Society of London (founded 1777). 127th annual report and list of members. Dec, 1904. Inverness: Highland News Printing Co., 1905. 55 p. 12°. NDO County directory of Scotland... 1912. [Edinburgh, 1912.] 8°. BAZ Accompanied by map by John Bartholomew. County and municipal record, v. 1-date (1903-date). Glasgow, 1903-date. 4°. SPA Continuation of Municipal record and sanitary journal. Supplement has title: Couty and munici- pal law reports. Critical review of theological and philo- sophical literature. Edited by S. D. F. Salmond. v. 1-14. Edinburgh, 1891-1904. 8°. ZEA Ceased publication with v. 14. _ Deo-Ghreine, An; the monthly maga- zine of An Comunn Gaidhealach. v. 1- date (1905/6-date). Stirling, [1906,-date. 4°. RPA Text in Gaelic and English. Douglas Inchmarlo Lodge of Garden- ers. Rules and regulations of the Doug- lass Inchmarlo Lodge of Gardeners. In- stituted May, 1811. Aberdeen: D. Chal- mers & Co., printers, 1811. 13 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v. 513 Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries, series 1, parts 1-3. Dumfries, 1910-12. sq. 8°. CT Reprinted from the Dumfries and Galloway courier and herald. Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Trans- actions and journal of proceedings, no. [1]-19; new series, no. 20-24(1863-1912). Dumfries, 1864-1912. 8°. * EC Dun Echt Observatory. Dun Echt cir- cular, no. 18, 21-22, 24-26, 28-35. Aber- deen, 1881. 4°. fOPC Also letter dated 1st Nov. 1879, regarding tele- grams, signed : Lindsay. 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Publications, v. 1-2. Aberdeen, 1876-77. f°. OPC East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. 1885-86, 1888-95. Perth, 1885-95. 8°. PQA Reports. 1884. Perth, 1885. 8°. PQA Edinburgh Academy. Report of the directors to the proprietors of the aca- demy, at their general meeting on 4th July 1825. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1825. 44 p. 8°. STK p. box Edinburgh, The, advertiser, v. 17-20 (Dec. 31, 1771-Dec. 31, 1773). Edinburgh: Alexander Donaldson, 1771-73. 4°. Reserve Edinburgh, The, almanack, or Univer- sal Scots and imperial register for 1822. . . Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd [1822,. 24°. Stuart 11632 and CA Edinburgh annual register. 1806-26. Edinburgh, 1810-28. 19 v. in 24. 8°. BAA Edinburgh Architectural Association. Sketch book. v. 1-3 (1875-82) ; new series, v. 1-2 (1883-94). Edinburgh, 1876-94. f°. fMQE Transactions, v. 1-7. Edinburgh, 1891-1912. 8°. MQA Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pub- lications, v. 1, no. 5 — -v. 5. [Edinburgh, 1896-1901.] 4°. * GAA v. 1, no. 5, v. 3-4 are: Papers of the society, 1894/5-1901. Edinburgh Caithness Association. Ob- jects, regulations and educational views. Instituted... 1838. Edinburgh: T. Con- stable, 1839. 32 p. 8°. STHp.v. 11 Edinburgh dramatic review. v. 1-6 (1822-23). Edinburgh, 1822-23. nar. 12°. NCOA Edinburgh evening courant. 1760, April 3; 1764, Nov. 14; 1778, April 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, May 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30, June 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, July 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, Aug. 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31. Sept. 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 19; 1781, Jan. 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, Feb. 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, March 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 31, April 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, May 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30, June 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30, July 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, Aug. 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, Sept. 1, 3, 5, 8, IS, 17, 19, 22, Oct. 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, Nov. 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, Dec. 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26. Edinburgh, 1760-81. f°. Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Mi- croscopical Society. Transactions, v. 1-5 (session 1881-1902). Edinburgh, 1881-1907. 8°. PQA v. 1 entitled: Transactions of the Edinburgh Naturalists* Field Club. Edinburgh Geological Society. Laws. 1897. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. PTA • Roll... and list of corresponding societies and institutions. 1893, 1897. Edinburgh, 1893-97. 8°. PTA Transactions, v. 1-10, part 1 (ses- sions 1866-1905). Edinburgh, 1870-1912. 8°. PTA v. 8 and 9 each include a special part. Edinburgh journal of science. Con- ducted by David Brewster, v. 1-10 (1824- 29); new series, v. 1-6 (1829-32). Edin- burgh, 1824-32. 8°. OA v. 1-10 have subtitle: exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, chemis- try mineralogy, &c. United in 1832 with the Philosophical magazine or annals of chemistry, &c, forming the London and Edinburgh philosophical magazine. New series, v. 1-6 have the bookplate of Dr. Samuel Hibbert. Edinburgh and Leith Engineers' Society. Proceedings, v. 1 (session 1874-75). Edin- burgh: the society, 1875. 8°. VDA Edinburgh magazine and Literary mis- cellany; a new series of the Scots maga- zine, v. 1-18 (August, 1817-June, 1826). Edinburgh, 1817-25. 8°. * DE Edinburgh magazine or Literary mis- cellany. Feb., 1796. Edinburgh, 1796. 8°. First number published Jan., 1795. Not the same as Edinburgh magazine and Literary miscel- lany. In 1804 absorbed in Scots magazine. Edinburgh, The, magazine and review. v. 1-3. Edinburgh: [W. Creech,) 1774-75. 8°. * DE v. 1-2 are paged consecutively. The Library's set is incomplete, lacking all before January, 1774, the number for October, 1774, and all after p. 168 (Feb.) of v. 3. The portraits are also lacking, the magazine ceased publication with the number for August, 1776. Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Pro- 1894^12. £. 1 - 30 ^ 1883 - 1912 )- London, v. 25-30 published in Edinburgh. Edinburgh medical journal, combining the Monthly journal of medicine and the Edinburgh medical and surgical journal, v. 1-25 no. 2(1855-80); v. 38, no. 10; v. 39, ?.°4 9 ,'} 2 J v - 40 - no - 5-6(1893-94); v. 44, no 507 (1897). Edinburgh, 1855-97. 8°. WAA . Edinburgh, The, medical and surgical A°"r aL ; \, \ ^aSOS-SS). Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1805-55. 8°. WAA Edinburgh, The, monthly magazine. See Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. See Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, The, new philosophical jour- nal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries in the sciences and the arts. Conducted by Robert Jameson, v. 1-S7 (April, 1826-Oct., 1854); new series, v. l-19(Jan., 1855-April, 1864). Edinburgh, 1826-64. 8°. OA Continuation of Edinburgh philosophical journal. Merged in 1864 with the Quarterly journal of science. Edinburgh Philosophical Institution. Roll of members, 31st December 1903. Edinburgh, 1903. 48 p. 24°. * EC p. box Edinburgh, The, philosophical journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of dis- covery in natural philosophy, chemistry, natural history, practical mechanics, geog- raphy, navigation, statistics, and the fine and useful arts. Conducted by Dr. Brew- ster and Prof. Jameson, v. 1-14. Edin- burgh, 1819-26. 8°. OA Continued as Edinburgh new philosophical jour- nal. From April, 1824, edited by Jameson alone. Edinburgh Phrenological Association. Report of the speeches delivered at the annual social meeting, Oct. 21, 1864... Edinburgh: -J. Mushet, 1865. 19 p. 8°. YEZ p. box 1 Edinburgh, The, review, [no. 1-2.] Edin- burgh, 1755. With a preface and explana- tory notes. London, 1818. xvi p., 1 1., v, 135 p. 2. ed. 8°. * DE Contains the first printed writings of Dr. Adam Smith, author of the Wealth of nations, Dr. Robert- son, the historian, and the only known publications of Lord Chancellor Roslin. Edinburgh, The, Sir Walter Scott Club. Executive. [Annual report. Annual din- ner proceedings. Rules. List of mem- bers.] L no. 9j (1902/3). [Edinburgh, 1903., 8°. SKA Edinburgh University magazine, no. 4 (April, 1871). [Edinburgh,] 1871. p. 91- 122. 8°. *Cp.v.369 Only four numbers were published, the above being the last. Edinburgh, The, weekly magazine. Thursday, July 3, 1783. Edinburgh, 1783. v, lvii, 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.465 Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland. Trans- actions, v. 1-5(1901/3-1910/11). London, 1904-11. 8°. SIC Farmer's, The, magazine: a periodical work; exclusively devoted to agriculture and rural affairs, v. 19, no. 74(4 May 1818); v. 22(1821). Edinburgh, 1818-21. 8°. VPA and VPE p.v. 13 v. 19. no. 74 in VPA; v. 22 in VPE p.v. 13. Feillire, Am, agus Leabhar poca Ghaidhlig. 1904. Lyminge [1903]. 32°. NDO Fiery, The, cross. [Edited by Theodore Napier., no. 1-4 (Jan.-Oct., 1901). Edin- burgh, 1901. f°. fCP Free Church of Scotland. The home and foreign record, v. 5-6; new series, v. 1-5. Edinburgh, 1855-61. 8°. ZWA Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions, v. 1-2(1887-94). Glasgow: Archi- bald Sinclair [1891-94]. 12°. NDO Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions, v. 1-date. Inverness, 1872-date. 8°. NDO Gaelic Society of London. Annual re- port and list of members, no. 127 (1904). Inverness, 1905. 16°. NDK Gallovidian, The. An illustrated south- ern counties quarterly magazine. Edited by Dr. J. Maxwell Wood. v. 7, no. 26; v. 10-date(190S, 1908-date). Dumfries, 1905-date. 4°. * DE Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions, v. 1-8. Glasgow, 1868-88. 8°. PTA Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions, v. 1-2 (1857-83) ; new series, v. l-date(1881-date). Glasgow, 1868-date. 8° and sq. 8°. CPA New series, v. 1-2, 5 include: Report by the council. . .for session 1889/90, 1892/3, 1893/4, 1903/4, separately paged. Glasgow Ayrshire Society. Report by the directors of the. . .society, with ab- stract of the rules, and alphabetical list of members of the society. Glasgow, 1852. 25 p. 8°. SIAp.box Glasgow Female Society. Regulations. [Glasgow: Courier Office, 1799.] 2 p. 12°. SHD p.v. 1 Glasgow magazine, The, and review; or, Universal miscellany, v. 1 (Oct., 1783- March, 1784). Glasgow, 1783-84. 12°. *DE Glasgow Mechanics' Institution. An- nual report. no. 21(1844). [Glasgow,] 1844. 12°. SSMp.box8 Glasgow, The, mechanics' magazine and annals of philosophy. [Weekly.] v. 1-5. Glasgow, 1824-26. Glasgow naturalist. The journal of the Natural History Society of Glasgow (in- cluding the Transactions and proceedings of the society). Edited by D. A. Boyd and J. Paterson. v. 1-3. Glasgow, 1909-11. 8°. PQA Glasgow Phrenological Society. The phrenological almanac; or, Psychological annual. Edited by D. G. Goyder. no. 1-2, 4-5 (1842-43, 1845-46). Glasgow, 1842- 46. 8°. YEZ p. box 4 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Glasgow. — Scottish Exhibition of His- tory, Art, and Industry. Official cata- logue of decorative and ecclesiastical arts section. Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow, May to October, 1911. Glasgow: Dalross, Ltd., 1911. 63 p. 8°. VC Official catalogue of the fine art section. Glasgow: Dalross, Ltd., 1911. 163 p., SO pi. 8°. VC ■ Official catalogue (industrial sec- tion). Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow. May to October, 1911. Glasgow: Dalross, Ltd., 1911. 2 p.l., (1)18-214 p., 1 map. illus. 8°. VC Palace of history; catalogue of ex- hibits. Glasgow: Dalross, Limited [1911]. 1 p.l., viii, (1)4-1155 p., 4 1. 8°. VC Glasgow Technical College Civil Engi- neering Society. Transactions, no. 1-2. Glasgow [1911]. 8°. VDA Gleaner, The. v. 1, no. 1. [Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, 1795., 40 p. 8°. * C p.v. 445 No more published. This copy lacks the covers. See Couper's Edinburgh periodical press, v. 2, p. ' 209-210. Grampian Club. Established in 1868. [Laws of the club. Members of the club.] Edinburgh: printed by M'Farlane & Ers- kine [1874?]. 19 p. 12°. CPp.box2 [Publications.] London [and Edin- burgh], 1869-86. 8° and 4°. Founded in 1868 for "the editing and printing of works illustrative of Scottish literature, history, and antiquities. The club ceased to exist on the death of the secretary, Rev. Charles Rogers, in 1890. no. 1. Scotland, social and domestic memorials of life and manners in north Britain. By Charles Rogers. 1869. 8°. no. 2. The Jacobite lairds of Gask. By T. L Kington Oliphant. 1870. 8°. no. 4. Registrum monasterii S. Marie de Cam- buskenneth, A. D. 1147-1535. 1872. 4°. no. 5. Genealogical collections concerning the Scottish house of Edgar. With a memoir of James Edgar, private secretary to the Chevalier St. George. 1873. 4°. no. 7. Boswelliana: the commonplace book of James Boswell. With a memoir and annotations by Rev. Charles Rogers. 1874. 8°. 8. Liber protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis notaru pubhci et scribie capituli Glasguensis, A D 1499-1513. Also Rental book of the diocese of Glas- gow, A. D. 1509-1570. 2 v. 1875. 8°. no. 16. Genealogical memoirs of John Knox and 1879 8°™ By ReV ' ^ harles R °B er s- no. 17. Rental book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar-Angus, with the breviary of the register 2 v 1879-80. 8°. no. 18. Chartulary of the Cistercian priory of Coldstream, with relative documents. 1879 8° no. 20. History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland with the register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling including details in relation to the rise and progress of Scottish music and observations respecting the Order of the Thistle. By Rev. Charfes Rogers no. 21. Social life in Scotland from early to recent times. By Rev. Charles Rogers. 3 v. 1884- 86. 8°. Greenock Philosophical Society. Pa- pers, no. 6. Greenock, 1882. 8°. Guth na bliadhna. (The voice of the year.) leabhar 7, no. 3; leabhar 8-9. Perth, 1910-12. 8°. Leabhar 7, no. 3 lacks English title: The voice of the year. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. . .abstract of... proceedings, and. . .premiums. v. 11-14 (1836-43); new series [3. series], July 1843- March, 1865; series 4, v. 1-16(1866-84). Edinburgh, [1836]-84. 8°. VPA Title-page of July, 1843-March, 1845 and series 4, v. 1-3 reads: Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Title-page of v. 11-14 reads: Prize essays and transactions of the . . . society. Series 4, v. 1-3 published in 2 parts, v. 11-14 called new series [2. series], v. 5-8 in British Museum catalogue. Hogg's Instructor, v. 1-6(1845-48); 2. or new series, v. 1-10(1848-53); [series 3,] v. 1-6 (1853-56). Edinburgh, 1845-56. 8°. *DA Continued as Titan: a monthly magazine. The first series and v. 2 of series 2 were published under the title Hogg's Weekly instri^ctor. Hogg's Weekly instructor. See Hogg's Instructor. Home and foreign record of the Free Church of Scotland. See Free Church of Scotland. The home and foreign record. Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland. Transactions, v. l-date(1857-date). Glasgow, 1858-date. 8°. VDA Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. Transactions. series 4-5; series 6, no. 7. Glasgow and London [1896-1910]. 8°. SIE Insurance Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. 1904/5-1910. Edinburgh, 1905-11. 8°. SIC Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions, v. 2-6(1880-1906). Inverness [1888-1910]. 8°. * EC Iona Club. Collectanea de Rebus Al- banicis, consisting of original papers and documents relating to the history of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1847. 8°. CP Transactions, v. 1(1833-36). [Edin- burgh, 1847.] 8°. CP Bound with its. Collectanea de rebus Albanicis. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. Juridical review. A journal of legal and political science, v. 9-date. Edin- burgh, 1897-date. 8°. SEA Juridical Society of Edinburgh. Law cases and speculative question? for the lf/r 0n i835°/ f 6, t W9! Cie f840/S 1 °; 2 S LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 11 Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Laws. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. XAA Lesson, The, system magazine, for pa- rents and Sunday school teachers, v. 1-2. Edinburgh, 1833-35. 12°. ZICN Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth. Transactions, v. 1. Perth: the society, 1827. 4°. t CA No more published. Lounger, The. A periodical paper, pub- lished at Edinburg in the years 1785, 1786, and 1787. By the authors of the Museum. In 2 v. v. 2. New York: printed for S. Campbell, 1789. vi, 320 p. 12°. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 and 1786. By the authors of the Mirror [i. e. Henry Mackenzie and others]. London: A. Stra- han & T. Cadell, 1794. v. 1-2. 6. ed. 8°. NCE A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 and 1786. By the authors of the Mirror. London: Jones & Co., 1825. vi, 213 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCY (In: British essayists. With pre- faces., .by A. Chalmers. Boston, 1856. 12°. v. 30-31.) NCY (In: British essayists. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1866. 8°. v. 30-31.) Stuart 10125 Only one hundred copies printed. Magazine of the rising generation. Oct., 1844-Oct., 1845. Edinburgh, 1846. 12°. NASA Maitland Club. [Publications.] Glas- gow and Edinburgh, v. d. 4°. The club was founded in Glasgow in 1828 "to print works illustrative of the antiquities, history and. literature of Scotland." The club became extinct in 1859. no. 7. The diary of Mr. John Lamont of New- ton, 1649-1671. 1830. no. 19. Criminal trials in Scotland from A.D. 1487 to 1624. By R. Pitcairn. 3 v. 1833. no. 21. Memoirs of his own life. By Sir James Melville of Halhill, 1549-1593. 1833. _no. 24. Cartularium comitatus de Levenax ab initio seculi decimi tertii usque ad annum 1398. 1833. no. 25, 25a, 51, 57, 67. Miscellany of the Mait- land Club. 4 v. 1833-47. no. 27. Records of the burgh of Prestwick, 1470- 1782. 1834. no. 32. Collections upon the lives of the re- formers and most eminent ministers of the Church of Scotland, v. 2, part 2. 1848. no. 37. The Cochrane correspondence regard- ing the affairs of Glasgow, 1745-1746. 1836. no. 41. Selections from unpublished manuscripts in the College of Arms and the British Museum illustrating the reign of Mary Queen of Scotland. 1543-1568. 1837. no. 46. Chronicon de Lanercost. 1201-1346. 1839. no. 50. Letters to the Argyll family, from Eliza- beth Queen of England, Mary Queen of Scots, King James VI., King Charles I., King Charles n., and others. With an appendix. 1839. no. 55. The historie of the Kirk of Scotland. By John Row. part i and II. 1842. no. 58. The Coltness collections, 1608-1840. 1842. no. 59. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Camerort of Locheill, chief of the Clan Cameron. 1842. no. 60. Analecta; or, Materials for a history of remarkable providences; mostly relating to Scotch ministers and Christians. By Rev. Robert Wodrow. 4 v. 1842-43. | Not on Club paper.* no. 62. Liber ecclesie de Scon: munimenta ve- tustiora monasterii Sancte Trinitatis et Sancti Michael de Scon. 1843. no._ 65. Liber collegii nostre Domine; registrum ecclesie B. V. Marie et S. Anne infra muros civi- tatis Glasguensis, mdxlix. 1846. no. 66. Memorials of Montrose and his times. 2 v. 1848-50. no. 71. Selections from the family papers pre- served at Caldwell. 3 v. 1854. no. 73. Notices from the local records of Dysart. 1853. no. 75. Oppressions of the sixteenth century_ in the islands of Orkney and Zetland: from original documents. 1859. Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions, new series, v. 14, 16, 18-19, 21-31. Index to new series, v. ■ 1-20. Edinburgh, 1895-1912. 8°. WAA Mining Institute of Scotland. Transac- tions, v. 5, part 7-9; v. 6, part 1-9; v. 7, part 4-8; v. 8, part 1-2; v. 16, part 5; v. 17; v. 19, part 1, 3-5; v. 20; v. 21, part 1-4; v. 23, part 2. Hamilton, 1884-1901. 8°. VHA Ministers' Sons' Club. Rules and regu- lations, and list of members, of the Minis- ters' Sons' Club, instituted 29th December 1831. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1833. 2 p.l., 5-31 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.13 • • Rules and regulations, and list of members. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1839. 44 p. 8°. *Cp.v.483 Mirror, The. nos. l-110(January 23, 1779-May 27, 1780). Edinburgh, 1779-80. f °. ft NCE No more published. First American edition. Boston: Belknap & Hall, printers, 1792. 2 v. 16°. Reserve • Philadelphia: S. F. Bradford, 1803. 2 v. 16°. (Select British classics, v. 31- 32.) NCE A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1779 and 1780. [Also: The Lounger.] [By Henry Macken- zie.] London: Jones & Co., 1825. viii, 200 p., port. 8°. NCY With engraved title-page which reads: The Mirror and The Lounger. Complete in one volume. (In: British. essayists. With pre- faces.. '.by A. Chalmers. Boston, 1856. 12°. v. 28-29.) NCY (In: British essayists. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1866. 8°. v. 28-29.) Stuart 10125 Only one hundred copies printed. Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. 1851; v. 1-5(1858-83); new series, v. 1-8(1883-1911). Glasgow, 1852- 1911. 8°. PQA New series entitled: Proceedings and transac- tions, v. S-date: Transactions. Continued as: Glas- gow naturalist. 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Periodicals and Transactions, continued. New Club. [Publications.) Paisley, 1877-date. 4°. Founded in Paisley in 1877 "to print in a uni- form and handsome manner a series of works illus- trative of the antiquities, history, literature, poetry, bibliography, and topography of Scotland in former times." no. 1. Registrum monasterii de Passelet. 1877. no. 2. The abbey of Paisley, from its founda- tion till its dissolution. By J. Cameron Lees. 1878. no. 3. Description of the sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew. By W. Hamilton of Wishaw. 1878. no. 4. Cantus, songs and fancies. [By John Forbes.] 1879. no. 5. An etymological dictionary of the Scot- tish language ... by J. Jamieson. With supplement by D. Donaldson. 5 v. 1879-87. no. 6. The buke of the Howlat. Edited by D. Donaldson. 1882. no. 8. The Black book of Paisley and other manuscripts of the Scotichronicon. 1885. no. 9. Index to Caledonia by G. Chalmers. 1902. no. 10. Kilmalcolm: a parish history, 1100- 1898. By J. Murray. 1898. no. 11. Eastwood: notes on the ecclesiastical antiquities of the parish. By Rev. G. Campbell. 1902. no. 13. History of the county of Renfrew from the earliest times. By W. M. Metcalfe. 1905. New Spalding Club. [Publications.] Aberdeen, 1888-date. 4°. t CP These volumes are catalogued separately in this list. Some of these volumes are also included (for exchange purposes )in the series of Aberdeen Uni- versity studies. no. 1. Memorials of the family of Skene of Skene, from the family papers, with other illustra- tive documents. 1887. no. 2, 7. Cartularium ecclesiae Sancti Nicholai Aberdonensis. 1888-92. no. 3._ Lacunar Basilicae Sancti Macarii Ab- erdonensis : the heraldic ceiling of the cathedral church of St. Machar, Old Aberdeen. 1888. no. 4, 18-19. Fasti Academiae Mariscallanae: selections from the records of the Marischal College and University, 1593-1860. v. 1-3. 1889-98. no. 5. Selections , from Wodrow's Biographical collections: divines of the northeast of Scotland. 1890. no. 6, 34. Miscellany of the New Spalding Club. 2 v. 1890-1908. no. 8, 10. Annals of Banff. 2 v. 1891-93. no. 9, 15. Musa Latina Aberdonensis. v. 1-3. 1892-1910. no. 11. Officers and graduates of University and King's College, Aberdeen, 1495-1860. 1893. no. 12. Hectoris Boetii Murthlacensium et Aberdonensium episcoporum vitae. 1894. no. 13. Records of Aboyne, 1230-1681. 1894. no. 14, 16. Historical papers relating to the Jacobite period, 1699-1750. 2 v. 1895-96. ,. n >°,\. 17 ,' .^ e ^ ords of the meeting of the exercise of Alford, 1662-1688. 1897. no. 20. Records of Old Aberdeen, 1157-1891. 1899°' 21 " P ' aCe names of west Aberdeenshire. no 22. Family of Burnett of Leys, with colla- teral branches. 1901. no. 23. Records of Invercauld, 1547-1828. 1901 no. 24-25 Albemarle papers; being the corre- spondence of William Anne, second earl of AIhe marie, 1746-1747. 2 v. 1902. 19oTi2 26 ' 33 ' 39 ' The h ° USe ° f Gordon - 3 v - ,on n 7°no 27 ' 35, Records of Elgin, 1234-1800. 2 v. 1903-08. no. 28, 31-32. Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire. 3 v. 1904-07. no. 29. Blackhalls of that ilk and Barra, heredi- tary coroners and foresters of the Garioch. 1905 no. 30. Records of the Scots Colleges at Dou'ai Rome, Madrid, Valladolid, and Ratisbon. v. 1. 1906. no. 38. Records of Inverness, v. 1. 1556-1586. 1911. no. 40. Henderson, J. A. History of the So- ciety of Advocates in Aberdeen. 1912. Report by council, nos. 12, 14-18, 20-23, 25-26(1898, 1900-04, 1906-09, 1911-12). [Aberdeen,] 1898-1912. sq. 8°. f CP North British agriculturist, v. 56, no. 40, 45, 47-48, 50-52(1904); v. 57, no. 1-2, 5, 8-11(1905); v. 60, no. 47(1908). Edin- burgh, 1904-08. f°. ttVPA North-British, The, intelligencer; or, Constitutional miscellany, v. 1, 3. Edin- burgh, 1776. 8°. v. 3 lacks title-page. North British magazine and review, no. 1 (Jan., 1804). [Edinburgh?, 1804. 8°. North British review, v. 1-32; or, no. 1-64. Edinburgh, 1844-60. 8°. * DA ■ American ed. v. 6-53; or, no. 11- 106. New York, 1846-71. 4°. * DA Also called v. 1-48 of American ed. _ Northern notes and queries. See "Scot- tish antiquary." Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shet- land, Caithness and Sutherland. Edited by A. W. Johnston and A. Johnston, v. 1-4. London, 1907-11. 12°. (Old-lore series of the Viking Club.) CR v. 1-2 title reads: Orkney and Shetland mis- cellany. Orkney and Shetland miscellany. See Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Paisley Philosophical Institution. Re- port of the general meeting, no. 93-103 (1901-11). Paisley, 1901-11. 8°. * EC Papers of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. See Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Papers of the Greenock Philosophical Society. See Greenock Philosophical So- ciety. Papers. Perthshire Society of Natural Science. ,o r o°r C / e o e ^ ln8:s - v - l ' P art *• 3-6(1880/81- 1K85/86); r new series], v. 1-3(1886-1903) Perth, 1886-1903. 8°. PQA — — Transactions. v. 1-4(1886-1908). Perth, 1893-1908. 8°. pqa Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh. Jub.lee book Edinburgh: Institution Rooms, 1907. 94 p., 6 pi. sq. 8°. * EC . ~T~ Pros Pectus, syllabus of lectures, re- 11908]'. e & 3 f° eSSion 1908/9 - Ed ->>« g h -Report by the directors. . .to the hrS^ 1 m , e J e - tl ? g of the members. no 10 (1856). Edinburgh, 1856. 8°. *Cpvll38 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 13 Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings, v. 7-43(1870-1912). Glasgow, 1871-1912. 8°. * EC v. 41-43 have the title Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Index, v. 1-20(1841-89). Glas- gow, 1892. iv. p., 2 1., 57 p. 8°. * EC Fergus, Andrew. Sketch of the early years of the society [Philosophical Society of Glasgow]. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 13, p. 1-20.) * EC Practical, The, mechanic and engineer's magazine, v. 1-4; series 2, v. 1-2. Glas- gow, 1842-50. 4°. VA Practical, The, mechanic's journal, v. 1-8(1848-56); series 2, v. 1-9(1856-65); series 3, v. 1-5(1865-1870). Glasgow, 1848- 70. 4°. tVA v. 3 and later volumes published at London and Glasgow. Presbyterian, The. series, v. 1, no. 1(1833). 8°. magazine. new Edinburgh, 1833. ZWGF p.v. 28 Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science. See Perthshire So- ciety of Natural Science. Proceedings. Prompter, The, and Scottish dramatic review, v. 1. Edinburgh [1842-43]. 16°. NCOA Review of theology and philosophy, v. 1-7(1905/6-1911/12). Edinburgh, 1906- 12. 8°. ZAA Royal Caledonian Curling Club. An- nual. 1853, 1855, 1890-91. Edinburgh. 1853- 91. 16°. MVTA Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Annals. Edited by R. Copeland. v. 1-3. Glasgow, 1902-10. f°. tfOPC Astronomical observations, by T. Henderson, v. 1-15(1834-86). Edinburgh, 1838-86. f°. OPC From v. 6 by Charles Piazzi Smyth. Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. See Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Laws and regulations. Instituted.. .1771, and confirmed by royal charter. . .1788. Edinburgh: Martin & M'Dowall, 1788. viii, 96 p. 8°. * EC Laws of the. . .society. . . Edin- burgh, 1798. 79 p. 16°. WAA Proceedings, v. 1-date (1854-date). Edinburgh, 1858-date. 8°. *EC Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. Transactions, v. 14-date(1895-date). Edin- burgh, 1894-date. 8°. VQN Royal Scottish Geographical Society. See Scottish Geographical Society. Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Trans- actions, v. 1, no. 3-4; v. 2-9; v. 10, no. 1; v. 11, no. 2-v. 17(1841-78, 1884-1907). Edinburgh, 1841-1907. 8°. VA v. 17 cover reads: Journal of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings, v. l-date(1832-date). Edinburgh, 1845-date. 8°. * EC Transactions, v. 1-date (1783-date). Edinburgh, 1788-date. 4° and P. * EC From v. 35 in i°. Index, v. 1-46 (1783-1908). Edinburgh, 1890-1910. 2 v. f°. * EC Scots, The, courant, containing the oc- currences both at home and abroad, no. 1609 (March 5-7, 1716). Edinburgh: printed for the author, 1716. 8°. Reserve Scots lore. [Edited by George Neilson.] v. 1, no. 1-7. Glasgow: Wm. Hodge, 1895. iv, 408 p., 1 fac, 11 pi. 8°. CPA No more published. Scots magazine, The. v. 1-39(1739-77); Dec, 1808; Nov., 1810; March, 1812; May, 1815; April, 1817. Edinburgh, 1739-1817. 8°. * DE Continued in 1817 as The Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Scots magazine, The. Edited by J. C. Carrick. new series, v. 22-25(1898-1900). Perth, 1898-1900. 8°. *DE Ceased publication. Scots, The, mechanics' magazine, and journal of arts, sciences, and literature. Edited by Robert Wallace, v. 1. Glas- gow: R. Griffin & Co., 1825. 8°. VA Scottish annual. Edited by C. R. Brown. 1859. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black [1859,. viii, 412 p., 1 port. 12°. NCA Scottish, The, annual. Edited by Will- iam Weir. [1836.] Glasgow, 1836. vii(i), 328 p., 12 pi., fac. 12°. NCA Scottish, The, annual and yearbook for 1910. Glasgow: J. Wilson, 1910. 4°. fCPA Scottish antiquary, v. 1-17. Edinburgh, 1888-1903. 8°. CPA v. 1-4 entitled: Northern notes and queries; or, Scottish antiquary. Continued as: Scottish his- torical review. Scottish, The, art review, v. 1-2 (June, 1888-December, 1889). Glasgow, 1889. f°. fMAA v. 2 published in London. Scottish banking and insurance maga- zine. See Banking and insurance. Scottish Burgh Record Society. [Publi- cations.] [V. 1-26.] Glasgow, 1868-1911. 4°. Founded in Edinburgh in 1868, and dissolved in 1908. v. 1, 23. Ancient laws and customs of the burghs of Scotland. A.D. 1124-1707. 2 v. 1868- 1910. 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Periodicals and Transactions, continued. v 2-6. Edinburgh. Extracts from the records. A.D. 1403-1589. 5 v. 1869-92. v. 7. Edinburgh. Charters and other documents. A. D. 1143-1540. 1871. v 8-9. Aberdeen. Extracts from the Council register. 1625-1747. 2 v. 1871-72. v. 10. Peebles. Charters and documents. 1165- 1710. 1872. , v 11-12, 16, 19, 22, 26. Glasgow. Extracts from the records. 1573-1759. 6 v. 1876-1911. v. 13. Miscellany. 1881. v. 14-15, 17. Glasgow. Charters and other docu- ments. A.D. 1175-1707. 2 v. in 3. 1894-1906. v. 18. Collegiate Church and Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Edinburgh. Charters and documents. 1460-1661. 1871. _ , v. 20. Marwick, Sir J. D. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. 1909. v. 21. Marwick, Sir J. D. Edinburgh guilds and crafts. 1909. v. 24. Peebles. Extracts from the records of the burgh. 1652-1714. 1910. v. 25. Marwick, Sir J. D. History of the Col- legiate Church and Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Edinburgh. 1460-1661. 1911. Scottish, The, Celtic review . [Edited by Rev. A. Cameron.] Glasgow: printed by Robert Maclehose, 1885. iv, 320 p. 4°. Originally issued in four numbers, published in March and November, 1881; November, 1882; and July, 1885. All the unsigned articles are under- stood to be by the editor. Scottish Christian herald; conducted un- der the superintendence of ministers and members of the established church, v. 1-3; new series, v. 1-3. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1836-41. 4°. ZWA Scottish, The, chronicle. A newspaper for the members of the Episcopal Church in Scotland, v. 1, no. 43, 45(1905); v. 2, no. 47, 49, 50, 53-55, 57-60, 62, 64-65, 69, 75, 92, 95(1906); v. 3, no. 101(1907); v. 4, no. 154, 161-163, 169-171, 175-177, 181-183, 188-190, 192, 194, 196-199(1908). Dumfries, 1905-08. f °. f ZPWA Scottish draughts quarterly, v. 1-3, no. 9-10(1896-99). Glasgow, 1896-99. 8°. MZEA Scottish geographical magazine. Pub- lished by the Scottish Geographical Soci- ety, v. l-date(1885-date). Edinburgh, 1885-date. 8°. KAA v. 1-2 edited by Hugh A. Webster and A. S. White; v. 3, by A. S. White; v. 4-8, by A. S. White and James Geikie; v. 9-15, by James Geikie and W. A. Taylor; v. 16-17, by James Geikie and George Sandeman; v. 18-date by James Geikie and Marion I. Newbigging. Scottish, The, guardian, v. 31, no. 19- 20, 22, 30, 35, 40, 45; v. 32, no. 3, 27, 29, 31, 37, 39-42, 46, 48; v. 33, no. 1-2, 5, 7, 15, 23, 25, 27-28, 31, 37, 41-42; v. 34, no 2, 5, 9, 27, 31, 33, 39-40, 42, 47. [Edinburgh i 1901-04. f°. fZPWA Scottish, The, historical review. Being a new series of the Scottish antiquary... v. 1-date (1903-date). Glasgow, 1904-date. 4°. CPA Scottish History Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1887-date. 8°. CPA These volumes are catalogued separately in this list. v. 1. Bishop Pococke's Tours in Scotland, 1747- v. 2. Diary an daccount book of William Cun- ningham of Craigends, 1673-1680. v. 3. Grameidos libri sex: an heroic poem on the campaign of 1689, by James Philip. v. 4. The register of the kirk-session of St. Andrews, part n. 1559-1582. v. 5. Diary of the Rev. John Mill, minister in Shetland, 1740-1803. v. 6. Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo, a Cove- nanter, 1654-1709. v. 7. The register of the kirk-session of St. Andrews, part u. 1583-1600. v. 8. A list of persons concerned in the rebel- lion (1745). .,„,,- v. 9. Glamis papers: the "Book of record," a diary written by Patrick, first earl of Strathmore, and other documents (1684-89). v. 10. John Major's History of greater Britain (1521). . v. 11. The records of the commissions of the general assemblies, 1646-47. v. 12. Court-book of the barony of Urie, 1604- 1747. v. 13. .Memoirs of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik, baronet. Extracted by himself from his own jour- nals, 1676-1755. 14. Diary of Col. the Hon. John Erskine of Carnock, 1683-1687. v. 15. Miscellany of the Scottish History So- ciety, v. 1. The library of James vi., 1573-83. Docu- ments illustrating Catholic policy, 1596-98. Let- ters of Sir Thomas Hope, 1627-46. Civil war papers, 1643-50. Lauderdale correspondence, 1660-77. Turnbull's diary, 1657-1704. Masterton papers, 1660-1719. Accompt of expenses in Edinburgh, 1715. Rebellion papers, 1715 and 1745. v. 16. Account book of Sir John Foulis of Ravel- ston (1671-1707). v. 17. Letters and papers illustrating the rela- tions between Charles it., and Scotland in 1650. v. 18. Scotland and- the Commonwealth. Let- ters and papers relating to the military govern- ment of Scotland, Aug., 1651- — -Dec, 1653. v. 19. The Jacobite attempt of 1719. Letters of James, second duke of Ormonde. v. 20-22. The Lyon in mourning; or, A col- lection of speeches, letters, journals, etc., relative to the affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, by Bishop Forbes. 1746-1775. v. 23. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward (supplement to the Lyon in mourning). v. 24. Extracts from the presbytery records of Inverness and Dingwall from 1638 to 1688. v. 25. Records of the commissions of the general assemblies (continued) for the years 1648 and 1649. v. 26. Wariston's diary and other papers: Johnston of Wariston's diary, 1639. The honours of Scotland, 1651-52. The Earl of Mar's legacies, 1722, 1726. Letters by Mrs. Grant of Laggan. v. 27. Memorials of John Murray of Brough- ton, 1740-1747. v. 28. The compt buik of David Wedderburne, merchant of Dundee, 1587-1630. v. 29-30. The correspondence of De Montereul and the brothers De Bellievre, French ambassadors in England and Scotland, 1645-1648. v. 31. Scotland and the Protectorate. Letters and papers relating to the military government of Scotland, from January, 1654 to June, 1659. v. 32. Papers illustrating the history of the Scots Brigade in the service of the United Nether- lands, 1572-1782. v. i. 1572-1697. v. 33-34. Macfarlane's Genealogical collections concerning families in Scotland. ,,,£ . 3 , 5 - Pa E. e " on the Scots Brigade in Holland, iinoiiSZ' Jlcilted b y James Ferguson. v. it. loVo-l 7HZ. ■>*£ 36. Journal of a foreign tour in 1665 and 1666, and portions of other journals, by Sir Tohn Lauder, Lord Fountainhall. Y J v. 37. Papal negotiations with Mary Queen of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 15 Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Scots during her reign in Scotland. Chiefly from the Vatican archives. v. 38. Papers on the Scots Brigade in Holland, 1572-1782. Edited by James Ferguson, v. hi. 1. Rotterdam papers: 2. The Remembrance, a metri- cal account of the war in Flanders, 1701-12, by John Scot, soldier. v. 39. The diary of Andrew Hay of Craigne- than, 1659-60. v. 40. Negotiations for the union of England and Scotland in 1651-53. v. 41. The Loyall dissuasive. Memorial to the laird of Cluny in Badenoch. Written in 1703, by Sir J£neas Macpherson. v. 42. The chartulary of Lindores, 1195-1479. v. 43. A letter from Mary Queen of Scots to the duke of Guise, Jan., 1562. v. 44. Miscellany of the Scottish History So- ciety, v. 2. The Scottish king's household^ 14th century. The Scottish nation in the University of Orleans, 1336-1538. The French garrison at Dun- bar, 1563. De antiquitate religionis apud Scotos, 1594. Apology for William Maitland of Lething- ton, 1610. Letters of Bishop George Gramme, 1602- 38. A Scottish journie, 1641. Narratives illus- trating the duke of Hamilton's expedition to Eng- land, 1648. Burnet-Leighton papers, 1648-168 - . Papers of Robert Erskine, physician to Peter the Great, 1677-1720. Will of the duchess of Albany, 1789. v. 45. Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to his gardener, 1727-1743. v. 46. Minute book of the managers of the New Mills cloth manufactory, 1681-1690. v. 47. Chronicles of the Frasers; being the Wardlaw manuscript entitled "Polichronicon seu Policratica Temporum, or, the true Genealogy of the Frasers." By Master James Fraser. v. 48. The records of the proceedings of the Justiciary Court from 1661 to 1678. v. i. 1661- 1669. v. 49. The records of the proceedings of the Justiciary Court from 1661 to 1678. v. II. 1669- 1678. v. 50. Records of the Baron Court of Stitchill, 1655-1807. v. 51-53. Macfarlane's Topographical collec- tions, v. 1-3. v. 54. Statuta Ecclesia: Scoticana;. 1225-1559. v. 55. The house booke of Accomps, Ochter- tyre, 1737-39. v. 56. The charters of the abbey of Inchaffray. v. 57. A selection of the forfeited estates papers preserved in H.M. General Register House and elsewhere. v. 58. Records of the commissions of the gen- eral assemblies (continued), for the _years 1650-52. v. 60. Sir Thomas Craig's De unione regnorum Britannia? tractatus. v. 61. Johnston of Wariston's Memento quamdiu vivas, and diary from 1637 to 1639. Second Series v. 1. The household book of Lady Grisell Baillie, 1692-1733. v. 2. Miscellaneous narratives relating to the '45. v. 3. Correspondence of James, fourth earl of Findlater and first earl of Seafield, lord chancel- lor of Scotland. v. 4. Rentale Sancti Andree... 1538-1546. Scottish, The, journal. With which is incorporated the Scottish shorthand jour- nal. Edited by J. Simson. v. 1(1883); v. 2, no. 1-4, 6, 9-10 (Jan.- April, June, Sept.- Oct., 1884). London [1883-84]. 12°. * IDA Scottish Meteorological Society. Jour- nal of the. . .society, series 3, v. 9, no. 8 (1891); v. 11, no. 15-16(1900). Edinburgh, 1891-1900. 4°. PRA Scottish Protestant, edited by J. Gibson, v. 1-2. Glasgow: W. R. McPhun, 1852. 8°. ZMY Scottish Record Society. [Publica- tions.] part 1-date. Edinburgh, 1898-1913. 4°. ARCA Founded in Edinburgh in 1898 for "the prepara- tion and printing of indexes and abstracts of Scot- tish records." No. 1, 4 and 5 were issued in the Index library. The volumes are catalogued sepa- rately in this list. no. 1-3. The commissariot record of Edinburgh. Register of testaments, 1514-1800. 1897-99. no. 4. The commissariot record of Inverness. Register of testaments, 1630-1800. 1897. no. 5. The commissariot record of Hamilton and Campsie. Register of testaments, 1564-1800. 1898. no. 6. The commissariot record of Aberdeen. Register of testaments, 1715-1800. 1899. no. 7. The commissariot record of Glasgow. Register of testaments, 1547-1800. 1901. no. 8. The commissariot record of St. Andrews. Register of testaments, 1549-1800. 1902. no. 9. The commissariot record of Argyle. Reg- ister of testaments, 1674-1800. 1902. no. 10. The commissariot record of Caithness. Register of testaments, 1661-1664. 1902. no. 11. The commissariot record of the Isles. Register of testaments, 1661-1800. no. 12. The commissariot record of Peebles. Register of testaments, 1681-1699. 1902. no. 13. The commissariot record of Brechin. Register of testaments, 1567-1800. 1902. no. 14. The commissariot record of Dumfries. Register of testaments, 1624-1800. 1902. no. 15. The commissariot record of Dunblane. Register of testaments, 1539-1800. 1903. no. 16. The commissariot record of Dunkeld. Register of testaments, 1682-1800. 1903. no. 17. The commissariot record of Kirkcud- bright. Executry papers, 1663-1800. 1903. no. 18. The commissariot record of Lauder. Register of testaments, 1561-1800. 1903. no. 19. The commissariot record of Lanark. Register of testaments, 1595-1800. 1903. no. 20. The commissariot record of Moray. Reg- ister of testaments, 1684-1800. 1904. no. 21. The commissariot record of Orkney and Shetland. Register of testaments. Part i. Orkney, 1611-1684. Part ii. Shetland, 1611-1649. 1904. no. 22. The commissariot record of Stirling. Register of testaments, 1607-1800. 1904. no. 23. The commissariot record of Wigtown. Testaments, 1700-1800. 1904. no. 24. Miscellaneous executry papers preserved in H.M. Register House. 1481-1740. 1904. no. 25. Register of burials in the Chapel Royal or abbey of Hclyroodhouse, 1706-1900. 1900. no. 26. Register of interments in the Greyfriars burying-ground, Edinburgh, 1658-1700. 1902. no. 27. The register of marriages for the par- ish of Edinburgh, 1595-1700. 1905. no. 28. The register of apprentices of the city of Edinburgh, 1583-1666. 1906. no. 29. Protocol book of Gavin Ros, N.P., 1512-1532. 1908. no. 30. Register of baptisms, chapels at Bairnie and Tillydesk, 1763-1801, and index, 1908. no. 31. Index to genealogies, birthbriefs, and funeral escutcheons recorded in the Lyon office. 1908. no. 32. Index to the register of burials in the churchyard of Restalrig, 1728-1854. 1908. no. 33. The commissariot of Argyll. Register of inventories, 1693-1702. 1909. no. 34. The commissariot of Edinburgh. Con- sistorial processes and decreets. 1658-1800. 1909. no. 35. The register of marriages for the parish of Edinburgh, 1701-1750. 1908. no. 36. Charter chest of the earldom of Wig- town, 1214-1681; and the charter chest of the earl- dom of Dundonald, 1219-1672. 1910. no. 37. Protocol book of Sir Alexander Gaw, 1540-1558. 1910. no. 38. Parish registers of Dunfermline, 1561- 1700. 1911. no. 39. Parish register of Durness, 1764-1814. 1911. no. 40. Protocol book of Sir William Corbet, 1529-1555. 1911. no. 41. Register of baptisms, proclamations, mar- 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Periodicals and Transactions, continued. riages, and mortcloth dues, contained in the kirk- session records of the parish of Torphichen, 1673- 1714. 1911. no. 42. Index to the register of marriages and baptisms in the parish of Kilbarchan, 1649-1772. 1912. , . , no. 43. Inventory of documents relating to the Scrymgeour family estates, 1611. 1912. no. 44. [Not yet published.] no. 45. Melrose parish register of baptisms. 1642-1722. 1910-11. no. 46. Parish of Holyroodhouse or Canongate. Register of marriages, 1564-1800. 1911-13. Scottish, The, reformer; a weekly tem- perance and family newspaper, v. 16, no. 383, 386, 795, 799, 801, 803-804, 819, 821, 823- 824(1901); v. 17, no. 849, 851, 854, 867, 878, 880-881; v. 18, no. 910-911; v. 19, no. 990. Glasgow, 1901-04. f°. tt VTZA Scottish review. A quarterly journal of social progress and general literature, v. 1-10 (1853-62). Glasgow, 1853-62. 8°. *DE Scottish review. v. 1-36(1882-1900). London (Paisley), 1883-1900. 8°. * DA Discontinued. Scottish Text Society. [Publications.] v. 1-61(1883/4-1912); new series, 1-5(1911- 13). Edinburgh, 1884-1913. 8°. NDP Founded in Edinburgh in 1882 "for the purpose of printing and editing texts in early and middle Scots." The volumes were originally issued in parts and are entered here according to the official number- ing. In the case of a work published in more than one part, the numbering of each part comprised in it is stated. v. 1. The kingis quair: together with a ballad of good counsel. By King James i. of Scotland, part 1. 1884. v. 2. The poems of William Dunbar, parts 2, 14, 16, 21, 29. 3 v. 1893. v. 3. Ane treatise callit The court of Venus, deuidit into four buikis: newlie compylit be Iohne Rolland in Dalkeith, 1575. part 3. 1884. v. 5. The histone of Scotland ^wrytten first in Latin by...Jhone Leslie... and translated in Scot- tish by Father James Dalrymple. . .1596. parts 5, 14, 19, 34. 1888-95. v. 6. The actis and deidis of the illustere and vailzeand campioun Schir William Wallace... By Henry the Minstrel, parts 6-7, 17. 1889. v. 8. Sir Tristrem. part 8. 1886. v. 9. The poems of Alexander Montgomerie. parts 9-11. 1887. v. 12. The richt vay to the Kingdom of Heuine. By John Gau. part 12. 1888. v. 13. Legends of the saints in the Scottish dialect of the fourteenth century. 3 v. parts 13, 18, 23, 25, 35, 37. 1896. v. 15. Certain tractates: together with the book of four score three questions, and a translation of Vincentius Lirinensis. 2 v. parts 15, 22. 1888-90. v. 20. Satirical poems of the time of the Ref- ormation. 2 v. parts 20, 24, 28, 30. 1891-93. v. 26. Vernacular writings of George Buchanan. 1892. v. 27. Scottish alliterative poems in riming stan- zas, parts 27, 38. 1897. v. 31. The Bruce: or The book of the most excellent and noble prince Robert de Broyss... Compiled by Master John Barbour. . .1375. 2 v. parts 31, 32, 33. 1894. v. 36. The poems of Alexander Scott. 1896. v. 39. A compendious book of godly and spiritual songs, commonly known as "The gude and godlie ballatis." Reprinted from the edition of 1567. 1897. v. 40. Works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan. 2 v. parts 40, 41. 1898. v. 42. The historie and cronicles of Scotland... Written and collected by Robert Lindesay of Pits- cottie. 3 v. parts 42, 43, 60. 1899-1911. v. 44. Gilbert of the Hayes prose manuscript (A.D. 1456). 1901. v. 45. Catholic tractates of the sixteenth cen- tury, 1573-1600. 1901. v. 46. New Testament in Scots. . .turned into Scots by Murdoch Nisbet c. 1520. 3 v. parts 46, 49, 52. 1901-05. v. 47. Livy's History of Rome, the first five books, translated into Scots by John Bellenden, 1533. 2 v. parts 47, 51. 1901-03. v. 48. Poems of Alexander Hume (?1557-1609.) 1902. v. 50. The original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun. 6 v. parts 50, 53, 54, 56, 57. 1903-08. v. 55. Poems of Robert Henryson. v. 2-3. parts 55, 58. 1908. v. 59. Poems of Alexander Montgomerie. Sup- plementary volume, part 59. 1910. v. 61. Geddie, William. Bibliography of mid- dle Scots poets, part 61. 1912. New Series v. 1. The kingis quair: together with a ballad of good counsel. 2. ed. 1911. v. 2. Lancelot of the Laik. From Cambridge University Library ms. 1912. v. 3-4. The poetical works of William Drum- mond of Hawthornden. 2 v. 1913. v. 5. Poems of James Stewart of Baldynneis. v. 2. 1913. Slater's Royal national commercial di- rectory of Scotland... Manchester, 1878. 4°. tCP Map lacking. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica; or, Transactions of the society, v. 1-5. Edinburgh, 1792-1890. 4°. CPA No more to be published. Superseded by the Proceedings. Index to v. 1-3 in v. 3. Laws as revised. July 18, 1900; May 8, 1901. Edinburgh, 1900-01. 8°. CPA p. box Proceedings, v. 1, 2(1851-78); ser- ies 2, v. 1-12(1878-90); series 3, v. 1-12 (1890-1902); series 4, v. 1-9(1903-11). Edinburgh: the society, 1855-1911. sq. 8°. CPA The volumes are also numbered consecutively. General index and index of illus- trations to the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, v. 1-24(1851- 90). Edinburgh: the society, 1902. sq. 8°. CPA Mitchell, Sir Arthur. Jubilee address to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1902. The pre-history of the Scottish area. Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1902. 57 p. illus. sq. 8°. QPM p. box 1 Smellie, William. An historical account of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archjeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. iii-xxxiii.) f CPA Society of Solicitors of Banffshire. Charter of incorporation in favour of the society... 1840. Banff: J. Paterson, 1841. 10 P- 8 °- XAIp.v.7 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 17 Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Spalding Club. [Publications. Aber- deen, v. d. 4°.] This club was founded in Aberdeen in 1839 "for the printing of the historical, ecclesiastical, genealogical, typographical and literary remains of the north-eastern counties of Scotland." The club was dissolved in 1870. The volumes in the New # York Public Library are here listed in their official order. [no. 3, 6, 16, 20, 24.] Miscellany of the Spald- ing Club. 5 v. 1841-52. [no. 7.] Extracts from the presbytery book of Strathbogie. 1631-1654. 1843. [no. 9.] Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. 1843. [no. 12, 19.] Extracts from the Council regis- ter of Aberdeen. 1398-1625. 2 v. 1844-48. [no. 13-14.] Registrum episcopatus Aberdonen- sis. 2 v. 1845. [no. 18.] Genealogical deduction of the family of Rome of Kilravock. 1848. [no. 30.] Book of the thanes of Cawdor. 1859. [no. 33.] The diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie, 1630-1635. 1863. [no. 34.] Ane account of the family of Innes, by Duncan Forbes of Culloden, 1698. 1864. Each of these volumes is catalogued separately in this list. Speculative Society of Edinburgh. His- tory of the Speculative Society of Edin- burgh, from its institution in m.dcc.lxiv. Edinburgh: printed for the society, 1845. S p.l., 485(1) p. 4°. *EC Large paper copy. Laws of the. . .society. . . 1808, 1883. Edinburgh, 1808-83. 8°. NAN p. box List of office-bearers and ordinary members "of the ... society, and the order of business. session 121-125 (1884/5- 1888/9). Edinburgh, 1884-88. 8°. NAN p. box Spottiswoode Society. The Spottis- woode miscellany: a collection of original papers and tracts, illustrative chiefly of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Scot- land. Edited by James Maidment. Edin- burgh: The Spottiswoode Society, 1844-45. 2 v. 8°. CP Tait's Edinburgh magazine, new series, v. 1-15, 20-21, 23-27(1834-48, 1853-54, 1856- 60). Edinburgh, 1834-60. 4°. * DA Thistle, The. A Scottish patriotic ma- gazine, v. 1(1908-9). Edinburgh: J. & J. Gray & Co., 1909. 8°. CPA Titan. A monthly magazine, v. 23-29. Edinburgh, 1856-59. 8°. , * DE Continuation of Hogg's Instructor. University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews. Publications, no. 1-10. Oxford, 1901-11. 8°. University of St. Andrews. Five hundredth anniversary memorial volume of scientific papers contributed by mem- bers of the university. Edited by W. C. M'Intosh, J.. E. Steggall [and] J. C. Irvine. Edinburgh: ( T. & A. Constable,] 1911. xi, 354 p., 1 1. 4°. Viking Club. Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness, and Suther- land. See Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Weekly, The, magazine; or, Edinburgh amusement. Containing the essence of all the magazines, reviews, newspapers, etc., published in Great Britain, etc. v. 10, 14-15, 19-20, 31-33. Edinburgh, 1770-76. 8°. *DE v. 10, 14-15, 31-33 imperfect. Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. v. 1-7(1808-37). Edinburgh, 1811-38. 8°. PQA West of Scotland Iron and Steel Insti- tute. Journal, v. 1-19. Glasgow, 1892- 1912. 8°. VLA List of members, session 1910/11- 1911/12. Glasgow, 1911-12. 8°. VHT Wodrow Society. Annual report and state of accounts, no. 3-4. Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1824-25. 8°. ZWGF p. box [Publications.] Edinburgh, 1842- 50. 8°. Founded in 1841 "for the publication of the works of the fathers and early writers of the Re- formed Church of Scotland." The society practi- cally ceased to exist in 1850. no. 1. The autobiography and diary of Mr. Tames Melvill, minister of Kilrenny in Fife. With a continuation of the diary. 1842. no. 2. The history of the Kirk of Scotland, from the year 1558 to August, 1637. By John Row. With a continuation to July, 1639, by his son, John Row. 1842. no. 3. The correspondence of the Rev. Robert Wodrow, minister of Eastwood. 3 v. 1842-43. no. 4. Sermons by the Rev. Robert Bruce, mini- ster of Edinburgh; reprinted from the original edi- tion of 1590 and 1591. With collections for his life by Rev. R. Wodrow. 1843. no. 5. The history of- the Kirk of Scotland, by Mr. David Calderwood, some time minister of Crailing. 8 v. 1842-49. no. 6. Select works of Robert Rollock, princi- pal of the University of Edinburgh. 2 v. .1844-49. no. 7. Select' biographies. Edited for the Wod- row Society, chiefly from manuscripts in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. 2 v. 1845-47. no. 8. An apologetical narration of the state and government of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation, by W. Scot. Certaine records touching the estate of the kirk in the years 1605 and 1606, by John Forbes. 1846. no. 9. The miscellany of the Wodrow Society: containing tracts and original letters chiefly re- lating to the ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland dur- ing the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 1844. no. 10. The history of the Reformation in Scot- land. By John Knox. 2 v. 1846-48. no. 11. The life of Mr. Robert Blair, minister of St. Andrews, containing his autobiography, from 1593 to 1636, with supplement to his life, and continuation of the history of the times to 1680, by his son-in-law, Mr. William Row, minister of Ceres. 1848. , no. 12. A logical analysis of the epistle of Paul to the Romans, by Charles Ferme, translated from the Latin by William Skae; and a commentary on the same epistle by Andrew Melville, in the original Latin. Edited with a life of Ferme. 1850. Young Scots Society. Young Scots publication department, no. 9. Edin- burgh [1907?]. 12°. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents * A. Scottish Documents Scotland. Aanspraak, gedaan door een van de le- den der conventie van de Staaten in Schot- land. [Uyt het Engelsch vertaald.] [Am- sterdam: A. Dz. Oossaan, 1689.] 7 p. 4°. CP p. box 4 Answers by the annual committee of the convention of the Royal Burrows of Scotland, to the dissent made by Lord Drumore, as assessor for the Burgh of North-Berwick. Edinburgh: J. Davidson, 1734. 52 p. 12°. CPp.box3 Brief van de commissarissen van het coninck-ryck van Schotland residerende tot Londen. Aen Wilhelm Lenthall... spreecker van het huys vande Commvnes. Raeckende de teghenwoordighe proceduy- ren in dit coninghrijck, teghen de religie, den coningh ende het gouvernement. Mitsgaders, haere declaratie ende prote- statie, teghen het weghnemen van sijne majesteyts leven. 's Graven-Haghe: L. Breeckevelt, 1649. 7 1. 4°. CI p.v. 91, no.36 The declaration of the estates of the Kingdom of Scotland containing the claim of right, and the offer of the crown to their Majesties William and Queen Mary. Edinburgh, 1779. 15 p. 8°. CK p.v. 177 Edinburgh gazette. 1793/4, no. 1, 3-35, 37-157; 1903-date. Edinburgh, 1793-date. f°. * SAE Inquisitionum ad capellam domini re- gis retornatarum, quae in publicis archivis Scotiae adhuc servantur, abbreviatio. . . n.p., 1811-16. 3 v. f°. ttARF Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903. Tables showing the licensing districts formed in 1903 by county councils in Scotland, with the population of each. . .district. . . Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 12 p. P. ft VTZO p.v. 6, no.16 Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903. Tables showing the populations of counties, local government districts, and burghs (Scot- land) with reference to the provisions of the... act... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 19 p. f°. ft TLV p.v. 10, no.20 Licensing (Scotland) Acts Amendment Bill. Tables showing the population of counties, districts, and burghs in Scotland with reference to the proposals of the bill. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 20 p. f°. ft SDN p.v. 2, no.15 Private legislation procedure (Scotland). Report... [London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, 1907.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 211.) fSB p.v. 36,110.4 * The section on public documents has been of the preparation of the Bulletin lists. Register containeing the state and condi- tion of every burgh within the kingdome of Scotland, in the year 1692. (In: Scot- tish Burgh Records Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1881. 4°. p. 49-157.) CP Sets of the royal burghs of Scotland. (In: Scottish Burgh Records Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1881. 4°. p. 159- 295.) CP Board of Prison Directors Rules for prisons in Scotland. Edin- burgh: T. Constable, 1847. iv, 40 p. 12°. SLTp.v.22, no. 11 Board of Supervision for the Relief of the Poor Serial Annual report of the board, no. 29, [35,, 37, 39(1873/4, 1879/80, 1881/2, 1883/4). Edinburgh, 1874-84. 8°. SGF Non-serial Regulations made and issued by the Board of Supervision for the Relief of the Poor in Scotland, in terms of the 5th section of the Vaccination (Scotland) Act, 26 and 27 Vict., c. 108. n.p. [1863., 4 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.23 Rules framed by the Board of Supervi- sion under the statute 8 and 9 Vict., cap. 83, as to medical relief of the poor. n. p. [1863.] 4 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 21 Rules, instructions and recommenda- tions to parochial authorities... Edin- burgh: Murray & Gibb, 1854. 83 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1223, no.31 Vaccination Act. [Circular dated Aug. 20, 1863.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1863., 3 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.24 Board of Trustees of the National Galleries of Scotland Report, no. 1-2(1907-1908/9). Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1908-09. f°. fMAVZ Census Office Census of Scotland, 1911. Preliminary report. London: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1911. xx, 65 p., 1 diagr. f°. -ft SDG Census of Scotland, 1911. Report of the twelfth decennial census of Scotland. ttSDG n ,. v ' ^.P"* 1; City of Edinburgh. London: Oliver & Boyd, 1912. 38 p. f>. v. 1, part 2. City of Glasgow, id., 1912. 39-79 p. f. v. 1, part 3. City of Dundee, id., 1912. 81-115 p. f°. t ,ce V " o 1, part ,?- Cit y of Aberdeen, id., 1912. 117- 155, 8a p. f°. 1 ft '»}■>' part J- County of Aberdeen. id., 1912. 15/-242 p. f°. ' ,,?' 1 ' P art 6 - County of Argyll, id., 1912. 243- Al£ p. I . compiled by D. C. Haskell, who has general charge LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 19 Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. v. 1, part 7. County of Ayr. id., 1912. 313- 417 p. P. v. 1, part 8. County of Banff, id., 1912. 419- 465 p. P. v. 1, part 9. County of Berwick, id., 1912. 467- 514 p. P. v. 1, part 10. County of Bute, id., 1912. 515- 549 p. P. v. 1, part 11. County of Caithness, id.. 1912. 551-587 p. f°. v. 1, part 12. County of Clackmannan. id., 1912. 589-625 p. P. v. 1, part 13. County of Dumbarton, id., 1912. 627-707 p. P v. 1, part 14. County of Dumfries, id., 1912. 709-764 p. f°. v. 1, part 15. County of Edinburgh, id., 1912. 765-845 p. f°. v. 1, part 16. County of Elgin, id., 1912. 847- 892 p. i°. v. 1, part 17. County of Fife, id., 1912. 893- 1012 p. P. v. 1, part 18. County of Forfar. id., 1912. 1013-1094 p. P. v. 1, part 19. County of Haddington, id., 1912. 1095-1141 p. P. v. 1, part 20. County of Inverness, id., 1912. 1143-1219 p. P. v. 1, part 21. County of Kincardine. London: Wyman & Sons, 1912. 1221-1266 p. P. v. 1, part 22. County of Kinross. London: Oliver & Boyd, 1912. 1267-1298 p. f°. v. 1, part 23. County of Kirkcudbright. Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, 1912. 1299-1351 p. P. v. 1, part 24. County of Lanark, with appen- dix, shewing population of area affected by Glasgow Boundaries Act, 1912. id., 1912. 1353-1575 p. P. v. 1, part 25. County of Linlithgow, id., 1912. 1577-1623 p. P. v. 1, part 26. County of Nairn, id., 1912. 1625- 1656 p. P. v. 1, part 27. County of Orkney. id., 1912. 1657-1704 p. f°. v. 1, part 28. County of Peebles. id., 1912. 1705-1741 p. f°. v. 1, part 29. County of Perth. id., 1912. 1743-1845 p. f°. v. 1, part 30. County of Renfrew, id., 1913. 1 p.l., 1849-1938 p. P. v. 1, part 31. County of Ross and Cromarty, id., 1912. 1939-2002 p. P. v. 1, part 32. County of Roxburgh, id., 1913. 1 p.l., 2005-2054 p. f°. v. 1, part 33. County of Selkirk. id., 1912. 2055-2092 p. f°. v. 1, part 34. County of Shetland, id., 1913. 2093-2132 p. f°. v. 1, part 35. County of Stirling. id., 1913. 2133-2220 p. P.. v. 1, part 36. County of Sutherland, id., 1913. 2221-2257 p. P. v. 1, part 37. County of Wigtown, id., 1913. 2259-2301 p. P. Commissioners of Parliament Advice, sent from his Majesties Commis- sioners in Scotland: to both the honour- able Houses of Parliament in England; January 15th, 1642; for composing the present differencies and distractions in this kingdome... [Signed Ja. Primrose.] Edinburgh, 1642. 1 p.l., 4 p. 12°. CI Some papers given in by the commis- sioners of the Parliament of Scotland; to the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England; in answer to their votes of the 24th of September, 1646; concerning the disposing of His Majesties person. Edin- burgh: E. Tyler, prtr., 1646. 1 p.l., 30 p. 4°. CI p. box 1646 S Committee on Bankruptcy Law of Scotland Amendment Report of the committee appointed... to inquire into the bankruptcy law of Scotland and its administration. Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1910. 2 v. f°. TLX v. 1. Report. 1 p.l., 16 p. P. v. 2. Minutes of evidence. . .with appendix and index, iii, 177 p. P. Congested Districts Board Serial Report, no. 1-12(1897/8-1909/10). Glas- gow, 1898-1910. f°. ftVPX Non-serial Local rates in congested districts (Scot- land). Return giving the amount of local rates per pound levied during the years 1892-3 to 1903-4.. .as specified in the sixth annual report of the. . .board. . . Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 190S. 20 p. f°. ft TIN p.v. 31, no.9 Courts Report to the... lords of council and session, and lord chief commissioner of the jury court. . .presented by a committee composed of united committees of the Faculty of Advocates, the Society of Writers to the Signet, and the Society of Solicitors before the Supreme Courts in Scotland, on the draught act of sederunt for repealing certain subsisting acts of sederunt, and consolidating the enact- ments therein contained; — -and also for farther improving the forms in the Court of Session, n. p., n. d. 37, 59 p. 8°. XMH p.v. 2, no.2 Tables of fees chargeable by practi- tioners before the Court of Sessions, Jury Court, High Court of Justiciary, and Court of Commission of Teinds in Scotland. [Edinburgh,] 1829. 34 p., 1 1. 8°. XMH p.v. 2, no.20 Courts: Court of Exchequer Legacy duty. Report of the case the advocate-general of Scotland against the earl of Stair, &c. (Stair's trustees). Edin- burgh: W. H. Lizars, 1850. 1 p.l., 39 p. 8°. XMH p.v. S, no.12 Crofters Commission Serial Report... as to their proceedings, 1896- 1909, 1911/12. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1897-1912. f°. ftTE First issued in 1887- Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Non-serial Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Act. Copy of the Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Acts, indicating the extensions and amendments thereof proposed by the Small Land- 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. holders (Scotland) Bill (as amended by the standing committee on Scottish bills) and on report. London: Eyre & Spottis- woode [1907j. 40 p., 1 1. P. (H. of C. paper 296.) . ft TE p.v. 7, no.38 Report to the secretary for Scotland... on the social condition of the people of Lewis in 1901, as compared with twenty years ago. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1902. civ, 65 p. f °. ft CRB Crown: James vii Proclamation [of protection to subjects of the Protestant religion]. June 28, 1687. Edinburgh: Heirs of A. Anderson, prtrs., 1687. 1 1. P. Reserve Crown Office Serial ' Assessments (counties, cities and burghs) (Scotland). Return showing the total amounts of assessments collected... with the total cost of collection. 1901/2. London [1903). P. fTIB Non-serial Deer forests. Highland crofting coun- ties (Argyllshire, Inverness-shire, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, Caithness, and Orkney and Shetland). Return giving the name of each deer forest. . .the amount of the assessment, its acreage for the years 1883, 1898, 1904 and 1908, and showing the increase or decrease in the acreage be- tween the years 1904 and 1908 (in con- tinuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 232, of session 1905)... Glasgow: J. Hedder- wick & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 5 p. P. (H. of C. paper 220.) t MY p.v. 1, no.32 Deer forests, &c., Scotland. Return of particulars of all deer forests and lands exclusively devoted to sport in counties other than crofting counties... Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1908. 4 p. P. (H. of C. paper 344.) f MY p.v. 1, no.33 Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1894. Elections... Return of the cost of the elections of county councils, town coun- cils, and burgh commissioners, and parish councils in Scotland, as first held... in 1898.. . Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1900. 128 p. P. (H. of C. paper 145.) ft SEH p.v. 34, no.3 Scottish local authorities (deputation ex- penses). Return arranged according to counties, of expenses during each of the five years ending.. .15. . .May, 1908 of de- putations to London in connection with (a) public general bills; (b) private bills. . . Edinburgh: Morrison & Gibb, Ltd., 1909 6 p. P. (H. of C. paper 374.) tt TIF p.v. 36, no.27 Teinds, &c. (Scotland). Return of the rental of each county and... parish in Scotland, and of the value of the teinds appertaining thereto, and the value of such portion of them as is now appropri- ated to the payment of stipend and communion elements... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1907. 26 p., 1 1. P. (H. of C. paper 146.) ffTIS Treatment of youthful offenders (Scot- land). Return showing, for each summary criminal court in Scotland, the number of children and young persons under 16 who were proceeded against for crimes and offences during 1906... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode t 1907j. 18 p. P. (H. of C. paper 345.) ft SLE p.v. 5, no.26 • Same. 1907, v. 69.) (Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. *SDD Education Department Serial Accounts of school boards. Memoran- dum of instructions. 1909. London, 1909. P. t STI Annual report by the accountant for Scotland to the Scotch Education Depart- ment, no. 1, 12, 24-39 (1873, 1884, 1896- 1911). v. p., 1874-1912. 8°. STI Certificate examination, July. (1.) Lists of successful candidates. (2.) Questions proposed to queen's scholars, queen's stu- dents, graduates under article 47ii(c), and teachers in elementary schools. (3.) Syl- labus of subjects of examination for certi- ficates in July [following]. 1898, 1900. London, 1898-1900. 8°. STHp.box4 Circulars, no. 221, 225, 231, 234, 433-434. London, 1898-1910. 8° and P. STI Code of regulations for continuation classes providing further instruction for those who have left school. 1901-09, 1911- 12. London, 1901-12. 8°. STH Continuation of: Scotch code of regulations for evening continuation schools, which see. Code of regulations for day schools, with appendixes. 1897-1912. London, 1897-1912. 8°. STI Continuation classes and central insti- tutions. Reports, statistics, &c. 1902/3- 1910/12. London, 1904-12. 8°. STI Highland division. General report. 1911. London, 1912. 8°. STI King's scholarship examination, Decem- ber.. . (I.) List of successful candidates. (II) Questions... (III.) Regulations and syllabus... 1903. London, 1904. 8°. SSG Leaving certificate examination. Cir- culars relating to the examination to be held, with appendix. 1906, 1908 1910 London, 1906-09. 8°. STH LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 21 Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. Lists of school boards, secondary edu- cation committees, voluntary schools, and training colleges, with the names of clerks and correspondents, Feb., 1897, May, 1898, Aug., 1903, Jan., 1906, Dec, 1911, Feb., 1913. London, 1897-1913. 8°. STI Title varies slightly. Lists of science and art classes, schools of art, and schools of science, conducted under the provisions of the science and art directory, and of higher class schools with the names and addresses of corres- pondents. June, 1898, July, 1899. Lon- don, 1899-1900. 8°. STHp.box4 Local science and art examinations and technological examinations. 1912. rLon- don: A. & E. Walter, Ltd., 1912.) 6 p. • f°. t SSD p.v. 26, no. 1 Northern division. General report. 1896-1907, 1909, 1911-12. London, 1897- 1913. 8°. STI p. box Queen's scholarship and studentship ex- amination. 1. List of successful candi- dates. 2. Questions proposed to candi- dates for admission to training colleges. . . 3. Regulations and syllabus . . . Dec, 1900. London, 1901. 8°. SSGp.box2 Regulations as to grants to secondary schools. 1907-09, 1912. London, 1907-12. 8°. STI Regulations for the preliminary educa- tion, training and certification of teachers for various grades of schools. 1906-10, 1912-13. London, 1906-13. 8°. STI Report of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland. [Separate.] 1874, 1896/7-1911/12. London, 1875-1912. 8°. STI First report made for 1873/4. Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Reports of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland., .with appen- dix. 1896/7-1911/12. London, 1897-1912. 8°. STI Return, showing expenditure from grant for public education upon annual grants to elementary schools; the actual number of elementary schools on the annual grant list, and results of inspection and examina- tion of elementary schools. 1895/6-1897/8. London, 1897-99. 8°. Return showing I. The expenditure from the grant for public education... n. A list of day schools aided from parliamen- tary grant, with statistics relating there- to... in. Summarised statistics of day schools. 1901/2-1906/7. London, 1903-08. 8°. STI Return showing the expenditure from the grant for public education. . .upon an- nual grants to state-aided schools. . .the actual number of state aided day schools on the annual grant list... the results of the inspection... of., .day schools and evening continuation schools. 1898/9- 1901/2. London, 1900-02. f°. STI Return showing the extent to which, and the manner in which, local authorities in Scotland have allocated and applied funds to the purposes of technical education. 1896/7-1905/6. London, 1898-[1907,. f°. ttSSM 1901/2 in tt SSM p.v. 3, no. 8. Return showing I. A list of day schools aided from parliamentary grant, with sta- tistics relating thereto. . . ii. Summarised statistics of day schools in receipt of an- nual grants. 1907/8-1910/11. London, 1909-12. 8°. STH Scotch code of regulations for evening continuation schools, with schedule and appendixes. 1897-1900. London, 1897- 1900. 8°. STH Continued as: Code of regulations for continua- tion classes, which see. Secondary education (Scotland). Leav- ing certificate examination. Further cir- culars and examination papers. 1909-10, 1912. London, 1909-12. 8°. STI Secondary education (Scotland). Re- port. 1897-1910. London, 1897-1910. 8°. STI First issued in 1893. Included in the Parliamen- tary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Before 1902 called: Report for the year on inspection of higher class schools. Southern division. General report. 1896-1909. London, 1897-1910. 8°. STI First issued in 1889. Also in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Teachers' certificates... (i.) List of king's scholars and. . .students recognised . . . as . . . teachers . . . (n.) List of certifi- cated teachers, trained for one year... (hi.) List of .. .scholars and. . .students, recognised as having completed a third year of training. . . (iv.) List of successful candidates at the certificate examination for graduates .. . (v.) Examination-papers set... (vi.) Syllabus... 1902,1905,1908. London, 1903-09. 8°. STI Training of teachers. Report, statis- tics, &c. 1896-1908/9. London, 1897-1910. 8°. SSG 1896 title reads: Training colleges. Reports... List of training colleges ... and syllabus of subjects for examination. 1897-1900 title reads: Training colleges. Reports and papers... Western division. General report. 1896-1907, 1909-11. London, 1897-1912. 8°. STI First issued in 1889. Also in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply s complete file. 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. Non-serial The cleansing and disinfecting of schools. London: Wyman & Sons, 1907. 9 p. 8°. ST p.v. 2, no.16 Draft regulations for the preliminary education, training, and certification of teachers for various grades of schools. London: Wyman & Sons, 1906. 1 p.l., 31 p. f°. ft SSD p.v. 13, no.U Education (Scotland) Bill. Return showing the population, valuation, the average assessment levied. . .1900-01 to 1902-03 in each parish... London: Wy- man & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 30 p. f°. ft STH p.v. 15, no.9 London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 31 p. f°. tt STH p.v. 15, no.13 Education (Scotland) Bill. Return showing — i. The proposed new school board districts. . .with the population, the number of public and voluntary schools on the annual grant list... n. The area, population [etc.] of proposed. . .districts ... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 41 p. f°. tt STH p.v. 15, no.12 Education (Scotland) Bill, 1908. Copy "of comparative statement showing A. The amounts at present received by the secondary education committee districts ..." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1908., 1 1. f°. .(H. of C. paper 189.) tt STH p.v. 15, no.34 Education (Scotland) Bill, 1908. Me- morandum explanatory of the provisions of the bill. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1908. 1 p.l., 9 p. f°. tt SSD p.v. 13, no.5 Education (Scotland) Bill, 1908. Scheme "to be proposed by the Scotch Education Department under clause 14(2) of the bill for the allocation of the balance of the education. . .fund. . ." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1908]. 3 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 165.) f STH p.v. 14, no.4 General report by W. Leslie Mackenzie on the teaching of school and personal hygiene to students in training as teachers in Scotland. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1907. 16 p. 8°. ST p.v. 2, no.17 Instructions relative to the teaching of drawing. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1898. 9 p. f °. f MBB List of classes conducted under the continuation class code (shewing subjects taught) and of central institutions under article 87 thereof; of secondary schools conducted under the regulations as to grants to secondary schools or the minute of 30th May 1903; and of secondary edu- cation committees with the names and ad- dresses of correspondents. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 38 p. 8° STH p.v. 20, no.15 List of school boards giving particulars of the estimated grants. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1897. 11 p. f°. STH p.v. 20, no.4 Memorandum on the code of regula- tions for continuation classes. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1901. 4 p. 8°. Memorandum on Greek pronunciation. July 4th, 1910. London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, 1910. 5 p. 8°. RCB p.v. 1, no.8 Memorandum on nature study and the teaching of science in Scottish schools. London: Wyman & Sons, 1908. iv, 50 p. 8°. STH p.v. 13, no.10 Memorandum as to the provisions of section 17 of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1908. n. t-p. [London: Eyre & Spot- tiswoode, Ltd., 1909?] 8 p. f°. tt STH p.v. 18, no.14 Memorandum on the study of history in Scottish schools. London: Wyman & Sons, 1907. iv, 18 p. 8°. STH p.v. 13, no.U Memorandum on the study of languages. London: Wyman & Sons, 1907. iv, 20 p. 8°. Memorandum on the teaching of arith- metic in primary schools. London: Wy- man & Sons, 1907. 2 p.l., 18 p. 8°. OEG p.v. 58, no.18 Memorandum on the teaching of draw- ing. London: Wyman & Sons, 1907. iv, 17 p. 8°. Memorandum on the teaching of Eng- lish in Scottish primary schools. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1907. iv, 27 p. 8°. STH p.v. 13, no.13 Minute establishing a code of regula- tions for Scotland, 1873. Edinburgh: R. M. Cameron, 1873. 31 p. 8°. SSEp.box4 Regulations applicable to the code of 1899, with regard to school registers and the method of keeping them. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1899. 6 p. f°. STH p. box 4 Regulations as to grants to secondary schools. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. Ltd., 1911. 8 p. 8°. *SDD Report by W. Leslie Mackenzie and A. Foster on a collection of statistics as to the physical condition of children attending the public schools of the School Board of Glasgow, with relative tables and dia- grams. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1907. ix, 57 p., 3 diagr. f°. tt SPL p.v. 4, no.12 Return by counties, showing rateable \™. school rate, population, number of children of school age, accommodation and average attendance in public c and other] ?Sn? ols ,-^ London: E y re & Spottiswoode, 1897. 144 p. f°. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 23 Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. The school teachers superannuation rules (Scotland), 1899. Dated April 1, 1899. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., prtrs., 1899. 16 p. 8°. SIW p.v. 3, no.16 Secondary education. Circular relative to minute of June 10, 1897. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1897. S p. f°. Secondary education. Minute of the committee. . .dated 10th June 1897, pro- viding for the distribution of the sum available. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1897. 8 p. f°. A selection of circular letters of the Scotch Education Department, 1898-1904, with explanatory memorandum. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1904. 112 p., 1 diagr. 8°. STH p.v. 13, no.16 Statement showing (1) An estimate of sums receivable by the Education (Scot- land) Fund for the year 1912-13, of the expenditure therefrom under section 16(1) (a-f) of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1908, and of the balance available for allo- cation under section 16(2) of that act; (2) The allocation of such balance in ac- cordance with the terms of the depart- ment's minute of June, 1912. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1912. 2 1. 8°. STH p.v. 23, no.3 Suggestions for the conduct of hand and eye training in schools. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1898. 4 p. f°. SSM p. box 4 Summary of recommendations in regard to the pronunciation of Latin... [Edin- burgh: H & J. Pillans & Wilson, 19- ?j 4 p. 8°. Syllabus of lessons on "temperance" for use in schools. London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, Ltd., 1910. 20 p. 8°. Exchequer The accounts of the great chamberlains of Scotland, and some other officers of the Crown, rendered at the Exchequer. mcccxxvi-mccccliii. Edinburgh: Bannatyne Club, 1817-36. 3 v. sq. 4°. f CP The exchequer rolls of Scotland: Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum, edited by J. Stuart, G. Burnett, M. J. G. Mackay and G. P. McNeill. 1264-1600. Edinburgh, 1878-1908. 23 v. 4°. ft CP v. 1. 1264-1359. v. 12. 1S02-1507. v. 2. 1359-1379. v. 13. 1508-1513. v. 3. 1379-1406. v. 14. 1513-1522. v. 4. 1406-1436. v. 15. 1523-1529. v. 5. 1437-1454. v. 16. 1529-1536. v. 6. 1455-1460. v. 17. 1537-1542. v. 7. 1460-1469. v. 18. 1543-1556. v. 8. 1470-1479. v. 19. 1557-1567. v. 9. 1480.1487. v. 20. 1568-1579. Addenda. 1437-1487. v. 21. 1580-1588. v. 10. 1488-1496. v. 22. 1589-1594. v. 11. 1497-1501. v. 23. 1595-1600. Fisheries and Manufactures Commissioners The Conditions upon which those who undertake to raise Flax, are to have the Encouragement of IS s. per Acre for the Years 1744 and 174S. [Edinburgh ?1744, 4 P. 12°. VLODp.boxl Directions for the raising of Flax after the Flanders Method. [Approved by the commissioners, and recommended to such as shall sow lintseed for the premium of 15 s. per acre for the years 1744 and 174S.1 [Edinburgh? 1744.] 12 p. 12°. VLOD p. box 1 Instructions given by the commissioners and trustees for improving the fisheries and manufactures of Scotland to stamp- master & lapper. [Blank form.] n.p., n.d. 1 sheet. f°. Instructions given by the commissioners and trustees for improving the fisheries and manufactures of Scotland to wreck and cure-masters of herrings... [Blank form.] Edinburgh, n. d. 1 sheet. f°. ttVRQ Plan by the commissioners and trustees for improving fisheries and manufactures in Scotland, for the application of their funds... Edinburgh: J. Davidson & Co., 1727. 35 p. 4°. Fishery Board Serial Annual report, no. 3; 10, part 3; 11, part 1-3; 12, part 1; 13, part 1-2; 14, part 3; 15-29, part 1.; 30, part 1 (1884,1890-1911). v.p., 1885-1912. 8°. VRB Part 1. General report. Part 2. Report on salmon fisheries. Part 3. Scientific investigations. Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Non-serial Bye-laws. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1899. 15 p. 8°. VRRp.box2 Fishermen's (Scotland) Disasters Fund (unexpended balances). Return "giving unexpended balances of funds raised to provide for dependants of Scottish fisher- men drowned at sea..." London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1910.] 5 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 107.) ft TIN p.v. 35, no.13 Fishery officer, Particulars for the in- formation of candidates for the situation of. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1897. 8 p. f°. ft VRS p.v. 1, no.15 Herring fisheries (Scotland). Report ...of inquiry as to herring fishery in the Firth of Clyde. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1903. 12 p. 8°. VRRp.v. 4,no.ll Manual of sea fisheries (Scotland) acts and statutory bye-laws in force at 31st 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. December 1900. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1901. 1 p.l., 285 p. 8°. VRR p. box 3 Moray Firth foreign trawlers. A return showing: (1) The names and nationalities of foreign trawlers observed by fishery cruisers working in the Moray Firth from ...1898... to 1902. Glasgow: J. Hedder- wick & Sons, 1902. 5(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 289.) tt VRR p.v. 1, no.16 Mussel or clam fisheries or beds in Scottish waters, List of. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1897. 8 p. f°. fVRYp.boxl Paper by the secretary of the Board of Fisheries [B. F. Primrose] on drift net and trawl net fishing for herrings. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1852.] 6 p., 7 pi. f°. ft VRQ p. box 1 Report by James Johnston and W. A. Smith of their proceedings as a deputation from the Fishery Board for Scotland to the continent, to inquire into the working of the new branding regulations. Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., 1891. 8 p. 8°. tt VRQ Reports obtained by the Foreign Office on the state of the markets for Scottish- cured herrings on the continent and in the United States, of America, 1897-99. Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs. 1898- 1900. 8°. VRQ p. box 1 Salmon. Report of investigations on the life-history of the salmon in fresh water; from the Research Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians of Edin- burgh; edited by D. Noel Paton. Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1898. 1 p.l., iv, 176 p., 4 charts, 10 pi. 8°. VRFp.boxl Salmon fisheries. The cause of salmon disease. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1903. 3 p.l., 14 p., 9 1., 15-52 p., 10 pi. 8°. VRF p.v. 4, no.8 General Register Office Serial Annual report on births, deaths and mar- riages, and annual report on vaccination, no. 30, 33-34, 37-38, 41-57 (1884, 1887-88, 1891-92, 1895-1911). v.p., 1885-1912. 8°. SDN Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Reports on vaccination numbered 20, 23-24, 27-28, 31-47. Annual report (detailed) of the regis- trar-general of births, deaths and mar- riages in Scotland, no. 17, 19-26, 28-32, 34- 35, 37, 40-54, 56(1871, 1873-80, 1882-86, 1888- 89, 1891, 1894-1908, 1910). Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1875-1912. 8°. SDN Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Monthly return of the births, deaths and marriages registered in eight of the prin- cipal towns of Scotland, April, 1895, July, 1897-Aug., 1899, Oct., 1900-Dec, 1905. Ed- inburgh, 1895-1905. 8°. SDN Library lacks April, 1901 and March, 1904. Quarterly return of the births, deaths and marriages registered in the divisions, counties and districts of Scotland, no. 100, 102, 149, 172, 178, 185-199, 201-203 (quar- ters ending Dec. 31, 1879, June 30, 1880, March 31, 1892, Dec. 31, 1897, June 30, 1899, March 31, 1901-Sept. 30, 1904, March 31- Sept. 30, 1905). Edinburgh, 1880-1905. 8°. SDN no. 102 in *C p.v. 527. Weekly return of births, deaths and mar- riages in eight principal towns of Scot- land. 1896, no. 44, 48; 1897, no. 33-52; 1898, no. 1-12, 14-52; 1899, no. 1-4, 6-8, 11-40; 1900, no. 41-52; 1901, no. 1-52; 1902, no. 1-5, 7-51; 1903, no. 2-12, 14, 16-26, 29-33, 35-40, 42-46, 48-53; 1904, no. 1, 3-4, 6-10, 12, 16-28, 30-39, 41-45, 47-52; 1905, no. 1-2, 4-5, 7-9, 11-14, 17-19, 21-27, 29, 31-46, 48-52; 1906, no. 2-4; 1910, no. 1-52. Edinburgh, 1896-1910. 8°. SDN Non-serial Accounts of the lord high treasurer: Compota thesaurariorum regum Scotorum. v. 1-7. Edinburgh: A. & T. Constable, prtrs., 1877-1907. 8°. CP v. 1. edited* by Thomas Dickson; v. 2-7 by Sir James Balfour Paul. v. 4. 1507-13. v. 1. 1473-98. v. 5. 1515-31. v. 2. 1500-04. v. 6. 1531-38. v. 3. 1506-07. v. 7. 1538-41. Calendar of letters and papers relating to the affairs of the borders of England and Scotland preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London, 1560-1603; edited by Joseph Bain. Edinburgh: [Neill & Co., prtrs.,] 1894-96. 2 v. 4°. CP Calendar of the state papers relating to Scotland and Mary, queen of Scots, 1547- 1603, preserved in the Public Record Of- fice, the British Museum and elsewhere in England, v. 1-6(1547-1583). Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1898- c 1910]. 4°. C „ r .y,-. 1 ' 2 edited by Joseph Bain; v. 3-6 edited by William K. Boyd. Census of Scotland — 1901: parliamen- tary burghs, districts of burghs, and coun- ties _ in Scotland, showing the number of families, houses, population, &c, in 1901, with corresponding particulars in 1891. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1902. 16 p. f°. -f-t SDN p. box Census of Scotland — 1901. Preliminary report containing tables of the number of the population, of the families, of houses, and of rooms with windows, in Scotland and its islands, on 31st March 1901. Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1901. 45 p. P. tt SDN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 25 Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. Eighth decennial census of the popula- tion of Scotland, taken 3d April 1871, with report. Edinburgh: Murray and Gibbs, 1872-74. 2 v. f°. ttSDN Eleventh decennial census of the popu- lation of Scotland taken 31st March 1901, with report. Glasgow, 1902-03. 3 v. f°. ttSDN Housing conditions (Scotland). Return showing the housing conditions of the population of Scotland. London: Wyman & Sons, 1908. 1 p.l., 12 p. f°. ft TDN p.v. 1, no.12 Registrum magni sigilli regum Scoto- rum. The register of the great seal of Scotland. t v. 1-10] (1306-1659). London and Edinburgh, 1814-1904. 8° and f°. ttCP and CP v. 1 issued by the Record Commission of Great " Britain. A new edition of this volume was issued in 1912. [v. 1.] 1306-1424. [Edited by Thomas Thom- son.] xi(i) p., 2 1., 256, 48 p., 5 facs. 1814. [y. 2.] 1424-1513. Edited by J. B. Paul, viii p., 1 1., 1153 p. 1882. [v. 3.] 1513-1546. Edited by J. B. Paul and J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1066 p., 1 1. 1883. [v. 4.] 1546-1580. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1180 p. 1886. [v. 5.] 1580-1593. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1156 p. 1888. [v. 6.] 1593-1608. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1141(1) p. 1890. [v. 7.] 1609-1620. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1151(1) p. 1892. [v. 8.] 1620-1633. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1095(1) p. 1894. [v. 9.] 1634-1651. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1208 p., 1 1. 1897. [v. 10.] 1652-1659. Edited by J. H. Stevenson and W. K. Dickson. 424 p. 1904. Registrum secreti sigilli regum Scoto- rum. The register of the privy seal of Scotland, v. 1. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. CP v. 1. 1488-1529. 824 p. 1908. Tenth decennial census of the popula- tion of Scotland, taken Sth April 1891, with report, v. 2 and supplementary volume to v. 1. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1893. f°. ttSDN Glasgow District Mental Hospital, Gartloch Annual report, no. 14-15(1910/11-1911- /12). Glasgow, 1911-12. 8°. WPW House Letting Committee Report of the departmental committee on house-letting in Scotland. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1907. 2 v. f °. tt TDN v. 1. Report. v. 2. Minutes of evidence and appendices. Inebriate Reformatories Committee Certified inebriate reformatories (Scot- land). General regulations for the man- agement and discipline... London: Wy- man & Sons, Ltd., 1905. 13 p. f°. tt VTZO p.v. 6, no.20 Report of the departmental committee appointed. . .to report as to rules for ine- briate reformatories under the Inebriates Act, 1898. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1899. xv, 80 p. f°. tt VTB p.v. 2, no.35 Inebriates and Tiiejr Detention in Reformatories and Retreats Committee Departmental committee on the opera- tion in Scotland of the law relating to inebriates... Report. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1909. 25 p. f°. t VTZO ■ Same. Minutes of evidence nad appendices. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1909. iv, 249 p. f°. t VTZO Inspector of Constabulary Police (Scotland). Annual report, no. 39-54(1896-1911). Edinburgh and Glas- gow, 1897-1912. f°. SLY Also included in the Parliamentary Papers in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Inspector under Inebriates Acts, 1879-1900 Report of the inspector, no. 1-7(1903-09). Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1904-10. f°. tt VTZO no. 1, 1903, is in t V TB p.v. 1, no. 11; no. 2, 1904, in ft VTZO, p.v. 6, no. 22. Inspector of Schools Tabulated reports on schools not con- nected with the Church of Scotland, in- spected in Scotland, 1855-6. London: G. E. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1857. 74 p., 1 1. 8°. STH p.v. 22, no.8 Justiciary Court, Edinburgh The records of the proceedings of the Justiciary Court, Edinburgh, 1661-1678. Edited by W. G. Scott-Moncrieff . . . Ed- inburgh: Scottish Hist. Soc, 1905. 2v. 8°. (Scottish Hist. Soc. Publications, v. 48- 49.) CPA v. 1. 1661-69. v. 2. 1669-78. Land Court Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts, 1886-1911. Rules of the Scottish Land Court, with schedules containing memo- randum of instructions to sheriff clerks, forms of application issued by the court, and tables of exchequer, and law agents fees. Edinburgh: Morrison & Gibb, Ltd., prtrs., 1912. iv, 142 p. 8°. TEM Land Registration Committee Report of the committee appointed on 31st January 1896... to enquire into the present system of and registration in Scotland. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1898. Hi, 130 p. f °. tt TE 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. Local Government Board Serial Annual report, no. 3-18(1896/7-1912). v.p., 1898-1913. 8°. SER Also in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Local authorities (Scotland). "Return showing what local authorities. . .had ap- pointed (a), female sanitary inspectors and assistant inspectors (b) male and female inspectors of workshops." 1904. [Glas- gow, 1905.) f°. ft SPI p.v. 5, no.26 Local taxation returns (Scotland). An- nual local taxation returns. 1896/7, 1898- /9-1910/11. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1899- 1912. f°. ttTIN First made for 1880/1. Also in the Parliamen- tary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Paupers and dependants (Scotland). Return showing the number of all ordi- nary poor and their dependants chargeable to parish councils. 1906/7-1907/8. Glas- gow and Edinburgh, 1908-09. f°. tt SGF Return of the areas, population and valuation of counties, burghs, and parishes in Scotland. 189S/6, 1897/8, 1900/1-1908/9. Glasgow and Edinburgh t 1896 r 1909. f°. tt SDG and ft SDG p. box Unemployed Workmen Act, 1905. Re- port... as to the proceedings of distress committees in Scotland. 1905/6-1909/10. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1907-10. f°. tTDH Non-serial Burgh trusts (Scotland). Return (1) of all and every sum or sums of money, or other funds or properties, heritable and moveable, which have been given. . .wholly or mainly for the benefit of the inhabi- tants of the burgh... and (2) of trusts... transferred by the Town Council... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1907. 86 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 328.) tt SHD p.v. 8, no.14 Ecclesiastical assessments (Scotland). Return showing the sum levied in each parish in Scotland by way of assessment for the building and repair of churches and manses and also for any expenditure on glebes and church-yards during the 10 years ending the 15th day of May 1905. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1907 23(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 45.) tt TIN p.v. 33, no.8 Glasgow (expenditure on vaccination). Return ... of the expenditure ... of Glasgow in connection with vaccination and revac- cination.. .from the 1st day of June, 1891, to the 31st day of May, 1900. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1901. 2 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 206.) t WAE p.v. 58, no.13 Housing, Town Planning, &c, Act, 1909. Procedure regulations. n. t.-p. Edin- burgh: Morrison & Gibb, Ltd., 1911. 10 p. f °. t SEB p.v. 34, no.12 On the incidence of enteric fever in the larger towns of Scotland. By Frederick Dittmar. London: Morrison & Gibb, Ltd., 1911. 19 p., 2 diagr. f°. t WAF p.v. 58, no.3 Parish medical officers (Scotland). Re- turn "showing. . .the salaries and fees paids. to outdoor medical officers under the Poor Law, Lunacy, and Vaccination Acts, and arrangements, .'.for supplying medicines and medical appliances to poor persons." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1905]. 57(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 190.) t SGF Parochial medical officers (Scotland). Return of the number of parishes in the counties of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness, Sutherland... and Argyll, in which the office of resident parochial medical officer has been vacant within the last seven years Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1903. 9(1) p. P. (H. of C. paper 349.) tt SHD p.v. 8, no.5 Report [by Frederick Dittmar and A. B. Millar] to the Local Government Board for Scotland on the sanitary condition of the Lews. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 1905. 14 p., 4 pi. 8°. TDN p.v. 3, no.7 Report on the methods of administering poor relief in certain large town parishes of Scotland. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1905. xxxi, 43 p. 8°. SGF p. box Reports to the. . .board. . .on the burden of the existing rates and the general fi- nancial position of the Outer Hebrides... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 1906. lxvii, 24 p. f°. tt TIF p.v. 36, no.23 Rules, instructions and recommenda- tions to parochial authorities [under the] Poor Law, Vaccination and Local Govern- - ment (Scotland) Acts. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1897. ix, 278 p. 8°. Lunacy Commission Serial Annual report, no. 11, 17, 20, 23-25, 35- 39, 41-54(1868, 1874, 1877, 1880-82, 1892-96, 1899, 1898-1911). v.p., 1869-1912. 8°. WPT Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Non-serial [Annual report.] Alleged increasing prevalence of insanity. Supplement to the thirty-sixth annual report. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1895. x, 98 p. 8°. WPT LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 27 Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. Manufactures Board National Gallery, School of Art, Muse- um of Antiquities and other buildings and establishments, Annual report as to. no. 2, 4-13(1894/5, 1896/7-1905/6). London and Glasgow, 1896-1907. f°. f MAVZ Manufactures Board Committee Report by departmental committee to enquire into the administration of the Board of Manufactures. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1903. 2 v. f °. ft VKA v. 1. Report. v. 2. Minutes of evidence and appendices. Medical Inspector Public slaughter-houses (Scotland). Report on the conditions prevailing in Scotland in respect of the provision of public slaughter-houses. . .and as to the methods of meat inspection conducted by various local authorities. By Frederick Dittmar. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 82 p. f°. ft VTE p.v. 4, no.17 [Signed Alex. Gibson, Cler. Regist.j Edin- burgh: E. Tyler, prtr., 1648. 15 p. 4°. CI p. box 1648 S The late proceedings and votes of the Parliament of Scotland, contained in an address delivered to the King, signed by the plurality of the members thereof, stated and vindicated. Glasgow: A. Hep- burn, 1689. 3-46 p. 12°. CPp.box5 The proceedings of the Parliament of Scotland: begun at Edinburgh, 6th May 1703. With an account of all the material debates which occur'd during that session. To which are subjoyn'd the several acts past in that session... [By G. Ridpath.j [Edinburgh?] 1704. 2 p.l., 70 p., 8 1. 8°. CP p. box 2 Poor Law Medical Relief Committee Report of the departmental committee appointed. . .to inquire into the system of poor law medical relief and into the rules and regulations for the management of poorhouses. . . Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1904. 2 v. f°. ft SGF v. 1. Report. . .with supplement. v. 2. Minutes of evidence. ..with appendices and index to evidence. Ordnance Survey Book of reference to the plan of the parish of Thurso, in the county of Caith- ness containing 21692.553 acres. London: G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1873, 2 p.l., 30 p., 1 map. 8°. CR p. box Parliament An address sign'd by the greatest part of the members of the Parliament of Scot- land, and deliver'd to his Majesty at Hampton-Court, the 15th day of October, 1689. n. p. [1689?, 7 p. 12°. CPp.boxS The answer of the commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland, to both houses of Parliament, upon the new proposition of peace, and the foure bills to be sent to His Majestic London: R. Bostock, 1647. 32 p. 12°. in fours. The charge of high treason, murders, oppressions, and other crimes, exhibited to the Parliament of Scotland against the marquess of Argyle and his complices, Jan. 23, 1661. London: K. Lowndes, 1661. 31 p. 8°. CI p. box 1 The declaration of the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, containing the claim of right, and the offer of the crown to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary. Edinburgh, 1779. 15 p. 8°. CK p.v. 177 A declaration of the Parliament of Scot- land, to all his majesties good subjects of this kingdome; concerning their resolu- tions for religion, king and kingdoms; in pursuance of the ends of the covenant. Poultry Breeding Committee Report of the departmental committee appointed. . .to inquire into, and report upon the subject of poultry breeding in Scotland, with special reference to the ef- forts of the Congested Districts Board to promote this industry in the highlands and islands; and reference. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1909. iv, 18 p. f°. tt VPE p.v. 22, no.20 Same. Minutes of evidence and index. Edinburgh, 1909. xxviii, 148 p. f°. Prison Commissioners Serial Annual report, no. 19-[26j (1896-1912). v.p., 1897-1913. f°. ftSLT 1901 is in tt SLT p.v. 26. Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, # in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Non-serial Report on prison dietaries. By James C. Dunlop. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1899. iv, 134 p. 8°. SLT p.v. 13, no.27 Prisons and Judicial Statistics Department Report on the judicial statistics of Scot- land. 1881, 1896-1911. Edinburgh, 1882- 1912. f°. tt SLD Privy Council The register of the Privy Council of Scotland. [First series.] v. 1-14. 1545- 1625. Edinburgh, 1877-98. 4°. CP v. 1-2 edited by John Hill Burton; v. 3-14 by David Masson. 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. v. 1. 1545-1569. cxiii p., 1 1., 773 p. v. 2. 1569-1578. cxi p., 1 1., 845(1) p. v. 3. 1578-1585. lxxxviii p., 1 L, 901 p. v. 4. 1585-1592. lxxi p., 1 1., 1022 p., 1 1. v. 5. 1592-1599. lxciii p., 1 1., 966 p., 1 1. v. 6. 1599-1604. lxix p., 1 1., 1072 p. v. 7. 1604-1607. lxxxvi p., 1 1., 939 p. v. 8. 1609-1610. xciv p., 1 1., 1022 p. v. 9. 1610-1613. civ p., 1 1., 904 p. v. 10. 1613-1616. cxv p., 1 1., 1012 p. v. 11. 1616-1619. clxix p., 1 1., 831 p. v. 12. 1619-1622. , „„„„ v. 13. 1622-1625. lxxxu p., 1 1., 1072 p. v. 14. Addenda, 1545-1625. cxxx p., 1 1., 994 p. The register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited and abridged by P. Hume Brown. Second series, v. 1-8. 1625-1660. Edinburgh, 1899-1908. 4°. CP v. 1 edited by David Masson. v. 1. 1625-1627. cciii p., 1 1., 872 p. v. 2. 1627-1628. Hi p., 1 1., 775 p. v. 3. 1629-1630. xlv p., 1 1., 807 p. v. 4. 1630-1632. lvii p., 1 1., 838 p. v. 5. 1633-1635. xlviii p., 1 1., 851 p. v. 6. 1635-1637. xlvii p., 1 1., 880 p. v. 7. 1638-1643. xlvii p., 1 1., 807(1) p. v. 8. 1544-1660. [sic. i.e. 1644-1660.] xiv p., 1 1., 605 p. The register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited and abridged by P. Hume Brown. Third series, v. 1-5. 1661- 1678. Edinburgh, 1908-12. 4°. CP v. 1. 1661-64. lxv p., 1 1., 898 p. v. 2. 1665-69. 1 p., 1 1., 830 p., 2 1. v. 3. 1669-72. xlviii, 851 p. V. 4. 1673-76. xlvi, 808 p. v. 5. 1676-78. xliii p., 1 1., 799 p. Rivers Pollution Inspector Report to Her Majesty's secretary for Scotland [upon work done in Scotland under the Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, July, 1895-March, 1896,. By W. S. Curphey. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1898. v. 32 p. 8°. SPN Same. In continuation of [the pre- ceding]. London: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1908. vii, 71 p. 8°. SPN Royal Burghs of Scotland Committee Report from the select committee to whom the several petitions from the royal burghs of Scotland were referred. . .1819. Edinburgh: A. Black, D. Brown, & J. Robertson, 1819. 47 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1313 Scottish Universities Commission General report of the commissioners un- der the Universities (Scotland) Act 1889. With an appendix, containing ordinances, minutes, correspondence, evidence... Ed- inburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1900. lxii, 333 p. f°. ttSSW Sea Fisheries of Sutherland and Caithness Committee Report of the departmental committee on the sea fisheries of Sutherland & Caith- ness. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1905. 2 v. f°. tt VRB v. 1. Report. v. 2. Minutes of evidence and appendices. Sheriff Court Procedure Committee Report of the departmental committee on sheriff court procedure with minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1904. 74 p. f°. Statutes Collections The acts done and past in the first ses- sion of the third Parliament of... Charles . . . Holden at Edinburgh, and beginning the fourth of June, 1644 and ending the 29. day of June 1644. . . Edinburgh: Evan Tyler, 1644. 1 p.l., 104 p., 3 1. 4°. XWH p. 7-22 missing. Bound with : Scotland. — Statutes. The acts made in the second Parliament of .. .Charles. . .June, 1640. Edinburgh, 1641. 4°. The acts done and past in the second, third, fourth and fifth sessions of the first triennial Parliament of . . . Charles ... Hol- den at Edinburgh, Stirling, Pearth, and S. Andrews respective. Beginning at Edin- burgh the seventh of January 1645 and ending at S. Andrews the fourth of Febru- ary 1646... Edinburgh: Evan Tyler, 1646. 1 p.l., 102 p. 4°. XWH Bound with : Scotland. — Statutes. The acts made in the second Parliament of .. .Charles. . . June, 1640. Edinburgh, 1641. 4°. Acts done and past^in the sixth session of the first triennial parliament. Holden at Edinburgh, beginning the third of No- vember 1646 and ending the 27. of March, 1647. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1647?] 78 p., 6 1. 4°. XWH Bound with : Scotland. — Statutes. The acts made in the second parliament of ... Charles .. . June, 1640. Edinburgh, 1641. 4°. The acts made in the second Parliament of our. . .Soveraigne Charles... Holden at Edinburgh.. . Acts passed and done in this session of Parliament, the eleventh of June, 1640. Edinburgh: R. Young & E. Tyler, 1641. 160 p., 10 1. 4°. XWH p. 27-28 missing. Acts of Parliament. [1424-1706.] Edin- burgh, 1682-1731. 3 v. 16°. XWH v. 1-2. The laws and acts of Parliament made by King James the First and his Royal Successors, kings and queen of Scotland. v. 3. The laws and acts made in the first parlia- ment of... James vn. p. 1-140. The acts and orders of the meeting of the Es- tates of the kingdom of Scotland, p. 141-210. The laws and acts made in the first parliament of ... William and Mary. p. 211-669. The laws and acts of the first parliament of Anne. p. 671-875. Binder's title. No general title-page for v. 2 and 3. v. 1 printed by Iosua van Solingen and Iohn Colmar for David Lindsay, 1682; v. 2 printed by David Lindsay, 1683; v. 3 printed by Robert Free- bairn and Company, 1731. The acts of the parliaments of Scotland. 1124-1707. [Edited by Thomas Thomson LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 29 Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. and Cosmo Innes.j London, 1814-75. 12 v. in 13. f°. (Great Britain. — Record Commission.) tt CP v. 1 (1124-1423), 1844, new issue with continuous pagination; v. 2 (1424-1567), 1814; v. 3 (1567-92), 1814; v. 4 (1593-1625), 1816; v. 5 (1625-41), 1817; v. 6 (1643-51), 1819; v. 7 (1661-69), 1820; v. 8 61670-86), 1820; v. 9 (1689-95), 1822; v. 10 (1696- 1701), 1823; v. 11 (1702-07), 1824; v. 12, index, 1875. The acts of the parliaments of Scot- land. 1424-1707. Revised edition. Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., 1908. 2 p.l., lxi, 314 p. 4°. XWH An institute of the law of Scotland: in four books. In order of Sir George Mack- enzie's institutions of that law. By John Erskine of Carnock... A new edition, bringing down the law to the present time. By Alexander Macallan... Edinburgh: The Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Company, 1838. xiii, 1220 p. 8°. An institute of the laws of Scotland in civil rights: with observations upon the agreement or diversity between them and the laws of England. By Andrew Mc- Douall. Edinburgh: R. Fleming, 1751. 3 v. f°. XWH The laws and acts of Parliament made by King James the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First, King Charles the Second... Collected and ex- tracted from the Publick Records... by Sir Thomas Murray. . .1661. Edinburgh: David Lindsay, 1681. v.p. f°. XWH Special Act of the Parliament of Scotland, 4. Aug. 1621; ratifying the royal charter, and confirming the privileges of the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edin- burgh. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1814. 2 p.l., 175-183 p., 1 1. 8°. STKp.boxl The articles of the Union as they pass'd with amendments in the Parliament of Scotland... London: A. Bell, 1707. 12 p. 4°. CP p. box 2 Supervisors of Excise A list of persons concerned in the re- bellion transmitted to the commissioners of excise by the several supervisors. . .in obedience to a general letter of the 7th May 1746. And a supplementary list with evidence to prove the same. With a pre- face by the earl of Rosebery and annota- tions by W. Macleod. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1890. xviii p., 1 1., 426 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- tions, v. 8.) CPA Whaling and Whale-Curing Committee Report of the departmental committee on whaling & whale-curing in the north of Scotland. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1904. 2 v. f °. tt VRW v. 1. Report. v. 2. Notes of evidence and appendices. B. British Documents Relating to Scotland Great Britain. The journal of the proceedings of the Lds. Commissioners of both nations in the treaty of union, which began on the 16th of April, 1706, and was concluded on the 22d of July following. With the articles then agreed upon. Edinburgh and Lon- don [1706]. 79 p. 8°. CI p.v. 60, no.22 Summary Jurisdiction (Scotland) Bill. Table of comparison between the provi- sions of the bill and existing enactments. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1908. 5 p. f°. Board of Commissioners in Lunacy Rules and conditions approved of by one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state, on which the General Board of Lunacy will grant special licenses to occupiers of houses for the reception and detention therein of lunatics not exceed- ing four in number. Edinburgh: T. Con- stable, 1862. 10 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.30 Rules and conditions approved of by one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state, on which the General Board of Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland will grant their license for the reception of pauper lunatics into lunatic wards of poorhouses. Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1862. 12 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.48 Caledonian Canal Commission Report of the commissioners, no. 95- 105(1900-10). London [1900-10]. f°. f TSD p. box Civil Service Commission General Register House, Edinburgh. Open competition for the situation of clerk, Sept., 1897, Nov., 1900, Nov., 1901, Dec, 1902, March, 1906, May, 1907, Sept., 1911. London, 1897-1911. f°. tt.SEN Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. Preliminary examination and open com- petition for the situation of assistant... Sept., 1900, April, 1902. London, 1900-02. f°. ft SEN p. box Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Com- petition for the situation _ of assistant... Memorandum, examination papers... [&c.] April, 1908, Nov., 1910. London, 1908-10. f°. tt SEN 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Commercial, Labour and Statistical Department Clyde ports (vessels entering, &c.). Re- turn... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1907]. 5(1) p. P. (H. of C. paper 154.) +t TR p.v. 7, no.19 Commissioners for Debts Due to Scotland Several reports presented to the House of Commons, by the commissioners for taking and stating the debts due and grow- ing due to Scotland by way of equivalent . . . London, 1718. v. p. 4°. t TIF Commissioners and Trustees for Improving the Linen Manufacture of Scotland An abstract of the acts of Parliament, now in force, relating to the linen manu- facture, distinguished under proper heads ...and an index... Edinburgh: commis- sioners and trustees, 1751. 2 p.l., 27 p. 8°. * C p.v. 976 Committee on Laws Relating to Irish and Scotch Vagrants Report from the select committee on the laws relating to Irish and Scotch va- grants. 7 July 1828. n.p. [1828., 18 p. P. t SGS p.v. 2, no.4 Committee on Live Stock and Agriculture in the Congested Districts in Scotland Report of the departmental committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire and report upon the work of the congested districts (Scotland) commis- sioners for the improvement of live stock and agriculture. With special reference to the quality of the stock reared upon the crofters' holdings, and reference. Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1910. 16 p. f°. t VBA p.v. 4, no.22 Committee on Ordinances of the Scottish Universities' Commissioners Report of proceedings before a commit- tee. . January, 1861, relative to the ordi- nances of the Scottish universities' com- missioners, issued . . . August, 1859 . . . and ...March, 1860, to regulate the granting of degrees in medicine and surgery in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh- T & T. Clark, 1861. iv, 312 p. 8°. Crown Her Majesties most gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland. Together with His Grace the Lord High Commis- sioner, and Lord High Chancellor's speeches. Edinburgh: A. Anderson, 1703. His Majesties message, to the kingdome of Scotland; shewing that he hath given order for disbanding all his forces in both kingdoms, for recalling all commissions to any at sea, and that he is resolved to apply himself e totally to the councels and advices of his Parliaments, for setting of truth and peace; together with divers pa- pers presented to his majesty at Newcastle by a committee of the estates of the king- dome of Scotland. London: L. Chapman, 1646. 4 1. 12°. His Majesty's patent for improving fisheries and manufactures in Scotland. [Registrate, and sealed at Edinburgh, July 18, 1727.] Edinburgh: J. Davidson, 1727. 33 p. 12°. in fours. TAH p. box 2 A Large Declaration Concerning The Late Tumults in Scotland, From Their first originalls: Together With A Particu- lar Deduction Of the seditious Practices of the prime Leaders of the Covenanters: Collected Out Of Their owne foule Acts and Writings: By which it doth plainly appeare, that Religion was onely pretended by those Leaders, but nothing lesse in- tended by them. By the King. Lon- don, Printed by Robert Young, His Majesties Printer for Scotland, Anno Dom. M.DC.XXXIX. 1 p.l., 430 p., 1 1., 1 port. f°. Reserve Crown Office Justices of the peace (Scotland). Re- turn of the number of magistrates appoint- ed in the different counties. . .from. . .1893 to the present time. Glasgow: J. Hedder- wick & Sons, Ltd., 1906. 77 p. P. (H. of C. paper 223.) Education Board Precedents of trust deeds settled for Church of England schools, British schools, Established Church of Scotland schools, Wesleyan schools, Free Church (Scotland) schools, Roman Catholic schools, Jewish schools, Episcopal Church (Scotland) schools, and undenominational schools, referred to in the revised code of 1871. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1902. 71 p. P. ft STH p.v. 18, no.S Education (Provision of Meals) Bill, 1906 Committee Special report and report from the select committee on the Education (Provision of Meals) Bill, 1906; and the Education (Pro- vision of Meals) (Scotland) Bill, 1906; together with the proceedings. . .minutes of evidence, and appendix. London: Wy- man & Sons, Ltd., 1906. xliv, 245 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 288.) f STH Same. Index and digest of evi- dence... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1906. 247-288 p. f°. t STH Endowed Institutions (Scotland) Committee Report to the Right Hon. Richard As- sheton Cross, M.P. : one of Her Majesty's LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 31 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. principal secretaries of state [concerning the Heriot Hospital in Edinburgh]. [Edin- burgh, 1879.] 193 p. 8°. SHP Fiars Prices in Scotland Committee Minutes and evidence taken before the departmental committee appointed by the Scottish Office and the Board of Agri- culture and Fisheries to enquire and re- port upon fiars prices in Scotland, with appendices and index. London: Harrison and Sons, Ltd., 1911. iii, 89 p. f°. ffTFI Forestry in Scotland Committee Report of the., .committee on forestry in Scotland, with appendices and evidence. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1912. 95 p., 1 map. f°. tt VQR p.v. 9, no.l Free and United Free Churches Commission Interim report. . .by Sir John Cheyne. . . Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1905. 9 p. f°. +t ZWHF General Register Office Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to acts 3 & 4 Vict., c. 99 and 4 Vict., c. 7... Age abstract, 1841, with appendixes. Part 1. England and Wales, and islands in the British seas. Part 2. Scotland. London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1843. 650 p. f°. (In: Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1843, v. 23.) * SDD Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to acts 3 & 4 Vict., c. 99 and 4 Vict., c. 7, for taking an account of the population of Great Britain. Occupa- tion abstract, 1841. Part 1. England and Wales and islands in the British seas. Part 2. Scotland. [London, 1844.] 375, 90 p., 4 tables, f°. (In: Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1844, v. 27.) * SDD Census of Scotland, 1861. Population tables and report. Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, 1862. 64, 180 p. f°. (In: Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1861, v. 50.) * SDD Census of Scotland, 1861. Tables of the . . . population . . . families and children at school, of the houses, and rooms with windows, in Scotland and its islands, on 8th April 1861. Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, 1861. 16 p. f°. (In: Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1861, v. 50.) * SDD A return of the total population of Eng- land, Ireland and Scotland. . .according to the census of 1841; accompanied by an abstract of the total number of persons in Ireland ascertained. . .in 1834 to belong to each religious persuasion... [London, 1843.] 1 1. f°. (In: Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1843, v. 51.) * SDD Tables of the population and houses... in England and Wales... in Scotland, and in the islands in the British seas. 1851. London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1851. 4, 47 p. f°. (In: Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1851, v. 43.) * SDD Glasgow Telephone Inquiry Commission Proceedings at inquiry into the tele- phone system in Glasgow... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1898. 2 p.l., 301 p., 1 map. f°. ttTTH Report addressed to the lords commis- sioners of Her Majesty's Treasury by Andrew Jameson. . .commissioner appoint- ed to inquire into the telephone exchange service in Glasgow. . .with minutes of evi- dence. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1898. 21 p. f°. tt TTH Habitual Offenders, Inebriates, etc. (Scotland) Committee Report... on habitual offenders, vag- rants, beggars, inebriates, and juvenile de- linquents. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1895. 2 p.l., lx p. f°. t SLD Minutes of evidence. . .with appen- dix and index. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1895. x, 676 p., 4 diagr., 1 map, 2 pi. f°. tSLD Home Office Factory and workshop (special excep- tion — holidays). Copy of order, dated 13th October 1908. . .granting a special ex- ception... in respect of the women and young persons employed in (a) florists' workshops, (b) hospital laundries in Scot- land. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1908. 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 326.) ttTDOp.v.8,no.ll Municipal corporations (Scotland) (re- productive undertakings). Return of the water, gas, tramway, electric lighting... undertakings carried on by municipal burghs in Scotland... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1899.] 10 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 347.) tt SERM Workmen's compensation. Statistics of the proceedings in sheriff courts in Scot- land and in county courts in Ireland under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880. London, 1898. f. tt TDO p.v. 8, no.31 House of Commons Debates in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, the 4th October, in a committee of the whole house, on the bill for reform- ing the representation of Scotland. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood, 1831. 59 p. 8°. CK p.v. 167 A full and impartial report of the im- portant debate in the House of Commons on Mr. Fox Maule's motion regarding the Church of Scotland, on the evenings of 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. ...the 7th and 8th March, 1843. Edin- burgh: The Edinburgh Printing- and Pub- lishing Co., 1843, 50 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Private Legislation Procedure i(Scot- land) Act, 1899. Additional and amend- ing general orders for the regulation of proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1901. 5(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 359.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.12 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Additional and amend- ing general orders for the regulation of proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899. Made by the chairman of com- mittees of the House of Lords and the chairman of ways and means of the House of Commons, acting jointly with the secretary for Scotland. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1901. 2 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 31.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.4 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Amending general order for the regulation of proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legisla- tion Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899. Made by the chairman of committees of the House of Lords and the chairman of ways and means in the House of Com- mons, acting jointly with the secretary for Scotland. London: Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1901. 2 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 105.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.10 Private Legislation Procedure (Scotn land) Act, 1899. General order for the regulation of proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legislation Pro- cedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, amending general orders nos. 70 and 71 already is- sued. Made by the chairman of com- mittees of the House of Lords, and the chairman of ways and means in the House of Commons, acting jointly with the secre- tary for Scotland. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode [1900]. 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 389. sess. 2.) t VBA p.v. 4, no.25 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. General orders for the regulation of proceedings. . .made by the chairman of committees of the House of Lords and the chairman of ways and means in the House of Commons, acting jointly with the secretary for Scotland. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1900., 46 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 195.) tt CBA p.v. 10, no.21 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. General orders for the regulation of proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legislation Pro- cedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, fixing a scale of fees to be paid by petitioners and op- ponents of provisional orders and amend- ing the general orders already issued: made by the chairman of committees of the House of Lords and the chairman of ways and means in the House of Com- mons, acting jointly with the secretary for Scotland. London: Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1900. 5(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 356.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.19 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Report by the chairman of committees of the House of Lords and the chairman of ways and means in the House of Commons under section 2 of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode [1901]. 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 45.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.5 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Report by the chairman of committees of the House of Lords and the chairman of ways and means in the House of Commons, under section 2 of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. London: Eyre and Spot- tiswoode [1901]. 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 185.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.22 House of Lords In the House of Lords, Friday, 20th May 1854. The Senatus Academicus of the university against the lord provost, magis- trates, and Town Council of the city of Edinburgh. Judgment of affirmance with costs, n.t.-p. [London, 1854.] 16 p. 4°. tSTK Return to an order of the House of Lords, dated 10th Feb. 1898, for return for each of the years 1888 to 1897, inclu- sive, of all private bills relating to Scot- land, whether unopposed or referred to a committee in either house as opposed, on which committees were named; show- ing whether passed, not passed, or how otherwise dealt with... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. c 1898.] 12 p. P. (H. L. paper 9.) CP p. box 2 Hydrographic Office Hydrographic notice, 1897, no. 3. No- tice, no. 1, relating to sailing directions for the west coast of Scotland. 4. ed., 1895. London: Darling & Son, 1897. 8 1. 8°. North sea pilot. Part I. Shetland and Orkneys... London: Hydrographic Of- fice, 1857. viii, 189 p. 8°. KAKB London, 1876. xi, 202 p., 1 map. 2. ed. 8°. KAKB London: Darling & Son, 1894. xx, 268 p., 1 map. 4. ed. 8°. KAKB North sea pilot. Part n. North and east coast of Scotland... London: [G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode,] 1868. x p., 1 1., 248 p. 8°. KAKB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 33 Son, 1895. KAKB East coast Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. London: Darling & xviii, 384 p., 1 map. 5. ed. 8' North sea pilot. Part in. of Scotland. London: [Eyre & Spottis woode,] 1869. xii p., 1 1., 270 p. 3. ed. 8°. KAKB London: [Eyre & Spottiswoode.] 1882. xii p., 1 1., 300 p., 1 map. 4. ed. 8°. KAKB London: Hydrographic Office, 1889. xiv p., 1 1., 4S2 p., 1 map. 5. ed. 8°. KAKB London: J. D. Potter, 1897. xviii, 444 p., 1 map. 6. ed. 8°. KAKB Sailing directions for the west coast of Scotland. Part i. Hebrides or Western isles. Compiled., .by Cap. Henry C. Otter... London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spot- tiswoode, 1867. viii p., 1 1., 190 p. 8°. KAKB Sailing directions for the west coast of Scotland. Part n. Cape Wrath to the Mull of Galloway. London: [Eyre & Spottiswoode,] 1871. viii, 294 p., 1 1. 8°. KAKB London: [G. E. Eyre & W. Spottis- woode,] 1877. viii, 352 p., 1 map. 2. ed. 8°. KAKB London: J. D. Potter, 1894. xviii, 806 p., 1 chart. 4. ed. 8°. KAKB Inland Revenue Department Spirits (Aberdeen, Elgin and Inverness). Return "for the collections of Aberdeen, Elgin and Inverness, relating to spirits, giving (1) The stock of spirits in bond... (2) Total spirits bonded... (3) Total spirits cleared from bond," 1901/2. Lon- don, 1902. f°. ttTIB Inspectors of Explosives Ardeer explosion. Report... on the cir- cumstances attending an explosion which occurred at the dynamite factory of No- bel's Explosives Company (Limited), at Ardeer, near Stevenston, in the county of Ayr, on January 5th, 1895. By J. H. Thom- son. London: Harrison and Sons, 1895. 10 p, 2 plans. P. (Report 111.) ft VOG Explosion of detonators. — Nobel's fac- tory. Report ... on the circumstances at- tending an explosion which occurred at the factory of Nobel's Explosives Com- pany (Limited) at Redding, west quarter, near Falkirk, on the 15th November 1889. By A. Ford. London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, 1890. 9 p., 2 pi. f°. (Report 90.) ft VOG Explosion of a dynamite cartridge hut at factory no. 3, Ayr. Accident no. 15, 1901. Report... on the circumstances at- tending an explosion which occurred in one of the dynamite cartridge huts at the factory of Nobel's Explosives Company, Limited, at Ardeer, near Stevenston, in the county of Ayr, on the 29th January 1901. By M. B. Lloyd. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1901. 12 p. f°. (Report 145.) ttVOG Explosion of Erin gelignite in dwelling- house at Glenboig. Accident no. 40, 1910. Report... on the circumstances attending an explosion which occurred at a private dwelling-house, no. 22, Garnqueen square, Glenboig, in the county of Lanark, on the 23rd February 1910. By H. Coningham. London: Darling & Son, 1910. 10 p. f°. (Report 192.) ft VOG Explosion of gelatine dynamite in dwell- ing-house at Airdrie. Accident no. 94, 1897. Report... on the circumstances at- tending an explosion which occurred at a private dwelling-house known as Sut- ton Bank, in Drumbathie road, Airdrie, on the 15th July 1897. By J. H. Thomson. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1897. 9 p. f°. (Report 125.) ttVOG Explosion of gelignite at factory no. 166, Edinburgh. Accident no. 70, 1908. Report... on the circumstances attending an explosion of gelignite which occurred at the factory of Messrs. Curtis's and Har- vey, Limited, at Roslin, in the county of Edinburgh, on the 26th March 1908. By A. P. H. Desborough. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1908. 8 p. f°. (Report 183.) ttVOG Explosion of glazing-house at Roslin gunpowder factory. Report... on the cir- cumstances attending an explosion of gun- powder which occurred at the gunpowder factory at Roslin, near Edinburgh, on the 22nd October 1890. By A. Ford. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1890. 10 p. f°. (Report 95.) tt VOG Explosion of gunpowder on board the "Auchmountain" on the river Clyde. Re- port... on the circumstances attending an explosion of gunpowder which occurred on board the sailing barque "Auchmoun- tain" on the 3rd September 1892. By J. P. Cundill. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1893. 14 p., 5 plans. f°. (Report 100.) ttVOG Explosion of nitro-glycerine at factory no. 3, Ayr. Accident no. 1, 1902. Report ...on the circumstances attending an ex- plosion of nitro-glycerine which occurred in one of the final washing-houses of the factory of Nobel's Explosives Company, Limited, at Ardeer, near Stevenston, Ayr- shire, on the 9th January_ 1902. By J. H. Thomson. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1902. 10 p., 3 plans. f°. (Report 150.) ttVOG 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Explosion of nitro-glycerine at factory no. 3, Ayr. Accident no. 272, 1902. Report ...on the circumstances attending an ex- plosion of nitro-glycerine which occurred in one of the final washing-houses of the factory of Nobel's Explosives Company. Limited, at Ardeer, near Stevenston, Ayr- shire, on the 7th October 1902. By M. B. Lloyd. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1903. 16 p., 3 plans. f°. (Report 156.) ttVOG Explosion of nitro-glycerine at factory no. 3, Ayr. Accident no. 33, 1907. Report ...on the circumstances attending an ex- plosion of nitro-glycerine which occurred near one of the separating houses of the factory of Nobel's Explosives Company, Limited, at Ardeer, near Stevenston, Ayr- shire, on the Sth February 1907. By J. H. Thomson. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1907. 6 p. f°. (Report 180.) ttVOG Explosion of nitro-glycerine in final washing-house at Ardeer. Report... on the circumstances attending an explosion which occurred at the factory of Nobel's Explosives Company, Limited, at Ardeer, Ayrshire, on the 24th February 1897. By A. Ford. London: Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1897. 20 p., 6 plans, 2 pi. f°. (Re- port 124.) ttVOG Explosion at Roslin gunpowder factory. Report... on the circumstances attending an explosion which occurred at the gun- powder factory at Roslin, near Edinburgh, on the 17th September 1892. By V. D. Majendie. London: Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1893. 14 p. f°. (Report 101.) tt VOG Land Values Taxation (Scotland) Bill Committee Report and special report... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1906. 13(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 379.) fTE Same, with the proceedings of the committee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1906. 65 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 379.) fTE Same, together with the proceed- ings. . .minutes of evidence, and appendix. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1906. lxviii, 810 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 379.) fTE Index and digest of evidence... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1907. 811- 929 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 379 — Ind.) tTE Law, Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure Committee Report... on the Burgh Police (Scot- land) Bill; with the proceedings of the committee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 17(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 258.) ft SLE p.v. 5, no.15 Report... on the Burgh Sewerage, Drainage, and Water Supply (Scotland) Bill; with the proceedings of the com- mittee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1901. 8 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 309.) tt VDI p.v. 14, no.6 Report... on the Ecclesiastical Assess- ments (Scotland) Bill; with the proceed- ings... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1900. 8 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 168.) ZWGM p. box 1 Report... on the Education (Provision of Meals) (Scotland) Bill. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1907. 7(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 125.) tt STH p.v. 14, no.28 Report... on the Education (Young Children School Attendance) (Scotland) Bill, with the proceedings of the commit- tee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1901. 8 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 168.) tt STH p.v. 14, no.7 Report... on the Executors (Scotland) Bill, with the proceedings of the commit- tee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1900. 6 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 245.) Report... on the Town Councils (Scot- land) Bill, with the proceedings of the committee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1900. 11(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 231.) tt SEB p.v. 9, no.2 London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 7(1) p. f°. tt SEB p.v. 9, no.2a Leith Corporation Tramways Committee Minutes of proceedings. . .on the Leith Corporation Tramways Order Confirma- tion Bill... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. iv p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 240.) tt TPY p.v. 20, no.l4 Live Stock and Agriculture in the Congested Districts of Scotland Committee .. .Minutes of evidence taken before the departmental committee appointed. . .to inquire and report upon the work of the congested districts (Scotland) commis- sioners for the improvement of agriculture and live stock, and index... Edinburgh: H. M. Stationery Off., 1911. viii, 133 p. f°. Report of the departmental committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire and report upon the work of the congested districts (Scotland) com- missioners for the improvement of live stock and agriculture. With special re- ference to the quality of the stock reared upon the crofters' holdings. . . Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1910. 16 p. f°. t VBA p.v. 4, no.22 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 35 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Mines Inspectors' Office Serial Mines and quarries. District 1. Report for the East Scotland district. 1896-1911. London, 1897-1912. 8° and f°. ft VHE First issued in 1891. Also included in the Par- liamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Mines and quarries. District 2. Report for the West Scotland district. 1889, 1896- 1910. London, 1890-1911. P. ft VHE Also in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Non-serial Devon colliery disaster. Reports to Her Majesty's secretary of state for the Home Department, on the circumstances attend- ing the accident which occurred at Fur- nacebank, no. 1 pit, Devon colliery, Clack- mannanshire, on the 26th March 1897. By Robert T. Younger and J. B. Atkinson. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1897. 13 p., 2 diagr. f°. t VHI p.v. 2, no.6 Donibristle colliery disaster. Report... on the. . .accident. . .at Donibristle col- liery, Fifeshire, on the 26th August 1901. By J. B. Atkinson. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., prtrs., 1901. 13 p., 1 diagr., 1 plan. f°. ft VHW p.v. 4, no. 11 Report on the causes and circumstances of the accident which occurred on the 14th November 1907 at Dalbeath colliery, Fife- shire. By R. A. S. Redmayne. London: Darling & Sons, Ltd., 1909. 12 p., 1 plan. f°. VHI p.v. 1, no.20 Minor Legal Appointments in Scotland Committee Report of the committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland, v. 1. Edin- burgh, 1911. f°. ttXMH Ordnance Survey Facsimiles of national manuscripts of Scotland. Selected under direction of Sir W. Gibson-Craig, lord clerk register of Scotland, and photozincographed by Sir H. James, of the Ordnance Survey. [Edited by C. Innes.j [Edinburgh: T. & A. Con- stable,, 1867-71. 3 v. f°. ft CP Poor Law Commission Sanitary inquiry — Scotland. Reports on the sanitary condition of the labour- ing population of Scotland, in consequence of an inquiry directed to be made by the poor law commissioners. London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1842. iv, 334 p., 1 1. 8°. SPC Private Bill Procedure (Scotland) Bill Committee Report and special report from the select committee on the Private Bill Pro- cedure (Scotland) Bill; with the proceed- ings of the committee, minutes of evi- dence, appendix and index. London: Wy- man & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1898. xviii, 132 p. f°. (H. L. paper 211.) t SEFB Privy Council Act and warrant of His Majesty in Council for a poll election in the burgh of Montrose. Montrose: J. Watt, 1817. 17 p. 8°. SEH p.v. 17, no.14 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council, dated 10th August 1909, altering the constitution of commit- tees on secondary education for various districts in Scotland... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1909. 9 p. f°. tt STI Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land dated 4th July 1905, amending the schedule to the minute of 30th January, 1905, providing for the establishment of committees for the training of teachers. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1905. 2 1. f°. ftSTHp.v. 14,no.ll Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land, dated 16th May 1898, amending the terms of article 117 of the code of 1898. London: Wyman and Sons, Ltd., 1898. 2 1. f°. ft STH p.v. 19, no.25 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land, dated 27th February 1908, amending the terms of paragraph 2 of the minute of 27th April 1899, providing for the dis- tribution of the sum available for secon- dary or technical (including agricultural) education, under section 2, sub-section (4) of the Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act, 1898. London: Wyman & Sons, 1908. 2 1. f°. tt STH p.v. 14, no.35 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 15th June 1899, amending the terms of paragraph 5 of the minute of the 27th April 1899, providing for the dis- tribution of the sum available for secon- dary or technical (including agricultural) education under section 2, sub-section (4) of the Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act, 1898. London: Wyman and Sons, Ltd., 1899. 2 1. f°. tt STH p.v. 19, no.5 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land, dated 12th March 1909, continuing the operation of the Scotch code, 1908. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1909?] 2 1. P. 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land, dated 18th May 1899, as to the appli- cation of article 21 and chapter ix. of the code of 1899. London: Wyman and Sons, Limited, 1899. 2 1. P. tt STH p.v. 19, no.6 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land providing for the allocation of the balance of the Education (Scotland) Fund, 1909/10. London, 1909. f°. t STI Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land. Dated 28th May 1903, providing for the distribution of the general aid grant (with explanatory memorandum). London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 2 1. f°. t SB p.v. 36, no.15 Same, dated 25th April 1904. Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 4 p. f°. t SB p.v. 36, no.10 Same, dated 16th February 190S. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1905. 4 p. f°. fSTHp.v. 14,no.l7 Same, dated 19th March 1906. Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1906. P. t SB p.v. 36, no.2 Same, dated 9th March 1907. Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, 1907. 5 p. f°. t SB p.v. 36, no. 12 Same, dated 25th February 1908. London: Wyman & Sons, 1908. 5 p. f°. tt STH p.v. 14, no.33 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land, dated 10th June 1897, providing for the distribution of the sum available for secondary education under section 2 (1) (b) of the Education and Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act 1892. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1897. 8 p. f°. tt STH p.v. 18, no.22 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 30th January 1905, pro- viding for the establishment of commit- tees for the training of teachers. (With explanatory memorandum.) London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1905. 10 p. P. tt STH p.v. 14, no.10 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 12th August 1909, provid- ing for the recognition of certain institu- tions as central institutions for the purposes of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1908. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1909., 1 1. f°. tt STH p.v. 18, no.12 Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 15th October 1909, pro- viding for the recognition of the Edin- burgh School of Cookery and Domestic Economy as a central institution for the purposes of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1908 London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1909.] 1 1. P. VTI Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 19th July 1906, providing for special grants in aid of certain school boards in Scotland. London: Wyman & Sons, 1906. 2 1. f °. tt STH p.v. 14, no.24 Same, 4th February 1908. 2 1. P. tt STH p.v. 14,no. 25 Same, 13th July, 1908. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 2 1. f°. tSBp.v.36,no.44 Same, 22d June 1909. 2 1. f°. Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land, dated 5th February 1900, relative to the minute of 18th May 1899, as to the application of article 21 and chapter IX of the code of 1899. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1900. 2 1. f°. tt STH p.v. 19, no.l Education (Scotland). Minute of the committee of council on education in Scot- land, dated 25th October, 1909, sanction- ing the payment by school fund of expen- diture incurred for certain purposes. Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1909]. 4 p. f°. ttSTI Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 19th April 1901, amending the terms of article 89 (b) of the code of 1901. London: Wyman and Sons, Ltd., 1901. 2 1. f°. t SB p.v. 36, no.16 Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 27th March 1899, amending the terms of article 118 of the code of 1899. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1899. 21. f°. STH p. box Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 30th April 1900, amending the terms of paragraph 10 of the minute of 10th June 1897, provid- ing for the distribution of the sum avail- able for secondary education under sec- tion 2 (1) (b) of the Education and Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act, 1892. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1900. 2 1. P. tt STH p.v. 19, no.2 Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland, dated 27th April 1899, providing for the distribution of the sum available for secondary or technical (including agricultural) education under section 2, sub-section (4), of the Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act 1898. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1899. P. SSMp.box4 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 37 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Same, dated 1st May 1900. Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1900. 2 1. f°. t SB p.v. 36, no.3 Same, dated 14th June 1901. Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1901. 2 1. f°. t SB p.v. 36, no. 17 Provisional Order (Scotland) Bill Committee Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on the Provisional Order (Scotland) Bill (H. L.); with the pro- ceedings of the committee. Session 1897. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1897.] 10 p. P. (H. of L. paper 166.) CP p. box 2 Public Record Office Calendar of documents relating to Scot- land preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office... Edited by J. Bain. v. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1881-84. 4°. CP v. 1. 1108-1272. v. 2. 1272-1307. v. 3. 1307-1357. v. 4. 1357-1509. Addenda. 1221-1435. Calendar of the state papers relating to Scotland, preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Rec- ord Office. By Markham John Thorpe. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Long- mans, & Roberts, 1858. 2 v. 4°. C v. 1. Henry vm. Edward vi. Mary. Eliza- beth. 1509-1589. v. 2. Queen Elizabeth, 1589-1603; An appendix to the Scottish series, 1543-1592; and the state papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots, during her detention in England, 1568-1587. Rating and Valuation (Scotland) Committee Report from select committee on rating and valuation (Scotland) ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. London: H. Hansard & Sons, prtrs. [1888.] x, 462 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 274.) ft TIN Record Commission Documents and records illustrating the history of Scotland, and the transactions between the crowns of Scotland and Eng- land. Volume collected and edited by Sir F. Palgrave. [London, 1837.] ccxxiv, 434 p. 4°. ffCP Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Scotland Report, no. 1, 4, v. 1. Edinburgh, 1909- 12. 8°. CP no. 1. Monuments and constructions in the county of Berwick. no. 4, v. 1. Monuments and constructions in Galloway. County of Wigtown. Royal Commission on Churches (Scotland) Report of the Royal Commission on Churches (Scotland). Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1905. 2 v. f°. ff ZWH v. 1. Report. v. 2, Minutes of evidence and appendices. Royal Commission on Churches (Scotland) Act, 1905 Report of the royal commissioners ap- pointed under the Churches (Scotland) Act, 1905. v. 2. Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, 1910. f°. ft ZDVH v. 2. Minutes of proceedings and appendix. 197 p., 1 map. f°. Royal Commission on Physical Training (Scotland) Report. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1903. 2 v. f°. ft SSN v. 1 . Report and appendix. v. 2. Minutes of evidence and index. Royal Commission on Poor Laws and Relief of Distress Report [and appendices], London, 1909- 11. f°. fSHL The following volumes of the appendix relate specifically to Scotland: v. 6. Evidence of witnesses from Scotland. v. 15, p. 225-389. Report on endowed and volun- tary charities in certain places in Scotland and the administrative relations of charity and the poor laws. By A. C. Kay and H. V. Toynbee. v. 17, p. 231-320. The effect of outdoor relief on wages and the condition of employment in certain parishes in Scotland. By Constance Williams and Thomas Jones. v. 19a. Report on the effects of employment or assistance given to the "unemployed" since 1886 as a means of relieving distress outside the poor law in Scotland. By J. C. Pringle. v. 23. Report on the condition of the children who are in receipt of the various forms of poor law relief in certain parishes in Scotland. By C. T. Parsons and others. v. 24. Report on the physical condition of the able-bodied male inmates of certain Scottish poor- houses, and of English workhouses and labour yards. By C. T. Parsons. v. 28, p. 229-312. Reports of visits to poor law and charitable institutions and to meetings of local authorities in Scotland. v. 29. Church of Scotland. Report from General Assembly's Committee on Church Interests, with ap- pendix. v. 30. Scotland. Statistical and other documents relating specially to Scotland. Report on Scotland. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1909. ix, 314 p. f°. ft SGF Royal Commission on Registration of Title in Scotland Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Registration of Title in Scotland with appendices. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1910. iv, 253 p. f°. fTE Report by the commission. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1910. 46 p. f°. t TB p.v. 89, no.19 Scottish Agricultural Prices Committee Report. . .upon the existing methods of collecting and recording the prices of agri- cultural products in Scotland... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1901. xxi p. f°. ftVPX 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Minutes of evidence. . .with appen- dices and index. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1901. iv, 298 p. f°. ffVPX Scottish Bills Committee Report... on the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1908 Amendment Bill with the proceedings of the committee. Lon- don: J. B. Nichols and Sons, 1910. 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 253.) t TB p.v. 89, no.28 Report... on the Education (Scotland) Bill. With the proceedings of the com- mittee. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1908. 67 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 227.) tt STH p.v. 15, no.36 Report... on the House Letting and Rating (Scotland) Bill, with the proceed- ings of the committee. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1909. 19 p. P. (H. of C. paper 238.) ft TE p.v. 5, no.36 Report... on the Jury Trials (Scotland) Bill, with the proceedings of the commit- tee. London: J. B. Nichols and Sons, 1910. 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 254.) t XMH p.v. 3, no.12 Report... on the Land Values (Scot- land) Bill. With the proceedings of the committee. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1908. 10 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 352.) 291.) ft TIN p.v. 31, no.S Report... on the Local Government (Scotland) Bill. With the proceedings of the committee. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1908. 10 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 352.) tt SEB p.v. 9, no.30 Report... on the Registration of Births, Deaths & Marriages (Scotland) Amend- ment Bill with the proceedings of the committee. London: J. B. Nichols and Sons, 1910. 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 255.) t SB p.v. 36, no.20 Report... on the Sheriff Courts (Scot- land) Bill. With the proceedings. . . Lon- don: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1907. 36 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 319.) XLH Report... on the Summary Jurisdiction (Scotland) Bill. With the proceedings of the committee. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1908. 16 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 346.) tt SLE p.v. 7, no.23 Report... on the Temperance (Scot- land) Bill, with the proceedings of the committee. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1909. 43 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 148.) tt VTZO p.v. 7, no.22 Report... on the Tobacco Growing (Scotland) Bill, with. . .proceedings of... committee. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1908. 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 84.) tt VTY p.v. 3, no.18 Scottish Prisons Committee Report... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1900. iv, 26 p. f '. tt SLT Minutes of evidence... London: Wy- man & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1900. iv, 211 p. f°. tt SLT Scottish Universities Committee Minutes of evidence taken before the committee on Scottish universities, with index. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1910. 92 p. f°. t STK Report of the committee on Scottish universities, with appendices. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1910. 44 p. f°. t SB p.v. 36, no.5 Secretary for Scotland Serial Allotments (Scotland). A return show- ing i. The proceedings of the parish coun- cils in regard to allotments and common pasture. 1901-1905/6. London, 1901-06. f°. tTE Education and Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act, 1892. Return showing the allocation and application of the contri- bution out of the local taxation (Scot- land) account. 1898/9. London. 1900. f°. tt TIB p. box Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1894. (Parish council elections.) A return of particulars respecting the election of par- ish councils. 1907. Glasgow, 1908. f°. ttCP Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889, Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act, 1890... and Education & Local Taxa- tion Account (Scotland) Act, 1892. Re- turn showing total payments into and out of local taxation (Scotland) account. 1895/6-1907/8. London, 1896-1908. f°. ttTIN Local taxation (grants in aid) Scotland. Return "showing the amounts distri- buted." 1904/5. Glasgow, 1905. P. f TIB Local taxation (Scotland) account. Re- turn showing (i.) the principal statutory provisions affecting payments into and out of the local taxation (Scotland) ac- count, and (n.) the amount of such pay- ments. 1908/9-1909/10. London, 1909-10. f°. tTIB <( Occupiers of farms (Scotland). Return "showing in the subjoined form the number of occupiers of farms... in each county." 1905/6, no. 1-2. London, 1907. f °- tSDG Parish trusts (Scotland). Return (1) of all and every sum or sums of money, or other funds or properties, heritable or moveable. 1905, no. 1-2. Glasgow, 1907. f ■ tt CP LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 39 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Return of all the pro- visional draft orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, which have been reported on by com- missioners; together with the names of the commissioners. 1901/2-1905, 1907-08, 1910. London, 1903-[10]. f. ft SEFB , Trawl vessels (prosecutions). Return ...of prosecutions undertaken in the sheriff courts of Scotland, under the Sum- mary Jurisdiction (Scotland) Acts, of the masters of beam or other trawl vessels for alleged infringement of the bye-laws of the Fishery Board. 1892/1900. London [1901]. f°. t VRR p.v. 1, no.2 Non-serial Agricultural Rates, Congested Districts and Burgh Land Tax Relief (Scotland) Act, 1896. (Valuations and amounts certi- fied and annual amounts distributed.) London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1899. 132 p. f°. ftTINp.boxl Allotments in North Uist and Barra. Return of the report of a special commit- tee of the County Council of Inverness upon applications for allotments in North Uist and Barra, made in September, 1897, together with any relative papers. Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd. [1908.] 7 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 96.) t TB p.v. 89, no. 32 Children Act, 1908. Recommendations of the secretary for Scotland as to par- liamentary grants to certified day indus- trial schools in Scotland. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1910.] 3 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 44.) ft STH p.v. 19, no.13 Church (Scotland) Bill. Return of ex- tracts from acts of the parliaments of Scotland relating to the church. . .passed in the years 1690, 1693, and 1707... Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1905. 6 p. f°. ft ZWG Feeble-minded persons under the poor law (Scotland). Return "showing num- ber and classification of mentally defective persons (other than persons certified as insane) in receipt of institutional relief or otherwise chargeable to a parish in Scot- land on a given day, grouped according to sex, and in the case of women, condi- tion as to marriage, and distinguishing persons over 60 and under 16 years of age." London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., prtrs., 1913. 32 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 539.) Inebriate reformatories (Scotland). Re- gulations under the Inebriates Act, 1898 . . .for the rule and management of a state inebriate reformatory... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1900. 28 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 92.) ft VTZO p.v. 7, no.25 Inebriates Act, 1898, 61 & 62 Vict., cap. 60. Regulation dated 15th June 1906, made by the secretary for Scotland in pursuance of section 6 as read with section 25 of the Inebriates Act, 1898, respecting the trans- fer of inebriates from a state inebriate reformatory, in Scotland, to a certified in- ebriate reformatory... London: Darling & Son, 1906. 8°. (H. of C. paper 203.) VTZO p.v. 8, no.15 Inebriates Act, 1898, Prisons (Scotland) Act, 1877. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland as to the appointment of a visit- ing committee to the state inebriate re- formatory at Perth. [London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1903.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 265.) t VBA p.v. 4, no.21 Inebriates Acts, 1879 to 1899. Rules for retreats (Scotland). Copy of rules for re- treats licensed in Scotland under the Ine- briates Acts, 1879 to 1899, approved by the secretary for Scotland, on the 14th April 1902. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., prtrs., 1902. 1 p.l., 14 p., 1 1. 8°. (H. of C. paper 142.) VTZO p. box 5 Island of Vatersay. Return of the cor- respondence between Lady Gordon Cath- cart and the secretary for Scotland and the lord advocate, with reference to the seizure... of the island of Vatersay by squatters; and with regard to proposed future arrangements in that island... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1908]. 40 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 91.) ft CBA p.v. 10, no.20 Lights on vehicles (Scotland). (Bye- laws.) Return showing the bye-laws made by councils of counties and burghs in Scotland as to lights upon vehicles, giv.- ing particulars... London: Eyre & Spot- tiswoode [1907]. 16 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 104.) ft TO p.v. 3, no.17 Minute prescribing a daily attendance of seven hours and fixing the normal num- ber of the staff in the office of the register of sasines, Edinburgh. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1899. 2 1. f°. tt SEN Police cells prison at Dunoon. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland ap- pointing police cells at Dunoon, in the county of Argyll, to be legal prisons for the detention of prisoners for a period not exceeding three days before, or during, or after trial. [Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1902.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 339.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.27 Police cells prison at Dunoon. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland as to the appointment of a visiting committee to the police cells prison at Dunoon. [Glas- 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. gow J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1902.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 340.) ft SLT p.v. 34, no. 20 Police (Scotland) Act, 1890. Copy "of certain sections of the Police (Scotland) Act, 1890, indicating the amendments thereof proposed by the Police Superan- nuation (Scotland) Bill (as amended by the standing committee on Scottish bills). London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1910.] 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 98.) ft SLT p.v. 34, no.9 Prison dietaries (Scotland). Rules made under the Prisons. . .Act, 1877, establishing new rates of dietaries for the several classes of prisoners. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs. [1900.] 14 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 205.) ft SLT p.v. 26, no.28 Prisons (Scotland). Order made by the secretary for Scotland closing the ex- isting prison of Inverness. [London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1902., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 381.) ft SLT p.v. 34, no.24 Prisons (Scotland). Penal Servitude Act, 1891... Regulation dated March 17, 1906.. .for the measuring and photograph- ing of prisoners. London: Eyre & Spot- tiswoode [1906]. 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 87.) tt SLE p.v. 5, no.ll Prisons (Scotland). Rule made appoint- ing the police cells at Falkirk, in the county of Stirling, to be a legal prison for the detention of prisoners for a period of not exceeding fourteen days before, or dur- ing, or after trial. London: Eyre & Spot- tiswoode, prtrs. [1900.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 15.) ft SLT p.v. 26, no.16 Prisoners (Scotland) Act 1877, and the Secretary for Scotland Acts 1885 to 1889. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland appointing the new prison lately erected at Inverness, a legal place of detention for all descriptions of criminal and civil pris- oners... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons [1902]. 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 341.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.26 Prisons (Scotland) Act, 1877, and Sec- retary for Scotland Acts, 1885 to 1889. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland, appointing the police cells at Kirkcaldy to be a legal prison for the detention of untried prisoners for a period not exceed- ing fourteen days before or during trial, and of convicted prisoners... [London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1904.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 18.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.16 Prisons (Scotland) Act, 1877, and Secre- tary for Scotland Acts, 1885-89. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland as to the constitution of the visiting committee to Inverness prison. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1904. 1 p.l., 2 p., 1 1. 8°. (H. of C. paper 167.) SLE p.v. 10, no.10 Prisons (Scotland) Acts, 1860 to 1904. Rule... as to the appointment of visiting committees to the prisons at Barliiinie, Perth, and Peterhead. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1905. 2 p. 8°. (H. of C. paper 67.) SLT p.v. 12, no.12 Prisons (Scotland) Acts, 1860 to 1904. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland appointing the new prison at Greenock a legal place of detenti6n for all descriptions of criminal and civil prisoners, and pro- viding that all rules and orders applicable to the present prison of Greenock shall be applicable to the said new prison. Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd. [1910.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 224.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.22 Prisons (Scotland) Acts, 1860 to 1904. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland, appointing police cells at Inveraray, in the county of Argyll, to be a legal prison for the detention of prisoners for a period not exceeding three days before, or during, or after trial. [London: Eyre and Spot- tiswoode, 1905., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 192.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.19 Prisons (Scotland) Acts, 1860 to 1904. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland as to the constitution of the visiting com- mittee to the prison at Glasgow (Duke Street). [London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1905., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 237.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.15 Prisons (Scotland) Acts, 1860 to 1904. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland as to the constitution of the visiting com- mittee to the prison at Glasgow (Duke Street). [London: Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1906., 1 1. P. (H. of C. paper 21.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.14 Prisons (Scotland) Acts, 1860 to 1904. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland with respect to the term of office of a visiting committee and the holding of the first meeting of a visiting committee. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1906. 3 1. 8°. (H. of C. paper 74.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.ll Prisons (Scotland) Acts, 1860 to 1909. Rules for prisons in Scotland. Rule... with respect to the treatment of certain offenders. London: Darling & Son, 1910. 1 1. 8°. (H. of C. paper 276.) Prisons (Scotland) dietaries. Rules made by the secretary for Scotland under the Prisons (Scotland) Act, 1877, and the Secretary for Scotland Acts, 1885 to 1889, establishing new rates of dietaries for the several classes of prisoners. [London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1901.] 11 f° (H of C. paper 123.) t SB p.v. 36, no.41 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 41 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Prisons (Scotland) rule. Rule made by the secretary for Scotland appointing the police cells at Haddington to be a legal prison for the detention of untried prisoners for a period not exceeding four- teen days before, or during trial, and of convicted prisoners for a period not ex- ceeding seven days from the date of con- viction. [London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1901.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 122.) tt SLT p.v. 34, no.28 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Additional and amend- ing general orders for the regulation of proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. London: Eyre and Spot- tiswoode [1907]. 5(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 355.) ffXMHp.v.l.no.l Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Amending general orders for the regulation of proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legisla- tion Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899. Lon- don: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1909.) 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 309.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.2 Private Legislation Procedure (Scot- land) Act, 1899. Return "of all the draft provisional orders under the Private Legis- lation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, which in the session of 1909 have been re- ported on by commissioners. . ." London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1909.] 3 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 308.) tt XMH p.v. 1, no.20 Register House, Edinburgh. Gratuities to engrossing clerks. Copy of a minute of the secretary for Scotland, amending article vi of the minute dated 14th Sept. 1893, fixing the scale of gratuities to be awarded, on retirement, to the engrossing clerks serving in the various departments of the Register House... London: Darl- ing & Son, Ltd., 1908. 1 1. f°. tt SIV p.v. 3, no.26 Register House, Edinburgh. Lord Clerk Register (Scotland) Act, 1879. Order... prescribing the conditions of appointment to clerkships in His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1901. 3(1) p. f°. tt SEB p.v. 9, no.4 Roads and bridges assessment (Scot- land). Return showing the rate per £ of assessment levied for roads and bridges by county councils in each county ... from 1891-2 to 1907-8... Glasgow: J. Hedder- wick & Sons, Ltd., 1909. 11 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 347.) tt VDG p.v. 8, no.S Street accidents caused by vehicles (Scotland). Return "showing. . .number of accidents resulting in death or personal injury..." London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, Ltd. [1909.] 8 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 128.) ft TO Universities (Scotland). Return of the amount of class fees paid by students at- tending each of the universities of Scot- land... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1900]. 26 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 318.) tt STH p.v. 14, no.l Valuation of Lands (Scotland) Act. Copy "of the... act, 1854, and of amend- ing acts." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode tl907j. 30 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 284.) tt TIN p.v. 3, no.15 Sewage Commission On the contamination of the water of Leith by the sewage of Edinburgh and Leith. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [186-?]. 62 p. 8°. (Appendix 5 to 3d report of the commission.) VDI Sites for Churches (Scotland) Committee Reports [first-third] from the select committee on sites for churches (Scot- land) ; together with the minutes of evi- dence, appendixes, and index. [London? 1847.] 1 p.l., iii, 110, iv, 144, vi, 206, 56 p. f°. (H. of C. papers 237, 311, 613.) tZDVH Statutes Bankruptcy An act to amend the bankruptcy acts and cessio acts with respect to the dis- charge of bankrupt debtors in Scotland, and in certain other respects. July 18, 1881. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottis- woode, prtrs., 1881.) i, 5 p. 4°. (44 & 45 Vict., ch. 22.) tTLX Banks Acts of Parliament in favour of the Bank of Scotland. [Including, Act... for erecting a bank in Scotland. Gulielmi ill., Pari. 1. Sec. v., July 17, 1695.] Edinburgh: Assigns of A. Kincaid, prtrs., 1784 [1794?]. 95 p. 12°. *C p.v. 494 Building Construction The Glasgow Building Regulations Act, 1900, as amended by the Glasgow Corpora- tion Act, 1908 with relative bye-laws. _ Pub- lished by the corporation of the city of Glasgow. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1910. 136 p. 8°. VEC Carters Abstract of the general statutes, and of the Police Act for Glasgow, in so far as these relate to carters; with regulations by the magistrates of Glasgow for carters plying in the city, and bye laws by the Board of Police anent the weighing of coals, &c. Glasgow: Muir, Gowans & Co., 1835. 15 p. 8°. SER p.v. 26, no.9 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Census A bill for taking the census in Scotland. Tulv 18, 1860. [London, I860.] 8 p. t . (Gt Br! Parlt. Papers. I860, v. 2.) * SDD A bill for taking the census in Scotland. July 21, 1870. [London, 1870.] 8 p. f . (Gt Br. Parlt. Papers. 1870, v. 1.) * SDD A bill intituled an act for taking the census of Scotland. July 27, 1880. [Lon- don, 1880., 10 p. f°. (Gt. Br. Parlt Papers. 1880, v. 1.) * SDD A bill for taking the census of Scotland. [London:] Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1890. 1 pi., 8 p. f°. (Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1890, v. 1.) * SDD Clyde River An act to consolidate and amend the acts relating to the river Clyde and har- bour of Glasgow. 2 August 1858. [Glas- gow: W. R. McPhun, 1858?] 1 p.l., 76 p. 8°. VDNAp. box Debts An act for rendering the payment of creditors more equal and expeditious in Scotland, 1814. [Edinburgh: D. H. Blair 6 J. Bruce, prtrs., 1814.] 60 p. 8°. * C p.v. 494 Ecclesiastical Law Anno regni Georgii ii. regis. . .decimo nono. [An act more effectually to pro- hibit and prevent pastors. . .from officiat- ing in Episcopal meeting-houses in Scot- land, without duly qualifying themselves according to law...] Edinburgh: Richard Watkins, 1746. 27 p. 16°. ZWGFp.v.26 Anno vicesimo septimo & vicesimo oc- tavo Victoriae reginae. Cap. xxxni. An act to facilitate the commutation and sale of certain vicarage teinds in Scotland. June 30, 1864. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1864.] 333-338 p. f°. ttTIS An act to alter and amend the laws re- lating to the appointment of ministers to parishes in Scotland. 37 & 38 Vict., chap- ter 82. Church Patronage (Scotland). t 7th August 1874.] [Edinburgh: W. Black- wood and Sons, 1874.] 7 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Edinburgh Acts for disabling Alexander Wilson, Esq., from being lord provost of Edin- burgh, and for bringing to justice the mur- derers of Captain John Porteous. [Edin- burgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, 1737., 1 p.l., 7 p. 8°. . CK p.v. 44 Anno regni Georgi n. regis. . .decimo. . . [An act for the more effectual bringing to justice any persons concerned in the bar- barous murther of Captain John Porteous, and punishing such as shall knowingly conceal any of the offenders.] Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, prtrs., mdccxxxvii. 9 p. 8°. CK p.v. 44 Bound with : Great Britain. — Statutes. Acts for disabling Alexander Wilson, Esq., from being lord provost of Edinburgh, and for bringing to jus- tice the murderers of Captain John Porteous. [Edin- burgh, 1737.] 8°. Anno regni Georgii [ii.] regis. . .decimo [An act to disable Alexander Wilson ...from taking, holding, or enjoying any office or place of magistracy in the city of Edinburgh, or elsewhere, in Great Brit- ain; and for imposing a fine upon the cor- poration of the said city.] Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, prtrs., mdcxxxxvii [sicj [1737]. 7 p. 8°. CKp.v.44 Bound with : Great Britain. — Statutes. Acts for disabling Alexander Wilson, Esq., from being lord provost of Edinburgh, and for bringing to justice the murderers of Captain John Porteous. [Edin- burgh, 1737.] 8°. Education Heads of a bill for altering, &c, the act 43 George in., Cap. liv. [An act for making better provision for the parochial school- masters, and for making further regula- tions for the better government of the parish schools in Scotland.] n. t.-p. 14 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1067 A bill for uniting King's College and University of old Aberdeen, and Marischal College and University of Aberdeen into one university and college. Aberdeen: J. Davidson & Co., 1835. 30 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v. 513 An act to explain and extend the powers of the governors of the hospital in Edin- burgh, founded by George Heriot, jeweller to King James the Sixth. Royal assent, 14th July 1836. Edinburgh: Sir D. H. Blair & M. T. Bruce, prtrs., 1836. 23 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1062 An act to make provision for the better government and discipline of the universi- ties of Scotland, and improving and regu- lating the course of study therein; and for the union of the two universities and col- leges of Aberdeen. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1858.] IS p. 8°. * C p.v. 594 Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889. An act for the better administration and en- dowment of the universities of Scotland. [London:] Eyre & Spottiswoode [1890]. 14 1. 4°. Education (Scotland). A bill intituled an act to amend and extend the provisions of the law of Scotland on the subject of education. March 16, 1900. [London:] Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. r 1900.i 14 p. P. (H. of L. bill 31.) tt SSE p.v. 2, no.14 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 43 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Education (Scotland) Act, 1908. An act to amend the laws relating to education in Scotland, and for other purposes con- nected therewith. 21 Dec. 1908. n. t.-p. [London? Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1908?) ii, 34 p., 1 1. 8°. (8 Edw. 7, eh. 63.) Evidence An act to further alter and amend the law of evidence in Scotland, and to provide for the recording, by means of shorthand writing, of evidence in civil causes in sheriff courts in Scotland. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1874.] 1 1. 4°. (37 & 38 Vict., ch. 64.) Excise Licencing (Scotland) Acts, 1828 to 1887, A bill intituled an act to amend the. July 31, 1897. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1897.] 1 p.l., 1 p., 1 1. f°. (H.L.203.) ft VTZO p.v. 7, no.19 Fisheries Anno vicesimo sexto & vicesimo septimo Victorias reginaa. Cap. l. An act to con- tinue the powers of the commissioners under the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act until the first day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-five, and to amend the said act. July 13, 1863. [London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1883.] 469-471 p. f°. t VRR p.v. 1, no.l Anno vicesimo septimo & vicesimo oc- tavo Victoriae reginae. Cap. cxvm. An act to amend the acts relating to salmon fisheries in Scotland. July 29, 1864. [Lon- don: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1864.] 1113-1115 p. f°. ft VRR p.v. 3, no.32 Anno vicesimo octavo Victoriae reginae. Cap. xxn. An act to amend the acts re- lating to the Scottish herring fisheries. May 9, 1865. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1865.] 217-218 p. f°. ft VRR p.v. 3, no.33 Anno tricesimo primo & tricesimo se- cundo Victorias reginae. Cap. cxxiii. An act to amend the law relating to salmon fisheries in Scotland. July 31, 1868. [Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1893.] 1209-1280 p. f°. ttVRRp.v.3,no.34 An act to establish a Fishery Board for Scotland. Aug. 18, 1882. [London: G. E. B. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1882.] 4 p. 4°. (45 & 46 Vict, ch. 78.) fVR An act to amend the Herring Fishery (Scotland) Acts; and for other purposes relating thereto. July 26, 1889. [London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1889.] 4 p. 4°. (52 & 53 Vict, ch. 23.) tt VRR p.v. 3, no.22 An act to amend the Herring Fishery (Scotland) Act, 1889. July 4, 1890. [Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1890.] 1 1. 4°. (53 & 54 Vict, ch. 10.) tt VRR p.v. 3, no.23 A bill intituled an act to provide an an- nual close time for trout fishing in Scot- land. May 12, 1899. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1899. 2 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. bill 197.) MYDp.boxl Gambling An act to provide for the prevention of gaming in public places in Scotland. Aug. 9, 1869. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spot- tiswoode, prtrs., 1869.] 1 1. 4°. (32 & 33 Vict, ch. 87.) tt YFH p.v. 4, no.22 Game Laws Anno regni Georgii n. regis. . .vicesimo quarto. At the parliament begun... the tenth day of November. . .1747. . .and. . . continued. . .to the seventeenth day of January, 1750, being the fourth session... [An act for the better preservation of the game in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.] London: T. Baskett, 1751. 865- 868 p. 4°. t MY p.v. 1, no.14 Anno regni Georgii in. regis. . .primo. At the Parliament begun... the thirty first day of May. .. 1754. . . And from thence continued. . .to the eighteenth day of No- vember, 1760, being the eighth session... [Cap. xxi. An act for the better preserva- tion of the game in that part of Great Britain called Scotland and for repealing part of an act... for the better preserva- tion of the game...] London: printed by T. Baskett, 1761. 1 p.l., 395-396 p. f°. t MY p.v. 1, no.l 1 Anno regni Georgii in. regis. . .tricesimo sexto. At the Parliament begun... the twenty-first day of November. . .1790. . . and. . .continued. . .to the twenty-ninth day of October, 1795; being the sixth ses- sion of the seventeenth Parliament... [An act to amend an act, made in the thirteenth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for the more effectual preservation of the game in that part of Great Britain called Scotland; and for repealing and amending several of the laws now in being relative thereto. Cap. Liv.] London: G. Eyre & A. Strahan, 1796. 1 p.l., 803-804 p. f°. t MY p.v. 1, no.9 Gorthy, Barony of An act for vesting certain parts of the lands and barony of Gorthy [Perth] com- prised in a deed of entail made by the trustees of David Stewart Moncrieff... to sell the same... for purchasing other lands more conveniently situated... June 14, 1819. London: G. Eyre & A. Spottis- woode, 1819. 18 p. f°. 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. The Highlands An act for the more effectual disarming the Highlands in Scotland. . . Edinburgh: R. Freebairn, 1746. 33 p. 12°. CP Bound with : Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for the more easy and speedy trial of such persons as have levied, or shall levy war against His Majesty. Edinburgh, 1746. 12°. An act to amend... an act... [f on the more effectual disarming the Highlands in Scotland... Edinburgh: A. Watkins, 1748. 30 p. 8°. CP Bound with: Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for the more easy and speedy trial of such persons as have levied, or shall levy war against His Ma- jesty. Edinburgh, 1746. 12.° Imprisonment for Debt An act to abolish imprisonment for debt, and to provide for the better punishment of fraudulent debtors in Scotland, and for other purposes. Sept. 7, 1880. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1880.) 1, 7 p. 4°. (43 & 44 Vict., ch, 34.) Insanity Heads of a new lunacy bill for Scotland, January, 1862. n.p. [1862., 11 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.33 Proof copy. Land An act for valuation of lands and heri- tages in Scotland. 10th August 18S4. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1854.] 24 p. 8°. TE p.v. 39, no.12 An act to amend the law relating to land rights and conveyancing, and to facilitate the transfer of land in Scotland. Aug. 7, 1874. [London, 1874., 47 p. 8°. An act to amend the law relating to the tenure of land by crofters in the highlands and islands of Scotland, and for other purposes relating thereto. June 25, 1886. [London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1897.] ii, 16. p. 4°. (49 & 50 Vict., ch. 29.) tt TE p.v. 4, no.2 Libraries Anno tricesimo & tricesimo primo Vic- toriae reginae. Cap. xxxvu. An act to amend and consolidate the Public Libra- ries (Scotland) Act. July 15, 1867. [Lon- don: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1867., 381-387 p. f°. ft * HB p.v. 1, no.9 An act to amend "The Public Libraries (Scotland) Act, 1867," and to give ad- ditional facilities to the local authorities entrusted with carrying the same into exe- cution. July 31, 1871. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1871., 5 p. 4°. (34 & 35 Vict., ch. 59.) tt * HB p.v. 1, no.6 A bill intituled An act to amend the Public Libraries (Scotland) Acts. Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1899. 2 1 f°. (House of Lords bill 29.) * H p. box Linen Manufacture Anno regni Georgii [ii., regis. . .decimo tertio. At the parliament begun and holden ...the ninth day of October. . .1722. . . [An act for better regulation of the linen and hempen manufactures in. . .Scotland.) Edinburgh: printed by J. Mosman & W. Brown, 1728. 32 p. 4°. TK p.v. 63, no.13 Anno regni Georgii ii. regis. . .vicesimo sexto. At the parliament begun... the tenth day of November. . .1747. . . And from thence continued. . .to the eleventh day of January, 1753, being the sixth ses- sion... [An act for encouraging and im- proving the manufactory of linen in the Highlands of Scotland., London: T. Baskett, 1753. 313-319 p. 4°. tt TK p.v. 59, no.7 Married Women's Property An act for the protection of the prop- erty of married women in Scotland. Aug. 2, 1877. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spot- tiswoode, prtrs., 1877., 1 1. 4°. (40 & 41 Vict., ch. 29.) tt SNF p.v. 1, no.16 An act for the amendment of the law regarding property of married women in Scotland. July 18, 1881. [London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1899., 4 p. 4°. (44 & 45 Vict., ch. 21.) tt SNF p.v. 1, no.14 Municipal Government An act to alter and amend the laws for the election of the magistrates and coun- cils of the royal burghs in Scotland. 28th August 1833. Edinburgh: Sir D. Hunter Blair and M. T. Bruce, prtrs., 1833. 21 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1140 Parliamentary Representation Anno septimo Georgii n. regis. An act for the better regulating the election of members to serve in the House of Com- mons, for that part of Great Britain called Scotland; and for incapacitating the judges of the Court of Sessions, Court of Justici- ary, and barons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, to be elected, or to sit or vote as members of the House of Commons, n.p. [1734.] 10 p. 12°. SEH Bound with: Great Britain. — House of Com- mons. Orders, resolutions and determinations, of the Honorable House of Commons, on controverted elections and returns. . . London, 1741. 12°. An act to amend the representation of the people of Scotland. t 17th July 1832., Edinburgh: Sir D. Hunter Blair and M. T. Bruce, prtrs., 1832. 51 p. 8°. *C p.v. 493 An act to amend the representation of the people in Scotland (2 Will, iv., chap. 65) as it received the royal assent, July LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 45 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. 17, 1832; with notes and explanations, a complete digest, table of probable constitu- ency of the burghs, and copious index. By a member of the Scottish bar. Edin- burgh: T. Ireland, jun., 1832. 1 p.l., 114 p. 16°. * C p.v. 1180 The Maxima Charta of 1832, for Eng- land, Ireland, and Scotland: comprising .. .acts. . .amending representation of the people in the Commons House... also the statutes which describe the boundaries... London: Caxton Prtg. Office, 1832. iv, 90 p., 1 1. 8°. CK p.v. 295, no.13 An act to relieve certain occupiers of dwelling-houses in Scotland from being disqualified from the right of voting in the election of members to serve in Parlia- ment by reason of their underletting such dwelling-houses for short terms. March 18, 1878. London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spot- tiswoode, prtrs., 1878. 1 1. 4°. (41 Vict., ch. S.) tt SEB p.v. 26, no.18 An act to amend the Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1868. July 19, 1880. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1880. 1 1. 4°. (43 & 44 Vict., ch. 6.) tt SEB p.v. 26, no.16 Anno tricesimo primo & tricesimo se- cundo Victoriae reginae. Ca. xlviii. An act for the amendment of the representa- tion of the people in Scotland. July 13, 1868. [London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1885., 422-458 p. f°. tt CBA p.v. 9, no.2 Pensions An act for confirming a charter or let- ters patent, granted by His Majesty to the Royal College and Corporation of Sur- geons of the city of Edinburgh, &c. lso far as relates to a scheme of raising a fund for a provision for the widows and chil- dren of the members.. ., [London? 1787?] 36 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1053 Police An act for altering and amending an act of the forty-fifth year of His present Majesty, for regulating the police of... Edinburgh... 1812. [Edinburgh? 1812?, 52 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 Bound with: H. Arnot, The history of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1816. 8°. An act for amending an act of the fifty- second year of His present Majesty for regulating the police of Edinburgh... 22 June 1816. [Edinburgh? 1816?] 4 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 Bound with: H. Arnot, The history of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1816. 8°. An act for altering and amending an act of the fifty-second year of His present Majesty, for regulating the police of... Edinburgh... 16 June 1817. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh? 1817?] 7 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 Bound with: H. Arnot, The history of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1816. 8°. An act to confirm a provisional order under the General Police and Improve- ment (Scotland) Act, 1862, relating to the city of Edinburgh. 15th July 1867, 30° & 31° Victoria, cap. 58. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867. 132 p. 8°. *SYB Poor Laws An act for the amendment and better administration of the laws relating to the relief of the poor in Scotland. 4th August 1845. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1845.] 35 p. 8°. SGPp.v. 1 The new poor law act, and the relative act of sederunt, also the instructions issued by the Board of Supervision, and rules laid down by the sheriffs, with a com- plete index... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1846. 40 p. 8°. * C p.v. 970 An act to amend the law relating to the relief of the poor in Scotland. 29th July 1856. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1856.] 4 p. 8°. SGPp.v. 1 An act to make provision for the disso- lution of combinations of parishes in Scot- land as to the management of the poor. June 7, 1861. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1861.] 4 p. 8°. SGP p.v. 1 An act to simplify the mode of raising the assessment of the poor in Scotland. 22d July 1861. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1861.] 4 p. 8°. SGPp.v. 1 Anno vicesimo quinto & vicesimo sexto Victoriae reginae. Cap. cxm. An act to amend the law relating to the removal of poor persons from England to Scotland, and from Scotland to England and Ire- land. Aug. 7, 1862. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1862., 1333- 1336 p. f°. tt SG p.v. 13, no.28 An act to provide for the exemption of churches and chapels in Scotland from poor rates. 29th June 1865. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1865.] 4 p. 8°. SGPp.v. 1 An act to make provision for the bor- rowing of money by parochial boards, and for other purposes relating to the relief of the poor in Scotland. 25th June 1886. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1886., 4 p. 8°. SGP p.v. 1 Prisons and Prisoners Anno vicesimo sexto & vicesimo sep- timo Victoriae reginae. Cap. cix. An act for remedying certain defects in the law relating to the removal of prisoners in 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. Scotland. July 28, 1863. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1863.] 1109-1110 p. f°. t SLT p.v. 33, no.14 An act to remove doubts with respect to the application to Scotland of the Pri- sons Authorities Act, 1874. Aug. 8, 1878. [London: George Edward Eyre & William Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1878., 1 1. 4°. (41 & 42 Vict., ch. 40.) t SLT p.v. 33, no. 10 An act to amend the law relating to prisons in Scotland. Aug. 14, 1877. [Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1900.] iv, 32 p. 4°. (40 & 41 Vict., ch. S3.) tt SLT p.v. 33, no.9 Public Hygiene 19° & 20° Victorias, Cap. 103. An act to make better provision for the removal of nuisances, regulation of lodging houses, and the health of towns in Scotland. 29th July 18S6. n. p.[18S6.) 26 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.25 Public health (Scotland). A bill inti- tuled an act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the public health in Scot- land. July 29, 1897. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1897.1 xii, 92 p., 1 1. 8°. (H. L. 189.) tt SPM p.v. 2, no.25 Same. Amendments to be moved in committee. Aug. 2, 1897. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1897.] 3 (1) p. f°. (H. L. 189a.) tt SPM p.v. 2, no. 26 Same. Amendments to be moved on the report. Aug. 3, 1897. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1897. i 1 1 f°. (H. L. 189b.) Forms of procedure under the Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897, suggested by the Local Government Board for use by local authorities. Glasgow: J. Hedder- wick & Sons, 1898. 39 p. f°. tt SPM p.v. 2, no.27 Railroads A bill for enabling the Caledonian Rail- way Co. to make . . . certain railways connecting., .their undertakings in Edin- burgh, Leith and Newhaven, and other works in the county of Midlothian, and to raise additional moneys. . . n. t -t> nn [1890?, f°. P TPN A bill to authorize the North British Railway Company to construct and widen certain railways, divert streets and con- struct new streets and acquire lands for the. P" r P ose , of enlar ging and improving their Waverley passenger and goods sta- tion at Edinburgh; and for other purposes ... n.t.-p. n.p. [1891., f°. TPN A bill for enabling the Caledonian Rail- way (Edinburgh and Leith lines) to make and maintain certain railways connecting portions of their undertaking in Edinburgh and Leith; to acquire lands; to raise addi- tional money; to abandon portion of a certain authorized railway; and for other purposes, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1891., f°. TPN A bill to incorporate the Edinburgh and Leith Junction Railway Company and to empower them to construct railways con- necting portions of the North British and Caledonian Railway Co's. undertakings in Edinburgh and Leith and other works in the county of Midlothian. . . n. t.-p. n. p., 1891. f°. TPN Bound with : Great Britain. — Statutes. A bill to construct and widen certain railways . . . for the purpose of enlarging their Waverley passenger sta- tion at Edinburgh. n.p. [1891.] f. Reform Schools An act to render reformatory and indus- trial schools in Scotland more available for the benefit of vagrant children. 7th August 1854. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, prtrs., 1854., 8 p. 8°. SLR p.v. 2, no.44 Roads and Streets Anno regni Georgii n. regis. . .vicesimo sexto. At the parliament begun... the tenth day of November . . . 1747 . . . [An act for repairing the road from the North Queen's Ferry. . .to. . .Perth; and also the road. . .to. . .Dumfernline, Torryburn, and Culross; and also the road... to Bruntis- land and Kirkcaldie., Edinburgh: printed by the assigns of J. Basket, 1753. 47 p. 8°. * C p.v. 966 An act for the better regulation of car- ters, carriages, and loaded horses; and for removing obstructions and nuisances upon the streets and highways within that part of Great Britain called Scotland... Jan. 21, 1772. Edinburgh: A. Kincaid, 1772. 20 p. 8°. An act for regulating the statute ser- vices in the county of Perth and for... regulating... the highways, bridges and ferries within said county; with amend- ment to same. 1812. [London,, 1811. 52 P- f • tt VDG p.v. 8, no.12 An act for better paving, cleansing, lighting, watching and improving the streets ... of Aberdeen ... and for supplying the... said city with water. 1818. n. t -p n.p. [1818., 48 p. 12°. CRp.box An act for repairing, amending, and maintaining the turnpike roads in the county of Haddington; for rendering turnpike certain statute labour roads: and for more effectually collecting and applying the statute labour in the said county, 2 and 3 Gul. rv., cap. 109 .. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 47 Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued, 1833.. .with. . .index to... said act, and to the general turnpike act for Scot- land, 1 and 2 Gul. iv., cap. 43 . . . 1831. [Had- dington: G. Neill & Sons, 1833.) 3-32, S3 p. 8°. VDGp.box6 An act for the improvement of the city of Edinburgh, and constructing new, and widening, altering, improving, and divert- ing existing streets in the said city; and for other purposes. 31st May 1867, 30° & 31° Victoria, cap. 44... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867. 81 p. 8°. Tariff Anno regni Georgii n. regis. . .decimo quarto. At the parliament begun and holden...the 14th day of January. . .1734 . . . And from thence continued by several prorogations to the eighteenth day of November, 1740, being the seventh session of this present parliament. [An act for licensing the importation of victual from Ireland, and other parts beyond the seas, into Scotland, in time of dearth and scar- city.] Edinburgh: Robert Freebairn, 1741. IS p. 8°. *Cp.v.432 Taxation Anno regni Georgii n. regis. . .vicesi- mo primo... [An act for explaining, amending, and further enforcing the exe- cution of an act... intituled, An act for repealing the several rates and duties upon houses, windows, and lights; and for granting to His Majesty other rates and duties upon houses, windows or lights; and for raising the sum of four millions four hundred thousand pounds by annui- ties, to be charged on the said rates or duties.] Edinburgh: Adrian Walker, prtr., 1748. 31 p. 12°. Bound with: Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for the more easy and speedy trial of such persons as have levied, or shall levy war against His Maj- esty. Edinburgh, 1746. 12°. Anno regni Georgii n. regis. . .vicesimo sexto. At the parliament begun... the tenth day of November. . .1747. . .and from thence continued. . .to the eleventh day of January, 1753, being the sixth session... rAn act for the more effectual levying of the duties upon windows. . .in. . .Scotland.] London: T. Baskett, 17S3. 281-290 p. 4°. ft TIN p.v. 32, no.25 Anno quinquagesimo quarto Georgii in. regis. Cap. cliii. An act to regulate the payment of drawback on paper allowed to the universities in Scotland, 28th July 1814. [London: G Eyre and A. Strahan, 1814., 1285-1286 p. P. tt TIN p.v. 34, no.23 Small Dwelling-Houses in Burghs Let- ting and Rating (Scotland) Bill. Copy "of clause 12 of the bill showing the effect of the Commons amendments to that clause and copy of new clause (constructive pay- ment of assessments)." London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1900.] (1) 2 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 307.) tt TIN p.v. 35, no.16 Treason Anno regni Georgii n. regis ... decimo nono... [An act for the more easy and speedy trial of such persons as have levied, or shall levy war against His Majesty; and for the better ascertaining the qualifica- tions of jurors in trials for high treason, or misprision of treason, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.] Edin- burgh; Robert Freebairn, prtr., 1746. 8 p. 12°. CP Vaccination Anno vicesimo sexto & vicesimo sep- timo Victoria? regins. Cap. 108. An act to extend and make compulsory the prac- tice of vaccination in Scotland. 28th July 1863. n.p. [1863.] 12 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 22 Trade Board Harbour, &c. bills. Copy "of the report of the Board of Trade on the Glasgow and South Western Railway Bill." [Lon- don: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1901.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 102.) tTPGp.v.43, no.17 Trade (Including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping and Manufactures Committee Report... on the Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Inquiry (Scotland) Bill. With the proceedings of the committee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1906. 6 p. P. (H. of C. paper 249.) tt TDO p.v. 8, no.28 Report... on the Freshwater Fish (Scot- land) Bill; with the proceedings... Lon- don: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1902. 7(1) p. P. (H. of C. paper. 100.) t VRR p.v. 1, no.14 Report. . .on the Lands Valuation (Scot- land) Amendment (No. 2) Bill, with the proceedings of the committee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1902. 6 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 317.) tt TE p.v. 7, no.8 Report... on the Licensing Acts (Scot- land) Consolidation and Amendment Bill; with the proceedings of the committee. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 48 p. 1 1. P. (H. of C. paper 243.) tt VTZO p.v. 6, no. 11 Treasurer's Remembrancer for Scotland Ultimus haeres (Scotland) (account and list of estates). Return of abstract ac- 48 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Documents, continued. Great Britain, continued. count of the receipts and payments. ..in the administration of estates on behalf ot the crown. 1899-1903, 1905-09. London (1900-10). f°. tt TIB p. box Treasury Ardrossan and Arran, and Greenock and Rothesay mail services. Copy "of con- tract, dated the 21st day of January 1910, between His Majesty's postmaster-general and the Glasgow and South Western Rail- way Company for the conveyance of mails between Ardrossan and ports in Arran and between Greenock and Rothesay; together with a copy of the Treasury minute there- on, dated the 22nd of March 1910." Lon- don: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1910.] 6 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 88.) t TB p.v. 89, no.3 Elementary School Teachers' (Superan- nuation) Act, 1898. Rule amending rule 24(1) (a) of the School Teachers' Superan- nuation Rules (Scotland), 1899. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode [1904]. 3(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 142.) tt STH p.v. 19, no.29 Elementary School Teachers' (Superan- nuation) Act, 1898. Rule amending rules 28-30 of the School Teachers Superannua- tion Rules (Scotland), 1899. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1905]. 3(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 129.) tt SIV p.v. 1, no.7 Return "of all persons to whom any crown rights of fishings or foreshores in Scotland has been sold or leased by the Office of Woods, with the dates of grants and consideration paid... to the end of 1898..." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs. [1899.] 10 p., 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 107.) VRSp.box2 Shetland mail service. Copy "of con- tract, dated the 6th day of December, 1907, between the postmaster general and the North of Scotland and Orkney and Shet- land Steam Navigation Company, for the conveyance of mails between Aberdeen and the Shetland islands..." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1908]. 8 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 41.) tt TVC p.v. 4, no.42 Whiskey in bond (Scotland). Return showing the total quantities of whiskey in bond (distinguishing the quantities in general warehouses from the quantities in distillers' warehouses) in each excise col- lection in Scotland on the 31st day of Janu- ary 1902. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1902. 3(1) p. f°. (H. of C. paper 69.) tt VTB p.v. 1, no.5 Turnpike Road Inquiry Commission Turnpike road inquiry — Scotland. Notes of evidence. [Glasgow, 1859.] 3 parts. 8°. VDG Anthropology Aitken, Thomas. See Jolly, William; also Joass, James Maxwell. Andree, Richard. Die ethnographischen Verhaltniss Schottland. Mit einer Karte der gaelisch-englischen Sprachgrenze. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1874. 4°. Bd. 25, p. 7-11.) tKAA Baird, John. The Scottish Gipsy's advo- cate: being a short account of the Gipsies of Kirk-Yetholm, in connection with a plan proposed to be adopted for the im- provement of the Gipsy population of Scotland. Written at the request of some friends of the Gipsies. Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1839. 32 p. 16°. QOX Beddoe, John. A last contribution to Scottish ethnology. 1 pi. (Royal An- thropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. London, 1908. 4°. v. 38, p. 212-220.) QOA On the ancient and modern ethnog- raphy of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. 8°. v. 1, p. 243-257.) CPA Betham, Sir William. The Gael and Cymbri. . . Dublin: W. Curry, Jun., & Co., 1834. 8°. CD p. 394-418: The Caledonians and the Picts. Blake, Charles Carter. Note on a skull from the cairn of Get, Caithness, discov- ered by Joseph Anderson. (Anthropologi- cal Society of London. Memoirs. Lon- don, 1870. 8°. v. 3, p. 243.) QOA Remarks on the human remains from the Muckle Heog, in the island of Unst, Shetland. 1 pi. (Anthropological Society of London. Memoirs. London, 1865. 8°. v. 1, p. 299-307.) QOA Brockie, William. The Gypsies of Yetholm: historical, traditional, philologi- cal, and humorous. Kelso: J. & J. H. Rutherfurd, 1884. vii, 192 p., 3 port. 12°. QOX Of little scientific value. Contains also an account of 'Jamie Allan, the Northumbrian piper;' 'Royal let- ter from James v. in favour of John Faa;' 'Eminent persons of Gipsy blood.' The portraits are: (1) James Allan, Northumbrian piper; (2) Esther Blyth, queen of the Gypsies; (3) James Stuart ('Jamie Strength'), aged 115 years. Bryce, Thomas Hastie. Note on prehis- toric human remains found in the island of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 49 Anthropology, continued. Arran. 2 pi. (Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. London, 1902. 4°. v. 32, p. 398-402.)QOA On the cairns of Arran — a record of explorations — with an anatomical de- scription of the human remains discovered, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 74-181.) CPA On certain points in Scottish eth- nology. 3 pi. illus. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 275- 286.) CPA Report on human remains found within a cist at Moredun, Midlothian, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 439-445.) CPA Bryce, Thomas Hastie, and Alexander Low. Notes (1) on a human skeleton found in a cist with a beaker urn, at Acharole, West Watten, Caithness, and (2) on the cranial form associated with that tyDe of ceramic; with an appendix on six skulls found with beakers in the north-east counties, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 418-438.) CPA Charleston, Malcolm Mackenzie. Some anthropological notes from Orkney, illus. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1905. 8°. v. 4, p. 82-101.) GEA Clarke, Hyde. The Picts and preceltic Britain. (Royal Historical Society. Trans- actions. London, 1886. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 243-280.) CA Cleghom, John. Is the character of the Scotch the expression of the soil of Scot- land? (Anthropological Society of Lon- don. Memoirs. London, 1870. 8°. v. 3, p. 167-181.) QOA A summary of this article previously appeared in the Journal of the Anthropological Society, v. 6, p. xxi-xxiii, London, 1868. Collingwood, William Gershom. Scan- dinavian Britain. With chapters intro- ductory to the subject by F. Y. Powell. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1908. 16°. CD p. 221-226: Dumfriesshire and Galloway; p. 244- 264: The earldom of Orkney. Craigie, William A. The Gaels in Ice- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 247-264.) CPA Duncan, Ebenezer. The Scottish races: their ethnology, growth and distribution. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. v. 28, p. 1- 17.) *EC Earle, John. On the ethnography of Scotland. (.Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. Lon- don, 1877. 8°. v. 6, p. 9-19.) QOA Ferguson, James. The British race and kingdom in Scotland. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 170-189, 193- 217.) NDK The Celtic element in lowland Scot- land. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 246-260, 321-332.) NDK The Pictish race and kingdom. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 18-36, 122-138.) NDK The Scottish race and kingdom. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 304-334.) NDK Foulis, Sir James. An enquiry into the original inhabitants of Britain. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archa^ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 155-169.) f CPA With particular reference to, Scotland. An inquiry into the origin of the name of the Scottish nation. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 1-12.) tCPA Reprinted in Literary and biographical magazine, v. 10, p. 369-373. Garnett, Richard. On the probable re- lations of the Picts and Gael with the other tribes of Great Britain. (Philologi- cal Society. Proceedings. London, 1854. 8°. v. 1, p. 119-126.) RAA Reprinted in his Philological essays, p. 196-204, London, 185 9. Garson, J. G On the osteology of the ancient inhabitants of the Orkney islands. 1 pi., 1 table. (Anthropological Institute of Great Britain. Journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 13, p. 54-86.) QOA Glaister, John. The future of the race: a study in present day aspects of social bionomics. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1912. 8°. v. 43, p. 1-45.) *EC Gray, John. Memoir on the pigmenta- tion survey of Scotland. 20 pi. (Anthro- pological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. London, 1907. 4°. v. 37, p. 375-401.) QOA Gray, John, and James F. Tocher. The physical characteristics of adults and school children in east Aberdeenshire. 6 pi. (Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. London, 1900. 4°. v. 30, p. 104-124.) QOA The physical characteristics of the population of west Aberdeenshire. (An- thropological reviews and miscellanea. London, 1900. 4°. 1900, no. 84.) QOA See also Tocher, James F., and John Gray. 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Anthropology, continued. Guest, Edwin. Britons, Scots and Picts. (In his: Origines Celtics. London, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-34.) *R-CD H., E. The ancient Caledonians proved to have been a civilized people: by a cri- tical and impartial review of the Roman operations connected with north Britain ...to which is prefixed a discussion on the original state, and the primitive settle- ment of the human race. [Signed: A con- sistent antiquarian.] part 1. Edinburgh: Thornton & Collie, 1845. nar. 12°. CP p. box History, The, of the Picts. Containing an account of their original, language, manners, government, religion, bounds and limits of their kingdom. Also their most memorable battles with the Britains, Ro- mans, Scots, &c. unti,ll their final over- throw and extirpation. With a catalogue of their kings, and of the Roman gover- nours who fought against them and the Scots. And at the end is added a clavis, ex- plaining the proper names and difficult words of the history. Edinburgh: R. Free- bairn, 1706. [Also:j The history of the Picts extracted from Sir Robert Sibbald's Account of Fife and Kinross. [Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1818.) vii, 9-116 p. 12°. CP p.v. 1 The title-page ("Miscellanea Pictica") is lacking. The first article is reprinted from the Edinburgh edition of 1706. The authorship has been attributed to Henry Maule of Melgum and to Sir James Balfour, bart. History, The, of the Picts, containing an account of their original, language, manners. . .also, their most memorable battles with the Britains, Romans, Scots, &c...with a catalogue of their kings... Edinburgh: printed by R. Freebairn, 1706. Glasgow: re-printed for J. Wylie & Co., 1818. ix, (1)12-62 p. nar. 12°. (Miscel- lanea Scotica. v. 1.) CP Hunt, James. Report on explorations into the archaic anthropology of the is- lands of Unst, Brassay, and the Mainland of Zetland, undertaken for the earl of Zetland and the Anthropological Society of London. 1 pi. (Anthropological So- ciety of London. Memoirs. London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 294-338.) QOA Joass, James Maxwell. The brochs, or "Pictish towers" of Cinn-Trolla, Carn- Liath, and Craig-Carril, in Sutherland, with notes on other northern brochs. With report [p. 118-130] upon the crania found in and about them, by T. Aitken. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arclueologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874 4°. v. 5, p. 95-130.) " fCPA Jolly, William. Notice of the excava- tion and contents of ancient graves at Dalmore, Alness, Ross-shire. By W. Jolly. With notes on the crania. By Thomas Aitken, M.D. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 252-264.) CPA Low, Alexander, joint author. See Bryce, Thomas Hastie, and Alexander Low. Macandrew, Sir Henry Cockburn. The Picts. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 289-294, 337-343.) * DE (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 230-240.) NDO Macbain, Alexander. The Pictish prob- lem. (In: W. F. Skene. The Highlanders of Scotland, edited by A. Macbain, Stir- ling, 1902. 8°. p. 387-401.) CPE The Picts. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 385-391, 433- 440, 481-486, 529-541.) * DE 1. The historical authorities and their value. 2. Their history from classical sources. 3. Their his- tory from post-classical sources. 4. Their language. Who were the Picts? A criticism of the views of Professor Rhys. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 66-97.) *EC M'Cormick, Andrew. The Tinkler-Gyp- sies. New and enlarged edition. Dum- fries: J. Maxwell & Son, 1907. xxiv, 538, xxx p. illus. 12°. QOX Contents: Billy Marshall, the Caird of Barullion and King of the Galloway Tinklers; The Gypsies of Guy Mannering; Galwegian Gypsy gangs; Gypsy gangs in Galloway; Gypsy yarns and camp scenes; A Scotch Gypsy village; Tinklers' bairns; A modern Gypsy folk-tale teller; Tinkler-Gypsies' origin dis- cussed; 'German' Gypsies in Galloway; Galwegian Gypsy worthies ; 'The Tinklers' Waddin' ' ; Tinklers' cant vocabulary. Review (by MacRitchie) in Gypsy Lore Society Journal, new series, v. 1, p. 281-282, Liverpool, 1907; Scotia, v. 1, p. 172-173, Edinburgh, 1907. MacDonald, Alasdair. Some knotty points in British ethnology. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 9, p. 1-15.) NDK Macdonald, Alexander. Observations on Highland ethnology, with special reference to Inverness and the district. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 68-84.) NDO Macgregor, Alexander S. M. Physique of Glasgow children; an inquiry into the physical condition of children admitted to the City of Glasgow Fever Hospital. Bel- videre, during the years 1907-1908. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 156-176.) *EC Mackenzie, William Cook. Pigmies in the Hebrides: a curious legend. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 21, p. 264-268.) KAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 51 Anthropology, continued. Picts and Pets. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 172-175.) CA MacLean, Hector. The ancient peoples of Ireland and Scotland considered. (An- thropological Institute of Great Britain. Journal. London, 1891. 8°. v. 20, p. 154- 179.) QOA The Picts. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 228-252.) NDO The races from which the modern Scottish nation has been evolved. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 90-106.) NDO The Scottish Highland language and people. (Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. v. 7. p. 65-78.) QOA Macnish, Neil. A topographical argu- ment in favour of the early settlement of the British isles by Celts whose language was Gaelic. (Canadian Institute. Proceed- ings. Toronto, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 310-331.) *EC Deals largely with place-names of Scotland. Macpherson, John. Critical dissertations on the origin, antiquities, language, gov- ernment, manners, and religion, of the an- cient Caledonians, their posterity the Picts, and the British and Irish Scots. London: T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1768. xxii p., 2 1., 382 p. 4°. t CP Macqueen, Donald. A speculation on the origin and characteristical manners of the Picts and Scots, written in October, 1778. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1794. 8°. v. 64, p. 881-884, 997-1000.) * DA MacRitchie, David. British dwarfs. (Archaeological review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p. 184-207.) ZBA Continuation of his article on "Finn-men of Bri- tain." Druids and mound-dwellers. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 257-272.) NDK Earth-houses and their inhabitants. (Archaeological review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p. 393-421.) ZBA Continuation of his article on "British dwarfs." The Finn-men. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1911-12. 4°. v. 8, p. 442- 444; v. 9, p. 223-225.) CPA The Finn-men of Britain. (Archae- ological review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-26, 107-129.) ZBA Homes of the Picts. illus. (Reli- quary. London, 1901. 4°. v. 7, p. 89-97.) CA Memories of the Picts. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 121-139.) CPA Modern views of the Picts. (Monthly review. London, 1901. 8°. Jan., 1901, p. 131-148.) *DA Reply to strictures by Andrew Lang in the first volume of his History of Scotland. Mound dwellings and mound build- ers. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 179-194.) CPA Pitcur and its merry elfins, illus. (Reliquary. London, 1897. 4°. v. 3, p. 217-223.) CA On earth-houses at Pitcur. Scottish Gypsies under the Stew- arts. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 173-181, 229-237, 291-307, 334-363.) QOX Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1894. viii, 123 p. 8°. QOX Contents: Introduction; (chap. 1) Dark and fair Gypsies — Tinkers or Tinklers — The Yetholm Tin- klers. A privileged class — ■ "The King's kindly ten- ants' of Lochmaben, p. 1-12; (chap. 2) The Faws — Sorners — Gypsies and other nomads, p. 13-19; (chap. 3) Saracens in Galloway — The importation of Gyp- sies — Moors and the morrice dance ■ — - A Gypsy captain in East Lothian, p. 20-28; (chap. 4) James iv. of Scotland and the Gypsies — ' Earl George of Egypt — Aberdeen and the Faws in 1S40 — A Gypsy schism — Gypsy thieves at Haddington in 1540 — 'Letters for expelling of Egyptians,' 1541 — Privy Council writ of 1553 — The Lawlors in England, p. 29-45; (chap. 5) The 'lawful business' of Gypsies — Faringman's law — Gypsy law enforced by Scottish Crown — A Shetland trial of 1612 Gypsy violence, p. 46-55; (chap. 6) Strolling players at Roslin — , Tinkers and Jongleurs — 'Sorciers, Bateleurs, et Fi- lous,' p. 56-61; (chap. 7) A 'charge upon the Egyptians,' 1573 — 'Strong and idle beggars' pun- ished — Edicts of 1576 and 1579 — A Gypsy band at Glasgow in 1579 — Witchcraft in 1588 — Legisla- tion against nomadism — Penal servitude in the past, p. 62-76; (chap. 8) The crime of harbouring Gypsies — ■ Moses Faw's supplication — Four Faws sentenced to death in 1611 ■ — Anti-Gypsy enactments, 1611-1617 — Elspeth Maxwell and her sons, p. 77- 87; (chap. 9) Lord Gray and the Gypsies — Trial of John Faw and others in 1616 — A royal pardon — Anti-Gypsy act of 1616, p. 88-96; (chap. 10) Trial of Roslin Gypsies in 1624 — Banishment of John Stewart and James Faw — Transportation of Gypsies to America — The Caird of Barullion — A famous Gypsy funeral, p. 97-107; (chap. 11) The Countess of Cassillis story — Formidable character of Gypsy gangs — Captain William Baillie and his band — A record of crime — Miscarriage of justice — The end of a turbulent life, p. 108-120; Index. Reviews; Internationales Archiv fur Bthnographie, Bd. 8, p. 34; Athenceum, London, October 6, 1894, p. 454. Stories (Celtic review. 4, p. 316-331.) of the mound-dwellers. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. NDK Magnusson, Finnur. Om Picternes og deres Navns oprindelse. (Skandinavisk Litteraturselskab. Skrifter. Kjobenhavn, 1817. 12°. v. 15, p. 1-93.) NISA Kiobenhavn: C. Gra^be, 1817. 3 p.l., 92 p. 16°. CP This is a sequel to an earlier work by the same author on "Forsog til Forklaring over nogle Steder af Ossians Digte, mest vedkommende Skandinaviens Hendenold," Kjobenhavn, 1814. On the origin of the nation and name of the Picts. [Translated by Robert 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Anthropology, continued. Jamieson.] (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 124-129, 225-229.) * DE Miller, William. Our Scandinavian fore- fathers: two lectures. Thurso: A. Rus- sell, 1862. 52 p. 8°. *Cp.v.579 Delivered and published for the benefit of the Thurso Benevolent Institution. Murray, Alexander. Observations on the history and language of the Pehts. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chjeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 134-153.) CPA O'Conor, Charles. A dissertation on the first migrations, and final settlement of the Scots in North-Britain, with occasional observations on the poems of Fingal and Temora. 65 p. (In his: Dissertations on the history of Ireland. Dublin, 1766. 8°.) CS Patriotism and prejudice. Traits of Pict, Scot, and Angle. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 65-75.) CPA Prichard, James Cowles. The Picts, eo nomine. (In his: The eastern origin of the Celtic nations. London, 1857. 8°. p. 151-155.) QPO Pringle, Thomas. Notices concerning the Scottish Gypsies. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 43-58, 154-161, 615-620.) * DA See also p. 65-66 and 167 of same volume for additional minor notices. In the sketch of Thomas Pringle (1789-1834), in the new edition of Chambers's Encyclopedia, it is stated that these articles were written by him from notes supplied by Sir Walter Scott. The notices are reprinted in the Analectic magazine, v. 10, Phila- delphia, 1817. Rankine, D. R. Notice of a cranium found in a short cist near Silvermoor, Car- stairs, Lanarkshire. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 465-467.) CPA Reid, Robert William. Illustrated cata- logue of the Anthropological Museum, University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen: Uni- versity Press, 1912. 2 pi, (i)iv-viii, 357 p. illus. 8°. (Aberdeen University studies, no. 55.) QO Rhind, Alexander Henry. An attempt to define how far the Cymric encroached upon the Gaelic branch of the early Celtic population of north Britain. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 182-188.) CPA Rhys, Sir John. The peoples of ancient Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891 8°. v. 17, p. 60-82.) * DA The Picts and Scots. (In his: Cel- tic Britain. London, 1882. 16°. p 147- 199.) CD Rippon-Seymour, H. The Royal Com- mission on Physical Training (Scotland), 1902. The report. (Westminster review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 160, p. 306-312.) *DA Ross, J. L. The Picts. 1 pi. (Wiltshire archaeological and natural history maga- zine. Devizes, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 224-244.) CO The plate represents the stone circle at Stenhouse [sic, Stennis], Orkney. Scouler, John. On the early population of Scotland. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 124-134.) CPA Sibbald, James. Observations on the origin of the terms Picti, Caledonii, and Scoti. (In his: Chronicle of Scottish poe- try. . . London, 1802. 8°. v. 4, p. i-xxxix.) Sibbald, Sir Robert. The history of the Picts, extracted from (his) account of Fife and Kinross. (In: Miscellanea Scotica. Glasgow, 1818. 12°. v. 1, p. 63-119.) CP See also History, The, of the Picts. [Edinburgh, 1818., 12°. CP Simson, James. The Scottish press and the Gipsies. New York: E. O. Jenkins' Son, 1890. 26 p. 8°. * C p.v. 372 Simson, Walter. Anecdotes of the Fife Gypsies. By W. S. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1817-18. 8°. v. 2, p. 282-285, 523-528; v. 3, p. 14-18, 393- 398.) * DA A history of the Gipsies: with specimens of the Gipsy language. Edited, with preface, introduction, and notes, and a disquisition on the past, present and future of Gipsydom, by James Simson. London: Sampson Low, 1865. 575 p. 12°. QOX Contents: Editor's preface: Editor's introduction; Introduction; Continental Gipsies; English Gipsies; Scottish Gipsies, down to the year 1715; Linlithgow- shire Gipsies; Fife and Stirlingshire Gipsies; Tweed- dale and Clydesdale Gipsies; Border Gipsies; Mar- riage and divorce ceremonies; Language; Present condition and number of the Gipsies in Scotland; Disquisition on the past, present, and future of Gipsydom. Reviews: Blackwood's magazine, Edinburgh, 1866, v. 99, p. 565-580; The Nation, New York, 1866, v. 3, p. 107-108; Bentley's miscellany, v. 59, p. 164- 170, London, 1866, and v. 63, p. 411-415 (reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, new series, v. 3, p. 539-544, New York, 1866); Catholic world, v. 3, p. 702-715, New York, 1866. New York: M. Doolady, 1866. 575 p. American ed. 12°. QOX Printed and stereotyped by Edward O. Jenkins, New York. The 1866 and 1871 editions have a note by the editor (without title) on verso of p. [4] of contents, which is not in the London edition of 1865. London: Sampson Low, Son & Marston, 1871. 575 p. 12°. QOX Another issue of 1865 ed. with a new title-page. Skene, William Forbes. On the early Frisian settlements in Scotland. (Society LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 53 Anthropology, continued. of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 169-181.) CPA Smith, John Alexander. Note on the human remains found in ancient graves at Dounan, near Ballantrae, Ayrshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. IS, p. 278-279.) CPA Smith, Robert Angus. Archaeology of the voice: Lowland Scottish. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 451-457.) CPA Tate, Ralph. Report of Zetland anthro- pological expedition. (Anthropological So- ciety of London. Memoirs. London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 339-347.) QOA Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. Did the Northmen extirpate the Celtic in- habitants of the Hebrides in the ninth century? (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 11, p. 472-507.) CPA Tocher, James F., and John Gray. The frequency and pigmentation value of sur- names of school children in east Aber- deenshire. (Man. London, 1901. 4°. 1901, no. 128.) QOA See also Gray, John, and James F. Tocher. Turner, Sir William. A contribution to the craniology of the people of Scotland. Part i. Anatomical. 5 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 4°. v. 40, p. 547-613.) * EC Notes on the characters of the cranium found in a short cist near Dunse, July, 1863. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 279-283.) CPA Report on some human crania found in stone coffins near the Cat-stane, Kirkliston. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 195-198.) CPA Vigfusson, Gudbrand. Picts and Cale- dones in the ninth century. (English his- torical review. London, 1886. 8°. v. 1, P. 509-513.) BAA Vines, J. H. The physique of Scottish children. Some fallacies of a Royal Com- mission. (Westminster review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 160, p. 319-322.) * DA Wade-Evans, A. W. The Scotti and Picti in the Excidium Britannia;. (Archae- ologia Cambrensis. London, 1910. 8°. series 6, v. 10, p. 449-456.) CVA Wilson, Sir Daniel. Illustrations of the significance of certain ancient British skull forms. (Canadian journal of industry, sci- ence and art. Toronto, 1863. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 127-157.) * EC • Inquiry into the evidence of the existence of primitive races in Scotland prior to the Celtaa. (British Association for the Advancement of Science. Notices and abstracts. London, 1851. 8°. 1850, p. 142-145.) * EC Inquiry into the physical charac- teristics of the ancient and modern Celt of Gaul and Britain. (Canadian journal of industry, science, and art. Toronto, 1864. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 369405.) * EC Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen. An ac- count of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. London: John Murray, 1852. 8°. CD p. 189-296: The Norwegians in Scotland. Zimmer, Heinrich. Matriarchy among the Picts. From the German [by George Henderson!. (Tn: Leabhar nan Gleann... Edinburgh [1898]. 12°. p. 1-42.) NDO Archaeology General Works Anderson, Joseph. The systematic study of Scottish archaeology. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 343-354.) CPA Treasure trove. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 1. p. 74-80.) CPA On the law of treasure trove in its relation to Scotland. Anderson, Joseph, and G. F. Black. Re- ports on local museums in Scotland, ob- tained through Dr. R. H. Gunning's jubi- lee gift to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 332-422.) CPA • Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1888. 1 p.l., 332-422 p. illus. sq. 8°. BAE Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Catalogue of antiquities, works of art and historical Scottish relics exhibited in the museum... of the insti- tute. . .during their annual meeting, Edin- burgh, July, 1856... Edinburgh: T. Con- stable & Co., 1859. 1 p.l., ix-xxxiii(i) p., 1 1.. 233 p., 25 p., 11 port. 8°. CP Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., 1859. 1 p.l., ix-xxxiii(i) p., 1 1., 233 p.. 25 pi., 11 port. 8°. Stuart 7495 Extra illustrated with 15 additional portraits. 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Black, George Fraser, joint author. See Anderson, Joseph, and G. F. Black. Black, William George. Jubilee of the Glasgow Archaeological Society. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 3, p. 229-233.) CPA Cochran-Patrick, Robert William. Ar- chaeology in Scotland: its past and future. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 3SS-37S.) CPA Ewing, William. Observations on the proceedings of the Glasgow Archaeological Society and its present position. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 57-59.) CPA Ferguson, John. Address on vacating the presidency of the Archaeological So- ciety of Glasgow. Delivered. . .15th No- vember 1894. Glasgow: Strathern & Free- man, 1895. 12 p. sq. 8°. CPp.box Goodfellow, J. C. The early history of Scotland, from an archaeological point of view. Hawick: J. & W. McNairn, 1881. 39 p. 16°. * C p.v. 359 Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Scotland. Report, no. 1, 4, v. 1. Edinburgh, 1909-12. 8°. CP no. 1. Monuments and constructions in the county of Berwick. no. 4, v. 1. Monuments and constructions in Galloway, County of Wigtown. Honeyman, John. Suggestions for co- operation, with the view of facilitating ar- chaeological work in Scotland. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 577-584.) CPA Mitchell, Sir Arthur. Jubilee address to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1902. The pre-history of the Scottish area. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1902. 57 p. illus. sq. 8°. QPMp.boxl Past in the present: what is civi- lization? New York: Harper & Bros., 1881. 362 p. 8°. CP The pre-history of the Scottish area. Fifty years work of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 11-65.) CPA Murray, David. Scottish collectors and Scottish museums. (In his: Museums, their history and their use. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 151-169.) *F Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord. Archae- ology, its aims and uses. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 325-338.) CPA Scottish archaeology, illus. (Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 248-252.) CA Simpson, Sir James Young. Address on archaeology. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 5-51.) CPA Reprinted in his Archaeological essays, v. 1, p. 1- 66, Edinburgh, 1872. Archaeological essays by the late Sir J. Y. Simpson. Edited by John Stuart. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1872. 2 v. sq. 8°. MTE Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica; or, Transactions of the society, v. 1-5. Edinburgh, 1792-1890. 4°. tCPA No more to be published. Superseded by the Proceedings. Index to v. 1-3 in v. 3. Catalogue of antiquities in the Na- tional Museum of the Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Edinburgh: Royal In- stitution, 1876. viii, 182 p. new ed. 12°. Stuart 7497 Catalogue of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. [Compiled by Geo. F. Black.] Edinburgh: Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. 1892. iv, 380 p. il- lus. new ed. 8°. CP Large paper copy. Proceedings. v. 1-12 (1851-78); series 2, v. 1-12 (1878-90); series 3, v. 1- 12 (1890-1902); series 4, v. 1-9 (1903-11). Edinburgh: the society, 1855-1911. sq. 8°. CPA The volumes are also numbered consecutively. General index and index of illus- trations to the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, v. 1-24 (1851- 90). Edinburgh: the society, 1902. sq. 8°. CPA Sutherland, George. Outlines of Scot- tish archaeology. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1870. iv, (1)6-63(1) p. illus. 16°. * C p.v. 374 Wilson, Sir Daniel. The archaeology and prehistoric annals of Scotland. Edin- burgh: Sutherland & Knox, 1851. xxvi p., 1 1., 714 p., 1 plan, 5 pi. 4°. OPM Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 69, p. 660-672, Edinburgh, 1851. Prehistoric annals of Scotland. London: Macmillan & Co., 1863'. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. QPM Wilson, George. List of the antiquities of Glenluce, Wigtownshire, with descrip- tive notes. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 170-185.) CPA Young, John. The study of archaeology. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 131- 137.) v CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 55 Archaeology, continued. Prehistoric Archaeology A., J. See Anderson, James. Abercromby, John. Excavation of three long cists at Gladhouse reservoir, Mid- lothian. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 96-98.) CPA Excavations made on the estate of Meikleour, Perthshire, in May, 1903. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 82-96.) CPA Excavations at Meikleour, Perth- shire, in May, 1903. (Man. London, 1903. 4 D . 1903, no. 68.) QOA Exploration of circular enclosures and an underground house near Dinnet, on Deeside, Aberdeenshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 102-122.) CPA Exploration of six small cairns at Aberlour. Banffshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 180-182.) CPA Note on a tanged dagger or spear- head from Crawford Priory, Fife, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 219-225.) CPA ■ Notice of the discovery of urns at the Hill of Culsh, New Deer, Aberdeen- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 258-266.) CPA A proposed chronological arrange- ment of the drinking cup or beaker class of fictilia in Britain, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 323-410.) CPA The relative chronology of some cinerary urn types of Great Britain and Ireland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 185-274.) CPA Report on excavations at Fethaland and Trowie Knowe, Shetland; and of the exploration of a cairn on Dumglow, one of the Cleish Hills, Kinross-shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 171-184.) CPA See also Munro, Robert, and John Abercromby. Abercromby, John, and A. Mactier Pirrie. The cemetery of Nunraw, East Lothian, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 328-342.) CPA Acland, C. L. Notes on the broch of Copister in Yell sound, Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 473-474.) CPA On some stone circles on the side of a hill at the east end of Quendale bay, Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 282-284.) CPA Ailsa (3. marquis), Archibald Kennedy. Notes on the excavation of a mound called Shanter Knowe near Kirkoswald, Ayrshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 413-416.) CPA • 1 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 93-97.) f CA Aitken, John. On some peculiar cupped stones found in the parish of Colmonell, Ayrshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 183-190.) CPA Alexander, Sir James Edward. Notice of Audun, an old Caledonian fort on Ben Ledi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 387-388.) CPA Opening of the fairy knowe of Pendreich, Bridge of Allen. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8 C . v. 7, p. 519- 523.) CPA Allen, John Romilly. Note on a stand- ing stone near Ford, Argyllshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 346-348.) CPA Notes on a cist with axe-head sculp- tures, near Kilmartin, Argyllshire. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 36, p. 146-150.) CA Notes on some undescribed stones with cup-markings in Scotland, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 79-143.) CPA p. 139-143 contain a list of books and papers re- lating to cup-marked stones in Scotland, England, Wales and Man, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Den- mark, Sweden, and India. • ■ Notice of prehistoric remains near Tealing in Forfarshire. 3 pi. (British Ar- chaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1881. 8°. v. 37. p. 254-261.) CA Notice of three cup-marked stones, and the discovery of an urn, in Perthshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 82-92.) CPA Sculptured stone ball found at Glas 56 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Hill, parish of Towie, Aberdeenshire. 8 illus. (Reliquary. London, 1897. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 102-106.) CA Ancient lake-dwellings in Scotland, illus. (Antiquary. London, 1883. sq. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 66-69.) CA Ancient towers in the north of Scotland. 4 illus. (Illustrated magazine of art. New York, 1853. 4°. v. 2, p. 296.) * DA Broch of Mousa, Shetland. Anderson, Arthur. Notice of the dis- covery of a sculptured stone at Logierait, Perthshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. S61-S64.) CPA Anderson, George. On some of the stone circles and cairns in the neighbour- hood of Inverness, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archaaologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 211- 222.) t CPA Anderson, James. An account of ancient monuments and fortifications in the High- lands of Scotland. 3 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of London. Archaeologia. Lon- don, 1779. 4°. v. 5, p. 241-266.) t CA Fiddes Hill, Agglesag, and Knock-ferrel. An account of antiquities in Scot- land. By J. A. illus. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1792. 16°. v. 7, p. 132-141, 282-289; v. 8, p. 53-61, 94-104, 286-294, 330-333; v. 9, p. 126-134, 211-216.) * DE On stone circles, vitrified forts, etc. A further description of antient fortifications in the north of Scotland. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1782. 4°. v. 6, p. 87-99.) tCA Dunadeer in Aberdeenshire. Anderson, Joseph, LL.D. Description of sepulchral urns exhibited by Col. Mal- colm, C. B., of Poltalloch. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 232-244.) CPA Note on a bronze sword found at Inverbroom, Ross-shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 352- 356.) CPA Note on a group of perforated stone hammers remarkable for their simi- larity of form and ornamentation, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 377-384.) CPA Notes on the character and con- tents of a large sepulchral cairn of the bronze age at Collessie, Fife, excavated... in August, 1876 and 1877. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 439-461.) CPA • Notes on the contents of a refuse- heap at the base of the fortified rock known as Dun Fheurain at Gallanach, near Oban, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 278-285.) CPA Notes on the contents of a small cave or rock-shelter at Druimvargie, Oban; and of three small shell-mounds in Oran- say. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 298-313.) CPA Notes on a deposit of flints worked to a leaf-shape, found at Bulwark, Old Deer, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 346-351.) CPA Notes on the evidence of spinning and weaving in the brochs or Pictish tow- ers supplied by the stone whorls and the long-handled "broch combs" found in them, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 548-561.) CPA Notes on some polished stone discs of unknown use, in the museum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 717-719.) CPA Notes on the structure, distribu- tion, and contents of the brochs, with special reference to the question of their Celtic or Norwegian origin. 2 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 314-355.) CPA Notes on the survival of pagan cus- toms in Christian burial, with notices of certain conventional representations of "Daniel in the den of lions," and "Jonah and the 'whale,' " engraved on objects found in early Christian graves, and on the sculptured stones of Scotland, and crosses of Ireland. 4 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 363-406.) CPA Notes on three buttons of jet or cannel-coal, found in a cist at Old Windymains, Keith Marischal, East Lothi- an, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 68-69.) CPA Notes on two chisels or punches of bronze-like metal, from Sutherlandshire and Dumfries, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 207-213.) CPA Notice of a bronze bucket-shaped vessel or caldron, exhibited by H. D. Er- skine of Cardross. illus. (Society of An- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 57 Archaeology, continued. tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 36-42.) CPA Notice of a bronze sword, with handle-plates of horn, found at Aird, in the island of Lewis, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 38-41.) CPA Notice of a cave recently discovered at Oban, containing human remains and a refuse-heap of shells and bones of animals, and stone and bone implements, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 211-230.) CPA Notice of cists discovered in a cairn at Cairnhill, parish of Monquhitter, Aberdeenshire, and at Doune, Perthshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 675-688.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a cist containing three urns of food vessel type at Duncra Hill farm, Pencaitland. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 131-134.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a hoard of the bronze age consisting chiefly of per- sonal ornaments of bronze, amber, and gold, at Balmashanner, near Forfar, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 182-188.) CPA Notice of Dun Stron Duin, Ber- nera, Barra Head. 6 illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 341-346.) CPA Notice of the excavation of thp brochs of Yarhouse, Brounaben, Bower- madden, Old Stirkoke, and Dunbeath in Caithness; with remarks on the period of the brochs, and an appendix, containing a collected list of the brochs of Scotland, and early notices of many of them, with a map showing sites of brochs. 1 map. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 131-198.) f CPA Notice of the excavation of "Ken- ny's Cairn," on the hill of Bruan; Carn Righ, near Yarhouse; the Warth Hill cairn, Duncansbay; and several smaller sepulchral cairns in Caithness. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 292-296.) CPA Notice of the excavation of two cairns on the estate of Aberlour Banff- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 20-24.) CPA Notice of a hoard of bronze imple- ments, and ornaments, and buttons of jet found at Migdale, on the estate of Skibo, Sutherland... illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 266-275.) CPA Notice of a hoard of bronze imple- ments recently found in Lewis, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 27-46.) CPA Notice of a remarkable find of bronze swords and other bronze articles in Edinburgh; with notes on bronze swords found in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 320-333.) CPA Notice of a small cemetery of the bronze age, recently discovered at Shan- well, Milnathort, Kinross-shire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v 19, P. 114-117.) CPA Notice of a small cemetery, con- taining deposits of cinerary urns and burnt bones, on the estate of Balbirnie, in Fife; and of a similar cemetery, also containing deposits of urns and burnt bones, at Sheriffs-flats, Lanarkshire; with notes on the classification of the different varieties of urns found in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 107-124.) CPA Notice of urns in the museum that havie been found with articles of use or ornament, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 446-459.) CPA Notices of nine brochs along the Caithness coast from Keiss bay to Skirza Head, excavated by Sir Francis Tress Barry, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 112-148.) CPA ■ Notices of recent discoveries of cists, or burials with urns, etc. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 97-101.) CPA On the chambered cairns of Caith- ness, with results of recent explorations. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 442-451.) CPA On the horned cairns of Caithness. (Anthropological Society of London. Mem- oirs. London, 1870. 8°. v. 3, p. 266-273.) QOA On the horned cairns of Caithness: their structural arrangement, contents of chambers, &c. illus. (Society of Anti- 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Edin- p. 480-512.) Archaeology, continued. quaries of Scotland. Proceedings, burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, _ CPA Report on ancient remains of Caith- ness, and results of explorations, con- ducted., .by J. Anderson and R. I. Shearer in 1865. 2 pi. (Anthropological Society of London. Memoirs. London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 226-256.) QOA Report on excavations in Caithness cairns, conducted for the Anthropological Society of London by Messrs. J. Anderson and R. I. Shearer. (Anthropological So- ciety of London. Memoirs. London, 1870. 8°. v. 3, p. 216-242.) QOA Scotland in pagan times: the bronze and stone ages. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1886. xxiii, 397 p. illus. 8°. (Rhind lec- tures in archaeology, 1882.) CP 1. Bronze age burials. 2. Circles and settings of standing stones. 3. Weapons, implements, etc., of the bronze age. 4. Chambered cairns of Caithness. S. Chambered cairns of Argyll, Orkney, etc. 6. Im- plements and weapons of the stone age. Scotland in pagan times: the iron age. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1883. xx, 314 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. (The Rhind lec- tures in archaeology, 1881.) CP 1. Christian and pagan burial — Viking burials. 2. Northern burials and hoards. 3 The Celtic art of the pagan period. 4. The architecture of the brochs. 5. The brochs and their contents. 6. Lake- dwellings, hill-forts, and earth-houses. Reviewed in Archaological journal, v. 40, p. 468- 473, London, 1883. ■ See also Christison, David. On the recently excavated fort on Castle Law, Abernethy; also Lowe, George. Archaeology in the south-west of Scot- land. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 70-87.) * DA Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran; edited by J. A. Balfour. Archaeol- ogy. Glasgow: The Arran Society of Glasgow, 1910. xiv, 295 p., 1 map, 54 pi. illus. 4°. CDA Astley, Hugh John Dukinfield. Some further notes on the Langbank crannog. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 59-64.) CA Bailey, G. H. On the vitrified cement from an ancient fort. (Manchester Liter- ary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs. Manchester, 1889. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 185-188.) * EC From vitrified fort in the Highlands of Scotland. Bain, George. The Clava cairns and cir- cles. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 122- 135.) NDO Balfour, John Alexander. Fortified and domestic sites [in Arran^ 4 pi. (In: Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 172-194.) CDA Note on arrow-head of "Corrigil" pitchstone. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 376.) CPA Reprinted in The Book of Arran, p. 274-275, Glasgow, 1910. See also Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Barbour, James. Notice of the excava- tion of the camp or earthwork at Rispin in Wigtownshire, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 621-626.) CPA Notice of a stone fort near Kirk- andrews, in the parish of Borgue, Kirkcud- bright, recently excavated, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 68-80.) CPA Barrington, Daines. Observations on the vitrified walls in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1782. 4°. v. 6, p. 100-103.) t CA At Dunagoyle, Bute. Barron, Douglas Gordon. Notice of a small cemetery of cremated burials, with cinerary urns of clay, recently discovered at Culla Voe, Papa Stour, Shetland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 46-48.) CPA Bate, Dorothea M. A. Notice of the ex- cavation of a cairn at Mossknow, on the Kirtle Water, Dumfriesshire. 2 illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 165-169.) CPA Baxter, George Chalmers. Some unre- corded relics in the parishes of Cargill, Scone, and St. Martins. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 221-224.) CPA Beaton, Angus J. Notes on ancient fortifications in the Black Isle, Ross-shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 414-423.) CPA Notes on the antiquities of the Black Isle, Ross-shire, with plans and sec- tions, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 477-492.) CPA Notes on Ormond or Avoch castle, in the Black Isle, Ross-shire, with a plan and section, and notice of bronze celts found in its vicinity. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 400-405.) CPA Bedford, Charles Henry. Notice of a bronze sword found on the estate of Wa- ternish, Skye. (Society of Antiquaries of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 59 Archaeology, continued. Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 258-261.) CPA Begg, Robert Burns. Notice of a cran- nog discovered in Lochleven, Kinross- shire, on 7th September 1887. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 118-124.) CPA Bell, Edwin Weston. Notes on the British fort on Castle Law, at Forgan- denny, Perthshire, partially excavated dur- ing the summer of 1892. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 14-22.) CPA Berry, John. Xote on the discovery of a necklace of jet beads and plates, found along with an urn, in a short cist at Tay- field, near Newport, Fife, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 411-412.) CPA Beveridge, Henry. Notice of two ceme- teries, containing cists and urns, on the estate of Pitreavie, near Dunfermline, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 240-252.) CPA Black, David Dakers. Notice of cairns called "fairy knowes," in Shetland, re- cently examined. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 324-327.) CPA Black, George Fraser. Descriptive cata- logue of antiquities found in Ayrshire and Wigtownshire, and now in the National Museum, Edinburgh, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ar- chaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 1-47.) t CPA Descriptive catalogue of loan col- lections of prehistoric and other antiqui- ties from the shires of Berwick, Rox- burgh, and Selkirk, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 321-342.) CPA Report on the antiquities found in Scotland, and preserved in the British Mu- seum, &c, London, and in the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. 15 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 347-368.) CPA Report on the archaeological exam- ination of the Culbin Sands, Elginshire... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 484-511.) CPA See also Robertson, Robert. Black, William Thomas. The mounds at Dunblane and the Roman station at Alauna. (Royal Historical Society. Trans- actions.' London, 1875. 8°. v. 1, 2. ed., p. SS-60.) CA Blundell, Odo. Notice of the examina- tion, by means of a diving-dress, of the artificial island, or crannog, of Eilean Muireach, in the south end of Loch Ness. 2 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 159-164.) CPA On further examination of arti- ficial islands in the Beauly Firth, Loch Bruiach, Loch Moy, Loch Garry, Loch Lundy, Loch Oich, Loch Lochy, and Loch Treig. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 12-33.) CPA Bogle, Lockhart. Notes on some pre- historic structures in Glenelg and Kintail. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 180-190.) CPA Book, The, of Arran. See Arran Society of Glasgow. Boston, Thomas. Notes on three sepul- chral mounds on the farm of Balmuick, near Comrie, Perthshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 306-308.) CPA Boyd, D. A., and J. Smith. Notice of a rock surface with cup-marks and other sculpturings, at Blackshaw, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 143-151.) CPA 1 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 77-84.) t CA Brodie, James. Note of the excavation of some tumuli at Melville Moor. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 151-153.) CPA ■ Notice of a collection of flint im- plements found in the neighbourhood of Fordun, Kincardineshire. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 499-503.) CPA Bruce, John. Notes of the discovery and exploration of a pile structure on the north bank of the river Clyde, east from Dumbarton Rock, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 437-462.) CPA Notice of remarkable groups of archaic sculpturings in Dumbartonshire and Stirlingshire. 2 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 205-209.) CPA 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Report and investigations upon the Langbank pile dwelling. 4 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. new series, v .5, part 1, p. 43-48.) CPA Bruce, John, of Sumburgh. Notice of the excavation of a broch at Jarlshof, Sum- burgh, Shetland, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 11-33.) CPA Bruce-Clarke, William, and Randall J. Johnson. On the osseous remains of the Borness cave, Kirkcudbrightshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 499-507.) CPA Bryce, James. An account of excava- tions within the stone circles of Arran. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 499-524.) CPA Bryce, Thomas Hastie. On the cairns of Arran — a record of explorations — with an anatomical description of the hu- man remains discovered, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 74-181.) CPA On the cairns of Arran — a record of further explorations during the season of 1902. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 36-67.) CPA On the cairns of Arran. no. HI. With a notice of a megalithic structure at Ardenadam on the Holy Loch, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh. 1911. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 337-370.) CPA On the cairns and tumuli of the island of Bute. A record of explorations during the season of 1903. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 17-81.) CPA Report on animal bones from Lang- bank pile dwelling. 2 pi. (Glasgow Ar- chaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1905. sq. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 1, p. 49-51.) CPA Report on burnt bones from New- lands, Langside, Glasgow. [With appen- dix.] (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v 39, p. 548-552.) CPA The sepulchral remains [Of Arran]. 23 pi. (In: Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 33-155.) CDA Bryce, Thomas Hastie, and Alexander Low. Notes (1) on a human skeleton found in a cist with a beaker urn, at Acha- role, West Watten, Caithness, and (2) on the cranial form associated with that type of ceramic; with an appendix on six skulls found with beakers in the north-east counties, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 418-438.) CPA Brydon, James. Notice of the opening of a burial cairn at Shaws, Selkirkshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 352-355.) CPA Buchan, William. Notes on a bronze caldron found at Hattonknowe, Darnhall, in the county of Peebles, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 14-20.) CPA Callander, John Graham. Notice of a collection of perforated stone objects, from the Garioch, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 166-177.) CPA Notice of the discovery in Aber- deenshire of five cists, each containing a drinking-cup urn. 7 illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 76-92.) CPA Notice of the discovery of two vessels of clay on the Culbin Sands, the first containing wheat and the second from a kitchen-midden, with a comparison of the Culbin Sands and the Glenluce Sands and of the relics found on them, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 158-181.) CPA Notice of a stone mould for casting flat bronze axes and bars, found in the parish of Insch, Aberdeenshire; with notes on the occurrence of flat axe moulds in Europe. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 487-505.) CPA • Notice of three urns of the drink- ing-cup type and other relics discovered in a mound at Forglen, Banffshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 279-290.) CPA Notice of two cinerary urns and a pendant of slate found at Seggiecrook, in the parish of Kennethmont, Aberdeen- shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 184-189.) CPA Notices of (1) the discovery of a fourth cinerary urn containing burnt hu- man bones and other relics at Seggie- crook, Kennethmont, Aberdeenshire... il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 212-222.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 61 Archaeology, continued, Notices of (1) a stone cist contain- ing a skeleton and a drinking-cup urn dis- covered at Mains of Leslie, Aberdeenshire; (2) a small cinerary urn from Hill of Wardes, Insch, Aberdeenshire; (3) of cin- erary Urns and other remains from the estate of Logie-Elphinstone, Aberdeen- shire; and (4) a bronze sword from Gras- sieslack, Daviot, Aberdeenshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 116-129.) CPA Callender, Henry. Notice of the stone circle at Callernish, in the island of Lewis. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 380-384.) CPA Cameron, David. Notice of the ancient circular dwellings, hill forts, and burial cairns of Strathnairn. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 288-294.) CPA Campbell, John Ferguson. Report of a conjoint visit of the Geological and Philo- sophical Societies to the Dumbuck cran- nog, 8th April 1899. 11 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1899. 8°. v. 30, p. 267-271.) * EC Cash, C. G. Archaeological notes from Aviemore. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 189-203.) CPA Stone circles at Grenish, Aviemore, and Delfour, Strathspey, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 245-254.) CPA Chalmers, James Hay. Notice of the discovery of a stone kist at Broomend, near Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 110-114.) CPA Notice of remains found under a cairn, surrounded by upright stones, on the farm of Burreldales, parish of Auchterless, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 429-431.) CPA Chalmers, P. Macgregor. Notice of an earth-house at Ardross, Fife, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 355-357.) CPA Chardenal, C. A. On the probable origin and age of the shore tumuli along the Firth of Clyde. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 173-179.) CPA Charleson, Malcolm Mackenzie. Notes on some stone implements and other rel- ics of the early inhabitants of Orkney, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v 32, p. 316-324.) CPA Notice of a chambered cairn in the parish of Firth, Orkney, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 733-738.) CPA. Notice of the excavation of a cham- bered mound near Breckness, Stromness, Orkney, illus. (Society o*f Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 352-359.) CPA Notice of some ancient burials in Orkney. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 559-566.) CPA Christie, John. Account of the open- ing of an ancient cist in the parish of Cabrach, Aberdeenshire. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 362-364.) CPA Christison, David. The duns and forts of Lome, Nether Lochaber, and the neigh- bourhood. 1 map, 18 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 368-432.) CPA Early fortifications in Scotland. Motes, camps, and forts. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1898. xxv, 407 p., 3 maps. sq. 8°. CP Reviewed in the Archaeological journal, v. 55, p. 192-196, London, 1898. Excavation of the fort "Suidhe Chennaidh," Loch Awe; and description of some Argyleshire cairns, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 117-130.) CPA Excavation undertaken by the So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland of earth- works adjoining the "Roman Road" be- tween Ardoch and Dupplin, Perthshire, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 15-43.) CPA Forts, camps, and motes of the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire. 15 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 281-352.) CPA • The forts, "camps," and other field- works of Perth, Forfar, and Kincardine. 1 map. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 43-120.) CPA The forts of Kilmartin, Kilmichael, Glassary, and North Knapdale, Argyle. il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 38, p. 205-251.) CPA The forts of Selkirk, the Gala Wa- 62 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. ter, the southern slopes of the Lammer- moors, and the north of Roxburgh, lllus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 189S. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 108-179.) CPA Forts on Whitcastle Hill, Upper Teviotdale; and earthworks on • Flanders Moss, Menteith. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. v 40, p. 15-22.) CPA A general view of the forts, camps, and motes of Dumfriesshire, with a de- tailed description of those in upper An- nandale, and an introduction to the study of Scottish motes. 1 map, 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 198-256.) CPA "The Girdlestanes," and a neigh- bouring stone circle, in the parish of Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 281-289.) CPA Notice of ancient remains in Manor parish and other districts of Peeblesshire illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 192-207.) CPA Notice of a burial mound at Cavers. Roxburghshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 188-195.) CPA Notices of an ancient fort and a stone circle at Wester Torrie, near Cal- lander, Perthshire, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 614-620.) CPA On the recently excavated fort on Castle Law, Abernethy, Perthshire. By D. Christison. With notes on the finds by Joseph Anderson. 2 pi. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 13-33.) CPA On some obscure remains in the parish of Dailly, Ayrshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 177- 179.) CPA On the standing stones and cup- marked rocks, etc., in the valley of the Add and some neighbouring districts of Argyll. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 123-148.) CPA — — • The prehistoric fortresses of Tre- ceiri, Carnarvon, and Eildon, Roxburgh. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8° v 28, p. 100-119.) CPA The prehistoric forts, etc., of Ayr- shire. 2 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 381-405.) CPA The prehistoric forts of Peebles- shire. With plans and sketches. 1 map, 6 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 13-82.) CPA Report on the society's excavations of forts on the Poltalloch estate, Argyll, in 1904-5. By D. Christison. Relics des- cribed by Joseph Anderson; plans taken by Thomas Ross, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 259-322.) CPA Clark, John Henry Gilchrist. Notes on a gold lunette found at Auchentaggart, Dumfriesshire, and a massive silver chain found at Whitecleugh, Lanarkshire. 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 222-224.) CPA Clarke, William Bruce. Notice of ex- cavations in the Borness cave in the sum- mer of 1874; supplementary to previous notice; with plans and photographs. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceeds ings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 305-309.) CPA Final report on the Borness cave exploration. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 669-681.) CPA Cleland, John. Account of osseous re- mains from rock-shelter at Hunterston. (Ayr and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation. Archaeological and historical col- lections. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 2, p. 91-100.) fCA See also Cochran-Patrick, Robert William, and John Cleland. Clouston, Robert Stewart. Notice of the excavation of a chambered cairn of the stone age, at Unstan, in the loch of Sten- nis, Orkney. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 341-351.) CPA Cochran-Patrick, Robert William. Ayr- shire duns. No. 1. Dunvin. 1 pi. (Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation. Archaeological and historical col- lections. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 2, p. 109-110.) fCA Note on some bronze weapons, im- plements, and ornaments, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 95-98.) CPA Note on some excavations in a rock-shelter on the Ayrshire coast. (Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 63 Archaeology, continued. ciation. Archaeological and historical col- lections. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 2, p. 89-90.) t CA Note on some explorations in a tu- mulus called the "Courthill," in the parish of Dairy and county of Ayr. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10. p. 281-285.) CPA 1 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 55-60.) f CA Reprint of preceding article, with additional illus- trations. Notice of some antiquities recently discovered in north Ayrshire. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 385-387.) CPA Cochran-Patrick, Robert William, and John Cleland. Note on some excavations in a rock-shelter on the Ayrshire coast. With a report on the osseous remains from the rock-shelter, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 348- 360.) CPA Cole, E. Maule. On a Pictish burgh near Lerwick, illus. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 83-87.) CA Coles, Frederick R. Cup and ring- marked rocks: Stronach Ridge, Brodick. 1 pi. (In: Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 156- 162.) CDA The motes, forts, and doons in the east and west divisions of the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 92-182.) CPA The motes, forts, and doons of the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 352- 396.) CPA The motes, forts, and doons of the stewartry of Kirkcudbrightshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 26, p. 117-170.) CPA — — Notes on the fortified site on Kaimes Hill. 1 illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 269-274.) CPA Notes on a stone circle in Wig- townshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 90-94.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a cist with a double burial at Ratho quarry, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 44-50.) CPA _ Notice of the discovery of a cist of the early iron age, on the estate of Moredun, near Gilmerton. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 427-438.) CPA Notice of the discovery of cists containing urns at Succoth Place, near Garscube Terrace, Edinburgh. 4 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 670-674.) . CPA Notice of the discovery of a small cup-shaped urn, of a variety hitherto un- known in Scotland, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 204-206.) CPA Notice of the exploration of the remains of a cairn of the bronze age at Gourlaw, Midlothian, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 411-418.) CPA • Notices of (1) the camp at Mont- goldrum and other antiquities in Kincar- dineshire; (2) a stone circle called the Harestanes in Peeblesshire; (3) a cairn and standing stones at Old Liston, and other standing stones in Midlothian and Fife; (4) some hitherto undescribed cup- and ring-marked stones; and (5) recent dis- coveries of urns, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 193-232.) CPA Notices (1) of the discovery of bronze age urns on the Braid Hills; and (2) of the discovery of a cist and urn near Portpatrick, Wigtownshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 489-493.) CPA Notices (i.) of the discovery of a cist and bronze blade at Letham quarry Perth; (n.) of the standing stones at High Auchenlarie, Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 181-188.) CPA Notices of the discovery of a cist and urns at Juniper Green, and of a cist at the Cunninghar, Tillicoultry, and of some undescribed cup-marked stones, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries, of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 354-372.) CPA • Notices of rock-hewn caves in the valley of the Esk and other parts of Scot- land, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of 64 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 265-301.) CPA Notices of standing stones, cists, and hitherto unrecorded cup- and ring- marks in various localities, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 291-3270 A record of the cup- and ring- markings in the stewartry of Kirkcud- bright, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 67-91.) CPA Record of the excavation of two stone circles in Kincardineshire — (1) in Garrol Wood, Durris; (2) in Glassel Wood, Banchory-Ternan; and (u.) Report on stone circles in Aberdeenshire, with measured plans and drawings, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 190-218.) CPA A record of the kistvaens found in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright. 24 illus. (Reliquary. London, 1897. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 1-19.) CA Report on stone circles in Aber- deenshire (Inverurie, eastern parishes, and Insch districts), with measured plans and drawings... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 488-581.) CPA Report on stone circles in Kin- cardineshire (north) and part of Aber- deenshire, with measured plans and draw- ings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 139-198.) CPA Report on the stone circles of the north-east of Scotland — the Buchan dis- trict — with measured plans and drawings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 256-305.) CPA — — ■ Report on the stone circles of the north-east of Scotland, Inverurie district, obtained under the Gunning fellowship, with measured plans and drawings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 187-248.) CPA Report on the stone circles of north-eastern Scotland, chiefly in Auchter- less and Forgue, with measured plans and drawings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 82-142.) CPA Report on stone circles in Perth- shire, principally Strathearn; with meas- ured plans and drawings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 46-116.) CPA • Report on stone circles surveyed in the north-east of Scotland, chiefly in Banffshire, with measured plans and draw- ings... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 164-206.) CPA Report on stone circles surveyed in the north-east of Scotland (Banffshire and Moray), with measured plans and drawings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 130-172.) CPA Report on stone circles surveyed in Perthshire (south-east district), with measured plans and drawings. 28. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 117-168.) CPA Report on stone circles surveyed in Perthshire — north-eastern section; with measured plans and drawings. 59 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 95-162.) CPA Report on stone circles surveyed in Perthshire (south-east district), with measured plans and drawings. 28 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 93-130.) CPA The "stone circle" at Holywood, Dumfriesshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 84-90.) CPA The stone circles of the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 301-316.) CPA Collections relative to vitrified sites. [Edited by Samuel Hibbert.] 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archjeo- logia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 183-201, 280-297.) t CPA Constable, George W. Notice of the excavation of Harelaw cairn, on the es- tate of Glencraig, Fifeshire. 1 illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25. p. 69-72.) CPA Notice of further excavations in Harelaw cairn, Fifeshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 26, p. 114-117.) CPA Copland, Alexander. An account of an ancient mode of sepulture in Scotland. 1 pi. (Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs. Manchester, 1793. 8°. v. 4, part 1, p. 217-234.) * EC On the combustion of dead bodies, as formerly practised in Scotland. (Liter- ary and Philosophical Society of Manches- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 65 Archaeology, continued. ter. Memoirs. Manchester, 1796. 8°. v. 4, part 2, p. 330-345.) * EC Corrie, Adam J., and others. On a cave containing bones and objects of human workmanship, at Borness, Kirkcudbright- shire. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 476-499.) CPA Corrie, John. Notice of the discovery of a stone-age cist in a large cairn at Stroan- freggan, parish of Dairy, Kirkcudbright- shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 428-434.) CPA Coughtrey, Millen. Notes on mate- rials found in a kitchen midden at Hills- wick, Shetland, with special reference to long-handled combs. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 118-151.) CPA Cramond, William. Notes on tumuli in Cullen district; and notice of the discovery of two urns at Foulford, near Cullen. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 216-223.) CPA Cree, James Edward. Notice of the ex- cavation of a hut-circle, near Ackergill Tower, Wick, Caithness, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 181-186.) CPA Notice of the excavation of two caves, with remains of early iron age oc- cupation, on the estate of Archerfield, Dirleton. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 243-268.) CPA Notice of a prehistoric kitchen midden and superimposed mediaeval stone floor found at Tusculum, North Berwick. 4 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 253-294.) CPA Cree, James Edward, and J. S. Richard- son. Notice of the discovery of a bronze- age cist and urn in the West Links, North Berwick. With notes on the bones found in the cist, by J. Frank Crombie. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 393-400.) CPA Cunningham, James Henry. Notes on the "Chesters," a fort near Drem. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 267-269.) CPA Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Description of the fortifications on Ruberslaw, Rox- burghshire and notices of Roman remains found there, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 219-232.) CPA Exploration of a chambered cairn at Achaidh, Spinningdale, in the parish of Creich, Sutherland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 104-111.) CPA Note of excavations on Ruberslaw, Roxburghshire, supplementary to the de- scription of the fortifications thereon, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 451-453.) CPA Notice of the examination of pre- historic kitchen middens on the Archer- field estate, near Gullane, Haddington- shire, in November, 1907. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 308-319.) CPA Notice of some excavation on the tort occupying the summit of Bonchester Hill, parish of Hobkirk, Roxburghshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 225-236.) CPA On the examination of two hut cir- cles in the strath of Kildonan, Sutherland- shire, one of which has an earth house an- nexed, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 18-26.) CPA See also Ewart, Edward, and A. O. Curle. Curie, James. Notes on two brochs re- cently discovered at Bow, Midlothian and Torwoodlee, Selkirkshire. 1 pi. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 68-84.) CPA Cursiter, James Walls. Notice of the bronze weapons of Orkney and Shetland, and of an iron age deposit found in a cist at Moan, Harray. illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 339-346.) CPA Notice of a stone cist of unusual type found at Crantit near Kirkwall, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 215-217.) CPA Notices (1) of a bronze dagger, with its handle of horn, recently found in the island of Rousay, and (2) of an in- scription in tree-runes, recently discovered on a stone in the stone circle of Stennis, Orkney, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 74-78.) CPA The Scottish brochs, their age and « destruction. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness (1902,. 8°. v. 5, p. 225-226.) * EC 66 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Dalrymple, Charles Elphinstone. Ac- count of the opening of a cairn on the es- tate of Pittodrie, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 276-278.) Notes of the examination of a cran- nog in the Black Loch, anciently called "Loch Inch Cryndil," Wigtownshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 388-392.) CPA Notes of the excavation of the stone circle at Crichie, Aberdeenshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 319-32S.) CPA Notes of the excavation of two shell-mounds on the eastern coast of Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 423-426.) CPA Davidson, C. B. Notice of further stone kists found at Broomend, near the Inver- urie paper-mills, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 115-118.) CPA Donnelly, W. A. The mound dwellings of Auchingaich. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 363-367.) CA Drummond, James. Notice of the Clach- a-Charra, a stone of memorial at Onich, in Lochaber. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 328-332.) CPA Dryden, Sir Henry. An account of a circular building and other ancient re- mains discovered in South Uist. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 124-127.) CPA • Notes on the brochs or Pictish towers of Mousa, Clickamin, &c, in Shet- land, illustrative of part of the series of plans and sections deposited in the library of the society. 6 pi. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 199-212.) tCPA Notice of the burg of Mousa in Shetland. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 123-124.) CPA Duff, Edward Gordon. Notice of shell- mounds at Lossiemouth. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 31-32.) CPA Duncan, James Dalrymple. Note re- garding the ancient canoe recently dis- covered in the bed of the Clyde above the Albert bridge. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 121-130.) CPA Note regarding cinerary urns re- cently discovered at Uddingston. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 337-340.) CPA Notes on the broch at Tapock, Torwood, Stirlingshire. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 398^104.) CPA Dundas, Joseph. Notes on the excava- tion of an ancient building at Tapock, in the Torwood, parish of Dunipace, county of Stirling. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 259-265.) CPA Duns, John. Jottings in Mid-Lochaber. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 49-56.) CPA Notes on Easter Ross. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 165-169.) CPA Notes on North Mull, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17. p. 79-89, 337-350.) CPA Notes on some articles exhibited to the meeting, viz. — a bronze spear-head, a small unlooped socketed celt, a sword- shaped stone from Shetland, and a tripod bronze pot. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 168-171.) CPA Notes on two stone hammers ex- hibited to the meeting, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 334- 336.) CPA One found near Duns Castle, Berwickshire, the other at Westhills, near the Solway, Dumfriesshire. On the occurrence of prismatic structure in the stones of Scottish vitrified forts. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 258-263.) *EC On stone implements from Shet- land, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 241-246.) CPA Edmonston, Thomas. Notes on some re- cent excavations in the island of Unst, Shetland, and of the collection of stone vessels, implements, etc., thus obtained for the society's museum. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 283-287.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 67 Archaeology, continued. Eeles, Francis Carolus. Note of a cist and urn found at Glasterberry, near Peter- culter, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 627-628.) CPA Ellis, Sir Henry. Observations upon an ancient bracelet of bronze, found upon the sand-hills near Altyre, on the coast of Murrayshire. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of London. Archteologia. Lon- don, 1829. 4°. v. 22, p. 285-293.) t CA Evans, Sir John. Note on a bronze buckler found on Lugtonridge farm, in the parish of Beith. illus. (Ayrshire and Gal- loway Archaeological Association. Archre- ological and historical collections. Edin- burgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 66-73.) f CA Ewart, Edward, and A. O. Curle. No- tice of the examination of a cairn and in- terments of the early iron age at the Black Rocks, Gullane, Haddingtonshire, on 14th March 1908. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 332-341.) CPA Farrer, James. The knowe of Save- rough. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1862. 8°. v. 213, p. 601-604.) * DA Reprinted in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, v. 5, p. 10-12. Edinburgh, 1865. Note of excavations in Sanday, one of the north isles of Orkney, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 398-401.) CPA Note respecting various articles in bronze and stone; found in Orkney, and now presented to the museum. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 103-105.) CPA Notice of a "burgh," recently opened in the island of Burray, Orkney. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 5-6.) CPA Ferguson, William. Notes on some col- lections of flint implements from Buchan, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 507-518.) CPA Fergusson, James. On the Norwegian origin of Scottish brochs. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 630-669.) CPA Fleming, David Hay. Notice of the re- cent discovery of a cist with fragments of urns and a jet necklace, at Law Park, near St. Andrews; with a note of the discovery, near the same place, of a cremation ceme- tery of the bronze age, with many cinerary urns, in 1859. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 401-414.) CPA Fleming, John. Note on a stone-built fort overlooking Borgadail Glen, near the Mull of Kintyre. illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 611-613.) CPA Notices of three stone forts in Kintyre. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 360-365.) CPA Forbes, James D. Notice respecting a vitrified fort at Carradale in Argyleshire. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 94-100.) OA With autograph pencil notes on the margins by Dr. Samuel Hibbert. Forman, Robert. Account of a recent discovery of stone cists, containing urns and human bones, in the farm of Windy- mains, parish of Humbie, Haddington- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8". v. 3, p. 50-52.) CPA Forrest, James. Notice of the Gallow Hill, Auchterless, and of circular founda- tions and tumuli, and various relics dis- covered there. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 157-161.) CPA Fotheringham, W. Notes on the old Crosskirk at Quendale in Dunrossness, Shetland, and its monumental stones, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 173-180.) CPA Foulis, Sir James. Observations on the origin of the Duni Pacis. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 121- 124.) t CPA Fraser, James. The Callernish stones, Lewis. 3 pi. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 103-111.) *EC Descriptive notes on the stone cir- cles of Strathnairn and neighbourhood of Inverness. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 360-379.) * EC Descriptive notes on the stone cir- cles of Strathnairn and neighbourhood of Inverness, with plans, &c. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 328- 362.) CPA Note on stone implement found in the parish of Croy. illus. (Inverness Sci- 68 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. entific Society and Field Club. Transac- tions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 177- 180.) * EC Vitrified fort of Knockfarrel. 1 pi. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 288-291.) *EC Galloway, Alexander. Memorandum as to objects found in a small tumulus on the lands of Blochairn, Baldernock parish, opened August 4, 1859. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°; v. 1, p. 227-23S.) CPA Galloway, William. Notice of a camp on the Midhill-head, on the estate of Borthwick Hall, in the parish of Heriot, Midlothian, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 254-260.) CPA Notice of two cists at Lunan-head, near Forfar, containing remains of un- burnt skeletons, &c. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 288-300.) CPA Garden, James. Letter to John Aubrey, on the circular stone monuments in Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1779. 4°. v. 1, 2. ed., p. 314-321.) t CA Garland, Robert. Notice of a kitchen midden at Craig of Boyne, Banffshire. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 290-292.) CPA Gemmill, William. On the discovery of . late glacial implements in the Rhins of Galloway. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 322-333.) * EC Gillon, William. Note on a pair of iron shears and a hone stone, found on the site of the crannog of Lochlea, near Kilmar- nock. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 247-248.) CPA Gordon, George. The "Kjokken-M6d- dinger" of Denmark and their similitudes on the Elginshire coast. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 84-92.) * EC Goudie, Gilbert. Excavation of a Pic- tish tower in Shetland. 9 illus. (Illustrated archaeologist. London, 1894. 4°. v. 1, p 137-149.) CA The broch of Clumlie, Dunrossness. • Notice of excavations in a broch and adjacent tumuli near Levenwick, in the parish of Dunrossness, Zetland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1873. 212-219.) sq. 8° v. 9, p. CPA Notice of some recent brough ex- cavations in Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 246-253.) CPA Gow, James Mackintosh. Holiday notes in Athole, Perthshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 382-387.) . CPA Holiday notes in Cowal, Argyll- shire, and in Arran, 1888. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 106-108.) CPA Notes in Balquhidder: Saint Angus, curing wells, cup marked stones, &c. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 83-88.) CPA Notes near St. Fillans: cup-marked stones, old burying grounds at Kindrochet and Drumnakill, curing stone or charm, and notice of a flint knife found on the farm of North Pet, Tarland, Aberdeen- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 23-26.) CPA ■ Notice of stone circles and cup- marked stones in Strathbraan, Perthshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 41-45.) CPA Grant, Angus. Notice of the opening of a sepulchral cairn at Balnalick, Glen Urqu- hart, Inverness-shire; with notes on cup- marked stones in Glen Urquhart. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 42-51.) CPA Old enclosures in Glen-Urquhart. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 269-273.) * EC Gray, Alexander. Notice of the discov- ery of a cinerary urn of the bronze age, and of worked flints underneath it, at Dalaruan; also of an old flint working- place in the 30-foot raised beach at Mil- knowe, Campbeltown. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 263-274.) . CPA Gray, H. St. George. Excavations near Forglen House on the borders of Aber- deenshire and Banffshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 275-285.) CPA Greenwell, William. An account of ex- cavations in cairns near Crinan. 1 pi. (So- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 69 Archaeology, continued. ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 336-3S1.) CPA Gregory, Donald. Notes regarding vari- ous remains of antiquity, both of the earlier and middle ages, observed during a recent visit to the Hebrides. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch^eologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 362-365.) f CPA Grieve, David. Notes on the shell heaps near Inveravon, Linlithgowshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 45-52.) CPA On the discovery of a kitchen mid- den on Inchkeith. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 452-455.) CPA Grieve, Symington. On the Crystal Spring cavern, Colonsay. illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 351-364.) CPA Preliminary note on the discovery of a bone cave at the island of Colonsay. n. p. [18—?] 318-324 p. 8°. * C p.v. 690 Grigor, John. Further explorations of the ancient lake dwellings in the Loch of the Clans, on the estate of Kilravock, Nairnshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 332-335.) CPA Notice of the remains of two an- cient lake-dwellings or crannoges, in the Loch of the Clans, on the estate of James Rose, of Kilravock, Nairnshire. 1 plan. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 116-119.) CPA Haggart, D. Notice of the discovery of cup- and ring-sculpturings at Duncrosk, near the falls of Lochay, in Glenlochay. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 92-93.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a stone cup and cup-marked stones at Lochearn- head. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 282-283.) CPA Hamilton, Edward. Vitrified forts on the west coast of Scotland. 2 pi. (Archae- ological journal. Londdn, 1880. 8°. v. 37, p. 227-243.) CA Hamilton, George. Notice of additional groups of carvings of cups and circles on rock surfaces at High Banks, Kirkcud- brightshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 125-130.) CPA Notice of the excavation of two cairns containing cist's and urns, at Wood- field, on the farm of Highbanks, parish of Kirkcudbright, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 24-28.) CPA ■ Notices of rock-sculpturings of cups and circles in Kirkcudbrightshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 151-160.) CPA H n, A . Account of an an- cient stone coffin. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1792. 16°. v. 7, p. 246-247.) * DE At Kirkcudbright. Contents described. Harvey, James. Notes on some unde- scribed cup-marked rocks at Duntocher, Dumbartonshire, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 130-137.) CPA Hay, William Waring. Description of two ancient camps on the estate of Hay Newton of Newton, East Lothian. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archa:- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 301-305.) f CPA Hewison, James King. On the prehis- toric forts of the island of Bute. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 281-293.) CPA Hibbert, Samuel. The most ancient form in which gold was made use of in Scot- land as the currency money of the times. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edin- burgh, 1830. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 294- 297.) OA On gold ornaments found at Leys, Inverness-shire. Hibbert was in error in considering the objects as money. Notice of the discovery of very ex- tensive vitrified remains at Elsness, in the island of Sanday, Orkney. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1831. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 309-318.) OA A summary of this article was published in the Monthly American journal of geology, v. 1, p. 506- 508, Philadelphia, 1832. Observations on the theories which have been proposed to explain the vitrified forts of Scotland, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 160- 182.) t CPA Reprinted from Archaologia Scotica, v. 4, part 1 (issued in 1831), in the Edinburgh journal of science, new series, v. 5, p. 285-308, Edinburgh, 1831. The illustrations are omitted in the reprint. Home, David Milne. Account of a sub- terranean building found near Broom- house, Edrom, Berwickshire, illus. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 20-26.) CPA 70 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Notice of a number of circular stone huts, surrounded by a thick stone wall, enclosing one and a half acres, called the Harefaulds, in Lauder parish, Ber- wickshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 465-472.) CPA Honeyman, John. Note on a vitrified fort at Rhufresean, Ardmarnock, Argyll- shire. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 340-342.) CPA Remarks on the construction of vitrified forts. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 29-34.) CPA Home, John. A bone cave in Suther- landshire. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inver- ness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 118-119.) * EC Home, John, and Benjamin Neeve Peach. Notes on a shell mound at Tongue Ferry, Sutherlandshire. (Inverness Sci- entific Society and Field Club. Transac- tions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 29- 35.) *EC Horsburgh, James. Notes of cromlechs, duns, hut-circles, chambered cairns, and other remains, in the county of Suther- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 271-279.) CPA Howden, James C. On a bone cave at Lower Warburton, Kincardineshire. (Roy- al Physical Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3. p. 368-375.) * EC Hunt, James. On the influence of some kinds of peat in destroying the human body, as shown by the discovery of human remains buried in peat in the Zetland is- lands. (Anthropological Society of Lon- don. Memoirs. London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 364-372.) QOA Hunter, Douglas Gordon. Notice of an ancient fort at Greenford, near Arbroath. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 112-117.) CPA Hunter, James. Description of pit dwellings at Dilly-Mcenan and the Miaave Craig, Tarlair, near Macduff, Banffshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 465-471.) CPA Notes of early remains on the farm of Knaughland, Rothiemay. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 524-525.) CPA Hutcheson, Alexander. Notes on the stone circle near Kenmore and of some hill forts in the neighbourhood of Aber- feldy, Perthshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 356-367.) CPA Notice of a burial place of the bronze age at Barnhill, near Broughty Ferry, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°: v. 21, p. 316-324.) CPA ■ Notice of the discovery of a burial- place of the bronze age on the hill of West Mains of Auchterhouse, the property of D. S. Cowans, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 205-220.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a cin- erary urn at Gauldry, Fifeshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 330-331.) CPA • Notice of the discovery of a full- length stone cist containing human re- mains and a penannular brooch, at Crai- gie, near Dundee. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 233-240.) CPA • Notice of the discovery of the re- mains of an earth-house at Barnhill, Perth, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 541-547.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a series of cairns and cists, and urns of the bronze age, at Battle Law, Naughton, Fifeshire... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 301-309.) CPA Notice of the discovery of stone coffins at Auchterhouse. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 393-396.) CPA Notice of the discovery of two stone coffins at Pitkerro, with notes on the chronological sequence of stone cists. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 317-324.) CPA — ■ — Notice of the discovery of urns at Mill of Marcus, near Brechin, Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 470-472.) CPA Notice of the exploration of a cairn of the bronze age at Greenhill, in the parish of Balmerino, Fifeshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 635-653.) CPA Hutchison, Robert. Notice of stone- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 71 Archaeology, continued. cists discovered near the "Catstane," Kirk- liston. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 184-194.) CPA Innes, Cosmo. Notice of a tomb on the hill of Roseisle, Morayshire, recently opened; also of the chambered cairns and stone circles at Clava, on Nairnside. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 46-50.) CPA Suggestions of objects of archae- ological interest in the west of Scotland. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 309- 325.) CPA Irvine, James T. Notes on sepulchral cairns discovered by the blowing of sand on the Sands of Bracon; and on the sculp- tured stone discovered at South Garth, island of Yell, Shetland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 171-174.) CPA On the brough of Clickimin, in the loch of Clickimin, near Lerwick, Mainland of Shetland. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1866. 8°. v. 22, p. 369-375.) CA Notes on some pre-historic burial- places and standing stones in the island of Yell, Shetland, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 215-219.) CPA Irving, George Vere. Notes of an ex- amination of "The Devil's dyke in Dum- friesshire." (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 189-195.) CPA On the ancient camps of the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire. 3 pi. (Bri- tish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1855. 8°. v. 10, p. 1-32.) CA Jamieson, John. An account of some remains of antiquity in Forfarshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archae- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 14-30.) t CPA On ancient sepulture; with an ac- count of an urn presented to the society. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 76-102.) t CPA The urn was found at Torcraik in the parish of Borthwick. On the vitrified forts of Scotland. (Royal Society of Literature. Transac- tions. London, 1834. 4°. v. 2, p. 227-251.) *EC Jamieson, Thomas F. On some remains of the stone period in the Buchan district of Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 240-245.) CPA Jervise, Andrew. Account of the dis- covery of a circular group of cinerary urns and human bones at Westwood, near New- port, on the Tay. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 388-394.) CPA An account of the excavation of the round or "bee-hive" shaped house and other underground chambers, at West Grange on Conan, Forfarshire. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 492-499.) CPA Account of excavations at Hurley Hawkin. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 210-217.) CPA Note on the "Eirde house" at Culsh, in Tarland, Aberdeenshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 283-284.) CPA Notice of the "Eirde house," or underground chamber, at Migvie, Aber- deenshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 304-306.) CPA Notice regarding a "Pict's house," and some other antiquities in the parish of Tealing, Forfarshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 287-293.) CPA Notice of stone cists and an urn, found near Arbroath, Forfarshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 100-102.) CPA ■ Notice of a stone coffin which con- tained an urn and jet ornaments discovered near Pitkennedy, parish of Aberlemno, Forfarshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 78-79.) CPA Notices of a Pict's house, or un- derground chamber, at Murroes, near Dundee; and of stone cists found at Fal- lows, in Monikie. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 164-167.) CPA Joass, James Maxwell. The brochs, or "Pictish towers" of Cinn-Trolla, Carn- Liath, and Craig-Carril, in Sutherland, with notes on other northern brochs. With report ( p. 118-130] upon the crania found in and about them, by T. Aitken. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 95-130.) tCPA 72 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Note on cup-marked stones in Sutherlandshire, in a letter to Dr. Arthur Mitchell. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 4°. v. S, p. 240-241.) CPA Note of five kists found under a tumulus on the glebe of the parish of Eddertoun, Ross, and of a kist within a circle of standing stones in the same neigh- bourhood. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 268-269.) CPA Notes of the discovery of a neck- lace of beads and plates of shale and jet, along with flint arrow heads, found in a cist under a small tumulus at Torrish, Kil- donan, Sutherlandshire. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 408-411.) CPA Notes on some northern antiquities. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 386-388.) CPA Notes of various antiquities in Ross and Sutherland. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 327.) CPA Notes of various objects of an- tiquity in Strathnaver. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. S, p. 357-360.) CPA ■ Notice of a cist and its contents in the parish of Eddartoun, Ross-shire, re- cently opened. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 311-315.) CPA Notice of the discovery of cists containing urns and burned bones at Tor- ran Dubh, near Tain. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 418-419.) CPA ■ Two days' diggings in Sutherland. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8° v 5, p. 242-247.) CPA Excavation of broch of Kintradwell, etc. Johnson, Randall J., joint author. See Bruce-Clarke, William, and Randall J. Johnson. Johnston, David. Notice of the discov- ery of a pre-historic burial-place at Quarff, Shetland, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 340-344.) CPA Jolly, William. Notes on bronze weap- ons and other remains found near Pool- ewe, Ross-shire, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 45-49.) CPA Notice of the excavation and con- tents of ancient graves at Dalmore, Alness, Ross-shire. By W. Jolly. With notes on the crania. By Thomas Aitken, M.D. il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 252-264.) CPA On cup-marked stones in the neigh- bourhood of Inverness. With an appendix on cup-marked stones in the Western is- lands, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 300-401.) CPA Keddie, William. On the remains of a vitrified fort, or site, in the island of Cum- brae, with notes on the vitrified forts of Berigonium, Glen Nevis, Craig Phadrick, Portencross, and Bute. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 236-255.) CPA Kennedy, Alexander. Notice respecting an ancient ship discovered in a garden at Stranraer, in Galloway. (Edinburgh phil- osophical journal. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 8, p. 36-37.) OA (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 51-52.) fCPA Kennedy, William Norman. Remarks on the ancient barrier called "The Catrail," with plans. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 117-121.) CPA Kerr, Cathel. Notice of the excavation of a chambered cairn in the parish of Farr, Sutherlandshire. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 65-67.) CPA Kerr, R. N. Notice of a burial cist found on the farm of Magdalen's, Kirkton. on the estate of Balmuir, near Dundee. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, P- 37.) CPA King, William Ross. Note on a Scottish bronze javelin of an uncommon, type, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, P- 89-91.) CPA Note on various stone relics found in Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings'. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 101-102.) CPA Notes on querns, with special ref- erence to one of unusual form found in a moss near the Meikle Loch, Aberdeen- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 73 Archaeology, continued. land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 419-424.) CPA Kinghorn, George. Notes on the dis- covery of a deposit of polished stone axes and oval knives of porphyry, etc., at Modesty, near Bridge of Walls, Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 48-54.) CPA Laidley, J. YV. Notice of an ancient structure and remains from a "kitchen- midden," on an isolated rock near Seacliff, East Lothian, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8. p. 372-377.) CPA Laing, Alexander. Notice of an "Eirde house" or underground building recently discovered at Pirnie, now Ashgrove, in the parish of Werayss. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 532-534.) CPA Laing, Samuel. On the age of the burgs or "brochs" and some other prehistoric remains of Orkney and Caithness, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 56-100.) CPA Lamb, George. Cup-marked stone found near Edinburgh. 2 illus. (Reliquary. London, 1897. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 231- 232.) CA Lanarkshire antiquities. 9 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1861. 8°. v. 17, p. 18-21, 110-112, 208- 211.) CA Descriptive notes on prehistoric objects in the collection of the late Adam Sim of Culter Maynes. The entire collection is now in the Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh. Lang, Andrew. The Clyde mystery: a study in forgeries and folklore. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905. xii, 141 p., 9 pi. 12°. CP Dumbuck and Dumbuie. (Reliqua- ry. London, 1901. 4°. v. 7, p. 142-144.) CA Repr.: Glasgow Herald. Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Description of a remarkable bronze relic found near the estuary of the river Findhorn, in the possession of Lady Cumming of Altyre. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 99-102.) t CPA An abstract of this paper is published in the Edinburgh journal of science, v. 7, p. 214-217, Ed- inburgh, 1827. Lawson, Alexander. Notes of urns and sepulchral monuments discovered at vari- ous times in the parish of Creich, Fife- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 401-407.) CPA Lefroy, Sir John Henry. Notice of the excavation of a circular chamber at Ta- pock, in the Torwood, Stirlingshire. 4 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1867. 8°. v. 24, p. 39-44.) CA Lewis, A. L. Stone circles near Aber- deen. 1 pi. (Anthropological Institute of Great Britain. Journal. London, 1888. 8°. v. 17, p. 44-57.) QOA The stone circles of Cornwall and of Scotland. A comparison, illus. (Royal Institute of Cornwall. Journal. Truro, 1901. 8°. v. 14, p. 378-383.) * EC The stone circles of Scotland. (Anthropological Institute of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. Journal. London, 1900. 4°. v. 30, p. 56-73.) QOA illus. Chicago, 1901. 8° (American antiquarian, v. 23, p. 199-203.) IAA Linton, Hercules. Notice of a collec- tion of flint arrow-heads and bronze and iron relics from the site of an ancient set- tlement recently discovered in the Culbin Sands, near Findhorn, Morayshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 543-546.) CPA Logan, James. Observations on several circles of stones in Scotland, presumed to be Druidical. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquar- ies of London. Archaeologia. London, 1829. 4°. v. 22, p. 198-203.) t CA In Aberdeenshire. Observations on several monu- mental stones in the north of Scotland. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1829. 4°. v. 22, p. 55-58.) f CA Loney, John W. M. Notice of a group of long graves, stone-lined, near the source of the water of North Esk. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 60-76.) CPA Love, Robert. Notices of the several openings of a cairn on Cuffhill; of various antiquities in the barony of Beith; and of a crannog in the loch of Kilbirnie, Ayr- shire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 272-297.) CPA Low, Alexander, joint author. See Bryce, Thomas Hastie, and Alexander Low. Lowe, George. Notice of a cemetery of graves and cinerary urns of the bronze age recently discovered at " Kirkpark, Musselburgh. With notes on the urns, by Joseph Anderson, illus. (Society of 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 62-78.) CPA Lowson, William. Notes of a small cemetery of cists and urns at Magdalen Bridge, near Joppa. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 419-429.) CPA Lynn, Francis. Notes of the discovery of cists and urns at Longcroft, Lauder- dale, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 32-35.) CPA A survey of the Catrail. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 62-90.) CPA M., J. Account of some discoveries made at the vitrified fort on the hill of Finhaven, near Forfar. (Edinburgh mag- azine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. S, p. 125-130.) * DE Macadam, Stevenson. See Smith, John Alexander. Notice of bronze celts or axe heads. Macadam, William Ivison. Notes on ancient structures in the islands of Seil and Luing, and in the Garbh island; with preliminary notice of the north fort of Luing. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 23-29.) CPA M'Arthur, John. On the rude unsculp- tured monoliths and ancient fortifications of the island of Arran. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1859. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 59-64.) OA M'Bain, James. Description of the bones found in a "Pict's house" in the island of Harris... (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 207-209.) * EC • Notice of various osteological re- mains found in a "Pict's house" in the island of Harris. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 141-142.) * EC M'Crie, George M. Notice of the dis- covery of an urn of steatite in one of five tumuli excavated at Corquoy, in the island of Rousay, Orkney, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v 15, p. 71-73.) CPA MacCulloch, John. Remarks on the vit- rified forts of Scotland. 1 pi. (Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. London, 1814 4°. v. 2, p\ 255-274.) PTA M'Culloch, William Thomson. Notes respecting two bronze shields recently purchased for the museum of the society; and other bronze shields. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 165-168.) CPA Notice of coffins (formed of stone slabs) found on the farm of Milton, Had- dingtonshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 503-506.) CPA Macdonald, James. Illustrated notices of the ancient bronze implements of Ayr- shire, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 47-54.) t CA Illustrated notices of the ancient stone implements of Ayrshire. illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and histori- cal collections. Edinburgh, 1882. 4°. v. 3, p. 66-81.) tCA Notices of ancient urns found in the cairns and barrows of Ayrshire, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeolo- gical Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 31-54.) fCA Macdougall, A. J. Notice of the excava- tion of a rock-shelter at Dunollie, Oban. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 181-182.) CPA Macgown, John. Ancient sepulture in Cumbrae. 5 pi. (Glasgow Archaeologi- cal Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 114-120.) CPA M'Hardy, A. B. On vitrified forts, with results of experiments as to the probable manner in which their vitrifaction may have been produced, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 136- 150.) CPA Mackay, Angus. Notes on a slab with incised crescentic design, stone mould for casting bronze spear-heads, a cup-marked stone, holy-water stoup, and other an- tiquities in Strathnaver, Sutherlandshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 128-133.) CPA Notice of two flanged palstaves of bronze, from Craig-a-Bhodaich, Farr, Sutherland, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 240-242.) CPA Mackay, James. Notice of the excava- tion of the broch of Ousdale, Caithness, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 351-357.) CPA Mackay, Mackintosh. Description of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 75 Archaeology, continued. the hill fort of Dun-da-Laimh, in the par- ish of Laggan, district of Badenoch, In- verness-shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 305-312.) f CPA Mackenzie, Colin. An account of some remains of antiquity in the island of Lewis, one of the Hebrides. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archse- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 282-292.) t CPA Mackenzie, Major Colin. Notice of a cist with an urn and strike-light of flint and pyrites, at Flowerburn, Ross-shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 352-370.) CPA Mackenzie, Sir George Steuart. A let- ter to Sir Walter Scott. . .containing ob- servations on the vitrified forts and a review of what has been addressed to Sir Walter on these singular remains, by Dr. Macculloch, in his recent publications on the Highlands... Edinburgh: Waugh & Inness, 1824. 1 p.l., 58 p., 1 plan. 8°. * C p.v. 422 Mackenzie, James B. Notes on some cup-marked stones and rocks near Ken- more, and their folk-lore, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 325-334.) CPA Notes on a stone circle at Green- land, parish of Kenmore, and a grave-slab in the burying-ground of the Macnabs at Killin. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 271-277.) CPA Notice of the discovery of incised cup- and ring-sculpturings at Braes of Bal- loch near Taymouth castle, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 94-95.) CPA Notice of two stone axes, one or- namented with an incised interlaced pat- tern, found at Balnahannait, Loch Tay. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 310-313.) CPA Mackenzie, W. M. Notes on certain structures of archaic type in the island of Lewis — beehive houses, duns, and stone circles, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 173-204.) CPA Mackenzie, William. Notices (1) of a cist, with "food-vessel" urn, at Easter Moy, and (2) of a prehistoric cairn on Callachy Hill, in the Black Isle, Ross-shire... 3 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 66-73.) CPA M'Kinlay, Donald. Notice of the ex- ploration of a cairn at Coraphin Glen, Ar- gyllshire, containing a cist with a cinerary urn. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 434-436.) CPA Mackinlay, John. An account of "The Dane's Dyke," an ancient camp at Fife- ness. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 209-211.) CPA Description of a cairn in the island of Bute. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 180-182.) CPA Notice of two "crannoges" or pal- lisaded islands in Bute, with plans. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 43-46.) CPA Mackintosh, Galloway. Notice of the ex- cavation of a sepulchral tumulus called the Law, in the parish of Urquhart, Elginshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 67-68.) CPA Mackintosh, James. Antiquities of Glen- Urquhart. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888j. 8°. v. 2, p. 165-168.) * EC Abstract. Maclagan, Miss Christian. Notes on the sculptured caves near Dysart, in Fife, il- lustrated by drawings of the sculptures. 2 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 107-120.) CPA On the round castles and ancient dwellings of the valley of the Forth, and its tributary the Teith. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 29-44.) CPA M'Lauchlan, Thomas. Notice of mono- liths in the island of Mull. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 46-52.) CPA Macmillan, Hugh. Notice of cup-marked stones near Aberfeldy. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 109-128.) CPA Notice of two boulders having rain- filled cavities on the shores of Loch Tay, formerly associated with the cure of dis- ease, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 369-376.) CPA Macnaughton, Allan. Notes on further excavations of the South Fort, Luing, Argyllshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 375-380.) CPA 76 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Macpherson, Norman. Notes on anti- quities from the island of Eigg. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 577-597.) CPA Macrae, Donald. Notice of some unre- corded sculptured stones at Eddarton, Ross-shire, and at Foss, Perthshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 398-402.) CPA MacRitchie, David. An Aberdeenshire mound-dwelling, illus. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 135-139.) CA The cave at Airlie. illus. (Anti- quary. London, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 205-208.) CA An earth-house. Description of an earth-house at Pitcur, Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 202-214.) CPA Fairy mounds, illus. (Antiquary. London, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 52-56, 70- 74.) CA The Fian's castle, Loch Lomond. illus. (Antiquary. London, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 450-452.) CA The house of the dwarfs. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 289- 295.) - CPA Hut-circles at Auchingaich Glen, Dumbartonshire. (Antiquary. London, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 377-378.) CA Some Hebridean antiquities, illus. (Reliquary. London, 1895. 4°. v. 1, p. 200-215.) CA Two Midlothian souterrains. illus. (Reliquary. London, 1899. 4°. v. 5, p. 174-178.) CA Mann, Ludovic M'Lellan. Note on the discover}' of a bronze age cemetery con- taining burials with urns at Newlands, Langside, Glasgow, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 528-552.) CPA Note on finding of an urn, jet necklace, stone axe, and other associated objects in Wigtownshire. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Ed- inburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 584-589.) CPA Notes on — (1) a drinking-cup urn, found at Bathgate; (2) a prehistoric hut in Tiree; (3) a cairn containing sixteen cinerary urns, with objects of vitreous paste and of gold, at Stevenston, Ayr- shire; and (4) prehistoric beads of coarse vitreous paste, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1906. . sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 369-402*.) CPA Report on the excavation of pre- historic pile-structures in pits in Wig- townshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 370-415.) CPA Mapleton, R. J. Description of stock- aded remains recently discovered at Aris- aig, Inverness-shire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 516-519.) CPA Notice of an artificial island in Loch Kielziebar, in a letter to Mr. Stuart. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 322-324.) CPA Notice of a cairn at Kilchoan, Ar- gyllshire, and its contents. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 351-355.) CPA Notice of the discovery of an old canoe in a peat-bog at Oban. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 336- 338.) CPA Notice of the examination of a cist, on the banks of the river Add — at Crinan, Argyllshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 103-104.) CPA Notice of remarkable cists in a gravel bank near Kilmartin, and of in- cised sculpturings of axe-heads and other markings on the stones of the cists, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 378-381.) CPA Marjoribanks, George. Notice of an urn, flint knife, and whetstone, found in removing a large cairn at Stenton. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ed- inburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 220-221.) CPA Matheson, Sir James. Notice of the stone circle of Callernish in the Lewis, and of a chamber under the circle re- cently excavated. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 110-112.) Mathewson, Allan. Notes on stone cists and an ancient kitchen midden near Dun- dee, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 303-307.) CPA Maughan, John. Notice of the fort on Cairby Hill, and other antiquities in Lid- desdale... (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 103-107.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 77 Archaeology, continued. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. The ancient weapons, instruments, utensils, and ornaments of Wigtownshire . . . illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and histori- cal collections. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. S, p. 21-55.) t CPA Primitive implements, weapons, ornaments, and utensils from Wigtown- shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 200-232.) CPA Michie, J. G. Notice of an underground structure recently discovered on the farm of Mickle Kinord, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 455-457.) CPA Millar, Adam. Notes on the discovery and exploration of a circular fort on Dun- buie Hill, near Dunbarton. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 291-308.) CPA Miller, Peter. Notices of the standing stones of Alloa and Clackmanan. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 153-164.) CPA Mitchell, Sir Arthur. Eirde house at Eriboll, in the parish of Durness, Suther- landshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 249-250.) CPA Inscribed stones at Kirkmadrine, in the parish of Stoneykirk, county of Wig- ton. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 568-586.) CPA Jubilee address to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1902. The pre- history of the Scottish area. Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1902. 57 p. illus. sq. 8°. QPM p. box 1 Note on large stone implements found in Shetland. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 64-66.) CPA Note regarding a mould used in the making of bronze axes, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 39-41.) CPA Note on spade-like implements of stone, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 30-35.) CPA Notice of buildings designed for defence on an island in a loch at Hogset- ter, in Whalsay, Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 303-315.) CPA Notice of the contents of an urn found at Murthly, Perthshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 268-269.) CPA Notice of flint flakes found in the parish of Abernethy, Strathspey. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 251-252.) CPA Notice of a polished stone axe, and a well-shaped flint arrow-head, found in a cave in Islay. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 36-39.) CPA Notice of the recent excavation of an underground building at Buchaam, Strathdon, on the property of Sir Charles Forbes, baronet. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 436-440.) CPA Notice of an urn found near Kirk- ton of Glenelg, with remarks on the bones found in urns. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 372-375.) CPA On some remarkable discoveries of rude stone implements in Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 118-134.) CPA On white pebbles in connection with pagan and Christian burials, a seem- ing survival of an ancient burial custom. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 286-291.) CPA Scottish burials and skulls, proba- bly belonging to the bronze age. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 115-121.) CPA Moore, John Carrick. Notice of ancient graves at Dounan, near Ballantrae, Ayr- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 277-278.) CPA (Ayrshire and Galloway Ar- chaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 5, p. 9-12.) t CA Morrison, James. Archaeological finds in the east of Moray. (Inverness Scien- tific Society and Field Club. Transac- tions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 36-47.) *EC Notes on an urn found at Kennys- hillock, Urquhart, Elgin, now presented to the museum, and on a bullet-mould of 78 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. stone... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 109-110.) CPA Remains of early antiquities, in and on the borders of the parish of Urquhart, Elgin, including hut circles, kitchen mid- dens, stone cists with urns, stone weapons, &c. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 2S0-263.) CPA Muir, Thomas S. Notice of a beehive house in the island of St. Kilda. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 22S-232.) CPA With additional notes by Captain F. W. L. Thomas. Muirhead, George. Notice of bronze ornaments and a thin bifid blade of bronze from the Braes of Gight, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 135-138.) CPA Munro, Robert. Ancient Scottish lake- dwellings or crannogs. With a supple- mentary chapter on remains of lake- dwellings in England. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1882. xx, 326 p., 5 pi. illus. 8°. QPM Archaeology and false antiquities. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. [1908.] xiii, 292 p., 18 pi. illus. 8°. MT ch. v: The Clyde controversy; _ ch. vi: The archae- ological discoveries at Dunbuie, _ Dumbuck, _ and Langbank, independent of the disputed objects; ch. vii : A critical examination of the disputed ob- jects from Dunbuie, Dumbuck, and Langbank. Ayrshire crannogs. 9 pi. (Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation. Archaeological and historical col- lections. Edinburgh, 1880-84. 4°. v. 2, p. 17-88; v. 3, p. 1-49; v. 4, p. 9-16.) f CPA A bronze-sword sheath found in Ayrshire. 1 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 48-52.) f CPA The crannog at Dumbuck. (Re- liquary. London, 1901. 4°. v. 7, p. 137- 142.) CA Repr. : Glasgow Herald. Is the Dumbuck crannog neolithic? (.Reliquary. London, 1901. 4°. v. 7, p. 107-119.) CA The lake-dwellings of Wigtown- shire. 3 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Ar- chaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 5, p. 74-124.) f CPA Note on a hoard of eleven stone knives found in Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 151- 164.) CPA Notes of a crannog at Friars' Carse, Dumfriesshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 73-78.) CPA Notes on a crannog at Hyndford, near Lanark, recently discovered and ex- cavated by Andrew Smith, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 373-387.) CPA • Notes of crannogs or lake-dwel- lings recently discovered in Argyllshire. 7 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 205-222.) CPA Notes on ornamental stone balls, with reference to two specimens presented to the National Museum by Mr. Andrew Urquhart. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 290-300.) CPA Notes on a set of five jet buttons found on a hill in Forfarshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 464-487.) CPA Notice of an ancient kitchen- midden near Largo bay, Fife, excavated by W. Baird, of Elie. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 281-299.) CPA With notes on the bones by Dr. R. H. Traquair on p. 299-300. Notice of an artificial mound or cairn situated 50 yards within the tidal area on the shore of the island of Eriska, Argyllshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 192-202.) CPA Notice of the excavation of a cran- nog at Lochlee, Tarbolton, Ayrshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 175-252.) CPA With reports on the fauna of the crannog by George Rolleston, M.D., F.R.S.; on the flora of the crannog by I. Bayley Balfour, D.Sc; and on the analysis of crystals by John Borland, F.C.S. Notice of excavations made on an ancient "fort" at Seamill, Ayrshire, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and histori- cal collections. Edinburgh, 1882. 4°. v. 3, p. 63.) f CA With report on animal remains found in the fort by I. Cleland, p. 64-65. On a bronze age cemetery and other antiquities at Largo, Ayrshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Ar- chaeologia. London, 1910. 4°. series 2, v. 12, p. 239-250.) , -fCA Prehistoric Scotland and its place in European civilisation. Being a general LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 79 Archaeology, continued. introduction to the "County histories of Scotland." Edinburgh: William Black- wood and Sons, 1899. xix, 502 p., 18 pi. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CP Reviewed in L'Annee sociologique, annee 4, p. 595-596, Paris, 1901. A Scottish crannog. illus. (Na- ture. London, 1880. 4°. v. 22, p. 13-16, 34-36.) OA Lochlee crannog. Scottish lake-dwellings or cran- nogs. illus. (In his: Lake-dwellings of Europe. London, 1890. 4°. p. 396-455.) QPL Munro, Robert, and John Abercromby. Notes on primitive stone structures of the beehive type, discovered by R. C. Haldane, in the north of Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 548-554.) CPA Munro, Rev. Robert. Notice of long cairns near Rhinavie, Strathnaver, Suther- landshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 228-233.) CPA Neilson, George. The monuments of Caithness. 6 pi. illus. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 241-252.) CPA Neish, James. Notes of stone celts found in Glenshee, Forfarshire, 1876; and of clay cones (loom weights) found at Ravensby, parish of Barrie, Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 174-176.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a cist with overlying urns, at Tealing, Forfar- shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 381-384.) CPA Reference notes to plan and views of ancient remains on the summit of the Laws, Forfarshire. 2 plans. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 440-447.) CPA With additional notes by John Stuart on p. 447- 454. Noble, James. Notice of a stone, ap- parently a sinker, with incised figures of animals, from a tumulus at Bridge of Brogar, Stennis, Orkney, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 266-267.) CPA North, O. H. Bronze age urn dis- covered in a stone cairn on the Kilcay estate, Black Isle, Ross-shire, 18th August 1908. 3 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 131-135.) CPA Northesk (9. earl), George John Car- negie. Note of the opening of a group of cists near Lauder. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 223-227.) CPA • Notice of a group of cists at Teind- side, Teviotdale. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 135-139.) CPA Notice of an underground chamber recently discovered at Crichton Mains, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 105-109.) CPA Notice respecting a polished flint celt or battle-axe, remarkable for its size and workmanship, found at Claremont, the property of James Nairne. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 9, p. 152-153.) OA The axe is figured in pi. IV. Notice of a sepulchral urn, with various golden ornaments found on the estate of the earl of Fife, in Banffshire. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- jeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 298.) f CPA Ogston, A. Notice of cists and urns re- cently found at Ardoe, near Aberdeen. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 269-271.) CPA Paterson, H. M. Leslie. Pygmy flints in the Dee valley, illus. (Man. Lon- don, 1913. 4°. 1913, no. 58.) QOA Paterson, Robert. Note of human re- mains in wooden coffins, found in the East Links of Leith. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 98-100.) CPA Paton, Sir Noel. Notice of two gold or- naments found at Orton on the.Spey, while cutting for the railway from Elgin to Keith in 1868. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 28-32.) CPA Paul, Robert. Note on ancient graves at Belhaven, East Lothian. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 350-352.) CPA Note on Tents Moor, Fife, and on flint arrow-heads, implements, etc., found there. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 345-349.) CPA Peach, Benjamin Neeve, joint author. See Home, John, and Benjamin Neeve Peach. Peter, James. Notice of stone circles, in the parish of Old Deer, illus. (So- 80 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19 p. 370-377.) CPA Petrie, George. Description of antiqui- ties in Orkney, recently examined, with illustrative drawings. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 56-62.) CPA Notice of a barrow containing cists, on the farm of Newbigging, near Kirkwall; and at Isbister, in the parish of Rendall, Orkney. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 411-418.) CPA Notice of a barrow at Huntiscarth in the parish of Harray, Orkney, recently opened. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 195.) CPA Notice of the brochs, or large round towers of Orkney, with plans, sec- tions, drawings, and tables of measure- ments of Orkney and Shetland brochs. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 71-94.) t CPA Notice of the brochs and so-called Picts' houses of Orkney. (Anthropologi- cal Society of London. Memoirs. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 216-225.) QOA Notice of excavations and dis- covery of cists, containing large stone urns, in Stronsay, Orkney, illus. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland.' Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 347-351.) CPA Notice of the opening of a tumu- lus in the parish of Stenness, on the Main- land of Orkney. 2 pi. illus. (Archaeolo- gical journal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 18, p. 353-358.). CA Notice of ruins of ancient dwell- ings at Skara, bay of Skaill, in the parish of Sandwick, Orkney, recently excavated. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 201-219.) CPA Notice of some rude stone imple- ments found in Orkney. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 135-136.) CPA Oldtidslevninger paa 0rkenjzierne. (Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. Kjjzfbenhavn. 1854. 8°. 1852-54, p. 144-157.) GEA The Picts'-houses in the Orkneys. 2 pi. illus. (Archaeological journal. Lon- don, 1863. 8°. v. 20, p. 32-37.) CA Phillips, J. Gordon. Prehistoric graves in Moray. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 213-217.) *EC Pirie, George. The vitrified fort upon the Tap o' Noth. 1 plan. (Aberdeen Phi- losophical Society. Transactions. Aber- deen, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 57-59.) * EC Poison, A. Highland brochs. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 115-121.) NDO Pope, Alexander. Description of the Dune of Dornadilla. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1779. 4°. v. 5, p. 216-223.) t CA Pratt, J. B. Note of the recent excava- tion of a cairn on the High Law, and of other antiquities in the parish of Cruden, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 144-149.) CPA Note of ancient remains recently discovered in the parish of Carluke. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 440-442.) CPA Note of an ancient structure dis- covered at the Law of Mauldslie. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 184-185.) CPA Reid, Alan. The vitrified fort of Lochan-an-Gour, Argyllshire. 6 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 43, p. 34-42.) ■ CPA Reid, Alexander George. Notice of an urn and bronze sword found on the farm of Bailielands, in the parish of Auchterar- der. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 314-316.) CPA Reid, William. Notice of the discovery of a group of full-length stone cists at the School hill, or Temple hill, Leuchars. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 170-176.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a stone cist, containing an unburnt burial and an urn of the drinking-cup type, at Well- grove, Lochee, Dundee, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 40-42.) CPA Report of committee appointed by the society, at the request of Mr. Bruce, to co-operate with him in the excavation of a pile structure at Langbank in October, 1902. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 1, p. 52-53.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 81 Archaeology, continued. Rhind, Alexander Henry. An account of an extensive collection of archaeological relics and osteological remains, from a "Pict's house," at Kettleburn, Caithness, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 264-269.) CPA Notice of the exploration of a "Pict's house," at Kettleburn, in the coun- ty of Caithness. 2 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1853. 8°. v. 10, p. 212- 223.) CA Results of excavations in sepul- chral cairns in the north of Scotland, iden- tical in design with the great chambered tumuli on the banks of the Boyne, in Ire- land. 1 pi. (Ulster journal of archaeol- ogy. Belfast, 1854. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 100- 108.) CT Richardson, James S. Notice of kitchen- midden deposits on North Berwick Law, and other antiquities in the vicinity of North Berwick; with a note of an unde- scribed sculptured stone, with symbols, in the island of Raasay. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 424-436.) CPA See also Cree, James Edward, and J. S. Richardson ; also Richardson, James T., and James S. Richardson. Richardson, James T. Notes (1) on an ancient interment recently discovered at the Leithies; (2) a kitchen midden at the Rhodes Links; and (3) a cist, with an urn of drinking-cup type, near the West Links, North Berwick. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 120-123.) CPA Richardson, James T., and James S. Richardson. Prehistoric remains near Gullane. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 654-658.) CPA , Riddell, Robert. Account of the ancient modes of fortification in Scotland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Archae- ologia. London, 1792. 4°. v. 10, p. 99- 104.) t CA Observations on vitrified fortifica- tions in Galloway. (Society of Antiquar- ies of London. Archaeologia. London, 1792. 4°. v. 10, p. 147-150.) t CA Roberts, George E. On the discovery of large kfst-vaens on the "Muckle Hoeg" in the island of Unst (Shetland), con- taining urns of chloritic schist. 1 pi. (An- thropological Society of London. Me- moirs. London, 1865. 8°. v. 1, p. 296- 298.) QOA Robertson, A. D. Ancient cromlech at Ardenadam, near Dunoon, illus. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 486- 492.) CPA Druidical altar, Craigmaddie, parish of Baldernock, Stirlingshire. 1 illus. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 4-10.) CPA Robertson, Alexander. Notes of the discovery of stone cists at Lesmurdie, Banffshire, containing primitive urns, &c, along with human remains. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 205-211.) CPA Robertson, Robert, Notice of the discovery of a stone cist and urns at the Cuninghar, Tillicoultry; by R. Robertson. With notes on the contents and the sculp- tured covering stone of the cist, by Geo. F. Black; and on the microscopical ex- amination of the fibrous or hairy substance found in the cist, by John Struthers, M.D., LL.D. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 190-197.) CPA Robertson, Roger. A description of an ancient obelisk, in Berwickshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 269-272.) fCPA Roger, James Cruickshank. Notice of a stone cist, containing the remains of a human skeleton, recently discovered at Ardyne, near Castle Toward, Argyleshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 251-255.) CPA Rosehill, Lord. See Northesk (9. earl), George John Carnegie. Ross, Alexander. Brochs, what are they? (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 5, p. 325-338.) * EC Ross, Donald. Note on the contents of shell-heaps recently exposed in the island of Coll. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 152-153.) CPA See also p. 79-81 of the same volume. Ross, James. Some notable stones and legends. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888,. 8°. v. 2, p. 257-259.) * EC In Glenmoriston and Glen-Urquhart. Russell, Miss. The vitrified forts of the north of Scotland, and the theories as to their history. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1894. 8°. v. 50, p. 205-222.) CA Sands, J. Notes on the antiquities of the island of Tiree. (Society of Antiqua- 82 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 459-463.) CPA Scott, Archibald Black. The earth houses of Kildonan, Sutherland. (Scot- tish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 155-160.) CPA Scott, Lady John. Notes of wooden structures discovered in the moss of Whiteburn, on the estate of Spottiswoode, Berwickshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 16-20.) CPA Scott-Moncrieff, William George. The antiquities of Banffshire. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 328- 332.) * EC Shearer, Robert I. See Anderson, Joseph. Report on ancient remains of Caithness. . . Simpson, Sir James Young. An account of two barrows at Spottiswood, Berwick- shire, opened by the Lady Jane Scott. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 222-224.) CPA Archaic sculpturings of cups, cir- cles, &c, upon stones and rocks in Scot- land, England, and other countries. Edin- burgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1867. x, 200 p., 36 pi. sq. 8°. QOI Notices of some ancient sculptures on the walls of caves in Fife. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1866. 8°. v. 5, p. 521-526.) *EC On ancient sculpturings of cups and concentric rings, &c. vi, 147(1) p., 32 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1867. sq. 8°. v. 6, appendix.) CPA Skene, James, of Rubislaw. An account of the hill fort of the Barmekyne in Aber- deenshire. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1822.. 4°. v. 2, p. 324-327.) t CPA Skinner, Robert. Note of stone kists recently discovered in the neighbourhood of St. Andrews. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 255-256.) CPA Notices of excavations at Pitmilly Law, and elsewhere on the south-east coast of Fife. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 8, p. 55-58.) CPA Sligo, George. Notes on an ancient cave, &c, discovered at Aldham, now called Seacliff, in East Lothian, in 1831. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 353-361.) t CPA Smith, Frederick. Some investigations into palaeolithic remains in Scotland. 4 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1899. 8°. v. 30, p. 30-38) * EG Smith, James. Notice of an undescribed vitrified fort, in the Burnt Isles, in the Kyles of Bute. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1824. 4°. v. 10, p. 79-81.) * EC Smith, John. Ancient structure at Dir- rans, near Kilwinning. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association'. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 75-76.) t CA The Ardrossan shell-mound, with an account of its excavation. 1 pi. (Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation. Archaeological and historical col- lections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 62-74.) t CA Cleaves Cove, Dairy, Ayrshire. 3 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeolo- gical Association. Archaeological and his- torical collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 1-16.) tCA On a stone crannog in Ashgrove Loch, near Stevenston. 1 pi. illus. (Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological As- sociation. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v.- 7, p. 56-61.) tCA Two ancient fireplaces at Shewal- ton and Ardeer. illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 77-79.) t CA See also Boyd, D. A., and J. Smith. Smith, John Alexander. Note of the discovery of sepulchral urns in Fair Isle, with letter from John Bruce, jr., of Sum- burgh, Shetland, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 530-534.) CPA Note of an underground building formerly discovered in Edinburghshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 8, p. 27-28.) CPA Notes on bronze sickles; with special reference to those found in Scot- land, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 375-381.) CPA Notes of rock sculpturings of cups and concentric rings, and "The Witch's stone" on Tormain Hill; also of some early remains on the Kaimes Hill, &c; near Ratho, Edinburghshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings: Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 141-151.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 83 Archaeology, continued. Notes of small ornamented stone balls found in different parts of Scotland, &c.; with remarks on their supposed age and use. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 29-62, .313-319.) CPA Notes on stone implements, &c, from Shetland, now presented to the mu- seum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 291-299.) CPA Notice of a bronze battle-axe found near Bannockburn, now in the mu- seum of the society, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 372-374.) CPA Notice of bronze celts or axe heads, which have apparently been tinned; also of bronze weapons and armlets, found along with portions of metallic tin near Elgin in 1868. (With chemical an- alysis, by Stevenson Macadam.) illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 428-443.) CPA • Notice of a cinerary urn, contain- ing a small-sized urn (in which were the bones of a child), discovered in Fifeshire; with notes of similar small and cup-like vessels, in the museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 189-207.) CPA Notice of ja. large copper-like or brass anvil, stated to have been found in the south of Scotland; also of a small ancient bronze anvil found in Sutherland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 1S-2S.) CPA Notice of a long-shaped cist, with skeleton, found near Yarrow Kirk, Sel- kirkshire, from communications by the Rev. James Russell. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 62-70.) CPA Notice of oblong and horse-shoe shaped flint implements and arrow-heads found recently in Kincardineshire; also, note of the use of a stone as a knife in the island of Lewis in 1829. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 575-580.) CPA Notice of a small bronze blade found in a cinerary urn at Balblair, Suther- jandshire, also two small bronze plates; in the collection of his grace the duke of Sutherland, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 475-477.) CPA Notice of a small bronze blade found in a sepulchral tumulus or cairn at Rogart, Sutherland, and of similar bronze implements found in different parts of Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 431-447.) CPA Notice of a small collection of flint implements and arrow-heads; with portion of a small ornamental stone ball found in Kincardineshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings; Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 24-28.) CPA Notice of three small bronze blades, or instruments believed to be ra- zors, and a bronze socketed celt in the museum of the society; with remarks on other small bronze blades, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 357-371.) CPA .. ■ Remarks on a bronze implement, and bones of the ox and dog, found in a bed of undisturbed gravel at Kinleith, near Currie, Mid-Lothian, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 84-98.) CPA illus. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 93-105.) *EC Smith, Robert Angus. Descriptive list of antiquities near Loch Etive, Argyll- shire, consisting of vitrified forts, cairns, circles, crannogs, etc.; with some remarks on the growth of peat. 9 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873-78. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 81- 106, 396-418; v. 10, p. 70-90; v. 11, p. 298- 305; v. 12, p. '13-19.) CPA Loch Etive and the sons of Uis- nach. With illustrations by Miss Jessie Knox Smith. London: A. Gardner, 1885. 3 p.l., (i)vi-xi p., 2 1., 376 p., 16 pi. new ed. 8°. ZBD Smith, W. Anderson. The Oban trog- lodytes. 1 illus. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 95-103.) CPA Smith, William M'Combie. Recent an- tiquarian research in Glenshee. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 96-99.) CPA Somerville, Boyle. Prehistoric monu- ments in the Outer Hebrides, and their astronomical significance. 4 pi. (An- thropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. London, 1912. 4°. v. 42, p. 23-52.) QOA Spence, John. The Picts and their brochs. (In his: Shetland folklore. Ler- wick, 1899. 12°. p. 17-58.) *R-ZBD A collection of legends current in Shetland about i\ie Picts. 84 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Spence, Magnus. Maeshow and the standing stones,' Stenness: their age and purpose. 1 diagr. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 445- 453.) GEA - Standing stones and Maeshowe of Stenness. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 22, p. 401-417.) * DA Stevenson, William. Notes on the an- tiquities of the islands of Colonsay and Oransay. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 113-147.) CPA Stewart, Charles. Notice of the dis- covery of a cist with an urn at Bruach, Glenlyon, Perthshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 39-41.) CPA Notice of a hoard of bronze wea- pons and other articles found at Monadh Mor, Killin. illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 27-31.) CPA Strachan, James M. Notice of a find of bronze weapons at Ford, Loch Awe. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 207-209.) CPA Struthers, John. See Robertson, Robert. Stuart, John, of Inchbreck. Account of the discovery of an ancient tomb at Fetteresso in Kincardineshire in January, 1822. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 462-464.) t CPA ■ An account of some sculptured pil- lars in the northern part of Scotland, 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 314-323.) t CPA An account of some subterraneous habitations in Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 53-58.) t CPA Stuart, John. Account of excavations in groups of cairns, stone circles, and hut circles on Balnabroch, parish of Kirk- michael, Perthshire, and at West Persie, in that neighbourhood. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 402-410.) CPA Account of graves recently dis- covered at Hartlaw, on the farm of West- ruther Mains. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 55-61.) CPA Account of the recent examination of a cairn called "Cairngreg," on the es- tate of Linlathen. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 98-103.) CPA Note of incised marks on one of a circle of standing stones in the island of Lewis. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 212-214.) CPA Note of recent excavations at St. Margaret's Inch, in the loch of Forfar. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 31-34.) CPA Note of an urn found at Rattray, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 182-183.) CPA Notice of cairns recently examined on the estate of Rothie, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro4 ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 217-218.) CPA Notice of a circular structure, known as "Edin's Hall," on Cockburn Law, one of the Lammermuir Hills. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 41- 46.) CPA Notice of cists and other remains discovered in "Cairn Curr," on the farm of Warrackstone, in Aberdeenshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 24-25.) CPA Notice of excavations in cairns in Strathnaver, Sutherlandshire, in a com- munication from Mr. Donald Mackay. il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 519-523.) CPA Notice of excavations in the cham- bered mound of Maeshowe, in Orkney, and of the runic inscriptions on the walls of its central chamber. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 247-279.) CPA Notice of a group of cists recently found at Broomend, near Inverurie, Aber- deenshire, and of cists at Bishopmill, near Elgin, and at Edderton, in Ross-shire. (International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology. Transactions. London, 1869. 8°. 3. session, 1868, p. 27-29.) QOA Notice of underground chambers recently excavated on the hill of Cairn Conan, Forfarshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 465-471.) CPA Notices of a group of artificial is- lands in the loch of Dowalton, Wigtown- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 85 Archaeology, continued. shire, and of other artificial islands or "crannogs" throughout Scotland. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6. p. 114-178.) CPA On the earlier antiquities of the dis- trict of Cromar, in Aberdeenshire. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 258-263.) CPA On some of the vitrified forts of Scotland, with reference to descriptions of similar remains in Bohemia. . . 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8. p. 145-164.) CPA Remarks on the ancient structures called Picts' houses and burghs, with especial reference to the burgh of Mousa in Shetland. 1 pi. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 187-195.) CPA Remarks on the circular stone monuments noticed by Mr. Lawson in the parish of Creich, Fifeshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 407-409.) CPA Report to the committee of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, ap- pointed to arrange for the application of a fund left by the late Mr. A. Henry Rhind for excavating early remains. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 289-307.) CPA See also Neish, James. Reference notes to plan and views of ancient re- mains on the summit of the Laws. Sturrock, John. Notice of a jet neck- lace and urn of the food-vessel type, found in a cist at Balcalk, Tealing, and of the opening of Hatton cairn, parish of In- verarfty, Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 260-267.) CPA Sutherland, Arthur. Some sculptured stones in Ross-shire. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 188-202.) *EC Tait, Lawson. Account of cists opened at Kintradwell, Sutherland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 512-515.) CPA With note on the human remains by Sir William Turner on p. 515-516. Note of a kist, with a cup-marked cover, found in a mound on the Links of Dornoch. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 270.) CPA Note on the shell-mounds of Suth- erland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 63-64.) CPA Notes of the opening of a stone circle at Craigmore, in Strathfleet, Suth- erlandshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 473-475.) CPA Notes on the shell-mounds, hut- circles, and kist-vaens of Sutherland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 525-532.) CPA Temple, Charles S. Note of the antiqui- ties of Udny, Aberdeenshire, in a letter to the secretary. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq 8°. v. 4, p. 64-67.) CPA Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. Account of some of the Celtic antiquities of Orkney, including the Stones of Sten- ness, tumuli, Picts-houses, &c, with plans. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archseologia. London, 1852. 4°. v. 34, p. 88-136.) t CA Note of two bronze swords, recent- ly found under moss at South Uist. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 252-253.) CPA On the geological age of the pagan monuments of the Outer Hebrides. (Roy- al Physical Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 352-359.) * EC On the primitive dwellings and hypogea of the Outer Hebrides. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 153-195.) CPA See also Muir, Thomas S. Thomson, Alexander. Notice of a group of four circles of standing stones in the south corner of the parish of Banchory- Devenick, county of Kincardine. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 130-135.) CPA Traill, John. Notes on the further ex- cavations of Howmae, 1889. 2 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 451-461.) CPA Traill, William. General remarks on the dwellings of prehistoric races in Orkney; with a special notice of the "Pict's house" of Skerrabrae, in the parish of Sandwick, 86 Archaeology, continued. showing the present state of the excava- tions lately made there. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 426-439.) CPA Notice of excavations at Stena- breck and Howmae, in North Ronaldsay, Orkney, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 14-33.) CPA Notice of two cists on the farm of Antabreck, North Ronaldsay, Orkney. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 309-310.) CPA Results of excavations at the broch of Burrian, North Ronaldsay, Orkney... 1870-1871. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1880. 4°. v. 5, p. 341-364.) t CPA Turner, Sir William. An account of a chambered cairn and cremation cists at Taversoe Tuick, near Trumland House, in the island of Rousay, Orkney, excavated ...in 1898. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 73-82.) CPA Notice of human and other remains recently found at Kelso. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 245-249.) CPA On human and animal remains found in caves at Oban, Argyllshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 410-438.) CPA Tytler, Alexander Fraser. An account of some extraordinary structures on the tops of hills in the Highlands; with re- marks, on the progress of the arts among the ancient inhabitants of Scotland. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1790. 4°. v. 2, Papers of the Literary Class, p. 3-32.) * EC The plates are (1) Craig-Phadrick, and (2) Dun-jardil. Wallace, Thomas D. Archaeological notes from Moraytown, Dalcross, Inver- ness-shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 215-217.) CPA Archaeological remains of the En- zie, Banffshire. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness [1888,. 8°. v. 2, p. 274-289.) * EC Notes on ancient remains in the Beauly valley, Inverness-shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 340- 355.) CPA Notes of antiquities in Loch Alsh and Kintail. illus. (Society of Antiquaries THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 86-89.) CPA Shell-bed at Ardersier. (Inverness' Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 176- 178.) *EC Vitrified fort on Dundearduil. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. i v. 6, p. 188-191.) *EC Warden, Alexander Johnston. Notice of stone cists, etc., found on Barnhill Links, near Broughty Ferry. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 310-312.) CPA Watt, William G. T. Notice of the broch known as Burwick or Borwick, in the township of Yescanabee and parish of Sandwick, Orkney. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 442- 450.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a stone cist, with an iron age interment at Skaill Bay. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 283-285.) CPA Williams, John. An account of some remarkable ancient ruins, lately dis- covered in the Highlands, and northern parts of Scotland; in a series of letters to G. C. M. Edinburgh: William Creech, 1777. vii, 83 p., 1 pi. 8°. CP With book-plate of John George Home Drum- mond of Abbots Grange. Wilson, George. Additional notes on funereal urns, from Glenluce, Wigtown- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 66-70.) CPA — ■ — Description of ancient forts, &c, in Wigtownshire. 5 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ar- chaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 5, p. 62-73.) t CPA Note on a collection of implements and ornaments of stone, bronze, &c, from Glenluce, Wigtownshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 262- 276.) CPA Notes on the ancient bronze im- plements and ornaments of Wigtown- shire, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeolo- gical and historical collections. Edin- burgh, 1880. 4°. v. 2, p. 6-16.) CPA Notes on the ancient stone imple-. ments of Wigtownshire, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 87 Archaeology, continued. Edinburgh, 1878-80. 4°. v. 1, p. 1-30; v. 2, p. 1-3.) tCA Notes on clay urns found in Wig- townshire. (Ayrshire and Galloway Ar- chaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 8S-105.) fCA Notes on a collection of stone im- plements and other antiquities from Glen- luce, Wigtownshire, now presented to the museum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 580-587.) CPA Notes on the crannogs and lake dwellings of Wigtownshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 368-378.) CPA Notes on the lake-dwellings of Wigtownshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 737-739.) CPA Notes of two stone cists at Carse- creugh, in the parish of Old Luce, Wig- townshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 517-518.) CPA Notice of a collection of imple- ments of stone and bronze... and other antiquities from Wigtownshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 126- 142.) CPA Notice of a crannog at Barhapple Loch, Glenluce, Wigtownshire. 3 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and histori- cal collections. Edinburgh, 1882. 4°. v. 3, p. 52-58.) t CA Notice of urns in Wigtownshire, with notes on implements, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 182-194.) CPA Winning, John G. Notice of a cist containing an urn found near Eckford, in February, 1889. 1 illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 28-30.) CPA Wise, Thomas A. Notice of recent ex- cavations in the hill fort of Dunsinane, Perthshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 93-99.) CPA Notice of sculpturings on the lin- tel of the entrance to the broch of Cam Liath, near Dunrobin, Sutherlandshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 180-181.) CPA .. The pillar-towers of Scotland. illus. (Ulster journal of archaeology. Bel- fast, 1857. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 210-215.) CT Wood, William. Description of the contents of a tumulus in the parish of Burness, island of Sanday. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh new philosophical journal. Edin- burgh, 1826. 8°. v. [1], p. 216-219.) OA Wooler, Edward. The catrail. (Anti- quary. London, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 217-221, 256-261, 289-292.) CA Young, Harry F. Note on a group of small burial cairns at Hindstones, in the parish of Tyrie, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 366- 367.) CPA Young, Hugh W. Discovery of an an- cient burial place and a symbol-bearing slab at Easterton of Roseisle. illus. (Rel- iquary. London, 1896. 4°. new series, v. 1, p. 142-150; v. 2, p. 237-241.) CA The graves of Ardkeiling, Strypes, Elginshire. 9 illus. (Reliquary. Lon- don, 1897. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 41-47.) CA Young, James. Recent archaeological discoveries in the parish of Lesmahagow. 2 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1899. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 498-503.) CPA Roman Antiquities Abercromby, John. See under Account Of the excavation of the Roman station at Inchtuthil. Account of the excavation of Birrens, a Roman station in Annandale, undertaken by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1895. 1. General history of the place, and of the excavations, and description of the defences. By D. Christison. 2. The interior buildings at Birrens. By James Barbour. 3. The inscribed stones. By James Macdonald, LL.D. 4. The general structure and ornamentation of the altars. By Prof. Baldwin Brown. 5. The pottery, bronze, etc., found at Birrens. By Joseph Anderson, LL.D. 4 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 81-199.) CPA Account of the excavation of the camps and earthworks at Birrenswark Hill, in Annandale, undertaken by the society in 1898. i. General history of the place; by D. Christison. n. Account of the excava- tions at Birrenswark, and description of the plans and sections; by James Bar- bour, in. Notices of articles of pottery, glass, stone, bronze, iron, and lead found in the course of the excavations at Bir- renswark; by Joseph Anderson. 2 plans, 88 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Roman Antiquities, continued. 4 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 198-249.) CPA Account of the excavation of the Ro- man station at Ardoch, Perthshire, under- taken by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1896-97. i. General history of the place and description of the defences; by D. Christison. n. Account of the ex- cavations and description of the plan and interior structures; by J. H. Cunningham, m. Notices of the pottery, bronze, and other articles discovered during the ex- cavations; by Joseph Anderson. 2 plans, 4 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 399-471.) CPA Account of the excavation of the Roman station on Camelon, near Falkirk, Stirling- shire, undertaken by the society in 1900. i. History and general description; by David Christison. n. Description of the plans and sections; by Mungo Buchanan, in. Notice of the pottery, bronze, and other objects found at Camelon; by Joseph An- derson. 5 plans, 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 329-417.) CPA Account of the excavation of the Ro- man station at Inchtuthil, Perthshire, undertaken by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1901. I. History of the site and description of the excavations. By John Abercromby. n. Description of the plans. By Thomas Ross. in. Notice of the pottery, bronze, and other articles found in the excavation of the Roman camp at Inchtuthil. By Joseph Ander- son, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 182-242.) CPA Anderson, Joseph, LL.D. Notes on a Romano-British hoard of bronze vessels and personal ornaments found in a moss on Lamberton Moor, Berwickshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 367-376.) CPA A Roman outpost on Tweedside. The fort of Newstead. 4 pi. illus. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4° v. 8, p. 178-188.) CPA • See also Account; Christison, David; Excavation of Castlecary fort; and Report on the society's excavation of Rough Castle. Barbour, James. See Account; also Macdonald, James, and James Barbour. Black, William Thomas. The mounds at Dunblane and the Roman station at Alauna. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1875. 8°. v. 1, 2. ed., p. 58-60.) CA Brown, George Baldwin. See Account. Bruce, John Collingwood. Notice of a stone bearing a Roman inscription, built into a staircase in Jedburgh abbey, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 321-326.) CPA The wall of Antonine. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 131-144.) CA Buchanan, John. Notice of the barrier of Antoninus Pius. (Archaeological jour- nal. London, 1858. 8°. v. 15, p. 25-36.) CA Notice of the discovery of a Ro- man bowl in Glasgow Green, and Roman remains found at Yorkhill. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 254- 258.) CPA Notice of recent discoveries of Ro- man remains at Cadder, on the Antonine Wall. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 170-174.) CPA Notice of two pieces of Roman sculpture found at Arniebog, Dumbarton- shire, in June, 1868. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 472-481.) CPA Recent discovery of a Roman inscription near Glasgow. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 11-28.) CPA Buchanan, Mungo. See Account; also Excavation of Castlecary fort. Cadell, Henry. Note on a sculptured Roman slab recently discovered on the estate of Grange, Linlithgowshire... 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 109-113.) CPA Cardonnel, Adam de. Description of certain Roman ruins discovered at Inver- esk. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 159-167.) f CPA See also p. 287-288. Christison, David. Excavation of the Roman camp at Lyne, Peeblesshire, un- dertaken by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1901. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 154-186.) CPA With notes on the relics by Joseph Anderson. . See also under Account; Excava- tion of Castlecary fort; and Report on the ...excavation of Rough Castle. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 89 Archaeology, continued. Roman Antiquities, continued. Clerk, Sir John. Dissertatio de monu- mentis quibusdam Romanis, in boreali Magnae Britannise parte, detectis, anno mdccxxxi. [By Sir J. Clerk, bart.] Edin- burgi: Apud T. & W. Ruddimannos, 1750. 19 p., 1 pi. f°. tt CBA p.v. 10 Cochrane, Robert. Recent researches in connection with Roman remains in Scot- land. (Reliquary. London, 1906. 4°. v. 12, p. 1-18.) CA Courtney, E. H. Account of the recent discovery of a Roman camp at Kintore, Aberdeenshire. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 387-394.) CPA Cunningham, James Henry. See Ac- count. Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Descrip- tion of the fortifications on Ruberslaw, Roxburghshire and notices of Roman re- mains found there, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 219- 232.) CPA Curie, James. Excavations at Newstead fort. 1 pi. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 471-474.) CPA Excavations at Newstead fort. Notes on some recent finds. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 471-474.) CPA The Roman fort at Newstead. Traces of successive occupations. 3 pi. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 443-450.) CPA A Roman frontier post and its peo- ple; the fort of Newstead in the parish of Melrose. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1911. xix, 431(1) p., 3 plans, 97 pi. 4°. CRB Description of the encampments on the hill of Burnswork. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 124-129.) t CPA Dow. A description of an ancient pitcher discovered in the parish of Lis- mahago. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1812. 4°. v. 16, p. 350-352.) f CA Of Roman origin? Excavation of Castlecary fort on the Antonine Vallum. Part i. History and general description. By D. Christison. Part ii. Description of the plans. By Mungo Buchanan. Part in. Notices of the pottery, bronze, and other objects found during the excavations at Castle- cary. By Joseph Anderson, plans, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 271-346.) CPA Galloway, Alexander. Notes and con- jectures relative to the old Roman occupa- tion and fortification of the Clyde and Kel- vin valleys. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 493-502.) CPA Gibb, Alexander. New measurement of the Vallum of Antoninus Pius, illus. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901-03. 8°. v. 15, p. 123-131, 197-210; v. 16, p. 20- 29, 53-66, 117-126, 171-182; v. 17, p. 26-35, 72-82, 126-134, 188-197.) CPA Quintus Lollius Urbicus, builder of the wall between the Forth and Clyde. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 140-146.) CPA The wall of Antoninus Pius, illus. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900-01. 8°. v. 14, p. 177-184; v. 15, p. lf-25.) CPA Grant, John. Memoir concerning the Roman progress in Scotland to the north of the Grampian hills. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 31-42.) t CPA Haverfield, Francis John. Note on the antiquity of the Wheel Causeway. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 129-130.) CPA Sir Robert Sibbald's "Directions for his honoured friend M Llwyd how to trace and remarke the vestiges of the Roman wall betwixt Forth and Clyde." (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 319-327.) CPA Inscriptiones antiqvae quae in Scotia reperiuntur. (In: Respublica, sive Statvs regni Scotiae . . . Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. 16°. p. 68-69.) CP Roman inscriptions 'in Lothiana [et] in Agro Sterlinensi. McCaul, John. Notes on Latin inscrip- tions found in Britain. (Canadian journal of industry, science, and art. Toronto, 1858-1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 7-15, 220-230; v. 4, p. 173-180, 349-359; v. 5, p. 283-294, 483- 496; v. 6, p. 230-247, 395-413; v. 7, p. 28-42; v. 9, p. 217-225; v. 10, p. 95-108, 303-332; v. 11, p. 108-134.) *EC Deals also with the Roman inscriptions found in Scotland. Macdonald, George. "The Roman wall in Scotland." (British Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 17, p. 77-78.) CA Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1911. xv(i), 413 p., 1 map, 56 pi. 8°. CP 90 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Roman Antiquities, continued. Macdonald, George, and Alexander Park. The Roman forts on the Bar Hill, Dumbartonshire, excavated by Mr. Alex- ander Whitelaw; by G. Macdonald and A. Park, with a note on the architectural re- mains by Thomas Ross. 4 plans, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 403-546.) CPA Macdonald, James. Birrens and Bir- renswark. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian So- ciety. Transactions. Dumfries, 1896. 8°. 1894/5, p. 55-67.) * EC — — - The inscriptions on the distance slabs of the Vallum or wall of Antoninus Pius. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, ' 1903. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 49-64.) CPA Is Burghead, on the Moray Firth, the Winged Camp of Ptolemy? With remarks on the origin of some popular opinions regarding the ancient geography of North Britain, the value to be attached to Ptolemy's tables and map of Albion, and the probable sources of his informa- tion. 1 map. (Archaeological journal. London, 1891. 8°. v. 48, p. 361-395.) CA . — — - Note on the "Roman" bridge near Bothwell. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 312-323.) CPA Notes on the "Roman roads" of the one-inch ordnance map of Scotland. 3 maps, 3 plans. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1-893-95. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 417-432; v. 28, p. 20-56, 298-320; v. 29, p. 317-328.) CPA _- The origin and growth of the tra- dition, "Ecce Tiber! Ecce Campus Mar- tius!" as applied to the Tay and the Inches of Perth. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 116-128.) CPA The Roman room in the Hunterian Museum. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895 8°. p. 130-135, 211-218, 316-326, 374-383.) CPA See also Account. Macdonald, James, and James Barbour. Birrens and its antiquities; with an ac- count of recent excavations and their re- sults... Dumfries: Standard Office, printer, 1897. 2 p.l„ 70 p., 5 pi. illus. 4°. CP Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Muir. Fur- ther lights on the Roman occupation in Caledonia. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceeding's Perth, 1904. 8°. v. 4, p. 27-33.) PQA Maclagan, Christian. Notes of a Roman sculptured stone recently discovered at Cumbernauld, and of an inscribed stone at Stirling, &c. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 178-179.) CPA Maughan, John. . The - Maiden way. Section iv. Survey of the Maiden way to Castleton in Scotland. (Archaeological journal. London, 1854. 8°. v. 11, p. 345- 352.) CA Miller, Hugh, the younger. A well on the Roman Wall. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 53-63.) * EC Moir, David Macbeth. The Roman an- tiquities of Inveresk. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1860. 1 p.l., 45 p. 16°. * C p.v. 381 Monumenta Romani Imperii, in Scotia, maxime vero inter vestigia valli, auspiciis Antonini Pii Imperatoris, a Fortha usque ad Glottam perducti reperta, et in Aca- demia Glasguensi adservata iconibus ex- pressa. n. p. [179-?] 1 1., 32 pi. obi. 8°. CP Murray, David. Note on a bronze handled pot of Roman manufacture, and two bronze falling handles found at Ba- rochan, Renfrewshire, illus. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. I, p. 498-514.) CPA Neilson, George. The making of the wall of Antonine. (Antiquary. London, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 250-253.) CA Read before the Glasgow Archaeological Society, March, 1891. Notices of the Roman altars and mural inscriptions presented by the Right Hon. Sir George Clerk of Penicuik, bart. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 37-43.) CPA Park, Alexander, joint author. See Macdonald, George, and Alexander Park. Rankin, D. R. Report of a recent examination of the Roman camp at Cleg- horn, Lanarkshire, styled "Agricola's Camp;" with notices of General Roy and his family. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.' Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 145-148.) CPA Report on the society's excavation of Rough Castle on the Antonine vallum, by Mungo Buchanan; introductory history by David Christison; description of the relics by Joseph Anderson. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 442- 499.) v CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 91 Archaeology, continued. Roman Antiquities, continued. Roman antiquities, Fifeshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 60-66.) CPA Roman antiquities in Scotland. (Man- hattan monthly. New York, 1876. 8°. v. 3, p. 238-242, 307-311.) Romans, The, in Scotland. ( Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. v. 74, p. 557-568.) * DA Ross, Thomas. Notes on sculptured stones with chariots, in the neighbourhood of Auchterarder, and in Perth Museum, and of a sculptured monument, recently found near Camelon, and now in the National Museum, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 597-610.) CPA See also Account. Ruck. The Antonine lines as a defen- sive design: a comparison in ancient and modern principles of fortification. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Glas'gow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 440-476.) CPA Smith, John Alexander. Note of frag- ments of Roman pottery, lead, iron, brass coins of Hadrian, &c, recently found near Newstead, Roxburghshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 360-362.) CPA Notice of a Roman bronze pa- tella, found on the farm of Palace in Teviotdale, Roxburghshire; with chemi- cal analysis of the metal and inside coating of the patella, by Stevenson Macadam. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 597-601.) CPA Notices of various discoveries of Roman remains at the Red Abbeystead, near the village of Newstead, Roxburgh- shire (with an endeavour to localize the site of the Roman station of Trimontium in the neighbourhood of the Eildon Hills). 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 422-427.) t CPA Roman antiquities found at New- stead, Roxburghshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 28-33.) CPA Stuart, John, of Inchbreck. Observa- tions upon the various accounts of the progress of the Roman arms in Scotland, and of the scene of the great battle be- tween Agricola and Galgacus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 289-313.) f CPA Stuart, John. Notice of letters ad- dressed to Captain Shand, R.A., by Pro* fessor Thorkelin and General Robert Mel- vill, on Roman antiquities in the north of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 26-34.) CPA Stuart, Robert. Caledonia Romana: a descriptive account of the Roman antiqui- ties of Scotland; preceded by a... sum- mary of the historical transactions con- nected with the Roman occupation of North Britain. [By Robert Stuart.] Edin- burgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1845. viii,(l) 10- 364 p., 5 maps, 15 pi. 4°. CP Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 74, p. 557-568, Edinburgh, 1853. Young, Hugh W. The ancient bath at Burghead, with remarks on its origin, as shewn by existing baths of the same shape and design, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 147-156.) CPA Mediaeval Archaeology (Including "Late Celtic") Adam, John. Account of a canoe of oak found in the Castle Loch of Close- burn, Dumfriesshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 458.) CPA Allen, John Romilly. Classification and geographical distribution of early Chris- tian inscribed monuments in Scotland. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 299-305.) CA Description of an ancient oil-lamp from Shetland. 2 illus. (British Archae- ological Association. Journal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 36, p. 107-108.) CA The early Christian monuments of the Glasgow district. 7 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions, Glasgow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 394-405.) CPA The early Christian monuments of Iona: with some suggestions for their better preservation, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 79-93.) CPA Notes on wooden tumbler locks. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 149-162.) CPA Notice of sculptured stones at Kil- bride, Kilmartin, and Dunblane. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 254-261.) CPA 92 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. On the discovery of a sculptured stone at St. Madoes, with some notes on interlaced ornament. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 211-271.) CPA On some points of resemblance between the art of the early sculptured stones of Scotland and of Ireland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 309-332.) CPA Preliminary list of sculptured stones older than A. D. 1100, with symbols and Celtic ornament, in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 510- S2S.) CPA Report on the photographs of the sculptured stones earlier than A. D. 1100 in the district of Scotland north of the river Dee. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 28, p. 150-177.) CPA Report on the photography of the sculptured stones earlier than A. D. 1100, in the district of Scotland south of the river Dee... (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 147-152.) CPA Report on the sculptured stones older than A. D. 1100, with symbols and Celtic ornament, in the district of Scot- land south of the river Dee. . . (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 251-259.) CPA Allen, John Romilly, and Joseph Ander- son. The early Christian monuments of Scotland. A classified, illustrated, descrip- tive list of the monuments, with an analy- sis of their symbolism and ornamentation, by J. R. Allen; and an introduction, being the Rhind lectures for 1892 by J. Ander- son, part 1-3. Edinburgh: Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland, 1903. 1 p.l., xvi, cxxii, 419, 522 p., 110 pi. sq. 4°. t ZDVH no. 292 of 400 copies printed. Reviewed in Athenaum, London, Sept. 10, 1904. Anderson, J. H. Notice of a piscena in Cavers House, Roxburghshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 439-440.) CPA Anderson, John. Note of sculptured stones in the churchyard of Dornock, Dumfriesshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 240-241.) CPA Anderson, Joseph, LL.D. The architec- turally shaped shrines and other reliqua- ries of the early Celtic Church in Scotland and Ireland, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 259-281.) CPA Description of a collection of ob- jects found in excavations at St. Blane's church, Bute, exhibited by the marquis of Bute, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 307-325.) CPA Note on a late Celtic armlet of bronze now presented to the National Mu- seum; with notes on the identification of two other late Celtic armlets in the mu- seum, and on a massive bronze armlet re- cently found in Sutherlandshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 460-467.) CPA Note on two vessels of brass found in Kilbirnie Loch, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 2, p. 101-108.) tCA — — Notes on the contents of two 'Vi- king graves in Islay, discovered by Wil- liam Campbell, Esq., of Ballinaby; with notices of the burial customs of the Norse sea-kings, as recorded in the sagas and illustrated by their grave-mounds in Nor- way and in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 51-89.) CPA Notes on the ornamentation of the silver brooches found at Skaill, Orkney, and now in the museum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 286-298.) CPA Notes on the relics of the Viking period of the Northmen in Scotland, illus- trated by specimens in the museum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 536-594.) CPA Notes on the survival of pagan cus- toms in Christian burial; with notices of certain conventional representations of "Daniel in the den of lions," and "Jonah and the whale," engraved on objects found in early Christian graves, and on sculp- tured stones of Scotland, and crosses of Ireland. 4 pi. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 363-406.) CPA Notice of ancient Celtic bells at Glenlyon, Fortingall, and Inch, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 102-108.) CPA Notice of an ancient Celtic reli- quary exhibited to the society by Sir Archibald Grant of Monymusk. illus. (So- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 93 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 431-435.) CPA Notice of a bronze bell of Celtic type at Forteviot, Perthshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 434-439.) CPA Notice of bronze brooches and per- sonal ornaments from a ship-burial of the Viking time in Oronsay, and other bronze ornaments from Colonsay. With a de- scription, from notes by the late William Galloway, of a ship-burial of the Viking time at Kiloran bay, Colonsay. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 437-450.) CPA Notice of a bronze caldron found with several small kegs of butter in a moss near Kyleakin, in Skye; with notes of other caldrons of bronze found in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 309-315.) CPA Notice of a casket of cetacean bone, carved with interlaced patterns in panels... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 390-396.) CPA Notice of a Celtic bell of bronze, from Little Dunkeld. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 118-121.) CPA Notice of an enamelled cup or patera of bronze found in Linlithgowshire, recently purchased for the museum. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 45-50.) CPA Notice of a find of silver orna- ments, &c, at Croy, Invernes-shire, now presented to the museum, by Rev. Thomas Fraser; with notes, descriptive of the ob- jects. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq 8°. v. 11, p. 588-592.) CPA Notice of a fragment of a silver penannular brooch, ornamented with gold filigree work and amber settings, found at Achavrole, Dunbeath, Caithness, in 1860; and of two silver brooches. . . said to have been found near Perth, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 445-452.) CPA Notice of the gold ornaments, found at Lower Largo, and of the silver orna- ments, &c, found at Norrie's Law, near Largo... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 233-247.) CPA Notice of a Highland brooch in silver, ornamented with niello, exhibited by Mr. I. S. Omond; and of other High- land brooches in silver and brass, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 57-67.) CPA — Notice of the quigrich or crozier, and other relics of St. Fillan, in the posses- sion of their hereditary keepers, or dewars, in Glendochart, in 1549-50. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 110- 118.) CPA Notice of a small figure in jet of St. James the Greater, recently presented to the museum., .and probably a signacu- lum worn by a leprous pilgrim to St. Jago di Compostella; with notes on "pilgrims' signs" of the middle ages, and a stone mould, for casting leaden tokens, found at Dundrennan abbey, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 62-80.) CPA Notices of a mortar and lion-figure of brass dug up in Bell street, Glasgow, and of six lion-shaped ewers of brass (the manilia of the middle ages), illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 48-66.) CPA ■ Notices of a sculptured stone with ogham inscription, from Latheron, pre- sented to the National Museum by Sir Francis Tress Barry... and of two sculp- tured stones, recently discovered by Rev. D. Macrae at Eddarton, Ross-shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 534-541.) CPA — —Notices of some recently discovered inscribed and sculptured stones. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 293-308.) CPA Notices of some undescribed sculp- tured stones and fragments in different parts of Scotland, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 344-355.) CPA — — Scotland in early Christian times. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1881. xiv, 262 p., 4 pi. illus. 8°. (Rhind lectures in archaeology, 1879.) CP i. The means of obtaining a scientific basis for the archaeology of Scotland, n.-m. Structural re- mains of the early Celtic church, iv. Existing relics of the early Celtic church — books, v. Existing relics of the early Celtic church — bells, vi. Exist- ing relics of the early Celtic church — crosiers and reliquaries. Reviewed in Celtic magazine, v. 6, p. 281-288, Inverness, 1881; Archaological journal, v. 38, p. 239-246, 3 pi., London, 1881. 94 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Scotland in early Christian times. 2. series. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1881. xvii, 263 p., 3 pi. illus. 8°. (Rhind lectures in archaeology, 1880.) CP i. Decorative metal-work, brooches, etc. n. Deco- rative stone-work — monuments, in. The art of the monuments, iv. The symbolism of the monu- ments, v. Inscribed monuments — in Celtic and oghams, vi. Inscribed monuments ■ — in runes and Roman letters. Reviewed in Celtic magazine, v. 7, p. 146-152, In- verness, 1882. For a critical notice of the two series see Church quarterly review, v. 15, p. 291- 300, London, 1883. See also Allen, John Romilly, and Joseph Anderson; Campbell, Robert; and Dowden, John, Observations and con- jectures on the Kirkmadrine epigraphs. B., C. C. On beehive-shaped huts in the Hebrides. (Archaeologia Cambrensis. Lon- don, 1862. 8°. series 3, v. 8, p. 283-288.) CVA Balfour, John Alexander. The ecclesi- astical remains of the Holy Isle, Arran. 8 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 43, p. 147-158.) CPA • Notes on a Viking grave-mound at Millhill, Lamlash, Arran. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, .1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 221-224.) CPA Notice of a cashel, an early Chris- tian settlement at Kilpatrick, Arran. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 90-101.) CPA Notice of a Viking grave-mound, Kingscross, Arran. illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 371-375.) CPA Viking burials [in Arran]. 3 pi. (In: Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 165-171.) CDA Bannerman, William. The inscription on the Drosteri stone at St. Vigeans. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 343-352.) CPA The Newton stone. A critical ex- amination and' translation of its main in- scription. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 56-63.) CPA On the ogham inscriptions of the Lunnasting and Golspie stones. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 342- 352.) CPA Barrit, Thomas. An attempt to explain the nature and origin of the ancient carved pillars and obelisks now extant in Great Britain. (Literary and Philosophical So- ciety of Manchester. Memoirs. Manches- ter, 1796. 8°. v. 4, p. 506-516.) *EC Refers to Scottish sculptured stones. Black, George Fraser. Notice of a frag- ment of a rune-inscribed cross-slab, found on Inchmarnock, Buteshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 438-443.) ' CPA Black, William George. Hog-backed monuments. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 106-108.) CPA Brash, Richard Rolt. Remarks on the ogham inscription of the Newton pillar stone. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 10, p. 134-141.) CPA The round tower of Abernethy, with drawings. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 303-319.) CPA Brate, Erik. Runic inscriptions in the cell of St. Molaise. 1 pi. (In: The Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 261-267.) CDA Brook, Alexander James Steel. An ac- count of the archery medals belonging to the University of St. Andrews and the Grammar School of Aberdeen, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 343-469.) CPA Additional notes on the silver chain called "Midside Maggie's girdle." (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 445-452.) CPA Communion tokens of the Estab- lished Church of Scotland: sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1908. 154 p. sq. 8°. ZHFK (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 453-604.) ~ CPA Notice of a bracket timepiece which belonged to Archbishop Sharp, and other articles bequeathed to the society by Miss Maclaurin; and also of three time- pieces in the University Library, St. An- drews, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 418-430.) CPA Notice of the carved figure from Dunstaffnage castle. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 185-191.) «, , , c pA bee also under Laing, David. Notice of a silver brooch with black-letter inscription and ornamentation LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 95 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. in niello., .and a large brass Highland brooch with incised ornamentation... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 192-199.) CPA Technical description of the re- galia of Scotland. 3 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 49-141.) CPA Brydall, Robert. The monumental ef- figies of Scotland, from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 329-410.) CPA Note on old sandal, found at Kin- ning Park, Glasgow. illus. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 191-192.) CPA Notice of a carved stone at Crail, Fifeshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 53-54.) CPA Notice of a group of carved grave- slabs at Dalmally, Argyleshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 81-85.) CPA Notice of a group of carved stones on Inishail, Loch Awe, Argyleshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, . p. 48-52.) CPA Notice of the priory church of Ard- chattan and its carved stones, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 33-47.) CPA Notices of incised and sculptured stones at (1) Luss; (2) Inch Cailleach, Loch Lomond; and (3) at Glendaruel in Argyllshire. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeolo- gical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 1, p. 23-31.) CPA ' Notices (1) of an inscribed se- pulchral slab at Ardchattan priory; and (2) of three carved slabs at Taynuilt, Ar- gyllshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 94-97.) CPA Buchan, William. Note on a bronze scabbard-tip found on Glencotho farm, Peeblesshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 254-256.) CPA Buist, George. Some desultory obser- vations on that class of monuments, still extant in Scotland, called runic stones, supposed to belong to an age anterior to the date of the earliest writings treating of Scottish history; with a catalogue of some of the most remarkable of the stones now extant. 3 pi. illus. (Royal Asiatic Society. — Bombay Branch. Journal. Bombay, 1848. 8°. v. 2, p. 43-63.) * OAA Callander, John Graham. Notices of (1) a seventeenth-century sun-dial from Wig- townshire; and (2) a stele, discovered in Galatia, Asia Minor, decorated with a de- sign resembling the mirror and comb symbols found in Scotland, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 169-185.) CPA Cameron, Jean. Scottish crusies, torches, and rushlights. illus. (Good words. London, 1899. 8°. v. 40, p. 184- 189.) * DA Campbell, Robert. Notice of the dis- covery of eight silver rings or ancient wrist or ankle rings, in cists near Rattar, Dunnet, Caithness. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 422-426.) CPA With supplementary notes by Joseph Anderson on p. 426-428. Carmichael, Alexander A. Notices of Teampull Michael. Keallun, North Uist, and of sculptured stones in Bearnarey, Harris, and in Benbecula; an "Abrach" quern, and quarry for querns, Heisgeir, North Uist, &c. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 276-286.) CPA See also Mackay, iEneas James George. - Carmichael, James. See Cunningham, James. Carr, Ralph. Note of a bronze patella, having an Anglo-Saxon inscription on the handle, found at Friar's Carse, Dumfries- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 567-568.) CPA , Observations on some of the runic inscriptions at Maeshowe, Orkney. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 70-83.) CPA On the inscriptions upon the stone at Newton Insch, Aberdeenshire, and on the inscription on a sculptured stone at St. Vigeans, Forfarshire. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 11-23.) CPA Cash, C. G. Archaeological gleanings from Aberfeldy, with notices of iron "yetts" at Grantully, Stirling and Edin- 96 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. burgh, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 386-397.) CPA Cathcart, Frederick Macadam. Account of the discovery of a number of ancient canoes of solid oak, in Loch Doon, a fresh- water lake in the county of Ayr. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 18S7. 4°. v. 4, p. 299- 301.) t CPA Christie, David. Corn-mills in Shetland, illus. (Antiquary. London, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 366-368.) CA Christison, David. The carvings and in- scriptions on the kirkyard monuments of the Scottish lowlands; particularly in Perth, Fife, Angus, Mearns, and Lothian, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 280-457.) CPA Additional notes on the kirkyard monuments of the Scottish lowlands, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 55-116.) CPA On the grated iron doors of Scot- tish castles and towers, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 98-135.) CPA Additional notices of yetts, or grated iron doors of Scottish castles and towers, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 286-320.) CPA Christison, Sir Robert. Notice of a knocking-stone or barley-mortar of gran- ite, from Ballachulish. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 25-26.) CPA On an ancient wooden image, found in November last at Ballachulish peat-moss, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. IS, p. 158-178.) CPA Cochran-Patrick, Robert William. The Caprington horn. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archeeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 74-75.) f CA Coles, Frederick R. Lights of other days. (Reliquary. London, 1901. 4°. v. 7, p. 170-177.) CA Collingwood, W. G. Some antiquities of -.nna. illus. (Antiquary. London, 1906. . 8°. v. 42, p. 372-377.) CA Ca sq Some antiquities of Tiree. illus. (Antiquary. London, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 43 p. 174-180.) CA Cooke, Thomas Etherington. Notice of a cross-shaft at Arthurlee, Renfrewshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°, v. 9, p.451-452.) CPA Coyne, Roderick A. F. A. Notice of a stone cist, wooden drinking cup, and an old dry-stone dyke, found in Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 320-321.) CPA Cramond, William. Notes on a collec- tion of impressions of postal stamps, ex- hibited to the meeting. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 175-178.) CPA Notices (1) of a bronze censer (?) or chafing-dish, found near Balveny castle, and (2) of a find of coins in the parish of Mortlach. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 59-62.) CPA Croker, Thomas Crofton. Antiquities discovered in Orkney, the Hebrides, and Ireland, compared, illus. (British Arch- aeological Association. Journal. London, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 328-333.) CA Cuming, Henry Syer. On a Douglas heart in the possession of the Right Hon. the Lord Boston. 1 pi. (British Archae- ological Association. Journal. London, 1868. 8°. v. 24, p. 35-40, 387-390.) CA Cunningham, James. An essay, upon the inscription of Macduff's crosse in Fyfe. By I. C. Edinburgh, 1678. (In: Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and histori- cal antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. p. 257-280.) CP This essay has been also attributed to James Carmichael. Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Notes on (1) three carved Norman capitals from Hobkirk, on Rulewater, Roxburghshire; (2) description of the remains of a way- side cross at Harwood in Hobkirk parish, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 416-421.) CPA Curie, James. See Romanes, Robert, and James Curle. Cursiter, James Walls. Note on a stone bearing an incised cross, from the site of St. Colm's chapel, Walls, Orkney, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, P. 50-52.) CPA Notes on a hoard of silver orna- ments and coins, discovered in the island of Burray, Orkney, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 318-322.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 97 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Notice of a canoe recently found in the island of Stronsay, Orkney. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 279-281.) CPA Dalrymple, Charles Elphinstone. No- tice of a silver cup, formerly belonging to the family of Calder of Assuanley, in Strathbogie. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 180-184.) CPA Deed of conveyance of the quigrich by the last hereditary keeper, with consent of his son, to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, for the National Museum, by Alexander and Archibald Dewar. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 132-133.) CPA Dowden, John. Notes on the ms. Liturg. f. 5 ("Queen Margaret's gospel book") in the Bodleian Library. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 244-253.) CPA Observations and conjectures on the Kirkmadrine epigraphs, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 247-272.) CPA With appendix by Joseph Anderson, LL.D., on p. 272-274. Drummond, James. Notes of early monumental art in the west Highlands. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 24-28.) CPA Notes made during a wandering in the west Highlands; with remarks upon the style of art of some monumental stones at Iona, and in other localities. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 117-122.) CPA Notice of a Highland target, hav- ing embossed upon it the cognisance of the Lord of the Isles. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 185-189.) CPA Notice of some stone market- crosses, with especial reference to the market-crosses of Scotland. 5 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 86-115.) CPA — — See also Mitchell, Sir Arthur. Va- cation notes in Cromar. Dryden, Sir Henry. Notice of the Sem- pill sword, now presented to the museum by the Baroness Sempill. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 226-228.) CPA Sculptured monuments in Iona. (The Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 256-259.) CA Drysdale, William. Notice of an an- cient gold seal in the possession of J. W. Williamson, Kinross. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 420- 421.) t CPA The seal is the signet of Joan Beaufort, queen of James I. of Scotland. Is the seal, now in the Scottish National Museum of Antiquities, the original or only a fac-simile? Duke, William. Notice of the fabric of St. Vigeans church, Forfarshire; with notice and photographs of early sculp- tured stones recently discovered there, &c. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 481-498.) CPA Notice of a recumbent hog-backed monument, and portions of sculptured slabs with symbols, recently discovered at St. Vigeans church, Forfarshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 143-146.) CPA Duns, John. Note on "trotter roofing." (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 180-181.) CPA Notes (1) on smoothing stones now presented to the museum, (2) on cure stones... illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 279-285.) CPA — — • Notice of a bronze penannular brooch from the island of Mull, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 67-72.) CPA Dymod, C. W. The inscription on the "Gowk-stane," near Edinburgh. illus. (Antiquary. London, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 28-30.) CA Eeles, Francis Carolus. Notes on a mis- sal formerly used in S. Nicholas, Aber- deen, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 440-460.) CPA ■ Notice of a Celtic cross-slab re- cently discovered at Kinneff, Kincardine- shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 163-167.) CPA On the effigy of an abbot at Shis- ken: with a note on the forms of vest- ments on west Highland monuments. 1 pi. (In: The Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 233-240.) CDA 98 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Undescribed sculptured stones and crosses at Old Luce, Farnell, Edzell, Loch- lee, and Kirkmichael (Banffshire), with some late mediaeval monuments at Par- ton (Kirkcudbright), Maryton, and Wick, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 354-372.) CPA Fallow, T. M. The church plate of Scot- land and of Wiltshire. A comparison. 2 pi. (Reliquary. London, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 154-165.) CA Ferguson, Sir Samuel. Ogham inscrip- tions in Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1887. xi, 164 p. 8°. RPF Ogham inscriptions in Scotland, p. 133-154. Fleming, David Hay. Notice of a sculp- tured cross-shaft and sculptured slabs re- covered from the base of St. Andrews cathedral., .with notes of other sculptured slabs at St. Andrews, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 385-414.) CPA Forbes, Alexander Penrose, bishop of Brechin. Notice of the ancient bell of St. Fillan. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 265-276.) CPA French, Gilbert J. On the ancient sculp- tured stones of Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man. 8 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1869. 8°. v. 15, p. 63-80.) CA Galloway, William. Early Christian re- mains in Ayrshire. (Ayrshire and Gallo- way Archaeological Association. Archae- ological and historical collections. Edin- burgh, 1882. f°. v. 3, p. 99-109.) f CA Notice of the ancient kil or bury- ing-ground termed "Cladh-bhile," near Ellary, Loch Caolisport, South Knapdale. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8° v 12, p. 32-58.) CPA Notice of an ancient Scottish lec- tern of brass, now in the parish church of St. Stephens, St. Albans, Hertfordshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq 8° v 13, p. 287-302.) CPA Notice of a sculptured stone in the churchyard at Tullibole, Kinross-shire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq 8° v 13, p. 316-320.) CPA Notice of several sculptured stones at Meigle, Perthshire, still undescribed. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. so 8° v 12, p. 425-434.) CPA Gibb, Andrew. Some suggestions as to our mural antiquities. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 192-198.) CPA Gibson, W. G. Notes on ancient pipe- heads — ."elfin pipes." (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 288-291.) CPA Gillespie, James E. Notice of a canoe found in Loch Lotus, parish of New Ab- bey, Kirkcudbrightshire. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 21-23.) CPA Goudie, Gilbert. The crusie, or ancient oil lamp of Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 70-78.) CPA Notice of a fragment of an ogham- inscribed slab from Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 306-311.) CPA Notice of a sculptured slab from the island of Burra, Shetland, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 199-209.) CPA On the horizontal water mills of Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 257-297.) CPA On two monumental stones with ogham inscriptions recently discovered in Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 20-32.) CPA Gow, James Mackintosh. Notes on cup- marked stones, old burying grounds, and curing or charm stone, near St. Fillans, Perthshire. (Archaeological review. Lon- don, 1889. 8°. v. 2, p. 102-104.) ZBA Graham, Robert Chellas. The carved stones of Islay. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1895. xvi, 119 p., 1 map, 32 pi. 4°. |CP The early Christian monuments of Scotland. 2 pi. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 58-61.) CPA Notes on some of the sculptured tombstones of Argyllshire. 7 illus. (Illus- trated archaeologist. London, 1894 4° v 1, p. 90-98.) CA The illustrations represent stones at Kilfinan, Skmness, Saddell, Kiells (Islay), Nereabolls \islSLy) . Grant, Angus. Notice of an ornamented stone cup found at Balmacaan, Glenur- quhart. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 167-169.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 99 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Graves, Charles, bishop of Limerick. An attempt to decipher and explain the in- scriptions' on the Newton stone. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 298-313. N > CPA Graville, C. R. On oghams. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 132-140, 211-213.) CPA Greenshields, John B. Notice of the sculptured top of a stone cross found in the parish of Lesmahagow, A. D. 1866; with some remarks upon crosses and the privilege of sanctuary. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 256-265.) CPA Hewat, Kirkwood. Notice of a pecu- liar stone cross, found on the farm of Cairn, parish of New Cumnock, Upper Nithsdale. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 300-303.) CPA Hewison, James King. Notice of a Celtic cross-shaft in Rothesay churchyard, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 410-416.) CPA Hibbert, Samuel. Observations on the ancient bell and chain discovered in the parish of Kilmichael-Glassrie. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archse- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 119-125.) t CPA Hill, G. F. A Scottish beggar's badge. 1 illus. (Reliquary. London, 1897. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 182-183.) CA Hutcheson, Alexander. Additional note on the occurrence of earthenware jars or jugs built into the walls of dwelling- houses in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 387-393.) CPA Antiquarian discovery at Crieff. (Illustrated archaeologist. London, 1894. 4°. v. 2, p. 50-52.) CA An inscribed sculptured slab. Discovery of an ogam inscription at Fordoun. (Illustrated archaeologist. London, 1894. 4°. v. 1, p. 124-126.) CA Notes of the recent discovery of pavement and flooring tiles at the abbey of Coupar-Angus and the cathedral of St. Andrews. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 146-148.) CPA ■ Notice of the discovery, near Broughty Ferry, of an antique ecclesiasti- cal gold finger-ring. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 156-159.) CPA Notice of fragments of sculptured stones at the church of Tealing, near Dun- dee, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911 sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 420-426.) CPA Notice of a jug of peculiar form found at Forfar, with an additional note on the occurrence of earthenware jugs or jars built into the walls of dwelling- houses in Scotland, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 352-355.) CPA Notice of the recent discovery of fragments of ancient sculptured crosses at the cathedral church, St. Andrews. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 215-220.) CPA Notice of a sculptured stone re- cently discovered at Murtly. . . illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 252-256.) CPA Notice of the Wallace stones. Longforgan. illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 476-482.) CPA See also Small, John William. Innes, Cosmo. Notice of the crozier of St. Moluach, the property of the duke of Argyll. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 12-14.) CPA With supplementary notes by Joseph Robertson on other early saints' croziers, p. 14-15, 125. Jervise, Andrew. Notice of antiquities in the parish of Airlie, Forfarshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p 346-357.) CPA Notices and examples of inscrip- tions on old castles and town houses in the north-east of Scotland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 578-592.) CPA Jewitt, Llewellyn. Sculptured stone, with ogham inscription, on the island of Bressay, in Shetland. 2 pi. (Reliquary. London, 1885. 8°. v. 25, p. 232.) CA Joass, James Maxwell. Note on the cu- rach and ammir in Ross-shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 179-180.) CPA Johnston, Christopher N. Notice of crosses found at St. Ninian's Cave, Glas- serton, Wigtownshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 317-322.) CPA 100 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Jolly, William. St. Columba's Loch, in Skye, and its ancient canoes. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 551- 561.) CPA Ker, William Lee. The papingo. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 324-339.) CPA Laidlaw, Walter. Sculptured and in- scribed stones in Jedburgh and vicinity, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 21-54.) CPA Laing, Alexander. Notice of early monu- ments in the parish of Strowan, in Blair Athole. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 442-444.) CPA Laing, David. A brief notice of the small figure cut in ivory, supposed by Pennant to represent the king of Scotland in his coronation chair, and which was discovered in Dunstaffnage castle. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archa?- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 366-369.) t CPA See above under Brook, A. J. S. Landsborough, D. Notice of a sculp- tured cross, with crucifixion on obverse, recently discovered at Lamlash. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 74-77.) CPA Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Description of an ancient silver bracelet, found at Brugh Head. 1 pi. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotia. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 39-40.) fCPA Lawson, John. Letter from J. Lawson of Cairnmuir, to Sir Walter Scott, de- scribing some golden ornaments found in March, 1806, near the house of New Cairn- muir, Peeblesshire. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scoti- ca. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 217-219.) fCPA Linn, James. "Peer-men" and some of their relations. (Celtic magazine. Inver- ness, 1883. 8°. v. 8, p. 556-563.) * DE ; (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 341-345.) * EC "Peer-men" were old lighting appliances. Macadam, William Ivison. Notes on the analyses of additional samples of bog butter found in different parts of Scotland. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sa. 8°. v. 23, p. 433-434.) CPA Notes on the ancient iron indus- try of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 89-131.) CPA (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1893. 8°. v. 3, p. 222-263.) * EC Notice, with analyses, of a series of church tokens of various parishes; of the collection plates belonging to the church of Duddingston and the Trinity College Church of Edinburgh; and of the Trinity College Church Hospital bell. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 163-169.) CPA • ■ On the results of a chemical inves- tigation into the composition of the "bog- butters" and of "adipocere" arrd the "min- eral resins;" with notice of a cask of bog butter found in Glen Gell, Morvern, Ar- gyllshire... illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 204-223.) CPA On the use of the spindle and whorl by the fishermen of the present day. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 148-151.) CPA Macdonald, James. Historical notices of "the broch," or Burghead, in Moray, with an account of its antiquities. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 321-368.) CPA • Notes on some Ayrshire examples of pottery, supposed to be mediaeval. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 80-84.) fCA Macdonald, William Rae. The heraldry in some of the old churchyards between Tain and Inverness, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 688-732.) CPA Notes on the heraldry of Elgin and its neighbourhood, including the cathe- dral, bishop's house, Greyfriars, and High street in Elgin, Spyriie Palace, Church of Holy Trinity at Spynie, Lhanbryd church, Coxton tower, Birnie church, Kinloss ab- bey, Burgie castle, Duffus church, Gor- donstown House, Ogston church, Kinne- der church, D'rainie church, St. Andrews church, Innes House, Pluscardin priory, Cullen church, Deskford church, and Banff, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 344-429.) CPA Macgillivray, William. Notice of the Arbuthnott missal, psalter, and office of the Blessed Virgin. (Society of Antiqua- > LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 101 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 89-104.) CPA Mackay, ^Eneas James George. Notes on a pair of pampooties, or shoes of raw hide, from Aran More, Galway bay, by M. J. G. Mackay; and on cuaran and other varieties of shoes used in the Highlands and islands of Scotland, by Alexander Carmichael. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 136-150.) CPA Mackay, George. Note on a pair of pipe-bannerets of Reay's Fencible High- landers (1794-1802) offered to the Society of Antiquaries as a loan exhibit on behalf of the Clan Mackay Society. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 298-300.) CPA Note on a snuff-mull belonging to Colin Campbell of Glenure (A.D. 1752). (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 301-303.) CPA Mackenzie, Colin. The sculptured stones of Ross and Cromarty. (Celtic mag- azine. Inverness, 1881-83. 8°. v. 6, p. 476-482; v. 7, p. 1-6, 76-83, 121-127, 212-218, 276-280, 309-319, 441-450, 537-540; v. 8, p. 49-55.) * DE Mackenzie, James B. Notes on a stone circle at Greenland, parish of Kenmore, and a grave-slab in the burying-ground of the Macnabs at Killin. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 271-277.) CPA Mackenzie, William Cook. Notes on the Pigmies Isle, at the Butt of Lewis, with results of the recent exploration of the "Pigmies Chapel," there, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 248-258.) CPA Maclagan, Miss Christian. Notice of the discovery of two sculptured stones, with symbols, at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. 2 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 11-13.) CPA "What mean these stones?" Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1894. 4 p.l., (1)10-46 p., 6 pi. sq. 8°. QPM Macleod, Donald. See Miller, Hugh, and Donald Macleod. Macleod, Frederick Thomas. Notes of sculptured monumental slabs, an unde- scribed symbol stone, standing stones, brochs, and other antiquities in Skye. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 373-389.) CPA M'Neill, Malcolm. Notice of the dis- covery of a Viking interment, in the island of Colonsay. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 61-62.) CPA Macpherson, Norman. Notice of com- munion cups from Duirinish, Skye, with notes on other sets of Scottish church plate, of which specimens were exhibited, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 398-446.) CPA Notice of a finely ornamented chalice of silver, parcel-gilt, the property of R. B. M. Macleod, of Cadboll. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 423-432.) CPA Macrae, Donald. The Drostan stone (St. Vigeans). (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 330-334.) CPA Notice of a dish of bog-butter (?) found at Midton, Inverasdale, Poolewe, Ross-shire, in May, 1893. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 18-19.) CPA MacRitchie, David. The Pigmies' Isle in the Hebrides. (Antiquary. London, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 22-26.) ' CA Madden, Frederic. Historical remarks on the introduction of the game of chess into Europe, and on the ancient chess-men discovered in the isle of Lewis. 4 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Archae- ologia. London, 1832. 4°. v. 24, p. 203- 291.) f CA Magnusson, Finnur. Om et ved Largs i Skotland fundet kostbart Spsende og dets tvende Rune-inskrifter. .. (Kongeligt Nor- disk Oldskrift-Selskab. Annaler. Kjoben- havn, 1846. 8°. 1846, p. 323-344.) GEA Mann, Ludovic M'Lellan. Notices (1) of a pottery churn from the island of Coll, with remarks on Hebridean pottery; and (2) of a workshop for flint implements in Wigtownshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 326-329.) CPA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Notes on the "carles" or wooden candlesticks of Wigtownshire, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 113-118.) CPA Notice of an enamelled bronze harness ornament, from Auchendolly, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. 1 pi. (Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- 102 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. ciation. Archaeological and historical col- lections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v.6, P 32- 33.) T *- A Notice of the excavation of St. Ninian's cave, parish of Glasserton, Wig- townshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 82-96.) CPA Notice of the further excavation of St. Ninian's cave, parish of Glasserton, Wigtownshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 137 " 14 ^ A illus. (Ayrshire and Gallo- way Archaeological Association. Archae- ological and historical collections. Edin- burgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 34-37.) t CA The relics of St. Fillan. 4 illus. (Good words. London, 1892. 8°. v. 33, p. 39-43.) * DA St. Ninian's cave, Glasserton. 10 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeologi- cal Association. Archaeological and his- torical collections. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 5, p. 1-7.) t CA See also Trotter, Robert, and Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell. Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notice of an incised sepulchral slab found in the church of Longforgan, Perthshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 463-475.) CPA Notice of a steel pistol with the Dundee mark and of the armourers of Dundee, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 276-280.) CPA Miller, Hugh. Note on fragments of two sculptured stones of Celtic workmanship found in the churchyard of Tarbat, Easter Ross, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 435-444.) CPA Miller, Hugh, and Donald Macleod. Notice of the discovery of a hoard of sil- ver penannular armlets and coins at Tar- bat, Ross-shire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 314-317.) CPA Mitchell, Sir Arthur. A description of some neo-archaic objects, from various parts of Scotland, recently added to the museum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 181-194.) CPA Inscribed stones at Kirkmadrine, in the parish of Stoneykirk, county of Wig- ton. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 568-586.) CPA Note of pins found on the Reay Sands, and on pin-making as a present-day home industry. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 462-464.) CPA Note on a small brass or -bronze vessel found in Islay. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 299-303.) CPA Notice of the discovery of an un- described sculptured stone, with incised symbols, in Strathspey, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 87-88.) CPA Some notes on Scottish crusies — their wide distribution, and the contri- vance for suspending them, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 121-146.) CPA Vacation notes in Cromar, Burg- head, and Strathspey, by A. Mitchell; in- cluding, Notice of one of the supposed burial-places of St. Columba, by James Drummond. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 603-689.) CPA Morrison, Hew. Notices of the discov- ery of a stone coffin and fragment of a Celtic cross at Lethnott, Forfarshire, and of a bronze celt at Durness, Sutherland- shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 315-320.) CPA Morrison, James. Note on the discovery of an incised symbol-bearing slab at Easterton of Roseisle, Elginshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 449-453.) CPA Muir, Thomas S. Ecclesiological notes on some of the islands of Scotland. Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1885. xii, 316 p., 35 pi. 8°. CP Reviewed in Revue celtique, v. 9, p. 123-124, Paris, 1885. Munro, Alexander. Note on an incised stone cross at Strathy, Sutherlandshire. il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 252-254.) CPA Murray, David. A small brass cup found in the graveyard of the church of St. Clem- ent, Rodil, Harris, with a note on the chalice, illus. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1899. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 214-237. CPA Murray, Patrick. Note on a single-piece wooden vessel found in a peat moss on LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 103 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Torr Righ hill, Shiskin, Arran. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 582-583.) CPA Murthly, The, ms., Description of. Pur- chased by Mr. James Gibson-Craig at the Murthly sale in 1871. n.p., n. d. 3 p. 4°. Neilson, George. Churches as forts. (Antiquary. London, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 265-270.) CA The motes in Norman Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1898. 8°. v. 32, p. 209-238.) * DA Peel: its meaning and derivation. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 121-153.) CPA Glasgow: Strathern & Free- man, 1893. 2 p.l„ 33 p. sq. 8°. * C p.v. 368 Neish, James. Note of a donation of four sculptured stones from Monifieth, Forfarshire. 3 pi. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 71-77.) CPA Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron. The Latheron ogam-stone. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 94-96.) NDK The vernacular inscriptions of the ancient kingdom of Alban. Transcribed, translated, and explained. London: B. Quaritch, 1896. xxii, 64, viii, 90 p. 16°. RPK The last 90 p. are reprints with corrections of letters to The Academy, written in 1893-95. [Notice of eight miniature coffins of wood, each containing a wooden image of the human figure dressed up for burial, found on Arthur's Seat in 1836.] illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 460-463.) CPA Notice and engraving of the brooch of Lorn, exhibited to the society in 1828. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 419.) t CPA On an old Scotch silver spoon, illus. (Antiquary. London, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 184-186.) CA With Edinburgh hall-marks of 1612. Paget, Lady Clara. Notes on sepulchral crosses and slabs in Shetland. 2 pi. (Bri- tish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1894. 8°. v. 50, p. 306-307.) CA Paterson, Robert. Notice of an earthen jar found in excavating the foundation of an old house at Leith. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 413-416.) CPA Patrick, John. The sculptured caves of East Wemyss. illus. (Reliquary. Lon- don, 1905. 4°. new series, v. 11, p. 73-84.) CA Paul, Sir James Balfour. Notes on old Scottish measures, with a notice of the Inverkeithing ellwand. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 210-215.) CPA On beggars' badges, with notes on the licensed mendicants of Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 169-179.) CPA Peddie, John M. Dick. Notice of a crucifix of bronze enamelled, found in the churchyard of Ceres, Fife, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 146-151.) CPA Peter, James. Notes on an oaken spade found in a moss at Cruden, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 445-447.) CPA Petley, Charles Carter. A short account of some carved stones in Ross-shire, ac- companied with a series of outline en- gravings. 9 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 345-352.) f CPA Petrie, George. Notice of remains of a round church with semicircular apse, in the parish of Orphir, Orkney. illus. (Archaeological journal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 18, p. 227-230.) CA Place, Mrs. Notice of the exploration of the castle on the isle of Loch Dochart, Perthshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 358-369.) CPA Pollexfen, John H. On a hoard of gold ornaments and silver coins found in Bute. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1865. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 57-72.) MHA Primrose, James. Ancient graves re- cently discovered on the farm of Wynd- ford, in Uphall parish. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 325-328.) CPA Quigrich, The, or crosier of St. Fillan. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 5, p. 339-340.) t CPA Ranken, W. R. Notices of some iron relics found in Carluke parish. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 512-517.) CPA 104 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Reid, John James. Notice of a fragment of a monumental sculptured stone found at Meigle, 1888. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 232-234.) CPA Notice of two vessels of grey stoneware (Bellarmines or greybeards), one found full of quicksilver in Shetland, the other at Eyemouth, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 34-38.) CPA The Scottish regalia, anciently styled The honours of Scotland. 2 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 18-48.) CPA Rhys, Sir John. The inscriptions and language of the northern Picts. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 263-351.) CPA (Addenda & corrigenda.) (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 411-412.) CPA A revised account of the inscrip- tions of the northern Picts. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 324-398.) CPA Some inscribed stones in the north. (Academy. London, 1891. 4°. v. 40, p. 180-181.) * DA 1. The Catstane, Kirkliston. 2. The Yarrow stone. Richardson, Adam Black. Notice of a hoard of broken silver ornaments and Anglo-Saxon and Oriental coins found in Skye. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 225-240.) CPA Riddell, Robert. A dissertation upon the ancient carved stone monuments in Scotland, with a particular account of one in Dumfriesshire. 1 pi. (Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs. Manchester, 1793. 8° v. 4 part 2, p. 131-135.) * EC Notice of fonts in Scotland. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Ar- chaeologia. London, 1794. 4°. v. 11 o 106-107.) fCA Ritchie, James. The sculptured stones of Clath, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 203-215.) CPA Some old crosses and unlettered sepulchral monuments in Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 333-353.) CPA Robertson, Joseph. Scottish abbeys and cathedrals. [By J. Robertson.] (Quarter- ly review. London, 1849. 8°. v. 85, p. 103-156.) *DA See also Innes, Cosmo. Robertson, Thomas S. Notes from Kirkwall, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 313-315.) CPA Roger, James Cruickshank. Notes on two additional runic ristings in St. Molio's cave, Holy Isle, Lamlash bay, island of Arran. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 378-380.) CPA Romanes, Robert, and James Curle. Letter to the secretary, presenting the silver chain known as "Midside Maggie's girdle" to the National Museum of Antiq- uities; with notes upon the story of the girdle and its owners, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 195- 204.) CPA Ross, Alexander. Tesselated pavement at Skaill, Orkney. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 253-257.) *EC Ross, Thomas. Ancient sundials of Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 161-273.) CPA Notice of the remains of a mediae- val chapel found in the Roman station at Ardoch. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 471-476.) CPA Notice of undescribed hog-backed monuments at Abercorn and Kirknewton. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 422-427.) CPA The sculptures in St. Mirren's chapel, Paisley abbey, representing the acts and miracles of St. Mirin; also incised sepulchral slabs, recently discovered in the abbey church, Paisley, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 44-96.) CPA St. Fillan's quigrich. (Canadian anti- quarian. Montreal, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 86- 90.) HWA Simpson, Sir James Young. On the Cat-stane, Kirkliston: is it not the tomb- stone of the grandfather of Hengist and Horsa? 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 119-165.) CPA Reprinted in his Archxological essays, v. 1, p. 137-197, Edinburgh, 1872. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 105 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Sinclair, Allan. The quigrich, or pas- toral staff of St. Fillan. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 33-39.) * DE See also correspondence on p. 117. 149-150, 199- 200. Skene, William Forbes. Ancient Gaelic inscriptions in Scotland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 81-83.) CPA Notes on the ogham inscription on the Newton stone. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 289-298.) CPA • Notice of an ogham inscription in the churchyard of Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 602-603.) CPA Small, John William. Scottish market crosses... With an introductory chapter by Alexander Hutcheson. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1900. 4 p.l., xi p., 115 1., 118 pi. f°. ft CP Smith, John Alexander. Additional notes in reference to the inscribed stone found near Yarrow kirk, Selkirkshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8". v. 4, p. 524-540.) CPA Additional notes on the three mas- sive bronze or brass armlets found near Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 355-361.) CPA Note of a peculiar stone mould found near Jedburgh. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 53-58.) CPA Notes on mediaeval "kitchen mid- dens" recently discovered in the monas- tery and nunnery on the island of Iona. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 103-117.) CPA Notes respecting a fragment of an ancient sculptured stone or Anglo-Saxon cross, found at Gattonside, near Melrose, and a portion of the old cross of Jedburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 448-457.) CPA Notice of an ancient Celtic eccle- siastical bell, now preserved in the mu- seum, Kelso, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 277-284.) CPA Notice of the discovery of a mas- sive silver chain of plain double rings or links at Hordwell, Berwickshire. By the Hon. Lord Dundas. With notes of similar silver chains found in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, P- 64-70.) CPA — — Notice of a massive bronze "late Celtic" armlet and two small objects of bronze (horse-trappings), found with a Roman bronze patella, at Stanhope, Peeblesshire, in 18/6; with an account of other bronze or brass armlets found in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 316-355.) CPA Notice of a remarkable bronze or- nament with horns, found in Galloway, now at Abbotsford; also of a bronze or- nament like a "swine's head," found in Banffshire. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 334-357.) CPA Notice of a silver chain or girdle, the property of Thomas Simson, of Blains- lie, Berwickshire; another in the posses- sion of the University of Aberdeen, and of other ancient Scottish silver chains. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 321-347.) CPA On the use of the "mustard cap and bullet" in the north of Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 255-258.) CPA Somerville, J. E. Notice of an ancient structure called "The Altar," in the island of Canna. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 133-140.) CPA Southesk (9. earl), James Carnegie. The Newton stone. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 21-45.) CPA An ogham inscription at Aber- nethy, 1895. 1 illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 244-251.) CPA The ogham inscriptions of Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 180-206.) CPA The oghams on the Brodie and Aquhollie stones, with notes on the in- scriptions of the Golspie and Newton stones, and a list of the oghams in Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 14-40.) CPA Origins of Pictish symbolism, with notes on the sun boar, and a new reading of the Newton inscriptions. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1893. xii, 95 p., 11 pi. illus. 8°. CP Reviewed in Illustrated archaeologist, v. 1, p. 133- 135, London, 1894. 106 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Stephens, George. The Hunterston brooch. 2 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 76-79.) t CA Note of a fragment of a rune- inscribed stone from Aith's Voe, Cun- ningsburgh, Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 425-430.) Note of the Hunterston brooch, Ayrshire, with a reading of the runic in- scription on it. 2 pi. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 462-464.) CPA Notice of the runic ring recently found in Cramond churchyard. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 458-459.) CPA Notice of a sculptured stone bear- ing on one side an inscription in runes, from Kilbar, island of Barra. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 33-36.) CPA The old northern runic monuments of Scandinavia and England. Kobenhavn and London. 1867-1901. 4 v. f°. ft NIE v. 1: p. 485-486, Runes of Maeshowe, Orkney; p. 371, Runic ring found at St. Andrews, Fifeshire; p. 405-448, Runic cross at Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire. v. 2: p. 589-597, The Hunterston brooch; p. 757- 758, The Maeshowe runes. v. 3: p. 215-216, Rune-inscribed ring found at Cra- mond, Edinburghshire; p. 315-316, Rune-inscribed monument from Kilbar, Barra; p. 319-320, Bronze plate with runic inscription found at Laws, Moni- fieth, Forfarshire; p. 430-439, Runic cross at Ruth- well. v. 4: p. 35, Stone disc with runic inscription found at Keiss, Caithness; p. 36-39, Two rune- inscribed stones found at St. Ninian's cave, Whit- horn, Wigtownshire. The runic inscriptions at Maes- howe. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1862. 8°. v. 213, p. 286-291.) * DA Stewart, Dr. Notes regarding a drinking cup which belonged to the old Kilsyth Livingstones and otherwise relative to that family. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 195-205.) CPA Stewart, Alexander. The Ballachulish goddess. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 21-28.) * EC Struthers, John. Note of a gold brooch of the 13th or 14th century, found in the Water of Ardoch, near Doune castle. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 330-333.) CPA Stuart, John. Historical notices of St. Fillan's crozier, and of the devotion of King Robert Bruce to St. Fillan. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 134-182.) CPA With an appendix of original documents. Note of a copper plate and bronze ornaments from Cluny. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 83-85.) CPA Notice of excavations in the cham- bered mound of Maeshowe, in Orkney, and of the runic inscriptions on the walls of its central chamber. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 247-279.) CPA Notice of two ancient silver chalices and a silver basin belonging to the parish of Forgue, Aberdeenshire, and of their donors, James Crichton of Fren- draught, and his son, the Viscount Fren- draught. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 91-109.) CPA Reprints (from Motherwell) the old ballad . on the Burning of Frendraught. Sweno's stone. 'L'obelisque de Sueno en Ecosse.' 1 illus. (Magasin pittoresque. Paris, 1835. 4°. 1835, p. 137-138.) * DM Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. Notes on the Lewis chessmen. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 411-413.) CPA On the primitive dwellings and hypogea of the Outer Hebrides. 10 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 153-195.) CPA Thomson, Alexander. Notice of sculp- tured stones found at "Dinnacair," a rock in the sea, near Stonehaven. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 69-75.) CPA — — Notice of the various attempts which have been made to read and inter- pret the inscription on the Newton stone, Garioch, Aberdeenshire. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 224-234.) CPA Thomson, Andrew. Notes on recum- bent slabs incised with a peculiar form of cross at Coldingham and elsewhere in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 302-308.) CPA Thomson, Thomas. A letter giving some account of an ancient ecclesiastical bell and chain, discovered in the parish of Kilmichael Glassrie, in the county of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 107 Archaeology, continued. Mediaeval Archaeology, continued. Argyll... (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 117-118.) fCPA Thomson, William. An account of the ancient crosier of St. Fillan's, described in a letter., .to the earl of Buchan. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archeeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 289-291.) f CPA Trotter, Robert. Notice of the excava- tion of St. Medan's cave and chapel, Kirk- maiden, Wigtownshire. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ar- chaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 17-26.) f CA With additional note by Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell on p. 27-30, and 2 pi. Trotter, Robert, and Sir Herbert Eus- tace Maxwell. Notice of the excavation of St. Medan's cave and chapel, Kirk- maiden, Wigtownshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 76-90.) CPA Tulloch, John. Notice of three silver vessels belonging to St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 141-143.) CPA Veitch, John. Yarrow and its inscribed stone. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 648- 656.) * DA W., T. The Newton stone. (Intellec- tual observer. London, 1866. 8°. v. 9, p. 107-110.) OA Walker, James Russell. The common coffins at Abercorn and Linlithgow. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 387-391.) CPA Notes on a peculiar class of recumbent monuments, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 406-424.) CPA Scottish baptismal fonts. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 346-448.) CPA Walker, Robert Craufurd. Notice of an old heraldic iron door knocker from Meik- leour, near Blairgowrie, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 461- 462.) CPA Wallace, Thomas D. Archaeological notes. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 307-315.) *EC The making of pot barley in olden times. May- day, or "Beltein." White stones. Craig-na-Uamh. Notes from Kinlochewe. Notes on some antiquities in Enzie, Banffshire, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 54-56.) CPA Way, Albert. Notice of a bronze beaded collar, found in Lochar Moss, Dumfries- shire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archasologia. London, 1852. 4° v. 34, p. 83-87.) f CA Notices of a remarkable discovery of silver ornaments in a tumulus at Largo, in Fifeshire. 3 pi. illus. (Archaeological journal. London, 1849. 8°. v. 6, p. 248- 259.) P CA The quigrich, or crosier of St. Fillan, with a notice of its present exist- ence in Canada. 1 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 16, p. 41- 52.) CA Some additional notices and documents, com- municated by John Stuart, are added. White, Thomas Pilkington. The eccles- iastical antiquities of the district of Kin- tyre in Argyllshire. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 227-230.) CPA Wilson, Sir Daniel. The Dunvegan cup. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 8-9.) CPA Holy Island, and the runic inscrip- tions of St. Molio's cave, county of Bute. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 45-56.) CPA • The Kilmichael-Glassrie bell shrine. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 79-93.) CPA Notice of the "quigrich," or crosier of Saint Fillan. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 233-234.) CPA Notices of the quigrich or crosier of St. Fillan and of its hereditary keepers, in a letter to John Stuart, LL.D. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 122-131.) CPA The quigrich. 1 pi. (Canadian journal of industry, science, and art. To- ronto, 1859. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 429- 441.) * EC Some illustrations of early Celtic Christian art. illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 222-239.) CPA Wise, Thomas Alexander. History of paganism in Caledonia, with an examina- tion into the influence of Asiatic phi- losophy, and the gradual development of Christianity in Pictavia. London: Triib- ner & Co., 1884. xxvi p., 1 1., 259 p., 7 1., 2 pi. illus. 4°. t QPM 108 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description Collections Abbotsford Club. Miscellany of the Ab- botsford Club. [Edited by James Maid- ment] v. 1. Edinburgh, 1837. xiv p., 2 1., (1)6-423 p., 5 pi., fac-sim. 4°. t CP No more issued. Contents: 1. Selections from the papers of the family of Boyd of Kilmarnock, 1468-1590. 2. Dis- pute between the abbot and convent of Lindores and the inhabitants of Newburgh, 1309. 3. Bur- lesque sermon of the fifteenth century. 4. Verses and letters from Mr. James Edmestoun to King James vi., November 15, 1607. 5. Account of the last moments of Queen Anne of Denmark. 6. Trial of Mungo Murray for assaulting Thomas Sydserf, comedian, June 4 and 11, 1669. 7. Brevis narratio martyrii venerabilis sacerdotis Thomas Maxfieldii. 8. Epistolae virorum clarorum ad Jacobum Sextum Britanniae regem. 9. Virorum doctorum epistolse. 10. Johannis Hoskyns supplicatio ad regem. 11. Trials for witchcraft, sorcery, and superstition, in Orkney. 12. True relation of my Lord of War- wick's passage, 1627. 13. Award by James vi. as to the succession to the barony of Sanquhar. 14. Letters by James vi. to the countess dowager of Angus. 15. Letters of Thomas Lord Ellesmere, lord high chancellor of England, 1608-1616. 16. Letters and papers relative to the history of Great Britain during the reign of James i. 17. Letters and papers relative to Irish matters. 18. Satire against Scotland by James Howel. 19. Answer to the Satire against Scotland. 20. The complaint of the Muses upon Sir William Alexander. 21. Memoir of John Geddy, by Robert Mylne, junior. 22. Correspon- dence between George Ridpath and the Rev. RoDert Wodrow, 1706-1709. _ 23. Provost Drummond's ac- count of the discussion in Parliament as to Camp- bell of Shawfield's losses, 1725. Analecta Scotica: Collections illustra- tive of the civil, ecclesiastical, and literary history of Scotland. Chiefly from original mss. Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1834-37. 2 series, xii, iv, 410 p.; xviii, 425 p. 8°. CP Only 112 copies printed of each series, six of which are on thick paper. Anderson, John, editor. See Calendar of the Laing charters. Atholl (7. duke), John James Hugh Henry Stewart Murray. Second report on the muniments of the duke of Athole. [By Sir William Fraser.] (In: Great Bri- tain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report [no.] 12. Appendix, part 8, p. 1-75. London, 1891. 8°.) C Baillie, Robert. The letters and jour- nals of Robert Baillie, principal of the University of Glasgow, 1637-1662. Edited by David Laing. Edinburgh: Robert Ogle, 1841-42. 3 v. nar. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) fCP This copy is of the impression printed for sale. Bain, Joseph, editor. See Scotland. — General Register Office. Calendar of the state papers relating to Scotland and Mary, queen of Scots, and The Hamilton papers. Bannatyne Club. The Bannatyne mis- cellany; containing original papers and tracts, chiefly relating to the history and literature of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1827- 55. 3 v. 4°. tCP v. 1 edited by Sir Walter Scott and David Laing; v. 2-3 edited by David Laing. v. I. (1) A proposal for uniting Scotland with England, addressed to King Henry vm., by John Elder Clerke, a Redshanke. (2) The progress of the regent of Scotland, with certain of his nobility, June, 1568. (3) An account of a pretended con- ference held by the regent, earl of Murray, with the Lord Lindsay, and others, January, 1570. (4) An opinion of the present state, faction, religion, and power of the nobility of Scotland, 1583. (5) Instructions from Henry hi., king of France, to the Sieur de la Mothe Fenelon, ambassador at the Court of Scotland, 1583. (6) The heads of a conference between King James vi. and Sir Francis Walsingham, September, 1583. (7) Notes presented by Mr. John Colville to Lord Hunsdon, 1584. (8) The manner and form of the examination and death of William, earl of Gowrye, May, 1584. (9) The apology of Mr. Patrick Galloway, minister of Perth, when he fled to England, 1585. (10) Relation by the Master of Gray, concerning the surprise of the king at Stirling, November, 1585. (11) The applica- tion of three several discourses delivered on occa- sion of the Gowrye conspiracy, August, 1600. I. By Mr. Patrick Galloway, at the Cross at Edinburgh. ii. By Mr. William Cowper, at Edinburgh, in. By Mr. Patrick Galloway, at Glasgow. (12) Narra- tive by Mr. Robert Bruce, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, concerning his troubles in the year 1600. (13) Edinburgi regiae Scotorum urbis descriptio, per Alexandrum Alesium Scotum, S.T.D. 1550. (14) Elegy on Sir Robert Kerr, of Celsford, first earl of Eoxburghe, 1650. (15) A relation of the examina- tion and imprisonment of James Cathkin, book- seller, June, 1619. (16) Letter from Robert of Dunhelm, monk of Kelso, to the prior and convent of Tynemouth, 1257. (17) Reasons against the reception of King James's metaphrase of the Psalms, 1631. (18) Declaration in the Court of the Superin- tendent of Fife, 1561, upon the articles and sentence against Sir John Borthwick, knight, by Cardinal Beaton, 1540. (19) A diary of the expedition of King Edward i. into Scotland, 1296. (20) Ex- tracts from the obituary of the Rev. Robert Boyd of Trochrig, principal of the College of Edinburgh, 1609-1625. (21) Poems by Sir Robert Ayton. (22) Letters of Florentius Volusenus, circa 1535. (23) Meditation faite par Marie Royne d'Escosse et Dovairiere de France, 1572. (24) Letters of John, earl of Gowrye, 1595. v. n. (1) Strena ad Jacobum v. Scotorum regem, de suscepto regni regimine, (1528). (2) Historia miraculose fundationis monasterii Sancte Cruris grope Edinburgh, (1128). (3) Negotiations of the Scottish commissioners at Nottingham, September, 1484. (4) Oratio Scotorum ad regem Ricardum tertium pro pace firmanda inter Anglos et Scotos. (5) List of contributions to the senators of the Col- lege of Justice, April, 1586, &c. (6) A survey of the castle and town of Edinburgh, January, 1573. — Journal of the siege of the castle of Edinburgh, April and May, 1573. (7) The opinion of George Buchanan concerning the reformation of the Uni- versity of St. Andrews. (8) Testamentum domini Jacobi de Douglas domini de Dalkeith militis, 30 Sept. 1390. — Testamentum ejusdem, 19 Dec. 1392. (9) The spectakle of luf, translated from the Latin by G. Myll, at St. Andrews, 1492. (10) Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum, e bibliotheca D. Joannis Ducis de Lauderdale, 1692. (11) The quair of jel- ousy, a poem by [James] Auchinleck, written about the year 1480. (12) Collection of the wills of printers and booksellers in Edinburgh between the years 1577 and 1687. (13) An obituary from the rental book of the preceptory of St. Anthony, near Leith, 1526. (14) Collection of papers relating to the "Theatrum Scotiae," and "History and present state of Scotland," by Captain John Slezer, 1693 1707. (15) Collection of papers relating to the geographical description, maps, and charts of Scot- land, by John Adair. F.R.S., geographer for the LIST OF' WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 109 History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. kingdom of Scotland, 1686-1723. (16) Urbis Edin- burgi descriptio, per Davidem Buchananum, circa A.D. 1648. v. in. (1) Two ancient records of the bishopric of Caithness, from the charter-room at Dunrobin. With a prefatory notice, by Cosmo Innes, Esq. (2) Extracts from a manuscript volume of chronicles in the possession of the Right Hon. Lord Panmure: — De tributariis insulis, De Orcadibus insulis, The Chronycle of Scotland in a part, De Johanne Bal- lialo &c, Nomina regum Scotorum. (3) Diploma of Thomas, bishop of Orkney and Zetland, and the chapter of Kirkwall, addressed to Eric, king of Norway, respecting the genealogy of William Saint Clair, earl of Orkney. With a translation by Dean Thomas Guild, monk of Newbattle, 1554. (4) Ex- tract from Thorm. Torfaei Orcades. (5) The testa- ment of Alexander Suthyrland of Dunbeath, at Roslin castle, 15th November 1456. (6) Testa- ment of Sir David Synclar of Swynbrocht knycht, at Tyngwell, 10th July 1506. (7) The diary of John Lesley, bishop of Ross, April 11-October 16, 1571. (8) The preface by Henry Charteris to his edition of Henry's Wallace, printed at Edinburgh, 1594. (9) A catalogue of the bishops of Orkney, 1112-1477. (10) Notes by Professor Munch on the extracts from the Panmure manuscript in the present volume. (11) The testament of Richard Lawson, bookseller and merchant-burgess of Edinburgh,' 1622. (12) The progress of my Lord Walden's journey in Scot- land, in August, 1614. (13) Carta Jacobi tertii regis Scotorum de tenemento terre cum orto murato in burgo de Edinburgh, concess. David de Dalrympill, 15 Octobris 1471. (14) Proceedings of the com- missioners of the Kirk, at a meeting held at Edin- burgh, in July, 1627. (15) An account of the foundation of the Leightonian Library. By Robert Douglas, bishop of Dunblane. (16) Letters relat- ing to the Leightonian Library, Dunblane, 1703-1710. (17) Letters of assedation to Agnes, countess of Bothwell; and other deeds connected with the Hep- burns, earls of Bothwell, and the Hepburns of Waughton, 1520-1564. (18) A Godly exhortation, as set forth by John, archbishop of St. Andrews, commonly styled The twopenny Faith, 1559. (19) A plan of the city of St. Andrews, from an original drawing by James Gordon, A.M., minister of Rothie- may, 1642. (20) The contract with James de Witte, painter, for the portraits of the kings of Scotland ui the palace of Holyrood; and the accompt for portraits, by Godfrey Kneller, of King Charles II. and his brother James, duke of York, 1684. (21) Extracts from The richt way to the Kingdome of Hevine. (22) An advertisement and general queries for the description of Scotland by Sir Robert Sib- bald, M.D., His Majesties geographer for Scotland, 1682. (23) Proposals by Walter Gibson, merchant in Glasgow, to persons who wish to transport them- selves to America, 1684. (24) Advertisement to all tradesmen and others, .who are willing to trans-, port themselves into the province of East-New- Jersey in America, 1684. (25) Extracts from the acts and proceedings of the presbytery of Haddington, relat- ing to Dr. Gilbert Burnet, and the library of the kirk of Salton, 1664-1669. (26) Letters of Patrick, earl of Bothwell, and articles which he undertook to maintain at the appointment of the king of France, 1548-1549. (27) Additional extracts relat- ing, to the earls of Bothwell and the Master of Hailes. (28) The retour and royal warrant of taxation of the lands in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh, in the year 1479. Papiers d'etat, pieces et documents inedits ou peu connus relatifs a l'histoife de l'ficosse, au xvi. siecle, tires des biblio- theques et des archives de France, et pub- lies pour le Bannatyne Club d'fidimbourg, par A. Teulet. v. 1-3. Paris [1852-60]. 4°. tCP Boyd, William K., editor. See Scot- land. — General Register Office. Calendar of the state papers relating to Scotland and Mary, queen of Scots. Brown,, Peter Hume. Scotland before 1700 from contemporary documents. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1893. xix, 368 p., 2 maps. 8°. CP See also Scotland. — Privy Coun- cil. The register of the Privy Council. Burton, John Hill, editor. See Scot- land. — Privy Council. The register of the Privy Council. Calendar of the Laing charters, A.D. 854-1837, belonging to the University of Edinburgh. Edited by Rev. John Ander- son. Edinburgh: James Thin, 1899. vi p., 1 1., 1053 p. 4°. f CP Culloden papers : comprising an exten- sive and interesting correspondence from the year 1625 to 1748; including numerous letters from the unfortunate Lord Lovat . . .the whole published from the originals in the possession of Duncan George Forbes, of Culloden. To which is prefixed an introduction containing memoirs of the Right Hon. Duncan Forbes... London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1815. 1 p.l., xv(i), xliv, 479 p., 1 fac, 2 port. 4°. CP Curiosities of a Scots charta chest, 1600- 1800: with the travels and memoranda of Sir Alexander Dick... of Prestonfield. . . written by himself. Edited and arranged by Mrs. Atholl Forbes. Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1897. xx, 339 p., 14 fac, 5 pi., 4 port. 4°. fCP Dennistoun, James, editor. See Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Descriptive catalogue of the state papers and other historical documents preserved in the archives at Hamilton Palace, A.D. 1309-A.D. 1759. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Glasgow, 1847. 4°. v. 4, p. 59- 208.) f CP For the reigns of James v. and Mary Queen of Scots, and for the whole of the seventeenth century the collection is of the utmost value. The col- lection has since been calendared by the Historical Mss. Commission, eleventh report, appendix, part 6 (1887). Dickson, Thomas, editor. See Scot- land. — General Register Office. Ac- counts of the lord high treasurer. Dickson, William Kirk, editor. See Scotland. — General Register Office. Reg- istrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. Documents from the charter chest of the earl of Airlie. 1578-1682. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 203-206.) * fCP Eglinton and Winton (14. earl), Archi- bald William Montgomerie. Report on the muniments. . .at Eglinton castle. By William Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manu- scripts. Report [no.] 10, appendix 1, p. 1- 58. London, 1885. 8°.) C 110 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. Enroll, The, papers. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 211-349.) tCP i. Papers relating to the office of constable of Scotland; n. Bands of manrent, friendship, and alliance; ill. Letters; iv. Charters and miscellaneous papers. Ferguson, James, editor. See Papers illustrating the history of the Scots Bri- gade. Firth, Charles Harding, editor. See Scotland and the Protectorate. Forbes, Margaret Alice, editor. See Curiosities of a Scots charta chest. Fraser, Sir William. See Atholl (7. duke), John James Hugh Henry Stewart Murray; Eglinton and Winton (14. earl), Archibald William Montgomerie; Hamil- ton (12. duke), William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton; Home (12. earl), Charles Alexander Douglas-Home; also Maxwell, Sir John Maxwell Stirling; Moray, Charles Stirling Home-Drum- mond; Roxburghe (8. duke), Henry John Innes-Kerr; Seafield, Caroline Stuart, countess of; also Strathmore and King- horn (13. earl), Claud Bowes-Lyon. Gibson-Craig, Sir W. See Great Bri- tain. — Ordnance Survey, and Scotland. — General Register Office. Gordon, The, letters. [1568-1742., (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 211-236.) t CP Letters from Mary Queen of Scots to George, fifth earl of Huntly; from James VI. to George, the sixth earl; from James VII. to George, fourth marquis of Huntly, etc. Grant, James, editor. See Seafield (1. earl), James Ogilvie. Great Britain. — Ordnance Survey, and Scotland. — General Register Office. Fac- similes of national manuscripts of Scot- land selected [by Dr. J. Robertson] under the direction of... Sir W. Gibson-Craig... and photozincographed by Sir Henry James. [With introductory note by Sir W. Gibson-Craig; and introduction by the editor, Cosmo Innes.] Southampton: Ord- nance Survey Office, 1867-71. 3 v. f°. ffCP Part I. (1097-1296.) 1867. Part ii. (1296-1488.) 1870. Part. in. (1488-1649.) 1871. Appended are a few mss. of later date, includ- ing the treaty of union, 1707. Great Britain. — Public Record Office. Calendar of documents relating to Scot- land preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office... Edited by J. Bain. v. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1881-84. 4°. C v. 1. 1108-1272. v. 2. 1272-1307. v. 3. 1307-1357. v. 4. 1357-1509. Addenda. 1221-1435. Calendar of the state papers relat- ing to Scotland preserved in the... Public Record Office. By Markham John Thorpe. London, 1858. 2 v. 4°. C v. 1. The Scottish series of the reigns of Henry viii. Edward vi., Mary, Elizabeth, 1509-1589. v. 2. The Scottish series of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1589-1603; an appendix to the Scottish series, 1543-1592; and the state papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots during her detention in England; 1568-1587. Great Britain. — Record Commission. The acts of the Lords Auditors of causes and complaints. [Acta dominorum audi- torum.] 1466-1494. [Edited by Thomas Thomson.] London, 1839. 2 p.l., iv, 11, 110, 111*-150* 111-206, 86 p., 2 fac. f°. ttCP The acts of the Lords of Council in civil causes. [Acta dominorum concilii.] 1478-1495. [Edited by Thomas Thomson.] [London,, 1839. 3 p.l., 430, 60, 33 p., 2 fac. k ttcp Hamilton (12. duke), William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton. The charters and miscellaneous historical pa- pers of. . .the duke of Hamilton. [By Will- iam Fraser.] 1 p.l., 261 p. (In: Great Bri- tain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report [no.] 11, Appendix, part 6. London, 1887. 8°.) C Historians, The, of Scotland. [Edited by W. F. Skene and others.] Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1871-80. 10 v. 8°. *R — CP v. 7-10 published by W. Paterson. v. I. Johannis de Fordun Chronica K Gentis Scotorum. Edited by William F. Skene. 1871. v. ii. -in. The Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland. By Androw of Wyntoun. Edited by David Laing. v. i. and ii. 1872. v. IV. John of Fordun's Chronicle of the Scot- tish nation. Translated from the Latin text by Felix J. H. Skene. Edited by W. F. Skene. 1872. v. v. The lives of St. Ninian and St. Kentigern. Compiled in the twelfth century. Edited by Alex- ander Penrose Forbes, bishop of Brechin. 1874. y. vi. Life of St. Columba, founder of Hy, written by Adamnan, ninth abbot of that monastery. Edited by William Reeves, D.D. 1874. v. vii. The book of Pluscarden. Edited by Felix J. H. Skene, v. i. 1877. v. viii. Critical essay on the ancient inhabi- tants of the northern parts of Britain or Scotland. By Thomas Innes. 1879. v. ix. The Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland. By Androw of Wyntoun. Edited by David Laing. v. in. 1879. v. x. The book of Pluscarden. Edited by Felix J. H. Skene, v. II. 1880. Historical papers and letters from northern registers [illustrating the history of the north of "England, particularly in its relation to Scotland]. Edited by J. Raine. London: Longman & Co., 1873. xliv, 482 p. 4°. (Great Britain. — Public Record Office. Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the middle ages. no. 61.) C Home (12. earl), Charles Alexander Douglas-Home. The manuscripts of the earl of Home. [By William Fraser.] (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 111 History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. Historical Manuscripts. Report [no.] 12, Appendix, part 8, p. 76-185. London, 1891. 8°.) C Innes, Cosmo, editor. See Great Bri- tain. ■ — Ordnance Survey, and Scotland. — General Register Office. Iona Club. Collectanea de rebus Al- banicis, consisting of original papers and documents relating to the history of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1847. 8°. CP Includes also the Transactions of the club, 1833- 36. James, Sir Henry. See Great Britain. — Ordnance Survey, and Scotland. — Gener- al Register Office. Laing, David, editor. See Baillie, Robert; also Bannatyne Club. The Ban- natyne miscellany. Letters to the Argyll family, from Eliza- beth Queen of England, Mary Queen of Scots, King James vi., King Charles I., King Charles n., and others. From the originals preserved in the General Register House. [Collected by A. Mac- donald, and presented by the duke of Argyll.] With an appendix. Edinburgh, 1839. 5 p. 1., (i)xiv-xvi, 88 p., 14 fac. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CA The letters cover the years 1520-1685. Livingstone, Matthew. A calendar of charters and other writs relating to lands or benefices in Scotland in possession of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 303-392.) CPA Lockhart, George, of Carnwath. The Lockhart papers; containing memoirs and commentaries upon the affairs of Scotland from 1702 to 1715, by George Lockhart... His secret correspondence with the son of King James the Second from 1718 to 1728, and his other political writings. Also, Jour- nals and memoirs of the Young Preten- der's expedition in 1745, by Highland officers in his army. Published from orig- inal manuscripts in the possession of An- thony Aufrere. London: W. Anderson, 1817. 2 v. 4°. tCP MacConechy, James, editor. See Pa- pers illustrative of the political condition of the Highlands of Scotland. M'Cormick, Joseph. See State-papers and letters addressed to William Car- stares. Macdonald, Alexander, editor. See Maitland Club. Miscellany. Macfarlane, Walter. Geographical col- lections relating to Scotland made by Walter Macfarlane. Edited from Macfar- lane's transcript in the Advocates' Libra- ry by Sir Arthur Mitchell. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1906-08. 3 v. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 51-53.) CPA Macpherson, Alexander. Gleanings from the charter chest at Cluny Castle. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1895-1902. 8°. v. 19, p. 188-212; v. 20, p. 202-247; v. 21, p. 391-452; v. 23, p. 219-281.) NDO 1. Selections from the Lovat letters to Cluny of the '45. 2-3. Claverhouse letters, etc. Maidment, James, editor. See Abbots- ford Club. Miscellany; also Spottiswoode Society. The Spottiswoode miscellany. Maitland Club. Miscellany of the Mait- land Club; consisting of original papers and other documents illustrative of the history and literature of Scotland, v. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1833-47. 4°. t CP . V. 1-3 edited by James Dennistoun and Alexander Macdonald; v. 4 edited by Joseph Robertson. v. I. (1) The library of Mary Queen of Scots, and of King James the Sixth. (2) The archearis of our Soverane Ladyis Gaird. mdlxii-mdlxvii. (3) Contract of marriage betwixt Alexander Ogilvie of Boyne and Mary Bethune. mdlxvi. (4) Ex- tracts from the registers of the presbytery of Glas- tow _ and of the kirk sessions of Edinburgh and tirling prior to the year mdci. (5) Obligation by John, earl of Cassillis to make certain payments to his _ brother Hugh Kennedy of Brunston, upon his taking the laird of Auchindrain's life. Anno mdcii. (6) Letter from King James vi. to the Privy Council of Scotland, and proclamation by the Privy Council, anent the robes of earls, judges, magistrates, churchmen, advocates, clerks of the session and signet, etc._ mdcvi-mdcx. (7) House- hold account of Ludovick, duke of Lennox, when commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland. Anno mdcvii. (8) Indenture of a horse race betwixt the earls of Morton and Abercorn and the Lord Boyd. Anno mdcxxi. (9) Letters from Henry II., king of France, to his cousin Mary, queen dowager of Scotland, mdxlv-mdliv. (10) Letters of Mary Queen of Scots, during her residence in France, to her mother Mary the queen dowager of Scotland. (11) Act for sequestrating the quenis person and detening the same in the hous and place of Loch- levin, xvi Jun. mdlxvii. (12) Royal letters and other original documents addressed to the lairds of Barnbarroch. mdlix-mdcxviii. (13) Cathologus librorum quos vir eximius et beate memorie magis- ter Clemens Litill Edinburgene ecclesie et ministris ejusdem obiens legavit et consecravit. mdlxxx. (14) Inventories of buikis in the Colleges of Sanct- androis. mdlxxxviii-mdxcii. (15) The testament and lettir will of Mr. John Johnstoun, ane of the principall maisters of the New College of St. And- rois. Anno mdcxi. (16) Decreit anent the rank- ing and placeing of the nobilitie of Scotland in thair ordour in parliaments and generall coUnsells. v. Martii mdcvi. (17) Extracts from the registers of the presbytery of Glasgow and of the kirk sessions of the parishes of Cambusnethan, Humbie, and Stirling, subsequent to the year mdc. (18) Peti- tion for a toleration to the stang, with the pro- ceedings of the Regality Court of Huntly thereon. mdccxxxiv. v. ii. (1) Acts of the Parliament and of the Privy Council of Scotland, relative to the establish- ing and maintaining of schools, from the year mccccxcvi to the year mdcxcvi. (2) Appendix — Extracts from the accounts of the common good of various burghs in Scotland relative to payments for schools and schoolmasters, between the years 1557 and 1634. (3) Extracts from original letters of George, earl of Morton to his son James Lord Aber- dour, as to proceedings in Parliament relative to the Porteous mob, 1736. (4) Acts, statutes and 112 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. other proceedings of the provost, bailies, and council of the burgh of Edinburgh, from the year mdxxix to the year mdxxxi. (5) Letter from Mr. Zachary Boyd to Mr. Patrick Lindsay, archbishop of Glas- gow, xxviii Jan. mdcxxxvii. (6) Bands of friend- ship by Scott of Balwery, Orrok of that ilk, and Boswell of Glasmont, to the laird of Raith, from the year mdix to the year mdlvi. (7) Acts and statutes of the Lawting, Sheriff, and Justice Courts, within Orkney and Zetland, from the year mdcii to the year mdcxliv. (8) List of the parishes and islands within the earldom of Orkney and lordship of Zetland (ex- clusive of the bishoprick of Orkney), and certificate of the number of examinable persons in each parish and island, heads of familys, days services, &c, Feb- ruary, 1748. (9) Journal from Kirkwall to Edin- burgh. (10; Documents relative to the printers of some early Scottish newspapers, &c, from the year mdclxxxvi to the year mdccv. (11) Extracts from the records of the burgh of the Canongate near Edin- burgh, mdlxt-mdlxxxviii. (12) Royal letters and instructions and other documents from the archives of the earls of Wigton, mdxx-mdcl. (13) Excerpts from the household book of my lord archbishop of St. Andrews from 1663 to 1666. (14) Appendix, Note by Mr. Dennistoun, regarding the letters of Henry ii., printed in vol. I. of the Miscellany. v. in. (1) Acts and orders of the Privy Council of Scotland against the Clangregour, and informa- tion anent the state of the Highlands and Isles. — mdcx-mdcxxi. (2) Order of the King and Lords of the Privy Council of Scotland, anent the elec- tion of the principal, and regents of the College of Glasgow; and for halding of the common table within the said college, etc. — Aug., mdcii. (3) The address of the ^provest, baillies, Town Council and citizens of the city of Glasgow to King William and Queen Mary upon their Majestys accession to the throne. — 1 Feb. mdcxc. (4) Bond of associa- tion by the chancellor, rector, principal, dean of faculty, professors of theology and philosophy, stu- dents and others belonging to _ the University of Glasgow. — mdcxcvi. (5) Establishment for the pay of His Majesty's standing forces in the kingdom of Scotland. -~ 16 June 1684. (6) Establishment for the pay of Her Majesty's standing forces in the kingdom of Scotland. — 15 May 1702. (7) Extracts from the registers of the Privy Council of Scot- land, and other papers connected with the method and manner of ryding the Scottish Parliament. — • mdc-mdcciii. (8) Acts of the Parliament of Scot- land for settling the orders in the Parliament House. — ■ mdclxii-mdccvi. (9) Lists of fees and pensions granted to the officers of state and other servants of the Crown, etc., in Scotland. — mdclxvii-mdcxcix. (10) Letters from Mary Queen of Scots, to Sir Robert Melvill; and other papers from the archives of the earl of Leven and Melville. — ■ mdlxv- mdlxviii. (11) Register of vestments, jewels, and books for the choir, etc., belonging to the College of St. Salvator in the University of St. Andrews. — circa A.D. mccccl. (12) Extracts from the register of the kirk session of the city and parish of St. Andrews. — mdlix-mdlxiii. (13) Account of the expenses of certain dogs sent to the king of Den- mark, and requests by King James vi. to the earl of Mar for terrieres or earth dogges" mdxcix- mdcxxiv. (14) Letters from Christian, countess of Devonshire to Thomas, second earl of Haddington and to William, seventh earl of Morton about the year 1639. (15) The compt of James Murray of Kilbabertoun, maister of Wark to our Soverane Lord of the haill expensis maid upoUn building and reparatioiines within and about his Majesties castell of Stirling. — mdcxxviii-mdcxxix. (16) Declara- tions by the clergy and nobility of Scotland and by the barons and commissioners of burghs against the National' Covenant and the Solemn League and Covenant. — Jul. mdct.xxxi. (17) List of Popish parents and their children in various districts of Scotland as given in to the lords of the Privy Council and to the commission of the General As- sembly. — mdcci-mdccv. (18) Accounts of the burn- ing of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Blackford, Dalreoch and Dunning, about the begin- ning of the year 1716. (19) Commission by the meeting of the Estates to Sir Alexander Leslie to be general of all the Scots forces. — mdcxl. (20) The testament, testamentar, and mventar of the guidis and geir, etc., pertenmg to umquhile George Heriot jeweler to the Kingis Majestie. — mdcxxiv. v. iv. (1) In festo Sancti Kentigerni episcopi quod extra dvocesin eius celebratur in crastino octaue Epiphanie ad Missam officium. A.D. 1492. (2) Brevis descriptio regni Scotie, circa A.D. 1296. (3) Observations of Mr. Dioness Campbell, deane of Limerick, on the West Isles of Scotland. A.D. 1596. (4) Descriptive catalogue of the state papers and other historical documents preserved in the archives at Hamilton Palace. A.D. 1309-A.D. 1759. (5) Register of the provincial synod of Glasgow and Ayr. A.D. 1687-A.D. 1690. (6) Demission by Dr. Robert Leighton, of his charge of the diocese of Glasgow. A.D. 1674. Mar (12. earl) and Kellie (14. earl), Wal- ter John Francis Erskine. Report on the manuscripts of the earl of Mar and Kellie preserved at Alloa House, N.B. [By Henry Paton.j London: B. Johnson & Co., prtrs., 1904. xxviii, 608, xi p. 8°. (Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission.) C Masson, David, editor. See Scotland. — Privy Council. The register of the Privy Council. Masterton, Francis. Masterton papers. 1660-1719. i. Remarques by Francis Mas- terton, being notes of events, 1660-1719. ii. Advise and memorandum to them that succeeds me in Parkmylne, 1669. in. A few desyres to my wyfe...l699 and 1702. iv. Notes by Charles Masterton, 1712-1713. v. Lawes for regulating the Societie of Husbandmen within the Shyre of Clack- mannane, 1699. Edited... by V. A. Noel Paton. (Scottish History Society. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 447- 493.) CPA Maxwell, Sir John Maxwell Stirling. Report on the family muniments of Sir J. M. S. Maxwell at Keir House. By Will- iam Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report [no.] 10, Appendix 1, p. 58-81. Lon- don, 1885. 8°.) G Miscellanea Scotica. A collection of tracts relating to the history, antiquities, topography, and literature of Scotland. Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818-20. 4 v. 12°. CP This series comprises the following tracts, most of which are very scarce: — Maule's History of the Picts, Monipennie's Summarie of the Scots chroni-. cles, with a description of the Western Isles; His- tory of the feuds of the clans, &c. ; Life of Arch- bishop Sharp, Munro's Western Isles, Martin's St. Kilda, Buchan's St. Kilda, Buchanans Chamaeleon, Account of the murthoure of James i., Narrative of the massacre of Glencoe, Memoirs of Viscount Dundee, the Highland clans, and the massacre of Glencoe; Accbunt of Dundee's officers in France,^ Navigation of James v. round Scotland, Treatises, on the second sight. Memoirs of the ancient alliance between France and Scotland by Thomas Moncrieff, Graham's Account of Glencairn's expedition into, the Highlands in 1653-54, Life and death of James v., Buchanan's Inquiry into the genealogy of ancient Scottish surnames, with a history of the family of Buchanan; Monro s Genealogies of the clans of the Isles, &c. Mitchell, Sir Arthur, editor. See Mac- farlane, Walter. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 113 History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. Moray, Charles Stirling Home-Drum- mond. Report on the manuscripts of C. S. H. D. Moray, of Blair Drummond. By William Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manu- scripts. Report [no.j 10, appendix 1, p. 81-199. London, 1885. 8°.) C Moray (14. earl), George Stewart. Re- port on the muniments of the earl of Moray. By John Stuart. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Histori- cal Manuscripts. Report [no.] 6. London, 1877. f. Appendix, part 1, p. 634-673.) tc Mure, William, editor. See Selections from the family papers preserved at Cald- well. Notices of original unprinted documents preserved in the office of the Queen's Remembrancer and Chapter-house, West- minster, illustrative of the history of Scot- land. [Edited by Joseph Stevenson.] Glasgow: Maitland Club, 1842. xv p., 1 1., (1)22-143 p. 4°. CA (1) Documents respecting the affairs of Scot- land, during the reign of Edward i. [1297-1306.] (2) Documents respecting the affairs of Scotland, during the reign of Henry viii. Panmure House. Miscellaneous char- ters and contracts. From copies at Pan- mure House, made from the original docu- ments. [1151-1547.] (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 241- 321.) t CP Papers from the charter chest of the earl of Airlie, at Cortachy Castle. 1420-1560. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1849. 4°. v. 4, p. 115-122.) t CP Papers from the charter chest at Dun. 1451-1713. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1849. 4°. v. 4, p. 1-112.) t CP Chiefly of value for the light they throw on that "Laird of Dun" who took so influential a part with John Knox in the Scottish Reformation. Papers from the charter chest of the duke of Richmond, at Gordon Castle. [1338-1769.] (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1849. 4°. v. 4, p. 125-330.) fCP 1. Miscellaneous papers; 2. Bonds of manrent. friendship, and alliance; 3. The rentaill of the lord- schipe of Huntlye alias Strathbogye; 4. Two letters of 1746; 5. Instrumentum super aucis Sancti Cutn- berti— 1489. ., .. See also editor's preface, p. xxvi-Ixvu. Papers from the charter chest at Pitto- drie. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aber- deen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 177-208.) t CP The papers relate principally to Sir Thomas Erskine of Brechin, secretary to King James the Fifth. Papers illustrating the history of the Scots Brigade in the service of the United Netherlands, 1572-1782. Extracted by per- mission from the government archives at The Hague and edited by James Ferguson. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1899-1901. 3 v. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Pub- lications, v. 32, 35, 38.) CPA v. 1, 1572-1697. v. 2, 1698-1782. v. 3, The Rotterdam papers, 1709-82; The Remembrance: a metrical account of the war in Flanders 1701-12, by John Scot, soldier. Papers illustrative of the political condi- tion of the Highlands of Scotland, from the year m.dc.lxxxix to m.dc.xcvi. [Edited by J. MacConechy.] Glasgow, 1845. 4 p.l., iii-xiii, 174 p. 4°. (Maitland Club.) t CP Papers relative to the regalia of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1829. v. p., 7 pi. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP Contains a reprint of Sir George Ogilyie's True account of the preservation of the regalia (1701), and A clear vindication of that account. Paton, Henry. See Mar (12. earl) and Kellie (14. earl), Walter John Francis Erskine. Paton, James, editor. See Scottish na- tional memorials. Paton, Victor A. Noel, editor. See Mas- terton, Francis. Masterton papers. Paul, Sir James Balfour, editor. See Scotland. — General Register Office. Ac- counts of the lord high treasurer, and Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. Raine, James, the younger, editor. See Historical papers and letters from north- ern registers. Registrum Honoris de Morton. A series of ancient charters of the earldom of Mor- ton with other original papers. Edin- burgh: [T. Constable,] 1853. 2 v. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) CP v. 1. Original papers. v. 2. Ancient charters. Robertson, Joseph, editor. See Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Rogers, Charles, editor. See Stirling (1. earl), William Alexander. Rose, Sir George Henry. A selection from the papers of the earls of March- mont, in the possession of... Sir G. H. Rose, illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. London: John Murray, 1831. 3 v. 8°. CP Roxburghe (8. duke), Henry John Innes-Ker. Report on the muniments of the duke of Roxburghe at Floors Castle. . . by Sir William Fraser. (In: Great Bri- tain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report [no.) 14, appendix, part 3, p. 1-55. London, 1894. 8°.) C Royal letters and instructions, and other documents, from the archives of the earls of Wigton. 1520-1650. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. y. 2, p. 363-494.) tCP 114 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. Royal letters and other original docu- ments addressed to the lairds of Barnbar- roch. 1559-1618. 3 fac. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 253-283.) tCP Scotland. — Exchequer. The accounts of the great chamberlains of Scotland, and some other officers of the Crown, rendered at the Exchequer, mcccxxvi-mccccliii. Edin- burgh: Bannatyne Club, 1817-36. 3 v. sq. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP v. 3 published in 1817. The exchequer rolls of Scotland: Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum, edited by J. Stuart, G. Burnett, j£. J. G. Mackay and G. P. McNeill. 1264-1600. Edin- burgh, 1878-1908. 23 v. 4°. tt CP v. 1. 1264-1359. v. 12. 1502-1507. v. 2. 1359-1379. v. 13. 1508-1513. v. 3. 1379-1406. v. 14. 1513-1522. v. 4. 1406-1436. v. 15. 1523-1529. v. 5. 1437-1454. v. 16. 1529-1536. v. 6. 1455-1460. v. 17. 1537-1542. v. 7. 1460-1469. v. 18. 1543-1556. v. 8. 1470-1479. v. 19. 1557-1567. v. 9. 1480-1487. v. 20. 1568-1579. Addenda. 1437-1487. v. 21. 1580-1588. v. 10. 1488-1496. v. 22. 1589-1594. V. 11. 1497-1501. v. 23. 1595-1600. Scotland. — General Register Office. Accounts of the lord high treasurer: Com- pota thesaurariorum regum Scotorum. v. 1-7. Edinburgh: A. & T. Constable, prtrs., 1877-1907. 8°. CP James Balfour Paul, v. 1. 1473-98. v. 2. 1500-04. v. 3. 1506-07. v. 4. 1507-13. v. 5. 1515-31. v. 6. 1531-38. v. 7. 1538-41. Calendar of letters and papers re- lating to the affairs of the borders of England and Scotland preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London, 1560-1603; edited by Joseph Bain. Edin- burgh: [Neill & Co., prtrs.,] 1894-96. 2 v. 4°. CP Calendar of the state papers relat- ing to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603, preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum and elsewhere in England, v. 1-6(1547-1583). Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1898-[1910.) 4°. C v. 1-2 edited by Joseph Bain; v. 3-6 edited by William K. Boyd. The Hamilton papers. Letters and papers illustrating the political relations of England and Scotland in the xvith century, formerly in the possession of the dukes of Hamilton, now in the British Museum. Edited by Joseph Bain. Edinburgh, 1890- 92. 2 v. 4°. CP v. 1. 1532-1543. v. 2. 1543-1590. Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. The register of the great seal of Scotland, rv. 1-10] (1306-1659). London and Edinburgh, 1814-1904. 8" 'and If". ft CP and CP v 1 issued by the Record Commission of Great Britain. A new edition of this volume was issued m Tv 1 ] 1306-1424. [Edited by Thomas Thom- son.] xi(i) p., 2 I., 256, 48 p., 5 facs. 1814. ... [v. 2.] 1424-1513. Edited by J. B. Paul, vm p., 1 1„ 1153 p. 1882 [v. 3.] 1513-1546. Edited by J. B. Paul and J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1066 p., 1 1. 1883 [v. 4.] 1546-1580. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1180 p. 1886. , _. [v. 5.] 1580-1593. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1156 p. 1888. [v 6 ] 1593-1608. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1141(1) p. 1890. Jv 7 1 1609-1620. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1151(1) p. 1892. [v 8.] 1620-1633. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1095(1) p. 1894. [v 9.] 1634-1651. Edited by J. M. Thomson. 2 p.l., 1208 p., 1 1. 1897. [v 10.] 1652-1659. Edited by J. H. Stevenson and W. K. Dickson. 424 p. 1904. Registrum secreti sigilli regum Scotorum. The register of the privy seal of Scotland, v. 1. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. CP v. 1. 1488-1529. 824 p. 1908. Scotland. — Privy Council. The regis- ter of the Privy Council of Scotland. [First series.] v. 1-14. 1545-1625. Edin- burgh, 1877-98. 4°. CP v. 1-2 edited by John Hill Burton; v. 3-14 by David Masson. v. 1. 1545-1569. cxiii p., 1 1., 773 p. v. 2. 1569-1578. cxi p., 1 1., 845(1) p. v. 3. 1578-1585. lxxxviii p., 1 1., 901 p. v. 4. 1585-1592. lxxi p., 1 1., 1022 p., 1 1. v. 5. 1592-1599. xciii p., 1 1., 966 p., 1 1. , v. 6. 1599-1604. lxix p., 1 1., 1072 p. v. 7. 1604-1607. lxxxvi p., 1 1., 939 p. v. 8. 1609-1610. xciv p., 1 1., 1022 p. v. 9. 1610-1613. civ p., 1 1., 904 p. v. 10. 1613-1616. cxv p., 1 1., 1012 p. v. 11. 1617-1619. clxix p., 1 1., 831 p. v. 12. 1619-1622. v. 13. 1622-1625. lxxxii p., 1 1., 1072 p. v. 14. Addenda, 1545-1625. cxxx p., 1 1., 994 p. The register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited and abridged by P. Hume Brown. Second series. v. 1-8. 1625-1660. Edinburgh, 1899-1908. 4°. CP v. 1 edited by David Masson. v. 1. 1625-1627. cciii p., 1 1., 872 p. v. 2. 1627-1628. lii p., 1 1., 775 p. v. 3. 1629-1630. xlv p., 1 1., 807 p. v. 4. 1630-1632. lvii p., 1 1., 838 p. v. 5. 1633-1635. xlviii p., 1 1., 851 p. v. 6. 1635-1637. xlvii p., 1 1., 880 p. v. 7. 1638-1643. xlvii p., 1 1., 807(1) p. v. 8. 1544-1660 [sic. i.e. 1644-1660.] xiv p., 1 1., 605 p. The register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited and abridged by P. Hume Brown. Third series, v. 1-5. 1661- 1678. Edinburgh, 1908-12. 4°. CP v. 1. 1661-64. lxv p., 1 1., 898 p. v. 2. 1665-69. 1 p., 1 1., 830 p., 2 1. v. 3. 1669-72. xlviii, 851 p. v. 4. 1673-76. xlvi, 808 p. v. 5. 1676-78. xliii p., 1 1., 799 p. Scotland and the Protectorate: letters and papers relating to the military gov- ernment of Scotland from January, 1654 to June, 1659. Edited with introduction and notes by C. H. Firth. Edinburgh: T. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 115 History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. & A. Constable, 1899. lxii p., 1 L, 432 p., 1 map, 3 plans. 8°. (Scottish History So- ciety. Publications, v. 31.) CPA Scott, Sir Walter, editor. See Bannatyne Club. The Bannatyne miscellany. Scottish national memorials. A record of the historical and archaeological collec- tion in the Bishop's Castle, Glasgow, 1888; edited by James Paton with the assistance of Sir Arthur Mitchell, Joseph Anderson [and others]. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1890. xx, 359 p., 30 pi. illus. f°. tCP Seafield, Caroline Stuart, countess of. Report upon the correspondence of Lord Chancellor Seafield, with Sidney, earl of Godolphin. . .and others... [By Sir Wil- liam Fraser.) (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report [no.] 14, Appendix, part 3, p. 191- 238. London, 1894. 8°.) C Seafield (1. earl), James Ogilvie. Sea- field correspondence from 1685 to 1708; edited, with introduction and annotations, by James Grant. Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, 1912. xxvi, 497(1) p., 21., 8 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, new series, v. 3.) CPA Selection from the papers of the family of Boyd of Kilmarnock, 1468-1590. 1 fac. (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 1-49.) tCP Selections from the family papers pre- served at Caldwell. [Edited by William Mure.] Glasgow, 1854. 2 v. in 3. fac, pi. 4°. » CA v. 1. 1496-1853. v. 2, part 1. 1723-1764. v. 2. part 2. 1765-1821. Skene, William Forbes, editor. See His- torians of Scotland. Spalding Chib. Miscellany. [Edited by John Stuart] v. 1-5. Aberdeen: the club, 1841-52. 4°. tCP v. i. (1) The Straloch papers, 1585-1665. (2) Necrologia coenobii Sancti Fransisci apud Abre- donenses. (3) Trials for witchcraft, mdxcvi- mdxcvii. (4) Letters from Professor Blackwell, and others, to John Ross of Arnage, provost of Aberdeen, mdccxi-mdccxii. (5) Diary of the Reverend William Mitchell, minister at Edinburgh, mdccxvii. (6) Nepenthes, or The vertues of tabacco, by William Barclay, M.D. mdcxiv. (7) March of the Highland army, in the years 1745-46. By Cap- tain James Stuart, of Lord Ogilvie's regiment, mdccxlv-xlvi. (8) Extracts from the diary of the Reverend John Bisset, minister at Aberdeen, mdccxlv-xlvi. (9) Letters from Lord Lewis Gordon, and others, to the laird of Stonywood, mdccxlv-xlvi. v. ii. (1) Letters from Simon, Lord Lovat to his kinsman in Aberdeenshire, mdccxl-xlv. (2) The chronicle of Aberdeen, mccccxci-mdxcv. (3) Act for delyverie of dead bodies to the Colledge of Aberdeen, mdcxxxvi. (4) Decreet of spulzie. John Ogilvy of Stratherne and Mr. James Ogilvy, com- mendator of Dryburgh abbay, his tutor, against Lauehlane Macintosh, and others, mdlxxi. (5) The kingis lettres commandan the erle of Murray, leiv- tenent, to pass vpoun the Clanhattan and Bagenacht, for to destroy thame alvtherlie, mdlxxxiii. (6) A brieff account of the watch undertaken by Cluny Macpherson, mdccxliv. (7) Papers from the charter chest at Monymusk, mdxc-mdccxx. (8) The Arbuth- not papers, mcccclxxxvii-mdclxxxi. (9) Extracts from the register of the Regality Court of Spynie, mdxcii-mdci. (10) Extracts from the manuscript collections of the Rev. Robert Wodrow, mdcv- mdcxcvii. (11) Papers from the charter chest at Pittodrie, mdxxiv-mdcxxviii. (12) The Errol papers. (13) Papers by Thomas Innes, principal of the Scots College at Paris, and documents connected with his family. (14) The order of combats for lyfe in Scotland. (15) Memoir of John, second earl of Perth. (16) Bulla Urbani iv., priori et fratribus mo- nasterii vallis S. Andree de Pluskardyn concessa, A.D. mcclxiii. v. in. (1) Letters of Lord Grange, 1731-41. (2) The book of the annual rentaris and wedsettaris within the schirrefdome of Abirdein, _ 1633. (3) . Minutes of the committee for loan monies and tax- ations of the shire of Aberdeen, 1643. (4) Summons against the magistrates of Aberdeen, 1591. (5) Process against the Egyptians, at Banff, 1700. (6) List of goods plundered from tenants in Cromar. 1644-47. (7) Protestation by Sir Alexander Irvine of Drum against the presbytery of Aberdeen, 1652. (8) The Gordon letters. (9) Incmisitio facta apud Keandrochit de privileges reliquiae Sancti Fillani, Aprilis 22, 1428. (10) Articles of agreement be- tween the earl of Huntly and the Regent Murray, 1569. v. IV. (1) Papers from the charter chest at Dun, mccccli-mdccxiii. (2) Papers from the charter chest of the earl of Airlie, at Cortachy Castle, mccccxx-mdlx. (3) Papers from the charter chest of the duke of Richmond, at Gordon Castle. (4) The rentaill of the lordschipe of Huntlye, alias Strauthbogye, maid be the richt noble and michtie George, marquis of Huntly, eril of Engzie, Lord Gordone and Badzenoche, etc. for his lordschipis landis followinge, conform to the sett maid at Witsonday, ane thousand and sax hundrethe yeirs. (5) Two letters of 1746. (6) Instrumentum super aucis Sancti Cuthberti, 1489. v. v. (1) Extracts from the registers of the burgh of Aberdeen, 1317-1508. (2) Extracts from the accounts of the burgh of Aberdeen, 1398-1657. (3) Letters to Dr. James Fraser, mdclxxix- mdclxxxix. (4) Documents from the charter chest of the earl of Airlie, 1578-1682. (5) Decreet of the synod of Perth, in the case between William, bishop of St. Andrew's, and Duncan de Aberbruthenoth, A. D. mccvi. (6) Extracts from the court books of the baronies of Skene, Leys, & Whitehaugh, 1613- 1687. (7) Miscellaneous charters and contracts from copies at Panmure House, made from the original documents. (8) Birth brieves from the registers of the burgh of Aberdeen, 1637-1705. (9) Missives to the provost, baillies, and council of the burgh of Aberdeen, 1594-1688. (10) Documents re- lating to Orkney and Shetland, 1438-1563. (11) Statuta et leges Iudi literarii Grammaticorum Aber- donensium, 1553. Spottiswoode Society. The Spottis- woode miscellany: a collection of original papers and tracts, illustrative chiefly of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Scot- land. Edited by James Maidment. Edin- burgh: The Spottiswoode Society, 1844-45. 2 v viii, 526 p.; viii, 528 p. 8°. CP v. I. (1) Genealogy of the family of Spottis- woode, from the ms. collection of Father Augustin Hay, canon-regular of Saint Genevieve of Paris, prior of Saint Pieremont, &c. (2) Papers relating to the murder of Matthew Sinclair by John Spottis- woode of that ilk, from the Balfour mss. in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. (3) Refu- tatio libelli De regimine ecclesiae Scoticanae, 1620, by Archbishop Spottiswoode. (4) The sermon preached by the Right Reverend Father in God the Archbishop of St. Andrews to the General Assembly holden at Perth, the 25th of August, 1618. (5) The life of the Right Reverend Father in God, James Spottiswoode, lord bishop of Clogher. From 116 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. the manuscript of Father Augustin Hay. (6) Poems by Sir Henry Spottiswoode. (7) Address of Sir Robert Spottiswoode, lord president of the College of Justice, to the members of the Faculty of Advo- cates, 1633. (8) Two letters relative to the mur- der of Sir Robert Spottiswoode and other royalists, dated from St. Andrews, 20th January 1645-6. (9) Captain John Spottiswoode's petition to the Estates of Parliament before the pronouncing of his sen- tence, 28th May 1650. (10) Lochiel's interview with, and his account of the murder of Sir Robert Spottis- woode. (11) Speech of John Spottiswoode, Esq., to the Berwickshire freeholders, 1702. (12) The Trimmer; or Some necessary cautions concerning the union of the kingdoms of Scotland and England, printed in 1706. (13) Account of the battle of Balrinnes, 3d of October, 1594. (14) Letter ad- dressed to His Majesty King James vi. by Johne Harisone, giving an account of his visit to Barbary to liberate slaves. (15) Eximii animi dotibus, et in Dei vinea cultoris fidelis, Domini Gulielmi Forbesit Edinburgeni episcopi vita, 1634. (16) Information anent His Majestie's printers in Scotland. _ (17) Answers for James Anderson, His Majesty's printer, and Agnes Campbell, his mother, to the petition of Robert Saunders, printer in Glasgow. (18) Account of the shire of Forfar, circa 1682, by John Ochterlony, Esq., of Guynd. (19) Documents relative to the palace of Linlithgow, 1540-1648. (20) Narrative of a retreat of a portion of the allied forces from Madrid to Ciudad Rodrigo dur- ing the War of the Succession in Spain, July, 1706. By a corporal in Harvey's Dragoons. (21) Letters of Simon Lord Fraser of Lovat to George Craw- ford, Esq., 172S-30. (22) Letter from an English traveller at Rome to his father, of the 6th of May 1721 O. S. (23) Some account of the nature and constitution of the ancient Church of Scotland, v. ii. (1) Processus factus contra Templarios in Scotia, 1309. (2) Charter by Mary Queen of Scots, with consent of the three Estates, in favour of James Sandilands, Lord St. John, of the posses- sions of the Templars and Hospitallers, 24th Janu- ary 1563. (3) Letter from Sir Robert Anstruther to Lord Chancellor Hay, relative to the ransom of Angus Morraye, detained as a slave in Barbary. (4) Trial of Isobel Young for witchcraft, February 4, 1629. (5) Trial of Agnes Finnie for witchcraft, Dec. 18, 1664. (6) Notes of cases of witchcraft, sorcery, &c, 1629-1662, from the Books of Adjour- nal. (7) Diurnal of occurrences, chiefly in Scot- land, commencing 21st August 1652, and ending April 13, 1654. (8) The Kincardine papers, 1649- 1679. (9) Extracts from the kirk-session register of Perth, 1577-1634. (10) Illustrative matter rela- tive to Perth. (11) Warrant by Charles II. in favour of Don Rostaino Cantelmi, duke of Popoli and prince of Petterano, to enable him to prove his descent from the ancient kings and queens of Scotland, 25th August 1681. (12) Ceremonial of the funeral of Field-Marshall Robert Douglas, Stockholm, June, 166.2. (13) An account of the Lewis and some of the other Western Isles, from the collections of Macfarlane of that ilk. (14) Papers relative to the submission of Angus Macdonald of Isla to His Majesty James vi., 1596. (15) Letter from John Coke, Esq., of Holkham, to the lords of the Scottish Privy Council, 29th June 1626. (16) List of the Scottish officers under Gustavus Adol- phus, king of Sweden. (17) Short account of the grievances of the Episcopal clergy in Scotland in the reign of Anne. (18) Memoirs of John, duke of Melfort, being an account of the secret intrigues of the Chevalier de St. George. (19) Account of the battle of Sheriffmuir in a letter from a gentleman of Stirling to a friend in Edin- burgh, 15th November 1715. (20) A true ac- count of the proceedings at Perth, 1716. By the Master of Sinclair. (21) Memorial relative to the prisoners engaged in the Rebellion 1715. (22) Relics of the Rebellion 1745-6. (23) Instances of popular credulity at the commencement of the eighteenth century. State-papers and letters, addressed to William Carstares . . . relating to public affairs in Great-Britain, but more particu- larly in Scotland, during the reigns of K William and Q. Anne. To which is pre- fixed the life of Mr. Carstares... By Joseph M'Cormick. Edinburgh: printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, London, 1774. xii, 800 p. 4°. fCP Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and review, v. 2, p. 372-376, 437-439, Edinburgh, 1774. Stevenson, John Home, editor. See Scotland. — General Register Office. Re- gistrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. Stevenson, Joseph, editor. See Notices of original unprinted documents. Stirling (1. earl), William Alexander. The earl of Stirling's register of royal let- ters relative to the affairs of Scotland and Nova Scotia from 1615 to 1635. Edited with a biographical introduction by Rev. Charles Rogers. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1885. 2 v. 4°. ft CP 150 copies printed. The letters were originally in- tended to be issued by the Bannatyne and Abbots- ford Clubs. Straloch, The, papers, fac, 2 pi. (Spald- ing Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 1-58.) fCP See also editor's preface, p. 27-38. Strathmore and Kinghorn (13. earl), Claud Bowes-Lyon. Report on ancient charters. . .at Glamis Castle. By Sir Wil- liam Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report [no.] 14, Appendix, part 3, p. 174- 190. London, 1894. 8°.) C Stuart, John, editor. See Spalding Club. Miscellany; also Moray (14. earl), George Stewart. Teulet, Jean Baptiste Alexandre Theo- dore. Relations politiques de la France et de l'Espagne avec l'ficosse au ; xvi. siecle, papiers d'etat, pieces et documents inedits ou peu connus tires des biblio- theques et des archives de France. Paris: Veuve J. Renouard, 1862. 5 v. 8°. CP v. 1. Correspondences franchises, 1515-1560 (Francois I., Henri n. — Jacques iv., Marie Stuart); v. 2. Correspondances franchises, 1559-73 (Francois ii., Charles ix. — Marie Stuart) ; v. 3. Corresdances franchises, 1575-85 (Henri in — Marie Stuart, Jacques vi.); v. 4. Correspondances franchises, 15S5- 1603 (Henri in., Henri iv. — Marie Stuart, Jacques vi.); v. 5. Correspondances espagnoles, 1562-1588 (Philippe ii. — Marie Stuart, Jacques vi). See also under Bannatyne Club. Papiers d'etat. Thomson, John Maitland, editor. See Scotland. — General Register Office. Re- gistrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. Thomson, Thomas, editor. See Greal Britain. — Record Commission; also Scot- land. — General Register Office. Regis- trum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. Tracts illustrative of the traditionarj and historical antiquities of Scotland LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 117 History and Description, continued. Collections, continued. Edinburgh: J. Stillie, 1836. 1 p.l., viii, 495 p. 8°. CP (1) Hay's Vindication of Elizabeth More (queen of Robert n.) and her children. Edinburgh, 1723. (2) Gordon's Dissertation concerning the marriage of Robert n. with Elizabeth More. Edinburgh, 1759. (3) Waddell's Remarks on Innes' Critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1733. (4) Cunningham's Essay upon the inscrip- tion on Macduff's Crosse in Fyfe. Edinburgh, 1678. (5) Memoirs relating to the restoration of King Tames I. of Scotland. London, 1716. (6) Taitt's Roman account of Britain and Ireland, in answer to Father Innes, &c. Edinburgh, 1741. (7) Lord Ruthven's relation of the death of David Rizzi, 1669. (8) Johnston's Historie of Scotland during the minority of King James v. translated by Thomas Middleton. London, 1646. (9) A true accompt of the baptism of Prince Henry Frederick, son of King James vi. Edinburgh, 1594. Wodrow, Robert. Analecta: or, Mate- rials for a history of remarkable provi- dences; mostly relating to Scotch minis- ters and Christians. Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1842-43. 4 v. 4°. f CP Large paper copy. Woodward, B. B. The Stuart papers in the royal collection, Windsor Castle. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1866. 8°. v. 200, p. 159-170.) * DA General Works Abercromby, Patrick. The martial atchievements of the Scots nation, being an account of the lives, characters, and memorable actions, of such Scotsmen as have signaliz'd themselves by the sword at home and abroad, and a survey of the military transactions wherein Scotland or Scotsmen have been remarkably con- cern' d, from the first establishment of the Scots monarchy to this present time. [Title-page of volume 2 has in addition): Being a full, complete and genuine history of Scotland from the year of God 1329, to the year 1514; with a clear and demons- trative confutation of the errors of former writers whether domestic or foreign. Edinburgh: Robert Freebairn, 1711-15. 2 v. f°. tt CP Afkomst, regeeringe, leven en steryen van alle de Koningen van Schotlant; Zijn- de 109 in 't getal. Beginnende met Fergus de eerste Schotse koninck, naerde de scheppinge der werelt 3641. Voor de ge- boorte Christi 330 jaren: eijndi gende met de doot van koninck Karolus Stuart, bin- nen Londen onthalst in den jare 1649, den 30, Januarij. Uijt de Schotse kronijcken in 't kort bij een ghetrocken, en in Neder- duijts overgeset. Amstelredam: J. Hart- gers, 1649. 16 p. 4°. CP p.box 4 Afkomst, regeeringe, leven en sterven van alle de Koningen van Schotlant, zijnde 110 in 't getal. Beginnende met Fergus de eerste Schotse koninck naer de schep- pinghe der wereldt 3641. Voor de ghe- boorte Christi 330 jaren: Eijndigende met den tegenwoordige regering van Koninck Carolus Stuart de Tweede. Uijt de Schote- kronijcken in 't kort bij een getrocken, en in 't Nederduijts overgeset. Amsterdam: I. Venckel, 1665. 16 p. 4°. CP p.box 4 Aikman, James. See Buchanan, George. Alison, Archibald. The old Scottish Parliament. (In his: Essays. Edinburgh,' 1850. 8°. v. 2, p. 635-657.) NCZ Repr. : Blackwood's magazine,. Nov., 1834. Allardyce, Alexander. See Ramsay, John. Amours, Francis Joseph, editor. See Wyntoun, Andrew of. The original chron- icle of Andrew of Wyntoun. Ample, An, disquisition into the nature of regalities and other heretable jurisdic- tions, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, as now under the consideration of Parliament. Shewing i. Wherein the evil of them consists, n. The reason why they should be annihilated, in. That such annihilation will be for the mutual benefit of both nations, but more particularly for Scotland, and in no sense a breach of the Act of Union. Addressed to the considera- tion of his fellow subjects of Scotland by an English gentleman. London: M. Coop- er, 1747. 3 p.l., 34 p. 8°. *Cp.v.432 Andrew of Wyntoun. Andrew of. See Wyntoun, Archaeological Institute of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. Catalogue of antiqui- ties, works of art and historical Scottish relics exhibited in the museum of the Ar- chaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland during their annual meeting, held in Edinburgh, July, 1856... [Compiled by Albert Way.] Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., 1859. xxiii(i) p., 1 1., 233 p., 33 pi. 8°. CP Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Scotland as it was and as it is. Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1887. xxii, 500 p., 9 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CP ■ Western Highlands of Scotland. Speech at the meeting of Edinburgh, Argyll, Bute, and Western Isles Associa- tion at Edinburgh, 17th February 1882. Edinburgh: James Stillie,' 1882. 16 p. 8°. CP p.v. 2, no.8 Bain, Joseph. A Scottish royal tradi- tion examined. (Genealogist. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 121-123.) * R - Room 328 Balfour, Sir James. Historical works; published from the original manuscripts preserved in the library of the Faculty of 118 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History arid Description, continued. General Works, continued. Advocates. [Edited by James Haigo Lon- don: Hurst, Robinson & Co., 1825. 4 v. 8°. CP Portrait lacking. v. 1. Annals of Scotland, 1057-1603. v. 2. Annals of Scotland, 1604-1640. v. 3. Annals of Scotland, 1641-1649. v. 4. Annals of Scotland, 1650-1652. The order of K. Charles entring Edinbrughe, in stait...l5 Junij, anno 1633. The memorable and soleme cor- onatione of King Charles... 18 of Junij, 1633. Ballingall, W. Scenes of Scottish story. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1874. 88 p. 4°. t CPW Barbe, Louis A. In byways of Scottish history. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons [1913]. vii, 371 p., 1 port. 8°. CP Contents: Mary, Queen of Scots. The four Marys. Mary Fleming. Mary Livingston. Mary Beton. Mary Seton. The song of Mary Stuart. Maister Randolphe's fantasie. The first "Stuart" tragedy and its author. Loretto. The Isle of May. Edinburgh and her patron saint. The rock of Dum- barton. James vi. as statesman and poet. The in- vasion of Ailsa Craig. The story of a ballad "Kin- mont Willie." A raid on the Wee Cumbrae. Riot- ous Glasgow. The old Scottish army. The story of the "long-tail" myth. Barnett, T. Ratcliffe. Reminiscences of old Scots folk. By T. R. Barnett, with ten illustrations in colour by R. Gemmell Hutchison, R.S.A. London: T. N. Foulis, 1913. S p.l., 205(1) p., 10 pi. 8°. NDH Barrett, Michael. Ancient Scottish fairs. (American Catholic quarterly re- view. Philadelphia, 1911. 8°. v. 36, p. 209-222.) * DA Ancient Scottish hospitals. (Ameri- can Catholic quarterly review. Philadel- phia, 1909. 8°. v. 34, p. 597-616.) * DA Gives a table of all the known hospitals. Barron, James. How Scotland was made a nation. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness [1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 20-34.) * EC Bateson, Mary. The Scottish king's household. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901-02. 8°. v. 13, p. 405-422; v. 14, p. 35- 44.) SEA The Scottish king's household and other fragments, from a fourteenth cen- tury manuscript in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-43.) CPA Beaton, Angus J. The social and eco- nomic condition of the Highlands of Scot- land since 1800. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1906. xv, 17-128 p, 11 pi., 2 port. 12°. CP Bellenden, John, translator. See Boece, Hector. The history and chronicles of Scotland. Billings, Robert William. The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. Illustrated by R. W. Billings. . . c and W. Burn.] Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Som [1848-52]. 4 v. pi. 4°. t CRI Engraved title-page. Black, The, book of Paisley and othe: manuscripts of the Scotichronicpn, with ; note upon John de Burdeus or John d< Burgundia, otherwise Sir John Mandeville and the pestilence. Paisley: A. Gardner 1885. 5 p.l., 5(1), 107 p., 1 fac. 4°. f CE Blackie, John Stuart. Altavona, Fad and fiction from my life in the Highlands Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1882. xiv, 425 p 12°. CF Nationality. (Gaelic Society oi Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 113-120.) NDO The Scot. (Contemporary review. London, 1878. 8°. v. 33, p. 97-112.) * DA Blair, Rev. Dr. Aiteal de shean nithean Gaidhealach (A glimpse of old Highland affairs). (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n.d. 12°. v. 2, 1891-94, p. 275-299.) NDO Boece [Lat. Boethiusj, Hector. Buik of the croniclis of Scotland; or, A metrical version of the history of Hector Boece, by William Stewart; edited by W. B. Turn- bull. London, 1858. 3 v. fac. nar. 4°. (Great Britain. — Master of the Rolls. Chronicles and memorials, no. 6.) C De Scotorum priscis recentiori- busque moribus & institutis. (In: Respub- lica, sive Statvs regni Scotia;... L'ug- duni Batavorum, 1630. 16°. (24°.) p. 82- 92.) CP The history and chronicles of Scot- land: written in Latin by Hector Boece; and translated by John Bellenden. Edin- burgh: W. & C. Tait, 1821. 2 v. 4°. CP Boece [Lat. Boethiusj, Hector, and George Buchanan. Catalogvs regvm Scotias. (In: Respublica, sive Statvs regni Scotiae... Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. 16°. (24°.) p. 111-136.) CP Borthwick, William. An inquiry into the origin and limitations of the feudal dignities of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Gordon, 1775. 3 p. 1., 82 p. 8°. CP p. box 2 Brook, Alexander James Steel. Notice of the sword-belt of the sword of state of Scotland, restored in 1892 to the Scottish regalia by the Rev. Samuel Ogilvy Baker. 2 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 279-298.) CPA Brown, James, editor. See Ross, James Merry. Brown, Peter Hume. History of Scot- land. Cambridge: University Press, 1899- 1909. 3 v. maps, plans. 8°. CP v. 1: To the accession of Mary Stewart; v. 2: From the accession of Mary Stewart to the Revolu- tion of 1.689; v. 3: From the Revolution of 1689 to the Disruption, 1843. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 119 History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. New, A, history of Scotland. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 165, p. 746-758.) * DA On P. Hume Brown's History. Brown, Peter Hume. Intellectual in- fluences of Scotland on the continent. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1914. 4°. v. 11, p. 121-135.) CPA The moulding of the Scottish na- tion. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 245-249.) CPA The Scottish nobility and their part in the national history. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 157-170.) CPA The teaching of Scottish history in schools. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 41-51.) CPA Browne, James. A history of the High- lands and of the Highland clans. Illus- trated by a series of portraits, family arms, and other illustrative engravings. Glas- gow: A. Fullarton & Co., 1843. 4 v. 8°. CPE ■ With. . .selection from the... Stuart papers. London: A. Fullarton & Co., 1851-52. 4 v. 66 pi. new ed. 4°. CPE Bruce, Rosslyn. The legend of the cor- onation stone. (Antiquary. London, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 173-175.) CA Buchanan, George. Rerum Scoticarum historia. . .ad Jacobum vi. Scotorum re- gem. Accessit de Jure Regni apud Scotos dialogus. Trajecti ad Rhenum: A. Schouten, 1697. t 10j, 11-700, [36 3 p. 8°. CP The history of Scotland. Written in Latin. . .faithfully rendered into Eng- lish. London: A. Churchil, 1690. 3 p.l., 7(1), 434, 286 p., 18 1. f°. t CP Third edition revised and cor- rected from the Latin original. London: H. Parker, printer, 1733. 8°. CP v. 2 only. Edinburgh: A. Donaldson and J. Reid, 1762. 2 v. 5. ed. 8°. CP Translated from the Latin of George Buchanan; with notes, and a con- tinuation to the Union in the reign of Queen Anne. By James Aikman. Glas- gow: Blackie, Fullarton, & Co., 1827. 4 v. map, pi., port. 8°. CP See also Boece, Hector, and George Buchanan. Buchanan, George, and William Cam- den. Scotiae regni topographia. (In: Res- publica, sive Statvs regni Scotiae . . . Lug- duni Batavorum, 1630. 16°. (24°.) p. 5-68.) CP Buchanan, Maurice. Liber Pluscarden- sis. The book of Pluscarden. t By Maurice Buchanan.] Edited t and translated] by Felix J. H. Skene. Edinburgh: W. Pater- son, 1877-80. 2 v. 8°. (Historians of Scotland, v. 7, 10.) CP Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of civilisation in England. From the 2d Lon- don edition. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1861. 2 v. 8°. *R-CB Scotland is dealt with in v. 2, p. 123-472. Burn, William. William. See Billings, Robert Burnet, Gilbert. The memoires of the lives and actions of James and William, dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, &c, in which an account is given of the rise and progress of the civil wars of Scotland ...from 1625, to... 1652... In seven books. London: R. Royston, 1677. [16], 436, [12] p., 2 port. f°. (In: J. Spotiswood, The history of the church and state of Scotland. London, 1677. part 2.) Stuart 1214 Burnett, George. Scotland in times past. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 1-34.) *DA Burns, William. Scottish history, mem- ories, and associations, being an address to the Glasgow Saint Andrew's Society. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son ( 1863]. 57 p. 16°. * C p.v. 1042 What's in a name? [By William Burns.] Glasgow: W. G. Blackie & Co., printers, 1860. 72 p. 8°. CP p. box On the t substitution of the name "England" for "Great Britain," to the prejudice of Scotland. Burton, John Hill. The history of Scot- land from Agricola's invasion to the Revo- lution of 1688. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & .Sons, 1867-70. 7 v. 8°. CP The history of Scotland, from Agricola's invasion to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection. New York: Scribner, Welford, & Armstrong, 1875. 8 v. 2. ed. 12°. Stuart 7439 The Scot abroad. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1864. 2 v. 12°. Stuart 7498 Mathieson, William Law. Hill Burton in error. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 48-54.) CPA On some of the more important errors in Burton's History of Scotland. Bute (3. marquis), John Patrick Crich- ton Stuart. Parliament in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 399-416.) * DA [Paisley: for the] Scottish Home Rule Association, 1889. 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 630 Title from cover. Reprinted from the Scottish review, 1889. 120 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Scottish coronations. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1902. 2 p.l., 310 p. 8°. CP The first three papers are reprinted from the Scottish review, v. 10-11. Camden, William, joint author. See Buchanan, George, and William Camden. Campbell, A. J. The making of Scot- land. (Quarterly review. London, 1911. 8°. v. 215, p. 397-422.) * DA Campbell, Duncan. The exchequer rolls of Scotland. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 210-233.) NDO Campbell, John A. The royal families of Scotland. Glasgow: Geo. Gallie, 1863. iv, 30 p. sq. 8°. CP Carruthers, Robert. The Highland note- book; or, Sketches and anecdotes. Inver- ness: Courier Office, 1887. 1 p.l., vii, 427 p. new ed. 12°. CP Catalogue of the naval & military exhi- bition, historic, technical and artistic, held in the Royal Scottish Academy Galleries, Edinburgh... Edinburgh, F. Murray, 1889. vii p., 2 1., 268 p. 12°. Caw, James. Portraits of the first five Jameses. S pi. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 113-118.) CPA Certain, On, delusions of the North Britons. (Temple Bar. London, 1876. 8°. v. 48, p. 173-187.) *DA . Highland dress, bagpipes, etc. Chalmers, George. Caledonia; or, An account, historical and topographical, of North Britain, from the most ancient to the present times... London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1807-24. 3 v. 4°. f CP v. 1: book 1, Roman period, 80-446; book 2, Pictish period, 446-843; book 3, Scottish period, 843- 1097; book 4, Scoto-Saxon period, 1097-1306. v. 2. Topography: ch. 1, Introductory notices; ch. 2, Roxburghshire; ch. 3, Berwickshire; ch. 4, Hadingtonshire; ch. 5, Edinburghshire; ch. 6, Lin- lithgowshire; ch. 7, Peeblisshire ; ch. 8, Selkirkshire. v. 3. Topography continued: ch. 1, Introductory notices; ch. 2, Dumfriesshire; ch. 3, Kirkcudbright- shire; ch. 4, Wigtonshire; ch. 5, Ayrshire; ch. 6. Lanerkshire; ch. 7, Renfrewshire; ch. 8, Dumbar- tonshire. Index. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1902. 2 p.l., (1)8-271(1) p. 4°. t CP Chambers, Robert. Domestic annals of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revolution. Edinburgh: W. & R. Cham- bers, 1858. 2 v. 8°. CP Reviewed in the Gentleman's magazine, v. 205, p. 34-45, London, 1858. Edinburgh: W. & R. Cham- bers, 1869-74. 3v. 8°. CP v. 1-2 are 2. ed.; v. 3, 3. ed. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Edward vii. and Scotland. (In his: All things con- sidered. London: Methuen & Co. [1908.] 2. ed. 16°. p. 125-133.) NCZ Chronica de Mailros, e codice unico in Bibliotheca Cottoniana servato nunc ite- rum in lucem edita. Notulis indiceque aucta. [Edited by Joseph Stevenson.] Edinburgi: Typ. Soc. Edinburgensis [print- ed for the Bannatyne Club], 1835. 2 p.l., xvii, 238, xliii p., 3 fac. sq. 4°. t CP Chronicon de Lanercost, m.cc.i.-m.ccc- xlvi. e codice Cottoniano, nunc primus typis mandatum. [Edited by Joseph Ste- venson.] Edinburgh: [Maitland Club,] 1839. 2 v. 4°. CA Cody, E. G., editor. See Leslie, John. The historie of Scotland wrytten first in Latin. Colville, James. By-ways of history. Studies in the social life and rural econ- omy of the olden time. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1897. vi p., 1 1., 325 p. 12°. CP Contents: (1) Lowland Scotland in the time of Burns. (2) An antiquarian ramble in Kintyre. (3) The Bruce and Bannockburn. (4) The Complaynt of Scotlande. (5) Scottish trade in the olden time. (6) A 'familiar autocrat.' (7) The Scottish tour in the days of Charles i. (8) Scotland under the Roundheads. (9) The Covenanter abroad. (10) A new statistical account of Scotland. (11) Town life in the eighteenth century. Constable, Archibald David, editor. See Major, John. Cowan, Samuel. The lord chancellors of Scotland, from the institution of the office to the treaty of union. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, Ltd., 1911. 2 v. port. 8°. CP Cronycle, The, of Scotland in a part. (Bannatyne miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 35-42.) fCP Crosland, T. W. H. The unspeakable Scot. London: Grant Richards, 1902. 1 p.l., 215 p. 12°. CP Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Notice of four contracts or bonds of fosterage; with notes on the former prevalence of the custom of fosterage in the Scottish High- lands. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 10-22.) CPA Dalrymple, Sir David. Annals of Scot- land, from the accession of Malcolm m., surnamed Canmore, to the accession of Robert I. Edinburgh: printed by Balfour & Smellie, 1776. 4 p.l., 401 p. 4°. t CP Dalrymple, James, translator. See Les- lie, John. The historie of Scotland wryt- ten first in Latin. Dalyell, John Graham, editor. See Lind- say, Robert, of Pitscottie. The chronicles of Scotland. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 121 History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Davidson, J. Morrison. Scotia rediviva. Home rule for Scotland. With lives of Sir William Wallace, George Buchanan, Fletcher of Saltoun, and Thomas Spence. London: Wm. Reeves, n. d. 113, [S] p. 12°. CP Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. A biblio- graphical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in the northern counties of England and in Scotland. London: printed for the author, 1838. 2 v. 8°. * GAH Doran, John. Deposed monarchs of Scotland. (In his: Monarchs retired from business. New York, 1857. 12°. v. 1, p. 132-138.) *R-AB Drake, James. Historia Anglo-Scotica: or an impartial history of all that happen'd between the kings and kingdoms of Eng- land and Scotland, from the beginning of the reign of William the Conqueror, to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. . . London: J. Hartley, 1703. [14,, 423 p. 8°. CP Duff, William. A new and full, critical, biographical, and geographical history of Scotland. Containing the history of the succession of their kings, from Robert Bruce, to the present time. With an im- partial account of their constitution, genius, manners, and customs... Together with an appendix. . . By an Impartial hand [i. e. William Duff]. London: the author, 1749. 4 p.l., 360 p. f°. tt CP Appendix lacking. Dunbar, Sir Archibald Hamilton. Scot- tish kings: a revised chronology of Scot- tish history, 1005-1625. With notices of the principal events, tables of regnal years, pedigrees, calendars, etc. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1899. xv, 420 p., 1 1., 4 maps. 8°. CP Bibliography on p. 381-392. Reviewed by Sir A. C. Lawrie in the Scottish his- torical review, v. 5, p. 107-108, Glasgow, 1908. Duncan, J. Dalrymple. St. Martin d'Aux- igny, an old Scots colony in France. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 544-549.) CPA Early Scottish burghs. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 45-70.) *DA Erskine, Carlo. A letter to the earl of Buchan from Monsignore Carlo Erskine, domestic prelate to Pope Pius vi., with notices of papal bulls issued to Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 139-142.) CPA Extracta e variis cronicis Scocie; from the ancient manuscript in the Advocates Library at Edinburgh. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Edinburgh, 1842. li, 256 p. 4°. (Abbotsford Club.) f CP The manuscript is contemporary for the reign of James iv. Eyre, Charles, Roman Catholic arch- bishop of Glasgow. The preservation of Scottish ecclesiastical monuments. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 1-22.) CPA Famous British regiments. The Scots Greys (Second Dragoons). (All the year round. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 84-90.) *DA Famous British regiments. The Seventy- first (Highland Light Infantry). (All the year round. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 12-18.) * DA Ferguson, James. The barony in Scot- land. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 24, p. 99-121.) SEA First, The, Scots Brigade. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 74, p. 104-113.) *DA Fischer, Thomas A. The Scot in Ger- many: being a contribution towards the history of the Scot abroad. Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1902. vi p., 1 1., 324 p., 3 port. 8°. CP The Scots in eastern and western Prussia. A sequel to 'The Scot in Ger- many.' Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1903. xii, 244 p., 3 pi., 1 map, 6 port. 8°. CP The Scots in Sweden, being a con- tribution towards the history of the Scot abroad. Edited with an introductory note by John Kirkpatrick. Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1907. x, 278 p., 1 port. 8°. CP Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 5, p. 240, Glasgow, 1908. Fitzgerald, M. S. [Kings of] Scotland. (In his: Kings of Europe past and present and their families. London, 1870. 12°. p. 481-508.) ARB Fordun, John of. Joannis de Fordun Scotichronicon, cum supplementis ac con- tinuatione Walteri Boweri...e codicibus mss. editum, cum notis et variantibus lec- tionibus. Praefixa est ad historiam Sco- torum introductio brevis, cura Walteri Goodall. Edinburgi: Typis et impensis R. Flaminii, 1759. 2 v. f°. t CP Johannis de Fordun chronica gentis Scotorum. John of Fordun's chronicle of the Scottish nation. Edited by W. F. Skene [and] translated from the Latin text by F. J. H. Skene. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1871-72. 2 v. 8°. (Historians of Scotland, v. 1, 4.) CP Skene, William Forbes. Notice of an early ms. of Fordun's Chronicle, the prop- erty of Alexander Pringle, of Whytbank. 122 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 27-30.) CPA Notice of the existing mss. of For- dun's Scotichronicon. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 239-256.) CPA — . — Additional notice of the manu- script of Fordun's Chronicle. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 13-24.) Forgotten, A, chapter in Scottish history. By a philosophical radical. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 186, p. 424-433.) * DA Foulis, Sir James. An inquiry into the beverage of the ancient Caledonians, and other northern nations, at their feasts; and of their drinking vessels. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archteologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 12- 25.) t CPA Fredericq, Paul. The study of history in England and Scotland. Authorized trans- lation from the French by Henrietta Leonard... Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1887. 54 p. 8°. (Johns Hop- kins University studies, v. 5, no. 10.) SB Freeman, Edward Augustus. The rela- tions between the Crowns of England and Scotland. (In his: Historical essays. Lon- don, 1872. Zed. 8°. p. 53-78.) *R-BAC G., J. The Scottish coronation oath. (Month. London, 1910. 8°. v. 116, p. 87- 89.) * DA Gait, John. Pictures, historical and bio- graphical, drawn from English, Scottish, and Irish history, v. 2. London: G. & W. B. Whittaker, 1824. 16°. CBA Geikie, Sir Archibald. Scottish reminis- cences. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1904. xii, 447 p. 8°. CP Gibb, William. See Royal house, The, of Stuart. Gibson, William Sidney. Lectures and essays on various subjects, historical, to- pographical, artistic. London: Longmans & Co., 1858. 8°. NCZ p. 172-178: "The stone of destiny" (from Col- burn's New monthly magazine, 1857.) p. 179-182: "The Black Rood of Scotland" (from Notes and queries). Godkin, James. Ireland and Scotland. (Fortnightly review. London, 1868. 8". new series, v. 3, p. 319-329.) * DA Going to church in the Highlands. (Ar- gosy. London, 1871. 8°. v. 12, p. 374- 378.) * DA Gomme, George Laurence. Archaic types of society in Scotland. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 144-164.) CPA Goodall, Walter. See Fordun, John of. Joannis de Fordun Scotichronicon. Graham, Henry Grey. Old burghal life in Scotland. (In his: Literary and histori- cal essays. London, 1908. 12°. p. 119- 137.) NCZ Gregory, Donald. History of the wes- tern Highlands and isles of Scotland, from A. D. 1493 to A. D. 1625; with a brief in- troductory sketch, from A.D. 80 to A.D. 1493. Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1836. xxxix, viii, 453, 6 p. 8°. CP Reviewed in Tait's Edinburgh magazine, v. 3, p. 574-589, Edinburgh, 1836. Grub, George. See Innes, Thomas. The civil and ecclesiastical history of Scotland. Guthrie, William. A general history of Scotland, from the earliest accounts to the present time. London: the author, 1767- 68. 10 v. map, port. 8°. CP Haig, James, editor. See Balfour, Sir James. Hale, E. The fall of the Stuarts and western Europe from 1678 to 1697. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1889. xi p., 1 1., 240 p., 2 maps, illus. 5. ed. 16°. CI Hannah, Ian C. The Berwick and Loth- ian coasts. With 65 illustrations by E. B. Hannah. London: T. F. Unwin [1913]. 368 p., 25 pi. 8°. (County coast series.) CR Hannay, James. The Scot at home. [By James Hannay.] (Cornhill magazine. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. v. 14, p. 238-256.) * DA Hazeltine, M. W. See Scott, Sir Walter. Scotland. Hazlitt, William. On the Scotch char- acter. (In his: The Round table: a collec- tion of essays. London, 1841. 3. ed. 16°. p. 302-314.) NCZ Hibbert, Samuel. Illustration of the customs of a manor in the north of Eng- land during the fifteenth century, with oc- casional remarks on their resemblance to the incidents of ancient Scottish tenures. 1 table. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 407-434.) t CPA Higden, Ranulph. [Polycronicon. Edit- ed from the translation of Johannes Tre- visa by W. Caxton. . . Westminster: Will- iam) Caxton [1482]. Reserve Lib. 1, cap. 34: De Scocia. Highlands, The, of Scotland. illus. (Penny magazine. London, 1837. 4°. v. 6, p. 161-168, 201-208.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 123 History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Hilton, James. The coronation stone at Westminster Abbey. 1 pi. (Archaeolo- gical journal. London, 1897. 8°. v. 54, p. 201-224.) CA Historical, An, account of the antient rights and power of the Parliament of Scotland. . .to which is prefix'd, a short introduction upon government in general . . . Printed in the year 1703. xxxii, 160 p. 8°. CP History and poetry of the Scottish Bor- der. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 153, p. 865-878.) *DA Holyrood Abbey. Chronicon coenobii Sanctas Crucis Edinburgensis, iterum in lucem editum. [Edited by Robert Pit- cairn.] Edinburgh 1828. 2 p.l., 4, v-xiii, 34 p., 1 pi. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP With presentation inscription: To John Elder Esquire from his friend Rob: Pitcairn, Edin. 30th March 182S. Hope, William Henry St. John. See Royal house, The, of Stuart. Imrie, John. The Scot — at home and abroad. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 348-362.) * DE Lectures on Scotch Edinburgh: Edmon- 1872. xv, 326 p. 8°. CP Charters, in. Parliament. v. Old forms of law. vi. Books, vin. Appendix. Innes, Cosmo, legal antiquities . . . ston and Douglas, I. Introductory, n. iv. The Old Church. Rural occupations, vn. ■ Notes of some mss. in English li- braries, examined while preparing the ma- terials for the second part of the "National mss. of Scotland," now being photozinco- graphed at Southampton. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 362-371.) CPA Scotland in the middle ages. Sketches of early Scottish history and social progress. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1860. xliii, 368 p., 3 maps. 8°. Stuart 7449 See also Origines parochiales Scotiae. Innes, Thomas. The civil and ecclesias- tical history of Scotland. A.D. lxxx- dcccxviii. [Edited by George Grub.] Ab- erdeen: Spalding Club, 1853. lxiv, 340 p. 4°. (Spalding Club.) t CP Irving, Joseph. On the origin and in- fluence of burghs in Scotland. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 333-353.) CPA The origin and progress of burghs in Scotland. [Glasgow:] printed for private circulation, 1865. 23 p. 8°. * C p.v. 579 Jamieson, John. Bell the cat; or, Who destroyed the Scottish abbeys? Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1902. xvi, 17-369(1) p., 36 pi. 8°. ' CRF Jeudwine, J. W. The growth of Scot- land, (in his: First twelve centuries of British story. London, 1912. 8°. p. 189- 192.) V CB Johnstone, T. B. "Nemo me impune la- cessit." An address on Scotland, its motto and its people... Bolton: G. Winterburn, 1884. 62 p. 16°. *C p.v. 630 Repr. : The Bolton Guardian. Joyce, Patrick Weston. The lia fail and the Westminster coronation stone. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1884. 8°. v. 12, p. 325- 331.) *DA Karnes, Henry Home, lord. Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities ... I. Introduction of the feudal law into Scotland. n. Constitution of Parliament, m. Honour. Dignity, iv. Succession or descent. With an appendix, upon hereditary and indefeasible right. Composed. . .1745. [By Lord Karnes.] Edinburgh: A. Kincaid, 1747. 217 [2, p. 8°. CP Edinburgh: A. Kincaid & I. Bell, 1763. 2 p.l., 216 p. 3. ed. 8°. CP Keith, Theodora. The influence of the Convention of Royal Burghs of Scotland on the economic development of Scotland before 1707. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 250-271.) CPA Kermack, W. R. A geographical factor in Scottish independence. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. 31-35.) KAA Kinloch, Marjory G. J. Mediaeval Scot- tish pilgrimages. (Month. London, 1909. 8°. v. 113, p. 293-298.) * DA ■ Scottish coronations. A. D. 574- 1651. (Dublin review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 130, p. 263-277.) . * DA Scottish coronations. A.D. 1153- 1543. (Dublin review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 131, p. 34-52.) * DA Kinnaird, Charles Kinnaird, baron. A letter addressed to the peers of Scotland. London: J. Harding, 1826. 14 p. 8°. * C p.v. 59 On the election of Scottish peers to sit in Parliament. Laing, David. Inquiries respecting some of the early historical writers of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 72-87.) CPA See also Wyntoun, Andrew of. Laing, Malcolm. The history of Scot- land, from the union of the crowns... to the union of the kingdoms... With two dissertations, historical and critical, on the 124 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Gowrie conspiracy, and on the supposed authenticity of Ossian's poems. London: A. Strahan, 1800. 2 v. 8°. CP With a preliminary disserta- tion on the participation of Mary, Queen of Scots, in the murder of Darnley. Lon- don: J. Mawman, 1804. 4 v. 2. ed. 8°. CP Lang, Andrew. Border history versus Border ballads. (Cornhill magazine. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 77-910 *DA A history of Scotland from the Ro- man occupation. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1900-07. 4 v. maps, pi., tables. 8°. *R — CP Reviewed in Scottish geographical magazine, v. 16, p. 657-661, Edinburgh, 1900; Athenaum, May 4, p. 531-532, London, 1907; Scottish historical review, v. 5, p. 118-121, Glasgow, 1908. V. 1: (1) The Roman occupation. (2) After the Romans. (3) The dynasty of Kenneth Macal- pine. (4) Early culture in Scotland. (5) The dynasty of Malcolm Canmore. (6) Feudal Scot- land. (7) To the death of Wallace. (8) The wars of Bruce. (9) Reaction. (10) The early Stuart kings. (11) James I. (12) The conflict with the nobles. (13) James iv. (14) James v. — the min- ority. (15) James V. — Beginnings of the Reforma- tion. (16) The end of James v. (17) The tragedy of the Cardinal. Appendix. Genealogical tables. v. 2: (1) From the Cardinal's death to the re- gency of Mary of Guise, 1546-1554. (2) The re- gency. The marriage of Mary Stuart. 1554-1559. (3) The wars of the Congregation. (4) The Ref- ormation consummated, 1560-1561. (5) Mary in Scotland, 1561-1563. (6) Mary's marriage, 1563- 1565. (7) The two murders, 1565-1567. (8) The prisons of Mary Stuart, 1567-1568. (9) Regencies of Murray and Lennox, 1568-1572. (10) Regency of Morton, 1572-1577-1581. (11) King and Kirk, 1581-1584. (12) The end of Mary Stuart. The truth about the Master of Gray. 1584-1587. (13) The king of many enemies, 1587-1593. (14) In- trigues of Spain, England, and Bothwell, 1593-1595. (15) The king conquers the preachers, 1596-1597. (16) James on ill terms with England, 1597-1600. (17) The Gowrie conspiracy, 1600. (18) James succeeds to Elizabeth, 1601-1610. (19) The last years of James VI., 1603-1624. (20) Highlands and Borders, 1603-1610. (21) Social conditions. Ap- pendix (a. The Casket letters, b. Logan of Restal- rig and the Gowrie conspiracy). v. 3: (1) Charles i. The beginning of evils. 1625-1633. (2) The liturgy and the covenant, 1633- 1638. (3) The bishops' war, 1639. (4) The Scots invasion of England, 1640. (5) The year of Mont- rose, 1644-1645. (6) The revenge of the Cove- nanter, 1645. (7) Kirk's triumph. National ruin, 1648-1650. (8) Cromwell and Scotland, 1650-1651. (9) From Worcester to the restoration, 1651-1660. (10) The restoration, 1660-1666. (11) The strife with the Covenanters, 1667-1679. (12) Bothwell Bridge, 1679-1680. (13) The killing time, 1680- 1685. (14) Argyll's rising, 1685. v. 4: (1) Parliamentary affairs. Victory and death of Dundee, 1689. (2) Parliamentary and ecclesiastical settlement. Massacre of Glencoe. 1689. (3) The East India Company. The Darien disaster. 1693-1702. (4) The eve of union, 1702-1705. (5) The Union, 1705-1707. (6) Jacobite movements, 1707-1708. (7) Jacobites and wild Whigs, 1708- 1714. (8) The Jacobite rising, 1715-1745. (9) The end of the rising of 1715. (10) The sequels of the rising, 1716-1717. (11) Foreign affairs. The story of Clementina. 1716-1719. (12) Heresy and schism, 1720-1740. (13) The secession. Patronage. Witchcraft. 1736-1809. (14) The Jacobite church- men and statesmen, 1704-1735. (15) Life in the Highlands, 1715-1745. (16) Life in the Lowlands, 1700-1745. (17) The exiled court. The affair of Porteous. Beginning of "The 'forty-five," 1728- 1745. (18) The rising of 1745. (19) The end of Jacobitism, 1745-1746. Appendix: The death of Keppoch. Lang, Andrew. My "History" vindi- cated. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 178, p. 477-495.) * DA Reply to T. D. Wanliss, Scotland and Presby- terianism vindicated. New, The, history of Scotland. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 167, p. 599-614.) *DA On v. 1 of Andrew Lang's History. Wanliss, T. D. Scotland and Presby- terianism vindicated. Being a critical re- view of the third volume of Mr. Andrew Lang's History of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. J. Hay, 1905. iv, 100 p. 12°. Reviewed in Scottish notes and queries, series 2, v. 7, p. 15, Aberdeen, 1905. Lang, Andrew. A short history of Scot- land. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood . and Sons, 1911. viii, 316 p. 12°. CP Last, The, resting place of St. Andrew. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1889. 8°. v. 13, p. 122-161.) *DA Leslie, John, bishop of Ross. De orig- ine moribus & rebus gestis Scotorum, libri decern... Accessit nova et accurata re- gionum et insularum Scotia? . . . descriptio. m. p. Edinburgi?) 1675. 34, 543(1) p., 21 1. 4°. Reserve . The large ornamental tail-piece on p. 40, 123, 227, etc., is also used in John Brown's Quakerisme .' .'. printed for John Cairns... in Edinburgh, 1678. This copy _ lacks the dedication to the earl of Rothes subscribed by a George Lesley, which appears in some copies. The history of Scotland, from the death of King James I. in the year m.cccc.xxxvi, to the year m.d.lxi. [Edited by Thomas Thomson.) Edinburgh, 1830. 4 p.l., xxiii, 319 p., port. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP The historie of Scotland wrytten first in Latin by the most reverend and worthy Jhone Leslie... and translated in Scottish by James Dalrymple. Edited by ...E. G. Cody. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1888-95. 2 v. 8°. (Scot- tish Text Society. Publications, v. 5, 14, 19, 34.) NDP v. 2 edited by Cody and W. Murison. Bain, Joseph. John Lesly, bishop of Ross (a vindication). (Genealogist. Eon- don, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 26-27.) * R — Room 328 See also v. 17, p. 5-6. Fleming, David Hay. Mr. Joseph Bain and Bishop Lesley. (Genealogist. Lon- don. 1901. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 219- 222; v. 17, p. 158-161.) *R — Room 328 Library, The, of Mary Queen of Scots, and of King James the Sixth. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1833. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-23.) fCP LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 125 History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Lindsay, Robert, of Pitscottie. The his- tory of Scotland from 21 February 1436, to March, 1565... To which is added, a continuation, by another hand, till August, 1604. Edinburgh: Baskett & Co., printers, 1728. xviii, 239 p. f°. f CP With autograph of J. Ritson, the antiquary. The Chronicles of Scotland, by Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie. Published from several old manuscripts. [Edited by John Graham Dalyell.j Edinburgh: printed by George Ramsay and Company for Archibald Constable and Company, 1814. 2 v. 12°. CP Pagination continuous. The historie and cronicles of Scot- land, from the slauchter of King James the First to the ane thousande fyve hundreith thrie scoir fytein zeir, being a continuation of the translation of the chronicles written by Hector Boece, and translated by John Bellenden. Edited by ^Eneas J. G. Mackay. v. 1-3. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1899-1911. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. Publications, v. 42-43, 60.) NDP Reviewed in the Athenteum, Feb. 10, 1900, Lon- don, 1900. v. 3 contains the glossary and index. Longstaffe, W. Hylton Dyer. The con- nection of Scotland with the pilgrims of grace. (Archaeological journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 14, p. 331-344.) CA M., W. The natural history of Scotch- men. (Argosy. London, 1866. 8°. v. 1, p. 49-52.) * DA Satire. Macarthur, Margaret. History of Scot- land. London: Macmillan & Co., 1885. xiv p., 1 1., 199 p. new ed. 16°. CP McCarthy, Michael J. F. Catholic Ire- land and Protestant Scotland: a contrast. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1905. 57 p. 12°. ZLPR Macgregor, Robert R. Archery in Scot- land. (Belgravia. London, 1881. 8°. v. 43, p. 338-345.) * DA The game of the Celts. (Belgravia. London, 1878. 8°. v. 35, p. 184-190.) * DA Shinty. Maclnerny, M. H. Scotland and John Knox. (Irish ecclesiastical record. Dub- lin, 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 22, p. 170-183.) ZLPS Mackay, ..Eneas James George. Notes and queries on the custom of gavelkind in Kent, Ireland, Wales and Scotland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 133-158.) CPA See also Lindsay, Robert, of Pits- cottie. The historie and cronicles of Scot- land; also Major, John. Mackay, Angus. An account of the Aberach-Mackay banner, now exhibited in the National Museum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 520-533.) CPA Mackay, J. G. Social life in the High- lands in the olden times. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n.d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 174-192.) NDO Mackay, William. Life in the Highlands in the olden time. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness t 1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 218-224.) *EC Mackenzie, Sir George. The antiquity of the royal line of Scotland farther cleared and defended, against the exceptions lately offer'd by Dr. Stillingfleet, in his vindica- tion of the bishop of St. Asaph. London: J. Hindmarsh, 1686. 6 p.l., 212 p., 3 1., 1 table. 8°. Stuart 7465 A defence of the antiquity of the royal-line of Scotland. With a true ac- count when the Scots were govern'd by kings in the Isle of BHtain. London: Printed for R. C, 1685. [67]-72, xiv, v-vi, 190 p. 8°. Stuart 7465 Mackenzie, William Cook. Scotland and the Union (1707-1907). (Westminster review. London, 1907. 8°. v. 167, p. 636- 641.) * DA A short history of the Scottish Highlands and Isles. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1906. 2 p,l., 389 p., 1 map, 11 pi., 7 port. 12°. CP Mackintosh, John. The history of civil- isation in Scotland. Partly rewritten, and carefully revised throughout. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1892-96. 4 v. port, new ed. 8°. *R — CP The story of Scotland from the earliest times to the present century. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. xxi, 336 p. map, port, illus. 12°. *R — CP ■ New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. xxxi, 336 p. map, port, illus. 12°. CP Maclagan, Robert Craig. Two histori- cal fallacies: heather beer and uisge beithe. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 4°. v. 40, p. 15-22.) *EC Macmillan, Donald. A short history of the Scottish people. London: Hodder and Stoughton [1911]. xx, 484 p., 5 maps. 8°. CP Macpherson, Archibald. Scottish sacra- ment nouses, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 89-116.) CPA Macpherson, David, editor. See Wyn- toun, Andrew of. The orygynale cronykil of Scotland. 126 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Macpherson, William C. The represen- tative peers of Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 344-359.) * DA Macqueen, Donald. A dissertation on the government of the people in the Wes- tern Isles. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. London, 1776. 4°. v. 3, p. 419- 434.) t CPW Major, John. A history of Greater Bri- tain, as well England as Scotland. Com- piled from the ancient authorities. . .1521. Translated from the original Latin and edited with notes by Archibald Constable; to which is prefixed a life of the author by .Eneas J. G. Mackay. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1892. cxxxv, 476 p., 2 fac. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 10.) CPA Making, The, of modern Scotland. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1901. 8°. v. 169, p. 293-306.) * DA Malagrowtheu, pseud. Is Scotland deca- dent? (National review. London, 1905. 8°. v. 45, p. 1044-1054.) * DA Marwick, Sir James David. The muni- cipal institutions of Scotland: a historical survey. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 123-135, 274-290.) CPA Mathieson, William Law. Politics and religion, a study in Scottish history from the Reformation to the Revolution. Glas- gow: James Maclehose & Sons, 1902. 2 v. 8°. CP Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. The early chronicles relating to Scotland; be- ing the Rhind lectures in archaeology for 1912, in connection with the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1912. xii p., 2 1., 260 p., 1 1. 8°. CP Melven, William. History [of Scot- land]. (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 108-119.) t CPW Millar, John Hepburn. The pre-union legislation of Scotland. (Glasgow Archse- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 3, p. 198- 219.) CPA Miller, Hugh. Macaulay on Scotland. A critique. Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1857. vi, (1)8-64 p. 12°. CP Miller, John. An historical view of the English government, from the settlement of the Saxons . in Britain to... 1688... London: J. Mawman, 1803. 4 v. 8°. CM v. 3, chap. 1: Review of the government of Scot- land. (1) Of the government of Scotland, from the time when _ Britain was abandoned by the Ro- mans to the reign of Malcolm n. ; (2) Of the gov- ernment of Scotland, from the reign of Malcolm n. to the union of its crown with that of England; (3: Of the government of Scotland, from the union o; the Scottish and English crowns, to that of the tw( kingdoms. Minister, A, for Scotland. (Scottisl review. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 3, p. 356 377.) * T>A Mitchell, Dugald. A popular history o: the Highlands and Gaelic Scotland, frorr the earliest times till the close of tht 'Forty-five.' Paisley: Alexander Gardner 1900. 15,707 p., 3 maps, 1 pi. 8°. CI Mitchell, James. The Scotsman's libra- ry; being a collection of anecdotes anc facts illustrative of Scotland and Scots- men. Edinburgh: printed for J. Anderson. Jun., 1825. iv, 740 p., 1 pi. sq. 12°. CJ Moncrieff, Thomas. Memoirs, concern- ing the ancient alliance between the French and Scots, and the privileges oi the Scots in France. Faithfully translate*: from the original records of the kingdorr of France. Edinburgh: printed by W Cheyne, 1751. Glasgow: repr. for J. Wylie & Co., 1819. iv, 57 p. nar. 12°. (Miscel- lanea Scotica. v. 4.) CE Monipennie, John. The abridgement oi summarie of the Scots Chronicles; with z short description of their originall, frorr the comming of Galethus. . .out of Graecis into Egypt... With a. . .description and division of the whole realme of Scotland Latelie corrected and augmented. Edin- burgh: Printed by I. W[reittoun] for Johr Wood, 1633. A-R 6, in eights. 8°. Reserve An abridgement, or summarie oi the Scots chronicles; with a briefe de- scription of Scotland. To which is added the description of the Western Isles oi Scotland, &c. Edinburgh: David Webster 1818. viii, 9-207 p. 12°. CPp.v.l The • abridgement, or summarie o: the Scots chronicles. . .with a true chron- ologic of all their kings... with a true de- scription of the whole realme of Scotland and of the principall cities, townes. . .witl a memorial! of the most rare and wonder full things in Scotland. Printed at Brit taines Bursse by J. Budge, 1612. Glas gow: re-printed for J. Wylie & Co., 1820 iv, (1)6-202 p. nar. 12°. (Miscellane; Scotica. v. 1.) CI Moore, Arthur William. The connec tion between Scotland and Man. (Scot tish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4° v. 3, p. 393-409.) CP/ Morrison, Roderick. Clerical life on thi west coast a hundred years ago. (Inver ness Scientific Society and Field Club Transactions. Inverness rl898i. 8°. v. 4 p. 234-250.) *E( Murison, William, editor. See Leslie John. The historie of Scotland wryttei first in Latin. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 127 History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Murray, David. Early burgh organiza- tion in Scotland as illustrated in the his- tory of Glasgow and of some neighbour- ing burghs. 1 p.l., 140 p. (Royal Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. v. 39, Appen- dix.) * EC Murray, John Fisher. Ireland contrasted with Scotland; being the substance of an address delivered before the Belfast His- toric Society. Belfast: James Wilson, 1832. 29 p. 8°. CS With author's autograph. Murray, P. Keith. The old Crown cushion at Edinburgh castle. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4. p. 116-118.) CPA Mylne, Robert Scott. Notices of the king's master-gunners of Scotland, with the writs of their appointments, 1512-1703. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 185-194.) CPA Neilson, George. On some Scottish burghal origins. I. The garrison theory. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 129-140.) SEA Scottish burgh records. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 264-275.) CPA The submission of the Lord of the Isles to James I.: its feudal symbolism. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. IS, p. 113-122.) CPA • Tenure by knight service in Scot- land. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 11, p. 71-86, 173-186.) SEA • Trial by combat. London: Will- iams & Norgate, 1890. xvi, 348 p. 12°. XAN p. 74-146 and 207-319 deal with' trial by combat in Scotland. Nicolson, William. The Scottish his- torical library: containing a short view and character of most of the writers, records, registers, law-books, &c. which may be serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of Scotland, down to the union of the two kingdoms in King James the Sixth. London: G. Strahan, 1736. xviii p., 1 1., 148 p. P. tt C This work forms part 2 ■ of his English, Scotch and Irish historical libraries, London, 1736. Notes on national characteristics in the Scottish Lowlands. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1868. 8°. v. 17, p. 547-557.) * DA O'Growney, Eugene. Scotland in Irish- Gaelic literature. (Gaelic Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, n.d. 12°. v. 2, 1891-94, p. 239-275.) NDO Old, The, Scottish Parliament. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 36, p. 661-673.) * DA Old Scottish society. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 129, p. 517-538.) * DA Onahan, William J. Scotland's services to France. The Scottish guards, and the Scottish men-at-arms in the French ser- vice. (American Catholic quarterly re- view. Philadelphia, 1896. 8°. v. 21, p. 321- 337.) * DA Order, The, of combats for life in Scot- land as they are anciently recorded in ane old manuscript of the laws, arms, and offices of Scotland pertaining to James I., king of Scots. With the office and privi- ledges the constable and marshaell hes in them. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aber- deen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 383-390.) ,t CP Origines parochiales Scotiae: The anti- quities, ecclesiastical and territorial of the parishes of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1851-55. 2 v. in 3. maps. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP Edited by Cosmo Innes, assisted by _ Rev. W. Anderson, Joseph Robertson, James B. Brichan, and J. Macnab. v. 1. Diocese of Glasgow. v. 2, part 1. Dioceses of Argyll and the Isles. v. 2, part 2. Dioceses of Ross and Caithness, with additions to the dioceses of Argyll and the Isles. Paget, John. Lord Macaulay and the Highlands of Scotland. [By J. Paget.] (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Amer. . ed. New York, 1859. 8°. v. 86, p. 162- 174.) * DA Reprinted in LitteU's Living age, v. 62, p. 771- 781, Boston, 1859. Paradoxes and puzzles historical, judicial, and literary. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1874. 8°. NDF p. 32-76: Lord Macaulay and the massacre of Glencoe; p. 77-100: Lord Macaulay and the High- lands of Scotland; p. 101-133: Lord Macaulay and Dundee; p. 252-263: The Wigtown martyrs (Prin- cipal Tulloch and Mr. Mark Napier). These arti- ■cles previously appeared in Blackwood's magazine, 1859, 1860, 1863. Paterson, Adam. Lecture on the altera- tions upon the laws and state of the coun- try incident to its social improvement... Read to the Mechanics Institute, Gala- shiels... Edinburgh: W. Burness, printer, 1860. 29 p. 8°. CPp.box Pease, Howard. The lord wardens of the marches of England and Scotland; be- ing a brief history of the marches, the laws of march, and the marchmen, _ to- gether with some account of the ancient feud between England and Scotland. Lon- don: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1913. xvi p., 1 1., 255(1) p., 4 maps, 1 pi. 4°. CBA One of 500 copies printed. Pinkerton, John. The history of Scot- land from the accession of the house of 128 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Stuart to that of Mary, with appendixes of original papers. London: C. Dilly, 1797. 2 v. 4°. CP Pitcairn, Robert, editor. See Holyrood Abbey. Chronicon coenobii Sanctse Cru- cis Edinburgensis. Rait, Robert Sangster. Scotland and John Knox. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. new series, v. 78, p. 95-108.) *DA The Scottish Parliament before the union of the Crowns. (English historical review. London, 1900. 8°. v. 15, p. 209- 237, 417-444.) BAA Ramsay, William Mitchell. Latter-day conservatism in Scotland. (Westminster review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 146, p. 304- 311.) *DA Reid, Alexander George. Note as to the recovery of three volumes of the ms. collections of Scottish antiquities of the late Robert Riddell, of Friars Carse and Glenriddell. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 222-224.) CPA Reid, Sir Hugh Gilzean. Past and pres- ent; or, Social and religious life in the north. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Doug- las [1871]. 2 p.l., ii p., 1 1., 304 p., 4 pi. 12°. CP Riddell, Robert. On the offices of thane and abthane. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 185-188.) f CPA Remarks on the title of thane and abthane. (Society of Antiquaries of Lon- don. Archaeologia. London, 1789. 4°. v. 9, p. 329-331.) t CA Some account of a symbol of antient investure in Scotland, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Archae- ologia. London, 1794. 4°. v. 11, p. 45-47.) fCA The Leney "sword." Ridpath, George. The Border history of England and Scotland, deduced from the earliest times to the union of the two crowns... Revised and published by... Philip Ridpath. London: T. Cadell, 1776. viii, 706 p., 11 1. 4°. f CP Rishanger, William de. Annales regni Scotise. (In his: Chronica monasterii S. Albani, ed. H. J. Riley. London, 1865. 8°. p. 233-368.) C Robertson, Alexander. A course of lec- tures on the government, constitution, and laws of Scotland, from the earliest to the present time. London: Stevens and Haynes, 1878. xii, 347 p. 8°. SED Robertson, William. The history of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James vi. till his accession t the crown of England. London: T. Ce dell, 1794. 2 v. 14. ed. 8°. C With a review of the Seottis history previous to that period; and a appendix . . . Glasgow : J. Imray, 1800. 24' v. 1 only. With a review of the Seottis history previous to that period; and a: appendix containing original papers. Firs American edition from the sixteenth Lon don edition... to which is prefixed an ac count of the life and writings of the authoi By Dugald Stewart, v. 1-2. Philadelphia J. Bioran & T. L. Plowman, 1811. 2 \ port. 8°. CI London: Cadell & Davies 1817. 3 v. 8°. (In his: Works, new ec v. 1, p. 205-429, v. 2-3.) B^ London: W. Sharpe & Soi [etc.], 1820. 3 v. 8°. (In his: Works, v 1-3.) B^ Albany: E. & E. Hosford 1822. 8°. v. 1 only. New York: J. & J. Harper 1829. iv p., 1 1., (1)8-460 p. 8°. CI New York: J. & J. Harper 1839. iv p., 1 1., 7-460 p. 11. ed. 8°. CI Storia del regno di Scozia sott< Maria Stuarda e Giacomo vi di Guglielmi Robertson. Napoli: Marotta e Vanspan doch, 1829-30. 3 v. in 1. 24°. CI Rogers, Charles. Familiar illustration of Scottish character. London: Houlstoi & Wright, 1861. vii, 273 p. 12°. Stuart 750; History of the Chapel Royal o Scotland, with the register of the Chape Royal of Stirling including details in rela tion to the rise and progress of Scottisl music and observations respecting thi Order of the Thistle. Edinburgh: Thi Grampian Club, 1882. ecliv p., 1 1., 126 p 8°. CI Scotland social and domestic. Me morials of life and manners in North Bri tain. London: printed for the Grampiai Club, 1869. xii, (1)14-380 p. 8°. CI Social life in Scotland from earl; to recent times. Edinburgh: Grampiai Club, 1884-86. 3 v. 8°. CI v. 3 issued as a supplement; published by Vi Paterson. v. 1: (1) Prehistoric modes; (2) Domestic an social usages; (3) Marriage rites and customs (4) Birth and baptismal registers; (5) Death an funeral practices; (6) The land and its cultivators (7) Rural life and manners; (8) The municipal an mercantile; (9) Arts and manufactures. v. 2: (10) The parliament and juridical; (11 The ecclesiastical; (12) Church discipline; (13 Public sports; (14) Games and pastimes; (15) Socis clubs. v. 3: (16) Literary and scholastic; (17) An eigl teenth century correspondence; (18) Humour an eccentricity; (19) Folklore; (20) Sorcery; (21 Demons and apparitions; Supplement. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 129 History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Rose, M. A. The honours of Scotland. (Celtfc magazine. Inverness, 1883. 8°. v. 8, p. 118-124, 202-209.) * DE Rosebery (5. earl), Archibald Philip Primrose. Scottish history. (In his: Ap- preciations and addresses. London, 1899. 12°. p. 271-284.) NDB Ross, Alexander. Early travels in Scot- land. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 92- 129.) NDO Ross, John Merry. Scottish history and literature to the period of the Reforma- tion. Edited with biographical sketch, by James Brown, D.D. Glasgow: J. Macle- hose & Sons, 1884. xxviii, 420 p. 8°. CP Rowlands, Richard. The history of the lives and reigns of the kings of Scotland from Fergus the first king. . .to. . .1707. To which is added, an account of the Re- bellion in Scotland in the year 1715; as also, A description of the kingdom of Scot- land and the isles thereunto belonging... By an impartial hand [Richard Rowlands). Dublin: Printed by John Harding, 1722. 12 p.L, 188 p., 18 1. sq. 8°. CP Royal house, The, of Stuart. Illustrated by a series of forty plates in colours, drawn from relics of the Stuarts by Will- iam Gibb. With an introduction by John Skelton and descriptive notes by W. H. St. John Hope. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. xi p., 1 1., 40 p., 44 1., 40 colored pi. f°. ft CP Royal, The, residences in Scotland, illus. (Saturday magazine. London, 1843. 4°. v. 23, p. 153-155, 177-178, 193-196, 217-219, 233-235, 249-251.) * DE Russell, Miss H. J. M. The English claims to the overlordship of Scotland, in connection with the death of Thomas a Becket. 1 pi. (British Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London, 1893. 8°. v. 49, p. 223-239.) CA Scot, The, abroad. (Chambers's Jour- nal. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 41, p. 574- 576.) * DA • (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 1, p. 372-375.) KAA Scot, The, at home. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1866. 8°. v. 14, p. 238-256.) * DA Scotch character, On the. (A frag- ment.) (The Liberal. London, 1822. 8°. v. 1, p. 367-376.) NDH Scotch cousins. (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 179, p. 313- 324.) * DA Scotch, The, in France: the French in Scotland. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1863. 8°. v. 214, p. 13-21.) * DA Scotch nationality. (North British re- view. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 6, p. 117- 140.) * DA Scotland. t New York: Whiting & Wat- son, 1826?] 643-751 p. 4°. fCP Excerpt: Amer. ed. of the New Edinburgh ency- clopaedia. Scotland. (Presbyterian quarterly re- view. Philadelphia, 1857. 8°. v. 5, p. 577- 595.) Scotland before (Quarterly review, v. 89, p. 33-56.) *DA the Reformation. London, 1851. 8°. *DA 30, p. 433- Reprinted in Littell's Living age 442, Boston, 1851. Scotland since the Union. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. v. 74, p. 263-283.) * DA Scots, The, Brigade. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 3, p. 248-266.) * DA Scots Guards, The, in France. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 286- 310.) *DA Scott, David. The history of Scotland. Containing all the historical transactions of the nation, from the year of the world 3619 to the year of Christ 1726... West- minster: for B. Creake, 1728. xiv, 767 p., 3 1., 1 map, 1 pi. f°. ft CP Scott, Sir Walter. Description of the regalia of Scotland. [By Sir Walter Scott] Edinburgh: James Ballantyne & Co., 1819. 34 p. 12°. CPp.box2 This Description is also included in his Provin- cial antiquities. Edinburgh: Stevenson & Co., printers, 1840. 35 p. 12°. CP p. box 2 Edinburgh: Thomas Con- stable, 1842. 30 p. 4°. AWO Edinburgh: Stevenson & Co., 1844. 35 p. 12°. CP p. box 3 Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1848. 29 p., 1 1. 16°. CP p. box Edinburgh: Stevenson & Co., printers, 1849. 35 p. 12°. CP p. box 4 Edinburgh: R. Anderson, 1860. 34 p., 1 1. 12°. Stuart 7496 Date on cover is 1861. Edinburgh: Robert Anderson, 1865. 34 p., 11. 12°. CPp.box4 [Cabinet history of] Scotland. Lon- don: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1835. 2 v. 12°. CP The history of Scotland. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1830. 2 v. 12°. (Cabinet cyclopaedia.) Stuart 7447 Scotland, by Sir Walter Scott. With a supplementary chapter of recent events, by M. W. Hazeltine. New York: P. F. Collier, 1899. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. (Nations of the world.) CP 130 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Tales of a grandfather; being stories taken from Scottish history... New York: William Burgess, Jun., 1828-29. 2 v. pi. [10. Amer. ed.j 24°. Stuart 10624 Each volume has additional engraved title-page. — series 3. New York: [W. Bur- gess, jr.,] 1830. 2 v. 2 port. ( 2. Amer. ed.] 16°. Stuart 10627 Each volume has additional engraved title-page. Humbly inscribed to Hugh Littlejohn, Esq. series 3, v. 1-2. Boston: S. H. Parker, 1839. 2 v. in 1. 12°. (Wav- erley tales, v. S1-S2.) CP Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1861. 6 v. 12°. (Household edition.) Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865. 6 v. in 3. pi. 12°. CP London: G. Routledge & Sons [188-?,. 640 p., 8 pi. 12°. CP Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, and Co. [189- ?] 6 v. in 3. 12°. CP Scottish, The, borderers. (Litteli's Liv- ing age. Boston, 1854. 8°. v. 40, p. 180- 184.) * DA Scottish county histories. (Edinburgh review. London, 1860. 8°. v. 112, p. 489- 525.) Scottish guard, The, of France, millan's magazine. London, 1896. 73, p. 381-389.) Scottish, The, loyalists. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 96-115.) *DA Scottish Patriotic Association. Scottish history in our school books: a matter of national importance. [Report of the asso- ciation.] [Glasgow: the association, 1904.] 1 1. f°. ftCBAp.v. 10,no.l9 Scottish social life. (Eclectic review. London, 1860. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 35- 48.) * DA Scottish social life in the olden time. (All the year round. London, 1894. 8°. series 3, v. 11, p. 249-253.) * DA Sequuntur nomina omnium regum Scot- orum tarn ante incarnationem quam post, gradatim et successiue discendentium vsqve ad Jacobum secundum regem Scocie. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 44-60.) CP Setts of the royal burghs of Scotland. (Scottish Burgh Records Society. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1881. 4°. p. 159- 295.) CP Short, A, account of Scottish money and coins, with tables of their value at dif- ferent periods, and the price of commodi- ties, &c. Together with tables of the reve- nues of the archbishops, bishoprics, ab- *DA (Mac- 8°. v. *DA bevs nunnerys, &c. at the Reformation. Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1817. 16 p. 8°. CP p. box 2 Simpson, Sir James Young. Antiqua- rian notices of leprosy and leper hospitals in Scotland and England. (Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. Edinburgh, 1841-42. 8°. v. 56, p. 301-330; v. 57, p. 121- 156, 394-429.) WAA Reprinted with additional notes by Joseph Robert- son in Simpson's Archaological essays, v. 2, p. 1-184, Edinburgh, 1872. Skelton, John. See Royal house, The, of Stuart. Skene, Felix James Henry, editor. See Buchanan, Maurice. Liber Pluscarden- sis; also Fordun, John of. Johannis de Fordun chronica gentis Scotorum. Skene, William Forbes. Notice of the probable author of the unpublished history of Scotland, erroneously attributed to Bishop Elphinstone of Aberdeen. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 447-451.) CPA See also Fordun, John of. Johannis de Fordun chronica gentis Scotorum. Sketches of Highland character, illus- trated by W. Rcalstonj. Edinburgh: Ed- monston & Douglas [1873]. 3 p.l., 32 p., 6 pi. 4°. t CP Smith, William C. The differences of local government in England and Scotland. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. Lon- don, 1881. 8°. 1880, p. 675-690.) SA Some account of the fairs in Scotland. (Farmer's magazine. London, 1835-36. 8°. v. 2, p. 19-22, 104-106, 182-184, 241-242; v. 4, p. 133-135.) VPA Berwickshire, Roxburghshire, Haddingtonshire. Repr. : Quarterly journal of agriculture. Stark, James. Remarks on the epidemic fever of Scotland during 1863-64-65; and on the epidemics of fever which have pre- vailed in Scotland during the past century and a quarter. (Epidemiological Society of London. Transactions. London, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 304-316.) WAA Steuart, A. Francis. Scottish influences in Russian history, from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 19th century. An essay. Glasgow: J. Macle- hose & Sons, 1913. xviii, 141(1) p., 2 pi., 1 table. 12°. GLP Reviewed (by G. A. Sinclair) in Scottish histori- cal review, v. 11, p. 214-216. Stevenson, Joseph, editor. See Chronica de Mailros; also Chronicon de Lanercost. Stewart, William. See Boece, Hector. Buik of the croniclis of Scotland. Stirling, Amelia Hutchison. A sketch of Scottish industrial and social history LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 131 History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. in the 18th and 19th centuries. London: Blackie & Son, 1906. viii p., 1 1., 225 p., 8 port. 8°. CP Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of Scotland, and English princesses con- nected with the regal succession of Great Britain. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1850-66. 8 v. port. 8°. CP v. 2 is 3. ed., 1866; v. 3, 2. ed., 1861. v. 1. Margaret Tudor. Magdalene of France. Mary of Lorraine. v. 2. Mary of Lorraine. The Lady Margaret Douglas. v. 3-7. Mary Stuart. v. 8. Elizabeth Stuart. Sophia, electress of Hanover. Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 69, p. 40-54, Edinburgh, 1851. — ■ — ■ New York: Harper & Bros., 1851-59. 8 v. 8°. CP Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1853-66. 8 v. 8°. CP v. 1 and 2 are 3. ed.; v. 3, 2. ed. New York: Harper & Bros., 1854-55. 8°. CP v. 1-5 only. Struthers, John. The history of Scot- land, from the Union to the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in mdccxlviii. To which is subjoined, a review of ecclesi- astical affairs, the progress of society, the state of the arts, &c, to the year mdcccxxvii. Glasgow: Blackie, Fullarton & Co., 1828. 2 v. 8°. CP Stuart, Gilbert. The history of Scot- land, from the establishment of the Ref- ormation till the death of Queen Mary. London: J. Murray, 1782. 2 v. 4°. t CP Subjoined, The, notices respecting the Ancient Royal Library of Scotland ... (In : M. Martin, A voyage to Saint Kilda. Glas- gow, 1818. nar. 12°. p. 83-92.) CP Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2. Taylor, James, and others. The pictorial history of Scotland, from the Roman in- vasion to the close of the Jacobite Rebel- lion, A. D. 79-1746. London: J. S. Virtue, 1859. 2 v. 4°. CP Terry, Charles Sanford. The Scottish Parliament: its constitution and proce- dure. 1603-1707. With an appendix of documents. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1905. x, 228 p. 8°. CP Thomson, Charles W. Scotland's work and worth: an epitome of Scotland's story from early times to the twentieth century, with a survey of the contributions of Scots- men in peace and in war to the growth of the British empire and the progress of the world. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier [1910]. 2 v. pi. illus. 8°. CP Thomson, John. The Scot abroad and the Scot at home: an oration, delivered before the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New-York, on the occasion of the celebration of its one hundredth anniver- sary, on the 1st of December, 1856... New-York: J. A. Amerman, 1856. 33 p. 12°. (In: Saint Andrew's Society. His- torical sketch. . . New York, 1856. 12°.) SHW Thomson, Thomas, editor. See Leslie, John. The history of Scotland, from the death of King James i. Transition in the Highlands of Scot- land. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 12, p. 108-138.) *DA Turnbull, William Barclay David Don- ald, editor. See Boece, Hector. Buik of the croniclis of Scotland; also Extracta e variis cronicis Scocie. Tytler, Patrick Fraser. The history of Scotland, from the accession of Alexander in. to the Union. Edinburgh: Wm. P. Nimmo, 1866. 10 v. new ed. 8°. CP Reviewed in North British review, v. 3, p. 345- 386, Edinburgh, 1845; Westminster review, v. 13, p. 292-312, London, 1830; Quarterly review, v. 41, p. 328-359, London, 1829 (by Sir Walter Scott); Taifs Edinburgh magazine, new series, v. 1, p. 521-527, v. 4, p. 769-780, v. 7, p. 613-628, v. 9, p. 314-328, v. 11, p. 85-94, 156-163, Edinburgh, 1834-44. v. 5. Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1841. 12°. CP v. 5. 1497-1546. Veitch, John. The history and poetry of the Scottish border; their main features and relations. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1893. 2 v. new ed. 8°. NDP Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 153, p. 865-878, Edinburgh, 1893. Wallace, Thomas. Military roads and fortifications in the Highlands, with bridges and milestones, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, P : 318-333.) CPA Wanliss, T. D. Scotland and Presbyte- rianism vindicated. Being a critical review of the third volume of Mr. Andrew Lang's History of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. J. Hay, 1905. iv, 100 p. 12°. CP Reviewed in Scottish notes and queries, series 2, v. 7, p. 15, Aberdeen, 1905. Way, Albert, compiler. See Archaeolo- gical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Webster, H. A. Administration [in Scotland]. (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 100-108.) t CPW White, Thomas Pilkington. 'Some as- pects of the modern Scot.' (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 24, p. 44-74.) *DA Why is Scotland Liberal? (Westmin- ster review. London, 1888. 8°. v. 130, p. 581-593.) * DA Wilson, Herbert Wrigley. Defenceless Scotland. (National review. London, 1907. 8°. v. 50, p. 578-590.) * DA 132 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. General Works, continued. Wilson, James, burger of Dumfries. The history of Scottish affaires. . .from the year... 1560. . .untill the year 1625.. . 71 p., 1 fac. (In: Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth. Transactions. Perth, 1827. 4°. v. 1.) tCA This work is really a literal transcript of the Memoirs of Henry Guthry, bishop of Dunkeld, first printed in London, 1702. Many manuscript copies exist. Wright, Thomas. The history of Scot- land; from the earliest period to the pres- ent time. London: London Printing & Publishing Co., n.d. 3 v. port. 4°. Stuart 7466 Wyntoun, Andrew of. The orygynale cronykil of Scotland, be Androw of Wyn- town, now first published, with notes, a glossary, &c, by D. Macpherson. Lon- don: T. Bensley, 1795. 2 v. 8°. CP The orygynale cronykil of Scot- land. Now first published, with notes, a glossary, &c. by David Macpherson. Lon- don: T. Egerton, 1795. 2 v. 8°. CP Thick paper copy. The orygynale cronykil of Scot- land. Edited by David Laing. Edin- burgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1872-79. 3 v. 8°. (Historians of Scotland, v. 2-3, 9.) CP v. 9 published by W. Paterson. The original chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun, printed on parallel pages from the Cottonian and Wemyss mss., with the variants of the other texts. Edited... by F. J. Amours, v. 2-6. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1903-08. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. Publications, v. 50, 53-54, 56-57.) NDP v. 2. Texts: books i-iii. v. 3. Texts: books IV., v. ch. i-xii. v. 4. Texts: books v. ch. xiii-xiv., vi., vii, ch. i-vii. v. 5. Texts: books vn. ch. viii-x, viii. ch. i-xxiv. v. 6. Texts: books vm. ch. xxv-xl, and ix. v. 1 not yet published. Amours, Francis Joseph. Editions and mss. of Wyntoun's "Cronykil." (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1902. 8°. v. 33, p. 219-231.) * EC Craigie, William Alexander. The St. Andrews ms. of Wyntoun's Chronicle. (Anglia. Halle a. S.. 1898. 8°. v. 20, p. 363-380.) RNA Special Periods Celtic Period to 1286 Anderson, Alan O. Wimund, bishop and pretender. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 29-36.) CPA Anscombe, Alfred. The obit of St. Co- lumba and the chronology of the early kings of Alban. (English historical re- view. London, 1892. 8°. v. 7, p. 510-531.) BAA Barclay, Robert. On Agricola's en- gagement with the Caledonians, under their leader Galgacus. 1 map. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 565- 570.) t CPA Bremner, Robert L. Notes on the battle of Largs. 1 map. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 101-110.) GEA Some notes on the Norsemen in Argyllshire, and on the Clyde. 1 map. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 338-380.) GEA Bute (3. marquis), John Patrick Crich- ton Stuart. The earliest Scottish corona- tion. [By the marquis of Bute.] (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 60-102.) * DA Reprinted in his Scottish coronations. Carrie, John. The battle of the Gram- pians. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-3.) CPA Catalogue of Pictish kings. Communi- cated by Sir Thomas Phillips. (Royal Society of Literature. Transactions. Lon- don, 1834. 4°. v. 2, p. 471-475.) * EC From a manuscript of the thirteenth century in his possession. Celtic Scotland. (Quarterly review. London, 1873. 8°. v. 135, p. 69-98.) * DA Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history. Edited by W. F. Skene. Edinburgh: General Register House, 1867. 499 p., 2 fac. 8°. Stuart 7469 Chronicon de Lanercost, 1272-1280. [Translated with introductory note, by Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell, bart.] (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1908-13. 4°. v. 6, p. 13-31, 174-186, 281-291, 383-392; v. 7, p. 56-68, 160-170, 271-285, 377-389; v. 8, p. 22-38, 159-171, 276-285, 377-399; v. 9, p. 69-80, 159-171, 278-290, 390-410; v. 10, p. 76-87, 174-184.) CPA Dillon, John. Observations on the Nor- wegian expedition against Scotland, in the year 1263, and on some previous events which gave occasion to that war. 1 map. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 350-406.) f CPA Edmund, John Philip. The burial place of Malcolm I. (Antiquarian magazine and bibliographer. London, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 121-125.) CA Ferguson, James. The seven earls of Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 185-208.) SEA Foulis, Sir James. Of the league said to have been formed between the Emperor LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 133 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Charlemagne and the king of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 26-28.) tCPA Fraser, Donald. An essay on the ori- gin, antiquity, &c, of the Scots and Irish nations, with an impartial sketch of the character of most of the nations of Europe. To which is added an oration ...before the Caledonian Society, in this city. New York: H. C. Southwick, 1809. 32 p. 8°. CP p. box Freer, A. M. Goodrich, now Mrs. H. H. Spoer. The Norsemen in the Hebrides. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 51-74.) GEA Reprinted in her Outer isles, chap, xiii, London, 1902. The Stone of Destiny. (Temple Bar. London, 1902. 8°. v. 126, p. 18-30.) *DA Galloway, Alexander. Scotland in the middle ages. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 180-194.) CPA Gregg, William H. Controversial issues in Scottish history; a contrast of the early chronicles with the works of modern his- torians. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. x p., 1 1., 601 p., 2 maps, 1 table, illus. 4°. tCP See notice of this work in Scottish historical review, v. 9, p. 98. Haverfield, Francis John. On Julius Verus, a Roman governor of Britain. (Societv of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceeding's. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 454-459.) CPA Henderson, George. The Norse influ- ence on Celtic Scotland. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1910. xii p., 1 1., 371 p, 9 pi. 8°. CP Reviewed (by W. A. Craigie) in Celtic review, v. 6, p. 378-382, Edinburgh. Highton, E. The last resting-place of a Scottish queen (Joan, wife of Alexan- der in.), and a great English bishop... [Edinburgh:] T. & A. Constable, printers, n.d. 1 p.L, 8 p., 1 1. sq. 8°. * C p.v. 368 Hilton, James. The coronation stone at Westminster Abbey. 1 pi. (Archaeolo- gical journal. London, 1897. 8°. v. 54, p. 201-224.) CA Howden, Charles R. A. Notes on the history of the Scottish constitution. (Ju- ridical review. Edinburgh, 1898-99. 8°. v. 10, p. 64-77; v. 11, p. 209-225.) SEA 1. The Seven Earls of Scotland; 2. The begin- nings of Parliament. Hume, Abraham. Who was Macbeth? (Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. Liverpool, 1854. 8°. v. 7, p. 166-172.) * EC Innes, Thomas. A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain or Scotland. Containing an ac- count of the Romans, of the Britains be- twixt the walls, of the Caledonians or Picts, and particularly of the Scots. With an appendix. Reprinted from the original ed... With a memoir by George Grub. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1879. xxx p., 1 1., 440 p. 8°. (Historians of Scotland, v. 8.) CP For a critical notice of the original edition (1729) see "Early Scottish history and its exponents," in The retrospective review, new series, v. 1, p. 273- 291, London, 1853. Taitt, Alexander. The Roman account of Britain and Ireland, in answer to Father Innes. Edinburgh, 1741. (In: Tracts il- lustrative of the traditionary and histori- cal antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. p. 305-326.) CP Lacks the portrait of Father Innes. Waddel, George. Remarks on Mr. In- nes's Critical essay on the ancient inhabi- tants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland. [By George Waddel.] (In: Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and historical antiquities of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1836. 8°. p. 225-256.) CP Reprinted from the Edinburgh edition of 1733. Irving, George Vere. On the geography of the wars between the Saxons of Northumberland and the northern Bri- tons, from the battle of Menas to that of Kaltraez. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1855. 8°. v. 11, p. 41-56, 117-128.) CA Johnstone, James. Antiquitates Celto- Normannicas, containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles... now first published complete from the original ms....with an English translation, and notes. . .together with accurate catalogues of the Pictish and Scottish kings. Copenhagen: A. F. Stein, printer, 1786. 2 p.l., 152 p. 4°. CP Antiquitates Celto-Scandicas; sive series rerum gestarum inter nationes Bri- tannicarum insularum et gentes septen- trionales . . . Havniae : A. F. Stein, 1786. 1 p.l., 294 p., 1 I. 4°. CP The Norwegian account of Haco's expedition against Scotland; A.D. mcclxiii. Now first published in the original Ice- landic. . .with a literal English version and notes. Printed for the Author, 1782. xv, 143, [16j p. 16°. CP Keith, Duncan. A history of Scotland, civil and ecclesiastical, from the earliest times to the death of David i., 1153. Edin- burgh: William Paterson, 1886. 2 v. 12°. CP v. 1 : Civil ; v. 2 : Ecclesiastical. Kermack, W. R. The making of Scot- land: an essay in historical geography. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. 295-305.) KAA 134 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Lawrie, Sir Archibald Campbell. An- nals of the reigns of Malcolm and William, kings of Scotland, A. D. 1153-1214. Col- lected with notes and an index by Sir A. C. Lawrie. Glasgow: James MacLe,- hose and Sons, 1910. xxxvi, 459 p. 8°. CP Reviewed by J. Maitland Thomson in Scottish historical review, v. 8, p. 189-190. Lockhart, William. Notices of Ethel- red, earl of Fife, and abbot of Dunkeld, and his place in the royal family of Scot- land in the eleventh century. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 104-113.) CPA M'Callum, Duncan. The history of the ancient Scots. In three parts... Edin- burgh: J. Menzies, 1858. viii, (1)10-240 p. 12°. CP Pagination continuous. Macdonald, John. The story of the Caledonians; or, A narrative of Scottish history from the earliest ages. Towns- ville: Hastings & Jones, printers, n. d. 10 p. 8°. * C p.v. 371 M'Leod, John N. Remarks on the sup- posed site of Delgon or Cindelgen, the seat of Conall, king of Dalriada, A. D. 563. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 13-18.) CPA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. See Chronicon de Lanercost, 1272-1280. Miller, Lt.-Col. An inquiry respecting the site of the battle of Mons Grampius. 2 maps. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 19-52.) f CPA Miller, Peter. Suggestions respecting the site of Bede's ancient city, Giudi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 54-62.) CPA Additional notes respecting the identification of the site of Bede's Guidi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 55-58.) CPA Morgan, T. Sketch of early Scottish history. (British Archaeological Associa- tion. Journal. London, 1890. 8°. v. 45, p. 348-361; v. 46, p. 29-42.) CA O'Flaherty, Roderic. The Ogygia vin- dicated: against the objections of Sir George MacKenzie... To which is an- nexed, an epistle from John Lynch... on the subject of Scotish antiquities. With a dissertation on the origin and antiqui- ties of the ancient Scots, and notes... by C. O'Conor. Dublin: G. Faulkner, 1775. 3 p.l., lxxxii p., 1 1., 299 p. 8°. CP O'Neill, Moira. Macbeth as the Celtic type. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 150, p. 376-383.) *DA Pinkerton, John. An enquiry into the history of Scotland preceding the reign of Malcolm in. or the year 1056, including the authentic history of that period. Lon- don: B. & J. White, 1794. 2 v. maps. 8°. CP Quintus Lollius Urbicus, propraetor of Britain. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 78-91.) CPA Ritson, Joseph. Annals of the Cale- donians, Picts, and Scots; and of Strath- clyde, Cumberland, Galloway, and Mur- ray. Edinburgh: W. & D. Laing, 1828. 2 v. 8°. CP Reviewed by Sir Walter Scott in the Quarterly review, v. 41, p. 120-162, London, 1829. Another review by Dr. John Jamieson, exposing the errors of Scott, is published in the Westminster review, v. 16, p. 145-180, London, 1832. Robert, of Dunhelm. Letter from Robert of Dunhelm, monk of Kelso, to the prior and convent of Tynemouth, A.D. 1257. (Bailnatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. A", v. 1, p. 221-226.) fCP Giving an account of the discovery of the bodies of King Malcolm Canmore, and of his eldest son. Prince Edward. Robertson, Eben William. Scotland under her early kings: a history of the kingdom to the close of the thirteenth ' century. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1862. 2 v. maps. 8°. CP Roman Scotland. (Edinburgh review. London, 1911. 8°. v. 213, p. 468-490.) *DA Russell, Miss H. J. M. The acquisition of Lothian by Northumbria; probably a suppressed chapter of Bede. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1891. 8°. v. 47, p. 197-204.) CA The English claims to the over- lordship of Scotland, in connection with the death of Thomas a Becket. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1893. 8°. v. 49, p. 223-239.) CA Scot and Englishman in early song and satire. 1200-1314. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 17, p. 1-62-173.) CPA Skene, William Forbes. Celtic Scot- land: a history of ancient Alban. Edin- burgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1876-80. 3 v. maps. 8°. CP 1. History and ethnology. 2. Church and cul- ture. 3. Land and people. Reviewed (by Thomas Raleigh) in the Critical review of theological and philosophical literature, v. 2, p. 25-31, Edinburgh, 1892. The coronation stone, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 68-105.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 135 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1869. 3 p.l., SO p., 2 pi. illus. sq. 8°. CP Notice of the site of the battle of Ardderyd or Arderyth. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 91-98.) CPA On the traditionary accounts of the death of Alexander the Third. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 177-185.) CPA [Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1886.] 9 p. 8°. CP p.v. 2, no.13 See also Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history. Smith, Archibald. Argyleshire invaded, but not subdued, by Ungus, king of the Picts, in the years 736 and 741. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 412-422.) CPA Smith, James A. Banquo and Fleance. (Antiquarian magazine and bibliographer. London, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 213-218; v. 8, p. 12-19.) CA Stevenson, William Henry. The great commendation to King Edgar in 973. (English historical review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 13, p. 505-507.) BAA Stuart, John, of Inchbreck. Of the reign of Duncan the Second, king of Scots. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 480-489.) t CPA Stuart, John. Notices of the burial of King Malcolm in. in the monastery at Tynemouth in 1093, and of the subsequent history of his remains. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 18S9. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 81-89.) CPA Stuart-Glennie, James Stuart. Arthur- ian localities; their historical origin, chief country, and Fingalian relations. 1 map. (In: Merlin; or, The early history of King Arthur. London, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. xvii*- clvi*.) NCE Reviewed in Revue celtique, v. 1, p. 162-163, Paris, 1872. Arthurian Scotland. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1868. 8°. v. 17, p. 161- 174.) * DA Sturrock, J. B. Vanduara, or Roman Paisley. (Antiquary. London, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 458-460.) CA Swinton, George Sitwell Campbell. Sir Archibald Laurie and the Swinton char- ters. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 475-478.) CPA Six early charters. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 173-180.) CPA Thompson, Francis. The Macbeth con- troversy. (Dublin review. London, 1889. 8°. v. 105, p. 140-156.) * DA Wilson, James. "Divise de Stobbo." (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 17, p. 105-111.) CPA A Scottish trial-by-combat charter of 1167. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 481-482.) CPA The site of the battle of Brunan- burh. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 212-214.) CPA Wyckoff, Charles Truman. Feudal re- lations between the kings of England and Scotland under the early Plantagenets. Chicago: University Press, 1897. xv, 159 p. 8°. CP Introduction. 1. The "Great commendation." 2. The cessions of Cumberland and Lothian. 3. Norman influence in Scotland. 4. The reign of the first Plantagenet. 5. Treaty of Falaise and charter of release. 6. The period of the great charter. 7. The reign of Alexander n. 8. The reign of Alexan- der in. Bibliography. 1286-1314 Struggle for Independence Aguilar, Grace. The days of Bruce; a story from Scottish history, v. 2. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1852. 8°. NCW With original illustrations by Lancelot Speed. London: F. Warne and Co. [189-?] viii, (1)10-560 p., 7 pi. 12°. NCW Anderson, Joseph, LL.D. Notes of some entries in the Iceland annals regard- ing the death of the Princess Margaret, "The Maiden of Norway," in A.D. 1290, and "The false Margaret," who was burned at Bergen in A.D. 1301; with tran- script of a letter of Bishop Audfinn of Bergen referring to both, and dated 1st February 1320. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 403-419.) CPA Bain, Joseph. The Edwards in Scot- land. A.D. 1296-1377... Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1901. x, 105 p. 8°. CP Barbour, John, archdeacon of Aberdeen. The Bruce; or, The history of Robert I., king of Scotland. Written in Scotish verse. The first genuine edition, pub- lished from a ms. dated 1489; with notes and a glossary by J. Pinkerton. London: G. Nicol, 1770. 3 v. in 1. 8°. NCL The Bruce; or, The metrical history of Robert i., king of Scots. Published from a manuscript dated mcccc.lxxxix. With notes, and a memoir of the life of the author by John Jamie- son. Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1820. x, xxx, 495 p. 4°. t NDP The Brus. From a collation of the Cambridge and Edinburgh manuscripts. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.] Aberdeen: 136 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Spalding Club, 1856. 1 p.L, xliv, 524 p. 4°. (Spalding Club.) Bookplate of James Forman. The Bruce; or, The book of the most excellent and noble prince, Robert de Broyss, king of Scots: compiled A. D. 1375; edited., .with a preface, notes, and glossarial index by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat. London: Early English Text So- ciety, 1870-77. 8 p.l., v-cv, 785 p. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Extra series, no. 10, 21, 29, 55.) NCE ■ Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1894. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish Text So- ciety. [Publications.] no. 31-33.) NDP Barron, Evan M. A new view of the war of independence. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 129- 139.) CPA See discussion on this essay in same volume, p. 324-328. Battle of Bannockburn. (Penny mag- azine. London, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 234- 235.) * DA Brevis descriptio regni Scotie. [C.A.D. 1296.] (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Glas- gow, 1847. 4°. v. 4, p. 21-34.) t CP These notes were written hy an Englishman. They describe the northern part of Scotland and in particular "The Mounth." Brunton, Alexander. A new work in answer to the pamphlet, "Wallace on the Forth," proving the stratagem at Stirling Bridge, and that the bridge was at Kil- dean, &c, also, the history of the famous battle of Stirling Bridge; to which is added, two letters written by Sir William Wallace himself, and Wallace's charter to Scrymgeour of Dundee. Dunfermline: W. Clark, 1861. 51 p., 1 pi. 16°. * C p.v. 684 Burtt, Joseph. Expenses of the em- bassy to bring the Maid of Norway to Scotland, A.D. 1290. (Archaeological jour- nal. London, 1858. 8°. v. 15, p. 137-144.) CA Bute (3. marquis), John Patrick Crich- ton Stuart. Itinerary of King Robert the Bruce. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 1-28.) ' CPA See also note on p. 94-95. Notice of a manuscript of the lat- ter part of the fourteenth century, entitled Passio Scotorum perjuratorum. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 166- 192.) CPA "The Passio is a would-be comic narrative of events between Feb., 1306 and Feb., 1307. Its chief characteristics are cruelty and profanity. It is in the form of a parody on Scripture." Carrick, John Donald. Life of Sir William Wallace, of Elderslie. Edin- burgh: Constable & Co., 1830. 2 v. 16°. AN Each volume has additional engraved title-page. Davidson, J. Morrison. Scotia rediviva. Home rule for Scotland. With lives of Sir William Wallace, George Buchanan, Fletcher of Saltoun, and Thomas Spence. London: Wm. Reeves, n.d. 113 [5] p. 12°. CP Documents respecting the affairs of Scotland, during the reign of Edward I. preserved in the office of Queen's Remem- brancer. [1297-1306.] (In: Notices of orig- inal unprinted documents . . . illustrative of the history of Scotland. [Edited by J. Stevenson.] Glasgow, 1842. 4°. p. 21- 107.) CA Donaldson, Peter. The history of Sir William Wallace . . . containing his parent- age, life, adventures, heroic achievements, imprisonments and death; drawn from au- thentic materials of Scottish history... New York: W. Borradaile, 1823. 33 p., 1 pi. 12°. AN The life of Sir William Wallace, the governor general of Scotland, and hero of the Scottish chiefs... Hartford: S. Andrus & Son, 1854. 132 p., 1 pi. 24°. AN Edward I., king of England. A diary of the expedition of King Edward I. into Scotland. 1296. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 267-282.) f CP Graham-Easton, Walter M. Why Bruce slew the Red Comyn. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 639-643.) * DA Grant, George. The life and adventures of Sir William Wallace, the liberator of Scotland. Dublin: James M'Glashan, 1849. x, (1)12-299 p. 16°. AN Life of Robert Bruce. . .including ...notices of his celebrated warriors, and an account of the invasion of Ireland by the Scots. Dublin: J. M'Glashan [1849?]. xiii, [15]-305 p. 12°. CP Great Britain. — Record Commission. Documents and records illustrating the history of Scotland and the transactions between the crowns of Scotland and Eng- land. Volume collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. [London, 1837.) 18 p.l., ccxxiv, 434 p. 4°. CP Reviewed in Edinburgh review, London, 1838, v. 66, p. 36-59 (reprinted in The Museum of foreign literature, Philadelphia, 1838, v. 32, p. 315-324). Harvey, Charles. The Borestone and the field of Bannockburn, 22 June 1889. Stirling: C. Harvey [1889]. 1 p.l., 36 p., 1 pi. 3. ed. enl. 12°. *C p.v. 372 Harvey, John. See Henry the Minstrel. The life and heroic achievements of Sir William Wallace. Henry the Minstrel. The lyfe and actis of the maist illuster and vailzeand cam- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 137 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. piovn William Wallace, Knicht of Eller- slie, Mainteiner and defender of the liber- tie of Scotland... Edinburgh: Robert Charteris, 1601. (3) 1-47, 49-178, 182-184 1. 4°, in eights. Reserve The following leaves are missing: a ii-4, 1J1-4 (the preface), F8 (no. 48 of the text), Z iii-5 (nos. 179-181). The following leaves are supplied in facsimile: ai (the title), H5-6 (the table), Ai (no. 1 of the text), Xi (no. 160), Z i, Z ii, Z 6-8 (nos. 177, 178, 182-184). The colophon which should be on Z8 b , is lacking. This copy formerly belonged to George Paton, and at his sale it was purchased by Blackwood, who later disposed of it to Dr. Jamieson for £2.12.6. It afterwards passed into the possession of James Maidment by whom the volume was bound in its present covers. In 1848 Maidment made an ex- change of it to Dr. David Laing for a copy of Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft. ■ Wallace; or, The life and acts of Sir William Wallace, of Ellerslie.. . With notes, and preliminary remarks by John Jamieson. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1820. 1 p.l., xx, 444 p. 4°. fNDR The history of the life, adventures, and heroic actions of the celebrated Sir William Wallace. . .translated into metre, from the original Latin of Mr. John Blair. Revised and improved by William Hamilton... New York: W. W. Craw- ford, 1820. xxiii, (1)26-236 p. 12°. 'The original Latin* and 'Mr. John Blair' are both fictitious, and were invented by the poet to give the stamp of authority to his work. The life and heroic achievements of Sir William Wallace, the Scottish pa- triot. And of the life of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland. From the original edi- tion in verse. [By J. Harvey.] Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1859. vi, (1)8-288 p. 24°. The actis and deidis of the illus- tere and vailzeand campioun Schir Wil- liam Wallace, Knicht of Ellerslie. Edited by James Moir. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1889. liv, 567 p., 1 fac. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. Publications, v. 6-7, 17.) NDP Henty, George Alfred. In freedom's cause; a story of Wallace and Bruce. New York: The Mershon Company [190-?]. v, 312 p, 10 pi. 12°. NAS History of the life and death, of the great warrior Robert Bruce, King of Scot- land. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers, rno.j 108. 24 p. 24°. Reserve Woodcut of Bruce and de Bohun on title. A chapbook. History of Sir William Wallace, the re- nowned Scottish champion. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers [1840?]. [no.] 107. 24 p. 24°. Reserve A chapbook. Hunt, James Henry Leigh. Wallace and Fawdon. (New monthly magazine and humorist. London, 1850. 8°. v. 89, p. 269-271.) *DE Reprinted in Harper's New Monthly Magazine. v. 1, p. 400-402, New York, 1850. Hunter, Joseph. King Edward's spolia- tions in Scotland in A. D. 1296 — the coronation stone — ■ original and unpub- lished evidence. (Archaeological journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 13, p. 245-255.) CA Innes. Cosmo, editor. See Barbour, John. _ The Brus. Aberdeen, 1856. 4°. Jamieson, John. See Barbour, John. The Bruce. Edinburgh, 1820. 4°.; also Henry the Minstrel. Wallace. Landor, Walter Savage. William Wal- lace and King Edward I. (In his: Imag- inary conversations of literary men and statesmen, series 2. London, 1824. 8°. v. 1, p. 441-458.) NDH Lang, Andrew. Celtic Scotland in the war of independence. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 324-326.) CPA Leask, William Keith. A relic of Scot- land's national hero. By W. K. L. (Graphic. London, 1910. f°. v. 82, p. 548.) ft * DE Facsimile of the document sent by Sir William Wallace and Sir Andrew Moray to the authorities of Liibeck and Hamburg, 1297. Life, The, and surprising adventures of that renowned hero, Sir W. Wallace. Durham: G. Walker, Jun., printer, Sadler- Street. 1838. 24 p. 24°. Reserve A chapbook. Life, The, and surprising adventures of Sir William Wallace, the champion of Scotland. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1822. 24 p. 24°. Reserve A chapbook. Mackenzie, William Munro. The bat- tle of Bannockburn; a study in mediaeval warfare. Glasgow: J. MacLehose and Sons, 1913. vi p., 2 1., 113(1) p., 2 plans. 12°. CP Reviewed by T. F. Tout in Scottish historical review, v. 11, p. 93-95, Glasgow, 1913. Macray, William Dunn. Robert Bas- ton's poem on the battle of Bannockburn. (English historical review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 19, p. 507-508.) BAA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Ban- nockburn (24th June 1314). 1 plan. (In his: British soldiers in the field. New York, 1902. 12°. p. 1-32.) VWZH The making of Scotland; lectures on the war of independence, delivered in the University of Glasgow. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1911. x p., 2 1., 3-241(1) p. 12°. CP Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. xi p., 1 1., 387 p, 21 pi. 12°. (Heroes of the nations.) 1 *R — BAC 138 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History, and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Menzies, David P. Note on the "Ban- nockburn" bagpipes of Menzies. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 231-234.) CPA Millar, Alexander Hastie. Wallace, the liberator. A sex-centenary sketch. (Scot- tish Canadian. Toronto, 1906. f°. v. 11, p. 101-104.) ttHWA Moir, James, editor. See Henry the Minstrel. The actis and deidis of the illustere and vailzeand campioun Schir William Wallace. Murison, Alexander Falconer. The battle of Bannockburn. (In his: King Robert the Bruce. Edinburgh, 1899. 12°. p. 92-107.) CP Palgrave, Sir Francis, editor. See Great Britain. — Record Commission. Docu- ments and records illustrating the history of Scotland. Pinkerton, John, editor. See Barbour, John. The Bruce. London, 1770. 8°. Porter, Jane. The Scottish chiefs. Lon- don: G. Routledge & Sons, n. d. xii, (1)14- S07 p., 6 pi. 12°. NCW London: F. Warne & Co., n. d. 256 p. 12°. NCW Paper covers lacking. ■ New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., n. d. 671 p., 2 pi. 12°. NCW London: G. Routledge and Son [1831?]. 676 p., 6 pi. 12°. NCW Illustrated by F. O. C. Darley. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates [1831]. xxi, 27-748 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW ■ • — Exeter: J. & B. Williams, 1840. 3 v. 24°. Stuart 10487 — — • New York: Derby and Jack- son, 1856. 652 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW • New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1857. iv, 5-661 p., 5 pi. 8°. NCW Rosebery (5. earl), Archibald Philip Primrose. Wallace. (In his: Apprecia- tions and addresses. London, 1899. 12°. p. 71-86.) NDB Round, John Horace. Bannockburn. (In his: The commune of London and other studies. Westminster, 1899. 8°. p. 289-301.) CBA Ruddiman, Thomas. A dissertation con- cerning the competition for the crown of Scotland, betwixt Lord Robert Bruce and Lord John Baliol, in the year 1291 . . . With an appendix. Edinburgh: T. & W. Ruddiman, 1748. xvi, 123 p., 1 pi. 8°. CP Sangster, Charles. Bannockburn. (In: Cambridge prize poems . . . new edition. London, 1847. 16°. p. 305-313.) NCI Verse. Sawers, Peter. Footsteps of Sir Wil- liam Wallace. Battle of Stirling; or, Wal- lace on the Forth . . . [By Rev. Peter Sawers.i Glasgow: Thomas Murray & Son [1856]. 64 p. 16°. CPp.boxl 1. Battle-field and environs. 2. The battle. Scotland. — General Register Office. Documents illustrative of the history of Scotland from the death of Alexander in. to the accession of Robert Bruce. 1286- 1306. [Edited] by J. Stevenson. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1870. 2 v. 4°. ttCP Selous, Henry Courteney. Seven events in the life of Robert Bruce; illustrated in outline by H. C. Selous, and etched by J. Horsburgh. [Edinburgh:] A. M. Glashon [185 - ?]. 7 1., 7 pi. obi. f °. f MEM Shairp, John Campbell. Bishop Lam- berton and the good Lord James. (Good words. London, 1874. 8°. v. 15, p. 417- 423.) * DA Siege, The, of Karlaverok, in Scotland. An ancient heraldic poem... Also a free translation thereof into English. (Anti- quarian repertory... London, 1809. 4°. v. 4, p. 469-498.) CA Skeat, Walter William, editor. See Barbour, John. The Bruce. Smirke, Edward. Wallace. (In: Cam- bridge prize poems... new edition. Lon- don, 1847. 16°. p. 31-38.) NCI Poetry. Speidel, Theodor. Wallace, der schot- tischer Held. Teil 1. Bayreuth: E. Muhl, 1911. 47 p. 8°. Teil 1. Wallacebibliographie. 1911. Stevenson, Joseph, editor. See Scot- land. — General Register Office. Docu- ments illustrative of the history of Scot- land from the death of Alexander n. Stuart, John. On the locality of the Slenauch field of battle between Bruce and Comyn, A.D. 1307-8. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 405- 407.) f CPA Toll, Hans. Count Florent v. of Hol- land, competitor for the Scottish crown. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 304-312.) CPA Twelve, The, great battles of England ... London: Sampson Low & Son, 1861. 12°. CB Falkirk, A.D. 1298, p. 17-31; Bannockburn, A.D. 1314, p. 32-47. Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Sir William Wallace. 1 pi. (In his: Lives of Scot- tish worthies. London, 1831. 16°. v. 1, p. 129-284.) AGH Wallace. 1 pi. (El Mosaico mexicano. Mexico, 1841. 8°. v. 5, p. 204-209.) * DR Translated from the Keepsake. Wallace and Bruce. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers Miscellany... Edinburgh, 1847. v. 4, no. 31.) * C LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 139 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Wallace and his monument. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh. 1856. 4°. v. 23, p. 449-459.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, v. 39, p. 261-274, New York, 1856. Watson, John Selby. Sir William Wal- lace, the Scottish hero: a narrative of his life and actions, chiefly as recorded in the metrical history of Henry the Minstrel, and on the authority of John Blair, Wal- lace's chaplain, and Thomas Gray, priest of Libberton. London: Saunders, Otley, & Co., 1861. xii, 364 p. 8°. AN Way, Albert. Licence, under the Privy Seal, to remit a debt to Robert Bruce, in order that the money might be applied towards the ransom of a prisoner in Scot- land (A.D. 1314). (Archaeological jour- nal. London, 1864. 8°. v. 21, p. 154-161.) CA 1286-1362 Gray, Sir Thomas. Scalacronica; the reigns of Edward I., Edward n. and Edward m. as recorded by Sir Thomas Gray, and now translated by... Sir Her- bert Maxwell... Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1907. xviii p., 2 1., 194 p., 1 1., 20 pi. 4°. CF The translation was previously published serially in the Scottish historical review, v. 3-5, Glasgow, 1906-08. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. A soldier's chronicle. (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 161, p. 45- 57.) * DA The Scalacronica of Sir Thomas Gray. 1301-1400 Dalrymple, Sir David. Annals of Scot- land, from the accession of Robert I. sur- named Bruce, to the accession of the house of Stewart. Edinburgh: printed by Bal- four & Smellie, 1779. 3 p.l., 397 p. 4°. tCP Mackinnon, James. The Franco-Scot- tish league in the fourteenth century. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 119-129.) CPA 1306-1329 Alison, Sir Archibald. On the dis- covery of the remains of Robert Bruce. [By Archibald Alison.] (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 6, p. 297-304.) *DA Robert Bruce. (In his: Essays, political, historical and miscellaneous. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1850. 8°. v. 2, p. 313-328.) NCZ Reprint of the preceding article. Kerr, Robert. History of Scotland dur- ing the reign of Robert I. sirnamed the Bruce. Edinburgh: Wm. Creech, 1811. 2 v. 8°. CP Lockhart, Robert M. Robert the Bruce and the Anglo-Scottish controversy. (Westminster review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 148, p. 23-36.) *DA Murison, Alexander Falconer. King Robert the Bruce. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier [1899]. 159 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) CP Neilson, George. Robert the Bruce's last journey. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 13, p. 49-54.) CPA Robert Bruce. (Penny magazine. Lon- don, 1836. 4°. v. 5, p. 62-64.) * DA Shairp, John Campbell. King Robert Bruce in St. Andrew's cathedral. (Good words. London, 1874. 8°. v. 15, p. 593- 599.) * DA Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Robert Bruce, king of Scotland. 3 pi. (In his: Lives of Scottish worthies. London, 1831-32. 16°. v. 1, p. 285-416; v. 2, p. 1-157.) AGH 1309 Processus factus contra Templarios in Scotia, 1309. (The Spottiswoode miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-16.) ZDVH 1314-1319 Bain, Joseph. On the sufferings of the northern counties of England, and their chief towns, including Ripon, from the in- vasion of the Scots under Robert de Brus, between the years 1314 and 1319. (Archaeological journal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 31, p. 269-283.) CA 1320 Letter, A, from the nobility, barons and commons of Scotland, in the year 1320... directed to Pope Iohn: wherein they de- clare their firm resolutions, to adhere to their King Robert the Bruce... Trans- lated from the original in Latine . . . Edin- burgh: re-printed in the year 1689. (In: Miscellanea Scotica. Glasgow, 1819. nar. 12°. v. 3, p. 123-128.) CP New York: C. A. Alvord, 1861. 11 p. 8°. Stuart 7494 Text in Latin and English. 1323 Munch, Peter Andreas. Concordia facta inter Anglicos et Scotos, 3d January 1322-3. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 454-461.) CPA Transcribed from the original in the archives of the Vatican. 1329-1371 Bute (3. marquis), John Patrick Crich- ton Stuart. On the regnal years of David 140 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. II. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 41-43.) CPA 1344 Thomson, John Maitland. A roll of the Scottish Parliament, 1344. 1 fac. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 235-240.) CPA 1347 Gordon, John, of Buthlaw. De nuptiis Roberti senescalli Scotiae atque Eliza- beths Morse dissertatio. [By John Gor- don., 1749. 1 p.l., 16 p. f°. Appended to Fordun's Scotichronicon, v. 2, Edinburgh, 1759. ■ • A dissertation concerning the mar- riage of Robert, seneschal of Scotland with Elizabeth More. (In: Tracts illus- trative of the traditionary and historical antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. p. 161-224.) CP Translated from the original Latin, published at Edinburgh in 1759. Hay, Richard, of Drumboote. A vin- dication of Elizabeth More t queen of Robert ii.j, from the imputation of being a concubine; and her children, from the tache of bastardy... Edinburgh, 1723. (In: Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and historical antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. p. 1-159.) CP 1355 Pitcairn, Robert. Communication rela- tive to a remarkable number of horse- shoes found on the farm of West Nisbet, in the county of Berwick; supposed to be indicative of the site of the battle of Nis- bet Muir, A.D. 1355. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 229-230.) tCPA 1385 Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. An ac- count of the army with which King Richard the Second invaded Scotland, in the ninth year of his reign, A.D. 1385. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Ar- chaeologia. London, 1829. 4°. v. 22, p. 13-19.) f CA London: J. B. Nichols, 1828. 9 p. 4°. Eepr.: Society of Antiquaries of London. Ar- chaeologia. v. 22. 1388 Battle, The, of Otterburn. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p 245- 259.) *DA Field, The, of Otterburn. (Scottish an- tiquary. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 16 o 161-170.) CPA History, The, of the Black Douglas. With an account of the battle of Otter- burn. Glasgow: Francis Orr & Sons [18—?]. 5-28 p. 16°. Cp.v.687 1396 Sinclair, A. Maclean. The combatants on the North Inch of Perth. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-9.) NDK 1401-1500 Fifteenth century history. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 85-88.) CPA Small, John. On the connection be- tween Scotland and the Council of Con- stance in the fifteenth century. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 471-478.) CPA 1402 Death, The, of Rothesay: a tragedy in Scottish history reconsidered. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 133, p. 790-806.) *DA 1424 Gibb, Alexander. The coronation of James the First, king of Scotland, and Jane Beaufort, queen of Scotland, his wife, 21st May 1424. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 17, p. 1-8.) CPA Memoirs relating to the restoration of King James i. of Scotland. (In: Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and histori- cal antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. p. 281-304.) CP Reprinted from the London edition of 1716. 1435 Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules. A journey to Scotland in the year 1435. (Nineteenth century. London, 1895. 8°. v. 37, p. 1036-1052.) ' * DA (In his: English essays from a French pen. New York, 1895. 8°. p. 24-61.) CBA 1436-1562 Leslie, John, bishop of Ross. De rebus gestis Scotorum. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita et rebus gestis. . .Marias Scotorum Reginse... London, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 149- 236.) ttCPB A reprint of the latter portion of his De origine, moribus, et rebus gestis Scotorum, originally pub- lished in Rome in 1578. This reprint covers the period from 1436 to 1562, and is of great value as a Catholic account of events with which the bishop was himself personally acquainted. 1437 Here folowing begynnythe a full lamen- table cronycle, of the dethe and false mur- dure of James Stewarde, kyng of Scotys, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 141 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. nought long agone prisoner yn Englande, the tymes of the kyngs Henrye the Fifte and Henrye the Sixte. From a manuscript written in mcccxl. Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. 29 p. nar. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2.) CP Translated from the anonymous contemporary Latin by John Shirley. ,This_ account is also printed by John Pinkerton in his History of Scotland from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary, v. 1, p. 462-475, London, 1793. Rossetti. Dante Gabriel. The king's tragedy. (In his: Collected works. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. v. 1, p. 148-175.) * R-NCM A poetic version of Shirley's translation of the narrative of the king's death. 1484 Negotiations of the Scottish commis- sioners at Nottingham, September, 1484. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 33-40.) t CP For peace between Scotland and England. Whytelaw, Archibald. Oratio Scotorum ad regem Ricardum tertium pro pace fir- manda inter Anglos et Scotos, 12 Sept. 1484. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 41-48.) t CP 1488-1513 Smith, George Gregory. The days of James nil., 1488-1513... Arranged and edited by G. G. Smith. New York: New Amsterdam Book Co., 1899. 2 p.L, 219 p., 2 maps, 4 pi., 1 port. 16°. (Scottish his- tory by contemporary writers.) CP 1497 Laing, David. Notice of an original Privy seal document relating to the inva- sion of Scotland by King Henry the Seventh in the year m.cccc.xcvii. 1 port (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 540-547.) CPA 1499 Jerningham, Sir Hubert Edward Henry. An affray at Norham Castle, and its in- fluence on Scotch and English history. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 179-188.) CPA 1501-1559 F., A. Scotland in the sixteenth cen- tury — pre-Reformation period. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1871. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 117-134.) * DA 1501-1600 Brief view of the state of Scotland in the sixteenth century. (In: John Pinker- ton, History of Scotland from the acces- sion of the house of Stuart to that of Mary. London, 1797. 4°. v. 2, p. 501-505.) CP From ms. in the British Museum. Paul, Sir James Balfour. On a calendar of the 16th century containing ms. notes on Scottish history and other records. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 156-180.) CPA 1509-1547 Documents respecting the affairs of Scotland, during the reign of Henry vm. contained in a volume preserved in the Chapter House, Westminster. (In: No- tices of original unprinted documents . . . illustrative of the history of Scotland. [Edited by J. Stevenson.) Glasgow, 1842. 4°. p. 117-136.) fCP 1509-1556 Bands of friendship by Scott of Bal- weary, Orrok of that ilk, and Boswell of Glasmont, to the laird of Raith, etc. 1509- 1556. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 129-136.) t CP 1512-1542 Life, The, and death of King James v. of Scotland. From the French... Paris, 1612. In which is the beginning of the reformation in that kingdom: an account of the sufferings of the renowned Lady Jean Douglas, &c. II. The navigation of that king round Scotland, the Orkney and Western Isles... London: W. Taylor, 1701. Edinburgh: reprinted for D. Web- ster, 1819. xxiv, 25-100 p. 12°. CP p.v. 1 Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1819. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 4, p. 81-164. nar. 12°.) CP 1513 The Battle of Flodden Bradley, A. G. Flodden Field. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 951-960.) * DA Butler, Lewis William George. Battle of Flodden, 1513. 1 map. (United ser- vice magazine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 124 t new series, v. 18], p. 399-413.) * DA Contemporary, A, account of the bat- tle of Floddon, 9th September 1513, from a manuscript in the possession of David Laing. 1 fac. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 141-152.) CPA Flodden, The, death-roll. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v 13, p. 101-111, 168-172.) CPA Gazette of the battle of Flodden, Sept., 1513. (In: John Pinkerton, History of 142 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Scotland from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary. London, 1797. 4°. v. 2, p. 456-458.) CP Tudor intrigues in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 24,- p. 225- 252.) * DA White, Robert. The battle of Flodden. 1 plan. (Society of Antiquaries of New- castle. Archasologia .Eliana. Newcastle, 1859. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 197-236.) CA 1513-1542 Smith, George Gregory. The two chan- cellors: James Betoun and Thomas Wol- sey. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1887. 8°. v. 10, p. 337-368.) * DA 1513-1575 Diurnal, A, of remarkable occurrents that have passed within the country of Scotland since the death of King James the Fourth till the year m.d.lxxv. From a manuscript of the sixteenth century... Edinburgh, 1833. vii, 350 p. 4°. (Ban- natyne Club.) t CP The diary of an Edinburgh citizen and of great value for the history of the period. 1515 Mission de M. de Plains en ficosse. 1515. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat ... relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 3-5.) t CP 1517 Death, The, of Sir Anthony d'Arces de la Bastie. An episode in Scottish history. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 132-144.) * DA Meurtre de La Bastie. Lettres ecrites au roi par les seigneurs d'ficosse, apres le meurtre de La Bastie. 1517. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 6-16.) t CP 1522 Mackay, ^Eneas James George. Notice of a portrait group of Margaret Tudor, the Regent Albany, and a third figure; the property of the marquis of Bute. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 186-205.) CPA 1526 Burtt, Joseph. Letter from James v., king of Scotland, addressed to Henry viii., dated August 24, 1526. (Archaeolog- ical journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 13, p. 270-272.) CA. 1527 Guerres civiles pendant la minorite de Jacques v. 1527. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 78-84.) tCP 1528 Strena ad Jacobum v. Scotorum regem, de suscepto regni regimine. [1528.] (Ban- natyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. [1-8], t3-t8. t CP Facsimile reprint of an anonymous Latin poem addressed to King James v. on his assuming the reins of government. With modern English transla- tion by Archdeacon Wrangham. (Reprinted in: W. Beloe, Anec- dotes of literature and scarce books. Lon- don, 1807. 8°. v. 2, p. 385-391.) * GBH 1537-1541 Lang, Andrew. Letters of Cardinal Beaton, 1537-1541. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 150- 158.) CPA 1538 Millar, Alexander Hastie. Scotland de- scribed for Queen Magdalene: a curious volume. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 27-38.) CPA On the Summaire de lo rigine description & meruilles Descosse. . . 1538. 1538-1539 Ellis, Sir Henry. Observations upon a household book of King James the Fifth of Scotland, preserved in the library of the... earl of Aberdeen. . .containing the accompt of one year, from September 14th, 1538, to September 13th, 1539. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Archav ologia. London, 1829. 4°. v. 22, p. 1-12.) fCA 1540 Nicolay, Nicolas, sieur d'Arfeville. The navigation of King James v. round Scot- land, the Orkney Isles, and the Hebrides, or Western isles; under the conduct of .. .Alexander Lindsay. Methodized by Nicholas d'Arville. London, 1710. Glas- gow: re-printed for J. Wylie & Co., 1819. 1 p.l., [Ciiij-civ, (1)106-122 p. nar. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 3.) CP 1542 Bruce, Sir Gainsford. The English ex- pedition into Scotland in 1542. 1 pi. (Ar- chasologia ^Eliana. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1907. 8°. series 3, v. 3, p. 191-212.) CA Elder, John, a Reddshank. A proposal for uniting Scotland with England, ad- dressed to King Henry vm. [1542.] (Ban- natyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 1-18.) tCP Reprinted in the Collectanea de rebus Albanicis of the Iona Club. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Lang, Andrew. The Cardinal and the King's will. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 410-422.) CPA King James v., and Cardinal Beaton. A disputed passage in Knox's His- tory. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 380-382.) CPA Relating to the death of King James v. Morland-Simpson, Henry Fife. Cardi- nal Beaton and the will of James v. (Eng- lish historical review. London. 1906. 8°. v. 21, p. 112-118.) BAA A criticism of Andrew Lang's statement. See Lang's reply, in same volume, p. 317-319. Sinclair, George A. The Scots at Sol- way Moss. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 372-377.) CPA Way, Albert. List of Scottish noble- men and gentlemen taken prisoners at the battle of Solway Moss on 24th November 1542, from a contemporary manuscript in the library of the duke of Northumber- land at Sion House. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 238-242.) CPA 1542-1581 Churchyard, Thomas. Churchyard's chips concerning Scotland: being a collec- tion of his pieces relative to that country; with historical notices, and a life of the author... By George Chalmers. Lon- don: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817. 1 p.l., 211 p. 8°. NCE Contents: The wars of Queen Mary's infancy; The siege of Leith, in June, 1560; The rode of Sir William Drury into Scotland, May, 1570; The siege of Edinburgh Castle, in May, 1571; The earl of Morton's tragedie, 1581. 1542-1587 Mary, Queen of Scots (Everything relating to the Queen has been brought together here.) Works by Mary, Queen of Scots The casket sonnets. By Robert Steele. (The Library. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 422-428.) * HA Reprints the sonnets from Harleian ms. 747, f. 44. The genuine letters of Mary, queen of Scots, to James, earl of Bothwell: found in his secretary's closet after his decease ...translated from the French originals, by Edward Simmonds; never before made publick. To which is added remarks on each letter, with an abstract of her life . . . Westminster, 1726. 2. ed. Edited, &c, with introduction by J. Watts De Peyster. New York, 1891-92. iv, 24 p. 8°. CPB Last prayer of Mary, queen of Scots. (In: W. G. Clark, Spirit of life [and mis- 143 cellaneous poemsj. Philadelphia, 1833. 12°. p. 33-38.) y NBHD Latin themes of Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland. Published for the first time from the original manuscript in her own handwriting, now preserved in the Im- perial Library, Paris. Edited by Anatole de Montaiglon. London: Warton Club 1855. 1 p.l., xxi p., 1 1., 79 p., 1 fac. 12°. NDH A letter from Mary, queen of Scots to the duke of Guise, January, 1562. Repro- duced in facsimile from the original manu- script in the possession of the late John Scott . . . Edited ... by J. H. Pollen. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1904. 2 p.l., vii-lxvi p., 1 1., 81 p., 1 1., 16, 8 p., 14 fac. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- tions, v. 43.) CPA Letter of Mary, queen of Scots to Lord James, prior of the monastery of St. An- drews, July, 1559. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 562-563.) ZOV [Letter] from the queen of Scots to Charles Paget. (In: Miscellaneous state papers from 1501 to 1726. London, 1778. 4°. v. 1, p. 218-223.) fC Letters of Mary, queen of Scots, during her residence in France, to her mother Mary the queen dowager of Scotland. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 239-245.) f CP The four letters here printed are of date 1558-59. Letters from the queen of Scots to the duke of Norfolk. (In: Miscellaneous state papers from 1501 to 1726. London, 1778. 4°. v. 1, p. 189-195.) fC Letters from Mary, queen of Scots, to Sir Robert Melvill; and other papers from the archives of the earl of Leven and Mel- ville. 1565-1568. 1 fac. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 177-191.) tCP Letters, now first published from the originals. . .with an historical introduction and notes, by Agnes Strickland. London: H. Colburn, 1843. 2 v. 8°. CPB Lettres, instructions et memoires de Marie Stuart, reine d'ficosse; publies sur les originaux et les manuscrits du State Paper Office de Londres...et accom- pagnes d'un resume chronologique par le Prince Alexandre Labanoff. London: Charles Dolman, 1844-45. 7 v. 8°. CPB Lettres de Marie royne d'fiscosse, a sa mere Marie de Guyse, royne douairiere d'fiscosse, pendant les annees 1552 a 1557. (In: Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-38.) CP The love letters of Mary, queen of Scots, to James, earl of Bothwell; with her love sonnets and marriage contracts 144 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. .. .explained by state papers, and the writ- ings of Buchanan [and others] . . . Edited by Hugh Campbell. London: Longman, tetc.), 1824. xiii p., 1 1., 336, 63 p., 1 port. 8°. CPB See on this work The Cabinet; or, The selected beauties of literature, series 2, p. 419-428, Edin- burgh, 1825. Meditation faite par la royne d'Escoce, dovairiere de France, recueillie d'vn livre des Consolations divines, composez par l'evesque de Rosse. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 341-348.) tCP Testament de Marie Stuart, reine de France et d'Ecosse. 1587. (In: E. G. Pei- gnot, Choix de testaments ancienes et mo- denies. Paris, 1829. 8°. v. 1, p. 238-254.) A Verses by Mary, queen of Scots. (Bijou. London, 1829. 16°. 1829, p. 148-150.) NCA Works about Mary, Queen of Scots Abbot, Willis J. Mary, queen of Scots. A victim of her own intrigue. (In his-: Notable women in history. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. p. 76-86.) SNE Abbott, Jacob. History of Mary, queen of Scots. New York: Harper & Brothers t cop. 1848). 2 p.l., [vii]-viii p., 1 1., (1)14- 286 p., 1 map, 1 pi., 1 port, illus. 16°. CPB Accounts and papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. Edited by Allan J. Crosby and John Bruce. [London:] Camden So- ciety, 1867. 2 p.l., xxiii, 134 p. sq. 8°. (Camden Society. Publications, v. 93.) CA (1) Charges of the diets of Mary, queen of Scots. (2) Charges of the funeral of Mary, queen of Scots. (3) A remembrance of the order and manner of the burial of Mary, queen of Scotts. (4) The chardges of diet for the Scottishe queen's funeralls at Peterborowe, Mondaye supper the laste of Julie, and_ Tuisdaie dinner the firste of Auguste. (5) A justification of Queen Elizabeth in relation to the affair of Mary, queen of Scots. Act for sequestrating the quenis maies- ties person and detening the same in the hous and place of Lochlevin. xvi Jun. mdlxvii. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 247-252.) • tCP Actio contra Mariam Scotorum Regi- nam: In qua ream & consciam esse earn hujus parricidii necessariis argumentis evincitur. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis. . .Maria? Scotorum reginse... London, 1725. P. v. 1, p. 250-280.) tfCPB George Buchanan has been credited with the authorship of this work, but more recent criticism and examination of authorities tend to the con- clusion that the work is not of his composition. Affecting, The, & tragical history of Queen Mary of Scotland: who was be- headed for high treason against Queen Elizabeth, of England. Falkirk: Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1819. 24 p. 24°. Reserve Chapbook. Aguilon, Pedro de. Extraits des corres- pondences. . .du secretaire Aguilon. . .(In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat ... relatifs a l'histoire de I'Ecosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 122-136.) t CP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland between Dec. 5, 1571 and March 23, 1572. Alava, Frances de. Extraits des corres- pondances de Frances de Alava, du secre- taire Aguilon [et d'autresj, ambassadeurs ou charges d'affaires de Philippe n en France de 1563 a 1587. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'his- toire de I'Ecosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-592.) fCP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland from the 3rd of May, 1563 to the 22nd of December, 1587. Almack, Richard. Copy of a letter to Mary, queen of Scots, and a bond of Secre- tary Maitland. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archseologia. London, 1883. 4°. v. 47, p. 242-244.) t CA With additional notes by Henry Salusbury Mil- man on p. 245-248. The letter is dated 27 April 1567. "Anchor," pseud. See De Peyster, John Watts. Mary, queen of Scots... _ Anderson, James, editor. See Collec- tions relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland. Baillie-Hamilton, Mary A. A historic heirloom. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 80, p. 131-137.) *DA A silver gilt casket at Hamilton Palace, which the writer believes to have been the one which contained the famous "Casket letters." Banks, John. The Albion queens: or, The death of Marv, queen of Scotland. A tragedy. London: R. Wellington, 1704. 2 p.l., 70 p. 4°. NCOp.v.309,no.5 Barbe, Louis A. The four Maries. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913]. 8°. p. 25-34.) CP Mary, queen of Scots. 1 port. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913]. 8°. p. 1-23.) CP The queen's Marys. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1885. 8°. v. 258, p. 457-485.) * DA The song of Mary Stuart: an un- detected forgery. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913]. 8°. p. 79-90.) CP Bardon, The, papers: documents relat- ing to the imprisonment and trial of Mary, queen of Scots. Edited for the Royal LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 145 History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. Historical Society by C. Read... With a prefatory note by C. Cotton... London: the society, 1909. 2 p.L, (i)viii-xlv p., 1 1., 139 p. 8°. (Royal Historical Society. [Publications.] series 3, no. 17.) CA Barnestapolius, Obertus. See Turner, Robert, of Barnstaple. Beaune, Renaud de, archbishop of Bourges. Oraison funebre de... Marie Royne d'Escosse, morte pour la Foy, le 18 Febrier, 1S87, par la cruaute des Anglois Sur le subject & discours de celle mesme qui fut faicte en Mars, a Nostre Dame de Paris, au jour de ses obseques & service... (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis ... Marias Scotorum reginae ... London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 671-686.) tfCPB Begg, Robert Burns. History of Loch- leven Castle, with details of the imprison- ment and escape of Mary, queen of Scots. Illustrated by J. Begg. Kinross: G. Bar- net, 1887. xv (i), 124 p. 3. ed. 8°. CRF Bekker, Ernst. Maria Stuart, Darley [sicj, Bothwell. Mit einem Vorwort von W. Oncken. Giessen: J. Ricker, 1881. xi, 387 p. 8°. (Giessener Studien auf dem Gebiet der Geschichte. [no.] 1.) CPB Bell, Henry Glassford; Life of Mary, queen of Scots. New York: J. & J. Har- per, 1831. 2 v. 16°. CPB See a critical notice of this work in The Southern review, v. 8, p. 345-382, Charleston, 1832. New York: Harper & Bros., 1840. 2 v. port. 24°. (Family library, no. 22.) CPB Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvie. Escape of Mary, queen of Scots from Lochleven Castle. 1 pi. (Forget me not. London [1827]. 24°. 1827, p. 381-387.) NCA Memoirs of the life of Mary, queen of Scots. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1823. 2 v. 8°. CPB • Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1852. 2 v. 8°. Stuart 7489 From the 2. London ed. Bj0rnson, Bj^rnstjerne. Maria Stuart i Skotland. Kj^benhavn: F. Hegel & S0n, 1879. 170 p. 4. ed. 16°. NIL Mary Stuart, tragedy in five acts. Translated by Clemens Petersen. (Scan- dinavia. Chicago, 1884. 4°. v. 1, p. 45-52, 76-83, 112-118, 147-151, 179-183.) t NISA Translated from the Norwe- gian by A. Sahlberg. Chicago: Specialty Syndicate Press, 1912. 232 p. 16°. NIL Blackwood, Adam. Martyre de Marie Stvart, Royne d'Escosse, & dovairiere de France. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & re- bus gestis... Maria; Scotorum reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 175-328.) f CPB Reprinted from the Paris ed., 1644, of Black- wood's Opera Omnia. History of Mary, queen of Scots; a fragment; translated from the original French. [Edited by Alexander Macdon- ald, with notice by Thomas Thomson.] Edinburgh: [for the Maitland Club,] 1834. 4 p.L, ii, 222 p. 4°. CA Blennerhassett, Lady Charlotte Julia. Maria Stuart in Elizabeth's Gefangen- schaft. (Deutsche Rundschau. Berlin, 1907. 8°. v. 130, p. 186-211, 380-409.) * DF 1. Die erste Phase (1568-1573); 2. Die letzte Phase (1574-1587). Boglietti, G. Maria Stuarda e i suoi piu recenti interpetri. (Nuova antologia. Roma, 1886. 8°. v. 86 [serie 3, v. 2,, p. 55-85.) NNA Boissiere, E. Marie Stuart et le comte de Bothwell. (Revue d'Alsace. Colmar, 1864. 8°. serie 2, annee 15, p. 515-523, 552-556.) * DM Bonney, Henry Kaye. Historic notices in reference to Fotheringhay. Oundle: T. Bell, 1821. 8°. CO Part 2, p. 85-127: 'The imprisonment, trial, and execution ot Mary, queen of Scots, at Fotheringhay.' Breslau, Harry. Die Kassettenbriefe der Konigin Maria Stuart. Eine histor- isch-diplomatische Untersuchung. (His- torisches Taschenbuch. Leipzig, 1882. 8°. Folge 6, Bd. 1, p. 1-92.) BAA Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. Elizabeth's conduct to Mary, queen of Scots. (In his: Works. 2. ed. London, n.d. 16°. v. 5, p. 368-374.) NCG Bruce, James. Mary, queen of Scots. (In his: Classic and historic portraits. New York, 1854. 12°. p. 282-292.) A Bruce, John, editor. See Accounts and papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. Bryce, William Moir. Mary Stuart's voyage to France in 1548. (English his- torical review. London, 1907. 8°. v. 22, p. 43-50.) BAA Buchanan, George. Detectio Mariae Re- ginae Scotorum. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis. . .Mariae Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 237-249.) ft CPB This work has been well described by a compe- tent authority (Sheriff jEneas Mackay) as "a calum- nious work." The statements in it do not always tally with those in his History. Ane detectioun of the doingis of Marie Quene of Scottis, twiching the murther of hir husband; and hir conspira- cie, adulterie, and pretensit mariage with the Erie of Bothwell... Sanctandrois: Robert Leckprevik, 1571. 1 p.l., iv, 163 p. 146 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. (In: Collections relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland... Edinburgh, 1727. 4°. v. 2.) CPB Scottish translation of the preceding work. The copie of a letter written by one in London to his friend, concerning the credit of the late published Detection of the doynges of the Ladie Mary of Scot- land. (In: Collections relating to the his- tory of Mary, queen of Scotland. . . Edin- burgh, 1727. 4°. v. 2, p. 261-268.) CPB The original is without place or date of publica- tion. Scott thinks it 'probable that this letter is the production of Buchanan himself.* — Bibliography of works relating to Mary, queen of Scots, p. 29, no. 84. (In: The Harleian miscellany ... London, 1808. 8°. v. 1, p. 382-386.) CBA The copie of a letter, concerning the credit of the late published Detection of the doynges of the Ladie Marie of Scot- land. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce ...tracts... London, 1809. 4°. v. 1, p. 183-186.) t C An abridged translation of Buchanan's Detectio Maris Regina, 1571, for general circulation in England. ■ ■ Histoire tragique de Marie Royne d'Escosse, touchant la coniuration faicte contre le Roy son Mary, mis a mort: & l'adultere par elle commis auec le Conte de Bothvvel. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis. . .Mariae Scotorum Reginae . . . London, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 281-377.) ft CPB The French translator is believed to have been Poitevin Camuz. Buckler, Alison. The first wooing of Mary Stuart. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1895. 8°. v. 278, p. 556-575.) *DA Campenon, Vincent. Le derniere mati- nee de Marie Stuart. (In his: CEuvres poetiques. Paris, 1844. 8°. p. 279-285.) NKK Cardauns, H. Neue Erscheinungen zur Geschichte Maria Stuart's. (Gorres Ge- sellschaft. Historisches Jahrbuch. Miin- chen, 1884. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 121-142.) BAA Cassillis, Archibald Kennedy, earl of. Did the earl of Cassillis and the earl of Eglinton desert Mary, queen of Scots? (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 328-329.) CPA Castelnau, Michel de, Sieur de Mauvis- siere. Memoirs of the reigns of Francis II. and Charles ix. of France. Containing a particular account of the three first civil wars raised and carried on by the Huge- nots in that kingdom, wherein the most remarkable passages in the reigns of King- Henry vin. of England, Queen Elizabeth, and the unfortunate Mary, queen of Scots, are set in a true light. . . Done into Eng- lish... London, 1724. 6 pi, (1)10-426 p. f°. tDDK Extfait des Memoires de Messire M. de C. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & re- bus gestis. . .Marias Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. P. v. 2, p. 441-468.) tt CPB Caussin, Nicolas. L'histoire de l'in- comparable Reyne Marie Stuart. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis... Mariae Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 53-104.) ft CPB Reprinted from his La Cour Sainte, Paris, 1664. Chambers, David. Discovrs de la legi- time svccession des femmes aux posses- sions de leurs parens: et du gouuernement des princesses aux Empires & Royaumes. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis ...Mariae Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f °. v. 1, p. 1-35.) ft CPB Reprinted from the edition published in Paris by Jean Feurier, 1579. Written to prove the le- gality of the title of Mary, queen of Scots to the English throne. Chambers, Robert. On the locality of the abduction of Queen Mary. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 331-336.) CPA Chantelauze, Regis de. Marie Stuart, son proces et son execution d'apres le journal inedit de Bourgoing, la correspon- dance d'Aymas Paulet, et autres docu- ments nouveaux. Paris: E. Plon et Cie., 1876. xvi, 584 p. 8°. CPB Chasles, Victor Euphemion Philarete. fitudes sur W. Shakspeare, Marie Stuart, et l'Aretin: le drame, les mceurs et la re- ligion au xvi. siecle. Paris: Amyot [1851]. 2 pi, viii, 523 p. 12°. * NCL Cheruel, Pierre Adolphe. Marie Stuart et Catherine de Medicis. fitude historique sur les relations de la France et de 1 ficosse dans la seconde moiete du xvi. siecle. Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1858. viii, 405 p. 8°. CPB Collection, A, of portraits of Mary, queen of Scots; together with a brief sketch of her life. . . New York, 1863. f°. Stuart 1240 The 17 plates and 56 portraits were collected by Thomas H. Morell. The whole are inlaid in heavy white paper folio, with illuminated title-page drawn to order. Collections relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland. Containing a great number of original papers never be- fore printed. Also a few scarce pieces re- printed. Revised and published by James Anderson... Edinburgh: printed by J. Mosman & W. Brown, 1727-28. 4 v. 4°. CPB Collections relative to the funerals of Mary, queen of Scots. [Edited by Robert LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 147 History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. Pitcairn.] Edinburgh: W. & D. Laing, 1822. xxi, 80 p., 1 fac. 12°. Stuart 7492 One of 125 copies printed. Twelve plates, fifteen portraits, and many news- paper cuttings inserted. Contents: (1) The Scottish Queens buriall at Peterborough, upon Tuesday beeing Lammas day, 1587, London, 1587; (2) The order for the buriall for Marie Queen of Scotts att Peterborough, August, 1587; (3) L'Ordre du convoy de la Royne d'Escosse faict en la ville de Peterbourgh . . . le premier iour d'Aoust, 1587; (4) Les magnifiques Obseques de la Royne d'Escosse, Le Dimanche, huictiesme iour d'Aoust. . .1587; (5) A remembrance of the order and manner of the buriall of Mary Queen of Scotts, 1587; (6) The solemnity of the fvnerall of Mary, late of Scottish, Queene, and Dowager of France ...1587; (7) [Notice regarding the Queen of Scots' funeral, by Garter King of Arms] ; (8) Allowance of servants and blackes, at the funeralles of Mary Queen of Scottes, at Peterborough. . .August, 1587; (9) The manner of the solemnity of the Scotish Queen's funeral. . .when she was bvried, in the Cathedral church of Peterbvrgh; (10) Facsimile of the helmet and escutcheon, hung up over the grave of Mary Queen of Scots; (11) Declaration of the charges of diet and expences incurred at the funeral of Mary Queen of Scotts expended by Marmaduke Darell and Richard Cox, August, 1587; (12) Notes and illustrations. Conaeus, Georgius. Vita Mariae Stuartae Scotiae Reginae, dotarise Gallise, Anglise, & Hiberniae hseredis. (In: Samuel Jebb, De.vita & rebus gestis. . .Mariae Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 1-52.) ft CPB Reprinted from the edition of the Vita published at Rome, 1624. Copie of a letter... See Buchanan, George. Costello, Louisa Stuart. Mary Stuart at Chatsworth Park. (Illuminated magazine. London, 1844. 4°. v. 2, p. 111-114.) * DE Cotton, Charles. The Bardon papers. A collection of contemporary documents (MS. Eg. 2124) relating to the trial of Mary, queen of Scots, 1586. (Royal His- torical Society. Transactions. London, 1908. 8°. series 3, v. 2, p. 175-187.) CA Cowan, Samuel. The last days of Mary Stuart and the journal of Bourgoyne her physician. London: E. Nash, 1907. xii, 324 p., 12 port. 8°. CH Mary, queen of Scots, and Who wrote the casket letters? London: S. Low, Marston & Co., 1901. 2 v. 8°. *R — CPB Reviewed in Literature, v. 9, p. 300, London, 1901. New York: J. Pott & Co., 1901. 2 v. 8°. CPB Crawford (26. earl) and Balcarres (9. earl), James Ludovic Lindsay. Subject to revision. First provisional hand-list of proclamations. Mary, queen of Scots. 14. December 1542-24. July 1567. [Aber- deen?: 1891. 8 1. 8°. (Bibliotheca Lin- desiana.) CBA p. box Crompton, Richard. Copye van eenen brief, aan den... graue van Leycester... met een verhael, van seker begeerten... aan de Con. Majesteyt. . .ghedaen. . . wt den name van alle de Heeren ende vande Ghemeynte, onlancx int Parle- ment by een versamelt. Insghelicx hare Ma. andwoorde selue daer op ghedaen Noch is hier by gevoecht, ee warachtige copye van de proclamatie onlancx gepubliceert. . .tot verclaringhe vande Sententie. . .tegen de Coninginne va Scotlant. Mitsgaders eenighe brieuen gheschrenen by de Schotsche Coninginne aen den verrader Anthony Babington, met zijne andtwoorde. . .aengaende hare onderlinghe conspiratien. . .tegen hare Ma. etc. [By Richard Crompton.] [Mid- delburg:] R. Schilders, 1587. 24 1. 4°. Crosby, Allan James, editor. See Ac- counts and papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. Cuming, Henry Syer. On the relics and mementos of Mary Stuart. (British Ar- chaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1888. 8°. v. 44, p. 60-76.) CA Cust, Lionel, and Kathleen Martin. The portraits of Mary, queen of Scots, illus. (Burlington magazine. London, 1906. 8°. v. 10, p. 38-47.) f MAA Dargaud, Jean Marie. Histoire de Marie Stuart. Paris: F. Didit, freres, 1850. 2 v. 8°. CPB Bruxelles: Meline, Cans et Cie., 1851. 3 v. 16°. CPB Declaration du parlement de Paris sur le gouvernement de l'ficosse. 1552. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .rela- tifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 261-266.) f CP That Mary, queen of Scots having entered her twelfth year, Scotland, should thenceforth be gov- erned under her name, that is, by French delegates. De Peyster, John Watts. An inquiry into the career and character of Mary Stuart... and a justification of Bothwell New York: Charles H. Ludwig, printer, 1883. 260 p., 2 port. 8°. CPB Mary, queen of Scots. A study. By "Anchor." New York: Charles H. Ludwig, printer, 1882. 144 p. 8°. CPB Dimier, L. About Mary, queen of Scots' portraits. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 135-143.) CPA Dimock, Arthur. Marie Stewart and the Babington conspiracy. (Rochdale Literary and Scientific Society. Transac- tions. Rochdale, 1895. 8°. v. 4, p. 19-35.) *EC Discovrs dv grand et magnifiqve trivmphe faict au mariage de... Prince Francois de Vallois...et de Princesse Ma- dame Marie d'Estreuart, Roine d'Escosse. 148 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. Paris, 1S58. (Reprinted in: Archives curi- euses de l'histoire de France. Paris, 1835. 8°. serie 1, v. 3, p. 249-259.) DBA Dowe, William. Mary Stuart. A ro- mance of history. (Graham's magazine. Philadelphia, 1855. 8°. v. 46, p. 305-320, 401-416, 497-510; v. 47, p. 13-28, 97-113, 221- 232, 328-342, 413-426, 500-514.) * DD History of her life and reign. Du Croc, Philibert. Ambassade de Du Croc en ficosse. 1566-1567. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'his- toire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 139-186.) tCP The documents given here relate to the most critical period in the life of Queen Mary, viz. her marriage with the earl of Bothwell. Dueringsfeld, Ida von. Elisabeth Tu- dor und Maria Stuart. (In her: Das Buch denkwiirdiger Frauen ... 4. Auf 1. Leip- zig, 1891. 12°. p. 59-119.) SNE Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, Alexan- dre, the elder. Les crimes celebres. Paris: Librairie internationale, 1865. 2 v. new ed. 8°. SLN v. 2, p. 1-206: Marie Stuart, 1587. Mary, queen of Scots. New York: A. Montgomery [1853]. 40 p. illus. f°. (Illustrated literature.) f NKV New York: The Merriam Co., 1896. 334 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 12°. NKV Duncan, Thomas Dalrymple. Mary Stuart and the house of Huntly. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 365-373.) CPA The Queen's Maries. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 363-371.) CPA The relations of the earl of Mur- ray with Mary Stuart. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 49-57.) CPA The relations of Mary Stuart with William Maitland of Lethington. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 151-160.) CPA E., E. F. Schiller's Mary Stuart. (The Knickerbocker. New York, 1837. 8°. v. 9, p. 433-446.) * DA Elizabeth, Queen of England. A true copie of the proclamation latelie published by the Queen's Majestie, under the great Seale of England, for the declaring of the sentence latelie given against the Queene of Scots. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1809. 4°. v. 1, p. 236-239.) fC Warrant to execute Mary Stuart, queen of Scots, A. D. 1587. [A fac-simile from the original document.] n. p. ( 188-?] 2iy 2 " x uy 2 ". Stuart 13755 Ellis, Sir Henry. Observations upon a presumed nuptial ring of Mary, queen of Scots, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaologia. London, 1849. 4°. v. 33, p. 354-358.) t CA Evidence against the Queen of Scots. (In: Miscellaneous state papers, from 1501 to 1726. London, 1778. 4°. v. 1, p. 224- 250.) t C Ewald, Alexander Charles. Last hours of Mary, queen of Scots. (In his: Studies re-studied. Historical sketches from orig- inal sources. London, 1885. 8°. p. 154- 163.) CBA Execution of Mary Stuart. 1 port. (Penny magazine. London, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 46-48.) *DA 1589... The Scottish queen's burial at Peterborough, upon Tuesday, being Lam- mas day [1st August] 1587. London: Ed- ward Venge [1587]. (In: An English gar- ner. [V. 1.] Tudor tracts. Westminster, 1903. 8°. p. 475-484.) NCE The editor says in a note (p. xxxv): "This de- scription of Mary's funeral does not seem to have been reprinted except in this Garner." It has been reprinted at least twice as here noted: (In: Collections relative to the fu- nerals of Mary, queen of Scots... Edin- burgh, 1822. 12°. p. 1-8.) Stuart 7492 (In: Funeral, The, of Mary, queen of Scots... [Edinburgh,] 1890. 8°. p. 1-7.) CPB Firth, Charles Harding. Ballad on the anticipated birth of an heir to Queen Mary, 1554. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 361-363.) CPA Flandre, Charles de, translator. See Petit, Joseph Adolphe. History of Mary Stuart. . . Fornaciari, Luigi. Maria Stuarda in Hamilton; dipinto del prof. Ra-ffaello Gio- vannetti descritto. Lucca: Tipografia Giusti, 1837. 31 p. 8°. MCEp.v.l Foster, Joshua James. The Stuarts; being illustrations of the personal history of the family (especially Mary, queen of Scots) in xvith, xvnth, and xvinth century art. Portraits, miniatures, relics, &c. from the most celebrated collections. London: Dickinson's, 1902. 2 v. f°. tt ARZ Author's edition. No. 66 of 550 copies printed and signed. Franks, Augustus Wollaston. Notice of permissions given at Paris to John Ache- son to make dies with the portrait of Mary, queen of Scots, 21st October 1553, and to Nicolas Emery to make a die for jettons, with the arms, etc., of the queen of Scots, from a register preserved at Paris. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 506-507.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 149 History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. French, The, on Queen Mary. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Amer. ed. New York, 1859. 8°. v. 86, p. 517-536.) *DA Froude, James Anthony. Mary, "Queen of Scots" and Queen Elizabeth. (Hours at home. New York, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 311-321.) *DA Funeral of Queen Mary. (From the original ms. in the Record Office, Lon- don.] (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 1, p. 18-21.) CPA Funeral, The, of Mary, queen of Scots. A collection of curious tracts, relating to the burial of this unfortunate princess, being reprints of originals, partly tran- scriptions from various manuscripts, edited by R. Prescott-Innes. [Edinburgh:] privately printed for the editor, 1890. xxiv, 80 p. 8°. CPB A _ reprint without acknowledgment of Collections relative to the funerals of Mary, queen of Scots, 1822. Gayarre, Charles. Mary Stuart. In- vestigation into the charges against her moral character. (Catholic world. New York, 1886. 8°. v. 43, p. 637-650, 777-790.) *DA _ Gillis, James, joint author. See Men- zies, John, and James Gillis. Goodall, Walter. An examination of the letters, said to be written by Mary, queen of Scots, to James, earl of Both- well: shewing by intrinsick and extrin- sick evidence that they are forgeries. Also, an inquiry into the murder of King Henry. Edinburgh: printed by T. & W. Ruddimans, 1754. 2 v. 12°. CPB Grahame, James. Mary Stewart, queen of Scots. A dramatic poem. (In his: Poems. London, 1807. 16°. v. 2, p. 67- 204.) NCM Guthrie, Charles James Guthrie, lord. Mary Stuart and Roskoff. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 13-18.) CPA Harland, Marion. Two little rooms. 2 pi. (In her: Where ghosts walk. New York, 1898. 12°. p. 3-15.) A On Mary, queen of Scots' apartments in Holy- rood. Harvey, William Frederick. Mary Stuart in art. (Westminster review. Lon- don, 1904. 8°. v. 162, p. 433-437.) * DA Henderson, Ernest F. The execution of Mary, queen of Scots. (In his: Side lights on English history. New York, 1900. 4°. p. 9-18.) t CB Henderson, T. F. Mr. Lang and the Casket letters. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 161- 174.) CPA Reply to Andrew Lang's article in same review. See under Lang, Andrew, below. Henry, Robert. See Tytler, William. Herrera Tordesillas, Antonio de. His- toria de lo sucedido en Escocia y Ingla- terra en quarenta y quatro afios que biuio Maria Estuarda Reyna de Escocia... En Madrid: En Casa de Pedro Madrigal, 1589. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis ...Marias Scotorum Reginas... London, 1725. P. v. 2, p. 329-440.) tt CPB Herries, John Maxwell, baron. See Maxwell, John, 8. baron Herries. Heylin, Peter. Examen historicum .. .Containing. . .animadversions on the church-history of Britain and the history of Cambridge., .by T. Fuller... [Adver- tisements on the history of Mary, queen of Scots, and of... King James..., History of King Charles. ..by W. Sanderson...] [London: Henry Seal & R. Royston, 1659.] 2 parts in 1. 12°. ZDV Holt, Henry F. Observations upon a "shilling" of Francis the Dauphin and Mary Stuart, representing them as "king and queen of Scotland, England, and Ire- land," dated 1558: with notes regarding the assumption by Queen Mary of the arms and crown of England. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 279-287.) CPA On the great seal of Francis n. of France and Mary, queen of Scots, as king and queen of France, Scotland, England, and Ireland. (British Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London, 1868. 8°. v. 24, p. 343-351.) CA Hosack, John. Mary, queen of Scots and her accusers. Embracing a narrative of events from the death of James v. in 1542 until the death of the Regent Murray in 1570. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1869-74. 2 v. 8°. CPB v. 2 calls itself 2. ed. much enlarged, but there was no first ed.; [v. 1] narrates the events to 1570. The title-page of v. 2 is slightly changed to read: until the death of Queen Mary in 1587. For a critical notice of v. 1 see Catholic world, v. 11, p. 32-49, New York, 1870. Reviewed also in the New eclectic magazine, v. 6, p. 360-369, Baltimore, 1870 (reprinted from Saturday review. ) Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. The love affairs of Mary, queen of Scots. A politi- cal history. London: E. Nash, 1903. xiii, 487 p., 3 port. 8°. CPB Innocence, L', de la. . .Princesse, Ma- dame Marie Royne d'Escosse. Ou sont amplement refutees les calomnies faulces, & impositions iniques, publies par vn liure secrettement diiiulgue en France, l'an 150 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — ■ 1542-1587, continued. 1572, touchant tant la mort du Seigneur d'Arley son espoux... Plus vn autre dis- covrs, auquel sont descouuertes plusieurs trahisons, tant manifestes, que iusques icy cachees, perpetrees par les mesmes calomniateurs. Imprime l'an 1572. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis... Maria? Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 423-606.) ft CPB The authorship of this book has been attributed to Francois de Belleforest, a French author and translator; but it is manifest, says John Scott, 'that if Belleforest had any part in its production, it was only as editor and translator.' Ireland, William Henry. Effusions of love from Chatelar to Mary, queen of Scotland. Translated from a Gallic manu- script, in the Scots College, at Paris. In- terspersed with songs, sonnets, and notes explanatory by the translator (i.e., the author, W. H. Ireland]. London: C. Chap- pie, 1805. 1 p.l., vi, 151 p., 1 pi. 16°. CPB Irons, James Campbell. Mary, queen of Scots. 1 pi. (In his: Leith and its an- tiquities. Edinburgh, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 324-337.) CR Ivanov, Ivan. Mariya Styuart v istorii i v dramye. (In: Mir Bozhi. Sanktpeter- burg, 1893. 8°. 1893, January, p. 33-59.) *QCA Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Memoirs of fe- male sovereigns. Mary, queen of Scots. (New York mirror. New York, 1839-40. f°. v. 17, p. 378, 387, 395, 411; v. 18, p. 3, 10-11.) tt*DD Jebb, Samuel. De vita & rebus gestis. . . Marise Scotorum Reginae, Francis dota- riae, qua scriptis tradidere autores sede- cim, in duo volumina distributa et ad op- tima? fidei codices recensita. London: J. Woodman & D. Lyon, 1725. 2 v. f°. ttCPB Copperplate portrait is of Mary, queen of Scots by G. Vertue. Lacks the additional French title- pages found in some copies. In this collection are reprinted the following works: Traite de la succession des femmes, par D. Chambre; Leslsei de titulo et jure Marias; Leslasi de rebus gestis Scotorum; Buchanani Detectio; Histoire tragique de Marie; Maria Stuarta vindice Ob. Barnestapolio; L'Innocence de tres-illustre Madame Marie, etc.; Vita, scriptore Geo. Conaeo; Historie de Marie par N. Causin; Fam. Stradae Vita et morte; Romoaldi Scoti Summarium rationum; Martyre de la Royne, par A. Blackwood; Historia, por Antonio de Herrera; Extrait des Memoires de Castelnau; La Morte de la Royne; Oraison Funebre par M. de Bourges. Jenkins, John Stilwell. Mary of Scot- land. 1 port. (In his: Heroines of his- tory. Auburn, N. Y., 1852. 12°. p. 325- 390.) SNE Jewitt, Llewellyn. Wingfield Manor, and the tercentenary of the last period of captivity of Mary, queen of Scots, within its walls. (Reliquary. London, 1885. 8°. v. 25, p. 86-90.) CA Kervyn de Lettenhoye, Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin, baron. Marie Stuart: l'ceuvre puritaine, le proces, le supplice; 1585-1587. Paris: Perrin & Cie., 1889. 2 v. 8°. CPB Kipka, Karl. Maria Stuart in Drama der Weltliteratur. Ein Beitrag zur vergleich- enden Literaturgeschichte. Einleitung — Vorklange. Ordensschuldrama des 17; Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: Hesse & Becker, 1905. 41(1) p. 8°. NAFDp.v.l Maria Stuart im Drama der Welt- literatur, vornehmlich des 17. und 18. Jahr- hunderts. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte. Leipzig: M. Hess, 1907. viii, 421 p., 1 1. 8°. (Breslauer Beitrage zur Literaturgeschichte. [Bd.j 9.) NAF p. 403-412: Bibliographische Zeittafel der Maria Stuart Dramen. Knollys, Sir William. Papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. 98 p. (Philo- biblion Society. Miscellanies. London, 1876. 8°. v. 14.) * GAA Koren, Charlotte. De to Dronninger. Historisk Skildring. Kristiania: H. Asche- houg & Co., 1909. 3 p.l., 182 p. 8°. CPB L. The youth of Mary Stuart. (The Token. Boston, 1835. 16°. 1835, p. 65- 75.) NBH Laing, Malcolm. Dissertation on the participation of Mary, queen of Scots, in the murder of Darnley. (In his: History of Scotland from the union of the crowns ...to the union of the kingdoms. 2. ed. London, 1804. 8°. v. 1-2.) CP Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de. Life of Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. New York: Sheldon & Company, 1860. 275 p. 16°. (Household library.) CPB Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. 53 p. (In: Famous biography. New York, 1883. 12°.) A Lang, Andrew. The Casket letters. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 168, p. 890-905.) * DA (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 5, p. 1-12.) CPA Criticism of appendix A in Henderson's work on Mary, queen of Scots. For a reply to Lang's criticism see entry under Henderson, T. F. The household of Mary, queen of Scots, in 1573. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 345-355.) CPA The mystery of "the Queen's Marie." (Backwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 158, p. 381-390.) *' D A The mystery of Mary Stuart, new ed. rev. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1904. viii p., 1., 368 p., 5 fac, 3 plans, 5 pi., 1 port. 12°. CPB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 151 History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. New light on the life of Mary, queen of Scots. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 182, p. 17-27.) *DA Portraits and jewels of Mary- Stuart. 3 pi., 10 port. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 129-156, 274-300.) CPA Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1906. 6 p.l., 107 p., 6 pi., 11 port. 8°. CPB Queen Mary in art. 3 pi. illus. (Bookman. London, 1907. 4°. v. 33, p. 14-19.) f * GDD The Queen's Marie. (In his: The valet's tragedy and other studies. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. p. 291-311.) NCZ Law, Thomas Graves. Mary Stewart. (In: Cambridge modern history. Cam- bridge, 1904. 8°. v. 3, p. 260-293.) *R — BAF Bibliography of the period, p. 810-815. Leader, John Daniel. The remains of Sheffield Manor. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 30, p. 42-51.) CA Sheffield Castle and Mary, queen of Scots: a historical paper, read before the Sheffield Mechanics' Institution, Nov. 22, 1869. Sheffield: Leader & Sons, 1869. 32 p. 8°. CPp.box2 Le Laboureur, Jean. Extrait des addi- tions aux memoires de Michel de Castel- nau, contenant aussi tout ce que le sieur de Brantosme a ecrit de la Reyne d'Escosse. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis . . . Mariae Scotorum Reginae . . . London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 469-610.) ttCPB Lescure, Mathurin Francois Adolphe de. Marie Stuart. Dix compositions par Carolus Duran, gravees par Bracquemond et Rajon. Paris: P. Ducrocq [1872). 627 p., 2 1., 9 pi., 1 port. 8°. CPB Leslie, John, bishop of Ross. De rebus gestis Scotorum. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita et rebus gestis . . . Mariae Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 149-236.) ft CPB This is a reprint of the latter portion of his De origine, moribus K et rebus gestis Scotorum, origi- nally published in Rome in 1578. It is of great value as a Catholic account of Scottish affairs dur- ing the minority of Mary, queen of Scots. De titulo et jure. . . Principis Mariae Scotorum Reginae, quo regni Angliae suc- cessionem sibi iuste vendicat, libellus. 1 genealogical table. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis. . .Mariae Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 37-147.) ft CPB A treatise concerning the defence of the honour of. . .Marie, Queene of Scot- lande. . . With a declaration as wel of her right... to the succession of the croune of England... By Morgan Philippes pseud.]. Liege: W. Morbers, 1571. xvi, xxvi, 85 p. (In: Collectitfns relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland... Edinburgh, 1727. 4°. v. 1.) CPB A discourse, conteyninge a perfect accompt given to... Marie, Queene of Scots, by John Lesley, Bishop of Rosse, of his whole charge and proceedings dur- ing the time of his ambassage from his entres in England in September 1568, to the 26th March 1572. 1 p.l., xxvi, 225 p. (In: Collections relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland... Edin- burgh, 1727. 4°. v. 3.) CPB Letters of Mary, queen of Scots. (Chambers's Edinburgh journal. Edin- burgh, 1852. 4°. new series, v. 16, p. 122- 124.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, v. 24, p. 282-284, New York, 1851. Library, The, of Mary, queen of Scots, and of King James the Sixth. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 1-23.) t CP Life, The, and history .of Mary, queen of Scots. Glasgow: published by Francis Orr & Sons, n.d. [1850?] 24 p. 24°. [n o.] 165.) Reserve Chapbook. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. (South- ern review. Charleston, 1832. 8°. v. 8, p. 345-382.) * DA Maccunn, Florence A. Mary Stuart. London: Methuen & Co. [1905.] xii, 318 p., 1 1., 21 pi., 22 port. 8°. CPB Reviewed by Dr. Hay Fleming in the Bookman, v. 29, p. 213-215, London, 1906. Macdonald, Alexander, editor. See Blackwood, Adam. History of Mary, queen of Scots. Mackie, Charles. Castles, palaces, & prisons of Mary of Scotland. London, 1850. 8 p., 1 1., vii-xii, 480 p., 5 pi. illus. new ed. 8°. CP Maison de Marie Stuart. 1566-67. Estat de gaiges des dames, damoiselles, gentilz- hommes et autres officiers domesticques de la Royne d'Escosse, douairiere de France, pour une annee commencant le premier jour de Janvier mv c lxvi et finis- sant le dernier jour de decembre ensui- vant, mil cinq cens soixante-sept. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat ... rela- tifs a l'histoire de l'flcosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 121-138.) fCP Mailing, Mathilda. Maria Stuart. Stockholm: A. Bonnier [1907]. 1 p.l., 251 p., 1 table. 12°. CPB Manifeste adresse par les lords de la congregation aux princes de la chretiente. 152 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. 1559. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat ... relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 414-428.) f CP In Latin. A recital of the grievances of the Scots against France from the time of the minority of Mary, queen of Scots. Marie Stuart. (Revue britannique. Paris, 1841. 8°. serie 5, v. 2, p. 201-243.) *DM Marie Stuart, queen of Scots. Portraits desiderata. [By J. W. Guild. Glasgow: J. W. Guild, 1880.] 8 p. 4°. * IPH Mariage de Marie Stuart et du Dauphin. 1558. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 292-309.) f CP Marples, Josiah. Some notes on the last months of the life of Mary, queen of Scots, hitherto unpublished in England. (Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. London, 1882. 8°. v. 36, p. 25-56.) ~ * EC Martin, Kathleen, joint author. See Cust, Lionel, and Kathleen Martin. Martyn, Mrs. S. T. The Hopes of Hope Castle; or, The times of Knox and Queen Mary Stuart. New York: American Tract Society c cop. 1867]. 359 p. 12°. NBO Mary, queen of Scotland. (The Porti- co. Baltimore [1816]. 8°. v. 2, p. 326- 332.) * DA Mary, queen of Scots. (Catholic world. New York, 1870. 8°. v. 11, p. 32-49.) *DA Mary, queen of Scots. (Christian re- membrancer. London, 1852. 8°. v. 24, p. 20-80.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's living age, v. 35, p. 193-218, Boston, 1852. Mary, queen of Scots. (Oxford and Cambridge review. London, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 257-278.) SSA Mary, queen of Scots. (Brownson's Quarterly review. New York, 1875. 8°. last series, v. 3, p. 75-105.) * DA Based on Morris's ed. of the Letter books of Sir Amias Poulet. Mary, queen of Scots. Peculiarities of her life, her character, and her portraiture. 6 port. (Illustrated American. New York, 1892. f°. v. 10, p. 111-112.) * DA Mary Stuart. (Catholic world. New York, 1870. 8°. v. 11, p. 221-231.) * DA Mary Stuart and her times. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1846. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-54.) * DA Mary Stuart at Saint Germains. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 74, p. 42-53.) * DA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Mary, queen of Scots, and the mystery of the casket letters. 1 port. (Pall Mall maga- zine. London, 1902. 8°. v. 26, p. 1-8.) *DA Maxwell, John, 8. baron Herries. His- torical memoirs of the reign of Mary, queen of Scots, and a portion of the reign of King James the Sixth. [Edited by Robert Pitcairn.j Edinburgh: Abbots- ford Club, 1836. xliii, 181 p. 4°. f CPB The author, although a Protestant, was a staunch supporter of Queen Mary. His memoirs are of great value in virtue of his intimate knowledge of the secret history of Mary's reign. Meline, James Florant. Mary, queen of Scots and her latest English historian. A narrative of the principal events in the life of Mary Stuart; with some remarks on Mr. Froude's History of England. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1872. x, 336 p. 12°. CPB • Reprint of 1. ed. With an introduction by Mary M. Meline. Cin- cinnati: R. Clarke & Co., 1893. vi, [iiij-x, 345 p. 12°. CPB Memoire adresse au nom de Marie Stuart a tous les princes de la chretiente. 1568. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 241-252.) f CP The Italian text of another memoir addressed by Queen Mary to all the princes of Christendom is published in Labanoff's Recueil, v. 7. Mendoga, Bernardino Suarez Hurtado de, conde de Corufia. Extraits des cor- respondances. . .de Mendoga... (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat ... relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 401-592.) f CP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland from 5 April 1585 to 22 De- cember 1587. Meneval, de, l'abbe. La verite sur Marie Stuart d'apres des documents nou- veaux par l'auteur de l'Essai sur l'Alle- magne. Paris: E. Plon, 1877. 254 p., 1 1. 12°. CPB Menzies, John, and James Gillis. No- tices of the portrait of Mary, queen of Scots, formerly in the Scottish College at Douay. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 370-371.) fCPA Menzies, Sutherland. Mary Stuart and Chastelar. The poet favourite of Mary, queen of Scots. (In his: Royal favourites. London, 1865. 8°. v. 1, p. 293-327.) Stuart 7948 Mignet, Francois Auguste Alexis. His- toire de Marie Stuart. Bruxelles: Meline, Cans et Comp., 1851. 2 v. 12°. CPB Paris: Charpentier, 1854. 2 v. 3. ed. 12°. CPB Paris: Didier et Cie., 1877. 2 v. 5. ed. 12°. ' CPB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 153 History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. The history of Mary, queen of Scots. London: Richard Bentley, 1851. 2 v. 8°. CPB See a critical notice of this work in the Chris- tian remembrancer, v. 24, p. 20-80, London, 1852. Moile, Nicholas Thirning. Trial of Mary, queen of Scots. (In his: State trials. 2. ed. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1842. 12°.) NCM Drama. Morell, Thomas H. See Collection of portraits of Mary, queen of Scots. Mort, La, de la Royne d'Escosse. . . Ou est contenu le vray discours de la proce- dure des Anglois a l'execution d'icelle, la constante & royalle resolution de sa Maieste defuncte, ses vertueux deporte- mens & derniers propos, ses funerailles & enterrement, d'ou on peut cognoistre la traistre cruate de l'heretique Anglois a l'encontre d'vne royne souueraine tres- Chrestienne & catholique innocente. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis... Maria Scotorum Reginse . . . London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 611 [misnumbered 609]- 669.) tt CPB Murdoch, W. G. Blaikie. Mary, queen of Scots: her connection with art and let- ters. (Antiquary. London, 1906. 8°. v. 42 pew series, v. 2 h p. 87-91, 147-150.) CA Nau, Claude. The history of Mary. Stuart, from the murder of Riccio until the flight into England. Now first printed from the original manuscripts. With illustrative papers from the secret archives of the Vatican and other collections in Rome. Edited with historical preface by Rev. Joseph Stevenson. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1883. ccxiv, 350 p., 2 fac. 8°. CPB Nys, Ernest. The trial of Mary, queen of Scots from the point of view of public international law. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 17, p. 50-53.) SEA Oncken, Wilhelm. See Bekker, Ernst. Original documents relating to Shef- field, principally in connection with Mary, queen of Scots. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 30, p. 308-324.) CA O'Shea, John J. The second martyr- dom of Mary Stuart. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1911. 8°. v. 36, p. 569-590.) * DA Papal negotiations with Mary, queen of Scots, during her reign in Scotland, 1561- 1567. Edited from the original docu- ments in the Vatican archives and else- where, by John Hungerford Pollen, S. J. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1901. 2 p.l., vii-cxliii, 555 p. 8°. (Scottish His- tory Society. Publications, v. 37.) CPA Peter, William, translator. See Schil- ler, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Petit, Joseph Adolphe. History of Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. Translated from the original and unpublished ms. by Charles De Flandre. Edinburgh: printed for the translator, by Turnbull & Spears, 1873. 2 v. f°. CPB Co., 1874. - London: Longmans, Green & 2 v. f°. CPB Philippes, Morgan, pseud. See Leslie, John, bishop of Ross. Philippson, Martin, fitudes sur l'his- toire de Marie Stuart. (Revue historique. Paris, 1887-1889. 8°. v. 34, p. 225-258; v. 35, p. 21-58; v. 36, p. 29-61; v. 37, p. 1-48; v. 38, p. 1-63; v. 39, p. 241-281.) BAA 1. Les lettres de la cassette; 2. Les depositions judiciaires: 3. Les historiens contemporains ; 4. Les relations diplomatiques; 5. Les documents officiels. Histoire du regne de Marie Stuart. Paris: £. Bouillon, 1891-92. 3 v. 8°. CPB _ Pitcairn, Robert, editor. See Collec- tions relative to the funerals of Mary, queen of Scots. Pollen, John Hungerford, the younger. The dispensation for the marriage of Mary Stuart with Darnley, and its date. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 241-248.) ' CPA Mary, queen of Scots and the Bab- ington plot. (The month. London, 1907. 8°. v. 109, p. 356-365; v. 110, p. 240-253, 363-374.) * DA 1. Dr. Parry. 2. The second act. 3. Setting the death trap. Mary, queen of Scots and the grand papal league. (The Month. London, 1901. 8°. v. 97, p. 258-271.) * DA Mary Stuart and the opinions of her Catholic contemporaries. (The Month. London, 1898. 8°. v. 91, p. 575- 591.) * DA Mary Stuart and recent research. (The Month. London, 1898. 8°. v. 91, p. 342-355.) * DA Mary Stuart's Jesuit chaplain [Henri Sameriej. (The Month. London, 1911. 8°. v. 117, p. 11-24, 136-149.) * DA Mary Stuart's letter to Mendoza about the Babington plot. (The Month. London, 1903. 8°. v. 102, p. 430-433.) *DA Studies on the history of Queen Mary Stuart. (The Month. London, 1900. 8°. v. 96, p. 167-176, 241-255, 392- 402.) * DA 1. The mission of Father Nicholas de Gouda. 2. The mission of Father Edmund Hay, 1566-1567. 3. Did Paul IV. grant her the English crown? See also Papal negotiations with Mary, queen of Scots. 154 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History- and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. Prescott-Innes, R, editor. See Funeral, The, of Mary, queen of Scots. Proceedings against Mary, queen of Scots, 1586, for being concerned in a conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth; with some things previous thereto. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. London, 1816. 8°. v. 1, cols. 1161- 1228.) SLN R., J. Curious facts relative to the ab- duction of Queen Mary, communicated by J. R. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 31-33.) * DA R., M. Mary Stuart's last prayer. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1882. 8°. v. 10, p. 23- 24.) * DA On its authorship and on Swinburne's transla- tion. Rait, Robert Sangster. Mary, queen of Scots, 1542-1587. Extracts from the Eng- lish, Spanish, and Venetian state papers ...arranged and edited by R. S. Rait. London: D. Nutt, 1899. xi, 266 p., 1 fac, 5 pi., 1 port. 16°. (Scottish history from contemporary writers, no. 2.) CPB Raleigh, Carew. Observations upon some particular persons and passages in a book lately made publick; intituled, A compleat history of Mary, queen of Scot- land, and of her son James, the Sixth of Scotland... Written by a lover of truth rCarew Raleigh]. London: G. Bedell & T. Collins, 1656. 21 p. 4°. Reserve The author was a son of Sir Walter Raleigh. Raumer, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von. Die Koniginnen Elisabeth und Maria Stuart nach den Quellen im britischen Mu- seum und Reichsarchive. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1836. xvi, 630 p., 1 1., 1 port. 12°. (Beitrage zur neueren Geschichte. Bd. 1.) BTV Read, Conyers, editor. See Bardon, The, papers. Redfarn, W. B. The glove of Mary, queen of Scots. 1 pi. (Reliquary. Lon- don, 1882. 8°. v. 22, p. 193-196.) CA Reid, Herbert J. Notes upon passages in the life of Mary Stuart during her cap- tivity in England, 1569-1571. (Royal So- ciety of Literature. Transactions. Lon- don, 1895. 8°. series 2, v. 17, p. 197-218.) *EC Remembrance, A, of the order and man- ner of the burial of Mary, queen of Scots. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Ar- chseologia. London, 1779. 4°. v. 1, 2. ed., p. 357-362.) CA Retour de Marie Stuart en ficosse. 1561 (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat... relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 3-12.) f CP Richardson, John. Mary, queen of Scots. Translated from the Latin prize poem recited... at Oxford, 1792. (In: Translations of the Oxford Latin prize poems. London, 1831. 16°. p. 19-33.) Richardson, Oliver H. Mary, queen of Scots in the light of recent historical investigations. (Washington historical quarterly. Seattle, Wash., 1912. 8°. v. 3, p. 124-130.) IAA Riess, Ludwig. Die Losung des Maria Stuart-Problems. (Historische Zeitschrift. Miinchen, 1913. 8°. Bd. 110 [Folge 3, Bd. 14j, p. 237-291.) BAA Robertson, William. The works of W. Robertson. With an account of his life and writings. In nine volumes, v. 1, 8. London: Whitmore & Fenn, 1824. 8°. CP Plates missing. • The history of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James vi... New York: J. & J. Harper, 1829. 460 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. CP Ronsard's "Mary, queen of Scots." (The Academy. London, 1909. f°. v. 76, p. 974-975.) * DA Rose, D. Murray. Mary, queen of Scots and her brother. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 150-162.) CPA Russell, E. Maitland of Lethington, the minister of Mary Stuart; a study of his life and times. London: J. Nisbet & Co., Ltd., 1912. xiii, 516 p., 2 pi., 4 port. 8°. AN S., R. Mary, queen of Scots and Chate- lar; or, Twilight musings in Holyrood. 1 pi. (In: The literary souvenir. London, 1825. 8°. p. 101-115.) NCA St. John, John. Mary, queen of Scots; a tragedy, in five acts... (In: The mod- ern theatre., .selected by Mrs. Inchbald. London, 1811. 16°. v. 8, p. 67-131.) NCO Samuel, John S. Mary Stuart and Eric xiv. of Sweden. A postscript to Scottish history. (Glasgow Archaeological Soci- ety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1910. sq. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 131-147.) CPA Santa, La, Sede e la regina Maria Stuar- da di Scozia. (Civilta cattolica. Roma, 1902. 8°. serie 18, v. 5, p. 661-675.) * DO Scharf, George. A brief account of a small portrait of Mary, queen of Scots; preserved at Osborne House, in the Isle of Wight. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1888. 4°. v. 51, p. 469-476.) t CA Schiern, Frederik Eginhard Amadeus. James Hepburn, Jarl af Bothwell, hans Anholdelse i Norge og Fangselsliv i Dan- mark. Et historisk Undersjzigelse. (His- torisk Tidsskrift. Kj0benhavn, 1860-63. 8°. serie 3, v. 2, p. 413-712.) GEA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. Life of James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell. Translated from the Danish by the Rev. Dr. Berry. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1880. xvii, 448 p. 8°. CP and AN Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Mary Stuart, a tragedy. From the German by William Peter. Philadelphia: H. Perkins, 1840. 255 p. new ed. 16°. Stuart 10879 Scott, Alexander M. The battle of Langside. (British Archaeological Asso- ciation. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 22-24.) CA ■ Notes on the battle of Langside. 1 map. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 281-300.) CPA Scott, John. A bibliography of works relating to Mary, queen of Scots. 1544- 1700. Edinburgh: printed for the Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society, 1896. viii, 96 p., 4 1., 20 fac. 8°. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Publications, v. 2.) Reserve Mary, queen of Scots. An exten- sive and interesting collection of books and manuscripts. . .from the 16th to 19th centuries. (Lots 1312-1703 of: John Scott, Catalogue of the. . .library. . .sold by auc- tion.. .27th of March, 1905. London, 1905. 8°. p. 141-182.) * GO Includes 200 of the 289 titles named in Scott's Bibliography of Mary, queen of Scots, 1544-1700, and 24 titles not noted there. Scott, Mary Monica Maxwell. The tragedy of Fotheringay. Founded on the journal of D. Bourgoing, physician to Mary, queen of Scots, and on unpublished documents. London: A. & C. Black, 1895. xiii, 272 p., 1 fac, 3 pi., 1 port. 8°. CPB Scottish, The, Queen's burial at Peter- borough upon Tuesday, being Lammas Day [1. Aug.] 1587. London [1589]. (Re- printed in: E. Arber, An English garner. London, 1897. 8°. v. 8, p. 341-350.) NCA Scotus, Romoaldus. Svmmarivm ra- tionvm, qvibvs Cancellarius Angliae & Prolocutor Pvckeringius Elizabeths An- glian Reginas persuaserunt occidendam. . . Mariam Stuartam Scotia? Reginam, & Ja- cobi sexti Scotorum Regis matrem. Vna cum responsionibus Reginae Angliae & sen- tentia mortis. His additum est supplicivm & mors Reginae Scotiae, vna cum succinctis quibusdam animadversionibus, & confuta- tionibus eorum, quae ei obiecta sunt. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis . . . Mariae Scotorum Reginae... London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 117-174.) ft CPB Selections from unpublished manu- scripts in the College of Arms and the Bri- tish Museum illustrating the reign of 155 Mary, queen of Scotland, m.dxliii — M.DLXVHI. [Edited by Joseph Stevenson., Glasgow: Maitland Club, 1837. xxviii, 329 P- 4°. CPB Shelley, Henry Charles. The tragedy of Mary Stuart. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., Ltd., 1913. viii, 295 p., 1 pi., 8 port. 8°. CPB Sibley, N. W. Mr. Lang and "The mystery of Mary Stuart." (Westminster review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 159, p. 193- 205,276-285.) * DA Simms, William Gilmore. The story of Chastelard. (Lippincotfl's magazine. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 263-276.) *DA Skae, Hilda T. The life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1905. viii, 207 p., 1 fac, 10 pi., 12 port. 12°. CPB Skelton, John. The casket letters and Mary Stuart. A reply to certain critics. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1889. 8°. v. 146, p. 790-807.) * DA Mary Stuart in Scotland. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 143, p. 1-29, 325-350, 669-682; v. 144, p. 61-81.) *DA 1. John Knox and William Maitland. 2. Mait- land and_ Cecil. 3. The conspiracies of the nobles: (a) Rizzio; (b) Darnley. The Scotland of Mary Stuart. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1886-87. 8°. v. 140, p. 283-297, 537- 554, 579-593, 804-823; v. 141, p. 109-125.) *DA 1. Lethington and the Lammermuir. 2. The social and domestic life. 3. Learning and letters. 4. Politics and religion. 5. The revolution. Small, John. Queen Mary at Jedburgh in 1566. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 210-233.) CPA Edinburgh: Neill & Co., print- ers, 1881. 1 p.L, 210-233 p., 1 pi., 2 port. 8°. * C p.v. 367 Reprint of the preceding article. Smyth, Charles Piazzi. Notice respect- ing an illuminated manuscript on vellum, which formerly belonged to Mary, queen of Scots. 1 photo. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 394-403.) CPA Staehlin, Karl. Sir Francis Walsing- ham und seine Zeit. Bd. 1. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1908. port. 8°. CH Stevenson, Joseph, editor. See Nau, Claude; also Selections from unpublished manuscripts., .illustrating the reign of Mary, queen of Scotland. Stewart, Thomas Grainger. Notes on Scottish medicine in the days of Queen 156 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. Marv. (Blackwood's Edinburgh Maga- zine.' Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 153, p. 885- 902.) * DA Gives an account of the various illnesses from which Queen Mary herself and some of her contem- poraries suffered. Stoddart, Jane T. The girlhood of Mary, queen of Scots, from her landing in France in August, 1548 to her departure from France in August, 1561. London: Hodder & Stoughton [1908]. xliv, 471 p., 1 pi., 5 port. 8°. CPB Reviewed hy Prof. P. Hume Brown in Scottish historical review, v. 6, p. 200-202, Glasgow, 1909. Strada, Famianus. De Marias Scotorum reginae mbrte. (In his: De bello Belgico. Roma;, 1647. f°. v. 2, p. 351-363.) ft GAL De Mariae Scotorum Reginae vita et morte. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis. . .Mariae Scotorum Reginae ... London, 1725. f°. v. 2, p. 105-115.) ft CPB Stranguage, William. See Udall, W. Strickland, Agnes. The escape of Queen Mary from Lochleven Castle. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1851. 8°. v. 2, p. 22-25.) * DA Mary Stuart. (In her: Lives of the queens of Scotland... New York, 1859. 12°. v. 3-7.) CP (In her: Lives of the queens of Scotland.. . Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1861-68. 8°. v. 3-7.) CP Stuart, John. A lost chapter in the his- tory of Mary, queen of Scots recovered: notices of James, earl of Bothwell, and Lady Jane Gordon, and of the dispensa- tion for their marriage., .and an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1874. iv, 115 p., 1 fac, 1 port. 8°. CPB Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Mary, queen of Scots. (Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. 11. ed. Cambridge, 1911. 4°. v. 17, p. 817-824.) * R (In his: Miscellanies. Lon- don, 1886. 12°. p. 323-359.) NCZ Note on the character of Mary, queen of Scots. (Fortnightly review. London, 1882. 8°. v. 37 mew series, v. 31 ]7 p. 13-25.) * DA (Eclectic magazine. New York, 1882. 8°. new series, v. 35, p. 370- 378.) * DA ■ ■ — (In his: Miscellanies. Lon- don, 1886. 12°. p. 373-390.) NCZ Tasker, Amy. Did Mary Stuart love Bothwell? (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1901. 8°. v. 291, p. 570-584.) * DA Mary Stuart and the murder at Kirk o'Field. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1904. 8°. v. 297, p. 448-468.) *DA Tassis, Juan Batista de. Extraites des correspondances de Tassis... 1581-1584. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat... relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 261-400.) t CP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland. Tentative d'empoisonnement contre Marie Stuart. 1551. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 249- 260.) f CP Thomson, Thomas. See Blackwood, Adam. History of Mary, queen of Scots. Turner, Robert, of Barnstaple. Maria Stvarta, Regina Scotiae . . . Martyr eccle- siae, innocens a caede Darleana, Vindice Oberto Barnestapolio. Haac epistola con- tinet historiam pene totam vitae quam Re- gina Scotiae egit misere, sed exegit glori- ose. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis Mariae Scotorum Reginae . . . Lon- don, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 379-422.) . . ffCPB Two, The, friends of Mary, queen of Scots. (Catholic world. New York, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 813-816.) *DA Barbara Moubray and Elizabeth Curie. Re- printed from the Literary workman. Tytler, William. An inquiry, histori- cal and critical, into the evidence against Mary, queen of Scots, and an examination of the histories of Dr. Robertson and Mr. Hume, with respect to that evidence. Lon- don: T. Cadell, 1790. 2 v. 4. ed. 8°. CPB A letter from the late Dr. Henry ...to W. Tytler, with the answer; and a dissertation on the marriage of Queen Mary with the earl of Bothwell. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 538-551.) t CPA Udall, W. The historie of the life and death of Mary Stuart, Queene of Scotland. [By W. Udall.] London: William Sheares, 1636. [18j, 493 p. 12°. Stuart 7491 With additional engraved title-page. Lacks 4 portraits according to British Museum catalogue. This work was originally published in 1624 under the name of 'Wil. Strangvage.' Vargas Mexia. Juan de. Extraits des correspondances.. .de Vargas... (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1860. 4". v. 3, p. 165-260.) fCP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland from 31 December 1577 to 31 May 1580. Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. Corona tragica. Vida y muerte de la senna. Reyna LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1542-1587, continued. de Escocia Maria Estuarda... (In his: Coleccion de las obras sueltas. . . Madrid, 1776. 4°. v. 4, p. xiii-xxv, 1-162.) NPE Voyage of Mary, queen of Scots. (New York literary journal and belles-lettres repository. New York, 1821. 8°. v. 4, p. 271-276.) * DD From France to Scotland. Wainewright, John Bannerman. Two lists of influential persons apparently pre- pared in the interests of Mary, queen of Scots, 1S74 and 1582. (Catholic Record Society. Miscellanea. London, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 86-142.) ARCA Wall, James W. The execution of Mary, queen of Scots. (Knickerbocker. New York, 1862. 8°. v. 59, p. 271-275.) *DA Watson, John. The life of Queen Mary. [By John Watson.] (In his: Memoires of the family of the Stuarts . . . London, 1683. 8°. p. 117-185.) Stuart 7465 Way, Albert. Notice of the Darnley ring. (Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 14, p. 297-300.) CA Relics and portraits of Mary, queen of Scots. Portraits and miscellaneous ob- jects connected with the history of the house of Stuart. [By Albert Way.] 6 pi. (In: Archaeological Institute of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. Catalogue of antiqui- ties ... exhibited in the museum... of the institute ... during their annual meeting, Edinburgh, July, 1856... Edinburgh, 1859. 8°. p. 163-216.) CP The signet-ring and silver bell of Mary, queen of Scots. 1 pi. (Archaeolo- gical Association. Journal. London, 1858. 8°. v. 15, p. 253-266.) CA Wenman, Thomas? The legend of Mary, queen of Scots, and other ancient poems; now first published from mss. of the sixteenth century. With an introduc- tion, notes, and an appendix. [By Thomas Wenman?] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1810. xix, 159, xviii p., 2 1. 8°. Stuart 1313 Another copy. Large paper. 4°. Whitaker, John. Mary, queen of Scots vindicated. London: J. Murray, 1788. 3 v. 8°. CPB White, The, rose of Scotland. A his- toric sketch. (Southern and western lit- erary messenger. Richmond, 1846. 8°. v. 12, p. 238-247, 281-291.) * DA Wiesener, Louis. Marie Stuart et le comte de Bothwell. Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1863. xi, 552 p. 8°. CPB 157 Wilson, Sir Daniel. Queen Mary and the legend of the Black Turnpike. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24 P- 415-435.) CPA Woerner, Roman. Die alteste Maria Stuart-Tragodie. (In: Germanistische Ab- handlungen. Strassburg, 1902. 8°. p. 259- 302.) *c Yonge, Eugene S. The mysterious ill- ness of Mary, queen of Scots. (Lancet. London, 1906. 4°. 1906, v. 1, p. 1060- 1063.) WAA Zuniga, Diego de. Extraits des corres- pondances.. .de Zuniga... (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'his- toire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 137-164.) fCP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland between 31 March 1572 and 30 July 1576. 1543 _ Bryce, William Moir. A French mis- sion to Scotland in 1543. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh. 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 243-252.) CPA Hannay, R. K. Letters of the papal leg- ate in Scotland, 1543. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1913. 4°. v. 11, p. 1-8.) CPA Translations of the letters by the Rev. Father Pollen, S. J., follow on p. 8-26.) Traite d'alliance entre l'fecosse et la France. 1543. 1 fac. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'his- toire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 137-142.) t CP 1544 Brodie, R. H. Countess of Murray's let- ter, 1544. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 298-300.) CPA Late, The, expedition in Scotland, made by the King's highness' army under the conduct of the. . .earl of Hertford the year ...1544. Londini, cum privilego. (In: E. Arber, An English garner. London, 1877. 8°. v. 1, p. 113-127.) NCE (In: An English garner. Tudor tracts, 1532-1588. Westminster, 1903. 8°. p. 37-51.) NCE The editor says (p. xvii) this tract "has never been reprinted except for this Gamer." It was, however, republished in Sir J. G. Dalyell's Frag- ments of Scottish history, 1800. 1545 Bain, Joseph. The battle of Ancrum Moor — two traditions regarding it ex- amined. (Genealogist. London, 1891. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 208-209.) * R - Room 328 Duns, John. Notes on a helmet found at Ancrum Moor... 1 illus. (Society of 158 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 317-318.) 1545-1554 Henry II, king of France. Letters from Henry ii, king of France, to his cousin Mary, queen dowager of Scotland. 1545- 1554. 1 fac. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 205-237.) tCP 1546 Lang, Andrew. The truth about the Car- dinal's murder. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 163, p. 344-355.) * DA Cardinal Beaton. 1547 Expedition en ficosse d'fidouard Sey- mour, due de Somerset, protecteur du ro- yaume d'Angleterre. 1547. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'his- toire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 143-180.) tCP Patten, William. The expedition into Scotland of the most worthily fortunate prince Edward, duke of Somerset. . .made in the first year of his majesty's., .reign: and set out by way of diary by W. Patten, Londoner. (In: An English garner. [V. l.j Tudor tracts. 1532-1588. Westminster, 1903. 8°. p. 53-157.) NCE Reprinted from the London edition of 1548. Pollard, Albert Frederick. The Protec- tor Somerset and Scotland. (English historical review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 13, p. 464-472.) BAA 1547-1548 Expedition envoyee en ficosse par Henri ii. 1547-48. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Pa- piers d' etat.. .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 659- 697.) f CP 1548 Expedition de d'Esse en ficosse. 1548. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat... relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 185-204.) f CP 1549 Complaynt, The, of Scotlande vyth ane exortatione to the Thre Estaits to be vigi- lante in the deffens of their public veil, 1549. With an appendix of contemporary English tracts, viz: The just declaration of Henry vm. (1542); The exhortacion of James Harrysone Scottisheman (1547); The epistle of the Lord Protector Somerset (1548); The epitome of Nicholas Bodrugan alias Adams (1548). Re-edited from the originals with introduction and glossary by J. A. H. Murray. London: Early Eng- lish Text Society, 1872. exxiii, 306 p. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Extra series. Publications, no. 17-18.) NCE 1556-1601 Melvill, James. The diary of Mr. James Melvill. 1556-1601. [Edited by George R. Kinloch.] Edinburgh, 1829. 4 p.l, iii, 351 p., 1 fac. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) fCP This diary is of great value for the ecclesiastical and political history of the reign of James vi. 1558-1560 Historie, A, of the estate of Scotland from July m.d.lviii to April m.dxx. (In: Wodrow Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 49-83.) CP 1558-1591 Scotland and England. Miscellaneous papers on the affairs of Scotland and Queen Mary, 1558-1591, as relating to Eng- land; comprising letters of Queen Eliza- beth, Queen Mary, Cecil, Throckmorton, Argyle, and others, and various official documents. Ms. transcripts. 1750? 6 v. 4°. Reserve 1560 Lang, Andrew. John Knox and the Ref- ormation. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 3 p.l., ix-xiv, 281 p., 3 pi, 2 port. 8°. ZOO Mission de l'eveque de Valence en Ecosse. Documents relatifs au traite d'Edimbourg. 1560. (In: J. B. A. T. Teu- let, Papiers d'etat., .relatifs a l'histoire de l'Ecosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 571- 609.) tCP Mission du grand prieur de Saint-Jean [Sir James Sandiland of Calderj en France. 1560. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 1, p. 610-639.) t CP 1560-1568 Keith, Robert, bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Fife. History of the affairs of church and state in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation to 1568. With biographical sketch, notes, and index by J. P. Lawsonj. Edinburgh: Spot- tiswoode Society, 1844-50. 3 v. 8°. Stuart 4152 v. 3 was edited by C. J. Lyon. The misleading second title-page is merely a reprint of that of 1735. v. 1 and 3 have valuable appendices of con- temporary documents. 1560-1707 Mathieson, W. L. The Scottish parlia- ment, 1560-1707. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 49-62.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 159 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1562-1567 Archearis, The, of our soverane ladyis gaird. 1562-1567. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 25- 36.) t CP The roll of the body-guard of archers of Mary, queen of Scots. Foix, Paul de. Ambassade de Paul de Foix en Angleterre. 1562-1566. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 15-120.) tCP 1563 Geddes, John. Some account of the royal hunting in the forest of Atholl, in 1563. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 111-115.) tCPA 1564-1566 Armstrong, Robert Bruce. Notes on a feud between the Elliots and the Scotts, during the years 1564, 1565, and 1566. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 93-100.) CPA 1566 C, A. John Knox and the murder of Rizzio. (Westminster review. London, 1843. 8°. v. 40, p. 37-49.) *DA Reprinted in the Eclectic museum of foreign literature, united series, v. 3, p. 209-215, New York, 1843. Macdonald, A. Precepts issued on the death of Henry Darnley, king of Scotland, for perfuming his body, and for providing a mourning-dress to Mary, queen of Scots, on the occasion. Feb. 1566. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 80- 82.) t CPA 1566-1596 Historie, The, and life of King James the Sext: being an account of the affairs of Scotland, from... 1566, to... 1596, with a short continuation to... 1617. Edinburgh: Bannatyne Club, 1825. 4 p.l., xxii p., 1 1., 446 p. 4°. tCP 1567 Mission de M. de Lignerolles en ficosse. 1567. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat ...relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 187-198.) t CP 1568 Progress, The, of the regent of Scotland, with certain of his nobility, June, 1568. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 21-29.) f CP An account of his operations against the Lords Herries, Maxwell, and Fleming, and other chiefs of the party of Mary, queen of Scots. Scott, Alexander M. The battle of Langside. (British Archaeological Associa- tion. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 22-24.) CA Notes on the battle of Langside. 1 map. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 281-300.) CPA 1568-1574 Pieces diverses extraites des papiers de La Mothe-Fenelon, etc. Mission de M. de Poigny et ambassade de M. de Verac en ficosse, etc. 1568-1574. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'his- toire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 257-326.) + CP 1569 Articles of agreement between the earl of Huntly and the Regent Murray. 1569. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 243-245.) t CP Lang, Andrew. Letter from William Stewart to ye Regent, 5 August 1569. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 39-41.) CPA 1569-1573 Bannatyne, Richard. Memorials of trans- actions in Scotland, mdlxix-mdlxxiii. [Edited by Robert Pitcairn.j Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1836. xxxii p., 1 1., 414 p. sq. 4°. t CP 1570 Account, An, of a pretended conference held by the regent, earl of Murray, with the Lord Lindsay and others; January, 1570. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 33-50.) t CP 1571 Buchanan, George. Ane admonitoun, direct to the trew lordis mantenaris of the Kingis graces authoritie. By G. B. Stri- viling: Robert Lekprevik, 1571. 8°. (In: The Harleian miscellany... London, 1808. 8°. v. 1, p. 419-430.) C (In his: Vernacular writings . . . Edited by P. H. Brown. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. p. 18-36.) NDP With fac-simile of original title-page. Leslie, John. The diary of John Lesley, bishop of Ross, April 11- October 16, 1571. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 111-156.) tCP 160 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1572-1581 Johnston, Robert. The historie of Scot- land, during the minority of King James. Written in Latine by R. Johnston; done into English by T. M[iddletonj. London, 1646. (Reprinted in: Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and historical antiqui- ties of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. p. 360-469.) CP 1S74 Factum contre les Hamiltons . . . Fac- tum contre le maison de Hamilton. Re- capitulation des intrigues et des tenta- tives de toute nature faites par cette famille des le temps de Jacques iv. pour s'emparer du trone d'ficosse. 1574. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'Ecosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 327-347.) t CP 1575-1585 Castelnau, Michel de, seigneur de Mau- vissiere. Ambassade de Castelnau de Mauvissiere en Angleterre. Missions en Ecosse de Mondreville, La Mothe-Fene- lon, Menneville et Segur. 1575-1585. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .rela- tifs a l'histoire de l'Ecosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 349-726.) t CP 1577-1584 Bowes, Robert. The correspondence of Robert Bowes, the ambassador of Queen Elizabeth in the court of Scotland. [Edited by Joseph Stevenson.] London: J. B. Nichols & Son [1842]. xxxvi, 588 p. 8°. (Surtees Society. Publications, tv.] 14.) CA 1577-1602 Moysie, David. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland, mdlxxvii-mdcii. From early manuscripts. [Edited by James Dennis- toun.j Edinburgh, 1830. xxvi p., 1 1., 176 p., 2 fac. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP 1581 Young, John. An early medical visitor to Scotland. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1903. 8°. v. 17, p. 157-161.) CPA Jerome Cardan. 1582-1590 Bowes, Robert, and John Bowes. Let- ters of Robert Bowes, English ambassa- dor to Scotland, 1582-1583, to Sir Francis Walsingham, on Scotch affairs; and let- ters of John Bowes (?) at Edinburgh, 1589-1590, to Sir Francis Walsingham, on Scotch affairs. Transcripts. 1756. Ms. About 300 p. f°. Reserve A note by Christopher Hunter, 1756, states that he transcribed these letters of Robert and John Bowes from what appeared to be the original register-book in which their letters were entered at or about the time of writing. 1583 Henry III., king of France. Instruc- tions to the Sieur de la Mothe-Fenelon, ambassador at the court of Scotland, 1583. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 75-78.) t CP James VI. The heads of a conference between King James vi. and Sir Francis Walsingham, ambassador to the queen of England, September, 1583. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 79-82.) fCP Opinion, An, of the present state, fac- tion, religion, and power of the nobility of Scotland. 1583. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 53-72.) f CP Staehlin, Karl. Der Kampf um Schott- land und die Gesandtschaftsreise Sir Francis Walsinghams im Jahre 1583. Leip- zig, 1902. x, 170 p. 8°. (Leipziger Stu- dien aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte. Bd. 9, Heft 1.) BAC 1583-1597 Bowes, Robert. Letters of Bowes, am- bassador to Scotland and treasurer of Berwick, 1583-1597, to Queen Elizabeth, Burleigh, Walsingham, and Sir Robert Cecil, on the affairs of Scotland and the north of England. Ms. transcripts. 1750? 3 v. 4°. Reserve 1585 Relation by the Master of Gray, con- cerning the surprise of the king at Stirling, November, 1585. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 131-139.) fCP 1585-1586 Ambassade du baron d'Esneval en Ecosse. 1585-1586. (In: J. B. A. T. Teu- let, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'Ecosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 727- 788.) f CP The principal object of his mission was to main- tain the old alliance between Scotland and France. 1586-1587 Ambassade de L'Aubespine-Chateau- neuf en Angleterre, et mission de M. de Bellievre. 1586-1587. (In: J. B. A. T. Teu- let, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1852. 4°. v. 2, p. 789-928.) fCP 1587 Chalmers, John Inglis. Notice of Sir Peter Young of Seaton; and copies of his letters to the laird of Barnbarroch relative to their embassies to Denmark in the reign LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 161 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. of James VI. 1 port. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 420-427.) CPA Letter, A, into Scotland, to disswade King James from invading or warring upon England, upon account of his mother's death. (In: Somers, A collec- tion of scarce., .tracts.. . London, 1809 4°. v. 1, p. 239-243.) C 1588 Gilby, Anthony. An admonition to Eng- land and Scotland, to call them to repent- ence, 1558. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox, edited by D. Laing. Edin- burgh, 1895. 8°. v. 4, p. 553-571.) ZOV 1589 Millar, Alexander Hastie. The wedding- tour of James vi. in Norway. (Scottish review. Paislev, 1893. 8°. v. 21, p. 142- 161.) * DA Stephens, George. James vi. in Tons- berg, 1589; with photograph of an oaken tablet erected in the church of St. Mary, in commemoration of his visit. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 462- 464.) CPA 1589-1590 Bowes, John. Letters on Scotch af- fairs in 1589-1590. (New York Public Li- brary. Bulletin. New York, 1903. 4°. v. 7, p. 314-355.) *R 1590 Ellis, Sir Henry. Copy of a manuscript tract addressed to Lord Burghley, illus- trative of the Border topography of Scot- land, A. D. 1590; with a platt or map of the Borders taken in the same year, both preserved. . .in the British Museum. 1 map. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archseologia. London, 1829. 4°. v. 22, p. 161-171.) t CA Porcacchi, Tommaso. Descrittione del l'isola di Scotia. 1 map. (In his: L'isole piv famose del Mondo descritte. . . Vene- tia: Heredi di S. Galignani, 1590. f°. p. 23-26.) Reserve 1592 Elizabeth, queen of England. Copy of a letter from Queen Elizabeth to King James the Sixth of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1821. 4°. v. 19, p. 11-12.) f CA 1592-1594 , .Spanish, The, blanks and Catholic earls, 1592-4. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 22, p. 1-32.) *DA 1593 James VI., king of Scotland. Letters by King James vi. to the countess dow- ager of Angus [C 1593]. 1 fac. (Abbots- ford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 213-216.) f CP 1594 Account of the battle of Balrinnes, 3d of October 1594, from a ms in the li- brary of the Faculty of Advocates. (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 257-270.) ZDVH and Stuart 4184 Battell, The, of Balrinnes foughtin be- tuixt Archibald E. of Argyll, against Francis earll of Erroll, and Georg earll of Huntlie. In anno 1594. (In: Scotish poems of the sixteenth century. Edin- burgh, 1801. 16°. p. 345-356.) NDP Faithful, A, narrative of the great and miraculous victory obtained by George Gordon, earl of Huntly, and Francis Hay, earl of Errol...over Archibald Campbell, earl of Argyle...at Strathaven. . .3. Octo- ber 1594. (In: Scotish poems of the six- teenth century. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 136-152.) NDP True, A, accompt of the most triumph- ant, and royal accomplishment of the bap- tism of the most excellent. . .prince, Henry Frederick. . .now prince of Wales, as it was solemnized the 30: day of August 1594... Edinburgh, 1687. (Reprinted in: Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and historical antiquities of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1836. 8°. p. 471-495.) CP 1595 Small, John. Original letter of Queen Elizabeth to Anne, queen of James vi., dated at Richmond, 20th January 1595, with relative letter of Sir Robert Bowes, the English ambassador at the Scottish court, dated 24th February 1595. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 92-97.) CPA 1596 Campbell, Dennis or Dionysius. Ob- servations of Mr. Dioness Campbell, dean of Limerick, on the West Isles of Scot- land. [1596.] (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Glasgow, 1847. 4°. v. 4, p. 35-57.) t CP This report was written for the information of Sir Robert Cecil and with a view to the employ- ment of the clans to quell Tyrone's rebellion in Ireland. Documents illustrating Catholic policy in the reign of James vi. I. Summary of 162 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. memorials presented to the king- of Spain, by John Ogilvy and John Cecil, 1596. II. Apology and defence of the King of Scot- land, by Father William Creighton. 1598. Edited with introduction and notes, by Thomas Graves Law. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-70.) CPA Mackie, J. D. A secret agent of James vi. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 376-386.) CPA Papers relative to the submission of Angus Macdonald of Isla to His Majesty James vi., 1596. (The Spottiswoode mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 359-376.) ZDVH 1597 Monipennie, John. Certain matters con- cerning the realme of Scotland composed together. . .as they were Anno Domini 1597. Imprinted at London for John Flas- ket, 1603. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1810. 4°. v. 3, p. 344-403.) C 1598 Creighton, William. An apologie and defence of the K. of Scotlande against the infamous libell forged by John Cecill... t 1598.] (Scottish History Society. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 41- 64.) CPA Firth, Charles Harding. A Border bal- lad. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 402-404.) CPA Hitherto imprinted. It refers to the murder of William Aynsley of Shaftoe in 1598. 1599-1601 Boissize, Jean de Thumery, seigneur de. Extraits des correspondences de Boissize et de Beaumont, ambassadeurs en Angleterre. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 595- 640.) f CP These papers relate to Scottish affairs between 6 January 1599 and 25 October 1601. 1600 Lumsden, Henry William. The Scots at Leffingen, 1600. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, o. 268- 274.) F CPA 1600 "The Gowrie Conspiracy" Application, The, of three several dis- courses delivered on occasion of the Gowrie conspiracy, August, 1600. I. By Mr. Patrick Galloway, at the Cross of Edinburgh. II. By Mr. William Cowper, at Edinburgh. III. By Mr. Patrick Gal- loway, at Glasgow. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1 p. 141-159.) fCP Brown, John. John, earl Gowry, and Alexander his brother, conspirators against the life of James the Sixth of Scotland, and First of England. (In his: Historical gallery of criminal portraitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 2, p. 324-337.) AB Bruce, John. Observations on the trial and death of William, earl of Gowrie, A.D. 1584, and on their connection with the Gowrie conspiracy, A.D. 1600. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaologia. London, 1849. 4°. v. 33, p. 143-173.) f CA Observations upon certain docu- ments relating to William, first earl of Gowrie and Patrick Ruthven, his fifth and last-surviving son. (Society of Antiqua- ries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1852. 4°. v. 34, p. 190-224.) f CA Papers relating to William Ruth- ven, first earl of Gowrie, and Patrick Ruthven, his fifth and last surviving son. London: J. E. Taylor & Co., printers, 1867. xii, 115 p. 8°. CP For private distribution. Printed at the expense of Col. C. Stepney. Cowan, Samuel. The Gowrie conspir- acy and its official narrative. London. Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1902. x p., 1 1., 264 p., 4 pi. 8°. CP The Ruthven family papers. The Ruthven version of the conspiracy and as- sassination at Gowrie House, Perth, 5th August 1600. Critically revised and edited by Samuel Cowan. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 1912. 207(1) p., 12 port. 12°. ARZ Craigie, William A. Skotland's rinvur. Icelandic ballads on the Gowrie conspir- acy. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 286-292.) CPA Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908. iv, 144 p., 1 fac. 12°. NIDF Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 6, p. 191-192, Glasgow, 1909. English, The, thanksgiving service for King James' delivery from the Gowrie conspiracy. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 366-376.) CPA Gowrie, The, conspiracy. (National re- view. London, 1856. 8°. v. 3, p. 255-289.) *DA Gowrie's conspiracie: a discourse of the unnaturall and vile conspiracie, attempted against the King's majestie's person, at Sanct Johnstoun, upon Twysday the fifth of August, 1600. Edinburgh: Printed, 1600. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce tracts... London, 1809. 4°. v. 1, o 508- 532.) V C (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. London, 1816 8° v. 1, cols. 1383-1402.) SLN (In: The Harleian miscellany . . . London, 1809. 8°. v. 2, p. 334-352.) C Lang, Andrew. Conspiracy as a fine art. (The Critic. New York, 1900. 8° v. 37, p. 338-341.) * DA The Gowrie conspiracy. The Gowrie conspiracy and the Gowrie arms. (The Ancestor. London, 1902. 4°. no. 2, p. 54-57.) f ARA Historical mysteries. vin. The Gowrie conspiracy. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 17, d. 251-265.) * DA James vi. and the Gowrie mystery. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1902. xiv, 280 p., 3 fac, 9 pi., 2 port. 8°. CP • A new reading of the Gowrie mys- tery. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1902. 8°. v. 171, p. 480-492.) * DA M'Gregor, Rev. Summary of the evi- dence on the Gowry conspiracy, with plans of Gowry House. 2 plans, 1 pi. (Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth. Trans- actions. Perth, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 77-103.) tCA p. 103 contains a 'List of lands and baronies, contained in the seizin of James, master of Gowrie.' Pinkerton, John. An historical disser- tation on the Gowrie conspiracy. Written in 1798. (In: Malcolm Laing, The history of Scotland, from the union of the crowns . . . London, 1800. 8°. v. 1, p. 527-544.) CP Proceedings in Parliament against John, earl of Gowrie, Alexander Ruthven, his brother, Henry Ruthven, Hugh Mon- crief, and Peter Eviot, for high treason, Nov. 15th, 1600, at Edinburgh. (In: T. B. Howell, A collection of state trials. Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 1, cols. 1359-1402.) SLN Process, The, and trial of Robert Logan, of Restalrig, for high treason, in conspir- ing with John, earl of Gowrie, to murder King James i. 1609. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 2, cols. 707-722.) SLN Saunderson, William. Aulicus Coqui- nariae: or, A vindication in answer to a pamphlet, entitled The court and char- acter of King James. Pretended to be penned by Sir A. W. and published since his death, 1650. [By William Saunderson.] 163 London: Printed for Henrv Seile, 1650. 4 p.L, 205 p. 16°. Reserve .The authorship of this work has been also as- cribed to Peter Heylin. p. 5-36 deal with the Gowrie conspiracy and the examination of George Sprott. Trial, The, of George Sprot, in Scotland for high treason, in conspiring with John, earl of Gowrie to murder King James I. August 12, 1608. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 2, cols. 697-708.) SLN 1600-1603 Nicolson, George. Letters of Nicolson, 1600-1603, from Edinburgh, to Sir Robert Cecil, giving information on the affairs of Scotland. Ms. transcripts. 1750? 403 P- 4°. Reserve 1600-1703 Extracts from the registers of the Privy Council of Scotland and other papers con- nected with the method and manner of ryding the Scottish Parliament. mdc- mdcciii. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 99-137.) f CP 1601 Cooke, T. Etherington. Notes on a pre- cept of infeftment granted by Queen Anne of Denmark, wife of James vi., as Lady Dunfermline, A.D. 1601. (Glasgow Ar- chaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1899. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 167-174.) CPA 1601-1700 Firth, Charles Harding. Ballads illus- trating the relations of England and Scot- land during the seventeenth century. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 113-128.) CPA 1602 Obligation by John, earl of Cassillis to make certain payments to his brother Hugh Kennedy of Brunston, upon his tak- ing the laird of Auchindrain's life, anno 1602. 1 fac. (Maitland Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 137- 141.) fCP 1602-1603 Beaumont, Christophe de Harlay, comte de. Extraits des correspondances de Bois- size et Beaumont, ambassadeurs en Angle- terre. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 641-712.) f CP These papers relate to Scottish affairs between 12 March 1602 and 15 August 1603. Maupas, Charles Cauchon de, baron du Tour. Correspondance du baron de Mau- pas du Tour, ambassadeur en ficosse. 164 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1602-1603 (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet. Papiers d' etat. . .relatifs a l'histoire de l'ficosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 713-746.) t CP 1603-1707 Terry, Charles Sanford. The Scottish Parliament: its constitution and proce- dure, 1603-1707. With an appendix of documents. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1905. x, 228 p. 8°. CP 1604 Craig, Sir Thomas. De unione regno- rum Britannise tractatus. By Sir Thomas Craig. Edited from the manuscript in the Advocates Library, with a translation and notes, by C. Sanford Terry. Edinburgh: T & A. Constable, 1909. 3 p.l., (i)vi-xii, 497(1) p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 60.) CPA 1607 Household account of Ludovick, duke of Lennox, when commissioner to the Par- liament of Scotland, anno 1607. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 159-191.) t CP 1612 Michell, Thomas. History of the Scot- tish expedition to Norway in 1612. Lon- don: T. Nelson & Sons, 1886. 2 p.l., (i)viii-x, (1)12-189 p., 2 maps, 14 pi. 12°. GHO Shepard, J. S. The Sinclair expedition to Norway [1612]. (The Month. London, 1902. 8°. v. 100, p. 403-415.) * DA 1614 Walden, Theophilus Howard, lord. Progress of my lord Walden's journay in Scotland [August, 1614]. (In: Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 207-212.) f CP 1617 Sinclair, G. A. The Scottish progress of James vi. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 21-28.) CPA 1618 Taylor, John. The pennyles pilgrim- age, or the money-lesse perambulation of John Taylor, alias the Kings Majesties Water-Poet., .from London to Edenbo- rough in Scotland... London: Edw. Allde, 1618. iv, 68 p. (Reprinted in: The Old book collector's miscellany. . .edited by C. Hindley. London, 1871. 8°. v. 1, no. 10.) NCE 1624-1645 Spalding, John, commissary clerk of Aberdeen. The history of the troubles and memorable transactions in Scotland and England from mdcxxiv to mdcxlv. [Edited by James Skene.] Edinburgh, 1828. 2 v. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP The history of the troubles and memorable transactions in Scotland, in the reign of Charles I. A new edition. Aberdeen: George King, 1829. viii, 504 p. 8°. CP 1625-1649 Dalrymple, Sir David, Lord Hailes. Memorials and letters relating to the his- tory of Britain in the reign of Charles the First. Published from the originals. Glas- gow: R. and A. Foulis, 1766. xxxix, 191 p. 12°. CI 1625-1652 Burnet, Gilbert. The memoires of the lives and actions of James and William, dukes of Hamilton and Castleherard, &c," in which an account is given of the rise and progress of the civil wars of Scot- land... from 1625 to... 1652... In seven books. London: R. Royston, 1677. [16], 436 [12] p., 2 port. f°. (In: J. Spotiswood, The history of the church and state in Scotland. London, 1677. f°. part 2.) Stuart 1214 1625-1660 Brown, Peter Hume. Scotland from the accession of Charles i. to the Restoration. (Cambridge modern history. Cambridge, 1906. 8°. v. 4, p. 486-512.) *R-BAF Bibliography of the period, p. 909-912. Wars, The, in England, Scotland and Ireland. Or an impartial account of all the battles, sieges, and other remark- able transactions. . .which have happened from... 1625, to... 1660. London: Nath. Crouch, 1681. 2 p.l., 210 p., 3 pi. 12°. Reserve 1627 Respublica, sive status regni Scotiae et Hibernise. Diversorum autorum [i. e. Buchanan, Camden, Boece, etc.] Lugd[unij Bat[avorumj: Ex officina Elzeuiriana, 1627. 280 p., 1 1. 16°. CP Lugd[uni] Bat[avorumj: Ex offi- cina Elzeuiriana [1630]. 282 p., 1 1. 16°. CP With the engraved title-page of the edition of 1627. The date 1630 appears in the colophon. 1629 Heylin, Peter. MIKP0K02M02. A lit- tle description of the great world. Ox- ford: Printed by W. T. for William Turner and Thomas Haggins, 1629. 4. ed. 4°. Reserve Scotland described on p. 500-511 (misnumbered 501) ; 'The Orcades' and 'The Hebrides,' on p. 511- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 165 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 512. This Library also possesses the (so-called) sixth, seventh, and eighth editions of 1633 (2 copies) 1636, and 1639 (wrongly dated 1939). They are all of same stock with new title-pages. 1630 Camden, William, and others. Scoriae regimen. (Respublica, sive Statvs regni Scoriae... Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. 16°. p. 98-111.) CP Foedere, De, Scotorvm cum Francis, & officiis militaribus quae in Francia exer- cuerunt. (In: Respublica, sive Statvs regni Scoriae . . . Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. 16°. p. 136-144.) CP 1633 Balfour, Sir James. The memorable and soleme coronatione of King Charles, crouned king of Scotland, at Holyrud- housse, the 18 of Junij, 1633. (In his: Historical works. London, 1825. 8°. v. 4, p. 383-403.) CP The order of K. Charles entring Edinbrughe, in stait, at the Vest Porte; and his march throughe the toune to Holy- rudhouss, 15 Junij, anno 1633. (In his: Historical works. London, 1825. 8°. v. 4, p. 354-382.) CP Bute (3. marquis), John Patrick Crich- ton Stuart. Coronation of Charles I. at Holyrood. [By the marquis of Bute.] (Scottish review. Paisley, 1887. 8°. v. 10, p. 266-322.) * DA Reprinted in his Scottish coronations. Carlyle, Thomas. A Scotch coronation. (In his: Historical sketches of notable persons and events in the reigns of James i. and Charles I. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 252-268.) CI 1635-1645 Rehearsal of events which occurred in the north of Scotland from 1635 to 1645, in relation to the National Covenant. Edited from a contemporary ms. by Rev. Charles Rogers. (Royal Historical So- ciety. Transactions. London, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 354-379.) CA _ "A little yet true rehearsall of severall passages of affairs, collected by a friend of Doctor Alexan- der's, at Aberdeen." 1637 Carlyle, Thomas. "Jenny Geddes." 1637. (In his: Historical sketches of no- table persons and events in the reigns of James I. and Charles i. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 299-310.) CI 1637-1641 Miscellaneous state papers, from 1501 to 1726. London: W. Strahan and T. Ca- dell, 1778. 2 v. 4°. f c v. 2, p. 94-303: Scotch troubles, 1637-41. 1638 Montrose and the Covenant of 1638. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1887. 8°. v. 142, p. 607-625.) * DA 1638-1640 Firth, Charles Harding. A ballad illus- trating the Bishops' wars. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v 9 p. 363-365.) CPA Ballads on the Bishops' wars, 1638-40. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 257-273.) CPA Rattray, A. Traditions of Scottish pa- triotism: "The solemn league and cove- nant." (In: The Scottish annual. Edin- burgh [1859]. 12°. 1859, p. 301-321.) NCA 1638-1647 Dewar, Robert. Burnet on the Scottish troubles. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 384-398.) CPA Terry, Charles Sanford. Charles I. and Alexander Leslie. (English historical re- view. London, 1901. 8°. v. 16, p. 115- 120.) P BAA • The life and campaigns of Alex- ander Leslie, first earl of Leven. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. xix, 518 p., 3 plans, 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. CP 1638-1660 Bayne, Peter. The Covenanters, Charles ii., and Argyle. (Contemporary review. London, 1875. 8°. v. 25, p. 683-712.) * DA Chambers, Robert. History of the re- bellions in Scotland, under the marquis of Montrose, and others, from 1638 till 1660. Edinburgh: Constable and Co., 1828. 2 v. 16°. (Constable's Miscellany, v. 31- 32.) CP Each volume has additional engraved title-page. 1638-1684 Law, Robert. Memorialls; or, The me- morable things that fell out within this island of Brittain from 1638 to 1684. By the Rev. R. Law. Edited from the ms. by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1819. cxiv, 277 p., 1 pi. 4°. fCP 1639 Camden, William. Scotia. 3 maps. (In his: Britannia... Amsterdam: Apud Gvi- lielmvm Blaeu, 1639. 12°. p. 369-399.) CBD 166 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Carlyle, Thomas. Public burning of the Scottish declaration. 1639-40. (In his: Historical sketches of notable persons and events in the reigns of James i. and Charles i. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 327-329.) CI The Scots at Dunse Law — Paci- fication of Berwick, or the first "Bishops' war." 1639. (In his: Historical sketches of notable persons and events in the reigns of James I. and Charles I. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 324-327.) CI Charles I., king of England. A large Declaration Concerning The Late Tu- mults in Scotland, From Their first orig- inalls: Together With A Particular De- duction Of the seditious Practices of the prime Leaders of the Covenanters: Col- lected Out Of Their owne foule Acts and Writings: By which it doth plainly ap- peare, that Religion was onely pretended by those Leaders, but nothing lesse in- tended by them. By the King. Lon- don, Printed by Robert Young, His Majesties Printer for Scotland, Anno Dom. m.dc.xxxix. 1 p.l., 430 p., 1 1., 1 port f. Reserve This work was really written by the Rev. Walter Balcanquhall. Informatie, aen alle oprechte christenen in het coningrijcke van Engelandt. Door de edelen, baronnen, staten, leeraers, ende gemeente in het coninckrijcke van Schot- landt. Waer in zy hare onschuldt te ken- nen gheven... Overgeset uyt het En- gelsch. . . n. p.: na de copye gedruckt tot. Edinburgh, 1639. 8 p. 4°. CPp.box4 Remonstrantie vande edelen, baronnen, staten, kerckendienaers, ende gemeente in het coningrijck van Schotlandt. Verclar- ende dat sy onschuldigh sijn van de crimen daer mede sy in 't laetste Engelsche plac- caet (van den 27. Febry) besvvaert vver- den... Edinburgh: J. Bryson, 1639. 20 p. 4°. CP p. box 4 1639-1679 Lauderdale, The, papers (1639-1679). Edited by Oswald Airy. [Westminster:] for the Camden Society, 1884-85. 3 v. 8°. (Camden Society. Publications, new se- ries, v. 34, 36, 38.) CA 1640 Borough, Sir John. Notes of the treaty carried on at Ripon between King Charles i. and the Covenanters of Scotland, A. D. 1640. Edited from the original ms. by John Bruce. London: Camden Society, 1869. 2 p.l., xli, 82 p. sq. 8°. (Camden Society. Publications, v. 100.) CA Carlyle, Thomas. A Scotch army en- ters England — The second "Bishops' war." 1640. (In his: Historical sketches of notable persons and events in the reigns of James I. and Charles I. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 334-336.) CI Intentie, De, van het coninghrijcke van Scotlands armade. Waer in vertoont wert de oorsake waerom zy in Enghelandt co- men... ende op.wat conditie zy daer we- erom uyt-trecken sullen. Verclaert aen hare broeders van Enghelandt, by de com- missarissen van 't laetste Parlement... n.p., 1640. 14 p. 4°. CPp.box4 Kirkcudbright. Minute book kept by the War Committee of the Covenanters in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, in the years 1640 and 1641. Kirkcudbright: J. Nicholson, 1855. xxxii p., 1 1., 250 p. 8°. CP Remonstrance, A, concerning the pres- ent troubles^ from the meeting of the Estaees rsicj.. .of Scotland, April 16 [1640], unto the Parliament of England. [Edin- burgh: R. Bryson,] 1640. 1 p.l., 25 p. 12°. CP p. box 3 1641 Declaration, A, of the affections, inten- tions and resolutions of our brethren in Scotland for the peace and safety of both kingdoms... First printed in Scotland, and now reprinted at London by R. Har- ford, 1641. 1 p.l., 6 p. 4°. CI J., P. A Scottish journie. Being an account in verse of a tour from Edinburgh to Glasgow in 1641. Edited by C. H. Firth. (Scottish History Society. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 271- 287.) f CPA National, The, Assembly of Scotland, with the oath taken by the parliament men, &c. Printed at Edinburgh, by James Bryson, 1641. Whereunto is annexed his ...Majesties [Charles I.] speech, to the Parliament of Scotland, the 17. of August, 1641. London: T. Favvcet, 1641. 4, 3-6 p. 4°. CI 1641-1660 Livingstone, John. Letters of Mr. John Livingstone relating to the public events of his time. (In: J. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 255-276.) AGH 1642 Scotland. — Commissioners of Parlia- ment. Advice, sent from his Majesties Commissioners in Scotland: to both the honourable Houses of Parliament in Eng- land; January 15th, 1642; for composing the present differencies and distractions in this kingdome... [Signed Ja. Prim- rose.] Edinburgh, 1642. 1 p.l., 4 p. 12°. CI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 167 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1643 Anderson, Francis. The copy of a letter from Colonell F. Anderson to Sir Thomas Glemham January 20, 1643, touching the invasion of Scotland. The copy of a let- ter from the marques of Argyle & Sir Wil- liam Armyne, to T Glemham . . . The copy of Sir T. Glemham's letter in answer to . . . Argyl's and . . . Armyne's . . . [Oxford :j L. Lichfield, 1643. (Reprinted in: Re- prints of rare tracts . . . &c. Historical. Newcastle: M. A. Richardson, 1846. 8°. v. 1.) C Argyll (1. marquis), Archibald Camp- bell, and Sir W. Armyn. A letter from the marques of Argile and sir W. Armyn, in the name of themselves and their con- federates to Sir Thomas Glemham, dated at Barwicke, January 20. With the answer of Sir T. Glemham. . .dated. . .January 23. York: Stephen Bulkley, 1643. 8 p. 4°. (12°.) CPp.box2 Placaet van de Staten...van Schot- landt, waer mede alle persoonen van 16 tot 60 jaren op ontboden werden, omme in... van 8 ofte 14 uren, hun wel ghewa- pent op de monster-plaetse te begheven, &c. rAug. M /». !643.] Als medc.be- wijsredenen, waerom men het Parlement van Engelandt tegens de paepsche... armee behoorde te assisteren. Ghemaeckt by de generale kerckelicke vergaderinghe in Schotlandt. Noch is hier by ghevoeght seecker verbondt ende eedt teghens 't ge- vollen des pausdoms. . .by 't Parlement in Engelandt. Eerst gedruckt tot Edin- burgh ende nu t' Amsterdam: J. Broersz., 1643. 6 1. 4°. CP p. box 3 1643-1650 Civil war papers. I. Correspondence of Sir John Cochran and others with James, duke of Courland, 1643-1650. II. Montrose in Sweden, 1649-1650. III. Intelligence- letter from London, 1649. IV. Montrose's flight from Carbisdale, 1650. Edited with introduction and notes by H. F. Morland Simpson. (Scottish History Society. Mis- cellanv. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 141-225.) CPA 1644 Kennedy, John W. The Scottish bor- derers at Marston Moor, 1644. A paper read to the Hawick and District Literary Society, on 10th November 1902. Ha- wick: W. & J. Kennedy [1902j. 16 p., 1 map, 1 pi. sq. 8°. CPp.box3 Primrose, Sir Archibald, lord Carring- ton. A short declaration of the kingdom of Scotland, for information and satis- faction to their brethren of England, con- :erning the present expedition into Eng- land. [By A. Primrose.] Printed at Edin- burgh by Evan Tyler... and reprinted at London for Robert Bostocke, 1644. 1 n.l., 6 p. 4°. (12°.) *ci [London, 1644.] n. t.-p. 4°. (12°.) V CI Scots, The, army advanced into Eng- land, certified in a letter from Addarston, the 24 of January [1644] from.. .Lord Gen- eral Lesley's quarters... London: R. Bostock, 1644. 15(1) p. 8°. (Reprinted in: Reprints of rare tracts... &c. Histori- cal. Newcastle, 1848. v. 2.) C 1644-1645 Duncan, George. Some sidelights on the history of Montrose's campaigns. 1 port. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 47-52.) CPA The portrait is that of Montrose. 1645 Declaratio regnorum Angliae et Scotia? foedere & armis junctorum pro vindicanda communi causa patriae religionis, & li- bertatis, adversus sceleratam factionem episco-papisticam. Promulgata ab utraque Camera Parlamenti Anglicani, nee non a conventu generali ordinum Scotiae, anno 1644. Cui praefixa est Declaratio regni Scotiae, in qua exponuntur apud fratres Anglos causae praesentis in Angliam ex- peditionis [by A. Primrose] ; et subnexa Epistola reverendi coetus ecclesiastici &c. una cum foedere nationali. Londoni: Ex- cudebat Edw. Griffin, 1645. 1 p.L, 29 p. 4°. (12°.) CI Three, The, late treaties; between the kingdoms of England & Scotland. Lon- don: Edw. Husband, 1645. 31 p. 4°. (12°.) CI 1645-1648 Montereul, Jean de. The diplomatic correspondence of Jean de Montereul and the brothers de Bellievre, French ambassa- dors in England and Scotland, 1645-48. Edited with an English translation, intro- duction and notes by J. G. Fotheringham. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1898-99. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Pub- lications, v. 29-30.) CPA 1646 Gottfried, Johann Ludwig, pseud, of Johann Philip Abelin. Von dem Konig- reich Schottland, so nunmehr mit der Gron Engelland vereinbaret. (In his: Newe archontologia cosmica... Franckfurt am Mayn, 1646. f°. p. 301-309.) Reserve With large (copperplate) view of Edinburgh from the south. Great Britain. — Crown. His Maiesties message, to the kingdome of Scotland; shewing that he hath given order for dis- 168 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. banding all his forces in both kingdoms, for recalling all commissions to any at sea, and that he is resolved to apply him- selfe totally to the councels and advices of his Parliaments, for setling of truth and peace; together with divers papers pre- sented to his majesty at Newcastle by a committee of the estates of the kingdome of Scotland. London: L. Chapman, 1646. 4 1. 12°. Manifest truths; or, An inversion of Truths manifest, containing a narrative of the proceedings of the Scottish army... London: Printed by M.S. for Henry Over- ton, 1646. 4 p.l., 74 p., 1 1. 4°. (12°.) CI Scotland. — ■ Commissioners of Parlia- ment. Some papers given in by the com- missioners of the Parliament of Scotland; to the honourable Houses of the Parlia- ment of England; in answer to their votes of the 24th of September, 1646; concerning the disposing of His Majesties person. Edinburgh: E. Tyler, prtr., 1646. 1 p.l., 30 p. 4°. CI p. box 1646 S Scotlands generall description. 8 p., 6 maps. (In: A prospect of the most famovs parts of the world.. . London, 1646. obi. 12°.) Reserve The map of Stranauerne has "Petrus Kaerius cselavit 1599," the others simply "Petrus Kaerius caelavit." Unhappy, An, game at Scotch and Eng- lish; or, A full answer from England to the papers of Scotland: wherein their Scotch mists and their fogs, their sayings and gainesayings, their juglings, their windings and turnings hither and thither, backwards and forwards, and forwards and backwards again, their breach of covenant, articles, and treaty, their king-craft, pres- ent design against the two Houses of Parliament and people of England, their plots and intents for usurpation and gov- ernment over us and our children, de- tected, discovered, and presented to the view of the world, as a dreadful omen, all-arme and warning to the kingdom of England. Edinburgh: printed... by Evan Tyler, 1646. (Reprinted in: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1811. 4°. v. S, p. 68-90.) C A scurrilous tract. 1647 Scotch, The, souldiers speech concern- ing the kings coronation-oath. [London,] 1647. 1 p.l., IS p. 4°. (12°.) CI Scotland. — Parliament. The answer of the commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland, to both houses of Parliament, upon the new proposition of peace, and the foure bills to be sent to His Majestie. London: R. Bostock, 1647. 32 p. 12°. in fours. Scots-mans, The, remonstrance; or, A vindication of the Scots: with a short re- lation of all the proceedings since the time they came into England. . . London: Robert Bostock, 1647. 1 p.l., 16 p. 4°. (12°.) CI 1648 Answer, An, to the chief, or materiall heads and passages in the late declaration, called, The declaration of the kingdome of Scotland; and answer of the commis- sioners to both Houses of Parliament, upon the new propositions of peace, and the foure bills. London: R. White, 1648. 1 p.l., 22 p. 4°. CP p. box 1 Narratives illustrating the duke of Hamilton's expedition to England in 1648. I. The relation of Mr. Thomas Reade. II. The relation of Sir Philip Musgrave. Edited by C. H. Firth. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 289-311.) CPA Packets of letters from Scotland. . .to members of the House of Commons, con- cerning the transactions of the Parliament of Scotland. . .[and] Three orders agreed on by the Parliament of Scotland. . . Lon- don: Robert Ibbitson, 1648. 1 p.l., 6 p. 4°. (12°.) CI Scot, Sir John, of Scotstarvet. A trew relation of the principall affaires concern- ing the state acted be S r John Scot of Scotstarvet in the raigne of King Charles the First, vindicating him from the as- persions laid upon him by Mr. Saunder- sone in the history of the life of the sd King Charles 1658. Written in Edr the 9 August 1660. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1914. 4°. v. 11, p. 164- 191.) CPA With introductory note by George Neilson. To be continued. Scotland. ■ — Parliament. A declaration of the Parliament of Scotland, to all his majesties good subjects of this kingdome; concerning their resolutions for religion, king and kingdoms; in pursuance of the ends of the covenant. [Signed Alex. Gib- son, Cler. Regist.] Edinburgh: E. Tyler, prtr., 1648. IS p. 4°. CI p. box 1648 S Walker, Clement. An appendix to The history of independency; being A briefe description of some few of Argyle's pro- ceedings before and since he joyned in confederacy with the Independent Junto in England. With a parallel betwixt him and Cromwell, and a caveat to all his seduced adherents. London, 1648. 20 p. 4°. (In his: Relations and observations, historical and politick upon the parlia- ment, begun anno. Dom. 1640... [Lon- don,] 1648. 4°.) " CI 1649 Brief van de commissarissen van het coninck-ryck van Schotland residerende LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 169 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. tot Londen. Aen Wilhelm Lenthall... spreecker van het huys vande Commvnes. Raeckende de teghenwoordighe proceduy- ren in dit coninghrijck, teghen de re- ligie, den coningh ende het gouvernement. Mitsgaders, haere declaratie ende protes- tatie, teghen het weghnemen van sijne majesteyts leven. 's Graven-Haghe: L. Breeckevelt, 1649. 7 1. 4°. CI p. v. 91, no.36 Gardiner, Robert, royalist. Een mis- jeboorte van wonderheeden ofte verra- ieryen beticht...en ondeckt in de ver- scheyde onderhandelinghen. . .van de Ha- meltonnen; om de croon van Schotlandt it erlanghen . . . Amsterdam : C. de Leeuw, 1649. 19 1. 4°. CI p. v. 91 Howell, James. A perfect description Df the people and country of Scotland. London, 1649. 4°. (12°.) CI Attributed by Sir Walter Scott and others to sir Anthony Weldon. Neilson, George. A larder account in L649. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 189S. 8°. ? . 273-276.) CPA 1649-1651 Douglas, W. S. Cromwell's Scotch :ampaigns. London: Elliot Stock, 1898. i, 308 p., 1 1. 8°. CP 1649-1671 Lamont, John. The diary of Mr. John Lamont of Newton, 1649-1671. [Edited by jeorge R. Kinloch.] Edinburgh: [J. Clarke & Co., printers,] 1830. 1 p.l., ix p., l 1., 230 p., 1 1., xv p., 1 fac. 4°. (Maitland :iub.) CA 1650 _ Bickley, Francis B. Letters relating to Scotland, January, 1650. [From originals n the British Museum.] (English histori- :al review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 11, p. 12-117.) BAA Birch, Walter de Gray. Remarks upon n unpublished list of Scottish religious louses. (British Archaeological Associa- ion. Journal. London, 1871. 8°. v. 27, >. 241-245.) CA From a transcript by John Adamson, principal f Edinburgh College in 1650, from an older ms. Firth, Charles Harding. The battle of )unbar. 1 pi. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1900. 8°. new eries, v. 14, p. 19-52.) CA Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, editor. See .etters and papers illustrating the rela- ions between Charles the Second and cotland in 1650. King, The, of Scotland's negociations t Rome for assistance against the Com- lon-wealth of England, in certain prop- ositions there made for and on his behalf: in which propositions his affection and disposition to Poperie is asserted. Printed by William Du-gard, 1650. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce and valuable tracts. London, 1811. 4°. v. 6, p. 103-116.) C Last, The, campaign of Montrose. 1 map. (Edinburgh review. London, 1894 8°. v. 179, p. 122-157.) * DA Letters and papers illustrating the re- lations between Charles the Second and Scotland in 1650. Edited, with notes and introduction, by Samuel Rawson Gardi- ner. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1894. xxiv p., 1 1., 201 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 17.) CPA Reid, Alexander George. Notice of an original letter of instructions for Sir Wil- liam Fleming, by King Charles n., dated at Breda, 22nd May 1650. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 199-202.) CPA Roosevelt, Theodore. Oliver Cromwell, iv. The Irish and Scotch wars. (Scrib- ner's magazine. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 27, p. 447-469.) * DA Verklaringe, van de groote bliidtschap, die in Schotlandt onder des Konincks ge- trouwe onderdanen is, over de komste, van siin majesteydt in dit koninckrijck. . .over- geset uyt de Engelsche origineele. 's Gra- ven-hage: W. Breeckevelt, 1650. 6 1. 4°. CI p.v. 91 1651 Bute (3. marquis), John Patrick Crich- ton Stuart. Coronation of Charles ii. at Scone. [By the marquis of Bute.] (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1887. 8°. v. 10, p. 38-93.) * DA Reprinted in his Scottish coronations. Coronation of Charles the Second, king of Scotland. . .as it was acted and done at Scone, the first day of January, 1651. Aberdene: James Brown, 1651. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1811. 4°. v. 6, p. 117-143.) C 1651-1652 Barron, Douglas Gordon. In defence of the regalia 1651-2; being selections from the family papers of the Ogilvies of Bar- ras. Edited, with introduction by D. G. Barron. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1910. xv(i), 371 p., 1 fac, 1 map, 4 pi. sq. 8°. CP Cromwellian, The, union; papers relat- ing to the negociations for an incorporat- ing union between England and Scotland, 1651-1652. With an appendix of papers relating to the negotiations in 1670. Edited with introduction and notes by C. Sanford Terry. Edinburgh: T. & A. Con- 170 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. stable, 1902. xcvii p., 1 L, 239 p., 1 table. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- tions, v. 40.) CPA The documents printed in this volume extend from Dec. 20, 1651, to Oct. 28, 1652. The introduc- tion traces the course of the negotiations for a union from their inception in 1651 to the restora- tion of the Scottish Estates in 1661. In the appen- dix is printed the Official journal of the meetings of the commissioners treating for union, Sept.-Nov., 1670; the Particular journal, between the same dates; the agreement; a note on the Scottish laws of descent; and a letter from Lord Arlington to the duke of Lauderdale, Oct. 19, 1669, on the king's proposals for union. 1651-1653 Scotland and the Commonwealth. Let- ters and papers relating to the military government of Scotland from August, 1651 to December, 1653. Edited, with in- troduction and notes, by C. H. Firth. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1895. lv, 383 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 18.) CPA 1652 Diurnal of occurrences chiefly in Scot- land, commencing 21st August 1652. (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 73-208.) ZDVH Extracts from the rare volumes of the Mer- curius Politicus in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. Murray, P. Keith. Saving the regalia in 1652. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 309-317.) CPA Ogilvie, Sir George. A true account of the preservation of the regalia of Scot- land, viz.: crown, sword, and sceptre, from falling into the hands of the English usur- pers, by Sir George Ogiluie of Barras. With the blazon of that family. Edin- Somers, A collection of London, 1814. 4°. v. burgh, 1701. (In scarce. . .tracts. . 11, p. 561-568.) IS p the regalia of (In: Papers relative to Scotland. Edinburgh: [Bannatyne Club,] 1829. 4°. Appendix.) tCP With facsimile of the original title-page. A clear vindication and just de- fence for publishing of the foregoing ac- count; with other remarkable instances, and observable passages relating to, and confirming the truth of it. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . Lon- don, 1814. 4°. v. 11, p. 568-573.) C 9 p. (In: Papers relative to the regalia of Scotland. Edinburgh: [Bannatyne Club,) 1829. 4°. Appendix.) tCP Papers relative to the preservation of the Honours of Scotland in Dunnottar Castle, 1651-52. Edited with introduction and notes, by Charles R. A. Howden. (Scottish History Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 26, p. 99-138.) CPA Contains an official account of the hiding of the Scottish regalia in Dunnottar Castle. Verklaringe van 't ghemeene volck in Schotland. Nopende hare tegenwoordige droevige ende jammerlijcken standt, waer in zy, door die meyn eedige zelf soekende parthye, gebrocht zijn, die zich onlangs in de bedieninghen van macht en betrouwe, in dese staet en armee, ingewonden heb- ben. VVt het Engels... Amsterdam: I. van Hilten, 1652. 41. 4°. CPp.box4 1652-1685 Brodie, Alexander. The diary of Alex- ander Brodie.. .taken from his own manu- script. Edinburgh: T. Lumisden & F. Robertson, printers, 1740. xvi, 17-148 p. 4°. CIB The diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie, 1652-1680; and of his son James Brodie of Brodie, 1680-1685... [Edited by David Laing.j Aberdeen: Spalding Club. 1863. lxxii p., 1 1., xii, (1)14-560 p. 4°. CP 1653-1654 Graham, John, of Deuchrie. An account of the expedition of William, the ninth earl of Glencairn, as general of His Ma- jesty's forces in the Highlands of Scot- land, in the years 1653 and 1654... (In: Miscellanea Scotica. Glasgow, 1819. nar. 12°. v. 4, p. 59-80.) CP • Account of the earl of Glencairn's expedition, as general of His Majesty's forces, in the Highlands of Scotland, in the years 1653 and 1654; by a person who was eye and ear witness to every transac- tion. (In: J. Gwynne, Military memoirs of the great Civil war... [Edited by Sir Walter Scott.] Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. p. 155-186.) tCIB In an appendix (p. 187-263), the editor has added some extracts from official despatches of the period, which, chiefly composed at General Monk's head- quarters at Dalkeith, appeared from time to time in the Public Intelligencer. These extracts throw great light on the miserable estate of Scotland, exhausted by foreign domination and domestic dis- sensions, during the years 1652-54. 1654 Mackay, William. Three unpublished despatches from General Monck, describ- ing his military operations in the High- lands in 1654. 1 map. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 70-78.) NDO 1658 Franck, Richard. Northern memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland... Together with collections of various dis- coveries. . .observations, theological no- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 171 iistory and Description, continued, special Periods, continued. ions.. . To which is added, The contem- ilative and practical angler... Writ in he year 16S8. London: Printed for the uthor, 1694. xxxix(i), 304 p. 8°. MYH A large part of this work is reprinted by P. [ume Brown in his Early travellers in Scotland. . 182-216. See a notice of this work in Blackwood's Edin- urgh magazine, v. 5, p. 420-428, Edinburgh, 1819. New edition [edited by Sir Valter Scott]. Edinburgh: A. Constable k Co., 1821. 1 p.l., 10, 1 p., 1 1., 379 p. 8°. CP Reprint of the edition of 1694. One of 150 copies rinted. For a critical notice of this work see The Retro- pective review, v. 8, p. 170-194, London, 1823. 1660 Firth, Charles Harding. A Restoration luel. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1904. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-5.) CPA Between the earl of Southesk and the master f Gray. Mackenzie, Sir George. Memoirs of the iffairs of Scotland from the Restoration )f King Charles n. A.D. 1660. [Edited by- Thomas Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1821. xii, i32 p. 4°. f CP Presentation copy from the editor to Samuel togers with letter inserted. 1660-1677 Lauderdale (1. duke), John Maitland. Thirty-four letters written to James jharp, archbishop of St. Andrews, by the luke and duchess of Lauderdale, and by :harles Maitland, Lord Hatton, 1660-1677. idited from the originals. . .with intro- luction and notes, by the Rt. Rev. John Jowden, D.D. 2 port. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. ;°. v. 1, p. 227-292.) CPA 1660-1688 Veitch, William, and George Brysson. Memoirs of William Veitch and George 5rysson, written by themselves, with other larratives illustrative of the history of Scotland, from the restoration to the rev- ilution. To which are added biographi- al sketches and notes by Thomas M'Crie. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1825. xii, 40 p. 8°. ANandCP 1660-1707 Brown, Peter Hume. The revolution nd the revolution settlement in Great Sritain. (2) Scotland from the Restora- ion to the Union of the Parliaments 1600-1707). (In: Cambridge modern his- sry. .. Cambridge, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 278- 00.) *R — BAF Bibliography of the period, p. 825-829. 1661 Middleton (1. earl), John Middleton. A short narration of the estate of affairs in Scotland, as they stood at the down sit- ting of the parliament, January, 1661, and as they are now at the dissolving of the second session of that parliament. Sent by the earl of Middleton, lord commis- sioner of that kingdom, to K. Ch. n. (In: Thomas Brown, Miscellanea Aulica: or, A collection of state-treatises never before publish'd. London, 1702. 8°. p. 174-187 ) CBA Scotland. — Parliament. The charge of high treason, murders, oppressions, and other crimes, exhibited to the Parliament of Scotland against the marquess of Ar- gyle and his complices, Jan. 23, 1661. Lon- don: K. Lowndes, 1661. 31 p. 8°. CI p. box 1 Two extracts from the "Mercurius Cale- donius" of January 8th, 1661. (Clarendon Historical Society. Reprints. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. series 1, v. 1, p. 9-16.) CBA 1. Proclamation of Charles n. at Edinburgh. 2. The funeral of Montrose. 1661-1688 Fountainhall, Sir John Lauder, lord. Historical notices of Scotish affairs, se- lected from the manuscripts of Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. 1661-1688. Edin- burgh, 1848. 2 v. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) fCP 1662-1666 Acts of the parliaments of Scotland for settling the orders in the Parliament House. 1662-1666. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 139-145.) f CP 1663 Lauderdale (2. earl), John Maitland. My Lord Lauderdale's charge (then Secretary of Scotland) against the earl of Middle- ton, lord commissioner of that kingdom. (In: Thomas Brown, Miscellanea Aulica: or, A collection of state-treatises never before publish'd. London, 1702. 8°. p. 206-216.) CBA Middleton (1. earl), John Middleton. The earl of Middleton's answer [to the charge made against him by the earl of Lauderdale]. (In: Thomas Brown, Mis- cellanea Aulica: or, A collection of state- treatises never before publish'd. London, 1702. 8°. p. 217-236.) CBA 1664 Discourse, A, upon the union of Eng- land and Scotland, address'd to King Charles n. March 19th in the year, 1664. (In: Thomas Brown, Miscellanea Aulica: or, A collection of state-treatises never before publish'd. London, 1702. 8°. p. 192-198.) CBA 172 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1665-1676 Fountainhall, Sir John Lauder, lord. Journals of Sir John Lauder with his ob- servations on public affairs and other memoranda, 1665-1676. Edited, with intro- duction and notes, by Donald Crawford. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1900. li p., 1 1., 326 p., 4 port. 8°. (Scottish History. Publications, v. 36.) CPA 1666 Grierson, Sir P. J. Hamilton. After the Pentland rising. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 24, p. 9-30.) SEA Sidgwick, M. The Pentland rising and the battle of Rullion Green. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 449-452.) CPA Terry, Charles Sanford. Pentland ris- ing and Rullion Green. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 114-116.) CPA Wallace, Col. James. Narrative of the rising at Pentland. (In: W. Veitch and G. Brysson, Memoirs... Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. p. 388-432.) AN 1667-1699 List of fees and pensions granted to the officers of state and other servants of the crown, etc., in Scotland. 1667-1699. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 147-175.) t CP 1668 Grievances, The, of Scotland in relation to their trade with England, sent up to the Council, 3 Febr. 1668. (In: Thomas Brown, Miscellanea Aulica: or, A collec- tion of state-treatises never before pub- lish'd. London, 1702. 8°. p. 199-202.) CBA Airy, 1670-1682 Osmund. Lauderdale. 1670-1682. (English historical review. London, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 445-469.) BAA Lauderdale and the Restoration in Scotland. [By Osmund Airy.] (Quar- terly review. London, 1884. 8°. v. 157, p. 407-439.) * DA 1673 Blome, Richard. A description of Scot- land. 1 map. (In his: Britannia... Lon- don, 1673. f°. p. 291-301.) tt CBD Translaet uyt d'Engelsche tael, van een relaes, wegens het gepasseerde in het Par- lement van Schotlandt, jongst tot Eden- durgh isic.] by den anderen geweest zijnde. Zedert den "/&. Novemb. 1673 tot den Vu. Decemb. daeraen volgende. n.p. [1673?] 8 p. 4°. CPp.box4 1676 Speed, John. The theatre of the em- pire of Great Britaine... London: T. Bassett, 1676. f°. Reserve The third book contains "a general view of the kingdom of Scotland. The counties divided, and islands thereof described." With double-page map. 1678 Brown, Henry H. A memory of Magus Muir. (Temple Bar. London, 1904. 8°. v. 130, p. 194-198.) * DA Hickes, George. Ravillac redivivus, being a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Michel, a conventicle-preacher, who was executed the 18th of January last, for an attempt which he made on the sacred per- son of the archbishop of St. Andrews. To which is annexed, an account of the tryal of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir who was executed for adul- tery, incest, and bestiality... [By George Hickes.j London, Printed by Henry Hills, 1678. 78 p. 4°. Reserve Narrative of the proceedings of his Maj- esties privy council in Scotland, for se- curing the peace of that kingdom, in the year 1678. London, reprinted: A. F., 1678. 19 p. 12°. CPp.box3 Original letter containing some account of the parliament which met at Edinburgh the 26th June 1678, and of the seizure of Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth, baronet. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 245-247.) f CPA 1679 Aiton, William. A history of the ren- counter at Drumclog, and battle of Both- well Bridge. . .June, 1679, with an ac- count of what is correct, and what is ficti- tious in the "Tales of my landlord," re- specting these engagements... Hamil- ton: W. M. Borthwick & Co., 1821. 131(1) p., 1 pi. 8°. *Cp.v.367 Brownlee, Thomas, laird of Torfoot. Description of the battles of Drumclog and Bothwell... (In: John Howie, The Scots worthies . . . Glasgow, 1835. 8°. v. 1, p. 587-597.) AGH Narrative of the battles of Drum- clog, and Bothwell Bridge. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers [C 1855]. 24 p. 24°. Reserve Chapbook. Drummond, James. Notice of "The bluidy banner" of Drumclog and Bothwell Brig, preserved at Dunbar. 3 pi. (Socie- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 173 '-listory and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. y of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ngs. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. '53-258.) CPA. Terry, Charles Sanford. The duke of VIonmouth's instructions in June, 1679. [English historical review. London, 1905. 5°. v. 20, p. 127-129.) BAA Ure, James, of Shargarton. Narrative }f the rising at Bothwel Bridge. (In: W. Veitch and G. Brysson, Memoirs . . . Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. p. 455-483.) AN 1681 Purves, Sir William. Revenue of the Scottish Crown, 1681. Edited by D. Mur- ray Rose. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. lii, 200 p., 1 1. 4°. f CP One of 350 copies printed. 1682 Mudie, Alexander. Scotise indiculum: or, The present state of Scotland, to- gether with divers reflections upon the indent state thereof. By A. M. Philopa- tris [i. e. A. Mudie]. London: Jonathan Wilkins, 1682. 11 p.l, 274 p. 12°. CP Sibbald, Sir Robert. An advertisement ind general queries for the description of Scotland. 1682. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- :ellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 569-380.) t CP 1683-1687 Erskine, John. Journal of the Hon. John Erskine of Carnock, 1683-1687. Edited from the original manuscript with ntroduction and notes by the Rev. Walter Macleod. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1893. xliv p., 1 1., 259 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scot- tish History Society. Publications, v. 14.) CPA Throws much light on the earl of Argyll's insur- ection in 1685. 1684 Establishment for the pay of His Maj- ssty's standing forces in. . .Scotland. 16 Tune 1684. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 71-98.) t CP 1688 Balcarres (3. earl), Colin Lindsay. An iccount of the affairs of Scotland, relating o the revolution in 1688. As sent to the ate King James n. when in France. Never >efore printed. London: J. Baker, 1714. . p.l., vi, 5-150 p. 8°. * C p.v. 510 This account contains many particulars of the auses and effects of the Revolution in Scotland lot to be found elsewhere. (In: Somers, A collection of carce tracts... London, 1814. 4°. v. 1, p. 487-528.) C Charters, Samuel. Two discourses on the revolution. . .preached in the church of Wilton, Nov. v, 1788. Edinburgh: C. Elliot, 1793. 1 p.l., 72 p. 8°. CI p.v. 60, no.25 Key, A, to the Account &c. c of the af- fairs of Scotland by Colin Lindsay, 3. earl of Balcarres.] London: J. Moor [171-?]. 2 p.l., 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 510 1689 Aanspraak, gedaan door een van de leden der conventie van de Staaten in Schotland. t Uyt het Engelsch vertaald.) [Amsterdam: A. Dz. Oossaan, 1689.] 7 p. 4°. CP p. box 4 Acts, The, and orders of the meeting of the estates of the kingdom of Scotland, holden and begun at Edinburgh, the 14th day of March 1689. Called by circular letters from His Highness the Prince of Orange, under his hand and seal... Edin- burgh: J. Menzies, 1867. 41 p. f°. ft CBA p.v. 10 Allegiance and Prerogative considered in a Letter from a Gentleman in the Coun- try, to his Friend, Upon his being Chosen a Member of the Meeting of States in Scotland. Edinburgh, printed 1689. Re- printed, London: R. Janeway [1689.] 1 1. 4°. Incomplete. Breviate, A, of the state of Scotland, in its government, supreme courts, officers of state, inferior officers, offices, and in- ferior courts, districts, jurisdictions, bur- roughs royal, and free corporations. [1689.] (In: A collection of state tracts, published during the reign of William in, London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 425-437.) ft CI Chambers, Robert. History of the re- bellions in Scotland, under the viscount of Dundee, and the earl of Mar in 1689 and 1715. Edinburgh: Constable and Co., 1829. x p., 1 1., (1)16-332 p. 16°. (Constable's Miscellany, v. 42.) CP With additional engraved title-page. Instrument, Een, der regeering tot vast- stelling van de kroon en koninklijke waar- digheid des koninkryks van Schotland, op William in. en Maria n. koning en konin- ginne van Engelandt, &c. Zijnde de de- claratie der staten van dat rijk, om gepre- senteert te werden aan de koning en koninginne van Engelandt, &c. . . . n.p. Na de origineele copy, 1689. 8 p. 4°. CP p. box 4 Instrument van regeringe om de kroon en koninklijcke waerdicheyt van het ko- ninckrijck van Schotlandt, op William de in. en Maria de n. koningh en koninginne van Engelandt &c. vast te stellen. Sijnde de declaratie van de staten van het selve koninckrijck, om aen den koningh en ko- 174 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. ninginne van Engelandt &c. gepresenteert te werden. Edenburgh 11. April 1689. n.p. Gedruckt na de copye van Londen by R. Chiswell... 1689. 11 p. 4°. CP p. box 4 Journal of a soldier in the earl of Eglin- ton's troop of horse, anno 1689. Tran- scribed from his manuscript by Gabriel Neil. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 38-50.) CPA Memorial, A, for His Highness the Prince of Orange [i.e., William Hi., of Great Britain] in relation to the affairs of Scotland: together with The address of the Presbyterian party in that kingdom to His Highness; and some observations on that address. By Two Persons of Quality. London: R. Taylor, 1689. 30 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77 Millar, Alexander Hastie. Killiecrankie described by an eye-witness. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 63-70.) CPA Philip, James. The Grameid. An heroic poem descriptive of the campaign of Vis- count Dundee in 1689; and other pieces, 1691. Edited from the original manu- script; with translation, introduction, and notes, by Rev. A. D. Murdoch. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1888. 1 p.l., lvi p., 1 1., 268 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Scottish His- tory Society. Publications, v. 3.) CPA Scotland.- — -Parliament. An address sign'd by the greatest part of the members of the Parliament of Scotland, and de- liver'd to his Majesty at Hampton-Court, the 15th day of October, 1689. n.p. t 1689?] 7 p. 12°. CPp.boxS Another edition. (In: Scot- land. — Parliament. The late proceedings ... Glasgow, 1689. 4°.) CPp.box The declaration of the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, containing the claim of right, and the offer of the crown to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary. Edinburgh, 1779. IS p. 8°. CK p.v. 177 • The late proceedings and votes of the Parliament of Scotland; contained in an address delivered to the king, signed by the plurality of the members thereof, stated and vindicated. Glasgow: A. Hep- burn, 1689. 3-46 p. 4°. CPp.boxS Another edition. [With the Address to the King.] Glasgow: A. Hep- burn, 1689. 39, 3-6 p. 4°. CP p. box Sixth, A, collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in Eng- land, viz. I. Five letters from Scotland, giving account of expelling Popery from thence. II. The Prince of Orange's speech to the Scots lords and gentlemen met at St. James's. With their advice to the prince, to take upon him the administra- tion of the affairs of Scotland. With His Highness's answer. . . London: Printed by R. Janeway, 1689. 1 p.l., 34 p. 4°. Reserve Tenth, A, collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in Eng- land... III. The Scots grievances: or, A short account of the proceedings of the Scotish Privy Council, Justiciary Court, and those commissioned by them. . . Lon- don: Richard Janeway, 1689. 34 p. 4°. Reserve Twelfth, The, and last collection of pa- pers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England and Scotland... VIII. The declaration of the States of Scotland, concerning their grievances... XI. The Scots proclamation, declaring William and Mary, king and queen of England, to be king and queen of Scotland. XII. The manner of their taking the Scotish corona- tion oath at Whitehal, May 11. XIII. The coronation oaths of England and Scot- land. London: Richard Janeway, 1689. 40 p. 4°. Reserve Verhaal, Een, van de proceduuren der vergadering van de Staaten van Schot- land. Beneffens twee brieven van den Koning William, en den geweezen Kon- ing Jacobus, aan de gemelde Staaten. Uyt het Engelsch vertaald. Amsterdam: S. Swart, 1689. 8 p. 4°. CPp.box Vindication, A, of the proceedings of the Convention of the Estates in Scotland, wherein the lawfulness and power of that meeting is clear'd. The original of gov- ernment, and the nature of our monarchy in particular is enquir'd into. Our laws concerning the king's absolute power, and the texts of scripture for a jure divino monarchy are examin'd. Our allegiance to King James is stated, and whatsoever can be urg'd against the present settlement of the crown resolv'd. The unreasonable- ness of our present discontents, and the necessity of an intire adherence to King William and Queen Mary. [1689.] (In: A collection of tracts, published during the reign of William in. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 441-465.) ffCI 1689-1748 Burton, John Hill. History of Scotland from the Revolution to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection (1689-1748). London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1853. 2 v. 8°. CP 1690 Crawford (18. earl), William Lindsay Crawford. The speech of William, earl LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 175 iistory and Description, continued, ipecial Periods, continued. >f Crawford, president to the Council of Scotland, the 22d of April, 1690. London: F. C, 1690. broadside. CI p.v. 81 Ferguson, James. The expedition of .690 to the Western Isles. (Celtic re- riew. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 220- !37.) NDK Meldrum, George. A sermon preached n the High-Church of Edinburgh. . .April !7, 1690 ... as it was taken from the author's nouth when preached. [By George Mel- Irum.j Edinburgh: Heir of Andrew An- lerson, 1690. 1 p.l., 16 p. 4°. CPp.box 1692 Massacre of Glencoe Argyll (9. duke), John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell. The nassacre of Glencoe. illus. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 26, p. 518-824.) * DA Authentic narrative of the massacre of FJlencoe, contained in a report of the com- nission given by His Majesty for inquir- ng into the slaughter of the men of Glen- roe. Subscribed at Halyrudhouse, the 20th iay of June, 1693. Glasgow: J. Wylie & FJo., 1818. iv, (1)6-30 p. nar. 12°. (Mis- :ellanea Scotica. v. 1.) CP Impartial, An, account of some of the xansactions in Scotland, concerning the :arl of Breadalbin, viscount and master jf Stair, Glenco-men, bishop of Galloway, md Mr. Duncan Robertson. In a letter From a friend. 1695. (In: Somers, A col- ection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1814. 4°. v. 11, p. 547-561.) C A botched vindication of the Secretary Dalrymple, for his share in the massacre of Glencoe. Le Moine, Sir James Macpherson. Les >ages sombres de l'histoire. (Royal So- :iety of Canada. Proceedings and trans- ictions. Montreal, 1887. f°. v. 4, Mem- airs, section 1, p. 71-84.) * EC Leslie, Charles. Gallienus redivivus, or, Vfurther will out, &c. Being a true ac- :ount of the De- Witting of Glencoe, Gaff- ley, &c... [By Charles Leslie.) Edin- )urgh, 1695. 24 p. 4°. CP "De-Witting" is an allusion to the murder of Cornelius and John de Witt, by the Orange faction t the Hague, 20th August 1672. (In: Memoirs of the Lord discount Dundee. London, 1714. 12°. p. 0-91.) * C p.v. 510 (In: Memoirs of the Lord discount Dundee... Edinburgh, 1818. 2°. p. 79-112.) CP (In: Clarendon Historical So- :iety. Reprints. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. lew series, p. 99-128.) CBA Lome, John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell, marquis of. See Argyll (9. duke), John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Camp- bell. Massacre, The, of Glenco: being a true narrative of the barbarous murder of the Glenco Men, in the Highlands of Scotland, by way of military execution, on the 13th of February 1692. Containing the com- mission under the Great Seal of Scotland, for making an inquiry into that horrid murder: The proceedings of the Parlia- ment of Scotland upon it: The report of the commissioners upon the inquiry, laid before the king and parliament: and the address of the parliament to King Wil- liam, for justice upon the murderers: Faithfully extracted from the records of parliament, and publish'd for undeceiving those who have been impos'd upon by false accounts. [1703.] (In: A collection of state tracts published during the reign of William in. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 599-614.) ft CI (In: Somers, A collection of scarce ...tracts... London, 1814. 4°. v. 11, p. 529-547.) C (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 879-916.) SLN With additional notes by Howell. A few pas- sages at the end are omitted in Howell's reprint. Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1818. 52 p. 12°. CPp.v.l Reprinted from the London edition of 1704. Massacre, The, of Glencoe. (Pinnock's guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 366-367.) OA Massacre, The, of Glencoe. (In: John Brown, Historical gallery of criminal portraitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 1, p. 389-395.) AB Massacre, The, of Glencoe. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 58-60.) CPA Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee, the Highland Clans, and the massacre of Glenco: with an account of Dundee's officers after they went to France. By an officer of the army. London: J. Brown, 1714. xiii p., 1 1., 132 p., 1 port. 8°. * C p.v. 510 Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. xv, 99 p. 12°. (Miscellanea Sco- tica. v. 3.) CP Register containeing the state and con- dition of every burgh within the kingdome of Scotland, in the year 1692. (In: Scot- tish Burgh Records Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1881. 4°. p. 49-157.) CP 176 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1693 Slezer, John. Theatrum Scotise. Con- taining the prospects of their Majesties castles and palaces: together with those of the most considerable towns and col- leges... with a., .description of each place. London: A. Swalle, 1693. 4 p.l., 65 p., 2 1., 57 pi. f°. Stuart 1156 Of this edition only 175 copies were printed (25 of which were on large paper). The plates were engraved in Holland, of which country the author was a native. Slezer was a captain of artillery in the British service. With life of the author and large additional illustrations by John Jamieson. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1874. 6 p.l., vii-xv, 136 p., 1 plan, 68 pi. i°. ft CPW One of 250 copies printed. 1694-1700 Account of the years of scarcity in Scot- land from 1694 to 1700. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1820. 8°. v. 7, p. 46-48.) * DE 1695-1747 Mathieson, William Law. Scotland and the Union. A history of Scotland from 1695 to 1747. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1905. xiii, 387 p. 8°. CP 1698 Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun. Two dis- courses concerning the affairs of Scotland; written in the year 1698. Edinburgh, 1698. (In his: Political works. London, 1732. 8°. p. 71-175.) .CP 1698-1701 The Darien Scheme Barbour, James Samuel. A history of William Paterson and the Darien Com- pany... Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1907. x p., 1 1., 284 p., 1 port. 12°. HDB Belhaven (2. baron), John Hamilton. A Speech in Parliament On the 10th day of January, 1701, On the Affair of the Indian and African Company, and its Colony of Caledonia... Edinburgh: Printed in the year, 1701. 12 p. 4°. Reserve Scott, no. 133. Bingham, Hiram. The early history of the Scots Darien Company. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 210-217, 316-326, 437-448.) CPA ■ Virginia letters on the Scots Dari- en colony, 1699. (American historical re- view. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 10, p. 812- 815.) IAA Borland, Francis. The history of Dari- en. Giving a short description of that country, an account of the attempts of the Scotch nation to settle a colony in that place, a relation of the many tragical dis- asters, which attended that design; with some practical reflections upon the whole ... Glasgow: J. Bryce, printer, 1779. iv, 5-100 p. 8°. Reserve Scott, no. 214. The most of this work was written in 1700, when the author was serving as a minister of the gospel with the Scots colony at Darien. Burney, James. The Company of Scot- land Trading to Africa and the Indies. History of the colony formed by them at Darien. (In his: Chronological history of the voyages and discoveries in the South Sea... London, 1816. f°. v. 4, p. 359-374.) fBH Burton, John Hill. The Darien expedi- tion, and the trial of Captain Green for piracy and murder. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 101-201.) CP See also Darien papers. Caledonia; or, the Pedlar turn'd Mer- chant. A Tragi-Comedy. As it was Acted by His Majesty's Subjects of Scotland, in the King of Spain's Province of Darien. London: Printed and sold by the Book- sellers. . .1700. 30 p. 4°. Reserve Scott, no. 128. A satirical poem. Hume of Crossrig says the Scottish Parliament ordered this book to be burned by the hangman, Edinburgh, 18 November 1700 (Diary p. 17. Bann. Club. 1828). Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. A Letter from the Commission, oi the General Assembly, of the Church of Scotland; met at Glasgow, July 21, 1699. To the Honourable Council, and Inhabi- tants, of the Scots Colony of Caledonia, in America. Edinbvrgh, Printed by George Mosman . . . 1699. 16 p. 4°. Reserve Dalrymple, Sir John. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh: J. Bell & Wm. Creech, 1771-88. 3 v. 4°. CI v. 2, book vi, p. 89-123 contains an account of the Darien scheme. Darien, The, expedition. (In: M. J. L. A. Thiers, The Mississippi bubble... Translated by F. S. Fiske. New York, 1859. 12°. p. 227-257.) TI Reprinted from the Encyclopedia Britannica. Darien, The, papers: being a selection of original letters and official documents relating to the establishment of a colony at Darien by the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. 1695- 1700. [Edited by John Hill Burton.] Edin- burgh: Bannatyne Club, 1849. xxxii, 417 p., 2 fac, 1 plan. 4°. fTLN Defence, A, of the Scots Settlement At Darien. With An Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it. And Arguments to LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 177 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. prove that it is the Interest of England to join with the Scots, and protect it. To which is added, A Description of the Country, and a particular Account of the Scots Colony. [Dedication signed Philo-Caledon.j Edinbvrgh, Printed in the Year 1699. 4 p.l., 86 p. 8°. Reserve Scott, no. 67. Another issue. Edinburgh, Print- ed in the Year 1699. 4 p.l., 86 p. 8°. Reserve The collation of the first is A-F s . A 1» Title; A l b Errata; A 2-A 4 Dedication to the King, signed Philo-Caledon; A 5-F 7 Text; F 8 blank. The col- lation of the second is A-M 4. A l a Title; A l b Errata; A 2-A 4 Dedication; B 1-M 3 Text; M4 blank. There are also minor differences in the setting showing it to be an entire reprint. Defence, A, of the Scots Settlement at Darien. With An Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it. And Arguments to prove, That it is the Interest of England to join with the Scots, and protect it. To which is added A Description of the Coun- trey, and a particular Account of the Scots Colony. [Dedication signed Philo-Cale- don.] Printed in the year 1699. 60 p. 4°. Reserve Scott no. 68. Defence, A, of the Scots Settlement at Darien With An Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it. And Arguments to Prove that it is the Interest of England to Joyn with the Scots, and Protect it. To which is added, A Description of the Country, and a particular Account of the Scots Colony. [Dedication signed Philo- Caledon.j Edenburgh, Printed in the year 1699. 2 p.l., 57 p. 8°. Reserve A — H in 4s, H 4 lacking. This edition is not in Scott's list. (Reprinted in: A choice collection of papers relating to state affairs; during the late Revolution... London, 1703. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-51.) CI (Reprinted in: A collection of state tracts, published during the reign of William in. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 494-520.) ft CI (Reprinted in: A collection of scarce and valuable papers... London, 1712. 8°. p. 1-51.) *Cp.v.872 Enquiry, An, into the Caledonian Proj- ect, with a Defence of England's Proce- dure (In point of Equity) in Relation thereunto. In a Friendly Letter from London, to a Member of the Scots Afri- can and Indian Company in Edinburgh, to iruard against Passion. [Signed Timonicu- lus.] London: John Nutt, 1701. 54 p. 4°. Reserve Scott no. 135. The last two pages are mis- numbered 61 and 92. Enquiry, An, into the Causes of the Mis- carriage of the Scots Colony at Darien. Or an Answer to a Libel entituled A De- fence of the Scots Abdicating Darien. Submitted to the Consideration of the Good People of England... Glasgow, 1700. 4 p.l., 112 p. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 104. This book was considered libel- lous by the English, and was burned by their hang- man. A reward of five hundred pounds was offered for apprehension of the author. (Reprinted in: A choice collection of papers relating to state affairs; during the late Revolution... London, 1703. 8°. v. 1, p. 51-134.) CI (Reprinted in: A collection of state tracts, published during the reign of Wil- liam in. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 520- 565.) ft CI (Reprinted in: A collection of scarce and valuable papers... London, 1712. 8°. p. 51-135.) *Cp.v.872 Great Britain. — Crown. By the King. A proclamation [for apprehending author of Darien libel]. 1700, Jan. 29. (In: Ameri- can Antiquarian Society. Transactions and collections. Worcester, 1911. 8°. v. 12, p. 153-155.) IAA Offering a reward of five hundred pounds for the apprehension of the author of An enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots colony at Darien, 1700. Herries, Walter. See Hodges, J. History, The, of Caledonia: or, The Scots Colony in Darien in the West In- dies. With an Account of the Manners of the Inhabitants, and Riches of the Countrey. By a Gentleman lately Arriv'd. London: Printed, and Sold by John Nutt . . . 1699. 54 p. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 60. Dvblin: Reprinted by Stephen Powell. . .for Josias Shaw. . .1699. 32 p. sm. 8°. Reserve This Dublin edition has a map inserted which does not belong to the work, although so stated by Sabin (.Dictionary, v. 19, p. 128, no. 78218). The map is inscribed: "A New Map of ye Isthmus of Darien in America, the Bay of Panama, The Gulph of Vallona or St. Michael, with its Islands & countries adjacent. By Wm. Hacke & Rt. Mor- den." It is identical in size and lettering with the map opp. p. 255 in A new general atlas of the world, published in London, 1721, with the exception that in the atlas the names of Hacke and Morden are omitted on the map. Hodges, James? A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien: Including An Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there. Authore Britanno sed Dunensi... [By James Hodges?] [Edinburgh:] Print- ed in the year, 1700. [17], 1-60, 145-165, 167-168 p. 8°. Reserve p. 166 misnumbered 167. Text consecutive. p. 11 partly, and p. 12, 57-60 wholly, printed in a different type. This work was ordered to be publicly burned by the hangman. The authorship is also attributed to Walter Herries or Harris. 178 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Another issue. [Edinburgh:] Printed in the year, 1700. [17], 1-28, 13-20, 37-60, 145-165, 167-168 p. 8°. Reserve Text consecutive as in the preceding copy. p. 11 partly, and p. 12, 57-60 wholly, printed in a differ- ent type. — — See also under Just, A, and modest vindication. Houston, James. The works of James Houston, containing memoirs of his life and travels. . .giving a particular account of the Scotch expedition to Darien. . .the rise, progress and fall of the two great trading African and South Sea Companies ... London: The author, 1753. xviii, 435 p. 12°. Reserve Johnston, George P. Darien bibliog- raphy. Additions and corrections. (Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1906. 4°. v. 6, p. 159-179.) Reserve See also under Scott, John. Journal of the Scots, African, and In- dian fleet, from the setting forth from Kirkcaldy, 8th July 1698, to the arrival at the Bay of Darien, 1st November 1699. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 355-363.) CP Just, A, and Modest Vindication of the Scots Design, For the having Established a Colony at Darien. With a Brief Display, how much it is their Interest, to apply themselves to Trade, and particularly to that which is Foreign... [Edinburgh?] Printed in the year 1699. 15 p.l., 214 p. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 71. 'The authorship is attributed by some to Robert Ferguson and by others to James Hodges.' K., C. Some Seasonable and Modest Thoughts, Partly occasioned by, and part- ly concerning the Scots East-India Com- pany. Humbly offered to R. H. Esq.; a Member of the present Parliament. By an unfeigned and hearty Lover of Eng- land [C. K.j. [London?] Printed in the Year 1696. 36 p. 4°. Reserve • Edinbvrgh, Re-printed by George Mosman. . .1699 [sic, 1696.] 31 p. 4°. Reserve Letter, A, From a Member of the Parlia- ment of Scotland To his Friend at Lon- don, Concerning their late Act, for Estab- lishing a Company in that Kingdom, Tradeing to Africa and the Indies. [Signed and dated, Philonax Verax. Edinburgh, Novem. 14, 1695.] [Colophon:] Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson.. .1695. 19 p. 4°. Reserve No title-page. Letter, A, giving a Description of the Isthmus of Darian: (Where the Scot's Colonie is settled;) From a Gentleman who lives there at present. With an Ac- count of the Fertilness of the Soil, The Quality of the Air, the Manners of the In- habitants, And the Nature of the Plants, and Animals, &c. And A particular Mapp of the Isthmus, and Entrance to the River of Darian. Edinburgh: Printed for John Mackie...and James Wardlaw . . . 1699. 24 p., 1 map. 4°. Reserve Scott no. 63. Mathieson, William Law. The Darien scheme. (In his: Scotland and the Union ... Glasgow, 1905. 8°. p. 33-58.) CP Original papers connected with the his- tory and concerns of the Darien Company. (Book of the world. Philadelphia, n.d. 4°. v. 1, p. 67-70.) * DA Original, The, Papers and Letters, Re- lating to the Scots Company, Trading to Africa and the Indies: From the Memo-, rial given in against their taking Subscrip- tions at Hamburgh, by Sir Paul Ricaut, His Majesty's Resident there, to Their last Address sent up to his Majesty in December, 1699. Faithfully extracted from the Companies Books. [Edinburgh:] Printed Anno 1700. 56 p. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 120. Papers relating to the Darien scheme. (In: John Erskine, Journal of the Hon. John Erskine of Carnock, 1683-1687. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 240-246.) CPA Part of a journal kept from Scotland to New Caledonia in Darien, with a short account of that country. Communicated by Dr. Wallace, F.R.S. (Miscellanea cu- riosa. London, 1708. 8°. v. 3, p. 413-421.) OAI Paterson, William. Mr. Paterson's land plan for the Darien Company [and] Let- ter... to the directors of the Darien Com- pany. (In: Sir John Dalrymple, Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh, 1788. 4°. v. 2, p. 113-123.) CI Perfect, A, list of the several persons residenters in Scotland, who have sub- scribed as adventurers in the joynt-stock of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. Together with the respective sums which they have severally subscribed in the books of the said com- pany.. . Edinburgh: Printed and sold by the heirs and successors of Andrew An- derson. . .1696. (In: J. S. Barbour, A his- tory of William Paterson and the Darien Company. Edinburgh, 1907. 12°. p. 253- 284.) HDB Philo-Caledon. See Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien... Philonax Verax. See Letter from a Member. . . LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 179 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Representation, The, and Petition of the Covncil-General of the Indian and African Company to the Parliament. Edinburgh, Printed in the year 1700. 19 p. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 113. Ridpath, George. Scotlands Grievances, Relating to Darien, &c. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliame'nt . . . [By George Ridpath?] Printed, 1700. [2], 54 p., and 1 p. errata. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 110. This tract was formerly part of A full and exact collection of all the considerable Addresses, Memorials, [etc.] relating to the Com- pany of Scotland Trading^ to Africa and the Indies ... Printed 1700. This work contains fifteen tracts and Ridpath's is no. 14. (Reprinted in: A collection of state tracts, published during the reign of William ra. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 565-598.) ft CI Rules and ordinances by the parliament of New Caledonia for the good govern- ment of the colony. (In: William Veitch and George Brysson, Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1825. 8°. p. 510-515.) AN p. 222-251 of this work also contain an account of the Darien expedition, and of the part taken in it by William and Samuel Veitch, sons of the W. Veitch of the memoir. Scotland's Right to Caledonia (Former- ly called Darien) and the Legality of its Settlement, asserted in Three several Me- morials presented to His Majesty in May 1699. By The Lord President of the Ses- sion and Lord Advocate, on behalf of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies... [Edinburgh?] Printed in the year, 1700. 34 p. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 124. Scott, John. A bibliography of printed documents and books relating to the Scot- tish company commonly called The Darien Company. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1904. 4°. v. 6, p. 19-70.) Reserve Revised by George P. John- ston. Edinburgh: privately printed, 1904. 54 p. 4°. Reserve With additions and correc- tions by George P. Johnston. Edinburgh: privately printed, 1906. 55-75 p. 4°. Reserve Supplement to the foregoing. Scottish, The, colony of Darien, 1698- 1700. (Retrospective review. London, 1853. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 173-189.) *DA Short, A, and Impartial View of The Manner and Occasion of the Scots Colony's Coming away from Darien. In A Letter to a Person of Quality. [Signed P.C.] Printed in the Year 1699. 40 p. 4°. Reserve Scott no. 69. Some early former owner of this copy has inserted 'Edinburgh' before, and 'by James Watson' after the word 'Printed.' Short, A, vindication of Phil. Scot's De- fence of the Scots Abdicating Darien: Be- ing In Answer to the Challenge of the Author of the Defence of that Settlement, to prove the Spanish Title to Darien, by Inheritance, Marriage, Donation, Pur- chase, Reversion, Surrender, or Conquest. With a Prefatory Reply, to the False and Scurrillous Aspersions, of the New Author of, The Just and Modest Vindication, &c. And some Animadversions on the material, Part of it, relating to the Title of Darien 1 ... London: Printed in the Year, 1700. 48 p. 8°. Reserve Scott no. 105. Story, Robert Herbert. Letters from Darien. (Glasgow Archaeological Soci- ety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 207-225.) CPA From William Paterson and others. Addressed to William Dunlop, principal of the University of Glasgow. . Taylor, Benjamin. The Darien expedi- tion. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 19, p. 54-73.) * DA Thiers, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe. The Mississippi bubble: a memoir of John Law. To which are added, Authentic ac- counts of the Darien expedition, and the South sea scheme. Translated and edited by Frank S. Fiske. New York: W. A. Townsend & Co., 1859. xii p., 1 1., 15-388 p. 12°. AN Timoniculus. See Enquiry, An, into the Caledonian Project. 1700-1707 (The Union Negotiations.) Act ratifying and approving the treaty of the two kingdoms of Scotland and Eng- land. [1707.) (In: Cobbett's Parliamen- tary history of England... London, 1810. 8°. v. 6, appendix 2, cols, clxxxiii- ccxxii.) CM Arbuthnot, John. A sermon preach'd to the people, at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh; on the subject of the Union [By John Arbuthnot.] London: Re- printed for A. Bell, 1707. 16 p. 8°. CP p. box 2 Articles of the Treaty of Union agreed on by the Commissioners of both king- doms, on the 22. of July 1706. London: A. Bell [17—?]. 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v.507 Baillie, George. Correspondence of George Baillie of Jerviswood, 1702-1708. 180 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. [Edited by the earl of Minto.] Edinburgh, 1842. 8 p. 1, 211 p. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) tCP Of value for the history of the politics of the Union. Belhaven (2. baron), John Hamilton. Speech in Parliament, 2d. November 1706, on the subject matter of a union betwixt the two kingdoms of Scotland and Eng- land. n.t.-p. n.p., n.d. 12 p. 4°. CP The Lord Beilhaven's speech in the Scotch Parliament. . .the second of November, on the subject-matter of an Union betwixt the two kingdoms of Scot- land and England. [London,] 1706. 16 p. 8°. CPp. box 3 Lord Belhaven's speech, in the Scotch convention, against the Union. (In: Select speeches, forensick and par- liamentary. [Edited] by N. Chapman. [Philadelphia,] 1808. 8°. v. 1, p. 309-319.) NDA (In: C. A. Goodrich, Select British eloquence... New York, 1864. 8°. p. 21-26.) NDA Brown, Peter Hume. The union of the Parliaments of England and Scotland. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 121-134.) CPA Defoe, Daniel. A collection of original papers. . .concerning the... union between England and Scotland. Also. . .journal of the proceedings of the treaty, as well at London as in Edinburgh... In five parts ...collected from the records and regis- ters; by a person concern'd in the said treaty... [Dedication to the Queen... signed: Daniel Defoe. Appendix (in 2 parts) contains an account of the transac- tions subsequent to the Union.] London: E. Curll, 1711. 9 p.l., xxxii, 60, 116, 76, 274, 38, 131 p., 1 port. f°. ft CI The first title-page is entitled: "History of the Union of Great Britain. Edinburgh: Heirs... of Andrew Anderson, 1709." Discourse, A, upon the union of Scot- land and England... Humbly submitted to the Parliament of Scotland by a Lover of his country. [Edinburgh:] Printed Anno Dom. 1702. 134 p. 24°. CPp. box 4 Discourse, A, upon an union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland. Lon- don: A. Baldwin, 1707. 47 p. 12°. CP p. box Downie, John. How the Scottish union was effected. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 163-179.) * DA How the Scottish union has worked. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 397-420.) * DA Essay, An, upon the union of the king- doms of England and Scotland. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts.. . London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 510-519.) C Estates of Scotland. The grievances represented by the Estates of Scotland to the King's majesty, to be redress'd in Parliament. Together with his Majesty's instructions to his commissioner for re- dressing the same. (In: A collection of state tracts, published during the reign of William in. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 465-469.) ft CI Fairfax, Blackerby. A discourse upon the uniting Scotland with England: Contain- ing, The general advantage of such an union to both kingdoms. . .with divers original papers deliver'd by the Commis- sioners of both nations to one another about an union in 1667. . . [By B. Fairfax.] London: Printed for James Knapton, 1702. 2 p.l., 92 p. 8°. CPp. box 3 Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun. Speeches by a member of Parliament, which began at Edinburgh, the 6th of May, 1703. Edin- burgh, 1707. (In his: Political works... London, 1732. 8°. p. 265-361.) CC Great Britain. The journal of the pro- ceedings of the Lds Commissioners of both nations in the treaty of union, which began on the 16th of April, 1706, and was concluded on the 22d of July following. With the articles then agreed upon. Edin- burgh and London [1706]. 79 p. 8°. CI p.v. 60, no.22 Great Britain. — Crown. Her Majesties most gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland. Together with His Grace the Lord High Commissioner, and Lord High Chancellor's speeches. Edinburgh: A. Anderson, 1703. 4 1. 8°. CPp. box 2 Hume, Sir David, of Crossrig. A diary of the proceedings in the Parliament and Privy Council of Scotland, May 21, 1700 — March 7, 1707. Edinburgh, 1828. 4 p.l., iii-iv, 200 p., 1 1. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) fCP Keith, Theodora. The economic causes for the Scottish union. (English histori- cal review. London, 1909. 8°. v. 24, p. 44-60.) BAA Late, The, proceedings and votes of the parliament of Scotland; contain'd in an address deliver'd to the king, signed by the plurality of the members thereof, stated and vindicated. (In: A collection of state tracts published during the reign of William hi. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 469-493.) ft CI List, A, of the nobility and gentry, now sitting in the Scots Parliament, who were for and against the Union of the two king- doms. 1706. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts.. . London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 524-526.) C LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 181 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. McKechnie, William S. The constitu- tional necessity for the Union of 1707. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 52-66.) CPA Mackinnon, James. The union of Eng- land and Scotland. A study of interna- tional history. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. xviii, 524 p. 8°. CP Mathieson, William Law. The Union of 1707: its story in outline. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 249-261.) CPA Scotland and the Union. A history of Scotland from 1695 to 1747. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1905. xiii, 387 p. 8°. CP Preliminaries, The, to the Crown of Scotland, as propos'd by the Grand Com- mittee. (In: A collection of tracts, pub- lished during the reign of William in. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 440.) ft CI Obligations to be exacted from the successor to the Scottish throne. Reflections on a late speech by the Lord Haversham, in so far as it relates to the affairs of Scotland. Containing, a brief account of the late change in the Scots ministry. Of the miscarrying of the Han- over succession in the Parliament of Scot- land. And of the acts of that Parliament for arming their people, and exporting wool, etc. In a letter to a friend. Lon- don: R. Bragg, 1704. 32 p. 4°. CP p. box 4 Ridpath, George. An account of the proceedings of the Parliament of Scot- land, which met at Edinburgh, May 6, 1703 ... [By George Ridpath.] [Edinburgh?] 1704. 8 p.l., 368 p. 12°. CP The proceedings of the Parliament of Scotland: begun at Edinburgh, 6th. May, 1703. With an account of all the material debates which occur'd during that session. To which are subjoyn'd the several acts past in that session, the Act of Security, as it was voted in the House, the articles of the Claim of Right referr'd to in some of these acts. [By G. Ridpath.] [Edinburgh?] 1704. 2 p.l., 70 p., 10 1. 8°. CP p. box Scotch, The, echo to the English legion: or, The Union in danger, from the principles of some old and modern Whigs in both nations, about the power of Par- liaments. Being every word collected from their own writings . . . Edinburgh, 1707. 2 p.l., 21 p. 12°. CIp.v.ll5,no.9 Scotland. — Parliament. The articles of the Union as they pass'd with amend- ments in the Parliament of Scotland... London: A. Bell, 1707. 12 p. 4°. CPp.box Proceedings in the Parliament of Scotland; from the meeting of the new Parliament upon the 6th of May, 1703, to the Union with England, in the year 1707: including the speeches of Fletcher of Sal- toun, &c. (In: Cobbett's Parliamentary history of England... London, 1810. 8°. v. 6, appendix no. 1, cols, i-clxxxiv.) CM Scotland's great advantages by a union with England: shewn in a letter from the country to a member of Parliament. 1706. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce... tracts... London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 519-524.) C Scottish, The, Union. (Edinburgh re- view. London, 1892. 8°. v. 176, p. 506- 520.) * DA Based on original letters of the duke of Argyll to Lord Godolphin. Seton, Sir William. The interest of Scotland, in three essays. Viz.: I. Of the true and original and indifferency of Church-government. II. Of the union of Scotland and England into one Monarchy. III. Of the present state of Scotland. [By Sir William Seton.] n. p., 1700. 4 p.l., 114 p. 16°. CP Speech, A, made by a member of the Convention of the States in Scotland. (In: A collection of state tracts, published during the reign of William in. London, 1707. f°. v. 3, p. 437-439.) ft CI Spottiswoode, John. Speech of one of the barons of the shire of Berwick [J.S.], at a meeting of the barons and freeholders of that shire for choosing commissioners to represent them in the ensuing parlia- ment, summoned to convene at Edinburgh 12. November 1702. (Spottiswoode mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 227-240.) ZDVH Treaty, The, of Union between Scot- land and England; with an historical in- troduction by Thistledown. Edinburgh: Waddie & Co., 1883. 48 p. 12°. * C p.v. 498 Trimmer, The: or, Some necessary cau- tions concerning the Union of the king- doms of Scotland and England, with an answer to some of the chief objections against an incorporating union. Edin- burgh, printed in the year 1706. (Spottis- woode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 241-256.) ZDVH Union, The, of 1707 viewed financially. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1887. 8°. v. 10, p. 213-234.) * DA 1700-1785 Fraser, Sir William, editor. Report upon the correspondence of Lord Chan- cellor Seafield, with Sidney, earl of Go- dolphin, lord treasurer of England, and others, preserved at Cullen House, Banff- shire, now the property of the Right Hon- ourable Caroline, countess dowager of Sea- field. (In: Great Britain. — Historical 182 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Manuscripts Commission. 14. report, ap- pendix, part iii. London, 1894. 8°. p. 191-238.) C 1701 Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun. A speech upon the state of the nation; in April, 1701. (In his: Political works... Lon- don, 1732. 8°. p. 241-263.) CC Staatkundige verhandeling, over de noodzakelykheid eener wel ingerigte burger landmilitie. . . Uit het Engelsch vertaald. Amsterdam: C. N. Guerin, 1774. 71 p. 8°. VWZH p.v. 4 To the King's Most Excellent Majesty: The humble representation of the Lords and commissioners of shires and bur- roughs of the kingdom of Scotland, un- dersubscribers, and members of this cur- rent Parliament now adjourned till the eighth of October next. n. t.-p. n. p. [170-?] 3-7 p. 4°. CPp.box4 1701-1705 List of popish parents and their chil- dren in various districts of Scotland, as given in to the lords of the Privy Council and to the Commission of the General Assembly, 1701-1705. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 387-440.) t CP 1701-1800 Brown, Peter Hume. Scotland in the eighteenth century. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 343- 356.) CPA Colville, James. Lowland Scotland in the last century. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 152, p. 471-490.) * DA Echoes of the eighteenth century. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 59-75.) * DA Social history from private letters. Lovat-Fraser, J. A. Scottish adminis- tration in the eighteenth century. (Juridi- cal review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 24, p. 122-127.) SEA Old Scotland. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 143, p. 529-546.) * DA Ramsay, John. Scotland and Scots- men in the eighteenth century, from the mss. of J. R. Edited by Alexander Al- lardyce. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1888. 2 v. 8°. CP v. 1: Introduction: The revival of letters in Scot- land; The judges; Lord Karnes; Church and uni- versities before 1745; Men of genius and taste from 1745 to 1763; Professors and clergymen, 1745- 1760. v. 2: The church and the_ secession; The Scottish gentry; Some Scottish ladies; Agriculture; Some Scottish worthies; Experiences of a landlord; The Highlanders; Highland superstitions; The Highlands and the Rebellions; Ramsayana; Index. Scottish, The, in the last century. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1895. 8°. v. 278, p. 332-341.) *DA Walton, F. P. Scotland in the eigh- teenth century. (McGill University maga- zine. Montreal, 1903. 8°. v. -3, p. 147- 159.) STK Watson, John. The Scot of the eigh- teenth century. His religion and his life. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Co. [1907.] vi, 345 p. 12°. CP 1702 Account, An, of the Scotch plot. In a letter from a gentleman in the city to his friend in the country. Printed 1704. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts . . . London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 433-437.) C An account of the plot of Simon Fraser of Lovat in 1702. 1703 Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun. Home rule for Scotland, as advocated by Andrew- Fletcher of Saltoun, our first home rule statesman, nearly 200 years ago, with its bearing in support of home rule for Ire- land. London: "The Leader" [1888?]. 44 p. 12°. *C p.v. 498 1707 Hooke, Nathaniel. The secret history of Colonel Hooke. Negociations in Scot- land, in favour of the Pretender; in 1707. Including the original letters and papers which passed between the Scotch and Irish lords and the courts of Versailles and St. Germains. With a translation of letters, containing a narrative of the Pre- tenders expedition into Scotland in 1708, and his return to Dunkirk... London: T. Becket, 1760. viii, 236 p. 8°. CP Scotland in the eighteenth century — 1707. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883-84. 8°. v. 2, p. 234-260; v. 3, p. 209-248.) * DA 1707-1755 Clerk, Sir John. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik. . .extracted by himself from his own journals, 1676- 1755. Edited from the manuscript in Peni- cuik House with an introduction and notes by John M. Gray. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1892. xxxi, 278 p., 3 pi., 7 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- tions, v. 13.) CPA Valuable for the Union negotiations (1707) and the post-Union period. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 183 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1707-1907 Macrae, Alexander. Scotland from the Treaty of Union with England to the present time (1707-1907). By A. Macrae. With an introductory note by Sir Henry Craik, K.C.B. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1908. viii p., 2 L, 272 p., 10 port. 12°. CP 1. Introductory. 2. The Treaty of Union. 3. The Rebellion of 1715. 4. 1715-1745. 5. The Re- bellion of 1745. 6. After Culloden. 7. Whigs and tories. 8. Social life. 9. Industry and commerce. 10. Education. 11. Literature, philosophy, and art. 12. Religion. [Appendix.] Chronicle of principal events. Prime ministers, lord advocates, and Scot- tish secretaries since the Union. Biographical notes. Index. 1709 Account, An, of the late Scotch inva- sion; as it was open'd by my lord Haver- sham in the House of Lords, on Fryday the 25th of February, 170 8 /„. With some observations that were made in the H — se of C — ns; and true copies of authentick papers. In a letter from a gentleman in South-Brittain to his friend in North Brit- tain. [London,] 1709. 48 p. 4°. CPp.v.2 (In: Somers, A collection of scarce., .tracts. . . London, 1815. 4°. v. 13, p. 421-438.) C (In: The Harleian miscellany ... London, 1810. 8°. v. 11, p. 66-87.) C Brief, A, view of the late Scots minis- try; and of the reasons the Scots had to wish for a deliverance from them by the Union. 1709. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce and valuable tracts . . . London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 617-630.) C 1714 Address of one hundred and two chief heritors and heads of clans in the High- lands of Scotland, to King George I. on his accession to the throne, which, by court intrigue, was prevented from being delivered to His Majesty... (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 562-565.) t CPA The clans, in resentment of the supposed neglect of their address, raised a rebellion in the following year, 1715. 1715-1745 Jacobite Rebellions, 1715-1745 Includes also lives of Prince Charles Edward Stewart, the Young Pretender. See also entries under the section Criminal Trials. Account of the attempt to surprise the castle of Edinburgh during the Rebellion of 1715. (Edinburgh magazine and liter- ary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p 25-26.) * DE With reprint of a letter dated 10 September 1715. Account of the battle of Sheriffmuir, in a letter from a gentleman in Stirling to a friend in Edinburgh. (Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 425-430.) ZDVH and Stuart 4184 Account of events at Inverness and Cul- loden. [1746.] (In: G. Lockhart, The Lockhart papers... London, 1817. 4°. v. 2, p. 513-536.) f CP Account, An, of the trials, &c, of the rebels. (Scots magazine. Edinburgh, 1746. 8°. v. 8, p. 319-330.) * DE Account of the Young Pretender's escape. [1746.] (In: G. Lockhart, The Lockhart papers... London, 1817. 4°. v. 2, p. 539-562.) t CP Accounts of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Black- ford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the beginning of the year 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) fCP Albemarle (2. earl), William Anne Kep- pel. The Albemarle papers, being the cor- respondence of William Anne, second earl of Albemarle. With an appendix of let- ters from Andrew Fletcher to the duke of Newcastle, 1746-1748. Edited with in- troduction and notes by C. S. Terry. Aber- deen: New Spalding Club, 1902. 2 v. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) f CP Alger, J. G. A French envoy in 1745. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 17, p. 280-292.) * DA Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d'Eguieles. Allardyce, James, editor. See Histori- cal papers relating to the Jacobite period. Anecdotes illustrative of the state of the Highlands after the Rebellion of forty- five. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 155-159.) *DA Ascanius; or, the young adventurer, a true history. Translated from a manu- script privately handed about at the court of Versailles. Containing a particular ac- count of all that happened to a certain per- son, during his wanderings in the north ... London: G. Smith [174-?]. 64 p. 8°. CP Ascanius, or the young adventurer; con- taining an impartial history of the Re- bellion in Scotland, in the year 1745, 1746. To which is added, a journal of the mirac- ulous adventures and escapes of the Young Chevalier, after the battle of Cul- loden. Edinburgh: T. Brown and W. Martin, 1802. 193 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 24°. *Cp.v. 1124 Asgill, John. The Pretender's declara- tion transpos'd. London: R. Burleigh, 1716. 19 p. 8°. CK p.v. 300 184 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1715-1745, continued. Battle of Sheriffmuir. (Edinburgh ma- gazine and literary miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 240-241.) * DE From a letter dated: Edinburgh, Nov. 15, 1715. Bentinck, C. D. Letters of a Jacobite chief and a loyalist lady. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 157-182.) NDO Simon, Lord Lovat of the '45, and Isobel Forbes, sister of Lord President Forbes. Bisset, John. Extracts from the diary ot the Rev. John Bisset, minister at Aber- deen. 1745-46. (Spalding Club. Miscel- lany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 347- 398.) t CP Illustrates the history of the Rebellion of 1745. Blaikie, Walter Biggar. The High- landers at Macclesfield in 1745. 2 pi., 1 port. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 225-244.) CPA Itinerary of Prince Charles Ed- ward Stuart, from his landing in Scotland July, 1745 to his departure in September, 1746. Compiled from The Lion in mourn- ing, supplemented and corrected from other contemporary sources. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1897. xv, 136 p., 2 pi., 1 map in pocket. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 23.) CPA Browne, Douglas G. The affair at Montrose: a naval footnote to the '45. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 193, p. 181-192.) * DA Burton, John. A genuine and true jour- nal of the most miraculous escape of the Young Chevalier, from the battle of Cul- loden, to his landing in France. ( By John Burton.] Edited by Edmund Goldsmid. Edinburgh: E. & G. Goldsmid, 1885. 113 P- 16°. CPp.v.2 With reprint of the title-page of 1749. Burton, John Hill. History of Scot- land from the Revolution to the extinc- tion of the last Jacobite insurrection. (1689-1748.) London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1853. 2 v. 8°. CP Cadell, Sir Robert. Sir John Cope and the Rebellion of 1745. Edinburgh: Wil- liam Blackwood and Sons, 1898. xii p 1 1., 282 p., 1 1., 1 map, 1 pi. sq. 8°. CP Cameron, Allan. Allan Cameron's nar- rative, February-April, 1716. The end of the '15; edited by C. Sanford Terry. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 137-150.) CPA Campbell, John. Leaves from the diary of John Campbell, an Edinburgh banker in 1745. (Scottish History Society. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8° v 1 t> 537-559.) • c'PA Carmichael, Alexander. Some unre- corded incidents of the Jacobite risings (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. " 8°. v " 6, p. 278-283, 334-348.) NDK Carr, Alexander A. Glengorroch. A tale of the forty-five. (Forget-me-not London [1836?]. 16°. p. 179-194.) NCA Chambers, Robert. History of the Re- bellions in Scotland, under the viscount of Dundee, and the earl of Mar in 1689 and 1715. Edinburgh: Constable and Co 1829. x p., 1 1., (1)16-332 p. 16°. (Con- stable's Miscellany, v. 42.) CP With additional engraved title-page. History of the Rebellion in Scot- land in 1745, 1746. Edinburgh: Constable and Co., 1827. 2 v. 16°. (Constable's Miscellany, v. 15-16.) CP Each volume has additional engraved title-page. Philadelphia: E. C. Mielke, 1833. 2 v. 1. Amer. ed. 16°. CP _ Life and adventures of the Cheva- lier Charles Stuart, and history of the Rebellion in Scotland, in 1745, 1746. (In: Waldie's Select circulating library. Phila- delphia, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 272-336.) f * DD First American from the third Edinburgh editidn. Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stewart, prince, commonly called the Young Pretender. Harangue faite par Charles Edouard d'Ecosse, a son arme'e, apres avoir remporte la victoire sur le General Cope, dans le comte d'Archite, le 1/12 Septembre; traduit de l'Anglois par M. Ohalon... n.p. [1745.] p. 3-7. 4°. Reserve Manifeste veritable du Prince de Galles. Traduit de l'Anglois. n.p., 1745. 8 P- 4°. Reserve Traduction de la proclamation du Prince Charles Edouard. . .portant une abolition generale, de tout les exces qui ont ete commis contre le Maison de Stuard, depuis le detronement de Jacques ii. & une invitation a tous les Anglois, Ecossois & Irlandois, qui sont au service des Puissances etrangeres, de se rendre incessamment dans leur patrie, pour aider le Prince Charles Edouard, a la deliverer de toute domination etrangere & tyran- nique. n.p. [1745.] 8 p. 4°. Reserve Traduction d'une lettre ecrite par le Prince... a son pere Jacques in. Roi dEcosse... n.p. : 1745.] 4 p. 4°. Reserve Charlton, Edward. Jacobite relics of 1715 and 1745. (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle. Archasologia ^Eliana. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1865. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 29-34.) CA Clarke, Peter. A journall of severall occurrences from 2d November 1715, in the Insurrection (began in Scotland) and concluded at Preston in Lancashire, on November 14, 1715. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 513-522.) B CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods- — 1715-1745, continued. Culloden papers: comprising an exten- sive and interesting correspondence from the year 1625 to 1748; including numer- ous letters from the unfortunate Lord Lovat...the whole published from the originals in the possession of Duncan George Forbes, of Culloden. To which is prefixed an introduction containing mem- oirs of the Right Hon. Duncan Forbes . . . London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1815. 1 p.l., xv(i), xliv, 479 p., 1 fac, 2 port. 4°. CP Declaration, A, of the archbishop of Canterbury, and the bishops in and near London, testifying their abhorrence of the present rebellion... Printed in the year 1715. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce and valuable tracts . . . London, 1815. 4°. v. 13, p. 710-713.) C Dickson, William Kirk. The Highland campaigns. 3 maps, 3 plans, 1 pi., 4 port. (In: T. B. Johnston and J. A. Robertson, Historical geography of the clans of Scot- land... Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. p. 53-176.) fCPE See also Ormonde (2. duke), James Butler. Edine, C. Lovat and Lily: a pastoral. [Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1859?] 3 pi, (1)4-75 p. 16°. NCM t.-p. mutilated. Elcho, David Wemyss, lord. A short account of the affairs of Scotland in the years 1744, 1745, 1746 by David, Lord Elcho, printed from the original manu- script at Gosford: with a memoir and an- notations by the Hon. Evan Charteris. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1907. viii p., 2 1., 477 p., 4 plans, 2 port. 8°. CP Enquiry, An, into the causes of the late rebellion, and the proper methods for preventing the like misfortune for the fu- ture. London: M. Cooper, 1746. 1 p.l., 66 p. 12°. CKp.v.97 Erskine, Stuart, editor. See Mar (11. earl), John Erskine. Extracts of letters written by a lady in Edinburgh during its occupation by the rebels in 1745. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 540-542.) * DE Fea, Allan. Hiding places in Jacobite dwellings and in Scottish castles and man- sions. (In his: Secret chambers and hid- ing places... London cl908]. 3. ed. 8°. p. 241-254.) CBA The Scottish hiding-places of Prince Charles Edward. (In his: Secret chambers and hiding places... London [1908]. 3. ed. 8°. p. 294-311.) CBA 185 See Lyon, The, in Forbes, Robert, mourning. Fraser, Alexander. The battlefield of Culloden. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 354-358.) * EC Garrold, R. P. The Pope and the Forty- five. (Month. London, 1909. 8°. v 113 p. 66-76.) *DA Gijzen, J. van. De troosteloose Jako- biet, over het huylen van den pretendent, in Schotland. [Signed J. van Gijzen.) Am- ' sterdam: J. van Egmont, 1716. 4 1. 4° NHK p.v. 2 Gordon, Lord Lewis. Letters from Lord Lewis Gordon, and others, to the laird of Stonywood. 1745-1746. (Spald- ing Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v.-l, p. 401-439.) fCP Illustrative of the history of the Rebellion of 1745. Graham, Dougal. An impartial history of the rise, progress and extinction of the Rebellion in Britain in the years 1745 and 1746... 3. ed. with amendments. Glasgow: John Robertson, printer, 1774. 1 p.l., (1)8-190 [2, p. 12°. CP In verse. Portrait lacking. (In his: Collected writings. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 81-254.) Reprint of the third edition. Graham, E. Maxtone. Margaret Nairne: .a bundle of Jacobite letters. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 11-23.) CPA Grant, Mrs. Anne. Letters written by Mrs. Grant of Laggan concerning High- land affairs and persons connected with the Stuart cause in the eighteenth cen- tury. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. (Scot- tish History Society. Publications. Edin- burgh, 1896. 8°. v. 26, p. 249-330.) CPA These letters deal with persons connected with the Stewart cause in the eighteenth century. Great Britain. — Statutes. An act to amend... an act... [for] the more effectual disarming of the Highlands in Scotland ... Edinburgh: A. Watkins, 1748. 30 p. 8°. CP An act for the more easy and speedy trial of such persons as have levied, or shall levy war against His Majesty; and for the better ascertaining the quali- fications of jurors in trials for high trea- son or misprision of treason in... Scot- land. Edinburgh: R. Freebairn, 1746. v. p. 12°. CP An act for the more effectual dis- arming the Highlands in Scotland... Edinburgh: R. Freebairn, 1746. 33 p. 12°. CP Bound with: Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for the more easy and speedy trial of such persons as have levied, or shall levy war against His Maj- esty. Edinburgh, 1746. 12°. 186 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1715-1745, continued. An act to amend... an act... [for] the more effectual disarming of the High- lands in Scotland... Edinburgh: A. Wat- kins, 1748. 30 p. 8°. CP Bound with : Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for the more easy and speedy trial of such persons as have levied, or shall levy war against His Maj- esty. Edinburgh, 1746. 12°. Grier, R. M. The Tissington mss. and the Rebellion of '45. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 22-25.) CA Haggard, W. D. Medals of the Pre- tender. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1839-40. 8°. v. 1, p. 219-222; v. 2, p. 37- 42, 124-132.) MHA Henfrey, Henry W. The Culloden med- als. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1875. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 90-91.) MHA Herring, Thomas, archbishop of York. A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of York, September the 22d, 1745. On oc- casion of the present Rebellion in Scot- land. [By Thomas Herring.] London: J. Hildyard, 1745. vi, 34 p. 8°. CPp.v.2 Hibbert, F. Aidan. The '45: further par- ticulars from the Tissington mss. (An- tiquary. London, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 62-67.) CA Highlanders, The, at Macclesfield in 1745. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 285-296.) CPA A contemporary letter written by John Stafford, attorney, Macclesfield. Historical papers relating to the Jaco- bite period. 1699-1750. Edited by Colonel James Allardyce. Aberdeen: New Spald- ing Club, 1895-96. 2 v. port. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) t CP V. 1 contains materials relating to the risings of 1715 and 1745, and reports on the condition of the Highlands by Marshal George Wade and Dun- can Forbes of Culloden. v. 2 contains depositions against the Jacobite ( prisoners in 1746. Both vol- umes contain portraits of the principal characters. History of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, called by some "The young Pre- tender," but more frequently, in the North, The young Chevalier, or Bonnie Prince Charlie. Newcastle: Printed and sold by W. and T. Fordyce. 24 p. 24°. Reserve Chapbook. History, The, of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, commonly called the Pretender. Glasgow; Printed for the Booksellers [C 1840]. 24 p. 24°. [no.] 120. Reserve Chapbook. Hogg, James. The Jacobite relics of Scotland; being the songs, airs, and leg- ends, of the adherents to the house of Stuart, series 2. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1821. 8°. NDP Reprinted from the original ed. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1874. 2 v. port. 8°. NDP Home, John. The history of the Re- bellion in the year 1745. London: T. Cadell, jun., & W. Davies, 1802. xx, 394 p., 2 1., 1 map, 1 port., 3 plans. 4°. CK Extra illustrated with 2 pi., 2 maps, 1 port. Hue and cry after the Pretender, Feb. 20, 1716. (Analerta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 223-229.) ' CP A clever but scurrilous attack upon the un- fortunate son of James vn. Jacobites, The. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1846. 8°. v. 5, p. 329-369.) *DA James Francis Edward Stewart, prince of Wales, called the Pretender. Traduc- tion de la response du Roi Jacques a la lettre du regent d'Ecosse, son fils. n. p. [1745.] 4 p. 4°. Reserve Translated from the Italian. Jesse, John Heneage. Advance of the Pretender on Edinburgh and Derby. (In: Classic memoirs. . .with a special intro- duction by Robert Abbot. New York [cop. 1901]. 8°. p. 385-437.) A Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents. London: H. G. Bohn, 1858. xii, 564 p., 3 port, new ed. 12°. CK Lacks other three portraits. Philadelphia: J. W. Moore. 1846. 2 v. 16°. CK Extra illustrated. Johnstone, James Johnstone, chevalier de. Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746... Translated from a French ms. [Edited by Robert Watson.) Lon- don: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1821. lxxii, 456 p. 2. ed. 8°. CP Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 8, p. 228-237, 456-464, Edinburgh, 1821. Journals and memoirs of the Young Pre- tender's expedition in 1745. (In: G. Lock- hart, The Lockhart papers . . . London, 1817. 4°. v. 2, p. 439-510.) t CP Kirsch, Anton. Treibende Faktoren bei- dem schottischen Aufstande in den J. 1745- 46 und Nachspiel desselben. (Histori- sches Jahrbuch. Mimchen, 1906. 8°. Bd. 27, p. 291-315.) BAA Klose, Charles Louis. Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart (count of Albany), commonly called "The Young Preten- der;" with notices of the Rebellion in 1745. London: Henry Colburn, 1845. 2 v. port. 8°. CP Lamplugh, Thomas, successively bishop of Exeter and archbishop of York. A ser- mon preached at the cathedral church of York, September the 22d, 1745; on occa- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1715-1745, continued. sion of the present rebellion in Scotland ... York: J. Hildyard, 1745. viii, 34 p. 8°. CKp.v. 317 Lang, Andrew. The companions of Pickle. Being a sequel to .'Pickle the spy.' London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. ix p., 1 1., 308 p., 4 port. 8°. CP Historical mysteries. in. The case of Allan Breck. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 323-336.) * DA Late Jacobite tracts. (Biblio- graphica. London, 1897. 4°. v. 3, p. 407- 417.) t * GAH Murray of Broughton. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 164, p. 220-230.) * DA Pickle the spy; or, The incognito of Prince Charles. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. xxi p., 1 1., 344 p., 6 port. 3. ed. 8°. CP Prince Charles Edward. London: Manzi, Joyant & Co., 1900. 2 p.l., vii, 300 p., 1 1., 3 fac, 9 pi., 24 port. f°. ft CP no. 710 of 1500 copies printed. Reviewed in Blackwood's magazine, v. 168, p. 536-548. Lenity, Of, and severity to the rebels. (Scots magazine. Edinburgh, 1746. 8°. v. 8, p. 469-482.) * DE Lettre d'un officier du regiment royal Ecossois, a M. D. ancien capitaine Ir- landois. Sur la victoire remportee par le prince [Charles] Edouard, Regent d'Ecosse, sur l'armee Angloise comman- dee par le general Aweley pres de Falkirk, le 28 Janvier, 1746. a Sterling, 1746. 7 p. 4°. Reserve Lovat (11. baron), Simon Fraser. Let- ters from Simon, Lord Lovat to his kins- man in Aberdeenshire [Charles Fraser of Inverallochyj. 1740-45. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 1-27.) f CP See also editor's preface, p. viii-xxi. Trial of Simon, Lord Lovat of the 45. Edited by D. N. Mackay. Edin- burgh : W. Hodge & Company [1911]. lv, 314 p., 2 pi., 4 port. 8°. (Notable Scot- ch trials.) SLN Lyon, The, in mourning; or, A collec- :ion of speeches, letters, journals, etc., ■elative to the affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. By the Rev. Robert Forbes, bishop of Ross and Caithness, .746-1775. Edited from his manuscript, vith a preface by Henry Paton. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1895-96. 3 v. >°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- ions. v. 20-22.) CPA 187 Mac-Choinnich, Iain. Eachdraidh a' Phnonnsa no bliadhna Thearlaich Paisley: A. Gardner, 1906. 199 p. 12°. CP A history of Prince Charles Edward Stewart and the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. Macdonald, John. A true and real state of Prince Charles Stuart's miraculous escape after the battle of Cullodden. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. New York, 1873. 8°. v. 114, p. 408-418.) * DA With introductory note and comment by George Skene. (In: Lyon, The, in mourning ... Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 3, p. 375- 383.) F CPA Reprint. Without Skene's comments. Mackay, Charles. Bliadhna Thear- laich. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 54-55.) NDO Mackay, William. The Camerons in the rising of 1715: a vindication of their leader, John Cameron, younger of Lochiel. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 61- 80.) NDO Unpublished correspondence be- tween Lord Lovat, Macleod of Macleod, Lord Loudon, and others, in connection with the rebellion of 1745. (Gaelic Soci- ety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 1-39.) NDO Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. Incidents in the risings of 1715 and 1745. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, n.d. 12°. v. 2, 1891-94, p. 1-29.) NDO Macphail, J. R. N., editor. See Grant, Mrs. Anne. Letters. Macpherson, Alexander. Incidents in the '45, and wanderings of Prince Charlie in Badenoch after Culloden. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 278-320.) NDO Macrae, Alexander. Scotland from the Treaty of Union with England to the present time (1707-1907). With an intro- ductory note by Sir Henry Craik. Lon- don: J. M. Dent & Co., 1908. viii p., 2 1., 272 p., 10 port. 12°. CP ch. 3: The Rebellion of 1715; ch. 4: 1715-1745; ch. 5: The Rebellion of 1745. Mahon, Philip Henry Stanhope, vis- count. See Stanhope (5. earl), Philip Henry Stanhope. Mar (11. earl), John Erskine. The earl of Mar's legacies to Scotland and to his son Lord Erskine, 1722-1727. Edited from the original ms...with a biographical in- troduction and notes by Stuart Erskine. (Scottish History Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 26, p. 139-247.) His legacies include his letters to and from the Old Chevalier. 188 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1715-1745, continued. Master, The, of Sinclair's narrative of the 'IS. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Amer. ed. New York, 1859. 8°. v. 81, p. 207-224.) * DA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. A Jaco- bite general [Lord George Murray]. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 742-754.) * DA Maxwell, James. Narrative of Charles, prince of Wales' expedition to Scotland in the year 1745. Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1841. viii, 196 p. 4°. f CP Melfort (1. earl and titular duke), John Drummond. Memoirs. Being an account of the secret intrigues of the Chevalier de St. George particularly relating to the present times, m.dcc.xiv. (Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 401-424.) ZDVH Memoir regarding the state of the High- lands. 1716. (In: J. Drummond, Mem- oirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill ... Edinburgh, 1842. 4°. p. 377-383.) CP The authorship has been attributed to Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, but "to consider him the author would be to suppose him endowed with an almost incredible degree of duplicity." Memoirs of the Master of Sinclair. (Edinburgh review. London, 1860. 8°. v. 112, p. 332-360.) * DA Memorial relative to the prisoners en- gaged in the Rebellion, 1715. (Spottis- woode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 473-480.) ZDVH Millar, Alexander Hastie. The battle of Glenshiel. Note upon an unpublished letter in the possession of C. S. Home- Drummond-Moray. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 64-66.) CPA The battle of Glenshiel, 10th June 1719. Note upon an unpublished docu- ment in the possession of his grace the duke of Marlborough. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 57-69.) CPA Note on the proclamation for dis- arming of the Highlands in 1746. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30 p. 210-222.) CPA See also Selection, A, of Scottish forfeited estates papers 1715; 1745. Mounsey, George Gill. Carlisle in 1745. Authentic account of the occupation of Carlisle in 1745, by Prince Charles Edward Stuart. Edited by... Mounsey [from the narratives of Rev. John Waugh and othersj. London: Longman & Co., 1846. x, 270 p., 1 plan, 5 pi. 8°. CO Murray, James. Letters of James Mur- ray, loyalist. Edited by N. M. Tiffany assisted by S. I. Lesley. Boston, printed 1901. 8°. AN Chap. 1, 'On the Scottish Border,- 1713-1735.' With portraits of John Murray of Bowhill and John Murray of Philiphaugh, and sketch of farm- house of Unthank, Roxburghshire. Newbigging, Thomas. The Scottish Jacobites and their battles, songs, and music. (Manchester quarterly. Man- chester, 1899. 8°. v. 18, p. 32-60.) NAA Nicolson, William. Eight letters by William Nicolson, D.D., bishop of Car- lisle, to Sir William Dawes, archbishop of York, 1716. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 523-536.) CPA The letters deal chiefly with the trial of the Scottish prisoners taken at and after the battle of Sheriffmuir. Nightingale, B. Medal of the Pretender, illus. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1847. 8°. v. 9, p. 44.) MHA Norcliffe, C. B. General James Wolfe at Culloden. (Genealogist. London, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 225-229.) *R — Room 328 Notes, from an old diary, relating to the Rebellion of 1745. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 6, p. 336-342.) * DE Omstandig verhaal van de waare toestand der rebellie in Schotland...uit onderschepte brieven van, en aan, den Pretendent. . .en waarom veele protestan- ten, de party van de pausgezinden, aldaar, omhelst hebben... Uit het Engels ver- taald. Amsterdam: Isaak Graal [1746?]. 1 p.L, 48 p., 1 pi. sq. 8°. CPp.box Ormonde (2. duke), James Butler. The Jacobite attempt of 1719. Letters of James Butler, second duke of Ormonde, relating to Cardinal Alberoni's project for the invasion of Great Britain on be- half of the Stuarts, and to the landing of a Spanish expedition in Scotland. Edited, with an introduction, notes, and an appen- dix of original documents, by William Kirk Dickson. Edinburgh: T. & A. Con- stable, 1895. lix, 306 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 3 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Pub- lications, v. 19.) CPA Papers about the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745. I. A journall of severall occurrences in 1715, by Peter Clarke. II. Eight letters by William Nicolson, bishop of Carlisle, to the archbishop of York, 1716. Ill- Leaves from the diary of John Campbell, an Edinburgh banker in 1745. Edited... with introduction and notes by Henry Paton. (Scottish History Society. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 505- 559.) ' F CPA Paton, Henry, editor. See Lyon, The, in mourning; also Papers about the Re- bellions of 1715 and 1745. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 189 iistory and Description, continued, special Periods — 1715-1745, continued. Popery & slavery reviving: or, An ac- ;ount of the growth of popery, and the in- olence of Papists and Jacobites in Scot- and. In a letter from a gentleman in Edinburgh, to his friend in London. With i postscript... Edinburgh printed. Re- >rinted London: A. Bell, 1714. 44 p. nar. 2°. CP p. box Power, William. Prince Charlie, by William Power. [Illustrated from paint- ngs by G. O. Reid and others.] London: T. N. Foulis, 1912. 5 p.l., 3-168 p., 1 1., 13 >1., 10 port. 8°. AN Illustrations mounted on blank leaves. Price, Rees. Notes on Jacobite drink- ng glasses. 4 pi. (Glasgow Archaeolo- gical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 2, p. 22- !9.) CPA Prince Charles Edward. (Blackwood's nagazine. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 168, 3. 536-546.) * DA Prince Charles Stuart. (New quarterly •eview. London, 1846. 8°. v. 6, p. 159- 165.) * DE Prince, Le, Charles Stuart vulgairement lomme le jeune Pretendant. 6 illus. (Le ivre des families. Paris, 1846. 4°. v. 2, d. 311-315.) *DM Prince Charlie's friends; or, Jacobite ndictments. Edited by D. Murray Rose. Aberdeen: printed for private circulation, [896. xliii, 150 p. 4°. CP no. 27 of 50 copies printed. Proceedings against the rebels at York. [Scots magazine. Edinburgh, 1746. 8°. r. 8, p. 483-486.) * DE p. 483 gives a list of those found guilty and p. 186 a list of seventy-six to be transported. Ramsay, John. The Highlanders and ; he Rebellions. (In his: Scotland and Scotsmen in the eighteenth century, idinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 475-541.) CP Rebellion, The, of 1715. Gathering :louds: being a contemporary account of he events immediately preceding the Re- )ellion. (Clarendon Historical Society, leprints. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. series 1, ). 351-398.) CBA Rebellion, The, of 1715. The storm: leing a contemporary account of the Re- >ellion. (Clarendon Historical Society, leprints. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. series 1, i. 399-476.) CBA Rebellion, The, of 1745. (British critic, .ondon, 1834. 8°. v. 16, p. 132-160.) * DE . Relics of the Rebellion, 1745-6. (Spot- iswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. °. v. 2, p. 481-518.) ZDVH Letters and correspondence of participants. Richardson, Andrew. A free and an arbitrary government compared; in two sermons: The first preached in the church of Broughton, on Wednesday the 18th of December, 1745; being the day appointed by the king for a general fast, on account of the present rebellion; and the second preached also in the same place. Edin- burgh: R. Fleming and Co., 1746. 50 p. 12°. ZEC p. v. 82 Robertson, J. L. Log of the "Dutillet." (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 11- 30.) NDO This log, now published in English for the first time, is of great importance in connection with the beginning of the Young Pretender's operations in the western Highlands in the '45. Rose, D. Murray. After Culloden. (Scots Magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 434-446.) * DE Balmerino of the '45. (Scots mag- azine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 252-257.) * DE Historical notes; or, Essays on the '15 and '45. Edinburgh: Wm. Brown, 1897. xii, 198 p., 2 fac, 2 port, illus. 8°. CP One of 250 copies printed. See also Prince Charlie's friends. Rowlands, Richard. An impartial ac- count of the Rebellion in the year 1715. 7 1. (In his: History of the life and reigns of the kings of Scotland... Dub- lin, 1722. sq. 8°.) CP Scotland. — Supervisors of Excise. A list of persons concerned in the Rebellion, transmitted to the commissioners of ex- cise by the several supervisors., .in obedi- ence to a general letter of the 7th May 1746. And a supplementary list with evi- dences to prove the same. With a pref- ace by the earl of Rosebery and annota- tions by Rev. Walter Macleod. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1890. xviii p., 1 L, 439 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 8.) CPA Selection, A, of Scottish forfeited es- tates papers 1715; 1745. Edited from the original documents, with introduction and appendices by A. H. Millar. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1909. 2 p.l., vii-xlvii, 386 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 57.) CPA Serious, A, address to the people of Great Britain. In which the certain consequences of the present rebellion, are fully demonstrated... London: M. Cooper, 1745. 47 p. 3. ed. 12°. CP p. box 1 Shield, A. In the closing days of Prince Charles. (The Month. London, 1898. 8°. v. 91, p. 178-189, 271-283, 502-511; v. 92, p. 61-75, 292-304.) * DA 190 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1715-1745, continued. Short, A, History of the grand Rebel- lion in Scotland, or A brief account of the rise and progress of Charles Stuart, the Young Pretender, and his associates; and his seasonable defeat by his Majesty's forces under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. [Bos- ton:] Sold by B. Gray, near the Market [1746]. 1 p. (3 cols.) f°. Reserve In verse. Sinclair, John, master of Sinclair. A true account of the proceedings at Perth, 1716. [By John Sinclair.] (Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 184S. 8°. v. 2, p. 431-472.) ZDVH Skene, Felicia Mary Frances. The pris- oners of Craigmacaire: a story of the "46." Founded upon fact. [By Felicia M. F. Skene.] London: J. Masters, 1852. viii, 70 p. 24°. NCW Stanhope (S. earl), Philip Henry Stan- hope. "The Forty-five": being the narra- tive of the insurrection of 1745... To which are added, Letters of Prince Charles Stuart... London: J. Murray, 1851. viii, 160 p. 8°. CK Steele, Sir Richard. The British sub- ject's answer to the Pretender's declara- tion. Printed 1716. (In: Somers, A col- lection of scarce and valuable tracts... London, 1815. 4°. v. 13, p. 705-710.) C An answer to the proclamation by the Chevalier de St. George (James viii.). A letter from the earl of Mar to the king, &c. before His Majesty arrived in England. With some remarks on my lord's subsequent conduct. Printed in the year 1715. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce and valuable tracts... London, 1815. 4°. v. 13, p. 723-730.) C Steuart, A. Francis. Information against Jacobites and Papists. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 121-122.) CPA Stevenson, John Home. A contract of mutual friendship in the '45. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 159-163.) CPA Stewart, James Francis Edward, the Pretender. See James Francis Edward Stewart, the Pretender. Stuart, James. March of the Highland army, in the years 1745-46. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 277-343.) fCP Stuart, John " Sobieski, and Charles Edward Stuart. Enormities of 1746. (In their: Lays of the deer forest. Edinburgh, 1848. 8°. v. 2, p. 346-363.) MYR Stuart pretenders. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 311-332.) * DA Studies of "the Forty-Five." (Quarter- ly review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 190, p. 442-466.) * DA Succinct, A, history of the Rebellion. (In: Dodsley's Museum; or, The literary and historical register. London, 1746. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-40, 75-80, 109-120, 507-521.) *DE (1) The rise and progress of the Rebellion, to the time of the Highlanders entering South Bri- tain; (2) The particulars of the invasion from the rebels passing the Tweed to their arrival at Derby; (3) The retreat of the rebels from Derby into North Britain; (4) The proceedings of the rebels, from their return into Scotland, to their flight into the North; (5) The history of the Re- bellion, continued to its happy extinction, by the glorious victory at Culloden. Terry, Charles Sanford. The battle of Glenshiel. 2 plans, (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 412- 423.) CPA Letters of the Chevalier de St. George. (English historical review. Lon- don, 1901. 8°. v. 16, p. 507-513.) BAA Toms, Isaac. An anniversary thanks- giving sermon, on Psalm ix: 16, for the ...victory at Culloden, April 16, 1746. With an abridgement of the history of that unnatural rebellion. To which is added an appendix, in two parts: contain- ing 1. The wanderings of Charles, the Pre- tender's son, for five months after his de- feat, about the Isles and Highlands of Scotland, till he escaped to France... [By I. Toms.] London: R. Hawes, 1776. v, 6-74 p. 12°. CPp.box4 True, A, incident of the Rebellion of Forty-five. (Leisure hour. London, 1860. 4°. v. 9, p. 394-397.) * DA Turnbull, Stuart K. The Loch Lomond expedition. An episode of the rising of 1715. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 476-480.) * DA Two Jacobite convicts. (Maryland his- torical magazine. Baltimore, 1906. 8°. v. 1, p. 346-352.) IAA Letter of Donald MacPherson and narrative oi Alexander Stewart, 1717 and 1718. Two letters of 1746. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1849. 4°. v. 4, p. 321-327.) t CP They refer to the Rebellion. Vaughan, Herbert M. The youngest Pretender. Henry Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York. (Fortnightly review. London, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 82, p. 283-295.) *DA Veitch, John. Side-lights on the battles of Preston and Falkirk. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 156, p. 98-106.) * DA Virtue in distress: or, Heroism dis- play'd. Containing a succinct and true relation of the politick methods taken by the court of France to save the Young LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods — 1715-1745, continued. Pretender [i.e. Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimer Stuart], from being made a sacrifice to the late peace. Also the steps taken at the Congress at Aix la Cha- pelle, to frustrate any resolutions... formed to the prejudice of his claims... in E — d. With . . . ( anj account of every- thing that happened., .at Paris... To which is added a. . .narrative of the... hardships... that befell him in Scotland after the battle of Culloden, till his es- cape to France. London: printed for B. Dickinson, 1749. 1 p.l., 48 p., 1 port. 12°. CP p. box 3 Watt, Francis. The treason trials at Carlisle after the '45. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 124-135.) SEA Webb, Philip Carteret. Remarks on the Pretender's declaration and commis- sion. t By P. C. Webb.] London: E. Say, 1745. 30, 8 p. 12°. CPp.box3 Whitelaw, James W. Some incidents in Nithsdale during the Jacobite rising of 1745. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natu- ral History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1896. 8°. 1894- 95, p. 117-138.) * EC Wimberley, Douglas. Selections from the family papers of the Mackays of Big- house. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899-1904. 8°. v. 21, p. 120-171; v. 22, p. 74-117; v. 23, p. 8-53; v. 24, p. 29-66.) NDO These papers consist mainly of letters addressed :o John Campbell of Barcaldine, some time one of :he government factors on the forfeited estates ifter the '45. Wolff, Henry W. The Pretender at Bar-le-Duc. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 156, ?. 226 : 246.) *DA ^ Young, The, Pretender in France. (In: j. Lockhart, The Lockhart papers . . . London, 1817. 4°. v. 2, p. 565-586.) t CP 1718 Great Britain. — Commissioners for Debts Due to Scotland. Several reports >resented to the House of Commons, by he commissioners for taking and stating he debts due and growing due to Scotland iy way of equivalent... London, 1718. • P. 4°. fTIF 1720 Letter, A, from a gentleman at Edin- urgh to a member of the House of Com- 10ns in London; concerning the proceed- igs of the commissioners and trustees for tie forfeitures in Scotland. London, 1720. • Op. 12°. CPp.boxl 191 1722 Some thoughts, humbly submitted to the consideration of the barons, freehold- ers, and burgesses of Scotland; before they proceed to the election of members to represent them in the ensuing parlia- ment, n.p., 1722. 8 p. 4°. CK p.v. 288 1725 Atterbury, Francis, bishop of Rochester. ' I he private correspondence of Dr. Francis Atterbury, bishop of Rochester, and his friends, in 1725. Never before published. [London,] 1768. iv, 10 p. 4°. *C p.v. 1132 1729-1787 Innes, Thomas. Papers by Thomas Li- nes, principal of the Scots College at Paris, and documents connected with his family. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Ab- erdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 353-380.) f CP They cover the period 1729-1787, and include letters from the Old Chevalier. 1730 Gonzales, Manoel, pseud. Voyage... to Great Britain: containing an historical, geographical, topographical, political, and ecclesiastical account of England and Scotland... (In: John Pinkerton, A gen- eral collection of... voyages and travels . . . London, 1808. 4°. v. 2, p. 1-171.) fKBD Scotland, p. 158-171. Attributed to Daniel De Foe. 1731-1741 Grange, James Erskine, lord. Letters. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-67.) + CP On public affairs, 1731-1741. 1733-1735 Fare, The, of the Convention of Royal Burghs in 1733-35. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 17, p. 198-200.) CPA .1734 Scotland. — Royal Burghs. Answers by the annual committee of the Conven- tion of the Royal Burrows of Scotland, to the dissent made by Lord Drumore, as assessor for the burgh of North Berwick. Edinburgh: J. Davidson, 1734. 52 p. 12°. CP p. box 1741 Fransham, John. Scotland. (In his: The world in miniature: or, The enter- taining traveller. London, 1741. 12°. v. 2, p. 230-249.) Reserve 1744 Brief, A, account of the rise and prog- ress of the watch undertaken by Evan 192 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Macpherson of Cluny, in the year 1744, for the security of severall countrys in the north of Scotland from thifts and dep- redations. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. xxxvii- xxxviii, 85-89.) t CP Forbes, Duncan. Some considerations on the present state of Scotland, in a let- ter to the Commissioners and trustees for improving fisheries and manufactures. To which is subjoined, a letter from the An- nual Committee of the Convention of Royal Boroughs to the several boroughs of Scotland, for preventing the pernitious practice of smuggling. [By D. Forbes.] Edinburgh: W. Sands, 1744. 1 p.l., 31, 18 p. 8°. * C p.v. 432 1745 (See under 1715-1745) 1746 Hardewicke (1. earl), Philip Yorke. Two speeches in the House of Lords. 1. On the bill for abolishing the heritable juris- dictions in Scotland. 2. On the militia- bill. [By Philip Yorke, 1. earl of Harde- wicke.) [London? 1746?, 1 p.l., 77 p. 4°. CP p. box 1747 Ample disquisition, An, into the nature of regalities and other heretable jurisdic- tions, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, as now under the consideration of Parliament. Shewing. I. Wherein the evil of them consists. II. The reason why they should be annihilated. III. That such annihilation will be for the mutual bene- fit of both nations, but more especially for Scotland, and in no sense a breach of the Act of Union. Addressed to the con- sideration of his fellow subjects of Scot- land, by an English gentleman. London: M. Cooper, 1747. 3 p.l., 34 p. 8°. * C p.v. 432 Bowen, Emanuel. Scotland: or, North Britain. 1 map. (In his: A complete sys- tem of geography... London, 1747. f°. v.l, p. 250-301.) Reserve Logan, William. A letter to an English member of Parliament, from a gentleman in Scotland, concerning the slavish de- pendencies, which a great part of that na- tion is still kept under, by superiorities, wards, reliefs, and other remains of the feudal law, and by clanships and tithes, [By W. Logan.] London: M. Cooper, 1747. 1 p.l., 3-39 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1098 Rose, The: being a detection of the pernicious tendency of two libels lately published, viz. in the Old England journal, and a pamphlet entitled, The Thistle. To- gether with some considerations for re- pealing the heretabbe [sicj jurisdictions re- served to the Scots, by the 20th article of the Treaty of Union. London: J. Roberts, 1747. 1 p.l., 50 p. 8°. CPp.v.2 Thistle, The; a dispassionate examine of the prejudice of Englishmen in general to the Scotch nation; and particularly of a late arrogant insult offered to all Scotchmen by a modern English journa- list. In a letter to the Author of Old Eng- land of Dec. 27, 1746. London: H. Car- penter [1747]. 52 p. 8°. CP The authorship of this tract has been ascribed to William Murray, 1. earl of Mansfield. London: H. Carpenter [1747]. 52 p. 2. ed. 8°. *C p.v. 1078 1747-1760 Pococke, Richard, successively bishop of Ossory and of Meath. Tours in Scot- land, 1747, 1750, 1760. From the original ms. and drawings in the British Museum. Edited with a biographical sketch of the author by Daniel William Kemp. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1887. hex, 375 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 1.) CPA 1747-1797 Mathieson, William Law. The awaken- ing of Scotland; a history from 1747 to 1797. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1910. xiv, 303 p. 8°. CP 1753 Harris, William. An historical and cri- tical account of the life and writings of James the First, king of Great Britain. After the manner of Mr. Bayle. Drawn from original writers and state-papers. London: J. Waugh, 1753. xv p., 1 1., 256 p., 2 1. 8°. CI 1753-1759 Smail, Adam. The Scottish postal sys- tem in 1753 and 1759. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 472- 476.) *DE 1754 Burt, Edward. Burt's letters from the north of Scotland, with facsimiles of the original engravings. With an introduc- tion by Robert Jamieson. And the history of Donald the Hammerer... Edinburgh: Wm. Paterson, 1876. 2 v. 8°. CP In many cases this author's statements are ex- aggerated to the verge of caricature. Lengthy ex- tracts from an earlier edition are printed in the Magazine of magazines, v. 8, p. 93, 137-144, 211- 217, Limerick, 1754; extracts from the original edition of this work are also published in the Gentleman's magazine, v. 24, p. 366-371, London, 1754, under the title "Some account of Scotland and the manners of the inhabitants, from the let- ters lately published." LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 193 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1756-1759 Richards, Frederick B. The Black Watch at Ticonderoga. [An account of the 42. Royal Highlanders. 1756-1759., Glens Falls, N. Y., [1910?]. 98 p., 2 maps, 21 pi., 5 port. 8°. IF Repr. : New York State Historical Association. Proceedings, v. 10. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Inverawe and Ticonderoga. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1880. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 501-510.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, new series, v. 32, p. 740-746, New York, ' 1880; and in Magasine of history, v. 4, p. 4-16, New York, 1906. 1759 Ploughman, Old, pseud. A friendly ad- dress to the farmers of Scotland; wherein are set forth some heavy grievances under which the farmers presently labour; the causes of them; with some. . .methods to curb their growth... n.p., 1759. 60 p. 8°. CP p. box 1 1760 Answer to the Queries, addressed to the serious consideration of the public, n. t.-p. n. p., 1760. 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1098 Carlyle, Alexander. The question re- lating to a Scots militia considered, in a letter to the lords and gentlemen who have concerted the form of a law for that establishment. By a freeholder [i.e. Alex. Carlylej. Edinburgh: G. Hamilton & J. Balfour, 1760. 2 p.l, 3-45 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1098 Principal, The, heads of a speech in P t, concerning the Scots militia, by a right honourable M-r from a certain county in N — h B — n: being an extract of part of a letter from a gentleman of rank at London to his friend in Edin- burgh, n.p., 1760. 4 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1098 Public, The, catechis'd; or, A few cool questions to the people, n. t.-p. n. p. [1760.] 4 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1098 Reasons for extending the militia acts to the disarmed counties of Scotland. Edinburgh: G. Hamilton and J. Balfour, 1760. 1 p.l., 3-20 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1098 1762 Pennant, Thomas. A tour in Scotland, 1762. London: B. White, 1774-76. 3 v. 4°. t CPW v. 1 is 4. ed. v. 2 has title: A tour in Scotland, and voyage to the Hebrides, 1762. 1765 Smollet, Tobias George. A North Bri- ton extraordinary. Published at Edin- burgh. [Signed: A citizen of Edinburgh, i.e. T. G. Smollet.j London: W. Nicoll 1765. 23 p. 12°. CK p.v. 136 1768 Mitchell, Sir Arthur. James Robert- son's tour through some of the western islands, etc., of Scotland in 1768. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 11-19) CPA 1769 Boswell, James. A North Briton extra- ordinary: written by a young Scotsman, now a volunteer in the Corsican service [i. e. James Boswellj. Corte [Corsica], 1769. 1 p.l., 85 p. 8°. CP p. box 3 Pennant, Thomas. Tour in Scotland, 1769. 3 pi. (In: John Pinkerton, A gen- eral collection of... voyages and travels . . . London, 1809. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-170.) tKBD 1772 Camden, William. Scotland, or North Britain. (In his: Britannia... London, 1772. 4. ed. f°. v. 2, p. 243-314.) ft CBD The articles of union are printed on p. 223-235. Pennant, Thomas. Tour in Scotland, and voyage to the Hebrides in 1772. 5 pi. (In: John Pinkerton, A general collection of... voyages and travels... London, 1809. 4°. v. 3, p. 171-569.) tKBD Walker, John. Dr. John Walker's re- port concerning the state of the Highlands and islands, to the General Assembly, 1772. (Scots magazine. Edinburgh, 1772. 8°. v. 34, p. 289-293.) * DE 1773-1807 Grant, Mrs. Ann, of Laggan. Letters from the mountains, being the real cor- respondence of a lady, between the years 1773 and 1807. t By Mrs. Grant of Lag- gan. j London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme, 1809. 3 v. 4. ed. 16°. CPW Letters from the mountains. . .be- tween the years 1773 and 1803, of Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Edited, with notes and additions, by her son, J. P. Grant. Lon- don: Longman, Brown, Green & Long- mans, 1845. 2 v. 6. ed. 8°. Stuart 10350 1774-1775 Topham, Edward. Letters from Edin- burgh, written in the years 1774 and 1775; containing some observations on the di- versions, customs, manners and laws of the Scotch nation... Dublin: W. Wat- son [1780?]. 2 v. 12°. CP 194 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1775 D, C. A letter to the real freeholders of Scotland, upon the bill for regulating qualifications. [Signed C. D.] Edinburgh: printed in the year 1775. 32 p. 8°. CK p.v. 178 Johnson, Samuel. A journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. Dublin: printed for J. Williams, 177S. 268 p. 16°. CPW Reviewed in the Edinburgh magazine and re- view, v. 3, p. 155-162, Edinburgh, 1775. (In his: Works. London, 1787. 8°. v. 10, p. 313-522.) NCF (In his: Works. New York, 1811. 12°. v. 8, p. 190-373.) NCF (In his: Works. new ed. London, 1816. 8°. v. 8, p. 205-412.) NCF (In his: Works. new ed. London, 1820. 8°. v. 8, p. 205-412.) NCF (In his: Works. Oxford, 1825. 8°. v. 9, p. 1-161.) NCF Letter, A, to the real freeholders of Scotland, upon the bill for regulating qualifications. Edinburgh: [G. Ramsay & Co.,] Printed, 1775. 71 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1084 Pennant, Thomas. [A tour in Scotland. By Thomas Pennant. Dublin, 1775?, xiii(i), 388 p. 8°. CPW t.-p. and 19 pi. missing. 1778 Buchan (11. earl), David Stewart Er- skine. Discourse delivered. . .at a meeting for the purpose of promoting the institu- tion of a society for the investigation of the history of Scotland, and its antiqui- ties, November 14, 1778. [Edinburgh, 1780.] 31 p. 8°. CPA p. box 1 The date 1778 is corrected with a pen in an old hand to 1780. McGill, John Dalrymple Hamilton. Reflections upon the military preparations which are making at present in Scotland. [By J. D. H. McGill.] Edinburgh, 1778. 13 p. 8°. CKp.v.44 Mitchell, Sir Arthur. David Loch's tour in Scotland in 1778. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 19-28.) CPA Scotch modesty displayed, in a series of conversations that lately passed between an Englishman and a Scotchman. Ad- dressed to the worthy patriots of England ... London: J. Bew, 1778. 2 p.l., 77 p. 2- ed. 8°. CK p.v. 307, no.15 Short, A, view of the statutes at present in force in Scotland against popery; the nature of the bill proposed. . .for repeal- ing these statutes; and some remarks showing the propriety and necessity of opposing - such repeal... Edinburgh, 1778. 47 p. 8°. *C p.v. 465 1779 Grant, David. The living manners of the times, and their consequences; to- gether with the motives to reformation. A sermon... Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1779. 1 p.l., 30 p. 8°. * C p.v. 465 1779-1830 Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Memorials of his time. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. viii, 470 p., 1 port. 8°. CR Reviewed in The Dublin review, v. 41, p. 279- 306, London, 1856; and in Tait's Edinburgh maga- zine, v. 23, p. 434-440, Edinburgh, 1856. American ed. New York: D. Appleton & Co, 1856. 442 p. 8°. CP Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1872. xii, 420 p, 1 port. 8°. NCG New edition, with introduc- tion by his grandson, Harry A. Cockburn. With portraits in colour by Sir Henry Rae- burn and other illustrations. Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1910. xxxv, 445(1) p, 7 pi., 13 port. 8°. CP 1780 Cordiner, Charles. Antiquities & scen- ery of the north of Scotland, in a series of letters to Thomas Pennant. London, 1780. 173, [11] p., 21 pi. 4°. Stuart 7493 With engraved title-page. Designed as a sup- plement to Pennant's Scottish tour. Gough, Richard. Scottish topography. (In his: British topography. London, 1780. 4°. v. 2, p. 553-752*.) fCBD Tears, The, of Scotland, n.t.-p. n.p., n.d. 4 p. 12°. *C p.v. 1118 1780-1830 Meikle, Henry W. Scotland and the French Revolution. Glasgow: James Maclehose & Sons, 1912. xix, 317 p. 8°. CP The volume covers the political history of Scot- land from 1780 to 1830. 1782 Candid observations on the proposed militia law, and plan of arming the people . . . With an appendix, containing all the Scotch acts relating to the militia under the articles weapon-shawing, host, militia and levy, as abridged by Sir James Stewart. Edinburgh: The Booksellers, 1782. 32 p. 8°. CK p.v. 184 Critical observations concerning the Scottish historians Hume, Stuart, and LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Robertson: including an idea of the reign Df Mary Queen of Scots, as a portion of history; specimens of the histories of this Princess, by Dr. Stuart and Dr. Robert- son; and a comparative view of the merits of these rival historians: with a literary picture of Dr. Robertson, in a contrasted apposition with the celebrated Mr. Hume. London: T. Evans, 1782. S3 p. 8°. * C p.v. 445 Reformation interest. A particular ac- :ount of the proceedings of the assembly of the sixteen peers of Scotland, with about forty others of the first nobility ind gentry of that kingdom, held in St. fUban's Tavern... May 13, 1782. With relation to a militia. Edinburgh, 1782. 16 p. 8°. CPp.v.2 1783 Address, An, to the landed gentlemen of Scotland, upon the subject of nominal and fictitious qualifications used in the elections of members of Parliament for the shires of Scotland... London: re- printed. . .for T. Cadell, 1783. 1 p.l., 67 p. S°. CP p.v. 2 Boswell, James. A letter to the people of Scotland, on the present state of the nation. Edinburgh, 1783. 43 p. 8°. TLN 1784 Essay, An, on parliamentary representa- tion, and the magistracies of our boroughs royal; shewing. . .the necessity of a speedy reform. Edinburgh, 1784. 1 p.l., 55 p. 8°. CP p. box 2 Jobson, Jeremiah. Historical narrative of the exploits of the sheriff of Mid- Lothian. Humbly presented to the con- sideration of the other sheriffs of Scot- land, and to his countrymen at large. Lon- don: Printed, 1784. 1 p.l., viii, 45 p. 8°. * C p.v. 976 Letter, A, from a member of the gen- ial convention of delegates of the royal soroughs to the citizens of the royal joroughs which have not yet acceded to :he plan of reform. Paisley: John Neil- ion, 1784. 24 p. 16°. CP p. box 1 1787 Delolme, John Lewis. The British em- sire in Europe... to which is prefixed, in historical sketch of the. . .rivalry be- ween.. .England and Scotland, in for- ner times. Dublin: Moncrieffe, Gilbert, 787. 1 p.l., iv, 152 p. 4°. CBA Historical accounts of the government nd the grievances of the royal boroughs >f Scotland, transmitted by the commit- ees of the different boroughs associated 195 for the purpose of reform, or extracted from their correspondence with the com- mittee of delegates. Edinburgh, 1787. 40 P- 4°. CPp.box4 No title-page. Illustration, An, of the principles of the bill, proposed to be submitted to the con- sideration of Parliament, for correcting the abuses and supplying the defects in the internal government of the royal rev- enues, and expenditure of the same, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. By the committee of delegates. [Also, Appendix to the illustration of the prin- ciples of the bill, etc.j Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1787. 2 p.l., 54, 31 p. 4°. CP p. box 2 Knox, John. A tour through the High- lands of Scotland, and the Hebride Isles, in mdcclxxxvi. London: J. Walter, 1787. clxxii, 276, 103(1) p., 2 1. 8°. CPW The 172 preliminary pages contain "Dissertations on the ancient and modern state of the Highlands." 1788 Drummond, William Abernethy, bishop of Edinburgh. A letter., .to the lay mem- bers of his diocese, April, 1788. Edin- burgh, 1788. iv, 5-16 p. 8°. CPp.box Graham, Robert. A letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt... on the reform of the internal government of the royal boroughs of Scotland. With an appendix. London: J. Murray, 1788. 56 p. 8°. CP p. box 1 1789 Facts and observations concerning voters for members of Parliament in Scot- land. Edinburgh: C. Elliot, 1789. 45 p. 8°. CPp.box 2 Gilpin, William. Observations, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty, made in the year 1776, on several parts of Great Bri- tain; particularly the High-Lands of Scot- land. London: Printed for R. Blamire, 1789. 2 v. illus. 8°. CPW London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1808. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. KTK Knox, John. A view of the British em- pire, more especially Scotland; with some proposals for the improvement of that country, the extension of its fisheries, and the relief of the people. London: J. Walter, 1789. vi, xl, 670 p. 4. ed. 8°. CP 1789-1791 Grose, Francis. The antiquities of Scot- land. London: S. Hooper, 1789-91. 2 v. pi. 4°. tCPW 1790 Hargrave, Francis. On the admissibil- ity of the votes of the claimants of the earldom of Caithness and barony of Ochil- 196 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. tree at the election of the sixteen' peers for Scotland in July, 1790. (In his: Juri- dical arguments and collections. Lon- don, 1797. 4°. v. 1, p. 511-525.) XAH (Reprinted in his: Juriscon- sult exercitations. London, 1811. 4°. v. 1, p. 181-196.) XAH 1791-1799 Sinclair, Sir John. The statistical ac- count of Scotland. Drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes. Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1791-99. 21 v. 8°. CPW v. 21 contains a general index in three parts: "The first containing an enumeration of all the subjects treated of; the second the names of the persons, and the third the names of the places, men- tioned in the statistical volume." 1793 Asmodeus, pseud. Asmodeus; or stric- tures on the Glasgow democrats, in a ser- ies of letters, several of which were lately published in the Glasgow Courier. [Signed Asmodeus.) Glasgow: D. Niven, 1793. 1 p.l., 25 p. 8°. CPp.box Liberty and equality weighed in the balance, and found wanting; in a series of arguments and queries addressed to the farmers, shopkeepers, mechanics, and la- bourers of Scotland. By one who ear- nestly desires peace on earth, and good- will among men. Edinburgh: J. Dick- son, 1793. 20 p. 12°. CPp.box 4 Morse, Jedidiah. Scotland. (In his: The American universal geography. Bos- ton, 1793. 8°. . part 2, p. 125-149.) Reserve 1793-1794 Political, The, martyrs of Scotland; per- secuted during the years 1793 & 1794. [Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 183-?] 32 p. 4°. *Cp.v. 1093 No title-page. Political trials in Scotland: a parallel — 1793 and 1888. (Westminster review. Lon- don, 1888. 8°. v. 130, p. 653-658.) * DA Mainly a review of the trial of the leaders of the "Friends of the People" in 1794. 1794 Palinurus, pseud. A justification of the conduct of _ government In Scotland. Re- spectfully inscribed to George Rose, M. P. London: the author, 1794. l.p.l., xiv, 15-63 p. 8°. CPp.boxl 1795 Memorial for the burgesses and inhabi- tants of the royal boroughs of Scotland, associated for the purpose of correcting the abuses, and supplying the defects in the internal government of these burghs. [Edinburgh, c. 1795.] 6 p. 8°. *Cp.v.472 Smail, Adam. The Royal Glasgow and Dumfries Volunteers in 1795. (Scots mag- azine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 37-43.) *DE 1797 Answer to an attack, made by John Pinkerton. . .of Hampstead in his history of Scotland. . .upon Mr. William Ander- son, writer in Edinburgh. Containing an account of the records of Scotland... Edinburgh: Manners & Miller, 1797. 40 p. 8°. CPp.v.2 Grose, Francis. The antiquities of Scot- land. London: Hooper & Wigstead, 1797. 2 v. P. tCPW 1799 Faujas de Saint-Fond, Barthelemy. Travels in England, Scotland and the Heb- rides. Translated from the French. Lon- don, 1799. 2 v. 8°. CBD Scotland delineated, or a geographical description of every shire in Scotland, in- cluding the northern and western isles... 2. ed. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1799. 1 p.l., iv, (1)6-398, [9] p., 9 maps. 8°. KFT 1800 Hill, Rowland. Extract of a journal of a second tour from London through the Highlands of Scotland, and the north wes- tern parts of England... London: print- ed by A. Paris, 1800. 39 p. 8°. CPW p. box Leyden, John. Journal of a tour in the Highlands and Western Islands of Scot- land in 1800. By John Leyden. Edited, with a bibliography, by James Sinton. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1903. xviii, 318 p. 12°. CP 1801 Viator, pseud. Observations made in an excursion into Scotland, by Viator. (In: J. Anderson, Recreations in agricul- ture, natural-history, arts, and miscella-' neous literature. London, 1801-02. 8°. v. 5, p. 362-380, 453-475; v. 6, p. 101-116, 211- 224, 262-278, 460-476.) PQF 1802 Brown, David, minister of Crailing. A tour in Scotland in 1802 by D. B., Crail- ing. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburghs 1902. 8°. v. 17, p. 15-25.) CPA 1803 Cririe, James. Scottish scenery: or, Sketches in verse, descriptive of scenes chiefly in the Highlands of Scotland LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 197 listory and Description, continued, special Periods, continued. Afith notes and illustrations; and with en- gravings by W. Byrne from views painted >y G. Walker. London: T. Cadell, jun., k W. Davies, 1803. xxxiv p., 1 L, 412 p., !0pl. 4°. tNCM Wordsworth, Dorothy. Recollections jf a tour made in Scotland A.D. 1803. idited by J. C. Shairp. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1874. xliv, 316 j., 1 1. Post 8°. CPW Second edition. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1874. 1, 316 p., I 1. Post 8°. CPW Text and letterpress same, with addition of a iecond preface. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1874. xlviii, 316 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 12°. CPW 1804 Thornton, Thomas. A sporting tour through the northern parts of England and great part of Scotland . . . London : Vernor and Hood, 1804. 13 p.l., 312 p., 2 1., 16 pi. 4°. tCBD 1806 Reflections on the administration of civil justice in Scotland, and on the resolu- tions of the committee of the House of Lords relative to that subject. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood, 1806. 115 p. 8°. CP p. box 4 1811 View of the political state of Scotland, at Michaelmas 1811: comprehending the rolls of the freeholders, an abstract of the setts or constitutions of the royal burghs, and a state of the votes at the last elec- tions throughout Scotland; to which is prefixed, an Account of the forms of pro- cedure at elections to parliament from the counties and burghs of Scotland. Edin- burgh: P. Hill, 1812. 1 p.l., v-clxxxix p., 1 1, 324 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1059 • 1812 Cooke, George Alexander. A general description of Scotland... London: C. Cooke, n. d. 143 p., 1 map. 24°. (Cooke's Topography of Great Britain, rv. 17.]) CBD A topographical description of the middle division of Scotland... London: C. Cooke t 18— ?]. 288 p. 24°. (Cooke's Topography of Great Britain. [V. 19.]) KTG A topographical description of the southern division of Scotland . . . West Lothian, Mid Lothian... London: C. Cooke, n. d. 288 p. 24°. (Cooke's Topog- raphy of Great Britain. t v. 18.]) KTG 1814 Traveller's, The, guide through Scot- land and its islands. Illustrated by maps, views of remarkable buildings, &c. Edin- burgh: J. Thomson and Company, 1814. 2 v. 6. ed. 12°. KFT 1818 •Burgh reform t in Scotland]. (Edin- burgh review. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 30, p. S03-S24.) *DA Some remarks on the progress and pres- ent state of Scotland, its habits and im- provements. (Edinburgh .magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 199-208.) * DE 1819 Account, An, of the principal pleasure tours in Scotland; and the great lines of road in that country... Edinburgh: Mi- chael Anderson, 1819. 2 p.l., 102 p., 1 1., 148 p., 2 maps. 12°. CPW Lockhart, John Gibson. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood, 1819. 3 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. CP Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1819. 3 v. port. 3. ed. 8°. CP 1. American from the 2. Edinburgh edition. New York: A. T. Goodrich & Co., 1820. vii, 575 p. 8°. CP Macculloch, John. A description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man.. . With remarks on their agriculture, scenery, and antiquities... London: A. Constable & Co., 1819. 3 v. 8°. CPW and f CPW v. 3 is an atlas. Playfair, James. A geographical and statistical description of Scotland. Con- taining a general survey of that kingdom A description of every county... and a statistical account of every parish . . . Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1819. 2 v. xii, 527 p., 1 map; 427 p. 8°. CPW Y., I. de. Remarks on Scottish scenery and manners in 1819. (Christian observer. London, 1820-21. 8°. v. 18, p. 639-646, 714-717, 779-784; v. 19, p. 21-27, 89-97.) *DA 1820 Journey, A, to Scotland, by a German traveller. (New monthly magazine and universal register. London, 1820. 8°. v. 13, p. 659-666.) * DE MacDonogh, Felix. The hermit in the country; or, Sketches of English manners. By the author of "The hermit in London." 198 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. New York: L. & F. Lockwood, 1820. 2 v. 12°. NCZ v. 1, p. 215-223: Scotland; p. 275-292: Edinburgh. v. 2, p. 97-105: Hogmanay, or, New- Year's morn in Edinburgh; p. 145-153: Society in Edinburgh; p. 155-164: Lady Grizelda M'Tab's ball; p. 185-192: The Scot's fire side; p. 219-226: Twal o'clock, or, the rights of friendship on New- Year's morning; p. 273-282: The Highland outlaw. Meissner. A pedestrian tour through the Highlands. (New monthly magazine and universal register. London, 1820. 8°. v. 14, p. 57-63.) * DE 1821 Account, An, of the principal pleasure tours in Scotland: with a copious itinerary of the great lines of road, and the several cross roads in the country. Edinburgh: J. Thomson & Co., 1821. iv, 168, 174 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 2. ed. 12°. KFT Mundell, Alexander. Considerations upon the situation of the elective franchise as it represents counties in Scotland; stated in a letter addressed to the land- owners of that part of the United King- dom. [By Alexander Mundell.] London: J. Murray, 1821. 2 p.l., 28 p. 8°. CP p.v. 2, no. 11 Necker de Saussure, Louis Albert. Trav- els in Scotland; descriptive of the state of manners, literature, and science. Trans- lated from the French. London: printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., 1821. viii, 112 p. 8°. KBD 1822 Scotland sixty years ago: a series of... copperplate etchings of the chief towns in Scotland and their surroundings. Pais- ley: A. Gardner, 1882. 2 1., 32 pi. f°. Stuart 518 1824 Bigelow, A. Leaves from a journal; or, Sketches of rambles in North Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1824. 308 p. 12°. CBD 1825 Browne, James. A critical examination of Dr. Macculloch's work on the High- lands and Western Isles of Scotland. [By James Browne.] Edinburgh: Daniel Lizars, 1825. 1 p.l., 302 p. 8°. CP Fletcher, Archibald. An examination of the grounds on which the royal burghs, at their. . .meeting, claimed. . .the right of ...amending the setts, or constitutions of the individual burghs... Edinburgh: A. Black, 1825. 53 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1310 Sinclair, Sir John. Analysis of the Sta- tistical account of Scotland; with a general view of the history of that com try, and discussions on some importat branches of political economy. Edit burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1825. 2 v. 8 v. 2 has imprint: London: John Murray, 182 1825-1827 Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine. Lettei from Europe, comprising the journal of tour., .in the years 1825, '26, and '27. Nei York: G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1829. 2 ^ 2. ed. 12°. BTY^ Scotland described in v. 1, p. 237-351. 1826 Croker, John Wilson. Two letters o Scottish affairs, from Edward Bradwai dine Waverly, Esq. [pseud, of J. A\ Croker] to Malachi Malagrowther, Est [pseud, of Sir Walter Scott] London: Murray, 1826. 1 p.l., 62 p., 1 1. 8°. TI] • ■ London: J. Murray, 1826. p.l., 62 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 8°. TBp.v.2 Scott, Sir Walter. Provincial antiqui ties and picturesque scenery of Scotlan with descriptive illustrations. London J. & A. Arch, 1826. 2 v. pi. 4°. t CPU London: Rodwell & Marti [1826?]. 1 p.l., lii, 146 p., 38 pi. 4°. f CI 1827 Chambers, Robert. The picture c Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1827. 2t 12°. CPV 1828 Simpson, James. Letters to Sir Walte Scott, bart., on the moral and politics character and effects of the visit to Scot land in August, 1822, of His Majesty, Kin| George iv. [By James Simpson.] Edin burgh: Waugh and Innes, 1828. 1 p.l., h 170 p. 8°. * C p.v. 115 1829 Botfield, Beriah. Journal of a tou through the Highlands of Scotland, dur ing the summer of 1829. [By B. Botfield Norton' Hall: [privately printed. Edin burgh: printed by J. Johnstone,] 1830. p.l., xvi, 376 p. 12°. CPV • 1830 Jones & Co. Jones' views of the seat! mansions, castles, &c, of noblemen an gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotlan and Ireland. . .accompanied with histor: cal descriptions of the mansions. . .an genealogical sketches of the families an their possessors; forming part of the get eral series of Jones' Great Britain 1 illus trated... rv. 4.] [London:] Jones & C< [1830?j 1 p.l., [84 p.,] 1 1., 40 pi. 4°. t CBI Lizars, William Home. Lizars' view of the principal cities and towns in Scol LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 199 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. land; with illustrative letter-press, histori- cal and descriptive, by John Willox. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars t 1830?]. 2 p.l 42 p., 18 pi. obi. 16°. Stuart 7538 With an additional engraved title-page. Scotus, pseud. Address to the bur- gesses of Scotland, on the necessity of immediate burgh emancipation. Glas- gow: Thomas Murray, 1830. 83 p. 8°. CP p. box 1 1831 Dobie, James. Letter to William Blair, of Blair, Esq... on the Reform Bill for Scotland... Glasgow: Atkinson & Co., 1831. 40 p. 8°. CKp.v.217 Presentation copy. Leighton, John M. Scenes in Scotland, with historical illustrations, and biographi- cal anecdotes. Glasgow: Richard Griffin & Co., 1831. xii, 168 p., 16 pi. 12°. CPW Select views of the lakes of Scot- land; from original paintings by John Fleming, engraved by Joseph Swan. With historical and descriptive illustra- tions by J. M. Leighton. Glasgow: J. Swan [183-?]. 20 1., 9 pi. 4°. (Loch Lomond and Loch Katrine series.) Stuart 7539 Lumsden & Son's guide to the roman- tic scenery of Loch-Lomond, Loch- Ketturin, the Trosachs, &c... new & rev. ed. Glasgow: J. Lumsden & Son, 1831. 52 p., 1 map. 12°. CRB p. box Parliamentary representation of Scot- land. (Westminster review. London, 1831. 8°. v. 14, p. 137-146.) * DA Scottish, The, tourist, and itinerary; or, A guide to the scenery and antiquities of Scotland and the western islands, with a description of the principal steam-boat tours. Edinburgh: Stirling & Kenney, 1831. xvi, 432 p., 7 maps, 1 pi. 4. ed. 16°. KFT Teignmouth (2. baron), Charles John Shore. Sketches of the coasts and islands of Scotland and the Isle of Man . . . Lon- don: J. W. Parker, 1831. 2 v. 8°. CPW Reviewed in Eraser's magazine, v. 17, p. 31-38, London, 1838. Wilson, John. The political state of Scotland ... concerning the population and representatives of counties and burghs... London: Longman & Co., 1831. 2 p.l., 48 p. 8°. *Cp.v.469 1831-1854 Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Journal. Being a continuation of the Memorials of his time, 1831-1854. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Dquglas, 1874. 2 v. 8°. CP 1832 Dennistoun, James. Letter to the Lord Advocate t i. e. Francis Jeffrey] on the Scotish Reform Bill. [Signed, A conser- vative, i. e. J. Dennistoun.] Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1832. 1 p.l., 5-31 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1107 To the Right Hon. Earl Grey... on the inadequacy of the proposed number of rep- resentatives allotted to Scotland. By a reforming Scottish freeholder. Edin- burgh: W. Tait, 1832. 3-28. p. 8°. CP p.box 4 1833 Cobbett, William. Cobbett's tour in Scotland, and in the four northern coun- ties of England: in the autumn of the year 1832. London: [printed by Mills, Jowett, & Mills,] 1833. ix, (1)12-264 p. 16°. CPW Scottish tour in p. 82-229. Mackenzie, Peter. Reply to the letter of Kirkman Finlay, Esq., on the spy sys- tem. Glasgow: Muir, Gowans, & Co., 1833. 16 p. 8°. CPp.box3 Report, A, of the debates in the House of Lords, on the Scotch Burgh Reform Bill, on the 13th and 16th days of August, 1833. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1833. iv, 72 p. 12°. * C p. v. 1050 Tour of the wandering piper, through part of Scotland and Ireland, written by himself in a series of letters addressed to G. M. F., Esq., county of Carlow, Ireland. Portland: H. J. Little, 1833. iv, 48 p. 8°. CBD p. box 1834 Scottish, The, elections. (Tait's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. new series, v. 1, p. 294-297.) * DA Swan, Joseph. The lakes of Scotland. [Engravings by J. Swan of paintings by John Fleming, with historical and descrip- tive illustrations.] ' [Glasgow: Joseph Swan, 1834?] 3 p.l., 104 p., 25 pi. f°. Stuart 349 Large paper copy. Query, incomplete? 1834-1835 R., P. S. Q. Sketches of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. (Saturday mag- azine. London, 1834-35. 4°. v. 4, p. 250-256; v. 5, p. 82-88, 250-256; v. 6, p. 88- 96, 162-168, 250-256; v. 7, p. 82-88, 170-176, 250-256.) * DE 1835 Report of the proceedings at the din- ners in the Waterloo rooms and the Hope- toun rooms, Edinburgh, to celebrate the anniversary of passing the Scots Reform 200 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Act, July 17, 1835. Edinburgh: Mac- donald, printer, 183S. 1 p.l., SO p. 8°. CP p. box 1 Ritchie, Leitch. Scott and Scotland. With ... engravings from original draw- ings by George Cattermole. London: Longman, Rees [etc.], 1835. iv p., 2 1., 256 p., 21 pi. 8°. (Heath's Picturesque an- nual for 1835.) CPW T. Passages from a journal of a recent tour in Scotland. (Knickerbocker maga- zine. New York, 1835. 8°. v. 5, p. 183- 186.) * DA Tait, William. Exposure of the spy sys- tem of 1816-17, in the course of the trial, Richmond the spy versus Tait's magazine [and Exposure of the spy system of 1819- 20, which led to the battle of Bonnymuir . . . from Tait's magazine . . . j. [Edinburgh : W. Tait, 1835.] 48 p. sm. 4°. * C p.v. 1093 No title-page. 1836 Leigh, Samuel. Leigh's new pocket road-book of Scotland, containing an ac- count of all the direct and cross roads; together with a description of every re- markable place... London: Leigh and Son, 1836. xxviii, 494 p., 1 map, 1 plan. 24°. KFT London: Leigh and Son, 1840. xxxvi, 496 p., 2 maps. 3. ed. 24°. CPW Scottish, The, tourist, and itinerary; or, A guide to the scenery and antiquities of Scotland and the Western Islands... Edinburgh: Stirling, Kenney, & Co., 1836. xxii, 418 p., 8 maps, 10 pi. 6. ed. 12°. KFT Wright, George Newnham. Landscape historical illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley novels: from drawings by J. M. W. Turner t apd others]. Comic il- lustrations by G. Cruikshank. Descrip- tions by the Rev. G. N. Wright... Lon- don: Fisher, Son & Co. [1836?] 2 v. 4° fNCW 1837 Edinburgh. — Town Council. Report by the Lord Provosts' and Law Committees of the Town Council of Edinburgh, on the "Bill to provide for the better regulation of municipal corporations in Scotland" ... Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans, 1837. 12 P- 8°. *C p.v. 458 Remarks on the first report of the select committee on fictitious votes in Scotland: with extracts from the evidence. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1837. 44 p. 8°. * C p.v. 457 1838 Beattie, William. Caledonia illustrated in a series of views taken expressly for the work, by W. H. Bartlett, T. Allom, and others. The descriptive text by W. Beattie. London: George Virtue [1838?]. 2 v. pi. 4°. f CPW Scotland illustrated in a series of views taken expressly for this work by T. Allom, W. H. Bartlett, and H. M'Cul- loch. London: G. Virtue, 1838. 2 v. maps, pi., port. 4°. t CPW and Stuart 7505 Each volume has additional engraved title-page. 1839 Leighton, J. M. The lakes of Scotland: a series of views, from paintings. . .by J. Fleming; with historical and descriptive illustrations, by J. M. Leighton; and... the Highland scenery of Scotland by John Wilson. Glasgow: A. Fullarton & Co., 1839. x p., 1 1., i-lii p., 1 I., 223 p., 55 pi. 4°. tCPW Wilson, John. Remarks on the scenery of the Highlands. (In: J. M. Leighton, The lakes of Scotland... Glasgow, 1839. 4°. p. i-lii.) t CPW 1839-1844 Bartlett, William Henry. Ports, har- bours, watering-places, and coast scenery of Great Britain; illustrated by views taken on the spot, by Bartlett; with descriptions by William Beattie. London [1839-,44. 2 v. pi. 4°. fCBD 1840 Crichton, David Maitland Makgill. The politics of John Balfour analyzed, and the conduct of his chief supporters discussed ... An address delivered in Guild Hall, Cupar, 22d Sept. inst. n. t.-p. n. p. [C 1840.] 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 427 Howitt, William. Visits to remarkable places: old halls, battle fields, and scenes illustrative of striking passages in Eng- lish, history and poetry. London: Long- man, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1840. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. CBF and Stuart 7404 v. 1 contains: Field of Culloden; Staffa & Iona; Sacrament Sunday at Kilmorac[k] ; v. 2: A stroll along the Borders. Jamieson, John. Select views of the royal palaces of Scotland from drawings by William Brown. With illustrative de- scriptions of their local situation, present appearance, and antiquities. Glasgow: A. Fullarton & Co., 1840. 2 p.l., 179(1) p., 23 pl- 2. ed. 4°. Stuart 7533 Leigh, Samuel. Leigh's new pocket road-book of Scotland: containing an account of all the direct and cross roads; to- gether with a description of every remark- able place... to which are added pleasure LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 201 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. tours to the most picturesque parts of the country... London: Leigh & Son, 1840. xxxvi, 496 p., 1 map, 1 plan. 3. ed. 24°. CPW 1842 Topographical, The, statistical, and his- torical gazetteer of Scotland. Glasgow: A. Fullarton & Co., 1842. 2 v. 4°. f CPW Wilson, James. A voyage round the coast of Scotland and the Isles. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1842. 2v. pi. illus. 8°. CPW 1843 Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Memorial of the royal progress in Scotland. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1843. 1 p.l., xiv, 495, xxxv p., 1 map, 1 plan, 12 pi. 4°. Stuart 7532 1844 Kohl, Johann Georg. Scotland. Glas- gow, the Clyde, Edinburgh; the Forth, Stirling; Drummond Castle, Perth, and Taymouth Castle; the Lakes. Philadel- phia: Carey & Hart, 1844. 62 p. 8°. GLX Scotland interested in the question of federal or local parliaments. By A Scotch- man. Glasgow: J. Macleod, 1844. IS p. 8°. TDI p.v. 2 1845 Arlincourt, Victor d', viscount. The three kingdoms: England, Scotland, Ire- land. Translated from the French. (Smith's weekly volume: a select circulat- ing library. . . Philadelphia, 1845. f°. v. 1, p. 3-46.) t * DD .Reprinted from the London edition of 1844. Chapters 8-15 inclusive deal with Scotland. Guide to the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, including guides to Edinburgh and Glasgow. Illustrated with maps. Edinburgh: J. Thomson & Co., 1845. 36 p., 1 map. 24°. CPW p. box 1 Society for the Benefit of the Sons and Daughters of the Clergy. The new sta- tistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1845. 15 v. maps. 8°. CPW v. 1. List of parishes; Edinburgh, v. 2. Lin- lithgow, Haddington, Berwick, v. 3. Roxburgh, Peebles, Selkirk, v. 4. Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown, v. 5. Ayr, Bute. v. 6. Lanark, v. 7. Renfrew, Argyll, v. 8. Dumbarton, Stirling, Clack- mannan, v. 9. Fife, Kinross, v. 10. Perth, v. 11. Forfar, Kincardine. v. 12. Aberdeen. v. 13. Banff, Elgin,- Nairn. v. 14. Inverness, Ross, Jromarty. v. 15. Sutherland, Caithness, Orkney, Shetland; General index. Swarback, S. D. Sketches in Scotland. Drawn from nature and on stone. Lon- don: the author, 1845. 2 p.l., 25 pi. f°. Stuart 298 1846 Chambers, Robert, joint author. See Wilson, John, and Robert Chambers. Lewis, Samuel. A topographical dic- tionary of Scotland, comprising the sev- eral counties, islands, cities, burgh and market towns, parishes and principal vil- lages^ with historical and statistical de- scriptions: embellished with engravings of the seals and arms of the different burghs and universities. London: S Lewis & Co., 1846. 2 v. f°. ft CPW v. 1: Abbey to Jura. v. 2: Keanlochbervie to Zetland. Trench, Francis. Scotland, its faith and its features; or, A visit to Blair Athol. London: R. Bentley, 1846. 2 v. 8°. CPW Wilson, John, and Robert Chambers. The land of Burns, a series of landscapes and portraits... The landscapes. . .by D. O. Hill. . . Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1846. 2 v. in 1. pi., port. 4°. Stuart 10440 1847 Account of the Highlands. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1847. v. 16, no. 141.) *C 1848 Abbott, Jacob. A summer in Scotland. New York: Harper & Bros., 1848. 2 p.l., (i)x-xi(i) p., 1 1., (1)14-331 p., 1 pi. illus. 12°. CPW Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1848. xii, 488, i-iv, 5-32 p., 8 maps, 2 plans, 25 pi. 6. ed. 16°. KFT Nattes, John Claude. The beauties of Scotland, illustrated in a series of views drawn by J. C. Nattes, and engraved by J. Fittler... n.p. [1848.] 1 p.l., 12 pi., 1 port. obi. f°. Stuart 1705 Student, A. Emerson and his visit to Scotland. (Douglas Jerrold's Shilling magazine. London, 1848. 12°. v. 7, p. 322-331.) * DE 1848-1861 Victoria, queen of Great Britain. Leaves from the journal of our life in the High- lands, from 1848 to 1861. To which are prefixed and added extracts from the same journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland... Edited by Arthur Helps. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1868. xv p., 2 1., 315 p., 2 pi. 8°. Stuart 7540 London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1868. xvii p., 1 1., 198 p., 10 pi. f°. t CL New York: Harper & Broth- ers, 1868. xiv p., 1 1., (1)18-287 p., 2 pi. 12°. CL 202 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1850 Scotland illustrated in a series of eighty- views from drawings by John C. Brown, William Brown, Andrew Donaldson... and other.. .Scottish artists. With de- scriptions; and an essay on the scenery of the Highlands by Prof. John] Wilson. London: A. Fullarton & Co., 1850. v, i-lii p., 1 1., 3-158 p, 80 pi. 4°. fCPW Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1853. v, Hi p., 1 1., 3-158 p., 80 pi. 4°. Stuart 7534 1851 Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1851. xvi, 453 p., 18 maps, 2 plans, 17 pi. 9. ed. 12°. Stuart 8754 Knox, John. Crumbs from the Land of Cakes. Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1851. viii, (1)10-192 p., 1 pi. 16°. CPW p. 13-16 supplied in ms. 1852 Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1852. xv(i), 543 p., 17 maps, 2 plans, 17 pi. 10. ed. 16°. KFT Menzies, John. Menzies' tourist's pock- et guide for Scotland, with five maps and plans and eighteen engravings. Edin- burgh: John Menzies, 1852. xi, 555 p. maps, pi. 16°. KFT Tappan, Henry P. A step from the new world to the old, and back again. . . New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1852. 2 v. 12°. BTYA and Stuart 7178 Scotland in v. 1, p. 182-263. 1853 Bell, James. Scotland. 1 map, 1 pi. (In his: A system of geography. London: A. Fullarton & Co., 1853. 8°. v. 3, p. 169- 249.) Stuart 8489 Littell, Charles Willing. Scotland... Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1853. 34 p. 1 ?° MUH«„ rio Verse. NBH p.v. 32 National Association for the Vindica- tion of Scottish Rights. Address to the people of Scotland, and statement of griev- ances. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1853. 37 p. 8°. CP p. box 3 To which is appended the Treaty of Union [from the edition of 1731]. Edinburgh: J. Hogg, 1853. 41 p. 2. ed. 8°. CK p.v. 168 Scotland illustrated in... views from original drawings. . .with letterpress de- scriptions; and an essay on the scenery of the Highlands by Prof. John] Wilson. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1853. v p., 1 1., 3-158 p., 8 pi. 4°. Stuart 7534 1854 Christie, Robert. Injustice to Scotland exposed; in a letter to the Scottish repre- sentatives in the Commons' House of Parliament. Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., 1854. 19 p. 8°. CPp.boxl Fullarton, A., & Co. The topographi- cal, statistical, and historical gazetteer of Scotland; with a complete county-atlas from recent surveys. . .and the census of 1851. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1854. 2 v. 4°. Stuart 7503 Lawson, John Parker. Scotland de- lineated in a series of views by ... [various artistsj. Drawn in lithography by J. D. Harding, Carrick, Gauci, Needham, &c. With. . .letterpress by J. P. Lawson. Lon- don: E. Gambart & Co., 1854. 2 v. P. Stuart 528 Scottish rights and grievances. Reasons for declining to join the National Asso- ciation for the Vindication of Scottish Rights. By a Scotchman. [In a letter to the lord provost of the city of Edinburgh.] Edinburgh: T. Grant, 1854. 23 p. 8°. CK p.v. 168 1855 Lawson, John Parker. Scotland deline- ated. A series of views... from drawings ...[by various artists). Accompanied by copious letterpress... London: Day & Son [c. 1855j. 2 p.l., 285 p., 73 pi. f°. Stuart 1118 True, The, history of Alexander, John, and Patrick, and of the great mercantile & manufacturing concern carried on by them under the firm of "John, Alexander, & Co."... by the professor of ancient his- tory in the College of Saint Mungo... Glasgow: James R. M'Nair, 1855. 43 p. 8°. * C p.v. 361 and * C p.v. 625 1856 Scottish, The, Rights Association and the franchise. (Tait's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1856. 4°. v. 23, p. 65- 69.) * DA Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. Pleasant memories of pleasant lands. Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1856. 3. ed. 12°. Stuart 7406 p. 73-139 relate to Scotland. 1857 Begg, James. Scotland's demand for electorial justice: or, The forty shilling freehold question explained; with an- swers to objections. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1857. 36 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1511 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 203 listory and Description, continued, pedal Periods, continued. Young, Andrew. The angler and tour- it's guide to the rivers, lakes, and re- larkable places in the northern counties f Scotland. . . Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, B57. 2 p.l., iv, 117 p. 24°. MYI 1858 Scotland and her calumniators: her ast, her present, and her future. Remarks uggested by the strictures of the London ress. Glasgow: Brown & Miller, 1858. r, 76 p. 8°. *Cp.v.418 1859 finault, Louis. Angleterre, ficosse, rlande. Voyage pittoresque. Paris: Mo- izot, 1859. 532 p., 20 pi. 4°. Stuart 7515 Scotland is described in p. 81-406. Measom, George. Official illustrated uide to the Lancaster and Carlisle, Edin- urgh and Glasgow, and Caledonian rail- rays... London: W. H. Smith & Son I859j. 384 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 12°. KFT Scotland. (Great republic, v. 1, p. 576- 84, 9 illus. New York, 1859. 8°.) * DD Description. I860 Cluthensis, pseud. Will the Scotch be ble to defend and retain Scotland in the European crisis of 1860-6? Remarks on ational danger and security. Edinburgh: . Wood, 1860. 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l314 Weld, Charles Richard. Two months i the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. .ondon: Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, 1860. xxi, 404 p. pi. illus. 8°. CPW Wilson, John Marius. Nelson's hand- ook to Scotland: for tourists... Lon- on: T. Nelson & Sons, 1860. 1 p.l., xxviii, 36 p., 14 maps, 2 plans, 22 pi. 12°. Stuart 8758 1861 G., W. S. Summer days in Scotland. Bentley's miscellany. London, 1861. 8°. . 50, p. 394-404.) * DA Scotland and her accusers. (Black- ood's Edinburgh magazine. Amer. ed. few York, 1861. 8°. v. 90, p. 267-283.) *DA On H. T. Buckle's remarks on Scotland in his istory of Civilisation. 1862 Back to Scotland. (Temple Bar. Lon- on, 1862. 8°. v. 5, p. 140-151.) * DA 1862-1882 Victoria, queen of Great Britain. More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands from 1862 to 1882. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1884. x p., 2 1., 407 p., 13 pi. and port. 3. ed. 8°. CL London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1884, x p., 2 1., 407 p., 13 pi. and port. 4. ed. 8°. CL 1863 Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1863. xxxiii, 578 p., 21 maps, 5 plans, 10 pi. illus. 16. ed. 16°. KFT Bradley, Edward. A tour in Tartan- land. By Cuthbert Bede. London: R. Bentley, 1863. xv, 430 p. 8°. CPW 1864 Black's guide to the Trossachs, Stirling, Callander, Loch Katrine, Loch Lomond, etc., etc. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1864. 3 p.l., 78 p., 1 folded map. illus. 16°. KFT Burritt, Elihu. A walk from London to John O'Groats. With notes by the way. London: Sampson Low, Son, & Marston, 1864. ix, 345 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 12°. CBD Scotland occupies p. 278-345. Ray, Fabius Maximus. A week in Scot- land. (Northern monthly. Portland, Me., 1864. 8°. v. 1, p. 291-296, 366-372.) * DD 1865 Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1865. xxvii, 594 p., 14 maps, 6 plans, 9 pi. 17. ed. 12°. Stuart 8755 One folded map in pocket. 1867 Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1867. xxxiv, 605 p., 20 maps, 8 pi. illus. 18. ed. 16°. CPW Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. A painter's camp. In three books. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1867. 16°. CPW Bk. II., p. 43-245: In Scotland. 1868 Dawson, Adam. Rambling recollec- tions of past times... Falkirk: Falkirk Herald Office, printer [1868?]. 76 p. 8°. CP Printed for private distribution only. Eddy, Daniel C. The Percy family. Through Scotland and England. Boston: A. F. Graves, 1868. 256 p. illus. 16°. NAS Engraved title-page also. Escott, T. H. S. Personalities of a Scotch tour. (Belgravia. London, 1868. 8°. v. 6, p. 202-207.) * DA 204 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1869 Hawthorne, Mrs. Sophia Peabody. Notes in Scotland. (In her: Notes in Eng- land and Italy. London, 1869. 12°. p. 119-195.) CBF 1. Burns' region. 2. Glasgow. 3. Dumbarton. 4. Loch Lomond and the Bens. 5. Inversnaid and Loch Katrine and the Trossachs. 6. Bridge of Allan. 1870 Chambers, William. A lord provost's holiday. 32 p., 1 pi. (In: Chambers' Mis- cellany. Edinburgh [1870]. 12°. v. 6, no. 91.) *C Account of a voyage round Scotland in the "Pharos," the steamer of the Commission of Northern Lights. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the English note-books of N. Hawthorne. London: Strahan & Co., 1870. 2 v. 8°. CBF His journey in Scotland described in v. 2, p. 26-62, 278-341 (second visit). Wilson, John. Remarks on the scenery of the Highlands. 24 p. (In: J. S. Keltie, History of the Scottish Highlands . . . New York [187-?]. 8°. v. S.) CPE 1871 Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1871. xxxii, 616 p., 33 maps, 8 plates, illus. 19. ed. 12°. CPW Bryant, William Cullen. Letters of a traveller; or, Notes of things seen in Europe and America. New York: G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1871. 442 p. 12°. IID Edinburgh, p. 174-180; The Scottish lakes, p. 181-190; Glasgow — ■ Ayr — Galloway, p. 191-199; A visit to the Shetland Isles, p. 408-425. 1872 Tourists', The, shilling handy guide to Scotland; with new charts and illustra- tions. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1872. 154 p., 6 maps. 8°. KFTp. box 1874 White, Thomas Pilkington. On the west coast: the record of a Highland tour, illus. (Good words. London, 1874 8° v. 15, p. 334-340, 424-430, 454-458, 519-525, 634-641.) * DA 1875 Handbook for travellers in Scotland. London: John Murray, 1875. viii, .(1)10- 478 p., 12 maps. 4. ed. 12°. KFT One map in pocket. Watson, Jean L. The grand Highland tour: Glasgow — the Clyde — Oban [etc.]; by the author of 'Round the Grange Farm' ...etc. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1875. 112 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 16°. KFT p. box 1877 Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland. 2). ed. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1877. 3 p.l., v-xxxii, 642 p., 26 maps, 14 plans, 8 pi. 16°. KFT Keddie, William. Highland tour. Glas- gow to Oban by the river Clyde . . . With notice of the geology and natural history of the district. Glasgow: Maclure & Mae- donald t 1877]. 48 p., 1 map, 8 pi. 8°. KFT, Highland route no. in. Oban to Fort William & Banavie, by Ballachuush and Glencoe... Glasgow: Maclure & Macdonald, n.d. 40 p., 1 map, 6 pi. 8°. KFT Macdonald, D. C. "The land o' the leal." (Appleton's journal. New York, 1877. 4°. new series, v. 2, p. 330-335.) * DA A week in the Scottish Highlands. (Appleton's journal. New York, 1877. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 176-182.) *DA Miller's royal tourist guides to the High- lands and islands, Staffa, Iona, Mull, and Hebrides. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 2 p.l., 86 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. KFT Sportsman's, The, & tourist's time tables and guide to. . .Scotland. Edited by J. W. Lyall. Monthly. July, 1877. London [1877]. xx, 319 p., 2 maps. 12°. Stuart 8759 1878 Reid, John T. Art rambles in the High- lands and islands of Scotland. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1878. 4 p.l., 183 p., 41 pi. illus. 4°. f CP 1. The Firth of Forth. 2. Trossachswards, via Stirling. 3. Lochs Katrine and Lomond. 4. A -trip to Arran's isle. 5. Among the isles. 6. Glencoe and the great glen. 7. Lochs Maree and Torridon. 8. Days spent in the isle of Skye. 9. Lewis. 10. The north-east coast of Scotland. 11. Aberdeen, and home via Balmoral and the Braes of Mar. 12. Edinburgh and its surroundings. 1880 Caledonia described by Scott, Burns, and Ramsay, with illustrations by J. Mac- Whirter... New York: R. Worthington [C. 1880]. 6 p.l., 241(1) p., 1 pi. sq. 4°. Stuart 10721 Official guide from Glasgow to the Highlands, per David Macbrayne's royal mail steamers... [Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1880.] 86 p., 1 map. 16°. KFT p. box Official guide. Summer tours in Scot- land. Glasgow to the Highlands. "The royal route". . .with list of sailings and fares by David Macbrayne's royal mail steamers... Glasgow: A. Sinclair, prtr. [1880?] 2 p.l., 92 p., 12 pi. 12°. KFT p. box LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 205 History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1881 Baddeley. Mountford John Baddeley. The Highlands of Scotland. . .with a... description of the various routes from England and the principal places of inter- est upon them, including Edinburgh, Glas- gow, Melrose, and the Falls of Clyde . . . Maps and plans by Bartholomew.. . Lon- don: Dulau & Co., 1881. xxxvi, 269 p., 26 maps, 3 plans. 16°. KFT Official guide. Summer tours in Scot- land. Glasgow to the Highlands . . . (via Crinan and Caledonian canals...). [Glas- gow: D. Macbrayne, 1881.) 2 p.l., 92 p., 1 1., 1 map, 12 pi. 12°. KFT 1882 Reclus, Elisee. Southern Scotland [and] Northern Scotland, illus. (In his: The earth and its inhabitants. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1882. 4°. v. 4, p. 302- 377.) *R-KAN 1883 Dalgleish, W. Scott. Scotland's version of home rule. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1883. 8°. v. 13, p. 14-26.) * DA Scottish patriotism and Scottish politics. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 358-382.) . * DA State, The, of the Highlands. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 101- 125.) * DA 1883-1885 Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland: a sur- vey of Scottish topography, statistical, biographical, and historical. Edited by Francis H. Groome. Edinburgh: T. C. Jack, 1883-85. 6 v. maps, pi. 4°. t CPW v. 1. Aan to Corvichen. v. 2. Corwar to Ednam. v. 3. Edradour to Harthill, v. 4. Hartree to Libberton. v. 5. Liberton to Petty. v. 6. Pettycur to Zetland. General survey. 1883-1901 Caledonian and London and North- western Railways. Tourists' guide. Sea- son 1883, 1899, 1901. Glasgow: McCorquo- dale & Co., 1883-1901. 8°. TPN 1884 Handbook for travellers in Scotland. London: J. Murray, 1884. viii, 9-501(1) p., 10 maps, with 2 in pockets, 3 plans. 5. ed. 12°. (Murray's handbooks.) KFT Scottish, The, parody on home rule. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1884. 8°. v. 135, p. 143-152.) * DA 1885 Muir, Thomas S. Ecclesiological notes on some of the islands of Scotland. Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1885. xii, 316 p., 35 pl. 8°. CP 1886 Conservative, The, cause in Scotland in the light of the general election. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 7, o. 27-47.) • *DA Home rule for Scotland. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 140, p. 699-711.) *DA Home rule for Scotland. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-20.) *DA 1887 Murray, Frances. Summer in the Heb- rides. Sketches in Colonsay and Oron- say. [By Frances Murray.] Glasgow: James MacLehose & Sons, 1887. xi, 175 p., 1 map, 7 pl. 8°. CRB Printed for private distribution. 1888 Mitchell, W. Scotland and home rule. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 323-346.) *DA Scottish Home Rule Association, Edin- burgh. Statement of Scotland's claim for home rule. Edinburgh: E. & L. Living- stone, 1888. 14 p. 20. thousand. 12°. * C p.v. 498 Wallace, William. Nationality and home rule, Irish and Scottish. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 12, p. 171- 187.) * DA 1889 Local government in Scotland. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 145, p. 297-306.) * DA Malet, H. P. The Highlands. (An- tiquary. London, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 49-53.) CA Mitchell, W. Home rule for Scotland. The opening speech read (in part) at the discussion on that subject in the confer- ence room of the National Liberal Club, on 7. May 1889. London: A Gardner, 1889. 25 p. 8°. * C p.v. 657 Scottish Home Rule Association, Edin- burgh. Home rule and political parties in Scotland; a review dedicated to and published by the Scottish Home Rule As- sociation. Edinburgh, 1889. 44 p. 12°. * C p.v. 580 1890 Argyll (9. duke), John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell.. 206 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. Scottish politics. (North American re- view. New York, 1890. 8°. v. 151, p. 534- 547.) * DA MacKenzie, B. D. Home rale for Scot- land. Edinburgh: The Scottish Home Rule Association t 1890j. 15 p. 8°. * C p.v. 580 Repr. : Westminster review. Scottish Home Rule Association, Edin- burgh. The Scottish home rule debate of 19. and 20. Feb. 1890. Analysis of the divisions and remarks on the debate. Also Archibald Alison's article on the old Scot- tish Parliament, &c. Edinburgh [1890]. 22 p. 8°. * C p.v. 580 Wallace, William. The limits of Scot- tish home-rule. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 420-430.) * DA 1891 Macbrayne, David. Official guide. New edition, 1891. Summer tours in Scotland. Glasgow to the Highlands. "Royal route" ...with time tables and lists of fares... Royal Mail steamers... [Glasgow, 1891.] Ill p., 2 1., 1 map, 14 pi. 12°. KFT 1892 Black's picturesque guide to Scotland. London: A. & C. Black, 1892. xviii p., 2 1., 563 p., 42 maps, 17 plans, 1 pi. 16°. KFT 1893 Wallace, Robert. Scotland's revolt against home rule. (New review. Lon- don, 1893. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-11.) *DE 1894 Government, The, and Scottish affairs. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. v. 155, p. 252-264.) * DA Handbook for travellers in Scotland. London, 1894. 6. ed. 16°. (Murray's handbooks.) KFT Scotland and the Unionist cause. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p. 364-380.) * DA 1895 Gladstonian, The, revolt in Scotland. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1895. 8°. v. 158, p. 137-145.) * DA Roger, James Cruikshank. Reminis- cences of a four weeks tour in Scotland; with notes and memoranda relating to sundry matters of antiquity. London: privately printed, 1895. vii, 52 p., 2 pi. 8°. CP 1896 James, Thomas L. A summer tour in the Scottish Highlands. 1 pi. 14 illus. (Cosmopolitan. Irvington-on-the-Hudson, 1896. 8°. v. 21, p. 571-581.) *DA Winter, W. Brown heath and blue bells. Being sketches of Scotland, with other papers. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. 237 p. 24°. NBY 1898 Richardson, Ralph. A French lady in Scotland. (Scottish geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 14, p. 308- 314.) KAA Review of En &cosse par Mme. Marie Anne de Bovet. Wiggin, Kate Douglas, afterwards Mrs. C. N. Riggs. Penelope's progress, being such extracts from the commonplace book of Penelope Hamilton as relate to her ex- periences in Scotland. Boston: Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. 3 p.l., 268 p., 1 1. 12°. NBO 1898-1899 Kellner, L. Ein Jahr in England, 1898- 1899. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buch- handlung Nachfolger, 1900. 12°. CN "Im schottischen Hochland," p. 68-77; "Eine Musterstadt" [Glasgow], p. 78-88; "Schottische Kleinstadter," p. 89-99. 1899 Foord, John. "The land of cakes." Speech delivered. . .by John Foord at the 143d annual banquet of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York, De- cember 1, 1899. [New York: Lehmaier Press, 1899.] [10] p. 8°. CPp.box2 1900 Cambrian Archseological Association. Report of the excursion of the Cambrian Archaeological Association in connexion with the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, to the western islands of Scot- land, Orkney, and Caithness, June, 1899. Edited by R. Cochrane. Dublin, 1900. xii, 186 p. 8°. CVA Lang, Andrew. Scotland and Mr. Gold- win Smith. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 167, p. 541-550.) * DA National Union of Conservative Asso- ciations for Scotland. The campaign guide, 1900. A handbook for Unionist speakers... Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1900. viii, 637 p. 8. ed. 8°. CL Roz, Firmin. Impressions d'ficosse. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1900. 8°. v. 161, p. 205-228.) * DM LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 207 istory and Description, continued, iecial Periods, continued. 1901 Stevenson, John Home. King Edward e Seventh. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- irgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 175-178.) CPA 1902 Chisholm, George G. Europe. Lon- >n: E. Stanford, 1899-1902. 2 v. 8°. * R - KFB v. 2, ch. xxv : Scotland — physical configuration; . xxvi: Rivers and lakes; ch. xxvii: Elements the Scottish population and establishment of litical unity; ch. xxviii: Agriculture and mining; . xxix: Manufactures; ch. xxx: Chief towns. Goodrich-Freer, A., now Mrs. H. H. poer. Outer Isles. With illustrations f Allan Barraud. Westminster [Lon- yt\y. Archibald Constable & Co. [1902.] j, 448 p., map, plates, illus. 8°. CPW Lansdale, Maria Hornor. Scotland his- >ric and romantic. Philadelphia: H. T. oates & Co., 1902. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. CP Mackinder, Halford John. Scotland. [n his: Britain and the British seas. New ork, 1902. 8°. p. 282-296.) KFO Paul, Sir James Balfour. A Scottish ote on the coronation. (Juridical re- iew. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 205- 13.) SEA Stevenson, John Home. The corona- on [of Edward vn.] and Scotland. (Scot- sh antiquary. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 5, p. 11-19.) CPA Wallace, William. The transformation f the Scottish temperament. (Fortnight- ' review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 77 pew :ries, v. 71], p. 690-699.) * DA 1903 Handbook for travellers in Scotland; iited by S. M. Penney. London: E. Stan- >rd, 1903. liv, 539 p., 33 maps, 12 plans. ed. 12°. KFT Binder's title: Murray's hand-book. Scotland. Scottish Patriotic Association. [Origin, (institution and rules. Officebearers.] jlasgow: the association, 1903.] 2 1. 8°. CA Todd, George Eyre. Through England id Scotland by the West Coast Royal [ail Route. [London: London & N. W. aledonian R'ways,] 1903. 215 p., 1 illus. 2°. KFO [Glasgow: McCorquodale & o., Ltd., 1907.] 224 p., 1 map. 12°. KFO 1904 Great Eastern Railway Co. of England, athedral route to the north of England and Scotland and the continent, n. t.-p. [Philadelphia: Security Bank Note Co., 1904.] 24 p., 2 maps. nar. 8°. KFO p. box Scottish Patriotic Association. Scot- tish history in our school books: a matter of national importance. (Report of the association.] [Glasgow: the association, 1904.] 1 1. f°. ttCBAp.v.10 1905 Academicus, pseud. The political out- look in Scotland. (Westminster review. London, 1905. 8°. v. 164, p. 597-605.) *DA Fleming, Archibald. "Is Scotland de- cadent?" — A reply. (National review. London, 1905. 8°. v. 46, p. 46-54.) * DA Inglis, Harry R. G. The contour road of Scotland. A series of elevation plans of the roads with measurements and de- scriptive letterpress. Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis, 1905. 1 p.l., xviii, 296 p., maps, plans. 16°. KFT National Union of Conservative Asso- ciations for Scotland. Facts for electors. A handbook for Unionist committeemen, 1905. Edinburgh, 1905. 12°. Vermersch, Albert. Notes et impres- sions d'un voyage en ficosse. (Societe geographique de Lille. Bulletin. Lille, 1905. 8°. v. 43, p. 13-39.) KAA 1907 Birkmyre, Robert. Our Highland en- campment. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 577-583.) * DA Henderson, T. F., and Francis Watt. Scotland of today. London: Methuen & Co. rl907.] xiv, 399 p., 39 pi., 5 port. 12°. CPW Parliament and the Scottish land bill. (Edinburgh review. London, 1907. 8°. v. 206, p. 1-22.) * DA Wallace, William. Limits of Scottish patriotism. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 82, p. 610- 620.) * DA The social transformation of Scot- tish Liberalism. (National review. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. v. 50, p. 295-307.) * DA 1908 Cook, Thomas, and Son. Cook's tour- ist handbook to Scotland... A pro- gramme of arrangements for. . . 1908. Edin- burgh: T. Cook & Son, 1908. 108 p., 1 map. illus 8°. KFT 1909 National Union of Conservative Asso- ciations for Scotland. [Leaflets.] S. N. U. no. 336, 338-341, 343-345. v. p. [1909.] 8°. 208 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1910 Todd, George Eyre. Scotland for the holidays. [Glasgow: McCorquodale & Co., Ltd.,] 1910. 178 p., 1 map. illus. 12°. CPW Map in pocket. 1912 Johnson, Clifton. The land of heather. Written and illustrated by Clifton John- son. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912. xii p., 1 1., 258 p., 47 pi. 12°. (Mac- millan's travel series.) CPW MacBrayne, David, Ltd. The royal route; summer tours in the western High- lands and islands of Scotland by the Royal Mail steamers "Columba," "Iona," &c. Of- ficial guide. [Glasgow: R. Maclehose and Co., Ltd.,] 1912. 180 p., 1 map, 32 pi. illus. new ed. 12°. KFT 1913 Lang, Andrew, and John Lang. High- ways and byways in the Border; by An- drew Lang and John Lang, with illustra- tions by H. Thomson. London: Macmil- lan & Co., Ltd., 1913. 2 p.l., vii-xvi, 439(1) p., 1 map, 1 pi. illus. 8°. CBF Completed by John Lang after the death of his brother. MacDonald's Scottish directory and gaz- etteer, accompanied with railway map and plans. Edition t 31] (1912/13). Edin- burgh [1912]. 4°. Pub. Cat.Div. - BAZ Olcott, Charles Sumner. The country of Sir Walter Scott. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1913. xv, 414 p., 1 1., 3 maps, 60 pi., 1 port. 8°. CRB Ecclesiastical History The following outline of the ecclesiastical his- tory of Scotland is inserted in order to make clear the relationship of the different church bodies to each other. Although Christianity was preached in the south of Scotland as early as 397 A.D. by St. Ninian, yet the introduction of the new faith is generally ascribed to St. Columba, since his conversion of the Picts in 563 A.D. "may fairly be regarded as the governing fact in Scottish history." Notwith- standing the fact that his work of conversion was carried out independently of the Church of Rome, the doctrines of the ancient Church of Scotland were those of the rest of western Christendom. Only in points of ritual were there some slight differ- ences, but these, by the twelfth century, had been smoothed out and the Church of Scotland had become identical with the church of western Europe. As early as the year 1400, if not indeed earlier, the opinions of Wycliffe had penetrated into the south of Scotland, particularly into the south-eastern counties, where his followers were known as "Lol- lards" (i. e., mumblers, from the middle Dutch lollen, to mumble). These teachings prepared the way for the doctrines of Luther, which indeed had made such headway in Scotland that in 1525 the importation of Lutheran books was prohibited by an act of the Scottish parliament. The piety and virtues of Patrick Hamilton, abbot of Feme, "the protomartyr of the Scottish Reformation," who was burned in 1528, encouraged many others to follow his teaching and example. By 1559 the new faith had made such rapid progress that its followers were actually in the majority, and in the following year (August 8th, 17th and 24th, 1560) they were able to pass several acts of parliament whereby the Pope's jurisdiction in Scotland was abolished, the mass proscribed, and the Reformers' Confession of Faith ratified. The new Confession of Faith adhered in all essentials of belief to the ancient creed of the church but differed widely in regard to the adminis- tration of the sacraments and the details of church Eolity. The First Book of Discipline, drawn up y Knox and his associates, was published in the following year, and supplied a scheme of church government though never approved of by the Estates. Finally the assembly of the Reformed Church which met in Glasgow in 1581 established the Presby- terian form of government as we now know it, and gave formal sanction to the Second Book of Dis- cipline. On his accession to the English throne King James vi. endeavored to bring the Church of Scot- land into conformity with that of England, and in 1610 began by introducing Episcopacy into Scotland as the legal church system. This and other acts in favor of the new communion introduced by him and his son and successor, Charles i., caused much dissatisfaction and bitter persecution during the following eighty years. In 1690 Presbyterianism was again re-established and the Westminster Con- fession of Faith was ratified as the national standard of belief. . At the same time the right of patrons to nominate ministers to vacant churches was taken away. In 1712 an act was passed in the British parlia- ment restoring the law of patronage in Scotland. This statute caused much ' discontent among the members of the Established Church and led, in 1733, to the formation of a separate communion which took the name of The Associate Presbytery, but was more commonly known as Seceders. This body shortly afterwards divided into the Burgher and Anti-burgher Synods. In 1761 there was an- other secession from the Established Church when the Presbytery of Relief was formed. Meanwhile the Church itself was divided into two parties, the Moderates and the Evangelicals, the former of whom, were favorable, the latter hostile, to the law of patronage. In 1834 the Evangelical or popu- lar party succeeded in carrying an act of Assembly known as the Veto Act, which declared it to be a fundamental law of the church that no minister should be "intruded" on a congregation contrary to the will of the majority of the flock. The legal- ity of this act was doubted by many, and in con- nection with the celebrated "Auchterarder case" (1838), the doubt was confirmed by the Court of Session — the highest judicial tribunal in Scotland. The outcome was the great Disruption of 1843, when 451 ministers withdrew from the Establish- ment and formed The Free Church of Scotland. Patronage in the Established Church was finally abolished by an act of Parliament in 1874, and the right of choosing the minister again restored to the congregation. The Burgher and Anti-Burgher Seceders were, re- united in 1820 under the name of the Associate Synod of the Secession Church, and twenty-seven years later the Associate Synod and the Presbytery of Relief were united under the name of the United Presbyterian Church. In 1876 the greater part of the Cameronian communion, an elder sister of the Church of Scotland, formally united with the Free Church. An attempt was made in 1873 to unite the Free and United Presbyterian Churches, but the union was not completed till 1900, when the United Free Church of Scotland was established. Periodicals and Transactions Aberdeen Auxiliary Society for Improv- ing the System of Church Patronage ifi Scotland. Account of the proceedings of the first annual meeting, May, 1826. Aber- deen: D. Chalmers, & Co., 1826. 8°. * C p.v. 493 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 209 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Anti-patronage, The, and Church of Scotland magazine, no. 1-3. [Edinburgh,] 1841. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Christian warder, v. 1, no. 1-4 (Jan.- April, 1826). n.p. t 1826 12°. ZPWAp.box Church, The, patronage reporter, no. 9-19 (1832-34). Edinburgh, 1832-34. 8°. ZWGS no. 14-19 title reads: Anti-patronage reporter. Church of Scotland. Church congress, no. 1 (1899). Official report of proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. ZWX Congress held in Glasgow. Church of Scotland. • — General Assem- bly. Roll of members. 1839. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 1 Roll of members... May, 1874. [Standing orders.) Edinburgh: Neill and Co. [1874.] 24, 12 p. sm. 8°. ZWX p.v. 1 Church of Scotland Young Men's As- sociation. [Its purpose.] [Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1855., 3-14 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1228 Extract from Church of Scotland magazine and review, March, 1855. Episcopal Church in Scotland. — Repre- sentative Church Council. Annual report ...with constitution, list of members, and returns, no. 9 (1884/5). Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. ZPWX Free Church of Scotland. The home and foreign record, v. 5-6; new series, v. 1-5. Edinburgh, 1855-61. 8°. ZWA Monthly series of tracts, no. 1-13 (Oct., 1844-Oct., 1845). Glasgow, 1844-45. 8°. ZDVH no. 12-13 mutilated. Quarterly missionary paper, no. 30, 32 (1867). Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. ZKVO Report. Abstract of the public ac- counts, no. 31 (1873/4). [Edinburgh, 1874.] 8°. ZWHF Report of the Finance Committee to the General Assembly... no. 1 (1843). [Edinburgh, 1843.] 8°. ZWHF Yearbook. 1888. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. ZWA Free Church of Scotland Defence As- sociation. Constitution and rules, n. p., 1870. broadside. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Free Church Temperance Society. Re- port of the annual meeting, no. 6 (May, 1855). [Edinburgh, 1855.] 8°. * C p.v. 1138 Supplement. [Edinburgh, 1855.] 8°. *C p.v. 1138 Free High Church Congregation, Edin- burgh. Annual report by the Deacon's Court, no. 9, 11, 13 (1851/2, 1853/4, 1855/6). Edinburgh, 1852-56. 8°. no. 9 is in * C p.v. 497; no. 11 and 13 in * C p.v. 1138. Glasgow Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland. An- nual report, no. 1 (1834). Glasgow, 1834. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Lesson, The, system magazine, for parents and Sunday school teachers, v. 1-2. Edinburgh, 1833-35. 12°. ZICN Scottish Anti-state Church Association. Annual report, no. 1 (1848). Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, 1849. 8°. *C p.v. 1165 Scottish Association for Opposing Prevalent Errors. [Appeal for aid...] [Edinburgh, 1848.] 3 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1165 Scottish Central Board for Extending the Principle of Voluntary Churches, and Vindicating the Rights of Dissenters. Re- port, no. 4 (July, 1838). Edinburgh, 1838. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Scottish Coast Mission, Edinburgh. An- nual report with list of subscriptions and donations, no. 1 (1852/3). Edinburgh, 1853. 12°. ZKXN Scottish Disestablishment Association. [Tracts.] no. 1-2. [Edinburgh?] n.d. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 no. 1. The new patronage act... no. 2. The establishment principle demanding disestablishment in Scotland. Scottish Monthly Tract Society. An- nual report no. 13, 26-29 (1844/5, 1858/9- 1861/2). Edinburgh, 1845-62. 8°. SHO Scottish Reformation Society. State- ment and appeal for 1856. n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh: J. Lindsay, 1856?] 4 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1138 Scottish Sailors' and Soldiers' Bethel Flag Union. Report, no. 1-3. (1835/6, 1839/40, 1842/3). Edinburgh, 1836-43. 8°. ZKXN no. 1 is called Annual report, no. 3 contains list of subscriptions and donations from 1839 to 1843. Scottish Society for Promoting the Due Observance of the Lord's Day. First an- nual report. March 10, 1840. Edinburgh, 1840. 41 p. 8°. ZICHp.box Report of the general meeting... January 21, 1839. Edinburgh: the society, 1839. 1 p.l., 84 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Society for Improving the System of Church Patronage in Scotland. Account of the proceedings at annual meeting, no. 1-3. Edinburgh, 1825-29. 8°. *C p.v. 493; ZWGS p.v. 5 Account of the proceedings of an extraordinary general meeting... Edin- burgh, 1833. 22 p. 8°. (The Anti-patron- age reporter, no. 15.) ZWGS p.v. 5 Report of the directors, no. 2 (1826). Edinburgh, 1826. 4°. ZWGS Spottiswoode Society. The Spottis- woode miscellany; a collection of original papers and tracts, illustrative chiefly of 210 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. the civil and ecclesiastical history of Scot- land. Edited by James Maidment. Edin- burgh: The Spottiswoode Society, 1844- 45. 2 v. 8°. ZDVH Watchword, The. A magazine for the defence of Bible truth, and the advocacy of Free Church principles, v. 1, no. 12 (March, 1867) ; v. 2, no. 13-21 (April-Dec, 1867); v. 3, no. 28-33, 35-36 (July-Dec, 1868, Feb.-March, 1869); v. 4, no. 37-48(April, 1869-March, 1870); v, 5, no. 49-57, 59-60 (April-Dec, 1870, Feb.-March, 1871); v. 6. no. 61-70, 72 (April, 1871-Jan., March, 1872); v. 7, no. 73-79, 81-82, 84(April-Oct., Dec, 1872-Jan., March, 1873) ; v. 8, no. 85- 88 (April- July, 1873). Edinburgh, 1867-73. 8°. ZWA Ceased publication with the issue for July, 1873. Wodrow Society. Laws and list of the members of the Wodrow Society. Insti- tuted May, 1841. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing Society, 1842. 20 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 General Works Addison, W. Innes, joint author. See Young, John, and W. Innes Addison. Aikman, James. Annals of the persecu- tion in Scotland, from the Restoration to the Revolution. Edinburgh: Hugh Paton, 1842. xii, 556 p. 8°. CP An historical account of covenant- ing in Scotland, from the first band in Mearns, 1556, to the signature of the Grand National Covenant, 1638. Edinburgh: J. Henderson & Co., 1848. 2 p.L, 90 p. 8°. ZDVH Aiton, John. The life and times of Alex- ander Henderson, giving a history of the second Reformation of the Church of Scotland, and the Covenanters, during the reign of Charles I. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1836. xx, 674 p., 1 fac, 1 port. 8°. ZWG Alexander, John. A history of the church in Scotland. [Leeds: T. W. Green, prtr., 1842.] 46 p. 12°. (The Christian miscellany, v. 2.) ZDV p.v. 8 Anderson, Christopher. Scotland. From James the Fifth to the Commonwealth. (In his: Annals of the English Bible. Lon- don, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 394-543.) * YC Anderson, John. Chronicles of the Kirk. Scenes and stories from the his- tory of the Church of Scotland. Edin- burgh: T. & T. Clark, 1849. xi, 588 p. 12°. Stuart 4142 Anderson, Peter John, editor. See In- ventories of ecclesiastical records of north- eastern Scotland. . Andrews, William, editor. See Bygone church life in Scotland. Baillie, Robert. The letters and journals of Robert Baillie, principal of the Uni- versity of Glasgow, 1637-1662. Edited by- David Laing. Edinburgh: Robert Ogle, 1841-42. 3 v. nar. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) tCP This copy is of the_ impression printed for sale. See the critical notice of this work by Thomas Carlyle in the Westminster review, v. 37, p. 43-71, London, 1842 (reprinted in the Museum of foreign literature, science, and art, v. 44, p. 454-465, Phila- delphia. 1842). The essay is also reprinted in Carlyle's Critical and miscellaneous essays. Balfour of Burleigh (6. baron), Alexan- der Hugh Bruce. Church and state in Scotland. (Fortnightly review. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 38, p. 277-285.) *DA An historical account of the rise and development of Presbyterianism in Scotland. Cambridge: University Press, 1911. vi p., 1 1., 172 p. 16°. ZWG Baptist Church, Edinburgh. A short sketch of the church order and social re- ligious practices of the original Baptist Church at Edinburgh... Edinburgh: Guthrie & Tait, 1808. 23 p. 12°. ZEC p.v. 90 Bayne, Peter. The Covenanters, Charles ii., and Argyle. (Contemporary review. London, 1875. 8°. v. 25, p. 683-712.) * DA Begg, James. The antiquity of church extension; with the methods by which it was promoted by the Church of Scotland, nearly two hundred years ago; inter- spersed with remarks adapted to the pres- ent time. With an appendix. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1838. 1 p.L, 45 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.17 God's gift to Scotland in John Knox and the Reformation. A sermon preached. . .on. . .November 24... Perth: Dewar, Mitchell, & Co., printers, 1872. 11 p. 8°. AN Repr. : Perthshire Courier. Blaikie, William Garden. The genesis of the Scottish pulpit. (Presbyterian re- view. New York, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 407- 426.) * DA The two streams of Presbyterian history. (Catholic Presbyterian. Lon- don, 1879. 8°. v. 1, p. 133-140.) * DA Blair, Robert. The life of Robert Blair, minister of St. Andrews, containing his autobiography, from 1593 to 1636, with supplement to his life, and continuation of the history of the times to 1680, by... William Row. Edited for the Wodrow Society, from the original manuscript, by Thomas M'Crie. Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1848. xxiv, 627 p. 8°. AN Book, The, of Perth: an illustration of the moral and ecclesiastical state of Scot- land before and after the Reformation. With introduction, observations, and notes •A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 211 Jistory and Description, continued, '.cclesiastical History, continued. y John Parker Lawson. Edinburgh: 'nomas G. Stevenson, 1847. xl, 318 p., pi. 8°. CR Introduction. The Dominican or Black Friars' onastery. The Carmelite or White Friars' mon- itery. The Carthusian monastery or Charterhouse, hurch of St. John the Baptist and its chapels, bits in St. John the Baptist's church. Religious juses and chapels in Perth. The Reformation in erth. The demolition of the monasteries. The mtrast (a. Extracts from the kirk-session regis- ;rs of Perth, b. The Episcopal kirk-session regis- t. c. The Perth General Assembly of 1618. d. ontinuation of the Episcopal kirk-session register), ndex. Breed, William P. Jenny Geddes, or 'resbyterianism and its great conflict rith despotism. Philadelphia: Presby- srian Board of Publication [1869]. 480 p. 2°. Stuart 4166 Brown, J. Wood. The Covenanters of lie Merse, their history and sufferings s found in the records of that time. Edin- urgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 893. 259 p. 12°. ZWG Brown, Rev. John. An apologetical re- ition of the particular sufferings of the lithful ministers and professors of the )hurch of Scotland, since August, 1660... ogether with the rise, reign, and ruin of tie former prelates in Scotland... Edin- urgh: R. Ogle & Oliver & Boyd, 1845. ii, (1)6-212 p. 8°. ZWG Brown, John. An historical account of lie rise and progress of the secession. Glasgow: W. Smith, 1780. 75 p. 4. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 652 Bruce, Robert. Sermons by the Rev. Lobert Bruce, minister of Edinburgh, sprinted from the original edition of 1590 nd 1591; with collections for his life, by ie Rev. Robert Wodrow, now first rinted from the manuscript in the library f the University of Glasgow; edited by .ev. William Cunningham. Edinburgh: Vodrow Society, 1843. xxiii, 399 p. 8°. Wodrow Society. Publications.) ZIZ Bryce, James. Ten years of the Church f Scotland from 1833 to 1843. With his- >rical retrospect from 1560. Edinburgh: /. Blackwood & Sons, 1850. 2 v. 8°. Stuart 4145 Buchan, George. Historical sketch E the ecclesiastical establishment in Scot- nd, more particularly with reference to ie present state and future prospects of ie Church of Scotland; to which are ided, remarks on the speech delivered by ord Brougham, in the House of Lords, the Auchterarder case. Edinburgh: )hn Johnstone, 1840. 2 p.l., 99 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 14 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. P.l., 135 p. 2. ed. 8°. ' ZWGS p.v. 6 Buchanan, David, editor. See Knox, John. The historie of the reformation of the Church of Scotland. Buchanan, Robert. The ten years' con- flict: being the history of the disruption of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow Blackie & Son, 1849. 2 v. 8°. Stuart 4143 Burke, Sarsfield Hubert. Relations be- tween the English and Scotch pirates and the "Reformation movement." (Catholic world. New York, 1886. 8°. v. 42, p. 124-134.) *DA 'Puritan pirates in Scotland,' p. 129-134. Burns, Robert, editor. See Wodrow, Robert. The history of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland. Burton, John Hill. Proceedings against the Covenanters. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 2, p. 173-278.) CP Proceedings against the Episco- palians. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London; 1852. 8°. v. 2, p. 278-319.) CP Proceedings against the Roman Catholics. (In his: Narratives from crim- inal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 2, p. 117-172.) CP Busse, Joseph. A collection of the suf- ferings of the people called Quakers . . . from... 1650 to... 1689. London: Luke Hinde, 1753. 2 v. f°. Reserve Scotland (1653-1677), v. 2, p. 494-533. Bygone church life in Scotland. Edited by William Andrews. London: William Andrews & Co., 1899. 4 p.l., 269 p., 3 pi. illus. 8°. ZDVH The cross in Scotland. • Bell lore_. Saints and holy wells. Life in the Pre-Reformation cathedrals. Public worship in olden times. Church music. Discipline in the kirk. Curiosities of church finance. Witchcraft and the kirk. Birth and baptisms, cus- toms and superstitions. Marriage laws and cus- toms. Gretna Green gossip. Death and burial customs and superstitions. The story of a stool. The Martyrs monument, Edinburgh. Caie, Norman Macleod. The Bible in Scottish ecclesiastical polity. (Scots mag- azine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 425-429.) *DE Calderwood, David. The history of the Kirk of Scotland. Edited from the orig- inal manuscript by Rev. Thomas Thom- son. Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1842- 49. 8 v. 8°. ZWG v. 8 edited by David Laing. Campbell, Douglas. The Scottish Kirk and its influence on English and Ameri- can Puritanism. (In his: The Puritan in Holland, England, and America. 4. ed. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-43.) IQ Carstares, William. The Scottish toler- ation argued: or, An account of all the laws about the Church of Scotland ratify'd 212 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. by the Union Act. In a letter from a Scots gentleman [W. Carstaresj to a Member of Parliament. London: S. Popping, 1712. 1 p.l., 3-23 p. 8° . * C p.v. 432 Christie, James, editor. See Church of Scotland. — General Assembly. The rec- ords of the commissions of the General Assemblies. . . Church of Scotland. The booke of the universall Kirk of Scotland: Wherein the headis and conclusionis devysit be the ministers and commissionaris of the particular kirks thereof, are specially ex- pressed and contained. Edited by Alex- ander Peterkin. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing & Publishing Co., 1839. xii, 619 p. 8°. ZWG Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. An abridgement of the acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scot- land, from the year 1638 to 1810 inclusive, alphabetically arranged. To which is subjoined, an appendix, containing an abridgement of all the acts of Parliament relating to the Church of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1811. 1 p.l., xv, 515 p., 8 1. 8°. ZWX Acts of the Generall Assembly for cleering and confirming the said books of discipline, and against the adversaries thereof. [Edinburgh? 16—?] 5 p.l., 100 p. 4°. (12°.) ZWGMp.v.10 Title-page lacking. Title taken from heading on p. 1. Acts and proceedings of the Gen- eral Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland from the year m.d.lx... [Edited by Thomas Thomson.) Edinburgh, 1839. 3 v. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP V. 1 v. 2 v. 3 1560-1577. 1578-1592. 1593-1618. Annals of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, from the final se- cession in 1739 to the origin of the relief in 1752: with an appendix of biographical sketches, illustrative documents, and notes. Edinburgh, 1838. viii, 423 p. 12°. ZWX Assembly papers, and, Reports of committees. 1871-85, 1888-89, 1890, v. 1-2 1894, v. 1. Edinburgh [1871-94]. 8°. ZWX Some volumes prefix: Roll of members. 1874. 1884, 1885 in 2 v. each. Proceedings of the General As- sembly... 1840-42. Edinburgh, 1840-42. 8°- ZWX 1841 title reads: -Report of the proceedings... Proceedings of the General Assem- bly [1835]. (Presbyterian review. Edin- burgh, 1835. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-490.) ZDVp.v. 10 The records of the commissions of the General Assemblies holden in Edin- burgh... 1646 and 1647, (1648 and 1649). Edited from the original manuscript by Alexander F. Mitchell, D.D., LL.D., and James Christie, D.D., with an introduction by the former. Edinburgh: T. & A. Con- stable, 1892-96. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish His- tory Society. Publications, v. 11, 25 ) CPA ■ The records of the commissions ot the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, holden in Edinburgh in 1650, in St. Andrews and Dundee in 1651, and in Edinburgh in 1652. Edited from the orig- inal manuscript by James Christie, D.D. With an introduction by Lord Guthrie. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1909. xxx' 591 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History So- ciety. Publications, v. 58.) CPA Report of the proceedings at the meetings of commission of the Gen. As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, held on the 11th & 25th August 1841 [being sup- plementary report to Assembly's Report for 1841]. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. 59 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.15 ■ Report of proceedings, 23d May 1826; in the case of the suspension of the Rev. Roderick Macleod, minister of Braca- dale. Edinburgh: J. Lindsay & Co., 1826. iii, 43 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.7 Collection, A, of the acts of Parliament relating to patronage, and the settlement of vacant parishes: with remarks; shew- ing, that the law gives no countenance to the rigour that has, of late years, been ex- ercised by the supreme Judicatory of this church. Glasgow: Daniel Reid, 1772. 42 p. 8°. * C p.v. 489 Collection, A, of important acts of Par- liament and Assembly connected with patronage, and the right of the Christian people of Scotland to choose their own ministers, beginning with the Reforma- tion, and continued till the present time. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. "36 p. 8°. (Select anti-patronage library.) ZWGFp.v.2 Conaeus, Georgius. Georgii Conaei de dvplici statv religionis apvd Scotos libri duo. Roma: : Typis Vaticanis, 1628. 6 pi, 176 p., 4 1. 4°. Reserve On the fly-leaf is written "Liber Thomae Came- rarn Ex Dono Auctoris Anno Dni 1633." Concerning the constitution of the Church of Scotland. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. London, 1776. 4°. v. 3, p. 367-379.) f CPW Cook, George. The history of the Church of Scotland, from the... Refor- mation to the Revolution... Edinburgh: George Ramsay & Co., 1815. 3 v. 8°. ZWG LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 213 Hstory and Description, continued, '.cclesiastical History, continued. Copious, A, and comprehensive sum- iary of the laws and regulations of the Church of Scotland, from A.D. 1S60 to l.D. 1850; comprising acts of Parliament, ooks of discipline, forms of process, di- ectory for public worship, extracts from arious authorities, Lord Aberdeen's bill, ic, &c. Aberdeen: G. & R. King, 1853. :xviii, (1)30-344 p. 12°. ZWGM Courts, The, and the Kirk. (British ritic. London, 1840. 8°. v. 28, p. 1-92.) *DE The Auchterarder case, etc. Cunningham, William. Some differ- nces between Scotch and English Chris- ianity. (National review. London, 1905. !°. v. 45, p. 679-692.) * DA See also Bruce, Robert. Curtis, William A. The value of con- essions of faith; a Scottish Presbyterian istimate. (Hibbert journal. London, 914. 8°. v. 12, p. 316-321.) ZAA Dalrymple, Sir David. An account of ay-patronages in Scotland and of the atal differences they have occasioned be- wixt the Church and lay-patrons; with >bservations on the arguments for restor- ng them. [By Sir David Dalrymple.] .ondon, 1712. 20 p. 8°. * C p.v. 432 Dempster, Thomas. Historia ecclesi- istica gentis Scotorum: sive, de scriptori- >us Scotis. Ed. altera. [Edited by David Irving.] Edinburgh: A. Balfour & Co., .829. 2 v. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) De Quincey, Thomas. Secession from he Church of Scotland. (In his: Theo- ogical essays and other papers. Boston, .854. 12°. v. 2, p. 1-57.) NCZ Dixon, James Main. Methodism in the Scottish capital. (Methodist review. New fork, 1907. 8°. v. 89, p. 195-202.) * DA Dunblane Diocesan Synod. Register >f the Diocesan Synod of Dunblane, 1662- .688, with an introduction and biographi- :al notes, by John Wilson, D. D. Edin- mrgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1877. xxv, !76 p. sq. 8°. ZPWY With autograph letter by the editor inserted. Edgar, Andrew. Old church life in Scot- and: lectures on kirk session and presby- ery records. Paisley: Alexander Gard- ler, 1885-86. 2 v. 8°. ZWGF v. 1: 1. Churches, manses, and churchyards in lden times. 2. Public worship in olden times. : Communion service in olden times. 4-6. Church iscipline in olden times. v. 2: 1. Provision for the poor in olden times. . Provision for education in olden times. 3. Mar- iages in olden times. 4. Baptisms and burials in lden times. 5-6, Ministers and ministerial life at lauchline. Episcopacy in Scotland. (Tait's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4". new series, v. 11, p. 294-303.) * DA Episcopacy in Scotland. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1846. 8°. v. 5, p. 66- 99.) * DA Episcopal, The, Church in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1843. 1 p.l., 13 P- 8°. ZDV p.v. 8 Ewing, Alexander, bishop of Argyll and the Isles. Episcopacy in Scotland. Lon- don: Burns and Son, 1845. 15 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 9 A plea for the Highland and non- juring congregations of 1688-1745, &c. of Scotland. London: Harrison, 1869. 35 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZPE p.v. 1 Fairbairn, Andrew Martin. The West- minster confession of faith and Scotch theology. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1873. 8°. v. 21, p. 63-84.) * DA Ferguson, Charles. The early history of church patronage; being a precise state- ment of the acts of Assembly and of the Scottish Parliament before the revolution of 1688, in relation to the subject; also, of the acts of Parliament 1690, of the Act of Union, and of the act 1712, c. 12; with an interpretation of certain passages in the second Book of discipline. By a member of the Faculty of Advocates [i.e. C. Fer- guson]. Edinburgh: John Waugh, 1833. vii, 70 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 24 Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Presby- tery and Popery in the sixteenth century. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 20-26.) CPA Fleming, David Hay. The influence of Knox. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 131-135.) CPA Notes on a manuscript volume of Covenanting testimonies, letters, and ser- mons. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 225-249.) CPA The story of the Scottish cove- nants in outline. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1904. xii, 84 p., 1 pi. 2. ed. 12°. ZWG See also St. Andrews Kirk Session. Flint, Robert. The covenant 1660 to 1690, A. D. n. t.-p. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers [188-?]. 193-224 p. 12°. (St. Giles lectures. series 1: The Scottish Church. Lecture 7.) ZWG p. box Flower, George Edward. John Knox and the Puritans. (In his: Life and writ- ings edited by I. Errett. Cincinnati, 1885. 8°. p. 257-267.) AN Forbes, John. Certaine records touch- ing the estate of the Kirk. . .m.dc.v. & 214 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. m.dc.vi. See Scot, William. An apolo- getical narration... Forsyth, Robert. Remarks on the Church of Scotland: its history, constitu- tion, and recent proceedings; the different questions that have been agitated; its pre- sent peril; and a suggestion of remedies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing & Pub- lishing Co., 1843. 2 p.L, 118 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWGM Fraser, Donald. The life and diary of Ebenezer Erskine, of Stirling, father of the Secession Church. To which is pre- fixed, a memoir of his father, Rev. Henry Erskine, of Chirnside. Edinburgh: Wil- liam Oliphant, 1831. xix, 543 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Free Church of Scotland. — General As- sembly. Proceedings of General Assem- bly, [no. 1-3] (May, Oct., 1843; May, 1844). Edinburgh, 1843-44. 8°. ZWXC no. 1 (May, 1843) includes sketch of the pro- ceedings of the residuary assembly. A report of the. . .proceedings of the. . .General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland... With an introduc- tory narrative by A. Moody Stuart. Edin- burgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1844. 46 p. 8°. Stuart 3807 Bound with: Discourses [and sermons. A col- lection of pamphlets,] 1841-55. v. 3. Froude, James Anthony. The influence of the Reformation on the Scottish char- acter. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Doug- las, 1865. 32 p., 1 port. 12°. * C p.v. 362 Reprinted in Hours at home, v. 3, p. 52-59, 137- 143, New York, 1866. Full, A, and true state of the contro- versy, concerning the Marrow of Modern Divinity, as debated between the General Assembly, and several ministers in the year 1720 and 1721... Glasgow: John Bryce, 1773. 184 p. 12°. Stuart 3035 Further considerations on proposed changes in the Scottish liturgy. (Church quarterly review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 29, p. 288-307.) * DA G., T. Scraps of the Covenant. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1822-23. 8°. v. 11, p. 695-701; v. 12, p. 257-266.) * DE 1. Alexander Peden, or, "The Cock o' the North." 2. Dunottar Castle. Gallovidian, A, pseud. Presbyterian- ism: ancient and modern. Manchester: M. Wynne [187 - ?]. 16 p. 32°. ZEC p.v. 71 In verse. Galloway Synod. The register of the Synod of Galloway, from October, 1664 to April, 1671. Kirkcudbright: J. Nicholson, 1856. 1 p.l., xiii p., 1 1., 204 p. 8°. ZPWY Gilfillan, George. The martyrs, heroes, and bards of the Scottish covenant. New- York: Robert Carter, 1853. viii, (1)10- 264 p., 8 pi. 16°. ZDVH Gillespie, George. Notes of debates and proceedings of the Assembly of Divines and other commissioners at Westminster, February, 1644 to January, 1645. By G. Gillespie. From unpublished manuscripts. Edited by David Meek. Edinburgh: Robert Ogle and Oliver and Boyd, 1846. xi, (i)x-xl, 120 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 93 Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. Ec- clesiastical chronicle for Scotland... Glasgow: John Tweed, 1867. 4 v. pi., port, illus. 4°. ZDVH Contents: v. 1-2. Scotichronicon; comprising Bishop Keith's Catalogue of Scottish bishops, en- larged, v. 3. Monasticon; an account, based on Spottiswoode's, of all the abbeys, priories, collegiate churches, and hospitals in Scotland, at the Reforma- tion, v. 4. Journal and Appendix to Scotichroni- con and Monasticon [containing the vicars apostolic of Scotland and missioners in Scotland and mem- bers of the Society of Jesus]. Hallen, Arthur Washington Cornelius. Scottish kirk session records, illus. (An- tiquary. London, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 41-46.) CA Halyburton, Thomas. Memoirs of the life of Thomas Halyburton... With... an account of the Church of Scotland dur- ing the times of Halyburton... Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, n.d. xvi, (1)18-320 p., pi. 12°. ZWG Hetherington, William Maxwell. His- tory of the Church of Scotland. From the introduction of Christianity to the period of the Disruption in 1843. 1. Amer. ed. from the 3. Edinburgh ed. New York: R. Carter, 1844. 500 p. 8°. ZWG Written from the Free Church point of view. With an introductory essay on the principles and constitution of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1848. 2 v. 7. ed. 8°. ZWG Hewison, James King. "Bands" or covenants in Scotland, with a list of ex- tant copies of the Scottish covenants. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 166-182.) CPA Hill, George. Theological institutes. Edinburgh, 1803. xii, 444 p. 8°. ZFF Title-page missing. Entry taken from the British Museum catalogue. A view of the constitution of the Church of Scotland. ' With the original appendix, and notes, by Alexander Hill. Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1835. xii, 153 p. 3. ed. 12°. ZWGM Hurd, William, and others. A new and universal history of the religious rites and ceremonies of all nations . . . London [1800?]. f°. fZAZB History of the Church of Scotland, p. 530-562; Seceders (Burghers and Anti-Burghers, etc.), p. 562- " p. 570-576. 570; Glassites, .LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 215 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Inglis, William. A brief history of the old church of Scotland, commonly called "The Episcopal Church." By W. Inglis. With an introductory preface by the Most Rev. the Primus of the Scottish Church. Aberdeen: Alexander Murray, 1891. 5 p.l., (1)12-54 p. 3. ed. 12°. ZECp.v.71 Innes, Alexander Taylor. Church and state: a historical handbook. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark ( 1878]. 3 p.l., 275 p. 12°. ZKB Chapters vii, ix, xi, deal in part with Scotland. Ten years of contemporary church history in Scotland: a European problem illustrated. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1873. 8°. v. 21, p. 886-914.) * DA Inventories of ecclesiastical records of north-eastern Scotland. [Edited by Peter John Anderson.] (New Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. v. 1, p. lv-lxii, 163-356.) t CP Irving, David, editor. See Dempster, Thomas. Keith, Robert, bishop of Fife. An his- torical catalogue of the Scottish bishops, down to the year 1688. Also, an account of all the religious houses that were in Scotland at the time of the Reformation: by John Spottiswoode. A new edition, corrected and continued to the present time, with a life of the author: by the Rev. M. Russell. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1824. 4 p.l., [xi r cx p., 1 1., 576 p. 8°. ZDVH See also under Gordon, J. F. S. History of the affairs of church and state in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation to 1568. With bio- graphical sketch, notes, and index by [J. P. Lawson]. Edinburgh: Spottiswoode Society, 1844-50. 3 v. 8°. Stuart 4152 v. 3 was edited by C. J. Lyon. The misleading second title-page is merely a reprint of that of 1735. v. 1 and 3 have valuable appendices of contemporary documents. Kinloch, George R., editor. See Melvill, James. Diary. Kirkton, James. The secret and true history of the Church of Scotland, from the Restoration to the year 1678., To which is added, An account of the murder of Archbishop Sharp. By James Russell, an actor therein. Edited from the mss. by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. Edin- burgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1817. xlix, 484 p., 1 pi., 2 port. 4°. ZWG Knox, John. The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women, 1558. "London: E. Arber, 1878. 1 p.l., xviii, 62 p. 12°. (The English scholars' library... no. 2.) NCE _, — (Reprinted in: John Knox, lhe works of John Knox, edited by D Laing. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 4, p 349- 422.) zov The historie of the reformation of the Church of Scotland; containing five books: together with some treatises con- ducing to the history. [Edited with life of Knox by David Buchanan.] London: printed by John Raworth, 1644. 35 p.l., 460, 122 p. f°. t ZOO So many unwarrantable liberties were taken by the editor of this edition, in altering and adding passages, that for long discredit was thrown on the whole work. The history of the reformation of religion within the realm of Scotland. Containing the manner, and by what per- sons, the light of Christ's gospel has been manifested unto this realm... Together with the life of the author, and several curious pieces wrote by him, viz., I. His appellation from the. . .sentence pro- nounced against him, by the false bishops and clergy of Scotland... II. His faith- ful admonition to the true professors of the gospel of Christ within the kingdom of England. III. His letter to Queen Mary. IV. His Exhortation to England . . . _ V. The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women. VI. A sermon, on Isaiah xxvi. 13. &c. By J. Knox. To which is added, I. An ad- monition to England and Scotland. . .writ- ten by Antoni Gilby. II. The first and second books of discipline... III. The form of process in the Judicatories of the Church of Scotland, with relation to scan- dals and censures. IV. A large alphabeti- cal index to this history, and the other pieces. Edinburgh: H. Inglis, 1790. 2 p.l., Ix, (1)62-572 p., 1 port. sq. 4°. ZWG The history of the reformation of religion in Scotland, to which are ap- pended several other pieces of his writ- ing, including the first book of discipline, and his dispute with the abbot of Cross- raguel... With a memoir, historical in- troduction and notes by William M'Gavin. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1831. 2 p.l., lxxi, 581 p., 1 pi., 3 port. 2. ed. 8°. ZWG Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1841. 2 p.l., lxxi, 581 p., 1 pi., 3 ports. 3. ed. 8°. ZWG Select practical writings. Issued by the committee of the General Assem- bly of the Free Church of Scotland... Edinburgh: Assembly's Committee, 1845. xxx, 32-352 p. 12°. ZEP Works. Collected and edited by David Laing. Edinburgh: Wodrow So- ciety, 1846. 2 v. 8°. ZWG and ZOO v. 1: Notes on the chief events of his life. His- tory of the Reformation in Scotland, books I. and II., with an appendix. v. 2: History of the Reformation, books III.- v., with an appendix. Index of persons and of places. 216 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. The works of John Knox, collected and edited by David Laing. Edinburgh: Tames Thin, 1895. 6 v. fac, pi., ports. 8°. zov See also section on Language and Literature. Laing, David. An incident at the era of the Reformation; from a contemporary- manuscript. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 517-S25.) CPA Notice of two original documents, with signatures exhibited to the meeting: — I. The National Covenant, November, 1638; II. The Common or Godly Band, December, 1SS7. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 216-217.) CPA Notices regarding the metrical ver- sions of the Psalms received by the Church of Scotland. [By David Laing. From the appendix to Principal Baillie's Letters and Journals, v. 3.] Edinburgh, 1842. S3 p. 12°. Reserve Presentation copy from David Laing to Lea Wilson. Letter from W. K. Clay inserted. See also Calderwood, David; Knox, John. Works; Row, John; Original let- ters relating to the ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland; Rothes (6. earl), John Leslie; and Wodrow Society. Miscellany. Lamond, Robert. Ecclesiastical perse- cution in the seventeenth century. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 373-382.) CPA Extracts from a ms. narrative by the Rev. Robert Landess of Robroyston. The part published covers the period between 1662 and 1672. Landels, William. The Scottish Cove- nanters. (In: Lectures delivered. . .in Exeter Hall, 1860-61. London, 1861. 12°. p. 33-86.) ZAD Lang, Andrew. Historical mysteries. XII. The mystery of the Kirks. (Corn- hill magazine. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 17, p. 782-793.) * DA Lawson, John Parker. The Episcopal Church of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution... Edinburgh: Gallie & Bayley, 1844. iv p., 1 1., 880 p. 8°. ZPWC and Stuart 4169 History of the Scottish Episcopal Church from the Revolution to the pres- ent time. Edinburgh: Gallie & Bayley, 1843. xl, S88 p. 8°. Stuart 4169 See also Book, The, of Perth; also Keith, Robert. History of the affairs of church and state in Scotland. Lee, John. Memorial for the Bible So- cieties in Scotland: containing remarks on the complaint of His Majesty's printers against the marquis of Huntly and others. With an appendix. [By John Lee.] Edin- burgh: Edinburgh Bible Society, 1824. 3 p.l., (i)vi-xxxii, 256, 96 p. 8°. *YCand*YIH The sale of this book was prohibited by the Court of Session. It contains much bibliographical in- formation relating to the early literature of Scot- land. Additional memorial on printing and importing Bibles: containing remarks on the answers for Sir David Hunter Blair, and J. Bruce, His Majesty's printers, to the petition of George Buchan and others... Edinburgh: A. Balfour & Co., printers, 1826. 1 p.l., 185 p. 8°. * YIH With manuscript notes by the author. Lorimer, George. The Scottish Church militant of 1640-3. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 385- 388.) CPA Lorimer, J. G. An historical sketch of the Protestant church of France. . .with parallel notices of the Church of Scot- land... Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. 1 p.l., 7-514 p. 12°. Stuart 4036 Luckock, Herbert Mortimer. The church in Scotland. London: Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. [1893.] xi, 375 p., 2 maps. 12°. *R-ZLNG Lyon, C. J., editor. See Keith, Robert. History of the affairs of church and state in Scotland. M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Life of Andrew Melville: containing illustrations of the ecclesiastical and literary history of Scotland, during the latter part of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1824. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. AN Life of John Knox: containing il- lustrations of the history of the Reforma- tion in Scotland. With biographical notices of the principal reformers. . .and an appendix. Edinburgh: William Black- wood, 1831. 2 v. 5. ed. 8°. AN New York: Eastburn, Kirk & Co., 1813. xix, 582 [9] p., 1 port. Ameri- can ed. 8°. AN A vindication of the Scottish Cove- nanters: consisting of a review of the first series of the "Tales of my landlord." Philadelphia: J. M. Campbell & Co., 1843. 147 p. 12°. *Cp.v.l414 Repr. : Christian instructor, 1817. M'Crie, Thomas, the younger. Sketches of Scottish church history: embracing the period from the Reformation to the Revo- lution. In 2 v. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1846]. v. 1. 4. ed. 12°. ZWG Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1849. 2 v. 6. ed. 12°. ZDVH LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 217 {istory and Description, continued. Icclesiastical History, continued. See also Blair, Robert; and Wod- ow, Robert. The correspondence of the lev. Robert Wodrow. M'Gavin, William. See Knox, John. The history of the reformation of religion n Scotland. Origin of the Secession. (Edinburgh heological magazine. Edinburgh, 1832. 5°. v. 7, p. 24-46.) ZDCp.v.4 Macpherson, John. A history of the :hurch in Scotland, from the earliest times lown to the present day. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1901. viii, 458 p. 8°. * R-ZDVH Maitland, Frederick William. The An- glican settlement and the Scottish Refor- nation. (Cambridge modern history. Zambridge, 1903. 8°. v. 2, p. 550-598.) * R- BAF Bibliography of the period, p. 806-813. Melvill, James. The diary of Mr. James Melvill. 1556-1601. [Edited by George R. ECinlocho Edinburgh, 1829. 4 p.l., iii, 351 ?., 1 fac. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP This diary is of great value for the ecclesiastical ind political history of the reign of James vi. Mercey, Frederic. Les premiers refor- mistes d'Ecosse. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1837. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 321-353.) *DM Millar, Alexander Hastie. Life in the pre-Reformation cathedrals, illus. (In: Bygone church life in Scotland. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 54-97.) ZDVH Mitchell, Alexander F., editor. See Church of Scotland. ■ — General Assembly. The records of the commissions of the General Assemblies holden in Edinburgh ...1646 and 1647... Moncrieff, James. The influence of Knox and the Scottish Reformation on the Reformation in England. (In: Lectures lelivered...in Exeter Hall, 1859-60. Lon- don, 1860. 12°. p. 1-39.) ZAD Monfries, Alexander. The Church es- :ablished in Scotland. A historical study. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren & Son, 1879. 28 ?. 8°. ZWGFp.v.29 Notices concerning Archbishop Sharp, with the acts of his first diocesan synod it St. Andrews, containing a directory for iiscipline and worship. (Society of An- iquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Sco- :ica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 208- 212.) t CPA Maclaren, Duncan. History of the re- listance to the annuity tax under each of he four church establishments for which t has been levied; with a statement of its annual produce since 1690. From authen- tic documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black. 1836. 96 p. 12°. *C p.v. 1187 Original letters relating to the ecclesi- astical affairs of Scotland, chiefly written by, or addressed to His Majesty King James the Sixth after his accession to the English throne. [Edited by David Laing.] Edinburgh, 1851. 2 v. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP v. l, 1603-1614. v. 2, 1614-1625. Paton, Robert. The Scottish church and its surroundings in early times. Edin- burgh: James Gemmell, 1884. viii, 160 p. 12°. ZDVH Paul, Sir James Balfour. The post- Reformation elder. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 253- 262.) CPA Persecutions, The, in Scotland. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edin- burgh [1846]'. v. 12, no. 109.) *C (Chambers's Miscellany, new ed. Edinburgh [1870j. 12°. v. 6, no. 86.) * C Peterkin, Alexander. The constitution of the Protestant Church of Scotland, as established at the Revolution, 1689-90; ex- emplified in the acts of the Estates of Parliament and the proceedings of the Church. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1845. 2 p.l., iv, 133, 92 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 The churchman. Containing, his- torical sketches of the Church of Scotland, and notices and reviews, touching the anti- patronage and voluntary church societies. [By Alexander Peterkin.] Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1835. 48 p. 16°. ZDV p.v. 11 See also Church of Scotland. The booke of the universall Kirk of Scotland. Pollard, Albert Frederick. Church and state in England and Scotland. (In his: Factors in modern history. London, 1907. 8°. p. 182-207.) *R-BAL Progress, The, of theology in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-30.) * DA Proposed changes in the Scottish litur- gy. (Church quarterly review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 29, p. 49-72.) * DA Puritanism in the Highlands — "The Men " (Quarterly review. London, 1851. 8°. v. 89, p. 307-332.) * DA Purves, James. An old Scotch kirk ses- sion record. (Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 112-114.) CA Of the town of Haddington. Rait, Robert S. John Knox and the Scottish Reformation. (Quarterly review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 205, p. 169-195.) *DA 218 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Rees, R. Wilkins. Curiosities of church finance. (In: Bygone church life in Scot- land. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 130-161.) ZDVH Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scot- land. — Constitutional Associate Presby- tery. An act, by the Constitutional Asso- ciate Presbytery, for a public fast. 1807- 10, 1812-13, 1815-16, 1818, 1820, 1822, 1824, 1829. Edinburgh, 1807-29. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 3 Reformed Presbytery. Act, declara- tion, and testimony, for the whole of our covenanted reformation, as attained to and established in Britain and Ireland; particu- larly betwixt the years 1638, and 1649, in- clusive. . . Glasgow: Young, Gallie, & Co., prtrs., 1818. 182 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 7 Reith, John. Ecclesiastical history [Of Scotland]. (In the: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 120-129.) t CPW Rise, The, and growth of fanaticism; or, A View of the principles, plots and pernicious practices of the dissenters, for upwards of 150 years. Also, an extract of the life of that pretended reformer John Knox. And an account of the writings and life of Buchanan. Together with King James the First's character of the Presbyterians... London: J. Morphew, 1715. 46 p., 1 1. 4°. ZPGp.boxl Rothes (6. earl), John Leslie. A rela- tion of proceedings concerning the affairs of the Kirk of Scotland, from August, 1637 to July, 1638. [Edited by David Laing.j Edinburgh, 1830. 4 p.l., iv, 227 p., 2 fac, 1 port. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP Row, John, minister of Carnock. The history of the Kirk of Scotland, from the year 1558 to August, 1637. With a con- tinuation to July, 1639, by his son, John Row. [Edited by David Laing.j Edin- burgh: Wodrow Society, 1842. lxxix, 566 p., 1 fac. 8°. ZWG The earlier part of this narrative is founded upon papers written by the Rev. David Ferguson, father-in-law of Row. • The historie of the Kirk of Scot- land, J558-1637, by J. Row. With addi- tions and illustrations by his son. Glas- gow: Maitland Club, 1842. lxiii p., 1 1., 544 P. 4°. CA p. 197-307: Coronis: being a continuation of the historie of the Kirk of Scotland by William Row... compiled from his father's mss. and those of Rev David Ferguson, p. 309-509: Additional illustra- tions of Mr. John Row, minister of Carnock's His- torie... with various readings by his son, Mr. Wil- liam Row. Russell, Michael. History of the church in Scotland. London: J. G. & F. Riving- ton, 1834. 2 v. port. 16°. ZDVH See also Keith, Robert. An his- torical catalogue of the Scottish bishops; also Spottiswoode, John. Ryley, George Buchanan. Scotland's Free Church; a historical retrospect and memorial of the disruption. With a sum- mary of Free Church progress and finance 1843-1893 by J. M. McCandlish. New York: A. D. F. Randolph & Co. [189-?] xvi, 392 p., 1 diagr., 7 pi., 1 port., 1 table. 8°. ZWH S., P. The church history of Scotland. (Journal of sacred literature. London, 1861. 8°. series 3, v. 12, p. 313-373.) * DA • The early church history of Scot- land. (Journal of sacred literature. Lon- don, 1859. 8°. series 3, v. 9, p. 274-296.) *DA St. Andrews Kirk Session. Register of the minister, elders, and deacons of the Christian congregation of St. Andrews. Comprising the proceedings of the kirk session and of the court of the superinten- dent of Fife, Fothrik, and Strathearn. 1559-1600. Transcribed and edited from the original manuscript. . .by D. H. Flem- ing. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1889- 90. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 4, 7.) CPA Schofield, J. Faber. The church in Scot- , land under the penal laws. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1910. 8°. v. 35, p. 292-308.) * DA Scot, William. An apologetical narra- tion of the state and government of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation. [Together with:j Certaine records touch- ing the estate of the Kirk in the years m.dc.v. & m.dc.vi. By John Forbes. Edin- burgh: Wodrow Society, 1846. lxxxviii, 578 p. 8°. ZWG Forbes's work occupies p. 343-558. Scotch, The, liberationists. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 131, p. 531-542.) *DA Scotch preaching and preachers. (Era- ser's magazine. London, 1856. 8°. v. 53, p. 189-198.) *DA Scott, David. Annals and statistics of the Original Secession Church: till its dis- ruption and union with the Free Church of Scotland in 1852... Edinburgh: A. Elliot rpref. 1886). xv p., 1 1., 612 p., 2 fac, 1 plan, 3 pi., 12 port. 8°. ZDVH Scott, Hew. Fasti ecclesias Scoticanae: the succession of ministers in the parish churches of Scotland, from the Reforma- tion, A. D. 1560 to the present time. Edin- burgh: W. Paterson, 1866-71. 3. v. sq. 4°. ZWGS v. 1, part 1: Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. v. 1, part 2: Synods of Merse and Teviotdale, Dumfries, and Galloway. v. 2, part 1: Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 219 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. v. 2, part 2: Synods of Fife, and Perth and Stirling. v. 3, part 1: Synods of Argyll, Glenelg, Moray, Ross, Sutherland and Caithness, Orkney and Zetland. v. 3, part 2: Synods of Aberdeen, and Angus and Mearns. The work gives an account of the life and work, date of birth and death of every minister of the Church of Scotland within the period covered. Scott, J. Moffat. The martyrs of Angus and Mearns: sketches in the history of the Scottish Reformation. Paisley: Alex- ander Gardner, 1885. 3 p.l., 296 p., 6 pi., 2 port. 12°. CP Pre-Reformation times in Scotland. The dawn of the Reformation. David Stratoun of Whits- toun. George Wishart, the schoolmaster of Mont- rose. George Wishart, the evangelical preacher. George Wishart, the martyr. Walter Myln, the vicar of Lunan. Cardinal Beaton. Scottish Catholics under Mary and James. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 263-275.) * DA Scottish church history. By A Free Church elder. Glasgow: W. G. Blaikie & Co., n.d. 4 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Scottish, The, Episcopal Church. (The Evergreen. New Haven, 1847. 8°. v. 4, p. 165-168.) * DD Scottish Episcopal Church Society. Brief sketch of the history, state, and pros- pects of the Scottish Episcopal Church. [Edinburgh:] Edinburgh Printing Co. [C 1842., 4 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 4 Scottish, The, Reformation. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1860. 4°. v. 27, p. 381-387.) * DA Selection, A, of extracts from the ancient minutes of kirk-session of King- horn, with slight explanatory notes, and glossary. Published for the benefit of the Kinghorn or 11th Fifeshire Artillery Volunteers, by a member of the corps. Kirkcaldy: J. Crawford, 1863. iv, 5-56 p., 1 1. 12°. ZWGF Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, editor. See Kirkton, James. Short account of the grievances of the Episcopal clergy in Scotland. (Spottis- woode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 385-400.) ZDVH Sime, William. History of the Cove- nanters in Scotland. Philadelphia: Pres- byterian Board of Publication, 1841. 2 v. 1. American ed. 16°. Stuart 4174 Simpson, Robert. Traditions of the Covenanters; or, Gleanings among the mountains. series 1-3. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, n.d. 3 v. pi. 1. American ed. 16°. Stuart 4176 Skinner, John. An ecclesiastical history of Scotland, from the first appearance of Christianity in that kingdom, to the pres- ent time. With remarks on the most important occurrences. In a series of letters to a friend. London: T. Evans 1788. 2 v. 8°. ZDVH Smith, James. A popular sketch of the history of the Kirk of Scotland from the dawn of the Reformation to the settlement at the Revolution. Glasgow: William Collins, 1840. iv, 5-72 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 9 Spalding, Martin John. The history of the Protestant Reformation in Germany and Switzerland; and in England, Ireland, Scotland., .in a series of essays. New York: P. O'Shea, 1860. 2 v. 8°. ZOF From the Roman Catholic stand-point. "The Reformation in Scotland — John Knox," v. 2, p. 223-275; "Moral character of John Knox," p. 489- 496; "Innocence of Mary, queen of Scots," p. 496- 504. Spottiswoode, John, archbishop of St. Andrews. History of the Church of Scot- land, beginning.. .203, and continued to the end of the reign of King James vi. With biographical sketches and notes by Rev. Michael Russell. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1851. 3v. 1 fac. 8°. Stuart 4181 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Lectures on the history of the Church of Scotland, de- livered in Edinburgh in 1872. New York: Scribner, Armstrong, and Co., 1872. xiv, 207 p. 8°. ZWG Stavert, A. Baptist. A pilgrimage to a Scottish monastery [Fort Augustus]. (Irish ecclesiastical record. Dublin, 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 22, p. 269-278.) ZLPS Stephen, Thomas. The history of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the present time. London: J. Lendrum, 1843-45. 4 v. port. 8°. ZWG The life and times of Archbishop Sharp (of St. Andrews). London: J. Rickerby, 1839. 1 p.l., xvi, 640 p. 8°. ZPWC Stephen, William. History of the Scot- tish Church. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1894-96. 2 v. maps. 8°. ZDVH Steuart, A. Francis. Scotland and the Papacy during the great schism. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4° v. 4, p. 144-158.) *DA Steuart, Walter, of Purdivan. Collec- tions and observations methodised; con- cerning the worship, discipline, and gov- ernment of the Church of Scotland. In four books. To which is added, the form of process, in the judicatories of the Church of Scotland. As also an abridg- ment of the acts of Parliament, relating to the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the present times. Ar- broath: I. Findlay, printer, 1802. viii, 234 p. 8°. ZWGM Stewart, A. Morris. The origins of the United Free Church of Scotland. A 220 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. sketch of Scottish Presbytery. By Rev. A. M. Stewart. With illustrative chart by Rev. T. Ratcliffe Barnett. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901. 98 p. 12° ZWH Strathbogie, Presbytery of. Extracts from the presbytery book of Strathbogie. A.D. 1631-1654. [Edited by John Stuart] Aberdeen: Spalding Club, 1843. xxxi, 269 p. 4°. CP Struthers, Gavin. The history of the rise of the Relief Church. (In: A. Thomson, Historical sketch of the origin of the Se- cession Church... Edinburgh, 1848. 16°. p. 179-333.) ZWI Symington, William. The character and claims of the Scottish martyrs: a dis- course, delivered in St. Michael's church- yard, Dumfries, Thursday, June 16th, 1831: on occasion of a collection for erecting a monument commemorative of some who suffered in the cause of Reformation. Dumfries: David Halliday, 1831. 57 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 49 Ten, The, years conflict: a forgotten chapter. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 7, p. 525-533.) ZWA Thomson, Andrew. Historical sketch of the origin of the Secession Church by the Rev. A. Thomson; and The history of the rise of the Relief Church by the Rev. Gavin Struthers, D.D. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton and Co., 1848. viii, 333 p. 16°. ZWI Thomson, Thomas, editor. See Calder- wood, David; also Church of Scotland. — General Assembly. Acts and proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland. Tricentenary of the Scottish Reforma- tion. (Eclectic review. London, 1860. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 127-139.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, v. 51 (misnumbered 50), p. 403-410, New York, 1860. 8°. Tyack, George S. Discipline in the kirk. (In: Bygone church life in Scot- land. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 108-129.) ZDVH Ward, A. W. James vi. and the Papacy. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 249-252.) CPA Warrick, John. The moderators of the Church of Scotland from 1690 to 1740. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Fer- rier, 1913. 388 p., 6 port. 8°. ZWX Willcock, John. Sharp and the Restora- tion policy in Scotland. A study in the relations of church and state. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. Lon- don, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 20, p. 149- 169.) CA Williamson, S. The teinds: where did they come from? Kilmarnock: Dunlap & Drennan [1894]. 87 p. 8°. *C p.v. 593 Wilson, John, editor. See Dunblane Diocesan Synod. Register. Witnesses for the truth in the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: printed by J. Greig, 1843. 42 1., 7 port, illus. 4°. ZWG' Wodrow, Robert. Analecta: or, Mate- rials for a history of remarkable providen- ces; mostly relating to Scotch ministers and Christians. Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1842-43. 4 v. 4°. fCP Large paper copy. The correspondence of the Rev. Robert Wodrow. Edited from the manu- scripts... by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie. Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1842-43. 3 v. 8°. ZWG This correspondence covers the years 1709-1739. Extracts from the manuscript col- lections of the Rev. Robert Wodrow. 1605-1697. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 149-173.) tCP See also editor's preface, p. lii-lxxiii. These extracts throw light on the ecclesiastical history of the north-east of Scotland. The history of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland, from the Restau- ration to the Revolution... Edinburgh: Printed by James Watson, 1721. 2 v. f°. rfzwG With an original memoir of the author, extracts from his correspon- dence, a preliminary dissertation, and notes by Rev. Robert Burns. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1835. 4 v. port. 8°. ZWG Wodrow Society. The miscellany of the Wodrow Society: containing tracts and original letters, chiefly relating to the ec- clesiastical affairs of Scotland during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Se- lected and edited by David Laing. v. 1. Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1844. xiii p., 1 1., 615, 16 p., 4 fac. 8°. CP No more published. Contents: (1) The confession of faith of the churches of Switzerland; translated from the Latin, by George Wishart, 1536. (2) Certamen cum Luther- anis, Saxoniae habitum, per Jacobum Melvil, Scotum, Bononia:, 1530. (3) Histone of thei estate of Scot- land, from July, 1558 to April, 1560. (4) Ane compendius tractive, &c, set furth be maister Quin- tine Kennedy, abbot of Crosraguell, in the zeir of God 1558. (5) Ane answer to the Compendius trac- tive. . .be Maister Johne Davidsone. (6) Letter from Mr. Quintine Kennedy, abbot of Crossraguell, to James, Archbishop of Glasgow, together with the correspondence of the abbot and John Willock, at Ayr, 1559. (7) Letters to John Campbell of Kinyeancleuch, Ayrshire, 1564-74. (8) The forme and maner of buriall used in the kirk of Montrois. (9) Roberti Pontani parvus catechism us, carmine lambico, Andreapoli, 1573. (10) Register of minis- ters in the Kirk of Scotland, from the book of the assignation of stipends, 1574. (11) Supplication of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 221 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. the General Assembly to the regent earl of Morton, April, 1578. (12) The presbytery of Haddington's subscription to the Second book of discipline, Sep- tember, 1591. (13) Act of presbytery, appointing two ministers to the Lords at Falkirk, 12th August 1578. (14) Letters and papers of Mr. James Car- nvichael, minister of Haddington, 1584-1586. (15) Account of the death and funeral of Mr. James Lawson, minister of Edinburgh, 1584. (16) Visita- tions of the kirk of Holyroodhouse, by the presby- tery of Edinburgh, 1583-1588. (17) Vindication of the Church of Scotland, in reply to Dr. Bancroft's sermon at Paul's Cross, London, February, 1588-9. (18) Ane forme of sindrie maters to be usit in the elderschip, 1589-1592. (19) A short forme of evening and morning prayer, by John Davidson, 1595. (20) Letters of Mr. John Welsch, minister of Ayr, to Robert Boyd of Trochrig, 1607-1619. (21) Ane afold admonition to the ministerie of Scotland, by Mr. Alexander Hume, minister of . Logie, 1609.^ (22) The forme and maner of or- daining ministers, and consecrating of archbishops and bishops, used in the Church of Scotland, 1620. Young, John, and W. Innes Addison. Notes on two copies of the Solemn League and Covenant, preserved in the Hunterian Museum ... Glasgow. (Glasgow Archaeo- logical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 121-154.) CPA From the Introduction of Christianity to the Reformation, 563-1560. For chartularies of individual monasteries see entries under their respective names in the section Local History. Adamnan, Saint, 9. abbot of Hy. The life of St. Columba, founder of Hy. . . To which are added copious notes and disser- tations, illustrative of the early history of the Columbian institutions in Ireland and Scotland by William Reeves. [Latin.] Dublin: The Archaeological and Celtic So- ciety, 1857. lxxx, 497(1) p., 1 map, 5 pi. 4°. CS Life of Saint Columba, founder of Hy. [In Latin and English.] Edited by William Reeves. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1874. clxxxiv, 385 p., 1 map, 1 table. 8°. ( Historians of Scotland, v. 6.) CP Adamnani vita S. Columbae; edited from Dr. Reeves's text, with an introduc- tion on early Irish church history, notes and a glossary, by J. T. Fowler. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1894. xcv, 201 p., 1 table. 12°. ZDVH De vita S. Columbae libri tres. (In: J. P. Migne, Patrologiae cursus completus . . . Paris, 1850. 4°. series prima, v. 88, cols. 725-776.) ZEL Allaria, A. The Culdees. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 1-22.) *DA Anderson, James Maitland. The altar of St. Fergus, St. Andrews. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 108-110.) CPA Anderson, Peter John. Aberdeen Friars: Red, Black, White, Grey. Preliminary calendar of illustrative documents. Com- piled by P. J. Anderson. Aberdeen: His Majesty's Printers, 1909. 158 p., 1 1. 4°. (University of Aberdeen studies, no 40 ) ZMT Archibald, John. The historic episco- pate in the Columban church and in the diocese of Moray. With other Scottish ecclesiastical annals. Edinburgh: St Giles' Prtg. Co., 1893. x p., 1 1, 32 p., 1 1., 33-406 p. 8°. ZPWC Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Iona. London: Strahan & Co., 1871. 141 p., 6 pi. 2. ed. 12°. ZDVH Bain, Joseph. Notes on the Trinitarian or Red Friars in Scotland, and on a re- cently discovered charter of Alexander in. confirming the foundation of Houston by Cristiana Fraser, widow of Sir Roger de Moubray. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 26-32.) CPA Barrett, Michael. Ancient Scottish de- votion to Mary. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1905. 8°. v. 30, p. 311-331.) * DA The pre-Reformation church of Scotland. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1898-99. 8°. v. 23, p. 779-801; v. 24, p. 58-78.) * DA Scottish Benedictine houses of the past. (Dublin review. London, 1899-1900. 8°. v. 125, p. 360-384; v. 126, p. 275-296.) *DA Scottish Cistercian houses. (Dub- lin review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 130, p. 372-391; v. 131, p. 74-96.) * DA The story of the Scottish Reforma- tion. (American Catholic quarterly re- view. Philadelphia, 1900. 8°. v. 25, p. 350- 366, 584-603, 738-757.) * DA Birch, Walter de Gray. Remarks upon an unpublished list of Scottish religious houses. (British Archaeological Associa- tion. Journal. London, 1871. 8°. v. 27, p. 241-245.) CA From a transcript by John Adamson, principal of Edinburgh College in 1650, from an older ms. Bryce, W. Moir. Bishop Wardlaw and the Grey Friars. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 219-221.) CPA A supplementary note by J. Maitland Thomson follows on p. 222-223. The Black Friars and the Scottish universities. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 1-9.) CPA Campbell, James Alexander. The early Scottish church. (Dublin review. Lon- don, 1879. 8°. v. 85, p. 257-279.) * DA Based on Skene's Celtic Scotland, v. 2; and Forbes, Kalendars of Scottish saints. 222 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Chalmers, P. Macgregor. The shrines of S. Margaret and S. Kentigern. 2 pi. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1903. 8°. v. 34, p. 315-322.) * EC Church of Scotland. Concilia Scotiae: Ecclesiae Scoticanae statuta tarn provin- cialia quam synodalia quae supersunt, 1225- 1SS9. [Edited by Joseph Robertson.] Edin- burgh 1866. 2 v. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) fCP Statutes of the Scottish Church, 1225-1559; being a translation of Concilia Scotiae: Ecclesiae Scoticanae statuta tarn provincialia quam synodalia quae super- sunt, with introduction and notes by David Patrick. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1907. cxiv p., 1 I., 311 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 54.) The introduction traces the supersession of the early Celtic Church by the Church of the Roman obedience, and the characteristics of the latter as revealed in its general and synodal statutes from 1225 to 1559. The two appendices contain impor- tant relative documents. Devastation, The, of the Reformation in Scotland. (Celtic monthly. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. v. 15, p. 7-9.) NDM Dowden, John, Episcopal bishop of Edinburgh. The appointment of bishops in Scotland during the mediaeval period. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 1-20.) CPA The bishops of Dunkeld. Notes on their succession from the time of Alex- ander i. to the Reformation. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904-05. 4°. v. 1, p. 197-203, 314-321, 421-428; v. 2, p. 61-71.) CPA The bishops of Glasgow. 3 - pi. illus. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 76-88, 203-213, 319- 331, 447-458.) CPA The bishops of Scotland, being notes on the lives of all the bishops, under each of the sees, prior to the Reformation, by the late Right Rev. John Dowden. Edited by J. M. Thomson. Glasgow: J. Maclehose and Sons, 1912. xxix, 472 p. 8°. ZLPK Boyamund's valuation of ecclesi- astical benefices in the archdeaconry of Lothian (1274-1275); with an alphabetical list of the more difficult place-names in the accounts for the second year (1275- 1276). (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 40-55.) CPA The Celtic church in Scotland... London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1894. viii, 9-338 p., 1 pi. illus. 16°. ZDVH The medieval church in Scotland; its constitution, organisation and law, by the Right Rev. John Dowden. With bio- graphical sketch [by A. Dowden]. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose and Sons, 1910. xlviii, 352 p., 13 pi., 7 port. 8°. (Rhind lectures [in archaeology] for 1901.) ZDVH Bibliography, p. xliv-xlviii. Notes on the true date of the Octo- ber festival of St. Regulus of St. Andrews, as bearing on the suggested identifica- tion of St. Regulus and the Irish St. Riaghail. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 247-254.) CPA The parish church and its privi- leges during the mediaeval period. 1 port. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 217-231.) CPA The Scottish crown and the epis- copate in the mediaeval period. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 130-140.) CPA Edwards, John. Greyfriars in Glasgow. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 179-193.) CPA ■ The Hospitallers in Scotland in the fifteenth century. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 52-68.) CPA The order of Sempringham, and its connection with the west of Scotland. 2 fac. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 1, p. 66-95.) CPA The religious orders in Scotland under our early kings. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. v. 38, p. 1-24.) *EC The Templars in Scotland in the thirteenth century. 1 fac. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 13-25.) CPA Eeles, Francis Carolus. The altar of St. Fergus in Holy Trinity, St. Andrews. A sixteenth century ms. rental and inven- tory. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 260-267, 478-480.) CPA A mass of St. Ninian. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°/ v. 10, p. 35-38.) CPA Erskine, R. The Scottish Gaels and the "Reformation." (Month. London, 1910. 8°. v. 115, p. 259-267, 487-494.) * DA Forbes, Alexander Penrose, bishop of Brechin. Kalendars of Scottish saints. With personal notices of those of Alba, Laudonia & Strathclyde. . . Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1872. 4 p.l., lxv p., 1 1., 468 p., 1 fac. sq. 4°. t ZDVH ; Lives of S. Ninian [by jElred of Rievauxj and S. Kentigern [by Jocelin of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 223 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. FurnesS]. Edited [with introduction and notes] by A. P. Forbes. Latin and English. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1874. 9 p., 1 1., cv, 380 p. 8°. (Historians of Scotland, v. 5.) CP Goodall, Walter. Preliminary disserta- tion on the first planting of Christianity in Scotland, and on the history of the Culdees. (In: R. Keith, An historical cata- logue of the Scottish bishops... new ed. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. p. xliii-cx.) ZDVH Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. Ec- clesiastical chronicle for Scotland... Glasgow: John Tweed, 1867. 4 v. pi., port, illus. 4°. ZDVH Contents: v. 1-2. Scotichronicon; comprising Bishop Keith's Catalogue of Scottish bishops, en- larged, v. 3. Monasticon; an account, based on Spottiswoode's, of all the abbeys, priories, collegiate churches, and hospitals in Scotland, at the Reforma- tion, v. 4. Journal and appendix to Scotichroni- con and Monasticon [containing the vicars apostolic of Scotland and missioners in Scotland and mem- bers of the Society of Jesus]. Grant, Colin C. The Culdees. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 217- 244.) * DA Grub, George, editor. See Innes, Thomas. Haddan, Arthur West, and William Stubbs. Councils and ecclesiastical docu- ments relating to Great Britain and Ire- land, edited after Spelman and Wilkins. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1869-78. 3 v. in 4. 8°. ZDV v. 2 contains (1) Church of Cumbria or Strath- clyde: A. D. 600-1188; (2) British churches abroad: (a) British Church in Armorica: A.D. 387-818; (b) See of Bretofia in Gallicia: A.D. 569-830; (3) Church of Scotland during the Celtic period and until declared independent of the see of York: A.D. 400-1188. Howorth, Sir Henry Hoyle. The Co- lumbian clergy of North Britain, and their harrying by the Northmen. (Royal His- torical Society. Transactions. London, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 395-444.) CA Innes, Thomas. The civil and ecclesias- tical history of Scotland. A.D. lxxx- dcccxviii. [Edited by George Grub.] Aber- deen: Spalding Club, 1853. lxiv, 340 p. 4°. (Spalding Club.) t CP • Jamieson, John. An historical account of the ancient Culdees of Iona, and of their settlements in Scotland, England, and Ireland. Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., 1811. viii, 417 p., 1 pi. 4°. ZDV Keith, Duncan. A history of Scotland, civil and ecclesiastical, from the earliest times to the death of David I., 1153. Edin- burgh: William Paterson, 1886. 2 v. 12°. CP v. 1: Civil; v. 2: Ecclesiastical. Keith, Robert, bishop of Fife. An his- torical catalogue of the Scottish bishops down to the year 1688. Also, an account of all the religious houses that were in Scotland at the time of the Reformation: by John Spottiswoode. A new edition, corrected and continued to the present time, with a life of the author: by the Rev M. Russell. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute 1824. 4 p.l., [xi]-cx p., 1 1., 576 p. 8°. ZDVH See also under Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. Lockhart, William. Churches conse- crated in Scotland in the thirteenth cen- tury. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 190-200.) CPA Macbain, Alexander. The Culdees. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 146- 153.) NDO Mackinlay, J. M. "In Oceano desertum" — Celtic anchorites and their island re- treats. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 129-133.) CPA Traces of the cultus of St. Fergus in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 445-453.) CPA M'Lauchlan, Thomas. The early Scot- tish Church: the ecclesiastical history of Scotland from the first to the twelfth cen- tury. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1865. vii, 450 p. 8°. Stuart 4172 Missa Sancti Kentigerni (Mass for the feast of S. Mungo). (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Glasgow, 1847. 4°. v. 4, p. 1-19.) fCP The Mass for the feast of St. Mungo is printed from the Arbuthnot Missal. Mitchell, Alexander F. Pre-Reforma- tion Scotland, 1513 to 1559 A.D. n. t.-p. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers [1880?] 97- 128 p. 12°. (St. Giles lectures, series 1; no. 4.) ZON p.v. 1, no.7 Title from cover. Moffat, James C. History of the early Scottish Church. (Presbyterian review. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 1, p. 631-651.) *DA Montalembert, Charles Forbes de Tryon, comte. Saint Columba, apostle of Caledonia. Edinburgh: William Black- wood and Sons, 1868. xiv, 171 p. 16°. ZDVH O'Donnell, Manus. The life of Columb- cille. [Transcript and translation by R. Henebry.j (Zeitschrift fur celtische Philo- logie. Halle a. S., 1901-04. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 516-571; Bd. 4, p. 276-331; Bd. 5, p. 27-87.) RPA 224 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Patrick, David, editor. See Church of Scotland. Statutes of the Scottish Church, 1225-1559. Reeves, William. On the Celi-de, com- monly called Culdees. (Royal Irish Acad- emy. Transactions. Dublin, 1874. f°. v. 24, p. 119-263.) *EC Saint Maelrubha: his history and churches. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 258-296.) CPA ■ See also Adamnan, Saint, 9. abbot of Hy. Robertson, Joseph, editor. See Church of Scotland. Concilia Scotiae. Russell, H. The early church dedica- tions of the south of Scotland. (Archae- ological review. London, 1889. 8°. v. 3, p. 165-174.) ZBA Short, A, account of Scotish money and coins, with tables of their value at dif- ferent periods, and the price of commodi- ties, &c. Together with tables of the revenues of the archbishoprics, bishoprics, abbeys, nunnerys, &c. at the Reformation. Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1817. 16 p. 8°. CP p. box 2 Some account of the nature and con- stitution of the ancient Church of Scot- land. (In: The Spottiswoode miscellany ...edited by James Maidment. Edin- burgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 425-526.) ZDVH Written about 1730. Spotiswood, John. An account of all the religious houses that were in Scotland at the time of the Reformation. (In: Sir Thomas Hope, Practical observations upon divers titles of the law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1734. 8°. (16°.) p. 411-538.) XH (In: R. Keith, An historical catalogue of the Scottish bishops... new ed. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. p. 381-480.) ZDVH See also under Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. Stevenson, William. The legends and commemorative celebrations of St. Kenti- gern, his friends and disciples. Trans- lated from the Aberdeen Breviary and the Arbuthnott Missal, with an illustrative ap- pendix. Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1874. ix p., 1 1., 31 double p., 32-125 p. 4°. ZDVH p. 1-31 Latin and English. Stubbs, William. See Haddan, Arthur West, and William Stubbs, Councils and ecclesiastical documents... Thomson, George. The antiquity of the Christian religion among the Scots. From the original Latin of George Thomsot Scot., 1594. Translated and edited b Henry D. G. Law. (Scottish History Sc ciety. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8' v. 2, p. 115-132.) CPi Walcott, Mackenzie Edward Charles The ancient Church of Scotland: a histor of the cathedrals, conventual foundations collegiate churches, and hospitals of Scot land... London: Virtue, Spalding \ Daldy, 1874. xxvii, 428 p., 1 map, 14 plans 24 pi. 4°. tZDVI Wallace, Thomas D. Notes on the earl churches [Of the ancient province o Moray]. 1 pi. (Inverness Scientific So ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In verness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 88-93.) *E( Watson, William John. The Celtii church in Ross. (Inverness Scientific So ciety and Field Club. Transactions, v. 6 p. 1-14. Inverness, 1910. 8°.) *EC From the Reformation to the Present Day 1557 Young, James. The "common," or "Godlie" band of 1557; being a commem on that document read at the tercentenarj of the Scottish Reformation, celebrated ai Edinburgh on the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17tr days of August, 1860... Edinburgh: J Maclaren, 1860. 1 p.l., 17 p. 12°. CPp.box! 1561 Kennedy, Quentin, abbot of Corsraguell Ane oratioune in favouris of all thais of the congregatione, exhortand thaim to aspj how wonderfullie thai ar abusit be than dissaitfull prechouris, set furth be Mastei Quintine Kennedy, commendatour of Cors- raguell, ye zeir of Gode 1561. [Edited by A. B., i. e., Sir Alexander Boswello vii p., 1 1., 20 p. Edinburgh: G. Ramsay & Co., printers, 1812. 8°. *Cp.v.365 Blackletter, with advertisement by [Sir] A[le» ander] Bfoswell]. This Oratioune is also printed in the Work* of John Knox, edited by David Laing, v. 6, p. 157' 165, Edinburgh, 1895. 1563 Macphail, J. R. N. Hamilton of Kin- cavil and the General Assembly of 1563 (Scottish historical review. Glasgow 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 156-161.) CPA 1581 Church of Scotland. The Scottish na- tional covenant, Feb. 27, 1638. The con- fession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland subscribed at first by the king's majestj and his household in 1580; thereafter bj persons of all ranks in 1581 ... 16 p. (01c South leaflets. Boston, 1891. Genera: series, no. 25.) * R - Room 30( Contains also The solemn league and covenant, p 10-13 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. 1606 MacCunn, Florence. Scottish divines and English bishops, 1606. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 377-393.) *DA 1610 Hannan, Thomas. The Scottish conse- crations in London in 1610. (Church quar- terly review. London, 1911. 8°. v. 71, p. 387-413.) * DA 1620 Parasynagma Perthense et ivramentvm ecclesiae Scoticanas [by David Calderwoodj et A[ndrew] Melville] antitamica-micate- goria. [St. Andrews: Raban?] Anno m.dc.xx. 47 p. 4°. Reserve p. 22 misnumbered 14 and p. 25 misnumbered 26. Melville's initials are given on p. 41. See J. P. Edmond, Aberdeen printers, p. 2. Spottiswoode, John, archbishop of St. Andrews. Refutatio libelli de regimine ecclesiae Scoticanse. 1620. [By John Spottiswoode.] (The Spottiswoode mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 29-62.) ZDVH Reprinted from the original edition published in London, 1620. This was the only work of the archbishop published by himself. 1624 Scot, Thomas. Boanerges; or, The hvmble svpplication of the ministers of Scotland, to the high covrt of Parliament in England. [By Thomas Scot,] Printed in Edenburgh, 1624. 34 p. 12°. CI 1627 Proceedings of the Commissioners of the Kirk, at a meeting held at Edinburgh in July, 1627. (Bannatyne Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 18SS. 4°. v. 3, p. 217- 225.) f CP 1628 Leighton, Alexander. An appeal to the parliament; or Sions plea against the pre- lacie. The summe whereoff is delivered in a decade of positions. In the handling whereoff, the Lord Bishops, and their ap- purtenances are manifestlie proved. . .to be intruders upon the privileges of Christ, of the king, and of the Common-weal... [By Alexander Leighton.] Printed the year & moneth wherein Rochell was lost [September, 1628]. 6 p.l., 176 p., 2 pi. 4°. Reserve Incomplete, last leaf wanting. The author was the father of Robert Leighton, archbishop of Glasgow. Leighton returned to England from Holland, where he published this book, and copies of it fall- ing into the hands of the authorities, he was tried 225 by the star chamber court in 1630. He was sen- tenced to pay a fine of £10,000, to be degraded >w h °ly. ord ers, to be then brought to the pillory at Westminster and whipped, to have one of his ears cut off one side of his nose slit, and his face branded with S.S., for sower of sedition ... to have his other ear cut off and other nostril slit, and then to be imprisoned for life." The first part only ot this barbarous sentence seems to have been executed, and he was released in 1640. 1637 Story, The, of a stool, illus. (In: By- gone church life in Scotland. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 255- 259.) ZDVH 1638 Church of Scotland. The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland. Subscribed by the Kings Maiestie and his Housholde, in the yeare of God 1580. With a designa- tion of such Acts of Parliament, as are expedient, for justifying the Vnion, after mentioned. And subscribed by the Nobles, Barrons, Gentlemen, Burgesses, Ministers, and Commons, in the yeare of God 1638. [Quotations.i [Edinburgh?] Printed... 1638. 24 p. 4°. Reserve The Scottish national covenant, Feb. 27, 1638. The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland, subscribed at first by the king's majesty and his household in 1580; thereafter by persons of all ranks in 1581... 16 p. (Old South leaflets. Bos- ton, 1891. general series, no. 25.) * R - Room 300 Contains also The solemn league and covenant, p. 10-13. • • Fac-simile of the national covenant of Scotland [for the burgh of Peebles, 1638j, in its original form, with the auto- graphs of the principal leading personages. Fr. Schenck, lith. Edinburgh. Edinburgh: J. Henderson & Co. [1847?] 1 sheet folded to 8°. boards. Reserve 1640 Maxwell, John, bishop of Killala. The epistle congratulatorie of Lysimachus Nicanor of the Societie of Jesu to the Covenanters in Scotland... [By John Maxwell., n. p., 1640. 1 p.l., 78 p. 4°. (12°.) CI 1641 Gillespie, George. An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland, in the points of ruling elders, and of the authority of presbyteries and synods. With a postscript, in answer to a treatise lately published against presbyterial gov- ernment. Edinburgh: Robert Ogle and Oliver and Boyd, 1846. vii, (i)vi-vii, (1)10- 78 p. 8°. ZECp.v.93 Reprinted from the edition of 1641. Henderson, Alexander. The govern- ment and order of the Church of Scotland. 226 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. [By Alexander Henderson.] Edinbrugh tsicj: Printed for James Bryson, 1641. 6 p.l, 68 p. 4°. CI 1643 Certain observations upon the new league or Covenant, as it was explained by a divine of the New Assembly, in a congregation at London . . . With a copy of the said Covenant. Bristoll: R. Har- sell, 1643. 44 p. 4°. (12°.) CI Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. The answer of the Generall Assem- bly in Scotland, to the letter of some of their reverend brethren of the ministry in England... London: Henry Overton, 1643. Sept. 16. 5 p. 4°. CP The letter is signed 'Arch. Johnson, cler. Eccles.' Great Britain. — House of Commons. The covenant: with a narrative of the pro- ceedings and solemn manner of taking it by the honourable House of Com- mons, and reverent Assembly of Divines the 25th day of September. . .also. . .Two speeches. . .the one by Philip Nye, the other by Alexander Hendersam [sic, Hen- derson], London: Printed for Thomas Vnderhill, 1643. 1 p.l., 34 p. 4°. Reserve This is the first London edition of the "Solemn league and covenant." The original was printed at Edinburgh in 1643. D'Ootmoedighe svpplicatie vande ge- committeerde der generale kerckelicke vergaderinghe der Schotten tot Edenburgh gehouden den 14. Jany 1643. Aen syn konincklycke majesteyt van Engelandt... overgheset nae d'Engelsche copye. Am- sterdam: J. Broersz, 1643. 4 1. 4°. ZWGF p.v. 29, no. 4 1644 C, C. The Covenanter vindicated from periurie, wherein is fully cleared, that it's no perjury, for him to yet doubt, whether the classicall coercive Presbyterian gov- ernment of churches, be jure divino; albeit hee hath taken the late National Covenant. Though this periurie be injuriously charged upon him in a ly - tell 4 by Adam Stevart in his. . .answer to the Coole Con- ference... London: Printed by T. Paine, 1644. 3 p.l., 90 p. 4°. Reserve Coole, A, conference between the Scot- tish commissioners Cleared Reformation, and the Holland ministers Apologeticall Narration, brought together by a well- wilier of both. 1644. [London, 1644.] 18 p. 4°. Reserve Langbaine, Gerard. A review of the Covenant, wherein the original!, grounds, means, matter, and ends of it are examined ... n.p., 1644. 6 p.l., 106 p. 4°. (12°.) CI Memorial, The, of the Presbyterians, exemplified in the Solemn League and Covenant, as it passed in England, Jan. 29, 1644, with the persons' names then present... London, 1706. 4 p.l., 56 p. 4°. CI p.v. 60 Nye, Philip. An exhortation to the tak- ing of the Solemne League and Covenant, for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the king, and the peace and safety of the three king- domes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. [By P. Nye.] [London, 1644.] 40 p. 4°. (12°.) CI Prynne, William. Romes master-peece; or, The grand conspiracy of the Pope and his jesuited instruments, to extirpate the protestant religion, re-establish Popery, subvert lawes, liberties, peace, parlia- ments, by kindling a Civill war in Scot- land. . .revealed out of conscience to An- dreas ab Habernfeld. . .who discovered it to Sir William Boswell... He, under an oath of secresie, to the Arch«-bishop of Canterbury (among whose papers it was. ..found by. . .Prynne. . .) London: Printed for M. Sparke, 1644. 3 p.l., 37 p. 2. ed. 4°. Reserve Rutherfurd, Samuel. The due right of Presbyteries or, a peaceable plea for the government of the Church of Scotland... London: Printed by E. Griffin for R. Whit- taker and A. Crook, 1644. 12 p.l., 1-484, 185-468 p. 4°. Reserve The error in pagination is explained in a note at the end of the table of contents. Steuart, Adam. An answer to a libell intituled, A coole conference betweene the cleered Reformation and the Apologeti- call Narration, brought together by a Wel- willer to both; wherein are cleerly refuted what ever he bringeth against the Refor- mation cleared... Imprinted at London, 1644. 3 p.l., 62 p. 4°. Reserve Westminster Assembly of Divines. Reformation of Church-government in Scotland, cleered from some mistakes and prejudices, by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, now at London. [London:] Printed for R. Bostock, 1644. 1 p.l., 26 p. 4°. CI and Reserve Williams, Roger. Qveries of highest consideration, proposed to Mr. Tho. Good- win [and others] and to the Commissioners from the Generall Assembly (so called) of the Church of Scotland; vpon occasion of their late printed apologies for them- selves and their churches... Presented to... the Houses of . . .Parlament. [By Roger Williams.] London: Imprinted in the yeare 1644. 3 p.l., 13 p. 4°. Reserve 1646 Parker, Henry. The Trojan horse of the presbyteriall government unbowelled. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. [By H. Parker.] n.p., 1646. 1 p.l., 22 p. 12°. CI Gillespie, George, minister at Edin- burgh. Aaron's rod blossoming. Or, The divine ordinance of church government vindicated, so as the present Erastian con- troversie concerning the distinction of civill and ecclesiastical government, ex- communication, and suspension, is fully debated... London: Printed by E. G. for R. Whitaker, 1646. 32 p.l., 590 p. 4°. Reserve With two autographs of Simon Bradstreet, gov- ernor of Massachusetts, 1679-1686 and from 1689- 1692. 1647 Gillespie, George, minister at Edin- burgh. One hundred and eleven proposi- tions concerning the ministry and gov- ernment of the church. Edinburgh: Robert Ogle and Oliver and Boyd, 1844. 23, 3 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 94 Reprinted from the Edinburgh edition by Evan Tyler, 1647. 1648 Declaration, A, of the Parliament of Scotland to all his majesties good sub- jects of this kingdome; concerning their resolutions for religion, king and king- doms; in pursuance of the ends of the covenant. [Signed, Alex. Gibson, Cler. Regist.] Edenburgh: E. Tyler, printer, 1648. IS p. 8°. CI p. box 1648 - S Solemn, A, acknowledgment of publick sins, and breaches of the Covenant. . .with two Acts of the Commission of the Gen- eral Assembly. . .for renewing the Solemn League and Covenant . . . Together with an Act of the Committee of Estates . . . for renewing the League and Covenant. Eden- burgh: Evan Tyler, and Reprinted at London for R. Bostock, 1648. 18 p. 4°. (12°.) CI p. 9-18 misnumbered 7-16. Testimony, A, to the truth of Jesus Christ, and to our solemn league and cove- nant; as also against the errours, heresies and blasphemies of these times, and the toleration of them.. . London: T. Under- bill, 1648. 1 p.l., 38 p. 12°. ZDV p.v. 3, no.15 1649 Baillie, Robert. Ondersoeck van Dok- tor Brambels, gewesen bisschop van Londonderij in Irelant, waerschouwinge tegens de kercken-regeringe der Schotten, door R. B... Uijt het Engelsch... Vtrecht: J. van Waesberge, 1649. 10, 64 p. 4°. ZWGM p.v. 10 227 Bramhall, John. A faire warning, to take heed of the Scotish discipline as being, injurious to the civill magistrate ... [By J. Bramhall.] [London?] 1649 36 p. sq. 16°. ZWGM p.v. 10 Title-page mutilated. — — Een schoone waerschouwinge, om sich voor de Schotsche Kerck-discipline te hoeden. Als zijnde meer dan eenighe andere, de civile overicheyt seer schade- lijck, de onderdanen seer onderdruckende ende haer beyden gansch verderffelijck overgheset uyt het Engelsch. t By John Bramhall.] 's Gravenhaghe: S. Broun, 1649 47 P- 4°. ZWGM p.v. 10, no.2 165 1 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Causes of the Lord's wrath against Scotland, manifested in his late sad dis- pensations, whereunto is added a paper particularly holding forth the sins of the ministry. Agreed upon by the General Assembly, 1651. Edinburgh: R. Ogle & Oliver & Boyd, 1844. 46 p. 8°. ZKB p.v. 2, no.7 Reprinted from the edition of 1653. 1652 Irvine, Sir Alexander, of Drum. Prot- estation against the presbytery of Aber- deen. [1652.] (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 205-207.) f CP Illustrates the relations of the Presbyterians with the Independents. 1661 Execution, The, of the Covenant, burnt by the common hangman Edward Dun, presbyter, May 22, 1661. Published for the use of Dr. B. and Mr. Notcros, and the rest of the rigid Presbyterians, n. p., n. d. Ilj4x6}4 in. Broadside. Reserve 1671 Blundell, Odo. The state of the Catho- lic religion in the Hebrides in 1671. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1911. 8°. v. 36, p. 232-243.) *DA 1681 Declarations by the clergy and nobility of Scotland, and by the barons and com- missioners of burghs, against the National Covenant, and the Solemn League and Covenant, Jul. 1681. 1 fac. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 379-385.) t CP 1685 Declaratie, De, en apologie der protes- tanten, dewelke nu in de wapenen zijn in het koninkrijk van Schotlandt. Vertaalt uit de Schotsche copye.. . n.p., 1685. 8 p. 4°. CI p.v. 93 228 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Irving, Joseph. The drowned women of Wigton, a romance of the Covenant; sug- gested by Mr. Napier's "Memoirs of Dun- dee:" with a series of documents relating to the occurrence... Glasgow: Porteous & Hislop, 1862. iv, (1)6-34 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1515 Stewart, Archibald, minister of Glasser- ton. History vindicated in the case of the Wigtown martyrs, Margaret Lauch- lison and Margaret Wilson, drowned at Wigtown 11th May 1685; in answer to Mr. Mark Napier's "Case for the Crown, in re The Wigtown Martyrs proven to be myths," etc. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1867. 64 p. 8°. ZECp.v.92 1687 Eenige reflecties op sijn majesteyts pro- clamatie, van den 12. Febr. 1686/7 tot vryheyd van religie in Schotland, zijnde de voorsz. proclamatie, tot meerder bewijs, daar by gevoegd. n. p., 1687. 1 p.l., 10 p. 4°. ZDV p.v. 4, no.5 James II., king of Great Britain and Ireland. Proclamation [of protection to subjects of the Protestant religion]. June 28, 1687. Edinburgh: Heirs of A. Ander- son, prtrs., 1687. 1 1. f°. (Scotland.- Crown.) Reserve 1689 Memorial, A, for his highness the Prince of Orange, in relation to the affairs of Scotland: together with the address of the Presbyterian party in that kingdom to his highness; and some observations on that address. By two persons of quality. London: Randal Taylor, 1689. 30 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77 Park, Robert. The rights and liberties of the Church asserted and vindicated, against the pretended rights and usurpa- tion of patronage. Edinburgh, 1689. 98 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 22, no.10 1690 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. The principal acts of the General Assembly., .convened at Edinburgh, the 16th day of October, 1690. Collected and extracted from the records of the said assembly, by the clerk thereof. Edin- burgh; London, reprinted: N. Ranew, 1692. 39 p. 12°. ZWX Great Britain. — Secretary for Scotland. Church (Scotland) Bill. Return of ex- tracts from acts of the parliaments of Scotland relating to the church. . .passed in the years 1690, 1693, and 1707... Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1905. 6 p f °- ttZWG Robertson, Joseph. Notice of an un- published letter from General Mackay to the laird of Grant, dated at London, 4th December 1690, on the comparative strength of ecclesiastical parties in Scot- land at the Revolution. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 336-338.) CPA 1691 Account, An, of the purging and plant- ing of the congregation of Dalkeith. Con- taining I. The Copy of a late paper, inti- tuled, Information for Mr. Alexander Heriot, &c. II. A Short relation of the Presbytery. . .their procedure in... sen- tencing. . .Mr. Heriot. III. An Answer to that paper, called Information [etc.]. Edin- burgh: E. Mosman, 1691. 2 p.l., 48 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77 1692 Monro, Alexander. An Apology for the Clergy of Scotland [written by Alexander Monro], chiefly oppos'd to the censures, calumnies, and accusations of a late pres- byterian Vindicator t i. e., Gilbert Rulej, in a letter to a friend... Together with a Postscript, relating to a... pam- phlet [by George Ridpath (Will Laick, pseud.)] intituled, An Answer to the Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. Sept. 24, 1692. London: J. Hindmarsh, 1693. 2 p.l., 108 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77 A letter to a friend, giving an ac- count of all the Treaties that have been publish'd, with relation to the present per- secution against the Church of Scotland. [By Alexander Monro.] London: J. Hind- marsh, 1692. 32 p. 8°. CI p.v. 77 Shields, Alexander. The History of Scotch-Presbytery: being an epitome of The Hind let loose, by Mr. S. With a preface by a Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. London: J. Hindmarsh, 1692. 3 p.l., 55 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p. v. 77 Vindication, A, of the Presbyterians in Scotland, from the malicious aspersions cast upon them in a late pamphlet, writ- ten by Sir George Mackenzie. . .intituled, A Vindication of the Government in Scot- land during the reign of King Charles il, &c. By a Lover of Truth. London: Ed- ward Golding, 1692. 1 p.l., 30 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77 1693 Great Britain. ■ — Secretary for Scotland. Church (Scotland) Bill. Return of ex- tracts from acts of .the parliaments of Scotland relating to the church. . .passed in the years 1690, 1693, and 1707... Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1905. 6 p. f°. ftZWG Laick, W., pseud, of George Redpath or Ridpath. An Answer to the Scotch Pres- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 229 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. byterian eloquence : in Three parts . . . [Dedication signed Will Laick, i. e. pseudo- nym of George Redpath or Ridpath.] Lon- don: T. Anderson, 1693. 4 p.L, 80 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77 Sage, John. An account of the late establishment of Presbyterian government by the Parliament of Scotland, anno 1690. Together with the methods by which it was settled, and the consequences of it: as also several publick Acts, speeches, pleadings. . .relating to the Church in that kingdom., .a summary of the visitation of the universities there; in a fifth letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh [J. Sage] to his friend at London. London: J. Hindmarsh, 1693. 4 p.l., 100 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.12 Scotch, The, Presbyterian eloquence; or, The foolishness of their teaching dis- covered from their books, sermons, and prayers; and some remarks on Mr. Rule's late Vindication of the Kirk. [Also, a Postscript. Dedication signed Jacob Cu- rate, pseud.] London: Randal Taylor, 1693. 3 p.l., 104 p. 2. ed. 4°. CI p.v. 77 1695 Philopresbyter, Britannus, pseud. Pres- byterial government described; or, A me- thodical synopsis of it, as it is professed and practized in the Church of Scotland. Gathered out of the Confessions of faith, and other public records of that church . . . Edinburgh, 1695. 12 p. 4°. (8°.) ZDV p.v. 1 1699 Moncreif, John. A seasonable admoni- tion and exhortation to some who sepe- rate themselves from the communion of the Church of Scotland. Wherein is also discovered, that the things they complain of, are either false on the matter, or not sufficient to warrand a seperation. Un- animously agreed unto by the Commission of the General Assembly, December 9, 1698. [Signed Jo. Moncreif.] Edinburgh: G. Mosman, 1699. 27 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.3 Proper, A, project for Scotland, to startle fools, and frighten knaves, but to make wise men happy, being a safe and easy remedy to cure our fears, and ease our minds. With the undoubted causes of God's wrath, and of the present national calamities. By a person neither unreason- ably Cameronian, nor excessively Laodi- cean... n. p., 1699. 2 p.l., 5-78 p., 1 1. 4°. (8°.) ZDV p.v. 1 1700 Blundell, Dom Odo. Bishop Nichol- son's visitation of the Highlands in 1700. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1910. 8°. v. 35, p. 595-606.) *DA Dickson, John. A copy of a letter by Mr. John Dickson, to a person a little be- fore his death, who died in the year 1700. (In: A letter to a minister in the country ... n. p., 1727. 16°. in fours, p. 73-81.) ZW V p.v. 1 Seton, Sir William. The interest of Scotland, in three essays. Viz.: I. Of the true and original and indifferency of Church-government. II. Of the union of Scotland and England into one Monarchy. III. Of the present state of Scotland. t By Sir William Seton.] n.p., 1700. 4 p.l., 114 p. 16°. CP 1701 Grant, Sir Francis, Lord Cullen. A letter from * * * a magistrate in the countrey, to * * * hjs friend; giving a new historical ac- count of designs, through the Christian world, for reforming manners therein; dis- covering, how its not the publick's fault that the laws against immoralities are not exe- cute in Scotland. . .with which are inter- mixed some directions, for the orderly and successful carrying on, of this blessed en- terprise; and there is added an abbreviate of some acts of the Assembly, Commis- sion; Town Council of Edinburgh, &c. to this purpose. [By Sir Francis Grant.] Edinbvrgh: George Mosman, 1701. 22 p., 1 1. 4°. (8°.) ZDV p.v. 1 Hamilton, John. A sermon [On pleasing God] preached before. . .James, duke of Queensberry, &c. ...and the honourable Estates of Parliament. . . Sunday, the 24th day of November, 1700. Edinburgh: J. Vallange, 1701. 19 p. 4°. (12°.) ZDV p.v. 1 1703 Bannatyne, James. A letter from a Presbyterian minister in the countrey, to a member of Parliament, and also of the commission of the Church concerning toleration and patronages. [By James Bannatyne.] n. p., 1703. 19 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.15 Cromarty (1. earl), George Mackenzie. A few brief and modest reflexions per- swading a just indulgence to be granted to the Episcopal clergy and people, in Scotland. [By George Mackenzie.] n.p., 1703. 7 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.8 Garden, George. The case of the Epis- copal clergy, and of those of the Epis- copal perswasion, consider'd, as to the granting them a toleration and indulgence. [By George Garden.] n. p., 1703. 40 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.13 Grant, Sir Francis, Lord Cullen. An essay, for peace by union in judgement; 230 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. about church government in Scotland. In a letter from * * * * * * [i.e., Sir Francis Grant] to his neighbour in the countrey. Edinburgh: Heirs and successors of A. Anderson, 1703. 21 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1 Sage, John. Some remarks on the late letter from a gentleman in the city, to a minister in the countrey; and Mr. Wil- liamson's sermon preached before the late General Assembly. In a letter, from a person in the countrey [i. e., John Sage], to his friend in the city. Edinburgh, 1703. 29 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.22 Seton, Sir William. A continuation of A few brief and modest reflexions perswad- ing a just indulgence to be granted to the Episcopal clergy and people in Scotland, together with a postscript vindicating the Episcopal doctrine of passive obedience, and the archbishop of Glasgow's sermon concerning it. [By Sir Wm. Seton.] n. p., 1703. 12 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.9 Also ascribed to George Mackenzie, 1. earl of Cromarty. Sutherland, Alexander. The practice and doctrine of the Presbyterian preachers about the sacrament of baptism, examined [By Alexander Sutherland.] [Edin- burgh, 1703.] 19 p. 4°. ZHE p.v. 7, no.15 Title-page mutilated. Webster, James. An essay upon tolera- tion. By a sincere lover of the church and state [i.e., James Webster]. n. p., 1703. 24 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1 Wyllie, Robert. Letter from a gentle- man in the city, to a minister in the coun- try. [By R. Wyllie.j n.p. c 1703.] 21 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.l A short answer to a large paper, intituled, A continuation of brief and mod- est reflections, &c. [By R. Wyllie.j n. p. [1703.] 4 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1 A short answer to a short paper, intituled, A few brief and modest reflec- tions, perswading a just indulgence to be granted to the Episcopal clergy and people in Scotland. [By Robert Wyllie.] n. p., 1703. 8 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1, no.10 1704 Webster, James. A discourse, demon- strating that the government of the Church, which is of divine right, is fixed, and not ambulatory. In answer to An essay for peace, by union in judgement, about church government in Scotland... Edinburgh: J. Reid, junior, 1704. 23 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 1 1707 Case, The, of the Episcopal clergy of Scotland truly represented. 1707. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts... London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 358-367.) fC Great Britain. — Secretary for Scotland. Church (Scotland) Bill. Return of ex- tracts from acts of the parliaments of Scotland relating to the church. . .passed in the years 1690, 1693, and 1707... Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1905. 6 p. P. ttZWG 1711 Begg, James. History of the act of Queen Anne, 1711, restoring church pa- tronage in Scotland. (Watchword. Edin- burgh, 1869. 8°. v. 4, p. 215-223, 248-260.) ZWA 1711-1712 Blackwell, Thomas. Letters from Pro- fessor Blackwell, and others, to John Ross of Arnage, provost of Aberdeen. 1711-1712. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 197-223.) f CP See also editor's preface, p. 55-70. The letters relate to the proposed re-introduction of church patronage and the Act of Toleration. 1715 Erskine, J. R. The position of Catholics in Scotland in 1715. (Dublin review. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 133, p. 331-340.) * DA Oldmixon, John. Memoirs of North Britain; taken from authentick writings, as well manuscript as printed, in which it is prov'd, that the Scots nation have always been zealous in the defence of the protestant religion and liberty... Lon- don: J. Baker & J. Graves, 1715. 5 p.l., vi, 289 p., 7 1. 12°. ZWG 1716 Few, A, remarks on an essay designed to expose the Reverend Mr. Simpson, prof, of theology in the University of Glasgow. By a Member of the church of Christ, and a preacher of the gospel... Edinburgh: J. Webster [1716]. 23 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 82 Letter, A, to the right honourable the e of , concerning the oath of ab- juration, as it relates to the Church of Scotland, in a bill now depending in par- liament... [London:] Printed in the year 1716. 16 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 82 1717 Mitchell, William, minister at Edin- burgh. Diary. 1717. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 227-253.) f CP Relates to the proposed re-introduction of church patronage and the Act of Toleration. 1727 Currie, John. Jus populi divinum, or, The People's right to elect their pastors; LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 231 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. made evident by Scripture confirmed from antiquity [etc., etc.]. By A Minister of the Church of Scotland [i. e., John Currie]. Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1727. xvi, 164 p. 16°. ZWGS p.v. 14 Letter, A, to a minister in the country; asserting the national covenant, the solemn league and covenant, well war- ranted from the New Testament, and therefore lawful and perpetually binding. In answer to a late anonimous letter, holding them forth as having no ground or warrant from the New Testament... By a lover of the covenanted reformation, as a happy mean of conservation of truth and peace, n. p., 1727. 81(1) p. 16°. in fours. ZWV p.v. 1, no.l Letter, A, wherein the Scriptural 'grounds and warrants for the Reforma- tion of churches by way of covenant, are succinctly considered and cleared; in op- position to some, who, of late, have too boldly (and yet without censure) vented their heterodox notions against our solemn and sacred national covenants. By a Wellwisher to a covenanted Reformation. Edinburgh: Printed in the year 1727. 16 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 82 1731 Bisset, John. Modern Erastianism un- vailed: or, A Further survey of the right of Patronages. In which the rights of the church, and the privileges of its mem- bers... are cleared and vindicated from the unjust representations of a pamphlet intituled, "The Right of Patronages recon- sidered." With an appendix, containing answers to some Questions moved upon occasion of the Overture of the General Assembly, 1731. By a Minister of the Church of Scotland [i. e., John Bisset]. Edinburgh: Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, 1732. viii, 238, 48 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 14 The right of patronages con- sidered, and some of the antient and mod- ern arguments for the exercise of that right in presenting to churches, surveyed. Together with remarks on an anonymous writ, industriously handed about . . . called, The case of patronage. [By John Bisset.] Edinburgh, 1731. 71 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 21 Currie, John. Queries anent the As- sembly's Overture, concerning the method of planting vacant churches, of the date May 14, 1731; in a letter to a member of the ensuing General Assembly. [Signed Jo. Currie.] n. t.-p. rKinglassie, 1732.] 53 p. 16°. ZWGS p.v. 14 Logan, George. The publick testimony of above 1600 Christian people against the overture of the assembly 1731, made more publick and set in its due light. Be- ing a full confutation of their arguments adduced for the divine right of popular elections. By the author of the Modest and humble inquiry. [By George Logan.] Edinburgh: Printed for G. Hamilton, 1733. 74 p. 12°. ZWGSp.v.22,no.3 1732 Angus and Mearns, Synod of. A warn- ing and admonition by the Synod of Angus and Mearns, met at Dundee Octr. 21, 1732; against the undue accepting of presenta- tions to parishes. With a preface and postscript by a private hand.. . n.p., 1733. 32 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 2 Gordon, Sir Thomas. The defection of the Church of Scotland from her Refor- mation-principles considered: being a pro- test by some members of the General As- sembly of that Church against her Act pass'd the ISth of May 1732, anent the method of planting vacant churches. With an introduction and appendix... [By Sir Thomas Gordon.] Edinburgh: Printed by Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, 1733. 80 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 21 An Enquiry into the method of settling parishes, conform to the acts and practice of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to this present time. [By Sir Thomas Gordon.] Edinburgh: Printed, 1732. 91 p. 16°. ZWGS p.v. 14 Moncrieff, Alexander. The duty of con- tending for the faith. A sermon preached before the Provincial Synod of Perth and Stirling, at their . meeting at Stirling, April, 1732. On Jude ver. 3... Edin- burgh: Printed by R. Fleming and Com- pany, 1732. 2 p.l., 44 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v 21 Populi Suffragia: seu, Argumentum ex Actorum xvi, 23. Quo probatur, electio- nem pr»positorum suorum ab Apostolis singulis Ecclesiis concessam [etc.]. Edin- burgh: T. & W. Ruddimann, 1732. 72 p. 16°. ZWGS p.v. 14 1733 Mutual, A, negative to parish and pres- bytery in the election of a minister, in opposition to episcopacy on the one hand, and independency on the other. Instruct- ed from both Books of Discipline. Con- taining also a reply to what the modest and humble enquirer has. . .advanced against the pamphlet, intituled, The de- fection of the Church of Scotland from her Reformation-principles, considered. By some members of the last Assembly who protested against the Act anent the method of planting vacant churches. Edinburgh: Printed by Thomas Lumis- den and John Robertson, 1733. 78 p. 12°. ZWGS p. v. 21 232 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. 1734 Observations upon church affairs, ad- dressed to Principal Smith. [Signed X.Y.j Edinburgh, 1734. 38 p. 8°. * C p.v. 432 1737 Lindsay, George. Some observations on these two sermons of Doctor Wishart's [On Charity, and on the difference betwixt moral good and evil], which have given offence to the presbytery of Edinburgh. [By George Lindsay.] Edinburgh, 1737. 3 p.l., 46 p. 12°. ZWGFp.v.5 1738 Wishart, William. Answers for W. Wishart...to the charge exhibited against him before the rev. synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, by... George Logan, Neil Mc- Vicar, James Walker, John Walker, and George Lindsay, of articles of error al- leged to be contained in two sermons preached by him... Edinburgh: T. & W. Ruddimans, 1738. 62 p. 12°. ZWGF p.v. 5 1739 Serious, A, address to the Church of Scotland, with relation to the growth of deism and immorality: Examining some parts of their discipline and constitution. London: A. More, 1739. 42 p. 8°. ZHFK p.v. 1 1741 Society in Scotland, for Propagating Christian Knowledge. State of the so- ciety ... giving a brief account of the con- dition of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. . .and what the society has done, and have further in view, for their im- provement... Edinburgh: R. Fleming, 1741. 75 p. 12°. *C p.v. 750 1742 Robe, James. Narrative of the revival of religion at Kilsyth, Cambuslang, and other places, in 1742. By the Rev. J. Robe. With an introductory essay by the Rev. Robert Buchanan. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1840. xxxvii p., 1 1., 295 p. 12°. (Select Christian authors, with introductory es- says, no. 64.) ZKY 1744 Secession Church. Acts of the Associ- ate Presbytery; viz. I. Act concerning the doctrine of grace. . . II. Act for renewing the National Covenant of Scotland, and the Solemn League and Covenant of the three nations... Edinburgh: T. W. & T. Ruddimans, printers, 1744. x, 11-128 p! 12 °- Stuart 3366 1746 Great Britain. — Statutes. Anno regni Georgii n. regis. . .decimo nono. At the parliament begun... the first day of Dec, 1741 .. .and. . .continued. . .to the seven- teenth day of Oct., 1745. . . .[An Act more effectually to prohibit and prevent pas- tors or ministers from officiating in Epis- copal meeting-houses in Scotland, without duly qualifying themselves according to law...] Edinburgh: R. Watkins, 1746 27 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 26 1747 Currie, John. Plain reasons for new secession, whereby seceding Seceders re- turned to the Church of Scotland are vin- dicated; also the sinfulness and danger of being either the stated or occasional hearers of seceding brethren, is evidenced. In frank familiar dialogues between a Se- ceder. . .adhering to the Associate Pres- byteries; a Seceder lately returned from them; a Seceder in suspense about return- ing; and one doubtful whether to leave the Established Church and join the Se- cession. Part 1 [-2]. By the Author of the Essay on Separation [John Currie]. Edin- burgh: J. Paton, 1747. 4 p.l., 100, 56 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 82 1748 Erskine, John. A fair and impartial ac- count of the debate in the synod of Glas- gow and Air, sixth October, 1748, anent employing Mr. Whitefield. t By John Erskine, D.D.j Edinburgh: T. Lumisden and Co., 1748. 1 p.l., 28 p. 12°. ZWGMp.v.6 Reasons, The, for augmenting ministers' stipends in Scotland, illustrated and in- forced, with remarks on a pamphlet, in- titled, The reasons for applying to the king and parliament examined; in a letter to a friend. By a sincere well-wisher to our happy Constitution in Church and State. Edinburgh: W. Sands, 1748. 1 pi, 29 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1098 1751 Detection, A, of some real and artificial errors in an impartial account of the rise, progress, . and nature of the scheme for augmenting the livings of the Scots Clergy. By the author of the "Exposition of the reasons of dissent, &c." Edinburgh, 1751. 1 p.l., 72 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.22,no.2 Incomplete. All p. following p. 72 missing. Report from the committee to whom the petition of the commissioners of the Gen- eral Assembly of the Church of Scotland; and also the petition of James, earl of Morton, and others, on behalf of them- selves, and other noblemen, gentlemen, freeholders, and heretors, in Scotland; LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 233 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. was referred. [Edinburgh:] Printed in the year 1751. 64, 72 p. 8°. * C p.v. 475 p. after 64 missing. 17S2 Address to the venerable Assembly of the Church of Scotland, more particularly to the presbyteries in the North High- lands and Islands, concerning the more frequent administration of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and proposing a method for it. By a Minister of that Church. Edinburgh: R. Fleming, printer, 17S2. 34 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 89 Hamilton, Gilbert. The disorders of a church, and their remedies; a sermon preached at the opening of the provincial synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, 1752. Edinburgh: Hamilton, Balfour & Neill, printers, 1752. 32 p. 8°. *C p.v. 475 Letter, A, from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country: containing a copy of some authentick papers relative to the conduct of the Presbytery of Dun- fermline, in the affair of the settlement of Inverkeithing. Edinburgh: T. Lumisden and Co., 1752. 15 p. 12°. ZWGMp.v.6 Private judgment defended; or, The law- fulness and duty of refusing obedience to the highest of Church Judicatures when their commands are judged unlawful, as- serted and vindicated... In sundry dia- logues between Timotheus and Ireneus Senior. Edinburgh: T. Lumisden & Co., 1752. viii p., 1 1., 172 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 2 1753 Maclaurin, John. The terms of Minis- terial and Christian communion imposed on the Church of Scotland by a prevailing party in the General Assembly, in opposi- tion to the great bulk both of office- bearers and private Christians, considered ...the reasons of the dissent from the Commission in March, 1752, are fairly ex- amined: with an appendix relating to the new pamphlet [by Rev. J. Hyndmanj call'd, A just view of the constitution of the Church of Scotland, &c. [By John Mac- laurin.] Glasgow, 1753. xii, 140 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 6 Potts, John. Seceding Presbyterianism delineated; in the case of Mr. John Potts; or, A protest against the seceding Presby- tery of Edinburgh: and an appeal to the Protestant reformed churches, as to the whole process depending betwixt the said presbytery and Mr. Potts. Edinburgh: T. Lumisden and Co., 1753. xvi, 73 p. 12°. ZWIF 1754 Maclaurin, John. The nature of eccle- siastic government, and of the constitu- tion of the Church of Scotland illustrated. Being a second conference on the terms of communion attempted to be imposed on the Church of Scotland by a prevailing party in the General Assembly. [By John Maclaurin.) Glasgow: J. Bryce and D. Paterson, 1754. xii, 152 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. e Secession Church. Act of the Associate Synod, at Edinburgh, April 18, 1754. Con- taining an assertion of some gospel truths; in opposition to Arminian errors.. . Edin- burgh: J. Reed, 1754. 12 p. 12°. Stuart 3366 Wallace, Robert. The doctrine of pas- sive obedience and non-resistance con- sidered; with some observations on the necessity and advantages of the revolu- tion in the year 1688. Published on occa- sion of Lord Dun's Friendly and familiar advices. Edinburgh: Hamilton, Balfour, and Neill, 1754. 1 p.l., 39 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 82 Witherspoon, John. Ecclesiastical char- acteristics; or, The arcana of church pol- icy. Being an humble attempt to open up the mystery of moderation. Wherein is shewn a plain and easy way of attaining to the character of a moderate man, as at present in repute in the Church of Scot- land. [By John Witherspoon, D.D.] Glas- gow, 1754. xii, 7-49 p. 2. ed. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 6 New edition, with an intro- ductory preface. Edinburgh: Reprinted by John Johnstone, 1842. xvii, (2)20-54 p. 8°. (Reprints of scarce tracts connected with the Church of Scotland, no. 1.) ZWGF p.v. 37 1759 Associate Presbytery. Act of the As- sociate Presbytery, for renewing the National Covenant of Scotland, and the Solemn League and Covenant of the three nations. Glasgow: J. Bryce, 1759. 55 p. 8°. * C p.v. 652 Edinburgh: Neill and Co., prtrs., 1789. 44 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 81 1763 Church of Scotland. — General Kirk Ses- sions, Edinburgh. Minutes of the Gen- eral Kirk Sessions of Edinburgh at their several Sederunts held anent the Town- Council of this city; their giving a Pres- entation to supply the present vacancy of a Minister. Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1763. 31 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 2 Witherspoon, John. Ecclesiastical char- acteristics: or, The arcana of church pol- icy. Being an humble attempt to open up the mystery of moderation; wherein is shewn a plain and easy way of attaining to the character of a moderate man, as 234 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. at present in repute in the Church of Scotland. [By John Witherspoon.] Edin- burgh: printed in the year 1763. xii, (1)18- 68 p. 5. ed. 8°. ZEC p.v. 74 1765 Oswald, J. Letters concerning the pres- ent state of the Church of Scotland and the consequent danger to religion and learning from the arbitrary and uncon- stitutional exercise of the law of patron- age. [By J. Oswald.] Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1765. 49 p. 8°. * C p.v. 429 Witherspoon, John. The history of a corporation of servants, discovered a few years ago in the interior parts of South America. Containing some very surpris- ing events, and extraordinary characters. Glasgow: John Gilmour, 1765. 76 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 29 Satire on the abuses in the Church of Scotland. London: Edward and Charles Dilly, 1765. 76 p. 8°. ZWGF 1766 Baine, James. Memoirs of modern church-reformation; or, The history of the General Assembly, 1766; and occa- sional reflections upon the proceedings of the said Assembly. With a brief account and vindication of the Presbytery of Re- lief. Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1766. 28 p. 8°. * C p.v. 488 Historical, An, account of the Seceders, in a letter to ****** chosen member for the ensuing General Assembly. From a real friend to the Church of Scotland. [Signed, Soph. Philander.] Edinburgh: Printed in the year 1766. 75 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 13 Letters to a young Presbyterian divine. Edinburgh, 1766. 48 p. 8°. *C p.v. 465 Philopatris: or, The Committee of over- tures. A Dialogue. Inscribed to a friend in the country. Edinburgh: Printed in the year 1766. 29 p. 16°. * C p.v. 1076 T., A., blacksmith, pseud, of John Witherspoon. A letter from a blacksmith, to the ministers and elders of the Kirk of Scotland: in which the manner of public worship in that Kirk is considered; its inconveniences and defects pointed out; and methods for removing them humbly proposed. [Signed by A. T., blacksmith.] Leith: A. Robertson, 1766. 128 p. 16°. * C p.v. 1449 Upper margin cropped. 1767 Kinnear, Thomas, and others. Reasons of protest, by three elders of the Asso- ciate Congregation of Edinburgh, against an act of the synod, at Edinburgh, April 9, 1767, exalting the Rev. Adam Gib to a supremacy over the said synod, and judi- catories subordinate thereto; and debar- ring the said three elders, and a multi- tude of... members of the said congrega- tion, from communion with the church, unless they approve of that act. [By Thomas Kinnear, Andrew Beatson, and Robert ' Morton.] Edinburgh: J. Reid, 1767. viii, 124 p. 8°. ZWIFp.v.4 Letter, A, to Messrs. T s K r, A w B n, and R 1 M n, oc- casioned by reading their pamphlet, en- titled, Reasons of protest against the As- sociate Synod, for exalting the Revd. Mr. Adam Gib to a supremacy, &c... By a member of the present established church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1767. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 14 Narrative, A, of the case of a consider- able number of the Associate Congrega- tion of Edinburgh, who are debarred from sealing ordinances, because they cannot in conscience acquiesce in an act of the Associate Synod, of April 9, 1767. With a detection of some gross falsehoods and misrepresentations relating to them, ad- vanced by the Rev. Mr. Adam Gib, in his Refuge of Lies... Edinburgh, 1768. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 14 Remarks on a letter, pretended to be dated at St. Andrew's, October 26, 1767 and addressed to Mess. K r, B n, and M n. Shewing the error, inconsist- ency, and gross absurdity of the letter- writer; and detecting the sinful. . .conduct of Mr. Gib and his Synod. By a Well- wisher to Mr. Gib. Edinburgh, 1768. 12 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 14 1768 Drummond, William Abernethy, bishop of Edinburgh. Remarks upon the second part of principles political and religious ...in answer to Norman Sievwright... [By A. Drummond.] Edinburgh: J. Wil- son, 1768. 36 p. 8°. ZPWF Bound with: John Skinner, A letter to Norman Sievwright... Aberdeen [1768?]. 8°. Gib, Adam. A refuge of lies sweeped away: in an answer to a most false and abusive libel lately published by Thomas Kinnear.. .Andrew Beatson. . .and Robert Morton. . .late elders in the Associate Con- gregation at Edinburgh . . . [By A. Gib.] Edinburgh: R. Fleming and A. Neill, 1768. xii, 13-194 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 14 Moir, Andrew. The indictment, trial, and sentence of Mess. T[homajs K[inneajr, Arndrejw Bieatsojn, and R t ober]t Mtortojn, before the Associate Synod, at the in- stance of the Rev. Mr. Adam Gib. By a gentleman of the law [i. e., Andrew Moirj. Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1768. viii, 106 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 29 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 235 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Plain truth: or, Some reasons against a late decision of the Associate Synod, whereby a considerable number of Sece- ders in and about Edinburgh, who cannot in conscience acquiesce in said deed, are .. .cast out of communion with the church in sealing ordinances. By and with the advice of those who are aggrieved. Edin- burgh, 1768. 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 14 Skinner, John. A letter to Norman Siev- wright in vindication of the Episcopal clergy of Scotland from his charge of in- novations in politics and religion . . . [By Rev. John Skinner.] Aberdeen: F. Doug- las, prtr. [1768?] 140 p. 8°. 2PWF 1769 Crosbie, Andrew. Thoughts of a lay- man concerning patronage and presenta- tions. [By Andrew Crosbie.] Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1769. iv, 52 p. 8°. * C p.v. 465 Essay, An, on the Secession. Being an attempt to delineate the character of that party, to decipher their conduct, and expose their sentiments... Edinburgh, 1769. 2 p.l., iv-v, 99 p. 16°. ZWIF p. box 1 Observations on the overture concern- ing patronage, with remarks on a late pamphlet entitled "Thoughts of a layman concerning patronage and presentation." Edinburgh, 1769. 63 p. 8°. * C p.v. 465 1770 Drummond, William Abernethy, bishop of Edinburgh. The rebuff er rebuffed; or, A vindication of the Remarks on the second part of principles political and re- ligious, and of several ms. letters sent to the Reverend Mr. Sieveright, anno 1767. In answer to that gentleman's exceptions in his pamphlet, intitled, Miscellaneous tracts. No. 1. A rebuff. [By W. A. Drum- mond.j Edinburgh: W. Robertson & Tennent, 1770. 52 p. 8°. 1771 Extract, An, from a pamphlet entitled An humble acknowledgement of the sins of the ministry of Scotland. Published ...1732. Edinburgh, 1771. xii, 13-23 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 2 Hall, Archibald. An appeal to the pub- lic: In four parts. Containing, Some general observations; A preface, wherein the nature and seasons of public cove- nanting are explained upon Scripture principles, in order to satisfy the scrupu- lous about the expediency of renewing our solemn covenants at present; A de- fence of solemn covenanting, in opposi- tion to that preface, by the Rev. Mr. Adam Gib; and, A display of the spirit, principles, and fallacy of the said defence. Edin- burgh: Gavin Alston [1771?]. 1 p.l., 95 p. 8°. ZWHF p. v. 13 An impartial survey of the religi- ous clause in some burgess-oaths; of the constitution of the antiburgher-judica- tures; and, of the censures inflicted on their brethren of the Burgher denomina- tion. In three parts. With a preface; wherein the nature and seasons of public covenanting are explained upon Scripture- principles, in order to satisfy the scrupu- lous about the expediency of renewing our solemn covenants at present. Edinburgh: Wilson, Robertson, & Tennant [1771]. xxiv, 112 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 13 1774 Thomson, John. Steadfastness in the faith explained and recommended. A ser- mon preached at Cumbernauld. . .4th July 1774, after the celebration of... the Lord's Supper; from I. Cor. xvi, 13... With an appendix enlarging the design of the ser- mon. Glasgow: J. Bryce, 1774. 39 p. 12°. ZWIF p.v. 5 1778 Short, A, view of the statutes at present in force in Scotland against popery: the nature of the bill proposed. . .for repeal- ing these statutes; and some remarks showing the propriety and necessity of opposing such repeal... Edinburgh, 1778. 47 p. 8°. *C p.v. 465 2000 copies of this issue were printed for distri- bution gratis. Edinburgh, 1779. 48 p. 8°. ZM Y p.v. 3 This issue was intended for sale at sixpence a copy. 1779 Letter, A, to all opposers of the repeal of the penal laws against Papists in Scot- land: wherein is proposed an effectual method of suppressing Popery, without touching the persons or property of Papists. Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1779. 23 p. 12°. ZMYp.v.3 1780 Burn, James, minister at Forgan. A narrative of some of the proceedings of the last General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, met, at Edinburgh, May 25, 1780. In a letter to a friend. Edinburgh: Wil- liam Gray, 1780. 1 p.l., 38 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 74 1781 Letter, A, to all the friends of religion, their king, and country, in Scotland. Wherein is shewn, the unlawfulness of patronage in Scotland; the opposition it has met with in former times; the mis- chief that has attended it; and a method 236 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. whereby it may be removed for ever... Glasgow: John Bryce, 1781. 47 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.2 1782 Walker, David. A candid examination of the Rev. Mr. Hutchison's animadver- sions: wherein his objections to covenant- ing are answered... Glasgow: W. Smith, 1782. 178 p. 8°. ZWIF 1783 Logan, George. A continuation of the modest and humble inquiry concerning the right and power of electing and calling ministers to vacant churches... By a minister of the Church of Scotland [George Logan]. Edinburgh: G. Hamil- ton, 1783. 170 p. 8°. * C p.v. 429 Progress, The, and present state of the law of patronage in Scotland, from which it appears, that the people of Scotland have a constitutional right to demand a repeal of the act restoring patronages... Edinburgh: C. Denovan, 1783. x, 11-38, x p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 1784 Speech, A, addressed to the Provincial Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, met at Ayr, 14th April 1784. By one of the Members of that Court, upon Patronage. [Added, the letter referred to in the Speech.] Edin- burgh: Printed, 1784. 1 p.l., 5-47 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 2 1785 Witherspoon, John. A letter from a blacksmith, to the minsters and elders of the Church of Scotland; in which the man- ner of public worship in that Church is considered, its inconveniences and defects pointed out, and methods for the removing of them humbly proposed. [Signed: A. T. blacksmith, pseud, of Rev. John Wither- spoon.) London printed: Reprinted by John Mycall in Newburyport [1785]. 72 p. 7. ed. 8°. Reserve 1788 Drummond, William Abernethy, bishop of Edinburgh. A letter. . .to the lay mem- bers of his diocese, April, 1788... Edin- burgh, 1788. iv, 5-16 p. 8°. CP p. box 5 1789 Act, declaration and testimony: for the doctrine, worship, discipline and govern- ment of the Church of Scotland... By some ministers... With an introduction: containing the grounds of their associat- ing into a Presbytery; and the reasons of their emitting this act and testimony. To which is added the declinature. Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., 1789. xii, 13-108 p. 8°. ZWG Associate Presbytery. Act of the As- sociate Presbytery, concerning the doc- trine of grace... with an introduction... Edinburgh: Neill and Co., prtrs., 1789. viii, (1)10-68 p. 8°. ZECp.v.81 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. Sketch of a plan for augmenting the livings of the ministers of the Established Church of Scotland, by means of the vacant sti- pends. With tables and illustrations, and a postscript. • Edinburgh: J. Simpson, 1789. 1 p.l., 48 p. 4°. * C p.v. 1084 1790 General Associate Synod. An overture of an act of the General Associate Synod in Scotland, concerning the sacramental test, and the duty and interest of Pres- byterians in Scotland in reference to its repeal. Edinburgh: General Associate Synod, 1790. 2 p.l., 28 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1141 Graham, William. A candid vindication of the Secession Church., .in a letter to a clergyman. Newcastle: The Author, 1790. vi, 7-42 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. box 1 Jamieson, John. Socinianism un- masked: in four letters to the lay-mem- bers of the Church of Scotland, and especially to those of the Collegiate Church of Ayr: occasioned by Dr. M'Gill's Practical essay on the death of Jesus Christ... to which are added, a letter to the doctor, and an humble address to the members of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. By a Friend to truth [i. e., John Jamieson]. Edinburgh: W. Laing, 1790. 1 p.l., 168 p. 8°. ZECp.v.81 Lamont, David. Subscription of the Confession of Faith of the Church of Scotland, consistent with liberty of con- science; or, an attempt to vindicate it from the misrepresentations of those who maintain the contrary. Edinburgh: Print- ed for the Booksellers, 1790. vi, (1)10-69 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.7 1792 Memorial, A, and remonstrance con- cerning the proceedings of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, and of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, in the cause of Dr. William M'Gill, one oi the ministers of Ayr. By some members of the Church of Scotland, who took an active part in that prosecution, n. p., 1792. 87(1) p. 8°. ZECp.v.81 Procedure, The, of our Church courts in the case of Dr. William McGill: with a complaint lately exhibited against him; and a narrative of the rise, progress and termination of a prosecution carried on against him before our Church Judicato- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 237 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. ries, by the Laity of Scotland: To which is added a conclusion, containing reflec- tions on the defection of our Church Courts, &c, &c. By the Friends of Truth [Ayr,] Printed, 1792. 1 p.l., xxiii, 170 p. 8°. 2WVI p.v. 2 Skinner, John, bishop of Aberdeen. A narrative of the proceedings relating to the bill., .intituled an act for granting relief to pastors, ministers and lay persons, of the Episcopal communion in Scotland. By a member of their committee [i. e., John Skinner, bishop of Aberdeen]. Aber- deen, 1792. 32 p. 8°. ZPWCp.boxl 1793 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scot- land. — Constitutional Associate Presby- tery. Act of the Associate Presbytery of Kirkcaldy, for a public fast. 1793. n. t.-p. 7 p. 8°. ZWIFp.v.3 1794 Blake, Mark. A letter to the clergy of the Church of Scotland. London: D. I. Eaton, 1794. 36 p. 8°. CK p.v. 200 Gellatly, David. Relief procedure justly exhibited., .and the charges of immorality by the Relief clergy, against Mr. David Gellatly. . .disproved. . .in opposition to a bundle of lies. . .entitled Clerical Gallan- try... Edinburgh, 1794. 1 p.l., 94 p. 8°. ZWVI p.v. 1 1795 Reformed Presbyterian Church. Act of the Reformed- Presbytery for a public fast, with summary of the causes thereof. [Glasgow, 1795.] 8 p. 12°. Stuart 3034 1796 Johnston, Robert. A letter to the clergy of the Church of Scotland, respecting their late political conduct. Glasgow: The Author, 1796. 41 p., 1 1. of errata. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 29 Religious execrations: a Lent sermon. By an orthodox British Protestant. Lon- don: J. Johnson, 1796. iii-viii, 32 p. 8°. CK p.v. 35 Thomson, John. An address and warn- ing to Seceders: wherein the present dis- tracted state of Secession is laid open to view. Glasgow: The Author, 1796. 56 p. 12°. ZWIF p.v. 5 1797 Lawson, George. Considerations on the overture, lying before the Associate Sy- nod, respecting some alterations in the formula concerning the power of the Civil magistrate in matters of religion. . . Edin- burgh: J. Ritchie, 1797. 83 p. 3. ed. 12° ZKBK p.v. 2, no.5 Thomson, John. A few strictures on a late publication by the Reverend George Lawson; entitled, Considerations on the overture lying before the Associate Synod, &c. Glasgow: The author, 1797. 20 p. 12 °- ZWIF p.v. 5 1798 Thomson, John. An apology for Seced- ers, shewing, the propriety and consis- tency of their conduct, in opposing the plan carried on for overturning their prin- ciples, and in withdrawing from the min- istry of their backsliding leaders. With a brief view of the similar conduct of the Antiburgher Synod in their defection from their professed zeal. Glasgow: The author, 1798. 40 p. 12°. ZWIF p.v. 5 1799 Associate Synod. An address of the Associate Synod, to the people under their charge, respecting the present differences on the subject of the preamble to the for- mula... Edinburgh: J. Ogle, 1799. iv, 27 p. 12°. ZWIF p.v. 5 General Associate Synod. Act of the General Associate Synod, concerning an acknowledgment of sins, profession of faith, and engagement to duties; adapted to the present time; together with an Act respecting the power of the civil magis- trate in matters of religion. Edinburgh: A. Neill and Co., 1799. 32 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 78 Testimony, A, to the original principles of the Secession, and against all apostacy therefrom; exhibiting their principles, and the ground of their offence at all such as are chargeable with said apostacy. By a society of Seceders in and about Glas- gow. Glasgow: W. Paton, 1799. 16 p. 12°. ZIF p.v. 5 Thomson, George. Confession, cove- nants, and secession testimony, vindicated and defended... Glasgow: the author, 1799. 128 p. nar. 8°. 1800 Brown, William Laurence. Substance of a speech... in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. . .respecting the settlement, at Kingsbarns, of the Rev. Dr. Robert Arnot... Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1800. 51 p. nar. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Culbertson, Robert. A vindication of the principles of Seceders, upon the head of occasional communion; with answers to the principal objections.. . Edinburgh: J. Pillans & Sons, printers, 1800. 78 p. 12°. Stuart 3035 238 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Haldane, Robert. Address to the public, concerning political opinions, and plans lately adopted to promote religion in Scotland, &c, &c. Edinburgh: J. Ritchie, printer, 1800. 1 p.l., 141, 38 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 45 Hill, Rowland. A plea for union and for a free propagation of the Gospel. Be- ing an answer to Dr. Jamieson's Remarks .. .addressed to the Scots Society for Pro- pagating the Gospel at Home. London: A. Paris, 1800. 2 p.l., viii, 9-91 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 8 Peddie, James. A defence of the Asso- ciate Synod against the charge of sedition: addressed to William Porteous, D.D., in reply to his pamphlet, entitled "The new light examined"... Edinburgh: P. Hill and J. Ogle, 1800. 78 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 2 Porteous, William. The new light ex- amined: or, Observations on the proceed- ings of the Associate Synod against their own standards. Glasgow: D. Niven, 1800. 55 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.7 1801 General Associate Synod. Testimony, agreed upon, and enacted, by the General Associate Synod, October 16, 1801. Edin- burgh: J. Guthrie, 1801. 1 p.l., ii, 104 p. 12°. ZWGSp.v.2 Edinburgh: Adam Neill & Co., printers, 1802. ii, 104 p. 2. ed. 12°. 1803 Skinner,' John. Primitive truth and order vindicated from modern misrepre- sentation: with a defence of Episcopacy, particularly that of Scotland, against an attack made on it, by the late Dr. Campbell of Aberdeen in his lectures on ecclesiasti- cal history: and a concluding address. Aberdeen: printed by J. Chalmers & Co., 1803. 3 p.l., 5-545 p., 1 1. 4°. ZKD Thomson, Andrew. A letter to the R-v-r-nd Pr-nc-p-1 H-ll, on some of the proceedings of last G-n-r-1 Ass-mbly of the Ch-rch of Sc-tl-nd. [By A. Thomson.] Edinburgh: printed by J. Pillans & Sons, 1803. 40 p. 8°. ZWGF 1804 Robertson, Charles, and others. A brief narrative of the proceedings of the church, which meets in the Tabernacle of Perth, under the pastoral charge of Mr. R. Little, from 30th January to 27th February 1804 ... Edinburgh: the editors, 1804. 44 p. 16°. Skinner, John. The duty of holding fast the doctrine of the gospel. A sermon, preached at a convocation of the bishops and clergy of the Scotch Episcopal Church, holden at Laurencekirk, in the county of Kincardine, on the 24th day of October, 1804... Aberdeen: J. Chalmers and Co., 1804. iv, (1)4-45 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.2 1805 Church of Scotland. • — General Assem- bly. Report of the proceedings and de- bate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, respecting the elec- tion of Mr. Leslie to the mathematical chair in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1805. 1 p.l., v-xvi, 239 p. 8°. " STH p.v. 6 Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1806. xiv p., 1 1., (1)10-184 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 1307 This edition has a supplement which does not appear in the first. See also under Leslie in the section of biography. Couper, James. Sermon and address, delivered August 11, 1805, to the West Stirlingshire Volunteer Legion, then upon permanent duty at Stirling. Glasgow: J. and A. Duncan, 1805. 28 p. 8°. ZECp.v.78 Ewing, Greville. An exposure of some things, contained in Mr. Brown's Vindi- cation of Presbyterian church government, which seem calculated. . .to excite popu- lar prejudice, and personal irritation. Glas- gow: W. Lang, 1805. 1 p.l., 5, 18 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 8 Jaffray, Robert. An essay on the reasons of secession from the national church of Scotland. Kilmarnock: H. & S. Crawford, 1805. 68 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 78 Thomson, Andrew. A second letter to the Rev. Principal Hill, on some of the proceedings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, held in 1803. [By Andrew Thomson.] Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, 1805. 85 p. 8°. ZWGF 1806 Copies of the National Covenant of Scot- • land, the Solemn League and Covenant, and, of the Bond hitherto used by Seceders in the renovation of our public national covenants: with a few explanatory notes. [Haddington: G. Miller, 1806?] 16 p. 8°. ZWIFp.v.3 Haldane, James Alexander. Observa- tions on Mr. Brown's Vindication of the Presbyterian form of church government, as professed in the standards of the Church of Scotland. With an appendix. . . Edin- burgh: printed by J. Ritchie, 1806. 67 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 8 Little, Robert. Remarks on Mr. Brown's Vindication of the Presbyterian form of church government, &c; containing re- flections on the present state of the Church LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 239 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. of Scotland. Edinburgh: Guthrie & Tait, 1806. 57 p. 12°. ZECp.v.90 Lacks all between title-page and p. 11. Remarks upon the new deeds lately- adopted in the Secession: being a paper, subscribed and given in to the Associated Session, Havannah-street, Glasgow, by- some members of that congregation. Glas- gow: D. Mackenzie, 1806. 16 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 3 Walker, James. The condition and duties of a tolerated church: a sermon, preached in Bishop Strachan's chapel, Dundee... 9th February 1806; at the con- secration of the Right Rev. Daniel Sand- ford, D.D., to the office of a bishop in the Scotch Episcopal Church. Edinburgh: S. Cheyne, 1806. xi, (1)14-67 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 2 1807 Allan, Alexander. The power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion, and the nature of religious covenanting, con- sidered: being the substance of two re- monstrances presented to the General As- sociate Synod... 1804 and 1805, and of the answers to them, prepared by a committee. At the desire of the synod, collected and arranged, by Alexander Allan. . .a member of the committee. Edinburgh: J. Pillans & Sons, 1807. viii, 9-164 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 1 Chalmers, Robert. Address to the As- sociate Congregation of Haddington: shewing the departure from the reforma- tion-principles of the Church of Scotland, and of the Secession, by the present Gen- eral Associate Synod... Also, some re- marks upon a pamphlet, by the Rev. Mr. Culbertson, entitled, "Consolation to the church." Edinburgh: Ogle & Aikman, 1807. 2p.l., 140 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 1 Culbertson, Robert. Consolation to the church: in two discourses; together with an Address; delivered before the As- sociate Congregation of Haddington, Aug. 2, 1807, on occasion of the intimation of a sentence of the Associate Presbytery of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Ogle & Aikman, 1807. iv, 5-52 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 1 Glasgow Presbytery. A statement of the proceedings of the Presbytery of Glas- gow, relative to the use of an organ in St. Andrew's Church, in the public worship of God, on the 23d August 1807. Glas- gow: W. Lang, 1808. xxiv, 270 p. 12 p . ZWGM Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. Re- marks on a pamphlet, entitled, "Substance of Principal Hill's speech in the General Assembly, May 23, 1807, upon . . . Prot- estant establishment." Edinburgh- A Constable & Co., 1807. 26 p. 8°. * C p.v. 426 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scot- land. — Constitutional Associate Presby- tery. Minutes of the Constitutional Asso- ciate Presbytery: containing the deed of constitution, with the reasons; and an act for a public fast. To which is subjoined an appendix, relative to some previous contendings with the General Associate Synod. Edinburgh: Ogle & Aikman, 1807. 1 p.l., 37 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 3 1808 Fisher, Alexander. The principles of the Reformed Presbytery, not the prin- ciples of the Church of Scotland, upon the head of magistracy, in a letter. Berwick: W. Gracie, 1808. 70 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 7 Fleming, Alexander. Answers to a statement of the proceedings of the Pres- bytery of Glasgow, relative to the use of an organ, &c...in the public worship of God. By the author of the two letters to the lord provost of Glasgow [A. Fleming]. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Co., 1808 99 (1) p. 8°. ZWGM Bound with his: To the lord provost of Glasgow the two. ..letters are. .. addressed, on the subject of the organ... Glasgow, 1808. 8°. To the lord provost of Glasgow, the two following letters are respectfully addressed, on the subject of the organ, which... was introduced into St. Andrews Church, Glasgow. To which are added, remarks on the Rev. J. Begg's Treatise on the use of organs. Glasgow: J. Hedder- wick & Co., 1808. 81(1) p. 8°. ZWGM Singers, William. A statement of the numbers, the duties, the families, and the livings of the clergy of Scotland. Edin- burgh: printed by George Ramsay & Co., 1808. 71 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 7 1809 Haldane, Robert. Remarks on a late publication by Mr. Greville Ewing, en- titled, Facts & documents, &c. Edin- burgh: J. Ritchie, printer, 1809. 135(11 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 2 1811 Associate Presbytery of Perth vs. Robert Imrie. An exhibition of the libel presented, May, 1811, by... the Associate Presbytery of Perth against R. Imrie... for error of doctrine, with his answers to it, and the proof adduced on both sides. Perth: R. Morrison, prtr., 1811. 69 p.. 16°. ZWVIp.boxl Irvine, A. An inquiry into the discipline of the Church of Scotland, as founded in law, in order to ascertain the duty of _ the civil magistrate in enforcing that disci- 240 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. pline, and the right of church-courts to call for his aid in doing so... Perth: printed by R. Morison, 1811. xi, (1)14-86 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWGMp.v.7 Milne, James. The difference stated be- twixt the Presbyterian establishment, and the Episcopal Church of Scotland. Aber- deen: D. Chalmers & Co., 1811. 80 p. new ed. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 2 1812 Noble, Joshua. A report of the proce- dure adopted by the session of the Chapel of Ease, Glasgow, in an investigation of charges against John Craig, one of their elders; also, an analysis of the pretensions of certain persons... Written in answer to an anonymous and vindictive placard. . . Glasgow: the author, 1812. 16 p. 8°. ZWVI p.v. 1 " 1814 Balances: in which the remarks and strictures, by an old seceder, and a review of four pamphlets on secession within the Church, in the Edinburgh Christian in- structor, are weighed against the speech and the lash, and are found wanting. Edin- burgh: J. Robertson, 1814. v. p., 1 1., 182 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 66 1815 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scot- land. — Constitutional Associate Presby- tery. An act by the Constitutional Asso- ciate Presbytery, for a public thanksgiv- ing, &c. 1815. [Edinburgh: G. Caw,] 1815. 12 p. 8°. ZWIFp.v.3 1816 Cook, George. Substance of a speech, delivered in the General Assembly, 22. May 1816; containing an inquiry into the law and constitution of the Church of Scot- land respecting residence and pluralities. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1816. 113 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.4 M'Gavin, James. A letter to the editors of the Christian herald, in answer to their review of the historical sketches of the Scots Old Independent and Inghamite Churches, and the correspondence which led to their union. To which is added the correspondence betwixt the author [i. e., James M'Gavinj and the editors. Paisley: J. Neilson, 1816. 26 p. 8°. ZWIF p. box 1 1817 Antidote, An, to the acid of Lucius' Letter to the Rev. Andrew Thomson... by an alkali. Edinburgh: J. Robinson, 1817. 1 p.l., 5-23 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.13 Candidus, pseud, of Henry Mayo. Ob- servations on a letter by Lucius, to the Rev. Andrew Thomson. Edinburgh: Ma- credie, Skelly & Co., 1817. 1 p.l., 5-22 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGFp.v.13 Douglas, Neil. An address to the judges and jury, in a case of alleged sedition, on 26th May 1817, which was intended to be delivered before passing sentence. Glas- gow: D. Mackenzie, printer, 1817. 40 p 8°. ZDVHp.v.2 Lucius, pseud. A letter to the Rev. An- drew Thomson... on the respect due to national feeling, with. . .postscript. Edin- burgh: D. Stevenson & Co., 1817. 22 p 2. ed. 8°. ZWGFp.v.13 Scotus, pseud, of John Gibson. Stric- tures upon the letter of Lucius, to the Rev. Andrew Thomson, on the respect due to national feeling. Edinburgh: A. Jameson 1817. 21 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.13 1818 Associate Synod. A statement of evi- dence that the Burgher Synod, generally called New Light, have abandoned the original principles of the Secession Church; in answer to a pamphlet lately- published by them, in which the contrary is asserted. By a committee of the original Burgher Associate Synod. Glasgow: M. Ogle, 1818. 82 p. 8°. *YIAp.v.3 Thomson, Andrew. Christianity and the Church of Scotland vindicated from the charge of priestcraft; a sermon preached May 22, 1818, before the Society ...for the Benefit of the Sons of the Clergy of the Established Church of Scot- land... to which is added, An account of the objects and constitution of the society. Edinburgh: printed for the society, 1818. 2 p.l., 54, 10 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.40 1819 Observations on the proposed union of seceders in Scotland. By a Seceder. Edin- burgh: W. Oliphant, 1819. 1 p.l., 36 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.4 On the state of religion in the High- lands of Scotland. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 136-147.) * DA 1820 Basis, The, calmly considered. A series of papers on important subjects, involved in the interesting question of union be- tween the two synods, [no. l-vn.i Edin- burgh: Ogle, Allardice, & Thomson, 1820. 2 p.l., 68 p. 8°. ZWIF p. v. 6 Gleig, George. Correspondence. ..re- specting an accusation lately published in a charge delivered to the clergy of the LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Episcopal communion of Brechin. Edin- burgh: J. Hay & Co., printers, 1820. 1 p.l., 31 p. 8°. ZPXFp.v. 1 Jamieson, Hugh. The sentiments and conduct suited to Seceders in consequence of their union: a sermon. Edinburgh: William Oliphant, printer, 1820. 2 p.l., 39 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 42 Key, A, not unnecessary to understand the basis of union of the United Secession Church as it is now approved by both synods. Edinburgh: Ogle, Allardice & Thomson, 1820. 3 p.l., 7-32 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 2 Turnbull, Alexander. Addresses, de- livered to the Associate Congregation, Campbell-street, Glasgow, on the proposed union between the two large bodies of the Secession Church. Glasgow: M. Ogle, W. Turnbull, J. Steven & Co., 1820. 56 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 2 United Secession Church. Basis of union, agreed upon by the Associate and General Associate Synods, April 28, 1820; together with the draughts of a proposed formula for ordination, and of a summary of the principles of the Secession Church. Edinburgh: P. Neill, 1820. 1 p.l., 22 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 2 1821 Case, The, as it is; or, A documented detail of the occurrences in the Perth cause, which seem to have imposed upon the judges in their conceiving of its merits. Addressed to the public, by the Associate Session of Perth. Edinburgh: Associate Session of Perth, 1821. 1 p.l., 70 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 3 Presbyterian Clergyman, A. A few ob- servations on Dr. Chalmers's speech in the last General Assembly, in support of the Glasgow overture. (Edinburgh maga- zine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1821.- 8°. v. 8, p. 506-511.) * DE Review of appendix to "The case as it is." n. t.-p. n. p. [1821?] 4 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 3 Vindex, pseud. Remarks on an act of the Constitutional Presbytery appointing a fast to be observed on the 13th of Octo- ber, 1820. Edinburgh: David Brown, 1821. 32 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 3 1822 Examination, An, of the charges brought against the General Associate Synod, by those who separated from it on occasion of the union. By a member of the United Synod. Edinburgh: D. Brown, 1822. 34 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 2 241 Examination, The, examined, or, A vin- dication of the charges brought against the Basis, by those members of the Gen- eral Associate Synod, who adhere to their principles; in reply to a member of the United Synod. By a protester. Edin- burgh: Thomsons Brothers, 1822. 1 p.l., 54 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 2 Gleig, George, bishop of Brechin. Obser- vations on some prevalent modes of con- tending for the faith once delivered to the saints. A charge, delivered in July, 1822, to the clergy of the Episcopal communion of Brechin. Edinburgh: William Black- wood, 1822. 40 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 2 Protesters, The, no separatists; or, A reply to the charge of separation, in a pamphlet, entitled, An examination of charges brought against the General As- sociate Synod, &c. By a member of the Associate Synod. Edinburgh: Thomsons Brothers, 1822. 68 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 2 Spectator, A, pseud. Thoughts on a more intimate connection between the Established Church and Presbyterian Dis- senters: in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Burns, Glasgow. Edinburgh: James L. Huie, 1822. 24 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.32 Stevenson, George. A plea for the cove- nanted Reformation, in Britain and Ire- land. In three parts. Edinburgh: Thom- sons Brothers, 1822. 2 p.l., 76 p. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 2 1823 Chalmers, Thomas. A speech delivered before the synod of Glasgow and Ayr, on the 15th October 1823, in the case of Prin- cipal M'Farlane, on the subject of plurali- ties... with a preface, by S. MacGill, D.D. ... Glasgow: Chalmers & Collins, 1823. 22 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 22 Church of Scotland. — Synod of Glas- gow and Ayr. Report of proceedings... in the case of Principal [Duncan] M'Far- lane. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1823. 84 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 7 Connell, Sir John, and J. Murray. Re- marks, by the procurator and agent for the church, on an abstract of the law pro- ceedings in the case of the manse of Aber- dour, in Aberdeenshire. [Signed J. Con- nell, J. Murray.] Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1823.' 1 p.l., 41 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 22, no.8 1824 Bridges, James. An appeal to all classes on the subject of church patronage in Scotland, with a plan for its amendment. Glasgow: Chalmers & Collins, 1824. 40 p. 4°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Church of Scotland. State of the ques- tion respecting the seat rent of the 242 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. churches of the city of Edinburgh between the kirk sessions of the High Church, St. Andrew's Church. . .[and others] and the magistrates of Edinburgh. . .with an ap- pendix. Edinburgh, 1824. 75 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.5 Reformed Presbytery. A short account of the old Presbyterian dissenters, in Scot- land, Ireland, and North America: com- prehending also an abstract of their prin- ciples... Glasgow: Andrew Young, 1824. 39 p. 8°. ZWIFp.v.7 182S Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report of the debate on the overtures anent the Union of offices. May, 1825 [and 1826]. Edinburgh: J. Lindsay & Co., 1825-26. 2 v. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 7 A report of the proceedings of the General Assembly, 24th May 1825, rela- tive to the presentation of the Rev. Thomas Nelson to the parish of Little Dunkeld. Edinburgh: J. Lindsay & Co., 1825. v. 91 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 7 Statement as to the want of schools and catechists in the Highlands and islands. Edinburgh: D. Stevenson, 1825. 7 p. nar. 8°. *C p.v. 1119 Kurioikouphilos. Vox populi or, Pa- trons paid off by their successors in of- fice, the Church Patronage Society. To which is added a prospectus of its princi- ples and projects by Kurioikouphilos. Edinburgh: C W. Aitken, prtr.,] 1825. 32 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20, no.7 Presbyter, pseud, of James Bridges. Patronage the divine right of the people. [Signed Presbyter.) [Edinburgh? 1825?] lip. nar. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Thom, David. Memorial [Submitted... to the presbytery of Glasgow, in the cause between John McCulloch, and others, and himself]. [Glasgow: Kuhl, Blackie & Co., printers, 1825.] 1 p.l., 30 p. 8°. * C p.v. 457 1826 Cuninghame, William. Remarks on a recent act of the kirk session of Stewar- ton, denying admission to the Lord's Sup- per to two members of the Wesleyan Methodists. Glasgow: M. Ogle, 1826. 24 p. 2. ed. 16°. ZHFp.v.2,no.S Fleming, Alexander. Letters to "An antipluralist;" showing the incompetency of church courts to entertain the question of pluralities: proving the union of teach- ing, in schools, colleges, and universities, with the ministration of religion, to be sanctioned by the word of God... and the practice of the church, from the Reforma- tion downwards to this present hour. [By Alexander Fleming.] Edinburgh: Alex- ander Macredie, 1826. 68 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 33 With presentation inscription: To Thomas Camp- bell, Esq., Lord Rector of the University of Glas- gow, from his sincere and admiring friend, Alex- ander Fleming. Jolly, Alexander. A friendly address to the Episcopalians of Scotland, on baptis- mal regeneration: shewing, that it is the doctrine of Scripture. . .and of the re- formed Episcopal Church, as expressed in its liturgy... Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1826. 56 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.6 Reply, A, to the arguments adduced by the Irish presbyter in his letter to the In- verary blacksmith. By the author of the letter to J. A. Haldane, Esq., on his ser- mon upon the late fires, the musical festi- val, &c. Edinburgh: J. Anderson, 1826. 22 p. 8°. (In: A. T., pseud, of J. Wither- spoon, A letter from a blacksmith, to the ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland.) * C p.v. 436, no.5 T., A., blacksmith, pseud, of J. Wither- spoon. A letter from a blacksmith, to the ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland; in which the manner of public worship in that church is considered, its conveniences and defects pointed out, and methods for removing them humbly pro- posed.. . [Signed A. T, blacksmith.) Fifth edition. [Together with:] A reply to the arguments adduced by the Irish presbyter in his letter to the Inverary blacksmith. By the author of the letter to J. A. Hal- dane, Esq., on his sermon upon the late fires, the musical festival, &c. Edinburgh: J. Anderson, 1826. iv, (1)6-39, 22 p. 8°. *C p.v. 436, no.5 1827 Account, An, of the present state of re- ligion throughout the Highlands of Scot- land... By a lay member of the Estab- lished Church. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant, Brown & Wardlaw, 1827. vii, 112 p. nar. 8°. * C p.v. 1119 Cunningham, William. Dr. Cunning- ham on the church and church establish- ments. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869- 70. 8°. v. 4, p. 310-315, 354-359, 390-395, 483-489; v. 5, p. 18-24.) ZWA Written in 1827, when he was twenty-two years of age. Published here for the first time. 1828 C, J. O. Remarks on the annuity-tax and seat-rents. Written for the commit- tee of inhabitants, by J. O. C. Edinburgh: the committee, 1828. 31 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.22,no.l 1830 Ballantyne, John. A comparison of es- tablished and dissenting churches. By a LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 243 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Dissenter [i. e., John Ballantynej. Edin- burgh: David Brown [1830?]. 108 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Glasgow and Ayr, Synod of. Report of a committee of the synod of Glasgow and Ayr on the right of provincial synods of the Church of Scotland to be regarded as incorporated bodies. 13th April 1830. Glasgow: W. Lang, 1830. 11 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 74 Lewis, James. Defence of ecclesiastical establishments; in reply to the Rev. Andrew Marshall's letter to the Rev. An- drew Thomson, D.D. By the reviewer [Tames Lewis, D.D.]. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1830. 165 p. 8°. ZWGMp.v.9 Macindoe, Peter. A vindication of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scot- land, from, various charges preferred against her on the subject of civil govern- ment. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1830. 2 p.l., 57 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 18 Repr. : Edinburgh Christian instructor, April- June, 1830. Maclean, Hugh Baillie. An account of the whole proceedings in the case of the Rev. H. B. Maclean, before the presbytery of Irvine and the synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Irvine: E. Macquistan, 1830. 1 p.l., 78 p. 8°. ZWVI p.v. 1 Marshall, Andrew. A letter to the Rev. Andrew Thomson, D.D... .occasioned by a review in the Edinburgh Christian in- structor for August, 1829, on the subject of ecclesiastical establishments. Glas- gow: M. Lochhead, 1830. 175 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 9 Morison, George. State of the Church of Scotland in 1830 and 1840, contrasted. . . Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1840. 14 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 20 1831 Appeal, An, to the ministers ' and churches of the various Christian denom- inations in Great Britain and Ireland, on the importance of unity; including a con- cise report of the mission of the "United Christian Church." Edinburgh: W. Oli- phant, 1831. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Burns, Robert. Hints on ecclesiastical reform: addressed to the lay eldership of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Whyte and Co., 1831. 42 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1207 Clark, Alexander. Rights of members of the Church of Scotland. A letter to the ministers and elders of the Established Church of Scotland. On the concurrence of the people who are in full communion with the church previous to the induction of parochial ministers. Inverness: print- ed by Alexander Fraser, 1831. 73(1) p. 8° ZWGM p.v. 7 Punishment, On the, of the wicked; a sermon, preached by an eminent divine of the Church of Scotland, to his congrega- tion. On the moral death of a reverend brother, and a few other ministers and elders, &c, of the city of Edinburgh, in a way unprecedented. Edinburgh: the author, 1831. 31 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.29,no.ll Speeches of the members of the presby- tery of Stirling on giving judgment on the libel preferred by them against the Rev. Christopher Greig. Stirling: Journal Of- fice, 1831. 38 p. 8°. ZWVI p.v. 1 Testimony of the United Associate Synod of the Secession Church. In two parts, historical and doctrinal. Edin- burgh: United Associate Synod, 1831. vi, 202 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 6 1832 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report of the debate... on the over- tures anent calls. 24th May 1832. Edin- burgh: W. Whyte and Co., 1832. 3 p.l., vii-xii, 98 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Dick, Andrew Coventry. Substance of a speech delivered at a meeting of evan- gelical dissenters of different denomina- tions held at Edinburgh on 13th Sep- tember 1832. [By A. C. Dick.) Edin- burgh: J. Wardlaw, 1832. 18 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 Edinburgh. — Inhabitants' Committee. Report of the sub-committee appointed by the Inhabitants' Committee to investi- gate the origin, progress, and present state of the various assessments in support of the ecclesiastical establishment of Edin- burgh; with a recommendation for an im- mediate application to Parliament for the repeal of the annuity and impost taxes. Likewise an appendix, containing official statements relative thereto. Edinburgh: D. Lizars, 1832. 14, viii p. 8°. * C p.v. 1140 King, David. Examination of the equity and expediency of ecclesiastical establish- ments. [By David King.) Edinburgh: John Wardlaw, 1832. 42 p. 12°. ZEC p.v. 80 Published under the superintendence of the Vol- untary Church Association. Edinburgh: J. Wardlaw, 1832. 42 p. 2. ed. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 Lorimer, John Gordon. Church estab- lishments defended: being a review of the speeches, delivered in Dr. Beattie's chapel .. .the 12th November 1832, by the leading men of the Voluntary Church Association. 244 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. By A Churchman [Rev. J. G. Lorimerj. Glasgow: W: R. M'Phun, 1832. 31 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 18 Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1833. 32 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZECp.v.73 Nisbet, Alexander. The principles of ec- clesiastical finance; deduced from an esti- mate of pensioned and self-supported churches. With a sermon on the princi- ples and position of the Secession Church. Preached... March, 1832. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1834. 86 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1049 Report of the speeches delivered in Gor- don Street Church, Glasgow, at the for- mation of the Glasgow Voluntary Church Society, on Monday, 12th November 1832. Glasgow: W. Lang, 1832. 58 p., 1 1. 3. ed. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 Solemn, A, appeal on the subject of church communion and evangelical ordi- nances. By an ordained minister of the Church of Scotland... Glasgow: George Gallie, 1832. 139 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 68 1833 Brown, Charles John. Church establish- ments defended, with special reference to the Church of Scotland. Glasgow: M. Ogle, 1833. 2 p.l., 236 p. 12°. ZWGM Brown, John. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Chalmers. . .on the extent of the powers which ought to be vested in the people, in the settlement of ministers. Edinburgh: W. Whyte and Co., 1833. 24 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Bruce, John. A discourse, preached in the New North Church, Edinburgh, on... 29. Dec. 1833. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1834. iv, 5-24 p. 8°. * C p.v. 484 Calm answers to certain angry ques- tions proposed to voluntary churchmen. Edinburgh: J. Wardlaw, 1833. 43 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 Campbell, John, of Carbrook. The ques- tion of church patronage in Scotland, at- tempted to be rightly stated, and fairly considered; in a series of short essays, which originally appeared in the Edin- burgh Advertiser. . [By John Campbell, of Carbrook.] Edinburgh: Laing & Forbes, 1833. 2 p.l., 41 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 Attributed also to William Penney, Lord Kinloch. Careful, A, and strict inquiry into the pretensions and designs of Dr. Heugh; or, his "Considerations on civil establishments of Christianity," plainly discovered to be full of specimens of ignorance. . .and con- tradictory arguments . . . with . . . strictures on the . . . attempts of the dissenters ... By a watchman. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1833. 48 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Church establishments indefensible, on the ground of their opposition to scrip- ture, their tendency to substitute a form of godliness for real religion... By a member of the Church of Christ. Glas- gow: George Gallie, 1833. 40 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 38 Church, The, of Scotland vindicated from the cavils of dissenters; with a post- script, containing strictures on Dr. Ward- law's late sermon on civil establishments of Christianity. Edinburgh: William Whyte & Co., 1833. viii, 72 p. 8°'. ZWGF p.v. 38 Clason, Patrick. Considerations on the propriety of erecting the chapels of ease in the parish of St. Cuthbert into parish churches... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1833. 32 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 Collins, William. The Church of Scot- land the poor man's church. [Glasgow: Glasgow Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland [1833]. 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 Cook, George. Substance of a speech . . . on the overtures relating to the appoint- ment of ministers. Dundee: D. Hill, 1833. 31 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 Crawford, David. The interference of the civil magistrate with the religious con- cerns of his subjects concerned: a sermon, preached at the opening of the Relief Synod, May 13, 1833. Glasgow: John Reid & Co., 1833. 28 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.43 Dunlop, Alexander. Speech delivered from the bar of the General Assembly on the 20th May 1833, in support of the peti- tions of certain ministers of chapels of ease to be admitted. . .as pastors of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1833. 30 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v 5 Edinburgh. — Kirk Sessions: Commit- tee of Lay Members. Report by the com- mittee of the lay members. . . Edinburgh: J. & C. Muirhead, printers, 1833. 5, 11 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Fox, Francis. Convivium juvenile: or, A colloquy between Martin and Erasmus, anent ecclesiastical establishments and Voluntary Church Associations. With a preface and notes. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1833. 44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Full, A, report of the speeches against patronage in the Church of Scotland, de- livered at the public meetings held in Glasgow and Edinburgh, on 14th Novem- ber, and 2d December 1833. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1833. 2 p.l., 24 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Gibson, James. The principle of volun- tary churches, and not the principle of an establishment, proved to be the real LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 245 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. origin of Romish and priestly domination. An historical essay. Glasgow: William Collins, 1833. 96 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 35 Grant, Duncan. Modern voluntary churches incapable of defence, on account of their practical inefficiency, and uniform tendency to become not only compulsory, but also oppressively burdensome: and the established church defended, as efficient and scriptural. Elgin: A. C. Brander, 1833. 98 p. 8°. *C p.v. 669 Henderson, James. Strictures on a pam- phlet, entitled "Voluntary church associa- tion, and their manifesto against establish- ments," considered. Edinburgh: J. Ward- law, 1833. 47 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 Historical sketch, illustrative of the law, civil and ecclesiastical, relative to church patronage in Scotland. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1833. 11 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.24 Reprinted from the Fife Journal. Historical, An, view of the state of church patronage in Scotland; with a sum- mary of the arguments advanced in sup- port of the various plans proposed for removing the evils of the present system. Edinburgh: John Waugh, 1833. 3 p.l., 39 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 24 Inglis, John. A vindication of ecclesi- astical establishments. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1833. viii, 254 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 38 Knox, John, the younger, pseud. The first blast of the trumpet against the mon- strous usurpation of church-patrons in Scotland. Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1833. 2 p.l., iv, (1)6-44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 21 Lockhart, J., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. A new exposure of the reverend leaders [i. e., Ralph Wardlaw, D. D., and others] of the Voluntary Church Associations, lately organized to oppose the established churches of the Empire, and particularly the Church of Scotland; in a letter... by Anglo-Scotus [i. e., J. Lockhart, of New- castle-upon-Tyne]. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : M. A. Richardson, 1833. 58 p. 8°. ZWHF p. box 1 Lorimer, John Gordon. A second de- fence of church establishments: being a second review of the speeches, delivered in Dr. Beattie's chapel, on . . . 12th November 1832, by the, leading men of the Volun- tary Church Association... By a church- man [i.e., Rev. J. G. Lorimerj. Glasgow: W. R. MThun, 1833. 71 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 38 Lowrie, William. The whole question of ecclesiastical establishments stated and considered. [By William Lowrie.] Edin- burgh: J. Wardlaw, 1833. 52 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 McCrie, Thomas. What ought the Gen- eral Assembly to do at the present crisis? Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1833. 1 p.l., SS p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 and ZWIF p.v. 3 McFarlan, Patrick. Thoughts on popu- lar election, patronage, and calls; or, An examination of some of the modes of elect- ing to the pastoral office. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1833. 27 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 Mackray, William. A defence of civil establishments of religion, being the sub- stance of several discourses in which the question is considered, particularly in its bearing on the history and prospects of the Church of Scotland, and on the Seces- sion. Aberdeen: G. Clark & Son, 1833. 117 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 On the causes, influence, and pros- pects, of the secession, in connection with the prospects of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow: William Collins, 1833. 47 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 35 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. A brief account of the constitution of the Established Church of Scotland; and of the questions concerning patronage and the secession. Revised and edited, with... preface, by Sir JameS Wellwood Mon- creiff, bart. Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1833. xiv, 113 p. 8°. ZWGMp.v.7 Edinburgh: Robert Cadell, 1833. xv, 112 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 24 Murray, David. Statement made by the Rev. David Murray, one of the ministers of Dysart. [With, Second statement to the parishioners of Dysart. Cupar: Fife Herald Office, 1833.] 2 parts in 1 v. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 23, no.6 Observations on patronage and calls. By a minister of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1833. 48 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Our national church: what is the popu- lar party to do? Edinburgh: J. Stillie, 1833. 2 p.l, 36 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 Petition to the General Assembly claim- ing seats in the presbyteries for the minis- ters of chapels of ease, the Seceders, &c. [Edinburgh, 1833.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 23 Question, The, of church patronage in Scotland, attempted to be rightly stated and fairly considered; in a series of short essays, which originally appeared in the Edinbusgh Advertiser. Edinburgh: Laing and Forbes, 1833. 2 p.l, 41 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Remarks on the power of the civil magis- trate in reference to religion. Glasgow: D. Robertson, 1833. 28 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 43 246 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Report of the speeches delivered in the Secession Church, Abbey Close, Paisley, at the formation of the Paisley Voluntary Church Association, on Monday, the 14th Tan. 1833. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1833. 82 p. 16°. ZWGFp.v.4 Review of objections to ecclesiasti- cal establishments. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1833. 1 pi, 36 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Reprinted from the Edinburgh Christian instruc- tor, February, 1833. Scotus, pseud. An exposure of the senti- ments and projects of the Voluntary Church Associations; in a letter to the rev- erend gentlemen who constitute them. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1833. 1 p.l., 38 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 : Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1833. 38 p. 3. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 384 A second exposure of the senti- ments and projects of the Voluntary Church Associations; in another letter to the reverend gentlemen by whom they are constituted... Edinburgh: " William Whyte and Co., 1833. 1 p.l., 34 p. 8°. * C p.v. 484 Speeches delivered at the public meeting held in St. George's Church, Glasgow, for the purpose of forming a society for promoting the interests of the Church of Scotland, Jan. 31, and Feb. 1, 1833. Glas- gow: William Collins, 1833. 4,135 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 35 Tawse, John. Report on the present state of the Society in Scotland for Prop- agating Christian Knowledge. 1833. Edin- burgh, 1833.] 38 p., 1 1., 16 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Wardlaw, Ralph. Sermon. Civil estab- lishments of Christianity tried by their only authoritative test, the word of God. Glasgow: A. Fullarton & Co., 1833. iv, 52 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 1834 Account of a meeting held at Arbroath, on the 16th April 1834, in defence of church establishments; with a full report of the speeches delivered on that occasion, by the Rev. Messrs. Stevenson, Meek, Whitson, Lee, Guthrie, and Muir. Ar- broath: Wilson and Nichol, 1834. 96 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Adelphos, pseud. A letter to the Rev. D. Simpson. . .Aberdeen, on "The ques- tion of questions." Humbly submitted to the serious consideration of the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, the Rev. Dr. M'Crie, the Rev. Mr. Willis, and other evangelical sup- porters of church establishments. Aber- deen: John Davidson and Co., 1834. 28 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Anglo-Scotus, pseud, of J. Lockhart? A further exposure of the Reverend Dr. Ralph Wardlaw, his meeting-house, and his voluntary associates; in a letter ad- dressed to him. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: M. A. Richardson, 1834. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 A new exposure of the reverend leaders of the Voluntary Church Associa- tions. . .in a letter, containing eight demon- strations that they are a degenerate body . .!. With an appendix, containing... a reply to the Rev. Dr. Wardlaw's "Ex- posure exposed." Newcastle-upon-Tyne: M. A. Richardson, 1834. iv, 5-69 p. 8°. * C p.v. 484 Balfour, Andrew. Speech delivered in the presbytery of Edinburgh on the sub- ject of church patronage, April 30, 1834. [By Andrew Balfour.] [Edinburgh?] 1834, 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Bryce, James? Aye or no? on the pa- tronage question: a few words to the Church of Scotland. [By James Bryce?] Edinburgh: Alexander Macredie, 1834. 34 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.24 Cook, George. A few plain observa- tions on the enactment of the General As- sembly, 1834, relating to patronage and calls . . . Edinburgh : Waugh and Innes, 1834. iv, (1)6-111 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Dundee Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland. Speeches delivered at the public meeting of the Dundee Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland... 1834. Published under the superinten- dence, and for the benefit of the Dundee Church Association. Dundee: A. Allar- dice & F. Shaw, 1834. 32 p. 12°. * C p.v. 506 Ensuing General Assembly. View of the constitution of the Church of Scotland as it regards her membership and elder- ship: taken from the standards and acts of Assembly... Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1834. 8 p. 8°. *C p.v. 458 Repr. : Christian instructor, January, 1834. Esdaile, James. The voluntary church scheme without foundation in Scripture, reason, or common sense. With an ex- amination of Mr. Young's reply to Mr. Esdaile's animadversions. Perth: J. De- war, 1834. 1 p.l., 58 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Gray, Andrew. The chapel question considered, in a letter to the Rev. George Cook, D.D By the minister of a chapel of ease [i. e., Andrew Gray]. Edin- burgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1834. 50 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Letter to... James Abercromby on the ecclesiastical affairs of Edinburgh, by an old friend. Edinburgh: T. Rutherfoord, 1834. 14 p. 8°. *C p.v. 458 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 247 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Letter to the lord provost of Edinburgh, on the seat rents of the city churches, &c. By a member of the presbytery of Edin- burgh. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1834. 26 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 Lothian, Maurice. The expediency of a secure provision for the ministers of the gospel, a few suggestions for the improve- ment of the Established Church, and illustrations of voluntaryism. By a sin- cere friend of the people [i. e., Maurice Lothianj. Edinburgh: W. Whyte and Co., 1834. 47 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 M'Clellan, John. The Veto Act, as vin- dicated in the General Assembly of 1834, wherein it was enacted as an interim law, and transmitted to presbyteries for their consideration. Edinburgh: John Ander- son, 1840. 2 p.l., (1)6-16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 37 Maclure, David. A letter to Ralph Wardlaw, D.D., on the extraordinary posi- tion in which he at present stands before the public, by connecting himself with that degenerate race of Scotsmen who have, as it were, bound themselves. . .to destroy the venerable and beautiful fabric of the Church of Scotland. [Signed: David Maclure.] Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1834. 8 p. 8°. ZECp.v.73 Might, The, and mastery of the Estab- lished Church laid low: a review and refutation of the principal arguments of the Reverend Drs. Inglis and Chalmers, in vindication of ecclesiastical establish- ments. By various voluntary assailants. Edinburgh: J. Wardlaw, 1834. iv, 93 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 9 More voluntary quackery detected; or, Remarks on a letter from Largs, and other matters. By a genuine Anti-burgher. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1834. 24 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 5 Proceedings of the meeting of the friends of the Church of Scotland, held in the Mid Parish Church, on Saturday, the 18th of October, 1834. Greenock: W. Johnston & Son, printers, 1834. 16 p. 12°. * C p.v. 506 Rights, The, and liberties of the church asserted and vindicated, against the pre- tended right and usurpation of patronage. Edited by James Kidd, D.D. Aberdeen: W. Collie, 1834. 1 p.l., v-vii, 86 p., 1 1. new ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Scotus-Ignotus, pseud. Scotching per- formed on the first report of the Perth- shire Voluntary Church Association. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1834. 18 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Short, A, account of the life and hard- ships of a Glasgow weaver; with his opin- ion upon the question at present in hot dis- pute between churchmen and voluntaries. Written by himself. Containing, also, Re- marks, by David Maclure, printer. Glas- gow: W. R. M'Phun, 1834. 16 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 73 Thomson, Adam. Appeal from Scot- land; or, The cry of a whole nation of dissenters, urging their claims to the re- dress of their grievances; a speech, ad- dressed to... the lord chancellor of Eng- land, as judge in equity. By a Voluntary advocate [i. e., Rev. Adam Thomson, D.D.]. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1834. 80, 4 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Vindication of the principles of the Church of Scotland, in relation to ques- tions presently agitated: an address, by the Associate Synod of Original Seceders. [Extracted by Robert Shaw.] Edinburgh: Guthrie & Tait [1834]. 47 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 Voluntaryism ■ — a curious retrospect. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 203-209.) ZWA On the deposition of Hugh Craig, elder, in 1834. 183S Act appointing a day of humiliation. [Signed by John Lee.] [Edinburgh? 1835?] 8 p. 16°. ZWGp.boxl Alexander, John. An essay on church government. By a Layman of the Church in Scotland [i. e., John Alexander]. Edin- burgh: Thomas Stephen, 1835. x, (1)12- 36 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 37 Allen, William. A letter to Dr. Chal- mers. . .on the subject of a grant of public money to the Scotch Church. (In: J. A. Roebuck, Whigs and radicals... [Lon- don, 1835.] 8°. p. 5-11.) CKp.v.8 Anglo-Scotus, pseud. The West of Scotland arch-voluntary; or, The Rev. An- drew Marshall, the Anti-burgher minister at Kirkintilloch, called to account, for his mendacious, dishonest, and impertinent lucubrations in the 24th number of the United Secession magazine. Newcastle- upon-Tyne: M. A. Richardson, 1835. 26 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 73 Appeal, An, to the members of the Church of Scotland, and to the people of Scotland; and a call to address the General Assembly and the imperial Parliament of 1836. Aberdeen: P. Gray, 1835. 27 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 37 Black, Adam. The church its own enemy, being an answer to the pamphlets of the Rev. Dr. Chalmers; particularly to his aspersions on the Town-Council of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1835. iv, 60 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 13 Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1835. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 16 248 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Brewster, Patrick. The claims of the Church of Scotland to the support and affection of the people: a sermon preached in the Abbey Church of Paisley. . .23d July 183S. Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 183S. 28 p. 8°. ZECp.v. 73 Brown, Charles J. Lecture on the duty of the state to endow the church, &c. De- livered at Edinburgh on the 23d of Janu- ary 1835... Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1835. 26 p. 12°. ZDV p.v. 6 On the spiritual independence of the church, as distinguished from the separation of church and state. That a union may be formed between the church and the state without any sacrifice of the church's independence. That an establish- ment of the true religion does not imply the necessity of patronage; but on the con- trary, if rightly constituted, forbids it. — That the Church of Scotland, while she has maintained her connection with the state, has at the same time asserted in her constitution and her standards, and strug- gled to preserve in her practice, her spiri- tual independence. Glasgow: William Col- lins, 1835. 15 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lecture 4.) ZWGFp.v. 9 Brown, Thomas. On the Church of Scotland as the church of the poor ■ — the importance of endowments, for the pur- pose of securing, permanently and effi- ciently, the benefits of religious instruc- tion and ministerial superintendence to the poor. Teinds — the efforts necessary for recovering the church's patrimony. Glasgow: William Collins, 1835. 16 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lec- ture 9.) ZWGF p.v. 9 Buchanan, Robert. On the nature and importance of the question at issue. Glas- gow: William Collins, 1835. 11 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lec- ture I.) ZWGF p.v. 9 Reply to an attack on the General Assembly's church accommodation circu- lar. [Glasgow: W. Collins & Co., 1835.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 Speech delivered at a public meet- ing of the friends of the Church of Scot- land... 8th May 1835. [Glasgow: W. Col- lins & Co., 1835.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 Burns, Robert. Lecture on religious en- dowments, delivered in the High Church of Paisley, on Monday evening, May 4th, 1835. With a historical vindication of new erections. London: James Burns, 1835. 24 p. 16°. ZDV p.v. 11 Published under the superintendence of the Church of Scotland Society of Paisley. Case, The, of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland shortly considered, in an outline of its present application to government for additional endowment Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1835. 16 p. 8°' ZWGF p.v. 21 Chalmers, Thomas. On the distinction between parochial and congregational, and between endowed and unendowed churches. Glasgow: W. Collins & Co [1835.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 Abridged from his Churches and chapels. ■ On the evils which the Established Church in Edinburgh has already suffered, and suffers still, in virtue of the seat- letting being in the hands of the magis- trates... Edinburgh: J. Anderson, jun., 1835. iv, 5-90 p., 1 table. 4. ed. 12°. ZWGF p.v. 13 — — Reply to the attempt to connect the cause of church accommodation with party politics. [Glasgow: W. Collins & Co., 1835.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 Reprinted from the Edinburgh Advertiser. Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. General Assembly's fast, containing the act and address. Edinburgh: Young Men's Association for Promoting the In- terests of the Church of Scotland [1835]. 8 p. 12°. *C p.v. 1130 Churchman, A, pseud. A letter to the . . . lord provost of the city of Edinburgh, on the question of church accommodation, and the necessity of an official document to satisfy the public on the subject. Edin- burgh: John Anderson, jun., 1835. 12 p., 1 1. 16°. ZDV p.v. 11 Clark, W. B. Voluntary misrepresenta- tion detected and exposed, in two letters, ddressed to the editor of the Scotsman and of the Scottish Congregational maga- zine. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1835. 16 p. 16°. ZDV p.v. 11 Clason, Patrick. Strictures on the state- ment of the Central Board of Scottish Dissenters, in a series of letters to Bailie M'Laren. Letter 1 [-2j, Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1835. 43, 34 p. 16°. ZDV p.v. 11 Cook, George. A few plain observations on the enactment of the General Assem- bly, 1834, relating to patronage and calls Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1835. 76 p. 2. ed. 8°. *C p.v. 493 Cooke, Henry. Letter, &c. [A reply to Rev. Mr. Massie, by Henry Cooke.] [Bel- fast: Office of the Ulster Times, 1835?] 12 p. 12°. ZWGMp.v.5 Dunlop, Alexander. Lecture on the union between church and state as it ex- ists in Scotland. Delivered at Edinburgh on the 27th of March, 1835 . . . Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1835. 45 p. 2. ed. 12°. ZDVp.v.6 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 249 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Edinburgh Young Men's Church Asso- ciation. First report, with the speeches, delivered at the annual meeting, held in St. Andrew's Church, on Thursday, the 12th November 183S. The speeches taken in shorthand by Mr. S. Macregor. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1835. 56 p. 16°. ZDVp.v.ll Published under the superintendence of "The Edinburgh Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland." Fleming, Alexander. The reviewer re- viewed; being a criticism on the articles inserted in nos. x, xn, and xm of the Church of Scotland magazine, which at- tempted to impugn the Rev. Dr. Cook's pamphlet on calls. Glasgow: W. R. Mc- Phun, 1835. 1 p.l., 28 p. 8°. ZWGS p. v. 5 Gibson, James. On the tendency of the voluntary principle to make the church either a slave or a tyrant, as illustrated by ecclesiastical history; with an answer to the objection, that the establishment prin- ciple interferes with the private rights of conscience, and necessarily leads to in- justice and persecution. Glasgow: Wil- liam Collins, 1835. 24 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lecture 6.) ZWGF p.v. 9 The poor man's enemies exposed; being a plain statement of matters of fact, principally for the consideration of the poor themselves. [Glasgow: W. Collins & Co., 1835.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p. v. 9 Hawkins, J. W. Narrative of proceed- ings in the parish of Dunnichen, relative to the appointment of an assistant to the minister of that parish. Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1835. 57 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 23 Hewley, On the, charities, and the state of the Presbyterian churches in England; with remarks on the expediency of form- ing a closer connection than now subsists between these and the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Balfour and Co., 1835. 1 p.l., 24 p. 8°. ZECp.v.74 Extracted from no. xxiv of the Presbyterian review. Lectures on the church establishment controversy, and subjects connected with it, delivered in Glasgow, .at the request of "The Glasgow Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland." Glasgow: William Collins, 1835. 11 pam- phlets. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 1. Buchanan (R.) On the nature and importance of the question at issue, lip. 2. Smyth (J.) On the scriptural argument for civil establishments of religion... 11 p. 3. Willis (M.) Specific application of the scrip- ture argument to the doctrine of national responsi- bility... the duty of Christian covenanting. 15 p. 4. Brown (C. J.) On the spiritual independence of the church, as distinguished from the separation of church and state... 15 p. 5. Lorimer (J. G.) On the doctrine held by the Protestant churches on the question of civil estab- lishments of religion... 16 p. 6. Gibson (J.) On the tendency of the voluntary principle to make the church either a slave or a tyrant, as illustrated by ecclesiastical history... 24 p. ' 7. Turner (A.) A summary of the evidence which America has furnished in the controversy. 16 p. 8. McCorkle (R.) On the parochial system of the Church of Scotland as essential to the Christian- lzation of the country... 24 p. 9. Brown (T.) On the Church of Scotland as the church of the poor — the importance of en- downments ... 16 p. 10. McCorkle (R.) On the history of patronage, and its evils. 16 p. 11. Paterson (N.) Who would gain by the de- struction of the Established Church? 20 p. Lorimer, John Gordon. On the doctrine held by the Protestant churches on the question of civil establishments of relig- ion... during successive periods. The rise and progress of voluntary church princi- ples, especially in the Secession Church, with an analysis of their demoralizing ef- fects in the present day. The difference between the principles of modern volun- taries, and voluntary liberality in support of religion. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1835. 16 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establish- ments. Lecture 5.) ZWGF p.v. 28 The poor man's church defended; or, Popular objections answered. [Glas- gow: W. Collins & Co., 1835?] 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 9 M'Corkle, Robert. On the history of patronage, and its evils, showing it to be a main cause of the defections in the Church of Scotland. Glasgow: William Collins, 1835. 16 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lecture 10.) ZWGF p.v. 9 On the parochial system of the Church of Scotland as essential to the Christianization of the country — its ef- fects in the best periods of the church — the departure from this system a leading cause of the spiritual ignorance and in- fidelity of the present day. The necessity of. . .making the churches and the schools, in connection with the establishment, co- extensive with the population. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1835. 24 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lecture 8.) ZWGF p.v. 28 MacFarlan, Patrick. Letter to the peo- ple of Scotland, in answer to the "State- ment by the Central Board for vindicat- ing the rights of dissenters." Edinburgh: J. Anderson, Jun., 1835. 20 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 The testimony of Jesus to the truth; or, The first principles of religious establishments: a sermon preached at the opening of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the 21st... May 1835. Edinburgh: William Whyte & Co., 1835. 47 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 250 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Macfarlane, Hugh. A statistical account of the income and expenditure of the Es- tablished Church in Paisley, for the last hundred years; being a refutation of the "Statement" put forth by the Rev. J. Mac- naughtan. . .on that subject. Paisley: A. Gardner, printer, 1835. SO p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 73 Mackenzie, Mungo Campbell, and J. Robson. Correspondence between the Rev. M. C. Mackenzie and the Rev. J. Robson. Edinburgh: R. Marshall, 1835. 35 p. 12°. ZWGMp.v.5 Macnaughtan, John. A statement of the actual income and expenditure of the Es- tablished Church in the burgh of Paisley; with remarks. Paisley: A. Gardner [1835]. 24 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 73 Manson, Thomas. Question of the re- turn of Original Seceders to the fellow- ship of the Established Church of Scot- land considered: with an appendix. Edin- burgh: Wm. Whyte and Co., 1835. 1 p.L, 72 p. 8°. ZWIFp.v.3 Mentor, pseud. A letter to the Honour- able Lord Moncreiff, respecting two acts of the General Assembly of 1834 — ■ name- ly, on "Calls" and "Chapels of ease," with observations on their competency, &c. [Signed Mentor.] Edinburgh: W. Hunter, 1835. 1 p.L, 18 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 13 Musselburgensis, pseud. A letter to Baillie Smart, of Musselburgh, upon his inconsistency in presiding at a Voluntary meeting lately held in that place, together with strictures on the petition agreed to at that meeting. Edinburgh: Bishop and Co., 1835. 40 p. 16°. ZDVp.v. 11 Paterson, Nathaniel. Who would gain by the destruction of the Established Church? Glasgow: William Collins, 1835. 20 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establish- ments. Lecture 11.) ZWGF p.v. 9 Rae, William. The dissenters and vol- untary churchmen; or, Reflections on the principles and conduct of the voluntaries. By a probationer of the Church of Scotland [i.e., Wm. Raej. Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1835. 2 p.l., 5-81 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Relief Presbytery. Report of the meet- ings of the Relief Presbytery, to take un- der consideration charges against the Rev. Mr. Smith, of that connection, supposed to be under the influence of anti-voluntary principles, &c. Glasgow: William Collins. 1835. 16 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 73 Report of speeches delivered at a public meeting of the friends of the Established Church of Scotland, desirous of obtaining, through the aid of the state, an extension of the means of religious instruction and parochial superintendence, held in the As- sembly Rooms, Wednesday, April 15, 1835. Taken in short-hand by Mr. S. Macgregor. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1835. 1 p.l 44 p 16°. ZDVp.v. 11 Saint Cuthbert, parish, Edinburgh.— Committee of Heritors. Statement of the question between the heritors of the parish of St. Cuthberts, or Westkirk, and the kirk-session of that parish. . . Edinburgh- the managers, 1835. 40 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 5 Scottish Central Board for Vindicating the Rights of Dissenters. Statement rela- tive to church accommodation in Scot- land; in answer to the representations in the circular of the moderator of the Gen- eral Assembly, &c. Edinburgh: J. Ward- law, 1835. 20 p. 8°. *C p.v. 632 Smyth, John. On the scriptural argu- ment for civil establishments of religion — proving the lawfulness and the duty of the civil magistrate's supporting the true religion in his official capacity, and re- futing the objections that have been urged from Scripture. The iniquity of endowing all sects of religion, with a reference especially to the endowment of popery. Glasgow: William Collins. 1835. 11 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lecture 2.) ZWGF p.v. 9 Statement of the causes which led to the dissolution of the late Berwickshire Auxiliary Bible Society. By a majority of the directors. Edinburgh: A. Balfour & Co., 1835. 40 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 74 Thomson, Adam. The church and the voluntaries: two letters addressed to George Buchan of Kelloe, occasioned by the attacks made from the hustings at Greenlaw, against voluntary churches and their supporters, by him and Sir Hugh P. H. Campbell, bart., on Tuesday 13th, and Monday 19th January 1835. Edin- burgh: M. Paterson, 1835. 64 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 United Associate Synod. Report of the deputation appointed by the United Asso- ciate Synod, to present a memorial to His Majesty's government on church accom- modation and endowments in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant and Son, 1835. 23 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Published by order of the synod. Willis, Michael. Specific application of the scripture argument to the doctrine of national responsibility; the qualifica- tions necessary in Christian rules; the duty of national covenanting. Glasgow: Wil- liam Collins, 1835. 15 p. 8°. (Lectures on church establishments. Lecture 3.) ZWGFp.v.9 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 251 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. 1836 Chalmers, Thomas. An attempt to point out the duty which the church owes to the people of Scotland; and more es- pecially to settle the question of preced- ency between these two objects, the work that should be done, and the payment that should be made for the doing of it; being the argument on chapel bonds. Edin- burgh: John Anderson, 1836. 43(1) p. 16°. ZEC p.v. 84 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report of the committee appointed by the last General Assembly, to inquire into the present state of popery in Scot- land. [Edinburgh, 1836 n. t.-p. 7 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 74 ■ Report of the statistical sub-com- mittee of the General Assembly's Church Extension Committee. [Edinburgh, 1836.] 20 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 17 Churchman, A, pseud. A hint to the voluntaries in reference to the honesty and candour of their champion, the Rev. An- drew Nicol. [Glasgow, 1836?] 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Collins, William. Statistics of the church accommodation of Glasgow, Barony, and Gorbals, presented to the royal commis- sioners appointed to inquire into the means of religious instruction . . . afforded to the people of Scotland. . .in behalf of the Glas- gow Church Building Society.. . Glasgow: W. Collins, 1836. 68 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 21 Cooke, Henry. A letter... to the Rev. Dr. Ritchie, Edinburgh, in answer to Dr. Ritchie's challenge. [Edinburgh:] Waugh & Innes t 1836]. 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 16 Edinburgh. — Town Council. Report by the Lord Provost's Committee ... re- garding the probable future value of the revenues of the city clergy, with . . . rela- tive documents. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., printers, 1836. 17, 3-19 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Grierson, Thomas. Ten letters on the subject of church patronage. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1836. 36 p. 16°. ZEC p.v. 48 Leckie, Charles. The reviewer reviewed ...being an exposure of "The gross inac- curacies of" Mr. Harvey's review of the report of the Barrhead voluntary discus- sion. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1836. 16 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 5 Voluntaryism weighed in the balance of the sanctuary, and found want- ing; or, Strictures upon two sermons by the Rev. Mr. Bruce of Newmilns, and a lec- ture by the Rev. Mr. Tait. Glasgow: P. Salmon, 1836. vi, 5-88 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 5 Lee, John. Evidence of the Rev. John Lee, D.D., minister of the Old Church, Edinburgh, before the Commission of Re- ligious Instruction, Scotland, in February and March, 1836... Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1837. 21 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 16 Macindoe, Peter. Christ's headship over all things to the church: a discourse de- livered at the opening of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, Glasgow, April 18, 1836. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson, 1836. 30 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 10 Maclaren, Duncan. History of the re- sistance to the annuity tax, and of the origin and application of seat rents for payment of ministers' stipends. From au- thentic documents. With the memorial of the ministers to His Majesty's govern- ment. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1836. viii, 9-144 p. 3. ed. 12°. * C p.v. 1062 Shanks, Robert. Some causes of Prot- estant alarm stated; and the speeches of the Hon. Lord Moncreiff, and the Rev. Principal Dewar, delivered in the General Assembly, on popery, dissected. In a let- ter to his lordship. Edinburgh: Waugh and Innes, 1836. 47 p. 16°. ZEC p.v. 84 Thomson, Adam. The claims of dis- senters on the government of the country: a letter to the Right Honourable Lord Vis- count Melbourne... Edinburgh: M. Pat- erson, 1836. 13S p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 18 U., U. The arithmetic and arguments of compulsories examined, in reply to a pam- phlet by Wm. Collins, entitled "Statistics of the church accommodation of Glasgow, Barony, and Gorbals." Glasgow: John Reid & Co., 1836. 64 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 21 1837 Bell, Robert. Observations on the con- ference of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers with certain ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1837. 34 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 23 Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1837. 34 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 27 Brown, John. Documents respecting the Rev. Dr. John Brown's opposition to the payment of the annuity tax. Edin- burgh: R. Marshall, 1837. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 13 Bruce, John. A testimony and remon- strance regarding the moderatorship of next General Assembly. To which are added the declarations of several in- dividuals. . .present during the delivery of Dr. Lee's evidence... Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1837. 1 p.l., 17 (mis- numbered 19) p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 24 Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1837. 17 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 23 Edinburgh: William Whyte & Co., 1837. 17 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 40 252 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Chalmers, Thomas. A conference with certain ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland, on the subject of the modera- torship of the next General Assembly; to which is added, An address on the same subject, to the church at large. Glasgow: William Collins, 1837. 36 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 40 [With Supplement.] Glasgow: W. Collins, 1837. 67 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 23 Glasgow: W. Collins, 1837. 67 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 24 [Supplement lacking.] Glas- gow: W. Collins, 1837. 36 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 27 Supplement to his late pamphlet on the subject of the moderatorship of the next General Assembly. Glasgow: Wil- liam Collins, 1837. 37-67 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 27 Cooke, Henry. A second letter. . .to the Rev. John Ritchie, D. D., in reply to his second challenge. Edinburgh: J. Ander- son, 1837. 8 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.16 dimming, John. An apology for the Church of Scotland; or, An explanation of its constitution and character. London: F. Baisler, 1837. 35 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Cunningham, William. Reply to the Statement of certain ministers and elders, published in answer to Dr. Chalmers's "Conference" on the subject of the moder- atorship of the next General Assembly. Edinburgh: J. Lindsay & Co., 1837. 2 p.l., 49 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 23 • Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1837. 2 p.l., 49 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 40 Defence, A, of the ministers of the Church of Scotland against the charge of political partisanship, and their duty in the present crisis... By a minister of the Established Church. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1837. 24 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 27 Edinburgh. — Town Council. Report by the Lord Provost's Committee. . .regard- ing the probable future value of the reven- ues of the city clergy; with an appendix of relative documents. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., printers, 1837. 18, 20 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Ewing, James C. Remarks on Lord Moncreiff's interlocutor and note in the Campbelton case. Glasgow: John Sym- ington and Co., 1837. 36 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 6 Leckie, Charles. An exposure of Dr. John Ritchie's notice of the author, in his pamphlet to Dr. Cook. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1837. 16 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 5 Lee, John. Dr. Lee's refutation of the charges brought against him by the Rev. Dr. Chalmers and others, in reference to the question of church extension and uni- versity education. Part 1. With an ap- pendix, containing the evidence of Dr. Lee before the commissioners of religious in- struction. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1837. 107, 21 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 27 Dr. Lee's additional refutation of the charges brought against him by the Rev. Dr. Chalmers and others, in reference to the questions on church extension and university education. Part 2. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1837. 21 p 8°. ZWGF p.v. 20 Moncreiff, Sir James Wellwood. A word more on the moderatorship; in a letter to the Rev. William Cunningham ... By a Bystander [i. e., Sir J. W. Mon- creiff]. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1837. 54 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.40 Monypenny, David. The claims of the Established Church of Scotland on the country, to promote its extension, in the present crisis, considered and enforced on legal and constitutional principles... Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co. [1837?] 84 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.23 Moscrip, George, and others. Reunion of Seceders with the Church of Scotland defended, in speeches. . .Glasgow, Sep- tember, 1837. By George Moscrip, John Anderson and James Stark. Greenock: A. M'lver, 1837. 36 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 5 Presbyterian Church, Edinburgh. — City Elders. Report by a committee of city elders regarding the proposal for a com- mutation of the annuity tax... for sup- port of the Edinburgh clergy. [Edin- burgh: J. & C. Muirhead, 1837., 1 pi, 24 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.5 Smith, James. An exposition of the principles of the Relief Church, and of the proceedings of the Relief Synod in the Campbeltown case... Edinburgh: W. Whyte and Company, 1837. 104 p. 8°. ZWIF Statement in answer to the Rev. Dr. Chalmers' pamphlet, on the subject of the moderatorship of the next General Assem- bly: on the part of the "ministers and elders" therein addressed. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1837. 41 p. 8°. ZWXp.v.14 Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1837. 44 p. 2. thousand. 8°. * C p.v. 674 Statements respecting the annuity and other ecclesiastick revenues [of the city of Edinburgh], the future value of the sti- pends from 7 years' averages, from 1829-30 to 1835-36. n.t.-p. Edinburgh t 1837?]. 2 p. ob. 8°. ft * C p.v. 1387 Title from ms. endorsement on back. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 253 history and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. 1838 Account of the proceedings connected with the testimonial presented to John Wood, on 23d December 1837... And a jreface, containing an account of the Edin- )urgh Sessional School, and of Mr. Wood's :onnection with that institution. Edin- Durgh: William Whyte & Co., 1838. 40 p. 1°. ZWGS p.v. 16 Annan, Scotland. Statement of religi- ous destitution in the parish of Annan, and Droposals to remedy it: with remarks on :he necessity and advantages of parochial :hurch extension. Dumfries: J. Anderson. 1838. IS p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 17 Annuity Tax Abolition Society. _ Re- marks on the annuity tax [especially in its bearing on dissenters]. Extracted from the 3. edition of Dr. Brown on "The law of Christ respecting civil obedience..." n. t.-p. [Edinburgh : J. Burnet, 1838.] 12 p. 12°. Begg, James. Seat rents brought to the test of Scripture, law, reason, and experi- ence; or, The spiritual rights of the people of Scotland vindicated against modern usurpations . . . With a special explana- tion of the case of Edinburgh, and an ap- pendix containing extracts from the rec- ords of kirk-sessions... Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1838. viii, 9-84 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1838. viii, 9-88 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 17 Brown, John. On the law of Christ re- specting civil obedience especially in the payment of tribute, with an appendix of notes and documents. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1838. x, 104, lxxxvi p. 2. ed. 5°. ZEC p.v. 45, no.22 Sentiments and feelings of volun- tary churches, respecting the Establish- ment, its supporters, and proposed addi- tional endowments. Edinburgh: William Oliphant, jun., & Co., 1838. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Extracted from the 3. ed. of his Civil obedience. Bryce, James. The present position of :he Church of Scotland; a letter to George Cook, D.D. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1838. 1 p.L, S3 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 14 Buchanan, Robert. Speech on the in- dependence of the church, delivered in the General Assembly, on the 23rd May 1838, with a preface and appendix. Glasgow: William Collins, 1838. 16 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 25 Chalmers, Thomas. Lectures on the :stablishment and extension of national :hurches, delivered in London from April 25 to May 12, 1838. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1838. 3 p.l, 182 p. 8°. *C p.v. 603 Glasgow: 6. thousand. 8 C W. Collins, 1838. 75 p. 6. thousand. 8°. ZEC p.v. 13 Chalmers and the church establishment question. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1838. 8°. v. 17, p. 742-7S8; v. 18, p. 396- 404.) * DA Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report made to the General Assem- bly's committee on church extension, by their deputation to London, April 24, 1838. . .Appended, "Statement relative to church extension in Scotland," drawn up ...by the deputation there. Edinburgh: Balfour & Jack, 1838. 20 p. 8°. * C p.v. 493 ■ Pastoral letter to the people of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1838. 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Cook, George. A speech delivered in the General Assembly, 23d May 1838, on the overtures relating to the spiritual inde- pendence of the church. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1838. iv, (1)6-51 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 14 Digest of reports of the commissioners of religious instruction in Scotland; ex- hibiting the church establishment, teinds, stipends, and surplus teinds, and the ac- commodation and population of all the landward parishes; with a summary of the law of teinds. By a member of the College of Justice. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1838. 3 p.l., 40, 33 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 13 Digest of reports of the commissioners of religious instruction in Scotland, Part II and III; exhibiting the church estab- lishment, revenues, and stipends of the established clergy and voluntary churches in the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow; with the population and division of the inhabitants as members of the Established Church or otherwise. By a member of the College of Justice. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co. [1838.] 2 p.l., 19, 10, 14, 7 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 13 Dixon, Thomas. Ecclesiastical estab- lishments. Doctor Cooke "answered," with a word by the way for "The incom- parable Chalmers." Dublin: William War- ren, printer, 1838. 1 p.l., 122 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Duncan, Abraham, and Charles Leckie. A full and accurate report of the debate betwixt Mr. A. Duncan and Mr. C. Leckie, on the church question. Glasgow: Wil- liam Marshall [1838]. iv, (1)6-47 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1508 Edinburgh Association for Promoting Voluntary Church Principles. Report of the speeches delivered at the great soiree, held on... 28th November 1838... under the superintendence of the Edinburgh As- 254 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. sociation for Promoting Voluntary Church Principles. Edinburgh: M. Paterson [1838?]. 44 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 10, no.9 Haldane, Robert. The duty of paying tribute enforced; in letters to Rev. Dr. John Brown, occasioned by his resisting the payment of the annuity tax. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1838. 2 p.l., v-xii, (1)14-95 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 13 Further considerations for the min- isters of the Church of Scotland, occa- sioned by Rev. Mr. Menzies' apology for Dr. Tholuck's perversions of the word of God... Edinburgh: Wm. Whyte & Co., 1838. 79 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 45, no.5 Harvey, Alexander, and David Mait- i-and Makgill. Report of the public dis- cussion on church extension and endow- ment, between the Rev. A. Harvey and D. M. Makgill, at Anstruther, Fifeshire, on the 2d and 3d of October, 1838... Edinburgh: The Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Co., 1838. 2 p.l., 87 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 65 King, David. Review of the proceed- ings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May, 1838, in re- lation chiefly to the Auchterarder case and the independence of the church. Glasgow: J. Symington & Co., 1838. 2 p.l., 5-48 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Two lectures in reply to the speeches of Dr. Chalmers, on church ex- tension. Delivered. . .18 and 23 October 1838. Glasgow: D. Robertson, 1838. iv, 5-100 p. 12°. * C p.v. 1062 Leckie, Charles. Charles Leckie's let- ter to the voluntaries of Edinburgh, con- taining an answer to Mr. Nicol's last speech in the recent discussion on the church question. [Edinburgh:] Charles Ziegler t 1838]. 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 M'Farlan, John. Who are the friends of religion and the church? Being an answer to Sir A. Edmonstone's six letters to the electors of Stirlingshire. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1838. 1 p.l., 24 p. 8°. * C p.v. 450 Edinburgh: Edinburgh Print- ing and Publishing Co., 1839. 70 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 M'Laren, Duncan. Report regarding the revenue and expenditure of the cor- poration of Edinburgh, on which the recent reduction of the church seat rents, and the abolition of the one per cent assess- ment, were founded... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1838. 1 p.l., 41 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Substance of a speech regarding the bishops' teinds delivered... at Edin- burgh 4th January 1838; with additional notes and references to the different acl of Parliament. Edinburgh: A. & ( Black, 1838. 12 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 1 Repr. : Scotsman. Marshall, John. Letter to Sir Georg Sinclair. . .in reference to certain speeche delivered in the Assembly Rooms, Edit burgh... Dec. 20, 1838, in commemoratio of the Glasgow Assembly of 1638. Edit burgh: A. & C. Black, 1839. 40 p. 8' ZDV p.v. Memorial of the ministers of Edinburg respecting the annuity assessment, an relative documents. [Edinburgh: Neill I Co.,] 1838. 16 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. Ministerial patronage in Scotland. (Tait' Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 183! 4°. v. 5, p. 427-429.) *Dj Morrison, and Charles Leckie. Discus sion on church establishments, at Falkirl 2d January 1838... Glasgow: W. I M'Phun, 1838. 1 p.l., 70 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. Muir, William. The whole service a conducted in the High Church of Glasgow on Thursday, 20th December 1838, at th commemoration of the General Asserabl of 1638. Glasgow: W. Collins. 1838. p.l., 5-31, 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. Remarks on the Rev. Dr. Brown's dis courses on the payment of tribute. Ad dressed chiefly to the dissenters of Edin burgh. By a Voluntary. Edinburgh: Wir Whyte & Co., 1838. 11 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 45, no. Extracted from the Edinburgh Christian instrai tor for June, 1838. Report of the great meeting of thi tradesmen and working classes, in suppoi of the Church of Scotland, in the Assem bly Room . . . Edinburgh ... the 14th Nc vember 1838. Taken in shorthand by Mi Simon Macgregor. Edinburgh: Edin burgh Printing & Publishing Co., 1838. p.l., 45 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printin and Publishing Co., 1838. 49 p. 2. ed. 8' ZEC p.v. 7 Report of the great public meeting hel in the Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh.. Dec. 20, 1838, to commemorate the res toration of civil and religious liberty, an of Presbyterian church government, as sf cured by the Glasgow Assembly of 1631 Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing and Pul lishing Co., 1838. 71 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 1 1839 Auchterarder case. Revised speeches < George Cook, D.D., and Robert Whighai in the General Assembly, May 22, 183! and of the earl of Dalhousie. . .with w various reasons of dissent from the di LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 255 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. cision of the assembly, and list of dissen- tients. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1839. 24 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 3 Begg, James. The seat rent question. The duty of the friends of the Church of Scotland, in consequence of the judgment of the Lord Ordinary in the case of the Tolbooth kirk-session v. the magistrates of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1839. 23 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.20 Brown, John. The United Secession Church vindicated from the charge made by James A. Haldane, of sanctioning in- discriminate admission to communion. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1839. v, (1)8, 24 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Bryce, James. A second letter on the present position of the Church of Scot- land; addressed to George Cook, D.D. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1839. 2 p.l., 5-35 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 14 Speech in the Commission of the General Assembly, on Wednesday, the 11th of December, 1839, on the Strath- bogie case. Revised. To which is added the speech of the Rev. William] Liston, on seconding Dr. Bryce's motion; and an address to the clergy of the Church of England, on the present position of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1839. 60 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 39 Buchanan, Robert. The presbyteries of the Church of Scotland threatened with imprisonment in the discharge of their official duty, in an address from the lord president of the Court of Session, with an answer to the same, in two letters to his lordship, by a minister of the Church of Scotland [i. e., Robert Buchananj. Glas- gow: W. Collins, 1839. 31 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1130 Repr.: Scottish guardian, June 18 and July 2, 1839. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1839. iv. 5-31 p. Fourth thousand. 8°. Burns, Robert, and others. Report of speeches of the Rev. Dr. Burns, Rev. Robert S. Candlish, and of Alexander Earle Monteith in the General Assembly ...May 22, 1839, in the Auchterarder case With an appendix, containing rea- sons of adherence to the Church of Scot- land; and answers to the various reasons of dissent from the decision of the assem- bly. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 51 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 1 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1839. SI p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 3 Candlish, Robert Smith. Remarks on the dean of faculty's John Hope] letter to the lord chancellor. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1839. 48 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 25 ,„~Z: Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1839. 48 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 15 Report of the speech delivered at a meeting of the commission of the Gen- eral Assembly, 11th Dec. 1839, on the Mar- noch case. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 24 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Centenary services at Gateshaw Brae, October 17, 1839, to celebrate the ordina- tion of the Rev. John Hunter, the first minister ordained by the Seceders from the Established Church: containing a dis- play and defence of the great principles of the Scottish Secession. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1839. 1 p.l., 41 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 37 Chalmers, Thomas. Remarks on the present position of the Church of Scot- land; occasioned by the publication of a letter from the dean of faculty to the lord chancellor. Glasgow: William Collins, 1839. 130 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 18 Glasgow: W. Collins, 1839. 130 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 13 Substance of a speech delivered in the General Assembly .. .May, 1839, re- specting the decision of the House of Lords on the case of Auchterarder. Glas- gow: W. Collins, 1839. 40 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 12 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report of the committee for increas- ing the means of education in Scotland particularly in the Highlands and Islands. Submitted to the General Assembly, May, 1839. Edinburgh, 1839. 67 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 1 Reprint of statement by a commit- tee of the General Assembly, anent the calling of ministers; and of supplemen- tary note relative thereto... Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Co., 1839. 33 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 39 The state of the case for the Church of Scotland, in her negotiation with the government and the legislature, on the subject of the law against the in- trusion of ministers. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1839. 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 25 Church of Scotland. — Presbytery of Edinburgh. Report of the committee on Sabbath observance, given in and read on Wednesday, November 27, 1839, by the convener of committee. Edinburgh, 1839. 15 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1203 Cunningham, William. Letter to John Hope, Esq., dean of faculty, occasioned by his letter to the lord chancellor, on the present claims of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Lindsay and Co., 1839. 24 p. 8° ZWGF p.v. 12 Speech on the independence of the church in reference. . .to the present state 256 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. of the Auchterarder case. Delivered at the meeting of the Edinburgh Tradesmen's Association for Advancing the Interests of the Church of Scotland.. . April, 1839. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 12 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Dunlop, Alexander. An answer to the dean of faculty's John Hopej "Letter to the lord chancellor," "on the claims of the Church of Scotland in regard to its juris- diction, and the proposed changes in its polity." Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. iv p., 1 1., 185 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 18 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. ix p., 1 1., 198 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 10 Gordon, Robert, and others. Report of the speeches of Dr. Gordon, Dr. Buchan, and*Rev. R. S. Candlish in the commission of the General Assembly. . .August 14, 1839, on the Auchterarder case. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. IS p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Gray, Andrew. The present conflict be- tween the civil and ecclesiastical courts examined, with historical and statutory evidence for the jurisdiction of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 98 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 1 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1839. 102 p. stereotype ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Haldane, James Alexander. The volun- tary question political, not religious. A letter to the Rev. Dr. John Brown, occa- sioned by the allusion in his recent work to the author's sentiments upon national churches. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co. [1839.] 32 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 10, no.S Hamilton, John, advocate. The present position of the Church of Scotland ex- plained and vindicated. By a lay mem- ber of the church [i. e., John Hamilton]. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1839. 2 p.l., S3 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 14 Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1840. 2 p.l., 83 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 12 3. ed. with extensive altera- tions and additions. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1840. 2 p.l., 85 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 — Edinburgh: Bell and Brad- fute, 1840. 2 p.l., 85 p. 4. ed. 8°. — Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1840. 2 p.l., 86 p. 5. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 23 Hope, John. A letter to the lord chan- cellor, on the claims of the Church of Scotland in regard to its jurisdiction and on the proposed changes in its polity. Edinburgh: Wm. Whyte & Co., 1839. 14, 290, 11 p. 8°. ZDVH Edinburgh: William Whyte & Co., 1839. 14, 290, 11 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 25 Kennedy, C. J., and Charles Leckie. Re-, port of a public discussion on national establishments of Christianity, in the High Church, Paisley... Paisley: Mur- ray and Stewart, 1839. 44 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1508 Leckie, Charles, joint author. See Ken- nedy, C. J., and Charles Leckie; also Marshall, and Charles Leckie. Macfarlane, James. Remarks on the tracts lately published, on the intrusion of ministers on reclaiming congregations. Edinburgh: Thomas Paton, 1839. 16, 20, 15 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 19 Mackenzie, William. Present duty of the Church of Scotland to her sole king and head: a discourse preached at the opening of the provincial synod of Perth and Stirling... Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1839. 32 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 8 Marshall, and Charles Leckie. Re- port of a public discussion on the impor- tant question of national establishments of Christianity... Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing Co., 1839. iv, (1)6-74 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1508 Miller, Hugh. Letter from one of the Scotch people to the Right Hon. Lord Brougham & Vaux, on the opinions ex- pressed by his lordship in the Auchterar- der case. [By Hugh Miller.] Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1839. 15 p. 8°. * C p.v. 493 Picture of a parish under a forced settlement. (Extracted from Hugh Mil- ler's "Whiggism of the old school.") n.t.-p. [Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 23 The Whiggism of the old school, as exemplified by the past history and pres- ent condition of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 31 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 8 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 31 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Muir, William. A letter to the congre- gation of St. Stephens, Edinburgh, on the present church question. Edinburgh: Thomas Paton, 1839. 38 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 3. ed. with a postscript. Edin- burgh: Thomas Paton, 1840. 49 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.8 Report of the speech of the Rev. Dr. Muir in the General Assembly, on the Auchterarder case, on May 22, 1839... With the resolutions moved by him, and his reasons of dissent. Edinburgh: Thomas Paton, 1839. 22 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 3 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 257 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. The test of religious opinions: A sermon preached at the opening of the General Assembly in the High Church, Edinburgh... May 16, 1839. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1839. 2 p.l., 5-27 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 8 Observer, An. Review of certain recent proceedings of the Kirk; and a report of the speeches delivered in the Assembly Rooms of Edinburgh, on Thursday even- ing, 20th Dec. 1838, in commemoration of the Glasgow Assembly of 1638. Edin- burgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1839. 40 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 37 Peterkin, Alexander. A layman's let- ters to the Rev. William Cunningham... in reference to his letter to the dean of faculty. [By Alexander Peterkin.] Edin- burgh: Bell and Bradfute, 1839. 32 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 11 Presbytery, The, of Auchterarder and others against Thomas Robert, earl of Kinnoull, and the Rev. Robert Young. Judgment of the House of Lords on appeal from the Court of Session, May 2 and 3, 1839. (In: Great Britain. — State trials Commission. Reports of state trials. Lon- don, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 4, cols. 1-84.) SLN Present position of the Church of Scot- land. The following official documents contain a clear and condensed view of the present position and duty of the Church of Scotland in reference to the Veto Law and the civil courts. [Glasgow: W. Col- lins, 1839.] 8 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1130 Present, The, position of the Church of Scotland explained and vindicated. By a lay member of the church. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1839. S3 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 Report of the speeches delivered at the meeting in the Assembly Rooms... June 19, 1839, for an effectual remedy against the intrusion of ministers on resisting congregations. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 32 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Review of pamphlets on the com- memoration of the General Assembly, 1638. Edinburgh: Balfour and Jack, 1839. 24 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 1 Repr. : Presbyterian review, April, 1839. Robertson, Charles. Supplement to the report of the Auchterarder case; contain- ing the speeches of the lord chancellor and Lord Brougham. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1839. 2 p.l., 66 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 35 Series of tracts on the intrusion of min- isters on reclaiming congregations. Edin- burgh: John Johnstone, 1839. v. p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 8 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. v. p. Stereotyped ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Smith, Sydney. First letter to Arch- deacon Singleton, on the Ecclesiastical Commission. London: Longman, Orme ...,1839. 72 p. 8. ed. 12°. *C p.v. 711 Statement relative to church extension and endowment. Edinburgh: Balfour and Jack, 1839. 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 13 1840 Aberdeen, 4. earl, George Hamilton Gor- don. Church of Scotland.. The speech of the earl of Aberdeen in the House of Lords, on Tuesday, the Sth of May, 1840. Corrected report. London: J. Murray, 1840. 56 p. 16°. *C p.v. 1187 Church of Scotland. Speech of the earl of Aberdeen in. the House of Lords . . . May 5, 1840. With copy of the bill, intituled An act to remove doubts re- specting the admission of ministers to benefices in that part of the United King- dom called Scotland. Edinburgh: Stand- ard office, 1840. 36 p'. 24°. ZWGF p.v. 20 The earl of Aberdeen's correspond- ence with the Rev. Dr. Chalmers and the secretaries of the non-intrusion commit- tee: from 14th January to 27th May 1840. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1840. 1 p.l., ii, 83 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 39 Adamson, J. What ought England to do with respect to church patronage in Scotland? Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. iv, 5-22 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Analogy, The, which subsists between the British constitution in its three estates of queen, lords, and commons, and that of the Church of Scotland, in its mutual rela- tions of patron, presbytery, and people, shortly considered. .. by the Head of a family, in communion with the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Fraser & Craw- ford [1840]. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 39 Bannerman, James. Letter to the... marquis of Tweeddale, in reply to the speeches delivered at the intrusion meet- ing at Haddington on the 28th February 1840. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. 20 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 20 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Bell, Robert. Substance of a speech in the case of the presbytery of Strathbogie, delivered., .on August 12, 1840... With an appendix on the bond of union for the abolition of patronage. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 51 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 2 Bridges, James. Patronage in the Church of Scotland considered. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 52 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 2 258 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. With proofs of the people's right of free call. Edinburgh: John John- stone [1840j. 4 p., 1 1., (1)6-49 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Brydon, Robert. The revival of spiri- tual Christianity the great means of heal- ing carnal divisions, and promoting holy union among the churches of Christ. A sermon preached at the opening of the provincial synod of Dumfries, April 21, 1840. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. 2 p.l., (1)6-23 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Buchan, George. Historical sketch of the ecclesiastical establishment in Scot- land, more particularly with reference to the present state and future prospects of the Church of Scotland; to which are added remarks on the speecli delivered by Lord Brougham, in the House of Lords, in the Auchterarder case. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. 2 p.l., 99 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 14 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 2 p.l., 135 p. 2. ed. 8°. Buchanan, James. The scriptural argu- ment for non-intrusion considered, with reference to letters by Dr. Muir and Mr. Tait. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 10 Burns, Robert. A lecture on the use of the Episcopal liturgy in Presbyterian churches: delivered in the High Church of Paisley... Dec. 4, 1840. Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 1840. IS p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 493 Campbell, John. Six letters on the church question. Edinburgh: William Whyte & Co., 1840. 30 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 Candlish, Robert Smith. Speech at the commission of the General Assembly, Aug. 12, 1840, on the motion for serving the suspended ministers of the presbytery of Strathbogie with a libel, n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1840.] 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 493 Chalmers, Thomas. What ought the church and the people of Scotland to do now? Being a pamphlet on the principles of the church question. With an appendix ... Glasgow: William Collins, 1840. 62 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 Colquhoun, John Campbell. Hints on the question now affecting the Church of Scotland, addressed to members of the Church of England, with a letter to Vis- count Sandon, M. P. Glasgow: W. Col- lins, 1840. iv, iv, 5-98 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Cunningham, William. Defence of the rights of the Christian people in the ap- pointment of ministers, from the constitu- tional standards and history of the Church of Scotland; with continuation of stric- tures on Mr. Robertson's Observations on the Veto Act. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone 1840. viii, 126 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 2 Strictures on the Rev. James Robertson's. . .Observations upon the Veto Act. Part I. Legal and scriptural branches of the argument. Edinburgh - J Johnstone, 1840. 40 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Debate in the House of Lords on the earl of Aberdeen's bill for regulating the appointment of ministers of the Church of Scotland; on 16th June 1840. Edin- burgh: John Johnstone, 1840. 28 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 35 Dunlop, Alexander. A letter to the earl of Aberdeen on the correspondence [be- tween him and Dr. Chalmers and the sec- retary of the General Assembly's non- intrusion committee]... Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 1 p.l., 49 p. 8°. ZWGS p. box 1 A letter to the earl of Aberdeen on the correspondence recently published by his lordship. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 1 p.l., 44 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20, no.16 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. 1 p.l., 49 p. 3. thousand. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 25 p. 45-49: Appendix. Edmond, James. Letters to Sir Wil- liam Seton of Pitmedden. . .regarding the veto and non intrusion. By a member of the kirk-session of the West parish, Aber- deen [i. e., James Edmond]. Letter I. Aberdeen: Wm. Collie, 1840. 18 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 Letter II. Aberdeen: Wm. Collie, 1840. 29 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 Few, A, letters concerning church gov- ernment in Scotland in 1690, from the col- lection of the earl of Leven and Mel- ville. [Edited by William Henry Leslie Melville.] Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1840. 53 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 20 Fleming, Alexander. Strictures on the hypothesis of two supreme co-ordinate powers; with reference to patronage & non-intrusion. By Gnimelf Rednaxela, M.A. [i. e., Alexander Fleming.] Glasgow: James Brash, 1840. iv, (1)6-44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 39 Friendly address to the dissenters of Scotland, by ministers of the Established Church. [Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840.] 8 p. 8°. *c p.v. 483 Gray, Andrew. A letter to the inhabi- tants of Aberdeenshire, and the neighbour- ing counties, in answer to the address of the Rev. James Paull and the Rev. W. R. Pirie, to the people of Scotland, on the subject of the intrusion of ministers, and the present position of the Church of Scot- land. Aberdeen: P. Gray, 1840. 40 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 259 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Hamilton, John. The present position of the Church of Scotland explained and vindicated. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1840. 2 p.l., 86 p. 5. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 23 Hetherington, William Maxwell. Thoughts on the connection between church and state, applied to the present position of the Church of Scotland. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 52 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Heugh, Hugh. Christian liberty, as op- posed to its restrictions by the Veto Act, patronage, and the dependence of the church on state support. A sermon. Glas- gow: David Robertson, 1840. 36 p. 12°. ZWGF p.v. 37 Lewis, James. The Church of Scotland obeying the law of the land and the law of God, in her present opposition to the civil courts... Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 34 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 6 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 34 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 M'Farlan, John. An honest man's creed, with the grounds thereof; and some hints to clergymen of all denominations. Edin- burgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1840. 1 p.l., 24 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 37 Mackay, M. Address to the parishion- ers of Dunoon and Kilmun. [On church patronage. Signed M. Mackay.] Green- ock: J. Hislop, 1840. IS p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 22, no.4 Memorial submitted to Her Majesty's government, by a committee, appointed at a meeting of ministers, elders, and others, members of the Church of Scotland, held at Edinburgh, 12th August 1840. [Signed George Cook, written by John Inglis.) Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1842. 1 p.l., 3-43 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 On the non-intrusion question. Moffat, William. Late disturbances in Stewarton respecting the allocation of a parish quoad sacra, the jurisdiction of the ruling elders, &c, as forming the ground- work of a controversy between the Rev. C. B. Steven, minister, and Mr. William Moffat, late parish missionary... Glas- gow: W. Marshall, 1840. 31 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. A letter to Lord Melbourne on the expedi- ence of Parliament to remove the present difficulties in the appointment of ministers in the Church of Scotland. . . Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840. 1 p.l., v-vii, 147 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. 1 p.l., v-vii, 147 p. 2. thousand. 8°. * C p.v. 493 Monson, George. State of the Church of Scotland in 1830 and 1840, contrasted ... Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1840 14 P- 8°. ZWGF p.v. 20 Nixon, William. Civil and spiritual jur- isdiction: a sermon, preached. . .April 28, 1840, before the synod of Angus and Mearns. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1840 36 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Paull, James, and William Robinson Pirie. Letter, in explanation of the pres- ent position of parties in the church, more especially with reference to the subjects of the Veto Act, and the non-intrusion of ministers, addressed to the people of Scot- land. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1840. 23 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 39 ■ Non-intrusion. Some notice taken of the Rev. Andrew Gray, minister of West parish, Perth... Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1840. 31 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 39 Pirie, William Robinson, joint author. See Paull, James, and William Robinson Pirie. Presbuterion, pseud. A plain appeal to the church in Scotland, meaning thereby the entire people of Scotland, so far as Christian, as to the character and station of ministers in the church; with a scheme for their induction into parishes.. . Edin- burgh: Fraser & Crawford, 1840. 28 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 9 Revolution, The, settlement, considered in reference to the independence and pres- ent position of the Church of Scotland. With remarks on certain statements of the Rev. Andrew Gray and other writers on the church controversy. By a minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Glas- gow: William Collins, 1840. 1 p.l., 77 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 30 Robertson, James. Observations on the Veto Act. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1840. 270, xiii p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 14 Rose, Lewis. An humble attempt to put an end to the present divisions in the Church of Scotland, and to promote her usefulness. With an appendix containing ...all the acts of Assembly and Parlia- ment. . .necessary as proofs and illustra- tions of the constitution of the church... An address to the ministers and people of Scotland. Glasgow: G. Gallie, 1840. 1 p.l., 148 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 2 S. Church of Scotland question. Over- ture and interim act on calls. (Law mag- azine. London, 1840. 8°. v. 24, p. 131- 165.) XAA Strathbogie, Presbytery of. Plain state- ment by the majority of the presbytery of Strathbogie, regarding their proceedings in William Blackwood & Sons, 1840. 14 p. the settlement of Marnoch. Edinburgh: go ZWGF p.v. 39 260 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Stuart, A. Moody. A pastoral letter on the present position of the Church of Scot- land. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. 31 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 6 Sympathy of Irish Presbyterians with the Church of Scotland. Speeches deliv- ered at the great non-intrusion meeting, held in the Presbyterian Church, May street, Belfast. . .26th February 1840, by the Rev. Dr. Hanna, Rev. Dr. Reid, Rev. James Morgan, Rev. Dr. Cooke, Rev. Josias Wilson, on the invaded rights of the Church and people of Scotland. Bel- fast: William M'Comb, 1840. 47 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 35 Tait, Adam Duncan. A letter to the moderator of the Church of Scotland, on the functions and responsibilities of the pastoral office, in regard to the settlement of ministers: occasioned by the present church question. Edinburgh: Thomas Paton, 1840. 56 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 Willis, Michael. Remarks on the late union between the Church of Scotland and Associate Synod, in opposition to certain statements of the dean of faculty; with the documents pertaining to the union. Glasgow: William Collins, 1840. SI, 19 p. 8°. ZDCp.v.4 Word, A, to the churchmen of Dunferm- line, on the recent proceedings of the minority of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, including the Rev. John Tod Brown. By a parishioner. [Edinburgh: Johnstone and Fairly, 1840.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 1841 Aberdeen, Presbytery of. Evidence on the subject of revivals, taken before a com- mittee of the presbytery of Aberdeen, and ordered by the presbytery to be printed. Aberdeen: Peter Gray and George David- son, 1841. 1 p.L, ii, 97, xv p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Alexander, Andrew. Another answer to the question, What ought the church to do? With an appendix, proving that, by the statutes, the Church of Scotland is relieved from the grievance of patronage. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1841. 20 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 Alexander, William. The Church of Scotland a church of Christ. A sermon preached in the church of Duntocher, on Thursday, the 22nd of July, 1841. Glas- gow: William Collins, 1841. 8°. ZEC p.v. 73 Argument, An, on the duty of the Church of Scotland in her present emer- gency. By a minister of the old popular party. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1841. 16 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 9 Bryce, James. Speech. . .in the General Assembly. . .27 May 1841, in the case of the Strathbogie ministers. Edinburgh: W Blackwood & Sons, 1841. 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 Buchanan, James. Speech delivered at the formation of a church-defence associa- tion in St. John's parish, Leith, December, 1841. [Edinburgh: Johnstone and Fairly 1841.] 7 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Candlish, Robert Smith. A letter to the marquis of Normanby. Edinburgh: J Johnstone [1841]. 11 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 7 Summary of the question respect- ing the Church of Scotland, with special reference to the present stage of the con- troversy. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1841. 32 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Repr.: Presbyterian review, Jan., 1841. Church of Scotland. • — General Assem- bly. Memorial, addressed to the mem- bers of Her Majesty's government, by Robert Gordon, D.D., moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, and others, commissioners appointed by the church, September, 1841. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone [1841]. viii, 32 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 2 Glasgow: William Collins, 1841. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 15 Non-intrusion Committee. Report presented May, 1841. [Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1841.] 15 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Non-intrusion Committee. State- ment respecting the non-intrusion princi- ple of the Church of Scotland and the modes of its legislative recognition, re- spectfully submitted to... Her Majesty's government. . .Dec, 1841. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1841?) viii, 33 p. 8°. * C p.v. 460 Pastoral address, relative to the appointment of Thursday, July 22, 1841, as a day of humiliation, thanksgiving, and prayer. [Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841.1 4 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Report of the committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land on church extension, being formerly the committee on church accommodation. Given in... by Thomas Chalmers, D.D., convener. c no. l]-7 (1835-41). Edinburgh, 1835-41. v.p. 8°. no. 1, 2, 4-7 in ZWGF p.v. 17; no. 3 in ZWGS p.v. 5. no. 2-3 (1836-37) are both 2. ed. Report of the Strathbogie case in the General Assembly, 1841... With an appendix. Edinburgh: P. Brown, 1841. 132 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 [Beginning] Unto the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel... and the other members of Her Majesty's government, the memo- rial of the Rev. Robert Gordon... and LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 261 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. others, commission of the General Assem- bly of the said church, sheweth . . . n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1841.] 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.460 Clark, Thomas. Speech... by the Rev. Mr. Clark of Methven, in the presbytery of Perth, on the independence of the church, n. t.-p. [Perth: David Dron, 1841.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v. IS Repr. : Constitutional, February, 1841. Crichton, David Maitland Makgill, joint author. See Johnston, R. S., and D. M. M. Crichton. Cushny, Alexander, and others. An- swer to the "Remonstrance and warning" of a committee of the commission of the General Assembly against holding com- munion with the Strathbogie ministers . . . [By Alexander Cushny, R. Stirling, and others.] Edinburgh, 1841. viii, 9-152 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 19 Dissenting, The, minister's friendly reply to a "second friendly address from minis- ters of the Establishment." [Edinburgh: W. Oliphant, jun., 1841?] 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 16 Fleming, Alexander. Strictures on the hypothesis of two supreme co-ordinate powers; with reference to patronage & non-intrusion, &c. With addenda & notes. Glasgow: M. Ogle & Son, 1841. iv, 5-75 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 Forbes, Patrick. Considerations on the constitution of the Church of Scotland; on the nature, intention, and advantages of an established church, particularly of the Scottish Establishment; and on the modes of appointing ministers to vacant parishes. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1841. 103 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 Friendly reply to the "Friendly address to the dissenters of Scotland, by ministers of the Established Church," by dissenting ministers. [Edinburgh: W. Oliphant, 1841.) 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 16 Gordon, Robert, and others. Report of speeches, delivered by Dr. Gordon, Dr. Chalmers, Dr. Macfarlan, Dr. Brewster, Dr. Buchanan, Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Candlish, at meetings held in Edinburgh, August 25, 1841. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. 30 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Hamilton, John. A remonstrance, re- spectfully addressed to the members of the legislature and others, in relation to the Scottish church question, embodying an answer to an article, on the same subject, in the Quarterly review, no. 133. Edin- burgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1841. 2 p.l., 108 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 10 Johnston, R. S., and D. M. M. Crichton. Report of the debate on the independence of the church, which took place. . .between the Rev. R. S. Johnston and D. M M Crichton... 18. Nov. 1841. Taken in shorthand by Mr. S. Macgregor. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. 35 p. 8°. * C p.v. 632 Kirk, The, controversy. (Monthly chronicle. London, 1841. 8°. v 7 p 409- 420.) * DE Letter to Dr. Cook and the moderate brethern on the non-intrusion controversy. By the author of a Letter to the dissenters. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1841. 19 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 9 Letter to the people of Marnoch. 1841. Aberdeen: Constitutional Office [1841]. 15 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 9 Letter, A, to the Rev. Robert S. Cand- lish. By a parishioner of St. George's par- ish, Edinburgh. Edinburgh: A. Macredie [1.841]. lip. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 34 Lorimer, John Gordon. The statistics of Scottish moderateism: being a few facts to aid the country in coming to a right decision on the threatened appeal of the minority of the General Assembly to the legislature to be found the only legal Church of Scotland. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1841. 8 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 15 No title-page. M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. What ought the General Assembly to do at the present crisis? (In his: Miscellaneous writings, chiefly historical. Edinburgh, 1841. 8°. p. 611-667.) NCG M'Leod, John. Speech delivered by the Reverend John M'Leod.. .before the com- mission of the General Assembly, on Au- gust 12, 1841, in the case — Sir James Miles Riddell. . .against the presbytery of Mull and the Rev. Angus M'Laine. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1841. 14 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 9 Marnoch, The, intrusion. [Edinburgh: Johnstone and Fairly, 1841.] 15 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Mr. Adam Black called to account for his misdemeanours, in reference to the Old Church vacancy. &c, in a letter, ad- dressed to him, by a citizen. Edinburgh: A. Colston, 1841. 24 p. 8°. ZWVIp.v.l Morison, Robert. Review of "State- ment of principles," &c, issued by a com- mittee of the United Associate Synod, in reference to certain doctrines discussed in synod, June, 1841. Glasgow: George Gal- lie, 1842. 32 p. 12°. ZFHFp.v.3 Non-intrusion. [Greenock: Advertiser Office, 1841.] 7 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 15 North Leith (parish). Report by the committee of the congregation of the par- ish of North Leith. [Edinburgh: J. Gall & Son,] 1841. 20 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 262 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued.' Ecclesiastical History, continued. Original Seceders Associate Synod. An address on the position of the Church of Scotland, and the duty of Seceders, at the present time. Published by authority of the Synod of Original Seceders... Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. 42 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 18 Pastoral address, relative to the appoint- ment of Thursday, July 22, 1841, as a day of humiliation, thanksgiving, and prayer, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Practical remarks on the Scotch church question. London: J. Murray, 1841, 1 p.l., 166 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 Report of the proceedings at the Aber- deen great public meeting, held on 8th June 1841, to express the sympathy of the inhabitants for the clergymen composing the majority of the presbytery of Strath- bogie, and their disapprobation of the Gen- eral Assembly's proceedings as to these clergymen. Aberdeen: W. Bennett, 1841. 24 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 15 Report of the proceedings at the public meeting held at Edinburgh, on 2d June 1841, to express sympathy with the Strath- bogie ministers. Taken in shorthand by Mr. Simon MacGregor. Edinburgh: P. Brown, 1841. 28 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Scottish, The, church question. (Month- ly chronicle. London, 1841. 8°. v. 7, p. 289-312.) *DE Second friendly address to the dis- senters of Scotland. [Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1841?] 4 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 16 Smith, Sir Culling Eardley. An Eng- lishman's thoughts on the Scotch Church. London: W. Tyler, 1841. 16 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Reprinted at the request of the Edinburgh Asso- ciation for Promoting Voluntary Church Principles. Steuart, Robert. A letter to the modera- tor of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the settlement of the pa- tronage question. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1841. 23 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 20, no.9 Strathbogie, Presbytery of. Statement for the presbytery of Strathbogie, and for the minority of the late General Assem- bly, &c. Edinburgh: P. Brown, 1841. 16 P- 8 °- * C p.v. 493 Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1841. 16 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 460 Whyte, William. An address on the position of the Church of Scotland, and the duty of Seceders, at the present time. Published by authority of the Synod of Original Seceders. . . [By William Whyte.] Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. 42 p. 8° ZWGFp.v.l8,no.4 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841 42 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 16 1842 Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Letter to the peers, from a peer's son, on the duty and necessity of immedi- ate legislative interposition in behalf of the Church of Scotland, as determined by considerations of constitutional law. [By the duke of Argyll.] Edinburgh: W Whyte and Co., 1842. x, 101 p. 2. ed. 8° ZWGF p.v. 10 A letter to the Rev. Thomas Chal- mers, D.D., on the present position of church affairs in Scotland, and the causes which have led to it. By the marquis of Lome [afterwards duke of Argyll]. Edin- burgh: W. Whyte and Co., 1842. 1 p.l., 46 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Auchterarder case. Speeches by the lord chancellor, Lord Brougham, Lord Cottenham, and Lord Campbell, in the House of Lords, 9. August 1842, in the ap- peal, the presbytery of Auchterarder, against the earl of Kinnoull and Rev. R. Young, with the judgment of the House of Lords. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1842. 28 p. 8°. ZECp.v.S Auchterarder case. Speeches by the lord chancellor, Lord Brougham, Lord Cotten- ham, and Lord Campbell, in the House of Lords . . . Aug. 9, 1842, at giving judg- ment in the appeal, the Rev. J. Ferguson . . . against the earl of Kinnoull, and the Rev. R. Young. . . With the judgment ap- pended... Edinburgh: J. Gall & Son [1842]. 56 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 Bagot, Daniel. A letter to some of the members of the vestry of St. James' Chapel, in reference to the Scottish com- munion service. Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1842. 15 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.3 Burns, Robert. Statement regarding the convocation. [Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 1842.] 8 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.4 Campbelton case. Revised report of the speeches of the Rev. Messrs. French, Struthers, Boyd, Jeffrey, Gorrie, and An- derson, at the meeting of the Relief Synod, held in Edinburgh on Wednesday 11th May 1842, on the occasion of presenting a service of plate to the Rev. Gavin Struth- ers, Glasgow, for his services in the Camp- belton case. Edinburgh: T. Hogg, 1842. 23 p. 12°. ZECp.v.80 Candlish, Robert Smith. Narrative re- lating to certain recent negociations for the settlement of the Scottish church ques- tion. Edinburgh: John Johnstone [1842?] 40 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.l9,no.lO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 263 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. The principle of free inquiry and private judgment, and its special impor- tance in the present times: a sermon ad- dressed... to students and young men. Preached... December 18, 1842. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1842. 1 p.l., 26 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGSp.v. 10 Church of Scotland. An address to the people of Scotland, issued by appointment of the convocation of ministers held at Edinburgh, November, 1842. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1842). 27 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 The address was written by Dr. James Buchanan. Glasgow: printed by W. Col- lins [1842]. 16, 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 15 Memorial submitted to... Sir Rob- ert Peel, bart., first lord of the treasury, and the other members of Her Majesty's government; adopted by a meeting of ministers of the Church of Scotland, as- sembled at Edinburgh, on the 17-24 No- vember 1842. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone ,1842]. 36 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 10 Church of Scotland. — Constitutional Church Committee. Memorandum for the solicitor-general for Scotland, by a depu- tation from the Constitutional Church Committee appointed to wait on him, and represent the views of the minority of the members of last General Assembly. [Signed James Grant] Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1842. 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 460 Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1842. 36 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. The Church of Scotland's claim of right. To which are prefixed the speeches of Dr. Chalmers, Dr. Gordon, and Mr. Dunlop in the General Assembly, in sup- port of the same, May 24, 1842. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1842. xxiii, 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Proceedings of the General Assem- bly's non-intrusion committees; in relation to a settlement of the church question on the footing of the Liberum arbitrium. Edinburgh: John Johnstone [1842]. 36 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v. 19 Church, The, of Scotland. (British monthly magazine, and historical record. London, 1842. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-29.) * C p.v. 460 Cook, George, and others. Memorial submitted to Her Majesty's government, by the Rev. George Cook, D.D., and a com- mittee appointed at a meeting of ministers, elders, and others, members of the Church of Scotland, held at Edinburgh, 12th Au- gust 1840. With improvements, annota- tions & strictures, by a non-intrusionist [i.e., John Hamilton]. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1842. 49 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Craig, Edward. On the important dis- crepancy between the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal community; showing the schismatical character of a subscription by English clerics to the Scot- tish communion office of 1765. Edin- burgh: Edinburgh Printing and Publish- ing Co., 1842. 37 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.3 Culsamond case. Report of the opinions of the judges, and decisions by the Court of Session (first division), in the cause of Rev. William Middleton and others, sus- penders, against Alex. Anderson, and others, respondents: March 10, 1842. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1842. 1 p.l., 96 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Cunningham, William. Letters on the church question, in answer to a speech of the Rev. Mr. Robertson of Ellon. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1842. 54 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20, no.18 Repr. : Witness newspaper. Drummond, David Thomas Kerr. Rea- sons for withdrawing from the Scot- tish Episcopal Church, and for accept- ing an invitation to continue his ministra- tions in Edinburgh, as a clergyman of the Church of England. With a full reply to the charge of schism. Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1842. 39 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 3 Reply to resolutions of the clergy of the Scottish Episcopal Church of the diocese of Edinburgh, in which the Rev. D. Drummond is declared to have sepa- rated himself from that church "totally without cause." Edinburgh: J. Lindsay & Co., 1842. 21 p. 8°. * C p.v. 436 The Scottish communion office ex- amined, and proved to be repugnant to Scripture, and opposed to the articles, lit- urgy, and homilies of the Church of Eng- land. Edinburgh, 1842. 55 p., 1 table. 8°. * C p.v. 436 See also Terrot, Charles Hughes, and D. T. K. Drummond. Drummond, The, schism examined and exposed. By a layman of the church. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1842. 32 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 3 Essay on the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. By an office-bearer of the Church of Scotland as by law established. Edin- burgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1842. 20 p. 8°. * C p.v. 460 Exposure, An, of Rev. William Nixon's erroneous statements as to moderation... and intruding into the parishes of his brethren. In four letters .. . By a friend to truth. Montrose: J. & D. Nichol, 1842. 36 p. 8°. ZECp.v.5 264 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Ferguson, John, minister of Monivaird, and others (majority of the presbytery of Auchterarder) against Thomas Robert, earl of Kinnoull, and the Rev. Robert Young, presentee to the church and parish of Auchterarder. Judgment of the House of Lords on appeal from the Court of Ses- sion, August 9, 1842. (In: Great Britain.— State trials Commission. Reports of state trials. London, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 4, cols. 78S-838.) SLN Fleming, Alexander. Letter to Sir Robert Peel. Glasgow: J. Smith & Son, 1842. iv, 5-92 p. 8°. ZWGS p. box 1 Grant, James. See Church of Scotland. — Constitutional Church Committee. Hamilton, John. Letter to Sir George Sinclair, bart, occasioned by his recent publication of a "selection from corres- pondence" in reference to the Scotch church question. Edinburgh: Bell & Brad- fute, 1842. 1 p.L, 20 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Hardy, Thomas. The principles of moderation, addressed to the clergy of the popular interest in the Church of Scot- land. Aberdeen: reprinted by W. Ben- nett, 1842. 1 p.l., 44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 37 "Holel," pseud. Mr. Morison and the United Associate Synod: or, Strictures on "Remarks by James Morison on doctrinal errors condemned by the United Associate Synod." Kilmarnock: W. Muir, 1842. 16 p. 12°. ZFHFpv. 3 Letter to Dr. Chalmers on the liberum arbitrium, with additional remarks. Edin- burgh: Johnstone and Fairly, 1842. 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Letter, A, to the moderate brethren. By a friend. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co. [1842., 16 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.4 List of ministers & probationers who adhered to the resolutions of the Convoca- tion at Edinburgh, 22d Nov. 1842. Edin- burgh: Peter Brown, 1843. 10 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Macfarlan, John. The Presbyterian em- pire, its origin, decline, and fall. Edin- burgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1842. 32 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.6 Mackay, M. Address to the parishioners of Dunoon and Kilmun. Reasons for pe- titioning Parliament. [Signed M. Mackay.] Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1842. 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Morren, Nathaniel. Letter to the editor of the Greenock Advertiser. [Greenock: John Mennons and Co., 1842.] 4 p. 12°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Reply to Dr. M'Farlan's criticism of his My church politics. My church politics : in letters to my people; with special reference to the pres- ent position of the Church of Scotland in its relations to the state. Greenock: A. M'lver, 1842. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 12 Letter I only. Greenock: A. M'lver, 1842. 80 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 33 Letters I-V. Penney, William, Lord Kinloch. A tract for the times, adapted to the position of both churches. Edinburgh: Laing & Forbes, 1842. 39 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 12 Edinburgh: Laing and Forbes, 1842. 39 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 427 Present, The, ruined and degraded as- pect and position of the Kirk of Scotland, stated in a letter addressed to the non- intrusion priesthood, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1842.] 12 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 10 Resignation of the Rev. D. T. K. Drum- mond. Statement by the committee of Mr. Drummond's friends. November 12, 1842. Edinburgh: John Lindsay and Co., 1842. 16 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.4 On his resignation from the Scottish Episcopal Church. St. Thomas's English Episcopal Chapel, Edinburgh. A few plain questions, which Mr. Drummond is bound in common honesty plainly to answer. [Edinburgh, 1842.] 2 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.3 Extracted from the Remonstrance lately addressed to him by a presbyter. Scotus, pseud. Address to the parish- ioners of the Church of Scotland; and let- ter to the lord provost of Edinburgh. With a postscript by the author. Edinburgh: Andrew Shortrede, 1842. 24 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 19 Selection from the correspondence car- ried on during certain recent negociations for the adjustment of the Scottish church question. Edited by Sir George Sinclair, bart. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1842. 2 p.l., 5-186 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 10 Simpson, Alexander Lockhart. State- ment in reference to a late division in the General Assembly's Non-intrusion Com- mittee, on the admissibility of the measure recently proposed for the settlement of the church question. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute. 1842. 29 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 19 Sinclair, Sir George, editor. See Selec- tion from the correspondence. Terrot, Charles Hughes, and D. T. K. Drummond. Correspondence between... C. H. Terrot, bishop of the Scottish Epis- copal Church in Edinburgh and...D. T. K. Drummond, minister of Trinity Chapel, Dean Bridge, Edinburgh, in consequence of which the latter has resigned his charge. Edinburgh: J. Lindsay & Co., 1842. 33 p. 8°. * C p.v. 436 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 265 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Wright, Ronald. Fifth letter to Dr. Wardlaw. Presbyterianism more scrip- tural than Independency, as administered by Dr. Wardlaw. With an appendix. Be- ing no. 5 of a series of letters addressed to Ralph Wardlaw, D.D., and the members of West George Street Chapel. Glasgow: Geo. Gallie, 1842. 32 p. 12°. ZEC p.v. 80 Young, Edward. Letters on Sabbath- day travelling: addressed to the editor of the "Railway times." Republished at the request of directors and shareholders in the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway dis- approving of Sabbath-day travelling. Glas- gow: David Robertson, 1842. 46 p. 2. thousand. 8°. ZEC p.v. 76 1843 Adamson, John Lindsay. Letters against non-intrusion, addressed to a friend. With an appendix on the causes and probable consequences of that movement. [By J. L. Adamson.] Edinburgh: Miles Macphail, 1843. 67 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.34 Anderson, John. Address to the minis- ter & parishioners of Flisk, delivered on the occasion of the induction there on Fri- day, April 14, 1843. Cupar-Fife: John Gib- son, 1843. 23 p. 4. thousand. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Answer to "A letter to the managers, constituent members, and congregation of St. Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen, by the Rev. Sir William Dunbar, bart..." By one of the congregation of St. Paul's, Aberdeen. Aberdeen: Lewis Smith, 1843. 20 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 6 Appeal, An, to the Christian candour of the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, and the other min- isters who have withdrawn from the Es- tablished Church of Scotland. [Signed: An adherent to the Established Church.] [Edinburgh: Thomas Paton, 1843.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Barr, James. An address to his parish- ioners on the present position of the Church of Scotland. With an appendix. Greenock: John Hislop, 1843. 40 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Begg, James. Reply to Sir James Gra- ham's letter; being the substance of an address delivered in Roxburgh Church on Thursday evening, 19th January 1843 . . . Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Bickersteth, Edward. The Episcopal Church in Scotland. [By Edward Bicker- steth.] Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy [1843]. 13 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 4 An account of the controversy connected with the Rev. D. T. K. Drummond's separation from the Scottish Episcopal Church, on the ground of infringement of Christian liberty, and the papistical character of her communion service. Reprinted fi"om the Churchman's monthly review. January, 1843. Brander, Alexander. Pastoral letter to the parishioners of Duffus. [Edinburgh: printed by Peter Brown, 1843.] 7 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 10 Breadalbane (2. marquis), John Camp- bell, and John Brown. A brief statement of facts respecting certain interviews with Her Majesty's ministers on the Scottish church question, with documents submit- ted to them, by the marquis of Breadal- bane, and the Rev. Dr. Brown of Langton. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1843. 1 p.l., SO p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Brodie, James. Remarks on the head- ship of Christ, and the present position of the Church of Scotland. [Cupar-Fife: Fife- shire Journal Office, 184- ? 12 p. 8". ZWGS p.v. 12 Brown, John, joint author. See Bread- albane (2. marquis), John Campbell, and John Brown. Bryce, James. Letter to the ministers of the convocation. A brief summary of "moderate" principles and policy, as they affect the present position of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1843. 1 p.l., v. 7-94 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 10 2. ed. with an appendix. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1843. 110. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Canaan; or, The land of promise: a friendly response to "The harp on the wil- lows" and "Farewell to Egypt." By a member of the United Secession Church of Scotland. London: Thomas Ward and Co., 1843. 16 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 36 Candlish, Robert South. Notes on Rev. John Cumming's letter to the marquis of Cholmondeley on the present state of the Church of Scotland. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1843. 24 p. 16°. ZEC p.v. 5. Carment, David. The two parties in the church brought to the test; or, Moderat- ism and evangelism contrasted. [By Rev. David Carment.] Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Carmichael, John. A letter to the min- isters and elders who are to form the Church of Scotland's General Assembly of 1843, assigning five reasons why they ought to maintain inviolate the "veto" and the "sole headship of Christ." [Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1843.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Chalmers, Thomas. The address de- livered at the commencement and conclu- sion of the first General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 22 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 266 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Remarks on the right exercise of church patronage... [Glasgow: W. Col- lins & Co., 1843?] 54 p. 8°. *Cp.v.424 Extracted by permission of the author, from his The Christian and civic economy of large towns. A sermon preached at the opening of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, holden at Glasgow, 17th October 1843. Glasgow: William Col- lins, 1843. 23 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 77 Church, The, of England and the Scot- tish Episcopal Church. Aberdeen: Geo. Cornwall [1843]. 1 broadside. 4°. ZDV p.v. 6 Church of Scotland. The Church of Scotland's Claim of Right; to which are appended the memorial of the commission to government, in November, 1842, and the petition to Parliament by the extraordi- nary commission of 31st Jan. 1843. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 1 p.l., 21 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.23 Lord Aberdeen's bill. Edinburgh: Alexander Macredie, [1843]. 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Memorial of a meeting of elders of the Church of Scotland, held at Edinburgh, on the 1st of February, 1843, to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, bart., &c, and the other members of Her Majesty's govern- ment. [Prepared by Alexander Dunlop.] [Edinburgh, 1843.] 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Pastoral letter... to the people under their charge, on the present circumstances of the church. Edinburgh: William Black- wood & Sons, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Proposed report by committee for answering Protest. Read by Mr. Milne, in General Assembly, on 29th May 1843. [Edinburgh, 1843.] 4 p. 4°. ZWGF p.v. 8 ■ See also Graham, Sir James Robert George. Church, The, of Scotland. (Christian lady's magazine. London, 1843. 16°. v. 19, p. 448-458.) * DE Clerical agitation unmasked. By a Friend of the people. [Ayr: Ayr Adver- tiser office, 1843?] 4 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Cochrane, James. Substance of an ad- dress on the present state of the church, delivered in the parish of St. Michael's churches, Cupar-Fife, June 4, 1843. Cupar- Fife: J. Gibson [1843]. 8 p. 3. thousand. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Colquhoun, John Campbell. A letter to certain members of the convocation ( on the affairs of the Church of Scotland]. Edinburgh: Thomas Paton, 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Two letters addressed to the depu- tation from Glasgow, and the ministers and elders adhering to the majority of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: T. Paton 1843. 15 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.17 Conduct, The, of the seceders. By a member of the Established Church. Edin- burgh: Peter Brown, 1843. 8 p. 8°. „ ZWGF p.v. 33 Cook, John. Substance of a speech de- livered at a meeting called by a deputation from the convocation, held at Laurence- kirk, Feb. 15, 1843. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1843. 16 p. 4. thousand. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 31 Crawford, James. The disruption of the Scottish church-establishment. By an elder of the Free Church t i. e., James Crawford]. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 20 p. 12°. ZWHp.boxl Cumming, John. Present state of the Church of Scotland: a letter addressed to ...the marquess of Cholmondeley. Lon- don: J. F. Shaw, 1843. viii, (1)10-26 p. 2. ed. 16°. ZECp.v.5 Cunningham, William. Animadversions upon Sir William Hamilton's pamphlet en- titled "Be not schismatics, be not martyrs, by mistake," &c. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1843. vii p., 1 1., (1)12-78 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 12 "Circa sacra." Dr. Cunningham's second letter [and] Dr. James] Bryce's second letter. Edinburgh: A. Macredie [1843]. 14 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.20 "Circa sacra." Dr. Cunningham's third letter [and] Dr. [James] Bryce's third letter. Edinburgh: A. Macredie [1843]. 18 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Remarks on the twenty-third chap- ter of the Confession of Faith, as bearing on existing controversies. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 34 p. 24° . ZEC p.v. 5 Three letters of Dr. Cunningham and Dr. James] Bryce on the "Circa sacra" power of the civil magistrate. Edinburgh: Alexander Macredie, 1843. 1 p.l., 8, 14, 18 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.34 Three letters on Sir William Ham- ilton's pamphlet, entitled "Be not schis- matics, be not martyrs, by mistake." With Sir William Hamilton's reply to the first letter. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1843)., 22 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 12 Reprinted from The Witness newspaper. Cunningham, William, and others. The claims and grievances of the Church of Scotland briefly stated; being a report of the speeches . . . favourable to the spiritual independence of the Church of Scotland... Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 1 p.l., =1 p. 8°. ZECp.v.65 Declaration by the committee of the con- stitutional party in the Church of Scot- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 267 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. land, in reference to the present state of ecclesiastical controversy in the church, and its relations to the government and constitution of the country. Edinburgh: J. Goldie, 1843. 18 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 34 Duff, Alexander. The cause of Christ and the cause of Satan; or, The hopes and expectations of the righteous and the wicked... A discourse... 13. August at the first meeting... in connection with the Free Protesting Church of Scotland, Cal- cutta [India]. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.l Dunbar, Sir William. A letter to the managers, constituent members, and con- gregation of St. Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen. Aberdeen: Wyllie & Son, 1843. 31 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 6 Printed on blue paper. With ms. notes at end. Dunlop, Alexander Murray. Which party still breaks the law? [By Alex. Mur- ray Dunlop.) Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 184-?]. 8 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.12 Duty, The, of excommunicating the "moderate" ministers of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Wm. Tait, 1843. 22 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 15 Established Church, The, of Scotland the truly "Free Church," and friend of the people. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons [1843]. 12 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.36 Explanatory statement respecting the recent proceedings of the missionaries of the Church of Scotland in Calcutta [India]. [Glasgow: S. I. Dunn, 1843.) 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Facts for the Free Church; or, Some rea- sons for not sending a deputation from the Relief Synod to the first assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. With notes on some kindred topics... Edinburgh: Oli- phant & Sons [1843]. 16 p. 16°. ZEC p.v. 5 Repr. : Relief magazine. Fergusson, James. A brief refutation of the doctrine of Erastianism. By Rev. James Fergusson. With a prefatory note by Dr. Candlish. Cupar: Fife Sentinel Office, 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.34 Forsyth, Robert. Remarks on the Church of Scotland: its history, constitu- tion, and recent proceedings; the different questions that have been agitated; its pres- ent peril; and a suggestion of remedies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing & Pub- lishing Co., 1843. 2 p.l., 118 p. 1 1. 8°. ZWGM Free, The, Church : its history and pros- pects. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail [1843]. 4 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 34 Extracted from the Dumfries Courier. Free, The, Church a schismatical church. Dialogue between a churchman and a free Dissenter. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail [1843?]. 3 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 36 Free Church of Scotland. — General As- sembly. Proceedings., .with a sketch of the proceedings of the Residuary Assem- bly: 1843. Edited by Rev. John Baillie. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 1 p.l., 254 P- 8°. *C p.v. 1187 Free, A, churchman's plea. [Glasgow: W. G. Blackie & Co., 1843., 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p. box 1 Full, A, and impartial report on the im- portant debate in the House of Commons on Mr. Fox Maule's motion regarding the Church of Scotland, on... the 7th and 8th March 1843. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Print- ing & Publishing Co., 1843. 50 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 10 Gift from the ladies of the Irish Presby- terian Church to the marquis of Breadal- bane, presented. . .23. October 1843, in the Assembly Rooms, Glasgow. Belfast: Wm. M'Comb, 1844. 22 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 2. ed. 24°. AN rvrici.05, pseud. A letter to the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D. [Edinburgh: University Press, 1843?) 16 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 6 Graham, Sir James Robert George. Let- ter of Sir James Graham embodying the decision of government in the Scottish church question: addressed to the Rev. Dr. Welsh, moderator of the General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland, n. p. [1843.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 34 Edinburgh: Q. Dalrymple, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 12 ■ Letter from Sir James Graham [in answer to the Church of Scotland's claim of right] to the moderator of the General Assembly: with the reply; being the minute of the General Assembly's special commission, adopted at a meeting held at Edinburgh, Jan. 12, 1843. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. IS p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 10, no.8 Liter bho'n Ridire Seumas Graham, gu ceann-suidhe Eaglais na h-Alba, mu thaobh cor na h-eaglais. Glasgow: J. & P. Campbell, 1843. 12 p. 12°. RPp.v.l Gray, Andrew. Persecution. The lairds, the lawyers, and the moderate clergy, against the Free Church of Scot- land. Being the substance of a speech de- livered [in Perth]... 30. August 1843. rPerth: Perth Printing Co., .1843.] 16 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 [Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843.] 16, 2 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.l Gray, James. Day and duty: the late disruption of the Church of Scotland and 268 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. the present duty of the Free Church and of Original Seceders. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1843. 24 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 36 Gregory, Alexander. Good reasons for leaving the present ecclesiastical establish- ment in Scotland, and no reason for remaining in it. Edinburgh: Charles Zieg- ler, 1843. 12 p. 12°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Grey, Henry. Address to the congrega- tion and parishioners of St. Mary's on the present position and duty of the church. . . Jan. 3, 1843. Edinburgh: J. Lindsay & Co., 1843. 17 p. 8°. *C p.v. 450 Thoughts suggested by the present crisis of the church: a sermon preached before the Edinburgh presbytery of the Free Church of Scotland, at its first meet- ing, on Wednesday, June 7, 1843. To which is appended An address to the con- gregation of St. Mary's, in the prospect of his quitting that church on Sunday the ISth of May. Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1843. 30 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Grierson, Thomas. Sermon preached before the synod of Dumfries, on the 17th October 1843. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1844. 19 p. 2. ed. rev. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Published at the request of the synod. Guthrie, John. The new views true views; being a review of doctrinal ques- tions and cases under discussion in the synod of the United Secession Church. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1843. 82 p. 12°. ZFHF p.v. 3 ' Hamilton, Sir William. Be not schis- matics, be not martyrs, by mistake. A demonstration that "The principle of non- intrusion," so far from being "fundamental in the Church of Scotland," is subversive of the fundamental principles of that and every other Presbyterian Church Estab- lishment. . .no. 1. Edinburgh: Maclachlan, Stewart, & Co., 1843. 54 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. S Edinburgh: Maclachlan, Stew- art & Co., 1843. 54 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 12 Heads of a proposed bill regarding the affairs of the Church of Scotland. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1843. 12 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 10 Headship, The, of Christ and the power of the civil magistrate. By a member of the Established Church. Edinburgh: Peter Brown [1843,. 11 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Henderson, James. The Redeemer's claims upon his redeemed people: a ser- mon, preached on 5th February in St. Enoch's Church, Glasgow. Glasgow: David Bryce, 1843. 15 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 4 Highland parishes. Secession from the Church of Scotland in 1843. Glasgow J. Maclehose, 1874. 12 p. 8°. ZWHp.boxl Hints to strolling parsons, and a word or two respectfully addressed to the people of New Kilpatrick. By one of themselves Glasgow: Robert Stuart, 1843. 16 p. 8°' ZWGS p.v. 22 In what respect is. the Established Church of Scotland changed? or, \n at- tempt to show that it still possesses its vital principles entire. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail £ 1843?]. 8 p. 8°: ZWGF p.v. 36 Innes, Alexander Taylor. The Church of Scotland crisis, 1843 and 1874; and the duke of Argyll.. . With appendix of cor- respondence. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1874. 2 p.l., 3-69 p. 4. ed. 8°. ZWGMp.v.l Is there just reason for seceding from the Church of Scotland? By a member of the Established Church. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Kennedy, John. The recent secession from the Established Church of Scotland, considered in its bearings on the advance- ment of religion... Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1843. 23 p. 16°. ZECp.v.5 "Kirk," The, in danger! By a "moder- ate". . . [Cupar-Fife: Fifeshire Journal Of- fice,] 1843. v. 7-31 p. 16°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Kirkwood, Anderson. The Scottish church question: its origin, history, and results. Glasgow: David Bryce, 1843. 24 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.3 Law, William. An humble, earnest, and affectionate address to the clergy. Lon- don: J. Darling, 1843. 2 p.l., 68 p. 8°. * C p.v. 970 Lawson, John Parker. The Scottish Episcopal Church and the Rev. Sir William Dunbar, bart...and his "defenders," in reference to his Letter to the managers, constituent members, and congregation of St. Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen. By J. P. L. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1843. 35 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.6 Layman, A, pseud. A letter to the non- intrusion clergy of the Church of Scotland, on their proposed secession. Montrose: Watt and Co., 1843. 14 p. 12°. ZWGF p. v. 33 Previously published in the Montrose Standard, 7th April 1843. Lewis, James. The Church of Scotland. The crisis and preparation; with directions to the collectors of congregational and parochial associations. Delivered at the formation of St. John's Congregational Association, Leith. Leith: W. S. Suther- land, 1843. 12 p. 12°. *C p.v. 1187 Finance of the Free Church of Scotland: suggestions on the principles of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 26< History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. ■ distribution, for the consideration of the fathers and brethren of the Free Assem- bly. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 Lockhart, Lawrence. Address to the people of Inchinnan on the present trou- bles in the church, delivered. . .4. May [1843]. Paisley: Murray & Stewart, 1843. 16 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 Facts for the times; or, The recent schism, and the present position and pros- pects of the church... Glasgow: Murray & Stewart, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Macbeth, James. The Bible argument for a free church; or the divine rights of Christ's people, and the true form of Church government, determined by the word of God, with remarks on Puseyism. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1843. 60 p. 2. ed. enlarged. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Macfarlan, Duncan. The church on a rock. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1843. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Whether the Church of Scotland is now to be found in the church estab- lished by law, or in the Free Protesting Church. [Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 184-?] 4 p. 8°. (Tracts for the times, under the sanction of the Free Protesting Presby- tery of Paisley, no. 2.) ZEC p.v. 77 • Whether the Free Protesting Church was founded on the resolutions of the convocation, or on those of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land. [Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 184- ?j 4 p. 8°. (Tracts for the times, under the sanction of the Free Protesting Presby- tery of Paisley, no. 1.) ZEC p.v. 77 M'Farlan, James. Reasons for thinking that the time for the convocation to re- sign has not yet come. [Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1843?] 4 p. 8°. ZPWFp.v.4 M'Farlan, Patrick. Letters to the friends of the Established Church, on the first principles of the church controversy and the nature and effects of the recent judgment of the House of Lords in the Auchterarder case. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1843. 65 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1843. 64 p. 4. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Supplementary letters to the friends of the Established Church, being a review of "My church politics, by the Rev. N. Morren," nos. 1, 2, and 3. Addressed es- pecially to the inhabitants of Greenock and its vicinity. Edinburgh: Bell & Brad- fute, 1843. 1 p.l., 34 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Macleod, Norman. A crack aboot thi kirk for kintra folk. [By Norman Mac leod.] [Glasgow: John Smith and Son 1843.] 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3: • ■ Glasgow: J. Smith and Soi [1843j. 16 p. S. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. l: Glasgow: John Smith & Soi [1843]. 16 p. 8. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3' ■ A third crack about the kirk; or Questions for the times answered by mod ern reformers. [By Norman M'Leod. Glasgow: J. Smith & Son [1843]. 16 p 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. l: M'Morine, Andrew. Congregational ism deserted by Dr. Wardlaw, and Rev Messrs. Alexander and Campbell, in th case of the Independent Church, Dumfries Edinburgh: C. Ziegler, 1843. 43 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 7i Macnair, Robert. Address to the parish ioners, especially the congregation, of th Abbey, on their duty in the present cir cumstances of the Church of Scotland Paisley: Murray & Stewart, 1843. 19 r. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Separation between Paul and Bar nabas. A discourse. Paisley: Murray i Stewart, 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 The train of thought in this discourse was "sug gested in a great measure by the circumstances i which the Church of Scotland is at present placed. Marjoribanks, Thomas. A few plain re marks for plain men, upon the present un happy controversy in the church. [B; Thomas Marjoribanks.] Dumfries: Herali Office, 1843. 19 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Maule, Fox, and Andrew Rutherfuri Speeches delivered. . .in the House o Commons on the evening of Tuesday, 7tl March 1843, in reference to the Church o Scotland. Edinburgh: John Johnstone 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 3 Missionary sympathy with the Fre Church, I. The cause of Christ and th cause of Satan. A sermon by Alexande Duff, D.D. II. Documents of adherenc to the Free Church, by the missionarie to the Jews, and the missionaries in Cal cutta, Bombay, and Madras. Edinburgh J. Johnstone, 1843. 24 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 3 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. Let ter to the kirk-session and congregatio: of the Established Church, East Kilbride regarding the late convocation of minis ters. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1843. p.l., 13 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 1 Morren, Nathaniel. Dialogues on th church question, with the Rev. P. Macfar Ian and others. Greenock: A. M'lvei 1843. 2 pamphlets. 8°. *Cp.v.45 Dialogues on the Church questior Dialogue III. [Glasgow: W. G. Blacki and Co., 1843 ?j 16 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 3 270 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. My church politics... Greenock: A. M'lver, 1843. 120 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Letters I-VII. Letters I-IV, 3. thousand; Letter V, 2. ed., Letter VI, 3. thousand; Letter VII, 2. thousand. A word for myself, and a word for my people. [Glasgow: W. G. Blackie & Co., 184-?] 12 p. 2. ed. 8°. *C p.v. 450 Myles, Thomas, of Aberlemno. The kernel of the controversy; or, The church question brought to a point. By X. Y. Z. [Thomas Myles of Aberlemno.] Edin- burgh: Myles Macphail, 1843. IS p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 12 Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. IS p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. IS p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Omicron, pseud, of Rev. John Otho West. The Free Church of Scotland; its doctrine and practice. Being a letter from Liverpool, by Omicron, to his countrymen in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1843. 17 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v. 11 Onesimus, pseud., and Adelphos, pseud. Present crisis of the Free Church; or, A scriptural examination of the question, Ought females to have a voice in the call- ing of pastors in the Church of Christ? Considered with special reference to the constitution of the Free Church of Scot- land as expressed in her standards. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1843. 31 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Original rallying cry of the Free Church. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 391-398.) ZWA Ought the non-intrusionists to join with the United Secession? A letter addressed to Rev. Dr. Candlish, by a minister of the United Secession Church. Edinburgh: J. Brydone [1843?]. 4 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 Pacificator, pseud. The Scotch church question; the law and the facts: with an appeal to the non-intrusionists and Sir Robert Peel. London: Hatchard and Son, 1843. 73 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Paisley, Robert. The headship of Christ and the duty of remaining in the Estab- lished Church asserted, on anti-patronage grounds, with reference to the schismati- cal and Erastian position of the adherents to the convocation: being the substance of a speech delivered in the synod of Glas- gow and Ayr... in April, 1843. Glasgow: M. Ogle & Son, 1843. 12 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 4 1843. 12 p. Glasgow: 2. ed. 8°. M. Ogle & Son, ZWGF p.v. 34 Penney, William, Lord Kinloch. An opinion on Lord Aberdeen's bill. With a copy of the bill appended. Edinburgh- Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1843. 27 p. 12° ZEC p.v. 5 and ZWGS p.v. 20 Proudfoot, William. Exhortation to my people not to secede. A discourse preached in the parish church of Avondale on' Saturday May 14, 1843. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1843. 15 p. 8° ZWGF p.v. 29 R., J. The Free Kirk. (Westminster review. London, 1843. 8°. v. 40, p. 189- 215.) *DA Reprinted in the Eclectic museum of foreign literature, united series, v. 3, p. 305-319. New York, 1843. Reasons of adherence to the Church of Scotland, addressed by a clergyman (a late member of the presbytery of Cupar) to his parishioners, n. p. [1843?] 8 p. 8". * C p.v. 632 Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scot- land. Commemoration of the bicentenary , of the Westminster Assembly of divines, and of the centenary of the Reformed Presbytery, at Glasgow, July 4, 5, 6, 1843, by the synod of the Reformed Presbyte- rian Church in Scotland. Glasgow: Wil- liam Marshall, 1843. x p., 1 1., 240 p. 16°. ZEC p.v. 87 Rev. The, Sir William Dunbar defend- ed, in a reply to a recent pamphlet entitled An answer to Sir William Dunbar's Let- ter to the managers, and congregation of St. Paul's. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1843. 26 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.6 Robert Candlish and the Disruption of 1843. (Quarterly review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 204, p. 418-437.) *DA Robertson, James. The past conduct and present duty of dissenters towards their non-intrusion brethren. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 22 Robertson, John. The fall of the Kirk. March, 1843. n. p. : 1843.] 16 p. [2. ed., 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 The occasional articles, no. 1. The fall of the Kirk. [London: V. Torras & Co., printers, 1843.] 12 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 Robertson, Patrick, Lord Robertson. Speech of the dean of faculty, in the Court of Session, on the hearing, in the presence of the whole court... of the sentence of deposition, the presbytery of Strathbogie against the Rev. Dr. Gordon & others. January 26, 1843. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1843. 13 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 10 Rutherford, Alexander C. The question of deposition: being the first of a series of questions to come before the synod of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 271 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. the United Secession Church in May, 1843, from the presbytery of Stirling and Fal- kirk. Falkirk: A. Johnston t 1843]. 24 p. 12°. ZFHFp.v. 3 Rutherfurd, Andrew, joint author. See Maule, Fox, and Andrew Rutherfurd. Shand, Alexander. Letter to the Rev. Mr. McFarlan. . .in reply to his circular containing the declaration of a meeting of probationers in reference to the church controversy. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1843. 9 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v. 10 Simple, A, address to the people of Scotland, on the present emergency of her religious freedom. By a true friend to religious liberty... Edinburgh: printed for the author, 1843. 28 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 36 Simpson, David. A sermon preached on the occasion of taking farewell of Trin- ity Church, on Sabbath the 11th June 1843 With an appendix, containing the conclusion of a sermon preached in Trin- ity Church, on the 14th of May last, being the day appointed by the "Special Com- mission" for humiliation and prayer in reference to the approaching crisis in the Church of Scotland. Aberdeen: George and Robert King, 1843. 24 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 67 Spirit, The, of the Secession illustrated by the speeches of Seceders. By a mem- ber of the Established Church. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Stark, James. The church question briefly considered: with special reference to the "Church politics" of the Rev. Mr. Morren, and the "Address" of the Rev. Dr. Barr. Greenock: J. G. Bankier, 1843. 40 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Sym, Andrew. Uzziah and Hezekiah: a discourse, on the power of civil magis- trates in matters of religion. Glasgow: J. Smith & Son, 1843. 31 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 12 Taylor, Isaac. Two letters on the Scot- tish Church. I. On patronage and non- intrusion; II. On spiritual independence. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1843. 16 p. 16°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Taylor, James William. Considerations for the conscientious: Can I remain in con- nection with the church presently estab- lished in Scotland? [By J. W. Taylor.] Perth: James Dewar, 1843. 12 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Perth: James Dewar, 1843. 16 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 36 A few words to the parishioners of Flisk, in reply to the induction address which the Rev. Dr. Anderson of New- burgh delivered in the church of Flisk, on Friday, April 14, 1843. Cupar-Fife: T. Armstrong, 1843. 26 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Thanksgiving in 1843. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 8, p. 104-109.) ZWA Tracts upon Tracts on the intrusion of ministers, new series, [no.; I. [-III]. Edin- burgh: Alexander Macredie [1843?]. 4, 4, 4 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 75 Twa, The, kirks. A dialogue of 1843. Edinburgh: W. M. Cannon, 1886. 20 p. 8°. * C p.v. 903 Waddell, Peter Hately. A letter to Thomas Chalmers, D.D., and Rev. Thomas Guthrie, on the question of co-operation with dissenters; with special reference to the case of Rev. W. L. Alexander, of Edinburgh. Glasgow: John Miller, 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 36 Why should you secede? containing ob- servations on spiritual independence and non-intrusion in reference to secession. Edinburgh: T. Paton, 1843. 31 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 Wood, James Julius. Address to the congregation of the New Greyfriars' Church, Edinburgh, on Sabbath, 7th Au- gust 1843, on the occasion of his quitting the Establishment. [Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1843.] 1 1. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1843. 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Letter of Reverend Mr. Wood to the congregation of New Greyfriars. [Edinburgh, 1843.] 4 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Read at their prayer meeting, on Monday even- ing, the 15th May 1843. • • To the congregation of Greyfriars Free Church, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1843.] 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1508 1844 Brown, John Tod. A parting statement: addressed to those now or recently pro- fessing to worship in the Abbey Church of Dunfermline. Liverpool: C. Philip, 1844. 20 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Brydon, Robert. The practical bearings of the doctrine of Christ's headship over the church, with reference to the great church controversy. Dumfries: D. Halli- day, 1844. 22 p. 12°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Claims, The, of the Free Church of Scot- land. An article from the Princeton re- view for April, 1844. Princeton, N. J.: J. T. Robinson, 1844. 35 p. 8°. Collection, A, of the various objections made to presentees to parishes in Scot- land, since the passing of Lord Aberdeen's 272 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Act on 17th August 1843. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 19 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Crawford, Thomas Jackson. Reasons of adherence to the Established Church of Scotland. Addressed by a minister t i. e., Thomas J. Crawford] to his parish- ioners. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 16 p. 11. ed. rev. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Crichton, Andrew. Sutherland and the Sutherlanders; their religious and social condition; or, The duties of the church and the chieftain. [By Dr. Andrew Crich- ton.] Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 23 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Difficulties about the "Protest," laid on the table of the last General Assembly, and the claim of the Free Church to spir- itual independence within the Establish- ment. By a member of the Established Church. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Son, 1844. 37 p. 8°. * C p.v. 450 Duff, Alexander. Explanatory state- ment addressed to the friends of the India mission of the Church of Scotland, as it existed previous to the Disruption in May, 1843. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1844. 16 p. 8°. ZECp.v.94 Established, The, Church of Scotland the truly "Free Church," and friend of the people. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 7 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Fawcett, R. M. The spirit of the Scotch secession. Cambridge: J. and J. J. Deigh- ton, and T. Stevenson, 1844. 15 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 33 Free Church of Scotland. The first con- stitutional catechism. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [184-?]. 1 p.l, 24 p. 12°. , ZGPp.v. 1 Free Church of Scotland. — General As- sembly. A report of the whole proceed- ings of the late General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, relative to the state of religion in the land, containing the deliberations of Friday the 17th, of Tuesday the 21st, with the sermon of that day, and of Tuesday the 28th of May. With an introductory narrative by the Rev. A. Moody Stuart. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1844. 45 p. 8°. Second report on the state of re- ligion, by a committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, as approved by the commission, August 14, 1844. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1844. 32 p. 8°. ZWXC Gladstone, William Ewart. The theses of Erastus and the Scottish Church Estab- lishment. 1844. (In his: Gleanings of past years. 1844-78. v. 3. Historical and speculative. New York [1879?,. 16°. D 1-40.) NCGandNCZ Reprinted from the Foreign and colonial quarterly review, 1844. Hamilton, James. The harp on the wil- lows ; or, The captivity of the Church of Scotland. Addressed to the people of England. From the forty-fifth London 1 edition. New York: R. Carter, 1844. 34 p. 16°. ZWGSp.v.23,no.7 Lee, Robert. The querist. Not Bishop Berkeley. [By Robert Lee, D.D., [Edin- burgh: Myles Macphail, 1844?] 8 p. 8° ZWGFp.v.36 On intrusion and non-intrusion. The popery of spiritual independ- ence; being a sequel to the Veto church. [By Robert Lee, D.D.j Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 18 p. 2. thousand. 8°. ZWGFp.v.36 The veto church: or, What is non- intrusion? [By Robert Lee.] Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 12 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Letter to Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D., on the present position of the Free Church of Scotland. By a Free Church Presbyterian. Edinburgh: Quintin Dal- rymple, 1844. 23 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v, 33 Logan, David. Observations on the peculiar and surpassing excellence of the Church of Scotland; as illustrated in the late disruption, and present continued struggle. [By David Logan.] Edinburgh: Myles M'Phail, 1844. 15 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.34 Logie, William. The church in Orkney. Address of a minister to the members of the Established Church on the late seces- sion. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 8 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.34 M'Neile, Hugh. Speech at the great meeting in Exeter Hall, 10th May 1844. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail [1844]. 16 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.36 On the Church of Scotland. Miles, Charles Popham. An address to the members of St. Jude's congregation, Glasgow. Glasgow: David Bryce, 1844. 2 p.l., (1)6-76 p. 8°. ZECp.v.94 Further disclosures of Scottish Episcopacy; a third address to the mem- bers of St. Jude's congregation, Glasgow. Glasgow: David Bryce, 1844. 2 p.l., (1)6-50 p. 8°. ZECp.v.94 Reply to Bishop Russell: a second address to the members of St. Jude's con- gregation, Glasgow. Glasgow: David Bryce, 1844. 2 p.l., (1)6-54 p. 8°. ZECp.v.94 Moderate Calvinist, A, pseud. A letter to the Rev. William Scott, Leslie; m LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 273 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. which his own position to his presbytery, and to the United Secession Synod, is examined; as well as that of the Rev. Robert Wilson, Greenock. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1844. 23 p. 12°. ZFHF p. v. 3 Montgomery, Robert. Letter from the Rev. Robert Montgomery, M. A., to one of the managers of St. Jude's. [Glasgow: D. Russell, 1844.] 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1509 Morren, Nathaniel. The national church a national blessing. Edinburgh: M. Mac- phail, 1844. 32 p. 8°. * C p.v. 450 no. 1 [-3]. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 48 p. 2. thousand. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Myles, Thomas, of Aberlemno. The kernel farther discussed; or the Convoca- tion resolutions based on an erroneous doctrine. By X. Y. Z. [i. e., Thomas Myles of Aberlemno]. Edinburgh: Myles Mac- phail, 1844. 21(1) p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 31 Nixon, Edward John. The facts as they are, or a comparison of certain statements recently made in Cambridge, by the Rev. Dr. Candlish and others, in behalf of the Free Church of Scotland, with acts of Parliament and ecclesiastical documents of the Scottish Presbyterian Church. By a member of the University of Cambridge [i.e., E. J. Nixon]. Cambridge: T. Steven- son, 1844. 19 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Noel, Baptist Wriothesley. The case of the Free Church of Scotland. London: James Nisbet & Co., 1844. 112 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Free Church of Scotland. The sub- stance of a speech delivered. . . 11. March 1844. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1844. 24 p. 16°. ZECp.v.5 Penney, William, Lord Kinloch. A tract on Christian charity adapted to the present times. Edinburgh: Laing & Forbes, 1844. 33 p. 8°. *C p.v. 427 Russell, Michael. An affectionate ad- dress to the managers and congregation of St. Jude's, Glasgow. Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1844. 32 p. 8°. ZECp.v.94 Reply to certain statements con- tained in the Rev. C. P. Miles's Address to the congregation of St. Jude's; by the Right Rev. M. Russell, their bishop. [Glas- gow: David Russell, 1844.) 8 p., 1 1. 8°. ZEC p.v. 94 St. Andrews, Presbytery of. Extract libel, Presbytery of St. Andrews versus Sir David Brewster... n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh, 1844.] 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 492 Scottish church history. [Signed, A Free Church elder.] [Glasgow: W. G. Blackie and Co., 184-?]. 4 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Scottish, The, Episcopal Church proved to differ essentially from the Church of England, both in doctrine and government. By an English Episcopalian. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1844. 16 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZDV p.v. 8 Scriptural reasons for seceding from the Established Church of Scotland. Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 1844. 35 p. 24. ZWGF p.v. 33 Senex, pseud. The present position of the Established Church of Scotland vindi- cated, in a letter to Alexander Campbell, Esq., of Monzie. Perth: Charles Paton, 1844. 8 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 Smyth, Thomas. The exodus of the Church of Scotland: and the claims of the Free Church of Scotland to the sym- pathy and assistance of American Chris- tians. New York: Leavitt, Trow, & Co., 1844. xii, 13-146 p. 2. ed. 16°. ZWH Struthers, Gavin. "A Free Churchman" sifted; or, An answer to a pamphlet, en- titled "Dr. Struthers on the Free Church, by a Free Churchman." Glasgow: Robert Jackson, 1845. 40 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 10 Stuart, Alexander Moody. A report of the whole proceedings of the late General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, relative to the state of religion in the land, containing the deliberations of Friday the 17th... with the sermon of that day... With an introductory narrative. Edin- burgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1844. 45 p. 3. thousand. 8°. ZWXC Taylor, James William. Hints for the considerate. How should the members and adherents of the Free Church con- duct themselves towards the Establish- ment and those adhering to it? [By J. W. Taylor.] Perth : James Dewar, 1844. 12 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Perth: J. Dewar, 1844. 12 p. 5th thousand. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 What shall be the end of these things? An inquiry regarding the prob- able issues of the Scottish Free Church controversy. By the author of "Consid- erations for the conscientious." Perth: James Dewar, 1844. 117 p. 16°. ZEC p.v. 86 United Associate Synod of the Secession Church. Testimony. In two parts, his- torical and doctrinal. Edinburgh: United Associate Synod [184- ?]. vi p., 1 1., (1)10- 178, 14 p. 4. ed. 16°. ZEC p.v. 87 Wilson, John. The church glorious be- fore the Lord: a sermon, preached in be- half of the Free Church of Scotland, in the New Road Chapel, Oxford, on the 17th of March, 1844. Oxford: Henry Cooke, 1844. 26 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 34 274 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. 1845 Address of the elders and deacons to the congregation of St. George's, attached to the Free Church of Scotland, Jan. 1, 1845. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1845.] 12 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 Begg, James. Reasons why no seat rents should be in the Free Church, with practical directions for getting on better without them. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1845?]. 12 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 34 Brown, John. Statement made April 1, 1845, before the United Associate Pres- bytery of Edinburgh, on asking their ad- vice. Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Sons, 1845. 32 p. 12°. ZFHF p.v. 3 Printed at the request of the presbytery for the information of the church. Bryce, James. Speech delivered in the General Assembly, on the 27th May 1845, on the bill for the abolition of tests in the universities of Scotland. Revised and corrected. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1845. 16 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.36 Chalmers, Thomas. The economics of the Free Church of Scotland. Glasgow: William Collins, 1845. 1 p.l., 40 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 76 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland's committee on quoad sacra churches. Given in and read by the Rev. Dr. Bennie, convener, 27th May 1845. Edinburgh: J. Goldie & Co., 1845. 7 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Daly, Robert, lord bishop of Cashel. Second letter on the subject of the Scotch Episcopal Church. By... the lord bishop of Cashel [i.e., Robert Daly]. Aberdeen: G. Cornwall, 1845. 16 p. sm. 16°. *C p.v. 1112 Repr.: Christian examiner, Dublin, Dec. 1, 1845. English Episcopal chapels in Scotland. A letter from a committee of managers and constituent members of St. Paul's Chapel at Aberdeen, to... the lord bishop of London; containing a statement of the proceedings in the case of that chapel, and of its minister, the Rev. Sir William Dun- bar, bart., wherein the ecclesiastical and civil position of the English Episcopal congregations in Scotland, as separate from, and entirely independent of, the Scotch Episcopal Church, is distinctly set forth... Aberdeen: David Wyllie & Son, 1845. 1 p.l., 64 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 6 Free, The, Church catholic and mission- ary, — not national. London: James Nis- bet and Co., 1845. 8 p. 12°. ZWHFp.v. 12 Repr.: Border watch, February 13th, 1845. Free Church of Scotland. — General Assembly. Inverness assembly. Digest of the proceedings of the General Assem- bly [Of the Free Church of Scotland], Au- gust 21-27, 1845. [Dundee: M'Cosh, Park & Dewars, 1845.] 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Zendbrief uit Schotland van wege de Vrije Kerk aldaar aan eenige geloofs- en Strijdgenooten in Holland, 's Graven- hage: P. C. Dill, 1845. 37 p. 8°. ZXAC p.v. 2, no.15 Text in English and Dutch. Gray, Andrew. Dr. Struthers on the Free Church. By a Free Churchman [i. e., Andrew Gray]. Perth: James Dewar & Son, 1845. 31 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v. 12 K. The beautiful garden. A Scotch Episcopalian's dream. By K. n. t.-p [Glasgow: Bell and Bain, 1845?] 8 p. 8° ZPWF The Covenanter's daughter: a Scotch Episcopalian's dream. By K. Glasgow: Bell & Bain, 1845. 23 p. 16°. ZPWF The Englishman. A Scotch Epis- copalian's dream. By K. n. t.-p. [Glas- gow: Bell and Bain, 1845?] 8 p. 16°. ZPWF The railway. A Scotch Episcopa- lian's dream. By K. n. t.-p. [Glasgow: Bell & Bain, 1845 ?j 4 p. 16°. ZPWF Letter to Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D., on "co-operation without incor- poration." By a Free Church Presbyte- rian. Edinburgh: Quintin Dalrymple, 1845. 42 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v. 12 Lockhart, Laurence. Facts not false- hoods; or, A plain defence of the Church of Scotland, suited to the times. By a parish minister [i. e., Rev. Laurence Lock- hart]. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1845. 55 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 Edinburgh: M. Macphail, 1845. 1 p.l., vi, 55 p. 2d thousand. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 17 Maxwell, George. Letters to the people of Canonbie, by a parishioner, [no.] i [-ivj. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail [1845]. 16, 16, 16, 20 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.17 Letters iii and iv are in ZWGF p.v. 36. Report of the speeches delivered at the great meeting of Scottish dissenters, held in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, on Wednes- day evening, the 2d July 1845, by James Douglas, Rev. Dr. Wardlaw, Rev. Dr. Heugh, Rev. Dr. Russell [and others]. Revised by the respective speakers. With an introductory preface, and a letter from the moderator of the General Assem- bly of the Free Church. Edinburgh: Grant & Taylor, 1845. 46 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 275 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Sayings and doings of the Free Church orators; or An address to Orkneymen, by one of themselves. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 184S. 16 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.36 Sorley, William. Prospects and perils of the Free Church. Edinburgh: Q. Dal- rymple, 1845. 47 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Edinburgh: Q. Dalrymple, 1845. 1 p.l., 34 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Vindex, pseud. An answer to the charges of the Rev. Robert Inglis, against the Church of Scotland, contained in his pamphlet "Where lies the difference." Montrose: Smith & Co., 1845. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 1846 Address by the Deacons' Court of the Free High Church, to the congregation, relative to the new church on the Mound. [Edinburgh, 1846.] 4 p. 8°. * C p.v. 497 Answer, An, to the protest of the Free Church, prepared in consequence of a chal- lenge from an elder of that church. By a minister of the Establishment. Edin- burgh: M. Macphail, 1846. 2 p.l., ii, 31 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 10 Arkley, Patrick. Letter to Rev. Alex- ander Beith, one of the secretaries of the Gaelic School Society, on the recent de- cision of the committee of that society. Edinburgh: Thomas Paton, 1846. 31 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 20 Beith, Rev. Alexander. Letter to Patrick Arkley, in reply to a letter ad- dressed by him to Rev. A. Beith. . . Edin- burgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1846. 14 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 5 Campbell, Robert, of Skerrington. An earnest exhortation to forsake the devices and inventions of men; and to follow the pattern given in the word of God. By a convert from the Presbyterian religion, in a letter to his brother Scotchmen. [By Robert Campbell.] Edinburgh: R. Seton, 1846. 20 p. 8°. ZKD p.v. 3, no.6 Candlisb, Robert Smith. Four letters to the Rev. E. B. Elliott, on some passages in his Horae apocalypticae; relative to the question of church establishments, and the recent disruption of the Church of Scotland... London: J. Johnstone, 1846. 128 p. 8°. ZFB p.v. 4, no.l Carlisle, A. The claim, declaration, and protest of the General Assembly of 1842, subversive of the authority of Christ, as respects the Church of Scotland, and of the spiritual rights of its members. [By A. Carlisle.] Edinburgh: M. Macphail, 1846. 27(1) p. 8°. *C p.v. 450 Chalmers, Thomas. An earnest appeal to the Free Church of Scotland on the sub- ject of its economics. Edinburgh: J. D. Lowe, 1846. 55 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report of proceedings in the Gen- eral Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May, 1846. Edinburgh, 1846. 95 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1320 Church of Scotland. — Lay Association. Meeting of the Lay Association in sup- port of the five schemes of the Church of Scotland. [Edinburgh, 1846.] xii p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Clerical prosecutors: or, The established presbytery of Paisley, and their alleged claim to the quoad sacra churches within their bounds. Paisley: Robert Stewart [1846]. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Edinburgh. — Town Council. Review of the proceedings of a minority of the Town Council of Edinburgh, in presenting the freedom of the city to Mr. George Thompson. Being a report of the speeches delivered at a subsequent meeting of that body. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1846. 14 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 English, On, Episcopal chapels in Scot- land. London: J. Lendrum, 1846. 20 p. 8°. ZDV p.v. 9 This tract was originally printed in the Inverness Courier. Free, The, Church and her accusers in the matter of American slavery; being a letter to Mr. George Thompson, regarding his recent appearances in this city. [Signed: A Free Churchman.] Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1846. 35 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1846 38 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Free Church of Scotland. ■ — General As- sembly. A report of the proceedings... May 27, 1846, on the subject of Christian union. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1846. 78 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Report of the proceedings. . .May 30, and... June 1, 1846, regarding the rela- tions of the Free Church of Scotland, and the Presbyterian churches of America. Edinburgh, 1846. 52 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Gibson, James, and Andrew King. Speeches. . .in the synod of Glasgow and Ayr; with a review of the principles main- tained in the speeches of Rev. Dr. Cand- lish and others on Christian union, de- livered in Glasgow on the 28th October 1845; also remarks on the "Narrative" and "Address" of the Liverpool conference. By the Rev. James Gibson. Glasgow: W. Blackwood, 1846. 1 p.l., ii, 5-102 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 276 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Laing, Benjamin. What ought the Re- formed Presbyterians and the Original Seceders to do now? Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1846. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p. v. 4 Layman, A, pseud. Remarks on the Scottish church question. Aberdeen: George Davidson, 1846. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 M'Cosh, James. Does the Established Church acknowledge Christ as its head? The question answered, by a reference to the official statements of the judges and statesmen of the land, and the recent acts of the Established Church. Brechin: David Burns, 1846. 16 p. 8°. ZPWF p.v. 6 M'Culloch, James Melville. The Estab- lishment shewn to be "laid prostrate at the feet of the civil magistrate." Perth: J. Dewar & Son, 1846. 26 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Maclagan, J. Lecture delivered at the opening of the Free Church Divinity Hall, Aberdeen, Sth January 1846. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co. [1846.] 24 p. 12°. ZD V p.v. 6 Plea for the country ministers who re- signed their livings in 1843. To which is added, A list of the demitting ministers, with a statement of the stipend resigned by each, his present situation, and his ec- clesiastical income for 1846. Cupar-Fife: G. S. Tullis, A. Lees, and J. Gibson, 1847. 18 p., 1 1. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Plea, A, for the divine right of the Church of Scotland, as an orthodox na- tional communion. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1846. 32 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 36 Principles of toleration — Free Church sites. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1846. 8°. v. 5, p. 222-24S.) * DA Remarks and suggestions, relative to the proposed endowment scheme for quoad sacra churches, with statistical details, the overture from the presbytery of Dunferm- line to the General Assembly, and an ap- pendix, containing the recent communica- tions of the press on the subject. By a minister of the Church of Scotland. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1846. 23 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Speirs, Graham. Correspondence be- tween G. Speirs, convener of Site Com- mittee, and James E[lphinstone] Dal- rymple, in regard to a site for a Free Church in the parish of Oyne. [Aber- deen: J. Finlayson, 1846.] 24 p., 1 map. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Thompson, George, and Henry C. Wright. The Free Church and her accus- ers: the question at issue. A letter from George Thompson to H. C. Wright; and one from H. C. Wright to ministers and members of the Free Church of Scotland. Glasgow: George Gallie, 1846. 58 p. 12° ZWHF p.v. 12 Veritas, pseud. Slavery and the Free Church; being a remonstrance with the members of the Free Church upon their connexion with the slave holders of America, and their duty at the present time. [Signed Veritas.] Edinburgh: T. & W. M'Dowall [1846]. 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Wright, Henry C, joint author. See Thompson, George, and Henry C. Wright. 1847 Calm, A, retrospect. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1847. 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1S08 Repr. : Macphail's Edinburgh ecclesiastical jour- nal and literary review. Chalmers, Thomas. An earnest appeal to the Free Church of Scotland on the sub- ject of its economics. With an introduc- tion by the American editor. 1. Amer. ed. from the 2. Edinburgh ed. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1847. 64 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Church of Scotland. ■ — General Assem- bly. Statement by the committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land on chapels of ease. Edinburgh: Mould & Tod, 1847. 26 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.8 Craig, John. Relief principles: reasons for declining to enter the United Presby- terian Church. An address to the Relief Church, Provost Wynd, Cupar-Fife. Cu- par-Fife: G. S. Tullis, 1847. 20 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Crichton, David Maitland Makgill. Quicksands avoided and breakers a-head: or, The dangers to the Free Church of cen- tralisation. Edinburgh: C. Ziegler, 1847. 8 p. 8°. *C p.v. 970 Dods, Selby Ord. The chief points of difference betwixt the Established and the Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Charles Ziegler, 1847. 12 p. 16°. * C p.v. 666 Elliott, Edward Bishop. Reply to Dr. Candlish's four letters, on certain passages in the "Horae apocalypticae." London: Seeley, Burnside, & Seeley, 1847. vii, 118 p. 8°. ZFBp.v.l4,no.2 Forbes, John Hay. Address to the mem- bers of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. By a layman [i. e., J. H. Forbesj. Edin- burgh: R. Lendrum & Co., 1847. 3 p.l., 169 p. new ed. 16°. *C p.v. 654 Free Church Anti-Slavery Society. An address to the office-bearers and members of the Free Church of Scotland, on her present connection with the slave-holding LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 277 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. churches of America. Edinburgh: Charles Ziegler, 1847. 16 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.12 The sinfulness of maintaining Christian fellowship with slave-holders. Strictures on the proceedings of the late General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, regarding communion with the slave-holding churches of America . . . Edinburgh: Charles Ziegler, 1847. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Free Church of Scotland. Memorial. Refusal of sites. February, 1847. Edin- burgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1847. iv, (1)6-41 p., 1 table. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Gamaliel; or, The Perthshire Free Churchman's faithful address to the min- isters of the present Scottish Establish- ment. Perth: James Dewar, 1847. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Gray, Andrew. Public religious inter- course with the office-bearers of the Es- tablishment. A speech delivered in the Free Presbytery of Perth... 30th Dec. 1846. [Perth: J. Dewar & Son, 1847.] 8 p. 8°. ZFB p.v. 14, no.15 Published at the request of the presbytery. Great Britain. — Sites for Churches (Scotland) Committee. Reports [first to third] from the select committee on sites for churches (Scotland) ; together with the minutes of evidence, appendixes, and index. [London, 1847.] 1 p.l., iii, 110; iv, 144; vi, 206, 56 p. f°. (House of Com- mons. Papers. 237:311:613.) tZDVH Letter to the moderator and members of the next General Assembly, regarding pluralities, or the union of offices in the Church of Scotland. To which are append- ed two letters to Principal Lee on the same subject. By a member of the last assem- bly. Edinburgh: T. Paton, 1847. 1 p.l., 29 p. 8°. * C p.v. 790 Montgomery, Robert. The Scottish church and the English schismatics; being letters on the recent schism in Scotland: with a dedicatory epistle to the Right Reverend the Bishop of Glasgow; and a documentary appendix. London: Joseph Masters, 1847. 140 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.9 Refusal of sites. Evidence of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Chalmers. Extracts from the third report of the parliamentary com- mittee. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1847. 34 p. 8°. *C p.v. 666 Scott, William. Free Church heresy: or, Regeneration, and the means of it. Glas- gow: Christian News Offices, 1847. 32 p. 12°. ZWVI p. box Some of the last words of Dr. Chalmers, as to the means for maturing and con- solidating the sustentation fund. Edin- burgh: J. D. Lowe, 1847. 12 p. 16°. ZDVH p.v. 1 1848 Crichton, David Maitland Makgill. Fail- ure of the movement in behalf of the sus- tentation fund; and its cause, n. p. [1848.] 4 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Ferrier, James Frederick. Observations on church and state, suggested by the duke of Argyll's essay on the ecclesiastical his- tory of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1848. 37 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 10 Free Church of Scotland. Sites. Feb- ruary, 1848. Edinburgh: John Greig, prtr., 1848. 1 p.l., 10 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Gray, _ Andrew. Letter to the duke of Argyll, in reference to certain passages in his... work, entitled, "Presbytery ex- amined." [Signed Andrew Gray.) Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1848. 15 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Our sins, our dangers, our duties. An address to the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, delivered on Friday the 19th of May, 1848... Edin- burgh: John Greig, prtr., 1848. 19 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 67 n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: John Greig, prtr., 1848.] 8 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Remarks on the memorial presented to Her Majesty's government by a commit- tee of the Free Church, relative to the quoad sacra churches or chapels in con- nection with the Church of Scotland... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1848. 59 p. 8°. ZPE p.v. 4, no. 4 Scheme of mutual assistance in the sup- port of ministers. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1848. v, (1)8-24 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v. 1 Stuart, Alexander Moody. An inquiry into the character of the present educa- tional connection between the Free Church and the government. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1848. iv, (1)6-102 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Sustentation, The, Fund no failure; or, A plan for the proper distribution of the funds raised for the supply of ordinances in the Free Church. By an elder of the Free Church at Selkirk. [Galashiels: James Brown, 1848.] 4 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 75 1849 Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Correspondence between the duke of Argyll and the Rev. Andrew Gray, Perth, in reference to His Grace's essay, entitled "Presbytery examined." Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1849. 78 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 10 278 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Correspondence between . . . the duke of Argyll and the Right Rev. W. J. Trower. Glasgow: M. Ogle & Son, 1849. 19 p. 8°. ZPEp.v.4 Buchanan, James. A letter to the office- bearers and members of the Free Church of Scotland on the college question. Edin- burgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1849. 36 p. 8°. * C p.v. 439 Candlish, Robert Smith. College exten- sion in the Free Church of Scotland, con- sidered with reference to the present state of the question. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1849. 31 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1849. 32 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 439 Letter, A, to the Right Hon. Henry, Lord Brougham & Vaux, in reference to his lordship's speech in the House of Lords on the 22d of May, respecting Epis- copacy in Scotland, with a postscript on Sir W. Dunbar's "Protest." By a Scot- tish clergyman. Edinburgh: R. Grant and Son, 1849. 28 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.9 Muir, William. A letter to the members of the late General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on his having resigned the convenership of the Education Com- mittee, and. ..on the subject of education; with appendix. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1849. 2 p.l., 55 p. 8°. * C p.v. 427 Union with the Free Church. Observa- tions upon the pamphlet of the Rev. Mat- thew Murray of Glasgow, on the position, principles, and present duty, of Original Seceders; with strictures upon an article, entitled "Dismissal of the Free Church testimony," contained in the "Original Se- cession magazine," for September, 1849. By a member of the Original Secession church. Edinburgh: Johnstone and Hunt- er, 1849. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 1850 Cunningham, W. Bruce. Collegiate edu- cation versus collegiate extension, with animadversions on the pamphlet of the Rev. Andrew Gray. Edinburgh: William P. Kennedy, 1850. 29 p. 8°. * C p.v. 446 Edinburgh: William P. Ken- nedy, 1850. 29 p. 2. ed. 8°. *C p.v. 446 Edmond, Francis. A letter to the office- bearers and members of the Free Church of Scotland, in reference to Dr. James Buchanan's letter on the college question. Aberdeen: George Davidson, 1850. 28 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Extension, The, of the means of theo- logical education in the Free Church. By a Disruption minister. Glasgow: Blackie and Son, 1850. 43 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Free Church of Scotland. — Acting Edu- cation Committee. Explanatory minute [Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1850., 16 p' 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 A reply to statements in the Witness newspaper as to the financial state of the education scheme of the Free Church. Gibson, James. Extension of divinity halls: a letter addressed to Free Church- men, and especially to the Free Church- men of Glasgow; with a reply to the pam- phlets of the Rev. Dr. Candlish and Rev. Dr. James Buchanan. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1850. 48 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Gray, Andrew. The college question. Perth: James Dewar, 1850. vi, 49 p. 8° ZWHF p.v. 12 Sinclair, Sir George, of Ulbster. Six letters on the position and prospects of the Established Church of Scotland, es- pecially in the northern countries. Edin- burgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1850. v, 58 p. 8°. * C p.v. 446 Statement by a committee of the book- sellers subscribing the memorial to the General Assembly of the Free Church, May 23, 1850. [Edinburgh: Andrew Jack, prtr., 1850.] 15 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Thomson, John. A full report of the speech of the Rev. John Thomson, of Paisley, in the Free synod of Glasgow and Ayr on . . . 10th April 1850, in regard to the conduct of five elders of Free St. George's Church; with documents read in the court, and the speeches of the mem- bers of synod in giving judgment. Pais- ley: Alex. Gardner, 1850. 40 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 12 Wardlaw, Ralph. Vindication of their pastor and themselves, from the charge of the Rev. S. T. Porter. . .including Dr. Wardlaw's own statement. . .by the dea- cons of West George Street Congrega- tional Church. Glasgow: G. Gallie, 1850. 71 p. 8°. CO Bound with: S. T. Porter, A letter, etc. [Glas- gow, 1850.] 8°. 1851 Agnew, David Carnegie. Englishmen introduced to the Free Church of Scotland. Perth: J. Dewar & Son, 1851. 71 p. 8°. ZWHF p. box 1 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Facts and heads of arguments in sup- port of the General Assembly's endow- ment scheme, shewing 1. The great ex- tent and urgency of the evils which it is the object of the scheme to remedy. 2. The nature of the remedy required... 3. The duties incumbent on the members and friends of the church as to the provision of those means. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1851. 18 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.8 Edinburgh. — Free High Church. State- ment by the Deacon's Court to the con- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 279 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. gregation, relative to the congregational fund. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1851.] 44 p. 8°. * C p.v. 497 Trower, Walter John, bishop of Glas- gow and Galloway. Letter to the Rev. A. J. D. D'Orsey, incumbent of St. John's Episcopal Chapel, Glasgow, on certain re- cent changes in the ritual of his church. Glasgow: Maurice Ogle and Son, 1851. 12 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.9 What ought the next General Assembly of the Free Church to do? or, Sugges- tions as to a plan for remodelling the fi- nancial arrangements of the Free Church: with a few thoughts on questions of ec- clesiastical finance, recently under con- sideration... Glasgow: J. R. MacNair & W. Collins [1851?]. 48 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 1852 Beckett, W. "Uncle Tom" in the Free Church; or, An appeal against the usurpa- tion of patronage by the clergy. By a Free Churchman [i. e., W. Beckett]. Edin- burgh: Forbes & Wilson, 1852. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p. box 1 Dialogue on Free Church door, between "the Rev. Archibald Brown, A.M., Adam Square," and "Nominis Umbra." Edin- burgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1852. 31 p. 16°. *C p.v. 1316 Free Church of Scotland. — General As- sembly: Committee of the Sustentation Fund. Report of the Sustentation Com- mittee on the returns made by presby- teries relative to the proposed scheme for the distribution of the fund, and deliver- ance of the commission of assembly there- on. Edinburgh: Johnstone and Hunter, 1852. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Free New North Church, Edinburgh. Report of the Deacons' Court of Free New North Church: 1851-2. Submitted to the congregation in terms of act of assembly thereanent. Edinburgh: A. Walker, 1852. 16 p. 12°. * C p.v. 674 Investigator, pseud. Fanaticism in the north; letter to the editor of the Witness [Hugh Millerj upon the abrupt termina- tion of his recent attempt to defend "The men." Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1852. 47 p. 8°. ZWH p. box 1 Lay membership in church synods con- sidered, with reference to the constitution of the church in Scotland; an address... at the annual synod of the united diocese of St. Andrews, Dunkeld, and Dunblane ...June 16, 1852... London: F. & J. Rivington, 1852. 37 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1163 Robertson, William. The Sustentation Fund, and the proposed alteration in its constitution and distribution... Aber- deen: G. Davidson, 1852. 40 p. 16°. * C p.v. 1316 Suggestions for an equitable distribu- tion of the Sustentation Fund. By a non- disruption minister. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1852. 16 p. 12°. * C p.v. 1316 Thomson, Edward Anderson. The na- tional covenants, considered in their bear- ing on the question of union between the Free Church and the Original Secession. Dundee: William Middleton, 1852. 1 p.l., 54 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Trower, Walter John, bishop of Glas- gow and Galloway. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, at the visitation, September 8, 1852. Edinburgh: Grant & Son, 1852. 32 p. 8°. ZPEp.v.2 1853 Agnew, David Carnegie. An eye upon the Scottish Established Church, with reference to the law of patronage and the proposed codification of the laws of Scot- land. By a Free Church minister [Rev. D. C. Agnewj. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1853. 25 p. 12°. ZWGFp.v.8 Aitchison, David. A free inquiry into the duties of the bishops of the Church of Scotland, missionary as well as episcopal. Edinburgh: Robert Seton, 1853. 55 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1511 Buchanan, Robert. Free Church of Scotland Sustentation Fund; [Communica- tion] to the office-bearers of the Free Church of Scotland, June, 1853. [By Robert Buchanan.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1853.] 3 p. 8°. * C p.v. 497 — Statement relative to the Sustenta- tion Fund of the Free Church of Scotland ...submitted to the General Assembly of 1853... also, financial report of the com- mittee for 1852-53. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1853. 23 p. 8°. *C p.v. 497 MacGregor, James. Three smooth stones from the brook; or, A brief exhibi- tion of the case of Mr. James Lamont, the case of the Free Church of Scotland, and the case of the church established in Scotland. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunt- er, 1853. 51 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.20,no.ll 1854 Wordsworth, Charles, bishop of St. An- drews. A primary charge delivered to the clergy and laity of the United diocese of St. Andrews, Dunkeld, and Dunblane, in St. Ninian's Cathedral, Perth, on St. Mat- thew's day, 1854. [By the bishop of the diocese, Charles Wordsworth.] Perth: E. G. Sydey, 1854. 30 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 280 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued, 1856 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly: Endowment Committee. Appendix to report by the Endowment Committee to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 2nd June 1856. Edinburgh: Mould & Tod, 18S6. 55 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1223 Free Church of Scotland. Glasgow evangelization. Report to the General As- sembly 1856. [Edinburgh? 1856.] 15 p. 8°. * C p.v. 444 Organ, The, question. (Fraser's maga- zine. London, 1856. 8°. v. 53, p. 660-668.) *DA Phin, Kenneth M'Leay. Scottish Epis- copacy the pioneer of popery. Letter to the Right Hon. Lord John Scott, on the recent movements of Scottish episcopacy in the counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1856. 38 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 1857 Aitchison, David. Scottish Presbyte- rianism not Presbyterian: a letter to Ken- neth M. Phin, minister of Galashiels. Edinburgh: R. Lendrum & Co., 1857. 39 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Church of Scotland. Patronage and popular rights, as embodied in the Scot- tish Benefices Act, and discussed in the last General Assembly. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1857. iv, 35 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Church of Scotland endowment scheme. Report of a public meeting held in. . .Edin- burgh, in support of the endowment scheme of the Church of Scotland.. .April 8, 1857. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1857. 18 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Church of Scotland endowment scheme. Report of a public meeting held in the Town Hall, Kelso, in aid of the endow- ment scheme of the Church of Scotland. . . February 27, 1857. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1857. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Phin, Kenneth M'Leay. Reasons against legalizing the admission to Eng- lish livings of clergymen in Scottish Epis- copal orders. Letter to... the earl of Shaftesbury. [Galashiels: Border Adver- tiser Office, 1857.] 3 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 8 Sinclair, Sir George. Letters on the ec- clesiastical condition of Scotland, ad- dressed to the editor of the Scottish Press. Edinburgh: Shepherd and Elliot, 1857. 54 p 12°. ZEC p.v. 70 1858 Cheyne, Patrick. Answers for the Rev. Patrick Cheyne, to the appeal by the Rev- erend Gilbert Rorison, and others, against a judgement pronounced by the bishop of Aberdeen, on 15th June 1858. [Aberdeen 1858.] 5 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l — ■ — ■ Reasons of appeal. . .against the judgement pronounced by the bishop of Aberdeen [i. e., Thomas George Suther] on 5th August 1858. [Aberdeen, 1858.] 58 o 8°. ZPWFp.v.l Reasons of appeal. . .against two judgements pronounced by the bishop of Aberdeen, on 15th June 1858. [Aberdeen 1858.] 15 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l Drummond, David Thomas Kerr. A letter to the Very Rev. Dean Ramsay, in reference to the primary charge of Bishop Forbes and a declaration by Bishops Ter- rot, Ewing, and Trower. Edinburgh: W P. Kennedy, 1858. 10 p. 8°. * C p.v. 669 Liston, William. The service of the house of God, according to the practice of the Church of Scotland. By the Rev. Wil- liam Liston... Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1858. xviii p., 1 1., 411 p. 8°. ZHN Wordsworth, Charles, bishop of St. Andrews. Notes to assist towards form- ing a right judgement on the eucharistic controversy [between A. P. Forbes, bishop of Brechin, and the synod of the Scotch Episcopal Churchj. [With supplement.] [By Charles Wordsworth, Bishop of St. Andrews.] [Edinburgh: T. Constable, prtr., 1858., 66, 14 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l 1859 Cheyne, Patrick. Reasons of appeal by the Reverend Patrick Cheyne, against a judgement on the merits and sentence pro- nounced by the bishop of Aberdeen [i. e., Thomas George Suther], on 26th and 27th May 1859. [With appendix, containing the accusation, judgement, sentence, and legal opinion.) [Aberdeen, 1859.] 53 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l Reasons of appeal by the Reverend Patrick Cheyne, against a judgment on the relevancy pronounced by the bishop of Aberdeen [i. e., Thomas George Suther] on 3rd May 1859. [Aberdeen, 1859.) 5 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l Reply... to the Answers for the bishop of Aberdeen [i. e., Thomas George Sutherj. [Aberdeen, 1859.] 9 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l Free Church of Scotland. A full report of the proceedings in the General Assem- bly of the Free Church of Scotland, regard- ing the recognition of B. North. May, 1859. With notes and addenda by the Rev. J. Rhenius. Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1859. 16 p. 8°. ZKYp.v.3,no.l3 Gibson, James. The minute of the Free Church College Committee on the case of the Glasgow Free Church College, with LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 281 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. strictures and relative evidence. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1859. 1 p.l., 143 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 433 Henderson, William, and others. Unto the Right Reverend the Primus, and the other members of the College of Bishops of the Episcopal Church in Scotland: [pre- sentment against A. P. Forbes, bishop of Brechin]. [Signed William Henderson, Pat. Wilson, David Smith.] n. t .-p. [Edin- burgh, 1859.] 6 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l Ross, George. Answers for... Thomas George Suther, bishop of Aberdeen, to the presentment by George Grubb . . . George Ogilvie. . .and Alexander Ross. . . [Signed , George Ross.] [Aberdeen, 1859.] 3 p. 4°. ZPWF p.v. 1 Smith, James. Reasons of appeal . . . against a revocation of his appointment by the bishop of Moray and Ross. n. p. [1859.] 8 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l Suther, Thomas George, bishop of Aber- deen. Answers for... the bishop of Aber- deen [i. e., Thomas George Suther] to the Reasons of appeal for the Reverend Pat- rick Cheyne. n. t.-p. [Aberdeen, 1859.] 20 p. 4°. ZPWFp.v.l — — ■ [Summoning Rev. Patrick Cheyne to the synod held in Aberdeen, May 3, 1859.] n. t.-p. [Aberdeen, 1859.] 3 p. 4°. ZPWF p.v. 1 1860 Cardross, The, case and the Free Church of Scotland. (Macmillan's magazine. Cambridge, 1860. 8°. v. 2, p. 293-303.) *DA Cardross, The, case in the light of the ecclesiastical history of Scotland. By a minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter & Co., 1860. 29 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.22 Church and state: the spiritual and civil courts. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1860. 47 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Extr. : North British review, May, 1860. Forbes, Alexander Penrose, bishop of Brechin. Answers... to the presentment against him [A. P. Forbes] at the instance of the Rev. William Henderson. . .Patrick Wilson, and David Smith... Edinburgh: Reid & Reynolds, 1860. 229 p. 4°. ZPWF p.v. 1 Free Church of Scotland. The Cardross case; proceedings at the commission of the General Assembly. . .Jan. 18, 1860... Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1860. 62 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v. 433 Nobody, pseud. An epigram: dedicated (without permission) to the laity of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, by Nobody Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1860 2 1 12 °- NCI p.v. 50 1861 Free Church of Scotland. Declaration of the Association in Connexion with the Free Church of Scotland for Promoting the Principles of the Covenanted Refor- mation in regard to contemplated schemes of union between Presbyterian churches, n.p. 1.1861.] 16 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.4 Review, A, by an editor of the "Original Secession magazine," of the Memoir of the Rev. John Brown, D.D., by the Rev. John Cairns, D.D., with special reference to the atonement controversy, and union of the U. P. church with other Presby- terian churches, &c. Moffat: W. Muir, 1861. 1 p.l., 25 p. 2. thousand. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 1862 Bi-centenary of 1662. The year 1662, and its lessons to Scotland in 1862. Edin- burgh: John McLaren, 1862. 15 p. 16°. ZWGM p.v. 10 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report of the committee of the Gen- eral Assembly on unexhausted teinds and augmentations. Edinburgh, 1862. 1 1. 8°. TIS p. box 2 1863 Brown, Charles John. The disruption question stated. Edinburgh: T. Nelson and Sons, 1863. 16 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Repr. : Free Church record. Essential condition in the appointment of the Committee on Union, 1863. (Watch- word. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 162- 167.) ZWA Free Church of Scotland. Christian union. Report of speeches on union with the United Presbyterian Church, delivered in the General Assembly of the Free Church, Thursday, May 28, 1863. Edin- burgh: A. Elliot, 1863. 59 p. rev. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 16 King, David. The contemplated union of Presbyterian churches. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1863. 2 p.l., 5-41 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 16 Moffat, William. The proposed union of the Free and United Presbyterian Churches, in its bearing upon Calvinistic doctrine. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Co. [1863.] 48 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Tyndal, John. Free and United Presby- terian union opposed to the principles of the Reformation: review of speeches on union in the Free Church General Assem- bly of 1863. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hun- ter and Co., 1864. 2 p.l., 5-72 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 282 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. United Presbyterian Church. Christian union. Report of speeches on union with the Free Church, delivered in the United Presbyterian synod, Friday, ISth May 1863. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1863. 39 p. rev. ed. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 16 Repr. : Caledonian Mercury. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1863. 40 p. rev. ed. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 11 This issue has a list of "Committee on Union" on back of title-page. 1864 Davidson, Peter. Civil magistracy and Christianity; a letter, addressed to John Brown, Esq., M.D., containing a full report and brief vindication of a speech delivered in the United Presbyterian synod on May 11. 1864. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1864. 32 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 16 Full and revised report of the discus- sions on union, in the Free Church Assem- bly, and in the synods of the United Pres- byterian, English Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian, and Original Secession Churches, in April and May, 1864. Edin- burgh: A. Elliot, 1864. xx, 100 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 11 Macrae, John. Address delivered at the meeting of the synod of Merse and Teviot- dale, 11th October 1864, on the doctrinal errors brought under the review of the Privy Council and the attitude of the Epis- copal Church towards the Church of Scot- land. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1864. 32 p. 8°. ZPEp.v. 1 Review of the Rev. Mr. White's Princi- ples of Christian union. Glasgow: D. Bryce, 1864. 31 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.3 Extracted from the Original Secession magazine, for June, 1864. 1865 Begg, James. Free Church Presbyte- rianism in the United Kingdom: its princi- ples, duties, and dangers. Four addresses delivered in the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, 1865. Edin- burgh: Duncan Grant, 1865. 2 p.l., 5-48. p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Dow, William. The elements of unity. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1865. 22 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Reprinted from v. 1 of Sermons. Drummond, James. A letter on the Sabbath question, addressed to all lovers of liberty. Edinburgh: R. P. Smith, 1865. 8 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 92 Free Church of Scotland. Report of Committee on Union to the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May, 1865. Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1865 12 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 1866 Buchanan, Robert. The present state of the union question: being the speech on that subject delivered in the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland on the 30th May 1866. Edinburgh: T. Nel- son, 1866. 31 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Free Church of Scotland. Report of the Committee of the Free Church of Scotland on union with other churches. May, 1866. no. xxvi. [With appendix.] [Edinburgh?] 1866. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Gibson, James. The union question: its present position. Delivered in the Free presbytery of Glasgow, September 5, 1866. Glasgow: T. Murray and Son, 1866. 88 p 8°. ZWGF p.v. 16 Hill, David Octavius. The disruption of the Church of Scotland (containing four hundred and fifty portraits) representing the signing the deed of demission by the ministers of the first General Assembly of the Free Church. Painted by D. O. Hill. . . Edinburgh: Schenck & M'Farlane, 1866. 30 p. 1 fac, 1 pi. 8°. MCTp.v.l,no.6 M'Corkle, Robert. The decline of the Free Church, and the need of a reformed Free Church in Scotland. [Stirling: Ob- server Office, 1866.] 48 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Macnair, Robert, the younger. Noli subscribere. On the subscription to the Westminster Confession of Faith. Edin- burgh: W. Paterson, 1866. 78 p. 8°. ZG p.v. 1 Moffat. Is the Free Church of Scot- land to continue free? Substance of speech delivered at a pro, re nata meeting of the Free presbytery of Strathbogie, 31st July 1866. . .in regard to a deputation appointed by the General Assembly to visit part of the synod of Moray, including the presby- tery of Strathbogie, in reference to the state of religion. With copy of "Sugges- tions for the use of .. .deputation"... Banff: Banffshire Journal Office, 1866. 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v 4 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. Speech on the union question, as at present brought before presbyteries, delivered in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, 10th October 1866. With a, note on the state and prospects of that question. [By Sir H. W. Moncreiff, bart.] Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1866. 23 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 4 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scot- land. Returns from the presbyteries of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, on the remit from synod, 1866. Edinburgh: C. Gibson, 1867. 12 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 283 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. 1867 Adamson, William. The doctrine of the atonement as taught by the United Pres- byterian divines and the "Standards": a critique on a correspondence with Dr. Marshall, ex-moderator of the U. P. Synod, and on union discussions. Glasgow: T. Adamson, 1867. 28 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.8 Balfour, William. The proposed union. Vital doctrine of Christ's headship over the nations. Essential difference between the views held by the Free and United Presbyterian churches as brought out by the present negotiations. [Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1867?) 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p. v. 6 Union and the "Daily Review." [Edinburgh,] 1867. 4 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Crawford, Thomas Jackson. Address delivered at the close of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, 3d June 1867, by the moderator. Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867. 20 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Doctrine in the U. P. Church. (Watch- word. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 279- 283.) ZWA Fraser, Donald. Comprehensive Pres- byterian union in Scotland. Edinburgh: John Maclaren, 1867. 1 p.l., (1)6-26 p., 1 1. 8°. *C p.v. 1516 Free Church of Scotland. — General Assembly. Overtures. [Anent union.] n. p., 1867. 1 p.l., 135-142 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Report of the committee of the Free Church of Scotland on union with other churches. May, 1867. (no. xxxii.) [With appendix to report.] [Edinburgh?] 1867. 20, SO p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Guthrie, Thomas. An unspoken speech or plea for union. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1867. 30 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 16 Ker, John. Some thoughts on the re- lation of the magistrates to religion, and the question of church union, as con- nected with it. Glasgow: D. Robertson and D. Bryce, 1867. 31 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 16 Layman, A, pseud. Union and the prin- ciples of the Free Church. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 34-41.) ZWA Proposed, The, change in the Sustenta- tion Fund. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 284-287.) ZWA Romance in real life: the courtship of Widow Freekirk and Mr. U. Peabody. (In: Diogenes among the D. D.'s. Glasgow, 1867. p. 87-108.) * C p.v. 363 Scottish, The, Episcopal communion of- fice. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 73-79, 169-175.) ZWA Statement explanatory and defensive of the position assumed by certain ministers and elders of the Free Church of Scotland, in consequence of the decision of last Gen- eral Assembly in regard to the present scheme of union. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1867.- 40 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 11 Attributed to Rev. James Begg, D.D. Thorburn, David. The union question: being the substance of two speeches par- tially delivered in the Free Church presby- tery of Edinburgh, on 9th January and 27th March 1867. With an appendix. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1867. 40 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 United Presbyterian Church. — Commit- tee on Union. Suggestions by presbyteries, anent the committee's report to synod. January, 1867. Edinburgh: Crawford and M'Cabe [1867]. 40 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 1868 Ardmillan, James Craufurd, lord. Union: address by Lord Ardmillan. Edinburgh: John Maclaren, 1868. 13 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 2 Balfour, William. Dr. Rainy's position indefensible; or, The real question at issue in the union movement. Edinburgh: Ed- monston and Douglas, 1868. 48 p. 8P. ZWGF p.v. 11 • • Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1868. 48 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Begg, James. The late Dr. Chalmers on the establishment principle and Irish Prot- estantism; with some forgotten chapters of Free Church history. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1868. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 The union question. Speech de- livered in the Free presbytery of Edin- burgh, on Monday, March 2, 1868. With a preface in regard to our connection with the Australian Union, and other matters. Edinburgh: J. Nichol [1868]. 31 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 Bonar, Horatius. Speech on the union question, delivered in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, on the 26th February 1868. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter, & Co., 1868. 39 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 Brown, Charles John. Some materials of thought in the union question: the civil magistrate. With an appendix. Edin- burgh: A. Elliot, 1868. 2 p.l., 5-15 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 — — The union question. Speech deliv- ered in the Free Church presbytery of Edinburgh, 2d March 1868. Edinburgh: A. Elliot [1868]. 22 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 284 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Brown, David. The union question. Ad- dress [at Inverness]. [Edinburgh: A. El- liot, 1868.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 11 Buchanan, James. Substance of a speech on the union question, delivered in the presbytery of Edinburgh on the 26th of February, 1868. With some corrections and additions. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter & Co. c 1868.] 43 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v. 11 Cameron, Andrew. A forgotten chapter in the history of the union movement. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1868. 30 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 2 Edinburgh: 1868. 32 p. 2. ed. 8°. Andrew Elliot, ZWGF p.v. 11 Candlish, Robert Smith. The disruption testimony and its bearing on present duty: being the address delivered at the open- ing of the New College, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, 4th November 1868. Edin- burgh: J. Maclaren, 1868. 15 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Creeds and establishments. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1868. 36 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1516 Dr. Harper's statement of the United Presbyterian position of the union ques- tion. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 3, p. 215-226.) ZWA Erastianism, disestablishment, and George Gillespie. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 3, p. 309-316.) ZWA Forbes, John. The union question. What is to be substituted for the Susten- tation Fund? being the minutes of meeting of the Union Committee of December 17, 1867, and a speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Glasgow, on February 5, 1868. Edinburgh: J. Nichol c 1868]. 16 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Free Church of Scotland. Extract from last report of the Free Church Union Com- mittee to the General Assembly, in regard to the views entertained with respect to the province of the civil magistrate in re- lation to religion and the church. I. Ar- ticles of agreement. [II. Distinctive ar- ticles.] n. p., 1868. 4 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Report of the Committee... on union with other churches. May, 1868. [Edin- burgh, 1868.] 7 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Gall, James. Six letters to the Rev. Dr. Begg and his protesting minority, shewing that their "Statement, explanatory and de- fensive," involves an abandonment of Free Church principles, a denial of the divine authority of Presbyterianism, and the adoption of the distinctive principle of the Seceders. From one of the majority [ie, Rev. James Gall]. Edinburgh: A. Elliot [1868]. 23 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWHFp.v.2 Gibson, James. The union question: speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Glasgow, March 23, 1868, with a statement on the question of doctrine intended for the General Assembly, 1867. Also, appen- dix — ■ Principles of Dr. M'Crie. Glasgow T. Murray and Son, 1868. 40 p. 8° ZWHF p.v. 6 Harper, James. The difficulties of the union question: a letter addressed to James Buchanan, D.D., LL.D. Edinburgh: A Elliot, 1868. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 I., A. E. Church union, viewed in the light of the Westminster Confession and of historical fact: being a Free Church- man's inquiry. Glasgow: J. Mackie, 1868. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Kirkwood, Anderson. The union ques- tion: its status quo, and the present duty of its promoters. An address... Glasgow: David Bryce & Co., 1868. 78 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 M'Corkle, Robert. The decline of the Free Church, and the need of a reformed Free Church in Scotland. With a preface, containing strictures on the proceedings of the Free General Assembly of 1867, rel- ative to the question of union. Edinburgh: J. Wood, 1868. 1 p.l, xix, 3-48 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Main, Thomas. Speech on the union question, in the Free Church presbytery of Edinburgh. Delivered on the 26th Feb- ruary 1868. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1868. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 11 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. The union question. Speech... in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, on the 26th of February, 1868: being a reply to Mr. Main, Professor Smeaton, Dr. Thomas Smith, and Dr. James Buchanan. With an appen- dix, relative to statements by Dr. James Buchanan and Dr. Begg. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1868. 36 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 11 Presbyterian, The, churches in Scotland. Can nothing be done? Edinburgh: Ogle & Murray, 1868. 15 p. 8°. Rainy, Robert. The present position of the union question in the Free Church, with special reference to a recent "State- ment, explanatory and defensive." Edin- burgh: J. Maclaren, 1868. 54 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 8 Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1868. 54 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 With marginal ms. notes by C. M. Christie of Durie. Rankin, James. Union and reunion among Scottish Presbyterians; being a consideration of the union question from LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 285 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. the stand-point of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1868. 2 p.l., 51 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 2 Rev. Dr. Robert Buchanan's novel opin- ions regarding the principle of establish- ments: with remarks on Mr. Coleridge's (M. P. for Exeter) views on the same sub- ject. Glasgow: G. Gallic 1868. 19 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 11 Repr.: Original Secession magazine. Ritchie, E. The question of the day: the duty of nations to the true religion and the church of Christ. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1868. 34 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 2 Smith, Thomas. The union question: in reply to Dr. Rainy's pamphlet. Edinburgh: J. Nichol [1868j. 40 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 Stuart, Alexander Moody. Is the "Es- tablishment of religion" outside of the Confession? A speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, on the 25th November 1868. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren [1868]. 1 p.l., 54 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Thomson, Edward Anderson. The union question. Speech in favour of the union, delivered in the Free presbytery of Edin- burgh, on the 2d March 1868. With ap- pendix. Edinburgh: A. Elliot t 1868i. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 Union of Presbyterian churches. Report of speeches at the public meeting of office- bearers, at Aberdeen, on 1st April 1868. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1868. 18 p., 1 1. 16°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Repr.: Aberdeen Free Press, April 3, 1868. Union, The, question. Edinburgh, 1868. 7 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Repr.: Edinburgh Courant, March 4, 1868. Union, The, question. Speeches deliv- ered at a meeting of office-bearers of the Free Church, on the present position of the union question. Glasgow: Clow & Thom- son, 1868. 46 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 United Presbyterian Church. The union question. Synod of the U. P. Church, 13th May 1868. n. p., 1868. 15 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Walker, James. The union question, and the minority of last assembly. Edinburgh: T. Nelson and Sons, 1868. 56 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 11 1869 Balfour, William. Articles of agree-, ment between the Free and United Pres- byterian committees on the question of the civil magistrate examined. Edinburgh: Ballantyne & Co., 1869. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Voluntaryism of the United Pres- byterian Church unchanged, and directly opposed to the distinctive principles of the Free Church of Scotland: including a reply to Dr. Rainy. With an appendix. Edin- burgh: Johnstone, Hunter & Co., 1869. 48 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Begg, James. Free Church principles since the disruption, with special reference to some remarks made by Dr. Buchanan at a meeting of the Free Church presby- tery of Glasgow, on the 3d February 1869. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1869. 19 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. S Beith, Alexander. The Scottish Church in her relations to other churches at home and abroad. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1869. iv p., 1 1., 7-79 p., 1 1. 8°. ZPE p.v. 1 Buchanan, Robert. The freedom of the church of Christ, viewed in connection with certain events and questions of the time: being the substance of a speech de- livered in the Free Church presbytery of Glasgow, on the 3d February 1869. Glas- gow: Blackie & Son, 1869. 31 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Cameron, Andrew. Forgotten facts of the voluntary controversy, and their bear- ing on union. With other matters of present interest. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1869. 2 p.l., 5-66 p. 8°. ZWHF pcv. 5 Dr. Robert Buchanan and the confes- sions of faith of the Reformed churches. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. v. 3, p. 408-414.) ZWA Free Church principles since the dis- ruption. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. v. 3, p. 453-469.) ZWA Free Church of Scotland. Report of committee on union with other churches, to the General Assembly, May 1869. With revised and completed findings of the joint committee on the several heads of the programme. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1869. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 Lawrence, S. The province and duty of the civil magistrate, as laid down by the Union Committee, with remarks & pro- posed emendations. Montrose: G. Walker, 1869. 15 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Macleod, Norman. The concluding ad- dress to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May, 1869. London: Strahan & Co. [1869j. 52 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 9 Title from cover. M'Naught, James. What voluntary lib- erality has done and left undone for minis- ters of the Free Church of Scotland. . .2. ed. containing correspondence with the earl of Dalhousie, and additional observa- tions, by Rev. J. M'Naught. With a pref- 286 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. ace and prefatory note to the second edi- tion, by James Begg, D.D., Edinburgh. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1869. 55 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.9 Martin, Hugh. Christ's crowns, in their correlation. A letter (in reply) to Sir Henry Wellwood Moncreiff, bart., D.D. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1869. 38 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 5 On the correlation of spiritual in- dependence & national religion; in friend- ly criticism of a distinction of Sir Henry W. Moncreiff's on the headship of Christ. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1869. 31 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 5 The ten years' conflict misread by its historian. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1869. 16 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Miller, Hugh. The headship of Christ, and the rights of the Christian people. By H. Miller. With a preface by Peter Bayne. New York: Virtue and Yorston [1869]. xvi, 517 p. 12°. ZWG Miller, Samuel, and others. The true freedom of the church of Christ in the light of Scripture, and how it can be se- cured. Speeches delivered in the Free presbytery of Glasgow, March 10, 1869. By Samuel Miller, R. C. Smith, and James Gibson. Glasgow: T. Murray and Son [1869]. 2 p.l., S-68 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v 5 Mr. Cameron's defence of the extreme unionists. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. v. 4, p. 204-210.) ZWA Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. Church establishment and church independence. A speech delivered in the Free [Church! presbytery of Edinburgh, February 24, 1869. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Doug- las, 1869. 23 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Nixon, William. The king of nations, and the duty of their rulers to his truth and kingdom: a sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: D. Grant, 1869. 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 The two meanings: or, The hollow and deceptive character of the "Articles of agreement" as at present adjusted. A speech in the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, on 25th May 1869, (with additions). Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1869. 2 p.l., 5-52 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Position and prospects of the union ques- tion. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. v. 3, p. 405-408.) ZWA _ Stuart, Alexander Moody. A contribu- tion toward the clearing of our terms, on religion and the church in the articles of union: the church settling the ordinances: toleration under a settlement. Edinburgh- J. Maclaren, 1869. 36 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Wordsworth, Charles, bishop of St. An* drews. Euodias and Syntyche, The Scot- tish Church in its relations, past and pres- ent, to the Church of England. Perth' R Whittet [1869?]. 46 p. 16°. *Cp.v.901 1870 Adam, John, and Robert Buchanan. Union on the basis of the standards ex- plained and vindicated by Rev. Dr. Adam and Rev. Dr. Buchanan in the opening and closing speeches of the debate of 30th March and 4th April 1870, in the Free Church presbytery of Glasgow. Edin- burgh: T. Constable, 1870. 30 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Anderson, Alexander. The voluntary principle vindicated: being a criticism on the articles of agreement contained in the report on union. Edinburgh: A. Elliot 1870. 19 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Are the union negociations fairly con- ducted? (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 5, o. 289-295.) ZWA Balfour, William. Essential difference between the Free and United Presbyterian Churches in regard to the duty of the civil magistrate toward religion and the church of Christ. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1870. 16 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Begg, James. Present aspect of the union question. A speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, on the 10th No- vember 1870... Edinburgh: printed by Ballantyne & Co., 1870. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Brown, Charles John. The question of principle sent down by the assembly. Being a speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, on 8th November 1870. With an appendix. Edinburgh: J. Mac- laren, 1870. 27 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Buchanan, Robert. The assembly's question about union: what the question is, and how it should be answered. A speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Glas- gow, 8th November 1870. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1870. 27 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Lecture on church establishments. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1870. 16 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 See also Adam, John, and Robert Buchanan. Cairns, John. Dr. Cairns and Mr. Moody Stuart's union motion. Berwick, .1870. 4 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.5 Present duty with regard to union, A speech delivered in the United Presby- terian Synod, Edinburgh, May 11, 18/0. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1870. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 287 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Cameron, Andrew. A warning anent the Rev. W. Nixon's "Forewarning." Edin- burgh: A. Elliot, 1870. 18 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Candlish, Robert Smith. Speech of Dr. Candlish in the debate on union in the Free Church presbytery of Edinburgh, 9th November 1870. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. IS p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Charteris, Archibald Hamilton. Speech on patronage and union delivered in the commission of the General Assembly. March 2, 1870. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1870.] 8 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 20 Constitution, The, of the church assailed. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. S, p. 29S-302.) ZWA Cousin, William. The issue at stake in the alternative submitted to the presbyte- ries of the Free Church, for their decision, by the remit of the General Assembly. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 40 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Dickson, David. An elder's thoughts on union. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1870. 32 p. 16°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Dr. Buchanan's union manifesto exam- ined. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 241-249.) ZWA Duff, Alexander. Union not incompati- ble with Free Church principles, and sug- gestions with a view to peace and harmony. A speech delivered in the Free Church presbytery of Edinburgh, 8th Nov. 1870. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 48 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Formula, The, [Of the Free Church, the United, the Reformed, and the English Presbyterian Church]. [Edinburgh? 1870?] 12 p. 8°. (Tracts on union, no. III.) ZWHF p.v. 5 Fr.ee Church of Scotland. Declaration by office-bearers of the Free Church anent the Report on union. [Glasgow: Bell and Bain, 1870.] 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Reports of Committee on Union with Other Churches, to the General As- sembly. May, 1869 and 1870. Edinburgh, 1870. 20, 24, 18 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Includes two editions of 1870. Union of non-established churches in Scotland. Report of meeting held in the Free Church, Dumfries, October, 3, 1870. n. p. [1870.] 32 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Free Church of Scotland Defence As- . sociation. Speeches delivered at a meeting of Free-Church office-bearers. . .3d March 1870, in Glasgow, by Rev. Dr. James J. Wood, Dumfries, Rev. Dr. James Begg, Edinburgh t and others]. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1870. 56 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 ' Tract, no. 7. [Glasgow, 1870.] 8°. ZWHF Gibson, James. The union question. Re- statement of the difference. Free church- ism v. Broad churchism. A speech deliv- ered in the Free presbytery of Glasgow, November 9, 1870. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter, & Co., 1870. 44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Goold, William H. Unqualified sub- scription of the Confession of Faith, n. p. [1870?] 4 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Gordon, James. An appeal to unionists in a letter to a friend. Glasgow: W. & D. Thomson, 1870. 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Harper, James, and others. Union on the basis of the standards as held by the several churches. Speeches of the Rev. Dr. Harper, Rev. William Thomson, Rev. Dr. Aindrew) Thomson, in the Edinburgh presbytery of the U. P. Church, 6th Dec. 1870. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 39 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Joint-Committee on Union. Deliver- ances of the supreme courts of the several [Presbyterian] churches on the subject of union, and supplementary documents, n. p., 1870. 28 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Kennedy, John. Great anti-union meet- ing at Inverness. Speech by the Rev. Tohn Kennedy. Glasgow: Free Church Defence Association [1870]. 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Unionism and the union. Edin- burgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 40 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Kidston, William. The captious and en- snaring question, sent down to presby- teries by a diminished majority of the Gen- eral Assembly (under protest). Speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Dum- barton, 23d November 1870. Glasgow: Dunn & Wright, 1871. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Lothian, Maurice. Address... on co- operation without incorporation, delivered at a meeting of ministers and other office- bearers of the Free Church of Scotland, held at Edinburgh, on the 26th April 1870. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1870. 16 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWHFp.v.5 Macaulay, George. Free Church princi- ples; an appeal to the people. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 41 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Maccoll, D. A free church and a free gospel; or, The present question before the presbyteries of the Free Church of Scotland. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1870. 22 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 McEwan, John. The new phase of the union question: being the substance of a 288 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh. . .April 5, 1870. Edinburgh: D. Grant [1870]. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 5 MacGregor, James. The question of principle now raised in the Free Church, specially regarding the atonement. Edin- burgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 76 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. The Cardross case and spiritual independence. [Signed H. Wellwood Moncreiff.i [Edin- burgh: Maclaren and Macniven, 187-?] 4 p. 8°. (Papers for our people by ministers and members of the Free Church of Scot- land, no. 7.) ZWGM p.v. 1 Nixon, William. A forewarning of the troubles before us, from the present move- ment for the union of the churches, fur- nished by the proceedings in the Free presbytery of Brechin (at their meeting on 5th April), in connection with Mr. Nixon's defence of himself from the attacks of the Rev. Andrew Cameron. . . Montrose, 1870. 4 p. 4°. ZWHF p.v. 5 A forewarning and foretaste of the troubles before us, from the present move- ment for the union of the churches, fur- nished by the tyrannical conduct of the majority of the Free presbytery of Bre- chin (...20th April), in connection with Mr. Nixon's defence of himself from the attacks of the Rev. Andrew Cameron. [Montrose, 1870., 8 p. 4°. ZWHF p.v. 5 • The present crisis in the Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: John- stone, Hunter & Co., 1870. 26 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Perth Christian Conference. Report. 1870. Perth, 1870. 8°. ZEA Philip. Yea or nay? Or, The union question tried and tested. By "A country minister" of the Free Church [i. e., Philipj. Edinburgh: D. Grant, 1870. 16 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 5 Rainy, Robert. History and present position of the [Union] question. Edin- burgh: T. Constable t 1870]. 8 p. 8°. (Tracts on union, no. 1.) ZWHF p.v. 5 — — Past positions and present duties considered in relation to Scottish churches. A letter to the Rev. Dr. Cairns, Berwick. With an appendix, being a speech on the Assembly's remit... in the Free presby- tery of Edinburgh, 9th Nov. 1870. Edin- burgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 46 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 Report of the Union Committee on the subject of the formulas. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 444-449.) ZWA Stuart, Alexander Moody. The union overture: is it wise or right? A speech de- livered in the Free presbytery of Edin- burgh, on 4th April 1870. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren [1870j. 16 p. 4. thousand. 8° ZWGF p.v. 6 Thomson, Edward Anderson. Ought the question of establishments to be embraced in the terms of church communion? A speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, Nov. 9, 1870. [With an appen- dix.] Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 12 p 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 "Tracts on Union." — no. 1. (Watch- word. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. S, p. 103- 110.) ZWA Union, The, debate — salient points (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 161-166, 195-203.) ZWA Union inadmissible on the basis pro- posed: being speeches delivered by mem- bers of the majority of ministers in the Free presbytery of Edinburgh, on 8th, 9th, and 10th November 1870. With appen- dices. Edinburgh: D. Grant, 1870. 192 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 6 With slip of erratum. Union, The, question explained, no. 2. [Contains] Dr. Buchanan's Union manifesto examined [and The U. P. presbyteries re- jecting the articles of agreement]. [Edin- burgh and London: Ballantyne and Co., 1870.] 12 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Veritas, pseud, of Andrew Macgeorge. The ' Church of Scotland and the Free Church: their relation to patronage, spirit- ual independence, and the civil courts. By Veritas [i. e., Andrew Macgeorgej. Glasgow: J. MacLehose, 1870. 47 p. 8°. ZWGMp.v.l Wilson, J. H. Union of non-established churches in Scotland. Speech... at Inver- ness, October 12, 1870. n. p., 1870. 4 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Wood, James Julius. The question of doctrine in connexion with the negotia- tions for union between the Free and United Presbyterian Churches. A tract for the circumstances. [Edinburgh: Bal- lantyne & Co., 1870?] 15 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 6 Wylie, James Aitkens. The establish- ment principle as now interpreted, a novel- ty unknown to our reformers and subver- sive of Christ's headship. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1870. 16 p. 8°. CMp.v.ll 1871 Begg, James. The ecclesiastical and so- cial evils of Scotland, and how to remedy them. An address to the Scottish people, with some reference to the speech of Mr. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 289 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Gladstone at Aberdeen. Edinburgh: John- stone, Hunter, & Co., 1871. 34 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 32 Union on the proposed basis in- consistent with Free Church principles. An address., .delivered 10th April 1871. Edinburgh: J. Menzies & Co., 1871. 23 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.3 A violation of the treaty of union the main origin of our ecclesiastical divisions and other evils. A second ad- dress to the people of Scotland. Edin- burgh: Johnstone, Hunter, & Co., 1871. 40 p. 8°. ZWGMp.v. 1 Bonar, Andrew Alexander, joint author. See Stuart, Alexander Moody, and An- drew Alexander Bonar. Borrowman, Patrick. The proposed ba- sis of union an alteration, modification, and compromise of the constitution and principles of the Free Church of Scotland. A speech delivered in the Free presbytery of Penpont, 14th March 1871. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter & Co., 1871. 36 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Duncan, James. A pre-disruption elder's view of the union movement, being the substance of a speech... in the Free pres- bytery of Perth. . .November, 1870. Perth: Dewar, Mitchell & Co., 1871. 14 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Free Church of Scotland. Full report of the great Free Church public meeting of those upholding Free Church principles, and unfavorable to union on the proposed basis . . . Glasgow . . . January, 1871 . . . Glas- gow: T. Murray & Son, 1871. 70 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Maccoll, D. The kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ; another contribution towards a peaceful solution of the union question. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1871. 24 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 M'Corry, John Stewart. Truth vindi- cated... With an appendix contain- ing reviews of the press on "The monks of Iona." London: R. Washbourne, 1871. 24 p. 8°. * C p.v. 370 A review of The concluding address to the Gen- eral Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May, 1869, by Rev. Norman Macleod. Smeaton, George. National Christianity and scriptural union; or, an exposition of the union-question now agitating the church. Address to the office-bearers, members, and adherents of the Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: John- stone, Hunter, & Co., 1871. 116 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Statement, A, of church statistics with remarks on church work. Glasgow: W Gilchrist, 1871. 24, 2 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Stuart, Alexander Moody, and Andrew Alexander Bonar. Ecclesiastical obedience a respectful answer to Dr. Candlish's ap- peal. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1871. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Thoughts in connection with the union movement. By a lady. Edinburgh: John- stone, Hunter & Co., 1871. 12 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Two, The, "Presbyterians" (Watch- word. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 5, p. 535- 544.) ZWA Union on the proposed basis not incon- sistent with Free Church principles. Speech by elders of the church, n. t.-p. [Glasgow, 1871.] 20 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Union, The, question in the Highlands. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 5, p. 546-550.) ZWA What does the Bible really say about the church and its testimony? Notes and queries by an elder of the Free Church. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1871. 20 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 1872 Cousin, William. Landmarks removed; or doors left ajar in the new proposal for incorporating union in detail. An address delivered in the Masonic Hall, Edinburgh ...5th March 1872, to oppose the new scheme of the Union Committee, n. t.-p. [Glasgow, 1872.J 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Free Church Defence Association, Scot- land. Minute of the committee of the... association. The new proposal of incor- poration made by the Union Committee. [Edinburgh, 1872.] 7 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 3 King, Andrew. A plea for union in maintaining the scriptural doctrine of the Westminister standards. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter & Co., 1872. 33 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Macgregor, James. The Union Commit- tee's new proposal. Edinburgh: J. Mac- laren, 1872. 16 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 3 Repr.: Daily Review, 1872. Mitchell, William. Voluntaryism the bane alike of church and state. [By Wil- liam Mitchell.] Glasgow: D. Bryce r 1872]. 12 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 New, The, scheme of union. (Watch- word. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-7.) ZWA [Edinburgh, 1872.] 8 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 p. 7-8 of reprint contains a short article on 'Uni/in, but not in the truth.' 290 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Possibilities, The, of free religious thought in Scotland. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1872. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 751- 769.) * DA Tulloch, John. Dean Stanley and the Scotch "Moderates." (Contemporary re- view. London, 1872. 8°. v. 20, p. 698- 717.) *DA The English and Scotch Churches. (Contemporary review. London, 1872. 8°. v. 19, p. 223-237.) * DA 1873 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Pastoral letter on the evils of dis- union and secession among evangelical churches. Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1873. 11 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Crisis, The, averted. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 8. p. 97-104.) ZWA Establishment, The, principle demand- ing disestablishment in Scotland. By a disruption minister. [Edinburgh? 1873 ?i 4 p. 8°. (Scottish Disestablishment As- sociation. [Tracts] no. 2.) ZWGM p.v. 2 Macgeorge, Andrew. The Established Church and the Free: in what do they dif- fer? An answer to the articles of [Alex- ander] Taylor Innes in the "Contemporary review." [By Andrew Macgeorge.] Glas- gow: J. MacLehose, 1873. 35 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1873. 35 p. 5. thousand. 8°. ZECp.v.91 Original Secession Church. Church dis- establishment: report presented to the Synod of original Seceders, by its com- mittee on public questions at its meeting in May, 1873. Edinburgh: J. M'Laren, 1873. 22 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Philalethes, pseud. Remarks on the statement by the committee of the synod of the United Presbyterian Church, of the grounds which justify and demand the disestablishment and disendowment of the Established Churches of England and Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1873. 24 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Edinburgh: William Black- wood & Sons, 1873. 24 p. 3. thousand. 8°. ZEC p.v. 91 Two, The, jurisdictions; or, Church and state. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 8, p. 153-162.) ZWA Voluntaryism unscriptural, unsuccessful and unsafe; being a reply to the recent manifesto of the U. P. Church on dises- tablishment. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1873. 23 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Winter evening conversations of Free Kirk ladies... Edinburgh: Charles F Lyon, 1873. 52 p. 12°. ZEC p.v. 91 Dedicated to the working men and women who hold fast the principles of the Free Kirk, and have not forgotten their mother-tongue. 1874 Abolition of church patronage in Scot- land. [Reasons and objections against a bill entitled "An act to alter and amend the laws relating to the appointment of minis- ters to parishes in Scotland." Submitted by the General Assembly, May 26, 1874, to the House of Commons.] n. p., 1874, 4 p. f°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Adam, John. Shall we return to the Establishment? A question for Free Churchmen. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1874. 19 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. The Patronage Act of 1874 all that was asked in 1843: being a reply to Mr. Taylor Innes... Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1874. 54 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Speeches on the second reading of the Church Patronage (Scotland) Bill in the House of Lords, June 2, 1874, and earl of Camperdown's amendment, June 9, 1874, placing the election of the ministers in the hands of the rate-payers. London: H. S. King & Co., 1874. 47 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Assailants, The, of the Church of Scot- land. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1874.] 4 p. 12°. (Information for the people, no. 2.) ZWGM p.v. 3 Begg, James. Dr. M'Crie and the law of patronage. [Edinburgh, 1874.] 3 half sheets. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Blaikie, William Garden. The religious awakening in Edinburgh, in connection with the visit of Messrs. Moody and San- key, n. t.-p. Manchester, 1874. 8 p. 12°. ZKY p.v. 3 Buchanan, Robert. The principles and position of the Free Church of Scotland: viewed in reference to certain legislative measures said to be in preparation in be- half of the Scotch Established Church. A speech delivered in the Free Church pres- bytery of Glasgow, on 1st April 1874. [Glasgow: W. G. Blackie and Co., 1874., 16 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Church, The, Patronage Act. [Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1874.] 4 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Church, The, Patronage (Scotland) Bill explained. Edinburgh: Scottish Disestab- lishment Association [1874?]. 4 p. 12 ■ ZWGM p.v. 3 Cumming, James Elder. The numbers of the churches: being a statement of the ecclesiastical statistics of Scotland. [Glas- gow, 1874.] 26 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 291 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Free Church of Scotland. Report of the committee on church rates to the General Assembly. May, 1874. n. p., 1874. broad- side. 8°. (no. xxxiv.) ZWGM p.v. 1 Report of committee on legislation regarding patronage. May, 1874. n. p., 1874. 7 p. 8°. (no. xxxii.) ZWGM p.v. 1 Gladstone, William Ewart. Speech... on the second reading of the Church Pa- tronage (Scotland) Bill, in the House of Commons, 6th July 1874. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1874. 23 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Great Britain. — Statutes. An act to al- ter and amend the laws relating to the appointment of ministers to parishes in Scotland. 37 & 38 Vict., chapter 82. Church Patronage (Scotland) [7th August 1874. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1874.] 7 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Innes, Alexander Taylor. The Church of Scotland crisis, 1843 and 1874, and the duke of Argyll... With appendix of cor- respondence. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1874. 2 p.l., 3-69 p. 4. ed. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Kennedy, John. Hyper-evangelism. 'Another gospel,' though a mighty power. A review of the recent religious movement in Scotland. Edinburgh: D. Grant & Co., 1874. 31 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 1 Macgeorge, Andrew. An answer to Dr. Buchanan's speech... in the Free Church presbytery of Glasgow, 1st April 1874, on the principles and position of the Free Church. [By Andrew Macgeorge.] Glas- gow: J. Maclehose, 1874. 36 p. 10. thou- sand. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 1 The Church of Scotland not Eras- tian. A reply to a letter from a Free Church minister as to the Stewarton case. By the author of "An answer to Dr. Bu- chanan's speech in the presbytery of Glas- gow" [i. e., Andrew Macgeorgej. Glas- gow: J. MacLehose, 1874. 19 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Spiritual independence, what is it? By Veritas [pseud, of Andrew MacGeorge]. Glasgow: J. Maclehose, 1874. 59 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 1 Makellar, William. The Free Church of Scotland and the act abolishing patron- age. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter & Co., 1874. 63 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 New, The, Patronage Act and the Scot- tish churches. [Edinburgh? 1874?] 4 p. 8°. (Scottish Disestablishment Associa- tion. [Tracts] no. 1.) ZWGM p.v. 2 Our Voluntary assailants. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1874?] 4 p. 12°. (Information for the people, no. 3.) ZWGM p.v. 3 Political, A, church; or, Short reflections on the disestablishment movement. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1874. 12 p. 16°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Public petitions on the Church Patron- age Abolition Bill of 1874. Kirkwall: Or- cadian Office, 1874. 1 p.l., 38 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Rainy, Robert. Disestablishment in Scotland, considered from the point of view of the Free Church. Being a speech delivered at the public meeting in Edin- burgh, 8th December 1874. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1874. 16 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Rate, Eneas M. Dr. Witherspoon the first powerful exposer of moderatism as it existed in the last century — the princi- ples and the policy of moderatism the causes of the two secessions from the Es- tablished Church last century, and of the disruption of the church itself in 1843 — also among the principal causes of the... present movement for the overthrow of the Churches of Scotland and England. Falkirk, 1874. single sheet 22" x 8?4". ZWGM p.v. 3 Repr.: Falkirk Herald, Dec. 17, 1874. Rutherford, Alexander C. The great difficulty connected with disestablishment policy stated in an address to Protestant parliamentary electors. Edinburgh: Ed- monston & Douglas, 1874. 2 p.l., 5-118 p. 16°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Scottish, The, Disestablishment Associa- tion. [Edinburgh, 1874.] 3 p. f. ZWGM p.v. 1 Repr.: Edinburgh Courant, June 23, 1874. Scotus, pseud. The ecclesiastical diffi- culties of Scotland and their remedy, con- sidered in a letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Pub- lishing Co., 1874. 8 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Six letters which appeared in the 'Edin- burgh Courant' after the meeting for church disestablishment held at Edin- burgh on 8th December 1874; by a Free Churchman "till lately." Edinburgh: Lyon and Gemmell, 1875. 23 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Three, The, churches: a question of principle. Being an examination of the distinctive principle in the United Presby- terian Church, in the Free Church, and in the Church of Scotland. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1874. 15 p. 6. thousand. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 1 Why should we not join the Establish- ment? A question for all honest, staunch 292 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Free Churchman. By a Free Churchman. Glasgow: A. & J. Bryson, 1874. 11 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Wood, Walter. The Free Church and the Patronage Act. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1874. 51 p. 24°. ZWGM p.v. 3 187S Badenoch, George R. The principle of church establishment; or, National religion a state necessity. London: W. T. Gibson [1875]. 2 p.l., 5-1 4 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Speech delivered at a meeting... of the Church Defence Institution. Bannatyne, Alexander M. A defence of the Patronage Act of 1874. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son [1875]. 20 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Begg, James. The principles, position, and prospects of the Free Church of Scot- land. A lecture delivered to the Free Church Students' Constitutional Associa- tion. Edinburgh: Lyon and Gemmell, 1875. 31 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Blaikie, William Garden. Letter to . . . Lord Polwarth on the union of churches in Scotland. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Doug- las, 1875. 23 p. 8°. * ZWGM p.v. 2 Cairns, John. On the present aspect of the disestablishment question. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co. [1875.] 4 p. 8°. (Tracts issued by the committee Cairns, John. On the present aspect of the disestablishment question. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co. [1875.] 4 p. 8°. (Tracts issued by the committee of the United Presbyterian Church on "the disestablish- ment and disendowment of the Established Churches of England and Scotland." no. 1.) ZWGM p.v. 3 Cardross, The, case, and the spiritual in- dependence of non-established churches. Being an answer to Rev. Sir H. W. Mon- creiff, bart, D.D. By a Free Church min- ister. Edinburgh: Lyon & Gemmell, 1875. 11 P- 8°. ZWGM p.v.2 Charteris, Archibald Hamilton. The Church of Scotland and spiritual inde- pendence. 2. ed., with notes. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1875. 2 p.l., 60 p 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Church, The, of the future; or, Free Church principles viewed in the light of the latter day glory. By a Free Church minister. Aberdeen: A. & R. Milne r c. 1875]. 16 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Church, The, of Scotland released from patronage: on basis of Reformation: and adhering to scriptural standards. Letter of Her Majesty the Queen, and addresses of ...the earl of Rosslyn. . .and of the Rev. James Sellar, D.D., the moderator, at the opening and close of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. . .1875. Edin- burgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1875. 55 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Disestablishment. By a Highland minis- ter. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons 1875. 16 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Disestablishment; or, What shall we do? By a Free Church Highland minister. Glasgow: J. MacLehose, 1875. 15 p. 8° ZWGM p.v. 2 Fraser, Daniel. Adam, the figure of him that was to come; or, Christ, the prince of the kings of the earth: with an application to present controversies and present duty. Edinburgh: Lyon & Gemmell, 1875. 122 p 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Free Church claims and ex-R[eformed] Presbyterian] declensions. [Glasgow: W Munro, 1875?] 4 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Repr.: The Advocate, April, 1875. Free Church of Scotland. Overtures; Anent existing relations of church and state: [and, Anent union]. [Edinburgh?] 1875. 299-308 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Report of Committee on Legisla- tion on Patronage, May, 1875. [With ap- pendix.] [Edinburgh?] 1875. 10 p. 8°. (no. xxv). ZWGM p.v.2 Graham, William. The reconstruction of the Church of Scotland, and reunion of the Presbyterian churches on the Reformation and Revolution basis of 1560 and 1690. By a parish minister t i. e., Wm. Grahanii. Edinburgh: A. Elliot [1875?]. 8 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Hutton, George Clark. The disestablish- ment and disendowment of the Scottish Kirk. [Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1875.] 4 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 and>v. 3 Innes, Alexander Taylor. The Scotch law of establishment: an answer to the two new positions of the duke of Argyll. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1875. 2 p.l., 68 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 Kennedy, John. The distinctive princi- ples and present position and duty of the Free Church. Edinburgh: D. Grant & Co., 1875. 35 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v.2 Macgeorge, Andrew. The statements in the Claim of right: are they true? By Ver- itas tpseud. of Andrew Macgeorgei. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose, 1875. 52 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v.2 MacGregor, James. Disestablishment and the Highlands. Edinburgh: MacLaren & MacNiven, 1875. 12 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.20 Mackintosh, William. The Scotch Pa- tronage Act: its antecedents and its sig- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 293 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. nificance. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 187S. 26 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Martin, Benjamin. The spirituality of Christ's kingdom: a sermon, preached in the East United Presbyterian Church, Leslie.. .21st February 187S. With a reply to the Rev. J. Y. Scott... on the present ecclesiastical crisis. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1875. 19 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Martin, Hugh. Relations between Christ's headships over church and state. .. Edinburgh: Lyon & Gemmell. 1875. 23 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Minto (3. earl), William Hugh Elliot Murray Kynynmound, and others. Dises- tablishment speeches by the earl of Minto, Rev. R. Rainy and J. Edmond at meeting in Jedburgh, 14 December 1875. Edin- burgh: Scottish Disestablishment Associa- tion, 1876. 26 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Mitchell, William. National homage to Christ not disestablishment.. . By a Free Church elder [i. e., William Mitchell]. Glasgow: D. Bryce and Son, 1875. 24 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood. The identity of the Free Church claim from 1838 till 1875. A letter to... the duke of Argyll. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1875. 123 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 1 National religion: What is it? How is it to be promoted? A question for the present time. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1875. 15 p. 16°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Ogilvy, David. The present importance of Free Church principles; or, Disestablish- ment the necessary sequel of the disrup- tion. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1875. 2 p.l, 5-31 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Smeaton, George. The Scottish theory of ecclesiastical establishments and how far the theory is realised, an address... April 13, 1875. Glasgow: Glasgow Conser- vative Association, 1875. 35 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Statistics relating to the Established Church and school boards: I. The stipends of the ministers; II. The number of com- municants; III. The details of the £22,000 paid from the Consolidated Fund; and IV. The rate and produce of assessment for school board purposes in all the parishes and burghs of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1875. 32 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Stuart, Alexander Moody. Recent awak- enings and higher holiness: the opening and closing addresses in the Free Church General Assembly, 1875. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1875. 47 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Thoughts on the present position of the Established Churches in England and Scot- land, particularly the latter; and how far in some minor matters legislation may be desirable. A letter addressed to...E. S. Gordon, M.P. .. By an Episcopalian land- owner in five northern parishes. Edin- burgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1875. 2 p.l., 5-68 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Watson, David. A few general remarks upon the disestablishment movement. Paisley: J. & J. Cook, 1875. 16 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Repr.: Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette, Dec. 26, 1874. Williamson, Robert. The principle of spiritual independence historically viewed, with special reference to the Patronage Act of 1874. Edinburgh: D. Grant & Co.. 1875. 2 p.l., 5-56 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Wilson, William. The genesis and prog- ress of the sustentation fund. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1875. 20 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 1876 At the General Assembly. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1876. 8°. new series, v. 14, p. 53-62.) *DA Begg, James. Voluntaryism indefensi- ble; or, A nation's right and duty to profess and practise Christianity Edinburgh: Lyon & Gemmell [1876?]. 8 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Beith, Alexander. To the men of the North; a "letter." Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven, 1876. 36 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Hope, John. To the clergy and laity composing the Church of Scotland. How to secure to the Church of Scotland, with the help of God, speedily the full benefits of the act, 1874, abolishing patronage. [Signed John Hope.] Edinburgh, 1876. 8 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Kennedy, John. The constitution of the Church of Scotland, and her relations to other Presbyterian churches, as affected bv the Anti-patronage Act. Edinburgh: D. Grant & Co., 1876. 27 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Letter to the members of the Free Church in the Highlands [On the Free Church position and present duty]. Edin- burgh: D. Grant & Co., 1876. 15 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Mackenzie, Alexander. 1876 and 1843; a letter to the members and adherents of the Free Church of Scotland in the Highlands. Edinburgh: Maclaren & Macniven. 1876. 16 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Macnicol, Angus. The Uig challenge to be free. With a letter to all true Free- Church men throughout the Highlands and islands of Scotland, by a Free Church 294 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Highland minister. [Letters signed Angus Macnicol.] Edinburgh: Lyon & Gemmell, 1876. 164 p., 1 1. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 National homage to Christ: is it Estab- lishment? [Signed "M."] Glasgow: the author [1876]. 23 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 2 Renton, Henry. A brief statement and exposition of the principles of the United Presbyterian Church, for the use of cate- chumens and inquirers. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1876. 2 p.l., 5-30 p. 12°. ZWGM p.v. 3 1877 Bible, The, and the Confession of Faith, disestablishment, &c: a report on public questions. Presented to the Synod of United Original Seceders, at its meeting in Edinburgh, May, 1877. Edinburgh: T- Gemmell, 1877. 24 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Cotterill, Henry, bishop of Edinburgh. The true position of the Episcopal Church in Scotland, being a charge delivered to the synod of the diocese of Edinburgh, May 2, 1877. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1877. 52 p. 8°. ZECp.v. 79 Macgeorge, Andrew. Free Church claims: their real character and tendency. An answer to "A vindication by Sir Henry Wellwood Moncreiff, bart, D.D., of the Free Church claim of right." Glasgow: J. MacLehose, 1877. 108 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Macphail, J. Calder. Old stones for a new church: the forgotten doctrine of Knox _ and the early General Assemblies "tuiching the Sustentatioun of Ministers." Edinburgh: Maclaren and Macniven, 1877. 33 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 79 Tulloch, John. Progress of religious thought in Scotland. (Contemporary re- view. London, 1877. 8°. v. 29, p. 535- 551.) *DA Wallace, William. "The religious up- heaval in Scotland." (Contemporary re- review. London, 1877. 8°. v. 30, p 240- 263.) * DA 1878 Argyll (8. duke) George Douglas Camp- bell. "Disestablishment." (Contemporary review. London, 1878. 8°. v. 31 p 217- 255.) * DA Armside, Luke. "Quit you like men!" An address to the ministers of the Scottish Establishment touching matters of present and pressing importance. Edinburgh: j. Gemmell, 1878. 16 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v.'3 Hutton, George Clark. The case for disestablishment in Scotland. London: E Stock ,1878]. 70 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 The disestablishment and disen- dowment of the Scottish Kirk. [Edin- burgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1878?] 4 p. 8°. (U. P. Church Disestablishment Commit- tee. Tracts, no. 2.) ZWGM p.v. 2 Kennedy, John. The establishment prin- ciple and the disestablishment movement. Two lectures. Edinburgh: J. Gemmell 1878. 58 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Macgilvray, Walter. The fatal change; or, The false policy of the Free Church] Being speeches, delivered in the Free presbytery of Aberdeen, and in the chief cities of Scotland. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1878. 4 p.l., 7-84 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 7 Reply, A, to the duke of Argyll's paper in the "Contemporary review," Jan., 1878, on the Scottish church question and dis- establishment. Edinburgh: Ballantyne Hanson & Co., 1878. 47 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v. 3 Smith, William Robertson. Answer to the form of libel now before 1 the Free Church presbytery of Aberdeen. Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1878. 64 p. 8°. ZWVI p.v. 3 Wordsworth, Charles, bishop of St. An- drews. Scotch disestablishment and "pa- pal aggression." (Nineteenth century. London, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 475-496.) *DA 1879 Badenoch, G. R. A word of warning against Mr. Gladstone, addressed to the people of Scotland, and in particular to the electors of Mid-Lothian. London: T. W. Gibson [1879,. 30 p. 8°. ZWGM p.box 1 Defensor, pseud. Plain words and sim- ple facts about the Church of Scotland and her assailants... With appendix contain- ing results of parliamentary returns. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1879. 78 p. 24°. ZEC p.v. 4 Disestablishment and its complication in Scotland. (New quarterly magazine. Lon- don, 1879. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 46-56.) *DE Established, The, Church and the people of Scotland. London: Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patron- age and Control, 1879. 66 p. 8°. ZWGM p.box 1 1880 Pre-Disruption Elder, pseud. Thoughts on the Aberdeen case. Edinburgh: J. Mac- laren & Son, 1880. 46 p. 8°. 1881 Innes, James. The Commission of As- sembly; and Professor R. Smith's reply to LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 295 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. the committee's report. Edinburgh: T. Maclaren & Son, 1881. 48 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 11 1882 Robertson Smith, The, case. Recorded reasons and imputed motives of the Free Church leaders. By a Free Church lav- man. Edinburgh: Ballantyne Press, 1882. IS p. 8°. * C p.v. 690 Tulloch, John. Speech by Principal Tul- loch in the General Assembly, 1. June 1882 [On the disestablishment movement]. rEdin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, printers, 1882.) 15 p. 12°. ZEC p.v. 4 1883 Some results of Scottish theology. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 117- 126.) * DA Theology in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 236-252.) * DA Wilson, William. Address on the Sus- tentation Fund. Delivered in the General Assembly of the Free Church, 1883. Edin- burgh: F. Murray, 1883. 16 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Title from cover. 1884 Beith, Gilbert. The crofter question and church endowments in the Highlands, viewed socially and politically. With an appendix. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1884. 24 p. 8°. TB p.v. 86, no.9 Scottish, The, and English clergy. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 85- 96.) * DA 1885 Aberdeen (7. earl), John Campbell Gor- don. Union of Presbyterian churches. (Fortnightly review. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 37, p. 717-724.) * DA Argyll (9. duke), John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell. Disestablishment. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-10.) * DA Begg, James. Reform in the Free Church; or, The true origin of our recent debates; being suggestions respectfully ad- dressed to the members of the approaching assembly. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1885. 15 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1223, no.27 Beith, Gilbert. The church question. Speech delivered. . .in the Queen's Rooms, 17th November 1885. [Glasgow: A. Mac- dougall, 1885.] 8 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1106 Hutton, George Clark. The Scotch dis- establishment vote. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p! 333-348.) * DA Macpherson, A. The Church of Scot- land. Address on the Christian liberality of the church, delivered at the congress held at Inverness on 2d October 1884. With prefatory note by the Very Reverend John Tulloch... Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart [1885]. 2 p.l., 5-33 p. 12°. *C p.v. 1106 Tulloch, John. The Church of Scotland and the coming election. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 205-220.) * DA 1886 Brown, Robert. Our national church. An appeal against disestablishment ad- dressed to the common sense and Chris- tian spirit of lay Presbyterians in Scotland. [By Robert Brown.] Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone, 1886. 168 p. 5. ed. 16°. * C p.v. 903 Farquhar, J. T. F. Old truths plainly put. Visible unity the principle of the Church Episcopal. Edinburgh: St. Giles' Printing Co., 1886. 26 p. 12°. * C p.v. 897 1887 Balfour of Burleigh (6. baron), Alexan- der Hugh Bruce. The attack on the Scot- tish Church. (Contemporary review. London, 1887. 8°. v. 52, p. 867-879.) *DA 1888 Smith, Walter Chalmers. The Scottish church question. (Contemporary review. London, 1888. 8°. v. 53, p. 286-294.) * DA 1889 Innes, Alexander Taylor. The creed question in Scotland. (Andover review. Boston, 1889. 8°. v. 12, p. 1-15.) * DA 1890 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. The new liturgies of the Scottish Church. By A. K. H. B. (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 148, p. 659- 675.) * DA 1891 Innes, Alexander Taylor. The question of disestablishment in Scotland from the American point of view. (Andover review. Boston, 1891. 8°. v. IS, p. 27-35.) * DA Macgregor, James. Reunion of the Scot- tish Church on the lines of the Reforma- tion. Address at the close of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on Monday, June 1, 1891. Edinburgh: Wil- liam Blackwood & Sons, 1891. 47 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 29 296 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Present, The, crisis locally & nationally- considered. [Signed: Audi alteram par- tem.] [Edinburgh, 1891.] 8 p. 8°. * C p.v. 630 1892 Presbyterian reunion and a national church. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 19, p. 177-202.) * DA Wordsworth, Charles, bishop of St. An- drews. Bishop Wordsworth's tract for Scotland. Edinburgh: St. Giles' Printing Co. [1892.] 8 p. 16°. ZECp.v.71 On the Presbyterian form of church government. 1893 Blaikie, William Garden. After fifty years; or, Letters of a grandfather on occasion of the jubilee of the Free Church of Scotland in 1893. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1893. 144 p. 16°. ZWH Church and state in Scotland. (Edin- burgh review. London, 1893. 8°. v. 178, p. 223-247.) *DA Macleod, Donald. Scotland and dises- tablishment. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1893. 8°. v. 64, p. 259-271.) * DA Smith, Walter Chalmers. Addresses to the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland in the jubilee year 1893. Edin- burgh: Macniven & Wallace, 1893. 61 p. 8°. * C p.v. 593 1894 Blackie, John Stuart. Professor Blackie on Lord Rosebery and the Church of Scotland. [Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans & Wilson, 1894.] 2 p. 8°. * C p.v. 593 Story, Robert Herbert. The Church of Scotland, its present and its future: address delivered at the close of the General Assembly of 1894. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1894. SI p. 8°. * C p.v. 593 ■ The Kirk and Presbyterian union. (National review. London, 1894. 8°. v. 22, p. 504-514.) *DA 1895 Butler, Reuben. The Kirk's alarm. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 13, p. 75-80.) *DA 1897 Glasse, John. The Church of Scotland: what part is she capable of playing towards the new social legislation which will come to the front as soon as in- dividualism determines politics? (Pro- gressive review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 1, p. 423-431.) SA Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant. Re- cent Scots theology. (Westminster re- view. London, 1897. 8°. v. 148, p. 654- 664.) * DA 1899 Scottish, The, churches. (Quarterly re- view. London, 1899. 8°. v. 190, p 176- 197.) *DA 1900 Denney, James. The union of the Free Church of Scotland and the United Pres- byterian Church. (London quarterly re- view. London, 1900. 8°. new series, v 4 p. 212-227.) *DA Ecclesiastical, The, situation in Scotland. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 168, p. 585-594.) * DA Fairbairn, Andrew Martin. The United Free Church of Scotland. (Speaker. Lon- don, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 113-115.) *DA Orr, James. The union of the Free Church of Scotland and the United Pres- byterian Church. (London quarterly re- view. London, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 193-212.) *DA United Free Church of Scotland. Pro- ceedings of the Free Church General As- sembly, United Presbyterian Synod, and General Assembly of the United Free Church of Scotland. Edited by T. Crerar. 1900. Edinburgh [1900j. 8°. ZWXC 1901 Fairbairn, Andrew Martin. The Scot- tish Church and the Scottish people. (Con- temporary review. London, 1901. 8°. v. 79, p. 129-152.) *DA 1902 United, The, Free Church of Scotland. (Church quarterly review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 53, p. 109-138.) *DA 1904 Balfour, Frances. The case of the Free Church of Scotland. (National review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 44, p. 56-67.) * DA Cameron, J. W. The church case and disestablishment. (Westminster review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 162, p. 519-521.) *DA Case, The, of the Scottish churches. (Quarterly review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 200, p. 626-650.) * DA Douglas, Charles. The Scottish Free Church question. (Contemporary review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 86, p. 662-674.) * DA Ferguson, James. The Scottish church case. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 347-360.) SEA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 297 History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. Free, The, Church of Scotland. (Living age. Boston, 1904. 8°. series 7, v. 24 t v. 242], p. 569-572.) * DA Free, The, Church of Scotland. 1 port. (Review of reviews. London, 1904. 8°. v. 30, p. 249-264.) * DA Free, The, Church of Scotland appeals, 1903-4. Edited by Robert Low Orr, Au- thorised report. Edinburgh: Macniven & Wallace, 1904. 4 p.l., 623 p. 8°. ZWH Gray, A. Herbert. The church crisis in Scotland. A sermon preached in Gros- venor Square Presbyterian Church, on Sep- tember 18th, 1904. Manchester: H. Raw- son & Co., 1904. 18 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Miller, Alexander. The decision in the church case by the House of Lords. A sermon. . . Buckie: "Banffshire Advertiser" Office, 1904. 15 p. 12°. ZWHF p.v. 11 Nicoll, Sir William Robertson. The Scottish Free Church trust and its donors. (Contemporary review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 86, p. 461-472.) * DA Scottish churches and the law of prop- erty. (Edinburgh review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 200, p. 429.-448.) * DA Sloan, J. M. The Scottish Free Church case. (Fortnightly review. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 76, p. 450-461.) * DA 1905 Blair, Matthew. The Scotch Church and the results of the Sustentation Fund sys- tem. (Westminster review. London, 1905. 8°. v. 163, p. 625-635.) * DA Ecclesiastical, The, crisis in Scotland. (Church quarterly review. London, 1905. 8°. v. 59, p. 312-333.) * DA Great Britain. — Free and United Free Churches Commission. Interim report... by Sir John Cheyne . . . Edinburgh : Neill & Co., Ltd., 1905. 9 p. f°. ttZWHF Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Churches (Scotland). Report of the Royal Commission on Churches (Scotland). Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1905. 2 v. 8°. tt ZWH v. 1. Report. v. 2. Minutes of evidence and appendices. Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Churches (Scotland) Act, 1905. Report of the royal commissioners appointed under the Churches (Scotland) Act, 1905. v. 2. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1910. f°. tt ZDVH Innes, Alexander Taylor. The creed crisis in Scotland. (Hibbert journal. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 217-252.) ZAA Johnston, Christopher Nicholson. Doc- trinal subscription in the Church of Scot- land. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 17, p. 201-220.) SEA Jones, Griffith. The Scottish judgment and the Free Churches. (Westminster re- view. London, 1905. 8°. v. 164, p. 388- 393.) * DA Macpherson, Charles. The church crisis in Scotland. (Nineteenth century & after. London, 1905. 8°. v. 57, p. 61-67.) * DA Mair, William. The Scottish churches: the present and future. (Blackwood's mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 178, p. 849- 856.) *DA Mellone, S. H. The Scottish church case and its ethical significance. (Inter- national journal of ethics. Philadelphia. 1905. 8°. v. 15, p. 361-369.) YFA Morrison, Hew. Manual of the church question in Scotland: being a handbook to the Churches (Scotland) Act, 1905, togeth- er with the report of the royal commission, 1905, and appendices containing lists of properties, funds, agencies of both churches, and of the churches in dispute, with other items of information. Edin- burgh: Keith & Co., 1905. 248 p. 8°. ZWHF Scotch, The, Church and the state. By a layman. (Westminster review. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. v. 164, p. 532-537.) * DA 1906 Lowell, Francis C. The Free Church of Scotland case. (Columbia law review. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 6, p. 137-160.) XAA Mair, William. The Scottish churches: an appeal. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 180, p. 718-732.) * DA Peck, Epaphroditus. American versus British ecclesiastical law. (Yale law jour- nal. New Haven, 1906. 8°. v. 15, p. 255- 262.) XAA On the decision in the House of Lords on the case Free Church of Scotland v. Overtoun (1904). 1907 Mair, William. The Scottish churches: national religion. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 182, p. 568-574.) *DA Tulloch, William Weir. The ecclesias- tical position of Scotland. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 225-230.) * DA The opportunity of the Scottish churches. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 526-534.) * DA 298 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Ecclesiastical History, continued. 1908 Church of Scotland. Established Church (Scotland) — election of ministers. Re- turn to and order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 26th March 1907; for return for each parish in Scotland of the last occasion since 1897 on which a vacancy has been filled up under the reg- ulations framed and enacted by the Gen- eral Assembly of the Church of Scotland to be observed in the election and appoint- ment of ministers under the powers con- ferred upon them by the Patronage Abo- lition Act, stating as follows: — 1. The population, male and female, at the last preceding census of each such parish; 2. The number of male voters and female voters respectively qualified as communi- cants; 3. The number of male voters and female voters respectively qualified as ad- herents; 4. The total number of voters on the roll... Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 26 August 1907. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 12 p. P. tt ZWGS p.box 1 1909 Cooper, James. The problem of reunion in Scotland. (Church quarterly review. London, 1909. 8°. v. 68, p. 164-182.) *DA Presbyterianism and reunion. (Church quarterly review. London, 1909. 8°. v. 67, p. 299-325.) * DA 1910 Hannan, Thomas. The reunion prob- lem: another Scottish Episcopal view. (Church quarterly review. London, 1910. 8°. v. 69, p. 300-323.) * DA 1914 Orr, Robert Low. The Scottish church question. (Hibbert journal. London, 1914. 8°. v. 12, p. 306-316.) ZAA Local History and Description See also under Archaeology, Genealogy, Place Names, and Geography Adbotsford, Roxburghshire Abbotsford. 1 pi. (In: The Anniver- sary, edited by Allan Cunningham. Lon- don, 1829. 12°. 1829, p. 81-100.) NCR Armstrong, T. Percv. Four abbeys and Abbotsford. (The Month. London, 1906. 8°. v. 108, p. 471-477.) * DA Melrose, Dryburgh, Kelso, Jedburgh. Bower, John. The history and antiqui- ties of Melrose, Old Melrose and Dry- burgh abbeys, with a description of Ab- botsford, Eildon Hills, etc., etc. [By John Bower.] Melrose: J. Bower rpref. 1847, viii, 9-99 p., 3 pi. 16°. CRF Everett, Edward. Abbotsford visited and revisited. (In his: The Mount Ver- non papers. New York, 1860. 8°. p 115-123, 135-144.) NBQ Irving, Washington. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. By the author of "The Sketch book." London: J. Murray, 1835. 3 p.l., 290 p. 8°. (Miscellanies, no. 2) KTG Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1835. 230 p. 12°. (Crayon miscellany, no. 2.) NBY Land, The, of Scott; or, Tourist's guide to Abbotsford, the country of the Tweed and its tributaries, and St. Mary's Loch. London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1859. 64 p. 24°. CRBp.box Matthews, George King. Abbotsford and Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1866. 3 p.l., (i)x-xvi, 235 p. 2. ed. 16°. AN Rhind, William. The Scottish tourist's guide to Abbotsford, with excursions to various interesting localities, illustrated with numerous views and travelling road map. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars [1850]. 2 p.l., (i)iv-vi p., 1 1., (1)10-62 p., 1 map, 6 pi. 12°. CPW Scott, Mary Monica Maxwell. Abbots- ford, 1811-1904. (Catholic world. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 80, p. 434-441.) * DA The making of Abbotsford and in- cidents in Scottish history drawn from various sources. London: A. & C. Black, 1897. 1 p.l, vi p., 1 1., 363(1) p., 1 pi. 8°. CP Engraved t.-p. also. The making of Abbotsford. Barbour's Legends of the saints. The life of Saint Margaret. St. Magnus of the Orkneys. The Scots guards in France. The Lennox. A sister-in-law of Mary, queen of Scots. Scottish Catholics under Mary and James. Mary Stuart. The Chevalier de Feuquerolles. Winifred, countess of Nithsdaill. The Ruthwell cross. Shaw's tourist; picturesque guide to Ab- botsford, Melrose, and the land of Scott. London: Norton & Shaw, n. d. vi, 74 p., 7 pi, 1 port. 16°. KFT Visit, A, to Abbotsford and its vicinity, illus. (National magazine. New York, 1854. 8°. v. 5, p. 308-312..) *DA From Leisure hour. Aberbrothoc See Arbroath Abercorn, Linlithgowshire Reid, Alan. The churchyard memorials of Abercorn, Bowden, and Carrington. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 299 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 33-76.) CPA Aberdeen (City) Aberdeen. Accounts of the city of Aberdeen. 1899/- 1900-1912/13. Aberdeen, 1900-13. 8°. *SYB Extracts from the accounts of the burgh. Accounts of the provost and baillies. [1398- 1657.] (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aber- deen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 39-181.) f CP Extracts from the registers of the burgh. [1317-1508.] (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 3-37.) f CP Missives to the provost, baillies, and Council, of the burgh. 1594-1688. (Spald- ing Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 371-388.) f CP Cleansing Committee Proposed refuse destructor. Report by the deputation from the Cleansing Com- mittee. 12th March 1902. [Aberdeen, 1902.] 3 p. 8°. SPI p.v. 24, no.14 Proposed refuse destructor. Report by the superintendent of cleansing. 30th August 1909. [Aberdeen, 1909.] 4 p. 4°. SPI p.v. 24, no.15 Cleansing Sub-Committee Proposed refuse destructor. Report by Cleansing Sub-Committee. 16th Septem- ber 1901. [Aberdeen, 1901.] 9 p. 8°. SPI p.v. 24, no.16 Proposed refuse destructor for Aber- deen. Report by Cleansing Sub-Commit- tee. December, 1909. [Aberdeen, 1909.] 5 p., 2 folded tables, f °. ft SPI p.v. 19, no.8 Medical Officer of Health Report, 1900-01, 1903-10. [Aberdeen, 1901-11.] 4°. SPC Reports by the medical officer of health and the sanitary inspector for the month. July, Oct., 1898, Sept., 1899, July, 1900, Jan., 1911-date. Aberdeen, 1898-date. 8°. SPC Public Library Annual report, no. 13, 17, 20-28(1897/8, 1900/1, 1903/4-1911/12). Aberdeen, 1898- [1912,. 8°. *HPD Manual for readers. [Aberdeen, 1892.] 35 p., 2 plans. 12°. * HB p.v. 3, no.13 Open access in public library work. Special report to Aberdeen Public Library Committee. Aberdeen: printed at the Central Press (John Milne) [1910]. 1 p.l., 26 p. 8°. * HB p.v. 3, no.12 Sanitary Inspector's Office Report, 1901-09, 1912. Aberdeen, 1902- 13. 8°. SPC School Board Reading list of books in the Aberdeen Public Library relating to reproductions of famous pictures. Presented to the School Board by Mrs. William Murray. 1912. Aberdeen: J. Milne [1912,. 24 p. 8°. *GBOp.v. l,no.31 Town Council Extracts from the Council register of the burgh of Aberdeen. [Edited by John Stuart.] Aberdeen: The Spalding Club, 1844-48. 2 v. sq. 8°. (Spalding Club. Pub- lication.) f CP v. 1. 1398-1570. v. 2. 1570-1625. Extracts from the Council register... 1625-1747. L Edited by John Stuart.] Edin- burgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1871-72. 2 v. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records Society.) CR Continuation of the foregoing volumes. Minutes and proceedings of the Town Council. 1900/1-1906/7. Aberdeen, 1901- 07. f°. *SYB Aberdeen and Aberdeen doctors. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 153, p. 425-440.) * DA Aberdeen burgess register, 1631-1700. Edited [with introduction] by Alexander Macdonald Munro. (New Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1908. 4°. v. 2, p. 359-482.) f CP Aberdeen, Deeside and Braemar... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. viii, 63 p., 3 maps, 1 pi. 16°. Stuart 8760 Aberdeen Public Library. 1 port. (Li- brary. London, 1897. 8°. v. 9, p. 93-102.) *HA Aberdeen and the Rebellion, 1745. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 154-155.) CPA Anderson, Peter John. Aberdeen Friars; Red, Black, White, Grey. Preliminary calendar of illustrative documents. Com- piled by P. J. Anderson. Aberdeen: His Majesty's Printers, 1909. 158 p., 1 1. 4°. (University of Aberdeen studies, no. 40.) ZMT Aberdeen [Grammar School] arch- ery medals. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 6-7.) CPA Aberdeen Grammar School mas- ters and under masters. 1602-1853. (Scot- 300 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Aberdeen, continued. tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 38-41.) CPA Aberdeen references in the privy seal register, 1498-1707. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. S, p. 101-103, 114-117.) CPA Armorial bearings of the Univer- sity of Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 113-114.) CPA "Buttery Willie Collie." 1 port. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 113-114.) CPA ■ The chapter of Aberdeen in 1S83. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 170-171.) CPA The Greyfriars Church, Aberdeen, in 1663. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 1-2.) CPA Ms. maps of Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 186-187.) CPA Note on heraldic representations at King's College, Old Aberdeen. 2 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 80-86.) CPA Note on heraldic representations now or formerly at Marischal College, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 166-184.) CPA Notes on Marischal College. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889- 90. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 116-119, 131-133, 179- 180; v. 3, p. 38-40.) CPA The old stalls in King's College Chapel and their occupants. 1 pi. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 97-98.) CPA Royal visits to Aberdeen. Address to Charles n. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 25-26.) CPA • Views of King's College. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 107-108.) CPA Views of King's College, Old Aber- deen — 1660-1860. 2 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 145-147.) CPA The wells of Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 87-88.) CPA Anderson, Robert. The "outer marches" of the city of Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 50-54.) CPA Angus, J. Keith. A Scotch play-house; being the historical records of the old Theatre Royal, Marischal street, Aberdeen Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1878. 2 of (1)10-69 p. 12°. B. Sun-dial, Duthie park, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 129-130.) CPA B., J. The Aberdeen pynours. 1 pi, (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 34.) CPA Bain, E. Merchant and craft guilds: a history of the Aberdeen incorporated trades. Aberdeen, 1887. pi., port, illus 8°. SKD Beveridge, Robert. On the health of Aberdeen. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transac- tions, London, 1878. 8°. 1877, p. 552-562.) SA Black, John A. Glimpses of Aberdeen, 1626-1746. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 65-69.) *DE Brook, Alexander James Steel. An ac- count of the archery medals belonging to the University of St. Andrews and the Grammar School of Aberdeen, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 343-469.) CPA ■ An account of the maces of the universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh, the College of Justice, the city of Edinburgh, &c. 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of. Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 440-514.) CPA Bulloch, John Malcolm. A bibliography of local [Aberdeen] periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-1902. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-5, 20-21, 39-41, 53-55, 72-74, 85-86, 99-101, 115-117, 131-133, 147-150; v. 2, p. 74-75, 122, 176; v. 3, p. 7-8, 43, 93, 104, 156, 172; v. 4, p. 96-97, 178-179; v. 5, p. 53-55, 135-136, 184-185; v. 6, p. 58, 142, 188; v. 7, p. 45, 112; v. 8, p. 128, 173; v. 9, p. 103-104; series 2, v. 3, p. 54-57.) CPA How our grandfathers amused themselves. Some account of the shows that used to visit Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 188-190.) CPA Cadenhead, George. Sketch of the terri- torial history of the burgh of Aberdeen. 2 maps on 1 pi. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1884. 8 . v. 1, p. 57-99.) * EC Caithness (16. earl), James Augustus Sinclair. Some memories of an old house and of its occupants. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 65-69, 88-90.) CPA The "Chancellor's House," Aberdeen. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 301 History and Description, continued. Local History — Aberdeen, continued. Campbell, Peter Colin. Heraldic ceiling of the cathedral church of St. Machar, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 9-17.) * R - Room 328 Carnie, W. The Marischal Street The- atre. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 157- 159.) CPA Chronicle, The, of Aberdeen. 1491-1595. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 29-70.) t CP See also editor's preface, p. xxi-xxxi. Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas, Aberdeen. Cartularium ecclesise Sancti Nicholai Aberdonensis. Recognovit Ja- cobus Cooper. Impr. Aberdoniee: Soc. Nov. Spald. impensis, 1888-92. 2 v. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) t CP Cooper, James. Notes on Greyfriars Church, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 129-131.) CPA Davis, Cecil T. Monumental brass in the old or west church, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1894. 8°. v. 51, p. 76-80.) CA Dyack, William. Twenty years muni- cipal engineering in Aberdeen. (Incorpo- rated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. Proceedings. London, 1904. 8°. v. 30, p. 84-114.) SPA Eeles, Francis Carolus. The inventory of King's College, Aberdeen, 1542. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 183-185; series 2, v. 3, 11-13.) CPA Franciscan Convent, Aberdeen. List of books and manuscripts which belonged to the Franciscan Convent in Aberdeen at the time of the Reformation. [Edited by John Stuart] (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 466-468.) f CPA "Almost all the items enumerated are _ now in the University Library, but their connection with the Friars is not proved." ■ Necrologia coenobii Sancti Fran- cisci apud Abredonensis. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 61-79.) t CP See also editor's preface, p. 38-48. Fraser, George Milne. The market cross of Aberdeen. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 175-180.) CPA Aberdeen maps and views. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 25-26, 41-43, 69-71, 115-117.) CPA G. The lines on the Brig o'Balgownie. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 1-2.) CPA Gammack, James. S. Machar, patron saint of Old Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 66-68.) CPA Garden, William. Marischal College belfry. 1 illus. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 177-178.) CPA Geddes, Sir William Duguid. The ambo in King's College Chapel. [By G.j 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 161-162.) CPA Notes on King's College quad- rangle as it stood before 1860. By W. D. G. 2 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 113-115.) CPA Gordon, Pryse Lockhart. The land of cakes. [By P. L. Gordon.] (New monthly magazine and literary journal. London, 1830. 8°. v. 28, p. 22-31, 189-195, 504-511; v. 29, p. 49-56.) * DE 1-2: St. Andrew's, or The aged city; 3-4: Aber- deen awa'. Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for better paving, cleansing, lighting, watch- ing and improving the streets... of Aber- deen... and for supplying the... said city with water. 1818. n. t.-p. n. p. [1818.] 48 p. 12°. CRp. box Innes, Cosmo. Note of the original matrix of the seal of the burgh of Aber- deen, A.D. 1430. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 138-140.) CPA Inventory of Charters relating to the Blackfriars in Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 120-121, 134-136.) CPA Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. A con- cise bibliography of the history of the city of Aberdeen and its institutions. (Aberdeen University library bulletin. Aberdeen, 1913. 8°. v. 1, p. 699-738.) *GRK Macgill, W. King's College, Aberdeen, two centuries ago. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 108- 110.) CPA MacKinlay, J. M. Well of Spa, Aber- deen. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 1.) CPA Macpherson, Norman. On the chapel and ancient buildings of King's College, Aberdeen. 16 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1890. 4°. v. 5, p. 416-452.) CPA Marischal College and University. Fasti Academiaa Mariscallanse Aberdonensis. Selections from the records of the Maris- chal College and University. mdxciii- mdccclx. Edited by P. J. Anderson. Aber- 302 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Aberdeen, continued. deen: New Spalding- Club, 1889-98. 3 v. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) t CP v. 3 compiled by J. F. K. Johnstone. "Mar's Castle," Aberdeen (city). 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 130.) CPA Masson, David. Aberdeen till thirty- years ago. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1864. 8°. v. 9, p. 53-67.) * DA Milne, John. The arms of the city of Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 90-91.) CPA "The church of the new town of Old Aberdon." (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 182-183.) CPA Milne, John Duguid. The success of the free public libraries in industrial towns, and the necessity for a free public library in Aberdeen. (Aberdeen Philosophical So- ciety. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1884. 8°. v. 1, p. 185-200.) *EC Moir, James. Aberdeen Grammar School archery medals. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 208-209.) CPA See also p. 237, and pi. opp. p. 17 of v. 5. Municipal statutes regulating the sports, pageants, and processions in the city of Aberdeen, from the year m.cccc.xl to the year m.d.lxv. (Analecta Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1837. 8°. series 2, p. 289-328.) CP Munro, Alexander M. Extracts from the Council records of Old Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 53-54, 71-72, 85-86.) CPA Extracts from the kirk-session rec- ords of Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 180-181.) CPA Instructions for constables of Aberdeen in 1698. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 87-88.) CPA List of the inhabitants of Old Aber- deen, 1636. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-2, 20-22.) CPA The propinquity register of the burgh of Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries, p. 6-9.) Register of burgh of Aberdeen Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, CPA indentures of the (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897-1900. sq. 8 U . v. 10, p. 163-165, 188-190; v. 11, p. 11-12, 43-44, 60, 73-74, 118-119, 150-151; v. 12, p. 6-7, 39-40, 54-55; series 2, v. 1, p. 78-79, 109- 110, 163-165.) CPA Opening of the new buildings of the Aberdeen Public Library. London, 1893 8°. (Library, v. 5, p. 70-73.) * HA Quaker, A, wedding in old Aberdeen in 1737. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 131-133.) CPA Records of Old Aberdeen, mclvii- mdcccxci. Edited by Alexander Macdon- aid Munro. v. 1. Aberdeen: New Spald- ing Club, 1899. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) tCP Register of burgesses of the burgh of Aberdeen, 1399-1631. [With] Introduction to Register of burgesses [by A. M. Munro, and] Note on names in Register of bur- gesses [by J. Moirj. (New Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. v. 1, p. xv-liv, 1-162.) fCP Register of S. Paul's Episcopal Chapel, Aberdeen, 1720-1793. [Edited with histori- cal introduction] by Alexander Emslie Smith. (New Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1908. 4°. v. 2, p. 79-356.) fCP Rejoicings, The, at Aberdeen for the restoration of Charles ii., 14 June 1660. Aberdeen: J. & J. P. Edmond & Spark, 1883. vi, (1)8-11 p. 12°. CRp.box Fifty-one copies only printed (one on vellum). Reprinted from a newspaper of the period printed in London by John Macock, and Thomas Newcombe, 1660. Riddle, James. Aberdeen and its folk, from the 20th to the 50th year of the pres- ent century. By a son of Bon-Accord in North America [i. e., James Riddellj. Ab- erdeen: L. Smith, 1868. viii, 136 p. 16°. CR Riding, The, of the outer marches of the city of Aberdeen. 12th October 1861... Aberdeen: John Smith, 1861. 74 p., 1 map. 16°. CRp.box 2 Robertson, A. W. The public libraries of Aberdeen. (Library. London, 1894. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-12.) *HA Robertson, Joseph. The Book of Bon- Accord: or, A guide to the city of Aber- deen [By Joseph Robertson.] Aberdeen: L. Smith, 1839. xvi, 379 p., 5 pi. 16°. CR Called v. 1 on back, but no more published. Robertson, Walter. A short account of some particulars that have been done of late years in Aberdeen. By W. Robertson, baillie, 1685. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 1-2. CPA This is the suppressed chapter vn. of A succinct survey of the famous city of Aberdeen by Philo- politeious, Aberdeen, 1685: from the Macfarlane mss. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, v. 3, p. 92 et seq. Short, A, memorandum of quhat heath occurred in Aberdeen, since 20th Septem- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 303 History and Description, continued. Local History — Aberdeen, continued. ber 1715. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. series 2, p. 232-238.) CP Simpson, William J. Health history of Aberdeen during the past quarter of a century. 17 diagr. (Aberdeen Philosophi- cal Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1884. 8°. v. 1, p. 165-184.) * EC Skene, Gilbert. Ane breif descriptioun of the qualiteis and effectis of the well of the woman hill besyde Abirdene. [Edinburgh: J. Ross, printer,] 1580. 4 1. (Reprinted in: G. Skene, Tracts... Edin- burgh, 1860. 4°.) fCP Snell, H. Saxon. Reports on Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. (Sent for the informa- tion of the Committee of Management pending a report by the House committee.) [Aberdeen,, 1886. 20 p., 3 plans. 8°. WZD p.v. 4, no.4 Title from cover. Summons against the magistrates of Aberdeen. [1591.] (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 155- 171.) fCP Valentine, James. A society of Aber- deen philosophers one hundred years ago. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Trans- actions. Aberdeen, 1900. 8°. v. 3, p. ix- xxiv.) * EC Visit, A, to the granite city. (Sharpe's London magazine. London, n.d. 4°. new series, v. 7, p. 159-167.) * DA Walker, Alexander. The Knights Tem- plar in and around Aberdeen. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions. Ab- erdeen, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 155-168.) * EC Notes on a sculptured stone found in the wall of the south transept of St. Nicholas Church, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 199-201.) CPA Wilson, Robert. An historical account and delineation of Aberdeen. Embellished with. . .engravings of the principal bridges, public buildings... Aberdeen: James Johnston, 1822. xii, 226 p., 1 1., 16 pi. 12°. CR View of Aberdeen lacking. Aberdeen (Diocese) Aberdeen (Diocese). Registrum epis- copatus Aberdonensis. Ecclesie cathedra- lis Aberdonensis regesta que extant in unum collecta. Edinburgi, 1845. 2 v. pi. 4°. (Spalding Club.) t CP Boece, Hector. Hectoris Boetii Murth- lacensium et Aberdonensium episcoporum vitae. Edited and translated by J. Moir. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1894. xvii p., 1 1., v, 6-210 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 4°. f CP Keith, Alexander. A view of the dio- cese of Aberdeen. [By Rev. Alexander Keith.] (In: Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Aber- deen, 1843. 4°. p. 67-658.) CP Written c. 1732. Aberdeen (Sheriffdom) Aberdeen Sheriffdom. The book of the annual-rentaris and wedsettaris within the schirrefdome of Abirdein. [1633.] (Spald- ing Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 71-139.) fCP Aberdeenshire See also Archeology and Place Names Aberdeenshire. Abstract of so much of the Bridewell Act for the city and county of Aberdeen, and of so much of the Vag- rant Acts as relate to the mode of appre- hending, committing, and punishing de- linquents, &c. n. t.-p. Aberdeen: J. Chal- mers & Co., 1809. 16 p. 8°. SLT p.v. 3 Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire. Edited by David Little- john. Aberdeen: The New Spalding Club, 1904-07. 3 v. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) fCP Alexander, William. The making of Aberdeenshire. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 102-122.) * EC Anderson, Peter John. Inventories of northern records. Aberdeenshire. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 171-172.) CPA B., E. V. Elrick walks. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 161, p. 823-837.) *DA Buchan (11. earl), David Stuart Erskine. Part of a letter. . .giving an account of a tour through Aberdeenshire, in 1789. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- a;ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 292-294.) t CPA Bulloch, John Malcolm. Aberdeenshire as a royal county. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 18-21.) CPA Bibliography of Aberdeenshire periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 17-18, 35-37.) CPA Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. [Edited by Joseph 304 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Aberdeenshire, continued. Robertson.] Aberdeen: printed for the Spalding Club [by W. Bennett], 1843. xii, 658 p., 1 1., 1 map. 4°. CP Copie, extract taxt roll of the sheriff- dom of Abdn., anno 1613. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 40-42.) CPA Forbes, Sir Samuel, of Foveran. De- scription of Aberdeenshire. (mdccxvi- mdccxvii.) (In: Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Aberdeen, 1843. 4°. p. 31-59.) CP Gordon, Lord Lewis. Letters from Lord Lewis Gordon, and others, to [James Moin the laird of Stonywood. 1745-46. (Spald- ing Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 401-439.) fCP See also editor's preface, p. 78-89. Gordon, Robert. Praefecturarum Aber- donensis et Banfiensis in Scotia Ultramon- tana nova descriptio (mdcli-mdclx). 1 map. (In: Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Aberdeen, 1843. 4°. p. 1-30.) CP Written to accompany the map of the counties which he contributed to Baeu's Theatrum orbis terrarum. Jervise, Andrew. Epitaphs & inscrip- tions from burial grounds & old buildings in the north east of Scotland, with histori- cal, biographical, genealogical, and anti- quarian notes, also an appendix of illus- trative papers. With a memoir of the author. [Edited by James Anderson.] Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1875-79. 2 v. 1 pi., 1 port, illus. sq. 8°. ARF v. 1 is no. 92 of 250 copies printed, v. 2 is no. 11 of 400 copies printed. Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. Local bibliography. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895-1905. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 113- 117, 133-137, 152-156, 169-171, 185-188; v. 9, p. 5-7, 20-24, 38-41, 53-56, 73-75, 89-91, 99- 102, 120-123, 133-136, 152-156, 166-170, 184- 186; v. 10, p. 12-13, 26-27,39-41, 56-57, 71-74, 86-88, 101-104, 114-118, 154-157, 186-188; v. 11, p. 22-23, 41-43, 55-57,71-73, 101-103; series 2, v. 1, p. 5-6, 21-22, 37-39, 53-54, 74-75, 85-87, 107-109, 149-151; series 2, v. 2, p. 122-125, 152-156, 180-182; series 2, v. 3, p. 6-8; series 2, v. 4, p. 165-166, 184-186; series 2, v. 5, p. 22-24, 138-140, 152-155, 186- 187; series 2, v. 6, p. 26-28.) CPA Additions to A. W. Robertson's Hand list of bibli- ography of the shires of Aberdeen, Banff and Kin- cardine, 1894. Logan, James. Ecclesiastical collections for Aberdeenshire. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archa^ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 4- 16.) t CPA Minutes of the committee for loan monies and taxations of the shire of Aber- deen. [1643.] (Spalding Club. Miscellany Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 143-152.) fCP Ritchie, James. Some old crosses and unlettered sepulchral monuments in Aber- deenshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 333-353.) CPA Rose, D. Murray. Rental of Aberdeen- shire, 1639. (Scottish notes and queries Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 41-42.) CPA Smith, Alexander, editor. A new his- tory of Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen: Lewis Smith, 1875. 2 v. 8°. CR Pagination continuous. Taxt roll of the county of Aberdeen, 1554. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 178-180.) CPA Valuations of the lands of the principal proprietors in Aberdeenshire, and in places situated within the county. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 54-55.) CPA Ward, Lock, and Co.'s pictorial and de- scriptive shilling guide-books. Guide to Aberdeen, Deeside and Donside. . .and the Moray Firth coast... London [1901]. xvi, 158 p., 3 maps. 16°. KFT Fully illustrated. Watt, William. A history of Aberdeen and Banff. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1900. xvi, 438 p., 3 maps. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR Wilson, W. B. Robertson. Aberdeen- shire as a factor in Scottish life and thought. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894-95. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 131-134, 147-149, 162-164, 180-183; v. 8, p. 3-6, 19-22, 36-38.) CPA Aberdour, Fifeshire Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- fermline... Including historical notices and present state of the parishes of Inver- keithing, Dalgety, Aberdour, Beath, Tony- burn, Carnock & Saline. With a... sketch of the scenery on the Devon. Dunferm- line: J. Miller, 1828. vii, 329 (1) p., 1 pi 12°. CR Ross, William. Aberdour and Inch- colme. Being historical notices of the parish and monastery. In twelve lectures Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1885. 3 pi, » xix, 407 p., 1 pi. 12°. CB Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine v. 139, p. 389-395, Edinburgh, 1886. Notice of the hospital of St Martha at Aberdour, Fife. (Society o LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 305 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 214-219.) CPA Unda, pseud, of Thomas S. Muir. Inch- colm, Aberdour, North Rona, Sula Sgeir. [Edinburgh: R. Clark, 1872.] 36 p. illus. 8°. Reserve With four pen and ink drawings by_ the author laid in. With bookplate of George Stirling Home Drummond of BlairT)rummond and Ardoch. One of twenty-five copies printed. Airdrie, Lanarkshire Airdrie. — Free Public Library. Report. 1903/4-1905/6. Airdrie [1904-06]. 8°. *HPD Airth, Stirlingshire Armstrong, Robert Bruce. Notes on the old church and cemetery of Airth, Stirling- shire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 13, p. 165-170.) CPA Aberfeldy, Perthshire Macmillan, Hugh. Aberfeldy and its neighbourhood. (Art journal. London, 1899. f°. 1899, p. 361-366.) f MAA Aberlady, Haddingtonshire Roy, Neil. Topographical description of the parish of Aberlady. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 511- 522.) f CPA Aberlour, Banffshire Black, George Fraser. Notes on Italian doorway in Aberlour garden. Edinburgh: printed by John Lindsay, 1896. 16 p., 1 pi. 12°. QGB p. box Abernethy, Inverness-shire Forsyth, Asher. Notes on York Build- ing Company in Abernethy, 1728. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 186-196.) * EC Abernethy, Perthshire Brash, Richard Rolt. The round tower of Abernethy. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 303-319.) CPA Aldcambus, Berwickshire Muir, Thomas S. Notice of the ancient church of St. Helen, at Aldcambus; and of fragments apparently of a monastic building at Luffness. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 296-299.) CPA Alford, Aberdeenshire Alford, Presbytery of. Records of the meeting of the Exercise of Alford, mdclxii-mdclxxxviii. Edited by Rev. T. Bell. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1897. xlix p., 1 1., 439 p. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) f CP Alloa, Clackmannanshire Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Witches of Alloa. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 40-48.) CPA Alness, Ross-shire Brown, W. L, Wallace. Alness in the eighteenth century. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 18-25.) * EC Maclean, Roderick. Notes on the parish of Alness. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 217-232.) NDO Aboyne, Aberdeenshire Records, The, of Aboyne. mccxxx- m.dclxxxi. Edited by Charles, xi. marquis of Huntly, earl of Aboyne. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1894. xliii, 589 p., 1 1., 7 pi., 3 port. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) fCP Ackergill, Caithness D., L. D. Ackergill Tower, Caithness. 1 pi. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shet- land, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 41-44.) CR Alyth, Forfarshire Jervise, Andrew. The history and tradi- tions of the land of the Lindsays in Angus and Mearns, with notices of Alyth and Meigle. . .rewritten and corrected by James Gammack. Edinburgh: D. Doug- las, 1882. xxvi p., 1 1., 468 p., 9 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR Alyth, Perthshire Cramond, William. Extracts from the records of the kirk session of Alyth. 306 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899-1900. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 44-45, 59-61, 74-75.) CPA Anderston, Lanarkshire Narrative, A, of the surprising work of God in the conversion of souls in Kilsyth, Finnieston, and Cumbernauld, and the re- vival of religion in Anderston and Paisley; with an account of the remarkable occur- rences which took place at the dispensation of the sacrament at Kilsyth, on 22d Sep- tember 1839. Glasgow: D. Maclure, 1839. 32 p. 12°. ZWGF p.v. 13 and Antiquarian Society. Transactions Dumfries, 1896. 8°. 1894-95, p. 152-181) *EC Annandale, Dumfriesshire McDowall, William. History of the burgh of Dumfries, with notices of Niths- dale, Annandale, and the western border Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1873. 1 pi' viii, 9-787 p., 1 plan, 3 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR With additional lithographed title-page. Appin, Argyllshire Milner, George. Green Appin and the island of Lismore. (Longman's maga- zine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 632-639) *DA Angus and Mearns See also Forfarshire and Kincardineshire Angus. (Quarterly review. London, 1910. 8°. v. 212, p. 266-280.) * DA On Warden, Jeryise, &c. Edward, Robert. Description of the county of Angus, 1678. (In: A. J. Warden, Angus or Forfarshire... Dundee, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 234-252.) CR Originally published in Latin. An English trans- lation, by Rev. James Trail, was published in Dundee in 1793. Gammack, James. See Jervise, Andrew. Jervise, Andrew. The history and tradi- tions of the land of the Lindsays in Angus and Mearns with notices of Alyth and Meigle. To which is added an appendix containing extracts from an old rental- book of Edzell and Lethnot, notices of the ravages of the marquis of Montrose in Forfarshire, and other interesting docu- ments. Rewritten and corrected by J. Gammack. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1882. xxvi p., 1 1., 468 p., 9 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR • Memorials of Angus and the Mearns: being an account, historical, anti- quarian, and traditionary, of the castles and towns visited by Edward i. and of the barons, clergy, and others, who swore fealty to England in 1291-6; also, of the abbey of Cupar, and the priory of Rosti- noth. To which is added an appendix of original documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1861. x, 32* 504 p., 1 1. 8° CR Rewritten and corrected by Rev. James Gammack. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1885. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. CR Arbroath, Forfarshire Arbroath. — Public Library. Annual re- port, no. 3-6, 8-[14] (1900/1-1903/4, 1905/6- 1911/12). Arbroath, 1901-12. 8°. *HPD • Catalogue of books in the Refer- ence Department of the Arbroath Public Library, with the constitution and bye- laws. Compiled by J. Hosie, librarian. Arbroath: T. Buncle & Co., prtrs., 1911. vi, 130 p. 12°. *GX Supplementary catalogue of books in the Lending Department of the Arbroath Public Library, with the consti- tution & bye-laws. Compiled by J. Hosie, librarian. Arbroath: Brodie & Salmond, prtrs., 1907. x, 132 p. 12°. *GX Hay, George. History of Arbroath to the present time with notices of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of the neighbour- ing district. Arbroath: T. Buncle, 1876. xvi, 448 p., 9 pi. 8°. CR Jervise, Andrew. Account of the dis- covery of the supposed cemetery of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, at Hospi- talfield, near Arbroath. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 135-137.) CPA M'Bain, James M. Bibliography of Ar- broath periodical literature and political broadsides. Arbroath: Brodie & Salmond, 1889. 126 p. sq. 8°. CR Reprinted from Scottish notes and queries, v. 2, p. 66-68, 84-85, 105-106, 119-121, 133-137, Aberdeen, 1889. The effigy recently found in Ar- broath. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 49-51.) CPA Annan, Dumfriesshire Neilson, George. Old Annan. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History Arbroath Abbey, Forfarshire Arbroath Abbey. Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc. Registrorum Abbacie' de LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 307 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Aberbrothoc. Pars prior, registrum vetus munimentaque eidem ccetanea complec- tens, 1178-1329. [Pars altera, Registrum nigrum necnon libros cartarum recen- tiores complectens. 1329-1536. Edited by Cosmo Innes and Patrick Chalmers.] Edinburgh: [T. Constable.) 1848-56. 2 v. pi. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CR Black, David Dakers. Notes of a char- ter by Charles i. to James, Lord Carnegy, 1641, constituting him keeper of the abbey of Aberbrothock; and of an order by Mr. John Garden, factor on the Panmure es- tates (1746), calling the tenantry of Edzell and Navar to be armed and ready to repel a Highland raid. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 538-542.) CPA Compton, C. H. Arbroath Abbey. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 12, p. 91-104.) CA Laing, Henry. Sculptured monument in Aberbrothoc Abbey. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 13-15.) CPA Robertson, T. S. Arbroath Abbey. 4 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 3, p. 234-240.) CPA Ardchattan Priory, Argyllshire Brydall, Robert. Notice of the priory church of Ardchattan and its carved stones, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 33-47.) CPA Argyllshire See also Archeology and Place Names Campbell, Lord Archibald. Records of Argyll. Legends, traditions and recollec- tions of Argyllshire Highlanders . . . Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1885. xvi, 514 p., 8 port., 11 pi. f°. ft ZBD Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 139, p. 376-380, Edinburgh, 1886. Records of Argyll. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 275-294.) * DA Donaldson, John. A minister's week in Argyll. August, 1879. Dumfries: J. An- derson & Son [1881.] 32 p., 1 pi. 8°. * C p.v. 367 Maughan, William Charles. Argyll- shire. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 24, p. 125-157.) * DA "Resolve," The, of the landowners of Argyllshire, 1715. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 126-128.) CPA Statistical account of Argyleshire. By the ministers of the respective parishes, under the superintendence of a committee of the Society for the Benefit of the Sons and Daughters of the Clergy. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1845. 2 p.l., 728 p. 8°. CRB Wilson, W. B. Robertson. Argyleshire in Scottish life and thought. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 20-22, 35-36, 52-53, 68-70, 85-87, 100-102, 116-118, 132-134.) CPA Arisaig, Inverness-shire Blundell, Odo. Notes on the church and some sculptured monuments in the church- yard of Saint Maelrubha in Arisaig, and on an artificial island there'; also on some sculptured monuments in the churchyard of Kilchoan, Knoydart. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 353-366.) CPA Arran, Buteshire Arran Society of Glasgow. The book oi Arran; edited by J. A. Balfour. Archaeolo- gy. Glasgow: The Arran Society of Glas- gow, 1910. xiv, 295 p., 1 map, 54 pi. illus. 4°. CDA Balfour, John Alexander. The chapels and sculptured stones prior to 1709 [in Arran]. 6 pi. (In: The Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 219-232.) CDA The ecclesiastical remains on the Holy Isle, Arran. illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 43, p. 147-158.) CPA The Holy Isle. 2 pi. (In: The Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 252-260.) CDA An Irish-Celtic monastery [in Ar- ran]. 1 pi. illus. (In: The Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glas- gow, 1910. 4°. p. 195-209.) CDA The King's cave [in Arran]. 2 pi. (In: The Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 213- 218.) CDA March, Mrs. Nptes on Arran. (Roch- dale Literary and Scientific Society. Rochdale [1889]. 8°. Transactions, v. 1, p. 25-27.) * EC Paterson, John, factor. Account of the isle of Arran. 1 map. (Highland and 308 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. v. 11, p. 125-154.) VPA Wallace, J. V. In Arran. A tarn in the mountains. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 335-341.) * DE Whitelaw, Charles Edward. The castles [of Arran]. 4 pi. (In: The Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glas- gow, 1910. 4°. p. 241-251.) CDA AsHIESTEEL, SELKIRKSHIRE Hardy, Robina F. Ashiestiel. (In: Budget of holiday letters. Edinburgh, 1889. 12°. p. 78-83.) *Cp.v.359 AsSYNT, SlTTHERLANDSHIRE Mackay, William. How the Macleods lost Assynt. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 197-207.) NDO Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire Jervise, Andrew. Notices respecting the castle of Craig and the old kirk of Auchin- doir, etc., in Aberdeenshire. 1 illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 323-330.) CPA AuCHTERARDER, PERTHSHIRE Accounts of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Black- ford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the beginning of the year 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) f CP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchterarder, p. 79-155, Crieff, 1899. Reid, Alexander George. The annals of Auchterarder and memorials of Strathearn. Crieff: David Philips, 1899. 4 p.l., 301, xxxviii p., 4 pi. sq. 8°. CR The castle, burgh, barony, and sheriffdom of Auchterarder. The castle of Kincardine in Strath- earn. The treaty of Auchterarder. Decreet of lyning in favour of John Malar. The warlock of the Kirktoun of Auchterarder. Auchterarder in Mar's year. The burning of Blackford. The burn- ing of Dunning. The burning of Dalreoch. The burning of Muthill. The burning of Crieff. Ac- count of compensation paid by government to the sufferers by the burning of Auchterarder, Dunning, Blackford, Muthill, and Crieff. Rental of the estate of Perth in 1748-9, parish of Auchterarder. Trial of Violet Mar for witchcraft. Salmon fishings on the Earn. John Brugh, the warlock of Fosso- way. The witch covin at the Crook of Devon. The terrible parish. The lone lady of Kilders. Wander- ings of Strowan Robertson. Account of the ruins of the abbey of Inchaffray. Auchterarder, 1837-97. AuLDHAME OR ALDHAM HADDINGTONSHIRE Waddell, Peter Hately. An old kirk chronicle, being a history of Auldhame Tyninghame, and Whitekirk in East Lo- thian, from session records, 1615-1850. Edinburgh : Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1893! xii, 166 p., 20 pi., 6 fac, 2 plans. 4°. fCR no. 28 of fifty copies printed. Ayr, Ayrshire Ayr. Charters of the royal burgh of Ayr. [Edited by W. S. Cooper.] Edinburgh: Ayrshire & Galloway Archaeological As- sociation, 1883. xxxvi, 233 p., 5 fac, 3 pi. 4°. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeologi- cal Association.) CA One of 400 copies printed. Carnegie Public Library Report by the committee. 1893/4-1904/5 Ayr, 1894-[1905]. 8°. *HPD Medical Officer Report. 1911. Ayr, 1912. 8°. SPC Sanitary Inspector Report. 1911. Ayr, 1912. ! Town Council SPC Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1911/12. [Ayr, 1912., f°. *SYB Dickson, Thomas. Proceedings of the Gild Court of Ayr, from the Ayr manu- script. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archae- ological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 223-230.) fCA Dobie, John Shedden. Notarial note- book of John Mason, clerk of the burgh of Ayr, 1582-1612. (Ayrshire and Gallo- way Archaeological Association. Archae- ological and historical collections. Edin- burgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 209-265.) tCA Ferguson, James, the younger. Ayr and the birthplace of Burns. A guide to visi- tors. Ayr: James Ferguson, Jr., n. d. 1 p.l., (1)10-56 p. 8°. Friars Preachers of Ayr. Munimenta fratrum predicatorum de Are. Charters of the Friars Preachers of Ayr. [Edited by R. W. Cochran-Patrick.) Edinburgh: Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation, 1881. xxxv, 127 p., 5 fac, 3 pi. 4°. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeologi- cal Association. [Publications, v. 11.]) fCA One of 400 copies printed. Paterson, James. Report on the prison of Air, and situation of the prisoners, 14th April 1812... Air: Wilson & Paul, printers [1812]. 19 p. 8°. SLTp.v.3 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 309 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Ayr (Synod) Glasgow and Ayr, Provincial Synod of. Register of the Provincial Synod of Glas- gow and Ayr. A.D. 1687-A.D. 1690. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Glasgow. 1847. 4°. v. 4, p. 209-292.) t CP Ayrshire See also under Cuninghame Steven, T. M. A geographical descrip- tion of the county of Ayr. 1 map. (Scot- tish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. 393-413.) KAA Wylie, William Michael. Ayrshire and the land of Burns. 1 pi. illus. (In: The land we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British Empire. Lon- don, n. d. 4°. v. 3, p. 153-184.) CBD Ayrshire streams; or, Scenes, char- acters, and traditions of the west country. London: A. Hall, Virtue, & Co., 1851. vii, (1)10-136 p. 16°. Stuart 7542 See also Archaeology and Geography Ayrshire. Ayr District Asylum Annual report, no. 26-41 (1895/6-1911). Ayr [1896]-1912. 8° WPW Medical Officer of Health Annual report upon the health and sani- tary condition of the county, with annual reports on the burghs of Saltcoats, Largs, Stewarton, Cumnock, Troon, Galston, and Darvel. no. 19-21(1909-11). Kilmarnock, 1910-12. 8°. SPC Ayrshire as a factor in Scottish develop- ment. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1890-91. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 146-149, 163- 166, 179-181; v. 4, p. 5-7, 31-33, 47-49.) CPA Ayrshire and Galloway, formerly Ayr- shire and Wigtonshire Archaeological As- sociation. Archaeological and historical collections relating to Ayrshire and Gal- loway, v. 1-10. Edinburgh: the society, 1878-99. 4°. tCA Chalmers, George. Ayr-shire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 3, p. 445-566.) tCP Paterson, James. History of the coun- ties of Ayr and Wigton. Edinburgh: J. Stillie, 1863-66. 3 v. in 5. fac, pi. 12°. CR v. 1. Kyle; 2. Carrick; 3. townshire not dealt with. Cuninghame. Wig- Robertson, George. Topographical de- scription of Ayrshire; more particularly of Cunninghame: together with a gene- alogical account of the principal families in that bailiwick. Irvine: Cunningham Press, 1820. xii, 13-442 p., 1 map. f°. ttCR Statistics of the elections for the county of Ayr, beginning with the first election after the passing of the Reform Bill in 1832. t Ayr:] Ayr Observer Office [I860?]. 7 p. 8°. CRp. box 2 Badenoch, Inverness-shire Macbain, Alexander. Badenoch: its his- tory, clans and place names. 1 map. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 148- 197.) NDO Macpherson, Alexander. Sketches of the old ministers of Badenoch. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1889-90. 8°. v. 14, p. 193-216; v. 15, p. 216-238.) NDO Balfron, Stirlingshire Smith, John Guthrie. Strathendrick, and its inhabitants from early times. An account of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, Killearn, Drymen, Buchanan, and Kilmar- onock. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons. 1896. xxvi p., 1 I., 410 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 map, 9 pi., 1 port. 4°. CR One of 440 copies printed. Ballantrae, Ayrshire Mercer, Edmund. At Ballantrae. 3 illus. (Manchester quarterly. Manches- ter, 1896. 8°. v. 15, p. 237-247.) * DA Balmaghie, Kirkcudbrightshire Reid, Henry Martin Beckwith. The Kirk above Dee Water. By Rev H. M. B. Reid; with introduction by S. R. Crockett. Castle-Douglas: Adam Rae, 1895. xiv p., 1 1., (1)18-128 p., 2 pi., 4 port. 12°. CR Balmerino Abbey, Fifesi-iire Balmerino Abbey. The chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores; now first printed from the original mss. in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Edinburgh: Abbots- ford Club, 1841. 2 p.l., 2, xii p., 1 1., iii, 3, 3-87 p., 1 1., 2, xi, 55 p., 4 pi., 1 plan. sq. 4°. (Abbotsford Club.) t CP 310 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Balmoral, Aberdeenshire Balmoral. 2 illus. (Illustrated maga- zine of art. New York, 1853. 4°. v. 2, p. 364-366.) * DA Croal, T. A. Balmoral Castle. Original etching by Axel Hermann Haig. 1 pi. (Art journal. London, 1902. 4°. 1902, p. 334-335.) t MAA Hunter, J. R. Queen Victoria's High- land home. 13 illus. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1895. 8°. v. 91, p. 699-715.) *DA Balquiiidder, Perthshire Lees, James. In the Braes of Balquhid- der. (Good words. London, 1879. 8°. v. 20, p. 713-718.) * DA Banff, Banffshire Banff. The annals of Banff. Compiled by William Cramond. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1891-93. 2 v. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) t CP Banffshire See also Place Names and Geography Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. [Edited by Joseph Robertson.] Aberdeen: printed for the Spalding Club [by W. Bennett], 1843. xii, 658 p., 1 1., 1 map. 4°. CP Cramond, William. Extracts from old Banffshire papers. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 42-44, 58-60, 74-75, 90-92.) CPA Hossack, Garden M. Inventories of northern records. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 138-139.) CPA Jervise, Andrew. Epitaphs & inscrip- tions from burial grounds & old buildings in the north east of Scotland, with historical, biographical, genealogical, and antiquarian notes, also an appendix of illus- trative papers. With a memoir of the author. [Edited by James Anderson.] Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1875-79. 2 v. I pi., 1 port, illus. sq. 8°. ARF v. 1 is no. 92 of 250 copies printed, v. 2 is no. II of 400 copies printed. Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. Local bibliography. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895-1905. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 113- 117, 133-137, 152-156, 169-171, 185-188; v. 9, p. 5-7, 20-24, 38-41, 53-56, 73-75, 89-91, 99- 102, 120-123, 133-136, 152-156, 166-170, 184- 186; v. 10, p. 12-13, 26-27, 39-41, 56-57, 71-74, 86-88, 101-104, 114-118, 154-157, 186-188; v 11, p. 22-23, 41-43, 55-57, 71-73, 101-103 : series 2, v. 1, p. 5-6, 21-22, 37-39, 53-54 74-75, 85-87, 107-109, 149-151; series 2, v. 2 p. 122-125, 152-156, 180-182; series 2, v. 3' p. 6-8; series 2, v. 4, p. 165-166, 184-186 : series 2, v. 5, p. 22-24, 138-140, 152-155, 186- 187; series 2, v. 6, p. 26-28.) CPA Additions to A. W. Robertson's Hand list of bibliography of the shires of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine, 1894. Watt, William. A history of Aberdeen and Banff. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1900. xvi, 438 p., 3 maps. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR Wilson, W. B. Robertson. The place of Banffshire in Scottish life and thought. (Scottish notes and Queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 7-9, 21-24.) CPA Bankton, Haddingtonshire M'Neill, Peter. Bankton. (In his: Prestonpans and vicinity... Tranent, 1902. 12°. p. 256-261.) CR Barevan, Nairnshire Young, Hugh W. The church of St. Ewan at Barevan, Nairnshire. (Reliquary and illustrated archaeologist. London, 1900. 4°. v. 6, p. 47-52.) CA Barry, Forfarshire K., T. Barry in the eighteenth century. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 132-135, 151-153.) CPA Bass Rock, Haddingtonshire Bass Rock, London, 1833. The. (Penny magazine. 4°. v. 2, p. 265-266.) *DA Bass Rock, The: its civil and ecclesiasti- cal history by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie. Geology by Hugh Miller. Martyrology by the Rev. James Anderson. Zoology and botany by Prof. Johnj Fleming and Prof. [John Huttonj Balfour. Edinburgh: J. Greig & Son [1848.] viii p., 1 1., 139 p., 1 1., 436 p., 7 pi., 1 table. 8°. Stuart 7543 For a critical notice of this work see the New Monthly magazine and humorist, v. 83, p. 13*-20, London, 1848. Reid, John J. Early notices of the Bass Rock and its owners. 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, v. 20, p. 54-71.) Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°.) CPA Siege, The, of the Bass. (In: Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee. . . London, 1714. 12°. p. 42-48.) *Cp.v.510 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 311 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Smith, Mrs. J. Stewart. The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass: and the other baronial homes of the Dick-Lauder family, written and illustrated with pen, pencil, and camera. Edinburgh: printed for the author by T. and A. Constable, 1898. xxii p., 1 1., 427 p., 19 pi., 4 port, illus. 4°. fARZ Beath, Fifeshire Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- fermline., .including historical notices... of Beath. Dunfermline, 1828. 12°. CR Beauly Priory, Inverness-shire Barron, James. Beauly Priory. (Inver- ness Scientific Society. Transactions. In- verness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 130-137.) * EC Monasteries in the north, with spe- cial reference to Beauly Priory. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 130-137.) * EC Chisholm-Batten, Edmund. Historical notices and charters of the priory of Beauly. (Royal Historical Society. Trans- actions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-74.) CA MacKeggie, J. A. Beauly Priory and its associations, illus. (Celtic monthly. Glas- gow, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 191-193, 204- 207, 222-224.) NDM White, Thomas Pilkington. Notice of the priory church of Beauly, Inverness- shire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 430-464.) CPA Belfield, East Calder, Edinburghshire Morris, Joseph. Belfield, East Calder, the country mansion of the Lanton Oli- phants. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°." v. 43, p. 324-329.) CPA Bell Rock, Forfarshire Account of the erection of the Bell Rock lighthouse. (Boston journal of philosophy and the arts. Boston, 1825. 8°. v. 2, p. 521-539.) Repr. : Edinburgh philosophical journal. Bell Rock light house. (Edinburgh an- nual register for 1809. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 2, part 2, p. 542-548.) BAA Benbecula See Hebrides Bervie, Kincardineshire Gammack, James. Notice of a sepul- chral chalice and paten of pewter, found in Bervie churchyard. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 371-375.) CPA Berwickshire Chalmers, George. Berwickshire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1810. 4°. v. 2, p. 198-395.) fCP Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Scotland. Scotland. Ancient and historical monuments and constructions. First report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Berwick. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1909. xv, 59 p., 1 map. 8°. CP Hannah, Ian C. The Berwick and Lo- thian coasts. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1913. 368 p., 25 pi. 12°. CR Home, David Milne. Report on the manuscripts of Colonel D. M. Home, of Wedderburn Castle, N. B. London: Mackie & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1902. 1 p.l., 329 p. 8°. (Great Britain. — Historical Manu- scripts Commission.) CR "The muniments of the family of Home of Wed- derburn relate to lands in almost every part of Berwickshire." Paton, Henry, editor. The manuscripts of Robert Mordaunt Hay, Esq., of Duns Castle, Berwickshire. (In: Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. Report on manuscripts in various collec- tions. Hereford, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-71.) C The manuscripts comprise: 1. Documents relat- ing to the counties of Peebles and Selkirk ; the latter consisting of a few charters of the lands of Rodono; and 2. Documents relating to the town and lands of Duns and several other lands in the county of Berwick. Wilson, W. B. Robertson. Berwick- shire as a factor in Scottish development. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 44-47, 60-62, 76-78, 103-106, 122-123, 135-136.) CPA Biggar, Lanarkshire Hunter, William. Biggar and the house of Fleming. An account of the Biggar dis- trict, archaeological, historical and bio- graphical. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1867. 1 p.l., xii, 623 p., 7 pi. illus. 2. ed. 8°. CR BlRRENSWARK, DUMFRIESSHIRE Law, Alice. Burnwork and Brunanburh. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 431-435.) CPA 312 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Macdonald, James. Birrens and Bir- renswark. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1896. 8°. 1894- 95, p. 55-67.) * EC Neilson, George. Brunanburh and Burnswork. 1 pi. illus. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 37-55.) CPA See also his note in same volume, p. 435-436. Blackford, Perthshire Accounts of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Black- ford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the beginning of the year 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) f CP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchterarder, p. 126-134, Crieff, 1899. Blackshiels, Haddingtonshire Barnett, T. Ratcliffe. Fairshiels; mem- ories of a Lammermoor parish. Edin- burgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1913. 126 p., 1 1., 12 p. 2. ed. 8°. CRB Fairshiels is the author's fanciful name for Black- shiels. Johnstone, J. J. H. The manuscripts of J. J. H. Johnstone, of Annandale. Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1897. 2 p.l, 235 p. 8°. (Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. 15. report. Ap- pendix, part 9.) q p. 9-44 comprise charters and other writs, with miscellaneous papers relating to the Borders,' 1408- Law, George. The Marches. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 11 n 226-242.) SEA Pearson, Norman. The Scotch border- land. (Gentleman's magazine. London 1886. 8°. v. 260, p. 191-196.) *DA Pease, Howard. The lord wardens of the marches of England and Scotland; being a brief history of the marches, the laws of march, and the marchmen, together with some account of the ancient feud be- tween England and Scotland. London- Constable & Co., Ltd., 1913. xvi p., 1 1 255 (1) p., 4 maps, 1 pi. 4°. CBA One of 500 copies printed. Rutherfurd, J. Rutherfurd's Border hand-book; being a guide to the... places ...scenery, and antiquities of the Border . . . Kelso: J. Rutherfurd, 1849. vi p., 1 1., 136 p., 1 map, 10 pi. 12°. Stuart 8715 Some memories of a Border manse and a Border district. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 140, p. 642-654.) *DA Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Reid, Alan. Churchyard memorials of Cranston, Crichton, Blairgowrie, and Rat- tray; a record and comparison, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 206-240.) CPA Blantyre, Lanarkshire Wright, Stewart. Annals of Blantyre. Glasgow: Wilson & McCormick, 1885. 161 p., 5 pi. 12°. CR Bolfracks, Perthshire Christie, J. The barony of Bolfracks. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 46-47, 62-63, 76-77.) CPA Borders Account, An, of the Borders. 32 p. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh, 1846. 12°. v. 11, no. 102.) *C (Chambers's Miscellany, new & rev. ed. Edinburgh, n. d. 12°.) * C Japp, Alexander Hay. The Scottish bor- der. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p. 108-126.) * DA Bothwell, Lanarkshire Bain, Joseph. Notes on the east win- dow of the choir of Bothwell church and its armorial shields. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 395-403.) CPA Bothwell Castle, Lanarkshire. 2 pi. (In: The antiquarian itinerary. London, 1816. 8°. v. 4.) CBD Colquhoun, F. Mary. Bothwell Castle. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 81-94.) *DE Duncan, James Dalrymple. Bothwell Castle. (British Archaeological Associa- tion. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 33-41.) CA Henderson, George, and J. Jeffrey Wad- dell. By Bothwell banks. Some chap- ters on the history, archaeology, and liter- ary associations of the Uddingston and Bothwell district. Glasgow: D. Hobbs & Co., 1904. 7 p.l., 260 p., 1 pi. illus. 12°. CR Botriphnie, Banffshire Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. The book of the chronicles of Keith, Grange, LIST OF' WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 313 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Ruthven, Cairney, and Botriphnie; events, places, and persons. Glasgow: R. For- rester, 1880. xi, 461 p., 12°. CR Bourtie, Aberdeenshire K., W. R. Mutilated monuments at Bourtie. 2 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 33-34.) CPA Bowden, Roxburghshire Macgeorge, Andrew. The cross of Bowden. 1 illus. (Glasgow Archaeologi- cal Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 337-339.) CPA Reid, Alan. The churchyard memorials of Abercorn, Bowden, and Carrington. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 33-76.) CPA Braemar, Aberdeenshire Aberdeen, Deeside and Braemar... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. viii, 63 p., 3 maps, 1 pi. 16°. Stuart 8760 Taylor, Elizabeth. The Braemar High- lands: their tales, traditions, and history. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1869. viii, 343(1) p. 12°. CR Williamson, Alexander. Braemar. (In: Budget of holiday letters. Edinburgh, 1889. 12°. p. 100-108.) * C p.v. 359 of Brechin. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 188-210.) CPA Medical Officer of Health Brechin. Annual report upon the health & sani- tary condition of the town. 1911. Brechin [1912]. 8°. SPC Police Chambers Return of crimes and offences reported to the police, with other details and sta- tistics. 1911. Brechin, 1912. f°. ft SLY Town Council Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1911/12. [Brechin, 1912.] f°. *SYB Gough, Richard. Observations on the round tower at Brechin, in Scotland. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Arch- aeologia. London, 1773. 4°. v. 2, p. 83- 85.) CA Jervise, Andrew. Remarks on the round tower of Brechin. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 28-34.) CPA Brechin (Diocese), Forfarshire Brechin, Diocese. Registrum episco- patus Brechinensis; cui accedunt cartse quamplurimae originates. Aberdonia: [W. Bennett.] 1856. 2 v. port. 4°. (Ban- natyne Club.) f CP The preface is by Cosmo Innes. v. 2 is Appen- dix cartarum. Branxholme, Roxburghshire Lockhart, William Eliott. Historical notes relating to Branxholme. Alnwick: printed by H. H. Blair [1886]. 46 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 2 pi. 8°. CR Reprinted from Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. Transactions. 1886. Storrey, James B. S. Branksome Tower. (Antiquary. London, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 140-148.) CA Brechin, Forfarshire Black, David Dakers. [Account of ex- cavations made within the round tower of Brechin.] (Royal Irish Academy. Trans- actions. Dublin, 1845. 4°. v. 20, p. 94- 96.) * EC The history of Brechin, to 1864. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1867. viii, 374 p., 1 plan, 7 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR Brash, Richard Rolt. Notices, histori- cal and architectural, of the round tower Buchan, Aberdeenshire Dalgarno, James. A ramble on the east coast of Buchan. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-26, 55-56, 74-75, 121, 177-178, 199; v. 2, p. 27-28.) CPA Buchanan, Stirlingshire Smith, John Guthrie. Strathendrick, and its inhabitants from early times. An ac- count of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, Killearn, Drymen, Buchanan, and Kilma- ronock. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1896. xxvi p., 1 1., 410 p., 1 1., 2 facs., 1 map, 9 pi., 1 port. 4°. CR One of 440 copies printed. Burghead, Elginshire Macdonald, James. Burghead as the site of an early Christian church; with notices of ,the incised bulls and the burning of the clavie. 1 map, 6 pi. (Glasgow 314 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 63-115.) CPA • Rock-cut cistern at Burghead. (Antiquary. London, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 151-152.) CA Young, Hugh W. Notes on further ex- cavations at Burghead. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 36-91.) CPA Burgie, Elginshire Brichan, James Brodie. Notice of a curious boundary of part of the lands of Burgie, near Forres, in a charter of King Alexander n., 1221. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 147-152.) CPA BURNSWORK See BlRRENSWARK Busby, Lanarkshire Ross, William. Busby and its neigh- bourhood, including the parishes of Car- munnock, East Kilbride, Mearns, and Cathcart: being historical notices in four lectures. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1883. xvi, 139 p. 8°. CR Buteshire Barrington, Daines. Observations on the vitrified walls in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archseologia. London, 1782. 4°. v. 6, p. 100-103.) f CA Dunagoyle, Bute. Galloway, William. Notice of the chapel dedicated to St. Blane at Kingarth in Bute. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arcbaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 5, p. 317-335.) f CPA Hewison, James King. The isle of Bute in the olden time. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1893-95. 2 v. illus. sq. 8°. CR v. 1. Celtic saints and heroes. v. 2. The royal Stewards and the Brandanes. Rothesay and Bute. (British Arch- aeological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 306-312.) CA Reid, John Eaton. History of the county of Bute, and families connected therewith. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1864. 3 p.l., 288 p., 1 map. 8°. CR Smith, James. Notice of an undescribed vitrified fort, in the Burnt Isles, in the Kyles of Bute. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1824. 4°. v. 10, p. 79-81.) * EC Caerlaverock, Dumfriesshire Siege, The, of Carlaverock in the 27th Edward I. A.D. 1300; with the arms of the earls, barons, and knights, who were pres- ent on the occasion, with a translation, a history of the castle, and memoirs of the personages commemorated by the poet. [Edited by] Nicholas Harris Nicolas. Lon- don: J. B. Nichols & Son, 1828. 1 p.l., xxxii, 380 p., 1 pi. illus. 4°. {CR Cairnie or Cairney, Banffshire Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. The book of the chronicles of Keith, Grange, Ruthven, Cairney, and Botriphnie: events, places, and persons. Glasgow: R. Forres- ter, 1880. xi, 461 p. illus. 12°. CR Caithness (Diocese) Caithness, Diocese. Two ancient rec- ords of the bishopric of Caithness, from the charter-room at Dunrobin. With a prefatory notice by Cosmo Innes. 1 fac, 1 pi. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-24.) fCP Stuart, John. Articles by Robert, bishop of Caithness, against George, earl of Caith- ness, for various excesses, and breaches of sanctuary, with the earl's answers and the bishop's replies — A.D. 1549. From the charter-room at Dunrobin. With remarks on the right of sanctuary in Scotland before the Reformation. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 87-102.) CPA Caithness-shire Barron, Evan M. Robert the Bruce in Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 90-94.) CR Beaton, David. Some references to witchcraft and charming. From Caithness and Sutherland church records. By His- toricus. (Orkney and Shetland old lore series of the Viking Club. Old lore mis- cellany. London, 1909-1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 110-115, 171-172, 193; v. 3, p. 47-48.) CR Brand, John. A brief description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth & Caith- ness... Eidnburgh: W. Brown, 1883. 18, 247 p. 8°. CRB no. 148 of 157 copies printed. Verb.itira re- print of edition of 1701. 1 pi. (In: John Pinkerton, A general collection of... voyages and trav- els. . .London, 1809. 4°. v. 3, p. 731-810.) f KBD Reprinted from the Edinburgh ed., 1701. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 315 History and Description, continued. Local History — Caithness-shire, continued. Calder, James Tait. Sketch of the civil and traditional history of Caithness, from the tenth century. Glasgow: Thomas Mur- ray & Son, 1861. xvi, 294 p. 1 pi., 1 table. 12°. CR Cambrian Archaeological Association. Report of the excursion of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, in connexion with the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, to the western islands of Scotland, Orkney and Caithness, June, 1899. Edit- ed by R. Cochrane. Dublin, 1900. xii, 186 p. 8°. CVA Conservative meetings in Caithness. Re- ception of Sir George Sinclair; dinners at Thurso and Wick, &c. n.p. ( 1836.] 58 p. 8°. AGH p.v. 23 Mackay, Angus. Sutherland and Caith- ness in ancient geography and maps. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 79- 94.) CPA Mayhew, Samuel Martin. Notes on north Caithness and Orkney. 2 pi. (Brit- ish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 265-279.) CA Mowat, John. A list of books and pam- phlets relating to the north of Scotland, with special reference to Caithness and Sutherland. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909-11. 8°. v. 2, p. 238-242; v. 3, p. 49-54, 170-176, 224-225; v. 4, p. 45-47, 99- 101, 151-152, 201-205; v. 5, p. 38-43.) CR Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shet- land, Caithness and Sutherland. Edited by A. W. Johnston and A. Johnston, v. 1- date. London, 1907-date. 12°. (Old-lore series of the Viking Club.) CR v. 1-2 title reads: Orkney and Shetland mis- cellany. Pope, Alexander. On Caithness, Strath- naver, and Sutherland. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. London, 1776. 4°. v. 1, 4 ed., p. 336-366.) t CPW St. Clair, Roland. The bishopric of Orkney. References to lands in Caithness. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 17-19.) CR Sutherland, George Miller. Notes on Caithness history. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1880-81. 8°. v. 5, p. 271-2'74, 361- 364, 445-449; v. 6, p. 59-65, 277-280.) * DE Legendary history of the Cheynes, Keiths, and Gunns. Calder, Edinburghshire Reid, Alan. Notes on the churchyards of Currie, Kirknewton, and the Calders. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 217-245.) CPA Cambuskenneth, Clackmannanshire Alexander, Sir James Edward. An ac- count of the excavations at Cambusken- neth Abbey in May, 1864. 2 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 14-25.) CPA Cambuskenneth Monastery. Registrum monasterii de Cambuskenneth. A.D. 1147- 1535. Edinburgh: Grampian Club, 1872. 1 p.L, clvi, 438 p., 8 fac, 12 pi., 1 port. sm. 4°. f CR no. 98. Cambuslang, Lanarkshire Bain, Joseph. Cambuslang: Some notes on its early lords ■ — ■ the barons of Drum- sargard, and other landowners. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 380-385.) CPA Cambusnethan, Lanarkshire Brown, Peter. Historical sketches of the parish of Cambusnethan. Wishaw: D. Johnston, 1859. xviii p., 1 1., 156 p. 16°. CR Extracts from the registers of the pres- bytery of Glasgow, and of the kirk ses- sions of the parishes of Cambusnethan, Humbie and Stirling, subsequent to the year 1600. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 399-484.) fCP Camelon, Stirlingshire Walker, John. On the ancient Camelon, and the Picts. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1779. 4°. v. 1, 2. ed., p. 231-239.) f CA Candida Casa See Whithorn Canisby, Caithness-shire Beaton, David. An interesting Caith- ness church record. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 173-179.) CR Cara, Argyllshire White, Thomas Pilkington. The ecclesi- astical antiquities of the districts of Knap- dale, Argyllshire, and the islands of Gigha and Cara. (Society of Antiquaries of 316 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 383-388.) CPA Carsluith Castle, Kirkcudbrightshire Fleming, J. S. Carsluith Castle. 3 pi. illus. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°, new series, v. 5, part 1, p. 113-123.) CPA Cardross, Dumbartonshire Murray, David. Old Cardross: a lec- ture. Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1880. vi p., 1 1., 126 p. 12°. CR Carluke, Lanarkshire Notices, historical, statistical, and bio- graphical, relating to the parish of Car- luke, from 1288 till 1874. Glasgow: print- ed by Wm. Rankin, 1874. vi, 332 p. 8°. CR One of eighty copies printed. Carmunnock, Lanarkshire Ross, William. Busby and its neigh- bourhood, including the parishes of Car- munnock, East Kilbride, Mearns, and Cathcart: being historical notices in four lectures. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1883. xvi, 139 p. 8°. CR Carnock, Fifeshire Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- fermline . . . including historical notices . . . of .. .Carnock. Dunfermline, 1828. 12°. CR Carrick, Ayrshire Abercrombie, William. A description of Carrick, by Mr. Abercrummie, minister at Minibole (Maybole). (In: R. Pitcairn, Account of the principal families of the name of Kennedy... Edinburgh, 1830. 4°. p. 161-179.) ARZ Armstrong, Robert Bruce. Military re- port on the districts of Carrick, Kyle, and Cunningham. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 17-25.) CA Paterson, James. History of the coun- ties of Ayr and Wigton. Edinburgh: J. Stillie, 1863-66. fac, pi. 3 v. in 5. 12°. CR v. 1, Kyle; v. 2, Carrick; v. 3. Cunninghame. Wigtownshire not dealt with. Carrington, Edinburghshire Reid, Alan. The churchyard memorials of Abercorn, Bowden, and Carrington. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 33-76.) CPA Cartsburn, Renfrewshire Williamson, George. Old Greenock, from the earliest times... with some ac- count of the burgh of Cartsburn. Paisley 1886-88. 2 v. 4°. fCR Castle Campbell, Clackmannanshire Argyll (10. duke), Niall Diarmid Camp- bell. The Castle Campbell inventory: an inventory of Archibald, 7th earl of Argyll's castle of Campbell. . .in the shire of Clack- manan. . .1595. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 299- 305.) CPA Westwood, J. D. Castle Campbell. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 260-262.) * DE Castle-Huntly, Perthshire Philip, Adam. Castle Huntly. (In his: The parish of Longf organ.. . Edinburgh [1895 : . 12°. p. 95-108.) CR Castle Semple, Renfrewshire Stevenson, J. A. An ancient Scottish demesne. (University magazine. Mont- real, 1911. 8°. v. 10, p. 478-485.) fSTK Castle Semple. Cathcart, Renfrewshire Ross, William. Busby and its neigh- bourhood, including the parishes of Car- munnock, East Kilbride, Mearns, and Cathcart: being historical notices in four lectures. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1883. xvi, 139 p. 8°. CR Cawdor, Nairnshire Book, The, of the Thanes of Cawdor. A series of papers selected from the char- ter room at Cawdor. 1236-1742. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh: [T. Con- stable.) 1859. lxxvii, 471 p., 3 fac, 2 pi., 2 tables. 4°. (Spalding Club.) fCP Campbell, Hugh. Cawdor Castle. 16 illus. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 4-18.) *DA Cawdor or Calder Castle, Nairnshire. 1 pi. (In: The antiquarian itinerary. Lon- don, 1818. 8°. v. 7.) CBD LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 317 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Clackmannanshire Cayley, Edward. Burning waste of Clackmannan. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1851. 8°. v. 30, p. 32-34.) * DA On underground fire in South Sauchie colliery. Reprinted from the London Times. Wallace, James. The sheriffdom of Clackmannan. A sketch of its history, with lists of its sheriffs and excerpts from the records of court. Compiled. . .with notes... by J. Wallace. Edinburgh: J. Thin, 1890. 126 p. 8°. CR Closeburn, Dumfriesshire Ramage, C. T. Drumlanrig Castle and the Douglases, with the early history and ancient remains of Durisdeer, Closeburn, and Morton. Dumfries: J. Anderson & Son, 1876. xxiii, 411 p. 8°. CR The Clyde Clyde and Glasgow Harbour Acts. [Binder's title of a collection of copies of four acts of Parliament, 1754, 1768, 1809, and 1840, relating to the improvement of the river Clyde and enlarging the har- bour of Glasgow.] Glasgow: Constitu- tional Office, and London: Eyre & Spot- tiswoode, 1840. 46, 21, 78, 154, xvii p. 8°. VDNA Falls of the Clyde. 1 illus. (Penny magazine. London, 1832. 4°. v. 1, p. 253- 254.) * DA Gaughan, Jessie A. Summer in the Firth of Clyde. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1910. 8°. v. 38, p. 251-260.) * DA Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs, the city of Glasgow and its old relations with Ruther- glen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, Port- Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. Glasgow: The Scottish Burgh Records So- ciety, 1909. 2 p.l., 4, (1) vi-x, 254 p. 4°. CR Phipps, Elvira Anna. Memorials of Clutha: or, Pencillings on the Clyde... London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1842. ix, (1)12-107 p., 1 pi. 8°. CPW Illustrations from drawings by the author. Tweed, John. Tweed's guide to Glas- gow and the Clyde, with tours to Oban, Glencoe, and Inverness. Glasgow [1875]. map, pi. illus. 8°. KFT p. box Clydesdale, Lanarkshire Ker, John. A day in the Upper Ward of Clydesdale. (In his: Scottish national- ity and other papers. 12°. p. 144-159.) Edinburgh, 1887. CP COLDINGHAM PRIORY, BERWICKSHIRE Coldingham Priory. The correspond- ence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings of the priory of Coldingham. [Edited by J. Raine.] London: J. B. Nichols and Son [1842]. xvii(i), 259, cxxxvi, 16 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 8°. (Surtees Society. Publications, v. 12.) CA Wilson, Sir Daniel. Notices of the his- tory and architectural features of the an- cient church of St. Cuthbert at Colding- ham. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 84-85.) CPA Coldstream Priory, Berwickshire Coldstream Priory. Chartulary of the Cistercian priory of Coldstream, with rela- tive documents. Edited by... Charles Rogers. London: The Grampian Club, 1879. xxxv, 96 p. 8°. ZMTB Colinton, Edinburghshire Lockhart, William. Notes on the early history of the parish of Colinton. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 364-371.) CPA Reid, Alan. Colinton church and churchyard. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 133-147.) CPA Coll, Argyllshire Beveridge, Erskine. Coll and Tiree; their prehistoric forts and ecclesiastical antiquities, with notices of ancient remains in the Treshnish Isles. With 77 illustra- tions and 2 maps. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1903. xvi p., 1 1., 206 p., 2 maps, 77 pi. 4°. CP no. 217 of 300 copies printed. Colonsay and Oronsay, Argyllshire Murray, Mrs. Frances. Summer in the Hebrides. Sketches in Colonsay and Oronsay. [By Mrs. Frances Murray.] Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1887. xi, 175 p., 1 map, 7 pi. 12°. CRB Colzean Castle, Ayrshire Culzean Castle, Ayrshire. The seat of the earl of Cassilis. 1 pi. (The English annual. London [1837]. 8°. p. 150-151.) NCA 318 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Convinth, Inverness-shire See Kiltarlity Corseiiill, Ayrshire Dobie, John Shedden. Corsehill baron- court book. [1666-1719.] (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ar- chaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 65-249.) CA CoRSTORPHINE, EDINBURGHSHIRE Laing, David. The Forrester monu- ments in the church of Corstorphine. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 3S3-362.) CPA Covington, Lanarkshire Little, Bryce. A sermon preached be- fore the Clydesdale Volunteers, in the church of Covington, on Saturday 19th May 1804. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1804. 44 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.46 Cowal, Argyllshire Argyll (10. duke), Niall Diarmid Camp- bell. The origin of the Holy Loch in Co-wall, Argyll. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 29-34.) CPA Craignethan, Lanarkshire Duncan, James Dalrymple. Craig- nethan Castle. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8° v. 45, p. 215-218.) CA Hunter, John R. S. Craignethan and its vicinity. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p 84-94.) PTA Crail, Fifeshire Crail. — Collegiate Church. Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail, Fifeshire. With historical remarks by Rev. Charles Rogers. (Royal Historical Society. Trans- actions. London, 1877. 8°. v. 6, p. 324- 394.) CA With introductory remarks by Rev. Charles Rogers. London: Grampian Club, 1877. 76 p. 8°. CRF Fortune, E. Charlton. A royal Scottish burgh, illus. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 121, p. 661-669.) *DA Crail, Fifeshire. Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notes on the ancient burgh seal of Crail, and the seal of the chapter of the abbey of Coupar. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 160-165.) CPA Cramond, Edinburghshire Mackinlay, J. M. Four Columbian sites in Scotland. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 97-103.) NDK Iona, Dunkeld, Cramond, Inchcolm. Craig Castle, Aberdeenshire Jervise, Andrew. Notices respecting the castle of Craig and the old kirk of Auchindoir, etc., in Aberdeenshire. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 323-330.) CPA Cranston, Edinburghshire Reid, Alan. Churchyard memorials of Cranston, Crichton, Blairgowrie, and Rat- tray; a record and comparison, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 206-240.) CPA Craigcaffie Castle, Wigtownshire M'Lachlan, John. Notes respecting Craigcaffie Castle, Wigtownshire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 384-387.) CPA Crawford, Lanarkshire Fraser, William Crawford. Crawford, from the burning of the castle by Sir Wil- liam Wallace to the visit of King Edward vii. Crawford: A. Colthart [1909]. vii, 81 p., 4 pi. 12°. CR Craigmillar, Midlothian Speedy, Tom. Craigmillar and its en- virons, with notices of the topography, natural history, and antiquities of the dis- trict. Selkirk: G. Lewis & Son, 1892. xv, 248 p., 10 pi., 2 port, illus. 8°. CRF Crawfurdsdyke, Renfrewshire Williamson, George. Old Greenock from the earliest times... with some ac- count of the... burgh of barony of Craw- furdsdyke. Paisley, 1886-88. 2 v. 4°.fCR LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 319 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Crichton, Edinburghshire Reid, Alan. Churchyard memorials of Cranston, Crichton, Blairgowrie, and Rat- tray; a record and comparison. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 206-240.) CPA Crichton Castle, Edinburghshire Duncan, James Dalrymple. [Notes on the history of Crichton Castle.] (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 409-418.) CPA Crieff, Perthshire Account of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Black- ford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the beginning of the year 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) t CP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchterar- der, p. 147-155, Crieff, 1899. Crieff: its traditions and characters, with anecdotes of Strathearn. Edinburgh: D. Macara, 1881. xi(i), 304 p. 12°. CR Porteous, Alexander. The history of Crieff, from the earliest times to the dawn of the twentieth century. By Alexander Porteous, with introduction by W. P. Paterson, D.D. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1912. xviii, 423 p., 3 plans, 40 pi., 1 port. 4°. CR gow Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new se- ries, v. 1, p. S17-534.) CPA Crossraguel Abbey, Ayrshire Crossraguel Abbey. Charters. [Edited by F. C. Hunter-Blair.j Edinburgh: Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation, 1886. 2 v. 4°. f CA Mitchell, J. Oswald. [History of Cross- raguell Abbey.] (Glasgow Archaeologi- cal Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. SS0-S73.) CPA Croy, Inverness-shire Wedderspoon, J. Parish records of Croy from 1640 to 1690. (Inverness Sci- entific Society and Field Club. Transac- tions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 356- 371.) *EC Cullen, Banffshire Jervise, Andrew. Notices regarding the antiquities of Cullen, in Banffshire — its Castle Hill, and parish church, etc. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 274-283, 674.) CPA Cullen House, Banffshire Cramond, William. Cullen House in 1709. 1 plan. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 1-2.) CPA Cromar, Aberdeenshire List of goods plundered from tenants in Cromar. [1644-47.] (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 195- 201.) tCP The plunderers are described as 'the Argill men.' Cromarty, Cromartyshire Mackenzie, Donald A. The Admiralty at Cromarty. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 9, p. 56-64.) NDK Cromarty Firth Hartley, Gilfrid W. Night in the Cro- marty Firth. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1891. 8°. v. 63, p. 228-232.) * DA Crosshill, Renfrewshire Scott, Alexander M. Notes on the lands of Polmadie and Crosshill. (Glas- Culross, Fifeshire Anders, Felix. Culross and Saint Mungon. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 99-107.) * DE Beveridge, David. Culross and Tullial- lan; or, Perthshire on Forth. Its history and antiquities, with elucidations of Scot- tish life and character from the burgh and kirk-session records of that district. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1885. 2 v. 8°. CR Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 139, p. 380-389, Edinburgh, 1886. Hallen, Arthur Washington Cornelius. Notes on the secular and ecclesiastical antiquities of Culross. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 245-253.) CPA Jervise, Andrew. Poetical maxims from a painted room in the old house at Cul- ross, called "The Palace," with notices of the history of the building and its prob- able founder. (Society of Antiquaries of 320 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 339-344.) CPA Johnston, James, of Straiton. State- ment addressed to the worthy and inde- pendent electors of Stirling, Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Queensferry, and Culross. n. p. [1832.] 1 p.l., 56 p. 8°. * C p.v. 434 Culzean Castle See Colzean Castle. Ayrshire Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire Narrative, A, of the surprising work of God in the conversion of souls in Kilsyth, Finnieston, and Cumbernauld, and the re- vival of religion in Anderston and Paisley; with an account of the remarkable occur- rences which took place at the dispensation of the sacrament at Kilsyth, on 22d Sep- tember 1839. Glasgow: D. Maclure, 1839. 32 p. 12°. ZWGFp.v. 13 Cumbria Russell, Miss H. J. M. The name of Glasgow, and the history of Cumbria. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1890. 8°. v. 46, p. 43-52.) CA Cunninghame, Ayrshire Armstrong, Robert Bruce. Military re- port on the districts of Carrick, Kyle, and Cunningham. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 17-25.) f CA Paterson, James. History of the coun- ties of Ayr and Wigton. Edinburgh: J. Stillie, 1863-66. 3 v. in 5. fac, pi. 12°. CR v. 1, Kyle; v. 2, Carrick; v. 3, Cunningham. Pont, Timothy. Cuninghame topo- graphized by T. Pont, 1604-1608, with con- tinuations and illustrative notices by James Dobie. Edited by John Shedden Dobie. Glasgow: John Tweed, 1876. xix, 426 p., 1 plan, 4 pi. 4°. ff CRB Robertson, George. Topographical de- scription of Ayrshire; more particularly of Cunninghame: together with a genea- logical account of the principal families in that bailiwick. Irvine: Cunningham Press, 1820. xii, 13-442 p., 1 map. f°. ft CR di S. Maria di Coupar-Angus in Scozia con una breve descrizione di H. M. Ban- nister. Contributo alia storia della scrit- tura insulare. Specimen pages of two manuscripts of the abbey of Coupar-Angus in Scotland, with a short description by H. M. Bannister. Roma: Danesi, 1910. 13 p., 5 fac. 4°. (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. Codices e Vaticanis selecti pho- totypice expressi jussu Pii pp. x. consilioet opera curatorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae. Series minor, v. 2.) Reserve Italian and English. Cupar-Angus Abbey. Rental book of Cupar- Angus; with the breviary of the register. Edited by C. Rogers. London: printed for the Grampian Club, 1879-80 2 v. pi. 8°. C R Jervise, Andrew. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns: being an account, histori- cal, antiquarian, and traditionary, of the castles and towns visited by Edward I. and of the barons, clergy, and others, who swore fealty to England in 1291-6; also, of the abbey of Cupar, and the priory of Rostinoth. To which is added an appen- dix of original documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1861. x, 32*, 504 p., 1 1., 8°. CR Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notes on the ancient burgh seal of Crail, and the seal of the chapter of the abbey of Coupar. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 160-165.) CPA Wilson, James. Charter of the abbot and convent of Cupar, 1220. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 172-177.) CPA With an additional note on the charter by Sir Archibald Campbell Lawrie. Original charters of the abbey of Cupar, 1219-1448. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 272- 286.) CPA Currie, Edinburghshire Reid, Alan. Notes on the churchyards of Currie, Kirknewton, and the Calders. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 217-245.) CPA Cuthill, Haddingtonshire M'Neill, Peter. Cuittle, or Cuthill. (In his: Prestonpans and vicinity... Tranent, 1902. 12°. p. 247-255.) CR Cupar-Angus Abbey, Perthshire Bannister, Henry Marriott. Pagine scelte di due codici appartenuti alia Badia Dailly, Ayrshire Scott, William B. A Scottish kirk-ses- sion book, 1691. (Fraser's magazine. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 321 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. London, 1876. 8°. new series, v. 63-71.) Of Dailly, Ayrshire. 14, p. *DA Davan, Aberdeenshire Hogg, Alexander. The antiquities of Davan and Kinnord. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceed- ings. Perth, 1890. 8°. [1889,) p. 15-29.) PQA Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbrightshire Black, The, horse of Dalbeattie. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 457-461.) * DE Dalgety, Fieeshire Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- fermline . . .including historical notices . . . of... Dalgety. Dunfermline, 1828. 8°. CR Dalkeith, Midlothian Account, An, of the purging and plant- ing of the congregation of Dalkeith. Con- taining I. The Copy of a late paper, in- tituled, Information for Mr. Alexander Heriot, &c. II. A Short relation of the Presbytery., .their procedure in... sentencing.. .Mr. Heriot. III. An An- swer to that paper, called Information [etc.]. Edinburgh: E. Mosman, 1691. 2 p.l., 48 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77 Mitchell, Alexander. Political and so- cial movements in Dalkeith from 1831 to 1882. Printed for private circulation. [Edinburgh: Morrison and Gibb,] 1882. viii, 229 p., 1 1. 8°. CP Steuart, A. Francis. The laird of Logie. A Dalkeith tradition. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 387- 391.) * DE Dalmeny, Linlithgowshire F. Dalmeny parish church. 1 pi. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 97.) CPA Dalreoch, Perthshire Accounts of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Black- ford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the be- ginning of the year 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) t CP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchter- arder, p. 141-143, Crieff, 1899. Darnaway Castle, Elginshire Inventory of heritable goods abstracted by the earl of Atholl from Darnaway Cas- tle, in the years 1591 to 1593. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 115-117.) CPA Deer, New, Aberdeenshire Lawrence, W. Notes on the "Moss of Auchmaleddie," in the parish of New Deer. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 26.) CPA The plate represents two bronze shields found in the moss. Deer, Old, Aberdeenshire F. The abbey of Deer. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 54-55.) CPA Ferguson, William. Old Deer. An old book and an old record. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 24-25.) CPA Monuments in the abbey church of Deer, 1600 to 1770. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 190-191.) CPA Resignation of the abbey of Deer lands. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 189-190.) CPA Deeside, Aberdeenshire Aberdeen, Deeside and Braemar... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. viii, 63 p., 3 maps, 1 pi. 16°. Stuart 8760 Anderson, Robert. Brown's Deeside guide. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 187- 189.) CPA See also note in v. 8, p. 22. Banks, W., & Sons. Scenery on the Dee-side, on the route from Aberdeen to Balmoral. [Edinburgh, 18 — ?j 1 1., 14 pi. ob. 24°. Stuart 9136 Shand, Alexander Innes. Old Deeside: its songs and stories. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 252-267.) * DA Dingwall, Ross-shire Records of the presbyteries of Inver- ness and Dingwall. 1643-1688. Edited with an introduction from the original manuscript by William Mackay. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1896. Hi, 384 p., 1 fac. 8°. Scottish History Society. Pub- lications, v. 24.) CPA 522 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Dollar, Clackmannanshire Westwood, J. D. Dollar and its neigh- bourhood: a walk to Sheriffmuir. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. new series, v. 24, p. 420-425.) *DE DoRNIE, ROSS-SHIRE Wallace, Thomas D. Dornie and its antiquities. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness t 1898]. 8°. v, 4, p. 108-116.) * EC Dornoch, Sutherlandshire Grant, Donald. Dornoch in the eight- eenth century. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 339-355.) * EC Dornock, Dumfriesshire Anderson, John. Note of sculptured stones in the churchyard of Dornock, Dumfriesshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 240-241.) CPA Bower, John. The history and antiqui- ties of Melrose, Old Melrose, and Dry- burgh Abbeys; with a description of Ab- botsford, Eildon Hills, etc. [By John Bower.] Melrose: J. Bower rl847i. viii (1)10-99 p., 3 pi. 16°. CRF With additional engraved title-page. Cram, Ralph Adams. The ruined abbeys of Great Britain. New York: The Church- man Co., 1905. pi. 8°. COF p. 171-191: Melrose and Dryburgh, 6 pi. Dryburgh Abbey, its monks and its lords. [Edinburgh: printed by G. Robb] for the proprietor, 1873. 44 p., 1 plan 4 ed. 16°. CRB Morton, James. The monastic annals of Teviotdale ; or, The history and antiqui- ties of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Met- ros and Dryburgh. Edinburgh: W. H Lizars, 1832. xi pp., 2 1., 328 p., 19 pi. 4° CR Ross, Frederick. The ruined abbeys of Britain. London: Wm. Mackenzie, n. d f°. ffCB The Premonstratensian abbey of Drvbureh. o. 125-148. V Ross, Thomas, and W. T. Oldreeve. Report... on Dryburgh Abbey. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments and Construc- tions in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. Report, no. 1, p. 53-55.) CP Doune, Perthshire Doune Castle, Perthshire. 3 pi. (In: The antiquarian itinerary... London, 1815. 8°. v. 1.) CBD Drochil Castle, Peeblesshire Marshall, David. Notes on Drochil Cas- tle, Peeblesshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, '""3. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 125-130.) CPA Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfriesshire Ramage, C. T. Drumlanrig Castle and the Douglases: with the early history and ancient remains of Durisdeer, Closeburn, and Morton. Dumfries: J. Anderson & Son, 1876. xxiii, 411 p. 8°. CR Dryburgh Abbey, Berwickshire Armstrong, T. Percy. Four abbeys and Abbotsford. (The Month. London, 1906. 8°. v. 108, p. 471-477.) * DA Melrose, Dryburgh, Kelso, Jedburgh. Bigelow. Visit to Melrose Abbey and Dryburgh. (The Literary gazette. Phil- adelphia, 1821. 4°. v. 1, p. 337-342.) * DD Drygrange, Roxburghshire Neilson, George. The feuing of Dry- grange from the monastery of Melrose. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 355-363.) CPA Drymen, Stirlingshire Smith, John Guthrie. Strathendrick, and its inhabitants from early times. An account of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, Killearn, Drymen, Buchanan, and Kilma- ronock. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1896. xxvi p., 1 1., 410 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 map, 9 pi., 1 port. 4°. CR One of 440 copies printed. DuDDINGSTON, MIDLOTHIAN Baird, William. Annals of Duddingston and Portobello. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1898. xviii, 509, v p., 1 map, 2 pi. illus. 8°. CR Duffus, Elginshire Young, Hugh W. Duffus kirk in Moray. 2 illus. (Reliquary and illustrated archae- ologist. London, 1898. 4°. v. 4, p. 52-53.) CA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 323 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Dumbarton, Dumbartonshire Glen, John. History of the town and castle of Dumbarton, from the earliest period till the present time. Dumbarton: E. D. Ogilvie, W. Conolly & J. Neilson, 1847. viii, (1)10-150 p. 12°. CR Irving, Joseph. The story of ten years' progress in the burgh of Dumbarton. [Dumbarton, 1865.] 4 p.l., 5-34 p., 8 1., 3 pi. 16°. * C p.v. 1042 Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Ruther- glen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, Port- Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.j Glasgow: Scot- tish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.l., 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. CR Dumbartonshire Chalmers, George. Dumbarton-shire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 3, p. 856-914.) t CP Irving, Joseph. The book of Dumbar- tonshire: a history of the county, burghs, parishes, and lands, memoirs of families, and notices of industries carried on in the Lennox district. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1879. 3 v. fac, maps, plans, pi., port. sq. 4°. CR no. 200 of 400 copies printed. The history of Dumbartonshire, civil, ecclesiastical, and territorial; with genealogical notices of the principal fami- lies in the county... Dumbarton: the author, 1860. xx, 616 p., 4 fac, 2 maps, 5 pi., 2 port., 4 tables. 2. ed. 4°. f CR Dumfries, Dumfriesshire Aitken, John Carlyle. Notes on the bridge of Nith. (Dumfriesshire and Gal- loway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1888. 8°. 1886-87, p. 18-26.) *EC Barbour, James. The castle of Dum- fries. 2 plans, 1 pi. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquari- an Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1907. 8°. 1905-1906, p. 48-93.) * EC Devorgilla Baliol and the old bridge of Dumfries. (Dumfriesshire and Gal- loway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1909. 8°. 1907-08, p. 114-125.) * EC ; The Grey Friars' Church of Dum- fries. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 127-137.) Per. Dept. Notes on the town's common mills and their history. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquari- an Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1887. 8°. 1883-86, p. 58-70.) * EC The old church of Dumfries. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 42-51.) *EC Barker, John. Notes on the municipal history of Dumfries. (Dumfries and Gal- loway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1912. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 329-337.) Per. Dept. Corrie, John M. The Dumfries post office, 1642-1910. A record of progress and development. 6 pi. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and An- tiquarian Society. Transactions. Dum- fries, 1912. 8°. 1911-12, p. 38-118.) * EC M'Diarmid, William R. Notes on the old town hall of Dumfries, commonly called the Mid Steeple. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 186-189.) CPA McDowall, William. History of the burgh of Dumfries, with notices of Niths- dale, Annandale, and the western border. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1873. 1 p.l., viii, 9-787 p., 1 plan, 3 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR With additional lithographed title-page. Shirley, G. W. Dumfries market cross. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 192- 197.) Per. Dept. The English raids on Dumfries in 1570. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Nat- tiral History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1911. 8°. 1910- 11, p. 217-245.) *EC The market cross of Dumfries. illus. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Nat- ural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1911. 8°. 1910- 11, p. 201-214.) * EC Shirley, Mrs. G. W. Two centuries ago in Dumfries. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 144-149.) Per. Dept. Dumfriesshire Black, George Fraser. Notice of anti- quities found in Dumfriesshire, and now preserved in the National Museum in Edin- burgh, illus. (Dumfriesshire and Gallo- way Natural History and Antiquarian So- ciety. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 207-214.) * EC Notice of various antiquities found in Dumfriesshire, and now preserved in 324 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. the National Museum in Edinburgh. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Trans- actions. Dumfries, 1891. 8°. 1890-91, p. 91-101.) *EC Chalmers, George. Dumfries-shire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 3, p. 44-208.) tCP Collingwood, William Gershom. Scan- dinavian Britain. With chapters intro- ductory to the subject by F. Y. Powell. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1908. 16°. CD p. 221-226: Dumfriesshire and Galloway. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. A his- tory of Dumfries and Galloway. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1896. xv p., 1 L, 411 p., 4 maps {2 in pocketsj. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR Whitelaw, H. A. Communion tokens, with descriptive catalogue of those of Dumfriesshire. 10 pi. illus. (Dumfries- shire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dum- fries, 1911. 8°. 1910-1911, p. 36-126.) * EC Dunadd, Argyllshire Thomas, Frederic William Leopold. Dunadd, Glassary, Argyllshire: the place of inauguration of the Dalriadic kings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 28-47.) CPA Dunbar Castle, Haddingtonshire Pidgeon, Henry C. Notes on some shields of arms at Dunbar Castle. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1869. 8°. v. 25, p. 344-345.) CA Dunblane, Perthshire Douglas, Robert, bishop of Dunblane. An account of the foundation of the Leigh- tonian Library. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 227- 272.) f CP Leightonian Library, Dunblane. Cata- logue. Edinburgh, 1843. viii, 68 p. 8°. * GSS p. box Monteath, John. Dunblane traditions; being a series of warlike and legendary narratives, biographical sketches of eccen- tric characters, &c...to which is added an appendix of original poems and songs. Stirling: E. Johnstone, 1835 (Reprint: Glasgow: J. Miller, 1887). 2 p.l., (1)6-135 p., 2 pi. 12°. CR Wallace, Thomas. Notes from the old churchyards of Logie, Lecropt, Dunblane and Moy, with a note on an impression of human feet cut in stone, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 436-442 ) CPA Dunblane, Synod of Dunblane Diocesan Synod. Register of the Diocesan Synod of Dunblane, 1662- 1688, with an introduction and biographical notes, by John Wilson, D.D. Edinburgh- W. Blackwood & Sons, 1877. xxv, 276 p' sq. 8°. ZPWY With autograph letter by the editor inserted. Dundee, Forfarshire Albert Institute, Dundee. Album of In- diapolis. The grand Indian Palace Ba- zaar in aid of the building fund of the Victoria Art Galleries, Oct. r 1888. : Dun- dee tl888]. 20 1., 16 pi., 6 port. 8°. CR p. box Old Dundee, a pictorial and his- torical exhibition illustrative of the past life, social, political, municipal and indus- trial of the ancient burgh of Dundee, 1892- 93. [Dundee, 1892.] 4 p.l., 296 p. sq. 16°. CR Buchanan, George Cunningham. The port of Dundee. [Discussion and corre- spondence.] (Institute of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings. London, 1902. 8°. v. 149, p. 1-39.) VDA ■ With an abstract of the dis- cussion upon the paper. Edited by J. H. T. Tudsbery. London: The Institute of Civil Engineers, 1902. 41(1) p., 2 pi. illus. 8°. VDNAp.v.5 Reprint of the preceding entry. Craigie, William Alexander. Some Dun- dee epitaphs. By W. A. C. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 82-83.) CPA Doran, John. Memories of our great towns, with anecdotic gleanings... Lon- don: Chatto & Windus, 1878. 3 p.l., 449 p. 8°. CDA Dundee, p. 139-158. Dundee. Abstract of the accounts of the city of Dundee. 1892/3, 1900/1-1911/12. Dundee, 1893-1912. 8°. *SYB Title varies somewhat. Charters, writs, and public documents of the royal burgh of Dundee, the Hospi- tal and Johnston's Bequest: 1292-1880, with inventory of the town's writs an- nexed... Dundee: t D. R. Clark & Son,] 1880. xviii, 270 p., 1 1., xliv p., 7 folded 1., 22 fac, 1 plan, 6 pi. 4°. fCR LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 325 History and Description, continued. Local History — Dundee, Forfarshire, cont'd. Free Public Library Annual "finding list," containing the books added to the Central Lending De- partment, Albert Institute, no. 5-8, Sept., 1891-Aug., 1897. Dundee, 1892-97. 4°. *GX Annual report of the Free Library Com- mittee. 1870, 1872, 1876-79, 1881-90, 1892- 98, 1900-11. [Dundee, 1871-1912., 8°. *HPD Catalogue of the Burns, Scott, and Shakespeare exhibition, comprising books, manuscripts, engravings, medals, etc., from the collection of A. C. Lamb, Victoria Galleries, 1896-7. Dundee : 1896?j. 115 p. 16°. * NCI Catalogue, Central Lending Department, Albert Institute. Third catalogue issued. Dundee: W. & D. C. Thomson, prtrs., 1891. 2 p.l., (1)4, 811(1) p., 1 plan, 1 pi. 4°. * GX Catalogue of the Lochee Branch Libra- ry... Dundee: W. & D. C. Thomson, prtrs., 1896. 7, 275 p. 8°. * GX First supplementary catalogue of the Lochee Branch Library, 1898... Dundee: W. & D. C. Thomson, prtrs., 1898. 31(1) p. 8°. *GX Public Health Department Report of the medical officer of health. 1911. Dundee [1912j. 8°. SPC Sanitary Inspector's Office Annual report. 1911. [Dundee, 1912.] 8°. SPC Town Council Minutes of meetings of the Town Council of Dundee, and its committees, with minutes of the Dundee water com- missioners and the Dundee gas com- missioners. 1898/9-1902/3. [Dundee, 1899- 1903.] f°. *SYB Dundee Parish Church, St. Mary's. Order of divine service used at the dedica- tion of the great east window. [Dundee, 1897.] 22 p., 2 pi. 8°. MRYp.boxl p. 17-22 contain a description of the window. Hutcheson, Alexander. Notice of the discovery of earthenware jars in the walls of dwelling-houses in Dundee, with some instances of the use of jars in architecture, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 426-432.) CPA Innes, Cosmo. A few notices of man- ners from the older council-books of Dun- dee. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 347-349.) CPA Kyd, Thomas. Old Dundee. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 113-114, 130-131.) CPA Lamb, Alexander Crawford. Bibliog- raphy of Dundee periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890-91. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 97-100, 115-118, 135-139, 149-153, 167-171, 183-186; v. 4, p. 10-14, 28-31, 49-51, 70-72, 88-90, 109-112, 134-136, 171-173, 191-193, 214-215, 230-232.) CPA Maclauchlan, John. A brief guide to the "Old Dundee" historical collection, formed by the late Alex. C. Lamb, and presented by Edward Cox. [Signed J. Maclauchlan.] [Dundee,] 1901. 1 p.l., 31 p., 2 port. 12°. CRp.box Maxwell, Alexander. The burgh seal of Dundee. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 129-130.) CPA The history of old Dundee, nar- rated out of the Town Council register, with additions from contemporary annals. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1884. 610 p., map, pi. sq. 8°. CR Millar, Alexander Hastie, editor. See Wedderburne, David. Compt book . . . Peterson, W. St. Andrews and Dun- dee: a retrospect. Dundee: Council of University College, 1893. 30 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v. 387 Pinnington, Edward. A study of old Dundee. 7 illus. (Good words. London, 1898. 8°. v. 39, p. 744-751.) * DA Shiell, John. Notice of carved oak panels which were formerly in the chapel of the Franciscan nunnery in Dundee, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 108-125.) CPA Thomson, James. The history of Dun- dee; being an account of the origin and progress of the burgh from the earliest period... A new. . .edition. . .continued to the present time... by J. Maclaren. Dundee: J. Durham & Son, 1874. xvi, 420, xxxiii, 8 p., 4 plans, 2 pi. 8°. CR Warden, Alexander Johnston. Burgh laws of Dundee, with the history, statutes, & proceedings of the guild of merchants and fraternities of craftsmen. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. x, 627 p. 8°. SKD Wedderburne, David. The compt book of David Wedderburne, merchant of Dun- dee, 1587-1630; together with the shipping lists of Dundee, 1580-1618. Edited. . .with introduction and notes by A. H. Millar. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1898. lxxii 326 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. p., 1 L, 323 p. 8°. (Scottish History So- ciety. Publications, v. 28.) CPA DuNDONALD, AYRSHIRE Alexander, William. Dundonald, its church, its bell and surroundings. (Ayr- shire and Galloway Archaeological Asso- ciation. Archaeological and historical col- lections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 80-82.) t CA DUNDRENNAN AbBEY, KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE Aitken, John Carlyle. Stray gleanings relating to Dundrennan Abbey. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1895. 8°. 1893-94. p. 15-27.) *EC H., J. A history of Dundrennan Abbey with its relics. [By J. H.j Dumfries: printed by J. M'Diarmid, 1839. 28 p. 16°. CR Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. Dundrennan Abbey. 15 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ar- chaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. 57-96.) f CP Dunfermline, Fifeshire Beveridge, Erskine. A bibliography of works relating to Dunfermline and the west of Fife, including publications of writers connected with the district. Dun- fermline: privately printed by W. Clark & Son, 1901. 4 p.l., 320 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. *GAA 300 copies printed of which 77 were presented to the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, and in- cluded in the society's publications as v. 5. Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. 1. Deed by Mr. Carnegie creating the trust. II. Letter by Mr. Carnegie expressing the pur- poses of the trust. III. Address by the chairman of the trustees delivered at the first meeting held on 28 Aug. 1903. [Dun- fermline: W. Clark & Son, "Journal" Of- fice, 1903.) 28 p. 8°. CRp.box Report of the proceedings. 1907- 08, 1910-11. Dunfermline [1907-11,. 8°. CR Chalmers, Peter. Historical and statis- tical account of Dunfermline. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1844-59. 2 v. 8° CR Notice of a stone coffin, found in the pavement of the Abbey Church, Dun- fermline, in 1849, and of its contents. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8" v 2 P. 75-77.) ■ CPA Henderson, Ebenezer. The annals of Dunfermline and vicinity from the earliest authentic period to the present time A. D. 1069-1878. Interspersed with ex- planatory notes, memorabilia, and numer- ous illustrative engravings. Glasgow I Tweed, 1879. xii, 782 p., 4 pi., 1 port 'sq 4"- CR Johnston, James, of Straiton. Statement addressed to the worthy and independent electors of Stirling, Dunfermline, Inver- keithing, Queensferry, and Culross. n p [1832.] 1 p.l., 56 p. 8°. *Cp.v.434 Mathieson, Kenneth. Report to the police commission of Dunfermline on util- ization of sewage. [Dunfermline: Police Commission,] 1872. 28 p. 8°. VDI p.v. 1 Printed by order of the commission for distribu- tion amongst the ratepayers. Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- fermline, from the earliest records down to the present time. Including historical notices and present state of the parishes of Inverkeithing, Dalgety, Aberdour, Beath, Torryburn, Carnock, & Saline. With a... sketch of the scenery on the Devon. Dun- fermline: J. Miller, 1828. vii, 329(1) p., 1 pi. 12°. CR Stranger's, The, companion amid the antiquities of Dunfermline. Dunfermline: J. Miller & Son, 1861. ix, (1)5-66 p., 5. ed. 16°. CR Dunfermline Abbey, Fifeshire Dalyell, Sir John Graham. A tract, chiefly relative to monastic antiquities; with some account of a recent search for the remains of the Scotish kings interred in the abbey of Dunfermline. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1809. xii, 73 p., 2 pi. 8°. CP Mainly an analysis of the Registrum de Dun- fermelyn. Dunfermline Abbey. Registrum de Dun- fermelyn. Liber cartarum Abbatie Bene- dictine S. S. Trinitatis et B. Margarete Regine de Dunfermelyn. [Edited by Cos- mo Innes.] Edinburgi: T. Constable, 1842. xxxviii p., 1 1., 560 p., 9 fac. 4°. (Banna- tyne Club.) +CP Hodgson, Frederick T. Dunfermline Abbey, illus. (Canadian magazine. To- ronto, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 337-344.) *DA Dunkeld, Perthshire Mackinlay, J. M. Four Columbian sites in Scotland. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 97-103.) NDK Iona, Dunkeld, Cramond, Inchcolm. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 327 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Dunlop, Ayrshire Dobie, John Shedden. The church of Dunlop. 4 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archceologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 26-46.) f CA Dunning, Perthshire Accounts of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill. Crieff, Black- ford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the beginning of the year, 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) tCP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchterar- der, p. 135-140, Crieff, 1S99. .Wilson, John. Dunning: its parochial history; with notes, antiquarian, ecclesias- tical, baronial, and miscellaneous. Perth: Constitutional Office, 1873. 1 p.l., vi, 112 p. 12°. CR DlJNNOTTAR CASTLE, KINCARDINESHIRE Watt, J. Crabb. Dunnottar and its barons. 1 pi. illus. (Scottish historical review. - Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 389- 405.) CPA Dunrobin Castle, Sutherlandshire Baronial residences in the north of Scotland. (The Corsair. New York, 1839. f°. v. 1, p. 293-295.) f * DD Dunrobin Castle. Gordon Castle. Invergary House. Dunrobin Castle. 1 pi. (In: The Eng- lish annual. London [1834]. 8°. 1834, p. 315-323.) NCA Gower, Ronald Sutherland. Dunrobin castle. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1900. v. 22, p. 292-310.) * DA Joass, James. Dunrobin. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 199-201.) CR Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 255-271.) CPA Malan, A. H. Dunvegan Castle. 14 illus. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1901. 8°. v. 24, p. 5-19.) * DA Durisdeer, Dumfriesshire Ramage, C. T. Drumlanrig Castle and the Douglases: with the early history and ancient remains of Durisdeer, Closeburn, and Morton. Dumfries: J. Anderson & Son, 1876. xxiii, 411 p. 8°. CR Durness, Sutherlandshire Gunn, Adam. Durness from the earliest times. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 266-282.) NDO Dutchman's Cap, Argyllshire Stein, C. A cruise to the Dutchman's Cap. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 439-445.) *DA Dysart, Fifeshire Dysart. Abstract of the revenue and ex- penditure for the year ending Oct. 15, 1833, and a statement of the debts and property of the burgh of Dysart... Kirkcaldy: James Birrell, 1833. 8 p. 12°. TIF p.v. 52, no.25 Murray, David. Statement by the Rev. David Murray, one of the ministers of Dysart. [With Second statement to the parishioners of Dysart. Cupar: Fife Herald Office, 1833.] 2 parts in 1 v. 8°. ZWGS p.v.23 Notices from the local records of Dy- sart. [Edited by Rev. William Muir.] Glasgow: James Hedderwick & Son, 1853. x, 72 p., 4 pi. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CA Dunsinane, Perthshire Brown, Thomas. Notes, relating to Dunsinnane Hill, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. 8°. v. 9, p. 378-380.) CPA Crawford, J. H. High Dunsinane. 2 illus. 1 (Good words. London, 1893. 8°. v. 34, p. 384-387.) * DA Dunvegan Castle, Inverness-shire Bogle, Lockhart. Archzeological notes on Dunvegan Castle, illus. (Society of Earlsferry, Fifeshire Law, George. The Earl's Ferry. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 14-29.) CPA Earlshall, Fifeshire Jervise, Andrew. Notices of the castle, and painted room or hall of Earlshall, in Fifeshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 387-391.) CPA 328 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. East Kilbride, Lanarkshire Ross, William. Busby and its neigh- bourhood, including the parishes of Car- munnock, East Kilbride, Mearns, and Cath- cart: being historical notices in four lec- tures. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1883. xvi, 139 p. 8°. CR East Lothian See Haddingtonshire Eastwood, Renfrewshire Campbell, George. Eastwood. Notes on the ecclesiastical antiquities of the par- ish. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1902. 2 pi, 154 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 port. 4°. t CR Edinburgh (City) See also Archaeology, Education, Geology, Trials Abstract, An, of the contract for building the Edinburgh Exchange. 2 plans. (Scots magazine. Edinburgh [1754]. 8°. v. 16, p. 409-415.) * DE Account of the attempt to surprise the castle of Edinburgh during the Rebellion of 1715. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 25-26.) * DE With reprint of a letter dated 10 September 1715. Account, An, of the ceremony of begin- ning the public works of the city of Edin- burgh, by laying the first stone of the Ex- change, on Thursday the 13th of Septem- ber 1753. 1 pi. opp. p. 425. (Scots maga- zine. Edinburgh [1753]. 8°. v. 15, p. 425- 430.) * DE Account, An, of Charles i.'s entry into Edinburgh, in the year 1633. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edinburgh, 1774. 8". v. 2, p. 573-575.) * DE From a ms. in the library of the University of Edinburgh. Address to the citizens of Edinburgh on the subject of annuity and impost taxes; submitted to their consideration previous to a general meeting. By a member of the Inhabitants Committee, n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh, 1831.] 1 pi, 8 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1172 Albert memorial guide book to Edin- burgh and its environs. Edinburgh: James M'iddlemass & Co. [1877.] 64 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. KFT Alesius, Alexander. Edinburgi regia? Scotorum urbis descriptio. . . 1 plan, 1 pi. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 177-188, f 185- 1 187.) CP This description of Edinburgh was communicated by the author to Sebastian Munster, for his Cos- mographia printed at Basle, 1550. It is here re- printed from that work, compared with the edition of 1572. Translated in P. Hume Brown, Scotland before 1700, p. 106-108. Edinburgh, 1893. With reproduc- tion of the map. Alesius means exile or wanderer. Alane was the author's original name. Alexander, William Lindsay. Our Lord's miracles of healing demonstrative of the truth and illustrative of the character of his religion: a discourse delivered in St. George's Church. . .October 25th, 1843, on behalf of the Edinburgh Destitute Sick Society. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1843. 20 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 67 Amicus, pseud. A sketch of the present state of Edinburgh. (The Athenaeum London, 1807. 8°. v. 2, p. 139-144, 253-257, 348-357.) * DE Anderson, Robert Rowand, and Andrew Kerr. Observations on the structure of St. Giles. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 284-288.) CPA Anglo-Scotus, pseud. The new High School. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 12, p. 471-475.) *DE Armstrong, Walter. The National Gal- lery of Scotland, illus. (Magazine of art. London, 1890. f°. v. 13, p. 1-7.) fMAA Arnot, Hugo. The history of Edinburgh, from the earliest accounts to the year 1780... With an appendix. . .to which is added, a sketch of the improvements of the city, from 1780 to 1816. Edinburgh: T. Turnbull, printer, 1816. xvi, 598 p., 1 map. 8°. Stuart 7544 Artemus Ward, Esq., at the Edenberry Yewniversetty. Edited by author of "Ou- dendale"... Edinburgh: E. Livingstone, 1865. 14 p. 12°. STK p.box Election squib issued during the rectorial con- test in 1865. Attenborough, J. M. The first Edinburgh school of literary critics. (Westminster review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 157, p. 669- 681.) *DA Auld Reekie. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 178, p. 92-110.) *DA Aus dem Tagebuche eines in Grossbri-« tannien reisenden Ungarn. Pesth: G. Heckenast, 1837. 12°. *C p.v. 1057 ch. 18: Iona, Staff a. ch. 19-20: Die schottischen Hochlande. ch. 21: Edinburgh. Avus Edinensis, pseud. Letter to Mr. North, on a subject of much local interest. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 329 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1822. 8°. v. 12, p. 756-759.) * DE On the proposed new High School. B. Historical notices of the cathedral church of St. Giles, Edinburgh, with sug- gestions for its exterior decoration. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 320-323.) *DE B., H. W. Edinburgh in 1886. 1 pi. (The Graphic. London, 1886. f°. v. 33, p. 554.) tt * DE Bain, Joseph. Additional notices of St. Margaret's Chapel, in the castle of Edin- burgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 91-92.) CPA Baird, J. G. A. An Edinburgh account book of two hundred years ago. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 140-149.) CPA Baker, H. Barton. The old Edinburgh stage. (Belgravia. London, 1880. 8°. v. 41, p. 167-179.) * DA Balfour, Sir James. The order of K. Charles entring Edinbrughe, in stait, at the Vest Porte; and his march throughe the toune to Holyrudhouss, 15 Juny, anno 1633. (In his: Historical works. London, 1825. 8°. v. 4, p. 354-382.) CP Ballantine, James. The Lawmarket merchant. A true story. (The Scottish annual. Edited by C. R. Brown. Edin- burgh, 1859. 12°. 1859, p. 1-27.) NCA The scene is laid c. 1820. Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Photo- graphs of Edinburgh, with descriptive let- terpress. Glasgow: A. Duthie, n. d. 27 1.. 13 pi. 4°. Stuart 7535 Ballingall, William. Edinburgh past and present. Its associations and surroundings drawn with pen and pencil. [By William Ballingall.] Edinburgh: Wm. Oliphant & Co., 1877. xiv, 153 p., 32 pi. illus. 4°. + CR Barbe, Louis A. Edinburgh and her patron saint. (In his: In byways of Scot- tish history. New York [1913,. 8°. p. 191- 197.) CP Bartholomew, John. Plan of Edin- burgh & Leith with suburbs... Con- structed for the post-office directory. Edin- burgh: J. Bartholomew, 1875. 26 in. x 22 in. folded 24°. Stuart 8938 Begg, James. How to promote and pre- serve the true beauty of Edinburgh; being a few hints to . . . Lord Cockburn on his late letter to the lord provost. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1849. 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 446 Bell, George. Day and night in the wynds of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: John- stone & Hunter, 1849. 36 p. 3. ed. 8°. SFG p.box 3 Edinburgh : Johnstone & Hunter, 1850. 36 p. 6. ed. 12°. * C p.v. 674 Belloc, M. A. Royal Holyrood. 11 il- lus. (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don, 1901. 8°. v. 25, p. 567-576.) *DA Besant, Annie. Edinburgh slums. (Our corner. London, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 334- 340.) * DE Bickers between Edinburgh and Leith; originally published in the Edinburgh Ob- server. Edinburgh: Stirling & Kenney, 1829. 20 p. 8°. CR p.box Bird, Isabella. Visit to Dr. Guthrie's Edinburgh ragged schools. By the author of "The Englishwoman in America" ri. e., Isabella Bird). (Leisure hour. London, 1861. 4°. v. 10, p. 247-251.) * DA With portrait of Dr. Guthrie. Black, Adam, lord provost. View of the financial affairs of the city of Edinburgh, with suggestions for compromise with the creditors. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1835. iv, 20 p. 8°. CR p.box A vindication of the municipality extension and police and sanitary bills proposed by the Town-Council. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1848. 15 p. 8°. * C p.v. 436 Black, George Fraser. The Scottish Na- tional Museum of Antiquities. 1 illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1901. 8°. De- cember, 1901, p. 17-21.) * DD Bonar, Andrew R. The Canongate of Edinburgh. 1 illus. (Leisure hour. Lon- don, 1865. 4°. v. 14, p. 700-703.) * DA Borthwick, John. Examination of the considerations, submitted to the house- holders of Edinburgh, on the state of their representation in Parliament. Edinburgh: Manners & Miller, 1824. 49, 6 p. 8°. CR p.box Boswall, Donaldson. Notice of an an- cient bulwark discovered on the sea-shore of the lands of Wardie, near Edinburgh, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 302-304.) tCPA Botfield, Beriah. Notices of libraries. 95 p. (Philobiblion Society. Miscellanies. London, 1861. 8°. v. 6.) * GAA Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh, p. 33-42; Library of the University of Edinburgh, p. 43-47. Branford, V. Old Edinburgh and the Evergreen. (The Bookman. London, 1895. f°. v. 9, p. 88-90.) t * GD° British Association for the Advancement of Science. Excursion handbook. Edin- 330 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. burgh meeting, August, 1892. [Edinburgh, 1892.] 168 p., 4 maps. 8°. CRB Britton, John. Modern Athens! dis- played in a series of views: or Edinburgh in the nineteenth century... From... drawings by T. H. Shepherd. With his- torical, topographical, and critical illus- trations. [By John Britton.] London: Jones & Co., 1829. vi, 88 p., 1 I., 49 pi. 4°. t CRB London: Jones & Co., 1829. 1 p.l., vi, 88 p., 44 1., 88 pi. 4°. CRB Brook, Alexander James Steel. An ac- count of the maces of the universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, the College of Justice, the city of Edinburgh, &c. 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 440-514.) CPA Brown, James. The epitaphs and monu- mental inscriptions in Greyfriars church- yard, Edinburgh. Collected by James Brown. With an introduction [by David Laingj and notes. Edinburgh: J. Moodie Miller, 1867. 2 p.l., lxxxiv, 360 p., 1 plan, 22 pi. 12°. ARS Brown, Thomas. The stranger's guide to Edinburgh. . .and a sketch of the coun- try in the vicinity of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh: T. Brown, 1807. 180 p., 1 map. 5. ed. 12°. Stuart 8765 Bruce, Archibald. Statements respect- ing the affairs of the city of Edinburgh, as at Martinmas 1818... [By Archibald Bruce.] Edinburgh: John Robertson, 1819. 24 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Buchanan, David. Urbis Edinburgi de- scriptio, per Davidem Buchananum, circa A.D. 1648. 2 pi. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 389-406.) f CP A description of Edinburgh (1647- 16S2.) (In: P. Hume Brown, Scotland before 1700, from contemporary docu- ments. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 313-318.) CP Buchanan, William. The editorship of the Edinburgh Daily Courant. A state- ment of facts for Conservatives and the public. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1860. 26 p. 8°. *Cp.v.428 Burford, John, and R. Burford. Descrip- tion of a view of the city of Edinburgh, and surrounding country; now exhibiting in the panorama... Painted by... J. and R. Burford... London: J. & C. Adlard, 1825. 12 p. 8°. MBOp.v. 1 Burgess, A, pseud. A letter to the bur- gesses and others, inhabitants of Edin- burgh. [Edinburgh:] printed in the vear 1758. 26 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Burials in the abbey of Holyroodhouse. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901 8° v. 15, p. 143-151, 214-227.) C A Butler, D. The Tron Kirk of Edin- burgh; or, Christ's Kirk at the tron: a his- tory. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, 1906. 382 p., 1 1., 1 plan, 20 pi 4 port. 4°. cr C, J. O. Remarks on the annuity tax and seat-rents. Written for the commit- tee of inhabitants, by J. O. C. Edinburgh- the committee, 1828. 31 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.22 Cabinet, The, album of views of Edin- burgh. [With historical and descriptive account.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 189- ?] 8 p., 1 folded pi. containing 29 views. 8°. CR Title from cover. Campbell, John. Leaves from the diary of John Campbell, an Edinburgh banker in 1745. (Scottish History Society. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 537- 559.) CPA Canongate. Extracts from the records of the burgh of the Canongate, near Edin- burgh, 1561-1588. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 283-359.) fCP Carlyle, Thomas. "Jenny Geddes." 1637. (In his: Historical sketches of not- able persons and events in the reigns of James I. and Charles i. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 299-310.) CI Cecil, George. Some impressions of Edinburgh. illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 176-179.) *DA Chambers, Robert. The ancient domes- tic architecture of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Castle as before the siege of 1573. [By Robert Chambers.] [Edinburgh,] n. d. 2 p.l., 36 p. illus. 8°. *Cp.v.428 Read before the Architectural Institute in Edin- burgh, July, 1856. Edinburgh merchants and mer- chandise in old times. [By Robert Cham- bers.] [Edinburgh, 1859.) 2 p.l., 28 p. 8°. *Cp.v.428 Lecture delivered before the Merchant Company of Edinburgh, Feb. 14, 1859. Edinburgh papers. Edinburgh mer- chants and merchandise in old times. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1859. 2 p.l., 28 p. 8°. TLHp.boxl — — Notes on St. Roque and the chapel dedicated to him, near Edinburgh. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 269-271.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 331 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. The old Scottish Mint. (Canadian antiquarian. Montreal, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 31-33.) HWA Sketch of the history of the Edin- burgh Theatre- Royal.. . [By Robert Chambers.] Edinburgh: Wood & Co., 1859. 1 p.l., 24 p. 8°. NCOM Traditions of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh: printed for W. & C. Tait, 1825. 2 v. 16°. CR Severely reviewed in the Monthly review or literary journal, v. 108, p. 125-130, London, 1825. A new edition, much amended. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers ... 1847. vi, (1)8-348 p., 1 pi. 12°. CRB With engraved title-page which reads: "Select writings of Robert Chambers, Traditions of Edin- burgh." With view of John Knox's house. A new edition, as revised in 1846, with some further corrections. Lon- don and Edinburgh: William and Robert Chambers, n.d. vi, (1)8-348 p. 12.° CRB Chambers, William. Annuity tax — kirk seats — Town Council expenditure. An exposure of the public abuses connected with the ecclesiastical and civic arrange- ments of the city of Edinburgh... Edin- burgh: W. Chambers, 1831. 46 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 Chapel-Royal — History of the burgh debt — Ale and beer duty. An ex- posure of the public abuses connected with the ecclesiastical and civic arrangements of the city of Edinburgh . . . Edinburgh : W. Chambers, 1831. 48 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4 Charters and other documents relating to the city of Edinburgh, A.D. 1143-1540. [Edited by James D. Marwick.j Edin- burgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1871. 2 p.l., 8, v-xxviii, 231 p. 4°. (Scot- tish Burgh Records Society.) CR Churchyard, Thomas. The Siege of Edenbrough Castell in ye xv. yeere of the raygne of our Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, at which seruice Sir William Drury, Knight, was Generall... (In: Churchyard's Chips concerning Scotland [edited] by George Chalmers. Lon- don, 1817. 8°. p. 143-157.) CP Citizen, A. A letter to the lord provost, containing suggestions for improving the city of Edinburgh. With a plan. Edin- burgh: M. Walker & Co., 1835. 31 p., 1 Plan. 8°. CR p.box Civis, pseud. An appeal to the citizens of Edinburgh, on the recent election of Mr. Thomas Henderson, to be chamber- lain of the city ad vitam aut culpam; and on the general constitution of that office. Edinburgh: printed for W. M' William 1810. 44 p. 8°. CR p.box 7 Letter to the citizens of Edinburgh; in which the cruel and malicious aspersions of an "eye-witness" are answered, in its true light. Edinburgh: printed for A. Guthrie, 1819. 15 p. 8°. CR p.box 2 A reply to Letter to the magistrates... Edin- burgh, 1819. Cobban, J. Maclaren. A tale of old Edin- burgh. (Chambers's Journal. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. series 5, v. 11, p. 552-555, 569- 572, 583-586, 600-604.) * DA Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. A letter to the lord provost on the best ways of spoiling the beauty of Edin- burgh. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1849. 29 p. 2. ed. 8°. CR p.box Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1849. 29 p. 4. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 483 Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1849. 29 p. 5. ed. 8°. CRp.box (Reprinted in his: Journal, Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 315-338.) CP Memorials of his time. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. viii, 470 p., 1 port. 8°. CR Reviewed in The Dublin Review, v. 41, p. 279- 306, London, 1856. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1856. 442 p. American ed. 8°. CR Russel, Alexander. Exposure of the at- tack on Lord Cockburn's "Memorials." [By Alexander Russel.] Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. 34 p. 8°. * C p.v. 669 Reprinted from the "Scotsman" of Sept. 3, and Nov. 8, 15, and 29. Coles, Frederick R. Antiquarian notes on various sites in the neighbourhood of Edin- burgh, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 330-353.) CPA Notes on Saint Anthony's Chapel; with views and plans, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 225-247.) CPA Collegiate Church and Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Edinburgh. Charters and documents relating to the church and hos- pital of the Holy Trinity, and the Trin- ity Hospital, Edinburgh. A. D. 1460-1661. [With a preface by J. D. Marwick.] Edin- burgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1871. xxx, 187 p. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records Society. [Publications, v. 18.]) CR Colston, James. The Edinburgh and District water supply. A historical sketch. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation [by Colston & Co.], 1890. xxx, 221 p., 1 map, 20 pl„ 12 port. 4°. VDLA 332 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. The Guildry of Edinburgh: is it an incorporation? With introductory re- marks concerning "gilds" and an appendix. Edinburgh: Colston & Co., 1887. x, 208 p. 4°. SKD One of 300 copies printed. With autograph of author. Preface. Introductory remarks concerning "gilds." The Guildry of Edinburgh: is it an in- corporation? Appendix: (1) Statuta, gildae, with translation in English. (2) Constitution and bye- laws of the Guild Court of Edinburgh, ratified by Act 184, Scot. Pari. 1593. (3) Extracts from dean of guild's accounts. (4) Order by dean of guild — Weights and measures. (5) Extracts from burgh records of Aberdeen, as furnished to the commit- tee of the House of Commons, in regard to the constitution of the royal burghs in 1793, with trans- lation in English. (6) Observations on the govern- ment of royal burghs in Scotland, by Lord Karnes. (7) Names of gentlemen who have filled the office of dean of guild of the city of Edinburgh from 1583 to the present time. (8) List of members of the Dean of Guild Court of Edinburgh from 1833 to the present time. The incorporated trades of Edin- burgh, with an introductory chapter on the rise and progress of municipal government in Scotland. Edinburgh: Colston & Co., 1891. 2 p.l., vii-1 p., 1 1., 237 p., 3 pi. 4°. SKD no. 249 of 300 copies printed. Introductory chapter, Concerning municipal gov- ernment in Scotland, and the incorporated trades. The incorporated trades of the city of Edinburgh (Chirurgeons and barbouris, hammermen, gold- smythis, baxters, fleschouris, incorporationof Mary's Chapel, skinners and furriers, cordwainers, tal- zouris, wobstaris, waekaris, bonnet-makers). List of all the deacon-conveners. Office-bearers_ and deacons of the incorporated trades. Other incor- porated crafts not represented in the Convenery (1. Candlemakers; 2. Barbers). The inferior trades or crafts. The Trades Maiden Hospital (Historical sketch; list of the governors). Historical account of the Blue Blanket, or, Crafts-men's banner; con- taining the fundamental principles of the good town, with the powers and prerogatives of the crafts of Edinburgh, by Alexander Pennecuik. Conant, H. S. Picturesque Edinburgh. [By H. S. Conant.] (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 58, p. 673-681.) * DA Constable, Archibald G. Archibald Con- stable and his friends, illus. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1874. 8°. v. 48, p. 501-512.) * DA Contrast, The: Sir John Campbell — Mr. Learmonth. May 24, 1834. [Edinburgh, 1834.] 4 p. 8°. CRp.box On the election of a member of parliament for Edinburgh. Convocation of the Laity. Proposal for the spiritual emancipation of the city of Edinburgh. [Edinburgh, 1855.] 4 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1138 Couper, W. J. A bibliography of Edin- burgh periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901-07. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 25-27, 39-40, 56-58, 71-73, 86- 89, 101-103, 118-120, 132-134, 148, 168-170; series 2, v. 3, p. 9-10, 24-26, 39-41, 72-74 86- 87, 119-121, 135-136, 164-166, 182-184; series 2, v. 4, p. 3-4, 90-91, 107-108, 138-139, 147- 148, 182-184; series 2, v. 5, p. 10-11, 56-57 87-88, 118-119, 134-135, 167-169, 181-184- series 2, v. 6, p. 5-6, 21-23, 36-38, 52-53, 70-72 85-87, 101-103, 133-134, 166-169, 181-183- series 2, v. 7, p. 4-7, 37-39, 76-78, 87-89, 101- 102, 123-124, 130-132, 165-166, 178-180- series 2, v. 8, p. 10-11, 35-39, 72-74, 107-109 121-122, 150-151, 166-168, 179-181.) CPA Based on the manuscript collections of J. W Scott. The Edinburgh periodical press; being a bibliographical account of the newspapers, journals, and magazines is- sued in Edinburgh from the earliest times to 1800. Stirling: E. Mackay, 1908. 8°. NARF Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 6, p. 204- 205, Glasgow, 1909. Cousin, David, and John Lessels. Plan of sanitary improvements of the city of Edinburgh. August 17, 1866. [Edinburgh, 1866.) 24 p., 1 map. 8°. CRp.box 3 Cowan, William. The early views and plans of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 9, p. 37-49.) Reserve The Holyrood press, 1686-1688. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1904. 4°. v. 6, p. 83- 100.) Reserve Creech, William. Edinburgh fugitive pieces: with letters containing a compara- tive view of the modes of living, arts, commerce, literature, manners, etc., of Edin- burgh at different periods. By W. Creech, to which is prefixed an account of his life. Edinburgh: J. Fairbairn, 1815. xli, 372 p., 1 port. 8°. CR Letters addressed to Sir John Sin- clair, bart, respecting the mode of living, arts, commerce, literature, manners, &c, of Edinburgh, in 1763, and since that period . . .with some account of the physical phe- nomena in Scotland for the last 15 years. [By W. Creech., Edinburgh, 1793. 52 p. 8°. * C p.v. 787 Cucheval-Clarigny. fidimbourg et la so- ciete ecossaise a la fin du siecle dernier. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1857. 8". periode 2, v. 10, p. 886-915.) * DM Based on Cockburn's Memorials of his time and his edition of Lord Jeffrey's Life and correspond- ence. D., W. T. Hogmanay and New Year's Day in Edinburgh. (Dublin University magazine. Dublin, 1871. 8°. v. 77, p. 1-7.) *DA Gives a version of the play "Galatian" as per- formed by the Guisards. Descriptive sketch of the Bridewell for the city and county of Edinburgh, and of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued, 333 Estimates of expenditure for the year [ending] 15th May 1899. Edinburgh, 1898. the system of management, &c. Edin- burgh: Walker & Greig, 1817. 13 p. 16°. SLT p.v. 3 Dickson, William Kirk. The Advocates' Library. 3 fac, 2 pi. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 1-16, 11«- 128, 214-227.) SEA The Signet Library, Edinburgh. 9 illus. (Booklovers' magazine. Edin- burgh, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p. 1-13.) * IAA Dodd, George. Edinburgh. 1 pi. illus. (In: The land we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British Empire. London, n. d. 4°. v. 2, p. 75-112.) CBD Dolefull newes from Edinborough in severall letters, shewing in what danger the city was, upon the 28. of November [1641], being a generall fast... Also, Sad newes from New-Castle... [London:] W. Field, 1641; [Reprinted: Newcastle: M. A. Richardson, 1846.] (In: Reprints of rare tracts... &c. Newcastle, 1847-49. His- torical, v. 1.) C Doran, John. Memories of our great towns, with anecdotic gleanings... Lon- don: Chatto & Windus, 1878. 3 p.l., 449 p. 8°. CBA Edinburgh, p. 269-290. Edinburgh. Abstract view of the revenue and expen- ditures of the corporation of Edinburgh. 1833/4-1837/8, 1842/3-1842/3-1848/9, 1857- /8. Edinburgh, 1834-58. f°. ff*SYB Abstracts of the city of Edinburgh municipal accounts. 1878/9-1894/5, 1896/7- 1911/12. Edinburgh, 1879-1912. f°. * SYB Title varies slightly. Acts, statutes and other proceedings of the provost, baillies, and Council of the burgh. 1529-1531. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 77- 119.) V f C P Additional memorandum, by the com- mittee of the lord provost, magistrates, and Council of Edinburgh, and a commit- tee of the inhabitants appointed at a... meeting.. .15th Nov. 1821, for the purpose of assisting the magistrates in the prepara- tion of a draft of a new police bill — in con- sequence of certain printed observations circulated by the Finance Committee... 14th January 1822. n. p. [1822.] 9 p. f°. tt SLE p.v. 7, no.l Edinburgh records. The burgh ac- counts... Edited by Robert Adam... with preface by Thomas Hunter. Edin- burgh, 1899. 2 v. 4°. CR v. 1. Bailies' accounts, 1544-1566. Town treas- urer's accounts, 1552-1567. v. 2. Dean of guild's accounts, 1552-1567. rEdin- *SYB f . * S yb Extracts from the records. A D 1403-1589. [Edited by Sir James D. Mar- wick.] With m index and glossary. Edin- burgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1869-92. 5 v. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Rec- ords Society.) CR v. 1. A.D. 1403-1528. v. 4. 1573-1589. v. 2. 1528-1557. v. 5. Index. v. 3. 1557-1571. No. records of the Council exist between 1 Mav 1571 and 13 Nov. 1573. Reports by officials. 1911. burgh, 1912.] f°. Statements regarding the city churches of Edinburgh, n. t.-p. : 1839.i 8 p. f°. Accountant Statement respecting the affairs of the city of Edinburgh, as at Martinmas, 1818. [Edinburgh, 1818.] 17 p. f°. Board of Supervision First statement by the Board of Super- vision to the secretary of state, relative to the report of the Scotch lunacy commis- sioners. Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, 1857. 23 p. 8°. Charity Workhouse Receipt and expenditure for the year ending June 30, 1802. ' [Edinburgh, 1802., f °. * C p.v. 1053 Chief Constable Report on the state of crime and the po- lice establishment of the city of Edin- burgh. 1910-11. Edinburgh, 1911-12. f°. City Chamberlain Rolls of superiorities belonging to the lord provost, magistrates and Council of the city of Edinburgh; showing the ac- counting for the feu-duties. 1875/6-1891/2, 1898/9-1910/11. Edinburgh, 1877-1912. f°. *SYB City Council Statement made at a general meeting held in the council chamber, Edinburgh. . . for the purpose of taking into considera- tion the best and most effectual means of improving the water and harbor of Leith, and the internal resources of the city and county of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Uni- versity Press, 1834. 12 p. 8°. *C p.v. 458 City Elders Report by a committee of city elders regarding the proposal for a commutation of the annuity tax and other funds for the support of the Edinburgh clergy. [Edin- 334 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. burgh :j J. & C. Muirhead [1837]. 1 p.l., 24 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 458 City Improvements Office City improvements. Report and ans- wers by the clerk, to queries referred to him by the commissioners.. . Edinburgh: Caledonian Mercury Press, 1832. 15 p. 8°. Report by the committee for obtaining the new act of Parliament. Edinburgh: Caledonian Mercury Press, 1831. 126 p. 8°. * C p.v. 469 Cleaning and Lighting Department Report. 1909/10-1912/13. Edinburgh, 1910-13. f°. Convenery Committee Report by a sub-committee of the Con- venery of Edinburgh... As to the share in the government of Heriot and Trinity hospitals, n. t.-p. n. p. [18—?] 4 p. 4°. ft WAF p.v. 31, no.3 Court of Session Judgment and opinion of the Court of Session in cases for the governors of Donaldson's Hospital, and the managers of the Orphan Hospital, Edinburgh, and the commissioners, appointed under the Educational Endowments (Scotland) Act, 1882, for the opinion of the Court of Ses- sion in re the scheme published by the said commissioners for the administration of Donaldson's Hospital, John Watson's Institution, and the Orphan Hospital. 31. Oct. 188S. [Edinburgh, 1885.] 9 p. 8°. STK p. box Destitution in Edinburgh Committee Report on the condition of the poorer classes of Edinburgh and of their dwell- ings, neighborhoods, and families. Pre- pared by order of a public meeting., .held ...April 15, 1867 and adopted. . .Feb. 28, 1868. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1868. 2 p.l., [iii]-xvi, 129 p. 8°. Engineer Annual report on work done in connec- tion with the Burgh Engineer and Master of Work's Department. 1899, 1902-07. Edinburgh [1900-08.] f°. ft VDHA Report by the burgh engineer on various systems of tramway traction. 21st September 1912. [Edinburgh, 1912., f. t TPY p.v. 33, no.6 Fire Brigade Report by the firemaster of the city of Edinburgh fire brigade. 1896/7-1901/2, 1903-12. Edinburgh, 1897-[1913j. f°. ttSXF Guildry Proceedings of the Guildry of Edin- burgh at the meeting of the incor- poration... December 16, 1817. Including some documents connected with that meet- ing. Edinburgh: A. Black, 1818. vii 38 P- 8°. SDK p. 'box Report to the general meeting of the Guildry of Edinburgh to be held on Tuesday the 19th October 1819. . . [Edin- burgh: Walker & Greig, printers, 1819 1 16 p. 8°. CRp.box2 On city affairs. Health Board Government regulations for the preven- tion of cholera. . .also instructions pre- pared by the Edinburgh Board of Health, and approved of by the Royal College of Physicians. Edinburgh: A. Murray, 1848. 16 p. 16°. WERp.box Inspector of Poor Report... to the Law Committee of the Parochial Board of that parish, on remit by the board of 4th April 1859,, to con- sider and report as to a better distribution of the work among the other officers of the board. [Edinburgh, I860., 4 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.26 Kirk Sessions Minutes of the General Kirk Ses- sions of Edinburgh at their several sede- runts held anent the Town-Council of this city their giving a presentation to supply the present vacancy of a minister. Edin- burgh: William Gray, 1763. 31 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.2 Report by the committee of the lay members... Edinburgh: J. & C. Muir- head, printers, 1833. 11, 12 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Edinburgh: J. and C. Muirhead, 1833. 16 p. 8°. *YIAp.v.2 On the annuity tax. Manufacturing Establishments Committee Report to the lord provost, magistrates, and Council of the city of Edinburgh, rela- tive to the eligibility of that city for manu- facturing establishments, by the commit- tee appointed by the Town Council. Ap- proved of by the magistrates and councils, 31st March 1835. [Edinburgh, 1835.] 24 p., 4 plans. 8°. VPp.boxl Medical Department Regulations for providing medical re- lief to the poor of the city of Edinburgh. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 335 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1847. 7 p. 8°. SHL p. box 1 Medical Officer of Health Annual report of the Public Health De- partment. 1899, 1908-11. Edinburgh, 1900-[12). f°. ttSPC Parochial Board Abstract of annual accounts. 1856/7- 1863/4. Edinburgh, 1857-64. 8°. 1856/7-1858/9 in SHL p. box; 1859/60-1863/4 in SGF p.v.9. Balance sheet with comparative view. 1861/2-1862/3. [Edinburgh, 1862-63., 8°. SGF p.v. 9 The Board of Lunacy. The erec- tion of additional lunatic asylums, and the board's actings towards parish authori- ties, considered in a letter to the lord ad- vocate. By William Hay. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1861. 16 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 34 [Circular: Cleanliness. 17th July 1861. To be circulated amongst inhabitants of the crowded and filthy parts of the city.) [Edinburgh, 1861., 2 1. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.42 Extract decree as to poorhouse and grounds, Trinity Hospital charters, and other documents, referred to in claim by the Parochial Board. . .against the Town Council, n.p., 1862. 30 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 18 List of poor in receipt of relief from the city parish of Edinburgh. May, 1860, May, 1861, Oct., 1862, March, 1864. Edin- burgh, 1860-64. 8°. SGF p.v. 9 Memorial for the Parochial Board of the city parish of Edinburgh for the opinion and advice of counsel. July, 1862. [Edinburgh: Colston & Son, 1862., 43 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.19 [Notice of arrangement for gratuitous vaccination of all persons within the par- ish. March 22, I860.] n.p. [I860?) 4 1. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 37 Opinion of counsel on memorial and queries for the Parochial Board of. . .Edin- burgh, n. p., 1863. 8 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.20 Parochial Board of Edinburgh. [Pro- ceedings of meeting of committee on medi- cal relief, held on the 31st of January, 1862.] n. t-p. [Edinburgh, 1862?] 6 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.28 Report by the house committee of the Parochial Board... on remit by the board as to new poorhouse accommodation, September, 1861. n.p. [1861?] 8 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.27 Report by inspector to the acting com- mittee of the Parochial Board of the Par- ish of St. Cuthbert. Relative to the sub- ject of a combination of the parishes of St. Cuthbert, the city, and Canongate: with reference to statements contained in pamphlet issued by the city Parochial Board. Edinburgh: J. Forsyth [1861]. 34 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.44 Report by the Law Committee on the inspector's representation respecting his position with reference to his assistants or subordinate officers. April, 1863. n. p. [1863?] 7 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.29 Report of Law Committee under remit of the Parochial Board. . .anent the board's right to poorhouse grounds, and to other grants and mortifications for the use of the poor. [Edinburgh,] 1861. 61 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.17 Report of the law proceedings of the Parochial Board of the parish of Edin- burgh. 1859/60-1863/4. n. p. [1860-64?] 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 9-15 Report of proceedings of statutory meet- ing held February 8, 1861. SGF p.v.9, no.l Clipping from Scotsman of Feb. 9, 1861. [Resolution. City parish poor's-rate. Nov. 3, 1864.) [Edinburgh, 1864?] 1 1. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.45 Rules and regulations for the manage- ment of the poorhouse of the city of Edin- burgh. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1846. 33 p. 8°. SGPp.box2 Statement relative to the expediency and propriety of a combination of the parishes of Edinburgh, St. Cuthbert, & Canongate. By Sir James D. Marwick. n. p. [I860.] iv, 3-48, vi p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.16 Table shewing [sicj the amount of cash and clothing granted by the principal par- ishes in Scotland to out-door poor for the year to 14th May 1859. n. p. [1861.] 1 1. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.41 The Town-Council and the Parochial Board. The facts bearing on the claim of the poor to 1. The poorhouse grounds and buildings. 2. Paul's work mortification; and 3. Trinity Hospital; and dissent from the report of the Law Committee of the Council refusing the poor's claims, by Councillor Curror. April, 1862. [Edin- burgh: W. Grant, 1862?] 41 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.31 Vaccination. [Circular dated March 15, I860.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, I860.] 1 1. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.38 336 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Police Commission Instructions, rules, regulations, orders, and by-laws, made by the general commis- sioners of police for the city of Edinburgh and adjoining districts... [Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd,] 1839. 32 p. 12°. * C p.v. 674 Report of the committee appointed by the commissioners of police, to inquire into the practicability of suppressing the prac- tice of common begging, and relieving the industrious and destitute poor. Edin- burgh: A. Laurie & Co., prtrs., 1812. 19 p. 8°. SGFp.box Report of the committee appointed at a meeting of the commisioners of police and other inhabitants of the city of Edin- burgh, held on the 8th December 1812. Edinburgh: A. Laurie & Co., 1813. 23 p. 12°. SHD p.v. 1 Report of the committee of commission- ers of police appointed to inquire into the receipt and expenditure of the establish- ment. [Edinburgh, 1821., 29 p. 8°. SLX p.v. 1 Statement by the commissioners of po- lice, in answer to the observations con- tained in the opinion delivered by the lord provost, lord president, and Mr. Sheriff Duff — on certain points, respecting the conduct of the superintendent, submitted to these high functionaries, by the Gen- eral Board of Commissioners. [With ap- pendix.) Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1821. 122, 29 p. 8°. SLX p.v.l Police Office Half-yearly report. 1846 (July -Dec), 1847/8 (Oct. -April), 1848 (Feb. -Aug. 14). [Edinburgh, 1847-48., 8°. SLD Report and returns as to crimes, of- fences, and contraventions, and to cases of drunkenness, within the police bounds of the city. . .during the six years ending with 1862. Prepared. . .by T. Linton. Edin- burgh: Colston and Son, 1863. 36 p. 12°. SLX p.v.8, no.17 Public Library Catalogue of books in the Lending Li- brary. (Second 10,000.) Edinburgh: The Edinburgh Public Library Committee, 1891. x, 538 p. 8°. * GX Catalogue of books in the Lending Li- brary. Edinburgh: The Public Library Committee, 1904. x, 750 p. 4°. * GX Catalogue of books in the Reference Li- brary, including technical section. Edin- burgh: The Edinburgh Public Library Committee, 1891. x, 317 p. 8°. * GX Elector's voucher. Non-elector's un- dertaking and voucher. Application form 3 slips. 32° and 48°. *HPD Roads Department Surveyor's statement of the cost of works executed on streets, roads, foot- pavements, etc. 1899/1900. [Edinburgh 1900.] f°. ttVDG p.v.8, no.14 Report by the lord provost's committee to the Town Council, regarding the Royal Infirmary. . . Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans 1837. 7 p. 8°. WZO Same [dated Oct. 22, 1838,. n t.-p. [Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., 1838, 4 p. 8°. Sanitary and Markets Department Annual report. 1900-11. Edinburgh [1901- 12). f°. ftSPC Superintendent of Police Report concerning arrangements in cases of fire. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: J. Brown, 1807.) 14 p. 8°. *C p.v. 426 Town Council Act of council, containing articles for settling differences betwixt the city of Edinburgh and certain traders and inhab- itants in Leith. At Edinburgh, the 12th day of March, 1783 years. [Also] Act of council, settling the shore duties on tim- ber, and giving instructions to the col- lector of the shore-dues thereanent. At Edinburgh, the 14th day of May, 1783 years. [Signed] "Jno. Dundas" [clerk], n. t.-p. 7 p. 4°. CRp.box Address... on the subject of the new buildings for the High School, of which the foundation was laid on 28th July 1825. Edinburgh, 1825. 8 p., 1 pi. 8°. ZWIFp.v.3 An answer to Mr. Smith's address. Pub- lished by authority of the Town Council of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: P. Hill, 1799. 2p.l., 5-32 p. 8°. TIF p.v. 18 Minutes. 1875/6-1878/9, 1890/1-1892/3, 1910/11. Edinburgh [1876-1911]. f°.*SYB Registrate contract betwixt the Town Council of Edinburgh and Kirk-sessions thereof, 1740 [Concerning a hospital or workhouse for the poor), n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh, 1740.] 4 p. f°. *C p.v. 1053 Report on the improvements of the city of Edinburgh, by the general committee named by the meeting of magistrates and inhabitants, held in the New Kirk Aisle, on 18th Dec. 1826. [Signed Wm. Trotter, lord provost and convener of the com- mittee.) Edinburgh: Alexander Smellie, 1827. 13 p. 8°. CRp.box 2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 337 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Report by the Lord Provost's Commit- tee., .regarding the probable future value of the revenues of the city clergy, with . . . relative documents. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., prtrs., 1836. 17, 3-19 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Report by the Lord Provost's and Law Committees of the Town Council of Edin- burgh, on the "Bill to provide for the bet- ter regulation of municipal corporations in Scotland".. . Edinburgh! H. & J. Pillans. 1837. 12 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Report of the special committee [of Edinburgh Town Council] appointed "to consider and report as to what arrange- ments and measures are necessary, with a view to an application by the council to Parliament, for an act to repeal the an- nuity-tax, and to provide out of such funds as can otherwise be legally made available for the expense and maintenance of the city churches and ministers. Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1843. 1 p.l., 28 p., 1 1., 8°. *C p.v. 1145 Report by sub-committee of the treas- urer's committee on the proposed super- annuation fund, 22d February 1849. Edin- burgh: Neill and Co. [1849.] 12 p. 8°. TDB p.v. 2 Report on the subject of the memorial to Lord Melbourne from the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edin- burgh. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., prtrs., 1839. 38 p. 8°. * C p.v. 468 Review of the proceedings of a minority of the Town Council of Edinburgh, in pre- senting the freedom of the city to Mr. George Thompson. Being a report of the speeches delivered at a subsequent meet- ing of that body. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1846. 14 p. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Statement relative to the improvements of the city of Edinburgh, by a new ap- proach from the west, &c. [Signed "Win. Trotter, lord provost, and convener, of the committee."] Edinburgh: J. & C. Muir- head, 1826. v, 23 p., 1 plan. 8°. CR p. box 2 Statistical analysis of the census of the city of Edinburgh, 1851. By Thomas Thorburn. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, prtrs., 1851. 66 p. 8°. SDN Treasurer of Police Abstracts of... police accounts. 1897/8. Edinburgh, 1898. f°. ft SLY Treasurer's Committee Report by the. . .committee regarding the pauper lunatics of the city, and the proposal to transfer them to the new asy- lum at Morningside. Approved of by the magistrates and Council on 28th June 1842. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1842. 13 P- 8°. SGFp.boxl Report by the. . .committee regarding the pauper lunatics of the city, and the pro- posal to transfer them to the new asylum at Morningside; also, regarding the con- stitution of the charity workhouse. Ap- proved of by the magistrates and Council on 28th February 1843. Edinburgh: Neill and Company, 1843. 1 p.l., 32 p., 1 1. 8°. SGFp.boxl Report. . .regarding the best means of obtaining immediate accommodation for pauper lunatics... Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans, printers, 1837. 43 p. 8°. WPS p.v. 6 Report regarding the pauper lunatics of the city, and the proposal to transfer them to the new asylum at Morningside; also, regarding the constitution of the charity workhouse, Jan., 1843. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1843. 1 p.l., 32 p. 8°. * C p.v. 492 Report... to the Town Council, regard- ing the future revenue and expenditure of the city of Edinburgh., .approved Novem- ber, 1838. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., 1838. 32 p. 8°. Report... to the Town Council, respect- ing the ecclesiastical revenues of the city of Edinburgh. Approved. . .Feb., 1835. [Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans, prtrs., 1835., 20 p. 8°. Edinburgh and Leith Corporations. Ab- stract of the accounts of the... gas com- missioners. 1892/3. [Edinburgh, 1893?) f°. *SYB Edinburgh. 1 plan. (Pinnock's guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 35-40.) OA A short account of Leith added on p. 40. Edinburgh. (Sharpe's London maga- zine. London, n. d. 4°. new series, v. 8, p. 218-221.) * DA A short historical sketch. Edinburgh about sixty years ago. (Lei- sure hour. London, 1859. 4°. v. 8, p. 21- 23, 43-46.) * DA Edinburgh Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes. Contract of copartnery. Edinburgh: Andrew Jack, 1851. 2 p.l., 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 973 Edinburgh Caithness Association. Ob- jects, regulations and educational views. Instituted... 1838. Edinburgh: T. Con- stable, 1839. 32 p. 8°. STH p.v. 11 Edinburgh Castle. 1 illus. (The Mirror. London, 1826. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-4.) * DE Historical. 338 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Edinburgh Castle. 1 illus. (The Penny magazine. London, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 145- 147.) * DA Historical notice. Edinburgh City Mission. Second bien- nial report of the Edinburgh City Mission: with a list of subscriptions and donations, &c, for 1834-1835. [Edinburgh, 1835.] 8°. ZEC p.v. 74 Edinburgh delineated: comprising fifty views of the principal public buildings, streets and picturesque scenery of the Scottish metropolis. Edinburgh: J. Ham- ilton [1833]. 50 pi. Stuart 7546 No letterpress. Edinburgh dissected: including stric- tures on its institutions, legal, clerical, medical, educational, &c. To which are added confessions and opinions of a tory country gentleman. . .in a series of letters addressed to Roger Cutlar, Esquire, by his nephew. Edinburgh: James Hogg, 1857. xvi, 414 p. 12°. CR Edinburgh during the General Assem- bly. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1856. 8°. v. 54, p. 1-18.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, v. 39, p. 86-101, New York, 1856. Edinburgh election. Report of the speeches delivered on the hustings on the nomination of candidates, May 28, 1834. Edinburgh: A. Balfour & Co., 1834. 24 p. 8°. CRp.box Edinburgh episodes, 1664-65. (From the Fountainhall folio.) (Scots lore. Glas- gow, 1895. 8°. p. 148-155.) CPA Edinburgh fifty years ago. (Westmin- ster review. London, 1856. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 407-442.) * DA Based on Cockburn's Memorials of his time. Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign liter- ature, v. 39, p. 516-531, New York, 1856. Edinburgh in the time of Sir Walter Scott. (The Academy. London, 1909. f°. v. 77, p. 350-352, 372-375.) * DA Reprinted in The Living age, v. 262, p. 629- 634, Boston, 1909. Edinburgh in the year of the royal visit. 16 port, and illus. (World's work. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 1, p. 685-695.) * DA British cities and their commerce, in. Edinburgh and Leith Water Company. Rates to be charged, 1845. [Edinburgh, 1845.] 8 p. 16°. Edinburgh the modern Athens. (Lon- don magazine and review. London, 1825. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 489-510.) * DA Descriptive. Edinburgh, The, newspapers. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1838. 8°. v. 17 o 559-571.) *DA Edinburgh royal days entertainments. The second voyage of Omai, the traveller! (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1822. 8°. v. 12, p. 285-306.) *DA A journal of occurrences in Edinburgh durine the king's visit in 1822. Edinburgh Water Company. Case of the Edinburgh Water Company, n. t.-p [Edinburgh, 1825.] 24 p. 8°. Eight months experience of the Edin- burgh original ragged or industrial schools, Castle Hill and Ramsay Lane; conducted on the principles advocated by the Rev. Thomas Guthrie, reported by the commit- tee of management. Edinburgh: John El- der, 1848. 27 p. 8°. Elliot, Andrew. Elliot's guide to Edin- burgh. Edinburgh : A. Elliot, n. d. 2 pi, 5-72 p., 1 plan, 1 pi. 8°. KFT Title reprinted on the cover. Elliot, Sir Gilbert. Proposals for carry- ing on certain public works in the city of Edinburgh. [By Sir Gilbert Elliot.] [Edin- burgh, 1752.] 43(1) p. 8°. CRp.box Environs of Edinburgh. London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1857. 28 p., 1 map, 12 pi. 16°. (Scottish scenery.) CR Extracts from the buik of the general kirk of Edinburgh. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 97- 126.) t CP From April, 1574 to September 1, 1575. Extracts of letters written by a lady in Edinburgh during its occupation by the rebels in 1745. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 540-542.) *DE Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. Re- port of the committee on: I. Edinburgh Municipality Extension and Transfer of Police and Paving Bill; II. Edinburgh Po- lice Consolidation and Sanatory Improve- ment Bill, and III. Police Amendment Bill. Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, 1848. 15 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1320 Forsyth, Kate Anderson. Some notes on Edinburgh. (Public libraries. Chicago, 1897. 8°. v. 2, p. 221-224.) *HA Fothergill, George A. The story of a "Barber's bleeding-dish." 2 illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 135-144.) CPA Foul Burn agitation ! Statement explain- ing the nature and history of the agricul- tural irrigation near Edinburgh; contain- ing a refutation of the unfounded and cal- lumnious misrepresentations on that sub- ject, in a pamphlet published in name of a LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 339 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. committee of police, in which the ancient and beautiful capital of Scotland is falsely- described as a residence unsafe to the health of its inhabitants. Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1840. 4 p.l., 166 p. 8°. * C p.v.436 Frothingham, \V. Sketches of Edin- burgh literati. By a former member of its press [W. Frothinghamj. (The Continen- tal monthly. New York and Boston, 1862. 8°. v. 1, p. 453-460.) * DA Gairdner, Sir William Tennant. The Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in the 'fifties. (In: G. A. Gibson, Life of Sir William Ten- nant Gairdner... Glasgow, 1912. 8°. p. 438-456.) AN Galloway, William. Notice of an an- cient Scottish lectern of brass, now in the parish church of St. Stephens, St. Albans, Hertfordshire. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 287-302.) CPA The lectern was formerly in_ Holyrood. The same article contains literary notices of the Holy- rood font long since irrecoverably lost. Gait, John. The Porteous mob at Edin- burgh. (In his: Pictures, historical and biographical, drawn from English, Scot- tish, and Irish history. London, 1824. 16°. v. 2, p. 388-396.) CBA Geddes, Patrick. Edinburgh and its re- gion, geographic and historical. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 18, p. 302-312.) KAA Geddie, John. Romantic Edinburgh. London: Sands & Co., 1911. xi, 299(1) p., 40 pi. 2. ed. CR Geikie, Sir Andrew. Outline of the geol- ogy of Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. (In: \W. Ballingall, Edinburgh past and present. Edinburgh, 1877. 4°. p. 145-153.) Stuart 7536 George Heriot and his hospital. (Hogg's Weekly instructor. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 2, p. 162-166.) * DA Based on Stevens' Memoir of George Heriot, 1845. Gibbs, Alfred S. Edinburgh jottings, illus. (Lippincott's magazine. Philadel- phia, 1877. 8°. v. 20, p. 28-38.) * DA The illustrations are by W. Ballingall. • illus. (Rose Belford's dian monthly. Toronto, 1878. 8°. p. 129-140.) Gloag, John. See under Protest. Gordon, James, of Rothiemay. eye view of Edinburgh in 1647. Edinburgh W. & A. K. Johnston, 1865. 46 x 20 in. . . Map Dept. Fac-simile copy. Cana- V. 1, *DA Birds- Gossip, A, about Edinburgh. (Eclectic review. London, 1859. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 56-70.) * DA Gourlay, Robert Fleming. Edinburgh and its improvement: intended to illustrate the science of city building, no. 1, 3-8. [By R. F. Gourlay. Edinburgh, 1851-52. 7 pamphlets in 1. 8°. CR no. 6 is 2. ed. Gowans, James. Edinburgh and its neighbourhood in the days of our grand- fathers; a series of illustrations of the more remarkable old and new buildings, and picturesque scenery of Edinburgh as they appeared about 1830. With histori- cal and descriptive sketches by James Gowans. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1886. x, 166 p., 80 pi. 4°. CR Grant, James. Cassell's old and new Edinburgh: its history, its people and its places. London: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. [1882.] 3 v. pi. illus. 4°. f CR Edinburgh past and present news- papers. (In his: The newspaper press: its origin... London [1872]. 8°. v. 3, p. 405-456.) *R-NARF Gray, John Miller. Additional notes on the heraldic glass at Stobhall, and in the Magdalen Chapel, Cowgate. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 9-13.) CPA Great Britain. — Statutes. Acts for dis- abling Alexander Wilson, Esq., from being lord provost of Edinburgh, and for bring- ing to justice the murderers of Captain John Porteous. [Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, 1737.] 1 p.l., 7 p. 8°. CKp.v.44 Anno regni Georgii regis. . .decimo [An act to disable Alexander Wilson from taking, holding, or enjoying any office or place of magistracy in the city of Edinburgh, or elsewhere, in Great Bri- tain; and for imposing a fine upon the corporation of the said city.] Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, prtrs., mdcxxxxvii ( sic] t 1737). 7 p. 8°. CKp.v.44 Reprinted in Roughead's edition of the Trial of Captain Porteous, Edinburgh, 1909, p. 330-331. Anno regni Georgii n. regis... decimo... [An act for the more effectual bringing to justice any persons concerned in the barbarous murther of Captain John Porteous, and punishing such as shall knowingly conceal any of the offenders.] Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, prtrs., mdccxxxvii. 9 p. 8°. CKp.v.44 Reprinted in Roughead's edition of the Trial of Captain Porteous, Edinburgh, 1909, p. 332-333. An act for altering and amending an act of the forty-fifth year of his pres- ent Majesty [George iii.j for regulating the police of the city of Edinburgh, and the adjoining districts; and for other purposes 340 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. relating thereto. [Edinburgh,] 1812. 52 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 No title-page. An act for amending an act of the fifty-second year of his present Majesty [George in.] for regulating the police of the city of Edinburgh and the adjoining districts, and for other purposes relating thereto. [22 June 1816.] [Edinburgh: Sir D. Hunter Blair & J. Bruce, printers, 1816.] 4 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 An act for altering and amending an act of the fifty-second year of his pres- ent Majesty [George in.), for regulating the police of the city of Edinburgh and the adjoining districts, and for other purposes relating thereto. t 16 June 1817.] [Edin- burgh: Sir D. Hunter Blair & J. Bruce, printers, 1817.] 16 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 An act to explain and extend the powers of the governors of the hospital in Edinburgh, founded by George Heriot, jeweller to King James the Sixth. Royai assent, 14th July 1836. Edinburgh: Sir D. H. Blair & M. T. Bruce, prtrs., 1836. 23 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1062 An act to extend the municipal boundaries of the city of Edinburgh; to transfer the powers of the commissioners of police to the magistrates and council; and for other purposes relating to the municipality of the said city. [23d June 1856.] [Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1856.] 30 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1511 An act to confirm a provisional order under the General Police and Im- provement (Scotland) Act, 1862, relating to the city of Edinburgh, 15th July 1867. 30° & 31° Victoria?, cap. 58. . . Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1867. 132 p. 8°. *SYB An act for the improvement of the city of Edinburgh, and constructing new, and widening, altering, improving, and di- verting existing streets in the said city; and for other purposes. 31st May 1867, 30° & 31° Victoria:, cap. 44... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867. 81 p. 8°. Great fire. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 16, p. 698-710.) * DA Account of the great fire of 15th November 1824. Greig, John. Report on the statements of the lord provost & Mr. A. Bruce, re- specting the affairs of the city of Edin- burgh... With an appendix, containing abstracts of the city's income and expendi- ture for 12 years. . . Edinburgh: J. Hay & Co., printers, 1819. 58 p. 8°. CRp. box 2 Grey, Henry. A sermon preached in St. George's Church, on Thursday, 16th March 1815, in behalf of the Edinburgh Lunatic Asylum. With an appendix, con- taining a report of the managers respecting the asylum. Edinburgh: printed for the asylum, 1815. iv, 36 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.40 Greyfriars Burying-Ground, Edinburgh Register of interments . . . 1658-1700. Edit- ed by H. Paton. Edinburgh: printed., bv J. Skinner & Co., 1902. vi p. 1 1., 722 p' 1 plan. 4°. (Scottish Record Society.)' ART Grieve, James. ABC index pocket companion guide to Edinburgh. [Edin- burgh, 1881.] 39 p., 3 1., 1 plan. 24°. CRB Guide to the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, including guides to Edinburgh and Glasgow. Edinburgh: John Thomson & Co., 1845. 35 p., 2 maps. 24°. Guildry of Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Guildry of Edinburgh at the meeting of the incorporation. . . December 16, 1817. Including some documents connected with that meeting. Edinburgh: A. Black, 1818. vii, 38 p. 8°. SKDp.boxl Guthrie, Charles John, Lord Guthrie. Is "John Knox's house" entitled to the name? (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 333-348.) CPA John Knox and John Knox's house. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Fer- rier, 1898. xii, 140 p. illus. 12°. AN The traditional belief in John Knox's house at the Netherbow, vindi- cated. [In reply to two papers read to the Society of Antiquaries by Robert Miller, Esq., F. S. A. Scot.] (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 249-273.) CPA Guthrie, Ellen E. Inscriptions on old Edinburgh houses. illus. (Sunday at home. London, 1891. 4°. 1890-91, p. 218- 220, 280-282, 300-302.) f*DD H., H. Glints in Auld Reekie. (Atlan- tic monthly. Boston, 1883. 8°. v. 52, p. 363-375.) * DA Hammermen of Edinburgh. The Ham- mermen of Edinburgh and their altar in St. Giles Church; being extracts from the records of the Incorporation of Hammer- men of Edinburgh, 1494 to 1558. With introductory notes by John Smith. Edin- burgh: W. J. Hay [pref. 1906]. xciii p., 1 1., 201 p., 2 fac, 1 pi. 8°. SKD Seal of cause for the Hammermen of Edinburgh. [1496]. n. p., n. d. 1 1. P. ttSKD A facsimile of the original is given in The Ham- mermen of Edinburgh and their altar in St. Giles Church, pi. opp. p. 1S4. Handbook, A, to Edinburgh, compris- ing a complete guidebook to the city and neighbourhood:... Edinburgh: T. C. Jack, 1876. 65 p. illus. 8°. KFT LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 341 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Edinburgh: J. Middlemass & Co., n. d. 65 p. illus. 8°. CRB p. box Harcourt, Betty. Edinburgh authors of to-day. illus. (The Criterion. New- York, 1903. f °. v. 4, p. 30-32.) t * DD Harrison, John. Oure tounis colledge. Sketches of the history of the Old College of Edinburgh with an appendix of histori- cal documents. By John Harrison. Edin- burgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1884. 5 p.l., 162 p. 12°. STK Haven, Gilbert. Stirling and Edinburgh. (In his: The pilgrim's wallet, or, Scraps of travel. New York, 1869. 16°. p. 77-94.) BTYB Head, Sir Francis Bond. Narrative of the means adopted for pulling down some very dangerous ruins after the great fires at Edinburgh in the month of November, 1824. 2 pi. (Royal Engineers. Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the corps. Woolwich, 1855. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 58-64.) VDA Heiton, John, of Darnick. The castes of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Wm. P. Nimmo, 1861. ix, 386 p., 1 pi. 3. ed. 12°. Stuart 7545 Henderson, Archibald. Old Edinburgh. Photographs by Alvin L. Coburn. 8 illus. (Harper's monthly magazine. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 119, p. 705-719.) * DA Hewitt, John. Mons Meg, the ancient bombard, preserved in Edinburgh Castle. 1 pi. (Archaeological journal. London, 1853. 8°. v. 10, p. 25-32.) CA Hislop's time-gun plan of Edinburgh and Leith. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. John- ston [1861]. 18^in. x 2V/ 2 in. folded 12°. Stuart 8939 Historia miraculose fundationis mon- asterii Sancte Crucis, prope Edinburgh [1128]. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 9-31.) f CP Includes also: "Historia fundationis prioratus Insula de Traile," "Nomina abbatum monasterii Sancte Crucis," "Inventarium jocalium, etc. magni altaris ejusdem monasterii, 1493." Historical description of the monastery or chapel royal of Holyroodhouse: with a short account of the palace and environs. Edinburgh: printed for John Petrie, 1818. iv p., 1 1., (1)10-86 p., 7 pi. 8°. CRF Historical guide to the palace and abbey of Holyrood. Edinburgh: Duncan Ander- son, n. d. 94 p. 16°. CRF p. box With a second engraved title-page. Historical, An, sketch of the municipal constitution of the city of Edinburgh; in- cluding the Set of the Burgh as established in 1583, and amended in 1730... and lists of the aldermen and lord provosts... To which is added, An historical account of the Blue Blanket... by A. Pennecuik. Edinburgh: J. Anderson, 1826. lxxx p., 1 1., 178 p., 9 pi., 11 tables. 8°. CR History of the abbey and palace of Holyrood. Edinburgh: Duncan Anderson, n. d. 192 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 16°. CR With additional engraved title-page. Holyrood Abbey. Liber cartarum Sancte Crucis. Munimenta ecclesie Sancte Cru- cis de Edwinesburg. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgi, 1840. cxxxvi, 333 p., 9 fac, 6 pi. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CRF Holyrood House. 1 illus. (Saturday magazine. London, 1843. 4°. v. 23, p. 249- 251.) * DD Forms no. 6 of a series on 'The royal residences of Scotland.' Houses in flats. (Household words. London, 1855. 8°. v. 11, p. 182-186.) * DA On Edinburgh houses. Hume, David. A true account of the behaviour and conduct of Archibald Stew- art... late lord provost of Edinburgh. In a letter to a friend. [By David Hume.] London: M. Cooper, 1748. 51 p. 12°. * C p.v. 495 Hunter. An address to the electors of the thirteenth and fourteenth wards of police.. . By a commissioner of improve- ments, shewing the present state and future prospects of that speculation. [Edinburgh: Fairgrieve and Murdoch, printers, 1832.] 16 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Hutton, Laurence. The literary land- marks of Edinburgh, illus. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1891. 8°. v. 82, p. 609-633.) * DA New York: Harper & Bros., 1898. xiv, 15-80 p., 13 pi., 16 port. 12°. NCB Reviewed in Saturday review, v. 72, p. 705-706, London, 1891. I., K. P. About Edinburgh. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1857. 8°. v. 56, p. 505- 520.) * DA Based on Cutlar's Edinburgh dissected. Jack, Thomas C. The Waverley hand- book to Edinburgh, Hawthornden. . . &c. Edinburgh: T. C. Jack, 1876. 3 p.l., 9-65 p., 1 plan. 8°. KFT Johnston, William. Letter to Sir James Gibson Craig, bart. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1841. 49 p. 8°. CRp.box In connection with the election of Adam Black as lord provost of Edinburgh. Jolly, James. The story of the West Port Church, with notices of [Thomas] Chalmers and [William] Tasker; and an account of the territorial method. [By James Jolly.] Edinburgh: Macniven & Wallace, 1882. 2 p.l., Ill p. 24°. ZEC p.v. 4 342 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Journeyman Mason, A. Public buildings of Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 6, p. 370-375.) * DA Kay, John. A series of original portraits and caricature etchings. . .with biographi- cal sketches... Edinburgh: H. Paton, 1837-42. 2 v. in 4. 8°. CR Edinburgh: Hugh Paton, 1838. 2 v. 4°. Stuart 11513 Keith, Robert, bishop of Fife. An his- torical catalogue of the Scottish bishops, down to the year 1688. . . A new edition, corrected and continued to the present time. . .by the Rev. M. Russel. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1824. 8°. ZDVH p. 44-60: 'Erection of the see of Edinburgh, by Charles the First' [29. September 1633]; p. 60-72: 'Bishops of Edinburgh;' p. 524-530: Post-Revolution bishops. Kennedy, Francis. Letters from Francis Kennedy, Abbeyhill, to Baron Kennedy at Dalquharran, Mayboll, relative to the seege of Edinburgh 1745. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 8, p. 53-60.) CPA Kennedy, James. Gleanings from the burgh records of Edinburgh during the Reformation. (Catholic Presbyterian. Lon- don, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 53-60, 131-136.) *DA Labouchere, Henry. Report to... the chancellor of the exchequer, regarding the affairs of the city of Edinburgh and port of Leith. Edinburgh: Thomas Allan & Co., printers, 1836. 25 p. 8°. CRp. box Lady Glenorchy and her chapel, at Edin- burgh. (The Sunday at home. London, 1859. 4°. v. 6, p. 251-254.) t * DD Laing, David. Anniversary address on the state of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland from 1831 to 1860. 3 port. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archre- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 1-44.) tCPA Read 9 Dec. 1861. Ben Jonson in Edinburgh in the year m.dc.xviii. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 206-208.) . CPA Contract between the city of Edin- burgh and John Meikle, for a chime of musical bells, 1698. From the original pre- served in the archives of the city of Edin- burgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 196-201.) CPA . Historical description of the altar- piece, painted in the reign of King James the Third of Scotland, belonging to Her Majesty, in the palace of Holyrood. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v 3 p. 8-22.) CPA A supplemental notice. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v 10 p. 310-324. *) CPA Note respecting the Royal Ex- change, Edinburgh, and the original list of subscribers, in 1752. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 593-597.) CPA Notice respecting the monument of the regent earl of Murray, now restored, within the church of St. Giles, Edinburgh! 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8° v. 6, p. 49-55.) CPA Notice of the two Roman sculptured heads, preserved in the front of a house at the Netherbow, Edinburgh... 1 pi, (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- seologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 287-289.) f CPA On the state of the abbey church of Holyrood subsequently to the devas- tations committed by the English forces in the years 1544 and 1545. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 101-115.) CPA On the tumult in Edinburgh, at the procession on St. Giles's day, 1558. (In: John Knox, The works of J. Knox, edited by D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 558-561.) ZOV Proposals for cleaning and lighting the city of Edinburgh (with original sig- natures of a number of the principal inhab- itants), in the year 1735. With explana- tory remarks. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 171-180.) CPA Suggestions for the removal of St. Margaret's well, near Restalrig, in the vicinity of Edinburgh, to a more favour- able site. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 143-147.) CPA See also under Brown, James. Laing, Henry. Remarks on the carved ceiling and heraldic shields of the apart- ments in Holyrood House, commonly known as "Queen Mary's Audience Cham- ber." 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 381-384.) CPA Lithographed copies of a drawing of the ceiling were printed in colours for sale. Lamb, George. Cup-marked stone found near Edinburgh, illus. (Reliquary and il- lustrated archaeologist. London, 1897. 4°. v. 3, p. 231-232.) CA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 343 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Lancefield, Alfred. On the drainage of Edinburgh. 2 pi.. (Architectural Institute of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1SS3. 4°. v. 3, p. 41-56.) MQA Lang, Andrew. Edinboro old town, il- lus. (Century magazine. New York, 1884. 8°. v. 27. t new series, v. 5], p. 323-340.) *DA Law, Thomas Graves. Lislebourg and Petit Leith. 1 illus. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 19-26.) CPA Learmonth, John, lord provost. Cor- respondence between the... lord provost and Alexander Trotter of Dreghorn. [Edinburgh, 1831.] 3 p. f°. CRp.box3 Anent Playfair's modified plan for building upon the Mound. Lee, J. A letter to... the lord provost relating to the annuity tax, and the eccle- siastical arrangements now proposed for the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1834. 58 p. 8°. * C p.v. 447 Leigh, Samuel. Decription of Edin- burgh. 1 plan. (In: Leigh's new pocket road-book of Scotland. London, 1836. new ed. 24°. p. 8-41.) KFT Le Moine, Sir James Macpherson. Edin- burg [sicj, Rouen, York. Glimpses, im- pressions, and contrasts. (Literary and historical Society of Quebec. Transac- tions. Quebec, 1882. 8°. 1881-82, p. 1-58.) HWA Edinburgh, p. 1-22. Lessels, John. See Cousin, David. Letter, A, to the lord provost, contain- ing suggestions for improving the city of Edinburgh. With plan. By a citizen. Edinburgh: M. Walker & Co., 1855. 31 p., 1 plan. 8°. * C p.v. 361 Letter, A, to the., .lord provost, on the late fires, and their connection with gas illumination. Edinburgh: T. & W. Nelson, 1824. 14 p. 8°. Letter to... the lord provost of Edin- burgh, on the seat rents of the city churches, etc. By a member of the pres- bytery of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1834. 26 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Letter to the magistrates of Edinburgh, on the execution of Robert Johnston. By an eye witness. Edinburgh: printed by Thomas Turnbull, 1819. 15 p. 8°. *C p.v. 698 See Civis, Letter to the citizens of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1819. Letter to the Right Honourable James Abercromby, M. P., on the ecclesiastical affairs of Edinburgh, by an old friend. Edinburgh: T. Rutherfoord, 1834. 14 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Letters from Edinburgh, by an English traveller. (New monthly magazine and universal register. London, 1814. 8°. v 1 p. 16-18, 137-140.) * DE Lincoln, The, monument in memory of Scottish American soldiers: unveiled in Edinburgh, August 21, 1893. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1893. 97(1) p., 4 pl. 12°. AN (Lincoln) p.v. 11 Literary and philosophical societies of Edinburgh, during the nineteenth century. (Eclectic magazine of foreign literature. New York, 1851. 8°. v. 24, p. 565-570.) *DA Reprinted from Hogg's Instructor. Little, William Charles. Observations on the Hammermen of Edinburgh. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archje- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 170-183.) fCPA Littlejohn, Sir Henry Duncan. On the cleansing operations of Edinburgh as com- pared with 'those of other large towns. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 513-518.) SA ■ — Edinburgh: Colston & Son, 1865. 1 p.l., 12 p. 8°. VDI p.v. 1 Lizars, William Home. Plan of Edin- burgh drawn & engraved for McDowall's guide to the city. [Edinburgh, 1843.1 9 in. x 12 in. folded 24°. Stuart 8941 Lockhart, John Gibson. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood, 1819. 3 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. NDD Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1819. 3 v. port. 3. ed. 8°. CP 1. American from the 2. Edin- burgh edition. New York: A. T. Goodrich & Co., 1820. vii, 575 p. 8°. CP Lockhart, William. Notice of an agree- ment between a vassal and an ecclesiastic in regard to subjects on the Water of Leith in the year 1226. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 254-257.) CPA Notice of a deed (circa A. D. 1226) settling a controversy between the rector of St. Cuthbert's, Hales (Colinton), and the church of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, in regard to the teinds "de Craggis et Gor- gin." (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 275-279.) CPA Notice of a deed of the thirteenth century settling a controversy in connec- tion with St. Leonard's Hospital, Edin- burgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 254-263.) CPA 344 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Londoner, A, but no Cockney. The king's visit to Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 12, p. 268-284, 492-497.) * DA Lorimer, George. Notes on "Ane In- formatione," drawn up by Sir John Dal- rymple, first earl of Stair. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 188S. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 108-113.) CPA The full title of the document is: "Informatione for Mr. James Elies of Stanhope-milnes and ye Poore of ye Paroch of ye Weste Kirk against Sir Patrick and Harie Nisbet." Lucius, pseud. A letter to the Rev. An- drew Thomson., .on the respect due to national feeling. Edinburgh: D. Stevenson & Co., 1817. 1 p.l., 22 p. 3. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 13 Relates to history of St. George's Church, Edin- burgh. Lyman, Theodore. Letters from Edin- burgh. [By Theodore Lyman.] (North American review. Boston, 1815. 8°. v. 1, p. 183-195, 338-350.) * DA On Edinburgh society in 1814. Macadam, Stevenson. On the chemical composition of the sewage of Edinburgh and Leith, and the contamination of the Water of Leith thereby. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 7, p. 49-86.) VA M'Bean, Robert. History of Holyrood with descriptive guide and catalogue of portraits and paintings. Edinburgh: R. M'Bean, n. d. 192 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 16°. CRB With additional engraved title-page. M'Culloch, William Thomson. History of the "Maiden" or Scottish beheading machine, with notices of the criminals who suffered by it. 2 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 535-560.) CPA Note relating to "Haddo's Hole," in St. Giles's Church, Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 289-290.) CPA ■ Notices of the City Cross of Edin- burgh, &c. &c, illustrated by a model and drawings of the existing remains. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 287-294.) CPA Macfarlan, John F. Powers and juris- diction of the lord provost of the city and sheriff of the county of Edinburgh; with an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: John Greig & Son, 1854. iv, (1)6-64 p. 2. ed. 8°. *C p.v. 1511 Mackenzie, Kincaid. Statement in an- swer to the protest, published by a small minority of the Town-Council, against the appointment of Thomas Henderson to be city chamberlain, ad vitam aut culpam. [By Kincaid Mackenzie.] Edinburgh: George Ramsay & Co., printers, 1810. 51 p 8°. CRp.boxi McLaggan, Alexander. A letter from a gentleman in the North, to a minister who has not intimated the Act of Parliament, for the more effectual bringing to justice the murderers of Captain John Porteous. Occasioned by two pamphlets lately pub- lished... [By Alexander McLaggan.) [Edinburgh:] printed in the year 1737. 24 p. 8°. CPp.box2 M'Laren, Duncan. Evidence given be- fore the select committee of the House of Commons, respecting the annuity-tax... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1851. 31 p. 8°. * C p.v. 973 The annuity tax was levied in Edinburgh and Canongate for the payment of ministers' stipends. Presentation copy from the author to Robert Chambers. Facts regarding the seat-rents of the city churches of Edinburgh: in seven letters to the creditors of the city, with an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1840. 72 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 18 Heriot's Hospital Trust and its proper administration. An address deliv- ered in the Literary Institute on Decem- ber 16, 1872... Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1872. 32 p. 8°. STKp.box Reprinted from Edinburgh Daily Review. Letter to the members of the Town Council of Edinburgh on the recent dis- cussions regarding the proposed settle- ment with the creditors of the city. Con- taining an exposure of the dishonest re- porting of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal: the reasons of protest by Councillor Deu- char against the settlement; with answers thereto, and an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1837. vi, 7-38, 18, 16 p. 12°. *C p.v. 1062 Report regarding the revenue and expenditure of the corporation of Edin- burgh, to which the recent reduction of the church seat rents, and the abolition of the one per cent assessment, were found- ed... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1838. 1 p.l., 41 p. 8°. *C p.v. 458 Macmillan, H. P. Court of Session in 1629. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 12, p. 137-142.) SEA Macpherson, Charles. On the collection, removal, and disposal of the refuse of the city of Edinburgh, illus. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 7, p. 231-257.) VA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 345 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Mactavish, Newton. Rat-holes of Edin- burgh. 5 illus. (Canadian magazine. To- ronto, 1911. 8°. v. 36, p. 120-127.) *DA "Maga" and her publishers. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 860-872.) * DA Maitland, William. The history of Edin- burgh from its foundation to the present time... With the several accounts of the parishes of Canongate, St. Cuthbert, and other districts within the suburbs of Edin- burgh. Together with the antient and present state of the town of Leith ... In nine books.. . Illustrated with a plan and cuts... Edinburgh: printed by Hamilton, Balfour and Neill, for the author, 1753. viii, 518 p., 1 plan, 20 pi. f°. tt CR Edinburgh: printed by Hamil- ton, Balfour and Neill, for the author, 1753. viii, 518 p., 1 plan, 20 pi. f°. tt CR Large and thick paper copy. Both copies are of the second issue in which the offensive passages re- lating to Mr. Coutts are omitted. Makellar, Angus. A sermon preached in St. Andrew's Church, Edinburgh, on Tuesday, July 16, 1816, before the Society of the Orphan Hospital, and published at their request. With an appendix, contain- ing an account of the rise, progress and present state of the institution. Edin- burgh: Oliphant, Waugh & Innes, 1817. 48 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 42 Marjoribanks, Alexander. A letter to the inhabitants of Edinburgh, on the pro- priety of their resisting the foundation of the proposed water company. Edinburgh: Macredie, Skelly, & Co., 1819. 21 p. 8°. CR p. box 1 Marsland, Ellis, and M. Clarke. A re- port on the fire at the Empire Palace Theatre, Edinburgh, on May 9th, 1911, whereby ten lives were lost. London: British Fire Prevention Committee, 1911. 28 p., 2 pi. illus. 8°. (British Fire Pre- vention Committee. Red books, no. 157.) SX Martyn, Mrs. S. T. The Hopes of Hope Castle; or, The times of Knox and Queen Mary Stuart. New York: American Tract Society c cop. 1867). 359 p. 12°. NBO Edinburgh in the latter half of the sixteenth cen- tury. Martyrs', The, monument, Edinburgh, illus. (In: Bygone church life in Scotland. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 260-266.) ZDVH Marwick, Sir James David. Edinburgh guilds and crafts. A sketch of the history of burgess-ship, guild brotherhood, and membership of crafts in the city. [Edited by R. Renwick.] Edinburgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.l 4 v- vii p., 2 1., 258 p., 1 port. 4°. CR The history of the Collegiate Church and Hospital of the Holy Trinity, and the Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh, 1460- 1661. By Sir J. D. Marwick. Edinburgh: The Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1911. 2 p.l., 4, iv, 223 p., 1 pi. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records Society. [Publications, v. 25.,) CR Mason, John M. Living faith: a ser- mon; preached before the Society for the Relief of the Destitute Sick... 1st of No- vember, 1801, in Bristo-Street Meeting House. Edinburgh: Geo. Caw, 1801. 58 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 41 Masson, David. Ben Jonson in Edin- burgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 790- 804.) * DA Meikle, Henry W. The king's birthday riot in Edinburgh, June, 1792. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 21-28.) CPA Members, The, of the Edinburgh Mer- chants Company — 1687. (Scottish anti- quary. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 12, p. 126- 128.) CA Consists of 'Ane exact list of all those who are matriculate in the Companie of Merchands of Edin- burghpreceiding the twentie fyfth day of June J m VJ C Eightie Seven years*, from ms. in the Privy Council Papers. Memorial from fellows of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, against the pro- posed demolition of Trinity College Church, Edinburgh, presented to the Town Council, 12th November 1844. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 448- 450.) t CPA Memorial of the ministers of Edinburgh respecting the annuity assessment and rel- ative documents, 1838. [Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1838.] 16 p. 8°. *C p.v. 436 Memories of an old Edinburgh square. 5 illus. (Good words. London, 1900. 8°. v. 41, p. 552-557, 596-599.) * DA George Square. Menzies, James. Menzies' pocket guide to Edinburgh, and its environs. Edin- burgh: J. Menzies, 1863. vii(i), (1)10-80 p., 1 plan, 6 pi. 8. ed. 12°. CRB Vignette views of Edinburgh and its vicinity... Edinburgh: Menzies, n. d. folded 24°. Stuart 8762 Thirteen views mounted on cloth. Merchant Maiden Hospital, Edinburgh. Rules and constitutions for governing and managing the Maiden Hospital, founded by the Company of Merchants and Mary Er- skine, in anno 1695. Edinburgh, 1731. xi p., 3 1., 46 p. nar. 24°. SHDp.v.3 346 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Metropolitan, pseud. History travestied in the first memorial tablet erected in the great kirk of Edinburgh since its restora- tion, n. p., n. d. 12 p. 12°. * C p.v. 367 Meyer, Hugo Richard. Municipal own- ership in Great Britain. New York: The Macmillan Co, 1906. xii, 340 p. 12°. *R-SERN Chap, vii, p. 117-130, Edinburgh. Millar, John Hepburn. Edinburgh in literature. (Bookman. London, 1907. f°. v. 31, p. 247-251.) f*GDD With eight portraits and illustrations. Millar, W. An account of the Edin- burgh Reform Jubilee, celebrated 10th August 1832; also the Leith Reform Jubi- lee, celebrated same day... Edinburgh: Adam Black, 1832. 60 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Miller, Hugh. Edinburgh and its neigh- bourhood, geological and historical, with the geology of the Bass Rock. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1870. vi p., 1 1., 344 p., 1 pi. illus. 4. ed. 12°. PVI Miller, Peter. John Knox and his manse. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 138-154.) CPA The Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, from 1365 to 1617 — its site and form. 2 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 377-389.) CPA Notes on Edinburgh — its name, and name-word. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 323-332.) CPA The origin and early history of the Old Tolbuith of Edinburgh — the Heart of Mid-Lothian; and the Luckenbooths. 2 pi., 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 360-376.) CPA Supplementary notes on John Knox's house. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 406-411.) CPA Was the town of Edinburgh an open and defenceless one previous to 1450? (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 251-260.) CPA Miller, Robert. Where did John Knox live in Edinburgh? and the legend of "John Knox's house." (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 80-115.) CPA Modern Greek, A, pseud. See Mudie, Robert. Morton (12. earl), George Douglas. Ex- tracts from original letters of George, earl of Morton, to his son James, Lord Aber- dour, as to proceedings in Parliament rel- ative to the Porteous mob. 1737. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1840 4°. v. 2, p. 53-74.) fcp Mudie, Robert. The modern Athens: a dissection and demonstration of men and things in the Scotch capital. By a modern Greek t i. e., Robert Mudiej. London- Knight & Lacey, 1825. 1 p.l, 320 p. 2 ed' 8°. CP Mullion, Mordecai, F. D. S. E, pseud. Letter to the Committee of Dilettanti, oc- casioned by their report on the plans for the repair of St. Giles' Church, Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1818. 8°. v. 3, p. 524-527.) *DA Murray, Alexander. Nuisances in Edin- burgh, with suggestions for the removal thereof; addressed to the general com- missioners of police. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1847. 24 p. 8°. *C p.v. 436 Mylne, Robert Scott. The Netherbow Port, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. . Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 379-388.) CPA Neill, Patrick. Notes relative to the fortified walls of Edinburgh; with a copy of the proclamation issued by the Town- Council, on receiving the news of the bat- tle of Flodden. : By Patrick Neill., [Edin- burgh, 1829.] 8 p. 8°. CRp.box Lacks plate. Nelson, Thomas, and Sons. Nelson's his- torical and descriptive handbook to Edin- burgh... Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1858. 7 p.l., 5-100 p., 6 plans. 12°. Stuart 8763 Old Edinburgh: with notes on its ecclesiastical antiquities. Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1877. 31 p., 1 plan. 12°. Stuart 8764 Nettlebottom, Nehemiah, Esq, of Bram- bleside near — ■ — , pseud. The Fudge fam- ily in Edinburgh, in a series of poetical epistles. Edinburgh: Anderson & Bryce, printers, 1820. xiv p., 1 1, (1)14-187 p. 16°. New, A, guide to the city of Edinburgh: containing a description of all the public buildings, and a concise history of the city. Edinburgh: T. Brown, 1797. v, 5-152 p, 1 map, 14 pi. 3. ed. 16°. CR Noel, Gerard. The nature and objects of Christian charity: a sermon delivered at Charlotte Episcopal Chapel, on Decem- ber 12, 1817, for the benefit of the Senior Female Society. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Waugh, & Innes, 1818. ZIYp.v.42 Published at the request of the society. [Notice of eight miniature coffins of wood, each containing a wooden image of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 347 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. the human figure dressed as for burial, found on Arthur's Seat in 1836.] illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 460-463.) CPA Old Edinburgh pedlars, beggars and criminals, with some other odd charac- ters; their effigies in colour & their char- acters in type. The whole adorned with head pieces & tail pieces curiously cut in wood. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1886. 3 p.l., 107(1) p. illus. 16°. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wil- son. Edinburgh. 10 illus. (English illus- trated magazine. London, 1891. 8°. v. 8, p. 48-57.) * DA The illustrations are by George Reid, R. A. Royal Edinburgh: her saints, kings, prophets, and poets. With illustrations by George Reid, R. S. A. London: Macmil- lan & Co., 1890. xiii p., 1 1., 520 p. 12°. CR First edition. New York: Mershon Co., n.d. 2 p.l., 408 p. 12°. CR Has no illustrations. Lacks p. 281-286. Oliver, George. Guide to the castle of Edinburgh, with an historical account of Queen Mary's room, Mons Meg, &c; and a genealogical table shewing the descent of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Edin- burgh: printed by H. Armour, 1852. 23 p., 1 folding table. 16°. CRF p. box Oliver & Boyd. Oliver & Boyd's Scot- tish tourist. Guide to Edinburgh and neighbourhood. Edinburgh: the authors, 1860. iv, 87 p., 1 map, 8 pi. 12°. CRB Omond, George William Thomson. The Porteous riot. (From original mss. in the Record Office.) (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 52-67.) * DA O'Shea, John J. "The Northern Athens." illus. (Catholic world. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 62, p. 195-204.) * DA Revival of Holyrood. 2 illus. (Rosary magazine. Somerset, Ohio, 1907. 8°. v. 30, p. 634-639.) ZLF Palpus, pseud. Bickers between Edin- burgh and Leith; originally published in the Edinburgh Observer. [Preface signed Palpus.] Edinburgh: Stirling & Kenney, 1829. 20 p. 8°. CRp.box Part of amended Bill of Exchequer in re Goddard against the city of Edinburgh, touching the accounts of the burgh. [Edin- burgh, 1826.) 19 p. 8°. MS. Dept. Manuscript. Paul, Sir James Balfour. Edinburgh in 1544 and Hertford's invasion. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 113-131.) CPA Edinburgh in 1629. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 24, p. 1-21.) *DA Peddie, James. Note. . .respecting a sculptured stone found in taking down a house at the foot of Mary King's Close. Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 48-49.) CPA Peddie, James. The parable of the lost sheep explained and applied: a sermon, preached for the benefit of the Edinburgh Philanthropic Society, in Bristo-Street Meeting House, on Sabbath, Feb. 3, 1799. Edinburgh: J. Ritchie, 1799. 1 p.l., 54 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1280 p. 47-54 contain an account of the society and its work, with list of office-bearers. Peddie, John M. Dick. Description of an old timber building, in the Lawnmarket, Edinburgh. 1 pi. illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 465-476.) CPA Pennycuik, Alexander. An historical account of the blue blanket, or craftsmen's banner: containing the fundamental prin- ciples of the government of the good town, powers, and prerogatives of the crafts of Edinburgh. [By Alexander Pen- nycuik.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1722.] 1- 126 p. 24°. *Cp.v.ll24 All after p. 126 lacking. (Reprinted in: James Colston, The incorporated trades of Edinburgh... Edinburgh, 1891. 4°. p. 177-237.) SKD Picture, A, of Edinburgh. (Titan. Edin- burgh, 1857. 8°. v. 25, p. 364-366.) * DE Pierson, Delavan L. Mission work in the Scotch Athens. (Missionary review of the world. New York, 1891. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 277-282.) ' ZKVA Plain Honest Man. A letter to... the lord provost of Edinburgh, on the subject of the proposed new streets, and ap- proaches to the city, in answer to a letter on that subject by "A Builder." Edin- burgh: William Blackwood, 1825. v. 7- 59, 16 p. 8°. CR p.box 2 Playfair, William Henry. Report re- specting the mode of completing; the new buildings for the College of Edinburgh. Addressed to... the commissioners ap- pointed. . .to select a plan for that purpose, and to the professors of that university. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., printers. 1816. 22 p. 8°. STKp.box Police of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh mag- azine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 10, p. 243-250.) * DE On the contention respecting their management. Population of the city of Edinburgh. 1821. (Edinburgh magazine and literary 348 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. miscellany. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 10, p. 528-536.) * DE Comparative tables of the population in 1811 and 1821, and tables of accommodation in parish churches and other places of worship and of collections in eleven parish churches. Porter, Jane. The ball at Holyrood House: an anecdote of the year 1745. (La Belle Assemblee. London, 1829. 8°. v. 10, p. 105-107.) * DE Precedence, The, of Edinburgh. (Her- ald and genealogist. London, 1863. 8°. v. 1 , p. 550-566.) * R - Room 328 On the precedence of Edinburgh in relation to Dublin. Present, The, and the past of Holyrood. (Leisure hour. London, 1859. 4°. v. 8, p. 630-633.) * DA With illustration of Holyrood Palace. Proposal and agreement for building and upholding a chapel, west end of Rose street, next to South Charlotte street, Edinburgh, to be called Charlotte Chapel. [Edinburgh, 1796.] 8 p. 8°. Protest [signed John Gloag and others, against the election of Mr. Thomas Hen- derson, into the office of city chamberlain, ad vitam aut culpam. Edinburgh: John Moir, printer, 1810. 15 p. 8°. CRp.box2 R., J. Account of the attempt of Francis Bothwell upon the palace of Holyrood- house, in 1591. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 30-31.) *DA Reprint of an original contemporary letter giving "the fullest narrative of the event hitherto pub- lished." R., P. Edinburgh nuisances. No. i-iv. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1823. 8°. v. 13, p. 367-368.) * DA (l) Street cries. (2) Street-corner loafing. (3) Spitting in public streets. (4) Old clothes dealers. Ramsay, Alexander, manager, Edin- burgh Water Supply. On the water supply of Edinburgh. 1 map. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 285-314.) VA Ramsay, Edward Bannerman, dean of Edinburgh. "Beautifying the place of the sanctuary." a sermon preached in St. John's Church, Edinburgh, November 28, 1867, on the occasion of reopening the church for divine service, after the com- pletion of considerable alterations and im- provements. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1867. 21 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1516 A letter to Charles Lawson, lord provost of Edinburgh, on the expediency of providing the city with an efficient peal of bells. Edinburgh: R. Grant and Son, 1863. 19 p., 1 pi. 8°. CRp.box Ratification in favour of the hammer- men of Edinburgh . . . [September 6, 1681 1 [Edinburgh, 1681.] 1 broadside. f° ttSKD Register of interments in the Grayfriars burying-ground, Edinburgh, 1658-1700. Edited by Henry Paton... Edinburgh- printed for the Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 722 p., 1 plan. 8° ARX Registers of the general kirk session of Edinburgh. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 29-38, 72-83.) CPA Religious associations of Edinburgh, il- lus. (The Sunday at home. London, 1892 4°. 1891-92, p. 632-637.) t*DD With illustrations of Greyfriars churchyard, Jenny Geddes' stool, and the stool of repentance. Remarks on the tumult at Edinburgh, commonly called the Porteous mob; with reflections on the political state of Scot- land in 1737; by a contemporary. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 543-547.) *DE From a scarce tract entitled: Memoirs of the times, in a letter to a friend in the country, Lon- don, 1737. Reminiscences of Edinburgh sixty to eighty years ago. By a pioneer resident of Victoria for sixty years. (Chambers' jour- nal. London, 1902. 4°. series 6, v. 5, p. 732-735.) *DA Renwick, Robert, editor. See under Marwick, Sir James David. Edinburgh guilds and crafts. Report of the committee, appointed by the Society of Dilettanti to examine Mr. Elliott's plans for the repair of the cathe- dral church of St. Giles, Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1818. 8°. v. 3, p. 408-412.) *DA See under Mullion, Mordecai. Report of the committee of St. An- drew Square proprietors, appointed at the annual meeting, February 4, 1851, to con- sider the propriety of making a change in the central area of the square. [Edin- burgh, 1851.) 16 p. 8°. Report of a public entertainment held ...by the Edinburgh Mechanics' Library, in which T. B. Macaulay. . .and others took part. To which is prefixed a notice of that institution. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1839. iv, 5-24 p. 12°. *GS Report of the speeches at the dinner to Earl Grey, on Monday, 15th September 1834. . . Edinburgh: John Hamilton, 1834. 39 p., 1 pi. 8°. *Cp.v.H72 Report of the trial of the students on the charge of mobbing, rioting, and assault at the college, on January 11 & 12, 1838... LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 349 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. Edinburgh: A. Shortrede, printer, 1838. 100 p., 1 1. 8°. STK Restoration of the Parthenon in the National Monument. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 6, p. 137-148.) *DA Richardson, Ralph. The physiography of Edinburgh. (Scottish geographical mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 18, p. 337- 357.) KAA With bibliography. Ritchie, David. A sermon preached in St. Andrew's Church, Edinburgh, on Thurs- day, March 8, 1804, before the directors of the Asylum for the Blind, and published at their desire. Edinburgh: J. Moir, 1804. 1 pi, 5-33 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 46 Ritchie, Frederick James. Description of the clock-drop for the time-ball on Nel- son's monument. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1861. 8°. v. 5, p. 162-166.) VA Description of the clock-trigger for the time-gun signal in Edinburgh Castle. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 152- 159.) VA Ritchie, Robert. Additional report as to who was architect of Heriot's Hospital. Being a sequel to his report, printed and circulated in 1855 at the request of the governors. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1856. 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l223,no.ll Robertson, P. C, joint author. See Ross, J. Calder, and P. C. Robertson. Robie, James. The representative rad- icals of Edinburgh: their professions and practices described, in important corre- spondence with Mr. Duncan McLaren, Ex- Bailie Fyfe, and others. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1867. 55 p. 8°. Rogers, Charles. History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland, with the register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling, including details in relation to the rise and progress of Scot- tish music and observations respecting the Order of the Thistle. Edinburgh: The Grampian Club, 1882. ccliv p., 1 1., 126 p. 8°. CR Rogers, G. A. Edinburgh society sev- enty years ago. (Belgravia. London, 1879. 8°. v. 37, p. 423-443.) * DA Romantic Edinburgh. (Chambers's jour- nal. London and Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. series 6, v. 3, p. 588-592.) * DA Romantic Edinburgh. 1 pi. illus. (Eng- lish illustrated magazine. London, 1911. 8°. v. 45, p. 309-313.) * DA Rooney, Patrick, Esq., pseud. Impres- sions of Edinbro'. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. v. 31, p. 783-789.) * DA Rose, Alexander. Accompt of expenses in Edinburgh by A. Rose, son of the laird of Kilravock 1715. Edited. . .by A. H. Mil- lar. (Scottish History Society. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 495- 504.) CPA Ross, J. Calder, and P. C. Robertson. Bits about Edinburgh, illus. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890-92. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 14-15, 46-47; v 6., p. 52-53.) CPA The Buckstane. 2. In Colinton churchyard. 3. The Lamp acre. Royal College of Physicians of Edin- burgh. Historical sketch and laws... from its institution to December, 1865. Edin- burgh, 1867. 4 p.L, 170 p., 1 pi. sq. 8°. WAM Royal Edinburgh. (Church quarterly re- view. London, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 335- 358.) * DA Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. Report for the year. 1904-07. London, 1905-08. 8°. * F Royal, The, Stuarts and their capital. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 149, p. 161-173.) * DA S., J. C. Remarks on Captain Brown's letter to the lord provost of Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1821. 8°. v. 8, p. 204-207.) * DA Regarding the city police. S., M. E. W. Edinburgh and its sur- roundings. (The Galaxy. New York, 1871. 8°. v. 12, p. 91-96.) * DA Descriptive. S., T. Comparative prevalence of fever in Edinburgh, according to the number of patients admitted into the Royal Infir- mary during 1815, 1816, 1817, and the first five months of 1818. (Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 14, p. 402-403.) WAA St. Giles Church, Edinburgh. Registrum cartarum ecclesie Sancti Egidii de Edin- burgh. A series of charters and original documents connected with the church of St. Giles, Edinburgh. rEdited by D. Laing.] Edinburgh: [T. Constable,] 1859. xviii p., 1 1., cxv, 336 p., 1 fac, 6 pi., 1 plan. sq. 4 . (Bannatyne Club.) t CP Saint Margaret, queen of Scotland. With a description of Saint Margaret's Chapel, castle guide, and guide to the principal sights of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: pub- lished at St. Margaret's Chapel, n. d. 30 p., 1 1. 12°. CRp. boxl Sang, Edward. Reflections on the water distribution within the city of Edinburgh. 350 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 8, p. 64- 99.) VA Scotsman, A, pseud. An answer to Mr. Burke's speech in Parliament, in favour of the Scots Roman-Catholics residing in Edinburgh and Glasgow, on the 18th of March, 1779. Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1779. 1 p.l., viii, (1)4-31 p. 12°. ZMYp.v.3 Scott, James W. A bibliography of Edinburgh periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891-96. sq. 8 C . v. 5. p. 20-21, 33-35, 51-53, 71-73, 84-87, 102-105, 117-120, 132-135, 149-151, 166-169, 182-184; v. 6, p. 10-12, 17-20, 35-37, 55-57, 70-73, 86-87, 99-102, 119-122, 129-132, 150- 152, 165-167; v. 7, p. 18-20, 35-37, 68-69; v. 8, p. 46; v. 9, p. 26-27, 171.) CPA See also under Couper, W. J. Scott-Moncreiff, Robert. Notes on the Corporation of Surgeons and Barbers of the City of Edinburgh. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 247-257.) CPA Scottish Military Academy, Edinburgh. Prospectus of a Scottish military acad- emy, to be opened on the 27th day of May, 1S23... under the superintendence of Mr. Geo. Scott... Edinburgh, 1823. 8 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1119 Scrap-book of newspaper clippings, etc., relating to Edinburgh and Leith. 1828-29. f°. tt CR Second, A, letter from a minister of the Established Church, to one of his parish- ioners, concerning the fitness and lawful- ness of some things in the civic part of the Edinburgh burgess-oath. n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh, 173-?] 8 p. 16°. ZWGFp.v.26 Sellar, Eleanor C. Grandes dames of old Edinburgh. 3 illus. (Illustrated Amer- ican. New York, 1893. f°. v. 13, p. 17-19.) *DA Lady Lovat and Lady Eglintown (sic). Semple, Robert. The sege of the Castel of Edinburgh. [By Robert Semple. i Im- prentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik. 1573. (Reprinted in: Scotish poems of the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 285-300.) NDP Seton, George. Notice of the ancient incised slabs in the Abbey church of Holy- rood. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archasologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 440-447.) t CPA Notice of four stained-glass shields of arms and a monumental slab in St. Mag- dalene's Chapel, Cowgate. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 266-274) CPA Shand, Alexander Innes. Older Edin- burgh. (The Saturday review. London 1903. f°. v. 94, p. 512-514, 544-545, 609- 610.) * DA Deals with old Edinburgh inns and hotels and . "surviving celebrities of the golden age of letters," Shaw, Claud. Forbes & Wilson's plan of the city of Edinburgh and its vicinity; adapted to illustrate the antiquities, as well as the present state and intended improve- ments of the city. Engraved by G. Bar- tholomew. Edinburgh: Forbes & Wilson [18—?]. 2214 x 18 in. 16°. CR Laing and Forbes' plan of the city of Edinburgh and its vicinity... Edin- burgh: Laing & Forbes, n. d. 23 in. x 19 in. folded. 16°. Stuart 8940 Shepherd, T. H. See under Britton, John. Siege, The, of the castle of Edinburgh. (In: Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dun- dee... London, 1714. 12°. p. 3841.) * C p.v. 510 Silliman, Benjamin. A winter in Edin- burgh. (In his: A journal of travels in England, Holland and Scotland. . .in the years 1805 and 1806... New Haven: S. Converse, 1820. 3. ed. 12°. v. 3, p. 172- 270.) CBD Sime, A. H. Moncur. The literary life of Edinburgh. (New century magazine. Lon- don, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 20-27, 93-100.) * DE Simpson, Eve Blantyre. Distinguished Edinburgh dogs. (Chambers's journal. London and Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. series 6, v. 3. p. 154-157.) *DA Sinclair, John. Case for the extension of the municipal boundary of Edinburgh, and the transference of the powers of the police and paving boards to the Town Council. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1855. 73 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1138 Sinclair, John. Notes on the disputed tomb of Mary of Gueldres, queen of James ii., and the Stuart vault in Holyrood, 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 252-257.) CPA Notes on the Holyrood "Foir-Yet" of James iv. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 352-362.) CPA Notes on James Fifth's towers, Holyrood Palace. 6 illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 224-241.) CPA Skene, James, of Rubislaw. Remarks on the Well House Tower, situated at the foot LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 351 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. of the Castle Rock of Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archa^ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 469- 479.) CPA Slight, A, descriptive sketch of Edin- burgh, when viewed as a picturesque ob- ject. 1 pi. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 2, p. 241-247.) * DE Smail, Adam. The Edinburgh Circulat- ing Library. A historical retrospect. (The Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 382-386.) * DE The Edinburgh Circulating Library and its contents in 1781. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 55- 58.) * DE Smith, Mrs. J. Stewart. The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass: and the other baronial homes of the Dick-Lauder family, written and illustrated with pen, pencil, and cam- era. Edinburgh: printed for the author by T. and A. Constable, 1898. xxii p., 1 1., 427 p., 19 pi., 4 port, illus. 4°. fARZ Smith, John Alexander. Note on the supposed 'charter chest of Johnny Faa' and its contents, probably the official box and plates, with trade marks of the Incorpora- tion of Pewterers of Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1872. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 264-268.) CPA This is really the official box _ and plates with trade marks of the old Incorporation of Pewterers of Edinburgh, and has nothing to do with Johnny Faa. Notice of the shingled roof of the tower of the Canongate Tolbooth, Edin- burgh, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 9, p. 162-167.) CPA Smith, Thomas. Address to the Town Council of Edinburgh. . .delivered at the council table, Sept. 27, 1799. . .containing some account of the city's affairs — its debt, revenue, expenditure, &c. Edin- burgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1799. 59 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Some account of the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh. (Edin- burgh monthly magazine [afterwards Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine). Edin- burgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 231-234.) * DA Some literary landmarks of central Edin- burgh. (Chambers' journal. London, 1903. 4°. series 6, v. 6, p. 362-366.) * DA Some peculiarities of Edinburgh life, as observed by a Southerner. (Leisure hour. London, 1876. 4°. v. 25, p. 214-216.) * DA Stark, J. Picture of Edinburgh: contain- ing a description of the city and its en- virons. Edinburgh: printed for John Fair- bairn. . . 1823. viii, 370 p., 1 map, 13 pi. 3. ed. 16°. CR Stark James. Inquiry into some points of the sanatory state of Edinburgh; the rate of mortality of its inhabitants since 1780; their average duration of life; the differences in the rate of mortality among its different classes, and among the mar- ried and single; and its comparative elegi- bility as a place of residence, and for the education of children. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1847. 1 p.l., 45 p., 1 table. 8°. * C p.v. 436 Report on the mortality of Edin- burgh and Leith for the six months, June- November, 1846. Edinburgh: Stark and Co., 1846. 8 p. 8°. (Edinburgh.) SDN p.v.3, no.9 Report on the mortality of Edin- burgh and Leith, for the months of June, July, and August, 1848. Edinburgh: Stark and Co., 1848. 9 p. 8°. (Edinburgh.) SDN p.v.3, no.8 Report on the mortality of Edin- burgh, Leith and Newhaven, for the months of January and February, 1846. Edinburgh: Stark and Co., 1846. 8 p. 8°. (Edinburgh.) SDN p.v. 3, no.10 State of the question respecting the seat rents of the churches of the city of Edin- burgh, between the kirk sessions of the High Church [and others], and the magis- trates of Edinburgh. . .with an appendix. Edinburgh: Adam Black, 1824. 75 p. 8°. CR p. box Statement by the committee of the in- habitants of the city of Edinburgh, ap- pointed at the general meeting. . .held on 2d December 1817, upon the subject of the North Bridge Buildings. Edinburgh: Duncan Stevenson & Co., printers, 1818. 36 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Statements relative to the city of Edin- burgh, shewing the practicability and ne- cessity of, and containing proposals for, the extension of the royalty, popular elec- tion of the Town Council, erection of additional parish churches and schools in every parish. . . Edinburgh: William Tait, 1833. 55 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Stephens, D. S. Edinburgh and its as- sociations. (Lakeside monthly. Chicago, 1873. 8°. v. 9, p. 319-326.) * DD History and description. Stevenson, R. H. Annals of Edinburgh and Leith. . .from. . .A.C. 320 down to the present time (A.D. 1839). Edinburgh: the author, 1839. 1 p.l., 2, (1)8-181 p., 1 plan, 3 pi. 16°. CR Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour. Edin- burgh: picturesque notes. London: Seeley & Co., 1889. 3 p.l., 182 p. illus. new ed. 12°. CRB Plates included in pagination. 352 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. London: Seeley & Co., 1900. 4 p.l., 182 p. illus. 12°. CR Notes on Edinburgh. 4 pi. illus. (The Portfolio. Edited by P. G. Hamer- ton. London, 1878. P. 1878, p. 82-85, 104-108, 125-128, 130-134, 146-150, 162-165, 189-192.) t MAA [I. Introductory.] II. Old Town — the lands. Ill Legends. IV. New Town — ■ town and country. V. Greyfriars. VI. Winter in Edinburgh. VII. The Calton Hill. Stewart, Alexander M. Old Edinburgh inns. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1894. 8°. v. 276, p. 56-62.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, new series, v. 59, p. 264-268, New York, 1894; Littell's Living age, v. 200, p. 571-575, Boston, 1894. Story, The, of an Edinburgh church. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1857. 8°. v. 56, p. 650-656.) * DA Account of the destruction of Trinity College Church, Edinburgh. Stranger's, The, visit to Edinburgh. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh, 1847. v. 14, no. 121.) * C 32 p. illus. (Chambers's Miscel- lany of instructive & entertaining tracts. Edinburgh [1870]. new ed. 12°. v. 6, no. 82.) * C Strathmore. The earl and countess of Strathmore against William Laing. Judg- ment of the House of Lords on February 22, 1826, as to the privilege attached to Holyrood Palace. (In: Great Britain. — State Trials Commission. Reports of state trials. London, 1889. 8°. new series, v. 2, cols. 207-214.) SLN Stronach, George. The Advocates' Li- brary, Edinburgh. 3 illus. (Cassell's fam- ily magazine. London, 1886. 4°. v. 12, p. 619-622.) * DA Supplement to an address to the free citizens of Edinburgh. Wherein reasons are given for excluding such men in the present administration from being re- elected, who have abused their trust... [Edinburgh:] printed in the year 1740. 40 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Surrender of the castle of Edinburgh, in a letter to the dean of Durham. (Ana- lecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. series 2, p. 254-255.) CP Survey, A, of the castle and town of Edinburgh, January, 1573. — Tournal of the siege of the castle of Edinburgh, April and May, 1573. 1 fac. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 65-80.) fCP The survey was made by Rowland Johnson and John Fleminge. The journal is probably by Thomas Churchyard the poet, who was present at the siege. The plate is a facsimile of the plan in the first edition of Holinshed. It gives a bird's-eye view of the town and castle of Edinburgh at the time of the siege, and is probably the work of Rowland John- son. T., A. Medical report of Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1817-18. 8°. v. 2, p. 48-52, 550-555) *DA The second article is signed J. W. T. Tait, W. Annual report on the health of the Edinburgh police force for 1846. (Edinburgh medical and surgical journal Edinburgh, 1848. 8°. v. 69, p. 292-308.) ' WAA Tait, W. A. Some notes regarding the construction, maintenance, etc., of the Edinburgh and district water works. 4 pi. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 17, p. 211- 230.) VA Tale, A, of the plague in Edinburgh. (Chambers's Edinburgh journal. London, 1833. f°. v. 1, p. 57-58.) *DA Scene is laid in the year 1645. Reprinted in The Portfolio, and companion to the select circulating library, part I, Jan. — June 1835, p. 21-22. Philadelphia, 1835. Terry, Charles Sanford. The siege of Edinburgh Castle, March -June, 1689. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 163-172.) CPA Thorns, George Hunter MacThomas. The bells of St. Giles, Edinburgh, with a notice of the missing bells of the chapel of Holyrood House. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 94-102.) CPA Thomson, G. Statement and review of a recent decision of the judge of police in Edinburgh: authorising his officers to make domiciliary visits in private families, to stop dancing, etc. [By G. Thomson; signed Civis.j Edinburgh: Manners & Miller, 1807. 14 p. 8°. *Cp.v.470 Thomson, John. Some observations on the varioloid disease, which has lately pre- vailed in Edinburgh, and on the identity of chicken-pox and modified small-pox. (Edin- burgh medical and surgical journal. Edin- burgh, 1818. 8°. v. 14, p. 518-527.) WAA Thomson, Thomas. List of the protocol books of the city of Edinburgh; with ex- tracts. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8 s . v. 5, p. 141-164.) CPA List of the protocol books, with some notice of the other records of the borough of Canongate and regality and barony of Brochton, Edinburgh, with ex- tracts. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 354-368.) CPA To the Protestant electors of Edinburgh. Brother electors and fellow citizens... tA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 353 History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. [185-?]. 4 p. *Cp.v. 1138 Tourist, The, in Scotland. Days in Edin- burgh. 5 illus. (Leisure hour. London, 1860. 4°. v. 9, p. 470-474.) * DA Tourneur, Nigel. Some aspects of Edinburgh. 7 illus. (The Criterion. New York, 1905. f°. v. 6, p. 5-11.) t * DD Trotter, Alexander. Correspondence be- tween... the lord provost John Learmonth], and Alexander Trotter of Dreghorn. [Edinburgh, 1831.] 3 p. f°. Anent Playfair's modified plan for building upon the Mound. Observations upon a building pro- posed to be erected on the earthen mound, at Edinburgh. [Edinburgh, 1829.] 8, 4 p., 1 plan. 4°. Lacks title-page. Tytler, William. On the fashionable amusements and entertainments in Edin- burgh in the last century, with a plan of a grand concert of music on St. Cecilia's day, 1675. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 499-510.) t CPA Vernon, Ernest Ralph. A narrative of the Royal Scottish Volunteer review in Holyrood Park, on the 7th of August, 1860, with a list of the names of all the volun- teers who were present on the occasion. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1860. 2 p.l., 115(1) p., 2 pi. 8°. *Cp.v.428 Views of Edinburgh. (Fraser's maga- zine. London, 1848. 8°. v. 38, p. 481-494.) *DA A description of the old town. Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, v. 16, p. 114- 125, New York, 1849. Visit, A, to the "House of John Knox," Edinburgh. 2 illus. (The Sunday at home. London, 1863. 4°. v. 10, p. 742-744.) t*DD The illustrations are: (1) John Knox's house, Edinburgh; (2) The John Knox Free Church, Canon- gate, Edinburgh. Volunteer review, The, at Edinburgh in 1860. 1 full page illus. (Leisure hour. London, 1881. 4°. v. 30, p. 493-495.) * DA W., J. Historical sketches of John Knox's house and its museum. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1862. 43 p., 1 pi. 16°. * C p.v. 1042 Walker, James. Port of Edinburgh. Report on its improvement, addressed to Messrs. Gibb and Home, W. S... Lon- don: Ibotson & Palmer, printers, 1835. 1 p.l., 16 p., 1 map. 8°. TPN p.v. 2 Walker, Patricius, Esq., pseud? Ram- bles. At Edinburgh. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1871. 8°. v. 84, p. 458-480.) * DA Descriptive of a visit. Wallace-James, J. G. Edinburgh bailies. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8° v. 14, p. 95.) CPA Watson, Charles B. Boog. Notes on the early history of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, and of the house in the Cow- gate in which the society and its library and museum were originally accommodated, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 250-264.) CPA Watson, W. F. Edinburgh: its houses and its noted inhabitants, chiefly those of the 17th and 18th centuries. Catalogue of original drawings, engravings, etc., selected from the private collection of W. F. Wat- son... [Edinburgh, 1865.] 37 p. 8°. CRp.box Watt, Francis. The book of Edinburgh anecdote. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. 6 p.l., 293 p.', 1 pi., 32 port. 12°. CR Edinburgh and the Lothians. With twelve illustrations in colour by W. Dex- ter. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1912.1 xv, 333(1) p., 12 pi. 8°. CR Waverley, The, guide book to Edinburgh & its environs. Edinburgh: James Middle- mass & Co. [187-?] 2 p.l., 81(1) p., 1 pi. 12°. Wedmore, Frederick. Art and land- scape in Edinboro'. (Temple Bar. Lon- don, 1881. 8°. v. 63, p. 502-511.) *DA Weirter, Louis. The story of Edinburgh Castle by L. Weirter. With an introduc- tion by Patrick Geddes. With sixteen collotypes and an etched frontispiece by the author, also eight drawings in line by O. Schlapp. London: G. G. Harrap & Co., 1913. xvi, 253(1) p., 25 pi. f°. t CRF West Bow, The, Edinburgh. (Sharpe's London magazine. London, 1846. 4°. v. 2, p. 354-355.) * DA With full page illustration on p. 323. Wigham. John,' the younger. Letter to the citizens of Edinburgh, on the expe- diency of establishing a house of refuge for juvenile offenders, with an appendix. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute, 1832. 33 p. 8°. * C p.v.458 Williamson, Peter. Williamson's direc- tory for the city of Edinburgh, Canongate, Leith, and suburbs, from the 25th May 1773, to 25th May 1774, being the first pub- lished. Reprinted in exact facsimile. With a prefatory note. Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1889. xii, 91(1), 12 p. 24°. CR One of 155 copies printed for sale. Only four copies of the original are known to exist. Wilson, Sir Daniel. Edinburgh. (En- cyclopaedia Britannica. Boston, 1877. 9. ed. 4°. v. 7, p. 659-668.) *R-f*AL Printed from the Edinburgh plates. 354 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. John Knox's house, Netherbow, Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 154-162.) CPA Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1872. xiv p., 1 L, 472 p., 2 plans, 40 pi. new ed. f °. Stuart 1060 A reprint, without the author's permission or revision, of the first edition of 1848. Edinburgh and London: A. & C. Black, 1891. 2 v. 2. ed. f°. ft CR Large paper copy. No. 17 of 150 copies printed. The plan in v. 1 is a reduced copy of Gordon of Rothiemay's view of Edinburgh in 1647. Notes of the search for the tomb of the royal foundress of the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity at Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 554-565.) CPA Notice of St. Margaret's Chapel, Edinburgh Castle, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 291-316.) CPA — ■ — Queen Mary and the Legend of the Black Turnpike. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 415-435.) CPA Reminiscences of old Edinburgh. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1878. 2 v. 8°. CR St. Ninian's suburb, and the Col- legiate Church of the Holy Trinity, founded at Edinburgh by Queen Mary of Gueldres, the widow of James n., in 1462. 24 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 128-170.) CPA The so-called Roman heads of the Nether Bow. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 203-209.) . CPA Wilson, John. Edinburgh election. [By John Wilson.) (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1831. 8°. v. 29, p. 867-900.) * DA Election of 1831. Z., Y. A letter from a layman in the country, to, &c. Concerning the act of Parliament [10 Geo. ii. c. 35], for bringing to justice the murderers of Captain John Porteous. [Edinburgh:] printed, 1737. 36 p. 8°. CP p.box 2 Edinburgh, Sheriffdom of Retour, The, and royal warrant of taxa- tion of the lands in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh. 1479. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4° 431.) v. 3, p. 425- tCP Edinburghshire Chalmers, George. Edinburghshire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1810. 4° v 2 p. 555-830.) f'cP Edzell Castle, Forfarshire Gammack, James. Sculptures at Edzell Castle, Forfarshire. 2 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq 8° v. 1, p. 150-151; v. 2, p. 17-18.) CPA Jervise, Andrew. Notice of the ruins of baths discovered at Edzell Castle, Forfar- shire, in May, 1855, &c. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 226-229) CPA Eglinton, Ayrshire Aikman, James. An account of the tour- nament at Eglinton . . . illustrated by repre- sentations of the various scenes. ..by W. Gordon; with a biographical notice of the Eglinton family; to which is prefixed a sketch of chivalry, and of the most re- markable Scottish tournaments. Edin- burgh: Hugh Paton, 1839. 2 pi, xii, 20 p., 5 pi. 4°. fCR Curling, Henry. A ramble to the Eg- lintoun tournament. (United service jour- nal. London, 1840. 8°. t v. 32,, p. 35-53.) VWA Eglinton, The, tournament. The last tournament. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 810-818.) *DA Fairlie-Cuninghame, Caroline. The Eg- linton tournament. 10 illus. (Pall Mall. London, 1896. 8°. v. 8, p. 28-38.) *DA Full, A, account of the tournament at Eglinton Castle. Glasgow: W. Inglis, 1839. 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v.678 Full, A, report of the grand tournament at Eglinton Castle; with a sketch of the noble family of Eglinton . . . Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Co., 1839. 1 pi, 3-16 p. sm. 4°. * C p.v. 1093 Guide to the tournament at Eglinton Castle. . .Aug., 1839. Irvine: M. Dick, 1839. 31(1) p., 1 map, 14 pi. COF L., T. D. The Eglinton tournament. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1839. 4°. v. 6, p. 697-716.) *DA Tournament at Eglinton Castle, on Wednesday and Friday, 28. and 30. August 1839. Glasgow: W. Hamilton, 1839. 24 p. 16°. CL p.box 4 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 355 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Eigg, Inverness-shire Askill, pseud. The Black Cave of the M'Donalds. A legend of Eig. (Pocket magazine. London, 1829. 16°. v. 2, p. 65- 69.) * DE Miller, James W. Skye, Gairloch, Eigg, and Loch Maree. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 p.l., 94 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. (Miller's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and islands.) KFT R., A. B. The cave of Uig [sic, Eigg] and the cave of Dahra. (Douglas Jerrold's shilling magazine. London, 1845. 12°. v. 2, p. 167-171.) * DE A parallel between the burning of the people in the two caves. Robertson, Charles M. Topography and traditions of Eigg. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 193-210.) NDO Ross, J. Calder. Memorial stone at Kil- donan, Eigg. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 167-168.) CPA Notes on the island of Eigg. 2 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 47-49, 82-84, 130-131.) CPA Eildon Hills, Roxburghshire Bower, John. The history and antiqui- ties of Melrose, Old Melrose, and Dry- burgh abbeys, with a description of Ab- - botsford, Eildon Hills, etc., etc. [By John Bower.] Melrose: J. Bower [pref. 1847]. viii, 9-99 p., 3 pi. 16°. CRF Eileach-an-Naoimh, Argyllshire Hannan, Thomas. A long lost island — Hinba. illus. (English illustrated mag- azine. London, 1912. 8°. v. 47, p. 123- 133.) * DA Ireland, William W. A visit to Eileach- an-Naoimh (Hinba). illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 182-192.) CPA Island, The, of the Saints. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 178, p. 245-253.) * DA Elcho, Perthshire Ballingal, James. The Rhynd and El- cho: a parish history. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1905. 5 p.l., 100 p. illus. 12°. CR Introduction. The parish in ancient times. Elcho nunnery. After the Reformation. The old church and the new. Elcho Castle. The Joug stane. Lands and heritages. The kirk of Rhynd. Elgin, Elginshire Cooper, James. Some old Elgin houses. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 2, p. 1-21.) CPA Dunbar, Archibald Hamilton. "The prayer bell," commonly called "The min- ister's bell," in the parish church of Elgin. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 338-340.) CPA Elgin. The records of Elgin. 1234-1800. Compiled by William Cramond. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1903-08. 2 v. pi. 4°. (New Spalding Club. Publications.) tCP v. 2 edited by Rev. Stephen Ree. Elginshire See also Moray Elginshire. — Road and Bridges Inspec- tor. Report upon the roads, bridges, and highways, in the county of Elgin, with estimates of the sums required for their maintenance and repair. Elgin: J. Black, prtr, 1864. 22 p. 8°. Jervise, Andrew. Epitaphs & inscrip- tions from burial grounds & old buildings in the north east of Scotland, with histori- cal, biographical, genealogical, and anti- quarian notes, also an appendix of illustra- tive capers. With a memoir of the author. [Edited by James Anderson.] Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1875-79. 2 v. 1 pi., 1 port, illus. sq. 8°. ARF v. 1 is no. 92 of 250 copies printed; v. 2 is no. 11 of 400 copies printed. Shaw, Lachlan. Of Elgin and the shire of Murray. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. London, 1776. 4. ed. 4°. v. 1, p. 287-312.) t CPW Ellon, Aberdeenshire Mair, Thomas. Records of the parish of Ellon. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1876. vii(i), 172 p. 8°. ARX Enterkin, Dumfriesshire Brown, John. The Enterkin. Edin- burgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1865. 32 p., 1 pi. 16°. *Cp.v. 684 Eskdale, Dumfriesshire Armstrong, Robert Bruce. The history of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wau- chopedale, and the Debateable Land... part 1. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1883. fac, map, plan, pi., port. 4°. t CR 356 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Hyslop, John, and R. Hyslop. Langholm as it was; a history of Langholm and Esk- dale from the earliest times. Sunderland: Hills and Company, 1912. xv(i), 922 p., 2 maps, 2 plans, illus. 8°. CR Falkland Palace, Fifeshire Kinross, John. The antiquities of Falk- land. (East of Scotland Union of Natural- ists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth, 1895 8°. 1891-95, p. 50-57.) Pqa' Wood, Major. The antiquities of Falk- land. (East of Scotland Union of Natural- ists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth, 1895 8°. 1891-95, p. 36-50.) Pqa Ettrick Forest, Selkirkshire Craig-Brown, T. The history of Sel- kirkshire; or, Chronicles of Ettrick Forest. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1886. 2 v. 4°. CR Ewesdale, Dumfriesshire Armstrong, Robert Bruce. The history of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wau- chopedale, and the Debateable Land... part 1. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1883. fac, map, plan, pi., port. 4°. t CR Fala, Edinburghshire and Haddingtonshire Hunter, James. Fala and Soutra: in- cluding a history of the ancient "Domus de Soltre" with its masters and great revenues and of other historical associations and buildings. Edinburgh: J. G. Hitt, 1892. xiv, 154 p., 9 pi., 2 port. 4°. t CRB no. 34 of 50 copies printed. Falkirk, Stirlingshire Birch, Walter de Gray. On a thirteenth century Scottish charter relating to Fal- kirk. 1 fac. (British Archaeological As- sociation. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 63-64.) CA Fearn Abbey, Ross-shire FearnAbbey, Ross-shire. (Scots mag- azine. Perth p. 98-100.) 1899. 8° new series, v. 23, *DE Fenwick, Ayrshire Jonas, Alfred Charles. Extracts from Fenwick parish records, 1644-1699. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 27-52.) CPA Fermaktyn See under Formartine Fetlar, Shetland Johnston, Alfred Wintle. Fetlar folk in 1716. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 103-106.) CR Teinds of Fetlar, Shetland, 1732-5. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caith- ness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 119-122.) CR With note on p. 122 by A. W. Johnston. Falkirk. Engineer's Office Meteorological report. 1908-09. [1909-lOj. 8°. Falkirk PRR Medical Officer of Health Annual report. 1912. [Falkirk, 1913.] 8°. SPC Sanitary Inspector Annual report. 1912. [Falkirk, 1913.1 8°. SPC Miller, Peter. Notes on the derivation and meaning of the place-name of Fal- kirk, as ascertained from charters and other historical documents. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 58-65.) CPA Fettercairn, Kincardineshire Cameron, Archibald Cowie. The history of Fettercairn, a parish in the county of Kincardine. Paisley: J. and R. Parlane, 1899. 3 p.l., 280 p., 1 pi., 1 port, illus. 12°. CR Fifeshire Beveridge, David. Between the Ochils & Forth. A description topographical & historical of the country between Stirling Bridge and Aberdour. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1888. xiv, 396 p., 1 map. 12°. CP Beveridge, Erskine. A bibliography of works relating to Dunfermline and the rest of Fife including publications of writers connected with the district. Dunfermline: LIST OF. WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 357 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. privately printed by W. Clark & Son, 1901. xxiv, 320 p. sq. 8°. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Publications, v. 5.) *GAA Conolly, Matthew Forster. Fifiana: or, Memorials of the east of Fife. Glasgow: J. Tweed, 1869. viii, (1)4-345 p., 1 fac, 1 pi., 1 port, illus. 8°. CR Crawford, J. H. Fifeshire. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 21, p. 33-59.) *DA Hutchison, T. The kingdom of Fife. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1878. 8°. new series, v. 17, p. 93-113.) * DA Leighton, John M. History of the county of Fife, from the earliest period to the present time., .with numerous engrav- ings... on steel, by Joseph Swan; from original drawings. . .by James Stewart. Glasgow: J. Swan, 1840. 3 v. f°. ft CRB Lothian, James, the younger. The banks of the Forth: a descriptive and historical sketch. Alloa: J. Lothian, 1862. iv, 96 p. 12°. CRB Mackay, Mneas James George. A his- tory of Fife and Kinross. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1896. xiv, 404 p., 2 maps. 8°. CR List of books relating to Fife and Kinross. (Edinburgh Bibliographical So- ciety. Publications. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-30.) * GAA This list also forms an appendix to the same author's Fife and Kinross. Sibbald, Sir Robert. The history. . .of the sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross, with a description of both, and of the Firths of Forth and Tay, and the islands in them. . . Cupar-Fife: R. Tullis, 1803. xvi, 468 p., 3 1., 4 pi. 8°. CR Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour. Con- tributions to the history of Fife. Random memories. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1888. 8°. v. 4, p. 507-512.) * DA Taylor, James W. Historical antiquities of Fife, chiefly ecclesiastical, connected with some of its districts. Edinburgh : Johnstone, Hunter, & Co., 1875. 2 v. 2. ed. 12°. CR Valentine, Easton S. Fifeshire. Cam- bridge: University Press, 1910. ix, 187 p., 2 maps, illus. 12°. (Cambridge county geographies. Scotland.) KFT FlNLAYSTONE, RENFREWSHIRE Pinnington, Edward. Finlaystone. 8 il- lus. (Good words. London, 1898. 8°. v. 39, p. 823-829.) * DA On the residence and art collection of George J. Kidston. Finnieston, Lanarkshire Narrative, A, of the surprising work of God in the conversion of souls in Kilsyth, Finnieston and Cumbernauld, and the re- vival of religion in Anderston and Paisley; with an account of the remarkable occur- rences which took place at the dispensa- tion of the sacrament at Kilsyth, on 22d September 1839. Glasgow: D. Maclure, 1839. 32 p. 12°. ZWGF p.v.13 Fintry, Stirlingshire Smith, John Guthrie. Strathendrick, and its inhabitants from early times. An account of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, Killearn, Drymen, Buchanan, and Kilma- ronock. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1896. xxvi p., 1 1., 410 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 map, 9 pi., 1 port. 4°. CR One of 440 copies printed. Firth of Forth Aytoun, Alexander. The defence of the Firth - of Forth. [Preface signed A. A., i. e., A. Aytoun?] [Edinburgh? 1875?] 19 p. 8°. VWN p.box 2 Cadell, Henry Moubray. The story of the Forth. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1913. xvii, 299 p., 6 maps, 2 plans, 49 pi., 2 port. sq. 8°. 1. The foundations of the Forth valley. 2. The age of swamps and forests. 3. Ancient land agita- tions. 4. Rivers and their ways. 5. The first be- ginnings of the Forth. 6. The buried channels of the Forth valley. 7. The great ice age. 8. The old lochs of Edinburgh.^ 9, 10. Carron company and the rise of the Scottish iron industry^ 11 : The Scottish oil industry. 12. Land reclamation in the Forth valley. 13. A new foreshore reclamation scheme. 14. The clearing of Blairdrummond moss. A famous old labour colony. Sibbald, Sir Robert. The history of the sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross, with a description of both, and of the Firths of Forth and Tay, and the islands in them. . . Cupar-Fife: R. Tullis, 1803. xvi, 468 p., 3 1., 4 pi. new ed. 8°. CR Firth of Tay Sibbald, Sir Robert. The history... of the sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross, with a description of both, and of the Firths of Forth and Tay, and the islands in them. . . Cupar-Fife: R. Tullis, 1803. xvi, 468 p., 3 1., 4 pi. new ed. 8°. CR Fordoun, Kincardineshire Jervise, Andrew. Notices of St. Palla- dius' Chapel, and of a coffin-slab, at For- 358 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. doun. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 187S. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 730-735.) CPA Paton, James. The annals of Fordoun. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 136- 140.) CPA Forfar, Forfarshire Carrie, John. The castle of Forfar, and royalty. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 65-66.) CPA Forfar Scientific Institution, or School of Arts. Rules and regulations, as agreed on at a general meeting held on 10th June 1826. Forfar: Alexander Anderson, printer, 1826. 11 p. 16°. ZECp.v.83 Lowson, Alexander. The seal or coat of arms of the royal burgh of Forfar. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-2.) CPA Forfarshire Auchterlonie, John. Ochterlony's ac- count of the shire of Forfar, 1684-5. (In: A. J. Warden, Angus or Forfarshire . . . Dundee, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 252-278.) CR Account of the shire of Forfar, circa 1682. (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 311-350.) ZDVH Crawford, J. H. Forfarshire. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 276- 300.) * DA Jervise, Andrew. Epitaphs & inscrip- tions from burial grounds & old buildings in the north-east of Scotland, with histori- cal, biographical, genealogical, and anti- quarian notes, also an appendix of illustra- tive papers. With a memoir of the author. [Edited by James Anderson.] Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1875-79. 2 v. 1 pi., 1 port. sq. 8°. ARF 2 is no. illus. v. 1 is no. 92 of 250 copies printed 11 of 400 copies printed. Notes regarding historical and anti- quarian peculiarities of the districts in Forfarshire, where the various relics now presented to the museum of the society were found. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 64-70.) CPA Notices descriptive of the localities of certain sculptured stone monuments in Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 187-199, 242-251, 442- 450, 458-466.) CPA Millar, Alexander Hastie. The histori- cal castles and mansions of Scotland. Perthshire and Forfarshire. Paisley A Gardner, 1890. 2 p.L, 4-448 p., 1 pi. i'n us ' 8°. CRF Ochterlony, John. See Auchterlonie, John. Papers from the charter chest of the earl of Airlie at Cortachy Castle, 1420-1560. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen 1849. 4°. v. 4, p. 115-122.) fCP Rogers, Charles. Jottings from the records of a farming society in the county of Forfar, 1803-1814, under the perpetual presidentship of its originator the cele- brated George Dempster of Dunnichen. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16 p. 231-235.) CPA Warden, Alexander Johnston. Angus or Forfarshire; the land and people, de- scriptive and historical. Dundee: C. Alex- ander, 1880-1885. 5 v. maps. 8°. CR ' v. 1: (1) Primeval race. (2) Sepulchral re- mains. (3) Forts and weems. (4) Descriptive, (a) Angus in districts, (b) Rivers and lochs, (c) Forests, soil, crops, and roads. (5) Manners, customs, and events. (6) Language. (7) Education. (8) His- toric and noble families. v. 2: (8, continued). (9) [Monastic history.] (10) Geology and botany of Forfarshire. (11) Members of Parliament for Angus. (12) Sheriffs of_ Forfarshire. (13) Old descriptions of Forfar- shire (a. Edward's description of the county of Angus, 1678; b. Ochterlony's account of the shire of Forfar, 1684-5). (14) Angus in parishes. v. 3-5. Angus in parishes, v. 5, p. 233-251: Valuation roll of 1683. Wilson, W. B. Robertson. Forfarshire as a factor in Scottish life and thought. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907, sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 17-21, 41-45, 50-53, 69-71, 81-84, 105.) CPA Forgue, Aberdeenshire Stuart, John. Notice of two ancient sil- ver chalices and a silver basin belonging to the parish of Forgue, Aberdeenshire, and of their donors, James Crichton of Frendraught, and his son, the Viscount Frendraught. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 91-109.) CPA Reprints (from Motherwell) the old ballad on the burning of Frendraught. Formartine, Aberdeenshire Temple, William. The thanage of Fermartyn, including the district com- monly called Formartine; its proprie- tors, with genealogical deductions, its LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 359 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. parishes, ministers, churches. . .antiquities, &c. Aberdeen: D.Wyllie& Son, 1894. xvi, 710 p., 1 1., port. 4°. ARX Forres, Elginshire Cluny Hill Hydropathic Establishment, Forres, Morayshire. Elgin: Courant Of- fice, 1869. 24 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 16°. * C p.v. 752 Markland, J. H. Some remarks on the pillar or obelisk at Forres, Morayshire, called Sueno's stone. 2 p., 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Vetusta monu- menta. London, 1835. f°. v. 5.) ft CA Forteviot, Perthshire i Skene, William Forbes. Observations on Forteviot, the site of the ancient capi- tal of Scotland, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archaologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 271- / 279.) t CPA Forvie, Aberdeenshire Dalgarno, James. Notes on the parish of Slains and Forvie in the olden days. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 81-82, 104-105, 121, 141-142, 152-153, 170-171, 185-186.) CPA Foula, Shetland Veitch, Capt. James. Account of the island of Foula. 1 map, 1 pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 237-252.) PQA Foveran, Aberdeenshire Eeles, Francis Carolus. Two incised slabs: at Foveran, Aberdeenshire, and Oathlaw,_ Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 308-316.) CPA Fowlis-Easter, Perthshire Jervise, Andrew. Notice regarding the foundation of the church of Fowlis in Gowrie. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 241-248.) CPA Frendraught, Aberdeenshire Burton, John Hill. The burning of Frendraught. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852 8°. v. 1, p. 202-235.) SLN Rampini, Charles. The burning of Frendraught. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1S87. 8°. v. 10, p. 143-163.) * DA Fyvie Castle, Aberdeenshire Ross, Janet. Fyvie Castle, and its lairds. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 53, p. 465-474.) * DA Gairloch, Ross-shire Dixon, John H. Gairloch in north-west Ross-shire. Its records, traditions, inhab- itants, and natural history. With a guide to Gairloch and Loch Maree... Edin- burgh: Co-operative Print. Co., 1886. xlviii, 435 p., 1 map, 2 port. 8°. CR Miller, James W. Skye, Gairloch, Eigg, and Loch Maree. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 p.l., 94 p., 4 pi., 1 map. 12°. (Miller's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and islands.) KFT Galashiels, Selkirkshire Hall, Robert. The history of Galashiels. Published under the auspices of the Gala- shiels Manufacturers' Corporation. Gala- shiels: A. Walker & Son, 1898. 7 p.l., 601 p., 3 maps, 14 pi. 4°. CR no. 306 of 425 copies printed. Galloway See also Kirkcudbrightshire and Wigtownshire Agnew, Sir Andrew. The hereditary sheriffs of Galloway, their "forebears" and friends, their courts and customs of their times. With notes of the early history, ecclesiastical legends, the baronage and placenames of the province. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1893. 2 v. illus. 8°. CP Collingwood, William Gershom. Scan- dinavian Britain. With chapters introduc- tory to the subject by F. Y. Powell. Lon- don: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1908. 16°. CD p. 221-226: Dumfriesshire and Galloway. Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Raider- land: all about grey Galloway, its stories, traditions, characters, humours; with illus- 360 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. trations by J. Pennell. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1904. xvi, 327 p., 56 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR Edwardes, C. In wild Galloway. (Gen- tleman's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 63-76.) * DA Fergusson, James. Galloway and her feudal sheriffs. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1893. 8°. v. 22, p. 104-132.) * DA Kyle, W. G. A spring morning in Gallo- way. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8". new series, v. 25, p. 426-430.) * DE Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. The five great churches of Galloway. 84 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeolog- ical Association. Archseological and his- torical collections. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. 1-232.) t CA Mackenzie, William. The history of Galloway, from the earliest period to the present time. [ By William Mackenzie. i Kirkcudbright: J. Nicholson, 1841. 2 v. 8°. CRB M'Kerlie, Peter Handyside. Galloway in ancient and modern times. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1891. ix, 324 p., 1 1. 12°. CR History of the lands and their own- ers in Galloway... With a historical sketch of the district. Edinburgh: W. Pat- terson, 1870-79. 5 v. 12°. ARX. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. A his- tory of Dumfries and Galloway. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1896. xv, 411 p., 4 maps. 8°. CR Murray, Thomas. The literary history of Galloway, from the earliest period to the present time; with an appendix con- taining, with other illustrations, notices of the civil history of Galloway at the end of the thirteenth century. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. CR Riddell, Robert, of Glenriddel. An ac- count of the ancient lordship of Galloway, from the earliest period to the year 1455, when it was annexed to the crown of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Lon- don. Archaeologia. London, 1789. 4°. v. 9, p. 49-60.) f CA Ross, Thomas, joint author. See Mac- gibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. Symson, Andrew. A large description of Galloway. (In: William Mackenzie, The history of Galloway... Kirkcudbright, 1841. 8°. v. 2, appendix, p. [ix,-xviii, 1 I., [21,-224.) CRB This work was written during the years 1684 and 1692. Galloway, Synod of Galloway, Synod of. The register of the synod of Galloway, from October, 1664 to April, 1671. Kirkcudbright: J. Nichol- son, 1856. 1 p.l., xiii p., 1 1., 204 p. 8°. ZPWY Garioch, Aberdeenshire C. The bounds of the regallity of Ga- rioch w* a consultation thereupon Jany. 17 1679. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 152-153.) CPA Davidson, John. Inverurie and the earl- dom of the Garioch. A topographical and historical account of the Garioch from the earliest times to the revolution settlement. With a genealogical appendix... Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1878. xxii p., 1 1., 593 p., 1 pi. 4°. CR Garvock, Kincardineshire Gammack, James. Notice of a bronze censer found under the floor of the old church of Garvock, Kincardineshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 180-182.) CPA Gigha, Argyllshire White, Thomas Pilkington. The eccle- siastical antiquities of the district of Knap- dale, Argyllshire, and the islands of Gigha and Cara. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 383-388.) CPA Glamis, Forfarshire Stirton, John. Notes on the old parish church of Glamis. illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 186-197.) CPA Glamis Castle, Forfarshire Howitt, William. Glammis Castle. 1 illus. (Howitt's journal. London, 1847. 4°. v. 2, p. 121-123.) *DA Strathmore (1. earl), Patrick Lyon. The book of record. A diary. . .and other docu- ments relating to Glamis Castle, 1684-1689. Edited from the original mss. at Glamis with introduction and notes by A. H. Mil- lar. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1890. xlvi p., 1 1., 194 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 8°. (Scot- tish History Society. Publications, v. 9.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 361 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Glasgow, Lanarkshire See also Education and Public Documents Address, The, of the Provest, Baillies Town Council and citizens of the city of Glasgow to King William and Queen Mary upon their Majestys' accession to the throne. 1 Feb. mdcxc. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 57-61.) t CP Addresses delivered on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Barony Free Church. Oct. 6th, 1866. Glas- gow: D. Bryce, 1866. IS p. 8°. ZWH p. box 1 Alexander, Robert. Letter to Sir Jiames] Mackintosh, explanatory of the whole circumstances which led to the rob- bery of the Glasgow Sentinel office; to the death of Sir Alexander Boswell; to the trial of James Stuart, younger of Dunearn; and, ultimately to the animadversions of the Hon. James Abercromby, in the House of Commons, upon the conduct of the... lord advocate [Sir William Raej . . . Glas- gow: Sentinel Office, 1822. 100 p. 8°. AN (Borthwick) p.v. 1 Alston, William M. The old quay walls of Glasgow harbour. 8 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. 8°. v. 46, p. 305-327.) VDA Baillie's Institution : Free Library. Hand- book. Glasgow, 1907. 17 p., 1 pi. 8°. *HPD Glasgow, 1912. 19(1) p. illus. 3. ed. 8°. * HPD Report. 1889/90-1906/7. Glas- gow, 1890-1907. 8°. *HPD Barbe, Louis A. Riotous Glasgow. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913.] 8°. p. 253-266.) CP Barony Free Church. Statement of facts which was made before the Glasgow presbytery when the plans of the Barony Free Church were sanctioned... Glas- gow, 1866. 10 p. 12°. ZWH p. box 1 Reprinted from the Glasgow newspapers of Feb. 8th, 1866. Bell, Sir James, and James Paton. Glas- gow: its municipal organization and ad- ministration. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1896. xxiii, 426 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 4°. SER Black, Adam, and Charles Black. Guide through Glasgow., .illustrated by a plan of the city, map of Lanarkshire, charts and views. Edinburgh, 1847. 3. ed. 16°. KFT p. box Black, William George. The derivation of the word "Glasgow." (Glasgow Arch- aeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 219-228.) CPA Botfield, Beriah. Notices of libraries. 95 p. (Philobiblion Society. Miscellanies. London, 1861. 8°. v. 6.) * GAA The Hunterian Museum at Glasgow, p. 3-14. British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Glasgow meeting, 1901. Excursions, no. 1-13. Glasgow: printed by Carter & Pratt [1901]. v. p. 12°. CP Brook, Alexander James Steel. An ac- count of the maces of the universities of St. _ Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, the College of Justice, the city of Edinburgh, &c. 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 440-514.) CPA Brown, John T. T. The Inquest of David. Text, translation, and notes. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 36-46, 111.) CPA Buildings, The, of the new Royal In- firmary at Glasgow. (Lancet. London, 1901. 4°. 1901, v. 1, p. 339-340.) WAA Caledonian Railway Co. The Central Station Hotel, Glasgow. Glasgow: Mc- Corquodale & Co., 1899. 53 p. 12°. KFT p. box 9 Carmichael, Neil. The Garnethill scar- let fever epidemic: a microscopical in- vestigation regarding its cause. 1 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1889. 8°. v. 20, p. 234-239.) * EC Chalmers, James. A scheme of crema- tion suited to the requirements of Glasgow. 2 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1889. 8°. v. 20, p. 193-195.) * EC Chalmers, P. Macgregor. The cathedral church of Glasgow: a description of its fabric and a brief history of the archi- episcopal see. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1914. 2 p.l., vii-xii, 95 p., 1 1., 1 plan, 1 pi. illus. 12°. (Bell's cathedral series.) MRBR Chap. IV. contains a chronological list of the bishops, archbishops, and ministers from 1109. Glasgow cathedral: notes from a sketch of its history. (Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1898. 8°. v. 29, p. 280-297.) * EC A thirteenth century tomb in Glas- gow cathedral. 1 pi. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 36, p. 184-188.) * EC Charters and other documents relating to the city of Glasgow, a. d. 1175-1707. 362 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. Edited by Sir James D. Marwick. Glas- gow: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1894-1906. 2 v. in 3. 4°. CR Chisholm, Sir Samuel. The history and the results of the operations of the Glas- gow City Improvement Trust. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 27, p. 39- 56.) * EC City of Glasgow Bank. Trial of the City of Glasgow Bank directors. Edited by William Wallace. Glasgow: W. Hodge 6 Co. rl905.] 2 p.l., (1) viii p., 1 1., 472 p., 2 pi., 10 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN City, The, of Glasgow and its records. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1898. 8°. v. 32, p. 249-271.) * DA Cleland, James. The rise and prog- ress of the city of Glasgow, comprising an account of its public buildings, chari- ties and other concerns. Glasgow: J. Brash & Co., 1820. 3 p.l., iii, (1)10-296 p. 8°. CR Statistical facts descriptive of the former and present state of Glasgow, read in the statistical section of the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science ...22. August 1836... Glasgow: Bell and Bain, 1837. 24 p. 8°. CRp.box Statistics relative to Glasgow. [By James Cleland.] Glasgow: E. Khull [1834]. 7 p. 12°. Drawn up for the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Edinburgh, Sept. 8, 1834. Clercq, D. de. Glasgow en hare ge- meente-organisatie, een voorbeeld van prak- tisch socialisme met eene beschouwing over inkomsten- of grondrente belasting. Amsterdam: S. L. van Looy, 1891. 35 p. 8°. TB p.v. 63 Cochrane, The, correspondence regard- ing the affairs of Glasgow, m.dcc.xlv-vi. [Edited by James Dennistoun.] Glasgow: Maitland Club, 1836. xxvi, 151 p. 4°. f CP Andrew Cochrane was provost of Glasgow during the Young Pretender's occupation of the city. Collegiate Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Saint Anne, Glasgow. Liber Collegii Nostre Domine Registrum Eccle- sie B. V. Marie et S. Anne infra muros civitatis Glasguensis mdxlix. Accedunt Munimenta Fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu Domus Dominicane apud Glas- guenses carte que supersunt mccxliv-mdlix. Glasgue: t excudebant Bell et Bain,] 1846. cii, 303(1) p., 1 1. (corrigenda), sq. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CA Colville, James. Town life in the eigh- teenth century. (In his: By-ways of his- tory. Edinburgh, 1897. 12°. p. 279-325) CP "Common Sense," pseud. Common Sense on the domestic habits of the people [Of Glasgow]. With six illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: C. Gilpin 1852. vi, 96 p., 6 pi. 12°. MEM Connal, Michael. Memorial relative to the Hospital of St. Nicholas. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 135-179.) CPA Crawfurd, George. A sketch of the rise and progress of the Trades' House of Glasgow, its constitution, funds, and bye- laws. Glasgow: printed by Bell & Bain 1858. xi(i), 332 p., 1 plan. 8°. CR Dallas, John. Extension of city boun- daries. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 42, p. 34-54.) * EC Dennistoun, James, editor. See Coch- rane, The, correspondence. Dickson, James Hunter, and James Paton. The present position of the mu- seum and art galleries of Glasgow. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1886. 8°. v. 17, p. 64-77.) *EC Dickson, William Purdie. The Glas- gow University Library. Its growth by donations. (Library. London, 1896. 8°. v. 8, p. 381-393.) * HA Dillon, John. Catalogue of books be- longing to the cathedral church of Glas- gow, taken in the year 1432, from the Chartulary of Glasgow [with] Notes and observations on the preceding catalogue of books. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 328-349.) f CPA Dodd, George. Glasgow. 1 pi. illus. (In: The land we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British Empire. London, n. d. 4°. v. 2, p. 293-324.) f CBD Dolman, Frederick. Glasgow. (In his: Municipalities at work. London, 1895. 12°. p. 64-84.) SER Donald, Colin Dunlop. An old house in the Stockwell gate. (Glasgow Archs- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 88-101.) CPA The Ramshorn kirk and kirk-yard. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 184-188.) CPA Doran, John. Memories of our great towns, with anecdotic gleanings... Lon- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 363 History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. don: Chatto & Windus, 1878. 3 p.L, 449 p. 8°. CBA Glasgow, p. 393-423. Dowden, John. The inventory of orna- ments, jewels, relicks, vestments, service- books, etc., belonging to the Cathedral Church of Glasgow in 1432, illustrated from various sources, and more particular- ly from the inventories of the cathedral of Aberdeen. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 280-329.) CPA Drummond, George. Account of the discussion in Parliament as to the losses of Campbell of Shawfield. (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 417-423.) t CP Campbell of Shawfield's house was wrecked dur- ing the malt-tax riots in Glasgow, 1725. Duncan, Eben. On the clauses in the draft Glasgow Police Bill which have ref- erence to the prevention and mitigation of disease . (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 14, p. 99-116.) *EC Discussion, p. 116-131. Duncan, James Dalrymple. An inven- tory of articles which escaped the hands of the mob on the occasion of the sacking of Shawfield mansion 1725, with notes thereon. (Glasgow Archaeological Soci- ety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, 388-397.) CPA Edwards, John. Greyfriars in Glasgow. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 179-193.) CPA Eyre, Charles, archbishop of Glasgow. The episcopal seals of the ancient diocese of Glasgow. 4 pi. (Glasgow Archaeolo- gical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 44-62.) CPA The hall of the Vicars choral, Glas- gow cathedral. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1899. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 77-92.) CPA The history of the ancient see of Glasgow, A. D. 560-1560. (British Archae- ological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 42-62.) CA The inscription in the chapter- house of Glasgow cathedral. 1 pi. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 153-157.) CPA Notes on the old western towers of Glasgow cathedral. 1 plan. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 253-270.) CPA The old arrangements of the Glas- gow cathedral. 1 plan. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 477-497.) CPA Ferguson, Freeland. Present position and prospects of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 1-5.) *EC Fisher, Garrett. Glasgow — a model municipality. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1895. 8°. new series, v. 57, p. 607- 622.) * DA Former, The, and present state of Glas- gow contrasted, a dream . . . Glasgow, 1787. (Reprinted in: Glasgow Archaeolog- ical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 151-172.) CPA Reprint of a very rare pamphlet which gives a curious glimpse of the social life of Glasgow at the end of the eighteenth century. Fyfe, Peter. Housing of the labouring classes. A lecture delivered before the Glasgow and West of Scotland Architec- tural Craftsmen's Society. Glasgow: Robert Anderson, prtr., 1899. 32 p., 2 tables. 8°. TDNp.boxl G., W. Old Glasgow, illus. (Antiqua- ry. London, 1880. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 46-53, 137-141.) CA See also p. 269. "Old Glasgow." The age of the cathedral. (Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 142-143.) CA See also p. 186, 238. Glaister, John. The epidemic history of Glasgow during the century 1783-1883. 1 table. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1886. 8°. v. 17, p. 259-292.) ' * EC Glasgow. Extracts from the records of the burgh of Glasgow.. .A. D. 1573-1759. [Edited by Sir J. D. Marwick.j Glasgow: printed for the Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1876- 1911. 6 v. illus. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records Society. [Publications, v. 11-12, 16, 19, 22, 26 ) CR v. 4-6 edited by Robert Renwick. Handbook on the municipal enterprises. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1904. 147 p., 24 charts, 37 pi. 8°. SER Statement by the lord provost, magis- trates, and Town Council of the city and royal burgh of Glasgow of the grounds on which they urge the appointment of a royal commission, or select committee of the 364 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. House of Commons, to consider the whole question of the extension of municipal areas in Scotland, for all purposes of muni- cipal, police and sanitary administration. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1879. viii, 56 p., 1 1., 1 folded map. 8°. SER Baths and Wash-Houses Committee [Statistical sketch of the baths and wash- houses.] Glasgow: L. Anderson, prtr., 1891. 27 p. 8°. SPS p. box 1 Boundaries Commission Note for the commissioners of supply and county road trustees of the county of Dumbarton as to compensation. [Glas- gow,] 1887. 2 p. 4°. CR p. box Same. Revised note... [Glasgow,] 1888. 6 p. 4°. CRp. box Note on compensation for the road trus- tees of the county of the lower ward of Lanark. Glasgow: Maclay, Murray & Spens [188-?j. 4 p. 4°. CRp. box Observations for the city and royal burgh of Glasgow upon the several cases and other documents lodged by the police burghs and urban districts surrounding the city, the proprietors of lands and other properties situated within the area pro- posed to be included within the city, the parochial boards and local authorities of the parishes of Barony, New Kilpatrick, and Cathcart and the several counties and county road boards. Glasgow: R. Ander- son, 1887. 54 p. 4°. CRp. box Observations by the commissioners of supply and the county road trustees of the county of Dumbarton, on the case for the lord provost, magistrates and Town Coun- cil of the city of . Glasgow. [Glasgow,] 1887. 1 p.l., 4 p. 4°. CR p. box Statement for the commissioners of sup- ply [of the county of Lanark] in answer to the case for the lord provost, magis- trates and Town Council of Glasgow, 1887. Hamilton: W. Naismith, prtr. t 1887.] 16 p. 4°. CRp. box Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures Report of the directors, no. 91-92 (1873- 74). Glasgow, 1874-75. 8°. TLK City Chamberlain Abstract statements of the revenue and expenditure of the corporation under the Glasgow Improvement Acts, 1866-1895 and 1897-1902, and balance sheets, 1911/12. [Glasgow, 1912.] f °. ft * SYB Municipal and other public accounts 1886/7-1894/5, 1896/7-1900/1, 1902/3-1911 /12. Glasgow, 1887-[1912]. f°. *syb Report upon the vital, social, and eco- nomic statistics of Glasgow. 1865 part 1' 1871, 1881/5. Glasgow, 1866-85. 8°. SDG Cleansing Department Statement of the receipts and expendi- ture. 1894/5-1896/7, 1898/9-1899/1900. Glas- gow, 1895-1900. f°. tTIBp.box Constable's Office Criminal returns. 1899-1911. Glasgow [1900-12,. 4°. fSLD Corporation Public Libraries Gorbals Branch. Catalogue of the juve- nile section. Glasgow: Robert Maclehose & Co., prtrs., 1902. 1 p.l., 52 p., 1 1. 12°. *GX Index catalogue of the Gorbals District Library. Glasgow: Robert Maclehose & Co., prtrs., 1902. xxiv, 455 p. 12°. .*GX Index catalogue of the Woodside Dis- trict Library. Glasgow: Robert Macle- hose & Co., 1910. lviii, 680 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 12°. *GX Corporation Water Works Plans & sections of proposed aqueduct from Loch Katrine, and of service reser- voir enlargement of lakes and other works, for supplying with water the city of Glas- gow, suburbs, & adjacent places. For power to make which application is in- tended to be made to Parliament in the session of 1854. November, 1853. John Frederic Bateman, engineer. Glasgow: Maclure & Macdonald [1853]. 1 1., 11 plans. V. ftVDLA Deaf and Dumb Institution A brief historical sketch of the origin and progress of the. . .institution. Glas- gow, 1835. 34 p., 2 pi. 8°. SSPCp.box Electricity Committee Report. 1898/9. Glasgow [1899]. f°. ftVGY Fire Brigade Report. 1910. Glasgow, 1911. P. ttSX* Gas Supply and Electric Lighting Committee Report. 1893/4. [Glasgow, 1894., f- VGSp.boxl LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 365 History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. Glasgow District Mental Hospital, Gartloch Annual report, no. 14-15 (1910/11-1911- /12). Glasgow, 1911-12. 8°. Jail Committee Proposed regulations for the jail of the city of Glasgow. Glasgow: W. Reid & Co., prtrs., 1814. 27 p. 12°. SLT p.v. 30, no.8 Regulations for the jail of the city of Glasgow. Glasgow: W. Reid & Co., prtrs., 180S. 16 p. 12°. SLT p.v. 30, no.9 Libraries Committee Descriptive hand-book of the Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries; with plans and illustrations. Issued on the occasion of the laying of the memorial stone of the new Mitchell Library, by Dr. Andrew Car- negie, and o.f the annual conference of the Library Association at Glasgow, Septem- ber 17th, 1907. Glasgow: Robert Macle- hose & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1907. 143 p. illus. obi. 12°. Medical Officer of Health Census, 1881 — Glasgow. The decennial census as a basis for the statistics of inter- vening years, illustrated by the case of Glasgow, with tables derived from cen- sus... Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1881. 39 p., 5 tables. 8°. SDN p.box Census, 1891, Glasgow. Old Glasgow, and its statistical divisions, as at Sth April 1891. Greater Glasgow, as constituted by the City of Glasgow Act, 1891 . . . r Glas- gow, 1891.] vi, 7-41 p., 1 1., 1 map, 16 tables. 8°. SDN p. box Census, 1901. Report on Glasgow: its sanitary districts and municipal wards. By A. K. Chalmers. Glasgow: R. Ander- son, 1901. 65 p. 4°. Census, 1911. Report on Glasgow and its municipal wards, by A. K. Chalmers. Glasgow: Robert Anderson, prtr. [1912.] 39, lxvi p. f°. SDN On the sanitary requirements of a dairy farm... Glasgow: A. MacDougall, 1889. 10 p. 8°. SPO p.v. 2, no.3 Remarks by medical officer, to accom- pany mortality tables for the quarters end- ing Sept. 30, 1879, March 31, Sept. 30, 1880, March -31, June 30, Sept. 30, Dec. 31, 1881. [Glasgow, 1879-82.] 8°. SDN Remarks by medical officer, to accom- pany mortality tables., .for the year 1879. n. p., 1879. 22 p., 2 tables. 12°. SDN Report. 1899/1900-1911. Glasgow r 1900- 12j. f°. ftSPC Report on certain cases of plague oc- curring in Glasgow, in 1900. Glasgow: R. Anderson, prtr. c 1901.] 86 p., 5 1., 5 pi. f °. t WEO p.box Report upon uncertified deaths in Glas- gow... Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1876. iv, 5-84 p. 8°. SDN p.v.3, no.3 Smallpox, 1900-1902. Report. By A. K. Chalmers. Glasgow: R. Anderson [1902?]. 58 p., 1 chart, 7 maps. f°. The vital statistics of the city of Glas- gow. By James B. Russell. Glasgow: A. Macdougall, 1886. 3 v. 8°. SDN Museums and Galleries Sub-Committee Catalogue descriptive and historical of the pictures and sculpture in the corpora- tion galleries of art, Glasgow. Compiled by James Paton. Glasgow: R. Anderson, prtr., 1898. vii, 168 p., 20 pi. 7. ed. 8°. MAVZ Catalogue of the water color drawings of "Glasgow in the forties," by William Simpson, with explanatory notes. Glas- gow: R. Anderson, prtr., 1900. 32 p., 1 port. 8°. MCT p.v. 3, no.2 Police Commissioners Observations on the report of the com- mittee of the commissioners of police, upon the Gorbals Police Act. Glasgow: Andrew Young, 1823. 16 p. 12°. Report of the committee appointed by the general board of commissioners, to superintend the new police bill for the barony of Gorbals. July 8, 1823. n. t.-p. [Glasgow, 1823.] 3-27 p. 12°. SLXp.v.lO,no,2 Provost Resume of new work undertaken or car- ried out by the corporation. 1892/3-1895/6. Glasgow [1893-96,. 8°. * SYB Statement of assessments levied in Glas- gow, compared with other large towns, and resume of new work undertaken or carried out by the corporation. . .with ap- pendix re the relief of the unemployed. 1894/5. Glasgow [1895,. 8°. TIB Sanitary Committee Report on the means of deodorising the sewage of Glasgow. By Thomas Ander- son and J. F. Bateman. July, 1858. Glas- gow: University Press, 1858. 26, 9 p. 8°. 366 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. Sanitary Department Annual report on the operations of the ...department, no. t 19 r 40, 42 (1888-1909, 1911). Glasgow [1889-1912]. 8° and f°. tfSPC Report on the operations of the... de- partment carried out within... S years. 1878/82-1882/7. Glasgow [1882-87]. 8°. SJrC Sewage Deputation Report by the deputation appointed by the magistrates and Council of Glasgow to inquire into the treatment of sewage in various towns in England, 1st Sept. 1890; with appendix by Dr. Wallace, 7th Oct. 1880. 42 p. 8°. VDIp.v.8 Sewage Sub-Committee Report by the deputation appointed by the Town Council and Board of Police of Glasgow, to inquire into the methods of disposing of sewage adopted in various towns in England. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1878. iv, 52 p. 8°. VDI Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library [Annual] report, no. 96, 104, 107-109 (1886/7, 1894/5, 1897/8-1899/1900). Glas- gow, 1887-1900. 8°. * HPD Town Clerk Abstracts of protocols of the town clerks of Glasgow. Edited by Robert Ren- wick, deputy town clerk. Glasgow: Car- son & Nicol, 1894-1900. 11 v. 4°. CR Tramways Committee Abstract statement of income and ex- penditure. 1894/5-1911/12. Glasgow, 1895- [1912]. f°. ttTPY Glasgow Corporation Tramways. In- auguration of electric traction, 13th Octo- ber 1898. [Glasgow: Maclure, Macdonald & Co., prtrs., 1898.] 4 pi, 9-44 p., 6 pi. 4°. t TPY p.box Water Committee Report to the commissioners. 1893/4- 1899/1900. Glasgow, 1894-1900. f°, ft VDLA p.box Glasgow, Diocese of. Liber Protocol- lorum, M. Cuthberti Simonis, notarii pub- lici et scribse capituli Glasguensis A. D. 1499-1513, also Rental book of diocese of Glasgow, A. D. 1509-1570. Edited by Jo- seph Bain, and Rev. Charles Rogers. Lon- don: Grampian Club, 1875. 2 v. fac. 8° CR Glasgow, Presbytery of. Extracts from the registers of the presbytery of Glas- gow... (Maitland Club. Miscellany Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 51-96.) tCP The extracts cover the period from November 1592 to March, 1601. A statement of the proceedings of the presbytery of Glasgow, relative to the use of an organ in St. Andrew's Church, in the public worship of God, on the 23d August 1807. Glasgow: W. Lang, 1808 xxiv, 270 p. 12°. Glasgow. 1 pi. (Pinnock's guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p 155-160.) " OA Glasgow and Ayr, Provincial Synod of. Register of the provincial synod of Glas- gow and Ayr. A.D. 1687- A. D. 1690. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Glasgow, 1847. 4°. v. 4, p. 209-292.) f CP Glasgow: "The second city." Some notes for those about to see the exhibition. By one of its citizens. 10 illus. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1901. 8°. v. 24, p. 289-300.) *DA The illustrations are by D. Y. Cameron. Glasgow Association for Organizing Charitable Relief and Repressing Men- dicity. Handbook of Glasgow charitable and beneficent institutions... Compiled by a committee of the [Glasgowi Associa- tion for Organizing Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendicity. Glasgow: Charity Organization Society, 1888. xv, 143(1) p. 8°. Glasgow International Exhibition, 1901. (Engineer. London, 1899. f°. v. 87, p. 437-438.) VA Glasgow International Exhibition, 1901. — Fine Art, Scottish History and Arch- aeology Section. Loan collection. [Gen- eral prospectus.] Glasgow: Office of the Section [1900]. 4 1. sq. 4°. VX (Glasgow, 1901) p.box Plate inserted. Glasgow, past and present: illustrated in Dean of Guild Court reports.and in the reminiscences and communications of Senex, Aliquis, J. B. etc. [Edited by J. Pagan.] Glasgow: James Macnab, 1851-56. 3 v. pi. 8°. ^ CR Largely republished from articles in the Glasgow Herald, v. 3 published by D. Robertson. Gorbalonian, pseud. Letters to the Hon. William Smith... of Glasgow respecting the renewal of the Gorbals Police Bill; with an appendix containing the report of the committee of commissioners on the bill... LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 367 History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. Extracts from the minutes of police, &c, with notes. By a Gorbalonian. Glasgow: R. Malcolm, 1824. 36, 33-52 p. 12°. SLX p.v. 10, no.l Graham, Dougal. John Highlandman's remarks on Glasgow. (In his: Collected writings. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 255- 260.) NCF Contains an interesting description of Glasgow about the middle of the eighteenth century. Grant, James. Past and present Glas- gow papers. (In his: The newspaper press: its origin. . . London [1872]. 8°. v. 3, p. 457-472.) *R-NARF Great Britain. — Statutes. Abstract of the general statutes, and of the Police Act for Glasgow, in so far as these relate to carters; with regulations by the magis- trates of Glasgow for carters plying in the city, and bye laws by the Board of Police anent the weighing of coals, &c. Glasgow: Muir, Cowans & Co., 1835. 15 p. 8°. SER p.v. 26, no.9 The Glasgow Building Regulations Act, 1900, as amended by the Glasgow Cor- poration Act, 1908 with relative bye-laws. Published by the corporation of the city of Glasgow. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1910. 136 p. 8°. VEC Guide to the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, including guides to Edinburgh and Glasgow. Edinburgh: J. Thomson & Co., 1845. 35 p., 2 maps. 24°. CPW p.box 1 Guild, J. Wyllie. Early Glasgow di- rectories. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 199-203.) CPA Hill, Laurence. On the letter of guild- ry, and the merchants' and trades' houses. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow,. 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 29- 37.) CPA In Glasgow. History, The, of Glasgow, from the earliest to the present time, with numerous illustrations. By writers of eminence. rA reprint of Glasghu facies. . .by John M'Ure 1736; with additions from various writers, edited by J. F. S. Gordon.] Glasgow: J. Tweed, 1873. 2 v. illus. 8°. CR Continuous pagination. Honeyman, John. Glasgow cathedral. 1 pi. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 25- 32.) CA Notes on the oldest part of the crypt of Glasgow cathedral. 2 pi. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, P- 5-12.) CPA Howe, Frederic Clemson. Glasgow. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 40, p. 97-109.) * DA Glasgow a city of thrift and con- science. (In his: The British city: the beginnings of democracy. New York, 1907. 12°. p. 161-202.) SER Johnston, Henry. The Glasgow foundry boys, illus. (Good words. London, 1891. 8°. v. 32. p. 377-383.) * DA Ker, John. Early history of Glasgow. (In his: Scottish nationality and other papers. Edinburgh, 1887. 12°. p. 109- 143.) CP Leigh, Samuel. A description of Glas- gow. (In: Leigh's new pocket road-book of Scotland... London, 1836. new ed. 24°. p. 336-348.) KFT Letter, A, from a citizen of Glasgow to his friend at Edinburgh. Containing some modest animadversions on a late printed letter, concerning the affairs of that city. . . Printed in the Year, 1700. 16 p. 4°. Reserve Library Established for the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. Regulations. Glasgow: D. Prentice & Co., 1817. 8 p. 12°. *HPD Logan, William. The moral statistics of Glasgow. Dedicated by permission, to the Hon. James Anderson. Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League, 1849. viii, (1)10-76 p. 16°. VTZp.box2 Lugton, Thomas. Claythorn (Glasgow Archaeological Society, actions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. new v. 5, part 1, p. 61-65.) The old Ludgings of Glasgo Reformation manses, etc. Glasgow: Hedderwick & Sons, 1901. 84 p., 2 illus. 8°. The Saracen's Head Inn. (Glasgow Archaeological Society, actions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new v. 5, part 2, p. 51-58.) House. Trans- series, CPA w, pre- James 1., 9 pi. CR 2 pi. Trans- series, CPA Macgeorge, Andrew. Old Glasgow: the place and the people, from the Roman oc- cupation to the eighteenth century. Glas- gow: Blackie & Son, 1888. 4 pi., xii p., 1 1., 317 p., 1 fac, 1 map, 8 pi. 3. ed. sq. 8°. CR Macgill, Stevenson. A sermon delivered at Glasgow, on Thursday, February 9th, 1815, on the opening of the Magdalene Asylum. Glasgow: University Press, 1815. 2 p.I., 30 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 42 Macgregor, George. Historical notices of the castle of Glasgow. 2 illus. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 228-249.) CPA 368 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. The history of Glasgow, from the earliest period to the present time. Glas- gow: Thomas D. Morison, 1881. xviii p., I 1., 547 p., 1 plan, 35 pi. 8°. CR Mackenzie, Peter. Old reminiscences of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. . .part 1. Glasgow: J. Tweed [1863?] port. 8°. (People's edition.) CP p.box Reminiscences of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. Glasgow: John Tweed, 1865-68. 3 v. port. 8°. CR M'Phun, W. R. Glasgow & suburbs. Glasgow: W. R. McPhun, n. d. map, 19 x II in. folded sq. 16°. Stuart 8944 Malloch, Macleod. The book of Glas- gow anecdote. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1913. xii, 395(1) p., 1 plan, 2 pl„ 33 port. 8°. CR Marr, Hamilton Clelland. The story of the insane — with special reference to Glasgow. (Philosophical Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1901. 8°. v. 32, p. 215-234.) * EC Marwick, Sir James David. Glasgow bridge. 1288-1758. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 15-29.) CPA The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Rutherglen, Renfrew. Pais- ley, Dumbarton, Port-Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Ren- wick.] Glasgow: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.l., 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. CR Mason, Thomas. Public and private li- braries of Glasgow. Glasgow: T. D. Mori- son, 1885. 448 p. 8°. * HP One of 450 copies printed. Menzies, Thomas. The royal incor- poration of Hutcheson's Hospital in the city of Glasgow. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1875. 8°. 1874, p. 473-478.) SA Meyer, Hugo Richard. Municipal owner- ship in Great Britain. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1906. xii, 340 p. 12°. *R-SERN Chap, v-vi, p. 93-116, Glasgow. Mitchell, John Oswald. Some notices of old Glasgow. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 1, p. 124-136.) CPA Mitchell, Robert. Sketches of a Glas- gow incorporation in the seventeenth cen- tury. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1 p. 420-437.) CPA Incorporation of Maltmen and Mealmen. Mitchell Library, Glasgow. Concise guide. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, n d 16 p. 16°. *HPD Concise guide to the. . .library... containing a complete list of the periodi- cals taken in the magazine room... Glas- gow: D. Bryce & Son, 1894. 34 p. 16° *HPD Murray, Alexander. The Glasgow cor- poration accounts, with special reference to depreciation and sinking funds. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1903. 8°. v. 34, p. 79- 105.) *EC Murray, David. Early burgh organiza- tion in Scotland as illustrated in the his- tory of Glasgow and of some neighbouring burghs. 1 p.l., 140 p. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. v. 39, appendix.) * EC A plea for Stirling's Library. An address at the anniversary meeting 10. April 1894, with a note on Cranmer's Bible. Glasgow, 1894. 18 p. 8°. * HPD ■ The spoliation of the Hunterian Museum: a letter. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1892. 12 p. 8°. *Cp.v.389 Mylne, James. A statement of the facts connected with a precognition, taken in the College of Glasgow, on the 30th and 31st of March, 1815. Glasgow: A. & J. Duncan, printers, 1815. 64 p. 8°. Neil, Gabriel. A few brief notices of the old Tolbooth at the Cross of Glasgow, re- moved in 1814, &c. (Glasgow Archaeologi- cal Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 8-28.) CPA Nelson, D. M. Proposed scheme for the collection, treatment and disposal of the sewage of Glasgow. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1889. 8°. v. 20, p. 311-313.) *EC New, The, Mitchell Library, Glasgow. 4 pi. illus. (Builder. London, 1911. 4°. v. 101, p. 569-571.) MQA Pagan, James. History of the cathedral and see of Glasgow. [Preface signed James Pagan.] [Also, Descriptive cata- logue of the painted glass windows in Glas- gow cathedral, by Charles Heath Wilson.] Glasgow: F. Orr & Sons, n. d. vii(i), 117 p. 24°. Glasgow: F. Orr & Sons, 1856. 1 pi., v-viii, 117 p. 2. ed. 24°. CRF Paton, James, joint author. See Bell, Sir James, and James Paton ; also Dick- son, James Hunter, & James Paton. Pearson, Charles Arthur. Pearson's gossipy guide to Glasgow, the Clyde dis- trict, and the International Exhibition of 1901. London: C. A. Pearson ( 1901]. 206, 16 p., 2 maps, 1 plan, illus. 8°. CRB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 369 History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. Porter, Seymour Teulon. A letter to the church, meeting in West George Street Chapel, Glasgow, by their late pastor. Glasgow: [D. Macarter, printer,] 1850. 80 p. 8°. *Cp.v.446 Post Office. Glasgow directory for 1882- 83... Glasgow: W. Mackenzie, printer, 1882. 1152, 135 p., 2 maps. 8°. CR Primrose, James. Jocelyn of Furness and the place-name Glasgow. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1908. sq. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 3, p. 220-228.) CPA Mediaeval Glasgow. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1913. xii, 277 p., 8 pi., 8 port. 8°. CR Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 11, p. 211-213, Glasgow, 1914. The old Blackfriars of Glasgow. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 406-410.) CPA Proposal for building additional churches in the city and suburbs of Glasgow. [Glas- gow, 183 - ?] 13 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 28 Rambles round Glasgow. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 83, p. 467-483.) * DA Reid, Robert. Old Glasgow and its en- virons, historical and topographical. By Senex [pseud, of Robert Reid]. Glasgow: David Robertson, 1864. xv, 447 p., 3 plans, 1 port. 8°. CR Renwick, Robert. The Friars' Preachers in Glasgow. An old indenture. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 103-106.) CPA See also under Glasgow and Mar- wick, Sir James David. Report of important decisions in the Registration Appeal Court held for the city of Glasgow... 1837. Glasgow: D. Robertson, 1837. 35 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1321, no.ll Report on the trial of the directors of the City of Glasgow Bank, before the High Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh, January, 1879. . . Edinburgh: Edinburgh Publishing Co., 1879. 296 p., 2 pi. 12°. * C p.v. 410 Reprint of Jones's Directory; or, useful pocket companion for the year 1787. With an introduction, and notes of old Glas- gow celebrities, by the "Rambling report- er." Glasgow: William Love, 1868. 24 p., 2 1., 83(1) p. 12°. CR Residence, A, in Glasgow. (United States literary gazette. Boston, 1825. 8°. v. 2, p. 222-225, 255-258.) * DA Richmond, Sir David. Notes on muni- cipal work from November, 1896 to No- vember, 1899. Glasgow: R. Anderson, printer [1899]. 232 p. 8°. SER Roger, James Cruickshank. Notices of sculptured fragments, formerly in the epis- copal palace, Glasgow; also, notice of a sarcophagus found within the choir of the cathedral, supposed to have contained the remains of Archbishop Dunbar. 5 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 317-329.) CPA Runciman, David. History of St. An- drew's Church for the last hundred years: a lecture... Glasgow: R. Anderson, printer, 1860. 42 p. 1 pi. 8°. * C p.v. 428 Russell, Miss H. J, M. The name of Glasgow, and the history of Cumbria. (British Archaeological Association. Jour- nal. London, 1890. 8°. v. 46, p. 43-52.) CA Russell, James B. The decade 1871-80 in Glasgow — a sanitary retrospect. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 13, p. 329- 348.) * EC On the immediate results of the operations of the Glasgow Improvement Trust at last May term, as regards the inhabitants displaced, with remarks on the question of preventing the recurrence of the evils which the Trust seeks to remedy. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1875. 8°. v. 9, p. 207- 225.) * EC On the "ticketed houses" of Glas- gow, with an interrogation of the facts for guidance towards the amelioration of thejives of their occupants. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1889. 8°. v. 20, p. 1-24.) * EC S. Historical account of Anderson's In- stitution, Glasgow. (Scots mechanics' magazine. Glasgow, 1825. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-7.) VA State of Glasgow in 1692 and 1815. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 14-16.) *DE Scotsman, A, ^pseud. An answer to Mr. Burke's speech in Parliament, in favour of the Scots Roman-Catholics residing in Edinburgh and Glasgow, on the 18th of March, 1779. Edinburgh: W. Gray, 1779. 1 p.L, viii, (1)4-31 p. 12°. ZMYp.v.3 Scott, Alexander M. An account of the Kinninghouse Burn and the adjacent lands of the Gorbals, etc. (Glasgow Archaeolog- ical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 204-218.) CPA Scott, Andrew. Reminiscences of the Glasgow custom-house, trade of Clyde 370 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Glasgow, continued. steamers, etc. 1 fac. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 51-78.) CPA Sexton, A. Humboldt. The Anderso- nian: a centenary sketch. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1897. 8°. v. 28, p. 161-171.) * EC Shadow, pseud. Midnight scenes and social photographs: being sketches of life in the streets, wynds, and dens of the city . . . Frontispiece by George Cruikshank. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1858. ix, (1)12-145 p., 1 pi. 12°. Mem.Cq5SSh Shaw, Albert. A study of Glasgow. (In his: Municipal government of Great Britain. New York, 1895. 8°. p. 69-144.) SER This study is based on his article in the Century magazine. Simpson, William. Catalogue of the water color drawings of "Glasgow in the forties," by W. S. with explanatory notes. Glasgow: R. Anderson, printer, 1900. 32 p., 1 port. 8°. (Glasgow. — Museums and Galleries Sub-Committee.) MCT p.v. 3, no.2 Slater, P. F. The Glasgow underground cable railway, illus. (Good words. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 40, p. 389-395.) * DA Smart, William. The municipal indus- tries of Glasgow. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. v. 26, p. 36-53.) * EC Stirling, Walter. Deed of mortification by Mr. W. Stirling, merchant in Glasgow, of a fund for establishing a public library for the benefit of the inhabitants of Glas- gow... Glasgow: A. Duncan & R. Chap- man, 1791. 13 p. 12°. *C p.v. 482 Strang, John. Glasgow and its clubs; or, Glimpses of the condition, manners, char- acters, and oddities of the city, during the past and present century. London & Glas- gow: R. Griffin & Co., 1856. viii, 599(1) p. 8°. CR Report on the mortality bills of the city of Glasgow and suburbs, for 1851, with illustrative social statistics. Glasgow: J. MacNab, 1852. 52 p. 8°. SDB p.v. 9, no.3 Taylor, Benjamin. Municipal Glasgow. (North American review. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 184, p. 590-603.) * DA Taylor, Charles. The Quakers of Glasgow and their burial grounds. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archasological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. new se- ries, v. 5, part 1, p. 96-112.) CPA Taylor, J. Modern decorative art at Glasgow. Some notes on Miss Cameron's Argyle Street tea house, illus. (Inter- national studio. New York, 1906. 4° v. 30, p. 31-36.) f MAA Telltruth, Timothy, pseud. Reply to several letters addressed to John Thom- son, Esquire, respecting the election of a minister for the chapel of St. George's- in-the-Fields. [Signed T. Telltruth.] Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Son, 1824. 44 p 8°. ZWVIp.v.l Thomson, James. History of St. An- drew's parish church, Glasgow. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1905. 96 p., 1 plan, 10 pi., 6 port. sq. 8°. CR Thomson, Robert Dundas. Climate and mortality of Glasgow, 1851. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. v. 52, p. 243-246.) OA Todd, George Eyre. The story of Glas- gow, from the earliest times to the present day. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1911. vi, 7-183 p., 8 pi. illus. 12°. CR Treatise, A, on some important advan- tages, which have arisen from the present dispute, between the Town Council and kirk-sessions of this city. By a Counsel- lor. Glasgow: Printed in... 1763. 8 p. 8°. CRp.box2 Tweed, John. Tweed's guide to Glas- gow and the Clyde, with tours to Oban, Glencoe, and Inverness. Glasgow [1875]. map, pi. illus. 8°. KFTp.box Vital, social, and economic statistics of the city of Glasgow, 1881-1885, with ob- servations thereon by James Nicol. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1885. xiv p., 1 1., 304 p. 8°. SDG Wallace, William. Report to the magis- trates and Council of the city of Glasgow, on the refuse water of chemical works and other factories . . . 30th April 1885. Glas- gow: R. Anderson [1885]. 27 p., 1 table. 8°. (Glasgow. Council.) SPPp.v. l,no.9 Watson, Thomas Lennox. Glasgow cathedral: a contribution to the history of the structure. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 27, p. 136-146.) *EC Watson, William West. A glance at some of the vital and social statistics of Glasgow in 1869. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 7, p. 262-286.) *EC Report upon the vital, social, and economic statistics of Glasgow, for 1865 (part 1), 1871. Glasgow: J. Macnab, 1866- 72. 8°. SDG White, James. The old lands of Partick and the mill thereof. 1 pi. (Glasgow Ar- chaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 23-37.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 371 'listory and Description, continued, local History — Glasgow, continued. Wilson, Charles Heath. Descriptive ;atalogue of the painted glass windows in Glasgow cathedral. Glasgow: F. Orr & sons, n. d. (In: History of the cathedral ind see of Glasgow. Glasgow, n. d. 24°. x 101-117.) CRF Glasgow, Diocese of Registrum episcopatus Glasguensis : Munimenta ecclesie metropolitane Glas- guensis, a sede restaurata seculo ineunte Kir, ad reformatam religionem. [Edited by- Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh: [Bannatyne Club,] 1843. 2 v. 4°. t CP Glencorse, Edinburghshire Kerr, Andrew. Glencorse and its old buildings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 129-136.) CPA ■ Reid, Alan. Glencorse old church and churchyard, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 305-323.) CPA Glenkens, Kirkcudbrightshire Barbour, James. The Glenkens in the olden times. (Dumfriesshire and Gallo- way Natural History and Antiquarian So- ciety. Transactions. Dumfries, 1897. 8°. 1895-96, p. 135-147.) * EC Glen Convinth, Inverness-shire See also Kiltarlity Wallace, Thomas. Notes on some sculptured slabs and headstones in the churchyards of Glenconvinth and Kirkhill, Inverness-shire, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 309-314.) CPA Glen Devon, Perthshire Mathieson, Kenneth. Glen Devon twenty-five years ago. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 462- 465.) * DE Glen Nevis, Inverness-shire Stewart, Alexander. A mid-summer day in Glen Nevis. By "Nether Lochaber." (Good words. London, 1893. 8°. v. 34, p. 493-498.) * DA Glen Prosen, Forfarshire Anderson, David Brown. The poetry of Glen Prosen. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 327-331.) I *DEj Glen Urquhart, Inverness-shire See Urquhart Glenbervie, Kincardineshire Kinnear, George H. History of Glen- bervie. Montrose: "Standard" Office, 1895. 2 p.l., 134 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 12°. CR The title on the cover reads: Glenbervie, the fatherland of Burns. Glencairn, Dumfriesshire Monteith, John. The parish of Glen- cairn. Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1876. 3 p.l., 79 p. 12°. CR Glenluce Abbey, Wigtownshire Henry, David. Glenluce Abbey. 7 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and histori- cal collections. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 5, p. 125-188.) fCA Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. Glenluce Abbey. 11 pi. (Ayrshire and Gal- loway Archaeological Association. Archae- ological and historical collections. Edin- burgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. 197-232.) t CA Glenmoriston See Urquhart Gorthy, Perthshire Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for vesting certain parts of the lands and barony of Gorthy [Perth] comprised in a deed of entail made by the trustees of David Stewart Moncrieff... to sell the same... for purchasing other lands more conveniently situated... June 14, 1819. London: G. Eyre & A. Spottiswoode, 1819. 18 p. f°. Govan, Lanarkshire Govan. Statement by the provost, magistrates and commissioners of the burgh of Gowan, in answer to case for the lord provost, magistrates and Town Council of the city and royal burgh of Glasgow, setting forth the grounds on which the Glasgow cor- poration urge that the boundaries of the city should be extended. Govan: J. Cos- sar, 1887. 38 p. 4°. ft CBA p. v. 10, no.8 Parochial Board Memorandum of objections by the Parochial Board of the parish of Govan, against the proposed erection of a new lunatic asylum for this district, in so far 372 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. as the parish of Govan is concerned. 1st Aprjl 1861. Glasgow: N. Adshead [1861?]. 10 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.35 Roger, James Cruickshank. Notice of a sculptured sarcophagus, and other se- pulchral monuments, recently discovered in the churchyard of Govan. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 161-165.) CPA — — Notices of the early history of the parish of Govan. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 212-216.) CPA Grahamston, Stirlingshire Donald, Colin Dunlop. Grahamston. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 141- 149.) CPA Grange, Banffshire Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. The book of the chronicles of Keith, Grange, Ruthven, Cairney, and Botriphnie; events, places, and persons. Glasgow: R. For- rester, 1880. xi, 461 p. 12°. CR Grangemouth, Stirlingshire Grangemouth. Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1911/12. Grangemouth [1912]. f°. *SYB Medical Officer of Health Annual report to Town Council by medi- cal officer of health. 1911. Grange- mouth [1912]. f°. ft SPC Sanitary Inspector Annual report. 1911. Grangemouth [1912]. f°. ft SPC Grantown, Elginshire Gordon, Arthur. Grantown-on-Spey. (In: Budget of holiday letters. Edinburgh, 1889. 12°. p. 132-146.) * C p.v. 359 Greenock, Renfrewshire Greenock. Abstract of the accounts of the corpora- tion. 1899/1900-1906/7. Greenock, 1900- [07]. 8° and f°. *SYB Harbour Trust Abstract statement of revenue and ex- penditure. 1893/4. Greenock, 1894. 8°. *SYB Medical Officer of Health Report on the health of the bun Green6ck. 1910-11. Greenock [191 Sanitary Inspector's Office 1910-11. Gree Annual report 1911-12. 8°. School Board Annual report of the school medic spector. 1911/12. Paisley, 1912. 8° Ker, Alan, and others. Summar facts regarding the town of Greei and Water and Harbour Trusts, from till 1819. Greenock: printed at the lumbian-Press, 1825. 44 p. 8°. Marwick, Sir James David. The Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The ci Glasgow and its old relations with Ru glen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, ] Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Ir [Edited by R. Renwick.j Glasgow: ! tish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. Williamson, George. Old Gree from the earliest times to the early pa the nineteenth century, with some ace of the burgh of Cartsburn and burg Barony of Crawfurdsdyke. Paisley: 1 ander Gardner, 1886. viii, (1)10-328 fat, 1 plan, 4 pi. 4°. ■ ■ Old Greenock, embracing skel of its ecclesiastical, educational, anc erary history. . . 2. series. Paisley: 1 ander Gardner, 1888. xi, (1)10-340 p., Gretna, Dumfriesshire Barrie, Sir James Matthew. Gi Greerl revisited. (English illustrated i azine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 3, p. 320.) Elliott, Robert. The Gretna G memoirs; by R. Elliott; with an intrc tion and appendix, by the Rev. ( Brown. London: published by the Gi Green Parson, 1842. xix p., 1 1., 82 p., 1 port. 12°. With extra portrait of Joseph Paisley the brated Gretr^a-Green parson inserted. Gretna Green. 1 fac. (Genealo magazine. London, 1899. 4°. v. 2, p. 563.) a: Gretna Green. (Oriental herald, don, 1825. 8°. v. 7, p, 268-274.) < Gretna Green gossip. (In: By church life in Scotland. Edited by W, drews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 227-236 ZI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 373 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. MacMorland, B. P. L. Gretna Green. 4 illus. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1895. 8°. v. 7, p. 144-149.) * DA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Gretna Green and its traditions. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 242-244.) CPA Timbs, John. Gretna-Green marriages. (In his: English eccentrics and eccentrici- ties. London, 1866. 8°. v. 1, p. 65-71.) AB W., M. G. A glimpse at Gretna Green. (Belgravia. London, 1873. 8°. v. 21, p. 368-372.) * DA West, Marian. The griefs and glories of Gretna. 7 illus. from old prints. (Mun- sey's magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 26, p. 601-607.) . * DA Grimsay See under Hebrides Haddington, Haddingtonshire Barclay, George. Account of the parish of Haddington. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 40-121.) f CPA Appendices 6 and 7 contain a number of early charters relating to the burgh. Brown, Henry. The old post-house; or, Haddington 100 years ago. (Waverley magazine. Boston, 1856. f°. v. 13, p. 257- 260:) tt * DD Burns, J. An ancient Scots burgh and the Carlyles. 5 illus., 2 ports. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1903. 8°. v. 30, p. 20-27.) * DA Charters and writs concerning the royal burgh of Haddington. Transcribed and translated by J. G. Wallace- James. Had- dington: D. & J. Croal, 1895. vi p., 1 1., 48 p. 8°. CR Printed for private circulation. Haddington, Presbytery of. Extracts from the acts and proceedings of the pres- bytery of Haddington, relating to Dr. Gil- bert Burnet, and the library of the kirk of Salton, 1664-1669. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 389- 402.) f CP Thomson, Thomas. A description of the oldest council books and other records of the town of Haddington, with copious ex- tracts. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 334-420.) CPA Wallace-James, J. G., editor. See Char- ters and writs concerning the royal burgh of Haddington. Haddingtonshire Bradley, A. G. Twenty years ago in East Lothian. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1891. 8°. v. 64, p. 269-278.) * DA Chalmers, George. Hadingtonshire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1810. 4°. v. 2, p. 396-554.) t CP East Lothian, The, county list for 1837 ...together with a new list of electors; forming a complete directory to the nobil- ity, gentry, tenantry and commercial peo- ple of Haddingtonshire. Haddington: Neill and Sons t 1837]. 1 p.l., 56 p., 1 pi. 24°. CR p. box 1 Appended is: Remarkable events and memoranda of East Lothian. Part tenth. Haddington: Neill and Sons, 1837. p. [157]-164, 1 pi. 24°. Haddington county list, 1834. Hadding- ton: Neill & Sons, 1834. viii, 44 p., 1 pi. 24°. CRp.boxl At the end is: Remarkable events and memoranda of East Lothian, part the seventh, by James Miller. Miller, James, of Haddington. The lamp of Lothian; or, The history of Hadding- ton, in connection with the public affairs of East Lothian and of Scotland, from the earliest records to the present period. Haddington: J. Allan, 1844. viii, (1)10- 528 p. 8°. CR : Haddington: W. Sinclair, 1900. xxxi, 235 p. sm. 4°. CR Reprint of preceding. Harris See Hebrides Hatton House, Mid-Lothian Findlay, John Ritchie. Notes on Hatton House, Mid-Lothian, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 124-139.) CPA Hawick, Roxburghshire Blind, Karl. Teribus ye Teri Odin.rf (Antiquary. London, 1884. sq. 8°. new! series, v. 9, p. 63-72.) CA| The old slogan or war-cry of the town of Hawick. See also p. 141-142, 191-192, 237-238. Fry, Danby P. The Hawick slogan. (Antiquary. London, 1883. sq. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 164-166.) CA See also p. 231 and v. 9, p. 142. Wilson, Robert. A sketch of the history of Hawick: including some account of the manners and character of the inhabitants... To which is subjoined a short essay in reply to Dr. Chalmers on pauperism and the poor laws. Hawick: printed by R. Armstrong, 1825. vii, 355 p. 16°. CR p. 345-355 contain list of subscribers' names. 374 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Hawthornden, Edinburghshire Rigby, John. Tourist's guide to Haw- thornden and the Caves, with a detail of the various objects of interest in the vale throughout to Roslin chapel and castle. Edinburgh: Jas. Brydone, printer, n. d. 48 p., 1 pi. 6. ed. 16°. CRB p.box Thompson, John. The illustrated guide to Rosslyn chapel and castle, Hawthorn- den, &c. Edinburgh: Macniven & Wallace, 1903. 5 p.l., 126 p., 1 map, 5 plans, 7 pi. 6. ed. 16°. CRF Walford, E. Rosslyn, Hawthornden, and Ben Jonson. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 261, p. 604-609.) *DA Hebrides Account of a voyage to the Hebrides, by a committee of the British Fishery So- ciety, in the year 1787. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1792. 16°. v. 8, p. 81-85, 173-178, 209-217, 280-286; v. 9, p. S1-S7, 89-95, 118- 125.) *DE Among the Hebrides. (Saint Pauls. London, 1872. 8°. v. 10, p. 52-62, 603- 614.) * DA Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Crofts and farms in the Hebrides; being an account of the management of an island estate for 130 years. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1883. 83 p. 2. ed. 8°. TE p.v. 39, no.l Bird, afterwards Bishop, Isabella L. Pen and pencil sketches among the Outer Heb- rides, illus. (Leisure hour. London, 1866. 4°. v. 15, p. 599-603, 619-622, 631-635, 646- 650, 668-671.) * DA Blome, Richard. The Hebrides. (In his: Britannia... London, 1673. f°. p. 318-319.) tt CBD Bond, Charles. The Hebrides and West Highlands in 1852, being a report upon the condition of the destitute Highlanders and upon the means of permanently ameliorat- ing their circumstances . . . London : James Bigg & Sons cl852]. 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 973 Boswell, James. The journal of a tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. . .with an authentick account of the distresses and escape of the grandson of King James n. in the year 1746. London: printed for T. Cadell, and W. Davies, 1807. xv(i), 460 p., 1 port. 4. ed., rev. and corr. 8°. CPW New ed. With introduction and notes by Robert Carruthers.. . Lon- don: National Illustrated Library [1852]. xxvi p., 1 1., 361 p., 1 pi. 12°. AN Camden, William. The Hebrides o Western IsTes. (In his: Britannia London, 1772. 4. ed. f°. p. 401403.) " ttCBI Carmichael, Alexander A. Notices o Teampull Michael, Keallun, North Uisi and of sculptured stones in Bearnarej Harris, and in Benbecula; an "Abrach quern, and quarry for querns, Heisgeh North Uist, &c. (Society of Antiquaries o Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1871 sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 276-286.) CPJ Clerk, Janie M. Springtime in the West ern Isles. (Good words. London 189£ 8°. v. 39, p. 316-318.) *DJ Collingwood, William Gershora. t Hebridean pilgrimage, illus. (Reliquar and illustrated archaeologist. Londot 1904. 4°. new series, v. 10, p. 248-259.) CJ Faujas de Saint-Fond, B. Travels i England, Scotland and the Hebridei Translated from the French. • Londor 1799. 2 v. 8°. CBI Garry, Jaye. A Hebridean holidaj (Temple Bar. London, 1901. 8°. v. 12' p. 321-334.) * Dj Gerard, John. A tour to the Hebride: (The Month. London, 1903. 8°. v. 10: p. 449-457, 624-634.) *Dj Goodrich-Freer, A., now Mrs. H. I Spoer. Outer Isies, with illustrations b A. Barraud. Westminster: A. Constabl & Co., 1902. xv, 448 p., 1 map. 8°. CPV Hakonar saga, and a fragment of Maj nus saga, with appendices. Edited b; Gudbrand Vigfusson. [Translated by Si George Webbe Dasent] London: Eyre i Spottiswoode, 1887-94. 2 v. 8°. (Icelandi sagas and other historical documents r< lating to the settlements and descents c the Northmen on the British Isles.) v. 1. Icelandic text, v. 2. Translation. Knox, John. A tour through the Hig| lands of Scotland and Hebride Isles, i 1786. London, 1787. 8°. CP\ Macgregor, Alexander. Highland an Island scenery. (Celtic magazine. Ii verness, 1879. 8°. v. 4, p. 241-248, 281-289 *D Mackenzie, William Cook. History ( the Outer Hebrides (Lewis, Harris, Norl and South Uist, Benbecula. and Barra With a chapter on the geology, physic features, and natural history of the grou by Rev. Wm. Morrison. Paisley: A. Gar ner, 1903. xl, 623(1) p., 19 pi., 5 port. 8 V Martin, Martin. A description of tl Western Islands of Scotland. Containit a full account of their situation, extent. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 375 History and Description, continued. Local History — Hebrides, continued. the antient and modern government, re- ligion, and customs of the inhabitants... A particular account of the second sight . . .to which is added, a brief description of the Isles of Orkney and Schetland. Lon- don: A. Bell, 1703. xxxi, 392 p., 1 plan. 8°. CPW Lacks map. Lengthy extracts from this work are printed in Brydges, Censura literaria, v. 1, p. 358-381, London, 1805. London: A. Bell, 1716. xxxi, 392 p., 1 map. 8°. CPW (In: John Pinkerton, A gen- eral collection of. . .voyages and travels. . . London, 1809. 4°. v. 3, p. 572-699.) f HAX Reprinted from the 2. ed., London, 171'6. A description of the Western Is- lands of Scotland, circa 1695. Glasgow: T. D. Morison, 1884. xxxv, 392 p., 1 map. 1 plan. 8°. CRB Im Thurn, Sir Everard F. Martin's "Western Islands." By E. F. I. T. (Fra- ser's magazine. London, 1878. 8°. new series, v. 17, p. 428-448.) * DA Miller, James W. Staffa, Iona, Mull, and Hebrides. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 p.l., 86 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. (Miller's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and Islands.) KFT Monro, Sir Donald, high dean of the Isles. Description of the western isles of Scotland, called Hybrides. By D. Munro . . .who travelled through the most of them in the year 1594. Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. nar. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2, p. 111-153.) CP (In: P. Hume Brown, Scotland before 1700, from contemporary docu- ments. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 238-272.) CP Murray, Mrs. Frances. Summer in the Hebrides. Sketches in Colonsay and Oron- say. [By Mrs. Frances Murray.] Glas- gow: James MacLehose & Sons, 1887. xi, 175 p., 1 map, 7 pi. 8°. CRB Printed for private distribution. Necker de Saussure, Louis Albert. A voyage to the Hebrides, or Western Isles of Scotland; with observations on the man- ners and customs of the Highlanders. London: Sir Richard Phillips & Co., 1822. 116 p., 3 pi. 8°. CPW (Economical, An, history of the Heb- rides or western islands of Scotland. A transcription of British Museum King's mss. no. 105, which deals with the history of the islands of Lewis and Harris, about 1765.J (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 120-139.) NDO Overton, J. H. A cruise among the Hebrides. (Longman's magazine. Lon- don. 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 175-184.) * DA P., R. L. Log of the steam-ship Vol- taic, of Belfast, Captain William Johnston, on her second voyage to the Hebrides, in June, 1875. By a steerage passenger \R. L. P.,. [PBelfast, 1875., 30 p. 12°. CRB p.box Poole, Reginald Lane. The Scottish is- lands in the diocese of Sodar. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 258-263.) CPA Reid, Donald N. Hebrideans as pa- triots and naval reservists. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1895. 8°. v. 278, p. 41-52.) *DA Ross, Alexander. Notice of St. Clem- ent's church at Rowdill, Harris, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro-' ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 118-132.) CPA Scott, Sir Walter. A voyage to the Hebrides. A diary kept in the months of August and September, 1814. (In his: The Lord of the Isles and a voyage to the Heb- rides. Glasgow [1913j. 16°. p. 205-283.) NCM Smith, Alexander. Rambling about the Hebrides. (Temple Bar. London, 1862. 8°. v. 4, p. 481-491.) * DA Smith, W. Anderson. Lewsiana; or, Life in the Outer Hebrides. London, 1875. pi. 8°. CRB Thomas, Frederick William Leopold, and T. S. Muir. Notice of three churches in North Uist, Benbecula, and Grimsay, said to have been built in the 14th century. With plans and descriptions of primitive chapels in Rona and Sulasgeir. 2 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- seologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 225-249.) t CPA Hi NBA See Eileach-an Naoimii Hoddom, Dumfriesshire Irving, George. The parish of Luce (Hoddom). illus. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1906. 8°. 1900-05, p. 5-15.) *EC Holyrood Abbey See Edinburgh Holywood Abbey, Dumfriesshire Aitken, John Carlyle. Some notes on the abbey of Holywood and on the Welshes of Colliestoun and Craigenputtock. (Dum- 376 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 110-126.) *EC Barbour, James. The church bells of Holywood and Kirkmahoe, and the church and municipal bells of Lochmaben. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1898. 8°. 1897-98, p. 82-87, 97- 101.) *EC Black, George Fraser. Holywood Ab- bey. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Nat- ural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1891. 8°. 1890- 91, p. 126-129.) *EC Humbie, Haddingtonshire Extracts from the registers of the pres- bytery of Glasgow, and of the kirk ses- sions of the parishes of Cambusnethan, Humbie, and Stirling, subsequent to the year 1600. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 399-484.) tCP Huntly, Aberdeenshire Rentaill, The, of the lordschipe of Hunt- lye, alias Strauthbogye, maid be the richt noble and michtie George, marquis of Huntly, erll of Engzie, Lord Gordone and Badzenoche, etc. for his lordschipis landis followinge, conform to the sett maid at Witsonday, ane thousand and sax hun- drethe yeirs. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1849. 4°. v. 4, p. 261-319.) tCP Inch Buie, Perthshire Macmillan, Hugh. Inch Buie. The bur- ial place of the Macnabs. 6 illus. (Good words. London, 1889. 8°. v. 40, p. 448- 4SS.) * DA Inchaffray Abbey, Perthshire Eyre, Charles, archbishop of Glasgow. The seal of Inchaffray. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 83- 86.) CPA \ Inchaffray Abbey. Charters, bulls and lother documents relating to the abbey of llnchaffray.. . Edited by William Alex- lander Lindsay, John Dowden, D.D., John [Maitland Thomson, LL.D. With map and [facsimiles. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1908. c p., 1 1., 3S4 p., 32 fac, 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- tions.) CPA Liber insule missarum: abbacie canonicorum regularium B. Virginis et S. Johannis de Inchaffery registrum vetus: premissis quibusdam comitatus antiqui de Stratherne reliquiis. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.j Edinburgi: [Ballantyne & Hughes i 1847. S p.l., lvii, 170 p., 2 pi. 4°. (Banna- tyne Club.) f CP Lawrie, Sir Archibald Campbell. The abbey of Inchaffray. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 440- 446.) CPA Paton, Sir Joseph Noel. Notice of the amber seal (matrix) of a canon of Inch- affray, found near St. John's Church, Perth. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871 sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 364-372.) CPA' Reid, Alexander George. An account of the ruins of the abbey of Inchaffray in 1789, contained in a correspondence be- tween General Hutton and Mr. John Dow, then tenant of the abbey. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 166-170.) CPA Inchcailleach, Stirlingshire Macleod, William H. Note on the Church of Saint Kentigerna, Inchcailleach, Loch Lomond. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 75-82.) CPA Inchcolm, Fifeshire Arnold, Thomas. An account of St. Columba's Abbey, Inchcolm. 3 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- aeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. S, p. 45-70.)- t CPA Description of Inch Colm. 1 pi. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1792. 16°. v. 11, p. 137- 138.) *DE Mackinlay, J. M. Four Columbian sites in Scotland. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 97-103.) NDK Iona, Dunkeld, Cramond, Inchcolm. Ross, William. Aberdour and Inch- colme. Being historical notices of the par- ish and monastery. In twelve lectures. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1885. 3 p.l., ix- xix, 407 p., 1 pi. 12°. CR Simpson, Sir James Young. On an old stone-roofed cell or oratory in the island of Inchcolm. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 489-528.) CPA Reprinted in his Archaological essays, v. 1, p. 67- 136. Edinburgh. Unda, pseud, of Thomas S. Muir. Inch- colm, Aberdour, North Rona, Sula Sgeir. [Edinburgh: R. Clark, 1872.) 36 p. illus. 8°. Reserve One of twenty-five copies printed. With four pen and ink drawings by the author laid in. With bookplate of George Stirling Home Drummond of Blair-Drummond and Ardoch. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 377 Istory and Description, continued, real History, continued. Inchmahome Priory, Perthshire Duncan, James Dalrymple. [History of e priory of Inchmahome.] (Glasgow rchaeological Society. Transactions, lasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 9-280.) CPA Inishail, Argyllshire Douglas, William. Notes on the church St. Fyndoca and its monuments, on the land of Inishail, Loch Awe. illus. (So- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- gs. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 14-435.) CPA Innerpeffrey, Perthshire Gray, W. Forbes. An ancient Scottish jrary. (Scots Magazine. Perth, 1898. . new series, v. 22, p. 88-94.) * DA Innerpeffrey Library. Invercauld, Aberdeenshire Records, The, of Invercauld, mdxlvii- Dcccxxvm. Edited by Rev. John Grant !ichie. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, •01. vii p., 2 1., 523 p., 1 map, 6 pi., 3 port. . (New Spalding Club. Publications.) fCP Inveresk, Edinburghshire Stirling, R. M'D. Inveresk parish lore om pagan times. Musselburgh: T. C. lair, printer, 1894. 4 p.L, 234 p., 2 fac, ) pi., 3 port. 12°. CR Invergarry Castle, Inverness-shire Ellice, E. C. Invergarry Castle. (In- :rness Scientific Society and Field Club. ransactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 5, 227-236.) * EC Inverkeithing, Fifeshire Johnston, James, of Straiton. Statement Idressed to the worthy and independent ectors of Stirling, Dumfermline, Inver- :ithing, Queensferry, and Culross. n. p. 832.) 1 p.L, 56 p. 8°. *Cp.v.434 Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- rmline . . . including historical notices . . . .. .Inverkeithing. Dunfermline, 1828. !". CR Inverness, Inverness-shire Anderson, John. On the site of Mac- :th's castle at Inverness. (Society of ntiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, o. 234-244.) t CPA Reprinted with additions to the notes and refer- ences in Noble's Miscellanea Invemessiana, p. 2-10, Stirling, 1902. Anderson, Peter. Guide to Inverness and its neighbourhood. With appendix on the local geology and plants. Edinburgh: J. Menzies & Co., 1868. vi, 132 p., 2 maps, 1 pi. 16°. KFT Anderson, Peter John. The armorial ensigns of Inverness. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. > v. 5, p. 97-99.) CPA Andree, Richard. Macbethplatze in Schottland. (Nordische Revue. Leipzig, 1864. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 135-144.) * DF Armorial, The, ensigns of Inverness. 1 pi. illus. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 140, 168.) CPA Barron, Evan M. Ewen Maclachlan and Inverness Academy: the story of a famous controversy. (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 22-48.) NDK Barron, James. Armed figure in Grey- friars' church-yard, Inverness. 1 illus. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 173-177.) *EC The Northern Institution. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 155-160.) *EC Carruthers, Robert. Inverness a hun- dred years since. (In his: The Highland note-book.. Inverness, 1887. new ed. 12°. p.36-46.) CP Fraser, Alexander. Contributions towards the history of the third charge of Inver- ness, commonly called the Gaelic Church of Inverness. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 167-181.) NDO Curiosities from the burgh court of records of Inverness. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 50-56.) * DE Fraser, James. Cromwell's fort and In- verness harbour. 1 pi. (Inverness Sci- entific Society and Field Club. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 93-102.) *EC Grahame, Colonel. Notice respecting Macbeth's castle at Inverness. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- apologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 231-233.) t CPA Highland Club, Inverness. Rules (1870). Inverness, 1870. 12°. SKA Inverness in the olden time. (In: J. Maclean, Historical and traditional 378 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Inverness, continued. sketches of Highland families and of the Highlands... Inverness, 1895. 12°. p. 161-187.) ARF Macdonald, Kenneth. Inverness in the eighteenth century. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 213-218.) *EC Queen Mary's Inverness. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 5, p. 263-293.) * EC Mackay, William. See under Noble, John, Miscellanea Invernessiana. Mackenzie,. Alexander. Mackenzie's guide to Inverness, Nairn, and the High- lands: historical, descriptive and pictorial with plan of Inverness and tourist map of Scotland... Inverness: Melven Bros., 1901. 3 p.L, 182 p., 23 pi. 12°. CPW Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The chan- try altars and chaplains of St. Mary's, In- verness, 1359-1593. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898,. 8°. v. 4, p. 254-268.) *EC Invernessiana : contributions towards a history of the town and parish of In- verness, from 1160 to 1599. Inverness: Messrs. Forsyth, 1875. xi, 307 p., 22 pi. 8°. CR Many of the charters in this work are transla- tions from the originals in the Registrum episco- patus Moraviensis, Edinburgh, 1837. Letters of two centuries chiefly connected with Inverness and the High- lands, from 1616 to 1815. Edited and each introduced with explantory and illustra- tive remarks by C. F. Mackintosh. In- verness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1890. xv, 402 p. 8°. ARF Maclean, John. Historical and tradi- tional sketches of Highland families and of the Highlands. New edition with ad- denda — Inverness in the olden time, and notes. Inverness: John Noble, 1895. 5 p.L, 187 p. 12°. ARF Noble, John. Bibliography of Inverness newspapers and periodicals. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 168-169, 191-193; v. 2, p. 10-11, 24-26, 39-41, 51-53.) CPA — ; — Miscellanea Invernessiana, with a bibliography of Inverness newspapers and periodicals. Edited, with introduction, preface, and index by John Whyte. With appendix by Wm. Mackay. Stirling: E. Mackay, 1902. xii, 236 p., 1 1., 11 pi., 2 port. 8°. CR Introduction, Early poems addressed to Inver- ness. Site of Macbeth's castle. Local characters. The Ness islands. Captain Burt. Trial of John Grant, sheriff cleric depute of the shire. Fiddlers The battle of Druimashie — a poem. Inverness post office. James Paterson, poet. Popular a tertainers. The great flood of 1849. The flood if 1834. Inverness marriage romance. Publication of the Culloden papers. Bibliography of Inverness newspapers and periodicals. Appendix, * Records of Inverness. Edited by Wil- liam Mackay and Herbert Cameron Boyd v. 1. Aberdeen: The New Spalding Cluh 1911. pi. 4°. (New Spalding Club ^ub- lications.]) +rjp no. 350 of 425 copies printed. v. 1. Burgh court book: 1556-86. Ross, Alexander. Ancient churches and chapels in Inverness. (Inverness Scienti- fic Society and Field Club. Transactions Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 111-114.) *EC Old Inverness. 4 pi. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2 p 64- 92.) *EC Tweed, John. Tweed's guide to Glas- gow and the Clyde, with tours to Oban, Glencoe, and Inverness. Glasgow [1875]. map, pi. illus. 8°. KFTp.box Wallace, Thomas. Notes on old Inver- ness. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 84-87.) *EC Whyte, John, editor. See Noble, John, Miscellania Invernessiana. Inverness, Presbytery of Records of the presbyteries of Inverness and Dingwall. 1643-1688. Edited with an introduction from the original manuscript by William Mackay. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1896. lii, 384 p., 1 fac. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 24.) CPA Inverness-shire Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions, v. 2-6 (1880-99). In- verness [1888-1910]. 8°. *EC Inverness-shire. Report on the public accounts., .from 30th April 1811 to 30th April 1816. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1816. 38 p. 8°. Lees, Sir James Cameron. A history of the county of Inverness (Mainland). Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. xviii p., 1 1., 376 p., 2 maps. (County his- tories of Scotland.) CR Macleod, Frederick Thomas. Notes on the Chapel Yard, Inverness, and some of its old monuments; with a notice of her- aldic devices on tombstones at Kilrnun. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8 . y. 45, p. 198-219.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 379 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Inverugie, Banffshire S., F. The last relic of Inverugie Castle. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 177-178.) CPA Inverurie, Aberdeenshire Davidson, John. Inverurie and the earl- dom of Garioch. A topographical and his- torical account of the Garioch from the earliest times to the Revolution settlement, with a genealogical appendix of Garioch families... Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1878. xxi(i) p., 1 1., 593 p., 1 pi. 8°. CR Iona, Argyllshire Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Iona. illus. (Good words. London, 1869. 8°. v. 10, p. S3S-S43, 614-620, 708- 714.) * DA London: Strahan & Co., 1870. 141 p., S pi. 12°. CRB Reprinted from the above. Aus dem Tagebuche eines in Grossbri- tannien reisenden Ungarn. Pesth: G. Heckenast, 1837. 12°. *Cp.v. 1057 ch. 18: Iona, Staffa; ch. 19-20: Die schottischen Hochlande; ch. 21: Edinburgh. Buchan (11. earl), David Stuart Erskine. An account of the island of Icolumkill. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 234-241.) t CPA Campbell, Donald. Iona; no I Choluim Chille. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 258-266.) * DE In Gaelic. Mainly on the Druids. Carruthers, Robert. Iona. (In his: The Highland note-book... Inverness, 1887. new ed. 12°. p. 381-394.) CP Chisholm, Colin. The monks of Iona. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 8, p. 56- 63.) NDO Documents illustrative of the history of Icolmkill and the bishopric of the Isles. (Collectanea de rebus Albanicis. Edin- burgh, 1847. 8°. p. 1-19, 161-188.) CP Drummond, James. Notes on some of the ancient monuments of Iona. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 215-217.) CPA Dryden, Sir Henry. Sculptured monu- ments in Iona. (The Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 256-259.) CA Honeyman, John. Certain peculiarities in the architecture of Iona. 7 pi. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 2, P. 78-89.) CPA Iona. 2 illus. (Penny magazine. Lon- don, 1832. 4°. v. 1, p. 324-325.) * DA Iona, Argyleshire. (In: The Antiquarian itinerary, v. 5, 5 pi. London, 1817. 8°.) CBD Kay, Thomas. Iona and Staffa. 1 pi. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1888. 8°. v. 7, p. 338-350.) * DA The plate is St. Martin's Cross, Iona. Laing, David. On the present state of the ruins of Iona, and their preservation. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 7-12.) CPA The plate contains a view of the monastery taken probably about the end of the eighteenth century. Mackinlay, J. M. Four Columbian sites in Scotland. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 97-103.) NDK Iona, Dunkeld, Cramond, Inchcolm. Masson, Donald. An old Gaelic proph- ecy concerning Iona. (Archaeological re- view. London, 1889. 8°. v. 2, p. 107-108.) ZBA Miller, James W. Staffa, Iona, Mull, and Hebrides. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 p.L, 86 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. (Miller's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and Is- lands.) KFT O'Reilly, Patrick J. The site of Columb's monastery on Iona. 2 illus. (Royal So- ciety of Antiquaries of Ireland. Journal. Dublin, 1901. 8°. v. 30, p. 334-342.) CSB Ross, Alexander. The island of Iona. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 222-233.) * EC Skene, William Forbes. Notes on the history and probable situation of the earlier establishments at Iona, prior to the foundation of the Benedictine monas- tery in the end of the twelfth century. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 330-349.) CPA Notes on the history of the ruins at Iona. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 202-214.) CPA Smith, J. Huband. Iona. 1 pi. (Ulster journal of archaeology. Belfast, 1853. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 79-91.) CT Storer, Agnes C. Iona, the isle of Co- lumba's cell. 11 illus. (Catholic world. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 73, p. 746-757.) *DA 80 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Tistory and Description, continued, ocal History, continued. Irongray, Kirkcudbrightshire Dunlop, Samuel. The kirk-session rec- rds of Irongray, 1691-1700. (Dumfries- hire and Galloway Natural History and Lntiquarian Society. Transactions. Dum- -ies, 1907. 8°. 1905-06, p. 127-140.) * EC Irvine, Ayrshire Irvine. Muniments of the royal burgh f Irvine. [Edited by John Shedden Do- ie.j Edinburgh: Ayrshire and Galloway Lrchaeological Association, 1890-91. 2 v. CA Marwick, Sir James David. The river )lyde and the Clyde burghs. The city if Glasgow and its old relations with !.utherglen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbar- on, Port-Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, nd Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.] Glas- ow: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 909. 1 p.l., 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. CR Isi.ay, Argyllshire Reeves, William. On an ancient deed, eing a grant of land in Islay, from Don- Id MacDonald, Lord of the Isles. (Royal rish Academy. Proceedings. Dublin, 1853. °. v. 5, p. 230-234.) * EC Isle of Loch Tay, Perthshire Christie, J. The Isle of Loch Tay. Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 150-152.) CPA Isle of May, Fifeshire Isle of May Priory. Records of the riory of the Isle of May. Edited by John Ituart. Edinburgh: R. Clark, 1868. 3 p.l., xiv p., 2 1., 45 p., 1 fac, 1 plan, 1 pi. sq. 8°. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.) ZMTB Jedburgh, Roxburghshire Jedburgh worthies: Willie Wilson, the ioet, Daft Andrew, Jock the Kecken, Rob- lie Dun. Jedburgh: Thomas Smail [C. 860]. 51 p. 12°. AGH Blue paper covers. Jedburgh Abbey, Roxburghshire Armstrong, T. Percy. Four abbeys and tbbotsford. (The Month. London, 1906. 1°. v. 108, p. 471-477.) * DA Melrose, Dryburgh, Kelso, Jedburgh Cram, Ralph Adams. The ruined abbeys if Great Britain. New York: The Church- nan Co., 1905. pi. 8°. COF p. 132-152: Jedburgh and Kelso, with 6 pi. Morton, James. The monastic annals of Teviotdale; or, The history and antiqui- ties of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Met- ros and Dryburgh. Edinburgh: W. H Li- zars, 1832. xi p., 2 1., 328 p., 19 pi. 4" CR Ross, Frederick. The ruined abbeys of Britain. London: Wm. Mackenzie, n d f°. ttCB The Augustinian abbey of Jedburgh, p. 243-266. Wallace- James, J. G. An early Jedburgh Abbey charter. (Genealogist. London 1901. 8°. new series, v. 17, p. 107.) * R - Geneal. Div. Keith, Banffshire Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. The book of the chronicles of Keith, Grange, Ruthven, Cairney, and Botriphnie; events, places and persons. Glasgow: R. Forres- ter, 1880. xi, 461 p. 12°. CR Kelso Abbey, Roxburghshire Armstrong, T. Percy. Four abbeys and Abbotsford. (The Month. London, 1906. 8°. v. 108, p. 471-477.) * DA Melrose, Dryburgh, Kelso, Jedburgh. Cram, Ralph Adams. The ruined abbeys of Great Britain. New York: The Church- man Co., 1905. pi. 8°. COF p. 132-152: Jedburgh and Kelso, with 6 pi. Kelso Abbey. Liber S. Marie de Cal- chou: Registrum cartarum abbacie Tiro- nensis de Kelso, 1113-1567. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.j Edinburgh: [Bannatyne Club,, 1846. 2 v. 4°. t CP Morton, James. The monastic annals of Teviotdale; or, The history and antiqui- ties of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Mel- ros and Dryburgh. Edinburgh: W. H. Li- zars, 1832. xi p., 2 1., 328 p., 19 pi. 4°. CR Kemnay, Aberdeenshire Laing, Jeannie M. Some notes on the history of Kemnay. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 104-106, 137-138, 176-177; v. 2, p. 12, 41- 42, 70-71, 154-155.) CPA Kenmore, Perthshire Macmillan, Hugh. Kenmore and Tay- mouth Castle. (Art journal. London, 1899. f°. 1899, p. 326-332.) fMAA Kenmure Castle, Kirkcudbrightshire Affleck, J. Kenmure castle and its owners. 1 pi. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 154-165.) Per.Dept. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 381 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Kettins, Forfarshire Hutcheson, Alexander. Notice of the bell and other antiquities at the church of Kettins, Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 90-100.) CPA Kilbirnie, Ayrshire Dobie, John Shedden. The parish church of Kilbirnie. 9 pi. (Ayr and Gal- loway Archaeological Association. Arch- aeological and historical collections. Edin- burgh, 1891. 4°. v. 2, p. 111-139.) fCA Kilchoan, Argyllshire Blundell, Odo. Notes on the church and some sculptured monuments in the churchyard of Saint Maelrubha in Arisaig, and on an artificial island there; also on some sculptured monuments in the church- yard of Kilchoan, Knoydart. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 3S3-366.) CPA Killearn, Drymen, Buchanan, and Kilma- ronock. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1896. xxvi p., 1 1„ 410 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 map, 9 pi., 1 port. 4°. CR One of 440 copies printed. Killin, Perthshire Macmillan, Hugh. Killin and its neigh- bourhood, illus. (Art journal. London, 1899. f°. 1899, p. 225-231.) f MAA Kilmalcolm, Renfrewshire Murray, James. Kilmalcolm; a parish history. 1100-1898. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1898. 6 p., 3 1., (1)6-7(1), 267 p., 10 pi. 4°. (New Club series.) t CR One of thirty copies printed. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1907. x p., 1 1., 356 p., 1 map, 11 pi., 1 port. rev. ed. 8°. CR KlLMANY, FlFESHIRE Walker, Robert Crawfurd. Notes on a heraldic monument at Kilmany, Fifeshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 94-98.) CPA KlLCHRIST, RoSS-SHIRE Ian. Highland anecdotes. The raid of Cillechrist. (New monthly magazine. London, 1821. 8°. v. 2, p. 515-517.) * DE Macdonald, Kenneth. The burning of the church of Cilliechriost. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 11-24.) NDO Kilcoy Castle, Ross-shire Ross, Alexander. Kilcoy Castle. (In- verness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 238-240.) * EC KlLDRTJMMIE CASTLE, AbERDEENSH IRE Account of castle of Kildrummie. 1 pi. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 6, p. 121-125.) * DE Kilianan, Inverness-shire See Urquhart Killallan, Renfrewshire Mackinlay, J. M. The ancient parish of Killallan, Renfrewshire. (Scots lore. Glas- gow, 1895. 8°. p. 253-259.) CPA Killearn, Stirlingshire Smith, John Guthrie. Strathendrick, and its inhabitants from early times. An ac- count of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire Kilmarnock. Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1911/12. Kilmarnock, 1912. f°. *SYB Names of paupers in the town and par- ish of Kilmarnock: statement of their weekly allowances and yearly rents; and abstract of the income and expenditure of the kirk session. 1827. Kilmarnock: H. Crawford, 1828. 13 p. 12°. SGB p.v.3, no.5 Sanitary Department Annual report on the sanitary condition of the burgh of Kilmarnock. 1908-12. [Kilmarnock, 1909-13.] 8°. SPB Kilmarnock barony charter — 3 May 1315. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 271-273.) CPA Low, W. Forbes. Ancient plates belong- ing to the kirk-session of the parish church of Kilmarnock. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 59-64.) t CPA M'Kay, Archibald. A history of Kil- marnock, from an early period to the pres- ent time; including biographical notices of the more eminent individuals belonging to the locality... Kilmarnock: M. Wilson, 1848. xii, 13-279 p. 8°. CR M'Vail, John C. An inquiry into the prevalence of small-pox in Kilmarnock in \2 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY istory and Description, continued, teal History, continued. e last century. (Philosophical Society of !asgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1882. . v. 13, p. 386-400.) * EC KlLMARONOCK, STIRLINGSHIRE Smith, John Guthrie. Strathendrick, and ; inhabitants from early times. An ac- unt of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, illearn, Drymen, Buchanan, and Kilma- nock. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 96. xxvi p., 1 1., 410 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 map, pi., 1 port. 4°. CR One of 440 copies printed. Kilmaurs, Ayrshire Jonas, Alfred Charles. Some notes from e records of the burgh of Kilmaurs (1645- 1S). (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- nd. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. . v. 43, p. 283-290.) CPA Kilwinning, Ayrshire Collections towards a history of the monastery of Kilwinning, (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ar- chaeological and historical collections Edinburgh, 1878. 4°. v. 1, p. 115-222) fCA Galloway, William. Remarks on the existing buildings at Kilwinning Abbey. 9 pi. illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Ar- chaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878 4°. v. 1, p: 89-115.) " fCA Scott, W. H. Unpublished counter-seal of Kilwinning. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855 sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 70-71.) CPA Succinct, A, account of the long feud between the earls of Glencairn and Eg- lintbn on account of the bailliery of Kil- winning, and controverted precedency of their earldoms, n. t.-p. n. p. [187-?] 4 p. 8°. ARD p.v.l Kilmore, Inverness-shire See Urquhart Kilmory, Argyllshire Wilson, Wilson Dobie. Description of . ancient cross at Kilmory in Argyleshire. pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, rchaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. 4, p. 377-381.) t CPA Kilsyth, Stirlingshire Narrative, A, of the surprising work of 3d in the conversion of souls in Kilsyth, nnieston, and Cumbernauld, and the re- val of religion in Anderston and Paisley; th an account of the remarkable occur- nces which took place at the dispensation the sacrament at Kilsyth, on 22d Sep- mber 1839. Glasgow: D. Maclure, 1839. p. 12°. ZWGFp.v.13 Kiltarlity and Convinth, Inverness-shire Macdonald, Archibald. The parish of iltarlity and Convinth. (Gaelic Society Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 04-1910. 8°. v. 24, p. 231-249; v. 25, p. 9-179; v. 26, p. 202-229.) NDO 1. Its early history. 2. Territorial families from )0 to 1815. Kiltearn, Ross-shire Maclean, Roderick. Notes on the par- 1 of Kiltearn. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ss. Transactions. Inverness, 1890. 8°. 15, p. 302-310.) NDO Kincardineshire Hossack, Garden M. Inventories of northern records. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 168-169.) fCPA Jervise, Andrew. The history and tradi- tions of the land of the Lindsays in An- gus and Mearns, with notices of Alyth and Meigle... Rewritten and corrected by James Gammack. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1882. xxvi p., 1 1., 468 p., 9 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. Local bibliography. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895-1905. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 113-117, 133-137, 152-156, 169-171, 185-188; v. 9, p. 5-7, 20-24, 38-41, 53-56, 73-75, 89-91, 99-102, 120- 123, 133-136, 152-156, 166-170, 184-186; v. 10, p. 12-13, 26-27, 39-41, 56-57, 71-74, 86-88, 101-104, 114-118, 154-157, 186-188; v. 11, p. 22-23, 41-43, 55-57, 71-73, 101-103; series 2, v. 1, p. 5-6, 21-22, 37-39, 53-54, 74-75, 85-87, 107-109, 149-151; series 2, v. 2, p. 122-125, 152-156, 180-182; series 2, v. 3, p. 6-8; series 2, v. 4, p. 165-166, 184-186; series 2, v. 5, p. 22-24, 138-140, 152-155, 186-187; series 2, v. 6, p. 26-28.) CPA .Additions to A. W. Robertson's Hani list of bibliography of the shires of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine, 1894. Kincardineshire. Table of fees for con- veyance and other matters; made out by the Society of Writers at Stonehaven, and approved by Alexander Burnett, Esq., sheriff depute of the county of Kincardine, January 17, 1806. Aberdeen: J. Burnett, 1896. 8 p. 12°. Bound with: Kincardineshire. Tables of fees and regulations. ..October 2, 1805. Aberdeen, 1805. 12°. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 383 istory and Description, continued, ocal History, continued. Tables of fees and regulations, es- blished in the Sheriff Court of Kincar- neshire, October 2, 1805. Aberdeen: J. urnett, 1805. 12 p. 12°. Kingarth, Buteshire See Bute KlNGHORN, FlFESHIRE Reid, Alan. Old houses and wood-work anelling at Kinghorn. illus. (Society of ntiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, dinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 313-318.) CPA Selection, A, of extracts from the an- ient minutes of kirk-session of Kinghorn, ith slight explanatory notes, and glos- iry. Published for the benefit of the kinghorn or 11th Fifeshire Artillery Vol- nteers, by a member of the corps. Kirk- aldy: John Crawford, 1863. iv, 5-56 p., 1 1. 1°. ZWGF Peebles, G. S. The abbey and parish of Kinloss. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness. 1910. 8". v. 6, p. 369-372.) * EC Stuart, John. Notices of some of the abbots of Kinloss, and of a volume which belonged successively to Robert Reid, one of the abbots; William Gordon, bishop of Aberdeen; and John Leslie, bishop of Ross. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 400-411.) CPA KlNMYLIES, INVERNESS-SHIRE Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. Kinmy- lies: its owners and titles — 1232-1780. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 154-157, 231-234.) * DE Kinnord, Aberdeenshire Hogg, Alexander. The antiquities of Davan and Kinnord. (East of Scotland L T nion of Naturalists' Societies. Proceed- ings. Perth, 1890. 8°. [1889,] p. 15-29.) PQA Kingussie, Inverness-shire Macpherson, Alexander. Kingussie as summer resort. Kingussie: Archibald :ameron [1891]. 11 p. 8°. * C p.v. 359 Reprinted from the Scots magazine, August, 1891. The old church and churchyard of Lingussie (St. Columba's). (In his: Glimp- es of church and social life in the High- mds in olden times. Edinburgh, 1893. 4°. . 115-189.) tCP Newbigin, Marion I. The Kingussie dis- •ict: a geographical study. 1 map. illus. Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- urgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 285-315.) KAA Kinkell, Aberdeenshire Davidson, John. Remains of the kirk of linkell. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries, -berdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 82-83, 97- ?.) CPA Kinloss, Elginshire Ferrerio, Giovanni, Piemontese. Fer- jrii historia abbatum de Kynlos: una cum ita Thorns Chrystalli abbatis. [Edited by William Dobie Wilson, with a preface by ames Patrick Muirhead.] Edinburgi, 1839. xi(i), 96 p. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP Ferrario was teacher of the monks of Kinloss, 131-37. Kinloss Abbey. Records of the mon- stery of Kinloss with illustrative docu- lents. Edited by John Stuart. Edin- urgh: [Society of Antiquaries,] 1872. lxxvi, 75 p., 1 fac, 1 plan, 3 pi. sq. 8°. CRF Kinross-shire Annan, Robert. Notes on the antiquities of Kinross-shire, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 375-388.) CPA Kinross-shire. Abstract of the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the County Council. 1911/12. Kinross [1912]. f°. ft * SYB Mackay, ^Eneas James George. A his- tory of Fife and Kinross. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1896. xiv, 404 p., 2 maps. 8°. CR List of books relating to Fife and Kinross. (Edinburgh Bibliographical So- ciety. Publications. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-30.) * GAA This list also forms an appendix to the same author's Fife and Kinross. Sibbald, Sir Robert. The history of the sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross, with a description of both, and of the Firths of Forth and Tay, and the islands in them. . . Cupar-Fife: R. Tullis, 1803. xvi, 468 p., 3 1., 4 pi. 8°. CR Kintyre, Argyllshire Bede, Cuthbert, pseud, of Edward Brad- ley. Glencraggan; or, A Highland home in Cantire. London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1861. 2 v. maps, plates. 12°. CR Reid, Duncan. Sketches of Kintyre. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 47- 70.) NDO 384 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Kippen, Stirlingshire Chrystal, William. The kingdom of Kippen: its history and traditions. Stir- ling: Munro & Jamieson, 1903. xvi, (1)18- 175 p., IS pi. 8". CR Kirkcudbright, Kirkcudbrightshire Dickie, W. Kirkcudbright in the six- teenth century. (Dumfriesshire and Gal- loway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1908. 8°, 1906-07, p. 129-139.) * EC Scottish burghal life in the 16th and 17th centuries, illustrated by extracts from Kirkcudbright records. (Dumfries- shire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dum- fries, 1906. 8°. 1900-05, p. 90-104.) * EC Kirkcudbright. Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1909/10-1911/12. Dumfries [1910-12]. f°. * SYB M'Millan, John. A sermon preached at the opening of the new church of Kirkcud- bright, on the 21st of October, 1838. Kirk- cudbright: J. Nicholson, 1838. 30, 8 p. 8°. Reserve Kirkcudbrightshire See also Galloway Chalmers, George. Kirkcudbright stew- artry. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 3, p. 209-348.) t CP Kirkcudbrightshire. Commissioners of Supply Valuation roll of the county of Kirkcud- bright for the year 1859-60. Montrose: Standard Office [I860], 1 p.l., 141 p., 1 1. obi. 8°. TIN Medical Officer of Health Annual report upon the health and sani- tary condition of the county, with annual reports on the burghs of Castle-Douglas, Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbright, Gatehouse, and New Galloway, no. 19-21 (1909-11). Castle- Douglas, 1910-12. 8°. SPC Minute book kept by the War Com- mittee of the Covenanters in the Stewart- ry of Kirkcudbright in . . . 1640 and 1641. Kirkcudbright: J. J. Nicholson, 1855. xxxii p., 1 1., 250 p. 8°. CP Kirkden, Forfarshire C, J. St. Triduana and the parish of Kirkden, formerly Idvies, Forfarshire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-3.) CPA Kirkhill, Inverness-shire Wallace, Thomas. Notes on some sculp, tured slabs and headstones in the church- yards of Glenconvinth and Kirkhill In" verness-shire. illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin burgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 309-314) CPA Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire Barbour, James. The church bells of Holywood and Kirkmahoe, and the church and municipal bells of Lochmaben. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions Dumfries, 1898. 8°. 1897-98, p. 82-87 & 101.) *EC Kirkmichael, Ayrshire Graham, Henry Grey. Life in a country manse , about 1720. [Kirkmichael, Ayr- shire.) (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 159-172.) CPA Reprinted in his Literary and historical essays d 138-160, London, 1908. KlRKNEWTON, EDINBURGHSHIRE Reid, Alan. Notes on the churchyards of Currie, Kirknewton, and the Calders. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 217-245.) CPA Kirkpatrick-Durham, Kirkcudbrightshire Stark, William A. The book of Kirk- patrick-Durham. Castle-Douglas: Adam Rae, 1903. 152 p., 6 pi. 4, port. 12°. CR Notice of a presentation by George hi. to the church and parish of Kirkpatrick- Durham. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 286-289.) CPA The origin of the name of Kirk- patrick-Durham. (Dumfriesshire and Gal- loway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1910. 8°. 1908-09. p. 44-52.) *EC Kirriemuir, Forfarshire Findlay, Jessie Patrick. Thrums in the rain, illus. (English illustrated maga- zine. London, 1904. 8°. v. 31, p. 402- 410.) *DA - Reid, Alan. The regality of Kirriemuir. Introduction by Rev. A. Whyte. With a map of the district, and one hundred and forty illustrations from original photo- graphs and drawings. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1909. xvi, 419(1) p., 1 fac, 1 map, 15 pi. 8°. CR Knapdale, Argyllshire Ingram, Mary E. The key of Knapdale. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8 . v, 4, p. 237-246.) NDK LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 385 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. White, Thomas Pilkington. The ecclesi- astical antiquities of the district of Knap- dale, Argyllshire, and the islands of Gigha and Cara. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 383-388.) CPA Kyle, Ayrshire Armstrong, Robert Bruce. Military re- port on the districts of Carrick, Kyle, and Cunningham. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeologi- cal and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 17-25.) t CA Paterson, James. History of the coun- ties of Ayr and Wigton. Edinburgh: James Stillie, 1864-66. 3 v. in 5. 12°. CR v. 1, Kyle; v. 2, Carrick; v. 3, Cunningham. Wig- townshire not dealt with. Lake of Menteith, Perthshire Lumsden & Son's guide to the roman- tic scenery of Loch-Lomond, Loch-Ket- turin, the Trossachs, &c. ... With a land tour from Stirling to Callander, the Tros- sachs, Loch-Ketturin, Loch-Ard, and the Lake of Monteith. Glasgow: James Lums- den and Son, 1831. 52 p., 1 map. new and rev. ed. 12°. CRB p. box Lanark, Lanarkshire Brook, Alexander James Steel. Notice of the silver bell of Lanark, a horse-racing trophy of the seventeenth century, with some references to the early practice of horse-racing in Scotland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 174-188.) CPA Davidson, Hugh. The old church of St. Kentigern, Lanark. 1 pi. (Glasgow Arch- aeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 155- 162.) CPA Davidson, John Marr. St. Kentigern's Church, Lanark, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 133-139.) CPA Lanark. Extracts from the records of the royal burgh of Lanark. With charters and documents relating to the burgh. A. D. 1150-1722. Glasgow: printed by Carson & Nicol, 1893. xl, 433 p., 2 fac, 1 map, 2 plans, 1 pi. sq. 8°. CR no. 137 of 400 copies printed. Lanark and Govan Lunacy Districts. Re- port of the joint committee for Kirklands Asylum. 1903/4-1910/11. Glasgow, 1904- 11. 8°. B ' W PT Reid, Thomas. The official guide to Lanark. Cheltenham: E. J. Burrow [1912?]. 52 p., 1 map. 16°. CR Lanarkshire Chalmers, George. Lanerk-shire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. v 3 p. 567-760.) f CP Glasgow. — Boundaries Commission. Statement for the commissioners of supply [of the county of Lanark) in answer to the case for the lord provost, magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, 1887. Hamil- ton: W. Naismith, prtr. [1887.J 16 p. 4°. CR p. box Hamilton, William, of Wishaw. Descrip- tions of the sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1878. 9 p.l., (i)x-xxv(i) p., 1 L, 304 p., 27 1., 6 pi. 4°. (New Club series.) ' -f- CR no. 43 of eighty-six copies printed. Lanarkshire. Abstract of the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the County Council (including those of the district commit- tees). 1910/11. [Glasgow, 1911.) f°. tt * SYB County Council Handbook. 1913. Glasgow, 1913. 24°. *SYB Minutes of the County Council and re- ports and minutes of committees of the council and other documents submitted to the council. 1911/12. n. p. [1912.] f°. Justices of the Peace Regulations for the upper ward of Lan- arkshire . . . The powers and duties of con- stables. And... an appendix, containing forms of citations, &c. Edinburgh: Walker & Greig, prtrs., 1815. 39 p. 8°. * C p.v. 494 Medical Officer of Health Annual report. 1911. Glasgow [1912). 8°. SPC Report on the administration of the Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts. no. 2 (1909). Glasgow [1909]. 8°. VDI Public Health Office Annual report by the county and dis- trict sanitary inspector, district of the lower ward. 1907-11. Glasgow [1908-12,. Secondary Education Committee Annual report on the medical inspection and supervision of school children, no. 3 (1911/12). Hamilton [1912). 8°. STC 386 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Langholm, Dumfriesshire Hyslop, John, and R. Hyslop. Langholm as it was; a history of Langholm and Esk- dale from the earliest times. Sunderland: Hills and Company, 1912. xv(i), 922 p., 2 maps, 2 plans, illus. 8°. CR Largs, Ayrshire Dobie, John Shedden. The church of Largs. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archae- ological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 38-57.) t CA Dobie, William. The Skelmorlie aisle and monuments at Largs. By W. Dobie, revised by Robert Dobie Wilson. 2 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological As- sociation. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 58-76.) t CA Lyons, Andrew W. The painted ceiling in the.Montgomery aisle of the old church at Largs, Ayrshire. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 109-111.) CPA Lasswade, Edinburghshire Reid, Alan. The churchyard memorials of Lasswade and Pentland. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 81-99.) CPA Lauder, Berwickshire Smith, Mrs. J. Stewart. The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass: and the other baronial homes of the Dick-Lauder family, written and illustrated with pen, pencil, and cam- era. Edinburgh: printed for the author by T. and A. Constable, 1898. xxii p., 1 1., 427 p., 19 pi., 4 port, illus. 4°. t ARZ Thomson, A, Lauder and Lauderdale. Galashiels: Craighead Brothers [1903]. xv, 380 p., 7 1., 1 fac, 1 table, 2 maps, 26 pi., 9 port. 8°. CR Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire Fraser, William Ruxton. History of the parish and burgh of Laurencekirk. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1880. xxx, 379 p. 12°. CR Gardenstone, Francis Garden, Lord. Let- ter to the people of Laurencekirk, on occa- sion of presenting the king's charter, by which that village is erected into a free and independent burgh of barony. . . t By Lord Gardenstone.] Edinburgh: Murray & Coch- ran, printers, 1780. xi, 88 p. 8°. CR p. box THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Leadhills, Lanarkshire A., A. The village of Leadhills, Lanark- shire. (Magazine of popular science. Lon- don, 1836. 8°. v. 1, p. 229-232.) 0A Braid, James. Account of the fatal acci- dent which happened in the Leadhills Com- pany's mines, the 1st March 1817. (Edin- burgh medical and surgical journal. Edin- burgh, 1817. 8°. v. 13, p. 353-356.) WAA Lecropt, Perth and Stirling shires Wallace, Thomas. Notes from the old churchyards of Logie, Lecropt, Dunblane, and Moy, with a note on an impression of human feet cut in stone, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 436-442) CPA Leith, Edinburghshire Christie, Robert. Remarks on statement by the committee of Leith Dock and Har- bour Commissioners on the affairs of the port. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1835. 18 p. 8°. CRp.boxl Hislop's time-gun plan of Edinburgh and Leith. Edinburgh : W. & A. K. John- ston [1861]. 18^ in. x 21^ in. folded 12°. Stuart 8939 Labouchere, Henry. Report to., .the chancellor of the exchequer, regarding the affairs of the city of Edinburgh and port of Leith. Edinburgh : T. Allan & Co., printers, 1836. 25 p. 8°. CRp.box Laing, David. Petition from the inhabit- ants of South Leith, addressed to General Monk, praying him to restore to them the use of the parish church, circa 1655; illus- trated with a series of extracts from the kirk-session records of that parish. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 158- 168.) CPA Law, Thomas Graves. Lislebourg and Petit Leith. 1 illus. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 19-26.) CPA Leith. Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1911/12. Leith ( 1912]. f°. *SYB Chamber of Commerce Report by the directors of the Chamber of Commerce, no. 57-60 (1908-11). Leith t 1908-12]. 8°. TLK Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures and Gas Meters Report., .with statistical tables annexed thereto. 1911/12. Leith, 1912. 8°. VBDA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 387 History and Description, continued. Local History — Leith, continued. Police Committee Return of crimes and offences reported to and investigated by the police, with other details connected with the duties of the police. 1911. Leith, 1912. f°. ft SLD Public Health Department Annual report, no. 7-11 (1907-11). Leith [1908-12]. 8°. SPC Sanitary Inspector's Office Report. 1907-12. Leith [1908-13]. 8°. SPC Tramways Department Annual report and abstract of accounts. 1911/12. Leith t 1912]. f°. Leith in mdcccxxvi ! With a few observa- tions on the late nomination of its magis- trates. Leith: Wm. Heriot, printer, 1826. 27 p. 8°. CRp.box Letter, A, to the ten pounders of the burgh of Leith, regarding the project now in agitation by "the Grand Junto" for swamping their elective prerogative. Leith : R. Allardice, 1834. 30 p. 8°. CRp.box Lindsay, William, provost. Leith and its sanitary efforts. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 488-497.) SA Millar, W. An account of the Edinburgh Reform Jubilee, celebrated 10th August 1832; also the Leith Reform Jubilee, cele- brated same day.. . Edinburgh: A. Black, 1832. 60 p. 8°. CR p. box Palpus, pseud. Bickers between Edin- burgh and Leith; originally published in the Edinburgh Observer. [Preface signed Pal- pus.] Edinburgh: Stirling & Kenney. 1829. 20 p. 8°. CR p. box Robertson, David H. Note concerning the residence of the barons Balmerino in Leith. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 449-454.) CPA _ Notes on the "visitation of the pes- tilence" from the parish records of South Leith, A. D. 1645, in connexion with the excavations of large masses of human re- mains during the drainage operations at Wellington Place, Leith Links, A. D. 1861- 2. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 392-395.) CPA Notice of human remains found in digging at the Citadel, North Leith. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 356.) CPA Robertson, George. A description of the reclamation embankment for the new dry dock at Leith. (Royal Scottish Society of .Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 70-79.) VA Rogers, Charles. Historical notices of, and documents relating to, the monastery of St. Anthony at Leith. 3 illus. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. Lon- don, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 380-412.) CA Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, etc., relating to Edinburgh and Leith. 1828-29. f°. tt CR Stark, James. Report on the mortality of Edinburgh and Leith, for the months of June, July, and August, 1848. Edinburgh: Stark and Co., 1848. 9 p. 8°. (Edin- burgh.) SDN p.v.3, no.8 Report on the mortality of Edin- burgh and Leith for the six months, June- November, 1846. Edinburgh: Stark and Co.. 1846. 8 p. 8°. (Edinburgh.) SDN p.v.3, no.9 Report on the mortality of Edin- burgh, Leith and Newhaven, for the months of January and February, 1846. Edin- burgh: Stark and Co., 1846. 8 p. 8°. (Edinburgh.) SDN p.v.3, no.10 Stevenson, R. H. Annals of Edinburgh and Leith. . .from. . .A. C. 320 down to the present time (A. D. 1839). Edinburgh: the author, 1839. 1 p.L, 2, (7)-181 p., 1 plan, 3 pi. 16°. CR Wallace-James, J. G. Some notes illus- trative of history of Leith. (Scottish an- tiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 149-150.) CA Whyte, Peter. Leith docks reclamation embankment. London: The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1899. 4 p., 1 pi. 8°. VDNAp.box Repr. : Minutes of proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, v. 139, sess. 1890-1900, part 1. Lennox, The Galloway, Alexander. Notes relative to the district near Glasgow formerly known as the Levenachs or Lennox. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 99-113.) CPA Leociiel-Cushnie, Aberdeenshire Williams, George. Notes on the place names of Leochel-Cushnie. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 35-36, 49-51, 69-70, 81-83.) CPA Lewis See also Hebrides Account, An, of the Lewis and some of the other Western Isles. From the collec- 388 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. tions of Macfarlane of Macfarlane. (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 333-358.) ZDVH Dymes, Captain John. Description of Lewis. 1630. (In: W. C. Mackenzie, His- tory of the Outer Hebrides. London, 1903. 8°. p. 591-595.) Gordon-Cumming, C. F. A cry for help. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 254, p. 273-280.) * DA Famine in the Lewis. Mackenzie, William Cook. Notes on the Pigmies Isle, at the Butt of Lewis, with results of the recent exploration of the "Pigmies Chapel," there, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 248-258.) CPA Mackinlay, D. The island of Lewis, and its fishermen-crofters. In a leter to Hugh M. Matheson. . . London: printed by Bar- rett, Sons & Co., 1878. lix, 43 p. 8°. O'Neill, Arthur. A trip to Lewis. (Man- chester Literary Club. Papers. Manches- ter, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 151-160.) NAA Scenes in Lewis. Air an airigh. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 235- 253.) * DA A collection of essays written by Lewis school- children. Smith, William Anderson. Lewisiana; or, Life in the Outer Hebrides. London: Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1875. 4 p.l., 297 p., 4 pi. 12°. CRB Four plates lacking. Williams, H. Whiteside. The "Clachans" of Lewis, illus. (Reliquary and illustrated archaeologist. London, 1900. 4°. v. 6, p. 73-79.) CA Leys Barony, Kincardineshire Leys. Court book of the barony of Leys. 1636-1674. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 221-233.) t CP Liberton, Edinburghshire Whyte, Thomas. An account of the par- ish of Liberton in Mid-Lothian, or county of Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 292-388.) f CPA Liddesdale, Roxburghshire Armstrong, Robert Bruce. The history of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wau- chopedale, and the Debateable land. Part I. From the twelfth century to 1530. Edin- burgh: David Douglas, 1883. xvi, 290 cxvi p., 2 maps, 18 pi., 3 port. 4°. f cjj No more published. Limekilns, Fifeshire Reid, Alan. "The King's cellar" at Lime- kilns. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8° v 36, p. 658-665.) CPA Lincluden Abbey, Kirkcudbrightshire Barbour, James. Notes on Lincluden Abbey. 1 plan. (Dumfriesshire and Gallo- way Natural History and Antiquarian So- ciety. Transactions. Dumfries, 1887. 8° 1883-86, p. 18-34.) *EC Chinnock, Edward J. Charters relating to Lincluden College. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural Historical and Antiquar- ian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1911 8°. 1909-10, p. 83-100.) *EC M'Dowall, William. Chronicles of Lin- cluden as an abbey and as a college. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1886. 2 p.l., 216 p., 1 plan, 7 pi. 4°. fCRF One of 400 copies printed. Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. The convent and college of Lincluden, Kirkcudbrightshire. 28 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Ar- chaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. 97-166.) fCA Traquair, W. Papal bull relating to Lin- cluden College Church. (Scottish anti- quary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 67- 68.) CA Lindores Abbey, Fifeshire Brand, John. Explanation of a seal of the abbey of Lundores, in Scotland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Archs- ologia. London, 1800. 4°. v. 13, p. 196- 198.) t CA Cartae e libro Sancte Maria de Lundoris. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. series 2, p. 244-247.) CP Chartularies, The, of Balmerino and Lindores; now first printed from the orig- inal mss. in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turn- bull., Edinburgh: Abbotsford Club, 1841. 2 p.l., 2, xii p., 1 1., iii, 3, 3-87 p., 1 1., 2, xi, 55 p., 4 pi., 1 plan. sq. 4°. (Abbotsford Club.) t CP This work has no claim to be called a chartulary, it being merely "a transcript, made apparently so late as the time of James IV., of twenty-five docu- ments relating to the abbey and its burgh, ranging in date from the end of the twelfth century to tne beginning of the sixteenth, and selected without any appearance of method." LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 389 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Dickson, Thomas. Notice of the Register of Lindores Abbey, a thirteenth century- Scottish ms. on vellum in the library at Caprington Castle, Ayrshire. (.Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 148-159.) CPA Dispute between the abbot and convent of Lindores and the inhabitants of New- burgh. 1309. (Abbotsford Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 53-56.) tCP Laing, Alexander. Lindores Abbey and its burgh of Newburgh: their history and annals. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Doug- las, 1876. xx, 575 p., 2 fac, 11 pi. sm. 4°. CR Present condition of Lindores Ab- bey. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 208-212.) CPA Lindores Abbey. Chartulary. 1195-1479. Edited from the original manuscript at Caprington Castle, with translation and abstracts of the charters. . .notes and ap- pendices. By Rt. Rev. John Dowden. Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 1903. xcv, 351 p., 3 fac, 4 pi. 8°. (Scottish His- tory Society. Publications, no. 42.) CPA Linlithgow, Linlithgowshire B., R. The capture of Linlithgow Castle, in 1313. (Forget me not. London [1837]. 16°. 1837, p. 121-159.) NCA Cooke, T. Etherington. Notice of the heraldic painted ceilings in a house at Linlithgow, now destroyed. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 409-412.) CPA Croal, T. A. Linlithgow Palace. An original etching by Axel H. Haig. 1 pi. (Art journal. London, 1902. 4°. 1902, p. 46-47.) t MAA Documents relative to the palace of Lin- lithgow, 1540-1648. (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1. p. 351-372.) ZDVH Ferguson, John. Ecclesia antiqua; or, The history of an ancient church (St. Michael's, Linlithgow), with an account of its chapels, chantries, and endowments. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1905. 3 p.l., ix- xxiii, 357 p., 16 pi. 8°. CR 1. Earliest annals — ill24-1242. 2. During the wars of independence — 1242-1424. 3. A century of growth — 1424-1524. 4. On the eve of the Refor- mation — 1524-1560. 5. After the storm — 1560-1646. 6. Resolutioners and protesters — 1646-1669. 7. The church in the nave — 1669-1812. 8. Back to the chan- ?|1 — 1812-1890. 9. The demon of restoration — 1890-1896. 10. Ancient chapels connected with St. Michael's Church. 11. Chantries and chantry priests. 12. The clerical succession — 1264-1878. 13. The second charge — 1630-1751. 14. The reader and pre- centor — 1592-1752. 15. The endowments of St. Michael's — 1124-1905. Appendices. Kerr, Andrew. Notes of ancient tile paving in Linlithgow Palace. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 194-198.) CPA Linlithgow Palace, Linlithgowshire. (In: The Antiquarian itinerary. London, 1818. 8°. v. 7, 1 pi.) CBD Seton, Sir Alexander. Topographical account of the palace and church of Lin- lithgow. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 43-52.) t CPA Waldie, George. A history of the town and palace of Linlithgow, with notices, his- torical and antiquarian of places of interest in the neighbourhood. Linlithgow: G. Waldie, 1879. 119 p., 1 plan, 1 pi. illus. 3. ed. 12°. CR Linlithgowshire Chalmers, George. Linlithgowshire'. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1810. 4°. v. 2, p. 831-890.) t CP Penney, John. A topographical and his- torical account of Linlithgowshire. Edin- burgh: Stevenson, 1832. xi, 232 p. 12°. CR With additional engraved title-page. Lismore, Argyllshire Milner, George. Green Appin and the island of Lismore. (Longman's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 632-639.) * DA Loch Ard, Perthshire Christison, David. Duke Murdoch's cas- tle, Loch Ard, Perthshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. ,v. 41, p. 420-423.) CPA Loch Awe, Argyllshire Muir, Pearson M'Adam. Loch Awe. (In: Budget of holiday letters. Edinburgh, 1889. 12°. p. 89-99.) * C p.v.359 Loch Dee, Galloway Nicolson, Alexander. At Loch Dee. il- lus. (Good words. London, 1879. 8°. v. 20, p. 267-273.) * DA Loch Dee, Galloway. Loch Etive, Argyllshire Macleod, Norman. A day on Loch Etive. (In: Budget of holiday letters. Edinburgh, 1889. 12°. p. 84-88.) * C p.v.359 390 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Loch Fyne, Argyllshire Sime, William. Loch Fyne. illus. (Eng- lish illustrated magazine. London, 1885. 8°. v. 2, p. 27-38.) * DA Loch Katrine, Stirlingshire Lumsden & Son's guide to the romantic scenery of Loch-Lomond, Loch-Ketturin, the Trossachs, &c... With a land tour from Stirling to Callander, the Trossachs, Loch-Ketturin, Loch-Ard, and the Lake of Monteith. Glasgow: James Lumsden and Son, 1831. 52 p., 1 map. new and rev. ed. 12°. CRB p. box Nelson, Thomas, and Sons. Views of the Trossachs and Loch Katrine, n. p., n. d. 12 pi. oblong 48°. KFT Lochaber, Inverness-shire Drummond-Norie, William. Loyal Loch- aber and its associations, historical, gen- ealogical, and traditionary... With an introductory poem by Alice C. Macdonell. Glasgow: Morison Bros., 1898. xxvii 487 p., 24 pi., 8 port. 8°. ' C R 600 copies printed: 100 large paper and 500 ordinary copies. Lochindorb, Elginshire Cumming, Alexander D. Loch-in-dorb an ancient royal fortress. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 357-364.) CPA Thomson, R. The castle of Lochin- dorbh... (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness 1902. 8°. v. 5, p. 123-134.) *EC Loch Lomond Lumsden & Son's guide to the romantic scenery of Loch-Lomond, Loch-Ketturin, the Trossachs, &c. ... With a land tour from Stirling to Callander, the Trossachs, Loch-Ketturin, Loch-Ard, and the Lake of Monteith. Glasgow: James Lumsden and Son, 1831. 52 p., 1 map. new and rev. ed. 12°. CRB p. box Nelson, Thomas and Sons. Nelson's tourist's guide to the Trosachs and Loch Lomond. London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1858. vi, (1)8-48 p. 24°. CRB p. box Night, A, by Loch Lomond. (National gazette and literary register. Philadel- phia. 1828. f°. May 13.) *A Loch Maree, Ross-shire Dixon, John H. Gairloch. . .Ross-shire: its records, traditions, inhabitants , and natural history, with a guide to Gairloch and Loch Maree. Edinburgh: Co-opera- tive Printing Co., 1886. xlviii p., 1 1., 435 p., 1 map, 1 pi., 2 port. 8°. CR Miller, James W. Skye, Gairloch, Eigg, and Loch Maree. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 p.l., 94 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. (Miller's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and islands.) KFT Loch Rannoch, Perthshire Tymms, T. Vincent. Loch Rannoch. 2 illus. (Good words. London, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 391-397.) -DA Loch Tay, Perthshire Macmillan, Hugh. Loch Tay. illus. (Art journal. London, 1899. f°. 1899, p. 260-266.) fMAA Lochleven, Kinross-shire Amours, Francis Joseph. Saint Serf's Priory in Lochleven. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. v. 37, p. 15-28.) * EC Kerr, Andrew. Description of the ec- clesiastical remains existing upon St. Serf's island, Lochleven,' at 6th July 1881. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 159-168.) CPA Lochleven Castle, Kinross-shire Begg, Robert Burns. History of Loch- leven Castle, with details of the imprison- ment and escape of Mary, queen of Scots. Illustrated by J. Begg. Kinross: G. Bar- net, 1887. xv(i), 124 p., 7 pi. 3. ed. 8°. CR Lochleven Castle. 1 illus. (Pinnock's guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 337-339.) OA Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire Barbour, James. The church bells of Holywood and Kirkmahoe, and the church and municipal bells of Lochmaben. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1898. 8°. 1897-98, p. 82-87, 97- 101.) *EC Gardiner, John. On the antiquities of Lochmaben. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 74-80.) fCPA Rae, E. B. Extracts from the records of the burgh of Lochmaben (Dumfries- shire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dum- fries, 1907. 8°. 1905-06, p. 104-123.) *EC LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 391 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Thomson, J. H. The kindly tenants of the four towns of Lochmaben. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1898. 8°. 1897-98, p. 73-81.) *EC Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Fer- rier [1895,. 320 p. illus. 12°. CR Longforgan. Historic memories. Ecclesiastical traditions and history. Early notices of the land. At 'he Hundhil of Langforgrund in 1385. Castle Huntly. A Longforgan laird in the seventeenth cen- tury. The pre-reformation church, etc. A list of ministers in Longforgan, with biographical notes and glimpses of parish life. Three Longforgan worthies. Appendix. Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire Henderson, Thomas R. Lockerbie in its origin. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1907. 8°. 1905- 06, p. 155-164.) * EC LORNE Carmichal, Alexander. Traditions of the land of Lome, and of the Highland an- cestry of Robert Burns. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 314-333.) NDK Logie, Stirling, Clackmannan, and Perth shires Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Logie: a parish history. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1905. 2 v. 32 pi., 11 port. 4°. t CR One of 300 copies printed. v. 1: 1. Introductory. The parish of Logie. 2. Ministers of Logie before the Reformation. 3. Mr. Alexander Fargy. 4. Mr. James Dalmahoy, minister at Cambuskenneth. 5. Mr. John Millar. 6. The vicar of Logie. 7-8. Mr. Alexander Hume. 9. Mr. James Saittone, or Seytoun. 10. Peculiar cases of discipline. 11. Mr. Henry Schaw. 12. Mr. George Schaw. 13. The change from Presbyterian to Epis- copal church government. 14. Mr. Alexander Doug- las and the Revolution of 1688. 15. Mr. Patrick Duchal. 16. The secession movement of 1732. 17. Mr. James Wright. 18. The Rev. Robert Clason. 19. The Rev. William Robertson. 20. The Rev. Robert John Johnstone. 21. The Rev. David Neil Imrie. 22. The Rev. R. Menzies Fergusson. 23. Re- lief Church at Blairlogie (now United Free Church, Blairlogie. ) 24. Some notes taken from Logie parish minutes, 1761-1873, and recent changes. 25. Mis- cellaneous. Addendum — After the Revolution. In- dex. v. 2. Land and land owners. 1. Report on the parish. 2. Spittal. 3. Gogar. 4. Airthrey. 5. Lands of Westerton of Airthrey and Coneyhill. 6. Lands of Logie. 7. Fossachie. 8. Lands of Powhouse or Powis. 9. Manor (King's Powhouse). 10. Longkerse of Blairlogie. 11. Steps, alias Manor-Steps. 12. Lands of Westgrange, Broom, etc. 13. Cambusken- neth Abbey lands. 14. Blairlogie. 15. Loss. 16. Cauldhame (now Blair Ochil) and Ashintrule. 17. Lands of Jerah. 18. Lands of Menstrie. 19. Mid- dleton Kerse of Menstrie. 20. Balquharn and Myre- ton. 21. Sheriffmuirlands. 22. Cornton and its portioners. 23. Feus — Blawlowan, etc. 24. The Kidston family in Logie. 25. Bridge of Allan. 26. A romance of the Great North Road. 27. The geol- ogy of the parish of Logie. A veteran pear tree Plan of Aithray roads, 1769. "A mappe of the coun- trie about Stirling — 1685." Place-names. Logie parish place-names not now in use. Addendum — Parochial registers, extracts from kirk session rec- ords. Index. Genealogical trees. Wallace, Thomas. Notes from the old churchyards of Logie, Lecropt, Dunblane, and Moy, with a note on an impression of human feet cut in stone, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 436- 442.) CPA Longforgan, Perthshire Philip, Adam. The parish of Longfor- gan; a sketch of its church and people. Lothian Dowden, John. Boyamund's valuation of ecclesiastical benefices in the arch- deaconry of Lothian (1274-1275): with an alphabetical list of the more difficult place- names in the accounts for the second year (1275-1276). (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 40-55.) CPA Hannah, Ian C. The Berwick and Loth- ian coasts. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1913. 368 p., 25 pi. 12°. CR Hinde, John Hodgson. Lothian: its position prior to its annexation to Scot- land. (Archaeological journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 14, p. 301-319.) CA Lavden, sive Lothien. 1 map. (In: J. Jansson, Joannis Janssonii atlas major sive cosmographia universalis. Amsterdam, 1675. f°. v. 6, Regnum Scotiae, p. 4-5.) Map Div. Watt, Francis. Edinburgh and the Loth- ians. With twelve illustrations in colour by W. Dexter. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1912.] xv, 333(1) p., 12 pi. 8°. CR Luffness, Haddingtonshire Muir, Thomas S. Notice of the ancient church of St. Helen, at Aldcambus; and of fragments apparently of a monastic building at Luffness. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 296-299.) CPA Manor, Peeblesshire Veitch, John. The Vale of the Manor and the Black Dwarf. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 148, p. 322-338.) * DA Marches See Borders >2 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Istory and Description, continued. ns of the land of the Lindsays in Angus d Mearns, with notices of Alyth and eigle... Rewritten and corrected by mes Gammack. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 82. xxvi p., 1 1., 468 p., 9 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR Melrose (parish), Roxburghshire Milne, Adam. A description of the rish of Melrose; in answer to Mr. Mait- nd's queries, sent to each parish of the ngdom. [By Adam Milne.] Edinburgh: inted by T. and W. Ruddimans, 1748. p. 2. ed. corrected. 8°. CRBp. box Melrose (town), Roxburghshire Melrose. — Medical Officer of Health, ■port on the health of the population d the sanitary condition of the burgh of elrose. 1906-11. Melrose, 1907-11. 8°. SPC Melrose Abbey, Roxbueghshiee Armstrong, T. Percy. Four abbeys and Abbotsford. (The Month. London 190fi 8°. v. 108, p. 471-477.) '* DA ' Melrose, Dryburgh, Kelso, Jedburgh. Bigelow. Visit to Melrose Abbey and Dryburgh. (The Literary gazette. Phila- delphia, 1821. 4°. v. 1, p. 337-342.) * DD Bower, John. Description of the abbeys of Melrose and Old Melrose, with their traditions. Kelso: the author, 1813. 100 p 8°. * C p.v.1203 — Edinburgh: printed for the au- thor, 1822. iv, (1)6-125 p. 2. ed. improved 8°. CRB The history and antiquities of Mel- rose, Old Melrose, and Dryburgh Abbeys; with a description of Abbotsford, Eildon Hills, etc. [By John Bower.] Melrose: I Bower [1847]. viii, (1)10-99 p., 3 pi. 16° CRF With additional engraved title-page. Cram, Ralph Adams. The ruined abbeys of Great Britain. New York: The Church- man Co., 1905. pi. 8°. COF pp. 171-191: Melrose and Dryburgh, 6 pi. Delapierre, Octave. L'abbeye de Mel- rose et les ouvriers flamands. 22 p. (Phil- obiblion Society. Miscellanies. London, 1859. 8°. v. 5.) * GAA Fairbairn, Margaret W. Melrose Abbey: notes descriptive and historical. Selkirk: "Southern Reporter" Office, 1880. 20 p. 4. ed. 16°. Melrose Abbey. 1 illus. (Penny maga- zine. London, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 249-251.) *DA Morton, James. The monastic annals of Teviotdale; or, The history and antiquities of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros and Dryburgh. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1832. xi p., 2 1., 328 p., 19 pi. 4°. CR Ross, Frederick. The ruined abbeys of Britain. London: Wm. Mackenzie, n. d. f°. ttCB The Cistercian abbey of Melrose, pp. 49-72. Shaw's tourist's picturesque guide to Ab- botsford, Melrose, and the land of Scott. London: Norton & Shaw, n. d. 74 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 16°. KFT Smith, John Alexander. Notes on Mel- rose Abbey; especially in reference to in- scriptions on the wall of the south transept. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 166-175, 295.) CPA Thomson, D. C. Melrose Abbey. (Anti- quary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 11- 15.) CA Wade, James A. History of St. Mary's Abbey, Melrose, the monastery of Old Mel- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 393 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. rose, and the town and parish of Melrose. Edinburgh: T. C. Jack, 1861. viii p., 4 1., [ix-]xxix, (1)22-400 p., 1 pi. illus. 12°. CR Wass, J. Melrose Abbey, with notes de- scriptive and historical. Edinburgh: W. Ritchie, 1889. 30 p., 1 1. 16°. Methlick, Aberdeenshire Mair, Thomas. The manse of Methlick in the 17th century. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p, 93-94.) CPA Mid-Calder, Edinburghshire M'Call, Hardy Bertram. The history and antiquities of the parish of Mid-Calder, with some account of the religious house of Torphichen founded upon record. Edin- burgh: R. Cameron, 1894. viii, 272 p., 1 map, 3 pi, 1 table. 4°. t CR Robertson, Joseph. Notice of a deed by which Sir James Sandilands of Calder, knight, binds himself and his heir to com- plete the vestry, and to build the nave, steeple, and porch of the parish church of Mid-Calder. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 160-165.) CPA Stuart, John. Notice of armorial bear- ings and inscriptions in the church of Mid- Calder. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 166-171.) CPA Midlothian McCallum, Alexander. Midlothian. Cam- bridge: University Press, 1912. x, 208 p. illus. 12°. (Cambridge county geogra- phies: Scotland.) CR Midmar Castle, Aberdeenshire Kelly, William. Midmar Castle. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 113-114.) CPA Vansittart, Miss E. C. Midmar Castle, illus. (Antiquary. London, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 139-144.) CA Minchmoor, Peeblesshire Brown, John. Minchmoor. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1864. 23 p. 16°. * C p.v.684 Montrose, Forfarshire Forme, The, and maner of buriall used in the kirk of Montrois. (In: Wodrow So- ciety. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 291-300.) CP Fraser, William Ruxton. St. Mary's of Old Montrose or parish of Maryton. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons rl896i. xii, 247 p. 12°. C R Howden, James C. Early history of Montrose. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth. 1891. 8°. 1890, p. 8-15.) PQA Low, James G., and William Low. Bibli- ography of Montrose periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 5-7, 23-26, 40-42, 57- 59, 74-76, 88-90.) CPA Montrose. — Public Library. Annual re- port, no. 2-7 (1906/7-1912/13). Montrose (1907-13). 12°. *HND Pinnington, Edward. Glimpses of old Scots parish life. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 63-72.) CPA Montrose. A Scots memorial reredos. [St. Mary's, Montrose.] (Art journal. London, 1901. 4°. 1901, p. 282-284.) t MAA Reid, John J. Notice of a carved oak door and eighteen panels, from an old house in Montrose. 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 61-68.) CPA Monymusk, Aberdeenshire Dalrymple, Charles Elphinstone. The aumbry at Monymusk. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 187-189.) CPA Low, Alexander. Notices of the locali- ties in a grant of the lands of Keig and Monymusk, by Malcolm, king of Scots, to the church of St. Andrews; and a sketch or history of the priory of Monymusk. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 218- 232.) CPA Papers from the charter chest at Mony- musk. 1590-1720. (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. xxxviii-xliii, 91-100.) t CP Monzievaird, Perthshire Porteous, James. Extracts from a his- tory of the parishes of Monivaird and Stro- wan, in the archives of the society. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archae- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 65-75.) t CPA Moray, Diocese of Registrum episcopatus Moraviemsis, e pluribus codicibus consarcinatum circa A. D. mcccc. cum continuatione diplomatum 394 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. recentiorum usque ad A. D. mdcxxiii. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh, 1837. 4 p.l., xlviii p., 4 1., xxiv, 476, xl p., 9 fac, 1 map, 2 pi. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP Moray, Province of See also Elgin Barron, James. The Celtic province of Moray. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 8, p. 64-76.) NDO Dunbar, Edward Dunbar. Documents relating to the province of Moray. Edin- burgh: David Douglas, 1895. viii, 179 p. 8°. CR Social life in former days, chiefly in the province of Moray. Illustrated by let- ters and family papers. Edinburgh: Ed- monston & Douglas, 1865-66. 2 v. 8°. CP Gordon, J. F. S., editor. See Shaw, Lach- lan. History of the province of Moray.. . Hossack, Garden M. Inventories of northern records. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 184-185.) CPA Rampini, Charles. A history of Moray and Nairn. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1898. xi(i), 438 p., 3 maps, 1 plan. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR Shaw, Lachlan. History of the province of Moray... New edition enlarged and brought down to the present times by J. F. S. Gordon. London [Glasgow] : Hamil- ton, Adams & Co., 1882. 3 v. 8°. CR Morham, Haddingtonshire Louden, David. The history of Mor- ham, the birthplace of John Knox. Had- dington: Wm. Sinclair, 1889. 6 p.l., (1)16- 102 p. 8°. CR Preface. Introductory. Morham School. Sir George Udney Yule. Morham Church. Morham, the birthplace of John Knox. Ecclesiastical history. Kirk-session records. Notes (Sir Herbert de Morham — the Dalrymples — the earls of Bothwell — a cor- respondent of Burns). Parish jottings. Morham churchyard. Morham glen. Some eminent men. Morton, Dumfriesshire Hewison, James King. Notice of an ef- figy of a Covenanting minister, and other tombs, in Morton churchyard, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 124-129*) CPA Ramage, C. T. Drumlanrig Castle and the Douglases: with the early history and ancient remains of Durisdeer, Closeburn and Morton. Dumfries: J. Anderson & Son, 1876. xxiii, 411 p. 8°. CR Moulin, Perthshire Reid, Alan. Monumental remains in Pitlochry district, and churchyard memo- rials at Moulin, Temple, and Clerkington. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v 46, p. 389-423.) CPA Mouswald, Dumfriesshire Reid, John James. The barony of Mous- wald and its barons: a page of Border his- tory, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 24-79.) CPA Moy, Inverness-shire Wallace, Thomas. Notes from the old churchyards of Logie, Lecropt, Dunblane, and Moy, with a note on an impression of human feet cut in stone, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 436-442.) CPA Muck, Argyllshire Ross, J. Calder. Notes on the isle of Muck. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1899-1900. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 174-175; series 2, v. 1, p. 27-28, 42.) CPA Muirkirk, Argyllshire Jonas, Alfred Charles. Extracts from the session records of Muirkirk, Ayrshire, 1659-1792. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 332-342.) CPA Mull, Argyllshire Cummins, Maria S. Around Mull. (At- lantic monthly. Boston, 1865. 8°. v. 16, p. 11-19, 167-176.) *DA Judd, John Wesley. Notes on some an- cient chapels and other remains in the is- land of Mull. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 594-598.) CPA Miller, James W. Staffa, Iona, Mull, and Hebrides. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 pi 86 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. (Miller's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and Is- lands.) KFT Musselburgh, Edinburghshire Paterson, James. History of the regal- ity of Musselburgh, with numerous ex- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 395 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. tracts from the town records. Mussel- burgh: James Gordon, 1857. x, (1)12-338 p., 1 pi. 12°. CR Muthill, Perthshire Accounts of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder. Muthill, Crieff, Blackford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the begin- ning of the year 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3. p. 441-474.) t CP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchterarder, p. 144-147, Crieff, 1899. Nairnshire Bain, George. History of Nairnshire. Nairn: "Telegraph Office," 1893. 2 p.l., 600 p. 8°. CR Mackenzie, Alexander. Mackenzie's guide to Inverness, Nairn, and the Highlands: historical, descriptive and pictorial with plan of Inverness and tourist map of Scot- land... Inverness: Melven Bros., 1901. 3 p.l., 182 p., 23 pi. 12°. CPW Nairnshire. Medical Officer of Health Medical officer's report. 1912. Nairn [1913]. 8°. SPC Road Surveyor Road surveyor's report, specification, and estimate for maintenance of highways and bridges. 1913/4. Nairn [1913,. 4°. Sanitary Inspector Annual report upon the sanitary condi- tion of the county, no. 12 (1912). Nairn. 1913. 12°. SPC Secondary Education Committee Annual report on the medical inspection of school children, no. 1 (1911/12). Nairn [1912]. 8°. STC Rampini, Charles. A history of Moray and Nairn. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. xi, 438 p., 4 maps. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR Neilston, Renfrewshire Fleming, Alexander. Remarks on an as- sumed "Statement of facts" put forth by the heritors of Neilston, relative to church accommodation in that parish, and the abandonment of the church as a place, of public worship. Glasgow: J. Brash & Co.. 1827. 99 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.33 Pride, David. A history of the parish of Neilston. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1910. xiii p., 1 1., 261 p., 16 pi., 1 port. 4°. tCR New Kilpatrick, Dumbartonshire Hints to strolling parsons, and a word or two respectfully addressed to the peo- ple of New Kilpatrick, by one of them- selves.. . Glasgow: R. Stuart & Co., 1843. 16 p. 8°. ZWGSp.v.22 Newark Castle, Renfrewshire Browne, George Washington. Notes on Newark Castle, Renfrewshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 494-504.) CPA Fleming, J. S. Newark Castle and its owners. 4 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 2, p. 68-77.) CPA Newbattle, Edinburghshire Carrick, J. C. Churchyard monuments at Newbattle. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 258-270.) CPA Gordon, Thomas. Extracts from the presbytery records of Dalkeith, relating to the parish of Newbattle during, the in- cumbency of Mr. Robert Leighton, 1641- 1653. Communicated by the Rev. T. Gor- don. With some introductory remarks by David Laing. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 459-489.) CPA Newburgh, Fifeshire Dispute between the abbot and convent of Lindores and the inhabitants of New- burgh. 1309. (Abbotsford Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 53-56.) tCP Laing, Alexander. Lindores Abbey and its burgh of Newburgh, their history and annals. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Doug- las, 1876. xviii p., 1 1., 576 p., 2 fac, 11 pi. sq. CR Newhaven, Edinburghshire Brown, Captain Samuel, R. N. Descrip- tion of the Trinity Pier of Suspension at Newhaven, near Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 6, p. 22-27.) OA Graham, W. The sanitary state of New- haven. (National Association for the Pro- motion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 497-501.) SA 36 istory and Description, continued, oral History, continued. Stark, James. Report on the mortality : Edinburgh, Leith and Newhaven, for :e months of January and February, 1846. dinburgh: Stark and Co., 1846. 8 p. 8°. Sdinburgh.) SDN p.v. 3,no.l0 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY North Rona, Ross-shire Unda, pseud, of Thomas S. Muir. Inch- colm, Aberdour, North Rona, Sula Sgeir [Edinburgh: R. Clark, 1872.] 36 p. nW 8°- Reserve One of twenty-five copies printed. With four pen and ink drawings by the author laid in. With bookplate of George Stirling Home Drum- jnond of Blair-Drummond and Ardoch. Newstead, Roxburghshire Irving, Washington. Abbotsford and ewstead Abbey, by the author of "The cetch-Book." London: J. Murray, 1835. p.l., 290 p. 12°. KTG Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & lanchard, 183S. 230 p. 12°. (Crayon iscellany. no. 2.) NBY Nigg, Kincardineshire Couper, Sydney C. Depopulation of vil- ges in the parish of Nigg. (Scottish )tes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. . series 2, v. 1, p. 187.) CPA Nisbet, Roxburghshire Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Notes on hog-backed and two coped monuments the graveyard of Nisbet, Roxburghshire. us. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. roceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. 39, p. 363-366.) CPA Nithsdale, Dumfriesshire McDowall, William. History of the irgh of Dumfries, with notices of Niths- ,le, Annandale, and the western border, dinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1873. 1 p.l., ii, 9-787 p., 1 plan, 3 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR With additional lithographed title-page. Whitelaw, James W. Some incidents Nithsdale during the Jacobite rising 1745. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway itural History and Antiquarian Society. -ansactions. Dumfries, 1896. 8°. 1894- , p. 117-138.) *EC North Berwick, Haddingtonshire Sturrock, J. B. North Berwick, illus. English illustrated magazine. London, 12. 8°. v. 47, p. 494-496.) * DA North Berwick Priory, Haddingtonshire Carta Monialium de North Berwic: Pri- atus Cisterciensis B. Marie de North :rwic munimenta vetusta que supersunt. linburgh: Bannatyne Club, 1847. xxxvi 2 1., 99 p., 4 fac, 6 pi. 4°. ZMTB Oathlaw, Forfarshire Eeles, Francis Carolus. Two incised slabs: at Foveran, Aberdeenshire, and Oathlaw, Forfarshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 308-316.) CPA Orkney Account of the Orkney islands. (Liter- ary magazine and American register. Philadelphia, 1806. 8°. v. 6, p. 207-216 272-275.) * DD Acts and statutes of the Lawting, Sheriff, and Justice Courts within Orkney and Shetland. 1602-1644. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2 p. 139-216.) fCP Anderson, Joseph. Saga . . . See Orkneyinga Barron, Evan M. Robert the Bruce in Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 90-94.) CR Barry, George. History of the Orkney islands, including a view of the manners and customs of their ancient and modern inhabitants, their monuments of antiquity ... 2. ed. with corrections and additions by Rev. James Headrick. London: Long- man, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808. xvi p., 1 1., 513 p., 1 map, 11 pi. 4°. CR Ben, Jo. Descriptio insularum Orchad- iarum. . .in anno 1529. (In: G. Barry, The history of the Orkney islands. . . London, 1808. 2. ed. 4°. p. 437-450.) CR (In: W. Macfarlane, Geo- graphical collections relating to Scotland . . . Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 3, p. 302-313.) CPA English translation on p. 313-323. Brand, John. A brief description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth & Caith- ness... Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1883. 18. 247 p. 8°. CRB no. 148 of 157 copies printed. Verbatim reprint of edition of 1701. 1 pi. (In: John Pinkerton, A general collection of... voyages and trav- els. . . London, 1809. 4°. v. 3, p. 731-810.) + KBD Reprinted from the Edinburgh ed., 1701. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 397 History and Description, continued. Local History — Orkney, continued. Bernier, Paul. Voyage dans l'archipel des Orcades et des Shetland. (L'lllustra- tion. Paris, 1853. 4°. v. 21, p. 187-190.) tt*DM With six illustrations: (1) Costumes des habitants des Orcades, (2).Stromness. (3) Lac Stannis [sic], (4) Bishop Palace et Cathedrale, (5) Chateau de Scalloway, (6) Port de Lerwick. Blome, Richard. The Orcades. (In his: Britannia... London, 1673. f°. p. 317- 318.) tt CBD A small map of 'Shetland' and another of 'Ye Orcades' form part of a large folding map of the island parts of Britain. Cambrian Archaeological Association. Report of the excursion of the Cambrian Archaeological Association in connexion with the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, to the western islands of Scot- land, Orkney, and Caithness, June, 1899. Edited by R. Cochrane. Dublin, 1900. xii, 186 p. 8°. CVA Camden, William. The Orcades, or Isles of Orkney. (In his: Britannia. London, 1772. 4. ed. f°. p. 403-+11.) tt CBD Carr, Ralph. Note on no. vii. of Mr. Petrie's copy of the Maeshow runes, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p.. 139-142.) CPA Chappell, Edward. Narrative of a voy- age to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's ship Rosamond... London: J. Mawman, 1817. 8°. HXA Notes on the Orkneys in 1814, p. 235-246. Charlton, Edward. The Orkney runes. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle. Archaeologia ^Eliana. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1865. 8°. v. 6, p. 127-147.) CA Clark, W. Fordyce. A legend of St. Ola's Kirk. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 130-133.) CR Clouston, J. Storer. The battle of Sum- merdale. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 95-100.) CR Odal Orkney. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 85-100.) GEA Collingwood, William Gershom. Scan- dinavian Britain. With chapters intro- ductory to the subject by F. Y. Powell. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1908. 16°. CD p. 224-264: The earldom of Orkney. Cursiter, James Walls. Notices (1) of a bronze dagger, with its handle of horn, found in the island of Rousay, and (2) of an inscription in tree-runes, recently dis- covered on a stone in the .stone-circle of Stennis, Orkney. 2 illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 74-78.) CPA Documents relating to Orkney and Shet- land. 1438-1563. (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 391- 396.) t CP Extracts from a journal kept during a coasting voyage through the Scottish is- lands. (Edinburgh annual register. Edin- burgh, 1814. 8°. v. 5, part 2, p. 431-446.) BAA Mainly Orkney and Shetland. Fea, Allan. The real Captain Cleveland. London : Martin Seeker [1912]. 2 p.L, 256 p., 1 fac, 13 pi. 8°. AN Gow the pirate. Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Rambles in the far north. 2. ed. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1884. xii, (1)10-266 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 12°. CRB Reviewed in Scottish notes and queries, v. 1, p. 94, Aberdeen, 1887. Firth, John. An Orkney township be- fore the division of the commonty. 2 plans, 2 pi. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shet- land, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910-14. 8°. v. 3, p. 152-158, 203-207; v. 4, p. 20-24, 77-82, 143-145, 179-183; v. 5, p. 34- 38, 113-116, 159-163; v. 6, p. 21-30, 85-92, 146- 160, 174-187; v. 7, p. 30-39.) CR To be continued. Fotheringham, J. G. Scalds and trouba- dours: a voyage from the Orkney islands to Palestine, anno 1152. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 110-113, US- MS.) CA Fotheringhame, William H. Notes re- specting the life of Swein Aslief, an Ork- ney viking, of the twelfth century, illus- trating the annals of that period. ..(Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2. p. 278-287.) CPA Gaughan, Jessie A. Orcadia. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1908. 8°. v. 36, p. 181- 187.) * DA Gordon, Principal Scots College. Re- marks made in a journey to the Orkney is- lands. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archoeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 256-268.) t CPA Gorrie, Daniel. Summers and winters in the Orkneys. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co. [1869.] vii p., 1 1., 400 p., 4 pi. 2. ed. 12°. CPW Lacks map. Goudie, Gilbert. The Celtic and Scandi- navian antiquities of Shetland. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1904. xvi, 305 p. illus. 8°. CR For contents see entry under Shetland. The Danish claims upon Orkney and Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of 398 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Orkney, continued. Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 236-251.) CPA Notice of unpublished rentals of the ancient lordship of Shetland and of the earldom and bishopric of Orkney. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 213-246.) CPA See also Orkneyinga Saga. Groat, Alexander G. Thoughts on Ork- ney and Zetland, their antiquities and capa- bilities of improvement; with hints towards the formation of a local society for the in- vestigation and promotion of these ob- jects... [By Alexander G. Groat.] Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., printers, 1831. 47 p. 8°. CR p.box Printed for private distribution. Hibbert, Samuel. Memoir on the Tings of Orkney and Shetland. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 193-210.) tCPA On the old courts of justice (Icel. thing). Hjaltalin, Jon A. See Orkneyinga Saga. Hutchinson, Jonathan. Fish- eating and leprosy in the Orkneys, journal. London, 1906. p. 948-949.) Insularum Orcadvm descriptio. 1 map. (In: J. Jansson, Joan- nis Janssonii Atlas major sive cosmogra- phia universalis. Amsterdam, 1675. f°. v. 6, Regnum Scotise, p. 25-26.) Map Dept. Johnston, Alfred Wintle. The "Dwarfie Stone" of Hoy, Orkney. 1 map. illus. (Reliquary and illustrated archaeologist. London, 1896. 4°. v. 2, p. 84-101.) CA With a bibliography. Notes on the Earl's bu (or bord- land) at Orphir, Orkney, called Orfjara in the sagas, and on the remains of the round church there, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 16-31.) CPA Ragna-rok and Orkney. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 148-158.) CPA A commentary on both the Eddas based on Orkney records, dialect, traditions, etc., and a contribution to the subject of The home of the Edda." The Romans in Orkney and Shet- land. 1 pi. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 275-280.) CR The round church of Orphir; or, The Earl's bu and kirk in Or-fjara. maps, plans. (Viking Club. Saga book. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 174-216.) GEA Kneeland, Samuel. An American in Ice- land. An account of its scenery, people, (British medical 4°. 1906, part 1, tWAA et Schletlandia; and history. . . With notes on the Orkney Shetland, and Faroe Islands... Boston' Lockwood, Brooks, & Co., 1876. viii n 1 1., (1)4-326 p., 1 map, 12 pi. 12°. GHYK The Orkney islands, p. 9-25; The Shetland islands p. 26-37. ' Leask, J. T. Smith. An Orcadian battle, a hundred years ago. (Old-Jpre miscellany, of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 61-64) CR List and certificate of the number of ex- aminable persons in Orkney and Zetland 1748. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 217-221.) fCP List of works respecting the islands of Orkney and Shetland, forming a series of donations to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, by "A. Z". . . (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 267-274.) tCPA Low, George. A tour through the is- lands of Orkney and Schetland. Contain- ing hints relative to their ancient, modern, and natural history, collected in 1774... Introduction by J. Anderson. Kirkwall: W. Peace & Son, 1879. lxxiv p., 1 1., 223 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. CRB Mackaile, Mathew. A short relation of the most considerable things in Orkney. (In: G. Barry, The history of the Orkney islands... London, 1808. 2. ed. 4.° p. 453-458.) CR (In: W. Macfarlane, Geograph- ical collections relating to Scotland... Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-7.) CPA Mackenzie, James. The general griev- ances and oppression of the isles of Ork- ney and Shetland. Edinburgh: reprinted by Neill & Co., 1836. xxxix p., 2 1., 112, vi p. 12°. CR Reprint of the Edinburgh ed. of 1750. Major, Albany F. Rune-stones in the Brodgar circle, Stenness. 3 pi. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 46-50.) CR Marshall, David. Notes of the connec- tion of the earls of Morton and Dick of Braid and Craighouse, with the earldom of Orkney and lordship of Zetland, with rental, inventory, &c, 1653, from original documents in the charter room of Kinross House. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 275-313.) CPA Mayhew, Samuel Martin. Notes on North Caithness and Orkney. 2 pi. (Brit- ish Archaeological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 265-279.) CA Mecking, L. Eisberge bei den Orkney- Inseln im Jahre 1836? (Gesellschaft fur r W~W"'!FWt*W- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 399 History and Description, continued. Local History — Orkney, continued. Erdkunde. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1907. 8°. 1907, p. 173-176.) KAA Munch, Peter Andreas. Why is the Mainland of Orkney called Pomona? (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 18SS. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 15- 18.) CPA Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shet- land, Caithness and Sutherland. Edited by A. W. Johnston and A. Johnston, v. 1-date. London, 1907-date. 8°. (Old-lore series of the Viking Club.) CR v. 1-2 title reads: Orkney and Shetland miscellany. Oppressions of the sixteenth century in the islands of Orkney and Zetland: from original documents. [Edited by David Balfour.] Edinburgh, 1859. 2 p.l., lxi, 129 (1) p. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CP Contents: (1) Articles and informations by the inhabitants of Orkney and Zetland, of the oppressions committed by Lord Robert Stuart, Dec, 1575. (2) The complayntis of the commownis and inhabitants of Zetland, and probatiounis led thairupoun, Feb., 1576. (3) The commission by King James vi. to the chancellor and others, to try Lord Robert Stuart for oppression, 1587. (4) A supplication to Parliament by Lawrence Bruce and others, against Patrick, earl of Orkney, 1592. (5) Appendix. 0rken0erne eller de orkadiske 0er. (Nordisk Penning Magazin. Kj0ben- havn, 1849. f°. 1848, p. 388-392.) * DK Orkneyinga saga, sive Historia Orcad- ensium a prima Orcadum per Norvegos occupatione ad exitum seculi duodecim. Saga hins helga Magnusar Eyia Jarls sive vita sancti Magni Insularum comitis . . . editit Jonas Jonaeus. Hafnias : P. F. Suhm. 1780. xiii, 557(1) p., 24 1. 4°. CR Stefanson, Jon. The authorship of Ork- neyinga saga (Jarla Sogur). (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1. p. 65-71.) CR Orkneyinga saga, The. Translated from the Icelandic by Jon. A. Hjaltalin and Gil- bert Goudie, edited with notes and intro- duction by Joseph Anderson. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1873. cxxxvi, 227 p., pi., maps, illus. 8°. CR Introduction. I. Earliest historical notices of the Orkneys. II. Early Christianity of the islands. III. Arrival of the Norsemen and establishment of the earldom of Orkney and Caithness. IV. The earldom in the Norse line, 872-1231. V. The earldom in the Angus line, 1231-1312. VI. The earldom in the Stratherne line, 1321-1379. VII. The earldom in the line of St. Clair, 1379-1469. VIII. The bishopric of Orkney, 1102-1469. IX. The bishopric of Caithness, 1150-1469. X. Ancient churches of Orkney. XI. Maeshow and the stones of Stennis. XII. Mousa and the Pictish towers. XIII. Remains of the Norsemen. Chronological table. Genealogical tables [of the earldom]. Orkneyinga Saga. Appendix. Orkneyinga saga, and Magnus saga, with appendices. Edited by Gudbrand Vigfus- son [translated by Sir George Webbe Dasent]. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1887-94. 2 v. 8°. (Icelandic sagas and other historical documents relating to the settlements and descents of the North- men on the British Isles.) " C v. 1. Icelandic text, v. 2. Translation. Peace, William. Peace's descriptive and historic hand-book to the Orkney islands. Kirkwall: W. Peace, 1862. Ill p. 16°. CR Peacock, Edward. Notes from some unpublished documents relating to the in- surrection in Orkney in 1614. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 218-224.) CPA Peterkin, Alexander. See under Rentals of the. . .earldom. . .of Orkney. Rentals of the ancient earldom and bishoprick of Orkney; with some other explanatory and relative documents. Col- lected by A. Peterkin. Edinburgh: printed [by J. Moir,, 1820. 2 p.l., 11, 101, 155, 98, 32, 32, 67, 116 p. 8°. CR 1. Lord Sinclair's rental-book of Orkney, 1497- 1503. 2. The rentale of king and bischoppis lands of Orkney, 1595. Bishop Law's rental of the bishopric of Orkney, 1614. 3. Documents relative to the bishop- ric of Orkney, discovered in the charter room of the city of Edinburgh. 4. Rentall of the landis and dew- ties thairof quhilkis appertenit to the lait bishoprick of Orknay — delivered to the magistrates of Edin- burgh in 1642. 5. The true and just rentall of all the fermis, debtis, dewtis, and gersumes off the bischop- rick of Orknay. 6. Donald Groat's bishoprick compt book, cropt 1739. Appendix. Robertson, Duncan J. A loch in Orcady. (Longman's magazine. London, 1903. 8°. v. 42, p. 53-59.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine, v. 141, p. 268- 272. Boston, 1903. Saint Clair, Roland William. The bish- opric of Orkney. References to lands in Caithness. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London. 1911. 8°. v. 4, d. 17-19.) CR The Saint-Clairs of the Isles, being a history of the sea-kings of Orkney and their Scottish successors of the sir-name of Sinclair. Arranged and annotated by R. W. Saint-Clair... Auckland, N. Z.: H. Brett, 1898. 4 p.l., iii(i), 558 p., 1 map. illus. 4°. fARZ Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. St. Mag- nus of the Orkneys. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1887. 8°. v. 9, p. 79-108.) * DA (In her: The making of Ab- botsford and incidents in Scottish his- tory... London, 1897. 8°. p. 76-117.) CP Shirley, of Balmawhapple, pseud. In Or- cadia. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 224-232.) *DA Sinclair, John. The Orkney isles. (In his: Sketches of old times and distant places. London, 1875. 8°. p. 36-67.) A 400 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Orkney, continued. Spence, John. A peep into an Orkney township in the olden time. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 183-187; v. S, p. 67-72.) CR In the Orkney dialect. With vocabulary. Steuart, A. Francis. Orkney news from the letter-bag of Mr. Charles Steuart. 1 port. (Old lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1913. 8°. v. 6, p. 41-49. 101-109.) CR Thomsen, Grimur. Den nordiske Na- tionalitet paa Shetlands- og Orknoerne. (Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. An- naler. Kjobenhavn [1862]. 8°. 1862, p. 3- 28.) GEA Torfaeus, Thormodus. Orcades seu re- rum Orcadensium historian libri tres... Havnise: Justin Hog, 1697. 8 p.l., 228 p., 5 1. f°. ttCR Tudor, John R. The Orkneys and Shet- land; their past and present state. With chapters on geology by B. N. Peach, and J. Home, and notes on the flora of the Ork- neys by W. I. Fortescue, and notes on the flora of Shetland by P. White. London: E. Stanford, 1883. xxxiii, (1)4-703 p., 11 maps, 8 pi. illus. 8°. CR Tyrrell, Edward. Birsay Palace, Orkney. (Antiquary. London, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 47, p. 136-140, 183-187.) CA Voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, in 1380. (In: R. Kerr, A general history and collection of voyages, &c. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 438-460.) KBD Weld, Charles Richard. Two months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. Lon- don: Longman, Green, Longman, & Rob- erts, 1860. xxi, 404 p., pi. illus. 8°. CPW Wood, Charles W. The Orkney and Shetland islands, illus. (Argosy. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. v. 25, p. 45-56, 133-144, 213- 224, 290-301, 367-380, 450-463; v. 26, p. 43- 57.) * DA Ormiston, Haddingtonshire Cockburn, John. Letters of J. Cockburn of Ormistoun to his gardener. 1727-1744. Edited, with introduction and notes, by J. Colville. Edinburgh: the society, 1904. 2 p.l., vii-xliv, 106 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 45.) CP Ormiston Friendly Society. Articles, n. t.-p. n. p. [1855]. 4 p. 12°. * C p.v.1223 Struthers, John. Note relating to a mon- umental brass in the old church of Ormis- ton, East Lothian. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 225-227.) CPA Oronsay, Argyllshire See also Colonsay Ingilby, Arthur. Oronsay. (The twen- tieth century. London, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p 350-354.) *DD Paisley, Renfrewshire Boog, Robert. Account of Queen Bleary's tomb in the Abbey Church of Paisley. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archssologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 456-461.) t CPA Macfarlane, Hugh. A statistical account of the income and expenditure of the Es- tablished Church in Paisley, for the last hundred years: being a refutation of the "Statement" put forth by the Rev. J. Macnaughton. . .on that subject. Pais- ley: A. Gardner, printer, 1835. 50 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.73 Macnaughton, John. A statement of the actual income and expenditure of the Es- tablished Church in the burgh of Paisley, with remarks. Paisley: A. Gardner [1835]. 24 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.73 Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Rutherglen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, Port-Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.] Glasgow: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.l., 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. CR Metcalfe, William M. The lordship of Paisley; being the accompt of charge and discharge for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760. Edited with introduction, etc., by W. M. Metcalfe. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1912. 3 p.l., (i)x-lxii, 97 p., 1 1. 8°. CR In the appendix is printed the charter by King James vi. granting the lordship of Paisley to Lord George Hamilton. Narrative, A, of the surprising work oi God in the conversion of souls in Kilsyth, Finnieston, and Cumbernauld, and the re- vival of religion in Anderston and Paisley; with an account of the remarkable occur- ences which took place at the dispensation of the sacrament at Kilsyth, on 22d Sep- tember 1839. Glasgow: D. Maclure, 1839. 32 p. 12°. ZWGFp.v.13 Opinion of a conveyance, etc., as to the Paisley vassals reverting to the Crown for charters... Paisley: J. Neilson, printer, 1848. 24 p. 8°. *Cp.v.508 Paisley. Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1900/1-1905/6. [Paisley, 1901- 06.) f°. ft*SYB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 401 History and Description, continued. Local History — Paisley, continued. Charters and documents, relating to the burgh. . .with extracts from the records of the burgh, A. D. 1165-1710. [Edited by William Chambers.] Edinburgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1872. 8, lxxv, 456 p., 1 fac. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records So- ciety.) CR Charters and documents relating to the burgh of Paisley (1163-1665), and extracts from the records of the Town Council (1594-1620). Edited, with an introduction, by W. M. Metcalfe. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1902. 2 p.l., (i)viii-cvii p., 1 1., 308 p. 4°. tCR The inauguration of the George A. Clark Town Hall, Paisley. Published under the patronage and by authority of the provost, magistrates, and Town Council. Paisley: J. and J. Cook, 1882. 131 p., 2 pi., 7 port. 4°. t CR Free Public Library and Museum Report. 1912. Paisley, 1913. 8°. School Board Annual report on the medical inspection of school children. 1911/12. Paisley, 1912. lustrative documents. Paisley: A. Gard- ner, 1878. 4 p.l., xx, 340, clxxxv p., 1 plan, 3 pi. 4°. f CR no. 61 of 86 copies printed. Paisley Abbey. Registrum monasterii de Passelet, cartas privilegia conventiones aliaque munimenta complectens a domo fundata a. d. mclxiii usque ad a. d. mdxxix. Ad fidem codicis ms. in Bibliotheca Facul- tatis Juridicae Edinensis servati nunc pri- mum typis mandatum. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.j Passelet: [A. Gardner,] 1877. x p., 4 1., [iv-jxxiv, iv-]xxv, 440, 7, vii, xxvi p., 1 fac. sq. 4°. CA New Club reprint of Maitland Club edition of 1832. No. 3? of 80 copies printed. Partick, Lanarkshire Napier, James. Notes on Partick in old- en times. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 256-271.) CPA Partick. — Town Council. Abstract of the accounts. 1900/1-1901/2, 1904/5-1906- /7. [Partick, 1901-07.] f°. * SYB Minutes and reports. 1899/1900- 1906/7. n. p., n. d. 4°. * SYB Ross, Thomas. The sculptures in St. Mirren's chapel, Paisley Abbey, repre- senting the acts and miracles of St. Mirin; also incised sepulchral slabs, recently dis- covered in the Abbey Church, Paisley, il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 44-96.) CPA Semple, David. Saint-Mirin: an histori- cal account of old houses, old families, and olden times in Paisley. Being four lectures on the tenements of Ladyhouss, Blakhole, Unhouss, and Paslay Tak, in the new line of street from Cross to Causeyside. Pais- ley: J. & J. Cook, 1872. 2 p.l., (i)iv-viii, (1)10-202 p., 1 plan, 1 port. 4°. CR Large paper copy. Sturrock, J. B. The Thomas Coats Me- morial Church, illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1913. 8°. v. 48, p. 187-190.) * DA Vanduara, or Roman Paisley. (An- tiquary. London, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 458-460.) CA Paisley Abbey, Renfrewshire Lees, James Cameron. The abbey of Paisley, from its foundation till its disso- lution, with notices of the subsequent his- tory of the church, and an appendix of il- Peebles, Peeblesshire Chambers, William. Peebles and its neighbourhood; with a run on Peebles rail- way. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1856. 116 p., 1 map. illus. 12°. CRB See Peebles, Charters and docu- ments. Extracts from the records of the burgh of Peebles, 1652-1714. With appendix, 1367-1665. Glasgow: Scottish Burgh Rec- ords Society, 1910. 2 p.l., 4 p., 2 1., (i)x- xxiii, 235 p., 1 fac. 4°. t CR Peebles. Charters and documents . . . with extracts from the records of the burgh, A. D. 1165-1710. [Edited by W. Chambers.] Edinburgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1872. 1 p.l., 8, lxxv, 456 p., 1 fac. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records So- ciety.) CR Renwick, Robert. Peebles: burgh and parish in early history. Peebles: A. Red- path, 1903. ix, 118 p., 1 map. 8°. CR Peebles during the reign of Queen Mary. Peebles: The Neidpath Press, 1903. x p., 1 1., 205 p. 12°. CR Williamson, Alexander. Glimpses of Peebles, or forgotten chapters of its his- tory. Selkirk: G. Lewis & Co. [1895.] xiv p., 1 1., 322 p., 1 fac, 6 pi. 12°. CR 402 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Peeblesshire Chalmers, George. Peeblis-shire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1810. 4°. v. 2, p. 891-962.) t CP Chambers, William. History of Peebles- shire. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1864. xii, (1)10-557 p., 2 maps, illus 8°. CR Douglas, Sir George. A history of the Border counties (Roxburgh, Selkirk, Peeb- les). Edinburgh: Wffi. Blackwood & Sons, 1899. xvii(i), 482 p., 3 maps. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR p. 433-472 contain a "list of books relating to or published in the counties of Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Peebles." Paton, Henry, editor. The manuscripts of Robert Mordaunt Hay, Esq., of Duns Castle, Berwickshire. (In: Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. Report on manuscripts in various collec- tions. Hereford, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-71.) C The manuscripts comprise 1. Documents relating to the counties of Peebles and Selkirk, the latter con- sisting of a few charters of the lands of Rodono: and 2. Documents relating to the town and lands of Duns and several other lands in the county of Berwick. Penicuik, Edinburghshire Jackson, James. Account of the parish of Penicuik. (In his: Essays on various agricultural subjects... Edinburgh, 1833. 8°. p. 301-348.) VPE Wilson, John J. The annals of Peni- cuik, being a history of the parish and vil- lage. Edinburgh, T. & A. Constable, 1891. x p., 1 1., 251 p., 2 pi. sq. 8° CR Privately printed. Pentland, Edinburghshire Arnold, Thomas. Note on two sculp- tured sepulchral slabs in Old Pentland churchyard, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 14, p. 49-51.) CPA Reid, Alan. The churchyard memorials of Lasswade and Pentland. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 81-99.) CPA Pentland Firth Brand, John. A brief description of Ork- ney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth & Caith- ness... Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1883. 18, 247 p. 8°. CRB no. 148 of 157 copies printed. 1 P.l- (In: John Pinkertoo, A general collection of... voyages and t'ra vels... London, 1809. 4°. v" 3 n ■AT 810.) ' fKBD Reprinted from the Edinburgh ed., 1701. Perth, Perthshire Blackfriars, The, of Perth: the chartu- lary and papers of their house, edited with introduction by Robert Milne. Edinburgh 1 D. Douglas, 1893. 2 pi, xliii, 290 p., 1 1] 4 fac, 1 plan, 1 pi., and slip with errata' f°. fCR no. 56 of 250 copies printed. Book, The, of Perth: an illustration of the moral and ecclesiastical state of Scot- land before and after the Reformation. With introduction, observations, and notes by John Parker Lawson. Edinburgh: Thomas G. Stevenson, 1847. xl, 318 p 3 pi. 8°. CR Introduction. The Dominican or Black Friars' monastery. The Carmelite -or White Friars' monas- tery. The Carthusian monastery or Charterhouse. Church of St. John the Baptist and its chapels. Obits in St. John the Baptist's Church. Religious houses and chapels in Perth. The Reformation in Perth. The demolition of the monasteries. The contrast (a. Extracts from the kirk-session registers of Perth, b. The Episcopal kirk-session register, c. The Perth General Assembly of 1618. d. Continuation of the Episcopal kirk-session register). Index. Cowan, Samuel. The ancient capital of Scotland. The story of Perth from the in- vasion of Agricola to the passing of the Reform Bill. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., 1904. 2 v. 8°. CR Reviewed by Gaillard Thomas Lapsley in American Historical Review, v. 10, p. 139-142, New York, 1905. Fair, The, city of Perth. (Scots mag- azine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 362-366.) *DE Guide to the city and county of Perth. [Perth, 1805?] (1)4-49(1) p., 2 plans, 3 pi. 8°. CRB Engraved title-page with view of 'Gowrie House as it stood in 1805.' Hunt, A. Notice of a box, supposed to be the "offerand stok" of St. Eloi's altar in St. John's Church, Perth, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 50-53.) CPA Mann, T. A. Extracta manuscriptorum de Carthusia Vallis Virtutum, in subur- bano Perthano. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1805. 4°. v. S, History of the society, P. 25-29.) *EC Copied from original mss. in Austrian Netherlands, now lost. Marshall, David. Notes on the record . room of the city of Perth! (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1896-99. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 274-291; v. 33, p. 414-440.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 403 History and Description, continued. Local History — Perth, continued. Milne, Robert, editor. See under Black- friars, The, of Perth. Original letter from the ministers of Perth, respecting the surrender of that town to Montrose's army, in 1644. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 316-320.) *DE Perth. Official guide. . .published by the Town Council. Perth: Milne, Tannahill & Meth- ven, 1907. 28 p. illus. 8°. KFT Kirk Session Extracts from the kirk-session register of Perth. [1577-1634.] (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 184S. 8°. v. 2, p. 225-320) ZDVH Sandeman Public Library Annual report of the committee no. 1- 13 (1898/9-1910/11). Perth, 1899-1911. 8°. *HPD Catalogue of the arts and crafts exhibi- tion... held in the Sandeman Public Li- brary, December, 1904... [Perth: Smart & M'Kinlay, 1904., 79(1) p. 12°. MNH Catalogue of exhibition of local relics and antiquities, shown in the Sandeman Gallery, January and February, 1903 . . . [Perth: Young & Sons, 1903.] 52 p. 8°. Exhibition of photographs of Italian paintings, in the National Gallery, London, lent... to the Sandeman Gallery, Perth, and of L'atelier, by M. Henry Coelyas... December, 1905. March, 1906. [Perth: Wood & Son, 1905.* 25(1) p. 8°. MAW _ Syllabus of the arts and crafts exhibi- tion... held in the Sandeman Public Li- brary, December, 1904... [Perth: Wood & Son, 1904.] 27(1) p., 2 1. 12°. MNH Town Council Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council. 1900/1-1906/7. Perth, 1901-07. f°. * SYB Robertson, Charles, and others. A brief narrative of the proceedings of the Church, which meets in the Tabernacle of Perth, under the pastoral charge of Mr. R. Little, from 30th January to 27th February, 1804... Edinburgh: the editors, 1804. 44 p. 16°. Sinclair, John, master of Sinclair. A true account of the proceedings at Perth, 1716. [By John Sinclair.] (Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 431-472.) ZDVH Stuart, John, editor. Report on ancient documents belonging to King James's Hospital of Perth (In: Great Britain.— Historical Manuscripts Commission. Lon- don, 1877. f°. 6. report, part 1, p. 713-715.) ttc Perthshire Anderson, David Brown. A Perthshire paradise. (Scots Magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 444-448.) * DE Beveridge, David. Between the Ochils • & Forth. A description, topographical & I historical, of the country between Stirling 1 Bridge and Aberdour. Edinburgh: Wm. \ Blackwood & Sons, 1888. xiv, 396 p., 1 map 12°. CP Carruthers, Robert. The Highland note- book; or, Sketches and anecdotes. Inver- ness: Courier Office, 1887. 1 p.l., vii, 427 p. new ed. 12°. CP Crawford, J. H. Perthshire. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p. 321- 344.) * DA Graham, Patrick. Sketches of Perth- j shire. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne & Co., I printers, 1812. iv, xi, (1)14-279 p., 1 map. j 2. ed. 12°. CR \ Graham, William. Impromptu sketches of the realm of the Macnab in the west Highlands of Perthshire, read. . .1869. For private circulation among friends, n. p., n. d. 16 p. 8°. * C p.v.369 Hunter, Thomas. Woods, forests, and estates of Perthshire, with sketches of the principal families in the county. Perth: Henderson, Robertson, & Hunter, 1883. xvi, 563(1) p., 1 pi. 12°. CRB Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Muir. Some early Perthshire battles, with a note on the sieges of Perth. (In: A military his- tory of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4". p. 245-252.) fVWZH The Roman invasion. The invasion of Danes and Northmen. The struggle for independence. The bat- tle of Dupplin (1332). The strife of the clans (1396). Some of the sieges of Perth. The battle of Tibber- muir (1644). Military, A, history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Edited by the marchioness of Tulli- bardine. Perth: R. A. & J. Hay, 1908. xxiii, 634 p., 1 fac, 16 pi., 41 port. 4°. t ZWZH 1. The Perthshire regiments in the regular army. 2. The reserve forces of Perthshire. 3. Battles fought in Perthshire. 4. Jacobite Perthshire. S. Perthshire men of action. Military, A, history of Perthshire, 1899- 1902. Edited by the marchioness of Tulli- bardine. With a roll of the Perthshire men of the present day who have seen ac- tive service under the British flag, com- piled by the editor and Jane C. C. Macdon- ald. Perth: R. A. & J. Hay, 1908. xxi, 316 p., 3 pi. illus. 4°. t VWZH 404 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Millar, Alexander Hastie. The histori- cal castles and mansions of Scotland. Perthshire and Forfarshire. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1890. 2 p.L, 4-448 p., 1 pi. illus. 8". CRF Perth. Alphabetical lists of the electors of the county of Perth. 1832. n. p. [1832.] 1 p.l., iv, (1)4-216 p. 8°. CR Perthshire. — County Council. Hand- book. 1899. Perth, 1899. 32°. * SYB Tourist's guide up the valley of the Tay; by Aberfeldy, Taymouth, Kenmore, and Loch Tay to Killin. Edinburgh: J. Men- zies & Co. [18—?] 48 p., 1 map. illus. 12°. KAT p.v.25 Peterhead, Aberdeenshire Arbuthnot, James. An historical ac- count of Peterhead, from the earliest period to the present time... With an appen- dix. . . Also a natural history of the fishes found on the coast of Buchan. Aberdeen: printed by D. Chalmers & Co., 1815. 3 p.l., ii, iii, (1)10-83, 159 p. 8°. CR K., W. R. Old gravestones at Peter- head. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 49.) CPA Peterhead. — Free Library. Peterhead Free Library demonstration. 8 August 1891. Peterhead, 1891. 65 p., 1 pi., 3 port. 8°. *HPD Repr. : Peterhead Sentinel. Peterhead burgh affairs of last century. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 72-73, 89-90.) CPA Scott, Charles. Remarks on the circum- stances and claims of the indigent poor, and the inadequacy of the present system of parochial relief in Scotland, with ref- erence especially to the town and parish of Peterhead.. . Aberdeen: Lewis Smith and George King, 1841. iv, (1)6-44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.31 Taylor, William Lawrence. Bibliography of Peterhead periodical literature. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 147-149, 168-170, 180-182.) CPA Pinkie House, Edinburghshire Seton, George. Notice of the ceiling of the "painted gallery" at Pinkie House. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 10-22.) CPA Pitlochry, Perthshire Reid, Alan. Monumental remains in Pit- lochry district, and churchyard memorials at Moulin, Temple, and Clerkington. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v 46 p. 389-423.) ' cpa Pitlurg, Banffshire R., S. Rental of the lands of Pitlurg and Auchorties. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2 v. 3, p. 167.) CPA Pittencrieff, Fifeshire Pittencrieff Glen: its antiquities, history and legends. [With the trust deed and let- ters from Mr. Andrew Carnegie, by which he transfers the Pittencrieff Park and Glen and two million, five hundred thousand dollars to the town of Dunfermline.] Dun- fermline: Journal Office [1906]. 3 p.l., 144 p., 4 pi., 6 port. 12°. CR PlTTENWEEM PRIORY, FlFESHIRE Lyon, Walter F. Notes on the structu- ral remains of the priory of Pittenweem. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 79-85.) CPA Mackinlay, John. Account of some an- cient carvings in oak [at Pittenweem Priory]. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 309-310.) tCPA Pluscarden, Elginshire Macphail, S. R. History of the religious house of Pluscardyn. . . With an introduc- tion containing the... history of the mother- house of the order of Vallis Caulium (Val des Choux) in Burgundy. Edinburgh: Oli- phant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 1881. xviii, 285 p., 5 fac, 1 map, 1 plan, 12 pi. 4°. ZMT Urban IV., Pope. Bulla Urbani iv. mo- nasterio Vallis S. Andree de Pluskardyn concessa. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 403-406.) fCP Polmadie, Renfrewshire Scott, Alexander M. Notes on the lands of Polmadie and Crosshill. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 517- 534.) CPA Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Ruther- glen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, Port- Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.j Glasgow: Scot- tish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 pL 4, v-x p., 1 I., 254 p. 4°. CR LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 405 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. PORTOBELLO, EDINBURGHSHIRE Baifd, William. Annals of Duddingston and Portobello. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1898. xviii, 509, ii-v p.. 1 map, 2 pi. 8°. CR Prestonpans, Haddingtonshire Hislop, John Fowler. Notes on a heral- dic panel found in the parish church of Prestonpans in November, 1891. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 241-250.) CPA M'Neill, Peter. Prestonpans and vi- cinity: historical, ecclesiastical, and tradi- tional. Tranent: P. M'Neill, 1902. 2 p.l., iv, 261 p., 12 pi., 1 port. 12°. CR 1. Introduction. 2. Early coal working in the dis- trict. 3. Salt making. 4. The original church. 5-6. John Davidson, minister of Prestonpans, and his times. 7. Old session house panels. 8. The Free Church and other religious bodies. 9. Distinguished physicians, scholars, etc. 10. Witchcraft. 11. The ancient potters. 12. The brewery. 13. Oyster dredg- ing. 14. Post office, etc. 15. Town hall. 16. John- nie Moat. 17. Town drummers, bell ringers, criers, etc. 18. Preston village. 19. Preston Tower and the Hamiltons. 20. The Chapman's loup. 21. The battle of Preston. 22. Lord Grange, Preston House, etc. 23. Northfield House. 24. Prestongrange and its lairds. 25. Cuittle, or Cuthill. 26. Bankton. Reid, Alan. The churchyard of Preston- pans. 16 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 18-39.) CPA Ratho, Edinburghshire Findlay, John Ritchie. Note on a stone cross in the parish of Ratho. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, P- 94-95.) CPA Rattray, Perthshire Reid, Alan. Churchyard memorials of Cranston, Crichton, Blairgowrie, and Rat- tray; a record and comparison, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 206-240.) CPA Redcastle, Ross-shire Ross, Alexander. History of Redcastle. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 241-243.) * EC Believed to be the oldest inhabited building in the north of Scotland. Renfrew, Renfrewshire Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Ruther- glen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, Port- Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.] Glasgow: Scot- tish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.l., 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. " CR Prestwick, Ayrshire Prestwick. Records of the burgh of Prestwick in the sheriffdom of Ayr, mcccclxx-mdcclxxxii. With an appendix and illustrative notes. [Edited by John Fullarton.] Glasgow: Maitland Club, 1834. xxvii, 147 p., 1 fac, 2 pi. 4°. CA Provand, Lanarkshire Adrian VI., Pope. Bull granting a pen- sion from Provand. By David Murray. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1887. 1 pi., 20 p. 8°. CR Privately printed. QUEENSFERRY, NORTH, FlFESHIRE Johnston, James, of Straiton. State- ment addressed to the worthy and inde- pendent electors of Stirling, Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Queensferry, and Culross. n.p. [1832.] 1 p.l., 56 p. 8°. * C p.v. 434 Queensferry, South, Linlithgowshire Law, George. The Queen's ferry. (Ju- ridical review. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 12, p. 268-282.) SEA Renfrewshire Archaeological and historical collections relating to the county of Renfrew. Pais- ley: A. Gardner, 1885-90. 2 v. sq. 4°. fCR v. 1-2. Parish of Lochwinnoch. no. 129 of 290 copies printed. Chalmers, George. Renfrew-shire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 3, p. 761-855.) fCP Crawfurd, George. The history of the shire of Renfrew. Containing a genealogi- cal history of the royal house of Stewart . . .and a genealogical history of the nobil- ity and gentry of the county... and an exact survey of the county of Renfrew... Continued to the present period by Wil- liam Semple. Paisley: A. Weir, 1782. viii, vi, 108, 334, 5 p. sm. 4°. CR Hamilton, William, of Wishaw. De- scriptions of the sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1878. 9 p.l., (i)x-xxv(i) p., 1 1., 304 p., 27 1., 6 pi. 4°. (New Club series.) t CR no. 43 of eighty-six copies printed. Inquirer, An. Renfrewshire election, 1837. Letters addressed to Sir John Max- well of Pollok, bart; extracted from the 406 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Renfrewshire, continued. Glasgow Constitutional. [By an Inquirer.] Glasgow: printed in the Constitutional of- fice, 1837. 16 p. 8°. AGH p.v.18 Metcalfe, William M. A history of the county of Renfrew from the earliest times. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 190S. xvi p., 1 1., (1)10,461 p., 1 map. 4°. t CR Introduction. 1. Early inhabitants. 2. After the Romans. 3. Religion. 4. The Steward's settlement. 5. The ragman roll. 6. Sir William Wallace. 7. The wars of Bruce. 8. Stuart and Plantagenet. 9. The accession of the Stuarts. 10. Families. 11. Feuds. 12. Royal visits. 13. Social and domestic. 14. Eccle- siastical, educational, and religious. 15. The Reforma- tion. 16. The Presbytery. 18. The civil wars. 19. The Restoration. 20. Witchcraft. 21. The Revolu- tion. 22. Industries. 23. Burghs. 24. Parishes. Appendix. Renfrewshire. Abstract of the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the County Council (including those of the district commit- tees). 1911/12. [Paisley? 1912., f°. Constable's Office Police report. 1912. [Paisley, 1913. : f°. Medical Officer of Health Annual report upon the health and sani- tary condition of the county, with appen- dix containing the health visitor's report for the upper district of the county, no. 21-22 (1911-12). Paisley, 1912-13. 8°. SPC Secondary Education Committee Medical inspection of school children. Summary of results by the advisory school medical inspector. 1911/12. Paisley, 1913. 8°. Report on the medical inspection of school children, area no. 1. 1911/12. Pais- ley, 1912. 8°. Report on the medical inspection of school children, area no. 2. 1911/12. Pais- ley, 1912. 8°. Ross, J. Calder. Restalrig. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901-02 sq 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 173; v. 3, p. 2, 67) CPA 1. The holy well. 2. The church. 3. The first dean. Restennet Priory, Forfarshire Jervise, Andrew. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns: being an account, histori- cal, antiquarian, and traditionary, of the castles and towns visited by Edward i. and of the barons, clergy, and others, who' swore fealty to England in 1291-6; also, of the abbey of Cupar, and the priory of Rostinoth. To which is added an appen- dix of original documents. Edinburgh: A & C. Black, 1861. x, 32*, 504 p., 1 1. 8°. CR Stuart, John. On the early history of the priory of Restennet. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archsologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 5, p. 285- 316.) fCPA Gives six original documents in the appendix. Rhynd, Perthshire Ballingal, James. The Rhynd and El- cho: a parish history. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1905. 5 p.L, 100 p. illus. 12°. CR Introduction. The parish in ancient times. Elcho nunnery. After the Reformation. The old church and the new. Elcho Castle. The Joug stane. Lands and heritages. The kirk of Rhynd. Roseisle, Elginshire Young, Hugh W. Note on Easterton of Roseisle. (Reliquary and illustrated arch- aeologist. London, 1898. 4°. new series, v. 4, p. 49-51.) CA Repentence Tower, Dumfriesshire Neilson, George. Repentance Tower and its tradition. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 340-363.) CPA Restalrig, Edinburghshire Grant, Francis James. Index to the reg- ister of burials in the churchyard of Restal- rig, 1728-1854. Edinburgh: J. Skinner & Co., prtrs., 1898. 2 pi, 71 p. 8°. (Scot- tish Record Society. [Publications.) Part 41.) ART Roslin, Edinburghshire Kerr, Andrew. The collegiate church or chapel of Rosslyn, its builders, architect, and construction. 7 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 218-244.) CPA Rosslyn Castle, its buildings past and present. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8". v. 12, p. 412-424.) CPA Lawlor, Hugh Jackson. Notes on the library of the Sinclairs of Rosslyn. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 90-120.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 407 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Roslin Castle. 1 illus. (Penny maga- zine. London, 1832. 4°. v. 1, p. 381-382.) *DA Roslin Castle & Chapel, Edinburghshire, North Britain. (In: The Antiquarian itin- erary. London, 1816. 8°. v. 2, 6 pi.) CBD Thompson, John. The illustrated guide to Rosslyn chapel and castle, Hawthorn- den, &c. Edinburgh: Macniven & Wal- lace, 1903. 5 p.l., 126 p., 1 map, S plans, 7 pi. 6. ed. 16°. CRF Walford, E. Rosslyn, Hawthornden, and Ben Jonson. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 261, p. 604-609.) * DA Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Ruther- glen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, Port- Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.] Glasgow: Scot- tish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.l., 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. CR Roger, James Cruikshank. Notices of ancient monuments in the ruined church of St. Mary, Rothesay. 7 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 466-481.) CPA Rothesay Castle and the Rothesay tombs; the sequel to "A four weeks' tour in Scotland." London: privately printed, 1896. 39 p. 8°. CR Rosneath, Dumbartonshire Maughan, William Charles. Rosneath past and present. With an original poem by the marquis of Lome, and illustrations by A. M'Gibbon. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1893. 4 p.l.. xiii p., 1 1., 269 p., 6 pi. sq. 8°. CR Rossie, Forfarshire Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Notes on the inventories of the house of Rossie, near Montrose, dating from the year 1693 to 1740. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 53-59.) CPA Rosslyn See Roslin Ross-shire Baker, Ernest A. On a peak in Wester Ross. (Temple Bar. London, 1904. 8°. v. 129, p. 603-608.) * DA Climbing Beinn Fhada. Rothesay, Buteshire Hewison, James King. Rothesay and Bute. (British Archaeological Associa- tion. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 306-312.) CA Macbeth, Adam D. The seal of the burgh of Rothesay. 1 pi. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, P. 263-270.) CPA Mackinlay, John. Account of two an- cient monuments in the church of St. Mary, Rothesay. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scot- ica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-3.) tCPA Rothiemurchus, Inverness-shire Macmillan, Hugh. Rothiemurchus. (Art journal. London, 1902. f°. 1902. p. 7-10, 76-80, 111-114, 252-258, 265-269, 311-314, 344- 349.) f MAA Roxburghshire Chalmers, George. Roxburghshire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1810. 4°. v. 2, p. 67-197.) f CP Douglas, Sir George. A history of the Border counties (Roxburgh, Selkirk, Peeb- les). Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1899. xvii(i), 482 p., 3 maps. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR p. 433-472 contain a "list of books relating to or published in the counties of Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Peebles." Jeffrey, Alexander. The history and an- tiquities of Roxburghshire and adjacent districts from the most remote period to the present time. Edinburgh: T. C. Jack, 1857-64. 4 v. maps, pi. 12°. CR v. 2-4 have imprint: Edinburgh: Seton & Macken- zie. Merewether, Henry Alworth. Speech of Mr. Sergeant Merewether, counsel for the Hon. J. E. Elliot, M. P., before the select committee of the House of Com- mons, upon the Roxburgh election peti- tion, 16th February 1838. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black [1838,. 63 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1175 Roxburghshire. Abstract of the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the County Council (including those of the district commit- tees). 1910/11-1911/12. Jedburgh [1911- 12j. f°. ft*SYB Medical Officer of Health Annual report on the health and sani- tary condition of the county and districts, no. 16-21(1906-11). Galashiels, 1907-12. 8° and f°. SPC and ft SPC 408 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Roxburghshire, and Selkirkshire. — County Committees on Secondary Educa- tion. Annual report on the medical inspec- tion of school children. 1910/11. Jed- burgh, 1911. 8°. SPC Rubislaw, Aberdeenshire Report and observations on a plan for feuing the dam-lands of Rubislaw, as laid out by Mr. Elliot, architect. Edinburgh: J. Hay & Co., 1820. 31 p., 1 pi. 8°. CR p. box RUTHERGLEN, LANARKSHIRE Eyre, Charles, archbishop of Glasgow. The ancient seal of the burgh of Ruther- glen. illus. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 247-252.) CPA Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Ruther- glen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, Port- Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.j Glasgow: Scot- tish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.L, 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. CR Rutherglen. — Sanitary Inspector. An- nual report on the sanitary condition of the burgh. 1912. Rutherglen, 1913. f°. Ruthven, Aberdeenshire Gordon, James Frederick Skinner. The book of the chronicles of Keith, Grange, Ruthven, Cairney, and Botriphnie; events, places, and persons. Glasgow: R. Forres- ter, 1880. xi, 461 p. 12°. CR Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire Black, George Fraser. The Ruthwell Cross. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Nat- ural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1887. 8°. 1883- 86, p. 123-133.) * EC Cook, Albert Stanburrough. Notes on the Ruthwell cross. (Modern Language Association. Publications. Baltimore, 1902. 8°. v. 17, p. 367-390.) RAA The date of the Ruthwell and Bew- castle crosses. 36 pi. (Connecticut Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences. Transactions. New Haven, 1912. 8°. v. 17, p. 213-361.) *EA De Kay, Charles. The cross of Cad mon. illus. (Scribner's magazine. Men York, 1875. 8°. v. 10, p. 554-558.) *D4 The rune-inscribed cross at Ruthwell, Dumfries shire. Dinwiddie, J. L. The Ruthwell Cfos and the story it has to tell. (Dumfries shire and Galloway Natural History am Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dum fries, 1911. 8°. 1909-10, p. 109-121.) *E< Duncan, Henry. An account of the re markable monument in the shape of a cros inscribed with Roman and Runic letters preserved in the garden of Ruthwel Manse, Dumfriesshire. 2 pi. (Society o Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologi Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 313 326.) f CP/ Gough, Richard. Description of a cros at Ruthvel in Annandale. 3 p., 2 pi. (So ciety of Antiquaries of London. Vetust monumenta. London, 1789. f°. v. 2 ) ttCD/ Hewison, James King. The runic rood; of Ruthwell and Bewcastle, with a shor history of the cross and crucifix in Scot land. Glasgow: John Smith & Son, Ltd, 1914. xii, 178 p., 30 pi. 4°. CI Kemble, John Mitchell. Additional ob servations on the runic obelisk at Ruth well; the poem of the Dream of the hoi; rood; and a runic copper dish found a Chertsey. (Society of Antiquaries of Loti don. Archaeologia. London, 1844. 4°. i 30, p. 31-46.) fCPi On Anglo-Saxon runes. 6 pi. (Sc ciety of Antiquaries of London. Archs ologia. London, 1840. 4°. v. 28, p. 32/ 372.) fCPJ p. 349-357 give the first intelligible reading of tb runes on the Ruthwell cross in Dumfriesshire. Magnusen, Finn. Finnur. See Magnussoi Magnusson, Finnur. Om Obelisken Ruthwell og om de Angelsaxiske Rune (Kongligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Ar naler. Kjobenhavn, n. d. 8°. 1836-37. [ 243-337.) GEi Repp, Thorleif Gudmundson. Letts from T. G. Repp to the Hon. Mountstewai Elphinstone, regarding the runic inscrii tion on the monument at Ruthwell. (S( ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archa ologia Scotica. Edinburgh ,1857. 4°. 4, p. 327-336.) t CP. In Latin. Ruthwell, The, cross. 1 illus. (The Re iquary. London, 1888. 8°. new series, 2, p. 85-88.) C Scott, Mary Monica Maxwell. The Rut' well cross. (The month. London, 189 8°. v. 89, p. 506-512.) * D Reprinted in her The making of Abbotsford it incidents in Scottish history, London, 1897, p. 352-3f LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 409 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Seton, ' George. Statement relative to the Ruthwell cross. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 194-197.) CPA Stephens, George. [The Ruthwell cross.] 2 pi. (In his: Old northern runic monu- ments of Scandinavia and England. K6- benhavn and London, 1867-84. f°. v. 1, p. 405-448; v. 3, p. 430-439.) ft NIE Saddell Abbey, Kintyre, Argyllshire White, Thomas Pilkington. Notice of Saddell Abbey, in Kintyre, Argyllshire; with its sculptured slabs. 6 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 122-135.) CPA St. Andrews, Fifeshire Anderson, Robert. Plan of the remains of the ancient chapel-royal called Kirk- heugh, St. Andrews, with a descriptive notice. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 74-76.) CPA Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. Twenty-five years of St. Andrews, Sep- tember, 1865 to September, 1890. London: Longman, Green, & Co., 1892. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. STK Reviewed (by Y. Y.) in The Bookman, v. 1, p.207- 208, London, 1892; Church quarterly review, v. 35, p. 399-416, London, 1893. The last years of St. Andrews. Sep- tember, 1890 to September, 1895. Lon- don: Longman, Green & Co., 1896. xii, 397 p. 8°. STK Castle, The, of St. Andrews. (Gentle- man's magazine. London, 1862. 8°. v. 213, p. 167.) * DA City, The, of St. Andrews. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 151, p. 370-377.) * DA Everard, Harry Sterling Crawford. A history of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St. Andrews, from 1754-1900. Edin- burgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1907. xi, 306 p., 2 fac, 26 pi., 13 port. 4°. CR Few, A, extracts from the council reg- isters of the city of St. Andrews. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. (Archae- ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 409-412.) t CPA Fleming, David Hay. A cross-slab at St. Andrews. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 42-45.) CPA Gordon, Pryse Lockhart. The land of cakes. [By P. L. Gordon.] (New monthly magazine and literary journal. London, 1830. 8°. v. 28, p. 22-31, 189-195, 504-511; v. 29, p. 49-56.) * DE 1-2: St. Andrew's, or The aged city; 3-4: Aberdeen awa'. Guide through St. Andrews and its an- tiquities. St. Andrews: J. Cook, 1852. 64 p. 16°. CR Laing, David. Historical notices of the provostry of Kirkheugh, St. Andrews. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 76-86.) CPA Lang, Andrew. St. Andrews. London: Longman, Green & Co., 1893. xvi p., 1 1., 347 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 8°. CR Lyon, Charles Jobson. The history of St. Andrews, ancient and modern. Edin- urgh: The Edinburgh Printing and Pub- lishing Co., 1838. xvi, 237 p., and 1 p. er- rata. 12°. CR History of St. Andrews, episcopal, monastic, academic, and civil; comprising the principal part of the ecclesiastical his- tory of Scotland, from the earliest age till the present time. Edinburgh: Wm. Tait, 1843. 2 v. 8°. CR Reviewed in Tait's Edinburgh magazine, v. 10, p. 797-802, Edinburgh, 1843. Macadam, J. H. The Baxter books of St. Andrews. A record of three centuries. Leith: printed for the Scottish Association of Master Bakers, by Geo. C. Mackay, 1903. ciii, 338 p., 2 fac, 4 pi. 8°. SKD Macdonald, Alice. St. Andrews. (Ar- gosy. London, 1893. 8°. v. 56, p. 53-57.) *DA Perth, Synod of. Decreet in the case between William, bishop of St. Andrews, and Duncan de Aberbuthenoth. A. D. 1206. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 209-213.) t CP Peterson, W. St. Andrews and Dundee: a retrospect. Dundee: Council of Univer- sity College, 1893. 30 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v.387 Plan, A, of the city of St. Andrews, from an original drawing by James Gor- don, A. M., minister of Rothiemay, 1642. 1 pi. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 321-324.) t CP Register of vestments, jewels, and books for the choir, etc., belonging to the Col- lege of St. Salvator in the University of St. Andrews, circa A. D. 1450. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p 193-205.') t CP 410 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — St. Andrews, Fifeshire, confd. Reid, Alan. The churchyard memorials of St. Andrews, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 488-550.) CPA Ritchie, Anne Isabella Thackeray, lady. St. Andrews. (In her: Blackstick papers. New York, 1908. 12°. p. 31-47.) NCZ Roger, Charles. History of St. Andrews, with a full account of the recent improve- ments in the city. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1849. xv, (1)18-204 p., 1 plan, 8 pi. 2. ed. 12°. STK Ruins of the cathedral of St. Andrews. 1 illus. (Pinnock's guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 353-355.) OA St. Andrews. Extracts from the regis- ters of the kirk session of the city and par- ish of St. Andrews. 1509-1563. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 209-336.) t CP St. Andrews. (Chambers's journal. Edin- burgh. 1894. 4°. series 5, v. 11, p. 49-51.) *DA St. Andrews. (Tait's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. new series, v. 11, p. 357-364.) *DA Based on Lyon's St. Andrews. St. Andrews revisited. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 392- 400.) * DE St. Andrews under Norman Leslie, 1546- 1547. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 79-84.) CA Skene, William Forbes. Notice of the early ecclesiastical settlements at St. An- drews. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 300-321.) CPA St. Andrews, Archdiocese of St. Andrews, Archdiocese of. Rentale Sancti Andree; being the chamberlain and granitor accounts of the archbishopric in the time of Cardinal Betoun 1538-1546; translated and edited by Robert Kerr Han- nay. Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, 1913. 3 p.l., ix-lviii, 246 p., 1 fac. 8°. (Scot- tish History Society. Publications, new series, v. 4.) CPA St. Fillans, Perthshire Cartwright, Julia. St. Fillans. 8 illus. (Art journal. London, 1898. f°. 1898, p. 257-262.) t MAA Robertson, Thomas S. Notes on Saint Fillan's Priory and churchyard. ill us (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v 32 p. 121-124.) CPA St. Germains, Haddingtonshire Beck, Egerton. The hospital of St. Ger^ mains in East Lothian and the Bethlehem- ites. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8° v 45, p. 371-385.) CPA St. Kilda, Inverness-shire Buchan, Alexander. A description of Saint Kilda, giving an account of its situa- tion, extent, soil, product, bays, rocks, ad- jacent islands, ancient laws, government, religion, customs, and late reformation. Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. 61 p. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2.) CP A reprint of the edition edited by the author's daughter, Jean Buchan. Cromarty (1. earl), George McKenzie. An account of Hirta and Rona, given to Sir Robert Sibbald, by Sir George M'Ken- zie. (In: M. Martin, A voyage to Saint Kilda. Glasgow, 1818. nar. 12°. p. 79- 81.) CP Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2. Elliott, J. Steele. St. Kilda and the St. Kildans. (Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society. Journal. Bir- mingham, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 113-120, 124- 135.) *EC Griesheim, A. von. Eine Fahrt nach St. Kilda. (Deutsche Rundschau fur Geog^ raphie und Statistik. Wien, 1899. 8°. Jahrg. 22, p. 19-24, 62-68.) *DF Heathcote, J. Norman. A map of St. Kilda. 1 map. (Geographical journal. London, 1900. 8°. v. 15, p. 142-144.) KAA Kearton, R. The strange life of lone St. Kilda. (Wide world magazine. Lon- don, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 69-77.) *DA Kennedy, Miss Anne. Letters from St. Kilda. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot j land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 702-711.) CPA Macaulay, Kenneth. The history of St. Kilda. Containing a description of this . . .island; the manners and customs of the inhabitants; the. . .antiquities found there . . . London : T. Becket & P. A. De Hondt, 1764. 3 p.l., iv, 5-578 p., 1 map. 8°. CR One plate inserted. Mackenzie, James B. Antiquities and old customs in St. Kilda, compiled from notes made by Rev. Neil Mackenzie, min- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 411 History and Description, continued. Local History — St. Kilda, continued. ister of St. Kilda, 1829-43. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 397-402.) CPA Martin, Martin. A late voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of all the Hebrides, or Western Isles of Scotland... As also a relation of a late impostor there, pre- tended to be sent by St. John Baptist. London: D. Brown and T. Goodwin, 1698. 6 p.l., 158 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. CR A voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of all the Hebrides, or western isles of Scotland; giving an account of the very remarkable inhabitants of that place... to which is added, An account of Roderick, the late impostor there, pretending to be sent by John the Baptist... London: D. Browne, 1753. 63 p., 1 pi. 8°. CRB A voyage to Saint Kilda, the re- motest of all the Hybrides, or Western Isles of Scotland. . .to which is added, an account of Roderick, the late impostor there... Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. 81 p. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2.) CP "An account of Hirta and Rona, given to Sir Rob- ert Sibbald, by... Sir George M'Kenzie, of Tarbat," occupies p. 79-81. (In: John Pinkerton, A gen- eral collection of. . .voyages and travels. . . London, 1809. 4°. v. 3, p. 700-730.) t KBD Reprinted from the 4. ed., London, 1753. Ross, Alexander. A visit to the island of St. Kilda. 1 map, 4 pi. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1893. 8°. v. 3, p. 72- 91.) * EC Sands, John. Out of the world; or, Life in St. Kilda. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1878. x p., 1 1., 142 p., 15 pi. 2. ed. 12°. CR Seton, George. St. Kilda, past and pres- ent. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1878. xv (i), 346 p., 2 maps, 10 pi. sq. 8°. CR Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. Letter from St. Kilda, by Miss Anne Ken- nedy. Communicated with notes by Capt. F. W. L. Thomas. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 702-711.) CPA St. Monance, Fifeshire Jack, John. An historical account of St. Monance, Fife-shire, ancient and mod- ern, interspersed with a variety of tales, incidental, legendary, & traditional. Cupar Fife: G. S. Tullis, 1844. 1 p.l., iv, 179 p. 12°. CR St. Ninians, Stirlingshire Rood, The, of St. Ninians. (The Month. London, 1904. 8°. v. 103, p. 294-299.) St. Vigeans, Forfarshire Carmichael, C. The church of S. Vig- eans, Forfarshire. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 82-83.) CPA Duke, William. Notice of the fabric of St. Vigeans church, Forfarshire; with no- tice and photographs of early sculptured stones recently discovered there, &c. 4 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 481-498.) CPA Saline, Fifeshire Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- fermline. . .including historical notices... of... Saline. Dunfermline, 1828. 12°. CR Sanda, Argyllshire Reeves, William. Of the island of Sanda. (Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings. Dublin, 1864. 8°. v. 8, p. 132-135.) * EC Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire James VI. Award by James the Sixth as to the succession to the barony of Sanqu- har. [1619.] (Abbotsford Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 197-209.) tCP Wilson, Tom. Notes upon the history of Sanquhar. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 180-191.) Per. Dept. St. Mary Loch, Selkirk and Peebles shires Land, The, of Scott; or, Tourist's guide to Abbotsford, the country of the Tweed and its tributaries, and St. Mary's Loch. London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1859. 64 p. 24°. CRB p. box Scone Abbey, Perthshire Holy Trinity and St. Michael Abbey, Scone. Liber ecclesie de Scon. Munimen- ta vetustiora monasterii Sancte Trinitatis et Sancti Michaelis de Scon. Edinburgi: [T. Constable,] 1843. xxxi, 264 p., 3 fac, 3 pi. 4°. (Maitland Club.) t ZMTB 412 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Wilson, James. Foundation of the Aus- tin priories of Nostell and Scone. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 141-159.) CPA SCOTLANDWELL, KlNROSS-SHIRE Liddall, William John Norbray. An an- cient Scottish manor. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. IS, p. 78-80.) SEA Selkirkshire Chalmers, George. Selkirkshire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1810. 4°. v. 2, p. 963-1007.) tCP Craig-Brown, Thomas. The history of Selkirkshire; or, Chronicles of Ettrick Forest. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1886. 2 v. 4°. CR v. 1. The shire. v. 2. The burgh and parish of Selkirk. Douglas, Sir George. A history of the Border counties (Roxburgh, Selkirk, Pee- bles). Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1899. xvii(i), 482 p., 3 maps. 8°. (County histories of Scotland.) CR p 433-472 contain a "list of books relating to or published in the counties of Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Peebles" Paton, Henry, editor. The manuscripts of Robert Mordaunt Hay, Esq., of Duns Castle, Berwickshire. (In: Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. Report on manuscripts in various collec- tions. Hereford, 1909. 8°. v. S, p. 1-71.) C The manuscripts comprise: I. Documents relating to the counties of Peebles and Selkirk; the latter con- sisting of a few charters of the lands of Rodono; and II. Documents relating to the town and lands of Duns and several other lands in the county of Ber- wick. Selkirkshire. — Medical Officer of Health. Annual report. . .upon the health of the population and sanitary condition of the county, no. 16-22 (1906-12). Selkirk, 1907- 13. 8°. SPC Seton, Haddingtonshire Seton, George. Description of the slabs and other sepulchral monuments in Seton church, East Lothian, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 174-187.) CPA Shetland See also Archaeology, Folklore, Geology, Language and Literature Acts and statutes of the Lawting, Sher- iff, and Justice Courts within Orkney and Shetland, 1602-1644. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2 n 1TO 216.) "tCP Ballingall, M. H. Here and there in the Shetlands. illus. (English illustrated mag- azine. London, 1913. 8°. v. 48, p 497. 503.) *DA Biot, Jean Baptiste. Voyages to the Shetland islands. (New monthly magazine and universal register. London, 1819. 8° v. 11, p. 412-413.) *DE Brand, John. A brief description of Ork- ney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth & Caith- ness... Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1883. 18, 247 p. 8°. CRB no. 148 of 157 copies printed. Reprinted from original edition of 1701. (In: John Pinkerton, A gen- eral collection of., .voyages and travels... 1 pi. London, 1809. 4°. v. 3, p. 731-810.) tKBD Reprinted from theiEdinburgh ed., 1701. Bruce, R. Stuart. Glimpses of Shetland life, 1718-1753. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1912-13. 8°. v. 5, p. 156- 159; v. 6, p. 31-37, 92-101, 129-135.) CR Some old time Shetlandic wrecks. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908- 12. 8°. v. 1, p. 35-42, 123-128, 176-178, 217- 220, 281-285, 308-309; v. 2, p. 31-33, 101-104; v. 3, p. 34-35, 164-165; v. 4, p. 20-24, 73-78.) CR Camden, William. The Thule of the an- cients. (In his: Britannia... London, 1772. 4. ed. f°. p. 411-422.) tfCBD Charlton, Edward. A visit to Shetland in 1832. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Cov- entry and London, 1910-14. 8°. v. 3, p. 159-161, 212-216, v. 4, p. 25-29, 88-90, 127- 129, 187-192; v. 6, p. 110, 139-140, 188-192; v. 7, p. 16-27.) CK Collingwood, William Gershom. A leg- end of Shetland from Fljotsdsela saga (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908, 8°. v. 1, p. 72-77, 96-105.) CB Cowie, Robert. Shetland: descriptivf and historical, and topographical descrip- tion of that country. Aberdeen: Lewis Smith & Son, 1879. xvi, (1)6-227 p., 1 map 1 pi. illus. 3. ed. 16°. CB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 413 History and Description, continued. Local History — Shetland, continued. Documents relating to Orkney and Shet- land. 1438-1563. (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 391- 396.) t CP Edmondston, Arthur. A view of the an- cient and present state of the Zetland is- lands; including their civil, political, and natural history; antiquities; and an account of their agriculture, fisheries, commerce, and the state of society and manners. Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., 1809. 2 v. 8°. CR Edmondston, Biot, and Mrs. Jessie Mar- garet Edmondston Saxby. The home of a naturalist. London: J. Nisbet & Co. [189-?] 4 pi, 395 p., 4 pi., 1 port. 3. ed. 12°. NCZ Extracts from a journal kept during a coasting voyage through the Scottish is- lands. (Edinburgh annual register. Edin- burgh, 1814. 8°. v. 5, part 2, p. 431-446.) BAA Mainly Orkney and Shetland. Fair Isle. 1 map. 3 illus. (Leisure hour. London, 1878. 4°. v. 27, p. 199-204.) *DA Fotheringham, William H. On the Thule of the ancients. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 491-503.) CPA Gerard, John. A glimpse of Ultima Thule. (The Month. London, 1903. 8°. v. 101, p. 241-249, 372-382.) * DA Description of the Shetland isles. Goudie, Gilbert An adventure with the press gang in Shetland in 1805. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 170-172.) CR The ancient local government of the Shetland islands. (Blandinger til op- lysning om Dansk Sprog in aeldre og nyere tid. Kj^benhavn, 1881-87. 8°. v. 1, p. 274-280.) NISC The Celtic and Scandinavian an- tiquities of Shetland. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1904. xvi, 305 p. illus. 8°. CR I. The pagan period in the stone, bronze, and early iron ages: (1) Stone implements; (2) Grave-mounds, cists, and standing-stones; (3) Pictish castles (or "brochs"). II. The Celtic Christian period: (1) Inscribed and sculptured monuments; (2) Early re- ligious foundations and dedications. III. The Scan- dinavian era: (1) Rune-inscribed stones; (2) Per- sonal ornaments of the Viking age; (3) Documents in the Norse language. IV. Miscellaneous papers on the history of the islands and the survival of the ancient language, laws, and usages: (1) Ancient legal documents (lay and ecclesiastical) preserved among the public records of Shetland; (2) Report preserved in the Charter House of Edinburgh on the parochial benefices of Shetland in the beginning of the seven- teenth century; (3) Unpublished rentals of the an- cient lordship of Shetland and of the earldom and bishopric of Orkney; (4) Some forgotten incidents and personages in the local history of Shetland; (5) The Dano-Norwegian claims upon Orkney and Shet- land; (6) The fouds, lawrightmen, and ranselmen of Shetland; (7) The horizontal water-mills of Shetland; (8) The "kollie" or ancient oil-lamp; (9) the bysmar, the tuskar, the scythe, the one-stilted plough, the rivlin, the quern, and the knockin'-stane; (10) The skathald. Commission by King Christian the Fourth of Denmark, to Magnus Sinclair, captain of the ship "Leoparden," 1627. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 198-204.) CPA The Danish claims upon Orkney and Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 236-251.) CPA The ecclesiastical revenues of Shet- land after the Reformation settlement in 1560. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 302-313.) CPA The fouds, lawrightmen and ransel- men of Shetland parishes. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 189-212.) CPA Gifford's historical description of the Zetland islands. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 30-32.) CR The Norsemen in Shetland, illus. (Viking Club. Saga-book. London, 1897. 8°. v. 1, p. 289-318.) GEA A Norwegian conveyance of land in Shetland, 1537. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 188-195.) CPA A Norwegian mortgage, or deed of pawn, of land in Shetland, 1597. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 235-242.) CPA Notice of ancient legal documents (lay and ecclesiastical) among the public records of Shetland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 181-203.) CPA Notice of a charter of confirmation by King Frederick the Third of Denmark and Norway (1662), and other documents in the Norse language relating to Shet- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 13-45.) CPA Notice of a report preserved in the Charter House of the city of Edinburgh, on the revenues of the parochial benefices of Shetland in the beginning of the seven- teenth century. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 291-305.) CPA 414 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Shetland, continued. Notice of two charters in the Norse language, found among the papers of the Sheriff-Court of Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 472-492.) CPA ■ Notice of unpublished rentals of the ancient lordship of Shetland and of the earldom and bishopric of Orkney. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 213-246.) CPA ■ On rune-inscribed relics of the Norsemen in Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 136-164.) CPA On two monumental stones with ogham inscriptions, recently discovered in Shetland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 20-32.) CPA Some forgotten incidents and per- sonages in the local history of Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 30-63.) CPA See also Mill, John. Diary. Groat, Alexander G. Thoughts on Ork- ney and Zetland, their antiquities and capabilities of improvement. . . Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1831. 47 p. 8°. CR p.box Printed for private distribution. Hibbert, Samuel. A description of the Shetland islands, comprising an account of their geology, scenery, antiquities and su- perstitions. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1822. xviii, 616 p., 1 map, 7 pi. sq. 4°. fCR Reviewed in the Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 10, p. 304-313, Edinburgh, 1822. Memoir on the Tings of Orkney and Shetland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 103-210.) f CPA On the old courts of justice (Icel. thing). Hunt, James. On the interpretation of some inscriptions on stones recently dis- covered in the islands of Brassay, and Zet- land. (Anthropological Society of Lon- don. Memoirs. London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 373-379.) QOA Runes. Insularum Orcadvm et Schletlandiae de- scriptio. (In: J. Jansson, Joannis Jans- sonii Atlas major sive cosmographia uni- versalis. Amsterdam, 1675. f°. v. 6, Reg- num Scotiae, p. 25-26.) Map Division Jakobsen, Jakob. Shetland og Shet- lsenderne. (Tilskueren. Kjzlbenhavn, 1896. 8°. 1896, p. 721-736, 771-788.) NISA Shetland und die Shetlander. Au dem Manuscripte des Verfassers ubersetz von Otto L. Jiriczek. (Nord und Sud Breslau, 1897. 8°. Bd. 83, p. 211-238.) *D1 Johnston, Alfred Wintle. Fetlar folk h 1716. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon don, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 103-106.) CI The Romans in Orkney and Shet land. 1 plan. (Old-lore miscellany o Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther land. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 275-280 CI Kneeland, Samuel. An American in Ice land. An account of its scenery, people and history... With notes on the Ork ney, Shetland, and Faroe islands... Bos ton : Lockwood, Brooks, &c, 1876. viii p 1 1., (1)4-326 p., 1 map, 12 pi. 12°. GHYE The Orkney islands, p. 9-25; The Shetland islands p. 26-37. Laing, David. A decreit of spulzie granted by the lords of council to Willian Bruce of Symbister in Zetland, agains Patrick, earl of Orkney, 4th of February 1609. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857 4°. v. 4, p. 358-398.) fCP4 Life in Shetland. (Chambers's Edin burgh journal. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. nev series, v. 1, p. 145-148, 163-165.) *D/ Reprinted in Littell's living age, v. 1, p. 406-411 Boston, 1844. List and certificate of the number of ex aminable persons in Orkney and Zetland 1748. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edin burgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 217-221.) fCI List of works respecting the islands o Orkney and Shetland, forming a series o donations to the Society of Antiquaries o Scotland, by "A. Z." . . . (Society of An tiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scoti ca. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 267-274.' tCP/ Low, George. A tour through the island: of Orkney and Shetland. Containing hint relative to their ancient, modern, and na tural history collected in 1774... Intro duction by J. Anderson. Kirkwall: W Peace & Son, 1879. lxxiv p., 1 1., 223 p., map, 1 pi. 8°. CRI Mackenzie, James. The general griev ances and oppression of the isles of Ork ney and Shetland. Edinburgh: reprintei by Neill & Co., 1836. xxxix p., 2 1., 112 vi p. 12°. CI Reprint of the Edinburgh ed. of 1750. Maniere de prendre les oiseaux dans le lies Shetland. 1 illus. (Le Magasin uni versel. Paris [1834]. 4°. v. 1, p. 5-6.) *DJ Marshall, David. Notes of the connec tion of the earls of Morton and Dick o LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 415 History and Description, continued. Local History — Shetland, continued. Braid and Craighouse, with the earldom of Orkney and lordship of Zetland, with ren- tal, inventory, &c, 1653, from original doc- uments in the charter room of Kinross House. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 275-313.) CPA Mill, John. Diary of Rev. John Mill, minister of Dunrossness, Sandwick, and Cunningsburgh in Shetland, 1740-1803. With selections from local records and original documents relating to the district. Edited... by Gilbert Goudie. Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 1889. xcviii, 277 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Pub- lications, v. 5.) CPA Mitchell, Jessie T. In Ultima Thule. illus. (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don, 1904. 8°. v. 31, p. 494-500.) * DA Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shet- land, Caithness and Sutherland. Edited by A. W. Johnston and A. Johnston, v. 1- date. London, 1907-date. 8°. (Old-lore series of the Viking Club.) CR v. 1-2 title reads: Orkney and Shetland miscellany. Oppressions of the sixteenth century in the islands of Orkney and Zetland: from original documents. [Edited by David Bal- four.] Edinburgh, printed, 1859. 2 p.l., lxi, 129(1) p. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CP Contents: (1) Articles and informations by the inhabitants of Orkney and Zetland, of the oppressions committed by Lord Robert Stuart, Dec, 1575. (2) The complayntis of the commownis and inhabitants of Zetland, and probatiounis led thairupoun, Feb., 1576. (3) The commission by King James vi. to the chancellor and others, to try Lord Robert Stuart for oppression, 1587. (4) A supplication to Parliament by Lawrence Bruce and others, against Patrick, earl of Orkney, 1592. (5) Appendix. Orkney and Shetland records; collected and edited by A. W. Johnston, Amy John- ston, Jon Stefansson and Henry Paton. London: Viking Club, 1907-11. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-280; v. 2, p. 1-112; v. 3, p. 1-64. (Old- lore series of the Viking Club. no. 1-8, 10, 12, IS, 18, 21, 27, 28, 38.) CR v. 1. Orkney and Shetland records. v. 2. Orkney and Shetland sasines. (v. 1.) v. 3. Orkney and Shetland sasines. (v. 2.) Pigott, T. Digby. The Shetland isles in the birds'-nesting season. (Contemporary review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 58, p. 223- 239.) * DA Rampini, Charles. Shetland and its in- dustries. (Chambers's journal. Edin- burgh, 1883. 4°. series 4, v. 20, p. 209-212, 310-312.) * DA Russell, E. J. The Shetland islands. (Manchester Geographical Society. Jour- nal. Manchester, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 125- 138.) KAA Saxby, Jessie Margaret Edmonston. Sacred sites in a Shetland isle. (Antiquary. London, 1905. v. 41, p. 133-138.) CA Sites of old churches. Selous, Edward. The bird watcher in the Shetlands. With some notes on seals — and digressions. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1905. x p., 1 1„ 388 p., 10 pi. 8°. QMT Sinclair, Catherine. Shetland and the Shetlanders; or, The northern circuit. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1840. 2 p.l., (1)6-348 p. 12°. CPW Steuart, A. Francis. The garrison of the forts in Zetland. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland. Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 208-209.) CR Thorns, George Hunter. Notice of the court book of the Bailie Court of Dunross- ness, Sandwick, and Cunningsburgh, Shet- land, 1731-1735; with a statement of its contents. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 157-159.) CPA Thomsen, Grimur. Den nordiske Natio- nalitet paa Shetlands- og Orknoerne. (Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Annaler. Kjobenhavn [1862]. 8°. 1862, p. 3-28.) GEA Tudor, John R. The Orkneys and Shet- land; their past and present state. With chapters on geology by B. N. Peach, and J. Home, and notes on the flora of the Orkneys by W. I. Fortescue, and notes on the flora of Shetland by P. White. Lon- don: E. Stanford, 1883. xxxiii, (1)4-703 p., 11 maps, 8 pi. illus. 8°. CR Vigfusson, Gudbrand. Picts and Cale- dones in the ninth century. (English his- torical review. London, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 509-513.) BAA Deals also with the name of Shetland. Visit, A, to Shetland. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany. . . Edinburgh, 1846. v. 8, no. 75.) * C White, Thomas Pilkington. Hjaltland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1896. 8°. v. 28, p. 1-33.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's living age, v. 210, p. 643-660, Boston, 1896. Wood, Charles W. The Orkney and Shetland islands, illus. (Argosy. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. v. 25, p. 45-56, 133-144, 213- 224, 290-301, 367-380, 450-463; v. 26, p. 43- 57.) * DA Wylie, Barbara F. Cycling in Shetland, illus. (Badminton magazine. London, 1899. 8°. v 8, p. 493-504.) MVA 416 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Shetland, continued. Ziegler, Alexander. Die Shetland In- seln. Illustrirte Zeitung. Leipzig, 1858. f°. Bd. 31, p. 360-361.) tt*DF With four illustrations: (1) Broch of Mousa; (2) The Noss; (3) Fair Isle; (4) White Mountain, Main- land. Sheuchy Dyke, Fifeshire Brown, William. An account of Sheu- chy Dyke, in the east of Fife. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 192- 198.) t CPA Skene Barony, Aberdeenshire Skene. Extracts from the court book of the barony. 1613-1633. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 217-220.) +CP Skibo, Sutherlandshire Black, George Fraser. The origin of "Skibo." (Caledonian. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 6, p. 496-497.) * DD Gray, Peter. Skibo, its lairds and his- tory... Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1906. 118 p. illus. 12°. ARX Skye, Inverness-shire In the heart of the Coolins. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 179, p. 754-762.) * DA Lancaster, William. Notes of a short visit to the island of Skye. (Manchester Geographical Society. Journal. Manches- ter, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 101-105.) KAA Macculloch, John Arnott. The misty isle of Skye: its scenery, its people, its story. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 1905. 320 p., 1 map, 20 pi. 12°. CR Eilean a' Cheo 'The Isle of mist,' is the Gaelic name of Skye. Macgregor, Alexander. The isle of Skye in the olden times. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 19-23.) * DE Notes on some old customs in the island of Skye. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 143-147.) CPA Mackenzie, Alexander. The isle of Skye in 1882. (In his: The history of the High- land clearances. Inverness, 1883. 12°. p. 407-518.) TE Miller, James W. Skye, Gairloch, Eigg, and Loch Maree. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 p.l., 94 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. (Mill- er's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and islands.) KFT Muller, Henri. I'isle de Skye (Ecosse). 4 illus. (L'univers illustre. Paris, 1865 f°. annee 8, p. 111-112.) *DM Notes of a wanderer in Skye. (Temple Bar. London, 1883. 8°. v. 69, p. 75-92) *DA Skye. (Temple Bar. London, 1883. 8° v. 68, p. 276-279.) * DA Smith, Alexander. A summer in Skye. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1865. iv, 423 p. 16°. CRB Stutfield, Hugh E. M. A season in Skye. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1902 8°. v. 172, p. 219-227.) * DA Weld, Charles Richard. Two months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. Lon- don: Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, 1860. xxi, 404 p. pi. illus. 8°. CPW White, Thomas Pilkington. Camped out under the Cuillins. A region of desolation. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1889. 8°. v. 146, p. 211-222.) *DA Slains, Aberdeenshire Dalgarno, James. Notes on the parish of Slains and Forvie in the olden days. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 81-82, 104-105, 121, 141-142, 152-153, 170-171, 185-186.) CPA Murphy, Lady Blanche. Slains Castle. (Lippincott's magazine. Philadelphia, 1873. 8°. v. 11, p. 646-653.) *DA The Solway Neilson, George. Annals of the Solway — until A. D. 1307. 1 map. (Glasgow Ar- chaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 245-308.) CPA Southdean Church, Roxburghshire Eeles, Francis Carolus. Southdean church, Roxburghshire: some account ol the excavations carried out there by the Otterburn Memorial Committee, illus (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro' ceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45 p. 561-569.) CPA Soutra, Haddingtonshire Bannatyne Club. Registrum Domus di Soltre necnon Ecclesie Collegiate S. Trin itatis prope Edinburgh . . . Charters of thi LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 417 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Hospital of Soltre, of Trinity College, Edinburgh, and other collegiate churches in Mid-Lothian [edited by D. Laingj. Edin- burgh, 1861. xxiv p., 1 1., cxxi, 379 p., 1 fac, 8 pi. illus. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) CP Contents: Registrum Domus.de Soltre. Registrum Ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis de Edinburgh. Ecclesia Collegiata Beate Marie de Campis de Edinburgh. Ecclesia Collegiata de Restalrig. Ecclesia Collegiata de Corstorphine. Ecclesia Collegiata de Creychtoun. Ecclesia Collegiata de Dalketh. Ecclesia Collegiata de Rosslyn. Hunter, James. Fala and Soutra: in- cluding a history of the ancient "Domus de Soltre" with its masters and great reven- ues, and of other historical associations and buildings. Edinburgh: J. G. Hitt, 1892. xiv, 1S4 p., 9 pi., 2 port. 4°. t CRB no. 34 of fifty copies printed. M'Callum, Hugh, and John M'Callum. Description of Staffa. (In: An original collection of the poems of Ossian, Orrann, Ulin, and other bards... Montrose, 1816. 8°. p. lxxxii-lxxxvii.) NDO MacLean, John Patterson. An histori- cal, archaeological and geological examina- tion of Fingal's Cave, in the island of Staffa. Subscribers' edition. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1890. 49 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. CRB Rewritten and enlarged from the original report made to the Smithsonian Institution, in the year 1887. Miller, James W. Staffa, Iona, Mull, and Hebrides. Oban: J. W. Miller, 1877. 1 p.l., 86 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. (Miller's royal tourist guides to the Highlands and islands.) KFT Spey River Knox, A. E. Autumns on the Spey. London: J. Van Voorst, 1872. 4 p.l., 171 p., 4 pi. 12°. MYEL Macgregor, John. Amhainn Spe. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1892. 8°. v. 17. p. 7-17.) NDO Spynie, Elginshire Legend, A, of vanished waters. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 115-137.) * DA On the changes which Loch Spynie has undergone. Spynie. — Court of Regality. Extracts from the register of the Regality Court of Spynie. 1592-1601. (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. xlvi- lii, 117-146.) fCP Young, Robert. The parish of Spynie, in the county of Elgin, an account of its civil and ecclesiastical state... Elgin: Courant Office, printed, 1871. xiv, 357 p. 8°. CR Staffa, Argyllshire Aus dem Tagebuche eines in Grossbri- tannien reisenden Ungarn. Pesth: G. Heckenast, 1837. 12°. * C p.v.1057 ch. 18: Iona, Staffa; ch. 19-20: Die schottischen Hochlande; ch. 21: Edinburgh. Cueva estupenda de Fingal. 1 illus. (El Instructor. London, 1838. 4°. v. 5, p. 311- 312.) t*DR Fingal's Cave, illus. (Penny magazine. London, 1832. 4°. v. 1, p. 236-238.) * DA Kay, Thomas. Iona and Staffa. 1 pi. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1888. 8°. v. 7, p. 338-350.) * DA The plate is St. Martin's Cross, Iona Stewarton, Ayrshire Stewarton Library. Regulations and catalogue. Kilmarnock: H. Crawford, 1816. 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v. 1137 Stirling, Stirlingshire Abbey, The, Craig and its associations. (Eclectic magazine. New York, 1859. 8°. v. 47, p. 272-273.) * DA From Titan. Alexander, Sir James Edward. Notice regarding an ancient oak pannel from Stirling Castle, on which is carved the head of a king of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 308- 309.) t CPA Cook, W. B. Stirling Castle. (British Archaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 219-234.) CA Cox, John Charles. Ancient Stirling, illus. (Antiquary. London, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 76-79.) CA Extracts from the registers of the pres- bytery of Glasgow, and of the kirk ses- sions of the parishes of Cambusnethan, Humbie, and Stirling, subsequent to the year 1600. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 399-484.) tCP Fleming, James Stark. Regent Mar's ludging, Stirling, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 153-168.) CPA Graham, M. E. The mysterious guest at Stirling Castle. (Antiquary. London, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 457-460.) CA Richard n. of England? 418 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History — Stirling, continued. Haven, Gilbert. Stirling and Edinburgh. (In his: The pilgrim's wallet; or, Scraps of travel. New York, 1869. 16°. p. 77-94.) BTYB Hutcheson, Alexander. A municipal relic of old Stirling. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 5-6.) CPA Innes, William. A token of regard to the members of the Established Church at Stirling, in a letter, addressed to them, by their late pastor. Edinburgh: J. Ritchie, 1800. 1 p.l., 30 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.45 Johnston, James, of Straiton. Statement addressed to the worthy and independent electors of Stirling, Dunfermline, Inver- keithing, Queensferry, and Culross. n. p. [1832.] 1 p.l., 56 p. 8°. *Cp.v.434 Murray, James. The compt of James Murray of Kilbabertoun, maister of wark to our soverane Lord, of the haill ex- penssis maid upoun building and repara- tiounes within and about his majesties castell of Stirling. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 367- 377.) t CP Register of the kirk session of Stirling [Extracts from]. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 127-136.) t CP From November 17, 1597 to December 11, 1600. Rogers, Charles. The Abbey Craig and its association. (In: The Scottish annual. Edinburgh [1859]. 12°. 1859, p. 210-219.) NCA • History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland, with the register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling, including details in re- lation to the rise and progress of Scot- tish music and observations respecting the Order of the Thistle. Edinburgh: The Grampian Club, 1882. ccliv p., 1 1., 126 p. 8°. CR Ross, Thomas. Notice of six paintings on wood, representing the sibyls, recently found at Wester Livilands, Stirling. 7 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 387-403.) CPA Shearer's illustrated historical handbook to Stirling, Stirling Castle, and neighbour- hood. Compiled from authentic and trust- worthy sources by the publishers. Printed for the second time: The battle of Ban- nockburn, by Sir E. Wood. The true site of the battle of Stirling bridge, by J. E. Shearer. Stirling: R. S. Shearer & Son [1911]. viii, 148 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 3 pi. illus. 48. ed. 12°. CR Shearer's tourist's guide to Stirling and neighbourhood, Bridge of Allan, Dunblane, Doune...the Trossachs, Loch Katri Loch Lomond. . .Forth and Clyde Railw Stirling to Edinburgh by river, &c Stirling: R. S. Shearer [1876]. 4 p.l., (1 116 p., 2 maps, 1 plan, 7 pi. illus. 12°. Stirling. Extracts from the records of the re burgh of Stirling, A. D. 1519-1666. W appendix, A. D. 1295-1666. Glasgow: G] gow, Stirlingshire and Sons of the R Society, 1887. 2 p.l., xxxiv p., 1 1., 35; 4°. Medical Officer of Health Annual report. 1911. f°. [Stirling) 19 tts Public Library Committee Report. 19Q7/8. Stirling, 1908. Sanitary Department *H Annual report on the general sanit condition of the burgh. 1911-12. Stirl r 1912-13]. f°. tS Stirling Castle, illus. (Penny magaz: London, 1832. f°. v. 1, p. 364-365.) * Stirlingshire McFarlan, John. A letter to the eleel of Stirlingshire. Edinburgh: A. & C. Bl; 1837. 1 p.l., 34 p., 1 1. 8°. *Cp.v.l Nimmo, William. The history of S lingshire. [Edited by R. Gillespie.] L don (Glasgow): Hamilton, Adams & 1880. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. The first ed. was published in 1777, and the se in 1817. Observator, pseud. Antiquities in 5 lingshire. (Edinburgh magazine and view. Edinburgh, 1774-75. 8°. v. 1 230-235, 348-352, 409-414, 459-464; v. 't 575-580, 617-626, 729-739; v. 3, p. 57-64, 137.) * The first four articles deal with Roman rem no. 5 deals with the period between the Roman pation and the reign of David I; no. 6, Battli Stirling and Falkirk; no. 7, Battle of Bannockt no. 8, Battle of Sauchieburn; no. 9, Castle of Stu Sibbald, Sir Robert. Sibbald's His & description of Stirlingshire, ancient modern. 1707. [Edinburgh, 1707; rep ed. Stirling: R. S. Shearer and Son, 1 4 p.l., .(1)6-81 p. sq. 8°. pe 8°. Stirlingshire election, &c, &c. [with ■ndix.] [Edinburgh? 1833?i iii, 41, < CRP Title-page missing. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 419 ■History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Stitchill Barony, Roxburghshire Records of the Baron Court of Stitchill, 1655-1807. Transcribed by... Rev. George Gunn...and edited by Clement B. Gunn. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1905. 3 p.l., ix-xxxix, 248 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 50.) CPA Baron Courts were instituted in Scotland in May, 1654. The Stitchill records extend from Jan. 8, 1655, to Nov. 21, 1807. Among the eight appendices are some notes on members of the Pringle family, and a list of the barons, ministers, and schoolmasters of Stitchill during the period included in the records. Strathbungo, Lanarkshire Scott, Alexander M. Notes on the vil- lage of Strathbungo. (Glasgow Archreo- logical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 130-143.) CPA Strathdearn, Inverness and Nairn shires Macdougall, R. Strathdearn — some church notes. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 49-62.) NDO Stonehaven, Kincardineshire Fyfe, John T. The Brighton of the north, illus. (English illustrated maga- zine. London, 1902. 8°. v. 27, p. 467-476.) *DA Stonehaven. Abstracts of accounts of the Town Council. 1911/12. n. p. [1912.] P. Strathardle, Perthshire ' Anderson, David Brown. The heart of Strathardle. By D. B. A. (Scots maga- zine. Perth, 1899. p. 257-262.) new series, v. 24, *DE Fergusson, Charles. Sketches of the early history, legends, and traditions of Strathardle and its glens. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1890-1904. 8°. v. 15, p. 279-302; v. 18, p. 229-255; v. 19, p. 245-271; v. 20, p. 248-274; v. 21, p. 69-105, 326-368; v. 23, p. 154-178; v. 24, p. 195-231.) NDO Strathblane, Stirlingshire Smith, John Guthrie. The parish of Strathblane and its inhabitants from early times: a chapter of Lennox history. Glas- gow: James Maclehose & Sons, 1886. xi, 394 p., 2 maps, 15 pi. illus. 4°. CR Strathbogie, Aberdeenshire Macdonald, James. Place names in Strathbogie, with notes historical, antiquar- ian and descriptive. With map and plans. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1891. xii p., 1 1., 300 p., 1 map, 2 plans. 12°. KAT Strathbogie, Presbytery of. Extracts from the presbytery book of Strathbogie. A. D. 1631-1654. [Edited by John Stuart., Aberdeen: Spalding Club, 1843. xxxi, 269 p. 4°. CP Strathearn, Perthshire Crieff: its traditions and characters, with anecdotes of Strathearn. Edinburgh: D. Macara, 1881. xi(i), 304 p. 12°. CR Reid, Alexander George. The annals of Auchterarder and memorials of Strath- earn. Crieff: David Philips, 1899. 4 p.l., 301, xxxviii p., 4 pi. sw. 8°. CR The castle, burgh, barony, and sheriffdom of Auch- terarder. The castle of Kincardine in Strathearn. The treaty of Auchterarder. Decreet of lyning in favour of John Malar. The warlock of the Kirktown of Auchterarder. Auchterarder in Mar's year. The burning of Blackford. The burning of Dunning. The burning of Dalreoch. The burning of Muthill. The burning of Crieff. Account of compensation paid by government to the sufferers by the burning of Auch- lerarder, Dunning, Blackford, Muthill, and Crieff. Rental of the estate of Perth in 1748-9, parish of Auchterarder. Trial of Violet Mar for witchcraft. Salmon fishings on the Earn. John Brugh, the war- lock of Fossoway. The witch covin at the Crook of Devon. The terrible parish. The lone lady of Kil- ders. Wanderings of Strowan Robertson. Account of the ruins of the abbey of Inchaffray. Auchterar- der, 1837-97. Shearer, John, the younger. Antiquities of Strathearn, with historical and tradi- tionary tales, and biographical sketches of celebrated individuals belonging to the district. Crieff: D. Philips, 1881. 3 p.l., 94 p. 16°. CR Reprinted from the edition of 1836. Strathendrick, Stirlingshire Smith, John Guthrie. Strathendrick, and its inhabitants from early times. An ac- count of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, Killearn, Drymen, Buchanan, and Kil- maronock. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1896. xxvi p., 1 1., 410 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 map, 9 pi., 1 port. 4°. t CR One of 440 copies printed. Strathglass, Inverness-shire Chisholm, Colin. Traditions of Strath- glass. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 35-37, 74-77, 116-119, 146-149, 180-183, 219-222, 265-269, 310-313, 357-361, 410-412, 452-455.) * DE 420 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Strathmore Anderson, David Brown. The Howe of Strathmore. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 309-313.) * DE P., J. The antiquities of Strathmore. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edin- burgh, 1774. 8°. v. 3, p. 3-10.) * DA Strathnairn, Inverness-shire Fraser, James. Strathnairn in the olden times. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 247-264.) NDO Strowan, Perthshire Porteous, James. Extracts from a his- tory of the parishes of Monivaird and Strowan in the archives of the society. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- jeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 65-75.) t CPA Sula Sgeir, Ross-shire Unda, pseud, of Thomas S. Muir. Inch- colm, Aberdour, North Rona, Sula Sgeir. [Edinburgh: R. Clark, 1872.] 36 p. illus. 8°. Reserve One of twenty-five copies printed. With four pen and ink drawings by the author laid in. With bookplate of George Stirling Home Drummond of Blair-Drummond and Ardoch. Sutherlandshire Barron, Evan M. Robert the Bruce in Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 90-94.) CR Beaton, David. Some references to witchcraft and charming. From Caithness and Sutherland church records. By His- toricus. (Orkney and Shetland old-lore series of the Viking Club. Old-lore mis- cellany. London, 1909-10. 8°. v. 2, p. 110- 115, 171-172, 193; v. 3, p. 47-48.) CR Caithness and Sutherland records, col- lected and edited by A. W. Johnston, Amy Johnston, and Henry Paton. v. 1, p. 1-208. London: Viking Club, 1909-13. 8°. (Old- lore series of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland, no. 13, 16, 19, 22, 30, 35, 40.) CR Campbell, H. F. Notes on the county of Sutherland in the eighteenth century. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 470- 490.) NDO Crichton, Andrew. Sutherland and the Sutherlanders, their religious and social condition; or, The duties of the church and the chieftain. [By Dr. Andrew Crichton.] Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1844. 23 p 8°. *Cp.v.434 Laurie, John. The tourist's companion through Sutherlandshire. Glasgow: the author, n. d. 4 p.l., 9-108 p. 16°. * C p.v.363 Lennie, Alice B. Geographical descrip- tion of the county of Sutherland, illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1911. 8°. v. 27, p. 18-34, 128-142, 188-195.) KAA Mackay, Angus. Sutherland and Caith- ness in ancient geography and maps. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 79- 94.) CPA Miller, Hugh. Sutherland as it was and is; or, How a country may be ruined. (In his: Leading articles on various subjects. New York [1870]. 12°. p. 388-453.) NCZ Mowat, John. A list of books and pam- phlets relating to the north of Scotland, with special reference to Caithness and Sutherland. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909-11. 8°. v. 2, p. 238-242; v. 3; p. 49-54, 170-176, 224-225; v. 4, p. 45-47, 99- 101, 151-152, 201-205; v. 5, p. 38-43.) CR Pope, Alexander. On Caithness, Strath- naver, and Sutherland. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. London, 1776. 4. ed. 4°. v. 1, p. 336-366.) t CPW St. John, Charles William George. A tour in Sutherlandshire, with extracts from the fieldbooks of a sportsman and natural- ist. London: J. Murray, 1849. 2 v. pi. 8°. MYEL Appendix, n. t.-p. n. p. [pref. 1884.] 1 p.l., xi-xiii, 291-374 p. 2. ed. 12°. MYEL Scott, Sir Walter. Description of the Ua More, a remarkable cavern on the coast of Sutherland. From the journal of a celebrated writer. (Forget me not. Lon- don, 1826. 24°. 1826, p. 256-264.) NCA Young, Archibald. The angler's and sketcher's guide to Sutherland. Edin- burgh: W. Paterson, 1881. x p., 2 l. 9- 130 p., 1 map. 2. ed. 16°. MYK Sweetheart Abbey, Kirkcudbrightshire Huyshe, Wentworth. Dervorgilla, Lady of Galloway, and her abbey of the Sweet Heart. With illustrations by F. Fissi and the author. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1913. xii, 157 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. illus. 4°. AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 421 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. The abbey of the Sweetheart or New Ab- bey, Kirkcudbrightshire. 20 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological collections. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. 1-54.) t CPA Wallace-James, J. G. Royal confirma- tion of the foundation charter of Sweet- heart Abbey. (Genealogist. London, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 215-218.) *R- Room 328 Tain, Ross-shire Breguet, G. A. The early history of Tain. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 26^14.) * EC Taebert, Argyllshire Mitchell, Dugald. Tarbert past and present. Gleanings in local history. Dum- barton: Bennett & Thomson, 1886. xii, 149 p., 4 pi. 12°. CR Tay River Macmillan, Hugh. The source of the Tay. illus. (Art journal. London, 1899. f. 1899, p. 151-154, 197-200.) f MAA Taymouth Castle, Perthshire Macmillan, Hugh. Kenmore and Tay- mouth Castle. (Art journal. London, 1899. f°. 1899, p. 326-332.) t MAA Tealing, Forfarshire Hutcheson, Alexander. Notice of an early inscribed mural monument and of an undescribed sculptured stone preserved in the parish church of Tealing, Forfarshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 41-48.) CPA Temple, Edinburghshire Bain, Joseph. Charter by Mark Ker, abbot or commendator of Newbottil, to Helen Leslie and her sons, of lands in the parish of Temple, Co. Edinburgh, belong- ing to the abbey, dated 13 June 1565. (Archaeological journal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 37, p. 323-327.) CA Reid, Alan. Monumental remains in Pit- lochry district, and churchyard memorials at Moulin, Temple, and Clerkington. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 389-423.) CPA Thirlstane Castle, Berwickshire Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Thirl- stane Castle, Berwickshire. 10 illus. (Coun- try life. London, 1910. f°. v. 28, p. 194- 199.) ft MVA Thurso, Caithness Reprint, A, of the statistical, account of the town and parish of Thurso, in Scot- land [by Sir John Sinclair] . . . With a short introduction, containing a plan for the arrangement of the statistical account of Ireland. Dublin [181 - ?j. 89 p., 1 map, 2 pi. 8°. CR p.box 3 Scotland. — Ordnance Survey. Book of reference to the plan of the parish of Thurso, in the county of Caithness... London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, printers, 1873. 1 p.l., 30 p., 1 plan. 8°. CR p. box Tilquhilly, Kincardineshire Cramond, William. Notes on Tilquhilly Castle. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1900-01. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 141-142; v. 2, p. 61-62.) CPA Tiree, Argyllshire Argyll (10. duke), Niall Diarmid Camp- bell. An old Tiree rental of the year 1662. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 343-344.) CPA Beveridge, Erskine. Coll and Tiree: their prehistoric forts and ecclesiastical antiquities with notices of ancient remains in the Treshnish isles. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1903. xxvi p., 1 1., 206 p., 2 maps, 77 pi. 4°. CP no. 217 of 300 copies printed. Reeves, William. The island of Tiree. 1 map. (Ulster journal of archaeology. Belfast, 1854. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 233-244.) CT Tobermory, Argyllshire Paine, Ralph Delahaye. The Armada galleon of Tobermory Bay. 5 pi. (In his: 422 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Book of buried treasure. New York, 1911. 8°. p. 183-220.) BAC Tomintoul, Banffshire Blatherwick, Charles. The highest town in the Highlands. 2 illus. (Good words. London, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 822-827.) * DA Tongue, Sutherlandshire Notes from the Tongue presbytery rec- ords. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1914. 8°. v. 7, p. 39-48.) CR Reid, Alan. Recent discoveries in Tra- nent churchyard, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edin burgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 139-150 ) CPA Tranent churchyard, illus., (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v 45 n 117-152.) CPA Treshnish Isles, Argyllshire Beveridge, Erskine. Coll and Tiree: their prehistoric forts and ecclesiastical antiquities, with notices of ancient remains in the Treshnish isles. With 77 illustra- tions and 2 maps. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1903. xvi p., 1 1., 206 p., 2 maos' 77 pi. 4°. CP No. 217 of 300 copies printed. Torbolton, Ayrshire Cooper, W. S. Collections relating to the parish of Torbolton, in the district of Kyle, Ayrshire. (Ayr and Galloway Arch- aeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 2, p. 137-155.) " fCA Troqueer, Kirkcudbrightshire Starke, James Gibson Hamilton. Tro- queer in the olden time. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Anti- quarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1896. 8°. 1894-95, p. 107-117.) *EC Torphichen Preceptory, Linlithgowshire Edwards, John. Torphichen and the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem in Scot- land. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 309-339.) CPA M'Call, Hardy Bertram. The history and antiquities of the parish of Mid- Calder, with some account of the religious house of Torphichen founded upon record. Edinburgh: R. Cameron, 1894. viii, 272 p., 1 map, 3 pi., 1 table. 4°. f CR Torryburn, Fifeshire Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dun- fermline . . . including historical notices . . . of... Torryburn. Dunfermline, 1828. 12°. CR Tranent, Haddingtonshire M'Neill, Peter. Tranent and its sur- roundings: historical, ecclesiastical, & tra- ditional. Edinburgh: John Menzies & Co., 1884. xiii p., 2 1., 279 p., 18 pi. 2. ed. 12°. CR Narrative of the riot at Tranent. [1797.] (The Anti-Jacobin. London, 1799. 8°. v. 1. p. 59-69.) NAA In connection with the enforcement of the militia law. The Trossachs, Perthshire Lumsden & Son's guide to the romantic scenery of Loch-Lomond, Loch-Ketturin the Trossachs, &c... With a land tour from Stirling to Callander, the Trossachs, Loch-Ketturin, Loch-Ard, and the Lake of Monteith. Glasgow: James Lumsden and Son, 1831. 52 p., 1 map. new and rev. ed. 12°. KS Milton, Geraldine Edith. The Tros- sachs. London: A. & C. Black, 1911. iv, 5-63(1) p., 1 1., 11 pi. 8°. (Beautiful Brit- ain.) CPW Moonlight, A, ramble at the Trosachs. (Illustrated magazine of art. New York, 1853. 4°. v. 1, p. 187-188.) fMAA Nelson, Thomas, and Sons. Views of the Trossachs and Loch Katrine, n. p., n. d. 12 pi. obi. 48°. ' KFT Nelson's tourist's guide to the Trosachs and Loch Lomond. [Published by Thomas Nelson.] London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1858. vi, 7-48 p. 24°. CRBp.box Trosachs, The. .. & Sons, 1857. 29 p., London: T. Nelson 1 map, 12 pi. 16°. Tulliallan, Perthshire Beveridge, David. Culross and Tullial- lan; or, Perthshire on Forth. Its history^ and antiquities... Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1885. 2 v. 8°. CR LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 423 History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Turriff, Aberdeenshire Aul\ The, kirk of Turriff, 1794. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 190S. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 183-185.) CPA Verse. Stuart, John. Notice of the church of St. Congan at Turriff, in Aberdeenshire, and a fresco of St. Ninian discovered in it in December, 1861. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 427-433.) CPA Tweed River Lang, Andrew. The Tweed. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 178, p. 833-840.) * DA A Tweedside sketch. (Good words. London, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 178-182.) * DA Unst, Shetland Armstrong, William Bruce. Notice of an ancient door-knocker, with armorial bearings from Muness Castle, Unst, Shet- land. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. IS, p. 101-103.) CPA Scattald marches of Unst in 1771, with notes by A. W. Johnston. (Old-lore mis- cellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910-12. 8°. v. 3, p. 100-102. 162-163. 217-219; v. 4, p. 33-36, 91-93, 192-193; v. 5, p. 125-129.) CR Y., W. S. Unstia. printed t 1894]. 2 1. 8°. Latin verse. 1894. Privately * C p.v.368 Uphall, Linlithgowshire Buchan (11. earl), David Stuart Erskine. Account of the parish of Uphall. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 139- 155.) t CPA TwEEDDALE Ross, Thomas. James Gifford, a Scot- tish sculptor of the seventeenth century, and some of his works in Tweeddale. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 147-162.) CPA Tyninghame, Haddingtonshire Waddell, Peter Hately. An old kirk chronicle, being a history of Auldhame, Tyninghame, and Whitekirk in East Lo- thian, from session records 1615-1850. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1893. xii, 166 p., 6 fac, 2 plans, 20 pi. 4°. tCR no. 28 of 50 copies printed. Uddingston, Lanarkshire Henderson, George, and J. Jeffrey Wad- dell. By Bothwell banks. Some chapters on the history, archaeology, and literary associations of the Uddingston and Both- well district. Glasgow: D. Hobbs & Co., 1904. 7 p.L, 260 p. illus. 12°. CR Uig, Lewis, Ross-shire Macleod, Agnes M. A Highland parish of the last century. (Good words. Lon- don, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 237-240.) * DA UlST See Hebrides Urie, Kincardineshire Urie, Barony Court of. The court book of the barony of Urie in Kincardineshire, 1604-1747. Edited from the original manu- script... by Rev. Douglas Gordon Barron. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1892. 2 p.l., lvii, 208 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 12.) CPA p. 185-196 contain genealogical notes on "The lairds of Urie, 1430-1892." Urquhart, Inverness-shire Excursion to Glen-Urquhart. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 137-146.) *EC History and description of the castle. Grant, Angus. Notes on a recumbent grave-slab in Kilmore churchyard, and an inscribed stone found at Ruigh-ic-ille of Mhuire in Glenurquhart. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 335-336.) CPA Notices of sepulchral slabs at Kil- more and Kilianan, Glenurquhart, Inver- ness-shire, illus. ( Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 665-668.) CPA Mackay, William. The early history of the glen and royal castle of Urquhart. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 152- 173.) NDO 424 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. Urquhart and Glenmoriston: olden times in a Highland parish. Inverness: Northern Counties Newspaper & Printing & Publishing Co., 1893. xxi p., 1 1., 594 p., 1 fac, 6 pi. illus. 8°. CR Ross, James. Castle Urquhart. (In- verness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 30-33.) * EC Wardlaw, Inverness-shire Bentinck, Charles D. Wardlaw church and clergy. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 274-296.) NDO Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ro The priory and cathedral of Whithorn Candida Casa. 10 pi. (Ayrshire and G loway Archaeological Association. Arch ological and historical collections. Ed burgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. 167-196.) f( Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Candi Casa. 4 illus. (Good words. Londt 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 109-116.) *i St. Ninian's Cave, Glasserton. pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeo'loi cal Association. Archaeological and h torical collections. Edinburgh, 1885 • v. 5, p. 1-8.) ' >c Saint Ninian's cave. 2 illus. (Sunday home. London, 1885. 4°. 1885, p 4' 460.) f*D Wauchopedale, Dumfriesshire Armstrong, Robert Bruce. The history of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wau- chopedale, and the Debateable Land... Parti. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1883. fac, map, plan, pi., port. 4°. f CR Weem, Perthshire Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notice of a mural monument in the kirk of Weem. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 147-155.) CPA Whitehaugh Barony, Aberdeenshire Whitehaugh, Barony of. Minutes of a court of the barony. 1686-87. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 234-238.) f CP ■ Whitekirk, Haddingtonshire Waddell, Peter Hately. An old kirk chronicle, being a history of Auldhame, Tyninghame, and Whitekirk in East Loth- ian, from session records, 1615-1850. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1893. xii, 166 p., 6 fac, 2 plans. 20 pi. 4°. f CR no. 28 of 50 copies printed. Whithorn, Wigtownshire Chalmers, P. Macgregor. Saint Nini- an's Candida Casa. A leap into the dark, illus. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 192-210.) CPA Dalrymple, Hew Hamilton. The seal of the priory of Whithorn, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association, Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 53-55.) f CA Wigtownshire See also Galloway Ayrshire and Galloway, formerly Aj shire and Wigtonshire, Archaeological A sociation, Ayr. Archaeological and histoi cal collections relating to Ayrshire at Galloway, v. 1-10. Edinburgh: the societ 1878-99. 4°. fC Title of v. 1-4 reads "relating to the counties Ayr and Wigton." Chalmers, George. Wigton-shire. (: his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 3, 349-444.) fC List of registered voters for the coun of Wigtown, 1845. Stranraer: Free Pre Office, printer, 1845. 18 p. 8°. CRp.b< Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Valu tion of the shire of Wigtown, made in 166 (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological A sociation. Archaeological and historic collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, 106-128.) fC Register of voters for the county of Wi; town. 1845. Stranraer: Free Press Offic printer, 1845. 24 p. 8°. CRp.bt Wrangholm, Roxburghshire Fryer, A. Wrangholm, near Melros the supposed birthplace of St. Cuthbei (British Archaeological Association. Jou nal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 36, p. 358-355 C Yarrow, Selkirkshire Veitch, John. Yarrow and its inscribi stone. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazir Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 648-656.) The Yarrow of Wordsworth ai Scott. (Blackwood's magazine. Edi burgh, 1892. 8°. v. 151, p. 638-650.) *D LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 425 History and Description, continued. Place Names Agnew, Sir Andrew. The hereditary- sheriffs of Galloway. . .with notes on the early history, ecclesiastical legends, the baronage and place names of the province. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1893. 2 v. 8°. CP Reviewed (by F. H. Groome) in the Athenaum, 16 Sept. 1893, p. 3812. Black, George Fraser. Scottish place names. (Caledonian. New York, 1902. 8°. April, 1902, p. 42-43.) * DD Some West Highland place-names. (Caledonian. New York, 1902. 8°. Feb- ruary, 1902, p. 18-20.) * DD Black, William George. The derivation of the word "Glasgow." (Glasgow Archce- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 219-228.) CPA Blackie, John Stuart. Place-names of Scotland. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 156, p. 38- 44.) * DA Significance of Scottish local names. (Good words. London, 1893. 8°. v. 34, p. 738-744.) * DA Browne, Walter R. Distribution of place-names in the Scottish Lowlands. 2 tables. (Philological Society. Transac- tions. London, 1888. 8°. 1880-81, p. 322- 334.) RAA Burgess, James. Etymology of Scot- tish place names. (In: J. G. Bartholomew, The Royal Scottish Geographical Society's atlas of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1895. f°. p. 15.) MapDept. Cameron, Alexander. Arran place- names. 1 map. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 122-139.) NDO (In his: Reliquiae Celticae. In- verness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 561-576.) NDO Without map. Place-names of Dumbarton. (In his: Reliquiae Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 547-560.) NDO Carmichael, Alexander. The place names of Iona. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 461-474.) KAA Carnegie, Mrs. Place names of Balqu- hidder. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 12, p. 609-616.) KAA Christison, David. On the geographical distribution of certain place-names in Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 255-280.) CPA Coles, Frederick R. Remarks on some of the place-names of the Stewartry. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural His- tory and Antiquarian Society. Transac- tions. Dumfries, 1897. 8°. 1895-96, p. 56- 66.) *EC Cruickshank, Dr. Place names in Nairn- shire. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 158-173.) * EC Dowden, John, bishop of Edinburgh. Boyamund's valuation of , ecclesiastical benefices in the archdeaconry of Lothian (1274-1275): with an alphabetical list of the more difficult place-names in the ac- counts for the second year (1275-1276). (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42. p. 40-55.) CPA Observations upon some Scottish place-names as they appear in the accounts of the holy land-tax collected by Boya- mund in the years 1274-1276, as preserved in a ms. in the Vatican. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 379-387.) CPA Ellice, Edward C. Place-names in Glen- garry and Glenquoich and their origin. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1898. vi p., 1 1., 127 p., 1 map, 3 pi., 4 port. 12°. CP Reviewed by W. A. Craigie in Folk-lore, v. 10, p. 244. Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Place- names [of Logie parish]. (In his: Logie: a parish history. Paisley, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 284-291.) CR 1 p. 291 contains a list of Logie parish place- names not now in use. Forsyth, Rev. Dr. Place names of Aber- \ nethy. (Inverness Scientific Society and \ Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1898. \ 8°. v. 4, p. 372-379.) * EC i Gaelic, The, topography of the Dunoon district. By the author of "Celtic etymol- ogy of the Campsie Fells." Kirkintilloch: D. Macleod, n. d. 47 p. 12°. * C p.v.389 Galloway, Alexander. Enquiry into the origin and meaning of some names of places in Scotland, and particularly in Clydesdale. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 79-99.) CPA Gillies, H. Cameron. The place-names of Argyll. With a short preface from the duke of Argyll. London: David Nutt. 1906. xxvi, 273 p. 8°. CR Reviewed in Athenxum, 1906, part 2, p. 236-237. For a critical notice of the work by Professor Mackinnon see Celtic review, v. 3, p. 83-94, Edin- burgh, 1907. 426 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Place Names, continued. Gray, James. The Scandinavian place- names of Sutherland. 1 map. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 213-226.) CR More Scandinavian place names of Sutherland. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 14-21.) CR Gunn, Adam. A review of Sutherland place-names. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland. Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 182-187.) CR Topographical notes on Sutherland. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 140-142.) CR Hewison, James King. Place names of Bute. (In his: The isle of Bute in the olden time. Edinburgh, 1893. sm. 4°. v. 1, p. 288-300.) CR Hogan, Edmund. Onomasticon Goedeli- cum locorum et tribuum Hiberniae et Scotiae; an index, with identifications, to the Gaelic names of places and tribes. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, & Co., Ltd., 1910. xvi, 695(1) p., 1 map. 4°. (Royal Irish Academy.) KAT Johnston, Alfred Wintle. Survey of Orkneyan place-names. 1 table. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 459-464.) GEA I Johnston, James B. Place names of Scotland. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1892. I xcix, 256 p. 12°. KAT Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1903 cxi, 308 p. 2. ed. 12°. KAT Severely criticised by Hon. John Abercrombv in Man, 1904, no. 26, London, 1904. Liddall, William John Norbray. Kin- ross-shire place-names. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 153-158.) NDO Notes on the place-names of Kin- ross-shire and vicinity. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 1, p. 286-290.) KAA The place names of Fife and Kin- ross. Edinburgh: William Green & Sons, 1896. xii p., 1 1., 58 p. 8°. KAT Livingston, Colin. Lochaber place names. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 257-269.) NDO Macbain, Alexander. The Norse ele- ment in the topography of the Highlands and Isles. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v 19 p. 217-245.) NDO Place-names of Badenoch. 1 map. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- v. 16, p. 170-197.) NDO of Inverness-shire. tions. Inverness, 8° Place-names (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 55- 84.) NDO Ptolemy's geography of Scotland. 1 map. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 267-288.) NDO On place-names. Urquhart and Glenmoriston place names. (In: W. Mackay, Urquhart and Glenmoriston... Inverness, 1893. 8°. p. 571-588.) CR Macbean, Lachlan. Ancient Fife seen through its place-names. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 19, p. 27-37.) KAA Macdonald, James. Celtic place-names, with special reference to names in Banff- shire. (Banffshire Field Club. Publica- tions. Banff, 1883. 16°. 1882-83, p. 11-25.) * C p.v.390 Local place names, with topo- graphical and historical notes. tNo. 57.] p. 1 1 7-1 59. Huntly : A. Dunbar, printer t 1890,. 16°. (Huntly Field Club.) *Cp.v.372 Place names in Strathbogie, with notes historical, antiquarian and descrip- tive. With map and plans. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1891. xii p., 1 1., 300 p., 1 map, 2 plans. 12°. KAT Place names of west Aberdeenshire. \ [Edited by Charles Edward Troup.] Aber- ' deen: New Spalding Club. 1899. xxvii, 348 p. 4°. tCP no. 350 of 525 copies printed. Mackay, John. Sutherland place names. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1888-97. 8°. v. 13, p. 43- 49; v. 15, p. 107-122; v. 16. p. 39-59: v. 17, p. 101-125; v. 18, p. 183-208, 325-340; v. 19, p. 172-188; v. 20, p. 103-125.) NDO (1) Introductory; (2) Assynt; (3) Durness and Eddrachillis; (4) Farr and Tongue; (5) Reay and Kildonan; (6) Loth and Clyne; (7) Golspie and Ro- gart; (8) Lairg and Creich; (9) Dornoch. (Scottish geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 12, p. 513- 522.) KAA Mackenzie, Alexander. The Gaelic ori- ' gin of local names. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1893. 8°. v. 3, p. 9-18. ) *EC Local topography. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1872. 8°. v. 1. p. 23-31.) NDO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 427 history and Description, continued. D lace Names, continued. Mackenzie, Kenneth. Lewis place-names, ind relics of the Norse language in Lewis ipeech. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, >, 368-386.) NDO M'Kie, James. Galloway place-names. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural His- iory and Antiquarian Society. Transac- :ions. Dumfries, 1887. 8°. 1883-86, p. 134- 141.) *EC Mackinlay, James Murray. Influence of :he pre-Reformation church on Scottish jlace-names. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1904. xx, 463. 8°. KAT Reviewed in Celtic review, v. 1, p. 77-79, Edin- lurgh, 1905. M'Lauchlan, Thomas. On the Kymric element in the Celtic topography of Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- and. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 5°. v. 6, p. 315-324.) CPA M'Lean, John. Translation of the names ind places contained in deeds of entail of :he Breadalbane estates. With preface by T. W. Young and introduction by Alex. Laing. Edinburgh : printed for private cir- :ulation, 1887. 64 p., 1 1. 8°. KAT p. box Macpherson, David. Geographical illus- xations of Scottish history, containing the lames of places mentioned in the chron- cles," histories, records, &c...and explan- itions of the difficult and disputed points n the historical geography of Scotland . . . :ogether with a compendious chronology jf the battles to the year 1603. . . London: irinted by T. Bensley, 1796. 30 1., 1 map. r. tcp Presentation copy, "To General Melville, as a mall mark of his respect, from the author,'* in the uthor's handwriting. The volume also has the utograph of "General Robert Melville of Strath- inness in Fifeshire." MacRitchie, David. Notes on the word nen and maiden in British topography. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- :eedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, i. 158-166.) CPA Matheson, D. Celtic place-names. (In- erness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1893. 8°. v. 3, i. 296-304.) * EC Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Names >f places. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 167, p. 527-540.) * DA Miller, Peter. Notes on the derivation nd meaning of the place-name of Falkirk, s ascertained from charters and other istorical documents. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 58-65.) CPA Munch, Peter Andreas. Geographiske Oplysninger om de i Sagaerne forekom- mende Skotske og Irske Stedsnavne. (Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Annaler. Kjobenhavn [1852j. 8°. 1852. p. 44-103.) GEA This part deals with the names in the Orkneys only. Pride, David. The place-names of the parish. (In his: History of the parish of Neilston. Paisley, 1910. 4°. p. 208-215.) fCR Primrose, James. Jocelyn of Furness and the place-name Glasgow. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 3, p. 220-228.) CPA Richardson, Ralph. Scottish place- names and Scottish saints. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 21, 352-360.) KAA Contains a list of the names of Scottish saints with place-names derived from them. Robertson, Charles M. Ptolemy's "Ripa Alta" and "Tamia." (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 93-94.) NDK Ross, David. Some notes on the place- names and dialect of Shetland. 1 map. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow,, 1894. 8°. v. 25, p. 108-117.) * EC Shaw, James. Place names of Nithsdale. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural His- tory and Antiquarian Society. Transac- tions. Dumfries, 1884. 8°. 1880-81, p. 40- 43.) * EC Stefansson, Jon. Scandinavian place- names in Sutherland. (Old-lore miscel- lany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 234-236.) CR Taylor, William. Names of places in Easter Ross. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-20.) KAA Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. On Islay place-names. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1882. 8°. v. 16, p. 241-276.) CPA Watson, William John. Innis in place- names. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 239-242.) NDK Place-names of Ross and Cromar- ty. Inverness: Northern Counties Print- ing and Publishing Co., 1904. lxxxvi p., 1 1., 302 p. 8°. KAT Reviewed in Zeitschrift fiir celtische Philologie, v. 2, p. 421-422, Halle a. S.; Athenceum, Oct. 7, p. 428 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Place Names, continued. 465-466, London, 1905; Celtic review, v. 1, p. 89-92, Edinburgh, 1905. Some Sutherland names of places. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 232-242, 360-368.) NDK I The study of Highland place- I names. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 1 8°. v. 1, p. 22-31.) NDK Topographical varia. (Celtic Re- view. Edinburgh, 1909-12. 8°. v. 5, p. 148-1 54, 337-342; v. 6, p. 236-241; v. 7, p. 68- 81, 361-371; v. 8, p. 235-245.) NDK Whatmore, Arthur William. Insula: Britannicse: the British isles, their geog- raphy, history, and antiquities down to the close of the Roman period. London: Elliot Stock, 1913. xvi, 375 p., 4 maps. 8°. Characteristics of the Northern Britons, p. 64; Kingdom of Albania, fifth century, p. 132; Cale- donia, p. 135; Lesser islands, p. 319. Williams, George. Notes on the place names of Leochel-Cushnie. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 35-36, 49-51, 69-70, 81-83.^ CPA Clan History (General), Tartans, Arms, Regimental Histories For histories of the individual clans see entries under the section of Genealogy. Adam, Frank. The clans, septs, and regiments of the Scottish Highlands. Edin- burgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, Ltd., 1908. xx p., 2 1., 505 p., 1 1., 6 maps, 39 pi., 3 port. 8°. CPE 1. The rise of the Highland clan system, B.C. 400 to 1286 A.D. 2. The Highland clan system. 3. Clans. 4. The septs of the Highland clans. 5. Highland surnames. 6. The Highland garb. 7. Tartan. 8. Highland music. 9. The Celtic languages in the British Isles. 10. From the rise of the High- land clan system till its destruction after the battle of Culloden, 1286 A.D. to 1748 A.D. 11. The High- land regiments past and present. 12. Scottish Low- land regiments. 13. The Highlands subsequent to the destruction of the clan system, A.D. 1746 to A.D. 1902. 14. Notes to plates of tartan. 15. Ar- morial bearings. A list of Highland clans, each having its_ own tartan. Notes to armorial bearings of clan chiefs. A list of clans having their own tar- tans, but connected with or affiliated to other clans. Designations of_ Highland chiefs and chieftains. Badges of the Highland clans. English, Gaelic, and Latin names of clan badges. Slogans or war cries of some of the Highland clans. List of distinctive clan pipe music. A list of all the forces in the British Empire who wear tartan, with description of their tartans. A list of clan septs and dependents, arranged under the clans with which they are con- nected. Alphabetical list of clan septs and depen- dents, showing the clans with which they are connect- ed. Appendices. Index to surnames. What is my tartan? or, The clans of Scotland, with their septs and depen- dents. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1896. 112 p., 1 port. 8°. CPE Anderson, Joseph, LL.D. Notes on two Highland targets, from Dunollie Castle, near Oban, Argyleshire. 2 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 34-37 ) CPA Atholl (7. duke), Sir John James Hugh Henry Stewart-Murray. The 77th Regi- ment of Foot, or Atholl Highlanders. 1 pi. 1 port. (In: A military history qf Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p 70- 78.) tVWZH Bartholomew, John. The Highland clans in the law of Scotland. (Juridical review Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 205-213' 307-319.) SEA Blaikie, Walter Biggar. The Second , Battalion the Black Watch (Royal High- landers), the old Seventy-third. 1780-1899. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 79-86.) tVWZH Browne, James. A history of the High- lands and of the Highland clans. Illus- trated by a series of portraits, family arms, and other illustrative engravings. Glas- gow: A. Fullarton & Co., 1843. 4 v. 8°. CPE With. . .selection from the... Stuart papers. London: A. Fullarton & Co., 1851-52. 4 v. 66 pi. new ed. 4°. Stuart 7473 Bulloch, John Malcolm. The achieve- ments of the Gordon Highlanders. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 89-90.) .CPA Campbell, Lord Archibald. The children of the mist; or, The Scottish clansmen in peace and war. . . Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1890. vi p., 1 1., 55 p., 1 pi. 4°. CPE The war dress of the Celt. 13 pi. (In: Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition. I. Argyllshire series. London, 1889. 8°. p. 84-98.) ZBIG Certain, On, delusions of the North Bri- tons. (Temple Bar. London, 1876. 8°. v. 48, p. 173-187.) *DA Highland dress, bagpipes, etc. Clan tartans and bagpipes. (All the year round. London, 1881. 8°. new series, v. 26, p. 489-493.) * DA Clan tartans and plaids. (All the year round. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 177-180.) *DA Clanship and the Highlands. (Cham- bers's journal. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 48, p. 140-143.) *DA Cockburn, H. A. Lowland tartans, i (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. I 4°. v. 5, p. 367-368.) CPA ' LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 429 History dnd Description, continued. Clan History (General), etc., continued. Conrady, A. Geschichte der Clanver- fassung in den schottischen Hochlanden. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1898. 3 p.L, 80 p. 8°. (Leipziger Studien. Bd. 5, Heft. 1.) BAC Cunningham-Graham, R. B. Loose and broken men. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 113-121.) CPA Douglas, Loudon Macqueen. The kilt: a manual of Scottish national dress. Edin- burgh: Andrew Elliot, 1914. 49 p., 2 1„ 4 pi., 3 port. 12°. MMK Drummond, James. Ancient Scottish weapons; a series of drawings by James Drummond; with introduction and descrip- tive notes by Joseph Anderson. Edin- burgh: G. Waterson & Sons, 1881. 3 p.l., 26 p., 56 1., 54 pi. f °. tt VWR One of only 500 copies printed. With bookplate of John Miller Gray. Notes on ancient shields and High- land targets, one of the latter having em- bossed upon it the cognisance of the Lord of the Isles. 6 pi. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 213-224.) tCPA Erskine, Stuart Ruaraidh. The Scottish national dress. (Guth na Bliadhna. Stir- ling, 1911-12. 8°. v. 8, p. 46-55, 185-196, 288-296, 369-380; v. 9, p. 96-112.) NDK 5. Of court or gala costume. 6. Of semi-full or evening dress. 7. Of day or ordinary dress. 8. Of "saor"-tartans and hill checks. 9. Of arms and ornaments. The Library lacks the numbers containing the beginning of this article. Famous British regiments. The Scots Greys (Second Dragoons). (All the year round. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 84-90.) * DA Famous British regiments. The Sev- enty-first (Highland Light Infantry). (All the year round. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 12-18.) * DA First, The, Scots Brigade. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 74, p. 104-113.) * DA Forbes, Sir Archibald. The "Black Watch." The record of an'historic regi- ment. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1896]. vii, 316 p., 1 pi. 12°. VWZH Foulis, Sir James. An account of a com- bat between the Macphersons and the Davidsons. (Society of. Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 188-191.) t CPA Fraser, Alexander. The Gael in Canada. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 22, p. 209- 219.) NDO Goff, Gerald Lionel Joseph. Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire Highland- ers, now the 1st battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Con- taining an account of the formation of the regiment in 1794, and of its subsequent services to 1881. London: Richard Bent- ley and Son, 1891. xvi, 361 p., 2 maps, 14 pi., 4 port. 8°. 4 pi. removed. Grant, James. The tartans of the clans of Scotland. . .with historical notes of each clan. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1886. 83 1., 1 map, 71 pi. f°. ft MMK Gray, John Miller. Scottish arms and tartans. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p. 269-295.) * DA Gregory, Donald. History of the wes- tern Highlands and isles of Scotland, from A.D. 1493 to A.D. 1625; with a brief intro- ductory sketch from A.D. 80 to A.D. 1493. Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1836. xxxix, viii, 453, 6 p. 8°. CP Reviewed in T ait's Edinburgh magazine, v. 3, p. 574-589, Edinburgh, 1836. Notices respecting Scotish archery, particularly that of the Highlanders; to- gether with some original documents re- lating to a levy of Highland bowmen to serve in the war against France, in the year 1627. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 248-254.) t CPA Grierson, James Moncrieff. Records of the Scottish volunteer force, 1859-1908. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1909. xxvi, 372 p., 47 colored pi. 4°. t VWZH Groves, Percy. History of the 91st Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders, now the 1st battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders... 1794-1894. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. John- ston, 1894. 43 p., 9 col'd pi. 8°. VWZH This edition is limited to 530 copies. History of the 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, now The First Bat- talion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders ...1794-1893. Illustrated by H. Payne. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1893. 2 p.l., 30 p. f°. (Illustrated histories of the Scottish regiments. Book no. 3.) t VWZH Colored plates removed. History of the 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers (formerly the 21st Royal North British Fusiliers) now known as the Royal Scots Fusiliers . . . 1678-1895. Illustrated by H. Payne. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. John- ston, 1895. 72 p. 4°. VWZH Plates removed. Highland arms and dress. (Antiquary. London, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 56-58.) CA 430 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Clan History (General), etc., continued. Highland, The, regiments and their tar- tans — a record of the tartan agitation of 1881. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 21-51.) NDO History, The, of the feuds and conflicts among the clans, in the northern parts of Scotland, and in the Western Isles. From the year mxxxi unto mdcxix. Now first published, from a manuscript, wrote in the reign of King James vi. Glasgow: printed by R. and A. Foulis, 1764, re-printed by R. Chapman for J. Wylie & Co., 1818. iv, 91 p. nar. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 1.) CP Holden, Robert Mackenzie. The first Highland regiment: The Argyllshire High- landers. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 27-40.) CPA See also p. 389-390. Johnston, Thomas B., and James Alex- ander Robertson. The historical geogra- phy of the clans of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1872. 39 p., 3 maps, 3 plans. 2. ed. 4°. t CPE Edited with a narrative of the Highland campaigns by William Kirk Dickson. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. John- ston, 1899. viii p., 2 1., 181 p., 4 maps. 3 plans, 2 pi., 2 port. 3. ed. 4°. t CPE Part i. Clan lists, etc. Roll of the landislordis and baillies, 1587. Roll of the clans, 1587. List of clans and broken men, contained in act of 1594. Rotation of the clans as given in acts of 1587 and 1594. List of chiefs and landlords, 1587. Badges of the clans. War cries of the clans. General Wade's report on the Highlands, 1724. Extract from "Memorial anent the true state of the High- lands." The Disarming Act, 1746. Part ii. The Highland campaigns. Introduc- tion. 1. Montrose. 2. The Revolution — Killie- crankie. 3. The Fifteen. 4. Glenshiel. 5. The Forty-five — before Culloden. 6. The Forty-five — after Culloden. Keltie, John Scott. History of the Scot- tish Highlands, Highland clans, and High- land regiments; with an account of the Gaelic language, literature, and music, by Rev. Thomas Maclauchlan, LL.D.; and an essay on Highland scenery by the late Pro- fessor John Wilson. A new edition, with the regimental portion brought down to the present time from official sources by William Melven, M.A., Glasgow. New York: J. A. Penman t 187-?j. 5 v. 8°. CPE Lamont, William. The Lamont tartan; an address delivered to the Clan Lamont Society... 1910. Glasgow, 1910. 10 p.l., 18 p., 8 pi. 8°. CPE no. 196 of 200 copies printed. Leith, William Forbes. The Scots men- at-arms and lifeguards in France from their formation until their final dissolution A. D. mccccxviii-mdcccxx'x. With etched plates by. . . H. de Grandmaison. Edinburgh- W Paterson, 1882. 2 v. 4°. VWZK no. 160 of 312 copies printed. Contains book-plate of John Kermack. Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. The Scots guards in France. (In her: The making of Abbotsford and incidents of Scottish history... London, 1897. 8°. p. 118-159) CP Logan, James. The manners, habits, &c, of the ancient Caledonians. (In: ], Mackenzie, Sar obair nam bard Gaelach, Glasgow, 1841. 8°. p. iii-lxi.) NDO The Scottish Gael; or, Celtic man- ners, as preserved among the Highlanders: being an historical and descriptive account of the inhabitants, antiquities, and national peculiarities of Scotland; more particularly of the northern or Gaelic parts., .where the singular habits of the aboriginal Celts are most tenaciously retained. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1831. 2 v. 8°. CPE • Hartford: S. Andrus & Son, 1846. 520 p., 8 pi. 5. Amer. ed. 8°. Stuart 7477 Edited, with memoir and notes by Rev. Alexander Stewart. Inverness: Hugh Mackenzie [1876]. 2 v. 6 pi. 8°. CPE See also under Mclan, Robert Ronald. Lowland tartans. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 105- 107.) CPA McAulay, Allan. The First Battalion the Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), the old Forty-second. 1725-1901. 1 pi. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 54-64.) f VWZH Macbain, Alexander. Badenoch: its his- tory, clans, and place-names. 1 map. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 148, 197.) NDO Mr. Skene versus Dr. Skene. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 191-214.) NDO A comparison of the opinions of Skene as « pressed in his Highlanders of Scotland and in nis Celtic Scotland. Macbean, Lachlan. Notes on the his- tory of the Gael. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 18/2 8°. v. 1, p. 85-92.) NDC MacCormick, John. The Statutes ol Iona. (Guth na Bliadhna. Stirling, 19U 8°. v. 9, p. 41-63.) NDK Macdonald, Charles Egerton. The High- land regiments and their origin. (Cana dian magazine. Toronto, 1896. 8°. v. 7 p. 259-263.) * D/ LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 431 History and Description, continued. Clan History (General), etc., continued. Macdonell, Rev. Father. The Glengarry Fencibles. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 341-351.) NDO Macgregor, Alexander. The feuds of the clans, by the Rev. A. Macgregor. To- gether with The history of the feuds and conflicts among the clans in the northern parts of Scotland and in the Western Isles, from the year 1031 unto 1619. First pub- lished in 1764 from a ms. "wrote in the reign of King James vi." Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1907. viii, 176 p. 12°. . CPE Macgregor, Donald. Remarks on the Scottish Highlands and Highlanders. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 376-380.) NDK Mclan, Robert Ronald. The clans of the Scottish Highlands, illustrated by ap- propriate figures, displaying their dress, tartans, arms, armorial insignia and social occupations . . . With accompanying de- scription and historical memoranda of character, mode of life, &c, by James Logan. London: Ackermann & Co., 1845- 47. 2 v. f°. Stuart 1106 London: Willis & Sotheran, 1857. 2v. 74col'dpl. f°. fMMK Mclan's costumes of the clans of Scotland. Seventy-four coloured illustra- tions with descriptive letterpress by James Logan. The original work. . .complete. . . reduced in size... Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1899. 343(1) p., 74 pi. 12°. MMK Mackay, John G. The Disarming Act and the proscription of the Highland dress. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 9, p. 257-263, 310-315.) * DE Errors regarding the election of chiefs and the land laws. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness. 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 212-220.) NDO The Highland dress. (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1883. 8°. v. 8, p. 197- 201, 245-251, 320-327, 381-388, 445-448, 508- 515.) *DE The Highland garb. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 158-177.) NDO Mackay's regiment: a narrative of the principal services of the regiment, from its formation in 1626, to the battle of Nordlingen, in 1634; and of its subsequent incorporation with the corps now known as the Royal Scots or First Regiment of Foot of the British army. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 8, p. 128-189.) NDO f Mackay, William. Military Perthshire. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 327-337.) NDK Mackenzie, William Cook. The High- land regiments. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 164-197.) NDO A short history of the Scottish Highlands and Isles. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1906. 2 p.l., 389 p., 1 map, 11 pi., 7 port. 12°. CP Maclagan, Robert Craig. Fisher tartan. 1 pi. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 189-196.) CPA On Highland dyeing and colour- ings of native-made tartans. (Royal Scot- tish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 14, p. 386-410.) VA Macleay, Kenneth. Historical memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor; in- cluding original notices of Lady Grange. With an introductory sketch illustrative of the condition of the Highlands, prior to the year 1745. Philadelphia: D. Hogan, 1819. x, (1)12-303 p., 1 port. 12°. CPE ■ Edinburgh: Wm. Brown, 1881. ix p., 1 1., 324 p., 1 port. 12°. CPE MacRitchie, David. The Celtic trews. 2 pi. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 389-398.) CPA Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee, the Highland clans, and the massacre of Glenco: with an account of Dundee's officers after they went to France. By an officer of the army. London: J. Brown, 1714. xiii p., 1 1., 132 p., 1 port. 8°. * C p.v. 510 Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. xv, 99 p. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 3.) CP Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee and the Highland clans, &c. Together with an account of the massacre of Glenco, containing Gallienus redivivus — An ac- count of the massacre — Commission under the great seal of Scotland for making an enquiry into that murder — ■ Report of the commission thereon, and proceedings of the Parliament. Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1818, 1 p.l., 112, 52 p. 12°. CP Reprinted from editions of 1711 and 1704. Military, A, history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Edited by the marchioness of Tulli- bardine. Perth: R. A. & J. Hay, 1908. xxiii, 634 p., 1 fac, 2 maps, 14 pi., 39 port. 4°. fVWZH Milliken, W. E. "The garb of old Gaul." (Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 159-164.) CA Notes on the Highland regiments in the British army. Mitchell, Dugald. A popular history of the Highlands and Gaelic Scotland, from the earliest times till the close of the 432 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Clan History (General), etc., continued. 'Forty-five.' Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1900. IS, 707 p., 3 maps, 1 pi. 8°. CP Murdoch, John. The clan system. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 31-43.) NDO Murray, Archibald K. History of the Scottish regiments in the British army... Glasgow: T. Murray and Son, 1862. 3 p.l., (1)4-416 p., 4 maps, ,17 pi., 8 port. sq. 8°. VWZH Plates and portraits partly removed. North, Charles Niven Mclntyre. Leabh- ar Comunn nam Fior Ghael. The book of the Club of True Highlanders. A rec- ord of the dress, arms, customs, arts and science of the Highlanders. Compiled from printed and ms. records and traditions, and illustrated with etchings of Highland relics and the Keltic vestiges of Great Britain and Ireland. London: R. Smythson [pref- ace dated 1892,. 2 v. t 2. ed f°. ft CPE Notices of the Highland dress and ar- mour, collected from various sources, and arranged for the Transactions of the Iona Club. Collected by Donald Gregory and William F. Skene. (Iona Club. Trans- actions. Edinburgh [1847]. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-52.) CP Persons, On the, dress, and manners of the Highlanders. By a late English travel- ler. (Literary magazine and American register. Philadelphia, 1807. 8°. v. 7, p. 277-281.) *DD Pinkerton, William. The Highland kilt and the old Irish dress. 1 pi. (Ulster journal of archaeology. Belfast, 1858. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 316-327.) CT Present, The, conduct of the chieftains and proprietors of lands in the Highlands of Scotland, towards their clans and people, considered impartially. By a Highlander. [London?] 1773. 18 p. 2. ed. 8°. CP p.box 2 Ramsay, Sir James Henry. The 90th Regiment (Perthshire Volunteers — Light Infantry). 1794-1881. 1 pi. (In: A mili- tary history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 89-99.) t VWZH Richards, Frederick B. The Black Watch at Ticonderoga. [Glens Falls, N. Y., 1910?] 98 p., 2 maps, 21 pi., 5 port. 8°. Repr.: New York State Historical Association. Proceedings, v. 10. The "Black Watch" memorial at Ticonderoga. 1 pi. (Magazine of history. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-3.) IAA Robertson, James Alexander. Concise historical proofs respecting the Gael of Alban; or, Highlanders of Scotland, with short notices of the Highland clans; and a dissertation on the Gaelic topography of Scotland. . . Edinburgh: William P. Nim- mo, 1866. xxvi[i] 542 p., 1 map, 16 ol 2 ed. 12°. cp' See also Johnston, Thomas B., and James Alexander Robertson. Ross, Alexander. Highland dyes. (Scot- tish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1888. 8° v 1 p. 10-12.) CPA Ross, Andrew. The constitution of the fencible regiments of the eighteenth cen- tury. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 146- 147.) tVWZH ■ The earl of Atholl's and Major- General William Drummond's troop of horse, 1666-67. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 1-7.) fVWZH The historic succession of the Black Watch. 2 pi. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. . 28-53.) f VWZH John, Lord Murray's regiment of foot, afterwards known as the earl of Tulli- bardine's regiment. 1694-97. (In: A mili- tary history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 23-27.) fVWZH The King's Life Guard of Horse, 1678. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 8-18.) tVWZH The Perthshire militia of the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries. 2 pi. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 103-127.) fVWZH Royal Company of Archers — the first tartan uniform. 1 illus. (Scottish anti- quary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 97- 101.) CPA Scott, Sir Walter. Manners, customs and history of the Highlanders of Scot- land. Historical account of the Clan Mac- gregor. Glasgow: Thomas D. Morison, 1893. x, (1)12-227 p. 12°. CPE Scottish, The, clans and their tartans. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. 2 p.l., iv p., 3 1., 1 map, 96 pi. on 102 1. 3. ed. 24°. MMK New YorkT C. Seribner's Sons, n. d. vi p., 4 1., iv p., 1 map, 96 pi. 4. ed. 24°. CPE Plates double-page, with text on one side. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [190 24°. , vm p., 3 1., 96 pi., 1 map. o^ei LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 433 '.story and Description, continued, an History (General), etc., continued. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. John- on [1902]. 5 p.l., 96 pi., col'd, with letter- ess. 8°. CPE Library edition. Skene, William Forbes. The Highland- s of Scotland, their origin, history, and itiquities; with a sketch of their manners id customs, and an account of the clans to which they were divided, and of the ate of society which existed among them, ondon: John Murray, 1837. 2 v. 8°. CPE Reviewed in Tait's Edinburgh magazine, v. 4, p. 1-532, Edinburgh, 1837; Edinburgh review, v. 66, 416-439, London, 1838. Edited, with excursus and )tes, by Alexander Macbain. Stirling: E. ackay, 1902. 1 p.l., xviii p., 2 1., 427 p., 1 ap, 1 port. 8°. CPE Smibert, Thomas, editor. The clans of e Highlands of Scotland: being an ac- >unt of their annals, separately & col- ctively, with delineations of their tartans, id family arms. Edinburgh: James Hogg, ISO. xii, (1)14-340 p., 62 pi. 8°. CPE Reviewed in Littell's Living age, v. 28, Boston, 51 (from the Eclectic review, London). Smythe, D.M., of Methven, joint author. :e Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- iy, marchioness of, and D. M. Smythe of !ethven. Stewart, Maj.-Genl. David. Sketches of le character, manners, and present state : the Highlanders of Scotland, with de- ils of the military service of the High- nd regiments. Edinburgh: A. Constable Co., 1825. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. CPE Map lacking. See notice of original edition in Blackwood's Edin- \rgh magazine, v. 11, p. 387-396, Edinburgh, 1822. Stewart, Donald William. Old and rare cottish tartans, with historical introduc- on and descriptive notices. Edinburgh: . P. Johnston, 1893. viii p., 1 1., 61 p., ) f., 45 tartans in cloth mounted. 4°. fCPE no._ 36 of 250 copies on Dutch hand-made paper. This is the most trustworthy book on the subject. Story, Douglas. The clansmen of Scot- nd. 8 col'd pi. (Munsey's magazine. ew York 1902. 8°. v. 27, p. 217-220.) *DA The plates are after Maclan. Stuart, John Sobieski Stolberg, assumed tme of John Hay Allan, and Charles ward Stuart. The costume of the clans, ith observations upon the literature, arts, anufactures, and commerce of the High- nds and Western Isles during the middle res; and on the influence of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries upon their present con- dition. Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1845. 3 p.l., (i)iv-vi, lxiii, 171(1) p., 2 1., 36 pi. f°. Stuart 99 Lays of the deer forest, with sketches of olden and modern deer-hunt- ing; traits of natural history in the forest; traditions of the clans; miscellaneous notes. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1848. 2 v. pi. 8°. MYR Stuart, W. G. Strathspey raid to Elgin in 1820. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 37-56.) NDO The last clan-rising in Scotland. Supplement to the History of the feuds and conflicts of the clans. Extracted from a ms. written about 1656. [Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818., 34 p. 12°. (Miscel- lanea Scotica. v. 2.) CP Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Murray, marchioness of. The Drummond or Perth Fencibles. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 179-180.) f VWZH ■ The 84th Regiment of Foot, or Royal Highland Emigrants, Second Bat- talion. 1775-84. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 68-69.) f VWZH ■ The Fourth (or Breadalbane) Regi- ment of Fencible Men. 1793-1802. 1 pi. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 148-167.) fVWZH Independent troops of horse. 1689- 91. 1 pi. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 19- 22.) f VWZH The 95th Regiment of Foot. 1780- 83. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 87-88.) t VWZH The 105th and 109th Regiments of Foot. 1761-64. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 65-67.) t VWZH The 116th Regiment of Foot. 1794- 95. 1 pi. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 100- 102.) t VWZH The Perthshire Fencible Cavalry; or, Perthshire Fencible Light Dragoons. 1794-1800. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 168- 175.) fVWZH The Perthshire Regiment of Fenci- bles. 1749-99. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 176-178.) fVWZH 434 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History and Description, continued. Clan History (General), etc., continued. The Perthshire Yeomanry, volun- teers, and local militia. 1794-1902. 2 pi. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 185-244.) fVWZH The Royal Clan Alpine Fencible Infantry. 1799-1802. (In: A military his- tory of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 181-184.) fVWZH Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of, and D. M. Smythe of Methven. The Perthshire militia. 1797- 1902. 1 pi. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 128-145.) t VWZH Wauchope, Arthur Grenfell. A short history of the Black Watch (Royal Hieh landers) 42nd — 73rd, 1725-1907. To which is added An account of the Second Bat- talion in the South African war, 1899-1902 [By A. G. Wauchope.] Edinburgh: Wm Blackwood & Sons, 1908. xiii p., 2 1. (mj 241 (1) p., 3 maps. 8°. VWZH Wheatley, J. Chronology of the 42nd Royal Highlanders, The Black Watch from 1729 to 1892. Gibraltar: Garrison Library Printing Establishment, 1892 1 p.l., 60 p. 3. ed. 16°. VWZH For private circulation only. Whitelaw, Charles E. The origin and development of the Highland dirk. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. new se- ries, v. 5, part 1, p. 32-42.) CPA Biography See also under Criminal Trials Collected Biography Abercromby, Patrick. The martial at- chievements of the Scots nation, being an account of the lives, characters, and mem- orable actions, of such Scotsmen as have signaliz'd themselves by the sword at home and abroad, and a survey of the mili- tary transactions wherein Scotland or Scotsmen have been remarkably con- cern'd, from the first establishment of the Scots monarchy to this present time. Edin- burgh: R. Freebairn, 1711-15. 2 v. f°. ttAGH v. 2 has a slight change in title: Being a full, com- plete and genuine history of Scotland from... 1329 to ...1514... Addison, William Innes. A roll of the graduates of the University of Glasgow from 31st December 1727, to 31st Decem- ber 1897. With short biographical notes. Glasgow: James MacLehose & Sons, 1898. x p., 1 1., 696 p. 4°. t STK Anderson, James. The ladies of the Covenant; memoirs of distinguished Scot- tish female characters, embracing the per- iod of the Covenant and the persecution. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1852. 1 p.l, v- xxxvi, 627 p., 16 pi. illus. 12°. Stuart 4180 Reviewed in Hogg's Instructor, new series, v. 7, p. 195-197, Edinburgh, 1851. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1855. xxxvi, 627 p., 16 pi. illus. 12°. Stuart 4179 Redfield, 1853. ZDVH Ladies of the Reformation. Mem- oirs of distinguished female characters, belonging to the period of the Reformation in the sixteenth century... London: New York: 494 p. 2. ed. 12°. Blackie & Son, 1857. xvi p., 1 1., 3-683 p., 12 pi. 12°. *R-SNE ■ The martyrs of the Bass. (In: The Bass Rock... Edinburgh [1848]. 8°. p. 1- 382.) Stuart 7543 Anderson, John, the younger. Sketches of the Edinburgh clergy of the Established Church of Scotland. . . [By John Ander- son, jr.] Edinburgh: J. Anderson, jr., 1832. viii, 111 p., 6 port. 8°. Stuart 7880 Anderson, Peter John. Aberdonians abroad. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 81-82.) CPA "De Scoto-Aberdonensibus in Universitate Pa- risiensi," 16th and 17th centuries. Anderson, William. The popular Scot- tish biography, being lives of eminent na- tives of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Fullar- ton & Co. [1842.] iv, 795 p., 2 pi., 8 port. 12°. Stuart 7881 The Scottish nation; or, The sur- names, families, literature, honours, and biographical history of the people of Scot- land. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1864. 3v. 4°. * R _AGH Barrett, Michael. Early Scottish saints. (Dublin review. London, 1899. '8°. v. 124, p. 348-372.) *DA Based on the Brev. Aberdonensis, Acta Sancto- rum, and Forbes, Kalendars of Scottish saints. Behaviour, The, and character of Samuel Macpherson, Malcolm Macpherson, and Farquhar Shaw, the three Highland desert- ers, who were shot at the Tower, July 'the 18th, 1743... London: Printed, 1743. (Reprinted in: Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 154-166.) NDO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 435 Biography, continued. Collected Biography, continued. Boece, Hector. Hectoris Boetii Murth- lacensium et Aberdonensium episcoporum vitae, edited and translated by James Moir. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1894. xvii p., 1 1., v, 6-210 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 4°. (New Spalding Club.) t CP Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. The Couttses of Edinburgh and London. 1 port. (In his: English merchants. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 120-147.) AB Some merchants of Glasgow; es- pecially Patrick Colquhoun, David Dale, and the Monteiths. (In his: English mer- chants... London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 174- 210.) AB Branford, V. V. The patriotic historians of Scotland. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1897. 8°. v. 76, p. 268-278.) * DA Lesley, Boece, Major, Buchanan, etc. Brunton, George, and David Haig. An historical account of the senators of the College of Justice, from its institution in mdxxxii. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1832. xlviii, 567 p. 8°. XAS Carlyle, Thomas. Project of a national exhibition of Scottish portraits. (In his: Critical and miscellaneous essays. Bos- ton, 1860. 8°. v. 4, p. 448-457.) NCZ Chambers, Robert. A biographical dic- tionary of eminent Scotsmen. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1847. 4 v. port. 8°. AGH A biographical dictionary of emi- nent Scotsmen. In four volumes. Orig- inally edited by Robert Chambers. New edition, revised. . .with a supplemental volume, continuing the biographies to the present time. By the Rev. Thos. Thom- son. Glasgow: Blackie and Son, 1855. 5 v. port. 8°. AGH Engraved title-page also, v. 1. Abercromby — Creech, v. 2. Crichton — ■ Hamilton, v. 3. Hamilton — M'Gavin. v. 4. Melville — Young, v. 5. Abercrombie — Wood. Clyne, Norval. The advocates of Aber- deen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 42-43, 49-50, 68- 69, 83-85, 98-99, 114-115, 134-135, 155, 173, 194.) CPA Cochrane, Robert. The treasury of modern biography. . . Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell, 1892. 544 p. 8°. *R-A Collection of the wills of printers and booksellers in Edinburgh between the years 1577 and 1687. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 185-296.) f CP Crawfurd, George. The lives and char- acters of the officers of the crown, and of the state in Scotland, from the beginning of the reign of King David I. to the union of the two kingdoms... To which is added, an appendix, containing several original papers relating to the lives, and referring to them. v. 1. Edinburgh: R. Fleming & Co., printers, 1726. 6 p.L, 480 p. f. ttAGH No more published. Crockett, William Shillinglaw. The Scott originals; an account of notables and worthies, the originals of characters in the Waverley novels. London: T. N. Fou- lis, 1912. xvi, 431(1) p., 3 fac, 17 pi., 22 port. 8°. AN Curwen, Henry. A history of booksell- ers, the old and the new. London: Chat- to & Windus, 1873. 12°. * IIH n. 110-158: Constable, Cadell, and Black; p. 199- 233: William Blackwood; p. 234-251: Chambers; p. 399-411: Thomas Nelson. Dictionary of national biography, v. 1- 63 with index to v. 1-14. Supplement, v. 1- 3. London, 1885-1901. 67 v. 8°. *R-AGH v. 1-21 edited by Leslie Stephen; v. 22-26, by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee; v. 27-63, by Sidney Lee. 2. supplement. London, 1912. 3 v. 8°. Index and epitome. London, 1903. vii, 1456 p. 8°. New York, 1903. vii, 1456 p. 8°. Errata. [Edited by Sidney Lee.i London, 1904. vi, 300 p. 8°. Douglas, Sir George. The Blackwood group. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1897]. 158 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) AB Dowden, John, bishop of Edinburgh. The bishops of Scotland, being notes on the lives of all the bishops, under each of the sees, prior to the Reformation, by the late Right Rev. John Dowden. Edited by J. M. Thomson. Glasgow: J. Maclehose and Sons, 1912. xxix, 472 p. 8°. ZLPK Fox, John. The history touching the persecution in Scotland, with the names and causes of such blessed martyrs which in the same country suffered for the Truth, after the time of Patrick Hamilton. (In his: Ecclesiastical history: containing the acts and monuments of martyrs . . . Lon- don, 1684. f°. v. 2, p. 511-531.) ftZDK The cases recorded are: Sir John Borthwike (1540), Thomas Forret and others (1538), Robert Lambe and others in Perth (1543), George Wischart (1545), Adam Wallace (1550), Walter Mille (1558). The account of the trial and execution of Wishart was written by John Knox and published in London in 1547 or 1548. It is therefore the earliest printed work of the Scottish reformer. But one copy only of the tract is known to exist. It was reprinted by Fox in 1564 in the work above mentioned, and again by Knox himself in his History of the Reformation (Works, ed. by Laing, v. 1, p. 149-171) because Fox's work was costly 'and rare to be had.' 436 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Collected Biography, continued. Frothingham, W. Sketches of Edin- burgh literati. (Continental monthly. New York, 1862. 8°. v. 1, p. 453-460.) *DA Garden, Alexander. A theatre of Scot- tish worthies: and the lyf, doings, and deathe of William Elphinston, bishop of Aberdeen. [With preliminary notice by David Laing.j [Glasgow:] privately printed, 1878. xvi, 201; xviii, 85 p., 3 fac, 1 pi., 1 port. sq. 8°. (Hunterian Club.) NCE Gardner, Alexander. Some notable Scot- tish architects. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. v. 39, p. 73-91.) * EC Gilfillan, George. The martyrs, heroes, and bards of the Scottish Covenant. New York: R. Carter & Brothers, 1853. 2 p.l., vii-viii, 9-264 p., 8 pi. 16°. ZDVH Graham, Henry Grey. A group of Scot- tish women. London: Methuen & Co. [1908.] xvi, 343 p., 4 pi., 11 port. 8°. CP Contents: 1. Scotswomen of early times — Der- vorguilla (1213-1290). 2. Some Scottish amazons ■ — "Black Agnes of Dunbar" (1313-1369). 3. Tane, countess of Sutherland (1545-1629). 4. Elizabeth, duchess of Lauderdale (d. 1698). 5. Women of the Covenant. 6. Lady Grisell Baillie (1665-1746). 7. Anne, duchess of Buccleuch and Monmouth (1651- 1732). 8. Catherine, duchess of Queensberry (d. 1777). 9. Miss "Nicky" Murray (d. 1777). 10. Susannah, countess of Eglinton (d. 1780). 11. Mrs. Alison Cockburn (1713-1795). 12, 13. Elspeth Bu- chan (1738-1796) — Isobel Pagan (1741-1821). 14, 15. Jane, duchess of Gordon (1749-1812). 16. Lady Anne Barnard (1750-1825). 17. Mrs. Grant of Lag- gan (1755-1838). 18. Lady Louisa Stuart (1757-1851). 19. Miss Clementina Stirling Graham (1782-1877). Scottish men of letters in the eigh- teenth century. London: A. & C. Black, 1908. xii, 441 p., 2 pi, 30 port. 8°. NDP 1. Dawn of literature: Allan Ramsay, Hamilton of Bangour, Robert Blair. 2. Early Scottish philosophy: Hutcheson, David Hume. 3. John Home. 4. Prin- cipal Robertson. 5. Adam Ferguson, Dr. Hugh Blair, William Wilkie, Dr. Blacklock. 6. Adam Smith. 7. Literary judges: Lord Karnes, Lord Monboddo, Lord Hailes. 8. James Boswell. 9. James Macpherson. 10. Dr. Thomas Reid, Dr. James Beattie. 11. Scot- tish men of letters in England: Mallet, Thomson, Smollet. 12. Women of letters: Lady Wardlaw, Lady Grisell Baillie, Mrs. Cockburn, Jean Elliot, Lady Anne Barnard, Lady Nairne. 13. Song writers: Skin- ner, Bruce, Fergusson. 14. Robert Burns. 15. Henry Mackenzie, Dugald Stewart, Close of the century. Haig, David, joint author. See Brunton, George, and David Haig. Harrower, John. Aberdeen alumni at other universities. Compiled by John Har- rower. [v.] 1. Aberdeen: University Press, 1911. 4°. (University of Aberdeen. Aber- deen University studies, no. 51.) STG [v.] 1. Oxford and Cambridge. Howie, John. Biographia Scoticana; or, A brief historical account of the most emi- nent Scots worthies. . .who testified or suffered for the cause of reformation in Scotland, from the beginning of the six- teenth century, to tne year 1688. ..now revised. . .by a clergyman of the Church of Scotland: and enriched with a preface and notes by William M'Gavin. Glasgow W R. M'Phun, 1828. xlii, 597 p., port, illus' 8°. *R-AGH The Scots worthies., .who testified or suffered for the cause of Reformation in Scotland, from the beginning of the six- teenth century to the year 1688 ... revised, corrected, and enlarged by a clergyman of the Church of Scotland. . . With a preface and notes by William M'Gavin. Glasgow W. R. M'Phun, 1835. 2 v. 8°. AGH Irving, David. The lives of the Scotish poets; with preliminary dissertations, on the literary history of Scotland, and the early Scotish drama. Edinburgh: A. Law- rie, & Co, 1804. 2 v. 8°. AB v. 1 : A dissertation on the literary history of Scot- land. A dissertation on the early Scotish drama, The life of Thomas Lermont. The life of John Barbour. The life of Andrew Winton. The life of King James the First. The life of Henry the Min- strel. Intermediate sketches. The life of Robert Henryson. The life of William Dunbar. v. 2: The life of Gavin Douglas. The life of Sir David Lindsay. The life of John Bellenden, D.D. Intermediate sketches. The life of Sir Richard Maitland. The life of Alexander Scot. The. life of Alexander Arbuthnot. The life of Alexander Montgomery. The life of King James the Sixth. The life of Allan Ramsay. The life of Alexander Ross. The life of Alexander Geddes. The life of Robert Fergusson. The life of Robert Burns. Irving, Joseph. The book of Scotsmen eminent for achievements in arms and arts, church and state, law, legislation, and liter- ature, commerce, science, travel, and phi- lanthropy. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1881. ix, 573(1) p. 8°. AGH Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. The songstresses of Scotland. By Sarah Tytler [pseud, of Henrietta Keddie] and J. L. Watson. London: Strahan and Co., 1871. 2 v. 12°. AGH Knight, William. Some nineteenth cen- tury Scotsmen. Being personal recollec- tions. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 1903. 456 p. 8°. AGH Leighton, John. Scenes in Scotland, with historical illustrations, and biogra- phical anecdotes. Glasgow: Richard Grif- fin & Co, 1831. xii, 168 p, 16 pi. 12°. CPW Livingstone, John. Memorable charac- teristics, and remarkable passages of di- vine providence, exemplified in the lives of some of the most eminent ministers and professors in the Church of Scotland, col- lected by J. Livingstone. (In:_W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies. .. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 293-348.) AGH MacGregor, James, dean of Lismore. Short chronicle, being chiefly an obituary relating to the Highlands, and compiled early in the sixteenth century. Communi- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 437 Biography, continued. Collected Biography, continued. cated by Donald Gregory. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 317- 328.) t CPA Macpherson, Alexander. Sketches of the old ministers of Badenoch. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1889-90. 8°. v. 14, p. 193-216; v. IS, p. 216-238.) NDO Sketches of the Protestant minis- ters of Badenoch since the Reformation. (In his: Glimpses of church and social life in the Highlands in olden times. Edin- burgh, 1893. 4°. p. 191-251.) t CP Memoirs and trials of the political mar- tyrs of Scotland; persecuted during the years 1793-4-5. (Tait's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. v. 4, p. 1- 20.*) *DA Moir, James, editor. See Boece, Hector. Munch, Peter Andreas. A catalogue of the bishops of Orkney. 1112-1477. (Ban- natyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 177-196.) t CP Myln, Alexander. The lives of the bish- ops of Dunkeld. (Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth. Transactions. Perth, 1827. 4°. p. 31-68.) CA Mylne, Robert Scott. Notices of the king's master wrights of Scotland, with writs of their appointments. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 288-296.) CPA Notices, historical, statistical, and bio- graphical, relating to the parish of Car- luke, from 1288 till 1874. Glasgow: W. Rankin, 1874. vi, 332 p. 8°. CR Obituary, An, and calendar of Scottish saints, extracted from the martyrology for the use of the church of Aberdeen, a ms. of the sixteenth century. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 256-272.) CPA Obituary, An, from the rental book of the preceptory of St. Anthony, near Leith, 1526. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 297-303.) t CP Pinkerton, John. The Scotish gallery; or, Portraits of eminent persons of Scot- land... with brief accounts of the charac- ters represented, and an introduction on the rise and progress of painting in Scot- land. London: E. Harding, 1799. 65 1., 52 port. f°. Stuart 1233 Extra illustrated with portrait of the author and another of George Jameson. Portraits of leading reformers . . . With an accompanying essay by George Hume. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1850. 9 p., 15 pi. f°. Stuart 1239 Contents: Knox preaching in St. Giles, George Wishart, John Knox, George Buchanan, and House of Knox in Edinburgh. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1851. 9 p.. 2 pi., 13 port. f°. ft AO Reid, Hugh Gilzean. Unaccredited heroes. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. v. 269, p. 384-396.) * DA London: Chatto & Windus, 1890. 1 pi, 15 p. 8°. *Cp.v.371 Presidential address to the_ Birmingham and Mid- land Scottish Society. Reprinted from the Gentle- man's magazine, Oct., 1890. Reid, James. Memoirs of the lives and writings of those eminent divines who con- vened in the Assembly at Westminster, in the seventeenth century. Paisley: S. & A. Young, printers, 1811-15. 2 v. 8°. AB # Contains memoirs of the following Scottish com- missioners in v. 2, p. 270-362: Robert Baillie, George Gillespie, Alexander Henderson, Samuel Rutherford. Scot, Sir John. The staggering state of Scottish statesmen from 1550 to 1650. With a memoir of the author, and histori- cal illustrations by Rev. Charles Rogers. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1875. 2. ed. 8°. v. 1, p. 278-429.) CA —Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1872. v(i), 143 p. 8°. CP Scott, Hew. Fasti ecclesiae Scoticanse: The succession of ministers in the parish churches of Scotland, from the Reforma- tion, A. D. 1560, to the present time. Edin- burgh: W. Paterson, 1866-71. 3 v. sq. 4°. ZWGS v. 1, part 1: Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. v. 1, part 2: Synods of Merse and Teviotdale, Dumfries, and Galloway. v. 2, part 1 : Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. v. 2, part 2: Synods of Fife, and Perth and Stirling. v. 3, part 1: Synods of Argyll, Glenelg, Moray, Ross, Sutherland and Caithness, Orkney and Zet- land. v. 3, part 2: Synods of Aberdeen, and Angus and Mearns. The work gives an account of the life and labors, date of birth and death t of every minister of the Church of Scotland within the period covered. Scottish, The, monks. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 360- 389.) *DA Shearer, J., the younger. Antiquities of Strathearn, with historical and tradition- ary tales and biographical sketches of cele- brated individuals belonging to the dis- trict. Crieff: D. Philips, 1881. 2 p.l., 94 p. 16°. CR Small, John. Sketches of early Scottish alchemists: Michael Scott, King James iv., Sir George Erskine of Innertiel. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11. p. 179-197.) CPA 438 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Collected Biography, continued. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1875. 1 p.L, 179-197 p. sq. 8°. * C p.v.365 Reprint of the preceding article. Society of Ancient Scots. Lives of Scot- tish poets... [Edited by Joseph Robert- son.] London: T. Boys, 1821-22. 3 v. port. 12°. AB Some Scotswomen. (Temple Bar. Lon- don, 1871. 8°. v. 33, p. 100-113.) *DA Anecdotes of some 17th and 18th century Scots- women. Taylor, William Cooke. The modern British Plutarch.. . New York: Harper & Bros., 1846. 365 p. 12°. AGH The Scottish biographies are: Robert Burns, Lord Erskine, Sir James Mackintosh, Walter Scott, James Watt, "' ' Sir John Moore, Sir David Wilkie. Sir Thomson, Charles W. Scotsmen as ex- plorers and travellers, illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1913. v. 12, p. 13-20.) * DD Tweedie, William King. Select biog- raphies. Edited for the Wodrow Society, chiefly from the manuscripts in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. Edinburgh: printed for the Wodrow Society, 1845. 2 v. 8°. AGH Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Lives of Scot- tish worthies. London: John Murray, 1831- 32. 2 v. 16°. AGH v. 1. Alexander the Third; Michael Scott; Sir William Wallace; Robert Bruce, king of Scotland. v. 2. Robert Bruce, continued; John Barbour; Andrew Wynton, prior of Lochleven; John de For- dun; James the First [of Scotland]. Warrick, John. The moderators of the Church of Scotland from 1690 to 1740. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1913. 388 p., 6 port. 8°. ZWX Watson, Jean L., joint author. See Ked- die, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Wilson, W. B. Robertson. More notable Buchanans. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 42-43.) CPA Notable men & women of Aber- deenshire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894-99. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 56-58, 73-75, 88-89, 102-103, 123-124, 139-140, 164- 165, 188-189; v. 9, p. 9-11, 24-26, 41-43, 57- 59, 68-69, 92-93, 105-106, 123-124, 137-138, 156-157, 164-165, 187-189; v. 10, p. 8-9, 22- 23, 41-42, 58-59, 74-76, 85-86, 104-105, 120- 122, 137-138, 169-170; v. 11, p. 8-10, 24-25, 34-36, 51-52, 69-71, 85-87, 99-100, 116-118, 132-134, 147-149, 165-167, 180-182; v. 12, p. 3- 5. 20-22, 36-38, 51-53, 67-69, 100-102, 117-119, 132-134, 149-150, 165-167, 181-184.) CPA Notable men and women of Ar- gyleshire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903-07. sq. 8°. series, 2, v. 4, p. 163-164, 179-181; series 2, v. 5, p. 4-6, 19-21, 34-37, 53-55, 67-70, 84-86, 98-100, 132-133 148-151, 163-166, 178-180; series 2, v. 6, p 2- 4, 18-20, 34-36, 50-51, 66-68, 82-84, 98-100 114-116, 130-132, 147-150, 162-165, 178-180 : series 2, v. 7, p. 2-4, 21-22, 34-36, 67-69' 82-83, 98-99, 118-119, 137-138, 146-147, 163- 164, 181; series 2, v. 8, p. 46.) CPA Notable men and women of Ayr- shire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1890-92. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 64-65, 92-93 112-114, 139-140, 159-160, 175-177, 197-198 216-217, 234-236; v. 5, p. 10-12, 28-29, 38-40' 58-60, 68-70, 91-92, 106-107, 122-123, 138-139 152-153, 169-170, 185-187; v. 6, p. 5-7, 26-27 39-40, 49-50, 66-69.) CPA Notable men and women of Banff- shire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1892-94. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 89-90, 103- 105, 122-124, 137-138, 152-153, 169-171, 183- 186; v. 7, p. 7-8, 25-27, 43-44, 57-58, 73-75, 90-91, 100-102, 115-118.) CPA Notable men and women of Ber- wickshire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900-03. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 170-172; series 2, v. 2, p. 4-6, 22-24, 36-38, 52-55, 68-70, 84-86, 98-100, 115-117, 135-137, 149-151, 165-167; series 2, v. 3, p. 3-5, 21-23, 35-38, 51-54, 68-70, 83-85, 100-103, 117-119, 132-134, 151-153; series 2, v. 4, p. 10.)CPA Notable men and women of Forfar- shire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 118- 120, 137-140, 146-147, 162-163, 186-188.) CPA Wodrow, Robert. Collections upon the lives of the reformers and most eminent ministers of the Church of Scotland, v. 2, part 2. Glasgow, 1848. 4°. (Maitland Club.) ZWG Selections from Wodrow's bio- graphical collections. Divines of the north-east of Scotland. Edited by Rev. Robert Lippe. Aberdeen: New Spalding; Club, 1890. lxxxv p., 1 1., 360 p., 2 port. 4°. I (New Spalding Club.) f CP Individual Biography Abercrombie, Dr. John Bruce, John. A sermon preached in St. Andrew's Free Church, Edinburgh, No- vember 24, 1844, being the Sabbath suc- ceeding the funeral of John Abercrombie, M.D Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1844. 26 p. 8°. ZDVHp.v.l St. Andrew's Free Church, Edinburgh. Extract from the records of the kirk ses- sion and deacon's court of St. Andrew's Free Church, Edinburgh, relative to the late Dr. Abercrombie. [Edinburgh, 1844.! 8 p. 8°. ZDVHp.v.l Printed by order of these courts for circulation among the members of the congregation. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 439 biography, continued. ndividual Biography, continued. Testimonials in favour of Dr. [John] ^bercrombie. [Edinburgh: Balfour & Zlarke, printers, 1821.] 32, 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 457 Abercromby, Sir Ralph Lieutenant- General Sir Ralph Abercrom- )y (In: Public characters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 64-75.) AGH (In: Public characters, or contem- porary biography. Baltimore, 1803. 8°. p. 148-156.) " A Aberdeen (4. earl), George Hamilton Gordon Earl, The, of Aberdeen. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. ir. 153, p. 702-712.) * DA Gordon, Sir Arthur. The earl of Aber- deen. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1893. xii, 330 p., 1 port. 12°. (Prime ministers of Victoria, v. 8.) * R - AN Jerdan, William. The earl of Aberdeen. (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866. 12°. p. 1-10.) AGH Abernethy, James Abernethy, John Scott. The life and work of James Abernethy. London: Ab- bott, Jones & Co., 1897. x p., 1 1., 251 p., 1 map, 23 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN Adam, Jean, Poetess Keddie, Henrietta,, and Jean L. Watson. lean Adam, 1710-1765. (In their: Song- stresses of Scotland. London, 1871. 12°. v. 1, p. 21-51.) AGH Adamson, Patrick, Archbishop of St. Andrews Niceron, Jean Pierre. Patrice Adam- son. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'his- toire des hommes illustres... Paris, 1740. 12°. v. 41, p. 201-206.) A Agnew, Sir Andrew M'Crie, Thomas, the younger. Memoirs Df Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw. Lon- don: Johnstone & Hunter, 1850. x p., 1 1., 442 p., 1 map, 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN With additional engraved title-page. witches at Paisley in 1696. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 11, p. 438-445.) CPA Albany, Lady Charlotte Stewart, Duchess of Albany, Lady Charlotte Stuart, duchess of. The will of Charlotte Stuart, duchess of Albany. Edited by A. Francis Steuart. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 433-456.) CPA Alexander, Robert, of Glasgow Memoirs of the political life of Robert Alexander, and others, late editors, &c, of the Glasgow Sentinel. By a near observer. [Glasgow, 1823.] 4 p. f°. AN p.v.l (Borthwick) Alexander, William, called Lord Stirling Stirling papers. Letters to William Alexander, called Lord Stirling, on com- mercial matters, mostly in 1769; and letters between other merchants, 1760-1790, in- cluding a number by Samuel Franklin; also bills of exchange, receipts, and other com- mercial documents. About 200 items. Un- bound. Mss. Room Alison, Rev. Archibald Sinclair, John. Rev. Archibald Alison. (In his: Sketches of old times and distant places. London, 1875. 8°. p. 1-15.) NCZ Alison, Sir Archibald Alison, Sir Archibald. Some account of my life and writings; an autobiography by . . . Sir A. Alison, edited by his daughter- in-law, Lady [J. R.] Alison. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Son, 1883. 2 v.*8°. AN Allan, David, Painter Biographical account of David Allan. (Library of fine arts. London, 1832. 8°. v. 4, p. 77-83.) MAA Branford, V. V. The genesis of a nation- al school of painting in Scotland. (Uni- versity review. London, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 451-461.) *DE On the work of David Allen, 1744-1796. Aikenhead, Thomas, of Edinburgh Laing, David. An original letter to the laird of Wishaw, relating to the proceed- ings against James [sic, Thomas] Aiken- head, "The Atheist," and the trial of Allan, Sir William Sir William Allan. 1 port. (Art jour- nal. London, 1849. f°. v. 11, p. 108-109.) fMAA 440 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Allan, William, Glasgow Smith, Walter Chalmers. William Al- lan. 1 port. (Good words. London, 1873. 8°. v. 14, p. 196-201.) * DA Anderson, Anne Margaret Irving, David. A memorial of Anne Margaret Anderson, the wife of David Irv- ing, LL.D. [By her husband.] Edinburgh: A. Balfour, 1813. 1 p.l., 17 p. 8°. AGH p.v.16 This memorial is in the form of a letter to Principal Brown, Aberdeen, 16th August 1812, and is followed by verses which had been addressed to Miss Anderson by Dr. John Leyden, Dr. Alexander Murray, J. S., and David Carey. Anderson, James, Printer Answers for James Anderson, His Majesty's printer, and Agnes Campbell, his mother, to the petition of Robert Saunders, printer in Glasgow. (Spottiswoode mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 303- 310.) ZDVH Anderson, Dr. James Dr. James Anderson. [1739-1808.] (In: Public characters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. S29-S36.) AGH Anderson, Thomas, of Aberdeen Brown, John. A juvenile culprit; or, The adventures of Thomas Anderson. (In his: Historical gallery of criminal portrai- tures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 1, p. 436- 452.) AB Andrew, Saint Ross, Peter. Saint Andrew, the dis- ciple, the missionary, the patron saint. New York: "Scottish American," printer, 1886. vi p., 1 1., 134 p. 12°. AN Angus (11. earl), William Douglas Scott-Moncrieff, Robert. Three early seventeenth-century tradesmen's accounts, rendered to the earl and countess of Angus, 1618-1628. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 451-487.) CPA Anne, Queen of James vi. Account of the last moments of Queen Anne of Denmark, 27th March 1619. (Ab- botsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 79-83.) t CP Arbuthnot, Rev. Alexander Irving, David. The life of Alexander Arbuthnot. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 167. 180.) AB Wodrow, Robert. Collections upon the life of Mr. Alexander Arbuthnet, first minister of Arbuthnet and Logy-Buchan, and thereafter principal of the King's Col- lege, Aberdeen. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographical collections... Aber- deen, 1890. 4°. p. 179-193.) f CP Arbuthnot, Dr. John Aitken, George Atherton. The life and works of John Arbuthnot. Oxford: Clar- endon Press, 1892. x p., 1 1., 516 p., 1 port 8°. AN With a full bibliography of his writings. Life, The, and works of Dr. Arbuthnot, (Edinburgh review. London, 1893. 8°. v 177, p. 174-201.) *DA Memoir, A, of Dr. Arbuthnot. (Edin- burgh magazine and review. Edinburgh, 1774. 8°. v. 2, p. 417-420.) *DE Argyll (8. earl), Archibald Campbell C, C. Ane brief explanation of the life, or a prophecie of the death of the Marquis of Argyle, with divers verses thereupon, and is to be added to Bibliotheca militum, composed in Scottish rhyme. Inverlochie, printed, 1656. [Reprint, n. p., n. d.j 12 p. 4°. AGHp.v.2,no.3 Charge, The, of high treason, murders, oppressions, and other crimes, exhibited to the Parliament of Scotland against the marquess of Argyle and his complices, Jan, 23, 1661. London: R. Lowndes, 1661. 31 p. 8°. CI p. box 1 Montrose and Argyll in fiction. (Black wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v 165, p. 93-105.) *DA Willcock, John. The great marquess life and times of Archibald, 8th earl, am 1st (and only) marquess of Argyll (1607 1661). Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson 8 Ferrier, 1903. xxiii, 396 p., 1 fac, 6 port 8°. CI Argyll (9. earl), Archibald Campbell Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Notes oi an account of the expenditure of Archibald ninth earl of Argyll, in the maintenance o his household, etc., at Inveraray in th year 1680. (Society of Antiquaries of Scol land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. s< 8°. v. 41, p. 100-107.) CPj Walker, Peter. The life and prophesie: of that faithful minister of God's word, M Daniel Cargill... To which is added, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 441 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. part of the life and untimely death of Ar- gyle... Also the life and behaviour of David Hackstoun of Rathillet... Edin- burgh: Printed, 1781. 52 p. 12°. Stuart 3035 Willcock, John. A Scots earl in Cove- nanting times: being life and times of Archibald, 9th earl of Argyll (1629-1685). Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 1907. xix(i) p., 1 1., 453 p., 1 fac, 1 map, 5 pi., 8 port. 8°. CP With autograph letter of author inserted. Reviewed by Prof. D. Mackinnon in the Celtic review, v. 5, p. 186-188, Edinburgh, 1909. Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Campbell Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Autobiography and memoirs. Edited by the dowager duchess of Argyll. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1906. 2 v. 8°. AN Reviewed in the Athenaeum, June 23, p. 755-756, London, 1906. Richardson, Ralph. The duke of Argyll, K. G., K. T. 1 port. (Scottish geographi- cal magazine. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 16, p. 709-711.) KAA Wilson, James Grant. The duke of Ar- gyll and the marquis of Dufferin. illus. (The Criterion. New York, 1903. f°. v. 4, p. 15-19.) t*DD Atholl, Jane, duchess of (1736) Letters of the duchess of Atholl and Lady Catherine Stewart. [1736-1746.] 20 p. (Philobiblion Society. Miscellanies. London, 1861. 8°. v. 6.) * GAA Aytoun, William Edmondstoune Bon Gaultier and his friends. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. new series, v. 11, p. 119-131, 341-348, 477-487.) * DA Martin, Sir Theodore. Memoir of Wil- liam Edmondstoune Aytoun. With an appendix [containing selections from his writings]. Edinburgh and London: Wil- liam Blackwood and Sons, 1867. 1 p.l., vii, 363 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Millar, John Hepburn. William Ed- mondstoune Aytoun. (New review. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. v. 14, p. 103-112.) *DA Professor Aytoun. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1861. 8°. v. 68, p. 317-318.) * DA Baillie, George, of Jerviswood Murray, Lady Grisell, of Stanhope. Mem- oirs of the lives and characters of George Baillie of Jerviswood, and of Lady Grisell Baillie, by their daughter. Edinburgh: [J. Pillans, printer,] 1822. xiv, 170 p. 8°. AN Argyll (2. duke), John Campbell Life, The, of John Campbell, duke of Argyle and Greenwich. (In: The British Plutarch... London, 1791. 3. ed. 16°. v. 6, p. 19-25.) *R-AGH Armstrong, John, Poet and Physician Cary, Henry Francis. John Armstrong. (In his: Lives of English poets... Lon- don, 1846. 12°. p. 93-102.) AB Arnott, Dr. Neil Bain, Alexander. Biographical memoir of Dr. Neil Arnott. (Aberdeen Philosophi- cal Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1884. 8°. v. 1, p. 133-164.) * EC Baillie, Lady Grizel Chambers, Sir William. Story of Lady Grisell Baillie. (Chambers's journal. Edin- burgh, 1874. 4°. series 4, v. 11, p. 529-532.) *DA Graham, Henry Grey. Lady Grisell Bail- lie. 1 port. (In his: A group of Scottish women. London [1908]. 8°. p. 92-112.) CP Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Lady Grisell Baillie. 1665-1746. (In their: Songstresses of Scotland. London, 1871. 12°. v. 1, p. 1-20.) AGH Murray, Lady Grisell^ of Stanhope. Mem- oirs of the lives and characters of George Baillie of Jerviswood, and of Lady Grisell Baillie, by their daughter. Edinburgh: [J. Pillans, printer,] 1822. xiv, 170 p. 8°. AN Lengthy extracts from Lady Murray's ms. were previously published in the Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 2, p. 322-326, 430-436, Edinburgh, 1818. Arrol, Sir William, Engineer Biggart, A. S. Sir William Arrol. 1 port, illus. (Cassier's magazine. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 15, p. 1-19.) VDA Purvis, Sir Robert. Sir William Arrol: a memoir. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1913. 5 p.l., (i)x, 150 p., 14 pi., 2 port. 12°. AN Baillie, Joanna, Dramatist Aikin, Lucy. Recollections of Joanna Baillie. (In her: Memoirs, miscellanies, and letters. London, 1864. 12°. p. 7-11.) NCF Henderson, George, and J. Jeffrey Wad- dell. Joanna Baillie. (In their: By Both- well banks . . . Glasgow, 1904. 12°. p. 77- 90.) CR 442 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Howitt, William. Joanna Baillie. (In his: Homes and haunts of the. . .British poets. London, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 248-256.) AB Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Joanna Baillie. 1762-1851. (In their: Song- stresses of Scotland. London, 1871. 8°. v. 2, p. 180-334.) AGH Baillie, Matthew, M.D. Macmichael, William. Baillie. port. (In his: The gold-headed cane. London. 1828. 2. ed. 12°. p. 236-267.) WAC Matthew Baillie, M.D., 1761-1823. Matthew Baillie, M.D. F.R.S. (Edin- burgh annual register for 1823. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 16, part 3, p. 366-370.) BAA Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. Matthew Baillie, M.D., F.R.S. 10 p. 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 2.) AB Baillie, Matthew, Gypsy D., C. S. Scottish Gypsies: a chequered character. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. Edinburgh, 1891. v. 2, p. 254-255.) QOX Matthew Baillie of Biggar. Reprinted from the Literary and statistical magazine for Scotland, Feb., 1818. Baillie, Robert, Covenanter Carlyle, Thomas. Baillie the Covenanter. (In his: Critical and miscellaneous essays. Boston, 1860. 8°. v. 4, p. 304-338.) NCZ Reid, James. Memoirs of the lives and writings of those eminent divines who con- vened in the Assembly at Westminster, in the seventeenth century. Paisley: S. & A. Young, printers, 1811-15. 2 v. 8°. AB Baillie, Robert, of Jerviswood Scott-Moncrieff, Robert. Note on the arrest of Mr. Robert Baillie of Jerviswood in 1676 for rescuing his brother-in-law, Mr. James Kirkton, the outed minister of Mer- ton, from the hands of Captain Carstairs, an informer in the pay of Archbishop Sharp. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 286-301.) CPA Bain, Alexander, LL.D. Rait, Robert Sangster. The last of the "English school" of philosophers [Alexan- der Bainj. (Fortnightly review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 82 t new series, v. 76], p. 38-47.) *DA Testimonials in favour of Alexander Bain. [Aberdeen, 1844.] 16 p. 8°. AGHp.v.2,no.8 Bain, Peter Testimonials in favour of Mr. Peter Bain. [Edinburgh: J. & W. Paterson, 1853., 8 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l223,no.25 Baird, Sir David Hook, Theodore. The life of General... Sir David Baird, bart. [By Theodore Hook.) London: R. Bentley, 1832. xii, 448 p., 1 map; viii, 442 p., 1 map. 8°. AN The portrait of Sir David Baird lacking in v. 1. McAulay, Allan. General the Right Hon. Sir David Baird, bart., G.C.B., K.C., 1757- 1829. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 441-445.) fVWZH Wilkin, Walter Henry. The life of Sir David Baird. London: George Allen, 1912. vii p., 2 1., 314 p., 1 map, 3 plans, 1 port. 8°. AN Baird, Rev. John, of Yetholm Baird, William. Memoir of the late Rev. John Baird, minister of Yetholm, Rox- burghshire; with an account of his labours in reforming the gipsy population of that parish. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1862. 80 p. 12°. AN Balcarres (1. earl), Sir David Lindsay Small, John. Sketches of later Scottish alchemists: John Napier of Merchiston, Robert Napier, Sir David Lindsay, first earl of Balcarres, Patrick Ruthven, Alex- ander Seton, Patrick Scot. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 410-438.) CPA Balfour, Arthur James Filon, Augustin. Arthur Balfour. (Re- vue des deux mondes. Paris, 1909. 8". periode 5, v. 51, p. 133-164.) *DM Robertson, John M. The Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour, LL.D., F.R.S. 1 port. (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 29, p. 435- 437.) *DA With a bibliography. Ward, Wilfrid. Arthur James Balfour: a p'olitical Fabius Maximus. 1 port. (In his: Ten personal studies. London, 1908. 8°. p. 1-47.) NCZ LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 443 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Balfour, Francis Maitland Moseley, Henry Nottidge. Francis Mait- land Balfour. (Fortnightly review, new series, v. 32, p. 568-580. London, 1882. 8°.) *DA Balfour, Gilbert, of Westray Steuart, A. Francis. Gilbert Balfour, of Westray. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 146-150.) CR This article originally appeared in The Scots magazine, but it is here altered and considerably amplified. Balfour, Sir James, of Denmylne Sibbald, Sir Robert. [Memoir of Sir James Balfour.] (In: Sir James Balfour. Historical works. London, 1825. 8°. v. 1, p. xi-xxxi.) CP Reprinted from his Memoria Balfouriana, Edin burgh, 1699. Ballantyne, James, Printer Ballantyne, Alexander, and others. Re- futation of the misstatements and calum- nies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, bart., respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne. By the trustees and son of. ..James Ballantyne. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Long- mans, 1838. v, [7]-88 p. 2. ed. 8°. AN Reviewed in Taifs Edinburgh magazine, v. 6, p. 657-672, Edinburgh, 1839. From 2. London ed. Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1838. v, [7]108 p. 16°. Balnaves, Henry, Reformer Laing, David. Biographical notices and letters of Henry Balnaves of Halhill. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 3, p. 405-430.) zov Rogers, Charles. Three poets of the Scottish Reformation: Alexander Cunning- ham, fifth earl of Glencairn, Henry Bal- naves of Halhill, and John Davidson, min- ister of Prestonpans. 1 port. (Royal His- torical Society. Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 163-294.) CA Bannantyne, Rev. Adam Wodrow, Robert. Collections upon the life of Mr. Adam Bannantyne, minister at Falkirk, and bishop of Dunblane and Aber- deen. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographical collections... Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. p. 106-123.) fCP Bannatyne, George Memorials of George Bannatyne, 1545- 1608. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott. With a memoir of Bannatyne by the editor, and an account of the contents of his manu- script by David Laing.] Edinburgh: Ban- natyne Club, 1829. 5 p.l., 120 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. illus. 4°. f CP Scott, Sir Walter. Memoir of George Bannatyne. (In: Memorials of George Bannatyne. Edinburgh, 1829. 4°. p. 3-24.) tCP Bannerman, Sir Henry Campbell Channing, Sir Francis Allston. Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman. (Fortnight- ly review. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 83, p. 961-972.) * DA Shall Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman become British foreign minister? (Na- tional review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 43, p. 933-945.) * DA Barbour, John, Archdeacon of Aberdeen Irving, David. The life of John Bar- bour. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 253-272.) AB Neilson, George. John Barbour: poet and translator. (Philological Society. Transactions. London, 1902. 8°. 1899- 1902, p. 315-371.) NAA Robertson, Joseph. Inedited notices, from the Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum, of John Barbour, archdeacon of Aberdeen, author of "The Bruce." (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 23-32.) CPA Tytler, Patrick Fraser. John Barbour. (In his: Lives of Scottish worthies. Lon- don, 1832. 16°. v. 2, p. 158-172.) AGH Barbour, Margaret S. Epithalamium. Alexander B. Simpson. Margaret S. Barbour. [Edinburgh: Lori- mer & Gillies,] 1872. 24 p. 4°. NCI p.v.56 Barclay, Alexander, Poet and Translator Jamieson, Thomas Hill. Notice of the life and writings of Alexander Barclay, the translator of Brandt's Ship of fools. (In: Brandt, The Ship of fools... Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. v. 1, p. xxv-cix.) Stuart 10907 Gives a bibliography of Barclay's works. Barclay, George, M.D. MacGillivray, William. A tribute to the memory of a friend; being a poem on the death of George Barclay, M.D., to which 444 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. is prefixed, a short account of his life and character. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1820. 1 p.l., (1)6-64 p. 12°. NCIp.v.21 Baron, Dr. Johh Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. John Baron M.D., F.R.S. 12 p, 1 port. (In his: Medi' cal portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4° v. 2.) AB Barclay, John, 1582-1621 Becker, Ph. Aug. Johann Barclay. 1582- 1621. (Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Lit- teraturgeschichte. Berlin, 1904. 8°. Neue Folge, Bd. IS, p. 33-115.) NAA Dalrymple, Sir David, Lord Hailes. Sketch of the life of John Barclay, author of Argenis. n. p. [1786.] 22 p., 1 1. 4°. *Cp.v.472 Offered as a specimen of a Biographica Scotica. Niceron, Jean Pierre. Jean Barclay. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres... Paris, 1732. 12°. v. 17, p. 285-298; v. 20, p. 108-110.) A John Barclay (1582-1621), author of Argenis. Barrie, Sir James Matthew Barron, J. H. J. M. Barrie. 1 port. (English illustrated magazine. London 1903. 8°. new series, v. 29, p. 207-209.) ' *DA With a bibliography. Douglas, Sir George. Mr. J. M. Barrie. 1 port. (Good words. London, 1899. 8° v. 40, p. 200-203.) * DA ' Griswold, Hattie Tyng. James Matthew Barrie. 1 port. (In her: Personal sketches of recent authors. Chicago, 1898. 12° n 336-352.) A Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas. J. M. Barrie. 2 illus. (The Bookman. London 1892. P. v. 1, p. 169-171.) t*GDD Barclay, John, M.D. Memoir of John Barclay, M.D. [1758- 1826]. 1 port. (In: The naturalist's libra- ry, edited by Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 8, p. 17-44.) GXIF Barclay, Robert, Quaker Apologist Bevan, Joseph Gurney. Short account of the life and writings of Robert Barclay. [London: Tract Association of the Society of Friends, 1846.] 16 p. 12°. AGH p.v. 5 Beane, Sawney Alba, pseud. "Sawney Beane." (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 101.) CPA S., W. "Sawney Beane." (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 129-131.) CPA Sawney Beane, and his incestuous pro- geny. A family of cannibals. (In: John Brown, Historical gallery of criminal por- traitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 2, p. 532-539.) AB Barclay, William, Jurist Niceron, Jean Pierre. Guillaume Bar- clay. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres... Paris, 1732. 12°. v. 17, p. 277-284.) A William Barclay (1546-1606), Jurist. Smith, David Baird. William Barclay. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1914. 4°. v. 11, p. 136-163.) CPA Beaton, David, Cardinal Herkless, John. Cardinal Beaton, priest and politician. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1891. 1 p.l., 322 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Life, The, of Cardinal Beatoun. (In: The British Plutarch... London, 1762. 24°. v. 1, p. 152-176.) AGH Portrait lacking. Barnard, Lady Anne Authoress, The, of "Auld Robin Gray." (Temple Bar. London, 1882. 8°. v. 64, p. 188-201.) * DA Graham, Henry Grey. Lady Anne Bar- nard. 1750-1825. 1 port. (In his: A group of Scottish women. London rl908i. 8°. p. 257-278.) CP Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Lady Anne Barnard. 1750-1825. (In their: Songstresses of Scotland. London, 1871. 12°. v. 2, p. 1-107.) AGH Scott, I. Moffat. Cardinal Beaton. (In his: The martyrs of Angus and Mearns... Paisley, 1885. 12°. p. 273-288.) CP Towers, Joseph. The life of Cardinal David Beaton, archbishop of St. Andrew's. [By Joseph Towers.] .In his: British biog- raphy... London, 1766. 8°. v. 2, p. 293- 306.) AGH Beattie, George, Poet George, Beattie. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1872. 8°. v. 25, p. 453-464.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 445 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Beattie, James, Poet Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton. James Beattie, LL.D. (In his: Imaginative bio- graphy. London, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 153- 173.) A Cary, Henry Francis. James Beattie. In his: Lives of the English poets. . . Lon- don, 1846. 12°. p. 283-316.) AB Forbes, Sir William. An account of the life and writings of James Beattie. . .includ- ing many of his original letters. Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1807. 3 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. AN Reviewed in Edinburgh review, v. 10, p. 171-199. Edinburgh, 1807. James Beattie, LL.D.... (In: Public characters of 1801-1802. London, 1801. 8°. p. 449-479.) AGH (In: Public characters, or contem- porary biography. Baltimore, 1803. 8°. p. 379-404.) A Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. Mar- ginalia: Minstrel Beattie at Fordoun. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 145-147.) CPA Salmon, Arthur L. James Beattie. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 303, p. 267-281.) * DA Beaufort, Joanna Bain, Joseph. Notes on a dispensation for the marriage of Johanna Beaufort with the black knight of Lorn. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 169-175.) CPA Begbie, James Warburton, M.D. Gairdner, Sir William Tennant. A tri- bute to the memory of the late J. Warbur- ton Begbie, M.D. (In: G. A. Gibson, Life of Sir William Tennant Gairdner. . . Glas- gow, 1912. 8°. p. 482-485.) AN Bell, Rev. Andrew Southey, Robert. The life of Rev. An- drew Bell., .comprising the history of the rise and progress of the system of mu- tual tuition. The first volume by Robert Southey, edited by Mrs. Southey. The two last by his son, Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey. London: J. Murray, 1844. 3 v. port. 8°. AN Bell, Bessie Barry, George Augustus. Letter . . . con- cerning Bessie Bell and Mary Gray. From the archives of the society. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 108- 110.) fCPA The letter is dated "Lednock, 21st June 1781." Bell, Sir Charles, Surgeon M'Neill, Sir John. Biographical notice of the late Sir Charles Bell, K. H. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1844. 4°. v. 15, p. 397-408.) * EC Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. Sir Charles Bell, K.H., F.R.S.L. & E. 22 p. 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London. 1838-40. 4°. v. 3.) AB Bell, James, Provost of Glasgow Bain, Joseph. The true account of James Bell, a 17th century provost of Glasgow and his family. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 141-148.) CPA Bell, John, of Antermony St. John, James Augustus. John Bell. (In his: Lives of celebrated travellers. New York, 1839. 24°. v. 2, p. 125-163.) AB Bellenden, John, Poet Irving, David. The life of John Bellen- den, D.D. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 117- 133.) AB Bennie, James Goodchild, J. G. Obituary notice of Mr. James Bennie. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 434-438.) * EC p. 437-438 contain a list of papers by Mr. Bennie drawn up by A. Macconochie. Bethune, Alexander and John Ingram, John. Biographical sketch of the brothers Bethune. (In: A. and J. Bethune, Tales of the Scottish peasantry. London, 1884. 8°. p. 9-30.) NCW Bethune, Mary Contract of marriage betwixt Alexander Ogilvie of Boyne and Mary Bethune. 1566. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 37-49.) t CP Blacader or Blackader, Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow Laing, David. Notice of the death of Robert Blackader, archbishop of Glasgow, during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, in 446 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. the year 1508. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 222-226.) CPA Black, Adam, Publisher Curwen, Henry. Constable, Cadell, and Black. 1 port. (In his: History of book- sellers. London [1873]. 12°. p. 110-158.) *IIE Black, John, Dominican Friar Devas, R. P. John Black, Scottish Do- minican martyr. (American Catholic quar- terly review. Philadelphia, 1910. 8°. v. 35, p. 509-532.) * DA Laing, David. . .Notices of John Black, a Dominican friar. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 2, p. 592-595.) ZOV Black, Dr. Joseph Black. (In: Distinguished men of Dr. modern times, p. 72-82.) London, 1838. 16°. v. 4, A Thomson, Thomas. Biographical ac- count of Joseph Black, M.D., F.R.S.E., &c, professor of chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. (Annals of philosophy. Lon- don, 1815. 8°. v. 5, p. 321-327.) OA Black, William, Novelist Fuller, Edward. William Black. (At- lantic monthly. Boston, 1902. 8°. v. 90, p. 409-414.) * DA R., W. William Black. A personal sketch. (Speaker. London, 1898. f°. v. 18, p. 723-724.) * DA Query, by Sir Thomas Wemyss Reid? Reid, Sir Thomas Wemyss. William Black, novelist. A biography. New York: Harper & Bros., 1902. ix, 352 p., 1 L, 1 port. 12°. AN William Black. 1 port. (University magazine. London, 1879. 8°. v. 4, p. 295- 307.) * DA Blackadder, Lt.-Col. John Crichton, Andrew. Life and diary of Lieut. Colonel John Blackader. Abridged from the larger work. Edinburgh: H. S. Baynes, 1825. 1 p.l., (1)10-195 p.. 1 port. 12°. AN Blackburn, Rev. Peter Wodrow, Robert. Collections on the life of Mr. Peter Blackburn, minister of St. Nicholas Church, and bishop of Aber- deen. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographical collections. . . Aberdeen, 1890 4°. p. 66-79.) fCF Blackie, Professor John Stuart John Stuart Blackie. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v 157, p. 662-664.) *DA Kennedy, Howard Angus. Professoi Blackie. His sayings and doings. Lon- don : James Clarke & Co., 1896. xvi, 344 p. 1 port. [2. ed.j 16°. AN Professor Blackie. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. i 158, j. 715-733.) *DA Stoddart, Anna M. John Stuart Blackie A biography. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwooc & Sons, 1895. 2 v. 8°. AK Blackie, William, Optician Coldstream, John. Memoir of the lati Mr. William Blackie, optician. (Roya Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions Edinburgh, 1844, 8°. v. 2, p. 315-320.) V/ Blackwood, John, Publisher Late, The, John Blackwood. (Black wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh 1879, 8°. v. 126, p. 767-777.) *D/ Porter, Mrs. Gerald. Annals of a pub lishing house. John Blackwood. Edin burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1898. x (i), 435 p., 1 pi., 2 port. 8°. 'The third volume of William Blackwood an his sons: their magazine and friends.' Blackwood, William, Publisher Lockhart, Robert Murray. A notabl publisher. (Westminster review. Lon don, 1897. 8°. v. 148, p. 665-671.) *Dj William Blackwood, 1776-1833. Millar, John Hepburn. William Blacl wood and his men. (New review. Lor don, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 646-656.) *Di Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wi son. Annals of a publishing house. Wi liam Blackwood and his sons; their magi zine and their friends. Edinburgh: Wn Blackwood & Sons, 1897. 2 v. 2. ed. 8 *II' Blackwood, William, 1836-1912 William Blackwood. (Blackwood's mai azine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 192, 875-878.) *D LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 447 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Blaikie, Walter Biggar, LL.D. Mackenzie, D. A. Walter Biggar Blaikie, LL.D. 1 port. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 9, p. 71-74.) NDK Blair, Dr. Hugh Dr. Hugh Blair. (In: Public characters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 288- 303.) AGH (In: Public characters, or contem- porary biography. Baltimore, 1803. 8°. p. 237-249.) A Hill, John. An account of the life and writings of Hugh Blair, D.D.... Edin- burgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1807. 227 p. 8°. AN Hope, John. A letter to James Aber- cromby, M.P. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood, 1822. 31 p. 2. ed. 8°. AN (Borthwick), p.v.l, no.4 Lucius, pseud. A letter to John Hope, advocate, containing strictures on his let- ter to James Abercromby, M.P. Edin- burgh: J. L. Huie, 1822. 24 p. 3. ed. 8°. * C p.v.624 and 477 To the Public. [Petition soliciting sub- scriptions on behalf of William Murray Borthwick.] [Edinburgh, 1825., 3 p. 8°. AN (Borthwick) p.v.l Boston, Rev. Thomas Scrymgeour, W. Thomas Boston. Edin- burgh: Macniven and Wallace, 1883. p. 73- 107. 12°. (In: The Evangelical succes- sion, series 3, lecture 3.) AGH p.v.5 Blair, Rev. Robert, 1593-1666 Blair, Robert. The life of Mr. R. Blair . . .containing his autobiography, from 1593 to 1636, with supplement. . .and. . .history of the times to 1680, by...W. Row... Edited for the Wodrow Society by Thomas M'Crie. Edinburgh: The Wodrow Society, 1848. xxiv p., 1 1., 3-627 p. 8°. Stuart 8070 Blair, Robert, Lord President of the College of Justice Dobie, James. A sermon, preached in the church of Linlithgow, June 9, 1811, soon after the decease of Lord President Blair and Lord Viscount Melville. Edin- burgh: J. Thomson and Co., 1811. 36 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.46 Blyth, Professor James Colville, James. Prof. James Blyth. Obituary notice. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. v. 38, p. 234-248.) * EC p. 247-248 contain a list of the writings of Prof. Blyth. Borthwick, Sir John Declarator in the Court of the Superin- tendent of Fife, 1561, upon the articles and sentence against Sir John Borthwick, knight, by Cardinal Beaton, 1540. (Banna- tyne club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 253-263.) t CP Borthwick, William Murray Borthwick, William Murray. Letters to Sir William Rae, lord advocate of Scot- land. Edinburgh: G. Mudie & Co., printers, 1825. 22 p. 8°. AN Boswell, James, the Elder (1740-1795) Birrell, Augustine. Boswell as biogra- pher. (In his: In the name of the Bodleian. New York, 1905. 16°. p. 133-139.) NCZ Boswell, James, the elder. Boswelliana. The commonplace book of James Boswell. With a memoir and annotations by Charles Rogers... and introductory remarks by... Lord Houghton. London: The Grampian Club, 1876. xxiii, 343 p., fac, port. 8°. AN Letters of James Boswell, addressed to Rev. W. J. Temple. Now first pub- lished from the original mss. With an introduction and notes. London: R. Bent- ley, 1857. xlviii, 407 p. 8°. AN Boswell. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 185, p. 233-251.) * DA Boswell's letters. (Irish metropolitan magazine. Dublin, 1857. 8°. v. 1, p. 576- 597.) * DE Brown, John T. T. The youth and early manhood of James Boswell. (Royal Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 41, p. 219-245.) * EC Caldwell, Joshua W. A brief for Bos- well. (Sewanee review.' New York, 1905. 8°. v. 13, p. 336-351.) * DA Filon, Augustin. Boswell's love story. (Fortnightly review. London, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 80, p. 487-495.) * DA Fitzgerald, Percy. Boswell's autobiog- raphy. (Quarterly review. London, 1911. 8°. v. 214, p. 24-44.) * DA Croker's Boswell and Boswell. Studies in the "Life of Johnson." London: Chapman & Hall, 1880. viii p., 1 1., 308 p. 8° ; AN Some new lights on "Bozzy." (New century review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 2, p. 209-218, 328-340.) * DE 448 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. . Gribble, Francis. Boswell's Dutch flirta- tion. (Nineteenth century and after. Lon- don, 1912. 8°. v. 72, p. 942-952.) * DA Henderson, James S. James Boswell and his practice at the bar. (Juridical re- view. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 17, p. 105- 115.) SEA Hill, George Birkbeck. The centenary of Boswell. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1891. 8°. v. 64, p. 37-43.) * DA Houghton (1. baron), Richard Monck- ton Milnes. Boswelliana. 27 p. (Philobi- blion Society. Miscellania. London, 1856. 8°. v. 2.) * GAA James Boswell. A study. (Temple Bar. London, 1879. 8°. v. 56, p. 314-332.) * DA Leask, William Keith. James Boswell. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons [1897]. 160 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) AN Lucas, Samuel. James Boswell. (In his: Eminent men and popular books. London, 1859. 16°. p. 231-264.) A Memoir of James Boswell, Esq. (Liter- ary magazine and American register. Philadelphia, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 224-238.) *DD Richardson, J. J. "Bozzy." (Manches- ter quarterly. Manchester, 1909. 8°. v. 28, p. 234-245.) * DA Rogers, Charles. Memoir of James Bos- well. (In: James Boswell, Boswelliana. The commonplace book of James Boswell . . . London, 1876. 8°. p. 1-200.) AN Sillard, P. A. The prince of biographers. (Atlantic monthly Boston, 1901. 8°. v. 88, p. 213-221.) * DA Stobart, M. A. Boswell in Corsica. The perfect journalist on his travels, illus. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1901. 8°. v. 25, p. 225-235.) * DA Bothwell, Lady Anne Beveridge, J. Lady Anne Bothwell, the Scottish lady. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 379-388.) CPA Bothwell (4. earl), James Hepburn Bothwell (4. earl), James Hepburn. Les affaires du Conte de Boduel. L'An m.d.lx- viii. Edinbourg, 1829. xvi, 31, t xxxiii]-lxv p. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP Relates to Bothwell's career after his flight from Scotland in 1567. De Peyster, John Watts. A vindication of James Hepburn, fourth earl of Bothwell, third husband of Mary, queen of Scots. Philadelphia: L. R. Hammersley & Co., 1882. 60 p. 8°. AN Based on A. Petricks Zur Geschichte des Graffen Bothwell, St. Petersburg, 1874. Ellis, R. S. An account of the later years of James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell: his imprisonment and death in Denmark, and the disinterment of his presumed remains. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Arch- Eeologia. London, 1860. 4°. v. 38, p. 308- 321.) fCA p. 315-321 contain an appendix of original docu- ments. Schiern, Frederik Eginhard Amadeus. James Hepburn, Jarl af Bothwell, hans An- holdelse i Norge og Faengselsliv i Dan- mark. Et historisk Undersjzigelse. (His- torisk Tidsskrift. Kj^benhavn, 1860-63. 8°. series 3, v. 2, p. 413-712.) GEA Life of James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell. Translated by Rev. David Berry. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1880. xvii, 448 p. 8°. CP and AN Smail, Adam. James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell, his career and character. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 26-32.) * DE Smith, George Gregory. James Hep- burn, earl of Bothwell (1536-1578). (In: Twelve bad men. Original studies... edited by Thomas Seccombe. New York [1912]. 12°. p. 1-33.) A Bothwell (3. earl), Patrick Hepburn Bothwell (3. earl), Patrick Hepburn. Letters of Patrick, earl of Bothwell, and articles which he undertook to maintain at the appointment of the king of France. 1548-1549. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 403-423.) tCP Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Anderson, D. Brown. "A.K.H.B." [By D.B.A.] (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 337-345.) *DE By the quiet waters. (Scots maga- zine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 184-192.) *DE More of "A.K.H.B." (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series,' v. 24, p. 221- 230.) * DE Boyd, Mark Alexander Dalrymple, Sir David, Lord Hailes. Sketch of the life of Mark Alexander Boyd. [By Sir D. Dalrymple.] [Edinburgh? 1787.] 26 p., 1 1., 4°. tj-Ap.v.8 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 449 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Boyd, Robert, of Trochkig Wodrow, Robert. Life of Robert Boyd of Trochrig. (In his: Collections upon the lives of the reformers and most emi- nent ministers of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1848. 4°. v. 2, part 2, appendix, p. iii-xxxiv.) ZWG Boyd, Zachaky Boyd, Zachary. Letter from Z. Boyd to Mr. Patrick Lindsay, archbishop of Glas- gow, 28 Jan. 1637. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 123- 126.) t CP Braxfield, Robert MacQueen, Lord Lyell, W. D. The real Weir of Hermis- ton. 1 port. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 115-134.) SEA Robert MacQueen, Lord Braxfield, "Auld Braxy." Watt, Francis. The original Weir of Hermiston. (New review. London, 1896. 8°. v. IS, p. 437-450.) * DA College, Aberdeen. A memoir. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1898. xv, 364 p., 2 port. 8°. AN Brown, George Douglas Melrose, A. George Douglas Brown. (The Bookman. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 16, p. 340-344.) * DA Portrait of Brown in same vol., p. 100. Whibley, Charles. George Douglas. (M'Clure's magazine. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 20, p. 99-100.) ' * DA Brown, John, M.D. Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. John Brown, M.D. 12 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical por- trait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 4.) AB Brown, Rev. John, of Haddington Brown, John. Memoir and select re- mains. Edited by Rev. William Brown. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Pub- lication [1856]. 227 p. 12°. Stuart 8076 Brechin, Sir David de Bain, Joseph. Sir David de Brechin, exe- cuted in 1320. (Genealogist. London, 1889. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 22-25.) * R - Room 328 Brewster, Sir David Sir David Brewster. 1 port. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1859. 8°. v. 62, p. 3-7.) * DA Brisbane, Sir Thomas Makdougall Bryson, Alexander. Memoir of General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, G. C. B. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1861. 4°. v. 22, p. 589- 605.) * EC Brodie, Rev. Robert Struthers, Gavin. The resurrection, its certainty and mode: a sermon, preached in the Relief Church, Campbell St., Glas- gow, August 16th, 1846, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Robert Brodie, A.M. With a sketch of his character, by the Rev. W. M'Dougall... Glasgow: Robert Jack- son, 1846. 61 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.76 Brown, Professor David Blaikie, William Garden. David Brown, professor and principal of the Free Church Brown, Dr. John, 1810-1882 Brown, John. Letters of Dr. John Brown. With letters from Ruskin, Thack- eray, and others. Edited by his son and D. W. Forrest. With biographical intro- duction by Elizabeth T. M'Laren. Lon- don: A. & C. Black, 1907. 5 p.l., 368 p., 1 fac, 2 pi., 5 port. 8°. AN M., E. Dr. John Brown, n. p., n. d. 9 p. 8°. * C p.v.366 Reprinted from the Highland monthly, April, 1890, Inverness. Smith, Walter Chalmers. Dr. John Brown. 1 port. (Good words. London, 1882. 8°. 1882, p. 446-451.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, new series, v. 36, p. 404-408, 1882. Brown, William, Soldier Brown, William. The autobiography or narrative of a soldier. Kilmarnock: J. Paterson, 1829. 322 p., 1 1. 12°. AN Browne, Major-General Sir James Browne, Sir James. A strange episode in the life of Maj-Genl. Sir James Browne, related by himself. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 149-164.) *DA Innes, James John M'Leod. The life and times of General Sir James Browne (Buster Browne). London: John Murray, 1905. xii, 371 p., 1 map, 24 pi., 5 port. 8°. AN 450 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Bruce, of Tillycoultry Cunninghame, John. Letter to the Right Honourable Hay Campbell, lord presi- dent of the Court of Session. [By John Cunninghame.] London: printed for the author, 1805. 51(1) p. 8°. AGH p.v.7 Relates to the estate of Bruce of Tillycoultry. Bruce, Edward, Lord Begbie, Patrick. Letters. . .concerning the discovery of the silver box containing the heart of Edward, Lord Bruce of Kin- loss. 2 p.l. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 116-128.) fCPA Stowell (Lord). Account of the discov- ery of the heart of Lord Edward Bruce at Culross in Perthshire. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 20, p. 515-518.) t CA Bruce, James, African Traveller Head, Sir Francis Bond. The life of Bruce, the African traveller. London: John Murray, 1830. vii[i], 535 p., 1 map. 16°. AN Lacks portrait. Reviewed in Westminster review, v. 14, p. 181-191. London, 1831. Memoir of Bruce. 1 port. (In: The naturalist's library, edited by Sir W. Jar- dine. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 23, p. 17- 84.) QGF James Bruce the Abyssinian traveller. St. John, James Augustus. James Bruce. (In his: Lives of celebrated travellers. New York, 1839. 24°. v. 2, p. 233-301.) AB Bruce, John, Historiographer Foster, W. John Bruce, historiographer, 1745-1826. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 366-375.) CPA Bruce, Michael, Poet Chase, Elizabeth. Michael Bruce. (In her: Miscellaneous selections and original pieces... (Baltimore?] 1821. 12°. p. 198- 204.) NCE Mackenzie, James. Life of Michael Bruce. (In: Michael Bruce, Life and com- plete works... Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. p. 7-168.) NCL Michael Bruce. (Hogg's weekly in- structor. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 1, p. 387-389.) *DA Bruce, Robert, King of Scotland See also under History, 1286-1314 Bradley, Edward. The brooch of Bruce. By Cuthbert Bede rpseud. of Edward Brad- ley]. 1 illus. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. v. 200, p. 324-329.) *DA Reprinted in Every Saturday, v. 1, p. 346-34S Boston, 1866. ' Graham, William. Robert Bruce and John Knox. By a parish minister [i.e. Rev. W. Graham]. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1873. 32 p. 8°. ZECp.v.91 Presentation copy to Prof. John Stuart Blackie. Harvey, John. The life of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland. A heroic poem. (In: Henry the Minstrel, The life and heroic achievements of Sir William Wallace... Edinburgh, 1859. 24°. p. 211-288.) Jardine, Henry. Extracts from the re- port made by H. Jardine.. .relative to the tomb of King Robert Bruce, and the church of Dunfermline. 4 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 435-455.) fCPA Johnston, T. B. The story of the fab- rication of the "coffin-plate" said to have been found in the tomb of King Robert Bruce in Dunfermline Abbey. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 466-471.) CPA Neilson, George. Robert the Bruce's last journey. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 49-54.) CPA Bruce, Rev. Robert Bruce, Robert. Narrative by Mr. Robert Bruce, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, concerning his troubles in the year 1600. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 163-176.") tCP Curious, A, interview between James vi. and Mr. Robert Bruce, one of the ministers of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edinburgh, 1775. 8°. v. 3, p. 62- 64.) *DE From a ms. in the library of the University of Edinburgh. Wodrow, Robert. Collections as to the life of Mr. Robert Bruce, minister at Edin- burgh. (In: Robert Bruce, Sermons of the Rev. Robert Bruce. . . Edited by Rev. W. Cunningham. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. p. 1-201.) ZIZ p. 159-201 contain an appendix of original letters. Brunton, Mary, Novelist E., E. Remarks on the character and writings of the late Mrs. Brunton, author of Self-Control and Discipline. (Edin- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 451 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 45-49.) * DE Elwood, Anne Katherine. Mrs. Brun- ton. [1778-1818.] (In her: Memoirs of literary ladies of England. London, 1843. 8°. v. 2, p. 208-224.) SNE Remarks on the Memoir of the life of Mrs. Brunton. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 485-491.) ' * DE Brysson-, George Veitch, William, and George Brysson. Memoirs of William Veitch and George Brysson, written by themselves, with other narratives illustrative of the history of Scotland, from the restoration to the revo- lution. To which are added biographical sketches and notes by Thomas M'Crie. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1825. xii, 540 p. 8°. AN and CP Buccleuch (6. duke), William Henry Walter Montagu Douglas Scott Memorial of the majority of the earl of Dalkeith. Dalkeith: W. MacDonald, 1852. viii, (1)10-104 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Buchan, Alexander Stewart, Earl of, the "Wolf of Badenoch." Z. The two greatest of Scottish cater- ans. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1898. 8°. v. 32, p. 333-360.) * DA Buchan (11. earl), David Stewart Erskine N., T. David Stewart Erskine, earl of Buchan. [1742-1829.] (In: British public characters of 1798. London [1798]. 8°. p. 242-246.) AGH Buchan, Elspeth, Founder of the "Buchanites" Graham, Henry Grey. Elspeth Buchan. 1738-1796. (In his: A group of Scottish women. London [1908j. 8°. p. 199-225.) CP Founder of the sect named after her "Buchanites." Buchanan, Alexander, Meteorologist MM, Hugh Robert. Dr. Alexander Buchanan. (Scottish Geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 427- «1.) KAA Buchanan, Rev. Claudius Pearson, Hugh Nicholas. Memoirs of the life and writings of Rev. Claudius Buchanan. Oxford: University Press, 1817. 2 v. 8°. AN London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1819. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. AN London: R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside, 1834. xv, 437[1] p. 4. ed. abridged. 16°. AN Buchanan, George, 1506-1582 Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. Bu- chanan. 1 port. (In his: Old English worthies. London, 1864? f°. p. 78-79.) ft AGH Brown, Peter Hume. George Buchanan, humanist and reformer. A biography. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1890. xvii p., 1 1., 388 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Reviewed (by Alexander Roberts) in the Critical review of theological and philosophical literature, v. 1, p. 127-135, Edinburgh, 1891. George Buchanan and the Inquisi- tion. From newly discovered documents. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 21, p. 296-315.) * DA Life of George Buchanan. (In: George Buchanan, Vernacular writings . . . Edited by P. H. Brown. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. p. ix-xxxviii.) NDP Scottish Text Society. Publications, v. 26. Buchanan. (In: Distinguished men of modern times. London, 1838. 8°. v. 1, p. 345-356.) A C, J. T. Some remarks on the literary character of George Buchanan. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 5, p. 230-239, 316- 322.) * DE Additional remarks on the poetry of Buchanan. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791- 92. 16°. v. 6, p. 41-56; v. 7, p. 81-86.) * DE Carruthers, William. Discovery of a lost portrait of George Buchanan. 2 port. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 286-288.) CPA On the so-called portrait of George Buchanan by Titian. 3 port. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909-10. 4°. v. 6, p. 337-342; v. 7, p. 106-109.) CPA Davidson, J. Morrison. Scotia rediviva. Home rule for Scotland. With lives of Sir William Wallace, George Buchanan, Fletcher of Saltoun, and Thomas Spence. London: Wm. Reeves, n.d. 113 p., 3 1. 12°. CP Drummond, James. Notes upon some Scottish historical portraits — John Knox and George Buchanan. 4 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 237-264.) CPA 452 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Fleming, David Hay. George Buchanan, illus. (Bookman. London, 1906. f°. v. 30, p. 142-144.) tt * GDD Irving, David. Memoirs of the life and writings of George Buchanan. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute, 1807. xxx, 318 p. 8°. AN Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1817. xvii, 435 p., 1 fac, 1 pi., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. Presentation copy "to Sir James Mackintosh, LL.D., M.P., from the author." Kingsley, Charles. George Buchanan, scholar. (In his: Health and education. New York, 1874. 12°. p. 326-357.) NCZ La Ville de Mirmont, H. de. George Buchanan a Bordeaux. (Revue philomath- ique. Paris, 1906. 8°. annee 9, p. 289-312, 337-359, 410-420.) ~ * EN Life, The, of George Buchanan. (In: The British Plutarch... London, 1791. 3. ed. 16°. v. 2, p. 248-257.) * R - AGH M'Callum, Archibald. George Buchan- an as scholar, author, and politician; a prize essay. Glasgow: William Rankin, prtr, 1871. 47 p. 8°. * C p.v. 381 Published by the Glasgow St. Andrew Society, p. 39-47 contain the rules and list of members of the society. Memoir, A, of Mr. George Buchanan. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edin- burgh, 1774. 8°. v. 1, p. 242-246.) * DE Portrait lacking. Menmuir, Charles. George Buchanan: humanist and scholar. (Westminster re- view. London, 1907. 8°. v. 167, p. 397- 405, 556-564.) * DA Niceron, Jean Pierre. George Buchanan. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres... Paris, 1729. 12°. v. 7, p. 212-249.) A Rise, The, and growth of fanaticism; or, A view of the principles, plots and perni- cious practices of the dissenters, for up- wards of 150 years. Also an extract of the life of that pretended reformer John Knox. And an account of the writings and life of Buchanan. Together with King James the First's character of the Presbyterians ... London: J. Morphew, 1715. 46 p., 11. 4°. ZPGp.boxl S., P. George Buchanan. (Journal of sacred literature. London, 1860. 8°. series 3, v. 11, p. 76-98.) *DA On his life and writings. Todd, George Eyre. A sixteenth cen- tury scholar. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1892. 8°. v. 273, p. 35-45.) * DA George Buchanan. Towers, Joseph. The life of George Buchanan. [By Joseph Towers.] (In his: British biography... London, 1767 8° v. 3, p. 55-64.) AGH Wallace, Robert. George Buchanan. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Fer- rier [1900]. vi p., 1 1., (1)10-150 p. 12° R-AN Whibley, Charles. George Buchanan. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1906 8°. v. 180, p. 1-16.) * DA (In his: Essays in biography London, 1913. 12°. p. 79-108.) AGH Buchanan, Professor Robert, of Glasgow Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. Pro- fessor Buchanan of Glasgow. By A.K.H.B. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1878. 8°. new series, v. 17, p. 168-175.) *DA Burn, Major-General Andrew Burn, Andrew. Memoirs of the life of ...Major-General Andrew Burn. . .collect- ed from his journals. . . London: W. Win- chester & Son, 1815. 2 v. 8°. ZIK Burnes, Sir Alexander Buist, George. Memoir of Sir Alexander Burnes, C. B. [Edinburgh, 1851.] 64 p. 12°. ARZ Kaye, John William. Sir Alexander Burnes. (In his: Lives of Indian officers... London, 1869. 12°. v. 2, p. 203-294.) BGL Burnes, James, Physician-General Lawrie, W. A. Memoir of James Burnes, K.H., F.R.S. [Edinburgh, 1851.] 16 p. 12°. ARZ Burnes, William Burnes, William. A manual of religious belief, composed by William Burnes (the poet's father.) ...With biographical pre- face... Kilmarnock: M'Kie & Drennan, 1875. 1 p., 1 fac. 8°. AN Impression limited to 600 copies. This is no. 239. Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury Barnett, John. Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 898-907.) *DA Burnet, Gilbert. A true copy of the last will and testament of the right reverend father in God, Gilbert, lord bishop of Sa- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 453 Biography, continued. Individual Biographies, continued. rum... to which is added, The inscription on the monument erected to his memory, in the parish church of St. James, Clerken- well. London: E. Curll, 1717. 24 p., 2 1. 4. ed. 8°. (12°.) *Cp.v.510 Certain papers of Robert Burnet, after- wards Lord Crimond, Gilbert Burnet, afterwards bishop of Salisbury, and Robert Leighton, sometime archbishop of Glas- gow. Edited by H. C. Foxcroft. (Scot- tish History Society. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 315-370.) CPA Character, A, of the right reverend father in God, Gilbert, lord bishop of Sa- rum: with a true copy of his last will and testament... London: J. Roberts, 1715. 32 p. 8°. (12°.) *Cp.v.510 The last will and testament has a separate title- page. Clarke, T. E. S., and H. C. Foxcroft. A life of Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury. I. Scotland, 1643-1674, by T. E. S. Clarke ... II. England, 1674-1715, with biblio- graphical appendices by H. C. Foxcroft . . . With an introduction by C. H. Firth... Cambridge: University Press, 1907. xlvi, 586 p. 8°. AN Appendix 2 (p. 522-526) contains a chronological table of Burnet's published works. Appendix 3 (p. 557-566) contains a list of letters from Gilbert Burnet known to be extant. Haddington, Presbytery of. Extracts from the acts and proceedings of the pres- bytery of Haddington, relating to Dr. Gil- bert Burnet, and the library of the kirk of Salton, 1664-1669. (Bannatyne Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 389- 402.) t CPA Histrio Theologicus: or, An historical- political-theological poetical account of the most remarkable passages and transac- tions in the life of the late b — - p of S — m found among his 1 — -p's papers, and in- scrib'd to his old friend and admonitor, Mr. L — y. To which are added, Some testimonies of the great parts and merits of the said b — p, from most approv'd au- thors. Together, with a specimen, from his own writings of the steadiness of his 1 — ps political principles, as well as the soundness of his theology. London: John More, 1715. 1 p.l., iv, 32 p. 8°. * C p.v.510 Lawrence, Eugene. Gilbert Burnet, bis- hop of Salisbury. (In his: Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12°. v. 1, p. 232-311.) AB Le Clerc, Jean. The life of Dr. Burnet, late lord bishop of Sarum; with his char- acter, and an account of his writings . . . London: Jonas Brown, 1715. 40 p. 8°. (12°.) *C p.v.510 Life, The, of Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury. (In: The British Plutarch... London, 1791. 3. ed. 16°. v. 5, p. 99-117.) *R-AGH Niceron, Jean Pierre. Gilbert Burnet. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres... Paris, 1728-1731. 12°. v. 6, p. 12-45; v. 10, p. 182-183.) A Notes and memorandums of the six days, preceding the death of a late right rever- end . Containing many remarkable passages, with an inscription design'd for his monument. London: M. Smith, 1715. 33 p. 2. ed. 8°. (12°.) *C p.v.510 A scurrilous tract. Some account of the life and writings of Gilbert, late Id. bp. of Sarum. With a collection of speeches, prefaces, letters, and several other curious pieces written by his lordship's own hand... London: J. Baker, 1715. 27, 125 p. 8°. * C p.v.510 Burnett, George, Lyon King of Arms Paul, Sir James Balfour. George Bur- nett, LL.D., advocate, Lyon King of Arms. (Genealogist. London, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 213-215.) * R - Room 328 Burns, Isabel Begg, Robert Burns. Isabel Burns (Mrs. Begg). A memoir by her grandson [Robert Burns Begg]. [Edinburgh: G. Waterson & Sons, printers,] 1891. viii, 82 p., 1 port. 8°. AN no. 117 of 150 copies privately printed for family circulation. Burns, Robert See under Language and Literature Burns, Rev. William Chalmers Burns, Islay. Memoir of the Rev. Wm. C. Burns, M. A., missionary to China... New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 1870. viii, 595 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Bute (3. earl), John Stuart Arnold, Frederick. Lord Bute the pre- mier. (New quarterly review. London, 1875. 8°. v. 4, p. 444-474.) * DE Lovat-Fraser, James Alexander. John Stuart, earl of Bute. Cambridge: Univer- sity Press, 1912. 4 p.l., 108 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Cadell, Robert, Publisher Curwen, Henry. Constable, Cadell, and Black. 1 port. (In his: History of book- sellers. London [1873j. 12°. p. 110-158.) *IIE 454 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Cadenhead, James, or Aberdeen Anderson, Peter John. Aberdonians abroad: James Cadenhead. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 35-36.) CPA Caied, John, Philosopher Wenley, Robert Mark. John Caird (1820-1878). 1 port. (Open court. Chi- cago, 1898. 8°. v. 12, p. 629-630.) * DA Calder, Lawrence, Bailie of Thurso M., J. The murder of Bailie Calder, Thurso. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 134-139.) CR Calderwood, David, Historian Thomson, Thomas. Life of David Cal- derwood. (In: David Calderwood, History of the Kirk of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1849. 8°. v. 8, xxxvi p.) ZWG Calderwood (nee Stewart), Margaret Calderwood, Mrs. Margaret. Letters and journals of Mrs. Calderwood of Pol- ton, from England, Holland and the Low Countries in 1756. Edited by Alexander Fergusson. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1884. lviii, 386 p. 8°. AN The text is here reprinted from the Coltness col- lections printed for the Maitland Club. Scottish, A, dame on her travels, 1756. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1885. 8°. v. 138, p. 361-368.) * DA Cameron, General Sir Alan General, Sir Alan Cameron, K. C. B., colonel 79th Cameron Highlanders. (Cel- tic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 72-79, 122-126, 147-151, 175-178, 203-208, 231-234, 291-294, 312-315, 351-355, 384-393.) *DE Cameron, Dr. Alexander, Celticist Kennedy, John. Memoir of Dr. [Alex- ander] Cameron. (In: A. Cameron, Re- liquiae Celticse... Inverness, 1892. 8°. v. 1, p. xvii-clxxi.) NDO Cameron, David Young, Painter Keppel, Frederick. D. Y. Cameron, painter-etcher. 2 pi. (In his: The golden age of engraving. New York, 1910. 8°. p. 243-246.) MDB Cameron, Sir Ewen, of Lochiel Drummond, John. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, chief of the Clan Cameron. [By John Drummond.) With an introductory account of the history and antiquities of that family and of the neigh- bouring clans. [Edited by James Mac- knight.j Edinburgh, 1842. lvii, 30 p., 1 1 412 p., 1 port. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CP Life of Sir Ewan Cameron, of Lochiel. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. Lon- don, 1776. 4. ed. 4°. v. 1, p. 367-384.) tCPW Cameron, Jenny Miss Jenny Cameron. 1 port. (In: J. Caulfield. Portraits. . .of remarkable per- sons. London, 1820. 8°. v. 3, p. 83-102.) 102.) AGH The Diana of Prince Charles Edward Stewart. Todd, George Eyre. Bonnie Jeannie Cameron. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 157-160.) CPA See also p. 112, 224-225. Cameron, John, 1579-1625, Theologian Maury, Gaston Bonet. John Cameron: a Scottish Protestant theologian in France (1579-1625). (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 325-345.) CPA Wodrow, Robert. Collections on the life of Mr. John Cameron. . .principall of the College of Glasgow... (In his: Collec- tions upon the lives of the reformers and most eminent ministers of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1848. 4°. v. 2, part 2, p. 81-229.) ZWG Cameron, John Wilkinson, Thomas Read. John Camer- on, port. (Manchester quarterly. Man- chester, 1897. 8°. v. 16, p. 291-309.) *DA Cameron, John, the Younger, of Lochiel Mackay, William. The Camerons in the rising of 1715; a vindication of their leader, John Cameron, younger of Lochiel. (Gae- lic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 60-80.) NDO Cameron, Richard, Covenanter Herkless, John. Richard Cameron. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1896]. 152 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Campbell, Agnes, of Edinburgh Answers for James Anderson, His Maj- esty's printer, and Agnes Campbell, his mother, to the petition of Robert Saunders, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 455 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. printer in Glasgow, cellany. Edinburgh, 303-310.) (Spottiswoode mis- 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. ZDVH Campbell, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Campbell of Fonab. 1660(?)- 1724. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 372-376.) t VWZH Campbell, General Alexander, of Monzie Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- rap, marchioness of. General Alexander Campbell of Monzie, 1751-1832. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 432-435.) tVWZH Campbell, Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Campbell, bart., K.C.B. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 458-462.) tVWZH Campbell, Lord Archibald Campbell, Gillespie. Campbell. (Celtic review, 1913. 8°. v. 9, p. 65-70.) Lord Archibald Edinburgh, NDK Campbell, General Archibald Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General Archibald Campbell. 1757-1823. (In: A military his- tory of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 438-440.) t VWZH Campbell, Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald, of Ava Murdoch, W. G. Blaikie. Lieutenant- General Sir Archibald Campbell of Ava, bart., G.C.B. 1769-1843. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 481-483.) f VWZH Campbell, Major-General Charles William Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Murray, marchioness of. Major-General Charles William Campbell. 1836-94. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 542-545.) t VWZH Campbell, Sir Colin See Clyde, Lord Campbell, Isabella, of Rosneath Peace in believing: a memoir of Isabella Campbell, of Rosneath, Dumbartonshire With a preliminary essay by an American clergyman [Rev. Robert Story). New York: J. Leavitt, 1830. 307 p. 8°. AN Campbell, Sir James, of Ardkinglas Campbell, Sir James, of Ardkinglas. Memoirs, written by himself. London: H. Colburn & R. Bentley, 1832. 2 v. 8°. AN (In: Waldie's Select circulat- ing Library .. . Philadelphia, 1834. 4°. v. 3, p. 23-75.) * DD Campbell (1. baron), John Campbell Campbell (1. baron), John Campbell. Life of John, Lord Campbell. . .consisting of a selection from his autobiography, diary, and letters. Edited by his daughter the Hon. Mrs. [M.S.] Hardcastle. Lon- don: John Murray, 1881. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. AN Haywood, A. Lord Campbell's mem- oirs. [By A. Haywood.] (Quarterly re- view. London, 1881. 8°. v. 151, p. 1-40.) *DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, new series, v. 33, p. 514-527, 591-600, New York, 1881. Campbell, Major-General Sir John Murdoch, W. G. Blaikie. Major-General Sir John Campbell of Ava, bart. 1807-55. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 526-527.) tVWZH Campbell, John, Edinburgh Banker Campbell, John. Leaves from the diary of John Campbell, an Edinburgh banker in 1745. (In: Scottish History Society. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 537- 559.) CPA Campbell, John, Gaelic Poet Jolly, William. The bard of Benderloch. London: Isbister & Co. [1889.] 12 p. illus. 8°. * C p.v.372 On John Campbell, the Gaelic poet. Reprinted from Good words; July- August, 1889. Symington, Andrew James. John Camp- bell, the Ledaig poet, at home. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 473-480.) * DE 456 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Campbell, Rev. John M'Leod Three Scottish teachers. (Edinburgh re- view. London, 1878. 8°. v. 147, p. 386- 409.) * DA Thomas Erskine of Linlathen, John M'Leod Campbell, D.D., Bishop Alexander Ewing. Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 137, p. 771- .783, Boston, 1878. Campbell, Professor Lewis Huxley, Leonard . Lewis Campbell. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 812-821.) * DA Greek scholar and poet. Campbell, Mary Ross, John Dawson. Highland Mary. Interesting papers on an interesting sub- ject, ed. by J. D. Ross. Paisley: A. Gard- ner, 1894. 1 p.l., 147 p., 1 port. 12°. Campbell, Robert, of Kinzeancleugh Davidson, John. A memorial of the life of two worthye Christians, Robert Camp- bel, of the Kinyaencleuch, and his wife, Elizabeth Campbel... Edinburgh, 1S9S. (Reprinted in: Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 263-294.) CA Only one copy of original known. In metre. Campbell, Major-General Robert Byng Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General Rob- ert Byng Campbell, C. B. 1838-97. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 546-551.) tVWZH Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844 See under Language and Literature Campbell, Lady Victoria Balfour, Lady Frances. Lady Victoria Campbell; a memoir. London: Hodder and Stoughton [1911]. 3 p.l., (i)x-xvi, 364 p., 8 pi., 6 port. 2. ed. 8°. AN Cargill, Daniel or Donald Life, The, and wonderful prophecies of Donald Cargill, Who was executed at the cross of Edinburgh, on the 26th July 1680, For his adherence to the Covenant, and work of reformation. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers c c. 1850]. 24 p. 24°. Reserve A chapbook. Walker, Peter. The life and prophesies of that faithful minister of God's word Mr. Daniel Cargill.. . To which is added' a part of the life and untimely death of Argyle... Also the life ahd behaviour of David Hackstoun of Rathillet... Edin- burgh: Printed, 1781. 52 p. 12°. Stuart3035 Carlyle, Rev. Alexander, of Inveresk Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. New York 1860. 8°. v. 88, p. 734-757.) *DA (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1861 8°. v. 68, p. 287-309.) * DA ' Anderson, David Brown. A fulfilled prophecy. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 29-36.) *DE On Dr. Alexander Carlyle. Carlyle, Thomas. The love letters of Autobiography. Containing memorials of the men and events of his time. [Edited by John Hill Burton.] Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1861. x, 576 p., 1 port 3. ed. 8°. AN Reviewed in National review, v. 12, p. 230-249, London, 1861. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1861. viii, 471 p., 1 port. American ed. 12°. AN Clephane, James. John Widdrington of "the old Bank" and Carlyle of Inveresk. (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle. Ar- chaeologia yEliana. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 138-147.) CA Carlyle, Jane Welsh Alexander, W. J. The love story of Miss Jane Welsh. (University magazine. To- ronto, 1910. 8°. v. 9, p 627-653) tSTK Birrell, Augustine. Some more letters of Mrs. Carlyle. (Nineteenth century. London, 1903. 8°. v. 52, p. 813-820.) *DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, series 3, v. 10, p. 231-237, Boston, 1903. Carlyle, Jane Welsh. Letters and me- morials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle. Edi- ted by J. A. Froude. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1883. 2 v. 8°. AN New York: Harper & Broth- ers, 1883. 2 v. in 1. 12°. AN New letters and memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, annotated by Thomas Car- lyle^ and edited by Alexander Carlyle, with an introduction by Sir James Crichton- Browne. London: John Lane, 1903. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. AN Carlyle, Thomas. The love letters of Thomas Carlyle and Jane Welsh. Edited by Alexander Carlyle. London: John Lane, 1909. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 457 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Gould, George Milbry. [The origin of the ill health of] Jane Welsh Carlyle. (In his: Biographic clinics. Philadelphia, 1904. 12°. v. 2, p. 203-238.) WME Previously published in American medicine, Aug. 8, 1903. Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle to Amely Bolte, 1843-1849. (New review. London, 1892. 8°. v. 6, p. 608-616.) * DA Mrs. Carlyle's letters. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 133, p. 614-627.) * DA Shipman, Carolyn. New letters and me- morials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. (Lamp. New York, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 26, p. 386-391.) * DA Some reminiscences of Jane Welsh Car- lyle. (Temple Bar. London, 1883.' 8°. v. 69, p. 227-233.) * DA Vitale, Zaira. Questione vecchia e documenti nuovi Jane e Thomas Carlyle. Roma: Nuova Antologia, 190S. 51 p. 8°. AGH p.v.30, no.6 Repr. : Nuova antologia, Aug. 1, 1905. Carlyle, Thomas See under Language and Literature Carmichael, Alexander, Gaelic Scholar Alexander Carmichael, LL.D. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 112- 115.) NDK Camshron, Alasdair. Marbhrann do 'n t-ollamh Alasdair Macghille-Mhicheil, ugh- dar Carmina Gadelica. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 249-251.) NDK Maclean, Donald. A Celtist honoured. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 347-356.) NDK Alexander A. Carmichael, LL.D. Macleod, Kenneth. Our interpreter [Alexander Carmichael]. 1 port. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 116- 129.) NDK Carmichael, Sir Alexander Gibson Brief memorial of the last illness, death, and character of Sir Alexander Gibson Carmichael, baronet, of Skirling. [Edin- burgh:] for private circulation, 1850. 1 p.l., 24 p. 8°. AGH p.v.30 Carmichael, John, of Meadowflat Curie, Alexander Ormiston. John Car- michael of Meadowflat, the captain of Crawford. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 178-184.) CPA Carnegie, Andrew Alderson, Barnard. Andrew Carnegie the man and his work. New York: Double- day, Page & Co., 1902. viii p., 2 1., 232 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN Andrew Carnegie. 1 port. (Caledonian. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 11, p. 12-13.) *DD [Andrew Carnegie.] 4 port. (McClure's magazine. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 438-439.) * DA Portraits only. 1. In youth. 2. In early man- hood. 3. Age 55. 4. At the present time [1894]. Andrew Carnegie. 1 port. (Outlook. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 67, p. 765.) * DA Andrew Carnegie. 1 port. (Review of reviews. London, 1899. 4°. v. 20, p. 558- 561.) *DA Andrew Carnegie. (World's work. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. v. 17, p. 240) Bacheller, Morris. Andrew Carnegie and his home in Scotland, Skibo Castle, illus. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 39, p. 793-800.) * DA Bates, David Homer. The turning point in Mr. Carnegie's career, port. (Century magazine. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 76 [new series, v. 54], p. 333-340.) * DA Brand, Wilhelm F. Andrew Carnegie. 1 port. (Illustrirte Zeitung. Leipzig, 1912. f°. Bd. 139, Haefte 2, p. 1029-1030.) ft * DF Carnegie, Andrew. How I became a millionaire, illus. (Cassell's family maga- zine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 22, p. 450-456.) *DA Carnegie philanthropies. (Book news. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 22, p. 935-936.) *DA Carnegie as a socialist. (Independent. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 58, p. 104-106.) *DA Casson, Herbert N. An estimate of An- drew Carnegie. (Independent. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 62, p. 848-850.) * DA Champlin, John Denison, the younger. Andrew Carnegie. (Book buyer. New York, 1889. 8°. v. 5, p. 134-135.) * DA Andrew Carnegie. A biographical sketch of a great industrial engineer. 1 port, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 12, p. 51-59.) VDA Chappie, Joe Mitchell. [Andrew Carne- gie.] 1 port. (National magazine. Bos- ton, 1912. 8°. v. 37, p. 1038-1040.) * DA ■ A Sunday with Andrew Carnegie. Impressions of a visit to Skibo Castle, Scotland. 1 port, illus. (National maga- zine. Boston, 1903. 8°. v. 19, p. 498-501.) *DA 458 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Cleveland, Frederick Albert. Mr. Car- negie as economist and social reformer. (American Academy of Political and So- cial Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 474-480.) SA Cunningham, Andrew S. A busy week. Mr. Andrew Carnegie at Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy, Dumfries, Portmahomack. Dun- fermline: W. Clark & Son, printers, 1899. 2 p.l., 134 p., 3 pi. illus. 8°. AGZ p.v.12, no.ll Three busy weeks. Dr. Andrew Carnegie at Perth, Edinburgh, Greenock, Falkirk, Stirling, Hawarden, Liverpool, St. Andrews, Dundee. Compiled and pub- lished by Andrew S. Cunningham. Dun- fermline: W. Clark & Son, printers, 1902. 142 p., 4 pi., 14 port. 8°. AN Example and philosophy. (Outlook. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 67, p. 668-669.) *DA Falkenegg, A. von, Freiherr. Carnegie. Ein Charakterbild. Berlin: Boll und Pick- ardt, 1909. 1 p.l., 258 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Gleed, Charles S. Andrew Carnegie. 1 port. (Cosmopolitan. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 33, p. 297-301.) * DA Gray, Peter. Andrew Carnegie of Skibo. (In his: Skibo, its lairds and history. Edin- burgh, 1906. 12°. p. 67-74.) ARX Hepburn, Carter H. Andrew Carnegie. 1 port. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1892. 8°. p. 672-674.) * DA Homenaje, El, de las Americas a Car- negie. 2 illus. (Union Panamericana. Boletin. Washington, D. C, 1911. 8°. v. 32., p. 790-797.) TLA How Andrew Carnegie climbed up. 1 port, illus. (Current literature. New York, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 41, p. 392-394.) * DA Hubbard, Elbert. Andrew Carnegie. Aurora, N. Y., 1909. 29-66 p., 1 port. sq. 12°. (Little journeys to the homes of great business men. v. 25, no. 2.) *R-AN Katscher, Leopold. Carnegie und seine Freigebigkeit. (Nord und Sud. Breslau, 1912. 8°. Bd. 142, p. 367-379.) * DF Kennedy, James. Andrew Carnegie. (Caledonian. New York, 1901. 8°. De- cember, 1901. p. 37.) *DD Lanier, Henry Wysham. The many- sided Andrew Carnegie, a citizen of the Republic, illus. (World's work. New York, 1901. 8°. p. 618-630.) * DA Lewis, Alfred Henry. Owners of Amer- ica, i. Andrew Carnegie, port, illus. (Cosmopolitan magazine. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 45, p. 1-16.) * DA Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Andrew Car- negie. (Century magazine. New York,' 1902. 8°. v. 64 [new series, v. 42], p. 956- 958.) * DA Men you know: Mr. Andrew Carnegie. Reprinted with additions from the Bailie of September 14th, 1887. Glasgow: W. Munro [1887]. 5 pi., port. 4°. AGZ p.v.77, no.10 Moritzen, Julius. How Andrew Carne- gie became a multi-millionaire, illus. (American monthly review of reviews. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 436-440.) *DA [Mr. Andrew Carnegie.] (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 171, p. 840-845.) *DA Mr. Carnegie and his new house, illus. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 29, p. 875-876.) Mr. Andrew Carnegie at Skibo. illus. (Independent. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 56, p. 1421-1426.) * DA "Written by one of the best known publicists in England [Britain] and a personal friend of Mr. Carnegie." Portius, Wilhelm. Carnegie als Erzie- her. (Daheim. Leipzig, 1912. f°. Jahrg. 48. Halbjahr 2, no. 42.) t*DF Presentation of Pan-American gold med- al to Andrew Carnegie. 2 illus. (Pan- American Union. Bulletin. Washington, D. C, 1911. 8°. v. 32, p. 837-844.) TLA Schwab, Charles M. The hugh enter- prises built up by Andrew Carnegie. 1 port, illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 20, p. 505-517.) VDA Smellie, John. Address to Mr. Andrew Carnegie. 1 port. (Caledonian. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 7, p. 356-359.) * DD Stead, William Thomas. Mr. Andrew Carnegie at play. The maker and distribu- tor of millions in his Highland retreat, illus. (Harmsworth's London magazine. London, 1902. 8°. v. 7, p. 99-106.) * DA Suttner, Berta von. Andrew Carnegies Friedenstiftung. (Deutsche Revue. Stutt- gart und Leipzig, 1911. 8°. Jahrg. 36, Bd. 1, p. 294-302.) *DF Swank, J. M. More busy days. Dr. Andrew Carnegie at Dingwall, Tain, Kil- marnock, Govan, Waterford, Limerick, Cork, Barrow, in 1903. Compiled and edited by J. M. Swank. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane, & Scott, 1903. 1 p.l., 140 p. 8°. AN Tischert, Georg. Carnegie und Rocke- feller. (Daheim. Leipzig, 1911. f°. Jahrg". 47, Halbjahr 2, no. 41.) f*DF LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 459 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Typical, The, American employer. Mr. Andrew Carnegie. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 152, p. SS6-S73.) * DA Uncrowned, The, King. 1 port. (Cale- donian. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 7, p. 529.) *DD Carnegie, Hon. David, Explorer Hon. The, David Carnegie. (Geographi- cal journal. London, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 202-203.) KAA Carstairs, John Veitch, Mrs. William. Memoirs of Mrs. William Veitch, Thomas Hog of Kiltearn, Henry Erskine, and John Carstairs... Edinburgh: Committee of General Assem- bly, Free Church of Scotland, 1846. iv p., 1 1., 152 p. 12°. ' AN Carstares, William, Statesman and Divine Laing, David. A notice of the monument of William Carstares, principal of the University of Edinburgh, erected in 1727 and restored in 1876, with a copy of the original contract. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 525-529.) CPA MacCormick, Joseph. The life of Mr. William Carstares. (In: State-papers and letters addressed to William Carstares . . . Edinburgh, 1774. 4°. p. 1-91.) t CP Story, Robert Herbert. Notes on some relics of Principal Carstares. illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 73-78.) CPA Carswell, John, Bishop of the Isles Dewar, John. Bishop Carswell and his times. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 241-246, 249-257, 297-304, 345- 352, 414-421, 451-460, 554-560.) * DE M'Lauchlan, Thomas. Notices of Bishop Carswell. (In: Church of Scotland. The Book of Common Order, commonly called John Knox's liturgy . . . Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. p. xiii-xxvii.) NDO Cathcart (10. baron), Sir William Schaw Cathcart Right Hon. Lord Cathcart. (In: Public characters of 1803-1804. London, 1804. 8°. p. 482-491.) AGH Cathkin, James, Bookseller, Edinburgh Cathkin. James. A relation of J. Cathkin, his imprisonment and examination about printing of the Nullitie of Perth Assem- blie, by himself. [1619.] (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 199-215.) f CP Chalmers, Professor Patrick, of Haselhead Chalmers, John Inglis. Notice of Pat- rick Chalmers, M.D., of Haselhead and Fedderat, professor of medicine in Aber- deen, and of his practice as a physician in Aberdeen in the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth centuries. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- cedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 181-185.) CPA Chalmers, Rev. Thomas, D.D., LL.D. Alexander, William Lindsay. A dis- course of the qualities and worth of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D... Edin- burgh: John D. Lowe, 1847. 50 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Anderson, John. Reminiscences of Thom- as Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1851. iv p., 1 1„ 409 p. 12°. AN Biographical sketch of Thomas Chal- mers, D.D. Glasgow: Bell arid Bain, 1847. 30 p. 8°. AGH p.v. 6 Blaikie, William Garden. Thomas Chal- mers. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1907]. 160 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Bruce, John. A sermon, preached in Morningside Free Church, June 6, 1847... after the funeral of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1847. 22 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Buchanan, James. A tribute to the memory of Dr. Chalmers, being the sub- stance of a lecture delivered., .in the New College, Edinburgh. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1848. 24 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Cairns, John. Thomas Chalmers. A lecture. (In: Lectures delivered. . .in Exe- ter Hall. London, n. d. 12°. 1864-65. p. 41-71.) ZAD Chalmers, Thomas. A selection from the correspondence of... Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Edinburgh: Thomas Con- stable and Co., 1853. xi, 538 p. 8°. AN Couper, David. Dying in the Lord: be- ing the substance of two discourses, preached in the Free Church of Burntis- land, on the Sabbath after the funeral of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Edin- burgh: John Johnstone, 1847. 24 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l 460 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Cox, Samuel Hanson. Horse Chalme- rianas. Interviews with Chalmers, public and private; Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1833, 1846. (In his: Interviews: memorable and useful. New York, 18S3. 12°. p. 29-143.) A Cunningham, William. Inaugural lec- ture addressed to the theological students of the Free Church of Scotland, Novem- ber 9, 1847, at the opening of the session of college succeeding the death of Rev. Dr. Chalmers. Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1848. 26 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Davis, Henry. The life and writings of the Rev. Dr. Chalmers. London: James Gilbert, 1847. 108 p. 16°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Dr. Chalmers. (Gentleman's magazine." London, 1857. 8°. v. 203, p. 393-401.) *DA Dr. Chalmers. (In: Lives of the illus- trious. London, 1856. 8°. v. 1, p. 56-65, 97-105.) A Dr. Chalmers. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 7, p. 560-574.) *DA Dr. Chalmers. Extracted from no. lxvii. of the Presbyterian review. Edinburgh: William P. Kennedy, 1847. 8 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Dodds, James. Thomas Chalmers. A biographical study. New York: Carlton & Lanahan [1870?] 388 p. 12°. AN Fraser, Donald. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1882. 176 p. 12°. *R-AN Free Church of Scotland. — Publica- tion Committee. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. (Monthly series of tracts. Edin- burgh,] 1848. 8°. no. 41, 43, 45.) AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Gemmel, John. A sermon preached at Fairlie, on June 13, 1847. . .after the funeral of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D.; with some reminiscences of the author whilst residing in the house of the deceased at the time of his death. Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1847. 19 p. 8°. An (Chalmers) p.v.l Gibson, William. The teacher from the tomb: a discourse on the life and character of the late Dr. Chalmers. Belfast: Wm. M'Comb, 1847. 39 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Gleig, George Robert. Dr. [Thomas] Chalmers. (In his: Essays, biographical, historical, and miscellaneous. London, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-125.) NCZ Repr. : Quarterly review. Hanna, William. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D.... Edinburgh: Thomas Constable 1849-52. 4 v. pi., port. 8°. AN Reviewed in Dublin University magazine, v 38 n 672-687, Dublin 1851; Scottish review, 1853, d W 107, Glasgow, 1853. * " v. 1-3. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1850-51. 12°. A g v. 1 published in 1851. High, A, Church review on Dr. Chal- mers. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1851 8°. v. 30, p. 325-333.) * DA ' From the Christian remembrancer. I., T. Funeral of the Rev. Dr. Chalmers. In a letter to a friend, by an Englishman! Signed T. I. Edinburgh: J. Wood, 1847' 7 p. 16°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Late, The, Dr. Chalmers and the lessons of his life, from personal recollections. (Southern Presbyterian review. Columbia S. C, 1847. 8°. v. 1, no. 3, p. 56-88.) ZWA Life and writings of Thomas Chalmers. (Christian remembrancer. London, 1851 8°. v. 22, p. 1-20.) *DA Lorimer, John Gordon. The righteous man taken away from the evil to come: a tribute to the memory of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers... Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1847. 31 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l M'C, J. A tribute to the memory of Dr. Chalmers. By a former pupil. [Signed J. McC] Brechin: David Burns, 1847. 8 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l M'Comb, William. Tribute to the me- mory of the Rev. T. Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. [Belfast: Banner of Ulster Office, 1847.] lip. 32°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Macleod, A. A new original poem, an eulogium to the Rev. Doctor Chalmers, containing various remarks in the form of a dialogue between some of the audience and the minister, occasioned by that ad- mirable sermon which the learned doctor preached, October last, in the parish church of Dysart... Edinburgh: the au- thor, 1826. 31 p. 8°. NCMp.box Moffat, James C. Life of Thomas Chal- mers, D.D., LL.D. Cincinnati: Moore, An- derson, Wilstach & Keys, 1853. x, 11-435 p., 1 port. 16°. AN Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wil- son. Thomas Chalmers: preacher, phil- osopher, and statesman. London: Metnuen & Co., 1893. 2 p.l., 255 p., 1 port. 12°. AN • London: Methuen & Co., 1896. 2 p.l., 255 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 12°. *R-AN Oratory, The, of Chalmers. (American literary magazine-. Albany, 1847. 8°. v. 1, p. 309-318.) *DD Ramsay, Edward Bannerman. A bio- graphical notice of the late Thomas Chal- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 461 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. mers, D.D., LL.D. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1849. 4°. v. 16, p. 497-518.) * EC Edinburgh: R. Grant, 1850. 47 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.2 Read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and reprinted from the Transactions, v. 16. Ross, Alexander Johnston. The Rev. Thomas Chalmers, his character, life and labours, a sermon... Brighton: Arthur Wallis [1847]. 28 p., 1 1. 12°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Sieveright, James. Man's best eulogy after death: a sermon, preached in the As- sembly Hall, Canonmills, June 6, 1847... after the funeral of Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1847, 16 p. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Sinclair, John. Thomas Chalmers. (In his: Sketches of old times and distant places. London, 1875. 8°. p. 68-92.) NCZ Smith, Walter Chalmers. Chalmers. Edinburgh: Macniven and Wallace, 1884. 255-289 p. 12°. (The evangelical succes- sion, series 3, lecture 8.) AGH p.v.6 Smyth, Thomas. The character of the late Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D., and the lessons of his life, from personal recol- lections. Charleston, S.C.: printed at the Office of the Southern Christian Advocate, 1848. 29 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.2 Sprague, William Buel. A discourse commemorative of the Rev. Thomas Chal- mers, D. D., delivered in the Second Pres- byterian Church, Albany, on... June 27, 1847... Albany: Erastus H. Pease & Co., 1847. 47 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.2 Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1847. 24 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l T., M. S. The Queen and Dr. Chalmers. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 90-91.) Tasker, William. Elijah's translation: a sermon, preached in Chalmers' Terri- torial Church, West Port, on June 6, 1847 ...following the death of Thomas Chal- mers, D.D., LL.D. Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1847. 16 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Thomas Chalmers, A. J. Scott, and Ed- ward Irving. (National review. London, 1862. 8°. v. 15, p. 350-370.) * DA Tweedie, William King. "He being dead yet speaketh." A sermon preached in the Territorial Church,'West Port, Edinburgh, on June 6, 1847. . .following the death of Thomas Chalmers. Edinburgh: John John- stone, 1847. 18 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Wallace, John A. "The chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof." A discourse delivered in the Free Church at Hawick, after the funeral of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1847. 22 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Cover reads 'Second edition.' Wayland, Francis. A memoir of the Christian labors, pastoral and philan- thropic, of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1864. xii, (1)14-218 p. 12°. AN Wells, James. Dr. Chalmers, the found- er of Scottish home missions. (Catholic Presbyterian. London, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 292-300.) * DA Williamson, Dugald S. The homage of the wise men to Christ. A sermon preached after the death of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., on the 6th of June, 1847. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1847. 29 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Wilson, Robert. Elegy on the death of Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Glasgow: David Robertson, 1847. 22 p. 16°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Wood, James Julius. "Help, Lord for the godly man ceaseth." A sermon preached in the Territorial Church, West Port, Edinburgh, on Thursday 1st July 1847, on occasion of the ordination of the Rev. William Tasker as the pastor of that church... Edinburgh: John D. Lowe, 1847. 20 p. 8°. AN (Chalmers) p.v.l Chalmers, Sir William, of Glenericht Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-General Sir William Chalmers of Glenericht, C. B. 1785-1860. (In : A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 506- 510.) f VWZH Chambers, Robert, Publisher Chambers, Charles Edward Stuart. Car- lyle and Robert Chambers: unpublished letters. (Chambers's journal. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. series 6, v. 3, p. 257-261.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, v. 71, p. 787-792, Boston, 1900. Chambers, Sir William. Memoir of Robert Chambers with autobiographic reminiscences of William Chambers. Edin- burgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1872. viii, (1)10-348 p. 3. ed. 12°. AN Edinburgh: W. & R. Cham- bers, 1872. 352 p., 1 pi. 5. ed. 12°. Stuart 8111 New York: Scribner, Arm- strong & Co., 1872. 313 p. 12°. AN New York: Scribner, Arm- strong & Co., 1873. 313 p. 3. ed. 12°. AN 462 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Japp, Alexander Hay. Robert Cham- bers: the editor. (In his: Noble workers, by H. A. Page [pseud.] New York [1875?]. 12°. p. 96-126.) AGH Chambers, Sir William, Publisher See entry under Chambers, Robert Charles ii.. King of Great Britain Murdoch, W. G. Blaikie. Charles the Second: his connection with art and let- ters. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 41-S2.) Two royal bibliophiles. lover's magazine. Edinburgh, 1907. 6, p. 56-60.) James iv. and Charles II. CPA (Book- 4°. v. = IAA Christie, Captain Peter, R.N. Facts relative to the late Captain P. Christie, R.N., while principal agent of transports in the Black Sea. [Aberdeen 1 John Avery, 1856.] 97 p. 8°. AGHp.v.6 Christison, Sir Robert Christison, Sir Robert. The life of Sir Robert Christison. Edited by his sons... Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1885-86. 2 v. 8°. AN Scotch, A, physician. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 138, p. 669-690.) *DA Chrystall, Thomas, Abbot of Kinloss Ferrerio, Giovanni, Piemontese. Ges- torum et totius vitse reverendi in Christo patris domini Thomae Chrystalli abbatis monasterii divae matris a Kynlos... (In his: Historia abbatum de Kynlos. Edin- burgh 1839. 4°. p. 55-81.) fCP Charteris, Rev. Archibald Hamilton Gordon, Arthur. The life of Archibald Hamilton Charteris, D.D., LL.D Lon- don: Hodder and Stoughton.i 1912. xiv, 510 p., 3 port. 8°. AN Clark, Stewart Stewart Clark. London, 1898. 8°. (Westminster review, v. 149, p. 417-421.)* DA Charteris, Colonel Francis Vincent, Arthur. Colonel Francis Char- teris (1672-1732). lport. (In: Twelve bad men. Original studies. . .edited by Thomas Seccombe. New York [1912,. 12°. p. 200- 218.) A Walford, Edward. Colonel Chartres. (In his: Tales of our great families. Lon- don, 1877. 12°. series 1, v. 2, p. 225-243.) ARF Cheyne, George, M.D. Life of George Cheyne, M.D., with ex- tracts from his works and correspondence. Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1846. viii, 141(1) p. 24°. AGHp.v.8 Clark, Dr. Thomas Bain, Alexander. Biographical memoir of Dr. Thomas Clark. (Aberdeen Philo- sophical Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1884. 8°. v. 1, p. 101-115.) *EC Claverhouse See Graham of Claverhouse Cleland, James, of Glasgow Burns, James Cleland. Memoir of James Cleland. (In his: The history of the High School of Glasgow... Glasgow, 1878. 4°. p. vii-xvi.) Stuart 11802 Cheyne, Dr. John Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. John Cheyne, M.D., F.R.S.E. 20 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838- 40. 4°. v. 3.) AB Chiene, Dr. John Chiene, John. Looking back, 1907-1860. [Edinburgh: privately printed, 1908.] 47 p. illus. 8°. WIE Clerk, Sir John, of Penicuik Clerk, Sir John. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik ... extracted by himself from his own journals, 1676-1755. Edited from the manuscript in Penicuik House with an introduction and notes by John M. Gray. Edinburgh: T. & A. Con- stable, 1892. xxxi, 278 p., 3 pi., 7 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 13.) CPA Scott-Moncrieff, William George. Sir John Clerk of Penicuik. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 22, p. 257-274.) * DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 463 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Clerk, John, of Eldin R. Mr. John Clerk t of Eldiri). (In: Pub- lic characters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 456-472.) AGH Clouston, Robert Stewart Clouston, Thomas Smith. Robert Ste- wart Clouston. 1 port. (Old-lore mis- cellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 153-155.) CR Cochrane, Alexander, Lord Lord Cochrane. (In: Public characters of 1809-10. London, 1809. 8°. p. 289-308.) AGH Cochrane, Grizel Chambers, Sir William. Story of Grisell Cochrane. (Chambers's journal. ' Edin- burgh, 1874. 4°. series 4, v. 11, p. 577-580.) *DA Russell, Constance Charlotte Eliza Len- nox, lady. Two brave Grizels: Grizel Hume and Grizel Cochrane. 1 port. (In her: Rose Goddess and other sketches. London, 1910. 8°. p. 147-164.) fA Clyde, Sir Colin Campbell, Lord Shadwell, Lawrence. The life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, illustrated by ex- tracts from his diary and correspondence. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1881. 2 v. 8°. AN General Shadwell's Life of Lord Clyde. (Edinburgh review. London, 1881. 8°. v. 154, p. 189-223.) * DA Shadwell's Life of Lord Clyde. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 129, p. 447-467.) * DA Sir Colin Campbell, G. C. B. 1 port. (National magazine. London, 1858. 4°. v. 3, p. 120-124.) * DA Walter, William. Lord Clyde. 1 port. (In: The Scottish annual. Edinburgh [1859j. 12°. 1859, p. 376-388.) NCA Cochran-Patrick, Robert William Dobie, John Shedden. The late Robert William Cochran-Patrick of Woodside and Ladyland. (Ayrshire and Galloway Ar- chaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. xxv-xxx.) f CA Cochrane, Admiral Sir Alexander Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Admiral the Hon. Sir Alexander Cochrane, 1758-1832. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 450-451.) fVWZH Cochrane, Admiral Sir Alexander Forrester Inglis Hon., The, Rear Admiral Sir Alex. For- rester Cochrane, Knight of the Bath, &c. (In: Public characters for 1809-10. Lon- don, 1809. 8°. p. 308-316.) AGH Cochrane, Thomas Cochrane, Lord See Dundonald (10. earl), Thomas Cochrane Cockburn, Mrs. Alison Cockburn, Mrs. Alison. Letters and memoir of her own life by Mrs. Alison Rutherford or Cockburn; also "Felix," a biographical sketch and various songs. Notes by T. Craig-Brown. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1900. xxxii, 281 p., 2 fac, 2 pi., 4 port. 8°. AN Graham, Henry Grey. Mrs. Alison Cockburn, 1713-1795. 2 port. (In his: A group of Scottish women. London [1908]. 8°. p. 178-198.) CP Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Mrs. Cockburn, 1712-1794. (In their: Songstresses of Scotland. London, 1871. 12°. v. 1, p. 52-195.) AGH Snow, Winifred. The life and work of Mrs. Alison Cockburn. (Sewanee review. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 13, p. 71-85.) * DA Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, Lord Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Memorials of his time. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. viii, 470 p., 1 port. 8°. CR Reviewed in The Dublin review, v. 41, p. 279-306, London, 1856. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1856. 442 p. American ed. 8°. CP Lucas, Samuel. Lord Cockburn' s Me- morials of his time. (In his: Biography & criticism... London, 1860. 16°. p. 184- 209.) NCZ Russell, Alexander. Exposure of the at- tack on Lord Cockburn's "Memorials." [By Alexander Russell.] Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. 34 p. 8°. *Cp.v.669 Reprinted from the "Scotsman" of Sept. 3, and Nov. 8, 15 and 29, 1856. 464 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Columba, Saint Anscombe, Alfred. The obit of St. Co- lumba and the chronology of the early kings of Alban. (English historical review. London, 1892. 8°. v. 7, p. 510-531.) BAA Drummond, James. Notice of one of the supposed burial-places of St. Columba. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 187S. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 613-616.) CPA Dunham, Samuel Astley. St. Columba. (521-597.) (In his: Lives of the most emi- nent literary and scientific men of Great Britain. London, 1840. 16°. v. 1, p. 1-59.) AB Grey, Laura. The Cathach of St. Co- lumba. 4 illus. (Rosary magazine. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 11, p. 339-344.) * DA Johnston, Richard Malcolm. St. Colum- ba. (Rosary magazine. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 10, p. 587-593.) * DA Keith, Duncan. Saint Columba. (In his: History of Scotland: civil and ecclesiasti- cal. Edinburgh, 1886. 12°. v. 2, p. 140- 182.) CP M'Callum, Hugh, and John M'Callum. The life of St. Columba. (In: An original collection of the poems of Ossian, Orrann, Ulin, and other bards... Montrose, 1816. 8°. p. 229-241.) NDO McCready, Charles. Columba, or Colum- kille. (The Rosary magazine. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 10, p. 594-605.) ZLF Mackay, /Eneas James George. St. Co- lumba the poet. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 166, p. 350-361.) *DA Montalembert, Charles Forbes de Tryon comte. Saint Columba, apostle of Cale- donia. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1868. xiv, 171 p. 16°. ZDVH O'Byrne, M. A. St. Colum-Cille and his fourteenth centenary. illus. (Catholic world. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 65, p. 305-319.) * DA Storer, A. C. St. Columba, apostle of Scotland. 4 illus. (Rosary magazine. Somerset, Ohio, 1905. 8°. v. 26, p. 57-63.) ZLF Combe, George, Phrenologist Angell, John. George Combe, the social reformer, and founder of the system of modern education now in course of devel- opment. (Manchester Literary Club. Pa- pers. Manchester, 1881. 8°. 1881, p. 216- 242.) * EC Combe, George. The suppressed docu- ments: or, An appeal to the public against the conductors of the Scottish Guardian Glasgow: J. M'Leod, 1836. 14 p. 8°. AGH p.v.7, no.10 Johnson, Maurice L. George Eliot and George Combe. (Westminster review London, 1906. 8°. v. 166, p. 557-568.) *DA Martineau, Harriet. George Combe. (In her: Biographical sketches. New York 1869. 12°. p. 133-145.) AGH Connal, Sir Michael Obituary of Sir Michael Connal. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 24, p. 211-219.) *EC Constable, Archibald, Publisher Constable, Archibald, and Robert Pearse Gillies. Personal reminiscences by Con- stable and Gillies. Edited by R. H. Stod- dard. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1876. xxx, 336 p., 4 port. 16°. (Bric- a-brac series.) AGH Constable, Thomas. Archibald Consta- ble and his literary correspondents. Edin- burgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1873. 3 v. port. 8°. AN Curwen, Henry. Constable, Cadell, and Black. 1 port. (In his: History of book- sellers. London [1873]. 12°. p. 110-158.) *IIE Copland, Patrick, of Aberdeen Anderson, Peter John. Mr. Patrick Cop- land. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-3.) CPA Founder of the Divinity chair in Marischal Col- lege, Aberdeen, in 1617. Cowan, Alexander, of Penicuik Alexander Cowan. [A biography.] Edin- burgh? 1859?]. 23 p. 8°. AGH p.v.7 Printed for private circulation. Craig, Rev. John Wodrow, Robert. Collections as to the life of Mr. John Craig, minister at Edin- burgh, Aberdeen, and to the king's family. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's bio- graphical collections... Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. p. 1-56.) fCP Craig, Sir Thomas, of Riccarton Life of Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 383-394.) * DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 465 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Cramond, William, LL.D. Late, The, Dr. Cramond's publications. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 154-156.) CPA Crawford, Rev. David, D.D. Jubilee memorial. Record of a compli- mentary dinner to the Rev. David Craw- ford, D.D., Edinburgh, in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination. Edinburgh: William Oliphant & Co., 1865. 45 p. 16°. AGHp.v.8 Creech, William, Publisher Account, An, of the life of the late Mr. William Creech. (In: W. Creech, Edin- burgh fugitive pieces... Edinburgh, 1815. 8°. p. xi-xli.) CR Crichton, James, "The Admirable" Admirable, The, Crichton. (Bentley's miscellany. London, 1837. 8°. v. 1, p. 416-418.) * DA Crichton, Douglas. The Admirable Crichton: a translation of a Latin oration delivered by him before the Senate of Genoa in July, 1579, and a brief account of his life. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Nat- ural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1910. 8°. 1908- 09, p. 100-125.) * EC The circumstances relating to the death of James (the Admirable) Crichton in Mantua on 3rd July 1582, and the evi- dence as to the existence of a contempo- rary bearing the same name. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 296-308.) CPA Forbes, James David. The Admirable Crichton. 1 port. (Good words. London, 1864. 8°. v. 5, p. 67-72.) * DA Lee, Sidney L. The Admirable Crich- ton. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1888. 8°. v. 264, p. 244-266.) * DA (Eclectic magazine of foreign literature. New York, 1888. 8°. new series, v. 47, p. 774-788.) * DA Life, The, of James Crichton, of Clunie, commonly called the Admirable Crichton. 1 port. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scot- land. London, 1776. 4. ed. 4°. v. 1, p. 313- 328.) f CPW „ Reprinted from a chapbook attributed to Francis Douglas published in Aberdeen, about 1768. The chapbook is based on Mackenzie's Lives of eminent writers of the Scottish nation, 1722. McDowall, Katharine A. The Admi- rable Crichton. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 24-40, 423- 425.) * DA Marshall, Lily Eglantine. The last days of the Admirable Crichton. (From docu- ments existing in the archives at Mantua.) illus. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 181-192, 237-252.) CPA Masson, Auguste Michel Benoit Gaudi- chot. Jacques Crichton. 1 pi. (In his: Les enfants celebres . . . Paris, 1875. 10. ed. 12°. p. 323-328.) A Memoir, A, of the Admirable Crichton. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edin- burgh, 1774. 8°. v. 2, p. 464-469.) * DE Portrait lacking. Niceron, Jean Pierre. Robert Creyghton [Crichton]. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des homines illustres... Paris, 1733. 12°. v. 23, p. 199-201.) A Remarks on Tytler's life of the Admi- rable Crichton. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 393-399.) * DA Some account of the Admirable Crich- ton. (The Adventurer. London, 1794. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 332-341.) NCY Stuart, John. Notices of Sir Robert Crichton of Cluny, and of his son James, "The Admirable Crichton." 1 port. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 103-118.) CPA Whibley, Charles. The Admirable Crich- ton. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 185, p. 691-705.) * DA (In his: Essays in biography. London, 1913. 12°. p. 213-246.) AGH Crichton, James, of Frendraught Stuart, John. Notice of two ancient sil- ver chalices and a silver basin belonging to the parish of Forgue, Aberdeenshire, and of their donors, James Crichton of Frendraught, and his son, the Viscount Frendraught. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 91-109.) CPA Reprints (from Motherwell) the old ballad on the burning of Frendraught. Crichton, Sir Robert, of Cluny Stuart, John. Notices of Sir Robert Crichton of Cluny, and of his son James, "The Admirable Crichton." 1 port. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 103-118.) CPA 466 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Crichton, Father William Law, Thomas Graves. Father William Crichton, S. J. (English historical review. London, 1893. 8°. v. 8, p. 697-703.) BAA Agent in Spanish intrigues during the reign of James vi. Crimond, Robert Burnet, Lord Certain papers of Robert Burnet, after- wards Lord Crimond, Gilbert Burnet, afterwards bishop of Salisbury, and Robert Leighton, sometime archbishop of Glas- gow. Edited by H. C. Foxcroft. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 315-370.) CPA (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London 1838-40. 4°. v. 4.) AB Rush, Benjamin. An eulogium in honor of the late Dr. William Cullen, professor ...in the University of Edinburgh, de- livered before the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, on the 9th of July... 1790 Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson, 1790. 30 p.' 8°. Reserve CuNINGHAME, WlLLIAM Steuart, A. Francis. A Scot in France in 1751. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 362-372.) CPA Extracts from the ms. journal of William Cun- inghame, a son of the house of Enterkine, in Ayr- shire. Croal, George, of Edinburgh Reekie, Charles. George Croal. 1 port. (Caledonian. New York, 1906-07. 8°. v. 6, p. 7-10.) * DD Crockett, Samuel Rutherford Bizet, George. S. R. Crockett. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 29, p. 644-646.) * DA With a bibliography. Sherard, Robert Harborough. S. R. Crockett at home. 1 port, illus. (The Idler. London, 1895. 8°. v. 7, p. 797-817.) *DA Croll, James, Physical Geologist Geikie, Sir Archibald. James Croll, F.R.S. By A. G. (Nature. London, 1890. 4°. v. 43, p. 180-181.) OA Sketch of James Croll. 1 port. (Popu- lar science monthly. New York, 1897. 8° v. 51, p. 544-552.) * DA Cunningham, Allan Allan Cunningham, lany. London, 1845. 564.) (Bentley's miscel- 8°. v. 17, p. 557- *DA Allan Cunningham, Esq. 1 port. (Fra- ser's magazine. London. 1832. 8°. v. 6, p. 249.) *DA H. Allan Cunningham, blee. London, 1827. 8°. (La belle assem- v. 5, p. 53-57.) *DE Hall, Samuel Carter, and Mrs. S. C. Hall. Allan Cunningham. port, illus. (Art journal. London, 1866. f°. v. 18, p. 369- 372.) f MAA Cunningham, Daniel John Thomson, Arthur. Daniel John Cun- ningham. Born April 15th, 1850; died June 23rd, 1909. 1 port. (Man. London, 1909. 4°. 1909. no. 62.) QOA Crosbie, Mary K. Testimonials in favour of Miss Mary K. Crosbie [for position of matron in George Gillespie's Hospital]. (Edinburgh, 1848., 12 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll65 Cruikshank, William Cumberland, F.R.S. Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. William C. Cruikshank, F.R.S. 20 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838- 40. 4°. v. 3.) AB Cullen, Dr. William Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. William Cullen, M.D., F.R.S., L. & E. 12 p., 1 port. Cunningham, Rev. David Wodrow, Robert. Collections on the life of Mr. David Cunningham, minister at Lanark, Monkland, sub-dean of Glasgow, and minister and bishop of Aberdeen. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographi- cal collections. . . Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. p. 57-65.) fCP Cunningham, Daniel John Johnson, Charles. The life of Sawney Cunningham. (In his: A general history of the lives and adventures of the most famous highwaymen . . . London, 1736. f°. p. 28-34.) Reserve LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 467 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Cunningham, William, of Ckaigends Cunningham, William, of Craigends. The diary and general expenditure book of W. Cunningham of Craigends, commis- sioner to the Convention of Estates and member of Parliament for Renfrewshire, kept chiefly from 1673 to 1680. Edited from the original manuscript by Rev. James Dodds, D.D. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1887. xliv p., 1 1., ISO p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 2.) CPA Currie, Dr. James N., M. Doctor Currie, of Liverpool. (In: Public characters of 1799-1800. Lon- don, 1799. 8°. p. 521-531.) AGH Dalgarno, Mary, 1797-1808 Skinner, W. A sermon preached in St. Andrew's Chapel, Aberdeen, June 26, 1808. Edinburgh: John Moir, 1808. 24 p., 1 pi. 8°. ZIY p.v.46 On the death of Mary Dalgarno. Davidson, Andrew Bruce Driver, Samuel Rolles. Professor [An- drew Bruce] Davidson. (British Academy. Proceedings. London [1905]. 8°. 1903-04, p. 289-293.) * EC Rev. George Smyttan favour of the Davidson, Testimonials in favour of the Rev. George S. Davidson, as a candidate for the Greek chair in the University of Edin- burgh. [Edinburgh, 1851.] 28 p. 8°. AGH p.v.9 Davidson, Rev. John, of Prestonpans M'Neill, Peter. John Davidson, minister of Prestonpans, and his times. (In his: Prestonpans and vicinity. . . Tranent, 1902. 12°. p. 36-56.) CR Rogers, Charles. Three poets of the Scottish Reformation: Alexander Cunning- ham, fifth earl of Glencairn, Henry Bal- naves of Halhill, and John Davidson, min- ister of Prestonpans. 1 port. (Royal His- torical Society. Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 163-294.) CA Dalhousie (10. earl), James Andrew Ramsay Lee-Warner, Sir William. The life of the marquis of Dalhousie. London: Mac- millan and Co., 1904. 2 v. maps, pi., port. 8°. AN Dalrymple, Sir David, Lord Hailes Catalogue, A, of the works of Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes, arranged in the order of their publication. (In: James Savage, The librarian. London, 1808. 8°. v. 1, p. 76-85.) CA Darling, Moir Tod Stormonth Lees, J. M. Some early recollections of Lords Robertson and Stormonth Darling. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 24, p. 81-94.) SEA Darnley, Henry, Lord Johnson, Francis. Assassinations of Riz- zio and Darnley. 2 port. (In his: Famous assassinations of history. Chicago, 1903. 8°. p. 89-108.) BAC Memoir of Henry Stuart, Earl Darnley, king of Scotland. 16 p. (The court lady's magazine, Monthly critic and museum. London, 1843. 8°. united series, v. 12.) *DE Portrait lacking. Davidson, Rev. Thomas Muirhead, George. Great gain to Chris- tians: a sermon, preached in the Tolbooth Church of Edinburgh, on Sabbath, Novem- ber 11, 1827, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Thomas Davidson, of Muirhouse, with some account of his life and character. To which is added, a character of Dr. Davidson, by the Rev. Dr. Lorimer of Haddington. Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1827. 43 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.47 Published at the request of the kirk session. Davidson, Thomas, Palaeontologist Young, John. Notice of the late Dr. Thomas Davidson, F.R.S. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 138-142.) PTA Davidson, Thomas, the "Wandering Scholar" Knight, William. Memorials of Thomas Davidson, the wandering scholar. Collect- ed and edited by William Knight. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1907. xi, 241 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Appendix E contains a bibliography of Davidson's works. Davidson, William, M.D. Small, John. Notice of William David- son, M.D. (Gulielmus Davissonus), first professor of chemistry, and director ot the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, afterwards physi- 468 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. cian to the king of Poland. 1 port. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 265-280.) CPA Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1874. 16 p., 1 port. sq. 8°. AGH p.v. 30 London: Hodder & Stoughton, 479 p., 1 map, 1 port. 8°. Autograph letter of author inserted. XVI, AN Ward, John. Memoir of the late Wil- liam Denny, president of the institution. 1 port. (Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1887. 8°. v. 30, p. 257-286.) VDA Davis, Alice Davis, Alice. A brief sketch of the life of Alice Davis, only surviving daughter of a deceased officer: the wrongs which she suffered, and the oppressions and de- privations she endured. Glasgow: J. Car- michael & Co., 1828. 36 p. 24°. ?EC p.v.83 Dempster, George, Agriculturist Mr. George Dempster. (In: Public char- acters of 1809-10. London, 1809. 8°. p. 238-268.) AGH Dervorgilla, Lady Huyshe, Wentworth. Dervorgilla, lady of Galloway, and her abbey of the Sweet Heart. With illustrations by F. Fissi, and the author. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1913 xii, 157 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. illus. 4°. AN Dick, Sir Alexander, of Prestonfield Curiosities of a Scots charta chest, 1600- 1800: with the travels and memoranda of Sir Alexander Dick... of Prestonfield... written by himself. Edited and arranged by Mrs. Atholl Forbes. Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1897. xx, 339 p., 14 fac, 5 pi., 4 port. 4°. fCP Dempster, Thomas, Biographer Goodrick, A. T. S. A Scottish Johnson. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 186, p. 755-768.) * DA Thomas Dempster. Niceron, Jean Pierre. Thomas Demp- ster. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'his- toire des hommes illustres... Paris, 1734. 12°. v. 28, p. 301-324.) A Thomas Dempster (1579-1625), author of Historia ecclesiastica gentis Scotorum, etc. Dick, Robert, Naturalist Robert Dick, the Thurso naturalist. (Argosy. London, 1879. 8°. v. 27, p. 288- 294.) * DA Smiles, Samuel. Robert Dick, baker, of Thurso, geologist and botanist. New York: Harper & Bros., 1879. xx, 436 p., 1 map, 13 pi., 2 port. 12°. AN Symington, Alexander Macleod. Robert Dick, baker. (Good words. London, 1879. 8°. v. 20, p. 239-243.) *DA Denham, Sir James Stewart Albanicus, pseud. Sketch of the life of the late Sir James Stewart Denham, baron- et... 1 port. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 5, p. 1-8, 41-49.) * DE Probably by David, earl of Buchan. Buchan (11. earl), David Stuart Erskine. Memoirs of the life of Sir James Steuart Denham, baronet. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 129-139.) fCPA Kippis, Andrew. The life of Sir James Steuart Denham of Coltness and West- field, bart. (In: The Coltness collections. Glasgow, 1842. 4°. p. 281-332.) CP Denny, William, Ship-builder Bruce, Alexander Balmain. The life of William Denny, ship-builder, Dumbarton. Dick, Major-General Sir Robert Henry Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General Sir Robert Henry Dick of Tulliemet, K.C.B. 1785(?)-1846. 1 port. (In: A military his- tory of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 496-501.) tVWZH Dickson, Rev. David Wodrow, Robert. A short account of the life of the Rev. David Dickson. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-15.) AGH Reprinted from the edition of 1684. p. 17-28 contain an appendix to the life. Dickson, William Purdie Galbraith, James Lachlan. The curator of Glasgow University Library. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1909. 4 pi, 43 p. 12°. AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 469 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Donald, Adam, "Prophet of Bethelnie" Sketch of the life of Adam Donald, who was well known in Aberdeenshire, for many years, by the name of the Prophet of Bethelnie. 1 port. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1791. 16°. v. 6, p. 241-246.) * DE Donaldson, Joseph, Soldier Donaldson, Joseph. Recollections of the eventful life of a soldier. By the late J. Donaldson, sergeant in the Ninety-Fourth Scots Brigade. Philadelphia: G. B. Zieber & Co., 1845. vii, 9-231 p. 24°. AN (Smith's weekly volume: a se- lect circulating library... Philadelphia, 184S. f°. v. 1, p. 348-382.) f * DD Another issue of the foregoing. Donn, Rob See Mackay, Robert Douglas, Janet See tender Glamis, Janet Douglas, Lady Douglas, Lady Margaret Henderson, Charles. Notes on a deed by Lady Margaret Douglas of Lochleven, dated 16th October 1560. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 224-227.) CPA Douglas, Rev. Robert Gloag, Paton J. The former proprietor of Abbotsford. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 393-405.) * DA Rev. Dr. Robert Douglas. Dowden, John, Bishop of Edinburgh Dowden, Alice. Biographical sketch L of John Dowden, D.D., bishop of Edinburgh]. (In: John Dowden, The mediaeval church in Scotland. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. p. xv- xliii.) Douglas, Rev. Archibald Lang, Andrew. A gentleman of Scot- land. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 170, p. 94-105.) * DA Rev. Archibald Douglas. Douglas, Gavin, Bishop of Dunkeld Irving, David. The life of Gavin Doug- las. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-67.) AB Small, John. [Biography of Gavin Doug- las.] (In: Gavin Douglas, Poetical works, edited by J. Small. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 1, p. i-exxvii.) NCL Wall, Annie. Gawain Douglas, bishop of Dunkeld. (The Western: a journal of literature. St. Louis, Mo., 1877. 8°. v. 3, p. 724-737.) * DD Douglas, Sir James, of Dalkeith Testamenta domini Jacobi de Douglas domini de Dalketh militis. 1390-1392. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 101-120.) f CP Douglas, James, M.D. Brackenbury, Sir Henry. James Doug- las, M.D., surgeon venturer. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 191, p. 94-110.) * DA Downie, Richard, of Aberdeen "Who murdered Downie?" (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1852. 8°. v. 5, p. 625-626.) * DA Richard Downie was a janitor in Marischal Col- lege, Aberdeen, and met his death through a practical joke played on him by some of the students. Drummond, Sir Adam, of Megginch Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Vice-Admiral Sir Adam Drummond of Megginch, K.C.H. 1770-1849. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 484-485.) f VWZH Drummond, General Andrew John Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General Andrew John Drummond (de jure seventh Viscount Strathallan). (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 436-437.) fVWZH Drummond, George, of Edinburgh Sim, George. Notice of a rare medal of Provost Drummond of Edinburgh, pre- sented to the society by George Sim. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 393-394.) CPA 470 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Drummond, General Sir Gordon Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General Sir Gordon Drummond, G.C.B. 1772-1854. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 486-492.) t VWZH Drummond, Rev. Henry Nicoll, Sir William Robertson. Henry Drummond. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1897. 8°. v. 71, p. 499-510.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, new series, v. 66, p. 11-19, New York, 1897. Sheridan, Wilbur F. Henry Drummond. (Methodist review. New York [1908]. 8°. v. 90, p. 360-369.) * DA Smith, George Adam. The life of Henry Drummond. New York: Doubleday & Mc- Clure Co., 1898. xi p., 1 1., 541 p., 1 port. 8°. AN New York: Doubleday & Mc- Clure Co., 1899. xiii, 541 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Sutherland, D. Henry Drummond, a manly minister. (Methodist review. Nash- ville, 1897. 8°. v. 45 [series 3, v. 22], p. 396- 400.) * DA Watson, John. Henry Drummond. (North American review. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 164, p. 513-525.) * DA Drummond, Admiral Sir James Robert Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Murray, marchioness of. Admiral the Hon. Sir James Robert Drummond, G.C.B. 1812-95. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 534- 538.) t VWZH Drummond, William. Notes of Ben Jon son's conversations with William Drum mond of Hawthornden. January, m.d.cxb [Edited by David Laing.j London The Shakespeare Society, 1842. xxiv, 54 p 8°. (Shakespeare Society, rv. 17])* NCI The footnotes in this edition have been amplifiei and corrected by the aid of J. P. Collier and 1 Cunningham. Fox, Arthur W. With Jonson at Haw thornden. (Manchester quarterly. Mar Chester, 1899. 8°. v. 18, p. 61-84.) * D/ Hall, William C. Drummond of Haw thornden. (Manchester quarterly. Man Chester, 1908. 8°. v. 27, p. 206-229.) * D/ Masson, David. Drummond of Haw thornden: the story of his life and writings London: Macmillan and Co., 1873. 1 p,l 1 I., vii-xv, 490 p., 1 port. 12°. A^ Sanders, H. M. Drummond of Haw thornden. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon don, 1904. 8°. v. 297, p. 360-375.) * Dt Smith, George Barnett. Drummond o Hawthornden. (New quarterly magazine London, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 620-639.) * DI Whibley, Charles. The library of an oli scholar. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 166, p. 753-767.) * D^ That of Drummond of Hawthornden. Drummond, Lieutenant-General William Ross, Andrew. Lieutenant-General Wil liam Drummond of Cromlix, first Viscoun Strathallan, 1617(?)-88. (In: a militar history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Pert! 1908. 4°. p. 360-364.) f VWZI Drysdale, Rev. John Dalzel, Andrew. Account of John Drys dale, D.D. [1718-1788.] (Royal Societ of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgl 1794. 4°. v. 3, p. 37-53.) *Ei Drummond, John, of Drummondirnoch Black, John A. Highland revenge. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 430-434.) * DE Murder of John Drummond of Drummondirnoch, 1589. Drysdale, Thomas, Herald Stodart, Robert Riddle. Will of a Sco tish herald of the seventeenth centur [By R. R. Stodart.] (Genealogist. Loi don, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 154-156.) * R - Room 32 Thomas Dnyisdaill (Drysdale.) Drummond, William, of Hawthornden Albanicus, pseud. Remarks on the char- acter and writings of William Drummond of Hawthornden. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1792. 16°. v. 9, p. 41-51.) * DE Probably by David, 11. earl of Buchan. Bond, R. Warwick. Drummond of Haw- thornden. (Fortnightly review. London, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 81, p. 414-424.) *DA Duff, Rev. Alexander, D.D. Lalavihari De. Recollections of Alexai der Duff, and of the Mission College whic he founded in Calcutta. London: T. Ne son and Sons, 1879. viii, (1)10-243 p. 12 A Smith, George. The life of Alexand Duff, D.D. With an introduction by Wi liam M. Taylor. New York: A. C. Arr strong & Son, n. d. 2 v. 8°. A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 471 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Duff, Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Ward, Wilfrid. Sir M. E. Grant Duff's diaries. 1 port. (In his: Ten personal studies. London, 1908. 8°. p. 130-155.) NCZ Duff, Robert, Schoolmaster Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Statement by the Acting Colonial Committee of the General Assembly, in regard to the case of Mr. Robert Duff, lately parochial schoolmaster of the parish of Rhynie. [Glasgow, 1840?] 7 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v. 31 Has postmark: Glasgow, 6. Jan. 1841. Dunbar, Gavin, Archbishop of Glasgow Bain, Joseph. Testamentum quondam reverendissimi patris et domini Gauini ar- chiepiscopi Glasguensis ac monasterii In- sule Missarum perpetui commendatorii. (Archaeological journal. London, 1882. 8°. v. 39, p. 412-419.) CA Dunbar, William, Poet Irving, David. The life of William Dun- bar. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 389-441.) AB Mackay, .Eneas James George. Memoir of Dunbar. (In: William Dunbar, The poems of William Dunbar... Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. xi-lxxv.) NDP Schipper, Jakob. William Dunbar. Sein Leben und seine Gedichte in analysen und ausgewahlten Uebersetzungen nebst einem Abriss der altschottischen Poesie. Ein Beitrag zur schottisch-englischen Litera- tur- und Cultur- Geschichte. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1884. xviii, 412 p. 12°. NCC Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant. Wil- liam Dunbar. Edinburgh: Oliphant, An- derson & Ferrier [1898). 159 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) * R - AN Wright, Thomas. On the Scottish poet Dunbar. (In his: Essays on subjects con- nected with the literature. . .of England in the middle ages. London, 1846. 8°. v. 2, p. 291-306.) CBA and CN Duncan, Adam Duncan, Viscount Camperdown: eulogy on the illustrious admiral. Edinburgh: George Panton, 1798. xxix p. 8°. NCI p.v. 62 Camperdown (3. earl), Robert Adam Philips Haldane Duncan. Admiral Dun- can. With. . .a plan of the action off Cam- perdown. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1898. xi p., 1 1,. 416 p., 3 port. 8°. VYD Sellar, Eleanor C. Admiral Viscount Duncan. 1731-1804. 1 port. (In: A mili- tary history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 400-406.) f VWZH Duncan, Henry, D.D. Hall, Sophy. Dr. Duncan of Ruthwell, founder of savings banks. Edinburgh: Oli- phant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1910. 156 p., 5 pi., 3 port. 12°. AN Duncan, Mrs. Mary Lundie Lundie, Mrs. Memoir of Mrs. Mary Lundie Duncan: being recollections of a daughter. By her mother [Mrs. Lundiej. From the 2. Edinburgh ed. New York: R. Carter, 1842. 268 p. 12°. Stuart 8137 Duncan, Thomas Wenley, Robert Mark. Thomas Duncan. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 151-157.) * DE Dundas, General Sir David General, Sir David Dundas, K.B. (In: Public characters of 1803-1804. London, 1804. 8°. p. 254-266.) AGH Dundas. Henry See Melville (1. viscount), Henry Dundas Dundas, Captain James, V. C. Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Captain James Dun- das of Ochtertyre. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 561-562.) fVWZH Dundas, Robert, of Arniston Wright, Thomas. A sermon preached in the church of Borthwick, June 27, 1819. being the first Sunday after the funeral of the Right Hon. Robert Dundas... Edin- burgh: Manners and Millar, 1819. 39 p. 8°. AGHp.v.10 Dundee, John Graham, Viscount See Graham, John, Viscount Dundee 472 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. DUNDONALD (9. EARL), ARCHIBALD COCHRANE Earl, The, of Dundonald. (In: Public characters of 1809-10. London, 1809. 8°. p. 275-289.) AGH Dundonald (10. earl), Thomas Cochrane Allen, Joseph. Life of the earl of Dun- donald, G.C.B., rear-admiral of the United Kingdom and admiral of the Red. London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, 1861. xii, 362 p., 2 maps, 1 pi., 1 port. 16°. AN Dundonald (10. earl), Thomas Cochrane. The autobiography of a seaman. London: Richard Bentley, 1860. 2 v. 8°. AN Dundonald (11. earl), Thomas Barnes Cochrane, and H. R. F. Bourne. The life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, tenth earl of Dundonald, completing the "Autobiog- raphy of a seaman." London: Richard Bentley, 1869. 2 v. 8°. AN Earl, The, of Dundonald. 32 p. (In: Chambers's miscellany. Edinburgh, n. d. new ed. 12°. v. 1.) *C Hunter, A. Lord and Lady Dundonald's elopement to Gretna. (Saint Pauls. Lon- don, 1872. 8°. v. 10, p. 402-407.) * DA Lord Dundonald's memoirs (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. New York, 1860. 8°. v. 87, p. 176-195.) * DA Redding, Cyrus. Lord Cochrane. (In his: Personal reminiscences of eminent men. London, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 230-270.) A Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Rear-Admiral the Earl of Dundonald, 1775-1860. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 452-457.) fVWZH Dunfermline (1. earl), Alexander Seton Funeral, The, of Alexander, earl of Dun- fermline. [From ms. in the Lyon Office.] (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 160-168.) CPA Seton, George. Memoir of Alexander Seton, earl of Dunfermline, president of the Court of Session, and chancellor of Scotland. With an appendix containing a list of the various presidents of the court, and genealogical tables of the legal fami- lies of Erskine, Hope, Dalrymple, and Dun- das. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882. xiv, 217 p., 1 fac, 5 pi., 2 port. 8°. AN burgh and Monross. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographical collections ... Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. p. 124-164.) fCP Dwelley, Edward Some notes on a well-known work and its little-known author. (Celtic review Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 193-202.) ' NDK Edward Dwelley and his Gaelic dictionary. Dyce, Alexander Forster, John. A word on Alexander Dyce. (Fortnightly review. London, 1875 8°. new series, v.' 18, p. 731-746.) *DA Elizabethan scholar. Dyce, William, Painter Palgrave, Francis Turner. William Dyce. (In his: Essays on art. New York 1867. 12°. p. 142-146.) MAS Edgar, James Grampian Club. Genealogical collec- tions concerning the Scottish house of Edgar. With a memoir of James Edgar. . . (Edited by Andrew Edgar and Charles Rogers]. London: printed for the Gram- pian Club, 1873. 2 p.l., iv, 103 p., 1 port. 4°. ARZ Edward, Thomas, Naturalist Smiles, Samuel. Life of a Scotch natural- ist, Thomas Edward; associate of the Lin- nean Society. Portrait and illustrations by G. Reid. London: J. Murray, 1882. xxxv, 392 p., 9 pi., 1 port, new ed. 12°. AN New York: Harper & Bros., 1877. 2 p.l., 13-390 p., 1 port, illus. 12°. AN Elcho, David Wemyss, Lord Charteris, Evan. Memoir of David, Lord Elcho. (In: D. Wemyss, Lord Elcho, A short account of affairs in Scotland... Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. p. 1-221.) CP Elder, John, Shipbuilder Rankine, William John Macquorn. Sketch of the life of John Elder, late president of the institution. 1 port. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1872. 8°. v. 15, p. 15-25.) VDA Durie, Rev. John Wodrow, Robert. Collections upon the life of Mr. John Durie, minister at Edin- Elgin (8. earl), James Bruce Bourinot, Sir John George. Lord Elgin. Toronto: Morang & Co., Ltd., 1906. 5 p.l., LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 473 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. 276 p., 1 port. 8°. (Makers of Canada, v. 16.) HWD Parknian edition. Dinner to... the earl of Elgin and Kin- cardine... Selection of vocal music... London, 18S4. 10 p. 12°. NCK p.box Elgin (8. earl), James Bruce. Letters and journals. . .edited by Theodore Wal- rond. With a preface by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. London: John Murray, 1872. xii, 467 p. 8°. AN Martineau, Harriet. The earl of Elgin and Kincardine. (In her: Biographical sketches. New York, 1869. 12°. p. 346- 3S6.) AGH Wrong, George McKinnon. The earl of Elgin. London: Methuen & Co. [1905?] xii, 300 p., 1 map, 12 pi., 7 port. 8°. (Methu- en's colonial library.) AN Elgin (7. earl), Thomas Bruce Earl, The, of Elgin, knight of the Turk- ish order of the Crescent. (In: Public charactrs of 1807. London, 1807. 8°. p. 258-282.) AGH Elliot, Jane oe Jean, Poetess Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Miss Jean Elliot, 1727-1805. (In their: Songstresses of Scotland. London, 1871. 12°. v. 1, p. 196-223.) AGH Errol (15. earl), James Boyd Biographical sketch of the late earl of Errol. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 5, p. 304-316.) * DE Erskine, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Erskine, 1768-1801. (In: A mili- tary history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 471-474.) t VWZH Erskine, Rev. Ebenezer Fraser, Donald. The life and diary of Ebenezer Erskine, of Stirling, father of the Secession Church. To which is prefixed, a memoir of his father, Rev. Henry Er- skine, of Chirnside. Edinburgh: William Oliphant, 1831. xix, 543 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Ker, John. The Erskines: Ebenezer and Ralph. (In his: Scottish nationality and other papers. Edinburgh, 1887. 12°. p. 64-108.) CP Erskine, George, of Innertiel Small, John. Sketches of early Scottish alchemists: Michael Scott, King James iv., Sir George Erskine of Innertiel. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 179-197.) CPA Elfhinstone, Mountstewart Kaye, John William. The Hon. Mount- stuart Elphinstone. (In his: Lives of In- dian officers... London, 1869. 12°. v. 1, p. 335-458.) BGL Mountstewart Elphinstone. (Quarterly review. London, 1884. 8°. v. 157, p. 358- 386.) * DA Elphinstone, William, Bishop of Aberdeen Garden, Alexander. The lyf, doings, and deathe of... William Elphinstoun. . .the 23 bishop of Aberdene. . . Aberdene, the yeer 1619. (Reprinted in his: A theatre of Scot- tish worthies .. . Glasgow, 1878. sq. 8°.) NCE Erceldoune, Thomas of Irving, David. The life of Thomas Ler- mont. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 225-249.) AB Erskine, Rev. Henry, Covenanter Fraser, Donald. The life and diary of Ebenezer Erskine, of Stirling, father of the Secession Church. To which is prefixed, a memoir of his father, Rev. Henry Erskine, of Chirnside. Edinburgh: William Oli- phant, 1831. xix, 543 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Veitch, Mrs. William. Memoirs of Mrs. William Veitch, Thomas Hog of Kiltearn, Henry Erskine, and John Carstairs... Edinburgh: Committee of General Assem- bly, Free Church of Scotland, 1846. iv p., 1 1., 152 p. 12°. AN Erskine, Henry, Lord Advocate Account of the proceedings at the din- ner given to Lord Erskine, in the Assem- bly Rooms. . .Edinburgh, on Monday, the 21st February 1820; with a character of the late Hon. Henry Erskine, written at the time of his death, by Francis Jeffrey, Esq. Edinburgh: John Robertson, 1820. 48 p. 8°. AGH p.v.10 474 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Fergusson, Alexander. The Honour- able Henry Erskine, lord advocate for Scotland, with notices of certain of his kinsfolk and of his time... Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882. xx, 564 p., 1 chart, 5 port, illus. 8°. AN See the critical notice in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 132, p. 462-476. Henry Erskine and his times. (Edin- burgh review. London, 1883. 8°. v. 157, p. 228-263. 8°.) * DA Honourable, The, Henry Erskine. [1746- 1817.] (In: British public characters of 1798. London L 1798j. 8°. p. 261-265.) AGH Lovat-Fraser, J. A. Henry Erskine. (Ju- ridical review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 24, p. 51-57.) SEA Erskine, Rev. John, D.D. Davidson, Thomas. A sketch of the character of Dr. John Erskine, one of the ministers of the Old Gray Friars Church of Edinburgh, who died on the 19th of January, 1803... Edinburgh: H. Inglis, prtr., 1803. 20 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.41 Inglis, John. The memory of the right- eous; a sermon, preached in the Old Gray Friar's Church, Edinburgh, on 30th Jan. 1803, being the first Sabbath after the funeral of the Rev. John Erskine, D.D. Edinburgh: Manners and Miller. 1803. 2 p.L, 26 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.47 Published at the request of the kirk-session. Erskine, Mrs., of Grange. See Grange, Rachel, Erskine, Lady Erskine, Rev. Ralph Fraser, Donald. The life and diary of Ralph Erskine, of Dunfermline, one of the founders of the Secession Church. Edin- burgh: William Oliphant & Son, 1834. xx, (1)22-564 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Ker, John. The Erskines: Ebenezer and Ralph. (In his: Scottish nationality and other papers. Edinburgh, 1887. 12°. o 64-108.) CP Erskine, Robert, Physician Letters and documents relating to Robert Erskine, physician to Peter the Great, czar of Russia, 1677-1720. Edited by Rev. Robert Paul. (Scottish' History So- ciety. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904 8° v. 2, p. 373-430.) CPA Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Lous Account of the proceedings at the din- ner given to Lord Erskine, in the Assem- bly Rooms. .. Edinburgh, on Monday, the 21st February 1820; with a character of the late Hon. Henry Erskine, written at the time of his death, by Francis Jeffrey Esq. Edinburgh: John Robertson, 1820' 48 p. 8°. AGHp.v.10 Chambers, Sir William. Story of Er- skine. (Chambers's journal. Edinburgh 1874. 4°. series 4, v. 11, p. 353-356.) *DA Edgar, John G. Lord Erskine. (In his: Footprints of famous men. London 1860 new ed. 16°. p. 98-116.) a Erskine. 1 illus. (In: Distinguished men of modern times. London, 1838. 16° v 4, p. 318-333.) ' a H., C. The Hon. Thomas Erskine. (In- Public characters of 1799-1800. London 1799. 8°. p. 63-88.) AGH Lovat-Fraser, J. A. Lord Chancellor Erskine. (Juridical review. Edinburgh 1907. 8°. v. 18, p. 357-369.) SEA Roscoe, Henry. [Thomasj Lord Erskine. (In his: Lives of eminent British lawyers. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1841. 12°. v. 2, p. 136-209.) AB T. Life of Lord Erskine. (Law maga- zine. London, 1839-40. 8°. v. 22, p. 121- 147, 272-312; v. 23, p. 36-75, 322-356; v. 24, p. 36-72.) XAA Erskine, Thomas, of Linlathen Erskine, Thomas. Letters of Thomas Erskine of Linlathen, from 1800 till 1840. Edited by William Hanna, D.D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1877. viii, 416 p. 12°. AN Letters of Thomas Erskine of Lin- lathen, from 1840 till 1870. Edited by Wil- liam Hanna, D.D. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1877. x, 419 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Three Scottish teachers. (Edinburgh re- view. London, 1878. 8°. v. 147, p. 386- 409.) *DA Thomas Erskine of Linlathen, John M'Leod Campbell, D.D., Bishop Alexander Ewing. Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 137, p. 771- 783, Boston, 1878. Wedgwood, Julia. Thomas Erskine of Linlathen. (In her: Nineteenth century teachers and other essays. London, 1909. 8°. p. 63-78.) NCZ Reprinted from the Contemporary review. Eskgrove, David Rae, Lord See Rae, Sir David LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 475 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Ewart, Peter Henry, William Charles. A biographi- cal notice of the late Peter Ewart [1767- 1842]. (Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs. London, 1846. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 113-136.) * EC Ewing, Alexander, Bishop of Argyll Lees, Sir James Cameron. Bishop [Alex- ander] Ewing. (In: St. Giles' lectures, series 3, Scottish divines. Edinburgh: Mac- niven & Wallace, 1883. 12°. p. 353-388.) ZEC p.v.4 Ross, Alexander J. Memoir of Alex- ander Ewing, D.C.L., bishop of Argyll and the Isles. London: Daldy, Isbister, & Co., 1877. xiii p., 1 1., 643 p., 1 port, illus. 8°. AN Three Scottish teachers. (Edinburgh review. London, 1878. 8°. v. 147, p. 386- 409.) * DA Thomas Erskine of Linlathen, John M'Leod Campbell, D.D., Bishop Alexander Ewing. Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 37, p. 771- 783, Boston, 1878. Ewing, Rev. Greville Wardlaw, Ralph. The end of living, and the gain of dying, to the faithful servant of Christ. A sermon, preached in the Congregational Chapel, Nile St., Glasgow, August 8th, 1841, on occasion of the death of the Rev. Greville Ewing. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Robert Nelson, 1841. iv, (1)6-36 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.77 Ewing, Mrs. Greville Fraser, Sir William. Barbara Maxwell — Mrs. Greville Ewing. 1773-1828. (In his: Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollok. Edin- burgh, 1863. 4°. v. 1, p. 418-423.) f ARZ Ewing, James, Merchant Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. James Ewing of Glasgow. (In his: English mer- chants... London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 321- 339.) AB Eyre-Todd, George Eyre-Todd, George. Four months of Bohemia; being the actual experience of a tyro in the profession of literature. Glas- gow: William Hodge and Co. [188-?] 54 p. 12°. *Cp.v.371 Eythin, James King, Lord James King, Lord Eythin. 1 port. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caith- ness and Sutherland. London, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 164-166.) CR Fairbairn, Sir William Smiles, Samuel. William Fairbairn. (In his: Industrial biography. London, 1882. new ed. 12°. p. 299-335.) AB Falconer, William Seymour, Charles C. B. William Fal- (In his: Self-made men. New York, 1858. 12°. p. 310-313.) Farquharson, Henry, of Aberdeen Anderson, Peter John. Aberdonians abroad: Henry Farquharson. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 89.) CPA See also note by J. F. on p. 103-104. Farquharson, Rev. John Chisholm, Colin. The Rev. John Far- quharson, priest of Strathglass. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 141-146.) * DE 1699-1782. Ferchard, Royal Physician Mackay, A. Ferchard, physician to King Robert n. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 177-181.) CR Fergus, Saint Mackinlay, J. M. Traces of the cultus of St. Fergus in Scotland. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°. v. 38, p. 445-453.) CPA Fergus, Dr. Andrew Duncan, Eben. Biographical notice of the late Dr. Andrew Fergus. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1888 8°. v. 19, p. 245-253.) * EC Ferguson, Adam, Philosopher B., R. Dr. Adam Ferguson. (In: Public characters of 1799-1800. London, 1799. 8°. p. 431-455.) AGH Ferguson, James, Astronomer Edwards, Bela Bates. James Ferguson. (In her: Biography of self taught men. Boston, 1832. 12°. p. 252-260.) A 476 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Ferguson, James. A short account of the life of James Ferguson, F.R.S., written by himself. London: Hunt & Clarke, 1826. 25 p., 1 port. 24°. (In: Autobiography. A collection of... lives, v. 6.) A London: Whittaker, Treacher & Arnot, 1830. 25 p. 24°. A Henderson, Ebenezer. Life of James Ferguson, F.R.S., in a brief autobiographi- cal account, and further extended memoir ... Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1867. xiii(i) p., 1 1., 503 p., 1 port. 8°. AN The New York Public Library also possesses a large portfolio of documents and drawings by Fer- guson, brought together by Dr. E. Henderson, his biographer. The collection consists of a long auto- graph letter, signed; scientific papers in holograph; pen and ink drawings, working card models of scientific instruments constructed by Ferguson; draw- ings of his birthplace, maps, etc. James Ferguson, the "astronomer." (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. v. 134, p. 244-263.) * DA Ferguson, Robert, the "Plotter" Ferguson the plotter. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1888. 8°. v. 57, p. 131- 140.) * DA Fergusson, Robert, Poet Beaumont, Frank. Fergusson and Burns: the shaping of a poet. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 42, p. 71-92.) * EC Brown, David K. Burns and Fergusson. (Rose Belford's Canadian monthly. To- ronto, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 63-73.) * DA Gordon, Alexander. Robert Ferguson: Scottish poet. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1894. 8°. v. 277, p. 375-399.) *DA Harrison, Cuthbert. Robert Fergusson. (Booklover. San Francisco, 1902. f°. no. 8, p. 289-292.) f * GAA Reprints the sketch of Fergusson's life as pub- lished in the edition of his works issued in Phila- delphia in 1815. Irving, David. The life of Robert Fer- gusson. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 411- 440.) AB Ferme or Fairholme, Rev. Charles Alexander, William Lindsay. Life of Ferme. (In: Charles Ferme, A logical analysis of the Epistle of Paul to the Ro- mans... Edinburgh, 1850. 8°. p. xi-xx.) *YNV Wodrow, Robert. Collections on the life of Mr. Charles Ferme or Fairholme, min- ister, and professor at Frazerburgh. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographi- cal collections. . . Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. n 270-281.) fCP Ferrier, James Frederick Axon, William Edward Armytage. De Quincey and J. F. Ferrier. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1898. 8°. v. 17 p. 268-276.) * DA Fraser, Alexander Campbell. The philo- sophical life of Professor Ferrier. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1868. 8°. v 17, p. 193-201.) *DA Haldane, Elizabeth S. James Frederick Ferrier. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier t 1899]. 158 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Ferrier, Susan Douglas, Sir George. Miss Ferrier. (In his: The Blackwood group. New York [1897]. 12°. p. 110-133.) AB Susan Ferrier's life and correspondence. (Church quarterly review. London, 1901. 8°. v. 52, p. 157-170.) *DA Fife (2. earl), James Duff Right Hon. the Earl of Fife... Baron Fife in the county of Fife... (In: Public characters of 1801-1802. London, 1801. 8°. p. 203-217.) AGH Fillan, Saint Inquisitio facta apud Keandrochit de pri- vilegiis reliquiae Sancti Fillanf.' . Aprilis 22, 1428. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aber- deen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 239-240.) fCP Relates to the crozier or pastoral staff of St. Fillan, now in the National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh. Mackinlay, J. M. Traces of the cultus of St. Fillan at Killallan, Renfrewshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 29, p. 251-255.) CPA Findlay, Rev. John Crichton, Thomas. Memoir of the life and character of the Rev. John Findlay, D.D., minister of the High Church of Pais- ley. With an appendix. Paisley: John Neil- son, 1821. 56 p. 8°. ZECp.v.77 Fleming, Rev. John, 1750-1823 Rev. John Fleming. (Edinburgh annual register for 1823. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 16, part 3, p. 322-325.) BAA Scot, David. On preparation for death; a sermon, preached at Colinton, on the LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 477 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. second of February, being the first Sab- bath after the interment of the Rev. John Fleming, late minister of that parish: with a short memoir of the deceased. Edin- burgh: Macredie, Skelly, and Co., 1823. iv, 27 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.39 Fleming, Rev. John, D.D. Bryson, Alexander. Memoir of Rev. John Fleming, D.D., F.R.S.E. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1861. 4°. v. 22, p. 655-680.) * EC p. 675-680 contain a list of Dr. Fleming's con- tributions to natural science. Fleming, Marjorie Brown, John. Marjorie Fleming. A sketch. Being the paper entitled "Pet Mar- jorie: a story of child life fifty years ago." Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1864. 32 p. 16°. AGH p.v.ll Reprinted from the North British review. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1873. 47 p. 12°. AGH p.v.ll New York: Kilbourne Tomp- kins, 1875. 33 p. 24°. AGH p.v.ll Wiley, Kate. Pet Marjorie and Sir Wal- ter Scott. The story of Marjorie Flem- ing. New York: Cochrane Publishing Co., 1909. 82 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 port. 12°. AN Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun B., A. Sketch of the life of Andrew Fletcher of Salton, one of the senators of the College of Justice, commonly called Lord Milton. 1 port. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1792. 16°. v. 11, p. 1-5.) * DE Buchan (11. earl), David Stuart Erskine. Essays on the lives and writings of Fletch- er of Saltoun and the poet Thomson: bi- ographical, critical, and political. With some pieces of Thomson's never before published. London: J. Debrett, 1792. viii, xxxix, 280 p., 1 port. 8°. AN The fly-leaf has the dedication "A mons r Mons r Dugour C. D. Professeur de l'ancien College de la Fleche a Paris. Buchan. 8. Castle Street Ed r . January 28th, 1803." Davidson, J. Morrison. Scotia rediviva. Home rule for Scotland. With lives of Sir William Wallace, George Buchanan, Fletcher of Saltoun, and Thomas Spence. London: Wm. Reeves, n. d. 113 p., 3 1. 12°. CP Macdonald, J. R. Andrew Fletcher, the Scottish patriot. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1893. 8°. v. 22, p. 61-84.) * DA Macfie, Robert Andrew Scott. A bibli- ography of Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun. (1653-1716.) 2 fac. p. of ms, 27 fac, of title- pages, 5 port. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 117-148.) * GAA Omond, George William Thomson. Fletcher of Saltoun. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons [1897]. 160 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Purves, James. Fletcher of Saltoun's writings. (Antiquary. London, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 150-154.) CA Flockhart, Robert, Street Preacher Flockhart, Robert. The street preacher: being the autobiography of Robert Flock- hart. Edited by Thomas Guthrie, D.D. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1858. x p., 1 1., 172 p. 16°. AGH p.v.ll Robert Flockhart, the street preacher. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1858. 4°. v. 25, p. 470-477.) * DA Foote, Rev. Alexander Nixon, William. Qualifications for the Christian ministry; a sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Alexander Foote, in the parish church of Brechin, on Thursday, August 18, 1834. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1834. 32 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.9 Forbes, Alexander Penrose, Bishop of Brechin Mackay, Rev. Donald J. Bishop Forbes. A memoir. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1888. xxxii, 270 p., 1 map, 1 port., 1 geneal. table. 12°. AN Forbes, Duncan, of Culloden Burton, John Hill. Lives of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes of Culloden. From original sources. Lon- don: Chapman and Hall, 1847. xvi, 388 p. 12°. AN Duncan Forbes. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 7, p. 92-109.) * DA Forbes, General "Jock" Bulloch, John Malcolm. General "Jock" Forbes of Skellater. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 43-44.) CPA Forbes, James David, Physicist Japp, Alexander Hay. James D. Forbes, the philosopher. 1 port. (In his: Noble workers, by H. A. Page [pseud]. New York [1875?]. 12°. p. 358-390.) AGH 478 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Shairp, John Campbell, and others. Life and letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S. ... By J. C. Shairp, P. G. Tait and A. Adams-Reilly. London: Macmillan & Co., 1873. xiii(i), 577 p., 1 map, 4 pi., 3 port. 8°. AN p. 567-577 contain a list of Principal Forbes' scientific writings. Forbes, Rev. John, of Corse Niceron, Jean Pierre. Jean Forbes. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres.. . Paris, 1741. 12°. v. 42, p. 100-130.) A Rev. John Forbes of Corse (1593-1648). Forbes, Patrick, Bishop of Aberdeen Funeral, The, sermons, orations, epi- taphs, and other pieces on the death of the Right Rev. Patrick Forbes, bishop of Aberdeen. From the original edition of 1635; with biographical memoir and notes by Charles Farquhar Shand. Edinburgh: Spottiswoode Society, 1845. cxvi, 476 p. 8°. AN With reprint of the Aberdeen title-page of 1635. Shand, Charles Farquhar. Biographical memoir of the Right Rev. Patrick Forbes, bishop of Aberdeen. (In: Funeral sermons ... on the death of the Right Rev. P. Forbes Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. p. xvii-cxvi.) AN Wodrow, Robert. Collections upon the life of Patrick Forbes, barron of Oneil and laird of Corse, minister of Keith and bishop of Aberdeen. 1 port. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographical collections... Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. p. 80- 105.) fCP Forbes, Robert, Bishop of Ross and Caithness Scottish, A, bishop of the eighteenth cen- tury. (Church quarterly review. London, 1887. 8°. v. 23, p. 344-362.) * DA Stephens, Andrew, schoolmaster, Fet- teresso. Eximii animi dotibus, et in Dei vinea cultoris fidelis, domini Gulielmi Forbesii, Edinburgeni episcopi, vita, 1634. [By Andrew Stephens.] (Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p 283-294.) ZDVH Wodrow, Robert. Collections on the life of Mr. William Forbes, minister at Aber- deen and Edinburgh, and bishop of Edin- burgh. 1 port. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographical collections. Aber- deen, 1890. 4°. p. 245-269.) fCP Forrest, Rev. Robert Schaw, William. The enemies, the duties, and the reward of the faithful ser- vant of Jesus explained, in a sermon, de- livered at the ordination of Mr. Robert Forrest, to the pastoral charge of the As- sociate Congregation at Saltcoats, on the 27th February 1798. Glasgow: Brash and Reid, 1798. 36 p. 8°. ZECp.v.73 Forsyth, Rev. James, Lochee Forsyth, James, senior minister of Lochee Chapel of Ease. My refusal to resign my office. Addressed to my assis- tant, the Rev. William Wright, and the congregation. [Dundee? 1874?] 36 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.l Foulis, David, Surgeon M'Kendrick, John Gray. In memoriam. — David Foulis [Surgeon, 1846-1881,. (Phil- osophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 13, p. 325- 328.) * EC Foulis, George, of Ravelston Fothergill, George A. George Foulis (1569-1633) and the carved stones of Ravel- ston. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 76-89.) CPA Forbes, Sir William, of Pitsligo Alison, Archibald. A sermon preached in the Episcopal Chapel, Cowgate, Edin- burgh, November 16, 1806, the day after the funeral of Sir William Forbes, of Pit- sligo, baronet. Edinburgh: James Ballan- tyne and Co., 1808. 27 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.46 Forbes, William, Bishop of Edinburgh Niceron, Jean Pierre. Guillaume Forbes. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres. . . Paris, 1741. 12°. v. 42, p. 70-100.) A William Forbes (1585-1634) was first bishop of Edinburgh. Foulis, Sir John, of Ravelston Foulis, Sir John. The account book of Sir John Foulis of Ravelston, 1671-1707. Edited from the original manuscript, with introduction and glossary, by the Rev. A. W. Cornelius Hallen. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1894. lxxii, 500 p., 1 1., 2 tables. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 16.) CPA Fowler, Rev. James Charles Fowler, James Charles. Farewell ser- mon preached . . . 5th March 1837, in Rox- burgh Church, Edinburgh. Glasgow: Wm. Collins, 1837. 24 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.45, no.9 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 479 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Fkaser, James, of Brea Fraser, James. Memoirs of the Rev. James Fraser of Brea, minister of the gospel at Culross; written by himself. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies. . . Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 81-370.) AGH Reprinted from the edition of 1738. Whyte, Alexander. James Fraser, laird" of Brea; parish minister of Culross, Bass Rock, Blackness, and Newgate prisoner, and author of "The book of the intricacies of my heart and life." Edinburgh: Oli- phant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1911. 2 p.l.. vii-xi, 273(1) p., 3 pi. 12°. AN Fraser, Thomas, of Gortuleg Fraser, Thomas. Unto the Right Hon- ourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of T. Fraser of Gortuleg. [Signed I. Campbell for T. Fraser.] n. t.-p. n. p., 1764. 18 p. 4°. CP p.box 5 Fraser, Sir William, Genealogist Sir William Fraser, K.C.B. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 163, p. 841-844.) * DA Fr/LLARTON, JOHN, M.A. Anderson, Peter John. John Fullarton, M.A., King's College, 1709. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 182-184.) CPA Gairdner, Sir William Tennant Gibson, George Alexander. Life of Sir William Tennant Gairdner. . .regius pro- fessor of practice of medicine in the Uni- versity of Glasgow. With a selection of papers on general and medical subjects. Glasgow: James Maclehose & Sons, 1912. ix p., 1 1., 817 p., 2 pi., 3 port. 8°. AN Galloway, Rev. Patrick Galloway, Patrick. The apology of Mr. Patrick Galloway, minister at Perth, when he fled to England, May, 1584. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1824. 4°. v. 1, p. 109-128.) t CP Galt, John, Novelist Anderson, David Brown. John Gait. By D. B. A. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. v. 24, p. 92-98.) * DE Douglas, Sir George. John Gait. (In his: The Blackwood group. New York [1897]. 12°. p. 47-93.) AB Gait, John. The autobiography of John Gait. London: Cochrane & M'Crone, 1833. 2 v. 8°. AN v. 2, p. 410-412 contain a list of the separate works of Gait. Reviewed in The Court journal, 1833, p. 684-685, 713-714, London, 1833; Gentleman's magazine, v. 103, part 2, p. 521-526, London, 1833. Jerdan, William. John Gait. (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866. 12°. p. 229-236.) AGH John Gait. (Hogg's weekly instructor. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 1, p. 259-262.) *DA John Gait. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 92-98.) * DE Moir, David Macbeth. Biographical memoir [of John Gait]. [By D. M. Moir.] (In: John Gait, Annals of the parish. Edin- burgh, 1844. 16°. p. i-cxiii.) NCW Garden, Alexander, Poet Laing, David. Introductory notices of Alexander Garden, and his poetical works. (In: Alexander Garden, A theatre of Scot- tish worthies. . . Glasgow, 1878. sq. 8°. p. vii-xvi.) NCE Gardiner, Colonel James Doddridge, Philip. Some remarkable passages in the life of the Honourable Col. James Gardiner, who was slain at the bat- tle of Preston-Pans 21st September 1745, With an appendix, relating to the ancient family of the Munroes of Foulis. London: J. Buckland, etc., 1785. xii, 13-280 p. 16°. AN London: printed for the book- sellers, 1794. 287 p., 1 port. 16°. AN London: S. Crowder & F. Riv- ington, 1796. vii, 9-276 p. 12°. AN p. 41-42 missing: 2 1. from another life of Gar- diner inserted between p. 40 and 43. Glasgow: J. & M. Robertson, 1800. 24 p. 16°. AN To which is added the ser- mon occasioned by his heroick death. Bos- ton [U. S.j: D. Henchman, 1748. 157 p. 3. ed. 8°. Reserve Boston: I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1792. 4 p.l., (1)14-254 p. 12°. Reserve Exeter: H. Ranlet, printer, 179S. viii, (1)10-250 p., 1 1. 16°. Reserve Philadelphia: Stewart & Coch- ran, 1795. 156 p. 16°. Reserve Firth, Charles Harding. An elegy and a ballad. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 357-361.) CPA The elegy is on Col. Gardiner, killed at Preston- pans in 1745, and is printed from a broadside. The ballad is on Lord Lovat's execution, March 19, 1747. 480 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Life, The, of Col. James Gardiner. New York: American Tract Society, n. d. 20 p. 12°. (American Tract Society. Publica- tions, v. S.) ZIN Life, The, and experience of Col. James Gardiner. [Boston: N. Willis, c. 1827.] 24 p. 16°. AN Based on Doddridge. Gatt, James, Poet Anderson, Peter John. James Gatt: a forgotten Cullen poet. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 180-181.) CPA See also v. 10, p. 44, 76. Geddes, Rev. Alexander, LL.D. Good, John Mason. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Reverend Alexander Geddes, LL.D. London: printed for G. Kearsley, 1803. xxiii, 546 p. 8°. AN Imperfect. Irving, David. The life of Alexander Geddes, LL.D. (In his: Lives of the Scot- ish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 351-410.) AB Geddes, Jenny Carlyle, Thomas. "Jenny Geddes." 1637. (In his: Historical sketches of notable per- sons and events in the reigns of James i. and Charles I. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 299-310.) CI Fergusson, Alexander. Jenny Geddes. (Athenaeum. London, 1877. 4°. August 11, 1877, p. 179-180.) *DA Jenny Geddes' stool. 1 pi. (Presbyte- rian Historical Society. Journal. Philadel- phia, 1902. 8°. v. 1, p. 149-150.) IAA Geddie or Geddy, John Mylne, Robert. Memoir of John Geddy. x Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1837. 4°. p. 327-351.) fCP iviynic, ivuuci l. ivj-Ciiiuil ui juin (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany, burgh, 1837. 4°. p. 327-351.) Geddy or Geddie was the earliest Scottish writer on the improvement of bees. Seventeenth century. Gibson, Sir Alexander, Lord Durie Malcolm, C. A. Was Lord Durie twice kidnapped? 1 port. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 33-42.) SEA Gilbert, Saint, of Dornoch Rose, D. Murray. The ancestry of St. Gilbert of Dornoch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2 v. 2, p. 129-131.) CPA Gilchrist, John Borthwick, Orientalist Succinct, A, narrative of Dr. Gilchrist's _ervices, from 17°° 1 ' 1825.] 27 p. 8°. services, from 1782 to 1821. [London, c. AGH Gilfillan, Rev. George Irvine, Charles J. George Gilfillan. (Graham's magazine. Philadelphia, 1854 8°. v. 45, p. 541-545.) *DD "Splendid," A, writer. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1852. 8°. v. 35, p. 534-538.) *DA Gillespie, Rev. Geoxge Hetherington, William Maxwell. Mem- oir of the Rev. George Gillespie. (In: George Gillespie. Notes of debates and proceedings of the Assembly of Divines... at Westminster. . . 1644 to. . .1645. Edin- burgh, 1846. 8°. p. ix-xl.) ZECp.v.93 Gillies, John, Historian Dr. John Gillies. [1747-1836.] (In: Pub- lic characters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 223-235.) AGH Gillies, Robert Pearse Constable, Archibald, and Robert Peakse Gillies. Personal reminiscences by Con- stable and Gillies. Edited by R. H. Stod- dard. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1876. xxx, 336 p., 4 port. 16°. AGH Robert Pearse Gillies, of Balmakewan. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 126-133.) , * DE Glamis, Janet Dodglas, Lady Life, The, and death of King James v. of Scotland. From the French . . . Paris, 1612. In which is the beginning of the Reformation in that kingdom; an account of the sufferings of the renowned Lady Jean Douglas, &c. n. The navigation of that king round Scotland, the Orkney and Western Isles... London: W. Taylor, 1701. Edinburgh: reprinted for D. Web- ster, 1819. xxiv, 25-100 p. 12°. CPp.v.l Life, The, and death of King James the Fifth of Scotland; in which is the begin- ning of the Reformation in that kingdom: an account of the sufferings of the re- nowned Lady Jean Douglas, etc. From the French, printed at Paris, 1612. Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1819. (Miscellanea Sco- tica. v. 4, p 81-164. nar. 12°.) CP LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 481 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Glasgow (5. earl), James Boyle Earl, The, of Glasgow. 1 port. (Baily's magazine of sports and pastimes. Lon- don, 1860. 8°. v. 1, p. 247-250.) MVA Gleig, George, Bishop of Brechin Horsley, Heneage. The duties of the episcopal office: a sermon, preached in Bishop Skinner's Chapel, Aberdeen, on 30th October 1808; at the consecration of the Right Rev. George Gleig. . .to the office of a bishop in the Scotch Episcopal Church . . . Dundee: Colville and Son, 1808. 35 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.46 Scots, A, bishop. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. v. 125, p. 306-321.) * DA Two Scottish bishops. (Church quarter- ly review. London, 1880. 8°. v. 9, p. 448- 468.) *DA Alexander Jolly, bishop of Moray, and George Gleig, bishop of Brechin. Gleig, George Robert H., E. B. The death of Mr. Gleig. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. 144, p. 311-314.) * DA Goldie, John Dick, Thomas. Sonnet on the death of Mr. John Goldie. [By Thomas Dick.] Pais- ley: J. Fraser, prtr., 1826. 2 1. 24°. NDP p.v.l Goold, Rev. William Symington, Andrew. Death swallowed up in victory: a sermon preached on oc- casion of the death of the Rev. William Goold, senior minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Congregation, Edinburgh. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1844. 40 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.94 Gordon, Alexander Bulloch, John Malcolm. Alexander Gor- don, executed at Brest. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8. p. 102.) CPA Gordon, Alexander, of Wardhocse Bulloch, John Malcolm. Alexander Gor- don of Wardhouse. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 65-66.) CPA Gordon, Alexander, Antiquary Wilson, Sir Daniel. An account of Alex- ander Gordon, A.M., author of the Itiner- arium Septentrionale, 1726, by D. Wilson; with additional notes concerning Gordon and his works, by David Laing. 1 fac. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 363-382.) CPA Alexander Gordon, the antiquary. (Canadian journal of science, literature and history. Toronto, 1875-77. 8°. new series, v. 14, p. 9-37; new series, v. 15, p. 122-144.) * EC Gordon, General Gabriel Bulloch, John Malcolm. The romance of a duke. The career of General Gabriel Gordon. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 145-147.) CPA Gordon, Rev. George, of Birnie Home, John. Obituary notice of the late Rev. George Gordon, LL.D., of Birnie. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 355-356.) *EC Gordon, James, of Clashtirum Bulloch, John Malcolm. A Jacobite laird and his desire for pardon. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 128-130.) CPA Gordon (4. duchess), Jane Maxwell Bulloch, John Malcolm. The daring duchess. Being a gossip about her grace of Gordon, port, illus. (English illus- trated magazine. London, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 275-282.) *DA The duchess of Gordon in carica- ture. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 65-67.) CPA The great duchess of Gordon. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 6-8.) CPA Graham, Henry Grey. Jane, duchess of Gordon, 1749-1812. 3 port. (In his: A group of Scottish women. London [1908]. 8°. p. 231-256.) CP Memoir of the duchess of Gordon. (Monthly panorama. Dublin, 1811. 12°. p. 63-67.) *Cp.v. 123 Wharton, Grace, and Philip Wharton. Jane, duchess of Gordon. (In their: Queens of society. London [1840]. 12°. v. 1, p. 311- 340.) SNE 482 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Gordon, Watson, R. D don, P.R.S.A. don, 1903. f°. Sir John Watson Sir John Watson Gor- illus. (Art journal. Lon- 1903, p. 301-304.) t MAA Gordon, Margaret, Lady Bannerman Archibald, Raymond Clare. Carlyle's first love, Margaret Gordon, Lady Banner- man; an account of her life, ancestry and homes, her families and friends. London: J. Lane, 1910. 2 p.l., vii-xvi(l) p., 3 fac, 5 pi., 13 port., 3 tables. 8°. AN Gordon, General Patrick General Patrick Gordon, the Russian Scot. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. New York, 1861. 8°. v. 89, p. 485-500.) *DA Steuart, A. Francis. General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries. (In his: Scot- tish influence in Russian history... Glas- gow, 1913. 12°. p. 4S-S7.) Gordon, Peter, in Haddoch Bulloch, John Malcolm. The mysteri- ous Peter Gordon in Haddoch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 133-134.) CPA Gordon, Sir Robert, of Straloch Great, The, Straloch. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 192, p. 243-251.) *DA Gordon, Robert, of Aberdeen Anderson, Robert. The life of Robert Gordon. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 168-171.) CPA Founder of the Gordon Hospital (now college) in Aberdeen. Essays in military biography. New York 1874. 12°. p. 341-349.) AB Gow, Elizabeth Gow, Elizabeth. The faithful servant, an authentic memoir of .. .Elizabeth Gow] as written by herself... Edinburgh: J Gall & Son [1825]. x, (1)12-150 p. 12°. AN Gow, John, Pirate Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven Fea, Allan. The real Captain Cleveland. London: Martin Seeker [1912.]. 2 p.l., 256 p., 1 fac, 13 pi. 8°. AN John Gow the pirate. Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven. Letters of John, earl of Gowrye. 1595. (Banna- tyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 351-356.) tCP Gowrie (1. earl), William Ruthven Bruce, John. Observations upon certain documents relating to William, first earl of Gowrie and Patrick Ruthven, his fifth and last-surviving son. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archseologia. London, 1852. 4°. v. 34, p. 190-224.) fCA Observations on the trial and death of William, earl of Gowrie, A.D. 1584, and on their connection with the Gowrie con- spiracy, A.D., 1600. (Society of Antiqua- ries of London. Archseologia. London, 1849. 4°. v. 33, p. 143-173.) t CA Papers relating to William Ruth- ven, first earl of Gowrie, and Patrick Ruth- ven, his fifth and last surviving son. Lon- don: J. E. Taylor &Co., printers, 1867. xii, 115 p. 8°. CP For private distribution. Manner, The, and form of the examina- tion and death of William, earl of Gowrie, May, 1584. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 89-106.) fCP Gordon, Admiral Thomas Bulloch, John Malcolm. Admiral Thom- as Gordon in Russia. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 111-112.) CPA Gordon, Lord William Bulloch, John Malcolm. Lord William Gordon and Lord Nelson. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. ser- ies 2, v. 1, p. 185-187.) CPA Gordon, Sir William Chesney, Charles Cornwallis. Sir Wil- liam Gordon of Gordon's Battery. (In his: Gileme, George, Bishop of Dunblane Graeme, George, bishop of Dunblane. Some letters and correspondence of George Graeme, bishop of Dunblane and of Orkney, 1602-1638. Edited by L. G. Gra;me. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 229-267.) CPA Graham, Clementina Stirling Graham, Henry Grey. Miss Clementina Stirling Graham, 1782-1877. (In his: A group of Scottish women. London [1908]. 8°. p. 316-331.) CP T., W. W. Clementina Stirling Graham. (The Academy. London, 1910. f°. v. 78, p. 103-104, 131-133.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 483 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Gkaham, Dougal, Chapman Macgregor, George. Biography of Dougal Graham. (In: Dougal Graham, Collected writings. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 9-28.) NCF p. 28-68 contain an account of Graham's writings. Gkaham, John, Viscount Dundee Anderson, John. Claverhouse's last let- ter. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 65-70.) CPA Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. Exam- ination of the statements in Mr. Mac- aulay's History of England, regarding John Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount Dun- dee. (In his : Lays of the Scottish cava- liers... Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1851. 4. ed. 16°. p. 325-351.) NCM Barrington, Michael. Claverhouse in literature. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 177, p. 372-385.) * DA Claverhouse's last letter. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 505-509.) CPA Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee. [1648-1699.] London: Martin Seeker, 1911. xv, 447(1) p., 1 fac, 2 maps, 6 port. 4°. tCP Claverhouse. (Temple Bar. London, 1878. 8°. v. 54, p. 28-47.) * DA Cust, Sir Edward. Graham of Claver- house, Viscount Dundee. A royalist gen- eral. (In his: Lives of the warriors... London, 1869. 12°. v. 3, part 1, p. 243-261.) AB Lord Macaulay and Dundee. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. New York, 1860. 8°. v. 88, p. 155-171.) * DA Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee, the Highland clans, and the massacre of Glenco: with an account of Dundee's of- ficers after they went to France. By an officer of the army. London: J. Brown, 1714. xiii p., 1 1., 132 p., 1 port. 8°. * C p.v.510 London: printed for J. Brown... 1714. Glasgow: reprinted for J. Wylie & Co., 1818. xv, 99 p. nar. 12°. (Miscel- lanea Scotica. v. 3.) CP Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee and the Highland clans, &c. Together with an account of the massacre of Glenco, containing Gallienus redivivus — An ac- count of the massacre — Commission under the great seal of Scotland for making an enquiry into that murder. Report of the commission thereon, and proceedings of the Parliament. Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1818. 1 p.l, 112, 52 p. 12°. CP Reprinted from editions of 1711 and 1704. Napier, Mark. Memorials and letters illustrative of the life and times of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee. Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1859-62. 3 v. 8°. CP A standard work despite its violent partisanship. Original letter (hitherto unpub- lished) from Colonel John Grahame of Claverhouse (afterwards Viscount of Dun- dee), describing the military execution of John Brown of Priesthill, commonly called "The Christian carrier," on the 1st of May, 1685. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 528-530.) CPA Real, The, Claverhouse. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1906. 8°. v. 300, p. 32-48.) * DA Some unpublished letters of Claverhouse. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1888. 8°. v. 57, p. 64-70.) * DA Terry, Charles Sanford. Claverhouse's last letter. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 63-65.) CPA John Graham of Claverhouse, Vis- count of Dundee, 1648-1689. London: A. Constable & Co., 1905. viii p., 2 1., 377 p., 2 maps, 3 port. 8°. AN Graham, Robert Bontine Cunninghame Bagshaw, William. R. B. Cunninghame Graham. (Manchester quarterly. Man- chester, 1907. 8°. v. 26, p. 169-187.) * DA Graham, General Samuel Graham, Col. James. Memoir of Gen- eral Graham, with notices of the cam- paigns in which he was engaged from 1779 to 1801. Edinburgh: privately printed by R. & R. Clark, 1862. xvii p., 1 1., 318 p., 1 map, 3 pi., 1 port. 12°. AN One of 100 copies printed. Graham, Thomas, Chemist Hofmann, August Wilhelm von. Thom- as Graham. (In his: Zur Erinnerung an vorangegangene Freunde. 1 fac, 1 port. Braunschweig, 1888. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-41). A Smith, Robert Angus. The life and works of Thomas Graham, D.C.L., F.R.S., illustrated by 64 unpublished letters... (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 15, p. 260-355.) * EC Grahame, James, Poet Memoir of the life and writings of the Reverend James Grahame. (Edinburgh annual register for 1812. Edinburgh, 1814. 8°. v. 5, part 2, p. 384-415.) BAA 484 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Sinclair, George A. James Grahame, poet and preacher. (Westminster review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 166, p. 423-429.) * DA Grange, James Erskine, Lord Brown, John. James, Lord Grange, a Scotch judge. Traitor and conspirator. (In his: Historical gallery of criminal por- traitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 1, p. 1S5-292.) AB Grange, Rachel Erskine, Lady Account, An, of the misfortunes of Mrs. Erskine of Grange, commonly known as Lady Grange. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 333-339.) * DE From a ms. written by herself. (In: R. A. Hay, Genealogie of the Hayes of Tweeddale. Edinburgh, 1835. sq. 8°. p. 112-126.) ARX From the Scots magazine, Nov. 1817. Brown, John. James, Lord Grange, a Scotch judge. Traitor and conspirator. (In his: Historical gallery of criminal por- traitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 1, p. 155-292.) AB Deals mainly with the case of Lady Grange. Chambers, Sir William. Story of Lady Grange. (Chambers's journal. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. series 4, v. 11, p. 449-452.) * DA Laing, David. An episode in the life of Mrs. Rachel Erskine, Lady Grange. De- tailed by herself in a letter from St. Kilda January 20, 1738, and other original papers. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 593-608.) CPA See also supplementary note in same Proceedings, v. 12, p. 312-313. Edinburgh, 1878. Mrs. Erskine, Lady Grange, in the island of St. Kilda. 1 fac. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 722-730.) CPA Macleay, Kenneth. Notices regarding the mysterious history of Lady Grange. (In his: Historical memoirs of Rob Roy. . . Philadelphia, 1819. 12°. p. 235-303.) CPE (In same. Edinburgh, 1881. 12°. p. 274-324.) CPE Story, The, of Lady Grange. (Cham- bers' Edinburgh journal. Edinburgh, 1846. 4°. new series, v. 5, p. 145-148.) * DA Grant, Mrs. Anne, of Laggan Elwood, Anne Katherine. Mrs. Grant, of Laggan. (In her: Memoirs of literary ladies of England. London, 1843. 8°. v. 2, p. 66-97.) SNE Graham, Henry Grey. Mrs. Grant of Laggan, 1755-1838. (In his: A group of Scottish women. London [1908], 8°. p 279-293.) CP Green, William. Mrs. Grant of Laggan: lecture delivered at Grantown, March 18, 1892. Reprinted from the "Elgin Courant and Courier." [Elgin, 1892.) 16 p. 12°. * C p.v.359 Memoirs and correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Laggan. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1844. 8°. v. 174, p. 451-472, 571- 574.) *DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 1, p 412- 425; v. 2, p. 550-551. Boston, 1844. Mrs. Grant, of Laggan. (Smith's weekly volume: a select circulating library... Philadelphia, 1845. f°. v. 1, p. 218-221.) t*DD Paston, George. A lady from the moun- tains (Mrs. Grant of Laggan). (Long- man's magazine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 37, p. 32-46.) *DA Grant, Charles, Statesman Charles Grant, Esq. (Edinburgh annual register for 1824. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. v. 17, part 3, p. 299-308.) BAA Fisher, Thomas. Charles Grant, Esq. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1823. 8°. v. 93, p. 561-569.) * DA Morris, Henry. The life of Charles Grant, sometime member of Parliament for Inverness-shire and director of the East India Company. London: John Murray, 1904. xviii p., 1 1., 404 p., 2 pi., 2 port. 8°. AN Smith, George. Charles Grant, first and greatest of Indian philanthropists. 1 port. (Good words. London, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 613-619.) *DA Grant, Elizabeth Grant, Elizabeth, afterwards Smith. Memoirs of a Highland lady; the autobiog- raphy of Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemur- chus, afterwards Mrs. Smith of Baltiboys, 1797-1830. Edited by Lady Strachey. Lon- don: J. Murray, 1898. xix, 495 p., 1 table. 8°. AN Grant, Sir Alexander Sir Alexander Grant. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 137, p. 133-143.) * DA Grant, General Sir James Hope Anderson, David Brown. A valiant sol- dier. [Signed D.B.A.j (Scots magazine. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 485 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Perth, 1899. 8° 61.) new series, v. 24, p. 56- *DE Knollys, Henry. Life of General Sir Hope Grant, with selections from his cor- respondence. Edinburgh: William Black- wood and Sons, 1894. 2 v. maps, plans, port. 8°. AN Sellar, Eleanor C. General Sir James Hope Grant, G.C.B. 1808-75. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 528-533.) fVWZH Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 108- 110.) fCPA The letter is dated "Lednock, 21st June 1781." Gray (7. baron), Patrick Gray Letters and papers relating to Patrick, master, of Gray, afterwards seventh Lord Gray. [Edited by Thomas Thomson.] Edinburgh: [The Edinburgh Printing Co.,] 1835. 4 p.l., (l)vi-viii, 206, xxvii p., 1 fac. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) f CP The letters cover the period 1584-1608. The ap- pendix consists of letters, etc., for 1515-1606. Grant, Dr. Robert Jack, William. Memoir of the late Dr. Robert Grant, F.R.S (Philosophical Society of' Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1893. 8°. v. 24, p. 139-147.) * EC Grant, Sir William, Master of the Rolls Sir William Grant, knt., master of the rolls. (In: Public characters of 1809-10. London, 1809. 8°. p. 197-232.) AGH Gray, David, Poet David Gray. (Cornhill magazine. Lon- don, 1864. 8°. v. 9, p. 164-177.) * DA David Gray: his life and poems. (Eclec- tic review. London, 1862. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 19-29.) * DA Two young Scottish poets. (Hours at home. New York, 1867. 8°. v. 4, p. 469- 473.) * DA David Gray and Alexander Smith. Young, James H. The home and haunts of David Gray, the Kirkintilloch poet. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 170-176.) * DA Gray, Rev. James Mowbray, John T. Sketch of the life of the Rev. James Gray, M.A., formerly one of the masters of the High School of Edinburgh, and afterwards military chap- lain at Bhooj . . . Edinburgh: John Baxter, printer, 1859. iv, 35 p. 8°. AGHp.v.12 Printed for private circulation. Gray, John, Anthropologist Yule, G. Udny. John Gray, B.Sc. 1854- 1912. 1 port. (Man. London, 1912. 4°. v. 12, p. 81-83.) QOA Gray, Mary Barry, George Augustus. Letter. . .con- cerning Bessie Bell and Mary Gray. From the archives of the society. (Society of Gray, Robert, Naturalist Murdoch, J. B. The late Robert Gray, V.P., R.S.E. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. v. 18, p. 279-283.) * EC Greenshields, John, Sculptor John Greenshields, the Clydesdale sculp- tor. (In: Notices. . .relating to the parish of Carluke from 1288 till 1874. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. p. 302-324.) CR Gregory, James, Mathematician Gregory, James. Original letters from James Gregory, professor of mathematics in the University of St. Andrews, to the Reverend Colin Campbell, minister of Ard- chattan, Argyllshire. Communicated. . .by John Gregorson. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 275-284.) f CPA Gregoky, Dr. James, 1753-1821 Dr. James Gregory, professor of the practice of physic in the University of Edinburgh. [1753-1821., (In: Public char- acters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 135-153.) AGH (In: Public characters, or contem- porary biography. Baltimore, 1803. 8°. p. 157-171.) A Gregory, John, M.D. Johnstone, James. Some account of the life and writings of the late Professor Gregory, M.D., F.R.S. (Literary and Philo- sophical Society of Manchester. Mem- oirs. Warrington, 1785. 8°. v. 2, p. 80- 95.) *EC Greirson, Sir Robert, of Lag Laird, The, of Redgauntlet. (Macmil- lan's magazine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 54, p. 116-124.) *DA Sir Robert Greirson of Lag. 486 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Grosart, Rev. Alexander Balloch Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant. A great Elizabethan scholar. The late Rev. Alexander Balloch Grosart, D.D., LL.D. (Westminster review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 151, p. 527-537.) * DA Gunn, Dr. Robert Marcus Robert Marcus Gunn, M.A., M.B., CM. 1 port. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 102-105.) CR minister at Fenwick, by the Rev. W. Dun- lop; with additions by Rev. Robert Wod- row, and Rev. Robert Traill. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edin- burgh, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 29-66.) AGH Hackstoh or Halkerstone, David Walker, Peter. The life and prophesies, of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr! Daniel Cargill . . . To which is added, a part of the life and untimely death of Argyle. . . Also the life and behaviour of David Hackstoun of Rathillet... Edin- burgh: Printed, 1781. 52 p. 12°. Stuart 3035 Guthrie, Rev. James Free Church of Scotland. — General As- sembly. Lives of Alexander Henderson [by T. MacCriej and James Guthrie [by T. Thomson]. With specimens of their writ- ings. [Edited by T. Thomson.] Issued by the Committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland... Edin- burgh: Assembly's Committee, 1846. 3 p.l., 285 p. 12°. AN Guthrie, James. A cry from the dead, or, the ghost of the famous Mr. James Guthrie appearing. Being the last sermon he preached. . .before his martyrdom at Edinburgh, June, 1661. To which is added, His last speech upon the scaffold. Paisley: G. Hunter, 1772. 34 p. 12°. Stuart 3366 Guthrie, Rev. Thomas Eloquence and power of Dr. Thomas Guthrie. (Eclectic magazine. New York, 1859. 8°. v. 47, p. 51-55.) * DA Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography of Thomas Guthrie, D.D., and memoir by his sons David K. Guthrie, and Charles J. Guthrie. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers, 1874-75. 2 v. 12°. AN Ker, John. Reminiscences of the Rev. Thomas Guthrie^ D.D. (In his: Scottish nationality and other papers. Edinburgh, 1887. 12°. p. 218-238.) CP Reprinted from the Autobiography and memoir of Thomas Guthrie, D.D. Reminiscences of Dr. Guthrie. By a mourner. (Good words. London, 1873. 8°. v. 14, p. 281-283.) * DA Thomson, J. Radford. Dr. Thomas Guthrie. London: Religious Tract Society [18—?]. 16 p. sq. 8° series, no. 61.) (New biographical AN Guthrie, Rev. William Dunlop, Rev. William. Memoirs of the life and character of Mr. William Guthrie, Haldake, James Alexander, and Robert Brightwell, Cecilia Lucy. Robert and James Haldane. (In her: Men of mark. London [1872,. 12°. p. 147-173.) A Landels, William. The Haldanes. (In: Lectures delivered. . .in Exeter Hall, 1853- 54. London, 1854. 12°. p. 107-153.) ZAD Halliday, Janet Halliday, Janet, vs. J. Fenton, and others. State of the process, Janet Halliday, widow of R. Scot of Scotsbank, pursuer; against J. Fenton of Millearn, Margaret Scot, his spouse, Fenton their daughter, and Robert Miller, merchant in Canongate, her hus- band, defenders, n. t.-p. n. p., 1752. 55 p. Halyburton. Rev. Thomas Extract, An, of the life of Mr. Halibur- ton. n. p. [1741?] 92 p. 16°. AGHp.v.13 Title-page wanting. Halyburton, Thomas. Memoirs of the life of Thomas Halyburton... With... an account of the Church of Scotland dur- ing the times of Halyburton . . . [Edited by Janet Watson.] Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1848,. xvi, (1)18-320 p., 1 pi 12°. ZWG Memoirs of Thomas Halyburton. With an introductory essay, by David Young. Glasgow: Chalmers & Collins, 1825. 1 p.l., v-xlv, (1)50-382 p. 2. ed. 12°. AN Memoirs of. . .Thomas Halyburton, in four parts; whereof three were drawn up by himself, and the fourth collected by his friends. With a large recommendatory epistle by Dr. Watts. 1. American edition, copied from the 9. British. Philadelphia: David Hogan, 1796. xviii, 19-252 p. 16°. Reserve Vie de Thomas Halyburton, min- istre du Saint fivangile. Toulouse: J. P. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 487 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Froment, 1836. 2 p.L, (1)6-142 p. 12°. (Biographie chretienne.) AN Edited by the Societe pour impression de livres religieux, a Toulouse. Hamilton, Francis, of Silvertonhill Gray-Buchanan, A. W. Francis Hamil- ton of Silvertonhill. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 438- 439.) CPA Hamilton (1. duke), James Hamilton Life, The, of James, duke of Hamilton. (In: Lives, English and f orein . . . f rom the year 1550 to the year 1690. London, 1704. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-73.) A Hamilton, James Arnot, William. Life of James Hamil- ton. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1870. viii, 600 p., 1 port. 12°. AN New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1870. viii, 600 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 2. ed. 12°. Hamilton, Janet, Covenanter Hamilton, Janet. An account of the par- ticular soliloquies and covenant engage- ments of Mrs. Janet Hamilton.. . (In: W. K. Tweedie. Select biographies . . . Edin- burgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 495-508.) AGH Hamilton, Janet, Poetess Unveiling of the Janet Hamilton mem- orial at Langloan, together with a report of the great public demonstration. Air- drie: Baird and Hamilton, 1880. 31 p. nar. 16°. * C p.v.373 Repr.: Advertiser. Hamilton, John, Archbishop of St. Andrews Laing, Henry. Note respecting the book- stamp of Archbishop Hamilton of St. An- drews, 1548-1571. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 140-141.) CPA Hamilton, Patrick, Protomartyr Blaikie, William Garden. Patrick Hamil- ton, the Scottish martyr. London: Relig- ious Tract Society [18—?]. 16 p. sq. 8°. (New biographical series, no. 57.) AN Laing, David. Patrick Hamilton, abbot of Feme. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 500-515.) ZOV M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Life of Patrick Hamilton. (In his: Miscellaneous writings, 1841. 8°. chiefly historical, p. 89-101.) Hamilton, Thomas Edinburgh, NCG Douglas, Sir George. Thomas Hamilton. (In his: The Blackwood group. New York [1897]. 12°. p. 151-158.) AB Hamilton, William, of Bangour Chalmers, James. Notices of the life of William Hamilton, of Bangour; and a chronological list of his poems. 1 port (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chasologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 255-266.) t CPA Hamilton, Sir William, Metaphysician Baynes, Thomas Spencer. Sir William Hamilton. (In: Edinburgh essays. . . 18S6. Edinburgh, 1857. 8°. p. 241-300.) NCY Hamilton, Sir William. Testimonials in favour of Sir William Hamilton, baronet, advocate. . .[Candidate for the professor- ship of moral philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1820.) 1 p.l., 52 p. 8°. STKp.box Life, The, of a Scotch metaphysican. (Saint Pauls. London, 1869. 8°. v. 4, p. 685-697.) * DA Sir William Hamilton. Murray, John Clark. Sir William Hamil- ton. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 8, p. 20-40.) * DA Patton, F. L. Sir William Hamilton. (Hours at home. New York, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 251-258.) * DA Sinclair, John. Sir William Hamilton. (In his: Sketches of old times and distant places. London, 1875. 8°. p. 113-134.) A Hannay, James, Novelist James Hannay. (Temple Bar. London, 1877. 8°. v. 49. p. 234-247.) * DA Hay, Andrew, of Craignethan Hay, Andrew, of Craignethan. Diary. Edited with introduction and notes by Al- exander George Reid. Edinburgh: Scot- tish History Society, 1901. xxix p., 1 1., 261 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Pub- lications, no. 39.) CPA Hay, Sir William, of Delgaty Ferguson, James. A northern baronial house. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 248-259.) CPA 488 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY , Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Heddle, Dr. Matthew Forster Goodchild, J. G. Dr. , Heddle, M.D., F.R.S.E., emeritus professor of chemistry ■(I828rl897). (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8". v. 14, p. 69-77.) * EC Henderson, Alexander, Divine Aiton, John. The life and times of Alex- ander Henderson, giving a history of the second reformation of the Church of Scot- land, and of the covenanters, during the reign of Charles I. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1836. xx, 674 p., 1 fac, 1 port. 8°. AN Free Church of Scotland — General As- sembly. Lives of Alexander Henderson [by T. MacCriej and James Guthrie [by T. Thomson]. With specimens of their writ- ings. [Edited by T. Thomson.] Issued by the Committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland... Edin- burgh: Assembly's Committee, 1846. 3 p.l., (1)4-285 p. 12°. AN M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Life of Alex- ander Henderson. (In his: Miscellaneous writings, chiefly historical. Edinburgh, 1841. 8°. p. 1-87.) NCG Reid, James. Memoirs of the lives and writings of those eminent divines who con- vened in the Assembly at Westminster, in the seventeenth century. Paisley: S. & A. Young, printers, 1811-15. 2 v. 8°. AB Oliphant, F. R. Robert Henrysbn. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin burgh, 1890. 8°. v. 148, p. 497-512.) *DA Hepburn, John, Covenanter Story, Robert Herbert. Two champions of the Covenant. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archs- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow 1899. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 310-346.) ' CPA John Macmillan and John Hepburn. Heriot, George Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. George Heriot of Edinburgh. (In his: English merchants... London, 1866. 8°. v 1 n 259-281.) ' AB Sketch of the life of George Heriot 1 port. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 6, p. 1-4.) *jje Testament, The, testamentar and invent- ar of the guides and geir etc. pertening to umquhile George Heriot, jeweler to the kingis majestie. 1624. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v 3 o 487-517.) fCP Heron, Robert Graham, Henry Grey. A literary waif. (In -his: Literary and historical essays. London, 1908. 12°. p. 161-169.) NCZ Biographical sketch of Robert Heron, 1764-1807. Henderson, Rev. George, Celtictst Mackinnon, Donald. The Rev. George Henderson, M.A., Ph.D., B. Litt. 1 port. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, 245-249.) NDK Henderson, James, M.D. Life of James Henderson, M.D.. . . medi- cal missionary to China. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers, 1873. 196 p., 1 pl. 16°. AN Henry the Minstrel Irving, David. The life of Henry the Minstrel. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 339- 363.) AB Henryson, Robert, Poet Irving, David. The life of Robert Henryson. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 373- 388.) AB Heugh, Hugh, D.D. R., J. The life of Hugh Heugh, D.D. (Journal of sacred literature. London, 1851. 8°. v. 6, p. 410-422.) *DA Hewitson, Rev. William Hepburn, 1812-1850 Rev. William H. Hewitson. n. p., n. d. 32 p. 16°. ZECp.v.70 Based on the Memoirs by the Rev. John Baillie, London, 1851. Hill, Rev. George, D.D. Hill, Alexander. Memoir of Principal Hill. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1837. 21 p. 12°. AGHp.v.14 Hog, James Maitland Burns, James C. Memorial of the late James Maitland Hog. Edinburgh: J. Mac- laren, 1858. 71 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Hog, Thomas, of Kiltearn Veitch, Mrs. William. Memoirs of Mrs. William Veitch, Thomas Hog of Kiltearn, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 489 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Henry Erskine, and John Carstairs . . . Edinburgh: Committee of General Assem- bly, Free Church of Scotland, 1846. iv p., 1 1., 152 p. 12°. AN Hogg, James, Ettrick Shepherd Bloodgood, Simeon De Witt. Sketch of the Shepherd's life James Hogg]. (In: James Hogg, Familiar anecdotes of Sir W. Scott. New York, 1834. 12°. p. 1-118.) Brand, Alice. A letter to the Ettrick shepherd. (The Amulet. London, 1836. 16°. 1836, p. 212-225.) NCA Douglas, Sir George. James Hogg. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier [1899]. 154 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Ettrick, The, shepherd. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh, 1847. v. 14, no. 123.) * C Gilzean-Reid, Sir Hugh. The Ettrick shepherd — a portrait and poetic fragment. (Anglo-Saxon review. London, 1899. f°. v. 2, p. 23.) t * DE Hadden, James Cuthbert. The Ettrick shepherd. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1892. 8°. v. 273, p. 283-293.) * DE Hogg, James. Memoir by himself. (The Literary gazette. Philadelphia, 1821. 4°. v. 1, p. 295-299.) * DD Repr.: London literary gazette. Howitt, William. James Hogg, the Et- trick shepherd. (In his: Homes and haunts of the... British poets. London, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 27-67.) AB James Hogg. (The Portfolio. Philadel- phia, 1821. 8°. p. 191-204.) ft * DD Jerdan, William. James Hogg, the Et- trick shepherd. (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866. 12°. p. 248-255.) AGH M., W. Stevenson and Hogg. (The Academy. London, 1910. f °. v. 78, p. 419- 421.) * DA Morrison, John. Random reminiscences of Sir Walter Scott, of the Ettrick shep- herd, Sir Henry Raeburn, &c. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1843-44. 4°. new series, v. 10, p. 569-578, 626-628, 780-786; v. 11, p. 15-19.) * DA The first article is reprinted in the Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science and art, united series, v. 3, p. 563-572, New York, 1843. Pungent, Pierce, pseud. James Hogg. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1830. 8°. v. 1, p. 291-300.) * DA Riddell, Henry Scott. James Hogg, the Ettrick shepherd. 1 port. (Hogg's Week- ly instructor. Edinburgh, 1847. 4°. v 5 p. 369-374, 386-392, 403-409.) * DA Saintsbury, George. James Hogg. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1890. 8° v 61, p. 18-29.) * DA Symons, Arthur. James Hogg. (The Lamp. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 29, p. 191- 195.) y * DA James Hogg (1770-1835). (In his: The romantic movement in English poetry. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 97-105.) NCID Unpublished letters of James Hogg, the Ettrick shepherd. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1888. 8°. v. 12, p. 1-66.) * DA Williams, W. Francis. The lions of Scotland. (Continental monthly. New York, 1863. 8°. v. 4, p. 584-590.) * DA Burns, Scott, Hogg. Y. Life and writings of James Hogg. (Edinburgh magazine and literary mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 35- 40, 122-129, 215-223.) * DE Home, John, Author John Home — the author of "Douglas." (Dublin University magazine. Dublin, 1868. 8°. v. 71, p. 657-669.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 98, p. 165-175, Boston, 1868. Mr. Home. (In: Public characters of 1807. London, 1807. 8°. p. 423-445.) AGH Memoir of John Home. [Edinburgh, 1820.] 16 p. 12°. AGHp.v.15 From the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Bri- tannica. Hope, Sir Thomas, Lord-Advocate Colville, James. The "diary" of Sir Thomas Hope (1633-45), lord-advocate (1616-46). (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 423-436.) CPA Hope, Sir Thomas, of Craighall. Twenty- four letters of Sir Thomas Hope, of Craig- hall, lord advocate of Scotland (1626-1646), 1627-1646. Edited from the original manu- scripts, with introduction and notes, by the Rev. Robert Paul. 1 port. (In: Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 71-139.) CPA Hope, Dr. Thomas Charles Traill, Thomas Stewart. Memoir of Dr. Thomas Charles Hope, late professor of chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1849. 4°. v. 16, p. 419- 434.) * EC 490 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Hope-Scott, James Robert James Hope Scott. (Quarterly review. London, 1884. 8°. v. 157, p. 473-504.) * DA Hopkirk, Thomas Turner, Robert. Thomas Hopkirk of Dalbeth: a sketch of his life and botanical work. 1 port. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 196- 259.) PQA Hoppringil, Janet, Prioress of Coldstream Gillman, Andrew. Notice of a notarial instrument narrating the proceedings on the election of Janet Hoppringil as prioress of Coldstream, on 23d February 1537-8. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 315-320.) CPA Horner, Francis, M.P. Horner, Francis. Memoirs and corre- spondence of Francis Horner, M.P., edited by his brother Leonard Horner. Lon- don: John Murray, 1843. 2 v. 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN London: J. Murray, 1853. 2 v. 8°. AN v. 2 published at Boston by Little, Brown & Co. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1853. 2v. 8°. AN Memoirs and correspondence of Francis Horner. (Edinburgh review. London, 1843. 8°. v. 78, p. 261-299.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, united series, v. 3, p. 536-556, New York, 1843. Howie, John, of Lochgoin Lochgoin. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. v. 61, p. 299-302.) * DA Howie, Rev. Robert Wodrow, Robert. Collections of the life of Mr. Robert Howie, professor of divinity at Saint Andrews. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's biographical collections . . . Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. p. 235-244.) f CP Hume, David, Philosopher See under the section Religion and Philosophy Hume, Grizel Russell, Constance Charlotte Eliza Len- nox, lay. Two brave Grizels: Grizel Hume and Grizel Cochrane. 1 port. (In her: Rose goddess and other sketches. London 1910. 8°. p. 147-164.) J A ' Hume, Joseph, Politician Hume, Joseph Burnley. Joseph Hume: a memorial. London: John W. Parker 1855. 8 p. 4°. AGHp.v.29 In verse. Joseph Hume. (In: Lives of the illustri- ous. London, 1856. 8°. v. 2, p. 78-99.) A Martineau, Harriet. Joseph Hume. (In her: Biographical sketches. New York 1869. 12°. p. 302-308.) AGH Rait, Robert Sangster. Joseph Hume and an academic rebellion. (Scottish an- tiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p 24-26.) CA Humphreys, Alexander Alexander Humphreys — the pretended earl of Stirling. (In: Celebrated claimants from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton. London, 1874. 2. ed. 16°. p. 117-122.) BAC Hunter, Rev. Andrew Wellwood, Sir Henry Moncreiff. A ser- mon preached in the Tron Church, Edin- burgh, 30th April 1809, being the Sunday immediately following the funeral of the Rev. Andrew Hunter, D.D.... Edinburgh: Walker & Greig, 1809. 1 p.L, 29 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.44 Hunter, Dr. John Anningson, J. W. John Hunter, his life and work. (Burnley Literary and Scien- tific Club. Transactions. Burnley, 1887. 8°. v. 4, p. 45-48.) *EC Memoir of John Hunter. 1 port. (In: The naturalists' library, ed. by Sir W. Jar- dine. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 10, p. 17- 83.) QGF Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. John Hunt- er., F.R.S. 14 p., 2 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 2.) AB Hunter, Rev. John, Gateshaw Centenary services at Gateshaw Brae, October 17, 1839, to celebrate the ordina- tion of the Rev. John Hunter, the first minister ordained by the Seceders from the Established Church: containing a display and defence of the great principles of the Scottish Secession. Edinburgh: M. Pater- son, 1839. 1 p.l., 41 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.37 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 491 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Hunter, Dr. William Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. William Hunter, M.D., F.R.S. 10 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 2.) AB Hutton, Dr. James Playfair, John. Biographical account oi James Hutton, M.D., F.R.S.E. [Edinburgh, 1797?] 1 p.l., 61 p. 4°. tfAp.v.8 Biographical account of the late Dr. James Hutton. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1805. 4 . v. 5, History of the society, p. 39-99.) * EC Inglis, Rev. John, D.D. Gordon, Alexander Brunton Robert. Two sermons preached in the Old Grayfriars' Church, on Sabbath, 12th January 1834, being the day after the funeral of the Rev. John Inglis, D.D., senior minister of that church. Edinburgh: John Waugh, 1834. 1 p.l., 47 p. 8°. * C p.v.484 Inglis, John, Justice-General John Inglis, justice-general of Scotland. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. ISO, p. 591-602.) * DA Innes, Cosmo, Antiquary Memoir of Cosmo Innes. Edinburgh: William Paterson, 1874. vii, 83 p. sq. 8°. AN Innes, George, Cardinal Geddes, John. Memoirs of the life of Cardinal George Innes. 1 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 129- 133.) t CPA Innes was the first Scottish cardinal. Irving, Dr. David, Biographer and Librarian Laing, David. Memoir of Dr. Irving. (In: David Irving, History of Scotish poetry... Edinburgh, 1861. 8°. p. xi- xxiv.) NDP Irving, Rev. Edward Landels, William. Edward Irving. (In: Lectures delivered. . .in Exeter Hall, 1863- 64. London, n. d. 12°. p. 37-86.) YFE p.v.2, no.5 Murray, Louisa. Thomas Carlyle and Edward Irving. (Rose Belford's Canadian monthly. Toronto, 1881. 8°. v. 7, p. 303- 315.) *DA Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wil- son). The life of Edward Irving, minister of the National Scotch Church, London. Illustrated by his journals and correspon- dence. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1862. 2 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. AN • New York: Harper & Broth- ers, 1862. xiii p., 1 I., (1)18-627 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Root, Jean Christie. Edward Irving, man, preacher, prophet. Boston: Sher- man, French & Co., 1912. 5 p.l., 150 p., 1 port. 12°. " AN Thomas Chalmers, A. J. Scott, and Ed- ward Irving. (National review. London, 1862. 8°. v. 15, p. 350-370.) * DA W., W. Edward Irving. (In: Lives of the illustrious. London, 1856. 8°. v. 2, p. 311-326.) A Jaffray, Alexander, of Aberdeen Jaffray, Alexander. Diary of Alexander Jaffray... to which are added, particulars of his subsequent life, given in connection with memoirs of the rise, progress, and persecutions, of the people called Quakers, in the north of Scotland. . . By John Bar- clay. London: Harvey & Darton, 1833. xxx p., 1 1., 592 p., 1 fac. 8°. ZXTC Innes, Thomas, Historian Grub, George. Memoir [Of Thomas Innes]. (In: Thomas Innes, A critical es- say on the ancient inhabitants of... Scot- land [edited by, G. Grub. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. p. xiii-xxx.) CP The substance of this memoir also appeared in the editor's preface to Innes* Civil and ecclesiatical history of Scotland, Aberdeen, 1853. Inverarity, Eliza Alba, pseud. Eliza Inverarity. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 65-66.) James i.. King of Scotland Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. James I. of Scotland. (In his: Old English worthies. London [1864?]. f°. p. 26-30.) tfAGH Irving, David. The life of King James the First. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 285- 335.) AB Irving, Washington. A royal poet. (In: his: The sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. New York, 1820. 1. ed. 8°. no. 3, p. 5-33.) NBY The poet is James i. of Scotland. 492 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. James I., king of Scotland. The poetical remains of King James the First of Scot- land, with a memoir, and an introduction to his poetry. By Rev. Charles Rogers. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 297- 392.) CA Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules. Le roman d'un roi d'ficosse. (Revue de Paris. Paris, 1894. 8°. v. 1, p 172-199.) Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1895. 61 c l] p., 1 pi. 12°. CP Literary character of King James i. (Calcutta magazine. Calcutta, 1830. 8°. v. 1, Spirit of the English journals, p. 13- 16.) *OHA Wylie, J. Hamilton. Note on the por- trait of James i. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 106-107.) CPA James in., King of Scotland Laing, David. Notes relating to the in- terment of King James in. of Scotland and of his queen, Margaret of Denmark, in the Abbey Church of Cambuskenneth. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 26-33.) CPA James iv.. King of Scotland Greene, Robert. The Scottish historic of James the Fourth, slaine at Flodden... London, 1598. (In his: Plays and poems, edited by J. Churton Collins. Oxford, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 79-158.) NCP Notes to the play, v. 2, p. 349-367. Murdoch, W. G. Blaikie. Two royal bibliophiles. (Booklover's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p. 56-60.) * IAA James iv. and Charles n. Small, John. Sketches of early Scottish alchemists: Michael Scott, King James iv., Sir George Erskine of Innertiel. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 179-197.) CPA Young, Sir Charles George. Remarks on the sword, dagger, and ring of King James the Fourth of Scotland, preserved in the College of Arms, London. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia. London, 1849. 4°. v. 33, p. 335-340.) t CA James v.. King of Scotland James V., king of Scotland. Excerpta e libris domicilii domini Jacobi quinti, regis Scotorum, 1525-1533. Edinburgh, 1836. 4 p.L, v-xxiv, 235, 45(1) p., 1 fac. 4°. (Ban- natyne Club.) t CP Life, The, and death of King James v. of Scotland, from the French.. . Paris, 1612 In which is the beginning of the reforma- tion in that kingdom; an account of the sufferings of the renowned Lady Jean Douglas, &c. II. The navigation of that king round Scotland, the Orkney and Wes- tern Isles... London: W. Taylor, 1701. Edinburgh: reprinted for D. Webster, 1819 xxiv, 25-100 p. 12°. CPp.v.l Paul, Sir James Balfour. The matri- monial adventures of James v. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 2, p. 90-104.) CPA James vi., King of Scotland Cuming, Henry Syer. On relics and mementos of James i. (British Archao- logical Association Journal. London 1869. 8°. v. 25, p. 321-334.) CA Irving, David. The life of King James the Sixth. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 207- 291.) AB James VI., king of Scotland. The libra- ry of James vi., 1573-1533, from a manu- script in the hand of Peter Young, his tu- tor. Edited with notes and introduction by George F. Warner. Edinburgh: Scot- tish History Society, 1893. 3 p.L, xi-lxxxvi p., 3 fac. 8°. CPA 3 fac. (In: Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. ix-lxxv, 586-595.) CPA King James i. as an author. (Book-lore. London, 1886. 8°. v. 3, p. 40-46; v. 4, p. 17-20, 81-83.) * GAA Literary character of James the First iof Great Britain]. (Harvard magazine. Cambridge, 1857. 8°. v. 3, p. 221-225.) *DD Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant. James First and Sixth. (Westminster review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 146, p. 635- 653.) *DA James, John, of Methven Gilfillan, George. The late John James of Methven. 1 port. (Hogg's instructor. Edinburgh, 1851. 4°. new series, v. 7, p. 353-355.) *DD Jameson, Andrew, Lord Aedwall Buchan, John. Andrew Jameson, Lord Ardwall. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1913. ix, 155 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Jameson, George, Painter George Jamesone, "The Scottish Van- dyck." (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 8-10.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 493 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Memorialls of George Jamieson the painter. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 289-293.) CP Jamieson, John, Lexicographer Donaldson, David. Memoir of Dr. Jamieson. (In his: Supplement to Jamie- son's Scottish dictionary. Paisley, 1887. 4°. p. 1-16.) t RNY Memoir of Dr. Jamieson, author of the Scottish dictionary. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1841. 4°. new se- ries, v. 8, p. S14-S28.) * DA Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, Lord C, J. Francis Jeffrey. (Mercersburg quarterly review. Chambersburg, Pa., 18S3. 8°. series 2, v. S, p. 207-245.) ZXBA Cockburn, Thomas Cockburn, lord. Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1852. 2 v. port. 8°. AN Reviewed in Irish quarterly review, v. 2, p. 249- 284, Dublin, 1852. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1872. viii, 476 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Philadelphia : Lippincott, Gram- bo & Co., 1852. 2 v. 8°. AN Francis Jeffrey. 32 p. (In: Chambers's Papers for the people. Edinburgh, 1850. 12°. v. 2, no. 16.) NCZ 32 p. 12°. (In: Historical and literary celebrities. . .selected from Cham- bers' Papers for the people. Edinburgh [18-?] 12°.) A Francis Jeffrey. (Household words. London, 1850. 8°. v. 1, p. 113-118.) * DA Reprinted in Harper's new monthly magazine, v. 1, p. 66-71, New York, 1850. Francis Jeffrey. (In: Lives of the illus- trious. London, 1856. 8°. v. 5, p. 128-141.) A Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, lord. [Letter from] Francis Jeffrey to James Monroe in 1813. (New York Public Library. Bulle- tin. New York, 1906. 4°. v. 10, p. 95-97.) From the original in the New York Public Library. Joline, Adrian Hoffman. A famous reviewer [Francis Jeffrey). [New York, 1910., 109 p. 8°. AN Late, The, Lord Jeffrey. (North Brit- ish review. Edinburgh, 1850. 8°. v. 13, p. 273-284.) *DA Lord Francis Jeffrey. (National maga- zine. New York, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 218- 224.) F *DA Saintsbury, George. Francis Jeffrey. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1887. 8°. v. 56, p. 256-267.) * DA Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. Francis Jeffrey. (In his: Essays, biographical and critical. Boston, 1857. 8°. p. 164-180.) A The reviewer: Lord Jeffrey. (In his: Mental portraits; or, Studies in char- acter. London, 1853. 12°. p. 198-224.) A Waldron, William Watson. Francis, Lord Jeffrey. (In his: Washington Irving and contemporaries . . . New York [185 - ?]. 16°. p. 213-218.) AB Jervise, Andrew, Antiquary Alexander, William, and J. G. Michie. Memoir of the author [Andrew Jervise]. (In: Andrew Jervise, Epitaphs and inscrip- tions . . .in the north east of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1879. 4°. v. 2, p. ix-lxx.) ARF Johnston, Sir Archibald, of Warriston Johnston, Sir Archibald. Diary of Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariston, 1632- 1639; edited from the original manuscript, with notes and introduction by G. M. Paul. Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 1911. 3 p.l., (i)x-li, 427 p., 1 fac. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 61.) CPA Fragment of the diary of Sir Archi- bald Johnston, Lord Wariston, May 21 - June 25, 1639; edited from the original manuscript with introduction and notes by George Morison Paul. 1 port. (In: Scot- tish History Society. Publications. Edin- burgh, 1896. 8°. v. 26, p. 1-98.) CPA Johnston, Arthur, Latin Scholar Johnston, William. The bibliography and extant portraits of Arthur Johnston. (In: Arthur Johnston, Musa Latina Aber- donensis. Aberdeen, 1895. 4°. v. 2, p. xlii-lvi.) t CP Robb, T. D. Arthur Johnston in his poems. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 287-298.) CPA W., J. The extant portraits of Arthur Johnston. 1 port. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 85.) CPA Johnston, Rev. John Johnston, John. The testament and let- tir will of Mr. John Johnstoun, ane of the principall maisters of the New College of St. Androis. Anno 1611. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 331-346.) tCP 494 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Wodrow, Robert. Collections on the life of Mr. John Johnstoun, professor of divin- ity in the University of Saint Andrews. (In his: Selections from Wodrow's bio- graphical collections... Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. p. 282-296.) t CP Lord Viscount Keith. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1823. 8°. v. 93, part 1, p. 273-276.) *DA Sellar, Eleanor C. George, viscount Keith, admiral of the Red, K.B. 1746-1822. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 419- 424.) tVWZH Johnston, John, of Clathrie Roberts, Andrew. Note as to John John- ston, of Clathrie, provost of Glasgow, 1685- 86. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 34-43.) CPA Johnston, Robert Execution of Robert Johnston. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 49-54.) * DE Executed in Edinburgh, Dec, 1818. Johnstone, Andrew Cochrane Hon., The, A. C. Johnstone. (In: Pub- lic characters of 1809-10. London, 1809. 8°. p. 316-320.) AGH Keith, James Francis Edward, Field-Marshal Dixon, Frederick. Marshal Keith. (Tem- ple Bar. London, 1898. 8°. v. 114, p. 178-208.) *DA Walford, Edward. Field Marshal Keith. (In his: Tales of our great families. Lon- don, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 2, p. 312-317.) ARF Keith, Sir Robert Murray Keith, Sir Robert Murray. Memoirs and correspondence (official and familiar) of Sir Robert Murray Keith . . . With a me- moir of Queen Carolina Matilda of Den- mark, and an account of the revolution there in 1772. Edited by Mrs. Gillespie Smyth. London: H. Colburn, 1849. 2 v. 12°. AN Johnstone, George Whitton, R.S.A. Gilbert. W. M. G. W. Johnstone, R.S.A. (Art journal. London, 1899. f°. 1899, p. 146-149.) MAA Jolly, Alexander, Bishop of Moray Archibald, John. Alexander Jolly, bishop of Moray. (In his: The historic episcopate in the Columbian Church... Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 218-284.) ZPWC Two Scottish bishops. (Church quarter- ly review. London, 1880. 8°. v. 9, p. 448- 468.) * DA Alexander Jolly, bishop of Moray, and George Gleig, bishop of Brechin. Kemp, George Meikle, Architect Bonnar, Thomas. Biographical sketch of George Meikle Kemp, architect of the Scott Monument, Edinburgh. By Thomas Bonnar, F.S.A. Scot... Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1892. viii p., 1 1., 228 p., 2 pi., 3 port. 8°. MQZ Kenmure (1. viscount), Sir John Gordon Rutherford, Samuel. The last and heavenly speeches, and glorious departure of John, Viscount Kenmure. [By S. Rutherford., (In: W. K. Tweedie. Select biographies... Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 371-409.) AGH Kames, Henry Home, Lord Tytler, Alexander Fraser. Memoirs of the life and writings of.. .Henry Home of Kames. . .containing sketches of the prog- ress of literature and general improvement in Scotland during the greater part of the eighteenth century. Edinburgh: printed for T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1814. 3 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. AN Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount Lord Keith. (Edinburgh annual register for 1823. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 16, part 3, p. 340-344.) BAA Kennedy, Egidia, Lady Row Hunter, Gilbert M. Testament of Lady Row. (Antiquary. London, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 160-164.) Kennedy, James, Bishop of St. Andrews Chambers, Robert. Memorandum re- specting the tomb of Bishop Kennedy, in the chapel of St. Salvador's College, St. An- drews. 1 fac. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 382-384.) t CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 495 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Kennedy, Lady Margaret Kennedy, Lady Margaret, afterwards Burnet. Letters to John, duke of Lauder- dale. Edinburgh, 1828. 6 p.l., vi, 107 p., 3 fac., 1 port, illus. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) tCP Kenticern, Saint Jocelin of Furness. Vita Kentigerni, au- tore Jocelino monacho Furnesensi. (In: A. P. Forbes, Lives of S. Ninian and S. Kentigern. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. p. 159- 242.) CP Translation in p. 29-119. Kidd, Dr. James Masson, David. The Rev. Dr. James Kidd. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1864. 8°. v. 9, p. 143-159.) * DA Kilmarnock (4. earl), William Boyd Buchanan, John. Interesting relics of the last earl of Kilmarnock, beheaded on Tower Hill, in 1746. (Glasgow Archaeolo- gical Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 45-56.) CPA Foster, James. An account of the be- haviour of the late earl of Kilmarnock, after his sentence, and on the day of his execution. With an appendix, containing several authentick papers. Dublin: G. Faulkner, 1746. 43 p. 12°. CP p. box Ker, Henry of Graden Leishman, J. F. Henry Ker of Graden. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 181-190.) ~ CPA King, Jessie M. Watson, Walter R. Miss Jessie M. King and her work. 13 illus. (International studio. New York, 1902. f°. v. 17, p. 177-188.) MAA Ker, John, of Kersland Lang, Andrew. Ker of Kersland, Cam- eronian, Jacobite, and spy. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 769-777.) * DA King, Professor Thomas In memoriam — Professor Thomas King. 1 port. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 1-17.) PQA p. 15-17 contain a bibliography of Professor King's writings. Kerr, James, F.R.S. Sketch of the life of James Kerr, F.R.S., with a selection from his correspondence. London: R. E. Taylor cl868?]. 8°. AN Printed for private circulation. p. 29-30 con- tain a genealogy of the Kerrs. Kinnaird (5. baron), Charles Kinnaird Burke, Peter. Remarkable case of Lord and Lady Kinnaird. (In his: The romance of the forum. . . London, 1854. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 112-120.) Kessog, Saint Mackinlay, James Murray. St. Kessog and his cultus in Scotland. (Glasgow Ar- chaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 347-359.) CPA Kethenys (Kettin), Ingram de Dowden, John. Note on Ingram of Kethenys; with observations on his monu- ment in the parish church of Tealing. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. ceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 245-251.) CPA Kinnaird (9. baron), George William Fox Kinnaird Drummond, Nora. Memorial cross to the late Lord Kinnaird, at the old church- yard of Rossie. Dundee: John Leng & Co., 1881. 22 p. illus. 12°. AGHp.v.17 Reprinted from the Dundee Advertiser of 1st August 1881, for private circulation. Kirkcaldy, Sir William, of Grange Barbe, Louis A. Kirkcaldy of Grange. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1897]. 157 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Dalyell, Sir John Graham. Biographi- cal sketches of Sir William Kircaldy of 496 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Grange, governor of Edinburgh Castle. [By Sir J. G. Dalyell.j (In: Scotish poems of the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 112-135.) NDP Kirkton, Rev. James Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick. Biographi- cal notice [of Rev. James Kirkton]. (In: James Kirkton, The secret and true his- tory of the Church of Scotland... Edin- burgh, 1817. 4°. p. v-xxiii.) ZWG Knight, Dr. William Masson, David. Dr. William Knight. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1864. 8°. v. 9, p. 331-337.) * DA Knox, John Black, John A. The last years of John Knox's life. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 62-72, 98- 105.) *DE Brandes, Friedrich. John Knox, der Ref- ormator Schottlands. Elberfeld: R. L. Friderichs, 1862. 4 p.l., 504 p. 8°. (Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften der Vater und Begriinder der reformirten Kirche. Bd. 10.) ZOF Brief, A, account of John Knox. 24 p., 1 port. (In: The lives of the British re- formers. Philadelphia, 1844. 12°.) AB Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. John Knox. (In his: Old English wor- thies. London, [1864?] f°. p. 68-72.) tfAGH Carlyle, Thomas. The early kings of Norway; also, an essay on the portraits of John Knox. London: Chapman & Hall, 1875. 2 p.l., 307 p. 12°. NDH London: Chapman & Hall, 1882. 3 p.l., 380 p., 1 port. 8°. (Collected works, v. 31.) NCG Cowan, Henry. John Knox, the hero of the Scottish reformation. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905. 2 p.l., xxxiii, 404 p., 2 fac, 23 pi., 1 port. 12°. (Heroes of the reformation.) *R-AN Bibliography, p. xxiii-xxxii. When was John Knox born? (Athenaeum. London, 1904. 4°. v. 122, p. 765.) * DA Date, The, of John Knox's birth: the Athenaeum correspondence. (Presbyterian Historical Society. Journal. Philadelphia, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-8.) IAA With portrait of Knox from Beza's Icones Re- print of letters by Andrew Lang, Henry Cowan, and D. Hay Fleming in the London Athenaum. Drummond, James. Notes upon some Scottish historical portraits — John Knox and George Buchanan. 4 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 237-264) CPA Fleming, David Hay. The date of Knox's birth. (Bookman. London, 1905. f°. v 28, p. 193-196.) tt*GDD Reprinted in Presbyterian Historical Society's Journal, v. 3, p. 186-192, Philadelphia, 1906. Fuller, Thomas. The life and death of John Knox. (In his: Abel redevivus London, 1867. 12°. v. 2, p. 1-7.) AB Graham, William. Robert Bruce and John Knox. By a parish minister [i. e., Rev. W. Graham]. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1873. 32 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1507 Presentation copy to Prof. John Stuart Blackie, Guthrie, Charles John Guthrie, lord. Is "John Knox's house" entitled to the name? (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 333-348.) CPA John Knox and John Knox's house. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Fer- rier, 1898. xii, 140 p. illus. 12°. AN Harland, M., pseud, of Mrs. M. V. H. Terhune. John Knox. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. 1 p.l., ix, 270 p., 4 pi., 6 port. 12°. (Literary hearthstones.) *R-AN Hart, Albert Bushnell. John Knox as a man of the world. (American historical review. New York, 1908. 4°. v. 13, p. 259-280.) IAA Herrick, Samuel Edward. Knox. (In his: Some heretics of yesterday. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. t cop. 1884., 8°. p. 181-205.) AB Hubbard, Elbert. John Knox. East Aurora, N. Y., 1907. 2 p.l., 165-190 p, 1 port. sq. 12°. (Little journeys to the homes of great reformers, v. 20, no. 6.) *R-AN John Knox. (Presbyterian Historical Society. Journal. Philadelphia, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 47-50.) IAA John Knox number. (Hartford Semin- ary record. Hartford, 1905. v. 15, Aug., 1905, p. 233-296.) Ker, John. John Knox. (In his: Scot- tish nationality and other papers. Edin- burgh, 1887. 12°. p. 23-35.) CP Knox. 1 illus. (In: Distinguished men of modern times. London, 1838. 16°. v. 1, p. 303-316.) A Laing, David. [Outlines of the life of John Knox.] (In: John Knox, Works of John Knox, edited by D. Laing. Edin- burgh, 1895. 8°. v. 6, p. xiii-lxxxvii.) ZOV LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 497 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Laingaeus, Jacobus. De vita et moribvs atqve rebvs gestis heereticorvm nostri tem- poris, &c. Traductis ex sermone Gallico in Latinvm . . . Auctore Iacobo Laingjeo Scoto. Parisiis: Apud M. de Roigny, 1581. 18 1., US f., 2 1. 8°. ZOF "De vita & moribus Knox," f°. 113a-H5b. This copy has the rare two leaves of errata at the end. Life, The, of John Knox. 1 port. (In: The British Plutarch... London, 1762. 24°. v. 4, p. 92-116.) AGH (In: The British Plutarch. . . Lon- don, 1791. 3. ed. 16°. v. 2, p. 18-39.) *R-AGH Life, The, and meritorious transactions of John Knox, the great Scottish reformer. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers [C 1845]. 24 p. 24°. ([no.] 61.) Reserve Chapbook. Lindsay, Thomas M. John Knox. (Lon- don quarterly review. London, 1905. 8°. series 4, v. 1 t v. 103], p. 1-24.) * DA Louden, David. Morham, the birthplace of John Knox. (In his: The history of Morham. Haddington, 1889. 8°. p. 32-51.) CR McClelland, C. Bruce. John Knox. n. t.-p. [Galesburg, 111.? 190-?] 3 1. sq. 8°. AGH p.v.31 Title from cover. M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Life of John Knox: containing illustrations of the history of the Reformation in Scotland. With biographical notices of the principal reformers . . . and an appendix. Edinburgh : William Blackwood, 1831. 2 v. 5. ed. 8°. AN New York: Eastburn, Kirk, & Co., 1813. xix, 582, [9] p., 1 port. American ed. 8°. AN With numerous additions, and a memoir of Dr. M'Crie by Andrew Crich- ton. London: H. G. Bohn, 1847. lxx, 470 p., 4 1. 16°. AN First complete American ed. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Pub- lication [1831?]. xvi, 17-579 p., 2 port. 8°. Stuart 4171 Maccunn, Florence A. John Knox. Lon- don: Methuen & Co., 1895. vi p., 1 1., 227 p., 1 port. 12°. (Leaders of Religion.) *R-AN Martyn, Mrs. S. T. The Hopes of Hope Castle; or, The times of Knox and Queen Mary Stuart. New York: American Tract Society [C op. 1867]. 359 p. 12°'. NBO Miller, Peter. John Knox and his manse. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, P- 138-154.) CPA Supplementary notes on John Knox's house. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 406-411.) CPA Reed, R. C. John Knox, his field and work. An address delivered before the General Assembly of the. Presbyterian Church in the United States at Fort Worth, Texas, May 21st, 1905. Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1905. 32 p. 16°. AGHp.v.17 Richardson, John. On the present state of the question, "where was John Knox born?" With supplementary notices |by David Laing and Thomas Thomson], (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 52-68.) CPA Rise, The, and growth of fanaticism; or, A view of the principles, plots and pernici- ous practices of the dissenters, for upwards of 150 years. Also an extract of the life of that pretended reformer John Knox. And an account of the writings and life of Buchanan. Together with King James the First's character of the Presbyterians... London: J. Morphew, 1715. 46 p., 1 1. 4°. ZPG p.box 1 Roget, F. F. John Knox, le refofma- teur ecossais, et Geneve. (Bibliotheque universelle et revue Suisse. Lausanne, 1899. v. 16, p. 120-133.) * DM Russell, E. John Knox as statesman. (Princeton theological review. Princeton, 1908. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-28.) ZEA Sketch, A, of the character of John Knox the reformer. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edinburgh, 1774. 8°. v. 2, p. 517-522.) * DE Portrait lacking. Stevenson, Robert Louis. John Knox and his relations to women. (Reprinted in his: Familiar studies of men and books. Lon- don, 1892. 7. ed. 12°. p. 328-397.) * R - NCZ Taylor, William Mackergo. John Knox. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1885. viii, 217 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Thornburn, Grant. John Knox the re- former, etc. (Knickerbocker magazine. New York, 1834. 8°. v. 4, p. 224-226.) * DA Towers, Joseph. The life of John Knox. [By Joseph Towers.] (In his: British biog- raphy. . . London, 1767. 8°. v. 3, p. 35-54.) AGH Tulloch, John. John Knox. (In his: Leaders of the Reformation... Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1859. 12°. p. 249-324.) Stuart 4066 W., J. Historical sketches of John Knox's house and its museum. Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1862. 43 p., 1 pi. 16°. * C p.v.1042 498 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Warfield, Ethelbert D. John Knox, re- former of a kingdom. (Princeton theo- logical review. Philadelphia, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 376-398.) ZEA Williams, William R. John Knox. (In his: Eras and characters of history. New York, 1882. 12°. p. 227-251.) BAC Wilson, Sir Daniel. John Knox's house, Netherbow, Edinburgh. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 154-162.) CPA Knox, Robert, Anatomist Lonsdale, Henry. A sketch of the life and writings of Robert Knox, the anatom- ist. London: Macmillan & Co., 1870. xx, 420 p. 12°. AN Portrait lacking. lation by T. and A. Constable, 1913. xlii p., 1 1., 318 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 pi., 4 port. 8° AN List of communications to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland by the late David Laing, LL.D. 1 port. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1879. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 6-16.) CPA Lam ont. Rev. David Wightman, John. The good man and his future prospects. A sermon preached in the church of Kirkpatrick-Durham, Janu- ary 22, 1837, being the Sabbath after the funeral of the late Rev. David Lamont, D.D., minister of that parish. . . Dumfries: J. Johnston, J. Anderson, and J. M'Kie 1837. 18 p. 8°. AGHp.v.16 Knox, William, Poet Morton, Wallace. William Knox, the author of Immortality. (Caledonian. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 7, p. 273 r 276.) * DD His poem "Immortality," is given in the same volume, p. 248. KOLBEINSSON, BlARNE Stefansson, Jon. Biarne Kolbeinsson, the skald, bishop of Orkney, 1188-1223. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 43-47.) CR Laideus, Duncan Laideus, Duncan, alias Macgregor. Dun- can Laideus' alias Makgregouris testa- ment. 1 fac. (In: W. Bowie, The black book of Taymouth... Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. p. 151-173.) fARZ Laing, Andrew, Marine Engineer Andrew Laing. A biographical sketch. (Cassier's magazine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 18, p. 262-264.) VDA Laing, David, Antiquary Goudie, Gilbert. David Laing, LL.D., a memoir of his life and literary work. By G. Goudie. With introduction by Lord Guth- rie. Edinburgh: printed for private circu- Lang, Andrew Andrew Lang. (University of St. An- drews. Library bulletin. St. Andrews, 1914. 8°. v. 5, p. 219-228.) * HPD Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Mr. Andrew Lang. 1 port. (Literature. London, 1901. f°. v. 9, p. 484-486.) t*DE Clodd, Edward. In memoriam: Andrew Lang (1844-1912). (Folk-lore. London, 1912. 8°. v. 23, p. 358-371.) ZBA Courtney, W. L. Andrew Lang. (Eng- lish illustrated magazine. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 30, p. 682-685, 688-690.) * DA With a bibliography. In memoriam: Andrew Lang. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 192, p. 425-430.) *DA McWilliam, H. D. Mr. Andrew Lang's descent from the ancient house of Comyn. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 91-92.) CPA Marett, R. R. Andrew Lang, M.A., D. Litt., F.B.A. Born 31st March 1844; died 20th July 1912. 1 port. (Man. London, 1912. 4°. 1912, no. 85.) QOA Matthews, James Brander. Andrew Lang. 1 port. (Century magazine. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 47, p. 375-381.) * DA ■ ■ Two Scotsmen of letters. (In his: Aspects of fiction . . . New York, 1896. 12°. p. 103-138.) *R-NBQ Andrew Lang; Robert Louis Stevenson. Repplier, Agnes. Andrew Lang. (Catho- lic world. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 96, p. 289-297.) *DA Simson, James. Andrew Lang a gipsy. [New York, 1892.] 4 p. 8°. *Cp.v.389 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 499 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Lauder, Robert Scott, R.S.A. Pinnington, Edward. Robert Scott Lauder. R.S.A., and his pupils. (Art jour- nal. London, 1898. f°. 1898, p. 339-343, 367-371.) MAA Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick Smith, Mrs. J. Stewart. Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. (In her: The Grange of St. Giles... Edinburgh, 1898. 4°. p. 337- 348.) t ARZ p. 410-411 contain a catalogue of Sir Thomas Dick Lauder's works. Lauder, William Millar, Alexander Hastie. William Lau- der, the literary forger. An unrecorded episode in his life. (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 166, p. 381- 386.) * DA Laurie, Simon Somerville Watson, Foster. Prof. S. S. Laurie, of Edinburgh. 1 port. (Educational review. New York, 1895. 8°. v. 9, p. 1-9.) SSA Law, John, of Lauriston Ainsworth, William Harrison. John Law: the projector. London: Chapman & Hall, 1864. 3 v. 8°. NCW Fiction. Thiers, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe. Histoire de Law. Paris: M. Levy freres, 1858. 184 p. 12°. TI The Mississippi bubble: a memoir of John Law. To which are added, Authen- tic accounts of the Darien expedition, and the South sea scheme. Translated and edited by Frank S. Fiske. New York: W. A. Townsend & Co., 1859. xii p., 1 1., 15-388 p. 12°. TI Wiston-Glynn, A. W. John Law of Lauriston, financier and statesman, found- er of the Bank of France, originator of the Mississippi scheme, etc. Edinburgh: E. Saunders & Co. [1907.] xii, 203 p., 1 pi., 5 port. 4°. AN Wood, John Philip. Memoirs of the life of John Law of Lauriston, including a de- tailed account of the rise, progress and termination of the Mississippi system. Edinburgh: Adam Black, 1824. 1 p.l., 234 p., 1 port. 16°. AN A sketch of the life and projects of John Law of Lauriston, comptroller gene- ral of the finances of France. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1791. 1 p.l., ii, 48 p. 4°. Reserve Lawson, Rev. James Account, An, of the death and funeral of Mr. James Lawson, minister of Edinburgh, 1584. (In: Wodrow Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 445-452.) CP Wodrow, Robert. Collections upon the life of Mr. James Lawson, sub-principal of the College of Aberdeen and minister at Edinburgh. (In his: Selections from Wod- row's biographical collections... Aber- deen, 1890. 4°. p. 193-234.) t CP Lawson, Jean Gleanings of conversations held in a sick chamber, with the daughter of a Scottish peasant. Edinburgh: William Oliphant, 1822. 36 p. 24°. ZEC p.v.83 Lawson, Richard, Bookseller Lawson, Richard. The testament of Richard Lawson, bookseller and merchant- burgess of Edinburgh, mdc.xxii. (Banna- tyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 197-205.) t CP Learmont, Thomas See Erceldoune, Thomas of Leask, Nathaniel, M.A. Testimonials. Nathaniel Leask, M.A., (Miller scholar, first prizeman in mathe- matics, natural philosophy, Latin, etc.), principal of Oakfield College, Hornsey, London, N. [Edinburgh: M'Farlane and Erskine, 1880.] 20 p. 24°. AGH p.v.17 For the position of house governor of George Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh. Leighich, Fearchur Morrison, William. Fearchur Leighich. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 246-255.) NDK He was physician to the Mackays of Farr. Leighton, Alexander Carlyle, Thomas. Dr. Leighton. 1630. (In his: Historical sketches of notable per- sons and events in the reigns of James I. and Charles I. London, 1898. 2. ed. 8°. p. 242-248.) CI Leighton, Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow Blaikie, William Garden. Archbishop [Robert] Leighton. (In: The evangelical 500 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. succession. Edinburgh: Macniven & Wal- lace, 1883. 12°. series 2, p. 175-208.) ZEC p.v.4 Carrick, John Charles. Some notes on Archbishop Leighton and his connection with Newbattle. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 23-33.) CPA Certain papers of Robert Burnet, after- wards Lord Crimond, Gilbert Burnet, after- wards bp. of Salisbury, and Robert Leigh- ton, sometime archbishop of Glasgow. Edited by H. C. Foxcroft. (Scottish His- tory Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 31S-370.) CPA Gordon, Thomas. Extracts from the presbytery records of Dalkeith, relating to the parish of Newbattle during the incum- bency of Mr. Robert Leighton, 1641-1653. Communicated by the Rev. T. Gordon. With some introductory remarks by David Laing. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 459-489.) CPA Leighton, Robert, archbishop of Glas- gow. Demission by Dr. Robert Leighton, of his charge of the diocese of Glasgow. 1 fac. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Glas- gow, 1847. 4°. v. 4, p. 293-299.) f CP Leishman, Rev. Thomas, D.D. Sprott, George W. The character and work of the late Very Rev. Thomas Leish- man, D.D. A sermon preached in Linton Church, July 24, 1904. Edinburgh: J. Gard- ner Hitt [1904]. 16 p. 8°. AGHp.v.18 Leitch, David Alba, pseud. David and John Leitch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 177-178.) CPA Leitch, John, Principal of King's College Alba, pseud. David and John Leitch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 177-178.) CPA Leitch, John, of Ardbrannan MacLea, Delta. Ardbrannan Mount, Bute, and its literary recluse. (Scots maga- zine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 230-235.) * DE Leslie, George, Capuchin Friar Cunninghame- Graham, Robert Bontine. Father Archangel of Scotland. (Nine- teenth century. London, 1893. 8°. v 34 p. 384-398.) *'da' Law, Thomas Graves. Archangel Leslie of' Scotland: a sequel. (Nineteenth cen- tury. London, 1893. 8°. v. 34, p. 782-790.) *DA Supplementary to the article by Cunninghame- Graham. The legend of Archangel Leslie. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8" v 18, p. 77-110.) *DA O'Connor, R. F. A Scotch apostle. (American Catholic quarterly review Philadelphia, 1908. 8°. v. 33, p. 29-57.) *DA Father Archangel Leslie. Thurston, Herbert. A bogus biography. The life of Father Archangel Leslie (Month. London, 1908. 8°. v. 112, p 154-173.) *DA W., (T.) Un capucin ecossais. (Revue politique et litteraire. Paris, 1893. 4°. v. 52, p. 413-415.) *DM Father Archangel. Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross Leslie, John, bishop of Ross. An exact account of the life and actions of the rev- erend father in God, John Lesley, bishop of Ross in Scotland... (In: Collections relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland... Edinburgh, 1727. 4°. v. 3, pref. p. vii-xx.) CPB Leslie, Sir John, Mathematician Sir John Leslie was appointed professor of mathe- _ atics in Edinburgh University in 1805. His elec- tion was opposed by the presbytery of Edinburgh, matics in Edinburgh University in 1805. His elec- tion was opposed by the presbytery of Edinburgh, which brought a charge of unorthodoxy against him. A fierce war of pamphlets resulted, the titles of the greater part of which are here noted. Brewster, Sir David. An examination of the letter addressed to Principal Hill, on the case of Mr. Leslie, in a letter to [Andrew Thomson] its anonymous author. With remarks on Mr. Stewart's postscript, and Mr. Playfair's pamphlet. By a calm observer [Sir David Brewster). Edin- burgh: Mundell & Son, 1806. 1 pi, 86 p. 8°. STH p.v.4 (In: Tracts, historical and philosophical. . .respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the professorship of mathe- matics in that university. Edinburgh, 1806. 8°. v. 2.) STHp.v.2 Brown, Thomas. An examination of some remarks in the Reply of Dr. John Inglis to Professor Playfair. Edinburgh: Mundell, Doig, & Stevenson, 1806. 1 pi, 66 p. (In: Tracts, historical and philosoph- ical. . .respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the professorship of mathematics in that [Edinburgh] University. Edinburgh, 1806. 8°. v. 2.) STHp.v.2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 501 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. A short criticism of the terms of the charge against Mr. Leslie, in the Pro- test of the ministers of Edinburgh, as ex- plained by them in their late pamphlet. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, 1806. 48 p. 8°. STH p.v.6 Brown, William Lawrence. Remarks on certain passages of "An examination of Mr. Dugald Stewart's pamphlet," by one of the ministers of Edinburgh ( i. e., John Inglis, D.D.j; relative to subjects nearly connected with the interests of religion and learning. Aberdeen: J. Chalmers & Co., prtrs., 1806. 64 p., 1 1. 8°. STH p.v.6 (In: Tracts, historical and philosophical. . .respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the professorship of mathe- matics in that [Edinburgh] University. Edinburgh, 1806. 8°. v. 2. STH p.v.2 Inglis, John. An examination of Mr. Dugald Stewart's pamphlet, relative to the late election of a mathematical professor in the University of Edinburgh. By one of the ministers of Edinburgh [i. e., Rev. John Inglis, D.D . Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1805. 1 p.l., 146 p. 8°. STH p.v.8 Dr. Inglis was assisted in the writing of this essay by Dr. James Finlayson. With an appendix. Edin- burgh: Peter Hill, 1806. 152 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v.473 The appendix to the second edition appears also to have been issued separately, but paged [147]-152. The New York Public Library # has a copy with title: "Appendix to An examination of Mr. Dugald Stewarts' pamphlet." As given in the second edition it simply has the title: "Appendix." Reply to Professor Playfair's Let- ter to the author of The examination of Professor Stewart's short statement &c, including some remarks on Mr. Stewart's postscript. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1806. 99 p. 8°. STH p.v.8 (In: Tracts, historical and philosophical. . .respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the professorship of mathe- matics in that [Edinburgh] University. Edinburgh, 1806. 8°. v. 2.) STH p.v.2 Macfarlan, Duncan. A short vindication of the minority in the last General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow: John Scrymgeour, 1806. 50 p. 8°. * C p.v.473 Playfair, John. Letter to the author of the Examination of Professor Stewart's "Short statement of facts," with an appen- dix. Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1806. 2 p.l., 117 p., 1 1. 8°. *Cp.v.l307 Report of the trial by jury, Profesesor John Leslie against William Blackwood for libel in "Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine". . July 22, 1822 Edinburgh: W. & C. Tait, 1822. 2 p.l., 161 p. 8°. * C p.v.622 Stewart, Dugald. A short statement of some important facts, relative to the late election of a mathematical professor in the University of Edinburgh; accompanied with original papers and critical remarks. [By Dugald Stewart.] Edinburgh: Wm. Creech & A. Constable & Co., 1805. ii, 127 p. 8°. STKp.v.5 Edinburgh: William Creech, 1805. 2 p.l., ii, 127 p. 8°. STKp.v.5 Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1805. 1 p.l., ii, 127 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v.1307 Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1805. 1 p.l., ii, 139 p. 3. ed. 8°. * C p.v.473 Postscript to Mr. Stewart's Short statement of facts relative to the election of Professor Leslie. With an appendix consisting of extracts from the records of the University of Edinburgh, and from those of the city of Edinburgh. [By Du- gald Stewart.] Edinburgh: William Creech, 1806. 2 p.l., 48 p. 8°. STK p.v.S Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1806. 2 p.l., 48 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v.1307 Thomson, Andrew. A letter to the Rev. Principal Hill, on the case of Mr. John Leslie, professor of mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. By the author of Two Letters to Principal Hill [ i. e., An- drew Thomson]. Edinburgh, 1805. 124 p. 8°. STH p.v.2 Lacks title-page. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son. 1805. 1 p.l., 154 p. 8°. STH p.v.8 Inside title reads: Third letter to the Reverend Principal Hill. (In: Tracts, historical and philosophical. . .respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the professorship of mathe- matics in that [Edinburgh] University. Edinburgh, 1806/ 8°. v. 2.) STH p.v.2 — ■ — A letter to the Rev. Dr. Inglis, au- thor of "An examination of Professor Stewart's Short statement of facts relative to the election of Mr. Leslie." By a minis- ter of the church of Scotland, author of A letter to Principal Hill on Professor Les- lie's case [i. e., Andrew Thomson]. Edin- burgh: Mundell, Doig & Stevenson, 1806. 1 p.l., 180 p. 8°. STH p.v.6 (In: Tracts, historical and philosophical. . .respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the professorship of mathe- matics in that [Edinburgh] University. Edinburgh, 1806. 8°. v. 2.) STH p.v.2 Tracts, historical and philosophical, rel- ative to the important discussions which lately took place between the members of the University and the Presbytery of Edin- burgh, respecting the election of Mr. Les- lie to the professorship of mathematics in that university. Edinburgh: William Creech ietc.,, 1806. 2 v. 8°. STH p.v.2 v. 2 only. Each tract has its own pagination. 1. Letter to Principal Hill on the case of Mr. Leslie. 2. Examination of ditto, by a calm observer. 502 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. 3. Observations on the nature and tendency of the doctrine of Mr. Hume, by Dr. Brown. 4. Letter to Dr. Inglis on his examination of Professor Stew- art's statement. 5. Examination of some remarks in the reply of Dr. John Inglis to Professor Play- fair, by Dr. Brown. 6. Remarks of certain pas- sages of an examination of Mr. Dugald Stewart's pamphlet, by W. L. Brown. 7. Reply to Professor Playfair's letter, including some remarks on Mr. Stewart's postscript, by Dr. Inglis. Gibb, Andrew. Notice of the memorial brass of Dr. Duncan Liddel, and of the tombstone of Sir Paul Menzies of Kin- mundy, in Saint Nicholas Church, Aber- deen. 4 pi., 1 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 450-462.) CPA Stuart, John. A sketch of the life of Dr. Duncan Liddel, of Aberdeen... Aber- deen: J. Chalmers & Co., printers, 1790 1 p.l., 14 p., 1 port. 4°. ttAp.v.8 Leslie, Norman, Mastek of Rothes Laing, David. Norman Lesley. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1895. 8° v. 1, p. 541-542.) zov Leven (1. earl), Alexander Leslie . Commission by the meeting of the Es- tates to Sir Alexander Leslie to be general of all the Scots forces, 1640. 1 fac. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 475-485.) ' t CP Terry, Charles Sanford. The life and campaigns of Alexander Leslie, first earl of Leven. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. xix, 518 p., 3 plans, 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. CP Leyden, John, M.D. Biographical memoir of John Leyden, M.D. (Edinburgh annual register for 1811. Edinburgh, 1813. 8°. v. 4, part 2, p. xl-lxviii.) BAA Dr. John Leyden. (Leisure hour. Lon- don, 1875. 4°. v. 24, p. 604-608.) * DA John Leyden. (Chambers's Edinburgh journal. London, 1835. f°. v. 3, p. 261- 263.) * DA Chiefly condensed from Sir Walter Scott's memoir. Life of Dr. John Leyden. (In: Cham- bers, Miscellany of useful and entertain- ing tracts. Edinburgh, 1847. 12°. v. 18, no. 152, p. 6-13.) * C Remarks on the life and poetical remains of the late Dr. John Leyden. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 414-422.) * DE Scott, Sir Walter. Biographical memoir of John Leyden, M.D. (In: Waldie's Se- lect circulating library... Philadelphia, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 94-102.) + * DD Limont, Rev. William Thomson, William. A sermon, preached in the Relief Church, South College street, Edinburgh, on the 13th January 1833, being the Sabbath after the funeral of the Rev. William Limount. Edinburgh: William Oliphant, 1833. 32 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.43 Lindsay, Sir David, Poet Irving, David. The life of Sir David Lindsay. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 69- 116.) AB Laing, David. Memoir of Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount. (In: Sir David Lindsay, Poetical works, red.] by D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. v. 1, p. vii-lii.) Lindsay, Wodrow, Robert, life of Mr. David Dundee, bishop of Edinburgh. (In his: row's biographical deen, 1890. 4°. p. Rev. David Collections upon the Lindsay, minister at Brechin, and then of Selections from Wod- collections. . . Aber- 165-178.) tCP Lindsay, Rear Admiral Sir John Watson, Ella C. Carmichael. Rear- Admiral of the Red Sir John Lindsay, K.B. 1737-88. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 415- 416.) t VWZH Liston, Robert, Surgeon Report of the proceedings and speeches at the public dinner given at Edinburgh, November, 1834, in honour of Mr. Liston, surgeon, previous to his departure for Lon- don. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1834. 23 p. 8°. *Cp.v.458 Liddel, Dr. Duncan Anderson, Peter John. Notes of aca- demic theses: with a bibliography of Dun- can Liddell. 10 fac. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1913. sq. 8°. 1911-13, p. 1-52.) Reserve Lithgow, William, Traveller Lithgow, R. A. Douglas. William Lith- gow: the eccentric Scottish traveller. (Manchester Literary Club. Papers. Manchester, 1881. 8°. 1881, p. 146-165.) NAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 503 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Reid, Thomas. Notes on the life of Wil- liam Lithgow, traveller, 1582-1645. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 403-416.) CPA Livingstone, Dr. David American Geographical Society. Me- morial bulletin of the American Geograph- ical Society. April 23, 1874. The life and services of Dr. David Livingstone, an hon- orary member of the society... New York: the society, 1874. 47 p. 8°. AGH p.v.16 Blaikie, William Garden. The personal life of David Livingstone, chiefly from his unpublished journals and correspondence in the possession of his family. London: John Murray, 1882. xii, 412 p., 1 map, 1 port. 12°. AN Charlton, John. David Livingstone. (In: his: Speeches and addresses: political, lit- erary and religious. Toronto, 1905. 8°. p. 423-452.) NDB Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward. Dr. Livingstone. (Good words. London, 1874. 8°. v. 15, p. 279-287.) * DA Heart, The, of Dr. Livingstone. 3 illus. (Century magazine. New York, 1895. 8°. v. 50, p. 100-102.) * DA Home, Charles Silvester. David Living- stone. New York: The Macmillan Com- pany, 1913. vi p., 1 1., 248 p., 1 port. 16°. AN Hughes, Thomas. David Livingstone. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. vii(i), 208 p., 1 map. 12°. (English men of ac- tion.) *R-AN Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton. Living- stone and the exploration of Central Africa. London: G. Philip & Son, 1891. 1 p.L, vi-xii, 372 p., 1 fac, 7 maps, 4 pi., 1 port. _ 12°. (Biographical history of geo- graphical discovery.) AN Wright, Stewart. David Livingstone. 1 pi. (In his: Annals of Blantyre. Glasgow, 1885. 12°. p. 89-94.) CR Livingstone, Rev.^ John Accompt, Ane, of what past when Mr. John Livingstone appeared before the Councill in the lower council-house at Edinburgh, December 11, 1662, at which time they banished him. (In: W. K. Twee- die, Select biographies . . . Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 213-221.) AGH Livingstone, John. A brief historical relation of the life of Mr. John Livingstone; minister of the gospel. . .written by him- self, during his banishment in Holland... (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies. . . Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 127-197.) AGH — — A letter from Mr. John Livingstone to his paroch, before his departure forth of the kingdom, when permission to visit it after his sentence was refused. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edin- burgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 223-229.) AGH A letter written by that famous and faithfull minister of Christ, Mr. John Livingstone, unto his parishioners of An- crum. in Scotland, dated Rotterdam, Octo- ber 7, 1671. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 231-254.) AGH The substance of a discourse had by Mr. J. Livingstone, to his paroch at An- crum, forseeing his separation from it, as it was taken from his mouth by the pen of a hearer, on the 13th of October, 1662.. . (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 199-212.) AGH Lockhart, Sir George Tytler, Patrick' Fraser. An account of the assassination of Sir George Lockhart, president of the Session, by John Chries- ley of Dairy. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 15-18.) t CPA Lockhart, John Gibson John Gibson Lockhart. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 607-625.) * DA Based on Lang's Life and letters of J. G. Lock- hart, 1896. Lang, Andrew. The life and letters of John Gibson Lockhart. From Abbotsford and Milton Lockhart mss. and other orig- inal sources. With 15 illustrations. Lon- don: J. C. Nimmo, 1897. 2 v. sq. 8°. AN Martineau, Harriet. John Gibson Lock- hart. (In her: Biographical sketches. New York, 1869. 12°. p. 28-36.) AGH T., W. W. A tangled talk about John Gibson Lockhart. (The Academy. Lon- don, 1910. f°. v. 78, p. 79, 82-83.) * DA Lockhart, Sir William Lockhart, R. M. The ambassador of the Commonwealth and governor of Dunkirk. (Westminster review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 148, p. 150-158.) *DA Logan, Robert, of Restalrig Robertson, David H. Notice of sup- posed cranium of Robert Logan of Restal- 504 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. rig. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 186S. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 102-105.) CPA With supplementary note by David Laing. Lothian (5. marquis), William John Ker Marquis of Lothian, Knight of the Thistle, &c. (In: Public characters of 1809- 10. London, 1809. 8°. p. 268-275.) AGH Lovat (11. baron), Simon Fraser See also under Criminal Trials Account, An, of Captain Simon Frazer of Beaufort, who has been carrying on a plot in the Highlands of Scotland against the Government: and, at the same time, was engaged in another wicked design, to suborn witnesses against several great families in Scotland, as if they were in a correspondence with the courts of France and St. Germains. Printed 1704. (In: So- mers, A collection of scarce and valuable tracts... London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 437- 448.) C An exposure of the character of Simon Fraser of Lovat. Allen, J. W. Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat (1667-1747). 2 pi., 1 port. (In: Twelve bad men... Original studies .. .edited by Thomas Seccombe. New York [1912]. 12°. p. 155-191.) A Burton, John Hill. Lives of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes of Culloden. From original sources. Lon- don: Chapman and Hall, 1847. xvi, 388 p. 12°. AN Donaldson, Williamson. Simon Fraser — Lord Lovat (ob. 1747). (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 21, p. 81-115.) *DA Draper, Edward. Lord Lovat. 1 port. (The Train. London, 1856. 8°. v. 2, p 147-156.) * DE Firth, Charles Harding. An elegy and a ballad. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1909. 4°. v. 6. p. 357-361.) CPA The elegy is on Col. Gardiner, killed at Preston- pans in 1745, and is printed from a broadside. The ballad is on Lord Lojrat's execution, March 19, 1747. Lord Lovat. (North British Review. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 7, p. 72-92.) * DA Lovat (11. baron), Simon Fraser. Let- ters from Simon, Lord Fraser of Lovat to George Crawford, 1728-30. (The Spottis- woode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 395-406.) ZDVH Mackay, William. Unpublished letters by Simon, Lord Lovat. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1888 8°. v. 13, p. 135-178.) NDO Mackenzie, William Cook. Simon Fra- er, Lord Lovat, his life and times. Lon- don: Chapman & Hall, 1908. vii p., 1 1 361 p., 12 port. 8°. AN Memoirs of the life of Lord Lovat. London: M. Cooper, 1746. 1 p.l.. 123 p. 8°' AN Low, David, Bishop of Moray Archibald, John. David Low, bishop of Moray. (In his: The historic episcopate of the Columbian Church . . . Edinburgh 1893. 8°. p. 285-324.) ZPWC Lyall, Margaret Brewster, James. Account of the re- markable case of Margaret Lyall, who continued in a state of sleep nearly six weeks. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1818. 4°. v. 8, p. 249-257.) *EC Reprinted in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 1, p. 61-64, Edinburgh, 1817. Lyell, Sir Charles, Geologist Allen, Grant. Sir Charles Lyell. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1882. 8°. new series, v. 31, p. 69-87.) * DA Bonney, Thomas George. Charles Lyell and modern geology. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1895. vi p., 1 1., (1)10-224 p., 1 port. 12°. *R-AN Evans, Sir John. [Sir Charles Lyell.] (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1876. 8°. v. 32, p. 53- 69.) PTA Geikie, Sir Archibald. Sir Charles Lyell, born Nov. 14, 1797; died Feb. 22, 1875. 1 port. (Nature. London, 1875. 4°. v. 12, p. 325-327.) OA Lyell, Sir Charles. Life, letters and jour- nals. Edited by his sister-in-law, Mrs. [Katharine M.] Lyell. London: John Mur- ray, 1881. 2 v. 8°. AN Sir Charles Lyell, M.A., F.R.S. 1 port. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1859. 8°. v. 62, p. 387-391.) *DA Lyell, Rev. Thomas Lyell, Thomas. A brief account of the rise and progress of the prosecution car- ried on against Thomas Lyell, minister of Lady parish in Sanday. n. t.-p. [London? 1766?] 32 p. 8°. ZWVI p.v.3, no.7 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 505 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Lynedoch, Thomas Graham, Lord Delavoye, Alexander M. Life of Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch. London: Rich- ardson & Co., 1880. 7 p., 1 1., 816 p., 1 1., 1 port., 1 table. 8°. AN Life of Thomas Graham, Lord Lyne- doch. (Edinburgh review. London, 1880. 8°. v. 152, p. 303-344.) * DA MacGregor, A. G. General Lord Lyne- doch, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. 1748-1843. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 425-431.) tVWZH Lyon, Robert, Presbyter Last, The, speech of Robert Lyon, pres- byter at Perth, who was executed at Pen- rith, October 28th, 1746. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. I 8°. v. 5, p. 164-168.) * DA Macara, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Robert Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Robert Macara, K.C.B., 1759-1815. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 463-467.) t VWZH Macarthur, Rev. Archibald Harper, James. Jesus Christ the only foundation of the Church: a sermon preached in the Rev. Dr. Jamieson's chapel, Edinburgh. ..22d January 1822, on occa- sion of the ordination of the Rev. Archi- bald Macarthur, as missionary minister to Van Diemen's Land... Edinburgh: W. Oliphant t and others], 1822. 48 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.39 Macbain, Alexander, LL.D. Watson, W. J. Alexander Macbain. 1 port. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 381-386.) NDK M'Bain, Dr. James Grieve, David. Obituary notice of the late Dr. James M'Bain. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Ed- inburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 255-263.) * EC Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael. The Scot- tish and English Macbeth. (Royal Society of Literature. Transactions. London, 1897. 8°. series 2, v. 18, p. 235-284.) * EC M'Cheyne, Rev. Robert Murray Bonar, Andrew Alexander. Memoir and remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne. Dundee: William Middleton, 1846. x p., 1 1., 606 p., 1 port. 20th thousand. 12°. AN With an introductory letter by Samuel Miller. Philadelphia: Presby- terian Board of Publication, 1844. xviii, 386 p., 1 port. 12°. Stuart 8248 Rev., The, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, minister of St. Peter's Church, Dundee, N. B. n. p„ n. d. 32 p. 16°. ZEC p.v.70 Based on Bonar's Memoir and remains, Dundee, 1846. MacCodrum, John, Gaelic Poet Macdonald, Archibald. John MacCod- rum. (In: The Uist collection. .. Edited by Rev. A. Macdonald. Glasgow, 1894. 16°. p. ix-xlvi.) NDO Maccoll, Evan, Gaelic Poet Mackenzie, Alexander. Evan MacColl — the "Bard of Lochfyne." (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 54-58, 95-103.) * DE M'Crie, Rev. Thomas, the Elder Crichton, Andrew. Memoir of Dr. M'Crie. (In: Thomas M'Crie, the elder, Life of John Knox. . . London, 1847. 16°. p. ix-lx.) AN M'Crie, Thomas, the younger. Life of Thomas M'Crie, author of "Life of John Knox," etc. By his son. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1840. x, 497 p. port. 8°. AN M'Currich, David Testimonials in favour of Mr. David M'Currich. [Alloa: printed at the "Cour- ier" Office, 1862.] 16 p. 8°. AGH p.v.16 Macdonald, Alexander Hinton, Richard J. Alexander Macdon- ald. (In his: English radical leaders. New York, 1875. 16°. p. 142-160.) AGH Macbeth Garrett, William H. An essay on the character of Macbeth. (Royal Society of Literature. Transactions. London, n. d. 8°. series 2, v. 13, p. 312-332.) * EC Read May, 1884. Macdonald, Rev. Allan, of Eriskay Cuimhneachan air Maighstir Ailean. Re proposed memorial to the late Reverend Allan Macdonald, of Eriskay, South Uist, dean of the Isles, n. t.-p. n. d. [1907.] 8 p., 1 1. 8°. AGH p.v.16 506 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Macdonald, Andrew Scoto Montanus, pseud. Biographical sketch of Macdonald, author of Vimonda. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. S, p. 233- 237.) * DE Macdonald, Flora Banks, James. The life and character of Flora McDonald. Fayetteville : E. J. Hale & Son, 1857. 24 p. 8°. AN Reprinted from the University magazine. Macgregor, Alexander. The early scenes of Flora Macdonald's life, with several incidental allusions to the remarkable ad- ventures and escapes of the unfortunate Prince Charles Edward Stuart. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1879-81. 8°. v. 4, p. 441-447; v. 5, p. 52-59, 138-143, 475-482; v. 6, p. 16-23, 68-73, 314-320, 349-356, 442-451.) *DE The last scenes of Flora Macdon- ald's life, with a variety of collateral inci- dents. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 241-249, 305-311, 344-351.) * DE Maclean, John Patterson. Flora Mac- donald in America. 1 port. (American monthly magazine. Washington, 1900. 8°. v. 17, p. 108-117.) APGA • With a brief sketch of her life and adventures. Lumberton, N. C. : A. W. McLean, 1909. 84 p., 1 1., 7 pi., 2 port. 8°. AN Autograph letter of author inserted. Ramage, B. J. Flora Macdonald. (Se- wanee review. Sewanee, Tenn., 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 212-226.) * DA Deals mainly with her life in America. T., W. Flora Macdonald. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 67-68.) CPA Macdonald, Dr. George, Novelist Duffield, Samuel W. The writings of George Macdonald. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1871. 8°. v. 1, p. 87-88.) * DA Holbeach, Henry. George Macdonald. (Contemporary review. London, 1872. 8°. v. 19, p. 37-54.) * DA Moffatt, James. George Macdonald. 1 port, illus. (Bookman. London, 1905. i". v. 29, p. 59-67.) tt * GDD Willcox, Louise Collier. A neglected novelist. (North American review. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 183, p. 393-403.) * DA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Macdonald, Lieutenant-General Sir John Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-General Sir John Macdonald of Dalchosnie and I Dunalastair, K.C.B. 1788-1866. 1 por t. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660- 1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 515-520.) tVWZH Macdonald, Rev. John, 1779-1849. Kennedy, J. The "Apostle of the North." The life and labours of the Rev. Dr. M'Donald. London: T. Nelson & Sons 1867. iii-viii, 9-336 p. 12°. AN Macdonald, John, Gaelic Poet Sinclair, Allan. John Macdonald, the Lochaber bard, and his times. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 97-104.) *DE MacDoogall, Rev. John R. Robertson, Alexander. In memoriam. Rev. John R. McDougall, Scottish minis- ter, Florence. [A sermon] preached in the Scottish Church, Florence, Feb. 18, 1900. [Florence: Claudian Press, 1900.1 28 p., 1 port. 12°. AGH p.v.19 Macduff, Major-General John Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General John Macduff, C.B. 1800(?)-65. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 521-525.) tVWZH Macfarlan, James, Poet Bayne, Thomas. The poetry of a Scot- tish pedlar. (Temple Bar. London, 1902. 8°. v. 125, p. 271-278.) * DA On James Macfarlan, poet. James Macfarlan. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1858. 4°. v. 25, p. 737-742.) *DA Macfarlane. Andrew, Bishop of Moray Archibald, John. Andrew Macfarlane, bishop of Moray. (In his: The historic episcopate in the Columbian Church... Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 212-218.) ZPWC Macgillivray, William, LL.D. Thomson, Alexander. Biographical ac- count of the late William Macgillivray, A.M., LL.D. (Edinburgh new philosophi- cal journal. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. v. 54, p. 189-206.) OA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 507 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Macgregor, Rev. Alexander Mackenzie, Alexander. The Rev. Alex- ander Macgregor, M.A. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 92-99.) * DE Macgregor, Sir Charles, K.C.B. Career, The, of an Indian general: Sir Charles Macgregor, K.C.B. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 144, p. 664-680.) * DA Macgregor, Major-General Sir Charles Metcalfe Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General Sir Charles Metcalfe Macgregor, K.C.B. 1840- 87. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. S52-SS9.) fVWZH Macgregor, General Sir Duncan Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General Sir Duncan Macgregor. K.C.B. 1787-1881. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 511-514.) t VWZH Macgregor, Sir Evan John Murray Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General Sir Evan John Murray Macgregor of Mac- gregor, bart. 1785-1841. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 502-505.) t VWZH Macgregor, Hamish or James Some passages in the life of Hamish Macgregor. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. v. 62, p. 47-54.) * DA McGregor, Sir James, M.D., LL.D. Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. Sir James McGregor, bart, M.D., LL.D. 12 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 4.) AB Macgregor, Robert, "Rob Roy" Dicaledon, pseud. Memoir of Rob Roy Macgregor and some branches of his fam- ily. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 74-80, 149-155, 288-295.) * DA Macgregor, Rob Roy, a Highland chief- tain. Reputed marauder, — and the Robin Hood of Scotland. (In: John Brown, His- torical gallery of criminal portraitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 2, p. 383-488.) AB Macleay, Kenneth. Historical memoirs of Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor; in- cluding original notices of Lady Grange. With an introductory sketch illustrative of the condition of the Highlands, prior to the year 1745. Philadelphia: D. Hogan, 1819. x, (1)12-303 p., 1 port. 12°. CPE Edinburgh: Wm. Brown, 1881. ix p., 1 1., 324 p., 1 port. 12°. CPE Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany. . . Edin- burgh, 1847. v. 13, no. 117.) *C (In: Chambers's Miscellany. Edin- burgh, n.d. new ed., v. 10, no. 150.) * C Trials, The, of James, Duncan, and Rob- ert M'Gregor, three sons of... Rob Roy, before the High Court of Justiciary, in the years 1752, 1753 and 1754. To which is prefixed a memoir relating to the High- lands, with anecdotes of Rob Roy and his family. Edinburgh: J. Hay & Co., printers, 1818. cxxix, 244 p. 12°. XV Macintosh, Rev. Donald Nicolson, Alexander. The Rev. Donald Macintosh. (In his: A Collection of Gaelic proverbs... Edinburgh, 1882. 2. ed. 12°. p. 416-421.) NAX Macintyre, Duncan Ban, Gaelic Poet Kennedy, John. Duncan Ban Macintyre (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 385-393, 433-438, 481-486.) * DE Maciver, Evander, of Scourie Highland, A, gentleman. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 178, p. 42-50.) * DA Mackay, Alexander Murdoch Grant, J. A. Alexander Mackay. Born 1850; died 1890. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 147, p. 721-722.) * DA H., J. W. The story of the life of Mackay of Uganda, told for boys. By his sister [i.e., J. W. H] London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1891. vi, iv, 338 p. 12°. AN Title-page lacking. Alexander M. Mackay, Pionier- Missionar von Uganda. Von seiner Schwes- ter. Uebersetzt von J. H. Nebinger, mit einer Skizze seiner Personlichkeit aus per- sonlichen Verkehr von D. Wilhelm Baur. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1902. xxxii, 421 p. 12°. AN 508 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Mackay, General Hugh Mackay, John. Life of Lieut.-General Hugh Mackay of Scoury, commander in chief of the forces in Scotland, 1689 and 1690, colonial commandant of the Scottish Brigade in the service of the States General ... Edinburgh: Laing & Forbes, 1836. xii, 213(1) p., 1 port. 4°. t CP Mackay, Robert, "Rob Donn." Kennedy, John. Robert Mackay — Rob Donn. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 529-538.) * DE Mackay, John. Rob Donn. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1876. 8°. v. 5, p. 81-97.) NDO Taylor, George Sutherland. Rob Doun. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 48-52, 83-87.) CR This essay was written for a Sutherland maga- zine in 1826, but was not then printed. Mackenzie, Sir George, of Rosehaugh "Bluidy, The, Mackenzie." (Blackwood's magazme. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 185, p. 368-379.) 'DA Innes, Alexander Taylor. The "bloody Mackenzie." (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1871. 8°. v. 18, p. 248-266.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. Ill, p. 97.107 Boston, 1871. Lang, Andrew. Sir George Mackenzie, king's advocate, of Rosehaugh; his life and times, 1631(?)-1691. London: Longmans Green & Co., 1909. xi(i), 347 p., 1 pi., 3 port. 8°. AN Niceron, Jean Pierre. George Macken- zie. (In his: Memoires pour servir a l'his- toire des hommes illustres . . . Paris, 1734. 12°. v. 25, p. 109-116.) A Sir George Mackenzie (1636-1692), of Rosehaugh. Watt, Francis. "The bluidy Advocate Mackenzie." 1 port. (Anglo-Saxon review. London, 1900. f°. v. 6, p. 74-89.) f*DE Young, George B. Sir George Macken- zie of Rosehaugh. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1907-08. 8°. v. 19, p. 266-279.) SEA Mackechnie, Donald Mackinnon, Donald. The late Mr. Don- ald Mackechnie. (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 92-96.) NDK McKechnie, James, Engineer James McKechnie. A biographical sketch. (Cassier's magazine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 18, p. 445-448.) VDA Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell Alexander Campbell Mackenzie. 1 port. (Musical times. London, 1898. 8°. v. 39, p. 369-374.) * MA Mackenzie, General Colin Smith, George. General Colin Macken- zie, C. B., the last of the East India Com- pany's Puritan soldiers. 1 port. (Good words. London, 1882. 8°. 1882, p. 207- 213.) *DA Mackenzie, Francis L. Miles, Charles Popham. Early death not premature: being a memoir of Francis L. Mackenzie. . .with notices of Henry Mac- kenzie. Edinburgh: Thomas Constable & Co., 1857. v.p., 1 1., 364 p., 2 port. 3. ed. 12°. AN Mackenzie, Henry, "The Man of Feeling/' H. Mr. Henry Mackenzie, author of the Man of feeling, &c. (In: Public characters of 1802-1803. London, 1803. 8°. p. 351- 371.) AGH Harebell, Oliver. Henry Mackenzie. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 298-304.) * DE Howarth, Mary. "The Man of feeling:" a hero of old fashioned romance. (Gentle- man's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 290-295.) * DA Schwarz, Hans. Henry Mackenzie. 1745- 1831. Winterthur: Buchdruckerei Gesch- wister Ziegler, 1911. 144 p., 1 1. 8°. AN Scott, Sir Walter. Memoir of Henry Mackenzie. (In: Henry Mackenzie, Mis- cellaneous works. New York, 1847. 3. ed. 12°. p. 5-16.) NCF Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon. Macken- zie. (In his: Critical and miscellaneous writings. Philadelphia, 1842. 8°. p. 18- 23.) NCZ Mackenzie, John, Gaelic Scholar Mackenzie, Alexander. John Macken- zie, editor of the "Beauties of Gaelic poetry." A memoir. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 201-210.) *DE LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 509 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. McKinnon, Mary Maconochie, Alexander. [Letter to John Scott, 1. earl Eldon, lord high chan- cellor, concerning the claims of Mrs. Mary McKinnon against Robert Baird.] [Signed Alex. Maconochie.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1825.] 30, 19 p. 4°. * C p. v. 1335, no.4 (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1891. 8" 148.) v. 16, p. 122- NDO Maclagan, Dr. Testimonials in favour of Dr. Maclagan, physician to the forces, n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh: Robertson's Lithographic Office, 1822.] 4 1. f°. ft*Cp.v.l387 In script. Mackintosh, Sir James Bulwer, Henry Earle Lytton, Baron Dalling and Bulwer. [Sir Jamesj Mackin- tosh, the man of promise. (In his: His- torical characters .. . London, 1876 5. ed. 8°. p. 254-306.) A Mackintosh, Sir James. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his son, Robert James Mackintosh. London: Edward Moxon, 1836. 2 v. port. 8°. AN From the 2. London ed. Bos- ton: Little, Brown and Co., 1853. 2 v. 8°. AN Mackintosh, Robert James. Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Mackintosh. (Carey's Library of choice literature. Philadelphia, 1836. 4°. v. 1, p. 1-106.) NCE Reviewed in American monthly magazine, new series, v. 1, p. 570-580, New York, 1836. Recollections of Sir James Mackintosh. (Law magazine. London, 1832. 8°. v. 8, p. 163-173.) XAA Redding, Cyrus. Sir James Mackintosh. (In his: Personal reminiscences of eminent men. London, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 271-291.) A Mackintosh, John, LL.D., Historian Mackenzie, Alexander. John Mackin- tosh, author of "The history of civilisation in Scotland." (Celtic magazine. Inver- ness, 1884. 8°. v. 9, p. 541-547.) * DE Mackintosh, John Macleod, Norman, the younger. The earnest student; being memorials of John Mackintosh. Edinburgh: Thomas Con- stable and Co., 1857. xv, 427 p., 1 pi. 8. ed. 12°. "' AN Maclachlan, Ewen, Gaelic Scholar Barron, Evan M. Ewen Maclachlan and Inverness Academy: the story of a famous controversy. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 22-48.) NDK Sinclair, John. Some letters from the pen of Ewen Maclachlan, Old Aberdeen. Maclagan, Sir Douglas Anderson, David Brown. Sir Douglas Maclagan. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 418-425.) * DE M'Lagan, Henrietta Testimonials in favour of Miss Henrietta M'Lagan. [Edinburgh, 1840?] 18 p. 8°. * C p.v.483 Maclagan, General Robert Broadfoot, W. One of a remarkable family. General Robert Maclagan, R.E. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1894. ■8°. v. 156, p. 247-253.) * DA Maclaren, Charles, Editor Charles Maclaren. (From the Scotsman of September 12, 1866.) [Edinburgh, 1866.] 28 p. 16°. *Cp.v.l042 M'Laren, John M'Laren, Lord Kennedy, Neil J. D. Lord M'Laren. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 22, p. 181-197.) SEA M'Lauchlan, Rev. Thomas Leask, William Keith. Dr. Thomas M'Lauchlan. With introduction by the Rev. Principal Rainy, D.D. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1905. 312 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Maclean, Rev. Hugh Baillie Maclean, Hugh Baillie. An account of the whole proceedings in the case of the Rev. H. B. Maclean, before the presbytery of Irvine and the synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Irvine: E. Macquistan, 1830. 1 p.l., 78 p. 8°. ZWVIp.v.l Miller, James, and others. The discourse and charges at the ordination of the Rev. Hugh Baillie Maclean. . .Scots Church, London Wall. . .1827. London: A. Panton, 1827. 58 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.23 510 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. McLeiiose, Agnes, "Clarinda." Ross, John D. Burns' Clarinda: brief papers concerning the poet's renowned correspondent. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1897. xii, 2S0 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Macleod, Sir Donald Japp, Alexander Hay. Sir Donald Mac- leod, the Christian governor. (In his: Noble workers, by H. A. Page [pseud.]. New York [1875 ?i 12°. p. 225-236.) AGH Macleod, Donald, Gaelic Poet MacDiarmid, R. C. Donald Macleod, the Skye bard — his life and songs. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 18-33.) NDO Macleod, Donald, Jacobite Pilot Grahame, R. B. Cunninghame. Prince Charlie's pilot. (Guth na bliadhna. Glas- gow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 355-365.) NDK Macleod, Donald, Soldier Macleod, Donald. Memoirs of the life and gallant exploits of the old Highlander, Serjeant Donald Macleod, who returned, wounded, with the corpse of General Wolfe, from Quebec... and is now in the 103d year of his age. London: D. & D. Stuart, 1791. 2 p.l., 98 p. 2. ed. 8°. Reserve London: D. & D. Stuart, 1791. 2 p.l., 96 p. 3. ed. 12°. Reserve Macleod, Fiona See Sharp, William of past years, 1845-76. New York [1879, 16°. v. 2, p. 343-363.) NCG Reprinted from the Church of England quarterly review, July, 1876. Macleod, Donald. Memoir of Norman Macleod, minister of Barony parish, Glas- gow. London : Daldy, Isbister & Co., 1876 2 v. 8°. AN Macleod, Norman, the younger. Memoir of [Norman Macleod, D.D.]. 1 port. (In: Norman Macleod, Caraid nan Gaidheal Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. p. ix-xlvii.) NDO Memoir of Norman Macleod, D.D (Church quarterly review. London, 1876 8°. v. 2, p. 490-503.) *DA Strahan, Alexander. Norman Macleod. (Contemporary review. London, 1872. 8° v. 20, p. 291-306.) *DA Norman Macleod, D.D. A slight contribution towards his biography. Phil- adelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1872. 79 p. 12°. AGHp.v.17 Reprinted with additions from The Contemporary review. Wellwood, John. Norman Macleod. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons [1897). 155 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Macmillan, Alexander, Publisher A., A. Alexander Macmillan. (A per- sonal reminiscence.) (Macmillan's maga- zine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 73, p. 397-400.) *DA Graves, Charles L. Life and letters of Alexander Macmillan. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1910. 4 p.l, 417(1) p., 1 pi., 4 port. 8°. AN Macmillan, Daniel, Publisher Hughes, Thomas. Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. London: Macmillan and Co., 1882. xiv p., 1 1„ 308 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Macleod, Mary Mackenzie, Alexander. Mairi nighean Alastair Ruaidh. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 43-49.) NDO Macleod, Neil, Gaelic Poet Mackinnon, Donald. Neil Macleod. 1 port. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 9, p. 151-156.) NDK Macleod, Rev. Norman, D.D. Gladstone, William Ewart. Memoir of Dr. Norman Macleod. (In his: Gleanings Macmillan, John, Covenanter Story, Robert Herbert. Two champions of the Covenant. 1 pi. (Glasgow Archse- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 310-346.) CPA John Macmillan and John Hepburn. Macmurdo, Capt. James M'Adam, James. Biographical sketch of Captain Jamesj Macmurdo. (Literary So- ciety of Bombay. Transactions. London, 1823. 4°. v. 3, p. 543-550.) * OHA (Literary Society of Bombay. Transactions. Reprint. Bombay, 1877. 8°. v. 3, p. 569-578.) * OHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 511 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. McNab, Major-General Alexander Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General Alex- ander McNab. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 38S-286.) t VWZH Macnaughtan, Rev. John Public documents and testimonials. . .to the services, character, and talents of the Rev. John Macnaughtan, of Paisley. [Pais- ley, 1841., 7 p. sq. 8°. ZWGS p.v.8 Macnee, Sir Daniel, Portrait-Painter Smith, Walter C. Sir Daniel Macnee. n. p., n. d. 24-27 p. 8°. * C p.v.367 McNeil, Sir John McNeil, Sir John. Memoir of the Right Hon. Sir John McNeil, and of his second wife Elizabeth Wilson, by their grand- daughter. [Preface signed F. M.j Lon- don : J. Murray, 1910. xv, 426 p., 2 maps, 2 pi., 8 port. AN Macneill, Hector, Poet Some account of the life of Hector Mac- neill. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 273-277.") *DA Macpherson, Ewen, of Cluny Macpherson, Alexander. Cluny of the '45. Vindication of his career. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 219-230.) * DE Address at the Clan Chattan meeting, Edinburgh. Macpherson, James, Freebooter G., B. Anecdotes of J. Macpherson the ancient freebooter and musician. (New monthly magazine and literary journal. London, 1821. 8°. v. 1, p. 142-143.) * DE Reprinted in Gypsy Lore Society Journal, v. 3, p. 190-191, Edinburgh, 1892. Torquil, pseud. James Macpherson, the famous musician and freebooter. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 366-370.) *DE Macpherson, James, Gaelic Translator Lawrence, Eugene. James Macpherson. (In his: Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12°. v. 2, p. 235-238.) AB Macpherson, Alexander. Glimpses of James Macpherson, the translator of Os- sian's poems, and testimonies as to their authenticity. (In his: Glimpses of church and social life in the Highlands in olden times. Edinburgh, 1893. 4°. p. 255-282.) tCP Saunders, Bailey. The life and letters of James Macpherson, containing a particular account of his famous quarrel with Dr. Johnson, and a sketch of the origin and influence of the Ossianic poems. London: S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. xi, 327 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Macnish, Robert, M.D. Moir, David Macbeth. Life of Dr. Mac- nish. (in: Robert Macnish. The modern Pythagorean. Edinburgh, 1838. 16°. v. 1, P- 1-411.) NCG Macpherson, Sir .3£neas Macpherson, Sir .Eneas. The patron turned persecute ; or, A short narrative off S r .Eneas M'Pherson his services to his Gr. the D. off G. and of the said Duke his kind and oblidgeing returns. Wherein also; sone of his Gr's proceedings against the Lairde off Cluny, and his whole Clann and family are breefly related and proved to be unjust. In a letter to a person of quality. Edinborrowe, 1703. (Reprinted in his: The loyall dissuasive and other pa- pers concerning the affairs of Clan Chat- tan... Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. p. 125-176.) CPA Macpherson, Captain John Macpherson, Alexander. Captain John Macpherson of Ballachroan and the Gaick catastrophe of the Christmas of 1799. A counterblast. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 215-228.) *DE Macpherson of Killihuntly Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. Boycott of Macpherson of Killihuntly, 1764-65. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 100-120.) NDO McQueen, Rainier Holland, Bernard. The last M'Queen of Braxfield. (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 194, p. 816-823.) * DA 512 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. M'Rae, Rev. David Biographical sketch of the Rev. David M'Rae, A.M., senior, of Elgin Street United Presbyterian Church, Glasgow, from 1796 to 1876. With an account of his jubilee. Glasgow: J. S. Marr & Sons [187-?,. 96 p. 12°. *Cp.v.658 McTaggart, William, R.S.A. Eddington, Alexander. William McTag- gart, R.S.A., painter of sea and land. 9 illus., 1 pi., 1 port. (International studio. New York, 1909. f°. v. 38, p. 83-93.) tMAA Pinnington, Edward. William McTag- gart, R.S.A. 1 port., 5 illus. (Good words. London, 1899. 8°. v. 40, p. 7S0-7S6.) * DA MacWhirter, John, Painter H., A. John MacWhirter, R. A. Aus dem Englischen. 6 pi. (Kunst unserer Zeit. Miinchen, 1904. f°. Jahrg. IS, p. 75- 96.) t MAA Sinclair, William Macdonald. John Mac- Whirter, his life and work. London: Vir- tue & Co., 1903. 32 p., 5 pi. illus. f°. (Art annual, Christmas, 1903. Extra no. of the Art journal, 1903.) t MAA M'William, James Ormiston, M.D. Babington, Benjamin Guy. Memoir of James Ormiston M'William, M.D., F.R.S. (Epidemiological Society of London. Transactions. London, 1865. 8°. v. 2, p. 241-246.) WAA Maelrubha, Saint See Maolrubha, Saint W. The late Sir Thomas G.C.B., &c. (Oriental herald. 1828. 8°. v. 19, p. 205-213.) Maitland London *oha Maitland, Sir Richard Irving, David. The life Maitland. (In his: Lives poets. Edinburgh, 1804. J 156.) of Sir Richard of the Scotish °. v. 2, p. 145- AB Maitland, Thomas, the Younger, of Lethington McKechnie, William Sharp. Thomas Maitland. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 274-293.) CPA The Younger, of Lethington, 1545-1572. Maitland, Admiral Sir Thomas Lord, Walter Frewen. Sir Thomas Mait- land, the master of the Mediterranean. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1897. xix(i), 301 p., 2 maps, 1 port. 12°. *R_AN Maitland, William, of Lethington Maitland, James. The apology for Wil Ham Maitland of Lethington, 1610. Editec by Andrew Lang. (Scottish History Soci ety. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904 8° v. 2, p. 135-228.) CPA Russell, E. Maitland of Lethington - an unwritten chapter of his life. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 17 n 57-71.) CPA Maitland of Lethington, the minis- ter of Mary Stuart; a study of his life anc times. London: J. Nisbet & Co., Ltd., 1912 xiii, 516 p., 2 pi., 4 port. 8°. AN Skelton, John. Lethington and the Lam- mermuir. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 140, p. 283- 297.) *DA Major or Mair, John, Historian Law, Thomas Graves. Bibliography ol John Major and his disciples. 1 fac. (In John Major, A history of Greater Britair . . . Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. p. 403-417.) CPA His disciples were David Cranston, George Lokert William Manderston, and Robert Caubraith. Page 418-450 contain reprints of prefaces of Major'; works. John Major, Scottish scholastic 1470-1550. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892 8°. v. 19, p. 344-376.) * DA Mackay, .Eneas James George. Life ol John Major' or Mair]. (In: John Major A history of Greater Britain... Edin- burgh, 1892. 8°. p. xxix-cxxx. CPA Malcolm, Admiral Sir Charles Obituary notice of the late Vice-Admira Sir Charles Malcolm, president of the Eth- nological Society. (Ethnological Societ] of London. Journal. London, 1854. 8° v. 3, p. 112-114.) QOA Malcolm, Sir John, Diplomatist Jerdan, William. Sir John Malcolm (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866 12°. p. 303-311.) AGE Kaye, John William. The life and corre spondence of Major-General Sir John Mai colm, G.C.B...from unpublished letter and journals. London : Smith, Elder, & Co, 1856. 2 v. port. 8°. AJ Sir John Malcolm. (In his: Live of Indian officers . . . London, 1869. 12° v. 1, p. 187-334.) BG1 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 513 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Sir John Malcolm. (Calcutta review. Calcutta, 1857. 8°. v. 29, p. 157-206, 305- 353.) * OHA Sir John Malcolm. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 24, p. 10-16,115-117.) *DA Mallet, David, Poet Cunningham, Peter. James Thomson and David Mallet. 44 p. (Philobiblon So- ciety. Miscellanies. London, 1858. 8°. v. 4.) * GAA Correspondence. Mann, John, C.A., Glaister, John. Memoir of the late John Mann, C.A. 1 port. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1911. 8°. v. 42, p. 159-163.) * EC Mansfield, William Murray, Lord B. The life of Lord Mansfield. (Law magazine. London, 1830-31. 8°. v. 4, p. 319-347; v. 5, p. 69-121.) XAA Maolrubha, Saint Argyll (10. duke), Niall Diarmid Camp- bell. Saint Maolrubha. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 442-443.) CPA Reeves, William. Saint Maelrubha: his history and churches. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 258-296.) CPA Scott, Archibald B. Saint Maolrubha. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 260-280.) CPA Mar, Alexander Stewart, Earl of, 1375-1435? Z. The two greatest of Scottish cater- ans. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1898. 8°. v. 32, p. 333-360.) * DA Mar (7. earl), John Erskine Sketch of the life of John, earl of Marr, son to the Regent. 1 port. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1792. 16°. v. 7, p. 1-9, 41-46, 98-103, 142-144.) * DE Mar, Sir Robert Cochrane, Earl of Detection, A, of the falsehood, abuse and misrepresentations in a late libel, intitled, The life of Sir Robert Cochran, prime minister in Scotland to James the Third. London: T. Cooper, 1735. 60 p. 8°. CK p.v.5 Marchmont (1. earl), Sir Patrick Hume Paul, Sir James Balfour. The last days, death, and funeral of Patrick, first earl of Marchmont, ex-chancellor of Scotland. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1913. 4°. v. 11, p. 27-38.) CPA Margaret, Saint, Queen of Scotland Historical, A, account of the life of St. Margaret, (queen of Scotland); with a de- scription of St. Margaret's Chapel, and of Mons Meg. Edinburgh: R. Anderson, prtr., 1874. 16 p. 16°. CPp.boxl O'Reilly, Bernard. St. Margaret, queen of Scotland. (In his: Heroic women of the Bible and the Church. New York rcop. 1877]. 4°. p. 325-342.) A Saint Margaret, queen of Scotland. With a description of Saint Margaret's Chapel, Castle guide, and guide to the principal sights of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Pub- lished at St. Margaret's Chapel, n. d. 30 p., 1 1. 12°. CRp.boxl Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. The life of St. Margaret. t By M. M. Scott] (Scot- tish review. Paisley. 1884. 8°. v. 3, p. 320-336.) * DA Based on Turgot. (In her: The making of Ab- botsford and incidents in Scottish his- tory. . . London, 1897. 8°. p. 48-75.) CP Marischal (10. earl), George Keith Dalton, Charles. Memoir of George Keith, hereditary earl marshal of Scotland. Edited by C. Dalton. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 152-155.) CA The memoir appears to be a curtailed transla- tion of that by M. d'Alembert. Marischal (7. earl), William Keith Keith, Alexander. Account of the ex- pences of the Earl Marischal, in his lodg- ings at Edinburgh, a. 1642. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 181- 191.) tCPA Marjoribanks, Margaret Marjoribanks, George. Note on the ac- count of the expences of the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Marjoribanks, 1697. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 33-36.) CPA 514 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRA„. Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Marshal, Billy, Gypsy Chief L. Some account of Billy Marshal, a Gypsey chief. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 462-465.) * DA According to M'Cormick (The Tinkler-Gypsies, 2. ed., p. 7) this account was written by James Murray M'Culloch of Ardwall. It is reprinted in the Analec tic magazine, v. 10, p. 505-509, Philadelphia, 1817 and by M'Cormick in his Tinkler-Gypsies, 2. ed., p, 7-17, Dumfries, 1907. Martin, Rev. James Bruce, John. A sermon preached in St. George's Church, Edinburgh, on the... 15th of June, 1834, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. James Martin, A.M., min- ister of that church and parish. Edin- burgh: Waugh and Innes, 1834. 20 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.47 Martin, Rev. John Martin, Samuel. The responsibility of the hearers of the word. A sermon preached in the church of Kirkcaldy, after the funeral of the Rev. John Martin. Edin- burgh: Wm. Oliphant & Son, 1837. 28 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.45 Mary of Gueldres, Queen of James ii. Laing, David. Remarks on the charac- ter of Mary of Gueldres, consort of King James the Second of Scotland; in connec- tion with an attempt to determine the place of her interment in Trinity College Church, Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. scj. 8°. v. 4, p. 566-577.) CPA Matheson, Duncan Japp, Alexander Hay. Duncan Mathe- son: the soldier's friend. (In his: Noble workers, by H. A. Page rpseud.i. New York [1875?]. 12°. p. 127-151.) AGH Matheson, George, D.D. Macmillan, D. The life of George Mathe- son, D.D., LL.D. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1908. x, 369 p., 1 port. 2. ed 8°. AN Matthieson, John, Forger Burke, Peter. Matthieson the forger. (In his: Romance of the forum... Lon- don, 1854. 12°. series 2, v. 1, p. 274-286) XAS Mavor, Dr. William Dr. William Mavor. (In: Public charac- ters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p 161-170.) AGH (In: Public characters, or contend porary biography. Baltimore, 1803. 8°. p. 172-178.) A Maxwell, D'Arcy Brisbane, Lady Fraser, Sir William. D'Arcy Brisbane, Lady Maxwell, 1738-1810. (In his: Mem- oirs of the Maxwells of Pollok. Edin- burgh, 1863. 4°. v. 1, p. 412-417.) fARZ Maxwell, Hannah Ann Gardiner, Lady Eraser, Sir William. Hannah Ann Gar- diner, Lady Maxwell of Pollok. 1788-1814. (In his: Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pol- lok. Edinburgh, 1863. 4°. v. 1, p. 424- 428.) f ARZ Mason, Rev. Archibald Symington, Andrew. The dismission, rest, and future glory of the good and faithful servant: two discourses, preached to the Reformed Presbyterian Congrega- tion, Wishawtown, November 27, 1831: be- ing the Sabbath after the funeral of the Rev. Archibald Mason, D.D., their late pastor. Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 1832. 68 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.77 Masson, David, LL.D. Rait, Robert S. David Masson. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1908. 8°. v. 84, p. 212-221.) * DA Matches, Magnus Smith, John. Magnus Matches. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 259-261) CR Maxwell, James Clerk Campbell, Lewis, and William Garnett. The life 'of James Clerk Maxwell, with a selection from his correspondence and oc- casional writings, and a sketch of his con- tributions to science. London: Macmillan and Co., 1882. xvi, 662 p., 2 fac, 5 pi, 3 port. 8°. AN Glazebrook, Richard Tetley. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics. Lon- don: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1896. vi p., 1 1.. (1)10-224 p., 1 port. 12°. *R-AN James Clerk Maxwell. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 310-318.) *DA Maxwell, Robert, Bishop of Orkney Fraser, Sir William. Robert Maxwell, bishop of Orkney, c. 1470-1540. 2 pi. (In his: Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollok. Edinburgh, 1863. 4°. v. 1, p. 403411.) fARZ LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 515 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Melville, Andrew, Presbyterian Leader Lumsden, Henry William. James vi. and Andrew Melville. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 190S. 4°. v. 2, p. 472- 474.) CPA M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. The life of Andrew Melville: containing illustrations of the ecclesiastical and literary history of Scotland, during the latter part of the six- teenth and beginning of the seventeenth century. With an appendix, consisting of original papers. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood, 1819. 2 v. 8°. AN Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1824. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. AN Morison, William. Andrew Melville. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Fer- rier [1899]. 156 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Remarks on the life of Andrew Melville. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 6, p. 505- 515.) *DE Melville, Elizabeth, Lady Colville Melville, Elizabeth, Lady Colville of Cul- ross. Letters from Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Melvill of Halhill, and wife of John, Lord Colvill of Culross, to Mr. John Livingstone. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 349-370.) AGH Melville (1. viscount), Henry Dundas Address, An, to the public: containing a review of the charges exhibited against Lord Viscount Melville, which led to the resolutions of the House of Commons, on the 8th April 1805. London: John Stock- dale, 1806. 1 p.l., 84 p. 2. ed. 8°. AGH p.v.18 Biographical sketch of Henry, Lord Vis- count Melville. Edinburgh: printed at the office of the Correspondent, 1811. 1 p.l., 43 p. 8°. AGH p.v.18 Originally published in the Edinburgh Correspon- dent. Dobie, James. A sermon preached in the church of Linlithgow, June 9, 1811, soon after the decease of Lord President Blair and Lord Viscount Melville. Edin- burgh: J. Thomson and Co., 1811. 36 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.46 Exposure, An, of the persecution of Lord Melville: in a letter to an intimate acquaintance. London: J. Hatchard, 1805. 28 p. 8°. AGH p.v.18 Lord Melville. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 189, p. 640-646.) *DA Lovat-Fraser, J. A. A famous lord ad- vocate. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 350-364.) SEA Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville. The impeachment of Lord Melville. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 24, p. 235-242.) SEA Right Hon., The, Henry Dundas, secre- tary of state for the War Department. (In: Public characters, or contemporary biography. Baltimore, 1803. 8°. p. 36- 40.) A Z., A. The Right Hon. Henry Dundas . . . [1742-1811.] (In: British public charac- ters of 1798. London [1798]. 8°. p. 307- 313.) AGH Melville, Sir James, of Halhill Melville, Sir James, of Halhill. Mem- oirs of his own life by Sir James Melville of Halhill. m.d.xlix-m.d.xciii. From the original manuscript. [Edited by Thomas Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1827 [reprinted 1833]. 7 p.l., xxxii, 420, xvi p., 1 fac. 4°. (Maitland Club.) t CP Melville, Rev. James Melville, James. The autobiography and diary of Mr. James Melvill, minister of Kilrenny in Fife... with a continuation of the diary. Edited from the manuscripts . . . by Robert Pitcairn. Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1842. lxxviii, 841 p. 8°. AN The diary of Mr. James Melvill. 1556-1601. [Edited by George R. Kinloch., Edinburgh, 1829. 4 p.l., iii, 351 p., 1 fac. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t CP This diary is of great value for the ecclesiastical and political history of the reign of James vi. Menzies, Sir Paul Gibb, Andrew. Notice of the memorial brass of Dr. Duncan Liddel, and of the tombstone of Sir Paul Menzies of Kin- mundy in Saint Nicholas Church, Aber- deen. 4 pi., 1 port. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 450-462.) CPA Mercer, William Laing, David. Some account of Lieut- Colonel William Mercer, author of "An- glise speculum; or, England's looking- glasse," London, 1646. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 341-357.) CPA Meston, William, Poet Life of [William Mestonj. (In: William Meston. Poetical works. Aberdeen, 1802. 7. ed. 12°. p. iii-xii.) NCL 516 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Mickle, William Julius Cary, Henry Francis. William Julius Mickle. (In his: Lives of English poets. . . London, 1846. 12°. p. 273-288.) AB Mill, James, Philosopher Bain, Alexander. James Mill. A biogra- phy. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1882. xxxii, 466 p., 1 port. 8°. *R-AN Morley, John. The life of James Mill. (Fortnightly review. London, 1882. 8°. new series, v. 31, p. 476-504.) * DA Mill, Rev. John, of Shetland Willcock, John. A Shetland minister of the eighteenth century; being passages in the life of the Reverend John Mill. Kirk- wall: The Leonards c 1897]. xii, (1)14-174 p. 12°. AN Millar, George Millar, George. Latter struggles in the journey of life; or, The afternoon of my days... from the retrospections of a sexa- genarian. . .the incidents, and every day occurrences, of the latter, and most unfor- tunate part of, the real life of a country bookseller. Edinburgh: printed by James Colston for the author, 1833. xvi, (1)18- 406 p. 8°. AN Millar, Professor John Wright, Stewart. Professor John Millar of Milheugh. (In his: Annals of Blantyre. Glasgow, 1885. 12°. p. 78-88. CR Miller, George, of Haddington Couper, W. J. The Millers of Hadding- ton, Dunbar and Dunfermline; a record of Scottish bookselling. London: T. F. Un- win [1914]. 318 p., 1 1., 3 fac, 8 pi., 5 port, illus. 8°. * IIW Bibliography, p. 261-312. Miller, Hugh, Geologist Barron, James. Hugh Miller. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 161-171.) *EC Hugh Miller as man of letters. (In- verness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 208-210.) * EC Bayne, Peter. The life and letters of Hugh Miller. Boston: Gould & Lincoln 1871. 2 v. 12°. AN For a critical notice of the original London edition see the Watchword, v. 6, p. 24-29, 99-114 Edinburgh, 1871. Brown, Thomas N. Labour and tri- umph. The life and times of Hugh Miller London: R. Griffin & Co., 1858. v(i) 315' ivp. 12°. AN D., J. A day with Hugh Miller. (Lei- sure hour. London, 1875. 4°. v. 24, p 21- 24.) *DA Hugh Miller and his education. (Irish metropolitan magazine. Dublin, 1858. 8° v. 2, p. 295-299.) *DE Story, The, of Hugh Miller's early days. 1 pi. (In: Men who have risen; a book for boys. London [1859j. 16°. p. 260-312.) A Wallace, Thomas. Miller as a geologist. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 210-212.) *EC Miller, James, Bookseller Couper, W. J. The Millers of Hadding- ton, Dunbar and Dunfermline; a record of Scottish bookselling. London: T. F. Unwin [1914]. 318 p., 1 1., 3 fac, 8 p!„ 5 port, illus. 8°. *IIW Bibliography, p. 261-312. Minto (1. earl), Sir Gilbert Elliot Lord Minto. (In: Public characters of 1802-1803. London, 1803. 8°. p. 550-568.) AGH Minto (1. earl), Sir Gilbert Elliot. Life and letters. . .from 1751 to 1806. . . Edited by... the countess of Minto. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1874. 3 v. 8°. AN Mirelees, Andrew Brown, John. Circumstantial evidence. Case the third. Andrew Mirelees. (In his: Historical gallery of criminal portraitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 1, p. 563-569.) AB Mitciiel, William, Tincklarian Doctor Stevenson, Thomas George. Notice of William Mitchel, "The Tincklarian Doc- tor," Edinburgh, 1672-1740. (In his edition of: George Sinclar's Satan's invisible world discovered. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. Sup- plement, p. xcix-ciii.) YPD Mitchell, James Bulloch, J. Malcolm. James Mitchell — a Scottish Granger. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 72-74.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 517 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Mitchell, James, Blind Boy Dewar, Henry. On the education of James Mitchell, the ypung man born blind and deaf. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1818. 4°. v. 8, p. 137-156.) *EC Gordon, John. Additional communica- tions respecting the blind and deaf boy, James Mitchell. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1818. 4°. v. 8, p. 129-135.) * EC Stewart, Dugald. Some account of a boy born blind and deaf, collected from authen- tic sources of information... (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1815. 4°. v. 7, p. 1-78.) * EC James Mitchell. Wardrop, James. History of James Mit- chell, a boy born blind and deaf. (Analec- tic magazine. Philadelphia, 1814. 8°. v. 3, p. 414-427.) * DA Late, The, D. M. Moir. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1851. 8°. v. 70, p. 249-250.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 30, p. 553. Boston, 1851. Moneoddo, James Burnett, Lord Brown, Henry H. Lord Monboddo: a judicial metaphysician. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 17, p. 267-277.) SEA Knight, William. Lord Monboddo and some of his contemporaries. London: J. Murray, 1900. 3 p.l., ix-xv p., 1 I., 314 p., 3 pi., 2 port. 8°. AN Manuscripts, The, relating to Lord Mon- boddo, at Monboddo, in Kincardineshire. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical manuscripts. Report tno.j 4 & 6. London, 1874-77. [no.] 4, Appendix, part 1, p. 518-521; [no.] 6, Appendix, part 1, p. 673-681.) C Mitchell, Thomas, Soldier History of Thomas Mitchell, born and educated among the Gipsies; afterwards a soldier in the 21st Regiment of Foot, or Royal North British Fusiliers. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Religious Tract Society, 1816. 13 p. 12°. A p.v.28 Monro, Alexander, Primus Life, A, of the celebrated Dr. Monro, late professor of anatomy in the College of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh magazine and re- view. Edinburgh, 1774. 8°. v. 1, p. 302- 306, 337-343.) * DE Portrait lacking. Moffat, Robert, African Missionary Leith, David. Robert Moffat: African pioneer. (Methodist quarterly review. Nashville, Tenn., 1904. 8°. v. 53, p. 333- 346.) * DA Moffat, William, Schoolmaster Testimonials in favour of Mr. William Moffat, one of the masters of George He- riot's Hospital. March 1, 1834. t Edin- burgh, 1834., 37 p. 8°. AGH p.v.18 Moir, David Macbeth, "Delta." Dr. David Macbeth Moir (Delta). (In: Lives of the illustrious. London. 1856. 8°. v. 3, p. 223-239.) A Douglas, Sir George. D. M. Moir ("Del- ta"). (In his: The Blackwood group. New York [1897]. 12°. p. 94-109.) AB Gilfillan, George. D. M. Moir (A). 1 port. (Hogg's instructor. Edinburgh, 1851. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 145-157.) *DA Reprinted in International monthly magazine, v. 4, p. 223-227, New York, 1851. 1 port. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1859. 8°. v. 62, p. 259-264.) * DA Monro, Alexander, Secundus Duncan, Andrew, the elder. An account of the life, writings, and character of the late Dr. Alexander Monro, Secundus. de- livered as the Harveian oration at Edin- burgh. .. 1818. [With appendix containing poems written for meetings of the Har- veian Society.] Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1818. viii, 9-86 p. 8°. AGH p.v.18, no.10 Monro, David Binning Wilson, J. Cook. David Binning Monro, 1836-1905. (British Academy. Proceed- ings. London c 1907]. 8°. 1905-06, p. 449- 454.) * EC Monro, Major-General Robert Real, The, Dugald Dalgetty ; (Gentle man's magazine. 301, p. 275-280.) Robertson, C. Grant. The real Dugald Dalgettv. ("Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 164, p. 509- 523.) * DA Major-General Robert Monro (died 1680?). London, 1906. 8 v. *DA 518 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRAE Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Montgomery, Alexander, Poet Brotanek, Rudolf. Untersuchungen iiber das Leben und die Dichtungen Alexander Montgomeries. Wien und Leipzig: Wil- helm Braumuller, 1896. vi, r ii], 160 p. 8°. (Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Philolo- gie. Bd. 3.) NCB Irving, David. The life of Alexander Montgomery. (In his: Lives of the Scot- ish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 181-205.) AB Montgomery, James, Poet H. James Montgomery. (La belle as- semble. London, 1827. 8°. v. 6, p. 142- 149.) * DE Howitt, William. James Montgomery. (In his: Homes and haunts of the. ..Brit- ish poets. London, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 292- 322.) AB Langford, John Alfred. James Mont- gomery. (In his: Prison books and their authors. London, 1861. 12°. p. 287-315.) NCE and NCB Waldron, William Watson. James Montgomery. (In his: Washington Irving and contemporaries. . . New York [185-?]. 16°. p. 191-197.) AB Walker, W. S. On the writings of James Montgomery. [By W. S. Walker.] (The Etonian. London, 1822. 2. ed. 8°. v. 2, p. 11-23.) NCE (The Etonian. London, 1824. 4. ed. 12°. p. 118-135.) NCE Montrose (1. marquis), James Graham Barrington, Michael. A memorial of Montrose: a contemporary Dutch broad- side. 1 port. (Antiquary. London, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 47, p. 133-136.) CA Bayne, Peter. Montrose. (Contempo- rary review. London, 1873. 8°. v. 22, p. 210-234.) * DA Buchan, John. The marquis of Mon- trose. London: T. Nelson and Sons,' 1913. 333 p., 7 maps, 4 plans, 2 pi., 14 port. 8°. AN English, An, translation of the Scottish declaration against James Graham alias marquess of Montrosse. Wherein many things are set right between the kingdom of Scotland and commonwealth of Eng- land. . . London: printed by John Macock, for Francis Tyton, 1650. 28 p. 4° (12°). CI Eynde, 'T, ende laetste spraecke vanden marquis van Montrose, tot Edenborgh op 't schavoth. 's Graven-Hage: M. Stael, 1650. 4 1. 4°. CPp.box4 Hope, Graham. Montrose. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902 Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 352-359.) f VWZH Last, The, campaign of Montrose. 1 map. (Edinburgh review. London, 1894 8°. v. 179, p. 122-157.) * DA Life, The, of the marquess of Montrose. (In: Lives, English and forein . . . f rom the Year 1550 to the vear 1690. London, 1704 8°. v. 1, p. 190-233.) A Maidment, James. Particulars relative to the conduct of the great marquis of Montrose after his apprehension. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archsolo- gia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p 220-224.) t CPA Montrose. (Harvard magazine. Cam- bridge, 1863. 8°. v. 9, p. 102-105.) * DD Montrose. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1887. 8°. v. 56, p. 201-212.) * DA . Montrose and Argyll in fiction. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 165, p. 93-105.) ' * DA Montrose and Dr. Gardiner. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 151, p. 537-548.) *DA Morkill, J. W. Notice of a human hand and forearm, pierced with nail holes, and a basket-hilted sword, formerly preserved in the family of Graham of Woodhall, Yorkshire, as relics of James, first marquis of Montrose, illus. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 65-74.) CPA Morris, Mowbray. Montrose. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. vi, 229 p. 8°. (English men of action.) *R-AN Napier, Mark. The life and times of Montrose: illustrated from original manu- scripts, including family papers now first published from the Montrose charter-chest and other private repositories. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1840. xx, 12, 537 p., 2 fac, 2 port. 8°. CP Reviewed in Tait's Edinburgh magazine, v. 7, p. 760-764, Edinburgh, 1840. Memorials of Montrose and his times. Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1848-50. 2 v. 13 fac, 5 port, illus. 4°. t CP Memoirs of the marquis of Mon- trose. Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1856. 2 v. port. 8°. CP Montrose and the Covenanters, their characters and conduct, illustrated ...embracing the times of Charles the First from the rise of the troubles in Scot- land, to the death of Montrose. London: James Duncan, 1838. 2 v. 8°. CP Reviewed in the British critic, v. 27, p. 295-336 London, 1840; Tait's Edinburgh magasvne, v. 5, p. 434-439, Edinburgh, 1838. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 519 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. S., A. Iiacobi] G[raemi] De rebus aus- piciis . . . Caroli . . . Magnae Britannia ... re- gis, &c, sub imperio. ..Jacobi Montis-ro- sarum Marchionis . . . gestis, commentarius. Interprete A[gricolaj S[Ophocardio, i. e., George Wishart]. Amstelodami: Impensis T. Crosse, 1648. 14 p.L, 221 p. 2. ed. 12°. J CP Wishart, George. Memoirs of... James Graham, marquis of Montrose. Trans- lated from the Latin of George Wishart. To which are added, sundry original let- ters never before published. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1819. xvi, 530 p., 1 port. 8°. CP Moore, Dr. John Dr. John Moore. (In:' Public characters of 1801-1802. London, 1801. 8°. p. 217- 24S.) AGH Moore, General Sir John Life of Sir John Moore. [London,] 1811. 80 p. 8°. (Royal Military Chronicle... rv. 2.) Supplement. April, 1811.) AGHp.v.18 Life of Sir John Moore. (In: The monthly panorama. Dublin, 1811. 12°. p. 3-15, 219-222, 333-334.) * C p.v.123 The New York Public Library lacks the continua- tion. Moore, James Carrick. The life of Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, K.B., by his brother. London: John Murray, 1833-34. 2v. 8°. AN Moore, Sir John. The diary of Sir John Moore. Edited by Maj.-Genl. Sir J. F. Maurice. London: Edward Arnold, 1904. 2 v. maps, port. 8°. AN Paine, Robert Treat. A monody on the death of Lieut.-General Sir John Moore. With notes, historical and political. To which is prefixed a sketch of the life of General Moore. Boston: J. Belcher, 1811. 32 p. 8°. AN Seally, A. St. John. More about Sir John Moore. 2 port. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 30, p. 607-609.) * DA Toynbee, William. Sir John Moore: a great commander. (New century review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 229-234, 259- 264.) * DA Aymot, Thomas. Account of the instru- ment of legitimation granted by Mary, queen of Scots to her brother James, after- wards earl of Murray. (Society of An- tiquaries of London. Archasologia. Lon- don, 1827. 4°. v. 21, p. 164-169.) t CA Dalyell, Sir John Graham. Some inci- dents in the life of James, earl of Murray, regent of Scotland. [By Sir J. G. Dalyell.] (In: Scotish poems of the sixteenth cen- tury. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 45-111.) NDP Gueroult, C. Le regent Murray. (L'ficho des feuilletons. Paris, 1844. 4°. serie 2, annee 1, p. 497-527.) * DM Laing, David. Notice respecting the monument of the regent earl of Murray, now restored, within the church of St. Giles, Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 49-55.) CPA Morison, James, Hygeist Biographical sketch of James Morison, the hygeist, with the reasons that led him to the discovery of the hygeian system of medicine... [London: Lofts, printer, c. 1850.] 8 p. 8°. AGH p.v.5 Morison, Rev. James Morison, James. Charges brought against the Rev. James Morison, with an abstract of his defence, together with his reasons of protest and appeal, and also the reasons of protest and appeal by the congregation of Clerk's Lane, Kilmarnock. Kilmarnock: I. Davie, 1841. 24 p. 16°. ZEC p.v.55 Morison, Rev. John, of Canisbv Beaton, David. The Rev. John Mori- son, D.D., minister of Canisby, Caithness (1780-1798). 1 pi., 1 port. (Old-lore mis- cellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1912-13. 8°. v. 5, p. 166-174; v. 6, p. 50-61.) CR The second part deals with his work as the author of some of the best known of the Scottish para- phrases. Morison, Neil, Gaelic Poet Henderson, George. Neil Morison, the Pabbay poet. (In: Leabhar nan gleann. .. Edinburgh t 1898]. nar. 16°. p. 43-48.) NDO Moray, James Stewart, Earl, or, Regent of Scotland Asesinato de Jacobo Murray, Regente de Inglaterra rsicj. (El mosaico mexicano. Mexico, 1840. 8°. v. 1, p. 555-557.) * DR Morrison, John, of Harris Munro, M. N. John Morrison of Harris. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 135-146.) NDK 520 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Morton (1. earl), James Douglas Drummond, James. Notice of the an- cient monument, supposed to be that of James, first earl of Morton, in the church of Dalkeith. 2 p.l. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 25-27.) CPA Mossman, John Gildard, Thomas. On the late John Mossman, H.R.S.A. (Philosophical Soci- ety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. v. 23, p. 291-302.) * EC Motherwell, William, Poet Douglas, Sir George. William Mother- well. (In his: James Hogg. Edinburgh [1899]. 8°. p. 129-136.) *R-AN L. William Motherwell. (Southern and western literary messenger. Richmond, 1846. 8°. v. 12, p. 1 53-158.) * DA Murdock, William, Engineer Smiles, Samuel. William Murdock: his life and inventions. (In his: Men of in- vention and industry. London, 1884. 12° P- 121-155.) AB ' Murray, Dr. Alexander, Orientalist Edwards, Bela Bates. Alexander Mur- ray. (In her: Biography of self taught men. Boston, 1832. 12°. p. 33-44.) A Life of Dr. Alexander Murray. (In: Chambers, Miscellany of useful and enter- taining tracts. Edinburgh, 1847. 12° v 18, no. 152, p. 13-24.) *rj Seymour, Charles C. B. Dr. Alexander Murray. (In his: Self-made men. New York, 1858. 12°. p. 45-50.) A Murray, Alexander Stuart, Archaeologist Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde. Alex- ander Stuart Murray. (British Academy. Proceedings. London [1905]. 8°. 1903- 04, p. 321-323.) * EC Mowat, John, Bell-founder, Aberdeen J., W. A. John Mowat. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 198; v. 2, p. 58-59, 71-72.) CPA Muir, Thomas, Reformer Mackenzie, Peter. The life of Thomas Muir... who was tried for sedition. . .and sentenced to transportation. . .with a full report of his trial. Glasgow: W. R. Mc- Phun, 1831. viii, 160 p., 1 port. 8°. CK Muirhead, Henry, LL.D. Dyer, Henry. Memoir of Henry Muir- head, M.D., LL.D. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1891. 8°. v. 22, p. 22-30.) * EC Munro, Neil, Novelist Robertson, Angus. Neil Munro: an ap- preciation. (Guth na Bliadhna. Stirling, 1912. 8°. v. 9, p. 69-82.) NDK Murray, Sir Charles Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. The Honourable Sir Charles Murray, K.C.B. A memoir. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1898. xii p., 1 1., 382 p., 5 port. 8°. AN Sir Charles Murray. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 163, p. 688-699.) * DA Murray, David Christie Murray, David Christie. The making of a novelist, an experiment in autobiography. London: Chatto & Windus, 1894. 3 pi, v- viii, 212 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Murray, Lord George, Jacobite General Blaikie, Walter Biggar. Lord George Murray, 1694-1760. 1 fac, 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 339-351.) fVWZH Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. A Jaco- bite general [Lord George Murray]. (Corn- hill magazine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 742-754.) *DA Murchison, Donald Mackay, William. Donald Murchison and the factors on the forfeited estates. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 1-12.) NDO Murray, Vice-Admiral George Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Vice-Admiral George Murray. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 417- 418.) f VWZH LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 521 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Murray, General Sir George McAulay, Allan. General the Right Hon. Sir George Murray, G. C. B., G. C. H., K. C. 1772-1846. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 445-449.) t VWZH Murray, Rev. John M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Memoir of Mr. John Murray, minister of Leith and Dunfermline_ in the seventeenth century. (In his: Miscellaneous writings, chiefly historical. Edinburgh, 1841. 8°. p. 145- 152.) y NCG From the Christian magazine, v. 7, 1803. Murray, Lady Grisell, of Stanhope Elwood, Anne Katherine. Lady Murray of Stanhope. [1693-1759.] (In her: Me- moirs of literary ladies of England. Lon- don, 1843. 8°. v. 1, p. 38-60.) SNE Notices respecting Lady Murray of Stan- hope. (In: Lady Grisell Murray, Memoirs of the life and characters of... George Baillie. . .and of Lady Grisell Baillie. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. p. 145-170.) AN Murray, General Sir Henry Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General the Hon. Sir Henry Murray, K.C.B. 1784-1860. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 493-495.) fVWZH Murray, Sir John, of Broughton Lang, Andrew. Murray of Broughton. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 164, p. 220-230.) * DA Murray, Sir John, of Broughton. Genu- ine memoirs of John Murray, late secre- tary to the Young Pretender. Together with remarks on the same, in a letter to a friend. London: A. Freeman, 1747. 2 p.L, 64 p. 8°. CP p.v.2 Memorials of John Murray of Broughton, sometime secretary to Prince Charles Edward, 1740-1747. Edited, with an introduction, notes and an appendix of original documents, by Robert Fitzroy Bell. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1898. 1 p.L, xxxvii p., 1 1., 539 p., 1 fac, 3 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- tions, v. 27.) CPA Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry Morton, Wallace. "Dictionary" Mur- ray. 1 port. (Caledonian. New York, 1906-07. 8°. v. 6, p. 380-383.) KDD Murray, William, of Touchadam Biographical sketch of the late William Murray, Esq., of Touchadam. n.p. [1814?] 31 p. 8°. AGHp.v.5 Murray, James Stewart, Earl of. Regent of Scotland See Moray, James Stewart, Earl of. Regent of Scotland. Murray (2. earl), James Stewart Laing, David. Notices of the funeral of James, second earl of Murray. 1 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 191-196.) CPA Murray, Lieutenant-General James Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-General James Murray of Strowan. 1734-94. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 411-414.) fVWZH Murray, General Lord John Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General Lord John Murray, 1711-87. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 382-384.) fVWZH Myln, Walter, Martyr Laing, David. Walter Myln. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edin- burgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 550-555.) ZOV The last victim burned for heresy in Scotland, 1558. Scott, J. Moffat. Walter Myln, the vicar of Lunan. (In his: The martyrs of Angus andMearns... Paisley, 1885. 12°. p. 210- 271.) CP Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, Baroness Bayne, Thomas. Lady Nairne. (Temple Bar. London, 1902. 8°. v. 126, p. 619-627.) *DA Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Caroline, Baroness Nairne, 1766-1845. (In their: Songstresses of Scotland. London, 1871. 12°. v. 2, p. 108-179.) AGH Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, baroness. Life and songs of the Baroness Nairne, with a memoir and poems of Caroline Oliphant the younger. Edited by Rev. Charles Rogers. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1869. xcvi, 206 p. ,1 fac, 3 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCL 522 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Williams, Alfred Mason. Lady Nairne and her songs. (In his: Studies in folk- song and popular poetry. London: E. Stock, 1895. 12°. p. 102-130.) NAE Edited by his son, Macvey Napier. Lon- don: Harrison & Sons, 1877. xvi, 536 p 8°. NDD Printed for private circulation. Reviewed in The Athenaum, London, May 4, 1878, p. 568-570. London: Macmillan & Co 1879. xvi, 555 p. 8°. NDD Napier, Admiral Sir Charles James Napier, Sir Charles James. The life and exploits of Commodore Napier, by him- self. London: Strange, 1841. 32 p. 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. AGH p.v.20, no.2 4 plates appear to be lacking according to title- page. Napier, Robert, Alchemist Small, John. Sketches of later Scottish alchemists: John Napier of Merchiston, Robert Napier, Sir David Lindsay, first earl of Balcarres, Patrick Ruthven, Alexan- der Seton, Patrick Scot. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 410-438.) CPA Napier, James, Antiquary Memoir of Mr. James Napier. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 16, p. 172-184.) * EC p. 183-184 contain a list of Napier's writings. Napier, John, of Merchiston Buchan (11. earl), David Stewart Er- skine, and W. Minto. An account of the life, writings, and inventions of John Na- pier. Perth: R. Morison & Son, 1787. viii, 9-134, 3 p., 5 pi., 1 port. 4°. * C p.v.245 Small, John. Sketches of later Scottish alchemists: John Napier of Merchiston, Robert Napier, Sir David Lindsay, first earl of Balcarres, Patrick Ruthven, Alex- ander Seton, Patrick Scot. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 410-438.) CPA Wallace, William. On the burial place of John Napier of Merchiston, the inventor of logarithms. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 213-216.) fCPA Nasmyth, James, Engineer Goddard, Dwight. A short history of James Nasmyth. [By Dwight Goddard.] Worcester, Mass.: Wyman & Gordon [1902]. [7] p., 1 port. 12°. AGH p.v.19, no.4 Nasmyth, James. James Nasmyth, en- gineer. An autobiography. Edited by S. Smiles. London: John Murray, 1883. xviii, 456 p., 9 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN New York: Harper & Broth- ers, 1883. xvii, 461 p., 9 pi., 1 port. 12°. AN ■ — — London: John Murray, 1895. xx, 450 p., 9 pi., 1 port, new ed. 8°. AN James Nasmyth's autobiography. (Edin- burgh review. London, 1883. 8°. v. 157, p. 458-481.) *DA Sketch of James Nasmyth. 1 port. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 51, p. 117-123.) *DA Smiles, Samuel. James Nasmyth. (In his: Industrial biography. London, 1882. new ed. 12°. p. 275-298.) AB Napier, Macvey, Editor Browne, Matthew. Mr. Macvey Napier and the Edinburgh reviewers. (Contem- porary review. London, 1879. 8°. v. 36, p. 263-273.) * DA Reprinted in Appleton's Journal, new series, v. 7, p. 445-451, New York, 1879. Macculloch, John Ramsay. Biographi- cal notice of Macvey Napier, editor of the Edinburgh review. [By J. R. Macculloch.] London: Longman, Brown, Green & Long- mans, 1847. lip. 8°. AGH p.v.20, no.5 Morley, John. Memorials of a man of letters. (In his: Studies in literature. Lon- don, 1897. 12°. p. 286-322.) *R-NABO Napier, Macvey. Selections from the correspondence of the late Macvey Napier. Neilson, George, LL.D. Davidson, Alexander L. George Neil- son, L.L.D., F.S.A. 1 port. (Gallovidian. Dumfries, 1913. 8°. v. 15, p. 1-7.) * DE Neilson, James Beaumont, Inventor Smiles, Samuel. James Beaumont Neil- son. (In his: Industrial biography. Lon- don, 1882. new ed. 12°. p. 149-161.) AB Inventor of the hot blast. Neven, Ninian, of Shetland Spence, T. W. L. Notes on an unpub- lished ms. preserved among the Privj LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Council documents in the General Register House, with reference to certain charges against Ninian Neven of Windhouse, Shet- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 222-235.) CPA Nicholson, Magdalen Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Some notes on the account-book of dame Magdalen Nicholson, widow of Sir Gilbert Elliot, first baronet of Stobs, 1671-1693. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 120-1-32.) CPA Nicol, John, Mariner Nicol, John. The life and adventures of John Nicol, mariner. [Edited by John Howell.] Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1822. viii, p. 2 I., 215 p. 12°. VXCB tore Ailredo Revallensi. (In: A. P. Forbes, Lives of S. Ninian and S. Kentigern. Edin- burgh, 1874. p. 137-157. 8°.) CP Translation on p. 3-26. Kinloch, Margaret. Saint Ninian, a mis- sionary of the fifth century. (Dublin re- view. London, 1907. 8°. v. 141, p. 97-114.) *DA Scott, Archibald Black. Nynia in north- ern Pictland. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 378-388.) CPA Nisbet, John, in Hardi-iill True, A, relation of the life and suffer- ings of John Nisbet in Hardhill, his last testimony to the truth; with a short ac- count of his last words on the scaffold, December 4, 1685. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies. . . Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 371-409.) AGH Reprinted from the second edition published in 1719. Nicoll, Robert, Poet Elliott, Ebenezer. Robert Nicoll and his poems. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1842. 4°. new series, v. 9, p. 545- 549.) * DA Gilfillan, George. Robert Nicoll. (In: The Scottish annual. Edinburgh [1859]. 12°. 1859, p. 83-100.) NCA Robert Nicoll. (Hogg's weekly instruc- tor. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 1, p. 114- 116.) * DA Nicolson, Alexander, LL.D. Alexander Nicolson, sheriff and songster. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 314-320.) * DE Nimmo, James Nimmo, James. Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo. Written for his own satisfaction ... 1654-1709. Edited from the original manuscript by W. G. Scott-Moncrieff. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1889. 2 pi, xxiii p., 1 1., 112 p. 8°. (Scottish His- tory Society. Publications, v. 6.) CPA Ninian, Saint Aelred, Saint, abbot of Rievaux. Vita Niniani Pictorum Australium apostoli, auc- NlTHSDALE (5. EARL), WlLLIAM MAXWELL Winifred, countess of Nithsdale. Letter from the countess dowager of Nithsdale to her sister the countess of Traquair, giving an account of the earl's escape out of the Tower in 1716. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch»ologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 523-528.) f CPA Reprinted in: The Cabinet; or, The selected beauties of literature, p. 166-174, Edinburgh, 1824. Nithsdale, Winifred Herbert, Countess of, c. 1679-1749 Chambers, Sir William. Story of the countess of Nithsdale. (Chambers's Jour- nal. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. series 4, v. 11, p. 609-612.) * DA Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. Winifred, countess of Nithsdaill. [By Mary M. M. Scott.] (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 69-85.) *DA (Reprinted in her: The mak- ing of Abbotsford and incidents in Scottish history... London, 1897. 8°. p. 325-351.) CP Stanhope (5. earl), Philip Henry Stan- hope. The countess of Nithsdale. (In his: The French retreat from Moscow and other historical essays. London, 1876. 8°. p. 187-232.) BAC Walford, Edward. The countess of Nithsdale. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 2, p. 53-74.) ARF 524 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Ogilvie, Alexander, of Boyne Contract of marriage betwixt Alexander Ogilvie of Boyne and Mary Bethune. 1566. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 37-49.) f CP Ogilvie, Professor William, Aberdeen Anderson, Peter John. Professor Wil- liam Ogilvie. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 3-5.) CPA Ogilvy, John, of Stratherne Decreet of Spulzie. John Ogilvy of Stratherne, and Mr. James Ogilvy, com- mendator of Dryburgh Abbey, his tutor, against Lauchlane Macintosh, and others. 1517. (Spalding club. Miscellany. Aber- deen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 75-80.) t CP See also editor's preface, p. xxxiii-xxxv. edited by Mrs. Harry Coghill. New York- Dodd, Mead & Co., 1899. xiv p., 1 1., 451 p' 2 port. 8°. AN p. 441-451 contain a list of Mrs. Oliphant's pub. lished works. Mrs. Oliphant's Autobiography. [Quar- terly review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 190, v 255-267.) * DA Mrs. Oliphant's life and letters. (Church quarterly review. London, 1900. 8°. v 49, p. 140-152.) *DA Preston, Harriet Waters. Mrs. Oliphant (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1885. 8°. v 55, p. 733-744.) *DA • • (Atlantic monthly. Boston 1897. 8°. v. 80, p. 424-427.) *DA Slater, Gertrude. Mrs. Oliphant as a realist. (Westminster review. London 1897. 8°. v. 148, p. 682-690.) *DA Orkney (2. earl), Patrick Stewart Pat Stuart; the tyrant Don Juan of the Shetland Islands. (Court magazine. Lon- don, 1840. 8°. united series, v. 5, p. 309- 318.) *DE Oliphant, Caroline, the Younger Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, baroness. Life and songs of the Baroness Nairne, with a memoir and poems of Caroline Oli- phant the younger. Edited by Rev. Charles Rogers. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1869. xcvi, 206 p., 1 fac, 3 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCL Page, David, Geologist Wuensch, E. A. Prof. David Page, and his work as a geological writer. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v .6, p. 182-185.) PTA Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wilson Coghill, Annie L. Mrs. Oliphant. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 62, p. 277-285.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine for foreign litera- ture, new series, v. 66, p. 492-498, New York, 1897. Guerry, William A. Mrs. Oliphant. (Se- wanee review. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 8, p. 64-72.) * DA Little, A, chat about Mrs. Oliphant. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. v. 133, p. 73-91.) * DA Mrs. Oliphant. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 161-164.) *DA Mrs. Oliphant as a biographer. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 163, p. 501-512.) *DA Mrs. Oliphant as a novelist. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 305-319.) * DA Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wil- son. The autobiography and letters of Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Arranged and Park, Mungo Life, The, and travels of Mungo Park. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1840. xii, (1)14-248 p. 16°. (Harper's family library, no. cv.) AN Lacks title-page. Maclachlan, T. Banks. Mungo Park. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Fer- rier [1898,. 160 p., 1 map. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN St. John, James Augustus. Mungo Park. (In his: Lives of celebrated travellers, New York, 1839. 24°. v. 3, p. 13-65.) AB Paterson, Agnes Crawford Paterson, Agnes Crawford. Testimo- nials in favour of A. C. Paterson [as candi- date for teacher in Heriot's Infant School] [Edinburgh, 1862.) 7 p. 8°. AGHp.v.20,no.2; Paterson, William, Financier Bannister, Saxe. William Paterson, thi merchant statesman, and founder of thi LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND ^D Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Bank of England: his life and trials. Edin- burgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1858. x p., 1 1., 435 p., 5 fac. 16°. AN Reviewed in Meliora, v. 1, p. 103-113, London, 1859. 2. ed. Edinburgh: W. P. Nim- mo, 1859. x p., 1 1., 435 p., 5 fac. 16°. AN Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. William Paterson of Dumfries. 1 port. (In his: English merchants .. . London. 1866. 8°. v. 1, p. 363^103.) TLH Pagan, William. The birthplace and parentage of William Paterson, founder of the Bank of England, and projector of the Darien scheme: with suggestions for im- provements on the Scottish registers. Ed- inburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1865. 2 p.L, 146 p. 16°. AN Steel, W. A. William Paterson. (Eng- lish historical review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 11, p. 260-281.) BAA Paton, Captain John Paton, J. R. Captain John Paton of Meadowhead. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 335-336.) CPA Patrick, Saint Bury, John Bagnell. The itinerary^ of Patrick in Connaught, according to Tire- chan. (Royal Irish Academy. Proceed- ings. Dublin, 1903. 8°. Section C, v. 24, p. 153-168.) * EC The life of St. Patrick and his place in history. London: Macmillan and Co., 1905. xv, 404 p. 8°. ZDVN Reviews: Athenaum, July 22, p. 101-102, Lon- don, 1905; Spectator, v. 95, p. 977-978, London, 1905; American historical review, v. 11, p. 633-635. Dillon, John. Observations on the ac- counts given of the life and acts of Saint Patrick. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 213-252.) t CPA Graves, Charles. Some notices of the Acts of St. Patrick, contained in the Book of Armagh. (Dublin quarterly journal of science. London, 1863. 8°. v. 3, p. 267- 269.) OA Griffith, John. The life of St. Patrick scientifically treated. (Nature. London, 1907. 4°. v. 76, p. 295-296.) OA Hoey, J. Cashel. The birthplace of St. Patrick. (Catholic world. New York, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 744-757.) *DA Favors Boulogne as being the saint's birthplace. Hogan, Edmund. Vita Sancti Patricii Hibernorum apostoli auctore Muirchu maccu Machtheni et Tirechani Collectanea de S. Patritio. Nunc primum integra ex Libro Armachano ope Codicis Bruxel- lensis edidit E. Hogan. Excerptum ex Analectis Bollandianis. Bruxellis: Typis Polleunis, Ceuterick et Lefebure, 1882. 204 p. 8°. ZDVN _ Running title; Documenta de S. Patricio ex Libro Armachano. Keith, Duncan. St. Patrick. (In his: History of Scotland: civil and ecclesiasti- cal. Edinburgh, 1886. 12°. v. 2, p. 95-128.) CP Lithgow, R. A. Douglas. Saul, in Ulster, and its locality, with especial reference to St. Patrick. (British Archaeological Asso- ciation. Journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 40, p. 72-90.) CA Moran, Patrick F., bishop of Ossory. The birthplace of St. Patrick, apostle of Ireland. (Dublin review. Dublin, 1880. 8°. v. 34, p. 291-327.) * DA Morris, W. B. St. Martin and St. Pat- rick. (Dublin review. London, 1883. 8°. series 3, v. 9, p. 1-32.) * DA New, The, light upon St. Patrick. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1884. • 8°. v. 4, p. 62- 85.) *DA St. Patrick — Who was he? (National magazine. New York, 1855. 8°. v. 7, p. 56-57.) * DA Shepard, J. S. Life of St. Patrick and his place in history. (Month. London, 1905. 8°. v. 106, p. 129-138.) * DA Based on Bury. Smyth, P. G. Young St. Patrick. 1 pi. (Rosary magazine. Somerset, Ohio, 1906. 8°. v. 28, p. 301-306.) * DA The plate represents St. Patrick driving the snakes into the sea. Thurston, Herbert. Croagh Patrick. A chapter from the saint's latest biography. (Month. London, 1905. 8°. v. 106, p. 449- 461.) *DA St. Patrick's petitions. By H. T. (Month. London, 1905. 8°. v. 106, p. 539- 543.) * DA Todd, James Henthorn. St. Patrick, apostle of Ireland. A memoir of his life and mission, with an introductory disserta- tion on some early usages of the church in Ireland, and its historical position from the establishment of the English colony to the present day. Dublin: Hodges, Smith, & Co., 1864. xii, 538 p. 8°. ZDVN Treffry, F. St. Patrick. (Westminster review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 165, p. 521- 539.) * DA Turner, J. H. An inquiry as to the birth- place of St. Patrick. (Society of Antiqua- 526 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. ries of Scotland. Archceologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. S, p. 261-284.) fCPA Wells, W. B. St. Patrick's earlier life. (English historical review. London, 1890. 8°. v. S, p. 475-485.) BAA Patrick, William, W. S. Patrick, William, writer to the Signet. To Mr. John Patrick, n. p., n. d. 10 p. 8°. ARZ Petrie, Arthur, Bishop of Moray Archibald, John. Arthur Petrie, bishop of Moray. (In his: The historic episcopate in the Columbian Church . . . Edinburgh 1893. 8°. p. 191-211.) ZPWC Pettie, John, R. A. Walker, Robert. John Pettie, R.A. 1 pi. illus. (Good words. London, 1893. 8° v. 34, p. 750-757.) * DA Peden, Alexander, Covenanter Account, An, of the . . . life and death of the Reverend Alexander Peden; late min- ister... at New Glenluce, in Galloway... who died Jan. 28, 1686. . . London: J. W. Pasham, 1774. 32 p. 8°. * C p.v.367 Bigger, Francis Joseph. Alexander Pe- den the "Prophet." ' (Ulster journal of archeology. Belfast, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 116-127.) CT Life, The, and prophecies of Alexander Peden. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers [C 1850]. [no.] 115. 24 p. 24°. Reserve A chapbook. Walker, Patrick. The life and prophe- cies of Mr. Alexander Peden, late minister of the gospel at New Glenluce in Gallo- way. In two parts. To which is added his remarkable letter to the prisoners in Dun- notar Castle. July, 1685. Glasgow: John Pryde, 1868. 1 p.l., 64 p. 12°. ZEC p.v.71 Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Mr. Alexander Peden. .. To which is added, a second part, contain- ing, thirty new additional passages. . . [By Patrick Walker.] Glasgow: J. & J. Robert- son, 1781. 56 p. 12°. Stuart 305 Philip, Dr. Alexander Philip Wilson Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. Alexander Philip Wilson Philip, M.D., F.R.S. 19 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838^0. v. 3.) , AB Pinkerton, John, Antiquary John Pinkerton, Esq., F.S.A., Perth. (Edinburgh annual register for 1826. Ed- inburgh, 1828. 8°. v. 19, part 2, p. 141-145.) BAA S. Mr. Pinkerton. (In: Public charac- ters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 19-30.) AGH Pitcairn, Dr. Archibald Memoir, A, of Dr. Archibald Pitcairn. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edin- burgh, 1774. 8°. v. 1, p. 360-364.) *DA Portrait lacking. Webster, Charles. An account of the life and writings of the celebrated Dr. Archibald Pitcairne... Edinburgh: Gor- don & Murray, 1781. 7, (1)8-41 p. 8°. AN p.v.125 Perrie, William Macnaughtan, John. Execution of Wil- liam Perrie. Two discourses preached in the High Church, Paisley, on 22d October, 1837; being the Sabbath after the execution of William Perrie. Paisley: Alex. Gard- ner, 1837. 32 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.73 Pitcairn, Dr. William, 1711-1791 Macmichael, William. Pitcairn. port. (In his: The gold-headed cane. London, 1828. 2. ed. 12°. p. 182-235.) WAC William Pitcairn, M.D., 1711-1791. Perth (2. earl), John Drummond Perth (2. earl), John Drummond. A briefe account of the life of the Right Hon- ourable John earle of Perth, extant under his own hand. (Spalding Club. Miscel- lany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 393- 400.) f CP The memoir is dated 1657. Playfair, Professor John Some account of the character and mer- its of the late Professor Playfair. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 163-168.) *DE LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 527 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Playfair (1. baron), Lyon Playfair Reid, Wemyss. Memoirs and correspon- dence of Lyon Playfair, first Lord Play- fair. London: Cassell & Co., 1899. xii, 487 p., 2 port. 8°. AN Remarks on the "Vindication of their pastor and themselves, by the dea- cons of West George Street Congrega- tional Church." London: C. Gilpin, 1850. 40 p. 8°. CR Bound with his: A letter, &c. [Glasgow, 1850.] 8°. Playfair, William, Publicist Mr. William Playfair. (Edinburgh an- nual register, for 1823. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 16, part 3, p. 332-334.) BAA Prentice, Archibald Dunlop, R. Archibald Prentice. A page in the history of journalism. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1889. 8°. v. 60, p. 435- 443.) * DA Playfair, William Henry, Architect Graham, John Murray. A notice of the life and works of William Henry Playfair, architect. (Architectural Institution of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1862. 8°. v. 5, part 4, p. 13-28.) * C p.v.650 Preston, Lieutenant-General George Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Lieutenant-General George Preston, 1659-1748. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 365-371.) f VWZH Pollok, Robert, Poet Mearns, P. Robert Pollok, author of "The course of time." (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23. p. 281- 295.) * DE Worman, J. H. Robert Pollok and his times. (National repository. Cincinnati, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 447-451.) ' * DD Young, James H. Robert Pollok, author of "The course of time." (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 55- 62.) * DE Pope, Rev. Alexander Beaton, David. The Rev. Alexander Pope, Reay, Caithness. By Historicus. 1 fac. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1910-11. 8°. v. 3, p. 111-115, 166-169, 220-223; v. 4, p. 37-40, 94-98.) CR Porteous, Captain John Life, The, and death of Captain John Porteous. [Edinburgh? 1737?] 4 p.l., (1)4- 96 p. 4°. (12°). ANp.v.125 Title-page missing. Porter, Rev. Seymour Teulon Porter, Seymour Teulon. A letter, &c. [by S. T. Porter, to his parishioners in re- gard to the resignation of his pastorate. Glasgow: D. Macarter, 1850.] 80 p. 8°. CR Title-page missing. Pringle, Sir John Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. Sir John Pringle, bart., M.D., F.R.S. 6 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 2.) AB Pringle, Thomas, Poet Conder, J. A biographical sketch of the author. (In: Thomas Pringle, Narrative of a residence in South Africa. London. 1840. 8°. p. ix-xvi.) BNH Low, Sidney. The poet of South Africa. (Anglo-Saxon review. London, 1901. 4°. v. 9, p. 207-221.) f*DE Pringle, Walter, Covenanter Pringle, Walter. The memoirs of Wal- ter Pringle of Greenknow; or, Some few of the free mercies of God to him, and his will to his children, left to them under his own hand. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies . . . Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 411-494.) AGH Reprinted from the Edinburgh edition of 1723. The memoirs of Walter Pringle of Greenknow... Edited by Rev. Walter Wood, with notes and an appendix, con- taining an account of the families of Gor- don and Seton...and also of the Pringles ...and the Homes of Bassendean. Edin- burgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1847. xii, 132 p. 16°. ARZ Reprinted from the edition of 1751. 528 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Rae, Sir David, Lord Eskgrove Right Hon. David Rae, lord-justice clerk of Scotland. (In: Public characters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 559-587.) AGH Raeburn, Sir Henry Armstrong, Sir Walter. Sir Henry Rae- burn; by W. Armstrong, with an introduc- tion by R. A. M. Stevenson, and a bio- graphical and descriptive catalogue by J. L. Caw. London: W. Heinemann, 1911. ix, 121 p, 14 pi., 45 port, illus. f °. f MCV Morrison, John. Random reminiscences of Sir Walter Scott, of the Ettrick shepherd, Sir Henry Raeburn, &c. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1843- 44. 4°. new series, v. 10, p. 569-578, 626- .628, 780-786; new series, v. 11, p. 15-19.) *DA Sir Henry Raeburn. (Edinburgh annual register for 1823. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 16, part 3, p. 370-376.) BAA Sir Henry Raeburn. Born 1756; died 1823. English school. 42 p., 10 pi. (Mas- ters in art. Boston, 1905. v. 6, part 71.) MAA Sir Henry Raeburn: his life and works. With a catalogue of his pictures, by I. Greig. London: "The Connoisseur," 1911. lv, 65(1) p., 3 pi., 9 port, illus. 4°. (The Connoisseur, extra no.) f MCV Ramsay, Allan, Poet Holmes, D. T. Allan Ramsay. (In his: Lectures on Scottish literature. Paisley, 1904. 12°. p. 37-68.) NDP Irving, David. The life of Allan Ram- say. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. v. 2, p. 307-339.) AB Robertson, J. Logie. Allan Ramsay. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1887. 8°. v. 55, p. 19-26.) * DA Smeaton, Henry William Oliphant. Al- lan Ramsay. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Ander- son & Ferrier [1896]. 160 p. 12°. (Fam- ous Scots series.) * R- AN New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1896]. 160 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) AN Sketch of Andrew Crombie Ramsay. 1 port. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 53, p. 259-266.) * DA Young, John. The late Sir A. C. Ram- say, F. G. S., director-general of the Geo- logical Survey of Great Britain. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 256-263.) PTA ■ Memoir of the late Sir Andrew Ramsay, F. R. S (Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow 1892. 8°. v. 23, p. 281-290.) *EC Ramsay, Andrew Michael Fraser, Donald. The life of Andrew Michael] Ramsay. (In his: A collection of select biography. New York, 1798. 16°. p. 70-85.) AGH Ramsay, Balcarres Dalrymple Wardlaw Ramsay, Balcarres Dalrymple Wardlaw. Rough recollections of military service and society. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1882. 2 v. 8°. AN Ramsay, Edward Bannerman, Dean of Edinburgh Innes, Cosmo. Memoir of Dean Ram- say. (In E. B. Ramsay, Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. Edinburgh, 1874. 23. ed. 12°. p. i-ci.) CP Plumptre, Charles Edward. The cen- tenary of Dean Ramsay, author of "Rem- iniscences of Scottish life and character." (In his: Studies in little known subjects. London, 1898. 12°. p. 280-291.) NCZ Ramsay, Professor John Meana, Alexandre de. Notice sur la vie de Jean Ramsay de Saint-Andrew en ficosse, professeur a l'universite de Turin, et medecin de Charles in, due de Savoie, avec pieces justificatives, par A. de Meana; communicated with an introductory note by David Laing. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 294-304.) CPA ■ • Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1874. 18 p. 12°. AGHp.v.22 Ramsay, Major William Norman Norman Ramsay. (Temple Bar. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 117, p. 540-552.) *DA Ramsay, Sir Andrew Crombie, Geologist Geikie, Sir Archibald. Memoir of Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1895. x p., 1 1., 397 p., 13 port. 8°. AN Rankine, William John Macquorn Late, The, Professor Rankine. (Institu- tion of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scot- land. Transactions. Glasgow, 1873. 8°. v. 16, p. 85-91.) VDA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 529 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Read, Katherine, Court Paintress Steuart, A. Francis. Miss Katherine Read, court paintress. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 38-46.) CPA Reid, General John Reid, John. Will and codicil of General Reid. [Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1834?] 40 p. 8°. AGHp.v.21 Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General John Reid. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 387- 395.) t VWZH Reid, Thomas, Latin Secretary Anderson, Peter John. Aberdonians abroad. Thomas Reid, Latin secretary to James I. 1 port. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 145-146, 161.) CPA Riccio or Rizzio, David Johnson, Francis. Assassinations of Rizzio and Darnley. 2 port. (In his: Famous assassinations of history. Chica- go, 1903. 8°. p. 89-108.) BAC Ruthven (3. baron), Patrick Ruthven. A relation of the death of David Rizzi, chief favorite to Mary Stuart, queen of Scot- land, who was killed in the apartment of the said queen on the 9th of March, 1565. Written by the Lord Ruthen. (In: Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and histori- cal antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. p. 327-360.) CP Reprinted from the London edition of 1699. The author was the chief actor in the tragedy. Richardson, William Account, An, of the life, writings, and character of William Richardson, late pro- fessor of humanity in the University of Glasgow. (Edinburgh magazine and lit- erary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 7, p. 195-205.) * DE Reprinted from The Student, Glasgow. Reid, Thomas, Philosopher Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Thomas Reid. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier [1898]. 160 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Stewart, Dugald. Biographical memoirs of Adam Smith, William Robertson, and of Thomas Reid, read before the Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Now collected into one volume with some additional notes. Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1811. x, 532 p., 3 port. 4°. AGH The life and writings of Thomas Reid. (In: Thomas Reid, Works. Charles- town, 1813-14. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-92.) YBX Richmond (1. duke), Ludovick Stuart Cleland, James. A monvment of mor- talitie, vpon the death and fvnerals, of the graciovs prince, Lodovick, Late Duke of Richmond and Lenox... London: Wil- liam Stansby for Ralph Rounthwaite, 1624. 3 p.l., 56 p., eng'd title-page. 4°. Reserve Riddell, Henry Scott Irvine, William. Henry Scott Riddell. Hawick: J. Haining & Co., printers [1870?]. 1 p.l., 11 p. 16°. AGH p.v.22, no.5 Reprinted from the Hawick Advertiser, Aug. 6, 1870. Rennie, John, the Elder Beck, Th. Englische Ingenieure von 1750-1850. John Rennie, sen. (Zeitschrift fur Architektur und Ingenieurwesen. Wiesbaden, 1902. f°. Jahrg. 1902, Bd. 48, col. 169-180.) MQA Smiles, Samuel. Life of John Rennie. 1 port, illus. (In his: Lives of the engin- eers. London, 1861. 8°. v. 2, p. 93-284.) AB Rhind, Alexander Henry Stuart, John. Memoir of the late Alex- ander Henry Rhind, of Sibster. Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., 1864. 2 p.l., 57 p., 1 port. sq. 8°. AN Riddell, John, Genealogist John Riddell, Esq., advocate. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1863. 8°. v. 1, p. 538-545.) *R — Room 328 Riddell, Robert, of Glenriddell Irvine, James. Notices of Robert Rid- dell, of Glenriddell, Esq., and of some of his manuscripts and books. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 451-456.) CPA Ridpath, George, Whig Journalist Ridpath, George. Correspondence be- tween George Ridpath and the Rev. Rob- 530 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. ert Wodrow. (Abbotsford Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 35S-414.) fCP S., W. The birthplace of George Rid- path. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 132- 133.) CPA See also p. 100. Ritchie, David, "the Black Dwarf" Account of David Ritchie, the original of the Black Dwarf. 1 port. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 207-212.) * DE Veitch, John. The Vale of the Manor and the Black Dwarf. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 148, p. 322-338.) * DA Robertson, Major-General George Duncan Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General George Duncan Robertson of Struan, C.B., 1766-1842. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p 468-470.) tVWZH Robertson, Rev. James, of Lochbroom Brief, A, memoir of the late Rev. James Robertson, minister of the parish of Loch- broom, in Ross-shire, who died in 1776 [London: B. M'Millan, 182-?] 22 p. 8°. AGH p.v.23 Robertson, James Patrick Bannerman, Lord Robertson Lees, J. M. Some early recollections of Lords Robertson and Stormonth Darling. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 24, p. 81-94.) SEA Robert de Praebenda, Bishop of Dunblane Allan, A. Stewart. Robert, bishop of Dunblane. (Reliquary. London, 187S. 8°. v. IS, p. 169-170.) CA Robertson, John Robertson, J. G. Memorial notice of Mr. John Robertson. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 24-28.) *EC Roberts, David, R.A. Jerdan, William. David Roberts, R.A. (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866. 12°. p. 363-374.) AGH Patter, Peter, pseud.? David Roberts, R.A. (In: The Scottish annual. Edin- burgh [1859,. 12°. 1859, p. 75-78.) NCA Robertson, Patrick Robertson, Lord Robertson, Patrick Robertson, lord. Leaves from a journal. 1844. [Preface signed P. R., i. e. Patrick Robertson, Lord Robertson.] [Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1844.] 32 p. sq. 8°. NCI p.v.55 Privately printed. Roberts, Rev. James Veitch, James. Addresses delivered in St. Stephen's Church, Edinburgh, June 11, 1867, on occasion of the induction of the Rev. Dr. Nicholson to that church and parish; and of the ordination of the Rev. James Roberts as one of the chaplains of the Church of Scotland in Bengal. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867. 25 p. 8°. ZIT p.v.4, no.7 Title from cover. Robertson, David, Naturalist In memoriam — David Robertson, LL.D., F.L.S., F.G.S. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 18-42.) PQA p. 38-42 contain a list of the papers read by him before the Natural History Society of Glasgow. Robertson, Rev. William, Historian Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. [William] Robertson. 1 port. (In his: Lives of men of letters and science. Lon- don, 1845. 8°. p. 256-323.) AB Lawrence, Eugene. William Robertson. (In his: Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12°. v. 1, p. 327-365.) AB Life, The, of Dr. Robertson. (In: Wil- liam Robertson, Works. London, 1824. 8°. v. 1, p. i-lvi.) CP Based on Dugald Stewart's life of the historian. Stewart, Dugald. Account of the life and writings of William Robertson, D.D. 1 port. (In: William Robertson, The his- tory of Scotland... Philadelphia, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 9-142.) CP Biographical memoirs of Adam Smith, William Robertson, and of Thomas LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 531 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Reid, read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Now collected into one vol- ume with some additional notes. Edin- burgh: W. Creech, 1811. x, 532 p., 3 port. 4°. tAGH The life of William Robertson. (In: William Robertson, The history of the discovery and settlement of America . . . New York, 1828. 8°. p. iii-xxxii.) HAB Stewart's life and writings of Dr. Rob- ertson. (Critical review; or, Annals of literature. London, 1802. 8°. v. 35, p. 130-142.) NAA Robertson, William Bruce, D.D. Ker, John. The Rev. W. B. Robertson, D.D. (In his: Scottish nationality and other papers. Edinburgh, 1887. 12°. p. 239-251.) CP Robison, John, LL.D. Playfair, John. Biographical account of the late John Robison, LL.D., F.R.S. Edin. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1815. 4°. v. 7, p. 495- 539.) * EC Reprinted in the Annals of philosophy, v. 7, p. 169-183, 249-260, London, 1816. Earl, The, of Rosebery at the Durdans. (In: Celebrities at home. London, 1879. 8°. series 3, p. 285-294.) AGH Hapgood, Norman. Lord Rosebery. (Contemporary review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 71, p. 227-232.) * DA Viallate, Achille. Lord Rosebery. (Re- vue de Paris. Paris, 1901. 8°. annee 8, no. 16, p. 741-772.) * DN Ross, Alexander, Bishop of Edinburgh Sermon, A, preached on occasion of the *much lamented death of the Right Rev- erend father in God, Alexander, late lord bishop of Edinburgh. By a presbyter of the church. Edinburgh: printed by Wil- liam Adams, junr., 1720. 24 p. 16°. AGH p.v.22 Ross, Alexander, Poet Irving, David. The life of Alexander Ross, A.M. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 341- 349.) AB Ross, Alexander, Schoolmaster Watson, Foster. Alexander Ross: ped- ant schoolmaster of the age of Cromwell. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1895. 8°. v. 279, p. 459-474.) * DA Rollo (5. baron), Andrew Rollo Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Andrew, fifth Lord Rollo. 1704(?)-1765. 1 port. (In: A mili- tary history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 379-381.) t VWZH Ross, Sir James Clark Jerdan, William. Sir James Clark Ross. (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866. 12°. p. 381-392.) AGH Rollock, Robert, First Principal of the University of Edinburgh Fuller, Thomas. The life and death of Robert Rollock. (In his: Abel redevivus ... London, 1867. 12°. v. 2, p. 119-123.) AB Rosebery (5. earl), Archibald Philip Primrose Banquet given by Scottish Liberals [Un- der the auspices of the Scottish Liberal Club,] to the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, November 13, 1885. Edinburgh: privately printed [1885]. viii, 80 p. sq. 12°. CLp.v.ll Coates, Thomas F. G. Lord Rosebery: his life and speeches. London: Hutchin- son & Co., 1900. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. AN Ross, Sir John the Brown, John T. T. Schir Johne the Ross, a lost 15th century Makar. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 293-307.) CPA Rothesay, David Stewart, Duke of Bute (3. marquis), James Patrick Crich- ton Stuart. David, duke of Rothesay. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 19, p. 297-326.) * DA Rough, John, Martyr Laing, David. John Rough. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edin- burgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 537-540.) ZOV See also same volume, p. 187. 532 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Row, John, Principal of King's College, Aberdeen Row, John. Diary of John Row, princi- pal of King's College, &c. 1661-1672-1690. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894-95. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 38-39, 52-54, 70-71, 84-85, 98-100, 122-123, 152-153, 164-165, 183- 184; v. 8, p. 24-25.) CPA Roxburgh (1. earl), Robert Ker Roxburgh (1. earl), Robert Ker. Elegy on Sir Robert Ker, of Cessford, first earl of Roxburghe. 1650. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 191-196.) t CP Roy, General William Ranken, D. R. Notices of Major-Gen- eral William Roy, from the parish regis- ters of Carluke and other sources. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 562-566.) CPA Shepherd, Ambrose. In memoriam James Burn Russell, M.D., LL.D. Ser- mon preached in the Elgin Place Congre- gational Church, Glasgow, November 6th, 1904. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1904. 19 p., 1 port. 8°. AGHp.v.24 Rutherford, Samuel Gilmour, Robert. Samuel Rutherford; a study biographical and somewhat critical, in the history of the Scottish Covenant. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Fer- rier, 1904. xi(i), 244 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN Machar, Agnes Maule. A Scottish mys- tic. (Andover review. Boston, 1886. 8°. v. 6, p. 379-395.) * DA Samuel Rutherford, 1600-1661. Reid, James. Memoirs of the lives and writings of those eminent divines who con- vened in the Assembly at Westminster, in the seventeenth century. Paisley: S. & A. Young, printers, 1811-15. 2 v. 8°. AB Contains memoirs of the following Scottish Com- missioners in v. 2, p. 270-362: Robert Baillie, George Gillespie, Alexander Henderson, Samuel Rutherford. Ruddiman, Thomas, Grammarian Chalmers, George. The life of Thomas Ruddiman... To which are subjoined new anecdotes of [Georgej Buchanan. London: John Stockdale, 1794. 2 p.l., 467 p., 2 fac, 1 port. 8°. AN Russel, Alexander, Editor Graham, Henry Grey. Russel of the 'Scotsman.' (In his: Literary and histori- cal essays. London, 1908. 12°. p. 219- 272.) NCZ Part of this essay previously appeared in Frasers' magazine, new series, v. 22, p. 301-317, London, 1880; reprinted in Rose Belford's Canadian monthly, v. 5, p. 481-494, Toronto, 1880. Russel of "The Scotsman." By one who knew him. (The Bookman. London, 1892. f°. v. 2, p. 83-85.) t * GDD Russell, James Burn, LL.D. Brownlee, John. Biographical sketch of the late James B t urn] Russell, M.D., LL.D. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 36, p. 86-94.) * EC Russell, David, father. Dumfries: 1906. 23 p., 1 port. Reminiscences of my Thos. Hunter & Co., 8°. AGH p.v.24 Rutherfurd, Andrew Rutherfurd Clark, Lohd Lord Rutherfurd. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 258- 263.) * DE Ruthven, Barbara Stuart, John. Account of the expenses of the funeral of Mrs. Barbara Ruthven, daughter-in-law of Sir Hugh Paterson of Bannockburn, 20th July 1695 . . . (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 233-235.) CPA Ruthven, Patrick Small, John. Sketches of later Scottish alchemists: John Napier of Merchiston, Robert Napier, Sir David Lindsay, first earl of Balcarres, Patrick Ruthven, Alex- ander Seton, Patrick Scot. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 410-438.) CPA Sandeman, Sir Robert Thornton, Thomas Henry. Colonel Sir Robert Sandeman: his life and work on our Indian frontier. A memoir... London: J. Murray, 1895. xxiii(i), 392 p., 1 map, 12 pi., 4 port. 8°. AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 533 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Sandford, Daniel, Bishop of Edinburgh Walker, James. The condition and duties of a tolerated church: a sermon preached in Bishop Strachan's Chapel, Dundee, on Sunday, 9th February 1806; at the consecration of the Right Rev. Daniel Sandford, D.D., to the office of a bishop in the Scotch Episcopal Church. Edinburgh: S. Cheyne, 1806. xi, (1)14-67 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.46 Sandford, Sir Daniel Keyt H. J. B. A biographical sketch of the late Sir Daniel K. Sandford, K.B., D.C.L., professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow, with remarks on his character, by the public'press. . . Glasgow: Univer- sity Press, 1838. 24 p. 8°. AGH p.v.24 Sandilands, James, Lord St. John Mary, queen of Scots. Charter by Mary, queen of Scots. . .in favour of James Sandi- landis, Lord St John, of the possessions of the Templars and Hospitallers. 24th February 1563. (The Spottiswoode Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 17- 32.) ZDVH Schank, Admiral John Admiral John Schank, F.R.S. (In: Pub- lic characters of 1807. London, 1807. 8°. p. 445^71.) AGH Schivez, Robert, of Muirtoun Anderson, Peter John. Simon, Lord Lovat and Robert Schivez of Muirtoun. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 33-35.) CPA Scot, Alexander, Poet Irving, David. The life of Alexander Scot. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 157-166.) AB Scot, Sir John, of Scotstarvet Rogers, Charles. Memoir [of Sir John Scot, of Scotstarvet]. (In: Sir John Scot, The staggering state of Scottish statesmen . . . Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. p. 1-24.) CP Scot, Michael, "the Wizard" Brown, James Wood. An inquiry into the life and legend of Michael Scot. Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1897. xxi, 281(1) p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 8°. AN Hutcheson, T. The traditional birth- place of Michael Scot, the wizard. (Anti- quary. London, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 53- 56.) CA Milman, Henry Hart. Michael Scot al- most an Irish archbishop. 8 p. (Philobi- blion Society. Miscellanies. London, 1854. 8°. v. 1.) ' * GAA Niceron, Jean Pierre. Michel Scot. (In his: Memoires pour servir a. l'histoire des hommes illustres... Paris, 1731. 12°. v. 15, p. 95-102.) A Small, John. Sketches of early Scottish alchemists: Michael Scott, King James iv., Sir George Erskine of Innertiel. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 179-197.) CPA W. Life of the wizard, Michael Scott. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 6, p. 491- 499; v. 7, p. 99-104.) * DE Scot, Patrick, Alchemist Small, John. Sketches of later Scottish alchemists: John Napier of Merchiston, Robert Napier, Sir David Lindsay, first earl of Balcarres, Patrick Ruthven, Alex- ander Seton, Patrick Scot. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 410-438.) CPA Scott, Alexander John Thomas Chalmers, A. J. Scott, and Ed- ward Irving. (National review. London, 1862. 8°. v. 15, p. 350-370.) * DA Scott, David, R.S.A. David Scott, R.S.A. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 130, p. 589-611.) *DA Scott, Rev. Hew Certificates in favor of Mr. H. Scott, preacher of the Gospel. [Edinburgh:] Oliver & Boyd, printers [1824]. 21 p. 8°. * C p.v.457 Scott, Michael, Novelist Douglas, Sir George. Michael Scott. (In his: The Blackwood group. New York [1897]. 12°. p. 134-150.) AB Scott, Sir Walter See under Language and Literature 534 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Scotus, Duns See also under Religion and Philosophy Edwards, John. Duns Scotus: his life and times. 1 pi. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 36, p. 189-208.) * EC Scouler, John, LL.D. Keddie, William. Biographical notice of the late John Scouler, M.D., LL.D. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 194-205.) PTA Seafield (1. viscount), James Ogilvy Guthrie, Roger Rowson Lingard. No- tice of a seal of James, first Viscount Sea- field, afterwards lord chancellor of Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 180-182.) CPA Selkirk, Alexander, Prototype of "Robinson Crusoe" Delaissement d'un matelot Ecossois, nomme Alexandre Selkirk, dans l'isle de Juan Fernandas Mer du Sud, en 1704: on y a ajoute celui de Wil, Moskite Indien, qui avoit ete abandonne dans la meme Isle, en 1681. n. p. [1778?] 16 p. 8°. Reserve Life of Alexander Selkirk. 32 p., 1 illus. 12°. (Chambers's miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts. Edinburgh [1847]. v. 16, no. 140.) * C Selkirk, Alexander. Providence dis- play'd, or a very surprizing account of one Mr. Alexander Selkirk, Master of a mer- chant-man call'd the Cinque-Ports; who dreaming that the ship would soon after be lost, he desired to be left on a desolate island in the South Seas, where he liv'd four years and four months. . . To which is added, an account of his life and conver- sation, birth, and education... Written by his own hand... London: J. Read, 1712. 12 p. 4°. Reserve p. 10-12 contain: An account of the island of Juan Fernandez. This tract is reprinted almost verbatim in Cap- tain Woodes Rogers' A cruising voyage round the world, 2. ed., London, 1718, p. 125-129. (Reprinted in: The Harleian miscellany... London, 1810. 4°. v. 5, p. 429-433.) t CBA Selkrig, Charles Selkrig, Charles. Copy of some corre- spondence which has lately passed be- tween the marquis of Queensberry [i. e., 5. duke of Buccleuch] and C. Selkrig, 1830. [Edinburgh: John Stark, printer, 1830.) 31 p. 8°. AGH p.v.24, no.9 Sellass, James, Architect Miller, A. Lindsay. Memoir of Mr. James Sellars, architect. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1889. 8°. v. 20, p. 40-47.) *EC Seton, Alexander, "the Cosmopolite" Small, John. Sketches of later Scottish alchemists: John Napier of Merchiston, Robert Napier, Sir David Lindsay, first earl of Balcarres, Patrick Ruthven, Alex- ander Seton, Patrick Scot. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 410-438.) CPA Shairp, John Campbell Dixon, James Main. John Campbell Shairp, poet, critic and teacher. (Metho- dist review. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 90, p. 555-566.) *DA Sharp, James, Archbishop of St. Andrews Archbishop Sharp. (North British re- view. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 3, p. 196- 211.) *DA Life of James Sharp, archbishop of St. Andrews. First printed in mdclxxviii. To which is now added, an account of his death, by an eye-witness. Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. vi, (1)8-109 p. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2.) CP North, The, British review and the Rev. C. J. Lyon. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 12, p. 810-812.) *DA On the character of Archbishop Sharp. Russell, James. An account of the mur- der of Archbishop Sharp. (In: Rev. James Kirkton, The secret and true history of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1817. 4°. p. 397-484.) ZWG Sharp, James, archbishop of St. An- drews. Excerpts from the household book of my lord archbishop of St. Andrews, from 1663 to 1666. (Maitland Club. Mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 497- 541.) fCP Letter from Archbishop Sharp to his grace the earl of Middleton, lord high commissioner. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 103-107.) t CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 535 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. A letter from James Sharp to the earl of Middleton, proving his treachery in 1661. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 75-82.) * DA Proving that Sharp was a prime mover in the re-establishment of Episcopacy. Stephen, Thomas. The life and times of Archbishop Sharp (of St. Andrews). Lon- don: J. Rickerby, 1839. 1 p.L, xvi, 640 p. 8°. ZPWC Thomson, William. Historical glean- ings connected with James Sharp, minister and archbishop. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 139- 140.) CPA Unpublished notices of James Sharp, archbishop of St. Andrews. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-30.) *DA Sharp, William, "Fiona Macleod" Janvier, Catherine A. Fiona Macleod and her creator. (North American review. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 184, p. 718-732.) *DA Sharp, Elizabeth Amelia. William Sharp (Fiona Macleod). A memoir. New York: Duffield & Co., 1910. 2 p.L, vi p., 1 L, 433 (1) p., 2 fac, 1 pi., 8 port. 8°. * R - AN Tynan, Katharine. William Sharp and Fiona Macleod. (Fortnightly review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 79, p. 570-579.) * DA Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 144, p. 832-851.) * DA See also note in v. 145, p. 306. Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1870. 8°. v. 21, p. 319- 322.) * DA Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. (Temple Bar. London, 1889. 8°. v. 86, p. 357-370.) *DA Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. A remin- iscence. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1869. 8°. ( new series, v. 3,] p. 158- 164.) * DA Scottish, The, Horace Walpole. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1889. 8\ v. 59, p. 48-57.) * DA Shaw, James, Schoolmaster Jack, William. James Shaw, a hill coun- try schoolmaster. 1 port. (Good words. London, 1899. 8°. v. 40, p. 692-699.) * DA Shier, Dr. John Bain, Alexander. Biographical memoir of Dr. John Shier. (Aberdeen Philosophi- cal Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1884. 8°. v. 1, p. 116-132.) *EC Short, James, Optician Buchan (11. earl), David Stuart Erskine. Life of Mr. James Short, optician. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseo- logia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 251-256.) f CPA Sibbald, Sir Robert Memoir of Sir Robert Sibbald. 1 port. (In: The naturalist's library, ed. by Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 24, p. 17-67.) QGF p. 65-67 contain a list of Sibbald's works. Sibbald, Sir Robert. Letters. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. series 2, p. 131-150.) CP Life of Sir Robert Sibbald, knight, M.D., written by himself. (Analecta Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p.126-159.) CP Simpson, Alexander B. Epithalamium. Alexander B. Simpson. ■ Margaret S. Barbour. [Edinburgh: Lori- mer & Gillies,, 1872. 24 p. 4°. NCI p.v.56 Simpson, Sir James Young Gordon, H. Laing. Sir James Young Simpson and chloroform. (1811-1870.) London: T. F. Unwin, 1897. xii, 233 p., 1 port. 12°. *R-AN In memoriam. Sir James Young Simp- son, bart. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1870. 8 p. 8°. AGH p.v.23, no.18 Reprinted from the Edinburgh medical journal, June, 1870. Japp, Alexander Hay. James Y. Simp- son, the man of science. (In his: Noble workers, by H. A. Page rpseud.]. New York [1875?]. 12°. p. 272-300.) AGH Memoir of Sir James Y. Simpson, bart., with an account of the funeral and the funeral sermons. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1870. 40 p. 8°. AGH p.v.23, no.17 Reprinted from the Daily Review. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Extracts from the diary and correspondence of the late Mrs. Simp- son, who died, 19th April, 1829. Glasgow: Bell & Bain, printers, 1832. xii, (1)10-261 p. 2. ed. 12°. AN 536 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Simpson, Thomas, Explorer Simpson, Alexander. The life and trav- els of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic ex- plorer. London: R. Bentley, 1845. viii, 424 p., 1 map, 1 port. 8°. KBR Simson, Rev. John Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Procedure of the General Assembly, anno 1728, concerning Professor Simson. [Edinburgh, 1728.] 52 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.82 Dundas, John. State of the processes depending against Mr. John Simson. . .set- ting forth, the proceedings of the presby- tery of Glasgow, General Assembly, and committees thereof. To which is prefixed, an account of the rise of the said processes .. .and the acts of the General Assemblies in the years 1714, 1715, 1716, and 1717, with relation thereto. Edinburgh: J. Da- vidson and R. Fleming, 1728. 1 p.l., 321 p. 12°. ZWGFp.v.5 Simson, John. The case of Mr. J. S., Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow. .. Containing, beside what was in the former edition, an abstract of the pleadings, and all the papers which were before the last General Assembly. . . Edin- burgh: J. Davidson, 1727. xliii, 192 p. 2. ed. 12°. ZWGFp.v.5/ Simson, Rev. Patrick Simson, Archibald. A sermon on John, cap. v, verse 35. Anno 1618. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edin- burgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 113-126.) AGH Preached in private, on occasion of the death of Master Patrick Simson, because the author was pro- hibited by the bishops from publicly exercising his ministry. ■ A true record of the life and death of Master Patrick Simsone, written by his brother, A. Simsone. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edinburgh. 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 63-111.) AGH Simson, Robert, Mathematician Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. [Robert] Simson. (In his: Lives of men of letters and science. London, 1845. 8°. p. 467-516.) Sinclair, Sir David, of Sumburgh Testament, The, of Sir David Synclar oi Swynbrocht Knycht. At Tyngwell, Id July 1506. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 103-110.) tCP Sinclair, Prof. George Lang, Andrew. An old Scottish psychi- cal researcher. (In his: Adventures among books. London, 1905. 12°. p. 281-293.) NCZ George Sinclair. Sinclair, Sir George, 1790-1868 Grant, James. Memoirs of Sir George Sinclair, bart., of Ulbster. London: Tins- ley Bros., 1870. x, 484 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Sinclair, James, Arboriculturist Alba, pseud. James Sinclair, arboricul- turist. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 152-153.) CPA Sinclair, Sir John A. Sir John Sinclair, bart., LL.D. [1754- 1835.] (In: British public characters of 1798. London [1798]. 8°. p. 8-21.) AGH Goodrick, A. T. S. Sir John Sinclair and Arthur Young. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 185, p. 658-670.) *DA Sinclair, Catherine. Memoir of the Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair, bart.; with an account of his writings and personal exertions for social and agricultural im- provement in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1853. 31(1) p. 16°. (Cham- bers' Repository of instructive and amus- ing tracts.) AGH p.v.22, no.lS Sir John Sinclair, bart. [Edin- burgh: W. & R. Chambers, 187-?, 32 p 16°. *Cp.v.902 _ There is another issue of this life in the Librari without the author's name. Sinclair, Sir John. Correspondence witt reminiscences of the most distinguishec characters who have appeared in Greal Britain and in foreign countries, during the last fifty years, illustrated by facsimile! of 200 autographs. London: H. Colburn 1831. 2 v. fac, maps, pi., port. 8°. AH Sinclair, Catherine Brief, A, tribute to the memory of the late. . . Catherine Sinclair, who died at Ken- sington, August 6, 1864. [London: Gilbert & Rivington, printers, 1864.] 23 p. 8°. * C p.v.369 "For private circulation only;" Sinclair, Matthew Papers relative to the murder of Mat thew Sinclair by John Spottiswoode of tha ilk. 1611. (The Spottiswoode miscellany Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 17-28.) ZDVr LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 537 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Skene, Alexander, of Newtyle C. Alexander Skene of Newtyle. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 158-160.) CPA lie, late printer in Edinburgh... Edin- burgh: J. Anderson, 1811. 2 v. fac, pi., port. 8°. AN Memoir of William Smellie. 1 port. (In: The naturalist's library, ed. by Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 25, p. 17-44.) QGF Skene, Dr. Gilbert Skene, William Forbes. Notice of Dr. Gilbert Skene. (In: Gilbert Skene, Tracts ... Edinburgh, 1860. 4°. p. i-xi.) t CP Skene, William Forbes, Historiographer Mackinnon, Donald. William Forbes Skene. [A biographical sketch.] [Edin- burgh, 1895.] xiii p. 8°. * C p.v.368 Reprinted from Proceedings of Royal Society of Edinburgh, v. 20, obituary notices, p. viii-xx, Edin- burgh, 1895. Skene, Andrew Philip. The late W. F. Skene, historiographer-royal. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 83-85.) CPA Slezer, Capt. John Jamieson, John. Life of Slezer. (In: John Slezer, Theatrum Scotise. Edinburgh, 1874. f °. p. vii-xv.) ft CPW Papers relative to Captain John Slezer. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 47-51.) CP Slimon, Robert, Geologist Hunter, John R. S. Biographical sketch of the late Robert Slimon, licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 238-243.) PTA Small, Major-General John Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major-General John Small. 1730-96. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 396-399.) fVWZH Smeaton, James, of Tranent Presentation to Mr. James Smeaton, one of the elders of the parish church, Tranent. [Tranent, 1855., 5 p. 8°. * C p.v.1223 Smellie, William, Printer Kerr, Robert. Memoirs of the life, writ- ings, & correspondence of William Smel- Smiles, Samuel, Biographer Sharp, William. Samuel Smiles, LL.D. 1 port. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 30, p. 292-294.) * DA Smith, Adam Adam Smith. 1 port. (Gunton's maga- zine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 108- 110.) TAA Arntzen, Vilhelm. Adam Smith, natio- naljzfkonomiens Grundlaegger. (For Ide og Virkelighed. Kj^benhavn, 1872. 8°. 1872, v. 2, p. 34-72.) NISA Bagehot, Walter. Adam Smith as a per- son. (Fortnightly review. London, 1876. 8°. new series, v. 20, p. 18-42.) * DA — — • (In his: Works, ed. by F Morgan. Hartford, Conn., 1889. 8°. v. 3. p. 269-306.) NCG (In his: Biographical studies. Edited by R. H. Hutton. London, 1881. 8°. p. 247-281.) A Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. Adam Smith. With an analysis of his great work. (In his: Lives of philoso- phers of the time of George in. London, 1862. 4. ed. 12°. p. 166-289.) AB Delatour, Albert. Adam Smith, sa vie, ses travaux, ses doctrines. Ouvrage cou- ronne. Paris: Guillaumin et Cie., 1886. viii, 325 p. 8°. AN Draper, William. Life of Adam Smith. 32 p. (In: Lives of eminent persons; pub- lished under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge. London, 1833. 8°.) A Edgar, John G. Adam Smith. (In his: Footprints of famous men. London, 1860. new ed. 16°. p. 353-376.) A Haldane (1. viscount), Richard Burdon Haldane. Life of Adam Smith. London: Walter Scott, 1887. 161, x p. 8°. (Great writers.) *R-AN With bibliography by J. P. Anderson. Helferich, Joh. A. R. von. Adam Smith und sein Werk fiber die Natur und die Urlachen des Reichthums der Volker. Miinchen: C. Wolf & Sohn, 1877. 20 p. 4°. ft A p.v.l 538 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Hirst, Francis Wrigley. Adam Smith. London: Macmillan & Co., 1904. viii, 240 p. 12°. (English men of letters.) AN Jentsch, Karl. Adam Smith. Berlin: E. Hofmann & Co., 1905. x, 289 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Kaufmann, M. Adam Smith and his for- eign critics. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1877. 8°. v. 10, p. 387-411.) * DA Macpherson, Hector C. Adam Smith. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier [1899j. viii, 9-160 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Patten, Simon Nelson. Adam Smith. (In his: The development of English thought. New York, 1899. 8°. p. 226- 243.) * R - BAL Rae, John. Life of Adam Smith. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1895. xv, 449 p. 8°. AN For a critical notice of this work see Church quarterly review, v. 42, p. 104-123, London, 1906. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. Adam Smith. (In his: Historical gleanings: a series of sketches. London, 1869. 16°. p. 95-137.) AGH Smith, Adam. A catalogue of the library of Adam Smith. Edited with an introduc- tion by J. Bonar. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. xxx, 126 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 8°. *GO Stewart, Dugald. Account of the life and writings of Adam Smith, LL.D. (Roy- al Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1794. 4°. v. 3, p. 55-137.) *EC • (In: Adam Smith, Essays on philosophical subjects. London, 1795. 4°. p. vii-xcv.) (In: Adam Smith, Essays. Dublin, 1795. 8°. p. vii-cxxiii.) Precis de la vie et des ecrits d'Adam Smith. (In: Adam Smith, Essais philosophiques. . . Paris, 1797. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-137.) Biographical memoirs of Adam Smith, William Robertson, and of Thomas Reid, read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Now collected into one vol- ume with some additional notes. Edin- burgh: W. Creech, 1811. x, 532 p., 3 port. 4°. tAGH Smetham, James. Alexander Smith: an essay. (The Bibelot. Portland, Me., 1909 16°. v. 15, p. 377-413.) NAC Two young Scottish poets. (Hours at home. New York, 1867. 8°. v. 4, p. 469- 473.) * DA David Gray and Alexander Smith. Smith, Robert, B.Sc, Dundee Robert Smith, B.Sc, University College, Dundee. 1 port. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 16, p. 597-599.) KAA Smith, Robert Angus, Chemist Schunck, Edward. Memoir of Robert Angus Smith, Ph.D., LL.D. (Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Me- moirs. London, 1887. 8°. series 3, v. 10, p. 90-102.) * EC Smith, Sir Robert Murdoch Dickson, William Kirk. The life of Ma- jor-General Sir Robert Murdoch Smith. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1901. xii, 376 p., 5 maps, 6 pi., 7 port, illus. 8°. AN Smith, Rev. Walter Chalmers Dr. Walter C. Smith. Perth, 1899. 8°. (Scots magazine, new series, v. 23, p. 48- 55.) *DE Newbigging, Thomas. A preacher poet. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1910. 8°. v. 29, p. 223-245.) Walter Chalmers Smith, D.D., 1824-1908. Smith, William Robertson, Orientalist Black, John Sutherland, and George Chrystal. The life of William Robertson Smith. London: A. & C. Black, 1912. vi p., 2 1., 638 p., 2 fac, 6 pi., 12 port. 8°. AN Bryce, James. William Robertson Smith. (In his: Studies in contemporary biogra- phy. London, 1903. 8°. p. 311-326.) *R-AGH Frazer, James George. William Robert- son Smith. (Fortnightly review. London, 1894. 8°. new series, v. 55, p. 800-807.) *DA Smith, Alexander, Poet Hadden, James Cuthbert. A forgotten poet: Alexander Smith. (Argosy. Lon- don, 1900. 8°. v. 70, p. 196-206.) * DA Smollet, Tobias George, Novelist Anderson, Robert. The life of Tobias Smollet. (In: T. G. Smollet, The history of England. London, 1805. 8°. v. 1, p. 1- 169.) CB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 539 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Cary, Henry Francis. Tobias Smollet. (In his: Lives of English poets... Lon- don, 1846. 12°. p. 119-146.) AB Chandler, Frank Wadleigh. Smollet. (In his: The literature of roguery. Boston, 1907. 12°. v. 2, p. 309-320.) NCB Collins, John Churton. Smollet... (In: Andrew Lang, Poets' country. London, 1907. 8°. p. 172-176.) NCID Hannay, David. Life of Tobias George Smollet. [With bibliography by J. P. An- derson.] ' London: W. Scott, 1887. 163, x p. 8°. (Great writers.) *R-AN Lang, Andrew. Smollet. (Anglo-Saxon review. London, 1901. f°. v. 9, p. 123- 138.) t * DE (In his: Adventures among books. London, 1905. 12°. p. 173-210.) NCZ Lawrence, Eugene. Tobias Smollet. (In his: Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12°. v. 1, p. 385-395.) AB Life, The, of Dr. Tobias Smollet. (In: The British Plutarch... London, 1791. 3. ed. 16°. v. 8, p. 117-128.) *R-AGH Sargent, Winthrop. Some inedited me- morials of Smollet. [By Winthrop Sar- gent] (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1859. 8°. v. 3, p. 693-703.) * DA Scott, Sir Walter. Fielding und Smollet. Zwei Biographien von W. Scott, iibersetzt von W. A. Lindau. Leipzig: Rein, 1824. 1 pi, (1)6 p., 1 1., (1)8-126 p. 12°. AN Smollet, p. 59-126. Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant. To- bias Smollet. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1897]. 156 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) * R - AN Snell, John, of Ufton Campbell, George W. John Snell of Ufton and the Snell exhibitions. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 271-286.) CPA Somerled, Rex Insularum MacDhughaill, Eachann. Somhairle mor Mac Ghille-Bhride. (Guth na bliad- hna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 191-218.) NDK tine, medical missionary, Rajpootana, In- dia. [Edinburgh .•) printed for private circulation [1863]. 16 p. 12°. AGH p.v.22, no.16 SOMERVILLE, Mary FAIRFAX, SCIENTIFIC WRITER Mary Somerville. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 143, p. 783-804.) ' * DA Reumont, Alfred von. Mary Somerville. (Historisches Taschenbuch. Leipzig, 1877. 12°. Folge 5, Jahrg. 7, p. 181-248.) BAA Smith, C. C. Mary Somerville. (Old and new. Boston, 1874. 8°. v. 9, p. 334- 340.) * DA Somerville, Mary Fairfax. Personal rec- ollections, from early life to old age, with selections from her correspondence. [Ed- ited] by her daughter, Martha Somerville. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1874. vi, 377 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Somerville, Rev. Thomas Somerville, Thomas. My own life and times. 1741-1814. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas [1861]. xvii, 397 p. 12°. AN Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, Amer. ed., v. 90, p. 240-255, New York, 1861. Spence, Thomas Davidson, J. Morrison. Scotia rediviva. Home, rule for Scotland. With lives of Sir William Wallace, George Buchanan, Fletcher of Saltoun, and Thomas Spence. London: Wm. Reeves, n. d. 113 p., 3 1. 12°. CP Spottiswoode, Sir Robert Cameron, Sir Ewen, of Lochiel. Lochiel's interview with Sir Robert Spottiswoode on the night before his murder and his ac- count of that tragedy. [1646.] (Spottis- woode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 213-226.) ZDVH Two letters relative to the murder of Sir Robert Spottiswoode and other royal- ists, dated from St. Andrews 20th January 1645-6. (Spottiswoode miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 197-212.) ZDVH Sprott, Mark, Financier Mr. Sprott. (In: Public characters of 1807. London, 1807. 8°. p. 303-314.) AGH Somerville, Mary Narrative of the illness and death of Mary Somerville, wife of Mr. C. S. Valen- Stair (1. viscount), Sir James Dalrymple Graham, John Murray. Annals and cor- respondence of the viscount and the first 540 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. and second earls of Stair. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 187S. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. CK Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, Vis- count Stair. (Law review. London, 1851. 8°. v. 14, p. 68-86.) Stair (1. earl), Sir John Dalrymple Graham, John Murray. Annals and cor- respondence of the viscount and the first and second earls of Stair. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 187S. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. CK Stair (2. earl), John Dalrymple Graham, John Murray. Annals and cor- respondence of the viscount and the first and second earls of Stair. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1875. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. CK Life, The, of John Dalrymple. 1 port. (In: The British Plutarch... London, 1762. 24°. v. 12, p. 1-98.) AGH Life, The, of John Dalrymple, earl of Stair. (In: The British Plutarch. . . Lon- don, 1791. 3. ed. 16°. v. 6, p. 34-77.) *R-AGH Stavert, A. Baptist Stavert, A. Baptist. A short autobiog- raphy. By a Scotch convert. (Irish eccle- siastical record. Dublin, 1907. 8°. series 4, v. 22, p. 628-639.) ZLPS Steele, General Sir Thomas Montagu Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Montagu Steele of Eve- lick, G.C.B. 1820-90. (In: A military his- tory of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 539-541.) tVWZH Steell, Sir John, R.S.A. Reminiscences of the late Sir John Steell, R.S.A., sculptor to Her Majesty. 1 port, illus. (Good words. London, 1899. 8°. v. 40, p. 534-541.) * DA Stene, Rob Neilson, George. Rob Stene: a court satirist under James vi. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2. p. 253-259, 480-481.) + CPA Sterling, John Carlyle, Thomas. The life of John Ster- Co„ AN Hall, AN Hall (In NCG Welford AN & 8 ling. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & 1851. iv. 344 p. 12°. London: Chapman 1852. vi, 344 p. 8°. - London: Chapman [187-?]. vi p., 2 1., 342 p., 1 port. his: Collected works, v. 20.) New York: Scribner, and Co., 1871. iv, 248 p. 16°. (In his: Sartor Resartus. New York [190-?]. 8°. iv, (1)4-258 p.) NCZ Carlyle's life of Sterling. (Christian remembrancer. London, 1852. 8°. v. 23, p. 153-185.) *DA Hale, Charles. Life of the author. (In: John Sterling, The onyx ring. Boston, 1856. 12°. p. iii-xxii.) NCW John Sterling. (In: Lives of the illustri- ous. London, 1856. 8°. v. 2, p. 157-166.) A Wedgwood, Julia. The Cambridge apos- tle of 1830. (In her: Nineteenth century teachers... London, 1909. 8°. p. 119- 138.) NCZ Steuart, Major William George Drummond Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. Major William George Drummond Steuart, younger, of Grandtully. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°, p. 560-561.) tVWZH Stevenson, Duncan Report of trial of the issues, in the actior of damages for libel in the Beacon, James Gibson of Ingliston, clerk to the Signet — pursuer, against Duncan Stevenson, print- er in Edinburgh — defender. Edinburgh A. Constable & Co., 1822. 3 p.L, 139, 2 p 8°. * C p.v.621 Report of the trial by jury of the actioi of damages for a libel in the Beacon news paper; Lord Archibald Hamilton, agains Duncan Stevenson, printer in Edinburgh Edinburgh: John Robertson, 1822. 154 p 8°. *Cp.v.62: Stevenson, John, Covenanter Stevenson, John. Perils and escapes of Covenanter, as related by himself. (Taif Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1839. 4' new series, v. 6, p. 433-443.) * Di A rare soul-strengthening and con: forting cordial for old and young Chrii tians: being an exact account of the ai LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 541 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. thor's experience. . . Select biographies. v. 2, p. 411-477.) (In: W. K. Tweedie, Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. AGH Stevenson, Robert, Engineer Stevenson, David. Life of Robert Stev- enson, civil engineer. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1878. xi(I), 283 p. 4°. AN Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour See under Language and Literature Stewart, Dugald, Philosopher Biographical sketch of the late Dugald Stewart, F. R. SS. Lond. and Ed. (Edin- burgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1829. 8°. v. 10, p. 193-206.) OA Dugald Stewart. (Gentleman's maga- zine. London, 1858. 8°. v. 202, p. 407- 410.) * DA Mr. Dugald Stewart. (In: Public char- acters of 1800-1801. London, 1801. 8°. p. 272-288.) AGH Stewart, Dugald. Unpublished letter of the late Professor Dugald Stewart. Trans- mitted by John Small. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. v. 5, p. 215-220.) * EC Stevenson, Thomas, Engineer Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour. Thom- as Stevenson, civil engineer. (Contempo- rary review. London, 1887. 8°. v. 51, p. 789-793.) * DA Stewart, James, Merchant Grant, William. Petition and answers for James Stewart, merchant and late bail- lie of Edinburgh; to the petition of Wil- liam Montgomery, late merchant in Edin- burgh. January 19, 1743. Edinburgh? 1743.] 1 p.l., 21 p. sq. 8°. Stevenson, Rev. William Bates, Stewart. The approved workman. A sermon, preached at the ordination of the Rev. William Stevenson, to the pas- toral charge of the Reformed Presbyterian Congregation of Stirling. . .12th Sept. 1827. Glasgow: A. Young, 1827. 42 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.9 Stewart, Alexander, Archbishop of St. Andrews Bell, R. F. A Scottish chancellor. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1888. 8°. v. 58, p. 216-221.) * DA Alexander Stewart, natural son of James IV. Stewart, Rev. James, D.D. Wells, James. The life of James Stew- art, D.D. London: Hodder & Stough- ton, 1908. xi, 419 p., 2 maps, 34 pi., 3 port. 12°. AN Stewart, Sir John, of Lorn Bain, Joseph. Notes on a dispensation for the marriage of Johanna- Beaufort with the black knight of Lorn. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings: Edin- burgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 169-175.) CPA Stewart, Balfour, Physicist Schuster, A. Memoir of the late Pro- fessor Balfour Stewart, LL.D., F.R.S. (Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs and proceedings. Man- chester, 1888. 8°. series 4, v. 1, p. 253-272.) *EC With a list of his scientific papers. Stewart, Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir, Prince See under History, 1715-1745 Stewart, Major-General David, of Garth Blaikie, Walter Biggar. Major-General David Stewart of Garth, C.B. 1768-1829. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perth- shire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 475- 480.) f VWZH Stewart, Rev. Matthew, D.D. Playfair, John. Account of Matthew Stewart, D.D. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1788. 4°. v. 1, p. 57-76.) * EC Stirling, James, F.R.S. Rigaud, S. P. Some account of James Stirling, F.R.S. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1831. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 191-196.) OA Stirling, James, of Keir Extract of the process of treason, at the instance of Sir James Steuart; her Majes- ties advocate; and as having special war- 542 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. rant for that effect, against James Stirling of Keir, and others. London, 1709. viii, 40 p. 4°. CPp.box Stirling, James, 1774-1856 One of the million. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. 411-417.) Biographical sketch of James Stirling, 1774-1856 Edinburgh, 18S8. 4° v. 25, p. *DA Stirling, General Sir Thomas Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. General Sir Thomas Stirling of Ardoch and Strowan. 1731- 1808. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 407-410.) tVWZH Stodart, Robert Riddle Burnett, George. In memoriam. R. R. Stodart. (Genealogist. London, 1886. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 129-135.) * R - Room 328 Strange, Sir Robert Sir Robert Strange. (Temple Bar. Lon- don, 1874. 8°. v. 40, p. 241-255.) *DA Stratoun or Stratton, David Alcock, Deborah. David Stratton, ein schottischer Edelmann. Striegau: Th Urban, 1912. 2 p.l., 98 p. 16°. (Urbans christliche Volksbiicher. nr. 57.) Scott, J. Moffat. David Stratoun of Whitstoun. 1 port. (In his: The martyrs of Angus and Mearns... Paisley, 1885 12°. p. 71-98.) CP Struthers, Rev. Gavin Campbelton case. Revised report of the speeches of the Rev. Messrs. French, Struthers, Boyd, Jeffrey, Gorrie, and An- derson, at the meeting of the Relief Synod, held in Edinburgh on Wednesday 11th May 1842, on the occasion of presenting a service of plate to the Rev. Gavin Struthers, Glasgow, for his services in the Campbel- ton case. Edinburgh: J. Hogg, 1842. 23 p. 12°. ZECp.v.80 Stoddart, Thomas Tod Lang, Andrew. A Scottish romanticist of 1830. (In his: Adventures among books. London, 1905. 12°. p. 139-155.) NCZ On Thomas Tod Stoddart and his The death-ivake. Strachan, John, Bishop of Brechin Walker, James, bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church. The motives and the recompence of duty in the Christian minis- try, especially in circumstances of depres- sion and suffering: a sermon preached in the Episcopal Chapel, Dundee, February 11, 1810, being the Sunday after the fu- neral of Bishop Strachan. Edinburgh: S. Cheyne, 1810. 37(1) p. 8°. ZIY p.v.46 Stuart, James, the Younger, of Duneabn Morton (16. earl), George Douglas. Correspondence between James Stuart, younger of Dunearn, and the earl of Mor- ton . . . relative to Mr. Stuart's resignation of his commission in the Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Edinburgh: G. Ram- say & Co., 1822. 1 p.l., 23 p., 1 1., 44 p. 8°. * C p.v.624 Stuart, James, "Jamie Strength" Last, The, of the Stuarts. A patriarchal strong man. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 165-166.) CPA James Stuart, 115 years of age. Strachan, John, Celticist Calder, George. John Strachan, LL.D. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, P- 188-191.) NDK Meyer, Kuno. John Strachan. By K. M. 1 port, (firiu. Dublin, 1907. 4°. v. 3, p. 200-206.) RPA Short biography, with a bibliography of his works. Strachan, Admiral Sir Richard John Wise, Thomas A. Life and naval career of Admiral Sir Richard J. Strachan. (Roy- al Historical Society. Transactions. Lon- don, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 32-53.) CA Stuart, John, of Inchbrackie Stuart, Alexander. Sketch of the life of Professor John Stuart. 1 port. (In: John Stuart, Essays, chiefly on Scottish antiq- uities. Aberdeen, 1846. sq. 8°. p. xi-xxix.) CP Stuart, John, Inverness Merchant Mackay, William. An Inverness mer- chant of the olden time. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 281-309.) NDO Baillie John Stuart, 1676-1752. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 543 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Stuart, Walter, of Blantyre Marsh, Catherine M. The master of Blantyre. [By Catherine M. Marsh.] Edin- burgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1895. 94 p., 1 1., 1 port. 12°. AN Stuart-Glennie, John Stuart Geddes, Patrick. The late J. S. Stuart- Glennie. (Sociological review. Manches- ter, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 317-323.) SA Sutherland, Alexander, of Dunbeath Sutherland, Alexander. The testament of Alexander Suthyrland of Dunbeath, at Roslin Castle, xv. November m.cccc.lvi. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 185S. 4°. v. 3, p. 89-102.) f CP Swan, Annie S., Novelist Black, Helen C. Annie S. Swan (Mrs. Burnett Smith). 1 port. (In her: Notable women authors of the day. London, 1906. 8°. p. 313-319.) SNE SWEIN ASLIEF Fotheringhame, William H. Notes re- specting the life of Swein Aslief, an Orkney viking, of the twelfth century, illustrating the annals of that period... (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 278-287.) CPA Bryce, James. Archibald [Campbell] Tait. (In his: Studies in contemporary bi- ography. London, 1903. 8°. p. 100-115.) *R-AGH Davidson, Randall Thomas, and William Benham. Life of Archibald Campbell Tait, archbishop of Canterbury. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1891. 2 v. port. 12°. AN Gray, Arthur Romeyn. Archibald Camp- bell Tait. (Sewanee review. New York, *DA (Edin- v. 174, *DA London, 1907. 8°. v. 15, p. 385-408.) Life, The, of Archbishop Tait. burgh review. London, 1891. 8°. p. 462-492.) Based on R. T. Davidson's Life, 2 v 1891. Russell, George W. E. Archbishop Tait. (Contemporary review. London, 1891. 8°. v. 60, p. 840-852.) * DA Tait, Peter Guthrie, Physicist Edmunds, C. K. Peter Guthrie Tait. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 61, p. 163-169.) * DA Tannahill, Robert, Poet Douglas, Sir George. (In his: James Hogg. 8°. p. 122-128.) Robert Tannahill. Edinburgh [1899]. *R-AN Tassie, James, Modeller Biographical account of the late J. Tas- ie. (Library of fine arts. London, 1832. \ v. 4, p. 160-162.) MAA Symington, Rev. Andrew Symington, William. Departed worth and greatness lamented: a sermon on the death of the Rev. Andrew Symington, D.D. ...preached at Paisley, October 2, 1853. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1853. 28 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.94 Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury Archbishop Tait. (Church quarterly re- view. London, 1892. 8°. v. 33, p. 30-65.) *DA Archbishop Tait. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883 . v. 1, p. 209-236.) * DA Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. Archbishop Tait of Canterbury. (Long- man's magazine. London, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 362-374.) * DA Tate, David Gilbert, of Shetland Hibbert, Samuel. Notice concerning David Gilbert Tate, a lad born deaf and blind in the Shetland Islands. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 1, p. 171-177.) OA Taylor, Ernest A., Artist Taylor, J. A Glasgow artist designer. The work of E. A. Taylor, illus. (Inter- national studio. New York, 1905. 4°. v. 24, p. 217-226.) MAA Taylor, William Lawrence Giles, Peter. William Lawrence Taylor. 1 port. (Aberdeen University library bul- letin. Aberdeen, 1912. 8°. v. 1, p. 263- 266.) * GRK 544 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Telford, Thomas, Engineer Smiles, Samuel. Life of Thomas Tel- ford. 1 port, illus. (In his: Lives of the engineers. London, 1861. 8°. v. 2, p. 287- 493.) AB Tennant, William, Poet Sinclair, George A. Tennant of An- struther. (Westminster review. London, 1905. 8°. v. 164, p. 399-408.) * DA Thom, Alexander, J. P. Hancock, W. Neilson. Obituary notice of the late Alexander Thom, J. P. (Statis- tical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Journal. Dublin, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 5-8.) SA Thomson, Rev. Andrew Chalmers, Thomas. A sermon preached in St. George's Church, Edinburgh, on Sabbath, February 20, 1831, on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Andrew Thom- son. Glasgow: William Collins, 1831. 32 p. 8°. ZDVp.v.6 Substance of the funeral sermon preached on occasion of the death of Rev. A. Thomson. . .Feb. 20, 1831. [London: W Harding, 1831.) 209-223(1) p., 1 port. 8°. AN From The Pulpit, no. 427, March 3, 1831. Dickson, David. The remembrance of the righteous: a sermon, preached in St, George's Church, Edinburgh, on the 20th of February, 1831, being the Sabbath after the funeral of the Rev. Andrew Thomson, D.D., minister of that church, including a sketch of his life and character. Edin- burgh: George A. Douglas, 1831. 2 pi, 60 p. 8°. ZIYp.v.47 Thom, James, Sculptor Ayrshire, The, sculptor. (Chambers' Edinburgh journal. London, 1833. f°. v. 1, p. 285-286.) * DA Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville Leslie, George. Obituary notice of C. Wyville Thomson, LL.D. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 258-263.) *EC Thom, William, Poet Douglas, Sir George. William Thom. (In his: James Hogg. Edinburgh [1899]. 8°. p. 137-154.) *R-AN Kennedy, J. P. Some passages in the life of William Thom: a lecture delivered February 4, 1846, before the Asbury Sab- bath School, n. p., 1846. 24 p. 12°. AN Masson, David. William Thom of In- verury. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1864. 8°. v. 9, p. 337-343.) * DA Williams, Alfred Mason. William Thom, the weaver poet. (In his: Studies in folk- song and folk-poetry. London: E. Stock, 1895. 12°. p. 166-188.) NAE Thomson, Alexander, Architect Gildard, Thomas. "Greek Thomson." (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 19, p. 191- 209.) * EC Thomson, Dr. Allen M'Kendrick, John G. Dr. Allen Thom- son. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 15, p. 102-117.) *EC p. 116-117 contain a list of Dr. Thomson's writ- ings. Thomson, George, Collector of Music Hadden, James Cuthbert. George Thom- son, the friend of Burns: his life and cor- respondence. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1898. x, 392 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Thomson, James, Poet (1700-1748) Authentic particulars respecting the fam- ily and connections of Mr. Thomson, au- thor of The Seasons, &c. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1792. 16°. v. 7, p. 235-238.) *DE Biography of Thomson. (Pinnock, Guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 463-464.) OA Buchan (11. earl), David Stuart Erskine. Essays on the lives and writings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the poet Thom- son: biographical, critical, and political. With some pieces of Thomson's never be- fore published. London: J. Deluett, 1792. viii, xxxix, 280 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Cunningham, Peter. James Thomson and David Mallet. 44 p. (Philobiblon So- ciety. Miscellanies. London, 1858. 8". v. 4,) * GAA Correspondence. Howitt, William. James Thomson. (In his: Homes and haunts of the.. .British poets. London, 1847. 8°. v. 1, p. 211-228.) AB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 545 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Campbell. James Macmillan & Co., 12°. (English men *R-AN Macaulay, George Thomson. London: Ltd., 1908. viii, 259 p. of letters.) P., T. Memorandums of Thomson the poet and his associates, communicated by Mr. Robertson of Richmond in Surrey, late surgeon to the household at Kew, October 17th, 1791. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 6, p. 281-287.) * DE Thomson. (Sears' guide to knowledge. New York, 1845. 4°. p. 329-332.) OA Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. Thom- son. (Southern literary messenger. Rich- mond, 1841. 8°. v. 7, p. 605-607.) * DA Thomson, James (1834-1882), "B.V." Salt, Henry S. The life of James Thom- son ("B.V."). London: A. & H. B. Bon- ner, 1898. vi p., 1 L, 206 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Some extracts from James Thom- son's note-books. (Scottish art review. London, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 91-93.) f MAA Weissel, Josefine. James Thomson der jiingere. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Wien & Leipzig: W. Braumiiller, 1906. vi p., 1 1., 159 p. 8°. NCB Thomson, Rev. John, of Duddingston Smith, Alexander. The minister-painter. (Argosy. London, 1866. 8°. v. 2, p. 146- 156.) * DA Thomson, John, Professor of Surgery Notice of some of the leading events in the life of the late Dr. John Thomson... professor of surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons . . . Edinburgh: Stark and Co., 1847. 72 p. 8°. AGHp.v.25 Extracted from the 170th number of the Edin- burgh medical and surgical journal. Thomson, Thomas, Advocate Innes, Cosmo. Memoir of Thomas Thomson, advocate. [By Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh, 1854. xi, 251 p., 1 port. 8°. (Bannatyne Club.) AN Thomson, Thomas, Glasgow Thomson, R. Dundas. Memoir of the late Dr. Thomas Thomson, professor of chemistry in the College of Glasgow. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. v. 54, p. 86-98.) OA Thomson, Dr. William Dr. William Thomson. (In: Public char- acters of 1802-1803. London, 1803. 8°. p. 442-489.) AGH Author of Mammuth; or, Human nature dis- played, London, 1789. Thomson, William Ritchie, Missionary Barbour, R. W. The first Scottish mis- sionary in South Africa (Catholic Presby- terian. London, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 101-109.) * DA Tod, William, of Auchenhalrig Rampini, Charles. The correspondence of an old Scotch factor. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 17, p. 114-139.) * DA Train, Joseph, Antiquary Patterson, John. Memoir of Joseph Train, the antiquarian correspondent of Sir Walter Scott. Glasgow: Thomas Mur- ray & Son, 1857. vii, 194 p. 12°. AN Trothan, Saint Ross, J. Calder. St. Trothan. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 161-162.) CPA Thomson, John Turneull, Civil Engineer Testimonials in favour of John T. Thom- son, F.R.G.S., late government surveyor at Singapore. [Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, 1855.] 16 p. 8°. AGH p.v.25 For the position of superintendent of streets and buildings in Edinburgh. Trotter, Dr. Thomas, Fleet Physician Dr. Trotter, physician to the fleet. (In: Public characters of 1802-1803. London, 1803. 8°. p. 246-253.) AGH Gives two poems by Dr. Trotter, "The swallow." and "The furze blossom." Thomson, Joseph, African Explorer Thomson, J. B. Joseph Thomson, Afri- can explorer. A biography. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1896. x p., 3 1., 358 p., 6 maps, illus. 12°. AN Tullibardine, John Murray, Marquis of Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Mur- ray, marchioness of. John, marquess of Tullibardine, 1684-1709. 1 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 377-378.) fVWZH 346 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Tulloch, Rev. John, D.D. Mrs. Oliphant's life of Principal Tulloch. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. 144, p. 736-756.) * DA Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant Wilson. Principal Tulloch. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 139, p. 415-441.) * DA Principal John Tulloch. view. Paisley, 1889. 8°. (Scottish re- v. 13, p. 44-69.) *DA Tytler, William, of Woodhouselee Short characteristic notices of the late William Tytler, Esq., of Woodhouselee 1 port. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1793. 16°' v. 13, p. 1-11.) *DE Ure, James, of Shargarton M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Notices of James Ure of Shargarton. (In: W. Veitch and G. Brysson, Memoirs... Edinburgh 1825. 8°. p. 435-454.) AN Turnbull, Rev. George, of Alloa Turnbull, George. The diary of the Rev. George Turnbull, minister of Alloa and Tyninghame, 1657-1704. Edited. . .by Rev. Robert Paul. (In: Scottish History So- ciety. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 293-445.) " CPA Turner, Richard In memoriam — Robert Turner. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 73-78.) PQA With a list of his scientific writings. Tweddell, John Elgin (7. earl), Thomas Bruce. Post- script to a letter to the editor of the Edin- burgh review. [Edinburgh: G. Ramsay & Co., 1816.] 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.788 Tyrie, James, S. J. George, J. F. James Tyrie, the Jesuit, and his kin. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 81-82, 169.) CPA Law, Thomas Graves. Note on some writings attributed to Father James Tyrie, S. J., 1594-5. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 137-140.) , * GAA Tytler, Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee Alison, Archibald. Memoir of the life and writings of Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1818. 4°. v. 8, p. 515-563.) * EC Reprinted in the Annals of philosophy, v. 12, p. 401-431, London, 1818. Urquhart, David, Diplomatist Public dinner to David Urquhart, Esq., by the town of Hull, on the 26th December 1838. London: H. Hooper ( 1838j. 28 p. 8° AGH p.v.25 Urquhart, Major-General James Edward Major-General Urquhart. (In: Public characters of 1803-1804. London, 1804. 8° p. 499-504.) AGH Urquhart, John, of St. Andrews Orme, William. Memoirs, including let- ters and select remains of John Urquhart, late of the University of St. Andrews. London: Holdsworth and Ball, 1828. 2 v. 2. ed. 12°. AN This is the actual copy from which the American ed. was prepared at the desire of Mr. James Lenox. With a prefatory notice and recommendation by Alexander Duff. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Edu- cation [1855]. 420 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Boston: Crocker & Brewster, 1828. 2 v. 16°. AN Urquhart, Sir Thomas, of Cromarty Whibley, Charles. Sir Thomas Urqu- hart. (New review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 21-38.) *T>d Reprinted in his Studies in frankness, p. 229-262, with port, New York, 1912. Willcock, John. Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie, knight. Edinburgh: Oli- phant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1899. xvi, 251 p., 1 fac, 2 pi. 8°. AN Vaughan, Father Jerome Father Jerome Vaughan. By one who knew him. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 668-677.) * DA First prior of Fort Augustus. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 547 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Vaus, John, Latinist Delisle, Leopold. Le professeur ecos- sais Jean Vaus. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 100-101.) CPA Veitch, Mrs. William Veitch, Mrs. William. Memoirs of Mrs. William Veitch, Thomas Hog of Kiltearn, Henry Erskine, and John Carstairs... Edinburgh: Committee of General Assem- bly, Free Church of Scotland, 1846. iv p., 1 1., 152 p. 12°. AN Veitch, William, Covenanter Veitch, William, and George Brysson. Memoirs of William Veitch and George Brysson, written by themselves, with other narratives illustrative of the history of Scotland, from the restoration to the revo- lution. To which are added biographical sketches and notes by Thomas M'Crie, Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1825. xii, 540 p. 8°. CR and AN Contents: Veitch, William. Memoirs; Supple- ment to the memoirs; Brysson, George. Memoirs; M'Crie, Thomas. Notices of Col. James Wallace; Wallace, James. Narrative of the rising at Pent- land; M'Crie, Thomas. Notices of James Ure of Shargarton; Ure, James. Narrative of the rising at Bothwel Bridge; Appendix. Voldsene or Wilson, Florence Brown, Peter Hume. A forgotten Scot- tish scholar of the sixteenth century. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 122-137.) CPA Humanist, 1504? — 1546. Letters of F. Volusenus. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 327-338.) t CP Rampini, Charles. Florence Wilson. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 281-310.) * DA Wallace, Col. James M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Notices of Colonel James Wallace. (In: W. Veitch and G. Brysson. Memoirs... Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. p. 355-387.) AN Wallace, Sir William See also tinder History, 1286-1314 Laing, David. A few remarks on the portraits of Sir William Wallace. 1 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 308-313.) CPA Robertson, George. Sir William Wal- lace. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire. Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 9-46.) Stuart 8439 Wallace, Dr. William Mayer, John. Biographical notice of the late Dr. William Wallace. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1889. 8°. v. 20, p. 314-321.) *EC Wardlaw, Ralph, D.D. Dr. Wardlaw. (In: Lives of the illustri- ous. London, 1856. 8°. v. 5, p. 76-84.) A Vindication of their pastor and them- selves, from the charges of the Rev. S. T. Porter. . .including Dr. Wardlaw's own statement. . .by the deacons of West George Street Congregational Church. Glasgow: G. Gallie, 1850. 69 p. 3. thous- and. 8°. * C p.v.446 Wardrop, James, M.D. Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. James War- drop, M.D. 16 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 2.) AB Warriston, Lady (16. cent.) Lady Warriston. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1890. 8°. v. 16, p. 311-324.) * DA Executed for murder, July, 1600. Walker, Rev. John, D.D. Memoir of John Walker, D.D. (In: The naturalist's library, ed. by Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 26, p. 17-50.) QGF Wallace, Adam, Martyr Laing, David. Adam Wallace. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edin- burgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 543-550.) ZOV Watson, James, Printer Couper, W. J. James Watson, king's printer. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 244-262.) CPA Watson, Rev. John, "Ian Maclaren" Gordon, Frederick C. A visit to Drum- tochty, [and] Ian Maclaren by W. R. Nicoll. [New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1896?, 8 p. 8°. AGHp.v.31 548 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. ' Individual Biography, continued. Harrowes, Isabel Lumsden. Through the glen of Drumtochty. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 157- 160.) * DE Watson, Robert, Adventurer Forbes, Alexander Penrose. Some ac- count of Robert Watson, with reference to a portrait of him, painted by Professor Vogel von Vogelstein, now presented to the museum. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 324-334.) CPA Francis Hindes Groome has introduced Dr._ Wat- son as the villain in his Gypsy novel, Kriegspiel. Lang, Andrew. A wild career. 1 port. (Illustrated London news. London, 1892. f°. v. 100, p. 331.) ft * DE The portrait is from the painting by M. Vogel- stein, in the Royal Scottish Academy. Watson (1. baron), William Watson Macnaghten (1. baron), Edward Mac- naghten. Lord Watson. 1 port. (Juridi- cal review. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 11, p. 269-271.) SEA Watt, Captain Isaac Memoir of Captain Isaac Watt; with letters on his early death, and a recom- mendatory notice by Rev. Dr. Wardlaw. Glasgow: G. Gallie, 1852. viii, (1)10-115 p., 1 port. 16°. AN Watt, James, Engineer Arago, Dominique Francois Jean, filoge historique de James Watt. . . (In: Acade- mie royale des sciences. Memoires. Paris, 1840. 4°. v. 17, p. lxi-clxxxviii.) * EO n. t.-p. [Paris, 1840.] 4°. AN Historical eloge of James Watt. Translated with additional notes and an appendix by James P. Muirhead. Lon- don: John Murray, 1839. ix, 261 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. James] Watt. 1 port. (In his: Lives of men of letters and science. London, 1845. 8°. p. 352-401.) AB Carnegie, Andrew. James Watt. Edin- burgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier [1905]. 164 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1905. 2 p.l., 241 p. 8°. AN Character of the late Mr. James Watt. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p 203- 206.) * DE Edgar, John G. Watt. (In his: Foot- prints of famous men. London, 1860 new ed. 16°. p. 344-352.) A Hart, Robert. Reminiscences of James Watt. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow. 1868. 8°. v 1 P. 1-7.) CPA James Watt. 32 p. 12°. (Chambers's miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts. Edinburgh [1847]. v. 16. *C Life of James Watt. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany. .. Edinburgh, 1847 v. 16, no. 136.) * c Lucas, Samuel. James Watt. (In his: Biography & criticism... London, 1860 16°. p. 1-48.) NCZ Based on Muirhead's Life of James Watt. Lon- don, 1858. Mr. James Watt. (In: Public characters of 1802-1803. London, 1803. 8°. p 501- 518.) AGH Muirhead, James Patrick. The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt. Illustrated by his corre- spondence. . .and the specifications of his patents. London: John Murray, 1854. 3 v. pi., port. 8°. AN See also under Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. Notice of the life of James Watt. (Brit- ish annual. London, 1838. 16°. 1838, p. 356-366.) OA Parton, James. James Watt. (In his: People's book of biography. Hartford, Conn.. 1869. 8°. p. 140-145.) A Seymour, Charles B. James Watt. (In his: Self-made men. New York, 1858. 12°. p. 531-537.) A Smiles, Samuel. Lives of [Matthew] Boulton and James] Watt. . .comprising a history of the invention and introduction of the steam engine. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1865. xv(i), 521 p., 2 ports, illus. 8°. AN Watt. (In: Distinguished men of mod- ern times. London, 1838. 16°. v. 4, p. 228- 239.) A Watt, Robert Watt, Robert. The declaration and con- fession of Robert Watt, written, sub- scribed, & delivered by himself, the even- ing before his execution, for high treason, at Edinburgh, October 15, 1794... Edin- burgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1794. iv, 35 p., 1 port. 8°. AGH p.v.25 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 549 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Watt, Dr. Robert, Bibliographer Finlayson, James. An account of the life and works of Dr. Robert Watt, author of the 'Bibliotheca Britannica.' London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1897. 2 p.l., 46 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Waugh, Rev. Alexander Hay, James, and Henry Belfrage. A memoir of Alexander Waugh, D.D., with selections from his epistolary correspon- dence, pulpit recollections, &c. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1831. xii, 620 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. AN Waus, Sir Patrick Waus, Sir Patrick. Correspondence . . . [1540-1597.] Edited by Robert Vans Ag- new. Edinburgh: Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association, 1887. 2 v. 8°. CA no. 251 of 300 copies printed. Pagination con- tinuous. Wedderburne, David, of Dundee Millar, Alexander Hastie. A Scottish merchant of the sixteenth century. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 22, p. 341-363.) * DA Wedderburne, David, Grammarian Robertson, Joseph. Notice of David Wedderburne. [By Joseph Robertson.] (In: Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Aberdeen, 1843. 4°. p. 60-66.) CP Poet and grammarian of first half of the seven- teenth century. With a list of his writings. Weems, Rev. David Wodrow, Robert. Collections on the life of Mr. David Weems, minister of the gos- pel at Glasgow. (In his: Collections upon the lives of the reformers and most emi- nent ministers of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1848. 4°. v. 2, part 2, p. 1-83*, x.) ZWG Welch or Welsh, Rev. John History, The, of Mr. John Walsh, min- ister of the gospel at Ayr. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biographies... Edin- burgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-43.) AGH p. 45-61 is an appendix to the history. Reprint of the edition published at Edinburgh in 1703. The authorship is attributed to Rev. James Kirkton. Wellwood, Sir Henry Moncreiff Dickson, David. The end of our being, in connection with the shortness of life, illustrated and improved: a sermon, preached in the parish church of St. Cuth- bert's on the 19th of August, 1827, being the Sabbath immediately after the inter- ment of his late colleague. Sir H. Mon- creiff Wellwood, bart, D.D., including a sketch of his life and character. Edin- burgh: George A. Douglas, 1827. 57 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.47 Welsh, Rev. David Rev. David Welsh, D.D. (Hogg's week- ly instructor. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 1, p. 371-372.) *DA Welsh, Jane See Carlyle, Jane Welsh Welsh, John, Covenanter Dunlop, S. John Welsh, the Irongray Covenanter. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1912. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 273-278.) Per. Dept. ( ■ Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Proceedings and transactions. Dumfries, 1912. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 190-200.) *EC Wemyss, Francis Wemyss Charteris Douglas, Earl of Earl, The, of Wemyss and March. 1 port. (Baily's magazine of sports and pastimes. London, 1864. 8°. v. 7, p. 325- 328.) MVA White, Dr. Francis Buchanan Coats, Henry. The late Dr. F. Buchan- an White. 1 port. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. lv-lxvi.) PQA Weir, Major Thomas Weir, Major [Thomas], the wizard. (In: Notices historical [etc.]. . .relating to... Carluke from 1288 till 1874. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. p. 279-288.) CR Whitefoord, Caleb S. Caleb Whitefoord, Esq. (In: Public characters of 1801-1802. London, 1801. 8°. p. 383-400.) AGH 550 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Whyie, Henry, "Fionn" Robertson, Angus. Henry Whyte ("Fi- onn"). (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 108-114.) NDK Wilkie, Sir David, Painter Cunningham, Allan. Life of Sir David Wilkie; with his journals, tours, critical re- marks on works of art, and a selection from his correspondence. London, 1843. 3v. 8°. MCV Gower, Ronald Charles Sutherland Leve- son. lord. Sir David Wilkie. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1902. viii, 134 p., 36 pi., S port. 8°. (Great masters in painting and sculp- ture.) MCV Heaton, Mrs. Charles. The great works of Sir David Wilkie, with a descriptive account of the pictures and a memoir of the artist by Mrs. C. Heaton. London: Bell & Daldy, 1868. S p.l., viii, 57 p., 25 1., 26 pi. 4°. tMCV Life of Sir David Wilkie. (Quarterly re- view. London, 1843. 8°. v. 72, p. 397- 452.) * DA Mollett, John W. Sir David Wilkie. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Riv- ington, 1881. vi p., 1 1., 112 p., 9 pi., 1 port. 12°. (Illustrated biographies of the great artists.) MCV Quarry, Alice. Sir David Wilkie, R.A. (Argosy. London, 1894. 8°. v. 58, p. 112- 116.) *DA Sir David Wilkie. Born 1785, died 1841. English school. 42 p., 10 pi. (Masters in art. Boston, 1906. v. 7, part 80.) MAA Tasistro, Louis Fitzgerald. The late Sir David Wilkie. (Graham's magazine. Phil- adelphia, 1842. 8°. v. 20, p. 275-276.) * DD Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. The pain- ter of character: Sir David Wilkie. (In his: Mental portraits; or, Studies in char- acter. London, 1853. 12°. p. 176-197.) A Sir David Wilkie. (In his: Essays, biographical and critical. Boston, 1857. 8°. p. 379-393.) A Wilkinson, George Howard, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church Body, George. George Howard Wil- kinson, primus of the Scottish Church. (Church quarterly review. London, 1910. 8°. v. 69, p. 176-188.) * DA Williamson, Peter Peter Williamson. (In: H. Wilson, Wonderful characters. New York, 1834. 8°. p. 493-502.) A Peter Williamson, remarkable for his captivity and sufferings. 1 port. (In: The book of wonderful characters. . . London, n. d. 12°. p. 404-415.) AB Story of Peter Williamson. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh [1847]. v. 3, no. 24.) *C 32 p. (Chambers's Miscellany. Ed- inburgh, n. d. new and rev. ed. 12°. v. 1.) *C Williamson, Peter. French and Indian cruelty; exemplified in the life and various vicissitudes of fortune, of Peter William- son, a disbanded soldier. . . Being at eight years of age, stolen from his parents and sent to Pennsylvania, where he was sold as a slave... York: Printed and sold by J. Jackson, 1758. iv, 104 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. Reserve This edition omits the discourse on kidnapping which appears in some other editions. The plate represents Williamson in the dress of a Delaware Indian. French and Indian cruelty; Exem- plified in the life and various vicissitudes of fortune of Peter Williamson... Being at eight years of age stolen from his par- ents, and sent to Pennsylvania, where he was sold at a slave. . . Also, a curious dis- course on Kidnapping... London: Print- ed for the unfortunate author, 1759. 120 p., 1 port. 4. ed. 12°. Reserve French and Indian cruelty; exem- plified in the life and various vicissitudes of fortune of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen in his infancy, and sold as a slave in Pennsylvania. Con- taining the history of the author's adven- tures in N. America ... to which is added, An account of the proceedings of the mag- istrates of Aberdeen against him on his return to Scotland; a brief history of his process against them before the Court of Session, and a short dissertation on Kid- napping. Edinburgh: Printed for the au- thor, and sold by him at his shop in the Parliament House, 1762. vi, 147 p., 1 map, 1 port. 12°. Reserve The map illustrates Williamson's travels in America. Edinburgh: Printed for and sold by J. Stewart, 1787. vi, 150 p., 1 port. 12°. Reserve The life and curious adventures of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen, and sold for a slave... To which are added, An account of the proceedings of the magistrates of Aber- deen against him, on his return to Scot- land; a brief history of his process against LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 551 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. them before the Court of Session. . . Edin- burgh: printed by J. Tod & Son, for W. Coke, Leith, 1805. vi, 138 p., 1 pi. 16°. Reserve The plate represents Williamson in the dress of a Delaware Indian. The life and adventures of Peter Williamson, a native of Aberdeen. Giving an account of the numerous vicissitudes he had experienced, particularly during his captivity among the Indians, in America, and his sufferings during that time. To- gether with many interesting anecdotes. Liverpool: T. Dodd, 1807. 34 p. 16°. Reserve Date on cover: 1808. Liverpool: T. Trough ton, 1807. 34 p. 16°. Reserve The life and adventures of Peter Williamson, who was kidnapped when an infant... and sold for a slave in America. (In: The life... of Paul Jones. Albany, 1809. 24°. p. 47-96.) Reserve Hartford, 1813. Reserve (In the same. 24°. p. 50-106.) Authentic narrative of the life and surprising adventures of Peter Williamson, who was kidnapped when an infant from his native place, Aberdeen, and sold for a slave in America; his marriage, perils, hard- ships, and escapes. .. Written by himself at intervals and published at his Coffee- Room in Edinburgh. London: Printed for the Booksellers c 1810?]. 1 p.l., (1)6-34 p. 8°. Reserve Life and curious adventures of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen, and sold for a slave. Con- taining, The history of the author's sur- prising adventures in North America... Edinburgh: printed by John Orphoot... for W. Coke, Leith, 1812. vi, (1)8-135 p., 1 port. 12°. Reserve Authentic narrative of the life and surprising adventures of Peter William- son, who was kidnapped when an infant, from his native place, Aberdeen, and sold for a slave in America. . . Written by him- self. . .and published. . .in Edinburgh. (In: The life... of Paul Jones. Albany: H. C. Southwick, printer, 1813. 24°. p. 41-103.) Reserve The life and curious adventures of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen, and sold for a slave. Containing the history of the author's sur- prising adventures in North America... Aberdeen: Printed for the booksellers, 1826. 155 p. 16°. Reserve Cover has imprint: Aberdeen: Printed for George King, 36 St. Nicholas Street, 1828. The life and curious adventures of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen and sold for a slave. Con- taining the history of the author's surpris- ing adventures. .. Aberdeen: James Dan- iel & Son, 1878. iv, (1)6-108 p. 20. ed. 12°. AN The life and curious adventures of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen, and sold for a slave. Aberdeen: Lewis Smith & Son, 1885. v, (1)8-107 p. new edition. 16°. AN Wilson, Alexander, Ornithologist Alexander Wilson. (Chambers's Edin- burgh journal. London, 1835. f°. v. 3, p. 204-205.) * DA Camden, Sir Rom de. Alexander Wil- son, the ornithologist. 1 port, illus. Pot- ter's American monthly. Philadelphia, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 263-267.) * DA Gardner, Dorsey. Wilson the ornitholo- gist. 1 port, illus. (Scribner's monthly. New York, 1876. 8°. v. 11, p. 690-703.) *DA Jardine, Sir William. Memoir of Alex- ander Wilson. 1 port. (In: The natural- ist's library. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 27, p. 17-50.) QGF Life of Alexander Wilson. (In: Cham- bers, Miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts. Edinburgh, 1847. 12°. v. 18, no. 152, p. 24-32.) * C Private letters of Wilson, Ord, and Bonaparte. Edited by Dr. Elliott Coues. (Penn monthly. Philadelphia, 1879. 8°. v. 10, p. 443-455.) * DA Seymour, Charles B. Alexander Wilson. (In his: Self-made men. New York, 1858. 12°. p. 215-233.) A Wilson the ornithologist. (American quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1830. 8°. v. 8, p. 360-380.) * DA Wilson the ornithologist. 1 port. (In: Men who have risen; a book for boys. London [1859j. 16°. p. 201-220.) A Wilson, Alexander, M.D. Wilson, Patrick. Biographical account of Alexander Wilson, M.D., late professor of practical astronomy in Glasgow. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Ed- inburgh, 1824. 4°. v. 10, p. 279-297.) *EC don, 1826. 333.) (Annals of philosophy. Lon- 8°. new series, v. 12, p. 321- OA (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1829. 8°. v. 10, p. 1-17.) OA 552 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. Wilson, Sir Daniel, Archaeologist Kingsford, William. Sir Daniel Wilson (died, 6th August 1892). In memoriam. (Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions. Ottawa, 1894. f°. v. 11, section 2, p. 5S-6S.) * EC Wilson or Wolsey, Florence See Volusene, Florence Wilson, George, Painter Todhunter, John. George Wilson, with illustrations after pictures by the painter. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1891. 8°. v. 8, p. 771-778.) * DA Wilson, Dr. George Cairns, John. The late Dr. George Wil- son, of Edinburgh. (Macmillan's maga- zine. Cambridge, 1860. 8°. v. 1, p. 199- 203.) * DA Groser, William H. Dr. George Wilson. 1818-1859. (In his: Men worth imitating. London [186-?]. 12°. p. 94-113.) A Professor George Wilson: his life and writings. (North British review. Edin- burgh, 1860. 8°. v. 32, p. 223-246.) * DA Wilson, James, F.R.S. Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. James Wil- son, F.R.S. 8 p., 1 port. (In his: Medical portrait gallery. London, 1838-40. 4°. v. 2.) AB Wilson, James, Political Economist Bagehot, Walter. Memoir of the Right Hon. James Wilson. (In his: Literary studies. London, 1879. 8°. v. 1, p. 367- 406.) NCZ Wilson, John, "Christopher North" Douglas, Sir George. John Wilson. (In his: The Blackwood group. New York [1897,. 12°. p. 9-46.) AB Flory, John S. John Wilson as an es- sayist. (Sewanee review. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 12, p. 448-455.) * DA Gordon, Mrs. Mary Wilson. 'Christo- pher North.' A memoir of John Wilson . . . compiled from family papers and oth sources. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Dou las, 1862. 2 v. 8°. a With an introduction by Shelton Mackenzie. New York: W Widdleton, 1863. xi(i), 484 p., 1 port. ' i A Hillier, Arthur Cecil. "Christoph North." (Temple Bar. London, 1899. i v. 116, p. 64-75.) * D Howard, Joseph Dana. Christoph North. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 186 8°. v. 11, p. 273-287.) *D Howitt, William. John Wilson. (In hi Homes and haunts of the. . .British poel London, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 440-446.) A Life, The, and writings of John Wilso (Southern review. Baltimore, 1869. 8 v. 5, p. 64-94.) * D M'Callum, Andrew. Christopher Norl and his parish. (Scots magazine. Pert 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 19-25.) *D Martineau, Harriet. Professor Wilsc ("Christopher North"). (In her: Bii graphical sketches. New York, 1869. 12 p. 21-27.) AG! Patterson, Robert Hogarth. "Christ! pher North." In memoriam. (In hi: Essays in history and art. Edinburg] 1862. 8°. p. 505-526.) NC Professor Wilson. (In: Lives of tr illustrious. London, 1856. 8°. v. 5, p. 20! 219.) Professor Wilson. (Littell's Living ag Boston, 1854. 8°. v. 40, p. 387-392.) *D. Saintsbury, George Edward Batema: Christopher North. (Macmillan's mag; zine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 54, p. 17: 183.) *D. Winchester, Caleb Thomas. John Wi son. (Methodist review. New York, rVOI 8°. v. 90, p. 186-201.) *D, Wilson, John, Orientalist Japp, Alexander Hay. Dr. John Wilso of Bombay. 1 port. (Good words. Loi don, 1879. 8°. v. 20, p. 33-39.) *D. Kellogg, S. H. Dr. Wilson of Bomba: (Catholic Presbyterian. London, 1879. 8 v. 1, p. 329-339.) *D. Dr. John Wilson, missionary and Orientalist. Wilson, Rev. William, of Perth M'Crie, Charles G. William Wilsoi pastor Perthensis. [By C. G. M'Crie.] n. : [1885?, 66 p. 8°. (Studies in Scottis ecclesiastical biography.) AGH p.v.2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 553 Biography, continued. Individual Biography, continued. WlNZET, WlNYET, OR WlNGATE, NlNIAN Hewison, James King. Life of Winzet. (In: Ninian Winzet, Certain tractates... Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 1, p. ix-lxxii.) NDP Wishart, George, Martyr Alcock, Deborah. George Wishart. [Translated from the English.] Striegau: T. Urban t 1912j. 2 p.l., 167 p. 16°. (Ur- bans christliche Volksbiicher. Nr. 58-59.) AN p.v.163 Foot-line at the. beginning of each signature reads: Ohne Kreuz keine Krone. Gray, Louisa M. Heroes of the Refor- mation, in. George Wishart. (Catholic Presbyterian. London, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 447-454; v. 4, p. 53-61.) * DA Rogers, Charles. Memoir of George Wishart, the Scottish martyr. With his translation of the Helvetian Confession, and a genealogical history of the family of Wishart. 1 fac. (Royal Historical So- ciety. Transactions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 260-363.) CA Scott, J. Moffat. George Wishart. 1 port. (In his: The martyrs of Angus and Mearns... Paisley, 1885. 12°. p. 99-209.) CP Wodrow, Rev. Robert, Ecclesiastical Historian Burns, Robert. [Memoir of the Rev. Robert Wodrow.] (In: Robert Wodrow, The history of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland... Glasgow, 1828. 8°. v. 1. p. i-xviii.) ZWG Ridpath, George. Correspondence be- tween George Ridpath and the Rev. Rob- ert Wodrow. (Abbotsford Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 355-414.) tCP Wodrow, Robert. The correspondence of the Rev. Robert Wodrow, minister of Eastwood. . .edited from the manuscripts in the Library of the Faculty of Advo- cates, Edinburgh, by Rev. Thomas M'Crie. Edinburgh: Wodrow Society, 1842-43. 3 v. 8°. AN Wood, John, Educationist Account of the proceedings connected with the testimonial presented to John Wood, Esquire, on 23d December 1837; with the speech of Mr. Wood, on the pres- entation of the testimonial, carefully re- vised by that gentleman; and a preface containing an account of the Edinburgh Sessional School, and of Mr. Wood's con- nection with that institution. Edinburgh: W. Whyte and Co., 1838. 40 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v.16 Wyntoun, Andrew of Irving, David. The life of Andrew Win- ton. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edinburgh, 1804. 8°. v. 1, p. 273-283.) AB Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Andrew Wyn- ton. (In his: Lives of Scottish worthies. London, 1832. 16°. v. 2, p. 173-187.) AGH Young, George Young, Lord Guthrie, Charles John Lord Young. 1 pi., 2 port, view. Edinburgh, 1908. 8° 222.) Guthrie, lord. (Juridical re- v. 19, p. 209- SEA Young, Sir Peter, of Seaton Chalmers, John Inglis. Notice of Sir Peter Young of Seaton; and copies of sev- eral of his letters to the laird of Barnbar- roch relative to their embassies to Den- mark- in the reign of James vi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 420-427.) CPA Laing, David. Additional notices of Sir Peter Young. 1 port. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 427-429.) CPA Young, Hugh W. Notice of the testa- ment dative of Sir Peter Young, knt, of Seaton, dated 1628; with some remarks on the state of Scottish agriculture at that period. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 262-269.) CPA Young, Peter, Gypsy Peter Young, the Gipsy chief. (Cham- bers's Edinburgh journal. London, 1834. 4°. v. 2, p. 39-40.) * DA He is described as having been chief of a band of Gypsies in the northern part of Scotland, and executed c. 1790. Zetland (2. earl), Sir Thomas Dundas Earl, The, of Zetland. 1 port. (Baily's magazine of sports and pastimes. Lon- don, 1860. 8°. v. 1, p. 377-382.) MVA 554 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Heraldry, Blazonry, Seals Allardice, Robert Barclay. The arms of Erskine of Dun. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 151.) CPA Anderson, Peter John. Armorial bear- ings of the University of Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 113-114.) ' CPA The armorial ensigns of Inverness. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. S, p. 97-99.) CPA Gordon seals. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 65-66.) CPA Note on heraldic representations at King's College, Old Aberdeen. 2 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 80-86.) CPA Note on heraldic representations now or formerly at Marischal College, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 166-184.) CPA Anglo-Scotus. The legal right to coat- armour, and the heraldry of Glasgow cathedral. (Herald and genealogist. Lon- don, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 330-334.) * R - Room 328 Arnott, E. A description of the armorial bearings, portraits and busts in the Mit- chell Hall and Picture Gallery, Marisch'al College. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1896-97. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 177-180; v. 10, p. 4-8, 18-22, 35-37, 49-52, 65- 69, 81-84, 97-100.) CPA Astle, Thomas. An account of the seals of the kings, royal boroughs, and mag- nates of Scotland. 44 p., 5 pi. (In: Society of Antiquaries of London. Vetusta monu- menta. London, 1796. f°. v. 3.) ft CDA Bain, Joseph. Notes on the east window of the choir of Bothwell church, and its armorial shields. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 395-403.) CPA On a remarkable, and (so far as yet known) unique seal of Patrick de Dunbar (fifth of that name), earl of March, ap- pended to a document in 1334. 1 pi. (Ar- chaeological journal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 37, p. 200-204.) CA On two original seals of James, first Lord Hamilton, one attached to a document dated in 1457, the other to an original truce between England and Scot- land on September 28, 1473. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 203-205.) CPA Bell, Walter L. Notes on an armorial stone at Carrick House, Eday, Orkney. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq 8° v 42, p. 234-242.) C PA Birch, Walter de Gray. History of Scottish seals from the eleventh to the seventeenth century, with. . .illustrations ... Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1905-07 2v 4°. MIY v. 1. The royal seals of Scotland. v. 2. Ecclesiastical and monastic seals of Scot- land. Seals of Scotland. (In his: Cata- logue of seals in the Department of Manu- scripts in the British Museum. London 1895. nar. 4°. v. 4, p. 1-694.) MIT Seals of sovereigns; royal offices and officers; ecclesiastical; monasteries, collegiate churches, and hospitals; religious orders; military orders; local, etc. Brand, John. Explanation of a seal of the abbey of Lundores, in Scotland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Archaeo- logia. London, 1800. 4°. v. 13, p. 196-198.) fCA Burke, Sir John Bernard. The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time. With a supplement. London: Har- rison, 1883. 2 p.l., lxxix p., 21 1., 1185 p. 4°. *R-Room328 Bute (3. marquis), John Patrick Crichton Stuart, and others. The arms of the royal and parliamentary burghs of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. 2 p.l., 392 p., 1 1. illus. sq. 4°. AWN One of 325 copies printed. C. Scottish heraldry and genealogy. (Archaeological journal. London, 1891. 8°. v. 48, p. 426-433.) CA Campbell, George W. The seals of the University of Glasgow. 1 pi. (Glasgow Ar- chaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 65-74.) CPA Campbell, P. C. Heraldic ceiling of the cathedral church of St. Machar, Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 9-17.) *R-Room328 Cook, W. B. The arms of Erskine of Dun. 1 illus. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 92-94.) CPA Cooke, T. Etherington. Notice of the heraldic painted ceilings in a house at Lin- lithgow, now destroyed. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 409-412.) CPA Cramond, William. Scottish burgh seals. 3 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 49, 65, 81-82.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 555 Heraldry, Blazonry, Seals, continued. Dalrymple, Hew Hamilton. The seal of the priory of Whithorn, illus. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. v. 7, p. 53-55.) t CA Davenport, Cyril. English and Scottish heraldry in books. (Library Association record. London, 1908. 8°. v. 10, p. 149- 152.) * HA De jure prelationis nobilium Scotise; a memorial of the writes and evidents pro- duced be sundry earles and lordes before the commissioners deput be the kings majesty anent the precedency and priority of dignitie. A. D. m.dc.vi. [Edinburgh, 1834?, 50 p. 4°. AWO Decreit anent the ranking and placeing of the nobilitie of Scotland in their ordour m parliaments and generall counsells. 5 March 1606. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 347-398.) tCP Also includes: "De jure prelationis nobilium Scot — iae; a memorial of the writes and evidents produced be sundry earles and lords before the commissioners deput be the kings majesty anent the precedency and priority of -dignitie. A.D. m.dc.vi." Dowden, John, bishop of Edinburgh. Some further observations upon old Scot- tish book-stamps, illus. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 129-131.) CPA Drummond, James. Notice of "The bluidy banner" of Drumclog and Bothwell Brig, preserved at Dunbar. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 253-258.) CPA Drysdale, William. Notice of an ancient gold seal in the possession of J. W. Wil- liamson, Kinross. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 420-421.) t CPA The seal is the signet of Joan Beaufort, queen of James I. of Scotland. Is the seal, now in the Scottish National Museum of Antiquities, the original or a fac-simile? Dunbar, Archibald Hamilton. Facsim- iles of the Scottish coats of arms embla- zoned in the "Armorial de Gelre." With notes. 3 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 9-19.) CPA Elven, J. P. The book of family crests; comprising nearly every family bearing, properly blazoned and explained. . .illus- trative of the crests of the peers and bar- onets — nearly every family of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland with the sur- names of the bearers, alphabetically ar- ranged, a dictionary of mottos, an essay on the origin of arms, crests, etc., and a glos- sary of terms. [By J. P. Elven. Improved by Henry Washbourne.] London: H. Washbourne, 1851. 2 v. 6. ed. 12°. * R Extract of the blazoning of the coat armoriall, appertaining to John Buchanan of that ilk. 1675. (Bound in front of: W. Buchanan of Auchmar, An inquiry into the genealogy and present state of ancient Scottish surnames. Glasgow, 1820. nar. 12°. p. xiii-xv.) CP Miscellanea Scotica. v. 4. Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. — Library. Catalogue of manuscripts relat- ing to genealogy and heraldry preserved in the Library... [Preface signed: W. B. Turnbull.j London: C. Dolman, 1852. 24 p. 4°. ARC One of ten copies only printed. Fairbairn, James. Crests of families of Great Britain and Ireland; revised by L. Butters; edited by J. Maclaren. Edin- burgh, 1860. 2 v. 8°. * R - Room 328 New ed. by A. C. Fox-Davies. Edinburgh, 1892. 2 v. 4°. *R-Room328 Fairbairn's book of crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. Lon- don: T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1905. 2 v. 4. ed. 4°. * R - Room 328 Fess Checquy, pseud. The royal tressure of Scotland. (Ex Libris Society. Journal. London, 1902. 4°. v. 11, p. 83-87, 100-102, 119-121, 130-133.) MDVA Flower, Herbert H. The arms of Stuart, or Stewart, earls of Lennox. (Genealogi- cal magazine. London, 1899. 4°. v. 3, p. 208-211, 249-252.) *R- Room 328 Gray, John Miller. Notes on examples of old heraldic and other glass, existing in, or having connection with, Scotland; with especial reference to the heraldic rondel preserved at Woodhouselee. illus. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 34-48.) CPA Great, The, seal of Scotland. (Caledon- ian. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 7, p. 526- 528.) * DD Guthrie, Roger Rowson Lingard. Notice of a seal of James, first Viscount Seafield, afterwards lord chancellor of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 180-182.) CPA Hislop, John Fowler. Notes on a her- aldic panel found in the parish church of Prestonpans in November, 1891. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 241-250.) CPA Holt, Henry F. On the great seal of Francis n. of France and Mary, queen of 556 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Heraldry, Blazonry, Seals, continued. Scots, as king and queen of France, Scot- land, England and Ireland. (British Ar- chaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1868. 8°. v. 24, p. 343-351.) CA Innes, Cosmo. Note of the original matrix of the seal of the burgh of Aber- deen, A.D. 1430. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 138-140.) CPA Johnston, George Harvey. Scottish her- aldry made easy. Edinburgh: W & A. K. Johnston, 1904. xiv, 159(1) p., 8 pi. illus. 12°. AWN Laing, David. On the title of Sir applied to priests. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 555-558.) ZOV Laing, Henry. Descriptive catalogue of impressions from ancient Scottish seals, royal, baronial, ecclesiastical, and munici- pal, embracing a period from A.D. 1094 to the Commonwealth. Taken from original . charters and other deeds preserved in pub- lic and private archives. Edinburgh: t T. Constable,, 1850. xxxi, 232 p., 32 pi. 4°. t MIY Supplemental descriptive catalogue of ancient Scottish seals... from A.D. 1150 to the eighteenth century... Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1866. xxvii, 237 p., 15 pi. 4°. fMIY Note respecting the book-stamp of Archbishop Hamilton of St. Andrews, 1548-1571. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 140-141.) CPA Lang, Andrew. The Gowrie conspiracy and the Gowrie arms. (Ancestor. Lon- don, 1902. 4°. 1902. no. 2, p. 54-57.) ARA Le Bouvier, Gilles, called Berry. Ar- moiral de France, Angleterre, ficosse, Alle- magne, Italie et autres puissances, com- pose vers 1450. . .precede d'une notice sur la vie de l'auteur, et accompagne de figures heraldiques par M. Vallet. Paris, 1866. pi. 8°. AWB Legal, The, right to arms in Scotland. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1865. 8°. v. 2, o. 393-406.) *R- Room 328 Letter from King James vi. to the Privy Council of Scotland, and proclamation by the Privy Council, anent the robes of earls, judges, magistrates, churchmen, advocates, clerks of the session and signet, etc. 1606- 1610. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 143-158.) t CP Lewis, Samuel. A topographical dic- tionary of Scotland. ..with engravings of the seals and_ arms of the different burghs and universities. London: S. Lewis & Co 1846. 2 v. f°. ft CPW v. 1 : Abbey to Jura. v. 2: Keanlochbervie to Zetland. Lindsay, Sir David. Fac-simile of an ancient heraldic manuscript emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon king of armes, 1542^ Edited by David Laing, LL.D. Edinburgh: W. Patterson 1878. 1 p.l., 21 p., 145 pi. f °. ft AWN Macbeth, Adam D. The seal of the burgh of Rothesay. 1 pi. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v 7 p. 263-270.) CPA Macdonald, William Rae. The heraldry in some of the old churchyards between Tain and Inverness, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 688-732.) CPA Notes on the heraldry of Elgin and its neighbourhood, including the Cathe- dral, Bishop's House, Greyfriars, and High street in Elgin, Spynie Palace, church of Holy Trinity at Spynie, Lhanbryd Church, Coxton Tower, Birnie Church, Kinloss Abbey, Burgie Castle, Duff us Church, Gor- donstoun House, Ogston Church, Kinne- dar Church, Drainie Church, St. Andrews Church, Innes House, Pluscardin Priory, Cullen Church, Deskford Church, and Banff, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 344-429.) CPA Notes on seals connected with Lindores Abbey. 4 pi. (In: Lindores Ab- bey. Chartulary, 1195-1479. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. p. 327-331.) CPA Mackenzie, Alexander W. The heraldry of the clan Mackenzie. To which is added a register of arms. (The "Old Northwest" genealogical quarterly. Columbus, 0., 1907. 8°. v. 10, n. 167-174.) *R- Room 328 Macleod, Frederick Thomas. Notes on the Chapel Yard, Inverness, and some of its old monuments; with a notice of her-V aldic devices on tombstones at Kilmun. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 198-219.) CPA Maxwell, Alexander. The burgh seal of Dundee. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 129- 130.) CPA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. The her- aldry of Wigtownshire. 6 pi. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1878-85. 4°. v. 1, p. 85-88; v. 2, p. 136; v. 3, p. 83; v. 4, p. 58; v. 5, p. 56-61.) fCPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 557 Heraldry, Blazonry, Seals, continued. Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notes on the ancient burgh seal of Crail, and the seal of the chapter of the abbey of Coupar. (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 160-165.) CPA Muir, John. The Burnes arms. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 18-19.) CPA Burns's seal. (Ex Libris Society. Journal. London, 1894. 4°. v. 3, p. 127- 128.) MDVA Munro, Alexander M. Seals of burgh and county families. 4 p.l. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 113, 145, 177; v. 4, p. 23.) CPA Murdoch, Robert. Gordon bookplates. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 40.) CPA Nisbet. Alexander. A system of herald- ry, speculative and practical . . . With suit- able examples of armorial figures and achievements of the most considerable surnames and families in Scotland. To- gether with historical and genealogical memorials relative thereto. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1816. 2 v. pi. new ed. f °. ft AWB The 6 p. after p. 20 of v. 2 are a separate supple- ment containing a genealogy of the family of Chal- mer of that ilk. Alexander Nisbet's Heraldic plates originally intended for his "System of heraldry" . . . reproduced, with notes ... by Andrew Ross, and F. J. Grant... Edin- burgh: G. Waterston & Sons, 1892. lx, 192 p. f°. ttAWE One of 200 copies printed. Notes on the seals of Scotch bishops. (Reliquary. London, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 228-236.) CA Paul, Sir James Balfour. Gleanings from an old album. (Ex Libris Society. Jour- nal. London, 1902. 4°. v. 11, p. 93-99.) MDVA On old Scottish bookplates. Heraldry in relation to Scottish history and art; being the Rhind lectures on archasology for 1898. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1900. xix, 231 p., 18 pi. illus. 8°. AWN Reviewed in Journal of the Ex Libris Society, v. 10, p. 117-119. An ordinary of arms contained in the public register of all arms and bearings in Scotland. Edinburgh: William Green & Sons, 1903. 2 p.l., vii-xxiv, 428 p., 1 1. 2- ed. 12°. AWN Scottish heraldry. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 233-254.) *DA Peter, David MacGregor. The baronage of Angus and Mearns, comprising the genealogy of three hundred and sixty fam- ilies... &c„ being a guide to the tourist and heraldic artist. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1856. xii p., 1 1., 384 p. 8°. ARX Ross, Andrew. Ross herald. Old Scot- tish book-plates. (Ex Libris Society. Journal. London, 1904. 4°. v. 13, p. 157- 160.) MDVA Repr.: The Scotsman, 28 July 1903. Russell, Thomas John. De la noblesse de la gentry la plus ancienne d'Angleterre, d'Irlande et d'Ecosse, et seule heraldique, d'apres le blason, par T. J. R., l'un des barons d'Ulster. Pau: £. Vignancour, 1847. 63 p. 8°. CN p.box 1 Scott, W. H. Unpublished counter-seal of Kilwinning. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 70-71.) CPA Smith, Francis Montagu. The heraldry of Smith in Scotland. With genealogical annotations. Being a supplement to Graze- brooks' "Heraldry of Smith." t By F. M. Smith.] London: J. R. Smith, 1873. 32 p. sq. 8°. ARZ Southesk (9. earl), James Carnegie. Douglas, Percy, and the Cavers ensign, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 246-280.) CPA Stevenson, John Home. Did ecclesiasti- cal heraldry exist in Scotland before the Reformation? (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 313-318.) CPA Early Scottish military uniforms. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 26-34.) CPA The royal standard and the na- tional standard. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 27-39.) CPA Stewart, Charles Edward. Stewart book- plates. (Ex Libris Society. Journal. Lon- don, 1908. 4°. v. 17, p. 104-108.) MDVA Stodart, Robert Riddle. Scottish arms. being a collection of armorial bearings A.D. 1370-1678, reproduced in facsimile from contemporary manuscripts. With heraldic and genealogical notes. Edin- burgh: W. Paterson, 1881. 2 v. f°. ffAWN The work embraces the earliest known representa- tion, in full heraldic blazonry, .of nearly seven hun- dred coats of arms, of the ancient nobility and old landed families of Scotland. The arms have been reproduced in facsimile of the originals from heraldic manuscripts dating from the year 1369, in the reign of David the Second, to that of 1678, in the reign of Charles the Second. The earliest manuscript made use of in the work is the Gelre manuscript, of the year 1369, preserved in the Bibliotheque Royale at Brussels. The Scot- tish arms in this manuscript will be found very faithfully represented. The next most ancient manu- 558 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Heraldry, Blazonry, Seals, continued. script wherein Scottish arms are found is the Ar- morial of Gilles de Berry, king of arms, in the year 1460, preserved in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris. All the other known manuscripts lent for the purpose of making this collection complete, by the earl of Crawford and Balcarres, the earl of Kin- noull, Macleod of Macleod and C. M. Kerr, and those in the Heralds' College, London, the British Museum, the Advocates' Library, the Lyon Office, Edinburgh, and the Library of the University of Edinburgh, have been examined, and the coats se- lected from them faithfully reproduced. Strathern, Sheriff. On the origin, coro- nation, and jurisdiction of the Lord Lyon King of Arms. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 206-266.) CPA Stuart, John. Notice of armorial bear- ings and inscriptions in the church of Mid- Calder. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 166-171.) CPA Urquhart, James. Preliminary notice the seals of the_ royal burghs of Scotlan (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pr ceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v '• p. 253-266.) CP Walker, Robert Crawfurd. Notes on heraldic monument at Kilmany, Fifeshh illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotlan Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8° 31, p. 94-98.) CP Notice of an old heraldic iron doi knocker from Meikleour, near Blairgowri illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotlan Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. 33, p. 461-462.) CP Wyon, Allan. The great seals of Sco land. (British Archaeological Associatio Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 9 111, 235-249.) C Genealogy See also Clans and Tartans Bibliography Periodicals Bibliography ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Surnames General Works Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. — Li- brary. Catalogue of manuscripts relating to genealogy and heraldry preserved in [the] library... [Preface signed: W. B. Turnbull.] London: C. Dolman, 1852. 24 p. 4°. ARC One of only ten copies printed. Compiled ex- clusively for the use of Mr. Turnbull and his friend Sir Charles George Young, then Garter king-of-arms. Johnston, George P. The first edition of Hume of Godscroft's history. 3 fac. (Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society. Publica- tions. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 149-171.) Reserve Johnston, W. Note on variations in Wood's edition of Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1813. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Ed- inburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 3, p. 148.) Reserve Murdoch, Robert. Bibliography of clan literature: with notes. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 183-185.) CPA Riddell, John. The Riddell papers: a catalogue of the annotated books and manuscripts of the late John Riddell. [Edited by James Maidment.] Edinburgh: [Colston & Son, printers,] 1863. xxiv, 71 p., 1 port. 12°. ARD Fifty copies printed for private circulation. Young, Sir Charles George. Catalogue of works on the peerage and baronetage of England, Scotland, and Ireland in his li- brary. London, 1827. 8°. ARC Collected Works Individual Families Periodicals Scottish Record Society. [Publication! part 1-date. Edinburgh, 1898 -date. $ ARC These volumes are catalogued separately in tl list. Surnames Alba, pseud. Some Galloway Mac (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdee 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 27-28.) CP Anderson, William. Nomenclature Scotland. (In his: Genealogy and su names. Edinburgh, 1865. 8°. p. 142-15C * R - Room 3: For a severe review of the whole work see 7 herald and genealogist, v. 3, p. 353-357, London. The Scottish nation; or, The su names, families, literature, honours, ai biographical history of the people of Sec land. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 18( 3 v. 4°. *R-AG Baring-Gould, Sabine. Scottish ai Irish surnames. (In his: Family nam and their story. London, 1910. 8°. p. 37 389.) AP Black, George Fraser. Popular deriv tions of some Scottish surnames. (Cal donian. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 1, N vember, p. 25-28.) *E Some Scottish surnames. [Cli pings from the Scottish American, 19( LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 559 Genealogy — Surnames, continued. pasted and mounted on 10 sheets.] New York, 1904. 8°. ARF p.box 1 Some Scottish surnames. (Cale- donian. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 6, p. 497- 498, S4S-S46.) * DD Buchanan, William, of Auchmar. A his- torical and genealogical essay upon the family and surname of Buchanan. To which is added, a brief enquiry into the genealogy and present state of ancient Scotish surnames, and more particularly of the Highland clans. Glasgow: printed by W. Duncan. 1723. 1 p.l., iv p., 2 1., 1S4, 100 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. ARZ The Enquiry into. . .Scotish surnames has a sepa- rate title-page. An inquiry into the genealogy and present state of ancient Scottish surnames; with the origin and descent of the High- land clans, and family of Buchanan. Glas- gow: J. Wylie & Co.. 1820. xi, 310 p. nar. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 4.) CP Christie, J. Aliases in Breadalbane. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 186-187.) CPA Clouston, J. Storer. Orkney surnames. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 28-33, 63-67.) CR Townships and surnames. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caith- ness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 34-370 CR Couper, Sydney C. The name of Forbes. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 158.) CPA On the names Buchan, Buchanan and Scrimgeour. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 181- 183; v. 10, p. 9-12, 24-25.) CPA Dalzell, J. B. Dalzell: an ancient Scot- tish surname. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 69-72.) CPA See also note on p. 215. Fitzpatrick, Benedict. Irish and Scotch surnames. (American Irish Historical So- ciety. Journal. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 10, p. 124-133.) IEH George, J. F. The surnames Bullo and Bulloch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 38-39.) CPA Gray. J-, joint author. See Tocher, J. F., and J. Gray. Guppy, Henry Brougham. Homes of family names in Great Britain. London: Harrison & Sons, 1890. 8°. ARF Scottish names, p. 576-601, and map. Innes, Cosmo. Concerning some Scotch surnames. [By Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1860. 2 p.l., 69 p sm. 4°. ARF Reviewed in Littell's Living age, v. 63, p. 190- 192, Boston, 1861 (reprinted from Saturday review). Lower, Mark Antony. Patronymica / Britannica. A dictionary of the family ( names of the United Kingdom. London: 1 J. R. Smith, 1860. 3 p.l., iii-xxxix, 443(1) P., \ 1 port. 4°. Room 328 > Macbain, Alexander. Early , Highland personal names. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 152-168.) NDO The old Gaelic system of personal names. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1897. 8°. v. 20, p. 279-315 J NDO The study of Highland personal names. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 60-75.) NDK Macpherson, John. Notes on the names of clan Chattan, and what they indicate. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 112-133.) CPA Moir, James. Note on names in Regis- ter of burgesses [of the burgh of Aber- deen]. (In: New Spalding Club. Miscel- lany. Aberdeen, 1890. 4°. v. 1, p. xl-liv.) tCP Shaw, James. Location of Dumfriesshire surnames. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1891. 8°. 1890- 91, p. 46-54.) *EC Surnames of Kirkcudbrightshire. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural His- tory and Antiquarian Society. Transac- tions. Dumfries, 1894. 8°. 1892-93, p. 45- 53.) * EC Sims, Clifford Stanley. The origin and signification of Scottish surnames. With a vocabulary of Christian names. Albany: J. Munsell, 1862. xi, (1)10-125 p. 8°. * R - Room 328 An unsafe work, to be used with caution. Tocher, J. F., and J. Gray. The fre- quency and pigmentation value of sur- names of school children in east Aber- deenshire. (Man. London, 1901. 4°. 1901, no. 128.) QOA General Works Aberdeen. Birth brieves from the regis- ters of the burgh of Aberdeen. 1637-1705. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 325-368.) t CP The commissariot record of Aber- deen. Register of testaments; 1715-1800. 560 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — General Works, continued. Edited by John Macleod. Edinburgh: the society, 1899. 2 pi, 69 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 8.) ARCA Allardice, R. Barclay. A register of births, marriages, and deaths, &c, within the Scots Episcopal Church, Brechin, 1796- 1819. Kept by Rev. George Straton. (Scot- tish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 96-100, 152-157, 198-207.) CPA Argyll. • The commissariot of Argyll. Register of inventories. 1693-1702. Edited by Francis J. Grant. Edinburgh: J. Skin- ner & Co., 1909. 2 p.l., 52 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 44.) ARCA The commissariot record of Ar- gyle. Register of testaments, 1674-1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edin- burgh: Scottish Record Society, 1902. 2 p.l., 48 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 18.) ARCA Banks, Sir Thomas Christopher. Baro- nia Anglica concentrata; or, A concen- trated account of all the baronies common- ly called baronies in fee., .also, a glossary of dormant English, Scotch, and Irish peer- age titles, with reference to presumed ex- isting heirs [and appendix]. Ripon, 1843-44. 2v. 4°. fARN Brechin. The commissariot record of Brechin. Register of testaments, 1576- 1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1902. 2 p.l., 147 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 19.). ARCA Broun, Sir Richard. Address... as to the right of the eldest sons of the baronets of Scotland and Nova Scotia (being of age) to the dignity of knighthood. Lon- don, 1840. 8°. Broun, Robert. Protocol book of Rob- ert Broun. [Edited by Rev. Walter Mac- leod.] (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeo- logical Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1894- 1895. 4°. v. 7, p. 98-216; v. 8, p. 1-217; v. 9, p. 1-281,) tCPA Brown, James. The epitaphs and fnonu- mental inscriptions in Greyfriars church- yard, Edinburgh. Collected by James Brown. With an introduction [by David Laing] and notes. Edinburgh: J. Moodie Miller, 1867. 2 p.l., lxxxiv, 360 p., 1 plan, 22 pi. 12°. ARS Bulloch, John Malcolm. The burials in the Snow churchyard, 1776-1876. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 148-151.) CPA A list of the Catholics buried in the Snow church- yard, Old Aberdeen, since 1776. A hindrance to genealogy. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4° v. 1, p. 46-47.) CPA Scotsmen in the Russian navy. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen 1902, sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 5.) CPA Burials in the abbey of Holyrood House. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8° v. 15, p. 92-98, 143-151, 214-227.) CPA Burnett, George. Mr. Joseph Foster and the Lyon Office. (Genealogist. London 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 294-303.) *R- Room 328 See also the anonymous article "Mr. Foster as a Scottish genealogist" in the Genealogist, v. 7. p 76-83, London, 1883. C. Scottish heraldry and genealogy. (Archaeological journal. London, 1891. 8°. v. 48, p. 426-433.) CA Caithness. The commissariot record of Caithness. Register of testaments, 1661- 1664. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1902. 2 p.l., 7 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 18.) ARCA This district comprises the counties of Caithness and Sutherland. Clouston, J. Storer. The odal families of Orkney. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1908-09. 8°. v. 1, p. 27-32; v. 2, p. 155- 162, 227-234.) CR Cokayne, George Edward, editor. See Complete, The, peerage of England, Scot- land, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Collection of epitaphs and monumental inscriptions, chiefly in Scotland. Glas- gow: D. Macvean, 1834. iv, 369 p., 1 pi. 12°. ARS Contains a reprint of the Edinburgh 1704 ed. of Monteith's An theater of Mortality. Collection of the wills of printers and booksellers in Edinburgh between the years 1577 and 1687. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 185-296.) tCP Complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant... Edited by G. E. C. London: W. Pollard & Co., 1887-98. 8v. 8°. *R- Room 328 New edition, revised and much enlarged, edited by the Hon. Vicary Gibbs. v. i. London: St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1910. 4°. *R Copy, A, of a letter from a gentleman at London, to a lord at Edinburgh, concern- ing the Scots peerage. (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1814. 4°. v. 12, p. 606-609.) t C With reference to the proposed alteration in the' representation of the Scottish peerage. , LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 561 Genealogy — General Works, continued. The commissariot record of Edin- burgh. Register of testaments. Edited by- Francis James Grant, part 1-3. Edin- burgh: the society, 1897-99. 8°. (British Record Society. Index Library, v. 16. Scottish Record Society, parts 1, 2, 4-7.) ARCA Part 1, v. 1-35 (1514-1600). Part 2, v. 35-81 (1601-1700). Part 3. v. 81-131 (1701-1800). Corbet, Sir William. Protocol book of Sir-W. Corbet, 1529-1555. Edited by J. Anderson and W. Angus. Edinburgh: the society, 1911. 2 p.l., 34 p. 4°. (Scottish Record Society. Publications, part 53.) ARCA Craigie, William Alexander. Some Dun- dee epitaphs. By W. A. C. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 82-83.) CPA Dallas, James. The honorific "The." (Scottish historical reveiw. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 39-46.) CPA On "the," prefixed to Scottish names as "The Mackintosh," etc. See also additional note by Sir Herbert Maxwell, p. 230-231. Dobie, John Shedden. Mason's protocol book. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeo- logical Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1889. 4°. v. 6, p. 129-208.) t CPA Dumfries. The commissariot record of Dumfries. Register of testaments, 1624- 1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1902. iv, 92 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.! part 20.) ARCA Dunblane. The commissariot record of Dunblane. Register of testaments. 1539- 1800. Edited .by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1903. iv, 181 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 21.) ARCA Duncan, Andrew. Elogiorum sepulchra- lium Edinensium delectus. Monumental inscriptions, selected from burial-grounds at Edinburgh. Edinburgh : Archibald Con- stable and Co., 1815. xii, (1)10-108 p. 8°. ARS Dunfermline. Parish registers of Dun- fermline. 1561-1700. Edited by H. Paton. Edinburgh: the society, 1911. 96 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. Publications. part 53.) ARCA Dunkeld. The commissariot record of Dunkeld. Register of testaments, 1682- 180O. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1903. iv, 54 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 22.) ARCA Durness. Parish register of Durness, 1764-1814. Edited by H. Morrison. Edin- burgh: the society, 1911. 77 p. 4°. (Scot- tish Record Society. Publications, part 54.) ARCA Edinburgh. The commissariot of Edin- burgh. Consistorial processes and de- creets, 1658-1800. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: J. Skinner & Company, 1909. 2 P.L, 147 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 47.) ARCA The register of apprentices of the city of Edinburgh, 1583-1666. Edited by Francis J. Grant. Edinburgh: J. Skinner & Co., 1906. 2 p.l., 206 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 35.) ARCA The register of marriages for the parish of Edinburgh, 1701-1750. Edited by Rev. H. Paton. Edinburgh: J. Skinner & Company, 1908-10. iv, 606 p. 8°. (Scot- tish Record Society. [Publications.] part 42-43, 45-46, 48.) ARCA Elibank (5. baron), Patrick Murray. Considerations on the present state of the peerage of Scotland, addressed to... the duke of Buccleugh. By a peer of Scot- land [i. e., Patrick Murray, 5. Lord Eli- bank]. London: T. Cadell, 1771. 2 p.l., 7- 30 p. 8°. ARO p.box 1 Etzel, Eric E. Notes on Swedo-Scottish families. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 268-277.) CPA Clerk, Hay, Maule, Montgomery, Murray, Nis- beth, Seton, Sinclair, Spens. Extracts from the publick records con- cerning the creations and patents of several Scotts peers, both extant and extinct. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 380-389.) ARF Extracts from the register of births, &c, of the city of Aberdeen from 1563 to 1592. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 267-286.) CP Extracts from the register of births, &c, of 8 the city of Aberdeen from 1603 to 1622. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 287-288.) CP Fischer, Thomas A. The Scot in Ger- many: being a contribution towards the history of the Scot abroad. Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1902. vi p., 1 1., 324 p., 3 port. 8°. CP The Scots in eastern and western Prussia. A sequel to 'The Scot in Ger- many.' Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1903. xii, 244 p., 1 map, 3 pi., 6 port. 8°. CP The Scots in Sweden, being a con- tribution towards the history of the Scot abroad. Edited with an introductory note by John Kirkpatrick. Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1907. x, 278 p., 1 port. 8°. CP Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 5, p. 240, Glasgow, 1908. 562 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — General Works, continued. Foster, Joseph. Members of Parliament, Scotland, including the minor barons, the commissioners for the shires, and the com- missioners for the burghs, 1357-1882; on the basis of the parliamentary return 1880, with genealogical and biographical notices. London: privately printed by Hazell, Wat- son, & Viney, 1882. xviii, 360 p. 2. ed. rev. 4°. CP Gaw, Sir Alexander. Protocol book of Sir Alexander Gaw, 1540-1558. Edited by J. Anderson and W. Angus. Edinburgh: the society, 1910. 2 p.l., 65 p. 4°. (Scot- tish Record Society. Publications, part 51.) ARCA Glasgow. The commissariot record of Glasgow. Register of testaments, 1547- 1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1901. iv, 547 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] parts 9-13.) ARCA Grant, Francis James. Index to geneal- ogies, birthbriefs and funeral escutcheons recorded in the Lyon Office. Edinburgh: J. Skinner & Co., printers, 1908. 2 p.l., 58 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publi- cations.] part 40.) ARCA Index to the register of burials in the churchyard of Restalrig. 1728-1854. Edinburgh: J. Skinner & Co., printers, 1908. 2 p.l., 71 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 41.) ARCA Hamilton and Campsie. The commis- sariot record of Hamilton and Campsie. Register of testaments, 1564-1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: Brit- ish Record Society, Limited — Scottish Section, 1898. iv, 85 p. 8°. (Scottish Rec- ord Society. [Publications.] part 3.) ARCA Hanna, Charles A. The Scotch-Irish; or, The Scot in north Britain, north Ire- land, and North America. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. 2 v. 8°. IEG Henderson, John Alexander. Aberdeen- shire epitaphs and inscriptions: with his- torical, biographical, genealogical, and an- tiquarian notes. By J. A. Henderson, v. 1. Aberdeen: printed for the subscribers [at the Aberdeen Daily Journal Office], 1907. x p., 1 1., 555 p., 8 pi. illus. sq. 8°. ARX Hewlett, William Oxenham. Notes on dignities in the peerage of Scotland, which are dormant or which have been forfeited. London: Wildy & Sons, 1882. 223 p. 8°. ARL A review, pointing out a serious defect of this work, namely, that the dicta of English law lords are the primary or only sources of information re- farding the principles which regulated the law of cotland regarding dignities, is published in The Genealogist, v. 7, p. 47-51, London, 1883. Holyroodhouse. Parish of Holyrood- house or Canongate. Register of mar- riages, 1564-1800. (Abbey-Gray.) Edin- burgh: the society, 1911-13. 208 p. 4°, (Scottish Record Society. Publications part 55, 60.) ARCA Title from cover. Hunter, Thomas. Woods, forests, and estates of Perthshire, with sketches of the principal families in the county. Perth: Henderson, Robertson, & Hunter, 1883 xvi, 563(1) p., 1 pi. 12°. CR Hunter, William. Biggar and the house of Fleming. An account of the Biggar dis- trict, archaeological, historical and topo- graphical. Edinburgh: Wm. Paterson 1867. xii, 623 p., 6 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR Inqvisitionvm ad capellam domini regis retornatarvm, quae in publicis archivis Scotiae adhuc servantvr, abbrevatio. [Ed- ited by Thomas Thomson.] n. p., 1811-16 3 v. f °. ft ARF v. 1. Aberdeen — 'Orkney and Shetland. v. 2. Peebles — Wigton. v. 3. Indices nominum et locorum. Inverness. The commissariot record of Inverness. Register of testaments, 1630- 1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: British Record Society, Lim- ited — Scottish Section, 1897. 3 p.l., 32 p. 8°. (British Record Society. Index libra- ry, v. 20.) ARCA Irving, Joseph. The west of Scotland in history: being brief notes concerning events, family traditions, topography, and institutions. Glasgow: Robert Forrester, 1885. viii, 359 p. sq. 8°. CP no. 138 of 500 copies printed. Contains notes on: Corehouse and the Cran- stouns; Auchinleck and the Boswells; Mures of Caldwell; Cathcart and its earls; Steuarts of Coltness and Allanton; Carnwath and the Lockharts of Lee; Kelburne, Hawkhead, and earls of Glasgow; Dun- dcmald and its earls; Coilsfield and the Montgome- ries; earldom of Carrick; Lockharts of Milton- Lock- hart; the Stewarts and Shaw-Stewarts; Pollok and the Maxwells; the great Douglas cause; Montrose family descent and possessions; Montrose peerage contest; Cumbernauld and the Flemings; Cumbernauld and the Elphinstones; Spreulls of Glasgow; Herries peer- age; Drumlanrig and the Douglases; Scotts of Buc- cleuch; Fullartons of Fullarton. Isles, The. The commissariot record of the Isles. Register of testaments, 1661- 1800. Edited by Francis J. Grant. Edin- burgh: Scottish Record Society, 1902. 2 p.l., 10 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] Part 18.) ARCA Jervise, Andrew. Epitaphs & inscrip- tions from burial grounds & old buildings in the north east of Scotland, with histori- cal, biographical, genealogical, and anti- quarian notes, also an appendix of illustra- tive papers. With a memoir of the author. [Edited by James Anderson.] Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1875-79. 2 v. 1 pi., 1 port, illus. sq. 8°. ARF v. 1 is no. 92 of 250 copies printed; v. 2 is no. 11 of 400 copies printed. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 563 Genealogy — General Works, continued. Johnston, Alfred Wintle. Orkney and Shetland visitations. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 40-4S.) CR 1. Irwin, Chalderness, Tingwall. Robertson of Newbigging, Orkney. Jurisdiction in Scottish peerages. [Edin- burgh, 1883. 22S-244 p. 8°. * C p.v.527 Title-page wanting. Repr. : Journal of jurisprudence ana Scottish law magazine. Kearsley's complete peerage of England, Scotland and Ireland, together with an ex- tinct peerage of the three kingdoms, list of all their family names, titles of elder sons, &c... London: C. & G. Kearsley [1794?,. 2v. 12°. ARK Kilbarchan. Index to the register of marriages and baptisms in the parish of Kilbarchan, 1649-1772. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: the society, 1912. iv, 140 p. 4°. (Scottish Record Society. Pub- lications, part 58.) ARCA • Kirkcudbright. The commissariot re- cord of Kirkcudbright. Executory papers, 1663-1800. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edin- burgh: Scottish Record Society, 1903. 1 p.l., 29(1) p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 22.) ARCA Laing, David. A catalogue of the gradu- ates in the faculties of arts, divinity and law, of the University of Edinburgh, since its foundation. Edinburgh, 1858. 8 . STK A note on the subject of protocol books as connected with public records. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 350-353.) CPA Lanark. The commissariot record of Lanark. Register of testaments, 1595-1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edin- burgh: Scottish Records Society, 1903. iv, 120 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Pub- lications.] part 24.) ARCA Lauder. The commissariot record of Lauder. Register of testaments, 1561-1800. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: Scot- tish Record Society, 1903. 1 p.l., 50 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 23.) ARCA Lea, James Henry. Genealogical re- search in England, Scotland and Ireland. A handbook for the student. Boston, Mass.: the author, 1906. 2 p.l., 3-112 p., 1 map. 12°. ARD Leith, William Forbes. The Scots men- at-arms and life guards in France from their formation until their final dissolution. A.D. 1418-1730. With etched plates by... H. de Grandmaison. Edinburgh: W. Pat- erson, 1882. 2 v. 4°. VWZK no. 160 of 312 copies printed. Lindsay, William Alexander. Dukes, earls, and maormars. (Genealogist. Lon- don, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 64-71.) / * R - Room 328 The Scottish nobility. (Genealo- gist. London, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 122-124.) * R - Room 328 List of creations of lords of parliament since that dignity came to be constitute by letters patent. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 393-398.) ARF List of patents granted to lord viscounts since the erection of that honour by King James 6th anno 1603. (In: Walter Mac- farlane, Genealogical collections . . . Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 390-392.) ARF List of the Scottish officers under Gus- tavus Adolphus, king of Sweden. (Spottis- j woode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. j v. 2, p. 381-384.) ZDVH j Lockhart, Ephraim. Statement with reference to knights baronets of Nova Scotia, their creations, privileges, and terri- torial rights of property in that colony... [By Ephrain Lockhart.] With an appendix. Edinburgh: Wm. Tait, 1831. 36 p. 8°. ARO Lovat-Fraser, J. A. The old Scottish aristocracy. (Antiquary. London, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 10-13.) CA Macdonald, Archibald. .Parish of Kiltar- lity and Convinth. Territorial families, from 1400 to 1815. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1907- 10. 8°. v. 25, p. 149-179; v. 26, p. 202-229.) NDO Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Gil- liechattan lands in Lochaber, 1633-1663. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 465-472.) * DE Letters of two centuries chiefly connected with Inverness and the High- lands, from 1616 to 1815. Edited and each introduced with explanatory and illustra- tive remarks, by Ch. Fraser-Mackintosh. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1890. xv, 402 p. 8°. ARF Mackintosh, John. Historic earls and earldoms of Scotland. Aberdeen: W. Jolly & Sons [1898.] xx, (1)18-356 p. 12°. ARF 1. Earldom and earls of Mar. 2. Earldom and earls of Buchan. 3. Earldom and earls of Huntly. 4. Earldom and earls of Erroll. 5. Keiths, great marischals of Scotland, and earl marischals. 6. Earl- dom and earls of Findlater, and Seafield. Malcolm, C. A. The baronets of Scot- land and Nova Scotia. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 333-344.) SEA 564 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — General Works, continued. Marshall, George William. The genealo- gist's guide to printed pedigrees, being a general search through genealogical, topo- graphical, and biographical works relating to the United Kingdom, together with ref- erences to family histories, peerage claims, etc. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1879. 514 p. 8°. ARF Guildford: the author, 1903. xiii, 880 p. 8°. * R - Room 328 Melrose. Melrose parish register of baptisms, proclamations of marriages, and minutes of session [Aug. 28th, 1642] — 7th September, 1806. Edited by C. S. Ro- manes. Edinburgh: the society, 1912. 368 p. 4°. (Scottish Record Society. Publi- cations, part 56, 59.) ARCA Title from covers. Millar, Alexander Hastie. Bishop Nor- ie's Dundee baptismal register, 1722-26. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 73-82.) CPA Miscellaneous executory papers pre- served in H. M. Register House, 1481-1740. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: Scot- tish Record Society, 1904. 8 p. 8°. (Scot- tish Record Society. [Publications.] part 28.) ARCA Modern traditions of ancient pedigrees. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 189-194.) * DA Moray. The commissariot record of Moray. Register of testaments, 1684-1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edin- burgh: Scottish Record Society, 1904. 2 p.l., 29 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 25.) ARCA Morris, Thomas. The provosts of Meth- ven: biographical notices of the provosts, with charters and other documents relat- ing to the provostry. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1875. viii, 123 p. 4°. tCR Munro, Alexander Macdonald. Epitaphs and inscriptions in St. Nicholas church and churchyard, plates. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-96. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 18-19, 38-39, 50-53, 69-72, 87-89, 101-104, 118-120, 133-134, 153-155, 172-173, 195-197; v. 2, p. 7-10, 22-24, 36-39, 53-56, 68-70, 86- 87, 102-104, 137-139, 149-150, 166-168, 182- 184; v. 3, p. 8-10, 21-22, 35-37, 71-72, 84-88, 118-120, 134-135, 153-155, 161-163, 181-183; v. 4, p. 43-46, 65-66, 108-109, 210-211, 228- 230; v. 7, p. 4-5; v. 8, p. 86-87, 98-100, 119- 121, 147-148; v. 9, p. 97-98, 151-152.) CPA Portraits in possession of Robert Gordon's College. 2 port. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 113-115.) CPA A private register of baptisms. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 180-182.) CPA Aberdeen, 1687-1698. Muthill, Perthshire. The transcript of the register of baptisms, Muthill, Perth- shire, from A.D. 1697-1847, now in the cus- tody of the incumbent and vestry of St. James' Episcopal Church, Muthill; edited by the Rev. A. W. Cornelius Hallen. Edin- burgh: printed for subscribers by Neill and Co., 1887. 2 p.l., (i viii-xv(i), 204 p. 4° ARX Bookplate of William Bruce Bannerman. Napier, Mark. Tradition. The Thirle- stane murder; a pendant to the Wigtown martyrdom. (Genealogist. London, 1877 8°. v. 1, p. 194-201.) *R- Room 328 Newly, A, invented chronological chart of Scotish baronets... Engraved to ac- company... a work on British family an- tiquity by William Playfair. [London? 18-?, 38x27 in. ft ARM Officers and graduates of University & King's College, Aberdeen, mvd-mdccclx. Edited by Peter John Anderson. Aber- deen: New Spalding Club, 1893. xviii p., 1 1., 399 p., 3 pi., 1 port. 4°. (New Spald- ing Club.) fCP Old Edinburgh registers. — Marriages, 1595-1600. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1895-96. 8°. v. 9, p. 70-72, 140-142, 170-172; v. 10, p. 34-38, 88-90.) CPA Orkney. The commissariot record of Orkney and Shetland. Register of testa- ments. Parti. — Orkney, 1611-1684. Part ii— Shetland, 1611-1649. Edited by Fran- cis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Re- cord Society, 1904. 2 p.l., 77 p. 8°. (Scot- tish Record Society. [Publications.] part 25.) ARCA Commissariot records of Orkney. Register of inventories. Extracted by Al- fred Wintle Johnston. (Old-lore miscel- lany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 51- 55, 173-175, 245-249.) CR Orkney and Shetland portraits. 11 port. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908- 09. 8°. v. 1, p. 258, 310-311; v. 2, p. 38-39.) CR 1-2. Moodies of Melsetter. 3. Bruce of Sum- burgh. Robertson of Newbigging. Peebles. The commissariot record of Peebles. Register of testaments, 1681-1699. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: Scot- tish Record Society, 1902. 2 p.l., 13 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part. 18.) ARCA This district comprises the counties of Peebles, Roxburgh and Selkirk. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 565 Genealogy — General Works, continued. Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ire- land; or, The ancient and present state of the nobility. London: W. Owen, 1790. 3 v. pi. 8°. ARK Present, The, state of the Scots nobility. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1914. 8°. v. 11, p. 162-177.) NDK Records of the Scots colleges at Douai, Rome, Madrid, Valladolid, and Ratisbon. v. 1. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1906. 4°. (New Spalding Club. [Publications.]) tCP no. 350 of 500 copies printed. Register of burgesses of burgh of Aber- deen, 1399-1631. [With] Introduction to Register of burgesses [by Alexander Mac- donald Munro, [and] Note on names in Register of burgesses [by James Moirj. (New Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aber- deen, 1890. 4°. v. 1, p. xv-liv, 1-162.) f CP Register of burials in the Chapel Royal or abbey of Holyroodhouse. 1706-1900. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1900. 31 p., 1 1. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 12.) ARCA Reprinted from the Scottish antiquary. Register of interments in the Grey- friars burying-ground, Edinburgh, 1658- 1700. Edited by Henry Paton... Edin- burgh: printed for the Scottish Record So- ciety, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 722 p., 1 plan. 8°. ARCA Riddell, John. Additional remarks upon the question of the Lennox or Rusky rep- resentation, and other topics, in answer to the author of "History of the partition of the Lennox". . . Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1835. xxvii(i), 151 p. 8°. ARZ Remarks upon Scotch peerage law, as connected with certain points in the late case of the earldom of Devon; to which are added, desultory observations upon the nature and descent of Scotch peerages, &c. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1833. xii, 205 p. 8°. ARO Tracts, legal and historical, with other antiquarian matter chiefly relative to Scotland. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1835. x, 224 p. 8°. CP Reviewed in Gentleman's magazine, new series, v. 4, part 2, p. 53-57, London, 1835. Robertson, Joseph. Notices of two bills introduced into the last Parliament of Scot- land, the one for the registration of births, baptisms, marriages, and burials; the other, for the. establishment of a system of free trade. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 313-317.) CPA Roll, The, of arms of the princes, barons, and knights who attended King Edward i. to the seige of Caerlaverock, in 1300; edited from the original manuscript in the British Museum, with a translation and notes, by Thomas Wright. London: J. C. Hotten, 1864. viii, 39 p., col'd 5 pi. 4°. f AWN For a critical notice of this work see the Herald and genealogist, v. 2, p. 377-392, London, 1865. Ros, Gavin. Protocol book of Gavin Ros, 1512-1532. Edited by J. Anderson and F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: J. Skinner & Co., 1908. 2 p.L, 278 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 36-39.) ARCA Ross, Andrew. [List of heritors of Ross- shire who took the test in 1685.] (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 38-40.) CPA Royal descents: Scottish records. 1-2. Walton-on-Thames: C. A. Bernau, 1908. 97 (1) p. 24°. (The genealogist's pocket library, v. 3.) APB 2. Johnson (J. B.). The Scottish records. St. Andrews. The commissariot record of St. Andrews. Register of testaments, 1549-1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: the society, 1902. iv, 422 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications!] part 14-17.) ARCA St. Clair, Roland. Orcadiana. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 176-180, 243-245.) CR Abstracts of Orkney and Shetland deeds. Scots, The, in Sweden. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 135.) CPA Scott, S. H. An ancient Scottish settle- ment in Hesse. (The Ancestor. London, 1904. 4°. no. 10, p. 70-72.) f ARA Scottish, The, nation in the University of Orleans, 1336-1538. Edited by John Kirkpatrick, LL.D. 3 fac, 2 pi. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 45-102.) CPA Scottish, The, peerage. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-27.) * DA Shetland. The commissariot record of Orkney and Shetland. Register of testa- ments. Part i. — Orkney, 1611-1684. Part ii. — Shetland, 1611-1649. Edited by Fran- cis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1904. 2 p.L, 77 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 25.) ARCA Simpson, Henry Fife Morland. The Scotch and English in east Prussia. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901-02. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 177-179; series 2, v. 3, p. 19-20.) CPA Sinclair, Alexander. Dissertation upon "heirs male," when used as a clause of re- mainder in grants of Scotch peerages; with 566 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — General Works, continued. some incidental discussions. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1837. xii, 147 p. 8°. ARO Sinclair, George A. Scotsmen serving the Swede. 3 port. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 37-51.) CPA Steuart, A. Francis. The exclusion of apparent heirs in Scottish peerages. (Jur- idical review. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 285-296.) SEA Scots in Poland. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 524-525.) CPA Scots in Rome in 1597. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 219-220.) CPA Scottish influences in Russian his- tory, from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 19th century. . . Glas- gow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1913. xviii, 141(1) p., 2 pi., 1 table. 12°. GLP The Scottish "nation" at the Uni- versity of Padua. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 53-62.) CPA Scottish officers in Sweden. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 191-196.) CPA Visitations and portraits. 4 port. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 84-89.) CR Stevenson, John Home. Family por- traits. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 76-84.) CPA ■ The Scottish peerage. 3 pi. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 1-13.) CPA Stirling, The commissariot record of Stirling. Register of testaments, 1607-1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edin- burgh: Scottish Record Society, 1904. iv, 177 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society, pub- lications.] parts 26-27.) ARCA Stocquart, Smile. Les Flamands en ficosse au moyen age et l'origine des comtes de Douglas. (Societe d'archeologie de Bruxelles. Annales. Bruxelles, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 5-15.) GBA Stodart, Robert Riddle. Funeral proces- sions in Scotland, with notes on those of the family of Kerr. [By R. R. Stodart.] (Genealogist. London, 1877. 8°. v. 1, p. 138-147.) *R- Room 328 Straton, George. A register of births, marriages, and deaths, etc., within the Scots Episcopal Church, Brechin, 1796- 1819. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899-1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 96-100, 152-157, 198- 207.) CPA Torphichen. Register of baptisms, proc- lamations, marriages and mortcloth dues contained in kirk-session records of the parish of Torphichen, 1673-1714. Edited by J. Macleod. Edinburgh: the society, 1911. 35 p. 4°. (Scottish Record Society. Pub- lications, part 52.) ARCA Visitations and portraits. (Old-lore mis- cellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2 p 152-154, 202-207; v. 3, p. 95-97; v. 5, p. 164- 166.) C R Baron Rosenkrantz and the Shetland Mouats, by Gilbert Goudie. Elphinstones of Lopness, Orkney. William Steuart. Leask of Aglath, Orkney. Sands of Swanbister Orphir. By A. W. Johnston. James King, Lord Eythin. Walkley, Thomas. Catalogve of the no- bility of England, Scotland, and Ireland, ...collected by T. W. [anon.] London, 1630. 4°. (12°.) CI Wallace, George. The nature and de- scent of ancient peerages, connected with the state of Scotland, the origin of tenures, the succession of fiefs, and the constitution of Parliament, in that country... Edin- burgh: T. Cadell and C. Elliot, 1785. viii, 9-520 p. 2. ed. 8°. AWO Wigtown. The commissariot record of Wigtown. Testaments, 1700-1800. Edited by Francis James Grant. Edinburgh: Scot- tish Record Society, 1904. 1 p.l., 17 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. [Publications.] part 28.) ARCA Collected Genealogy Anderson, William. The Scottish na- tion; or, The surnames, families, literature, honours, and biographical history of the people of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Fullar- ton & Co., 1866. 3 v. pi., port. 4°. *R-AGH Davidson, John. Inverurie and the earl- dom of Garioch. A topographical and his- torical account of the Garioch from the earliest times to the Revolution settlement, with a genealogical appendix of Garioch families... Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1878. xxi(l) p., 1 1., 593 p., 1 pi. 8°. CR Dixon, Bernard Homer. The Border or riding clans, followed by a history of the clan Dickson... Albany: J. Munsell's Sons, 1889. 3 p.l., 223(1) p. sq. 8°. ARZ Douglas, Sir Robert. The baronage of Scotland; containing, an historical and genealogical account of the gentry, of that kingdom... [By Sir Robert Douglas.] Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1798. 1 pi, xi, 623 p. f°. ffARK Only the first volume of this work was pub- lished, the author dying before the work was com- pleted. The ms. materials for the second volume are now in the Advocates Library, Edinburgh, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 567 Genealogy — Collected Genealogy, continued. The peerage of Scotland: contain- ing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom, from their origin to the present generation. . . 2. ed. revised and corrected, with a continuation to the present period, by J. P. Wood. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1813. 2 v. f°. Stuart 1250 and * R - Room 328 The two copies of this work in the library have each the extra sheet (sig. * 9D) containing an ac- count of the family of Middleton. Drummond, John. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill [by John Drummond] . . . With an introductory account of the history and antiquities of that family and of the neighbouring clans. [Edited by James MacKnight.j Edinburgh, 1842. lvii, 30 p., 1 I., 412 p., 1 port. sq. 4°. (Maitland Club.) fCP Genealogies of the Highland clans, ex- tracted from ancient Gaelic mss., with translation and notes by William F. Skene. (Collectanea de rebus Albanicis. Edin- burgh, 1847. 8°. p. 50-62, 357-362.) CP Grant, Francis James. Zetland family histories. Compiled from public records and other sources. Lerwick: T. & J. Man- son, 1907. 2 p.l., iii(i), 343 p., 1 pi. sm. 4°. ARX A revised and enlarged edition of his Zetland county families, published in 1893. Henderson, John. Caithness family his- tory. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1884. xxxi, 341 p. sq. 8°. ARX Highland papers. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. v. 1. Edinburgh: University Press, 1914. 8°. (Scottish History Soci- ety. Publications, new series, v. 5.) CP 1. History of the Macdonalds? Macnaughton of that ilk. 3. A succinct account of the family of Calder. 4. Papers relating to the murder of the laird of Calder. S. Genealogy of the Macras. 6. Papers relating to the Macleans of Duart, 1670- 1680. Irving, Joseph. The history of Dum- bartonshire, civil, ecclesiastical, and terri- torial; with genealogical notices of the principal families in the county... Dun- barton: the author, 1860. xx, 616 p., 4 fac, 2 maps, 5 pi., 2 port., 4 tables. 2. ed. 4°. fCR . The families dealt with include Smollet of Bon- hill, Colquhoun of Luss, Macfarlane of Arrochar, M'Aulay of Ardincaple, Dennistoun of Colgrain, etc. Johnstone, Miss C. L. The historical families of Dumfriesshire and the Border wars. Dumfries: Anderson & Son [1889]. vii, 213 p., 1 pi. 2. ed. 12°. CR Macfarlane, Walter. Genealogical col- lections concerning families in Scotland, made by W. M., 1750-1751. Edited from the original manuscript in the Advocates Library by James Toshach Clark. Edin- burgh: Scottish History Society, 1900. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publica- tions, v. 33-34.) ARF MacKerlie, Peter Handyside. History of the lands and their owners in Galloway . . . With a historical sketch of the district. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1870-79. 5 v. 12°. ARX Maclean, John. Historical and tradi- tional sketches of Highland families and of the Highlands, new ed. with addenda — Inverness in the olden time, and notes. In- verness: John Noble, 1895. 5 p.l., 187 p. 12°. ARF Macphail, James Robert Nicolson, edi- tor. See Highland papers. Maidment, James. Collectanea genealo- gica. [By James Maidment.] Edinburgh: privately printed, 1883. 1 p.l., v., 172 p. 4°. ARF no. 11 of 69 copies printed. An important series of papers, relating to (among many others) the earldoms of Annandale, Caithness, Crawford, Stirling, Airlie, Sutherland, Perth, Win- ton; baronies of St. Clair, Ross, Borthwick, Lovat, Herries, etc. Mair, Thomas. Records of the parish of Ellon. Aberdeen: A Brown & Co., 1876. vii(i), 172 p. 8°. ARX Peter, David MacGregor. The baronage of Angus and Mearns. Comprising the genealogy of three hundred and sixty fami- lies — curious anecdotes — descriptions of clan tartans, badges, slogans, armory, and seats — ancient sculptures, &c... Edin- burgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1856. xii p., 1 1., 384 p. 8°. ARX The circulation of this work was suppressed. The author's candid speaking gave offence to many families. Reid, John Eaton. History of the county of Bute, and families connected therewith. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1864. 3 p.l., 288 p., 1 map. 8°. CR Robertson, George. A genealogical ac- count of the principal families in Ayrshire, more particularly in Cunninghame. Irvine: Cunninghame Press, 1823-25. 3 v. 16° Stuart 8437 Titles in v. 2 and 3 include Kyle. Topographical description of Ayr- shire; more particularly of Cunninghame; together with a genealogical account of the principal families in that bailiwick. Irvine: Cunninghame Press, 1820. xii, 13- 442. p., 1 map. f°. ft CR Rogers, Charles. Four Perthshire fami- lies: Roger, Playfair, Constable and Hal- dane of Barmony. Edinburgh: privately printed [by T. & A. Constable], 1887. vi p., 1 1., 137 p. sq. 8°. ARX One of 125 copies printed. Scots, The, peerage founded on Wood's edition of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, containing an historical and 568 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Collected Genealogy, continued. genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom. Edited by Sir James Balfour Paul. . . With armorial illustrations. Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1904-14. 9 v. 8°. ARO v. 9 contains addenda et corrigenda and index. Sinclair, A. Maclean. Argyllshire clans. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-340.) NDK The Maclachlans. The Macnaughtons. The Maceacherns. The MacCouls of Craignish. The MacCouls of Barrichibean. The MacCallums of Poltalloch. The Macivers. Taylor, James. The great historic fami- lies of Scotland. London: J. S. Virtue & Co. [1887.] 2 v. 4°. ARF v. 1: Introduction; the ancient earldom of Mar; the earldom of Menteith; the Douglases; the Angus Douglases; the Keiths; the Setons; the Ruthvens of Gowrie; the Crichtons of Frendraught; the Mack- enzies of Seaforth; the Mackenzies of Cromartie; the Hamiltons; the Hamilton-Douglases; the Camp- bells of Argyll; the Campbells of Loudoun; the Campbells of Breadalbane; the Campbells of Cawdor; the Leslies; the Leslies of Rothes; the Leslies of Leven; the Leslies of Newark; the Ramsays; the Maules; the Lauderdale Maitlands; the Homes; the Marchmont Humes. v. 2: The Maxwells; the Johnstones of Annan- dale; the Stewarts of Traquair; the Drummonds; the Strathallan Drummonds; the Erskines; the Erskines of Buchan and Cardross; the Erskines of Kellie; the Grahams; Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch; the Grahams of Esk, Netherby, and Norton-Cony ers; the Scotts of Buccleuch; the Scotts of Harden; the Hepburns ; the Frasers of Lovat ; the Frasers of Philorth and Saltoun ; the Gordons ; the Gordons of Methlie and Haddo; the Gordons of Kenmure; the Gordons of Earlston, Gight, etc. ; the Hays of Errol; the Hays of Tweed-dale; the Hays of Kinnoul; the Maclellans of Kirkcudbright. Addenda: Earldom of Menteith; the Angus Doug- lases ; the last earl of Wintoun ; the Campbells of Argyll; the two beautiful Gunnings; the Lauder- dale Maitlands; the Erskines of Kellie; the family of the Hays. Temple, William. The thanage of Fer- martyn, including the district commonly called Formartine, its proprietors, with genealogical deductions, its parishes, min- isters, churches, churchyards, antiquities, &c. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1894. xvi, 710 p., 1 L, 1 port. 4°. ARX Aberdeen, Earls of Burke, Sir John Bernard. The Aber- deen romance. (In, his: Rise of great fami- lies. London, 1873. 8°. p. 155-181.) ARF Lindsay, William Alexander. Earls of Aberdeen. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage . . . Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 82-99 ) ARO Abeenethy Family See also Saltoun, Lords • Paul, Sir James Balfour. The Abernethy pedigree. (Genealogist. London, 1902. 8° v. 18, p. 16-25, 73-78.) *R- Room 328 See also note in same vol., p. 208. Wallace- James, J. G. The Abernethy family. (Genealogist. Exeter, 1901. 8°. new series, v. 17, p. 150-152.) * R - Room 328 Aboyne, Earls and Viscounts of Lindsay, William Alexander. Gordon, earl of Aboyne. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, o 102-105.) ARO ■ Gordon, viscount of Aboyne. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 101. ARO Gordon, Viscount Melgum and Lord Aboyne. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 100.) ARO Adam Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Adam of Mary- burgh. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 255-257.) ft ARK Stodart, Rob art Riddle. Adam of Mary- burgh. By S * * * (Herald and genealo- gist. London, 1874. 8°. v. 8, p. 129-135.) * R - Room 328 Adie Family Individual Families Abercorn, Earls of Burtchaell, G. D. Hamilton, earl of Abercorn. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage ... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 37-74.) ARO Abercrombie, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Sandilands, Lord Abercrombie. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v .1, p. 75-81.) ARO Abercromby Family See under Glassfoord, Lords Grant, Francis James. The family of Adie. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 1-5.) ARX Agnew Family Agnew, Sir Andrew. The Agnews of Lochnaw. A history of the hereditary sheriffs of Galloway, with contemporary anecdotes, traditions, and genealogical no- tices of old families of the sheriffdom 1330 to 1747. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1864. 4 p.L, vii-xxii, 646 p., 1 p. errata., 3 pi. 8°. CR The hereditary sheriffs of Gallo- way... with notes on the early history, LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 569 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. ecclesiastical legends, the baronage and place names of the province. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1893. 2 v. 8°. CP Reviewed (by F. H. Groome) in The Athenaum, 16 Sept, 1893, p. 382. Aikman Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Aikman of Cairny, Rosse, and Brambleton. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 441-442.) ttARK Ainslie Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Ainslie of Pilton, now representative of the Ainslies of Dolphington. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 300-302.) ttARK Airlie, Earls of Steuart, A. Francis. Ogilvy, earl of Airlie. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 106-132.) ARO Airth, Earls of Cook, William Bowie. Graham, earl of Airth. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 133-145.) ARO Albany, Dukes of Grant, Francis James. Stewart, duke of Albany. (In: The Scots peerage. . . Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°, v. 1, p. 146-155.) ARO Alexander Family See under Stirling. Earls and Earldom of Earl of Angus. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 160- 166.) ARO The Celtic line. Stewart, earl of Angus. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v 1, p. 169-171.) ARO Umfraville, earl of Angus. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 167-168.) ARO Watson, G. W. The Umframvilles, earls of Angus and lords of Kyme. (Genealo- gist. Exeter, 1910. 8°. new series, v. 26, p. 193-211.) *R- Room 328 Annandale, Earls and Marquesses of Anderson, John. Johnstone, marquess of Annandale. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage . . . Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 230-271.) ARO Great Britain. — House of Lords. Case of Sir Frederick George Johnstone... claiming the titles, honors, and dignities of marquess of Annandale, earl of Annan- dale and Harfell, Viscount Annan, and Lord Johnstone of Lockwood, Lochmaben, Moffatdale, and Evandale. . . June 1834. London: C. Baldwin [1834]. 38 p., 3 1. f°. ttARZ Additional case... 1838. 83 p. r. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. The book of Annandale. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 159, p. 83-92.) * DA Murray, William. Murray, earl of An- nandale. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 214-229.) ARO Allison Family Morrison, Leonard Allison. The history of the Alison or Allison family in Europe and America, A.D. 1135 to 1893; giving an account of the family in Scotland. . .and the United States... Boston: Damrell & Upham, 1893. xvi, 312 p., 2 pi., 23 port. 8°. APV p. 1-39 deal with Allisons in Scotland. Altrie, Lords Macphail, J. R. N. Keith, Lord Altrie. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 156-159.) ARO Angus, Earls of Anderson, John. Douglas, earl of An- gus. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 172-213.) ARO Anstruther Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Anstruther of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 313-316.) ttARK Anstruther of Anstrutherfield, now of Innerkeithing. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 536.) ttARK Genealogy of the Anstruthers. (The English annual. London [1835j. 8°. 1835, p. 137-140.) NCA Arbuthnot Family Arbuthnot, The, papers. 1487-1681. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. xliii-xlv, 101-116.) tCP Arbuthnott, Viscounts of Arbuthnott (9. viscount), John Arbuth- nott. Report on the manuscripts at Ar- 570 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. buthnott House... co. of Kincardine. By W. Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Royal commission on historical manuscripts. Re- port [no.] 8. London, 1881. Appendix, 1, p. 297-304.) C Macphail, J. R. N. Arbuthnott, viscount of Arbuthnott. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 272- 317.) ARO Ardrossan Family Robertson, George. Ardrossan de Ar- drossan. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire . . . Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 9-13.) Stuart 8437 Argyll, Dukes of Campbell, Donald C. V. Campbell, duke of Argyll. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage . . . Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 318-393.) ARO Armstrong Family Armstrong, James Lewis. Chronicles of the Armstrongs. Edited by J. L. Arm- strong. New York: The Marion Press, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 407(1) p., 4 pi., 1 port. 4°. APV Deals mainly with the Scottish families of the name. Atholl, Dukes of Murray, Keith W. Murray, duke of Atholl. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 449-502.) ARO Atholl, Earls of Anderson, John. Campbell, earl of Atholl. (In: The Scots peerage... Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 434-435.) ..ARO Earls of Atholl. The Celtic earls. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 415-433.) ARO Stewart, earl of Atholl. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8° v. 1, p. 436-439.) ARO Fraser, William, editor. The manuscripts of the duke of Atholl, K. T., and of the Earl of Home. London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, prtrs., 1891. 2 p.L, 233 p. 8°. (Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. 12. report, appendix, part viii.) C Robertson, James A. Comitatus de Ath- olia. The earldom of Atholl: its boundar- ies stated. Also the extent therein of the possessions of the family of De Atholia and their descendants, the Robertsons. With proofs and map... [Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb,] 1860. 2 p.l., 82 p., 1 map. 8°. ARZ Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, earl of Atholl. (In: The Scots peerage... Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 440-448.) ARO Arnot Family Robertson, George. Arnot of Lochrig, now Arnot Stewart of Lochridge. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire. . . Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, P- 13-22.) Stuart 8437 Arran, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, earl of Arran. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 394-398.) ARO Aslois Family Robertson, George. Aslois of Aslois. (In his: Genealogical account of the prin- cipal families in Ayrshire . . . Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 22-23.) Stuart 8437 Aston of Forfar, Lords Harwood, H. W. Forsyth. Aston, Baron Aston of Forfar. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 399-414.) ARO Avandale, Lords See under Ochiltree, Lords Badenoch, Lords of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Comyn, Lord of Badenoch. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 503-510.) ARO Baillie Family Bulloch, Joseph Gaston Baillie. A his- tory and genealogy of the family of Baillie of Dunain, Dochfour and Lamington; with a short sketch of the family of Mcintosh, Bulloch and other families. [Greenbay, Wis.: Gazette Print,, 1898. viii. (1)10-111 p. 8°. APV Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Bail- lies of Dunain. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 140-152.) NDO Minor Highland families, no. 11. Robertson, George. Baillie of Laming- ton. (Descended of Wallace.) (In his: LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 571 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire. Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 47-66.) Stuart 8439 Baillie of Monkton. (In his Gene- alogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 24-36.) Stuart 8437 Baird Family Baird, William, of Auchmedden. Ac- count of the surname of Baird, particularly of the families of Auchmedden, Newbyth, and Sauchtonhall. Edited by William N. Fraser. Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson [1857]. 2 p.L, vii, 96 p. 4°. t ARZ Dominus fecit. Genealogical col- lections concerning the sir-name of Baird, and the families of Auchmedden, Newbyth, and Sauchton Hall in particular; with cop- ies of old letters and papers worth pre- serving... Reprinted from the original ms. of Baird, last of the family. . . [Edited by W. N. Fraser, and re-edited by F. M. B. S.j London, 1870. xii p., 1 1., 120 p., 1 fac. 4°. ARZ Balcarres, Earls of Lindsay, William Alexander. Lindsay, earl of Balcarres. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 511-529.) ARO Balfour Family Paul, Sir James Balfour. The Balfours of Pilrig. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 294-297.) CPA Balloch Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. The family of Balloch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 50-51.) CPA Balmerino, Lords Campbell, James. Elphinstone, Lord Balmerino. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage ... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 556- 575.) ARO Robertson, George. Balliol family. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 36-49.) Stuart 8437 Banff, Lords Ross, Andrew. Ogilvy, Lord Banff. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-26.) ARO Bannatyne Family Bannatyne, George. Transcript of fam- ily record written by George Bannatyne. (In: Sir John Foulis, The account book of Sir John Foulis of Ravelston. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. p. xliii-xlix.) CPA Reprinted from the Memorials of George Banna- tyne, 1545-1608, Edinburgh, 1829. Robertson, George. Bannatyne of Kames and Bannatyne [and of Kelly]. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 50-69.) Stuart 8437 Cadets of Bannatyne of Kames, in Ayrshire. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1822. 12°. v. 3, p. 324-327.) Stuart 8439 Balfour of Burleigh, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Lord Balfour of Burleigh. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 530- 555.) ARO Bannerman Family Rose, D. Murray. The Bannermans of Elsick and Watertown. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. se- ries 2, v. 3, p. 17-18.) CPA Balliol Family Bain, Joseph. Sir Alexander Balliol of Cavers (chamberlain of Scotland). Some additional notes on him and his sons. (Genealogist. London, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 141-143.) * R - Room 328 Sinclair, Alexander. Remarks on the tables of the heirs of the royal house of Baliol. [Edinburgh: C. Gibson, 1870?) 12 p. 8°. ARDp.v.l Vincent, John A. C. Sir Alexander Bal- liol of Cavers, and the barony of Valoynes. (Genealogist. London, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-7.) * R - Room 328 Barclay Family Genealogical, A, account of the Barclays of Urie, for upwards of seven hundred years: with memoirs of Colonel David Barclay, and his son Robert Barclay... Also letters that passed between him, the duke of York, Elizabeth, princess palatine of the Rhine, Archbishop Sharp, the earl of Perth... London: John Herbert, 1812. viii, 98 p. 8°. ARZ Grant, Francis James. The family of Barclay. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 6-9.) ARX 572 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Maule, Harry, of Kelly. Registrum de Panmure. Records of the families of Maule, de Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin- Barclay, united in the line of the barons and earls of Panmure. Edited by John Stuart. Edinburgh, 1874. 2 v. 4°. ARZ One of 150 copies privately printed. Robertson, George. Barclay of Ladyland t and of Pierceton]. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayr- shire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 72-77.) Stuart 8437 Bargany, Lords Dalrymple, Hew Hamilton. Hamilton, Lord Bargany. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 27-33.) ARO Beaton Family Physicians, The, of the Western Isles. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 179, p. 264-272.) * DA Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions concerning families in Scotland Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-35.) ARF Betoun Family See under Bethune (and Betoun) Family Birnie Family Birnie, John. Account of the families of Birnie and Hamilton of Broomhill, by J Birnie, Esq. Edited by W. B. D. D. Turn- bull . . . Edinburgh: printed for private dis- tribution, 1838. 2 p.l., (i)vi-xix, 82 p., illus 4°. ARZ This account was compiled about 1720-1725. Only sixty copies printed. Bisset Family Short, A, chronology and genealogy of the Bissets and Frasers of Lovat... (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 85- 96.) ARF Beatson Family Story of the surname of Beatson. (Gene- alogical magazine. London, 1899. 4°. v. 3, p. 94-100, 140-142, 190-193, 236-241, 285- 288, 334-338, 394-400, 435-442.) ARCA Belhaven, Lords and Viscounts Dickson, William Kirk. Hamilton, Lord Belhaven. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 38-60.) ARO Gibbs, Vicary. The first Lord Belhaven and Stenton. (The Genealogist. London, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 77-78.) *R- Room 328 Grant, Francis James. Douglas, Vis- count Belhaven. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 36-37.) ARO Bellenden of Broughton, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Bellenden, Lord Bellenden of Broughton. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 61-76.) ARO Bethune (and Betoun) Family Maiden, Henry Elliot. Notes on the family of Betoun in connection with some royal letters of James vi. (Royal Histori- cal Society. Transactions. London, 1893. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 21-36.) CA Martine, George, 1635-1712. Account of the family of Balfour Bethune as I got it from the present laird of Balfour. (In: Blackhall Family Morison, Alexander. The Blackhalls of that ilk and Barra, hereditary coroners and foresters of the Garioch. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1905. xiv p., 1 1., 180, 17 p., 4 pi., 1 port. 4°. (New Spalding Club. [Publications.]) fCP no. 350 of 500 copies printed. The volume contains illustrative documents be- tween 1503-1710. Blair Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Blair of Adamton. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 197-198.) ft ARK Blair of Ardblair. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 190-192.) ftARK Blair of Balthyock. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 186-189.) ftARK Blair of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edihburgh, 1798. f°. p. 194- 197.) ftARK Blair of Glassclune. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 193.) ftARK Blair of Inchyra. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 442-443.) tfARK Blair of Pittendriech. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 192-193.) ftARK Robertson, George. Blair of Adamton. (In his: Genealogical account of the princi- pal families in Ayrshire... . Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 73-82.) Stuart 8438 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND D/\t Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Blair of Blair [and of Giffordland]. (In his: Genealogical account of the princi- pal families in Ayrshire . . . Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 77-102.) Stuart 8437 Blair-Hyndman of Burrowland. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire . . . Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 344-347.) Stuart 8438 Hunter Blair, bart., of Blairquhan & Brownhill. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire . . . Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 348-352.) Stuart 8439 Blantyre, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, Lord Blantyre. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 77-93.) ARO Borthwick, Lords Macmath, William. Borthwick, Lord Borthwick. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 94-119.) ARO Boswell Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Boswell of Auch- inleck. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 458-460.) ft ARK Boswell of Balmuto. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 307-312.) tt ARK Bothwell, Lords and Earls of See also Holyroodhouse, Lord Boyle, Robert E. Hepburn, earl of Both- well and duke of Orkney. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 135-167.) ARO Cook, William Bowie. Moray, lord of Bothwell. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 120-131.) ARO Letters of assedation to Agnes, countess of Bothwell; and other deeds connected with the Hepburns, earls of Bothwell, and the Hepburns of Waughton. 1520-1564. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 273-312.) f CP Paul, Sir James Balfour. Ramsay, Lord Bothwell. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 132-134.) ARO Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, earl of Bothwell. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 168-173.) ARO Bowman Family Robertson, George. Cunninghame of Ashinyards, now Bowman of Ashgrove. (In his: Genealogical account of the princi- pal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 262-269.) Stuart 8437 Boyd Family See also under Kilmarnock, Earls of Boyd, Robert, of Trochrig. Extracts from the Obituary of R. Boyd of Trochrig. 1609-1625. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 285-298.) fCP Boyd, William P. The history of the Boyd family, and descendants, with an his- torical chapter on the "ancient family of Boyd" in Scotland... Conesus, N. Y.: Boyd's Job Printing Establishment, 1884. 318 p., 2 pi., 2 port. 8°. APV Boyd. [Genealogy of the family of Boyd.] [London? 18- ?] broadside. APV Boyd, The, papers. [Edited by W. S. Cooper.] (Ayrshire and Galloway Archae- ological Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1882. 4°. v. 3, p. 110-211.) fCA Sasines, bonds of manrent, etc., 1466-1581. Clarke, Seymour. The Boyds of Penkill and Trochrig: their ancestors and descen- dants with other notes relating to the fam- ily of Boyd. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1909. ix p., 2 1., 51 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 4°. ARZ Robertson, George. Boyd, earl of Kil- marnock [and of Portincross, Pitcon, Car- lung, and Orchard]. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayr- shire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 102- 127.) Stuart 8437 Boyd of Pinkill. (In his: Genealog- ical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 305-312.) Stuart 8439 Boyle Family See under Glasgow, Earls of Breadalbane, Earls and Marquesses of MacGregor, John. Campbell, earl and .* ™„_ ,..«._. i _i ( In . The 8°. v. 2, ARO marquess of Breadalbane. 1 pi. Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. p. 174-214.) Brechin Family Anderson, John. Brechin, lord of Brech- in. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 215-224.) ARO Maule, Harry, of Kelly. Registrum de Panmure. Records of the families of Maule, de Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin- Barclay, united in the line of the barons 574 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. and earls of Panmure. Edited by John Stuart. Edinburgh, 1874. 2 v. fac, pi., port. ARZ One of 150 copies privately printed. Brisbane Family Robertson, George. Brisbane of Bris- bane. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 136-147.) Stuart 8437 Brodie Family Henderson, John. The Brodies. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 308-311.) ARX Michie, Charles. Brodie, Michie and Gould families. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 161.) CPA Murdoch, Robert. Brodie, Michie, and Gould families. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 59, 66-67.) CPA Brown Family Stodart, Robert Riddle. Memorials of the Browns of Fordell, Finmount and Vic- arsgrange. Edinburgh: privately printed by T. & A. Constable, 1887. xii, 240 p., 83 pi. 4°. fARZ The plates are colored armorial escutcheons of families related to the Browns. Bruce Family See also under Carrick, Earls of Armstrong, William Bruce. An account of the Bruces of Newtoune, and the Irish branch descended of that house, and now representing it in the male line. By W.B.A. (Genealogist. London, 1879. 8°. v. 3, p. 1 9-26, 38-46. ) * R - Room 328 The Bruces of Airth and their cadets. Edinburgh: printed for private cir- culation, 1892. 2 p.l., 137 p., 1 1., civ p., 1 pi., 1 table. 4°. fARZ no. 42 of 105 copies printed. 1 page of errata, separately printed, inserted at end. Bruces of Cultmalundie in Perth- shire, Bruces of Muness, of Sumburgh, of Symbister, in Shetland. (Genealogist. London, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 162-167, 205- 212.) *R- Room 328 Bruce, Mary Elizabeth Cumming. Fam- ily records of the Bruces and the Cumyns, with an historical introduction and appen- dix from authentic public and private docu- ments. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1870. 4 p.l., 692 p., 4 pi., 2 tables. 4°. ARZ Douglas, Sir Robert. Bruce of Blairhall. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinbursh 1798. f. p. 243-244.) ft ARK Bruce of Clackmannan. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798 f°. p. 238-249.) ftARK Bruce of Earlshall. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f° n 510-513.) ftARK Bruce of Kennet. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. n 241-243.) ft ARK Bruce of Kinross. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p 245-246.) ffARK Bruce of Stenhouse. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798 f°. p. 240-241.) ttARK Dupont, Etienne. Le chateau de Brix, en Normandie. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 424-427.) CPA Grant, Francis James. Bruce of Culta- malindie and Muness [and also of] Urie, Sumburgh, Braewick, Symbister [and] Bur- ravoe. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 10-37.) ARX Henderson, John. Bruce of Stanstill, [and] of Ham, Lyth, Hastigrow and Seater. (In his: Caithness family history. Edin- burgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 262-274.) ARX Neilson, George. St. Malachai's curse. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 124- 130.) CPA Stodart, Robert Riddle. Bruce of Earls- hall in the parish of Leuchars, co. Fife. [By R. R. Stodart] (Genealogist. Lon- don, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 131-142.) *R- Room 328 Weeks, Lyman Horace. Book of Bruce: Ancestors and descendants of King Robert of Scotland; being an historical and gene- alogical survey of the kingly and noble Scottish house of Bruce. With special reference to the Bruces of Clackmannan, Cultmalindie, Caithness, and the Shetland Islands, and their American descendants. New York: The Americana Society [cop. 1907]. 352 p., 31 pi., 13 port. 4°. ARZ Bryce Family Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Genealogi- cal table. Bryce in Pathfoot of Airthrey (Blawlowen). (In his: Logie: a parish history... Paisley, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 245.) t CR BUCCLEUCH, DUKES OF Buccleuch (6. duke), William Henry Walter Montagu Douglas Scott. The manuscripts of the duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, preserved at Drumlanrig LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 575 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Castle. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1897-1903. rv. l]-2. 8°. (Great Bri- tain. — Historical Manuscripts Commis- sion.) C [v. 1] is part 8 of Appendix to 15. report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. Historical sketch of the house of Buc- cleuch. (In: Memorial of the majority of the earl of Dalkeith. Dalkeith, 1852. 8°. p. 9-32.) AN Steuart, A. Francis. Scott, duke of Buc- cleuch. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 225-249.) ARO Easton, Walter M. Graham. The Bu- chanans of Catter. (Genealogical maga- zine. London, 1899. 4°. v. 2, p. 311-316, 356-361, 500-501.) ARCA Robertson, George. Snodgrass Buchan- an of Cunninghamehead. (In his: Gene- alogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 148-155.) Stuart 8437 Budge Family Henderson, John. The Budges of Toft- ingall. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 181-188.) ARX Buchan, Earls and Earldom of Bain, Joseph. The earldom of Buchan, its succession in 1308, as governed by the law of Scotland. (Genealogist. London, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 194-196.) * R - Room 328 F. Fergus, the earls of Buchan. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 90-91.) CPA Macintosh, John. Earldom and earls of Buchan. (In his: Historic earls and earl- doms of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1898. 12°. p. 78-107.) ARF Milne, John. (In: The Scots 8°. v. 2, p. 250- Douglas Scots peerage, p. 271-272.) Erskine, Scots peerage, p. 273-280.) Stewart, Scots peerage, p. 262-270.) Comyn, earl of Buchan. peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 261.) ARO earl of Buchan. (In: The Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, ARO earl of Buchan. Edinburgh, 1905. (In: The 8°. v. 2, ARO earl of Buchan. (In: The Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, ARO Buchanan Family B., A. W. G. Buchanan genealogies. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1899. 4°. v. 2, p. 497-501.) ARCA The Buchanans of Arden. (Gene- alogical magazine. London, 1901. 4°. v. 4, p. 529-531.) ARCA Buchanan, William, of Auchmar. A his- torical and genealogical essay upon the family and surname of Buchanan. To which is added, a brief enquiry into the genealogy and present state of ancient Scotish surnames, and more particularly of the Highland clans. Glasgow: Printed by W. Duncan, 1723. 1 p.l., iv p., 2 1., 154, 100 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. ARZ The Enquiry into .. .Scotish surnames has a sep- arate title-page. Bulloch Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. A branch of the Bulloch family. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 122-123, 136-138.) CPA The distribution of the Bullochs. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 106-107.) CPA Further notes on the Bulloch fam- ily. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 40.) CPA Some notes on the Bulloch family. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 24-25, 40-41, 54-55.) CPA Bulloch, Joseph Gaston Baillie. A his- tory and genealogy of the family of Baillie of Dunain, Dochfour and Lamington; with a short sketch of the family of Mcintosh, Bulloch and other families. [Greenbay, Wis.: Gazette Print,] 1898. viii, (1)10-111 p. 8°. APV Burden Family Stodart, Robert Riddle. Burden of Auchingarrich and Feddal, co. Perth. [By R. R. Stodart.] (Genealogist. London, 1879. 8°. v. 3, p. 145-150.) *R- Room 328 Burnes Family Burnes, James. Notes on his name and family. Edinburgh: printed for private cir- culation, 1851. 42 p. 12°. ARZ Rogers, Charles. Genealogical memoirs of the family of Robert Burns, and of the Scottish house of Burnes. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1877. 68 p. 8°. ARZ Burnet or Burnett Family Burnett, George. The family of Burnett of Leys, with collateral branches. From the mss. of G. B. Edited by Col. James 576 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIB! Vil IV X Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Allardyce. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1901. xxii p., 1 1., 367 p., 2 fac, 15 pi., 4 port. sm. 4°. t CP With 'genealogical tree of the family of Burnett of Leys' as supplement to the volume. C. The Burnetts of Leys and collateral branches. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 33-34.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Burnet of Leys. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 41-43.) ft ARK Scotus, pseud. The families of Burnett. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1866. 8°. v. 3, p. 546-551.) * R - Room 328 Burns Family See Buenes Family Burntisland, Lords Macphail, J. R. N. Wemyss, Lord Burnt- island. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 281-284.) ARO Bute, Marquesses of Stevenson, John Home. Stuart, mar- quess of Bute. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 285-312.) ARO Byres Family See Moir Family Cairns Family Lawlor, Henry Cairnes. A history of the family of Cairnes or Cairns and its con- nections. London: E. Stock, 1906. xiii(i), 292 p., 4 fac, 22 pi., 3 port., 5 tables, sm. 4°. ARZ Caithness, Earls of Anderson, John, joint author. See Cra- ven, J. B., and John Anderson. Anderson, Peter John. The earldom of Caithness. 1 table. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 17-18.) CPA Bain, Joseph. The earldom of Caithness. (Genealogist. London, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 67-68.) * R- Room 328 Craven, J. B., and John Anderson. An- cient earls of Caithness. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 313- 320.) ARO Earldom, The, of Caithness. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sa 8° v. 11, p. 189-190.) CPA Grant, Alexander T. Sinclair, earl of Caithness. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peeraee Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 332-359.) " ARO Henderson, John. The St. Clairs or Sinclairs, earls of Caithness. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh 1884 sq. 8". p. 1-13.) ARX Macphail, J. R. N. Crichton, earl of Caithness. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 323-331.) ARO Skene, William Forbes. Notes on the earldom of Caithness. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 571-576.) CPA Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, earl of Caithness. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 321-322,) ARO Sutherland, George M. William Sin- clair, first earl of Caithness, of the Sin- clair line. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 155-161.) *DE William Sinclair, second earl of Caithness of the Sinclair line. (Celtic mag- azine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 202- *DE - John Sinclair, third earl of Caith- of the Sinclair line. (Celtic maga- Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 268- *DE — George, fourth earl of Caithness of Sinclair line. (Celtic magazine. In- 12, p. 321-324, 372- *DE 207.) ness, zine. 272.) the verness, 1887. 8°. v. 375, 418-422, 465-470.) George, fifth earl of Caithness of the Sinclair line. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1887-88. 8°.- v. 12, p. 522-526; v. 13, p. 16-19, 253-257.) *DE Calder Family Henderson, John. Calder of Lynegar, Achingale and Newton, [and] of Strath. (In his: Caithness family history. Edin- burgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 209-218.) ARX Shaw, Lauchlan. A succinct account of the family of Calder. (In: Highland pa- pers. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. Edin- burgh, 1914. 8°. v. 1, p. 117-139.) CP Contains also an account of the family of Calder of the surname of Campbell, with genealogical table. Calderwood Family Dennistoun, James. Of the Calderwoods of Polton. 1 geneal. table. (In: The Colt- ness collections. Glasgow, 1842. 4°. P- 391-407.) CP LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 577 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Callendar, Earls of Cook, William B. Livingston, earl of Cal- lendar. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 190S. 8°. v. 2, p. 360-364.) ARO Cameron Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Cameron of Loch- vell (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. P. p. 328-331.) ttARK Drummond, John. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, chief of the clan Cameron. [By John Drummond.] With an introductory account of the history and antiquities of that family and of the neigh- bouring clans. [Edited by James Mac- knight] Edinburgh, 1842. lvii, 30 p., 1 1., 412 p., 1 port. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CP The author, John Drummond of Balhaldy, was a son-in-law of Sir Ewen Cameron, and wrote the memoirs in 1733. Mackenzie, Alexander. The history of the Camerons. (Celtic magazine. Inver- ness, 1883-84. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-9, 81-88, 97- 104, 145-156, 301-306, 370-377, 415-426, 467- 476, 539-546; v. 9, p. 1-12, 49-56, 97-108, 145- 156, 193-206, 245-255, 293-309, 341-352, 393- 405, 463-473, 493-503, 554-561.) * DE With genealogies of the prin- cipal families of the name. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1884. xii, 478 p. 8°. ARZ Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Cam- erons of Letterfinlay, styled "Macmartin." (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 31- 45.) NDO Sinclair, A. Maclean. The clan Cameron. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 70-79.) NDK Campbell Family See also under Argyll, Dukes of; Atholl, Earls of; Irvine, Earls and Viscounts of; Loudoun, Earls of. Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. The manuscripts of his grace the duke of Argyll. By William Fraser. (In : Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical manuscripts. Report. London, 1874-1877. f°. [no., 4, p. 470-492; [no. 6, parti,] p. 606-634.) fC B., A. W. G. Campbells of Murthly. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 193-194.) CPA Book, The, of the thanes of Cawdor. A series of papers selected from the charter room at Cawdor, 1236-1742. [Edited by C. Innes.] Edinburgh: [T. Constable,] 1859. lxxvii, 471 p., 3 fac, 2 pi., 2 tables. 4°. (Spalding Club.) CR Bowie, William. The Black Book of Taymouth, with other papers from the Breadalbane charter room. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh, 1855 t 6 p.l., xxxviii, 443 p., 1 fac, 1 pi., 10 port. 4°. tARZ Printed for private circulation. Preface. The Black Book of Taymouth. The chronicle of Fortirgall. Duncan Laideus' alias Mak- gregouris testament. The buke of bandis of manrent seruice, calpis, and barnis part of gudis, pertenyng to the hous of Glenurquhay. Portion of rentals, court books, household books, and inventories of Breadal- bane. (The bowhous bwik beginand anno 1582; Compt off the bowhoussis beginnand the yeir of God 1594; Expenss of housald, 1590-1626; Inventaris of plenissing, 1598-1640; The actis of the laird of Glen- urquhay his courtis 1621-1642; Rollis of able men with their armis, 1638; Feu charteris and takis, 1550- 1703.) Letters from the charter room at Taymouth, 1570-1619. Campbell, Sir Duncan Alexander Dun- das. The clan Campbell; abstracts of en- tries relating to Campbells in the sheriff court books of Perthshire and in the parti- cular registers of Hornings and inhibi- tions for that county. From the Campbell collections formed by Sir D. Campbell; prepared and edited by the Rev. H. Paton. Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1914. viii, 170 p. 4°. fARZ The clan Campbell; abstracts of entries relating to Campbells in the sheriff court books of Argyll at Inverary. From the Campbell collections formed by Sir D. Campbell; prepared and edited by the Rev. H. Paton. Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1913. viii, 312 p. 4°. fARZ Campbell, Margaret Olympia. A me- morial history of the Campbells of Melfort, Argyllshire, which includes records of the ...families with whom they have inter- married. By M. O. C. London: Simmons & Botten, 1882. vi p., 2 1., 124 p, 4 pi. f°. ARZ Printed for private circulation. Includes also Campbells of Achalader, Macdougalls of Macdougall, Campbells of Lochend, Campbells of Kinloch, Campbells of Barcaldine, Maclachlan of Mac- lachlan, Cameron of Lochiel, Campbells of Dunstaff- nage and Duntroon. With genealogical tables. Supplement to a memorial history of the Campbells of Melfort... London: Simmons & Botten, 1894. 5 p.l., 167 p., geneal. tables, illus. f°. ARZ With ms. additions and corrections by the author. Campbell of Aberuchill. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 266-270.) *R- Room 328 Campbells of Ardkinglass. (Notes and queries. London, 1901. 8°. series 9, v. 7, p. 187, 293, 353-354; v. 8, p. 106-107.) * R Christie, J. The Campbells of Murthly. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 81-82.) CPA 578 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Douglas, Sir Robert. Campbell of Aber- uchill. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 57.) ft ARK Campbell of Auchinbreck. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 61-63.) ttARK Campbell alias Maciver of Ashnish. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 537-539.) ttARK Henderson, John. The Campbells and M'lvers or Iverachs. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 275-182.) ARX Campbells of Quoycrook, Lochend, Castlehill, etc. House, The, of Argyll and the collateral branches of the clan Campbell, from the year 420 [ !] to the present time. Glasgow: J. Tweed, 1871. vi p., 1 1., 239 p., 2 port, on 1 pi. 8°. ARZ Innes, Cosmo. Notice of "The Black Book of Breadalbane," preserved at Tay- mouth, containing portraits of several members of the Breadalbane family, exe- cuted in the beginning of the seventeenth century. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 17-19.) CPA Robertson, George. Campbell of Auch- mannoch, Cesnock, Treesbank, Barquhar- rie, Fairfield, Stevenston-Campbell or Dowcathill, [and] of Netherplace. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fam- ilies in Ayrshire. . .Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 215-256.) Stuart 8438 Campbell of Kingancleugh [Glas- nock, Skerrington, Killochj. (In his: Ge- nealogical account of the principal fam- ilies in Ayrshire. . . Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 94-116.) Stuart 8439 See also note on Campbell of Skeldoun on p. 287- 289. Stodart, Robert Riddle. Campbell of Lawers, co. Perth. (Genealogist. London, 1881. 8°. v. 5, p. 132-137.) *R- Room 328 See also note on p. 298-299. Cardross, Lords Grant, Francis James. Erskine, Lon Cardross. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 365-368.) ARC Carlyle Family Carlyle, Thomas. Short notices as t< the early history of the family of Carlyle which the Conqueror found in England and a branch of which was ennobled ii Scotland. (British Archaeological Associa tion. Journal. London, 1854. 8°. v 9 p. 174-181.) c/ With a pedigree. Carlyle, Lords Anderson, John. Carlyle, Lord Carlyle (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905 8°. v. 2, p. 369-394.) ARC Carmichael Family Knowles, George Parker. A genealogica and heraldic account of the Coultharts o Coulthart and Collyn from their first set tlement in Scotland. . .to the year 1854.. London: printed for private circulation., by Harrison & Sons, 1855. 23 p., 1 1., 1 pi 4°. AR3 Deals akjo with the Carmichael family. Carnegie Family See under Northesk, Earls of, and Southesk, Earls of Carnwath, Earls of Watson, William. Dalzell, earl of Cam wath. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 395-420.) ARC Carr Family See Kerr Family Cant Family Alba, pseud. The Cant family. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 161-162.) CPA Saunders, W. The Cant family. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 24-25, 58-59.) CPA Cardney Family Christie, J. The Macnayres, the Card- neys, and the Stewarts, lairds of Foss. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 129-131.) CPA Carre Family See Kerr Family Carrick, Earls of Anderson, John. The ancient earls o Carrick. (In: The Scots peerage. Edit burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 421-427.) AR( Carrick, Andrew. Some account of th ancient earldom of Carrie by A. C. T which are prefixed, notices of the earldor after it came into the families of De Bruc and Stewart, by J. Maidment. Edinburgh T. G. Stevenson, 1857. 60 p. 8°. ARI Sixty copies only printed. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 579 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Paul, Sir James Balfour. Bruce, earl of Carrick. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 190S. 8°. v. 2, p. 428-437.) ARO Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, earl of Carrick. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 438-442.) ARO Carruthers Family Fraser, Sir William, editor. Manuscripts of the family of Carruthers of Holmains, in the county of Dumfries. (In: Great Bri- tain. — Historical Manuscripts Commis- sion. 6. report. London, 1877. f°. parti, p. 709-712.) C Charters and deeds relating to the Carruthers family. Reid, John James. The barony of Mous- wald and its barons: a page of Border his- tory, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 24-79.) CPA pass vpoun the Clanhattan and Bagenacht, for to destroy thame alotherlie. 1528. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. xxxv-xxxvi, 81-84.) f CP Macbain, Alexander. The chiefship of clan Chattan. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness [1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-18.) *EC Mackintosh, Alexander A. Clan Chattan genealogies. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 18 p. 208-228.) NDO Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. An account of the confederation of clan Chattan; its kith and kin... Glasgow: John Mackay, 1898. xix, 203 p., 3 fac, 8 pi. illus. 4°. t ARZ Sinclair, A. Maclean. The clan Chattan. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-7.) NDK The old clan Chattan. The clan Vuirich. The new clan Chattan. Cassels Family Cassels, Robert. Records of the family of Cassels and connections. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 1870. viii, 140 p., 1 table, sq. 8°. ARZ One of 75 copies printed for private circulation. Cheape Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Cheape of Rossie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 575-577.) ft ARK Cheape of Wellfield and Strath- tyrum. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 577.) ft ARK Cassillis, Earls of Cassillis, Archibald Kennedy, earl of. Kennedy, earl of Cassillis. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 443-502.) ARO Cathcart, Earls of Cochran-Patrick, Neil J. Kennedy. Cath- cart, Earl Cathcart. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 503-531.) ARO Chalmers Family Robertson, George. De Camera (or Chalmers) of Gadgirth. (In his: Geneal- ogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire. Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 261- 281.) Stuart 8439 Charteris Family _ Douglas, Sir Robert. ■ Charteris of Am- lsfield. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 150-153.) tt ARK Chattan Clan James V., king of Scotland. The kingis lettres commandin the Erie of Murray to Cheyne Family See also under Newhaven, Viscounts Grant, Francis James. Cheyne of Essle- mont [and also of] Tangwick rand] Vaila. (In his: Zetland family histories. Ler- wick, 1907. 4°. p. 38-50.) ARX Chisholm Family Mackenzie, Alexander. History of the Chisholms, with genealogies of the prin- cipal families of the name. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1891. xv, 232 p. 8°. ARZ Large paper copy. ARZ Pixley, Francis W. The Chisholms. 1 pi. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1900. 4V v. 3, p. 475-478.) ARCA Christie Family Rogers, Chatsles. Genealogical memoirs of the Scottish house of Christie, compiled from family papers and the public records. London: printed for the Royal Historical Society, 1878. 78 p. 8°. ARZ Reviewed in The Genealogist, v. 2, p. 336, London, 1878. 580 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Clark Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Clarks. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 112- 117, 184.) fARZ Cleghoen Family Claghorn, William Crumby. The barony of Cleghorne, A. D. 1203, Lanarkshire, Scotland, to the family of Claghorn, A. D. 1912, United States of America. Compiled by W. C. Claghorn. Philadelphia [iLyon & Armor, 1912]. 2 p.l., 7-132 p., 2 fac, 9 pi., 23 port. 4°. APV no. 31 of 120 copies printed. Clephane Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Clephane of Cars- logie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 317-319.) ft ARK Clerk Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Clerk of Liston- shiels. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 423-424.) ft ARK Clerk of Pennycuik. (In his : Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 420-423.) ttARK Cochrane Family See under Dundonald, Earls of Cockburn Family Cockburn-Hood, Thomas H. The house of Cockburn of that ilk and the cadets thereof: with historical anecdotes of the times in which many of the name played a conspicuous part. Edinburgh: [printed by Scott & Ferguson,, 1888. S p.l., xxx, 394 p., 8 fac, 3 maps, 1 pi. 4°. ARZ Contents : Prefatory notes relating to the Merse in early times — The Bonkills — Sir David de Brechin — Surname of Cockburn — Sir Anthony de la Bastie, &c; Cockburn of that ilk and Langton; The eleven baronets of Langton; Cockburns of Ormiston; Cock- burns of Henderland; Cockburns of Skirling and Cessford; Cockburns of Clerkington; Cockburns of Choicelee; Cockburns of Cockburn; Cockburns of Torrie, Dalginche and Trettoun. Notes — < Respecting tomb of a Cockburn at Cold- ingham — The families of De Vesci, St. Andrea, De Quinci, Pennicuik, &c. — Crest of the Hepburns. Appendix — Chart pedigrees of De Veteriponte, lord of Westmorland, Ewyas, and Clifford; Cock- burn, called of Cockburn and Ryslaw baronets. One of 160 copies printed. Coghill Family Coghill, James Henry. The family f Coghill, 1377 to 1879... Cambridge [Mass,- Riverside Press, 1879. 8°. APV The Scottish branch, p. 73-8S. Henderson, John. The Coghills of that ilk. (In his: Caithness family history Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 2.53-254.) ARX Colquhoun Family Colquhoun, Sir James. Colquhoun of Luss. (Miscellanea genealogica & heral- dica. London, 1877. 8°., new series, v 2 p. 533-540.) *R-Room328 Pedigree of the family of Colquhoun compiled from Fraser's Chiefs of Colquhoun. Douglas, Sir Robert. Colquhoun of Comstrodden. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 438-439) ttARK Colquhoun of that ilk, or of Luss. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798. f°. p. 23-27.) ttARK — ■ — ■ Colquhoun of Kenmure. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798 f°. p. 440-441.) ttARK Colquhoun of Tillyquhoun. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 27-28.) ttARK Colt Family See also Coutts Family Colt, George Frederick Russell. His- tory & genealogy of the Colts of that ilk and Gartsherrie and of the English & American branches of that family. Edin- burgh: printed for private circulation, 1887 vi, 276 p., 1 pi. 8°. ARZ One of one hundred copies privately printed Rogers, Charles. Genealogical memoir! of the families of Colt and Coutts. Lon- don: printed for the Royal Historical So- ciety, 1879. 59 p. 8°. AR2 Includes the family of Colt in the United States Colvill of Ochiltree, Lords Grant, Francis James. Colvill, Lord Col vill of Ochiltree. (In: The Scots peerage Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 569-575.) ARC COLVILLE OF CULROSS, VlSCOUNTS Anderson, John. Lord Colville of Cul ross, now Viscount Colville of Culross. pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgl 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 535-568.) AR( LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 581 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Comyn Family See also under Badenoch, Lords of; Buchan, Earls and Earldom of; Cuming Family; and Cumming Family Round, John Horace. Comyn and Va- loignes. (The Ancestor. London, 1904. 4° no. 11, p. 129-135.) ARA The origin of the Comyns. (The Ancestor. London, 1904. 4°. no. 10, p. 104-119.) ARA CONGALTON FAMILY Douglas, Sir Robert. Congalton of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 521-524.) ft ARK Constable Family See also under Dunbar, Earls and Viscounts of Roger, Charles. Family of Constable. (In his: Four Perthshire families... Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. p. 89-110.) ARX COULTHART FAMILY Barron, Oswald. The bonny house of Coulthart. An old story retold. (The Ancestor. London, 1903. 4°. no. 4, p. 61- 80.) ARA An exposure of the pretensions of the Coulthart de- scent from Coulthartus, a Roman lieutenant under Julius Agricola. Coulthart, The, armorials. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1866. 8°. v. 3, p. 252-256.) * R - Room 328 Knowles, George Parker. A genealog- ical and heraldic account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and Collyn, chiefs of the name, from their first settlement in Scot- land in the reign of Conarus, to the year of our Lord 1854.. . London: printed for private circulation. . .by Harrison & Sons, 1854. 23 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. ARZ On vellum. Only 75 copies printed. This work also contains genealogical accounts of the families of Ross of Renfrew, Macknyghte of Mac- knyghte, Glendonyn of Glendonyn, Carmichael of Carspherne^ Forbes of Pitscottie, Mackenzie of Craig Hall, and Gordon of Sorbie. I Coupar, Lords Campbell, James. Elphinstone, Lord Coupar. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 576-577.) ARO Cooper Family Kemeys-Tynte, St. David M. Baronetcy of Cooper of Gogar. (The Genealogist. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 89- 96.) *R- Room 328 Stodart, Robert Riddle. Cooper of Go- gar. r By R. R. Stodart.j (Genealogist. London, 1877. 8°. v. 1, p. 257-266.) * R - Room 328 See also the note on p. 334. Set Coutts Family also Colt Family Richardson, Ralph. Coutts & Co., Bankers, Edinburgh and London. Being the memoirs of a family distinguished for its public services in England and Scot- land. London: E. Stock, 1900. xii, 166 p., 1 plan, 7 pi., 5 port. 8°. ARZ Rogers, C. Genealogical memoirs of the families of Colt and Coutts. London: Royal Historical Society, 1879. 59 p. 8°. ARZ Cornwall Family Stodart, Robert Riddle. Genealogy of the family of Cornwall of Bonhard, in the parish of Carriden, co. Linlithgow. (Mis- cellanea genealogica et heraldica. Lon- don, 1877. 4°. new series, v. 2, p. 445-449, 461-464.) * R - Room 328 Genealogy of the family of Corn- wall of Bonhard, co. Linlithgow. . . Com- piled by R. R. Stodart. [London:] private impression, 1877. 11 p. 4°. ARZ Craigie Family Grant, Francis James. Craigie of Steb- biegrind. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 51-53.) ARX Cramond, Lords Harwood, Henry William Forsyth. Rich- ardson, Lord Cramond. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 578-584.) ARO Corrie Family Corrie, Jessie Elizabeth. Records of the Corrie family, A. D. 802-1899. London: Mitchell & Hughes, 1899. 2 v. pi., port. 4°- t ARZ Cranstoun, Lords Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Cranstoun, Lord Cranstoun. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 585-602.) ARO 582 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Crauford Family Robertson, George. Crauford of Leif- norris, or Lochmorris [and of Dalleglis, Torrinzeanj. (In his: Genealogical ac- count of the principal families in Ayr- shire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 123- 134.) Stuart 8439 Crauford of Loudoun, Kerse, Dron- gan, Camlarg, [and] Drumsay. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fam- ilies in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 1S8-204.) Stuart 8438 Craufurd Family See Crawfued Family Crawford, Earls of Crawford (25. earl), Alexander William Crawford Lindsay. Lives of the Lind- says; or, A memoir of the houses of Craw- ford and Balcarres. By Lord Lindsay. To which are added, extracts from the of- ficial correspondence of Alexander, sixth earl of Balcarres, during the Maroon war... London: J. Murray, 1849. 3 v. fac, tables. 8°. ARX John Lindsay Crawfurd — claiming to be earl of Crawfurd. (In: Celebrated claimants from Perkin .Warbeck to Arthur Orton. London, 1874. 2. ed. 16°. p. 64- 68.) BAC Lindsay, William Alexander. Lindsay, earl of Crawford. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 1- 51.) ARO Crawfurd (and Craufurd) Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Crawfurd of Craw- furdland. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 431-434.) ft ARK • Crawfurd of Jordanhill. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 429-431.) ttARK Robertson, George. Craufurd of Auch- names, Thirdpart (cadet of Auchnames), Newfield, Craufurdland, Fergushill (a ca- det of Craufurdland), Giffordland (a cadet of Craufurdland), Birkheid (cadet of Gif- fordland), [and] of Baidland (now of Ard- millan). (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Ir- vine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 168-204, 209-226.) Stuart 8437 — — Crawford of Kilbirny, Jordanhill (a cadet of Kilbirny, and now the repre- sentative), [and] Crawfurd of Cartsburn (cadet of Jordanhill). 1 illus. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fam- ilies in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 227-245.) Stuart 8437 Origin of the Crawfurds. 1 table. (In his: Genealogical account of the prin- cipal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823 12°. v. 1, p. 159-168.) - Stuart 8437 Ceichton Family See under Caithness, Earls of; Dumfries Earls of; and Frendraught, Lords Ceichton, Lords Craik, George Lillie. The Lord Crich- ton of Sanquhar. (In his: The romance of the peerage. London, 1849. 12°. v 3 p. 334-361.) ARF Macphail, J. R. N. Crichton, Lord Crich- ton. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 52-68.) ARO Cromaetie, Earls of Cromartie, The, papers. (Edinburgh review. London, 1878. 8°. v. 147, p. 1-24.) *DA Dickson, William Kirk. Mackenzie, earl of Cromartie. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 69-86.) ARO Cuming Family See also Comyn Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Cuming of Altyr. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 331-335.) ttARK Cuming of Auchry. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f". p. 336-338.) ttARK Cuming of Logie. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 336.) ttARK Cuming of Relugas and Presley. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 338-339.) ttARK Cumming Family See also Comyn Family Tomkins, H. Barr. Sir Kenneth William Cumming of Culter, baronet. (Genealo- gist. London, 1879. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-11.) *R-Room328 Cunningham (and Cunninghame) Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Cunningham of Caprington. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 265-268.) tt ARK Henderson, John. The Cunninghams. (In his: Caithness family history. Edin- burgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 201-208.) ARX LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 583 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Robertson, George. Cunningham of Col- lelan. (In his: Genealogical account^! the principal families in Ayrshire. 1823. 12°. v. 3, p. 313-323.) Irvine, Stuart 8439 Cunninghame of Aiket, Ashinyards (now Bowman of Ashgrove), Auchenhar- vie, Baidland (or Bedlan), Caddel and Thornton, Carlung, Clonbeith, Corsehill (representative of Glencairn), Cunning- hamhead, Glengarnock, Lainshaw, Monk- redding, Mountgreenan, [and] Robertland. (In his: Genealogical account of the prin- cipal families in Ayrshire . . . Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 2S7-330.) Stuart 8437 Origin of the Cunninghames. 1 table. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 246-257.) Stuart 8437 Cuthbebt Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Cuth- berts of Castlehill, styled "Mac Sheorais." (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 10- 21.) NDO Minor Highland families, no. ix. ilies of Erskine, Hope, Dalrymple, and Dundas. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882. xiv, 217 p., 1 fac, 5 pi 2 port. 8°. AN Shaw, John. The Dalrymples of Lang- lands. Bath: Gazette Office [1868?, 2 pi, 160 p. 12°. ARZ Privately printed. Dalzell Family See under Carnwath, Earls of Davidson Family Henderson, John. The Davidsons of Achingills and Buckies. (In his: Caith- ness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 301-303.) ARX Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The David- sons, or clan Dhai. 1 pi. illus. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chat- tan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 123-128, 186.) tARZ De Camera Family See Chalmers Family Dalgleish Family Ruvigny and Raineval (9. marquis), Mel- ville Amadeus Henry Douglas Heddle de la Caillemotte de Massue de Ruvigny. Dalgleish of Tinnygask. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1901. 4°. v. S, p. 315- 320.) ARCA Dalhousie, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Ramsay, earl of Dalhousie. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 87- 110.) ARO Dalmahoy Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Dalmahoy of that ilk. (In his : Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 549-551.) ft ARK Dalrymple Family See also under Stair, Earls of Hay, Sir John C. Dalrymple. Genealogy. (In his: Lines from my log-books. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. p. 331-335.) VYD Seton, George. Memoir of Alexander Seton, earl of Dunfermline, president of the Court of Session, and chancellor of Scotland. With an appendix containing a list of the various presidents of the court, and genealogical tables of the legal fam- Deloraine, Lords Steuart, A. Francis. Deloraine. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 111-114.) ARO Dempster Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Dempster of Mu- resk, Pitliver, &c. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 531- 533.) ftARK Denune Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Denune of Cat- boll. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 456-458.) ft ARK De Quency Family Bain, Joseph. The Scottish De Quencys of Fawside and Leuchars. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 124-127.) CPA Ireland, William W. Notes on the Scot- tish De Quencys of Fawsyde and Leuchars. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 275-294.) CPA Supplementary notes on the Scot- tish De Quencys. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 241-251.) CPA 584 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Dick Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Dick of Braid. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 268-271.) tt ARK Dick of Craighouse. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 271.) ttARK ■ Dick of Grange. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 271-272.) ttARK - — — Dick of Prestonfield. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f. p. 272-273.) tt ARK Grant, Francis James. Dick of Fraca- field in the parish of Tingwall. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. S4-S9.) ARX Marshall, David. Notes of the connec- tion of the earls of Morton and Dick of Braid and Craighouse, with the earldom of Orkney and lordship of Zetland, with ren- tal, inventory, &c, 1653, from original doc- uments in the charter room of Kinross House. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 275-313.) CPA Smith, Mrs. J. Stewart. The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass: and the other baronial homes of the Dick-Lauder family, written and illustrated with pen, pencil, and cam- era. Edinburgh: printed for the author by T. and A. Constable, 1898. xxii p., 1 1., 427 p., 19 pi., 4 port, illus. 4°. t ARZ Stodart, Robert Riddle. Sir William Dick of Braid, knight, and the pretensions of his descendants to a baronetcy. By S * * * (Herald and genealogist. Lon- don, 1874. 8°. v. 8, p. 257-269.) * R - Room 328 Dickson Family Dixon, Bernard Homer. The Border or riding clans followed by a history of the clan Dickson... Albany: J. Munsell's Sons, 1889. 3 p,l., 223(1) p. sq. 8°. ARZ Dingwall Family Fordyce, Alexander Dingwall. Fam- ily record of the name of Dingwall For- dyce, in Aberdeenshire, showing descent from the first known progenitor ,of either name — both direct and collateral, with appendix... [Toronto: printed by C. B. Robinson,] 1885. x, (1)6-257 p., 1 1., xciv p., 9 tables. 8°. ARZ Dingwall, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Keith, Lord Dingwall. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 115-116.) ARO Preston, Lord Dingwall. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v 3 P. 117-125.) ARO Dinsmoor (Dinsmore) Family Morrison, L. A. Historical. The earliest history and genealogy ... 1600-1891, of the Dinsmoor-Dinsmore family of Scotland, Ireland, and America. . .also, statistics con-, cerning the McKean and Bell families, with a poem, "The heroes of the siege of Londonderry, Ireland, 1688-89." Lowell, Mass.: Morning Mail Print, 1891. 48 p. i port. 8°. , APV Dirleton, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Maxwell, earl of Dirleton. (In: The Scots peerage Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 126-131.) ARO . Donald, Clan See Macdonald Family Douglas Family See also under Angus, Earls of; Belhaven, Lords and Viscounts; Buchan, Earls and Earldom of; Dumbarton, Earls of; Forfar, Earls of; Moray, Earls of; Mordingtoun, Lords; Morton, Earls of; Queensberry, Dukes of; Selkirk, Earls and Earldom of. Anderson, John. Douglas, earl of Doug- las. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 132-185.) ARO Buccleuch (6. duke), William Henry Walter Montagu Douglas Scott. The manuscripts of the duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, preserved at Drumlanrig castle. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1897-1903. rv. lj-2. 8°. (Great Bri- tain. — Historical Manuscripts Commis- sion.) C v. 1, p. 6-77 contain charters and miscellaneous documents of the family of Douglas; p. 84-89 con- tain diplomas and patents of peerages granted to suc- cessive owners of Drumlanrig. Burke, Peter. The great Douglas cause. (In his: The romance of the forum... London, 1854. 12°. series 2, v. 1, p. 58- 102.) XAS Douglas, Sir Robert. Douglas of Glen- bervie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 18-21.) ttARK Douglas of Douglas (1. baron), Archi- bald James Edward Douglas. The Doug- las cause. Edited by A. F. Steuart. Glas- gow: W. Hodge & Co.. [1909]. 247 p., 1 fac, 2 pi., 16 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) CK Douglas of Douglas (1. baron), Alexan- der James Edward Douglas, vs. James LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 585 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. George Hamilton, 7. duke of Hamilton. A summary of the speeches, arguments, and determinations of the... Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, upon that. . .cause wherein., .the duke of Hamilton and others were plaintiffs, and Alexander Douglas... defendant. With an introduc- tory preface. . .by a barrister at law. Lon- don: J. Almon, 1767. 2 p.l., 391 p. 8°. ARZ Douglas, The, book. (Gentleman's mag- azine. London, 1895. 8°. v. 279, p. 27- 57.) * DA Douglas, The, peerage case. (In: Cele- brated claimants from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton. London, 1874. 2. ed. 16°. p. 111-117.) BAC Douglases, The. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. 1887. 8°. v. 141, p. 335- 351.) * DA Fitzgerald, Percy. Lady Jean: the ro- mance of the great Douglas cause. Lon- don: T. Fisher Unwin, 1904. xvi, 259 p., 3 pi., 10 port. 8°. ARZ Forfeiture of the Douglases, 1455. (In: J. Pinkerton, History of Scotland from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary. London, 1793. 4°. v. 1, p. 489-492.) CP From ms. in the Advocates Library, Edinburgh. Hamilton (7. duke), James George Ham- ilton. Archibald James Edward Stewart, alias Douglas, under the assumed charac- ter of son of the deceased Lady Jane Doug- las, appellant... James George, duke of Hamilton and Brandon, marquis of Doug- las, &c, and Lord Douglas Hamilton, and their guardians Sir Hew Dalrymple, &c, respondents. Case of the respondents, the duke of Hamilton, &c. [Edinburgh? 1768?] 2 p.l., 119, iii p. f°. ft ARZ Hume, David, of Godscroft. The his- tory of the house and race of Douglas and Angus. Edinburgh: printed by T. & W. T. Ruddimans for L. Hunter, 1743. 12°. ARZ v. 1: Containing the history of the house of Douglas. v. 2 : Containing the history of the house of Angus. This is the second edition of this famous history with an address from the 'Publisher to the reader' (attributed to Thomas Ruddiman by Sir William Fraser) substituted for the one 'from the Author to the Reader.' Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. A his- tory of the house of Douglas from the ear- nest times down to the legislative union of England and Scotland. With an introduc- tion by W. A. Lindsay. London: Free- mantle & Co., 1902. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. ARZ m n ? eTiew , ed in The Athenaum, London, April 26, 1902 p. 520-521; The Ancestor, no. 1, p. 203-207, London, 1902 (by Sir George Douglas.) Memoirs of the family of the Dowglass- es... (In: Memoirs, British and foreign, of the lives and families of the most illus- trious persons who dy'd in the year 1711 London, 1712. 8°. p. 443-481.) A Pedigree, The, and descent of the family of Morton in the line of the house of Loch- leven, &c. (In: Walter Macfarlane. Gene- alogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 285-300.) ARF Pedigree of Douglas of Tilquhilly or Til- whilly, co. Kincardine. (Genealogist. Lon- don, 1881. 8°. v. 5, p. 193-204.) *R- Room 328 Ramage, Craufurd Tait. Drumlanrig Castle and the Douglases: with the early history and ancient remains of Durrisdeer, Closeburn, and Morton. Dumfries: J. An- derson & Son, 1876. xxiii, 411 p. 12°. CR Southesk (9. earl), James Carnegie. Douglas, Percy, and the Cavers ensign. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 246-280.) CPA Stocquart, fimile. Les Flamands en ficosse au moyen age et l'origine des comtes de Douglas. (Societe d'archeologie de Bruxelles. Annales. Bruxelles, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 5-15.) GBA Stuart, Andrew. Letters to... Lord Mansfield. London: Printed 1773. 2 p.l., 39, 63, 47, 47 p. sq. 8°. * C p.v.1126 On the Douglas cause. Dublin: Printed 1775. 1 p.l., 5-196 p. 8°. NDH Walford, Edward. The great Douglas case. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 2, p. 270- 284.) ARF Doull Family Henderson, John. The Doulls of Thus- ter. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 324-325.) ARX Doune, Lords Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, Lord Doune. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 186-190.) ARO Dovan, Earls of See also Stirling, Earls of Riddell, John. Remarks upon Scotch peerage law, as connected with certain points in the late case of the earldom of Devon; to which are added, desultory ob- servations upon the nature and descent of Scotch peerages, &c. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1833. xii, 105 p. 8°. ARO 586 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Drummond Family See also under Melfort, Earls of; Perth, Earls of; and Strathallan, Viscounts of Bulloch, John Malcolm. The Gordons and the Drummonds. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 187-188.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Drummond of Hawthornden.' (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 571-574.) ft ARK Malcolm, David. A genealogical mem- oir of the... house of Drummond, and of the several branches that have sprung from it... Edinburgh: G. Maxwell, 1808. 1 p.l., xx, 254 p., 1 1., and extra slip with errata. 16°. ARZ Strathallan (1. viscount), William Drum- mond. The genealogy of the most noble and ancient house of Drummond. [Col- lected in the year 1881.] Glasgow: private- ly printed [by T. & A. Constable, Edin- burgh], 1889. 4 p.l., (1)4-331 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 4°. fARZ A reprint of the Edinburgh limited edition of 1831. On Maitland Club paper. Duguid Family Duguid, John Leslie. Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Ses- sion, the petition of John Leslie, third son of Patrick Leslie-Dugud of Balquhain. [Signed J. Maclaurin.] [London, 1777, n. t.-p. 15 p. 4°. AGHp.v.29 Duguid, Joseph. Answers for Joseph Du- guid, son of James Duguid... to the peti- tion of John Leslie, third son of the said Patrick Leslie Duguid. [Signed D. Graeme.] [London, 1777.] n. t.-p. 5 p. 4°. AGH p.v.29 Dumbarton, Earls of Anderson, John. Douglas, earl of Dum- barton. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 216-218.) ARO Dumfries, Earls of Anderson, John. Crichton, earl of Dum- fries. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 219-238.) ARO DuDDINGSTON FAMILY Douglas, Sir Robert. Duddingston of Sandfurd. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 477-479.) ft ARK DUDINGSTOUN FAMILY Murray, Keith W. Genealogy of Dud- ingstoun of Southouse, 1335-1600. (Gene- alogist. London, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 7-10.) *R-Room328 Duff Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. The Duffs and the Gordons. 1 table. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 161-164.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Duff, baron of Dipple and Braco in Scotland, Earl Fife, Viscount Macduff, and Lord Braco of Kil- bride, of the kingdom of Ireland. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 136-140.) ttARK Tayler, Alistair, and Henrietta Tayler. The book of the Duffs. Compiled by Alis- tair and Henrietta Tayler. Edinburgh: William Brown, 1914. 2 v. pi., port., tables. 4°. ARZ Duffus, Lords Anderson, John. Sutherland, Lord Duf- fus. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 191-215.) ARO Dunbar Family See also under March, Earls and Earldom of; and Moray, Earls of Douglas, Sir Robert. Dunbar of Durn. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 125.) ff ARK Dunbar of Grangehill. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 123-125.) ttARK Dunbar of Hemprigs. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 126.) ttARK Dunbar of Mochrum. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 113-118.) ttARK Dunbar of Westfield. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1798. P. p. 118-123.) tfARK Grant, Francis James. Dunbar of Wea- thersta. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 60-61.) ARX Henderson, John. The Dunbars of Hemp- riggs [and] the Dunbars of Northfield and Bowermadden. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 219- 228.) ARX Dunbar, Earls and Viscounts of Anderson, John. Dunbar, earl of Dun- bar. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 239-279.) ARO Dunbar, Archibald Hamilton. Notes on the old earldoms of Dunbar, March, and LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 587 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Moray. 1 table. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 187-192.) CPA Dunbar. [A genealogy of Patrick Dun- bar, tenth earl of March, afterward earl of March and Murray.] n. p. [18 - ?] 425-430 p. P. tt ARZ Earls of Dunbar and March from Dug- dale, Forden, the Chronicle of Melrose, the Chartularys of Melrose and Coldstream, and Mr. Simpson's draught of the series of them. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealog- ical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 513-530.) ARF Harwood, Henry William Forsyth. Con- stable, Viscount Dunbar. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 290- 300.) ARO Jaggard, William. Dunbar pedigree; a biographical chart tracing the descent of the Dunbar family... Prepared from au- thentic manuscript and printed sources in the possession of E. H. W. Butterworth ... Stratford-on-Avon: Shakespeare Press, 1910. folded chart, 4V/ S x 31§^ in. 4°. ARZ Masson, Phoebe Anne. Legends of the Dunbars, and other poems. By one of their descendants. [By Phoebe A. Mas- son.] London: Stewart & Murray, print- ers, 1854. 6 p.l., 347 p. sq. 8°. f NCM Paul, Sir James Balfour. Home, earl of Dunbar. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 280-289.) ARO Welles, Albert. Dunbar. 1 pi. (In his: American family antiquity. New York, 1880. f°. v. 1, p. 217-253.) APV Genealogies of the Scottish Dunbars. Dundas of Dudingston. (In his- Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798 f°. p. 177-178.) ttARK Dundas of Dundas. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798 f° p. 171-176.) ttARK * Dundas of Manour. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f° o 178-180.) +t ARK Dundas of Newliston, of whom the Dundasses of Morton, Philpston, and Breastmill are descended. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p 176-177.) ttARK Royal letters and other historical docu- ments selected from the family papers of Dundas of Dundas. Edited by Rev. W. Macleod. Edinburgh: W. Brown, 1897 6 p.l, lxxiii p., 60 f., 5 1., 11 fac, 8 pi. sm. 4°. CP no. 50 of 135 copies printed. Scottish, A, governing house. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1889. 8°. v. 13, p. 312- 338.) * DA Based on Omond's Family of Dundas of Arniston. Seton, George. Memoir of Alexander Seton, earl of Dunfermline, president of the Court of Session, and chancellor of Scotland. With an appendix containing a list of the various presidents of the court, and genealogical tables of the legal fami- lies of Erskine, Hope, Dalrymple, and Dun- das. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882. xiv, 217 p., 1 fac, 5 pi., 2 port. 8°. AN Walford, Edward. The chief of Dundas. (In his: Tales of our great families. Lon- don, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 1, p. 152-164.) ARF Dunblane, Viscounts Paul, Sir James Balfour. Osborne, Vis- count Dunblane. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 301-302.) ARO Dundee, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Scrymgeour, earl of Dundee. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 303-315.) ARO Duncan Family Grant, Francis James. Duncan. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. P- 62-63.) ARX Dundee, Viscounts of Terry, Charles Sanford. Graham, vis- count of Dundee. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 316-333.) ARO Dundas Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Dundas of Amis- ton. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p . 180-181.) tt ARK — - Dundas of Blair. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. I 82 -) tt ARK Dundonald, Earls of Grant, Francis James. Charter chest of the earldom of Dundonald, 1219-1672. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: the society, 1910. 2 p.l., 34 p. 8°. (Scottish Record Society. Publications, part 50.) ARCA 588 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Parker, Katherine. Cochrane, earl of Dundonald. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 334-368.) ARO Eccles Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Eccles of that ilk, and Kildonan. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 436-438.) ttARK Dunfermline, Earls of Seton, George. Seton, earl of Dunferm- line. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 369-375.) ARO Dunkeld, Lords Boyle, Robert E. Galloway, Lord Dun- keld. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 376-382.) ARO Dunlop Family Dunlop, Archibald. Dunlop of that ilk. Memorabilia of the families of Dunlop... with the whole of the songs and a large selection from the poems of John Dunlop. Glasgow: Kerr & Richardson, 1898. xiv p., 1 1., ISO p., 3 port. 8°. ARZ Robertson, George. Dunlop of Dunlop tand] Dunlop of Hapland (afterwards of Boreland). (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 331-342.) Stuart 8437 Dunmore, Earls of Murray, Keith W. Murray, earl of Dun- more. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 383-396.) ARO Durham Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Durham of Grange. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 472-473.) ttARK Durham of Luffness. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 476.) tt ARK ■ Durham of Pitkerrow, Largo, &c. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 473-476.) tt ARK Dysart, Earls of Harwood, Henry William Forsyth, and Keith W. Murray. Murray, earl of Dysart. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 397-420.) ARO Echlin Family Echlin, John Robert. Genealogical mem- oirs of the Eclin family, compiled from various authentic sources, with extracts from a manuscript memorial composed by- George Crawfurd in 1747. Edinburgh: Scott & Ferguson [18- 1 fac, 1 pi. 2. ed. 8 C xv, (1)18-72 p., ARD p.v.l Edgar Family Edgar, Andrew, and Charles Rogers. Genealogical collections concerning the Scottish house of Edgar. With a memoir of James Edgar, private secretary to the Chevalier St. George. [By Andrew Edgar and Charles Rogers.] London: Grampian Club, 1873. 2 p.l., iv, 103 p., 1 port. 4°. ARZ L.-A., J. H. Edgar of Auchingrammont, Lanarkshire. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1866. 8°. v. 3, p. 374-377.) *R- Room 328 and Lauder. (Herald and Edgar genealogist. 465-467.) London, 1866. 8°. v. 3, p. *R-Room328 Edmondston Family Grant, Francis James. Edmonston of Buness, in the parish of Unst. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 64-73.) ARX Eglinton, Earls of Aikman, James. The Eglinton family. (In his: Account of the tournament at Eg- lington . . . Edinburgh, 1839. 4°. p. 1-4.) tCR Anderson, John. Montgomerie, earl of Eglinton. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 421-465.) ARO Fraser, Sir William. Memorials of the Montgomeries, earls of Eglinton. [Private- ly printed.) Edinburgh, 1859. 2 v. 4°. t ARZ Reid, John Eaton. Genealogical account of the Eglinton family. (In his: History of the county of Bute. Glasgow, 1864. 8°. p. 216-228.) CR Robertson, George. Montgomery, earl of Eglintoun. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 307-326.) Stuart 8438 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 589 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Succinct, A, account of the long feud be- tween the earls of Glencairn and Eglinton on account of the bailliery of Kilwinning, and controverted precedency of their earl- doms. n.t.-p. n.p. [187-?] 4 p. 8°. ARD p.v.l Eglintoun Family Robertson, George. Eglintoun of Eglin- toun. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 342-346.) Stuart 8437 Elgin, Earls of Armstrong, William Bruce. Bruce, earls of Elgin and Ailesbury. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 466- 483.) ARO Bruce, earls of Elgin and Kincar- dine. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 484-497.) ARO Elibank, Lords Murray, Keith W. Murray, Lord Eli- bank. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906., 8°. v. 3, p. 498-524.) ARO Elliot Family Elliot, G. F. S. The border Elliots and the family of Minto. Edinburgh: D. Doug- las, 1897. xx, 570 p., 1 1., 3 maps, 6 pi., 7 port. 4°. ARZ no. 119 of 125 copies printed. Elphinstone Family See also under Balmerino, Lords; and Coupar, Lords Elphinstone, Lords Fraser, Sir William. The Elphinstone family book of the Lords Elphinstone, Bal- merino and Coupar... Edinburgh: [T. & A. Constable,] 1897. 2 v. 4°. ARZ Report on the muniments and other family papers of William Buller Fullerton Elphinstone, Lord Elphinstone at Carberry Tower. . .in the county of Edinburgh. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report, [no.] 9. London, 1884. Appendix, part 2, p. 182- 229.) C Paul, Sir James Balfour. Elphinstone, Lord Elphinstone. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 525- ss 4) ARO Erroll, Earls of Grant, Francis James. Hay, earl of Er- roll. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 555-587.) ARO Macintosh, John. Earldom and earls of Erroll. (In his: Historic earls and earl- doms of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1898. 12° p. 224-270.) ARF Erskine Family See also under Buchan, Earls and Earldom of; Cardross, Lords; and Kellie, Earls of Brief, A, historical account of the Er- skines of Dun. Also: [Notes relating to the family of Dun. The obitis of the Lairdis and Ladeis of Dwne.] (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1849. 4°. v. 4, preface, p. lxix-lxxix.) f CP Erskine of Pittodrie. n. t.-p. n. p. [187 - ?] 4 p. 8°. ARD p.v.l Erskines, The, and their kinsfolk. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 132, p. 462-476.) * DA Historical families. Erskine. (Cham- bers's Edinburgh journal. London, 1835. f°. v. 3, p. 158-159.) * DA Scott, Ebenezer Erskine. The Erskine- Halcro genealogy. The ancestors and de- scendants of Henry Erskine, minister of Chirnside, his wife, Margaret Halcro of Orkney, and their sons, Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine. Edinburgh: G. P. John- ston, 1895. xvii(i), (1)6-66 p., 5 tables, new ed. enl. 8°. ARZ Table i, Genealogy of Erskine of Balgownie and Erskine of Shielfield, Dryburgh; Table n, Genealogy of Halcro of Halcro, Orkney; Table in, Stewart of Barscube, Renfrewshire; Table iv, Erskine of Dun, Forfarshire; Table v. Descendants of Rev. Henry Erskine of Chirnside. Seton, George. Memoir of Alexander Seton, earl of Dunfermline, president of the Court of Session, and chancellor of Scot- land. With an appendix containing a list of the various presidents of the court, and genealogical tables of the legal families of Erskine, Hojie, Dalrymple, and Dundas. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882. xiv, 217 p., 1 fac, 5 pi., 2 port. 8°. AN Eythin, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. King, Lord Eythin. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 3, p. 588-594.) ARO Fairley (and Fairlie) Family Robertson, George. Fairley of Fairley. (In his: Genealogical account of the prin- cipal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 346-349.) Stuart 8437 590 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. ■ Fairlie of Bruntsfield, afterwards of Little Dreghorn; now of Fairlie. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire. . . Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2. p. 39-50.) Stuart 8438 Falconer, Lords Grant, Francis James. Falconer, Lord Falconer of Halkerton. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 242-2SS.) ARO Fenton Family Fraser, Alexander. The Fentons of th«> Aird — 1253-1422. (Celtic magazine In verness, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 84-90.) "*DE Fergushill Family Robertson, George. Fergushill of Fer- gushill. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire Ir vine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 349-351.) Stuart 8437 Falls Family Steuart, A. Francis. The Falls of Dun- bar and their descent from the gypsies. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 127-132.) CPA Finds no evidence in support of the statements in Simson's History of the Gipsies as to their Gypsy origin. Farquhar Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. Lord Farquhar's origin and the family of Farquhar. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 56-57.) CPA Robertson, George. Farquhar of Gil- milnscroft. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 51-66.) Stuart 8438 Farquharson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Farquharson of Finzean. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 545-547.) ft ARK Farquharson of Invercauld. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 339-341.) ft ARK Farquharson of Inverey. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 547-549.) ft ARK Genealogy of the clan Farquharson. (In: Records of Invercauld* Aberdeen, 1901. 4°. p. 1-20.) fCP Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Far- quharsons. Clan Fionlay. 1 pi. illus. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 147-172.) fARZ Includes accounts of the Farquharsons of In- vercauld, Inverie, Monaltrie, Whitehouse, Houghton, Allargue and Breda, and of Finzean. Fawsyde Family Bedford, Charles Henry. Notice of the Fawsydes of that ilk. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 370-378.) CPA Ferguson (Fergusson) Family Ferguson, James, and Robert Menzies Fergusson. Records of the clan and name of Fergusson, Ferguson, and Fergus. Edited for the Clan Fergus(s)on Society Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1895. xxx, 618 p., 7 pi., 2 port, illus. 8°. ARZ Supplement. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1899. xi(i), 215 p., 2 port. 8°. ARZ Fife, Earls of Cramond, William. The earl of Fife. (Genealogist. London, 1886. 8°. new se- ries, v. 3, p. 205-210.) *R-Room328 Grant, Alexander Thomson. The ancient earls of Fife. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-15.) ARO Findlater, Earls of Macintosh, John. Earldom and earls of Findlater, and Seafield. (In his: Historic earls and earldoms of Scotland. Aber- deen, 1898. 12°. p. 307-347.) ARF Ross, Andrew. Ogilvy, earl of Findlater. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 16-41.) ARO Fingon Clan See M'Kinnon Family Fleming Family See also under Wigtown, Earls of Hunter, William. Biggar and the house of Fleming. An account of the Biggar dis- trict, archaeological, historical and topo- graphical. Edinburgh: Wm. Paterson, 1867. xii, 623 p., 6 pi. 2. ed. 8°. CR Last, The, of the Flemings of Barochan. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1865. 8°. v. 2, p. 246-249.) * R - Room 328 Reprinted from the Paisley Herald. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 591 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Forbes Family Anderson, Peter John. The family of Forbes. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 189.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Forbes of Craigy- var, representative of the house of Corse. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 75-77.) ft ARK Forbes of Monymusk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 39-41.) fj-ARK Forbes, John. Memoranda relating to the family of Forbes of Waterton, from a ms. of the deceased John Forbes (b. 1754, who was served heir to the last Thomas Forbes of Waterton in 1775), and is now printed solely for the use of members of the family. Aberdeen: D. Chalmers & Co., 1857. 1 p.l., 61 p., 3 pi., 4 tab. 4°. t ARZ Lumsden. Matthew. The genealogie of the name of Forbes composed by Mr. M. Lumsden of Tillicarno anno 1580, and car- ried on from thence to 1667 by William Forbes of Lesslie, and continued by a friend of that noble family and name to the year 1706. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 207-264, 471-483.) ARF Mackey, Donald J. The house of Forbes. 1 table. (In his: Bishop Forbes: a mem- oir. London, 1888. 12°. p. 1-15.) AN Forbes, Lords Allardyce, Col. James. Forbes, Lord Forbes. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 42-68.) ARO Forbes, Lord Forbes of Pitsligo. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 69-76.) ARO Anderson, Peter John. The heir male of the Lords Forbes of Pitsligo. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 135-136.) CPA Fordyce Family Fordyce, Alexander Dingwall. Family record of the name of Dingwall Fordyce, in Aberdeenshire, showing descent from the first known progenitor of either name — both direct and collateral; with appen- dix... [Toronto: printed by C. B. Robin- son,, 1885. x, (1)6-257 p., 1 1., xciv p., 9 tables. 8°. ARZ Forfar, Earls of Anderson, John. Douglas, earl of For- far. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 77-79.) ARC* Forrester Family Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Genealogi- cal tree. Forrester of Logie. (In his: Logie: a parish history. Paisley, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 87.) f CR Forrester, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Forrester, Lord Forrester. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 80-100.) ARO Forsyth Family Forsyth, Frederic Gregory. A genealog- ical record. Forsyth of Nydie. New Market, Va.: Henkel & Co., 1888. 27(1) p., 1 1. 8°. APV Forth, Earls of St/euart, A. Francis. Ruthven, earl of Forth, (in: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 101-106.) ARO Foulis Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Foulis of Colinton. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 86-88.) ft ARK Foulis, Sir John. Transcript of family record written principally by Sir John Foulis of Ravelston, with notes by his son, William Foulis of Woodhall, and later members of the family. (In: Sir John Foulis, The account book of Sir John Foulis of Ravelston... Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. p. xlix-lxxii.) CPA With three genealogical tables. Fraser Family See also under Lovat, Lords, and Saltoun, Lords Anderson, John. Historical account of the family of Frisel or Fraser, particularly Fraser of Lovat. . . Edinburgh: W. Black- wood, 1825. 3 p.l., (1) vi-viii, 208 p., 2 tables. 1 pi. 4°. ARZ Fraser, James. Chronicles of the Frasers. The Wardlaw manuscript, entitled 'Poli- chronicon seu policratica temporum, or, The true genealogy of the Frasers', 916- 1674. Edited from the original manuscript with notes and introduction, by William Mackay. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1905. xlv p., 1 1., 557 p., 1 fac. 8°. (Scot- tish History Society. Publications, v. 47.) CPA Mackay, William, editor. See Fraser, James. Chronicles of the Frasers. . . Mackenzie, Alexander. History of the Frasers of Lovat, with genealogies of the 592 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. principal families of the name: to which is added those of Dunballoch and Pho- pachy. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1896. xvi, 761 p. 8°. ARZ Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Frasers of Fairfield, Inverness. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1885. 8°. v. 10, p. 336-340.) *DE The Frasers of Foyers, styled "Sliochd Huistean Fhrangaich." (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 17-32.) NDO The Frasers of Guisachan (Cul- bokie), styled Mac-Huistean. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 309-325.) NDO Memorial of the antient and honourable family of the Frasers, more particularly of the house of Dores in the county of Kin- cardine. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Gene- alogical collections . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 316-331.) ARF Robertson, George. Fraser of Knock. (In his: Genealogical account of the princi- pal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 351-353.) Stuart 8437 Short, A, chronology and genealogy of the Bissets and Frasers of Lovat... (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 85- 96.) ARF Fraser, Lords Gordon, Charles T. Fraser, Lord Fraser. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 107-122.) ARO Freer Family Freer, sometime of Essendie, Innernethy, and Woodlands, in the county of Perth. (Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica. London, 1876. 4°. v. 2, p. 70-72.) * R - Room 328 Frendraught, Lords Grant, Francis James. Crichton, Lord Frendraught. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 123-134.) ARO FULLARTON FAMILY Inventary of writes of the family of Ful- larton. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealog- ical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 332-356.) ARF Reid, John Eaton. Fullartons of Kil- michael. (In his: History of the county of Bute. Glasgow, 1864. 8°. p. 237-240.) CR Robertson, George. Fullarton of Dreg- horn [andj of Bartonholme. (In his: Gene- alogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v 3 o 295-304.) Stuart 8439 Fullarton of Fullarton. (In his- Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire. . . Irvine, 1824. 12°. v2 P- 83-131.) Stuart 8438 Galloway, Lords and Earls of Anderson, John. Ancient lords of Gal- loway. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 135-144.) ARO Stewart, J. K. Stewart, earl of Galloway. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 145-173.) ARO Garnock, Viscounts Lindsay, William A. Lindsay, Viscount Garnock. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 174-178.) ARO Gauden Family Grant, Francis James. Gauden of Swinis- ter and Overland. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 78-80.) - ARX Gemmill Family Robertson, George. Gemmill of Tower- lands [andj of Warrix. (In his: Gene- alogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 330-334.) Stuart 8439 Gerard Family Gerard, The, family. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 59, 61.) CPA Gibson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Gibson of Durie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 568-570.) ft ARK Henderson, John. The Gibsons. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 304-307.) ARX Unknown, The, daughter of Gibson of Dune. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 180-181.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 593 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Gifford Family Grant, Francis James. Gifford of Wethersta, in the parish of Delting, [and of] Busta [and] Ollaberry. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 81-92.) ARX Knowles, George Parker. A genealogi- cal and heraldic account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and Collyn . . . from their first settlement in Scotland. . .to the year... 1854. London: printed for private circula- tion... by Harrison & Sons, 18SS. 23 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. ARZ Deals also with the Glendonyn family. Glasfoord, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Abercromby, Lord Glasfoord. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 179-182.) ARO Glasgow Family Robertson, George. Glasgow of Mount- greenan. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Ir- vine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 354-356.) Stuart 8437 Glasgow, Earls of Boyle, Robert E. Boyle, earl of Glas- gow. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 183-221.) ARO Glasgow (6. earl), George Frederick Boyle. Report on the muniments at Craw- ford Priory. By William Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. Report, [no.] 8. London, 1881. f°. Appendix, part 1, p. 304-308.) ttc Reid, John Eaton. Genealogical account of the Glasgow family. (In his: History of the county of Bute. Glasgow, 1864. 8°. p. 229-236.) CR Robertson, George. Boyle, earl of Glas- gow [and of Montgomeriestonj. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire. . . Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1. p. 127-135.) Stuart 8437 Glencairn, Earls of Anderson, John. Cunningham, earl of Glencairn. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 222-252.) ARO Succinct, A, account of the long feud between the earls of Glencairn and Eglin- ton on account of the bailliary of Kilwin- ning, and controverted precedency of their earldoms, n. t.-p. n. p. t 187-?] 4 p. 8°. ARD p.v.l Glendinning (Glendonwyn) Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Glendonwyn of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 233-238.) ft ARK Gordon Family See also under Aboyne, Earls and Viscounts of; and Kenmure, Viscounts of Anderson, Peter John. Gordon seals. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 65-66.) CPA Barron, Oswald. The Cocks of the North. By O. B. (The Ancestor. Lon- don, 1904. 4°. no. 9, p. 89-102.) ARA Bulloch, John Malcolm. Byron's mater- nal ancestors. The Gordons of Gight. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899-1900. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 113-116, MS- US, 161-164, 178-180; series 2, v. 1, p. 1-4, 17-20, 33-36, 49-52, 81-85, 97-100, 113-116, 130-131, 145-148, 161-163, 177-179.) CPA The ducal Gordons' "natural" issue. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 17-20.) CPA The Duffs and the Gordons. 1 table. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 161-164.) CPA The ennobled Gordons and Lord Byron. 1 table. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 49- 50.) CPA The gay Gordons. A study in in- herited prestige. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 163, p. 254-261.) *DA The Gordons of Binhall. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 113-114.) CPA The Gordons of Birkenburn. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 174.) CPA The Gordons of Daach, Muiraik, and Kethocksmill. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 139-140.) CPA See also supplementary note by James Cameron, v. 3, p. 155. — — ■ The Gordons and the Drummonds. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 187-188.) CPA The Gordons of Gight. Some fur- ther emendations. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 49-51.) CPA The Gordons, the Innes's, the Pitts, and Lord Rosebery. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 184-185.) CPA 594 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. The Gordons of Kethock's Mill, who reigned at King's College for 157 years. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 1-3, 17- 21.) CPA The Gordons of Newton. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°, series 2, v. 4, p. 162.) CPA The Gordons in Poland. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 174-175.) CPA The Gordons as watchmakers (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1904-05. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 49-51; series 2, v. 6, p. 113.) CPA The house of Gordon. Edited by J. M. Bulloch, v. 1-3. Aberdeen [Scot- land: Aberdeen University Press,] 1903-12. port. 4°. (New Spalding Club. [Publica- tions.]) tCP v. 1 is no. 350 of 525 copies printed; v. 2, no. 350 of 500 copies printed; v. 3, no. 350 of 425 copies printed. These volumes contain the following fasciculi, with independent pagination: v. 1 : i. Bibliography of Gordon genealogy, xlv p. ii. The Balbithan ms. 68 p. iii. Abergeldie, by the editor. 48 p. iv. Coclarachie, by Rev. Stephen Ree. 48 p. v. Gight, by the editor. 146 p. vi. Lists of Gordons in Scotland. 223 p. v. 2: i. Bibliography (continued), xx p. ii. His- tory by Ferrerius. Edited by Rev. S. Ree. 32 p. iii. History by Straloch. Edited by Rev. S. Ree. 76 p. iv. Tables by Gordonstoun. Edited by Rev. J. M. Joass. 44 p. v. Gordons of Lesmoir, and cadets. By Captain Wimberley and J. M. Bulloch. 358 p. vi. Gordon ballads. Edited by Rev. S. Ree. 101 p. v. 3: Gordons under arms; a biographical muster roll of officers named Gordon in the navies and armies of Britain, Europe, America, and in the Jacobite risings, by C. O. Skelton and J. M. Bulloch. The last Gordon of Auchleuchries. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 33-34.) CPA The origin of "Chinese Gordon." A suggestion. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1899. 4°. v. 2, p. 247-248.) ARCA Polish alliances with the Gordons. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq.'8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 17-19, 49-51, 113-115, 129-131.) CPA The sad fate of the Terpersie Gor- dons. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 66-67.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Gordon of Gor- donstoun. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 2-12.) ft ARK Gordon of Lesmoir. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 30-32.) ft ARK Gay, The, Gordons. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 246-269.) * DA Gordon, C. A. A concise history of the ancient and illustrious house of Gordon. [Edited by A. M. M.] Aberdeen: D. Wvllii & Son, 1890. xiv, 155 p. 12°. AR; Reprint of the edition of 1754. no. 8 of 50 copies printed on large paper. Gordon, Sir Robert, of Gordonstoun. I genealogical history of the earldom o Sutherland, from its origin to the yea 1630; written by Sir Robert Gordon o Gordonstoun. With a continuation to thi year 1651. Published from the origina manuscript. [Edited by Henry Weber. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co 1813. xv(i), 575, xi p., 1 fac, 1 pi., 1 porl f °- , ttAR Gordon-Cumming, Sir William Gordor Report on the papers at Gordonstown.. (In : Great Britain. — Royal Commissio on Historical manuscripts. Report, [no 6. London, 1877. Appendix, part 1, p. 681 688.) | Gordon — from the printed and mss. his tories of that name compared, as also ot servations thereon, deduced from origin: writes, &c. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Gene alogical collections... Edinburgh, 1901 8°. v. 2, p. 409-423.) AR Henderson, John. The Gordons c Swiney. (In his: Caithness family histor Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 326-327.) AR! Macwilliam, H. D. Some Gordons i the parish of Inveravon. (Scottish nots and queries. Aberdeen, 1$04. sq. 8°. si ries 2, v. 5, p. 81-83, 97.) CR Pringle, Walter. The memoirs of Wa ter Pringle of Greenknow... Edited b Rev. Walter Wood, with notes and an a] pendix, containing an account of the fam lies of Gordon and Seton. . .and also of tl Pringles. . .and the Homes of Bassendea Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1847. xii, li p. 16°. AR Reprinted from the edition of 1751. Smith, J. Henderson. The ennobled Go dons as book collectors. (Scottish noti and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. s ries 2, v. 4, p. 177-178.) CP Bookplates. Goudie Family Grant, Francis James. Goudie of Bra field, in the parish of Dunrossness, [and c Sand [and] Sottrigarth. (In his: Zetlai family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. 93-99.) AR Gould Family Michie, Charles. Brodie, Michie, a: Gould families. (Scottish notes and qu ries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, 8°. p. 161.) CI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 595 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Murdoch, Robert. Brodie, Michie, and Gould families. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 59, 66-67.) CPA Gourlay Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Gourlay of Kin- craig. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 469-471.) ft ARK Rogers, Charles. Memorials of the Scot- tish house of Gourlay. (In: Albert E. Gur- ley, The history and genealogy of Gurley family. Hartford, Conn., 1897. 8°. p. 1- 35.) APV Gow Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Gows — Sliochd Gow Chrom. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 118-122.) fARZ Gowrie, Earls of Steuart, A. Francis. Ruthven, earl of Gowrie. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 254-268.) ARO Graeme Family See Graham Family Graham Family See also under Airth, Earls of; Menteith, Earls of; and Montrose, Dukes and Dukedom of Bain, Joseph. The Grahams or Graemes of the Debateable Land — their traditional origin considered. (Archaeological journal. London, 1886. 8°. v. 43, p. 116-123.) CA Easton, Walter M. Graham. The Gra- hams of Leitchtown. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 123-125.) CPA Graeme, Louisa Grace. Or and sable. A book of the Grammes and Grahams. Edin- burgh: W. Brown, 1903. xlii, 720 p., 1 1., 1 fac, 15 pi., 17 port, 2 tables. 4°. ARZ One of 295 copies printed. Grahame, James. The Grahams of Wal- lacetown, Knockdolian, Grugar, Auchen- howie, Auchencloich, Tamrawer, Dougals- ton, Kilmannan, and Kilmardinny. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 376-387.) CPA Grahams, The, of Leitchtown pedigree. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 172-178.) CPA Lomas, Mrs. S. C, editor. The manu- scripts in the possession of Sir John James Graham, of Fintry. (In: Great Britain.— Historical Manuscripts Commission. Re- port on manuscripts in various collections. Hereford, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 185-275.) C Miscellaneous deeds and correspondence of the Graham family. Pedigree of the Grahams of Balgowan. (In: Alexander M. Delavaye, Life of Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch. Lon- don, 1880. 8°.) AN Table opp. p. 818. Stevenson, John Home. The traditions of the Grahams. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 16, p. 109-116, 183- 195; v. 17, p. 9-14, 87-89, 176-187.) CPA Terry, Charles Sanford. The home of the Claverhouse Grahams. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 2, p. 72-76.) CPA Wilson, John. The Graemes of Garvock. (In his: Dunning: its parochial history. Perth, 1873. 12°. p. 71-78.) CR Grant Family . See also under Seafield, Earls of Chapman, James. The genealogy of the Grants. . .written. . .in anno 1729. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical Collec- tions... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. 103-117.) ARF The statements in this genealogy are worthless for the period before the 13th century. Douglas, Sir Robert. Grant of Grant. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 341-346.) ft ARK Grant, A. R. The chiefs of Grant. (Gen- ealogist. London, 1884. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 214-224.) * R - Room 328 Based on Fraser's The chiefs of Grant, Edinburgh, 1883. / Grant, Charles, vicomte de Vaux. Me- moires historiques, genealogiques, poli- tiques, militaires, &c, &c, de la maison de Grant, divisee en plusieurs branches, tant en ficosse, qu'en Normandie, en Alle- magne, en Suede, en Dannemarc, &c... [Londres,] 1796. 5 p.l., iiii:-viii, 92, 455(1) p. 8°. ARZ Gray Family Grant, Francis James. The Grays of Cliff, in the parish of Unst. (In his: Zet- land family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 100-102.) ARX Gray, Peter. Skibo, its lairds and his- tory. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1906. 118 p, 1 pi. 12°. ARX 596 Genealogy THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Individual Families, continued. Gray, Lords Grant, Francis James. Gray, Lord Gray. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 269-296.) ARO Ramsay, viscount of Haddington. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907 8°. v. 4, p. 297-302.) ARO Three Scottish earldoms. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 149, p. 559-579.) * DA Haddington, Leven, Melville. Greer Family Anglo-Scotus, pseud. Doubtful pedi- grees. Greer of Grange Macgregor. [2.] Macmicking of Kil St. Ninian, Ayrshire. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 137-142.) *R-Room328 Greg, Greic Family Grant, Francis James. Greig of Sand- sound, in the parish of Sandsting, [and] Greig of Vassay in the parish of Nesting. (In his: Zetland family histories. Ler- wick, 1907. 4°. p. 103-110.) ARX Greg, Robert P. The Gregs and Greigs. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 468-470.) * R- Room 328 Gregor, Clan See Macgregor Family Grierson Family Grant, Francis James. The Griersons of Quendale. (In his: Zetland family his- tories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 111-113.) ARX Groat Family Extracts from old inventories of the titles of the estate of Malcolm Groat of Warse. (In: J. T. Calder, Sketch of the civil and traditional history of Caithness. . . Glasgow, 1861. 12°. p. 245-252.) CR \ Gunn Family Henderson, John. The Gunns. (In his: Caithness family history. sq. 8°. p. 319-323.) Edinburgh, 1884. ARX Earls and Viscounts The, memorials. London, 1890. 8° (Edin- v. 172, *DA Haddington Haddington, burgh review. p. 1-33.) Paul, Sir James Balfour. Hamilton, earls of Haddington. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 303- 329.) ARO Haig Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Haig of Bemer- side. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 132-136.) ffARK Haigs, The, of Bemersyde. (Edinburgh review. London, 1882. 8°. v. 155, p. 505- 532.) *DA Based on Russell's Haigs of Bemersyde. Russell, John. The Haigs of Bemersyde. A family history. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1881. xiii(i) p., 1 1., 496 p., 1 pi. 8°. ARZ Haldane Family Grant, Francis James. Haldane of Northroe, in the parish of Northmayine. (In his: Zetland family histories. Ler- wick, 1907. 4°. p. 114-115.) ARX Rogers, Charles. Family of Haldane. (In his: Four Perthshire families. . . Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. p. 111-123.) ARX Haliburton Family Memorials of the Haliburtons. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott.] Edinburgh: J. Bal- lantyne & Co., printers, 1820. iv, 63 p., 1 pi. 4°. ARZ One of only thirty copies printed. With holograph inscription hy Sir Walter Scott: 'For Mr. David Laing, Bookseller, as a mark of sin- cere sense of his successful researches into Scottish antiquities, from his obliged servant Walter Scott.' Rogers, Charles. Genealogical memoirs of the family of Sir Walter Scott, bart., of Abbotsford, with a reprint of his memorial of the Haliburtons. London: printed for the Royal Historical Society, 1877. lxxii, 78 p. 8°. ARZ The Memorial of the Haliburtons has a separate title-page which reads: 'Memorials of the Haliburtons. Edinburgh: printed by J. Ballantyne & Co., 1824. Reviewed in The Genealogist, v. 2, p. 167-168, London, 1878. Haliburton op Dirleton, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Haliburton of Dirleton. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 330-338.) ARO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 597 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Halket Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Halket of Pitfir- ran (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 284-287.) ttARK Halket-Craigie of Hall-Hill. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 287-288,) ttARK Hamill Family Robertson, George. Hamill of Rough- wood. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 372-374.) Stuart 8437 Hamilton Family See also under Abercorn, Earls of; Bargany, Lords; Belhaven, Lords and Viscounts of; Haddington, Earls and Viscounts of; Orkney, Earls and Earldom of; and Ruglen, Earls of Anderson, John. Historical and geneal- ogical memoirs of the house of Hamilton; with genealogical memoirs of the several branches of the family. Edinburgh: J. An- derson, jun., 1825. xii, (1)14-412 p., 2 1., 1 pi. f°. ARZ Two autograph letters from the author to John Riddell (dated S. Sept. 1824, and 12. March 1827) and one from James Hamilton to the same (dated Dunse 8. Sept. [1843]) inserted. Bain, Joseph. The Hamilton family and its cadets. (Genealogist. London, 1899. 8°. v. 16, p. 73-75.) * R - Room 328 "Walter Fitz Gilbert," ancestor of the dukes of Hamilton. A suggestion as to his origin. (Genealogist. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 43-46.) *R- Room 328 Birnie, John. Account of the families of Birnie and Hamilton of Broomhill, by J. Birnie, Esq. Edited by W. B. D. D. Turn- bull. . . Edinburgh: printed for private dis- tribution, 1838. 2 pi, (i)vi-xix, 82 p. illus. 4°. ARZ This account was compiled c. 1720-25. Only sixty copies printed. Douglas, Sir Robert. Hamilton of In- nerwick. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 460-463.) ttARK Hamilton of Orbieston, Dalziell, and Rosehall. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 463-465.) ttARK Hamilton of Silvertonhill. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 424-427.) ttARK Hamilton of Udston, &c. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 466-467.) ttARK Hamilton of Wishaw. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 479-480.) ttARK Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton. The Olivestob Hamiltons. New York: privately printed, 1893. 32 p. f°. tARZ Grant, Francis James. The Hamilton family. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 116-121.) ARX Harwood, Henry William Forsyth. A Flemish branch of the Hamiltons of In- nerwick. (The Genealogist. London, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 144.) *R- Room 328 Murray, Keith W. An incident in the history of the Hamilton family. (The Genealogist. London, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 1-6.) *R- Room 328 Reid, John Eaton. Genealogical account of the Hamilton family. (In his: History of the county of Bute. Glasgow, 1864. 8°. p. 176-193.) CR Riddell, John. Reply to the misstate- ments of Dr. Hamilton of Bardowie, in his late "Memoirs of the house of Hamilton, corrected," respecting the descent of his family; with an appendix of original mat- ter, partly affecting the Hamiltons, and Stewarts, and representation of the old earls of Lennox, &c. By J. R. Edinburgh: J. Stevenson, 1828. 2 pi, 26, 10 p. 4°. Robertson, Alexander. Sir R. Moray and the "Lives of the Hamiltons." (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 438-440.) CPA Robertson, George. Hamilton of Grange, Holmhead (formerly of Aikinhead), [and] of Ladyland. (In his: Genealogical ac- count of the principal families in Ayrshire ... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 356-372.) Stuart 8437 Hamilton, Dukes of Anderson, John. Hamilton, duke of Hamilton. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 339-397.) ARO Harvie Family Robertson, George. Harvie of Broadlie, now Montgomery. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayr- shire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 340- 342.) Stuart 8438 Hay Family See also under Erroll, Earls of; Kinnoull, Earls of; and Tweeddale, Marquesses of Douglas, Sir Robert. Hay of Paris [Perthshire]. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 583-584.) ttARK 598 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Hay of Pitfour. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 481- 483.) tt ARK Hay of Strowie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 588.) tfARK Ferguson, James. A northern baronial house. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 248-259.) CPA Grant, Francis James. Hay of Hayfield. (In his: Zetland family histories. Ler- wick, 1907. 4°. p. 122-128.) ARX Hay, Sir John Dalrymple. Hay of Errol. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 1, p. 40-46, 57-61, 77-82.) CPA Hay, Father Richard Augustin. Gene- alogie of the Hayes of Tweeddale includ- ing memoirs of his own times. Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1835. 2 p.l., xvi, 127(1) p. sq. 8°. ARX One of 108 copies printed. Paton, Henry, editor. The manuscripts of Robert Mordaunt Hay, Esq., of Duns Castle, Berwickshire. (In: Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. Report on manuscripts in various collec- tions. Hereford, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-71.) "The manuscripts. . .have reference rather to lands which were once in the possession of the family, than to those which now form the estate.'* Hepburn Family See also under Bothwell, Lords and Earls of Boyle, Robert. Hepburn of Auldham- stocks. (Genealogical magazine. London 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 412-416.) ARCA Herries of Terregles, Lords Herries, David C. regies. 1 pi. (In: Edinburgh, 1907. 8 Lord Herries of Ter- The Scots peerage. '. v. 4, p. 398-424.) ARO HOLYROODHOUSE, LORD Inglis, Alexander W. Bothwell, Lord Holyroodhouse. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 425-439.) ARO Home Family See under Dunbar, Earls and Viscounts of, and Hume Family Home, Earls of Fullarton, Mrs. E. M. Home, earl oi Home. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage, Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 440-484.) ARO Heddell Family Grant, Francis James. Heddell of Helli- ness, in the parish of Cunningsburgh; and Uresland, in the parish of Tingwall. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 129-131.) ARX Honeyman Family Honeyman, Abraham Van Doren. Th< Honeyman family (Honeyman, Honyman Hunneman, etc.), in Scotland and America 1584-1908. Plainfield, N. J., 1909. 345 p. 1 fac, 16 pi., 15 port. 8°. APV Henderson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Henderson of Fordell. (In his: Baronge of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 518-520.) ft ARK Grant, Francis James. Henderson of Buness, in the parish of Unst, [and] of Petti- ster, Midgarth, Springfield, [and] of Gloup. (In his: Zetland family histories. Ler- wick, 1907. 4°. p. 132-148.) ARX Henderson, John. The Hendersons of Stemster, of Achalibster and Westerdale, [and] of Nottingham and Gersay. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 283-294.) ARX Henry Family Grant, Francis James. Henry of Bayhall, in the parish of Walls. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 149-151.) ARX Hope Family See also under Hopetoun, Earls of Douglas, Sir Robert. Hope of Craighall (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798. f°. p. 58-61.) ttARS Hopetoun, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Hope, earl o Hopetoun, now marquess of Linlithgow 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgt 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 485-505.) AR( Seton, George. Memoir of Alexande Seton, earl of Dunfermline, president c the Court of Sessions, and chancellor c Scotland. With an appendix containin a list of the various presidents of the cour and genealogical tables of the legal fam lies of Erskine, Hope, Dalrymple, and Dur das. xiv, 217 p., 1 fac, 5 pi., 2 port. 8°. Al LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 599 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Hoseason Family Grant, Francis James. Hoseason of Ay- wick, in the parish of Yell, (and] Hoseason of Dalsetter. (In his: Zetland family his- tories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 152-157.) ARX Houston Family S., N S. Houston of that ilk. (Genealo- gist. London, 1881. 8°. v. 5, p. 22-23.) *R- Room 328 Howieson Family Robertson, George. Howieson of Brae- head (now Howieson-Craufurd of Crau- furdland and Braehead. (In his: Genealog- ical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1823. 12°. v. 1, p. 204-209.) Stuart 8437 Hume (and Home) Family See also under Marchmont, Earls of Bolton, W. The Homes and the Humes. (Ex Libris Society. Journal. London, 1900. 4°. v. 9, p. 123-126, 139-141.) MDVA The Humes of Polwarth. (Ex Lib- ris Society. Journal. London, 1900. 4°. y. 9, p. 172-176.) MDVA Douglas, Sir Robert. Hume of Nine- wells. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 587-588.) ff ARK Fraser, Sir William, editor. First report on the Marchmont muniments of the fam- ily of Polwarth, Lords Polwarth, and earls of Marchmont, in the possession of Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, baronet, of March- mont, at Marchmont House, Berwickshire. (In: Great Britain. — Historical Manu- scripts Commission. 14. report. London, 1893. 8°. appendix, part 3, p. 56-173.) C The principal portions of genealogical interest are the following: Ancient charters and other writs chiefly relating to the lands and families of Pol- warth and Home, 1343-1568, p. 62-71. Papers relat- ing to the nunnery of Northberwick, 1523-1547, p. 71-73. Miscellaneous writs of the Homes of Pol- warth, etc., 1427-1700, p. 73-82. Papers relating to the Berwickshire families of Spens, Wolff and Trot- ter, 1514-1600, p. 82-85. Discharges and other writs by abbots and commendators and other ecclesiastics shortly before and after the Reformation, 1524-1643, p. 86-93. Miscellaneous records, journals, heraldic manuscripts, and other writs relating to the Homes of Polwarth, p. 94-101. The manuscripts of the duke of Athole, K.T., and of the earl of Home. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1891. 2 p.l., 233 p. 8°. (Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission. 12. report; appendix, part viii.) C The manuscripts of the Home family reported on, comprise 1. Documents, more or less of a personal nature relating to the principal members of the family of Home. 2. Old charters and other docu- ments still in the charter chest at Hirsel relating to lands formerly possessed by the Home family. Great Britain. — House of Lords. Case of Alexander Home. . .claiming the titles, honours, and dignities of earl of March- mont, viscount of Blazonberry, Lord Pol- wart of Polwart, Redbraes and Greenlaw .. .1822. London: H. Riddell [1822,. 17 p., 1 table. f°. ft ARZ Home, David Milne. Report on the manuscripts of Colonel D. M. Home of Wedderburn Castle, N. B. London: Mackie & Co., Ltd., prtrs., 1902. 1 p.l., 329 p. 8°. (Great Britain. — Historical Manuscripts Commission.) CR The muniments of the family of Home of Wed- derburn relate to lands in almost every part of Ber- wickshire." Pringle, Walter. The memoirs of Walter Pringle of Greenknow... Edited by Rev. Walter Wood, with notes and an appendix, containing an account of the families of Gordon and Seton...and also of the Prin- gles...and the Homes of Bassendean. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1847. xii, 132 p. 16°. ARZ Reprinted from the edition of 1751. Walford, Edward. The Homes of Pol- warth. (In his : Tales of our great families. London, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 2, p. 193- 210.) ARF Warrender, Margaret. Marchmont and the Humes of Polwarth. By one of their descendants [Margaret Warrender]. Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1894. xii p., 1 1., 193 p., 11 pi. 4°. ARZ Hunter Family Grant, Francis James. Hunter of Lunna, in the parish of Lunnasting. (In his: Zet- land family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p.161-165.) ARX Hunter, Andrew Alexander. The pedi- gree of Hunter of Abbotshill and Barjarg and cadet families: Hunter of Bonnytoun and Doonholm, Hunter-Blair of Blairqu- han, Hunter of Auchterarder, Hunter of Thurston. London: Elliot Stock, 1905. iv p., 2 1., 47 p., 10 fac, 6 geneal. tables, 10 pi., 5 pi. port. 4°. f ARZ Robertson, George. Hunter of Abbots- hall, now of Barjarg, &c, Bonnytoun or Doonholm, [and] of Thurston. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 335-347.) Stuart 8439 Hunter of Hunterston. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire. Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 167-181.) Stuart 8439 Stodart, Robert Riddle. Notice of a re- cent case in the Court of Session, Scotland, as to the surname and arms of Hunter of Hunterston. By S * * * (Genealogist. London, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 310-315.) *R- Room 328 600 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Huntly, Earls and Marquesses of Anderson, John, and Sir James Balfour Paul. Gordon, earl and marquess of Hunt- ly, and duke of Gordon. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 506-562.) ARO Macintosh, John. Earldom and earls of Huntly. (In his: Historic earls and earl- doms of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1898. 12°. p. 108-223.) ARF Sinclair, Alexander. Notices of ancient Scotch families; with regard to filii car- nales. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 589-597.) *R- Room 328 1. The lords of Lorn. 2. The earls of Huntly. Hutcheson Family Hill, William H. History of the hospital and school in Glasgow founded by George and Thomas Hutcheson of Lambhill, A.D. 1639-41: with notices of the founders and of their family, properties and affairs. Published by instruction of the preceptor and patrons of the Royal Incorporation of Hutchesons' Hospital. [Glasgow: R. An- derson, prtr., 1881.] xiii p., 1 1., 326 p., 1 fac, 2 maps, 4 pi., 2 port., 1 table. 4°. t ARZ One of 150 copies. Hyndford, Earls of Carmichael, Evelyn G. M. Carmichael, earl of Hyndford. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 563-597.) ARO Inglis Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Inglis of Cramond. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 264-265.) ft ARK Inglis of Manner and Mannerhead. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 198-200.) ft ARK Ingram Family See also under Irvine, Earls and Viscounts of Grant, Francis James. Ingram of Hill- side in the parish of Unst. (In his: Zet- land family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 166-168.) ARX Innermeath, Lords Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, Lord In- nermeath. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-8.) ARO Innes Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Innes of Inner- markie, Balveny, and Ortoun. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798 f°. p. 78-79.) ft ARK ■ Innes of Innes. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p i3_ 18.) ftARK Forbes, Duncan. Ane account of the familie of Innes. Compiled by Duncan Forbes of Culloden, 1698. With an appen- dix of charters and notes. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.j Aberdeen: printed for the Spalding Club, 1864. 2 p.l., ix, 286 p 11 1 fac. 4°. fARZ Grant, Francis James. Innes of Fraca- field, in the parish of Tingwall. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907 4°. p. 169-170.) ARX Henderson, John. The Inneses of Thur- sater, [and] of Sandside. (In his: Caith- ness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sa 8°. p. 238-252.) ARX Walford, Edward. Tragedies of the house of Innes. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1880. 12°. series 2 v 2, p. 225-236.) ARF Irvine (and Irving) Family Boyd, Lucinda Joan Rogers. The Ir- vines and their kin. Revised by the author in Scotland, Ireland, and England. A his- tory of the Irvine family and their de- scendants. Also short sketches of their kindred, the Carlisles, McDowells, John- stons, Maxwells, Gaults, McElroys, etc., from A.D. 373 down to the present time. Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons, 1908. 432 p., 2 I., 17. pi., 6 port, 6 tables. 8°. APV Burnett, Helen. Memoir of the Irvines of Monboddo. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 1-4.) CPA Erving, Irving. General search in the records and collections of the College of Arms for Irving, Erving, etc. (New York genealogical and biographical record. New York, 1900. 4°. v. 31, p. 48-50.) * R - Room 328 Irving, George. The Irvings of Hoddom. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural His- tory and Antiquarian Society. Transac- tions. Dumfries, 1906. 8°. 1900-1905. p. 175-201.) *EC Irving, John Beaufin. The Irvings, Ir- wins, Irvines, or Erinveines: or any other spelling of the name. An old Scots border clan. Aberdeen: for the author, The Rose- mount Press, 1907. x p., 1 1., 295 pp., 1 fac 1 map, 68 pi., 22 port., 6 tables. 4°. fARZ The historical statements in the early part of this work are to be used with great caution. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 601 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Irvine, Earls and Viscounts of Harwood, H. W. Forsyth. Ingram, Vis- count Irvine. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 9-20.) ARO Macphail, J. R. N. Campbell, Earl of Irvine. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. S, p. 21-26.) ARO Isles, Lords of the See also under Macdonald Family Macdonald, A. J. Macdonald, Lord of the Isles. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. S, p. 27-48.) ARO Stirling, Anna Maria Diana Wilhelmina Pickering. Macdonald of the Isles: a ro- mance of the past and present. London: John Murray, 1913. xii, 295 p., 10 pi., 14 port. 8°. ARZ Jedburgh, Lords Kerr, Arthur H. Ker, Lord Jedburgh. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 49-80.) ARO delphia, 189S. 8°. v. 1, p. 44-54, 145-153.) APGA Above gives history of the main branch in Scot- land. Keith Family See also under Altrie, Lords; Dingwall, Lords; Kintore, Earls of; and Marischal, Earls Anderson, Peter John. The heirs of the Keiths. 2 tables. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894-97. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 177-178; v. 10, p. 59-60, 123, 161.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Keith of Craig. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 443-445.) ft ARK Keith of Ludquhairn. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 73-75.) ft ARK Keith of Pittendrum, Revelston t or Ravelstounj, &c. (In > his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 445, 589-590.) ttARK Kellie, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Erskine, earl of Kellie. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 81-97.) ARO Johnstone Family See also under Annandale, Earls and Marquesses of Black, John A. The Maxwell and John- stone feud. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 236-240.) * DE Douglas, Sir Robert. Johnston of Cas- kieben, now of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 35- 39.) ttARK Johnston of Wamphray. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 232-233.) ttARK Genealogy of Johnstone of Gallabank. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. v. 2, p. 47-50.) CP Johnston, Charles Ernest. A genealogi- cal record of the descendants of Peter Johnston, who came to America from Lockerby, Scotland, in the year 1773... Also a short history of the clan of John- ston, of Annandale. [Washington, D.C.: Mitchell,, 1900. 8°. APV p. 9-16: The clan of Johnston. Johnston, James R. Origin of the John- ston family. (The "Old Norwest" gene- alogical quarterly. Columbus, O., 1907. 8°. v. 10, p. 279-282.) * R - Room 328 Newport, Magdalen. Some stories of colonial families. Johnstone of New Jer- sey. (American historical register. Phila- Kelso Family Robertson, George. Kelso of Kelsoland, Kelso of Nether-Kelsoland, [and] Kelso of Hullerhirst. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 22-38.) Stuart 8438 Kenmure, Viscounts of Macmath, William. Gordon, viscount of Kenmure. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 98-135.) ARO Kennedy Family George, J. F. Kennedy of Kermuck. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 174-175.) CPA Henderson, John. The Kennedys of Stroma. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 328-329.) ARX Leighton, J. E. Kennedy of Kermuck. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 174.) CPA Pitcairn, Robert. Historical and genea- logical account of the principal families of the name of Kennedy. From an original ms„ with notes and illustrations, &c. Edin- burgh: Wm. Tait & J. Stevenson, 1830. ix p , 1 1., 218 p., 1 fac, 1 table. 4°. ARZ 602 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Ker (Kerr, Carr, Carre) Family See also under Jedburgh, Lords; Lothian, Marquesses of; and Roxburghe, Dukes of Brief statement of the dispute for pre- cedency, which lasted thirty years, be- tween the rival families of the Kers, earls of Lothian and Roxburgh, n. t.-p. n.p. [187 - ?] 4 p. 8°. ARD p.v.l C * *. Family of Kerr and Carr. (Gen- ealogist. London, 1879. 8°. v. 3, p. 88-90.) *R- Room 328 Correcting some errors in the article by S * * * (R. R. Stodart) noted below. Kerr, Robert Malcolm. Notices of the families of Kerr of Kerrisland and Mon- fode of that ilk. [By R. M. Kerr.] n. p., 1881. 1 p.l., 103, 44, 27-34, 63-66, [97-jlOl p., 7 pi., 1 port. 12°. ARZ Twenty-five copies printed. Founded on the gen- ealogy in Robertson's Ayrshire families and on the mss. of the late James Dobie. p. 27-34, 63-66, [97]- 101 contain corrections of the same pages in the first part. Robertson, George. Ker of Kersland, Treearne, cadets of Kersland, [and] Ker of Auchingree. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 289-306.) Stuart 8438 Stodart, Robert Riddle. Carre of Cavers- Carre, county of Roxburgh. [By R. R. Stodart.] (Genealogist. London, 1879. 8°. v. 3, p. 110-115.) *R- Room 328 Contest for precedency between the Kerr families of Cessford and Fernihirst. (Genealogist. London, 1878. 8°. v. 2, p. 380-383. ) *R-Room328 Kerr of Gateshaw. (Genealogist. London, 1879. 8°. v. 3, p. 246-250.) * R - Room 328 Also includes the families of Kerr of Corbethouse and Moir of Otterburn. ■ Kerr of Fernihirst, Baron Jed- burgh. (Genealogist. London, 1878. 8°. v. 2, p. 282-294.) * R - Room 328 Kerr of Lochtour and Cherry trees: with a notice of the life and descendants of Mr. David Williamson, minister of St. Cuthberts. (Herald and genealogist. Lon- don, 1873. 8°. v. 7, p. 220-229.) * R - Room 328 Notes on the family of Ker, Kerr, or Carre in Scotland, i. Kerr of Green- head. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 231-240.) *R- Room 328 Notes on the family of Kerr in Scotland. (Herald and genealogist. Lon- don, 1873-74. 8°. v. 7, p. 407-419, 512-523; v. 8, p. 241-245.) * R - Room 328 - — - Sir Thomas Kerr of Redden, and his descendants. A neglected genealogy. (Genealogist. London, 1878. 8°. v 2 o 137-142, 176-180.) * R - Room 328 Thomson, Thomas. Notices of the Kers of Samuelston, etc. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 64-68.) CPA Kidston Family Fergusson, Robert Menzies. The Kid- ston family in Logie. (In his: Logie: a parish history. Paisley, 1905. 4°. v. 2 n 248-257.) f CR Kilmarnock, Earls of Ruvigny and Raineval (9. marquis), Mel- ville Amadeus Henry Douglas Heddle de la Caillemotte de Massue de Ruvigny. Boyd, earl of Kilmarnock. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 136- 182.) ARO Kilpont Family Barclay-AUardice, R. The children of John, Lord Kilpont. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 68-72.) CPA Kilsyth, Viscounts Cook, W. B. Livingston, Viscount Kil- syth. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 183-194.) ARO King Family See under Eythin, Lords Kingston, Viscounts of Seton, George. Seton, viscount of King- ston. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 195-198.) ARO Kinloch Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Kinloch. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 533-534.) ttARK Kinloch of Gourdie. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 535.) ft ARK Kinloch of Kilrie. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 536.) ftARK Kinloch of that ilk in the county of Perth. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 534-535.) ft ARK Kinloss, Baroness Armstrong, W. Bruce. Morgan-Gren- ville, Baroness Kinloss. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5. p. 199- 201.) ARO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 603 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Kinnaird Family Some charters to the lairds of Kinnaird of that ilk and of the lands of Incheture. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical col- lections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. S2-S4.) ARF Kinnaird, Lords Carnegie, Allan S. Kinnaird, Lord Kin- naird. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. S, p. 202-216.) ARO Kinninmond Family Account of the family of Kinninmond of that ilk, the succession, marriages, &c, so far as appears from their own papers. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical col- lections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 531-544.) ARF Inventary of papers vouching the before written account of the family of Kinnin- mond. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealog- ical collections .. . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 545-548.) ARF [By David Crawford of Drumsay.] (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 276- 284.) V A RF Rogers, Charles. Genealogical memoirs of John Knox and of the family of Knox. London: Grampian Club, 1879. iv, (1)6- 184 p., 1 port. 8°. ARZ Lamont Family Clan Lamont Society. Report of the 1., 3. general meeting. . .held 1897, 1899, in Glasgow. [Glasgow, 1897-99.) 2 pamphlets. 8°. ARZ Lamont, Norman. The family of La- mont. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1889. 4°. v. 2, p. 349-352.) ARCA Lamont, William. The Lamont tartan; an address delivered to the Clan Lamont Society... 1910. Glasgow, 1910. 10 p.l., 18 p., 8 pi. 8°. CPE no. 196 of 200 copies printed. Martine, George. Lawmond. (In: Wal- ter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections. . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 157-159.) ARF Kinnoull, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Hay, earl of Kinnoull. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 217-239.) ARO Kintore, Earls of Grant, Francis James. Keith, earl of Kintore. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 240-242.) ARO Kirkcudbright, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Maclellan, Lord Kirkcudbright. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 256- 274.) ARO Kirkpatrick Family Walford, Edward. The Kirkpatricks of Closeburn. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 2, p. 176-182.) ARF Knox Family Bonar, Horatius. John Knox and Ran- furly. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 370-371.) CPA On the supposed connection of the Reformer with the family of Knox of Ranfurly. Crawford, David, 1665-1726. An exact and well vouched genealogie of the ancient family of Knoc or Knox of Ranfurlie . . . Lauder Family Smith, Mrs. J. Stewart. The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass; and the other baronial homes of the Dick-Lauder family, written and illustrated with pen, pencil, and cam- era. Edinburgh: printed for the author by T. and A. Constable, 1898. xxii p., 1 1., 427 p., 19 pi., 4 port, illus. 4°. t ARZ Lauderdale, Earls of Macphail, J. R. N. Maitland, earl of Lauderdale. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 275- 323.) ARO Law Family Wood, John Philip. [Notices of the family of Law of Lauriston.] (In his: Memoirs of the life of John Law of Lauris- ton... Edinburgh, 1824. 16°. p. 199-207.) AN Lawrance (Lawrence) Family Murdoch, Robert. Lawrance and Law- rence families in Aberdeenshire, 1696. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 116-118, 134- 136.) CPA Lawson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Lawson of Cairn- muir. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 581-583.) tt ARK 604 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Leith Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Leith of Bucharne. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 230-231.) ft ARK Leith of Freefield. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 231-232.) ttARK Leith of Harthill. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 229-230.) tt ARK Leith of Leith-hall. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 224-227.) tt ARK Leith of Overhall. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 227-228.) tt ARK Leith of Treefield. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 230.) tt ARK Lennox, Earls and Earldom of Anderson, John. The Celtic earls of Lennox. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 324-343.) ARO Cartularium comitatus de Levenax ab initio seculi decern tertii usque ad annum 1398. [Edited by James Dennistoun.j Edinburgh: [Maitland Club,] 1833. xxiv p., 1 1., 125 p. 4°. t CP Hamilton, Robert. Case of Margaret Lennox of Woodhead, in relation to the title, honours, and dignity, of the ancient earls of Levenax or Lennox. [By Robert Hamilton.] Edinburgh: A. Lawrie & Co., printers, 1813. 3 p.l., 88 p., 1 table. f°. ARZ Napier, Mark. History of the partition of the Lennox. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1835,. xvi, 256 p. 8°. ARZ "The Lanox of auld." An episto- lary review of "The Lennox, by William Fraser." Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1880. 2 p.l., xii, 153 p., 4 pi., 1 table. 4°. t ARZ Riddell, John. Additional remarks upon the question of the Lennox or Rusky rep- resentation. . .in answer to the author of "History of the partition of the Lennox". . . with an eclaircissement as to the discus- sions about Richard n. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 183S. xxvii(i), 151 p. 8°. ARZ Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. The Len- nox. [By Mary M. M. Scott.] (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 138- 161.) *DA (Reprinted in her: The making of Abbotsford and incidents in Scottish history... London, 1897. 8°. p. 160-199.) CR Lennox, Dukes of Grant, Francis James. Lennox, duke of Lennox. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 363-371.) ARO Great Britain. — House of Lords. Len- nox peerage. Case of the earl of Darnley claiming the title of duke of Lennox, &c ...1830. [London:] Lowless, Crosse & Batty [1830]. 23 p., 1 1., 1 table. f°. tt ARZ Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, duke of Lennox. (In: "The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 344-362.) ARO Leslie Family See also under Leven, Earls of; Lindores, Lords- Newark, Lords; and Rothes, Easls of Douglas, Sir Robert. Leslie of Wardis. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 28-30.) ttARK Excerpts from a manuscript of the sir- name of Lesly done in the year 1695, and continued and improved from writes, char- ters, and other authentick documents. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2 p. 424- 470.) ARF Genealogy of Leslie of Findrassie. (An- alecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. v. 2, p. 41-46.) CP Grant, Francis James. Leslie of Ures- land, in the parish of Tingwall. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 171-172.) ARX Leslie, Charles. Historical records of the family of Leslie from 1067 to 1868-9, collected from public records and authen- tic private sources. Edinburgh: Edmon- ston & Douglas, 1869. 3 v. 8°. ARZ Pedigree of the family of Leslie of Balquhain: extracted from public records, family charters, deeds and other authentic documents, from 1067 to 1861. Bakewell: J. Goodwin, printer, 1861. 2 p.l., 23(1) p. 8°. ARZ Printed for private use only. Martine, George, 1635-1712. The Les- lies. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8 8 . v. 2, p. 1-84.) ARF Leven, Earls of See also under Melville, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Leslie, earl of Leven. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 372-381.) ARO Three Scottish earldoms. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 149, p. 559-579.) * DA Haddington, Leven, Melville. Lindores, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Leslie, Lord Lindores. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 382-390.) ARO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 605 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Lindsay Family See also under Balcarres, Earls of; Crawford, Earls of; and Spynie, Lords Douglas, Sir Robert. Lindsay of Eagles- cairny. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 261-262.) ft ARK Lindsay of Kirkforthar. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 259-261.) ttARK Lindsay of Wolmerstoun. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 257-259.) ttARK Lindsay, Earls of Grant, Francis James. Lindsay, earl of Lindsay. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 391-420.) ARO Information for the laird of Edzell agt. William, earl of Lindsay. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 399-408.) ARF Linlithgow, Earls of Cook, William Bowie. Livingston, earl of Linlithgow. (In: The Scots peerage. Edniburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 421-451.) ARO Some colonial families. Livingston of New York. (American historical regis- ter. Philadelphia, 1895. 8°. v. 2, p. 650- 658.) APGA Deals exclusively with their Scottish origin. Livingstone (of Lismore) Family Argyll (10. duke), Niall Diarmid Camp- bell. The barons of Bachuill. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 190- 192.) NDK Carmichael, Alexander. The barons of Bachuill. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. S, p. 356-375.) NDK Reprinted in the Caledonian, v. 9, p. 261-268, New York, 1910. Lockhart Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Lockhart of Cleg- horn. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 585-587.) ft ARK Lockhart of Lee. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 323- 327.) ft ARK Walford, Edward. The Lockharts of Lee. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 1, p. 226- 246.) ARF Linlithgow, Marquesses of See Hopetoun, Earls of Linne (Lynne) Family Robertson, George. Linne, or Lynne, of that ilk. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire ... Ir- vine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 289-291.) Stuart 8439 Lithgow Family Hopkins, Ellen Dunlop. The Lithgow family. [In Scotland and in U. S.] 1 port. (New York genealogical and biographical record. New York, 1898. 4°. v. 29, p. 1-13.) * R - Room 328 Livingston Family See also under Callendar, Earls of; Kilsyth, Viscounts of; Newburgh, Earls of; and Teviot, Viscounts of Livingston, Edwin Brockholst. The Liv- ingstons of Callendar, and their principal cadets. A family history. [Edinburgh:] privately printed [by Scott & Ferguson], 1887. 2 v. fac, pi., port. P. fARZ no. 42 of 75 copies printed. Logan Family Robertson, George. Logan of Logan, formerly of Restalrig. (In his: Genealogi- cal account of the principal families of Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 135-158.) Stuart 8439 Logy or Logie Family Allan, Alexander Stewart. Historical notices of the family of Margaret of Logy, second queen of David the Second, king of Scots. (Royal Historical Society. Trans- actions. London, 1878, 8°. v. 7, p. 330- 361.) CA Lorimer Family Stodart, Robert Riddle. Lorimer, Scot- land. By S * * * 1 pi. (Miscellanea ge- nealogica et heraldica. London, 1877. 4°. new series, v. 2, p. 421-423.) * R - Room 328 Lorn, Lords of Sinclair, Alexander. Notices of ancient Scotch families; with regard to filii car- nales. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 589-597.) * R - Room 328 1. The lords of Lorn. 2. The earls of Huntly. 606 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Lothian, Marquesses of Fullarton, Mrs. E. M. Ker, marquess of Lothian. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 452-487.) ARO Loudoun, Earls of Grant, Francis James. Campbell, earl of Loudoun. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 488-517.) ARO Jonas, Alfred Charles. The Loudoun family. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 453-458.) ARCA Robertson, George. Campbell, earl of ■ Loudoun. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 205-215.) Stuart 8438 Lovat, Lords Carnegie, Allan S. Fraser, Lord Fraser of Lovat. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 518-548.) ARO Lumsden Family Lumsden, Henry William. , Memorials of the families of Lumsdaine, Lumisden, or Lumsden. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1889. x p., 1 1., 116 p., 2 pi., 2 port., 1 table. 4°. ARZ no. 46 of eighty copies printed. Pedigree, The, of Andrew Lumsden. In his own handwriting. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. v. 2, p. 32-41.) CP Macalpin Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macalpin. (I n his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinbure-h 1798. f°. p. 491-492.) ffARK Macandrews Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser.- The Mac- andrews. Sliochd Gill' Andris. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chat- tan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 142-143, 185 ) tARZ \ Macaulay Family Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. The Macaulay clan. (Athenaeum. Lon- don, 1860. f°. March 31, p. 442-443.) *DA Traditions of the Macaulays of Lewis. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq 8°. v. 14, p. 363-431.) CPA Macbean Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mac- beans. 1 pi. illus. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan. Glas- gow, 1898. 4°. p. 30-56, 181.) fARZ MacCallum Family Sinclair, A. Maclean. Argyllshire clans. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-340.) NDK The MacCallums of Poltalloch. Lyle, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Lyle, Lord Lyle. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 549-558.) ARO Lynne Family See Linne Family Lyon* Family See also under Strathmore, Earls of Fraser, Sir William, editor. Report on ancient charters in the possession of the Right Honourable Claud, earl of Strath- more and Kinghorn, at Glamis Castle, in the county of Forfar... (In: Great Bri- tain. — Historical Manuscripts Commis- sion. 14. report. London, 1894. 8°. ap- pendix, part iii, p. 174-190.) C "The collection may be divided into two sections, the first containing charters relating to the family of Lyon of Glamis, ancestor of the present earl of Strathmore, and the second containing charters re- lating to the abbey of Jedburgh and the priory of Restennet." M'Combie Family Smith, William M'Combie. Memoir of the families of M'Combie and Thomas, originally M'Intosh and M'Thomas; com- piled from history and tradition. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1890. xiii(i), 224 p., 1 pi., 6 port, new ed. 8°. ARZ MacCoul Family Sinclair, A. Maclean. Argyllshire clans. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-340.) NDK The MacCouls of Barrichibean and Craignish. Macculloch Family R., D. M. The Maccullochs of Glastul- lich. (The Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 12, p. 170-174.) CA MacDhughail (of Morar) See Macdonald Family LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 607 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Macdonald Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macdonald of Kingsburrow. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 391.) tfARK Macdonald of Macdonald. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 21-23.) ttARK Macdonald, Angus, and A. Macdonald. The clan Donald. Inverness: Northern Counties Publishing Co., 1896-1904. 3 v. fac, pi., port. 8°. ARZ Reviewed in Celtic review, v. 2, p. 180-183, Edin- burgh, 1906. Macdonald, Hugh? History of the Mac- donalds. (In: Highland papers. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-102.) CP McKean, Frederick George. Historical notes, being quotations from historical and other records, relating chiefly to Maclan — MacDonalds, many calling themselves M'Cain, M'Cane [etc.]. Washington, D.C., 1906. 250 p., 2 pi. illus. 8°. ARZ Mackenzie, Alexander. History of the Macdonalds, and the Lords of the Isles (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1880-81. 8° v. 5, p. 1-10, 41-51, 81-89, 121-128, 169-175 209-219, 249-257, 289-297, 329-337, 369-378 419-425, 459-467; v. 6, p. 1-9, 41-50, 81-"" 121-131, 184-189, 209-218, 249-257, 289-300 329-337, 369-380, 417-428, 467-473.) * DE Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Kings- burgh and Milton families. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 158-171.) NDO The Macdonalds of Achtriachtan. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 136- 145.) NDO The Macdonalds of Morar, styled "MacDhughail." (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 63-75.) NDO Macpherson, Donald C. The Clandonald of Keppoch. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 4, p. 368-375, 424-425.) * DE M'Vurich, . The book of Clanran- ald. 1 fac. (In: A. Cameron, Reliquiae Celticse. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 188- 309.) NDO Origin of the Lords of the Isles. [Family tree of the clan Macdonell.] n. p. [18 — ?j broadside 11x7 in. * C p.v. 1363 Pedigree of Macdonald of Sanda. (Gen- ealogist. London, 1881. 8°. v. 5, p. 208- 210.) *R_ Room 328 Sinclair, A. Maclean. The Macdonalds of Keppoch. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 9, p. 48-56.) NDK Williams, Flora McDonald. The Glen- garry McDonalds of Virginia. With an in- troductory sketch of the early history of the Glengarry clan. Louisville: G. G. Fet- ter Co., 1911. 340 p., 5 pi, 17 port. 8°. APV Macdonell Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macdonell of Glen- gary. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 563-565.) ft ARK Macdonell, Louisa C. R. Glengarry and his family. Some reminiscences of a High- land chief. (Blackwood's Edinburgh ma- gazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 323-339.) * DA • A Highland chief and his family. Some reminiscences. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 157, p. 520-536.) * DA Col. Ranaldson Macdonell of Glengarry. Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mac- donells of Barisdale. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 84-102.) NDO The Macdonells of Scotos. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 79-97.) NDO Riddell, John. Vindication of the "Clan- ronald of Glengarry" against the attacks made upon them in the Inverness Journal and some recent printed performances. With remarks as to the descent of the family who style themselves "of Clanro- nald." [By John Riddell.] Edinburgh: W. & C. Tait, 1821. 3 p.l., 97, xxx p., 1 table. 8°. ARZ Macdonell and Aros, Lords Macdonald, A. J., and Francis James Grant. Macdonell, Lord Macdonell and Aros. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 559-565.) ARO Maceachern Family Sinclair, A. Maclean. Argyllshire clans. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-340.) NDK The Maceacherns. Macewen Family Argyll (10. duke), Niall Diarmid Camp- bell. Macewens and Macsweens. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 272- 284.) NDO Macfarlane Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macfarlane of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 93-97.) ttARK 608 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Little, Mrs. Cynthia Maria.- History of the clan Macfarlane, Macfarlan, Macfar- land, Macfarlin. Tottenville, N. Y.: the author, 1893. viii, (1)10-250 p., 1 1., 2 pi., 6 port. 8°. APV Macfarlane, James. The Red Fox: a story of the clan Macfarlan. London: R. T. Lang, 1912. xv, 207 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. ARZ MacGillivhay Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mac- Gillivrays. 1 pi. illus. (In his: An ac- count of the Confederation of clan Chattan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 1-29.) t ARZ Macgregor Family Anderson, Joseph. The wicked clan Gregor. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1890. 8°. v. 16, p. 275-311.) *DA Brown, John. The Macgregors and the Stuarts; or, Tales of old times. (In his: Historical gallery of Criminal portraitures. Manchester, 1823. 8°. v. 1, p. 321-402.) AB Burton, John Hill. Proceedings against the clan Gregor. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-72.) CP Cameron, R. W. D. The Macgregors of Rannoch. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 175-184, 219-226.) * DE Documents illustrative of the history of the clan Gregor. (Collectanea de rebus Albanicis. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. p. 128- 136.) CP Douglas, Sir Robert. Macgregor of Mac- gregor. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 493-505.) ft ARK Gregory, Donald. Inquiry into the ear- lier history of the clan Gregor, with a view to ascertain the. causes which led to their proscription in 1603. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 130-159.) tCPA M'Farlane, Malcolm. M'Gregors of Glen- gyle. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 91-93.) CPA Macgregor, Amelia Georgina Murray. History of the clan Gregor from public records and private collections... Edin- burgh: W. Brown, 1898-1901. 2 v. maps, pi. 4°. ARZ Macgregor, James. The Macgregors of Roro. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 413-428.) NDO Macleay, Kenneth. Historical memoirs of Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor; in- cluding original notices of Lady Grange. With an introductory sketch illustrative of the condition of the Highlands, prior to the year 1745. Philadelphia: D. Hogan 1819. x, 303 p., 1 port. 12°. — Edinburgh : v Wm. Brown, 1881 ix p., 1 1., 324 p., 1 port. 12°. CPE Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany.. . Edin- burgh, 1847. v. 13, no. 117.) *C Scotland. — Privy Council. Acts and or- ders of the Privy Council of Scotland against the Clangregour, and information anent the state of the Highlands and Isles — mdcx-mdcxxi. (Maitland Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-44.) tCP Scott, Sir Walter. Manners, customs and history of the Highlanders of Scotland. Historical account of the clan Macgregor. Glasgow: Thomas D. Morison, 1893. x, (1)12-227 p. 12°. CPE Sinclair, A. Maclean. Macgregor gene- alogies. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 309-319.) NDK MacGregor genealogies. (Caledon- ian. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 10, p. 175- 178.) *DD From the Celtic review. Macguarie Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macguarie of Mac- guarie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 506-509.) ft ARK Macguarie of Ormaig. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 509-510.) ftARK MacHuistean Family See Fraser Family Macintosh Family See also Chattan, Clan Bulloch, Joseph Gaston Baillie. A his- tory and genealogy of the family of Bail- lie of Dunain, Dochfour and Lamington; with a short sketch of the family of Mcin- tosh, Bullock and other families. [Green- bay, Wis.: Gazette Print,] 1898. viii, (1)10- 111 p. 8°. APV Sketch of the Mcintosh family. (Magazine of history. New York, 1908. 4°. v. 7, p. 103-106.) IAA The American branch. Douglas, Sir Robert. Macintosh of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh. 1798. f°. p. 347-353.) ttARK LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 609 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. M., A. M. Mackintoshes in Glenshee; McCombie family. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 7-8.) CPA Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mack- intoshes of Kellachie, styled Sliochd Alain. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 189S. 8°. v. 19, p. 98- 115.) NDO Minor Highland families, no. 7. Origine, De, et incremento Makintoshio- rum epitome. (Epitome of the origin and increase of the Mackintoshes.) (In: Wal- ter Marfarlane, Genealogical collections . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. 144-404.) ARF In Latin, with English translation by Rev. Walter Macleod. Worthless for the earlier generations, while many of the statements relating to a later period are to be used with caution. Smith, William M'Combie. Memoir of the families of M'Combie and Thorns, originally M'Intosh and M'Thomas; com- piled from history and tradition by W. M'C. Smith. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1890. xiii(i), 224 p., 1 pi., 6 port, new ed. 8°. ARZ Macintyre Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mac- intyres of Badenoch. Clann an t-Savir. 1 pi. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 136-138, 185.) tARZ Sinclair, A. Maclean. The Macintyres of Glennoe. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 289-295.) NDO Maciver Family See also under Campbell Family Sinclair, A. Maclean. Argyllshire clans. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-340.) NDK The Macivers. Mackay Family See also under Reay, Lords Carter, William Fowler. The Mackays of Melness and Torboll and the Mackays of Bigghouse. (Genealogist. London, 1881. 8°. v. 5, p. 20-22.) *R- Room 328 Mackay, Angus. The book of Mackay. Edinburgh: N. Macleod, 1906. x, 499 p., 1 map, 4 pi., 12 port. 4°. ARZ no. 352 of 500 copies printed. Mackay, Robert. History of the house and clan of Mackay, containing, for con- nection and elucidation, besides accounts of many of the Scottish families, a variety of historical notices. . .with a genealogical table of the clan. Edinburgh: printed for the author by Andrew Jack & Co., 1829. viii, 592 p. 4°. ARZ Mackenzie Family See also under Cromartie, Earls of, and Seaforth, Earls of Cromartie (1. earl), Sir George Macken- zie. The genealogy of the Mackenzies pre- ceding the year 1661, written in the year 1669 by a person of quality. . . (In: Wal- ter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8 d .~ v. 1, p. 54-102.) ARF The authorship of this genealogy has been also attributed to John Mackenzie, second of Applecross. Douglas, Sir Robert. Mackenzie of Ap- plecross. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 402-403.) ft ARK Mackenzie of Balmaduthie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 414-415.) ftARK Mackenzie of Coul. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 400-401.) ttARK Mackenzie of Davochmaluak. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 403-404.) ftARK ■ Mackenzie of Garloch. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 392-394.) ft ARK Mackenzie of Highfield. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 418.) ttARK Mackenzie of Hiltoun. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 395.) tt ARK Mackenzie of Kilcoy. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 397-398.) tt ARK Mackenzie of Ord. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 417.) ftARK Mackenzie of Redcastle. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 398-400.) ttARK Mackenzie of Scotwell. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 396-397.) tt ARK Mackenzie of Suddy. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. i". p. 415-417.) ttARK Knowles, George Parker. A genealogi- cal and heraldic account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and Collyn.. .from their first settlement in Scotland. . .to the year... 1854 . . . London : printed for private circu- lation... by Harrison & Sons, 1855. 23 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. ARZ Deals also with the Mackenzie family. 610 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Mackenzie, Alexander. History of the clan Mackenzie, with genealogies of the principal families. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1878-79. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-9, 41-49, 81- 89, 121-132, 161-173, 214-221, 241-2S2, 281- 290, 336-345, 361-369, 401-409, 441-455; v. 4, p. i-9 ; 4i_48, gi-cty 121-128, 161-172, 201-209, 249-258, 291-301, 337-346, 409-416, 448-452.1 *DE History of the Mackenzies, with genealogies of the principal families of the name, new ed^ Inverness: A. & W. Mack- enzie, 1894. xv, 648 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. ARZ M'Kerrell Family Anglo-Scotus, pseud. Doubtful pedi- grees. McKerrell of Hillhouse, co. Ayr. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 411-415.) *R- Room 328 Robertson, George. M'Kerrel of Hill- house. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Ir- vine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 159-166.) Stuart 8439 M'Kinnon Family Sinclair, A. Maclean. The clan Fingon. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 31-41.) NDK • Macknight Family Knowles, George Parker. A genealogi- cal and heraldic account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and Collyn. . .from their first settlement in Scotland. . .to the year... 1854... London: printed for private cir- culation... by Harrison & Sons, 1855. 23 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. ARZ Includes also an account of the Macknight family. Maclachlan Family Sinclair, A. Maclean. Argyllshire clans. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-340.) NDK The Maclachlans. &c, &c. 1908-1909. Glasgow: printed bv D. M. Goudielock [1908]. 32 p., 1 port. 12° ARZ Clan Maclean Association of North America. First annual gathering, held in the city of Chicago, June 12-16, 1893. Pre- pared and edited by J. P. Maclean. St John, N. B.: Telegraph Book & Job Print 1893. 91 p., 8 port. 12°. APV Douglas, Sir Robert. Maclean of Coll. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798. f°. p. 372-373.) ft ARK Maclean of Dowart and Morven. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798. f°. D.365-369.) ttARK Maclean of Lochbuy. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f° p. 369-371.) ft ARK Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mac- leans of the north. Clan Thearlaich. illus. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 129- 135.) fARZ Maclean, John. Genealogy of the Mac- leans of Dowart, 1910. Chiefs of the clan. Glasgow, 1910. broadside. f°. ARZ Maclean, John Patterson. A history of the clan MacLean from its first settlement at Duard Castle, in the isle of Mull, to the present period. . .together with their her- aldry, legends, superstitions, etc... Cin- cinnati: R. Clarke & Co., 1889. xviii p., 1 1., 21-480 p., 1 pi., map. illus. 8°. ARZ Papers relating to the Macleans of Duart, 1670-1680. (In: Highland papers. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 1, p. 241-337.) CP Sinclair, A. Maclean. Who was Maireard Nigh'n Lachainn? (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 193-203.) NDO Sinclair, John Campbell. An historical and genealogical account of the clan Mac- lean, from its first settlement at Castle Duart, in the isle of Mull, to the present period. By a Seneachie John Campbell Sinclair.] London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1838. 10 p.l., xvi, 358 p., 2 tables. 8°. ARZ Maclean Family Brief, A, genealogical account of the family of Maclean from it's first settling in the island of Mull and parts adjacent in [Sic, tO] the year 1716. (In: Walter Mac- farlane, Genealogical collections.. . Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. 118-143.) ARF Clan, The, Maclean. Instituted 1892. Glasgow: J. Thomlinson, 1893. 64 p. 8°. C p.v. 368 Clan Maclean Association. Instituted 1892. List of members and office bearers, Maclellan Family See under Kirkcudbright, Lords Macleod Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macleod of As- synt, now of Geanies. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 387- 388.) ft ARK Macleod of Bernera, Muiravenside, &c. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 381-383.) ttAR" LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 611 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Macleod of Grishernish. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f. p. 383.) ttARK Macleod of Hammer. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 383.) tt ARK Macleod of Lewes. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 384-385.) tt ARK Macleod of that ilk. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 374-380.) tt ARK Macleod of Rasay. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 336.) ttARK Macleod of Talisker. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 380-381.) ttARK Mackenzie, Alexander. History of the Macleods. With genealogies of the prin- cipal families of the name. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1889. xv, 463 p. 8°. ARZ Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. Neil Mac- leod, last of the Macleods of Assynt. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 370- 383.) NDO Macleod, Reginald C. Side lights from the Dunvegan charter chest. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 356-362.) CPA O'Donovan, John. The Fomorians and Lochlanns. Pedigrees of McCabe of Ire- land and MacLeod of Scotland. (Ulster journal of Archaeology. Belfast, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 94-105.) CT Skene, William Forbes. The Macleods of Scotland. (Ulster journal of archaeol- ogy. Belfast, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 317- 320.) CT MacMartin Family See Cameron Family Macmicking Family Anglo-Scotus, pseud. Doubtful pedi- grees. Greer of Grange Macgregor. [2.] Macmicking of Kil St. Ninian, Ayrshire. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 137-142.) * R - Room 328 Macnab Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macnab of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 389-390.) tt ARK McNab, John. The clan MacNab. A short sketch. Edinburgh: Clan Macnab Association, 1907. 2 p.l., 27 p., 2 pi., 4 port. 8°. ARZ MacNair Family Christie, J. The Macnayres, the Card- neys, and the Stewarts, lairds of Fass. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 129-131.) CPA MacNaughton Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macnachtane of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 418-420.) tt ARK Macnaughtan of that ilk. (In: High- land papers. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 1, p. 103-116.) CP From the Calder mss. in the Advocate's Library. Gives a good deal of information that is not to be found in the Baronage of Sir Robert Douglas. Sinclair, A. Maclean. Argyllshire clans. (Celtic review, v. 8, p. 334-340. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°.) NDK The Macnaughtons. Macneill Family Sinclair, A. Maclean. The Macneills of Argyllshire. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 55-64.) NDK Macneills of Taynish, Gallochallie, Colonsay, Cars- keay, and Tirfergus. The Macneils of Barra. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 216- 223.) NDK Macphail Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mac- phails of Inverairnie. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan. Glas- gow, 1898. 4°. p. 57-62, 182.) tARZ Macpherson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Macpherson of Breakachie. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 363-364.) tt ARK Macpherson of Brin. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 362.) tt ARK Macpherson of Clunie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1798. f ". p. 354-359.) tt ARK Macpherson of Dalraddie, after- wards of Inneressie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 361.) tt ARK Macpherson of Essich. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 365.) ttARK Macpherson of Inneressie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 360-361.) ttARK 612 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Macpherson of Phoness. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 361-362.) ttARK Macpherson of Pitmean, &c. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 359.) ttARK Macpherson of Strathmassie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 362-363.) ttARK M., A. M. Macpherson genealogies. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 154.) CPA Macpherson, Sir ^Eneas, of Invereshie. The loya.ll dissuasive and other papers con- cerning the affairs of clan Chattan; by Sir M. Macpherson. Edited, with notes and introduction, from the originals at Cluny Castle, by the Rev. A. D. Murdoch. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1902. civ, 254 p., 1 fac, 1 port. 8°. (Scottish His- tory Society. Publications, v. 41.) CPA The papers in this volume throw much light on the characters and events of the Revolution of 1688 as it affected Scotland. The introduction deals with the history of clan Chattan, but the editor's state- ments on some points are open to question. The por- trait is that of Andrew Macpherson of Cluny, 1661. McWilliam, H. D. Macphersons in Aber- deenshire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 105, 161.) CPA See also note on p. 129. Macqueen Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Mac- queens. 1 pi. illus. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chattan . Glas- gow, 1898. 4°. p. 63-82, 183.) t ARZ Macrae Family MacRa, John. Genealogy of the Macras. (In: Highland papers. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 1, p. 194-239.) CP Macrae, Alexander. History of the clan Macrae, with genealogies. Dingwall: A. M. Ross & Co., 1899. xxiv, 442 p., 2 fac, 1 map, 4 pi. 8°. ARZ Macredie Family Robertson, George. Macredie of Peirce- ton. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 70-72.) Stuart 8438 Macsween Family Argyll (10. duke), Niall Diarmid Camp- bell. Macewens and Macsweens. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p 272- 284.) NDO M'Thomas Family Smith, William M'Combie. Memoir of the families of M'Combie and Thorns, ori- ginally M'Intosh and M'Thomas; compiled from history and tradition. Edinburgh: W Blackwood & Sons, 1890. xiii(i), 224 p., 1 pi., 6 port, new ed. 8°. ARZ MacWilliam Family M., J. F. "The Banffshire Macwilliams"; patronymics, etc. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2 v. 7, p. 74-75.) CPA Maitland Family See also under Lauderdale, Earls of Harrison, G. H. Rogers. Maitland pedi- gree. (Miscellanea genealogica et heral- dica. London, 1876. 4°. v. 2, p. 205-213.) *R- Room 328 Makgill of Cousland, Lords See under Oxfuird, Viscounts of Malcolm Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. The family of Malcolm of Aberdeenshire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 169-170.) CPA Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. The family of Malcolm in Aberdeenshire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 7-8.) CPA Manson Family Henderson, John. The Mansons. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 312-316.) ARX Manson-Sinclair Family Henderson, John. The Manson-Sinclairs of Bridgend. (In his : Caithness family his- tory. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 148- 150.) 4 V ARX Mar, Earls and Earldom of Ancient, The, earldom of Mar. (Anti- quarian magazine and bibliographer. Lon- don, 1882. 8°. v. 1, p. 178-184.) CA Anderson, John. The ancient earls of Mar. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 566-589.) ARO Erskine, earl of Mar. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 590-636.) ARO Stewart, earl of Mar. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 637-639.) ARO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 613 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Beaumont, Harrington. The ancient earldom of Mar. (Antiquary. London, 1880 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 103-106, 147- 150.) CA Burnett, George. The early earls of Mar. (Genealogist. London, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 177-193.) * R - Room 328 See also supplementary note by Joseph Bain, in Genealogist, v. 6, p. 63-64. Cokayne, George Edward. Remarks on the earl of Redesdale's letter on "The earl- dom of Mar," &c. By G. E. C. (Genealo- gist. London, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 145-156.) *R- Room 328 Earldom, The, of Mar. (Genealogist. London, 1886. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 1-24.) * R - Room 328 Jarvis, A. W. The doom of the Erskines of Mar. illus. (London magazine. Lon- don, 1910. 8°. v. 24, p. 209-214.) Lindsay, William Alexander. Are there two earls of Mar? (Genealogist. London, 1884. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 60-61, 123- 124.) * R - Room 328 The Mar restitution. (Genealogist. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 308- 310.) *R- Room 328 Lord Crawford and the house of Mar. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1882. 8°. v. 131, p. 349-364.) * DA Macintosh, John. Earldom and earls of Mar. (In his: Historic earls and earldoms of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1898. 12°. p. 19- 77.) ARF Marr, J. E. of. The Mar claim to the Moray mormaership. (Guth na Bliadhna. Stirling, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 389-405.) NDK Marshall, George William. The earldom of Mar. (Genealogist. London, 1878. 8°. v. 2, p. 73-83.) * R - Room 328 Round, John Horace. Art there two earls of Mar? (Genealogist. London, 1884. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 122-123.) * R - Room 328 — — The later earldom of Mar. (Anti- quarian magazine and bibliographer. Lon- don, 1882. 8°. v. 2, p. 114-120, 231-238.) CA See also discussion in same volume, p. 214-217, 267-269, 326-327. Sinclair, Alexander. Sketch of the suc- cession of the earldom of Mar. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1873. 8°. v. 7. p. 1- 18.) * R _ Room 328 Skene, William Forbes. On the authen- ticity of the letters patent said to have been granted by King William the Lion to the earl of Marr in 1171. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 603-609.) CPA Walford, Edward. The romance of the earldom of Mar. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 2, p. 75-90.) ARF March, Earls and Earldom of Anglo-Scotus, pseud. The representa- tion of the Dunbars, earls of March. (Her- ald and genealogist. London, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 243-250.) * R - Room 328 Dunbar, Archibald Hamilton. Notes on the old earldoms of Dunbar, March, and Moray. 1 table. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 187-192.) CPA Sinclair, Alexander. Sketch of the suc- cession of the earldom of March (anciently Dunbar) in Scotland, until it was confis- cated in 1434. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 289-311.) * R - Room 328 Marchmont, Earls of Campbell, Sir Hugh Hume. First re- port on the Marchmont muniments of the family of Polwarth, Lords Polwarth, and earls of Marchmont. [By Sir William Fra- ser.j (In: Great Britain. — Royal Com- mission on Historical Manuscripts. Re- port, [no.i 14. London, 1894. 8°. Appen- dix, part 3, p. 56-173.) C The principal portions of genealogical interest are the following: Ancient charters and other writs chiefly relating to the lands and families of Polwarth and Home, 1343-1568, p. 62-71. Papers relating to the nunnery of Northberwick, 1523-1547, p. 71-73. Miscellaneous writs of the Homes of Polwarth, etc., 1427-1700, p. 73-82. Papers relating to the Ber- wickshire families of Spens, Wolff, and Trotter, 1514- 1600, p. 82-85. Discharges and other writs by abbots and commendators and other ecclesiastics shortly be- fore and after the Reformation, 1524-1643, p. 86-93. Miscellaneous records, journals, heraldic manuscripts, and other writs relating to the Homes of Polwarth, p. 94-101. Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Hume, earl of Marchmont. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-24.) ARO Marischal, Earls Buchan, Peter, ^dojiaxgig. An histori- cal and authentic account of the ancient and noble family of Keith, Earls Marichal [sic] of Scotland... Also a full and cir- cumstantial account of all the attainted Scottish noblemen, who lost their titles and estates in 1715 and 1745, for their ad- herence to the Stuart cause. Peterhead: printed by P. Buchan, 1820. xii, (1)14- 156 p.. 1 pi. 12°. ARZ The plate of Dunnottar Castle was engraved by the author. 614 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. [New York? 1874?, xii, (1)14- 128, [5] p. 16°. ARZ The five unnumbered pages at the end contain verses by 'Geo. Bangs Keith, Harlem, N. Y., 1874.' Gordon, Charles T. Keith, Earl Mari- schal. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 25-65.) ARO Macintosh, John. Keiths, great mari- schals of Scotland, and Earl Marischals. (In his: Historic earls and earldoms of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1898. 12° p. 271- 306.) ARF Marjoribanks Family Foster, Joseph. The Lyon Office and the Marjoribanks family. A reply to Lyon King-of-Arms. [By Joseph Foster.] Lon- don: reprinted for the author [1882]. 95- 107 p., 2 tables. 4°. * C p.v. 367 Reprinted from Collectanea genealogica, part ix. The Lyon Office and the Marjori- banks family. A reply to the remarks of the Lyon Clerk Depute, entitled "Mr. Joseph Foster on the return of members of Parliament." Reprinted from "Collectanea genealogica," Pt. vin. London: printed for the author [1882]. 61-76 p. 2. ed. 4°. CP Martine Family Martines, The, in St. Andrews. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 183-198.) ARF Masterton Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Masterton of that ilk, Parkmill, &c. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 320- 321.) ft ARK Paton, Victor A. Noel. Masterton gene- alogy. (Scottish History Society. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 457- 466.) CP Maule Family See also under Panmure, Earls of Maule, Harry, of Kelly. Registrum de Panmure. Records of the families of Maule, de Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin- Barclay, united in the line of the barons and earls of Panmure. Edited by John Stuart. Edinburgh, 1874. 2 v. fac, pi port. 4°. ARZ One of ISO copies privately printed. Maxwell Family See also under Dirleton, Earls of; Morton, Earls of; and Nithsdale, Earls and Earldom of Black, John A. The Maxwell and John- stone feud. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 236-240.) * DE Douglas, Sir Robert. Maxwell of Calder- wood. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 52-56.) ft ARK Maxwell of Pollock. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 450-453.) ft ARK Fraser, Sir William. Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollok. Edinburgh, 1863. 2 v. fac, pi., port. 4°. f ARZ Privately printed, no. 118 of 150 copies printed. v. 1 : Preface. Introduction. Pedigree of the main line of the Maxwell family. Pedigree of the Maxwells of Pollok. The Maxwells of Pollok, 1270- 1647. The Maxwells of Auldhouse, 1470-1666. The Maxwells of Pollok, 1647-1863. Charters and family papers. Biographies. Branches of the Pollok- Maxwell family: (1) Maxwell of Blawarthill; (2) Maxwell of Springkell; (3) Maxwell of Dalswinton; (4) Maxwell of Cowglen; (5) Maxwell of Calderwood. Pedigrees of other branches: (1) Maxwells, earls and lords Farnham; (2) Maxwells of Aikenhead; (3) Maxwells in Glasgow. v. 2: Abstracts of letters. Letters: (1) Royal letters;_ (2) State and official letters; (3) Family and domestic letters. Index of persons. Index of places. Stirling Maxwell, Sir John Maxwell. Re- port on the family muniments of Sir J. Maxwell Stirling Maxwell of Keir and Pol- lok... by W. Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manu- scripts. Report, [no.] 10. London, 1885. Appendix 1, p. 58-81.) C Matheson Family Mackenzie, Alexander. The Mathesons. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 57-66, 105-111, 153-159, 201-211, 265- 270, 373-379, 468-473, 489-503, 577-580.) * DE History of the Mathesons with gen- ealogies of the various families. Edited . . .by Alexander Macbain. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1900. xi(i) p., 2 1., (1)4-162 p., 4 pi., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. ARZ Matheson, Kenneth. The Mathesons. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899-1900. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 391-411; new series, v. 25, p. 43-54.) * DE Mayne Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Mayne of Powis. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 262-263.) ft ARK Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Genealogi- cal tree. Mayne of Powis and Logie. 1 pi. (In his: Logie: a parish history. Pais- ley, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 88.) fCR Melfort, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Drummond, earl of Melfort. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 66-74.) ARO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 615 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Melgum, Viscounts of See Aboyne, Earls and Viscounts of Melville Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Melvill of Strath- kinnes and Craigtoun. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 527- 529.) ttARK Melville, The, and Leven memoirs. (Edinburgh review. London, 1891. 8°. v. 174, p. 246-270.) * DA Based on Fraser's The Melvilles, 3 v., Edinburgh, 1890. Melville, Earls of Gordon, Charles T. Melville, earls of Leven and Melville. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 75-123.) ARO Three Scottish earldoms. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 149, p. 559-579.) * DA Haddington, Leven, Melville. Menteith, Sir James Stuart. The Stuart- Menteith pedigree not doubtful as repre- sented by Anglo-Scotus. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1870. 8°. v. 5 p 456-468.) *R- Room 328 Sons, The, of Malise Graham, earl of Menteith. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 17-20.) CPA Menzies Family Menzies, David Prentice. The "Red and white" book of Menzies. (Leabhar Dearg ug Geal na Meinerich). Glasgow: Banks & Co., printers, 1894. xxiv p., 2 1., 529 p., 30 pi., 16 port. 4°. ARZ Menzies, Sir Robert. Report on the manuscripts at Castle Menzies. . .Perth, by W. Fraser. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report, [no.) 6. London, 1877. Appendix, part 1, p. 688-709.) C Stewart, Charles Poyntz. "The red and white book of Menzies:" a review. (The Genealogist. London, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 94-105.) *R- Room 328 Exeter: W. Pollard & Co., 1906. 20 p. 8°. ARZ Dy E. M. Hastings and J. H. Round ubi< Menteith, Earls of Anderson, John. The ancient earls of Menteith. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 124-141.) ARO Graham, earls of Menteith. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 142-165.) ARO Blades, F. A. The earls of Menteith. A page from the past. (The Ancestor. Lon- don, 1903. 4°. no. 4, p. 81-87.) ARA Prints notes by E. J on the same subject. Burnett, George. The Red book of Men- teith reviewed in reply to charges of liter- ary discourtesy made against the reviewer in a letter to the author of that work. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1881. xvi, 67(1) P. sm. 4°. ARO Craik, George Lillie. The earldom of Menteith. (In his: The romance of the peerage. London, 1849. 12°. v. 3, p. 362- 411.) ARF Easton, Walter Malise Graham. The . earldom of Menteith. (Genealogical maga- zine. London, 1900. 4°. v. 4, p. 252-255, 297-301.) y ARCA Graham, earl of Menteith. (Gene- alogical magazine. London, 1898. 4°. v. Vp. 67-82.) ARCA -See also notes on p. 245, 429-430; v. 2, p. 417, The sons of Malise Graham, earl of Menteith. (Scottish antiquary. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 64-65.) CPA Mercer Family Wilson, John. Mercers of Clevage. (In his: Dunning; its parochial history. Perth, 1873. 12°. p. 79-90. ) CR Methven Family Anglo-Scotus, pseud. "Methven of that ilk": a doubtful pedigree. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1873. 8°. v. 7, p. 423-430. ) * R - Room 328 Douglas, Sir Robert. Methven of that ilk in Scotland, now represented by Paul Methven of Corsham, in England. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 141-145.) ttARK Stodart, Robert Riddle. "Methven of that ilk, a doubtful pedigree." [By R. R. Stodart.] (Genealogist. London, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 59-61.) * R - Room 328 Methven, Lords Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, Lord Meth- ven. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 166-169.) ARO Michie Family Michie, Charles. Brodie, Michie and Gould families. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 161.) CPA 616 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Murdoch, Robert. Brodie, Michie, and Gould families. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 59, 66-67.) CPA Mom Family Gill, Andrew John Mitchell. The family of Moir and Byres. Edinburgh: Scott & Ferguson, 1885. 2 p.l., viii, 232 p., 1 1 1 B l 4°. fARZ no. 129 of 250 copies printed. Middleton Family Biscoe, A. C. The earls of Middleton, lords of Clermont and of Fettercairn, and the Middleton family. London: H. S. King & Co., 1876. 2 p.l., ix-x p., 1 1., 398 p. 12°. ARZ p. v-viii lacking. Ware, Emma F. Middleton family. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 130-131.) CPA Middleton, Earls of Biscoe, A. C. The earls of Middleton, lords of Clermont and of Fettercairn, and the Middleton family. London: H. S. King & Co., 1876. 2 p.l., ix-x p., 1 1., 398 p. 12°. ARZ p. v-viii lacking. Gilchrist, M. R. R. M'Gilchrist. Middle- ton, earl of Middleton. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 170-190.) ARO Miller Family Couper, W. J. The Millers of Hadding- ton, Dunbar and Dunfermline; a record of Scottish bookselling. London: T. F. Un- win [1914j. 318 p., 1 1., 3 fac, 8 pi., 5 port, illus. 8°. *IIW Bibliography, p. 261-312. Robertson, George. Miller of Monk- castle. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Ir- vine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 67-69.) Stuart 8438 MONCREIFF (MpNCRIEFF) FAMILY Douglas, Sir Robert. Moncreiff of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 43-48.) ftARK Genealogy, The, of Moncrief of that ilk. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical col- lections . . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1 n 40-46.) ARF Moncrieff Wellwood [family: a gene- alogy], n. p. [18— ?j 89-104 p. P. ft ARZ Seton, George. The house of Moncrieff. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1890. vi p., 1 1., 186 p., 1 pi., 6 tables. 4°. ARZ no. 53 of 150 copies printed for private distribu- tion. With colored coats of arms of seventy-one families in the text. Monfode Family Kerr, Robert Malcolm. Notices of the families of Kerr of Kerrisland and Mon- fode of that ilk. [By R. M. Kerr.] n.p., 1881. 1 p.l., 103, 44, 27-34, 63-66, [97-jlOl p., 7 pi., 1 port. 12°. ARZ 25 copies printed. Founded on the genealogy in Robertson's Ayrshire families and on the mss. of the late James Dobie. p. 27-34, 63-66, [ 97]-101 contain corrections of the same pages in the first part. Robertson, George. Monfode of Mon- fode. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 292-295.) Stuart 8439 Monro Family See Munro Family Mitchell Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Mitchell of Ban- deth and Westshore, now of Mitchell. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 427-428.) ftARK Grant, Francis James. Mitchell of West- shore and Berrie, and Mitchell of Ures- land in the parish of Tingwall. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 173-187.) ARX Mitchelson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Mitchelson of Mid- dleton. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Fd'nburgh, 1798. f°. p. 321-323.) ft ARK Montgomery Family See also under Eglinton, Earls of Douglas, Sir Robert. Montgomery of Macbethhill. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 525-526.) ft ARK Memorables of the Montgomeries, a nar- rative in rhyme, composed before the pres- . ent century. . . Glasgow: printed by R. & A. Foulis, 1770. 1 p.l., 7 pi. 8°. ARZ Robertson, George. Montgomery of Broadlie. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire ... Ir- vine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 342-344.) Stuart 8438 Montgomery of Lainshaw [and of Broomlands or Broomilands, Giffen Hazle- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 617 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. head, Braidstane, Birktonholme, and Mac- beth-hill. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Ir- vine! 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 184-246.) Stuart 8439 Montgomery of Skelmorlie, Bogs- ton, [and] of Craighouse. (In his: Gene- alogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 326-340.) Stuart 8438 Douglas, Sir Robert. Moray of Bothwell and Abercairny. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 98-104 ) ttARK Moray, Charles Stirling Home Drum- mond. Report on the manuscripts of... Moray, of Blair-Drummond. . .by W. Fras- er. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commis- sion on Historical Manuscripts. Report, [no.] 10. London, 188S. Appendix 1, o 81-199.) c Montrose, Dukes and Dukedom of Abstract of the supplemental case of James, duke of Montrose in answer to the supplemental case of James, earl of Craw- ford and Balcarres, claiming the title of duke of Montrose. Edinburgh: [privately printed,] 1853. v, (1)8-29 p. 8°. AROp.box Bishop, William C. Graham, duke of Montrose. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 191-274.) ARO Montrose (4. duke), Sir James Graham. Report on the muniments of the duke of Montrose at Buchanan Castle. (In: Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report, [no.] 2. London, 1871. p. 165-177.) C • Second report on the muniments at Buchanan Castle. And. . .reports of inspec- tions of other charter repositories made. . . by W. Fraser. (In : Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Report, [no.] 3. London, 1872. p. 368-402.) C Riddell, John. Abstract of the case of James, duke of Montrose on his petition against James, earl of Crawford and Bal- carres claiming the ancient dukedom of Montrose. [By John Riddell.] Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1851. v, (1)8-44 p. 8°. BGL p.v.4 Monypenny, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Monypenny, Lord Monypenny. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 275- 279.) ARO Moray Family See ' also under Bothwell, Lords and Earls of, AND STRATHEARN, EARLS OF Bain, Joseph. Notes on the male repre- sentation of the Morays of Bothwell, Duf- fus, &c. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 462-469.) CPA Notes on the de Moravia or Moray family. (Genealogist. London, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 137-139.) *R- Room 328 Moray, Earls of Anderson, John. The ancient lords or earls of Moray. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 280-285.) ARO Douglas, earl of Moray. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 308-310.) ARO Dunbar, earl of Moray. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 298-307.) ARO Randolph, earl of Moray. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 286-297.) ARO Stewart, earl of Moray. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 311-312.) ARO Dunbar, Archibald Hamilton. Notes on the old earldoms of Dunbar, March, and Moray. 1 table. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 187-192.) CPA Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, earl of Moray. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 313-330.) ARO MORDINGTOUN, LORDS Paul, Sir James Balfour. Douglas, Lord Mordingtoun. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 331-336.) ARO Morrison Family Thomas, Frederick W. L. Traditions of the Morrisons (clan MacGhillemhuire), hereditary judges of Lewis. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 503-556.) CPA Morton Family Morton of Cambo, his old writs. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collec- tions... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. 46- 52.) ARF 618 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy r— Individual Families, continued. Morton, Earls of Anderson, John. Maxwell, earl of Mor- ton. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 388-389.) ARO Anderson, John, and Sir James Balfour Paul. Douglas, earl of Morton. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 337-387.) ARO Morton, Earldom of. Registrum Hono- ris de Morton. A series of ancient char- ters of the earldom of Morton with other original papers. Edinburgh: [T. Constable,] 1853. 2 v. sq. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) CP v. 1. Original papers. v. 2. Ancient charters. Morville Family Robertson, George. Ancient family of de Morville. (In his: Genealogical ac- count of the principal families in Ayr- shire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 9-21.) Stuart 8438 Mouat (Mowat) Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. A forgotten family. The Mowats of Balquholly. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 91-94, 102-10S.) CPA Grant, Francis James. Mouat of Garth [and] Mouat of North Hammersland. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 193-205.) ARX Mowat of Balquholly [and] Mowat of Stennis. (In his: Zetland family his- tories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 188-192.) ARX Henderson, John. The Mowats of Bu- chollie and Freswick, [and] the Mowats of Brabstermyre and Swinzie. (In his: Caith- ness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 173-180.) ARX Robertson, George. Mowat of Busbie. (In his: Genealogical account of the prin- cipal families in Ayrshire.. . Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 257-260.) Stuart 8439 Moutray Family Note on the [family of the] name of Moutray. (Genealogist. London, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 24-27.) *R- Room 328 Munro (Monro) Family Doddridge, Philip. An account of some remarkable particulars concerning the an- cient family of the Munroes of Fowlis. (In his: Some remarkable passages in the life of Col. James Gardiner... London 1785. 16°. p. 237-280.) AN (In his: Some remarkable pas- sages in the life of Col. James Gardiner. London, 1794. 16°. p. 242-287.) AN ■ — (In his: Some remarkable passages in the life of Col. James Gar- diner... London, 1796. 42°. p. 233-276) AN Douglas, Sir Robert. Munro of Foulis. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798. f°. p. 79-86.) ttARK Mackenzie, Alexander. History of the Munros of Fowlis, with genealogies of the principal families of the name: to which are added those of Lexington and New England. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie 1898. xv, 632 p. 8°. ARZ Monro of Fowlis. (In: Walter Macfar- lane, Genealogical collections... Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. 36-40.) ARF Munroe, James Phinney. A sketch of the Munro clan; also of William Munro who, deported from Scotland, settled in Lexington, Massachusetts, and of some of his posterity. . . Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1900. 80 p. 8°. APV Ross, Alexander. The Munros of Cul- cairn. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1885. 8°. v. 10, p. 495-506, 559-566.) *DE The Munros of Milntown. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1885. 8°. v. 10, p. 49-56, 103-112, 151-158, 230-239.) *DE The Munros of Pittonachy. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1885. 8°. v. 10, p. 279-286.) * DE Mure Family Caldwell, The, papers. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 7, p. 286-303.) * DA Lang, Mrs. Andrew. The social records of a Scotch family. (National review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 625-640.) *DA Mures of Caldwell. Robertson, George. Mure of Rowallan. (In his: Genealogical account of the prin- cipal families in Ayrshire. Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 353-367.) Stuart 8439 Selections from the family papers pre- served at Caldwell. [Edited by William Mure.i Glasgow, 1854. 3 v. illus. sq. 4°. (Maitland Club.) CA Part 1. 1496-1853. Part 2, v. 1. 1733-1764. Part 2, v. 2. 1765-1821. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 619 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Murray Family See also under Annandale, Earls and Marquesses of; Atholl, Dukes of; Dunmore, Earls of; Dysart, Earls of; Elibank, Lords; Stormont, Viscounts of; and Tul- libardine, Earls of Bain, Joseph. Notes on the De Moravia or Moray family. (Genealogist. Exeter, Eng., 1900. 8°. v. 16, p. 137-139.) *R- Room 328 Chiefship, The, of the clan Murray. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. IS, p. 53-77.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Murray of Arbenie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 148.) tt ARK Murray of Ayton. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 149.) tt ARK Murray of Blackbarony. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 68-73.) ttARK Murray of Clermont and Newton. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 48-49.) ttARK Murray of Cringalty. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 112-113.) ttARK Murray of Dollary. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 147-148.) tt ARK Murray of Ochtertyre. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 145-147.) tt ARK Murray of Philiphaugh. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 104-107.) tt ARK Murray of Pitcaithly, Lintrose, &c. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 149.) ttARK Murray of Pitcullen. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. • Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 148.) tt ARK Murray of Stanhope. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 107-109.) tt ARK — — Murray of Touchadam and Pit- lochie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 109-112.) ttARK Genealogical table of the Murrays of Stanhope. (In: John Murray, Memoirs of John Murray of Broughton . . . Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. p. 526-527.) CPA Henderson, John. The Murrays of Pennyland, [and] the Murrays of Clairden and Castlehill. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 189- 200.) S 4 ARX Murray [family: a genealogy], n. p. il8 — ?] xvip. f°. ttARZ Murrays of Dollerie, near Crieff, Perth- shire, oldest cadets of the family of Och- tertyre. (Genealogist. London, 1883 8° v. 7, p. 15-19.) *R- Room 328 Paul, Sir James Balfour. The Murrays of Romanno, Broughton, and Stanhope (Genealogist. London, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 193-202.) * R - Room 328 Rose, D. Murray. Notes on the family of de Moravia or Moray. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 1-18.) NDO Nairn, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Nairn, Lord Nairn. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 390-401.) ARO Napier Family Easton, Walter Malise Graham. The Napiers of Culcreuch. (Genealogical mag- azine. London, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 290-295.) ARCA M'Call, Hardy Bertram. Napier, Lord Napier of Merchiston. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 402-439.) ARO Napier, Mark. Of the Napiers of Wrych- tishousis. (In his: History of the parti- tion of the Lennox. Edinburgh, 1835. 8°. p. 177-191.) ARZ Riddell, John, and others. Notes on the pedigree of. ..Ann Groom, duchess of Man- tua. . .heiress of the line of Napiers of Kilmahew . . . and of her son . . . Charles Ott- ley Groom Napier. . . By John Riddell, M. Berryer, Jr., and J. Montgomery. London: (printed by W.~H. & L. Collingridge,] 1879. 40 p. 8°. ARZ Nasmyth Family Nasmyth [family: a genealogyj. n. p. [18—?] cxlviii-clvi p. f°. ttARZ Neilson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Neilson of Barn- calzie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 434-435.) ttARK Nelson, William. Contributions towards a Nelson genealogy. Part i. Some Neil- sons of Scotland. Paterson, N. J.: The Paterson History Club, 1904. viii, 57 p. 4 =_ tARZ Neven (Niven) Family Grant, Francis James. Neven of Scous- burgh and Windhouse, in the parishes of Dunrossness and Yell, t and Neven] of Luning. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 206-213.) ARX 620 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Robertson, George. Neyin of Monk- redding. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Ir- vine, 182S. 12°. v. 3, p. 253-257.) Stuart 8439 Newark, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Leslie, Lord Newark. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 440-445.') ARO Newburgh, Earls of Cook, W. B. Livingston, earl of New- burgh. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 446-460.) ARO Newhaven, Viscounts of Harwood, Henry William Forsyth. Cheyne, viscount of Newhaven. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 461-468.) ARO Nicolson Family Grant, Francis James. Nicolson of that ilk, Lasswade, and Lochend, [and] Nicol- son of Houll. 1 pi. (In his: Zetland fam- ily histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 214- 225.) ARX Henderson, John. The Nicolsons of Shebster. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 317-318.) ARX Nithsdale, Earls and Earldom of Herries, David C. Maxwell, earl of Nithsdale. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 469-492.) ARO Maxwell, W. Harold. The dormant earldom of Nithsdale. (Genealogical mag- azine. London, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 262-267.) ARCA Norsk Family Grant, Francis James. Magnus Norsk and his descendants. (In his: Zetland fam- ily histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 226- 228.) ARX Northesk, Earls of Carnegie, Allan S. Carnegie, earl of Northesk. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 493-508.) ARO Ochiltree, Lords Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, Lord Avan- dale and Ochiltree. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 509- 520.) ARO Ogilvie Family See also under Airlie, Earls of; Banff, Lords- AND FlNDLATER, EaRLS OF Barron, Douglas Gordon. Genealogy of the family of Ogilvy of Barras. (In his: In defence of the regalia, 1651-2... Lon- don, 1910. sq. 8°. p. 355-360.) CP Douglas, Sir Robert. Ogilvie of Inch- martine, now representative of the Ogil- vies of Boyne. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 288-290) ttARK Ogilvie of Innercarity. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798 f°. p. 49-52.) ttARK [Genealogy, A, of the Ogilvie family., n. p. [18— ?] 671-680 p. f°. ttARZ Grant, Francis James. Ogilvy of Stove. Quarff, and Seafield. (In his: Zetland fam- ily histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 229- 232.) ARX Ogilvy-Grant Family See under Seafield, Earls of Olifhant Family Anderson, Joseph. The Oliphants in Scotland, with a selection of original doc- uments from the charter chest at Gask. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1879. 4 p.l., cv, 375 p., 8 fac, 1 plan, 6 pi. 4°. fARZ no. 39 of 100 copies printed. Genealogy of the Oliphants. (In: Wal- ter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 97-124.) ARF Graham, E. Maxtone. The Oliphants of Gask; records of a Jacobite family. By E. M. Graham (E. Blair Oliphant). Lon- don: J. Nisbet, & Co., Ltd., 1910. 2 p.l., vii- xix, 513 p., 1 1., 7 port. 4°. ARZ Oliphant, Thomas Lawrence Kington. The Jacobite lairds of Gask. London: The Grampian Club, 1870. xxiv, 504 p. 3 fac, 1 port. 8°. CP Oliphant, Lords Thomson, J. Maitland. Oliphant, Lord Oliphant. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 521-563.) ARO Orkney, Duke of See under Bothwell, Lords and Earls of Orkney, Earls and Earldom of Collingwood, William Gershom. The earldom of Orkney. (In his: Scandinavian Britain... London, 1908. 16°. p. 244-264.) CD LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 621 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Diploma of Thomas, bishop of Orkney and Zetland, and the Chapter of Kirkwall, addressed to Eric, king of Norway, re- specting the genealogy of William Saint Clair, earl of Orkney. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 18SS. 4°. v. 3, p. 61-8S.) t CP In Latin, with the Scots translation made by Thomas Guild, monk of Newbattle in 1554. Grant, Francis James. Sinclair, earl of Orkney. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 564-571.) ARO Munch, Peter Andreas. Symbolse ad his- torian! antiquiorem rerum Norvegicarum. I. Breve chronicon Norvegise. II. Gene- alogia comitum Orcadensium. III. Cata- logus regum Norvegias, e codice quoad magnam partem hactenus inedito, et in Or- cadibus, ut videtur, medio saeculo XV to . conscripto. .. Christianiae : C. C. Werner & socii, 1850. 1 p.l., viii, 59(1) p., 2 fac. 4°. GGM Paul, Sir James Balfour. Hamilton, earl of Orkney. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 578-584.) ARO Steuart, A. Francis. Stewart, earl of Orkney. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 572-577.) ARO Osborne Family See under Dunblane, Viscounts Oswald Family Henderson, John. The Oswalds. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 232-237.) ARX Oxfuird, Viscounts of Dalrymple, Hew Hamilton. Makgill, vis- count of Oxfuird, Lord Makgill of Cous- land. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 587-601.) ARO Whitehirst, Byres, [and] Ward. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v 2, p. 267-278.) Stuart 8438 Peden Family Hewell, Eleanor M. The Pedens of America; being a summary of the Peden, Alexander, Morton, Morrow reunion, 1899, and an outline history of the ancestry and descendants of John Peden and Margaret McDill: Scotland, Ireland, America, 1768- 1900. c n. p., 1900.] 303 p., 7 pi., 7 port. 8°. APV Percy Family Bain, Joseph. The Percies in Scotland. (Archaeological journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 41, p. 335-341.) CA Perth, Earls of Collection of papers in manuscript, rela- tive to the claim of James Drummond to the earldom of Perth, including the case, opinions of counsel, petitions, observa- tions, inventories, etc. 1693-1796. n. p., 1693-1796. 155 1. f°. Mss. Dept. Drummond, Lady Edith. Drummond, earl of Perth. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 28-62.) ARO Walford, Edward. The Drummonds, earls of Perth. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1877. 12°. series 1, v. 1, p. 130-146.) ARF Pitcairn Family Pitcairn, Constance. The history of the Fife Pitcairns, with transcripts from old charters. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1905. xviii, 583 p., 1 fac, 27 pi., 22 port, 7 tables. 8°. ARZ Panmure, Earls of Martine, George. The barons, knights and earls of Panmore (by name Maule) their genealogy, marriages, succession &c. ... (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 125-156.) ARF Paul, Sir James Balfour. Maule, Earl Panmure. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-27.) ARO Patrick Family Robertson, George. Patrick of Treearne and Hazlehead, of Drumbuie, Dalga and Pittenweem, Lords Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, Lord Pittenweem. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 63-69.) ARO Playfair Family Rogers, Charles. Family of Playfair. (In his: Four Perthshire families. . . Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. p. 42-88.) ARX The Scottish branch of the Nor- man house of Roger. With a genealogical sketch of the family of Playfair. London: J. and W. Rider,, 1872. iv, (1)6-39 p 8^ 622 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Pole Family Grant, Francis James. Pole of Moss- bank and Greenbank. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 233-236.) ARX Polwarth, Lords See also Marchmont, Earls of Grant, Francis James. Scott, Lord Pol- warth. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 70-87.) ARO Preston Family See also under Dingwall, Lords Douglas, Sir Robert. Preston of Valley- field. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 91-92.) ft ARK Preston, Viscounts Harwood, H. W. Forsyth. Graham, Vis- count Preston. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 98-108.) ARO Primrose Family See also Rosebery, Earls of Wagner, Henry. Primrose. (Miscella- nea genealogica et heraldica. London, 1898. 4°. series 3, v. 2, p. 77-79.) * R - Room 328 Pedigree only. Primrose, Viscounts Paul, Sir James Balfour. Primrose, vis- count of Primrose. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 109- 111.) ARO Pringle Family Confirmation of arms to Alexander Prin- gle of Whytbank, 1828. [London, 1882.] 189-190 p., 1 pi. f°. tt AWEp.v.l Excerpt: Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica, v. 4, April, 1882. Douglas, Sir Robert. Pringle, or Hop- Pringle, of Whitebank. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 208- 213.) ttARK Pringle, Walter. The memoirs of Wal- ter Pringle of Greenknow... Edited by Rev. Walter Wood, with notes and an ap- pendix, containing an account of the fami- lies of Gordon and Seton. . .and also of the Pringles. ..and the Homes of Bassendean. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1847. xii, 132 p. 16°. ARZ Reprinted from the edition of 1751. Some notes on members of the Pringle family. (In: Records of the Baron Court of Stitchill, 1655-1807. Edinburgh 1905 8°. p. 224-235.) CPA Purves Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Purves of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798. f°. p. 566-567.) ft ARK QUEENSBERRY, DUKES OF Anderson, John. Douglas, duke of Queensberry. (In: The Scots peerage Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 112-156.) ARO Rae Family Gibson, G. A. An old grave. t By G. A. Rae.] [Edinburgh? 1888?] 11 p. 8°. ARZ p.box Account of Rae family, Edinburgh. Reprinted from the Scotsman, April 4th, 1888. Ralston Family Robertson, George. Ralston of Ralston, [and] Ralston of Warwickhill. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal fami- lies in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 257-266.) Stuart 8438 Ramsay Family See also under Bothwell, Lords and Earls of; and Haddington, Earls and Viscounts of Douglas, Sir Robert. "Ramsay of Bal- main. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 33-35.) ttARK Ramsay of Bamff. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 551-553.) ft ARK Ran ken Family Robertson, George. Ranken of White- hill. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 117-122.) Stuart8439 Rattray Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Rattray of that ilk, and Craighall. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 274-278.) ttARK Reay, Lords Mackay, Angus. Mackay, Lord Reay. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 157-179.) ARO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 623 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Richardson Family See under Cramond, Lords Ridel, Riddel, and Riddell Family Bain, Joseph. The Riddells of that ilk, and the Ridels of Blaye, Cranston-Ridel, and Witering, distinct families. (Genealo- gist. London, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 1-3.) *R- Room 328 Douglas, Sir Robert. Riddel of Ardna- murchan. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 203.) ft ARK Riddel of Glenriddel. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 204.) tt ARK Riddel of Kinglass. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 201-203.) tt ARK Riddel of Riddel, or of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 63-68.) tt ARK Robertson Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Robertson of In- ches. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 410-412.) tt ARK Robertson of Kindace. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 412-413.) tt ARK Robertson of Muirton, Gladney, &c. (In his: Baronaee of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 413-414.) tt ARK Robertson of Strowan. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 405^10.) ttARK Grant, Francis James. Robertson of Gossaburgh, in the parish of Yell. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 237-239.) ARX Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Rob- ertsons of Inshes. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 289-305.) NDO Minor Highland families, no. 10. Memoirs or a memorial of the antient and honourable family of Robertson of Strowan. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genea- logical collections. . . Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 301-315.) ARF Robertson, James Alexander. Comitatus de Atholia. The earldom of Atholl: its boundaries stated. Also, the extent therein of the possessions of the family of De Atholia, and their descendants, the Rob- ertsons. Printed for private circulation. [Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, printers,] 1860. 82 p., 1 map. 8°. ARZ Roger Family Rogers, Charles. Family of Roger. (In his: Four Perthshire families... Edin- burgh, 1887. sq. 8°. p. 1-41.) ARX The Scottish branch of the Norman house of Roger. With a genealogical sketch of the family of Playfair. London: J. & W. Rider,] 1872. iv, (1)6-39 p. 8°. ARZ Severely reviewed in the Herald and genealogist, v. 8, p. 449-456; Genealogist, v. 21, p. 167-168, Lon- don, 1878. The Scottish house of Roger, with notes respecting the families of Playfair and Haldane of Bermony. (Royal Histori- cal Society. Transactions. London, 1875. 8°. v. 1, 2. ed., p. 239-277.) CA Supplementary notes to the history of the Scottish house of Roger. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. Lon- don, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 453-455.) CA Rollo, Lords Irving, Robert F. Rollo, Lord Rollo. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7. p. 180-211.) ARO Wilson, John. The Rollos of Duncrub. (In his: Dunning; its parochial history. Perth, 1873. 12°. p. 57-70.) CR Rose Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Rose of Kilraick or Kilravock. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 453-456.) tt ARK Genealogy, The, of Ross [Rose] of Kil- ravock. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genea- logical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 484-493.) ARF Lovat history from Rose's mss. and the succession of Kilravock. (In: Walter Mac- farlane, Genealogical collections... Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 493-499.) ARF Rose, Hugh, and Lachlan Shaw. A ge- nealogical deduction of the family of Rose of Kilravock, with illustrative documents from the family papers, and notes. [By Hugh Rose and Lachlan Shaw.] Edin- burgh, 1848. 1 p.l., viii, 531 p., 2 pi. illus. 4°. (Spalding Club.) t CP Roseeery, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Primrose, earl of Rosebery. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 212- 229.) ARO Strachey, J. St. Loe. The seven Lord Roseberies. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1894. 8°. v. 36, p. 489-506.) * DA 624 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Ross Family B., A. W. G. Rosses of Tartraven and Kirkland, cadets of Ross of Hawkhead. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 16-17.) CPA Grant, Francis James. Ross of Lund, in the parish of Yell, [and] Ross of Cocos Keeling Islands. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 240-244.) v ARX Knowles, George Parker. A genealogi- cal account of the Rosses of Dalton, in the county of Dumfries, from their first settle- ment in Scotland, in the twelfth century, to the year of our Lord 18S4. London: print- ed for private circulation. . .by Harrison & Sons, 18SS. 8 p., 1 table. 4°. ARZ On vellum. Only 75 copies printed. Ross, Earls and Duke of Anderson, John. The ancient earls of Ross. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 230-244.) ARO Carmichael, Evelyn G. M. Ross, Lord Ross. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 247-263.) ARO Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, duke of Ross. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 245-246.) ARO Rothes, Earls of Anderson, John. Leslie, earl of Rothes. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 264-311.) ARO Rothesay, Duke of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, duke of Rothesay. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 312-313.) ARO Roxburghe, Dukes of Fullarton, Mrs. E. M. Innes Ker, duke of Roxburghe. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 314- 360.) ARO Ruglen, Earl of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Hamilton, earl of Ruglen. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 361-363.') ARO Ruskin Family Carmichael, Alexander. The Ruskins. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 343-351.) NDK On the Highland ancestry of John Ruskin. RUTHERFURD FAMILY Rutherfurds, The, of that ilk, and their cadets. Compiled from the public records and other authentic sources. Edinburgh: [Scott and Ferguson, and Burness & Co i 1884[-1899,. 3 p.l., 2 p., (i)iv-xciv p., 4 V, 36 8 p., 2 1., 56, 62, xl p., 7 fac, 1 map, 2 pi., 2 tables. 4°. f ARZ 1. The Rutherfurds of that ilk, and their cadets 1884. 2. The Rutherfurds of that ilk by Thomas Hood, [with] additions and corrections by C. H. E. Carmichael [1899]. 3. Pages supplementary to Car- michael's papers, having special reference to Andrew Rutherfurd, earl of Teviot. 4. Supplementary addi- tions to the "Rutherfurds of that ilk," by James Tait. 5. Miscellaneous contributions relating to the Rutherfurd family. 6. List of Rutherfurd entries in the old registers of Jedburgh and surrounding par- ishes. Rutherfurd, Lords Grant, Francis James. Rutherfurd, Lord Rutherfurd. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 364-384.) ARO Ruthven Family See also under Forth, Earls of, and Gowrie, Earls of Cowan, Samuel. The Ruthven family papers. The Ruthven version of the con- spiracy and assassination at Gowrie House, Perth, 5th August 1600. Critically revised and edited by Samuel Cowan. London: Sirmokin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 1912. 207(1) p., 12 port. 12°. ARZ Craik, George Lillie. The last of the Ruthvens. (In his: The romance of the peerage. London, 1849. 12°. v. 2, p. 114- 162.) ARF Ruthven of Freeland Barony Round, John Horace. The Ruthven of Freeland barony. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 194-209, 339-353.) CPA Steuart, A. Francis. Lord Ruthven of Freeland. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 385-393.) ARO Stevenson, John Home. The Ruthven of Freeland barony and Mr. J. H. Round. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 475-494.) CPA Thomson, John Maitland. The Ruthven peerage controversy. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 104- 108.) CPA Saint Clair Family See Sinclair Family LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 625 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. St. Colme, Lord Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, Lord St Colme. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 394-395.) ARO Saltoun, Lords Carnegie, Alan S. Frasers of Philorth, Lord Saltoun. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peer- age. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 417- 453.) ARO Paul, Sir James Balfour. Abernethy, Lord Saltoun. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 396-416.) ARO Sandilands Family See under Abercrombie, Lords, and Torphichen, Lords Sandison Family Grant, Francis James. Sandison of Lund. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 245-250.) ARX Sands Family Johnston, Alfred Wintle. Sands of Swanbister, Orphir, Orkney. 3 port. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caith- ness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 95-97.) CR Scot Family See Scott Family Scot of Burnhead. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 219-220.) ttARK Scot of Galashiells. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 220-221.) ft ARK Scot of Harden and Synton. (In his : Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 213-217.) ttARK Scot of Millenie. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 217-218.) ttARK Scot of Scotstarvit. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 221-224.) tt ARK Gammack, James. Scott families in For- far and Kincardine. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 89.) CPA Grant, Francis James. Scott of Reafirth, Voesgarth, Scarpoe, Greenwall, Melby, Scottshall, [and] Scalloway. (In his: Zet- land family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 251-269.) ARX Rogers, Charles. Genealogical memoirs of the family of Sir Walter Scott, bart., of Abbotsford, with a reprint of his memorial of the Haliburtons. London: printed for the Royal Historical Society, 1877. lxxii, 78 p. 8°. ARZ The Memorial of the Haliburtons has a separate title-page which reads : 'Memorials of the Haliburtons. Edinburgh: printed by J. Ballantyne & Co., 1824.' Reviewed in The Genealogist, v. 2, p. 167-168, Lon- don, 1878. Scotts, The, of Buccleuch. (Edinburgh review. London, 1879. 8°. v. 150, p. 194- 218.) * DA Scotland, Kings of See also under Stewart Family Laing, David. Historical notices of the family of King James the First of Scotland, chiefly from information communicated by John Riddell. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 87-101.) CPA Steuart, A. Francis, and others. The kings of Scotland. 1 col'd pi. By A. F. Steuart, J. K. Stewart and Sir J. B. Paul. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-36.) ARO Scott Family See also under Buccleuch, Dukes of, and Pol- warth. Lords Douglas, Sir Robert. Scot of Balweary, now represented by Sir William Scot of Ancrum. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 302-306.) ttARK SCRYMGEOUR FAMILY See also under Dundee, Earls of Thomson, J. Maitland. Inventory of documents relating to the Scrymgeour fam- ily estates, 1611. Edited by J. M. Thom- son. Edinburgh: the society, 1912. v, 70 p. 4°. (Scottish Record Society. Publica- tions, part 57.) ARCA Seafield, Earls of See also Findlater, Earls of Cassillis, Archibald Kennedy, earl of. Ogilvie-Grant, earl of Seafield. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 454-494.) ARO The rulers of Strathspey; a history of the lairds of Grant and earls of Seafield. Inverness: The Northern Counties News- paper and Prtg. and Pub. Company, Ltd., 1911. xii, 211 p, 11 pi, 4 port. 8°. ARZ 626 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Macintosh, John. Earldom and earls of Findlater, and Seafield. (In his: Historic earls and earldoms of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1898. 12°. p. 307-347.) ARF Seaforth, Earls of Anderson, Peter John. Mackenzie, earl of Seaforth. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 495-515.) ARO Selkirk, Earls and Earldom of Earldom, The, of Selkirk. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 237- 238.) ARCA Paul, Sir James Balfour. Douglas, earl of Selkirk. (In: The Scots peerage. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 516-525.) ARO Sempil (Semple) Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Sempil of Cathcart. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 467-469.) ft ARK Sempill, Lords McGregor, John. Sempill, Lord Sempill. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 526-568.) ARO Seton Family See also under Kingston, Viscounts of, and Winton, Earls of Douglas, Sir Robert. Seton of Cariston. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 185-186.) ft ARK ■ Seton of Culbeg. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 170- 171.) ttARK Seton of Pitmedden. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 182-185.) ttARK Seton of Touch. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 166- 170.) ttARK Maitland, Sir Richard. The history of the house of Seytoun to the year m.dxix. With continuation by Alexander, Viscount Kingston to mdc.lxxxvii. Glasgow: [Mait- land Club,, 1829. xi, xiii, (1)16-132 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 4°. ARZ Pringle, Walter. The memoirs of Walter Pringle of Greenknow... Edited by Rev. Walter Wood, with notes and an appendix, containing an account of the families of Gordon and Seton... and also of the Pringles. . .and the Homes of Bassendean Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1847. xii 132 P- 16°. ARZ Reprinted from the edition of 1751. Seton, Robert. An old family; or, The Setons of Scotland and America. New York: Brentano's, 1899. xxiii, 438 p., 1 pi 1 port. 8°. APV Seton of Parbroath in Scotland and America. New York, 1890. 28 p. 12° APV Shank (Schank) Family Genealogical memoranda relating to the family of Schank or Shank of Castlerig, in the county of Fife, N. B. Privately printed. London: Mitchell & Hughes, 1885. 7 p., 1 fac, 3 pi., 1 table. 4°. ft ARZ One of 50 copies printed. W., E. G. Family of Schank (Shank or Schankis) of Castlerig, Fife. 1 pi. (Mis- cellanea genealogica et heraldica. Lon- don, 1886. 4°. series 2, v. 1, p. 235-240.) *R- Room 328 Sharp Family Scottish family and name of Sharp. 1 pi., 1 port. (Acadiensis. St. John, N. B., 1908. 8°. v. 8, p. 53-75, 102-124.) HXK Shaw Family Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The Shaws of Rothiemurchus. 1 pi. illus. (In his: Account of the confederation of clan Chat- tan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. p. 83-111, 183.) tARZ Shaw, Alexander Mackintosh. A gene- alogical account of the Highland families of Shaw. [London: W. P. Griffith & Son,] 1877. 2 p.l., 115 p. 8°. ARZ no. 68 of 100 copies printed. Shaw, William George. Memorials of the clan Shaw. [Dundee?] printed for pri- vate circulation, 1871. 65(1) p., 1 table. 8°. * C p.v.369 Shedden Family Robertson, George. Shedden of Rough- wood, Stoudonhall, [and] Morrishill. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 279-288.) Stuart 8438 Sheves Family Schevez of Kemback in Fife. (In: Wal- ter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 199-204.) ARF LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 627 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Simson Family Robertson, George. Simson of Kirktoun- hall. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 132-150.) Stuart 8438 Sinclair Family See also under Caithness, Earls of, and Orkney, Earls and Earldom of Caithness (16. earl), James Augustus Sin- clair. The barons of Roslin. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 65-67, 80-84, 97-99, 122.) CPA The St. Clairs in Normandy, Eng- land, and Scotland. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 67-69, 83-84.) CPA Douglas, Sir Robert. Sinclair of Bar- rack. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 254-255.) ft ARK Sinclair of Lathrone, Dunbeath, and Brabster. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 253-254.) ft ARK Sinclair of Longformacus. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 249-251.) ttARK Sinclair of Mey. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 251- 253.) ttARK - Sinclair of Roslin. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 246-249.) tt ARK Sinclair of Stevenson, now of Mur- kle. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 89-91.) ft ARK Grant, Francis James. Sinclair of Brew; Brugh; Bullister and Swining; Goat; Houss, Aith and Scalloway; Quendale; [and] Toft. (In his: Zetland family histor- ies. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 270-297.) ARX Henderson, John. Caithness family his- tory. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1884. xxxi, 341 p. sq. 8°. ARX Contains genealogies of the Sinclair families of Achingale and Newton, Assery, Barrock, Borlum and Thura, Brabsterdorran, Dun, Dunbeath and Lather- on, Durran, Forss, Freswick, Geise, Greenland and Rattar, Hay and Oldfield, Kirk and Myrelandhorn, Lybster, Mey, Murkle, Olrig, Scotscalder, Southdun, Stemster and Dunbeath, Stirkoke, Ulbster, and Sin- clair-Sutherland of Brabster and Swinzie. Hutcheson, T. The St. Clairs and their castle of Ravenscraig. (Antiquary. Lon- don, 1881. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 121- 124, 169-173.) CA See also p. 239. Saint-Clair, Roland William. The Saint- Clairs of the Isles, being a history of the sea-kings of Orkney and their Scottish suc- cessors of the sirname of Sinclair. Ar- ranged and annotated by R. W. Saint- Clair... Auckland, N. Z.: H. Brett, 1898. 4 p.L, iii(i), 558 p., 1 map. illus. 4°. f ARZ Sinclairs of Brabsterdorran, Caith- ness. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney. Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 194-200.) CR Sinclairs of Lybster, Caithness. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 226-229.) CR Sinclair, G. A. The founder of Roslin. By G. A. S. (Genealogical magazine. Lon- don, 1903. 4°. v. 7, p. 101-107.) ARCA Sinclair, Lords Caithness (16. earl), James Augustus Sin- clair. The lordship of Sinclair. 1 table. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 97-98.) CPA Grant, Francis James. Sinclair, Lord Sinclair. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 7, p. 569-592.) ARO Skene Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Skene of Skene, or of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 555-560.) tt ARK Skene, Andrew Philip. Notes on the origin of the name, family, and arms of Skene. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1890-92. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 7-10, 34-36, 67-69, 85-88, 116-117, 138-139, 153-154; v. 5, p. 4-6, 26-28; v. 6, p. 24-25, 53-55, 74-75.) CPA Skene, William Forbes. Memorials of the family of Skene of Skene from the fam- ily papers with other illustrative docu- ments. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1887. xiv p., 1 1., 269(1) p., 6 pi. sm. 4°. tARZ One of 525 copies printed. Smith Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Smith of Glass- wall, now of Camno. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 543- 545.) ttARK Smith of Smithfield. (In his Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 545.) tt ARK Smith, Francis Montagu. The heraldry of Smith in Scotland. With genealogical annotations. Being a supplement to Graze- brook's "Heraldry of Smith." [By F. M. Smith.) London: J. R. Smith, 1873. 32 p. sq. 8°. ARZ 628 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Smyth Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Smyth of Balhary. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. S42-S43.) ft ARK Smith of Braco, now of Methven. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 539-542.) ft ARK F. Doubtful pedigrees. Alleged branches of Smyth of Braco, Perthshire. (Herald and genealogist. London, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 74-77.) * R - Room 328 SOMERVILLE FAMILY Robertson, George. Somerville of Ken- nox, now Somerville Macalester of Loup and Kennox. (In his: Genealogical ac- count of the principal families in Ayr- shire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 247- 252.) Stuart 8439 Somerville, Lords Bain, Joseph. The dormant barony of Somerville. A claim disposed of. (Gene- alogist. London, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 65-67.) * R - Room 328 Campbell, George William. Somerville, Lord Somerville. (In: The Scots peerage ... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-45.) ARO Somerville (11. baron), James Somer- ville. Memorie of the Somervilles; being a history of the baronial house of Somer- ville. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott.] Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1815. 2 v. pi., port., table. 8°.) ARZ Southesk (9. earl), Sir James Carnegie. The manuscripts at Kinnaird Castle, in the county of Forfar. (In: Great Britain.— Royal Commission on Historical Manu- scripts. Report, [no.j 7. London, 1879. Appendix, part 2, p. 716-726.) (j Spence Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Spens of Lathallan. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh 1798. f°. p. 290-295.) ft ARK Gordon, George A. The Traill and Spence families of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. (New Hampshire genealogical record Dover, N. H., 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-9.) *R~ Room 328 Deals wholly with their Scottish origin. Grant, Francis James. Spence of Houl- land, Midbrake, Gardie, Hammer, Green- field, [and] Uyea. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 298-315.) ARX Spittal Family Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Genealogi- cal tree. Spittal of Blairlogie. (In his: Logie: a parish history. Paisley, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 149.) fCR Spottiswoode Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Spotswood of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 446-450.) ftARK Genealogy of the family of Spottiswoode, from the ms. collection of Father Augustin Hay... (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-16.) ZDVH Southesk, Earls of Carnegie, Alan S. Carnegie, earl of Southesk. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage. . . Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 46-93.) ARO Great Britain. — Privileges Committee. Minutes of evidence taken before the com- mittee for privileges to whom the petition of Sir James Carnegie of Kinnaird, baronet, to Her Majesty, claiming as of right to be earl of Southesk, Baron Carnegie of Kin- naird and Leuchars in Scotland; together with Her Majesty's reference thereof to this house was referred. [London, 1848?] 205 p., 2 1., 1 table. f°. (H. of C. papers, 283.) . ttAN With ms. diagram of Southesk pedigree with references to the evidence inserted opp. p. 80. Martine, George. Carnegy of Kinnaird, now earls of Southesque. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 160-182.) ARF Includes also the Carnegies of Northesk and of Balnamoon. Spynie, Lords Macphail, J. R. N. Lindsay, Lord Spynie. (In: The Scots peerage... Edin- burgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 94-113.) ARO Stair, Earls of Dalrymple, Hew Hamilton. Dalrymple, earl of Stair. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage ... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 114-164.) ARO Stephen Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. The Stephen family. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 168-169.) CPA Stewart (Steuart, Stuart) Family See also under Albany, Dukes of; Angus, Earls of; Arran, Earls of; Atholl, Earls of; Blantyre, Lords; Bothwell, Lords and Earls of; Buchan, Earls and Earldom of; Bute, Marquesses of; Caithness, Earls of; Carrick, Earls of; Doune, Lords; Galloway, Lords and Earls of: Lennox, Dukes of; Methven, Lords; Moray, Earls or; LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 629 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Stewart (Steuart, Stuart) Family, continued. Ochiltree, Lords; Orkney, Earls and Earldom of; Ross, Earls and Dukes of; St. Colme, Lords; Strathearn, Earls of; and Traquair, Earls of. Anderson, Peter John. The heirs of the Stuarts. 1 geneal. table. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 63-64.) CPA Bacon, Sir Nicholas. The right of suc- cession to the Crown of England, in the family of the Stuarts, exclusive of Mary, queen of Scots, learnedly asserted and de- fended., .against Sir Anthony Brown... published from the original manuscript, by Nathaniel Boothe. . . London: W. Taylor, 1723. 7p.l., 93 p. 12°. CBAp.box2 Bain, Joseph. Sir William Stewart of Jedworth, knight, ancestor of the earls of Galloway. Some new facts bearing on his probable origin. (Genealogist. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 81-84.) *R- Room 328 Blaikie, Walter Biggar. The Stuart de- scendants. 1 chart. (Genealogical maga- zine. London, 1900. 4°. v. 4, p. 1-13.) ARCA Christie, J. The Macnayres, the Card- neys, and the Stewarts, lairds of Fass. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 129-131.) CPA The Steuarts and the Stewarts (afterwards Stewart-Flemyngs) of Killie- chassie. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 11-12.) • CPA The Stewarts of Kynachan. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 171-172.) CPA Coltness, The, collections. 1608-1840. [Edited by James Dennistoun.j [Glasgow:] Maitland Club, 1842. xxii p., 2 1., 438 p., 2 fac, 3 tables. 4°. f CP Reviewed in the Quarterly review, v. 70, p. 356- 385, London, 1842. Crawfurd, George. A genealogical his- tory of the royal. . .family of the Stewarts from the year 1034 to... 1710... (In his: History of the shire of Renfrew. . . Pais- ley, 1782. sm. 4°. viii, 108 p.) CR Denham, Sir Archibald Stewart. Me- morials of the Stewarts of Allanton, Colt- ness, and Goodtrees. 1608-1698. (In: The Coltness collections. Glasgow, 1842. 4°. P. 1-99.) e f CP Douglas, Sir Robert. Stewart of Bal- lechin. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 488-490.) ft ARK Stewart of Grandtully. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 483-488.) ftARK Stewart of Killiehassie, now of Stewartfield. (In his: Baronage of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 490-491.) "M" ARK Stuart of Castlemilk. (In his- Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798 f . p. 513-516.) ftARK Stuart of Torrence. (In his: Baron- age of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f° p 517-518.) ft ARK Eyton, Robert William. The houses of Fitz-Alan and Stuart: their origin and early h i S r t . ory A (Archaeological journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 13, p. 333-354.) CA Forbes, Archibald. Real Stuarts or bogus Stuarts? (New review. London, 1893. 8° v. 8, p. 73-84.) * da Foster, Joshua James. The Stuarts; be- ing illustrations of the personal history of the family (especially Mary, queen of Scots) in xvi., xvn., and xvin. century art. Portraits, miniatures, relics, &c. From the most celebrated collections. London: Dickinson's, 1902. 2 v. f°. ff ARZ Author's edition, no. 66 of 550 copies printed and signed. Grant, Francis James. Stewart of Brugh in Orkney, [[and] Stewart of Bigtoun. (In his: Zetland family histories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 316-322.) ARX Head, F. W. The fallen Stuarts . . . Cam- bridge: University Press, 1901. xii, 356 p. 12". (Cambridge historical essays, no. 12.) CI Historical families. Stewart. (Cham- bers's Edinburgh journal. London, 1835. f°. v. 3, p. 317-318.) * DA Hutton, James. The royal house of Stewart. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1893. 8°. v. 274, p. 281-296, 345-361.) *DA Jenner, Henry. The Sobieski Stuarts. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 21-30.) ARCA See also notes on p. 119, 185. Murdoch, Robert. Bibliography of works on the Stewart and Stuart families. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 113-114, 171.) CPA Noble, Mark. An historical genealogy of the royal house of Stuarts, from the reign of K. Robert n. to that of K. James vi. Taken from the most authentic authors, both Scotch and English. London: R. Faulder, 1795. 8 p.l., 312 p., 1 table. 4°. fARZ Ranking, Devey Fearon de L'Hoste. The Stuart descendants and the legitimate succession as affected by the marriage of Mary ill. and n. (Genealogical magazine. London, 1901. 4°. v. 4, p. 437-440.) ARCA Reid, John Eaton. Genealogical account of the Bute family. (In his: History of the county of Bute. Glasgow, 1864. 8°. p. 194-215.) CR 630 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — • Individual Families, continued. Stewart (Steuart, Stuart) Family, continued. Round, John Horace. The origin of the Stewarts. (In his: Studies in peerage and family history. Westminster [London], 1901. 8°. p. 115-146.) ARF The origin of the Stewarts and their Chesney connexion. (Genealogist. London, 1901. 8°. v. 18, p. 1-16.) * R - Room 328 The Stewarts. (The Ancestor. London, 1902. 4°. no. 1, p. 218-219.) ARA Royal house, The, of Stuart. Illustrated by a series of forty plates in colours, drawn from relics of the Stuarts by William Gibb. With an introduction by John Skelton and descriptive notes by W. H. St. John Hope. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. xi p., 1 1., 40 p., 44 1., 40 colored pi. f°. CP Royal, The, Stuarts and their capital. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 149, p. 161-173.) * DA S., R. A. C. The Stewarts of Massater, Orkney. 1 pi., 3 port. (Old-lore miscel- lany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1913. 8°. v. 6, p. 202- 208.) CR Shield, A. The last Stuart princess. (Dublin review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 125, p. 56-85.) * DA Sidney, Philip. The Neapolitan Stuarts. (English historical review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 18, p. 718-719.) BAA Criticism of the article by A. F. Steuart. So-called, The, heirs of the Stuarts. (In: Celebrated claimants from Perkin War- beck to Arthur Orton. London, 1874. 2. ed. 16°. p. 122-134.) BAC Steuart, A. Francis. The Neapolitan Stuarts. (English historical review. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 18, p. 470-474.) BAA Steuart, Henry. The genealogy of the Stewarts refuted, in a letter to Andrew Stuart. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1799. viii, (1)4-169 p., 1 table. 8°. ARZ Stewart, John Hope Johnstone, and Duncan Stewart. The Stewarts of Appin. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1880. 1 p.L, 214 p., 4 pi. 4°. fARZ Printed for private circulation. Stewarts, The, in Orkney. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 285-315.) *DA Stuart, Andrew. Genealogical history of the Stewarts, from the earliest period of their authentic history to the present time... An appendix of relative papers and a supplement. . . London: A. Strahan, 1798. xxiii, 468 p., 1 table. 4°. ARZ Townend, William. The descendants of the Stuarts. An unchronicled page in Eng- land's history. London: Longman, Brown Green, Longman & Roberts, 1858. xxx' 342 p., 4 tables. 2. ed. 8°. ARZ W'alford, Edward. The royal house of Stuart. (In his: Tales of our great fami- lies. London, 1880. 12°. series 2, v. 2 n 256-269.) ARF The Stuarts of Traquair. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1880 12°. series 2, v. 1, p. 93-115.) ARF Watson, John. Memoires of the family of the Stuarts, and the remarkable provi- dences of God towards them; in an histori- cal account of the lives of those of His Majesty's progenitors of that name, that were kings of Scotland. [By John Wat- son.] London: W. Kettilby, 1683. 10 p.l, 185 p. 8°. Stuart 7465 Stirling Family Fraser, Sir William. The Stirlings of Keir, and their family papers. Edinburgh: Privately printed, 1858. lxx, 622 p., pi., port, illus. sq. 8°. ARZ Riddell, John. Comment in refutation of pretensions advanced for the first time, and statements in a recent work, "The Stir- ings of Keir and their family papers," [by Sir W. Fraser] with an exposition of the right of the Stirlings of Drumpellier to the representation of the ancient Stirlings of Cadder. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation by W. Blackwood & Sons, 1860. 3 p.l., (i)iv-xx, 260 p. 4°. fARZ One of 300 copies printed. Some excerpts taken from the History of the house of Kilravock [by Hugh Rose] re- lating to the sirname of Stirvelyn or Stirl- ing. (In: Walter Macfarlane. Genealogi- cal collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 509-510.) ARF ' Sterling, Albert M. The ancient Stir- lings of Cadder, sheriffs of Stirling, and some others. (Grafton magazine. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 26-32.) APGA Stodart, Robert Riddle. Stirling of Cad- der. By S * * * (Herald and genealogist. London, 1874. 8°. v. 8, p. 6-12.) *R-Room328 Stirling, Earls and Earldom of Banks, Sir Thomas Christopher. An an- alytical statement of the case of Alexan- der, earl of Stirling and Dovan, &. . .an ex- planation of his official dignities, and pecu- liar territorial rights and privileges in... Nova Scotia and Canada, and also shew- ing the descent of the Stirling peerage honours... London: J. Cochrane & Co., 1832. xlix, 123, 4 p., 1 map, 3 tables. ARZ Hayes, John Lord. Trial of Lord Stir- ling: being part n. of the Vindication of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 631 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Stirling, Earls and Earldom of, continued. the rights and titles, political and terri- torial, of Alexander, earl of Stirling and Dovan... Washington: Gideon & Co., printers, 1853. 76 p., 1 fac. 8°. AN Vindication of the rights and titles, political and territorial, of Alexander, earl of Stirling & Dovan, and lord proprietor of Canada and Nova Scotia. Washington: Gideon & Co., printers, 1853. 52 p., 1 table. 8°. AN Humphrys, afterwards Alexander, Alex- ander, calling himself earl of Stirling. Narrative of the oppressive law proceed- ings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government. . .to overpower the earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights. Also a genealogical account of the family of Alexander, earls of Stirling. &c. .followed by an historical view of their hereditary possessions in Nova Sco- tia, Canada, &c, by Ephraim Lockhart... Edinburgh: [privately printed,] 1836. vi p., 1 1., 176, 8, vi, 77 p., 1 table. 4°. f ARZ Paul, Sir James Balfour. Alexander, earl of Stirling. (In: The Scots peerage ... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 165- 185.) ARO Romance, The, of forgery. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1851. 8°. v. 69, p. 461-488, 605-634.) * DA Humphrey-Alexander case. Stirling, The, peerage: comprising an account of the resumption of the titles by the present earl of Stirling, and of the pro- ceedings at the election of a representative peer for Scotland, at Holyrood House, the 2d of June, 1825. To which is prefixed an epitome of the genealogy of the noble fam- ily of Alexander, including a brief memoir of the present nobleman, and of the pater- nal descent of his family. London: printed by J. & C. Adland, 1826. 46 p., 1 table. 4°. ARZ Swinton, Archibald. Report of the trial of Alexander Humphreys or Alexander, claiming the title of earl of Stirling, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, for the crime of forgery. With an appen- dix containing the whole documentary evidence. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1839. xxiv, 356, cviii p., 2 fac, 1 map. 8°. SLN Turnbull, William Barclay David Don- ald. The Stirling peerage. Trial of Alex- ander Humphrys t or Humphreys] or Alex- ander, styling himself earl of Stirling, before the High Court of Justiciary for forgery, on 29th April, 1839, and four fol- lowing days . . . With an introductory notice of the earldom of Stirling, and pro- ceedings of Mr. Humphrys relative to his pretended claim. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood and Sons, 1839. 3 p.l., 48, cxxii, 290, 28 p. 8°. " SLN Stormont, Viscounts Murray, Keith W. Murray, Viscount Stormont. (In: The Scots peerage. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 186-214) ARO Strachan (Strahan) Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. The Strahan family. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 187- 188.) v C PA Memorial of the antient family of Stra- chans, more particularly of the house of Thornton. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Gene- alogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 265-275.) ARF Rogers, Charles. Memorials of the Scot- tish families of Strachan and Wise. [Edin- burgh:] printed for private circulation, 1877. 2 p.l., 123 p. sq. 8°. ARZ Reviewed in The Genealogist, v. 2, p. 167-168, London, 1878; Herald and genealogist, v. 8, p. 302- Strathallan, Viscounts of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Drummond, viscount of Strathallan. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 215-328.) ARO Strathearn, Earls of Anderson, John. The ancient earls of Strathearn. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 239-254.) ARO Moray, earl of Strathearn. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 255-258.) ARO • Stewart, earls of Strathearn. (In: The Scots peerage. . . Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 259-261.) ARO Bain, Joseph. The earls of Stratherne. Their succession and alliances, 1240-1332. (Genealogist. London, 1889. 8°. new se- ries, v. 5, p. 105-108.) *R- Room 328 Strathmore, Earls of Ross, Andrew. Lyon, earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 262-317.) ARO Stuart Family See Stewart Family Stuart-Menteth Family Anglo-Scotus, pseud. Doubtful pedi- grees. Stuart-Menteth of Closeburn, co. Dumfries. (Herald and genealogist. Lon- don, 1870. 8°. v. 5, p. 260-266, 526-529.) * R - Room 328 632 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Sutherland Family See also under Duffus, Lords Henderson, John. The Sutherlands of Forse, the Sutherlands of Langwell, [and] the Sutherlands of Wester. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 151-172, 332-333.) ARX Sutherland, Dukes of Anderson, John. Sutherland, earl of Sutherland. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage ... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 318- 365.) ARO Gower, Ronald Sutherland. Dunrobin Castle. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 292-310.) * DA Sinclair, Alexander. Right of the duke of Sutherland to a higher place as earl of Sutherland than he now has on the roll of the Scotch earls since 1606, according to the decree of the House of Lords in 1771, declaring the earldom to date from 1275. n. p. [187-?] 14 p. 8°. ARDp.v. 1 Sutherland, The, book. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 157, p. 702-717.) * DA Eased on The Sutherland book, by Sir William Fraser, 1894. Walford, Edward. The ducal .house of Sutherland. (In his: Tales of our great families. London, 1877. 12°. series 1, v. 2, p. 209-224.) ARF Swinton Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Swinton of that ilk. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f°. p. 127-132.) ft ARK Round, John Horace. The origin of the Swintons. (Genealogist. London, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 205-209.) *R- Room 328 Sitwell, Sir George R. The family of Swinton. (Genealogist. London, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 14-16.) *R- Room 328 Swinton, Archibald Campbell. The Swin- tons of that ilk and their cadets. [By A. C. Swinton.] Edinburgh: ( T. & A. Con- stable,, 1883. xx, 114 p., 1 1., cclii p., 8 fac, 7 pi. sm. 4°. ARZ One of 150 copies printed. Swinton, George S. C. The family of Swinton. (Genealogist. Exeter, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 133-140.) *R- Room 328 Tarrill Clan Mackintosh, Charles Fraser. The clan Tarrill. (In his: Account of the confedera- tion of clan Chattan. Glasgow, 1898. 4°. P. 139-141.) tARZ Taylor Family Henderson, John. The Taylors of Thura. (In his: Caithness family history Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 299-300.) ARX Teviot, Viscounts Grant, Francis James. Livingston, Vis- count Teviot. (In: The Scots peerage Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 368-377)" ARO Harwood, Henry William Forsyth. Spen- cer, Viscount Teviot. (In: The Scots peer- age... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 366- 367.) ARO Thoms Family Smith, William M'Combie. Memoir of the families of M'Combie and Thoms, or- iginally M'Intosh and M'Thomas; com- piled from history and tradition. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1890. xiii (i), 224 p., 1 pi., 6 port, new ed. 8°. ARZ Threipland Family Chambers, Robert. The Threiplands of Fingask. A family memoir. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1880. 128 p., 1 port. 16°. ARZ Tokphichen, Lords M'Call, Hardy Bertram. Sandilands, Lord Torphichen. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 378-398.) ARO Traill Family Gordon, George A. The Traill and Spence families of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. (New Hampshire genealogi- cal record. Dover, N. H, 1907. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-9.) *R- Room 328 Deals wholly with their Scottish origin. Henderson, John. The Traills of Castle- hill and Rattar. (In his: Caithness family history. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 229- 231.) ARX Traquair, Earls of Paul, Sir James Balfour. Stewart, earl of Traquair. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 399-409.) ARO Trotter Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Trotter of Morton- hall. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1798. f °. p. 204-208.) ft ARK Tullibardine, Earls of Murray, Keith W. Murray, earl of Tulli- bardine. (In: The Scots peerage. . . Edin- burgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 410-415.) ARO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 633 Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. TWEEDDALE, MARQUESSES OF Ruvigny and Raineval (9. marquis), Mel- ville Amadeus Henry Douglas Heddle de la Caillemotte de Massue de Ruvigny. Hay, marquess of Tweeddale. 1 pi. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 416-474.) ARO Tyrie Family George, J. F. James Tyrie, the Jesuit, and his kin. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 81-82, 169.) CPA Tyrie, W. B. The Tyries of Drumkilbo and Dunnideer. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 166.) CPA Udny Family Stodart, Robert Riddle. Udny of that ilk. [By R. R. Stodart.] (Genealogist. London, 1878. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-37, 87-90.) * R - Room 328 Umfraville Family See under Angus, Earls of Umphray Family Grant, Francis James. Umphray of Ber- rie, Umphray of Sand, [and] Umphray of Whitsness. (In his: Zetland family his- tories. Lerwick, 1907. 4°. p. 323-333.) ARX Urquhart Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Urquhart of Byth. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 166.) ttARK Urquhart of Craigston. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 165-166.) tt ARK Urquhart of Meldrum. (In his. Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 156-165.) tt ARK Inventary of the old writes of the family of Urquhart of Cromarty. (In: Walter Macfarlane, Genealogical collections... Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 357-379.) ARF Rose, D. Murray. Notes on the Urqu- harts of Cromarty. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 308-320.) NDO Verb or Weir Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Vere of Blackwood. (In his : Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 153-156.) ttARK Walker Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Walker of St. Fort. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 480-481.) ttARK Wallace Family Mitchell, John Oswald. The Wallaces of Elderslie. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 102-115.) CPA Robertson, George. Wallace of Cairn- hill, or Carnell t and of Shewalton, Dun- donald, and Kellyj. (In his: Genealogical account of the principal families in Ayr- shire. . . Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 66-94.) Stuart 8439 Wallace of Craigie. (In his: Gene- alogical account of the principal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1824. 12°. v. 2, p. 348-369.) Stuart 8438 Wardlaw Family Gibson, John Charles. The Wardlaws in Scotland: a history of the Wardlaws of Wilton and Torrie and their cadets. Edin- burgh: William Brown, 1912. xxxv, 318 p., 12 pi. 4°. ARZ One of 200 copies printed. Ruvigny and Raineval (9. marquis), Mel- ville Amadeus Henry Douglas Heddle de la Caillemotte de Massue de Ruvigny. The Wardlaw family. (Notes and queries. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. series 10, v. 8, p. 262-266, 342-345.) * R Warner Family Robertson, George. Warner of Ardeer. (In his: Genealogical account of the princi- pal families in Ayrshire... Irvine, 1825. 12°. v. 3, p. 281-286.) Stuart 8439 Wauchope Family Paterson, James. History and genealogy of the family of Wauchope of Niddrie- Merschell. Edinburgh: privately printed, 1858. vi, (1)8-92 p. 4°. t ARZ Wedderburn Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Wedderburn of Balindean, and Blackness. (In his: Bar- onage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 578-S80.) tt ARK Wedderburn of Blackness. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 278-282.) ttARK 634 THE N E W YORK Genealogy — Individual Families, continued. Wedderburn of Gosford. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f °. p. 282-284.) tt ARK Four, The, Wedderburns of Dundee. 3 pi. illus. (The Ancestor. London, 1903. 4°. no. 6, p. 49-61.) ARA Weir Family See Vere Family Welsh Family Aitken, John Carlyle. Some notes on the abbey of Holywood and on the Welshes of Colliestoun and Craigenputtock. (Dum- friesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 110-126.) *EC PUBLIC LIBRARY Wigtown, Earls of Grant, Francis James. Charter chest of the earldom of Wigtown, 1214-1681. Edited by F. J. Grant. Edinburgh: the society, 1910. 2 p.l., 133 p. 4°. (Scot- tish Record Society. Publications, part 49.) ARCA Fleming, earl of Wigtown. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911 8°. v. 8, p. S19-SS8.) ARO Williamson Family Henderson, John. The Williamsons of Banniskirk. (In his: Caithness family his- tory. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. p. 295- 298.) ARX Wilson Family Robertson, George. Wilson of Haylee. (In his: Genealogical accqunt of the prin- cipal families in Ayrshire.. . Irvine, 1824 12°. v. 2, p. 151-157.) Stuart 8438 Wemyss, Family See also under Burntisland, Lords Douglas, Sir Robert. Wemyss of Bogie. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 561-562.) ft ARK • Wemyss of Lathocker. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. f°. p. 553-555.) ttARK Wemyss, The, of Wemyss. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 145, p. 689-703.) * DA Winton, Earls of Boyle, Robert E. Seton, earl of Win- ton. (In: The Scots peerage... Edin- burgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 559-606.) ARO Wise Family Rogers, Charles. Memorials of the Scot- tish families of Strachan and Wise. [Edin- burgh:] printed for private circulation, 1877. 2 p.l., 123 p. sq. 8°. ARZ Reviewed in The Genealogist, v. 2, p. 167-168, London, 1878. Wemyss, Earls of Anderson, John. Wemyss, earls of Wemyss. (In: The Scots peerage... Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 475-518.) ARO Whitefoord Family S., S. The family of Whitefoord. (Genealogist. London, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 141-144.) *R-Room328 Stodart, Robert Riddle. Whitefoord. By S * * * (Genealogist. London, 1881. 8°. v. 5, p. 19-20.) *R- Room 328 Wishart Family Rogers, Charles. Genealogical history of the house of Wishart. (Royal Histori- cal Society. Transactions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 329-363.) CA Forms part of his memoir of George Wishart, the martyr. Wood Family Bulloch, John Malcolm. The family of Wood of Bonnyton. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 72-73.) CPA Whytt Family Douglas, Sir Robert. Whytt of Ben- nochy. (In his: Baronage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1798. P. p. 529-531.) ttARK Younger Family Hallen, Arthur Washington Cornelius. An account of the family of Younger, county Peebles. Edinburgh: privately printed at the University Press, 1890. 19(1) p., 1 1. 4°. tARZ LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 635 Law Sec also Public Documents Aberdeenshire. — Commissioners of the Bridewell. Abstract of so much of the Bridewell Act for the city and county of Aberdeen, and of so much of the Vag- rant Acts as relate to the mode of appre- hending, committing, and punishing de- linquents, &c. n. t.-p. Aberdeen: J. Chal- mers & Co., 1809. 16 p. 8°. SLT p.v. 3 Aberdeenshire. — Courts : Sheriff Court. Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeen- shire. Edited by David Littlejohn. Aber- deen: New Spalding Club, 1904-07. 3 v. 4°. (New Spalding Club. [Publications.]) tCP no. 350 of 500 copies printed. v. 1: Records prior to 1600. Notices of the officials of the court prior to 1600 are appended. v. 2: Records, 1598-1649. Notices of the of- ficials of the court from 1600-1649 are appended. v. 3: Records, 1642-1660. With supplementary lists of officials, 1660-1907, and index to volumes i, ii, iii. Adam, William. Statement calculated to explain the rules and regulations to be made for the jury court, and the plan of conducting the institution. . .and also to shew the nature and extent of the estab- lishment required. [By W. Adam.] Edin- burgh: J. Hay & Co., prtrs., 1819. 79, ix p. 8°. * C p.v.494 Address, An, to the landed gentlemen of Scotland. With a vindication of the Right Hon. the Lords of Session. Edin- burgh: A. Donaldson and J. Reid, 1765. 101 p. 8°. CPp.v.3,no.7 Address to the... Lord President Hope, and to the members of the College of Jus- tice, on the method of collecting and re- porting decisions. Edinburgh: David Brown, 1821. 1 p.l., 65 p. 8°. XAH p.v.47 Agnew, John Vans. Some important questions in Scots entail law, briefly con- sidered. To which are added, reports of the decisions of the House of Lords, 31st July 1822, in the appeals Vans Agnew against Stewart and others, and Vans Agnew against the earl of Stair and others. Edinburgh: Waugh and Innes, 1826. 2 p.l., (i)iv-v, (i)iv-vi, (1)8-96 p. 8°. XAH p.v.46 Aitken, Henry. Salvage awards in Eng- land and Scotland contrasted. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 399-404.) SEA Alexander, William, writer to the sig- net. A letter to the master and members of the Merchant Company of Edinburgh, containing an exposition of the defects of the present system of bankrupt law in Scotland, and remarks on Prof. Bell's new bankrupt bill; with an appendix, contain- ing the heads of another bill on the sub- ject, with relative tables of costs. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1833. 35, 36 p. 8°. TLXp.v.8,no.ll Report to the Chamber of Com- merce and Manufactures, on the bill, as amended in committee, for regulating the administration of the estates of bankrupts in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1835. 1 p.l., 31 p. 8°. * C p.v.911 Alison, Sir Archibald. Remarks on the Administration of criminal justice in Scot- land, and the changes proposed to be in- troduced into it. [By A. Alison.] Edin- burgh: William Blackwood, 1825. 2 p.l., 143 p. 8°. * C p.v.494 Ancient laws and customs of the burghs of Scotland, A.D. 1124-1707. [Edited by Cosmo Innes and Robert Renwick.j Edin- burgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1868-1910. 2 v. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Re- cords Society. Publications, v. 1, 23.) CP v. 1. A.D. 1124-1424. 1. Leges quatuor burgor- um. 2. Assise regis Willelmi. 3. Statuta gilde. 4. Regiam maisetatem. 5. Quoniam attachiamenta. 6. Constitutions noue pro burgensibus. 7. Assisa de tolloneis. 8. Custuma portuum. 9 Articuli in- quirendi in itinere camerarii. 10. Juramenta offi- ciariorum. 11. Iter camerarii. 12. Curia quatuor burgorum. 13. Fragmenta collecta. 14. Acta par- liamentorum. 15. Obligation of the towns and burgesses of Scotland anent the ransom of King David II. Glossary and index. v. 2. A.D. 1424-1707. Statutes of King James i. Statutes of King James II. Statutes of King James in. Statutes of King James iv. Statutes of King James v. Statutes of Queen Mary. Statutes of King James vi. Statutes of King Charles i. Sta- tutes of King Charles n. Statutes of King William and Queen Mary. Statutes of Queen Anne. Cor- rections and additions. Anderson, G. Speech in the House of Commons, on the second reading of the Married Women's Property (Scotland) Bill... 1879. Manchester: Married Wom- en's Property Committee, 1879. 8 p. 8°. * C p.v.527 Annandale, Nelson. A modern instance of trial by ordeal in Scotland. (Man. London, 1904. 4°. 1904, no. 97.) QOA Baker, Thomas, barrister-at-law. The laws relating to salmon fisheries in Great Britain, including the statutes passed dur- ing the last session of Parliament for Eng- land and Scotland, and the whole of the Scotch bye-laws. London: H. Cox, 1858. viii, 228 p. 2. ed. 12°. VRR Balvaird, John. Letter, explanatory of a late judgment in the court of police; with a copy of the judgment. [By John Balvaird.j n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: J. Brown, 1807.] 4 p. 12°. SLX p.v.3, no.4 636 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Law, continued. Barclay, Hugh. The law of the road. Digest of the General Turnpike Act for Scotland, and of the general statutes rela- tive to highways not turnpike; with digest of decided cases in Scotland and England on questions of roads and turnpike law; and appendix containing the forms of prosecutions for tolls and penalties. Glas- gow: Andrew Rutherglen & Co., 1836. 1 p.l., 118 p. 8°. *Cp.v.494 Bartholomew, John. The Highland clans in the law of Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 205-213, 307-319.) SEA Bell, B. Letter to Robert Wallace... in reply to his late appeal to the people of Scotland, on the subject of reform in the law. By a member of the Faculty of Ad- vocates rB. Bell.] Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1837. 47 p. 8°. * C p.v.492 Bell, George Joseph. Commentaries on the laws of Scotland, and on the principles of mercantile jurisprudence. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co., 1821. 2 v. 4. ed. 4°. XH v. 1 lacks title-page. Bell, Robert. A dictionary of the law of Scotland... Edinburgh: J. Anderson & Co., 1815. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. XAB The appendix of 146 p. in v. 2 is i a reprint of Sir John Skene's De verborum significatione. 3. ed. Revised and greatly enlarged by William Bell. Edinburgh: John Anderson, 1826. 2 v. 8°. XAB Beveridge, Thomas. An index materi- arum to Beveridge's Practical treatise on the forms of process in the Court of Ses- sion, Court of Teinds, and Jury Court. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1829. 1 p.l., 88 p. 8°. XM p.v.2 Bill, A, intituled An act for the better regulating of the forms of process in the courts of law in Scotland. [Edinburgh: printed by Sir D. Hunter Blair and J. Bruce, 1825.] 44 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Bridges, James. A letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, on the courts of law in Scotland. Edinburgh: Archibald Con- stable and Co., 1823. 1 p.l., 75 p. 8°. XAH p.v.47 Brown, Henry H. Sir George Macken- zie: a study of old Scots crime. 1 port. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 261-284.) SEA Part of this article was reprinted as "Witch- craft in old Scots criminal law" in the Green bag, v. 13, p. 511-514, Boston, 1901. Campbell, Alexander. Observations on the heads of a bill for regulating the management and distribution of the estate and effects... of such as have become bankrupt. . .proposed. . .to be brought into Parliament; which observations are of- fered with a view to prevent abuses in bankrupt estates. Glasgow: W. Lane 1809. iv, x, 73 p. 8°. * C p.v.421 Remarks on the sketch of a bill for regulating bankruptcy in Scotland... Glasgow: Brash & Reid, 1809. iv, viii 55 p. 2. ed. 8°. *Cp.v!421 Campbell, Richard Vary. Is it expedU ent that there should be one bankruptcy law applicable to England and Scotland on the principles of the present Scotch system? (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transac- tions. London, 1881. 8°. 1880, p. 237- 242.) SA Discussion, p. 243-251. ■ The sheriff in Scotland. (Juridi- cal review. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 12, p. 15-24.) SEA Campbell, William. Suggestions as to amendment of various franchises, and im- provement in mode of levying and collect- ing rates and assessments in Scotland. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 13, p. 20-33.) * EC Chalmer, J. Remarks upon the Scots bankrupt bill. (Edinburgh: A. Donald- son, 1782. 2 p.l., 47 p. 8°. TLX p.v.6, no.4 Chalmers, Patrick. Remarks on the law of the burghs concerning delivery of lands within burgh. (Spalding Club. Miscel- lany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, preface, p. 49-55.) tCP Charters, Samuel. A discourse on the duty of making a testament. By S. Char- ters. To which is added, The form of a testament, with directions for making it valid, according to the law of Scotland. By Thomas Usher. Harwick: Robert Arm- strong, printer, 1802. 1 p.l., 90 p. 8°. ZIY p.v.49 Clyde, James Avon. Practice and pro- cedure in the Court of Session. (Juridi- cal review. Edinburgh, 1906-07. 8°. v. 18, p. 319-340.) SEA Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh. Joint report by the commit- tee of the Merchant Company of Edin- burgh, and Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures of Edinburgh, on the "Bill for regulating the sequesteration of the estates of bankrupts in Scotland." "Or- dered by the House of Commons to be printed, 15. March 1836." [Also appendix: Petition of Merchant Co. and of the Cham- ber of Commerce against bankrupt bill of 1835; Minutes of conference with the lord advocate, October, 1835, Januay, 1836; Clauses proposed by Mr. Alexander, in regard to preparation for...pay't of 1. dividend.] Edinburgh, 1836. 1 p.l., iv, 3-62, 24 p. 8°. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 637 Law, continued. Contributions to the Senators of the College of Justice. 1S86. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p.. 49-64.) tCP Cooper, William M., pseud, of James Glass Bertram. Penal and church flagel- lation in Scotland. (In his: A history of the rod in- all countries. London [1869). 8°. p. 173-194.) SLO Court of Session. Act of sederunt, for recording exceptions in a particular regis- ter, conform to the act of Parliament Sto Georgii. Edinburgh, 14th July 1719. [Signed, Alex. Gibson.] [Edinburgh, 1719?] Broad- side. Reserve Act of sederunt relative to the form of process for the Inner House, Outer House, and Bill Chamber. [Edin- burgh: James Clarke & Co., 1825.] 27 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Act of sederunt relative to the form of process in the Teind Court. [Edinburgh: James Clarke & Co., 1825.] 12 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Draught Act of sederunt [for re- pealing certain acts of sederunt, of date the 12th.. .November 1825, and subse- quent dates, passed for regulating the forms of process in the Court of Session, in pursuance of the statute, 6 Geo. ry. c. 120; for consolidating the enactments con- tained in said acts; and also for farther improving the forms in said court]. [Edin- burgh: printed by James Clarke and Co., 1827.) 1 p.l., vi, 51 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Another issue with the amend- ments of the reporters. [Edinburgh, 1827?] 2, 72 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Criminal procedure at Stornoway. (Ju- ridical review. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 12, p. 176-183.) SEA Excerpts of cases tried between 1789 and 1823. Crole, Gerard Lake. The prerogative of mercy in Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 18, p. 196-199.) SEA Cry, The, of the creditors upon bank- rupt estates in Scotland renewed; contain- ing a project for retrieving credit, and ad- vancing trade, by preventing tedious law- suits; again addressed to the... Lords of Council and Session, members of Parlia- ment ,and all Scotsmen. Edinburgh: Suc- cessors of A. Anderson, 1721. 24 p. 12°. CP p.box2 Cultivation and progress of law in Scot- land. (Law review. London, 1851. 8". v. 14, p. 241-258.) Davidson, John. Observations on the regiam majestatem. [By John Davidson.] [Edinburgh: privately printed, 1792.] 15 p. 8". XASp.v.l Dickson, William Kirk. The Scots law of treason. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 10, p. 243-256.) SEA Dissertations on the law of Scotland. (The Legal observer. London, 1832-33. 8°. v. 4, p. 289-290, 353-355; v. 5, p. 89.) 1. The sources whence the law of Scotland is derived. 2. The superior courts of Scotland. 3. The inferior courts of Scotland. Documents respecting the cause John Vans Agnew, of Sheuchan, against the creditors of John Vans of Barnbarroch. Edinburgh: W. and C. Tait, 1823. 2 p.l., 44 p. 8°. XAHp.v.47 Dodd, William H. Prize essay on the jurisdiction of the local courts in Ireland, Scotland, and England compared. (Sta- tistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ire- land. Journal. Dublin, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 99-125.) SA Donald, Colin Dunlop. The sheriff court of Lanarkshire at Glasgow and some cases tried there in the last century. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 273- 311.) CPA p. 292 gives a list of the sheriffs of Lanarkshire and sheriffs-substitute for the Glasgow district from 1748. Drever, W. P. Udal law and the fore- shore. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 189-202.) SEA With particular reference to Orkney and Shet- land. Elginicus, pseud. On Scottish juris- prudence. (The Templar. London, 1789. 8°. v. 1, p. 261-267.) XAA Erskine, John, of Carnock. An insti- tute of the law of Scotland. In four books. In the order of Sir George Mac- kenzie's Institutions of that law. Edin- burgh: John Bell, 1773. 2 v. f. tt XH Pagination continuous. • A new edition, bringing down the law to the present time. By Alexander Macallan. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Print- ing and Publishing Co., 1838. xiii, 1220 p. 8°. XH The principles of the law of Scot- land: in the order of Sir George Macken- zie's Institutions of that law. 6. ed. Edin- burgh: J. Balfour, 1783. 4 p.l., 509 p., 13 1. 8°. XH Esson, George Auldjo. The recent sta- tistics of bankruptcy in Scotland. 1 table. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. Lon- don, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 188-202.) SA Faculty of Advocates. Committee on the qualifications of candidates. Report. Edinburgh: Balfour & Jack, printers, 1838. 8 p. 8°. Report of the committee on: i. Edinburgh Municipality Extension and 638 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Law, continued. Transfer of Police and Paving Bill; n. Edinburgh Police Consolidation and Sana- tory Improvement Bill; and in. Police Amendment Bill. Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, 1848. IS p. 8°. * C p.v.1320 Report of a committee of the Fac- ulty of Advocates, approved and adopted at a meeting of faculty, held February 10, 1827. Edinburgh: [printed by A. Balfour & Co.,, 1827. 30 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 On judicial procedure under the statute 6 Geo. IV. c. 120, and all matters connected with the con- duct and duties of the members of the bar therein. Faculty of Procurators, Glasgow. Re- port and resolutions of the faculty. . .re- specting the bill for the better regulating the courts of justice in Scotland and the administration of justice therein; and for establishing trial by jury in certain civil causes. Glasgow: S. Hunter & Co., 1807. 15 p. 12°. *Cp.v.421 Fraser, Patrick. The conflict of laws in cases of divorce. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1860. iv, (1)6-79 p. 8°. XAH p.v.2 p. 22-50: Jurisdiction in divorce cases asserted by Scottish courts. On the consolidation of the stat- ute law of Scotland anterior to the Union. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. Lon- don, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 149-156.) SA Gaskell, Charles Milnes. Highland gos- sip. (Murray's magazine. London, 1887. 8°. v. 2, p. 187-202.) * DA On Scottish game laws. Glaister, James. An enquiry into the necessity for legislative reform in Scot- land in regard to uncertified deaths. (Phil- osophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 16, p. 305- 327.) * EC Grant, John Peter. Some observations on the constitution and forms of proceed- ing of the Court of Session in Scotland; with remarks on the bill now depending in the House of Lords for its reform. London: W. Clarke and Sons, 1807. vi, 135 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Grenville (1. baron), William Wyndham Grenville. Substance of Lord Grenville's speech, in the House of Lords, on the first reading of the Scotch Judicature Bill. [London: A. Strahan, printer, 1807.] 32 P- 8°. *Cp.v.l313 Hancock, W. Neilson. On the assimila- tion of the law in England, Scotland, and Ireland, as to the care of lunatics and their property. (Statistical and Social In- quiry Society of Ireland. Journal. Dub- lin, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 79-82.) SA Heads for a bill to amend the law con- cerning taillies in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. By the Faculty of Advo- cates. Edinburgh, 1765. 16 p. 8°. CP p.v.3, no.9 Henderson, J. Hossell. The forms of private prosecution in Scotland. (Juridi- cal review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°.' v 17 p. 53-56.) SEA Statutes of doubtful application to Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinbureh 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 427-432.) SEA Henderson, John Alexander. History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen; edited by J. A. Henderson. Aberdeen' New Spalding Club, 1912. xxiv, 504 p' 3 fac, 25 port. 4°. (New Spalding Club! Publications.) fCP no. 350 of 450 copies printed. Hope, Charles. Notes by the lord presi- dent, on the subject of hearing counsel in the Inner House. Edinburgh: printed by A. Balfour & Co., 1826. 7 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 The speech of the Right Honour- able Charles Hope, lord president of the Court of Session, on moving the court to pass acts of sederunt for the better regu- lating of the forms of process in the courts of law in Scotland. Edinburgh: James Clarke & Co., 1825. 17 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Hope, Sir Thomas. Practical observa- tions upon divers titles of the law of Scot- land, commonly called Hope's Minor practicks . . . With notes upon divers parts of the book, shewing what altera- tions have happened in the law since the first writing of this treatise. . . To which is subjoined, an account of all the religi- ous houses that were in Scotland at the time of the Reformation, by John Spotis- wood. Edinburgh: A. Davidson, 1734. viii, 554 p. 8°. (16°.) XH p. 545-552 lacking. Hunter, Henry. Scottish laws for law- less beggars. (Antiquary. London, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 48-51.) CA Innes, Cosmo. Lectures on Scotch legal antiquities. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1872. xv, 326 p. 8°. CP I. Introductory. II. Charters, ill. Parliament, iv. The Old Church, v. Old forms of law. _ vi. Rural occupations, vn. Books, viii. Appendix. Notes of some curiosities of old Scottish tenures and investures. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 81-87.) CPA Irvine, Patrick. Considerations concern- ing the administration of justice in Scot- land, by uniting the benefits of jury trial in civil causes with the ordinary jurisdic- tion of the Court of Session: in a let- ter to Sir Robert Peel, bart. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 1831. 1 p.l., 65 p. 8°. XAHp.v.46 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 639 Law, continued. Jameson, William. Copy, letters, &c, printed as an appendix to the tract, in- tituled Letter to Lord Viscount Melville, keeper of the signet for Scotland. [By William Jameson.] [Edinburgh, 1814.] vi, 139-167 p. 8°. CP p. box Johnson, William E. Queer laws of medijeval Glasgow. 1 illus. (The Green bag. Boston, 1902. 4°. v. 14, p. 416-420.) AAA Johnston, John. English and Scotch jury systems in criminal trials. (West- minster review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 148, p. 700-701.) * DA Jurisdiction, On the, of the English courts over Scotsmen. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1887. 8°. v. 9, p. 1-31.) * DA Kirkwood, Anderson. On the law of teinds in Scotland... Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark [1872,. 16 p. 8°. * C p.v.370 Title from cover. Reprinted from Journal of jurisprudence, June, 1872. Letter, A, from a gentleman in Edin- burgh, to his friend in the country, con- taining An answer to the Proposals for amending the law concerning tailzies in Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Donaldson and J. Reid, 1765. 19 p. 8°. CP p.v.3, no.10 Letter to Robert Wallace, in reply to his late appeal to the people of Scotland, on the subject of reform in the law. By a member of the Faculty of Advocates. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1837. 47 p. 8°. * C p.v.911 Lyon, George. A summary of the law of Scotland, by way of question and answer, in the order of Mr. Erskine; chiefly adapted to the use of gentlemen on the eve of trial as advocates.,.. [Compiled i by George Lyon.] Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1821. vii, 137 p. 8°. XHA M., G. L. The Faculty of Advocates and law reporting. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 18, p. 399-406.) SEA M'Clelland, James. Practical sugges- tions for the amendment of the bankrupt law of Scotland. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transac- tions. London, 1864. 8°. 1863. p. 203- 208.) SA Macdouall, Andrew. An institute of the laws of Scotland in civil rights: with ob- servations upon the agreement or diver- sity between them and the laws of England. Edinburgh: R. Fleming, 1751-53. 3 v. f°. XWH Macfarlan, John F. Powers and juris- diction of the lord provost of the city and sheriff of the county of Edinburgh; with an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: John Greig & Son, 1854. iv, (1) 6-64 p. 2. ed. 8°. *Cp.v.l511 Mackay, .Eneas James George. Notes and queries on the custom of gavelkind in Kent, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 133-158.) CPA Who wrote Balfour's Practicks? (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 1-5.) CPA Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Letter to the landed proprietors of Scotland, on the bill, entitled An act for better regulating the forms of process in the courts of law in Scotland. Edinburgh: Manners & Miller, 1824. 29 p. 8°. XM p.v.2 Mackenzie, Sir George. The laws and customs of Scotland, in matters criminal. Wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations do agree with, and supply ours. Edin- burgh: T. Brown, 1678. 8 p.l., 581 p. 4°. (12°.) SLM Mackenzie, Thomas Mackenzie, lord. Studies in Roman law, with comparative views of the laws of France, England, and Scotland. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1862. xxxv(i), 389 p. 8°. XAP 5. ed. Edited by John Kirk- patrick. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1880. xli(i), 461 p. 8°. XAP McLaren, John. On the law of Scot- land in relation to married women's prop- erty. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1878. 8°. 1877, p. 241-246.) SA Maclaurin, John. Arguments and deci- sions, in remarkable cases, before the High Court of Justiciary and other su- preme courts in Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Bell, 1774. xl, 777 p., 3 1. 4°. XSE Macleod, Hugh. Ancient Celtic laws. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1 (1887-91), p. 275- 306.) NDO Macmillan, H. P. The old Scots convey- ancers. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1898-99. 8°. v. 10, p. 425-437; v. 11, p. 41- 54.) SEA 1. Dallas, author of System of Styles, 1697; 2. Carruthers and John Spotiswood. M'Neill, George P. The Scottish school of jurisprudence. Edinburgh: Morrison & Gibb, 1883. 24 p. 8°. *Cp.v.527 Repr. : Journal of jurisprudence and Scottish law magazine, 1883. Maconochie, Allan, Lord Meadowbank. Considerations on the introduction of jury trial in civil causes into Scotland. [By Al- lan Maconochie, Lord Meadowbank.j 640 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Law, continued. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1814. 1 p.l., 36 p. 8°. SKH p.v.4 Title-page mutilated. Martin, T. Carlaw. Custody and guard- ianship of children (Scotland). Edin- burgh: Turnbull & Spears, prtrs., 1884. 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v.373 Marwick, Sir James David. On forestall- ing, regrating, and engrossing — three forms of trading prohibited in the burghal laws. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 145-159.) CPA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. The calendar of Scottish crime. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 512-524, 657-669.) * DA Based on Pitcairn's edition of the Ancient Scottish criminal trials. Reprinted in The Green bag, v. 12, p. 278-289, 353-363, Boston, 1900. Melville, R. D. Use and forms of judicial torture in England and Scotland. 5 pi. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 225-248.) CPA Memorial of the Lords of Session, and report from the committee of the Faculty of Advocates on the bill for better regulat- ing the courts of session in Scotland. Lon- don: J. Ridgway, 1807. 56 p. 8°. XMH p.v.5 Miller, James. Letter to... Duncan M'Neill. . .Andrew Rutherfurd. . .and the other Scotch members of the House of Commons; by the author of Observations upon the practical working of the jury court in Scotland... Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1844. 59 p. 8°. *Cp.v.434 Observations on trial by jury in civil causes in Scotland, and remedial measures for its abuses. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1848. 50 p. 8°. * C p.v.434 Moncreiff (2. baron), Henry James Mon- creiff. The verdict "not proven." (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 179, p. 763-776.) * DA Muirhead, James. Notes on the marriage laws of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with suggestions for their amendment and assimilation, in a letter to. . .the lord chan- cellor. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1862. 1 p.l., 80 p. 8°. XAH p.v.2 Murray, David. Law relating to the property of married persons. . . Glasgow, 1891. 8°. SNR Nicholls, Sir George. A history of the Scotch poor law, in connection with the condition of the people. London: John Murray, 1856. x, 288 p. 8°. SGP Notes of speeches in the House of Lords on petitions for re-hearing, in the appeals, John Vans Agnew, appellant, James Stew- art, Ebenezer Drew, and others, respon- dents; and John Vans Agnew, appellant, John William Henry, earl of Stair, and others, respondents. . . Edinburgh: W & C. Tait, 1823. 32 p. 8°. XAHp.v.47 Observations upon the law of Scotland, as to prescription in cases of adjudication! Edinburgh: Stevenson & Co., 1815. 1 pi 25 p. 8°. XHp.v.7,no.l Observations regarding the salmon fishery of Scotland, especially with ref- erence to the stake-net mode of fishing; the regulation of the close-time; and the necessity of a legislative revisal of the antiquated Scots statutes at present ap- plicable to these subjects Edinburgh- Bell & Bradfute, 1824. 1 p.l., 60 p. 8°. XH p.v.47 Ogle, J. Sale catalogue, chiefly consist- ing of civil, English, and Scots lawbooks. .. Edinburgh, 1797. 15(1) p. 12°. * C p.v.482 Parliamentary report on the salaries of the Scotch judges. (Tait's Edinburgh mag- azine, new series, v. 1, p. 713-725.) * DA Paterson, George. Historical account of the fiars in Scotland, with remarks on the present mode of striking them, and sug- gestions for a more uniform procedure... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1852. 1 p.l., 66 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l306 Paton, George A. The law of mutual, or, rather, common gables. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. v. 28, p. 246-266.) *EC Petition for a toleration to the stang, with the proceedings of the regality court of Huntly thereon, mdccxxxiv. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 485-493.) t CP "Riding the stang" was an old summary form of punishment. Plan for the consideration of the com- mittee upon the method of reporting the decisions. [Edinburgh, 182—?] 12 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Pringle, A. S. The verdict of "not prov- en" in Scotland. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 432-438.) SEA Privy Council. Two acts of the Privy Council of Scotland, dated 20th November 1606, for establishing good rule on the Borders. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 310-311.) CPA Proposals for amending the law con- cerning tailzies in Scotland. Edinburgh: Sands, Murray, and Cochran, 1765. 16 p. 8°. CPp,v.3,no.8 Ramsay's Trustees (Attorney-General of Scotland vs.). Legacy duty. Report of the case. . .argued in the Court of Ex- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 641 Law, continued. chequer in Scotland... [Edinburgh: M. Anderson,, 1823. 36 p. 8°. * C p.v.1307 Reflections on the introduction of trial by jury, in civil causes, into Scotland. (Edinburgh annual register for 1813. Edin- burgh, 1815. 8°. v. 6, part 1, p. 301-350.) BAA Regulations proposed to be observed in the sheriff and Stewart courts of North Britain. Edinburgh: R. Fleming, 1749. 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.432 Regulations for the upper ward of Lanarkshire. In which are compre- hended, the powers and duties of con- stables; and to which is added, an appen- dix, containing forms of citations, &c. Edinburgh: Walker and Greig, 1815. 39 p. 8°. * C p.v.494 Reid, James A. Lawburrows. (Juridi- cal review. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 15, p. 417-421.) SEA Remarks on the report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates, appointed to consider the provisions of the bill for the better regulating of the process of the courts of law in Scotland. London: Charles Hunter, 1825. 36 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Remarks on the report of the committee of the House of Peers, relative to the ad- ministration of civil justice in Scotland. Glasgow: G. Lumsden, 1806. 42 p. 8°. XM p.v.3 Renton, Alexander Wood, and G. G. Phillimoke. Effect of marriage on the property of the husband and wife under the law of Scotland. (In their: Compara- tive law of marriage and divorce. London, 1910. 8°. p. 625-663.) *R-XH Report of the commissioners appointed by the Court of Session for preparing tables of fees in the sheriff courts of Scot- land, n. p. [1828?] 35, 50 p. 8°. *Cp.v.469 Report by a committee of the solicitors before the supreme courts in Scotland, on a bill, entituled An act for the better regulating of the forms of process in the courts of law in Scotland. Edinburgh: James Gall, 1825. 43 p. 8°. XMH p.v.6 Report by the committee of the writers to the signet, on the proposed table of fees for practioners before the Court of Session. [Edinburgh, 1830.] 55,' 43 p. 8°. * C p.v.494 Report on the constitution of the royal burghs of Scotland. (Edinburgh- annual register for 1820. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 13, part 2, p. 425-430.) BAA Report of important decisions in the Registration Appeal Court held for the city of Glasgow ... 1837. Glasgow: D. Robertson, 1837. 35 p. 8°. * C p.v.1321, no.ll Robertson, Alexander. A course of lec- tures on the government, constitution, and laws of Scotland, from the earliest to the present time. London: Stevens and Haynes, 1878. xii, 347 p. 8°. SED Robertson, W. J. Some problems of the law of thirlage. (Juridical review. Edin- bugh, 1903. 8°. v. 15, p. 64-77.) SEA Ross, Walter. An historical account of the privileges of the College of Justice. [By Walter Ross.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1785., 3 p.l., 129 p. 4°. *Cp.v.ll26 Salvesen, Edward Theodore Salvesen, lord. A court of criminal appeal for Scot- land. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 247-266.) SEA Samuels, Arthur W. Private bill pro- cedure— (The Scotch act of 1899). (Sta- tistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ire- land. Journal. Dublin, 1902. 8°. v. 10, p. 509-517.) SA Scotch judges against Scotch jurors. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1835. 4°. new series, v. 2, p. 463-465.) *DA Scotch, The, law of entail. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 7, p. 441-464.) * DA Scotch proceedings in lunacy. — Case of Yoolow. (Law magazine. London, 1839. 8°. v. 22, p. 386-403.) XAA Scott, Charles. The infant Court of Ses- sion and its surroundings. Being the in- augural address at the Scots Law Society, session 1879-80. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood and Sons [1879]. 56 p. 12°. * C p.v.410 Scott-Moncrieff, William George. Some old Scottish courts of law. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 58- 69.) * EC Upon some of Lord Cockburn's opinions. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 24, p. 302-311.) SEA Scottish criminal law. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1846. 8°. v. 4, p. 313- 346.) * DA Seasonable, A, address, from several persons interested in the proposed altera- tion of the law regulating entails; to the noblemen and gentlemen of North Britain: and to the members of the British Par- liament in general. London: A. Millar, 1776. 1 p.l., 38 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l098 Selections from the judicial records of Renfrewshire, illustrative of the adminis- tration of the laws of the county, and 642 THE- NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Law, continued. manners and condition of the inhabitants, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centu- ries. With notes introductory and explana- tory, and fac-similes by William Hector. Paisley: J. & J. Cook, 1876-78. 2 v. fac, pi. 8°. CR Series 1: Introductory. 1. The times of the persecution, 1670-1688. 2. Manners and condition of the people, 1684-1720. 3. Manners and condition of the people, 1720-1800. 4. The administration of the law, and its general severity^ 1688-1800. 5. Mis- cellaneous papers. 6. Rents, prices, etc., 17th and 18th centuries. Series 2: 1. County representation, freeholders, &c. 2. Old county families and estates. 3. County courts. 4. Social condition and manners of the people, 1680 to 1770. 5. Prisons and prisoners. 6. The burgh of Paisley. 7. Miscellaneous. 8. Rents, prices, etc., 1730 to 1750. Sharpe, John. Question as to the valid- ity of a verdict, it having been discovered that one of the jury was a minor. Report of the case of John Sharpe. . .tried. . . in Edinburgh. . .1820. . . Taken in short hand by J. Watson. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1821. 45 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v.1307 Skene, Sir John. De verborum signifi- catione. The exposition of the termes and difficill wordes conteined in the foure buikes of Regiam majestatem, and uthers, in the acts of Parliament. . .of this realme ... [Edinburgh: A. Smellie, printer, n. d.] 146 p. 8°. XAB This was issued as an appendix to Bell's Diction- ary of the law of Scotland. Smail, Adam. Some old Scottish acts of Parliament. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 116-121.) *DE More old acts of Parliament and proclamations. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 304-311.) *DE Two old Scottish proclamations. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 205-208.) * DE On pole-money. Smith, David Baird. The reformers and divorce. A study in consistorial jurisdic- tion. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 10-36.) CPA Smith, William Charles. Scots law in the Victorian era. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 152-163.) SEA The sources of Scottish law. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 375-392.) SEA Spottiswoode, Sir Robert. Address to the members of the Faculty of Advocates, summer session 1633. (Spottiswoode mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 185- 196.) ZDVH Stirling, James. Failure of the Forbes Mackenzie Act. Glasgow: J. Maclehose 1859. 38 p. 8°. TB p.v.5 , ■ — — Glasgow: J. Maclehose, 1859 38 p. 2. ed. 8°. VTZOp.v.3 Stocquart, fimile. L'alliance de la France et de l'ficosse au moyen age et son influence juridique. (Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee Bruxelles, 1898. 8°. v. 30, p. 463-477 ) XBA Stuart, John. Notice of the early sys- tem of replegiation as exercised in Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sa 8°. v. 11, p. 163-167.) CPA Sturrock, J. S. Registration of title and Scottish conveyancing. (Juridical review Edinburgh, 1908-09. 8°. v. 20, p. 1-15) SEA Swinton, Archibald. Considerations on the questions of law involved in the de- cisions of the Court of Session and House of Lords, in the case of John Vans Agnew, of Sheuchan, appellant, against James Stewart, of Cairnsmuir, & Ebenezer Drew, of Auchenhay, respondents. Edinburgh: W. & C. Tait, 1823. 2 p.l., 83, 8 p. 8°. * C p.v.490 Swinton, John Swinton, lord. Consider- ations concerning a proposal for dividing the Court of Session into classes or cham- bers; and for limiting litigation in small causes; and for the revival of jury-trial in certain civil actions. [By John Swinton, Lord Swinton.] Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1789. 1 p.l., 129 p. 8°. XMH p.v.5 Taylor, J. O. Duelling and the law of Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 26, p. 191-199.) SEA Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. Ancient valuation of land in the west of Scotland: continuation of "What is a pen- nyland?" (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 200-213.) CPA Proposed correction of the text of "Leges inter Brettos et Scottos." (Soci- ety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 73-74.) CPA What is a pennyland? or ancient valuation of land in the Scottish isles. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 253-285.) CPA Trayner, John. Latin maxims and phrases: collected from the institutional writers on the law of Scotland; and other sources. With translations and illustra- tions. Edinburgh: W. Green, 1883. xii, 621 p. 3. ed. 8°. *R-XAB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 643 Law, continued. Trial by jury in civil causes in Scotland. (Law magazine. London, 1873. 8°. v. 17, p. 229-251.) XAA Trotter, William F. The personal lia- bility of executors in Scotland and Eng- land. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 320-334.) ' SEA Tytler, William Fraser, vs. Mackintosh, Lachlan. Jury Court. Issues [Evidence, speeches, charge. Appendix]. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: R. Wallace & Co., 1822.] 131, 31 p. 8°. * C p.v.1307 Vernon- Harcourt, L. W. A piece of spectral evidence. (Temple Bar. Lon- don, 1902. 8°. v. 126, p. 454-463.) * DA The murder of Sergeant Arthur Davis. 1749. View of the changes proposed and adopted in the administration of justice in Scotland. (Edinburgh annual register for 1808. Edinburgh, 1810. 8°. v. 1, part 2, p. 342-372.) BAA Wallace, James. The sheriffdom of Clackmannan. A sketch of its history, with lists of its sheriffs and excerpts from the records of court. Compiled. . .with notes... by James Wallace. Edinburgh: J. Thin, 1890. 126 p. 8°. CR Wallace, Robert. Local courts and cheap justice: or, A plain and concise ex- position of the sheriff-court system of Scotland — its uses and abuses; with a plan for remodelling and amending it, so as to ensure to... rich or poor, a prompt . . .hearing, and. . .impartial. . .judgement, without unnecessary delay, trouble, or ex- pense; in two letters to the Scotsman; be- ing the substance of a speech delivered in the House of Commons on the 3d of March last... Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1841. 8 p. 8°. *Cp.v.911 Walton, Frederick Parker. The rela- tionship of the law of France to the law of Scotland. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 17-34.) SEA Watt, Francis. The Border law. (New review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 16, p. 281- 293.) * DA Reprinted in the Green bag, v. 10, p. 486-494, Boston, 1898. Wemyss, David. Letter to... the lord high chancellor of Great Britain, upon the present state of the Scotch law of entail. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1822. 1 p.l., 46 p. 8°. XAH p.v. 47 Whitwell, Robert J. "Balfour's Prac- ticks." (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 62-63.) CPA Wilson, John Dove. The legal provi- sions and intestate succession in Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 1849.) SEA • The reception of the Roman law in Scotland. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1897. 8°. v. 9, p. 361-394.) SEA The study of the history of law in Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 54-71.) SEA Criminal and Other Trials Collections Ancient criminal trials in Scotland; com- piled from the original records and mss., with historical illustrations, &c. By Robert Pitcairn. Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1829- 33. 3 v. 4°. CP Arnot, Hugo. A collection and abridge- ment of celebrated criminal trials in Scot- land. From A. D. 1536 to 1784. . . Glasgow: printed by A. Napier, 1812. x, 440 p. 8°. SLN Burton, John Hill. Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London: Chap- man & Hall, 1852. 2 v. 8°. CP v. 1 : Proceedings against the clan Gregor, p. 1-72 ; Trial of James Stewart for the murder of Campbell of Glenure, p. 73-100: The Darien expedition and the trial of Captain Green for piracy and murder [1705], p. 101-201; The burning of Frendraught, p. 202-235; Trials for witchcraft, p. 236-310. v. 2: Trials for poisoning, p. 1-78; Spectral and dream testimony, p. 79-116; Proceedings against the Roman Catholics, p. 117-172; Proceedings against the Covenanters, p. 173-277; Proceedings against the Episcopalians, p. 278-319. Trials for witchcraft. (In his : Nar- ratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 236-310.) CP His material is taken from the Ancient criminal trials in Scotland edited by R. Pitcairn. Case, The, of the Postnati, or of the Union of the realm of Scotland with Eng- land. 1603. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 2, cols. 559-696.) SLN On the question whether the Postnati, or those born in Scotland after the accession of James vi. to the crown of England, were in the latter country to be deemed aliens or natives. Celebrated trials of all countries, and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence. Selected by a member of the Philadelphia bar. Philadelphia: E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1843. 3 p.l., 596 p. 8°. SLN Contains among others: James Stuart for the murder of Sir Alexander Boswell, 1822, p. 63-70; Sawney Cunningham, executed at Leith, 1635, for murder, p. 297-307; Captain John Gow and others, for piracy, p. 418-423; Rob Roy and other Macgreg- ors, 1700-1746, p. 535-542. 644 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Collections, continued. Celebrated trials, and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence, from the earliest records to the year 1825. London: Knight and Lacey, 1825. 6 v. 8°. SLN Scottish trials, v. 1 : George Wishart, tried and burnt for heresy. . .1545, p. 119-134; Mary, queen of Scots. . .for conspiring the death of Queen Elizabeth, 1586, p. 162-186, port.; John, earl of Gowry, and Mr. Alexander Ruthven ... for conspiring to be- reave the king of Scotland of life, 1600, p. 187-199; James, earl of Bothwell, acquitted for the murder of Henry, Lord Darnley. . . 1567, p. 243-249; Alister Macgregor, for slaughtering the laird of Luss' friends ...1604, p. 265-266; Robert Creighton, baron of Sanquire, for murder, 1612, p. 266-267; Sawney Cun- ningham, executed at Leith, 12. April 1635, p. 426- 442; Mr. John Stewart, commissary of Dunkeld, for leasing-making against the earl of Argyle. . . 1641, p. 527-529. v. 2: Gilder Roy, a Highland robber, hanged at Edinburgh, 1652, p. 126-131; Andrew Rutherfoord of Townhead, for the murder of James Douglas. . .1674, p. 328-329; George Clerk and John Ramsay, for the murder of John Anderson, merchant in Edinburgh, 1675, p. 329-331; James Mitchel for attempting to murder the archbishop of St. Andrews. .. 1678, p. 430-435 ; Archibald, earl of Argyle, for high treason, 1681, p. 478-483; Philip Stansfield, son of Sir James Stansfield, of New Milns, for high treason and the murder of his father, 1688, p. 566-574. v. 3: John Chislie, of Dairy, for the murder of Sir George Lockhart, of Carnwath, 1689, p. 164-168; John, master of Tarbett, Ensign Andrew Mowat, and James Sinclair, for the murder of Elias Poiret, Sieur de la Roche, 1691, p. 168-172; Charles, Lord Fraser, for high treason, 1693, p. 181-183; Thomas Aiken- head, for denying the Trinity, p. 268-269; Rev. Thomas Hunter, for murder, 1700, p. 272-274; Cap- tain John Gow and others, for piracy, p. 446-455. v. 4: James Stewart, of Aucharn, p. 197-223; Cap- tain John Porteous, for murder [1736], p. 261-271; William Maclauchlane, for the murder of Captain Porteous, p. 271-277; Rob Roy Macgregor, and other Macgregors, 1700 to 1746, p. 277-290; the Rebels, in 1745 [Lords Kilmarnock, Cromartie, Balmerino, and Lovat, Dr. Cameron], p 323-333, 341-344. v. 5: Thomas Muir, the younger, for seditious practices, 1793, p. 205-212; Robert Watt and David Downie, for high treason, 1794, p. 284-295. v. 6: Andrew Hardie, for high treason, at Stir- ling, July 13, 1820, p. 365-367; James Stuart, for murder of Sir Alexander Boswell, 1822. City of Glasgow Bank. Trial of the City of Glasgow Bank directors. Edited by William Wallace. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co. t 1905.] 2 p.l., tviij-viii p., 1 1., 472 p., 2 pi., 10 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. An examination of the trials for sedition which have hitherto occurred in Scotland. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1888. 2 v. 8°. SLN Condamnations pour pretendue sorcel- lerie, en ficosse. (Causes celebres etran- geres publiees. . .par une societe de juris- consultes et de gens de lettres. Paris, 1827. 8°. v. 1, p. 371-392.) SLN Lord advocate, The, of Scotland. . .and Cospatrick Alexander Home, Lord Dung- las, and Captain Robert Cunningham... Judgments of the House of Lords on ap- peal from the Court of Session February 28, 1844. (In: Great Britain. — State trials Commission. Reports of state trials. Lon- don, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 4, cols. 737- 766.) SLN On the grant of the office of chamberlain and collector of the rents, &c., of the lands and lordship of Ettrick Forest, granted by George iv. to Lord Dunglas. Maclaurin, John. Arguments and deci- sions, in remarkable cases, before the High Court of Justiciary, and other supreme courts in Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Bell 1774. xl, 776, [6] p. 4°. XSE Proceedings against the Gordons, of Earlestoun, and others, for treason. 1680. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 45-64.) SLN Here first printed from the Records of Justiciary. Proceedings against heritors of the shire of Fife, for absence from the king's host. 1680. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 1-46.) SLN Printed here for the first time from the Records of Justiciary. Proceedings against several persons of Galloway, for treason, 1682. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 909-948.) SLN Here printed for the first time from the Records of Justiciary. Proceedings against several persons of Lanarkshire, for treason. 1681. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 245-298.) SLN Process: Procurator Phiscall against the Egyptians rat Banff, 1700]. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1846. 4°. v. 3, p. 175-191.) CP Report of the trial of the directors of the City of Glasgow Bank, before the High Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh, January, 1879. . . Edinburgh: Edinburgh Publishing Co., 1879. 296 p., 2 pi. 12°. *Cp.v.4l6 Roughead, William. Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh: W. Green & Sons, 1913. 3 pi, ix-xv, 302 p., 1 plan, 9 pi., 3 port. 8°. SLN Scotland. — Justiciary Court, Edinburgh. The records of the proceedings of the Jus- ticiary Court, Edinburgh, 1661-1678. Edited with introduction. . .by W. G. Scott-Mon- crieff . . . Edinburgh: Scottish History So- ciety, 1905. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish History So- ciety. Publications, v. 48.) CP v. 1. 1661-1669. v. 2. 1669-1678. The political trials here recorded are important, and include those in connection with the Pentland rising in 1666, that of Andrew Kennedy in 1672 for publishing Napthali and Jus populi vindicatum, and that of James Mitchell for his attempt on the life ot Archbishop Sharp. Scottish witchcraft trials, selected and edited by G. F. Black. [Clippings from the LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 645 Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Collections, continued. North British Advertiser, Edinburgh, 1894- 96. Pasted in nar. 16°. blank book. 64 p.] YP Sufferers for pretended witchcraft in Scotland. (In: Criminal trials of all countries., .selected by a member of the Philadelphia bar. Philadelphia, 1843. 8°. p. 565-575.) SLN Reprinted without acknowledgment from Arnot's Criminal trials with an additional note from Glanvil on the trial of Agnes Sampson. Trial of the Scottish insurgents made prisoners at Bonnymuir. Stirling, 23d June 1820. (Edinburgh annual register for 1820. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 13, part 2. p. 187- 224.) BAA Of the twenty-six prisoners tried, two only, An- drew Hardie and John Baird, were executed, 8th September 1820. Trial of soldiers for murder, by firing from a window at Greenock. 1820. (Edin- burgh annual register for 1820. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 13, part 2, p. 260-265.) BAA Trials for witchcraft, mdxcvi-mdxcvii. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 83-193.) t CP The editor's comments, with some additional mat- ter, in Preface, p. 48-55. The trials all took place in Aberdeen. Trials for witchcraft, sorcery, and super- stition, in Orkney. (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 133- 185.) t CP Individual Trials AlKENHEAD, THOMAS Proceedings against Thomas Aikenhead for blasphemy. [Edinburgh,] 1696. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 917-940.) SLN Aimers, Thompson M'Nab, Kennedy. Modern "cause cele- bre." The trial of Thompson Aimers: a voice from the convict prison. [By Kenne- dy M'Nab.] Inverness: K. M'Nab : 1858 3 . 11 p. 8°. 1685. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8° v. 11, cols. 889-908.) SLN Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Marquess of Proceedings in Scotland against Archi- bald, marquis of Argyle, for high treason. 1661. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. . . London, 1816 8° v. 5, cols. 1369-1516.) SLN Argyll (9. earl), Archibald Campbell Trial, The, of the earl of Argyle, in Scot- land, for treason. 1681. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 8, cols. 843-990.) SLN Baillie, David Proceedings, The, before the Lords of the Council in Scotland, against David Baillie, for defaming the duke of Queens- bury, and the marquis of Anandale. 1704. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials .. . London, 1816. 8°. v. 14, cols. 1035-1066.) SLN Baillie, Robert, of Jerviswood Trial, The, of Robert Baillie, of Jervis- wood, in Scotland, for high treason. 1684. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 647-724.) SLN Baillie, Will, and His Gang MacRitchie, David. A Gypsy trial of 1714. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 30-35.) CPA Trial of 'Will Baillie's gang,' in Edinburgh, Au- gust. 1714. Baird, Thomas See under M'Laren, Alexander Balmerino (6. baron), Arthur Elphinstone See under Kilmarnock (4. earl), William Boyd, and Others Alexander, Alexander See Humphrys or Alexander, Alexander Anderson, James See under Morton, James, and Others Balmerino (1. baron), James Elphinstone Trial, The, of the Lord Balmerinoth, at St. Andrews, for high treason: 10th March 1609. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 2, cols. 721-724.) SLN Printed from a ms. in the Bodleian Library. Archer, Thomas, and Others Proceedings against Thomas Archer, Alexander Sheils, and others, for treason. Balmerino (2. baron), John Elphinstone Trial, The, of John, Lord Balmerino, in Scotland, for a libel. 1634. (In: T. B. 646 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 3, cols. 591- 712.) SLN Bargeny, John, Lord Proceedings against John, Lord Bar- geny, for treason. 1680. (In: T. B. How- ell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 65-76.) SLN Berry, Walter See under Callender, William, and Others Bothwell (4. earl), James Hepburn Trial, The, of James, Earl Bothwell for the murder of Henry, Lord Darnley, hus- band of Mary, queen of Scots, April 12 1567. (In: T. B. Howell, A collection of state trials. London, 1816. 8°. v. 1, cols 901-916.) SLN Brodie, William Trial of Deacon [William] Brodie. Edited by William Roughead. Glasgow: W Hodge & Co. [1906]. 280 p., 2 fac, 7 pi" 12 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN Reviewed in Law notes, v. 11, p. 34-35, Northjjort N. Y„ 1907. ' Black, David, and James Paterson Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of David Black and James Paterson, Perth, 20th September 1798. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 162-164.) SLN Proceedings before the Circuit Court of Justiciary holden at Perth, against David Black and James Paterson, for sedition and administering unlawful oaths, Sept. 20th, 1798. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. . . London, 1819. 8°. v. 26, cols. 1179-1190.) SLN Blackwood, William Professor John Leslie against William Blackwood, for a libel in "Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine." (Edinburgh annual register. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 15, part 2, p. 74-104.) BAA Blair, Alexander, and Others Proceedings upon a process of error, raised against Alexander Blair and others, for the acquittal of James Dick and others, indicted for treason and rebellion. 1681. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 75-156.) SLN Here printed for the first time. Boig, James See under Cargill, Donald, and Others Borthwick, William Murray Proceedings against William Murray Borthwick, at the instance of His Majes- ty's advocate, and of Robert Alexander, styling himself editor and proprietor of the Glasgow Sentinel newspaper. With an appendix of documents and a preface. Edinburgh: J. Robertson, 1822. 57, 28 p. 8°. An (Borthwick) p.v.l Brugh, John, Warlock Reid, Alexander George. John Brugh, the warlock of Fossoway. (In his: Annals of Auchterarder. Crieff, 1899. sq. 8°. p. 193-208.) CR Brueh's trial is here printed for the first time from the hooks of adjournal of the High Court of Justiciary. Burke, William, and Helen M'Dougall Benson, L. William Burke, executed for murder. (In his: The book of remarkable trials and notorious characters... Lon- don [1871?]. 12°. p. 471-501.) SLN Burke und die Burkiten. 1828-1831. (Der neue Pitaval. Eine Sammlung der interessantester Criminalgeschichten alter Lander... Leipzig, 1858. 16°. v. 6, p. 296- 334.) SLN H. Trial of Burke and M'Dougal. — Specimens of Scotch eloquence. (Law magazine. London, 1829. 8°. v. 2, p. 557- 597.) XAA Trial of William Burke and Helen M'Dougall... at Edinburgh... December 24, 1828, for the murder of Margery Campbell or Docherty... Edinburgh: R. Buchanan, 1829. 4 pi, (i)vi-xviii p., 1 1., 200 p., 4 1., 2 pi. 8°. SLN Supplement to the Trial of William Burke and Helen M'Dougall, containing the whole legal proceedings against Wil- liam Hare. . .for the murder of James Wil- son, or Daft Jamie. With an appendix... Edinburgh: R. Buchanan, 1829. 2 p.l„ 147, 60 p., 1 port. 8°. SLN William Burke arid Helen M'Dougall for murder. (In: Celebrated trials of all countries. . .selected by a member of the Philadelphia bar. Philadelphia, 1843. 8°. p. 424-440.) SLN Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury Proceedings against Gilbert Burnet, D.D., afterwards bishop of Salisbury, for LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 647 Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. high treason. 1687. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 1103-1124.) SLN Callender, William, and Others Cockbum, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of William Callender, Walter Berry, and James Robertson, January, February, and March, 1793. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition... in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 128-143.) SLN Carnegie, James Trial, The, of James Carnegie, of Fin- haven... at Edinburgh, July 25 t 1728] for the murder of Charles, earl of Strathmore. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 17 cols. 73-154.) SLN Chantrelle, Eugene Marie Chantrelle, Eugene Marie. Trial of E. M. Chantrelle. Edited by A. Duncan Smith. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co. [1906.] 6 p.l., 250 p., 2 fac, 1 p.l., 9 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN Cameron, Angus, and James Menzies Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Angus Cameron and James Menzies, 15th and 17th January 1798. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedi- tion... in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 156-158.) SLN Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh, against Angus Cam- eron and James Menzies for sedition, mob- bing, and rioting, January 15th and 17th, 1798. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. . . London, 1819. 8°. v. 26, cols. 1165-1180.) SLN Cameron, Dr. Archibald Proceedings against Dr. Archibald Cam- eron, May 17th, on the bill of attainder passed against him, for being in the Re- bellion, 1745. 1753. (In: T. B. Howell, A collection of state trials. London, 1816. 8°. v. 19, cols. 733-746.) SLN Campbell, Sir Duncan Proceedings against Sir Duncan Camp- bell, and other heritors of the shire of Argyle for high-treason. [Edinburgh,] 1686-1687. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials.. . London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 787-818.) SLN Campbell, Sir Hugh Proceedings against Sir Hugh Camp- bell, laird of Cesnock, for treason. 1684. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 919-988.) SLN Cargill, Donald, and Others Trial of Donald Cargill, Walter Smith, James Boig, William Thompson, and Wil- liam Coothill, for treason. 1681. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 849-920.) SLN Cochrane, Sir John, of Ochiltree See under Loudoun (2. earl), James Campbell, and Others Coke, William, and Alison Dick Trial of William Coke and Alison Dick for witchcraft. — Extracted from the min- utes of the kirk-session of Kirkcaldy, A. D. 1636. (In: Sinclair, The statistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1796. 8°. v. 18, p. 653-662.) CPW Coothill, William See under Cargill, Donald, and Others Craig, Malcolm See under Morton, James, and Others Crawford, Alexander See under Graham, John, and Others Crawford, John See under Geddes, James, and John Crawford Cromartie (3. earl), George Mackenzie See under Kilmarnock (4. earl), William Boyd Cumming, James Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of James Cumming, 9th and 15th November 1849. (In his: An examina- tion of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 244.) SLN Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary, Edinburgh, on an indictment against James Cumming for treason fel- ony and seditious conspiracy, November 7, 1848. (In: Reports of state trials. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 7, cols. 485- 506.) SLN 648 THE JNKW YUKK. FUBLl^ JL1J3KAKY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Cunningham, Sawney Sawney Cunningham. 1 1635. (Der neue Pitaval. Leipzig, 1861. 12°. v. 19, p. 337- 366.) SLN Downie, David Trial of David Downie for high treason- at a special commission of Oyer and Ter- miner, holden at Edinburgh September 5th and 6th, 1794. (In: T. B. Howell, A com- plete collection of state trials. . . London 1818. 8°. v. 24, cols. 1-200.) SLN Dalgleish, George See under Powrie, William, and Others Dalrymple, Sir James, of Stair, and Others Proceedings against James, sometime duke of Buccleugh (and Monmouth), Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun, and others, for high treason and rebellion. 1685-86. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816." 8°. v. 11, cols. 1023-1104.) SLN Denholme, William Proceedings against [William] Den- holme of Westshiels, and others, for treason and reset of traitors. 1685._ (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 987-1004.) SLN Dick, Alison See under Coke, William, and Alison Dick Douglas, Rev. Neil Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Neil Douglas, Edinburgh, 26th May 1817. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 192-203.) SLN Douglas, Neil. An address to the judges and jury, in a case of alleged sedition, on 26th May 1817, which was intended to be delivered before passing sentence. Glas- gow: D. Mackenzie, printer, 1817. 40 p. 8°. ZDVH p.v.2 Neil Douglas. Universalist preacher, for sedition. May 26, 1817. (Edinburgh annual register for 1817. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 10, part 2, p. 30-33.) .BAA Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh, against Neil Douglas, Universalist preacher, for sedition, May 26, 1817. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1826. 8°. v. 33, cols. 633-682.) SLN Trial, The, of the Rev. Neil Douglas, before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh. . . 26. May 1817, for sedition. .. Edinburgh: J. Robertson, 1817. 1 p.l., 50 p., 1 port. 8°. *Cp.v.ll72 Drummond, Alexander, Warlock Reid, Alexander George. The warlock of the Kirktoun of Auchterarder. (In his: Annals of Auchterarder. Crieff, 1889 sq. 8°. p. 65-75.) CR Trial of Alexander Drummond. Printed here for the first time from the books of adjournal of the High Court of Justiciary. Drummond, Simon See under Johnston, Captain, and Simon Drum. MOND Duncan, Alison, and Others Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh against Alison Dun- can, Neil Reidpath, and Robert Mitchell, on an indictment charging them with mobbing and rioting in resistance of the execution of the Militia Act, 11th and 12th October, 1797. (In: T. B. Howell, A com- plete collection of state trials. . . London 1819. 8°. v. 26, cols. 827-840.) SLN Dundas, James Proceedings against Mr. James Dundas, for leasing-making and sedition: March 3rd, 10 Anne, A. D. 1712. (In: T. B. How- ell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 15, cols. 715-730.) SLN Dundee, John Graham, of Claverhouse, Viscodht, and Others Proceedings in the Parliament of Scot- land against the viscount of Dundee and others, for high treason. 1690. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1817. 8°. v. 13, cols. 817-832.) SLN Dunlop, Elizabeth or Bessie Trial, A, for witchcraft (1576). Eliza- bet!^ or Bessie Dunlop, spous to Andro Jak in Lyne. (In: P. Hume Brown, Scot- land before 1700, from contemporary doc- uments. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 208-217.) CP Repr. : Pitcairn's edition of the Ancient Scottish criminal trials. Edgar, William Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh, on two successive LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 649 Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. indictments. ..against William Edgar, for administering unlawful oaths, April 9th, May 6th, 1817. (In: T. B. Howell, A com- plete collection of state trials... Lon- don, 1826. 8°. v. 33, cols. 145-276.) SLN Geddes, James, and John Crawford Trial of James Geddes and John Craw- foord (servants of Lord Southesk,) for drinking the health of the Pretender, and cursing the King. [Edinburgh,] 1715. (In: T. B. Howell, A compl.ete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 799-802.) SLN Elder, John, and William Stewart Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of John Elder and William Stewart, 10th January 1793. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 109-114.) SLN Gerkald, Joseph Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Joseph Gerrald, 3d, 10th, 13th, and 14th of March, 1794. (In his: An exam- ination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 41- 132.) SLN Elder, Mary See under Smith or Elder, Mary Gibb, James See under Hunter, Thomas, and Others Eviot, Peter See under Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven Ferguson, Robert See under Spreull, John, and Robert Ferguson Finnie, Agnes Trial of Agnes Finnie for witchcraft, 18th December 1664. (Spottiswoode mis- cellany. . .edited by James Maidment. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 51-56.) ZDVH Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, and Others Proceedings against James, sometime duke of Buccleugh (and Monmouth), Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, Andrew Fletch- er of Saltoun, and others, for high treason and rebellion, 1685-86. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 1023-1104.) SLN Fraser, Simon See Lovat (11. bason), Simon Fraser Fraser, Thomas, of Beaufort, and Others Proceedings against Thomas Fraser, of Beawfort, Captain Simon Fraser, and others, for treason and other crimes. 1698. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 14, cols. 349-378.) SLN Fraser, William See under Halyburton, Alexander, and William Fraser Gilderoy Gilder Roy. (Schottland Raubmord.) 1652. (Der neue Pitaval. Leipzig, 1871. 2. ed. 12°. v. 28, p. 303-315.) SLN Gilmour, Christina Roughead, William. Concerning Chris- tina Gilmour. 1 pi. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 191-220.) SLN Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven, and Others Proceedings in Parliament against John, earl of Gowrie, Alexander Ruthven his brother, Henry Ruthven, Hugh Moncrief, and Peter Eviot, for high treason, Nov. 15th, 1600, at Edinburgh. (In: T. B. How- ell, A collection of state trials. London, 1816. 8°. v. 1, cols. 1359-1402.) SLN Graham, John, and Others Trial, The, of John Graham, Alexander Crawfoord, and William Hogg, for drink- ing the Pretender's health, 1715. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 1-30.) SLN Grant, John, and Others Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. John Grant, Henry Ranken, and Robert Hamilton, 7th, 9th, 13th, 18th and 25th November 1848. (In his: An exam- ination of the trials for sedition. . . in Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 226- 243.) SLN Trial of John Grant, Henry Ranken, and Robert Hamilton, before the High 650 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh. . .for con- spiracy and sedition, November 13th and 14th, 1848. (In: Reports of state trials. London, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 7, cols. 507-636.) SLN Green, Thomas, and Others Burton, John Hill. The Darien expedi- tion, and the trial of Captain Green for piracy and murder. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 101-201.) CP Trial, The, of Captain Thomas Green, and his crew, at the High Court of Ad- miralty of Scotland, for piracy. 1705. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 14, cols. 1199-1328.) SLN Reprinted from the Trial published by authority, 1705. An outcome of the unfortunate Darien scheme. Hacket, Peter See under Hunter, Thomas, and Others Hackston or Halkerstone, David Trial of David Hackstoun, laird of Rath- illet, for treason and sacrilegious murder. 1680. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 791-850.) SLN Murder of Archbishop Sharp. Hepburn, John, of Bowton See under Powrie, William, and Others Hogg, William See under Graham, John, and Others Humphrys or Alexander, Alexander Swinton, Archibald. Report of the trial of Alexander Humphreys or Alexander, claiming the title of earl of Stirling, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, for the crime of forgery. With an appen- dix containing the whole documentary evidence. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1839. xxiv, 356, cviii p., 2 fac, 1 map. 8°. SLN Townsend, William C. The trial of Alexander Alexander, claiming the title of earl of Stirling, for the crime of for- gery, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, April 29 r May 4], 1839. (In his: Modern state trials. London, 1850. 8°. v. 1, p. 403-468.) SLN Turnbull, William Barclay David Don- ald. The Stirling peerage. Trial of Alexander Humphrys [or Humphreys] or Alexander, styling himself earl of Stirling, before the High Court of Justiciary for forgery, on 29th April 1839, and four fol- lowing days. . . With an introductory notice of the earldom of Stirling, and pro- ceedings of Mr. Humphrys relative to his pretended claim. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood and Sons, 1839. 3 p.l., 48, cxxii, 290, 28 p. 8°. SLN Halyburton, Alexander, and William Fraser Trial, The, of Alexander Halyburton and Wm. Fraser, for high treason. [Edinburgh,] 1692. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 831-842.) SLN Hamilton, Robert See under Grant, John, and Others Hardy, Rev John , Proceedings against Mr. John Hardy, minister, at Gordon, for treason. 1689. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 12, cols. 585-596.) SLN Hare, William See under Burke, William Hay, John, of Talo See under Powrie, William, and Others Hunter, Thomas, and Others Murray, Sir John Archibald Murray, lord. Speech of the Right Hon. the Lord Advocate on the motion of Mr. Wakley, in the House of Commons, for a mitiga- tion of the punishment of the Glasgow cot- ton-spinners. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1838. 12 p. 12°. *Cp.v.l050 Reprinted from the Times and Courier, Feb. 14, 1838. Swinton, Archibald. Report of the trial of Thomas Hunter, Peter Hacket, Richard M'Neil, James Gibb, and William M'Lean . . .before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh. . .January 3, 1838, and seven following days, for the crimes of illegal conspiracy and murder. . . Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1838. ix, 382, xlvi p., 1 plan. 8°. TDI See the critical notice of this report in the Edin- burgh review, v. 67, p. 209-259, London, 1838. Townsend, William C. The trial of [Thomas] Hunter and four others, cotton- spinners in Glasgow, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, January 3-tlOj, 1838, for conspiracy and murder. (In his: Modern state trials. London, 1850. 8°. v. 2, p. 156-230.) SLN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 651 Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Trial, The, of the Glasgow cotton spin- ners. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1838. 4°. new series, v. 5, p. 78-81.) *DA Jaffray, Robert Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Robert Jaffray, Stirling, 6th September 1798. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 159-161.) SLN Johnston, Captain, and Simon Drummond Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Cases of Captain Johnston and of Simon Drummond, January and February, 1793 and January, 1794. (In his: An exam- ination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 118- 127.) SLN Kinloch, Alexander, and Charles Kinloch Proceedings, The, at St. Margaret's- hill, Southwark, relating to Alexander and Charles Kinloch. . .relating to their plea that they were born in Scotland, and ought to be tried according to the laws of that kingdom. 1746. (In: T. B. Howell, A compete collection of state trials.. . Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 18, cols. 395-416.) SLN Kinloch, Sir Archibald Gordon Proceedings on the trial of Major Sir Archibald Gordon Kinloch, of Gilmerton, bart, for the murder of Sir Francis Kin- loch, bart., his brother-german. . .at Edin- burgh ... June 29, 1795. (In : T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1818. 8°. v. 25, cols. 891-1004.) SLN Kinloch, Charles See under Kinloch, Alexander, and Charles Kinloch Keith, Alexander Trial of Alexander Keith, for sedition, mutiny, and tumult, in burgh. [Edinburgh,] 1686. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 1017-1024.) SLN Kinloch, George Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of George Kinloch, Esq., 22d December 1819. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 204-206.) SLN Keith, Mrs., and William Keith Cramond, William. A forgotten tragedy in Gamrie. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 169-171.) CPA Roughead, William. Keith of North- field. 1 port. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 136-159.) SLN Kello, Rev. John Roughead, William. The parson of Spott. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edin- burgh, 1913. 8°. p. 1-15.) SLN Kinnynmount, Patrick Trial, The, of Patrick Kinnynmount, for blasphemy and adultery. [Edinburgh,] 1697. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 1273-1282.) SLN Lauderdale (3. earl), Charles Maitland, and Others Proceedings against Charles, earl of Lau- derdale, Richard, Lord Maitland his son, and others, for official malversations re- specting the royal mint of Scotland. 1682- 1683. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 157-244.) SLN Kilmarnock (4. Earl), William Boyd, and Others Whole, The, proceedings in the House of _ Peers, upon the indictments against William, earl of Kilmarnock, George, earl of Cromartie, and Arthur, Lord Balmer- ino, for high treason. . .28th July...l Au- gust 1746. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 18, cols. 441-528.) SLN Lauderdale (4. earl), Richard Maitland See under Melfort (1. earl), John Drummond and others Laurie, John Watson Roughead, William. The Arran mur- der. 1 pi. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 273-302.) ' SLN 652 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Leighton, Dr. Alexander Proceedings in the Star-Chamber against Dr. Alexander Leighton, for a libel. 1630. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 3, cols. 383-388.) SLN Lowrie, William, of Blackwood Trial of Lowrie or Weir, of Blackwood for treason. 1683. (In: T. B. Howell' A complete collection of state trials ' London, 1816. 8°. v. 9, cols. 1021-1054) SLN This Lowrie, or Lowry, or Laury, or Lawrie is sometimes called Weir or Wier (he or his father had married the heiress of Wier). He is also known as Robert Blackwood. Logan, Robert, of Restalrig Process, The, and trial of Robert Logan, of Restalrig, for high treason, in conspir- ing with John, earl of Gowrie, to murder King James I. 1609. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 2, cols. 707-722.) SLN Loudoun (2. earl), James Campbell, and others Proceedings against James, earl of Lou- doun, George, Lord Melville, Sir John Cochrane, of Ochiltree, and John Coch- rane, his son, for treason. 1684. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 989-1046.) SLN M'Bride, Peter See under M'Innes, Duncan, and Peter M'Bride Macdonald, ^neas or Angus Proceedings against yEneas Macdonald alias Angus Macdonald for high treason Dec. 10, 1747. (In: T. B. Howell, A com- plete collection of state trials... Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 18, p. 857-864.) SLN Macdonald, Alexander Bain See under Terig alias Clark, Duncan, and Alexander Bain Macdonald McDougall, Helen See under Burke, William Lovat (11. baron), Simon Fraser Lovat (11. baron), Simon Fraser. Trial of Simon, Lord Lovat of the '45. Edited by D. N. Mackay. Edinburgh: W. Hodge & Company [1911]. lv, 314 p., 2 pi., 4 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN Lovat-Fraser, J. A. The trial of Lord Lovat. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 1-7.) SEA Proceedings against Thomas Fraser, of Beawfort, Captain Simon Fraser, and others, for treason and other crimes. 1698. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 14, cols. 349-378.) SLN Whole, The, proceedings in the House of Peers, upon the impeachment exhibited ...against Simon, Lord Lovat, for high treason... 9th... 19th March 1746-7. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 18, cols. 529-858.) SLN M'Ewan, James, and Others Proceedings against James M'Ewan, and others, at Glasgow. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1826. 8°. v. 33, cols. 629-632.) SLN M'Gregor, James, Duncan, and Robert Trials, The, of James, Duncan, and Robert M'Gregor, three sons of... Rob Roy, before the High Court of Justiciary, in the years 1752, 1753, and 1754. To which is prefixed a memoir relating to the Highlands, with anecdotes of Rob Roy and his family. Edinburgh: J. Hay & Co., printers, 1818. cxxix, 244 p. 12°. MacGrowther, Alexander Trial, The, of Alexander MacGrowther, for high treason, July 31, 1746. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 18, cols. 391-394.) SLN Love, John, and Others Trial of John Love the younger, and others, for rebellion, treason, and lese ma- jestic 1687. (In: T. B. Howell, A com- plete collection of state trials.. . London, 1816. 8°. v. 12, cols.523-568.) SLN M'Innes, Duncan, and Peter M'Bride Trial of Duncan M'Innes, late master, and Peter M'Bride, late pilot, of the Cornet steam-boat, for culpable homicide. (Edin- burgh annual register for 1825. Edin- burgh, 1827. 8°. v. 18, part 3, p. 99-107.) BAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 653 Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. M'Kinley, Andrew Andrew Mackinlay for administering unlawful oaths. (Edinburgh annual regis- ter for 1817. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 10, part 2, p. 33-37.) BAA Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh, on two successive in- dictments., .against Andrew M'Kinley, for administering unlawful oaths, June 2nd- July 19th, 1817. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1826. 8°. v. 33, cols. 27S-628.) SLN Trial, The, of Andrew M'Kinley, before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edin- burgh, on the 18th day of July, 1817, for administering unlawful oaths. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co., 1818. 2 p.l., 70 p. 8°. * C p.v.490 Proof copy sent to John Clerk, advocate, 16 Picardy place, for correction. M'Lachlan, Jessie M'Lachlan, Jessie. Trial of Mrs. M'Lachlan. Edited by W. Roughead. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Company [1911]. c, 339 p., 1 plan, 3 pi., port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN M'Laren, Alexander, and Thomas Baird Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird for sedition. High Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh, 3d April 1817. (Edinburgh annual register for 1817. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 10, part 2, p. 24-29.) BAA Cockburn, Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird, 5th and 7th March 1817. (In his: An exam- ination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 177- 191.) SLN Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh against Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird, for sedition, March Sth-7th, 1817. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1826. 8°. v. 33, cols. 1-144.) SLN M'Lean, William See under Hunter, Thomas, and Others Macleod, Gilbert Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Gilbert Macleod, 14th and 21st February and 6th March 1820. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition ...in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 207-225.) SLN M'Neil, Richard See under Hunter, Thomas, and Others Maitland, Charles, of Halton Proceedings before the Lords of the Articles, &c, against Charles Maitland, of Halton, treasurer depute, for perjury, in having given a false testimony, at the trial of James Mitchel, 1681. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 6, cols. 1261-1270.) SLN Maitland, Richard Maitland, Lord See under Lauderdale (3. earl), Charles Maitland Mar, Violet, Witch Reid, Alexander George. Trial of Violet Mar for witchcraft. (In his: Annals of Auchterarder. Crieff, 1899. sq. 8°. p. 177-181.) CR Extracted from the books of adjournal. Makgarot, Maurice Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Maurice Margarot, Jan. 13, 1794. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-33.) SLN Maxwell, William Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of William Maxwell, Edinburgh, 23d June 1800. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 165-167.) SLN Maclauchlan, William Trial, The, of William Maclauchlan, for mobbing, murder, and other crimes. [Edinburgh,] 1737. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials . . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 993-1004.) SLN An outcome of the Porteous riot in Edinburgh. Mealmaker, George Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of George Mealmaker, 10th, 11th and 12th January 1798. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition... in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 150-155.) SLN Proceedings in the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh, against George Meal- 654 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. maker, on an indictment, charging him with sedition, and administering unlawful oaths, 10th, 11th, and 12th January 1798. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1819. 8°. v. 26, cols. 1135-1164.) SLN Melfort (1. earl), John Drummond, and Others Proceedings against John, earl of Mel- fort, John [sic, Charles], earl of Middletoun, Richard, earl of Lauderdale, and several others, for treason and rebellion... 1694. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 1441-1446.) SLN Here printed for the first time. Hickes, George. Ravillac redivivus, being a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Mitchel, a conventicle-preacher. . . To which is annexed an account of the tryal of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir, who was executed for adultery, incest, and bestiality... Lon- don: Printed by Henry Hills, 1678. 78 p. 4 ■ Reserve (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1812. 4° v 8, p. S10-SS3.) ' c Trial, The, of James Mitchel, in Scot- land, for attempting the murder of Dr. James Sharp, archbishop of St. Andrews and wounding the bishop of Orkney. 1677' (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8° v 6 cols. 1207-1262.) SLN Melville (1. earl), George Melville See under Loudoun (2. earl), James Campbell, and Others Mitchell, Robert See under Duncan, Alison, and Others Melville (1. viscount), Henry Dundas Trial of the Rt. Hon. Henry, Lord Vis- count Melville. . .in Westminster Hall, for high crimes and misdemeanors. . .April 29- June 12, 1806. (In: T..B. Howell, A com- plete collection of state trials. . . London, 1821. 8°. v. 29, cols. 549-1482.) SLN Mennons, John See under Smith, James, and John Mennons Moncrief, Hugh See under Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven, and Others Monro, Hector Scottish criminal trials. Hector Monro — sorcery and witchcraft. (Chambers' Edinburgh journal. London, 1834. f". v. 2, p. 60-61.) *DA JBased on Pitcairn's ed. of the Ancient Scottish criminal trials. Menzies, James See under Cameron, Angus, and James Menzies Middleton (2. earl), Charles Middleton See under Melfort (1. earl), John Drummond, and Others Monson, Alfred John Monson, Alfred John. Trial of A. J. Monson. Edited by J. W. More. Glas- gow: W. Hodge & Co. c 1908.] vii(i), 472 p., 2 plans, 2 pi., 3 port. 8°. (Notable Scot- tish trials.) SLN See also 'The Ardlamont mystery solved' in the Academy, v. 76, p. 968-969, London, 1909. Middleton, Captain James, and Others Proceedings against Captain James Mid- dletoun and others for high treason. 1694. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 843-878.) SLN Morton (4. earl), James Douglas Trial of the earl of Morton, for the mur- der of Henry, Lord Darnley, 1581. (In: T. B. Howell, A collection of state trials. London, 1816. «°. v. 1, cols. 947-958.) SLN Mitchell, James, Covenanter Dittay against Mr. Jas. Mitchell for as- sassinating the archbp. of St. Andrews, a privy counsellor. (In: Scotland. — Jus- ticiary Court. Records... Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 307-339.) CPA This contains the full record of his second trial in January, 1678. Morton, James, and Others Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of John Morton, James Ander- son, and Malcolm Craig, journeymen printers, 8th, 9th, and 11th of January, 1793. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition., .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 95-108.) SLN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 655 Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Mowbray, David Trial of David Mowbray, for a tumult within burgh. [Edinburgh,] 1686. (In: T. B Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 1003-1018.) SLN Muir, Thomas Account, An, of the trial of Thomas Muir, Esq., younger of Huntershill, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, on the 30th and 31st days of August, 1793, for sedition. New York: Samuel Camp- bell, 1794. 1 p.l., viii, (1)4-104, viii p., 1 port. 2. Amer. ed. 8°. Reserve The eight pages at the end are "Appendix to the second American edition of Muir's trial." The por- trait, of Muir, is "engraved for S. Campbell's edition of Muir's trial." Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Thomas Muir, younger of Huntershill. August, 1793. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 144-183.) SLN 176S. (In: T. B. Howell, A collection of state trials. London, 1816. 8°. v. 19, cols. 1235-1340.) SLN Ochiltree (4. baron), James Stewart Trial, The, of James, Lord Uchiltrie, for calumnies and slanderous speeches against James, marquis of Hamilton; and the earls of Haddington Roxburgh, and Buccleugh . . .at Edinburgh. 1631. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 3, cols. 425-484.) SLN Ogilvie, John Proceedings against John Ogilvie, for high treason, on 28th February, at Glas- cow, 1615. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 2, cols. 883-900.) SLN Ogilvie, Patrick See under Nairn, Katharine, and Patrick Ogilvie Murray, Mungo Trial, The, of Mungo Murray for as- saulting Thomas Sydserf, comedian. 4. and 11. June 1669. (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 87- 95.) t CP Oliphant, John, and Others Trial, The, of John Oliphant and others, for drinking to the health of the Pretender, and cursing the King. [Edinburgh,] 1715. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. .. London, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 763-782.) SLN Murray, Robert Trial of Robert Murray for robbing the Stirling mail. (Edinburgh annual register for 1825. Edinburgh, 1827. 8°. v. 18, part 3, p. 83-89.) BAA Nairn, Katharine, and Patrick Ogilvie Indictment, His Majesty's Advocate, against Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogil- vie. (Scots magazine. Edinburgh, 1765. 8°. v. 27, p. 362-371, 513-523, 573-592, 625- 631.) * DE Roughhead, William. Katharine Nairn. 1 port. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edin- burgh, 1913. 8°. p. 106-135.) SLN Trial, The, of Katharine Nairn and Pat- rick Ogilvie, for the crimes of incest and murder... 5th r 16th] August 1765. Edin- burgh: printed by Auld & Smellie, 1765. iv, (1)6-200 p. 8°. SLN Trial, The, of Katharine Nairn and Pat- rick Ogilvie, for the crimes of incest and murder, before the High Court of Jus- ticiary in Scotland, 5th, 12th r 16thj August Palmer, Rev. Thomas Fyshe Account, An, of the trial of Thomas Fyshe Palmer, Unitarian minister, Dundee ...at Perth, on the 12. and 13. days of September 1793, for sedition. Perth [1793]. 118 p. 8°. CPp.box Title-page lacking. Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Thomas Fyshe Palmer, September, 1793. (In his: An examina- tion of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 184-220.) SLN Paterson, James See under Black, David, and James Paterson Pitcairne, Rev. Alexander Proceedings against Mr. Alexander Pit- cairne, a minister of the Church of Scot- land, for high treason. . . (In: T. B. How- ell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 1449-1454.) SLN 656 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Porteous, Captain John Proceedings in the trial of Captain John Porteous, for murder... [Edinburgh,] 1736 (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 923-994.) SLN PORTERFIELD, JOHN Trial of John Porterfield, of Duchall, for treason. 1684. (In: T. B. Howell, A com- plete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 1045-1066.) SLN Powkie, William, and Others Trial, The, and sentence of William Powrie, George Dalgleish, John Hay of Talo, and John Hepburn of Bowton con- cerning the murder of Henry, Earl Darn- ley. . .as also, The declaration of Nicholas Hubert, commonly called Paris, in relation to that murder, 1567... (In: T. B. How- ell, A collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 1, cols. 915-948.) SLN (In: Collections relating to the his- tory of Mary, queen of Scotland. . . Edin- burgh, 1727. 4°. v. 2, p. 165-205.) CPB Preston (1. viscount), Sir Richard Graham Trial, The, of Sir Richard Grahme, Vis- count Preston in the kingdom of Scotland [Upon an indictment of high-treason; . . .on Friday and Saturday, the 16th and 17th day of January, 1690. (In : An exact abridg- ment of all the tryals. . .relating to high treasons... in the reigns of. ..King William the III., .and of... Queen Anne. London, 1703. 8°. p. 1-44.) SLN Reidpath, Neil See under Duncan, Alison, and Others Renwick, James Trial, The, of Mr. James Renwick, for high treason. 1689. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials London, 1816. 8°. v. 12, cols. 569-586.)' SLN Robertson, Rev. George Trial, The, of Mr. George Robertson, minister, for neglecting to pray for the king. [Edinburgh,] 1715. (In: T. B. How- ell, A complete collection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 781-790.) SLN Robertson, James See under Callender, William, and Others Robertson, Joseph Joseph Robertson, for celebrating ir- regular marriages and forging certifi- cates... Edinburgh, March 18 [1818]. (Edinburgh annual register for 1818. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 11, part 2, p. 35- 39.) BAA Ross, Katherine, Lady Foulis Scottish criminal trials. Witchcraft and poisoning — Katherine Ross, Lady Foulis. (Chambers' Edinburgh magazine. Lon- don, 1833. f °. v. 1, p. 385-386.) * DA Based on Pitcaira's ed. of the Ancient Scottish criminal trials. Pritchard, Dr. Edward William Pritchard, Edward William. Trial of Dr. Pritchard. Edited by William Rough- ead. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co. [1906.] 6 p.l., 15-343(1) p., 4 fac, 3 pi., 7 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN Rumbold, Richard Proceedings against Richard Rumbold, for high treason, 1685. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 873-888.) SLN Ramsey, David Proceedings in the Court of Chivalry on an appeal of high-treason: by Donald, Lord Rea, against Mr. David Ramsey. 1631. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials. . . London, 1816. 8°. v. 3, cols. 483-520.) SLN Ruthven, Alexander See under Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven, and Others Ranken, Henry See under Grant, John, and Others Ruthven, Henry See under Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven, and Others LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Seaforth (4. earl), Kenneth Mackenzie Proceedings against Kenneth, earl of Seaforth, for high treason. 1697. (In: T. B Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 13, cols. 1445-1450.) SLN Here printed for the first time. 657 Smith. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co. [1905.] xi; 371(1) p., 2 fac, 1 plan, 3 pi. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN Smith or Elder, Mary Roughead, William. "The wife o' Den- side." 1 port. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 160-190.) SLN Semple, John, and Others Proceedings against John Semple, John Watt, and Gabriel Thomson, for treason, 1684. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 949-986.) SLN Sheils, Alexander See under Archer, Thomas, and Others Sinclair, Charles Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Charles Sinclair, February and March, 1794. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 34-40.) SLN Skirving, William Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of William Skirving, 6th and 7th of January, 1794. (In his: An examina- tion of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 222-292.) SLN Slater, Oscar Slater, Oscar. Trial- of Oscar Slater. Edited by W. Roughead. Edinburgh: W. Hodge & Company [1911]. lxxx, 321 p., 2 plans, 10 pi., 3 port. 8°. (Notable Scot- tish trials.) SLN Smith, James, and John Mennons Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of James Smith and John Men- nons, 4th February 1793. (In his: An ex- amination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 115-117.) SLN Smith, William See under Cargill. Donald Smith, Dr. William Roughead, William. The St. Fergus affair. 1 plan. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 221-247.) SLN Soutar, Charles Roughead, William. The Dunecht mys- tery. 1 pi. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 248-272.) SLN Spottiswood, Sir Robert Trial, The, of Sir Robert Spotiswood .. .for high treason, in the Parliament held at St. Andrews, Nov., Dec, and Jan., 1645. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 4, cols. 767-818.) SLN Spreull. John, and Robert Ferguson Proceedings against John Spreull and Robert Ferguson. . .at Edinburgh, for treason and rebellion. 1681. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 725-792.) SLN Sprot, George Trial, The, of George Sprot, in Scot- land, for high treason, in conspiring with John, earl of Gowrie to murder King James I. August 12, 1608. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 2, cols. 697-708.) SLN Smith, Madeleine Curtin, Philip. Not proven: Madeleine Smith. (In his: Noted murder mysteries. London [1914]. 8°. p. 81-115.) SLN Smith, Madeleine Hamilton. Trial of Madeleine Smith. Edited by A. Duncan Stanfield, Philip Craik, George Lillie. The trial of Philip Standsfield, for high treason, and the mur- der of his father, Sir James Standsfield, of New Mills, 1688. (In his: English causes celebres. London, 1844. 12°. p. 269-296.) SLN 658 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Roughead, William. The ordeal of Philip Stanfield. 1 pi. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 63- 84.) SLN Trial, The, of Philip Standsfield, son to Sir James Standsfield, of New-Milns in Scotland, for high treason, the murder of his father, and other crimes libelled against him. 1688. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials.. . Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 11, cols. 1371-1420.) SLN This trial forms the groundwork of S. R. Crock- ett's tale. Little Anna Mark. Stevenson, Duncan Lord Archibald Hamilton against Dun- can Stevenson, printer of the Beacon newspaper. (Edinburgh annual register for 1822. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. IS, part 2, p. 64-74.) BAA Report of the trial by jury of the action of damages for a libel in the Beacon news- paper* Lord Archibald Hamilton, against Duncan Stevenson, printer in Edinburgh. Taken in shorthand. Edinburgh: John Robertson, 1822. 154 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v.490 • Supplement. Edinburgh: John Rob- ertson, 1822. 18 p. 8°. *C p.v.490 Stewart, Alan Breck Alan Breck Stewart in history: the story of a famous trial. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. new series, v. 23, p. 194-204.) *DE Lang, Andrew. Historical mysteries, in. The case of Allan Breck. (Cornhill mag- azine. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 323-336.) * DA Stewart, Alexander Trial, The, of Alexander Stewart, for maintaining the title of the Pretender. [Edinburgh,] 1715. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. . . Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 791-798.) SLN Stewart, Archibald Trial, The, of Archibald Stewart, Esq.; late lord provost of Edinburgh, before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, for neglect of duty, and misbehaviour in the execution of his office, as lord provost of Edinburgh, before and at the time the rebels got possession of that city in... September, 1745.,. Edinburgh: Gideon Crawfurd, 1747. 178, 203 p. 8°. SLN The second part contains the Proceedings in the second trial of Archibald Stewart, Esq. Trial, The, of Archibald Stewart, late lord provost of Edinburgh, for neglect of duty and misbehaviour in the execution of his office, as Lord Provost of Edinburgh, before and at the time the Rebels got pos- session of that city, 9. September, 1745. Edinburgh, 1747... (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials. Lon- don, 1816. 8°. v. 18, cols. 863-1070.) SLN Stewart, James, of Adcharn Burton, John Hill. Trial of James Stew- art for the murder of Campbell of Glenure. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 73- 100.) CP Extracts of the trial of James Stewart, for the murder of Colin Campbell of Glen- ure. (Scots magazine. Edinburgh, 1753. 8°. v. 15, p. 129-136, 173-181, 221-236, 285- 295, 333-349, 392-403, 445-455, 493-515, 549- 566, 604-606.) *DE Lang, Andrew. Who shot Glenure? (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 79, p. 136-144.) *DA Macphail, J. R. N. Notes on the trial of James Stewart of Acharn. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 276-284.) NDO Further notes on the trial of James Stewart of Aucharn. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 140-156.) NDO Remarkable trials, no. ii. James Stew- art for murder. [1752.] (Law review. London, 1853. 8°. v. 17, p. 75-105.) XAA Stewart, James. Trial of James Stew- art. (The Appin murder.) Edited by David N. Mackay. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co. [1907., xvi, 369 p., 1 map, 6 pi., 1 port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN This trial forms a principal part of the ground- work of R. L. Stevenson's Kidnapped and Catriona. Stewart's execution was a political murder. Trial, The, of James Stewart in Auch- arn in Duror of Appin, for the murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure. . .22nd [-25th] September 1752. (In: T. B. Howell, A collection of state trials. London, 1816. 8°. v. 19, cols. 1-262.) SLN Stewart, William See under Elder, John, and William Stewart LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 659 Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Individual Trials, continued. Stirling, James, of Keir, and Others Extract of the process of treason, at the instance of Sir James Steuart, Her Majes- ties advocate; and as having special war- rant for that effect, against James Stirling of Keir and others. London, 1709. viii, 40 p. 4°. CP p. box 4 Trials, The, of James Stirling, of Keir, and others in Scotland, for high treason. 1708. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete col- lection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 14, cols. 1395-1418.) SLN Warriston, Lady Roughead, William. The doom of Lady Warriston Edinburgh (In his: 1913. 8° Twelve Scots trials, p. 16-40.) SLN Watson, Andrew Proceedings in the trial of Andrew Wat- son for assaulting Thomas Picken, 1753. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 293- 311.) CPA Watt, John See under Semple, John, and Others Stuart, James, of Dunearn James Stuart, Esq., younger of Dun- earn, charged with the murder of Sir Alex- ander Boswell of Auchinleck, bart, in a duel. (Edinburgh annual register for 1822. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 15, part 2, p. 3- 59.) BAA Townsend, William C. The trial of James Stuart, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, for killing Sir Alexander Boswell in a duel, June 10, 1822. (In his: Modern State trials. London, 1850. 8°. v. 1, p. 151-208.) SLN A resume of this account of the trial is pub- lished in the International monthly magazine, v. 2, p. 329-331, New York, 1851. Trial, The, of James Stuart, younger of Dunearn, before the High Court of Jus- ticiary, at Edinburgh . . . June 10, 1822. With an appendix of documents. Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1822. 1 p.l., 186, 20 p. 2. ed. 8°. SLN Reviewed in The Eclectic review, v. 18, p. 170- 182, London, 1822. Tarras, Walter Scott, Earl of Case of Walter, earl of Tarras, for trea- son, and recepting of traitors. 1685. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 10, cols. 1065-1080.) SLN Terig alias Clark, Duncan, and Alexander Bain Macdonald Roughead, William. The ghost of Ser- geant Davies. 1 pi. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 85-105.) SLN Thompson, William See under Cargill, Donald Thomson, Gabriel See under Semple, John, and Others Wedderburn, Sir John Trial, The, of Sir John Wedderburn, bart., for high treason. Nov. 4, 1746. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 18, cols. 425-428.) SLN Weir, Major Thomas Hickes, George. Ravillac redivivus, be- ing a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Mitchel, a conventicle-preacher... To which is annexed an account of the tryal of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir, who was executed for adul- terv, incest, and bestiality... London: Printed by Henry Hills, 1678. 78 p. 4°. Reserve (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1812. 4°. v. 8, p. 510-553.) C Roughead, William. Touching one Ma- jor Weir, a warlock. 2 pi. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 41-62.) SLN Wilson, Thomas Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Thomas Wilson, Perth, 7th September, 1802. (In his: An examination of the trials for sedition. . .in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 168-176.) SLN Wilson, William William Wilson, Strathaven, for high treason. 1820. (Edinburgh annual regis- ter for 1820. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 13, part 2, p. 224-236.) BAA Young, Isobel Trial of Isobel Young for witchcraft, February 4, 1629. (Spottiswoode miscel- lany. . .edited by James Maidment. Edin- burgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 39-50.) ZDVH oou x.n.c iMLVV lUKIi rUDMt, L1BKAKI Economics A. Historical notices of. the Scottish herring fishery. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 216-219.) ' *DE Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce and North of Scotland Trade Protection So- ciety. Report of the directors. . .at the annual general meeting, 1874. Aberdeen, 1874. 8°. TLKp.box Aberdeen, The, corporation electric tramways. (Tramway and railway world. London, 1900. f°. v. 9, p. 5-10.) TPB Aberdeen, The, Line. [Collection of cir- culars of information, timetables, posters, etc., relating to the line.] Aberdeen, 1903- 04. 36 pieces, various sizes. TR Acworth, William Mitchell. The rail- ways of Scotland: their present position. With a glance at their past and a forecast of their future. London: J. Murray, 1890. viii, 199 p., 1 map. 12°. TPN Advertisement, An, concerning the Prov- ince of East-New Jersey in America. Published for the Information of such as are desirous to be concerned therein, or to transport themselves thereto. Edinburgh: John Reid, printer, 1685. 22 p. 4°. Reserve Advertising in Scotland. (Tait's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 190-200.) * DA Contains a good deal of interest relating to local newspapers. Agriculture, L', de l'ficosse et de l'lr- lande; serie de traites prepares pour le Congres international de l'agriculture en 1878, traduits de l'Anglais par E. Merice. La production agricole dans l'lnde Meri- dionale. . .par H. Vilmorin. L'agriculture en Australie, par J. Joubert. Ouvrages publies par la Societe des agriculteurs de France. Paris: la societe, 1878. 2 p.l., 292 p. 8°. VPX 1. Geographie physique et climatologie de l'£cosse, par Alexander Buchan. 2. Esquisse de la geologie de l'ficosse dans ses rapports avec l'agriculture, par Ralph Richardson. 3. Agriculture des regions de Test et du nord-est, par John Wilson. 4. Agriculture des regions de l'ouest et du sud-ouest, par James Drennan. 5. Agriculture de la region du centre et de celle du nord-ouest, par James Mollison. 6. Re- gime de la propriete et de la jouissance des terres, par Alex. MacNeel Caird. 7. Main-d'ceuvre et ouvriers agricoles, par Robert Scot Skirving. 8. Outillage agricole, par James Melvin et Thomas Mylne. 9. Espece chevaline: race de Clydesdale, par John M. Martin. 10. Espece bovine: (1) race du comte d'Ayr; (2) race d'Angus sans cornes ou d' Aberdeen; (3) race de Galloway; (4) race de l'ouest de l'£cosse. 11. Espece bovine: (1) race des Cheviots, par John Usher: (2) race a tete noire ou des hautes terres, par John MacDiarmid; (3) race Border Leicester, par John Usher. 12. Regime forestier de l'ficosse, par Robert Hutchison. 13. Application de la science a l'agriculture, par le Dr. Aitken. 14. Societes na- tonales d'agriculture et autres associations agricoles, par Thomas Duncan. 15. Statistique agricole de 1877 (tire des comptes rendus officiels). Aitken, Andrew P. The practical meth- od of testing soils, with report of experi- ments in various parts' of Scotland* (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8° series 4, v. 15, p. 251-259.) VPA Aiton, William. Sketch of the 8. chapter of the General report of the agricultural state of Scotland, on the subject of grass lands... Edinburgh: Board of Agricul- ture, 1812. iv, 116 p. 8°. VPXp.vT4no.3 Alexander, William. Aberdeenshire ag- riculture — past and present. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1878 8° 1877, p. 677-686.) SA Allan, Thomas. Letter to the proprie- tors of the Royal Bank of Scotland. [By Thomas Allan.] [Edinburgh: Caledonian Mercury Office, 1816.] 1 p.l., 4, 17 p. 4°. *Cp.v.ll78 Anderson, J. T. Tramway track con- struction in Aberdeen. [With discussion.] 1 pi. (Incorporated Association of Munic- ipal and County Engineers. Proceedings London, 1904. 8°. v. 30, p. 142-154.) SPA Anderson, James, of Monk's Hill. Ob- servations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry; chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries, of Scotland. In a series of letters to a friend [1775]. Dublin: S. Price, 1779. 2 v. 8°. VPX Anderson, James L. The story of the Commercial Bank of Scotland, Limited, during its hundred years from 1810 to 1910, told by its secretary, J. L. Anderson. Edinburgh: [F. and E. Murray,) 1910. viii, 113 p., 2 fac, 9 pi., 12 port. 8°. THN Anderson, John. Introduction of sea water into Glasgow. 1 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1887. 8°. v. 18, p. 357-364.) * EC Anderson, Lawrence. On the topog- raphy and agriculture of Peeblesshire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 226-240.) VPA Anti-speculator, pseud. Two letters to a noble lord. [Signed] Anti-speculator. [Edinburgh? 1804?] 55 p. 8°. TLH p.v.23, no.6 t.-p. missing. Title supplied in ms. Armstrong, W. Bruce. Two papers re- lating to the export of coals from Scot- land, 1596 and 1614. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 474-477.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 661 Economics, continued. Arnot, William. On "The Glasgow cor- poration electric light supply." 4 pi. (In- stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1894. 8°. v. 37, p. 145-177.) VDA Ashley, W. J. The clear facts of the commercial situation, and the divergent conclusions drawn from them. [As given in the fiscal blue book entitled "Memor- anda, statistical tables and charts prepared in the Board of Trade, etc." issued Sept., 1903j. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 35, p. 215-230.) * EC Baker, Benjamin. Bridging the Firth of Forth. (Royal Institution of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. Lon- don, 1889. 8°. v. 12, p. 142-149.) * EC Banking, The, Company in Aberdeen. List of the proprietors of stock. . .7 March 1843. Aberdeen: D. Chalmers & Co., 1843. 16 p. 12°. THNp.box8 Barker, Charles Davidson. Methods adopted in constructing the Glasgow Cen- tral Railway. London: the institute, 1893. 14 p., 1 L, 1 pi. 8°. TPN p. box Repr. : Institute of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings, v. 14, part 4. Barron, James. Some recently con- structed piers and harbours on the north and west coasts of Scotland. London: the institute, 1889. 8 p., 1 pi. 8°. VDNA p.v.ll Repr.: Institute of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings, v. 9, sess. 1889-90, part 1. Bear, William E. The relations of land- lord and tenant in England and Scotland. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, 1876. 131 p. 12°. TBp.v:73 Beaton, Angus J. The social and eco- nomic condition of the Highlands of Scot- land since 1800. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1906. xv, (1) 18-128 p., 13 pi. 12°. CP Bertram, J. G. The Scottish herring industry, illus. (Good words. London, 1882. 8°. 1882, p. 510-515.) * DA Biles, J. H. Fifty years of warship- building on the Clyde. 4 tables, illus. (In- stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 52, p. 347-370.) VDA Black, James. On the agriculture of Aberdeen and Banff shires. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 3, p. 1-36.) VPA Bluff Harbour Board [Campbelltown, Scotland]. Balance sheet, n. t.-p. 1891- 92. f°. tfVDNp.v.1 Blaikie. Report of the system of im- provement followed on the muirs of Drumforskie and Drumquhyle, now called Charlestown, in the county of Kincardine, belonging to John Menzies, Esq., of Pit- fodels, by the settlement of crofters on improving leases, with allotments of a few acres of waste land to each. 1 plan. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. v. 11, p. 97-121.) VPA Boase, Charles William. A century of banking in Dundee; being the annual bal- ance sheets of the Dundee Banking Com- pany, from 1764 to 1864. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1867. xxxi, 579 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. THI Brazier, James S. Memorandum of ex- periments in respect to the application of the so-called "ABC" process to the sewage of Aberdeen. [Aberdeen: Leslie & Rus- sell, 1870.] 8 p. 8°. VDIp.v.l Bremner, David. The industries of Scotland: their rise, progress, and present condition. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1869. 1 p.L, viii, 535 p. 8°. V British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Local industries of Glas- gow and the west of Scotland. Edited by Angus McLean. Glasgow: the local com- mittee, 1901. 5 p.L, (1)4-288 p., 2 charts. 8°. VBA British cities and their commerce. III. Edinburgh in the year of the royal visit. 16 port and illus. (World's work. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 1, p. 685-695.) * DA Brodie, George. Unto — the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Thomas and Hugh Gladstanes, merchants in Leith [against the trust-disponees of the estate of Wilsontonj. [Signed George Brodie, with appendix.] Edinburgh: A. Lawrie & Co., 1816. 29, 2 p. 4°. * C p.v.1178 Bromhead, Horatio K. On purifying the Glasgow harbour and rapidly remov- ing the sewage. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 267-280.) *EC Brown, J. Observations on Mr. Kin- near's "History of the rise of exchange companies in Scotland, and a defence of their proper business." Glasgow: W. Lang, 1848. 16 p. 8°. * C p.v.447 Brown, John. Documents respecting the Rev. Dr. John Brown's opposition to the payment of the annuity tax. Edin- burgh: R. Marshall, 1837. 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.13 On the law of Christ respecting civil obedience, especially in the payment of tribute; with an appendix of notes and documents. Edinburgh: M. Paterson, 1838. 2 p.L, v-x, 104, lxxxvi p. 2. ed. 8°. ZEC p.v.45, no.2 662 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. Brown, Richard. Early Scottish joint- stock companies. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1903. 8°. v. 34, p. 225-249.) * EC The genesis of company law in England and Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 185-204.) SEA Buchanan, George Cunningham. The port of Dundee. With an abstract on the discussion upon the paper, edited by J. H. T. Tudsbery. London: the institution, 1902. 41 p., 2 pi. 8°. VDNAp.v.5 Repr. : Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings, v. 149. Bulloch, John Malcolm. The inventor of Cudbear. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 113-117.) CPA A material used in dyeing. Cadell, Henry Moubray. Foreshore rec- lamation on the Forth. 4 pi. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 13-35.) VA The garden city question in Scot- land. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v: 17, p. 45-69.) VA The industrial development of the Forth valley. 1 pi. (Scottish geographi- cal magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 66-84.) KAA On the prevention of the deposit of silt in harbours. 2 pi. (Royal Scot- tish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1887. 8°. v. 11, p. 386-390.) VA With special reference to Bridgeness harbour. The story of the Forth. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1913. xvii, 299 p., 6 maps, 2 plans, 49 pi., 2 port. sq. 8°. PSW 1. The foundations of the Forth valley. 2. The age of swamps and forests. 3. Ancient land agita- tions. 4. Rivers and their ways. 5. The first be- ginnings of the Forth. 6. The buried channels of the Forth valley. 7. The great ice age. 8. The old lochs of Edinburgh. 9, 10. Carron Company and the rise oi the Scottish iron industry. 11. The Scottish oil industry. 12. Land reclamation in the Forth valley. 13. A new foreshore reclamation scheme. 14. The clearing of Blairdrummond moss. A famous old labour colony. Caird, James. High farming vindicated and further illustrated. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1850. 35 p. 8°. * C p.v.446 Caledonian Railway. Report by the di- rectors and statement of accounts for half- years ending Jan. 31 and July 31 respec- tively. Glasgow, 1892-1911. Jan. 31, 1893- July 31, 1911. f°. ttTPN Sketch shewing the position of the carriage, engine and tender after the acci- dent to the down mail train on the Cale- donian Railway, 10 Feb. 1849. 22 x 8 in. n. p., n.d. TPGp. box 3 Cameron, A. C. On ancient farming customs in Scotland. (Highland and Ag- ricultural Society of Scotland. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. series 4 v 5, p. 292-311.) VPA Cameron, John. Description of the Lugar Valley viaduct on the line of the Glasgow and South-Western Railway, erected from the design of John Miller' C. E. 1 pi. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1856 8°. v. 4, p. 99-112.) VA Campbell, Sir Charles. The advantages, strategical and commercial, of a battleship and ocean-going steamer canal between the Forth and the Clyde. [With discus- sion; 1 map, 1 pi. (Royal United Service Institution. Journal. London, 1909. 8° v. 58, p. 1415-1443.) VWA - — - (Scottish geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 25, p. 414- 425.) KAA Campbell, Colin Yorke. On the im- provement of waste land on the estate of Barbreck, Argyllshire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. series 4, v. 8, p. 60-63.) VPA Campbell, William. On the improve- ments on the river Clyde during the past hundred years. 1 diagram. (Royal Scot- tish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1856. 8°. v. 4, p. 34^60.) VA Carr, George. On improvements on the farm of Westhill of Park, Kincardineshire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. series 4, v. 3, p. 407-408.) VPA Chalmers, George. Considerations re- lating to the late order of the two banks established at Edinburgh, by which they have recalled one-fourth of their cash ac- compts. [By George Chalmers.] Edin- burgh: G. Martin & J. Wotherspoon, 1762. 15 p. 8°. THI p.v.28, no.7 Chambers, Robert. On ancient terraces of cultivation, commonly called disses. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 127-133.) CPA Christie, Robert. Remarks on statement by the committee of Leith dock and har- bour commissioners, on the affairs of the port. Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1835. 18 p. 8°. CRp.boxl Report on the erroneous views and statements contained in an appendix to the report by the commissioners of municipal corporations in Scotland regarding the harbour and docks of Leith. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1835. 21 p. 8°. VDNA p.v.18 Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Report by the committee of the LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 663 Economics, continued. General Assembly. . .on the Eyemouth fish teind case. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1862. 29 p. 8°. TISp.boxlO Report of the committee of the General Assembly on unexhausted teinds and augmentations. Edinburgh, 1862. 1 1. go TIS p.box 2 Cleghorn, James. On the depressed state of agriculture. Being the essay for which the Highland Society of Scotland, at their general meeting on 1st July 1822, voted a piece of plate of fifty guineas value; and published by order of the so- ciety. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1822. 2 p.l., 140 p. 8°. * C p.v.1072 Clerk, Duncan. On the agriculture of the county of Argyll. 1 map. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. ser- ies 4, v. 10, p. 1-105.) VPA On ancient farming customs in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1872. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 271-292.) VPA Cockburn, John, of Ormiston. Letters of John Cockburn of Ormiston to his gardener, 1727-1744. Edited with intro- duction and notes by James Colville. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1904. 2 p.l., vii- xliv, 106 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 45.) CPA Of value for the history of agriculture in Scot- land. Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh. Report by the master and assistants of the., .company. . .on the bill for the proposed abolition of tolls in Scot- land... Edinburgh, 1857. 8 p. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Report of the proceedings at the annual meeting. 1857-58. Edinburgh [1857-58,. nar. 16°. SHD p.v.3 - Report from the sub-committee who were deputed to learn from the lord provost and magistrates of Edinburgh, their reasons for wishing to postpone the Union Canal Bill till next year. [Edin- burgh,] n. d. 16 p. 8°. TSBp.boxS Rules and standing orders of the company. [Edinburgh,] 1852. 12 p. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Copy of papers regarding the herring fisheries on the coast of Caithness, and the means of improving the same. (In: John Henderson, General view of the agri- culture of the county of Caithness. Lon- don, 1815. 8°. p. 313-325.) VPX Cramond, William. Old time mail ar- rangements. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 34-35.) 4 CPA Crinan, On the, canal. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1792. 16°. v. 11, p. 141-144.) *DE Croall, Thomas. Roads, canals, rail- ways, steamers, telegraphs, etc. (In the: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 87-89.) t CPW Croker, John Wilson. Two letters on Scottish affairs, from Edward Bradwar- dine Waverley [pseud.] to Malachi Malag- rowther [Sir Walter Scott], . . London: J. Murray, 1826. 2 p.l., 62 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 8°. TH p.v.2 Cry, The, of the creditors upon bank- rupt estates in Scotland renewed; contain- ing a project for retrieving credit, and advancing trade, by preventing tedious law- suits: Again addressed to... the Lords of Council and Session, Members of Parlia- ment, and all Scotsmen. Edinburgh: printed by the successors of Andrew An- derson, 1721. 24 p. 8°. CP p.box 2 Cubitt, W. Report on the harbour and docks of Leith, and the projected new har- bours and docks in its vicinity. With an appendix. Leith: R. Allardice, 1834. 23 p., 2 maps. 8°. VDNA p.v.17 See also Walker, J., and W. Cubitt. Curious history of a bogus Scotch bank. (Bankers' magazine. New York, 1884-85. 8°. v. 39, p. 607-610.) THA Scottish Banking Company of A. Gilruth Fleming. Currency, The, theory reviewed; in a let- ter to the Scottish people on the menaced interference by government with the exist- ing system of banking in Scotland; by a banker in England. Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1845. 76 p. 8°. THp.v.21 Davidson, George B. Scotch agricul- ture. (Western journal. St. Louis, 1849. 8°. v. 3, p. 42-46.) * DA Davidson, John, and Alexander Gray. The Scottish staple at Veere: a study in the economic history of Scotland. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1909. xii, 453 p., 5 fac, 8 pi. 8°. Day, St. John Vincent. On the proposed bridges for carrying the North British Railway across the Firth of Forth, with some remarks on the structure and cause of the fall of the Tay bridge. 6 pi. (Insti- tution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1880. 8°. v. 23, p. 129-217.) VDA See also under Notices of some of the principal manufactures of the west of Scotland. De commerciis Scotorum, et regni redi- tibus. (In: Respublica. Status regni Scotise. Lugdtuni] Bat[avorum], 1627. 16°. p. 93-98.) CP 664 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. (In: Respublica, sive Statvs regni Scotia... Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. 16°. 24°. p. 93-98.) CP Dissertation, A, on the chief obstacles to the improvement of land, and introduc- nig better methods of agriculture through- out Scotland. Aberdeen: F. Douglas, 1760. 1 p.l., 94 p. 8°: VPEp.v.7 Douglas, Robert. General view of the agriculture of the counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk; with observations on the means of their improvement... London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. xv, 378 p., 2 maps, 3 pi. 8°. VPX Duncan, Henry. An essay on the nature and advantages of parish banks: together with a corrected copy of the rules and regulations of the parent institution in Ruthwell... Edinburgh: J. Pillans & Sons, 1815. 3-28 p. 8°. SHD p.v.l Dunkeld bridge pontage. Statement by the committee. Perth: Robert Whittet, 1868. 15(1) p. 8°. *Cp.v.S79 Dupin, Francois Pierre Charles, baron. Narratives of two excursions to the ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, in 1816, 1817, and 1818; together with a descrip- tion of the breakwater at Plymouth, and also of the Caledonian canal. Translated from the French of C. D.. . .and illustrated by notes, critical and explanatory by the translator. London: R. Phillips il8-?]. viii, 96 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 4°. ' VDN Edinburgh. — Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures. Annual report of the directors, no. 78, 86, 88-92, 94-96, 99-101, 117-121, 123-128(1862/3, 1870/1, 1872/3- 1876/7, 1878/9-1880/1, 1884/5-1886/7, 1901- /2-1905/6, 1907/8-1912/3). Edinburgh, 1863- 1913. 8°. TLK Joint report by the committees of the Merchant Company of Edinburgh, and Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures of Edinburgh, on the "Bill for regulating the sequestration of the estates of bank- rupts in Scotland." "Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 15th March 1836." Edinburgh, 1836. 1 p.l., iv, 3-62, 24 p. 8°. * C p.v.423, no.2 Edinburgh. — City Council. Statement made at a general meeting held in the council chamber, Edinburgh. . .for the pur- pose of taking into consideration the best and most effectual means of improving the water and harbour of Leith, and the internal resources of the city and county of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: University Press, printed, 1834. 12 p. 8°. * C p.v.458 Edinburgh. — Town Council. Report by the lord provost's committee. . .regarding the probable future value of the revenues of the city clergy, with . . . relative docu- ments. Edinburgh: T, Allan & Co., print ers, 1836. 17, 3-19 p. 8°. *C p.v.458 Edinburgh Court of Session. The deci- sion of the Court of Session, upon the question of literary property; in the cause of John Hinton of London, book-seller pursuer; against Alexander Donaldson and John Wood, booksellers in Edinburgh and James Meurose, bookseller in Kilmar- nock, defenders. Published by James Bpsr well, Esq.... one of the counsel in the case. Edinburgh: A. Donaldson, 1774 1 p.l., iv, 37 p. 4°. *ILp.box3 Edinburgh, Leith, and Newhaven Rail- way Company. Reply for the directors of the Edinburgh, Leith, and Newhaven Rail- way Company, to certain "Remarks on the progress and prospects" of that com T pany, by Dr. Neill, Canonmills. Edin- burgh : A. & C. Black, 1839. 26 p. 8°. * C p.v.446 Edmondston, Arthur. Observations on the nature and extent of the cod fishery; carried on off the coasts, of the Zetland and Orkney islands. Edinburgh: W Laing, 1820. 38 p., 1 1. 8°. VRSp.boxl Elder, John Rawson. The royal fishery companies of the seventeenth century. Aberdeen: the university 1912. vi p., 1 1 136 p. 8°. (Aberdeen University studies: no. 52.) VRS ch. iv: The Association for the Fishing; its work in the Lewis. ch. vi: The new societies for the fishing in Scot- land. Electric, The, equipment of Glasgow tramways. An extensive three phase sys- tem. (Tramway and railway world. Lom don, 1900. f°. v. 9, p. 343-356.) TPB Electric, The, lighting of the city of Glasgow. (Electrical engineer, v. 32 (new series, v. 26], p. 410-413, 438, 442.) Lon- don, 1900. 8°.) ffVGA Electric traction in Glasgow. A typi- cal American installation with British roll- ing stock. (Railway world. London', 1898. f°. v. 7, p. 327-335.) TPB Enquiry, An, into the effect that the salt laws produce on the revenue of Scot- land. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1792. 16°. v. 11, p. 26-35.) *DE Erroll (19. earl), Charles Gore Hay. The Scotch land bill. (National review. London, 1907. 8°. v. 49, p. 466-471.) * DA Establishment of state model forests for Scotland. (Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898; 8°. v. 15, p. 201-222.) VQN Eureka! or The fundamental principles of monetary circulation. Shewing the ad- vantage derived from a connection, with joint-stock banks and the impossibility of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 665 Economics, continued. successful competition in any business without such connection, in the absence of a national deposit bank of issue. Edin- burgh, 1838. 40 p. 8°. TFp.v.17 Evershed, Henry. On the agriculture of the islands of Shetland. 1 map. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 6, p. 187-228.) VPA Examination of Blackwood's Defence and new misstatements. Edinburgh, 18S0. 23 p. 12°. VPX p.v.l Repr.: Scotsman, Feb. 2, 1850. Exposition, An, of the present injurious system of imposing and collecting the as- sessed taxes, with a proposed remedy for the evils. By a member of the committee on the assessed taxes. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1840. 86 p. 8°. * C p.v.494 Eyemouth. — Fishermen's Committee. Eyemouth fish teind. Reply by the Fish- ermen's Committee to the letter of D. Milne-Home of Wedderburn. . . Ber- wick: Journal Office, 1862. 1 p.L, IS p. 8°. TIS p.box 1 Farming in Scotland in the days of our grandfathers. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 173-174, 188-189.) CPA Farrall, Thomas. On the agriculture of the counties of Edinburgh and Linlithgow, and the industrial progress and develop- ment of these counties during recent years. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1877. 8°. series 4. v. 9, p. 1-66.) VPA On the agriculture of the islands of Orkney. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 68-99.) VPA Fea, James. Considerations on the fish- eries in the Scotch islands; to which is pre- fixed a general account elucidating the his- tory, soil, productions, curiosities, &c, of the same, the manners of the inhabitants, &c. London: printed for the author, 1787. 2 parts in 1 v. map. 8°. VRS In part 2, p. 43 wrongly numbered 47, and se- quence of pagination incorrect from that point. Ferguson, John. See under Notices of some of the principal manufactures of the west of Scotland. Few, A, plain questions to the working people of Scotland, n. p., 1793. IS p. 3. ed. 8°. CP p.box 5 .. First . stage-coach between Edinburgh and Glasgow. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 264-266.) CPA ■ Flachat, S. Histoire des travaux et de lamenagement des eaux du canal caledo- nien. Redigee d'apres les rapports de MM. Jessop et Telford, ingen.-directeurs, et d'apres les rapports des commissaires de la Chambre des communes... Paris: F. Di- dot, 1828. 92 p. 4°. (France. Conseil Ge- neral des Ponts et Chaussees.) TSB Fleming, James Simpson. On the theory and practice of Scotch banking. (Bank- ers' magazine. New York, 1883. 8°. v. 37, p. 847-856, 927-935.) TAA Scottish banking; a historical sketch. With notes and an appendix. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1877. 1 p.l., 65 p. 3. ed. 8°. THI p.box Forbes, Sir William. Memoirs of a banking house. London: W. and R. Cham- bers, 1860. 1 p.l., ix, 94 p., 2 port. 2. ed. 8°. THE Forsyth, Robert. Memorial for Thomas and Hugh Gladstanes, merchants in Leith ...against John Dickson. . .James Pillans ...and John Mowbray. . .trust-disponees of the estate of Wilsonton, and iron-works thereon, which belonged to the late John Wilson... [Signed Ro. Forsyth, with ap- pendix.] Edinburgh: A. Lawrie & Co., prtrs., 1816. 45, 5 p. 4°. *Cp.v.ll78 To the Lords of Council and Session. Second division of the Court. Forth and Clyde ship canal schemes. (Engineer. London, 1909. f°. v. 108, p. 656-657.) t VA France. — Direction de Commerce Ex- terieur. Rapports commerciaux des agents diplomatiques et consulaires de France. TLG Series 1890-99 no. 4. Grande-Bretagne. Commerce et navigation de Leith-fidimbourg, 1890-91. 11 p. no. 187. Angleterre. La metallurgique ecossaise en 1893. 9 p. Series 1899-date no. 27. Angleterre. Navigation, importations et exportations de Glasgow, 1899. 16 p. no. 104. Same, for 1900. 20 p. no. 168. Angleterre. Mouvement commercial de Glasgow. Industries diverses et navigation, 1901. 20 p. no. 280. Angleterre. Mouvement commercial, maritime et industriel de Glasgow, 1902. 23 p. no. 369. Angleterre. Les industries et le com- merce de Glasgow, 1903. 29 p., 1 1. no. 492. Angleterre. Mouvement maritime, com- mercial et industriel de Glasgow, 1904. 26 p., ,1 1. no. 630. Angleterre. Les banques ecossaises. 1906-07. 20 p. no. 667. Angleterre. Mouvement commercial et maritime de Glasgow et de Leith, 1906. 16 p. Fraser, H. Newby. Report on the agri- culture of Dumfriesshire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1869 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 326-335.) VPA Frew, Alexander. On the reclamation of waste lands in the Clyde estuary, con- sidered in relation to the disposal of the 666 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. sewage of Glasgow. 1 map. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. v. 21, p. 173-188.) * EC A scheme for the removal of the sewage of Glasgow and the adjoining burghs. 1 plan. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 507-517.) *EC Further remarks on the third report of the commissioners for new roads in Scot- land. (In: Sir Egerton Brydges, Censura literaria. London, 1808. 8°. v. 8, p. 40- 57.) NCE See below under Observations. Gale, James M. On the Glasgow water works. (Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1864. 8°. v.7, p. 21-72.) VDA On the Port Glasgow water-works. 4 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1868. 8°. v. 11, p. 151-156.) VDA Galloway, Alexander. Remarks on an- cient agriculture, and on the agricultural condition of Clydesdale during the Roman period and subsequently. (Glasgow Arch- aeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 399-419.) CPA General report of Scotland. Chap. 16, sect. 4- On the manufactures, navigation, commerce, fisheries, and banking estab- lishments of Scotland. Edinburgh: Board of Agriculture, 1813. 2 p.l., 135, 20 p. 8°. VPX p.v.3, no.3 Gifford, Thomas, of Busta. Memorial anent a trial of herring fishing upon the coast of Zetland. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1913. 8°. v. 6, p. 193-195.) CR With notes by R. Stuart Bruce. . . Gillespie, James. On ancient farming customs in Scotland. (Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 292- 303.) VPA Gillespie, John. Report on the agricul- ture of Dumfriesshire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 270-325.) VPA Glaister, John. The pollution of Scot- tish rivers. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. v. 28, p. 50-95.) * EC River pollution and river purifica- tion in Scotland. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. v. 38, p. 113-149.) * EC Glasgow. Vital, social, and economic statistics of the city of Glasgow, 1881-1885 with observations thereon by James Nicol! Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1885. xiv p, 1 1, 304 p. 8°. SDG Glasgow. — ■ Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures. Report of a committee of directors. . .relative to the proposed alter- ation on the corn law; and resolutions of a general meeting of the chamber thereup- on. . . Glasgow, 1787. 1 p.l., 36 p., 1 table 8°. *Cp.v.lll7 ■ Report of the directors, no. 91-92 (1873-74). Glasgow, 1874-75. 8°. TLK Glasgow. — Provost. Statement of as- sessments levied in Glasgow, compared with other large towns,_ and resume... with appendix re the relief of the unem- ployed. Glasgow [1895]. 8°. TIB Glasgow, The, corporation electric tram- ways. (Engineer. London, 1899. f°. v. 87, p. 142-144, 343-345.) ffVA Glasgow, The, municipal tramway sys- tem. (Tramway and railway world. Lon- don, 1903. f°. v. 14, p. 17-35.) TPB Glasgow and West of Scotland Techni- cal College. — Agricultural Department. Reports on experiments on the manuring of oats, hay, turnips, and potatoes... on farms in the south-west and centre of Scotland. 1896-97. Glasgow, 1897-98. 2 v. 8°. VPA p. box Gordon, Lewis D. B., and Lawrence Hill. Description of the great chimney at St. Rollox, Glasgow, and of the climbing machine used in examining and repairing a rent in that chimney at the height of 280 feet. 1 pi. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1851. 8°. v. 3, p. 5-9.) VA Graham, William. The one pound note in the history of banking in Great Britain. Edinburgh: J. Thin, 1911. 3 p.l., ix-xv, 410 p., 1 1., 14 fac, 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. THI The one pound note in the rise and progress of banking in Scotland... Edin- burgh: J. Thin, 1886. ii, 324 p. 8°. THI Grainger, Thomas, and J. Miller. Scot- land. Trinity harbour... With appen- dix, containing opinions by John Gibb... Thomas Telford. . .and George Thomas... [Edinburgh,] 1835. 8 p., 2 maps. f°. ft VDNA p.v.4 Grant, David. A handbook to the Great North of Scotland Railroad and branches ... Aberdeen: L. & J. Smith, 1862. 2 p.l., 120 p., 1 map. 12°. TPN Grant, George. On the reclamation of waste land on the farm of Ballimore, in the county of Banff. (Highland and Ag- ricultural Society of Scotland. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. series 4, v. 11, p. 87-90.) VPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 667 Economics, continued. Gray, Alexander, joint author. See Davidson, John, and Alexander Gray. Great Britain. — Bankruptcy Law of Scotland Amendment Committee. Report of the committee appointed by the secre- tary for Scotland, to inquire into the bank- ruotcv law of Scotland and its administra- tion. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1910. 2 v. f°. ttTLX v. 1. Report. 1 pi., 16 p. t. 2. Minutes of evidence. . .with appendix and index, iii, 177 p. Great Britain. — Board of Trade. West Highland Railway (extension from Ban- avie to Mallaig). Annual report by the Board of Trade as to the condition and working of the Banavie to Mallaig Rail- way, the rates and charges for traffic, and the receipts and expenditure of any com- pany in working the railway. (Presented pursuant to section 1 (2) of the West High- land Railway Guarantee Act, 1896.) no. 1-9, 11 (1901/2-1909/10, 1911/12). Lon- don, 1902-12. f°. tt TPN Great Britain. — Crown. His Majesty's [George n.] patent for improving fisheries and manufactures in Scotland. [Regis- trate, and sealed at Edinburgh, July 18, 1727., Edinburgh: J. Davidson, 1727. 33 p. 12°. in fours. TAHp.box2 Great Britain. — Live Stock and Agri- culture in the Congested Districts in Scot- land Committee. Report of the depart- mental committee appointed by the secre- tary for Scotland to inquire and report upon the work of the congested districts (Scotland) commissioners for the improve- ment of live stock and agriculture. With special reference to the quality of the stock reared upon the crofters' holdings, and reference. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., Ltd., 1910. 16 p. f°. f VBA p.v.4, no.22 Great Britain. — Statutes. A bill for better preservation of His Majesty's woods in America, and for the encourage- ment of the importation of naval stores from thence, and to encourage the im- portation of masts, yards, and bow- sprights, from that part of Great Britain called Scotland. [London? 172-?, 11(1) p. f°. Reserve An act to amend the bankruptcy acts and cessio acts with respect to the discharge of bankrupt debtors in Scot- land, and in certain other respects. July 18, 1881. [London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spot- tiswoode, prtrs., 1881., 1, S p. 4°. (44 & 45 Vict., ch. 22.) t TLX Haldane, Robert. The duty of paying tribute enforced; in letters to the Rev. Dr. John Brown occasioned by his resisting the payment of the annuity tax. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1838. 2 p.L, v-xii, 13- 95 p. 8°. TIKp.boxl Hall, A. D. A pilgrimage of British farming, 1910-1912. London: John Mur- ray, 1913. xiii, 452 p. 8°. VPX Includes the following chapters on Scotland: Northern corn-growing: The Moray Firth, Aber- deenshire stock breeding and feeding. Carse farm- ing in Forfar. Ayrshire: early potatoes. Milk production in south-west Scotland. Hancock, W. Neilson. Mr. MacNeel Caird's essay, in "The Cobden Club se- ries," on local government and taxation in Scotland, considered with reference to the suggestions it affords upon the following questions: (1) Road authorities in Scot- land and Ireland; (2) Scotch and Irish local courts; (3) Union rating; (4) The Scotch law for securing improvements in town holdings. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Journal. Dub- lin, 1876. 8°. v. 6, p. 438-446. 8°.) SA Harley, James. The currency; its in- fluence on the internal trade of the coun- try: in a letter addressed to the drapers of Scotland; with a section from... "A his- tory of prices," by Thos. Tooke. Glas- gow: J. Smith & Son, 1839. v, (1)8-43, 66 p. 8°. TH p.v.26 Hart, John. A description of the ancient Highland or Scandinavian lock. (Scots mechanics' magazine. Glasgow, 1825. 8°. v. 1, p. 144.) VA Hart, Robert. Plan for rendering the river Clyde navigable above the harbour at Glasgow. (Scots mechanics' magazine. Glasgow, 1825. 8°. v. 1, p. 255-256.) VA Henderson, John. General view of the agriculture of the county of Caithness; with observations on the means of its im- provement. . . By John Henderson. With an appendix, including an account of the improvements carried on by Sir John Sin- clair, bart... London: Sherwood, Neely, & Jones, 1815. xii, 371, 222 p., 2 maps, 1 plan, 9 pi. 8°. VPX General view of the agriculture of the county of Sutherland; with observa- tions on the means of its improvement... To which is annexed, a particular account of the more recent improvements in that county. London: Sherwood, Neely, & Jones, 1815. xi(i), 238 p., 1 map, 9 pi. 8°. VPX Hendry, Hamish. Concerning a spool of thread, illus. (Good words. London, 1893. 8°. v. 34, p. 757-763.) * DA Thread manufacture at Paisley. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Catalogue of the museum. Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., 1842. 150 p. 8°. VrA Premiums offered. . .for promoting agriculture and internal improvement in Scotland in 1836, 1838-39, 1841-42, 1844-46. [Edinburgh, 1836-46.] 8°. VPA 668 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. Report of the Agricultural Muse- um. Plants cultivated for their farinace- ous seeds, together with their straw or haulm, n. p. [18-?, 100 p. 8°. VPA Report by the directors of the... society... to a special general meeting of the society to be held on the 12th of April, 1848. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1848.] 12 p. 8°. VPEp.v.31 Report of the more recent proceed- ings... Edinburgh: Neill & Co., [1838.] 14 p. 8°. VPEp.v.lS Transactions. . .abstract of... pro- ceedings, and. . .premiums, v. 11-14 (1836- 1843); new [3.] series, July, 1843-March, 1865; series 4, v. 1-16 (1866-84). Edin- burgh [1836]-1884. 8°. VPA t.-p. of July, 1843-March, 1845 and series 4, v. 1-3 reads': Transactions of the Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. t.-p. of v. 11-14 reads: Prize essays and trans- actions of the. . .society. Series 4, v. 1-3 pub. in two parts. v. 11-14 called new [2.] series, v. 5-8 in British Museum Catalogue. Hill, Laurence, joint author. See Gor- don, Lewis D. B., and Laurence Hill. Hird, G. S. On the Denburn Valley Railroad. 3 pi. (Institution of Engineers, and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1870. 8°. v. 13, p. 13-32.) VDA Hogg, Charles Pullar. On St. Enoch railway station. 3 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 25, p. 193-202.) VDA Hunter, John R. S. Ancient coal work- ings in the Ell coal, Glenclelland, Wishaw. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 315- 316.) PTA Irwin, Margaret H. Women's indus- tries in Scotland. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 27, p. 70-91.) * EC Jackson, James. Essays on various ag- ricultural subjects, and an account of the parish of Penicuik... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1833. x p., 1 1., 354 p. 8°. VPE Jameson, R. Memorial for John Dick- son... James Pillans. . .and John Mow- bray. . .defenders [trustees of Wilson and Sons, the proprietors of Wilsonton iron- works]. [Signed R. Jameson.] [With ap- pendix.] Edinburgh, 1816. 35 p. 4°. *Cp.v.ll78 To the Lords of Council and Session. Second division of the court. Jamieson, George Auldjo. On ancient tenure of land in Scotland. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. v. 12, p. 99-126.) * EC Johnstone, John. Sketch of. chap, xii sect. 11 of the general report of Scotland on draining. Edinburgh: Abernethy & Walker, 1812. vi, 91 p.,. 15 maps. 8°! (Scotland. — Board of Agriculture.) VPIp.box2 Sketch of chap, xiii of the general report of Scotland, on embankments. Edinburgh: Abernethy & Walker, 1813* 3 p.l., 63 p., 5 maps. 8°. (Scotland. -i Board of Agriculture.) VPIp.box2 Bound with his: Sketch of chap, xii, sect. 11 of the general report of Scotland on draining. Editi. burgh, 1812. 8°. Keith, Theodora. Economic condition of Scotland under the Commonwealth and the Protectorate. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 273-284 J CPA Scottish trade with the plantations before 1707. (Scottish historical review Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 32-48.) CPA The trading privileges of the royal burghs of Scotland. (English historical review. London, 1913. 4°. v. 28, p. 454- 471, 678-690.) BAA Kemp, Daniel William. An unwritten chapter on the early history of the iron industry in Scotland- — smelting in Suther- landshire and the north of . Scotland. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. v. 11, p. 286-303.) VA Kernot, W. C. The Tay bridge. (Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings. Mel- bourne, 1881. 8°. v. 17, p. 23-33.) *EC Kerr, A. W. Scottish banking during the period of published accounts, 1865- 1896. London: E. Wilson, 1898. ix p., 1 1:; 172 p. 8°. THI Kerr, J. Lawrenson. Description and drawings of a cast-iron swing-bridge, con- structed for Peterhead harbour... 1 pi. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1856. 8°. v. 4, p, 168-172. ) VA Kerr, Robert. General view of the ag- riculture of the county of Berwick; with observations on the means of its improve- ment... London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. xxxii, 504, 73 p. 8°. VPX Sketch of the general report of Scotland. Chapter] 7. On the manage- ment of arable land... Haddington,; Board of Agriculture, 1812. x, 135, 158 p. 8°. VPXp.v.4,no.2 Kinch, Edward. The natural and arti- ficial food of Scotch hill sheep. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. ser- ies 4, v. 16, p. 273-280.) VPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 669 Economics, continued. Kinipple, Walter Robert. Greenock har- bour London: The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1897. 24 p., 1 pi. 8° VDNAp.v.ll Repr : Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings, v. 130, sess. 1896-97, part 4. Kinnaird (9. baron), George William Fox. Profitable investment of capital, or eleven years' practical experience in farm- ing: a letter from Lord Kinnaird to his tenantry; with Lecture by W. White, Esq., and a Speech of Mr. Finnie, of Swanstpn, on the application of chemistry to agricul- ture. With a few remarks addressed to the landlords and tenants of England. Dundee: F. Shaw, 1850. 44 p. 3. ed. 8°. VPX p.v.l Kinnear, George. A history of the rise of exchange companies in Scotland; and a defence of their proper business. Glas- gow: J. Smith & Son, 1848. 33 p. 8°. ° THI p.box Kinnear, John. Protection to landlords; what it has done for their tenants, and what will be done for them by free trade. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1851. 32 p. 8°. TK p.box Knox, John. Observations on the north- ern fisheries. With a discourse on the expediency of establishing fishing stations, or small towns, in the Highlands of Scot- land, and the Hebride Islands. To which is added the last report of the committee appointed by the House of Commons, to enquire into the state of the British fish- eries. London: I. Walter, 1786. iv, 158 p. 8°. VRS p.box 1 Kyle, John J. J. On the discovery of the remains of an ancient iron-smelting fur- nace or "bloomery," at Lochgoilhead, Ar- gyleshire, with analysis of the furnace slag. (Edinburgh new philosophical jour- rial: Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 203-206.) OA Lancefield, Alfred. On the drainage of Edinburgh. (Architectural Institute of Scotland. Transactions, v. 3, p. 41-56, 2 pi; Edinburgh, 1853. 8°.) MQA Land in the Highlands. Should the gov- ernment legislate? (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 158, p. 754-768.) * DA Landells, James. Agriculture [Of Scot- land].- (In the: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 40-52.) f CPW Layergne, Leonce G. L. G. de. Essai sur 1'eeonomie rurale de l'Angleterre, de lEcosse et de l'lrlande. Paris, 1854. 8°. VPX Law, John. Money and trade con- sidered; with a proposal for supplying the nation with money. London: W. Lewis 1720. 3 p.l., 3-96 p. 2. ed. 12°. TF p.v.83, no.10 First published at Edinburgh, 1705. Glasgow: R. & A. Foulis, 1750. 226 p. 16°. TF Considerations sur le commerce et sur l'argent. Traduit de l'anglois. A la Haye: J. Neaulme, 1720. 3 p.l., 187 p., 1 port. 16°. TF Gedancken vom Waaren- und Geld- handel, nebst dem erst in Schottland, hernach in Franckreich vorgestellten und angenommenen neuen Project und Sys- temate der Financen.. . Leipzig: J. Schus- ter, 1720. 4 pi., 135 p. nar. 16°. TF Portrait of author on t.-p. Proposals and reasons for consti- tuting a council of trade in Scotland... Glasgow: R. & A. Foulis, 1751. xx, 282 p. 16°. TB Lee, John. A letter... relating to the annuity tax and the ecclesiastical arrange- ments now proposed for the city of Edin- burgh. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1834. 58 p. 8°. TINp.v.l2,no.l5 Lees,- Henry. The North British Rail- way, its past and future policy with re- marks on the duties and responsibilities of directors in reference to accounts. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1866. 18 p. 8°. TPL p.v.l Leith. — Tramways Department. An- nual report. 1911/12. f°. ft TPY Leith Committee. Minute of. . .as to the expediency and practicability of reducing the charges on shipping and merchandise at the port. Leith: W. Heriot, 1832. 19 p. 8°. TRp. box 3 Leslie, William. General view of the agriculture of the counties of Nairn and Moray; with observations on the means of their improvement... London: Sher- wood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. viii, 513 p., 1 map, 2 pi., 1 table. 8°. VPX Letheule, P. Reseau et installations de tramways de Glasgow (ficosse). (L'eclair electrique. Paris, 1903. 4°. v. 34, p. 385- 403, 445-450, 472-478.) t VGA Lewis, George. Observations on the present state and future prospects of agri- culture, illustrative of the advantages of an experimental farm, being a fuller develop- ment of the author's views, first made public in a communication addressed to the Highland Society of Scotland. Edinburgh: St. Andrews University Press, 1836. viii p., 1 1., 124 p. 8°. VPEp.v.7 Lindsay, Charles C. On the design and construction of Partick bridge. 6 pi. (In- 670 Economics, continued. stitution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 21, p. 85-104.) VDA Little, William Charles. An inquiry in- to the expedients used by the Scots before the discovery of metals. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 389-395.) t CPA Littlejohn, David. Summary of fiars prices in Aberdeenshire, 1603-19, with lists of jurors. (New Spalding Club. Miscel- lany. Aberdeen, 1908. 4°. v. 2, p. 1-76.) tCP Littlejohn, Henry D. On the cleansing operations of Edinburgh, as compared with other towns... Edinburgh: Colston & Son, 1865. 1 p.l., 12 p. 8°. VDIp.v.l Loch, James. An account of the im- provements on the estates of the marquess of Stafford, in the counties of Stafford and Salop, and on the estate of Sutherland, with remarks. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820. xx, 236, 118 p., 1 map, 6 plans, 32 pi. 8°. VPX Lockhart, Sir Simon Macdonald. On plantations on the estate of Carnwath. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. series 4, v. 10, p. 211-215.) VPA Logan, W. H. The Scottish banker; or, A popular exposition of the practice of banking in Scotland. Edinburgh: Fraser & Crawford, 1839. 4 p.l., 134 p., 1 table. 24°. THI Lovie, Alexander. The reclamation of waste land on the farm of Towie. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. ser- ies 4, v. 15, p. 65-69.) VPA Low, D. Observations on the present state of landed property, and on the pros- pects of the landholder and the farmer. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1823. x, 127 p. 2. ed. 8°. VPX p.box 1 Macadam, Stevenson. On the chemical composition of the sewage of Edinburgh and Leith, and the contamination of the Water of Leith thereby. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 7, p. 49-86.) VA Macandrew, Sir Henry Cockburn. An- cient Celtic tenures. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 9, p. 116-123, 157- 165.) * DE M'Culloch, John. On dairy management as pursued in Galloway. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. series 4, v. 7, p. 258-269.) VPA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY On the different methods of mak- ing and curing butter in this country and abroad. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8°. series 4, v. 12, p. 196-220 ) VPA McCulloch, John Ramsay. Note on Scotch money, with tables showing the successive changes in the standard, in the weight of the coins, and in the relative values of gold and silver, from 1107 to 1707, when Scotland ceased to have a pe- culiar coinage. (In his: A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money London, 1856. 8°. p. 285-290.) TF On the history of leases of lands from the earliest times. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. series 4 v. 11, p. 1-23.) VPA McDonald, A. B. Glasgow main drain- age. 5 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 43, p. 267-314.) VDA Macdonald, Alexander. The agriculture of the counties of Elgin and Nairn. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 16, p. 1-123.) VPA Macdonald, James. On the agriculture of the counties of Forfar and Kincardine. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. series 4, v. 13, p. 53-173.) VPA On the agriculture of the counties of Ross and Cromarty. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1877. 8°. series 4, v. 9, p. 67-209.) VPA On the agriculture of the county of Fife. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. series 4, v. 8, p. 1-60.) VPA On the agriculture of the county of Sutherland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8°. series 4, v. 12, p. 1-90.) VPA Macdonald, L. Large farms versus crofts: which is the most profitable? (Cel- tic magazine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 24-33.) *DE Macdonald, William. Local government and taxation in Scotland. (In: Local gov- ernment and taxation in the United King- dom... Edited by J. W. Probyn. Lon- don, 1882. 12°. p. 385-463.) SER On the agriculture of Inverness- shire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. series 4, v. 4, p. 1-65.) VPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 671 Economics, continued. Macfarlan, John F. The county road trusts and the paving board. Edinburgh: John Greig & Son, 1851. 60 p 8°. J *Cp.v.l511 Macgregor, J., joint author. See Russell, J. M., and J. Macgregor. Mackay, George Grant. On the manage- ment of landed property in the Highlands of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1858. vi, 90 p. 12°. VPX On plantations on the estate of Glengloy, Inverness-shire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. series 4, v. 12, p. 193-196.) VPA Mackay, John. Errors regarding the election of chiefs and the land laws. (Gae- lic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 212-220.) NDO Mackenzie, Sir George Steuart. Gen- eral view of the agriculture of the counties of Ross and Cromarty. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London: Sher- wood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. xi, 3, 353 p., 1 map. 8°. VPX Mackenzie, Sir Kenneth S. General Wade and his roads. 3 pi., 1 port. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 145-177.) * EC Mackie, John. On the reclamation of land from moss on the farm of Upper Ban- death, Stirlingshire. (Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. series 4, v. 12, p. 189-193.) VPA Mackie, William. An address to the landed interest, on the prejudicial effect of the late additional malt tax, and present distillery law on the agriculture of Scot- land: with disquisitions on the causes which now render Scotch barley so much inferior to that of the growth of England. Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1803. 1 p.l., 50, 5-34 p. 8°. TIN p.v.12, no.14 Mackinlay, D. The island of Lewis, and its fishermen-crofters. In a letter to Hugh M. Matheson. . . London: printed by Bar- rett, Sons & Co., 1878. lix, 43 p. 8°. TE p.v.l Maclaren, Duncan. History of the re- sistance to the /annuity tax under each of the four church establishments for which it has been levied; with a statement of its annual produce since 1690. From authen- tic documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1836. 1 p.l., ii, 5-96 p. 12°. * C p.v.l 187 M'Lean, James. A dissertation relative to the agriculture of Badenoch and Strath- spey. (In: James Robertson, General view of the agriculture of the county of Inver- ness. London, 1813. 8°. p. 401-412.) VPX MacLelland, Thomas. On the agricul- ture of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright and Wigtownshire. (Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. series 4, v. 7, p. 1-69.) VPA M'Neel-Caird, Alexander. Local govern- ment and taxation in Scotland. (In: Cob- den Club essays. London, 1875. 8°. [ser- ies 3,] p. 97-171.) TB M'Neilage, Archibald. On the agricul- ture of Bute and Arran. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. series 4, v. 13, p. 1-52.) VPA Macpherson, Charles. On the collec- tion, removal, and disposal of the refuse of the city of Edinburgh, illus. (Royal Scot- tish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 7, p. 231-257.) VA Paper on the collection, removal, and disposal of the refuse of the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1867. 29 p. illus. 8°. * C p.v.579 Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 1866-67. Malcolm, George. Deer forests: past, present, and future. (Nineteenth century. London, 1887. 8°. v. 21, p. 683-701.) * DA Frithean nam fiadh 's an am a tha seachad, a tha lathair, 's a tha ri teached. Duneideann: Macriobhain agus Wallace [C 1890,. 28 p. 8°. * C p.v.359 On the various modes of striking the fiars prices in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 3, p. 151-183.) VPA Mallaig, The, railway. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1898. f°. v. 86, p. 274-275.) VA Maltbie, Milo Roy. Glasgow municipal tramways. (Municipal affairs. New York, 1900. v. 4, p. 40-59.) SERA Marshall, William P. The New York and Forth bridges. 2 pi. (Birmingham Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Bir- mingham [1887,. 8°. v. 5, p. 167-176.) * EC Mason, Stephen. Scotch banking. (Na- tional Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1878. 8°. 1877, p. 686-696.) SA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. The Scottish railway strike. (Nineteenth cen- tury. London, 1891. 8°. v. 29, p. 238-250.) * DA 672 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. Mayer, John. See under Notices of some of the principal manufactures of the west of Scotland. Melville, William. City Union Railway widening and extension of St. Enoch sta- tion. 10 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1901. 8°. v. 44, p. 222-262.) VDA Memorial of the ministers of Edinburgh, respecting the annuity assessment, and rel- ative documents, 1838. [Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1838.] 16 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.13 Menteath, James Stuart. Farmers ver- sus rooks; or, The substance of a trial, supposed to have taken place in Ayrshire, before a committee of gentlemen. . .to con- sider the supposed damage done by rooks to their tenantry. Ayr: M'Cormick & Car- nie,1838. 27 p. 8°. VPE p.v.15 Menzies, William. Report of the em- bankments and ferry piers on the estate of Tulliallan, near Kincardine, in Clack- mannanshire. 1 map. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 12, p. 489-501.) VPA Millar, W. J. On early Clyde built steamers. 1 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 24, p. 49- 76.) VDA Miller, Hugh. The tenant's true quarrel, &c. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1846. 16 p. sm. 12°. *Cp.v.lll2 Repr. : "Witness." ■ Words of warning to the people of Scotland, on Sir R. Peel's Scotch currency scheme. By the editor of the "Witness" t i. e., Hugh Millerj. Edinburgh: J. John- stone, 1844. vii, 9-80 p. 8°. * C p.v.970 Miller, J., joint author. See Grainger, Thomas, and J. Miller. Milne, James. On the enlargement of the junction basin at Grangemouth, and the deepening of the communication be- tween the junction basin and the entrance dock. 2 pi. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Glasgow, 1860. 8°. v. 3, p. 28-35.) VDA Milne, John. On the agriculture of Aberdeenshire and Banffshire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 3, p. 378-401.) VPA Milne, John. Mr. Milne's letter to Arch- ibald Thomson, chairman of the Edin- burgh Merchant Company committee on Leith harbor. With report of the commit- tee, etc. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1840?i 24 p. 8°. VDNAp.v.19 Observations on the tidal currents at Leith; with plans for the improvement of the port. Edinburgh: the author, 1835 31 p., 1 plan. 8°. VDNAp.v.14 Plans for the improvement of the port at Leith; with observations on the tidal currents... Edinburgh: A. & C Black, 1835. 32 p., 1 map. 2. ed. 8<\ VDNAp.v.17 Milne-Home, David. Eyemouth fish teind. — Letter to D. Robertson of Lady- kirk. . . Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1862. 39 p. 8°. VRSp.boxl Mitchell, William. Our Scotch banks: their position and their policy; being a practical plea for limited liability, respect- fully dedicated to the shareholders. With appendix, containing extracts from Scotch Bank Act and charters; tables of statis- tics... Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1879. 54 p., 11. 2. ed. f°. ftTHI Monkswell (2. baron). Robert Collier. The railwavs of Great Britain. London: Smith, Elde'r & Co., 1913. viii p., 1 1., 303 p. pi. 8°. TPN Monro, David. "Landlords' rents" and "Tenants' profits;" or, Corn-farming in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1849. 31 p. 8°. VPXp.box2 • Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1850. 36 p. 2. ed. 8°. VPX p.v.l Morrison, W. Copper mine at Kishorn. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8". v. 5, p. 293-296.) * EC Muirhead, George. On continuous corn- growing at Paxton, Berwickshire. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 11, p. 190-192.) VPA Murray, David. The valuation roll in Scotland and the proposal to enter land values upon it... London: J. B. Nichols and Sons, 1907. x, 44 p. 8°. TE p.v.14 Naismith, John. General view of the agriculture of Clydesdale; with observa- tions on the means of its improvement... London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. xix, 252 p, 1 map. 8°. VPX Napier, Archibald. The new order of gooding and manuring of all sorts of field land with common salts, whereby the same may bring forth in more abundance, both of grass and corn of all sorts, and far cheaper than by the common way of dung- ing used heretofore in Scotland. Printed by Robert Waldgrave [1595?]. (Reprinted in: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822; 4°. v. 2, p. 154-158.) tCPA From a ms. in the archives of the society which appears to have been taken from the printed copy. The tract is apparently otherwise unknown. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 673 Economics, continued. Neill, Patrick. Considerations regard- ing the Edinburgh, Leith, and Newhaven Railway. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1837. 40 p. 8°. *Cp.v.446 An examination of the "Reply for the directors" of the Edinburgh, Leith, & Newhaven Railway Company. March, 1839. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1839. 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.446 Further considerations regarding the Edinburgh, Leith, and Newhaven Rail- way. . . Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1837. 1 p.l., 7 p. 8°. * C p.v.446 Remarks on the progress and prospects of the Edinburgh, Leith, & New- haven Railway in January, 1839. With an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1839. 36 p. 8°. * C p.v.446 New, The, electricity works of the Glas- gow corporation. (Electrician. London, 1900. f°. v. 45, p. 765-767, 805-812, 849- 852.) ttVGA New light upon an old subject; or, The running of Sabbath trains, — not a sin, but a duty: a letter to the inhabitants of Edin- burgh. [Signed: A friend of the Sabbath.] Edinburgh: John D. Lowe, 1847. 16 p. 8°. ZBFp.v.14 New, The, trolley system in Glasgow, Scotland (Electrical world and engineer. New York, 1901. f°. v. 37, p. 917-919.) ttVGA Newton, Robert Pillans. On the rural management of the Forfarshire part of the western district of Strathmore. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 12, p. 458-478.) VPA Nicol, R. Gordon. Aberdeen harbour. [With discussion.] 2 pi. (Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. 1907, p. 575-587.) VFA Notes on the history of transport in Scotland. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12. p. 42-43.) CPA Notices of some of the principal manu- factures of the west of Scotland: The iron and steel industries, by St. John Vincent Day; The engineering and shipbuilding in- dustries, by John Mayer; The textile in- dustries, by James Paton; Chemical manu- factures, by John Ferguson. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1876. iv, 248 p., 1 diagr., 1 map. 12°. V , Published on occasion of visit of British Associa- tion to Glasgow in 1876. Observations on the third report of the commissioners for making new roads in Scotland. (In: Sir Egerton Brydges, Cen- sura literaria. London, 1808. 8° v 7 P- 77-91.) n C £ See above under Further remarks. CEconomical, An, history of the Hebri- des or Western Islands of Scotland. (Gae- lic Society of Inverness. Transactions Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 120-139 ) NDO From British Museum King's ms., 105. Deals with the economic history of the islands of Lewis and Harris, c. 1765. Opening, The, of the Glasgow electric tramways. (Electrical engineer. London, 1898. f°. v. 28 ( new series, v. 22], p. 498- 500.) ff VGA Origin of steam-boats, and description of Stevenson's Dalswinton steam-boat. (An- nals of philosophy. London, 1819. 8°. v. 13, p. 279-285.) OA Our Scottish fishermen. (Littell's Liv- ing age. Boston, 1844. 8°. v. 2, p. 291- 307.) * DA Repr. : North British review. Particular consequences of Mr. Orde's Irish resolutions to the landed, manufac- turing and trading interest of Scotland; and general consequences of them to the British empire. . . n. p., n. d. [1786?] 4. ed. 8°. 33 p. *Cp.v.46S Paterson, George. Historical account of the fiars in Scotland, with remarks on the present mode of striking them... With an appendix. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood and Sons, 1852. 1 p.l., 66 p. 8°. * C p.v.1306 Paton, James. See under Notices of some of the principal manufactures of the west of Scotland. Pattinson, J. Pearson. British railways: their passenger services, rolling stock, lo- comotives, gradients, and express speeds. London: Cassell & Co., 1893. 2. ed. 8°. TPN The North British Railway, p. 117-125, 3 diagr.; The Caledonian, p. 129-139, 1 pi., 2 diagr.; The Glas- gow and South-Western, p. 140-147, 1 pi., 3 diagr.; The Highland, p. 219-221; The Great North of Scot- land, p. 221-222. Peterkin, Alexander. Remarks on the proceedings of the Leith Dock Commis- sion... 1828 [by A. Peterkinj. Edinburgh A. Macredie, 1828. 58 p. 8°. VDNAp.v.ll Plan for regulating the rents of land in Scotland, with equal safety both to land- lord and tenant, with reasons to prove, that it will add to the stability and per- manent benefit of agriculture. Cupar, R. Tullis, 1815. 31 p. 8°. * C p.v.457 Ploughman, Old, pseud. A friendly ad- dress to the farmers of Scotland; wherein are set forth some heavy grievances under which the farmers presently labour; the causes of them; with some. . .methods to curb their growth. . . n. p., 1759. 60 p. 8°. CP p.box 1 674 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. Practical remarks on currency and bank- ing, particularly in reference to the sys- tem of Scotland. In a letter... to Samuel Jones Lloyd. . .author of a work: "On the management of the circulation, and... the Bank of England. . .1839." By a Scotch banker. Glasgow: J. Smith & Son, 1840. 1 p.L, 37 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l327,no.U Present state of husbandry in Scotland. Extracted from reports made to the com- missioners of the annexed estates, and published by their authority. Edinburgh: printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, Lon- don, 1778-84. 4 v. in 6. 8°. VPX v. 3 and 4 have imprint: Edinburgh: printed for William Creech. v. 1. Perth. Fife. Forfar. v. 2. Kincardine. Perthshire. Clackmananshire. East Lothian. Berwickshire. Roxburghshire. Dum- friesshire. Tweeddale or Peeblesshire. v. 3, part 1 Selkirkshire. Stewarty of Kirkcud- bright, and shire of Galloway. Ayrshire. Second survey in Ayrshire, 1778. Dumbartonshire. Ren- frewshire. Stirlingshire. v. 3, part 2. Edinburghshire. West Lothian, or Linlithgowshire. Lanarkshire. Route to Aberdeen. Aberdeenshire. v. 4, part 1. Route from Edinburgh to Banff- shire. County of Banff. County of Moray. County of Nairn. County of Inverness. Perthshire. Route to Inverness-shire. Inverness-shire Shires of Ross and Cromarty. Sutherlandshire. County of Caith- ness. Route homeward. v. 4, part 2. East Lothian. Berwickshire. Rox- burghshire. Appendix. Art 1. Second survey of Mid Lothian. An additional survey in East Lothian, 1783. Pringle, Robert Oliphant. On the agri- culture of the islands of Orkney. 1 map. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 1-68.) VPA Purves, James. Report of the improve- ment of meadow pasturage on part of the crown lands of Dorrery, in the county of Caithness. 1 plan. (Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 439-445.) VPA • Report on the reclamation of waste land on the farms of Lochend and Syster, in the county of Caithness. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 429-439.) VPA R. N. A plea for a Forth and Clyde canal. (National review. London, 1908. v. SO, p. 746-750.) * DA Railway, The, race to Edinburgh. (Scot- tish review, v. 14, p. 34-68. Paisley, 1889. 8°.) *DA Ramsay, Alexander. History of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scot- land, with notices of anterior societies for the promotion of agriculture in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1879. vii, 592 p. 8°. VPX On the water supply of Edinburgh. 1 map. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts! Transactions. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v 6 p. 285-314.) VA Ramsay, G. G. The settlement of High- land crofters in the northwest of Canada. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1885 8° v. 51, p. 161-175.) *'da Ramsay, John. Agriculture. (In his: Scotland and Scotsmen in the eighteenth century. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 2 n 187-288.) CP Records, The, of a Scottish cloth manu- factory, at New Mills, Haddingtonshire, 1681-1703. Edited from the original manu- scripts, with introduction and notes by W. R. Scott. Edinburgh: T. & A. Consta- ble, 1905. xci, 366 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 46.) CPA The introduction gives a_ detailed history of the cloth trade in Scotland during the seventeenth cen- tury, the organisation of the joint-stock company of that period, the history of the New Mills company and documents relating to its foundation. The plate is a portrait of Thomas Graves Law, honorary secretary of the Scottish Historical Society. Reid, D. J. The Inverness section of the Aviemore line. 2 pi. (Inverness Sci- entific Society. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 5, p. 254-263.) *EC Reid, John. On water supply; with a description of the new water works at Montrose, illus. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 234-246.) VA Remarks by certain directors of the Royal Bank of Scotland, on a letter ad- dressed by Messrs. Ramsays, Bonars and Co., to the proprietors. Edinburgh: J. Hay and Co., 1816. 15 p. 4°. *Cp.v.ll78 Rennie, John. Design for a bridge pro- posed to be built over the river Earn in the parish of Dunbarney. . .on the road from Edinburgh to Perth. London, 1819. one plan 28J4 x 19^2 inch. Report concerning the different lines surveyed by Messrs. John Ainslie and Robert Whitworth, jun., for a canal, pro- posed to be made between the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. . .with an account of a running level, taken for a new line by Linlithgow and Falkirk. [Edinburgh.] 1797. 1 p.l., 12 p., 1 map. 4°. TSB Report concerning the practicability and expence of the lines surveyed by Messrs. John Ainslie & Robert Whitworth, jun., for a canal, proposed to be made be- tween the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow ...and also, concerning the practicability and expence of the new line by Linlithgow and Falkirk. [Edinburgh,] 1798. 1 p.l., 27 p. 4°. TSB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 675 Economics, continued. Rennie, Robert. General report on the agricultural state and political circum- stances of Scotland. Chap. 11, sect. 2. On paring and burning. Edinburgh: Board of Agriculture, 1813. 2 p.l., 34 p. 8°. 8 VPX p.v.2, no.5 General report of the agricultural state and political circumstances of Scot- land, with observations on the means of their improvement. Chapter xvii. On the obstacles to the improvement of land in Scotland. Edinburgh: Board of Agricul- ture, 1813. 6 p., 3 1., 5-133 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll03 Reply to the "Remarks" on the proceed- ings of the Leith Dock Commission, 1st February 1828; with a correct report of the proceedings of that meeting, and other documents. Leith: William Reid & Son, 1828. 21(1) p. 8°. VDNAp.v.9 Reports on experiments on the manuring of oats, hay, turnips, and potatoes. . .on farms in the south-west and centre of Scot- land. Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Agricultural Depart- ment. 1896-97. Glasgow, 1897-98. 2 v. 8°. VPA p.box Richardson, Sir John Stewart. Account of embanking land from the river Tay on the estate of Pitfour, Perthshire. 1 pi. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 12, p. 298-302.) VPA Richardson, Ralph. On the connection between geology, meteorology, and agri- culture, as illustrated by the leading dis- tricts of Scotland. 1 table. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 251-263.) PTA Robertson, George. General view of the agriculture of Kincardineshire, or the Mearns. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. 2 p.l., 12, 477, 63(1) p., 1 map, 2 pi., 1 port. 8°. VPX Robertson, George. On the wet dock, and other works about to be constructed by the commissioners for the harbour and docks of Leith. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 315-322.) VA Robertson, James. General view of the agriculture of the county of Inverness; with observations on the means of its improvement. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. xiii, lxvi, 447 p., 1 map. 8 ■ VPX Robie, David. On English water mea- dows, and how far they are applicable to Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1876. 8°. series 4, v. 8, p 87-97 ) VPA Robison, John. Account of the malle- able iron passage-boat, now plying on the Forth and Clyde Canal. 1 pi. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1820 8°. v. 2, p. 222-224.) OA Rooseboom, Matthijs P. The Scottish staple in the Netherlands. An account of the trade relations between Scotland and the Low Countries from 1292 till 1676, with a calendar of illustrative documents. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1910. xiv, 237 p., 1 1., ccxlvi p., 3 pi. 4°. TLH Reviewed (by Alice S. Green) in Scottish histori- cal review, v. 8, p. 70-73, Glasgow, 1911. Ross, Alexander. Notes on the forma- tion of the Caledonian Canal, and its ef- fects on the Highlands. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 313-335.) NDO — - — Old Highland industries. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1886. 8°. v. 12, p. 387-415.) NDO p. 400-402 give a list of the dyes used in the Highlands in past times. Old Highland roads. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 172-193.) NDO Ross, W. J. Calder. A last century's fisheries report. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 19- 20.) CPA Ross, William. Scottish contributions to social improvement. (In: The Scottish annual. Edinburgh : 1859j. 12°. 1859, p. 179-203.) NCA Rothesay, The, electric tramways. (Tramway and railway world. London, 1902. f°. v. 12, p. 489-497.) TPB Rousiers, Paul de. La question ouvriere en Angleterre. . . Paris: Firmin Didot et Cie., 1895. 12°. TDI Partie 2, ch. 3 : Une famille de mineurs des Lothians. The labour question in Britain... Translated by F. L. D. Herbertson. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1896. 8°. TDI p. 160-199: A miner's family in the Lothians. Royal Bank of Scotland. Extracts from the minutes of the directors. 1816. 3 p. 4°. *Cp.v.ll78 — — Rules, orders, and bye-laws, for the good government of the corporation of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Edinburgh: G. Ramsay & Co., 1819. 16 p. 8°. THN p.v.14, no.5 Russell, J. M. The destruction of agri- culture and the wages of labourers. [By J. M. Russell., t Portobello: T. Adams, 1890.] 4 p. 8°. * C p.v.580 Repr. : Christian Commonwealth, Feb. 20, 1890. 676 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. Russell, J. M., and J. Macgregor. Cor- respondence between J. M. Russell and J. Macgregor [Concerning the destruction of the tenant farmer class]. [Portobello: T. Adams, 1888.] 8 p. 8°. *Cp.v.S80 Sang, Edward. An elementary view of the strains on the Forth bridge due to the shifting load. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 11, p. 187-204.) VA Scot, George. The model of the govern- ment of the province of East-New-Jersey in America; and encouragements for such as designs to be concerned there... [By George Scot.] Edinburgh: Printed by John Reid, 1685. 4 p.l., 272 p. sm. 8°. Reserve A in fours, A (repeated) = O in eights, P = U in fours. Edinburgh: Printed by John Reid, 1685. 4 p.l., 272 p. sm. 8°. Reserve Another edition (or issue) of the above, with varia- tion in text on p. 37. This copy has on the fly-leaf the signature: 'Ja. Farqhr. minr. at Tyrie 1706.' Scotland. — Commissioners of the An- nexed Estates. Rules and articles. . .for the improvement of lowland farms, and for the encouragement of tenants upon the said estates. Edinburgh, 1773. 10 p. 4°. t TE p.v.41 Scotland. — Commissioners of Fisheries and Manufactures. Plan by the commis- sioners and trustees for improving fish- eries and manufactures in Scotland, for the application of their funds. Edinburgh: J. Davidson, 1727. Reprinted, 1734. 39 p. 12°. Tp.box2 For three years since Christ- mas last, 1733. [Edinburgh,] n. d. 6 p. 12°. Tp.box2 Bound with the preceding work. Scoto-Britannus, pseud, of James Grant? A letter, addressed to the heritors or land- ed proprietors of Scotland, holding their lands of subject superiors, or mediately of the crown. [Signed Scoto-Britannus, i. e., James Grant?] Edinburgh: P. Hill, 1790. 1 p.l., 37 p. sm. 8°. *Cp.v.lll7 Scott, Andrew. Reminiscences of the Glasgow custom-house, trade of Clyde, steamers, etc. 1 fac. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 51-78.) CPA Scott, Peggy. The Scotch fisher-girl. 6 illus. (Country life. London, 1910. f°. v. 28, p. 856-859.) ft MVA Scott, Sir Walter. A letter [also second and third letters] to the editor of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal; from Malachi Malagrowther [pseud.], on the proposed change of currency, and on other late al- terations, as they affect, or are intended to affect, the kingdom of Scotland. 2. ed. of first and second letters. Edinburgh' W. Blackwood, 1826. 60, 86, 39 p. 8°. TH p.v.l A second letter to the editor of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal... on the pro- posed change of currency, and other late alterations as they affect or are intended to affect the kingdom of Scotland. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood, 1826. 84 p. 8°. TF p.v.12 Thoughts on the proposed change of currency, and other late alterations, as they affect, or are intended to affect, the kingdom of Scotland. [By Sir Walter Scott.] Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1826. 60 p. 8°. TF p.v.12 A third letter to the editor of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal... on the pro- posed change of currency, and other late alterations, as they affect, or are intended to affect the kingdom of Scotland. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood, 1826. 39 p. 8°. TF p.v.12 Scott, William Robert. The fiscal policy of Scotland before the Union. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 173-190.) CPA Scottish agriculture and foreign compe- tition. Frauds and blunders of "Black- wood." Edinburgh, 1850. 24 p. 12°. VPX p.v.l Repr. : Scotsman, Jan. 9, 1850. Scottish, The, banking system. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 56, p. 671-686.) *DA Scottish Burgh Records Society. Mis- cellany. . .containing I. Report by Thomas Tucker upon the settlement of the reven- ues of excise and customs in Scotland A. D. mdclvi. II. Register containing the state and condition of every burgh within the kingdom of Scotland, in the year 1692. III. Setts of the royal burghs of Scotland. [Edited by Sir J. D. Marwick.] Edin- burgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1881. ci p., 1 1., 295 p. 4°. CP Scottish, On, emigration to America, and Lord Selkirk's Canadian colony. (Literary magazine and American register. Phila- delphia, 1806. 8°. v. 5, p. 446-456.) *DD Scottish husbandmen of the last cen- tury. (Penny magazine. London, 1832. 4°. v. 1, p. 238-239.) *DA Scotus, pseud. Three letters on the Scottish currency question... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1844. 24 p. 8°. THp.v.21 Self- Vindication, under a variety of very oppressive measures, exercised by John Tait, factor, and conducted by Mr. Alex. Greig. . .manager, to the... earl of Mor- ton, against T. Craig, who desired to be- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 67; Economics, continued. come tacksman of the lands of Easter Newton and Bents; affording ..informa- tion to farmers and takers of land. Also, the substance of .. .letters, complaining to the earl of Morton, on the subject. [With appendix., Edinburgh: D. Sanderson & Co., 1814. 51, 13 p. 8°. VPXp.box4 Selkirk (5. earl), Thomas Douglas. Ob- servations on the present state of the Highlands of Scotland, with a view of the causes and probable consequences of emi- gration. By the earl of Selkirk. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1805. 1 pi, (i)vi-vii, 223, lvi p. 8°. SEV Edinburgh: printed by J. Bal- lantyne & Co., for A. Constable and Co., 1806. vii, 232, lxi p. 2. ed. 8°. CP Shareholder, A. Letter to the share- holders of the Glasgow, Paisley, and Greenock Railway. Glasgow: G. Richard- son [1838,. 16 p., 2 tables. 8°. * C p. v. 508 Shaw, A. C. Glasgow's tramway sys- tem. (Street railway journal. New York, 1901. f°. v. 17, p. 623-641.) ft TPB Shaw, Charles G. Landed estate and farming in the south-west of Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 8, p. 201-226.) * DA Shaw, Hary. On improvements on the estate of Hallhead, Aberdeenshire. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 8, p. 272-277.) VPA Sheep-farming in the Highlands, not in- compatible with population. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 6, p. 201-208, 257- 261.) * DE Sherar, John. On the manner of pro- curing peat-fuel in the Highlands of Scot- land, with illustrations of an improved method, founded on practical experience. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Trans- actions. Edinburgh. 1844. 8°. v. 2, p. 107-122.) VA Shield, William. Port Ness harbour, island of Lewis. Correspondence and re- port of. ..W. Shield... in regard to the condition of the harbour of Port Ness, island of Lewis. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 12 p. f°. (Great Britain.— Congested Districts Board.) ft VDNA p.v.4 Shields, James. The reclamation of moss land on the farm of Byers. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. series 4, v. 15, p. 36-41.) VPA Short, A, account of Scotish money and coins, with tables of their value at different periods, and the price of commodities, &c. Together with tables of the revenues of the archbishoprics, abbeys, nunnerys, &c, at the reformation. Edinburgh: D. Web- ster, 1817. 16 p. 8°. CPp.box2 Sinclair, Catherine. Memoir of the Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair, bart.; with an ac- count of his writings and personal exer- tions for social and agricultural improve- ment in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1853. 31(1) p. 16°. (Cham- bers's repository of instructive and amus- ing tracts.) AGH p.v.22, no. 15 Sinclair, Sir John. Hints regarding cer- tain measures calculated to improve an extensive property, more especially applic- able to an estate in the northern parts of Scotland. [By Sir John Sinclair., [Lon- don:, W. Bulmer & Co. ipref. 1802., 2 pi., 47 p. sq. 4°. ft VPE p.v.22, no.2 Husbandry of Scotland. Sketch of chapter ii, On the practical details of the Scotch system of husbandry. Edinburgh: A. Neill and Co., 1810. 153 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll07 Singer, William. General view of the agriculture, state of property, and improve- ments in the county of Dumfries. . . Lon- don: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones [1812,. xxvi p., 1 1., 696 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 8 pi. 8°. VPX Skirving, Robert Scot. On the agricul- ture of East Lothian, with special refer- ence to the progress made during the last twenty-five years. (Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 1-48.) VPA On the agriculture of the islands of Shetland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 229-263.) VPA Slater's royal national commercial direc- tory of Scotland... Manchester, 1878. 4°. tCP Map lacking. Smith, Adam. Scotch bank currency. (In: Sound currency. New York, 1895. 8°. 1895. p. 325-336.) TIF ■ (In: Sound currency. New York, 1896. 8°. 1896, p. 325-336.) TIF" Reprint of v. 2, no, 8, March IS, 1895. Smith, John. An essay on the advan- tages of watering pasture and meadow grounds in the Highlands. Edinburgh: The Highland Society of Scotland [179-?,. 26 p. 8° VPEp.v.14 ■ General view of the agriculture of the county of Argyle; with observations on the means of its improvement. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. xvi, 347 p. 8°. VPX 678 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Economics, continued. Smith, Samuel. General view of the agriculture of Galloway; comprehending two counties, viz. The Stewartry of Kirk- cudbright and Wigtonshire; with observa- tions on the means of their improvement... London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. xiv p., 1 1., 388 p., 2 maps, 2 pi., 1 table. 8°. VPX Smith, William. The dangers of Aber- deen beach and proposed precautions. 1 pi. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 140-154.) *EC Smith, William Anderson. Marine High- land industries. (Highland and Agricul- tural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. series 4, v. IS, p. 142-149.) VPA The Scottish fisheries under the Fishery Board. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1893. 8°. v. 21, p. 257-279.) * DE Some account of the northern light- houses. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1833. 8°. >v. 15, p. 108-122.) OA Somers, R. The Scotch banks and sys- tem of issue, including translation of "Les banques d'ficosse," by L. Wolowski, with notes, remarks and appendix. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1873. xii, 244 p. 8°. THI Somerville, Robert. General view of the agriculture of East Lothian... London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1813. 2 p.l., 326 p., 1 map. 8°. VPX Appendix no. 4 contains an account of thirlage. Spears, W. Reply by the fishermen of Eyemouth to the pamphlet published by the presbytery of Chirnside... Berwick- upon-Tweed: J. Mills, 1861. 15 p. 8°. VRS p.box 1 Spens, Sheriff. Scotch urban and rural sanitary areas. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Trans- actions. London, 1881. 8°. 1880, p. 508- 515.) SA Stalker, Donald. Plantations on the estates of Benmore and Kilmun, Argyll- shire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. series 4, v. 15, p. 131-142.) VPA Stevenson, John Home. The teinds; whose and what are they? A sketch of their origin and history. Glasgow: J. Mac- lehose and Sons, 1912. 32 p. 8°. ZKFI p.v.2, no.5 Reprinted chiefly from "What are the teinds?" in the Church union journal. Stevenson, Robert. An account of the Bell Rock lighthouse, including the details of the erection and peculiar structure of that edifice. To which is prefixed a his- torical view of the institution and progress of the northern lighthouses... Edinburgh' A. Constable & Co., 1824. xix, 533 p 11 23 pi. f°. fVDO — — Notice regarding the state of the Scottish fisheries in August, 1819. (Edin- burgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh 1820. 8°. v. 2, p. 129-133.) OA Sturrock, Archibald. Report on the agriculture of Ayrshire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. series 4 v. 1, p. 21-106.) VPA Sunday trains on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway. Reasons why we voted for the resumption of Sunday trains. Re- spectfully dedicated to our brother share- holders. Glasgow: W. Lang, 1847. 15 n 8°- ZFB p.v.14 Sutherland improvement and Scottish fisheries. (Quarterly review. London 1842. 8°. v. 69, p. 419-440.) * DA Tait, Jame_s. The agriculture of the counties of Clackmannan and Kinross. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883 8°. series 4, v. 15, p. 50-65.) VPA The agriculture of the county oi Stirling. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1884. 8°. series 4, v. 16, p. 143- 179.) VPA Tait, W. A. Some notes regarding the construction, maintenance, etc., of the Edinburgh and district water works. 4 pi. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 17, p. 211-230.) VA Tait, William R. Report of improve- ments on the estates of Murkle and Doun- reay, in the county of Caithness. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 1, p. 106-115.) VPA Taylor, Benjamin. Local taxation in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 360-379.) * DA Taylor, John. The fishery harbors of Scotland, illus. (Engineering news. New York, 1910. f°. v. 64, p. 671-681.) ffVDA Tenant farmer right. Report, by a com- mittee_ of practical farmers, on the exist- ing evils affecting their. . .interests. . .with suggestions for. . .the formation of a gen- eral agricultural association... August, 1849. Glasgow: J. Graham, 1850. 26 p. 8°. VPX p.box 4 Thom, R. Report on the best method of supplying the town of Greenock with wa- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 679 Economics, continued. ter, as a power for driving machinery, &c... (Scots mechanics' magazine. Glasgow, 1825. 8°. v. 1, p. 209-214.) VA Thomson, James. Sketch of the present state of agriculture in Berwickshire. (An- nals of philosophy. London, 1813. 8°. v. 1, p. 260-265; v. 2, p. 184-189.) OA Thomson, William Thomas. The rate of interest on landed securities in Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1868. 22 p. 8°. THT Tilden, William A. Early iron work- ing in the Highlands of Scotland. (Bir- mingham Natural History and Philosophi- cal Society. Proceedings. Birmingham, 1895. 8°. v. 9, p. 48-57.) * EC With analyses of ores by G. E. Brown. Tramway equipment of Dundee. (Street railway journal. New York, 1901. f°. v. 18, p. 15-16.) ft TPB Trotter, James. General view of the agriculture of the county of West-Lothian : with observations on the means of its im- provement... Edinburgh: printed for Sir Richard Phillips, London, 1811. iv, 340 p., 1 map, 6 pi. 8°. VPX Tucker, Thomas. Report upon the set- tlement of the revenues of excise and cus- toms in Scotland. A. D. mdclvi. [Edin- burgh: J. Ballantyne, printer, 1824.] 1 p.l., ii, 68 p. 4°. (Bannatyne Club, [no.] 7.) CP Tucker was the agent of the Protectoral govern- ment. (Scottish Burgh Records So- ciety. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1881. 4°. p. 1-48.) CP Turnbull, Andrew H. Tenure of land in the United Kingdom and its principal col- onies. (Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 279-330.) SIC Scotland, p. 285-293. Walker, J., and W. Cubitt. Leith har- bour & docks. Plans and reports for the improvement of Leith harbour and treas- ury minutes and other documents con- nected therewith. Edinburgh: Commis- sioners for Harbour and Docks of Leith, 1839. 34 p., 3 diagr. 8°. VDN p.box 3 Wallace, Alfred Russel. Landlordism and its results in Scotland. (In his: Land nationalization. London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1892. 12°. p. 51-96.) TEK Wallace, R. Hedger. Dairy farming around Edinburgh in the eighteenth cen- tury. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 176-184.) * DE Wallace, Robert. The natural and arti- ficial food of Scotch bill sheep. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland Iransactions. Edinburgh, 1884. 8° se- ries 4, v. 16, p. 250-273.) VPA Watson, William West. Report upon the vital, social, and economic statistics of Glasgow, for 1865 (part 1), 1871. Glas- gow: J. Macnab, 1866-72. 8°. SDG Watt, Francis. New Scotland. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 13, p. 640- 650.) * da Watt, James. An account of the scheme for navigating the rivers Forth and Devon. (In: Sir John Sinclair, Statistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1799. 8°. v. 21 p. 357-368.) CPW Webster, H. A. Industries, shipping, trade, and commerce. (In: Ordnance gaz- etteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 81-86.) t CPW Wedderburne, D. The compt buik of D. Wedderburne, merchant of Dundee, 1587- 1630; together with the shipping lists of Dundee, 1580-1618. Edited from the orig- inal manuscripts, with introduction and notes, by A. H. Millar. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1898. lxxii p., 1 1., 323 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 28.) CPA Wemyss, David Watson. Improvements on the estate of Denbrae, Fifeshire. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 12, p. 103-110.) VPA Westland, David M. The Scotch rail- way companies. (Edinburgh and Leith Engineers' Society. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1875. 8°. v. 1, p. 42-60.) VDA Wood, William. Scottish banking. (At- lantic monthly. Boston, 1874. 8°. v. 34, p. 85-94.) * DA Historical. Young, Archibald. Harbour accommo- dation for fishing-boats on the east and north coasts of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1884. 36 p. 8°. VRS p.box 2 Young, Hugh W. Notice of the testa- ment dative of Sir Peter Young, knt., of Seaton, dated 1628; with some remarks on the state of Scottish agriculture at that period. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 262-269.) CPA Younger, Robert T. Land ownership in Scotland. (Philosophical Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1889. 8°. v. 20, p. 177-192.) *EC 680 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sociology See also under Public Documents Aberdeen Infirmary, Aberdeen. Carta, qua praesens et administratores in firmarii Aberdonensis in unum corpus politicum eriguntur. 1773. Charter, erecting the president and managers of the infirmary of Aberdeen into one body politick, 1773. [Aberdeen, 1773?] 18 p. f°. ft WZO p. box Aberdeen Mutual Assurance and Friend- ly Society, for Health, Life, and Fire As- surances and Annuities. Rules and tables ... Aberdeen: W. Bennett, 1848. 40 p. 8°. * C p.v.973 Abstract of deeds, endowing funds for charitable and educational purposes in the royal burgh of Banff. Banff, 1870. iv, SO p. 8°. SHL Advertisement, To all Trades-men, Hus- bandmen, Servants and others who are willing to Transport themselves unto the Provinces of New-East-Jersey in Ameri- ca, a great part of which belongs to Scots- men, Proprietors thereof, broadside, n. p., n. d. [1684.] Reserve (Reprinted in: Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 185S. 4°. v. 3, p. 385-388.) f CP Agnew, Sir Andrew. The Sabbath and the railway trains. A letter addressed to ...the marquis of Breadalbane. . . Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1847. 12 p. 8°. ZFBp.v.14, no.ll Agricultural, The, labourer of Scotland. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1871. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 641-653.) * DA Aiken, James. Church discipline 200 years ago. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 93-113.) CPA Alison, William Pulteney. Illustrations of the practical operation of the Scottish system of management of the poor. Sta- tistical Society of London. Journal. Lon- don, 1840. 8°. v. 3, p. 211-257.) SDA ■ n. t.-p. 47 p. 8°. SGF p.v.7 Read before the statistical section of the British Association, 18th Sept. 1840. Letter to the chairman of the Edin- burgh Parochial Board, on the present position of the question relative to the claim of the able-bodied unemployed to legal relief in Scotland. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1848. vi, (1)8-32 p. 8°. SGF p.v.7 Letter to Sir John M'Neill, G.C.B., on Highland destitution, and the adequacy or inadequacy of emigration as a remedy. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1851. 1 p.l., 62 p. 8°. *Cp.v.lSll Observations on the epidemic fever of mdcccxliii in Scotland, and its connec- tion with the destitute condition of the poor. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1844. 1 p.l., 80 p. 8°. SGF p.v.7 Observations on the famine of 1846-7 in the Highlands of Scotland and in Ireland, as illustrating the connection of the principle of population with the man- agement of the poor. Edinburgh: Wil- liam Blackwood and Sons, 1847. 2 p 1 v-vii, 72 p. 8°. CPp.box3 Observations on the management of the poor in Scotland, and its effects on the health of the great towns. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1840. xvi, 198 p. 8°. SGFp.v.4 Remarks on the Report of Her Majesty's commissioners on the poor-laws of Scotland, presented to Parliament in 1844, and on the dissent of Mr. Twisleton from that report. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1844. xii, 302 p. 8°. SGF p.v.3 Reply to Dr. Chalmers' objections to an improvement of the legal provision for the poor in Scotland. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1841. vi, 56 p. 12°. SGFp.v.2 Reply to the pamphlet entitled "Proposed alteration of the Scottish poor law considered and commented on. By David Monypenny of Pitmilly." Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1840. 1 p.l., 75 p. 12°. SGFp.v.2 Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Crofts and farms in the Hebrides; being an account of the management of an island estate for 130 years. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1883. 83 p. 2. ed. 8°. TE p.v.39, no.l Association for Obtaining an Official Inquiry into the Pauperism of Scotland. [Proceedings of a meeting held March 23, 1840.] [Edinburgh: Ballantyne & Hughes, printers, 1840.] 40 p. 8°. SGFp.v.8 Association for Promoting Improve- ment in the Dwellings and Domestic Condition of Agricultural Labourers in Scotland. Annual report, no. 3-7 (1856- 60). Edinburgh, 1857-61. 8°. TDN p. box 2 Report of an adjourned public meeting held at Edinburgh. . . Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1854. 12 p. 8°. * C p.v.463 Austin. Glasgow poor rate bill; speech before the select committee of the House of Lords, 24th June 1840. London: J. B. Nichols and Son, 1840. 43 p. 8°. * C p.v.64 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 681 Sociology, continued. Ayton, James. Sunday trains question. Speech... Glasgow: W. Love, 1847. 8 p. 8°. ZICH p.v.8 Bailey, F., and George U. Macdonald. Working plan for the pit-wood working circle, Raith estate. (Royal Scottish Ar- boricultural Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 223-278.) VQN Baillie, Lady Grisell. The household book of Lady Grisell Baillie, 1692-1723; edited with notes and introduction, by Robert Scott-Moncrieff. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1911. lxxx, 443 p., 1 pi., 9 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, new series, v. 1.) CPA Bain, Ebenezer. Merchant and craft guilds: a history of the Aberdeen incor- porated trades. Aberdeen: J. & J. P. Edmond & Spark, 1887. xii, 360 p., 1 fac, 11 pi., 2 port. 8°. SKD Baird, John George Alexander. An Edinburgh account-book of two hundred years ago. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 140-149.) CPA Barnard, Charles. A Scottish loaf fac- tory. (Scribner's monthly. New York, 1877. 8°. v. 13, p. 60-67.) * DA United Co-operative Baking Society, Limited, Glasgow. Barras, George W. The Glasgow Build- ing Regulations Act (1892). (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1894. 8°. v. 25, p. 155-169.) *EC Beaton, Angus J. The social and eco- nomic condition of the Highlands of Scot- land since 1800. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1906. xv, (1)18-128 p., 13 pi. 12°. CP Begemann, Wilhelm. Vorgeschichte und Anfange der Freimaurerei in Schottland. Buch 1. Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1914. 8°. SKF Buch 1. Die alten schottischen Werklogen. B . e gg. James. The ecclesiastical and social evils of Scotland, and how to rem- edy them. An address to the Scottish people, with some reference to the speech of Mr. Gladstone at Aberdeen. Edin- burgh: Johnstone, Hunter, & Co., 1871. 34 p., 1 1. 8°. ZWGF p.v.32 . The housing of the working classes in Scotland, rural and urban. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1875. 8°. 1874, p. 908-915.) SA - — Pauperism and the poor laws; or, Our sinking population and rapidly in- creasing public burdens practically con- ■ ??■& Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1849. vi. (1)8-96 p. 8°. SGFp.v.7 Berth, Gilbert. The crofter question and church endowments in the Highlands viewed socially and politically. With an appendix. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son 1884 24 P- 8 °- TBp.v.86 Benefit Friendly Society, Ormiston. Rules... Edinburgh, 1857. 9 p. 8°. * C p.v!l223 Benevolent Society for Clothing the •Poor [Regulations.] [Glasgow: J. Hedder- wick & Co., 18-?j 3 p. 12°. SHDp.v.l Bisset-Smith, George T. A statistical note on birth registration in Scotland pre- vious to 1855; suggested by inquiries as to verification of birth for old age pen- sions. (Royal Statistical Society. Lon- don, 1909. 8°. v. 72, p. 618-623.) SDA Bizet, George. Irregular marriages and illegitimacy in Scotland. (Westminster review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 146, p 437- 438.) * DA Blackie, John Stuart. The Highland crofters. (Nineteenth century. London, 1883. 8°. v. 13, p. 604-616.) * DA Boyd-Kinner, John. The law of mar- riage in England and Scotland. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1878. 8°. 1877, p. 231-241.) SA Brief, A, Account of the Province of East-New-Jersey in America: Published by the Scots Proprietors Having Interest there. For the Information of such, as may have a Desire to Transport them- selves, or their Families thither. Wherein the Nature and Advantage of, and Interest in a Forraign Plantation to this Country is Demonstrated. Edinburgh: John Reid, printer, 1683. 15 p. 4°. Reserve Brook, Alexander James Steel. Notice of the silver bell of Lanark, a horse-racing trophy of the seventeenth century, with some references to the early practice of horse-racing in Scotland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 174-188.) CPA Brown, James. Report to the directors of the Edinburgh Life Assurance Com- pany, respecting the division of the company's profits at 31st August 1856. Edinburgh: printed by Mould and Tod [1856]. 16 p. * C p.v.433 Brown, John Arthur. The kindly ten- ants of the archbishopric of Glasgow. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 2, p. 105-124.) CPA Bulloch, John. Historical notes on an ancient Aberdeen craft — 'The Pynours'. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Trans- actions. Aberdeen, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 60- 100.) * EC 682 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sociology, continued. Bulloch, John Malcolm. The circus in Scotland. The Cookes and Ord. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 107-109.) CPA Burke, Peter. An instance of the mar- riage law of Scotland. (In his: The ro- mance of the forum.. . London, 1852. 12°. v. 2, p. 64-83.) XAS, Case of Jean Laing versus George Reid. Caledonian Insurance Company. His- tory of a hundred years. 1805 to 1905. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1905. 46 p., 1 fac, 9 pi., 2 port. 8°. SIKA Campbell, Duncan. Highland sheilings in the olden time. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 62-90.) * EC Canadian, A, newspaper on the destruc- tion of Scotch tenant farmers. [Porto- bello: T. Adams, 1889.] 4 p. 8°. * C p.v.580 Repr.: Globe of Toronto, Jan. 12, 1889. Cannan, David. On the poor, and the duty and mode of supporting them. Edin- burgh: M. Macphail, 1845. 2 p.l., 74 p. 8°. SGF p.v.4 "Scotch poor laws," pp. 54-64. Case of the house proprietors of Glas- gow against the poor rate bill of 1839. Glasgow: J. Graham [1839], 23 p. 8°. * C p.v.1321, no.16 Central Board for Relief of Destitution in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland: Edinburgh Section. Report of committee of management to the section. 1848 (no. 1-7), 1849(no.l). [Edinburgh, 1848-49.] 8°. SHL Chadwick, Edwin. Sanitary condition of Aberdeen. (National Association for Promotion of Social Science. Transac- tions. London, 1878. 8°. 1877, p. 582- 591.) SA Chalmers, A. K. The death-rate in one apartment houses: an enquiry based on the census return of 1901. (Royal Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1903. 8°. v. 34, p. 125- 146.) * EC The distribution of tuberculous diseases in Glasgow, with observations on the relation of phthisis to room-density. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1897. 1 p.l., 35 p., 2 charts. 8°. WDW p.v.2 Chalmers, Thomas. The Christian and civic economy of large towns, no. 2. Glasgow: Chalmers & Collins, 1820. 8°. SSL p.v.12 no. 2. On the influence of locality of towns. The importance of civil govern- ment to society, and the duty of Christians in regard to it. A sermon preached in St. John's Church, Glasgow, on... 30th April 1820. Glasgow: Chalmers & Collins, 1820 2 p.l., (1)6-48 p. 8°. *Cp.v.484 A speech, delivered on the 24th of May, 1822, before the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, explanatory of the methods which have been successfully pur- sued in St. John's parish, Glasgow, for the extinction of its compulsory pauper- ism, with an appendix. Glasgow: Chal- mers & Collins, 1822. 97 p. 8°. (Tracts on pauperism, no. 1.) SGF Statement in regard to the pauper- ism of Glasgow, from the experience of the last eight years. Glasgow: Chalmers & Collins, 1823. 78 p. and slip of errata 8°. SGFp.box4 The sufficiency of a parochial sys- tem, without a poor rate, for the right management of the poor. Glasgow: W. Collins, 1841. 1 p.l., (i)vi-viii, (1)10-336. p. 12°. SGF Chalmers Association. Pauperism and the poor laws. The lectures delivered in Edinburgh under the auspices of the Chal- mers Association, in 1869-70... Edited by T. Ivory. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. SGP Chisholm, Colin. The clearance of the Highland glens. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 174-188.) NDO Chisholm, George G. Density of popu- lation, Scotland, 1911. 1 map. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 27, p. 466-469.) KAA Christie, J. Robertson. Insanity and re- cent criminal practice [in Scotland]. (Juri- dical review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 19, p. 165-177.) SEA Church of Scotland. Report from Gen- eral Assembly's committee on church in- terests; with appendix. London: Wyman and Sons, Ltd., 1910. iv, 90, 2 p., 1 table. f°. (Great Britain — Royal commission on Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Ap- pendix, v. 29.) ft SHL Church of Scotland. — Synod of Aber- deen. Statement, respecting the practice of excluding, in certain cases,, both the widow and orphan family of a contributor from any benefit whatever from the "Fund established for a provision to ministers' widows, etc., etc., in Scotland;" with ex- tracts from the printed acts of Parliament ...also, Extracts from the original cal- culations and tables, etc.... Drawn up and published by appointment of... the synod of Aberdeen, in October, 1828. Aberdeen: D. Chalmers & Co/, 1829. 42 p. 8°. * C p.v.1067 Church of Scotland. — Widows Fund. Report of the trustees for managing the fund established for a provision for the LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 683 Sociology, continued. widows and children of the ministers of The Church of Scotland. . . 1824, 1826-28. (Edinburgh, 1824-28?, sq. 4°. SHR Cockburn, John, of Ormiston. Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to his gardener, 1727-1744. Edited with intro- duction and notes by James Colville. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1904. 2 p.l., vii-xliv, 106 p., 1 port. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications.' v. 45.) CPA Of value for the history of agriculture in Scot- land. Colby, Clara Bewick. What the second city of Great Britain is doing for the peo- ple; or, Where municipal-ownership is in full flower. (The Arena. Boston, 1905. 8°. v. 33, p. 361-369.) * DA Coldstream, John P. On the increase of divorce in Scotland. (National Associa- tion for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1881. 8°. 1880, p. 261-267.) SA Colville, James. The rural economy of Scotland in the time of Burns. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. v. 23, p. 120-152.) * EC Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh. Act of Parliament relative to the general and widows' scheme funds of the company... With rules and bye-laws ...and reports in reference to the above- mentioned funds. . . Edinburgh, 1842. vi, 137 p. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Memoir for the masters and assis- tants of the company. . .sent J. Sinclair, town-clerk of the said city. [Edinburgh, 1852.] 8 p. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Report by the master and assist- ants of the. . .company., .on the bill for the proposed abolition of tolls in Scot- land... Edinburgh, 1857. 8 p. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Report of the proceedings at the annual meeting, 1857-58. Edinburgh, 1858. nar. 16°. SHD p.v.3 Report from the sub-committee who were deputed to learn from the lord provost and magistrates of Edinburgh, their reasons for wishing to postpone the Union Canal Bill till next year. [Edin- burgh,, n. d. 16 p. 8°. TSB p. box 5 Rules and standing orders of the company... [Edinburgh,, 1852. 12 p. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Septennial investigation into the general and widow's scheme funds... as at Sept., 1855. no. 4. Edinburgh, 1856. 8 °- SHD p.v.3 Condition of the labouring poor, and the management of paupers in Scotland. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh 1840. 4°. v. 7, p. 681-696, 749-760.) * DA Considerations on the importation of foreign corn; arising out of the proceed- ings, at a meeting of the heritors of Fife- shire. . .shewing, that the present high price of everything has been caused by the excessive increase of the rent of land ... London: the author, 1814. 2 p.l., 115 P- 8°. VPMp.v.34 Constable, A. H. B. A commentary upon the Married Women's Policies of Assurance (Scotland) Act, 1880. (Actu- arial Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 3, p. 339-362.) SIC Cook, John. A brief view of the Scot- tish system for the relief of the poor; and of some proposed changes on it. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. 79 p. 8°. SGF p.v.8 Cowan, Robert. Vital statistics of Glas- gow. [By Robert Cowan., (Statistical journal and record of useful knowledge. London, 1838. 8°. v. 1, p. 222-237.) VPE p.v.15 Vital statistics of Glasgow, illus- trating the sanatory condition of the popu- lation. (Statistical Society of London. Journal. London, 1840. 8°. v. 3, p. 257- 292.) SDA Coxe, Sir James. On the condition of the insane in Scotland, as influenced by legislation. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transac- tions. London, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 215-220.) SA Crofters, The, of the Highlands. (West- minster review. London, 1888. 8°. v. 129, p. 229-241.) * DA Crofters, past and present. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 180, p. 264-274.) * DA Cross, Andrew W. Humorous charac- teristics of the Scot. (The Arena. Bos- ton, 1898. 8°. v. 19, p. 680-683.) * DA Crowly, Reginald W. State-aid for fishermen; the pressing need and its solu- tion. [With introduction by Robert Har- court. London?, 1911. 12 p. 8°. VRCp.v.ll Repr. : Shipping and mercantile gazette, and Lloyd's list. Cunningham, William. The guildry and trade incorporations in Scottish towns. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1913. 8°. series 3, v. 7, p. 1-24 ) Curie, Alexander Ormiston. The kit- chen and buttery accounts of the earl of Angus's household, in Glasgow and the THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 684 Sociology, continued. Canongate, from June to November, 1608. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 191-207.) CPA Notes on an account of the ex- penditure of Archibald, ninth earl of Ar- gyll in the maintenance of his household, etc., at Inveraray in... 1680. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 41, p. 100-107.) CPA A Roxburghshire mansion and its contents in 1729. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. S, p. 265- 272.) CPA A., . A brief plea for the able-bodied unemployed [in Scotland]. By a member of several relief committees. Glasgow: Wm. Lang, 1848. 16 p. 8°. SGFp.v.7 Digest of essays on the bothy system of maintaining single farm-servants. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. v. 14, p. 133-144.) VPA Digest of reports of the commissioners of religious instruction in Scotland; ex- hibiting the Church establishment, teinds, stipends, and surplus teinds, and the ac- commodation and population of all the landward parishes; with a summary of the law of teinds. By a member of the Col- lege of Justice. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1838. 3 p.l., 40, 33 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.13 Dow, J. G. The Scotch Ploughmen's Union and its reforms. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 197-211.) * DA Duncan, Andrew. A letter to the late . . . Neil Macvicar, lord provost of Edin- burgh, October, 1803, recommending the establishment of a lunatic asylum in the metropolis of Scotland. To which is now added, a postscript to the present lord provost; recommending an immediate ap- plication to Parliament for the appropria- tion of the money left by John Watson, Esq., for pious and charitable purposes at Edinburgh, to that institution. Edin- burgh, 1815. 26 p. 8°. WPW Duncan, Ebenezer. Some observations on the consumption of alcohol, and on the comparative death-rate from alcoholic ex- cess in England, Ireland, and Scotland. 2 diagr. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. v. 39, p. 167-179.) * EC • Some points on the social progress of Scotland in recent times. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1899. 8°. v. 30, p. 1-11.) * EC Duncanson, Andrew. Charity to the poor and fatherless recommended: a ser- mon preached at Airdrie, 15th October 1807, before the East Monkland Orphan society and published. . .for the benefit of the society. With an appendix [containing an account of the society]. Glasgow: James Hedderwick & Co., 1808. 56 p. 8° ZECp.v.78 Dundee Royal Asylum for Lunatics Annual report, no. 20 (1839/40). Dundee' 1840. 8°. WPW Charter erecting the infirmary and lunatic asylum of Dundee into a body corporate and politic. [Dundee, 1819.] 20 p. 8°. WPW Dundee Social Union. Annual report no. 21 (1908/9). Dundee: Burns & Harris' printers, 1909. 16°. SHO Report on housing and industrial conditions and medical inspection of school children. Dundee: J. Leng & Co 1905. xvi, 150 p. 8°. SHO Dunlop, A. M. The law of Scotland regarding the poor. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood and Sons, 1854. v, 272 p. 8°. SGP Dunlop, J. C, joint author. See Paton, Diarmid Noel, and others. Dunlop, John. Artificial drinking usages of North Britain. Greenotk: K. John- ston, 1836. 122 p. 4. ed. 8°. *Cp.v.427 Durland, Kellogg. Among the Fife miners. (Blackwood's magazine. Lon- don, 1902. 8°. v. 171, p. 41-53, 370-381.) *DA Edinburgh. — Parochial Board. Ex- tract decree as to poorhouse and grounds, Trinity Hospital charters, and other docu- ments, referred to in claim by the Paroch- ial Board. . .against the Town Council, n. p., 1862. 30 p. 8°. SGFp.v.9,no.l8 ■ Report of law committee under remit of the Parochial Board., .anent the board's right to poorhouse grounds, and to other grants and mortifications for the use of the poor. [Edinburgh,] 1861. 61 p. 8°. SGFp.v.9,no.l7 [Resolution. City parish poor's- rate. Nov. 3, 1864.] [Edinburgh, 1864?] 1 1. 8°. SGFp.v.9,no.45 Edinburgh Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes. Contract of copartnery. Edinburgh: An- drew Jack, 1851. 2 p.l., 16 p. 8°. * Cp.v.973 Edinburgh Original Ragged or Indus- trial Schools, Ramsay Lane, Castle Hill. Annual report, no. 5-6. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1852-53. 8°. *Cp.v.674 Ellice, Edward, the younger. A letter to... Sir George Gray... in reply to a re- port upon the administration of the poor law in the Highlands of Scotland. [Signed E. Ellice, jr.] London: J. Ridgway, 1855. 37 p. 8°. SGPp.v.3,no.l2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 685 Sociology, continued. English, The, Sunday and the Scotch Sabbath. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1858. 4°. v. 25, p. 661-666.) *DA Explanations regarding the establish- ment of the United Industrial Schools [Of Edinburgh, Also constitution and rules] with an appendix of documents... Edin- burgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1847. 56 p. 8°. SGFp.v.7 Extension of the area of chargeability. The battle of the poor houses. Glasgow: N. Adshead [1867]. 20 p. 8°. SGP p. box Repr.: Poor law magazine, March, 1867. Extracts from letters to the Rev. Dr. [Norman] M'Leod, Glasgow, regarding the famine and destitution in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. 1847. Glasgow: John Smith & Son [1847]. 72 p. 8°. * C p.v.483 Farquhar, George. The Scotsman as a householder. (Westminster review. Lon- don, 1893. 8°. v. 140, p. 635-643.) * DA v Farquharson, Archibald. Highlanders at home and abroad. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 9-25.) NDO Partly in Gaelic. Few, A, plain questions to the working people of Scotland. A new edition [signed, A friend of order]. [Edinburgh?] 1793. 2 pi, (1)6-15 p. 8°. * C p.v.445 Forbes, William. Some considerations on the Scotch poor-law question: in a let- ter to a friend. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1845. 60 p. 8°. SGF p.v.4 Fraser, William. Fluctuations of the building trade, and Glasgow's house ac- commodation. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. Proceedings, v. 39, p. 21-40.) * EC Rents and ground rents. Facts and figures bearing upon the "Housing prob- lem" [in Glasgowj. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1902. 8°. v. 33, p. 124-143.) * EC Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward. The Scotch land question — Aberdeenshire agi- tation. (Nineteenth century. London, 1881. 8". v. 10, p. 794-812.) * DA Friendly Baking Association, Edin- burgh. Rules for the Friendly Baking Association, in Edinburgh and suburbs. Edinburgh: J. Taylor, 1800. 7 p. 12°. SIO p.box 1 Fullarton, J. H. The development of the Scottish Highlands — future pros- pects. (Scottish review. Paisley, 189S. 8°. v. 25, p. 291-309.) * DA Future, The, of the Highlands. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 2 o 101-117.) *DA Fyfe, Peter. Back lands and their in- habitants. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1901 38 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. TDN p.v.9, no.9 Gairdner, W. T. On defects of house construction in Glasgow as a cause of mortality. (Philosophical Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 7, p. 245-257.) * EC p. 258-262 contain a discussion on the paper. Gamgee, John. Diseased meat sold in Edinburgh, and meat inspection, in con- nection with the public health, and with the interests of agriculture. A letter to the... lord provost of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh: Sutherland & Knox, 1857. 32 p. 8°. * C p.v.669 Garnett, Mrs. C. Among the Scotch navvies. (Good words. London, 1879. 8°. v. 20, p. 413-416.) * DA Gamier, Russell Montague. The Scot- tish peasant before and after the time of the Union. (In his: Annals of the British peasantry. London, 1895. 8°. p. 158-172.) TDK Geddes, Patrick. City development, a study of parks, gardens, and culture in- stitutes. A report to the Carnegie Dun- fermline Trust. With plan, perspective, and. . .illustrations. Edinburgh: Geddes & Co., 1904. 1 p.l., 232 p., 1 plan, 2 pi. 4°. fMST Geddes, Patrick, and others. Discus- sion on housing in Scotland. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 44, p. 246-289.) * EC Geikie, Sir Archibald. The colliers of Carrick. (Good words. London, 1873. 8°. v. 14, p. 306-311.) *DA Reprinted in his Geological sketches at home and abroad, p. 59-73, New York, 1892. Gentleman Farmer. On tenants of the Church in Scotland. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1791. 16°. v. 2, p. 281-292.) * DE Gladstone, George. Scottish denomina- tional temperance societies. (In: Tem- perance in all nations, ed. by J. N. Stearns. New York, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 274-277.) * R - VTZ Glasgow. — Medical Officer of Health. Census 1881 — Glasgow. The decennial census as a basis for the statistics of in- tervening years, illustrated by the case of Glasgow, with tables derived from census ... Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1881. 39 p., 5 tables. 8°. SDNp.box Report on certain cases of plague occurring in Glasgow in 1900. Glasgow: R. Anderson, printer [1901]. 86 p., 5 1., 5 pi. fo f WEO p.box 686 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sociology, continued. Glasgow Association for Organizing Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendici- ty. Handbook of Glasgow charitable and beneficent institutions... Compiled by a committee of the [Glasgow] Association for Organizing Charitable Relief and Re- pressing Mendicity. Glasgow: Charity Or- ganization Society, 1888. xv, 143(1) p. 8°. SHL Glasgow Asylum for the Blind. Annual report, no. 10 (1837). Glasgow, 1837. 8°. SSOCp. box Glasgow Ayrshire Society. Report by the directors of the. . .society, with ab- stract of the rules, and alphabetical list of members of the society. Glasgow, 1852. 25 p. 8°. SIAp.box Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Institution. A brief historical sketch of the origin and progress of the. . .institution. Glasgow, 1885. 34 p., 2 pi. 8°. SSPCp.box Glasgow Female Society. Regulations. [Glasgow: Courier Office, 1799.] 2 p. 12°. SHD p.v.l Glasgow Infant School Society. An- nual report, no. 1 (1829). Glasgow, 1829. 8°. * C p.v. 1067 Glasgow Night Asylum for the Home- less. Annual report, no. 8 (1844/5). Glas- gow. 1845. 8°. SHT Glasgow Protecting Association. Pro- posed rules of the Glasgow Protecting Association, with memorial to counsel and his opinion... Glasgow: J. Graham, 1835. 10 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l321 Letter of John Buchanan annexed. Glasgow Royal Asylum for Lunatics. Annual report, no. 1-38, 49 (1814-52, 1862). Glasgow, 1818-63. 8°. WPW no. 1-37 in one volume, no. 1-2 are 2. ed. ■ List of contributors to the... asy- lum, 1815. [Glasgow, 1815.] 20 p. 8°. WPW Regulations. Glasgow: W. Lang, 1814. 24 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l074 Glasgow, 1850. 43 p. 8°. WPW Report of .the general committee appointed to carry into effect the pro- posal for a lunatic asylum at Glas- gow, with a minute of the first general meeting of qualified subscribers. Glas- gow, 1814. 20 p. 2. ed. 8°. WPW Transcript of original charter, granted by King George iv. in favour of the Glasgow Lunatic Asylum, erecting the same into a body corporate and politic. . 1824. Glasgow, 1833. 14 p. 8°. WPW Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Annual re port. no. 19, 28-30, 33, 39-40, 45 (1813 1822-24, 1827, 1833-34, 1839). Glasgow' 1814-40. sq. 8°. WZO Heads of the charter. [Glasgow 181-?] 22 p. 8°. *C p.v 1177 Glasgow Seamen's Friend Society. An- nual report. no. 2-3, 7(1823/4-1824/5 1828/9). Glasgow, 1824-29. 8°. SHP [Organization and regulations, [Glasgow, 1822.] 4 p. 8°. SHP Glasgow Society for the Benevolent Visitation of the Destitute Sick and Others in Extreme Poverty. Report. 1834. Glas- gow, 1834. 8°. SHO Glasgow Society for the Sons of Minis- ters of the Church of Scotland. An account of the society with appendix, con- taining the society's charter, list of mem- bers, and other information... Glasgow 1850. 31 p. 8°. SHW Glasgow Stirlingshire Charitable Soci- ety. Rules and regulation., .also, office- bearers for 1864: and lists of presidents, treasurers, vice-treasurers, secretaries, and members, since its foundation. Glasgow J. Macnab, 1864. 36 p. 8°. Drexel651 Glasgow Workmen's Dwellings Com- pany, Limited. Some experiments in housing, 1891-1901. [Glasgow: Carson and Nicol, 1901.] 2 p.l., 3-37 p. illus. nar. 4°. TDN p.v.7 Glenelg. Report... on the administra- tion of the poor law in the parish of Glen- elg. By Sir John M'Neill. Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, 1855. 1 p.l., 155 p. 8°. SGP p.v.5, no.4 Glenkens Society for Improving the Condition of the Working Classes. An- nual report of the proceedings, no. 7. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1837. 25 p. 8°. VPE p.v.15 Golf on the inland links of Scotland. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 145-150.) *DE Gordon, Alexander. The Scotch farm- labourer. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 219-238.) * DA Gordon, Sir Robert. Encovragements, for such as shall have intention to bee Vnder-takers in the new plantation of Cape Breton, now New Galloway in Amer- ica, by mee Lochinvar... [By Sir Robert Gordon.] Edinbvrgh: John Wreittoun, 1625. 17 1. 4°. Reserve (In: Royal letters, charters, and tracts, relating to the colonization of New Scotland... Edinburgh, 1867. 4°. 17 1.) The New York Public Library also possesses set of proof-sheets of this edition with notes and cor- rections by the editor, Dr. David Laing. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 687 Sociology, continued. Gordon-Cumming, Constance Frederica. A cry for help. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 254, p. 273-280.) * DA Famine in the Lewis. Graham, E. Maxtone. The charitie of the boxe. 1 pi. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 30-37.) CPA Plate with two old beggars' badges (Eglesgrig, 1773, and Kirkcudbright) and old kirk ladle from Birnie, Morayshire. Graham, Henry Grey. Rural Scotland in the first half of last [18th] century. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 104-129.) * DA Great Britain. — Commissioners of the Annexed Estates. Rules and articles... for the improvement of the lowland farms, and for the encouragement of tenants upon the said estates. Edinburgh, 1773. 10 p. 4°. fTEp.v.41 Great Britain. — Royal Commission on Care and Control of Feeble-Minded. Min- utes of evidence., .with appendices and indexes. London, 1908. 7 v. f °. ft WPT For the evidence relating to Scotland see v. 3, p. 8-74, 153-271, 277-329, 347-352; v. 5, p. 120-154; v. 6, p. 367-405. Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for raising and securing a fund for making provision for the widows of the writers to His Majesty's signet in Scotland. [Edin- burgh? 1803.] 13 p. f°. Slip. box Gurney, Joseph John. Notes on a visit made to some of the prisons in Scotland and the north of England in company with Elizabeth Fry... London: A. Constable & Co., 1819. viii, 170 p. 2. ed. 12°. SLT Guthrie, Charles John Guthrie, lord. The history of divorce in Scotland. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 39-52.) CPA Guthrie, Thomas. A plea for ragged schools; or Prevention better than cure. Edinburgh: John Elder, 1847. 50 p. 7. ed. 8°. STH p. box 6 A second plea for ragged schools; or, Prevention better than cure. With illustrations by W. Douglas. Edinburgh: John Elder, 1849. 58 p., 2 pi. 8°. SGF p.v.7 Supplement to "A plea for ragged schools." Edinburgh: John Elder, 1847. 16 P- 8°. SGF p.v.7 Haddow, Robert. The miners of Scot- land. (Nineteenth century. London, 1888. 8°. v. 24, p. 360-371.) * DA An account of the conditions of colliery life. Hamilton, Robert. On the management ?L the P° or - (I n ni s ; Essays. Aberdeen, 1831. 8°. p. 81-121.) *Cp.v.l092 Hancock, William Neilson. A compari- son of the law of poor removals and chargeability in England, Scotland, and Ireland, with suggestions of a plan of as- similation, and a remedy for hardships now caused by removals. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Jour- nal. Dublin, 1876. 8°. v. 6, p. 25-43.) SA On the bothy system of lodging farm labourers in Scotland; its violation of the family principles; its condemnation by the Free Church of Scotland; the con- clusions to be deduced from the facts stated, and their application to Ireland. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Journal. Dublin, 1860. 8°. v. 2, p. 375-381.) SA What are the causes of the dis- tressed state of the Highlands of Scot- land?. . .Belfast: Henry Greer, 1852. 16 p. 8°. (Belfast Social Inquiry Society.) TE p.v.2 Henderson, Angus. The origin of golf. (Guth na bliadhna. Stirling, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 174-185.) NDK Hendry, James. The orphan homes of Scotland; and what they do for city waifs, illus. (Good words. London, 1882. 8°. 1882, p. 414-419.) * DA Hepburn, David. The chronicles of the Caledonian Society of London. London: Waterlow & Sons, Ltd., 1890. 4 p.l., 183 (1) p. illus. 4°. fCPA Highland destitution. Letter to the lord provost, in regard to the formation of local committees; with remarks occa- sioned by the proceedings of the Free Church committee connected with the fund. [By a member of the Established Church of Scotland.] Edinburgh: T. Paton, 1847. 1 p.l., 16 p. 8°. * C p.v.439 Highland land law reform. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 137- 163.) * DA Highland, A, shealing. (Temple Bar. London, 1883. 8°. v. 69, p. 510-520.) * DA Highland Society of Scotland. Premi- ums offered by the., .society, for informa- tion respecting friendly societies or other societies in Scotland which make provision for their sick members. Edinburgh, 1820. 2 1. f°. SILAp. boxl Holiday, A, among the crofters. (Mur- ray's magazine. London, 1887. 8°. v. 2, p. 315-326.) *DA Home, David Milne. On social reforms needed in Scotland. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1867. 121 p. 8°. CP p. box 2 688 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sociology, continued. Home truths on the crofter agitation. By an old Highlander. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 138, p. 92-100.) *DA See also the note of apology in v. 139, p. 413. Hunter, Henry. Scottish poor law re- form. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1890. 8°. v. 16, p. 201-215.) *DA Hutchinson, Horace G. A royal and ancient game. (Murray's magazine. Lon- don, 1887. 8°. v. 2, p. 470-480.) * DA Golf. Hutchison, Robert. On the economic condition of the English agricultural la- bourer, in relation to his food and its mode of cooking, considered in contrast to the dietary of the Scottish agricultural labourer. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1871. 8°. series 4, v. 3, p. 349-378.) VPA Report on the dietaries of Scotch agricultural labourers. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. series 4, v. 2, p. 1-29.) VPA Imperfections of the Scottish reform act. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1836. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 395- 400.) * DA Indenture of a horse race betwixt the earls of Morton and Abercorn and the Lord Boyd. Anno 1621. 1 fac. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 193-203.) fCP Inglis, E. M., joint author. See Paton, Diarmid Noel, and others. Innes, Alexander Taylor. The law of Scotland on Cameronian and charitable be- quests. (Catholic Presbyterian. London, 1879. 8°. v. 1, p. 376-384.) * DA Islesman, An, pseud. Crofter migration. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 149, p. 421-428.) * DA The crofters: Their condition and prospects. (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 146, p. 526-541.) * DA Government and the crofters. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1890. 8°. v. 148, p. 431-440.) * DA Johnson, Clifton. The crofters of Skye. (Outlook. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 69, p. 565-572.) * DA j Johnson, Stanley C. A history of emi- gration from the United Kingdom to North America, 1763-1912. London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1913. xvi, 387 p. 8°. (Studies in economics and political science, no. 34.) SEV Johnston, James A. Scottish Temper- ance League. (In: Temperance in all countries. Ed. by J. N. Stearns. New York, 1893. 8°. v. 2, p. 409-413.) *R-VTZ Key, The, of the door of the one- roomed house, being a letter to John Bright on the causes of the poverty and distress in Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Gem- mell [1883]. 1 p.l., 37 p. 5. ed. 12°. * C p.v.527 Lamb, David. Notes on rural and sub- urban life in Scotland in the "Thirties." (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1902. 8°. v. 33 p. 250-266.) * EC Lamond, R. P. The Scottish poor laws; examination of their policy, history and practical action. By Scotus [pseud, of R. P. Lamond]. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1870. xii, 227 p. 8°. SGP The Scottish poor laws: their his- tory, policy and operation. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co., 1892. 3 p.l., ix-xvi, 398 p. new ed. 8°. SGP Land tenure in Scotland. (Edinburgh review. London, 1885. 8°. v. 161, p. 299- 331.) *DA Land transfer reform in Scotland. (Ju- ridical review. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 316-318.) SEA Laveleye, fimile de. Scotch and other townships. (Fortnightly review. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 37, p. 831-841.) *DA Lefevre, George John Shaw. Agrarian questions in Scotland. (In his: Agrarian tenures. London, 1893. 8°. p. 181-216.) TE Letter addressed to... Sir Robert Peel, bart., on the poor law system of Scotland. With a view to such alterations as may shortly be brought before Parliament. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1845. 26 p. 8°. SGFp.v.4 Lewis, David. Britain's social state. Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League, 1872. iv, 252 p. 16°. VTZ Liberton Kirk-Session. Report in re- gard to the state of pauperism in the parish of Liberton, with suggestions for improving it; submitted to the heritors by the kirk-session, November, 1839. Edin- burgh: J. Johnstone, 1839. 24 p. 8°. SGF p.v.8, no.3 Local government in Scotland. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1889. 8". v. 13, p. 1-27.) * DA Lunacy and pauperism in Scotland. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 24, p. 449-455.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 689 Sociology, continued. Macdonald, Duncan George Forbes. The Highland crofters of Scotland socially con- sidered with reference to proprietors and oeoole . London: the author, 1878. 142 p. 8°. TE Macdonald, George U., joint author. See Bailey, F., and George U. Macdonald. Macdonald, Ian. Smuggling in the High- lands. An account of Highland whisky, with smuggling stories and detections. Stirling: Eneas Mackay [1914]. 4 p.l., 9- 124 p., 5 pi., 1 port. 8°. TIY Macdonald, John. The Highland clear- ances. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 79-85.) NDO The social condition of the High- lands. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 239-245.) NDO Macdonald, L. The past and present position of the Skye crofters. Glasgow: Bell and Bain, printers [1886]. 18 p., 12 1. 8°. TE p.v.2 Macdonell, John. The land question with particular reference to England and Scotland. London: Macmillan & Co., 1873. 4 p.l., 250 p., 1 1. 8°. TE Macfarlan, John F. Inquiry respect- ing the sobriety and steadiness of the working classes, and the effect which high duties produce on the consumption of ar- dent spirits, and on the morals of the peo- ple. Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1834. 31 p. 8°. VTZ p. box 6 Macfayden, James R. The theory of the death rate, with measurements of the com- parative force of mortality, in Glasgow and other cities. 1 diagr., 2 tables. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 7, p. 425-439.) *EC Discussion on above, p. 439-441. Macgregor, Alexander. Destitution in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1877. 8". v. 2, p. 121-128, 161-168, 214-219, 396-402,434- 443.) * DE , An account of the destitution in the Highlands in 1836-37. Mackenzie, Alexander. The history of the Highland clearances; containing a re- print of Donald Macleod's "Gloomy mem- ories of the Highlands;" Isle of Skye in 1882; and a verbatim report of the trial of the Braes crofters. Inverness : A. & W. Mackenzie, 1883. xv, 528 p. 12°. TE Mackenzie, John. Evictions and the Highland crofters. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 34-41.) * DE Mackenzie, John. On pauperism — its cure; and the land question. Edinburgh- Seton & Mackenzie, 1870. 29 p. 8°. * C p.v.370 Mainly on the crofter system in Scotland. Mackenzie, William. Bliadhna nan cao- rach — "The year of the sheep." (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 254-279.) NDO , j The 7 ear of the shee P" >s 1792 when the High- land crofters began to be driven from their farms to make way for sheep. Mackenzie, William Cook. The High- land crofters and their needs. (Progres- sive review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 2, p 326-336.) SA. Mackintosh, John. The Highland land question historically considered. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 108-116.) *DE M'Laren, Charles. The Scotsman's ad- vice to the labouring classes, on the best means of raising their wages, and securing themselves and their families against want. [Signed: The editor of the Scotsman, i.e., Charles M'Laren.] Edinburgh: A. Black, 1830. 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v.lll4 Repr. : Scotsman, Nov. 10 and 13, 1830. M'Laren, Duncan. The rise and prog- > ress of whisky-drinking in Scotland, and the working of the "Public-houses (Scot- land) Act," commonly called Forbes M'Kenzie Act. Glasgow: Scottish Tem- perance League, 1858. 48 p. 8°. * C p.v.609 M'Leod, Donald. Gloomy memories in the Highlands of Scotland: versus Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's Sunny memories in (England) a foreign land: or, A faith- ful picture of the extirpation of the Celtic race from the Highlands of Scotland. Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1892. 1 p.l., iii, xvi, 212 p. [4. ed.]. 8°. CP See also under Mackenzie, Alex- ander A. The history of the Highland clearances. . . MacLeod, Reginald. The Crofter Com- mission. (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 146, p. 517-526.) * DA The crofters: how to benefit them. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 139, p. 559-563.) * DA Land, population, and wealth in the Western Isles. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 143, p. 413-424.) * DA With postscript on separate slip inserted opposite p. 424. Maclure, David. Common sense; being eight letters on the administration of relief to the poor in Glasgow... Glasgow: D. Chambers, 1848. 1 p.l., 5-74 p. 4°. * C p.v.508 690 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sociology, continued. M'Neill, Sir John. See entry under Glenelg. Macpherson, Alexander. Glimpses of church and social life in Badenoch in old- en times. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 178-200.) NDO Glimpses of church and social life in the Highlands in olden times, and other papers. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1893. xvi p., 2 1., (1)4-528 p., 3 fac, 7 pi., 6 port. 4°. tCP Marwick, Sir James David. Observa- tions on early guilds of merchants and craftsmen, with special reference to the relation in which the guilds of Scottish towns stand to those of other countries in bygone times. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1886. 8°. v. 17, p. 159-181.) *EC Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Annals of the Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assur- ance Society, during one hundred years, 1815-1914. Edinburgh: printed for the so- ciety, 1914. vi p., 1 1., 132 p., 1 pi., 8 port. 8°. SII Merchant Company of the City of Edin- burgh. See Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh. Millar, W. An account of the Edin- burgh Reform Jubilee, celebrated 10th August 1832; also the Leith Reform Jubi- lee, celebrated same day... Edinburgh: A. Black, 1832. 60 p. 8°. CRp.box Milne, James. The emigrant's farewell. (In his: John Jonathan and Company. New York [1912]. 12°. p. 228-239.) ILD Milne, P. Ecclesiastical punishments in the 17th century. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 167-176.) CPA Mitchell, Alexander, of Dalkeith. Politi- cal and social movements in Dalkeith from 1831 to 1882. Printed for private circula- tion. [Edinburgh: Morrison and Gibb,i 1882. viii, 229 p., 1 1. 8°. CP Monilaws, George Hope. A catechism on pauperism and the poor-laws in Scot- land. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1845. 50 p. 8°. SGF p.box 2 Monypenny, David. Additional remarks on the proposed alteration of the Scottish poor laws, and of the administration there- of. Edinburgh: Wm. Whyte & Co., 1841. iv, 172 p. 8°. SGF p.v.8, no.5 Proposed alteration of the Scottish poor laws, and of the administration there- of, as stated by Dr. Alison. . .considered and commented on. Edinburgh: Wm. Whyte & Co., 1840. 6 p., 1 1., 119 p. 8°. SGF p.v.2 Remarks on the poor laws, and on the method of providing for the poor in Scotland. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1834. xix 7^0 n 8° onr! 250 p. 8°. SGP Morton, W. Kinniburgh. The Crofters' Act in Shetland. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1890. 8°. v. 16, p. 324-337.) *DA Motion, James R. The care of the pau- per insane in Scotland and its cost. (West- minster review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 161 p. 452-462.) *DA Notes on the Scottish poor-law, the- unemployed, and labour colonies. (Phil- osophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. v. 26, p. 73-87 ) *EC Muir, G. W. Suggestions for the im- provement of the Scotch poor laws, ad- dressed to William Smythe. . . Glasgow J. M'Nab, 1848. 19 p. 8°. TDB p.v.2 Munro-Ferguson, Robert Craufurd. The Scottish Small Landholders' Bill. (Na- tional review. London, 1907. 8°. v. 50 p. 236-245.) *DA Murdoch, John. The land question in the Highlands of Scotland. (Penn month- ly. Philadelphia, 1880. 8°. v. 11, p. 125- 138, 213-219.) *DA Our fires and fire-sides. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 65-74.) NDO New lights upon an old subject; or, The running of Sabbath trains, — not a sin, but a duty: a letter to the inhabitants of Edin- burgh. [Signed: A friend of the Sabbath.] Edinburgh: J. D. Lowe, 1847. 16 p. 8°. ZFBp.v.14 Note on marriage and divorce in Scot- land. By a Scot. (Westminster review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 146, p. 213-215.) * DA Observations on the report, &c. [of the commissioners of police of Edinburgh] sent out from the Council Chamber along with a draft of a police bill. [Edinburgh, 1822., 16 p. 8°. SLXp.v.l Ogg, William F. What are the results of the administration of the poor laws of Scotland compared with those of other parts of the United Kingdom? (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1878. 8°. 1877, p. 625-632.) SA Old, The, golf and the new. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 168, p. 385-393.) *DA Old Society of Weavers in Falkirk. Rules and regulations... Falkirk, 1812. 8°. *Cp.v.U37 Old, The, way of living in Scotland. (Chambers' Pocket miscellany. Boston, 1852. 12°. v. 4, p. 61-81.) LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 691 Sociology, continued. Palmer, Alfred Neobard. The crofter system of the Western Isles of Scotland, and the Callernish stone of Lewis. (Y Cvmmrodor. London, 1892. 8°. v. 11, p. 176-189.) NDR Paterson, Adam. Lecture upon some as- pects of the present as compared with the past condition of this country... Edin- burgh: W. Burness, printer, 186S. 1 p.l., 16 p. 8°. CP p.v.2, no.10 Paton, Diarmid Noel, and others. A study of the diet of the labouring classes in Edinburgh. . . By D. N. Paton, J. C. Dun- lop and E. Inglis. Edinburgh: 0. Schulze & Co. [1900.] vii, 104 p. 8°. TDI Pecheurs, Les, de la cote orientale d'ficosse. (Revue britannique. Paris, 1842. 8°. serie 5, v. 9, p. 112-129.) * DM Penney, Scott Moncrieff. The Highlands and Islands under commissioners. (Jurid- ical review. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 13. p. 423-438.) SEA Peterkin, Alexander. A letter to the Right Hon. Henry Erskine. . .relative to the act of Parliament for regulating the police of Edinburgh. [Signed Civis, pseud, of A. Peterkin?] Edinburgh: W. Black- wood, 1806. 30 p. 12°. SLX p.v.3, no.l Poison, A. The social progress of the Highlands since 1800. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 282-301.) NDO Prisons, The, of Scotland. 1 illus. (Pen- ny magazine. London, 1836. 4°. v. 5, p. 487-488.) * DA Prospect of a poor-law for Scotland. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 12, p. 323-326.) * DA Purves, James. The Lothian hinds. (Longman's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 645-662.) * DA The farm servants of East and Mid Lothian. Pusey, Philip. The poor in Scotland; compiled from the evidence taken before the Scotch Poor-law Commission. . . Lon- don: Jas. Burns, 1844. 70 p. 8°. SGF p.box 3 Rae, John. The Scotch village communi- ty. (Fortnightly review. London, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 38, p. 656-668.) * DA Ramsay, Edward Bannerman. Two lec- tures on some changes in social life and ?abits. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1857. 3 p.l., 108 p. 16°. * C p.v.898 Delivered in Ulbster Hall in 1856 and 1857. Recipes for high-class cookery as used in the Edinburgh School of Cookery. Lon- don: T. Nelson & Son [1912j. 3 p.l., 223 p. 12 . VTI Report of the committee, appointed at a general meeting of the inhabitants of Edin- burgh, for affording relief to the labouring classes in the city and suburbs... Edin- burgh: A. Smellie, 1817. 1 p.l., 25 p. 8°. * C p.v.1160 Report of the committee, to whom it was remitted to suggest a plan affording relief to the labouring classes in the city and suburbs... Edinburgh: A. Smellie, 1816 16 p. 8°. *C p.v.1160 Report of the poor-law commissioners for Scotland. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. new series, v. 11, p. 409-413.) *i)A Report on poor laws of Scotland. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 3, p. 471-514.) *DA Report of sub-committee of delegates from counties and parochial boards of Scotland on the increase of pauperism and the operation of the present poor law. Edinburgh : A. & C. Black, 1849. 1 p.l., 84 p. 8°. *Cp.v.446 Robertson, Alexander. Barriers to the national prosperity of Scotland; or, An in- quiry into some of the immediate causes of modern social evils. By R. Alister [pseud, of Alexander Robertson]. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1853. x, 292 p. 8°. SB Robertson, Joseph. Notices of two bills introduced into the last parliament of Scotland, the one for the registration of births, baptisms, marriages, and burials; the other, for the establishment of a system of free trade. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 313-317.) CPA On the use of wine among the lower orders in Scotland in the seventeenth century. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 424-428.) CPA With supplementary notes on use of wine in Aberdeen by John Stuart on p. 429-430. Rogers, R. Vashon. Scotch marriages. (The Green Bag. Boston, 1899. 4°. v. 11, p. 426-434.) XAA Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Report of the affairs and management. . .for the period from 1st October 1839, to 1st Octo- ber 1840. [Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1840., 44 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.31 Sang, Edward Elmslie. Remarks on the census returns of Scotland. (Royal Scot- tish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1878. 8°. v. 9, p. 207-240.) VA Scotch, The, marriage bill. (Blackwood'^s Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 61, p. 646-652.) * DA Scotch marriages. (The legal observer. London, 1843. 8°. v. 25, p. 6-7.) XAA 692 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sociology, continued. Scott, Andrew. The history and progress of the four leading articles of foreign ori- gin which were first imported into Great Britain about two centuries ago, viz.: sugar, tea, coffee, and potatoes. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 354-387.) CPA Scott, Charles. Remarks on the circum- stances and claims of the indigent poor, and the inadequacy of the present system of parochial relief in Scotland, with refer- ence especially to the town and parish of Peterhead... Aberdeen: Lewis Smith and George King, 1841. ,iv, (1)6-44 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.31 Scottish Association for Suppressing Drunkenness. Report by the acting com- mittee. 1853. Edinburgh, 1854. 8°. VTZA Scottish Corporation, of the Foundation of King Charles n. Scottish Hospital. A list of the officers and governors of the Scot. Cor. of the Found, of King Chas. ii., 1665-76; re-incorporated 1776 by His Present Majesty, King George in. Lon- don, 1791. 19 p. 8°. WZO Scottish, The, farm labourer. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1864. 8°. v. 10, p. 609- 622.) * DA Scottish Ladies Society for Promoting the Reformation of the Most Destitute of their Own Sex in Prisons and Other In- stitutions in Edinburgh. Report, no. 11 (1844/5). Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. SHR Scottish poor-laws. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. v. 4, p. 302-307.) *DA Scottish Register and Home Institution for Domestic Servants, Edinburgh. Annual report, no. 8 (1861). Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. SHT p.box 1 Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Annual report, no. 3, 18-21, 23-25, 28-29, 31, 33, 41, 69-73. (1842/3, 1857-60, 1862-64, 1867-68, 1870, 1872, 1880, 1908-12). Edinburgh, 1839-1913. 12° and 8°. YFTV • [Same] with proceedings of the first ...meeting... Dec, 1839. Edinburgh, 1839. 24 p. 8°. Scottish Temperance League. Letter to the Right Hon. Spencer Horatio Walpole . . .from the directors of the Scottish Tem- perance League; being a reply to the state- ments made to Sir George Grey, bart, by the deputation of Glasgow publicans. Glas- gow: Scottish Temperance League, 1853. 16 p. 12°. *Cp.v.609 Scotus, pseud. See entry under Lamond, R. P. Seton, George. Illegitimacy in the par- ish of Marnoch. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889 8° v. 15, p. 227-234.) *EC On illegitimacy in Scotland. (Roy- al Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. v. 12, p. 18-24.) *EC ■ Scottish vital statistics. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1884. 8°. v. 12, p. 619-633.) *EC Sherard, Robert Harborough. On child- slavery in Scotland — Edinburgh — Glasr gow — Dundee._ 1 pi. (In his: The child slaves of Britain. London, 1905. 8°. n 171-205.) TDL Sime, James. The crofters, illus. (Eng- lish illustrated magazine. London, 1885. 8° v. 2, p. 707-717.) *DA Simpson, James. Hints on the principles of a constitutional police, in observations on "A letter to the inhabitants of Edin- burgh on the new police bill." [With ap- pendix.] [By James Simpson.] Edinburgh - Waugh & Innes, 1822. 88 p., 8 1. 8°. SLX p.v.l Sinclair, Sir George, of Ulbster. Ob- servations on the new Scottish poor law. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1849. 91 p. 8°. SGFp.v.6 Skelton, John. The boarding out of pau- per children in Scotland. With an intro- duction on pauperism and a note on local inspection. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1876. 145 p. 12°. SGF The upbringing of pauper children in Scotland. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1880. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 212-222.) *DA Skene, Gilbert. Ane breve descriptiovn of the pest quhair in the cavsis, signis and sum speciall preseruation and cure thairof ar contenit. Edinburgh: Robert Lekprevik, 1568. 45 p. (Reprinted in: G. Skene, Tracts... Edinburgh, 1860. 4°.) fCP Snell, H. Saxon. Report on Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. (Sent for the informa- tion of the Committee of Management pending a report by the House commit- tee.) [Aberdeen,] 1886. 20 p., 3 plans. 8°. WZD p.v.4 Title from cover. Social, The, condition of the poor in Glasgow. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 1-29.) *DA Social, The, evils of Scotland — The bondage system. (Watchword. Edin- burgh, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 251-254, 310-314, 358-363, 396-401.) ZWA The first article has the title: Grievances of ploughmen. Somers, Robert. An abstract of the Scottish poor laws; together with an al- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 693 Sociology, continued. phabetical list of parishes in Scotland and the amount of unappropriated teinds in each... Annan: the author, 1844. 2 p.l., 51 p. 4°. * C p.v.508 Remarks on the Scottish poor-laws, with an abstract of the acts of Parliament relating to the poor. Edinburgh: C. Zieg- ler [184-?j. 51 p. 8°. SGF p.v.3 Speech of the lord advocate upon the introduction of the Scotch Poor Law Bill in the House of Commons, April 2, 1845; with the observations of other honourable members. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1845. 33 p. 12°. * C p.v.1050 Spence, John. The days of the old Shet- land sixern. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 36-38.) CR With glossary by A. W. Johnston on p. 39-41. Stark, James. Contribution to the vital statistics of Scotland. London: Harrison & Son, 1851. 1 p.l., 40 p. 8°. SDN p.v.4, no.2 On the mortality of Edinburgh and Leith, for the year 1848. With remarks on the mortality prevailing in the chief towns of Scotland during that period. Edinburgh : Robert Inches, 1849. 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.973 Stewart, C. Hunter. The sex and age incidence of mortality from pulmonary tu- berculosis in Scotland and in its groups of registration districts, since 1861. 13 tables. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 31, p. 352- 373). *EC Stewart, Dugald. Of the Scottish poor laws. (In his: Lectures on political econ- omy. Edinburgh, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 286- 299.) TC Stewart, Thomas Grainger. Notes on Scottish medicine in the days of Queen Mary. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 153, p. 885-902.) *DA Story, Douglas. The birth of golf, illus. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 27, p. 321-326.) * DA Strang, John. On the comparative prog- ress of the population of England and Scotland, as shown by the last (1861) cen- sus. (Statistical Society of London. Jour- nal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 24, p. 485-490.) SDA Reprinted in the Canadian journal of industry, '"™ ce a nd art, new series, v. 7, p. 129-136, Toronto, lo62. Stuart, Harry. Agricultural labourers, as they were, are, and should be, in their social condition... Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1853. 90 p. 8°. * C p.v.1306 r To whlch are appended the speeches and report of the Scottish Na- tional Association for Improvement of the Domestic Condition of Labourers at its formation. Edinburgh: William Black- wood and Sons, 1854. iv, (ii), 109, 12 p 1 plan. 8°. *Cp.v.463 Sugenheim, Samuel. Geschichte der Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft und Hor- lgkeit in Europa... St. Petersburg, 1861. 8 ■ SEKF p. 322-331: Schottlands bfirgerliche Zustande im Mittelalter und nach der erfolgten Union mit Eng- land. s Sunday trains on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway. Reasons why we voted for the resumption of Sunday trains. Re- spectfully dedicated to our brother share- holders. Glasgow: W. Lang, 1847. 26 p. 8°- ZFB p.v.14 Tait, James. The physiological distinc- tions in the condition of the Scottish peasantry. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. series 4, v. 15, p. 1-19.) VPA ■ [Edinburgh, 1883.] 19 p. 8°. TDK p.v.5 Thomson, Alexander. Lecture on sani- tary reform... 4th of November, 1859, be- fore a meeting of the Aberdeen Ladies' Auxiliary Sanitary Association. Aber- deen: G. & R. King, 1859. 34 p. 8°. SPI Thomson, George. Statement and re- view of a recent decision of the judge of police in Edinburgh: authorizing his of- ficers to make domiciliary visits in private families, to stop dancing, etc. [By George Thomson, signed Civis.j Edinburgh: Manners & Miller, 1807. 14 p. 8°. * C p.v.470 Thomson, James. Abstract of a com- munication "On the prevalence of rickets in the city of Glasgow, and in the west of Scotland, and the relation of rickets to the food and water used." (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1884. 8°. v. IS, p. 232-259.) * EC Letter to the lord advocate, on the impolicy of the law of parochial settle- ment, comprehending a scheme for suc- couring the poor of Scotland... Edin- burgh: T. Paton, printer, 1845. 22 p. 8°. SGF p.v.6 Thornton, William Thomas. Over-popu- lation and its remedy; or, An inquiry into the extent and causes of the distress pre- vailing among the labouring-classes of the British islands... London: Longman [&c.,, 1846. 8°. SDK Chap. 3: Evidences of over-population in Scot- land and Ireland; Chap. 6: Causes of over-popula- tion in Scotland and Ireland; Chap. 9: Remedies for over-population in Scotland and Ireland. 694 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sociology, continued. Thoughts on the proposed new police bill, and other proceedings connected with the county and city of Edinburgh. By an old citizen. Edinburgh: J. Robertson, 1816. 35 p. 8°. SLXp.v.l Tocher, James F. Observations on the Scottish insane: a reply to Dr. Beddoe. (Man. London, 1907. 4°. 1907, no. 82.) ^ QOA Tod, Thomas. An account of the rise, progress, present state, and intended en- largements, of the Orphan Hospital. To which is added, poetical meditations on various subjects. Edinburgh: James Don- aldson, 1785. 44, 47 p. 8°. *Cp.v.lll7 Observations on Dr. M'Farlan's in- quiries concerning the state of the poor. Edinburgh: James Donaldson, 1783. 3 p.l., 155 p. 8°. SGF Town-poor, The, of Scotland. (Douglas Jerrold's shilling magazine. London, 1845. 12°. v. 2, p. 29-41.) * DE Turnbull, George. Report on the prog- ress and present state of pauperism in Berwickshire; with suggestions as to the means of reducing its amount. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1838. 52 p. 8°. VPE p.v.15 Unemployed, The, and the proposed new poor-law. A letter from a Renfrew- shire heritor, to the holders of real prop- erty in that county, and other manufac- turing districts of Scotland. Glasgow: J. Smith & Son, 1843. 52 p. 8°. SGF p.v.3 University Club, Edinburgh. Rules and bye-laws with alphabetical list of the members. 1884/5, 1889/90-1890/1, 1892/3 1899/1900-1900/1, 1902/3. Edinburgh, 1885- 1903. 16°. • SKA Vaccine Institution. Address to the rev- erend the clergy of Scotland, from the managers of the Vaccine Institution at Edinburgh.' Edinburgh: Geo. Caw, 1803 27 p. 8°. ZECp.v.78 On inoculation for small-pox. Walker, William Stuart. A practical an- alysis of the Act 8 & 9 Victoria;, cap. 83, for the amendment and better administra- tion of the laws relating to the relief of the poor in Scotland. Edinburgh: Win. Blackwood & Sons, 1845. 1 p.l., 38 p. 8°. SGP p. box 1 Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1845. 1 p.l., 44 p. 3. ed. 8°. SGF p.v.4 Wallace, R. Hedger. Highland sheilings and Norwegian soeters. (New century re- view. London, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 84-92.) *DA Webster, H. A. Population t of Scot- land]. (In the: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, Gen- eral survey, p. 89-94.) f CPW Wilson, Robert. A sketch of the history of Hawick. . .to which is subjoined a short essay, in reply to Doctor Chalmers on pauperism and the poor-laws. Hawick: R. Armstrong, 1825. vii, 355 p. 12°. CR Education See also under Public Documents and Local History A., R. Freedom in the universities. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 76-79.) t MAA Aberdeen, Ishbel Maria, countess. Ad- dress to the Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women. April, 1889. [Edinburgh, 1889?, 37 p. 24°. * C p.v.372 Aberdeen Grammar School. Statuta et leges ludi literarii Grammaticorum Aber- donensium. 1553. (Spalding Club. Mis- cellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 399- 402.) t CP Aberdeen University. Annual report on the state of the finances. 1901/2-1909/10. Aberdeen, 1903-11. f°. f STK Annual statistical report by the Uni- versity Court. 1898/9-1909/10. Aberdeen [1900]-11. f°. ttSTK Calendar. 1909/10-1910/11. Aber- deen, 1909-10. 12°. STK Fasti Academiae Mariscallanae Aberdonensis. Selections from the records of the Marischal College and University. mdxciii-mdccclx. Edited by Peter John Anderson. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1889-98. 3 v. pi., port. 4°. (New Spald- ing Club.) fCP v. 1. Endowments. v. 2. Officers, graduates, and alumni. v. 3. Index to v. 2. Compiled by James Fowler Kellas Johnstone. Gifford lectures. 1896-1900, 1904-08. Edinburgh and v. p., 1899-1908. 8°. Scattered Library bulletin. Published Octo- ber, January, and April, v. 1-date. Aber- deen, 1911-date. 12°. * GRK . Officers and graduates of Univer- sity & King's College, Aberdeen, mvd- mdccclx. Edited by Peter John Anderson. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1893. xviii p., 1 1., 399 p., 3 pi., 1 port. 4°. (New Spald- ing Club.) -f-CP LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 695 Education, continued. plan of education in the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen. With the reasons of it. Drawn up by order m the faculty. Aberdeen: J-. Chalmers, printer, 1755. 35 p. 16°. STK University studies, no. 38-41, 44, 46-49, 51-57, 61. Aberdeen, 1909-11. 4°. and f°. For list of contents see entry under the section Periodicals and Transactions. Aberdeen University life, 1690-91. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 88-90.) CPA From the mss. of J. J. Hope Johnstone of Annan- dale. Abstract of deeds, endowing funds for charitable and educational purposes in the royal burgh of Banff. Banff, 1870. iv, 50 p. 8°. • SHL Abstract, An, of the general report of the royal commissioners appointed to visit the universities of Scotland, with notes and tabular states relating to the state of these institutions in 1826. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1836. vii(i), 161 p. 8°. STH p.v.3 Account of the establishment of a scien- tific, prize by the late Alexander Keith of Dunottar. In a letter from the trustees to Sir Walter Scott, bart, P.R.S.E. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1823. 4°. v. 9, p. 259-261.) * EC Account of the proceedings connected with the testimonial presented to John Wood, Esquire, on 23d December 1837; with the speech of Mr. Wood, on the presentation of the testimonial, carefully revised by that gentleman; and a preface containing an account of the Edinburgh Sessional School, and of Mr. Wood's con- nection with that institution. Edinburgh: W. Whyte and Co., 1838. 40 p. 8° ZWGS p.v.16 Act for delyverie of dead bodies to the colledge of Aberdene. 1636. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1842. 4°. v. 2, p. 71-74.) t CP See also editor's preface, p. xxxi-xxxiii. Adams, Herbert Baxter. University ex- tension in Scotland. (United States. — Bu- reau of Education. Report of the commis- sioner. Washington, 1900. 8°. 1898-99, p. 1037-1046.) STF Addison, William Innes. The matricu- lation albums of the University of Glas- gow, from 1728 to 1858. Transcribed and annotated. Glasgow: J. Maclehose and Sons, 1913. xiv p., 1 1., 607(1) p., 1 fac, Port. 4°. tSTK - — See also University of Glasgow. A roll of the graduates of the University of Glasgow. Amicus, pseud. Sketch of the University of Glasgow. (The Athenaeum. London. 1807-08. 8°. v. 2, p. 574-582; v. 3, p. 27- 33.) * DE Analysis of a new system of general education; in which the Lancastrian prin- ciples are discussed and enlarged, in a project for the erection of a grand public academy at Glasgow, to be supported by public markets in the suburbs of that city... Addressed to the heritors of the barony of Gorbals. . .with plans of Glas- gow and the neighbourhood. London: Gale & Curtis, 1811. ccviii, 272 p., 2 plans. 8°. SSI Anderson, Alexander. Gymnasia; or, In- termediate institutions, being a statement submitted to the College Committee of the Free Church. To which are prefixed, five letters on Free Church university educa- tion, with special reference to Aberdeen and the north of Scotland. . . Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1846. 44 p. 8°. ZDHV p.v.l Anderson, David Brown. A famous rec- torial address. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 263-269.) *DE Thomas Carlyle's rectorial address to students of Edinburgh University, 1866. Anderson, James Maitland. The begin- nings of St. Andrews University, 1410- 1418. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 225-248, 333-360.) CPA James i. of Scotland and the Uni- versity of St. Andrews. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 301-315.) CPA 'The princely Chandos' and the University of St. Andrews. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 41-70.) *DA See also under University of St. Andrews. Matriculation roll. Anderson, John. Prize essay on the state of society and knowledge in the Highlands of Scotland, particularly in the northern counties at the period of the Rebellion in 1745, and of their progress up to. . .1825. Edinburgh: Wm Tait, 1827. xxii, (1)24-170 p. 8°. CP Anderson, Peter John. The Blackwell essayists at Marischal College. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 179-182.) CPA Collections towards a bibliography of the universities of Aberdeen. Edin- burgh: printed for the Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society, 1907. vii(i), 159 p., 7 fac. 4°. (Edinburgh Bibliographical So- ciety. Papers, v. 8°.) Reserve 696 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Education, continued. Early Marischal College regents. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 34-36, S6-S8.) CPA Entrants at King's College before 1843. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 145-147.) CPA The Macra bursaries. 1794-1888. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 177-179.) CPA Marischal College veterans. 1 port. (Scottish nptes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 182-184.) CPA The Murray lectures at King's Col- lege. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1888-90. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 135-137, 155- 158; v. 3, p. 44.) CPA Notes of academic theses: with a bibliography of Duncan Liddell. 10 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1913. sq. 8°. 1911-13, p. 1-52.) Reserve Records of Aberdeen universities: addenda. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901-06. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 41; series 2, v. 3, p. 88; series 2, v. 4, p. 134-135; series 2, v. 6, p. 124, 169; series 2, v. 7, p. 171.) CPA Records of the Scottish universi- ties. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 162-163.) CPA Scottish university studies in the seventeenth century. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 34-36.) CPA Anglicizing, The, of the Scottish uni- versities. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8". v. 11, p. 390-412.) *DA Association for the Better Endowment of the University of Edinburgh. Annual reports. [1871-72], 1874-75. [Edinburgh, 1871-75.) 8°. STK Association for Promoting Education among Workmen, Apprentices, etc. An- nual report, no. 2, 5. Edinburgh, 1847-50. 8°. STK p. box Association of Teachers in the Second- ary Schools of Scotland. Report of gen- eral meeting, 19. October 1889... Edin- burgh: R. Anderson & Son [1889]. 35 p. 12°. * C p.v.897 Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. In- augural address to the Associated Socie- ties of the University of Edinburgh on the occasion of his installation as their honorary president, delivered. . .March 4, 1861. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1861. 23 p. 8°. STKp.v.3 B., J. S. Parochial schools of Scotland. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. new series, v. 11, p. 515-521, 565-570.) * DA By John Stuart Blackie? Baines, Edward. A letter to. . .the mar- quis of Lansdowne. . .on the government plan of education; with an appendix, con- taining the minutes of the Committee of Council on Education, in December, 1846 ... London: Ward & Co., 1847. 24 p nar. 16°. STH p.v.22, no.3 Bannerman, Alexander, and Oswald. A bill for uniting King's College and Uni- versity of Old Aberdeen, and Marischal College and University of Aberdeen, into one university and college... Aberdeen: J. Davidson & Co., printers, 1835. 30 p 1 1. 8°. STK p. box Barrett, Michael. The pioneer Scottish seminary. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1909. 8°. v. 34, p 215-224.) *DA At Scalan, Glenlivat, Banffshire. Beaton, David. The establishment of parish schools in Sutherland and Caith- ness at the beginning of the 18th century. ■ (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 98-100.) CR Begg, James. National education for Scotland practically considered; with no- tices of certain recent proposals on that subject. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hun- ter, 1850. 36 p. 8°. SSD p.v.l Black, Adam. Speech of... Adam Black, lord provost of Edinburgh, in the Town Council of that city... 7th April 1847, in favour of the government scheme of edu- cation. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton and Co. [1847.] 13 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll45 Black, George Fraser. A proposed pro- fessorship of Gaelic in Aberdeen Univer- sity in 1833. (Caledonian. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 1, October, p. 12-14.) *DD Black, Robert Couper. Some considera- tions on the educational system of the Scottish universities as compared with those of England, with a particular refer- ence to ... Edinburgh and Oxford; in a letter to the Rev. A. C. Fraser, with a postscript containing observations on an article on the Scottish universities in "the North British Review". . . Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1850. 34 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll63 Blackie, John Stuart. A letter to the citizens of Aberdeen, on the improvement of their academical institutions. Aber- deen: L. Smith, 1846. 58 p. 16°. * C p.v.926 • On the advancement of learning in Scotland: a letter to the. . .provost and Town Council of Edinburgh, patrons of the university. Edinburgh: Sutherland & Knox, 1850. 56 p. 8°. *Cp.v.468 With autograph of the author. Blair, Andrew. Can this last? or, How a school may be mismanaged by a local LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 697 Education, continued. committee. A chapter in the history of the Douglas Trust, Newton Stewart. Edinburgh: William Grant, 1869. 40 p. 12 °. * C p.v.902 Bothwell, George B. A letter to the working classes of Aberdeen: showing the deep interest they have in the union of King's and Marischal Colleges. By a lover of truth [i.e., G. B. Bothwell]. Aber- deen: A. Brown & Co., 1859. 23 p. 2. ed. 8=. * C p.v.594 Bower, Alexander. The history of the University of Edinburgh; chiefly compiled from original papers and records. . . Edin- burgh: Oliphant, Waugh, & Innes, 1817. 3 v 8°. STK Boyd, Thomas J. Educational hospital reform; the scheme of the Edinburgh Merchant Company. A paper read before the British Association, at the meeting in Edinburgh in 1871. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1871. 22 p. 8°. STH p. box 5 British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Archaeology, education, medical & charitable institutions of Glas- gow. Edited by M. MacLean. Glasgow: the local committee, 1901. vi, 239 p., 4 plans. 8°. CR Binder's title reads: Hand-book on archaeology. Brook, Alexander James Steel. An ac- count of the archery medals belonging to the University of St. Andrews and the Grammar School of Aberdeen, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 343-469.) CPA Brown, William Laurence. Georgii Mar- chionis de Huntly, domini de Gordon... academiae Marischallanae cancellarii, xxii d ° Decembris die, anno Christi mdcccxv" in- augurandi, formula, atque modus, praeci- pue, preces fusae, oratioque habita, a . . . Brown. Aberdonise: D. Chalmers, 1816. 16 . 8°. STK p. box Bryce, James. Public education in its relation to Scotland and its parish schools. A letter to the Right. Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1854. 1 p.l., 39 p. 8°. STH p.v.17, no.9 Buchanan, George. The opinion of George Buchanan concerning the reforma- sion of the University of St. Andrews. 1563. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 81-100.) fCP Buchanan, James. A letter to the office- bearers and members of the Free Church of Scotland on the college question. Edin- burgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1849. 36 p. 8 . * C p.v.439 Buchanan, Robert. The schoolmaster in the wynds; or, How to educate the masses. A lecture delivered in the Mer- chant's Hall, Glasgow, Jan. 30, 1850. Glas- gow: Blackie & Son, 1850. 32 p. 3 e d 12 °- STH p.v.17 Buchanan, Walter. The parliamentary representation of the Scottish universi- ties: being the substance of a paper read at a meeting of the Scottish Literary In- stitute, held at Glasgow on the 24th April 1857. Edinburgh: Sutherland and Knox [1857]. 12 p. 8°. *Cp.v.669 Bulloch, John Malcolm. The Aberdeen University Club, London. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v 12, p. 86-88.) CPA Burns, James Cleland. The history of the High School of Glasgow: containing the historical account of the Grammar School; by James Cleland, and. ..the his- tory from 1825 to 1877; by Thomas Muir, edited, with a memoir of Dr. Cleland, by J. C. Burns. Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1878. xxiii, 76 p., 1 pi. 4°. Stuart 11802 , Bygone days at Aberdeen universities. Students' riots in 1659. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 42-43.) CPA Campbell, George W. The seals of the University of Glasgow. 1 pi. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 65-74.) CPA Campbell, Thomas. Inaugural discourse of Thomas Campbell, on being installed lord rector of the University of Glasgow ... April 12, 1827. Glasgow: J. Smith & Sons, 1827. 23 p. 8°. * C p.v. 382 Carnegie, Andrew. A rectorial address delivered to the students in the University of St. Andrews, 22nd October 1902. Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, 1902. 51 p. 8°. TLC A rectorial address delivered to the students in the University of St. Andrews, 17th October 1905. St. Andrews: Editing Committee of the Students' Representa- tive Council [1905]. 54 p. 8°. STK Cathologus librorum quos vir eximius et beate memorie magister Clemens Litill Edinburgene ecclesie et ministris ejusdem obiens legavit et consecravit. 1580. (Mait- land Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 283-301.) tCP From this bequest has sprung the valuable library now belonging to the University of Edinburgh. Chalmers, Thomas. Churches and schools for the working classes. An ad- dress on the practicability of providing moral and religious education for the working population of large towns, as illustrated by the success which has at- tended the operations carried on in the 698 Education, continued. West Port of Edinburgh, delivered 27th Dec. 1845. Edinburgh: John D. Lowe, 1846. 31 p. 8°. *Cp.v.436 Letter to the royal commissioners for the visitation of colleges in Scotland. Glasgow: William Collins, 1832. 1 p.l., 80 p. 8°. STH p.v.3 Chapman, Sir Edward Francis. The pro- posed chair of geography in the University of Edinburgh. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 21, p. 197-198.) KAA Christie, J. Robertson. The doctorate of laws in Scottish universities. (Juridi- cal review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 24, p. 128-144.) SEA Chrystal, George. The three hundredth anniversary of the University of Edin- burgh. (Nature. London, 1884. 4°. v. 29, p. 577-579.) OA Church of Scotland. • — General Assem- bly. Abstract of the Report of the com- mittee of the General Assembly, for increasing the means of education and religious instruction in Scotland, particu- larly in the Highlands and Islands. Sub- mitted to the General Assembly, May, 1827. Edinburgh: J. & D. Collie, 1827. 35 p., 1 1. 8°. *Cp.v.l067 Submitted to the General As- sembly, May, 1828. Edinburgh, 1828. 1 p.l., 57 p. 8°. STH p.v. 11, no.3 Report on the means of education, in parishes quoad sacra. 1839. [Edin- burgh: John Stark, printer, 1839.] 16 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.31 Presbyterial reports on the state of education in Scotland [and on missions to the Jewsj. Edinburgh: General Assem- bly's Committee, 1854. viii, 56, 22 p. 8°. * C p.v.1223, no.20 Presbyterial reports on the state of education in Scotland: with a statisti- cal table. Edinburgh: General Assembly's Education Committee, 1855. 3 p.l., vii-xv, 44 p., 1 table. 8°. * C p.v.l223,no.l5 Report of the committee of the General Assembly, for increasing the means of education and religious instruc- tions in Scotland, particularly in the High- lands and Islands : submitted to the Gen- eral Assembly, May, 1830. Edinburgh: J. & D. Collie, 1830. 38 p. 8°. *Cp.v.lll4 Report of the committee of the General Assembly for increasing the means of education in Scotland, particular- ly in the Highlands and Islands. Sub- mitted to the General Assembly, May, 1839. Edinburgh: John Stark, 1839. 67 p. 8°. STHp.v.ll,no.9 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Report of the Education Commit- tee submitted to the General Assembly 1879. [Edinburgh,] 1879. 8°. SSLp.v.8 Clark, John. The rise and development of Scottish education. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 41, p. 29-58.) *EC Cleland, James. Historical account of the Grammar School of Glasgow; with a list of the duxes from 1782 till 1825 Glasgow: Khull, Blackie & Co., 1825. (Reprinted in J. C. Burns, The history of the High School of Glasgow... Glasgow 1878. 4°. p. xvii-xxiii, 1-53(1).) Stuart 11802 College life at Glasgow. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1856. 8°. v. 53, p 505-522.) *DA Deals with college life in the thirties. Combe, George. Remarks on national education: being an inquiry into the right and duty of government to educate the people. Edinburgh: Maclachlan, Stewart & Co., 1848. 33 p. 8°. ST p. box 2 Copies of papers relative to a projected translation of the University of St. An- drews to the city of Perth, in the years 1697 and 1698. (Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth. Transactions. Perth, 1827. 4°. p. 1-29.) CA Cumming, J. E. Education in Scotland: a practical movement. By a city minister [i.e., J. E. Cumming?]. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie [1856). 26 p. 24°. *Cp.v.654 Repr. : Edinburgh Evening Courant. Cumming, James, and C. E. Wilson. Tabulated reports on schools not connect- ed with the Church of Scotland, inspected in Scotland, 1855-6. London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, 1857. 74 p., 1 1. 8°. (Scotland. Inspector of Schools.) STH p.v.28. no.8 Cunningham, Robert. Report on the studies prosecuted in the Edinburgh Insti- tution for Language, Mathematics, &c, submitted to the parents of the pupils, 30th July 1835. Edinburgh: Macdonald, print- er, 1835. 24 p., 2 tables. 8°. *Cp.v.457 Cunningham, William, and others. Pro- posals for a system of national education in Scotland. [By William Cunningham and others.] [Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1851.] 20 p. 8°. Cuthbertson, David. The University Library of Edinburgh, with a short notice of its rarer treasures. Edinburgh: 0. Schulze & Co. [1904.] 25 p. illus. 8°. *HPD Dalgleish, Walter Scott. Education [in Scotlandj. (In the: Ordnance gazet- teer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 94-99.) fCPW LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 699 Education, continued. University certificate examinations, or "local examinations," for Scotland. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. Lon- don, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 274-280.) SA Demogeot, Jacques H., and H. Montucci. De l'enseignement superieur en Angleterre et en ficosse. Rapport adresse a. . . Min- istre de l'lnstruction Publique. Paris: Imprimerie imperiale, 1870. 2 p.l., iv, 733 p. 4°. (France. Ministre de l'lnstruc- tion Publique.) t STH Dixon, James Main. Education and the Church of Scotland. (Methodist quarterly review. Nashville, Tenn., 1905. 8°. v. 54, p. 234-241.) * DA Donaldson, James. Address delivered at the graduation ceremonial of St. An- drew's University, 14th April 1892. t St. Andrews: J. Cook & Son, printers, 1892.] 33 p. 8°. STKp.box Address delivered October 8, 1901, at the opening of session 1901-02. St. Andrews: W. C. Henderson & Son [1901]. 47 p. 8°. STK p. box Address on the opening of session 1900-01. St. Andrews: W. C. Henderson & Son, [1900]. 30 p. 8°. STKp.box A block on progress in the Scot- tish universities. (University review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-16.) * DA The Scotch Education depart- ment. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 21, p. 183-207.) * DA Scotch education: how ought it to be organized? (Contemporary review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 89, p. 182-202.) * DA Dowman, James. Education and sec- tarian interference in the North. (West- minster review. London, 1900. 8°. v. 154, p. 413-420.) * DA Dunbar, George. A defence of the junior humanity and Greek classes in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Maclach- lan, Stewart, & Co., 1848. 30 p. 8". * C p.v.436 Dyer, Henry. Technical education in Glasgow and the west of Scotland: a Rep- rospect and a prospect. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1894. 8°. v. 25, p. 23-51.) * EC Technical education, with special reference to the requirements of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1884. 8°. v. 15, p. 18-47.) * EC Discussion on the above by E. M. Dixon, p. 48-54. The Technical Schools (Scotland) Act, 1887, and some of its relations to elementary and higher education. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 19, p. 46-70 ) *EC Edinburgh. — Court of Session. Judg- ment and opinion of the Court of Session in cases for the governors of Donaldson's Hospital, and the managers of the Orphan Hospital, Edinburgh, and the commission- ers appointed under the Educational En- dowments (Scotland) Act, 1882, for the opinion of the Court of Session in re the scheme published by the said commission- ers for the administration of Donaldson's Hospital, John Watson's Institution, and the Orphan Hospital. 31. Oct. 1885. [Edin- burgh, 1885., 9 p. 8°. STK p. box Edinburgh. — Town Council. Address from the committee of the Town Council and inhabitants of Edinburgh, for pro- moting subscriptions for the new build- ings for the High School... 25. July 1825. [Edinburgh, 1827.] 5 p. 8°. * C p.v.968 Report... on communication from the Senatus Academicus respecting the publication of the university programme. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., prtrs., 1839. 8 p. 8°. STHp.v.ll Report regarding the office of principal of the university, and the claim of the Very Reverend Principal Lee to the office and title of primarius professor of divinity. Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1847. 26 p., 1 1. 8°. ZDVHp.v.l Report... on the subject of the memorial to Lord Melbourne from the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh... Edinburgh: Thomas Allan & Co., 1839. 38 p. 8°. * C p.v.468 Edinburgh Academy. Annual report of the directors of the Edinburgh Academy, to the proprietors at their general meeting, on Monday, 6th July, 1835. Edinburgh: J. & C. Muirhead, printer, 1835. 21 p. 8°. Plan of the Edinburgh Academy. Incorporated by royal charter, 5th Geo. iv. [Edinburgh, c. 1835.] 6 p. 8°. Prize list, public exhibition day of the Edinburgh Academy. 31st July 1834; 30 July 1835. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black [1834j-35. 8°. Report of the directors to the pro- prietors of the academy at their general meeting. 4 July 1825; 7 July 1834. Edin- burgh, 1825-34. 8°. STKp.box Edinburgh Caithness Association. Ob- jects regulations, and educational views of the Edinburgh Caithness Association, instituted at Edinburgh, 5th January 1838. Edinburgh: Thomas Constable, 1839. 32 p. go STHp.v.ll Edinburgh Education Society. Report of the committee of directors to the general meeting of the society. . .November Z8, 1814. Edinburgh: A. Lawne & Co., print- ers, 1814. 32 p. 8°. STKp.box 700 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Education, continued. Edinburgh High School. Annual re- port and course of study. 1855/6-1856/7, 1876/7. Edinburgh, 1856-77. 8°. STK p. box 1855/6-1856/7 in * C p.v. 444. Course of study in the rector's class. 1826/7, 1830/1-1831/2, 1834/5. [Edinburgh, 1827-35.) 8°. STKp.box 1830/1 and 1834/5 in * C p.v. 1172. Prospectus. 1866/7-1867/8. [Edin- burgh, 1867-68., STK p.box [Report of the lord provost, magis- trates, and Council of Edinburgh on the state of education in the High School.) [Edinburgh, 1834., 3 p. 8°. SSD p.v.l Education, The, question and present duty. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 189-194.) ZWA Education, The, question in Scotland — its present aspect. (Watchword. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 3, p. 274-277.) ZWA Essay on the present state of education in Scotland, 1819. (Edinburgh annual reg- ister, for 1816 tsic!]. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 9, p. ccxv-ccxlviii.) BAA Extracts from the accounts of the Com- mon Good of various burghs in Scotland, relative to payments for schools and schoolmasters, between the years 1557 and 1634. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 39-50.) t CP Fairbairn, Patrick. Thoughts on col- lege matters, in connection with the Free Church; and with an especial reference to the hall at Aberdeen. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1854. iv, (1)6-32 p. 12°. STKp.box Ferrier, James Frederick. A letter to the. . .lord advocate of Scotland John Ing- lis, lord rector of the University of Edin- burgh, and King's College of Aberdeen) on the necessity of a change in the patronage of the University of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh: Sutherland & Knox, 1858. 16 p. 8°. SSW p.v.l Fleming. The necessity of a reform in the parochial school system of Scotland: by one who has long witnessed its existing defects. In a letter to the Right Hon. An- drew Rutherfurd, M.P., Her Majesty's lord advocate. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1848. 1 p.L, 47 p. 8°. Foote, James. Plea for the extension of theological education in the Free Church of Scotland, and for the immediate appoint- ment of another professor in the Divinity Hall at Aberdeen, addressed to the mem- bers of the General Assembly of May, 1850. Aberdeen: George Davidson, 1850. 19 p. 8°. ZWHFp.v.12 Fraser, Patrick. Domestic economy, gymnastics, and music: an omitted clause in the education bill. By a bystander ( i. e. Patrick Fraser). Edinburgh: W. P. Ken- nedy, 1855. 24 p. 8°. STHp.boxS Free Church of Scotland. — Education Committee. Report, submitted October 20 1843. Edinburgh: Balfour and Jack, 1843' 8 P- 8°. ZECp.v.77 Free churchman, A. The Free Church education scheme, national or denomina- tional, as indicated by the rejection of Dr. Gunn? being five letters reprinted from the Caledonian Mercury newspaper, with ad- ditional remarks. Edinburgh: A. & C Black, 1851. 31 p. 8°. STH p.box i Fulton, T. Crichton. The Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. (Cas- sier's magazine. New York and London 1893. v. 4, p. 355-362.) VDA Geddes, Patrick. Scottish university re- form. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8° v. 11, p. 171-179.) *DA Geddes, Sir William Duguid. Gradual tion office at laureation of masters of arts at Aberdeen University from 1860 to 1890. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 145-146.) CPA Gladstone, William Ewart. Inaugural address. Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., 1860. 29 p. 8°. *Cp.v.594 Glasgow Asylum for the Blind. State- ments of the education, employment, and internal arrangements adopted at the Asy- lum for the Blind, Glasgow. . . [Introduc- tion signed: John Alston.) Glasgow: the asylum, 1835. 1 p.l., 24 p., 1 pi. 8°. * C p.v.1321, no.8 — ■ — Glasgow: The Asylum for the Blind, 1836. 1 p.l., 40 p., 6 pi. 3. ed. 8°. STH p.v.3 Glasgow: J. Smith & Son, 1846. 80 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 10. ed. 8°. SSOC(Glasgow) Glasgow College. Scottish Universities Bill. [Resolutions adopted] at a meeting of the faculty of Glasgow College, 14th May 1858. London: Spottiswoode & Co. [1858?] 8 p. 8°. Glasgow Educational Society. — Normal Seminary. Report, no. 3 (1836). Glas- gow, 1837. 8°. SSGp.box2 Glasgow Girls' Grammar School. [Cir- cular.] Session 1887/8. [Glasgow, 1887.] sq. 8°. *Cp.v.ll06 Glasgow Grammar School. An account of the course of reading, &c, in the rec- tor's class, for the year ending 30th Sep- tember 1822. [Glasgow, 1822., 3 p. 8°. STK p. box Glasgow Infant School Society. Annual report, no. 1 (1829). Glasgow, 1829. 8°. * C p.v.1067 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 701 Education, continued. Glasgow Public School Association. Memorial on behalf of a national system of education addressed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Granville. Feb., 1854. Glas- gow: J. Macnab, 1854. 18 p. 8°. g J * C p.v.594 Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Annual report of the session adopted at the annual meeting of govern- ors no. 112-116 (1908-12). Glasgow, 1908- 13. 8° and 12°. SSMC Glenkens' Society for Improving the Conditions of the Working Classes. An- nual report, no. 7, 9 (1837, 1839). Edin- burgh, 1837-39. 8°. VPE p.v.15 and TDI p.v.16 Rules. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. VPE p.v.15, no.4 Gnomon, pseud. St: Andrews medical degrees. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p. 380-386.) * DA Gordon, J. The education scheme of the Church of Scotland from its origin, 1825, to 1872. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1878. iv p., 1 1., 62 p. 8°. STH p.box 5 Gordon, Thomas. University and King's College of Aberdeen. Transmitted to Sir John Sinclair, baronet, by the members of the university, anno 1798. [By Thomas Gordon.] (In: Sir John Sinclair, The sta- tistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1799. 8°. v. 21, appendix, p. 51-104.) CPW Graham, Gilbert. The revised code tested by its results, in two letters to the Daily Review. . . Edinburgh: J. Thin, 1868. 16 p. 12°. *Cp.v.902 Graham, Henry Grey. Glasgow Univer- sity life in olden times. (In his: Literary and historical essays. London, 1908. 12°. p. 101-118.) NCZ Graham, J. Edward. State-aided educa- tion in England and Scotland. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 365-377.) SEA Grant, Sir Alexander. The story of the University of Edinburgh during its first three hundred years. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1884. 2 v. 8°. STK Reviewed (by Prof. J. Kirkpatrick) in Berliner pMologische Wochenschrift, v. 4, cols. 422-424, 454- 458, Berlin, 1885. Grant, James. History of the burgh and parish schools of Scotland, v. 1. London: W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1876. 8°. STH No more published. Gray, Alexander. The old schools and universities in Scotland. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 113-138.) CPA Gray, George H. B. Election times at a Scotch university. (Canadian monthly and national review. Toronto, 1878. 8°. v. 12, p. 160-163.) * DA Greenough, James C. The elementary schools of Scotland. (In his: The evolu- tion of the elementary schools of Great Britain. New York, 1903. 16°. p. 240- 262.) *R-SSD Guthrie, Thomas. Letter on national education. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunt- er, 1850. 8 p. 8°. SSD p.v.l Hamilton, Sir William. Letter to... the lord provost of Edinburgh on the election of a professor of mathematics; comprising observations on the value of mathematical science as an object of liberal study. Edin- burgh: Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1838. 1 p.l., 34 p. 8°. *Cp.v.468 Hamilton, Sir William, and J. Sinclair. A correspondence relative to certain pro- ceedings of the Town Council of Edin- burgh, affecting the philosophical profes- sors of the university, and in particular the professor of logic and metaphysics. [By Sir William Hamilton and J. Sinclair, for the Town Council.] Edinburgh: Ballan- tyne and Hughes, 1839. 1 p.l., 41 p. 8°. * C p.v.1092 Harrison, John. Oure tounis colledge. Sketches of the history of the old college of Edinburgh. With an appendix of his- torical documents. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1884. 3 p.l., 166 p. 8°. STK Harrower, John. Aberdeen alumni at other universities. Compiled by John Harrower. [V.] 1. Aberdeen: University Press, 1911. 4°. (University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen University studies, no. 51.) STG [v.] 1. Oxford and Cambridge. Henderson, P. A. Wright. Glasgow and Balliol. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 155, p. 342- 356.) * DA Hibben, John Grier. The Scottish uni- versity, illus. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 29, p. 741-755.) * DA High School Club. Report, no. 9 (1860). Edinburgh: Colston & Son, 1861. 8°. STG p.box Hints respecting the improvement of the literary & scientific education of candi- dates for the degree of doctor of medicine in the University of Edinburgh, humbly submitted to the consideration of the pa- trons and professors of that institution; by a graduate of King's College, Aberdeen. Edinburgh: David Brown, 1824. 21 p. 8 . STH p.v.3 702 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Education, continued. Horner, Leonard. Edinburgh School of Arts. Instituted 1821. Address at the con- clusion of winter session, 1850-51. Edin- burgh: Murray & Gibb, 1851. 8 p. 8°. STH p.v.5 With book-plate of Charles James Fox Bunbury. Innes, Alexander Taylor. Open teaching in the universities of Scotland. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1885. 19 p. 8°. * C p.v.373 Jack, William. The Scotch universities bill. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 48, p. 50-58.) * DA Jardine, George. University of Gjasgow. (In: Sir John Sinclair, The statistical ac- count of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1799. 8°. v. 21, appendix, p. 1-50.) CPW Jurisdiction of the Church over univer- sities and colleges; or, Statement of the grounds on which the presbytery of St. Andrews refused to adopt the unsolicited opinion of counsel as to the jurisdiction of the Church over universities and colleges... Published by order of the presbytery of St. Andrews. Edinburgh: Macphail, 1844. 44 p. 8°. *Cp.v.492 K., N. A letter to Sir John Sinclair, bart, on the state of national education in Scotland. (In: Sir John Sinclair, The statistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1799. 8°. v. 21, p. 301-336.) CPW Kemp, Daniel William. Old teachers of Aberdeenshire, 1771-1853. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. se- ries 2, v. 1, p. 152-153, 166-167.) CPA Old teachers of Shetland, 1771-1852. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 180-181; se- ries 2, v. 2, p. 7-9.) CPA Kerr, John. Lessons from a shoemaker's stool. London: Alexander Strahan, 1865. 32 p., 1 port. 12°. * C p.v.902 Account of the school conducted by James Beattie, of Gordonstone, Aberdeenshire. Reprinted from Good words. Kirkpatrick, John. Die dreihundertjahr- ige Feier der Universitat Edinburgh. By J. K. (Berliner philologische Wochenschrift. Berlin, 1885. 4°. v. 4, cols. 606, 636-637.) RAA Kistler, Milton S. John Knox's services to education. (Education. Boston, 1898. 8°. v. 19, p. 105-116.) SSA Knight, James. The training of teachers in Scotland. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1902. 8°. v. 33, p. 37-70.) * EC Knight, William. The Scottish Univer- sities Commission; curricula of study, and academical degrees. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 181-197.) * DA Scottish university reform. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11 n 135-146.) *DA See also under University of St. An- drews. Rectorial addresses. Laing, David, editor. See University of Edinburgh. Catalogue of the graduates. Late, The, education bill, as dealt with by the Free Church and the United Presby- terians. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869 8°. v. 4, p. 289-299.) ZWA Laurie, Arthur Pillans. The Scottish uni- versities and the state. (University re- view. London, 1906. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-7.) *DA Laurie, Simon Somerville. Classified abridgment of the minutes of the commit- tee of council of education for the use of school managers and teachers. Edinburgh- T. Constable & Co., 1856. 48 p. 16°. * C p.v.654 The study of education at the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. (Educational re- view. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 7, p. 55-63.) SSA Lee, John. Evidence. . .before the Com- mission of Religious Instruction, Scotland, in February and March, 1836. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1837. 21 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v.16 Printed verbatim from the Report of the com- missioners. A letter to... Lord Melville, rela- tive to the observations by the principal and professors of Glasgow College, on the schemes of reform proposed for the Uni- versity of Glasgow, in connection with the report of the Royal Commission of Visita- tion. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1837. 37 p. 8°. *Cp.v.483 Lees, George. The Scottish university system, with suggestions for its further improvement. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Trans- actions. London, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 267- 274.) SA Leys, J. Life at the Scottish universities. (National review. London, 1887. 8". v. 8, p. 533-541.) *DA Life at the English and Scottish univer- sities — a contrast. (The Nation. New York, 1875. 4°. v. 21, p. 322-323.) *DA Lindsay, Thomas M. Notes on educa- tion in Scotland in early days. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 13- 48.) ' CPA 1. To the wars of the Bruce succession. 2. From the wars of the Bruce succession to the foundation of the University of St. Andrews. Lord Balfour and Scotch education. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 374-377.) *DE LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 703 Education, continued. Lorimer, James. How to provide for the hteher instruction in Scotland. Edinburgh: T & T. Clark, 1873. 17 p. 8°. 1- SSW p.v.S, no.7 Repr.: Journal of jurisprudence, 1873. M., L. L. How the Scottish schools were freed from denominational control thirty vears aeo (Westminster review. Lon- don, 1906. 8°. v. 166, p. 74-77.) * DA M., R. T. Free education. A reprint from the North British Daily Mail, of a series of letters entitled Scotland ripe for free education. Glasgow: W. Munro, 1885. 16 p. 8°. STHp.box4 McConechy, James. An introductory ad- dress delivered... March, 182S, on the form- ation of a literary and scientific institution among the workmen of the University Printing Office, Glasgow; with an account of the institution and some preliminary re- marks on popular education... With a Reply... by James A. Begg, one of the workmen. Glasgow: University Press, 1825. 39 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l038 Macdonald, D. C. A motley university. (Appleton's journal. New York, 1878. 4°. new series, v. 5, p. 312-318.) * DA Aberdeen University. MacDougall, R. S. Quater centenary celebration of Aberdeen University, illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1906-07. 8°. v. 6, p. 324-326.) * DD Macgill, W. King's College, Aberdeen, two centuries ago. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 108-110.) CPA Mackay, Samuel Francis Henderson. Die Entwickelung des schottischen Staats- schulwesens. Jena: Frommann, 1906. 115 (1) p. 8°. STHp.v.l7,no.21 Mackay, William. Education in the Highlands in the olden times. (Celtic mag- azine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 360- 367, 402-412.) * DE M|Kendrick, John Gray. Scottish uni- versity reform. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 154-163.) * DA Maclay, Alexander. Technical colleges in Germany and in Glasgow. 1 pi. illus. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1901. 8°. v. 32, p. 76- 110.) *EC Maclean, Magnus. The historical de- velopment of the different systems of edu- cation in the Highlands. (Royal Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 35, p. 63-81.) *EC Maclure, Robert. Introductory lecture delivered to the students in humanity, in Marischal College, Aberdeen, on Novem- ber 1st, 1852. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son 1852. 23 p. 8°. STKp.box M'Math, John. Progress of school build- ing in Glasgow from 1873 to 1892. 1 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. v. 23, p. 106- 119.) *EC Macmillan, Hugh. An early Celtic col- lege. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1880. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 578-594.) * DA On the island of Hinba. McNeill, Sir John. Address... to the associated societies of the University of Edinburgh, on the occasion of his installa- tion as their honorary president. Edin- burgh, 1857. 35 p. 8°. SSW p.box 3 Macrae, Donald. The state of education in the western Highlands. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness. 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 61-66.) NDO M'Vail, D. C. Scottish university reform (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11 p. 164-171.) *DA Martin, Hugh. National education Reply to the lord advocate's speech al Stranraer... a speech... at Thornhill... 1872. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1872. 19 p 8°. STH p.v.12, no.? Masson, David. Reminiscences of Edin- burgh University — ■ professors and debat- ing societies. (Macmillan's magazine London, 1865. 8°. v. 11, p. 123-140.) * HA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera Hire, v. 64, p. 572-588, New York, 1865, and ii Littell's Living age, v. 84, p. 99-113, Boston, 1865 The state of learning in Scotland Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1866 28 p. 16°. *Cp.v.l042 Masson, Donald. The Church and edu- cation in the Highlands. (Gaelic Societ) of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 8-26.) NDC Mearns, Duncan. Introductory addresi to the students of the University anc King's College of Aberdeen; delivered.. November 13, 1825, in the college chapel. . Aberdeen: D. Chalmers & Co., 1826. 20 p 8°. STK p.bo: Medical directory, and general medica register for Scotland. 1859. London: J Churchill [1859j. 300 p. 12°. WAC Medical, The, schools of Scotland. (Scot tish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p 1-31.) * D/ Meikle, Henry W. The learning of thi Scots in the eighteenth century. (Scottisl historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4 . v. / p. 289-293.) CP/ Menmuir, Charles. Scotland and he: educational institutions. (Westminster re view. London, 1912. 8°. v. 178, p. 573-582 667-676.) *D/ THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 704 Education, continued. Menzies, Allan. Report to the trustees of the bequest of the late James Dick, Esq., for the benefit of the country parochial schoolmasters in the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Moray. Edinburgh: T. Consta- ble, 183S. 1 p.l., xi, 163 p. nar. 8°. *Cp.v.lll9 Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1836. xii, 100 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v.23 Merchant Maiden Hospital, Edinburgh. Annual examination, 1858. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. SHDp.v.3 Course of study, session 1852-53. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Statutes... Edinburgh, 1854. 30 p. 8°. SHD p.v.3 Merchiston Castle School. Register, 1833 to 1903. Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans & Wilson [1906]. xviii, 212 p., 1 port. 8°. STK Middleton, David. A glance at the his- tory of Scottish education. A lecture de- livered before the Stirling School of Arts. Edinburgh: T. Laurie, 1866. 1 p.l., 24 p. 8°. STHp.box4 Miller, Hugh, the elder. Thoughts on the educational questions; or, "The battle of Scotland." London: Johnstone & Hunt- er, 1850. 2 p.l., vii-xvi, 18-91 p., 1 fac. 8°. STH p. box 4 Milligan, William. The parish schools of Scotland, and their bearing upon the ques- tion of national education in Scotland. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 1864. 8°. 1863, p. 292-302.) SA Milton House, Edinburgh. Report of the Catholic institution established at Mil- ton House, Edinburgh, under the superin- tendence of the Sisters of Charity. Edin- burgh, 1836. 13 p. 8°. *Cp.v.423 Minto (3. earl), William Hugh Elliott Murray-Kynymound. Remarks on the government scheme of national education as applied to Scotland. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1848. 2 p.l., 5-46 p. 8°. STH p.box 3 Mitchell, William. Free education con- sidered practically, experimentally, and briefly. With appendix... Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son [188-?]. 21 p. 8°. ST p.box 2 Montagu, Violette M. The Scottish Col- lege in Paris. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 399-416.) CPA Montucci, H., joint author. See Demo- geot, Jacques, and H. Montucci. Morgan, Alexander. Scottish university reform. (University review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 445-463.) * DA Muir, T. S. Geography in Scottish schools. (Scottish geographical magazine Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. 534-540.) KAA Muir, William. A letter to the members of the late General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on his having resigned the convenership of the Education Committee; and on other topics relative to recent pro- ceedings on the subject of education. With appendix. Edinburgh: Paton and Ritchie 1849. 2 p.l., 55 p. 8°. *Cp.v.427 Muir, William, and others. Speeches de- livered in the commission of the General Assembly, met at Edinburgh, on Thursday, 7th July 1836, to consider "The Universi- ties' Bill for Scotland," by Dr. Muir of Edinburgh, Charles Fergusson, Robert Whigham, and Dr. Cook of St. Andrews. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co., 1836. 28 p. 8°. ZDV p.v.10 Muirhead, Robert F. Some considera- tions on Scottish universities with special reference to needed reforms. (Royal Phil- osophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 66-93.) *EC Mulock, Thomas. Three letters on the subject of the Hebrew chair [in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh] now in abeyance... With an introduction, on the inutility and injuriousness of retaining disregarded stat- utory tests. Edinburgh: J. Elder. 1847. 24 p. 8°. STK p.box Murray, David. Some early grammars and other school books in use in Scotland, more particularly those printed at or re- lating to Glasgow. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1905-06. 8°. v. 36, p. 266-297; v. 37, p. 142-191.) *EC My Scottish school. (Cornhill maga- zine. London, 1861. 8°. v. 4, p. 220-228.) *DA Napier, Mark. On the progress and pros- pects of science in Scotland at the close of the sixteenth and commencement of the seventeenth centuries, as compared with the same at Cambridge a century later: with illustrations of several remarkable coincidences between the genius, the stud- ies, and the discoveries of Napier of Mer- chiston, and Sir Isaac Newton. (Archaeo- logical journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 14, p. 221-259.) CA National education and the United Pres- byterians. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. v. 4, p. 49-61.) ZWA Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord. Inaugural address delivered at his installation as rec- tor of the University of St. Andrews, 13th February, 1873. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1873. 35 p. 8°. STK p.box LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 705 Education, continued. Nichol, John. Scotch universities, their friends and foes. (Fortnightly review. London, 1883. 8°. v. 40, p. 639-6S8.) * DA A discussion of the relation of the universities to national life. Nichol, John Pringle. Preliminary dis- sertation on some points connected with the present position of education in this country. (In: J. Willm, The education of the people... Glasgow, 1847. 12°. p. xi- lxxxiii.) ST Nicholson, Joseph Shield. Economic principles and university reform. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 17, p. 319-332.) * DA North country students. (Cornhill mag- azine. London, 1878. 8°. v. 37, p. 452- 467.) * DA Aberdeen and St. Andrews. Notes on the education question. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. v. 6, p. 549-553.) ZWA Observations on a passage in Mr. [John] Playfair's letter to the lord provost of Edinburgh relating to the mathematical pretensions of the Scottish clergy. Cupar, Fife: R. Tullis, 1805. 48 p. 8°. *Cp.v.475 In connection with the election of a professor of mathematics in the university. Old Aberdeen Gymnasium. Report of the rectorial council, no. ( 1.] (1848). Aber- deen, 1849. 8°. *Cp.v.ll65 Old College, The, at Glasgow. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1894. 8°. v. 69, p. 456-461.) * DA Order of the King and Lords of the Privy Council of Scotland, anent the elec- tion of the Principal, and Regents of the College of Glasgow; and for halding of the common table within the said college etc. Aug. mdcii. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 45-55.) t CP Organization of secondary education in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 19, p. 161-176.) * DA Peterson, W. The Universities Bill. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 12, p. 382-402.) * DA Queen Margaret College. Calendar for the year 1884-85. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1884. 78 p. 12°. STKp.box R., R. Glasgow University — an old dis- pute about the chancellorship. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 1-10.) ~ CPA Rait, Robert Sangster. Some notes on the history of university education in Scot- land. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new se- ries, v. 5, part 2, p. 30-50.) CPA Ramage, Craufurd Tait. Defence of the parochial schools of Scotland in a series of letters to Viscount Drumlanrig, the land- holders, the tenantry, and the Free Church clergy of Scotland. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1855. vii, 9-64 p. 8°. STHp.boxS Ramsay, George Gilbert. Secondary education in Scotland. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1887. 8° v. 141, p. 824-841; v. 142, p. 69-84.) * DA Ramsay, William Marlow. The Uni- versity of London and its influence on edu- cation in Scotland. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1876. 8°. new series, v. 14, p. 213- 218.) * DA Records of the royal commission for visiting the universities and schools of Aberdeen, 1716-17. Edited from the ori- ginal mss. by P. J. Anderson. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1900-02. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 23-26, 43-44, 55-57, 69- 71, 91-92, 101-102, 117-119, 132-134; series 2, v. 3, p. 137-139, 148-150.) CPA Records of the Scots colleges at Douai, Rome, Madrid, Valladolid, and Ratisbon. v. 1. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1906. 4°. (New Spalding Club. Publications.) tCP Relation, The, of Scottish universities to those of England and Germany. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-34.) *DA Ritchie, D. G. Some notes on the medi- aeval universities of Scotland in relation to their Continental models. (United States. — Bureau of Education. Report of the commissioner. Washington, 1900. 8°. 1898-99, p. 59-65.) STF Reprinted from the Transactions of the Franco- Scottish Society (Scottish Branch). Robb, James. Student life in St. An- drews before 1450 A. D. (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 347-360.) CPA Robertson, Eric. Student life at Edin- burgh University. (Cassell's family maga- zine. London, 1882. 4°. v. 8, p. 671-674.) *DA Robertson, Joseph. On scholastic offi- ces in the Scottish Church in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. [By Joseph Rob- ertson.] (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aber- deen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, preface, p. 56-77.) tCP Ross, John. The present state of the Edinburgh Divinity Hall; with an appen- dix, containing documents respecting the recent expulsion of a student of divinity from the University of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh: J. Robertson, printer, 1813. 66 p. g° ZECp.v.77 706 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Education, continued. Royal High School Commemorative As- sociation. First report. Edinburgh: Cols- ton & Son, printers, 1865. 7 p. 8°. STK p.box Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Con- ference on technical education, held at Edinburgh. . . 20. March 1868. Edinburgh: Neill & Company, 1868. 84 p. 8°. * C p.v.1045 Royal Technical College of Glasgow. Calendar of the session, no. 117-118 (1912- 13-1913/14). Glasgow, 1912-1913. 12°. SSMC Formerly called Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Rules and regulations established by the trustees of the late Dr. John Milne of Bombay, for the due regulation and con- ducting of his bequest for the promotion of education in Aberdeenshire, and the parish of Banchory-Devenick. Aberdeen: D. Chalmers & Co., 1845. 17 p. 8°. STH p.box 5 Russel, M. View of the system of edu- cation at present pursued in the schools and universities of Scotland. With an ap- pendix containing communications relative to the University of Cambridge... Edin- burgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1813. 1 p.l., v-vi p., 1 1., 168, lv p. 8°. STH Sandeman, David. On the progress of technical education, with special reference to the Glasgow Weaving College. (Phil- osophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. v. 18, p. 73-86.) *EC Schipper, Jakob. Das dreihundertjahri- ge Jubilaum der Universitat Edinburgh. (In his: Beitrage und Studien zur engli- schen Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte. Wien, 1908. 8°. p. 70-81.) CN Das _ vierhundertjahrige Jubilaum der Universitat Aberdeen. (In his: Bei- trage und Studien zur englischen Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte. Wien, 1908. 8°. p. 104-117.) CN School of Arts of Edinburgh. Eleventh report of the directors of the School of Arts of Edinburgh, for the instruction of mechanics in such branches of physical sci- ence as are of practical application in their several trades. [Edinburgh:] T. Allan & Co., 1836. 32 p. 8°. STH p.v.3 Scotland. — Statutes. Acts of Parlia- ment and of the Privy Council relative to the establishing and maintaining of schools, from the year 1496 to the year 1696. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 1-37.) f CP Scottish Association for the medical Education of Women, and the Medical Col- lege for Women, Edinburgh. Annual re- port, no. 4 (January, 1894). [Edinburgh i 1894. 10 p. 8°. *Cp.v387 Scottish Education Bill. The Bible in the school. Report of a public meeting held in the City Hall, Glasgow. . .13. April 1871 Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1871. 55 D ' 8°. SSLp.v.7,no.i Scottish Institution for the Education of Young Ladies. Report. 1834/5, 1838/9 Edinburgh, 1835-39. 8°. SSSp.box3 Scottish legislation — the Education Bill (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. v 4' p. 241-248.) ZWA Scottish National Institution for the Education of Imbecile Children, Larbert. Appeal on behalf of the society. Edin- burgh, 1859. 12 p. 8°. SSQ Formerly called Society for the Education of Imbecile Children in Scotland. [Collection of miscellaneous papers etc.] [Larbert, 1864-67.) 8° & 4°. SSQC p.box Report, no. 1, 3-11, 15 (1859-62 1863-71, 1875). Glasgow, 1862-76. 8°. SSQ Scottish, The, schools and universities. . . Edinburgh: Scottish Press Office, 1847. ,1 p.l., 5-29 p. nar. 16°. STH p.v.22, no.l Eepr.: The Scottish Press, Oct. 13, 16, and 23. 1847. Scottish student life. (Chambers's Jour- nal. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. series 5, v. 11, p. 593-596.) *DA Scottish student life. (Scottish review. Glasgow, 1861. 8°. 1861, p. 252-262.) * DA Scottish, The, universities. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 83, p. 74-93.) * DA Scottish, The, universities. (North Bri- tish review. Edinburgh, 1850. 8°. v. 13, p. 285-334.) *DA A comparison of the university systems of Scot- land, England, and Germany, and a general view of education m Scotland. Scottish, The, universities. (Tait's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 12, p. 375-379.) *DA Scottish university students. (All the year round. London, 1879. 8°. new se- ries, v. 24, p. 80-82.) * DA Search, S., pseud. A vindication of the literary classes in the University of Edin- burgh against the aspersions of P. Morris; addressed to the Rev. Dr. J. S. Edinburgh: J. Thomson & Co., 1819. 1 p.l., 42 p. 8°. Sellar, William Young. Scottish univer- sity reform. [Signed W. Y. S.j (Fraser's magazine. London, 1856. 8°. v. 53, p. 116- 126.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 707 Education, continued. Sexton, A. Humboldt. The Anderso- nian: a centenary sketch. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1897. 8°. v. 28, p. 161-171.) * EC Sheldon, Henry D. Student life in Scotch universities. (In his: Student life and cus- toms. New York, 1901. 12°. p. 72-80.) *R-SSD Bibliography on p. 322-323. Sibbald, Sir Robert. Memoirs for com- piling the history of the Royall Colledge of Physicians at Edinburgh, done from the records of the colledge. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. series 2, p. 113-131.) CP Simpson, James. Brief reports on lec- tures delivered to the working classes of Edinburgh, on the means in their own power of improving their character & con- dition. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1844]. 2 pi, .60 p. 8°. * C p.v.1161 Repr.: Edinburgh Weekly Chronicle, and Scot- tish Pilot, 1843-44. Sinclair, J. See Hamilton, Sir William, and J. Sinclair. Smith, A, Tolman. Educational system of Scotland," [and] Historical survey of edu- cation in Scotland prior to the establish- ment of the v present system. (United States. — Bureau of Education. Report of commissioner. Washington, 1893. 8°. 1889- 90, p. 187-236.) STF Society for the Support of Gaelic Schools. Annual report, no. 1, 4, 6-8, 10-16, 18-21, 23-35, 41-53, 55, 57-65 (1811, 1814, 1816-18, 1820-26, 1828-31, 1833-1845/6, 1851-63, 1865, 1867-75). Edinburgh, 1811-76. 8°. STH Some thoughts on the Scotch Education Bill. (Watchword. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 263-266.) ZWA Southey, Robert. The life of Rev. An- drew Bell. . .comprising the history of the rise and progress of the system of mutual tuition. The first volume by Robert South- ey, edited by Mrs. Southey. The two last by his son, Rev. Charles Cuthbert South- ey. London: J. Murray, 1844. 3 v. port. 8°. AN Specimens read at the, autumn examina- tion of Tillicoultry Academy [County of Clackmannan, taught by Rev. Archibald Browning. Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans, 1828. 58 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l038 Speeches on the government plan of na- tional education, delivered [by W. Muir, James J. Wood, John Wood, D. T. K. Drummond, Sir Charles Fergusson, and Rev. James McFarlanej at a public meet- ing held in the George Street Assembly Rooms... 8. of July, 1839. Edinburgh: T. Paton, 1839. 54 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. STH p.v.3 Stanhope (5. earl), Philip Henry Stan- hope. Address delivered. . .at the cere- mony of his installation as the lord rector of Manschal College & University, Aber- deen, on Tuesday, March 25, 1858. Aber- deen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1858. 31 p. 16°. *C p. v. 1042 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Inaugural ad- dress delivered by A. P. Stanley, dean of Westminster, at his installation as rector of the University of St. Andrews, March 31, 1875. London: Macmillan & Co., 1875 35 P- 8°. * C p.v.365 State education in Scotland. (Subjects of the day. London, 1890. 8°. no. 1, May, 1890, p. 44-55.) * DE Statistics relating to the Established Church and school boards: I. The stipends of the ministers; II. The number of com- municants; III. The details of the £22,000 paid from the Consolidated Fund; and IV. The rate and produce of assessment for school board purposes in all the parishes and burghs of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1875. 32 p. 8°. ZWGM p.v.3 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William. Inaugural address to the students of the University of St. Andrews, delivered on installation as rector of the University, on the 18th Janu- ary 1863. Perth: Journal & Constitutional Office, 1863. lip. 8°. STKp.box Only a limited number issued privately. Stodart-Walker, Archibald, editor. See University of Edinburgh. Rectorial ad- dresses. Strong, John. The development of sec- ondary education in Scotland. (The school review. Chicago, 1907. 8°. v. 15, p. 594- 607, 671-683.) SSA Stuart, James. Address delivered on the occasion of his installation as lord rector of the University of St. Andrews, 23rd Jan- uary 1899. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. 45 p. 12°. * C p.v.1418, no.8 Stuart, John. Historical account and present state of the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen. [By John Stuart.] (In: Sir John Sinclair, The statistical ac- count of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1799. 8°. v. 21, appendix, p. 105-140.) CPW Reprinted in his Essays, chiefly on Scottish anti- quities, p. 1-40, Aberdeen, 1846. Student life in Edinburgh. (Tait's^ Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1854. 4°. new series, v. 21, p. 29-33.) * DA Student life in Scotland. (Cornhill mag- azine. London, 1860. 8°. v. 1, p. 366-379.) *DA Gives an account of the debating societies and of the social life in the universities. System of public education in Scotland. (United States. — Bureau of Education. Report of the commissioner. Washington^ 1906. 8°. 1904, p. 820-822.) STF 708 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Education, continued. Taylor, James. The history, principles, and progress of education in Scotland, or the working of the Scotch Education Act. (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Transactions. London, 187S. 8°. 1874, p. 445-455.) SA Taylor, W. Caird. Scottish students in Heidelberg, 1386-1662. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 67- 75.) CPA See also p. 250-251. Thomson, David. Has Marischal Col- lege, in New Aberdeen, the power of con- ferring degrees in divinity, laws, and medicine? (By David Thomson.] Aber- deen: D. Wyllie & Son, 1850. 51 p. 8°. STK p.box Thomson, John. Copy of a letter to George Aitchison, Esq., college bailie, con- taining some remarks on a communication from the Senatus Academicus to the pa- trons of the University of Edinburgh. [Edinburgh, 1831.] n. t.-p. 43 p. 8°. Printed for the convenience of the College Com- mittee, and of the other patrons of the University. Observations on the preparatory education of candidates for the degree of doctor of medicine, in the Scottish univer- sities; humbly submitted to the considera- tion of His Majesty's commissioners for visiting the universities and colleges of Scotland. [Edinburgh:] P. Neill, printer, 1826. 19 p. 8°. STH p.v.3 Thomson, William. The Aberdeen Uni- versity at Fraserburgh and Peterhead. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 57-58, 108.) CPA Training, The, system of the model schools at Glasgow. (British critic. Lon- don, 1838. 8°. v. 24, p. 211-229.) * DE United Industrial Schools of Edinburgh. First report of the committee. Edinburgh: M. Macphail, 1848. 18 p. 8°. SHS Report of proceedings at the open- ing. [Edinburgh: A. Aikman & Co., print- ers, 1847., 8 p. 8°. SGF p.v.7 University of Aberdeen. Quater-cen- tenary publications. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 33-34.) CPA University of Edinburgh. Annual re- port on the state of the finances. 1902/3- 1909/10. Glasgow, 1904-11. f°. ft STK p.box Annual statistical report by the University Court. 1898/9-1909/10. Glasgow [1900,-11. f°. ttSTK Calendar. 1859/60, 1910/11-1913/14. Edinburgh, 1859-1913. 12°. "* STK ■ • A catalogue of the graduates in the faculties of arts, divinity, and law, since its foundation. [By David Laing., Edin- burgh: Neill & Co., 1858. xxvi, 342 p. 8° STK • Examination papers for the degrees in arts. [April, 1846.] [Edinburgh, 1846 1 24 p. 8°. *Cp.v.543 Proceedings of the. . .patrons of the university, on the occasion of the election of a professor of midwifery. . .February 1840. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., 1840. 22 p. 12°. *Cp.v.l050 Rectorial addresses delivered before the University of Edinburgh, 1859-1899. Edited with an introduction by Archibald Stodart- Walker. London: Grant Richards 1900. xxxvi, 337 p. 8°. STK Report of the College Committee from the Senatus Academicus, respecting the publication of the university pro- gramme. [Signed J. Stark., Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., 1839. 8 p. 8°. STH p.v.3 Report by the Finance Committee, presented to the Senatus Academicus at their meeting on. . .31. March 1860. [Edin- burgh, I860?] 76 p., 1 table. 8°. STK p.v.3 Service in St. Giles' Cathedral at the celebration of the ter-centenary of the University of Edinburgh, Wednesday, 16th April 1884. [Edinburgh: W. M. Carmon, prtr., 1884.] 14 p. 8°. *Cp.v.373 Statement by the Senatus Acade- micus of the University of Edinburgh, rel- ative to the extra academical teaching. Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1860. 11 p. 8°. STK p.v.3 "The .student" M'Ewan Hall guide book. The M'Ewan Hall. Edinburgh: Student's Representative Council, 1897. 30 p., 1 plan, 11 pi., 12 port. 4°. ft SSWp.v.6 Tercentenary acceptances, April, 1884. Edinburgh [1884]. 61 p. 8°. STK Tercentenary concert, April 18, 1884. [Edinburgh: R. Home & Son, print- ers, 1884., 1 p.l., 20 p. 8°. *Cp.v.373 University Court. Ordinance no. 1 . . . [Concerning the] separation of the teach- ing of medical jurisprudence or forensic medicine and public health. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs. [1900., 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 20.) ttSSWp.v.6 University, The, of Edinburgh. 1 illus. (Leisure hour. London, 1884. 4°. v. 33, p. 223-227, 384.) * DE University, The, of Edinburgh. (The Nation. New York, 1884. 4°. v. 38, p. 312- 313.) *DA Historical sketch. University of Glasgow. Abstract of ac- counts. . .being the annual report on the state of the finances. 1898/9-1901/2. Glas- gow, 1900-03. f°. ft STK p. box LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 709 Education, continued. Annual report on the state of the finances. 1902/3-1908/9. Glasgow [1904- 10,. f°. tfSTK Annual statistical report by the University Court. 1898/9-1908/9. Glasgow [1900-10,. P. ttSTK Bond of Association by the Chan- cellor, Rector, Principal, Dean of Faculty, Professors of theology and philosophy, Students and others belonging to the Uni- versity of Glasgow, mdcxcvi. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 63-69.) t CP Calendar. 1898/9-1901/2, 1903/4- 1913/14. Glasgow, 1898-1913. 12°. STK [Election of lord rector. Candidates — the earl of Durham, and Lord Stanley, 1834. 14 election broadsides., Glasgow: D Richardson for Stanley, D. Mackenzie & W. Lang for Durham, 1834. * C p.v.1114 Gifford lectures. 1888, 1890-92, 1894-95, 1898, 1900-02, 1910-12. Glasgow and v. p., 1892-1912. 8°. Inaugural address delivered by Sir E. L. Bulwer Lytton, bart., on his installa- tion as lord rector of the University of Glasgow. 1857. London: Richard Griffin and Co., 1857. 23 p. 8°. SSDp.box3 Inaugural addresses by lords rec- tors of the University of Glasgow; to which are prefixed an historical sketch and account of the present state of the univer- sity, by J. B. Hay. Glasgow: D. Robert- son, 1839. xc, 205(1) p., 5 1., 1 fac, 17 pi., 1 port., 1 table. 4°. STK Folded leaf* containing account of the office of lord rector, inserted. Inaugural discourse of Henry Brougham on being installed lord rec- tor... 1825. Glasgow: University Press, 1825. 51 p. 8°. SSX p.box 1 Institution of a degree in science in pharmacy. Glasgow, 1906. 6 p. f°. (Uni- versity Court ordinance, no. 16. Glasgow, no. 4.) ft STK Record of the ninth jubilee of the University of Glasgow, 1451-1901. Glas- gow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1901. 3 p.l., 159 p. 8°. STK Register of members of the General Council of the University of Glasgow for the year commencing 1st January. 1908-10. Glasgow: the university, 1907-09. 8°. STK Regulations for degrees in arts. Glasgow, 1908. 8 p. P. (University Court ordinance, no. 23. Glasgow, no. 6.) tt STK . Regulations for degrees in science m agriculture. Glasgow, 1901. 2 f. f°. (University Court ordinance, no. 5. Glas- gow, no. 1.) f STK p.box Report by the business committee of the General Council... to be submitted at its meeting... 25th April 1888. With appendix, containing draft minute, notices of motion, and copy of the Universities (Scotland) Bill, 1888. Glasgow [1888,. 44 P- 8 °- *Cp.v.ll06 A roll of the graduates of the Uni- versity "of Glasgow from 31st December 1727, to 31st December 1897, with short biographical notes. Compiled by W. Innes Addison. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Sons. 1898. x p., 1 1., 695 p. 4°. f STK University of St. Andrews. Abstract of accounts. . .being the annual report of the state of the finances. .. 1898/9-1908/9, 1910- /ll. Glasgow and St. Andrews [1900,-12. f°- ttSTK Annual statistical report by the Uni- versity Court. 1898/9-1908/9. Glasgow and St. Andrews [1900,-10. f°. ft STK Calendar. 1897/8-1898/9, 1902/3- 1913/14. Edinburgh, 1897-1913. 12°. STK Commission, University of St. An- drews to Mr. James Gregory, professor of mathematics, 10th June 1673. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 285-286.) t CPA Discipulorum nomina in Collegio S. Salvatoris et divi-Leonardi in academia An- dreana. 1843/4, 1846/7-1847/8, 18S0/1-18S1- 2. Andreapoli, 1844-56. 8°. STK p.box List of students enrolled in the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard during session. 1853/4-1855/6. St. Andrews, 1853-56. 8°. STK p.box Foundation of Bute chair of ana- tomy. . . Glasgow, 1901. 2 f. f°. (Uni- versity Court ordinance, no. 3. St. An- drews, no. 1.) f STK p.box Foundation of the Chandos chair of physiology. . . Glasgow, 1901. 2 f. f°. (University Court ordinance, no. 4. St. Andrews, no. 2.) t STK p.box Gifford lectures. 1890-92, 1902-03, 1907-10, 1911/12-1912/13. Glasgow & v. p., 1893-1913. 8°. Installation of His Grace, the Duke of Argyll as chancellor of the university, March, 1852. [St. Andrews, 1852., 24 p. 12°. AGH p.v.S 1. The L. L. A. examination diplo- ma and title for women 1898. n. Univer- sity hall for women-students at St. An- drews. [St. Andrews, 1898., 30 p. 12°. SSS p.v.2, no.4 Library bulletin. [Quarterly., v. 1- date. St. Andrews, 1904-date. 8°. * HPD Continuously numbered. The matriculation roll of the Uni- versity of St. Andrews, 1747-1897. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. STG Edited by J. M. Anderson. 710 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Education, continued. Publications, no. 1-3, 5-11. Oxford, 1901-13. 8°. no. 8 published in London. Rectorial addresses delivered at the University of St. Andrews. Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, bart, to the marquess of Bute, 1863-1893. Edited, with an introduc- tion, by William Knight, LL.D. London: A. & C. Black, 1894. 1, 398 p. 8°. STK University of Saint Andrews. Five hundredth anniversary. Memorial volume of scientific papers contributed by mem- bers of the university. Edited by W. C. M'Intosh, J. E. A. Steggall [and, J. C. Ir- vine. [Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable,] 1911. xi, 354 p., 1 1. 4°. OAI Viator, pseud. Account of the Univer- sity of Aberdeen. (The Athenaeum. Lon- don, 1808. 8°. v. 4, p. 487-490.) * DE • Further account of the University of Aberdeen. (The Athenaeum. London, 1809. 8°. v. 5, p. 197-200.) * DE Wallace-James, J. G. Letter of a St. Andrews student — 1607. (Scottish an- tiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 141.) CPA Watt Institution of Dundee. First an- nual report of the transactions, made up by the directors, and read at a general meet- ing of the members, held on 2d May 1825. Dundee: Advertiser Office, 1825. 23 p. 16°. ZEC p.v.83 Forty-eighth annual report of the directors. Session 1868-69. Edinburgh' Murray & Gibb, 1869. 20 p. 8°. STKp.box Whalley, Lawson. A vindication of the University of Edinburgh (as a school of medicine,) from the aspersions of "A Mem- ber of the University of Oxford." With re- marks on medical reform. London, 1819. (In: The Pamphleteer. London, 1818. 8° v. 13, p. 429-452.) *da Reviewed in Edinburgh medical and surgical journal, v. 13, p. 225-229, Edinburgh, 1817. Wheatley, Leonard A. The University of Edinburgh. (Antiquary. London, 1884 sq. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 271-273.) CA Williams Secular School. Annual re- ports, no. 1-3. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1850-52. 8°. STKp.box ■ Report of the annual examinations- Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1851 IS, 4 p. 8°. STK Wilson, Andrew. Medical students in Scotland. (Cassell's family magazine. Lon- don, 1884. 4°. v. 10, p. 54-55.) *DE Wilson, C. E., joint author. See Cum- ming, James, and C. E. Wilson. Winsor, Justin. Reform of the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. (The Nation. New York, 1890. 4°. v. 51, p. 417-418.) *DA Young, John. Scottish university re- form. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 146-154.) *DA Art, Architecture, and Sculpture See also under Mediaeval Archaeology For Lives of Artists see under Biography (Individual) Adam, Stephen. Progress of stained glass art in Scotland. (Edinburgh Archi- tectural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 82-90.) MQA Addis, M. E. Leicester. The cathedrals and abbeys of Presbyterian Scotland. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1901. xv, 175 p., 26 pi. 8°. CRF Albert Institute of the Fine Arts, Edin- burgh, Summer exhibition... 1877... Edin- burgh: H. & J. Pillans, 1877. 52 p. 12°. Stuart 11121 Anderson, Robert. Notice of working drawings scratched on the walls of the crypt at Roslin Chapel. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 10, p. 63-64.) CPA Armour, Margaret. Mural decoration in Scotland. 9 illus. (International studio. New York, 1897. 4°. v. 1, p. 100-106.) tMAA Armstrong, Sir Walter. The art of Wil- liam Quiller Orchardson. London: Seeley & Co., 1895. 78 p., 1 1, 4 pi. illus. 4°. Pictures at Edinburgh. (National review. London, 1887. 8°. v. 8, p. 179- 188.) *DA Sir Henry Raeburn; by William Armstrong, with an introduction by R. A. M. Stevenson, and a biographical and de- scriptive catalogue by J. L. Caw. London: W. Heinemann, 1911. ix, 121 p., 14 pi., 45 port, illus. f°. fMCV Art in the west of Scotland. 4 illus. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 146-149.) fMAA Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. Report by the com- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Art, Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. mittee of management. 1834/5-1835/6, 1837- /8 1841/2, 1844/5-1845/6, 1847/8, 1850/1. Edinburgh, 1835-51. 8°. MAAD B., M. A. Scotland's distinctive school of art. (Brush and pencil. New York, 1906. 4°. v. 18, p. 15-22.) MAA Baldry, A. Lys. Robert W. Little, R. W. S. A review of his work. 2 pi., 7 illus. (International studio. New York, 1907. 4°. v. 32, p. 173-181.) fMAA R. W. Macbeth. (Art journal. London, 1900. f°. 1900, no. 10, p. 289-292.) MAA Ballantine, James. The life of David Roberts, R.A., compiled from his journals and other sources. With etchings and fac- similes of pen-and-ink sketches by the art- ist. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1866. xiv, 255 p., pi., port. 4°. MCV Barrett, Michael. The ancient cathedrals of Scotland. (American Catholic quarter- ly review. Philadelphia, 1902. 8°. v. 27, p. 1-20, 313-334, 527-540.) * DA The ancient collegiate churches of Scotland. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1908. 8°. v. 33, p. 313-327.) * DA Bate, Percy. The paintings of William Mouncey, of Kirkcudbright. 7 illus. (In- ternational studio. New York, 1909. 4°. v. 36, p. 96-103.) t MAA — - The work of George Henry, R.S.A.: a review and an appreciation. 7 illus., 1 pi. (International studio. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 22, p. 3-12.) fMAA The work of R. Macaulay Steven- son. 8 illus. (International studio. New York, 1901. 4°. v. 13, p. 232-242.) fMAA Bayes, Walter. The paintings and etch- ings of D. Y. Cameron. 1 pi. (Interna- tional studio. New York, 1905. 4°. v. 27, P- 3-19.) f MAA Bell, Mrs. Arthur (N. D'Anvers). Rob- \ ert Weir Allan and his work. 9 illus. (In- ternational studio. New York, 1901. 4°. v. 14, p. 229-237.) f MAA Billings, Robert William. The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. Illustrated by R. W. Billings. . .[and W. Burn., Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons [1847-52). 4v. pi. 4°. f CRF Engraved title-page. -— - On certain features of the ancient architecture of Scotland. (Architectural Institute of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1853. 8°. v. 3, p. 27-39.) MQA _ Bonnar, Thomas. Ancient mural decora- tive art in Scotland. Ecclesiastical and 711 secular. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 38-47.) MQA Boyes Walter. The paintings and etch- ings of D. Y. Cameron, illus. (Interna- tional studio. New York, 1905. 4° v 27 p. 3-19.) t M ' AA ' Branford, V. V. The genesis of a national school of painting in Scotland. (University review. London, 1907. 8°. v 4 p 451- 461.) ' '* DE On the work of David Allan, 1744-1796. Bromhead, H. W. Thomas Stuart Smith and his institute at Stirling. 8 illus. (Art journal. London, 1896. f°. 1896, p. 307- 310.) f MAA Brook, Alexander James Steel. An ac- count of the maces of the universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, the College of Justice, the city of Edinburgh, &c. 1 pi. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 440-514.) CPA Notice of four silver communion cups which belonged to the Scottish con- gregation at Campvere in the Netherlands. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, p. 166-173.) CPA Old Scottish hall-marks, illus. (In: Thomas Burns, Old Scottish communion plate. Edinburgh, 1892. 4°. p. 533-598.) MNP Brown, George Baldwin. Some recent efforts in mural decoration, illus. (Scot- tish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 225-228.) t MAA Brydall, Robert. Early sculpture in Scot- land. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 19, p. 210-225.) * EC Notes on Scottish costume in the fifteenth/ century, illus. (Glasgow Arch- aeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 226- 251.) CPA Notice of armour and arms at Eg- linton Castle, three Scottish swords, etc. 4 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 38-48.) CPA Burns, Thomas. Old Scottish com- munion plate. By Thomas Burns. With a .preface by the Right Rev. James Macgre- gor, D.D., and chronological tables of Scot- tish hall-marks prepared by Alexander J. S. Brook. Edinburgh: R. & R. Clark, 1892. xxxii, 651 p., 57 pi. illus. 4°. MNP Burton, John Hill. On the analogy be- tween the architecture of France and that of Scotland. (Archaeological journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 14, p. 38-47.) CA 712 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Art, Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. Cameron, David Young. Etchings of D. Y. Cameron, and a catalogue of his etched work. With an introductory essay by F. Rinder. Edinburgh: O. Schulze and Company, 1908. xxx p., 3 1., 60 pi. 4°. fMDG Catalogue of the Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures, and Practical Science, in the Assembly Rooms, George street. Dec, 1839 -Jan., 1840. Edinburgh: printed by Neill & Co. [1839., 44 p. 8°. * C p.v.674 Caw, James Lewis, tion of art in Scotland don, 1898. f°. 1898, The present condi- (Art journal. Lon- p. 45-49, 69-73.) fMAA A Scottish impressionist. 1 pi. illus. (Art journal. London, 1894. f°. 1894, p. 243-246.) t MAA A Scottish painter: E. A. Walton, A.R.S.A. 2 pi., 10 illus. (International studio. New York, 1902. 4°. v. 17, p. 161- 170.) t MAA Chalmers, P. Macgregor. Art in our city. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings, p. 18-38.) A mediaeval architect. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. i 85-94, 307-316, 341-374.) John Morow or Murray. 1. His Glasgow, 1897. 8°. v. 28, *EC pi. illus. '. p. 3-15, CPA Melrose in- scriptions. 2. His work at Paisley and Glasgow. 3. His work in Nyddysdayll and Galway. [4.] His work at St. Andrews and Melrose. See also p. 170- 171. On the abbeys and cathedrals of Scotland. (Philosophical Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1894. 8°. v. 25, p. 192-195.) *EC Chalmers, Patrick. On the use of mason- marks in Scotland. 2 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of London. Archaeologia. Lon- don, 1852. 4°. v. 34, p. 33-36.) t CA Civic connection with art. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 56-57, 91-92.) t MAA 1. Edinburgh: the Chambers memorial statue. 2. Edinburgh: the S. S. C. library competition. Coles, Frederick R. On the decoration of a Scottish distaff, illus. (Reliquary and illustrated archaeologist. London, 1899. 4°. v. 5, p. 1-8.) CA On the decoration of Scottish spin- dles and whorls, illus. (Reliquary and il- lustrated archaeologist. London, 1899. 4°. v. 5, p. 80-87.) CA Conolly, F. V. The art of Sir Noel Pa- ton, illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 38, p. 56- 59.) * DA Contract, The, with James Dewitte, painter, for the portraits of the kings of Scotland in the palace of Holyrood; and the accompt_ for portraits, by Godfrey Kneller, of King Charles II. and his broth- er James, duke of York, 1684. (Banna- tyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855 4°. v. 3, p. 325-342.) f CP Cooper, James. A minister's thoughts in regard to the arrangement and furnishing of a Scottish parish church. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 29-40.) MQA Corporation Galleries of Art, Glasgow. Catalogue descriptive and historical of the pictures and sculpture in the. . .galleries... Compiled by J. Paton. Glasgow: R. An- derson, 1898. vii, 168 p., 17 pi., 3 port 7 ed. 8°. MAVZ Cram, Ralph Adams. The ruined abbeys of Great Britain. New York: The Church- man Co., 1905. pi. 8°. COF p. 132-152: Jedburgh and Kelso, with 6 pi.; p 171-191: Melrose and Dryburgh, with 6 pi. Cunningham, Allen. Life of Sir David Wilkie; with his journals, tours, critical remarks on works of art, and a selection from his correspondence. London, 1843 3 v. 8°. MCV Day, Lewis F. Decorative and industrial art at the Glasgow exhibition, illus. (Art journal. London, 1901. f°. 1901, p. 215- 216, 237-243, 273-277, 299-302, 327-330.) tMAA Dilettanti Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 6, p. 89-97, 276-279, 660-663.) * DA Doryphorus, pseud. Art at the Glas- gow International Exhibition. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. P. v. 1, p. 4-7, 30-31, 54-55, 90-91, 121-122.) fMAA Title of last three articles changed to: Sculp- ture at the Glasgow exhibition. Dowden, John, bishop of Edinburgh. The furnishings of a mediaeval church. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 41-53.) MQA Drummond, James. Notes of early monumental art in the west Highlands. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 24-28.) CPA Duff, Edward Gordon. Some early Scot- tish bookbindings and collectors. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 430-442.) CPA Dundee Art Union. Report of the com- mittee of management. 1890/1-1891/2. Dundee, 1892-96. 8°. MAAD p.box Dundee Fine Art Exhibition. [Cata- logue.! no. 1, 4-10, 13-14 (1877, 1880-86, 1891, 1895). Dundee, 1877-95. 24°. MAW Notes on a few of the pictures. [Dundee,] 1895. 11 p. 8°. MAW LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Art Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. Dundee Free Public Library. Catalogue of the Burns, Scott, and Shakespeare ex- hibition, comprising books, manuscripts, engravings, medals, etc., from the collec- tion of A. C. Lamb. Victoria Galleries, 1896-7. Dundee [1896?]. 115 p. 16°. AGH p.box Eddington, Alexander. The Royal Scot- tish Academy exhibition. 7 illus. (Inter- national studio. New York, 1908. 4°. v. 34, p. 134-138.) t MAA The Scottish Modern Arts Associa- tion. 7 illus. (International studio. New York, 1909. 4°. v. 36, p. 114-119.) f MAA William McTaggart, R.S.A., painter of sea and land. 9 illus., 1 pi., 1 port. (In- ternational studio. New York, 1909. f°. v. 38, p. 83-93.) t MAA Edinburgh Architectural Association. Sketch book. v. 1-3 (1875-82); new se- ries, v. 1-2 (1883-94). Edinburgh, 1876-94. f°. fMQE Transactions, v. 1-7. Edinburgh, 1891-1912. 8°. MQA Edinburgh Pen-and-Pencil Club, illus. (The art journal. London, 1899. f°. new series, 1899, p. 232-234.) f MAA Erskine, Sir James, of Torry. Catalogue of the collection of pictures, marbles and bronzes, bequeathed to the University of Edinburgh by Sir James Erskine of Torry. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1839. IS p. 8°. MAVZ Eyre-Todd, George. The autobiography of William Simpson, R. I., (Crimean Simp- son). Illustrated with many reproductions of Simpson's pictures. . . London: T. Fish- er Unwin, 1903. xv, 351 p., 1 fac, 22 pi., 2 port. 8°. MCV Fine, The, arts in Edinburgh. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. v. 16, p. 89-118.) * DA Fleming, David Hay. Historical notes on the destruction of Scottish ecclesiastical buildings in the fourteenth century? (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 141- 149.) MQA Fleming, James Stark. Ancient Irish cas- tles compared with Scottish types. 24 il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 43-72.) CPA Irish and Scottish castles and keeps contrasted, illus. (Royal Society of An- tiquaries of Ireland. Journal. Dublin, 1910. 8°. v. 39, p. 174-191.) CSB Fothergill, George A. Notes on Scottish samplers, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq- 8°. v. 43, p. 180-205.) CPA 713 French, Gilbert J. An attempt to ex- plain the origin and meaning of the early interlaced ornamentation found on the an- cient sculptured stones of Scotland, Ire- land, and the Isle of Man. Manchester: C Simms & Co., printers, 1858. 24 p., 8 pi 8 °- QPM Printed for presentation only. Geddes, Sir William Duguid. On local aspects of the fine arts. 11 pi. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions. Aber- deen, 1884. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-30.) *EC I. Aberdeen, n. Old Aberdeen. Local aspects of the fine arts. [Aberdeen, n. d.j 30 p., 1 pi. 8°. * C p.v.578 George Frampton, A.R.A., and his work for the Glasgow Art Gallery. (Interna- tional studio. New York, 1901. 4°. v. 13, p. 14-18.) f MAA Gibb, Andrew. Notes, with sketches of mason marks, on the cathedral of St. Machar, Old Aberdeen. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 471-473.) CPA Gibson, Frank W. David Muirhead, landscape and figure painter. 7 illus., 2 pi. (International studio. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 48, p. 97-104.) f MAA Gilbert, W. Matthews. The decoration of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, illus. (Art journal. London, 1902. f°. 1902, p. 55-59.) t MAA Gildard, Thomas. An old Glasgow arch- itect on some older ones. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1895. 8°. v. 26, p. 97-123.) * EC Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum. Cat- alogue descriptive and historical of the pictures and sculpture in the Corporation Galleries of Art, Glasgow. Compiled by James Paton. Glasgow: R. Anderson, 1882. ix p., 1 1., 129 p. 2. ed. 8°. MAVZ The fine art collection of Glasgow. With an introductory essay by James Pa- ton... Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1906. 4 p.l., 44 p., 45 pi. f°. t MAVZ Glasgow, A, designer: the furniture of Mr. George Logan. 7 illus. (International studio. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 21, p. 200- 204.) t MAA Glasgow International Exhibition. 45 illus. (International studio. New York, 1901 4°. v. 14, p. 44-48, 165-171, 237-246.) MAA Gower, Ronald Charles Sutherland Leve- son, lord. Sir. David Wilkie. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1902. viii, 134 p., 36 pi., 5 port 8°. (Great masters in painting and sculpture.) MCV 714 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Art, Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. Graham, John Murray. A notice of the life and works of William Henry Playfair, architect. (Architectural Institute of Scot- land. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1862. 8°. v. 5, part 4, p. 13-28.) * C p.v.366 Gray, John Miller. The art of John Crawford Wintour. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 28-29.) f MAA The mansions of Scotland and their contents, illus. (Scottish art review. Lon- don, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 47-51, 80-84.) tMAA 1. Pinkie House. Sir Henry Raeburn and portraiture in Scotland. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-3.) MQA Hall, Andrew. Architecture of the Glas- gow Exhibition buildings, illus. (Scot- tish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 59-61.) t MAA Hawkseye, Harry, pseud. Pictures and people; or, A peep into the "Scottish Academy," 1851. [Poetry.] Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1851. 30 p. 16°. MAW p.v.4, no.4 Heaton, Mrs. Charles. The great works of Sir David Wilkie, with a descriptive account of the pictures and a memoir of the artist by Mrs. Charles Heaton. London: Bell & Daldy, 1868. 5 p.l., viii, 57 p., 25 1., 26 pi. 4°. fMCV Henry, George. The Royal Scottish So- ciety of Painters in Water-Colour. (Scot- tish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 153-154.) t MAA Holme, Charles. Royal Scottish Aca- demy. Edited by Charles Holme. Lon- don: Offices of "The Studio," 1907. x, xlvi p., 4 fac, 40 pi. 4°. (The Studio. Special spring no. 1907.) f MCT Honeyman, John. Certain peculiarities in the architecture of Iona. 7 pi. (Glas- gow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 5, part 2, p. 78-89.) CPA Glasgow cathedral, illus. (Scot- tish art review. Glasgow, 1'889. f°. v. 1, p. 122-124.) f MAA How I became an A.R.S.A. A chapter of autobiography. By * * * *. (Scottish art review. London, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 163-166.) f MAA Iconoclast, pseud, of J. C. Maclennan. Scottish art and artists in 1860. Edin- burgh: J. Menzies, 1860. 48 p. 8°. * C p.v.594 . International, The, Exhibition of Mod- ern Decorative Art at Turin — The Scot- tish section, illus. (International studio New York, 1902. 4°. v. 17, p. 91-93.) ' tMAA Jones & Co. Jones' views of the seats mansions, castles, &c, of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. . .with historical descriptions' of the mansions, lists of pictures, statues &c, and genealogical sketches of the families and their possessions... Series of Scottish seats. London: Jones & Co [1830?j 441., 40 pi. 4°. Stuart 1616 Kay, John. A series of original portraits and caricature etchings. . .with biographi- cal sketches... Edinburgh: H. Paton, 1837- 42. 2 v. in 4. 8°. CR Edinburgh: Hugh Paton, 1838. 2v. 4°. Stuart 11513 Kingsburgh, Sir John Hay Athole, lord. Incongruity and disfigurement. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 24- 37.) MQA With particular reference to Edinburgh. Laing, David. Historical description of the altar-piece, painted in the reign of King James the Third of Scotland, belonging to Her Majesty, in the palace of Holyropd. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 8-22.) CPA ■ A supplemental notice. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 310-324*.) CPA On the supposed "missing School of Design in the University of Edinburgh," 1784. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 36-40.) CPA Suggestions for a national exhibi- tion of Scottish portraits in Edinburgh, in the year 1855; including a communication on the subject from Thomas Carlyle. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 284- 292.) CPA Leicester-Burroughs, A. Sir William Quiller Orchardson. 1 pi., 1 port., 12 illus. (International studio. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 41, p. 87-98.) f MAA Letter, A, to the ordinary members of The Royal Scottish Society of Arts, by one of themselves. Edinburgh: [W. Blackwood & Sons, printers.i 1857. 1 p.l., 17 p. 8°. * C p.v.383 Lewis, T. Hayter. Scottish mason's marks compared with those of other countries. 2 pi. (British Archseological Association. Journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 145-154.) CA Little, James Stanley. The life and work of William Q. Orchardson. London: J. S. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 715 Art, Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. Virtue & Co., 1897. 31(1) p., 4 pi. illus. f\ (Art annual, Christmas, 1897. Extra no of Art journal, 1897.) t MAA Lorimer, R. S. Scotch gardens and garden architecture. (Edinburgh Archi- tectural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 58-66.) MQO Lyell, Alfred H. A bibliographical list descriptive of Romano-British architec- tural remains in Great Britain. Cam- bridge: University Press, 1912. x, 156 p. 8°. c Scotland, p. 137-141. Lyons, Andrew W. The painted ceiling in the Montgomery aisle of the old church at Largs, Ayrshire. 1 pi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 35, p. 109-111.) CPA Tempera-painting in Scotland dur- ing the early part of the seventeenth cen- tury, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 151-173.) CPA Further notes on tempera-painting in Scotland, and other discoveries at Del- gaty Castle, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 237-259.) CPA M., D. S. Scottish painters in Edinburgh. (Saturday review. London, 1901. f°. v. 91, p. 427-428.) * DA Macdonald, Alexander. A short notice of Arnold Bronckhorst, portrait painter to king James vi. With an original account for painting portraits of His Majesty and of George Buchanan. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 312- 313.) CPA Macfall, Haldane. The art of Alexander Roche, RS.A. 11 illus. (International studio. New York, 1906. 4°. v. 28, p. 203- 213.) t MAA Joseph Simpson: caricaturist. 8 il- lus. (International studio. New York, 1905. 4°. v. 26, p. 21-25.) t MAA The paintings of John Fergusson, R.B.A. 1 pi., 9 illus. (International studio. New York, 1907. 4°. v. 31, p. 202-210.) fMAA' M'Gibbon, Alexander. The Glasgow In- ternational Exhibition, 1901. illus. (Art journal. London, 1901. f°. 1901, p. 129- 132, 187-189, 219-222.) t MAA Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eight- eenth century. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1887-92. 5v. illus. 8°., MQWK McKay, William D. Raeburn's tech- nique: its affinities with modern painting, illus. (International studio. New York 1908. 4°. v. 34, p. 3-22.) fMAA Maclennan, J. C. See Iconoclast, pseud, of J. C. Maclennan. Manson, J. B. The paintings of Alex- ander Jamieson. 1 pi. 7 illus. (Interna- tional studio. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 42, p. 274-282.) f MAA Martin, David. The Glasgow school of painting; by David Martin. With an in- troduction by Francis H. Newberry. Lon- don: George Bell & Sons, 1897. xxiii, 73 p., 23 pi., 6 port. 8°. MCT Introduction by Francis H. Newberry. D. Y. Cameron, R. E. J. E. Christie. Joseph Crawhall, jun. T. Millie Dow, R.S.W. David Gauld. James Guthrie, R.S.A. J. Whitelaw Hamilton, R.S.W. George Henry, A. R.S.A. E. A. Hornel. William Kennedy. John Lavery, R.S.A. W. Y. Macgregor, R.S.W. Harrington Mann. T. Corsan Morton. Stuart Park. James Paterson, A. R.S.A. George Pirie. Alexander Roche, A. R.S.A. R. Macaulay Stevenson. Grosvenor Thomas, R.S.W. E. A. Walton, A. R.S.A. Other painters of the Glasgow school. Postscript. Master, The, masons of Scotland. Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 24, p. 319-337. 8°.) *DA Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Scottish gardens; being a representative selection of different types, old and new. Illustrated by Mary G. W. Wilson. London: E. Ar- nold, 1908. x, 251(1) p., 32 pi. 4°. VQS Maxwell, Sir John Stirling. The Royal Scottish Academy. 1 pi. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 233-249.) CPA Menmuir, Charles. Metal work in Scot- land. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 1-14, 161-173.) * DE On Celtic art. Mollett, John W. Sir David Wilkie. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Riv- ington, 1881. vi p., 1 1., 112 p., 9 pi., 1 port. 12°. (Illustrated biographies of the great artists.) MCV Monkhouse, W. Cosmo. William Quil- ler Orchardson. 1 port, 9 illus. (In his: British contemporary artists. New York, 1899. 4°. p. 155-187.) t MCT Mr. James Allan Duncan, designer and illustrator. 1 p.l., 3 illus. (International studio. New York, 1899. 4°. v. 6, p. 184- 189.) MAA Murray, David. Robert & Andrew Fou- lis and the Glasgow press, with some ac- count of the Glasgow Academy of Fine Arts Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1913. viii p., 1 1., 144 p., 5 fac &pL 40 * IPrl Mylne, Robert Scott. The influence of the Mylnes on the architecture of Edin- 716 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Art, Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. burgh. 2 port. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 187-192.) MQA The master masons to the crown of Scotland, and their works. Edinburgh: Scott & Ferguson & Burness & Co., 1893. xviii p., 1 1., 307 p., 3 fac, 1 map,, 10 plans. 35 pi., S port., S tables. f°. t MQWK The masters of work to the crown of Scotland, with the writs of appointment, from 1529 to 1768. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 49-68.) CPA Napier, Robert. Catalogue of the works of art forming the collection of Robert Napier... of West Shandon, Dumbarton- shire. Mainly compiled by J. C. Robin- son. Collection sold April 13, 1877... London: privately printed, 1865. x, 326 p. 8°. MAX National Gallery of Scotland. Cata- logue descriptive and historical. . .by W. B. Johnstone... Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, 1864. 96 p., 1 1. 10. ed. 8°. MAVZ Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, 1877. 148 p. 29. ed. 8°. MAVZ Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1882. xxviii, 199 p. 32. ed. 12°. MAVZ Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Sta- tionery Office, 1884. 1 p.l., xxviii, 198 p. 33. ed. 12°. MAVZ Incomplete. Catalogue of the Gallery. Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1908. xiv, 309 p. 41. ed. 12°. MAVZ Newberry, Francis H. The exhibition of decorative handiwork at the Royal Scot- tish Academy, Edinburgh, illus. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 184-189, 222-224.) t MAA See also under Martin, David. The Glasgow school of painting. Notes on the exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy, 1861. Edinburgh: Sutherland & Knox [1861]. 42 p. 8°. * C p.v.366 Oldrieve, W. T. What H. M. Office of Works is doing for historical buildings in Scotland, illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 29-48.) MQA On the exhibition of paintings in Edin- burgh. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 289-296.) * DE Paterson, Alexander N. Scottish archi- tecture from the fifteenth to the seven- teenth century, with special reference to the French influence thereon, illus. (Royal Institute of British Architects. Journal. London, 1913. 4°. series 3, v. 20, p. 233- 252.) MQA Paul, Sir James Balfour. Heraldry in relation to architecture. 3 pi. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association: Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2 n 12-25.) MQA In Scotland. Some early Scottish architects. (Edinburgh Architectural Association! Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v 1 p. 53-64.) MQA Pennell, Elizabeth Robbins. Art in Glas- gow. (Harper's magazine. New York 1895. 8°. v. 90, p. 412-420.) * DA Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings by artists of the "Glasgow school," March 12 to April 8, 1906. Philadelphia, 1906. 8 p 16°. MCTp.v.4 • A representative collection of the Glasgow school of painting. The adora- tion of Jeanne d'Arc and other burnt wood decorations, by J. W. Fosdick. [Phila- delphia,] 1896. 20 p. illus. 8°. , MCWp.v.7,no.23 Pictures in Edinburgh. (Illustrated magazine of art. New York, 1854. 4°. v 3, p. 194-196.) * DA Account of the paintings in the National Gallery. Pictures by W. Q. Orchardson. illus. (Art and letters. London, 1881-82. f°. v. 1, p. 112-114.) tMAA Pinnington, Edward. A Glasgow art collection. (Good words. London, 1898. 8°. v. 39, p. 247-252, 324-329.) *DA Joseph Agnew's gallery. Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell. Early monuments and archaic art of Scotland. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 340- 343.) NDO Recent architecture in the west of Scot- land, illus. (Scottish art review. Lon- don, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 114-120, 177-180, . 197-200.) t MAA 1. Gowan and Barony churches. 2. Hyndland church. 3. Kellie House. R. C. Y. Club house. Reid, John T. Art rambles in the High- lands and islands of Scotland. With 156 sketches taken from nature and drawn on wood by the author. Engraved by Dalziel brothers. London: G. Routledge and Sons, 1878. 4 p.l., 183(1) p., 40 pi. 4°. fCP Reminiscences of the late Sir John Steell, R.S.A., sculptor to Her Majesty, illus. (Good words. London, 1899. 8°. v. 40, p. 534-541.) *DA Report by the committee of manage- ment of the Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. 1834/5-1835/- 6, 1837/8, 1841/2; 1844/5-1845/6, 1847/8, 1850/1. Edinburgh, 1834-51. 8°.. M AAD and * C p.v.423 and * C p.v.1321 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Art Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. Robertson, Andrew. Letters and papers of Andrew Robertson, A. M., born 1777, died 1845, miniature painter to his late royal highness the duke of Sussex.. .Edit- ed by Emily Robertson. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode [1895]. ix, 285 p., 1 1. of errata sq. 8°. MCV Robertson, Joseph. Sketch of the his- tory of architecture in Scotland, ecclesias- tical and secular, previous to the union with England in 1707. (Archaeological journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 13, p. 228- 244.) CA Robertson, W. W. The journal of James Playfair, architect, 1783-1793. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 21-29.) MQA Our duty in respect of ancient buildings. (Edinburgh Architectural As- sociation. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 55-69.) MQA For discussion on this paper see p. 87-103. Ross, J. Calder. The market crosses of Scotland. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 88-89.) CPA Ross, Thomas. Indications of Roman architecture in Scotland, illus. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 174-189.) MQA James Gifford, a Scottish sculptor of the seventeenth century, and some of his works in Tweeddale. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 147- 162.) CPA Notice of six paintings on wood, representing the sibyls, recently found at Wester Livilands, Stirling. 7 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 387-403.) " CPA See also Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross. Royal Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, Edinburgh. The Dowie dens o'Yarrow. Illustrated by J. N. Paton. [Edinburgh:] the associa- tion, 1860. 10 1., 6 pi. f°. Stuart 375 Report by Donald Lindsay and George Auldjo Esson, accountants, of the accounts of the association, 1848. n. t.-p. Edinburgh, 1848. 43 p. 8°. * C p.v.1204 Royal Scottish Academy. Annual re- port of the Council., no. 12-13, 18-19 (1839- 40, 1845-46). Edinburgh, 1839-46.) 8°. MAAD no. 12-19, title-page reads: Royal Scottish Acad- emy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. • Answer for the Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, Sculpture, and 717 Architecture, to the statement for the Royal Institution for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Scotland. With ap- pendix, containing Mr. Donald Lindsay's report, and the "Statement" of the Royal Institution. Edinburgh: A. Hill, 1847. 92 P- 8°. * C p.v.1204 Catalogue of the naval and mili- tary exhibition, historic, technical and ar- tistic, held in the Royal Scottish Academy galleries ... 1889. [Edinburgh:] F.Murray, printer, 1889. 4 p.l., 268 p. 8°. VW Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Con- ference on technical education, held at Edinburgh... 20. March 1868. Edinburgh: Neill & Company, 1868. 84 p. 8°. * C p.v.1045 Sanderson, James H. An account of the plate-marks used in Scotland since the year 1457, and chronological lists of those of Edinburgh from 1681; to which is added a note of those used in Glasgow. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 541-548.) CPA School of Arts of Edinburgh. Report, no. 1, 3-4, 8, 10P-11, 13-17, [23?] (1821/2, 1823/4-1824/5, 1828/9, 1834/5-1835/6, 1837/- 8-1842/3, 1848/9). Edinburgh, 1822-49. 8°. SSMC Scotland. — Board of Manufactures. Annual report as to their proceedings in regard to the National Gallery, School of Art, Museum of Antiquities and other buildings and establishments under their charge, no. 2-9, 12-13 (1895-1902, 1905-06). London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, 1896- 1907. f°. fMAVZ Scottish Academy of Painting, Sculp- ture, and Architecture. Laws and regula- tions for the study of the antique and of the living model. 1836. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. MATA p. box Scottish art and artists. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 205-226.) *DA Scottish art review, v. 1-2 (June, 1888- December, 1889). Glasgow, 1889. pi. illus. f>. f MAA v. 2 published in London. Scottish Exhibition of History, Art, and Industry. Official guide. Glasgow: Dal- ross, Ltd., 1911. 40 p. illus. 8°. Scottish, The, National Portrait Gallery. (Scottish art review. London, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 126.) tMAA Scottish, The, school of painting. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 157, p. 335-350.) * DA Selous, Henry Courteney. Seven events in the life of Robert Bruce; illustrated in 718 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Art, Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. outline by H. C. Selous, and etched by J. Horsburgh. iEdinburgh:j A. M. Glashon [185-?]. 7 1., 7 pi. obi. f°. fMEM Simpson, William. Catalogue of the water color drawings of "Glasgow in the forties," by William Simpson, with ex- planatory notes. Glasgow: R. Anderson, prtr., 1900. 32 p. 1 port. 8°. (Glasgow. — Museums and Galleries Sub-committee.) MCT p.v.3 Sinclair, William Macdonald. John MacWhirter, his life and work. London: Virtue & Co., 1903. 32 p., illus, 5 pi. f°. (Art annual, Christmas, 1903. Extra no. of the Art journal, 1903.) t MAA Sir Henry Raeburn: his life and works. With a catalogue of his pictures, by I. Greig. London: "The Connoisseur," 1911. lv, 65 (1) p., 3 pi., 9 port, illus. 4°. (The Connoisseur. Extra no.) f MCV Smith, John Alexander. Exhibition of mason-marks copied from Melrose Abbey, Dryburgh, Jedburgh, &c, &c. 2 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. S48-S51.) CPA Stevenson, John Home. A fifteenth century Scots (?) binding. (Scottish an- tiquary. Edinburgh; 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 133-139, 199.) CPA The fifteenth century Scots bind- ing of the Haye manuscript. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1904. 4°. v. 6, p. 77-82.) Reserve Stevenson, R. A. M. Mr. Keiller's col- lection in Dundee, illus. (Art journal. London, 1895. f°. 1895, p. 54-60.) t MAA Story, Alfred T. Sir Noel Paton: his life and work. pi. illus. (Art journal. London, 1895. f°. 1895, p. 97-128.) t MAA Tarbolton, Harold O. Education and architecture. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-12.) MQA Taylor, E. A. The isle of Arran as a sketching ground. 3 pi., 7 illus. (Inter- national studio. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 50, p. 206-218.) f MAA Taylor, J. A. Glasgow artist and design- er. The work of E. A. Taylor, illus. (In- ternational studio. New York, 1905. 4°. v. 24, p. 217-226.) t MAA The Glasgow school of embroid- ery. 2 pi., 17 illus. (International studio. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 41, p. 124-135.) tMAA Modern decorative art at Glasgow. Some notes on Miss Cameron's Argyle Street tea house, illus. (International studio. New York, 1906. 4°. v. 30 31-36.) fMAA Thomas, D. Croal. The International Exhibition at Glasgow. The pictures, illus. (Art journal. London, 1901. {"' 1901, p. 294-298, 321-325.) fMAA Todhunter, John. George Wilson. With illustrations after pictures by the painter. (English illustrated magazine. London 1891. 8°. v. 8, p. 771-778.) *DA Townsend, Horace. Some alterations and additions to a house in Glasgow. 6 illus. (International studio. New York 1899. 4°. v. 9, p. 34-37.) fMAA Tynecastle tapestry at the Albert Works, Edinburgh. 13 illus. (Art journal. Lon- don, 1896. f°. 1896, p. 81-85.) fMAA Van der Veer, Leonore. The work of the late George Wilson. 1 pi., 4 illus. (In- ternational studio. New York, 1904. 4° v. 21, p. 139-143.) fMAA Veitch, Henry Newton. Early Scottish spoons in the National Museum of Anti-' quities. 1 pf. (Burlington magazine. ' London, 1913. 4°. v. 22, p. 331-337.) tMAA Walker, A. Stodart. The paintings of D. Y. Cameron, A. R. A., A. R. S. A. 1 pi. (International studio. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 46, p. 255-265.) tMAA — — - The paintings of James Whitelaw Hamilton, A.R.S.A., R.S.W. 1 pi., 9 illus. (International studio. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 51, p9-19.) tMAA The recent paintings of E. A. Wal- ton, R.S.A. 1 pi., 10 illus. (International studio. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 49, p. 261- 270.) tMAA ■ A Scottish landscape painter; • James Cadenhead, A.R.S.A., R.S.W. 2 pi., 5 illus. (International studio. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 46, p. 10-20.) tMAA The Scottish Modern Arts Asso- ciation. 1 illus. (International studio. New York, 1907. 4°. v. 31, p. 309-311.) tMAA Sir James Guthrie, P.R.S.A. 8 illus. (International studio. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 45, p. 18-26.) tMAA Walker, James Russell. Pre-reforma- tion churches in Fifeshire. Edinburgh: Mould & Tod, 1895. 34 p.l., ix p., 126 pi. f°. ttMQWK Waring, John Burke. Stone monuments, tumuli, and ornaments of remote ages; with remarks on the early architecture of Ireland and Scotland. London, 1870. P. ftQOI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 719 Art Architecture, and Sculpture, continued. Watson, Walter R. Miss Jessie M. King and her work. 13 illus. (International studio. New York, 1902. 4°. v. 17, p. 177- 188.) t MAA Some recent Scottish domestic fit- tings and decorations. 8 illus. (Interna- tional studio. New York, 1903. 4°. v. 18, p. 104-110.) tMAA Weaver, Lawrence. Scottish lead spires. 2 pi. illus. (Burlington magazine. Lon- don, 1906. 4°. v. 9, p. 304-312.) f MAA Webber, Byron. James Orrock, R. I., painter, connoisseur, collector. London: Chatto & Windus, 1903. 2 v. pi. port. f°. t MCV Wedmore, Frederick. The etchings of D.Y.Cameron, illus. (Art journal. Lon- don, 1901. f°. 1901, p. 289-293.) f MAA Orchardson et son oeuvre. 3 pi. (Les lettres et les arts. Paris, 1888. 4°. annee 3, tome 3, p. 297-308.) NKA White, Gleeson. Some Glasgow de- signers and their work. 63 illus. (Inter- national studio. New York, 1897-98 4° v. 2, p. 86-100, 227-236; v. 3, p. 47-51;' v A p. 12-25.) f MAA White, Thomas Pilkington. Observa- tions on the value of rubbings in the preparation of monumental drawings (illustrated by drawings, rubbings of slabs, rock-sculpture, etc.). (Society of Anti- quaries, of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 60-68.) CPA With supplementary notes by James Diummond on p. 68-71. Wilkie, The, gallery: a selection of the best pictures of... Sir David Wilkie... with notices biographical and critical. London: G. Virtue [1848-50 ?j. 2 p.l., 93, (81) p., 66 pi., 1 port. f°. f MCV Wood, T. Martin. Some recent water- colours by Edwin Alexander, A.R.S.A., R.W.S. 2 pi., 6 illus. (International studio. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 44, p. 89-95.) fMAA Young, William. The new Glasgow municipal buildings. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 93-94.) f MAA Music See also under Language and Literature Aberdeen General Association for the Improvement of Psalmody. Annual re- port, [no. 1.] Aberdeen: the association, 1855. 47 p. 12°. Drexel 2221 All the blue bonnets, an original national air... with an accompaniment for the piano-forte by Mr. Braham. New York: T. Birch [18-?]. 2 p. f°. * MN p.v.2 Philadelphia: G. F. Blake [18-?,. 2 inside pages. f°. * MO Ancient sacred music: [six Gaelic tunes still preserved in sacred worship in the north Highlands. With descriptive and historical notes by, A. Mrunro,. Edin- burgh: M. Stewart & Co. [1848., 7 p. obi. 16°. Reserve Annie Laurie. Harp... by A. F. Toul- min. New York: J. F. Browne, cop. 1859. 7 p. f°. Drexel 5665 Association for the Revival of Sacred Music in Scotland. Report 1850-51, 1861. Edinburgh, 1851-61. 8°. * MAA p.box Bain, Joseph. Remarks suggested by Dr. Raven's "Caledonian campanology." (Archaeological journal. London, 1892. 8°. v. 49, p. 329-332.) CA Ballantine, J. Historical epitome of Scottish song. (In: J. Fulcher, Lays and lyrics of Scotland... Glasgow [1870?,. P. P-v-viii.) *MO Balmoral choir handbook of Scottish song, containing a selection of standard national songs. [Cincinnati?, R. J. Patrick & W. Bruce, cop. 1889. 12 1. 8°. *MOp.v.3,no.l3 Title from cover. Bannatyne, Charles. Ceol mor. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 149-160.) NDK Barnett, T. Ratcliffe. The old psalm tunes. (In his: Fairshiels; memories of a Lammermuir parish. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 97-105.) CRB Barton, J. H. Bruce's battle call, a favorite song. . .composed by J. H. Bar- ton. Philadelphia: G. E. Blake [18-?,. 3 p. f°. * MN p.v.7 No title-page. Beattie, James. A letter to the Rev. Hugh Blair... one of the ministers of Edinburgh, on the improvement of psalm- ody in Scotland. Edinburgh: R. Buchan- an, 1829. 32 p. 12°. ZHT p.v.l, no.3 Bell, Charles D. Notice of the harp said to have been given to Beatrix Gardyn of Banchory by Queen Mary, and of the harp called the "Lamont harp,' both for- merly possessed by the family of Robert- sons of Lude, and now deposited for exhi- bition in the museum, along with two ancient Highland targets, by John Steuart 720 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Music, continued. of Dalguise. 12 illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. .Edin- burgh, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 15, p. 10-33. CPA Bishop, Henry Rowley. Scotia's wel- come to Victoria. The national song... sung by Mr. Sinclair... The symphonies & accompaniments by H. R. Bishop. Lon- don: D'Almaine & Co. [1842.] 7 p. f°. * MP p.v.42 Blackburn, Vernon. The muse of the Gael. (Musical times. London, 1903. 8°. v. 44, p. 589-S90.) * MA Blue bell [of Scotland, andj Scots wha hae. [Harp and piano.] New York: J. F. Browne, cop. 1852. 2 parts in 1. f°. Drexel 5666 Braham, James. March, march, Etrick and Tiviotdale! An original national air ...by Mr. Braham. New York: A. Fleet- wood [18-?]. broadside. f°. *MPp.v.25 Bruce, John. O whistle and I'll come to you, my lad. A favorite Scotch song. Written by Robert Burns in 1793, to an old air, composed by John Bruce, a famous fiddler of Dumfries. Boston: O. Ditson [18-?]. 5 p. f°. * MO p. box Bruce, Thomas. The common tunes; or, Scotland's church musick made plain. Edinburgh: the author, 1726. 3 p.L, viii, 46 p., 1 pi., 7 1. music in ms. 8°. (16°). Drexel 2800 t Title-page, frontispiece and dedication are sup- plied in pen and ink. Burns, Robert. Bruce's address to his army. A favorite Scotch song. [Written by Robert Burns. Air: "Hey tuttie tattie."] New York: Bourne [18-?]. 2 1. f°. Drexel 4156 [Piano and voice.] New York: William Dubois [18-?] 2 p. f°. The Lothian lassie. A favorite Scotch ballad., .written by Robert Burns. Composed and arranged for the piano- forte, n. p., n. d. 2 inside p. f°. * MO p.box Caldwell's Musical journal, v. 1. Edin- burgh: Caldwell Bros., 1847. f°. * MN Caledonian, The, musical repository: a choice selection of .. .Scottish songs, adapted for the voice, violin, and German flute. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1811. 286 p. 12°. Drexel 4063 Engraved title-page: Crosby's Caledonian musical repository; &c. London: R. Crosby & Co. Campbell, Alexander. Albyn's anthol- ogy; or, A select collection of the melo- dies & vocal poetry peculiar to Scotland and the Isles. . .collected and arranged by ...Campbell. The modern Scotish and English verses adapted to the Highland, Hebridean & Lowland melodies written by Walter Scott and other. . .poets Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1816-18. 2 v. fo - Drexel 4064 Reviewed in Analectic magazine, v. 9. d Ifi7.i7a Philadelphia, 1817. " Ul ' Church of Scotland. — Committee for Improving Church Music in the City of Edinburgh. The church tunes in four parts. Published by order of the Hon'able the Committee, for Improving Church Music in the City of Edinburgh. To which is added a collection of canons, anthems & chants, by Robert Bremner. Edinburgh: printed & sold at his music shop r 1772?i 1 p.l., 20 p. 12°. ZH 2 With a folded leaf, lesson 1st, inserted. Bound with: The Psalms of David in metre n. p., 1772. 12°. A collection of the best church tunes, in four parts. Publish'd by Robt. Bremner, by order of the Honourable the Committee, for Improving Church Music in the City of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: printed for Brysson's music shop, 1790 1 p.l., 8 p. 24°. ZHZ One leaf, lesson 1st, inserted after title-page. Clarke, John, afterward Clarke-Whit- feld. Auld lang syne... Scotch air ( by Robert Burns] arranged by Dr. J. Clarke. London: Birchall & Co. [18-?, 3 p. f°. Drexel 4133 Farewell to Lochaber... Scotch air, arranged by Dr. J. Clarke. London: Birchall & Co. [18-?] 3 p. f°. Drexel 4133 The minstrel's harp. An arietta from the "Lay of the last minstrel." With an accompaniment for the harp or piano- forte composed by John Clarke. New York: W. Dubois [18-?]. 7 p. f°. * MP p.v.23 Comin' through the rye. A celebrated Scotch song. . .. [With pianoforte and flute accompaniment.] [London?] W. Wybrow [18—?]. 2-3 p. f°. Drexel 3908 [Arranged for voice with piano ac- companiment.] New York: G. B. Demar- est [18-?j. 4 p. f°. t* MO p.box Conant, Helen S. Sacred music in Scot- land. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1859. 8°. v. 60, p. 251-254.) * DA Corri, Domenico. Galic air, arranged with alterations, n. t.-p. p. 122. f°. *MX • My ain kind dearie or Lea Rig. [A Scottish air written by Burns.) With variations [for the pianoforte composed] by D. Corri. New York: E. Riley [18-?]. 3 p. f°. *MNp.v.44 A new and complete collection of the most favourite Scots songs including a few English & Irish with proper graces and ornaments peculiar to their character, likewise the new method of accompani- ment of thorough bass. Edinburgh: Corri & Co. [179-?] 1 p.l., 33 (1) p. P. Drexel 4066 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 721 Music, continued. Coutts, W. G. Scottish versus classic music in an ethical and aesthetic aspect. Edinburgh: H. B. Higgins, n. d. 64 p 2 ed. 12°. *MGH The title on cover reads: The Trojan horse; or, Scottish versus classic music: the ethical and sesthet- ical aspect of the question. By Ithuriel. Edin- burgh: printed by Home & Macdonald, 1877. Croal, George. Reminiscences of music in Edinburgh; " 'tis sixty years since." Ad- dress to the members of the Edinburgh Society of Musicians. Edinburgh: G. Waterston & Sons, 1888. 23 p. 8°. * C p.v.357 Dalyell, Sir John Graham. Musical memoirs of Scotland, with historical an- notations and numerous illustrative plates. Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1849. xii p., 1 1., 300 p., 40 pi. 4°. Drexel 1776 Dauney, William. Ancient Scotish mel- odies, from a manuscript of the reign of King James vi. With an introductory en- quiry, illustrative of the history of the music of Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Co., 1838. x, 390 p. 4°. Drexel 4067 Dick, James. "Auld lang syne," — its origin, poetry, and music. 2 pi. of music. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 379-397.) CPA Dressier, William. Comin' thro' the rye. Scotch ballad., .arranged by Wm. Dress- ier. [Piano & voice.] New York: W. Hall & Son, cop. 1851. 5 p. f°. f MP p.box Dun, Finlay. Analysis of the structure of the music of Scotland. (In: W. Dauney, Ancient Scotish melodies... Edinburgh, 1838. 4°. p. 315-339.) Drexel 4067 Duncan Gray, a Scotch song. n. t.-p. p. 120. f°. *MX [Eleven melodies of Scotland. "My boy Tommy," etc.] n. p. [18-?] 8 1. P. Drexel 4071 No title-page. Elouis, J. First [and second] volume of a selection of favorite Scots songs with accompaniments for the harp or piano- forte which may be performed on these instruments either with the voice or with- out it as familiar lessons, to which are added several airs with variations, com- posed by J. Elouis. Edinburgh: Gow & Sheperd [1807]. 2 v. P. * MO Fenwick, J. Clerevaulx. A few remarks upon bagpipes and pipe-music. (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle. Archaeolo- gy JEliana. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1859. 8 . new series, v. 3, p. 9-19.) CA Fest, Fred. Balquhither. A popular Scotch air., .arranged for the piano-forte by Fred. Fest. Philadelphia: G. E. Blake [18-?]. [2 p.] P. *MPp.v.ll Forbes, John. Cantus, songs, and fan- cies, to three, four, or five parts, both apt for voices and viols. With a brief intro- duction to musick as taught in the musick- school of Aberdeen. t By John Forbes.] Paisley: A. Gardner, 1879. viii p., 114 1 4°. *MO Reprint of the Aberdeen ed. of 1682. Only eighty-six copies reprinted. Fradel, Charles. Blue bells of Scotland. Newly arranged by C. Fradel. [Piano solo.] New York: C. B. Seymour & Co., cop. 1859. 3 p. P. * MN p.v.22 No title-page. Fraser, Alexander Duncan. Some rem- iniscences and the bagpipe. Edinburgh: Wm. J. Hay r 1907]. xii, 432 p., 33 pi., 3 port. 8°. *MKR Of value for its plates of instruments. Fraser, Simon. The airs and melodies peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles communicated in an original... style. . .with. . .harmony for the piano- forte, harp, organ, or violoncello. . . Edited by Simon Fraser. Edinburgh: the editor [1816]. 2 p.l., 119 p. sq. P. * MO Free Church of Scotland. - — General As- sembly. Report of the committee on psalmody. May, 1866. Edinburgh: J. Greig & Son, 1866. 44 p. 8°. Drexel 2212 Free St. George's Sacred Music Asso- ciation. Our Scottish psalmody: with hints for its improvement. Issued by the ...association... Edinburgh: Johnstone and Hunter, 1854. 27 p. 12°. * MM p.box Frost, Thomas. Church music. (In: Bygone church life in Scotland. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 98-107.) ZDVH Fulcher, John. Lays and lyrics of Scot- land, arranged with new symphonies and accompaniments for the pianoforte by John Fulcher. With a historical epitome of Scottish song by James Ballantine, and an appendix of notes historical, biographi- cal, and critical compiled by the pub- lishers. Glasgow: Swan & Pentland [1870?]. xi, 344 p. P. *MO Garland, The, of Scotia; musical wreath of Scottish song, with descriptive and his- torical notes, adapted for the voice, flute, violin, &c. Edited by J. Turnbull and P. Buchan. Glasgow: W. Mitchison, 1841. xii, 192 p. 8°. Drexel 4089 Gesto, The, collection of Highland music. Compiled and arranged by K. N. MacDonald. Leipzig: O. Brandstetter, 1895. 1 p.l., ii p., 1 U 154, 67(1) p. P. f * MO 722 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Music, continued. Gilfert, C. A weary lot is thine, fair maid! From Rokeby, written by Walter Scott. Composed by C. Gilfert. Philadel- phia: G. E. Blake [18-?]. [2 p f°. P * MP p.v.16 No title-page. Piano and voice. Glen, David. The music of the Clan Maclean. Compiled and arranged under the auspices of the Clan Maclean Associa- tion... Edinburgh: D. Glen [1900]. 1 p.l., SI p. f°. t*MO Glen, John. Early Scottish melodies: including examples from mss. and. early- printed works, along with a number of comparative tunes, notes on former an- notators, English and other claims, and biographical notices. Edinburgh: J. & R. Glen, 1900. xvi, 271(1) p., port, pi. 4°. *MO Glen, Robert. Notes on the ancient musical instruments of Scotland, with il- lustrative drawings, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 114-125.) CPA Gow, Nathaniel. Lady Ann Montagu Scot, a medley, to which are added the favorite dances of 1814... no. 1. Edin- burgh: R. Purdie, n. d. 3 p. f°. t*MOp.box Gow, Neil. Roy's wife of Aldivalloch or [The ruffian's rant] [Composed by Neil Gow, the famous Scottish piper and musi- cian). Writted by Mrs. Grant of Carron. Philadelphia: G. Willig [18-?]. 2 inside p. f°. * MN p.v.44 Graham, George Farquhar. An account of the first Edinburgh musical festival... 1815. To which is added an essay, con- taining some general observations on music. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1816, ix, 213 p., 1 1., 2 pi. 12°. Drexel 749 Graham, John. Scottish national melo- dies. New York: C. T. Geslain, 1841. 3 p.l., 3-110 p. 8°. Stuart 11557 With engraved title-page. Greig, Gavin. Folk-song in Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 9, 1906-08, p. 2-76.) CPA Gunn, John. An historical enquiry re- specting the performance on the harp in the Highlands of Scotland; from the earli- est times, until it was discontinued, about the year 1734. To which is prefixed an account of a very ancient Caledonian harp, and of the harp of Queen Mary. Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1807. vii, 112 p., 3 pi. 4°. Stuart 11554 Drawn up by desire of the Highland Society. Two copies on thick paper. H., G. W. Music in Glasgow. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, n 11-13.) tMAA Hi, W. T. Harriish MaccuMn. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p 40-41.) f MAA Hadden, James Cuthbert. Ecclesiasti- cal music in Presbyterian Scotland. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p 1-24.) * DA Music in early Scotland. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 12, p. 221-244.) * DA The national music of Scotland. (Cassell's family magazine. London, 1884. 4°. v. 10. p. 222-223.) *DE 1- The national music of Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley. 1889. 8°. v. 13, p. 249-273.) *DA Popular songs — "Auld lang syne." (The musical leader and concert goer. Chicago, 1904. v. 8, no. 10, p. 16.) * MA Harris, David Fraser. Saint Cecilia's Hall in the Niddfy Wynd: a chapter in the history of the music of the past in Edifi* burgh. Edin r .: Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1911. xv, 303 p. 2. ed. 8°. CPA Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 9, p. 202-203. Hately, T. L. The psalmody of the Free Church of Scotland, with an accompani- ment for the pianoforte. Prepared under the superintendence of George Hogarth... Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy, 1845. 1 p.l., vii, 96 p. 8°. *MRA Haydn, J. A collection of Scottish airs, harmonized for the voice and piano forte with. . .symphonies and accompaniments for a violin and violoncello, v. 1. Edin- burgh: W. Whyte [1806]. f°. *M0 Howlett, England. Bell lore. (In: By- gone church life in Scotland. London, 1899. 8°. p. 34-45.) ZDVH Johnson, James. The Scotish musical museum; consisting of upwards of six hun- dred songs, with proper basses for the piano forte. Originally published by J. Johnson; and now accompanied with... notes and illustrations of the lyric poetry and music of Scotland, by. . .William Sten- house... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1839. 6 v. 8°. Drexel 4072 Johnston, Alfred Wintle. Four Shetland airs. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 79-81.) CR r Jordan, Dora. Blue bells of Scotland, [The favorite Scotch air.] [For the piano forte arranged] with variations by Dale. Baltimore: J. Carr t 18— ?]. 33-36 p. F. (In: Musical journal. . . v. 2, instrumental section, no. 42.) *MNp.v.37 No title-page. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 723 Music, continued. _ ■■ Blue bells of Scotland... Scotch ballad [for piano & voice] as lately revived in England by Mrs. Jordan. . . Baltimore: J. Carr ( 18— ?]. 1-4 p. f°. (In: Musical journal... v. 2, vocal section, no. 26.) * MN p.v.37 The blue bells of Scotland. A fav- orite Scotch song. ..by Mrs. Jordan with variations for the piano forte by J. Dale. New York: J. Willson [18—?]. 4 p. f°. * MYD p.v.20 No title-page. Kennedy, David. Kennedy's handbook of Scottish song, with the melodies... London: Henderson, Rait & Fenton, 1866. 1 pi, 28 p. 8°. * MO p.v.3 Kidson, Frank. Scottish music. (In: Grove's dictionary of music and musicians, edited by J. A. Fuller Maitland. Lon- don, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 391-402.) * MD p. 401-402 contain a bibliography. Knapton, P. Mrs. Macdonald, Scotch air with an introduction and variations for the piano forte composed by P. Knapton. New York: Dubois & Stodart [18—?]. 8 p. f°. *MNp.v.l3 Kotzeluch, L. A. Bonnie Doon, a favor- ite song, written by Robert Burns. Ar- ranged for the pianoforte by Kotzeluch. Philadelphia: G. Willig [18—?]. 2 inside p. f°. *MNp.v.44 Kyle's Scottish lyric gems. A collection of the songs of Scotland, original and se- lected, with new and appropriate symphon- ies and accompaniments for the pianoforte by T. S. Gleadhill. Glasgow: Joseph Fer- rie, 1882. 1 p.l., ii, 403 p., 2 1. f°. * MO ? Laing, David. An account of the psalter of A. D. 1S66, containing the psalms, can- ticles, and hymns, set to music in four parts, in the manuscripts of Thomas Wode or Wood, vicar of Sanctandrois. 9 pi. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 44S-4S8.) H CPA Lawson, Malcolm. Songs of the North, gathered together from the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland. Edited by A. C. Macleod and H. Boulton. The music ar- ranged by M. Lawson. London: J. B. Cramer & Co. [189-?, 2 v. pi. f°. * MO v. 1, 20. ed.; v. 2 is 5. ed., edited by H. Boulton. Leitch, George: Notice of a mahogany pitchpipe formerly used in Cults parish church, Fife, illus. (Society of Antiquaries ?L. SGOtland - Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 43-46.) CPA Lowe, John. Mary's dream. [A song, ?£«'?"« and composed by John Lowe.] i7°i 79 ?- (Edinburgh: Stewart & Co. (17— ?j 1 p. 4°. * MN MacFarlane, Malcolm. Bardic melody A book in which the poems, songs and ditties of the Scottish Gaels are exhibited along with their airs. Book 1 part 1 Stirling: E. Mackay, 1908. x, 112 p 8°' * MO (Gaelic) With additional Gaelic title-page. Text in Gaelic. Mackay, Angus. A collection of ancient piobaireachd or Highland pipe music... to which are prefixed some sketches of the principal hereditary pipers and their es- tablishments with... notes respecting the origin of the various pieces. Edinburgh- the editor, 1838. 3 p.l., 16, 171, 17 p. f° Drexel 4078 Maclauchlan, Thomas. Gaelic literature, language, and music. (In: J. S. Keltie, His- tory of the Scottish Highlands... New York [187-?]. 8°. v. 3, p. 66-115.) CPE Macleod, Kenneth. Note on musical in- struments in Gaelic folk-tales. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 341- 347.) P N DK McLeod, P. New national songs, the melodies never before published. Edin- burgh: G. Croall, n. d. 3 p.l., SO p. nar. 4°. *MO Original national melodies of Scot- land. London: G. Virtue [1838]. 3 p.l., 234 p. 8°. * MO Mac-Michael, J. Holden. The bagpipe. (Antiquary. London, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 111-115.) CA Mainzer, Joseph. The Gaelic psalm tunes of Ross-shire, and the neighbouring counties. The harmony and introductory dissertation by Mainzer. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1844. xxiv, 25 p. 4°. Drexel 4517 Specimens and illustrations of the old psalmody of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Gall & Son [1844,. 9(1) p., 15 1. 4°. Drexel 2085 Manson, William Laird. The Highland bagpipe, its history, literature, and music. With some account of the traditions, su- perstitions, and anecdotes relating to the instrument and its tunes. Paisley: Alex- ander Gardner, 1901. xiv p., 1 1., 420 p., 8 pi. sq. 8°. *MKR March to the battle field. A Scotch bal- lad... New York: A. Fleetwood [18—?]. 1 1. 8°. (In: Old songs for the piano forte.) Drexel 4156 Martin, John. [Scotch airs, reels and strathspeys in manuscript.] Collected by J. Martin for Alex r . Anderson, first wood engraver in America, n. p., n. d. 50 1. ob. 24°. Drexel 4079 Maver's collection of genuine Scottish melodies for the pianoforte or harmonium, in keys suitable for the voice. Harmonized 724 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Music, continued. by C. H. Mosine. Edited by George Alex- ander. Glasgow: R. Maver [1866]. xiv, 244 double pages, p. 245-254. f°. * MO (Scotland) The double pages contain music on one side and text on the other. Mazzinghi, J. Ellen Bhoyochd, or the beautiful. A Gaelic ballad from the Wan- derer. Adapted to an old Scots air and arranged for the pianoforte or harp, by J. Mazzinghi. London: Goulding & Co. [18—?. 4 p. f°. *MPp.v.23 Menzies, David P. Note on the "Ban- nockburn" bagpipes of Menzies. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 231-234.) CPA Metcalf, J. W. . Scottish folk song "Oh, dinna ask me." (Musical world. Boston, 1903. 4°. v. 3, no. 3, p. 1-3.) * MA Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notice of ecclesiastical music found in the burgh charter-room of Dundee. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 38, p. 476-486.) CPA Morrison, W. A collection of Highland music, consisting of strathspeys, reels, marches, waltzes & show airs, with varia- tions... for the piano forte, violin and violoncello. . . Inverness: I. Young & Co., n. d. 1 p.l., 36 p. P. f*MOp.box Murray, Amy. An fhideag airgid. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 201.) NDK Music in Scotland: a brief historical sur- vey. (Musical times. London, 1901. 4°. v. 42, p. 723-727, 789-793.) * MA Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord. On the pentatonic and other scales employed in Scottish music. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. v. 7, p. 382-384.) * EC Observations on the state of the art of music, in Scotland and its capital, with re- marks on the Reid bequest. Edinburgh: W. F. Watson, 1849. 1 p.l., 37 p. 8°. * C p.v.1204 One hundred songs of Scotland; music and words. Boston: O. Ditson & Co., cop. 1859. 64 p. 8°. Drexel4047 Oswald, James. The Caledonian pocket companion, containing a favourite collec- tion of Scotch tunes with variations for the German flute or violin. Book vth. London: the author, n. d. 8°. *MOp.v.3,no.l2 Imperfect. P., C. M. Ceol-seinn na tuatha: anns na tri canainean. (Guth na bliadhna. Stirl- ing, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 29-45, 109-119, 229- 240, 328-340.) NDK Peterson, Franklin. Musical aesthetics in Presbyterian worship. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 38-40 104-106.) f MAA Phillips, H. My heart's in the High- lands, partly written by Robert Burns, music by H. Phillips. [Voice & piano i Boston: O. Ditson [18—?]. 4 p. f°. t * MO p.box No title-page. Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph. A select collec- tion of original Scotish airs for the voice, to each of which are added introductory & concluding symphonies & accompani- ments for the violin & piano forte by Pleyel. With select & characteristic verses by the most admired Scotish poets... Also suitable English verses in addition to such of the songs as are writ- ten in the Scotish dialect. London: Pres- ton •& Son [1793j. vi, 25, [25] p. 4°. * MN Raven, J. J. Caledonian campanology. (Archaeological journal. London, 1892. 8°. v. 49, p. 10-16.) CA Reid, The, commemoration concert, Edinburgh. College concert. First annual concert in memory of General Reid... Repetition of performance . . . February 13, 1841. [Words, of the airs, &c, with notices of the music by Prof. John Thomson.] Edinburgh: T. Paton [1841]. 38 p. sq. 8°. Drexel 2219 Rimbault, Edward Francis. The na- tional melodies of Scotland. [Leisure' hour. London, 1875. 4°. v. 24, p. 795- 799.) * DA Robertson, Alexander. Saw ye my wee love, an admired Scotch ballad by Hector McNiel. . .arranged with symphonies & accompaniments for the piano forte by Alex. Robertson. Philadelphia: G. Willig [18—?]. 3 p. f°. *MPp.v.ll No title-page. Robin Adair... Ballad... The sym- phony & accompaniments composed and arranged for the harp or piano forte by W. Reeve. New York: W- Dubois [18— ?]. 3 p. f°. (In: Old songs for the piano forte.) Drexel 4156 Rogers, Charles. History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland, with the register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling including details in relation to the rise and progress of Scottish music and observations respect- ing the order of the Thistle. Edinburgh: The Grampian Club, 1882. ecliv p., 1 1., 126 p. 8°. CR LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 725 Music, continued. , Rose, Hugh. Highland minstrelsy. ^Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. S, p. 71-81.) NDO Ross, D. Auld langsyne (The favorite Scotch air) with variations for the piano forte or harp, composed by D. Ross. New York: W. Dubois [18—?]. 6 p. P. * MN p.v.4 Ross, William. Ross's collection of pipe music rBy Ulleam, i. e., William, Ross. n. p., pref. 1869. 1876? 2.? ed.j 10 p.l., 131 p., 11. f°. * MYR Lithographed t.-p. Letterpress t.-p. wanting? Roy's wife, a favorite Scotch ballad to which is added the words of: "Canst thou leave me thus, my Katy," written by Rob- ert Burns. New York: J. A. & W. Geib [IS—?,. 2 p. f°. * MN p.v.14 Sanderson, James? Chorus. Hail to the chief!... Written by Sir Walter Scott. Composed by Sanderson. New York: Firth and Hall [18—?,. 3 p. f°. (In: Old songs for the piano forte.) Drexel 4156 Hail to the chief. Chorus com- posed by Mr. Sanderson. Words from the "Lady of the lake" by Walter Scott. [3 voices with piano accompaniment.] New York: Wm. Dubois [18—?]. 3 p. f°. * MN p.v.44 Schetky, I. G. C. Lord Alexander Gor- don's reel. Arranged as a rondo for the pianoforte by I. G. C. Schetky. Baltimore: J. Carr [18—?]. 18-19 p. f°. [In: Musical journal... v. 2, vocal section, no. 10.) * MN p.v.37 Schweizer, Otto. Music in Edinburgh. Season 1887-88. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 14-15.) t MAA Scotch and Irish songs. Bonny Kathern Oggy, and others. [For the voice, piano forte, flute and guitar, n. p., n. d. f°. Drexel 4080 Title taken from cover. Scotish, The, minstrel. A selection from the vocal melodies of Scotland, ancient and modern, arranged for the piano forte [and voice] by R[obertj Archibald] Smith. Edin- burgh: R. Purdie [1820-24?]. 6 v. in 3. 4°. *MO Scots air [for the] violino, [and] violon- cello, n. t.-p. 2 1. f°. (Meyers select airs. 3. sett.) * MX Bound with: W. Shepherd, A second collection of strathspey reels, &c... Edinburgh, n. d. f°. Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled... A favorite patriotic song written by Robert Burns... Accompaniment for the piano forte. . . Arrangement for two flutes by I. Diether... London: Diether t 17— ?. 2 p. Drexel 5819 Scots wha ha'e wi' Wallace bled or Bruce's address, the words by Burns with an accompaniment for the piano forte, sung by John] Braham in Guy Mannering t by Bishop]. London: G. Walker [18—?]. 3 P. f. * MN p.v.12 No title-page. Voice or flute. Scott, Sir Walter. Wha'll be king but Charlie. A Scotch ballad... Written by Sir Walter Scott. With an accompani- ment for the piano forte by T. W. H. B. B. Philadelphia: G. Willig [18—?]. 2 1. f°. (In: Old songs for the piano forte.) Drexel 4156 Scottish, The, minstrel. A selection of the most favorite songs of Caledonia: adapted for the voice. German flute, and violin. Edinburgh: Oliver & Co., 1807. vi, 216 p., 1 pi. 16°. Drexel 4081 Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd [18 — ? 3 . 220 p. 16°. Drexel 4082 Sett, A, of Scotch reels, &c, as per- form'd at Vauxhall gardens by the Cale- donian Military Band, arranged for the piano forte. London: S. Potter [18 — ?]. 4 p. f°. Drexel 5819 Shepherd, William. A second collec- tion of Strathspey reels &c, for the piano forte, violin and violoncello. . . Edinburgh: Gow & Shepherd, n. d. 1 p.l., 26 p. P. *MX Somervell, Arthur. Songs of the four nations. A collection of old songs of the people of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, for the most part never before pub- lished. . . Edited by H. Boulton... The music arranged by Arthur Somervell. Lon- don: J. B. Cramer & Co., 1893. viii p., 3 1., 270 p., 1 1. 6. ed. f°. * MO Songs for the nursery. . . Glasgow: D. Robertson, 1844. x p., 1 1., 108 p. sq. 24°. Drexel 2591 Spindler, J. [Coming thro' the rye, by J. Spindler.] New York, cop. 1858. 3 p. f°. (Golden melodies, arranged for the piano by J. Spindler. no. 39.) * MYD p.v.ll Stenhouse, William. Illustrations of the lyric poetry and music of Scotland. In six parts. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1853. 512 p. 8°. Drexel 1928 Pages 1-512 of the original issue with a new title- page. See also under Johnson, James. Stevenson, J. A. Oft in the stilly night. Scotch air from Moore's National melodies (no 7). Arranged by Sir John Stevenson. Philadelphia: G. E. Blake [18— ?,. 2 p. f . * MP p.v.17 Stone, Joseph. The Campbells are com- ing. [Arranged by Joseph Stone.] No. Id of National and operatic melodies newly arranged as a series of rondos for the THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 726 Music, continued. piano forte by various composers in a familiar style. London: B. Williams t 18-?]. 3 P : f°. *MYDp.v.l4 Surenne, J. T. Scots wha hae wi' Wal- lace bled. ( Piano and voice.] Arranged by J. T. Surenne. [New York: C. B. Sey- mour & Co., cop. I860.] 1 p. f°. * MN p.v.22 No title-page. There's nae luck about the house. A ...Scotch song for the piano forte and Ger- man flute. London: G. Shade [18 — ?]. 2- 3 p f°. Drexel 3908 Thorns, George Hunter MacThomas. The bells of St. Giles, Edinburgh, with a notice of the missing bells of the chapel of Holyrood House. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 94-102.) CPA Thomson, Charles W. Scottish music and song, illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 9, p. 464-475.) * DD Thomson, George. A select collection of. . .Scottish airs for the voice. With. . . symphonies & accompaniments for the piano forte, violin & violoncello by Pleyel, Kotzeluch & Haydn. With. . .verses both Scottish and English adapted to the airs, including upwards of 100 new songs by Burns. [By George Thomson.] London: T. Preston [1803-05]. 4 v. f°. Drexel 4083 [Edinburgh: the editor, 1809- 18., 5 v. in 3. pi., port, f °. * MO Volume titles differ. Thomson, George. Thomson's collec- tion of the, songs of Burns, Sir Walter Scott, and other eminent lyric poets an- cient and modern united to the select mel- odies of Scotland, and of Ireland and Wales. With symphonies & accompani- ment, for the pianoforte by Pleyel, Haydn, Beethoven, &c. London, 1822-25. 6 v. pi., port. 4°. *MO Tolozan, A. V. O. de. General histori- cal view of the music of Scotland: with an introduction. . . Edinburgh, 1879. 12 p. 12°. *MF Tytler, William, of Woodhouselee. Dis- sertation on the Scottish music. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 469-498.) t CPA (Reprinted in: James i., The works of James the First. . . Glasgow: W. Lang [1825,. 12°. p. 245-295.) NCL ■ On the fashionable amusements and entertainments in Edinburgh in the last century, with a plan of a grand concert of music on St. Cecilia's day, 1695. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archa;ologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 499-510.) t CPA Urbani, P. A select collection of orig- inal Scottish airs, for the voice, with... symphonies & accompaniments for the piano forte, violin & violoncello, with... verses.. .Scottish and English., .including nearly 100 new songs by Burns. Edin- burgh: J. Sutherland, n. d. 2 v. f°. tt * MO Wallace, William Vincent. Favorite Scotch melodies, arranged. . .with varia. tions for the pianoforte, no. 1 and 4. New York: W. Hall & Son [18—?]. 2 pamphlets, f °. * MYD p.v.22 no. 1. Comin' thro' the rye. no. 2. The Keel row. Katie Strang, Scotch ballad. Words by W. W. Fosdick, composed by W. V. Wallace. New York: W. Hall & Son, cop. 1856. 7 p. f°. *MPp.v.l8 Watlen, J. The celebrated circus tunes performed at Edinburgh. . .with. . .new reels and strathspeys set for the piano forte or violin and bass. Edinburgh: J. Watlen, n. d. 36 p. f. *MX Bound with: W. Shepherd, A second collection of strathspey reels, &c... Edinburgh, n. d. f°. We're a' noddin', nid, nid, noddin'. A ...Scotch ballad... Newly arranged for the pianoforte [voice and flute,. London: W. Sibley [18—?,. 2-3 p. 4. ed. f°. Drexel 3908 Whyte, Henry. The Celtic lyre. A col- lection of Gaelic songs, with English trans- lations. By Fionn [i. e., Henry Whyte,. Music in both notations. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1898. 1 p.l., [68, p. 7. thousand, sq. 8°. *MO Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1902. [ii, 68] p. 8. thousand, sq. 8°. *MO -Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1906. [ii, 68] p. 8. thousand [sicj. sq. 8°. * MO Wilson, Dr. The folk music of Scot- land. (Musical standard. London, 1904. f°. v. 21, no. 523, p. 22-23.) *MA Wilson, Sir Daniel. Notes on the buidh- ean or bell of Strowan and other primitive ecclesiastical bells of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 18-22.) CPA Wilson, J. Musical encyclopaedia; being a collection of the most approved English, Scottish and Irish songs; with appropriate music, adapted to the voice, pianoforte, etc. To which is prefixed an elaborate es- say on the first principles of music, by Wm. Grier. London, 1852. new ed. 8". *M0 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 727 Numismatics Anderson, Peter John. The postage stamps of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. 186S-69. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 129-131.) CPA Blanchet, J. Adrien. Inedited gold crown of James v., with the name of John, duke of Albany, illus. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1891. 8°. series 3, v. 11, p. 203- 204.) MHA Burns, Edward. The coinage of Scot- land, illustrated, from the cabinet of Thomas Coats qf Ferguslie, and other col- lections. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1887. 3 v. P. tMIG v. 3t plates. Descriptive notice of the coins in the Fortrose hoard, with notes on the cor- responding gold coinage of Scotland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 186-219.) CPA ■ Notes on the hoard of coins dis- covered in Banffshire, supplementary to the notice by Rev. Dr. Gordon. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 433- 436.) CPA — .— On coins attributed by Mr. Lindsay to kings of the Hebrides. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 225-233.) CPA Cardonnel, Adam de. Numismata Sco- tise, or, A series of the Scottish coinage, from the reign of William the Lion to the Union. Edinburgh: George Nicol, 1786. 3 p.l., 157, 33 p., 20 pi. f b . t MIG and Stuart 1607 Catalogue of the Scottish coins belong- ing to the Society of Scottish Antiquaries arranged in chronological order. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, ap- pendix, p. 7-32.) t CPA Cochran-Patrick, Robert William. Med- als of Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1888. 8 9 . series 3, v. 8, p. 316- 32 2.) MHA Note on Ruddiman's table of the value of the silver money coined in Scot- land. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 34-42.) 4 CPA ; — ■ Note on some mint accounts of the coinage of Scotland after the accession of James vi. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1879. 8°. new series, v. 19, p. 66-73.) MHA Notes on the annals of the Scottish coinage. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1872-74. 8°. new series, v. 12, p. 16-32 83- 04 242-265; v. 13, p. 41-53, 134-146; V 14 p 118-154, 229-266, 317-338.) MHA . — — Notes on the Scottish mints. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8° v 10 p. 225-239.) q CP A ' Notes of some unpublished rec- ords of the coinages of James vi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 388-396.) CPA Notes towards a metallic history of Scotland. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1877-80. 8°. new series, v. 17, p 57-72; v . 18, p. 73-80, 291-301; v. 19, p. 142- 152; v. 20, p. 253-261.) MHA — — Notice of a curious manuscript in the library of the British Museum, contain- ing drawings and descriptions of Scottish coins. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 735-736.) CPA Notice of some unpublished varie- ties of Scottish coins. 3 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1871-75. 8°. new se- ries, v. 11, p. 283-287; v. 12, p. 235-241; v. 15, p. 157-166.) MHA • Notice of a very rare type of the half-plack of James vi. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 287-288.) CPA • Remarks on the coinages of Alex- ander ii. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 278-287.) CPA Unpublished varieties of Scottish coins, illus. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1886. 8°. series 3, v. 6, p. 38-40.) MHA Cramond, William. Beggars' badges. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 99-101.) CPA Cummyng, James. A disquisition into the proper arrangement of the silver coins, applicable to the first four James's, kings of Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 199-205.) t CPA English and foreign sterlings found in Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1861. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 56-57.) MHA Franks, Augustus Wollaston. Notice of permissions given at Paris to John Ache- son to make dies with the portrait of Mary, queen of Scots, 21st October 1553, and to Nicolas Emery to make a die for jettons, with the arms, etc., of the queen of Scots, 728 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Numismatics, continued. from a register preserved at Paris. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 506-507.) CPA Geddie, W. S. Notice of the discovery of a hoard of groats of Robert in., enclosed in a ewer of brass, and buried in the Cathe- dral Green, Fortrose. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 14, p. 182-186.) CPA Gordon, George. Notice of a hoard of silver coins discovered in Banffshire of which three are now presented to the mu- seum. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 431-433.) CPA Grueber, Herbert Appold. Scottish coins, (fn his: Handbook of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1899. 8°. p. 162-212.) MIG An unpublished half-unicorn of James iv. of Scotland, illus. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1906. 8°. series 4, v. 5, p. 66-76.) MHA Haggard, W. D. Medals of the Pre- tender. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1839-40. 8°. v. 1, p. 219-222; v. 2, p. 37-42, 124-132.) MHA Haigh, Daniel Henry. Remarks on early Scottish coins, and on the arrangement of those bearing the name of Alexander. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1841. 8°. v. 4, p. 67-72.) MHA Henfrey, Henry William. The Culloden medals. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1875. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 90-91.) MHA Hoblyn, Richard A. The Edinburgh coinage of Queen Anne: 1707-1709. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1879. 8°. new series, v. 19, p. 138-141.) MHA ■ Milled Scottish coins: 1637-1709. 2 pi. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1879. 8°. new series, v. 19, p. 108-137.) MHA Holt, Henry F. Observations upon a "shilling" of Francis the Dauphin and Mary Stuart, representing them as "King and Queen of Scotland, England, and Ire- land," dated 1558: with notes regarding the assumption by Queen Mary of the arms and crown of England. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 279-287.) CPA Humphreys, Henry Noel. The coinage of Scotland previous to the Union. (In his: Coinage of the British Empire. Lon- don, 1854. 8°. p. 92-97.) MIG J., K. Scottish tradesmen's tokens, pi, (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen' 1894-95. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 146-147; v. 8, p ?'- 3,42-43,55-56,67.) CPA Jamieson, John. Remarks on the an- tiquity of the earliest Scottish coins now extant. (Royal Society of Literature. Transactions. London, 1834. 4°. v 2 o 304-321.) *ec Lindsay, John. A view of the coinage of Scotland, with copious tables, lists, 'de- scriptions, and extracts from acts of Parlia- ment; and an account of numerous hoards or parcels of coins discovered in Scotland, and of Scottish coins found in Ireland... Cork: Messrs. Bolster, prtrs., 1845. viii 291(1) p., 18 pi. 4°. tMIG McCulloch, John Ramsay. Note on Scotch money, with tables showing the successive changes in the standard, in the weight of the coins, and in the relative values of gold and silver, from 1107-1707, when Scotland ceased to have a peculiar coinage. (In his: A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money. London, 1856. 8°. p. 285-290.) TF Macdonald, George. Note on a hoard of coins of the Edwards, found at Kinghornie, Stonehaven. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. v. 36, p. 668-670.) CPA ■ Note on a hoard of Scottish coins recently found at Linlithgow. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 352-353.) CPA Note of a hoard of silver coins found in Kirkcudbrightshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 569-571.) CPA ■ Note on a hoard of silver coins found at Lochmaben. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 39, p. 403-405.) CPA Note of a hoard of silver coins found at Mellendean, near Sprouston, Rox- burghshire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 200-201.) CPA Note on a small hoard of gold coins found recently in Glasgow. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 367-369.) CPA A recent find of Roman coins in Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1905. 8°, series 4, v. 5, p. 10-17.) MHA Two hoards of Edward pennies re- cently found in Scotland. 3 pi. (Numis- matic chronicle. London, 1913. 8°. series 4, v. 13, p. 57-118.) MHA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 729 Numismatics, continued. Mackenzie, Thomas. Notes on a Forres penny of Alexander ii. illus. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1881. 8°. series 3, v. 1, p. 158-161.) MHA Notice of a collection of groats of Robert in. of Scotland (1390-1406). (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1884. 8°. se- ries 3, v. 4, p. 189-200.) MHA McLachlan, Robert Wallace. Coins of the reign of Mary, queen of Scots. (Can- adian antiquarian. Montreal, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 79-84.) HWA Macleod, Donald. Recent find of coins and armlets in the graveyard of- Tarbat, Ross-shire. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 18-19.) CPA Murray, David. A note of some Glasgow and other provincial coins and tokens. 2 pi. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 49-72,) CPA Pollexfen, John H. Notice of the coins of David i. of Scotland, Henry I., and Ste- phen of England, found, with gold orna- ments, &c, at Plan, in the island of Bute, in June, 1863. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 372-384.) CPA On a hoard of gold ornaments and silver coins found in Bute. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1875. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 57-72.) MHA On two new Scottish pennies of James vi. and Charles i. ; with some re- marks on the half-groats of the same reigns; and also on the gold thistle crowns of James. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1868. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 237- 249.) MHA Richardson, Adam Black. Notice of a hoard of broken silver ornaments and Anglo-Saxon and Oriental coins found in Skye. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 225-240.) CPA Notice of recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings: Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 275-278.) CPA Hoards found at (1) Kilkerran, (2) Kirkintil- loch, (3) Kinghornie, and (4) Craigie. Notice of recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 295-298.) CPA Hoards found at Cleuchhead, Roxburghshire, and Falhills, Midlothian. Ross, Alexander. Find of coins in Skye. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1893. 8°. v. 3, p. 18-23.) * EC Scotiae numisma: or, Ancient Scotish coins: their real and proportional value; with some observations on the price oi provisions in Scotland in ancient times, to which is added a notice of Scotish monas- tic institutions at the period of the Refor- mation. 1738. (Reprinted in: Clarendon Historical Society. Reprints. 1. series. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 1, p. 33-54.) CBA Scott, William H. Notice of the ancient die of a Scottish coin found near Pitten- crieff, recently presented to the museum, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v 2, P. 52-55.) CPA Report on a large hoard of Anglo- Saxon pennies, in silver, found in the island of Islay. (Society of Antiquaries oi Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855 sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 74-81.) CPA Shand, J. Foreign coin in Shetland (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1913 8°. v. 6, p. 37-40.) CF Short, A, account of Scotish money and coins, with tables of their value at differ- ent periods, and the price of commodities &c. Together with tables of the revenues of the archbishops, bishoprics, abbeys nunnerys, &c, at the Reformation. Edin- burgh: D. Webster, 1817. 16 p. 8°. CP p.bos Sim, George. Aberdeen treasure trove (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v 21, p. 223-225.) CPA On silver pennies of Edward I., II., and ill. Find of coins in Scotland. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1882. 8° series 3, v. 2, p. 354-355.) MHA Glenquaich treasure-trove. (Nu- mismatic chronicle. London, 1877. 8° new series, v. 17, p. 80.) MHA Note of the discovery of Englisl pennies of Edward I. and n., in the parist of Keir, Dumfriesshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 457.) CPA Note respecting coins found in the walls of an old house in the town of Ayr: and at Newstead, Roxburghshire. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5 p. 105-108.) CPA Notes of coins recently found iv. various parts of Scotland. (Society oi Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 508-512.) CPA Holecroft, Kirkcudbright; Dunbar; Leith Har bour; Lanark; Dornoch, Dumfriesshire. Notes on coins recently discovered in Scotland, unicorns of James in. and iv.. half unicorns of James iv., ecus of James 730 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Numismatics, continued, v., etc. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 286-289.) CPA Reprinted in the Numismatic chronicle, series 2, v. 10, p. 240-243, London, 1870. Notes of coins, Sic, recently dis- covered in Scotland. 2 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. S, p. 234-238.) CPA 1. Knowehead of Crombie. 2. At Plan, Bute. 3, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. 4. Kippendavie. 5. Wood- head, Canonbie. 6. Brechin. 7. Kinghorn, Fifeshire. Notice of a rare medal of Provost Drummond of Edinburgh, presented to the society by G. Sim. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 393-394.) CPA Notice of recent discoveries of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 464-472.) CPA Notice of recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 378-380.) CPA Notices of coins recently found in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1873. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 271-273.) CPA Ayrshire, Shetland, etc. Notices of recent discoveries of coins. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings, Edinburgh, 1870 sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 195-196.) CPA Coins found at Abernethy; and at Kirkmichael, in Perthshire. Notices of recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 547-550.) CPA Forgandenny, Hawick, Rannoch, Creggan, Glen- quaich. Notices of recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 306-307.) CPA Recent finds [Of coins] in Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1876 8°. new series, v. 16, p. 76-79.) MHA (1) Forgandenny, (2) Hawick, (3) Creggan. Recent finds in Scotland. (Numis- matic Chronicle. London, 1858. 8° v 19, p. 192-194.) MH £ > — — Recent finds t of coins] in Scotland (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1859 8° v. 20, p. 192-194.) • JJHA At Duns, Berwickshire. Recent finds of coins in Scotland. (Numismatic chronicle. London, 1877. 8°! new series, v. 17, p. 308.) MHA ~S°J? S , fou " d *t Steinish, Geprgemas Hill, and Old Monk land. _ Report on the Scottish and Eng- lish coins in the society's museum. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v 4 p. 67-70.) CPA Smith, Aquilla. Curious forgeries of Scotch coins. (Numismatic chronicle London, 1854. 8°. v. 16, p. 23-29.) MHA On Scotch coins and counterfeits in Ireland. (Royal Irish Academy. Pro- ceedings. Dublin, 1853. 8". v. 5, p. 324- 331.) *EC Smith, John Alexander. Note of a Ro- man aureus of Nero found near Newstead in 1862. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. so 8°. v. 5, p. 108.) CPA Notice of various Roman coins found in the Red Abbeystead and adjoin- ing fields to the east of the village of New- stead, Roxburghshire. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1855. sq. 8°. y. 1, p. 33-38.) CP Struthers, John. Notice of old Scottish coins found near Prestonpans in March, 1869. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 167-169.) CPA Webster, William. Forgeries of Scot- tish coins. (Numismatic chronicle. Lon- don, 1863. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 146-147.) MHA Wingate, James. On the coinage of Scotland. (Glasgow Archaeological So- ciety. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 78-82.) CPA Folklore See also under Gaelic Literature A., A. Auld Yule; or, Christmas in Scot- land. (National magazine. London, 1858. 4°. v. 3, p. 198-199.) * DE A., J. Charms used in the island of San- day. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 198-200.) CR See also note on p. 252. Account of the New Year song, as sung in Sanday. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 262-266.) CR Accurate, An, account of second-sighted men in Scotland: in two letters to Mr. John Aubrey. (In: The wonders of nature and LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 731 Folklore, continued. art displayed... London, 1796. 8°. v. 1, p. 91-92, 126-128.) Ancient criminal trials in Scotland; com- piled from the original records and mss., with historical illustrations, &c. By Rob- ert Pitcairn. Edinburgh: printed for the Maitland Club, 1829-33. 3 v. 4°. CP These trials "form the quarry out of which the compilers of [Scottish] witchcraft histories for oopular instruction get their material" (Ferguson). the principal witchcraft trials in this work are: (1) Agnes Mullikine, alias Bessie Boswell, 1563, v 1 p. 432 (this is the earliest case in the records of the High Court of Justiciary of Scotland) ; (2) Jonet Boyman, 1572, v. 1, p. 38; Elizabeth or Bessie Dunlop, 1576, v. 1, p. 49-58; Violat Mar, 1577, v. 1, p. 76-77; Williame Gilmour, 1582, v. 1, p. 101; Alesoun Peirsoun, 1588, v. 1, p. 161-165; Johnne Myllar, 1588, v. 1, p. 167; Lady Fowlis, 1589, v. 1, p. 185; Meg Dow, 1589-90, v. 1, p. 186; Hector Munro of Fowlis, 1590, v. 1, p. 201-204; Jonett Grant and Jonett Clark, 1590, v. 1, p. 206; Bessie Roy, 1590, v. 1, p. 207-209; William Leslie and his wife, 1590, v. 1, p. 209; Johnne Feane, alias Cwning- hame, v. 1, p. 209-213; Reprint of Mewes from Scot- land, 1590, v. 1, p. 213-223; Agnes Sampsoune, 1590- 1, y. 1, p. 230-241: Barbara Naipar, 1591, v. 1, p. 242-243; Ewfame Makalzane or McCalzane, 1591, v. 1, p. 247-257; Johnne Stewart, maister of Ork- nay, 1596, v. 1, p. 373-377; Alison Balfour, 1596, v. 1, p. 375-377; Alesoune Jollie, 1596, v. 1, p. 397- 399; Cristian Stewart, 1596, v. 1, p. 399-400; Capt. Patrick Hering, 1597, v. 2, p. 23-25; Jonet Stewart, Christian Lewingstoun, Bessie Aiken and Christian Saidler, 1597, v. 2, p. 25-29, 52-53; Patrik Lowrie, 1605, v. 2, p. 477-479; Issobell Greirsoune, 1607, v. 2, p. 523-526; Bartie Patersoun, 1607, v. 2, p. 535- 537: Issobell Haldane, 1607, v. 2, p. 537-538; Beigis Tod, 1608, v. 2, p. 542-544; James Mure, 1609, v. 3, p. 68-69; Grissel Gairdner, 1610, v. 3, p. 95-98; Marioun Peebles, 1611, v. 3, p. 194-195; Robert Erskine and his sisters, 1613, v. 3, p. 260-264; Mar- garet Wallace and Cristiane Grahame, 1622, v. 3, p. 508-536; Thomas Greave, 1623, v. 3, p. 555-558; Mamie Haliburton, 1649, v. 3, p. 599-600; Geillis Johnstoun, 1649, v. 3, p. 600-601; Jonet Watsone, Christiane Wilsone, and Jonet Paistbun, 1661, v. 3, p. 601-602; Issobell Gowdie, 1662, v. 3, p. 602-616; Janet Braidheid, v. 3, p. 616-618. Ancient, An, Highland superstition. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1887. 8°. v. 5, p. 159-161.) ZBA Relating to burial of a suicide at Ullapool. Anderson, James. An account of the manner in which the Lammas festival used to be celebrated in Midlothian about the middle of the 18th century. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archasologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 192- 198.) f CPA Anderson, Joseph. The confessions of the Forfar witches (1661), from the orig- inal documents in the society's library. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 22, p. 241-262.) CPA Andree, Richard. Westschottischer Aber- glauben. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1879. 4°, v. 36, p. 286-288.) KAA Based on Napier's Folk lore; or, Superstitious beliefs m the west of Scotland. Andrews, William. The Lee-penny. (Reliquary. London, 1876. 8°. v. 16, p. 87- 89.) CA Arnot, Hugo. Of witchcraft. (In his: A collection and abridgement of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland... Glasgow 1812. 8°. p. 390-415, 433-434.) SLN Summaries of some of the principal Scottish trials for witchcraft. See also under Sufferers. Aubrey, John. See under Insulanus, Theophilus, pseud. Treatises on second sight. Barbour, John Gordon. Unique tradi- tions, chiefly of the west and south of Scot- land. London: Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1886. 255 p. 12°. ZBID Bayne, Thomas. The brownie in litera- ture. (Fortnightly review. London, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 81, p. 425-438.) * DA Beaton, David. Folk-lore notes from John o' Groats. Being extracts from the kirk-session records of Canisby. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 59-63, 129-134.) CR Some references to witchcraft and charming. From Caithness and Suther- land church records. By Historicus. (Ork- ney and Shetland old lore series of the Viking Club. Old-lore miscellany. Lon- don, 1909-10. 8°. v. 2, p. 110-115, 171-172, 193; v. 3, p. 47-48.) CPA Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. See under Brad- ley, Edward. Begg, Robert Burns. Notice of trials for witchcraft at Crook of Devon, 'Kinross- shire, in 1662. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. .v. 22, p. 211-241.) CPA Printed from the minutes of an assize court of justiciary held at Crook of Devon. Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchter- order, p. 209-252, Crieff, 1899. Bell, A. M. Children's song in Berwick- shire. (Antiquary. London, 1894. sq. 8". v. 30, p. 12-19.) ' CA Birth and baptisms, customs and super- stitions. (In: Bygone church life in Scot- land. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 194-209.) ZDVH Black, George Fraser. Caithness folk- lore. (Caledonian. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 2, p. 382.) * DD Confessions of Alloa witches. (Scot- tish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 9, p. 49-52.) CPA — — Examples of printed folklore con- cerning the Orkney and Shetland islands. Collected by G. F. Black. London: Folk- lore Society, 1903. xii, 277 p. 8°. (Folk- lore Society. Publications, no. 49.) ZBD Notes on a silver-mounted charm- stone of rock-crystal, from Inverleny, with notices of other Scottish balls of rock- crystal and of superstitions connected 732 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. therewith, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 189S. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 439-448.) CPA Notice of a charm-bead from Craig- nish. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 230-233.) CPA Perthshire folklore. (Caledonian. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 2, p. 429-431.) *DD Scottish charms and amulets, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 27, p. 433-526.) CPA Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1894. 1 p.L, 433-526 p. sq. 8°. YMI Reprint of preceding. ■ Scottish superstitions. (Caledo- nian. New York, 1902. 8°. January, 1902, p. 12-14.) *DD See also under Scottish witchcraft trials. Black, William George. Folk-names of British birds. (Folk-lore. London, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 136-138.) ZBA Gives the Scottish folk-names of birds from Gray's Birds of the west of Scotland, Glasgow, 1871. Sup- plementary to Swainson's Folk-lore of British birds. ■ Holy wells in Scotland. (Folklore journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 2, p. 173- 175.) ZBA Blind, Karl. Discovery of Odinic songs in Shetland. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1879. 8°. v. 5, p. 1091-1113.) *DA A fresh Scottish Ashpitel tale' and the glass shoe. (Archaeological review. London, 1889. 8°. v. 3, p. 24-38.) ZBA A Grimm's tale in a Shetland folk- lore version. (Archaeological review. Lon- don, 1888. 8°. v. 1, p. 346-352.) ZBA New finds in Shetlandic and Welsh folk-lore. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1882. 8°. v. 252, p. 353-371, 469-486.) *DA Scottish, Shetlandic, and Germanic water tales. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1881. 8°. v. 40, p. 186-208, 399-423.) *DA Shetland folklore and the old faith of the Scandinavians and Teutons. (Vik- ing Club. Saga-book. London, 1896. 8°. v. 1, p. 163-181.) GEA ■ Shetland folklore and the old faith of the Teutons. (New review. London, 1894. 8°. v. 11, p. 612-623.) * DA Bowd, James. Letter... to Sir Walter Scott by James Bowd, on a popular super- stition formerly used to prevent cattle from witchcraft; with remarks on the supersti- tion, by James Skene. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 300-301 ) ' tCPA Bradley, Edward. The fairy-man and the lady of the rock. By Cuthbert Bede (Belgravia. London, 1878. 8°. v. 34 n' 59-69.) * DA The ghosts of Glenlussa. By Cuth- bert Bede [pseud, of Rev. E. Bradley.] (Bel- gravia. London, 1869. 8°. v. 9, p. 121-126) *DA Legendary stories of Argyllshire rocks and caves. By Cuthbert Bede. (Bel- gravia. London, 1877. 8°. v. 32, p. 323- 335.) *DA Story hunting in the western High- lands. By Cuthbert Bede. (Belgravia London, 1877. 8°. v. 31, p. 275-281.) * DA Two popular stories of Cantyre. (Notes and queries. London, 1861. 8°. series 2, v. 12, p. 494-495.) *R-DE 1. The king of Cantire, and the knight of the croft's daughter. 2. The sprightly tailor, and the apparition of Saddell. The white wife; with other stories, supernatural, romantic and legendary; col- lected and illustrated by Cuthbert Bede. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1868. xii, 252 p., 3 pi. illus. 16°. ZBIG Brodie-Innes, J. W. Scottish witchcraft trials. Read before the Sette at a meeting held at Limmer's Hotel, on Friday, 7th No- vember 1890. London: Chiswick Press, 1891. 66 p., 1 1. sq. 16°. (Sette of odd volumes, no. 25.) NAC no. 19 of 245 copies printed for private circu- lation, autographed by the author. Brown, Henry H. Witchcraft in old Scots criminal law. (Green bag. Boston, 1901. 4°. v. 13, p. 511-514.) XAA Reprinted from The juridical review, v. 13, Edinburgh, 1901, in which it forms part of the author's essay on Sir George Mackenzie. Brueyre, Loys. Contes populaires de la Grande Bretagne. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1875. 2 p.l., xlviii, 382 p. 8°. ZBIG Buchan, Peter. See under Fairley, J. A. Burgess, J. J. Haldane. Some Shetland folk-lore. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 91-103.) *DA Burns, Robert. Letter to Francis Grose, F.A.S., concerning witch stories. (In: Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Censura litera- ria. London, 1807. 8°. v. 3, p. 25-29.) NCB Burton, John Hill. Trials for witchcraft. (In his: Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 236- 310.) CP His material is taken from the Ancient criminal trials in Scotland, edited by R. Pitcairn. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 733 Folklore, continued. Butterfly's, The, wedding. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 178- 180.) NDK Fairy lore. Translated from the Ursgeulan Gaid- healach. C., J. Breadalbane traditions. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 118-119.) CPA Callander, John. Dissertation on the cry of the maskers at Christmas, or Yule. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeo- logia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 1-13.) t CPA Cameron, John. The Gaelic names of plants (Scottish, Irish, and Manx), collect- ed and arranged in scientific order, with notes on their etymology, uses, plant su- perstitions, etc., among the Celts, with co- pious Gaelic, English, and scientific in- dices. Glasgow: John Mackay, 1900. xv, 160 p., 1 port, new ed. 8°. QEC Cameron, Morag. Highland fisher-folk and their superstitions. (Folk-lore. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 14, p. 300-306.) ZBA Campbell, Alexander. Highland danc- ing in the olden times. (Caledonia: a monthly magazine. Aberdeen, 189S. 8°. v. 1, p. 349-356.) * DE Describes the various dances common in the Highlands, which he divides into four classes. Campbell, Alexander. Traditions of Lochaber. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 300-305.) NDO Campbell, Archibald, lord. Records of Argyll. Legends, traditions and recollec- tions of Argyllshire Highlanders. . . Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1885. xvi, 514 p., 11 pi., 8 port. f°. ft ZBD Campbell, Charles. The folk-lore of nat- ural history. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 328- 344.) PQA Particularly that of Scotland. Campbell, John Francis. The Celtic dragon myth, by J. F. Campbell. With the geste of Fraoch and the Dragon, translated with introduction by George Henderson. Illustrated in colour by Rachel Ainslie Grant Duff. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1911. li, 172 p., 5 pi. sq. 8°. ZBIG Fionn's enchantment. (Revue cel- tique. Paris, 1870-72. 8°. v. 1, p. 193-202.) NDK Gaelic folktale with English translation. Popular tales of the west High- lands orally collected: With a translation. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas. 1860- 62. 4 v. 12°. ZBIG v. 1-2 reviewed in the Athenaum, p. 701-702, London, Nov. 24, 1860. The best collection of Scotch folk tales. The fourth volume contains dissertations on Ossian, with the evidence, authorities, a collection of Gaelic traditions in support of the genuineness of the orig- inal materials which MacPherson used; chapters on Celtic mythology, British traditions, Highland dress, music, etc. New ed. Under the auspices of the Islay Association. Paisley: Alexan- der Gardner, 1890-93. 4 v. 12°. ZBIG "With the exception of giving effect to the long lists of errata, the present reprint is exactly the same as the original edition." Campbell, Rev. John Gregorson. Cath Gabhra no laoidh Oscair (The battle of Gavra or Oscar's hymn). (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 167- 174,202-211.) *DE Taken down in Tiree, 1868. Clan traditions and popular tales of the western Highlands and Islands, col- lected from oral sources by J. G. Campbell . . . Edited by Jessie Wallace and Duncan Maclsaac, with introduction by Alfred Nutt. London: D. Nutt, 1895. xx, 150 p., 3 pi., 1 port. 8°. (Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition. Argyllshire series, no. 5.) ZBIG Clan traditions. Legendary history. Stories about the fairies. Folk tales. Beast fables. Boys' games. Appendix. Fionn's ransom. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1890. 8°. v. IS, p. 46-62.) NDO Gaelic text and English translation, with intro- ductory notes. From Ivilmoluag. The Green island. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1908. 4°. v. 5, p. 191-202.) CPA In Gaelic folklore. Macphee's black dog. (Scottish Celtic review. Glasgow, 1885. 4°. p. 262- 273.) RPA Gaelic text with English translation and intro- ductory note. • Mar a chaidh Fionn do righeachd nam Fear Mora (How Fin went to the kingdom of the big men). (Scottish Celtic review. Glasgow, 1885. 4°. p. 176-190.) RPA Gaelic text with English translation and intro- ductory note. Mar a chaidh an Tuairisgeul mor a chur gu bas (How the great Tuairisgeul was put to death). (Scottish Celtic re- view. Glasgow, 1885. 4°. p. 61-77.) RPA Gaelic text with English translation. The Muileartach. (Scottish Celtic review. Glasgow, 1885. 4°. p. 115-137.) RPA Gaelic text with English translation and notes. Na Amhuisgean — the dwarfs or pigmies. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. 734 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. Transactions. Inverness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 111-122.) NDO Gaelic text and English translation. The origin of the fairy creed. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 364-376.) CPA Righ Eirionn 's a dha rnhac. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 364-374.) NDK "The king of Ireland and his two sons." Folk- tale. Sgeulachd air Sir Uallabh O'Corn. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 69- 83.) NDO Taken down from oral recitation in Tiree, 1863. With English translation and notes. ' Sgeulachd casa Cein — The heal- ing of Keyn's foot. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 78-100.) NDO Gaelic text, English translation, and notes. Sgoil nan eun, no, Mac an Fhuca- dair. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 58- 68.) NDO The school of birds; or, The fuller's son. A West- ern Island tale. Gaelic and English. The story of Conal Grund. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 300-305.) CPA From Tiree. English translation only. Story of the king of Ireland and his two sons. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 1-10.) CPA English translation only. Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, collected entirely from oral sources. Glasgow: James Mac- Lehose and Sons, 1900. xx, 318 p. 8°. *R-ZBD - ■ Witchcraft & second sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Tales and traditions collected entirely from oral sources. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1902. xii, 314 p. 8°. 2BD Reviewed in L'annSe sociologique, annee 7, p. 276- 279, Paris, 1904. Carmichael, Alexander A. Caol Rea- thainn — Mar a fhuair e an t-ainn. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 32-35.) NDK "Kyle Rhea — How it got the name." Gaelic legend with English translation. Fionnladh Choinneachain, Mac na Bantraich. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 5, p. 19-37.) NDO Naoimh Chinntaile. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 371-372.) NDK Toiroic na Taine. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 25-39.) NDO Folktale. Carmichael, Ella C, now Mrs. W. J. Watson. "Never was piping so sad, and never was piping so gay." (Celtic review Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 76-84.) NDK Fairy mythology. Carrie, John. The Nine Maidens' well, Strathmartine. (Scottish notes and queries Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 153-154.) CPA Carruthers, Robert. St Fillan's spring. (Chambers's Edinburgh journal. London', 1835. f°. v. 3, p. 173.) *DA Cave, The, of Eigg: a legend of the Heb- rides. (United States magazine. New York, 1856. 4°. v. 2, p. 218-222.) * DA Celtic fairy tales selected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. .. Illustrated by John D. Batten. London: D. Nutt, 1892. xiv p., 1 1, 267, 7 p., 8 pi. 8°. ZBIG Celtic superstitions in Scotland and Ire- land. (The Antiquary. London, 1880. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 209-211.) CA Chambers, Robert. Popular rhymes, fire- side stories, and amusements, of Scotland [By Robert Chambers.] Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1842. 76 p. 8°. ZBID Reviewed in Tait's Edinburgh magazine, new se- ries, v. 10, p. 114-122, Edinburgh, 1843. Cheviot, Andrew. Proverbs, proverbial expressions, and popular rhymes of Scot- land, collected and arranged with introduc- tion, notes and parallel phrases. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1896. xii, 434 p. 8°. *R-NAZ Children's rimes from the mss. of the Rev. Father Allan Macdonald. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 8, p. 166- 168.) NDK Chisholfn, Colin. Orain agus sgeulach- dan Shrath-Ghlais. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 220-239.) NDO On the songs and traditions of Strathglass. In Gaelic. Clark, W. Fordyce. A legend of St. Ola's Kirk. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 130-133.) CR Clouston, William Alexander. Notes [on The baker of Beauly. A Highland versiori of the tale of the "Three precepts"]. (Folk- lore. London, 1892. 8°. v. 3, p. 190-192,) ZBA See also under Macbain, Alexander. The baker of Beauly. See also Saxby, J. M. E. Birds of omen. . . LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 735 Folklore, continued. Cluich na cloinne — children's games. From the mss. of the late Rev. Father Al- lan Macdonald of Eriska. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 371-376 ) NDO Cockburn, James. Border folk-lore. (Scottish notes and queries, Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 152.) CPA Notes on rhymes, old sayings, &c. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890 sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 53-54, 90-92.) CPA Collins, William. An ode on the popu- lar superstitions of the Highlands of Scot- land, considered as the subject of poetry. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1788, 4°. v. 1, Papers of the Literary Class, p. 63-75.) * EC Communicated by Alexander Carlyle, D.D., F.R.S. _^ — Inscribed to Mr. Home, author of "Douglas"... London: J. Bell, 1789. 23 p. 2. ed. 4°. NCI p.v.67 ^ (In his: Poems. Colchester, 1796. 12°. p. 36-44.) NCL Corflfnissioun for examinating of witch- eis 1591; commission for trying John Stewart and Margaret Barclay, accused of witchcraft, 1618. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 497-498.) *DA Condamnations pour pretendue sorcel- lerie, en ficosse. (Causes celebres etran- geres publiees. . .par une societe de juris- consultes et de gens de lettres. Paris, 1827. 8°. v. 1, p. 371-392.) SLN Confessions of witchcraft. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 167-168.) * DA ' Depositions of Isobel Haldane, at Perth, 10 May 1623. Conway, Daniel. Holy wells of Wigton- shire. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeo- logical Association. Archaeological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1882. 4°. v. 3, p. 85-98.) tCA Corbet, Dr. Fuineadaif na Manachainn. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 423-428.) NDK From recitation of a farm-servant at Bogroy. For English translation see under Macbain, Alex- ander, The baker of Beauly. Folktale of the Ulysses or Penelope formula and is parallel to Merugtid Uilix. Craigie, William Alexander. Donald Ban and the Bocan. (Folk-lore. London, 1895. 8°. v. 6, p. 353-358.) ZBA — - Some Highland folklore. (Folk- lore. London, 1898. 8°. v. 9, p. 372-379.) ZBA From Farr, Sutherlandshire. 1. The labourer's dream; 2. The sailor's ghost; 3. The cofpse on the man's back. The local Gaelic text of the stories is appended. Three tales of the Fiann. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 24, p. 270- 297.) * DA Cramond, William. To-names in Banff- shire and Aberdeenshire a century ago. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 1, p. 62.) CPA Crombie, James E. First-footing in Aberdeenshire. (Folk-lore. London, 1893. 8°. v. 4, p. 315-321.) ZBA Cromek, Robert Hartley. History of witchcraft, sketched from the popular tales of the peasantry of Nithsdale and Gallo- way. (In his: Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway song. London, 1810. 8°. p. 272- 293.) NDP Cruikshank, George. Twelve sketches illustrative of Sir Walter Scott's demonol- ogy and witchcraft. London: J. Robins & Co., 1830. 13 1., 12 pi. 16°. MEM These sketches are "unsatisfactory as illustrations of the text, and are examples of the artist's most mannered and exaggerated style." — Ferguson. Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Superstition in Scotland of to-day. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 263- 267.) CPA Dalyell, John Graham. The darker su- perstitions of Scotland, illustrated from history and practice. Edinburgh: Waugh and Innes, 1834. vii, 700 p. 8°. YN Reviewed in the British critic, v. 16, p. 417-442, London, 1834 (reprinted in the Museum of foreign literature, v. 26, p. 1S-26, Philadelphia, 1835). Daoine, Na, Sidhe is uirsgeulan eile. Na Dealbhan o laimh Chatriona Chama- roin, is Raoghnailt Ainslie Ghrannd Dubh. [Gaelic fairy tales, edited by W. M. Parker; illustrated by K. Cameron and R. A. G. Duff.] Glaschu: Gilleasbuig Mac na Cear- dadh, 1908. 5 p.l., (1)10-48 p., 4 pi. t 2. edj g°_ NDO Text in Gaelic and English. Double numbering on parallel pages. Death and burial customs and supersti- tions. (In: Bygone church life in Scot- land. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 237-254.) ZDVH Dempster, Miss. The folk-lore of Suther- landshire. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1888 8°. v.6, p. 149-189, 215-252.) ZBA Denham, Michael Aislabie. The Den- ham tracts. A collection of folklore. . .re- printed from the original tracts and pam- phlets. Edited by J. Hardy. London: D. Nutt, 1892. 2 v. 8°. (Folk-lore Society. Publications, v. 29, 35.) ^oU Contains a good deal of matter relating to the folklore of the Borders. Dennison, W. Traill. Orkney folklore. Sea myths. (Scottish antiquary •Edin- burgh, 1891-93. 8 . v 5, P- 68-71 130-133, 167-171; v. 6, p. 115-121; v. 7, p. 18-24 81, 112-120, 171-177.) CPA 736 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. The play o' de lathie Odivere. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 8, p. 53-58.) CPA Dickson, Isabel A. The burry-man. 2 pi. (Folk-lore. London, 1908. 8°. v. 19, p. 379-387.) ZBA Domhnull cam Maccumhail. How he was outwitted by 'big Grahame' and the 'breve'. [Translated from the Gaelic by Kenneth Macleod.i (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 443-448.) CPA Douglas, Sir George. Tales of the Scot- tish peasantry. (Royal Institution of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. London, 1893. 8°. v. 13, p. 489-497.) * EC Dowman, James. The decay of the Scot- tish folks-song. Some social customs of the Scot. (University magazine and free review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 10, p. 501- 508.) t STK Feasting at funerals. Some depart- ing Scotch burial customs. (Westminster review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 149, p. 578- 583.) * DA Superstitions of the Scot. (West- minster review. London, 1900. 8°. v. 153, p. 61-72.) * DA Dudgeon, Patrick. Notice of St. Que- ran's well at Cargen, and offerings recently made to it. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 63-65.) CPA Duns, John. Stone folk-lore. (Victoria Institute. Journal of transactions. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. v. 28, p. 200-213.) * EC Deals largely with Scottish amulets. E. Border sketches, no. n. Popular superstitions. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 236-239.) * DE On fairies. Edmondston, Biot, and Mrs. Jessie Mar- garet Edmondston Saxby. The home of a naturalist. London: J. Nisbet & Co. [189 — ?] 4 p.l., 395 p., 4 pi., 1 port. 3. ed. 12°. NCZ Contains a great deal of Shetland folklore. Edmondston, Thomas. Notes on a straw masquerade dress still used in some parts of Shetland, and on certain woollen arti- cles manufactured in "Fair Isle;" also of a supposed relic of the Spanish Armada. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 470-472.) CPA Erskine, Stuart Ruaraidh. The Celtic tale. (Guth na bliadhna. Stirling, 1911. 8°. v. 8, p. 240-266.) NDK Extracts from an old church record. (Edinburgh magazine and literary mis- cellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v . '2, n 103-105.) *DE Superstitions connected with Dow Loch, Penpont. F. Trial of a Corstorphine witch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 122-123.) CPA Trial of Corstorphine witches. Extracted from the parish register. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890 sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 27-28.) CPA Fairley, J. A. Ancient Scottish tales — an unpublished collection made by Peter Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 9, 1906- 08, p. 128-194.) CPA The red etin. The young prince. The history of Mr. Greenwood. The cruel stepmother. Rashen Coatie. The brown bull of Ringlewood. The thrift- less wife. Green sleeves. The princess with the white petticoat. The black cat. The widow's son and old man. The widow's son and king's daughter. The black king of Morocco. The princess of the Blue Mountains. Fairy tales. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 155-171.) NDK Partly in Gaelic. Ferguson, James. Old Scottish epithets. (Chambers' journal. Edinburgh, 1913. 8 . series 7, v. 3, p. 710-714.) *DA Ferguson, John. Bibliographical notes on the witchcraft literature of Scotland. [1591-1894., 1 fac. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Publications. Edin- burgh, 1899. 4°. v. 3, p. 37-124.) Reserve Fergusson, Charles. The Gaelic names of birds, with notes on their haunts and habits, and on the old superstitions, poe- try, proverbs, and other bird lore of the Highlands. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1885-86. 8°. v. 11, p. 240-260; v. 12, p. 28-93.) NDO Fergusson, Robert Menzies. Rambles in the far north. London: A. Gardner, 1884. vii, 266 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 2. ed. 12°. CRB Contains a number of Orkney legends. The witches of Alloa. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 4, p. 40-48.) CPA For the original record see entry under Black, George Fraser. Festival, The, of Uphelly A' (or the End of Yule) as now celebrated at Lerwick. (Folk-lore. London, 1903. 8°. v. 14, p. 74-77.) ZBA Fians, The; or, Stories, poems, and traditions of Fionn and his warrior band. Collected entirely from oral sources by John Gregorson Campbell. With introduc- tion and bibliographical notes by Alfred Nutt. London: D. Nutt, 1891. xxxviii p., 1 1., 292 p., 1 port. 8°. (Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition, iv. Argyllshire series.) ZBIG LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 737 Folklore, continued. Firth, John. Old Orkney riddles. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland. Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 134-135.) CR Folklore objects from Argyleshire. rNotes by Bryan J. Jones and Miss E. Kern (Folk-lore. London, 1895. 8°. v. S, p. 302-303.) ZBA Forbes, Eric. Hogmanay: its prigin and customs. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 25-30.) * DE Fraser, Alexander. Northern folk-lore on wells and water. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 348-354, 370- 377, 419-423, 456-460.) * DE With an account of some interesting wells in the neighbourhood of Inverness and the north. Fraser, John. Notes on the supersti- tions, customs, &c, of the Highlanders, 1702. (Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 117-120.) CP See also under Insulanus, Theophi- lus, pseud. Frazer, James George. Folk-lore at Balquhidder. (Folk-lore journal. Lon- don, 1888. 8°. v. 6, p. 268-271.) ZBA Notes on harvest customs. (Folk- lore journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 47-53.) ZBA Frost, Thomas. Saints and holy wells. (In: Bygone church life in Scotland. Edit- ed by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 46-63.) ZDVH Fullerton, John. The ghaist of Denni- lair. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 149-151.) CPA Gatty, R. A. The witches of North Ber- wick. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. v. 303, p. 30-34.) * DA Gibson, A. Craig. Popular rhymes and proverbs connected with localities. (His- toric Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Transactions. Liverpool, 1863. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 159-178.) CA These rhymes and proverbs all relate to Dum- friesshire. Glanirvon, pseud. Highland parallels to Welsh popular tales. (Y Cymmrodor. London, 1884. 8°. v. 7, p. 37-56.) NDR Glover, John. Galloway folk lore. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and que- ries. Dumfries, 1910. 8°. series 1, p. 65- 73.) Per. Dept. Godden, Gertrude M. The sanctuary of Mourie. 2 pi. (Folk-lore. London, 1893. 8°. v. 4, p. 498-508.) ZBA Gomme, Sir George Laurence. Archaic land customs in Scotland. (Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 99-102.) CA A Highland folk-tale collected by the late J. F. Campbell and its origin in custom. (Folk-lore. London, 1890. 8°. v. 1, p. 197-206.) ZBA Totemism in Britain. (Archaeolog- ical review. London, 1889. 8°. v. 3, p. 217-242, 350-375.) ZBA References to Scotland, passim. Goodrich-Freer, A., now Mrs. Hans H. Spoer. Christian legends of the Hebrides. (Contemporary review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 74, p. 390-412.) * DA Reprinted in her Outer Isles, London, 1902. More folklore from the Hebrides. (Folk-lore. London, 1902. 8°. v. 13, p. 29-62) ZBA 1. Dangers and precautions; 2. Animal lore; 3. The weather and the church seasons; 4. Divination; 5. Leechcraft; 6 Death and drowning. The powers of evil in the Outer Hebrides. (Folk-lore. London, 1899. 8°. v. 10, p. 259-282.) ZBA Reprinted almost word for word in her Outer Isles, chap, xi, London, 1902. Second-sight in the Highlands. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 105- 115.) NDO Gordon-Cumming, Constance Frederica. A legend of Inverawe. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1884. 8°. v. 54, p. 333-338.) * DA Goudie, Gilbert. Shetland folk-lore — further tales. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 16-20.) CR Graham, Robert Chellas. On a legend from the isle of Tiree. 1 fac. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 113-122.) CPA A version of the Grimm tale, no. 147, "The old man made young again." Grant, Mrs. Ann, of Laggan. Essays on the superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland: to which are added, translations from the Gaelic; and letters connected with those formerly published. London: Longman [etc.,, 1811. 2 v. 12°. ZBD Reviewed by John Foster in Biographical, liter- ary and philosophical essays, contributed to the Eclectic review, New York, 1844, p. 339-355. Also in his Critical essays, v. 2, p. 24-41, London, 1856-57. Grant, Arthur. Scottish origin of the Merlin myth. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 321-337.) * DA Grant, J. N' t'eagch uisk, or the water horse. (A Highland tale.) 1 pi. (The Bengal annual ... for 1830. Calcutta, 1830. 8°. p. 40-115.) NCA "An attempt to give the general reader a graphic idea of some of the characteristic traits and super- stitions of the N. Western Islanders and High- landers of Scotland." 738 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. Gray, John. Some Scottish string fig ures. 4 illus. 1903, no. 66.) 1. 'The bunch of candles, 'The pair of trousers.' 4. leashing of Lochiel's dogs.' Gregor, Walter. Coutumes de pecheurs. i. Comte de Banff (ficosse). (Revue des traditions populaires. Paris, 1887. 8°. v. (Man. London, 1903. 4°. QOA ' 2. 'The chair.* 3. 'The crown.' 5. 'The 2, p. 463-464.) Counting-out (Buchan Field Club, head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. Devil stories ZBA rhymes of children. Transactions. Peter- 1, 1887-90, p. 173-200.) CPA (Folk-lore journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 287-290.) ZBA The Devil in shape of a dog. The Devil in shape of a stag. The Devil in shape of a raven. The Devil in shape of Pan. Fishermen's folk-lore. (Folk-lore Journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 2, p. 353- 357.) ZBA 1. Some marriage customs of the fisher-folk of Rosehearty, Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire. 2. The sea in its health-giving virtues. Folk riddles. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 334-337.) * EC • A folk-tale from Aberdeenshire. The wifie an her kidie. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 2, p. 277-278.) ZBA Cumulative story. For another version, also from Aberdeenshire, see same vol., p. 319. Further report on folk-lore in Scot- land. (British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Report of the 67. meeting. London, 1898. 8°. p. 456-502.) *EC Guardian spirits of wells and lochs. (Folk-lore. London, 1892. 8°. v. 3, p. 67-73.) ZBA Hippie folk-lore from the north- east of Scotland. (Folk-lore journal. Lon- don, 1884. 8°. v. 2, p. 106-109.) ZBA John Glaick, the brave tailor. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 163-165.) ZBA Kelpie stories. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 199-201.) ZBA Kelpie stories from the north of Scotland. (Folklore journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 292-294.) ZBA — — Kilns, mills, millers, meal, and bread. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-3, p. 125- 159.) CPA Legendes de mermaids (1) du nord de l'ficosse. (Revue des traditions popu- laires. Paris, 1887. 8°. v. 2, p. 506-507.) ZBA New Year customs. (Antiquary. London, 1882. sq. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 1-6.) CA Notes on beltane cakes. (Folk- lore. London, 1895. 8°. v. 6, p. 2-5 ) ZBA • Notes on the folk-lore of the north- east of Scotland. London: The Folklore Society, 1881. 1 p.l., xii, 238 p. 8°. (The Folk-lore Society. Publications. t no,] vii.) 2BD — ■ — The Scotch fisher child, lore. London, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. Games and amusements. (Folk- 73-88.) ZBA Some folk-lore from Achterneed. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1888. 8°. v 6, p. 262-265.) ZBA Death customs. Marriage customs. Charms^ Luck. • ■ Some folk-lore of the sea. (Folk- lore journal. London, 1885. 8°. v. 3, n 52-56, 180-184, 305-310.) ZBA ■ Some folk-lore of trees, animals, and river-fishing, from the north-east of Scotland. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 41-44.) ZBA Some folk-tales and word-jingles from Aberdeen and Banff shires. (Folk- lore journal. London, 1885. 8°. v. 3, p. 269- 274.) ZBA (1) The lion, the leper, and the tod. (2) Black Brottie. (3) The deukie and the tod. (4) The lady and her lovers. (5) Word jingles: The beggar's wallets; Sandy's mill. Some marriage customs in Cairn- bulg and Inverallochy. (Folklore journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 119-121.) ZBA Some old farming customs and no- tions in Aberdeenshire. (Folk-lore jour- nal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 2, p. 329-332.) ZBA Some Scottish folklore of the child and the human body. (Folk-lore. Lon- don, 1895. 8°. v. 6, p. 394-397.) ZBA Stories of fairies from Scotland. (Folklore journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-27, 55-58.) ZBA Three folk-tales from Old Mel- drum, Aberdeenshire. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 2, p. 68-74.) ZBA (1) Mally Whuppie, (2) The bannockie, (3) The red calf. Weather folk-lore of the sea. (Folk-lore. London, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 468-482.) ZBA "Collected for the most part from the fisher- folks along the north-east of Scotland." The witch. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 277-286.) ZBA Safeguards against the witch. How to find oul the witch. Modes of undoing her work. Some of her deeds. Guthrie, Ellen E. Superstitions of the Scottish fishermen. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 44-47.) ZBA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 739 I Folklore, continued. H., A. Auld Yule; or, Christmas in Scotland. (National magazine. London, 1858. 4°. v. 3, p. 198-199.) * DA Hastie, George. First-footing in Scot- land. (Folk-lore. London, 1893. 8°. v. 4, p. 309-314.) ZBA Henderson, Rev. George. Sgeulachd cois O'Cein. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 179-265.) NDO Gaelic folktale. Henderson, George, surgeon. The popu- lar rhymes, sayings, and proverbs of the county of Berwick; with illustrative notes Newcastle-on-Tyne: the author, by W. S. Crow... 1856. viii, 184 p. 12°. ZBW Henderson, William. Notes on the folk lore of the northern counties of England and the Borders. With an appendix on household stories by S. Baring-Gould. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1866. xxvii, 344 p. 8°. ZBD Has numerous references to Scottish folklore throughout the volume. New edition with many addi- tional notes. London: W. Satchell, Pey- ton & Co., 1879. xvii, 391 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Folk-lore Society. Publications, v. 2.) ZBD The appendix on household stories omitted in this edition. Hero, The, tales of the Gael. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 1-7, 69-77, 129-138, 185-189, 280-287, 319- 326, 351-359, 424-430, 512-516, 563-566.) NDK Contents: Introduction — Are the Gaelic hero tales of Irish origin? — Contents and cycles of the Gaelic hero tales — The story of Deirdre — The Deirdre story, its various versions — The story of Fraoch — Cuchulinn — The Cowspoil of Cuialgne — Cuchulinn, the Irish account — The Scotch stories — The lay of Conlaoch. Hibbert, Samuel. Trial of witches in Shetland, A. D. 1644. (In his: A descrip- tion of the Shetland islands. . . Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. p. 593-602.) f CR Trial of Marion Peebles alias Pardone. Re- printed in G. F. Black's Examples of printed folk- lore concerning the Orkney and Shetland islands, p. 88-99. London, 1903. Highland second-sight, with prophecies of Coinneach Odhar and the seer of Petty; and numerous other examples from the writings of Aubrey, Martin, Theophilus Insulanus, the Rev. John Fraser, Rev. Dr. Kennedy of Dingwall, and others. Intro- ductory study by Rev. Wm. Morrison. Edited by Norman Macrae. Dingwall: George Souter c 1909]. viii, 202 p. 12°. YEL Historical Scottish proverbs. (Cham- bers's journal. Edinburgh, 1897. 4°. v. 74, p. 25-27.) *DA' Reprinted in Littell's Lining age, v. 212 [series 6. v. 13], p. 763-767, Boston, 1897. Historicus, pseud. See Beaton, David. History, A, of the witches of Renfrew- shire. With an introduction, embodying extracts, hitherto unpublished, from the records of the presbytery of Paisley. Pais- ley: A. Gardner, 1877. [xi]-xxxv p., 1 1., 219, 6 p., 1 pi. new ed. 8°. YPC Hope, Robert Charles. Holy wells: their legends and superstitions. Scotland. (Antiquary. London, 1892-95. sq. 8° v 26, p. 103-108, 213-216; v. 27, p. 102-108, 168-169, 216-218; v. 28, p. 62-69, 262-265; v. 29, p. 29-32; v. 30, p. 25-26; v. 31, p. 26- 27, 150-151, 180-181, 214-217.) CA Houston, David. 'E silkie man. A story of the Pentland Firth. (Old-lore miscel- lany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1909-10. 8°. v. 2, p. 163-167, 210-212; v. 3, p. 44-46.) CR Written in the dialect of Canisbay, Caithness. Hueffer, Oliver Madox. Persecutions [for witchcraft] in Scotland. (In his: The book of witches. London, 1908. 8°. p. 232-252.) YPC Hutcheson, Alexander. Notice of a charm stone used for the cure of diseases amongst cattle in Sutherlandshire. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 34, p. 483-488.) CPA Hutchinsone, James. A sermon on witchcraft in 1707. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 390- 399.) CPA With introductory note by George Neilson. For the records of the trial to which the sermon relates see History of the witches of Renfrewshire, Paisley, 1877. Insulanus, Theophilus, pseud. Treatises on second sight. By Theophilus Insulan- us. [With letters on this subject byj Rev. Frazer, Mr. Martin, and J. Aubrey. Glas- gow: J. Wylie & Co., 1819. 8, xxviii, 277 p. nar. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 3.) CP Originally published: Edinburgh, 1763. According to Boswell the author of this treatise was Macleod of Hamer (Journal of a tour to the Hebrides, 4. ed., p. 226, London, 1807). Jacobs, Joseph, editor. See Celtic fairy tales; also More Celtic fairy tales. Jeune, Mary. A Highland seer and Scotch superstitions. (Murray's maga- zine. London, 1888. 8°. v. 3, p. 343-360.) *DE Johnston, Alfred Wintle. Canisby charms. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p.\74-76.) CR The sword dance, Papa Stour, Shet- land. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 175-185.) CR 740 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. Karutz, R. Eine schottische Rache- puppe. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1901. f°. v. 79, p. 110-111.) tKAA Kaye, Laurence. Anecdote, legend, lore, and fairy story of Stirlingshire, illus. (County monthly. York, 1903. 8?. v. 3, p. 503-511.) *DE Keightley, Thomas. The fairy mythol- ogy. London: W. H. Ainsworth, 1828. 2 v. 16°. ZBC v 1, p. 260-277: Shetland and Orkneys, v. 2, p. 159-172: Scottish lowlands [from Cromek] ; v. 2, p. 187-188: Scottish Highlands [from Stewart]. Kerr, Cathel. Cat blar glas (The grey speckled cat). (Celtic magazine. Inver- ness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. S42-S4S.) * DE Gaelic text with English translation. ■ Fishermen and superstition. (Cel- tic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 101-111,) *DE In Sutherlandshire. Kirk, Robert. The secret commonwealth of elves, fauns, and fairies. A study in folk-lore & psychical research. The text by R. Kirk, minister of Aberfoyle, A. D. 1691. The comment by Andrew Lang, 1893. London: D. Nutt, 1893. 3 p.L, v-lxv p., 1 1., 92 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Bibliotheque de Cara- bas. v. 8.) ZBO Koehler, Reinhold. Anmerkungen zu A. Lang, Scotch tales. (In his: Kleinere Schriften. Herausgegeben von J. Bolte. Weimar, 1898. 8°. v. 1, p. 270-281.) ZBI 1. Rashin Coatie. 2. Nicht, Nought, Nothing. Ueber J. F. Campbell's Sammlung galischer Marchen. (Orient und Occident. Gottingen, 1864. 8°. v. 2, p. 98-126, 294- 331, 486-506, 677-690.) * OAA (In his: Kleinere Schriften. Herausgegeben von J. Bolte. Weimar, 1898. 8°. v. 1, p. 155-270.) ZBI L., E. Ancient Scottish superstitions. (National magazine. London, 1857-58. 4°. v. 2, p. 390-392; v. 3, p. 29-31.) * DA Laing, Jeannie M. Some notes on the history of Kemnay. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 104-106, 137-138, 176-177; v. 2, p. 12, 41- 42, 70-71, 154-155.) CPA Lang, Andrew. English and Scotch fairy tales. (Folk-lore. London, 1890. 8°. v. 1, p. 289-312.) ZBA Nicht, nought, nothing. (Revue celtique. Paris, 1876-78. 8°. v. 3, p. 374- 376.) NDK Notes on the tale by Reinhold Kohler follow on p. 376-378. . The tale is reprinted in his Custom and myth, 2. ed., p. 89-92, London, 1885. Rashin coatie. A Scotch tale. (Re- vue celtique. Paris, 1876-78. 8°. v 3 n 365-367.) NDK Observations on this tale by Reinhold KShler follow on p. 367-373. See also under Kirk, Robert. Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Highland legends. Two volumes in one. London- Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1880. 3 p.l., (1)10- 392 p. [new ed. 3 12°. ZBIG Tales of the Highlands. London: Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1881. xv, 376 p. 6 pi. 12°. ZBIG Lawrenson, Arthur. On certain beliefs and phrases of Shetland fishermen. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 711-716.) CPA Leask, J. T. Smith. Tammy Hay and the fairies. (Old-lore miscellany of Ork- ney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 28-33.) CR In the Orkney dialect. Lees, Sir James Cameron. Highland seers. By 'Stronbuy.' (Good words. Lon- don, 1893. 8°. v. 34, p. 196-200.) *DA On second-sight in the Highlands. Legge, F. Witchcraft in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 257-288.) *DA A brief survey of the main features of the mania in Scotland. Lhwyd, Edward. Amulets in Scotland. (Folk-lore record. London, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 167-169.) ZBA Reprinted from the Philosophical transactions, v. 28, p. 97-101, London, 1713, with notes by James Britten. Lynn, afterwards Linton, Eliza. The witches of Scotland. (In her: Witch stories. London, 1861. 8°. p. 1-176.) YPD M., A. Historical notices of the popu- lar superstitions, traditions, and customs of Tiviotdale. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8". v. 6, p. 342-348, 533-536; v. 7, p. 128-133.) *DE I. Fairies and elf-shot. 2, 3. Witches. McAldowie, Alexander M. Personal ex- periences in witchcraft. (Folk-lore. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. v. 7, p. 309-314.) ZBA In Aberdeenshire. Macbain, Alexander. The baker of Beauly. A Highland version of the tale of the "Three precepts." (Folk-lore. London, 1892. 8°. v. 3, p. 183-190.) ZBA See also under Clouston, William Alexander. For Gaelic text see under Corbet, Dr., Fuineadair na Ma- nachainn. _ Gaelic incantations. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 222-266.) NDO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 741 Folklore, continued. Highland superstition. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1889. 8°. v. .14, p. 232-272.) NDO Definition and divisions. A. The supernatural, i Supernatural beings. 1. The folk-lore devil. 2. Ghosts and wraiths; Ghost noises and lights. 3. Fairies and goblins generally (gruagach, uruisg, fuath, bocan, each uisge or water horse, mermaid). ii Supernatural influences, powers, and gifts. 1. Symbolism and analogy 2. Luck and ill-luck. 3. Spells and charms. 4. Divination and second sight. 5 Gift of leechcraft. 6. Fascination or evil eye. 7.' Witchcraft. , , , B. The supernatural and the phenomena of nature. I. General rites and practices. II. The human indi- vidual. 1. Birth — The mother and child. 2. Naming and baptism. 3. Boyhood and youth. 4. Marriage. 5. Death. 6. Burial, ill. Human beings. 1. Persons lucky or unlucky to meet. 2. Persons supernaturally gifted. 3. "Wise" or "skeely" per- sons, workers of counter-charms, &c. M'Cleod, Malcolm. The witches of Tiv- iotdale [sic]. (In his: Macleod's history of witches, &c. New York, 1802. 16°. p. 79- 84.) YPK M'Connochie, Alexander Inkson. Clach Bhan: its legends and its "rock-pots." (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 99-101.) CPA MacDiarmid, James. Fragments of Breadalbane folk-lore. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 126-148.) NDO p. 134-148 contain a number of tales about the urisks in Gaelic. ■ More fragments of Breadalbane folklore. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 31-59.) NDO MacDiarmid, John. Folklore of Bread- albane. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 136-156.) NDO Macdonald, Alexander. Highland ghosts. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 40- 49.) NDO Medical spells and charms of the Highlands. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 34-40.) * DE Scraps of unpublished poetry and folklore from Glenmoriston. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 22-36.) NDO Story of Cailleach a' Chraich (the Hag of the Craach). Scraps of unpublished poetry and folklore from Lochness-side. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1902-07. 8°. v. 23, p. 179-208; v. 25, p. 328-340.) NDO Macdonald, Allan. The Norsemen in Uist folklore. (Viking Club. Saga book. London, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 413-433.) GEA Tarbh mor na h-Iorbhaig. (Celtic review.- Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 259- 266.) NDK Folktale in English. "The great bull of Irvaig." Macdonald, Archibald. Notes on the religion and mythology of the Celts. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 37- 49.) NDO Macdonald, James. The earliest collec- tion of Scottish proverbs. (Catholic Pres- byterian. London, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 202- 208.) * DA Account of David Ferguson and his collection. Macdonald, James. Fauns and fairies. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 265- 289.) NDO Stray customs and legends. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 272-286.) NDO Tein egin. Casting the heart. Corp Creadh. Iron. Macdonald, Sheila. Old-world survivals in Ross-shire. (Folk-lore. London, 1903. 8°. v. 14, p. 368-384.) ZBA MacDougall, James. Folk and hero- tales. Collected, edited, translated, and an- notated by J. MacDougall. With an intro- duction by Alfred Nutt. London: D. Nutt, 1891. xxix p., 1 1., 311 p., 3 pi. 8°. (Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition. Argyllshire series, v. 3.) ZBIG • Folk tales and fairy lore in Gaelic and English, collected from oral tradition by Rev. J. MacDougall. Edited, with in- troduction and notes, by Rev. G. Calder. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1910. xv, 328 p., 1 port. 8°. ZBIG tlruisg Choire-nan-nuallan (The urisk of the Corrie of the howlings). (Zeit- schrift fur celtische Philologie. Halle a. S., 1897. 8°. v. 1, p. 328-341.) RPA Gaelic and English. MacEacharn, Dpmhnull. Ur-sgeul (Gais- geach na Sgeithe Deirge). (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 160-176.) NDK An account of the tale. The tale itself is given below under Macleod, Kenneth. Macgeorge, Andrew. An Ayrshire witch. (Good words. London, 1886. 8°. v. 27, p. 607-611.) *DA Account of Belle McGhie, with portrait. MacGregor, Alexander. Highland su- perstitions connected with the Druids, fair- ies, witchcraft, second-sight, hallowe'en, sacred wells and lochs, with several curious instances of Highland customs and beliefs. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1891. 64 p. 12°. ZBDp.boxl Macgregor, Robert R. Beltane. (Bel- London, 1878. 8°. v. 35, p. 426- gravia 431.) *DA 742 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. Maclain, pseud. The Black Captain — An t-offigeach ' dubh. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 112-119.) * DE Devil-compact. Folklore on wells. (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 4, p. 475- 476.) * DE On wells at Munlochy, Knockbain parish, and at Blackton, Nairnside, Daviot parish. Highland superstition — Allain Duinn. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 378-384.) * DE Supplementary to articles by Mary Mackellar. Jamie Gow, the piper. A fairy- legend. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 4, p. 3SS-3S7.) * DE Maclnnes, Donald. Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition. Argyllshire series. No. 2. Folk and hero tales, with notes by the editor and Alfred Nutt. London, 1890. 1 p.l., xx, 497 p., 1 port. 8°. (Folk-lore So- ciety. Publications, v. 25.) ZBIG Mackay, Alexander. The fairies and Domhnull Duaghal. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 339-342.) * DE Fairies in Sutherlandshire. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 9, p. 207-209.) * DE Mackay, William. Sgeulachdan Ghlinn- Urchudainn. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1872-73. 8°. v. 1, p. 43-53; v. 2, p. 74-80.) NDO Legends of Loch Ness, &c. Monaidh Mac Righ Lochlainn. Domhnul Breac 's na piochdaich. An Gobhainn mor. Creach Innse Bhraoin. : The Strathglass witches of 1662. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1881. 8°. v. 9, p. 113- 121.) NDO Mackellar, Mary. A chapter on the su- perstitious stories of the Highlanders. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 149-151, 211-214, 327-331, 428-430.) *DE See also under Maclain, pseud. Highland super- stition. Tale of the Bodach Glas. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887/. 8°. v. 12, p. 12-16.) * i)E Translated from the Gaelic. A tradition of Lochaber. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 9 d 81-83.) * DE Mackenzie, Donald A. The Fians of Knockfarrel. (A Ross-shire legend.) (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v 6 o 18-30.) NDK The Glaistig and the Black lad. A Lochaber legend from the Gaelic. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 253- 258.) NDK • A Highland goddess. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p 336- 345.) NDK Mackenzie, Sir George. Witchcraft. (In his: The laws and customs of Scotland in matters criminal. . . Edinburgh, 1678 4° p. 80-108.) SLM Reprinted in A history of the witches oi Renirpm shire. Paisley, 1877. 8°. ' Mackenzie, Hector Rose. Old Highland remedies. By H. R. M. (Celtic magazine Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 9, p. 330-334 354- 356.) * DE Mainly quotations from Martin's Western Islands Black's Folk medicine, etc. Mackenzie, James B. Notes on some cup-marked stones and rocks near Ken- more, and their folk-lore, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1900. sq. 8°. v. 34, p. 325-334.) CPA Mackenzie, William. Gaelic incantations, charms, and. blessings of the Hebrides. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p 97- 182.) NDO Mackinlay, James Murray. Folklore of Scottish lochs and springs. Glasgow: W Hodge & Co., 1893. xii, 364 p. 8°. ZBR Traces of the cultus of the nine maidens in Scotland. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1906. sq. 8°. v. 40, p. 255-265.) CPA _ • Traces of the cultus of St. Fillan at Killallan, Renfrewshire. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 29, p. 251-255.) CPA Traces of river worship in Scottish folk-lore. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 30, p. 69-76.) CPA Maclagan, Robert Craig. Evil eye in the western Highlands. London: David Nutt, 1902. vii, 232 p. 8°. ZBR Reviewed in L'annee sociologiaue, annee 7, o. 276- 279, Paris, 1904. The games & diversions of Argyll- shire. London: Folk-lore Society, 1901. vi p., 1 1., 270 p., 3 pi. 8°. (Folk-lore So- ciety. [Publications.] v. 47.) ZBW Additions to 'The games of Argyle- shire.' (Folk-lore. London, 1905-06. 8°. v 16, p. 77-97, 192-221, 340-349, 439-460; v. 17, p. 93-106, 210-229.) ZBA Ghost lights of the west Highlands. (Folk-lore. London, 1897. 8°. v. 8, p. 203- 256.) H ZBA Notes on folklore objects collected in Argyleshire. illus. (Folk-loTe". Lon- don, 1895. 8°. v. 6, p. 144-161, 302-303.) ZBA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 743 Folklore, continued. . The Perth incident of 1396 from a folk-lore point of view. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 190S. vii(i), 403 p. 8°. ZBD Religio Scotica: its nature as trace- able in Scotic saintly tradition. Edinburgh: Schulze & Co., 1909. viii, 233 p., 1 1. 4». *R-ZAS Macleod of Hamer. See under Insula- nus, Theophilus, pseud. Macleod, D. Some Highland supersti- tions of the present day. (Chambers' jour- nal. Edinburgh, 1907. 4°. series 6, v. 10, p. 13-16.) * DA Macleod, Fiona, pseud. See under Sharp, William. Macleod, Kenneth. Craobh-oir agus craobh airgid (Gold-tree and silver-tree). (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 212-218.) * DE Gaelic and English on opposite pages. From Eigg. A variant of Little Snow White." An cuan siar. (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 266-272.) NDK Gaisgeach na sgeithe deirge. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 257-266, 346-360.) NDK Text of the tale "Knight of the red shield." An- other version is given in J. F. Campbell's Popular tales of the west Highlands, p. 355-360 contain ex- planatory notes on the text of the tale. • Gruagach an Eilein. (The maid of the isle). (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 416-423, 486-493.) * DE From Eigg. Gaelic text with English translation. Na tri coin naine (The three green dogs). (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 272-280.) * DE From Eigg. Gaelic and English on opposite pages. Nighean righ Eireann. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 313- 316.) NDK Gaelic ballad. Note on musical instruments in Gae- lic folk-tales. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 341-347.) NDK Macleod, Neil. The witch and the crip- ple tailor. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 305-308.) * DE M'Neill, Peter. Witchcraft. (In his: Prestonpans and vicinity. . . Tranent, 1902. 12°. p. 96-102.) CR MacPhail, Malcolm. Folklore from the Hebrides. (Folk-lore. London, 1896-1900. 8°. v. 7, p. 400-404; v. 8, p. 380-386; v. 9, p. 84-93; v. 11, p. 439-450.) ZBA The fourth article has also some notes on folk- lore from the neighbouring Mainland. . Traditions, customs, and supersti- tions of the Lewis. (Folk-lore. London, 1895. 8°. v. 6, p. 162-170, 303-304.) ZBA Macqueen, Donald. Of the Gruagich. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. Lon- don, 1776. 4°. v. 3, p. 434-438.) f CPW MacRitchie, David. Fians, fairies, and Picts. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triib- ner, & Co., 1893. xxii, 23-78 p., 22 pi. 8° ZBO Highland folklore. The Pigmies, (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 383- 397.) CPA A new solution of the fairy prob- lem. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8° v. 6, p. 160-176.) NDK The testimony of tradition. Lon- don: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co.. 1890. ix p., 1 1., 205 p., 10 pi. illus. 8°. QPM Believes that traditions relating to dwarfs, fairies etc., may all be based on memories of actual dwari races. The small size of the underground houses is cited as evidence. M'Rury, John. O chionn leith cheud bliadhna. (Gaelic Society of Inverness Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24 p. 184-194, 383-394.) NDO Folklore and legend. Mairnealachd agus rud no dha eile (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 17-31.) NDO Weather lore. Marriage laws and customs. (In: By- gone church life in Scotland. Edited by W Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 210-226.) ZDVH Martin, Martin. An account of the sec- ond sight, in Irish call'd Taish. (In his: Description of the Western Islands ol Scotland... London, 1703. 8°. p. 300- 335.) CPW See also under Insulanus, The- ophilus. CPW Masson, David. Gaelic and Norse pop- ular tales: an apology for the Celt. (Mac- millan's magazine. Cambridge, 1861. 8°, v. 3, p. 213-224.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 68, p. 387-396. Boston, 1861. Masson, Donald. Notes from the north Highlands. (Archaeological review. Lon- don, 1889. 8°. v. 2, p. 45-50.) ZBA 1. The colour element in Gaelic place names. 2. A modern megalith. 3. The curse of Culchalzie. 4. An old Gaelic prophecy concerning Iona. Notes from the north Highlands. (Archaeological review. London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p. 27-31.) ZBA 1. Turning the heart. 2. Luck. 3. Dear salt. Popular domestic medicine in the Highlands fifty years ago. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness. 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 298-313.) NDO 744 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. Matheson, Norman. The ghosts and ap- paritions of the isle of Skye. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 8-16.) NDO Matheson, Robert. Breakfasting at the plough tail, etc. (Folk-lore journal. Lon- don, 1889. 8°. v. 7, p. 175-178.) ZBA Menmuir, Charles. Folklore in Scottish ballad poetry. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 441-453.) *DE Metcalfe, William M. Witchcraft. (In his: History of the county of Renfrew. Paisley, 1905. 4°. p. 326-333.) t CR Miller, Hugh. Scenes and legends of the north of Scotland; or, The traditional his- tory of Cromarty. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1872. 2 p.l., 487 p. 12°. ZBID Mitchell, Sir Arthur. On various super- stitions in the north-west Highlands and islands of Scotland, especially in relation to lunacy. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 4, p. 251-288.) CPA Modern, A, instance of evil-eye. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 343- 344.) NDK Modern, A, witch finder. (Chambers' Edinburgh journal. Edinburgh, 1842. f°. v. 10, p. 111-112.) *DA Account of a Miss Hay, spaewife, who died in In- verness iail. Mogan dearg Mac Iachair. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 48- 71.) NDK From Campbell of Islay's mss. More Celtic fairy tales, selected and edited by Joseph Tacobs. . . Illustrated by John D. Batten. London: D. Nutt, 1894. xii p., 1 1., 234 p., 8 pi. 8°. ZBIG Mormond, pseud. Aberdeen folk-lore. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 3, 22-23.) CPA Old sayings, maxims, and local proverbs. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 102-103, 120-121, 132-133, 187-188.) CPA Scraps of Aberdeenshire folklore. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 52-53, 94-95.) CPA Scraps of Buchan folklore. Juven- ile games. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 177-179; v. 4, p. 25-27.) CPA Morrison, Alexander. Uist games. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 361-371.) NDK Mueller, Friedrich Max. Tales of the west Highlands. (In his: Chips from a German workshop. London: Longmans Green & Co., 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 239-249 j ZAE On J. F. Campbell's Popular tales of the west Highlands. Muir, John. Notes on Ayrshire folk-lore. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen' 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 38-42, 51-52, 68-69, 83- 84.) CPA Munro, M. N. Highland folk-song. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v 5 p. 132-146.) NDK Nan Gordon. A folk-tale, dictated by a Galloway Tinkler-Gypsy woman, to Pro- vost Andrew M'Cormick of Newton-Stew- art, which hints how the Gypsies come to have been connected with some of the nobility of Scotland. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. Liverpool, 1908. 8°. new series v. 1, p. 211-218.) QOX Reprinted- in The Caledonian, v. 10, p. 420-423 New York, 1911. Napier, James. Folk lore: or, Supersti- tious beliefs in the west of Scotland with- in this century. With an appendix... Paisley: A. Gardner, 1879. vii, 190 p. 8°. ZBD Reviewed in Folklore record, v. 2, p. 221-222, Lon- don, 1879. • Old ballad folk-lore. (Folklore rec- ord. London, 1879. 8°. v. 2, p. 92-126.) ZBA ■ On some popular superstitions com- mon in Partick forty years ago. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1868. 8". v. 1, p. 391-398.) CPA Newes from Scotland, declaring the damnable life of Doctor Fian a notable sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough, in Januarie last 1591; which doctor was register to the Deuill, that sundrie times preached at North Barricke Kirke to a number of notorious Witches; with the true examinations of the said doctor and Witches, as they uttered them in the pres- cence of the Scottish king: discouering how they pretented to bewitch and drowne his majestie in the sea, comming from Den- marke; with such other wonderfull matters, as the like hath not bin heard at anie time. Published according to the Scottish coppie. [At London:] Printed for William Wright. (In: Ancient criminal trials in Scotland... Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. v. 1, p. 213-223.) CP The authorship of this blood-curdling tract has been doubtfully attributed to Rev. James Carmichael, minister of Haddington (1568-1628). Notwithstand- ing the statement that this edition was "published ac- cording to the Scottish coppie" it is more probable that Wright's was the first edition. Reprinted in C. K. Sharpe's Historical account of witchcraft in Scotland, p. 55-72. London: Printed for Thomas Nel- son [1591?]. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1779. 8°. v. 49, p. 393-395, 449-452.) *DA This edition differs entirely from Wright's, but the matter is the same. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 741 Folklore, continued. Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron. Gol- spie, contributions to its folklore by Annie and Bella Camming, Jane Stuart, Willie W. Munro, Andrew Gunn, Henri F. MacLean, and Minnie Sutherland (when pupils of Golspie School). Collected and edited. London: D. Nutt, 1897. xv, 367 p., 1 map, 9 pi. 12°. ZBD Nicolson, John. Some old-time Shet- land customs. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1912. 8°. v. S, p. 122-125.) CR Notes on cases of witchcraft, sorcery, &c. 1629-1662. From the books of adjournal. (The Spottiswoode miscellany. . .edited by James Maidment. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 57-72.) ZDVH Nursery, The, and popular rhymes and tales of England and Scotland. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 10, p. 114-122.) *DA Nutt, Alfred. The Aryan expulsion- and-return formula in the folk and hero tales of the Celts. (Folklore record. Lon- don, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-44.) ZBA The Campbell of Islay mss. at the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. (Folk- lore. London, 1890. 8°. v. 1, p. 369-383.) ZBA Critical notes on the folk- and hero- tales of the Celts. (Celtic magazine. In- verness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 457-464, 503- 510, 548-557.) * DE Notes on the Tuairisgeul mor. (Scottish Celtic review. Glasgow, 1885. 4°. p. 137-141.) RPA O'Donnell, Elliott. Scottish ghost stories. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., 1911. vi, 293 p. 12°. YPK O'Grady, Standish. Notes on Toireachd na Taine. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 39-42.) NDO See under Carmichael for the tale itself. Old stories re-told. Scotch witches and warlocks. (All the year round. London, 1872. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 461-468.) *DA On witchcraft in Scotland with particular refer- ence to trials of Bessie Dunlop, Dr. Fian, Agnes Sympson, etc. Paton, Sir Noel. Notes on Clach-na- bratach, the stone of the standard.-. . illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 226-236.) CPA Poison, A. The Highland folk-lore of luck. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 67- "3.) NDO Some Highland fishermen's fan cies. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans actions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v 18 o 42-47.) N 'ol Pottinger, J. A. The selkie wife. (Old lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908 8°. v. 1, p. 173-175.) CI Ramsay, D. Stratherrick. (Gaelic So ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver ness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 197-202.) NDC In Gaelic. Mainly folklore. Ramsay, John. Highland superstitions (In his: Scotland and Scotsmen in th< eighteenth century. Edinburgh, 1888. 8° v. 2, p. 417-474.) CI Rees, R. Wilkins. Witchcraft and th< kirk. (In: Bygone church life in Scotland Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899 8°. p. 162-193.) ZDVK Reid, Alexander George. The annals o Auchterarder and memorials of Strath- earn. Crieff: David Philips, 1899. 4 p.l. 301, xxxviii p., 4 pi. sq. 8°. CI Contains: The warlock of the Kirktown of Auch terarder. Trial of Violet Mar for witchcraft. Johi Brugh, the warlock of Fossoway. The witch covii at the Crook of Devon. Reid, George William. Counting-ou1 rhymes. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1911-12. 8°. v. 4, p. 165-166; v. 5, p 6-7.) CB Relation, A, of the diabolical practises of above twenty Wizards and Witches o; the sheriffdom of Renfrew in the king- dom of Scotland, contain'd in their tryalls examinations, and confessions; and foi which several of them have been executec this present year, 1697. London: Printec for Hugh Newman at the Grashopper ir the Poultry t 1697]. 24 p. 4°. Reserve Repp, Thorleif Gudmundson. On the Scottish formula of congratulation on New Year's eve "Hogmanay, trollalay.' (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Ar- chaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 202-212.) f CPA Robertson, Charles M. Folk-lore from the west of Ross-shire. (Gaelic Society oi Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910, 8°. v. 26, p. 262-299.) NDO Robertson, Duncan J. Orkney folk-lore notes. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 105-109.) CR Robertson, James. Letter on the super- stitions of the Highlands. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 223- 229.) t CPA 746 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. Rogers, Charles. Traits and stories of the Scottish people. . . London: Houlston & Wright, 1867. xvi, 18-320 p. 12°. CP Rorie, David. Some superstitions of the Fifeshire fisher-folk. (Folk-lore. Lon- don, 1904. 8°. v. IS, 95-98.) ZBA The mining folk of Fife, illus. (In: J. E. Simpkins, Examples of printed folk-lore concerning Fife. . . London, 1914. 8°. p. 385-419.) ZBD Roscoe, Edmund S. Christmas in Scot- land. (Belgravia. London, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 311-319.) *DA New Year in Scotland. (Belgrav- ia. London, 1872. 8°. v. 16, p. 350-356.) *DA Ross, Alexander. Notes on superstitions as to burying suicides in the Highlands. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 349-354.) * DE (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, [1893j. 8°. v. 3, p. 286-291.) * EC Ross, J. Calder. Legends, traditions, &c, from Glenelg. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 134-137.) CPA Roughead, William. Scottish witch trials. 2 pi. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 161-184, 267-289.) SEA 1. The witches of North Berwick. 2. Bargar- ran's daughter. Scottish witch trials: Bargarran's daughter. (Canadian law times. Toronto, 1914. 8°. v. 34, p. 325-343.) XAA S. On the superstitions of Highlanders and Londoners. (New monthly maga- zine. London, 1821. 8°. v. 2, p. 561-571.) *DE S., C. T. C. Popular superstitions of Clydesdale. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 3, p. 153-158, 326-331, 501-505.) * DE 1-2. Fairies. 3. Wraiths. S., D. Greenie hill and "The good neighbours." (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 208-211.) CR S., W. A dissertation on "the fairies," by an old Highland seer. (Caledonia: a monthly magazine. Aberdeen, 1895. 8°. p. 33-46.) * DE Sadducismus Debellatus: Or, A true Narrative of the Sorceries and Witch- crafts exercis'd By the Devil and his In- struments upon Mrs. Christian Shaw, Daughter of Mr. John Shaw, of Bargarran in the County of Renfrew in the West of Scotland, from Aug. 1696 to Apr. 1697. Containing the Journal of her Sufferings . . . Collected from the Records. Together with Reflexions upon Witchcraft in Gen- eral.. . London: Printed for H. Newman and A. Bell... 1698. 4 p.l., 60 p. 4°. ' Reserve St. John's eve. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1904. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5 P. 16-17.) CPA Sands, John. Curious superstitions in Tiree. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1883 8°. v. 8, p. 252-255.) *DE Miscellaneous superstitions in Fou- la. (Folk-lore journal. London, 1884. 8° v. 2, p. 378-380.) ZBA From the Glasgow Herald. Saxby, Jessie Margaret Edmondston. Birds of omen in Shetland., .with notes on the folk-lore of the raven and the owl by W. A. Clouston. Privately printed, 1893. 1 p.l., 32 p. 8°. ZBT See also Edmondston, Biot, and Mrs. Jessie Margaret Edmondston Saxby. Schoenbeck, Henric. Ofversigt af Sodra Scottlands Folkpoesi... Lund: Tryckt uti Berlingska Bogtryckeriet, 1831. 28 p. 8°. NCID Scotch and English witches. The witches in Macbeth. (Hogg's Instructor. Edinburgh, 1853. 4°. new series, v. 10, p. 351-352.) *DA Scotch witches and warlocks. (All the year round. London, 1872. 8°. v. 27, p. 461-468.) ' *DA Popular account of witchcraft in Scotland. Scotland in "Auld lang> syne — Will and the witches. (National magazine. New York, 1852. 8°. v. 1, p. 454-458.) * DA Scott, Sir Walter. Letters on demonol- ogy and witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart. London: J. Murray, 1830. ix, 402 p., 1 pi. 16°. MEM Reviewed in The Court journal, 1830, p. 653, London, 1830; also in The monthly review, new se- ries, v. 15, p. 286-302, London, 1830. London: J. Murray, 1830. ix, 402 p., 12 pi. 16°. MEM New York: J. & J. Harper, 1830. ix, (1)14-338 p., 1 pi. YPD New York: Harper & Bros., 1836. xi p., 1 1., 13-338 p. 16°. YPD Plate lacking. New York: Harper, 1855, xi p., 1 1., 13-338 p., 1 pi. 16°. YPD ■ Illustrated by George Cruik- shank. London: W. Tegg, 1868. 1 p.l., ix, 396 p., 7 pi. 16°. YPD London: W. Tegg [1872,. 1 p.l., v-xi(i), 406 p., 4 pi. 12°. YPD LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 747 Folklore, continued. Scottish criminal trials. Hector Mon- ro— sorcery and witchcraft. (Chambers' Edinburgh journal. London, 1834. f°. v. 2, p. 60-61.) ' * DA Based on Pitcairn's ed. of the Scottish criminal trials. Scottish criminal trials. Witchcraft and poisoning — Katherine Ross, Lady Foulis. (Chambers' Edinburgh magazine. Lon- don, 1833. f°. v. 1, p. 385-386.) * DA Based on Pitcairn's ed. of the Scottish criminal trials. ' Scottish fairy tales, folklore and leg- ends. Illustrated by G. Strahan. Lon- don: Gibbings & Co., 1902. viii p., I 1., 192 p., 17 pi. 12°. ZBID Scottish traditionary stories. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh [1847., v. 9, no. 83.) * C Scottish witchcraft trials, selected and edited by G. F. Black. [Clippings from the North British Advertiser, Edinburgh, 1894-96. Pasted in nar. 16°. blank book. 64 p.] YP Sharp, William. Sea-magic and run- ning water. By Fiona Macleod. (Con- temporary review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 82, p. 568-580.) * DA Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick. A his- torical account of the belief in witchcraft in Scotland. Glasgow: Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1884. 268 p. 8°. YPC Simpkins, John Ewart. Examples of printed folk-lore concerning Fife, with some notes on Clackmannan and Kinross- shires. Collected by J. E. Simpkins; with an introduction by Robert Craig Maclag- an, and an appendix from ms. collections by David Rorie. London: published for the Folk-lore Society by Sidgwick & Jack- son, 1914. xxxv, 419 p., 1 map, 8 pi. illus. 8°. (Folk-lore Society. Publications, [no.] 71. County folk-lore. v. 7, Printed ex- tracts, nos. ix, x, xi.) ZBD Simpson, Eve Blantyre. Folk lore in Lowland Scotland. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1908. vi, 236 p. 12°. * R - ZBD (1) Beltane and the vanished races; (2) The Romans and wells of water; (3) The Scandinavians; (4) Fairies; (5) Fishermen's superstition; (6) Flowers and birds; (7) Witches and wizards; (8) Fairs, festivals, and funerals; (9) Adages and omens. Simpson, Sir James Young. Notes on some Scottish magical charm-stones, or curing stones. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 211-224. CPA Reprinted in his Archaological essays, v. 1, p. 199-217. Edinburgh, 1872. Sinclair, George A. A professor of de- monology. (Westminster review. Lon- don, 1906. 8°. v. 165, p. 540-546.) * DA . An account of George Sinclar and his Satan's invisible world discovered. Sinclar, George. Satan's invisible world discovered. Reprinted from the origina: edition published at Edinburgh in 1685 Accompanied with a bibliographical notice and supplement, &c. [Edited by T. G Stevenson.] Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson 1871. liii(i) p., 17 1., 264, ciii p., 1 pi. 12° YPD The plate, a drawing of Major Weir's house, bj Skene of Rubislaw, was originally prefixed to Sii Walter Scott's Demonology. Sinclair's "surprising story of the 'Devil of Glen luce' " is reprinted in the Register of the synod oj Calloway, from October, 166t to April, 1671, Kirkcud bright, 1856, p. 191-204, and in the Gallovidian, v. 12 p. 148-154, Dumfries, 1910. Satan's invisible world discovered Detailing the particulars of strange pranks played by the Devil, together with a partic- ular account of several apparition's t sic] witches, and invisible spirits. To which is added the marvellous history of Majoi Weir and his sister. Glasgow [1845?]. 24 P- 24°. Reserve A chapbook abridgment of the above work. Majoi Weir and his sister were undoubtedly insane. Sketch, A, of Scotch diablerie in general (Fraser's magazine. London, 1842. 8° v. 25, p. 317-331.) *DA On fairies, ghosts, wraiths, brownies, etc. Smith, Robert Angus. Loch Etive and the sons of Uisnach. With illustrations by Miss Jessie Knox Smith. London: A Gardner, 1885. 3 p.l., (i) vi-xl p., 2 1., 376 p., 16 pi. new ed. 8°. ZBD Smith, William. Mansie o' Kierfa and his fairy wife. (Old-lore miscellany oi Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1913. 8°. v. 6, p. 19-21.) CB Some account of the witches of Pitten- weem, in the county of Fife, about the be- ginning of last century. (Edinburgh maga- zine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 199-207.) * DE Some stories of Heiskeir. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 176- 187.) NDK Spells and charms. Leaves from our Highland folk-lore note-book. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 37-41.) *DE The "Sean." Toradh. Casg fola. Corpan creadha Spence, James. Folklore of days and seasons. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896- 98, p. 221-234; v. 5, 1898-1900, p. 65-77, 215- 234.) CPA Spence, John. Shetland folk-lore. Ler- wick: Johnson & Greig, 1899. 256 p. illus. 12 °. *R-ZBD The volume is divided into five parts: "The Picts and their brochs," "Pre-historic remains," "Folklore, "Proverbs and sayings." "The Lammas Foy. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 748 Folklore, continued. Spence, Magnus. Orkney bonfires. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caith- ness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 179-186.) CR Stewart, Alexander. Examples of the survival in Scotland of superstitions relat- ing to fire. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 24, p. 391-395.) CPA Notice of a Highland charm stone. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 24, p. 157-160.) CPA 'Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe: the natural history, legends, and folklore of the west Highlands. Edinburgh: W. Pater- son, 1885. xv, 384 p., 1 port. 8°. CPW Stewart, Alexander W. Old Scottish cures. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1894. 8°. v. 277, p. 419-425.) * DA Sufferers for pretended witchcraft in Scotland. (In: Criminal trials of all coun- tries. . .selected by a Member of the Phil- adelphia bar. Philadelphia, 1843. 8°. p. 565-575.) SLN Reprinted without acknowledgment from Arnot's Criminal trials with an additional note from Glanvil on the trial of Agnes Sampson. Superstitions of Scotland. (British critic. London, 1834. 8°. v. 16, p. 417-442.) * DA Based on Dalyell's Darker superstitions. Reprinted in the Museum of foreign literature, v. 26, p. 15-26. Philadelphia, 1835. Surprising story of the "Devil of Glen- luce." (The Gallovidian. Dumfries, 1910. 4°. v. 12, p. 148-154.) *DE Repr. : G. Sinclar's Satan's invisible world dis- covered. Tale, The, of the "Bodach Glas." Trans- lated from the Gaelic by Mrs. Mackellar. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 12-16, 57-64.) * DE See also under Nutt, Alfred, Notes on the "Bo- dach Glas." Tales of the water kelpie. (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 511- 515.) *DE Taodunus, pseud. Customs and supersti- tions of the Scottish peasantry, at births and burials. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 219-224.) " * DE Also deals with fairies. Taylor, Elizabeth, pseud, of Mrs. Eliza- beth M'Hardie. _ The Braemar highlands: their tales, traditions, and history. Edin- burgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1869. viii, 343(1) p. 16°. CR Mainly a plagiarism from Legends of the Braes of Mar by John Grant, published in Aberdeen in 1861. Telfair, Alexander. A true relation of an apparition, expression and actings of a spirit, which infested the house of Andrew Mackie, in Ring-Croft of Stocking in the paroch of Rerrick, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright in Scotland, 1695... and at- tested by many other persons, who were also eye and ear-witnesses. Edinburgh: Printed by George Mosman, 1696. 15(1) p. 4°. Reserve ■ (Reprinted in: John Nicholson, Historical and traditional tales... connected with the south of Scotland. Kirkcud- bright, 1843. 12°. p. 3-26.) (In: George Sinclar, Satan's invisible world discovered... Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. Supplement, p. xxi-xxxix.) YPD (In: C. K. Sharpe, A historical account of the belief in witchcraft in Scot- land. London, 1884. 12°. p. 229-254.) YPC Thorns, William John. Divination by the blade-bone. (Folk-lore record. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. v. 1, p. 176-179.) ZBA Thomson, John Charles. Some rhymes and sayings of childhood. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 73-74.) CPA Tille, Alexander. A Scottish nursery rhyme and Goethe's Faust. (Scots lore. Glasgow, 1895. 8°. p. 155-157.) CPA Tolmie, P. G. Remains of ancient reli- gion in the north. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 88-102.) NDO Text in Gaelic. Tom in spirits. (All the year round. London, 1860. 8°. v. 3, p. 525-528.) * DA Account of the Devil of Glenluce, adapted from Sinclar. Concludes that the "devil" was none other than the minister's son, Thomas. Torquil, pseud. Fairies in the High- lands. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 4, p. 13-18.) *DE Traditionary tales of Tweeddale. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany. . . Edin- burgh [1847]. v. 10. no. 90.) * C Trial of Agnes Finnie for witchcraft, 18th December 1664. (Spottiswoode mis- cellany. . .edited by James Maidment. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 51-56.) ZDVH Trial of Isobel Young for witchcraft, February 4, 1629. (Spottiswoode miscel- lany. . .edited by James Maidment. Edin- burgh, 1845. 8°. v. 2, p. 39-50.) ZDVH Trial of William Coke and Alison Dick for witchcraft. — Extracted from the min- utes of the kirk-session of Kirkcaldy, A. D. 1636. (In: Sinclair, The statistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1796. 8°. v. 18, p. 653-662.) CPW LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 749 Folklore, continued. Trial, A, for witchcraft (1576). Eliza- beth or Bessie Dunlop, spous to Andro Jak in Lyne. (In: P. Hume Brown, Scotland before 1700, from contemporary docu- ments. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 208-217.) CP Repr. : Pitcairn's edition of the Ancient Scottish criminal trials. Trials for witchcraft, m.d.xcvi-m.d.xcvii. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. 4°. v. 1, p. 83-193.) t CP See also the preface, p. 48-55. See also Joseph Robertson's Book of Bon-Accord, p. 360-368, Aberdeen, 1839. Trials for witchcraft, sorcery, and super- stition, in Orkney. (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. v. 1, p. 133-185.) tCP Trial of Marable Couper, July 7, 1624; Anie Tail- zeour, alias Rwna Rowa, July 15, 1624; Examination of the charges of witchcraft and sorcery against Marione Richart, or Layland, before the kirk-session of Sanday; Trial of Marion Richart for witchcraft, sorcery, and divination, May 29, 1633; Trial of Katherine Cragie, alias Estquoy, June 16, 1640; Her second trial, July 11, 1643; Trial of jonet Reid, for witchcraft, charming, &c, July 12, 1643. Virtues, The, of the Lee stone. (Gentle- man's magazine. London, 1787. 8°. v. 62, p. 1045-1046.) * DA W. Modern superstitions. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 166-167.) CPA Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition, i. Argyllshire series. Edited with notes on the war dress of the Celts by Lord Archi- bald Campbell. London: D. Nutt, 1889. xv(i), 98 p., 13 pi. 8°. ZBIG Contents; Craignish tales. How Michael Scott obtained knowledge of shrove-tide from Rome. The good housewife and her night labours. The Fairies' hill. The skull in Saddell church. Traditions of the Bruce. The stag-haunted stream. Fionn's ques- tions. Notes on the war dress of the Celt. Walker, James Russel. "Holy wells" in Scotland, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 152-210.) CPA/ Wallace, Mrs. Am fomhair agus an gille ruadh (The giant and the fair man-ser- vant). (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 20-28.) * DE Collected in Tiree. Gaelic and English on op- posite pages. , An iobhal gheal 's an iobhal fhionn s an iobhal dhonn 's an iobhal charrach bu mhathair dhoibh (The snow-white maiden, and the fair maid, and the swarthy maid, and Frizzle, or Bald Pate their mother). (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 454-465.) * DE Gaelic and English on opposite pages. For notes on the tale see p. 493-498. Wallace, Thomas D. May-Day, or "Bel- tein" or "Beltane." (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 309-311.) *EC White stones. (Inverness Scientif- ic Society and Field Club. Transactions Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 311-312.) *EC In connection with white pebbles found in pre historic graves. Wallace, W. II Capodanno in Inghil- terra e in Iscozia. (Archivio per lo studic delle tradizioni popolari. Palermo, 1901 8°. v. 20, p. 481-484.) ZBA "First-footing." Watson, Ella Carmichael. Highlanc mythology. (Celtic review. Edinburgh 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 48-70.) NDK Watson, William. The collecting o: Highland legends and the necessity foi collecting them now. (Gaelic Society ol Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878 8°. v. 6, p. 102-119.) NDO Wentz, W. Y. Evans. The fairy-faith ir Celtic countries. Oxford: H. Frowde 1911. 8°. ZBC Scotland, p. 84-116. Whyte, Henry. Some ancient Celtic customs. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow Transactions. Glasgow, n.d. 12°. v. 1 1887-91, p. 127-156.) NDC Wilson, W. B. Robertson. Ayrshire folklore. (Scottish notes and queries Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 55-57.) CPA Wise, Thomas Alexander. History oi paganism in Caledonia, with an examina- tion into the influence of Asiatic phi- losophy and the gradual development oi Christianity in Pictavia. London: Trub- ner & Co., 1884. xxvi p., 1 1., 259 p., 7 1. 2 pi. illus. 4°. f QPM Witch, The, of Garrowbuie. (Belgravia London, 1877. 8°. v. 33, p. 205-210.) * DA Witchcraft in Scotland. (Tait's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1836. 4° new series, v. 3, p. 17-26.) * DA Witches, The, of Scotland. (Household words. London, 1857. 8°. v. 16, p. 75- 83.) * DA Popular account of witchcraft in Scotland. Wood, Maxwell. Superstitious record ir the south-western district of Scotland Witchcraft trials and persecution, illus (Gallovidian. Dumfries, 1908. 8°. v. 10 p. 191-205; v. 11, p. 23-33.) * DE 750 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore, continued. Wood, William. Witchcraft in England [SiC]. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1898. 8°. v. 78 t new series, v. Sj, p. 6S5-670.) *DA On witchcraft in Great Britain, particularly in Scotland. Part of this article is reprinted m Cur- rent literature, New York, 1900, v. 29, p. 475. Worse witches than Macbeth's. (All the year round. London, 1862. 8°. v. 7, p. 12-15.) *DA Summarized from Scottish witch trials in Lynn, Witch stories. Wright, Thomas. Narratives of sorcery and magic, from the most authentic sources. London: Richard Bentley, 1851 2 v. 12°. YPC Chapters ix and x in volume 1 are devoted to witchcraft in Scotland in the sixteenth century, taken from Pitcairn; and in chapter xxvii, volume 2, there is an account of witchcraft in Scotland after the accession of King James i. [vi.], taken "almost entirety from Robert Pitcairn." "This work is merely a compilation, and has no value beyond that of a popular narrative." Young, Hugh W. The burning of the Clavie. 1 illus. (Reliquary and illus- trated archaeologist. London, 1895. 4°. v. 1, p. 22-25.) CA Religion and Philosophy Abbott, J. See under Abercrombie, John. Abercrombie, John. The culture and discipline of the mind... Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1837. 59 p. 16°. YEI Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1842. 62 p. 18. ed. 12°. (In his: Essays and tracts. Edinburgh, 1841-42. 12°. no. 2.) YEI ■ Essays. From the 19th Edinburgh edition. New York: Harper & Bros., 1845. 295 p. 24°. YFH Inquiries concerning the intellec- tual powers and the investigation of truth. Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1835. xix, 474 p. 5. ed. 12°. YEG New York: Collins & Brother t 18— ?]. 284 p. 2. ed. 12°. YEG Boston: Otis, Broaders, & Co., 1841. 284 p. 12°. YEG With additions and explana- tions to adapt the work to. the use of schools and academies; by J. Abbott. Bos- ton: J. Allen & Co., 1835. 284 p. 12°. YEG From the second Edinburgh edition. With questions for the examina- tion of students. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1835. 376 p. 16°. (Harper's family library, no. 37.) YEG London: John Murray, 1838. xv, 451 p. 8. ed. 12°. YEG Boston: Otis, Broaders & Co., 1843. 284 p. 12°. YEG • • New York: Harper & Broth- ers, 1844. 376 p. 16°. (The family library, no. 37.) YEG London: J. Murray, 1846. xv, 364 p. 12. ed. 16°. YEG Alexander, Archibald Browning Drys- dale. A short history of philosophy. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1907. xxii, 601 p., 1 1. 8°. *R-YAC Balnaves, Henry, of Halhill. The con- fession of faith. . .compiled by Henry Bal- naves. . .in. . .1548. 120 p. (In: Edward the Sixth [King of England], Writings... London: Religious Tract Society, 1831. 12°.) ZOT Modernised from the edition Imprinted at Edin- burgh by Thomas Vautrollier, 1584. ■ (In: John Knox, Works, ed. by D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 3, p. 431-542.) The manuscript of Baluaves' Confession was orig- inally prepared for the press by John Knox in 1548, hence its being appended to the latter's Works. 1. Amer. ed. (In: Edward the Sixth [King of England], Writings... Philadelphia, 1842. 12°. p. 357-476.) ZOT Bannatyne Club. Breviarium Aberdo- nense. v. 1-2, and Preface. Londini, 1854. 2v. 4°. fZHIG v. 1. Pars Estiva. v. 2. Pars Hyemalis. Edited by the Rev. William Blew. The preface, prepared by David Laing, is dated September, 1855. It contains xxvii pages, with eight leaves of facsimile. Beattie, James. Elements of moral sci- ence... To which is now added, a com- plete index. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1817. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. YFE • An essay on the nature and im- mutability of truth, in opposition to sophis- try and scepticism. Edinburgh: W. & J. Deas, 1807. 2 p.l., 371 p., 1 port. 8. ed. 8". YAR Prefixed : A sketch of the ori- gin and progress of the work. London: J. Mawman, 1812. xxiv, 473 p. 8. ed. 8°. YCB Bell, James. Influence of physical re- search on mental philosophy. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1839. xii, 5-124 p. 16°. YAR Black, Hugh. Culture and restraint. New York: F. H. Revell Co. [1901., 350 p. 8°. YFH Friendship. With an introductory note by W. R. Nicoll... New York: F. H. Revell Co., 1898. 1 p.l., 237 p. 12°. YFH Illuminated by F. B. Smith. New York: F. H. Revell Co., 1899. 1 p.l., 237 p. 12°. YFH LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 751 Religion and Philosophy, continued. Happiness. Chicago: F. H. Revell Company [1911]. 6 p., 2 1., 3-253 p. 8°. (Friendship series,.) YFH Work. Chicago: F. H. Revell Co. [C op. 1903., 246 p. 8°. YFE Blackie, John Stuart. Moral culture; choice and use of books: cultivation of memory: from J. S. Blackie's "Self-cul- ture," with miscellaneous articles. En- graved in the advanced corresponding style of standard phonography, with a key. New York: A. J. Graham, 1890. 1 p.L, 71 p. 12°. *IDV On self-culture, intellectual, physi- cal, and moral. A vade mecum for young men and students. New York: Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 1874. 116 p. 16°. Stuart 11779 Printed in the easy reporting style of phonography, in accordance with the "Manual of phonography," by B. Pit- man and J. B. Howard. Cincinnati: Pho- nographic Institute Co., 1902. 67 p. 16°. * IDS p.v.36, no.4 New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co. [1905.] 427-440 p. 4°. (Standard se- ries.) tt YFH p.v.4, no.4 The culture of the intellect; On physical culture; On moral culture. Title from cover. Allievo, Giuseppe. John Stuart Blackie ed il suo opuscolo "L'educazione di se stesso." (Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino. Atti. Torino, 1906. 8°. v. 41, p. 593-620.) * ER Blair, Hugh. Discurso moral del doctor Hugo Blair, sobre la integridad, considera- da como la guia de la vida. (El Mosaico mexicano. Mexico, 1842. 8°. v. 7, p. 446- 453.) * DR Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. The new hymnology of the Scottish Kirk. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1889. 8°. v. 145, p. 657-667.) * DA Brown, Thomas. Inquiry into the rela- tion of cause and effect. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1818. xvi, 569 p. 3. ed. 8°. YC Andover, 1822. 8°. YCH Lyall, W. Strictures on the idea of power; with. . .reference to the views of Dr. Brown in his "Inquiry into the rela- tion of cause and effect." [By W. Lyall.] Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1842. 52 p. 8°. YCp.v.l,no.3 Brown, Thomas. Lectures on the phi- losophy of the human mind. Andover: M. Newman, 1822. 3 v. 8°. YEG The original edition was reviewed in the Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 8, p. 201-208, Edinburgh, 1821. , Philadelphia: J. Grigg, 1824. 3 v. 8°. ^ YEG Corrected from the last Lon- don edition. Boston: S. T. Armstrong, 1826. 2 v. 8°. YEG From last London ed. Hallo- well: Glazier & Co., 1828. 2 v. 8°. YAG Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith, 1839. 2 v. 8°. YAG Corrected from the last Lon- don edition. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters, & Smith, 1846. 2 v. 8°. YEG With a memoir of the author by David Welsh. London: William Tegg & Co., 1858. xxxi, 692 p., 1 port. 8°. YEG Compendium of Dr. Brown's Phi- losophy of the human mind. By J. P. Boyle, In two parts, containing the substance oi the two first vols. Chiefly intended for the use of the students of the university. . . Dublin: T. Connolly, 1849. iv, 352 p. new ed. 12°. YEG A treatise on the philosophy of the human mind, being the lectures of the late Thomas Brown, M.D., abridged and dis- tributed according to the natural divisions of the subject, by Levi Hedge. Cambridge: Hilliard & Brown, 1827. 2 v. 8°. YEG Caird, Edward. The problem of philoso- phy at the present time. An introductory address delivered to the Philosophical So- ciety of the University of Edinburgh. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1881. 43 p. 12° YAR p.v.14 Calderwood, W. L. The life of Henry Calderwood. . . By his son [W. L. Calder- wood] and the Rev. David Woodside, B.D, With a special chapter on his philosophical works by A. Seth Pringle-Pattison. . . London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1900. viii, 447 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN Church of Scotland. The Book of Com- mon Order, commonly called John Knox's liturgy. Translated into Gaelic, Anno Do- mini 1567, by John Carswell, bishop of the Isles. Edited by Thomas McLauchlan, Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1873. xxvii p., 2 1., 247(1) p. sq. 8°. NDO Only three copies of the original 1567 edition are in existence, only one of which is perfect. Reviewed (by Henri Gaidoz) in Revue celtique, v. 2, p. 264-265, Paris, 1873-75. The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments. And other parts of divine service for the use of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Printed by R. Young, 1637. [458 p.] 4°. Reserve Mss. notes on second fly-leaf. The Booke of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments with other rites and ceremonies of the Church of Scotland as it was sett downe at first, before the change thereof was made by ye 752 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Religion and Philosophy, continued. Archb. of Canterburie. . . (From a ms. in the British Museum.) Also an earlier draft prepared before the troubles caused by the Articles of Perth, 1618. (From a ms. in the Advocates' Library) ; edited, with an introduction & notes, by the Rev. George W. Sprott. [With an appendix.) Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1871. lxxii, 139 p. 8°. (Scottish liturgies of the reign of James vi.) ZHLH • Book of Common Prayer. The liturgy of the Church of Scotland; or, John Knox's Book of Common Order, as pre- scribed by the General Assembly, and used in the Church of Scotland at and after the Reformation. Edited and. . .revised by the Rev. John Cumming... London: J. Les- lie, 1840. xxviii, 265 p. 8°. ZHN The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechism, first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at West- minster: and now approved by the Gen- eral Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland... Together with the sum of saving knowl- edge, and the practical use thereof. Edin- burgh: J. Reid, 1689. 340 p. 24°. ZGK Separate titles to "The confession of faith," "The larger catechism," and "The shorter catechism." Followed by a Scottish version of the Psalms of David in meter. The confession of faith, the larger and shorter catechisms, with the Scripture- proofs at large. Together with The sum of saving knowledge. . .and practical use thereof. Covenants; National and Solemn League. Acknowledgement of sins and engagement to duties. Directories. Form of Church-government, &c. Of public authority in the Church of Scotland, with acts of Assembly and Parliament, relative to, and approbative of the same. n. p., 1768. 546 p., 11 1. 8°. ZWGM • The confession of faith: the larger and shorter catechisms, with the Scripture- proofs at large: the covenants, national and solemn league... and the form of church government: with acts of assembly and parliament, relative to, and approbative of, the same: of public authority in the Church of Scotland and also in the Associate Church and the Reformed Church in the United States of America. Together with the sum of saving knowledge (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said confession and catechisms.)... Phil- adelphia: W. W. Woodward, 1813. 542 p., 10 1. 12°. ZGK The liturgy of the Church of Scot- land; or, John Knox's Book of Common Order, as prescribed by the General Assem- bly, and used in the Church of Scotland at and after the Reformation. Edited and. . . revised by Rev. John Cumming. London: J. Leslie, 1840. xxviii, 265 p. 16°. The office for the holy communion according to the use of the Church of Scot- land. Edinburgh: Grant & Son, 1844. 18 n 24°. ZECp.v.94 Prayers for social and family wor- ship prepared by a committee of the Gen- eral Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1859 xiii, 327(1) p. 12°. Stuart 3600 The Scottish hymnal. Hymns for public worship selected by a committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Published for use in Churches by authority of the General Assembly. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons [187-?, xii, 191 p. 24°. Stuart 5005 Bound with: The Psalms of David in metre: ac- cording to the version approved by the Church of Scotland... London [187-?]. 24°. Translations and paraphrases, in verse, of several passages of sacred scrip- ture. Collected and prepared by a commit- tee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, in order to be sung in churches. Edinburgh: printed... by J. Dickson retc.i, 1788. 2 p.l., 129 p. 24°. ZHX Church of Scotland. — Provincial Coun- cil. The catechism set forth by Archbishop Hamilton, printed at St. Andrews — 1551. Together with the Two-penny faith, 1559. With preface by t A. F.] Mitchell. Edin- burgh: W. Paterson, 1882. 2 p.l., xxxii p., 13 1., ccv f., 8 1. 8°. ZGR (Hamilton) Archbishop Hamilton's catechism. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 83- 103.) *DA Comparison between the communion of- fices of the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, by which it is proved that the Church of England rejects, and the Scottish Episcopal Church adopts, the complete language of transubstantia- tion. London: J. Hatchard and Son, 1844. 32 p. 8°. ZECp.v.94 Cowan, William. A bibliography of the Book of Common Order and psalm book of the Church of Scotland: 1556-1644. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1913. sq. 8°. 1911-13, p. 53-100.) Reserve Edinburgh: privately printed, 1913. 2 p.l., 48 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. Reserve no. 15 of forty copies, reprinted for sale, from the publications of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Dean, Amos. The Scottish school: com- mon sense philosophy — Reid, Stewart, Hamilton. (In his: History of civilization. Albany, 1869. 8°. v. 6, p. 347-383.) BAP Dissertations on the history of meta- physical and ethical, and of mathematical and physical science, by Dugald Stewart, Sir J. Mackintosh, John Playfair, and Sir J. Leslie, n. p., n. d. 4°. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 75- Religion and Philosophy, continued. Duns Scotus. Doctoris subtilis; ordinis minorum, Opera omnia, editio nova, juxta editionem Wadingi 12 tomos continentem. . . Parisiis, 1891-95. 26 v. nar. 4°. ZEP Dent, Francis. Blessed John Duns Sco- tus and Mary Immacula. Roma: Tipogra- fia Poliglotto, 190S. 2 p.l., (1)8-58 p., 1 port. 24°. ZMFp.v.2 Deodat. La methode critique de V. Duns Scot. (Revue de Lille. Arras, 1903. 8°. v. 22 [new series, v. 8], p. 17-39, 97-112.) ♦DM Minges, Parthenius. Der angebliche ex- zessive Realismus des Duns Scotus. Miin- ster: Aschendorff, 1908. xii, 108 p. 8°. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters. Bd. 7, Heft 1.) YAG 1st Duns Scotus Indeterminist? Minister: Aschendorff 's Buchhandlung, 1905. x p., 1 1., 138 p., 1 1. 8°. (Beitrage ziir Geschichte der Philosophie des Mit- telalters. Texte und Untersuchungen. Bd. 5, Heft 4.) YAG Das Verhaltnis zwischen Glauben und Wissen, Theologie und Philosophie nach Duns Scotus. Paderborn: F. Scho- ningh,1908. xii, 204 p. 8°. (Forschungen zur christlichen Literatur und Dogmenge- schichte. Bd. 7, Heft 4-5.) ZEC Siebeck, Hermann. Die Willenslehre bei Duns Scotus und seinen Nachfolgern. (Zeitschrift fur philosophie und philosophi- sche Kritik. Leipzig, 1898. 8°. v. 112, p. 179-216.) YAA Sirectus, Antonius. Formalitates mo- derniores de mente clarissimi doctoris sub- tilis Scoti . . . compilate per . . . Antonium Sirecti. . .feliciter incipiunt. [Parisiis: R. Chauldiere,, 1517. 8°. YAG Trombeta, Antonius. Auree Scoticarum formalitatu lucubrationes. . .ab. ..A. Trom- beta. . . Parisiis: J. de Marnef [1521]. 44 1. 8°. YAG Verrier, Thomas. Formalitates acutis- simi. . .Stephani Brulefer ordinis minorii de observatia cu ejusde comento totiq subtilis Scotice doctrine terios clarissime elucidates per...T. Verrier. Parisiis: O. Senant [1516]. 531. 8°. YAG Werner, Karl. Die Psychologie und Er- kenntnisslehre des Johannes Duns Scotus. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. Denkschriften. Philosophisch-histo- rische Classe. Wien, 1877. f°. Bd. 26, p. 345-468.) * EF Die Sprachlogik des Johannes Duns Scotus. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philoso- phisch-historische Classe. Wien, 1877. 8°. Bd. 85, p. 545-597.) * EF Eeles, F. C. Traditional ceremonial anc customs connected with the Scottish lit- urgy. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1910. xi, 175, vii p. 4°. (Alcuin Club Collections, [no.] 17.) ZHI Episcopal Church in Scotland. The cod< of canons of the Protestant Episcopa Church in Scotland, as revised, amended and enacted by an ecclesiastical synod holden for that purpose at Laurencekirk, it the county of Kincardine, on the eigh teenth, nineteenth, and twentieth days o June, in the year of Our Lord mdcccxxviii Edinburgh: J. Moir, 1828. 2 p.l., 86 p. 8° ZPWI The code of canons of the Episco pal Church in Scotland, as revised, amendee and enacted, by an ecclesiastical synod holden for that purpose, at Edinburgh oi the 29th day of August, and continued bj adjournment till the 6th of September, in elusive. . .1838. Edinburgh: R. Grant 8 Son, 1838. v, 60 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.l Edinburgh: Robert Grant ane Son, 1844. iv, 59 p. 8°. ZDV p.v.l Declaration on the doctrine of th< Holy Eucharist, signed by the bishops o Edinburgh, Argyll, and Glasgow. To gether with a statement on the same sub ject by the bishops of Moray and St Andrews; also an address to the bishop o Edinburgh, from the clergy of the diocesi of Edinburgh: with the bishop's reply Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1858. 8 p. 8° ZWGF p. v.! Ferrier, James Frederick. Institutes o metaphysic. The theory of knowing ane being. Edinburgh: William Blackwooe and Sons, 1854. xxiii(i), 530 p. 8°. YCI Edinburgh: William Black wood & Sons, 1875. xxiii, 586 p. 3. ed 12°. Y( Cairns, John. An examination of Pro fessor Ferrier's "Theory of knowing an( being." Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co. 1856. 31 p. 8°. *Cp.v.66< Smith, J. An examination of Cairns'; "Examination of Professor Ferrier's 'The ory of knowing and being.' " Edinburgh W. Blackwood & Sons, 1856. 34 p. 8°. * C p.v.66! Young, Ge6rge Paxton. An examina tion of Professor Ferrier's theory of know ing and being. (Canadian journal o industry, science, and art. Toronto, 1856 8°. v. 1, p. 105-126.) * EC Ferrier, James Frederick. Lectures oi Greek philosophy, and other philosophica remains; edited by Sir Alexander Grant and E. L. Lushington. Edinburgh: Wil Ham Blackwood & Sons, 1866. 2 v. 12°. YB> 754 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Religion and Philosophy, continued. Scottish philosophy: the old and new. Edinburgh: Sutherland and Knox, 1856. 58 p. 8°. YBXCp.box Edinburgh: Sutherland and Knox, 1856. 59 p. 2. ed. 8°. *Cp.v.669 Axon, William Edward Armytage. De Quincey and J. F. Ferrier. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1898. 8°. v. 17, p. 268-276.) * DA Fraser, Alexander Campbell. The phil- osophical life of Professor Ferrier. (Mac- millan's magazine. London,' 1868. 8°. v. 17, p. 193-201.) * DA Haldane, Elizabeth S. James Frederick Ferrier. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier c 1899]. 158 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN Flint, Robert. Agnosticism. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1903. 2 p.L, vii-xviii, 664 p. 8°. YBO Anti-theistic theories: being the Baird lecture for 1877. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1880. xi, 554 p. 2. ed. 12°. ZAF Philosophy as scientia scientiarum, and a history of classification of the sci- ences. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1904. x, 340 p. 8°. OAP Theism: being the Baird lecture for 1876. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1877. ix, 432 p. 12°. ZAF Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Philoso- phy of theism. Being the Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Edin- burgh in 1894-96. series 1-2. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895-96. 2 v. 8°. ZAF Free Church pulpit; consisting of dis- courses by the most eminent divines of the Free Church of Scotland. New York: Rob- ert Carter, 1848. 3 v. 8°. Stuart 3813 Graham, David. The grammar of phi- losophy. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1908. xi, 383 p. 8°. YEG Haig, James. Symbolism; or, Mind- matter-language as the elements of think- ing and reasoning, and as the necessary factors of human knowledge. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1869. xiv, 544 p. 12°. YAR Hamilton, Patrick. Patrick's places; a treatise of the law and the gospel. Writ- ten in Latin by Patrick Hamilton; trans- lated... by John Frith. To which are added the annotations of John Fox. 24 p. (In: Edward the Sixth [King of England], Writ- ings. . . London: Religious Tract Society, 1831. 12°.) ZOT 1. Amer. ed. (In: Edward the Sixth [King of England], Writings. . . Phil- adelphia, 1842. 12°. p. 333-356.) ZOT Hamilton, Sir William. Discussions on philosophy and literature, education and university reform... London: Longman Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1853. 1 nl v-xii, 852 p. 2. ed. 8°. YBX Edinburgh and London, 1866 3. ed. 8°. YBX Lectures on metaphysics and logic, edited by H. L. Mansel and J. Veitch. v. l! Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1859 8° YBX — — Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1860-61. 4 v. 8°. YBX v. 1-2 are 2. ed. A letter to Augustus de Morgan on his claim to an independent re-discovery of a new principle in the theory of syllo- gism. Subjoined, the whole previous cor- respondence, and a postscript in answer to Professor de Morgan's "Statement." Lon- don: Longman, Brown. . .1847. 44,6p. 8°. * C p.v.970 The metaphysics of Sir William Hamilton, collected, arranged and abridged ...by F. Bowen. Cambridge: Sever & Francis, 1866. viii, 563 p. 8°. YC Cambridge: Sever & Francis, 1887. viii, 563 p. 8°. YBX Philosophy of Sir William Hamil- ton; arranged and edited by O. W. Wight. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1866. 530 p. 6. ed. 8°. YBX See also under Stewart, Dugald, Collected works. Calderwood, Henry. The philosophy of the infinite; with special reference to the theories of Sir William Hamilton and M. Cousin. Edinburgh: Thomas Constable, & Co., 1854. viii, 241 p. 8°. YCD De Quincey, Thomas. Sir William Ham- ilton. (In his: Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. Bos- ton, 1854. 12°. v. 1, p. 1-100.) NCZ Mansel, H. L. The philosophy of the conditioned; remarks on Hamilton's phi- losophy and on J. S. Mill's Examination of that philosophy. London, 1866. 8°. Masson, David. Recent British philos- ophy: a review, with criticisms; including some comments on J. S.] Mill's answer to Sir William Hamilton. New York, 1866. 12°. YBXC Mill, John Stuart. An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy, and of the principal philosophical questions dis- cussed in his writings. Boston: William V. Spencer, 1866. 2 v. 8°. YBX Monck, William Henry Stanley. Sir William Hamilton. New York: G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1881. 1 p.l., [V-jvi p., 1 1., 192 p. 12°. (English philosophers.) YBX LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 755 Religion and Philosophy, continued. Murray, James Clark. Sir William Ham- ilton's philosophy: an exposition and criti- cism. (Canadian journal of science, litera- ture and history. Toronto, 1867-70. 8°. new series, v. 11, p. 207-224, 300-319, 367- 388; v. 12, p. S7-8S.) * EC 1 Scottish philosophy. 2. Exposition of Hamil- ton's system. 3, 4. Criticism of Hamilton s system. Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton. (Southern Presbyterian review. Colum- bia, S. C, 18S6. 8°. v. 9, p. 402-425.) ZWA Sir William Hamilton and his philos- ophy, n. p., 1855. 1 p.l., 48 p. 8°. v y *' _ YBXp.v.17 From the Princeton review, October, 1855. Veitch, John. Hamilton. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882. vi, 268 p., 1 port. 16°. (Philosophical classics for English readers, v. 6.) YAM Hume, David. A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau: with the letters that passed between them during their contro- versy, as also the letters of the Hon. Mr. Walpole, and Mr. D'Alembert, relative to this extraordinary affair. Translated from the French. London: T. Becket, 1766. viii, 96 p. 8°. AN Dialogues concerning natural re- ligion. London, 1779. 244 p. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v.965 Final pages lacking. An enquiry concerning the human understanding, and an enquiry concerning the principles of morals. Reprinted from the posthumous edition of 1777 and edited, with an introduction, comparative tables of contents, and an analytical index, by L. A. Selby-Bigge. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894. 3 p.l., vii-xl, 350 p. 8°. YEG An essay on miracles, n. t.-p. [New York: A. K. Butts & Co., 18-?] 16 p. 12°. (Ironclad series, ino.] 14.) ZEW p.v.2 Essays and treatises on several sub- jects... London: A. Millar, 1753-56. 4 v. 16°. YBX v. 1, 4. ed.; v. 2, 4, 3. ed.; v. 3, 2. ed. Basil: J. J. Tourneisen, 1793. 4 v. new ed. 8°. ' NCZ — New edition, to which are added Dialogues concerning natural re- ligion. Edinburgh: printed for T. Cadell, London, 1793. 2 v. 8°. YBX Edinburgh: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1809. 2 v. new ed. 8°. YBX Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1825. 2 v, new ed. 8°. YBX v. 1. Essays moral, political, and literary, v. 2. An inquiry concerning the human under- standing; a dissertation on the passions. ..[etc.] : Letters- of David Hume, and ex- tracts from letters referring to him. Edited by Thomas Murray, L.L.D. Edin- burgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1841. 80 p. 1 fac. 8°. AN Letters of David Hume. (Museum oi foreign literature, science, and art. Phila- delphia, 1842. 8°. v. 44, p. 441-445.) * DA Hume, David. Letters of David Hume to William Strahan: now first edited wit! notes, index, etc., by G. B. Hill. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1888. xlvi p., 1 1., 386 p 8°. YBX The life of David Hume, Esq., writ- ten by himself. London: W. Strahan anc T. Cadell, 1777. iv, 62 p. 16°. AGH p.v.l' London: Hunt and Clarke 1826. vi, 16 p., 1 port. 24°. (Autobiog raphy. A collection of the most instruc tive and amusing lives, v. 2.) A — — - Philosophical works. Including all the essays and exhibiting the more im portant alterations and corrections it the successive editions published by th< author. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co. 1854. 4 v. port. 8°. YBX v. 1. Life of the author. Latter will and testa ment of Hume. Account of the controversy wit] Rousseau. List of Scotticisms. Treatise of humai nature. v. 2. Treatise, continued. Dialogues concern ing natural religion. v. 3. Essays, moral, political, and literary. v. 4. An inquiry concerning the human under standing. An inquiry concerning the principles o morals. Appendix: The natural history of religion Additional essays. Private correspondence of Davie Hume with several distinguished person: between 1761 and 1776. Now first pub lished from the originals. London: Henri Colburn, & Co., 1820. xix, 285 p. 4°. AK • A treatise of human nature: beinj an attempt to introduce the experimenta method of reasoning into moral subjects London: J. Noon, 1739-40. 3 v. 8°. YFI A treatise on human nature, beinj an attempt to introduce the experimenta method of reasoning into moral subjects and dialogues concerning natural religion Edited, with preliminary dissertations anc notes by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1878 2 v. new ed. 8°. YB5 Treatise of morals: and selection: from the treatise of the passions; with ai introduction by James H. Hyslop. Bos ton: Ginn & Co., 1893. 5 p.l., 7-275 p. 8° YFt Eine Untersuchung iiber die Prin cipien der Moral. Deutsch hrsg...voi Thomas Garrigue Masaryk. Wien: C Konegen, 1883. vi, 167 p. 12°. YFH p.v.14, no.! Bisset, Andrew. Hume. (In his: Essay: on historical truth. London, 1871. 8°. p 136-171.) CB/ Hume as historian. 756 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Religion and Philosophy, continued. Boehme, Arthur. Die Wahrscheinlich- keitslehre bei David Hume. Berlin: Otte & Muhsoldt, 1909. 42 p., 2 1. 8°. YBX p.v.8 Brede, W. Der Unterschied der Lehren Humes im Treatise und im Inquiry. Halle a. S.: M. Niemeyer, 1896. 3 p.l., 50 p. 8°. (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte... Heft 7.) YAM Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord. [David] Hume. 1 port. (In his: Lives of men of letters and science. London, 184S. 8°. p. 19S-2S5.) AB Brown, Thomas. Observations on the nature and tendency of the doctrine of Mr. Hume, concerning the relation of cause and effect. [By Thomas Brown, M.D.] Edinburgh: Mundell and Son [1805]. 1 p.l., ii, 46 p. 8°. STK p.v.4 Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, 1806. 220 p. 2. ed. 8°. (In: Tracts, his- torical and philosophical. . .respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the professorship of mathematics in that [Edinburgh] Uni- versity. Edinburgh, 1806. 8°. v. 2.) STHp.v.2 Burton, John Hill. Life and correspon- dence of David Hume... Edinburgh: Wm. Tait, 1846. 2 v. 8°. AN Calderwood, Henry. David Hume. Edin- burgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier [1898]. 158 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) *R-AN ch. iv: Hume as a philosopher — his philosophy of understanding. Campbell, George. A dissertation on miracles; containing an examination of the principles advanced by David Hume, in an Essay on miracles. Edinburgh: Mun- dell, Doig, 1807. xii, 240 p. 4. ed. 12°. ZEW ■ — ■ — • With a correspondence on the subject by Mr. Hume, Dr. Campbell, and Dr. Blair. To which are added, sermons and tracts. London: T. Tegg & Son, 1834. vi, 360 p. new ed. 8°. ZEW Detmar, Bernhard. Karneades und Hume. (Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und philosophische Kritik. Leipzig, 1910. 8°. Bd. 139, p. 113-157.) YAA Edgar, John G. David Hume. (In his: Footprints of famous men. London, 1860. new ed. 16°. p. 174-195.) A Falter, Ludwig. Die erkenntnis-theore- tischen Grundlagen der Mathematik bei Kant und Hume. Giessen: O. Kindt, 1903. 72 p. 8°. YCp.v.l Foster, John. Life and writings of David Hume, by Thomas Edward Ritchie. (In his: Critical essays. London, 1856. 12°. v. 1, p. 95-110.) NCZ Gore, Willard Clark. The imagination in Spinoza and Hume. A comparative study in the light of some recent contributions to psychology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1902. 77 p. 8°. (Uni- versity of Chicago. Contributions to philosophy, v. 2, no. 4.) YAM Graf, Arturo. Scienza e filosofia inglese. — Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Newton, ecc. (In his: L'anglomania e l'influsso inglese in Italia nel secolo xvm. Torino 1911. 8°. p. 371-390.) BWX Green, E. B. A defence of Mr. Rousseau against the aspersions of Mr. Hume, Mons. Voltaire, and their associates. London: S Bladon, 1766. 1 p.l., iv, 44 p. 8°. AN Hansen, Oscar. Fra David Humes Tid. (Tilskueren. Kj^benhavn, 1894. 8°. Aarg. 11, p. 927-952.) NISA Hedvall, Karl. Humes Erkenntnisthe- orie kritisch dargestellt. Eine Untersuch- ung liber empiristische Prinzipien. I. Upp- sala: Edv. Berling, 1906.' 2 p.l., 129(1) p. 4°. (Kongliga Universitetet, Uppsala. Uppsala Universitets Arsskrift, 1906.) * EI Hein, Johannes. Humes Kausaltheorie, verglichen mit der jenigen Kants. (Philo- sophisches Jahrbuch. Fulda, 1911. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 203-221.) YAA Horne, George, bishop of Norwich. A letter to Adam Smith, L.L.D., on the life, death, and philosophy of his friend David Hume, Esq. By one of the people called Christians [i. e., George Hornej. London: F. & C. Rivington, 1799. 2 p.l., v-viii, 9- 34 p. 12°. *Cp.v.816 (In: Standard works adapted to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. New York, 1831. 12°. v. 5, p. 325-340.) ZRB Hudson, Jay William. The treatment of personality by Locke, Berkeley and Hume; a study in the interests of ethical theory, of an aspect of the dialectic of English em- piricism. Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri, 1911. xvi, 100 p. 4°. (Univer- sity of Missouri studies. Philosophy and education series, v. 1, no. 1.) STG Hume. (In: Distinguished men of mod- ern times. London, 1838. 16°. v. 3, p. 240-251.) A Hurd, Richard, bishop of Worcester. Remarks on Mr. David Hume's Essay on the natural history of religion: addressed to the Rev. Dr. Warburton. London: M. Cooper, 1757. 76 p. 8°. ZEC p.v.28 Huxley, Thomas Henry. Hume. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1879. vi p., 1 L, 208 p. 12°. (English men of letters.) YBX Part ii, p. 46-206: Hume's philosophy. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 75; Religion and Philosophy, continued. New York: Harper & Brothers rl879i. vi, 206 p. 12°. (English men of letters.) *R-AN New York: J. W. Lovell, 1881. 128 p 12°. (English men of letters.) NCC p.v.3, no.9 London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1902. 4 p.l., 216 p. 12°. (English men of letters.) AN New York: Harper & Bros.. 1902. vi, 206 p. 12°. AN With helps to the study of Berkeley. Essays. New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1894. xv, 319 p. 12°. (Col- lected essays, v. 6.) ODD New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1898. 1 p.l., v-xiv, 321 p. 12°. YBX Hume, sa vie, sa philosophie. Tra- duit de l'Anglais et precede d'une introduc- tion par G. Compayre. Paris: G. Bailliere, 1880. xxxix, 286 p., 1 1. 8°. (Bibliotheque de philosophie contemporaine.) YBX Knight, William. Hume. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1886. x, 239 p., 1 port. 12°. (Blackwood's philosophical classics for English readers, v. 11.) AN Lamb, F. J. "Studies in theology" and Hume's "Essay on miracles." (Bibliotheca sacra. Oberlin, O., 1914. 8°. v. 71, p. 105-131.) * DA Landor, Walter Savage. David Hume and John Home. (In his: Imaginary con- versations of literary men and statesmen. London, 1824. 8°. v. 2, p. 191-209.) NDH Lawrence, Eugene. David Hume. (In his: Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12°. v. 2, p. 9-225.) AB Letters of eminent persons addressed to David Hume... [Edited by John Hill Burton.] Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1849. 1 p.l., xxxi, 334 p. 8°. AN Levy-Bruhl, L. L'orientation de la pen- see philosophique de David Hume. (Re- vue de metaphysique et de morale. Paris, 1909. 8°. v 17., p. 595-619.) YAA Life and correspondence of David Hume. (Christian remembrancer. London, 1847. 8°. v. 13, p. 62-87.) * DA Based on Hill Burton. Life and correspondence of David Hume. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 7, p. 539-559.) * DA Linke, Paul. Hume's Lehre vom Wis- sen. (Philosophische Studien. Leipzig, 1901. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 624-673.) YAA McCosh, James. Agnosticism of Hume and Huxley. With a notice of the Scot- tish school. New York: C. Scribner's Sons 1884. iv, 70 p. 8°. (In his: Philosophic series, no. 6.) YAI McGilvary, Evander Bradley. Altruisn in Hume's Treatise. (Philosophical re view. Lancaster, Pa., 1903. v. 12, n 272 298.) P YA/ Meinong, Alexius. Hume Studien. i.-ii (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf ten. Sitzungsberichte. Philosophisch-his torische Classe. Wien, 1877-82. 8°. Bd 87, p. 185-260; Bd. 101, p. 537-752.) * El Meyer, Eugen. Humes und Berkeley Philosophie der Mathematik vergleichem und kritisch dargestellt. Halle a. S., 1894 57 p. 8°. (Abhandlungen zur Philosophic und ihrer Geschichte. Heft 3.) YAI/ Mirkin, Isaak. Hat Kant Hume wider legt? Eine erkenntnis-theoretische Unter suchung. (Kantstudien. Berlin, 1902. 8° Bd. 7, p. 230-299.) Halle a. S.: Hofbuchdruckerei 1902. 1 p.l., 70 p. 8°. YBSp.v.' Repr. : Kantstudien, Bd. 7, Heft 2-3. Montagu, W. P. A neglected point ii Hume's philosophy. (Philosophical re view. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 14, p. 30 39.) YA/ Moore, G. E. Hume's philosophy. (Nev quarterly. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 545 565.) * DI Neuhaus, Karl Guido. Humes Lehn von den Prinzipien der Ethik, ihn Grundlagen, ihre historische Stellung un< philosophische Bedeutung. Teil 1. Dii Grundlagen der praktischen Philosophii Humes. Leipzig: F. Eckardt, 1908. 3 p.l. 53(1) p., 1 1. 8°. YBXp.v.: Humes Lehre von den Prinzipiei der Ethik. (Zeitschrift fur Philosophii und philosophische Kritik. Leipzig, 1909 8°. Bd. 135, p. 149-199.) YA/ Orr, James. David Hume and his in fluence on philosophy and theology. Edin burgh: T. & T. Clark, 1903. viii p., 1 1., 24( p. 12°. (The world's epoch-makers.) *R-AI> Patten, Simon Nelson. David Hume (In his: The development of Englisl thought. New York, 1899. 8°. p. 212 225.) *R-BAI Petrescu, Nicolaus. Glanvil und Hume Berlin: G. Schade, 1911. 68 p., 2 1. 8° YBX p.v.2: Bibliography, p. 64-68. Quast, Otto. Der Begriff des Belie bei David Hume. Halle a. S.: M. Nie meyer, 1903. viii, 126 p. 8°. (Abhand lungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Gesch ichte. Heft 17.) YAK 758 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Religion and Philosophy, continued. Richter, P. David Hume's Kausali- tatstheorie und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Begriindung der Theorie der Induction. Halle a. S.: M. Niemeyer, 1893. 50 p., 1 1. 8°. (Abhandlungen zur Philosophic und ihrer Geschichte... Heft 1.) YAM Rosenfeld, J. Die doppelte Wahrheit, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Leibniz und Hume. Bern: Scheitlin & Co., 1913. 67 p. 8°. (Berner Studien zur Philosophic und ihrer Geschichte. Bd. 75.) YAM Sabine, George H. Hume's contribu- tion to the historical method. (Philosophi- cal review. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 15, p. 17-38.) YAA Schwenninger, Alfred. Der Sympathie- begriff bei David Hume. Eine Darstellung und Kritik. Miinchen: Kastner & Call- wey, 1908. 49 p., 1 1. 8°. YBX p.v.l Sinclair, John. David Hume. (In his: Sketches of old times and distant places. London, 1875. 8°. p. 165-196.) A Smith, Norman. The naturalism of Hume. (Mind. London, 1905. 8°. new series, v. 14, p. 149-173, 335-347.) YEA Snow, Louis F. The education of David Hume. (Sewanee review. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 10, p. 207-222.) * DA Spicker, G: Kant, Hume und Berkeley; eine Kritik der Erkenntnisstheorie. Ber- lin, 1875. 8°. YBS Stirling, J. H. Kant has not answered Hume. n. p., n. d. 17 p. 8°. *Cp.v.373 Repr.: Mind, v. 36. Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Grundprobleme in Hume. Vortrag von J. H. W. Stucken- berg, nebst der dabei stattgehabten Dis- kussion. Halle a. S.: C. E. M. Pfeffer, 1887. 35, iv p. 8°. (Philosophische Ge- sellschaft zu Berlin. Philosophische Vor- trage. N. F. Heft 13.) YAM Sussnitzki, Isaia. Die Gesellschafts- und Staatslehre David Humes. Strass- burg: J. Singer, 1907. viii, 111 p. 8°. YBX p.v.4 Thompson, J. P. Final cause; or, Critique of the failure of Paley and the fallacy of Hume. London: Hardwicke & Bogue [187-?,. 1 p.L, 22 p. 2. ed. 8°. YBX p.v.4 Thomsen, Anton. David Hume. Hans Liv og hans Filosofi. v. 1. K0benhavn: Nordiske Forfatteres Forlag, 1911. 8°. AN Upon David Hume's moral character. (In: Sylva; or, The wood: being a collec- tion of anecdotes... London, 1786. 8°. p. 295-300.) NCE Walz, Wilhelm Emil. David Hume und der Positivismus und Nominalismus. (Phi- losophisches Jahrbuch. Fulda, 1910. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 161-182.) YAA David Hume's Verhaltnis zur Er- kenntnislehre Locke's und Berkeley's. Tu- bingen: H. Laupp, jr., 1907. v, 43 p. 8° YBX p.v.5 Withington, Leonard. Hume, as a his- torian. (American quarterly observer Boston, 1833. 8°. v. 1, p. 191-205.) *DA Wities, Bernhard. Humes Theorie der Leichtglaubigkeit_ der Menschen und Kri- tik dieser Theorie; nebst Versuch einer eigenen Erklarung. (Archiv fiir systema- tische Philosophie. Berlin, 1906. 8°. v 12, p. 66-83.) YAA Zimmermann, Robert. Ueber Hume's empirische Begriindung der Moral. (Kai- serliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Wien, 1884. 8°. Bd. 105, p. 705-798.) *EF Kennedy, John. Hyper-evangelism, "an- other gospel," though a mighty power. A review of the religious movement in Scot- land. Edinburgh: Duncan Grant & Co., 1874. 31 p. 2. ed. 8°. ZWGF p.v.l McCosh, James. The Scottish philoso- phy, biographical, expository, critical, from Hutcheson to Hamilton. New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1875. vii, 481 p. 8°. Stuart 2427 New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1880. 481 p. 8°. YBXC Maclagan, Robert Craig. Religio Scot- ica: its nature as traceable in Scotic saintly tradition. Edinburgh: O. Schulze & Co., 1909. viii, 233 p., 1 1. 4°. *R-ZAS Martin, Charles. De la genese des doc- trines politiques de John Knox. (Societe de l'histoire du protestantisme francais. Bulletin. Paris, 1907. 8°. annee 56 t serie 5, annee 5j, p. 193-219.) ZOLA Mead, Edwin Doak. The philosophy of Carlyle. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1881. 3 pi., 140 p. 16°. . Muirhead, J. H. Professor William Wal- lace. (Fortnightly review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 67, p. 687-696.) * DA On the present state of religion, etc. [Edinburgh? 1840?] 48 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v.4 Philosophy in Scotland. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 139-160.) *DA Psalms. The Psalmes of David in metre, with divers notes and tones aug- mented to them... Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrollier. . . 1587. 8°. Reserve The pagination and signatures show that this work belongs to a volume the first part of which is wanting. It is likewise imperfect lacking p. 357-358, 375-378, 437-458, 477-478, 483-484, 487-488, 529-530, 543-544, 639-645, 715-716, and all after p. 734. The Psalms of Dauid in metre, vsed in the Kirk of Scotland, with diuers notes LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 755 Religion and Philosophy, continued. and tunes agmented to them... Middel- bvrg: Printed by Richard Schilders, 1596. A— I s . 8°. Reserve Cowan, Bibliography of the Book of Common Order, 1556-1644, no. 22. Th ( e CLo Psal[mes] of the princ- [elie prophet] Dav[id,i in English [metre,] according as they are sung [in the Church] of Scotland. With manie godlie prayers, as well for morning and evening, as also before and after sermons, and the holie communion; and for everie person: with a perfect table of the Psalms . . . Printed in Aberdene, by Edward Raban, for David Melvill, Anno Domini, 1629. 4°. Reserve Cowan, no. 43. Title-page imperfect, and lacking all after the 16th verse of the 80th Psalm. The Psalmes of David in metre, according to the Church of Scotland. With a table and Kalendar, for xix yeares . . . Also, morning and evening prayers, with manie others, for all persons and purposes. Aberdene, Printed by Edward Raban, for David Melvill, 1632. 8 1. without signa- tures, B-M 12 , N*. 12°. Reserve Cowan, no. SO. The Psalms of David, in prose and metre: with the whole Forme of discipline and prayers, according to the Church of Scotland. . . Aberdene: Printed by Edward Raban for David Melvill, 1633. 8 1. with- out signatures, A-Z s , AA-RR 8 . 8°. Reserve Cowan, no. 53. ■ The Psalmes of David in prose and meeter. With their whole tunes in foure or mo parts, and some Psalmes in reports. Whereunto is added many godly prayers, and an exact Kalendar for xxv. yeeres to come. Printed at Edinburgh by the heires of Andrew Hart, Anno Dom. 1635. *8-Q 8 A-Z s Aa-Nn 8 . 8°. Reserve Cowan, no. 57. Two copies. Rait, Robert Sangster. Andrew Mel- ville and the revolt against Aristotle in Scotland. (English historical review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 14, p. 250-260.) BAA Reid, Thomas. Essays on the active powers of the human mind; an inquiry into the human mind on the principles of com- mon sense; and an essay on quantity, by Thomas Reid; and a memoir of the author, by Dugald Stewart; with notes, sectional heads, and a synoptical table of contents, by G. N. Wright. London: Thomas Tegg, 1843. xi, 599 p. 8°. YEG Essays on the intellectual powers of man. Abridged. With notes and illus- trations from Sir William Hamilton, and others. Edited by James Walker. Cam- bridge: J. Bartlett, 1853. xv, 492 p. 4. ed. 12°. YEG Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Co., 1857. xv, 492 p. 7. ed. 12°. YEG Essays on the powers of the humai: mind; by Thomas Reid. To which is pre- fixed, An account of the life and writings of the author [by Dugald Stewart). Edin- burgh: Bell and Bradfute, 1803. 3 v. port 8°. YBX To which are added, an essaj on quantity, and an analysis of Aristotle's logic. London: T. Tegg, 1827. xii, 676 p 8°. YEC With additional engraved title-page. An inquiry into the human mine on the principles of common sense. Lon don, 1785. 4. ed. 8°. YEG Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute 1801. xvi, 478 p. 5. ed. 8°. YBJi Edinburgh: Stirling and Slade 1819. xvi, 17-400 p. 8°. YEC London: the proprietors, 1818 xi, 13-221 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll3( The works of Thomas Reid...lat< professor. . .in the University of Glasgow With an account of his life and writings by Dugald Stewart. With notes, by th< American editors. Charlestown: S. Ethe ridge, jr., 1813-15. 4 v. 8°. YB3 v. 1, Life and writings by Dugald Stewart. Brie account of Aristotle's Logic. Inquiry into th human mind. v. 2-3. Essays on the intellectual powers of man Essays on the active powers of the human mind v. 4. Essays on the active powers, continued. Works; with selections from hi: unpublished letters; preface, notes anc supplementary dissertations by Sir Wm Hamilton, bart. ; prefixed, [Dugald] Ste wart's Account of the life and writings o Reid. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart 1863. 2 v. in 1. 6. ed. 8°. YBXC Dauriac, Lionel. Essai sur l'instinc realiste; Descartes et Thomas Reid (L'annee philosophique. Paris, 1904. 8° v. 14, p. 85-113.) YAA Fearn, John. A manual of the physiol ogy of mind comprehending the first prin ciples of physical theology; with whicl are laid out the crucial objections to th< Reideian theory... London: Longman Reese, & others, 1829. 1 p.l., 244 p. 8° YET Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Thoma: Reid. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier [1898]. 160 p. 12°. (Famous Scot: series.) * R-A1S Schaff, Philip. The creeds of Christen dom. New York: Harper & Bros., 1877-78 3 v. 8°. ZC v. 1, p. 669-701: The Presbyterian confession of Scotland (The Reformation in Scotland. Johi Knox. The Scotch confessions, A.D. 1560. Th Scotch covenants and the Scotch Kirk. The Scotcl catechisms.) . , . „ v. 3, p. 437-479: Confessio fidei Scoticana i. The Scotch confession of faith, A.D. 1560. v. 3, p. 480-485: Confessio fidei Scoticanae. II The second Scotch confession or The Nationa Covenant, A.D. 1580. 760 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Religion and Philosophy, continued. Scotland's new departure in philosophy. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 248-262.) * DA Seth Pringle-Pattison, Andrew. The present position of the philosophical sci- ences. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1891. 32 p. 8°. Smith, Adam. Essays on philosophical subjects. To which is prefixed An account of the life and writings of the author; by Dugald Stewart. London: T. Cadell, jr. & W. Davies, 179S. xcv, 244 p. 4°. YAR Dublin : Wogan, Byrne . . . 1795. cxxiii, 332 p. 8°. YAR Essais philosophiques par feu Adam Smith. . .precedes d'un precis de sa vie et de ses ecrits par D. Stewart... Traduits de 1' Anglais par Pierre Prevost. Paris: H. Agasse, 1797. 2 v. 12°. YAR The theory of the moral senti- ments; to which is added a dissertation on the origin of languages. London: A. Millar, 1767. 4 p.l., 478 p. 3. ed. 8°. YFE ■ London: W. Strahan, 1774. 4 p.l., 476 p., 1 1. 4. ed. 8°. YFE ■ Dublin: J. Beatty & C. Jackson, 1777. 4 p.l., 426 p. 6. ed. 8°. YFE ■ London: A. Strahan, 1792. 2 v. 7. ed. 8°. YFE Glasgow: R. Chapman, 1809. 15, xxviii, 494 p., 1 port. 12. ed. 8°. YFE New edition, with a biograph- ical and critical memoir of the author, by Dugald Stewart. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1853. lxix, 538 p. 12°. YFE [Selections from] The theory of moral sentiments. (In: L. A. Selby-Bigge, British moralists... Oxford, 1897. 8°. v. 1, p. 255-336.) *R-YFH Works. With an account of his life and writings by Dugald Stewart. Lon- don: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1811-12. 5 v. port. 8°. NCF v. 1. The theory of moral sentiments, v. 2-4. Wealth of nations, v. 5. On_ the formation of languages. Essays on philosophical subjects. His- tory of astronomy. History of the ancient logics and metaphysics. On the imitative arts. On the affinity between certain English and Italian verses. Of the external senses. Account of his life and writ- ings by D. Stewart. Delatotjr, Albert. Adam Smith. Sa vie, ses travaux, ses doctrines. Ouvrage cour- onne. Paris: Guillaumin et Cie, 1886. viii, 325 p. 8°. AN Farrer, James Anson. Adam Smith (1723-1790). London : S. Low, Marston . . . 1881. 1 p.l., iv, 201 p. 12°. (English phil- osophers.) Hasbach, Wilhelm. Untersuchungen fiber Adam Smith und die Entwicklung der politischen Okonomie. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1891. x, 440 p. 8°. TC Jentsch, Karl. Adam Smith. Berlin- E Hofmann & Co., 1905. x, 289 p., 1 port' 12°- AN Oncken, August. Adam Smith und Itn- manuel Kant; der Einklang und das Wech- selverhaltniss ihrer Lehren fiber Sitte Staat und Wirthschaft, dargelegt. Abth. l! Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1877. 8° TB No more published. Skarzynski, Witold von. Adam Smith als Moral-philosoph und Schoepfer der Nationaloekonomie. Berlin, 1878. 8°. TC Zeyss; Richard. Adam Smith und der Eigennutz. Eine Untersuchung fiber die philosophischen Grundlagen der alteren Nationalokonomie. Tubingen, 1889. viii 120 p. 8°. TC Stewart, Dugald. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. Philadel- phia: William Young, 1793. xi p., 1 1., 500 p. 8°. Reserve Brattleborough, Vt.: William Fessenden, 1808. viii, 9-496 p. 8°. YEG Brattleborough, Vt: W. Fes- senden, 1813. viii, 9-509 p. 3. Amer. ed. nar. 8°. . YEG London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1814. 2 v. 5. ed. 8°. YEG To which are annexed addi- tions to volume first, v. 3. Philadelphia: Caray, Lea & Carey, 1827. 8°. YEG Boston : J. Monro & Co., 1847. viii, (1)10-627 p. 8°. YEG Siemens de la philosophie de l'esprit humain; traduit de l'Anglois par Pierre Prevost. Geneve: chez J. J. Pas- choud, 1808. 2 v. 8°. YBX Philosophical essays. First Ameri- can edition. Philadelphia: A. Finley, 1811. xii, 580 p. 8°. YBX Edinburgh: Archibald Con- stable & Co., 1816. xii, 615 p., 1 slip of errata. 2. ed. 8°. YBX The philosophy of the active and moral powers of man. By D. Stewart. Re- vised with omissions and additions by James Walker. Cambridge: J. Bartlett, 1849. viii, 428 p. 12°. YFE Philadelphia: E. H. Butler & Co., 1866. viii, 490 p. 9. ed. 12°. YFE The works of Dugald Stewart. Cambridge, Mass.: Hilliard & Brown, 1829. 7 v. 8°. YBX Collected works, edited by Sir Wil- liam Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1854-58. 10 v. 8°. YBX v. 1. Dissertation, exhibiting the progress^ of metaphysical, ethical, and political philosophy, since the revival of letters in Europe, with numerous and important additions. v. 2-4. Elements of the philosophy of the hu- man mind. Moral philosophy, part 1. v. 5. Philosophical essays. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 761 "Religion and Philosophy, continued. v 6-7. The philosophy of the active and moral powers of man. Moral philosophy, part 2. v. 8-9. Nineteen lectures on political economy. Outlines of moral philosophy, part 3. v 10. Biographical memoirs of Adam Smith, William Robertson, Thomas Reid. To which is pre- fixed a Memoir of Dugald Stewart, with selections from his correspondence, by J. Veitch. Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., 18S4-60. 11 v. 8°. YBX CEuvres . . . Traduites de 1' Anglais par T. Jouffroy, C. Huret et J. A. Buchon. Bruxelles: Librairie philosophique, 1829. 5 v. 8°. YBX Some extracts from the writings of Dugald Stewart. (The Carthusian. Lon- don, 1839. 12°. p. 49-67.) NCA Story, Robert Herbert. The Reformed ritual in Scotland. (The Lee lecture for 1886.) Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1886. 42 p. 12°. * C p.v.903 Tulloch, John. Theological controversy; or, The function of debate in theology. An address delivered to the members of the Theological Society in the University of Edinburgh; with an appendix on the study of the Confession of Faith. Edin- burgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1865. 31 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 92 Veitch, John. Essays in philosophy, series 1-2. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1889-95. 2 v. 12°. YAR Series 1. Knowing and being. Series 2. Dualism and monism. Institutes of logic. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1885. ix, 552 p. 12°. YDC Wallace, William. The future of church and creed in Scotland. (Fortnightly re- view. London, 1901. 8°. v. 75 [new series, v. 69], p. 1055-1067.) * DA Wenley, Robert Mark. The Gifford lectureship. 1 port. (Open court. Chi- cago, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 72-84.) * DA Westminster Assembly of Divines. The directory for the publick worship of God, agreed upon by the assembly of divines at Westminster, with the assistance of commissioners from the Church of Scot- land... as a part of the covenanted uni- formity in religion betwixt the Churches of Christ in... Scotland, England & Ire- land... rwith The form of Presbyterial church-government, and The directory for family-worship, approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland]. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1745. [Repr.: New York: R. L. Kennedy, 1880.] 87 p. 8°. ZWGM The confession of faith, larger and shorter catechisms, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with the assistance of commissioners from the Church of Scotland. . . Translated into the Irish language by the Synod of Ar- gyle. Edinburgh: Printed by T. Lumsden, 1725. viii, 276 p. 24°. ZGT Winzet, Ninian. The Buke of fourscoir three questionis, tueching Doctrine, Or- dour, and Maneris, proponit to the Preche- ouris of the Protestantis in Scotland... 1561. (In: R. Keith, History of the affairs of church and state in Scotland... Edin- burgh, 1850. 8°. v. 3, p. 439-507.) ZDVH Certain tractates together with the book of four score three questions and a translation of Vincentius Lirinensis. Edited with introduction, notes, and glos- sarial index by James King Hewison. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1880-90. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications.] v. 15, 22.) NDP Wise, Thomas Alexander. History of paganism in Caledonia, with an examina- tion into the influence of Asiatic phil- osophy, and the gradual development of Christianity in Pictavia. London: Triibner & Co., 1884. xxvi p., 1 1., 259 p., 7 1., 2 pi. illus. 4°. tQRM Language and Literature ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT History and General Works Literature Language History and General Works Adversaria: notices illustrative of some of the earlier works printed for the Ban- natyne Club. [Edited by David Laing.j Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1867. iv p., 2 1., 55, 8 p., 3 fac, 1 pi., 3 port. 4°. (Banna- tyne Club.) t CP Aldis, Harry Gidney. Note on a pseudo Chepman and Myllar fragment. (Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 86.) Reserve Chapbooks Alten, Die, englischen und schottischen Balladen. (Morgenblatt fur gebildete Leser. Stuttgart, 1861. f°. 1861, p. 121- 127, 152-154, 193-197, 223-226.) t*DF With translations into German of portions ol some of the principal ballads. Anderson, Peter John. Catalogue of the Taylor collection [Of metrical versions of the Psalms]. (Aberdeen University Li- brary bulletin. Aberdeen, 1912-13. 8°. v. 1, p. 267-283, 491-527, 828-831.) * GRK To be continued. 762 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. Barr, Amelia. The biography of two famous songs. (Atlantic monthly. Bos- ton, 1883. 8°. v. 51, p. 769-774.) * DA "Tullochgorum" and "Oh I send Lewie Gordon hame." Bible, The, in Scotland. (Book-lore. London, 1887. 8°. v. 6, p. 61-63.) * GAA Birch, Wickham M. The authoress of Roy's wife of Aldivalloch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 26-27.) CPA Border ballads. (Edinburgh review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 204, p. 306-326.) *DA Border, The, minstrelsy. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 172, p. 651-660.) * DA Borders, The, and their ballads. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 131, p. 468-490.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, new series, v. 35, p. 755-772, New York, 1882. Brotanek, Rudolf. "Philotus." Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte des Dramas in Schott- land. (In: Festschrift zum vm. allge- meinen deutschen Neuphilologentage in Wien. Wien, 1898. 4°. p. 145-158.) RAE Brown, John T. T. Some desultory notes on (1) The Bruce; (2) Ane littill in- terlud of the droichis part of the play; (3) The Howlat; (4) The Wallace; and (5) The Complaynt of Scotland. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 6-12.) CPA Brown, Peter Hume. Reformation and renascence in Scotland. (In: The Cam- bridge history of English literature. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Cambridge, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 138-165.) *R-NCB Brown, William. Notes on Argyle's declaration printed at Campbeltown, 1685. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pub- lications. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 149-151.) *GAA Writings of Alexander Pennecuik, M.D., and Alexander Pennecuik, merchant. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. 1901-04, p. 117-131.) Reserve I Browne, William Hande. Scottish bal- lads. (Sewanee review. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 20, p. 129-153.) * DD Bryson, Robert, and James Bryson. In- formation anent His Majestie's printers in Scotland. (Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 295-302.) ZDVH Buchner, Georg. Die historia septem sapientum nach der Innsbrucker Hand- schrift v. J. 1342, nebst einer Untersuch- ung iiber die Quelle der Seuin seages des Johne Rolland von Dalkeith. Erlangen: A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchh. Nachf (Georg Bohme), 1889. 117 p. 8°. RNB Bulloch, John Malcolm. French metres in early Scottish poetry. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8° v 2, p. 114-115, 130-131.) CPA Notes on the history of copyright in Scotland. (Scottish notes and queries Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-34.) CPA -. Some of the differences between Scottish and English writers. (The Lamp. New York, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 26, p 295-298.) * DA C, J. On Sir Thomas Urquhart's Jewell. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1820. 8°. v. 6, p. 655-659.) *DA Caie, Norman Macleod. Jacobite songs and Jacobite politics. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 186- 194.) * DE Campbell, Alexander. An introduction to the history of poetry in Scotland... With a conversation on Scottish song... Subjoined, Songs of the lowlands of Scot- land... Embellished with. . .designs.. . engraved by D. Allan. Edinburgh: A. Foulis, 1798. vii(i), 374 p. 8°. Stuart9639 Campbell, William. Scottish-Canadian poetry, illus. (Canadian magazine. Tor- onto, 1907. 8°. v. 28, p. 585-592; v. 29, p. 169-179.) * DA Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum, e bibliotheca d. Joannis ducis de Lauder- dale. 1692. (Bannatvne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 149-158.) tCP Chambers, Robert. The romantic Scot- tish ballads: their epoch and authorship. [By Robert Chambers.] [Edinburgh, 18 — ?j 1 p.l., 46 p. 8°. *Cp.v.594 Clyne, Norval. The romantic Scottish ballads and the Lady Wardlaw heresy. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1859. 49 p. 8°. * C p.v.594 Cockburn, James D. Beginnings of the Scottish newspaper press. (Scottish Re- view. Paisley, 1891-93. 8°. v. 18, p. 366- 377; v. 21, p. 399-419.) * DE Couper, W. J. A bibliography of Edin- burgh periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901-07. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 25-27, 39-40, 56-58, 71-73, 86-89, 101-103, 118-120, 132-134, 148, 168- 170; series 2, v. 3, p. 9-10, 24-26, 39-41, 72-74, 86-87, 119-121, 134-135, 164-166, 182-184; series 2, v. 4, p. 3-4, 90-91, 107-108, 138-139, 147-148, 182-184; series 2, v. 5, p. 10-11, 56- 57, 87-88, 118-119, 134-135, 167-169, 181-184; series 2, v. 6, p. 5-6, 21-23, 36-38, 52-53, 70- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 763 Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. 72 85-87, 101-103, 133-134, 166-169, 181-183; series 2 v. 7, p. 4-7, 37-39, 76-78, 87-89, 101-102, 123-124, 130-132, 165-166, 178-180; series 2, v. 8, p. 10-11, 35-39, 72-74, 107-109, 121-122, 150-151, 166-168, 179-181.) CPA Based on the manuscript collections of J. W. Scott. The Edinburgh periodical press; being a bibliographical account of the newspapers, journals, and magazines is- sued in Edinburgh from the earliest times to 1800. Stirling: E. Mackay, 1908. 2 v. 8°. NARF Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 6, p. 204- 205, Glasgow, 1909. The Millers of Haddington, Dun- bar and Dunfermline; a record of Scot- tish bookselling. London: T. F. Unwin [1914]. 318 p., 1 1., 3 fac, 8 pi., 5 port, illus. 8°. *IIW Bibliography, p. 261-312. Cowan, William. Andro Hart and his press. With handlist of books. Edin- burgh, 1893. 14 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. (Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society. Publica- tions, v. 1, no. 1.) Reserve A bibliography of the Book of Common Order and psalm book of the Church of Scotland: 1556-1644. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1913. sq. 8°. 1911-13, p. 53-100.) Reserve Edinburgh: privately printed, 1913. 2 p.l., 48 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. Reserve no. 15 of forty copies, reprinted for sale, from the Publications of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. The Holyrood press, 1686-1688. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 83-100.) Reserve Craigie, William Alexander. The "Bal- let of the nine nobles" [with selections from the Buik of the most noble and vailzeand conquerour Alexander the Great]. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1899. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 359-365.) RNA The editor reprints these Scottish texts to show the probable identity of authors of the two poems. Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Scottish national humour. (Contemporary review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 67, p. 515-532.) * DA Cumming, Robert. Essays... on the question, "Whether have the exertions of Allan Ramsay or Robert Ferguson done most honour to Scottish poetry." To which is added, Willie and Jamie, an eclogue, in the Scottish dialect. Edin- burgh: T. Brown & J. Elder, 1791. 1 p.l., 13 p. 8°. NCI p.v.62 Davis, Albert. Some Scottish influ- ences on eighteenth century literature. (In: Studies in language and literature in celebration of the seventieth birthday of James Morgan Hart. New York, 1910 12°. p. 179-202.) NCB Denina, Carlo. The learning of the Scots in the eighteenth century. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7 p. 289-293.) CPA Reprint of a pamphlet giving contemporary evi- dence of the European influence of Scottish witers. Dickson, Robert, and John Philip Ed- mond. Annals of Scottish printing, from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the seventeenth century. Cambridge: Macmillan & Bowes, 1890. 2 v. fac. 4°. Reserve Large paper copy printed on Van Gelder paper. Only 100 issued. Continuous pagination. Dish, A, of wholesome proverbs. (Fra- ser's magazine. London, 1832. 8°. v. 6, p. 499-508.) * DA Based on Henderson's Scottish proverbs, published in Glasgow in 1832. Dixon, James Main. A survey of Scot- tish literature in the nineteenth century (with some reference to the eighteenth). Berkeley, Cal., 1906. 53 p. 8°. (Univer- sity of California. Library bulletin, no. 15.) NDPp.v.5 Dobson, William T. History of the Bas- sandyne Bible, the first printed in Scot- land, with notices of the early printers of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: William Black- wood and Sons, 1887. xiii p., 1 1., (1)18- 232 p. fac. 8°. Reserve Documents relative to the printers of some early Scottish newspapers, etc. 1686- 1705. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 227-280.) f CP Illustrative of the former censorship of the press in Scotland. Valuable also for the history of almanacs and other minor specimens of Scottish typography. Douglas, Sir George. The Blackwood group. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1897,. 158 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series.) AB Douglas, John. Milton vindicated from the charge of plagiarism brought against him by Mr. Lauder, and Lauder himself convicted of several forgeries and gross impositions on the public. . . London: A. Millar, 1751. 79 p. 8°. NCCp.v.l Duff, Edward Gordon. Notes on a leaf of an early Scottish Donatus printed in black letter. Edinburgh, 1893. 3 p., 2 fac. sq. 8°. (Edinburgh Bibliographical So- ciety. Publications, v. 1, no. 2.) Reserve The two first books printed in the Scottish language. Edinburgh, 1893. 6 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications, v. 1, no. 3.) Reserve 764 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. Edinburgh, The, forgeries, illus. (Eng- lish illustrated magazine. London, 1893. 8°. v. 10, p. 466-471.) * DA On the performances of "Antique" Smith. Edmond, John Philip. The Aberdeen printers. Edward Raban to James Nicol. 1620-1736. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 151-153, 169-171, 189-191; v. 2, p. 4-6.) CPA Notes on the inventories of Edin- burgh printers. 1577-1603. Edinburgh, 1893. 8 p. sq. 8°. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Publications, v. 1, no. 4.) Reserve See also Dickson, Robert, and John Philip Edmond. Elliot, Fitzwilliam. Further essays on border ballads. Edinburgh: Andrew El- liot, 1910. x p., 1 1., 248 p. 8°. NDP 1-2. On the Scottish version of the ballad of the Battle of Otterburn. 3. Kinmont Willie. 4. On the genesis of the ballads of "Jamie Telfer" and "Auld Maitland." 5. "Jamie Telfer i' the Fair Dodhead." Is it a genuine ballad? 6. "Auld Mait- land." The trustworthiness of border bal- lads as exemplified by "Jamie Telfer i' the Fair Dodhead," and other ballads. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1906. viii p., 2 1., [3]-4, 166 p., 1 1., 4 maps. 4°. NDP Ellis, Walter. Scotch bulls. (The comic offering. London, 1835. 16°. 1835. p. 289-296.) NCA Farrer, James Anson. Among the bal- lad forgers. (In his: Literary forgeries. London, 1907. 8°. p. 250-266.) NABO On forgeries of old Scottish ballads. The shame of Lauder. (In his: Literary forgeries. London, 1907. 8°. p. 161-174.) NABO William Lauder, the traducer of Milton. First, The, printer of Scotland. (Book- lore. London, 1885. 8°. v. 2, p. 47-50.) * GAA Fraser, John. The humorous chap- books of Scotland, part l[-2 3 . New York: H. L. Hinton, 1873. 1 port. 12°. NPP Geddes, Sir William Duguid. The bur- lesque of "Galatian." The guisards of Scotland. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 145-147, 163-165, 177-179.) CPA Geddie, William. A bibliography of mid- dle Scots poets; with an introduction on the history of their reputations. London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1912. 4 p.L, (i)viii- cix p., i 1., 364 p. 8°. (Scottish Text So- ciety. Publications, v. 61.) NDP Gibb, John S. Supplement to notes on William Ged and the invention of stereo- typing. (Edinburgh Bibliographical So- ciety. Publications. Edinburgh, 1896. 4° v. 1, no. 25.) * qaa Giles, Peter. The earliest Scottish lit- erature. (In: Cambridge history of Eng- lish literature. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Cambridge, 1908. 8° v 2 p. 100-132.) NCB Barbour, Blind Harry, Huchoun, Wyntoun, Hol- land. Gilfillan, George. Sketches of modern literature and eminent literary men (being a gallery of literary portraits). New York' D. Appleton & Co., 1846. 2 v. 12°. NCB Pagination continuous. Gillberg, J. See under Schoenbeck, Hen- rik, and J. Gillberg. Goerbing, Friedrich. Beispiele von real- isierten Mythen in den englischen und schottischen Balladen. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1900. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 1-13.) RNA Gow, A. H. M. "The Kailyarders." (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1909. 8°. v. 28, p. 246-253.) * DA Gowans, William. A catalogue of the Scottish poets, from the earliest period. [By William Gowans.] New York: W. Gowans, 1852. 24 p. 8°. NCL Bound with A. Ramsay, Gentle shepherd. New York, 1852. Graham, Henry Grey. Scottish men of letters in the eighteenth century. London: A. & C. Black, 1901. xii, 441 p., 32 port. 8°. NDP Grant, James. The newspaper press: its origin, progress, and present position. London: G. Routledge, 1871 r 72,. 3 v. 8°. *R-NARF v. 3 t has the title : The metropolitan weekly and provincial press. v. 3, p. 405-558 deal with the Scottish newspaper press. Gray, John. Extension of the circula- tion and consequent utility of the North British Advertiser, to come into operation on Saturday the first of September, 1860 . . . Edinburgh: printed for private circula- tion, 1860. 15 p. 8°. *Cp.v.428 Greig, Gavin. Two Buchan songs. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n.d. sq. 8°. v. 5, 1898-1900, p. 78-92.) CPA 1. Logie o'Buchan. 2. Tullochgorum. Grimm, Wilhelm Karl. Drei altschotti- sche Lieder in Original und Uebersetzung aus zwei neuen Sammlungen. . . Heidel- berg: Mohr und Zimmer, 1813. 56 p. 8°. NIW Lord Randal. The twa brothers. gin my love were yon red rose. Sir Oluf and the elf-king's daughter. Bound with his Altdanische Heldenlieder, Heidel- berg, 1811. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 765 Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. H., R. On the pulpit eloquence of Scot- land (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 2, p. 131-140, 318- 329.) * DA 1. Chalmers. 2. Alison. Hadden, James Cuthbert. "Auld Robin Gray." (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1892. 8°. v. 66, p. 291-298.) * DA Johnson and Boswell in Scotland. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1905. 8°. v. 298, p. 597-605.) * DA The literary materials of the first Scottish Psalter. (Scottish review. Pais- ley, 1891. 8°. v. 17, p. 1-32.) * DA The Scottish paraphrases. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1893. 8°. v. 22, p. 292-325.) * DA The songs of Scotland before Burns. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1895. 8°. v. 25, p. 203-226.) * DA Hannay, James. The minstrelsy of Scot- land. [By James Hannay.] (Quarterly review. London, 1859. 8°. v. 105, p. 305- 341.) * DA Based on Aytoun's Ballads, Rogers' Modern Scot- tish minstrel and Maidment's Scottish ballads and songs. Recollections of a provincial editor. (Temple Bar. London, 1868. 8°. v. 23, p. 175-185.) * DA Harp, The, of the North. (Irish quarter- ly review. Dublin, 1853. 8°. v. 3, p. 382- 445.) * DA On the works of Motherwell, Hogg, Wilson, Moir, Aytoun and Smith. Harvard University. Catalogue of Eng- lish and American chap-books and broad- side ballads in Harvard College Library. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1905. xi, 171 p. 8°. (Bibliographical con- tributions, no. 56.) * GB Harvey, William. Scottish chapbook lit- erature. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1903. 153 p. illus. sq. 8°. NDP Hecht, Hans. Neuere Literatur zur englisch-schottischen Balladendichtung. (Englische Studien. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. Bd. 36, p. 370-384.) RNA Henderson, Thomas F. "Bonnie Prince Charlie." (New review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 265-280.) * DA Burns. Lesser Scottish verse. (In: Cambridge history of English literature. Cambridge, 1914. 8°. v. 11, p. 203-244.) * R-NCB Scottish vernacular literature. A succinct history. London: David Nutt, 1898. vii(i), 462 p. crown 8°. *R-NDP Reviewed (by T. G. F.) in Modern quarterly of language and literature, v. 2, p. 35-36, London, 1899. Sir David Lyndsay and the later Scottish 'Makaris.' (In: Cambridge his- tory of English literature. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Cambridge, 1909. 8°. v. 3, p. 115-137.) * R-NCB Historical Scottish proverbs. (Cham- bers's Journal. Edinburgh, 1897. 4°. v. 74, p. 25-27.) * DA Reprinted in Lilt ell's Living age, v. 212 (series 6, v. 13) p. 763-767, Boston, 1897. Holmes, D. T. Lectures on Scottish lit- erature: ballad minstrelsy, Allan Ramsay, Robert Burns. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1904. 5 p.l„ (1)12-96 p. 12°. NDP Irving, David. The history of Scotish poetry. Edited by John Aitken Carlyle. With a memoir and glossary. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1861. xxxi, 619 p. 8°. *R-NDP Reviewed (by Adolf Wolf) in Jahrbuch fur roman- ische und englische Literatur, Bd. 5, p. 345-350, Leip- zig, 1864. — — The lives of the Scotish poets, with preliminary dissertations, on the literary history of Scotland, and the early Scotish drama. Edinburgh: A. Lawrie & Co., 1804. 2 v. 8°. AB Johnston, George P. Note to a paper entitled: The first book printed by James Ballantyne. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 90.) Reserve Kastner, L. E. The Scottish sonneteers and the French poets. (Modern Language review. Cambridge, 1908. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-15.) NAA Keddie, Henrietta. A garden of women. By Sarah Tytler [pseud.]. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1875. 398 p. 12°. NCW Reprinted from the ■ Comhill magazine and Fraser's magazine, with additions by the author. Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. The songstresses of Scotland. By Sarah Tytler [pseud, of Henrietta Keddiej and J. L. Watson. London: Strahan and Co., 1871. 2 v. 12°. AGH Ker, William Paton. The ballad of Sweet William's ghost. (Modern quarter- ly of language and literature. London, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 226.) RAA On the Danish ballads. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 357-378.) CPA With numerous references to Scottish ballads throughout the article. Kirkwood, James. Proposals made by Rev. J. Kirkwood (minister of Minto) in 1699, to found public libraries in Scotland. Reprinted. . .from the rare copy in the Free Public Library, Wigan. With introduc- tory remarks by W. Blades. London: [Blades, East & Blades,, 1889. 9, IS p. sq. 8°. * HC no. 43 of 100 copies printed. 766 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. Klein, Julius Leopold. Altschottische Epiker. (In his: Geschichte des eng- lischen Drama's. Leipzig, 1876. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 561-612.) NAF Krapp, George Philip. The Andreas and St. Andrew. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 522-523.) CPA Laing, David. Ode to the cuckoo: Edin- burgh, 1770. With remarks on its author- ship. In a letter to John Campbell Shairp . . . [By David Laing.] Edinburgh, 1873. 48 p. 12°. NCL Only sixty copies printed. Defends Logan's claim to the authorship. "Laird, The, of Cockpen." The hero's identity considered. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 85-91.) CPA f Lang, Andrew. Border history versus Border ballads. (Cornhill magazine. Lon- 'don, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 77-91.) *DA j The mystery of "Auld Maitland." I (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1910. I 8°. v. 187, p. 872-880.) * DA ■ The Queen's Marie. (In his: The valet's tragedy, and other studies. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. p. 291-311.) NCZ On the old ballad. Sir Walter Scott and the Border minstrelsy. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910. xi, 157(1) p. 8°. NDP Scott and the Ballads. Auld Maitland. The bal- lad of Otterburne. Scott's traditional copy and how he edited it. The mystery of the ballad of Jamie Telfer. Kinmont Willie. Conclusions. Reviewed (by W. P. Ker) in Scottish historical review, v. 8, p. 190-193, Glasgow, 1911. The sources of some ballads in the "Border minstrelsy." (Folk-lore. London, 1902. 8°. v. 13, p. 191-197.) ZBA Later, Of the, Scotch song-writers. (Harvard magazine. Cambridge, 1862. 8°. v. 8, p. 289-296.) STG Law, Thomas Graves. John Hamilton and the "Scottis Bible." (Edinburgh Bib- liographical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. 1901-04, p. 105-106.) Reserve Leach, H. G. Ballad of the Two sisters. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 105-106.) CPA Lengert, O. Die schottische Romanze "Roswall and Lillian." (Englische Stu- dien. Leipzig, 1892. 8°. Bd. 16, p. 321- 356; Bd. 17, p. 341-377.) RNA Lindsay, Thomas M. A literary relic of Scottish Lollardy. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 260-273.) CPA On Scottish Text Society's edition of the New Testament. List of northern newspapers current in 1912. (Aberdeen University library bulle- tin. Aberdeen, 1912. 8°. v. 1, p. 257-262 ) *GRK Literary transformation of Scotland (Spectator. London, 1907. f. v. 99 n' 562-563.) * DA Loose, Fritz. Die Kailyard school. Ber- lin: E. Ebering, 1912. 93 p., 1 1. 8°. Bibliography, p. 7-9. M'Bain, James M. Bibliography of Ar- broath periodical literature and political broadsides. Arbroath: Brodie & Salmond 1889. 126 p. sq. 8°. CR Reprinted from Scottish notes and queries, v. 2 p. 66-68, 84-85, 105-106, 119-121, 133-137, Aberdeen 1889. Macbean, Lachlan. The Celtic element in Scottish songs. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1895. 8°.. v. 19, p. 122-140.) NDO The Highlander in modern fiction. (Celtic monthly. Glasgow, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 27-29, 46-49.) NDM Macbeath, James Mainland. Introduc- tory essay. (In: D. H. Edwards, Modern Scottish poets. Brechin, 1897. 16°. v. 16, p. 13-130.) NCI On Scottish poetry. M'Donald, A. M. Anent some of the Scottish paraphrases. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 181- 184.) * DE Macdonald, James. The earliest collec- tion of Scottish proverbs. (The Catholic Presbyterian. London, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 202-208.) * DA M'Dowall, William. Among the old Scotch minstrels, studying their ballads of war, love, social life, folklore and fairy- land. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1888. xi, 351 p. 16°. NDP Macgregor, George. The chap litera- ture of Scotland. (In: D. Graham, Col- lected writings. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 68-80.) NCF Mackay, Charles. Forty years' recol- lections of life, literature, and public affairs, from 1830 to 1870. London: Chap- man & Hall, 1877. 2 v. 8°. CL Mackay, .lEneas James George. The songs and ballads of Fife. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 150, p. 334-347.) * DA McKerrow, Ronald B. Printers' & pub- lishers' devices in England and Scotland, 1485-1640. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1913. liv, 216 p, 71 1. 4°. (Bib- liographical Society. Illustrative mono- graphs, no. 16.) Reserve LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 767 Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. Mackintosh, W. Johne Rolland and the source of the "Seuin Seages." (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 129-132, 162-163.) CPA The Scottish Alexander book. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 17-19, 85-89, 132.) CPA Maclean, John. The songs of Scotland. (Canadian magazine. Toronto, 1911. 8°. v. 36, p. 490-492.) * DA Macleod, Robert D. The Foulis press. (The Library. London, 1910. 8°. series 3, v. 1, p. 172-189.) * HA M'Neill, George P. Huchoun of the Awle Ryale. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 266-288.) * DA Macrae, David. National humour... Glasgow: J. Smith & Son, 1909. 12°. NAP Scottish humour, p. 7-63; Highland humour, p. 64-105. Mactaggart, John. Wisdom, humour, and pathos in an eighteenth century news- magazine. (New century review. Lon- don, 1900. 8°. v. 8, p. 137-142.) * DE Dumfries weekly magazine for 1775. "Maga" and her publishers. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 860-872.) * DA Manners and Miller, Buchan and others, against the king's printers. Judgment of the Court of Session, on May 12, 1826, as to the royal prerogative in regard to the printing of Bibles, New Testaments, and Book of Common Prayer in Scotland. Judgment of the House of Lords on July 21, 1828, on appeal from the Court of Ses- sion. (Great Britain. Reports of state trials, new series, v. 2, cols. 215-244.) SLN Masson, David. Dead men whom I have known; or, Recollections of three cities. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1864. 8°. v. 9, p. 52-67, 143-159, 225-239, 325-343.) *DA Scottish influence in British litera- ture. (In his: Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other essays. London, 1874. 12°. p. 77-104.) NCZ , Reprint of the introductory part of his article in the North British review, Aug., 1852 on Jeffrey. Mather, Frank Jewett. Otterburn: a battle and two ballads. (Sewanee review. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 12, p. 385-400.) *DA Mead, William A. Colour in the Eng- lish arid Scottish ballads. (In: An English miscellany presented to Dr. Furnivall. Oxford, 1901. 8°. p. 321-334.) RNB Menmuir, Charles. Folk-lore in Scottish ballad poetry. (Scots magazine. Perth 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 441-453 ) *DE Mickle, Charles. "There's nae luck about the house." (Athenaeum. London 1877. 4°. Jan. 27, 1877, p. 117-119.) * DA Defence of William Julius Mickle's authorship. Millar, John Hepburn. A literary his- tory of Scotland. London: T. F. Unwin 1903. xv, 703 p., 1 port. 8°. (The library of literary history, v. 5.) * R-NDP The literature of the Kailyard. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 12, n 384-394.) * DA — — Scottish prose of the seventeenth & eighteenth centuries; being a course of lectures delivered in the University of Glasgow in 1912. Glasgow: J. Maclehose and Sons, 1912. vi p., 3 1., 272 p., 1 1., 4 port. 8°. NDP Miller, Frank. The poets of Dumfries- shire. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1910. 5 p.L, 342 p., 1 1. 8°. NDP 1. Early poets. 2. Old historical ballads. 3. Miscellaneous old ballads and songs. 4. Covenant- ing and Jacobite verse. 5. The classic school. 6. Burns and other poets in the vernacular. 7. Georg- ian balladists. 8. Various Georgian versifiers. 9. Carlyle and his circle. 10. Latter day poets. Montague, E. R. The ballad; English and Scotch. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1913. 8°. v. 104, p. 826-835.) * DA Murray, David. French translations of the "Wealth of nations." (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 115-119.) CPA • Robert & Andrew Foulis and the Glasgow Press, with some account of the Glasgow Academy of Fine Arts. Glas- gow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1913. viii p., 1 1., 144 p., 5 fac, 6 pi. 4°. * IPH Murray, Thomas. The literary history of Galloway, from the earliest period to the present time: with an appendix, con- taining. . .notices of the civil history of Galloway till the end of the thirteenth century. Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1822. ix, 373 p. 8°. CR Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord. Some re- marks on the Scottish' language, particu- larly as employed by the earlier Scottish poets. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 65-78.) CPA Neilson, George. "Huchown of the Awle Ryale," the alliterative poet. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1903. sq. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 252-393.) CPA "Huchown of the Awle Ryale," the alliterative poet: a historical criticism of fourteenth century poems ascribed to Sir 768 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. Hew of Eglintoun. Glasgow: J. Mac- Lehose and Sons, 1902. xiii p., 1 1., 148 p., 2 1„ 3 fac. 8°. NCL Sir Hew of Eglintoun and Huch- own off the Awle Ryale: a biographical calendar and literary estimate. (Philosoph- ical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1901. 8°. v. 32, p. 111-150.) * EC Newspaper, The, press of Scotland. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1838. 8°. v. 17, p. SS9-571; v. 18, p. 75-85, 201-209.) *DA 1. The Edinburgh newspapers. 2-3. The provin- cial papers. Nicol, John. Sketch of Scottish poetry up to the time of Sir David Lyndesay, with an outline of his works. (In: Sir David Lindsay, Works, part 5, p. ix-liv: Early English Text Society. Publications, no. 47. London, 1871. 8°.) NDP Notices respecting the ancient royal li- brary of Scotland. (Miscellanea Scotica. Glasgow, 1818. 12°. v. 2, p. 83-92.) CP The library of King James VI. Observations on the literature of Scot- land in the age of Andrew] Melville. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 7, p. 17-21.) *DE Of the Latin poems of Dr. Pitcairn. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edin- burgh, 1774. 8°. v. 1, p. 235-238.) * DA Explanations of many of the obscure local refer- ences in the poems. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wil- son. Annals of a publishing house. Wil- liam Blackwood and his sons: their magazine and their friends. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. 2 v. 2. ed. 8°. * IIV Original letters of Shenstone, David Hume, and Joseph Spence. (Edinburgh annual register for 1809. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 2, part 2, p. 549-555.) BAA On Scottish literature. Poetry, The, and humour of the Scot- tish language. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. New York, 1870. 8°. v. 108, p. 569-586, 673-690.) * DA Part 1 reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 107, p. 612-627, Boston, 1870. Prescott, William Hickling. Scottish song. (In his: Biographical and critical miscellanies. Philadelphia, 1875. new ed. 12°. p. 532-558.) NBQ Reprinted from the North American review, v. 23, p. 121-142. Proposal for the foundation and forma- tion of libraries in the manses of the Free Church of Scotland; with a catalogue of books revised and recommended. . . Edin- burgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1850. 15 n 8°. ssd P .v!i Ranken, T. Elliot. The Scottish Refor- mation and vernacular literature. (The Month. London, 1904. 8°. v. 103, p 266- 275.) %DA Rare, A, Aberdeen book of 1644. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1902 sq. 8°. series 2, v. 3, p. 34-35.) CPA The Converts-cordiall : or The penitents pass- tyme, by M. D. Lynd[esay]. Reasons against the reception of King James's Metaphrase of the Psalms, 1631. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 227-250.) fCP Religious, The, periodical press. (Fra- ser's magazine. London, 1838. 8°. v. 18, p. 330-338.) *DA The Scottish newspapers included are: Scot- tish Guardian, The Aberdeen Constitutional, and Inverness Protestant Herald. Remarks on some old Scottish songs. (Edinburgh magazine and library miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 9, p. 520- 522.) * DE Ritter, Otto. Zwei unbekannte Tassun- gen des Sir John Barleycorn. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1904. 8°. Bd. 27, p. 450-452.) RNA Robb, T. D. Some sources of the Tale of the thrie priests of Peebles. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1914. 4°. v. 11, p. 192-202.) CPA Robertson, John M. Belles lettres in Scotland. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 140-142.) fMAA Robertson, Joseph. Sketch of the his- tory of Scottish almanacs. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 145-147.) CPA Reprinted from Oliver and Boyd's New Edinburgh almanac for the year 1838, p. 454-457. See also p. 161. Romance, The, Robert Bruce related. (Scottish Review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 12, p. 352-382.) * DA Ross, John Merry. Scottish history and literature to the period of the Reforma- tion. Edited with biographical sketch, by James Brown, D.D. Glasgow: J. Macle- hose & Sons, 1884. xxviii, 420 p. 8°. CP Scottish language and literature. (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 129-131.) tCPW Runcole, J. On Scottish songs. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 2, p. 201- 210.) *DE Schipper, Jakob. Die Monche von Berwick. Eine altschottische poetische Erzahlung von einem unbekannten Chau- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 769 Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. cer-Schiiler. (In his: Beitrage und Studien zur englischen Kultur- und Literaturge- schichte. Wien, 1908. 8°. p. 129-152.) CN With a German rendering of the tale. Schmidt, Erich. Edward. (In: For- schungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte ... Weimar, 1898. 8°. p. 29-50.) NABM Schoenbeck, Henrik, and J. Gillberg. Ofversigt af Sodra Scottlands Folkpoesi. En Akademisk Afhandling. . . Lund, 1831. 1 pi, 28 p. 8°. NCID Scotch ballads. (All the year round. London, 1870. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 6-9.) *DA Short account of the collections published by Pinkerton, Chambers, Kinloch, Maidment, etc. Scotch and Douay printers. (The Book- worm. London, 1871. 4°. v. 5, p. 101- 103.) * GAA Scott, James W. Circulation of Scot- tish newspapers in 1835. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 182-183.) CPA Scottish fiction of to-day. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p. 42-58.) *DA Scottish influence on British literature. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1852. 8°. v. 35, p. 1-6.) * DA Repr.: North British review. Scottish songstresses. (Edinburgh re- view. London, 1912. 8°. v. 215, p. 213- 242.) * DA Scottish Text Society. [Publications.] v. 1-61 (1883/4-1912); new series, v. 1-5 (1911-13). Edinburgh, 1884-1913. 8°. NDP Mitchell, Sir Arthur. Remarks by the president., .in moving the adoption of the report of the Scottish Text Society on the 22nd December 1906. [Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1906., 9 p. 8°. (Scottish Text Society.) NDP Shairp, John Campbell. The songs of Scotland before Burns. (Macmillan's mag- azine. Cambridge, 1861. 8°. v. 3, p. 399- 410.) * DA •Simpson, Henry Fife Morland. The Edinburgh mss. forgeries. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 131-133, 161-163, 177-180.) CPA Sinclair, George A. Periodic literature of the eighteenth century. (Scottish his- torical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, P. 136-149.) 5 CPA — — Scandinavian ballads on Caithness soldiers. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 374-383.) CPA Skeat, Walter William. The Andreas and St. Andrew. Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 383-384.) CPA Smail, Adam. An early Scottish alman- ac. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8° new series, v. 23, p. 391-397.) * DE The Edinburgh Circulating Libra- ry. A historical retrospect. (Scots maga- zine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 382-386.) * DE Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant. A new view of the Good Regent. Sir Thomas Grainger Stewart's chronicle play. (West- minster review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 151, p. 310-317.) *DA A quartette of court singers four centuries ago. (Westminster review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 148, p. 179-188.) *DA Henryson, Dunbar, Kennedy, Douglas. Smith, George Gregory. The middle Scots anthologies: anonymous verse and early prose. (In: The Cambridge history of English literature. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Cambridge, 1908. 8°. v. 2, p. 267-285.) NCB Bibliography, p. 478-479. The Scottish Chaucerians. (In: The Cambridge history of English litera- ture. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Cambridge, 1908. 8°. v. 2, p. 239-266.) NCB The transition period. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1900. 8°. * R-NABR p. 35-84: The Scottish poets; p. 275-296: The drama in England and in Scotland. Some observations on the poetry of the agricultural and that of the pastoral dis- tricts of Scotland, illustrated by a com- parative view of the genius of Burns and the Ettrick Shepherd. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 521-529.) * DA Songs, The, of Scotland. (Littell's Liv- ing age. Boston, 1852. 8°. v. 35, p. 259- 262.) * DA Repr. : Eliza Cook's journal. Stenhouse, William. Illustrations of the lyric poetry and music of Scotland. In six parts. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1853. 512 p. 8°. Drexel 1928 Pages 1-512 of the original issue with a new title-page. Stevenson, John Home. The earliest Scottish original literary prose (?) — John of Ireland's manuscript. (Scottish anti- quary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 1-14.) CA The romance of Sir Eger, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray Steele. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 183-195.) CA 770 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. History and General Works, continued. The Scots version of the poem "Moder of God." (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 111-120.) CA Stewart, William. The Rae press at Kirkbride and Dumfries. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edin- burgh, 1906. sq. 8°. 1901-04, p. 107-115.) Reserve Studies in Scottish literature. (Dublin University magazine. Dublin, 1876-77. 8°. v. 88, p. 76-88, 173-182, 297-306, 456-465, 554-563, 724-732; v. 89, p. 94-105, 495-506.) *DA 1. Sir David Lyndsay; 2. Fergusson, Tannahill, and Pollok; 3. Michael Bruce, Robert Nicoll, David Gray; 4. Norman Macleod; 5. The songstresses; 6. The Ettrick Shepherd; 7. Robert Burns; 8. John Gait. Taylor, William Lawrence. Peterhead literature during the past century. (Bu- chan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 6, 1901, p. 3-36.) CPA Thomson, Charles W. Scottish litera- ture before the union. (Caledonian. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 9, p. 414-421.) * DD Scottish literature and journalism since Scott, illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 10, p. 248-257, 317-320.) *DD Scottish literature in the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries. (Cale- donian. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 12, p. 112-118.) *DD Trautmann, Moritz. Der Dichter Huch- own und seine Werke. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1878. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 109-149, 188.) RNA Tyler, Evan. Inventary of worke done for the state, by his majesties printer in Scotland. Dec, 1642-Oct, 1647. [Edited by Thomas Thomson.] Edinburgh: [Pri- vately printed,, 1815. 16 p. 4°. * IPH Varnhagen, H. Ueber eine unbekannte schottische Bearbeitung der Sieben Wei- sen. (Englische Studien. Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 321-325.) RNA Veitch, John. The feeling for nature in Scottish poetry. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1887. 2 v. 12°. NDP The history and poetry of the Scot- tish border. Their main features and re- lations. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1893. 2 v. new ed. 8°. NDP History and poetry of the Scottish Bor- der. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 153, p. 865-878.) *DA Wagner, Alfred. Die sittlich-religiose Lebensanschauung des englischen und schottischen Volkes nach den Volksbal- laden. Halle a.S.: H. John, 1910. viii p 1 1., 89 p., 1 1. 8°. NCKp.v.2 Walker, Hugh. Three centuries of Scot- tish literature. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1893. 2 v. 12°. NDP v. 1: The Reformation to the Union: (1) The Scottish Reformation — Lindsay and the Wedder- burns; (2) The Scottish Reformation — George Bu- chanan; (3) The Scottish Reformation — John Knox; (4) The Anglo-Scottish poets of the seven- teenth century; (5) The popular ballads; (6) The earlier songs. v. 2: The Union to Scott: (7) Ramsay to Ferguson; (8) The earlier Anglo-Scottish schools of the eighteenth century; (9) The later Anglo-Scottish schools of the eighteenth century; (10) Robert Burns; (11) Sir Walter Scott. The two volumes _ are a series of disconnected studies, popularly written. In no sense is the work a history of the literature during three centuries. Watkins, James Hutton. Early Scottish ballads. (Glasgow Archaeological Socie- ty. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 438-485.) CPA Watson, Jean L. See Keddie, Henri- etta, and Jean L. Watson. Why is it that Scotland, England, Ire- land, Greece, Rome, Palestine, Arabia, and young America have all had first-rate poets, while many other countries never had any? Clyde, N. Y.: J. M. Scarritt, 1866. 36 p. 12°. NCIDp.v.3 Title on cover: A Scotch answer to a Yankee question. Wilson, D. W. Bird-life in early Scottish literature. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 141-149.) PQA Wollmann, Franz, tfber politisch-sati- rische Gedichte aus der schottischen Reformationszeit. Wien und Leipzig: Wilhelm Braumuller, 1898. vi p., 1 1., 96 p. 8°. (Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Phil- ologie. Bd. 8°.) NCB Language Angus, James Stout. A glossary of the Shetland dialect. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1914. 170 p., 1 1. 8°. RNY Collin, August Zacharias. An essay on the Scoto-English dialect. An academical dissertation... Part 1. Lund: Berlings Printing Office, 1862. 2 p.l., 85 p., 1 1. 8°. RNY No more published. Colville, James. The Scottish vernacu- lar as a philological study. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1899. 8°. v. 30, p. 39-58.) * EC Curtis, F. J. An investigation of the rimes and phonology of the middle-Scotch romance Clariodus. A contribution to the history of the English language in Scot- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 771 Language and Literature, continued. Language, continued. land. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1894-95. 8°. Bd 16, p. 387-450; Bd. 17, p. 1-68, 125-160.) RNA Duncan, Andrew. Early Scottish glos- sary. [By Andrew Duncan.] (In: Eng- lish Dialect Society. Series B., part 2. Reprinted glossaries. London, 18/4. 8°. p. 65-75.) RNXA From the Appendix etymologic of his Latinae Grammatkae . . . Edinburgh, 1595. Edmondston, Thomas. An etymological glossary of the Shetland & Orkney dia- lect, with some derivations of names of places in Shetland. London and Berlin: Asher & Co., 1866. vii(i), 166 p., 1 1. 8°. RAA Published for the author and the Philological So- ciety by A. & C. Black, Edinburgh. Flom, George Tobias. Scandinavian in- fluence on Southern Lowland Scotch. A contribution to the study of the linguistic relations of English and Scandinavian. New York: [New Era Printing Co.,] 1900. xv, 83 p. 8°. (Columbia University Ger- manic studies, v. 1, no. 1.) NFCA Forrest, James. The Buchan dialect. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891-92, p. 11-16.) CPA • Some. Buchan Scots words in use within the last fifty years. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 76-89.) CPA Giles, Peter. The making of our mother tongue. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8, 1904- 05, p. 185-227.) CPA Gregor, Walter. The dialect of Banff- shire: with a glossary of words not in Jamieson's Scottish dictionary. London: published for the Philological Society by A Asher & Co., 1866. 232 p. 8°. RAA Heuser, W. Ai und ei, unorganisch und etymologisch Berechtigt, in der Cam- bridger Handschrift des Bruce. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1895. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 91-105.) RNA Die Lautveraenderung von a, e, I im Mittelschottischen. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1897. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 405-408.) RNA Offenes und geschlossenes ee im Schottischen und Nordenglischen. (An- glia. Halle a.S., 1896-97. 8°. Bd. 18, p. 114-128; Bd. 19, p. 319-347.) RNA Der Ursprung des unorganischen i in der Mittelschottischen Schreibung. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1897. 8°. Bd. 19, P. 409-412.) RNA Hume, Alexander. Of the orthographie and congruitie of the Britan tongue; a treates, noe shorter then necessarie, for the schooles; edited from the original ms. in the British Museum, by Henry B Wheatley. 2. ed. 1870. London: Early English Text Society, 1865 [1870]. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Publica- tions, no. 5.) NCE Jakobsen, Jakob. Nordiske minder, isser sproglige, pa OrknjzSerne. (Festskrift til H. F. Feilberg... Kjzibenhavn, 1911. 8°. p. 318-347.) ZBIE Det norr^ne Sprog pa. Shetland. KjjzSbenhavn: W. Prior, 1897. x, 196 p. 8°. NIZ Jamieson, John. Account of the terms skull or skoll as used in old writings... (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1805. 4°. v. 5, History of the society, p. 29-37.) * EC An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language. . .to which is prefixed, a dissertation on the origin of the Scottish language. Edinburgh: W. Creech, A. Con- stable & Co., 1808. 2 v. 4°. f RNY Reviewed in Eclectic review, v. 5, p. 446-459. London, 1809. Edinburgh: 4°. RNY Supplement. W. & C. Tait, 1825. 2 v. Carefully revised and collated, with all the additional words in the supple- ment incorporated, and their most popular significations briefly given, by John John- stone. Edinburgh: William Tait, 1840. 2 v. 4°. fRNY A new edition. . .revised and collated. . .by J. Longmuir. . .and D. Don- aldson... v. l-[4 and Supplement]. Pais- ley: A. Gardner, 1879-87. 5v. 4°. fRNY Remarks on Rev. Dr. Murray's Ob- servations on the history and language of the Pehts. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 253-285.) t CPA Jamieson's dictionary. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 12, p. 270-293.) * DA Laurenson, Arthur. Om Sproget paa Shetlandsoerne. (Kongeligt Nordisk Old- skrift-Selskab. Annaler. Kjobenhavn [I860]. 8°. 1860, p. 190-201.) GEA Leask, J. T. Smith. Orkney dialect. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 317-328.) CR Leslie, William. [Glossary of provincial terms used in the counties of Nairn and Moray.] (In his: General view of the agriculture of the counties of Nairn and Moray. London, 1813. 8°. p. 446-470.) VPX Lewis, Sir George Cornwall. On the meaning and origin of the verb "to tirl." (Classical museum. London, 1844. 8°. v. l,p. 113-124.) 772 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Language, continued. Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. Scot- ticisms and Americanisms. (Harper^s monthly magazine. New York, 1913. 8°. J v. 126, p. 417-424.) * DA Lyngby, Kristen Jensen. Om Sproget pa Hjaltlandsoerne. (Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Annaler. Kjobenhavn [I860]. 8°. 1860, p. 201-217.) GEA Macintosh, W. Scotch and German : their original identity. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897-98. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 130-132, 147-150, 182-185; v. 11, p. 3-6.) CPA MacRitchie, David. French influence in Scottish speech. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. sq. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 433-440.) CP Mathieson, Kenneth. Braid Scots and German. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 285-291.) * DE Menmuir, Charles. The French element in Braid Scots. (Westminster review. London, 1909. 8°. v. 173, p. 531-539.) *DA Meyer, Wilhelm. Flexionslehre der al- testen schottischen Urkunden 1385-1440. Halle a. S.: Max Niemeyer, 1907. xiii, 102 p. 8°. (Studien zur englischen Philologie. Hrsg. von Lorenz Morbach. Heft 29.) RNY Michel, Francisque Xavier. A critical inquiry into the Scottish language, with the view of illustrating the rise and prog- ress of civilization in Scotland. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1882. 3 p.l., vii-xiii, 457 p. 4°. * RNY Motherby, Robert. Taschen-Worterbuch des schottischen Dialekts mit den Erkla- rungen der Worter in englischer und deutscher Sprache, zum bessern Verstand- nisz der Werke von Sir Walter Scott, Robert Burns, Allan Ramsay u.a. Nebst einem Anhange von Noten zur Erklarung schottischer Sitten, Gebrauche, Sagen, etc. Konigsberg: Gebriider Borntraeger, 1826. xii, 232 p., 2 1. 16°. RNY Title-page also in English. Mueller, Paul. Die Sprache der Aber- deener Urkunden des sechzenten Jahrhun- derts. [Berlin: Mayer & Miiller,, 1908. 3 p.l., 143(1) p. 8°. RNY Murdoch, James Barclay. A glossary to the Bannatyne manuscript 1568. [Glas- gow:] printed for the Hunterian Club, 1894. vii(i), 184 p. sq. 8°. (Hunterian Club. The Bannatyne manuscript, part 9.) NCE Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry. The dialect of the southern counties of Scot- land: its pronunciation, grammar, and his- torical relations. With an appendix on the present limits of the Gaelic and Low- land Scotch, and the dialectical divisions of the Lowland tongue. And a linguistical map of Scotland. London: The Philologi- cal Society, 1873. vii(i), 251 p., 1 map. 8°. The appendix on the present limits of the Gaelic language is reprinted in the Revue celtique, v. 2, p 178-187. Paris. 1873-75, with introductory note by H. Gaidoz. The map is also reproduced. RAA Mutschmann, Heinrich. A phonology of the north-eastern Scotch dialect on an his- torical basis. Bonn: P. Hanstein, 1909. x, 88 p. 8°. (Bonner Studien zur englischen Philologie von K. D. Biilbring. Heft 1.) RNA Bibliography, p. vii-x. On Scotticisms and Anglicisms. (In: J. Anderson, Recreations in agriculture, nat- ural-history, arts, and miscellaneous liter- ature. London, 1800. 8°. v. 2, p. 434-444; v. 3, p. 54-66, 294-301.) PQF Reeves, William Peters. A study in the language of Scottish prose before 1600. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1893. 2 p.l., 3-100 p., 2 1. 8°. RNY p. box Reichel, Georg. Studien zu der schotti- schen Romanze: The history of Sir Eger, Sir Grime and Sir Gray-steel. (Englische Studien. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 1- 66.) RNA Ritter, O. Zur Mundart des nordost- lichen Schottland. Randglossen zu Mutsch- manns Phonology. (Englische Studien. Leipzig, 1913. 8°. Bd. 46, p. 9-65.) RNA Rorie, Dr. On some Scots words, prov- erbs, and beliefs bearing on diseased conditions. (Philosophical Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 31, p. 38-45.) *EC Saxby, Jessie Margaret Edmondston. Shetland names for animals, etc. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caith- ness and Sutherland. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 168-170, 235-237.) CR Animals. Birds. Plants. Fish. Miscellaneous. Shetland phrase and idiom. (Old- lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caith- ness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 225-232, 267-274, 312-316.) CR "Schiltrum" as an anatomical term, illus. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 185-188.) CPA — Latin acies. Scotticisms. (Edinburgh annual reg- ister for 1811. Edinburgh, 1813. 8°. v. 4, part 2, p. lxix-lxxv.) BAA Scottish, The, language. (Edinburgh re- view. London, 1883. 8°. v. 158, p. 420- 446.) * DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 773 Language and Literature, continued. Language, continued. Scottish, The, language. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 30-61.) *DA Smith, George Gregory. The Scottish language: Early and Middle Scots. (In: The Cambridge history of English litera- ture Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Cambridge, 1908. 8°. v. 2, p. 88- 99.) NCB Bibliography, p. 446-447. Warrack, Alexander. A Scots dialect dictionary, comprising the words in use from the latter part of the seventeenth century to the present day; compiled by Alexander Warrack. With an introduc- tion and a dialect map by W. Grant. Lon- don: W. & R. Chambers, Ltd., 1911. xxiii (1), 717(1) P-, 1 map. 8°. *R-RPK Literature A., J. R. Original rhymes, recited... at the Royal Lunatic Asylum, Glasgow: in- cluding loyal effusions on Her Majesty's visit to Scotland. . .by J. R. A. t an inmate]. [Glasgow:] printed at the press of the in- stitution, 1843. 24 p. 24°. NCIp.v.31 Abbotsford series of the Scottish poets. Edited by G. Eyre-Todd. Glasgow: W. tr* & Cn 18Q1-Q6 7 v. 12°. NDP Hodge & Co., 1891-96. Early Scottish poetry. 1891. Mediaeyal Scottish poetry. 1892. Scottish poetry of the sixteenth century. 1892. Scottish ballad poetry. 1893. Scottish poetry of the seventeenth century. 1895. Scottish poetry of the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1896. Abercrombie, John. Essays and tracts. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co. [1841-42., 4 pi, 5-103, 62, 63, 52, 47 p. 12°. ZIK Adamson, Patrick, archbishop of St. An- drews. Genethliacvm. . .Iacobi vi. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 13-17.) NDP Address, An, to J[amesi Pjarkhill], a celebrated political leader in the west; to which is added, A hymn to the droll man behind the box, wot makes Punch dance, n. p. [18— ?; 8 p. 8°. NCI p.v.47 Affleck, James. Poems and songs, chief- ly comic. Edinburgh: Thomas Turnbull, 1816. x, (1)12-108 p., 1 port. 24°. NDP p.v.l Afternoon's, An, walk. By a citizen. Aberdeen: the author, 1862. 31 p. 12°. NCTp.v.36 Aidie, William. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Aikin, J. See under Armstrong, John. Ainslie, Hew. Scottish songs, ballads, and poems. New York: Belfield [1855?,. 1 pi, v-vii, 9-216 p. 12°. NCM Title-page missing — supplied from the Boston Athenaeum catalogue. Aird, Thomas. Poetical works. Edin- burgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1848. 3 pi, 322 p. 8°. NCM Aitken, Cora Kennedy. Legends and memories of Scotland. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1874. x p., 1 1., 156 p., 4 pi. 16°. NCM Alcestis; or, Euripides destroyed, a bur- lesque... Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1866. 23 p., 5 pi. 8°. NCO p.v.322, no.6 Alexander, Sir William, earl of Stirling. Anacrisis, or a censure of some poets an- cient and modern. (Reprinted in: Critical essays of the seventeenth century. Edited by J. E. Spingarn. Oxford, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 180-189.) *R-NCY Reprinted from the 1711 ed. of William Drum- mond's Works, where it was published for the first time. Poems [with life by Alexander Chalmers]. (In: Alexander Chalmers, The works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 5, p. 287-439.) NCI Alison, Sir Archibald. Miscellaneous essays. Reprinted from the English orig- inals, with the author's corrections for this edition. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1845. 390 p. 8°. NCZ Allan, David. See Sangs of the Low- lands. . . Allan, Edward. Original poems. Edin- burgh: James Burnet, printer, 1837. 36 p. 12°. NCI p.v.43 Amongst the heather. (Cornhill maga- zine. London, 1876. 8°. v. 34, p. 465-478.) *DA Anatomy threatened with excommuni- cation; or, A true and faithful account of a recent bloody battle. A Hudibrastic poem. Edinburgh, 1819. 16 p. 8°. NCI p.v.47 Ancient historic ballads. Newcastle: D. Akenhead & Sons, 1807. 1 pi, 236 p. 16°. NCK Contains, inter alia, 'The Battle of Floddon,' and 'Hardyknute.' Ancient Scotish poems, never before in print, but now published from the ms. col- lections of Sir Richard Maitland of Leth- iington. . .comprising pieces written from about 1420 till 1586; with large notes and a glossary [by John Pinkertonj. London: Charles Dilly, 1786. 2 v. 12°. NDP Twenty-six of the poems in this collection are of Sir Richard Maitland's own composition. Ancient Scottish poems. Published from the ms. of George Bannatyne. mdlxviii. 774 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. [Edited by Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes.j Edinburgh: J. Balfour, 1770. xii, 380 p., 1 1. 8°. NDP Anderson, Alexander. Lazarus at our gate: poems treating mostly of the wrongs done to the poor, and of the coming rec- koning day. Glasgow: the author, 1902. 2 p.l., 70 p. 12°. NCI p.v.42, no.9 Anderson, Henry. Panegyris ad...Ja- cobum vi.; — Mvsarvm querimonia; — ■ Amaryllis. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scot- orum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 18- 40.) NDP Anderson, James. Recreations in agri- culture, natural history, arts, and miscel- laneous literature. London: printed by T. Bensley, 1799-1802. 6 v. 8°. PQF Anderson, Robert. See Blair, Robert. Poetical works. . . Arbuckle, James. Glotta, a poem. Glas- gow: A. Duncan and R. Chapman, 1791. 24 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll37 Arbuthnot, John. Miscellaneous works. 2. ed. With additions. Glasgow: James Carlile, 1751. 2 v. 16°. NCF For a particular notice of this (unauthorised) edition see "The life and writings of Dr. Arbuthnot" in The retrospective review, v. 8, p. 285-304, Lon- don, 1823. A supplement to the Miscellaneous works of the late Dr. Arbuthnot. Glas- gow: J. Carlile, 1751. 81 p. 16°. NCF Argyll (9. duke), John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell. The Highland nurse. A tale. New York: Tait, Sons, & Co. [cop. 1891., 134 p. 16°. NCW Memories of Canada and Scotland. Speeches and verses. Montreal: Dawson Bros., 1884. xi, 360 p. 12°. NCM Armstrong, Archibald. Archie Arm- strong's banquet of jests, reprinted from the original editions, together with Archy's dream, printed in the yeare 1641. [With life by T. H. Jamieson.j Edinburgh: Wil- liam Paterson, 1872. xxix, xii, 383 p., 1 port. 8°. NDF Impression limited to 252 copies. Archy's dream, sometimes Jester to his Maiestie; but exiled the court by Can- terburies malice. With a relation for whom an odde chaire stood voide in Hell. Printed in the yeare 1641. 3 1. 4°. (In: Occasional fac-simile reprints of rare and curious tracts of the 16th and 17th cen- turies. London, n. d. 4°. v. 1, no. 2.) NCE Only 100 copies printed. Armstrong, John. The art of preserving health: a poem. In four books. London: A. Millar, 1745. 3-128 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCL Bookplate of Edward Nicholas Hurt. London, print. Boston re- print: Green & Russell, 1757. 68 p 4 P d 12°. (8°.) NBHp.vi (In: Mark Akenside, The pleasures of imagination. Exeter 1794 16°. p. 87-147.) ncE • To which is prefixed, A criti- cal essay on the poem by J. Aikin, M.D London: T. Cadell, jun., & W. Davies, 1796 1 p.l., 152 p., 4 pi. 16°. NCL A didactic poem in four books. The plates are by Stothard. Philadelphia: B. Johnson, 1804 143 p., 1 pi. 24°. 'NCL Contains also: M. Green, The spleen and other poems. ..Philadelphia, 1804. 24°. Walpole, N. H.: Thomas & Thomas, 1808. 102 p. 12°. NCL Igea; ovvro, L'arte di conservar la salute, poema inglese, transportato. in Ita- liano da Lazzaro Papa. Livorno: T. Masi e Comp., 1806. xii, 112 p. 8°. (In: Poesis varie.) NNK The ceconomy of love: a poetical essay [by John Armstrong]. London: T. Cooper, 1736. iv, 43 p. 12°. *Cp.v.934 To which is added The splen- did shilling... by Jo Philips. London, 1740. 22 p. 12°. *Cp.v.4S4 • London: M. Cooper, 1745. 1 p.l., 43 p. new ed. 8°. NCL Bound with his: The art of preserving health. London, 1745. 8°. London: N. Frobisher, 1791. 2 p.l., 3-36 p. new ed. 12°. NCIp.v.78 ficonomie de l'amour, poeme en quatre chants, imite de l'Anglais, du D. Armstrong. 4 pi. (In: Les jeux de Cal- liope... Londres, 1776. 16°. p. 4-59.) NKD Poems [with life by Alexander Chal- mers]. (In: Alexander Chalmers, Works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 16, p. 513-545.) NCI [With life by R. A. Daven- port] 1 pi. (In: British poets. Chiswick, 1822. 16°. v. 67, p. 1-122.) NCI The poetical works of J. Arm- strong. Edinburgh: Apollo Press, 1781. 3 p.l., [v r vi, (1)8-111(1) p. 16°. (Bell's edition. The poets of Great Britain.) NCI p.v.82 Engraved title-page to series, with imprint: Print- ed for John Bell... 1782. Poetical works. London: John Bell, 1793. vi, (1)8-111 p., 1 pi, 1 port. 24°. (Bell's edition, v. 48.) NCI To which is prefixed, the life of the author. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1794. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v. 10, p. 961-972.) NCI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 775 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Atkinson, Thomas. The chameleon. [By Thomas Atkinson.] London: Longman & Co., 1832. viii, (1)10-312 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCG Chameleon, The, brought to the light of day, and its true colour ascertained. Bv two hands. Glasgow: J. Reid & Co., 1832. 1 pi, 45 p. 2. ed. 16°. NCC p.v.9 Auchinleck, James. The quair of jel- ousy; a poem, by Auchinleck. Written about the year 1480. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 159-184.) tCP Austin, Arthur. Lights and shadows of Scottish life, a selection from the papers of the late Arthur Austin. New-York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1822. 311 p. 12°. NCW Autumn days in Islay. (Temple Bar. London, 1897. 8°. v. Ill, p. 511-521.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, new series, v. 66, p. 499-505, New York, 1897. Ayrshire, The, wreath, mdcccxliii. A collection of original pieces, in prose and verse, chiefly by native authors, on sub- jects relating to Ayrshire. Kilmarnock: H. Crawford & Son, 1853. xii, (1)14-214 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 16°. NCA Ayton, Sir Robert. Panegyris ad Iaco- bvm vi. [et poemata csetera.j (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 40-75.) NDP Poems. (Bannatyne Club. Miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 301- 324.) t CP This collection contains only his English poems. Poems. Edited by Charles Roger, from a ms. in his possession... Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1844. Hi, 154 p., 1 pi., 1 table. 12°. NCL Rogers, Charles. Memoir and poems of Sir Robert Aytoun, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. (Royal Historical Society. Trans- actions. London, 1875. 8°. v. 1, 2. ed., p. 96-168.) CA Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. Both- well: a poem. In six parts. Boston: Tick- nor & Fields, 1856. 267 p. 12°. NCM Reviewed in Canadian journal, v. 1, p. 541-546, Toronto, 1856. Smail, Adam. Aytoun's "Bothwell." (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 22, p. 102-105, 281-287, 388-392, 425-432.) * DE An examination of the variations in the first and third editions. Continued from v. 21 (not in N. Y. P. L.). Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. The curse of Montrose. By W. E. A. (Forget me not. London r 1839i. 16°. 1839, p. 281- 298.) P NCA The execution of Montrose. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh 1844. 8°. v. 56, p. 289-296.) * DA [Gaelic translation by Mrs. Mary Mackellar, without title.] (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1881. 8°. v. 9, p. 142-147.) NDO Firmillan, a "spasmodic" tragedy. New York: Redfield, 1854. ix p., 1 1., (1) 14-165 p. 12°. Firmilian, the student of Badajoz: a "spasmodic" tragedy. By T. Percy Jones. New York: Redfield, 1855. ix p., 1 1., (1)14-165 p. 12°. NDF The heart of the Bruce. A ballad. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1844. 8°. v. 56, p. 15-19.) * DA Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1851. 2 p.l., 351 p. 4. ed. 16°. NCM For a critical notice of the first edition, see the North British review, v. 13, p. 1-39, Edinburgh, 1850. • New York: Redfield, 1853. viii, 351 p. 12°. NCM Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1856. 2 p.l., 351 p. 9. ed. 16°. Stuart 10198 With illustrations by Joseph Noel Paton and Waller H[Ughj Paton. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1863. 5 p.l., 268 p. 4°. NCM New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1866. viii, (1)4-351 p. 12°. " NCM New York: R. Worthington, 1880. 3 p.l., (1)8-230 p. new ed. 12°. NCM New York: J. W. Lovell Com- pany [189-?]. 230 p., 6 pi. new ed. 12°. NCM New York: Truslove and Comba [1907?]. 245(1) p. 8°. NDP Verbatim reprint of the first edition of 1849. My wife's album. By Bon Gaultier. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. new series, v. 11, p. 49-55.) *DA ■ Nuptial ode on the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1863. 22 p. 8°. NCI p.v.36 See also Ballads, The, of Scotland. Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, and Sir Theodore Martin. The book of ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier, and illustrated by Alfred Crowquill t i. e., A. H. Forrester]. London: W. S. Orr & Co., 1845. 4 p.l., 152 p., 1 port. 16°. With additional coloured title-page. Reviewed in Fraser's magazine, v. 31, p. 415-4s torn away. The correspondence between Burns and Clarinda. With a memoir of Mrs. McLe- hose (Clarinda). Arranged and edited by her grandson, W. C. M'Lehose. New York: Robert P. Bixby & Co. [1843., xii, 293 p. 12°. NDD Letters. London: J. Sharpe, 1819. 2 v. 24°. (British prose writers, v. 23.) NCE Engraved title-pages. Letters addressed to Clarinda, etc. Glas- gow: T. Stewart, 1802. iv, (1)6-48 p. 16°. NDD Belfast: L. Rae, 1806. 52 p. new ed. 24°. Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop. Corre- spondence now published in full for the first time. With elucidations by William Wallace. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1898. 2 v. fac, pi., port. 12°. AN Correspondence between Burns and Clar- inda. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1843-44. 4°. new series, v. 10, p. 749- 764, v. 11, p. 28-35.) * DA Gordon, James. Letter of Burns to Clarinda. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 145.) CPA Reliques Reliques of Robert Burns; consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and criti- cal observations on Scottish songs. Col- lected by R. H. Cromek. London: T. Ca- dell & W. Davies, 1817. xxiii, 453 p. 4. ed. 8°. NCF Original edition reviewed in the Eclectic review, v. 5, p. 393-410, London, 1809; Quarterly review, v. 1, p. 19-36, London, 1809. Philadelphia: Bradford & Inskeep, 1809. xx, 294 p. 12°. Stuart 10258 An Address to the Deil An address to the Deil; with explanatory notes. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood, after designs by T. Landseer. London: W. Kidd, 23 p., 7 pi. 12°. * C p.v.1414 Engraved title page also. Auld Lang Syne Auld lang syne. Illustrated by George Harvey. [Edinburgh:] Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scot- land, 1859. 7 1., 5 pi. f°. Stuart ISO Auld lang syne, and other songs; with numerous original illustrations by C. M. Smith. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [cop. 1897., 2 p.l., 7-128 p., 1 pi. illus. 24° (Collection of masterpieces.) NCM 790 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. Comin' Through the Rye Comin' through the rye. A celebrated Scotch song sung by Miss Stephens at the Argyll Rooms. [With pianoforte and flute accompaniment.] [London?] W. Wy- brow [18—?]. 2-3 p. f°. *MO The Cottar's Saturday Night The cottar's Saturday night. Illustrated by John Faed. [Edinburgh:] Royal Asso- ciation for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, 1853. 12 1., 8 pi. obi. f°. Stuart 1703 The cotter's Saturday night. Edited, with introduction and notes by G. A. Wa- trous. Boston: Sibley & Company t cop. 1898]. 1 p.l., 24 p., 1 port. 16°. (Students' series of English classics.) NCM Bound with: Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Carlyle's essay on Robert Burns. Boston [cop. 1896]. Tarn o' Shanter; a tale. To which are added, observations on the statues of Tam o'Shanter & Souter Johnny. London: Mur- ray, printer, 1829. 20 p. 8°. NCIp.v.26 p. 10-11 contain 'Lines [in Latin and English] on Mr. Thorn's statues of Tam o' Shanter and Suter Johnny.' Tam o' Shanter illustrated by John Faed. [Edinburgh: Royal Association for Promo- tion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, 1855.] 6 1., 7 pi. f°. Stuart 803 Tam o' Shanter — a tale, and Lament of Mary, queen of Scots. The original manu- script reproduced by the photo-chromolith process. With an introduction by Moy Thomas, and a glossary. London: Adams & Francis [1869]. 2, t 12) p. fac-sim., 3(1) P- i°- ttNCL Selected poems. Tam o' Shanter. [With: To the unco guid.j n. t.-p. New York: K. Tompkins, 1874. 7 1., 1 illus. sq. 16°. NCI p.v.62 Death and Dr. Hornbook Death and Dr. Hornbook. [With his: To a mouse, Willie brew'd a peck o' maut. As I was a-wandering.] New York: K. Tompkins, 1875. 7 1., 1 pi. sq. 16°. NCI p.v.17 Title from cover. Selected poems. Death and Dr. Horn- book. New York: K. Tompkins, 1875. 6 1., 1 pi. 16°. Man Was Made to Mourn Man was made to mourn. Translated [into Gaelic] by M. McRae, Ottawa. [Ot- tawa? 18—?] 1 1. 8°. HWD p.v.18 A Man's A Man For A' That Bheil air son bochdhainn onarach. Translated by M. McRae, Ottawa. [Ot- tawa? 18—?] 1 1. 8°. HWD p.v.18 Gaelic translation of "Is there for honest poverty." The Soldier's Return The soldier's return. Illustrated by J. Faed. [Edinburgh:] Royal Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scot- land, 1857. 7 1., 6 pi. f °. Stuart 160 Tam o' Shanter Tam o' Shanter; a tale. Paisley: G. Caldwell, jr., 1825. 8 p. 16°. NDPp.v.3 A chapbook. Unpublished Poem An unpublished poem by Robert Burns. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1901. 8°. v. 85, p. 30.) *DA Without title. Commentaries A. Burns and Sir Walter Scott. (Ec- lectic magazine of foreign literature, sci- ence and art. New York, 1871. 8°. v. 77 [new series, v. 14], p. 626-629.) * DA From the Spectator. Aakj^er, Jeppe. Tidsb^lger; samlede Digte. Kjzibenhavn : Gyldendal, 1912. t v. 3.] 8°. NIY Pages 113-158 contain translations of poems by Robert Burns. Adams, James. Burns's "Chloris;" a reminiscence. With facsimile of poem "The song of death" in the poet's hand- writing. Glasgow: Morison Bros., 1893. 187 p., 1 fac. 8°. AN no. 18 of 275 copies printed. Aiken, Peter F. Memorials of Robert Burns and of some of his contemporaries and their descendants, by the grandson of Robert Aiken [P. F. Aiken] . . . With a se- lection of his best poems and songs... London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Riv- ington, 1876. 1 p.l., viii, 422 p., 2 fac, 1 port. 12°. F AN Anders, H. Neue Quellenstudien zu R. Burns. (Archiv fur das Studium der neu- eren Sprachen und Literaturen. Braun- schweig, 1907. 8°. Bd. 119 [N. F., Bd. 19], p. 55-85.) RAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 791 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. Anderson, George, and John Finlay. The Burns centenary poems; a collection of fifty of the best. . .written on occasion of the centenary celebration. . . Selected and edited by George Anderson and John Fin- lay Glasgow: Thomas Murray and Son, 1859. xiv p., 1 1., 264 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Anderson, John Parker. Bibliography [of Robert Burns]. (In: John Stuart Black- ie, Life of Robert Burns. London, 1880. 8°. p. i-xli.) AN Angus, W. Craibe. Fac-simile of Burns's assignation of his property to his brother, Gilbert Burns. (Bookman. London, 1892. f°. v. 1, p. 172-173.) t*GDD The printed works of Robert Burns: a bibliography in outline. Glasgow: pri- vately printed, 1899. xl, 134 p. 8°. AN no. 16 of 60 copies printed. Annual Burns chronicle and club direc- tory. Edited by John Muir. no. 1-2 (1892- 93). Kilmarnock, 1892-93. 8°. AN Apology, An, for Burns. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1851. 8°. v. 2, p. 334-335.) * DA Archer, William. Carlyle and Burns. (In his: Study and stage. London, 1899. 12°. p. 23-27.) NCZ Ballantine, James. Chronicle of the hundredth birthday of Robert Burns. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1859. vi p., 1 1., 606 p., 1 port., 1 table. 4°. AN Balmanno, Robert. Burns. (Knicker- bocker magazine. New York, 1848. 8°. v. 32, p. 206-214.) * DA Bayne, Thomas. The poetry of Robert Burns. (Zeitschrift fur franzosischen und englischen Unterricht. Berlin, 1906-07. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 132-137; Bd. 6, p. 132-142.) NAA 1. Introduction. 2. The twa dogs. Beaumont, Frank. Fergusson and Burns: the shaping of a poet. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 42, p. 71-92.) * EC Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. See under Brad- ley, Edward. Blackie, John Stuart. Life of Robert Burns. London: Walter Scott, 1888. vii P-, 1 1, 183, 41 p. 8°. (Great writers.) *R-AN -Three sonnets from the land of SSJf 18, (Contemporary review. London, 1878. 8°. v. 33, p. 112.) * DA 1. Mauchline. 2. Hero-worship. 3. Robert Burns. Bradley, Edward. The true story of iiurns and his Highland Mary. By Cuth- bert Bede tpseud.]. (In his: A tour in Tartan-land. London, 1863. 8° p 125- 140.) CPW Bright, Henry A. See under Some ac- count. Brooke, Stopford Augustus. Robert Burns. (In his: Theology in the English poets. London, 1880. 4. ed. 12°. p. 287- 33 9.) NCID (In same. New York, 1875. 12°. p. 287-339.) NCID Brown, David K. Burns and Ferguson. (Rose-Belford's Canadian monthly. To- ronto, 1880. 8°. v. 4, p. 63-73.) * DA Brown, George Douglas. Robert Burns. [By G. D. Brown.] (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 184- 194.) %DA Brown, Robert. Paisley Burns Clubs, 1805-1893. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1893. 336 p., 4 fac, 9 pi., 49 port. sq. 8°. NCA Bruce, Wallace. The Auld Brig's wel- come on the unveiling of the Burns statue, Ayr, July 8, 1891. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1891. 15 p. sq. 12°. * C p.v.371 The land of Burns. Illustrated by James D. Smillie. Boston: Lea & Shepard, 1879. 12°. NCM Buchanan, Robert. Burns's first bosom friend: a forgotten worthy. (Broadway: a monthly magazine. London, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 746-752.) *DA Burns, Robert. Burns holograph manu- scripts in the Kilmarnock Monument Mu- seum, with notes. Compiled and edited by David Sneddon. Kilmarnock -j D. Brown & Co., printers, 1889. vii, 147 p. 12°. AN The life of Robert Burns, as writ- ten by himself and continued or comment- ed on by others. (In his: Poetical works. Philadelphia, 1811. p. xiii-lv.) Stuart 10254 Burns, illus. (Sears' guide to know- ledge. New York, 1845. 4°. p. 49-55.) OA Burns almanac. A hand-book of in- formation concerning the Scottish poet. Compiled by J. D. Ross. 1897. New York [1897]. 12°. AN (Burns) p.v.l, no.4 Burns and Byron. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. new se- ries, v. 11, p. 622-623.) *DA Contrasting their works. Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign liter- ature, science, and art, v. 3, p. 409-411, New York, 1844. Burns as commentator. Some original notes by the poet. (Chambers's journal. Edinburgh, 1903. 4°. series 6, v. 6, p. 401- 402.) * DA 792 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. Burns, The, calendar: a manual of Burnsiana; relating events in the poet's history, names associated with his life and writings, a concise bibliography, and a rec- ord of Burns relics. Kilmarnock: J. M'Kie, 1874. 39 1., 1 port. 4°. AN no. 597 of 600 copies printed. Burns celebration, held at Delmonico's, January, 1880. Report of speeches. [Com- piled by H. E. Partridge and A. W. Gran- ville.] New York: N. Y. Stenographic and Type-Writing Association [1880]. 48 p. 8°. AN p.v.131 Title from cover. Burns, The, centenary: being an account of the proceedings and speeches at the var- ious banquets and meetings throughout the kingdom. With a memoir. . . Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1859. iv, 1S6 p., 1 port. 16°. AN Burns Centenary Committee. Report of the proceedings at the celebration of the Burns centenary, at Kirkcudbright, 25th January 1859. Liverpool: printed by Messrs. Bean, 1859. 54 p. 12°. AN p.box Burns Club, New York City. The cen- tennial birth-day of Robert Burns as cele- brated by the Burns Club of the city of New York, 1759-1859, January 25th, 1859. Edited by J. Cunningham. New York: Lang & Laing, 1860. 136 p., 1 pi. 8°. AN Burns, A, document. (Bookman. Lon- don, 1892. f°. v. 1, p. 131-133.) f * GDD Facsimile of the assignation of his property in favor of his brother Gilbert. Burns, The, Exhibition. Catalogue of the Burns Exhibition [1896]. Galleries of the Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts... Glasgow: William Hodge & Co., 1896. xv p., 2 1., 21-486 p. 8°. AN Burns, The, festival. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 56, p. 370-398.) * DA Burns, The, festival. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. new se- ries, v. 11, p. 545-553.) * DA At Ayr, August, 1844. Burns, The, festival. (New Orleans monthly review. New Orleans, 1874. 8°. v. 1, p. 67-80.) * DD Burns Memorial Association. The poets and Robert Burns Souvenir program Burns Memorial Association Fair... De- cember 12, 13, 14, [1905]. Boston: Adam- son Press [1905]. 14 1. 8°. AGH p.v.29 Burns as a Royal Scottish Archer, illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 10, p. 456-458.) * DD Burns Society of the City of New York. An excerpt from the anniversary banquet . . . held on Friday, the twenty-fifth day of January, nineteen hundred and seven [New York: Bartlett-Orr Press,] 1907. 20 p. 8°. AN (Burns) p.v.l, no.10 Contains: Responses to the principal toasts. Burnsiana. (Scottish notes and queries Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 3-4.) CPA Butchart, Stewart F. Sind die Gedichte "Poem on pastoral poetry" und "Verses on the destruction of Drumlanrig Woods" von Robert Burns? Marburg: R. Fried- rich, 1903. 2 p.l., 60 p., 1 1. 8°. NCCp.v.15 Bibliography, p. 59-60. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1903. 1 p.l., 60 p. 8°. (Marburger Studien zur englischen Philologie. Heft 6.) NCID p.v.3 C, A. J. Robert Burns. (The Eagle. Cambridge, 1896. 8°. v. 19, p. 344-365.) STK Carlyle, Thomas. Burns. (Edinburgh review. London, 1828. 8°. v. 48, p. 267- 312.) *DA — (In his: Critical and miscel- laneous essays. Boston, 1855. new ed. 8°. p. 95-114.) NCZ (In his: Critical and miscel- laneous essays. Boston, 1860. 8°. v. 1, p. 265-326.) NCZ Essay on Burns. Chicago: Ains- worth & Co., 1898. 107 p., 1 port. 12°. (The lakeside series of English readings.) NCL The hero as man of letters. John- son, Rousseau, Burns. (In his: On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. New York, 1846. 12°. p. 138-174.) NCZ (In his: On heroes, hero-wor- New York, 1849. 8°. p. 138-174.) NCZ (In his: On heroes, hero- New York, 1897. 8°. p. 154- NCZ ship. worship. . 195.) Life of Burns. 52 p. (In: Famous biography. New York, 1883. 12°.) A Life of Robert Burns. [In two parts; part 2 being a review of Lockhart's Life of Robert Burns.] New York: Ameri- can Book Exchange, 1880. 52 p. 16°. AN (Burns) p.v.l Life of Robert Burns. Mostly by Thomas Carlyle. [Edited by Orlando Wil- liams Wight.] New York: Delissen & Procter, 1859. 203 p. 16°. (Household library.) AN Contents: Preface containing Charles Knight's Sketch of Carlyle's life. Part 1. J. F. Smith, Life of Burns. Part 2. Thomas Carlyle, Life of Burns. Thomas Carlyle's Essay on Robert Burns. Edited by W. K. Wickes. Bos- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 793 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Bums, Robert, continued. ton: Sibley & Company c cop. 1896j. iv p., 1 !., 110 p., 1 port. 16°. (Students' series of English classics.) AN Carmichael, Alexander. Traditions of the land of Lome, and of the Highland an- cestry of Robert Burns. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 8, p. 314-333.) NDK Carnegie, Andrew. Address by Andrew Carnegie at the unveiling of a statue of Burns, erected by the citizens of Montrose. Dunfermline: A. Romanes & Son, 1912. 16 p. 8°. AN p.v.135 Celebration of the 111. anniversary of Robert Burns' natal day, at Delmonico's Hotel, New York, January 25, 1870. New- York: H. Read & Co. [1870?] 52 p. 8°. AN (Burns) p.v.l, no.7 Centenary poems : selected from the competitive verses written for the Burns Festival, held at the Crystal Palace, Jan- uary 25, 1859. London: H. G. Warren, 1860. xv, 124 p. 12°. NCI Chiarini, Giuseppe. Roberto Burns. (Nuova antologia. Roma, 1886. 8°. v. 86, p. 209-228, 417-443.) NNA Collyer, Robert. Robert Burns. (In his: Clear grit, a collection of lectures, addresses, and poems. Boston, 1913. 12°. p. 206-230.) NBY Colville, James. A Boer admirer of Robert Burns. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1901. 8°. v. 32, p. 13-18.) * EC On some pieces translated by Mr. Reitz, ex- secretary of the Transvaal. The literary art of Robert Burns. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. v. 28, p. 96- 121.) * EC Corrodi, August. Rob. Burns und Pet. Hebel. Eine literar-historische Parallele. Berlin, 1873. 43 p. 8°. (Virchow. Samm- lung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaft- licher Vortrage. Serie 8, Heft 182.) * C Critique, A, on the poems of Robert Burns. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1812. iv p., 1 1., 70 p., 23 pi., 1 port, illus. 8°. NCC Crockett, William Shillinglaw. See under Douglas, Sir George, and W. S. Crockett. Cross, Alexander W. The religion of Burns's poems. 1 port. (The Arena. Bos- ton, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 177-185.) * DA Crystal Palace Company. Centenary celebration of the birth of Robert Burns, January 25th, 1859... London: Bradbury & Evans, 1859. 32 p. 8°. AN (Burns) p.v.l, no.9 Cunninqham, Allan. The life and land of Burns. With contributions by Thomas Campbell, to which is prefixed an essay on the genius and writings of Burns by Thomas Carlyle. New York: J. & H. G Langley, 1841. vii, 363 p. 12°. AN Currie, James. The life of Robert Burns, with a criticism of his writings; originally published in connection with the works of Burns, in 1800. . . Edinburgh: William and Robert Chambers, 1838. ii p., 1 1., (1)8-76 p. 8°. (People's edition.) AN p. box Curtis, George William. Robert Burns: an address at the unveiling of the statue of the poet, in Central Park, New York, October 2, 1880. New York, 1880. 28 p. sq. 8°. AN Cymraes, pseud. Ode on the Burns cen- tenary. (One of these [Sicj sent up for competition to the Crystal Palace, 25th January 1859.) (Cambrian journal. Ten- by, 1860. 8°. 1860, p. 117-119.) CV Davey, Samuel. The letters and prose writings of Robert Burns. (Royal Soci- ety of Literature. Transactions. London, 1901. 8°. series 2, v. 23, p. 19-41.) * EC Deil's replv to Robert Burns. (Acadi- ensis. St. John, N. B., 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 219-223.) HXK In verse. Derby, Thomas. The songs of Burns. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1898. 8°. v. 17, p. 25-47.) * DA Deveron, D. Verses on the first centen- ary of the birth of Burns, 25th January 1859. Edinburgh: Stillie [1859]. 11 p. 8°. NCI p.v.51 Diack, William. Robert Burns as a so- cial reformer. (Westminster review. Lon- don, 1900. 8°. v. 154, p. 656-670.) * DA Dick, James C. The songs of Robert Burns now first printed with the melodies for which they were written. A study in tone-poetry. With bibliography, histori- cal notes, and glossary. London: Henry Frowde, 1903. xliii, 536 p., 4 fac. 8°. *MO Dixon, James Main. The Burns cult in America. (Chambers's journal. Edin- burgh, 1903. 4°. series 6, v. 6, p. 785-787.) 5 *DA Douglas, Sir George, and W. S. Crock- ett Robert Burns. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1904. iv, 40 p. illus. 8°. AN Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. "The immor- tal memory." [Address] Edinburgh Burns Club. . .23rd March 1901. [Edinburgh: pri- vately printed, R. Mitchell & Son, 1901.] 8 n 8°. (Edinburgh Burns Club.) v ' AN (Burns) p.v.l Title from cover. 794 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. Drake, Nathaniel. Chaucer, Dunbar, and Burns compared. (In his: Mornings in spring... London, 1828. 12°. v. 2, p. 1-36.) NCZ Dundee Free Public Libraries, Dundee, Scotland. Catalogue of the Burns, Scott, and Shakespeare exhibition, comprising books, manuscripts, engravings, medals, etc., from the collection of A. C. Lamb, Victoria Galleries, 1896-7. Dundee [1896?,. 115 p. 16°. *NCI Dykes, Thomas. The land of Burns. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 54, p. 287-295.) * DA Ede, Jessie E. Gordon. The land of Burns. 1 port, illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 337-345.) * DA Elliott, Ebenezer. The character of Burns. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1850. 8°. v. 1, p. 114-115.) *DA A lecture on Cowper and Burns, the two earliest great poets of the modern school. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1842. 4°. new series, v. 9, p. 357-363.) * DA Engel, H. Das Naturgefiihl bei Robert Burns. (Zeitschrift fur franzosischen und englischen Unterricht. Berlin, 1906. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 116-132.) NAA Ewing, J. C. Bibliography of Robert Burns: 1786-1796. 4 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edin- burgh, 1909. 4°. v. 9, p. 57-72.) Reserve Ferguson, James, the younger. Ayr and the birthplace of Burns. A guide to visi- tors. Ayr: James Ferguson, Jr., n. d. 1 p.l., (1)10-56 p. 8°. Findlay, William. Robert Burns and the medical profession. Paisley: A. Gard- ner, 1898. 2 p.l., 162 p., 13 port. 8°. NCC Finlay, John. See Anderson, George, and John Finlay. The Burns centenary poems. . . French, A, study of Burns. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 215-223.) * DA On Auguste Angellier's Robert Bums, Paris: Hachette et Cie. Gebbie, George. Glossary of Scots words, with examples from Burns' works. [By George Gebbie.] (In: Robert Burns, The complete works of Robert Burns... Philadelphia, 1886. 8°. part 30, p. 343- 390.) NCLp.box Gibson, A. Catalogue of the Burns col- lection. [With correspondence between A. Gibson and the New York Public Li- brary relating to the collection.] [Belfast? 1899.] 4°. ncc A doubtful edition of Robert Burns n. t.-p. [Belfast, 1901.] 2 1. sq. 4°. NCID Repr. : Belfast news-letter, March 14, 1901. Gigault de la Bedolliere, Smile. Robert Burns. (L'univers illustre. Paris 1858 f°. annee 1, p. 329-342.) With full page portrait of Burns. Giles, Henry. The genius of Burns. (Graham's magazine. Philadelphia, 1850 8°. v. 37, p. 45-53.) * DD ' Gillis, James. A paper on the subject of Burns's pistols. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 239-244.) CPA Gillon, Frank. A nicht wi' Burns. A poem... Edinburgh: James Turner & Co printers, 1893. 20 p. 12°. *Cp.v.368 Goodwillie, Edward. The world's me- morials of Robert Burns, illustrated... Detroit, Mich.: Waverley Publishing Co [1911]. xviii, 19-178 p., 48 pi., 8 port. 12°' AN Gordon, Sheriff. Speeches., .at Edin- burgh, on Friday 25th June 1841 [in pro- posing the memory of Robert Burns] and on Tuesday, 25th January 1859 [in pro- posing the health of Lord Brougham]. Edinburgh: Fullarton & Macnab, 1859. 11 P- 8°. NCZ H., H. A Burns pilgrimage. (Century illustrated monthly magazine. New York, 1883. 8°. v. 26, p. 752-761.) * DA Hadden, James Cuthbert. George Thom- son, the friend of Burns. His life and correspondence. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1898. x, 392 p., 1 port. 8°. AN The portraits of Burns. illus. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 55, p. 113-119.) *DA Harland, Marion. "Only a but and a ben." 2 pi. (In her: Where ghosts walk. New York, 1898. 12°. p. 19-28.) A On Burns' birthplace. Haven, Gilbert. Homes and haunts of Burns. (In his: The pilgrim's wallet; or, Scraps of travel. New York, 1869. 16°. p. 55-76.) BTYB Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Some of the haunts of Burns. By a tourist without imagination or enthusiasm. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 385- 395.) *DA Hazlitt, William. On Burns and the old English ballads. (In his: Lectures on the English poets. London: Taylor & Hes- sey, 1819. 2. ed. 8°. p. 245-282.) NCID Hecht, Hans. Die "Merry muses of Caledonia" und Burns' "Court of Equity." LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 795 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. (Archiv fur das Studium del 1 neueren Sorachen und Literaturen. Braunschweig, 1913 8°. Bd. 129 [Neue Serie, Bd. 29), p. 363-374; Bd. 130 [Neue Serie, Bd. 30,, 57- 72.) RA A Robert Burns. (Germanisch-roman- ische Monatschrift. Heidelberg, 1909. 8°. Jahrg. 1, p. 169-186.) RAA Heller, Otto. Geibels Nachahmung der "Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon." [Ber- lin: A. Duncker, 1909.) 95-99 p. 8°. NFI p.v.l, no.3 Repr.: Studien zur vergleichenden Literaturge- schichte. Bd. 9, Heft 1. Henderson, Thomas F. Burns. (In: The Cambridge history of English liter- ature. Cambridge, 1914. 8°. v. 11, p. 203- 230.) *R-NCB 'Charlie he's my darling' and other Burns' originals. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 171- 178.) CPA See also under Henley, W. E., and T. F. Henderson. Hendry, Hamish. Robin redivivus. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 1-4.) * DA Henley, William Ernest. Life, genius, achievement [of Robert Burns]. (In: Robert Burns, The poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by W. E. Henley and T. F Henderson. Edinburgh, 1896-97. 8°. v. 4, p. 231-348.) NCL Henley, William Ernest, and T. F. Hen- derson. The cult of Mary Campbell. (New review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 16. p. 674-686.) * DA Heron, Robert. Memoirs of the life of the late Robert Burns. -By R. H. (Month- ly magazine. London, 1797. 8°. v. 3, p. 213-216, 552-562.) * DA The first formal biography of the poet. Hierthes, Ludwig. Worterbuch des schottischen Dialekts in den Werken von Walter Scott und Burns, hrsg. von L. Hierthes. Augsburg: M. Rieger, 1882. x, 193(1) p. 12°. RNY History, A, of the celebration of Robert Burns' 110th natal day, at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York. Jersey City: printed by John H. Lyon, 1869. 99 p. 8°. AN (Burns) p.v.l Hobhouse, John Cam. Lament for Robert Burns. Imitated from the Greek of Moschus. (In his: Imitations and trans- lations., .together with original poems ... London, 1809. 8°. p. 147-158.) NCI Holmes, D. T. Robert Burns. (In his: Lectures on Scottish literature. Paisley. 1904. 12°. p. 69-96.) NDP Howitt, William. Robert Burns. (In his: Homes and haunts of the. . .British poets. London, 1847. 8°. v. 1, p. 337- 392.) v AB Hutchison, Alexander. Letter of Burns to Clarinda. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 161-162.) CPA Intellectual, The, characteristics of Robert Burns. (Tait's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1859. 4°. v. 26, p. 230- 235.) * DA Interesting, An, history of Robert Burns; the Ayrshire bard. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers re. 1850j. 24 p. 24°. [no., 60.) NDPp.v.3 A chapbook. Irving, David. The life of Robert Burns. (In his: Lives of the Scotish poets. Edin- burgh, 1804. 8°. v. 2, p. 441-501.) AB Ivanov, Ivan. Robert Burns. (Russ- kaya Misl. Moskva, 1896. 8°. year 17, v. 7, p. 44; v. 8, p. 64.) * QCA J., K. Burns' relics. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 69-71.) CPA Jack, William. Burns's unpublished common-place book. (Macmillan's maga- zine. London, 1879. 8°. v. 39; p. 448-460, 560-572; v. 40, p. 32-43, 124-132, 250-261.) *DA Jacks, William. Robert Burns in other tongues. A critical review of the transla- tions of the songs and poems of Robert Burns. Glasgow: J. MacLehose and Sons, 1896. xix, 560 p., 14 port. 8°. NCL Joab, Albert E. Robert Burns, peasant, poet, patriot: an oration, delivered before the Caledonian and St. Andrew's Societies of Tacoma, Washington, on the one hun- dred and thirty eighth anniversary of the poet's nativity. Tacoma, Washington r: Allen & Lambon, 1910). 30 p., 2 port. 8°. AGH p.v.4 Keith, Arthur. An anthropological study of some portraits of Shakespeare and of Burns, illus. (British medical jour- nal. London, 1914. 4°. 1914, v. 1, p. 461-466.) t WAA Kingsley, Charles. Burns and his school. [By Charles Kingsley.) (North British review. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. v. 16, p. 149-183.) * DA (Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science, and art. New York, 1851. 8°. v. 25, p. 114-133.) * DA From the North British review. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1851. 8°. v. 31, p. 529-542.) * DA (In his: Sir Walter Raleigh and his time, with other papers. Boston, 1859. 8°. p. 119-154.) NCZ 796 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Bums, Robert, continued. Kinnear, George H. History of Glen- bervie. Montrose: "Standard" Office, 1895. 2 p. 1„ 134 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 12°. CR The title on the cover reads: Glenbervie, the fatherland of Burns. Knox, Mrs. Isa Craig. The Burns festi- val. Prize poem recited at the Crystal Pal- ace, January 25, 1859. [By Mrs. I. C. Knox.] London: Bradbury and Evans, 1859. 7 p. 4°. NCI p.v.56 Land, The, of Burns. (In: Spirit of Chambers's journal... Edinburgh, 1835. 12°. v. 2, p. 46-71.) Lang, Andrew. Burns and Scottish song, illus. (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 323-325.) * DA Last, The, days of Burns. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1853. 8°. v. 7, p. 115-116.) *DA Laurence, John. Robert Burns. (The Scottish annual. Edinburgh, 1859. 8°. 1859, p. 360-372.) NCA Livingston, Peter. Lecture on Robert Burns. (In his: Poems and songs... Dub- lin, 1852. 9. ed. 12°. p. 13-26.) NDH Lockhart, John Gibson. Life of Robert Burns. With an essay on his writings, pre- pared for this edition. New York: Wm. Stodart, 1831. xxii, (1)20-320 p. 16°. AN Lockhart, Robert M. Mr. Henley and Highland Mary. (Westminster review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 149, p. 332-336.) * DA Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Robert Burns. 1 port. illus. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 61, p. 321-323.) * DA Verses. Lover, Samuel. Rival rhymes, in honour of Burns; with curious illustrative matter. Collected and edited by Ben Trovato cpseud. of Samuel Loverj. London: Rout- ledge, Warnes & Routledge, 1859. iv, 144 p. 16°. NCM Mabie, Hamilton Wright. The banks o' Doon and For a' that and a' that. (In his: Introductions to notable poems. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 11-26.) NCID MacCulloch, Hunter. Robert Burns. An ode on the centenary of his death, 1796- 1896. Brooklyn, N. Y.: The Rose and Thistle Pub. Co., cop. 1896. 32 p. illus. 8°. NBI McDowall, William. Burns in Dum- friesshire: a sketch of the last eight years of the poet's life. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1870. iv, (1)6-78 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 12°. AN Mackay, Charles. Burns and Beranger. (Nineteenth century. London, 1880. 8°' v. 7, p. 464-485.) *DA Mackellar, G. D. The loves of Burns Glasgow: A. F. Sharp & Co. [I860?] 1 pi' 42 p., 1 port. 12°. *Cp.v.360 Mackenzie, Alexander. Robert Burns. [By Alexander Mackenzie.] (Harvard mag- azine. Cambridge, 1856. 8°. v. 2, p. 363- 372.) *DD Mackie, Alexander. The ludicrous in Burns. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1900. 8°. v 3 p. 101-130.) *ec M'Kie, James. Bibliotheca Burnsiana. Life and works of Burns: title pages and imprints of the various editions in the pri- vate library of James M'Kie, Kilmarnock, prior to date 1866. Kilmarnock: James M'Kie, printer, 1866. 43 p. 8°. AN Maclaren, Ian. Robert Burns: the voice of the Scots people. (In his: Books and bookmen, and other essays. New York, 1912. 12°. p. 91-123.) NCZ Macmillan, Michael. Burns. 3 col'd pi. (In: Poets' country, edited by Andrew Lang. London, 1907. 8°. p. 339-358.) NCID McWilliam, H. D. Bishop Geddes and Robert Burns. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 176.) CPA Mauchlen, J. Burns and the lower crea- tion. (King & country. London, 1902. 8°. v. 1, p. 264-283.) * DE May, Robert Earle. Robert Burns, the universal lover, universally beloved. (Cale- donian. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 11, p. 396- 402.) * DD Meyerfeld, M. Robert Burns. Studien zu seiner dichterischen Entwicklung. Ber- lin : Mayer & Muller, 1899. viii, 138 p. 8°. NCCp.v.l3,no.7 Milner, George. The influence of Burns on Wordsworth. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1892. 8°. v. 11, p. 285-290.) *DA More, David Macbeth. Stanzas for the Burns festival. By Delta. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 56, p. 399-400.) *DA Mortimer, John. At the grave of Burns. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 186-191.) * DA Muir, John. Burns's seal. (Ex Libris Society. Journal. London, 1894. 4°. v. 3, p. 127-128.) MDVA Murdoch, John. The Celtic sympathies of Burns. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-6.) NDO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 797 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. Murdoch, Robert. Burnsiana. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 41, 65, 81.) CPA Murray, David Christie. Burns as an English poet. (Contemporary review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 82, p. 648-657.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, series 3. v. 9 (v. 140), p. 194-200, Bos- ton, 1903. Myers, Willard L. The influence of Fergusson on Burns. (Sewanee review. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 13, p. 61-70.) * DA N. Vindication of Mr. Wordsworth's letter to Mr. Gray, on a new edition of Burns. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 65- 73.) * DA Neilson, George. The real "Scots wha hae." (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 29-39.) CA Neilson, William Allen. Burns in Eng- lish. (In: Anniversary papers, by col- leagues and pupils of George Lyman Kit- tredge... Boston, 1913. 4°. p. 165-169.) |N ABO New York Scottish Society. Annual Burns celebration, no. [8,-11, 16(1896-99, 1904). New York, 1896-1904. 8°. and 4°. t AGH p.v.29, no.11-14, 16 New York State. — Education Depart- ment. Visual Instruction Division. Slides and photographs. Robert Burns and the Burns country, n. t.-p. 2 1. 8°. (List 15.) SSI Nicoll, Sir William Robertson, and Thomas Seccombe. Later Scots poetry: Robert Burns. (In their: A history of English literature. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 2, p. 846-870.) *R— NCB Observations on Mr. Wordsworth's let- ter relative to a new edition of Burns' works. ([Blackwood's] Edinburgh monthly magazine. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 261-266.) * DA Oliver, J. A. Westwood. Burns at Kirk- oswald. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1893. 8°. v. 67, p. 202-207.) * DA , Original notes by Robert Burns. (An- tiquary. London, 1880. sq. 8°. new se- ries, v. 1, p. 164-165.) CA Marginalia in a volume of the works of Laurence Sterne. Otis, James F. On the poetry of Burns. (Southern literary messenger. Richmond, 1836. 8°. v. 2, p. 238-244.) * DA Palmgren, Carl. On the music of Robert Burns' songs. (Minnesskrift af forna lar- jungar tillagnad Professor Axel Erdmann pa hans sjuttioarsdag den 6. Febr., 1913. Uppsala, 1913. 4°. p. 224-230.) RAE Paterson, John. Burns on trees and birds. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1909 8°. v. 1, p. 38-49.) 'pqa Patterson,, Alexander. Catalogue of an interesting collection of Burnsiana formed by Dr. A. Patterson, which will be sold by auction.. .April, 1906. Glasgow: R. M'Tear & Co., 1906. 36 p. 8°. NCID p.v.2 Peasant, The, bard of Scotland. A sketch of the life and poetry of Burns, on the one hundredth anniversary of his birthday, delivered at the Burns's cen- tennial banquet, Oriental Hotel, San Fran- cisco, January 25th, 1859, by the president of the evening. [San Francisco:) Towne & Bacon [1859]. 2 p.l., 15 p. 8°. * C p.v.1447 Pebody, Charles. Burns at work. (Gen- tleman's magazine. London, 1871. 8°. v. 228 t new series, v. 6], p. 593-607.) * DA Pictures and portraits of the life and land of Burns. The illustrations by Bart- lett, Allom, Wright, etc. The biographies and descriptions by Allan Cunningham, [parts 2-5.] London: G. Virtue [1839-40]. pi., port. 4°. t NCL Large paper copy. Pratt Institute Library School. Robert Burns. [Bibliography.] [Brooklyn, 1893- 94,] p. 533-536. 4°. (Pratt Institute Libra- ry School. Lectures on general literature, no. 55.) MRRDesk Recent discoveries regarding Burns. (Chambers's journal. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 52, p. 193-196.) * DA Reid, J. B. A complete word and phrase concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns, incorporating a glossary of Scotch words, with notes, index, and ap- pendix of readings. Glasgow: Kerr & Richardson, 1889. 4 p.l., 568 p. 4°. NCC Report of the meeting. . .to celebrate the centenary of the birthday of Robert Burns, at the Revere House, Boston, January 25, 1859... Boston: J. Wilson & Son, 1859. 47 p. 8°. AN (Burns) p.v.l, no.l Riddell, Maria Woodley. Sketch of the leading features of Burns's character. (In: Robert Burns, Works. Edinburgh, 1879. 4°. v. 6, p. 369-376.) NCF Reprinted from the Dumfries journal of 1796. Rideing, William H. The land o' Burns, illus. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 59, p. 180-191.) *DA Ritter, Otto. Burnsiana. (Anglia. Halle, 1909. 8°. Bd. 32, p. 197-234.) RNA Burnsiana. (Englische Studien. Leipzig, 1903. 8°. Bd. 32, p. 163-167.) RNA "Charlie he's my darling" and other Burns' originals. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1906. 8°. Bd. 29, p. 383-384.) RNA 798 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. Quellenstudien zu Robert Burns. 1773-1791. Berlin: Mayer & Miiller, 1901. 2 p.L, viii, 260 p. 8°. (Palestra. c no.]Xx.) NCC Robert Burns. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. New York, 1860. 8°. v. 87, p. 196.) * DA Verses. Robert Burns. (Cassell's illustrated fam- ily paper. London, 1858. 4°. new series, v. 1, p. 350-351, 366.) t*DE Robert Burns. (Dublin University maga- zine. Dublin, 1845. 8°. v. 25, p. 66-81, 289-305.) * DA Robert Burns. (Dublin University maga- zine. Dublin, 1877. 8°. v. 89, p. 94-105.) *DA Forms no. 7 of a series of: Studies in Scottish literature. Robert Burns. (In: Lives of the illustri- ous. London, 1856. 8°. v. 5, p. 256-266.) A Robert Burns. (Tait's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1859. 4°. v. 26, p. 61- 70.) * DA Robert Burns. A critical symposium. 3 fac, 1 pi., 7 port. (Booklovers' magazine. Philadelphia, 1903. 8°. v. 1, p. 267-285.-) *DA The man and the poet, by Julian Hawthorne. The healthfulness of Burns' poetry, by Vida D. Scudder. The immortal in Burns, by William Mor- ton Payne. A true lyric poet, by W. P. Trent. A universal poet, by Edward Mims. The real Burns, by C. T. Winchester. Burns vs. Henley ,et al., by Gerald Stanley Lee. Mr. Henley's view of Burns. Robert Burns and the Ayrshire moder- ates. A correspondence reprinted from "The Scotsman" with remarks. [Edin- burgh: T. & A. Constable, printers,] 1883. sq. 8°. *Cp.v.367 Roberts, L. M. The Burns and Dunlop correspondence, with extracts from some unpublished letters of the poet. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1892. 8°. v. 58, p. 662-673.) * DA Robertson, J. The art of Burns. (Our corner. London, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 152- 159.) * DE Robinson, William Clarke. Robert Burns. 32 p. (In his: British poets of the revolution age. Belfast, 1900. 12°.) NCI p.v.84 Rogers, Charles. Genealogical memoirs of the family of Robert Burns and of the Scottish house of Burnes... Edinburgh: W. Patterson, 1877. 68 p. 8°. ARZ Rosebery (5. earl), Archibald Philip Primrose. Robert Burns. (In his: Ap- preciations and addresses. London, 1899. 12°. p. 31-70.) NDB Rosebery Burns Club. Excursion of the . . .Rosebery Burns Club to Dumfries, 23rd May 1895. Glasgow: Robert W. Poe ,1895, 8 p. 12°. - A N Repr.: Dumfries and Galloway Standard. Ross, John Dawson. The Burns scrap book; or, Odd moments with the lovers of Scotia's darling poet. New York: L D Robertson & Son, 1893. 1 p.L, vii, (1)10- 256 p. 12°. " AN Burns' Clarinda: brief papers con- cerning the poet's renowned correspond- ent. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1897. xii 250 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Burnsiana: a collection of literary odds and ends relating to Robert Burns. Compiled by J. D. Ross. Paisley: Alex- ander Gardner, 1892-97. 6 v. sq. 8°. AN v. 5 has reprint of catalogue issued in 1892, show- ing prices for books relating to Burns. • Henley and Burns; or, The critic censured, being a collection of papers re- plying to an offensive critique on the life, genius, and achievements of the Scottish poet. Collected and edited by J. D. Ross. Stirling: E. Mackay, 1901. 3 p.L, (i)vi- vii p., 1 L, 106 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Highland Mary. Interesting pa- pers on an interesting subject. Edited by J. D. Ross. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1904. 1 p.L, 147 p., 1 port. 12°. Roz, Firmin. Robert Burns. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1903. 8°. serie 5, v. 16, p. 593-631.) *DM Schipper, Jakob. Gedenkrede auf Robert Burns. (In his: Beitrage und Studien zur englischen Kultur- und Literaturge- chichte. Wien, 1908. 8°. p. 248-292.) CN Schwemmer, C. Ueber Robert Burns. (Album des literarischen Vereins in Niirn- berg. Nurnberg, 1860. 8°. 1860, p. 180- 213.) NFA With translations of some of his songs. Scott, Charles. Robert Burns. An ad- dress to the Edinburgh Burns' Club, at their annual dinner on the 118th anniver- sary of the birth of Robert Burns, 25. Janu- ary 1877. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1877. 25 p. 12°. *Cp.v.358 Scott, James W. Burns' great grandson. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 71-72.) CPA Burns's original prospectus. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 186-187.) CPA Seymour, Charles C. B. Robert Burns. (In his: Self-made men. New York, 1858. 12°. p. 64-70.) A Shairp, John Campbell. Burns and Scotch song before him. (Atlantic month- ly. Boston, 1879. 8°. v. 44, p. 502-513.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 799 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. Robert Burns. London: Macmil- Ian and Co., 1879 vi p., 1 1., 207 & 12° (English men of letters.) *R-AN . . New York: Harper & Bros., 1879 1 p.L, 205 p. 12°. AN New York: J. W. Lovell, 1881. 129 o 12°. (English men of letters.) 1 P ' NCC p.v.3 Scottish song, and Burns. (In his: Aspects of poetry. Oxford, 1881. 8°. p. 192-226.) *R-NAEC Sharp, R. Farquharson. Burns. 1 fac. (In his: Architects of English literature. New York, 1900. 8°. p. 133-145.) AB Sigma. Robert Burns — his character and ooetry. (North Carolina University magazine. Chapel Hill, N. C, 1859. 8°. v. 8, p. 228-235.) IAA Sloan, J. M. Robert Burns and his bi- ographers. (Book-lover. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 5, p. 294-298.) t * GAA From T. P.'s Weekly. Robert Burns and Charles Dick- ens. (Fortnightly review. London, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 82, p. 269-282.) * DA Sneddon, David. See Burns, Robert. Burns holograph.. . Some account of the Glenriddell mss. of Burns's poems: with several poems never before published. Edited by Henry A. Bright. Liverpool: Gilbert G. Walmsley, 1874. 55 p. sq. 8°. NCL Printed for private distribution. Some account of Robert Burns, the Scotch poet. (European magazine. Lon- don, 1796. 8°. v. 30, p. 78-79, 266-270.) *DE Some observations on the poetry of the agricultural and that of the pastoral dis- tricts of Scotland, illustrated by a com- parative view of the genius of Burns and the Ettrick Shepherd. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 521-529.) * DA Song writing. Burns. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 46, p. 256-271.) * DA Stephens, George. The rescue of Robert Burns, February, 1759. A centenary poem. Cheapinghaven : Michaelsen and Tillge [1859]. 22 p. 8°. NCIp.v.51 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Some aspects of Robert Burns. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1879. 8°. v. 40, p. 408-429.) * DA Reprinted in Appleton's Journal, new series, v. 7, p. 516-528, New York, 1879. (Reprinted in his: Familiar studies of men and books. London, 1892. 7. ed. 12°. p. 38-90.) *R-NCZ Syme, James. Robert Burns, illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1887. 4°. 1886-87, p. 323-339.) * DA T., M. Burns. (The Iris or Literary messenger. New York, 1841. 8°. v. 1, p. 152-154.) * DD Exposition of both sides of Burns's character. T., W. W. Carlyle and Burns. (The Academy. London, 1910. f°. v. 78, p. 515-516.) *DA Thomson, Charles. Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott. illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 10, p. 459-464.) *DD Thorne, William Henry. Robert Burns. (In his: Modern idols: studies in bi- ography and criticism. Philadelphia, 1887. 16°. p. 62-105.) A Three, The, lyrists; Horace, Burns, Be- ranger. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1868. 8°. v. 17, p. 150-167.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 97 [series 4, v. 9], p. 3-14, Boston, 1868. Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. Burns. (Southern literary messenger. Richmond, 1841. 8°. v. 7, p. 249-252.) * DA Tyler, Samuel. Robert Burns; as a poet, and as a man. New York: Baker & Scrib- ner, 1848. vi p., 1 1., (1)10-209 p. 12°. NCC Umber, George. A bairns' Burns's anni- versary. (In his: In my city garden. Pais- ley, 1895. 12°. p. 207-229.) NCZ Walker, A. M. A lecture on the private and literary life of Burns. Tunbridge Wells: printed by John Colbran, 1858. iv, 46 p. 12°. AN Walker, Hugh. Robert Burns. (In his: Three centuries of Scottish literature. Glasgow, 1893. 12°. v. 2, p. 134-185.) NDP Walsh, Walter. The religion of Robert Burns. (Poet-lore. Boston, 1895. 8°. v. 7, p. 57-71.) * DA Webb, William A. Robert Burns. (Methodist quarterly review. Nashville, Tenn., 1903. 8°. v. 52, p. 485-497.) * DA Wight, Orlando Williams. See Carlyle, Thomas. Life of Robert Burns.. . Williams, W. Francis. The lions of Scotland. (Continental monthly. New York, 1863. 8°. v. 4, p. 584-590.) * DA Burns, Scott, Hogg. Wilson D. W. Robert Burns and the song-birds of Scotland. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8 . v. 6, p. 323-332.) p Q A Wilson, James Grant. American edi- tions of Robert Burns' poems. [New York 1900., 2 1. 8°. NCI p.v.65 800 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Burns, Robert, continued. The home of Robert Burns. (Lip- pincott's magazine. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 657-665.) * DA Wilson, James R. Notes from original sources on the erection of the Burns Mausoleum and the origin of the Dumfries Burns Club. (Dumfriesshire and Gallo- way Natural History and Antiquarian So- ciety. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 220-235.) * EC Wilson, John. The genius, and charac- ter of Burns. New York: Wiley and Put- nam, 1845. 2 p.l., 222 p. 12°. (Wiley and Putnam's library of choice reading, no. xxi.) NCI Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1854. 1 p.l., 222 p. 12°. AN Printed from same plates as Wiley and Putnam's ed. of 1845. Winter, A, with Robert Burns, being annals of his patrons and associates in Edinburgh during the year 1786-7, and de- tails of his inauguration as poet-laureate of the Can: Kil: [Canongate Kilwinning Lodge of Freemasons]. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, printer, 1846. vi, 7-173 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 12°. AN Dedication signed J. M. Wylie, William Michael. Ayrshire and the land of Burns. 1 pi. illus. (In: The land we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British Empire. Lon- don, n.d. 4°. v. 3, p. 153-184.) Zenker, Rudolf. Heines achtes Traum- bild und Burns' Jolly Beggars. (Zeit- schrift fur vergleichende Litteraturge- schichte. Weimar, 1894. 8°. N. F. Bd. 7, p. 245-251.) NAA Burton, John Hill. The book-hunter, etc. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1862. viii, 384 p. 12°. Stuart 1961 Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1863. viii, 408 p. 2. ed. 12°. *GAH Reviewed in the Eclectic review, new series, v. 3, p. 142-147, London, 1862. With additional notes by Richard Grant White. New York:- Shel- don & Co., 1863. xii, 411 p. 12°. *GAH C, C. Ane brief explanation of the life, or a prophecie of the death of the marquis of Argyle, with diverse verses thereupon, and is to be added to Bibliotheca militum, composed in Scottish rhyme by C. C. his lordship's old servitor, and is to be sung according to old Gray steel. Imprinted at Inverlochie, 1656. 12 p. 4°. AGH p.v.2 Fictitious imprint? Edinburgh? 1820? Cabinet, The; or The selected beauties of literature... Edinburgh: J. Aitken, 1824-25. 2 v. 8°. 1825 is second series. Cadenhead, William. Flights of fancy, and lays of Bon- Accord. Aberdeen: a' Brown & Co., 1853. x p., 1 1., (1)10-332 p' 12°. NCM Caird, Edward. Essays on literature. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1909. 4 p.l., (1)4-259 p. 8°. NCZ Caledonia: a poem. London: T. Cadell 1778. vi p., 1 1., 63 p. 4°. NCL Caledonian, The, bee; or, A select col- lection of interesting extracts; from mod- ern publications. With., .copperplates Perth: R. Morison, jr., 1795. iv, 280 p., 1 pi. 24°. NCE Copperplates missing. Caledonian, The, muse: a chronological selection of Scotish poetry from the earli- est times. Edited by... Joseph Ritson. London: R. Triphook, 1821. iv, 232 p., 1 port. 16°. NDP This work was nearly ready for publication in 1785, when a fire destroyed the introductory por- tion, which caused the author to abandon the issue of it. The remainder lay in the warehouse until acquired by Triphook, who _ issued the sheets with a new title-page and a preliminary note to the reader. Calvinus, pseud. Two letters to the Rev. Dr. Thomas M'Crie, and the Rev Mr. Andrew Thomson, on the parody of Scripture, lately published in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh: John Fairbairn, 1817. 30 p. 8°. *Cp.v.468 Relates to the "Translation of an ancient Chaldee manuscript," which was published in the first volume of Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Cameron, William C. Mall Jamieson's ghost; or, The elder's dream. Founded on fact. With other poems. Paisley: J. Motherwell, 1844. 24 p. 8°. NDPp.v.4 Campbell, Mrs. Jean Morison. Ane booke of ballades. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1882. 54 p. 12°. * C p.v.371 Campbell, Robert Calder. The Clach na Seanish. A story of the clanfeuds. 1 port. (The Keepsake. London, 1850. 8°. 1850, p. 64-74.) NCA Fisher Jenny. A tradition of the north of Scotland. (Forget me not. Edit- ed by F. Shoberl. London [1840?]. 16°. p. 235-256.) NBA The howdie-witch of Cawdor. (Forget me not. London [1839]. 16°. 1839, p. 235-253.) NBA Kathur nan reagh; or, Kate of the heath. (Forget me not. London [1844]. 16°. 1844, p. 93-114.) NBA Rough recollections of rambles, abroad and at home. London: T. C. Newby, 1847. 3 v. 12°. AN Campbell, Thomas. Address. . .on Tues- day, May 1, 1827. (In: University of Glasgow. Inaugural address... Glas- gow, 1839. 4°. p. 83-87.) STK LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 801 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Campbell, Thomas, continued. The complete poetical works of Thomas Campbell, with a memoir of his life Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1851. 386 p. new ed. 12°. NCM With an original biography, and notes. Edited by Epes Sargent. Bos- ton- Phillips, Sampson, & Co., 1854. xii, 479 p., port. 8°. NCM Gertrude of Wyoming; a Pennsyl- vanian tale. And other poems. London: T. Bensley, printer, 1809. 1 p.L, 134 p. 4°. NCM New York: D. Longworth, 1809. 3 p.L, (1)10-132 p. 2. [American] ed. 12°. NCI London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1819. 3 p.l., 160 p., 2 pi. 7. ed. 16°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1821. 3 p.l., 160 p., 2 pi. 8. ed. 16°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. A re-issue of the seventh edition. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green, 1825. 2 p.l., 160 p., 2 pi. 9. ed. 16°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. With illustrations by the brothers Dalziel. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1858. viii, 95 p. 12°. NCM The pleasures of hope; with other poems. Glasgow: J. Mundell, printer, 1800. 3 p.l., 136 p., 4 pi. 4. ed. 16°. NCM To which is added, The nurse [translated from the Italian of L. Tansillo, by W. Roscoej. New York: printed by W. Durell for G. F. Hopkins, 1800. 115 p., 1 1., 127-164 p., 1 pi. 16°. Reserve New York: printed by W. Durell, for E. Duyckinck, 1800. 115 p., 1 1., [125)-164 p., 1 pi. 16°. Reserve 7. ed. corrected and enlarged. London: T. Bensley, printer, 1803. xi, 131 p., 1 pi. 4°. NCM Edinburgh: Mundell, Doig, & Stevenson, 1810. 4 p.l., 131 p., 4 pi. 16°. NCM (In: The pleasures of hope, imagination, and memory. Baltimore: F. Lucas, Jr., & J. Cushing, 1814. 16°. p. 1-47.) NCM London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1819. 3 p.l., 136 p., 3 pi. mew ed. 16°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. _ London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1822. 4 p.L, (1)12- 144 p., 3 1. new ed. 16°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. Illustrated by Birket Foster, treorge Thomas, and Harrison Weir. Lon- don: Sampson Low & Son, 1855. 1 p.L, 58 P-. 1 1- 8°. Stuart 10279 Interleaved. The pilgrim of Glencoe, and other poems. London: E. Moxon, 1842. viii 119 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. NCM , Poetical works. Including several pieces from the original manuscript, never before published in this country. To which is prefixed a biographical sketch of the author... Albany: D. W. Farrand & Green, 1810. 296 p. 12°. NCM To which is prefixed a re- vised and improved biographical sketch of the author. . . Philadelphia: E. Earle, 1815. xxvii, 242 p. 24°. NCM Including Theodoric, and many other pieces not contained in any former edition. New York: E. Duyckinck, 1826. v p., 1 L, (1)10-239 p., 1 pi. 24°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. p. 103-114 missing. London: E. Moxon, 1848. ix p., 1 L, 379 p., 1 port, illus. 8°. NCM With notes and a biographi- cal sketch by Rev. W. A. Hill. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1854. lxix, 427 p., 1 port. 16°. *R-NCL ■ With a memoir. Boston: Lit- tle, Brown, & Co., 1866. lxix, 427 p., 1 port. 8°. (British poets.) NCI Only one hundred copies printed. Selected poems. O'Connor's child. New York: K. Tompkins, 1875. 6 1. sq. 16°. NCI p.v.19 Title from cover. Theodoric; a domestic tale; and other poems. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green, 1824. 2 p.L, 149 p. 16°. NCM Thick paper copy. Two letters of Thomas Campbell, the poet. (New York Public Library. Bulletin. New York, 1906. 4°. v. 10, p. 98-99.) The first is addressed to C. Patmore, Soho, and the other to J. Pickersgill, dated 1831. Printed from the originals in the Ford Collec- tion, New York Public! Library. Beattte, William. Life and letters of Thomas Campbell. London: Edward Moxon, 1849. 3 v. 8°. AN Reviewed in Quarterly review, v. 85, p. 32-81, London, 1849. London: Hall, Virtue & Co., 1850. 3 v. 2. ed. 8°. AN New York: Harper & Broth- ers, 1850. 2 v. American ed. 12°. AN Campbelliana. (Fraser's magazine. Lon- don, 1844. 8°. v. 30, p. 342-352.) * DA Reprinted in Litt ell's Living age, v. 2, p. 579- 586, Boston, 1844; Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science, and art, v. 3, p. 289-299, New York, 1844. 802 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Campbell, Thomas, continued. Dowe, William. Thomas Campbell; a poetical biography. (Graham's magazine. Philadelphia, 18S4. 8°. v. 44, p. 260-272.) *DD H. Thomas Campbell. (La belle assem- ble. London, 1829. 8°. v. 9, p. 142-146.) *DE Hadden, James Cuthbert. Thomas Campbell. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Ander- son & Ferrier [1899]. 158 p. 12°. * R - AN Howitt, William. Thomas Campbell. (In his: Homes and haunts of the.. '.Brit- ish poets. London, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 201- 221.) AB Irving, Washington. A biographical sketch of Thomas Campbell. By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (Bolster's quarterly maga- zine. Cork, 1828. 8°. v. 1, p. 28-39.) * DE Jerdan, William. Thomas Campbell. (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866. 12°. p. 90-100.) AGH Patmore, Peter George. Thomas Camp- bell. (In his: My friends and acquaint- ance... London, 1854. 8°. v. 1, p. 103- 164.) AGH Redding, Cyrus. Literary reminiscences and memoirs of Thomas Campbell. Lon- don: C. J. Skeet, 1860. 2 v. 12°. AN Redding' s reminiscences — Thomas Camp- bell. (North British review. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. v. 32, p. 287-320.) * DA Symons, Arthur. Thomas Campbell. (Fortnightly review. London, 1904. 8°. new series, v. 76, p. 415-422.) * DA Thomas Campbell (1775-1844). (In his: The romantic movement in English poetry. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 191-200.) NCID Thomas Campbell. (Chambers's Edin- burgh journal. London, 1835. f°. v. 3, p. 180-181.) * DA Mainly from the memoir by Washington Irving prefixed to an American edition of Campbell's works. Thomas Campbell. 32 p. (In: Cham- bers's Papers for the people. Edinburgh, 1850. 12°. v. 3, no. 24.-) NCZ Thomas Campbell. 32 p. 12°. (In: His- torical and literary celebrities. . .selected from Chambers' Papers for the people. Edinburgh [18—?,. 12°.) A Thomas Campbell. (Hogg's weekly in structor. Edinburgh, 83-86, 98-100.) Thomas Campbell, age. Boston, 1844. 8' From the Britannia. 1845. v. 1, p. *DA (Littell's Living v. 1, p. 706.) * DA Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. The pop- ular poet: Thomas Campbell. (In his: Mental portraits; or, Studies in character. London, 1853. 12°. p. 362-384.) A ■ Thomas Campbell. (In his: Essays, biographical and critical. Boston, 1857' 8°. p. 441-455.) A V. Thomas Campbell. (Tait's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. new series, v. 1, p. 393-401.) *DA Waldron, William Watson. Thomas Campbell. (In his: Washington Irving and contemporaries. New York [185— Pi 16°. p. 206-212.) AGZ Candlish, Robert S. Scripture characters and miscellanies. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1850. viii p., 1 1., (1)10-573 p. 2. ed. 8°. Stuart 3152 Cargill, Thomas. See under Musa La- tina Aberdonensis. Cargill, William. See under Musa La- tina Aberdonensis. Carlyle, Thomas. Address by Thomas Carlyle, lord rector, April 2, 1866. (In: University of Edinburgh. Rectorial ad- dresses... London, 1900. 8°. p. 77-109.) STK Arbeiten und nicht verzweifeln. Ausziige aus seinen Werken. Deutsch von Maria Kiihn und A. Kretzschmar. Diis- seldorf : K. R. Langewiesche [1907?,. 219(1) p. 12°. (Lebende Worte und Werke, Auswahl- und Sammelbande.) NCZ The Carlyle anthology. Selected and arranged with the author's sanction by Edward Barrett. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1876. ix(l), 386 p. 12°. *R — NCZ Carlyle et le Saint-Simonisme; lettres a Gustave d'Eichthal. (Revue his- torique. Paris, 1903. 8°. v. 82, p. 292- 306.) BAA Published by Eugene d'Eichthal. Collectanea Thomas Carlyle, 1821- 1855. Edited by S. A. Jones. Canton, Pa.; Kirgate Press, 1903. xvi p., 1 1., 19-142 p., 1 1. 8°. NCZ Collected works. London: Chap- man & Hall [1870-82). 34 v. 8°. *R-NCG v. 1. Sartor Resartus. v. 2-4. The French Revo- lution: a history, v. 5. The life of Friedrich Schiller, v. 6-11. Critical and miscellaneous essays, y. 12. On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. v. 13. Past and present, v. 14-18. Oliver Crom- well's letters and speeches: with elucidations, v. 19. Latter-day pamphlets, v. 20. Life of John Sterling. v. 21-30. History of Friedrich n. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great, v. 31. The early kings of Norway, also an essay on the portraits of John Knox; and general index, v. 32-34. Translations from the German. The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1834- 1872. [Edited by C. E. Norton.] Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co. 1883. 2 v. port. 12°. NDD Supplementary letters. Bos- ton: Ticknor & Co., 1886. v p., 1 1., 80 p. 12°. AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 803 Brown & Taggard, NCZ Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. . Critical and miscellaneous essays. Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1838-39. 4 v. j2° NCZ Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1839. 4v. 12°. NCZ Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1846. 3 p.l., 5-568 p., 1 port, new ed. 8°. (Modern British essayists.) Stuart 10167 Boston: Phillips, Sampson, & Co, 1855. 568 p., 1 port, new ed. 8°. NCZ Boston 1860. 4 v. port. Count Cagliostro. — Death of Edward Irving. — Appendix. New York: J W. Lovell Co. [cop. 1884.] 152 p. 12°. (Lovell's library, no. 571.) OMI London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd. [1888.] 2 v. in 1. 12°. NCZ (First time, 1839; final 1869.) New York: J. Clarke & Co. [190-?] 4 v. in 2. pi., port. 8°. NCZ On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. Six lectures. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1841. 1 p.l., 280 p. 12°. NCZ New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846. 3 p.l., 218 p. 8°. (Wiley and Put- nam's library of choice reading, no. 69.) NDH New York: J. Wiley, 1849. 2 p.l., 218 p. 8°. NCZ New York: American Book Exchange, 1881. 184 p. sq. 12°. NCZ New York: J. W. Lovell Co. [1885., 241 p. 12°. (Lovell's library, v. 10, no. 541.) NCZ New York: J. B. Alden, 1891. 2 p.l., (1)8-180 p. nar. 12°. NCZ Chicago: Donohue, Henne- berry & Co. [189-?] 1 p.l, (1)6-345 p. 16°. NCZ New York: Home Book Co. [189-?] 1 p.l., (1)6-345 p. 16°. (Dresden edition.) NCZ With an introduction by Ed- mund Gosse. London: Ward, Locke & Co., Ltd. [1896.] xviii, 335(1) p., 1 port. 12°. (xixth century classics.) NCZ New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897. xi(i), 255 p., 3 port. 8°. (Centen- ary edition v. 5.) * R - NCZ Edited with notes and intro- duction, by Mrs. Annie Russell Marble. New York: Macmillan Co, 1897. xxxvi, 417 p. 12°. NCZ Bibliography, p. xxxi-xxxvi. 4 pi, 2 port. (In his: Sartor Resartus. New York [189-?]. 8°. p. 233- 461.) NCZ Illustrated library edition. Latter-day pamphlets. no. 1-4. London: Chapman & Hall, 1850. 4 pam- phlets. 8°. Stuart 10284 no. 1. The present time. no. 2. Model prisons, no. 3. Downing Street, no. 4. The new Downing Street. no. 1-3, 5, 8. New York: Har- per & Bros, 1850. 12°. no. 1, The present time; no. 2, Model prisons; no. 3, Downing Street; no. 5, Stump orator; no. 8, Jesuitism. No.^ 1-2, 5 in *C p.v.661; no. 3 in CM p. box 4; no. 8 in SLT p.v.23. ■ ■ Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Co, 1855. 1 p.l, 427 p. 8°. NCZ New York: Scribner, Welford, and Co, 1872. 2 p.l, 299 p. 12°. NCZ — — — — - (In his: Sartor Resartus. New York [190-?]. 8°. p. 259-455.) NCZ Lectures on the history of litera- ture... 1838; edited with preface and notes by J. Reay Greene. New York, 1892. 12°. *R-NAB Letters by Carlyle to a fellow stu- dent. [With notes by D. Gorrie.] (Fort- nightly review. London, 1914. 8°. new series, v. 95, p. 628-639.) * DA Letters from Thomas Carlyle to the socialists of 1830. (New quarterly. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 277-288.) *DE Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister. Edited with an intro- ductory essay by C. T. Copeland. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co, 1899. viii p, 1 1, 276 p, 1 1, 1 fac, 2 pi, 5 port. 12°. NDD The love letters of Thomas Car- lyle and Jane Welsh. Edited by Alexan- der Carlyle, with numerous illustrations, two in colour. London: John Lane, 1909. 2 v. pi, port. 8°. AN Miscellaneous papers.- (In his: History of Friedrich n. of Prussia. New York [190-?]. 8°. v. 4, p. 287-455.) EHM Illustrated library edition. Montaigne and other essays chiefly biographical, now first collected. With foreword by S. R. Crockett. London: J. Gowans & Son, 1897. xiv p, 1 1, 298 p go *R-NCZ New letters of Thomas Carlyle, edited and annotated by Alexander Car- lyle With illustrations. London & New York: John Lane, 1904. 2 v. fac, pi, port. 8°. AN On the choice of books. 2. ed. with a new life of the author [by Richard Heme Shepherd]. London: J. C. Hotten [1871,. xii, (1)14-202 p, 1 port. ^ QAU 804 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. Past and present... Boston: C. C. Little & J. Brown, 1843. vi p., 1 1.^ 296 p 12°. New York: W. 1843. iv, 13-161 p. 4. ed. nar. 12 NCZ p.v.3 H. Colyer, > NDH New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1847. vi p., 1 1., 298 p. 8°. NCZ [Also Chartism.] New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1847. vi p., 1 1., 386 p. 12°. (Wiley & Putnam's library of choice reading.) NDH ' New York: J. W. Lovell Co. [188-?] 287 p. 12°. (In his: History of Friedrich ii. of Prussia. New York [190-?]. 8°. v. 4. v, (1)4-286 p., 1 port.) EHM With an introductory note by R. Thorne. New York: A. L. Burt Co. [1900.] viii, 370 p., 1 port. 12°. NCZ The present time. London: Chap- man & Hall, 1850. 1 p.L, 56 p. 12°. (Lat- ter day pamphlets, no. 1.) NCZ p.v.3 Boston: Sampson & Co., 1850. 1 p.L, 60 p. 12°. NCZ p.v.3 n. p. [1850.] 46 p. 12°. *Cp.v.ll99 Reminiscences [Of James Carlyle, Edward Irving, Lord Jeffrey, Jane Welsh Carlyle, etc.]. Edited by James Anthony Froude. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1881. x p., 2 1., 3-536 p. 8°. Past and present. The dia- mond necklace. Mirabeau. New York- J. B. Alden, 1885. 235, 287, 151 p. 8°. ' NCZ At head of title: The works of Thomas Carlyle. With an introduction by Ernest Rhys. (London: W. Scott [1887]. xiii p 1 1., 282 p. 12°. (The Camelot series.) NCZ Philadelphia: Rodgers Com- pany [188-?]. 332 p., 1 port. 16°. NCZ ■ New York: Mershon Co. t 188-?j 344 p. 16°. NCZ • • Edited by A. MacMechan. Boston: Ginn & Co. [Cop. 1896.] lxxi, 432 p. 12°. (Athenasum Press series.) Illustrated by E. J. Sullivan. London: George Bell and Sons, 1898. xxiii, 351(1) p. 12°. NCZ ■ With an introduction by E. Dowden. London: Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., 1899. xxx, 344 p., 1 port. 12°. (xixth century classics.) NCZ New York: A. L. Burt [189-?,. iv, (1)6-314 p. 12°. NCZ • New York: Home Book Co. [189-?] 1 p.L, 344 p., 1 port. 16°. NCZ New York: H. M. Caldwell Co. [190-?] iv, 231 p., 1 port. 8°. (Berke- ley library.) NCZ Engraved title-page. • Heroes and hero-worship. John Sterling. Latter-day pamphlets. New York: J. Clarke & Co. [190-?] v p., 2 L, (1)4-461, iv, (1)4-455 p., 5 pi., 4 port. NCZ 8°. NCZ American Book 16°. AGH ■ New York: Exchange, 1881. 293 p. New York: Harper & Bros., 1881. viii, 337 p., 12 port. 12°. AGH Reminiscences of my Irish journey. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1882. vii, 263 p. 12°. CSD Sartor Resartus. roe & Co., 1837. 300 p. Boston: J. M-un- 2. ed. 12°. NCZ Reviewed in United States magazine and demo- cratic review, new series, v. 23, p. 139-149, New York, 1848. ■ 3. Amer. from 2. London ed. Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1840. vi, 305 p. 12°. NCZ New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846. xii p., 1 1., 233 p. f rev. ed.j 12°. (Wiley and Putnam's library of choice reading, no. 64.) NCZ London: Chapman & Hall, 1872. iv, 228 p., 1 port. 12°. YAR From the last London edition, revised and corrected by the author. New York: I. K. Funk & Co., 1881. 172 p. 8°. (Standard series, no. 60.) NCZ Shooting Niagara: and after? (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1867. 8°. v. 16, p. 319-336.) *DA London: Chapman & Hall, 1867. 1 p.L, 55 p. 12°. *Cp.v.74S The socialism and unsocialism of . . . Carlyle : a collection of [his, social writing's. . .with Mazzini's famous essay protesting against Carlyle's views; [ed. by W. D. P. Bliss). New York [1891], 2 v. 12°. (Social science library.) SFC Table talk. Liverpool: Cope's To- bacco Plant, 1890. 4 p.L, 11-59 p., 1 port. 12°. (Cope Bros. & Co., Ltd. Cope's smoke-room booklets, no. 5.) NCE Bibliography, p. 58-59.) Two note books, from 23d March 1822 to 16th May 1832. Edited by C. E. Norton. New York: Grolier Club, 1898. 2 p.L, xiii, 304 p., 1 L, 2 port. 8°. (Grolier Club of the City of New York.) NDH Unpublished letters of Carlyle. Edited by Charles Townsend' Copeland. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1898. 8°. v. 82, p. 289-307, 445-461, 673-686, 785-792.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 805 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. A G. The Carlyle controversy. (Tem- ple Bar. London, 1881. 8°. v. 62, p. 516- 526.) * DA Alexander, Louis Charles. On Carlyle. CIn his: Echoes of Whistler. London, 1910. 12°. p. 195-200.) NCZ Althaus, Friedrich. Thomas Carlyle. 1 port. (Der Salon. Leipzig, 1873. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 192-205.) * DF Apprenticeship of Thomas Carlyle. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 72-100.) *DA Archer, William. Carlyle and Burns. (In his: Study and stage. London, 1899. 12°. p. 23-27.) NCZ Archibald, Raymond Clare. Carlyle's first love, Margaret Gordon, Lady Banner- man; an account of her life, ancestry and homes, her families and friends. London: J. Lane, 1910. 2 p.l, vii-xvi, 213(1) p., 3 fac, 5 pi., 13 port., 3 tables. 8°. AN B., G. Carlyle's reminiscences. (Temple Bar. London, 1881. 8°. v. 62, p. 23-36.) *DA Barrett, .Joseph Hartwell. Sartor Re- sartus. (American review. New York, 1849. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 121-134.) Bevan, Henry Edward James. The re- ligion and philosophy of Thomas Carlyle. (Royal Society of Literature. Transac- tions. London, 1905. 8°. series 2, v. 26, p. 211-230.) * EC Bijvanck, W. G. C. Heine en Carlyle. (In his: Poezie en leven in de 19de eeuw . . . Haarlem, 1889. 12°. p. 1-55.) NABR Bonar, James. The relations of Thomas Carlyle to political economy. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1891. 8°. v. 22, p. 139-156.) *EC Bos, Camille. Le Kantisme de Carlyle. (Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophic Berlin, 1901. 8°. Bd. IS, p. 32-41.) YAA Bourne, H. R. Fox. Carlyle and his wife. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 254, p. 530-533.) *DA Browne, Junius Henri. The warlock of windbags. (Galaxy. New York, 1875. 8°. v. 19, p. 44-54.) * DA Brownell, William Crary. Carlyle. (In ms: Victorian prose masters. New York, 1902. 8°. p. 47-96.) NBQ Thomas Carlyle. (Scribner's mag- azine. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 30, p. 401- 416.) *DA Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett. Car- lyle: a disentangled essay. 1 fac. (In: Literary anecdotes of the nineteenth cen- Burroughs, John. Carlyle. magazine. New York, 1883. p. 530-543.) £ ur &. Edited b y [Sin W. R. Nicoll and T J. Wise. London, 1896. 8°. v. 2 p 103- 119 -) *R-NCB Burns, J. An ancient Scots burgh and the Carlyles. 5 illus., 2 ports. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1903 8° v. 30, p. 20-27.) *DA (Century 8°. v. 26, *DA In Carlyle's country. (In his: Fresh fields. Boston, 1885. 4. ed. 16° p. 49-82.) * r _ N BG A Sunday in Cheyne Row. (In his: Fresh fields. Boston, 1886. 4. ed. 16°. p. 217-286.) *R-NBG C, T. L. The Philosopher of Chelsea. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1871. 8°. v. 229 [new series, v. 7 h p. 159-171.) *DA Cairo, Edward. The genius of Carlyle. (In his: Essays on literature. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. p. 215-250.) NCZ A lecture delivered to the Dialectic Society of the University of Glasgow. Carlyle, Alexander, and Sir James Crichton-Browne. The nemesis of Froude. A rejoinder to James Anthony Froude's "My relations with Carlyle." New York & London: John Lane, 1903. 182 p., 2 fac. 8°. AN Carlyle, Thomas. The Carlyle collec- tion. A catalogue of books on Oliver Cromwell and Frederick the Great. Be- queathed by Thomas Carlyle to Harvard College Library. By W. C. Lane. Cam- bridge, Mass.: Library of Harvard Uni- versity, 1888. 22 p., 1 pi. 4°. (Library of Harvard University. Bibliographical con- tributions, no. 26.) * GB Carlyle. (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. New York, 1859. 8°. Amer. edi- tion, v. 48, p. 127-154.) * DA 1. Mirage philosophy. 2. History of Frederick. Carlyle House Purchase Fund Commit- tee. Illustrated memorial volume of the Carlyle's House Purchase Fund Com- mittee; with catalogue of Carlyle's books, manuscripts, pictures and furniture ex- hibited therein. London: C. Whittingham & Co. [1896.] vi p., 1 1., 160 p., 1 pi., 1 port, illus. 12°. NCC Carlyle's life and reminiscences. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 132, p. 18-35.) * DA Carlyle's life and works. (Church quar- terly review. London, 1883. 8°. v. 15, p. 301-343.) * DA Carlyle in London. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1885. 8°. v. 55, p. 421-423.) * DA 806 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. Carlyle and Neuberg. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1884. 8°. v. SO, p. 280-297.) * DA Carlyle's reminiscences. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1881. 8°. v. 47, p. 863- 866.) * DA Cestre, L. La doctrine sociale de Car- lyle. (Revue du mois. Paris, 1913. 8°. v. 16, p. SS3-S79.) * DM Chamberlain, D. H. The man, Thomas Carlyle, at last. (Andover review. Bos- ton, 1885. 8°. v. 3, p. 227-238.) * DA Chambers, Charles Edward Stuart. Car- lyle and Robert Chambers: unpublished letters. (Chambers's journal. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. series 6, v. 3, p. 257-261.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, v. 71, p. 787- 792, Boston, 1900; Littell's Living age, series 7, v. 7, p. 211-216, Boston, 1900. Chapman, Edward Mortimer. Carlyle and Ruskin. (In his: English literature in account with religion. 1800-1900. Bos- ton, 1910. 8°. p. 199-235.) NCB Cherbuliez, C. V. Thomas Carlyle par G. Valbert rpseud. of C. V. Cherbuliez]. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1881. 8°. v. 44, p. 209-220.) * DM Clark, J. Scott. Carlyle, 1795-1881. (In his: A study of English prose writers. New York, 1898. 12°. p. 524-569.) *R-NCC Clarke, James Freeman. The two Car- lyles; or, Carlyle past and present. (In his: Nineteenth century questions. Bos- ton, 1898. 8°. p. 161-195.) NBQ Repr. : Christian examiner, Sept., 1864. Conway, Moncure Daniel. Thomas Car- lyle. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1881. vii p., 2 1., (1)14-255 p., 1 fac, 4 pi., 3 port. 12°. AN Thomas Carlyle. 4 port., 3 illus. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1881. 8°. v. 62, p. 888-912.) * DA Copeland, Charles Townsend. Carlyle as a letter writer. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1898. 8°. v. 82, p. 687-697.) * DA Courthope, William John. Johnson and Carlyle: common sense versus transcen- dentalism. (National review. London, 1884. 8°. v. 2, p. 317-332.) * DA Courtney, William L. Carlyle's politi- cal doctrines. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1879. 8°. new series, v. 26, p. 817- 828.) * DA Craig, R. S. The making of Carlyle. An experiment in biographical explication. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1908. vi, 519 p., 2 port. 8°. * R _ AN Crichton-Browne, Sir James. Carlyle and Froude. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 84, p. 33-51.) * DA Reply to article by R. McNeill, noted below. Carlyle — his wife and critics. (Journal of mental science. London, 1898 8°. v. 44, p. 76-95.) WPA • See also under Carlyle, Alexander and Sir James Crichton-Browne. D., H. W. The life of Thomas Carlyle, philosopher, critic and historian. [Signed H. W. D.] London: Ward, Lock & Co [189- ?] 321-336 p. 8°. (Ward and Lock's penny books for the people. Biographical series.) AN p.v.157 Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan. Conversa- tion with Carlyle. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1892. x, 261 p., 1 pi 2 port. 12°. AN Conversations and correspondence with Thomas Carlyle. (Contemporary re- view. London, 1892. 8°. v. 61, p. 120-152 279-304, 430-456, 576-608.) *DA The real Carlyle. (Contemporary review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 84, p. 337- 348.) * DA Durand, Walter Yale. De Quincey and Carlyle in their relation to the Germans. (Modern Language Association. Publica- tions. Cambridge, 1907. 4°. v. 22, p. 521- 530.) RAA E., M. B. Goethe and Carlyle, a com- parison. (Temple Bar. London, 1889. 8°. v. 86, p. 399-403.) *DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, new series, v. 50, p. 325-327, New York, 1889. Edgar, Pelham. The judgements of Carr lyle. (University magazine. Montreal, 1913. 4°. v. 12, p. 622-638.) f STG Evans, A. W. The Carlyle love letters. (University review. London, 1909. 8°. v. 7, p. 555-575.) *DE Fidelis. In memoriam: — -Thomas Car- lyle. (Rose-Belford's Canadian monthlv. Toronto, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 316-318.) * DA Fitzgerald, Percy. Glimpses of Thomas Carlyle. (Contemporary review. London, 1913. 8°. v. 103, p. 787-796.) * DA Friswell, J. Hain. Thomas Carlyle. (In his: Modern men of letters honestly criti- cised. London, 1870. 12°. p. 273-282.) NCB Froude, James Anthony. The early life of Thomas Carlyle. (Nineteenth century. London, 1881. 8°. v. 10, p. 1-42.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, series 5, v. 35, p. 259-285, Boston, 1881. My relations with Carlyle. To- gether with a letter from the late Sir James Stephen., .dated December 9, 1886. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1903. vi, 80 p. 8°. AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 807 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1903. vi, 79 p. 8°. AN New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1903. vi, 80 p. 8°. AN Thomas Carlyle. A history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1882. 2 v. 8°. AN Reviewed in Temple Bar, v. 65, p. 519-530, Lon- don, 1882. New York: J. S. Ogilvie & Co., n. d. 2 v. 12°. Thomas Carlyle: a history of his life in London, 1834-1881. London: Long- man, Green & Co., 1884. 2 v. port. 8°. *R-AN For a critical notice of this work see the Scot- tish review, v. 5, p. 1-21, Paisley, 1885. See also the Unitarian review, v. 23, p. 118-134, Boston, 1885. : — New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1884. 2 v. port. 8°. * R - AN Garnett, Richard. Eight unpublished letters of Thomas Carlyle. (Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Litteraturen. Braunschweig, 1899. 8°. Bd. 102 [N. F. Bd. 2 h p. 317-330.) RAA Life of Thomas Carlyle. London: Walter Scott, 1887. 186, xxviii p. 8°. (Great writers.) * R - AN The xxviii p. at the end are a bibliography of Carlyle's works, by J. P. Anderson, of the British Museum. Geddes, Patrick. The early homes and haunts of Carlyle. (Oxford and Cambridge review. London, 1909. 8°. no. 8, p. 11-17.) SAA Giles, Henry. Carlyle. (In his: Lec- tures and essays. Boston, 1851. 12°. v. 2, p. 286-299.) NBQ Gilfillan, George. Thomas Carlyle. 1 port. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1850. 8°. v. 1, p. 586-588.) *DA Goodwin, Charles J. Carlyle's ethics. (International journal of ethics. Philadel- phia, 1905. 8°. v. 15, p. 198-210.) YFA Gould, George M. Thomas Carlyle. (In his: Biographic clinics. Philadelphia, 1903. 8°. v. 1, p. 41-76.) WRE Hall, Sophy. The two Thomas Car- lyles. (Nineteenth century and after. Lon- don, 1913. 8°. v. 73, p. 829-835.) * DA Thomas Carlyle, the philosopher, and Thomas Carlyle, the advocate. Harland, Marion. No. 24 Cheyne Row. 2 pi. (In her: Where ghosts walk. New York, 1898. 12°. p. 65-81.) A On Carlyle's London residence. Harris, Frank. Talks with Carlyle. (English review. London, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 419-434.) *E>E Harrison, Frederic. Carlyle and the London Library, account of its foundation: together with unpublished letters of Thomas Carlyle to W. D. Christie: ar- ranged by Mary Christie: edited by F. Harrison... London: Chapman & Hall, 1907. x p., 1 1., Ill p. 1 fac, 1 pi., 1 port! 12°. AN Carlyle's place in literature. (The Forum. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 17 o 537-550. * DA Reprinted in his Studies in early Victorian litera- ture, p. 40-63, London, 1895. Hensel, P. Thomas Carlyle. Stuttgart: F. Frommanns Verlag, 1901. 212 p., 1 port. 8°. (Frommanns Klassiker der Phi- losophic. Bd. 11.) AN Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Car- lyle's laugh. (Atlantic monthly. Bos- ton, 1881. 8°. v. 48, p. 463-466.) * DA Horne, Richard Henry. Thomas Car- lyle. 1 port. (In his: A new spirit of the age. London, 1844. 2. ed. 8°. v. 2, p. 255-280.) NCB 1 port. (In his: A new spirit of the age. New-York, 1844. 12°. p. 333- 348.) AB Hotchkiss, Florence. Carlyle's dramatic portrayal of character. (Century maga- zine. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 57, p. 415- 422.) * DA Huet, Conrad Busken. Thomas Carlyle. (In his: Litterarische fantasien en kritie- ken. Haarlem, n.d. 8°. v. 21, p. 107-123.) NABO Hutton, Richard Holt. Thomas Car- lyle. (Good words. London, 1881. 8°. v. 22, p. 282-288.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, new series, v. 33, p. 749-756, New York, 1881. James, Henry. Some personal recollec- tions of Carlyle. (Atlantic monthly. Bos- ton, 1881. 8°. v. 47, p. 593-609.) * DA John O'Hagan on Thomas Carlyle. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1902. 8°. v. 30, p. 541-561, 613-631.) * DA Kellner, Leon. Thomas Carlyle. (In his: Die englische Literatur im Zeitalter der Konigin Viktoria. Leipzig, 1909. 8°. p. 110-154.) NCB a. Leben. b. Personlichkeit. c. Weltanschau- ung, d. Carlyle als Geschichtschreiber. e. Carlyles Stil. f. Carlyle und Goethe, g. Einfluss Carlyles. Knight, Charles. [Thomas Carlyle, from the "English cyclopedia."] (In: Life of Robert Burns, mostly by Thomas Carlyle tedited by O. W. Wightj. New York, 1859. 24°. p. 5-26.) AN Kraeger, H. Carlyle's Stellung zur deut- schen Sprache und Litteratur. (Anglia. Halle a.S, 1899. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 145-3420 808 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. Krauske, Otto. Macaulay und Carlyle. (Historische Zeitschrift. Miinchen, 1908. 8°. Bd. 102, p. 31-56.) BAA Krummacher, M. Notizen iiber den Sprachgebrauch Carlyle's. (Englische Stu- dies Heilbronn, 1883. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 352- 397.) RNA — — Sprache und Stil in Carlyle's "Fried- rich ii." (Englische Studien. Heilbronn, 1888-89. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 67-91, 433-457; Bd. 12, p. 38-59.) RNA Kuechler, Frohwalt. Carlyle und Schil- ler. (Anglia. Halle a.S., 1903. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 1-93, 393-446.) RNA Larkin, Henry. Carlyle and Mrs. Car- lyle: a ten-years reminiscence. (British quarterly review. London, 1881. 8°. v. 74, p. 28-84.) * DA Larminie, William. Carlyle and Shelley. A parallel and a contrast. (Contemporary review. London, 1900. 8°. v. 77, p. 728- 741.) * DA Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. Car- lyle's message to his age. (Contemporary review. London, 1891. 8°. v. 60, p. 521- 528.) * DA Lee, Vernon. Studies in literary psychol- ogy: Carlyle and the present tense. (Con- temporary review. London, 1904. 8°. v. 85, p. 386-392.) * DA Le Sueur, W. D. Carlyle and Comte. (Rose-Belford's Canadian monthly. Tor- onto, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 639-642.) * DA Letters of Carlyle to Varnhagen von Ense. (New review. London, 1892. 8°. v. 6, p. 593-608.) * DA Lewis, Arthur Morrow. Thomas Car- lyle. (In his: Ten blind leaders of the blind. Chicago, 1910. 16°. p. 120-141.) A Lilly, W. S. New light on the Carlyle controversy. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 78 [new series, v. 73], p. 1000-1009.) * DA Lowell, James Russell. Carlyle. (In his: My study windows. Boston [1899]. 12°. p. 115-149.) NBQ McCosh, James. Thomas Carlyle and his influence on the English language. (The Manhattan. NeV York, 1883. 4°. v. 2, p. 433-438.) * DD Mackall, Leonard L. Thomas Carlyle's translation of Faust's curse. (Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Braunschweig, 1904. 8°. Bd. 112, p. 388-390.) RAA Macleod, Donald. Mr. Carlyle and Dr. Chalmers. (Good words. London, 1881 8°. v. 22, p. 477-480.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, series 5, v 35 p. 499-502. Boston, 1881. ' ' MacNeil, Jane. The homes of Carlyle. 6 illus. (Munsey's magazine. New York 1901. 8°. v. 25, p. 633-639.) *DA McNeill, Ronald. The new Carlyle let- ters: a vindication of Froude. (Contem- porary review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 83 p. 761-778.) *DA Macpherson, Hector. Thomas Carlyle. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, n. d. 160 p. 12°. (Famous Scots series ) *R-AN Magnus, Laurie. Byron and Carlyle. (Royal Society of Literature. Transac- tions. London, 1908. 8°. series 2, v. 28, p 235-252.) *EC Masson, David. Memories of London in the forties, by David Masson. Arranged for publication and annotated by his daughter F. Masson. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1908. vi p., 1 1., 256 p. 8°. CO Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney. Spencer and Carlyle. A comparison. (In his: In peril of change... New York [1905]. 12°. p. 74-96.) NCZ Matz, Bertram Waldrom. Thomas Car- lyle. A brief account of his life and writ- ings. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. 56 p. illus. 8°. AN p.v.160 Title from cover. Maulsby, D. L. The growth of Sartor Resartus. Maiden, Mass.: H. W. Whitte- more & Co., 1899. 2 p.l., 3-49 p. 8°. (Tufts College studies, series 2, no. 1.) NCC p.v.10 Mead, Edwin Doak. The philosophy of Carlyle. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1881. 3 p.l., 140 p. 16°. NCC Mercer, Elizabeth. Carlyle and the "Blumine" of "Sartor Resartus." (West- minster review. London, 1894. 8°. v. 142, p. 164-165.) * DA Mittheilungen aus dem Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv [relating to the connec- tions between Carlyle and Eckermannj. [Weimar, 1903 39 p. 8°. NCB p.v.3 Sonderabdruck aus dem Goethe- Jahrbuch. Bd. 24. Moller, Niels. Om Carlyle's Betydning. (Tilskueren. Kjj>Sbenhavn, 1892. 8°. Aarg. 9, p. 483-496.) NISA Morison, James Cotter. Carlyle's rem- iniscences. (Fortnightly review. London, 1881. 8°. v. 29, p. 456-466.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, new series, v. 33, p. 735-742, New York, 1881. Thomas Carlyle. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 47, p. 200-212.) * DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 809 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. Morley of Blackburn (1. viscount), John Morley. Carlyle. (Fortnightly review. London, 1870. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 1-22.) * DA (In his: Critical miscellanies. London, 1893. 12°. v. 1, p. 135-201.) *R-NCZ Mr. Carlyle and Pere Bonhours. (Catho- lic world. New York, 1871. 8°. v. 13, p. .820-825.) * DA Mueller, Frederich Max. Goethe and Carlyle. (Contemporary review. London, 1886. 8°. v. 49, p. 772-793.) * DA Murray, Louisa. Thomas Carlyle and Edward Irving. (Rose-Belford's Cana- dian monthly. Toronto, 1881. 8°. v. 7, p. 303-315.) * DA Nichol, John. Thomas Carlyle. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1902. viii, 257 p. r2. ed.] 12°. (English men of letters.) *R-AN Nicoll, Sir William Robertson, and Thomas Seccombe. Thomas Carlyle. 1 port. (In their: A history of English liter- ature. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 1086- 1097.) *R-NCB Norton, Charles Eliot. Recollections of Carlyle, with notes concerning his "Rem- iniscences." (New Princeton review. New York, 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-19.) * DA O'Donoghue, T. Griffin. Carlyle's Irish tours. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1886. 8°. v. 14, p. 613-625.) * DA O'Grady, Standish. Carlyle as a politi- cal teacher. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1885. 8°. new series, v. 38, p. 516- 530.) * DA Carlyle as a politician. (The twen- tieth century. London, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 317-327.) * DD Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wil- son. Thomas Carlyle. (Macmillan's mag- azine. London, 1881. 8°. v. 43, p. 482- 496.) *DA - Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture new series, v. 33, p. 721-731, New York, 1881; Appletan's Journal, new series, v. 10, p. 510-521, New York, 1881. Osdish-, Thomas Fairman. Carlyle as an antiquary. (Antiquary. London, 1881. sq. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 124-126.) CA Oswald, Eugen. Thomas Carlyle, noch emmal. (Archiv ■fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Braun- schweig, 1904. 8°. Bd. 112, p. 317-327.) RAA Patrick, John. The Carlyles in Scot- land. (Century magazine. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 57, p. 321-330.) * DA Pelly, Sir Lewis. Glimpses of Carlyle A fragment. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 51 p 723- 728.) . * DA $. The Carlyles and a segment of their circle: recollections and reflections. (The Bookman. London, 1892. f°. v 1 p 21- 23, 57-59, 95-97, 133-135, 167-168, 202-204- v. 2, p. 11-12, 45-47, 75-76, 108-109, 144-146, 170-171.) ft*GDB Rawlings, E. H. Carlyle as a religious teacher. (Methodist quarterly review. Nashville, Tenn., 1904. 8°. v. S3, p. 465- 478.) * DA Recollections of Thomas Carlyle. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1896. 8°. v. 159, p. 31-37.) * DA Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle. Cor- respondence between Messrs. Harper & Bros., and Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons relating to the American edition. [New York, 1881?, 8 p. 8°. AGH p.v.30 Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle. (Edinburgh review. London, 1881. 8°. v. 153, p. 469-497.) * DA Based on Froude. Rixius, Peter. Das Princip der Person- lichkeit bei Thomas Carlyle. Bingen: E. Steinhauser, 1903. 5 p.l., (1)10-89 p. 8°. AGH p.v.6 Robbins, R. C. Carlyle. (In his: Poems of personality. Second series. Cambridge, 1910. 12°. p. 215-229.) NBI Robertson, John Mackinnon. Thomas Carlyle. (In his: Modern humanists. Lon- don, 1891. 12°. p. 1-61.) SB Roe, Frederick William. Thomas Car- lyle as a critic of literature. New York: Columbia University Press, 1910. x p., 1 1., 152 p. 8°. NCC Sarson, George. George Eliot and Thomas Carlyle. (Modern review. Lon- don, 1881. 8°. v. 2, p. 399-413.) * DA Schmeding, Otto. t)ber Wortbildung bei Carlyle. Halle a.S.: Max Niemeyer, 1900. xiii, 352 p. 8°. (Studien zur englischen Philologie. Heft 5.) NCC Schneider, Fritz Otto Reinhold. Car- lyle's "Past and present," und die "Chron- ica Jocelini de Brakelonda." Halle, Saale: Hohmann, 1911. 200 p., 1 1. 8°. NCC p.v.17 Schovelin, Jul. Carlyle som Social- politiker. (Tilskueren. Kj^benhavn, 1892. 8°. Aarg. 9, p. 397-418.) NISA Scott, Fred Newton. Carlyle's Dante. (Nation. New York, 1903. 4°. v. 77, p. 502-503.) * DA On Carlyle's description of the portrait of Dante. 810 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. Scudder, Vida Dutton. Thomas Carlyle. (In her: Social ideals in English letters. Boston, 1898. 8°. p. 148-159, 161-163, 170- 173, 212-216, 245-249, 262-271.) SB Wordsworth and Carlyle. (In her: The life of the spirit in the modern English poets. Boston, 1897. 8°. p. 83-87.) NCID Shairp, John Campbell. Prose poets. Thomas Carlyle. (In his: Aspects of poe- try. Oxford, 1881. 8°. p. 407-437.) *R-NAEC Sharp, R. Farquharson. Carlyle. 1 fac. (In his: Architects of English literature. New York, 1900. 8°. p. 242-256.) AB Sharp, William. The country of Carlyle. 6 pi. on 4. (In his: Literary geography. New York, 1904. 4°. p. 146-159.) NCA Shepherd, Richard Heme. The Carlyle- Emerson correspondence. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 254, p. 415-427.) * DA Sims, William Edward. Thomas Car- lyle: historian, philosopher, and man of letters. 23 p. (Literary and Philosophi- cal Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. Liverpool, 1907. 8°. no. 60.) * EC Smith, Alexander. Mr. Carlyle at Edin- burgh. (Argosy. London, 1866. 8°. v. 1, p. 504-510.) * DA (Harpers new monthly maga- zine. New York, 1866. 8°. v. 33, p. 391- 393.) * DA Smith, Walter Chalmers. Reminiscences of Carlyle and Leigh Hunt. Being extracts from the diary of the late John Hunter, of Craigcrook. 1 port. (Good words. Lon- don, 1882. 8°. 1882, p. 96-103.) * DA Stearns, Frank Preston. Carlyle. (In his: Modern English prose writers. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 12°. p. 59-110.) NCB Stephen, Sir Leslie. Thomas Carlyle. (Warner classics. New York, 1899. 16°. v. 4, Historians and essayists, p. 33-62.) A Stern, Adolf. Thomas Carlyle. (In his: Geschichte der neuern Litteratur. Leip- zig, 1884. 12°. v. 6, p. 399-409.) NAB Strachey, G. Carlyle and the "Rose- goddess." (Nineteenth century. London, 1892. 8°. v. 32, p. 470-486.) * DA Reminiscences of Carlyle with some unpublished letters. (New review. London, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 17-33.) * DA Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Note of an English republican on the Muscovite crusade. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. 24 p. 8°. GIE An attack on Carlyle. T., W. W. Carlyle and Burns. (The Academy. London, 1910. f°. v. 78 d 515-516.) *DA Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. L'idealisme anglais: etude sur Carlyle. Paris: G. Bail- Here, 1864. 2 p.l, 187 p. 12°. (Bibli- otheque de philosophie contemporaine ) NCC Taylor, Sir Henry. Carlyle's "Reminis- cences." (Nineteenth century. London 1881. 8°. v. 9, p. 1009-1025.) *DA' Reprinted in Littell's Living age, series 5 v 35, p. 85-95, Boston, 1881. Thayer, William Roscoe. Thomas Car- lyle: his work and influence. (The Forum New York, 1895. 8°. v. 20, p. 465-479) *DA Reprinted in his Throne-makers, p. 163-192, Bos- ton, 1899. Thomas Carlyle. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 185-196.) *DA Thomas Carlyle. (British quarterly re- view. London, 1849. 8°. v. 10, p. 1-45.) *DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science and art, v. 18, p. 285-309, New York. 1849. Thomas Carlyle. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1833. 8°. v. 7, p. 706.) * DA Gallery of literary characters, no. xxxvii.) Thomas Carlyle. 1 port. (Hogg's in- structor. Edinburgh, 1851. 4°. new series, v. 7, p. 81-86.) * DA Thomas Carlyle. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1851. 8°. v. 30, p. 550-552.) *DA From the Critic. Thomas Carlyle. (In: Lives of the illus- trious. London, 1856. 8°. v. 5, p. 241- 256.) A Thomas Carlyle. (Quarterly review. London, 1872. 8°. v. 132, p. 335-366.) *DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, series 4, v. 25, p. 666-683, Boston, 1872. Thomas Carlyle at Cheyne Row. (In: Celebrities at home. London, 1877. 8°. series, 1, p. 171-183.) AGH Thomas Carlyle and John Howard. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1850. 8°. v. 41, p. 406-410.) *DA Thomson, Edward J. Carlyle and Ec- clefechan. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 254-259.) *DE Thoreau, Henry David. Thomas Carlyle an3 his works. (Graham's magazine. Phil- adelphia, 1847. 8°. v. 30, p. 145-152, 238- 245.) *DD (In his: A Yankee in Canada. Boston, 1881. 16°. p. 211-247.) NBY LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 811 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Carlyle, Thomas, continued. Thorne, William Henry. Thomas Car- lyle. (In his: Modern idols: studies in biography and criticism. Philadelphia, 1887. 16°. p. 106-135.) A A visit to Carlyle. (The Globe. Philadelphia, 1904. 8°. v. 14, p. 123-127.) *DD Towle, George M. Carlyle as a histo- rian. (Penn monthly. Philadelphia, 1872. 8°. v. 3, p. 439-447.) * DA Trevelyan, George Macaulay. Carlyle as an historian. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 46, p. 493-503.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, v. 134 (series 3, v. 3), p. 75-84, Boston, 1900. Tyndaix, John. On unveiling the statue of Thomas Carlyle. [London: Spottis- woode & Co., printers,] n. d. 6 p. 8°. * C p.v.367 (In his: New fragments. Lon- don, 1892. 2. ed. 12°. p. 392-397.) OAL Personal recollections of Thomas Carlyle. (In his: New fragments. Lon- don, 1892. 2. ed. 12°. p. 347-391.) OAL From Fortnightly re-Aew, Jan., 1890. Unpublished, An, letter of Carlyle's. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1885. 8°. v. 13, p. 597.) *DA To Sir Charles Gavan Duffy. Valbert, G. See above under Cherbu- liez, C. V. Vaughan, Charles Edwyn. Carlyle and his German masters. (In: English Asso- ciation. Essays and studies. Oxford, 1910. 8°. p. 168-196.) NCY Vaughan, John S. Thomas Carlyle; his language, style, and manner. (Irish eccle- siastical record. Dublin, 1913. 8°. series 5, v. 2, p. 449-458.) ZLPS Venables, G. S. Carlyle in society and at home. (Fortnightly review. London, 1883. 8°. new series, v. 33, p. 622-642.) *DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, new series, v. 38, p. 1-15. Vitale, Zaira. Questione vecchia e do- cumenti nuovi. Jane e Thomas Carlyle. Roma: Nuova Antologia, 1905. 51 p. 8°. AGH p.v.30, no.6 . Qn Reprinted from the Nuova Antologia, 1. August Walter, T. P. Thomas Carlyle and his message. (Methodist review. New York [1908,. 8°. v. 90, p. 574-580.) * DA Wedgwood, Julia. A study of Carlyle. (In her: Nineteenth century teachers and other essays. London, 1909. 8°. p. 156- 191 -) . NCZ Reprinted from the Contemporary review. Whipple Edwin Percy. Emerson and Carlyle. (In his: American literature and other papers. Boston, 1887. 12°. p. 234- " 8 -) NBB Wiecki, Ernst von. Carlyle's "Helden" und Emerson's "Reprasentanten." Konigs- berg i. Pr.: R. Leupold, 1903. 2 p.l., 53 p. 11- 8". NCCp.vo Wilson, David. Mr. Froude and Car- lyle. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1898. viii, 360 p. 8°. *R-AN Wilson, H. Schiitz. Goethe and Car- lyle. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1893. 8°. v. 275, p. 509-516.) * DA Wilson, James Grant. Thomas Carlyle. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1874. 8°. v. 48, p. 726-729.) * DA Wordsworth and Carlyle — a literary parallel. (Temple Bar. London, 1895. 8°. v. 106, p. 26f-267.) * DA Wright, E. Perforations in the "Latter- day pamphlets" by one of the "Eighteen millions of bores." Edited by E. Wright, no. 1. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1850. 12°. NCCp.v.ll no. 1. Universal suffrage. Capital punishment. Slavery. Carne, John. The Highland cottage, a tale. (The Keepsake. London, 1833. 12°. 1833, p. 144-160.) NCA Carnegie, Mary. An epistle from Miss M. C. ri. e., Mary Carnegie] at Montrose, to Miss M. M. at Edinburgh? 1795?] 7 p. 8°. NCI p.v.67 Carrick, John Donald. See under Whist- le-binkie. Carruthers, Robert. The Highland note- book; or, Sketches and anecdotes. Inver- ness: Courier Office, 1887. 2 p.l., vii, 427 p. new ed. 12°. See also Montgomery, James. Poet- ical works. . . Carstairs, Charlotte. Original poems. By a lady, dedicated to Miss Ann Hender- son. A tribute to gratitude and friendship. [By Charlotte Carstairs.] Edinburgh, 1786. * 1 p.l., 70 p. 8°. NCL Catholic tractates of the sixteenth cen- tury. 1573-1600. Selections edited, with introduction and glossary, by T. G. Law. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1901. lxiii p., 1 1., 308 p. 8°. (Scottish Text So- ciety. [Publications, v. 45.]) NDP Tyrie's Refutation, 1573. Hay's Demandes, 1580. Hamilton's Catholik traictise, 1581. Bume's Dispu tation, 1581. Canisius' Catechism, 1588. Hamilton's Facile traictise, 1600. Ane schort Catholik confes- sion, ms. Celebrated songs of Scotland, from King James v. to Henry Scott Riddell. Edited with memoirs and notes by John D. Ross... New York: W. Pagan, jr., & Son, 1887. 2 p.l.,397p. 8°. *R-NDP 812 THE NEW YO.RK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Chalmers, George. The poetic remains of some of the Scotish kings. Now first collected. London: John Murray, 1824. vii, 208 p., 1 pi., 1 fac. 8°. Stuart 10089 Channel-stane, The; or, Sweepings frae the rinks, series 2. [Edited by John Mac- Nair.] Edinburgh: Richard Cameron, 1883. 80 p. illus. 8°. NDPp.box Charteris, Henry. The preface by Henry Charteris to his edition of Henry's Wal- lace, printed at Edinburgh, 1S94. (Repr. in: Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 157-176.) t CP Cheviot, Andrew. Proverbs, proverbial expressions, and popular rhymes of Scot- land. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1896. xii, 434 p. 12°. *R-NAX Child, Francis James. English and Scot- tish ballads selected and edited by Francis James Child. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co, 1857-59. 8 v. 16°. (The British poets.) *R-NCL Boston: Little, Brown, & Co, 1860. 8 v. 8°. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co, 1866. 8 v. 8°. (British poets.) NCI Only one hundred copies printed. The English and Scottish popular ballads. Edited by Francis James Child. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co. [1882- 98.) 5 v. in 10 parts. 4°. t NCK Edited from the collection of F. J. Child by H. C. Sargent and G. L. Kit- tredge. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co, 1904. engr. _ t.-p, xxxi, 730 p, 1 pi, 1 port. 8°. (Cambridge edition of the poets.) *R-NCK Christie, Nimmo. The black chanter, illus. (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don, 1901. 8°. v. 25, p. 71-76.) * DA Christ's Kirk on the Green... More correct than any impression extant, being compared with a manuscript writ 100 years agoe. 18th century broadside. 15 x 11^4 in. Reserve Clephane, Miss Douglas Maclean. King Alexander in. of Scotland. (In: The tribute ...unpublished poems by various authors . . . London, 1837. 8°. p. 349-352.) Clough, Arthur Hugh. The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich: a long vacation pastoral. (In his: Poems and prose remains. . .edited by his wife. London, 1869. 12°. v. 2, p. 201-287.) NCG Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Address by the lord rector of the University of Glasgow, to his electors, on the 6th of January, 1832. Edinburgh: Neill & Co, 1832. 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v.382 Collection, A, of political effusions which appeared during the late election: contain- ing The canvass, Noctes Musselburganse Noctes Newhavense, Songs upon candi- dates, &c. Leith: R. Allardice, printer, 1834 40 p. 2. ed. 8°. CRp.box2 Collingwood, William Gershom. The ballad of Hildina. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness, and Suther- land. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 211-216) CR Colvil, Samuel. The Whigs supplication; or, The Scots Hudibras. A mock poem. In two parts. . . St. Andrews: J. Morison 1796. 1 p.l, xi, (1)14-152 p., 2 pi. 24°. NCL With engraved title-page. Colvill, Robert. Savannah. A poem in two cantos to the memory of... Colonel John Maitland. London: T. Cadell, 1780 20 p. 2. ed. sq. 8°. Reserve With author's autograph. Compendiovs, Ane, booke of godly and spiritvall songs, collectit out of sundrie partes of the scripture, with sundrie of other ballates changed out of prophaine sanges, for avoyding of sinne and harlotrie, with argumentation of sundrie gude and godly ballates,' not contained in the first edition... Edinburgh: Printed by Andro Hart. [1621.] (Reprinted in: Scotish poems of the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 1-219.) NDP Compendious, A, book of godly and spiritual songs commonly known as "The gude and godlie ballatis," reprinted from the edition of 1567. Edited with introduc- tion and notes by A. F. Mitchell. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. 1 p.l, cxxvi p, 15 1, 338 p. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 39.]) NDP Dalyeix, Sir John Graham. Cursory re- marks on Ane booke of godly and spirituall songs, for avoyding of sinne and harlotrie. [By Sir J. G. Dalyell.) (In: Scotish poems of the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 5-44.) NDP Complaint, The, of the muses upon Sir William Alexander. 1 fac. (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 321-323.) tCP Probably written to the dictation of King James vi, who corrected the last two lines in the ms. Complaynt, The, of Scotlande vyth ane exortatione to the thre Estaits to be vigi- lante in the deffens of their public veil, 1549. With an appendix of contemporary English tracts, viz.: The just declaration of Henry vm. (1542); The exhortacion of James Harrysone Scottisheman (1547); The epistle of the Lord Protector Somer- set (1548) ; The epitome of Nicholas Bodru- gan alias Adams (1548). Re-edited from the originals with introduction and glossary LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 813 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. bv T A. H. Murray. London: Early Eng- lish Text Society, 1872. cxxiii, 306 p. 8°. (Earlv English Text Society. Extra series. Publications, no. 17-18.) NCE An adaptation, indeed, almost a translation from U qmdnlogue invectif of Alain Chartier (1390- 1458). The author is also indebted to Saint Gelais, bishop of Angouleme. Colville, James. The Complaynt of Scotlande — a tract for the times. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23, p. 90-107.) * DE Complaynt, The, of Scotland. (Critical review; or, Annals of literature. London, 1802. 8°. v. 35, p. 95-99.) NAA Craigie, William Alexander. The Com- playnt of Scotland. (Modern quarterly of language and literature. London, 1899. 4°. v. 1, p. 267-269.) t RAA Neilson, William Allan. The original of The Complaynt of Scotlande. (Journal of Germanic philology. Bloomington, Ind., 1897. 8°. v. 1, p. 411-430.) RKA The anonymous Scottish author borrowed his gen- eral idea of the vision of Dame Scotia exhorting her three sons, the Estates, from Le quadrilogue invectif of Alain Chartier. Cormack, George. Sprigs of heather. (The month. London, 1899. 8°. v. 93, p. 58-63.) * DA Notice of a rare Roman Catholic collection of spiritual songs, published in Scotland in 1791. The hymns have been set to common ballad tunes. Court, The, of Session garland. [Edited by James Maidment.] Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1839. x, 154 p. 8°. NDF One hundred and fifty copies printed. — — Supplement. [Edited by James Maidment] Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1839. vii, 36 p. 8°. NDF One hundred and fifty copies printed. Cousin, Mrs. A. R. The deathbed of John Knox. (Catholic Presbyterian. Lon- don, 1879. 8°. v. 1, p. 265-268.) * DA Verse. Craig, Alexander. The poetical works of Alexander Craig, of Rose-Craig. 1604- 1631. Now first collected. [Glasgow:] Hunterian Club, 1873. v. p. 4°. (Hunt- erian Club [Glasgow].) NCE Craig, Sir Thomas. [Poemata.] (In: Delitias poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 221-267.) NDP Craufurd, C. Adam our helt. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 118-119.) CPA A dialogue in sixteenth century Scots. Creech, William. Edinburgh fugitive pieces. [Edited by William Creech.] Edin- burgh: W. Creech, 1791. vi p., 1 1., (1)6- 300 p. 12°. NDH With letters containing a com- parative view of the modes of living, arts, commerce, literature, manners, etc., of Edinburgh at different periods. By W. Creech, to which is prefixed an account of his life. Edinburgh: J. Fairbairn, 1815. xli, 372 p., 1 port. 8°. CR Crichton iLat. Crittoniusj, George. Poe- mata. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 273-290,) NDP Crichton [Lat. Crittoniusj, James, the Ad- mirable. In suum ad urbem Venetam ap- pulsum. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 268-273.) NDP Cririe, James. Scottish scenery: or, Sketches in verse, descriptive of scenes chiefly in the Highlands of Scotland. With notes and illustrations; and with engrav- ings by W. Byrne from views painted by G. Walker. London: T. Cadell, jun., & W. Davies, 1803. xxxiv p., 1 1., 412 p., 20 pi. 4°. f NCM Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. The Black Douglas. New York: Doubleday & Mc- Clure Co., 1899. x p., 1 1., 479 p., 8 pi. 8°. NCW Cleg Kelly, Arab of the city. Lon- don: C. A. Pearson, Ltd. [1905?] 3 p.l., 146 p. 8°. NCW The firebrand. New York: Mc- Clure, Phillips & Co., 1901. vi p., 1 1., 516 p. 12°. NCW Previously published serially in Temple Bar, v. 122-124, London, 1901. Fishers of men. New York: D. Ap- pleton & Co., 1906. vii, 416 p., 4 pi. 12°. NCW A Galloway herd. New York: R. F. Fenno & Co. [cop. 1895., vi, 7-298 p. 12°. NCW The gray man. A novel. New York: Harper & Bros., 1896. vi p., 1 1., 406 p., 26 pi. 12°. NCW Joan of the sword hand. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1900. vii, 436 p., 8 pi. 12°. ■ NCW The lilac sunbonnet. A love story. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. iv, 296 p. 12°. NCW Love idylls. London: John Mur- ray, 1901. viii, 384 p. 12°. NCW Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. 5 p.l., 195 p. 16°. NCW The men of the moss-hags; being a history of adventure taken from the papers of William Gordon of Earlstoun in Gallo- way and told over again. New York: Mac- millan and Co. [cop. 1895.] x, 370 p. 12 . NCW New York: Macmillan Co., 1905. x, 370 p. 12°. NCW 814 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. The men of the mountain. New York: Harper & Bros., 1909. 4 p.l., 315 p., 8 pi. 12°. NCW Raiderland. All about grey Gallo- way, its stories, traditions, characters, humours. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1904. xvi, 327 p., 58 pi. illus. 2. ed. 12°. CR The red axe. With illustrations by Frank Richards. New York: Harper & Bros., 1899. vi p., 1 1., 370 p., 26 pi. 12°. NCW "The riddlings of creation." (North- ern counties magazine. Newcastle-on- Tyne, 1901. 8°. v. 1, p. 86-90.) CA Rose of the wilderness. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1909. 1 p.l., (i)vi- viii, 336 p. 8°. NCW • Sir Toady Crusoe; illustrated by G. Browne. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [cop. 1905.] 2 p.l., vii-x, 356 p., 1 pi. illus. 12°. NCW Cromek, Robert Hartley. Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway song: with histori- cal and traditional notices relative to the manners and customs of the peasantry. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1810. viii, xxxii, 370 p. 8°. NDP Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 6, p. 314-321, Edinburgh, 1820. Nearly all the poems in this collection, though be- lieved by the editor to be original early ballads, were composed by Allan Cunningham. Cruel, The, priest. [Edited by Andrew Lang.] (Longman's magazine, v. 12, p. 489-491.) London, 1888. 8°.) * DA Ballad. From the fly-leaf of a copy of An excel- lent commonty of rare Scots songs, Edinburgh, 1765. Cunningham, Allan. Johnnie Menzies. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1830. 8°. v. 1, p. 399-406.) *DA Verse. The magic bridle. (In: The an- niversary, edited by Allan Cunningham. London, 1829. 12°. 1829, p. 136-156.) Stuart 9282 — — Poems and songs. With an intro- duction, glossary, and notes by Peter Cun- ningham. London: John Murray, 1847. xxxvi, 151 p. 16°. NCM Thesongs of Scotland, ancient and modern; with an introduction and notes, historical and critical, and characters of the lyric poets. London: John Taylor, 1825. 4 v. 8°. NDP Traditional tales of the English and Scottish peasantry. London: F. and W. Kerslake, 1874. 3 p.l., 394 p. new ed. 12°. NCW See also under Burns, Robert; Cro- mek, Robert Hartley; and Thomson, James, The seasons. Thomson, Mrs. Katherine. Allan Cun- ningham. (In her: Recollections of liter- ary characters and celebrated places Lon don, 1854. 8°. v. 2* p. 219-235.) ' NCI Cunningham, Peter. See under Cun- ningham, Allan, and Drummond, William, Poems. Danskin, Henry. Poemata. (In: Deli- tise poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637 24°. v. 1, p. 291-306.) NDP Davidson, G. Norman's blast: a rejected contribution to "Good words." [By G. Davidson.] Edinburgh: J. Maclaren, 1866 7 p. 12°. NCIp.v.36 In verse. Davidson, John, 1549P-1603. Ane breif commendatiovn of vprichtnes, in respect of the surenes of the same, to all that walk in it, amplifyit chiefly be that notabill doc- ument of Goddis michtie protectioun, in preseruing his maist vpricht servand, and feruent Messinger of Christis Evangell, Johne Knox. . . Imprentit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno. 1573; (In: Thomas M'Crie, Life of John Knox... Edinburgh, 1831. 8°. v. 2, p. 431-453.) AN and Stuart 4171 A metrical panegyric on John Knox. Only one copy of the original is known. (In: Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 243-262.) CA Ane dialog or mutuall talking be- tuix a clerk and ane courteour, concerning foure parische kirks till ane minister, col- lectit out of thair mouthis, and put into verse by a young man quha did then for- gather with thame in his journay. . . [St. Andrews: R. Lekpreuik, 1574.] (Reprinted in: Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 216- 242.) CA A satire on the Regent Morton's order in 1573 for uniting two, three, or even four parishes under one minister. Davidson, John. Selections from the literary remains of the late John Davidson. Edited by his sister. Aberdeen: L. Smith, 1873. 74, 3 p. 3. ed. 16°. NDH Aberdeen: L. Smith, 1874. 74 p. 4. ed. 16°. NDH Davidson, John. Plays by John David- son. Being: An unhistorical pastoral; A romantic farce; Bruce, a chronicle play; Smith, a tragic farce; and Scaramouch in Naxos, a pantomime. London: E. Math- ews and J. Lane, 1894. 5 p.l., (1)4-294 p., 1 pi. sq. 8°. NCR One of edition of 500 copies printed for Britain. The queen of Thule. (Scottish art review. London, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 93-94.) fMAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 815 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Delitiae poetarvm Scotorvm hujus sevi illvstrivm Jo. Scoto Scotstarvatio collec- torei Amstelodami: J. Blaeu, 1637. 2 v. 12°. 24°. NDP Robb, Thomas D. Delitiae poetarum Sco- torum. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1908. 8°. v. 39, p. 97-120.) * EC Dempster, Thomas. Poemata. (In: De- litiae poetarum Scotorum. Amstelodami, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 306-354.) NDP See also under Musa latina Aber- donensis. Dennistoun, James. See under Battle of Craignilder. Deposition, The; or, Fatal miscarriage: a tragedy. ..a satire occasioned by the "Deposition" of the Rev. John Home, author of "Douglas." [Edinburgh? 1757.] 14 p., 1 1. 8°. NCO p.v.350 Title-page lacking. Dibdin, J. C. The annals of the Edin- burgh stage, with an account of the rise and progress of dramatic writing in Scotland. Edinburgh: R. Cameron, 1888. viii, 511 p., 5 plans, 4 port. 4°. NCOM Dick, Thomas. The complete works of Thomas Dick. Eleven volumes in 2. v. 1. Cincinnati: Applegate & Co., 1857. port. 4°. NCG 1. An essay on the improvement of society. 2. The philosophy of a future state. 3. The philosophy of religion. 4. The mental illumination and moral improvement of mankind. 5. An essay on the sin and evil of covetousness. Dinsdale, Frederick. See under Mallet, David. Ballads and songs. . . Diogenes among the D.D.'s: a book of burlesques; containing the trial of Dr. Mac- leod for the alleged murder of Mr. Moses Law... Glasgow: J. S. Marr, 1867. 4 p.l., (1)8-122 p. 12°. *Cp.v.363 Disappointed, The, Whig. A most excel- lent parody upon a most excellent old song. Edinburgh: J. Black, printer [180-?]. n. t.-p. 4 P. 8°. NCIp.v.49 Diverting, The, history of John Cairns. A lay of the logic chair. Edinburgh, 1856. 16 p. 16°. NCI p.v.35 On Prof. A. C. Fraser's application for the vacant chair of logic in Edinburgh University. Divorty, Peter. Poemata Petri Divorti, with explanatory notes and appendix con- taining literal translations. Inverurie: 1 nomas Dare, 1884. 21 p. 8°. *Cp.v.390 .Dixon, James Henry. Scottish tradi- tional versions of ancient ballads. Lon- don: Percy Society, 1845. xvi, 108 p. 12° (Percy Society. , v. 17.) NCA n. SSS* en ^ : -y } Youn £ Bond well. (2) Tam-a-Line. the Elfin Kmcht. (3) Lord Burnett and Little Muns- grove. (4) The heir of Linne. (5) The jolly har- per Iu (6) „ 1 . h ,S„ bon ! 1 y hind squire. (7) The cruel mother. (8) The minister's dochter o' Newarke. (9) The laird o' Drum. (10) Lord William. (11) Lord Gregory. (12) The Water o' Wearie's Well. (13) The Water o' Gamery. (14) The Braes o' Yarrow. >J5( ^ye Diamond. (16) Sir Hugh, the Graeme. (17) Johnnie o Cocklesmuir. This is really the second series of the ballads col- lected by Peter Buchan, which was advertised in 1834 as in preparation for publication, but did not appear. The manuscript was sold to the Percy So- ciety who published the above selection from it for their members. For some reason or other the editor did not think it worth while to explain the source of his ballads. Dixon, William Macneile. Thomas the Rhymer. Written at the request of the pageant committee for the Scottish His- torical Exhibition of 1911. Glasgow: J. MacLehose and Sons, 1911. 36 p., 2 1. 16°. NCR Douglas, Gawin, bishop of Dunkeld. A description of May. [Edited] by Francis Fawkes. London, 1752, repr. : Edinburgh: The Aungervyle Society, 1885. 32 p. 8°. (The Aungervyle Society. [Publications.] new series, no. 9-10.) NCE Honour. — King Hart. — Dido's hunting-party. — Winter. — Morning in May. — ■ Evening and morning in June. (In: Mediaeval Scottish poetry. Glasgow, 1892. 12°. p. 215-269.) NDP Poetical works. With memoir, notes, and glossary by- John Small. Edin- burgh: William Paterson, 1874. 4 v. fac. 8°. NCL v. 1. Biographical introduction: Account of the writings of Bishop Gavin Douglas; Notices of the manuscripts and printed editions of the works of Bishop Gavin Douglas. The Palice of Honour. King Hart. Conscience. Notes and various readings. v. 2. Translation of Virgil (book i-v.). The comment. Notes and various readings. v. 3. Translation of Virgil (book VI-x.). Notes and various readings. v. 4. Translation of Virgil (book xi-xni.). Con- clusioune, and The dyrectioun of his buik, &c. Notes and various readings. Glossary. Virgil's .Eneis, translated into Scot- tish verse, by the famous Gawin Douglas, bishop of Dunkeld. A new edition, where- in the many errors of the former are cor- rected, and the defects supply' d, from an excellent manuscript. To which is added a large glossary [by Thomas Ruddiman], explaining the difficult words: which may serve for a dictionary to the old Scottish language. And to the whole is prefix'd an exact account of the author's life and writ- ings, from the best histories and records. Edinburgh: A. Symson, and R. Freebairn, 1710. 3 p.l., 19, iv p., 3 1., 3-486 p., 48 1. f°. fNTL See also under Dunbar, William; and Scotish poems. 816 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. D. On Gawin Douglas's translation of Virgil's y£neid. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 99-106.) * DE Gerken, Heinrich. Die Sprache des Bis- chofs Douglas von Dunkeld (Vocalismus und Consonantismus der Reimworter). Nebst Anhang: Zur Echtheitsfrage des "King Hart." Strassburg: J. K. Triibner, 1898. vi p., 1 1., 67(1) p. 8°. RNB p.v.10 Lange, P. Chaucer's Einfluss auf die Originaldichtungen des Schotten Douglas. (Anglia. Halle a. S., 1883. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 46-95.) RNA Larue, Joseph Leo. Das Pronomen in den Werken des schottischen Bischofs Ga- vin Douglas. Strassburg i. E.: M. Du Mont Schauberg, 1910. xiv, 125 p., 1 1. 8°. RNB p.v.4 On Gawin Douglas's translation of Vir- gil's Zineid. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 6, p. 41-44.) * DE Schumacher, Aloys. Des Bischofs Gav- in Douglas Ubersetzung der Aeneis Ver- gils, einschliesslich des von Maffeo Vegio angefiigten 13. Buches, verglichen mit den Originalen und der franzosischen Aeneis- iibersetzung des Octavien de Saint-Gelais. Strassburg i. E.: M. D. Schauberg, 1910. 136 p., 1 I. 8°. NCTp.v.5 Douglas, George. The house with the green shutters. New York: McClure, Phil- lips & Co., 1902. 4 p.l., 328 p., 1 1. 12°. NCW Douglas, Robert W. See Love songs of Scotland. Dowie,. The, dens o' Yarrow. Illustrated by J. Noel Paton. [Edinburgh:] Royal Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, 1860. 10 1., 6 pi. f°. Stuart 375 Downy, Alexander. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Downy, Robert. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. William Au'riol iBy G. W. A. H. Drummond, George Hay. A town eclogue. Drummond.] Edinburgh: printed for the author, 1804. 3-33 p. 8°. NCI p.v.60 Drummond, William, of Hawthornden. Poems [with life by Alexander Chalmersj. (In: Alexander Chalmers, The works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 5, p. 637-712.) NCI The poems of William Drummond of Hawthornden: with life by Peter Cun- ningham. London: Cochrane and M'Crone, 1833. viii, 336 p. 16°. NCL Poetical works. . .to which is pre- fixed the life of the author. Edinburgh- Mundell & Son, printers, 1793. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795 8°. v. 4, p. 619-698.) NCI ■ Edited by William B. Turn- bull. London: John Russell Smith, 1856. xx, 346 p., 1 port. 16°. (Library of old authors.) NCL With "A cypresse grove"; edited by L. E. Kastner. Edinburgh: printed for the society by W. Blackwood and Sons, 1913. _ 2 v. fac, port. 8°. (Scot- tish Text Society. [Publications.] new series, v. 3-4.) NDP Manchester: University Press, 1913. 2 v. fac, port. 8°. (Victoria) Uni- versity, Manchester. Publications, no. 79- 80.) NCL • Polemo-Middinia. Carmen macaro- nicum. . .Accedit Jacobi id nominis Quinti, Regis Scotorum, Cantilena rustica vulga inscripta Christs Kirk on the Green. Re- censuit, notisque illustravit E[dmundi G[ibsonj. Oxonii: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1691. 5 p.l., 22 p. 4°. NCL Edinburgi: apud-T. W. & T. Ruddimannos, 1742. 8 p. 12°. * Cp.v.1118 Select poems. (In: The works of the British poets. Philadelphia, 1819. 16°. v. 5, p. 1-55.) NCI Some unpublished poems of Drum- mond from the Hawthornden mss. [Edited with introduction and notes, by L. E. Kast- ner.] (Modern language review. Cam- bridge, Eng., 1911. 8°. v. 6, p. 324-334.) NAA Works... Consisting of those which were formerly printed, and those which were designed for the press. Now published from the author's original copies. Edinburgh: James Watson, printer, 1711. 2 p.l., xlv p., 1 1., 243, iv, 60 p., 2 port. f°. fNCF For a critical notice of this edition see The retro- spective review, v. 9, p. 351-370, London, 1824. Drake, Nathaniel. The banks of Esk — Drummond of Hawthornden. (In his: Mornings in spring. . . London, 1828. 12°. v. 1, p. 247-310.) NCZ Kastner, L. E. Drummond of Haw- thornden and the French poets of the six- teenth century. (Modern language review. Cambridge, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 40-53.) NAA Drummond of Hawthornden and the poets of the Pleiade. (Modern lan- guage review. Cambridge, 1909. 8°. v. 4, p. 329-341.) NAA On the Italian and French sources of Drummond of Hawthornden. (Modern language review. Cambridge, 1911. 8°. v. 6, p. 462-470.) NAA Laing, David. A brief account of the Hawthornden manuscripts in the posses- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 817 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. sion of the Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land; with extracts, containing several un- published letters and poems of William Drummond of Hawthornden. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 57- 116, 225-240.) t CPA Richardson, David Lester. Drummond's nnems. (In his: Literary leaves. Lon- don, 1840. 8°. v. 2, p. 117-130.) NCG Stevenson, John Home. Sonnet by Drummond of Hawthornden. (Scottish an- tiquary. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 13, p. 59.) CPA Webbe, Cornelius. On the poetry of Drummond of Hawthornden. (In his: Glances at life in city and suburb. Lon- don, 1845. 8°. series 2, p. 266-279.) NCZ Dun, Patrick. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Dunbar, William. The golden targe. — The thrissil and the rois. — Bewty and the presoneir. — London. — Be ye ane luvar. — The dance of sevin deidly synnis. ■ — Am- ends to the telyouris and sowtaris. — The fenyeit freir of Tungland. — The ladyis solistaris. — Discretion in asking. — • The petition of the gray horse. — Auld Dunbar. — Best to be blyth. — Meditatioun in wyn- tir. (In: Mediaeval Scottish poetry. Glas- gow, 1892. 12°. p. 139-214.) NDP The poems of William Dunbar, edited with introduction, various readings and notes, by J. Schipper. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denk- schriften. Philosophisch-historische Classe. Wien, 1892-94. f°. Bd. 40, Abtheil. ii, iv; Bd. 41, Abth. iv; Bd. 42, Abth. iv; Bd. 43, Abth. i.) * EF Title of part 5 reads: Anonymous early Scot- tish poems forming a supplement to the poems of William Dunbar. Part 5 contains a glossary. Edited by the late John Small. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1893. 3 v. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 16, 2, 4, 21, 29.]) NDP Baildon, Henry Bellyse. On the rimes in the authentic poems of William Dun- bar. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 629-665.) * EC Drake, Nathaniel. Chaucer, Dunbar, and Burns compared. (In his: Mornings in spring... London, 1828. 12°. v. 2, p. 1-36.) NCZ Mebus, Friedrich. Beitrage zu William Dunbars Gedicht The Goldin terge. (Eng- hsche Studien. Leipzig, 1908. 8°. Bd. 39, P. 40-69.) * RNA Oliphant, F. R. William Dunbar. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 416-438.) * DA Schipper, Jakob. William Dunbar. Sein Leben und seine Gedichte in analysen und ausgewahlten Uebersetzungen nebst einem Abriss der altschottischen Poesie. Ein Beitrag zur schottisch-englischen Litera- tur- und Cultur-Geschichte. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1884. xviii, 412 p. 12°.NCC Dunbar, William, and Gavin Douglas. Select poems of Wil. Dunbar. . . From the ms. of George Bannatyne, published 1568. [Preceded by the Life of Gavin Douglas and his Palace of honour.] Perth: R. Mori- son & Son, 1788. 1 p.l., lxii, ISO, 100 p. 16°. NCL Duncan, Andrew. Miscellaneous poems, extracted from the records of the Circula- tion Club at Edinburgh... Edinburgh: P. Hill & Co., 1818. iv, 5-86 p. 8°. NCI p.v.77 Tribute of veneration, addressed to the first meeting of the Loyal Edinburgh Association for Commemorating The Reign of George in. Edinburgh: P. Neill, printer, 1821. 16 p. 8°. CK p.v.281 Duncan, George. Bonnie Prince Char- lie: a drama, in four acts. Elgin: J. Black, printer, 1879. 30 p. 12°. * C p.v.358 Duncan, Henry. The cottage fireside; or, The parish schoolmaster. New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1858. 4. Amer. from the 5. Edinburgh edition, vi, (1)8-251 p., 1 pi. 24°. NCW Duncan, Jean W. Nessie: a story of Edinburgh life. Glasgow: Aird & Cog- hill [1904]. 127 p. 12°. NCW Duncan, Mrs. Mary Graham Lundie. The children of the manse. New York: R Carter & Bros., 1850. 1 p.l., 9-465 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW With additional engraved title-page. Rhymes for my children. New York: R. Carter & Brothers, 1856. 1 p.l., (1)6-82 p., 4 pi. sq. 4°. NAS Dunlop, Archibald. Dunlop of that ilk. Memorabilia of the families of Dunlop... with the whole of the songs and a large selection from the poems of John Dunlop. Glasgow: Kerr & Richardson, 1898. xiv p., 1 1., 150 p., 3 port. 8°. ARZ Dyce, Alexander. See Beattie, James. Poetical works.. . Early Scottish poetry. Thomas the Rhymer, John Barbour, Androw of Wyn- toun, Henry the Minstrel. Edited by George Eyre Todd. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co, 1891. 1 p.l., 220 p. 12°. (Abbots- ford series of the Scottish poets.) NDP 818 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Echlin, David. Ova Paschalia. (In: De- litia? poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 3SS-364.) NDP Edina, a poem, in six cantos. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 9, p. 42-45, 233- 236, SS4-SS7.) * DE Edinburgh, The, Edina's songster... Edinburgh: J. Maclaren [186-?]. 24 p. 16°. NCK p.v.l Edinburgh essays by members of the university. 18S6. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 18S7. vi p., 1 1., 350 p. 8°. NCY Edine, C. Lovat and Lily: a pastoral. [Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1859?] 3 p.l., (1) 4-75 p. 16°. NCM t.-p. mutilated. Edmonston, Eliza. Menie Henderich. A tale of Shetland. (In: The Scottish an- nual. Edinburgh [1859]. 12°. 1859, p. 250- 275:) NCA Edmonston, John. Verses and letter from Mr. John Edmestoun to King James vi. [November 15, 1607.) (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 67-76.) t CP Eighteenth, The, epistle of the second book of Horace, to Lollius, imitated. Edinburgh, 1737. 2 p.l., 26 p. 8°. NCI p.v.62 Elegy, An, upon the... death of... grieve to the laird of Culquhalzie, who served that family upwards of 40 years, n. p., n. d. [17 — ?j 2 p. f°. Reserve Elegy, An, upon the... death of... Mrs. Mary Gordon, daughter to Sir Alex- ander Gordon of Erlstoun, and spouse... to the Reverend Mr. John M'Millan... Balmacghie. Edinburgh, 1723. 16 p. 8°. NCI p.v.81 Elphinston, James. The hyper-critic. London: White, Dilly, Robson, Walter, Elmsly, Bew, 1783. 108 p. 8°. AGH p.v.10 Engelske og skotske Folkeviser, med oplysende Anmserkninger fordanskede af Svenn Grundtvig. Hefte 1-2. Kjjzfben- havn: Wahlske Boghandling, 1842-43. 2 v. 16°. NCK Paged continuously. Epistle, An, to a friend in India, written in the year 1786. Cupar-Fife: Robert Tullis, printer, 1804. 7 p. 12°. NCI p.v.74 Erskine, Sir David. Airyformia; or, Ghosts of great note. Kelso: Alex. Lead- better, 1825, 100 p., 1 1. 16°. NCIp.v.34 Erskine, Ralph. The beauties of Rev. Ralph Erskine, being a selection of the most striking illustrations of gospel doc- trine contained in his whole works... By Samuel M'Millan. London: A. Fullarton & Co., n. d. 2 v. port. 8. ed. 8°. Stuart 3404 Gospel sonnets : or, Spiritual songs, in six parts. . .Concerning Creation and Redemption, Law and Gospel, Justification and Sanctification, Faith and Sense, Heav- en and Earth. Edinburgh: Thomas Lum- isden, and Co., printers, 1751. xxiv, 264 p., 1 port. 7. ed. 16°. NCL From the 23d Glasgow ed. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers 1849. xxxviii, (1)40-542 p., 1 port. 12° NCL Erskine, Thomas Erskine, baron. The poetical works of the Right Honourable Thomas, Lord Erskine, K T. &c. with a biographical memoir of his life. London' J. Limbird, 1823. xvii, 19-36 p. 16°. NCI p.v.81 Erskine, William. Supplemental stan- zas [to Collins' Ode on superstition]. (In: W. Collins, Poetical works. New York 1848. 16°. p. 105-109.) NCL Ettrick Shepherd, The. See Hogg, James. Ex proverbiis Scotum. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 342- 347.) *DE Excellent, An, new ballad intituled, Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. n. p., n. d. (18c.) 1054x3^ in. " Reserve Falconer, William. Poems. (In: Samuel Johnson, The works of the poets of Great Britain... London, 1800. 8°. v. 8, p. 112-146.) NCI [With life by Alexander Chal- mers.] (In: Alexander Chalmers, Works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 14, p. 379-421.) NCI [With life by R. A. Daven- port.] (In: The British poets. Chiswick: C. Whittingham, printer, 1822: 16°. v. 58, p. [vii]-xxiv, [13j-143.) NCI Poetical works... to which is pre- fixed, the life of the author. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1794. (In: The. works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v. 10, p. 571-610.) NCI Collated with the best edi- tions: by Thomas Park. London: Charles Whittingham, printer, 1809. 134 p., 1 pi. 24°. NCL [With memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford.j London: William Pickering, 1836. xxxvii, 236 p. 16°. (Aldine edition of the British poets.) NCI With a life by Rev. John Mit- ford. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1854. xxxv, 236 p. 16°. NCL London: Bell and Daldy, 1866. xxxix, 239 p. 12°. (Aldine edition of the British poets.) NCI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 819 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. With a memoir [by Rev. J. Mitfordj. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1866. xxxi, 236 p. 8°. (British poets.) NCI Only 100 copies printed. The shipwreck. By a sailor. Lon- don: A. Millar, 1764. 3 p.l., (1)4-130 p., 1 map, 1 pi. new ed. 8°. NCL Philadelphia: printed by R. Bell, 1774. 2 p.l., 108 p. 16°. . Reserve London: T. Sabine & Son [178-?]. 1 p.l., 92 p., 1 pi. 4°. NCIp.v.74 New York: James Oram, 1800. 2 p.l., (1)6-170 p. 1 L, 4 pi. 16°. Reserve London: F. Hurst, 1802. 2 p.l., 167 p., 2 pi. new ed. 24°. NCL A poem by W. Falconer: with a sketch of his life. London: Cadell and Davies, 1808. xiv, 135 p. illus. 8°. NCL For a notice of the illustrations in this work see Chatto's Treatise on wood engraving, London, 1839, p. 616-617. The woodcuts are by Luke Clennell. The text illustrated by addi- tional notes, and corrected from the first and second editions; with a life of the author, by Jtames] Sftanierj Clarke. Lon- don: Wm. Miller, 1811. xlvi, 214 p., 4 pi. illus. 8°. Stuart 10337 The plates and vignettes are engraved by J. Fittler after the paintings by N. Pocock. • London: John Sharpe, 1818. 167 p., 6 pi. 16°. NCL ■ The plates are after designs by Richard Westall, R. A. The shipwreck and other poems by William Falconer. With a sketch of his life. Albany: W. Disturnell, 1834. viii, (1)10-142 p. 16°. NCL London: C. Tilt, 1836. xvi, 125 p., 1 pi. 32°. (Tilt's miniature classi- cal library.) NCM The shipwreck and other poems: with a life of the author. The chase: by W. Somervile; with Dr. Aiken's critical essay, and a life of the author. London: Scott, Webster & Geary, 1838. viii, 9-189 p., 2 pi. 24°. NCL See also under Beattie, James. The minstrel. u Friedeich, Johann. William Falconer: "The Shipwreck." A poem by a sailor. 1762. Wien & Leipzig: W. Braumuller, 1901. 4 p.l., 79 p. 8°. NCB Farrar, Frederic W. See under Blair, Robert. . Fatherless, The, bairns. A series of poems on the battle of Stirling. Edited by Jaques. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1859. vn, 66 p. 12°. * C p.v.363 Fergusson, Robert. Poetical works. Paisley: R. Smith, 1799. iv, (1)6-233 p, 1 1., 1 port. 16°. NCL Title-page engraved. With the life of the author by David Irving. Glasgow: Chapman & Lang, 1800. 193 p., 1 port, 2 pi. 12°. NCL With a memoir of the author, and notes illustrating local and personal allusions. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1840. 48 p. 8°. (Peoples edition.) NCI p.v.66 The works of Robert Fergusson. Edited by A. B. G. London: A. Fullarton & Co., 1857. cxliv, 288 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCM Cumming, Robert. Essay. . .on the ques- tion "Whether have the exertions of Allan Ramsay or Robert Ferguson done most honour to Scottish poetry.. ." Willie and Jamie, an eclogue in the Scottish dialect ... Edinburgh: T. Brown, 1791. 1 p.l., 13 p. 8°. NCI p.v.62 Fergusson, Robert Menzies. The Vik- ing's bride, and other poems. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1896. 103 p. 12°. NCM Fergusson, Thomas. Walter Graeme; or, A home among the hills, and other poems. Paisley: J. & R. Parlane, 1898. 191 p. 12°. NCM Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone. Destiny; or, The chief's daughter. London: R. Bentley & Son, 1882. 2 v. 12°. (Edin- burgh edition.) NCW The inheritance. A novel. New York: Harper & Bros., 1847. 226 p. 8°. (Library of select novels, no. 99-100.) NCW • London: R. Bentley & Son, 1882. 2 v. 12°. (Edinburgh edition.) NCW Marriage, a novel. New York: Har- per & Bros., 1847. 156 p. 8°. (Library of select novels, no. 98.) NCW New York: Harper & Bros., 1870. 156 p. 8°. NCTp.v.31 London: R. Bentley & Son, 1881. 2 v. 12°. (Edinburgh edition.) NCW Gwynn, Stephen. Miss Ferrier. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 79, p. 419-427.) * DA Reprinted in The Living age, series 7, v. 3, p. 603-611, Boston, 1899. Howells, William Dean. Heroines of Miss Ferrier, Mrs. Opie, and Mrs. Rad- cliffe. (In his: Heroines of fiction. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 1, p. 79-82.) NBQ Miss Ferrier's novels. (Temple Bar. London, 1878. 8°. v. 54, p. 308-328.) * DA Reprinted in her Marriage: a novel, v. 1, p. 1-38, London: R. Bentley, 1881. 820 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman. Miss Ferrier's novels. (Fortnightly re- view. London, 1882. 8°. new series, v. 31, p. 314-331.) *DA Findlater, Jane Helen. The bairn- keeper. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 741-780.1 *DA Finlay, John. Scottish historical and romantic ballads, chiefly ancient; with ex- planatory notes and a glossary. To which are prefixed Some remarks on the early state of romantic composition in Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1808. 2 v. 8°. NCK Firth, Charles Harding. "A New Year's gift for the Whigs." (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 245- 247.) CPA Reprints the old ballad of that title. Fletcher, Andrew. Political works. London: Re-printed by A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, 1732. 8 p.l., 448 p. 8°. SEB t 1. A discourse of government with relation to militia's, 1698. 2-3. Two discourses concerning the affairs of Scotland; written in the year 1698. 4. Discorso delle cose di Spagna scritto nel mese di Luglio 1698. 5. A speech upon the state of the nation; in April, 1701. 6. Speeches by a mem- ber of the parliament, which began at Edin- burgh the 6th of May, 1703. 7. An account of a conversation concerning a right regulation of gov- ernments for the common good of mankind: in a letter to the marquis of Montrose, the earls of Rothes, Roxburg and Haddington, from London the 1st of December, 1703. Macfie, Robert Andrew Scott. A bibli- ography of Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun. (1653-1716.) 27 fac. of title-pages, 2 fac. of ms, 5 port. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1901. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 117-148.) Reserve Forbes, Duncan. The works of Forbes to which is prefixed a biographical sketch of the life of the author by J. Bannatyne. London: Ogles, Duncan & Cochran, 1816. 1 p.l., xvi, 348 p. 8°. ZET Forbes, John, of Corse. Reverendi viri J. Forbesii a Corse. . .opera omnia, inter quae plurima posthuma, reliqua ab ipso auctore interpolata, emendata atque aucta. [Edited by George Garden.] Amstelae- dami: H. Wetstenius, 1702-03. 2 v. 4°. fZEP See also under Musa Latina Aber- donensis. Forbes, John. Cantus, songs, and fan- cies, to three, four, or five parts, both apt for voices and viols. With a brief intro- duction to musick as taught' in the musick- school of Aberdeen. [By John Forbes.] Paisley: A. Gardner, 1879. viii p., 114 1. 4°. *MO Reprint of the Aberdeen ed. of 1682. 86 copies only reprinted. Ford, Robert. Thistledown; a book of Scotch humour, character, folk-lore, story & anecdote. With illustrations by j; Dun- can. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [pref 1891.] 2 p.l., 3-463 p., 1 1., 16 pi.' 8°. ND13 See also under Vagabond songs. Forsyth, William. Idylls and lyrics. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons 1872. vi, 234 p. 12°. NCM Foster, W. E. Songs on angling, etc. New York, 1886. 20 p. 8°. MYLD p. box 1 Twenty-five copies . privately teprinted from "Whistle-Binkie" and "The book of Scottish song." Four books of choice old Scotish bal- lads, m.dcccxxiii.-m.dcccxliv. Edinburgh: Reprinted for private circulation, 1868. 4 parts in 1 v. 1 port. 12°. NDP i. A ballad book. Edited by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. Edinburgh, 1823. II. A north country garland. _ in. The ballad book. Edited by Geo. Ritchie Kinloch. iv. A new book of old ballads. Edited by Jas. Maidment. Fowler, William. See under Steuart, A. Francis. Fowler, William M. The spirit of the isle, and other poems. [With notes.] Edin- burgh : Macredie, Skelly, & Muckersy, 1817. 5 p.l., 3-127 p. 8°. NCI p.v.8 Fraser, W. The decay of literature.- A poem. Glasgow: G. Richardson, 1835. 24 p. nar. 12°. NCI p.v.43 Fraser, W. C, and A. Richardson. Rory Macphie; a tale of the Scottish Highlands, illus. (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. v. 33, p. 473-483.) * DA Fulcher, John. Lays and lyrics of Scot- land, arranged with new symphonies and accompaniments for the pianoforte. With a historical epitome of Scottish song by James Ballantine and an appendix of notes Glasgow: Swan & Pentland [1870?]. xi, 344 p. f°. * MO Gairdner, William. Glengoyne. Remi- niscences of the parish and its people; by the late W. Gairdner. Edited by his son, John Alexander Gairdner. Edinburgh: privately printed, 1900. 2 v. 12°. NDH Gall, Richard. Poems and songs. With a memoir of the author. Edinburgh- Oliver and Boyd, 1819. xxviii, 168 p. 12°. NCM p. 83-94 lacking. • See also under Steel, Archibald. Gait, John. The annals of the parish and The Ayrshire legatees. With a memoir of the author, new ed. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1844. 3 p.l., cxiii p., 1 1., 321 p. 16°. NCW The Annals^ is his masterpiece. Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary, miscellany, v. 8, p. 555-560, Edinburgh, 1821. Auld Reekie ; or, A mistake in Edin- burgh. (In his: The literary life, and mis- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 821 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. cellanies, of John Gait. Edinburgh: Wil- liam Blackwood, 1834. 12°. v. 3 p 185-238.) AN Drama. The Ayrshire legatees; or, The Pringle family. New York: W. B. Gilley, 1823 179 p. 12°. Stuart 10338 First published serially in Blackwood's Edinburgh maaazine, Edinburgh, 1820-21. Also reprinted in The Portfolio, v. 11 p. 410-427; v. 12, p. 42-58, 270301; v. 13, p. 126-135, 181-192, 266-271, Phila- delphia,' 1821-22.) The batchelor's wife; a selection of curious and interesting extracts, with cur- sory observations. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1824. 2 p.l., iii-vii, 444 p. 8°. NDH Bogle Corbet; or. The emigrants. London: H. Colburn & R. Bentley [1831]. 3v. 8°. NCW The fatal whisper. (Omnibus of modern romance. New York, 1844. 8°. p. 242-249.) NAL The last of the lairds: or, The life and opinions of Malachi Mailings, Esq. of Auldbiggings. New York: J. & J. Harper, printers, 1827. 307 p. 12°. NCW Lawrie Todd; or, The settlers in the woods. London: H. Colburn & R. Bentley, 1830. 3 v. 8°. NCW The original of Lawrie Todd was Grant Thor- burn, seedsman, in New York. v. I. New York: J. & J. Har- per, printers, 1830. 12°. NCW With an original preface by Grant Thorburn. New York: Farmer & Daggers, 1845. vi, 7-174 p. 8°. NCW Revised, corrected. . .with a new introduction, notes, etc... London: R. Bentley, 1849. viii, 455 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW Literary life and miscellanies. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1834. 3 v. 8°. AN v. 1: The literary life of John Gait. v. 2: The seven years war in Germany. Repose. Colonization. The exodus of the fairies. The tim- ber trade, as respects the poor rates. A reverie. On the superabundance of capital in the United King- dom. A song (for a temperance society). Money: The bullion question. The lady that I loved in youth. Tontines. The tower of destiny. Thoughts on uni- versal monarchy. To fate. A legacy to Glasgow and Greenock, for the improvement of the Clyde. The ferry-house (Scottish tale of Halloween) Com- pensation, considered with reference to the late bor- ough proprietors. May. The unknown. The uni- verse. The southern continent. A song. Impulse and motive. The trysted lover. The history of bills of exchange. A song. The history of sugar. A Scottish welcome. Poor Adolph. The hermit Peter. The sibyl of Norwood. The Biram at Stam- bpul. A legend of St. Anthony. The conquest of Frances a dramatic pageant. v. 3: The betheral; or, The autobiography of James Hbwkings. Athol; a tragedy. Auld Reekie; or, A mistake in Edinburgh. The betrothment; a tragedy. Anthropos; a masque, or allegorical mys- tery. Ode to hope. My landlady and her lodgers. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1829 8°. v. 26, p. 143-152, 320-327, 585-593, 731- 737.) * DA Poems. London: Cochrane & M'Crone, 1833. viii, 104 p. 8°. NCL The provost. New York: E. Duy- ckinck, 1822. 228 p. 12°. NCW A rich man; or, He has great merit. Being the autobiography of Archibald Plack, Esq., late lord mayor of London.. . (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 389-395, 456- 462,511-517.) *DA Rothelan; a romance of the English histories. (To which is added: The quar- antine; or, Tales of the lazaretto: viz.: The physiognomist; The improvisatore; and The German's tale.] (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1824. 3v. 8°. NCW New York: Collins & Hannay, 1825. 2 v. 12°. NCW The spaewife; a tale of the Scottish chronicles. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1823. 3 v. 8°. NCW Founded on the death of King James i. of Scot- and. Stanley Buxton; or, The school- fellows. Philadelphia: E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1833. 2 v. 12°. NCW — The star of destiny. A dramatic spectacle. (In his: Autobiography. Lon- don, 1833. 8°. v. 2, p. 371-409.) AN The steam-boat. New York: S. Campbell & Son, 1823. iv, (1)6-187 p. 12°. Stuart 10338 Stories of the study. London: Cochrane & M'Crone, 1833. 3 v. 8°. NCW v. 1 lacks title-page. The tragedies of Maddalen, Aga- memnon, Lady Macbeth, Antonia & Cly- temnestra. London: Cadell & Davis, 1812. vi, 262 p., 1 pi. 4°. NCR Tribulations of the Rev. Conal Kil- mun. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1835-36. 4°. new series, v. 2, p. 744- 747, 777-784; v. 3, p. 28-34.) * DA Scene of the tale is laid partly in Edinburgh. The watch-house; a farce, in two acts. [London, 18—?, 1 p.l., 45-70 p. 8°. NCO p.v.154 Millar, John Hepburn. The novels of Tohn Gait. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 13, p. 207-214.) * DA Novels, The, of John Gait. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 159, p. 871-882.) * DA Thomson, Mrs. Katherine. John Gait. (In her: Recollections of literary charac- ters and celebrated places. London, 1854 8°. v. 2, p. 99-116.) N CI 822 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Garden, Alexander. A theatre of Scot- tish worthies; and, The lyf, doings, and deathe of William Elphinston, bishop of Aberdeen. [Glasgow:] privately printed, 1878. xvi, 201; xviii, 85 p.,- 3 fac., 1 pi., 1 port. 4°. (Hunterian Club [Glasgow].) NCE See also under Musa Latina Aber- donensis. ' Garland, The, of Scotia; musical wreath of Scottish song, with descriptive and his- torical notes, adapted for the voice, flute, violin, &c. Edited by J. Turnbull and P. Buchan. Glasgow: W. Mitchison, 1841. 192 p. 8°. Drexel 4089 Gau, John. Extracts from "The richt way to the Kingdome of Hevine," by John Gau. Printed at Malmoe, in Sweden, 1533. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 342-367.) t CP With fac-simile of the original title-page. The richt vay to the Kingdom of hevine. Edited with introduction and notes by A. F. Mitchell, D.D. The glossarial index by T. G. Law. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1888. lvi p., 1 1., 130 p. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 12.j) NDP Gaultier, Bon. See under Aytoun, Wil- liam Edmondstoune, and Sir Theodore Martin. Gay, The, Gordons. Ballads of an ancient Scottish clan. Edited, with an introduc- tion by Armisted C. Gordon. Staun- ton, Va.: A. Schultz, 1902. 22 1. 12°. NCK Geddes, Alexander. Three Scottish poems, with a previous dissertation on the Scoto-Saxon dialect. (Society of Antiqua- ries of Scotland. Archaaologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 402-468.) fCPA The second poem is "The first eklog of Virgil, translatit into Skottis vers," and the third is "The first idillion of Theokritus, translatit into Skottis vers." The eclogue of Virgil is in the Edinburgh dialect, while the version from Theocritus is in the Buchan dialect. Gems of Scottish songs; with annota- tions, historical and explanatory, and a glossary of the less familiar words, by J. G. Cumming. New York: Morris, Willis, & Co., 1844. 16 p. 4°. (Mirror library, no. 25.) NAC German translations of popular Scottish songs. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1844. 4°. new series, v. 11, p. 35- 36, 118.) *DA When Maggy gangs away (Wenn Gretchen gehet hin). 2. The flowers of the forest. 3. Pibrock des Donnel Dhu. 4. The skylark (Die Feldlerche). Gerrond, John. The new poetical works of J. Gerrond, the Galloway poet. Dum- fries: printed for the author, 1818. 32 p 12°. NCI p.v.43 Gilchrist, John. A collection of ancient and modern Scottish ballads, tales, and songs: with explanatory notes and obser- vations. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood 1815. 2 v. 8°. NCK Pagination continuous. Contains: Peblis to the play, p. 279-289; Christ Kirk, p. 290-321; Wife of Auchtermuchty, p. 322- 326; Friers of Berwick, p. 327-345; Monk and miller's wyfe, p. 346-353; Heir of Lynne, p. 354-362. Gillies, Robert Pierce. See James vi., king of Scotland. Essayes... Gillon, Frank. A nicht wi' Burns: a poem. Edinburgh: J. Turner & Co., 1893 12°. * C p.v.368 Gleig, George Robert. Allan Breck. By the author of "the subaltern." [i.e., G. R. Gleigj. Philadelphia: E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1835. 2 v. 12°. NCW Original edition reviewed in the Athenaum, Lon- don, Jan. 25, 1834, p. 58-60. Glen, William. Reformiana; a poem. Glasgow: R. Chapman, 1817. 8 p. 8°. NCI p.v.37 Goldman, Peter. Poemata. (In: Deli- tise poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 364-376.) NDP Goldsmid, Edmund. See under North countrie . . . Gordon, Alexander. A disturber in Car- glen Kirk. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1893. 8°. v. 274, p. 297-304.) * DA Gordon, James. See under Musa La- tina Aberdonensis. Gordon, John. A short history of the adventures of a London reviewer. Edin- burgh : Alexander Mackay, 1824. 235 p. 2. ed. 16°. NCW Gordon, Robert. See under Musa La- tina Aberdonensis. Graeme, James. Poems. [With life by R. A. Davenport.) 1 pi. (In: The British poets. Chiswick, 1822. 16°. v. 71, p. 219- 272.) NCI Poetical works, to which is pre- fixed, the life of the author. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1795. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v. 11, p. 407-464.) NCI Graham, Dougal. The collected writ- ings of Dougal Graham, "skellat" bellman of Glasgow. Edited with notes, together with a biographical and bibliographical introduction, and a sketch of the chap lit- erature of Scotland, by George Macgregor. Glasgow: T. D. Morison, 1883. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. NCF no. 38 of 250 copies printed, v. 1. Editorial introduction (biography of Dou- gal Graham; writings of Dougal Graham; chap litera- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 823 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. ture of Scotland). History of the Rebellion. John Hirfilandman's remarks on Glasgow. Turnimspike. Tugal M'Tagger. Had awa' frae me, Donald. v 2. Jockey and Maggy's courtship. The coal- man's courtship. Comical transactions of Lothian Tom. History of John Cheap the Chapman. Leper the tailor. The grand solemnity of the Taylor's funeral. The history of haverel wives. Janet Clinker's oration. The comical and witty jokes of John Falkirk. The Scot's piper's queries; or, John Falkirk's cariches The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork. Simple John and his twelve misfortunes. The ancient and modern history of Buck-Haven. The witty and entertaining exploits of George Bu- chanan. Glossary. Graham, Henry Grey. Literary and his- torical essays. London: A. & C. Black, 1908. xxv, 272 p., 1 port. 12°. NCZ Preface. Society in France before the Reforma- tion, i.-in. Glasgow University life in olden times. Old burghal life in Scotland. Life in a country manse about 1720. A literary waif. Samuel Rich- ardson. Russel of the "Scotsman." Graham, James. Kenneth Macrae. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1890. 8°. v. 148, p. 224-227.) * DA Verse. Graham, John. Scottish national melo- dies. New York: C. T. Geslain, 1841. 3 pi, 3-110 p. 8°. NDP Graham, Lord William. The castle of Lawers, a tale. (Keepsake. London [1837]. 12°. 1837, p. 228-246.) Stuart 9290 Grahame, Clementina Stirling. Mystifi- cations. Edited by John Brown. Edin- burgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1865. xx, 100 p. 8°. CP There is an appreciative notice of this work in Dr. John Brown's Hone subseciva, series 2, p. 315- 328, Edinburgh, 1861. The original edition was pri- vately printed in 1859. Grahame, James. Poems. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme, 1807. 2 v. 16°. NCM v. 1: The Sabbath, Sabbath walks, Biblical pic- hires, The rural calendar; v. 2: The birds of Scot- land, and Mary Stewart. The Sabbath, with Sabbath walks, and other poems. Edinburgh: Ogle, Al- lardice, & Thomson, 1817. xiii, 161 p. 8. ed. 16°. NCM The Sabbath, and other poems. London: Jones & Co., 1829. 18 p. nar. 12°. (Cabinet edition of the British poets. London, 1847. nar. 12°. v. 3.) NCI The siege of Copenhagen, a poem. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1808. 11 p. 4°. NCI p.v.68 Grahame, Simion. The anatomie of hu- mors and the passionate sparke of a relent- ing minde. Edinburgh: A Balfour & Co., 1830. 4 pi, v-viii p., 4 1., 68 f., 19 1. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) t NDH Grainger, James. Poems [with life by Alexander Chalmers]. (In: Alexander Chalmers, Works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 14, p. 467-51 1.) NCI —— [With life by R. A. Daven- port] (In: British poets. Chiswick, 1822. 16°. p. 3-146.) nci Poetical works containing, The sug- ar cane, Ode on solitude, &c; to which is prefixed, the life of the author. Edin- burgh: Mundell & Son, 1794. (In: Works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v 10, p. 889-935.) NCI The sugar-cane: a poem. In four books. With notes. London: R. & J Dodsley, 1764. vi, 168 p., 1 pi. 4°. * C p.v.827 London: 1766. ix, 180 p., 1 pi. nar. 16°. Reserve [With, Beauty; a poem.] Dub- lin: William Sleater, 1766. ix, 180 p. 12°. Reserve Collins, John Churton. Grainger... (In: Andrew Lang. Poet's country. Lon- don, 1907. 8°. p. 172-176.) NCID Grant, Anne McVicar. Eighteen hun- dred and thirteen: a poem, in two parts. Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne and Co., 1814. 5 pi, (1)4-146 p. 8°. NCIp.v.19 Letters from the mountains; being the correspondence of a lady between the years 1773 and 1803. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806. 3 v . 12°. NDD Grant, David. Lays and legends of the North, and other poems... With bio- graphical sketch by R. C. T. Mair, and a glossary. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1908. xxii, 288 p., 1 port. 8°. NCM Grant, David. Scotch stories; or, The chronicles of Keckleton. Edinburgh: E. 6 S. Livingstone, n. d. 2 pi, 215 p., 2. ed. 12°. NCW Grant, James. Frank Hilton; or, The Queen's own. A companion to "Harry Lorrequer," &c. New York: Garrett & Co. [186-?]. 186 p. 8°. NCW Harry Ogilvie; or, The black dra- goons. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [187-?]. iv, 5-208 p. 8°. NCW Philip Rollo; or, The Scottish musketeers. New York: Garrett & Co. [186-?] vi, 7-215 p. 8°. NCTp.v.21 Veitch, Sophie Frances Fane. The Scot- tish historical novels of James Grant. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1888. 8°. v. 11, p. 117-135.) *DA Gray, Christian. A new selection of mis- cellaneous pieces in verse. Perth: the author, 1821. 1 pi, ix, (1)14-144 p 24° NDP p.v.l The authoress, who occupied a very humble posi- tion in life, was blind from infancy. Gray, David. Poems by David Gray, with memoirs of his life [by James Hedder- wickj Boston: Roberts Bros., 1864. xv, 17-239 p. 12°. NCM 824 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Greenshields, John Blackwood. Home. A poem. . . [By J. B. Greenshields.] Edin- burgh: Mundell, Doig, & Stevenson, 1808. xxvii p., 2 1., (1)34-175 p. 2. ed. 16°. NDPp.v.5 Gregory, James. Epigrams and poems. Edinburgh: J. Moir, 1810. 7 p. 8°. NCI p.v.19 Lucubrations on the epigram, 'Ei H8V f]v nafreiv & 8ei jhxQew, Kai u.r| Jiafreiv, jtodov tjv to nafrsiv 'Ei oe 8ei na#Eiv a 8' fiv |j.aft£iv, Ti 8ei na*8iv; XO'H Y<*9 Jtatew. rBy James Gregory.] Edinburgh: J. Bal- lantyne & Co., 1808. 48 p. 8°. NCI p.v.48 With three pages of ms. of Latin verses "Ad reverendum dominum, Dominum Gulielmum Erskme; Ecclesije Episcopalis Scoticensis apud Muthil, 1782," attached. Greig, Gavin. On Mormond Hill. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8. 1904-05, p. 88-89.) CPA Verse. Grosart, Alexander Balloch. See Wilson, Alexander. The poems. . . Guthrie, William. A sermon on sym- pathie. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Select biog- raphies... Edinburgh, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 67-80.) AGH H., A. Janet Donaldson; or, The wee woman o' Loch Lomond. 1 pi. (In: The wreath of friendship. London [1836]. 16°. p. 104-108.) NCA Haegstad, Marius. Hildinakvadet med utgreiding um det norske maal paa Shet- land i eldre tid. Christiania: J. Dybwad, 1900. x, 98 p., 8 fac. 4°. (Videnskabsel- skabets Skrifter. u. Hist.-fil. Klasse. 1900. no. 2.) * EI Hales, A. G. With sword and cross. A tale of the Covenanters, illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1902. 8°. v. 26, p. 371-379.) * DA Halkerston [Lat. Hacarstoniusj, James. Epigrammata. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 376-377) NDP Hamilton, Elizabeth. The cottagers of Glenburnie; a tale for the farmer's ingle- nook. Edinburgh: Manners & Miller, 1822. xii, 311 p. 7. ed. 16°. NCW Part of this work was republished in no. 85 (v. 6) of Chambers' Miscellany, new ed., Edinburgh [1870]. With a memoir of the life of the author. Edinburgh: W. & R. Cham- bers, 1837. iv, 46 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l071 Mrs. Macclarty. Scenes from the "Cottagers of Glenburnie." 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh [1845]. v. 5, no. 46.) *c Hamilton, John, archbishop of St. An- drews. Ane Catholik and facile traictise, drauin out of the halie Scriptures treulie exponit be the ancient doctores to con- firme the real and corporell praesence of chrystis pretious bodie and blude in the sacrament of the alter. Paris, 1581. (Re- printed in: Catholic tractates of the six- teenth century. 1573-1600. Edinburgh 1901. 8°. p. 71-92.) NDP ■ Certane orthodox and Catholik con- clusions with yair probatios. Quhilkis Johne Hamilton proponis in name of ye Catholikis to the Caluinolatre ministeris... Paris, 1581. (Reprinted in: Catholic trac- tates of the sixteenth century. 1573-1600. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. p. 93-105.) NDP A facile traictise; contenand, first ane infallible reul to discerne trew from fals religion: Nixt, a declaration of the nature, numbre, vertew & effects of the sacraments; togider with certaine prayeres of devotion. Lovan, 1600. (Reprinted in: Catholic tractates of the sixteenth century ... Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. p. 218-246.) NDP Ane godlie exhortatioun maid and sett furthe be the maist reuerende... Johane, archbischope of Sanctandrous, 1559. 2 1. fac. (Reprinted in facsimile in: Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 313-316.) fCP Also reprinted in the Statutes of the Scottish Church, 1225-1559, p. 188-190, Edinburgh, 1907. From Archbishop Hamilton's having allowed it to be sold at the price of two pennies Scots (= one- sixth of a penny Sterling) it was popularly known as "The twa-penny Faith." Hamilton, Robert. Essays. Aberdeen: D. Chalmers and Co., printers, 1831. viii, 217 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l092 On peace and war. On the management of the poor. On government. Hamilton, Thomas. The youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. (Novelist's magazine. Philadelphia, 1833. f°. p. 438- 541.) NAC Hamilton, William, of Bangour. Con- templation; or, The triumph of love. [By William Hamilton.] Edinburgh: Hamilton and Balfour, 1747. 18 p. 12°. *Cp.v.lll8 — — Poems [with life by Alexander Chal- mers]. (In: Alexander Chalmers, Works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 15, p. 593-655.) NCI [With life by R. A. Davenport.] Chiswick: C. Whittingham, printer, 1822. iv, 240 p. 16°. (The British poets, v. 57.) NCI Poetical works... to which is pre- fixed the life of the author. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1794. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v. 9, p. 409-464.) NCI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 825 language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. . Collated with the best edi- tions- bv T. Park. London: J. Sharpe, 1805 2 v. 32°. NCM Hannay, James. Singleton Fontenoy, R. N New York: Harper & Brothers [185-?]. 148 p. 8°. tJCTp.v.2 Hannay, Patrick. The poetical works of Patrick Hannay, A. M. 1622. With a mem- oir of the author. Glasgow: privately printed, 187S. SO, 264 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 4°. (Hunterian Club.) NCE Harp, The, of Perthshire: a collection of songs, ballads, and other poetical pieces, chiefly by local authors. With notes ex- planatory, critical, and biographical by Robert Ford. Paisley: Alexander Gard- ner, 1893. 1 p.l., xx, 519 p., 1 port. 8°. NCI Harp, The, of Renfrewshire: a collection of songs and other poetical pieces (many of which are original), accompanied with notes, explanatory, critical, and biographi- cal, and a short essay on the poets of Ren- frewshire. Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 1872-73. 2 v. port. 8°. NCI Originally published in 1819. Harvey, John. The Bruciad, an epic poem, in six books. [By John Harvey.] London: J. Dodsley, 1769. xiv p., 1 1., 237 p. 8°. NCL A reprint, with some alterations, but without acknowledgment, of Harvey's Life of Bruce, pub- lished with the author's name in Edinburgh in 1729. Harvie, John. Home, a poem; and other pieces... Glasgow: J. Starke, 1827. 24 p. 16°. . NCIp.v.79 Hawkseye, Harry, pseud. Pictures and people; or, A peep into the "Scottish Acad- emy," 1851. [Poetry.] Edinburgh: J. Men- zies, 1851. 16°. MAW p.v.4, no.4 Hay, John. Certaine demandes concern- ing the Christian religion and discipline, proposed to the ministers of the new pre- tended Kirk of Scotland. Paris, 1580. (Reprinted in: Catholic tractates of the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. p. 31-70.) NDP Heir, The, of Linn. (Youth's keepsake. Boston, 1835. 16°. p. 162-171.) NBA Prose version of the old ballad. Heirs, The, of Kellie. An episode of family history. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 159, p. 323-363.) *DA Henderson, Daniel Mclntyre. A bit bookie of verse in the English and Scots tongues. Baltimore: University Book Store, 1905. 2 p.l., 3-131 p. 12°. NCM Henderson, Elliott. See under Barrie, Sir James Matthew. Henderson, George. The popular rhymes, sayings, and proverbs of the county of Berwick, with illustrative notes. New- castle-on-Tyne: printed for the author, 1856. viii, 184 p. 12°. ZBW Contains no proverbs in the proper sense of the word. Henry the Minstrel. The lyfe and actis of the maist illuster and vailzeand cam- piovn VVilliam Wallace, Knicht of Ellers- lie, Mainteiner and defender of the libertie of Scotland... Edinburgh: Robert Char- tens, 1601. (3) 1-47, 49-178, 182-184 1. 4°, in eights. Reserve The following leaves are missing: aii-4, Hl-4 (the preface), F8 (no. 48 of the text), Ziii-5 (nos. 179- 181). The following leaves are supplied in facsimile: a i (the title), US-6 (the table), Ai (no. 1 of the text), Xi (no. 160), Zi, Zii, Z6-8 (nos. 177, 178, 182- 184). The colophon which should be on Z8 b , is lacking. This copy formerly belonged to George Paton, and at his sale it was purchased by Blackwood, who later disposed of it to Dr. Jamieson for £2.12.6. It afterwards passed into the possession of James Maidment by whom the volume was bound in its present covers. In 1848 Maidment made an exchange of it to Dr. David Laing for a copy of Scot's Dis- coverie of Witchcraft. Wallace; or, The life and acts of Sir William Wallace, of Ellerslie. . . With notes, and preliminary remarks by John Jamieson. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1820. 1 p.l., xx, 444 p. 4°. tNDR The history of the life, adventures, and heroic actions of the celebrated Sir William Wallace. . .translated into metre, from the original Latin of Mr. John Blair Revised and improved by William . Hamilton... New York: W. W. Craw- ford, 1820. xxiii, (1)26-236 p. 12°. 'The original Latin' and 'Mr. John Blair' are both fictitious, and were invented by the poet to give the stamp of authority to his work. This abridgment by Hamilton became exceedingly popular in Scotland on its first publication in 1722. The life and heroic achievements of Sir William Wallace, the Scottish patriot. And of the life of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland. From the original edition in verse. [By J. Harvey.] Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1859. vi, (1)8-288 p. 24°. NDH The actis and deidis of the illustere and vailzeand campioun Schir William Wallace, Knicht of Ellerslie. Edited by James Moir. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1889. liv, 567 p., 1 fac. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. Publications, v. 6-7, 17.) NDP Aldis, Harry Gidney. On some re-dis- covered fragments of an edition of Blind Harry's Wallace printed in the types of Chepman and Myllar. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edin- burgh, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 87-89.) Reserve Aschauer, Edmund. Zur "Wallace"- Frage. (Beitrage zur neueren Philologie... Wien, 1902. 8° p. 132-145.) NABO 826 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Brown, John T. T. The Wallace and the Bruce restudied. Bonn: P. Hanstein's Ver- lag, 1900. viii, 174 p., 1 1. 8°. (Bonner Bei- trage zur Anglistik. Heft 6.) RNB Craigie, William Alexander. Barbour and Blind Harry as literature. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1893. 8°.- v. 22, p. 173- 201.) *DE Kolkwitz, Max. Das Satzgefiige in Bar- ber's Bruce und Henry's Wallace. Ein Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der altschottischen Syn- tax. Halle a. S., 1893. 56 p. 12°. RNBp.v.ll Mom, James. Sir William Wallace: a critical study of his biographer, Blind Harry. (Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 169-191.) *EC Neilson, George. On Blind Harry's Wal- lace; poet and quasi-historian. (In: Eng- lish Association. Essays and studies. Ox- ford, 1910. 8°. [V. l,i p. 8S-1120 NCY Henry, J. Songs and effusions in rhyme ... Edinburgh, 1838. 47 p. 12°. NCI p.v.37 Henryson, Robert. The bludy serk, a pious fable. (In: Scotish poems... collected by John Pinkerton. London: 1792. 12°. v. 3, p. 189-194.) NDP The poems of Robert Henryson edited by G. Gregory Smith, v. 2-3 (Text v. 1-2). Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1906-08. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Pub- lications.] v. 55, 58.) NDP Robene and Makyne. — The gar- mond of gude ladeis. — The prais of aige. — The testament of Cresseid. — Prologue to the moral fables. — The taill of the Up- landis mous... (In: Mediaeval Scottish poetry. Glasgow, 1892. 12°. p. 77-138.) NDP Diebler, A. R. Henrisone's Fabeln. (Anglia. Halle a. S., 1886. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 337-390, 452-492.) RNA Hepburn, Thomas Nicoll. Robert Urqu- hart. By Gabriel Setoun [pseud, of T. N. Hepburnj. New York: R. F. Fenno & Co., 1896. 2 p.l., 9-339 p. 12°. (Monarch se- ries, no. 8.) NCW New York: F. Warne & Co., 1896. 341 p. 12°. NCW _ Herd, David. Ancient and modern Scot- tish songs, heroic ballads, etc. Reprinted from the edition of 1776, with an appendix, containing the pieces substituted in the edition of 1791 for omissions from that of 1776, etc. Glasgow: Kerr & Richardson, 1869. 2 v. 8°. NCK Large paper copy. Herrtage, Sidney J. H. See Taill, The, of Rauf Coilyear. . . Hill, W. A. See Campbell, Thomas. Poetical works. . . Hislop, Alexander. The proverbs of Scotland with explanatory and illustrative notes and a glossary, new ed. revised Edinburgh: A. Hislop & Co., 1868. xii 13- 367 p. 12°. *R-NAX History, The, of a hypocrite, n. t -p [Glasgow: G. Macleod & Co., 1819?, 8 p' 16°. NCIp.v.20 Hogg, James, the Ettrick Shepherd. Al- trive tales: collected among the peasantry of Scotland, and from foreign adventurers by the Ettrick Shepherd [i. e., James Hogg]. With illustrations by G. Cruikshank. Lon- don: J. Cochrane and Co., 1832. 1 p.l., viii cli, 190 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 16°. MEM — — The Brownie of Bodsbeck. Phil- adelphia: R. Dunlap & Co., 1833. 2v. 12°. NCW New York: Stearns & Co. r 187-?] 109 p. 8°. NCW And other tales. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1818. 2 v. 12°. NCW The other tales are: (1) The wool-gatherer; (2) The hunt of Eildon. A Cameronian ballad. (The Amu- let. London, 1831. 16°. 1831, p. 173-180.) NCA The Cameronian preacher's tale. (In: The anniversary, edited by Allan Cun- ningham. London, 1829. 12°. 1829, p. 170- 191.) NCA The carle of Invertime. (The an- niversary, edited by Allan Cunningham. London, 1829. 12°. 1829, p. 100-107.) NCA Gary o'Kean: a poem. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1821. 8°. v. 9, p. 575-583.) *DE George Dobson's expedition to hell. Kirkintilloch: William M'Millan [187-?,. 12 p. 8°. (The Story-teller.) NDPp.v.4 The Glasgow dinner-party, or, A psychological curiosity. (The Corsair. New York, 1839. f°. v. 1, p. 260-262.) t*DD The Jacobite relics of Scotland; being the songs, airs, and legends of the adherents to the house of Stuart, series 2. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1821. 8°. NDF Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary mis- cellany, v. 6, p. 31-37, Edinburgh, 1820. Reprinted from the original ed. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1874. 2 v. port. 8°. NDP Jacobite relics, not published in Mr. Hogg's collection. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 9, p. 439-443.) *DE LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 827 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. A lay of the martyrs. (The amulet. London, 1830. 24°. p. 145-154.) NCA The long pack; or, The robbers dis- covered: a Scottish story. By the Ettrick Shepherd. Glasgow [18—?]. 24 p. 16°. NDP p.v.3 The long pack, a Northumberland tale an hundred years old. Newcastle: W. & T. Fordyce \circa 1835]. 24 p. 16°. NDP p.v.3 Mador of the moor; a poem. [In five cantos.] Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1816. 4 p.l., 3-140 p. 8°. NCM Poetical works. . .including all his national, pathetic, humorous, and love songs. New York: D. Mallory, 1825. 2 v. 24°. NCM Each volume has additional engraved title-page. The poetical works of the Ettrick Shepherd, including the Queen's wake, Pil- grims of the sun, Mador of the moor, Mountain bard, &c. With an autobiog- raphy, and illustrative engravings, from original drawings by D. O. Hill. Glasgow: Blackie and Son, 1840. 5 v. 16°. NCM The queen's wake: a legendary poem. Edinburgh: G. Goldie, 1814. 4 p.l., iv p., 1 1., 362 p. 3. ed. 8°. NCM Reviewed in the Analectic magazine, v. 3, p. 104- 125, Philadelphia, 1814 (reprinted from the Scottish review). Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1819. 2 p.l, 384 p., 1 port., 1 pi. 5. ed. 8°. NCM Large paper copy. The portrait is that of Mary, lueen of Scots, sketched by Medina from a picture in the gallery at Versailles. The plate is a curious drawing of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe of the Witch )f Fife. Edinburgh: W. & R. Cham- bers, 1841. 1 p.l., 46 p. 4°. NCI p.v.55 „ A queer book. By the Ettrick Shepherd. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1832. ii, 379 p. 12°. *R-NCM The raid of the Kers. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1830. 8". '. 28, p. 895-899.) * DA Reprinted in County monthly, v. 1, p. 29-33, New- astle-on-Tyne, 1901. The royal jubilee. A Scottish mask, >y the Ettrick Shepherd [i. e., James Hogg]. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1822. 42 p. 8°. NCO p.v.339, no.7 Ihe music given for the songs. Scottish haymakers. 1 pi. (Forget ne not. London [1834?]. 16°. p. 327-335.) NCA Scottish pastorals, poems, songs, 2C. Mostly written in the dialect of the ?outh. Edinburgh: J. Taylor, 1801. 2 p.l., '-° 2 P- 8°. *Cp.v.ll37 , r The shepherd's calendar. New \ork: A. T. Goodrich, 1829. 2 v. 12° NCW „ Songs by the Ettrick Shepherd. Now first collected. Edinburgh: Wm Blackwood, 1831. vii, 311 p. 12°. NCM New York: William Stodart, 1832. xn, 311 p. 1. Amer. ed. 16°. NCM Superstition and grace. An un- earthly ballad. (The bijou. London, 1829 16°. 1829, p. 129-134.) NCA A tale of Pentland. (The amulet. London, 1830. 24°. p. 219-241.) NCA (The cabinet of literary gems. London, n. d. 16°. p. 131-148.) NCA Tales and sketches, including. . . several pieces not before printed, with... engravings by D. O. Hill. Glasgow, 1837. 6 v. 12°. NCG v. 1. The brownie of Bodsbeck. The wool- gatherer. The surpassing adventures of Allan Gor- don. A tale of Pentland. Ewan M'Gabhar. v. 2. The bridal of Palmood. Storms. A shep- herd's wedding. Country dreams and apparitions (1. The wife of Lochmaben. 2. Cousin Mattie. 3. Welldean Hall. 4. Tibby Johnston's wraith). A story of good Queen Bess. Sound morality. Trials of temper. The fords of Callum. The Cameronian preacher's tale. v. 3. The hunt of Eildon. The adventures of Basil Lee. Adam Bell. Duncan Campbell. An old soldier's tale. Katie Cheyne. The long pack. A country funeral. The shepherd's calendar (1. Rob Dodds. 2. Mr. Adamson of Laverhope. 3. The prodigal son. 4. The school of misfortune. 5. George Dobson's expedition to hell. 6, The souters of Selkirk. 7. The laird of Cassway. 8. The brownie of the Black Haggs). v. 4. The Shepherd's calendar, continued. (9. Tibby Hyslop's dream. 10. May Burnet. 11. The laird of Wineholm. 12. Window Wats' courtship. 13. A strange secret. 14. The marvellous doctor. 15. The witches of Traquair. 16. Sheep. 17. Prayers. 18. Odd characters. 19. Nancy Chisholm. 20. The Shepherd's dog) . Emigration. The two Highland- ers. The watchmaker. A story of the Forty-six. A tale of the martyrs. Adam Scott. The baron St. Gio. The mysterious bride. Nature's magic lantern. v. 5. Private memoirs and confessions of a fan- atic. Some remarkable passages in the life of an Edinburgh baillie. Julia M'Kenzie. v. 6. Mary Montgomery. The siege of Rox- burgh. The adventures of Colonel Peter Aston. Wat Pringle o' the Yair. See also under Wilson, John, and others. Holland, John. See Montgomery, James. Sacred poems. . . Holland, Sir Richard. The buke of the Howlat. [By Sir Richard Holland.] Edited by D. Donaldson. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1882. 5(1) p., 8 1., xxiv p., 22 1, 7, 2 p., 4 1. 4°. (New Club series.) NCL A reprint, with additions, of the edition of David Laing. Rules of the Bannatyne Club inserted. Holland's Buke of the Houlate, pub- lished from the Bannatyne ms. With stud- ies in the plot, age and structure of the poem. By A. Diebler. Leipzig: O. R. Reisland, 1893. 52 p. sq. 4°. NCL The houlat. (In: Scotish poems... collected by John Pinkerton. London, 1792^ 12°. v. 3, p. 145-188.) NDP 828 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Diebler, A. R. Zu Holland's Buke of the Houlate. (Anglia. Halle a. S., 1894. 8°. Bd. 16, p. 385-386.) RNA Holy, The, vengeance for the martyrdom of George Wishart. (The bijou. London, 1829. 16°. 1829, p. 185-191.) NCA Home, Henry, Lord Kames. Essays on the principles of morality and natural re- ligion, [Selections from]. (In: L. A. Selby- Bigge, British moralists... Oxford, 1897. 8°. v. 2, p. 300-325.) YFH Sketches of the history of man. [By Henry Home, Lord Kames.] Edin- burgh: W. Creech, 1774. 2 v. 4°. BAP Dublin: United Company of Booksellers, 1775. 4 v. 16°. BAP v. 1-2. Dublin: J. Williams. 1779. 3. ed. 8°. BAP Edinburgh: A. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1788. 4 v. 8°. BAP , Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1813. 3 v. new ed. 8°. BAP Brown, Henry H. Lord Kames; a ju- dicial historian. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1911. 8°. v. 23, p. 180-193.) SEA Joseph, Martin. Die Psychologie H. Home's. Halle a.S.: C. A. Kaemmerer & Co., 1911. 73(1) p. 8°. YECp.v.l Home, John. Agis: a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury- Lane. [By John Home.] Edinburgh: G. Hamilton, 1758. 2 p.l„ 72 p. 12°. NCO p.v.18 "He shares with Joanna Baillie the doubtful hon- our of being compared with Shakespeare: she by Scott and he by Burns." — Symons, Romantic move- ment in English poetry, p. 23. Edinburgh: G. Hamilton & J. Balfour, 1758. iv, 72 p. 8°. *Cp.v.698 London: A. Millar, 1758. 2 p.l., 71(1) p. 8°. NCOp.v.198 Dublin: G. & A. Ewing, 1758. 72 p. 16°. NCOp.v.351,no.2 Alfred; a tragedy r in verse; by John Homej. London: T. Becket, 1778. 1 p.l., v-xi p., 2 1., 79 p. 8°. NCO p.v.205 Alonzo; a tragedy, in five acts [in verse; by John Home]... London: T. Becket, 1773. 4 p.l., 86 p., 1 1. 8°. NCO p.v.202 Douglas; a tragedy. . . London: A. Millar, 1757. 4 p.l., 71 p. 8°. NCP Marked with the variations in the manager's book at...Covent Garden. London: T. Lowndes, 1783. 58 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCP p. box As it is acted at the theatres in Great Britain. Glasgow: R. Duncan, 1791. 2 p.l., 5-56 p. 16°. *Cp.v.815 Dublin: W. Jones, 1792. 79. 164 p., 1 1., 2 pi. 16°. (In: Jones. British theatre. 1795. v. 4.) NCO As performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden. Regulated from the prompt-book. . . Lon- don: J. Bell, 1796. xix(i), 21-88 p., 2 pi 16°. (Bell's British theatre, v. 3.) NCO London [18 — ?]. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 31.) NCO ■ ■ New York: S. French [18—?]. 1 p.l., 7-55 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 98.) NCOp.v.344 ■ Philadelphia: Fisher & Broth- er [18 — ?]. 63 p. nar. 16°. (Turner's dram- atic library.) NCOF Prompter's copy, with ms. notes. (In: The British drama; com- prehending the best plays in the English language. London, 1804. 4°. v. 1, p. 755- 773.) NCO ■ Printed. . .from the prompt- book. With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald, 53 p., 1 pi. (In: The British theatre. Lon- don: Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme, 1808. v. 16.) NCO (In: The modern British drama. London: W. Miller, 1811. 8°. v. 2, p. 387- 405.) NCO London: W. Simpkin & R. Marshall, 1821. 1 p.l., iv p, 2 1., 11-54 p., 1 port. 12°. (New English drama. . .edited by W. Oxberry. v. 12.) NCO (In: The British drama. Lon- don: Jones & Co., 1824. 8°. v. 1, p. 156- 169.) NCO With notes, critical and ex- planatory. . . London: T. Dolby [1824]. iv p., 1 1., 7-44 p., 1 pi. 16°. (Dolby's Bri- tish theatre, v. 1.) NCO With prefatory remarks, by W. Oxberry... Philadelphia: Shakspeare Press [183-?]. 64 p. 24°. (Turner's Amer- ican stage.) NCP (In: The British drama. Phil- adelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1838. 8°. v. 1, p. 156-169.) NCO Douglas. Tragedia di Home, tra- dotta da Gaetano Marre. Genova: A. Fru- goni, 1822. 113 p. 12°. NCOp.v.36; Italian and English on opposite pages. The fatal discovery. A tragedy. . [by Tohn Homej. London: T. Becket & P A. De Hondt, 1769. 2 p.l., 76 p., 1 1. 8° NCO p.v.20: The siege of Aquileia. A tragedi ...[by John Homej. London: A. Millar 1760. 2 p.l., 63(1) p. 8°. NCOp.v.19! The works of John Home, now firs collected; to which is prefixed, an accoun of his life and writings, by Henry Macken LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 829 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. zie Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co!, 1822. 3 v. map, plans, port. 8°. NCP v. 1: Account of his life. Agis. Douglas. v 2: The siege of Aquileia. The fatal discovery. Aloiizo. Alfred. The history of the Rebellion in the year 1745, ch. 1-2. v. 3: The history of the Rebellion, continued. Reviewed (by Sir Walter Scott) in the Quarterly review, v. 36, p. 167-216, London, 1827. Wolbe, Fugen. Quellenstudien zu John Home's "Douglas." Berlin: Mayer & Mul- ler, 1901. 2 p.L, 48 p., 2 1. 8°. NCC p. box Howden, R. The king's welcome to Edinburgh; by a country shepherd, his wife, and daughter. A true tale. Edin- burgh: printed for the author, 1822. 24 p. 16°. NDP p.v.2 The half title reads: the king's welcome to Edin- burgh. A poem in the Scottish dialect. Hoy, John, the younger. Poems on va- rious subjects. [With some account of the author.! Edinburgh: Macfarquhar & El- liot, 1781. xx, 130 p. 8°. NCIp.v.70 Hume, Alexander. Ane afold admoni- tioun to the ministerie of Scotland. By Mr. A. Hume, minister of Logie, m.dc.ix. (Wodrow Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. S6S-S90.) CP (In his: Poems. Edited by A. Lawson. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. p. 168- 183.) NDP The poems of A. Hume (?1557- 1609). Edited from the text of Waldegrave ...by A. Lawson. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood & Sons, 1902. lxxiii, 280, 19 p. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 48.]) NDP Ane treatise of conscience. Qvhairin divers secreits concerning that subiect, are discovered. . . Edinburgh: Printed by Rob- ert Walde-graue, 1594. (In his: Poems. Edited by A. Lawson. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. p. 91-140.) NDP Reprinted here for the first time. A treatise of the felicitie, of the life to come. Vnsavorie to the obstinate, allur- ing to such as are gone astray, and to the faithful, full of consolation. Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, 1594. (In his: Poems. Edited by A. Lawson. Edin- burgh, 1902. 8°. p. 142-167.) NDP Reprinted here for the first time. Hume, David. Lusus poetici. (In: Deli- tise poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 1, p. 378-438.) NDP Hume, David. Four dissertations. I. The natural history of religion, n. Of the passions, m. Of tragedy, iv. Of the stand- ard of taste. London: A. Millar, 1757. 2 P.I., vii p., 1 1., 240 p. 16°. NCZ Original letters of Shenstone, David Hume, and Joseph Spence. (Edinburgh an- nual register for 1809. Edinburgh, 1811 8°. v. 2, part 2, p. 549-555.) BAA On Scottish literature. ^— — Political discourses. Edinburgh: R. Fleming, printer, 1752. 2 p.l., 304 p. 12° TB Hume, Sir Patrick, .of Polwarth. The promine, contening the maner, place, and time, of the maist illuster King James the Sixt his first passing to the feildis... Be P. H. Imprentit at Edinburgh be Johne Ros, for Henrie Charteris, 1580. (In: Alex- ander Hume. Poems. Edited by A. Law- son. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. p. 204-210 ) NDP Hunnis, William. Seven r Sobsj of a Sorrow[fvllj Sovle for [Sin:j Comprehend- ing those seuen [Psaljmes of the Princely Prophet David, commonly called Pceniten- tiall, framed into a forme of familiar praiers, and reduced into Meeter by VVil- liam Hunnis... Whereunto is also an- nexed his handfull [of] Honisuckles; the Poore Widows] Mite; a Dialogue betweene Christ and a sinner; divers godly and pitthy Ditties, with a Christian Confession of, and to the Trinity: newly augmented. Edin- burgh, Printed by Andro Hart, 16[21,. (3) 11., 85 p., (1)1., 95 p. 12°. Reserve The title-page and several others of this work are mutilated. One leaf appears to be missing, prob- ably Al (blank?). Hyatt, Alfred H. The charm of Edin- burgh; an anthology, compiled by A. H. Hyatt, with. . .illustrations by H. Morley. London: Chatto & Windus, 1913. xi p., 1 1., (1)4-438 p., 1 1., 12 pi. 12°. CR Ides, The, of March; or, The battle of the macaws. By a member of the Political Union. [Edinburgh, 1831?) 12 p. 12°. NCI p.v.36 Illustrated, The, book of Scottish songs. From the sixteenth to the nineteenth cen- tury. [London:] Illustrated London Li- brary, n. d. 1 p.l., viii, 325 p., 1 pi. illus. 12°. NCK London: N. Cooke, 1854. 1 p.l., viii, 325 p. 2. ed. 12°. NDP Imlah, John. Poems and songs. Lon- don: Hugh Cunningham, 1841. xvi, 288 p. 12°. NCM Imrie, John. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. Inglis, Mrs. Richmond. Anna and Ed- gar: or, Love and ambition. A tale. Edin- burgh: printed by A. Murray and J. Coch- ran, for the author, 1781. 2 p.l., 53 p. 4°. * C p.v.472 The authoress was the daughter of Col. Jfmes Gardiner, who fell at the battle of Prestonpans, 1745. Innes, Cosmo. See under Barbour, John. The Brus. Irving, David. See under Fergusson, R. 830 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Irving, Edward. A tale of the time of the martyrs. (In: The anniversary, edited by A. Cunningham. London, 1829. 12°. 1829, p. 281-299.) NCA Jacobite minstrelsy; with notes illustra- tive of the text, and containing historical details in relation to the house of Stuart, from 1640 to 1784. Glasgow: Richard Grif- fin and Co., 1829. xiv, 362, viii p., 1 pi. 24°. NCI With additional engraved title-page. James I., king of Scotland. The kingis quair, together with a ballad of good coun- sel. Edited by the Rev. W. W. Skeat. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1884. lv, 113 p. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications.] v. 1.) NDP The kingis quair. Good counsel. (In: Mediaeval Scottish poetry. Glasgow, 1892. 12°. p. 25-76.) NDP The kingis quair, and the quare of jelusy. Edited, with introduction, notes, appendix and glossary, by A. Lawson. London: A. & C. Black, 1910. xclv, 169 p., S fac, 1 port. 8°. NCL The kingis quair: together with a ballad of good counsel: by King James I. of Scotland. Edited by W. W. Skeat. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1911. lxiv, 122 p., 2 fac. 2. ed. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications.] new series, r no.] 1.) NDP • The poetical remains of King James the First of Scotland, with a memoir, and an introduction to his poetry. By Rev. Charles Rogers. (Royal Historical So- ciety. Transactions. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 297-392.) CA The works of James the First. . .to which is prefixed, a historical and critical dissertation on his life and writings. Also, some brief remarks on... the Scots lan- guage. . .and a dissertation on Scottish mu- sic... Glasgow: W. Lang [1825]. 1 p.l., (i)vi-viii p., 2 1„ (1)14-295 p. 12°. NCL Book-plate of James Wyllie Guild. Brown, John T. T. The authorship of the "Kingis quair." (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1899. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 93-166.) CPA ■ A new criticism. Glasgow: James MacLehose & Sons, 1896. x p., 1 1., 99 p. 8°. NDP Against King James i. being the author. Fyvie, John. A forgotten royal author. 1 port. (In his: Some literary eccentrics. London, 1906. 8°. p. 249-269.) * R - NCB James i. of Scotland. Macintosh, W. The king's quhair. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 36-37, 53-54.) CPA Rait, Robert Sangster. "The kingis quair and the new criticism." (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8° v. 11, p. 140-142, 153-155, 171-173, 182-184) CPA Wood, Henry. Chaucer's influence upon King James i. of Scotland as poet. (An- glia. Halle a. S., 1880. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 223- 265.) RNA James V., king of Scotland. See Drum- mond, William. Polemo-Middinia. . . James VI., king of Scotland. A counter- blaste to tobacco. London: Imprinted by R. B. ii, (1)6-24 p. (Reprinted in: The old book collector's miscellany. . .edited by C Hindley. London, 1871. 8°. v. 1, no. 2.) NCE The dutie of a king in his royal of- fice, showing how it is to be used in the administration of justice and politick gov- ernment in his kingdomes. . . (In: Somers, A collection of scarce. . .tracts. . . London, 1810. 4°. v. 3, p. 259-281.) C The essayes of a prentise, in the divine art of poesie. With a prefatory memoir by R[Obertj P[iercej Gillies. Edin- burgh: James Ballantyne & Co., printers, 1814. 4 p.l., xviii p., 59 1. (unnumbered), sq. 8°. NCL The essayes of a prentise, in the divine art of poesie. Edinburgh, 1585. A counterblaste to tobacco. London, 1604. Edited by Edward Arber. London: E. Ar- ber, 1869. 120 p. 12°. (Arber's English re- prints.) NCE New poems by James I. of England, from a hitherto unpublished manuscript. (Add. 24195) in the British Museum. Edit- ed... by A. F. Westcott. New York: Co- lumbia University Press, 1911. 3 p.l., iii-xci, 121 p. 8°. (Columbia University studies in English. Unnumbered series.) NCL Workes... Published by James, bishop of Winton... London: Robert Barker and John Bill, printers, 1616. 19 p.l., 570 p., 1 pi., 1 port. f°. ftNCF Lacks the supplement of 24 leaves, published four years subsequently. Jamieson, John. Eternity, a poem: ad- dressed to freethinkers and philosophical Christians. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute, 1798. 68 p. 8°. NCI p.v.53 See also under Barbour, John, and Henry the Minstrel. Jamieson, Patrick. See under Musa La- tina Aberdonensis. Jamieson, Robert. Popular ballads and songs, from tradition, manuscripts, anc scarce editions; with translations of simi- lar pieces from the ancient Danish lan- guage, and a few originals by the editor Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1806. 2 v 8°. . NCK LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 831 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Jaques. The fatherless bairns: a series of poems on the battle of Stirling, edited by Taques. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1859. vii(i), 66 p. nar. 12°. * C p.v.363 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord Jeffrey. Contri- butions to the Edinburgh review. . . Lon- don: Longman, Brown, Green, and Long- mans, 1844. 4 v. 8°. NCZ For a critical notice of these contributions see the North British review, v. 1. p. 252-284, Edinburgh, 1844- Tait's Edinburgh magazine, new series, v. 11, p. 12-15, Edinburgh, 1844. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1846. 3 v. 2. ed. 8°. NCZ Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1846. 4v.ini. 3 p.l., y, 762 p., 1 port. 8°. (Modern British essayists, v. 6.) Stuart 10168 Inaugural addressees] delivered on Thursday, December 28, 1820, [and] o,n Thursday, January 3, 1822. 1 pi. (In: Uni- versity of Glasgow. Inaugural addresses. . . Glasgow, 1839. 4°. p. 3-18.) STK Parting address delivered on Fri- day, November IS, 1822. (In: University of Glasgow. Inaugural addresses... Glas- gow, 1839. 4°. p. 19-22.) STK Gates, Lewis E. Francis Jeffrey. (In his: Three studies in literature. New York, 1899. 12°. p. 1-63.) NBQ Lord Jeffrey's contributions to the Edin- burgh review. (Eclectic magazine of for- eign literature, science, and art. New York, 1844. 8°. v. 3, p. 542-561.) * DA From the North British reziezv. Morley of Blackburn (1. baron), John Morley. Memorials of a man of letters. (In his: Studies in literature. London, 1897. 12°. p. 286-322.) NABO Lord Jeffrey. Johnston, Arthur. The epigrammata and remaining secular poems. Edited by Sir W. D. Geddes. Aberdeen, 1895. lvi, 307 (1), 12 p., 2 pi., 7 port. 4°. (New Spalding Club. Publications: Musa Latina Aber- donensis. v. 2.) f CP J., W. The works of Arthur Johnston, physician to King Charles I. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 49-52, 65-67.) CPA Johnston, William. The bibliography and extant portraits of Arthur Johnston. (In: Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Aber- deen, 1895. 4°. v. 2, p. xlii-lvi.) t CP Robb, T. D. Arthur Johnston in his poems. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 287-298.) CPA Johnston, John. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Johnston, T. P. Patrick Hamilton: a tragedy of the Reformation in Scotland, 1528. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882. 2 p.l., 133 p., 2 pi. 16°. NCR Johnston, William. Latina Aberdonensis. See under Musa Johnstone, Christina Jane. Clan-Albin; a national tale. [By Christina J. Johnstone.] (Novelist's magazine. Philadelphia, 1833. f°. p. 150-282.) NAC The dominie's tale; or, The weird of the Winrams. (Tait's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. v. 4, p. 357- 388.) * DA Nighean Ceard: or, The goldsmith's daughter. _ A tale of Celts and Saxons. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. new series, v. 12, p. 1-13, 69-77, 137-147,218-229,273-291.) * DA Jones, T. Percy, pseud. See Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. Kemp, John. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Kennedy, Grace. Dunallan; or, Know what you judge. New York: Orville A. Roorbach, 1828. 2 v. 24°. NCW Father Clement, a Roman Catholic story. From the 6. Edinburgh ed. New York: E. Duyckinck, 1827. 246 p. 24°. NCW Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson [1855?]. ix, 11-155 p. 12°. NCW II Padre Clemente ossia il Gesuita confessore. Novella scozzese. Firenze: Tipografia Claudiana, 1867. 246 p. 2. ed. 12°. NCW El padre Clemente. Traducido del ingles. Neuva York: Sociedad Americana de Tratados [187-?,. 336 p. 12°. NCW Works. Edinburgh: Wm. Oliphant, 1827. 6 v. 12°. NCW v. 1. The decision — Profession is not principle. v. 2. Father Clement. v. 3. Jessy Allan — Anna Ross — and minor v. 4-5. Dunallan. v. 6. Philip Colville. Kennedy, James, tina Aberdonensis. See under Musa La- Kennedy, James. The Scottish and American poems of James Kennedy. New York: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co. t cop. 1907.] viii, (1)10-228 p., 1 port. 12°. NBI Autograph of author. Kennedy, Walter. The poems of Walter Kennedy, edited with introductions^ vari- ous readings, and notes,, by J. Schipper. 94 p. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Denkschriften. Philosophisch- historische Classe. Wien, 1902. f°. Bd. 48.) * EF 832 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Holthausen, F. Kennedy Studien. (Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Braunschweig, 1903-04. 8°. Bd. 110, p. 359-387; Bd. 112, p. 298-316.) RAA Weber, Hans Ulrich. Kennedy-Studien ... Kiel: Ludtke & Martens, 1905. 68 p., 2 1. 8°. NCCp.v.10 Ker, John. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Ker, John. Scottish nationality and other papers. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 1887. vi p., 1 1„ 251 p. 12°. CP Scottish nationality. John Knox. The revocation of the edict of Nantes. The Erskines: Ebenezer and Ralph. Early history of Glasgow. A day in the Up- per Ward of Clydesdale. Canadian letters. Reminis- cences of the Rev. Thomas Guthrie, D.D. The Rev. W. B. Robertson, D.D. Kerr, Charles. Juvenile performances in poetry. By a student in the University of Edinburgh [i. e., Charles Kerr, of Abbots- rule]. Edinburgh: J. and J. Ainslies, 1788. 3 p.l, 112 p. 8°. NCIp.v.60 Kerr, Margaret. A Lowland tale. (Cath- olic world. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 92, p. 505-513.) * DA Kettle, Rosa Mackenzie. The wild Gil- roys. (Argosy. London, 1892. 8°. v; 54, p. 199-208.) *DA Keythe, James. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Kindly Scot, A. Wallace and Bruce, a vision. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 496-502.) * DE King [Lat. Regiusj, Adam. Poemata. (In: Delitite poetarum Scotorum. Am- sterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 201-254.) NDP 1. Genethliacon Iesu Christi. 2. Iesu Christi passio. 3. Iesu Christi triumphus, resurrectionem & ascen- sionem complexus. 4. Querela ad Senatum Parisinum. 5. Panegyris de hxreditaria Iacobi VI., Scotorum Re- gis, in Anglise & Hibernian regna successione. 6. Epibaterion ad regem in Scotiam redeuntem. 7. Libri quarti Sphaerx a Georgio Buchanano non absoluti supplementum. [Written to complete the unfinished books of G. Buchanan's De Sphera.] 8. Libri quinti, a poeta non absoluti, supplementum. King's Scotch song book, containing a choice selection of comic, sentimental, and humourous Scotch songs, selected from the works of Burns and other celebrated au- thors. New York: S. King, 1822. 192 p 32°. N D p Kinloch, George Ritchie. Ancient Scot- tish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before published: with notes... and an appendix, containing the airs of several of the ballads. [By G. R. Kinloch.] Lon- don: Longman [etc.,, 1827. iii-xiv, 270 p., 8 1. of music. 8°. NDP Knockreggan, The, property; or, The Galloway legatees. (Hogg's instructor. Edinburgh, 1851. 8°. new series, v 7 n 313-318, 330-335, 346-351, 356-361, 377-382 395-400, 411-416.) *DA Knox, John. Ane breif commendatiovn of vprichtnes... Imprentit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik, 1573. (Reprinted in Thomas M'Crie, Life of John Knox Edinburgh, 1831. 5. ed. 8°. v. 2, p. 431- 453.) AN Select practical writings. Issued by the committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland... Edin- burgh: Assembly's Committee, 1845. xxx 32-352 p. 12°. ZEP Works. Collected and edited by David Laing. Edinburgh: Wodrow So- ciety, 1846. 2 v. 8°. ZWG and ZOO v. 1 : Notes on the chief events of his life. His- tory of the Reformation in Scotland, books I. and II., with an appendix. v. 2 : History of the Reformation, books m-v. with an appendix. Index of persons and of places. Edinburgh: James Thin, 1895. 6 v. fac, pi., port. 8°. ZOV v. 1-2 were originally published by the Wodrow Society; v. 3-5 were printed at the expense of Messrs. Johnston and Hunter, but the speculation was not successful, and before v. 5 could be circulated the whole stock was purchased by T. G. Stevenson. The New York Public Library copy is made up of this old stock with a new title-page bearing the imprint of James Thin, 1895. v. 1. Chronological notes on the chief events in the life of John Knox. History of the Reformation in Scotland; introductory notice; book first, 1494- 1558; book second, 1558-1559. Appendix: I. Interpo- lations and various readings in book first and second in Buchanan's edition of the history, in 1644. n. On the Lollards in Scotland, during the fifteenth cen- tury, m. Patrick Hamilton, abbot of Feme. iv. On the royal pilgrimages to the shrine of St. Duthack, at Tain, in Ross-shire, v. Foxe's Account of Henry Forrest, and other martyrs in Scotland, during the reign of King James the Fifth. VI. Notices of the Protestant exiles from Scotland, during the reign of King James the Fifth, vn. Alexander Seyton. vm. Sir John Borthwick. IX. George Wishart. x. John Rough, xi. Norman Lesley, xii. Adam Wallace. xiii. Walter Myln. xiv. On the title of Sir applied to priests, xv. On the tumult in Edinburgh, at the procession on St. Giles's day, 1558. xvi. Provincial councils in Scotland, 1549-1559. xvil. Letter of Mary, queen of Scots, to Lord James, prior of the monastery of St. Andrews, July, 1559. xviii. David Forrest, general of the mint. v. 2. History of the Reformation in Scotland, book third, 1559-1561. The Confession of Faith, 1560. The Buke of Discipline, 1560. History of the Ref- ormation in Scotland, book fourth, 1561-1564. In- troductory notice to book fifth. Book fifth, 1564- 1567. t Appendix: (1) Interpolation and various read- ings in book third and fourth in Buchanan's edition of the History, in 1644. Notices of the editor, David Buchanan. (2) On Spottiswood's edition of the First Book of Discipline. (3) Funerals of Mary of Guise, queen regent of Scotland. (4) Notices of John Black, a Dominican friar. (5) Notices of David Riccio. (6) The abbots of Culross and Lindores in 1560; and John Lesley, bishop of Ross. Glossary. Index of persons. Index of places. v. 3. An epistle to the congregation of the castle of St. Andrews; with a brief summary of Balnaves on Justification by faith, 1548. A vindication of the doctrine that the sacrifice of the mass is idolatry, 1550. A summary, according to the Holy Scriptures, of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 1550. A dec- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 833 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. laration of the true nature and object of prayer, 1553. A confession or prayer on the death of Edward vi. An exposition upon the sixth Psalm of David, ad- dressed to Mrs. Bowes, 1554. A godly letter of warning, or admonition to the faithful in London. Newcastle, and Berwick, 1554. Certain questions concerning obedience to lawful magistrates, with, an- swers by Henry Bullinger, 1554. Two comfortable epistles to his afflicted brethren in England, 1554. A faithful admonition to the professors of God's truth in England, 1554. Epistles to Mrs. Elizabeth Bowes, and her daughter Marjory, 1553-1554, letters i to xxvi. Appendix: Biographical notices and let- ters of Henry Balnaves of Halhill. A treatise by Bal- naves on Justification by faith, revisecUby Knox in 1548. v. 4. A narrative of the proceedings and troubles of the English congregation at Frankfurt on the Maine, 1554-1555. Appendix. A letter to the queen dowager, regent of Scotland, 1556. An exposition upon Matthew iv., concerning the temptation of Christ in the wilderness,_ 1556. Answers to some questions concerning baptism, &c, 1556. A letter of wholesome counsel, addressed to his brethren in Scot- land, 1556. The form of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c, used m the English congregation at Geneva, 1556. Familiar epistles, 1555-1558, letters xxvil to xxxvn. Letters to his brethren and the lords professing the truth in Scotland, 1557. An apology for the Protestants who are holden in prison at Paris: translated from the French, with additions, 1557. The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women, 1558. A letter to the queen dowager, regent of Scotland: augmented and explained by the author, 1558. The appellation from the sentence pronounced by the bishops and clergy: addressed to the nobility and estates of Scot- land, 1558. A letter addressed to the commonality of Scotland, 1558. Summary of the proposed Second blast of the trumpet. Appendix (An admonition to England and Scotland to call them to repentance, by Anthony Gilby, 1558. Psalm xciv., in metre, by William Kethe). v. 5. A letter to John Foxe, 1558. On predestina- tion, in answer to the cavillations by an Anabaptist, 1560. An epistle to the inhabitants of Newcastle and Berwick, 1558. A brief exhortation to England for the speedy embracing of the Gospel, 1559. The names of the martyrs in England, 1559. v. 6. Preface [outlines of Knox's life]. Letters chiefly relating to the progress of the Reformation in Scotland, 1559-1562. The reasoning betwixt the abbot of Crossraguell and John Knox concerning the mass, 1562. A sermon on Isaiah xxvi. 13-21, preached in St. Giles's Church, Edinburgh, 19th Au- gust 1565. The Book of Common Order: or the form of prayers, and ministration of the sacraments, etc., approved and received by the Church of Scotland, 1564. Psalmes of David in English meter, Edin- burgh, 1565 (Psalms xxm., xxiv., lvii., c, cxxim., cx .w.). Prayers, etc., subjoyned to Calvin's Cate- chisme, 1564. Additional prayers, etc., not contained in the Edinburgh volume of 1564-65. The order of the general fast, and the form of excommunication approved by the General Assembly of the Church of bcotland, 1566-1569. The order of excommunication and of public repentance, 1569. An answer to a let- ter written by James Tyrie, a Scottish Jesuit, 1572. is« i r !',o etc -» durin ? the later P eriod ° f Knox's life, iW5-iiJi Appendix: additional notes and correc- vr° nS T ac names for volumes m., iv., v., and vi. index of places for volumes in., iv., v., and vi. Oeneral index. e ~T~ Writings. London: Religious Tract Society [1842,. xxiv, 456 p., 1 port. 12°. (tintish reformers, v. 9.) ZOT Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. vi, iv, (1)6- 456 p., 1 port. 1. Amer. ed. 12°. (British reformers, v. 9.) ' ZOT Fleming, David Hay. The influence of Knox. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 131-135.) CPA Lang, Andrew. Knox as historian. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 113-130.) CPA With portrait of Mary, queen of Scots. Walker, Hugh. John Knox. (In his: Three centuries of Scottish literature. Glasgow, 1893. 12°. v. 1, p. 83-128.) NDP Knox, William. Mortality c a poem]. (In: George Alfred Townsend, The real life of Abraham Lincoln. New York, 1867 8°. p. 13-15.) AN (Lincoln) p.v.l Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Designs by Miss L. B. Hum- phrey. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1877. [32 P.] 12°. NBI Kyle's Scottish lyric gems. A collection of the songs of Scotland, original and selected, with new and appropriate sym- phonies and accompaniments for the pianoforte by T. S. Gleadhill. Glasgow: J. Ferrie, 1882. 1 p.l., ii, 403 p., 2 1. f°. *MO Kynloch, David. De hominis procrea- tione. (In: Delitias poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1627. 24°. v. 2, p. 3-66.) NDP The second book treats De anatome, et morbis internis. Laing, David. See under Bruce, Michael; and Select remains. Laird, The, of Logan: or, Anecdotes and tales illustrative of the wit and humour of Scotland. Glasgow: David Robertson, 1841. xlvi, 528 p. illus. 16°. Stuart 10285 Laird of Mistymuir, pseud. West coun- try lays; or, The pleasures of gossiping.. . Edinburgh: printed for the booksellers, 1867. 40 p. 12°. NCI p.v.40 Lamentatioun, The, of lady Scotland, compylit be hir self, speiking in maner of ane epistle, in the moneth of Marche... 1572. Imprentit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik, 1572. (Reprinted in: Scotish poems of the sixteenth century. Edin- burgh, 1801. 16°. p. 237-254.) NDP Lancelot of the Lake. The Scottish met- rical romance of Lancelot du Lak, now first printed from a manuscript of the fifteenth century, belonging to the Uni- versity of Cambridge. . . [Edited by Joseph Stevenson.j Edinburgh: printed for the Maitland Club, 1839. xxiv, 185 p. 4°. (Maitland Club.) t NCL Lancelot of the Laik: a Scottish metrical romance, (about 1490-1500 A. D.), re-edited from a manuscript in the Cam- bridge University Library, with an intro- duction, notes, and glossarial index, by W. W. Skeat. London: Early English Text Society, 1865. lv(i), 131(1) p. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Publica- tions, no. 6.) N CE 834 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Lancelot of the Laik from Cam- bridge University Library ms. Edited by M. M. Gray. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1912. xxxvi, 113 p., 3 fac. 8°. (Scottish Text Society.) NDP Siceat, Walter William. The author of "Lancelot of the Laik." (Scottish histori- cal review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 1-4.) CPA The authorship has been attributed, rightly Prof. Skeat thinks, to James Auchinleck or Affleck. Landsborough, David. Arran. A poem. In six cantos. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1828. xi p., 1 1., 167 p. nar. 12°. NCM With engraved title-page. Lang, Andrew. Adventures among books. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 190S. xi, 312 p., 1 port. 8°. *R-NCZ Adventures among books. Recollections of Robert Louis Stevenson. Rab's friend. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Mr. Morris's poems. Mrs. Rad- cliffe's novels. A Scottish romanticist of 1830. The confessions of Saint Augustine. Smollet. Na- thaniel Hawthorne. The paradise of poets. Paris and Helen. Enchanted cigarettes. Stories and story- telling. The supernatural in fiction. An old Scot- tish psychical researcher. The boy. Ballades and verses vain. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1884. viii, 165 p. 12°. NCM Ballads and lyrics of old Erance: with other poems. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872. x, 164 p. 12°. NKH Books and bookmen. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. vi p., 2 1., 177 p. 16°. * GAH The disentanglers. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1902. 6 p.l., 418 p., S pi. 8°. NCW Does ridicule kill? (Bibelot. Port- land, Me., 1910. 16°. v. 16, p. 301-310.) NAC • Essays in little. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. 4 p.l., 205 p., 1 port. 12°. AB Alexandre Dumas. Mr. Stevenson's works. Thomas Haynes Bayly. Theodore de Banville. Homer and the study of Greek. The last fashion- able novel. Thackeray. Dickens. Adventures of buccaneers. The sagas. Charles Kingsley. Charles Lever: his books, adventures and misfortunes. The poems of Sir Walter Scott. John Bunyan. Letters to a young journalist. Mr. Kipling's stories. Helen of Troy. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1882. 4 p.l., 173 p. 12° NCM How they held the Bass for King James, 1691-1694. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v 155, p. 317-320.) * DA Verse. How to fail in literature: a lecture. London: Field & Tuer, 1890. iv, (1)6-95 p. 16°. *IH In the wrong paradise, and other stories. New York: Harper & Bros [1886]. vi, 255 p. 12°. NCW Letters to dead authors. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. x, 194 16°. NDH — — - Letters on literature. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1889. x, 200 p 12°. NABO Lost leaders. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1892. viii 226 p. 12°. NCZ The mark of Cain. New York: C Scribner's Sons, 1887. 1 p.l., (1)6-173 p' 16°. NCW A monk of Fife; a romance of the days of Jeanne d'Arc. Done into English from the manuscript in the Scots College of Ratisbon. New York: Longmans Green, and Co., 1896. vi, 335 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW Old friends, essays in epistolary parody, by Andrew Lang. London: Long- mans, Green, and Co., 1890. xiii, 205 p., 1 pi. 12°. NDF Rhymes a la mode. Fifth edi- tion (1895) reissue. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907. x, 139 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCM xxxn ballades in blue china... London: K. Paul, Trench & Co., 1888: xi, (1) 16-119 p. 16°. NCM Lang syne sketches. (Hours at home. New York, 1867-68. 8°. v. 5, p. 404-409, 542-548; v. 6, p. 134-141, 316-323.) * DA 1. Sandy Scott. 2. The last of the gaberlunzies [Geordie Pudden]. 3. My first teachers. 4. The Kirk o'Shotts. Latto, W. D. Song sermons. By the author of "Tammas Bodkin" [W. D. Lattoj. Cupar-Fife: A. Westwood & Son, 1879. 2 p.l., 72 p. 12°. * C p.v.410 1. The wee cooper o' Fife. 2. My Jo, Janet. 3. The wicked wife o' Cupar. 4. The wife of Auch- termuchty. 5. Maggie Lauder. Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Highland legends. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1880. 392 p. 12°. ZBIG Scottish moorland scenery; The burning of Mac- farlane's forest of Ben-Laoidh; Comparatively re- cent destruction of the forests; Mr. Russel and the weaver; Scenery of the Findhorn; The cairn of the lovers; Hill of Aitnoch; Legend of John Mackay of Ross-shire, called Ian More Arrach. ..; Morning scene; The legend of John Macpherson of Inver- eshie; A stranger appears; Legend of the floating islet; Dominie delighted; Legend of Allan with the red jacket; Feudal heroes; Glengarry's revenue; Long yarns; The legend of the building of Ballm- dalloch; Somnosalmonia; Legend of the last Grant of Tullochcarron; Antiquarian discussion; Legend of Christy Ross; Complimentary criticism: Legend of Gibbon More Cumin and his daughter, Bigla; Velvet cushions; Legend of the rival lairds of Strathspey. • Highland rambles, and long legends to shorten the way. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1837. 2 v. 8°. NDH Story of Farquharson of Inverey. n. t.-p. 146-152 p. 8°. NBNp.v.2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 835 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Tales of the Highlands. London: Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1881. xv, 376 p., 5 pi. 12°. ZBIG Strathdawn; The water-kelpie's bridle and the mermaid's stone; The dominie departs; History of Serjeant Archy Stewart; Gallantry of the Seventy- first Highland Infantry; Legend of the Clan- Allan Stewarts; Fate of the auld ancient monuments; The legend of Charley Stewart Taillear-Crubach ; A tem- pest; An unwelcome visitor; An old friend with a new face; The author floored; The legend of Ser- jeant John Smith's adventures; Comforts of a Lon- don club-house; Cruelty of the duke of Cumberland after the battle of Culloden; Alister Shaw of Inch- rory; Drum-head court-martial and sentence on Inchrory; The legend of the vision of Campbell of Inverawe. The Wolfe of Badenoch. A his- torical romance of the fourteenth century. London: Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1886. 627 p. 8°. NCW Complete unabridged edition. Lauder, William. The extant poetical works of William Lauder, playwright, poet, and minister of the word of God. London: Early English Text Society, 1864-70. 2 v. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Publi- cations, no. 3, 41.) NCE v. 1 edited by Fitzedward Hall; v. 2 by F. J. Furnivall. v. 1. Ane compendious and breue tractate con- cernyng the office and dewtie of kyngis, spirituall pastoris, and temporall iugis, A.D. 1556. v. 2. Minor poems: (1) Ane godlie tractate or mirrour. (2) The lamentatioun of the pure, twich- ing the miserabill estait of this present world, 1 Feb. 1568. (3) Ane prettie mirrour or conference betwix the faithfull protestant and the dissemblit false hypocreit. (4) Ane trew and breue sentencius descriptioun of the nature of Scotland twiching the interteinment of virtewus men that laketh riches. (5) Ane gude exempill be the butterflie, instructing men to hait all harlottrie. Lauder, William. See under Musa La- tina Aberdonensis. Lauder, William. An essay on Milton's use and imitation of the moderns, in his Paradise Lost. ( By William Lauder., London: J. Payne and J. Bouquet, 1750. 10 pi, 164 p.. 2 1. 8°. *NCH Law, J. C. Leaves from my portfolio. Edinburgh: H. Armour & Co., printers, 1886. 1 p.L, 78 p. 12°. NCI p.v.42 Law, James D. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. Lawson, James, tina Aberdonensis. See under Musa La- Lawson, James. Liddesdale; or, The Border chief. A tragedy. [By James Law- son.] [New York: Tinson, printer, 1861.) 114 p. 8°. V N BM Yonkers, 1874. 101 p. 8°. NBMp.v.l This edition shows considerable variations from the former. Lawson, R. The ballads and songs of Carnck, with nineteen musical illustrations arranged for part-singing. Introductory notes. Paisley: J. R. Parlane, n.d. 30 p S • * C p.v.368 Leckie, Mrs. The dream of the western shepherd (Edinburgh Printing Co., 18—?, 16 p. 8°. NCI p.v.49, no.7 One of _ 100 copies printed. Author's presentation copy. Leech, David. Aberdonensis. Leech, John. Aberdonensis. See under Musa Latina See under Musa Latina Lees, Sir James Cameron. A Highland market. By Stronbuy [pseud, of Sir James Cameron Lees,, illus. (Good words. Lon- don, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 310-316.) * DA Highland smugglers, illus. (Good words. London, 1892. 8°. v. 33, p. 31- 38.) * DA Legends of the saints in the Scottish dia- lect of the fourteenth century. Edited from the unique manuscript in the University Library, Cambridge. . .by W. M. Metcalfe ... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1896. 3 v. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications., v. 13, 18, 23, 25, 35, 37.) NDP Buss, P. Sind die von Horstmann her- ausgegebenen schottischen Legenden ein Werk Barberes? (Anglia. Halle a. S., 1886. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 493-514.) RNA Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. Barbour's Legends of the saints. [By Mary M. M. Scott.] (Scottish review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 7, p. 232-263.) * DA (In her: The making of Ab- botsford and incidents in Scottish history . . . London, 1897. 8°. p. 23-47.) CP Leighton, Alexander. Mysterious leg- ends of Edinburgh, now for the first time told in print. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1886. vi p., 1 1., 272 p., 8 pi. 12°. NCW Leighton, Robert. Scotch words and the bapteesement o' the bairn. Stereotyped ed. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1877. 27 p. 16°. *Cp.v.374 Lennox, A, garland; gleaned from di- vers fields of Scottish poesy. Printed for J. I. at the Cross of Dumbarton. [Glas- gow: Bell & Bain, printers,, 1860. xv, 30 p. 12°. NCI Blackletter. Only fifty copies printed. (In: J. Irving, The history of Dum- bartonshire. . . Dumbarton, 1860. 4°. p. 587-603.) t CR Leslie, William. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Letters to Dr. James Fraser. 1679-1689. (Spalding Club. Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1852. 4°. v. 5, p. 185-200.) t CP Some deal with the Revolution of 1688. 836 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Leyden, John. The mermaid [and mis- cellaneous poems]. (In: Waldie's select circulating library. Philadelphia, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 102-104.) t * DD The poetical remains of the late Dr. John Leyden, with memoir of his life by James Morton. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1819. ix, xcii, 415 p. 8°. NCM Includes: Scenes of infancy... 3. ed. Sonnets. (Edinburgh annual reg- ister for 1810. Edinburgh, 1812. 8°. v. 3, part 2, p. xcvi-xcviii.) BAA 1. Sabbath morning. 2. On parting with a friend. 3. Memory. 4. To a lark. 5. To a mossy gravestone in Cavers churchyard. Borderer, A. Remarks on the poetry of the late Dr. John Leyden. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1820. 8°. v. 7, p. 301-305.) * DE Drake, Nathan. Critical observations on "Scenes of infancy;" a poem by Dr. Ley- den. (In his: Winter nights; or, Fire-side lucubrations. London, 1820. 12°. v. 1, p. 77-146.) NCZ Poetical, The, remains of the late Dr. John Leyden. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 3-8.) * DA Sinton, James. Some of Dr. John Ley- den's inedited poems. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1907. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 8, p. 60-61.) CPA Lindsay, Sir David. Poetical works. A new edition, corrected and enlarged, with a life of the author, prefatory dissertations, and an appropriate glossary, by George Chalmers. London, 1806. 3 v. new ed. 12°. NCL The works of. . .Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, alias Lion King of Arms. . . Edinburgh: P. Williamson and C. Elliot, 1776-77. 2 v. in 1. 12°. NCL Title of v. 2: The additional poems of Sir David Lindsay. [Works.] Part 1-5. [London, 1865- 71.] 5v. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Publications, no. 11,19, 35, 37, 47.) NCE Part 1-4, edited by F. Hall; part 5, by Sir J. A. H. Murray. Part 1, 2. Ane dialog betwix experience and ane courteour, off the miserabyll estait of the world: [or, The monarche]. 2. Tragedie of David, cardinall and archibyschope of Sanctandrovs, &c. ; — Testament and complaynt of our Soverane Lordis papingo, Kyng lames the Fyft; — The dreme; - — Complaynt of L. 3. Historie of ane noble and wailyeand sqvyer, Wil- liam Meldrum [and] Testament. 4. Ane satyre of the thrie estaits. 5. Minor poems. John Nicol, Sketch of Scottish poetry up to the time of L., with an outline of his works. — Deploratioun of Quene Magdalene [1537]; — Answer to ye kingis flyting [1536]; — -Complaint and publict confessioun of the kingis auld hound Bagsche [ab. 1536] ; — Supplica- tioun in contemptioun of syde taillis and missellit facis [1538] ; — ■ Kitteis confessioun [betw. 1537 and 1541]; — Justyng betwix James Watsoun and Jhone Bar- bour [ab. 1538] ; — Descriptioun of Peder Coffeis having na regaird till honestie in thair vocatioun. ■ See also under Scotish poems. Cowan, William. An edition of Sir David Lyndsay's Squyer Meldrum, 1634. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. 1901-04, p. 103-104.) Reserve Falconer, Alexander. Laine's Sir David Lyndsay. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1872. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 92-104.) * DA On the 2 v. ed. of Sir David Lindsay's works. Henderson, Thomas F. Sir David Lynd- say and the later Scottish "Makaris." (In: The Cambridge history of English litera- ture. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Cambridge, 1909. 8°. v. 3, p. 115- 137.) *R-NCB Knauff, Gustav. Studien ueber Sir David Lyndsay. [part] 1. Berlin: G. Schade, 1885. 2 p.l., 91(1) p. 8°. NCC Lange, Albrecht. Lyndesay's Monarche und die Chronica Carionis; eine Quellen- studie. (Anglia. Halle, 1905. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 81-126.) RNA Walker, Hugh. Lindsay and the Wed- derburns. (In his: Three centuries of Scot- tish literature. Glasgow, 1893. 12°. v. 1, p. 1-48.) NDP Linen, James. Auld Davie. [Verse.] n. p., n. d. single sheet 7 x 4% in. Reprinted in his Poetical and prose writings, New York, 1865, p. 189-190. Lang Moll o' Montrose. [Song.] n. p. [1849.] single sheet, 7f^ x 3J4 in- Reprinted in his Poetical and prose writings. New York, 1865, p. 195-197. ■ Poetical and prose writings. New York: W. J." Widdleton, 1865. viii, (1)10- 423 p. 12°. NBG Lines occasioned by the death of poetical genius, parody off the Tron Church, Glas- gow. Glasgow: J. Reid, 1831. 12 p. 12°. NCI p.v.34 Lithgow, William. Scotland's teares by W. L., in his countreyes behalf. 1 fac. (Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth. Transactions. Perth, 1827. 4°. p. 69-76.) tCA Livingston, Peter. Poems and songs, principally relating to Scottish manners and customs. Dundee: the author, 1848. viii, (1)10-160 p. 5. ed. 16°. NCM Poems and songs; with lectures on the genius and works of Burns, and the Rev. George Gilfillan; and letter on Sir John Franklin and the Arctic regions. Dublin: W. Livingston, 1852. xii, 148 p. 9. ed. 12°. NDH Livingstone, John. Sayings and obser- vations of Mr. John Livingstone, late min- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 837 language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. ister of the gospel at Ancram. . .to which are added, Remarks at two communions, December, 1634. (In: W. K. Tweedie, Se- lect biographies. . . Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 277-289.) AGH Loch Vennachar: an idyllic reminiscence of the Highlands. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1848. 8°. v. 38, p. 219-225.) * DA Lockhart, John Gibson. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood, 1819. 3 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. NDD The first edition of this work was suppressed im- mediately on publication in consequence of some libel- lous remarks in it on Lord Hermand. The libellous matter was contained on p. 120 of v. 2, and the re- setting is noticeable in the so-called 2. ed. from line 6 of p. 119 to line 10 of p. 122. In copies of the "2. ed." in the original boards the pasting in of the new -title-page can be observed. The work was written when Lockhart was in his twenty-fifth year. Some extracts with the title, "Clerical portraits, from Peter's letters to his kinsfolk," are printed in the Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 5, p. 113-120, Edinburgh, 1819. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1819. 3 v. port. 3. ed. 8°. CP 1. American from the 2. Edin- burgh edition. New York: A. T. Goodrich & Co., 1820. vii, 575 p. 8°. CP Observations on "Peter's letters to his kinsfolk." (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°, v. 4, p. 612- 621.) * DA Lockhart, James Gibson. Valerius: a Roman story. Edinburgh: William Black- wood, 1821. 3 v. 12°. NCW New York: Harper & Bros., 1835. 2 v. 12°. NCW For a critical notice of the original issue (Edin- burgh, 1821, 3 v. 8°.) see Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 11, p. 94-108. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1842. 2 p.l„ 361 p. new ed. 16°. (Blackwood's standard novels, v. 7.) NCW Logan, John. Poems t with life by Alex- ander Chalmers]. (In: Alexander Chal- mers. Works of the English poets. Lon- don, 1810. 8°. v. 18, p. 47-72.) NCI [With life by R. A. Davenport.] (In: The British poets. Chiswick: C. Whit- tingham, printer, 1822. 16°. v. 70, p. 203- 268.) NCI " — Poems; and Runnamede, a tragedy. With a life of the author. London: Jones & Co., 1847. viii, 27 p. nar. 12°. (Cabinet edition of the British poets. London, 1847. v. 3.) NCI Poetical works. To which is pre- fixed, the life of the author. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1795. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8 • v. 11, p. 1025-1049.) NCI Runnamede ( i. e., Runnymedej. A tragedy, tin five acts, and in verse: by John Logan.] London: T. Cadell, 1783 v p., 1 1., 101 p. 8°. *Cp.v.976 Logan, W. H. A pedlar's pack of ballads and songs. With illustrative notes. Edin- burgh: Wm. Paterson, 1869. xv, 479 p il- lus. 12°. NCK Lord, The, Fingal's delight], or the for- saken maid's advice to all young women. Broadside 9]/ 2 x 3y 2 in. n. p., n. d. [17—?, Reserve Lorimer, Emilia Stuart. Songs of Alban. London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1912. viii 63 p. 12°. NCM Lost, The laird. A tale of '45. 32 p. 8°. (Chambers's papers for the people. Edin- burgh, 1851. v. 9, no. 67.) NCZ Lounger, The. A periodical paper, pub- lished at Edinburgh. . . r By the authors of the Mirror,... no. 36-101 (Oct. 8, 1785- Jan. 6, 1787) ; or v. 2-3. London : A. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1788. 2 v. 4. ed. 16°. NCA A periodical paper, published at Edinburg in the years 1785, 1786, and 1787. By the authors of the Museum. In 2 v. v. 2. New York: printed for S. Campbell, 1789. vi, 320 p. 12°. Reserve A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 and 1786. By the authors of the Mirror [i. e., Henry Mac- kenzie and others]. London: A. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1794. v. 1-2, 6. ed. 8°. NCE A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 and 1786. By the authors of the Mirror. London: Jones & Co., 1825. vi, 213 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCY (In: British essayists. With pref- aces. . .by A. Chalmers. Boston, 1856. 12°. v. 30-31.) NCY (In: British essayists. Boston: Lit- tle, Brown & Co., 1866. 8°. v. 30-31.) Stuart 10125 Only one hundred copies printed. Love songs of Scotland. Jewels of the tender passion selected from the writings of Burns, Tannahill, Scott, Ramsay, Lady Nairne, Macneill, Jamieson, Hogg, Douglas, Allan, & others. With a glossary. Selected and edited by Robert W. Douglas. New York: New Amsterdam Book Co., 1901. xv, 214 p., 5 pi. 12°. NDP Lumby, J. Rawson. See Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux. M'Conechy, James. See under Mother- well, William. Poetical works. . . M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Miscellane- ous writings, chiefly historical. Edited by his son. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. x, 676 p. 8°. NCG MacCulloch, Hunter. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. 838 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Macdonald, Andrew. Velina: a poetical fragment. [By Andrew Macdonald. j Edin- burgh: C. Elliot, 1782. 58 p., 1 1. 8°. NCI p.v.78 Vimonda: a tragedy [in versej. Lon- don: J. Murray, 1788. 2 p.l., 82 p., 1 1. 8°. NCO p.v.208 Macdonald, George. Alec Forbes of Howglen, Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1865. 2 v. 16°. (Collection of British authors, v. 801-802.) NCW • New York: Harper & Bros., 1872. 171 p. 8°. NCW New York: G. Routledge & Sons [1891?]. 3 p.l., 467 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW Annals of a quiet neighborhood. New York: Harper & Bros., 1867. 381 p. 12°. NCW Cheerful words: from the writings of George Macdonald, selected by E. E. Brown; with an introduction by J. T. Fields. Boston: D. Lothrop and Co. [Cop. 1880.) 300, ccci-cccii p. 12°. (Spare min- ute series.) ZEP The elect lady. New York: G. Munro [1888]. 1 p.l., 5-186 p. 12°. NCT p.v.44 The fairy fleet. An English mar- chen. (Argosy. London, 1866. 8°. v. 1, p. 417-432.) * DA Guild court. A London story. New York: Harper & Bros., 1868. 1 p.l., 5-148 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCW A hidden life and other poems. New York: Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 1872. vii, 282 p., 2 1. 12°. NCM The history of Robert Falconer. (Argosy. London, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-29, 81-110, 161-187, 241-264, 321-339, 401-427; v. 4, p. 1-29, 81-108, 161-192, 241-260, 321- 354, 402-420.) * DA Lilith. A romance. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1895. vi, 351 p. 12°. NCW Malcolm; a romance... Philadel- phia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1875. 2 p.l., 7-280 p. 8°. NCW The marquis of Lossie. A romance ... Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1877. 245 p. 8°. NCW Paul Faber, surgeon... Philadel- phia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879. 201 p. 8°. NCW Phantastes: a faerie romance for men and women. Boston: Loring [1870?]. 286 p. 12°. NCW — New York: G. Munro [cop. 1885]. 125 p. 16°. NCW Port in a storm. (Argosy. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. v. 2 p. 477-486.) * DA _- The portent. A story of the inner vision of the Highlanders, commonly called the second sight. New York: G. Munro' s Sons [1902]. 75 p. 12°. NCT p.v.44 ■ Robert Falconer. Boston: Loring [187-?]. 524 p., 1 port. 12°. NCW • St. George and St. Michael. A novel. New York: J. B. Ford & Co. r 1876?i vi, (1)8-552 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCW Salted with fire; a story of a min- ister. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co 1897. 2 p.l., 324 p. 12°. NCW Selections from the writings of George Macdonald; or, Helps for weary souls. Compiled by J. Dewey. Chicago- F. L. Dusenberry t cop. 1889j. 93 p. 16°. ZIH Sir Gibbie. A novel. Philadelphia- J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879. 210 p. 8°. NCW The vicar's daughter. An autobio- graphical storv. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1872. 2 p.l., (i)iv-v, 389 p., 6 pi. 12°. NCW London : Sampson Low, Mars- ton & Co. [189-?]. vii, 375 p., port of author, new ed. 12°. NCW Wilfrid Cumbermede. An autobio- graphical story. New York: C. Scribner & Co., 1872. viii, 498 p., 11 pi. 12°. NCW Within and without. [Drama, in verse.) New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1872. 219 p. 12°. NCR Duffield, Samuel W. The writings of George Macdonald. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1871. 8°. v. 1, p. 87-88.) * DA Geddes, Sir William Duguid. George Macdonald as a poet. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1891. ' 8°. v. 149, p. 361-370.) * DA Holbeach, Henry. George Macdonald. (Contemporary review. London, 1872. 8°. v. 19, p. 37-54.) * DA Lewis, Frances W. The pedagogics of George Macdonald. (Education. Boston, 1899. 8°. v. 19, p. 357-367.) SSA Moffatt, James. George Macdonald. 1 port, illus. (Bookman. London, 1905. f°. v. 29, p. 59-67.) ft * GDD Willcox, Louise Collier. A neglected novelist. (North American review. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 183, p. 393-403.) * DA Macfarlane, James. The red fox: a story of the Clan Macfarlan. London: R. T. Lang, 1912. xv, 207 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. ARZ Macfarlane, John. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. M'Fetridge, N. S. The widow's farewell. [Verse.] n. p. [188-?] card 6}i x A l A in. NCI p.v.46 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 839 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. MacGillivray, William. A tribute to the memory of a friend, being a poem on the death of George Barclay, M.D., to which is prefixed a short account of his life and character. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1820. 1 p.l., (1) 6-64 p. 12°. NCI p.v.21 Mcintosh, Maria Jane. Lily Gordon, the young housekeeper. By Cousin Kate, pseud, of Maria Jane Mcintosh. New York: A. D. F. Randolph, 18S6. 371 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW Mackay, Charles. The lump of gold; and other poems. London: G. Routledge & Co., 1856. iv, 252 p. 16°. NCM The poetical works of Charles Mackay, including "Legends of the isles;" "Ballads and lyrical poems;" "Voices from the mountains;" "Voices from the crowd," and "Town lyrics." With illustrations by John Gilbert. London: G. Routledge & Co., 1857. vii p., 1 1., 120 p., 1 1., 118 p., 1 1., 115 p., 1 1., v-vi, 119 p., 8 pi. 12°. NCM Complete in one volume. Lon- don: F. Warne and Co. [pref. 1876.] xii, 626 p. 12°. ("Chandos classics.") NCM The salamandrine; or, Love and im- mortality. London: How & Parsons, 1842. 2 p.l., v, 3-146 p. 12°. NCI p.v.41 With illustrations, drawn by John Gilbert, engraved by the brothers Dalziel. London: Ingram, Cooke & Co., 1853. xii, 140 p. 4°. t NCM London: G. Routledge & Co., 1856. viii, 117 p. 3. ed. 16°. NCM The souls of the children. Rams- gate: T. Scott, 1869. iv, 7 p. 12°. * C p.v.362 Verse. Under green leaves. London: G. Routledge & Co., 1857. iv p., 1 1., 248 p. 12°. NCM Voices from the mountains and from the crowd. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, & Fields, 1853. viii, 373 p. 12°. *R-NCM The whisky demon; or, The dream of the reveller. [Poem.] Illustrated by Watts Phillips. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, I860. 2 pi, 11 f., 11 p l. f°. fNCM Engraved title-page also. Mackay, William. Heaven: a poem... Glasgow: D. Robertson, 1847. 96 p. 16°. NCM Mackenzie, Henry. Julia de Roubigne; a tale, m a series of letters. (In: The re- public of letters. New York, 1834. 4°. v. 1, P. 324-340.) NCE ~~ The man of feeling. [By Henry Mackenzie.] The third American edition. Litchfield [Conn.j: re-printed by T. Collier l ^J- C ° urt - H °use [1800?]. vii, (1)10-210 p! 16 m sixes. Reserve ,,; r—T Paris: T. Barrois, jr., 1807. xi, 10/ p., 1 pl. new ed. 16°. NCV - — ; r With] Julia de Roubigne, a tale, in a series of letters. London: F C & J. Rivington, 1810. iii, 274 p. 16°. (The British novelists, v. 29.) NCT XT " With the story of La Roche. New York: Wm. Borradaile, 1821. xv (1) 16-231 p. 24°. ncv The man of the world. In two parts. Philadelphia: printed for Gibson 1799. 260, 7 p. 2. Am. ed. 16°. NCV The 7 pages at the end contain a list of subscribers' names. (In: The republic of letters. New York, 1835. 4°. v. 2, p. 61-90.) NCE Miscellaneous works. New York: Harper & Bros., 1847. 512 p., 1 port. 3. ed. 12°. F NCF Memoir of Mackenzie (by Sir W. Scott). Man of feeling. Papers from the Lounger. Man of the world. Julia de Roubigne. Papers from the Mirror. The prince of Tunis. A tragedy [by Henry Mackenzie]. Edinburgh: A. Kincaid & W. Creech, 1773. iv p., 2 1., 76 p., 1 1. 8°. NCO p.v.353 Edinburgh: A. Kincaid & W. Creech, 1773. iv p., 2 1., 73(1) p., 1 1. 2. ed. 8°. NCOp.v.202 The story of La Roche. Boston: T. R. Marvin, 1852. 24 p. 2. ed. nar. 12°. NCT p.v.66 See also under the Lounger and the Mirror. Drake, Nathaniel. Mackenzie. (In his: Mornings in spring... London: 1828. 12°. v. 1, p. 310-321.) NCZ Falconer, John. Three letters of "The man of feeling." (Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Braunschweig, 1910. 8°. Bd. 124, p. 300- 305.) RAA Kluge, Johannes. Henry Mackenzie, sein Leben und sein Werke. (Anglia, Halle a. S., 1911. 8°. Bd. 34, p. 1-112.) RNA Mackenzie, William. The sorrows of seduction, in eight delineations: with other poems. [By William Mackenzie.] Lon- don: Vernor, Hood & Sharpe, 1810. viii, (1)10-159 p. 3. ed. 16°. NCM Mackintosh, Sir James. Inaugural ad- dress delivered on Friday, January 3, 1823. 1 pl. (In: University of Glasgow. Inaugu- ral addresses... Glasgow, 1839. 4°. p. 23-34.) STK Miscellaneous works. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1846. 3 v. 8°. NCG For a critical notice of these volumes see the North British review, v. 5, p. 504-539, Edinburgh, 1846. 840 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1846. 3 v. in 1. xiii, 17-596 p., 1 port. 8°. (Modern British essayists, v. 8.) Stuart 10170 London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1851. viii, 829(1) p., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. NCG London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854. 3 v. new ed. 16°. NCG New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1871. 2 p.l., xi-xiii, 17-596 p., 1 port. 8°. NDH Parting address delivered on Mon- day, April 4, 1825. (In: University of Glas- gow. Inaugural addresses... Glasgow, 1839. 4°. p. 35-40.) STK Maclaren, Ian, pseud. See Watson, John. M'Laren, J. Wilson. Scots poems and ballants. Edinburgh: the author, 1892. xii, 114 p. 8°. NCM One of 150 copies printed. M'Lehose, Agnes. Mrs. M'Lehose's fu- gitive poetry. (In: Robert Burns, The correspondence between Burns and Clarin- da. New York [1843]. 12°. p. 283-293.) AN Maclennan, Malcolm. Peasant life; being sketches of the villagers and field labourers in Glenaldie. [By Malcolm Maclennan.] Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1869. xxxi, 329 p. 12°. NCW • • London: Strahan & Co., 1871. xxxi, 329 p. 3. ed. 12°. NCW Series 2. London: Strahan & Co., 1872. 3 p.l., 313 p. 12°. NCW Macleod, Fiona, pseud. See under Sharp, William. Macleod, Norman, the younger. Char- acter sketches. London: Strahan & Co., 1872. 3 p.l., 317 p., 5 pi. 12°. NCZ Billy Buttons. Our Bob. Aunt Mary. T. T. Fitz- roy, Esq. Mr. Joseph Walker. The Highland witch. The old guard. The water-horse. A true ghost story. Job Jacobs and his boxes. Wee Davie. Reminiscences of a Highland par- ish. London: A. Strahan, 1867. viii, 425 p. 12°. NCW The starling. New York: Dodd & Mead [1874]. viii, 392 p., 4 pi. 12°. NCW Wee Davie. New York: American Tract Society [1886]. 109 p., 1 pi. 16°. NAS McLeod, Peter. New national songs. The melodies never before published. Edinburgh: G. Croll [18 4°. 2 p.l., 50 p. *MO Original national melodies of Scot- land. London: G. Virtue [1838j. viii, 234 p. 4°. *MO Engraved title-page. MacNab's burying ground. (Forget-me- not. London [1833]. 16°. 1833, p. 203-219 ) NCA MacNair, John. See Channel-stane, The. Macneill, Hector. The history of Will and Jean. 16 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Mis- cellany. . . Edinburgh, 1842. v. 7, no. 68.) *C The links o' Forth; or, A parting peep at the Carse o' Stirling; a plaint Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1799. 22 1. 8° *Cp.v.ll37 The poetical works of Hector Mac- neill, Esq... In two volumes. New York- S. Campbell, 1802. 24°. NCM Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, 1806. 2 v. pi., port, new ed. 16°. NCL Edinburgh: S. Doig & A. Stir-^ ling... 1812. 2 v. pi., port. 3. ed. 16°. NCL Philadelphia: B. Chapman, 1815. xii, 13-328 p., 1 1. new ed. 12°. NCM Edinburgh: W. Forrester, 1856. xiv, 278 p., 1 port, new ed. 16°. NCM Scotland's skaith; or, The history o' Will and Jean: owre true a tale! To- gether with some additional poems, by the author of The harp. [Dedication signed Hector Macneill.] Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, 1795. 30 1., 3 pi. 2. ed. 8°. NCL The Scottish adventurers. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany. . . Edin- burgh, 1846. v. 8, no. 74.) * C Abridged from the original edition published in Edinburgh in 1812. (Chambers's Miscellany. Edin- burgh, n. d. new ed. 12°. v. 3.) *C Macnish, Robert. The book of aphor- isms. By a modern Pythagorean [i. e., Robert Macnish]. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1834. 224 p. 12°. NDG Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1850. 339 p. 3. thousand. 16°. NDG The Covenanters. A Scottish tradi- tionary tale. (In his: The modern Pythag- orean. Edinburgh, 1838. 16°. v. 2, p. 237-365.) NCG Death and the fisherman. By a modern Pythagorean. (Forget-me-not. London [1833]. 16°. 1833, p. 245-266.) NCA The modern Pythagorean; a series of tales, essays, and sketches, With the author's life, by D. M. Moir. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1838. 2 v. port. 16°. NCG v. 1, life; v. 2, tales. Macpherson, Hector. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. Macpherson, Patrick. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 841 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Macro, pseud. The Scotiad; or, Wise men of the North!!! A serio-comic and satiric poem in three cantos, by Macro. . . London: J. J. Stockdale, 1809. 62 p. 8°. NCM p.box Maginn, William. See under Wilson, John. Noctes... Maid's, The, lamentation for want of tochar-good. n. p., n. d. (18c.) Broadside 11 in. x 7 in. Reserve Maidment, James. Scotish ballads and songs, historical and traditionary. Edin- burgh: Wm. Paterson, 1868. 2 v. 8°. Stuart 10111 no. 2 of sixteen copies on thick paper. See also under Ballads; Book of Scottish pasquils; Court of Session gar- land; North countrie; and Packet of pesti- lent pasquils. Maitland [Lat. Metellanus], John, of Thirlstane. Epigrammata. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 138-143.) NDP Maitland [Lat. Metellanus], Thomas. Elegiae. [Sylvae, epigrammata.] (In: De- litiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 143-179.) NDP Malcolm [Lat. Macolon], James. Antho- phoria Xeniorvm. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 133-137.) NDP Mallet, David. Ballads and songs. A new edition, with notes and illustrations and a memoir of the author, by Frederick Dinsdale. London: Bell and Daldy, 1857. ix p., 1 1., 325 p., and 1 p. addenda et corri- genda. 12°. NCL Eduino ed Emma; volgarizza- mento di Emanuelle Scotto. [With the original.) 8 p. (With: Antologia. [Fir- enze,] 1824. 8°. v. 16.) NNA Elvira: a tragedy, acted at the The- atre Royal in Drury-Lane. [By David Mallet., London: A. Millar, 1763. 4 p.l., 70 p., 1 1. 12°. NCO p.v.345, no.7 Eurydice. A tragedy. London: A. Millar, 1731. 4 p.l., 80 p. 8°. NCO p.v.5 „ Dublin: S. Powell, printer, 1731. 64 p. 8°. NCO p.v. 347, no.2 London: G. Cawthorn, 1795. v(i), (1)8-80 p., 1 port. 24°. NCO p.v.366 London: George Cawthorn. 1795. v(i), 7-74 p., 2 pi. 12°. (Bell's Bri- tish theatre, v. 26, 1797.) NCO .„ Mustapha; a tragedy. London, 1739. 8°. Poems. (In: Samuel Johnson, The works of the poets of Great Britain . . . London, 1800. 8°. v. 7, p. 181-221.) NCI . v. NCI /t A [ , Wlth hfe fa y Samuel John- son.] (In: Alexander Chalmers, Works of the English poets. London, 1810. 14, p. 1-49.) • Poems on several occasions. Lon- d ° n AV A \, M , , , Uar ' t 1743 - < In his: Th e works of Mr. Mallet. London, 1743. 8°. p 173- 275.) NCp — — Poetical works... to which is pre- fixed, the life of the author. Edinbursh- Mundell & Son, printers, 1794. (In- The works of the British poets. London, 1795 8°. v. 9, p. 667-722.) NCI T — ; With the life of the author. London: G. Cawthorn, 1800. x, (1)12-203 P-, 1 Pi- 24°. NC I . The works of Mr. Mallet: consist- ing of plays and poems. London: A. Mil- lar, 1743. 2 p.l., iv p., 2 1., 275 p. 8°. NCP See also under Thomson, James, and David Mallet. Chappell, William. David Mallet and the ballad of William and Margaret. (An- tiquary. London, 1880. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 8-9.) CA See also notes, p. 95, 140. Collins, John Churton. Mallet... (In: Andrew Lang, Poet's country. London, 1907. 8°. p. 172-176.) NCID Marjoribanks, John. Pieces of rhyme. Edinburgh: the author, 1793. viii, 98 p. 8°. NCI p.v.60 Slavery: an essay in verse... Edinburgh: J. Robertson, 1792. 31 p. 8°. Trifles in verse, by a young soldier. Kelso: the author, 1784-85. 3 v. 16°. NCL Martin, Sir Theodore. See under Ay- toun, William Edmondstoune, and Sir Theodore Martin. Mary Scott of Edenknow. A fragment. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 9, p. 335- 340.) *DE A ballad. Massie, Andrew. See under Musa La- tina Aberdonensis. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. How summer came to Caithness. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 16-28.) * DA Memories of the months, being pages from the notebook of a field natur- alist and antiquary, series 1-5. London: Edward Arnold, 1897-1909. 5 v. pi. 12°. PQR Series 3 is 2. impression. Mnemosyne. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 150, p. 247-258.) * DA Post meridiana. Afternoon essays. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. ix p., 1 1., 356 p. 8°. NCZ 842 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Summertide in a Scottish forest. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 166, p. 309-322.) * DA Mediaeval Scottish poetry. King James the First, Robert Henryson, William Dun- bar, Gavin Douglas. Edited by George Eyre Todd. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co., 1892. viii, 269 p. 12°. NDP Melville [Lat. Melvinusj, Andrew. Poem- ata. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 67-133.) NDP Includes: Epigrammata, Antichristus, Stephanis- kion in celebration of the coronation of Queen Anne, consort of James VI. Melville, Elizabeth. Ane godlie dreame, compylit in Scottish meter be M. M. gen- telvvoman in Culros, at the requeist of her freindes. Edinburgh: Printed be Robert Charteris, 1603. (In: Alexander Hume, Poems. Edited by A. Lawson. Edin- burgh, 1902. 8°. p. 185-197.) NDP Memorables of the Montgomeries, a narrative in rhyme, composed before the present century. Printed from the only copy known to remain, which has been preserved above sixty years by... Hugh Montgomerie senior at Eaglesham. Glas- gow: R. & A. Foulis, 1770. 1 p.l., 7 p. 8°. ARZ In verse. Memorables of the Montgomeries. New York: Printed for the King of Clubs, 1865. 3 p.l., iii, 7 p. 4°. ARZ One of 40 copies. Contains facsimile of original title-page, 1770. Menteath, Mrs. A. Stuart. Lays of the Kirk and Covenant. Edinburgh: John- stone & Hunter, 1850. 3 p.l., 152 p. 4°. Stuart 10395 Mercer, Thomas. The sentimental sailor; or, St. Preux to Eloisa. An elegy in two parts. [By Thomas Mercer.] Edin- burgh: A. Kincaid & W. Creech, 1772. xv, 48 p. 4°. NCI p.v.65 With engraved title-page. Meston, William. The poetical works of the ingenious and learned W. M., some- time professor of philosophy in the Mari- schal College of Aberdeen. To which is prefixed, the author's life. Aberdeen: J. Burnett, 1802. xv(i), 172 p. 7. ed. 12°. NCL See also under Musa Latina Aber- donensis. Anderson, Peter John. Unpublished verses by William Meston. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 101-102; v. 4, p. 3-4.) CPA Metre out-metred: or, A bowl of north- ern punch for Dr. Tory Shure and the Whigs. A burlesque poem, in two cantos. By an ultra-Tory philo-pope. Edinburgh- T. Grant, 1854. iv, (l)-72 p. 16°. NCI p.v.31 Mickle, William Julius. Poems [with life by Alexander Chalmers]. (In: Alex- ander Chalmers, Works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 17, p. 501- 577.) NCI - [With life by R. A. Daven- port.] (In: The British poets. Chiswick' C. Whittingham, printer, 1822. 16°. v. 66 p. 7-194. ) NCI Poetical works. To which is pre- fixed, the life of the author. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1795. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v. 11, p. 625-672.) NCI The prophecy of Queen Emma; an ancient ballad lately discovered, written by Johannes Turgotus . . . To which is added... an account of the discovery, and hints towards a vindication of the authen- ticity of the poems of Ossian and Rowley. London: J. Bew, 1782. 3-40 p. 8°. NCI p.v.63 Middleton, Gilbert. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Miller, David. The poetical works of David Miller; containing some entertain- ing pieces, composed on noblemen and gentlemen's estates; with other poems. Part 1. Edinburgh: printed for the author. 1830. 44 p. 16°. NCI p.v.31 Miller, Hugh. Leading articles on vari- ous subjects. Edited by Rev. John David- son. New York: Virtue & Yorston [1870]. viii, 453 p., 1 port. 12°. NCZ Thoughts on the educational question. Lord Brougham. The Scott monument. The late Mr. Kemp. Annie M'Donald and the Fifeshire forester. A Highland clearing. The poet Montgomery. Criti- cism — ■ internal evidence. The sanctities of matter. The late Rev. Alexander Stewart. The calotype. The tenant's true quarrel. Conclusion of the war in Afghanistan. t Periodicalism. "Annus mirabilis." Effects of religious disunion on colonization. Fine- bodyism. Organship. Baillie's letters and journals. First _ principles. An unspoken speech. Disruption principles. Characteristics of the Crimean war. The poets of the Church. The Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica. A vision of the railroad. The two Mr. Clarks. Pulpit duties not secondary. Dugald Stew- art. Our town councils. Sutherland as it was and is; or How a country may be ruined. My school and schoolmasters; or, The story of my education. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1854. 1 p.l., v. 537 p. 2. ed. 12°. SSD Considered his best work. Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1854. xiv, 537 p., 1 port. 12°. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1872. xi, 562 p., 1 port. 19. ed. 12°. AN Scenes and legends of the north of Scotland; or, Traditional history of Cro- marty. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1872. xii, 487 p. 10. ed. 12°. ZBID LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 843 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Miller, William. Willie Winkie and other songs and poems. Edited... by R. Ford Paisley: A. Gardner, 1902. xxviii, 83 p.,' 2 pi., 1 port. sq. 8°. NCM Milne, John. The maid o' Norraway, and other Scottish poems... Aberdeen: W. Mutch, 1901. 1 p.l., 60 p. 12°. NDP p.v.S Mirror, The. nos. 1-110 (January 23, 1779-May 27, 1780). Edinburgh, 1779-80. f°. tt NCE No more published. First American edition. Boston: Belknap & Hall, printers, 1792. 2 v. 16°. Reserve Philadelphia: S. F. Bradford, 1803. 2 v 16°. (Select British classics, v. 31- 32.) NCE A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1779 and 1780. [Also: The Lounger.] [By Henry Macken- zie.] London: Jones & Co., 1825. viii, 200 p., port. 8°. NCY With engraved title-page which reads: The Mirror and The Lounger. Complete in one volume. (In: British essayists. With pref- aces... by A. Chalmers. Boston, 1856. 12°. v. 28-29.) NCY (In: British essayists. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1866. 8°. v. 28-29.) Stuart 10125 Only one hundred copies printed. Mitford, John. See under Falconer, Wil- liam. Poetical works . . . Modern Scottish poets, with biographi- cal and critical notes by David Herschell Edwards. Brechin: D. H. Edwards, 1880- 97. 16 v. 16°. NCI v. 1 has the title: One hundred modern Scottish poets. v. 16 contains: Introductory. Deceased writers not included in index. Biographical sketch [of David Herschell Edwards]. Introductory essay. Index [a. Names of poets, with date of birth and death where known, b. Birthplaces of poets, c. Occupations of poets, d. Poems and songs quoted]. Scottish songs arranged as a tale. Moffat, Alfred. The minstrelsy of Scot- land. 200 Scottish songs, adapted to their traditional airs, arranged for voice, with pianoforte accompaniment, and supple- mented with historical notes. London: Augener & Co., 1896. xvi, 288 p. 2. ed. 4°. * MO Moir, David Macbeth. The bride of Lochleven. (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 36, p. 767- 775.) *DA A canticle of the Covenanters. (Gems of art. London, n. d. 8°. p. 119- 122.) NCA Casa Wappy. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1838. 8°. v. 17, p. 535-537.) * DA The glen of Roslin. By Delta (Forget me not... London rl844i 16° 1844, p. 41-46.) N CA Kemp, the bandit. A legend of Castle Campbell. By Delta. (Forget me not. London [1830]. 16°. 1830, p. 209- 227.) NCA The life of Mansie Waugh, tailor in Dalkeith. Written by himself. New York: J. & J. Harper, 1828. xii, 13-223 p. 12°. NCW The wounded spirit, a tale of life. [Philadelphia: T. K. Greenbank, 1833., (1) 330-354 p. 8°. (Greenbank's periodical library.) *Cp.v.lllS See also under Macnish, Robert. Moloch, pseud. Recantation of Moloch; or, The abandonment of his colleagues. A poem. n. p. [1814.] lip. 16°. NCI p.v.35 Monro, John. The celestiad, a poetical essay; in the Caledonian dialect; with notes. Leith: W. Reid & Co., 1814. 96 p. 8°. NCI p.v.18 Monteath, John. Dunblane traditions; being a series of war like and legendary narratives, biographical sketches of eccen- tric characters, &c... To which is added an appendix of original poems and songs collected by John Monteath. Stirling: printed by E. Johnstone, 1835; Glasgow: reprinted by J. Miller, 1887. 135 p., 2 pi. 12°. CR Montgomerie, Alexander. The cherry and the slae; with other poems. 1 p.l., 92 p. Glasgow: R. & A. Foulis, printers. 1751. *Cp.v.S81 — Composed into Scottis meeter Edinburgh: R. Walde-grave, 1597. (Reprint in his: The poems of Alexander Montgomerie. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. p. 1-54.) NDP The flyting betwixt Montgomery and Polwart. Edinburgh, 1629. (Reprint in his: The poems of Alexander Mont- gomerie. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. p. 55-86.) . The poems of Alexander Mont- gomerie. Edited by James Cranstoun, LLD. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1887. lvii(i), 432 p. 8°. (Scot- tish Text Society. Publications, no. 9-11.) NDP Poems and other pieces from Laing ms. no. 447. Supplementary volume; edited with introduction, appendices, notes and glossary by G. Stevenson. Edinburgh: printed for the society by W. Blackwood and Sons, 1910. lxv, 392 p., 3 fac. 8. (Scottish Text Society. Publications v. 59.) NDP Brotanek, Rudolf. Untersuchungen iiber das Leben und die Dichtungen Alex- ander Montgomeries. Wien und Leipzig. 844 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Wilhelm Braumiiller, 1896. vi, [ii] 160 p. 8°. (Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Philologie. Bd. 3.) NCB Hoffmann, Oscar. Studien zu Alexan- der Montgomerie. (Englische Studien. Leipzig, 189S. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 24-69.) RNA Paterson, J. The author of "The cher- rie and the slae," and his descendants. (Notes and queries. London, 1868. 8°. series 4, v. 1, p. 4-7.) * R Westcott, Allan F. Alexander Mont- gomerie. (Modern language review. Cam- bridge, 1911. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-8.) NAA Montgomery, James. The abolition of the slave trade, a poem... With engrav- ings. . .from pictures painted by R. Smirke. London: R. Bowyer, 1814. 1 p.l., S3 p., 9 pi., 3 port. sq. 4°. fNCM Greenland, and other poems. Lon- don: repr. New York: Kirk & Mercein, 1819. 1 p.l., vii p., 1 1., 9-207 p. 24°. NCM A new and complete edition of the works of James Montgomery. . .with a sketch of his life. To which are added, some original pieces, by another pen. Mor- ristown, N. J.: P. A. Johnson, 1817. 2 v. nar. 24°. NCM The Pelican islands, and other poems, by James Montgomery. Philadel- phia: E. Littell, 1827. ix, 156 p. 16°. NCM The poetical work of James Mont- gomery, including several poems now first collected; with a sketch of his life. In four volumes, v. 1-2. Boston: T. Bedlington, 1825. 16°. NCM With a memoir of the author, by the Rev. Rufus W. Griswold. v. 1-2. Philadelphia: Sorin & Ball, 1845-52. 8°. NCM The volumes have engraved title-pages dated 1846, 1850. Collected by himself. Lon- don: Longman, Brown, Green, and Long- mans, 1850. xx, 368 p., 1 port. sq. 12°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. With a memoir of the author by the Rev. Rufus W. Griswold. Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Co., 1854. 2 v. in 1. 8°. NCM • With a memoir of the author. Boston: Little, Brown and" Co., 1858. 5 v. port. 12°. *R-NCL v. 1: Wanderer of Switzerland. Miscellaneous poems. West Indies. Miscellaneous poems. Prison amusements. v. 2: The world before the flood. Miscellaneous poems. Thoughts on wheels. The climbing boy's soliloquies. Songs of Zion. v. 3: Greenland. Miscellaneous poems tives. Translations from Dante. Nan? v. 4: The Pelican islands. Miscellanies. Sacred and scriptural subjects. Appendix. v. 5: Original hymns. Appendix of posthumous poems. ■ With a memoir of the author :by Robert Carruthersj. Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1860. 5 v. port. 12°. (Bri- tish poets.) NCM ■ With a life [by Robert Car- ruthersj. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co 1865. 5 v. port. 8°. (British poets.) NCI Only one hundred copies printed. Prose, by a poet [i.e., James Mont- gomery]... Philadelphia: A. Small, 1824 2v. 16°. NCZ Sacred poems and hymns, for pub- lic and private devotion. With the author's latest corrections, and an introduction by John Holland. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1854. lvi, 390 p. 12°. ZHZ The wanderer of Switzerland, and other poems . . . Boston : Greenough, Steb- bins & Hunt, 1807. 177 p. nar. 16°. NCI p.v.39, no.5 p. 1(?)-10 missing. The West Indies. A poem... writ- ten in honour of the abolition of the Afri- can slave trade by the British Legislature, in 1807... [and Lyric pieces], [Boston: Munroe & Francis, 18— ?j 7-156 p. 24° NCM Title-page missing? ■ The West-Indies, by James Mont- gomery, and other poems on the abolition of the slave-trade, by J. Grahame, and E. Benger. New York: Prior & Dunning, 1810. 2 p.l., 127 p. 16°. NBHD The West Indies, and other poems. Philadelphia: J. P. Parke, 1811. vi p., 1 1., (1)10-66 p. 3. ed. 16°. NCI p.v.20, no.7 London: Longman, Hurst, 1823. vi p., 2 1., 3-160 p. 6. ed. 12°. NCM The world before the flood, a poem, in ten cantos; with other occasional pieces; by James Montgomery. London: Long- man, Hurst, Rees, Orme, 1813. xii, xv-xvi p., 1 1., 328 p. 2. ed. nar. 12°. NCM Montgomery, James, and others. Poems on the abolition of the slave trade, [the West Indiesj written by J. Montgomery; [African delivered, by] James Grahame; and [a poem occasioned by the abolition of the slave trade, in 1806, by] E. Benger. Embellished with engravings from pictures painted by R. Smirke... London: R Bowyer, 1809. 8 p.l., ii, 141 p., 10 pi, 3 port. sq. f°. fNCI London: R. Bowyer, 1810. 8 p.l., ii p., 1 1, 141 p., 9 pi., 3 port, f °. t NCM Montrose, (1. marquis), James Graham. Poems. (In: M. Napier, Montrose and the Covenanters. London, 1838. 8°. v. 2, p. 566-573.) CP Moore, J. S. The pictorial book of an- cient ballad poetry of Great Britain... LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 845 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. New edition. . .with additions, introduc- tory notices, a glossary, etc. London: H. Washbourne & Co., 1853. 3 p.l., 871 p. 8°. Stuart 10116 Moore, John. Edward. Various views of human nature, taken from life and man- ners, chiefly in England. London: A. Strahan and T. Cadell, jun., and W. Davies, 1796. 2 v. 8°. NCV Mooriana: or, Selections from the moral, philosophical, and miscellaneous works of the late Dr. John Moore. Illus- trated by a new biographical and critical account of the doctor and his writings, and notes, historical, classical, and explanatory. By F. Prevost and F. Blagdon. London: B. Crosby & Co., 1803. 2 v. port. 16°. NCF The post-captain; or, The wooden walls well manned; comprehending a view of naval society and manners. London: Thomas Tegg, 1803. viii, 232 p., 1 col'd pi. 16°. NCV 1. American, from the 5. Lon- don edition. Brooklyn: Spooner & Sleight, 1813. xi, (1)14-200 p. 12°. NCW • (In: The omnibus of modern romance. New York, 1844. 8°. p. 89-173.) NAL Works, with memoirs of his life and writings, by Robert Anderson. Edin- burgh: Stirling & Slade, 1820. 7 v. port. 8°. NCG v. 1. Life. A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany. v. 2. A view of society and manners in Italy. v. 3. A journal during a residence in France, from the beginning of August to the middle of December, 1792. v. 4. A view of the causes and progress of the French Revolution, v. 5. Zeluco. v. 6. Edward, v. 7. Mordaunt. Zeluco. Various views of human nature, taken from life and manners, foreign and domestic. London: F. C. & J. Rivington, 1820. 2 v. 16°. (British novel- ists, v. 34-35.) NCT Morning, A, in the Grampians. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 148, p. 352-357.) * DA Morritt, John Bacon Sawrey. The curse of Moy, a Highland tale. (Edinburgh annual register for 1808. Edinburgh, 1810. 8°. v. 1, part 2, p. xiv-xxi.) BAA This tale is also printed in Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish border. Motherwell, William. Minstrelsy: ancient and modern, with an historical introduc- tion and notes. Glasgow: J. Wylie, 1827 3 p.l., cv, in, 390, xxiv(l) p., 9 1., 1 pi 8° NCK ^SY'^yKf d T m Retrospective review, series 2, v 2 p. 391-408, London, 1828; United States magazine and democratic review, new series, v. 19, n 264-267 New York, 1846. ' Boston: William & Co., 1846. 2 v. 12°. D. Ticknor NCK Poems, narrative and lyrical. Bos- ton: William D. Ticknor & Co., 1844 xii p., 1 1, (1)16-216 p. 12°. NCM Boston: W. D. Ticknor & Co., 1846. xvi p., 1 1., 19-220 p. 4. ed. 12° NBHD Poetical works. With memoir by James M'Conechy. Glasgow: D. Robert- son, 1847. lxviii, 267 p., fad. 2. ed. 12°. NCM With additional engraved title-page bearing por- trait. With a memoir. New York: Worthington & Co., 1885. 1 p.l., (i)vi-xii p., 1 1., (1)16-308 p., 1 pi. 4. ed. 12°. NCM Posthumous poems. Now first col- lected. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, & Fields, 1851. 187 p. 12°. NCM A sabbath summer noon. (In: Fa- vorite authors... Boston, 1861. 12°. p. 140-144.) Tim the tackit. By W. W. [Pais- ley:] J. Neilson, printer [183-?]. 4 p. 24°. NDP p.v.l Mucking, The, o' Geordie's byre; the twa weavers, or, The days o' langsyne; and a song, inscribed to the female reformers. Glasgow: G. Macleod & Co., 1819. 8 p. 16°. NCI p.v.31 Munro, Neil. Ayrshire idylls, by Neil Munro; illustrated by G. Houston. Lon- don: A. and C. Black, 1912. x, 139 p., 20 pi. 8°. NCW The brooch. (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 186, p. 781- 792.) * DA Fancy farm. (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 187-188.) *DA Serial fiction. The Fell sergeant. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 159, p. 382-385.) * DA John Splendid: the tale of a poor gentleman, and the little wars of Lorn. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1897-98. 8°. v. 162-164.) * DA Serial fiction. The sgeul of Black Murdo. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 159, p. 266-275.) * DA Mure, Sir William. The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan. Edited with introduction. . .[etc.] by W. Tough, v. 1-2. 846 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1898. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 40-41.]) NDP Murray [Lat. Moraviusj, Thomas. Nau- pactiados, sive Lepantiados Iacobi magni . . .metaphrasis poetica. (In: Delitise poe- tarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 180-200.) NDP Murray, William H. The farewell and occasional addresses. Delivered by W. H. Murray in the Theatres Royal and Adelphi, Edinburgh; with a biographical sketch. Edinburgh: J. G. Bertram & Co., 1851. 2 p.l., 158 p. 16°. NDH Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Edited by Sir William Duguid Geddes [and] William Keith Leask. v. 2-3. Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1895-1910. pi., port. 4°. (New Spalding Club. Publications.) tCP v. 2. Johnston, A. The epigrammata and re- maining secular poems. v. 3. Poetae minores. The authors included in v. 3 are: William Aidie, William Barclay, William Blackball, Robert Brown, Thomas Cargill, William Cargill, Thomas Dempster, Alexander Downy, Robert Downy, Patrick Dun, John Forbes, Alexander Garden, James Gordon, Robert Gordon, Patrick Jamieson, John Johnston, William Johnston, John Kemp, James Kennedy, iohn Ker, James Keythe, William Lauder, James .awson, David Leech, John Leech, William Leslie, Andrew Massie, William Meston, Gilbert Middleton, John Ray, Thomas Reid, John Row, James Sandi- lands, George Strachan, John Vaus, David Wedder- burn, William Wedderburn, Florence Wilson. Mylne, James, Lochgill. Poems con- sisting of miscellaneous pieces, and two tragedies. Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1790. 8, xxiii, 435 p. 8°. NCL "Mr. Robert Burns, Ellisland" is one of the subscribers. The tragedies are: (1) The British kings; (2) Darthula. One of the poems is addressed "To Mr. Burns, on his poems.*' Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, baroness. Life and songs of the Baroness Nairne, with a memoir and poems of Caroline Oli- phant the younger. Edited by Rev. Charles Rogers. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1869. xcvi, 206 p., 1 fac, 3 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCL Keddie, Henrietta, and Jean L. Watson. Carolina, Baroness Nairne. 1766-1845. (In their: Songstresses of Scotland. London, 18X1. 8°. v. 2, p. 108-179.) AGH Williams, Alfred Mason. Lady Nairne and her songs. (In his: Studies in folk- song and folk-poetry. London: E. Stock, 1895. 12°. p. 102-130.) NAE Napier, John. A plaine Discouery of the whole Reuelation of Saint John: set downe in two treatises: The one searching and prouing the true interpretation there- of: The other applying the same para- phrastically and Historically to the text. Set foorth by John Napeir L. of Marchis- toun younger. Wherevnto are annexed certaine Oracles of Sibylla, agreeing with the Reuelation and other places of Scrip- ture. Edinbvrgh Printed by Robert Walde- graue, printer to the Kings Majestic 1593 7 p.l., 269 p, 6 1. 4°. Reserve Neil, Gabriel. See under Boyd, Zachary. New, A, song upon Captain Gordon's ar- rival, with a French privateer and a rich prize, in Leith Harbour a second time, n. p., n. d. Broadside. 10^jjx6§^ in. Reserve Nicholson, John. Historical and tradi- tional tales in prose and verse, connected with the south of Scotland. Original and select... [Compiled by John Nicholson.; Kirkcudbright: printed and published by John Nicholson, 1843. viii, 450 p. 12° CR Nicholson, William. The Brownie of Blednoch. Annotated by J. G. Carter. (Caledonia: A monthly magazine. Aber- deen, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 530-533.) * DE Nobody, pseud. An epigram: dedicated (without permission) to the laity of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, by Nobody. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1860. 2 1. 12°. NCI p.v.50 North, Christopher, pseud. See under Wilson, John, and others. North, A, countrie garland. Edited by James Maidment and revised by Edmund Goldsmid. Edinburgh: privately printed, 1891. vi p., 2 1., (1)12-68 p. 12°. (Bibli- otheca curiosa.) NDP Northern, The, mans ditty: or, The Scots-man outwitted by the country damo- sel. To a new tune much in request. Broadside. 9 x 5^ in. [17-?] Reserve Norval and Julia; or, The mysterious rock... A Scottish tale. London: T. & R. Hughes [1808j. 38 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCEp.v.6 Scene is laid in Scotland in the twelfth century. .One of the characters is Lord Duncombe, 'head of a great clan'! November twelfth: a poem. Edinburgh: John Moir, printer, 1823. 24 p. 8°. NCI p.v.57 Descriptive of the procedure of the Court of Ses- sion. O., E. A. H. Rhymes of the Scottish Highlands. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1845. 8°. v. 31, p. 458-464; v. 32, p. 72- 76, 175-178.) *DA 1. The haunted tarn on the moor. 2. Culloden. 3. The ballad of Evan Dhu. 4. The old house of Urrard. 5. An old man's story of the Forty-five. 6. The caves of Caussie. 7. The spirit tryst. Ogilvie, John. Britannia: a national epic poem, in twenty books. To which is pre- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 847 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. fixed, a critical dissertation on epic mach- inery Aberdeen: the author, 1801. 2 p.l., 623, ix p. 4°. tNCM Poems on several subjects. Lon- don: G. Pearch, 1769. 2 v. illus. 8°. NCL Providence, an allegorical poem in three books. Boston: J. Mein, 1766. x p., 1 1., (1)14-180 p. 12°. NCL Ogilvy, Mrs. Eliza Anna Harris. A book of Highland minstrelsy. With illustrations by R R. M'lan. London: G. W. Nickis- son, 1846. viii, 272 p. 8°. Stuart 10117 Old ballad. False Lord Carleil and the fair Lady Alice. (Scottish notes and que- ries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 93-95.) CPA Old ballad. The grisly ghaist o' Bairns- dale. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 114-115, 136- 137.) CPA Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wil- son. The Athelings; or, The three gifts. New York: Harper & Bros., 1857. 1 p.l., 192 p. 8°. NCTp.v.49 Previously published serially in Blackwood's magazine. Chronicles of Carlingford. A novel ... New York: Harper & Brothers, 1863. 306 p. 8°. (Library of select novels, no. 547.) NCW The curate in charge. A novel . . . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1876. 1 p.l., 7-76 p. 8°. NCW The greatest heiress in England. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1880. 2 v. 24°. (Collection of British authors, v. 1884- 1885.) NCW John. A love story. New York: N. L. Munro [1890?]. 256 p. 12°. NCW Katie Stewart; a true story. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1864. 1 p.l., (1)10-86 p. 8°. (Library of select novels, no. 178.) NCTp.v.34 Previously published in Blackwood's magazine. — — Kirsteen; the story of a Scotch family, seventy years ago. New York: Harper & Bros., 1890. 1 p.l., 324 p. 8°. NCW The ladies Lindores. New York: B. Clark [18—?]. 389 p. 12°. NCW no. title-page. The lady's walk. A story of the seen and unseen. (Longman's magazine. London, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 229-252, 341- 364.) *DA The laird of Norlaw. A Scottish story. New York: Harper & Bros., 1859. 390 p. 12°. NCW The land of darkness, along with some further chapters in the experiences of the Little Pilgrim. [By Mrs. Oliphant., London: Macmillan and Co., 1888. 3 nl 238 p. 12°. N cw A little pilgrim. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1883. 123 p. 16°. NCW Reprinted from Macmillan 's magazine'. Lucy Crofton. . . New York: Har- per & Brothers, 1860. 1 p.l., (1)6-222 p. 12°. NCW Madam. (Longman's magazine. London, 1884-85. 8°. v. 3-5.) * DA Serial fiction. Madonna Mary. New York: Har- per & Brothers, 1870. 182 p. 8°. (Har- per's library of select novels, no. 282.) NCW Miss Marjoribanks. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1870. 2 v. 16°. (Chronicles of Carlingford.) NCW Mrs. Arthur; a novel. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1877. 152 p. 8°. (Harper's library of select novels, ho. 488.) NCW Ombra... New York: Harper & Brothers, 1872. 2 p.l., 9-170 p. 8°. NCW The perpetual curate. A novel. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1865. 239 p. 8°. NCW The quiet heart. [By Mrs. Oli- phant.] New York: Harper & Brothers, 1854. 67 p. 8°. NCTp.v.15 Previously published in Blackwood's magazine. A rose in June... Illustrated by G. Du Maurier. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1874. 104 p. 8°. NCW Self-sacrifice. [By Mrs. Oliphant.] Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Bros. [18—?] 1 p.l., 19-375 p. 12°. NCW , Sir Robert's fortune: the story of a Scotch moor. v. 2. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1896. 16°. (Collection of British authors. Tauchnitz ed. no. 3121.) NCW ■ A son of the soil: a novel. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1865. 241 p. 8°. NCW Squire Arden. A novel... New York: Harper & Brothers, 1874. 1 p.l., 7- 192 p. 8°. NCW Stories of the seen and unseen. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1902. 4 p.l., (1)4-316 p. 12°. NCW The story of Valentine and his brother. A novel... New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875. 1 p.l., 7-166 p. 8°. NCW The ways of life: two stories. [Mr. Sandford, and The wonderful history of Mr. Robert Dalyell., New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 330 p. 12°. NCW Young Musgrave: a novel. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1878. 144 p. 8°. (Harper's library of select nov< *£ w 848 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Oration, An, on the decision of the long and tedious plea, between the noble familys of Douglas and Hamilton, n. p., n. d. t 176-?j Broadside 11J-6 x 5^4 in. Reserve Ovidius Naso, Publius. Ovid in the Aberdeenshire dialect. [Metamorphoseon, liber 13.] 48 p. [Aberdeen: Gordon's Hos- pital Press,] n. d. 16°. * C p.v.390 Packet, A, of pestilent pasquils. [Edited by James Maidment. Privately printed, 1868.] 31 p. 8°. NCI Intended as a supplement to A book of Scottish Easquils, Edinburgh, 1868. They were mostly by >r. Archibald Pitcairn and Mr. Fynnie. Park, Thomas. See under Falconer, William. Poetical works . . . Patrick, James. The posthumous works of the late Mr. James Patrick, of Houston. With a memoir of the author, by Rev. W. Patrick. Edinburgh: Blackwood & Co., 1836. xiii, 106 p. 16°. NCM Patullo, Margaret. See under Psalms. Paul, Hamilton. A foretaste of pleasant things. Air: printed by Wilson. M'Cor- mick & Carnie, 1820. 23 p 24°. NDP p.v.2 In verse. Paul's second epistle to the dearly be- loved, the female disciples. Glasgow: J. Mundell, 1799. 20 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll37 Peebles, William. The crisis: or, The progress of revolutionary principles. A poem... by a clergyman of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1803. 4 p.l., 32 p. 16°. NCI p.v.81 Penney, William, Lord Kinloch. Devout moments expressed in verse. A selection from time's treasure. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1866. 46 p. 12°. NCM Percy, Thomas, bishop of Dromore. Altenglische und schottische Dichtungen der Percyschen Sammlung. Ubersetzt von A. von Marces. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1857. xxxi, 192 p. 16°. NCK Peterpolis, pseud. The unnatural son: a Buchan idyl. Addressed to W. S., author of the "Witches o' Cairncatta." Aberdeen: J. Hepburn, printer, 1876. 1 p.l., 5 p. nar. 12°. * C p.v.360 Oiloi&Tivaios, pseud. MoSepv Afrev^. Pri- vately printed, n. p., n. d. 12 p. 12°. Verse. Philip, Adam. Songs and sayings of Gowrie. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 1901. 5 p.l., 11-319 p. 8°. NDP Picken, Andrew. The Black Watch. (In: Waldie's select circulating library. Philadelphia, 1834. 4°. v. 3, p. 145-210) t*DD Tale illustrative of the martial character of the Highlanders of Scotland. The Jordans of Grange, and the Old Maids of Balmogy. A tradition of the dominie. (In: Waldie's select circulat- ing library. Philadelphia, 1835. 4°. part 2, p. 177-184.) t*DD Traditionary stories and legendary illustrations. (In: Waldie's select circu- lating library... Philadelphia, 1883. 4° v. 2, p. 426-460.) t*DD Lady Barbara of Carloghie, and the Johnstons of Fairly, p. 426-441; The Priors of Lawford, p. 442- 460. Traditionary stories of old fami- lies, and legendary illustrations of family history. With notes. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1833. 2 v. 12°. NBO v. 1: The Forbeses and the Gordons; Lady Bar- bara of Carloghie, and the Johnstons of' Fairly; The three maids of Loudoun... a tradition of Ayr- shire. v. 2: The Hays, and the fight at Loncarty; The Priors of Lawford; Macdonald of Glenco, and Jeanie Halliday of Annan. Pinkerton, John. See under Scotish poems. . . Pitcairn, Archibald. See under Packet. Pitt Club of Scotland. Songs sung at the anniversary dinner of the Pitt Club of Scotland... 1815. Edinburgh: J. Bal- lantyne & Co., 1815. 8 p. 2 1., 12 p., 4 1. 8°. NDP p.v.5, no.3 Poem on the South-Sea stock-jobbers. [Edinburgh, printed Oct. 3, 1720.] Broad- side 10^ in. x 6% in. Reserve Poems on Archbishop Sharpe. (Analec- ta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1837. 8°. v. 2, p. 81-105.) CP Poems of places. Scotland. Edited by H. W. Longfellow. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1876. 2 v. 16°. NAEM Poetarum Scotorum musaa sacrse: sive quatuor sacri codicis Scriptorum, Davidis & Solomonis, Jobi & Jeremise, poetici libri, per totidem Scotos, Arct. Jonstonum & Jo. Kerrum, P. Adamsonum & G. Hogae- um, Latino carmine redditi: quibus ob ar- gumenti similitudinem, adnectuntur alia, Scotorum itidem, opuscula sacra. [Edited by William Lauder.] Edinburgi: T. & W. Ruddimannos, 1739. 2 v. 8°. NCI Poets, The, and poetry of Scotland, from the earliest to the present time, compris- ing characteristic selections from the works of the more noteworthy Scottish poets, with biographical and critical notes by James Grant Wilson. New York: Har- per & Brothers, 1876. 2 v. port. 8°. *R-NDF v. 1. From Thomas the Rhymer (born A.D. 1219) to Richard Gall (born, A.D. 1776). v. 2. From Thomas Campbell (born A.D. 1777) to marquis of Lome (born A.D. 1845). LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 849 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. v. 1. London: Blackie & Son, 1876. 8°. NDP Pollok, Robert. The course of time. 3 American from 3. Edinburgh ed. Bos- ton: Crocker & Brewster, 1828. 1 p.l., 246 p. 16°. NCM Lacks last leaf. For critical notices of this poem see the Southern review, v. 2, p. 454-470, Charleston, 1828; Western monthly review, v. 2, p. 354-360, Cincinnati, 1829; and The spirit of the pilgrims, v. 1, p. 516-540, Boston, 1828. Amherst, Mass. : J. S. & C. Adams, 1828. 7 p.l., (1)10-300, iv p. 4. Amer. ed. 24°. NCM Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1829. 2 p.l„ 394 p. 8. ed. 16°. NCM With a memoir of the author by William Livingston Prall . . . New York: C. Wells, 1831. x p., 1 1., (1)14-328, xiv p. 24°. NCM ■ Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1832. 394 p. 11. ed. 12°. NCM Exeter: J. & B. Williams, 1836. iv, (1)6-188 p. 24°. NCM With an essay on his poetical genius by James Scott. New York: R. Carter, 1848. xii, (1)4-433 p., 1 port. 12°. NCM — With a memoir of the author, by William Livingston Prall, Esq., a copi- ous index and an analysis prefixed to each book. Cincinnati: J. A. & U. P. James, 1852. xii, 13-254 p. 32°. NCM (In: James Thomson, Thom- son and Pollok: containing the Seasons, by James Thomson and the Course of time, by Robert Pollok. Boston, 1853. 12°. p. 157-438.) New York: 248 p. 16°. Edinburgh: ,and Sons, 1857. xxiv p., 1855. NCZ Austin & Smith, NCM W. Blackwood 1 1., (1) 10-359 p. \s: NCM Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1868. 1 p.l., 271 p. 78. thousand. 16°. NCM — With critical observations of various authors., .and notes critical and illustrative by James R. Boyd. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., n. d. 399 p. 12°. " NCM With a sketch of the life of the author. New York: C. Wells, n. d. 248 p., 1 port. 16°. NCM With additional engraved title-page. New York: Piercy & Reed, n.d. 248 p. 16°. NCM , Px 3 " 6 , contain a sketch of the author's life from tie Christian review. Another issue of the 1855 ed. ~ — T h. e persecuted family; a narrative of the sufferings of the Covenanters in the reign of Charles n. New York: R. Carter 1843. viii, (1)10-115 p. 24°. NCW Poor, The, client's complaint done out of Buchanan, n. p., n. d. ( c. 1700?] Broad- side. Uyi x 7 in. Reserve Poulson, James. Lyrick poems in- scribed to ladies of distinguished eminence in the kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland; together with sundry poetical reflections on the groves, flower-garden, and other improvements at M'Collup, the seat of Francis Drew, Esq., in the county of Cork. To which will be added a letter on the birth of a child. Glasgow: the author [1778j. 42 p. 8°. NCIp.v.70 Pringle, Thomas. Glen-Lynden: a tale of Teviotdale. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1828. 24 p. 12°. NCI p.v.41 Written in the interior of South Africa in No- vember, 1824. The poetical works of Thomas Pringle with a sketch of his life, by Leitch Ritchie. London: E. Moxon, 1838. cxlix p., 2 1., (1) 4-219 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCM Psalms. The Psalmes of David in mee- ter, with diuers notes and tunes augmented to them, as they are vsed to be song in the Kirke of Scotland. Edinbvrgh: Printed by Andro Hart, and are to be solde at his avvin shop, and at the shops of Richard Lavson and lames Gathkin [Sicj. [1615?] A-F 8 in eights. Reserve See W. Cowan, A bibliography of the Book of Common Order and psalm book of the Church of Scotland, 1556-1644, no. 29. The Psalms of David in prose and metre, according to the Church of Scot- land. . . Printed in Aberdene, by Edward Raban, for David Melvill, 1629. 32 p.l., 416 p., 8 1. 16°. Reserve Cowan, no. 45. [The Psalms.] Edinburgh, Heires of Andro Hart. 1630. Reserve Only copy known. It lacks the first title-page, in whjch place the binder has inserted the second title which is really Al. Cowan, no. 47. — — The Psalter; or, Psalmes of David: according to the last translation in King James his time. As they shall be said or sung throughout all the churches of Scot- land. Edinburgh: Robert Young, 1636. 80 1. 4° in eights. Reserve Black letter. Complete copy, signatures aa-kk8. Folios kk7 and kk8 contain "Certaine godly prayers to be used for sundry purposes." Bound with: Book of Common Prayer. Episcopal Church in Scotland. 1637. The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments. . . Edinburgh, 1637. 4° in eights. The CL Psalmes of David in mee- ter: after the forme they are used to be sung in the Kirke of Scotland... Edm- 850 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Psalms, continued. bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, his Majes- ties printer for the Kingdom of Scotland, 1643. 4°. Reserve A-L4 in fours. All after lacking. Cowan, no. 69. The Psalmes of David in meeter: With the prose interlined. By Mr. Zach- ary Boyd. Glasgow: Heires of George An- derson, 1648. 32°. Reserve A-Z 7 in twelves. The Psalms of David in meeter. Newly translated, and diligently com- pared with the original text, and former translations... Allowed by the authority of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland. . . Edinbvrgh: Evan Tyler, 1650; 72 p. 18°. Reserve n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1651?] 8°. Unpaged. Title from caption. The Psalms of David in meeter. Newly translated, and diligently compared with the originall text, and former transla- tions. . . Allowed by the authoritie of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. Edinburgh, printed by Gede- on Lithgovv, 1652. Reserve A-F in fours. Three columns to a page. ■ Edinburgh: Gedeon Lithgow, 1653. 48°. Reserve Unpaged. Lacks all after v. 13 of Psalm 144. Edinburgh: Gedeon Lithgovv, 1655. 4°. Reserve Unpaged. Engraved title-page. A-G 4 . With vari- ations from the 1652 edition. The differences are best seen in the index and ornaments. Edinburgh: Andro Anderson, Reserve Lacks all before v. 15 of Psalm xvii. Edinburgh: Gedeon Lithgovv, * YCD Last leaf, G4, lack- 1655. Unpaged. 1655. 4°. Unpaged; engraved title-page. ing, G-G3 imperfect. 1656. Edinburgh: Gedeon Lithgovv, Reserve A-F 3 in fours. Three columns to a page. F 4 lack- ing and its place supplied by a folio from another edition with two columns to a page. Edinburgh: printed by Gede- on Lithgow, 1656. nar. 32°. * YCP Unpaged. Last signature 112. . Edinburgh: Christopher Hig- gins in Harts Close, over against the Trone-Church, 1658. Reserve A-F 4 in fours. Three columns to a page. Two copies. rEdinburgh: A. Anderson, 1669., 8°. *YCD Unpaged. Title-page lacking. Imprint from colo- phon, reading: Edinburgh. .. 1669. Edinburgh: Andrew Ander- son, 1669. f°. Reserve A-L in twos. Three columns to a page. • Glasgow: R. Sanders, 1669. 292 p. 32° in twelves. ZHZ p. 23-24, 35-38, 111-112, 145-168, lacking. Fol- lowed by the Summe of saving knowledge. . .dated Edinburgh: printed by A. An- derson for J. Miller, 1671. 8°. *YCD Unpaged. Several leaves at the end lacking. n. p. [167-?] 85 p., 1 1. 4° *YCD Title-page lacking. Last page mutilated. Unknown edition. Edinburgh: printed by Tames Glen, 1675. 8°. * YCD Unpaged. Edinburgh: printed by Andrew Anderson, 1676. 8°. *YCD Unpaged. ■ Edinburgh: printed by A. An- derson, 1676. 4°. *YCD Unpaged. Engraved title-page. Edinburgh: Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1679. 24°. .Reserve A-K B in twelves. in twelves. ZHZ Last leaf lacking. Edinburgh: printed by E. Ty- ler, 1679. 28 p. f°. ft*YCD n. p., 1679. 24° Unpaged. Last signature, K5. 12°. Edinburgh: Evan Tyler, 1680. Reserve 71 p. [Edinburgh, 1687?] 24°. ZGK Unpaged. Title-page, and signature E2-EU lack- ing. Title from caption. Edinburgh: Heir of Andrew Anderson, printer, 1687. 32°. Unpaged. A-I in twelves. 83 p. 12° Edinburgh: E. Tyler, 1682. *YCD London: printed for the Com- pany of Stationers, 1688. 24° in twelves. ZHZ Rous' version. Unpaged. Last signature N12. Edinburgh: Printed by the So- ! ciety of Stationers, 1690. 24°. Reserve Unpaged. A-N 12 in twelves. Edinburgh: Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1692. 4°. Reserve A-G 2 in fours. Edinburgh: Printed by George Mosman, 1694. 361 p. 24°. Reserve Edinburgh: E. Tyler, 1698. 68 P. 18°. Reserve Incomplete copy; all after signature B16 lacking. Edinburgh: E. Tyler, 1698. 71 p. 12°. *YCD ; [Colophon: Edinburgh: printed by the heirs and successours of Andrew Anderson, 1698.] 80 p. 12° in fours. ZHZ LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 851 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Psalms, continued. Edinburgh: Printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1699. 4°. Reserve Lacks all after the 46th psalm. Two columns to a page. Edinburgh: Printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1699. 4°. Reserve Imperfect. Lacks all after D*. Three columns to a page. n.t.-p. n.p. [169-?] 88 p. 16° in fours. ZHZ Rubricated. Two leaves of music in manuscript, at the end. Upper margins cropped. . — Edinburgh: Printed for Henry Knox, John Vallange and Alexander Hen- derson, 1700. 80 p. 4°. Editions after 1700 are not included. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici in- terpretatione, argumentis, notisque illus- trati: in usum serenissimi principis. [Edited, with memoirs of A. Johnston, by W. Ben- son.] Londini: apud G. Innys, D. Browne, et P. Vaillant, typis G. Bowyer, 1741. xvi, 392 p., 43 1., 1 map, 1 port. sq. 8° in fours. *YBW Engraved portrait of A. Johnston, dated 1740. Psalms followed by Cantica evangelica, Apostles' creed, Lord's prayer, etc. Last 43 leaves contain Index vocabulorum. ■ Poetarum Scotorum musae sacrae; sive, Arcturi Johnstoni Psalmorum Davidi- corum, Cantici Solomonis, & Canticorum Evangelicorum paraphrasis poetica. Joan- nis Kerri Cantici Solomonis paraphrasis gemina. Roberti Bodii a Trochoregia ad Christum Servatorem hecatombe. Inse- runtur Geo. Eglisemmii poeticum duellum, . Consilium Collegii Medicorum Parisien- sium, Gul. Barclaii, M.D. Judicium de eo- dem. Summo quasque studio, ad optimo- rum exemplarium fidem recensuit, notis necessariis illustravit, atque scholarum de- mum usibus adcommodavit Gulielmus Lauderus. Edinburgi: apud T. & W. Ruddi- mannos, 1740. 1 p.l., lx, 208, xxiv, 80 p. 12° in fours. * YBW p. liii, supplementary title-page, dated 1739. Half title to Ker's version is marked second edi- tion. . The Psalms of David, with some slight alterations, by way of improvement, on the metre version, appointed by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be used in families and churches, in the year 1639. By Rev. James Cririe, D.D., of Dalton, Dumfriesshire, n. p. [1800?] 55 p. sq- 12°. Reserve . Manuscript. Preliminary leaf reads: An attempt to smoothe some asperities in the metre version of the Psalms of David . . . Prefixed is an introduction. Original p. 49 removed and loosely inserted; text replaced by revised and additional material paged 49- . The Christian Psalter; a new ver- sion of the Psalms of David, calculated for all denominations of Christians. By Mar- garet Patullo, Perth. Edinburgh: printed for the author [by Oliver & Boyd,, 1828 xn, 363 p. 12°. ZHZ (Patullo) The author of this version, a lady of Perth re- quested one of the ministers of that town to examine and correct the ms. Hoping to dissuade her from the publication, he returned it after keeping it some time, saying that he was incapable of improving it. This, however, she understood to mean that it was so faultless as to need no emendation; and she ac- cordingly sent it to Edinburgh to be printed; but as it did not gain the approbation of the readers, the impression was bought up by a friend, and a copy could not afterwards be procured. Bound in morocco, tooled, with gilt edges. The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scotch: from the authorised English ver- sion. By Henry Scott Riddell. London, 1857. 1 p.l., 145 p. 8°. RAEC Quinn, Walter. Sonnets from a volume, entituled — Sertum poeticum, in honorem Jacobi Sexti serenissimi, ac potentissimi Scotorum regis. Edinbvrgi: R. Walde- grave, 1600 rrepr. 1825]. 8 p. 4°. NCL p.v.71 Ramsay, Allan. The ever green: a col- lection of Scots poems, wrote by the In- genious before 1600; reprinted from the original edition, in two volumes. Glasgow: R. Forrester, 1876. 12°. NDP ■ The gentle shepherd; a Scots pas- toral comedy. . . Edinburgh: T. Ruddiman, 1725. vi, 89 p. 12°. NCO p.v.350 Title and last leaf lacking. Edinburgh: R. & R. Wilsons, 1776. xvi, 108 p., 4 pi. 12°. Drexel2583 Enriched with overtures to the songs, set to the violin and. . .flute. . . Edinburgh: G. Alston, 1783. 124, 12 p., 5 pi., 1 port. 12°. Stuart 10496 Title-page mutilated. ■ To which is added, a complete glossary. London: G. Cawthorn, 1796. xi (i), 13-120 p., 2 pi. 16°. (Bell's British theatre, v. 25.) " NCO With an account of his life and writings, and a glossary. Glasgow: Stew- art & Meikle, 1797. 32, 123 p., 3 pi. 24°. NCL Translated into English from the Scotch of Allan Ramsay's Gentle shep- herd, and compressed into three acts, by G. Bethune. London: J. Miller, 1817. 42 p. g=. NCOp.v.196 With notes and an original memoir of the author. Glasgow: R. Griffin & Co, 1828. 96 p., 1 pi. 24°. NCL With a life of the author. . .to which is added a. . .glossary, and a cata- logue of the Scottish poets. New York: Wm. Gowans, 1852. lxxiii p., 1 "1., xi(i), 105, 24 p. 8°. NCL Large paper copy. t NCL 852 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature,, continued. An ode sacred to the memory of her grace Anne, dutchess of Hamilton. [Edinburgh? 1724?] 4 p. f. Reserve Poems. Edinburgh: the author, 1728. 2 v. sq. 4°. NCL With new additions and notes, to which is added, the Gentle shepherd. . . Also a glossary. . .of the Scots words. Dublin: S. Powell, 1733. xii p., 2 1., 438 p., 9 1. 12°. NCL Title-page mutilated. [Edinburgh?] Printed, 1760. xii p., 2 1., 426 p., 13 1. 12°. NCL London: A. Millar [etc.], 1761. 2 v. port. 16°. NCL With the life of the author, and his collection of Scots proverbs. In two volumes, v. 2. Philadelphia: B. Chapman, 1813. 12°. Stuart 10495 • Scots proverbs. [Edinburgh: R. & R. Wilsons, 1776.] 88, xix p. 12°. Drexel 2583 Published with his The gentle shepherd. Edin- burgh, 1776. Select poetical works, including his Gentle shepherd. With a memoir of the author and his writings. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1838. 54 p. 8°. (People's edition.) NCI p.v.68 ■ The tea-table miscellany: or, Col- lection of choice songs, Scots, and English. London: A. Miller, 1750. 4 v. in 1. 11. ed. 12°. NCK Paging consecutive. Edinburgh: A. Donaldson, 1762. xxiv, 448 p., 4 1. 13. ed. 12°. NCK 4 v. in 1. Engraved title-page of the 12th edition, dated 1760. Edinburgh: A. Kincaid & J. Bell, 1768. xxiv, 448 p., 4 1. 14. ed. 12°. NCK — Reprinted from the fourteenth edition. In two volumes, v. 2. Glasgow: R. Forrester, 1875. 12°. NCK News-paper clipping relating to author inserted. A translation of the Scots pastoral comedy, The gentle shepherd, into English, from Allan Ramsay's original. By W. Ward. London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson [179-?]. x, 11., 103 p. 8°. *Cp.v.428 The works of Allan Ramsay. With life... by G. Chalmers; ( and] an essay on his genius and writings by Lord Wood- houselee... London: A. Fullarton & Co., 1851. 3 v. 12°. Stuart 10492 Cumming, Robert. Essay. . .on the ques- tion "Whether have the exertions of Allan Ramsay or Robert Ferguson done most honour to Scottish poetry". . . Willie and Jamie, an eclogue, in the Scottish dialect . . . Edinburgh: T. Brown, 1791. 1 p.l., 13 p. 8°. NCIp.v.62 Holmes, D. T. Allan Ramsay. (In his: Lectures on Scottish literature. Paisley 1904. 12°. p. 37-68.) NDP Nichol, Prof. Allan Ramsay. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 20- 22.) f MAA Tytler, William. Observations on the Vision; a poem first published in the mis- cellany, or collection of Scottish poems called the Evergreen, — by Allan Ramsay, anno 1724. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Edin- burgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 395-402.) f CPA Ramsay, Andrew. Poemata sacra. (In: Delitia? poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 283-323.) NDP This is the author from whom William Lauder says Milton plagiarised in his Paradise lost. Ramsay's poems are: (1) Creationis rerum descrip- tio poetica; (2) Quam beata hominis in primigenia in- tegritate conditio; (3) De lapsu protoplasts & omni- um in eo posterorum; (4) Humani generis per Chris- tum reparatio. Ramsay, Andrew Michael. Some few poems composed by the Chevalier Ram- say, author of the celebrated travels of Cyrus. Edinburgh: J. Catanach, 1728. 38 p. 4°. NCIp.v.64 Ramsay, Edward Bannerman. Rem- iniscences of Scottish life and character. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1859. ix p., 1 1., 219 p. 3. ed. 12°. Stuart 7501 From the 7. Edinburgh ed. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1861. xxiii, (1)26-297 p. 12°. CP Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1862. xx p., 1 1., 476 p. 12°. CP And a memoir of Dean Ram- say by Cosmo Innes. Edinburgh: Edmon- ston and Douglas, 1874. vi, ci, 387 p., 1 port. 23. ed. 12°. CP Ramsay, John. My grave, and my good old aunt. Aberdeen: University Press, 1842. 8 p. 16°. NCI p.v.34 Rate, David? Instructions in courtesy. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 14, p. 43-47.) CPA Hitherto unpublished. From ms. Ashmold, 61. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Rathillet. (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 147, p. 624-647.) * DA Ratis raving, and other moral and reli- gious pieces, in prose and verse; edited from the Cambridge University ms. kk 1.5; by J. Rawson Lumby. London: Early English Text Society, 1870. xii, 139 p. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Publica- tions, no. 43.) NCE Brown, John T. T. The author of Ratis raving. (Bonner Beitrage zur Anglistik. Bonn, 1900. 8°. Heft 5, p. 145-161.) RNB Ray, John. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 853 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Reekie, Charles. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. Reid, Alan. Rose Maudie's weird; a ballad... illustrated by J. Eadie Reid. Edinburgh: William Brown [189-?]. 8 1. 12°. NCI p.v.42 Founded on a Forfarshire legend. Reid, Robert. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. Reid [Lat. Rhsedusj; Thomas. Poemata. (In: Delitise poetarum Scotorum. Am- sterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 254-265.) NDP See also under Musa Latina Aber- donensis. Reply to a scurrilous poem, entitled The union cathedral, n.p., n.d. 1 p.l., 10 p. 8°. * C p.v.477 Richardson, Mrs. G. G., of Dumfries. Poems. Edinburgh: Cadell & Co., 1828. v. 227(1) p. 2. ed. 12°. NCM series 2. London: Wm. Crofts, 1834. 2 p.l., iv p., 1 1., 264 p. 8°. NCM Richardson, James. Studies from the antique. [By James Richardson.] Edin- burgh: John Baxter, 1862. 62 p. 8°. NCI p.v.62 Riddell, Henry S. Songs of the ark: with other poems. Edinburgh: W. Black- wood, 1831. iv p., 1 1., 3-336 p. 12°. NCM Rights, The, of asses; a poem. [Signed: A. Dullass, N. P.] Edinburgh: Robertson & Berry, 1792. 11 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCI p.v.76 A political squib. Ritson, Joseph. See under Caledonian muse.. . Roberts, John S. The legendary bal- lads of England and Scotland. Compiled and edited by J. S. Roberts. London: F. Warne and Co. [1867.] xi, 628 p., 12 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCK Robertson, Patrick, Lord Robertson. Fragments. [By Patrick Robertson, Lord Robertson.] [Poems . . . Edinburgh, 1844.] 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll61 Leaves from a journal. 1844. [Preface signed P. R., i.e., Patrick Robert- son, Lord Robertson.] [Edinburgh: T. Constable,] 1844. 34 p. sq. 8°. NCI p.v.55 Privately printed. Robin, The. A collection of six hundred and eighty of the most celebrated English andScotch songs, none of which are con- tained in the other collections of the same size call'd the Linnet and Thrush. With a glossary explaining the Scotch words. London: C. Hitch & I. Osborn, 1749. 1 P.I., 420 p., 6 1., 1 pi. 24°. * MO Rodger, Alexander. Poems and songs humorous and satirical. Glasgow d' Robertson, 1838. x, 362 p. 12°. NDF See also under Whistle-binkie. Rogers, Charles. Traits and stories of the Scottish people. London: Houlston & Wright, 1867. xvi, (1)18-320 p. 12°. CP Rolland, John. Ane treatise callit the Court of Venus deuidit into four buikis newlie compylit be Johne Rolland in Dal- keith, 1575. Edited by Rev. Walter Greg- or. Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society, 1884. xxxii, 231 p., 2 fac. 8°. NDP Craigie, William Alexander. Rolland's Court of Venus. (Modern quarterly of language and literature. London, 1898. 4°. v. 1, p. 9-16.) f RAA On the errors in Gregor's edition published by the Scottish Text Society. Rollock, Hercules. Poemata. (In: Deli- tiaa poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 323-387.) NDP Rollock, Robert. Select works. Re- printed from the original editions. Edited by William M. Gunn. Edinburgh: Wod- row Society, 1844-49. 2 v. port. 8°. ZEP v. 1 was issued five years after the publication of the second. Rose, John. Poemata. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 265-282.) NDP Rosebery (5. earl), Archibald Philip Primrose. Appreciations and addresses. Edited by Charles Geake. London and New York: John Lane, 1899. xi, 343(1) p. 12°. NDB Ross, Alexander. [Poemata.] (In: Deli- tiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam. 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 388-469.) NDP 1. Rerum Iudaicarum ab exitu ex Aegypto_ libri tres. 2. Virgilius evangelizans [a life of Christ in imitation of the Aeneid]. Ross, Alexander. Helenore; or, The fortunate shepherdess. A pastoral tale. By Alexander Ross. To which is added the life of the author. . .and an account of the manners and amusements of the people at that period, by his grandson, Rev. Alex- ander Thomson. Dundee: printed by A. Smith & Co., 1812. liv p., 1 1., 144 p. 8°. NCL Gibb, John S. Helenore, or the Fortu- nate shepherdess. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. 291-299) CPA With biographical note on Mr. Gibb by Dr. D. Hay Fleming, on p. 299-300. Ross, John Dawson. A cluster of poets, Scottish and American, with biographical and critical notices. New York: WW. Reid, 1897. 376 p., 10 port. 12°. NBH Contains extracts from the following authors: Rev. Duncan Anderson, William Anderson, John 854 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Imrie, James D. Law, Hunter MacCulloch, John Macfarlane, Hector Macpherson, Patrick Macpher- son, Charles Reekie, Robert Reid, Peter Ross, Rev. William Wye Smith, and George Williamson. See also under Celebrated songs. Ross, Peter. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. Row, John. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Rowatt, J. Cadzow Castle, a poem. With a view of the ruins of Cadzow. Ham- ilton: A. Miller, printer. 15 p., 1 pi. nar. 12°. NCI p.v.42 Ruddiman, Thomas. See under Doug- las, Gavin. Ruickbie, James. The way-side cot- tager; consisting of pieces in prose and verse. To which are added Miscellaneous poems. Hawick: R. Armstrong for the author, 1807. 2 p.L, 200 p. 24°. NDP p.v.2 Rutherford, James. First attempts at rhyme and blank verse. By a nameless author James Rutherford?]. Edinburgh: Peter Hill & Co., 1817. 3-6 p., 1 1., SO p. 8°. NCI p.v.50 Presentation copy from author to Lord Cock- burn. Rutherford, Samuel. Letters. With an introductory essay by Thomas Erskine. Glasgow: Wm. Collins, 1827. xxxvi, (1) 38-378 p. 2. ed. 12°. ZFL Rydinge, The, of the stange. (Cale- donia: a monthly magazine. Aberdeen, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 144-148.) * DE Humorous poem, accompanied by reprint of Hunt- ly petition of A. D. 1734 (from Maitland Club Mis- cellany, v. 1) and notes on the old punishment from Brand, Jamieson, Allan Ramsay, etc. S., W. Quaint Scotch ballad. Bonnie Peggie. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 187.) CPA See also notes in series 2, v. 3, p. 8, 27. Sandilands, James. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Sangs of the Lowlands of Scotland care- fully compared with the original editions, and embellished with. . .designs composed and engraved by the late David Allan. Edinburgh: A. Foulis, 1799. 222 p., 7 pi., [8j p. music. 4°. Stuart 10087 Sangster, Charles. Bannockburn. (In: Cambridge prize poems. London, 1847. new ed. 16°. p. 305-313.) NCI Sargent, Epes. See under Campbell, Thomas. Satire against Scotland. (Abbotsford Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1837. 4°. p. 291-302.) -f-CP An answer to the satire follows on p. 305-317. Both productions are anonymous. Satirical poems of the time of the Refor- mation. Edited by J. Cranstoun. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1891-93 2 ©T 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publi- cations, v. 20, 24, 28, 30.]) NDP Savonarola, pseud. Poems by Savona- rola. The Clachan of Dollicoultry. . . Vir- gil's razor... [Edinburgh? 187-?] 10 p 16°. NCI p.v.44 Scenes from the life of a sufferer: be- ing the narrative of a residence in Morn- ingside Asylum. Edinburgh: Royal Asy- lum Press, 1855. 35 p. 8°. From Hogg's Instructor. Scot, Alexander. "The complete hus- band" and "The complete lover," from Bannatyne ms. (Reprinted in: New re- view. London, 1895. 8°. v. 12, p. 317, 433.) *DE The poems of Alexander Scot. Edited by J. Cranstoun. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1896. xxii, 218, 18 p. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 36.,) NDP Scot, John. Hodseporicon. (In: Deli- tias poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 470-479.) NDP Scot, Sir John, of Scotstarvet. Elegiae iet epigrammataj. (In: Delitias poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 479-490.) NDP Scotch, The, minister's tale. (Christian souvenir. London r c. 1835]. 8°. p. 172- 187.) NCA Scotia's bards; the choice productions of the Scottish poets, with brief biographi- cal sketches. New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1869. xviii p., 1 1., 563 p., 1 pi. 8°. *R-NDP Scotish poems, reprinted from scarce editions... Collected by John Pinkerton. London: John Nichols, 1792. 3 v. pi. 12°. NDP The tales of the priests of Peblis. The palice of honour. Squire Meldrum. Eight interludes by David Lindsay. _ Philotus, a comedy. Gawain and Gologras, a metrical romance. Ballads first printed at Edinburgh 1508. With three pieces before un- published. Scotish poems, of the sixteenth century. [Edited with a glossary by J. G. Dalyell.] v. 1. Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1801. xiv, 152, 380 p., 1 1. 16°. NDP No more published. Scott, A. Boyd. An abbot of the Hebri- des. (New century review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 5, p. 244-251.) *DE Scott, Alexander. See under Scot, Alex- ander. Scott, James. See under Pollok, Robert. Course of time. . . LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 855 language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Scott, Michael. The cruise of the Midge. London: F. Warne and Co., n. d. 223 p. ]2°. NCW First published anonymously in Blackwood's magasine, v. 35-37, Edinburgh, 1834-35. Tom Cringle's log. Philadelphia: E L. Carey & A. Hart, 1833. 2 v. 8°. NCW First published anonymously in Blackwood's magazine, v. 27-34, Edinburgh, 1829-34. v i New York: H. G. Daggers, 1845. 2 v. 8°. NCW Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1869. vi p., 1 1., 528 p., 19 pi. new ed. 12°. NCW Scott, Sir Walter. The Abbot The abbot. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1820. 3 v. 12°. NCW Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 7, p. 248-256, Edinburgh, 1820. v. 2. Philadelphia: M. Carey & Son, 1820. 12°. NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 407 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. [1877.] 2 p.l., 551(1) p., 4 1. 32°. (Handy volume "Waverley." v. 9.) NCW Anne of Geierstein Anne of Geierstein; or, The maiden of the mist. Edinburgh: Cadell & Co., 1829. 3 v. 12°. NCW Reviewed in Westminster review, v. 11, p. 211-228, London, 1829; Southern review, v. 4, p. 498-522, Charleston, 1829. New York: Derby & Jackson, 1857. 629 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Waverley novels. Peo- ple's illustrated edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876j. 439 p., 4 pi. 12°. NCW With illustrated title-page. The Antiquary The antiquary... Edinburgh: A. Con- stable & Co., 1816. 3 v. 12°. NCW v. 1 and 2 have frontispieces drawn by W. Allan. Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1831. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels, v. 5-6.) NCW , New York: Lovell, Coryell & Co. [1831.] x, 393 p., 5 pi. 8°. NCW Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1857. 2 ,Y- 1 2 °- (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW , —- New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 392 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW With illustrated title-page. v. 2. New York Harper & Bros [188-?] illus. 12°. (Waverley novels v 6 -) NCW Engraved title-page also. ,— - New York: G. Routledge & Sons [1885]. 392 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels. Kenilworth edition.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1893. 3 p.l., (l)vi-xiii, 431 p., 8 pi. 8°. (Waver- ley novels. Dryburgh ed. v. 3.) NCW One plate lacking. With introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang. London. Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1901. 4 p.l., (i)viii-xxxv p., 1 1., 620 p., 6 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels. Large type Border ed. v. 3.) NCW Huie, James L. The antiquary; a na- tional drama founded on the celebrated novel of the same name... [Edinburgh: J. L. Huie, 1823.] 3 p.l., 5-64 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Dramas from the novels and tales, &c, of the author of Waverley. no. 4.) NCR p. box Terry, Daniel. The antiquary. A musi- cal play in three acts taken from the cele- brated novel of that name. London: W. Stockdale, 1820. 2 p.l., vii-viii p., 1 1., 64 p. 8°. NCO p.v.180 Autobiography Autobiography. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1831. viii, (1)10-288 p., 1 port. 12°. AN Ballads and Lyrical Pieces Ballads and lyrical pieces. Boston: Etheridge & Bliss, 1807. 3 p.l., 180 p. 12°. NCM New York: Ezra Sargeant, 1811. 215 p., 1 port. nar. 24°. NCM Edinburgh: printed by James Bal- lantyne and Co., 1819. 4 p.l., 180 p. 5. ed. 8°. NCM Beauties of the Waverley Novels Beauties of the Waverley novels. [By Sir Walter Scott.] Boston: S. G. Goodrich, 1828. 456 p. nar. 24°. NCW With engraved title-page. The Betrothed The betrothed. The Highland widow. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW The betrothed, a tale of the Crusaders; and The Highland widow. [Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1868?] 1 p.l, 921-1108 p. 8° NCT p.v.70 856 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876). 2 v. in 1. pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW Illustrated title-page. Bound with his: Count Robert of Paris. New York [1876]. 12°. The betrothed. New York: P. F. Col- lier [189-?]. 543 p. illus. 12°. (Waverley novels, v. 14.) NCW The Black Dwarf The black dwarf, A legend of Montrose, and The bride of Lammermoor. New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876.] 3 v. in 1. pi. 12°. NCW With illustrated title-page. The black dwarf and A legend of Mont- rose. New York: A. L. Burt Co. [189-?] 1 p.l., (1) 28-411 p. 12°. NCW The Bride of Lammermoor Bride of Lammermoor: a novel. Phila- delphia: T. B. Peterson [18—?]. 93 p. 8°. (Library of sterling novels.) NCW New York: American News Co. [186-?] 1 p.l., 127 p. 12°. Hotten's English edition, with American title- page. Brahain Ducange, Victor Henri Joseph. La fiancee de Lammermoor, piece he- roique en trois actes, imitee du roman de Sir Walter Scott, par V. Ducange, repre- sentee pour la premiere fois a Paris sur le Theatre de la Porte Saint-Martin, le 25 mars 1828. Paris: Bouquin de la Souche, 1828. 2 p.l., 94 p. 12°. NKM p.v.223 Calcraft, John William. The bride of Lammermoor: a drama in five acts... New York: S. French [18—?]. 2 p.l., 9-44 p., 1 pi. 12°. (French's standard drama. The acting edition, no. 179.) Prompter's copy with ms. notes. Lucia di Lammermoor (An English version of). A grand opera... [Adapted from S. Cammarano's Italian drama found- ed on Sir Walter Scott's "Bride of Lam- mermoor."] London: T. H. Lacy [18 — ?]. 24 p. nar. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 78.) NCO Luna, F. de, and V. de Lalama. Lucia de Lammermoor, drama en tres actos y seis cuadros, escrito sobre la novela de W. Scott y arreglado a la escena espanola. n. t.-p. [Barcelona: Vidal y Co., 1864.] 16 p. illus. 4°. (Museo dramatico ilustrado. v. 2.) t NPL p.v.217 The Caledonian Comet The Caledonian comet. [By Sir Walter Scott] London: W. Dwyer, 1810. 22 p 8°. *Cp.v.639 With presentation inscription in the autograph of Sir Walter Scott: "John Fawcett Esqr. from his friend the author." Castle Dangerous Castle Dangerous. (In his: The talis- man...- New York f pref. 1832]. 12°. p 303-513.) NCW El castillo peligroso. Novela original. Traducida por A. Mata. Paris: Libreria de Rosa, 1840. 2 v. in 1. 12°. NCW Chronicles of the Canongate Chronicles of the Canongate. First series... Parker's edition... Boston: S. H. Parker, 1839. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels, v. 39-40.) Stuart 10621 First and second series. Edin- burgh: Cadell & Co., 1827-28. 5 v. 12°. NCW Collected Works The complete works of Sir Walter Scott; with a biography, and his last additions and illustrations. In seven volumes, v. 6. New York: Conner & Cooke, 1833. 8°. NCW Walter Scott's Romane. Aus dem Eng- lischen. Bd. 1-16, 18-62, 64-82, 88-112. Zwickau: Gebriider ■ Schumann, 1823-31. 105 v. in 49. 32°. NCW v. 1-7 are 2. ed. v. 1-5. Guy Mannering. 2. ed. v. 6-7. Der schwarze Zwerg. 2. ed. v. 8-11. Ivanhoe. v. 12-' 16. Der Seerauber. v. 18-21. Das Herz Mid-Loth- ians. parts 2-5. v. 22-25. Das Kloster. v. 26-29. Der Abt. v. 30-33. Waverley. v. 34-37. Die Presbyterianer. v. 38-41. Der Alterthumler. v. 42- 45. Robin der Rothe. v. 46-47. Legende von Mont- rose, v. 48-51. Kenilworth. v. 52-55. Nigel's Schick- sale. v. 56-58. Die Braut. v. 59-62. Quentin Dur- ward. parts 1-4. v. 64-68. Peveril. v. 69-72. St. Ronan's Brunnen. v. 73-76. Redgauntlet. v. 77-79. Paul's Briefe an seine Verwandten. v. 80-82. Er- zahlungen der Kreuzfahrer. parts 1-3. v. 88-89. Woodstock, parts 3-4. v. 90-92. Die Chronik von Canongate. v. 93-95. Erzahlungen eines Gross- vaters. v. 96-99. Chronik von Canongate. 2. Folge. v. 104-108. Anna von Geierstein. v. 109-112. Erzah- lungen eines Grossvaters. 3. Folge. Werke. Aus dem Englischen [von G. N. Barmannj. Neue Folge. Bd. 1-8, 11-12. Zwickau: Gebriider Schumann, 1832-33. 24°. NCW v. 1-4. Grossvater's Erzahlungen aus der Ge-, v schichte von Frankreich. v. 5-8. Graf Robert von Paris. v. 11-12. Briefe uber Damonologie und Hexerei. Count Robert of Paris Count Robert of Paris. New York: Derby & Jackson, 1857. 629-775 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Waverley novels. People's illus- trated edition.) NCW LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. . Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1859. 2 v 12° (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons rl876,. 367 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. New York: Mershon Co. [190-?] v-xxix, 397 p. 12°. NCW Critical and Miscellaneous Essays Critical and miscellaneous essays. Col- lected by himself. (Never before pub- lished in America.) Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1841. 3 v. 12°. NCZ v. 1. On Ellis's Specimens of the early English poets. Ellis's and Eitson's Specimens of early Eng- lish metrical romances. Godwin's life of Chaucer. Todd's edition of Spenser. Herbert's poems. Evans's Old ballads. Moliere. Chatterton. Reliques of -Burns. Campbell's Gertrude of Wyoming. The battle of Talavera, a poem. Southey's Curse of Kehama. Childe Harold's pilgrimage, canto iv. Amadis of Gaul. Southey's Chronicle of the Cid. Southey's Life of John Bunyan. Godwin's Fleet- wood. Cumberland's John de Lancaster. Maturin's Fatal revenge. Maturin's Woman; or, Pour et contre. Miss Austen's novels. Remarks on Frank- enstein. v. 2. Novels of Ernest Theodore Hoffman. The omen. Hajji Baba in England. Tales of my land- lord. Thornton's sporting tour. Two cookery books. Tohnes' translation of Froissart. Miseries of human life. Carr's Caledonian sketches. Lady Suffolk's correspondence. Kirkton's Church history. Life and works of John Home. The Culloden papers. Pepys' memoirs. v. 3. Life of Kemble. Kelly's reminiscences. Davy's Salmonia. Ancient history of Scotland. On planting waste lands — Monteath's Forresters' guide. On landscape gardening — Sir H. Steuart's Planters' guide. Tytler's History of Scotland. Pitcairn's Criminal trials. Letters of Malachi Malagrowther on the currency — Letters i-iii. The Dance of Death The dance of death. (Edinburgh an- nual register for 1813. Edinburgh, 1815. 8 . v. 6, part 2, p. cccxxxv-cccxxxix.) BAA Essays on Chivalry Essays on chivalry, romance and the drama. London: F. Warne & Co., 1887. 3 p.l., 403 p. 8°. (Chandos classics.) NCZ The Fair Maid of Perth Fair maid of Perth: a novel. Philadel- phia: T. B. Peterson [18—?,. 138 p. 8°. (Library of sterling novels.) NCW Reviewed in Southern review, v. 2, p. 216-263, Charleston, 1828. The fair maid of Perth; or, St. Valen- tine s day. New York: Lovell, Coryell & Co. [1831., xv, 430 p., 3 pi. 8°. (Chron- icles of the Canongate. series 2.) NCW 857 o i9? 0St ^?, : Ti , cknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v 12 . (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW 7 — From the last revised edition, con- taining the author's final corrections notes, etc. [Being, Chronicles of the Can- ongate Second series.] Philadelphia: Porter & Coates [1876?]. 2 v. in 1. pi. 12° (Waverley novels.) NCW — — New York: G. Routledge & Sons [188-?,. 429 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW Bound with his: Kenilworth. New York [188-?]. Milner, Henry M., and Thomas H. Lacy The fair maid of Perth; or, The battle of the Inch. A grand historical national drama, in three acts, founded on Sir Wal- ter Scott's admired novel. London: T H. Lacy [18—?]. 1 p.l., 48 p. nar. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays in v. 71.) NCO Familiar Letters Familiar letters. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1894. 2 v. fac, port. 8°. AN The Field of Waterloo The field of Waterloo; a poem. Edin- burgh: Archibald Constable & Co., 1815. 54 p. 8°. * C p.v.186 Severely criticised in the Portico, v. 1, p. 99-101, Baltimore, 1816. • Boston: T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. 3 p.l., 9-56 p. 8°. NCI p.v.15 New York: Van Winkle & Wiley, 1815. 48 p. 24°. NCM The Fortunes of Nigel The fortunes of Nigel. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876j. 437 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley nov- els.) NCW With illustrated title-page. v. 2. New York: Harper & Bros., 1901. 12°. (Harper's thistle edition of the Waverley novels, v. 26.) NCW Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward. The fortunes of Nigel; or, King James i. and his times. A melodramatic romance in three acts founded on the popular novel of the same name, by. . .Scott. London: J. Lowndes, 1822. 44 p. 8°. NCO p.v.85 Huie, J. L. The fortunes of Nigel; or, George Heriot. A historical drama, founded on the celebrated novel of the former title... Edinburgh: J. L Huie, 1832. xii, 70 p., 2 pi. nar. 12°. (Dramas from the novels, tales and romances of the author of "Waverley." v. 1.) NCO p.v.323 858 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Murray, William Henry. George Her- iot; or, The fortunes of Nigel, as per- formed at the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh. [Dedication signed W. H. Murray.] Edin- burgh: J. Anderson, 1823. 3 p.l., 77 p., 1 port. 24°. NCO p.v.348, no.9 Nigel; or, The crown jewels. A play in five acts [in verse, founded on Sir Walter Scott's novel "The fortunes of Nigel"]. London: t R. Wilks,, 1823. vi, 97(1) p. 8°. NCO p.v.93 Glengarry's Death-song Glengarry's death-song. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 339-340.) * DA Hitherto unpublished. Guy Mannering Guy Mannering; or, The astrologer. Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1815. 3 v. 3. ed. 16°. NCW Reviewed in North American review, v. 1, p. 403-436, Boston, 1815. ■ Philadelphia: J. Maxwell, 1820. 2 v. 12°. NCW Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1868. 183-340 p. 8°. NCT p.v.70 ■ Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1871. xxiii, 441 p., 8 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels. Centenary ed. v. 2.) NCW With illustrated title-page. New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876,. 400 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Boston: De Wolfe, Fiske, & Co. [188-?j 1 p.l., 9-422 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW New York: Harper & Bros. [1880.] xxiii, 440 p., 10 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels, v. 3.) NCW Edinburgh: A., & C. Black, 1886. xxiii, 441 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels. Centenary ed. v. 2.) NCW New York: Worthington Co., 1889. 563 p. 12°. NCW Illustrated with engravings by Charles Heath, from drawings by Richard Westall... London: Hurst, Robinson & Co., 1821. 6 pi. 8°. NCW Illustrations only. Terry, Daniel. Guy Mannering; or, The gipsey's prophecy. A musical play in three acts... London: J. Miller, 1816. 1 p.l., 70 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCOF p.v.178 New York: M. Douglas [18—?]. iv p., 1 1., 7-59 p. 12°. (Modern standard drama, no. 77.) NCOF New York: S. French [1874?, iv, (1)8-59 p. 8°. (French's standard drama, no. 77.) NCO p.v.317 Halidon Hill Halidon Hill; a dramatic sketch, from Scottish history... Edinburgh: A. Con- stable & Co., 1822. 109 p., 1 1. 8°. NCO p.v.339 Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 11, p. 27-37, Edinburgh, 1822: Eclec- tic review, v. 18, p 259-279. New York: S. Campbell & Son 1822. 70 p., 1 1. 16°. NCM Walter Scott's Halidon-Hohe. Ueber- setzt von Dr. Adrian. Frankfurt a. M.: J D. Sauerlander, 1823. xvi, 98 p. 32°. NCM Harold the Dauntless Harold the Dauntless; a poem in six cantos. By the author of "The bridal of Triermain." New York: J. Eastburn & Co., 1817. 144 p. 24°. NCM The Heart of Midlothian The heart of Mid-Lothian. [Philadel- phia?], n. d. 1 p.l., 161 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Tales of my landlord, second series, v. 3.) NCW N.0 title-page. Title on cover: Companion of the trial of Effie Deans. New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 439(1) p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. New York: T. Y. Crowell [1898?,. 2 p.l., (i)x-xviii, 575 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Tales of my landlord, series 2.) NCW Dibdin, Thomas John. The heart of Mid-Lothian; or, The lily of St. Leonard's. A melo-dramatic romance in three acts from "Tales of my landlord"... London: R. Stodart, 1819. vi p., 1 1., 66 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCO p.v.86 London: R. Stodart, 1819. vi p., 1 1., 66 p. 3. ed. 8°. NCO p.v.187 Baltimore: J. Robinson [1819]. 47 p. 16°. NCOp.v.296,no.7 London: J. Cumberland, n. d. 54 p. 24°. (Cumberland minor theatre, v. 1.) NCOp.v.320 Lacy, Thomas Hailes. The heart of Mid- Lothian; or, The sisters of St. Leonard's: — a drama (with unregistered effects) in three acts, adapted from Sir Walter Scott's ...novel. London: T. H. Lacy [18 — ?j, 44 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition oi plays, v. 57.) NCO A Highland Anecdote A Highland anecdote. (Keepsake. Lon- don, 1832. 8°. 1832, p. 283-286.) NCA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 859 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. The Highland Widow The Highland widow. (In his: Waver- i PV novels. [Abbotsford edition.) Edin- bu y rgh? V 1842-4 C 7. 4°. v. 10, p. 405-452^ (In his: The betrothed... [Edin- burgh, 18687, 8». P- 1081-lKJ^ ? ^ The House of Aspen The House of Aspen, a tragedy. 2 pi. (Keepsake for 1830. London [1830]. 12°. p. 1-66.) Stuart 9288 The first publication of this work. Friherrarna von Aspen. Tragisk dram i fern akter. Ofversattning. Stockholm: D. M. Lublin, 1835. 94 p. 8°. NIRp.v.37 Ivanhoe Ivanhoe: a romance. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1820. 3 v. 12°. NCW Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 6, p. 7-16, Edinburgh, 1820; Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 6, p. 262-272, Edin- burgh, 1820. New York: W. Van Norden, 1823. 2v. 12°. NCW From the last revised edition, con- taining the author's notes, final correc- tions, &c. New York: J. W. Lovell Co., rpref. 1830., xxv, (1)20-447 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 434 p., 3 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. [1877.] 2 pi, 571(1) p. 32°. (Handy vol- ume "Waverley." v. 7.) NCW London: Cassell & Co., Ltd. [188-?] 382 p. 12°. (Cassell's red library.) NCW New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co. [188-?, 1 p.l., 442 p. 12°. NCW From the last revised edition, con- taining the author's notes, final correc- tions, &c. Chicago: Weeks Publishing Co. [189-?] 443 p. 12°. NCW r New York: Hurst & Co., 189-?, 359 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Arlington edition.) NCW Title-page lacking. Ivanhoe (condensed). With biography, introductions and notes, by the Rev. E. Gilliat. New York: Maynard, Merrill, & Co. [189-?] 2 p.l., (i)x-xx, (1)22-128 p. 16°. (Maynard's English classic series, no. 137-138.) NCW Illustrated with engravings by Charles Heath from drawings by Richard Westall. London: Hurst, Robinson & Co 1820. 6 pi. 4°. NCW Illustrations only. With engraved title-page. Riwayal 'udat Kalb al-asad. [Ivanhoe translated into Arabic by Salim Yusuf al- Khazin al-Libnanl.] New York, 1907. 398 p. 8°. * OFD Ivanhoe: historisk Roman, i forkortet Overszettelse ved P. V. Grove; med Illus- trationer. KjjzSbenhavn : E. Bojesen [1899]. 2 p.l., 304 p. 8°. (Frems Klassikerbibli- othek.) NCW Bunn, Alfred. Ivanhoe; or, The Jew of York. A new grand chivalric play in three acts. Compiled by A. Bunn. Birming- ham: Beilby & Knotts, 1820. 3 p.l., 3-76 p. 8°. NCOp.v.93 Byron, Henry James. Ivanhoe, in ac- cordance with the spirit of the times. An extravaganza. London: S. French [186-?,. 2 p.l., (1)8-48 p. 12°. NCO p.v.267 Dibdin, Thomas John. Ivanhoe; or, The Jew's daughter. A romantic melo-drama . . . [Founded on Sir Walter Scott's Ivan- hoe.] London: T. H. Lacy, [18 — ?]. 1 p.l., 5-64 p., 1 pi. nar. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 92.) NCO London: Roach & Co., 1820. viii, 9-71 p. 8°. NCO p.v.82 Ivanhoe; or, The Knight Templar, adapted from the novel of that name... The music selected by Dr. Kitchener... London: W. Smith, 1820. 72 p. 8°. NCO p.v.82 Lacy, Michael Rophino. The maid of Judah; or, The Knights Templars: a seri- ous opera, in three acts (dramatised from Sir Walter Scoot's [sic, Ivanhoe). Lon- don: Davidson [18—?,. 60 p. illus. 24° bd. as 8°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved; with ms. notes. All after p. 60 missing. Possolo Hogan, Alfredo. Ivanhoe. Drama en cinco actos e nove quadros. Ex- trahido do romance de Sir W. Scott... Lisboa: Duarte Bello, 1849. Ill p. 12°. NQMp.v.l03,no.l Soane, George. The Hebrew. A drama in five acts... London: J. Lowndes, 1820. 3 p.l., 9-64 p. 8°. NCO p.v.82 Thomas, William Thomas. Ivanhoe! or, The Jewess. A chivalric play in three acts, founded on the popular romance of "Ivan- hoe " By William Thomas Moncneff [pseud.,. London: J. Lowndes 1820. 2 pi., 80 p. 8°. NCO p.v.82 Journal The journal of Sir Walter Scott, from the original manuscript * Abbotsford. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1890-91. 2j. maps, port. 8°. 860 THE NEW -YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Kenilworth Kenilworth; a romance. By the author of "Waverley." Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1821. 3 v. 12°. NCW Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, v. 8, p. 10-16. Edinburgh, 1821. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. 288 p., 2 pi. 8°. (Waverley novels. Abbotsford ed.) Stuart 10619 Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge & Sons [188-?j. 423 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co. [188-?] x, 432 p. 12°. NCW New York: T. Y. Crowell and Co. [189-?j xiii, 473 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW New York: Harper & Bros. [190-?] 2 p.l., (i)'viii-xiii, 473 p., 9 pi. 8°. (Waver- ley novels, v. 14.) NCW ■ Illustrated with engravings. . .from drawings by Charles Robert Leslie... London: Hurst, Robinson & Co., 1821. 6 pi. 4°. NCW Illustrations only. With engraved title-page. Dibdin, Thomas John, and Alfred Bunn. Kenilworth; a drama, in two acts. From Sir W. Scott... London: T. H. Lacy [18-?]. 35 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 98.) NCO London: J. Cumberland [18 — i\. 35 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCRp.v.8 Hum, James L. Kenilworth. A histori- cal drama. [By James L. Huie.] Founded on the. . .romance. . .by the author of "Waverley" [i. e. Sir W. Scott] . . . Edin- burgh: the author, 1823. 1 p.l., 62 p. nar. 12°. (Dramas from the novels... of the author of "Waverley:" no. 3.) NCO p.v.324, no.10 Portrait missing. Kenilworth : a melo-drama, in two acts. (Founded on the novel of that name.) London: J. Lowndes, 1821. 3 p.l., 5-34 p. 8°. NCO p.v.83 London: W. Simpkin & R. Mar- shall, 1824. iv p., 1 1., 61 p., 1 port. 12°. (In: New English drama... edited by W. Oxberry. v. 19.) NCO The Lady of the Lake The lady of the lake; a 'poem. Edin- burgh: John Ballantyne & Co., 1810. 3 p.l, 290, cxxix p., port. 4°. f NCM Reviewed in the American review of history and politics, v. 1, p. 166-174, Philadelphia, 1811. Edinburgh: John Ballantyne & Co., 1810. 4 p.l., 3-433 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCM [Illustrated with engravings from paintings by Richard Cook.] Edinburgh: Longman, Hurst, 1814. 4 p.l., 433 p., 7 r>l 10. ed. 8°. NCM Engraved title-page has date 1811. New York: G. C. Sickels, 1829. 232 p., 2 pi. 24°. NCM With engraved title-page. Exeter: J. & B. Williams, 1836. 196 p. nar. 32°. NCM Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1838. 1 p.l., 54 p. People's ed. 8°. NCM Illustrated edition. Philadelphia' Carey & Hart, 1844. 1 p.l., x p., 1 1., 383 p., 9 pi. 8°. NCM London, 1853. 2 p.l., 64 p. 8°. (The university library, v. 1.) NAEM With all his [Scott's] introductions, various readings, and the editor's notes. Illustrated. . .from drawings by B. Foster and J. Gilbert. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1853. 7 p.l., 5-373 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCM Engraved title-page also. With tartan binding. With all his [Scott's] introductions and notes, various readings, and the edi- tor's notes. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1864. 2 p.l., 280 p. 24°. NCM Bound in wood, the front cover of wood from the Douglas room, Stirling Castle, saved from the fire of 18th Nov. 1855. Back cover of wood which grew on the field of Bannockburn. Engraved title- . page also. New York: D. Appleton [188-?]. 265-402 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCM With notes and an appendix. From the latest Edinburgh edition. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co. [188-?] 332 p. 12°. NCM With introduction, notes, and index by T. C. L. Armstrong. Toronto: Canada Publishing Co., 1880. 1 p.l., 227 p., 1 map. 16°. (Campbell's educational series.) NCM With notes and an appendix; from the latest Edinburgh edition. Chicago: Donahue, Henneberry & Co. [189-?]. 4 p.l., 335 p. 16°. NCW Stereographed in the advanced cor- respondence style of standard phonog- raphy.. . New York: A. J. Graham, 1890. 2 p.l., 328 p., 1 pi. 12°. * IDV p. 1-151 double paged. Stereographed in the advanced cor- responding style of standard phonography. With common-print key interpaged. With notes and annotations. Edition prepared .. .by Andrew J. Graham. New York: A. J. Graham, 1890. 2 p.l., 151, 2-151, (1)304- 328 p., 1 pi. 12°. * IDV Shorthand and key printed on opposite pages. Philadelphia: H. Altemus [1899j. 237 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCM LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 861 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. La dama del lago. Poemo di W. Scott recato in versi italiani dal Giuseppe Indeli- cato Palermo: Presso Lorenzo Dato, 182L 2 p.l, xvi, 160, 24 p. 8°. NCM Siofroken; ofversattning af Lars Arnell. Stockholm: G. Scheutz, 1829. 303 p. 2. ed. 16°. NCM Eyre, Edmund John. The lady of the lake: a melo-dramatic romance in three acts... [Founded on the poem by Sir Walter Scott.] New York: E. B. Clay- ton [18—?]. 39 p. 16°. (Clayton's edi- tion.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved; with ms. notes. Lady, The, of the lake! A romantic drama in three acts. Adapted from the poem of Sir Walter Scott. London: T. H. Lacy [18—?]. 30 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 33.) NCO Lady, The, of the lake, and Knight of Snowdoun: a drama in three acts founded on the popular poem written by Walter Scott. Dublin: J. Charles [18-?]. S3 p. 8. ed. 24°. bd. as 16°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved; with ms. notes. Morton, Thomas. The knight of Snow- doun. A musical drama in three acts . . . [Founded upon Sir Walter Scott's "Lady of the lake"]. London: Sharpe and Hailes, 1811. 2 p.l., 7-79. p. 8°. NCOp.v.176 Reece, Robert. The lady of the lake, plaid in a new tartan. An ephemeral bur- lesque, founded on Sir Walter Scott's immortal poem... London: T. H. Lacy [18 — ?]. 36 p. nar. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays .. . v. 71.) NCO First performed in 1866. Thomson, Mortimer. The lady of the lake. A travestie, in one act... New York: S. French [C op. I860]. 35 p. 12°. (The minor drama, no. 176.) NCO p.v.275 The Lay of the Last Minstrel The lay of the last minstrel, a poem. London: Longman, Hurst, etc., 1805. 5 p.l., 11-334 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCM London: Longman, Hurst, etc., 1807. 4 p.l., 11-340 p. 6. ed. 8°. NCM London: Longman, Hurst, etc., 1808. 5 p.l., 11-349 p. 9. ed. 8°. NCM [Illustrated with engravings from the designs of Richard Westall.) London: Longman, Hurst, 1812. 350 p., 6 pi. 13. ed. 8°. "' NCM Engraved title-page has date 1809. Baltimore: J. Cushing, 1812. 228 P- nar. 24°. NCM London: J. Murray, 1821. 282 p. 12 • NCM New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1844. 2 p.l., (1)4-95 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCM With ballads, songs, and miscel- laneous poems. New York: C. S. Francis & Co., 1845. iii-vi p., 1 1., 9-360 p., 2 pi 12 °- NCM New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1848. 95 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCM —^ London, 1853. 1 p.l., 52 p. 8°. (Universal library, v. 1.) NAEM With all his [Scott's] introductions, and the editor's notes. Illustrated. . .from drawings by Birket Foster and John Gil- bert. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1854. 3 p.l., 3-354 p., 2 pi. 8°. Stuart 10520 Boston: Ticknor and Co., 1888. 4 p.l., (1)12-238 p., 1 pi. illus. 16°. NCM With an introduction by W. V. Moody, and a glossary and notes by M. R. Willard. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1899. 3 p.l., 9-211 p. 16°. (Lake English classics.) NCM The Lord of the Isles The Lord of the Isles, a poem. Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1815. 2 p.l., 275, clxv p., 1 fac, 1 port. 4°. f NCM With bookplate of the duke of Buccleuch. Reviewed in North American^ review, v. 1, p. 275- 284; American monthly magazine, v. 3, p. 2/4-285, New York, 1818. [Illustrated with engravings from the designs of Richard Westall.] Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1815. 3 p.l., 443 p., 7 pi. 3. ed. 8°. NCM Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1815. 4 p.l., vi, 443 p. 5. ed. 8°. NCM Philadelphia: M. Thomas, 1815. 5 p.l., 3-307 p. 24°. NCM With all his introductions, and the editor's notes. Illustrated. . .from draw- ings by Birket Foster and John Gilbert. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1857. 2 p.l., 367 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCM Engraved title-page also. With notes and analytical and ex- planatory index. Edinburgh: J. Ross and Co., 1871. vi p., 2 1., (1)4-200 p. 8°. NCM Edited with introduction and notes by T Bayne. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893. xviii p., 1 1., 246 p. 16°. (Clarendon Press series.) NCM The Lord of the Isles, and A voyage to the Hebrides. By Sir W. Scott. Edited by George Eyre-Todd; illustrated by J. W. and John Carey. Glasgow: David Mac- Brayne, Ltd. [1913.] 363 p., 1 map. illus Igo NCM 862 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature , continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Der Herr der Inseln. Episch roman- tisches Gedicht in sechs Gesangen. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von R. Jach- mann. Leipzig: P. Reclam, Jun. [1874.] 122 p. 16°. (Universal Bibliothek. [no.] 116.) NCI p.v.27 Lyrics, Dramas, and Miscellaneous Pieces Lyrics, dramas and miscellaneous pieces. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1875. 3 p.l., (1)4-392 p. illus. 16°. (In his: Poetical works. Pocket edition, v. 6.) NDH Marmion Marmion; a tale of Flodden field. Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1808. 3 p.l., 377, cxxvi p. 4°. t NCM Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne, 1808. S p.l., 3-377, cxxviii p. 3. ed. 8°. NCM Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1810. 2 v. 6. ed. 8°. NCM Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1811. 5 p.l., 3-377, cxxviii p. 8. ed. 8°. NCM [Illustrated with engravings, from the designs of Richard Westall.j Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 181S. 4 p.l., 506 p., 7 pi. 9. ed. 8°. NCM Engraved title-page has date 1809. ■ Exeter: J. & B. Williams, 1836. 219 p. 32°. NCM New York: C. S. Francis & Co., 1849. 2 p.l., 9-341 p., 2 pi., 1 port, new ed. 8°. NCM New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1844. 2 p.l., 99-266 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCM New York: C. S. Francis & Co., 1854. 2 p.l., 9-341 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCM With all his [Scott's] introductions and the editor's notes. Illustrated. . .from drawings by Birket Foster and John Gil- bert. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1855. 408 p., 1 pl. 8°. NCM In tartan binding. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1875. 313 p. illus. 16°. (Poetical works. Pock- et edition, v. 2.) NCM [New York:] Cassell & Co. [1888.] 192 p. 24°. (Cassell's national library.) NCM With notes by D. H. M. t i. e., D. H. Montgomery.] Boston: Ginn & Co., 1894. 2 p.l., vii-xxxii, 283 p., 1 map. 12°. (Home and school library.) NCM Edited, with notes and an introduc- tion, by R. M. Lovett. New York: Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1901. xxxviii p., 2 1., (1) 6-276 p., 1 port. 12°. (Longman's English classics.) NCM Marmion; or, Floddon Field. A drama founded on the poem of Walter Scott London: J. Murray, 1812. viii, 128 p. 8°! NCO p.v.80 O'Meara, D. A. Marmion; or, The fight of Flodden. A grand melo-dramatic ro- mance in three acts. London: J. Caw- thorn, 1817. 47 p. 8°. NCOp.v.190 Minstrelsy Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, v. 3. [Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., n. d.] 8°. NDP Consisting of historical and roman- tic ballads, collected in the southern coun- ties of Scotland: with a few of modern date. London: T. Tegg, 1839. 1 p.l., lxxxiii, 559 p., 1 port. 8°. NCK The Border minstrelsy: contributions, ballads, and lyrical pieces. New York and Brooklyn: W. W. Swayne, 1869. 1 p.l., (1)538-680 p. 8°. NCM Miscellaneous Prose Works Miscellaneous prose works. Edinburgh': Cadell and Co., 1827. 6 v. 8°. NCG v. 1. Life of Dryden. v. 2. Life of Swift, v. 34. Biographical memoirs, v. 5. Paul's letters, v. 6. Chivalry, romance, the drama. Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1834-36. 28 v. 12°. NCG v. 1. Life of John Dryden. v. 2. Memoirs of Jona- than Swift, v. 3-4. Biographical memoirs of eminent novelists and other distinguished persons, v. 5. Paul's letters to his kinsfolk and abstract of the Eyrbiggia Saga. v. 6. Essays on chivalry, romance, and the drama, v. 7. Provincial antiquities of Scot- land, v. 8-16. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, with a preliminary viewof the French Revolution, v. 17- 21. Periodical criticism and letters from Malachi Malagrowther on the proposed change of currency. v. 22-28. Tales of a grandfather. Index to the mis- cellaneous prose works. Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1834-46. 30 v. 47 pl, 9 port. 16°. NCG v. 29-30 published by Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1845. v. 1. Life of Dryden. v. 2. Life of Swift, v. 3-4. Biographical memoirs, v. 5. Paul's letters, v. 6. Chivalry, v. 7. Provincial antiquities, v. 8-16. Life of Napoleon, v. 17-21. Periodical criticism, v. 22- 28. lales of a grandfather, v. 29-30. History of Scotland. Paris: Baudry, 1837-38. 7 v. 8°. (Collection of ancient and modern British authors, v. 204-210.) Stuart 10S06 Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1847. 3 v. pl. 4°. NCG v. 1. Biographical memoirs, essays, letters. With notes, v. 2. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, v. 3. Tales of a grandfather. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 863 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. The Monastery The monastery. A romance. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1820. 3 v. 12°. NCW Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary mis- cellany, v. 6, p. 254-256, 297-304, Edinburgh, 1820; Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 6, p. 692-704, Edinburgh, 1820. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1857. 2 v 12° (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons rl87Si. 391 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waveley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. r 1877,. 2 p.l., 478 p., S 1. 32°. (Handy volume "Waverley.") NCW Philadelphia : Porter & Coates [188-?!. 2v.ini. pi. 12°. (Alta edition.) NCW At head of title: Waverley novels. Illustrated with engravings by Charles Heath, from drawings by Richard Westall... London: Hurst, Robinson, & Co., 1821. 8°. NCW Illustrations only. With engraved title-page. Moredun "Moredun." A tale of the twelve hun- dred and ten. New York: W. P. Fetridge & Co., 18SS. 2 p.l., (i)iv-xv(i), (1)10-126 p., 1 fac. 8°. NCT p.v.14 Included among the supposititious works. Old Mortality Old Mortality. New York: G. Rout- Peveril of the Peak 400 p., 4 pi. 12° NCW New York [1876]. ledge and Sons [1876 (Waverley novels.) With illustrated title-page. Bound with his: Rob Roy. 12°. Complete with notes and glossary by D. H. M. [i. e., D. H. Montgomery.] Boston: Ginn & Co., 1891. vi, 504 p. 12°. (Home and school library.) NCW With sixteen illustrations by S. Paget. London: J. Nisbet & Co., Ltd. [cop. 1897., 2 p.l., iii-xiii, 399 p., 16 pi. 12°. NCW Farley, Charles. The battle of Both well Brigg. A Scottish romance, in two acts, founded on the story of Old Mortality in the popular "Tales of my landlord"... London: J. Lowndes, 1820. 2 p.l., 35 p. 8°. NCO p.v.83 Feval, Paul Henri Coventin. Les puri- tains d'ficosse. Drame en cinq actes et douze tableaux. [Paris: Dondey-Dupre, 1849?] 117 p. 12°. NKMp.v.43 Peveril of the peak. Edinburgh: A. Con- stable & Co., 1822. 4 v. 12°. NCW Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels. Household edi- tion.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 480 p., 6 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Peveril of the peak. The bride of Lam- mermoor. New York: The Continental Press [189-?,. xxii, 620 p., 2 1., (i)x-xviii, 323 p., 8 pi. 8°. NCW v. 3. New York: Harper & Bros., 1900. pi. 12°. (Harper's Thistle ed. of the Waverley novels, v. 29.) NCW Bali., afterwards Fitzball, Edward. Pev- eril of the peak; or, The days of King Charles n. A melo-dramatic romance in three acts founded on the popular novel of the same name by Sir Walter Scott... Lon- don: J. Lowndes [1823]. 1 p.l., 5-48 p. 8°. NCO p.v.85 The Pirate The pirate. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1822. 2 v. 12°. NCW Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary mis- cellany, v. 9, p. 535-554, Edinburgh, 1821; Christian observer, v. 22, p. 157-172, 237-250, London, 1823. • Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW • New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 428 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Bound with his: The fortunes of Nigel. New York [1876]. 12°. Planche, James Robinson. The pirate. A musical drama in three acts. By J. R. Planche. Founded on the popular novel of that name r by Sir Walter Scott]. Lon- don: J. Lowndes [18—?]. 70 p. 8°. NCO p.v.196 Poems Poems; with illustrations by Keeley Halswelle. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo [1861]. 1 p.l., xvi, 665 p., 10 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCM [Poems.] New York: P. F. Collier & Son [1902j. 2 v. pi. 8°. (Library of P^oetu:al literature.) 1 J Wi ^V*.!...-". *R-NAEM Poetical Works Poetical works containing: Lay of the last minstrel; Marmion; Lady of the lake; Rokeby; Don Roderick; Ballads, lyrics, and songs; Notes and life of the author. London: C. Daly [18-?]. xvi, 563 p., 30 L, 13 pi., 1 port. 12°. NCM 864 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Poetical works, complete in one volume. With all his introductions and notes. Also, various readings, and the editor's notes. New York: O. S. Felt [18—?]. 840 p., 6 pi., 1 port. 8°. NCM With engraved title-page. Illustrated with engravings. New York, 1819. 6 v. 12°. NCM Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1821. 10 v. 8°. NCM 1827. 3. Philadelphia: - v. 24° Boston: T. J. Maxwell, NCM nar. 24° Bedlington, 1828. 7 v. Stuart 10513 1835. 12 NCM Edinburgh: R. T. Cadell, v. 12°. Title taken from engraved title-page and half title-page. With steel engravings and music. v. 1-4. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, with an introduction on popular poetry, v. 5. Sir Tristram, v. 6. The lay of the last minstrel. Ballads, songs, and fragments, v. 7. Marmion. v. 8. The lady of the lake. Miscellaneous poems, v. 9. Rokeby. The vision of Don Roderick, v. 10. The Lord of the Isles, v. 11. The bridal of Triermain. Harold the Dauntless. The field of Waterloo. Songs and mis- cellanies, v. 12. Dramas. Halidon Hill, MacDuff's cross, The doom of Devorgoil, Auchindrane, The House of Aspen, Goetz of Berlichingen, a tragedy from Goethe. ■ With a sketch of his life, by J. W. Lake. Complete in one volume. Philadel- phia: J. Crissy, 1836. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xxviii, 443 p., 1 port. 8°. NCM — — Paris: Baudry, 1838. 6 v. 8°. (Col- lection of ancient and modern English au- thors, v. 211-216.) Stuart 10500 Philadelphia: E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1839. vii, 699 p., 1 port. 4°. t NCM Complete in one volume. With in- troduction and notes. Edinburgh: R. Ca- dell, 1841. viii, 823 p. fac, port. 4°. NCM With engraved title-page. With a sketch of his life by J. W. Lake. Complete in one volume. Philadel- phia: J. Crissy, 1844. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xxviii, 443 p. 8°. NCM ; Containing: The lay of the last minstrel; The lady of the lake; Marmion; The vision of Don Roderick; Ballads and lyrical pieces. Having the notes to each in full. With a memoir of the author... Glasgow: F. Orr & Sons, 1846. v. p. 16°. NCM Each poem has separate title-page and pagination, p. 1-53 of the Ballads lacking. Complete in one volume. With in- troduction and notes. Edinburgh: R. Ca- dell, 1847. 2 p.l., iv, 823 p., 1 fac, 23 pi., 1 port. 4°. NCM Engraved title-page also. _ — — Complete in one volume. With all his introductions and notes; also various readings and the editor's notes. Edin- burgh: R. Cadell, 1848. 2 p.l., iv, 823 p., 1 fac. 4°. NCM Engraved title-page also. With the author's introductions and notes. New York: Leavitt & Allen Bros [185-?] 2 p.l., 313-698 p., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. NCM The above is the latter part of a volume which contained also his Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. With a memoir of the author. Edin- burgh: A. and C. Black, 1852. 746 p., 1 1., 1 fac, 5 pi. 12°. NCM Engraved title-page also. Complete in one volume. With all his introductions and notes; also various readings and the editor's notes. Edin- burgh: A. and C. Black, 1853. 3 p.l., iv, 823 p., 24 pi., 1 port. 4°. NCG Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Co., 1856. 1 p.l., (1)6-840 p., 6 pi., 2 port. 8°. NCM Illustrated title-page also. With a memoir of the author. Bos- ton: Little, Brown, & Co., 1857. 9 v. 12°. (British poets.) *R-NCL With illustrations by Keeley Hals- welle [and life by Alexander Leightonj. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo [1861]. pi. 12°. NCM With a memoir. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1866. 8 v. port. 8°. (Bri- tish poets.) *R Only 100 copies printed. Including introduction and notes. London: F. Warne & Co.; New York: Scribner, Welford & Co., 1868. iii-viii, 640 p. 16°. (Chandos classics.) NCM Containing, Lay of the last minstrel, Marmion . . . With a life of the author. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1868. 647 p. 16°. NCM [Chicago: Belford, Clark & Co., 188-?] 1 p.l., 659 p., 5 pi. 12°. NCM Title-page missing. With life by W. Chambers. New York: Hurst & Co. : 188-? : viii, 536 p., 1 port. 12°. NCM Including introduction and notes. New York: P. F. Collier [1888?]. 4 v. 8°. NCM New York: J. W. Lowell [189-?]. 2 p.l., iii, 659 p. 12°. NCM With author's introductions and notes; edited by J. L. Robertson. London: H. Frowde, 1894. viii, 970 p. 12°. *R-NCM Quentin Durward Quentin Durward. Edinburgh: A. Con- stable & Co., 1823. 3 v. 12°. NCW Reviewed (by John Tell) in Knight's quarterl] magazine, v. 1, p. 200-214, London, 1823; Edinburgl magazine and critical miscellany, v. 12, p. 529-537 Edinburgh, 1823. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 865 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. [Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1845.] vi, 5- 315 p S pi. illus. 4°. (Abbotsford ed. v. 8.) NCW Title-page lacks imprint. -Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co, 1852. 29Sp., 2 pi. 8°. (Waverley nov- els. Abbotsford ed.) Stuart 10620 Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v 12°. (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons ,1876]. 436 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley nov- els.) NCW With illustrated title-page. — - Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1887. 3 pi, (i)xii-xl, 461 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels. Centenary edition.) NCW New York: A. L. Burt t 1900?]. 2 pi, 7-550 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Home library.) NCW Huie, James L. Quentin Durward: a drama, founded on the celebrated novel of the same name. . . r By J. L. Huie.] Edin- burgh: J. L. Huie, 1823. 78 p. 8°. NCR Merz, Charles Andrew, and F. W. Tut- tle. Quentin Durward: a dramatic adapta- tion of Sir Walter Scott's novel, in three acts and three scenes. New Haven: Yale University Dramatic Association, 1914. 7 pi, 7-92 p. 8°. NBM Redgauntlet Red Gauntlet, a tale of the eighteenth century. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1824. 3v. 12°. NCW Reviewed in Westminster review, v. 2, p. 179-194, London, 1824. New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876j. 410 p., 3 pi. 12°. (Waverley nov- els.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Bound with his: Guy Mannering. New York [1876]. 12°. New York: J. W. Lovell, 1880. 1 pl, 432 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW Redgauntlet, a drama; founded on the tale of the same name by the author of Waverley. Edinburgh: J. Anderson, Jr., 1824. 1 pl, 61 p., 1 pl. 24°. (Edinburgh select British theatre, no. xiii.) NCO p.v.330 Religious Discourses Religious discourses. By a layman. New *ork: J. and J. Harper, 1828. v p., 1 1., (1) " '0-48 p. 16°. v ' *YLZ Rob Roy. Co., 1818. 3 v. Rob Roy Edinburgh: A. Constable & 12°. NCW v. 1 has engraved frontispiece by W. Allan. Reviewed in Edinburgh magazine and literary mis- cellany, v. 2, p. 41-50, 148-153, Edinburgh, 1818. ■ \ "* etch of the stor y of R ° b Roy" is published in the Northern star; or, Yorkshire maqasine v 2 p. 126-135, London, 1818. * [New York, 1818.] 2 v. 12°. NCW Lower part of each title-page has imprint cut off. , — — New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 415(1) p., 4 pl. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1886. liv, 418 p., 1 pl. 12°. (Waverley novels. Cen- tenary ed. v. 4.) NCW v. 1. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1898. 1 pl. 16°. (The Temple edition of the Waverley novels, v. 7.) NCW Soane, George. Rob Roy: a romantic drama, in three acts. London: John Cum- berland, n. d. 45 p., 1 pl. 24°. (Cumber- land's British theatre, v. 36.) NCO Rokeby Rokeby; a poem. Edinburgh: J. Bal- lantyne & Co., 1813. 3 pl, 330, cxvi p. 4°. f NCM Reviewed (by Edward Everett) in the General repository and review, v. 4, p. 107-127, Cambridge, Mass., 1813. London: Longman. . .1815. 4 pl, 413 p., 7 pl. 6. ed. 8°. NCM Illustrated edition. London: Tilt & Bogue, 1841. 2 pl, 303 p. 16°. NLM With engraved title-page. All other illustrations missing. New York: C. S. Francis, 1841. 1 pl, 5-284 p., 1 pl. new ed. 12°. NCM New York: C. S. Francis & Co., 1849. 1 pl, 5-284 p., 1 pl. new ed. 12°. NCM With notes and appendix. New York: Oakley, Mason, & Co., 1871. 284 p., 1 pl. 12°. NCM Saint Ronan's Well Saint Ronan's well. Edinburgh: A. Con- stable & Co., 1824. 3 v. 12 Boston: S. H. Parker, 1824. NCW 380 p. NCW Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v 12° (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons rl876j. 395 p., 4 pl. 12°. (Waverley nov- els.) NCW With illustrated title-page. 866 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Select Poetical Pieces Select poetical pieces of Sir Walter Scott. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh [1847]. v. 10, no. 95.) * C 28 p. (Chambers's Miscellany. Edin- burgh, n. d. new & rev. ed. 12°. v. 3.) *C The Surgeon's Daughter The surgeon's daughter, Castle Danger- ous, and glossary. New York: G. Rout- ledge and Sons [1876]. 382 p., 3 pi. 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Bound with his: Peveril of the peak. New York [1876]. 12°. Tale of Witchcraft A tale of witchcraft. (Favorite authors. Boston, 1861. 12°. p. 27-36.) NCE Tales of the Crusaders Tales of the Crusaders. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1825. 4 v. 12.° NCW Storia del tempo delle crociate. Riccar- do in Palestina. Nuova traduzione. Mila- no: Giuseppe Crespi, 1828. 2 v. 24°. NCW Tales of My Landlord Tales of my landlord, series 1-4. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood, 1816-32. 16 v. 12°. NCW The first and second series contain a few plates. The fourth series is published by T. Cadell. Collected and arranged by J. Cleish- botham. series 2, v. 1-4. New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1818. 4 v. in 1. 12°. NCW Series 2, v. 1-4. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Second series: [The heart of Mid- Lothian]. Collected and arranged by Jede- diah Cleishbotham... Philadelphia: J. Crissy, 1826. 3 v. nar. 12°. (Waverley novels, v. 12-14.) NCW Tales from Scott Tales from Scott. By Sir E. Sullivan, bart. With an introduction by E. Dow- den. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1895. xvi 315 p., 7 pi. 8°. NCW The Talisman The talisman. A tale of the Crusaders, and Castle Dangerous. New York: J. W. Lovell Co. [pref. 1832., 1 p.l., 513 p 1 1 12°. NCW Bound with his: Ivanhoe. New York Tnrof 1830]. 12°. L1 The talisman. The two drovers. Mj aunt Margaret's mirror. The tapestried chamber. The laird's Jock. Boston- Tick- nor & Fields, 1858. 2 v. 12°. (Waverlej novels. Household edition.) NCW The talisman; a tale of the crusaders, anc Chronicles of the Canongate. New York G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 372 p., 4 p l 12°. (Waverley novels.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Bound with his: Ivanhoe; a romance. New Yorl [1876] 12°. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1887. ■ p.l., (i)x-xiii, 433 p., 1 pl. 12°. (Waverlej novels. Centenary ed. v. 20.) NCW Scott's The talisman (condensed). With biography, introduction and notes by the Rev. E. Gilliat. New York: Maynard, Mer- rill, & Co. [1895.] 2 p.l., (i)x-xviii p., 1 1 (1)10-96 p. 16°. (Maynard's Englist classic series, no. 141-142.) NCW CEuvres; traduites par A. J. B. Defaucon- pret; torn 19: Richard en Palestine; r ou, Ls talisman]. Paris: Furne, Perrotin, Pagnerre 1842. 2 p.l., 326 p. 8°. NCW The Tapestried Chamber The tapestried chamber; or, The ladj in the sacque. (In: The republic of letters New York, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 343-344.) NCE Unpublished Letters Unpublished letters by Sir Walter Scott written to Mary Anne Watts, wife of Dr Hughes, canon of St. Paul's, and grand- mother of Thomas Hughes, author of th< "Tom Brown" books. Edited by Horaci G. Hutchinson. (Century magazine. Nevi York, 1903. 8°. v. 66, p. 424-440, 566-582.' *D4 The Vision of Don Roderick The vision of Don Roderick; a poem [With notes.] Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne & Co., 1811. ix p., 1 1., 122 p. 4°. fNCli And other poems. Edinburgh: J Ballantyne & Co., 1811. 164 p. 2. ed. 8° NOV (Edinburgh annual register for 1805 Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 2, part 2, p. 601 635.) BA^ _ Reprinted from the quarto edition and inserte in the Edinburgh annual register exclusively, wit the permission of the purchasers of the copy-righ and for a valuable consideration. Boston: J. Greenleaf, 1811. ix, 11 131 p. nar. 16°. NCI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 867 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Philadelphia: A. Finley and B. B. Hopkins & Co., 1811. x p., 2 1., (1)16-136 p. nar. 24°. NCM Vision of Don Roderick, The field of Waterloo, and other poems. Edinburgh: Tames Ballantyne & Co., 1815. 3 p.l., 9-264 P . 8°. NCM Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1821. 3 p.l., 9-264 p 4. ed. 8°. NCM Waverley Waverley; or, 'Tis sixty years since. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1814. 3 v. 2. ed. 12°. NCW New York: James Eastburn and Co., 1819. 2v. 24°. NCW New York: E. Duyckinck, 1822. 2 v. 24°. ~ NCW [Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1842.] vi, 360 p., 1 fac, 6 pi. 4°. (Abbotsford ed. v. 1.) NCW Title-page lacks imprint. Fully illustrated with wood engravings. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co. t 187-?i 4 p.l., 5-474 p., 1 port. 12°. NCW With illustrated title-page. Engraved title-page also. Murray's reprint. ray & Co., 1872. 416 p. London: A. Mur- 12°. NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 416 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley nov- els.) NCW With illustrated title-page. London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. [1877., 2 p.l., 547(1) p., 4 1. 32°. (Handy volume "Waverley." v. 1.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1885j. 416 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley nov- els. Kenilworth edition.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1890. 1 p.l., 191 p. 8°. NCW Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward. Wa- verley; or, Sixty years since. A dramatic romance in three acts founded on the popular novel of the same name [by Sir Walter Scott]. London: J. Lowndes [1824]. 44 p., 1 port. 8°. NCO p.v.187 Wavesley, a drama in five acts; founded on the celebrated romance of the same name. Edinburgh: J. Anderson, jr., 1824. 3 P.I., 89 p. 24°. NCO p.v.330,no.5 Frontispiece and engraved title-page. Waverley Novels Waverley novels, v. 1-4, 7-45, 45^ 46- 50. Philadelphia: J. Crissy, 1824-32. nar. 12 °- Stuart 10569 v. 45V£-47 have imprint: New York: J. & T. Har- per; v. 48-50: Philadelphia: Carey & Lea. — — London: Fisher, Son, & Co., 1836- 39. 48 v. 16°. NCW — — With the author's last corrections and additions. Philadelphia: E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1839. 5 v., port. 4°. NCW Engraved title-page also to each volume. [Abbotsford edition.] Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1842-47. 12 v. 4°. NCW v. 1. Waverley. Guy Mannering. v. 2. The anti- quary. The black dwarf. Old Mortality, v. 3. Rob Roy. The heart of Midlothian, v. 4. The bride of Lammermoor. A legend of Montrose. Ivanhoe. v. 5. The monastery. The abbot, v. 6. Kenilworth. The pirate, v. 7. The fortunes of Nigel. Peveril of the peak. v. 8. Quentin Durward. St. Ronan's Well, v. 9. Redgauntlet. The betrothed. The talisman, v. 10. Woodstock. Chronicles of the Canongate. The Highland widow. The two drovers. The surgeon's daughter, v. 11. St. Valentine's day; or, The fair maid of Perth. Anne of Geierstein. v. 12. Count Robert of Paris. Castle Dangerous. My Aunt Margaret's mirror. The tapestried chamber. Death of the laird's Jock. With author's last corrections and additions. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1844. 5 v. 8°. NCW v. 1. Waverley. Guy Mannering. Antiquary. Rob Roy. Black dwarf. Old Mortality, v. 2. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Bride of Lammermoor. Legend of Montrose. Ivanhoe. Monastery. Abbot. v. 3. Kenilworth. Pirate. Fortunes of Nigel. Peveril of the peak. Quintin Durward. v. 4. St. Ronan's well. Redgauntlet. Betrothed. Talisman. Woodstock, v. 5. The Highland widow. Two drovers. My Aunt Margaret's mirror. Tapestried chamber. The laird's Jock. Fair maid of Perth. Anne of Geier- stein. Count Robert of Paris. Castle Dangerous. The surgeon's daughter. • nos. 1-18. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1845-60. 18 v. 1 port, copyright ed. 16°. (In: Collection of British authors. Tauch- nitz ed. v. 75-78, 87, 97, 99-100, 102, 109, 426, 442, 451-452, 478, 511, 529-531.) NCW Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1846. 48 v. pi. 16°. NCW The novels of Sir Walter Scott, with all his introductions and notes. Edinburgh: Robert Cadell, 1846-47. 5 v. 8°. NCW Waverley novels. With the author's last corrections and additions. Forty-eight volumes of the Edinburgh edition complete in five volumes, v. 2-3. Philadelphia: Par- ry & McMillan, 1855. illus. 8°. NCW v. 2. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Bride of Lammer- moor. Legend of Montrose. Ivanhoe. Monastery. Abbot, v. 3. Kenilworth. Pirate. Fortunes of Nigel. Peveril of the peak. Quentin Durward. . Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1857-59. 50 v. 12°. (Household edition.) NCW Abbotsford edition, v. 1, 8. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1857-5S > 2 v. 8°. NCW v. 1. Waverley. Guy Mannering. v. 8. Quentin Durward. St. Ronan's well. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. [Waverley novels.] London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., 1877. 25 v. 32°. (The handy volume Waverley.) NCW v. 1. Waverley. v. 2. Guy Mannering. v. 3. The antiquary, v. 4. Old Mortality, v. 5. Rob Roy. v. 6. The heart of Midlothian, v. 7. Ivanhoe. v. 8. The monastery, v. 9. The abbot, v. 10. Kenilworth. v. 11. The pirate, v. 12..Peveril of the peak. v. 13. The bride of Lammermoor. v. 14. A legend of Montrose, v. 15. The fortunes of Nigel, v. 16. Quentin Durward. v. 17. St. Ronan's well. v. 18. Redgauntlet. v. 19. The betrothed... v. 20. The talisman. . . v. 21. Woodstock, v. 22. The fair maid of Perth, v. 23. Anne of Geierstein. v. 24. Count Robert of Paris, v. 25. The surgeon's daughter. Boston: De Wolfe, Fiske, & Co. r 189-?j 12 v. pi., port, illus. 12°. NCW New York: Collier [189-?]. 9 v. pi. illus. 4°. NCG Introductions and notes and illustrations, to the novels, tales, and romances, of the author of Waverley. Edinburgh: R. Ca- dell, 1833. 3 v. 12°. NCW Woodstock Woodstock; or, The cavalier. A tale of the year sixteen hundred and fifty-one. By the author of "Waverley"... Edin- burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1826. 3 v. 8°. NCW Reviewed in Westminster review, v. 5, p. 399-457, London, 1826. ^ New York: Derby & Jackson, 18S7. 175 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Waverley novels. Peo- ple's illustrated edition.) NCW ■ Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1858. 2 v. 12°. (Waverley novels. Household edition.) NCW New York: G. Routledge and Sons [1876]. 447 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Waverley nov- els.) NCW With illustrated title-page. Bound with his: The heart of Mid-Lothian. New York [1876]. 12°. New York: Harper & Bros., 1902. 2 v. pi. 12°. (Harper's Thistle ed. of the Waverley novels, v. 39-40.) NCW Commentaries A. Burns and Sir Walter Scott. (Ec- lectic magazine of foreign literature, sci- ence, and art. New York, 1871. 8°. v. 77 [new series, v. 14], p. 626-629.) * DA From the Spectator. Adolphus, John Leycester. Letters to Richard Heber. . .containing. . .remarks on the series of novels beginning with "Wa- verley," and an attempt to ascertain their author. [By John L. Adolphus.] London: Rodwell & Martin, 1822. 317 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCC Am, An, in the study and teaching of Lady of the lake, Evangeline and Merchant of Venice. Compiled by a committee... appointed by Kings County Institute. 1898. San Francico: The Whitaker & Ray Co., 1902. 56 p. 8°. (Western education- al help. no. 2.) SSH Aiton, William. A history of the ren- counter at Drumclog, and battle of Both- well Bridge. . .June, 1679, with an ac- count of what is correct, and what is ficti- tious in the "Tales of my landlord," re- specting these engagements... Hamil- ton: W. M. Borthwick & Co., 1821. 131(1) p., 1 pl. 8°. * C p.v.367 Allan, George. Life of Sir Walter Scott, with critical notices of his writings. (In: Waldie's select circulating library. Phila- delphia, 1835. 4°. part 2, p. 92-176.) t*DD Andeee, Richard. In Walter Scott's Heimat. 1 port. (Die illustrirte Welt. Stuttgart, 1872. 4°. Jahrg. 20, p. 133-135.) f*DF Anecdotes of eminent persons. Walter Scott. (New monthly magazine and uni- versal register. London, 1819. 8°. v. 11, p. 41-42.) *DE Armour, Alexander. Sir Walter Scott: the man, the poet, and the novelist. (Liv- erpool Philomathic Society. Proceedings. Liverpool, 1904. 8°. v. 49, p. xci-cxxviii.) *EC Author, The, of Waverley. (New York literary journal and belles-lettres reposi- tory. New York, 1820. 8°. v. 3, p. 196- 202.) * DD From the London new monthly magazine. Bagehot, Walter. The Waverley novels. (National review. London, 1858. 8°. v. 6, p. 444-472.) * DA (In his: Literary studies. London, 1879. 8°. v. 2, p. 146-183.) NCZ (In his: Works, ed. by F. Morgan. Hartford, Conn., 1889. 8°. v. 2, p. 197-238.) NCG Ball, Margaret. Sir Walter Scott as a critic of literature. New York: Columbia University Press, 1907. x, 188 p. 8°. AN Bibliography, p. 147-178. Ballantyne, Alexander, and others. Ref- utation of the misstatements and calum- nies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, bart, respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne. By the trustees and son of... James Ballantyne. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Long- mans, 1838. v, [7]-88 p. 2. ed. 8°. AN Reviewed in Tait's Edinburgh magazine, v. 6, p. 657-672, Edinburgh, 1839. From 2. London ed. Boston: J. Munroe & Co., 1838. v, t 7]-108 p. 16°. AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 869 Language and Literature, continued, literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Beers, Henry A. Walter Scott. (In his- A history of English romanticism in the nineteenth century. New York, 1901. 12°. p. 1-47.) *R-NCB Biographical sketch of Sir Walter Scott. 1 oort (Penny magazine. London, 1832. 4° v.' 1, p. 297-304.) * DA The portrait is from Chantrey's bust. Bisset, Andrew. Sir Walter Scott. (In his - Essays on historical truth. London, 1871. 8°. p. 172-302.) CBA On Scott as a historian. Blackwood and Dr. Morris. Letter to Sir Walter Scott, bart., on the moral and other characteristics of the Ebony and Shandryan school. [By an American Scotchman.] Edinburgh: W. McWilliam, 1820. 16 p. 8°. *Cp.v.977 Border Counties Association. The Scott exhibition, mdccclxxi. Catalogue of the exhibition held at Edinburgh, in July and August, 1871, on occasion of the centenary of the birth of Sir Walter Scott. Edin- burgh: [T. & A. Constable, printers,] 1872. xiv, 206 p., 3 pi., 28 port., 11 fac. 4°. t AN Bremond, Henri. Walter Scott et le ro- mantisme conservateur a propos du cen- tenaire de "Waverley." (Correspondent. Paris, 1914. 8°. v. 255 rnouv. serie, v. 219], p. 1069-1090.) * DM Brooke, Stopford Augustus. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Studies in poetry. Lon- don, 1907. 12°. p. 55-114.) NCID Bryant, William Cullen. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Orations and addresses. New York, 1873. 12°. p. 389-393.) NBS Buckley, Theodore Alois William. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: The dawnings of genius. London, 1853. 16°. p. 329-352.) A C, W. Sir Walter Scott and his dogs. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1877. 8°. Supplement i-vi, p. 233-237.) *DA Cadell, Robert. Letter to his Grace the Duke of Hamilton, and the other noble- men and gentlemen, the committee ap- pointed by the subscribers for a monu- ment in Edinburgh to the memory of Sir Walter Scott. [Signed Robert Cadell, of the sub-committee.] Edinburgh: T. Con- stable, 1838. 20 p. 8°. * C p.v.1038 Caledonia, pseud. Additional remarks on Kenilworth, in a letter from the coun- try. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 8, p. 103-107.) * DE Canning, Thomas. Catholicism in the Waverley novels. (Dublin review. Lon- don, 1891. 8°. v. 109, p. 333-352.) * DA Carlyle, Thomas. Memoirs of the life of Scott. (In his: Critical and miscellane- ous essays. Boston, 1855. new ed 8° p. 511-534.) N cz Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Critical and miscellaneous essays. Boston 1860 8°. v. 4, p. 185-251.) NCZ _ Carruth, William Herbert. The rela- tion of Hauff's Lichtenstein to Scott's Waverley. (Modern Language Associa- tion. Publications. Baltimore, 1903. 8° v. 13, p. 513-525.) RAA Carruthers, Robert. Abbotsford no- tanda. Sir Walter Scott and his factor. By R[Obert] Qarruthersj. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1869. 8°. v. 224 ( new series, v. 2 h p. 586-595, 681-692.) * DA (In: Robert Chambers, Life of Sir Walter Scott... Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. p. 109-196.) AN Caw, James L. The Scott gallery. A series of one hundred and forty-six photo- gravures together with descriptive letter press, v. 1-2 in two portfolios. London: J. B. Millet Co., 1905. 2 v. f°. fAOT Centenary, The, garland: being pictorial illustrations of the novels of Sir Walter Scott. . . By George Cruikshank, and other artists. . .with descriptions, memoir, etc. Edited by Charles Rogers. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1871. 71 p., 32 pi., 1 port. 8°. NCW The plates are in pairs, two on a leaf. Chambers, Robert. The life of Sir Wal- ter Scott. New York: W. Stodart, 1832. 39 p. 1. Amer. ed. 8°. AN (Chambers' Edinburgh jour- nal. London, 1833. f°. v. 1. Supplement. p. 288-300.) *DA With Abbotsford notanda by Robert Carruthers. Edited by W. Cham- bers. London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1871. 2 pi., 196 p. 12°. AN With additional engraved title-page. Chandler, Frank Wadleigh. Scott. (In his: The literature of roguery. Boston, 1907. 12°. v. 2, p. 342-347.) NCB Choate, Joseph Hodges. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Abraham Lincoln, and other addresses in England. New York, 1910. 8°. p. 229-240.) NBS Choate, Rufus. Correspondences of The talisman (by Sir Walter Scott). First chapter. Washington, D.C.: Judd & Det- weiler, 1901. 35 p. 8°. (The science of correspondences.) NACp.v.3 Clark, J. Scott, 1771-1832. (In his: A study of English prose writers. New York, 1898. 12°. p. 353-390.) *R-NCC Cochrane, John George. Catalogue of the library at Abbotsford. [By J. G. Loch- 870 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. rane.] Edinburgh: r T. Constable, printer,] 1838. 2 p.l., vi p., 1 1., 463(1) p. 4°. (Ban- natyne Club.) * GO Copy of Sir Walter Scott's diploma. Musomanic Society. Anstruther. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 42-44.) CPA Cornish, Sidney William. The Waver- ley manual; or, Hand-book of the chief characters, incidents, and descriptions in the Waverley novels, with critical brevi- ates from various sources. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1871. 3 p.l., v-x, S04 p. 16°. NCW Craik, Sir Henry. "The bride of Lam- mermoor." (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 853-857.) * DA Crockett, William Shillinglaw. The Scott originals; an account of notables & worthies, the originals of characters in the Waverley novels. London: T. N. Foulis, 1912. xvi, 431(1) p., 3 fac, 17 pi., 22 port. 8°. AN Cunningham, Allan. Some account of the life and works of Sir Walter Scott. Boston: Stimpson & Clapp, 1882. 106 p. 16°. AN Cursory observations on the death of Sir Walter Scott, addressed chiefly to the inhabitants of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Stillies Brothers, 1832. 8 p. 8°. AGH p.v.23 Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard. A reminis- cence of Abbotsford. (The snow flake... New York, 1846. 12°. 1846, p. 95-100.) NBA Dawson, William J. Scott's greatness. (In his: The makers of English fiction. New York, 1905. 12°. p. 64-71.) *R-NCB The Waverley novels. (In his: The makers of English fiction. New York, 1905. 12°. p. 53-63.) *R-NCB Death, The, of Sir Walter Scott. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1832. 8°. v. 6, p. 380-382.) * DA De Quincy, Thomas. Walladmor. (In his: Literary, reminiscences. Boston, 1851. 12°. v. 1, p. 135-150.) NCZ Dickens, Charles. "The Ballantyne humbug handled; in a letter to Sir Adam Fergusson." (In his: Old lamps for new ones... New York [1897]. 12°. p. 19-35.) NCZ Drake, Nathaniel. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Mornings in spring... London, 1828. 12°. v. 1, p. 310-321.) NCZ Duncan, Thomas. The lairds of Scott. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 22, p. 212-220.) * DE Dundee Free Public Libraries, Dundee. Catalogue of the Burns,_ Scott, and Shake- speare exhibition, comprising books, manu- scripts, engravings, medals, etc., from the collection of A. C. Lamb, Victoria Gal- leries, 1896-7. Dundee [1896]. 115 p. 16° *NCI Edinburgh in the time of Sir Walter Scott. (The Academy. London, 1909. P. v. 77, p. 350-352, 372-375.) ■ * DA Reprinted in the Living age, v. 262, p. 629-634, Boston, 1909. Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club. Ex- ecutive. [Annual report. Annual dinner proceedings. Rules. List of members.] [no. 9j (1902/3). [Edinburgh, 1903.] 8°. SKA Escott, T. H. S. Concerning the cen- tenary of Scott. (Belgravia. London, 1871. 8°. v. 15, p. 382-388.) * DA F. The Waverley anecdotes, illustrative of the incidents, characters, and scenery, described in the novels and romances of Sir Walter Scott, v. 1. Boston: Carter, Hendee & Co., 1833. 16°. NCC Fasso, Luigi. Saggio di ricerche intor- no all fortuna di Walter Scott in Italia. (Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino. Atti. Torino, 1906. 8°. v. 41, p. 380-401.) *ER Fea, Allan. The real Captain Cleveland. London: M. Seeker [1912]. 4 p.l., 5-256 p., 1 fac, 10 pi. 8°. AN Captain Cleveland was one of the principal char- acters in Scott's The pirate. Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone. Recollec- tions of visits to Ashiesteel and Abbots- ford. (Temple Bar. London, 1874. 8°. v. 40, p. 329-335.) * DA Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 120, p. 689- 692, Boston, 1874. It is also reprinted in her Marriage: a novel, v. 1, p. 39-51, London, 1881. Fox, Arthur W. The poetry of Sir Wal- ter Scott. (Manchester quarterly. Man- chester, 1910. 8°. v. 29, p. 139-159.) *DA Franke, Eugenie. Quellen des Lay of the last minstrel, von W. Scott. (Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Litteraturen. Braunschweig, 1898. 8°. Bd. 101 [N. F. Bd. 1], p. 325-338.) RAA Gaebel, Kurt. Beitrage zur Technik der Erzahlung in den Romanen Walter Scotts. Marburg: R. Friedrich, 1901. 2 p.l., 71 p. 8°. NCCp.v.14 Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1901. 2 p.l., 71 p. 8°. (Marburger Studien zur englischen Philologie. Heft 2.) NCC p.v.10 Gaerdes, Johannes. Walter Scott als Charakterzeichner, in The heart of Mid- lothian. Vegesack: F. W. L. Borowsky, 1904. 204 p., 3 1. 8°. NCC LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 871 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Gleig, George Roberts. The life of Sir Walter Scott. Reprinted with corrections and additions from the Quarterly review. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1871. viii, 134 p. illus. 12°. AN Graham, John E. Scott's Catholic tend- encies (Catholic University bulletin. Washington, D. C, 1914. 8°. v. 20, p. 29- 49.) STG H. Sir Walter Scott, bart. (La belle assemblee. London, 1827-29. 8°. v. 6, p. 232-241; v. 10, p. 2-6.) * DE H., J. Strictures in Ivanhoe. (Edin- burgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 6, p. 54-61.) *DE Hagberg, Carl August. Cervantes et Walter Scott, parallele litteraire soumis a la discussion publique . . . 1838. Lund: irapr. C. F. Berling, 1838. 1 p.l., 16 p., 2 1. 8°. NPR Handley, George M. Notes on Scott's Quentin Durward. London: The Normal Press, Ltd. [190-?, 3 p.l., 79(1), xv p., 1 map. 12°. (Normal tutorial series.) NCT p.v.32 Hay, John. Speech at the unveiling of the bust of Sir Walter Scott in West- minster Abbey, May 21, 1897. London: J. Lane, 1897. 14 p., 1 1., 1 port. 16°. NBS New York: Harper & Bros. [1897.] 12 p. 24°. AGH p.v.23 Heath, Charles. Heath's Waverley gal- lery of the principal female characters in Sir Walter Scott's romances and poems. London: Tilt & Bogue [1840-41]. 16 1., 36 pi. 8°. tMEBF Part 8 of a work complete in 12 parts. Henderson, James S. Heine and Sir Walter Scott. (Temple Bar. London, 1904. 8°. v. 129, p. 284-290.) * DA Hensel, W. U. Walter Scott: poet. (Reformed church review. Lancaster, Pa., 1914. 8°. v. 18, p. 153-171.) ZXBA Hierthes, Ludwig. Worterbuch des schottischen Dialekts in den Werken von Walter Scott and Burns, hrsg. von L. Hierthes. Augsburg: M. Rieger, 1882. x, 193(1) p. 12° RNY Historical illustrations of Quentin Dur- ward, selected from the memoirs of Philip de Comines, and other authors. London: C. Knight, 1823. viii, 166 p., 1 port. 12°. NCC Hogg, James. Familiar anecdotes of Sir Walter Scott, with a sketch of the life of the Shepherd by S. DeWitt Bloodgood. New York: Harper & Bros., 1834. vi, (1)8- My first interview with Sir Walter ?£??■ oo (Cal< ; ut i a . magazine. Calcutta, 1830. 8 . v. 1, Spirit of the English jour- nals, p. 10-13.) * OHA Reprinted from the Edinburgh literary journal. Howells, William Dean. Scott. (In his: My literary passions. New York 1895. 12°. p. 40-43.) NBQ Scott's Jeanie Deans. 2 pi. (In his: Heroines of fiction. New York 1901 8°. v. 1, p. 102-110.) NAL Scott's Rebecca and Rowena, and Lucy Ashton. 2 pi. (In his: Heroines of fiction. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 1, p. 90- 101.) NAL Howitt, William. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Homes and haunts of the. . .British poets. London, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 145- 200.) AB Hudson, William Henry. Sir Walter Scott. London: Sands & Co., 1901. x p., 1 1., 304 p. 12°. *R-AN Hughes, Mary Ann Watts. Letters and recollections of Sir Walter Scott. Edited by Horace G. Hutchinson. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1904. viii, 338 p., 1 fac, 3 port. 8°. AN Husband, M. F. A. A dictionary of the characters in the Waverley novels of Sir Walter Scott. London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1910. 3 p.l., ix-xvi, 287 p. 8°. *R Hutton, Richard Holt. Sir Walter Scott. New York: Harper & Brothers, n. d. viii, 177 p. 12°. *R-AN — London: Macmillan and Co., 1878. viii, 177 p. 12°. (English men of letters.) ■ New York: 1878. viii, 177 p. 12°. — — New York: [1879.] viii, 177 p. 12°. New York: J. W. Lovell, 1881. 114 p. 12°. (English men of letters.) NCC p.v.2 London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1899. 4 p.l., (i)vi-viii, 177 p. 12°. (English men of letters, v. 6 t part 1].) v 6 *R-AN Illustrations to the Abbotsford edition of the Waverley novels and the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. One hundred and twenty engravings by Miller, Hors- burgh, Richardson, Shaw and others, of portraits, scenes, and views, from designs by Wilkie, Turner, Stanfield, Nasmyth, and other artists.] n. t.-p. n. p. [185-?] 120 pi. f°. ftMEBF India proofs. One of twenty copies printed. From the collection of Richardson the engraver. Illustrations of the novels and tales of [Sir Walter Scott] from designs by AN Harper & Bros., AN Harper & Bros., AN 872 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. William Allan... Edinburgh: A. Con- stable & Co., 1820. 12 pi. 8°. NCW Engraved title-page. Irving, Washington. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. [New York: Belford Company, 188-?] 125 p. 12°. NBO Bound with his: Tales of a traveller. New York [188-?]. 12°. New York: J. B. Alden, 1883. 125 p. 12°. NBO Bound with his: Tales of a traveller. New York, 1883. 12°. Jacobs, Joseph. The original of Scott's Rebecca. [Rebecca Gratz the beautiful Jewess of Philadelphia.] (American Jew- ish Historical Society. Publications. Balti- more, 1914. 8°. no. 22, p. 53-60.) * PXX Jerdan, William. Four epochs in the life of Scott. (In his: Men I have known. London, 1866. 12°. p. 393-399.) AGH Landscape illustrations of the Waverley novels, with descriptions of the views. London: C. Tilt, 1834. 2 v. 4°. NCW Lang, Andrew. The poems of Sir Wal- ter Scott. (In his: Essays in little. New York, 1907. 12°. p. 171-181.) AB Scott. 4 col'd pi. (In: Poets' coun- try, edited by Andrew Lang. London, 1907. 8°. p. 83-99.) NCID Sir Walter Scott. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. xii p., 1 1., 216 p., 2 pi., 8 port. 12°. (Literary lives.) * R - AN • Sir Walter Scott and the Border minstrelsy. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910. xi, 157(1) p. 8°. NDP Leary, T. H. L. Sir Walter Scott as a poet. A centenary study. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1871. 8°. v. 229 [new series, v. 7j, p. 485-490.) * DA Leland, Charles Godfrey. The skeptics of the Waverley novels. (Continental monthly. New York, 1863. 8°. v. 3, p. 439-450.) * DA Letter, A, of Sir Walter Scott. (Mac- millan's magazine. London, 1868. 8°. v. 17, p. 268-270.) * DA Addressed to "Mr. Grimm, Cassel." Letters, The, of Sir Walter Scott. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. v. 155, p. 15-26.) * DA Life of Sir Walter Scott. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Miscellany... Edinburgh, 1847. v. 17, no. 144.) *C (Chambers's Miscellany. Edin- burgh, n. d. new & rev. ed. 12°. v. 5.) Life and writings of Sir Walter Scott. (British critic. London, 1838. 8°. v 24 p. 423-483.) *'da Little, A. Clarke. A corner of Scott's country, illus. (English illustrated maga- zine. London, 1907. 8°. new series, v 37, p. 527-533.) *DA Lockhart, John Gibson. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh- Robert Cadell, 1837-38. 7 v. fac, port' 8°. AN For critical notices see Tait's Edinburgh mana- sine, v. 4, p. 201-220, 469-487, 557-566; v. 5, p. 92- 112, 307-327, Edinburgh, 1837-38; American' quar- terly review, v. 22, p. 202-250, Philadelphia, 1837; American monthly magazine, new series, v. 3, p 619-624, New York, 1837. See also the critical notice (by J. Fenimore Cooper) in The Knicker- bocker, v. 12, p. 349-366, New York, 1838 (unfavor- able to Scott). Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1837. 2 v. pi. 8°. AN Paris: Baudry's European Li- brary, 1838. 4 v. 8°. (Collections of ancient and modern British authors, v. 175-178.) AN Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1838. 7 v. port. 8°. AN — Edinburgh: Robert Cadell, 1839. 7 v. port., pi. 2. ed. 12°. AN Each volume has additional engraved title-page. New ed. Complete in one vol- ume. Edinburgh : Robert Cadell, 1842. xii, 806 p., 1 pi. 8°. AN With additional engraved title-page. — Edinburgh: R. Cadell, 1847. 1 p.l., xii, 806 p., 1 fac, 4 pi., 8 port, new ed. 4°. NCG ■ Edinburgh: Robert Cadell, 1848. 10 v. pi., port. 12°. AN v. 2-4. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1868. port, new ed. 12°. AN Mabie, Hamilton Wright. The land of Scott. 6 illus. (Outlook. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 75, p. 811-823.) *DA 10 pi. (In his: Backgrounds of literature. New York, 1912. 12°. p. 249-302.) AB McAndrew, Katherine. Scott and the historical novel, port, and 3 illus. (Rosary magazine. Somerset, Ohio, 1903. 8°. v. 23, p. 582-586.) ZLF M'Crie, Thomas, the elder. Review of "Tales of my landlord." (In his: Miscel- laneous writings, chiefly historical. Edin- burgh, 1841. 8°. p. 247-450.) NCG A vindication of the Scottish Cove- nanters: consisting of a review of the first series of the "Tales of my landlord." Phil- adelphia: J. M. Campbell & Co., 1843. 147 p. 12°. *Cp.v.l414 Repr. : Christian instructor, 1817. LIST OF WORKS RELATING. TO SCOTLAND 873 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. McCrimmon, Neil. Sir Walter Scott as a lawyer. (The Green bag. Boston, 1903. 4° Tl5, P. 265-267.) XAA Repr. : The Canadian law review. MacCunn, Florence A. Sir Walter Scott's friends. Edinburgh : W Blackwood and Sons, 1909. xm p., 2 1., (1)4-448 p 2 pi., 6 port. 8°. AN Mackenzie, Robert Shelton. Sir Walter Scott: the story of his life. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1871. xii, 488 p, 12°. AN MacRitchie, David. The proof-sheets of "Redgauntlet." (Longman's magazine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 35, p. 416-427.) * DA Reprinted in the Booklover, nos. 5-10. p. 51-57, San Francisco, 1902. McVickar, John. Tribute to the memory of Sir Walter Scott. New York: G. P. Scott & Co., printers, 1833. 42 p. 8°. Magnus, Laurie. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: English literature in the nineteenth century... London: A. Melrose, 1909. 8°. p. 103-116.) *R-NCB Mann, Max Friedrich. Quentin Dur- ward. (Anglia. Halle a. S., 1889. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 41-102.) RNA Martin, J. Illustrations; landscape, his- torical, and antiquarian, to the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. [By J. Martin.] London: C. Tilt rpref. 1834]. 73 1., 38 pi. 8°. Stuart 10632 - — Landscape illustrations of the Wa- verley novels, with descriptions of the views. [By J. Martin.] London: C. Tilt, 1834. 2v. 8°. Stuart 10630 Martineau, Harriet. Achievements of the genius of Scott. (In her: Miscellanies. Boston, 1836. 12°. v. 1, p. 27-56.) NCZ Characteristics of the genius of Scott. (In her: Miscellanies. Boston, 1836. 12°. v. 1, p. 1-27.) NCZ Massachusetts Historical Society. Trib- ute to Walter Scott, on the hundredth an- niversary of his birthday, August 15, 1871. Boston: privately reprinted from the pro- ceedings of the society, 1872. 1 p.l., 17 p. 8°. AN Masson, David. Scott and his influence. (In his: British novelists and their styles... Cambridge, 1859. 12°. p. 155-207.) NCTD (In his: British novelists and their styles. Boston, 1859. 12°. p. 161- 213.) NCTD Matthews, George King. Abbotsford and Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1866. 3 p.l., (i)x-xvi, 240 p. 2. ed. 12°. AN Millar, A. H. Sir Walter Scott. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 23 n 225-251.) *DA More reflections of a schoolmaster. Wa- verley and the Iliad. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 374-385.) *DA Morris, Mowbray. Sir Walter Scott: a lecture delivered at Eton. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1889. 8°. v. 60, p. 151- 160.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, new series, v. 50, p. 204-212, New York, 1889. Morrison, John. Random reminiscences of Sir Walter Scott, of the Ettrick Shep- herd, Sir Henry Raeburn, &c. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1843-44. 4°. new series, v. 10, p. 569-578, 626-628, 780-786; v. 11, p. 15-19.) * DA The first article is reprinted in the Eclectic mu- seum of foreign literature, science and art, united series, v. 3, p. 563-572, New York. 1843. Munger, T. T. The head of Sir Walter Scott. (Century magazine. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 47 [new series, v. 25], p. 954- 955.) *DA N. Character of Walter Scott. (The Portico. Baltimore [1816]. 8°. v. 1, p. 331- 338.) * DA Neilson, George. Roderick Dhu: his poetical pedigree. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 61-69.) CPA New, A, series of illustrations of the novels and tales, Waverley [etc.]. Engraved after drawings of Charles Robert Leslie, by Heath, Rolls, Romney, &c. London: Hurst, Robinson, & Co., 1823. 12 pi. 8°. NCW p. box 7 New York State. — Education Depart- ment: Visual Instruction Division. Slides and photographs. Sir Walter Scott and his works, n. t.-p. [Albany, 1912.) 18 p. 8°. (New York State. — Education Depart- ment. Bulletin 529.) SSI Nicoll, Sir William Robertson, and Thomas Seccombe. Sir Walter Scott. 1 pi., 1 port. (In their: A history of English lit- erature. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 953- 969.) *R-NCB Olcott, Charles Sumner. The country of Sir Walter Scott. Boston: Houghton Mif- flin Co., 1913. xiv p., 1 1., 414 p, 1 1., 60 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. CPW Parallel, A, of Shakspeare and Scott; being the substance of three lectures on the kindred nature of their genius i . . Lon- don: Whittaker & Co., 1835. iv, 81 P- J^ Parrott, Thomas Marc. The last min- strel (In his: Studies of a booklover New York, 1904. 12°. p. 238-261.) NBQ 874 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Pease, Howard. Scott and Stevenson. (Northern counties magazine. Newcastle- on Tyne, 1901. 8°. v. 2, p. 304-311.) CA Pebody, Charles. The Scott centenary. Sir Walter at his desk. (Gentleman's mag- azine. London, 1871. 8°. v. 229 [new se- ries, v. 7], p. 292-316.) * DA Pedeick, J. Gale. The heraldic aspect of Scott's poetical works. (Gentleman's mag- azine. London, 1898. 8°. v. 285, p. 470- 479.) * DA Perry, Thomas Sergeant. Sir Walter Scott. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1880. 8°. v. 46, p. 313-319.) " * DA Poetry, The, contained in the novels, tales, and romances of the author of Wa- verley. (Retrospective review. London, 1827. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 16-39.) * DA Portraits of the principal female charac- ters in the Waverley novels: with illustra- tive letterpress, parts 1-2, 4-9. London: Chapman & Hall, 1833. 8 pamphlets. 8°. NCW Portraits of the principal female charac- ters in the Waverley novels: to which are added landscape illustrations of The High- land widow, Anne of Geierstein, Fair maid of Perth, Castle Dangerous. London: C. Tilt [1834]. 41 p., 3 pi., 37 port. 8°. NCW Pratt Institute Library School. Sir Wal- ter Scott. [Bibliography.] [Brooklyn, 1894.] p. 537-543. 4°. (Pratt Institute Library School. Lectures on general literature, no. 56.) MRR Desk Prescott, William Hickling. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Biographical and critical miscellanies. Philadelphia, 1875. new ed. 12°. p. 163-226.) NBQ Reprinted from the North American review, v. 46, p. 431-474. ■ (In: Essays from the North American review. Edited by A. T. Rice. New York, 1879. 8°. p. 3-63.) NBP Prose, The, of Sir Walter Scott. (Quar- terly review. London, 1910. 8°. v. 213, p. 33-53.) * DA Ranken, T. Elliot. Sir Walter Scott and mediaeval Catholicism. (The month. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. v. 101, p. 146-152.) * DA Remarks on the Legend of Montrose. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 38-45.) *DE Roberts, W. Notes on the portraits of Sir Walter Scott. (Chambers' journal. Edinburgh, 1911. 4°. series 7, v. 1, p. 9- 12.) hT da Robinson, William Clarke. Sir Walter Scott. 32 p. (In his: British poets of the revolution age. Belfast, 1900. 12°.) NCI p.v.84 Rogers, May. The Waverley dictionary: l alphabetic arrangement of all the char- Kogers, May. I he Waverley dictionary: an alphabetic arrangement of all the char- acters in Sir Walter Scott's Waverley novels, with a descriptive analysis of each character. . . Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co 1879. 357 p. 1?° *"-""« 12° *R-NCW Roy, Pierre Georges. Un frere de Wal- ter Scott a Quebec. (Recherches histo- riques. Bulletin d'archeologie. Levis 1896. 8°. v. 2, p. 146-152.) HWA Ruskin, John. Fors clavigera. Letters to the workmen and laborers of Great Bri- tain. Letter the thirty-first. London: the author [1873]. 28 p. 8°. Title from cover. On Sir Walter Scott. What would be the most appropri- ate situation for the proposed monument to the memory of Sir Walter Scott in Edin- burgh. By Kata Phusin, pseud. (In his: The poetry of architecture. . . New York, 1873. 12°. p. 225-246.) MRGF Saint-Maurice Cabany, E. de. Decou- verte inattendue d'un roman posthume et inedit de Sir Walter Scott. [Paris: Bona- venture et Ducessois, printers, 1854.) 16 p. 8°. AGH p.v.23 Romance of Moredun. Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman. "The bride of Lammermoor." (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 857-859.) * DA Scott and Dumas. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1894. 8°. v. 70, p. 321- 330.) (The historical novel. 2.) * DA Schmidt, Heinrich Julian. Walter Scott. (In his: Bilder aus dem geistigen Leben un- serer Zeit. Leipzig, 1870. 8°. p. 147-242.) NABR Scott considered as a poet. (Temple Bar. London, 1871'. 8°. v. 33, p. 24-35.) *DA Scott and his French pupils. (Quarterly review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 190, p. 423- 441.) *DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine, v. 71, p. 353- 366, Boston, 1900. Scott and his writings. (Harvard maga- zine. Cambridge, 1862. 8°. v. 8, p. 240- 250.) * DD Scott pictures. [Six colored plates rep- resenting scenes in the romances of Sir Walter Scott, with descriptive text.] Lon- don: E. Nister [18—?]. 6 1. ob. 16°. NCTD Duplicate of first plate on cover. Scott's heroines. (Macmillan's maga- zine. London, 1890-91. 8°. v. 62, p. 257- 266; v. 63, p. 443-451; v. 64, p. 453-459.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 875 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Scott's Tournal. (Dublin review. Lon- don 1891. 8°. v. 108, p. 72-95.) *DA Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Lockhart's life of Scott. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1902. 755-766 p. 8°. AN Repr. :■ Atlantic monthly, Dec, 1902. Senior, Nassau William. Sir Walter Scott (In his: Essays on fiction. Lon- don, 1864. 12°. p. 1-188.) NCZ Series, A, of fifty engravings on steel to illustrate the library edition of the Waver- ley novels, comprising portraits of the prin- cipal personages and illustrations of the in- cidents described in the novels. Edin- burgh, n. d. f°. ttMEBF Shand, Alexander Innes. Germs of the Waverley novels. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 14, p. 65- 79.) * DA Sharp, R. Farquharson. Scott. 1 fac. (In his: Architects of English literature. New York, 1900. 8°. p. 156-169.) AB Sharp, William. Scott-land. 12 pi. (In his: Literary geography. New York, 1904. 4°. p. 56-73.) NCA Shepard, J. S. Where Scott found Du- gald Dalgetty. (The month. London, 1911. 8°. v. 118, p. 15-26.) * DA Shone, George. Some women of Sir Walter Scott's novels. (Manchester quar- terly. Manchester, 1902. 8°. v. 21, p. 370- 383.) * DA Sinclair, John. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Sketches of old times and distant places. London, 1875. 8°. p. 16-24.) A Sir Walter Scott. (In: Characteristics of men of genius. Boston, 1847. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-54.) A Sm Walter Scott. (Church quarterly re- view. London, 1879. 8°. v. 8, p. 339-372.) *DA Sir Walter Scott. (Church quarterly re- view. London, 1891. 8°. v. 32, p. 89-115.) *DA Sm Walter Scott. 1 illus. (In: Distin- guished men of modern times. London, 1838. 16°. v. 4, p. 424-438.) A Sir Walter Scott. (Illustrated magazine of art. New York, 1854. 4°. v. 4, p. 1-3.) *DA Sir Walter Scott. (In: Lives of the il- lustrious. London, 1856. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-17.) A Sir Walter Scott. 1 port. (El Mosaico mexicano. Mexico, 1840. 8°. v. 1, p. 323- 325.) * DR Sir Walter Scott. (People's magazine. London, 1869. 4°. new series, v. 3, p. 375- 380.) t * DE Remarkable men. v. 1. Sir Walter Scott: his friends and critics. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh 1910 8°. v. 187, p. 187-205.) *DA Sir Walter Scott and his biographer. (Hours at home. New York, 1865. 8°. v 1, p. 463-465.) * DA Sir Walter Scott, in Ireland. (Bolster's quarterly magazine. Cork, 1828. 8°. v. 1, p. 43-52.) *DE (The v. 13, Sir Walter Scott as a lawyer, legal observer. London, 1837. 8°. p. 433-435.) Sir Walter Scott a Presbyterian elder. (Presbyterian Historical Society. Journal. Philadelphia, 1903. 8°. v. 2, p. 120-121.) IAA Sir Walter Scott's familiar letters. (Chambers's journal. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. series 5, v. 11, p. 7-10.) * DA Sixteen engravings from real scenes supposed to be described in the novels and tales of... r Sir Walter Scott]. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co, 1821. 16 pi. 4°. NCW p. box 7 With engraved title-page. Skene, James, of Rubislaw. Memories of Sir Walter Scott. By James Skene. Edited by Basil Thomson. London: John Murray, 1909. xiii p., 1 1., 240 p., 1 fac, 1 port. 8°. AN Headline reads: The Skene papers. Smith, Goldwin. The lamps of fiction. (Canadian journal of science, literature and history. Toronto, 1872. 8°. new series, v. 13, p. 347-351.) *EC On Sir Walter Scott. Reprinted in his Lectures and essays, p. 69-75, New York, 1881. Scott's poetry again. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1905. 8°. v. 95, p. 300- 302.) * DA Some letters of Sir Walter Scott. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 184, p. 620-630.) * DA Some words about Sir Walter Scott. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1871. 8°. v. 24, p. 278-293.) . * DA Hours in a library, no. 3. Stearns, Frank Preston. Walter Scott. (In his: Modern English prose writers. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 12 . p. 164-185.) NC P Stephen, Leslie. The story of Scott's ruin. (In his: Studies of a biographer. London, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-37.) A Steuart, James. Sir Walter Scott's first country-house. A Sunday at Lasswade cottage. (Chambers' journal. Edinburgh, 1911 4°. series 7, v. 1, p. 433-436.) : ' ' " *DA 876 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Sir Walter Scott and his dogs, illus. (Our young folks. Boston, 1865. 8°. v. 1, p. 722-726.) NASA Swinburne, Algernon Charles. The Jour- nal of Sir Walter Scott. (Fortnightly re- view. London, 1891. 8°. new series, v. 49, p. 681-694.) * DA Reprinted in his Studies in prose and poetry, p. 1-25, London, 1894. Symons, Arthur. Sir Walter Scott (1771- 1832). (In his: The romantic element in English poetry. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 108-119.) NCID Was Sir Walter Scott a poet? (At- lantic monthly. Boston, 1904. 8°. v. 94, p. 664-669.) * DA T. Localities of Tullitudlem and other scenes mentioned in the tale of Old Mortal- ity. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 136-139.) * DE Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon. "The au- thor of Waverley." (In his: Critical and miscellaneous writings. Philadelphia, 1842. 8°. p. 24-34.) NCZ Thomson, Charles. Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott. illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 10, p. 459-464.) *DD Thomson, J. Descriptive catalogue of the writings of Sir Walter Scott. Philadelphia, 1898. 106 p. 4°. (Philadelphia Free Li- brary. Bulletin, no. 1.) * GW Thursby, J. O. S. Sir Walter Scott: his life and works. (Burnley Literary and Sci- entific Club. Transactions. Burnley, 1887. 8°. v. 5, p. 87-91.) * EC Trent, William Peterfield. "The heart of Midlothian." (Sewanee review. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 17, p. 153-159.) * DA Turner, J. M. W. A new series of orig- inal illustrations. . .to all editions of the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, bart. London: Moon, Boys, & Graves, 1833-34. 2 p.l., 24 p. f°. f MEM Parts 1 and 2, with title-page for each, and each title-page marked "proofs." W., J. Memoir of Walter Scott, Esq. 1 port. (New monthly magazine and univer- sal register. London, 1818. 8°. v. 10, p. 355-357.) * DE Waldron, William Watson. Sir Walter Scott and family. (In his: Washington Irv- ing and contemporaries... New York [185-?]. 16°. p. 178-190.) AGZ Walker, Hugh. Sir Walter Scott. (In his: Three centuries of Scottish literature. Glasgow, 1893. 12°. v. 2, p. 186-244.) NDP Walter Scott. (In: Essai sur la littera ture romantique. Paris, 1825. 8°. p 175 178.) NAI Walton, H. E. A Catholic tribute to Sii Walter Scott. (The month. London 1898 8°. v. 92, p. 457-464, 568-578.) * Dp Warner, Richard. Illustrations, critical historical, biographical, and miscellaneous of novels by the author of Waverley. Lon don: Longman [etc.], 1824. 3 v. 1 pi. 12° NCC Watson, John. Waverley novels. (It his: Books and bookmen and other essays by Ian Maclaren. New York, 1912. 12° P. 127-172.) NC2 Waverley, The, gallery of the principa female characters in Sir Walter Scott's ro- mances. From original paintings by emi nent artists. Engraved under the super intendence of Charles Heath. London Tilt & Bogue, 1841. 39 p., 36 port. 8°. NCVi ■ London: D. Bogue, 1848. 38 1., 3( pi. 8°. MEBI Wedgwood, Julia. Sir Walter Scott anc the romantic reaction. (Contemporarj review. London, 1878. 8°. v. 33, p. 514- 539.) * DA Wenger, Karl. Historische Romans deutscher Romantiker. (Untersuchungei iiber den Einfluss Walter Scotts.) Bern A. Francke, 1905. vii, 122 p., 1 pi. 8" (Untersuchungen zur neueren Sprach- unci Literaturgeschichte. Heft 7.) NABW White, Andrew Dickson. Walter Scotl at work. 1 port, illus. (Scribner's maga- zine. New York, 1889. 8°. v. 5, p. 131 132.) *T)A Introductory note to Woodruff's article. Who wrote the Waverley novels. (Irisl quarterly review. Dublin, 1857. 8°. v. 7 p. 469-503.) * DA Wiley, Kate. Pet Marjorie and Sir Wal- ter Scott. The story of Marjorie Fleming New York: Cochrane Publishing Co., 1909 82 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 port. 12°. AK Williams, Alexander Malcolm. Scott a: a man of letters. (Englische Studien Leipzig, 1907. 8°. Bd. 37, p. 100-124.) RN4 Williams, W. Francis. The lions o Scotland. (Continental monthly. Nev York, 1863. 8°. v. 4, p. 584-590.) * DA Burns, Scott, Hogg. Wilson, Sir Daniel. The genius of Scott (Canadian journal of science, literature and history. Toronto, 1872. 8°. new se ries, v. 13, p. 341-347.) *E( Woodberry, George Edward. Scott. (Ii his: Great writers. New York, 1907. 12° p. 39-72.) *R-NABC LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 877 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Scott, Sir Walter, continued. Woodruff, E. H. Walter Scott at work, illus (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1889! 8°. v. S, p. 133-151.) * DA Wright, George Newnham. Landscape historical illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley novels; from drawings by J. M. W. Turner tand others). Comic illustra- tions by G. Cruikshank. Descriptions by the Rev. G. N. Wright. . . London: Fisher, Son & Co. [1836?] 2 v. 4°. t NCW Yonge, Charles Duke. Life of Sir Walter Scott. London: W. Scott, 1888. 206, xlix p. 8°. (Great writers.) *R-AN With bibliography of Sir Walter Scott by John P. Anderson. Scott-Moncrieff, J. M. Pearlin' Jean. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 150, p. 767-786.) * DA Scottish alliterative poems, in riming stanzas. Edited with introduction. . .by F. J. Amours. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. xc p., 1 1., 481 p. 8°. (Scot- tish Text Society. [Publications.] v. 27- 28.) NDP The knightly tale of Golagros and Gawane. The Buke of the Howlat. Rauf Coilzear. The Awntyrs of Arthure at the Terne Wathelyne. The Pistill of Susan. Appendix — The Pistill of Susan : four versions from mss. of fifteenth century. Skeat, Walter William. Scottish allit- erative poems Golagros and Gawane. (Scot- tish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 296-299.) CPA Critical notes on the Scottish Text Society's edi- tion of the poems. Scottish ballad poetry. [Edited by George Eyre Todd.] Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co., 1893. viii, 323 p. 12°. (Abbotsford series of Scottish poets.) NDP Scottish field, The. Edited by John Rob- son, xv, 28 p. 1855. (In: Chetham mis- cellanies. [Manchester,] 1856. sq. 8°. v. 2.) CA A poem on the battle of Flodden, 1513. Scottish, The, minstrel. A selection of the most favorite songs of Caledonia: adapted for the voice, German flute, and violin. Edinburgh: Oliver & Co., 1807. vi, 216 p, 1 pi. 16°. Drexel 4081 Scottish, The, minstrel. A valuable col- lection of Scottish songs, with music, adapted for the voice, violin, & German flute. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd [1800?]. 220 p., 1 p l. 16°. Drexel 4082 With cuts by Bewick. From the Bewick collec- tion of the Rev. Thomas Hugo. Scottish poetry of the eighteenth cen- tury... Edited by George Eyre Todd. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co., 1896. 2 v. 12°. NDP Scottish poetry of the seventeenth cen- tury. Sir Robert Aytoun, Sir David Mur- ray, Sir Robert Kerr, Sir William Alexan- der, William Drummond, the marquis of Montrose, the Sempills of Beltrees. Edited by George Eyre Todd. Glasgow W Hodge & Co., 1895. viii, 296 p. 12°. NDP Scottish poetry of the sixteenth century. Sir David Lyndsay, John Bellenden, King James the Fifth, Sir Richard Maitland, Alexander Scot, Alexander Montgomerie. Edited by George Eyre Todd. Glasgow W. Hodge & Co., 1892. vii, 269 p. 12°. NDP Scottish, The, widow's lament. (Muse- um of foreign literature. Philadelphia, 1839. 8°. v. 36, p. 262.) * DA Repr. : Chambers's Journal. Seggat [Lat. Seghetusj, Thomas. Me- XETTinaxa 'Ynoveia. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 490-504.) NDP Select remains of the ancient popular poetry of Scotland. [Edited by David Laing.] Edinburgh, 1822. sm. 4°. Stuart 10108 Only 108 copies printed and most of the issue de- stroyed by fire. Select remains of the ancient popular and romance poetry of Scotland. Collected and edited by David Laing. Re-edited, with memorial introduction and additions by John Small. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1885. xxxviii p., 1 1., 411 p., 1 port, sm. 4°. NDP Laing's popular and romance poetry of Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 37-48.) *DA Selection, A, of English and Scotch proverbs. 32 p. 12°. (In: Chambers, Mis- cellany... Edinburgh, 1847. v. 20, no. 169.) * C Selections made chiefly from works in the old Scots language. For the use of schools in Scotland. Edinburgh: D. R. Collie & Son, 1867. 2 p.l., ix, 11-68 p. 12°. * C p.v.902 Selkirk, J. B. See under Brown, James. Sempill, Robert, 1530?-1595. Ane com- plaint vpon fortoun. Edinburgh: R. Lek- prewicke r 1581]. (Reprinted in: A collec- tion of seventy-nine black-letter ballads and broadsides printed. . .between. . .1559 and 1597. London, 1867. 8°. p. 49-56.) NCK Ane declaratioun of the lordis just quarrel. [Imprentit at Edinburgh be Rob- ert Lekpreuik. 1567.] (Reprinted in: Scot- ish poems of the sixteenth century. Edin- burgh, 1801. 16°. p. 265-275.) NDP Heir followis the legend of the bishop of St. Androis lyfe, callit Mr Pat- rick Adamsone, alias Cousteane. ( 1584.] (In: Scotish poems of the sixteenth cen- tury. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 301-3440 NDP 878 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Heir followis the testament and tragedie of umquhile King Henrie Stewart, of gude memorie. [Colophon: Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik, 1567.] (Reprinted in: Scotish poems of the six- teenth century. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 2SS-263.) NDP Ane new ballet set out be ane fugi- tive Scottisman that fled out of Paris at this lait murther. Sanctandrois: R. Lek- priuik, 1572. (Reprinted in: A collection of seventy-nine black-letter ballads and broadsides printed. . .between. . .1559 and 1597. London, 1867. 8°. p. 37-41.) NCK The sege of the Castel of Edin- burgh. Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik. 1573. (Reprinted in: Scotish poems of the sixteenth century. Edin- burgh, 1801. 16°. p. 285-300.) ' NDP • Ane tragedie, in forme of ane dial- log betwix honour, gude fame, and the au- thor heirof in ane trance. Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik, 1570. (Reprinted in: Scotish poems of the six- teenth century. Edinburgh, 1801. 16°. p. 221-236.) NDP On the murder of the Regent Murray in January, 1570. Sempill, Robert, 1595P-1665? The life and death of the pyper of Kilbarchan; Or the epitaph of Habbie Simpson... t By Robert Sempill., [Edinburgh? 17—?] Broadside 11^ x 5% in Reserve Lyfe and deithe of Habbie Simp- son, the famous pyper of Kilbarchan. (In: John Andrews, Raising the wind; or, Hab- bie Sympson & his wife baith deid. Pais- ley, 1865. 16°. p. 6-8.) *Cp.v.687 Setoun, Gabriel. See under Hepburn, T. N. Shairp, John Campbell. Kilmahoe, a Highland pastoral, with other poems. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1864. ix p., 1 1., 211 p. 16°. NCM Principal Shairp's writings. (Church quarterly review. London, 1882. 8°. v. 14, p. 294-309.) * DA Shand, Alexander Innes. Memories of gardens. With a memoir by... Sir Row- land Blennerhassett. London: West Strand Pub. Co., Ltd., 1908. xxviii, 228 p., 4 pi., 2 port. 8°. NDH Sharp, William. Deirdre and the sons ofUsna... By Fiona Macleod. Portland, Me.: T. B. Mosher, 1903. xii, 104 p. 12°. (Old world series.) NCW One of a first edition of 925 copies. The divine adventure. By Fiona Macleod. Portland, Me.: T. B. Mosher 1903. vii, 92 p. 12°. (Old world series.) ^ ... ,. NCW One of a first edition of 925 copies. The dominion of dreams. By Fiona Macleod. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co 1900. viii, 328 p. 12°. NCW The fisher of men. By Fiona Mac- leod. (The Bibelot. Portland, Me., 1905 16°. v. 11, p. 367-383.) NAC The four winds of Eirinn. By Fiona Macleod. (Fortnightly review.. London 1903. 8°. new series, v. 73, p. 340-354.) ' *DA From the hills of dream. Threno- dies, songs, and other poems. By Fiona Macleod. Portland, Me.: T. B. Mosher 1901. xv, 148 p, 1 1. 12°. (Old world series.) NCM One of a first edition of 925 copies. The Gael and his heritage. By Fio- na Macleod. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1900. 8°. v. 48, p. 825-841.) * DA Based on Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica. ■ Green fire, a romance. Westmin- ster: A. Constable & Co., 1896. 4 p.l., 284 p., 1 1. 12°. *R-NCW Pharais; a romance of the Isles. By Fiona Macleod. New York: Duffield & Co., 1907. xi p., 1 1., 144 p. [3. ed.] 12°. NCW Sea-magic and running water. By Fiona Macleod. (The Bibelot. Portland, Me., 1904. 16°. v. 10, p. 101-132.) NAC - The sin-eater and other tales. By Fiona Macleod. Edinburgh: P. Geddes & Colleagues c cop. 1895]. 294 p. 8°. NCW The sunset of old tales. By Fiona Macleod. (Fortnightly review. London, 1903. 8°. new series, v. 73, p. 1087-1100.) *DA The washer of the ford: and other legendary moralities. Edinburgh: P. Ged- des & Colleagues [cop. 1896]. 4 p.l., 320 p., 11. 8°. (Celtic library.) *R-NCW Gilman, Laurence. The art of Fiona Macleod. (North American review. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 183, p. 674-675.) *DA Shirrefs, Andrew. Jamie and Bess; or, The laird in disguise. A Scots pastoral comedy. In imitation of the Gentle shep- herd. . . Aberdeen: the author, 1787. x p., 1 1., 88 p., 2 1. 16°. NCO p.v.346 Sibbald, James. Chronicle of Scottish poetry; from the thirteenth century to the Union of the Crowns: to which is added a glossary. Edinburgh: printed for J. Sib- bald, 1802. 4 v. 8°. NDP y. 1 has the rare sheet Q which was cancelled and omitted in most copies. Sievwright, C. The sough o' the shuttle; or, Poems and songs by C. W., weaver, Kirriemuir. Dundee: R. Park, 1866. 200 p. 16°. NCM Sinclair, Catherine. Holiday house: a series of tales... New York: R. Carter, 1839. vii, 9-252 p. 12°. NCW LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 879 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Jane Bouerie; or, Prosperity and ad- versity New York: Harper & Bros., 1851. v!vii, 13-234 p. 12°. NCW Lord and Lady Harcourt; or, Coun- ty hospitalities. Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1851. 329 p. 8°. NCTp.v.66 Modern accomplishments; or, The march of intellect. . . Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1836. viii p., 1 1., 368 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCW New York: R. Carter, 1836. viii, 9-352 p. 12°. NCW New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1849. iv, (1)6-276 p. 12°. NCW Modern flirtations; a novel. New York: Stringer & Townsend t 185— ?]. vi, 402 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW With illustrated title-page. Modern society; or, The march of intellect. The conclusion of Modern ac- complishments. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1837. viii, 470 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCW New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1849. vi, (1)8-348 p. 12°. NCW New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1851. vi, 7-348 p. 12°. NCW Scotch courtiers, and the court. Dedicated to the poet laureate. Edinburgh : William Whyte and Co., 1842. 2 p.l., 99, 103-121 p. 8°. NCIp.v.54 Author's presentation copy. Scotland and the Scotch; or, The western circuit. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1840. viii, (1)10-346 p. 12°. CPW Sir Gawan, and Sir Galaron of Galloway; a metrical romance. (In: Scotish poems... collected by John Pinkerton. London, 1792. 12°. v. 3, p. 195-226.) NDP Skene, George. Donald Bane: an heroic poem in three books. . . London: G. G. & J. Robinson, 1796. vi p., 1 1., Ill p. 8°. NCI p.v.79 Skene, Gilbert. Tracts by Dr. Gilbert Skeyne, medicinar to His Majesty. Edin- burgh,' 1860. 4 p.l., xi, 47 p., 4 1. 4°. (Ban- natyne Club.) t CP Skinner, John. Songs and poems. With a sketch of his life by H. G. Reid. Peter- head: W. L. Taylor, 1859. xxxvi, 98 p. 16°. NCL Slingumbob, Anthony, pseud. The Hox- oniad; or, Something new under the sun. Dedicated to Professor Quiz. With notes. Glasgow: D. M'Kenzie, 1812. 23 p. 8°. NCI p.v.41 Small, John. See under Douglas, Gavin; Dunbar, William; and Select remains. Smith, Alexander. City poems. Cam- bridge: Macmillan & Co., 1857. 4 p.l., 190 P. 16°. NCM Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1857. 136 p., 1 port. 12°. NCM In a Skye bothy. (Macmillan's magazine. Cambridge, 1860. 8°. v. 1 t> 119-129.) *faA — (In: Favorite authors: a com- panion book of prose and poetry. Boston 1881. 12°. p. 45-65.) NCE Poems. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, & Fields, 1853. 2 p.l., (1)6-190 p. 12°. NCM A life drama and other poems. A critical notice of the original edition will be found in the National miscellany, v. 1, p. 70-83, London, 1853. The Life drama was first published serially in the Critic, London, 1851. See also critical notices in The Portland Tran- script, v. 18, p. 44, 68, Portland, Me., 1854. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1857. 2 p.l., (1)6-190 p. 16°. NCM A spring chanson. (Argosy. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. v. 1, p. 485-487.) * DA Torquil and Oona. (Macmillan's magazine. Cambridge, 1861. 8°. v. 3, p. 69-71.) *DA Verses. Alexander Smith's poems. (Littell's Living age. Boston, 1854. 8°. v. 40, p. 314-318.) *DA From New monthly magazine. Alexander Smith's poetry. (National review. London, 1857. 8°. v. 5, p. 386- 395.) * DA Mr. Alexander Smith's former poems and his new one. (Macmillan's magazine. Cam- bridge, 1861. 8°. v. 4, p. 404-413.) * DA Smith, George Gregory. See under Hen- ryson, Robert. Smith, James. The merry bridal o' Firth- mains, and other poems and songs. Edin- burgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1866. vii, 296 p. 12°. NCM Smith, Robert Archibald. The Scotish minstrel. A selection from the vocal mel- odies of Scotland, ancient and modern, ar- ranged for the pianoforte. Edinburgh: R. Purdie r 1820-24?]. 6 v. 4°. * MO Each volume has engraved title-page. Smith, Walter Chalmers. The minister's mistake: tragic commonplace. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 276- 286.) * DA Verse. Poems, The, of Dr. Walter C. Smith. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 52-72.) * DA Smith, William. The bachelor's contest; or An amusing and instructive poetical dialogue between a bachelor and a married man... Edinburgh: printed for the au- thor [1825?,. 72 p. nar.24°. NCI p.v.30 The author was a shoemaker in Haddington. Smith, William Wye. See under Ross, John D. A cluster of poets. 880 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Smollet, Tobias George. The adven- tures of Ferdinand, Count Fathom. Lon- don: Harrison & Co., 1782. v, (1)8-220 p., 3 pi. 8°. (The novelist's magazine, v. 7.) NAC A scurrilous political satire on Lord Bute. First published in 1753. London: W. Clarke, 1810. 1 p.l., 237 p., 5 pi. 8°. (In: W. Mudford, comp., The British novelists, v. 2. 1810- 16.) NCT 2 v. in 1. Pagination continuous. ■ The adventures of Peregrine Pickle, in which are included Memoirs of a lady of quality, v. 3-4. Dublin: P. Wogan & T. Shea t 1779?]. 16°. NCV v. 4 has imprint: London: R. Baldwin, 1779. London: Harrison & Co., 1781. 210, ccxii, 438 p., 11 pi. 8°. (Novelists magazine, v. 6.) NAC London: W. Strahan, J. Riv- ington & Sons [etc.], 1784. 4 v. 7. ed. 12°. NCW London: W. Clarke, 1810. 492 p., pi. 8°. (In: W. Mudford, comp. The British novelists, v. 1, 1810-16.) NCT 4 v. in 1. Pagination continuous. New York: D. Huntington, 1816. 4 v. pi. 16°. NCV With illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: J. Cochrane & Co., 1831. 2 v. 12°. (The novelists' library, v. 3-4.) MEM The adventures of Roderick Ran- dom. [By Tobias Smollet.] London: J. Osborn, 1748. 2 v. pi. 16°. NCV London: J. Gardner & R. Gray, 1778. 2v. 10. ed. 8° (16°). NCV London: Harrison & Co., 1780. vii, (1)10-262 p., 6 pi. (Novelists' maga- zine, v. 2.) NAC • London: W. Clarke, 1810. 1 p.l., 277 p., 5 pi. 8°. (In: W. Mudford, comp. The British novelists, v. 2. 1810- 16.) NCT 2 v. in 1. Pagination continuous. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: J. Cochrane and Co., 1831. 3 p.l., x, 496 p., 5 pi. 12°. (The novel- ist's library, v. 2.) MEM New York: Harper & Bros., 1836. x, (1)12-466 p., 4 pi. 12°. MEM Plate lacking at p. 74. The adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. London: Harrison & Co., 1782. 125 p., 4 pi. 8°. (The novelist's magazine, v. 9.) NAC This novel appeared serially in the British maga- zine and was first published in 1761. ■ (In: Liverpool [1800]. Mirror of amusement. 8°. p. 247-330.) NCT London: W. Clarke, 1810. 1 p.l., 133 p., 6 pi. 8°. (In: W. Mudford, comp. The British novelists, v. 2. 1810- 16.) NCT 2 v. in 1. Pagination continuous. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: J. Cochrane & Co 1832. 2 p.l., 243 p., 2 pi. 12°. (The novel- ist's library, v. 10.) MEM The expedition of Humphry Clink- er. London: Harrison & Co., 1785. vi, (1) 8-197 p., 4 pi. 8°. (Novelist's magazine, v. 19.) NAC New York: Hurst & Co. [18—?] 461 p. 12°. NCV London: W. Clarke, 1810. 4, 218 p., pi. 8°. (In: W. Mudford, comp. The British novelists, v. 1. 1810-16.) NCT 3 v. in 1. Pagination continuous. London : F. C. & J. Rivington, 1810. 2 v. 16°. (The British novelists, v. 30-31.) NCT London: J. Walker & Co., 1815. xvi, 427 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCV With additional engraved title-page bearing date 1814. With a memoir of the author, by Thomas Roscoe, and illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: Cochrane & Pickersgill, 1831. xxxvi, 403 p., 4 pi., 1 port. 12°. (The novelist's library, v. 1.) MEM ■ Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, jun., 1846. 387 p. 16°. NCV Aberdeen: G. Clarke & Son, 1848. vi, 7-312 p. 12°. NCV The history and adventures of an atom. t By Tobias Smollet.] London: Robinson and Roberts, 1749. 2 v. 16°. NCV London: Harrison & Co., 1786. 83 p., 1 pi. 8°. (The novelist's magazine, v. 21.) NAC London: C. Cooke [18 — ?]. 2 v. in 1. pl„ port. 24°. NCV v. 1 has additional engraved title-page. Miscellaneous works, with memoirs of his life and writings by Robert Ander- son. Edinburgh: Stirling & Slade r etc.], 1820. 6 v. port. 8°. NCV v. 1. The adventures of Roderick Random. v. 2. The adventures of Peregrine Pickle, part 1. v. 3. The adventures of Peregrine Pickle, part 2, and Plays and poems. v. 4. The adventures of Ferdinand, Count Fa- thom, and Expedition against Carthagena. v. 5. The adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, and Travels through France and Italy. v. 6. The expedition of Humphry Clinker, and Adventures of an atom. With memoir of the author, by Thomas Roscoe. . . New edition, illustrated by George Cruikshank. London: H. G. Bohn, 1852. xl, 966 p., 1 fac, 19 pi., 1 port. 8°. NCF LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 881 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Poems [With life by Alexander Chal- mers]. (In: Alexander Chalmers, Works nf the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 15, p. S39-590.) NCI [With life by S. W. Singer.] (In: The British poets. Chiswick: C. Whit- tingham, printer, 1822. 16°. v. 66, p. 197- 260.) NCI Poetical works... To which is prefixed, the life of the author. Edin- burgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1794. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v. 10, p. 937-959.) NCI Select works of Tobias Smollet, with a memoir... by Sir W. Scott. Phil- adelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1849. 2 v. in 1. newed. 8°. *R-NCW Works, complete in one volume. With a memoir of the life and writings of the author, by Sir Walter Scott. New York: Leavitt & Allen Bros. [186-?] 4 p.l., (1)12-540 p., 1 pi. new ed. 8°. NCV Edited from the best authori- ties, with ... original historical notes and a life of the author by David Herbert. Edin- burgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1870. 623(1) p., 1 port. 8°. NCM Engraved title-page also. ■ With a memoir of his life and writings by Sir Walter Scott. Complete in one volume. New York: G. Routledge and Sons [188-?]. 4 p.l., (1)12-539 p., 1 1., 11-540 p., 9 pi. 8°. ? NCW Bombaedinion, pseud. On Smollet's nov- els. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1792. 16°. v. 7, p. 130-132.) * DE Dobson, Austin. The topography of "Humphry Clinker." 1 port. (In his: Eigh- teenth century vignettes. New York, 1894. 12°. series 2, p. 138-167.) A Song, The, of Solomon, called The Song of songs, in English meeter. Fitted to be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms. [By Andrew Simson.] Gorbals [Glasgow]: Printed by James Watson, 1701. 24 p. 16°. Reserve Songs, The, of England and Scotland. London: J. Cochrane & Co., 1835. 2 v. port. 16°. NCI Each volume has additional engraved title-page. Songs of the North, gathered together from the Highlands and Lowlands of Scot- land. Edited by A. C. Macleod and Harold Boulton. The music arranged by Malcolm Lawson. London: J. B. Cramer & Co., n. d. 2 v. pi., port. f°. * MO v. 1 is 20. ed.; v. 2, 5. ed. Songs, The, of the Old and New Testa- ment in meeter. By M. Zachary Boyd. Glasgow: Heires of George Anderson, 1648. *" • Reserve Bound with his version of the Psalms. Southesk (9. earl), James Carnegie. Jonas Fisher: a poem in brown and white London: Triibner & Co., 1876. 1 p.l., (i) viii-ix, 243 p. 2. ed. 12°. NCM Specimens of "Wallace," a ms. tragedy. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscel- lany. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 9, p 466- 472.) * DE Spectakle, The, of luf, translated from the Latin by G. Myll, St. Andrews, 1492. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 121-147.) f CP Spence, John. A peep into an Orkney township in the olden time. (Old-lore mis- cellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 183-187; v. 5, p. 67-72.) CR In the Orkney dialect. With vocabulary. Spirit of Chambers's journal: original tales, essays, and sketches, selected from that work. By William and Robert Cham- bers, v. 2. Edinburgh: W. & R. Cham- bers, 1835. 12°. Spottiswoode, Sir Henry. Poems. (The Spottiswoode miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 165-184.) ZDVH Springstaff, Rockingtree, pseud. The ass's petition, a tale. Annan: the author, 1852. 23 p. 16°. NCIp.v.35 Steel, Archibald. The two cuckolds [by A. Steelj; and The tint quey; or, Thrawart Maggy [by Richard Gall). Two tales in the Scottish dialect. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers, 1796. 24 p. 12°. NCI p.v.80 Steuart, A. Francis. Two Jacobean son- nets written in Orkney. (Old-lore mis- cellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1908. 8°. v. 1, p. 25- 26.) CR By William Fowler, died c. 1614. Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour. Only his strictly literary works are included here. The Amateur Emigrant The amateur emigrant. From the Clyde to Sandy Hook. Chicago: Stone and Kim- ball, 1895. 4 p.l., 180 p., 1 1. 16°. NCZ Ballads Ballads. London: Chatto & Windus, 1895. vi, 137 p. 2. ed. 12°. *R-NCM The Black Arrow The black arrow. A tale of the two roses. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895. xi p., 1 1., 322 p., 12 pi. 8°. *R-NCW 882 THE 'NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Stevenson, R. L. B., continued. Black Canyon, etc. Black Canyon, Not I, and other Steven- soniana. New York: M. F. Mansfield, 1899. 5 p.l., 8 p., 4 1. 24°. NCZ Reprint. The Bottle Imp The bottle imp. New York: M. J. Ivers & Co. [1891.] (In: Rudyard Kipling, Amer- ican notes. New York [1891]. 16°. p. 119- 160.) Reserve Catriona Catriona, a sequel to "Kidnapped," being memoirs of the further adventures of David Balfour at home and abroad... London: Cassell & Co., 1893. 1 p.l., x, 371 p. 12°. NCW A Child's Garden of Verses A child's garden of verses. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 189S. x, 105 p. 6. ed. 16°. NCM The Dynamiter The dynamiter. By R. L. Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson. New York: F. F. Lovell & Co. t 188-?i 1 pi 164 p. 12°. NCW The Ebb-tide The ebb-tide;. a trio and quartette. By R. L. Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1908. 4 p.l., (1)4-271 p. 12°. (Biographical edi- tion.) NCW The Education of an Engineer The education of an engineer. (Scrib- ner's magazine. New York, 1888. 8°. v. 4 p. 636-640.) *DA Familiar Studies Familiar studies of men and books. Lon- don: Chatto & Windus, 1892. xxviii p., 1 1., 397 p. 12°. *R-NCZ London: Chatto & Windus, 1892. xxviii p., 1 1., 397 p. 7. ed. 12°. * R - NCZ A Christmas Sermon A Christmas sermon. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1900. 2 p.l., 23 p., 1 1. 12°. YFE Collected Works Robert Louis Stevenson. r Collected works.] [New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1911-12.] 27 v. maps, pi., port. 8°. NCO v. 1. New Arabian nights, v. 2. Treasure island. v. 3. More new Arabian nights, v. 4. Prince Otto. Island nights' entertainments. Father Damien. v. 5. Kidnapped, v. 6. David Balfour; a sequel to "Kid- napped." v. 7. The merry men and other tales and fables. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, v. 8. The black arrow. The misadventures of John Nicholson. The body-snatcher, v. 9. The master of Ballantrae. v. 10. The wrecker, v. 11. The wrong box. The ebb tide. v. 12. An inland voyage. Edin- burgh, v. 13. Virginibus puerisque. Memories and portraits, v. 14. Familiar studies of men and books. Miscellaneous papers, v. 15. The amateur emigrant. Across the plains. The Silverado squatters, v. 16. A child's garden of verses. Underwoods. Ballads, v. 17. Vailima letters, v. 18. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. Records of a family of engineers, v. 19. In the South Seas. A foot-note to history, v. 20. Weir of Hermiston. The plays. Fables, v. 21. St. Ives; being the adventures of a French prisoner in Eng- land, v. 22. Sketches. Criticisms, v. 23-24. Letters to his family and friends. Part 1-2. v. 25-26. The life of Robert Louis Stevenson by G. Balfour, v. 27. New letters. David Balfour David Balfour; a sequel to Kidnapped; being memoirs of his adventures at home and aboard... With a preface by Mrs. Stevenson. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 190S. xv(i), 391 p. 16°. (Biographical edition.) NCW The Great North Road The Great North Road. [London: Il- lustrated London News, 1895.] 5 1. f°. tfNCW Fragment: Illustrated London News, Dec, 1895. An Inland Voyage An inland voyage. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1883. x, 261 p., 1 pi. 16°. GBK London: Chatto & Windus, 1893. x, 237 p., 1 pi. 6. ed. 16°. NCW Boston: Roberts Bros., 1895. x, 11-261 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCW Kidnapped Kidnapped; being the memoirs of the ad- ventures of David Balfour, in the year 1751... New York: Hurst & Company [188-?]. iv, 262 p. 12°. NCW London: Cassell & Co., 1893. vi p., 1 1., 311 p., 1 map, 16 pi. 12°. * R - NCW With sixteen illustrations by W. B. Hole. London: Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1907. vi p., 1 1., 319 p., 1 map, 16 pi. 12°. NCW At head of title: The adventures of David Bal- four. Lay Morals, etc. Lay morals and other papers; with a preface by Mrs. Stevenson. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1911. xiv, 316 p. 16°. (Biographical edition.) NCZ LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 883 language and Literature, continued. Literature — Stevenson, R. L. B., continued. Letters Letters to his family and friends. Se- lected and edited, with notes and introduc- tion by Sidney Colvin. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. AN The letters of Robert Louis Stevenson; edited by Sidney Golvin. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1911. 4 v. port, new ed. 8°. NDD v. 1. 1868-1880. Scotland, France, California. v! 2. 1880-1887. Alps and Highlands, Hyeres, Bournemouth. v. 3. 1887-1891. The Adirondacks, Pacific voy- ages', First year at Vailima. v. 4. 1891-1894. Second, third, and fourth years at Vailima. The end. A Lodging for the Night A lodging for the night. 30 p. (In: M. J. Holmes, Dora Deane. Chicago [189-?]. 12°.) NBO East Aurora, N. Y.: The Roycrof- ters [1902]. 3 p.l., 44 p., 1 1., 1 port. 8°. NCW (In: W. J. and C. W. Dawson, The great English short story writers. New York, 1910. 12°. v. 1, p. 289-313.) *R-NCE Memories and Portraits Memories and portraits. London- Chat- to & Windus, 1891. x, 299 p. 12° * R - NCZ The Merry Men, etc. The merry men and other tales and fables. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895. viii, 407 p. 12°. NCW With prefaces by Mrs. Stevenson. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. viii p., 3 1., (1)4-422 p. 8°. (Biographical edi- tion.) NCW The Misadventures of John Nicholson The misadventures of John Nicholson. A Christmas story. New York: G. Mun- ro's Sons [1895]. 1 p.l., 5-86 p. 12°. (Mun- ro's library of popular novels.) NCW The Morality of the Profession of Letters The morality of the profession of letters. Gouverneur, N. Y.: Brothers of the Book, 1899. 47 p. 16°. NAD Repr. : Fortnightly review, April, 1881. no. 85 of an edition of 299 copies. A Lowden Sabbath Mom A Lowden Sabbath morn. Illustrated by A. S. Boyd. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. 127 p. sq. 8°. NCM Macaire Macaire. A melodramatic farce in three acts. By R. L. Stevenson and W. E. Hen- ley. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 12, p. 685-706.) * DA The Master of Ballantrae The master of Ballantrae; a winter's tale. New York: P. F. Collier [1889]. 3 p.l., 243 p. 12°. NCW First issued serially in Scribner's magazine, v. 4-6, 1888-89. London: Cassell & Co., 1893. vi p., 1 1., 332 p., 10 pi. 12°. * R - NCW Memoirs Memoirs of himself by R. L. Stevenson; printed from the original manuscript in the possession of Harry Elkins Widener. Philadelphia: for private distribution only, 1912. 27 p. sq. 4°. AN no. 24 of forty-five copies printed on Whatman's hand made paper. Written in San Francisco, Janu- ary, 1880. More New Arabian Nights More new Arabian nights. The dyna- miter. By R. L. Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895. vi p., 2 1., 326 p. 12°. NCW New Letters New letters., .edited by Sjdney Colvin. 1 port. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 49, p. 385-398.) * DA The Pavilion on the Links The pavilion on the links. (In: English- Scotch mystery stories. New York, 1908. 12°. p. 155-212.) NCT Poems Poems. [With an introduction by Richard Le Gallienne.j (In: Rudyard Kipling, Poems of Rudyard Kipling and R. L. Stevenson... New York, 1902 8 . 1 1., 3, 3-172 p.) * R _NAEM The poems and ballads of Robert Louis Stevenson... New York: C. Scnbners Sons, 1913. 8 p.l., 367 p., 1 port. 8°. NCM 884 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Stevenson, R. L. B., continued. Prince Otto Prince Otto. A romance. Boston: Rob- erts Bros., 1886. 272 p. 16°. NCW St. Ives St. Ives, being the adventures of a French prisoner in England. New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 1897. vi p., 1 1., 438 p. 8°. NCW The Silverado Squatters The Silverado squatters. New York: G. Munro [188-?]. 97 p. 12°. (The Sea- side library, no. 1110.) NCW Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1884. 3 p.l., (1)10-287 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCZ Boston: Roberts Bros., 1895. 287 p., 1 pi. 16°. NCZ Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. New York: International Book Company r 188-?j. 1 p.l., 67 p. 12°. (Co- lumbus series.) NCW New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1886. 4 p.l., 138 p. 12°. NCW p. box 2 And Prince Otto. New York: A. L. Burt Co. [190-?] 1 p.l., 350 p., 1 port. 12°. NCW New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1903. 4 p.l., 138 p. 12°. NCW Printed in the easy reporting style of phonography, in accordance with the "Manual of phonography," by B. Pitman and J. B. Howard. Cincinnati: Phono- graphic Inst. Co., 1903. 66 p. 16°. * IDV p. box 2 Three Plays Three plays by Henley and Stevenson. Deacon Brodie; Beau Austin: Admiral Guinea. London: D. Nutt, 1892. iii-xii, 250 p. 12°. NCR Treasure Island Treasure Island; a story of the Span- ish main. New York: A. L. Burt [188-?). x p., 1 1., 363 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW Chicago: Homewood Publishing NCW - London: Cassell & Co., 1893. 1 p.l., viii, 292 p., 25 pi. 12°. NCW Arranged for young readers, with illustrations in colour. New York: G. H. McKibbin t 19— ?]. 1 p.l., (1)6-231 p. 12°. (Manhattan young people's library.) NCW Co. [189-?] 284 p. 12° New edition, with original illustra- tions by Wal. Paget. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1908. 3 p.l., (i)xii-xv, 388 p., 1 map, 15 pi. illus. 12°. NCW Two Poems Two poems. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 12, p. 17-21.) *DE 1. The woodman. 2. Mater -triumphans. Vailima Letters Vailima letters, being correspondence addressed by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Colvin, November, 1890-October, 1894. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. xx, 366 p., 3 port. 12°. *R-NDD Virginibus Puerisque "Virginibus puerisque." (Cornhill maga- zine. London, 1876. 8°. v. 34, p. 169-176.) *DA Virginibus puerisque and other papers. London: Chatto & Windus, 1895. vi p., 1 1., 278 p. 12°. *R-NCZ Weir of Hermiston Weir of Hermiston. (Cosmopolis. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-20, 321-362, 641- 663; v. 2, p. 1-27.) * DE See also A note on 'Weir of Hermiston,' by Sid- ney Colvin, ibid., v. 2, p. 323-333. London: Chatto & Windus, 1896. 4 p.l., 289(1) p. 12°. NCW The Wrong Box The wrong box. By R. L. Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895. 1 p.l., vii, 244 p. 12°. NCW Commentaries Archer, William. In memoriam. R. L. S. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 12, p. 89-97.) * DE Baildon, Henry Bellyse. Robert Louis Stevenson. (Englische Studien. Leipzig, 1898-1900. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 218-245; Bd. 26, p. 19-41; Bd. 27, p. 399-411; Bd. 28, p. 246- 293.) RNA Robert Louis Stevenson: essayist, novelist and poet. (Living age. Boston, 1899. 8°. series 7, v. 3, p. 671-688.) * DA Translated from Englische Studien. Robert Louis Stevenson. A life study in criticism. New York: A. Wessels & Co., 1901. xi, 244 p., 2 port. 12°. *R-AN LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Stevenson, R. L. B., continued. Balfour, Graham. The life of Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1901. 2 v. map, port. 8°. AN See critical notice by W. E. Henley in Pall Mall magazine, v. 25, p. 505-514, London, 1901. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1911. 2 v. port. 8°. (In R. L. Stevenson, [Collected works.] v. 25-26.) NCG Barratt, James. The essays of Robert Louis Stevenson. (New century review. London, 1900. 8°. v. 7, p. 47-58.) * DE Beach, Joseph Warren. The sources of Stevenson's Bottle imp. (Modern lan- guage notes. Baltimore, 1910. 4°. v. 25, p. 12-18.) RAA Bell, Howard Wilford. An unpublished chapter in the life of Robert Louis Steven- son. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1901. 8°. v. 24, p. 267-271.) * DA Birrell, Augustine. Robert Louis" Ste- venson's' letters. (Contemporary review. London, 1900. 8°. v. 77, p. 50-60.) * DA Reprinted in the Eclectic magazine, v. 71, p. 429- 437, Boston, 1900; and in Littell's Living age, series, 7, v. 6, p. 337-345, Boston, 1900. Black, Margaret Moyes. Robert Louis Stevenson. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Ander- son, & Ferrier [1898]. 159 p. 12°. (Fa- mous Scots series.) * R - AN Bonet, Maury, Gaston. R. L. Stevenson, voyageur et romancier (1850-1894). (Re- vue des deux mondes. Paris, 1902. 8°. v. 172, p. 164-201.) * DM Bosdari, A. Robert Louis Stevenson. (Nuova antologia. Roma, 1899. 8°. anno 34, serie 4, v. 82, p. 601-618.) NNA Bradley, Cornelius Beach. Stevenson and California. (University of California chronicle. Berkeley, 1909. 8°. v. 11, p. 114-121.) STG Bugbee, Lucius H. Stevenson and his gospel of cheerful living. (Methodist re- view. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 89, p. 916- 925.) * DA Carr, Joseph William Comyns. A younger generation. (In his: Some emi- nent Victorians .. . London, 1908. 8°. p. 215-224.) AGH Catalogue of a collection of the books of Robert Louis Stevenson in the library of George M. Williamson, Grand View on Hudson. Jamaica, Queensborough, New York: The Marion Press, 1901. 7 p.l., 114 p., 1 1., 1 engr., 1 port. 4°. AN no. 72 of 150 copies printed. Chalmers, William P. Charakteristische Eigenschaften von R. L. Stevensons Stil. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1903. 2 p.l., 56 p. 8°. (Marburger Studien zur englischen Philologie. Heft 3.) NCC p.v.13 Chapman, Edward Mortimer. The new- er fiction. (In his: English literature in ?S? 0Un «° Wlth £"?«"»" 1800-1900. Boston, ivlU. e . p. 533-561.) NCB Charlesworth, Hector. Robert Louis Stevenson. (Canadian magazine. Toron- to, 1895. 8°. v. 5, p. 27-32.) * DA Colvin, Sir Sidney. Stevensoniana. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1912 8°. v. 52, p. 593-606.) * DA Cornford, L. Cope. Robert Louis Ste- venson. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1899. vi p., 1 1., 200 p. 12°. (Modern English writers.) *R-AN Dawson, William J. Robert Louis Ste- venson. (In his: The makers of English fiction. New York, 1905. 12°. p. 241- 267.) *R-NCB Douglas, Robert B. Stevenson at Fon- tainebleau. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 340-347.) *DA Ellis, Lilith. Robert Louis Stevenson. (New century review. London, 1899. 8°. v. 5, p. 347-353.) * DE French, Harold. How the home of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson was saved. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1906. 8°. v. 48, p. 137-138.) * DA Genung, John Franklin. Stevenson's at- titude to life: with readings from his es- says and letters. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1901. 3 p.l., 44 p. 12°. NCC George, J. F. Robert Louis Stevenson and the Garioch. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 154-155.) CPA Gosse, Edmund. Mr. R. L. Stevenson as a poet. (Longman's magazine. London, 1887. 8°. v. 10, p. 623-631.) * DA Personal memories of Robert Louis Stevenson. (Century magazine. New York, 1895. 8°. v. 50, p. 447-454.) * DA Gotch, T. C. Robert Louis Stevenson, from a painter's point of view. (St. George. Birmingham, 1902. 8°. v. 5, p. 96-115.) * DD Griswold, Hattie Tyng. Robert Louis Stevenson. 1 port. (In her: Personal sketches of recent authors. Chicago, 1898. 12°. p. 191-208.) A Gwynn, Stephen. Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson. A critical study. (Fortnight- ly review. London, 1894. 8°. new series, v. 56, p. 776-792.) * DA Hamilton, Clayton. On the trail of Stevenson, illus. (Bookman. New York, 1914 8°. v. 40, p. 140-153, 263-275,^396- 410.) 1. Edinburgh. 2. Scotland. 3. be continued. *DA England. To 886 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Stevenson, R. L. B., continued. Hammerton, J. A. Stevensoniana. An anecdotal life and appreciation of Robert Louis Stevenson, edited from the writings of J. M. Barrie, S. R. Crockett... Edin- burgh: John Grant, 1910. xviii, 350 p., 16 pi., 23 port, new ed. 8°. AN Harcourt, Betty. The unveiling of Robert Louis Stevenson memorial, illus. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 190S. 8°. v. 45, p. 235-239.) * DA Hecht, Hans. Deacon Brodie. Eine Quellenstudie zu R. L. Stevenson. (In: Festschrift fur Lorenz Morsbach. Halle a.S., 1913. 8°. p. 201-221.) NCB Henley, William Ernest. R. L. S. [A criticism of Graham Balfour's Life of Robert Louis Stevenson]. 1 port. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1901. 8°. v. 25, p. 505-514.) * DA Hubbard, Elbert. Robert Louis Steven- son and Fanny Osbourne. Aurora, N. Y., 1906. 161-191 p., 1 port. sq. 12°. (Little journeys to the homes of great lovers, v. 19, no. 6.) *R-AN In memoriam Robert Louis Stevenson, Dec. 3d, 1894. [A poem Scotland's La- ment, by J. M. Barrie; R. L. S., by S. R. Crockett, and In memoriam, by Ian Mac- laren.j [New York, 1895.] 8 p. 8°. * DA Bookman. Supplement to v. 1, no. 1, 1895. Jacobs, Joseph. Robert Louis Steven- son. (In his: Literary studies. London, 1895. 2. ed. 16°. p. 175-185.) NCZ James, Henry. The letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. (North American re- view. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 170, p. 61- 77.) * DA Robert Louis Stevenson. (In his: Partial portraits. London, 1894. 12°. p. 135-174.) NBQ Japp, Alexander Hay. Robert Louis Stevenson, illus. (Argosy. London, 1895. 8°. v. 59, p. 226-235.) * DA Jessop, Alexander. The poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson. (Poet lore. Boston, 1907. 8°. v. 18, p. 396-401.) * DA Kellner, Leon. Robert Louis Steven- son. (Die Riickkehr zur Natur.) (In his: Die Englische Literatur in Zeitalter der Konigin Viktoria. Leipzig, 1909. 8°. p. 542-560.) NCB Lang, Andrew. Mr. Stevenson's works. (In his: Essays in little. New York, 1907. 12°. p. 24-35.) AB Recollections of Robert Louis Ste- venson. (In his: Adventures among books. London, 1905. 12°. p. 39-56.) NCZ Reprinted from North American review. Lawrence, Perceval Maitland. Robert Louis Stevenson. (In his: Collectanea essays, addreses and reviews. London' 1899. 8°. p. 222-225.) NCZ Repr. : Diamond Fields Advertiser, Dec, 1894. Le Gallienne, Richard. Robert Louis Stevenson: an elegy; and other poems mainly personal. London: J. Lane, 1895 viii, 99 p. 12°. NCM Literary leprosy. (Saturday review London, 1901. f°. v. 92, p. 672-673.) * DA On W. E. Henley's "appreciation" of R. L. Stevenson. Lord, Isabel Ely. Best editions of Robert Louis Stevenson. (Bulletin of bib- liography. Boston, 1902. 4°. v. 3, p 11- 13.) * GAA Low, Will H. A chronicle of friend- ships, 1873-1900. With illustrations by the author and from his collections. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1908. xvi p 1 1., 507 p., 2 fac, 28 pi., 20 port. 8°. MCX Lowe, Charles. Robert Louis ' Steven- son: a reminiscence. (The bookman. London, 1892. f°. v. 1, p. 60-61.) t * GDD M., J. Robert Louis Stevenson. 1 port. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 108-110.) fMAA M., W. Stevenson and Hogg. (The Academy. London, 1910. f°. v. 78, p. 419- 421.) *DA MacCulloch, J. A. Robert Louis Steven- son: characteristics. (Westminster review. London, 1898. 8°. v. 149, p. 631-647.) * DA Macdougall, Margaret Armour. The home and early haunts of Robert Louis Stevenson, with twelve illustrations in photogravure including new portrait by W. Brown Macdougall. Edinburgh: W. H. White & Co., 1895. 8 p.l., (1)18-99 p., 1 port, illus. 16°. AN Matthews, Brander. Two Scotsmen of letters. (In his: Aspects of fiction. . . New York, 1896. 12°. p. 103-138.) *R-NBQ Andrew Lang, Robert Louis Stevenson. Mille, Pierre. Le dernier roman de R. L. Stevenson. (Revue de Paris. Paris, 1895. 8°. annee 2, v. 1, p. 143-161.) * DM Moors, H. J. With Stevenson in Samoa. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. [1910.] 2 p.l., x p., 1 1., 230 p., 6 fac, 24 pi., 11 port. 12°. *R-AN Frontispiece lacking. Mr. R. L. Stevenson's novels. (Church quarterly review. London, 1891. 8°. v. 31, p. 195-211.) *DA North, Ernest Dressel. A bibliography of Robert Louis Stevenson. [By E. D. North.) (Bookman. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 4, no. 1, p. 81-85.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 887 Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Stevenson, R. L. B., continued. O'Connell, L. Stevenson's word effects in "Virginibus puerisque." (Rosary maga- zine. Somerset, Ohio, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 46-49.) ZLE Omond, George William Thomson. Notes on the art of Robert Louis Stevenson. (North American review. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 171, p. 348-358.) * DA O'Neill, Moira. The letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 190, p. 468- 491.)' * DA Osbourne, Katharine D. Robert Louis Stevenson in California. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1911. vii, 113 p., 28 pi., 14 port. 12°. AN Robert Louis Stevenson in San Francisco. 1 port, illus. (Out West. Los Angeles, 1913. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 3-15.) * DA Osbourne, Lloyd, joint author. See Strong, Isobel, and Lloyd Osbourne. O'Shea, James. Robert Louis Steven- son, the story teller. (An appreciation.) 1 port. (Rosary magazine. Somerset, Ohio, 1903. 8°. v. 22, p. 284-295.) ZLF Pease7 Howard. Scott and Stevenson. (Northern counties magazine. Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1901. 8°. v. 2, p. 304-311.) CA Peterson, Meta. Robert Louis Steven- son. (McGill University magazine. Mont- real, 1905. 8°. v. 4, p. 152-160.) STK Phelps, William Lyon. Robert Louis Stevenson. (In his: Essays on modern novelists. New York, 1910. 12°. p. 172- 190.) *R-NAL Pinero, Arthur Wing. Robert Louis Stevenson: the dramatist. (Critic. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 42, p. 341-353.) * DA Purcell, John S. Robert Louis Steven- son and his friends. 1 port. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1909. 8°. v. 41, p. 127-132.) * DA Real, The, Stevenson. (Atlantic month- ly. 1900. 8°. v. 85, p. 702-705.) * DA Richards, Ernest. Robert Louis Steven- son as a sea writer. (Methodist review. New York [1908]. 8°. v. 90, p. 417-423.) *DA Rickett, Arthur. Robert Louis Steven- son. 1 port. (In his: The vagabond in iterature. London, 1906. 12°. p. 115- 138.) NCB Robert Louis Stevenson. (Church quar- terly review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 54, p. 143-164.) * DA Robert Louis Stevenson. By two of his cousins, illus. (English illustrated maga- zine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 121-131 ) *DA Robert Louis Stevenson memorial. Edinburgh: J. Skmner & Co., printers, n. d 4 p. f . AN Robert Louis Stevenson at Vailima Samoa. 1 port, illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1894. 8° v 11 n 769-775.) *' D A Roberts, Morley. A visit to R. L. Ste- venson. A "personal view." 1 port. (Literature. London, 1901. f° v 9 d' 85-86.) t * ' D E Robinson, William Albert. Secret of Robert Louis Stevenson's success. (Meth- odist review. New York, 1908. 8°. v 90 p. 912-926.) * DA Rosebery (5. earl), Archibald Philip Primrose. Robert Louis Stevenson. (In his: Appreciations and addresses. Lon- don, 1899. 12°. p. 87-102.) NDB Schwob, Marcel. R. L. S. (New review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 12, p. 153-160.) * DE On Robert Louis Stevenson. In French. Sharp, William. The country of Ste- venson. 8 pi. on 4. (In his: Literary geog- raphy. New York, 1904. 4°. p. 20-36.) NCA Simpson, Eve Blantyre. Robert Louis Stevenson's Edinburgh days. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1913. vi p., 1 1., 293 (1) p., 16 pi., 5 port. [3. ed.] 8°. AN Smith, Frederic. The letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. 3 pi. (Manchester quar- terly. Manchester, 1903. 8°. v. 22, p. 297- 322.) * DE Smith, Frederick M. Stevenson's es- says. (Poet-lore. Boston, 1903. 8°. v. 14, no. 1, p. 70-83.) *DA Stephen, Leslie. Robert Louis Steven- son. (National review. Loudon, 1902. 8°. v. 38, p. 725-743.) * DA Reprinted in Living age, series 7, v. 14, p. 463- 477, Boston, 1902. (In his: Studies of a biog- rapher. London, 1902. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 206-246.) A Stevenson, Mrs. Margaret Isabella Bal- four. Letters from Samoa. 1891-1895. Edited and arranged by M. C. Balfour. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. x, 340 p., 10 pi, 2 port. 12°. NDD Stevenson's letters. (Macmillan's maga- zine. London, 1900. 8°. v. 81, p. 182- 187.) *DA Stevensonia. Being a reprint of vari- ous literary and pictorial miscellany as- sociated with Robert Louis Stevenson the man and his work. New York: M. F. Mansfield, 1900. 16 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 12 AGH p.v.31 888 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature — Stevenson, R. L. B., continued. Strong, Isobel. Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1911. 3 p.l., 3-87 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 12°. AN Strong, Isobel, and Lloyd Osbourne. Memories of Vailima. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. viii p., 1 1., 228 p., 1 pi. illus. 12°. AN Torrey, Bradford. Robert Louis Ste- venson. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1902. 8°. v. 89, p. 89-99.) * DA Vance, Hiram Albert. Robert Louis Stevenson. (Sewanee review. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 10, p. 223-233.) * DA Vincent, Leon Henry. The bibliotaph, and other people. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin and Co., 1898. 4 p.l., 233(1) p. 12°. NBQ Contains: Stevenson: the vagabond and the philosopher. Stevenson's St. Ives. Wallace, William. The life and limita- tions of Stevenson. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1900. 8°. v. 35, p. 13-35.) * DA • Scotland, Stevenson, and Mr. Hen- ley. (New liberal review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 3, p. 79-86.) Watson, H. B. Marriott. Stevenson: An appreciation, review. London, 1903. 8' series, v. 74], p. 501-515.) Whiting, Marie Louise. Stevenson: the man in his "Life" and "Let- ters." (Sewanee review. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 10, p. 385-405.) * DA Whyte, W. Farmer. More tales of Tusi- tala. (Sunset. San Francisco, 1910. 8°. v. 25, p. 497-507.) IAA Y., Y. Robert Louis Stevenson. (The bookman. London, 1892. f°. v. 2, p. 43- 45.) t * GDD Portrait of Stevenson opp. p. 37. Stewart, D. The man-of-war's man. By Bill Truck [i. e., D. Stewart]. Philadelphia: E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1833. 2 v. 8°. NCW Previously published serially in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, 1821-26, under the pseudonym of Bill Truck. On the printed labels on the back of each volume the American publishers say that the work is "by the author of Tom Cringle's log," i. e., Michael Scott. Stewart, John, of Baldynneis. Poems of John Stewart of Baldynneis, from the ms. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh; edited by T. Crockett, v. 2. Edinburgh: printed for the society, by W. Blackwood and Sons, 1913. 8°. (Scottish Text So- ciety. [Publications.] new series, v. 5.) NDP v. 2. Text. Still, Peter. The cottar's Sunday, and other poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. *DE Robert Louis (Fortnightly v. 80 [new *DA Robert Louis (Smith's weekly volume: a select circu- lating library... Philadelphia, 1845. f° v. 2, p. 292-320.) t * DD Reprinted from the Aberdeen edition of the same year. ■ Philadelphia: H. Longstreth 1845. vii, 9-216 p. 24°. NCM Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William. Address by Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, lord rector, Feb. 5, 1872. _ (In: University of Edin- burgh. Rectorial addresses... London, 1900. 8°. p. 147-167.) STK Stoddart, Thomas Tod. Angling songs, with a memoir by Anna M. Stoddart. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1889. ix, 324 p., 1 port. 12°. MYLD The death wake; or, Lunacy. A necromaunt in three chimeras . . . With an introduction by Andrew Lang. Lon- don: John Lane, 1895. 2 p.l., 124 p. 12°. NCM Also includes a poem "Piscatori piscator" by Lang. Stories from "Blackwood." New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1852. 261 p. 12°. (Appleton's popular library of the best authors.) NCT Story, The, of Margredel: being a fire- side history of a Fifeshire family. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893-94. 8°. v. 154, p. 765-789; v. 155, p. 27-46, 236-251, 395-411.) * DA Strachan, George. Lachrymae. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 504-509.) NDP See also under Musa Latina Aber- donensis. Strathesk, John. See Tod, John. Struthers, John. The poetical works of John Struthers, with autobiography. Lon- don: A. Fullerton and Co., 1850. 2 v. 12°. NCM Stuart, Ferdinand Smyth. Destiny and fortitude; an historical poem in sixteen elegies. Being a detail of the misfortunes of the illustrious house of Stuart. Lon- don: for the author by Cox, Son, & Baylis, 1808. 3 p.l., iv p., 2 1., 52 p., 2 port. f°. Reserve Stuart, John Sobieski, and Charles Edward Stuart. Lays of the deer forest, with sketches of olden and modern deer- hunting; traits of natural history in the forest; traditions of the clans; miscella- neous notes. Edinburgh: William Black- wood and Sons, 1848. 2 v. pi. 8°. MYR Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 64, p. 92-107, Edinburgh, 1848. Symington, William. The communion stones. (In: The Scottish annual. Edin- burgh [1859]. 12°. 1859, p. 229-247.) NCA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 889 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. T. Lady Mary of Craignethan. (Edin- hiirrii magazine and literary miscellany. Kbnr*h?1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 525-529.) Old ballad. T. J. Creation: an exposition of the Mosaic record in verse . . . Glasgow : G. Watson, 1858. 16 p. 16°. NCI p.v.34, no.l Revival of religion at the Kirk of Shotts, a poem... Airdrie: A. Lawson, 1867. 12 p. 16°. NCI p.v.34 Taill, The, of Rauf Coilyear (about 1475 A.D.).. .with the fragments of Roland and Vernagu and Otuel; re-edited from the originals, with introduction, notes, and glossary by S. J. H. Herrtage. London: Early English Text Society, 1882. xxiii, 140 p. 8°. (Early English Text Society. Extra series, no. 39.) NCE Reprinted from the unique copy of Lekpreuik's edition of 1572. Taill, The, of Rauf Coilyear, a Scottish metrical romance of the fifteenth century; edited with introduction, notes, and glos- sarial index, by W. H. Browne. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1903. 163 p. 8°. NCL Tale, The, of a tub, (an additional chap- ter). How Jack ran mad a second time. [Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1842?] 15 p. 8°. * C p.v.1320 Tannahill, Robert. The poems and songs and correspondence of Robert Tan- nahill. With life and notes by David Semple. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1876. 3 p.l., (i)vi-lxxxviii, 546 £, 2 port. 8°. NCL With autograph of David Semple. Pages 9-16 repeated; pages 17-24 lacking. Taylor, George. The story of Glencoe, and other poems. New York: Caledonian Publishing Co., 1909. 4 p.l., (1)8-163 p., 1 port. 12°. NBI Taylor, John, of Glasgow. The Eureka rhymes; by "Aner." Brechin: D. H. Edwards [1891]. 32 p. 12°. *Cp.v.371 Telfer, James. Border ballads, and other miscellaneous pieces. Jedburgh: printed for the author by W. Easton, 1824. 4 p.l., (1)10-163 p. 24°. NDPp.v.2 Tennant, William. Anster fair. A poem in six cantos. With other poems. Boston: Wells & Lilly, 1815. vi, 192 p. 24°. NCM For an appreciative criticism see the Portico, v. 4, p. 448-453, Baltimore, 1817. Edinburgh: Macredie, Skelly and Muckersy, 1816. vii, 255 p. 3. ed. 16°. NCM The other poems are "Harim. A pastoral," and an "Ode to peace." Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1821. vii, 255 p. 4. ed. 16°. NCM With a prefatory memoir of the author and his writings. Edinburgh- W. & R. Chambers, 1838. 40 p. 4°. (Peo- ple's edition.) NCI p.v.55 John Baliol, an historical drama. In five acts. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1825. 2 p.l., 164 p. 8°. NCO p.v.89 Tennant, William, and others. Bout rimes; or, The poetical pastimes of a few hobblers round the base of Parnassus... Edinburgh: A. Mackay, 1815. iii-xii, 9-48 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCI p.v.48 Thorn, William, of Inverury. Rhymes and recollections of a hand-loom weaver ... London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1844. vi, 7-128 p. 12°. NCM R. Poems by William Thom. (West- minster review. London, 1843. 8°. v. 40, p. 312-334.) * DA Williams, Alfred Mason. William Thom, the weaver poet. (In his: Studies in folk-song and folk-poetry. London: E. Stock, 1895. 12°. p. 166-188.) NAE Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. Shetland ballad. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 86-89.) CPA Thomas of Ercildoune, called the Rhy- mer. The whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France, and Denmark, prophecied by Thomas Rymer. . . To which are now added, Bishop Usher's... prophecies of the times with several others . . . (copied from the London edition, 1689). Edinburgh: J. Robertson [1806?]. 48 p. 16°. MZCp.v.32 The romance and prophecies of Thomas of Erceldoune, printed from five manuscripts; with illustrations from the prophetic literature of the 15th and 16th centuries; edited with introduction and notes by [Sirj James A. H. Murray. Lon- don: Early English Text Society, 1875. lxxxvi, 63 p. 8°. (Early English Text So- ciety. Publications, no. 61.) NCE Thomas of Erceldoune. Herausge- geben von Alois Brandl. Berlin: Weid- mannsche Buchhandlung, 1850. xn, 147(1) p. 8°. (Sammlung englischer Denkmaler in kritischen Ausgaben. 2.) NCE Burnham, Josephine M. A study of Thomas of Erceldoune. (Modern Lan- guage Association. Publications. Cam- bridge, 1908. v. 23, p. 375-420.) RAA Thomas of Erceldoune. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1887. 8°. v. 9, p. 316-3470 Thomson, George. Poemata. (In: Deli- tia poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 16J/. 24° v. 2, p. 509-538.) NDP 890 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Thomson, James, 1700-1748. Antient and modern Italy compared: being the first part of Liberty, a poem. London: A. Mil- lar, 1735. vii, 9-37 p. 4°. NCI p.v.66 Britannia. A poem. Written in the year 1727. (In: John Milton, A mani- festo of the Lord Protector of the Com- monwealth of England, Scotland, Ireland, &c... London, 1738. 4°. p. 31-40.) * NCG Poems. (In: Samuel Johnson, The works of the poets of Great Britain... London, 1800. 8°. v. 8, p. 420-524.) NCI [With life by Samuel John- son.] (In: Alexander Chalmers, Works of the English poets. London, 1810. 8°. v. 12, p. 403-507.) NCI Chiswick: C. Whittingham, 1822. 2 v. 16°. (British poets, v. 43-44.) NCI Poetical works... to which is pre- fixed the life of the author. Edinburgh: Mundell & Son, printers, 1794. (In: The works of the British poets. London, 1795. 8°. v. 9, p. 171-283.) NCI With his last corrections and improvements. With the life of the author. From the royal quarto ed. of 1762. Lon- don: Geo. Cawthorn, printer, 1801. 2 v. port. 24°. NCI Each volume has additional engraved title-page. With a life of the author by Ezekiel Sanford. Philadelphia: Mitchell, Ames & White, 1819. vi, 416 p., 1 pi. 16°. (Works of the British poets, v. 22.) NCI Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1854. 2v. port. 12°. *R-NCL London: Bell & Daldy, 1866. 2 v. fac, port. 12°. NCL ■ With a memoir [by Sir Harris Nicolasj. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1866. 2 v. port. 8°. (British poets.) NCI Only 100 copies printed. The seasons, illustrated with en- gravings by F. Bartolozzi & P. W. Tom- kins from original pictures painted for the work by William Hamilton. London: T. Bensley, printer, 1807. 1 p.l., 236 p., 6 pi. illus. 4°. fNCL With his life. Boston: O. C. Greenleaf, 1810. xviii, (1)20-196 p., 4 pi. 16°. NCL The four plates of the seasons are engraved by Alexander Anderson. [With] The castle of indolence: with a biographical and critical introduc- tion by Allan Cunningham... London: Tilt & Bogue, 1841. lxx p., 1 1., 271 p. illus. 8°. NCL Thomson and Pollok: containing the Seasons, by James Thomson and the Course of time, by Robert Pollok. Bos- ton: Phillips, Sampson, & Co., 1853. 438 p., 1 port. 12°. NCM B., J. Comparison of Virgil and Thom- son. (Northern star; or, Yorkshire mag- azine. London, 1817-18. 8°. v. 1, p. 343- 347, 432-438, 505-508; v. 2, p. 9-16, 118-122.) *DE Borchard, Karl. Textgeschichte von Thomson's Seasons. (Anglia. Halle a. S. 1883. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 375-424.) RNA Buchan (11. earl), David Stewart Er- skine. Eulogy of Thomson the poet, de- livered by the earl of Buchan on Ednam Hill, when he crowned the first edition of the Seasons with a wreath of bays, on the 22d of September, 1791. (The Bee. Edin- burgh, 1791. 16°. v. 5, p. 200-207.) *DE Pratt, Tinsley. The poetry of James Thomson. (Manchester quarterly. Man- chester, 1901. 8°. v. 20, p. 178-183.) * DA Schmidt-Wartenberg, H. Das New- berry Manuskript von James Thomson's Jugendgedichten. (Anglia. Halle a. S., 1901. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 129-152.) RNA Scott, John. On Thomson's Seasons. (In his: Critical essays on some of the poems of several English poets... Lon- don, 1785. 8°. p. 295-386.) NCID Wilson, John. A few words on Thom- son. (In his: Recreations of Christopher North. Boston, 1854. 8°. p. 260-267.) NCZ Thomson, James, and David Mallet. Alfred: a masque. London: A. Millar, 1740. 2 p.l., 7-44 p. 8°. NCP Bound with Mallet's Works, London, 1743. London: A. Millar, 1751. 3 p.l., 72 p. 8°. NCOp.v.509 Thomson, Richard. The piper of Muck- lebrowst. 1 pi. (The Bijou. London, 1830. 16°. 1830, p. 81-96.) NCA The plate is the Bagpiper painted by Sir David Wilkie. Three leal and lowly laddies. Maurice- wood pit disaster, Midlothian: September, 1889. To the memory of three pony boys bv a stable boy. Peebles: J. A. Kerr [1889]. 12 1. 8°. * C p.v.372 In verse. To the memory of William Inglis, Esq., surgeon in Edinburgh... for the celebration of the Ludi Apollinares. [With] To the memory of Alexander Wood... [With] To Dr. Nathaniel Spens...on his gaining a prize in archery. . . r With] To the same, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 18—?, 4 p. 8°. NCI p.v.48, no.13 Tod, John. The flowers of the forest. By John Strathesk [pseud, of J. Tod]. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 891 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. (Scottish review, v. 8, p. 41-45. Paisley, 1886. 8°.) ' * D A Gives variant renderings of the versions of Miss Jean Elliot and Mrs. Cockburn and 16 additional verses from an early manuscript source. Tod, Thomas. An account of the rise, progress, present state, and intended en- largements, of the Orphan Hospital. To which is added, poetical meditations on various subjects. Edinburgh: James Don- aldson, 178S. 44, 47 p. 8°. *Cp.v.lll7 Tomson, Graham R. A ballad of the were-wolf. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. v. 62, p. 368.) * DA Scots verse. Train, Joseph. The wild Scot of Gallo- way: a poem. Kirkcudbright: J. Nichol- son, printer, n. d. 20 p. nar. 12°. * C p.v.360 Trevelyan, Sir Walter Calverley. Frag- ment of verses, by a native of Hetland [Shetland), written in the ISth century. From a ms. in the University Library of Copenhagen, with notes by Prof. Mag- nusen. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 53-55.) t CPA Tristan. Sir Tristrem; a metrical ro- mance of the thirteenth century by Thomas of Erceldoune, called the Rhymer. Edited from the Auchinleck ms. [by Sir Walter Scott]. t New York, 1833.] 1 p.!., 241-309 p. 8°. NAK - — - Sir Tristrem. Edited by G. P. Mc- Neill. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1886. xlviii, 148 p., 5 1. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 8.]) NDP Die nordische und die englische Version der Tristan-Sage. Hrsg. von Eu- gen Kolbing. Heilbronn: Gebr. Hennin- ger, 1878-82. 2 v. in 1. 8°. NAK Teil 1. Tristrams Saga ok Isondar. Teil 2. Sir Tristrem. M., F. Remarks on Sir W. Scott's Sir Tristrem. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1833. 8°. v. 103, part 2, p. 307-312.) *DA Novati, F. Un nuovo ed un vecchio frammento del Tristan di Tommaso. (Studj di filologia romanza. Roma, 1887. 8°. v. 2, p. 369-515.) RDTA Powell, Frederick York. A few notes on Sir Tristrem. (Englische Studien. Heil- bron, 1883. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 463-464.) RNA _ Romance, The, of Sir Tristrem. (Scot- tish review. Paisley, 1889. .8°. v. 14, p. 138-172.) *DA Skat, Walter William. The romance of sir Tristrem. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 58-62.) CPA »/r??f g0 ^:,. Joha T nnes ' P seud - See under Mickle, William Julius. Turnbull, J. See under Garland of Sco- tia. . . ,„ Tumbull, W. B. See under Drummond, William. Poetical works.. . Two ancient Scottish poems; the Ga- berlunzie-man, and Christ's Kirk on the green. With notes and observations by John Callander. Edinburgh: J. Robert- son, printer, 1782. ii, (1)4-179 t sic, 193, p. 8°. NCL Two hundred and twenty-two popular Scottish songs with music: the choicest melodies of Scotland, as sung by Wilson, Templeton, Mackay, and other popular vocalists. Glasgow: J. S. Marr, 1872. 138 P. 24°. NDP Tyrie, James. The refvtation of ane ans- ver made be schir Iohne Knox, to ane let- ter, send be lames Tyrie, to his vmquhyle brother. Parisiis, 1573. (Reprinted in: Catholic tractates of the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. p. 1-29.) NDP With facsimile of original title-page. Union, The; or, Scotch and English poems. [London, 1766?] 3 p.l., 144 p. sm. 4°. NCI Title-page lacking. Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland. With many old & familiar melodies. Edit- ed, with notes, by Robert Ford. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1904. xvi, 334 p., 1 pi. new & imp. ed. 12°. NDP Vaus, John. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Veitch, John. The original ballad of the Dowie dens. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 147, p. 739-746.) * DA Vilant, William. Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. In two parts... Edin- burgh : Printed in the year 1689. 88 p. 12°. Reserve W., G. The Bruce, invited to the Scot- tish throne by the heroic Wallace, his country's saviour: a poem. Humbly in- scribed to that illustrious, patriotic, and enlightened body, the Highland Society. Edinburgh, 1819. 16 p. 8°. NCI p.v.51 Wallace's oak. (The Rose. New York, 1846. 16°. 1846, p. 189-210.) NBA Warlock, The, of the glen: a melo-drama, in two acts. First performed at the Thea- tre Royal, Covent Garden, November 2, 1820. London: John Lowndes, 1820. 2 p.l., 23 p. 8°. NCOp.v.83 Watson, John. Beside the bonnie brier bush. By Ian Maclaren. London: H odder & Stoughton, 1895. viii, 304 p. 8. ed. 12 . NCW 892 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1895. viii, 304 p. 9. ed. 12°. NCW New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1895. vi, 218 p. nar. 16°. NCW • Books and bookmen, and other es- says. New York: George H. Doran Co. [1912., 4 p.l„ 172 p. 12°. NCZ Books and bookmen. Humour: an analysis. Rob- ert Burns. The "Waverley novels. The days of auld lang syne. Lon- don: Hodder & Stoughton, 1895. viii, 358 p. 12°. NCW The Ian Maclaren yearbook. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897. Ill L, 1 port. 12°. NDH Rabbi Saunderson. By Ian Mac- laren, pseud. With. . .illustrations by A. S. Boyd. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1899. viii, 215 p. 2. ed. 16°. NCW Watson, W. L. The house by the Howff. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1897. 8°. v. 76, p. 1-15, 81-91, 161-180.) * DA Weber, Henry. The battle of Flodden Field; a poem of the sixteenth century. With the various readings of the different copies; historical notes, a glossary, and an appendix... Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1808. xxv, 389 p. 8°. NCL Webster, David. An address to fame, or hints on the improvement in weaving, &c. Paisley: printed by G. Caldwell, 1827. 8 p. 24°. NDPp.v.2 In verse. Ode to the memory of Tannahill. The Highlandman's account of His Maj- esty's visit to Scotland, &c, &c. Paisley: printed by J. Fraser, 1826. 16 p. 16°. NDP p.v.2 Original Scottish rhymes; humor- ous and satirical. Paisley: printed for the author by J. Fraser, 1824. 32 p. 16°. NDP p.v.2 Wedderburn, David. Poemata. (In: De- litise poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 544-573.) NDP See also under Musa Latina Aber- donensis. Wedderburn, William. See under Musa Latina Aberdonensis. We're a' noddin', nid, nid, noddin'. A ...Scotch ballad... Newly arranged for the pianoforte [voice and flute]. London: W. Sibley r 18— ?j. 2-3 p. 4. ed. f°. * MO What are hips and haws? [Edinburgh? 18—?, 1 1. 8°. NCIp.v.49 Whig melodies. 1. Pibroch of Dunder- pate; 2. Fye let us a' to the meeting; 3. The crew bughts; 4. Raddy said to Whiggy. n. t.-p. Edinburgh: J. Smith [182-?,. 8 p. 8°. NCI p.v.63 Whistle-binkie; a collection of songs foi the social circle. Glasgow: David Robert- son [1842-]46. xxxii, 127, 127, 128, 128, 128 xv, 128 p., 1 port. 24°. NCK Contains series 1-5 of: Whistle-binkie; or, Tht piper of the party : being^ a collection of songs for tin social circle. Chiefly original. The first series editec by J. D. Carrick, the others by A. Rodger. Eacl series has a separate title-page. At the end is ; collection of Songs for the nursery. White, Richard Grant. See Burton John Hill. The book-hunter. . . White, Thomas. Saint Guerdun's well a poem. [By Thomas White, schoolmaster Dumfries.] Dumfries: Robert Jackson 1795. 24 p. 8°. NCIp.v.61 First edition. Whitelaw, Alexander. See under Bool of Scottish ballads; Book of Scottish song Whithorn warblings. Whithorn: Bel- mont Hall Bazaar, 1888. 48 p. 8°. *Cp.v.3Si Wife, The, of Auchtermuchty, an ancieni Scottish poem, with a translation into Lat- in rhyme... Edinburgh: A. Neill & Co 1803. 24 p. 8°. NDPp.v.; Wild Rose, pseud. "The ghaist o' Den nilair." (Scottish art review. Glasgow 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 298-299.) t MA4 Verse. Wilkie, William. The epigoniad. P poem in nine books. [By William Wilkie. Edinburgh: printed by Hamilton, Balfour & Neill, 1757. xlii, 289 p. 16°. NCI Poems [with life by Alexande: Chalmers]. (In: Alexander Chalmers Works of the English poets. London, 181C 8°. v. 16, p. 107-195.) NC [With life by R. A. Davenport. (In: The British poets. Chiswick, 1822. 16° v. 71, p. 165-722.) NC Poetical works. . . To which is pre fixed the life of the author. Edinburgh Mundell and Son, 1795. xxiv, 74 p. 8 C (In: R. Anderson, Works of the Britisl poets. London: J. & A. Arch, 1795. v. 11. NC Williamson, George. See under Ross John D. A cluster of poets. Williamson, Will, pseud. The game' afoot. By W. Williamson, and other red coats of the old Lothians. Hark to fai play! Work it out, boy! work it out! Ta! lyho! Edinburgh: Duncan Stevenson i Co., 1820. 34 p. 8°. NCI p.v.5 A political squib. Wilson, Alexander. The foresters, poem, descriptive of a pedestrian journe to the Falls of Niagara. Paisley: printe by J. Fraser, 1825. 72 p. 24°. NDPp.v West Chester, Pa.: J. Painte 1838. 104 p. 24°. NBH The poems and literary prose ( Alexander Wilson. . .edited with memoria LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 893 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. introduction, essays, notes, illustrations, and glossary, by Alexander B. Grosart. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1876. 2 v. fac, port. 8°. NDH v. 1. Prose, v. 2. Poems. Rab and Ringan. A tale. To which is added, Verses, occasioned by seeing two men sawing. ..in defiance of a furious storm. Paisley: G. Caldwell, 1827. 8 p. 16°. Reserve A chapbook. The tears of Britain. A poem. n. t.-p. 8 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll37 Wilson, Benjamin. Robin redbreast. A poem in the Scottish dialect. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1862. 32 p. 16°. * C p.v.684 Wilson \Lat. Volusenusj, Florence. Poem- ata. (In: Delitiae poetarum Scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637. 24°. v. 2, p. 539-544.) NDP Includes his De tranqttillitate anima. See also under Musa Latina Aber- donensis. Wilson, John. The earl of Douglas: a dramatick essay. [By John Wilson.] Lon- don: C. Hitch & L. Hawes, 1760. 1 p.l., vi, 7-72 p. 8°. *Cp.v.969 Imperfect. Wilson, John. Allan Lorimer. (In: The amulet. London, 1827. 24°. 1827, p. 5-27.) NCA Blind Allan. A tale from "Lights and shadows of Scottish life." [Falkirk? 1850?] 24 p. 16°. NDP p.v.3 The city of plague, and other poems. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1816. 2 pi, 299 p. 8°. NCM Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1817. 2 p.l., 299 p. 2. ed. 8°. NCM Critical and miscellaneous essays. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1842. 3 v. 12°.' NCZ , Edderline's dream. (In: The an- niversary, edited by A. Cunningham. Lon- don, 1829. 12°. 1829, p. 32-43.) NCA In verse. The foresters. A tale of domestic life. Boston: Saxton & Kelt, 1845. 282 p. 12°. (Saxton & Kelt's library of select lit- erature.) NCW ~ — The isle of palms, and other poems. Edinburgh: printed for Longman r etc.], London, 1812. 2 p.l., vii-ix, 415 p. 8°. NCM " New York: J. Eastburn, 1812. 326 p. 24°. NCM -Lights and shadows of Scottish life i&i ao rep Y blk ^ letters - New York, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 203-236.) NCE „, Reviewed in Hogg's weekly instructor, v. 1 d 90- 91, Edinburgh, 1845. •, ~^^ZT7 Boston : Saxton & Kelt, 1846. 3 p.l., 7-311 p. 12°. n CW . — — The magic mirror. Addressed to Walter Scott, Esq. (Edinburgh annual register for 1810. Edinburgh, 1812. 8°. v. 3, part 2, p. *cvii-*cxiv.) BAA Poems. Edinburgh: William Black- wood, 1825. 2 v. new ed. 8°. NCM v. 1. The isle of palms. The city of the plague. The convict. v. 2. Miscellaneous poems. Poetical works. [With memoir.] xii, 158 p. 8°. (In: The poetical works of Milman, Bowles, Wilson, and Barry Corn- wall. Complete in one volume. Paris: A. and W. Galignani, 1829.) NCI The isle of palms. The city of the plague. The convict. Miscellaneous poems. The recreations of Christopher North. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1846. 3 p.l., 5-307 p., 1 port. 8°. (Modern Bri- tish essayists, v. 4.) Stuart 10166 See critical notice in the Edinburgh review, v. 77, p. 72-104, London, 1843. Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1852. 307 p., 1 port. 8°. (Modern British essay- ists, v. 4.) Stuart 10166 Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Co., 1854. 307 p., 1 port. 8°. NCZ ■ New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1864. 2 p.l., (1)6-307 p., 1 port. 8°. NCZ Specimens of the British critics. By Christopher North (John Wilson). Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1846. 2 p.l., (1)14-344 p. 12°. NCZ Tales by Professor Wilson. Lights and shadows of Scottish life; Trials of Margaret Lyndsay; The foresters. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, n. d. 3 p.l., 557 p. 8°. NCW The trials of Margaret Lyndsay. Boston: Saxton & Kelt, 1845. 1 p.l., 4, 7- 264 p. 12°. NCW The works of Professor Wilson, edited by Prof. J. F.j Ferrier. v. S-8. Edin- burgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1856-57. 8°. e NCZ Wilson, John, and others. The Noctes Ambrosianae of "Blackwood." [By John Wilson and others.] Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1843. 4 v. 12°. NCZ Reviewed in National review, v. 3, p. 175-200, London, 1856. Noctes Ambrosianae, by J. Wilson, W. Maginn, J. G. Lockhart, J. Hogg, &c; with memoirs and notes by R. S. Macken- zie, v. 2-5. New York: Redfield, 1854 4 v. fac, port. 12°. NDH 894 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1863. Sv. port. 8°. NDH New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1863-66. 5 v. rev. ed. 4°. t NCZ Brimley, George. "Noctes ambrosia- nae." (In his: Essays. . . New York, 1861. 12°. p. 377-385.) NCZ De Quincey, Thomas. Society of the lakes. (In his: Literary reminiscences. Boston, 1881. 12°. v. 2, p. 202-228.) NDH Heroes, The, of the "Noctes." 1. Wilson. Lockhart. Hogg. (Blackwood's Edin- burgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 131, p. 747-773.) * DA Wilson, John Mackay. Grizel Cochrane. A historical fragment. (The Keepsake. London, 1834. 12°. 1834, p. 224-230.) NCA The vacant chair. (Forget me not. London [1833,. 16°. 1833, p. 163-184.) NCA Wilson's historical, traditionary, and imaginative tales of the Borders, and of Scotland: with a glossary of Scotch words . . . New York: R. T. Shannon, 1847-50. 5 v. 3 pi., 2 port. 8°. Stuart 10793 v. 3-5 published by R. Martin. Title in these volumes changed to Tales of the Borders, etc. v. 1-4 with additional engraved title-pages. Among the contributors were Alexander Leighton, Sir Theodore Martin, Hugh Miller, David Macbeth Moir, Professor Thomas Gillespie, and James Maid- men t. v. 1, no. 1. New York: R. Martin [1868]. 4°. NCT [London: Brain & Payne, 1879?] 353-412 p. 4°. ft NCT p.v.29, no.l This is no. 305 of an edition published in parts, and forms the end of v. 6. Wilson, S. The escalade of Dumbarton Rock. [By S. Wilson.] n. p., n. d. 8 p. 8°. * C p.v.367 Verse. Wilson, William. Poems; edited by Ben- son J. Lossing. [With memoir.] Pough- keepsie: Archibald Wilson, 1869. xvi, 168 p., 1 port. 12°. NBI Poughkeepsie: Archibald Wil- son, 1875. xxi, 209 p., 2 1., 1 port. 2. ed. 12°. NBI Poughkeepsie: A. Wilson, 1881. xxvi, 218 p., 3 1., 1 port. 3. ed. 12°. NBI Wingate, David. Select poems and songs. Glasgow: Kerr & Richardson, 1890. vii, 192 p., 1 port. 8°. NCM Winter-solstice, On the. A descriptive poem. Edinburgh: A. Donaldson and J. Reid, 1765. 1 p.L, 24 p. 4°. NCI p.v.64 Winzet, Ninian. Certain tractates to- gether with the book of four score three questions and a translation of Vincentius Lirinensis. Edited with introduction, notes, and glossarial index by James King Hewison. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1880-90. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish text Society. [Publications.] v. 15, 22.) NDP Wooed and married and a'. [Song.] n. p n. d. Broadside. 12^ x 4 in. [17—?] ttNAEMp.v.l Work, Andrew L. The fall of Adam. An Orkney story. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Suther- land. London, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 29-30) CR In the Orkney dialect. Wreath, The, containing The minstrel [by J. Beattie; with a sketch of his life, signed G. D.] and other favorite poems. London: Suttaby, Evance, 1818. 1 p.L, x p., 1 1., 154 p. nar. 24°. NCI Final pages missing. Wright, Joseph. Laird Nicoll's kitchen and other Scottish stories. Glasgow: Jo- seph Wright [1892]. vi p., 1 1., (1)10-92 p. 8°. *Cp.v.359 Wyntoun, Andrew of. The orygynale cronykil of Scotland, be Androw of Wyn- town, now first published, with notes, a glossary, &c, by D. Macpherson. London: T. Bensley, 1795. 2 v. 8°. CP The orygynale cronykil of Scotland. Now first published, with notes, a glos- sary, &c. by David Macpherson. London: T. Egerton, 1795. 2 v. 8°. CP Thick paper copy. The orygynale cronykil of Scot- land. Edited by David Laing. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1872-79. 3 v. 8°. (Historians of Scotland, v. 2-3, 9.) CP v. 9 published by W. Paterson. The original chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun, printed on parallel pages from the Cottonian and Wemyss mss., with the variants of the other texts. Edited... by F. J. Amours, v. 2-6. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1903-08. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. Publications, v. 50, 53-54, 56-57.) NDP v. 2. Texts: books i-nr. v. 3. Texts: books iv., v. ch. i-xii. v. 4. Texts: books v. ch. xiii-xiv(, vi., vii. ch. _i-vii. v. 5. Texts: books vii. ch. viii-x, viii ch. i-xxiv. v. 6. Texts: books viii. ch. xxv-xl, anc IX. v. 1 not yet published. Amours, Francis Joseph. Editions and mss. of Wyntoun's "Cronykil." (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1902. 8°. v. 33, p 219-231.) *EC Craigie, William Alexander. The St. An- drews ms. of Wyntoun's Chronicle. (An- glia. Halle a. S., 1898. 8°. Bd. 20, p. 363- 380.) RM Y., W. S. Unstia. 1894. Privately print ed [1894]. 2 1. 8°. *Cp.v.36i Latin verse. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 895 Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Young, John. A few thoughts in poetry on the loss of the Pegasus. . .1843. St. Andrews: J. & J. Taylor, printers, 1844. Broadside. tt NAEM p.v.l A new poem on the martyrs, who suffered death by fire in St. Andrews. St. Andrews: J. & J. Taylor, printers [1844]. Broadside. 10J4 x 8 in. ft NAEM p.v.l Young, The, laird and Edinburgh Katy. Broadside. 115^ x 3^ in. [18 c.] Reserve Chapbooks This list includes (1) chapbooks relating to Scot- land, and (2) chapbooks printed in Scotland, but not of Scottish origin. For the convenience of the future chapbook bibliographer the titles are given in full with occasional notes to serve as aids in identifying different issues. Approximate dates are added with- in square brackets. The chapbooks are all in Reserve. Account, An, of the imprisonment and execution of poor Dennis, an Irishman, who was hung for robbery, and afterwards restored to life by his friends, and is now living in America!!! With an account of a highwayman whom he employed to rob his master. Glasgow: W. & R. Inglis & Co., ' Melville Place, 132 Trongate. 24 p. 16°. p. 15-24 "Anecdotes." Adventures of John of Badenyon: to which is added, The cold winter. The pret- ty chambermaid. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston, 1801. 8 p. 16°. Large woodcut on title-page of man riding on a goat. Adventures, The, of Robinson Crusoe, the York mariner. Embellished with wood- cuts. Paisley: Printed by J. Neilson, 1822. 24 p. 16°. With seven illustrations including that on the title-page. Affecting, The, & tragical history of Queen Mary of Scotland: who was behead- ed for high treason against Queen Eliza- beth, of England. Falkirk: Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1819. 24 p. 16°. Anecdotes or singular and remarkable conversions. Selected by the Rev. George Douglass. Ayr: Printed by David Macar- ter & Co. for John Stewart, Bookseller, Kilmarnock. Price Three half-pence. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of two birds, tree, rock, etc. Art, The, of swimming rendered easy; with directions to learners. To which is prefixed, Advice to bathers, by Dr. B. Franklin. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- , sellers, mo.] 81. re. 1840.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of fat man on title-page. Astonishing, The, and delightful history of Jack and the giants. Stirling: Printed by M. Randall. 24 p. 16°. P- 24: 'The end of the first part.' Autobiography, The, of William Love l.L. a native of Paisley. Better known as the roving Scotchman, the greatest trav- eller alive! having already walked more than = six times round the earth!! Con- taining an account of his birth, parentage and education, travels to remarkable places, love adventures, opinions on things in general, with philosophical remarks on particular subjects. Paisley: Printed by G. Caldwell, 2, New Street. 1857. 56 p. 16°. Ayrshire, The, garland, containing a few celebrated songs, by R. Burns, viz. The unfortunate clown, Farewel to Ayrshire, The banks of the Devon, Caledonian laddie. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. [C 1800.1 8 p. 16°. Banks of Forth, to which are added, The matron's wish, Nanny — O, My wife's ta'en the gee, Blithe JockEy r sio, The sailor's return. Entered according to order 1803. 8 p. 16°. Crude woodcut on title-page of woman standing beside a tree or bush. Battle, The, of Chevy-Chace. An excel- lent old ballad. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 8 p. 16°. Battle, The, of Otterbourne; together with the old ballad of Lady Anne. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers. rno.j 75. 8 p. 16°. Battle, The, of Roslin, fought on the plains of Roslin, 1303, and John Highland- man's remarks on Glasgow. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Glasgow arms and motto. "John Highlandman's remarks on Glasgow" is by Dugald Graham, and is printed in, his Collected writings, v. 1, p. 255-260, Glasgow, 1883. Battle, The, of Roslin, fought on the plains of Roslin, 1303, and John Highland- man's remarks on Glasgow. Glasgow; Printed for the Booksellers. 1824. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of arms of city of Glasgow and motto. Battle, The, of Roslin, and John High- landman's remarks on Glasgow. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. t no.] 23. re. 1840., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: Highland soldier leaning on musket. Beautiful, The, and interesting account of the shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Edin- burgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of hunter with dogs on title-page. Betsey Baker, to which are added, Who's master, or, a fight for the breeches. York youre wanted. And emigrants farewell. Glasgow: Printed by & for J. Neil, 17, Ba- zar, 1829. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of swan on title-page. Biographical, A, sketch of the life and labours of that eminent minister of 896 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. the gospel of Jesus Christ; the Rev. James Hall D.D. of the United Secession Church, Broughtonplace Meeting-house, Edinburgh. Paisley: Printed by G. Cald- well, for G. Dalzell. 1827. 16 p. 16°. Blackbird, The: Containing seven love songs, called, 1. The bonny lass of Calder Braes. 2. The pleasures of the Primrose Bank. 3. Invitation to a country wedding. 4. The silly young maid. 5. I'll make her my wife. 6. She loves me for that. 7. The bonny wee wife. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. t c. 1800.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of bird on title-page. Blind Allan. A tale, from "Lights and shadows of Scottish life." n. p. Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 69. [C. 1840.] 24 p. 16°. p. 23-24 contain an 'Anecdote. Sour milk whole- sale.' Blythsome, The, bridal; to which are added, The battle of Killicrankie, My Jo Jannet. Entered according to order, 1803. 8 p. 16°. Crude woodcut of man and woman standing to- gether. Ship to the left. Bonny Mally Stewart; to which are add- ed, Her blue rollin' e'e. The braes o' Glen- iffer. Waes me for Prince Charly. Stir- ling. Printed by W. Macnie. 1825. 8 p. 16°. Bonny Mally Stewart. To which are added, The sailor's journal. Tak your auld cloak about ye. Stirling: Printed by W. Macnie; 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Highland soldier. Bower, The, of love, or the complete val- entine writer; containing superior and orig- inal verses, &c. Glasgow: Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by Robert Hutchison, Bookseller, no. 19, Saltmarket. 1822. 24 p. 16°. Brave, The, British boys, or, Admiral Sayer's expedition. To which is added, Aboard of a man of war, and The re- form'd drunkard. Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston. t c. 1800.] 8 p. 16°. Ornament with heraldic arms in centre on title- page. Brief, A, relation of the adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew, who was for more than forty years king of the beggars. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 105. [C 1850.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of a boy selling birds. Burns' popular songs. Paisley: Printed by G. Caldwell & Co., 2 New St. [C. 1845., 24 p. 16°. Captain Wedderburn's courtship. To which is added, The wandering boy. Glas- gow: Published and sold, wholesale and re- tail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, 19, Salt- market. 1823. 8 p. 16°. Choice, A, drop of honey from the rock of Christ; or, A short word of advice to saints and sinners by Thomas Wilcocks. Glasgow. 24 p. 12°. Reprint. Woodcut on title-page. Christ's Kirk on the Green : in three can- tos. Containing, a very humorous descrip- tion of a country wedding, with a squabble that ensued: also, how peace was made up, and a' things 'gree'd again. Written by King James the First, when confined a prisoner in England. Stirling: Printed and sold by M. Randall. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of three men seated at a table drinking and smoking. Christ's Kirk on the Green; in three cantos. Containing, a very humorous de- scription of a country wedding with a squabble that ensued — Also, How a peace was made up, and a' things 'greed again. Written by King James the First, when con- fined a prisoner in England. Falkirk: Printed and sold by T. Johnston. 1821. 24 p. 16°. Coalman's, The, courtship to the creel- wife's daughter. In three parts. Analy- sis under three lengthy heads.] Glasgow: Printed for M'Kenzie & Hutchison, Book- sellers, 16 Saltmarket. 24 p. 16°. p. 23-24 occupied by "The sinners and the skulls, a tale [in verse J. By Peter Pindar." Collection of the best Scottish songs. Lass of Patie's mill; Ca' the yewes to the knows. Charlie is my darling: Away with melancholy; and She never blamed him. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. [C 1855.] 8 p. 16°. Collection, A, of Scots proverbs, consist- of the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland. By Alan Ram- say, the Scots poet. Vox populi vox Dei. That maun be true that a' men say. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1821. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title page of a thistle, crowned. Collection, A, of Scots proverbs, contain- ing all the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland. By Allar Ramsay, the famous Scots poet. '•I will hae books gin I sould sell my kye.' Gentle Shepherd "Vox populi vox Dei" "That maun be true that a' men say." Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, 1820 24 p. 16°. Collection, A, of Scotch proverbs, con taining all the wise sayings and observa LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 897 Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. tions of the old people of Scotland. By Allan Ramsay. "I will hae books gin I suld sell my kye." Vox populi vox Dei That maun be true that a men say. Paisley: Printed and published by G. Cald- well. [C. 1845., 24 p. 16°. Collier boy, The, and his candle box. Re- lating how he and seventy-five others were buried alive in a coal pit: with a copy of the letter he sent to his mother, after his death! An affecting narrative. Also, The unfeel- ing mother. Kirkintilloch: William M'Mil- lan. [C. 1850., 12 p. 12°. View of upper works of mine shaft. With two illustrations in the text. Comic, The, reciter; a selection of the best and most popular comic pieces for recitation. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers. 1850. Price one penny. 24 p. 16°. new and improved series, no. 11. Woodcut on title-page of man reciting. Comical, The, history of the king and the cobbler; containing the entertaining and merry tricks, and droll frolics, played by the cobbler. — How he got acquainted with the king, became a great man, and lived at court ever after. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of Henry viii. on title-page. p. 20 occupied by an 'anecdote;' p. 21-24 by 'The two bears,' a folktale. Comical, The, history of the king and the cobler. In two parts. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, for the Booksell- ers. [C. 1820., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of the king(!) on title-page. Comical, The, history of the king and the cobler, containing the entertaining and merry tricks, and droll frolicks, played by the cobler — how he got acquainted with the king, became a great man, and lived at court ever after. Edinburgh, Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 24 p. 16°. At the end is: 'The coblers song in the king's cellar,' and 'anecdote of Charles II.' Comical, The, history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes, which hap- pened allin twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. Giving a particular account of his courtship and marriage to a scolding wife: which has been a mortifying misery to many a poor man. Also, The adventures of Baron Munchausen. . Kil- marnock: Printed by H. Crawford. 1820. 24 p. 16°. By Dougal Graham. Reprinted from a Glasgow edition of 1780 in his Collected writings, v. 2, p 205- 216, Glasgow, 1883. Comical, The, sayings of Paddy from Cork with his coat buttoned behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague; with Paddy's cate- chism, and his supplication when a moun- tain sailor. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. t c. 1850., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man with scythe By Dougal Graham Reprinted from a Glasgow edition of 1807 in his Collected writings, v 2 p 170. 204, Glasgow, 1883. Comical, The, sayings of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes, which hap- pened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. ,no., 53. ( c. 1840., 24 p. Comical, The, transactions of Lothian Tom. In six parts. Containing a collec- tion of roguish exploits done by him both in Scotland and England. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, 1820. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page shows two men digging. Identical with Glasgow ed. of same year. By Dougal Graham. Reprinted from editions of 1775 and 1777 in his Collected writings, v. 2, p. 65- 84, Glasgow, 1883. Comical, The, transactions of Lothian Tom. In six parts. Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits done by him both in Scotland and England. Glas- gow: Published by R. Hutchison, 1820. 24 p. 16°. Bust on title-page of Roman emperor(?), wreathed. J. Neilson, printer. Confessions of a bachelor. Confessions the first and second. (Re-printed from "M'Millans Literary Journal.") Kirkintil- loch: Published bv William M'Millan. t c. 1845., 12 p. 12°.' Constant, The, lovers in Exeter. To * which is added, The parson's cask of strong beer, and The king's anthem. Falkirk: Printed in the year 1821. 8 p. 16°. Heraldic woodcut on title-page. Conversion, The, of British India. The substance of Mr. Wilberforce's celebrated speech, in the House of Commons, June 22d. 1813. on the admission of Christianity into British India. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston, 1813. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of large building on title-page. Coronation, The. The missletoe bough. Billy O'Rourke. The friars of orders gray. Dumbartons bonnie dell. Glasgow: Print- ed for the Booksellers, [no., 60. ,c. 183/-8., 8 p. 16°. Portrait of Queen Victoria (?) on title-page. Cottage, The, wedding: with the history of Sarah and William. In two parts. Kil- marnock: Printed by H. Crawford, Book- seller, 1822. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of church and tree. At the end is a short poem: 'Hope at Death. 898 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Country John's unfortunate ramble to London, and The happy marriage. Fal- kirk: Printed by T. Johnston. r c. 1800.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents a man on horse- back, galloping. Damon's repulse in love, or The bank of flowers, (in imitation of Burns). The jolly beggar. Charming Nancy. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. [C. 1810.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of man and woman facing each other. Window of house in background showing between them. Illegible inscription on scroll above window. Dialogue between John and Thomas, on the Corn laws, the Charter, Teetotalism, and the probable remedy for the present distresses. Paisley: Printed for the author, by G. Caldwell. 1842. 8 p. 16°. Disappointed, The, lover; to which are added, Up in the morning, Wellington's address, My bonny Jean. Stirling: Printed by W. Macnie. 1825. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents a man trampling upon books and holding a fool's bauble in his hand. Douglas & Piercy: or, The hunting at Chevychase, in prose and verse. A mem- orable battle fought by Earls Douglas and Piercy: in which about fourteen hundred Scotsmen and near two thousand English- men, were slain in one day. Falkirk: Print- ed by T. Johnston, 1815. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page. Drunken, The, exciseman; to which is added, Young Donald of Dundee. When I was young. Langsyne beside the wood- land burn, and Robin Hood. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, rno.i 65. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut: Man with sword. Duniwhistle's testament, or, A divert- ing tale of three bonnets. In four cantos. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston, 1820. 24 p. 16°. Crude portrait on title-page. Elegy on Jamie Gemmill, tailor. Printed this year. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: People mourning round a bier on which lies a corpse, etc. Entertaining, The, story teller. Jeremy Diddler; or, Love at first sight. The rivals, a sketch from life. Geordie, or the pro- fessor of signs. Kirkintilloch: Published by William M'Millan. One penny, rc. 1845.] 12 p. 12°. Excellent, The, old popular ballad; called, Sir James the Rose. Kilmarnock: Printed for the Booksellers. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of a Highlander with drawn sword. Exploits, The, of the wanton wife of Bath, and The Quaker's courtship. Fal- ■ kirk: Falkirk rsicj, Printed by T. Johnstoi [C 1800.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of woman's bust in fram Extracts from the life of Thomas Pain (author of the "Age of reason"). Paisle 1 [J. Neilson.] 1822. 8 p. 16°. Against Paine's teaching. Extraordinary deliverance of Elizabet Shaw. To which is added, Account of th marvellous growth of a woman's hai Kirkintilloch: William M'Millan. t c. 1850 Price one penny. 8 p. 12°. Ornamental woodcut on title-page. At bottom of p. 8 is the following notice: 'Print* and published by Wm. M'Millan, Kirkintilloch, great variety of tracts, histories, &c, always on han Hawkers supplied.' Fainthearted, The, batchelor, or, blanket & pins, The maid's answer. The good wif & kept-up miss. The answer. The eatin of the oysters. Dear Betty Brown. The cor tented cuckold's happiness. Falkirk, Prinl ed by T. Johnston. t c. 1800.] 8 p. 16°. Crude woodcut portrait on title-page. Fair widow, are ye wauking. O I ha lost my silken snood. Madame Jane. Whe merry hearts were gay. The Irish fishei man. Glasgow — Printed for the Bool sellers. ( c. 1820.] 8 p. 16°. Famous, The, history of Valentine < Orson. Glasgow: Printed for the Bool sellers, [no.] 128. 24 p. 16°. p. 20-23 contain 'The soldier's wife;' p. 23-24 'Cor bat between the horse and the lion.' Fatal effects of love. The Campsie hei mit. Kirkintilloch: William M'Millan. ri 1850.] 12 p. 12°. Portrait of the hermit on title-page. p. 9-12 co: tain: 'The monkey of the Liverpool Bridewell;' 'A fecting story' (From Sketches in Upper Canada. 'Maggie an' Me' (by Walter Watson). Five comic songs. The sawyer and th lawyer. Paddy's balloon. Neighbour SI; What are you at? What are you after and Peg Briggs and her pigs. Falkirl Sold by T. Johnston. [C . 1830-40.] 8 p. 16 Woodcut on title-page of a family seated at i open fireplace. Five excellent songs. The constant she! herd. The wreath. Welcome summer bac again. The dainty bit plan. The bachelo Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [nc 25. [c. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of boy with bird's nest. Five excellent songs. The exile of Eri: Jim Crow's trip to Greenwich. Braes Birniebouzle. My mither men't my aul breeks. Lash to the helm. Glasgov Printed for the Booksellers, rno.i 53. 8 16°. Woodcut on title-page of reaper with scythe. Five excellent songs. Paddy's drear The charming widow. The carle he car ower the craf c t]. Gude ale comes. Re LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 899 Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Roryson's bonnet. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 67. [C. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of girl at stile. Five favourite songs. Kate Kearney. A soldier's song. Patie's wedding. The lass of Gowrie.. Young William. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 43. [C. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page : Girl at style (as bef orel . Five popular songs. The angel's whis- per. Helen the fair. The wind blew the bonny lassie's plaidy awa. Mistress Johns- ton. Do you ever think on me, Peg? Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 59. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of sailor dancing. Five popular songs. The angel's whis- per. Helen the fair. The wind blew the bonny lassie's plaidy away. Mistress John- son. Do you ever think of me, Peg? Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: A sailor dancing. Another issue without serial number. Five Scotch songs. Somebody. Lassie wi' the lint-white locks. There's nae luck about the house. Hey the bonnie breast knots. John O'Badenyon. Glasgow: Print- ed for the Booksellers, [no.] 56. ,c. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of piper seated, playing. Five songs. The peck o' maut. 'Tis the last rose of summer. To Mary in heaven. The Highland laddie. The confession. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. ( no., 64. [c. 1820.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of dairymaid carrying milk- pails. Five songs. Willie was a wanton wag. Bailie Nicol Jarvie's journey to Aberfoil. Whistle, and I'll come to you. Bonny Johnnie Lowrie. Scottish Whiskie. Kil- marnock: Printed for the Booksellers. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man, woman, and child. • Four excellent songs; viz.: — The boatie rows. The lass of Patie's mill. Jock o' Hazledean. Tak' your auld cloak about ye. Stirling: Printed by E. Johnstone, Book- seller. [C. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of bull on title-page. Four excellent songs. Highland Harry. The storm. The boatie rows. Bonny Jean. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 63. [C. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page. Fisher lass with net and basket. Four excellent songs. Jack Robinson. •I he girl I left behind me. Lord Lovel. The haughs of Cromdale. Glasgow: Print- 8p 16° Booksellers - < no -> 32 t c. 1840] Woodcut on title-page: Highland on his musket. soldier leaning Four excellent songs. The laird of Cock- r^k> , ,- la ^ S ° f A T rranteenie. Mirren bibb s public house. Jack's the lad. Glas- f? W g "^ f ° r the BookseI1 ers. [no., Woodcut on title-page of fishwife with net. Four excellent songs. The wonderful wig Meg o the mill. The rantin dog the daddie o t. Gilderoy. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no., 31. ( c. 1840., op. 16 . Woodcut on title-page of boy and dog. Four favourite comic songs. The cork leg and steam arm. The great sea snake. The sailor's consolation. The wonderful nose. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers, [no., 28. [C 1840., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of sailor dancing. Four popular songs, viz.: — Alice Gray. My mither men't my auld breeks. Will the weaver, and O wat ye wha's in yon town. Stirling: Printed by E. Johnstone, Bookseller. t c. I860., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of tree on title-page. Four popular songs. Roger and Nelly. Gae tak' your auld cloak about ye. A las- sie lives by yonder burn. Low down in the broom. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. , ( no., 44. ( c. 1840., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of reaper sharpening scythe. Four songs. Cherry-cheeked Patty. Judy O'Flannikin. No peace about the house. Maggie Lauder. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no., 68. [C. 1840., 8 p. 16°. Seated piper, playing, on title-page. 4 Songs; viz. Maggie MApie's lilt. A Highland laddie heard of war. Donald Caird. I've naething to do. &c. Edin r , — Printed for the Booksellers. [C. 1830., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of two women seated with the words "My auld maiden Auntie and I!!" below. Franklin's way to wealth, or. Poor Rich- ard's maxims improved. Stirling: Printed and sold by M. Randall. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man and children. Fun upon fun; or, the comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor. In two parts. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town & Country. 24 p. 16°. By Dougal Graham. Reprinted from a Stirling edition by C. Randall, 1799, in his Collected writings, v. 2, p. 109-124, Glasgow, 1883. George and Britain save; to which are added, The plowman's ditty. Lay thy loof in mine, lassie. By Logan's streams. Stir- ling: Printed by W. Macnie, 1825. 8 p. 16. Woodcut on title-page of ship under sail. 900 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Golden, The, dreamer; or, Dreams real- ized: containing the interpretation of a great variety of dreams: disclosing to the inquisitive the secrets of futurity. .Kil- marnock: Printed by H. Crawford. 1820. 24 p. 16°. Golden, The, glove, with The Answer. To which is added, The heroic battle of Bannockburn. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. 8 p. 16°. Goldfinch, The: A new collection of five favourite songs, called, 1. Prison music: or the debtor's welcome to the jail. 2. The flowers of Edinburgh. 3. The pretty young seaman. 4. The old Scotch blue bonnet. S. Lovely Jockey woo'd me. Falkirk: Fal- kirk, r sicj Printed by T. Johnston. [C 1810.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of bird on branch., Greenock railway, The. The snow-drop. O what will a' the lads do. All's well. A man without a wife. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 35. [C. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Groat's, A, worth of wit for a penny: or, The interpretation of dreams, moles, &c. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. t c. 1820.] 24 p. 16°. Crude woodcut of man on title-page. Grog. Row, brothers, row. On a bank of flowers. Here's to the soger who bled. Lovely Jean. Glasgow — ■ Printed for the Booksellers. ( c. 1820.) 8 p. 16°. Ornamental woodcut on title-page. Guide, A, to inscriptions sculptured on tombstones, &c. before the year 1710, in the parishes of Paisley, n. p., n. d. 12 p. 16°. Paisley Repository. No. viii. p. 12: [Paisley] Printed by Andrew Young at the Cross. Hallow, The, fair; to which are added, Queen Mary's lamentation, The contented lover. Ungrateful Nanny, Homeward bound. Stirling: Printed by W. Macnie, 1826. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of ballad singers. Hark away. The boys of Kilkenny. The land of delight. The plowman. Love in the horrors. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. ( c. 1820.] 8 p. 16°. Coarse woodcut on title-page of donkey. He comes from the wars. Love's young dream. A soldier's gratitude. Father Paul. My fond shepherds. King David was a soldier. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, ic. 1820.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: A Moor with sword and dagger. Highland Mary. The young May moon. Duncan Gray. Lewie Gordon. Bright chanticleer. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers, 1823. 8 p. 16°. Highland, The, piper's advice to drink- ers, to which are added, Home, sweet, sweet home. Wallace's lament. Connel and Flora, Here is the glen. Oh hey Johny lad, and Charlie is my darling. Airdrie. Printed by J. & J. Neil. Bookbinders, and Printers, No 21 High Street... re. 1820 1 8 p. 16°. Crude woodcut on title-page. History, The, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, embellished with cuts; to which is added an account of Jonah's mission to the Ninevites. Glasgow, [no.] 42. 16°. History, The, of Abraham, Isaac, & Ja- cob, embellished with cuts; to which is added, An account of Jonah's mission to the Ninevites. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 42. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of sacrifice of Isaac. 15 illustrations in text. History, The, of Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie, who were three archers good enough, the best in the North Country. Paisley: Printed by J. Neilson. 24 p. 16°. Crude woodcut of three men, a tree, etc. History, The, of all religions, in particu- lar, the churches, parties, and sectaries of the holy Christian religion viz. Heathens, Mahometans, Jews, Christians, including Papists, Jesuits, Protestants, Episcopals, Presbyterians, Reformed Presbytery, Se- ceders, Burghers, Antiburghers, Old Light Burghers, New Light Burghers, Presbytery of Relief, Independents, Pedobaptists, Tab- ernacles, Quakers, Bereans, Methodists, Arians, Arminians, Socinians, Antimo- nians, Erastians, Douglasites, and an ac- count of the origin of burning Heretics in England, by A. Campbell. Printed for the Booksellers. 1822. J. Neilson, printer.] 24 p. 16°. History, The, of the Black Douglas. With an account of the Battle of Otter- burn. "Hosts have been known at that dread sound to yield, And Douglas dead, his name has won the field." Glasgow: Published by Francis Orr & Sons, r no.] 163. 24 p. (misnumbered 34.) 16°. History, The, of the blind beggar of Bethnal Green. Shewing: i. His birth and parentage, n. His going to the wars, los- ing his sight, and turning beggar at Bethnal Green, in. Of his getting riches, and the education of his daughter, who is courted by a young knight, iv. Of the beggar dropping gold with the knight's uncle, &c. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 901 Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. &c &c Concluding with the knight's mar- riage with the beggar's daughter, and their discovery of his famous pedigree. Printed by M Randall, Stirling. t c. 1820, 24 p. 16°. Eight illustrations in the text. History, The, of Buckhaven in Fifeshire, containing the witty and entertaining ex- ploits of wise Willie and witty Eppy, the Ale-wife, with a description of their col- Ice coat of arms, &c. Adorned with wood cuts' Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1821. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of a woman standing, in- tended for witty Eppy? Ten illustrations in the text- (1) Buckhaven; (2) 'coat of arms'; (3) Eppie s house (4) a dog; (5) the Devil; (6) ass; (7) Court of session, exterior; (8) two lovers; (9) collie; (10) ship under full sail. At end: J. Neilson, printer, Paisley. By Dougal Graham, the skellat bellman of Glas- gow Reprinted from an edition of 1806 in his Collected writings, v. 2, p. 217-237, Glasgow, 1883. History, The, of Buckhaven in Fifeshire. Containing the entertaining exploits of Wise Willie and Witty Eppie; with a de- scription of their college, coat of arms, &c. Edinburgh: Printed for the Book- sellers in Town & Country. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man with obstinate don- key, p. 23-24 has: 'A popular song. Sic a wife as Willie had.' History, The, of Charles Jones, the foot- man. Shewing how he raised himself from the humble station of a foot boy, to a place of great eminence and trust, by his honesty and integrity. Also, On pride, & The country clergyman. Paisley: Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street. 1839. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of man standing beside a table on which are three covered cups. History, The, of Donald and his dog. To which is added a collection of songs. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of Dumbarton Rock(?) on title-page. History, The, of Duncan Campbell, and his dog, Oscar. From Hogg's Evening tales. Glasgow: Published by J. Lums- den & Son. 1822. 24 p. 16°. Two woodcuts: (1) giant, tree, and a small man; (2) a dog. At end: J. Neilson, printer. History, The, of Duncan Campbell and his dog Oscar. From Hogg's Evening tales. Printed by D. Macarter & Sons, Ayr. [C 1830.J Price Three half-pence. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man and dog. History, The, of fair Rosamond, the beautiful mistress of King Henry the Sec- ond. Her birth, & education at the Nun- nery of Godstow. And her death. Glas- gow: W. & R. Inglis, & Co. 203, Gallow- gate. [c. 1840., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of girl with birdcage. History, The, of the famous Moll Flan- ders, who was born in Newgate-prison, London. Falkirk: Printed and sold by T Johnston. D c. 1820., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page probably intended for a portrait of Moll. p. 23 has woodcut of a woman holding a fan. The history of Moll Flanders was written as a pamphlet by Daniel De Foe and published on 27th Jan. 1722 (Lee, Daniel Defoe, London, 1869, v. i, p. 355). /The work was very popular, three editions being published in the year of issue and two in the year following. History, The, of Fortunatus. To which are j added, The life and adventures of Ampedo, and Andolocia, his two sons. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut showing coach with two horses and postil- lion/ at tollgate. History, The, of Fortunatus. To which are added, The lives and adventures of Ampedo, and Andolocia, his two sons. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page as in foregoing. Another issue. History, The, of Jack and the bean stalk. Paisley: Printed by G. Caldwell, Book- seller. [C 1820., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut, on title-page, of aged man seated at a table reading, hourglass on table. History, The, of Jack the Giant Killer. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers. 24 p. 16°. Includes part of part 2. Woodcut, on title-page, of man on horseback, with sword over his shoulder. History, The, of Jack and the giants. In all its parts. Containing [here follows a lengthy summary under five heads,. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son. 1822. 24 p. 16°. p. 24: J. Neilson, printer. Same as the following with exception of title-page. History, The, of Jack and the giants. In two parts. Containing His birth and par- entage — his meeting with King Arthur s son _ his conquests over many monstrous giants — and, his relieving a beautiful lady, whom he afterwards married. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, Bookseller, 18^1. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut, on title-page, of Jack and a giant with club. History, The, of the King and the cobler in two parts. Falkirk: Printed and sold by T. Johnston. 1820. 24 p. 16 . Woodcut on title-page shows a man facing to the front. 902 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. History of the life and death, of the great warrior Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no., 108. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of Bruce and de Bohun on title-page. History,' The, of Mahomet, the great im- poster. Containing his birth and parentage — his wives — his journeys into Heaven, and the extraordinary things which he saw — His Alcoran and war, and his death and burial at Medina. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 126. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: Portrait of a clergyman with bands (!) History, The, of Parismus, Prince of Bohemia. Containing, his battles over the Persians, his dangers in the Isle of Rocks, his adventures in the desolate island, and his love to the beautiful Laurana. To which is added, The adventures and travels of Parismenos, the knight of fame, with his love to the fair Princess Angelica, Lady of the Golden Tower. Stirling: Printed and sold by M. Randall. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut, on title-page, of man on horseback. With nine illustrations and tail pieces. History of Paul Jones, the pirate. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 101. [C. 1850.] 24 p. 16°. p. 21-24 contain an account of the "Black Hole of Calcutta." Woodcut of ship under sail on title-page. History of Paul Jones, the pirate. Print- ed and sold by W. & J. Fordyce, 15, Grey Street, Newcastle. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page probably intended for a portrait of Jones. Face to right, cocked hat, sword held over shoulder, epaulettes, side whiskers and moustache. History of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, called by some "The young Pre- tender," but more frequently, in the North, The young Chevalier, or Bonnie Prince Charlie. Printed and sold by W. and T. Fordyce 15, Grey Street, Newcastle. 24 p. 16°. History, The, of prince Charles Edward Stuart, commonly called the Pretender. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 120. [C. 1840.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Highland soldier with sword. History, The, of Redmond O'Hanlon, captain of the Irish robbers. Giving an ac- count of the numerous robberies commit- ted by him and his gang. With many curi- ous anecdotes of his life and transactions. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford. 1820. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man on horseback firing off a pistol. History, The, of Rob Roy, the cele- brated Highland freebooter; with mem- oirs of the Osbaldistone family. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. 1852. Price one penny. 24 p. 16°. (New and improved series, no. 32.) Woodcut on title-page of two men, one on horse- back. History of Sir William Wallace, the re- nowned Scottish champion. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 107. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut portrait, on title-page, of man in armour, crowned. History, The, of Thomas Hickathrift. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 75. [C. 1845-50.) 24 p. 16°. Woodcut, on title-page, of large house. History, The, of Whittington and his cat. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. [C. 1820.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of cat on title-page. History, The, of the wicked life, and hor- rid death of Dr John Faustus. Shewing, how he sold himself to the Devil, to have power for the space of 24 years, to do what he pleased. Also, Strange things done by him and Mephistopheles. With an account how the Devil came for him at the end of 24 years, and tore him in pieces. Stirling, Printed by M. Randall. [C. 1820.] 24 p. 16°. History, The, of the Wicked Life and Horrid Death of Dr John Faustus. Shew- ing How he sold himself to the Devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also, the strange things done by him and Mephostophiles. With an account how the Devil came for him at the end oi 24 years and tore him to pieces. Printed in the year, 1816. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title page: Clergyman with band; and open Bible. At end: Falkirk — T. Johnston, Printer, 1816. p 2 is a woodcut. History, The, of the wicked life and hor rid death of Dr John Faustus. Shewing how he sold himself to the Devil, to havi power, for 24 years, to do what he pleased Also, The strange things done by him am Mephostophiles. With an account of ho^ the Devil came for him at the end of 2> years, and tore him in pieces. Kilmarnock Printed by H. Crawford. 1820. 24 p. 16' History, The, of Will and Jean: or, th sad effects of drunkenness. Glasgow.. Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 36. 2 p. 16°. Woodcut, on title-page, of Highland soldier leanir on musket. Honesty the best policy. History of th upright waterman. Also the life of Wi Ham Kelly; an extraordinary characte Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, fc the Booksellers. 1819. 24 p. 16°. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 903 Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Humorous, The, adventures of Jump Jim Crow. Glasgow, [no.] 27. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: Sailor dancing. Humorous poems; consisting of Hallow- e'en [by Burnsj, the Guidwife o' Guilston, Scotch drink, and the battle of Blenheim [by Southey]. Glasgow: Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by Robert Hutchison, bookseller, no. 19, Sahmarket. 1821. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of soldiers on title-page. Hunting, The, of Chevy-Chase, a bloody battle fought by Earls Douglas and Percy. Where above fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englishmen were slain in one day. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. r c. 1850., mo.] 8. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man with sword. Hurrah for the bonnets of blue. Pray goody. Donald of Dundee. The cypress wreath. I'd be a butterfly. Oh say not women's love is bought. He's o'er the hills that I lo'e weel. The captive maniac. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. 1829. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of paddleboat on title-page. Interesting, An, history of Robert Burns; the Ayrshire bard. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 60. t c. 1850.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut portrait of Burns on title-page. Interesting stories: containing, The mil- itary mendicant. Female heroism. The patriotic clergyman. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: Soldier with sword, seated, drinking a pot of ale. Irish, The, assassin, or the misfortunes of the family of O'Donnel. By Henry Vin- cent, Esq. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers, [no.] 77. [C. 1850.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Turk with scimiter. Iron, The, shroud; or, Italian revenge. Paisley: Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street. 1839. 24 p. 16°. Wcodcut of man in a room, ceiling falling on him. Jamie with his trousers on. The sodger laddie, and Sweet Alison. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. [C. 1800.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: a ship under sail. Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth, or, The constant lovers. In four parts. Kilmar- nock: Printed for the Booksellers. 8 p. 16 . Jim Crow. Hey for a lass wi' a tocher. Mary of Castlecary. Haud awa frae me Donald. This is no my plaid. Of a' the airts the wind can blaw. Auld langsyne Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. ,no J 66. [C 1840.) 8 p. 16°. ' Woodcut of girl at stile. John Anderson my Jo. Low down in the broom. It was upon a Lammas night. The banks of Doon. Land of the leal. Lubin is away. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers, 1828. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of crowned thistle. John Falkirk's carriches, containing curi- ous questions, with their answers. To which is added, Janet Clinker's oration, on the virtues of old women, and the pride of the young. Printed in the year m.lccc.xx [sic]. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of woman chasing man with uplifted broom. King's, The, daughter; together with Catherine Johnstone. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. [no.)77. [C. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: woman with flowers. King's, The, muster, to which is added, Nae luck about the house, and Up in the morning early, and Bauldy Baird. Glas- gow: Printed and sold, wholesale and re- tail, by R. Hutchison. Bookseller, 19, Salt- market. 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: A king(!) seated. Knight, The, of Elle; a scarce and favour- ite old Scotch ballad. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. r no.j 38. [C. 1850.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of soldier on title-page. Laird, The, of Cool's ghost: being several conferences and meetings betwixt the Rev- erend Mr. Ogilvie, late minister of the gospel at Innerwick; and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late Laird of Cool; as it was found in Mr. Ogilvie's closet after his death — Written with his own hand. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 48. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of Mercury on title-page. Laird, The, of Cool's Ghost. Being a copy of several Conferences and Meetings that passed betwixt the Reverend Mr. Ogilvie, Late Minister of the Gospel at Innerwick, in East Lothian, and the Ghost of Mr. Maxwell, Late Laird of Cool. As it was found in Mr. Ogilvie's Closet after his death. Written with his own hand. Kilmarnock. Printed by H. Crawford. t c. 1820.] 24 p. 16°. Crawford's Tracts. No. 3. p. 21-24 contain: "Alonzo, the brave, and the fair Imogene. See some interesting notes in Ferguson's Ltfe of Henry Erskine, p. 380-387. Laird, The, of Cool's ghost. Being a copy of several conferences and meetings that passed betwixt the reverend Mr. Ogil- vie, late minister of the gospel at Inner- wick, in East Lothian, and the ghost ot 904 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Mr Maxwell, late Laird of Cool. As it was found in Mr Ogilvie's closet after his death, very soon after these conferences. Written with his own hand. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son. 1822. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of the Devil with three- pronged pitchfork. Laird, The, of Lag's elegy, or, The Prince of Darkness his lamentation for, and com- mendation of his trusty and well-beloved friend, the Laird of Lag. Who died Dec. 23d. 1733. Wherein the Prince of Darkness sets forth the commendation of many of his best friends, who were chief promoters of his interest, and upholders of his king- dom in the time of the late persecution. Very useful and necessary to be read by all who desire to be well informed con- cerning the chief managers and manage- ment of the late persecuting period. The fourteenth edition. Printed in the year 1820. 24 p. 16°. Laughable budget of wit; a selection of choice bon mots, repartees, anecdotes &c. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, for the Booksellers. 24 p. 16°. Lecture, A, on modern Rome. Its ex- ternal & internal aspects, and the workings of Romanism. By the rev. J. A. Wylie, author of the first prize essay on "Popery," "Scenes from the Bible." &c. &c. Kirkin- tilloch: Published by William M'Millan. [C. 1845., 24 p. 12°. p. 21: 'The Irish boy and the priest;' p. 22-24: advertisements. Lewis Gordon, The Marquis of Hunt- ly's reel, My own dear somebody, The roving lover, Bonny Charley. Price one halfpenny. 8 p. 16°. On p. 8: 'Falkirk, printed by T. Johnston, of whom may be had variety of pamphlets and ballads. 1801.' Woodcut on title-page: Man with a gun, woman behind him. Life, The, and adventures of Robin Hood. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers. 1855. Price one penny. [C. 1850.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Robin Hood(?) and an- other on horseback. 'New and improved series, no. 34.' With ten illustrations in the text. Life, The, and adventures of Sir William Wallace, General and Governor of Scot- land. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Craw- ford. 1820. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents a man with sword at his side and gun(?) slung across his back. Life, The, and death of fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry the n. Edin- burgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 8 p. 16°. Life, The, and death of fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry n. To which is added The lass o'Gowrie. Stirling: Printed for the Booksellers, re. 1840. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents a woman praying. Life, The, and death of Judas Iscariot; or, The lost and undone son of perdition. Glasgow. 24 p. 12°. Woodcut on title-page. At the end is an account of the Ascension. The woodcut shows an angry farmer threatening a boy who is in his apple tree stealing apples. Life, The, of Father Gavazzi. Kirkin- tilloch: William M'Millan. t c. 1850., 12 p. 12°. Portrait of Father Gavazzi on title-page. Life of George Schaw, Abbot of Paisley. Extracted from "Lives of Officers of State in Scotland," published in 1726, written by George Crawford, Esq. of Drumsoy. . . 8 p. 16°. p. 8: Paisley, Printed by Andrew Young. p. 5-7: Difference between simple and compound interest; p. 8: Six comical Paisley signs. Paisley Repository No. XII. Life, The, and history of Mary, Queen of Scots. Glasgow: Published by Francis Orr & Sons. n. d. [?1850.] 24 p. (misnumbered 34 p.). 16°. c no.] 165. Life, The, of Louis Kossuth. Kirkintil- loch: William M'Millan. 12 p. 12°. Portrait of Kossuth on title-page. Life, The, and meritorious transactions of John Knox, the great Scottish reformer. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. 24 p. 16°. r no.] 61. Portrait of Knox on title-page. Life, The, and prophecies of Alexander Peden. Glasgow; Printed for the Book- sellers, [no.] 115. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Mercury with caduceus. Life, The, of Richard Turpin, a most no- torious highwayman. Giving a particular account of all his daring robberies and bur- glaries, trial, execution, burial, &c. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers. [no.] 117. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Turk with sword. Life, The, and surprising adventures of that renowned hero, Sir W. Wallace. Dur- ham: G. Walker, Jun., printer, Sadler- Street. 1838. 24 p. 16°. p. 19-24 contain: The tears of Scotland, Peter the wild boy, Adventures of a leg of mutton. Life, The, and surprising adventures of Sir William Wallace, the champion of Scot- land. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1822. 24 p. 16°. p. 24: J. Neilson, printer. Woodcut of man in armour, with sword, probablj intended for Wallace. Life, The, and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to King Edward iv Containing an account of her parentage LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 905 Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. wit, and beauty: her marriage with Mr. Shore; the King's visits to her; her going to Court, and leaving her husband; her great distress and misery after the King's death, &c. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in town and country. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of a woman, in cape and hood, on title- page. Life, The, and unparalleled voyages and adventures of Ambrose Gwinnet; contain- ing an account of his being tried, convicted, and hanged in chains at Deal, for the sup- posed murder of Mr. Collins; his surprising recovery; his voyage to the West Indies, and being taken by the Spaniards, among whom he met with the supposed murdered Mr. Collins, and proposal to return to Eng- land together; his being taken by the Al- gerines and carried into slavery, and, after many hardships, his return to England. Written by himself. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. 1850. Price one penny. 24 p. 16°. New and improved series, no. 21. Life, The, and wonderful prophecies of Donald Cargill. Who was executed at the cross of Edinburgh, on the 26th July 1680. For his adherence to the Covenant, and work of reformation. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 123. [C. 1850.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut bust on title page of clergyman in gown and bands. List of pieces written by Mr. Alexander Wilson, now in Philadelphia, n. p., n. d. 4 p. 16°. Paisley Repository, no. viii. [sic], p. 4: [Pais- ley] Printed by Andrew Young at the Cross. Long, The, pack, a Northumberland tale, an hundred years old. Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 15 Grey Street, New- castle. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of merchandise on dock, ships in back- ground. By James Hogg. Long, The, pack, a Northumberland tale an hundred years old. Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 48, Dean Street, New- castle, [c. 1835.] 16°. Woodcut of merchandise on dock, ships in back- ground. Long, The, pack; or, the robbers discov- ered: A Scottish story by the Ettrick Shep- herd. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers, [no., 24. [c. 1850.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of seated piper, playing. .Maggy Lauther, to which are added, The Pitcher. Bonny Jean. Yarrow braes. Stir- ling: Printed by W. Macnie, 1823. 8 p. 16°. Margaret and the minister, a true tale. Hey for a lass wi' a tocher. Rest, warrior, !- eSt :<. T k e b , ont ], ie bark - Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. ,no., 12 8 p. 16° on title-page of woman in pannier on Woodcut donkey. Margaret and the minister; a true tale. To which is added, Soda water. She ne'er before saw sicken fairlies Sae mony antic turly-whurlies. Paisley: Printed by J. Caldwell, 2, New Street. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man seated at table reeding a dog. Merry, The, and diverting exploits of Ueorge Buchanan, commonly called, The King's fool. In two parts. Glasgow Pub- lished by R. Hutchison, 16, Saltmarket. 24 p. 16°. Merry, The, Gotham. tales of the wise men of 'Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill To carry off all heavy grief And make you laugh your fill.' Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 24 p. 16°. Merry, The, tales of the wise men of Gotham, to which is added A collection of jests. Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill, To carry of all heavy grief, And make you laugh your fill. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1821. 24 p. 16°. p. 22-24 contain a collection of jests. Millar's second edition of The life and death of the famous pyper of Kilbarchan; or, The epitaph of Habby Simpson, Quha on his drone bore bony flags: He made his cheiks as reid as crimson, And bobbit quhan he blew his bags. 8 p. 16°. Incomplete. A pencil memorandum says printed by J. Millar, Paisley, 1830. Mirror, The, of wit: and universal jester. Containing witty and entertaining stories & anecdotes. Falkirk: Printed for the Booksellers. 1821. 24 p. 16°. Crude woodcut showing interior of a room, etc. Musical, The, nightingale, containing six love songs, viz. 1. The bunch of green rib- bons. 2. The gown of green. 3. The green garters. 4. Amynta, or the loving shep- herd. 5. Give me my sailor. And, 6. 'Tis the voice of love. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. [C. 1810., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of bird on title-page. Narrative of the battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge. Glasgow: Printed 906 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. for the Booksellers, [no.] 1. r c. 1850-55.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of seated life-guardsman, p. 23-24 contain three anecdotes. This Narrative of Drumclog states in prelimi- nary note that it is taken from "an American news- paper, the National Gazette," and that it is by the laird of Torfoot [Thomas Brownlee]. The laird's narrative was first published at Edinburgh, 1823. Negro, The, minstrel: containing a choice selection of the most popular negro songs. No. 1. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers, 1850. Price one penny. 24 p. 16°. New, The, act of parliament, for the equality of weights & measures throughout England, Scotland, & Ireland, commencing on the first of Jan. 1836. London: Printed by Geo. Eyre and Andw. Spottiswoode, Printers to the King's most excellent Maj- esty. Reprinted by W. Fordyce, Dean Street, Newcastle. 24 p. 16°. New, A, history of Botanybay and Port Jackson, where the convicts from this country are sent, and the British set- tlement, together with An account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants. Falkirk:- Printed and sold by T. Johnston. 1821. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of three masted ship under sail. New, A, jest book, for the winter- evenings: containing a variety of merry tales, and diverting stories. Falkirk: Print- ed and sold by T. Johnston, 1821. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents a man pursued by a woman with uplifted broom. New, The, letter-writer, containing a va- riety of epistolary correspondence on differ- ent subjects. (In three parts.) Viz. Duty and friendship, love courtship & marriage, Business and the death of relatives. To which are added, Superscriptions and ad- dresses for letters. The whole forming a useful companion for the youth of both sexes. Falkirk: Printed for the Booksel- lers, 1820. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of woman and child with book and bird. New, The, pictorial Bible. Glasgow, tno.] 40. 16°. A series of crude cuts, two on a page, with the text of Scripture they illustrate printed beneath them. New, The, school of love; being the true art of courtship; shewing how every one may know his partner's disposition and temper by the hair, eyes, and nose, &c. With the signification of moles in any part of the body, and the interpretation of dreams, &c. &c. Also, passionate love let- ters and answers, &c. &c. To which are added, a choice collection of the newest and very best love songs, toasts, senti- ments, &c. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son. mdcccxxi. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page shows man and woman, two trees, two cupids flying and discharging arrows at the man and woman. p. 24: J. Neilson, printer. New, A, song, called Auld Scotia free; to which are added, O Helen thou art my darling. The lovely lass of Allan-down. Will ye go to the ewe bughts, and A Lamentation for the deatd [sic] of the brave McKay. Airdrie: Printed by J. & J. Neil, Printers & Bookbinders, no. 21 High Street... 8 p. 16°. Crude woodcut on title-page. New, The, winter evening's companion, or Fun, mirth, and frolic. Containing a great variety of merry tales, and diverting entertainments, for the winter evening fireside. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Craw- ford, Bookseller, 1822. 24 p. 16°. News, The, to which is added, The hu- mours of Glasgow Fair. Glasgow: Pub- lished and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, 19, Saltmarket. 1823. 8 p. 16°. Odds and ends, or, a groat's-worth of fun for a penny. Being a collection of the best jokes, comic stories, anecdotes, bon mots, &c. The piper who was carried away for dead during the plague in London, but revived before interment. — See p. 22. Printed for the Booksellers. [Glasgow 1830?] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of piper. Pathetic history of George Barnwell the London apprentice; who, by keeping com- pany, and following the advice of a woman of the town, was reduced to the lowest pitch of infamy; detailing every particuler of his guilty career, from the robbing of his master to the most dreadful murder of his uncle! For which he was executed. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page. Peck, The, o' maut; to which are added, This is no my plaid. The Highland court- ship. Stirling: Printed by W. Macnie. \z. 1820., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents three men seated at a table drinking and smoking, and, below, the words "Yonder's the moon, I ken her horn." Penitent, The, prisoner, or, spendthrift clapt into Limbo. Also, The drunken wife of Galloway, or, drink hooly & fairly. And The flowers of the forest. Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston. [C. 1800.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man with bottle anc glass. Penny-worth, The, of wit's garland, hi three parts. Part i. — Showing how a mer- chant was deluded from his lady by a har- lot. Part ii. — How he sailed into a fai LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 907 language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. country. Part in. — How he returned to the British shore. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, no. 19. r c. 1855.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of ship under sail. Plant of renown. Two sermons, on Eze- kiel xxxiv. 29. And I will raise up for them a plant of renown. Preached by the Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Erskine, late minister of the gospel in Stirling. Taken in shorthand from the author's mouth in the delivery, and revised by him. To which is added, a gospel sonnet, on the believer's full enjoy- ment in Christ. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, Bookseller, 1821. 24 p. 16°. Crawford's Tracts, no. 6. Pleasing, The, art of money-catching, and the way to thrive, by turning a penny to advantage; with a new method of regulat- ing daily expenses. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.j 68. [C. 1850.) 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of reaper sharpening scythe. Poems. The Gudeman of Ballangeich. A royal tale. The twa lairds of Lesmaha- gow. The whiskey brewers' lamentation and a new song called Callum's Hill. Glas- gow: Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, 19, Saltmarket. 1822. 24 p. 16°. Popish blasphemy. Sham miracles or bleeding pictures. Purgatory and the priests. Kirkintilloch: Published by Wil- liam M'Millan. One penny. r c. 1845.] 12 p. 12°. Woodcut on title-page of a Chinese and a Chinese pagoda. Prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer, the ancient Scotch prophet. Containing the wonderful fulfilment of many of his pre- dictions; and those not yet accomplished. Collected, examined, and now promulgated by Mr. Allan Boyd, F.S.A. sub deputy jan- itor's clerk in the college of Hayti. With, subjoined, an account of the Battle of Ban- nockburn, so fatal to tyranny, and favour- able to Scottish independence. Also, the Cottager's Saturday Night. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Crawford, 1820. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on p. 4. Queen Mary's lamentation. To which are added, The orange and blue, Lord Gregory, Tak' your auld cloke about ye. and The sailor's return. Glasgow: Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchi- son, Bookseller, 19, Saltmarket, 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: man and woman, tree in background. Rab and Ringan. A tale. To which is added, Verses, occasioned by seeing two men sawing timber, in the open field, in de- fiance of a furious storm. By Alexander Wilson Paisley: Printed by G. Caldwell, 69, High-Street. 1827. 8 p. 16°. n Raising the wind; or, Habbie Sympson & his wife baith deid, as originally written and spoken by John Andrews, in the Exchange rooms, Moss Street. Together with The lyfe and deithe of Habbie Simpson the fa- mous pyper of Kilbarchan. Written by Robert Sempill, of Belltreis, between the years 1630' and 1640. Paisley: Printed bv G. Caldwell & Co., 1865. 8 p. 16°. Rob Roy, the celebrated Highland free- booter; or, memoirs of the Osbaldistone family. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksel- lers. t no.] 2. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Highlander in Highland feather bonnet, with sword. Roy's wife of Aldivalloch. To which is added, The Highland plaid, Neil Gow's fareweel, John Anderson, my Jo, Maria. Glasgow: Published and Sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents three men seated at a table drinking and smoking. Royal, The, riddle book, for the trial of dull wits. Containing a collection of new and ingenuous guesses, for the amusement of young people. Printed for the Book- sellers. 1819. 24 p. 16°. Sailor's, The, tragedy; to which are add- ed, Highland Mary. The Irish Wedding. Stirling. Printed by W. Macnie. 1825. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of ship under full sail. Sair sair was my heart; to which are add- ed, The hero's orphant t sic] girls, The lass o' Ballochmyle, Allister MAllister, The Highland plaid. Stirling: Printed by W. Macnie. 1826. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of two men, one seated at a table, smok- ing a pipe. Satan's invisible world discovered. De- tailing the particulars of strange pranks played by the Devil, together with a par- ticular account of several apparition's [Sicj, witches, and invisible spirits. To which is added The marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 116. t c. 1835.] 24 p. 16°. Scotch, The, haggis; a selection of cTioice bon mots. Irish blunders, repartees, anec- dotes, &c. Care to our coffin adds a nail no doubt, While every laugh so merry draws one out, Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 37. [C 1840.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of seated piper, playing, as before. Second, The, book of the witty and en- tertaining exploits of George Buchanan 908 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. commonly called the King's fool. J. Ken- drew, printer, Collier Gate, York. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of a church on p. 23. On last page is a list of penny books and histories for sale. Selection, A, of amusing and entertaining Irish stories, compiled from various sources. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers. 1850. Price one penny. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of boy and girl sitting at table reading. 'New and improved series. No. 30.' Seven excellent songs. Blythe was she. The braes of Balquhither. The young May moon. Loudon's bonnie woods and braes. Bonnie Mary Hay. O are ye sleeping Mag- gie. Such tears are bliss. Glasgow: Print- ed for the Booksellers. t no.] 40. t c. 1840.) 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of boy with bird's nest. Seven of the most popular songs. The bridal ring. What are you going to stand. The lassies of Scotland. The Macgregor's gathering. Farewell to the mountain. The banks of the blue Mozelle. 'Twas merry in the hall. Glasgow: Pritned r sicj for the Booksellers. r no.j 45. [C 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Another issue. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 45. t c. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. The word 'Printed* here correctly spelled. Woodcut on title-page of dairymaid with pails. Seven popular songs. The lily of France. Blue bonnets over the border. The light of other days. When bless'd with love and you. Judy Magrath. The bloom is on the rye. Rory O'More. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 41. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of dairymaid with pails. Seven popular songs. The thistle. The Highland plaid. Och hey! Johnnie lad. My love was born in Aberdeen. A red red rose. As I came down the Cannogate [sic]. My Patie is a lover gay. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. ( no.] 55. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: a sailor dancing. Seven Scotch songs. The garb of old Gaul. The standard on the braes. The last breathings of Napoleon. Mary, I believed thee true. Jock o' Hazeldean. Wha wadna fight for Charlie. Dumbarton's bonnie dell. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, rno.i 54. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of piper seated, playing. Short stories, for little folks or, little tales, calculated to excite juvenile minds, to the love and practice of virtue. Stirling: Printed and sold by M. Randall. r c. 1830.1 24 p. 16°. Sir James the Rose, an old Scottish tragic song. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 11. [C 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents a Highland sol- dier. Sir James the Rose, a ballad, was written by James Burnes, author of "Thrummy Cap." It was published in 1819. — Rogers, Burns, p. 10. Six excellent songs. Allen-a-dale. The youthful squire. By the margin of Zurich's waters. The rover's bride. The chieftain's daughter. Sir John the Grame. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 58. r c. 1840., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of ship under sail. Six favourite songs. Black-eyed Susan. The lammie. Draw the sword, Scotland. Lord Ronald. A tear that falls. A Scots sang. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksel- lers. c no.] 33. [C 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: a sailor dancing. Six favourite songs. Kathleen O'More. The doctors. Macpherson's farewell. Lad- die, oh leave me. The death of Nelson. Merry and wise. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 50. t c. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of reaper sharpening scythe. Six favourite songs. The sailor's epitaph. Blue-eyed Mary. The song of the olden time. Black-eyed Susan. Roy's wife. Green bushes. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. t no.] 51. [C 1840., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of ship under sail. Six popular songs. Alice Gray. Eng- land, Europe's glory. A light heart & thin pair of breeches. The braes of Bushie. Waes me for Prince Charlie. Scotland yet. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.j 46. [C. 1840.) 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of sailor dancing. Six popular songs. The deuks dang o'er my daddie. John Anderson, my Jo. Fy gar rub her owre with strae. My boy Tammy. An auld man would be wooing. Banks of Allan Water. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 49. c c. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of girl at stile. Six Scotch songs. Bonaparte's lament in his exile. Green grows the rashes, O. Marry for love, and work for siller. Lovely Arran maid. O'er the muir amang the heather. Maclean's welcome. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. r no.] 52. [C 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of piper seated, playing. Some of the most remarkable passages in the life of the honourable colonel James Gardiner, who was slain at the battle of Prestonpans, in the rebellion in 1745. By P. Doddridge, D.D. Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800. 24 p. nar. 16°. With portrait of man in oval frame on title-page. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 909 Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston, late minister of the gospel at Ancrum, in Teviotdale. With a particular account of his remarkable ser- mon at the Kirk of Shots, by which, about five hundred persons were converted. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. 1819. Spaewife, The; or universal fortune-tel- ler, wherein your future welfare may be known, by physiognomy, cards, palmistry, and coffee grounds. Also, a distinct trea- tise on moles. Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 76. [C. 1850., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of woman standing. Story-teller, The. The first kiss. Yes, get married. Caught in his own trap. Love and debt. &c &c. Kirkintilloch : Published by William M'Millan. (One penny.) [C. 1850., 12 p. 12°. Story-teller, The. Unfading flowers a true story. Kirkintilloch: Published by William M'Millan. t c 1850., 12 p. 12°. Woodcut on title-page of dwarf with large open book. Strange, The, and wonderful history and prophecies of mother Shipton. Printed by M. Randall, Stirling. 24 p. 16°. Surprising, The, adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck, giving an account how he was confined in a dungeon, with chains of 68 pounds weight, and was afterwards gul- lotined in France, in the time of the Revo- lution, 1795. Falkirk: Printed and sold by T. Johnston. 1820. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man with a sword. Surprising, The, life and adventures of the gentleman-robber, Redmond O'Hanlon, generally called the captain general of the Irish robbers, protector of the rights and properties of his Benefactors, and redresser of the wrongs of the poor and distressed. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no., 93. [c. 1840., 24 p. 16°. Quotation from Wordsworth and woodcut of S. George and the dragon on the title-page. Surprising, The, savage girl, who was caught wild in the woods of Champagne, a province in France. Containing a true and faithful narrative of many curious and interesting particulars respecting this won- derful phenomenon. Translated from the French. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Craw- ford, Bookseller, 1821. 24 p. 16°. Portrait(l) of wild girl on title-page. Take care lads whom you marry. To which are added, Turnimspike: or the Highlandman's remarks on the times. Carle an' the king come. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. [C . 1820., 8 p. 16°. The woodcut on title-page represents a woman stmang at a man with uplifted broom. Tarn O'Shanter. A tale. By Robert .Burns. Of Brownyis and of Bogilis full is this Book. Gawin Douglas. Paisley: Printed for G. Caldwell, Tun Bookseller, 69, High-Street. 1825. 8 p. 16°'. Taste life's glad moments. To which are added, Begone dull care. Lovely Nan. The woodman. Cuckoo. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in town and country. 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of kite flying. There's nae luck about the house. To- gether with Pretty Caroline. Wilt thou say farewell, love. Waterford: Printed at W. Kelly's establishment. 8 p. 16°. Thomas Raeburn. Ayrshire hermit. Kirkintilloch; William M'Millan. [1846., 12 p. 12°. Portrait of hermit on title-page. p. 12 contains ad- vertisements of other chapbooks for sale. Three excellent songs. Bonny Barbara Allan. Sir Patrick Spence. Lord John's murder. Glasgow: Printed for the Book- sellers, [no.] 22. [C. 1840.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of girl standing at gate. Three excellent songs, intitled, The vir- gin martyr, The girl I adore, and I'll never love thee more. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. 8 p. 16°. Crude woodcut of woman facing to left — arms outstretched. Three famous new songs called Effects of Whisky. The valley below. Larry O'Gaff. Paisley: Printed by and for G. Caldwell, Jun. Bookseller, 69 High St. r c 1830., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of manor house. Thrummy Cap and the ghaist, a diverting tale. To which are added, Young Whip- stitch, and The gig demolished. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son. 1822. Woodcut on title-page: two lovers and Cupid. Thrummy Cap was written by John Burnes, young- er son of William Burnes, third of Bogjordan. It was composed in 1796 and went through several edi- tions. — Rogers, Burns, p. 10. Thrummy Cap and the ghaist, a diverting tale. To which are added, Young Whip- stitch, and The gig demolished [by Mrs. Barbauldj. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johns- ton. 1820. 24 p. 16°. Tragedy, The, of Sir James the Rose. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers, 1823. 8 p. 16°. Tragical history of Jane Arnold, com- monly called Crazy Jane; and Mr. Henry Percival; giving an account of their birth, parentage, courtship and melancholy end. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.j 71. [C. 1840., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of girl at stile, p. 21-24 con- tain 'anecdotes.' 910 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Tragical, The, history of crazy Jane, and young Henry. Giving an account of their birth, parentage, courtship, and melancholy end. Founded on fact. By Sarah Wilkin- son. Stirling: Printed and sold by M. Randall. 24. p. 16°. Tragical, The, history of Gill Morice, an ancient ballad. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.) 4. ( c. 1840., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: man standing. Travels, The, and adventures of Wm. Lithgow, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, dur- ing nineteen years. Glasgow, Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 122. rc 18S0., 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of Turk with sword and tilting spear. Travels, The, and adventures of William Lithgow, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, dur- ing nineteen years. Glasgow: Printed for M'Kenzie & Hutchison, Booksellers, 16 Saltmarket. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man walking, followed by a dog. Tullochgorum, to which is added, The Highland plaid, Hallow fair. Glasgow: Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, 19 Salt- market. 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page represents two duellists. Twa, The, weavers. The minstrel boy. Canadian boat song. Gaily still the mo- ments roll. Tho' you leave me now in sorrow. The year that's awa'. I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen. Rule Britannia. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. [C 1825-30.) 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of a man, and ship in dis- tance. 'Twas on the morn of sweet May Day. To which are added, Lovely Jean. Haluket Meg. Blythe, blythe, an' merry are we. Glasgow: Printed by and for J. Neil, 17, Bazar. 1829. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of ship under sail. Twine weel the plaiden. Beadle of the parish. O, Jeanie there's naething to fear ye. The Irish fisherman. Meeting of the waters. The deer hunter. Native land. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. r c. 1820.) 8 p. 16°. Ornamental woodcut on title-page. Two, The, babes in the woods: to which is added, O'er the muir amang the heather. Edinburgh: Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. 8 p. 16°. Two favourite ballads. The babes in the wood. Lord Gregory. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 7 rc. 1840.) 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of woman and child looking at a hen and chickens. Two favourite songs. Sheriff-muir. 1 bonny boatman. Glasgow: Printed for Booksellers, [no.] 29. rc. 1850.) 8 p. 1 Woodcut on title-page of man with sword. Uncle Tom's neighbour. Old Moses, true story. Kirkintilloch: Published William M'Millan. One penny. [C. 18' 10 p. 12°. Portrait of negro on title-page. Valiant, The, exploits of Adam Bell, CI of the Clough, and William of Cloudes Who were three archers good enough The best in the North Country. Falkirk: Printed for the Booksellers. 18 24 p. 16°. Crude woodcut on title-page of three boysC?) p ing some game. Village, The, curate, an interesting ta to which is added, The country clergym a poem. Glasgow: Published and sc wholesale and retail, by Robert Hutchis> Bookseller, No. 19, Saltmarket, 1822. 2A 16°. Same text as following. The woodcut on title-r, represents a corner of a large castle and a t Village, The, curate, an interesting ta to which is added, The country clergym a poem. Edinburgh: Printed for the Boi sellers in Town and Country. 24 p. 1 Woodcut on title-page represents curate wit! cudgel, seated on a donkey, a matula on his ht man behind, bare-buttocked, belabouring the donl Village, The, sexton, to which is add The boatie rows, The days o' lang sy The lass o' Gowrie, We're a noddin', Gl gow: Published and sold, wholesale a retail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, Saltmarket. 1823. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page: two ships, one appare: on fire, and rock with fort on top. Visions, The, discoveries, and warnii of the dreadful and terrible judgements on Scotland, England, and Ireland, wh were revealed to John Porter of Crossib< Taken from his own mouth, (while c< fined to his bed, being blind) and attes by him self, as by his declaration annex Joel ii. 28, 30, 31, 32 [quotations folio Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & S 1820. 24 p. 16°. p. 24: J. Neilson, printer. Voyages, The, and adventures of the nown'd Admiral Drake, who sailed rot the world, and assisted in destroying Spanish Armada, which came to inv: England, in the reign of Q. Elizabeth. I kirk: Printed and sold by T. Johnst 1821. 24 p. 16°. Crude woodcut on title-page of turbaned Moor Watty & Meg, or The wife reform'd tale. We dream in courtship But in wedlock wake. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston, 1816. p. 16°. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 911 Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. Watty and Meg or the wife reformed. A tale Edinburgh: Printed for the Book- sellers, 1823. Spelling varies in many words from the preceding. Watty & Meg; or, the wife reformed. Owere true a tale. Paisley: Printed by G. Caldwell & Co., 2 New St. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of man with bundle on shoulder and dog taking farewell with a woman and two children. Watty and Meg or the wife reformed. A tale Edinburgh: Printed for the Book- sellers, 1823. 8 p. 16°. Watty's travels to Carslile [Sic], in search of a place. To which are added. Will ye go to the Trosachs. Blue bonnets over the Border. Down the burn Davie. Paisley: Printed by G. Caldwell. 1826. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man with a staff walking. Way, The, to wealth; or, Poor Richard's maxims improved, &c. "For age and want save what you may, "No morning sun lasts a whole day." Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, [no.] 143. [C 1845.] 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of youth with spade and flowers. Whole, The, proceedings of Jockey & Maggy's courtship. With the great diver- sion that ensued at their bedding. In three parts. Kilmarnock: Printed by H. Craw- ford, for the Booksellers. 1819. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut with farmyard scene on title-page. Wife, The, of Beith: being an allegorical dialogue. Containing nothing but what is recorded in Scripture. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. t no.j 49. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut: woman, child and chickens. Wife, The, of Beith. Giving an account of her death, and of her journey to Heaven. — How on the road she fell in with Judas who led her to the gate of Hell. And what converse she had with the Devil, who would not let her in. — Also how at last she got to Heaven; and the difficulties she encountered before she got admittance. The whole being an allegorical dialogue, containing nothing but what is recorded in Scripture for our example. Printed accord- ing to order. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of beggars with dog. Wife, The, of Beith, reformed and cor- rected. Giving an account of her death, and of her journey to heaven; how on the road she fell in with Judas, who led her to the gates of hell, and what converse she had with the devil, who would not let her in: also, how at last she got to heaven, and the difficulties she encountered before she got admittance there. The whole being an allegorical dialogue containing nothing but that which is recorded in Scripture for our example. Glasgow: Published by J. Lums- den & Son. 1822. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut of woman within a frame on title-page. Witty, The, and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, commonly called The king's fool. In two parts. Glasgow: Pub- lished by J. Lumsden & Son. 1822. 24 p. 16°. p. 24: J. Neilson, printer. By Dougal Graham. Reprinted from a Stirling edition of 1795 (in six parts) in his Collected writ- ings, v. 2, p. 239-179, Glasgow, 1883. Witty, The, Exploits of George Buchan- an commonly called the King's Fool. To which are added, a very ingenious article, called, the cards spiritualized, and shewn to answer the various purposes of Bible, Prayer-Book and Almanack. And also, a very curious sermon on the Word Malt. Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J. Mar- shall in the old Flesh-Market. 24 p. 16°. With woodcut on title-page purporting to repre- sent George Buchanan and the Bishop. Witty, The, and extravagant exploits of George Buchanan: to which is added The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork. Phil- adelphia: Published by John B. Perry, 198 Market Street. New York: N. C. Nafis, No. 98 Catharine Street, 1846. 68 p. 16°. Wonderful, The, advantages of drunk- enness; to which is added, Protest against whisky. Paisley: Printed by G. Caldwell, High Street, 1828. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of man and two women standing round a table drinking. Woodpecker, The; to which is added, Maggy Lauder, and An advice to lasses. Stirling: Printed by W. Macnie. 182S. 8 p. 16°. Woodpecker, The; to which are added, Maggy Lauther. Flowers of the Forest. The lover's chain. Stirling. Printed by W. Macnie. r c. 1820-30.] 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of tree and bird. Year, The, that's awa'. Waes me for Prince Charlie.. A man without a wife. Blythe, blythe, an' merry are we. The Irish farmer. Kelvin grove. The dashing white sergeant. Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. 1829. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut of swan on title-page. Young, The, coalman's courtship, with a creel-wife's daughter. Being a dialogue between an old woman and her son; where- in she instructs him in the real art of court- ship. In three parts. Very beneficial for blate wooers, or young beginners. Printed in the year 1820. 24 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of two men shaking hands: below, a fish; etc. p. 2, a woodcut only. Young Lochinvar; to which are added, The rose of Dunmore, Scottish whisky, Blythe was she but and ben, Sleeping Mag- 912 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language and Literature, continued. Chapbooks, continued. gie, Shepherds, I have lost by love. Glas- gow: Printed for the Booksellers. 1828. 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of man and boy in fore- ground, church and houses in distance. Young, The, soldier: or, aukward recruit: and The bonny lass of Banaphie. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. t c. 1810., 8 p. 16°. Woodcut on title-page of cavalier and lady. Collection, A, of modern reprints of old Scotch and Irish ballads and chap-books. Fintray: printed for the booksellers, 1871- 85. 19 nos. 16°. The old Scottish ballad of Andrew Lammie; or, Mill of Tifty's Annie. The bonnie lass o' Bennachie; to which is added Oh! gin I war faur Gadie rins! The Bennachie Budget: containing The strayed" ox; Stap the flood's wall-e'e; Tenant-right; Huntly's bless- in'; and The "occasional" of the excise. The ex- cellent old Scottish song of the Blaeberry courtship; to which is added The crook & plaid. The raifa rhymer-: containing The pleasure trip; The chani fleet; The brake; Lament for Mary Bourke; a The bird on the wire. The Buchan sangster: ci taining Bloody Dundee; Your ain fireside; The bi peat-reek; The love o' barleybree; and The h; amo' the corn. The Cameronian's vision; by Hyslop. The bon-accord sangster: containing Bi accord; Saturday eve; Liberty, equality and frat nity; The pipes; The pipe and bowl; and Welcome the festival. The duke of Gordon's three daughte to which are added Jem of Aberdeen, and The bon house o' Airly. The murder of King Kenneth. 1 battle of Harlaw; to which are added Willie's drowt in Gamrie, and Bogie-side. The herd's ghaist; or, 1 perjured laird's doom; to which is added Nai Bean. The old Scottish tragical ballad of Sir Jan the Rose. The water lily: containing The licens grocer; Fa pushioned the doggie? Nearing the dai* The New Year's advice; and Wattie's pipes, i celebrated Scottish song of Tullochgorum; to wh: are added Roy's wife, and Braw lads on Yarr braes. The hunting of Chevy-Chase. Young Grigo ghost, an old Scotch song. The covenanters' coron containing The banner blue; The Wigtown marty Dunnottar Castle; and Our covenanters. Select from the publications of Dr. Longmuir. The wa warbler: containing The cogie; The pleasure tr The rinderpest; The clear, cooling wave; and 1 sang o' the unemployed. Gaelic Language and Literature See also under Folklore and Place Names Bibliography Calder, George. Advocates' Library Gaelic ms. lviii. p. 185. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 52-63.) NDK Cameron, Alexander. Oldest printed Gaelic books. (In his: Reliquiae Celticaa. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 524-532.) NDO Mackinnon, Donald. A descriptive cata- logue of Gaelic manuscripts in the Advo- cates' Library, Edinburgh, and elsewhere in Scotland. Edinburgh: T. and A. Con- stable, 1912. xii, 348 p. 8°. NDO Maclean, Magnus. The printed litera- ture of the Scottish Gael. (In his: Litera- ture of the Celts. London, 1902. 8°. p. 325-346.) *R-NDK See also chap, xviii. Masson, Donald. Some rare Gaelic books. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1 (1887-91), p. 193-218.) NDO Reid, John. Bibliotheca Scoto-celtica; or, An account of all the books which have been printed in the Gaelic language, with bibliographical and biographical notices. Glasgow: John Reid & Co., 1832. lxxii, 178 p. 8°. NDO Glasgow: John Reid & Co., 1832. lxxii, 178 p. Imp. 8°. (largest size.) Reserve Printed on thick writing paper of which it is be- lieved only two copies were so printed. Presenta- tion copy to "Mr. J. A. Marsden with the Author's respects. Tombo, Rudolf, the younger. Ossi; in Germany. Bibliography, general si vey, Ossian's influence upon Klopsto and the bards. New York: Columbia Ui versity Press, 1901. vi, 157 p. 8°. (C lumbia University Germanic studies, v. no. 2.) NFC Periodicals and Societies Auxiliary Society of Glasgow for t Support of Gaelic Schools. Statement the year's proceedings of the committee management, [no.] 16, 20 (1828, 183: Glasgow, 1828-33. f. no. 20 is in ft STH p.v. 18, no. 3. _ Cameron, Alexander, editor. See Sc< tish Celtic review. Celtic, The, magazine: a monthly pe odical devoted to the literature, histoi antiquities, folklore, traditions, and the 5 cial and material interests of the Cel at home and abroad, v. 1-13(1876-88.) 1 verness, 1876-88. 8°. *I No more published, v. 1 edited by Alexan Mackenzie and Rev. Alexander Macgregor; v. 2 by Mackenzie; v. 12-13 by Alexander Macbair Celtic, The, monthly: a magazine i Highlanders. Edited by John Mackay. 15-date. Glasgow, 1907-date. sq. 8°. NE Celtic, The, review, v. 1-date (191 date). Edinburgh, 1905-date. 8°. NI Celtic Society, Edinburgh. . Repc 1825. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. * C p.v.' LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 913 Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Periodicals and Societies, continued. Comunn na Gaidhlig an Lunnainn. The Gaelic Society of London (founded 1777). 127th annual report and list of members. Dec, 1904. Inverness: High- land News Printing Co., 1905. 55 p. 12°. NDO (Gaelic) Title from cover. Deo-Ghreine, An; the monthly maga- zine of An Comunn Gaidhealach. v. 1-6 (1905-11). Stirling [1906-11]. 4°. RPA "The Sunbeam." Text in Gaelic and English. Feillire, Am, agus leaBhar-poca Gaidh- lig. 1904. Lyminge: E. Domhnullach, 1903. 87 p. 32°. NDO Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions, v. 1-2 (1887-94). Glasgow: Archi- bald Sinclair [1891-94,. 12°. NDO Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions, v. 1-26(1871-1907). Inverness, 1872- 1910. 8°. NDO Gaidheal, An; paipeirnaidheachd agus leabharsgeoil Gaidhealach. An saithamh leabhar. (Aireamh 61 gu 62.) Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1877. iv, 380 p., 1 port. 8°. NDO Guth na bliadhna. (The voice of the year.) Leabhar 7, no. 3; leabhar 8-9. Perth, 1910-12. 8°. NDO Leabhar 7, no. 3 lacks English title: The voice of the year. Scottish, The, Celtic review. [Edited by Rev. A. Cameron.] Glasgow: printed by Robert Maclehose, 1885. iv, 320 p. 4°. RPA Originally issued in four numbers, published in March and November, 1881, November, 1882; and July, 1885. All the unsigned articles are understood to be by the editor. Sgeulaiche, An. Leabhar 1-3, no. 2. Glasgow, 1909-11. 3 v. 8°. NDO Merged in Guth na bliadhna. Society for the Support of Gaelic Schools. Annual report, no. 1, 4, 6-8, 10- 16, 18-21, 23-35, 41-53, 55, 57-65 (1811, 1814, 1816-18, 1820-27, 1829-32, 1834-46, 1851-63, 1865, 1867-75.) Edinburgh, 1811-76. 8°. STH History and Criticism Anders, H. R. D. Ossian. (Preussische Jahrbiicher. Berlin, 1908. 8°. Bd. 131, p. 1-28.) * DF Ar canain agus ar sgoiltean. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 418-421.) NDK Arkley, Patrick. Letter to the Rever- end Alexander Beith...one of the secre- taries of the Gaelic School Society, on the recent decision of the committee of that society. Edinburgh: T. Paton, 1846. 31 p. 8° Beers, Henry A. history of English eighteenth century. 12°. p. 306-338.) ZFB p.v.14 Ossian. (In his: A romanticism in the . New York, 1899. *R-NCB Beith, Alexander. Letter to Patrick Arkley. . .in reply to a letter to Rev. Alex- ander Beith. . .one of the secretaries of the Gaelic School Society... Edinburgh- W P. Kennedy, 1846. 14 p. 8°. ZFB p.v.14 Black, George Fraser. A proposed pro- fessorship of Gaelic in Aberdeen Univer- sity in 1835. (Caledonian. New York 1901. 8°. v. 1, p. 12-14.) * DD Blackie, John Stuart. The language and literature of the Scottish Highlands. Edin- burgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1876. xi, 331 p. 12°. NDO Reviewed (by Henri Gaidoz) in Revue celtique, v. 3, p. 484-487; Celtic magazine, v. 2, p. 73-79, 195-199, Inverness, 1877. The language and literature of the Scottish Highlands. (Royal Institution of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. London, 1882. 8°. v. 9, p. 547-557.) *EC [London, n. d.] 11 p. 8°. * C p.v.376 Reprint of preceding. Popular songs of the Scottish High- landers. (Macmillan's magazine. Lon- don, 1885. 8°. v. 52, p. 304-313.) * DA Blair, Hugh. A critical dissertation on the poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. [London, 1765?] 148 p. 8°. NDO No title-page. (In: J. Macpherson, The works of Ossian. London, 1765. 8°. v. 2, p. 311-433.) NDO (In: J. Macpherson, Poems of Ossian. Edinburgh, 1792. 8°. p. 363-457.) NDO (In: Same. London, 1812. 16°. p. 47-137.) NDO Brueyre, Loys. Les heros d'Ossian dans Macpherson et dans les traditions popu- lates de l'Irlande et de l'ficosse. (Revue des traditions populaires. Paris, 1887. 8°. v. 2, p. 385-396, 444-455.) ZBA Cameron, Alexander. Gaelic — its his- tory and literature. (In his: Reliquiae Cel- ticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 533- 546.) NDO In Gaelic. Centenary, The, of Ossian. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 62-69.) Clark, A. Notes on ancient Gaelic medi- cine. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 91), p. 156-174.) 74, p. *DA (1887- NDO 914 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. History and Criticism, continued. Clerk, Archibald. Gaelic language and literature. (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v .6 General survey, p. 131-134.) t CPW Craigie, William Alexander. The Gaels in Iceland. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Procedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 247-264.) CPA Crowley, Mary Catherine. Hymns and legends of Catholic Scotland. (Catholic world. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 75, p. 310- 326.) * DA Based on Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica. Davies, Edward. The claims of Ossian, examined and appreciated; an essay on the Scottish and Irish poems published under that name... Swansea: H. Griffith, print- er, 1825. vi p., 1 1., 6-327, xiii p. 4°. NDO (Ossian) Dinsmore, William. Western Gaelic po- etry and song. (Manchester quarterly. Manchester, 1894. 8°. v. 13, p. 144-162.) *DA E., R. The Gaelic bards. (The Academy. London, 1910. f°. v. 78, p. 151-152.) * DA Erskine, Stuart Ruaraidh. Gaelic drama. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913-14. 8°. v. 10, p. 294-300, 452-462; v. 11, p. 80-90, 206-219.) NDK Mr. Robertson's novel. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 484-488.) NDK An t-Ogha Mor, a Jacobite tale. Gaelic, The, census t of 1881]. (Gaelic Societv of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 51-58.) NDO Gaelic in Highland schools. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 11-18.) NDO Reprint of the parliamentary return relating to instruction in the Gaelic language in Highland schools. Gaelic literature. (Leisure hour. Lon- don, 1875. 4°. v. 24, p. 253-256.) * DA Gillies, Hugh Cameron. Reasons why Gaelic should be taught in Highland schools. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 23-26.) NDO Summary. Heller, H. J. Das neueste zur Ossian- Frage. (Jahrbuch fur romanische und englische Literatur. Berlin, 1860. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 183-203.) NAA Henderson, George. Aonghus nan Aoir, or an Irish bard in the Highlands. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 458-466.) NDO Arthurian motifs in Gadhelic litera- ture. (Miscellany presented to Kuno Meyer... on the occasion of the appoint ment to the chair of Celtic philology i the University of Berlin. Halle a. S., 191; 8°. p. 18-33.) R Highland Society of Scotland. Repoi of the committee of the Highland Societ of Scotland, appointed to inquire into th nature and authenticity of the poems c Ossian. Drawn up. ..by Henry Macker zie. With a copious appendix. Edii burgh: A. Constable & Co., 1805. x, 15 343(1) p., 3 pi., fac. 8°. NDi Identity of Irish and Highland fiction (Dublin University magazine. Dublii 1868. 8°. v. 72, p. 585-600.) *D. Jerram, Charles Stanger. Some caus< of the imperfect appreciation by Englisl men of the Ossianic poems. (Gaelic Si ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inve ness, 1876. 8°. v. 5, p. 97-110.) ND Johnston, George P. Notices of a co lection of mss. relating to the circulatic of the Irish bibles of 1685 and 1690 in tl Highlands and the association of the Re James Kirkwood therewith. (Edinburg Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edi: burgh, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-18.) Reser Jolly, William. Dugald Buchanan, n romantic introduction to his poetry. (C< tic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. p. 147-150.) ND My Highland baptism. (Celtic i view. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 22 231.) ND Kennedy, John. The MacCodrum m being no. 68 of the McLagan mss. (Gae Society of Inverness. Transactions. I verness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 126-136.) NE Laing, Malcolm. Dissertation on t supposed authenticity of Ossian's poer (In his: History of Scotland from t union of the crowns. . . London, 1804. v. 4, p. 409-502.) ( An historical and critical disser tion on the supposed authenticity of C sian's poems. (In his: The history of Sc land from the union of the crowns London, 1800. 8°. v. 2, p. 377-453.) < Lang, Andrew. The Celtic renascen (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, IE 8°. v. 161, p. 181-191.) *1 Deals largely with Scottish Gaelic literature. A creelful of Celtic stories. (Bla wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1898. v. 164, p. 792-800.) * 1 Macbain, Alexander. The heroic ; Ossianic literature. (Gaelic Society of verness. Transactions. Inverness, If 8°. v. 12, p. 180-211.) N: Who were the Feinn? "Did Fir live or Ossian sing?" (Gaelic Society Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, i 12°. v. 2, 1891-94, p. 67-106.) N LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. History and Criticism, continued. Macbean, Lachlan. The Celtic element in Scottish songs. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 122-140.) NDO The mission of the Celt. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 56-69.) ..NDO MacDiarmid, R. C. Donald Macleod, the Skye bard — his life and songs. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, n.d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 18-33.) NDO MacDonald, Alexander. Celticism — its influence on English literature. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 218-238.) NDO Some legends of the Macneils of Barra. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 264-267.) NDK Macdonald, Keith Norman. Macdonald bards from mediaeval times. Edinburgh: Norman Macleod, 1900. 4 p.l., 4-126 p. 8°. NDO Previously published serially in the Oban Times. Macgregor, Patrick. Character of Os- sian's poems. (Celtic magazine. Inver- ness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 85-91, 258-264.) *DE Mackay, Angus M. A Highland poet. Rob Donn. 1714-1778. (Westminster re- view. London, 1906. 8°. v. 165, p. 431- 442.) * DA Mackay, John. The Celtic muse in Low- land garb. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 247-274.) NDO Mackellar, Mary. The sheiling: its tra- ditions and milking songs. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1889-90. 8°. v. 14, p. 135-153; v. 15, p. 151-171.) NDO Mackenzie, Hector Rose. The origin of three Gaelic proverbs. By H. R. M. (Cel- tic magazine. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 9, p. 255-256.) * DE Mackinnon, Donald. Collection of Os- sianic ballads by Jerome Stone. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 314-369.) NDO — — The Fernaig manuscript. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1885. 8°. v. 11, p. 311-339.) NDO The Scottish collection of Gaelic mss. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 285-309.) NDO 915 MLauchlan. Celtic gleanings; or, No- tices of the history and literature of the Scottish Gael Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1857. vn, 168 p. 12°. NDK ,—— Celtic literature. (Gaelic Society ?o<,o InV o e o rness %, Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 199-212.) NDO — — Gaelic literature, language, and music. (In: J. S. Keltie, History of the Scottish Highlands.. . New York r 187-?i 8°. v. 3, p. 66-115.) CPE — — Notices of ancient Gaelic poems and historical fragments in a ms. volume (written in the years 1512 to 1529) called 'The Dean of Lismore's book," in the Ad- vocates Library. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 35-51.) CPA Maclean, Donald. The literature of the Scottish Gael. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 345-360; v. 8, p. 51-74, 129-149.) NDK McLean, Hector. The Scottish High- land language and people. (Anthropologi- cal Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. London, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 65- 78.) QOA Maclean, Magnus. The literature of the Celts; its history and romance. London and Glasgow: Blackie and Son, Limd., 1902. xv, 400 p. 8°. *R-NDK ch. 3 : St. Columba and the dawn of letters in Scotland, ch. 4: Adamnan's "Vita Columbje." ch. 5: The Book of Deer. ch. 7: The Scottish collec- tion of Celtic mss. ch. 11: The influence of the Norse invasions on Gaelic literature, ch. 14: High- land bards before the Forty-five. ch. 17: The printed literature of the Scottish Gael. ch. 18: The master gleaners of Gaelic poetry. — ■ — The literature of the Highlands. London & Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1904. viii, 236 p. 8°. *R-NDO Reviewed in Celtic review, v. 1, p. 84-85, Edin- burgh, 1905. Skye bards. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 2, 1891-94, p. 171-223.) NDO [Glasgow,] n. d. 52 p. 8°. * C p.v.368 Read before the Gaelic Society of Glasgow on 20th December 1892. M'Naughton, Peter. The authenticity of the poems of Ossian: a lecture. Edin- burgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1861. 32 p. 8°. *Cp.v.366 The Ossianic controversy. Perth: Perth Printing Company, 1862. 24 p. 16°. * C p.v.684 Reprinted from Perthshire Advertiser. MacNeill, Nigel. The literature of the Highlanders: a history of Gaelic litera- ture from the earliest times to the present day. New issue. London: Lamley & Co., 1898. vii(i), 350 p. ' 12°. NDO 916 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. History and Criticism, continued. Remarks on Scottish Gaelic litera- ture. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 80- 92.) NDO Macnish, Neil. The authenticity of the poems of Ossian. (Canadian journal of science, literature, and history. Toronto, 1872. 8°. new series, v. 13, p. 392-402.) *EC Macphail, Angus. The Celtic poetry of Scotland — a critical review. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 177-198.) NDO Macpherson, Alexander. Glimpses of James Macpherson, the translator of Os- sian's poems, and testimonies as to their authenticity. (In his: Glimpses of church and social life in the Highlands in olden times. Edinburgh, 1893. 4°. p. 255-282.) CP Magnusson, Finnur. Forsog til For- klaring over nogle Steder af Ossian, mest vedkommende Skandinaviens Hedenold. (Skandinaviske Litteraturselskabs Skrifter. Kjobenhavn, 1813. 12°. v. 12, p. 143-386.) NISA Masson, Donald. The church and educa- tion in the Highlands. Inverness: "North- ern Chronicle" Office [188-?]. 19 p. 8°. * C p.v.580 Repr. : Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. The Gaelic paraphrases. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 287-302.) NDO Our Gaelic Bible. (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1879. 8°. v. 4, p. 99-102, 141-145, 190-195, 210-217, 259-265, 302-306, 347-354. * DE An historical account of the different transla- tions. Mayo, Isabella Fyvie. The Brahan seer, illus. (Argosy. London, 1898. 8°. v. 66, p. 309-319.) * DA Meyer, Carl. Die Landschaft Ossians. Jena: Bernard Vopelius, 1906. vii, 120 p., 1 1. 8°. NCCp.v.4 Moulton, Richard Green. Ossian. (In his: World literature and its place in gen- eral culture. New York, 1911. 8°. p. 318- 325.) *R-NAB Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord. On the Ossianic controversy. (Archaeological journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 14, p. 25- 37.) CA • [London, 1856.] 13 p. 8°. * C p.v.377 Nutt, Alfred. The critical study of Gaelic literature indispensable for the his- tory of the Gaelic race. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 47-67.) NDK O'Conor, Charles. A dissertation on tl first migrations, and final settlement i the Scots in North Britain, with occasion observations on the poems of Fingal ar Temora. 65 p. (In his: Dissertations c the history of Ireland. Dublin, 1766. 8° C Raspe, Rudolf Erich. Nachricht vc den Gedichten des Ossian, eines alte schottischen Barden; nebst einigen Ai merkungen iiber das Alterthum derselbe (Hannoverisches Magazin. Erster Jah gang vom Jahre 1763. Hannover, 1764. s 8°. p. 1457-1470.) * D Robertson, John L. See under Ster L. C. Robinson, Therese Albertina Louise vc Jakob. Die Unachtheit der Lieder O; sian's und des Macpherson'schen Ossiar inbesondere. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhau 1840. 122 p. 8°. NDO (Ossiat Roger, James Cruikshank. Celtic ms in relation to the MacPherson fraud; wit a review of Professor Freeman's criticisi of "The Viking age;" by the author < "Celticism a myth" [i.e., J. C. Roger]. Loi don : E. W. Allen, 1890. iv, 56 p. 8°. * C p.v.35 Saunders, Bailey. The life and letters < James Macpherson, containing a partici lar account of his famous quarrel with D Johnson, and a sketch of the origin an influence of the Ossianic poems. Londoi S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. xi, 327 j 1 port. 8°. A] Scenes in Lewis. Air an airigh. (Celt review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 231 253.) nd: A collection of essays written by Lewis schoc children. Shairp, John Campbell. Modern Gael bards and Duncan Macintyre. (Goc words. London, 1880. 8°. v. 21, 423-429 *D Reprinted in his Aspects of poetry, p. 287-31 Oxford, 1881. The poetry of the Scottish Higl lands, i. The Ossianic poetry. (Goc words. London, 1880. 8°. v. 21, p. 27. 281.) *D Reprinted in his Aspects of poetry, p. 256-2! Oxford, 1881. Sharp, William. "Celtic." By Fior Macleod. (Contemporary review. Loi don, 1900. 8°. v. 77, p. 669-676.) * D Simmons, William Hammatt. Ossia By L. Lockfast. (Collegian. Cambridg Mass., 1830. 8°. no. 2, p. 49-55.) * D He does not believe that the poems of "Ossia! were the "mere imaginings of James M'Pherson, w some years since died in a mad-house"! Sinclair, Alexander Maclean. The Gae ic bards and the collectors of their pn LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 917 Gaelic Language and Literature, History and Criticism, continued. ductions. (Gaelic Societypf Transactions. p. 259-277.) John Macdonald, bard. (Celtic monthly, sq. 8°. v. IS, p. 25-27.) continued. Inverness, 1904. 8° the Inverness, v. 24. NDO Lochaber Glasgow, 1907. NDK The Rev. Dr. Blair's mss. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 153-160.) NDK Sinton, Thomas. Places, people, and poetry of Dores in other days. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 318-341.) NDO Skene, William Forbes. The leabher dearg, or red book of Clanranald. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 89-91.) CPA Smith, Archibald. A supplementary note on the Ossianic tales of the Braes of Lorn. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 237-241.) CPA Stern, Ludwig Christian. Die ossiani- schen Heldenlieder. (Zeitschrift fur ver- gleichende Litteraturgeschichte. Weimar, 1895. 8°. Neue Folge, Bd. 8, p. 51-86, 143- 174.) NAA Ossianic heroic poetry. [Trans- lated by John L. Robertson.] (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 257-325.) NDO Die schottisch-galische und die Manx-Literatur. (In: Die romanischen Literaturen und Sprachen mit Einschluss des Keltischen... Berlin, 1903. 4°. p. 98- 113.) NAB Stewart, Alexander. Certain proverbial sayings traced to Alastair MacCholla- Chiotaich, at Inverlochy. (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 42-48.) *DE Stone, Jerome. See under Mackinnon, Donald. Stuhr, Peter Fedderson. Macpherson's Ossian. (Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Ge- schichte. Berlin, 1846. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 172- 179.) BAA Sutherland, A. C. George Buchanan on the customs and languages of the Celts. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-10.) NDO The non-Ossianic poems of the Dean of Lismore's book. (Celtic maga- zine. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 169- 177,232-240.) * DE Thoreau, Henry David. Homer, Ossian, Chaucer. (The Dial. Boston, 1844. 8°. v. 4, p. 290-303.) Reserve Todd, George Eyre. "Ossian" Macpher- v " f H A^ lal ^ home ' (Book-lover. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 5, p. 697-699.) f * GAA Tulloch, William Weir. The Celtic year. Winter and Spring. (Gentleman's ^ g , a ^ e> London > 1907. 8°. v. 302, p. 10/-169.) * jja ■ ; The Celtic year. Summer; Beltane. (Gentleman s magazine. London 1907 8°. v. 303, p. 153-166.) ' * DA Ueber den Ossian. (In: Johann Christoph Adelung. Mithridates, ed. Vater. Berlin, 1809. 8°. v. 2, p. 104-141.) RAD Waddell, Peter Hately. On the authen- ticity of Ossian. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 63-87.) NDO Watt, Lauchlan Maclean. Through wes- tern windows. Some Celtic dreams. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v 5 p. 30-35.) NDK Language Anderson, A. O. Syntax of the copula "is" in modern Scottish Gaelic. (Zeit- schrift fur celtische Philologie. Halle a.S., 1910. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 439-449.) RPA Armstrong, Robert Archibald. A Gaelic dictionary, in two parts: i. Gaelic and English. — li. English and Gaelic; in which the words in their different acceptations, are illustrated by quotations from the best Gaelic writers. . .with a short historical ap- pendix of ancient names, deduced from the authority of Ossian and other poets: to which is prefixed, a new Gaelic grammar. London: James Duncan, 1825. xvi, lxx, 1029(1) p. 4°. tRPC Authenreith, G. See under Ebrard, August. Bannerman, William. The inscription on the Drosten stone at St. Vigeans. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. sq. 8°. v. 44, p. 343-352.) CPA The Newton stone. A critical ex- amination and translation of its main in- scription. 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 42, p. 56-63.) CPA On the ogham inscriptions of the Lunnasting and Golspie stones. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. sq. 8°. v. 42, p. 342-352.) CPA Berg-Schottisch, Hochlandsch Galisch. (In: Johann Christoph Adelung, Mithri- dates, ed. Vater. Berlin, 1809. 8°. v. 2, p. 95-103.) RAD Blackie, John Stuart. [The Gaelic lan- guage, its classical affinities and distinc- 918 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Language, continued. tive character. A lecture... Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., printers, 1864 32 p. 8°. * C p.v.376 Title-page lacking. Brash, Richard Rolt. Remarks on the ogham inscription of the Newton pillar stone. (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 10, p. 134-141.) CPA Cameron, Alexander. Auslaut n in Gael- ic. (In his: Reliquiae Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. S90-601.) NDO Gaelic irregular verbs. (In his: Re- liquiae Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 610-614.) NDO Gaelic orthography. (In his: Re- liquiae Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 577-589.) NDO Glossary of unpublished etymolo- gies. (In his: Reliquiae Celticae. Inver- ness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 615-648.) NDO Cameron, John. The Gaelic names of plants (Scottish, Irish, and Manx), col- lected and arranged in scientific order, with notes on their etymology, uses, plant superstitions, etc., among the Celts, with copious Gaelic, English, and scientific in- dices. Glasgow: John Mackay, 1900. xv, 160 p., 1 port, new ed. 8°. " QEC Carmichael, Alexander. List of Tinker words obtained from Tinkers in Arran, in June, 1895. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 458-468.) NDO Forms part of the article by Mr. D. MacEitchie on Shelta: the Cairds' language. Craigie, William Alexander. Gaelic words and names in the Icelandic sagas. (Zeitschrift fiir celtische Philologie. Halle a. S., 1897. Bd. 1, p. 439-454.) RPA Oldnordiske Ord i de gaeliske Sprog. (Arkiv fiir nordisk Filologi. Lund, 1894. 8°. v. 10 r ny foljd, v. 6 h p. 149-166. NIAC Dewar, Daniel. See under Macleod, Norman, and Daniel Dewar. Dwelley, Edward. See under Faclair Gaidhlig. Ebrard, August. Handbuch der mittel- galischen Sprache hauptsachlich Ossian's. Grammatik, Lesestiicke, Worterbuch. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. G. Authenrieth. Wien: Wilhelm Braurmiller, 1870. xiv p., 1 1., 305 p. 8°. *Cp.v.384 Faclair Gaidhlig, a Gaelic dictionary specially designed for beginners and for use in schools. Profusely illustrated, and contains every Gaelic word in all the dic- tionaries hitherto published, besides many hundreds. . .now printed for the first tir [Compiled by Edward Dwelley.] Her Bay: E. Macdonald & Co., 1902. 3 v *R-NI Beaton, David. The new Gaelic dictic ary and the strenuous labours of the co piler. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkni Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lc don, 1912. 8°. v. 5, p. 24-28.) ( Some notes on a well-known work a its little-known author. (Celtic revie Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 193-202 ) NI Edward Dwelley and his Gaelic dictionary. Ferguson, Sir Samuel. Ogham inscr tions in Ireland, Wales, and Scotlai Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1887. xi, 164 8°. R] Ogham inscriptions in Scotland, p. 133-154. Fergusson, Charles. The Gaelic names trees, shrubs, and plants. (Gaelic Socif of Inverness. Transactions. Inverne 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 127-156.) NI Also published in The Celtic magazine, v. 4 68-74, 134-140, 173-180, Inverness, 1879. Fraser, D. Munro. Certain peculiarit of Gaelic idiom. (Gaelic Society of ] verness. Transactions. Inverness, 18 8°. v. 15, p. 188-205.) NI The Gaelic language as a vehicle expression. (Gaelic Society of Glasgc Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1891-94, p. 139-170.) NI Fraser, John. The relative clause Scotch Gaelic. (Celtic review. Edinburi 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 356-364.) NI Gillies, Hugh Cameron. The elemei of Gaelic grammar, based on the work the Rev. A. Stewart. London: D. Nt 1896. xii, 176 p. 8°. RI Goudie, Gilbert. On two monumen stones with ogham inscriptions, recen discovered in Shetland, illus. (Society Antiquaries of* Scotland. Proceedin Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 20-3 CI Grant, Colin C. Highland English found in books. (Gaelic Society of Inv ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1890. v. 15, p. 172-188.) NI Graville, C. R. On oghams. (Scott antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. p. 132-140, 211-213.) CI Gunn, Adam. The dialect of the Re country. (Gaelic Society of Inverne Transactions. Inverness, 1890. 8°. v. p. 35-46.) NI Halley, Alexander. On letters as i integral representatives of intelligible ticulation in speech, and a brief comp: son of Gaelic with English in relation LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Language, continued. them. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 109-119.) NDO Henderson, George. The Gaelic dia- lects (Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie. Halle a. S., 1902. Bd. 4, p. 87-103.) RPA The Norse influence on Celtic Scotland. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1910. xii p., 1 1., 371 p., 9 pi. 8°. CP Reviewed (by W. A. Craigie) in the Celtic re- view, v. 6, p. 378-382, Edinburgh. An undetected Norse loan-word. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 195-197.) NDK Gaelic pr&mh from N. krom. Highland Association. Scottish Gaelic as a specific subject. Stage 1. Glasgow, 1907. 12°. RPK Stage 1 is 3. ed. Highland Society of Scotland. Diction- arium Scoto-Celticum: a dictionary of the Gaelic language; comprising an ample vo- cabulary of Gaelic words... and vocabu- laries of Latin and English words, with their translation into Gaelic. To which are prefixed, an introduction explaining the nature, objects and sources of the work, and a compendium of Gaelic gram- mar. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1828. 2 v. P. fRPK Large paper copy. Hutcheson, Alexander. Discovery of an ogam inscription at Fordoun. (Illustrated archaeologist. London, 1894. 4°. v. 1, p. 124-126.) CA Jewitt, Llewellyn. Sculptured stone, with ogham inscription, on the island of Bressay, in Shetland. 2 pi. (Reliquary. London, 188S. 8°. v. 25, p. 232.) CA Legend, The, of Deer, with translation and philological analysis. (In: A. Camer- on, Reliquiae Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 602-609.) NDO Liddall, William John Norbray. An an- alysis of the forms of the verb in Scotch Gaelic in relation to old Irish. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 8-42.) NDO Lloyd, Thomas. Affinity of Latin and Gaelic. (In his: The making of the Roman people. London, 1914. 8°. p. 65-136.) BWD M., E. C. The Scottish Gaelic Academy. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 386-392.) NDK On stressed words in Gaelic. M'Alpine, Neil. A pronouncing Gaelic dictionary: to which is prefixed a concise but most comprehensive Gaelic grammar, fdinburgh: Maclachlan, Stewart, & Co., 1847. lix, 549 p. 3. ed. 12°. RPK 919 Macbain, Alexander. The Book of Deer (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1885. 8°. v. 11, p 137- 166). y NDQ „- — An etymological dictionary of the Uaehc language. Inverness: Northern Counties Printing and Publishing Co., 1896. xlvn, 374 p. 8°. *R-NDK . Further Gaelic words and etymolo- gies. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1899. 8° v 21 r> 306-326.) NDO t»o« UPPle i^9 ntary *° h ' S £ *J" n ° ;o » , ' ca ' Gaelic die- • : The Gaelic dialect of Badenoch. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v 18 o 79-96.) N b6 Macdonald, A. L. Lewis Gaelic. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 448-457.) NDO Macdonald, T. D. Celtic dialects: Gaelic, Brythonic, Pictish, and some Stirlingshire place-names. Paper read before the Gaelic Society of Stirling, March 31, 1903. Stir- ling: Eneas Mackay, 1903. 46 p. 12°. RP Maceachen, Evan. Faclair Gaidhlic is Beurla. Maceachen's Gaelic-English dic- tionary. Revised and enlarged by Alex- ander Macbain.. .and John Whyte. In- verness: Taylor & Bain [1906]. x, 407 p. 3. ed. nar. 12°. RPK MacFarlane, Dugald. The science of thought exemplified in the Gaelic language. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 88- 108.) NDO Macfarlane, Malcolm. The phonetics of the Gaelic language, with an exposition of the current orthography and a system of phonography. Paisley: J. & R. Parlane [preface 1889]. 95 p. 12°. RPC Macfarlane, P. C. Some peculiar uses of the possessive pronoun in Gaelic. (Cel- tic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 273-275.) * DE Macinnes, Duncan. Notes on Gaelic technical terms. 1 pi. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 213-216.) NDO Mackay, Charles. The Gaelic etymology of the languages of western Europe, and more especially of the English and Low- land Scotch, and of their slang, cant, and colloquial dialects. London: N. Triibner & Co., 1877. xxxii, 604 p. 4°. t RPC Worthless for philological study. McKay, J. G. Easy Gaelic syntax. Popu- larly treated for beginners. London: D. Nutt, 1899. iv, 92 p. 8°. RPp.v.l 920 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Language, continued. Mackenzie, A. D. The position of Gaelic and its value to the linguist. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 7-22.) NDO Mackenzie, John. Defence of the orthog- raphy of the Gaelic language. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 312-316, 332-336.) * DE Mackinnon, Donald. Accents, apostro- phes, and hyphens in Scottish Gaelic (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 193-207. ) NDK Aspiration in Scottish Gaelic. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 97-109.) NDK The dual number in Gaelic. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-10.) NDK Loan-words in Gaelic, (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 49-56, 97-105, 168-175.) * DE Inaugural lecture to the Edinburgh University Celtic class. On the dialects of Scottish Gaelic. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1886. 8°. v. 12, p. 345- 367.) NDO On the orthography of Scottish Gaelic. (Celtic review. Edinburgh. 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-17.) NDK Traces of the neuter gender in modern Scottish Gaelic. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 296-304.) NDK Macleod, Rev. Norman, and Daniel Dewar. A dictionary of the Gaelic lan- guage, in two parts, 1. Gaelic and English, 2. English and Gaelic... London: H. G. Bohn, 1845. viii, 1005 p., 1 1. 8°. RPK Macrae, Donald. The Drostan stone (St. Vigeans). (Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 330-334.) CPA MacRitchie, David. Shelta: the Cairds' language. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 429-468.) NDO Contains a list of Tinker words obtained by Alex- ander Carmichael, in Arran, June, 1895, etc. MacRury, John. Stray notes on Gaelic. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 59- 69.) NDO Morrison, William. Notes on the af- finity between Gaelic and German. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 5, p. 64-71.) NDO Munro, James. A new Gaelic primer.. . Edinburgh: John Grant, 1902. 86, ii p. 7. ed. 12°. RPC Munro, M. N. Gaelic as an instrumem of culture. (Celtic review. Edinburgh 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-9.) NDK Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron. Kel tic researches. Studies in the history anc distribution of the ancient Goidelic Ian guage and peoples. London: Henri Frowde, 1904. 8°. RPC The sections particularly dealing with Scotlani are: The Novantes and Galloway Picts; The Pict (Peanfahel); Pictish geographical names; Ptolemai names certainly Aryan and potentially Keltic: Name of the later Roman period; Adamnan's Life o Columba; Place-names in the "Pictish chronicle" Place-names in the legend of St. Andrew; Pictisl historical names; The Pictish kingdom; The Pictisi inscriptions; The legend of the "Scottish conquest" The Scots; The Brandsbutt inscription; The Pictisl words cartit and Scollosthes. The Latheron ogam-stone. (Celtii review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 94 96.) NDK The stem Kamb- in Goidelic: Cam bus, Cam(p)bel(l), Cambron. (Celtic re view. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 94 95.) NDC — — The vernacular inscriptions of thi ancient kingdom of Alban. Transcribed translated, and explained. London: B Quaritch, 1896. xxii, 64, viii, 90 p. 16°. RPI The last 90 p. are reprints with corrections o letters to The Academy, written in 1893-95. Reid, Duncan. A course of Gaelic gram mar. Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1908. viii, 16 p. 3. ed. 24°. RPI Rhys, Sir John. The inscriptions am language of the northern Picts. (Societ; of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 263-351. CV1 (Addenda & corrigenda.) (Sc ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed ings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, i 411-412.) CPJ • A revised account of the inscrir. tions of the northern Picts. (Society c Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceeding: Edinburgh, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 324-398. CPi The spread of Gaelic in Scotlani (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. < 17, p. 332-349.) * D. Robertson, Charles M. The Gaelic di; lect of Arran. (Gaelic Society of Inve: ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899. 8 v. 21, p. 229-265.) ND' The Gaelic of the west of Ros shire. (Gaelic Society of Invernes Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. 24, p. 321-369.) ND The prize essay on "The peculiar ties of Gaelic as spoken in the writer's di trict"... Perthshire Gaelic. (Gaelic S ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inve ness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 4-42.) ND LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 921 Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Language, continued. Ptolemy's "Ripa Alta" and "Ta- mia" (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 93-94.) NDK Scottish Gaelic dialects. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1907-09. 8°. v. 3, p. 97-113, 223-239, 319-332; v. 4, p. 69-80, 167- 183, 273-280, 335-348; v. 5, p. 79-90.) NDK Skye Gaelic. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 54-89.) NDO Sutherland Gaelic. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1907. 8°. v. 25, p. 84-125.) NDO Variations of Gaelic loan words. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 34-45.) NDK Ross, William. A survey of the Celtic languages, with potes of their affinities to the other Indo-European tongues. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1872. 8°. v. 1, p. 56-79.) NDO Sarauw, Christian. Specimens of Gaelic as spoken in the isle of Skye. (In: Miscel- lany presented to Kuno Meyer... on the occasion of his appointment to the chair of Celtic philology in the University of Berlin. Halle a. S., 1912. 8°. p. 34-48.) RP Shaw, William. An analysis of the Ga- lic language. Edinburgh: R. Jamieson, 1778. xviii, (1)20-171 p. 2. ed. 8°. RPK A Galic and English dictionary, containing all the words in the Scotch and Irish dialects of the Celtic, that could be collected from the voice, and old books and mss. London: printed by W. and A. Strahan, 1780. 2 v. 4°. * RPC v. 1. Galic and English, v. 2. English and Galic. Skene, William Forbes. Ancient Gaelic inscriptions in Scotland. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 81-83.-) CPA Notes on the ogham inscription on the Newton stone. 1 pi. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 289-298.) CPA ,„ Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1865. 12 p., 1 pi. sq. 8°. CPA Southesk (9. earl), James Carnegie. The Newton stone. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 21-45.) CPA . TT~ An ogham inscription at Abernethy, 1895 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. sq- 8°. v. 29, p. 244-251.) CPA , c — " Tlle , ogham inscriptions of Scotland, (bociety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- Cee i d 'n §k E dinb « r g;h, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. lou-^uoj CPA ——The oghams on the Brodie and Aqunollie stones, with notes on the inscrip- tions of the Golspie and Newton stones and a list of the oghams in Scotland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v 20 o 14-40.) • C p£ Spence, David. Peculiarities and ex- ternal relations of the Gaelic language. (Canadan Institute. Proceedings. Toron- to, 1889. 8°. series 3, v. 6, p. 238-243.) *EC Staples, J. H. On Gaelic phonetics. 3 tables. (Philological Society. Transactions. London, 1894. 8°. 1891-94, p. 396-404 ) RAA Stewart, Alexander. Elements of Gaelic grammar; in four parts. Royal Celtic So- ciety edition. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1901. xvi, 184 p. 5. ed. 16°. RPK See also under Gillies, Hugh Cam- eron. Stokes, Whitley. The Gaelic in the Book of Deir. (In his: Goidelica... London, 1872. 8°. p. 106-121.) NDK Strachan, John. The importance of Irish for the study of Scottish Gaelic. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 13- 25.) NDO Teaching, The, of Gaelic in Highland schools. Published under the auspices of the Highland Association. Liverpool: Henry Young & Sons, 1907. 46 p. 12°. RP p.v.l, no.8 Teagasg na Gaidhlig. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1914. 8°. v. 11, p. 139-153.) NDK Wilson, G. Alick. 'Shelta' — The Tink- er's talk. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 121-122.) QOX Words obtained in the island of Tiree, Argyllshire. Windisch, Ernst. The sources of Scot- tish Gaelic. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 379-391.) NDO Translated by J. L. Robertson from the article "Keltische Sprachen" in Ersch and Grober's Encyclo- pedia. Literature Aged, The, bard's wish. (Miann a bhaird aosda.) (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 331-335.) NDK Translation of Gaelic ballad. Argyll (9. duke), John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell. The 922 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. fairy blacksmith. (From the Gaelic.) (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1897. 8°. v. 12, p. 289-295.) * DA In verse. Baird, Na, Leathanach: The Maclean bards. By the Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair. Charlottetown: Haszard & Moore, 1898- 1900. 2v. 24°. NDO v. 1. The old Maclean bards. Bardachd Irteach. (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 331-335.) NDK A collection of Gaelic verse made in St. Kilda be- tween 1830 and 1843. Beaton, George. Dioghlumean s'na h-achaibh; no, Briathra nan daoine diadh- aidh 'labhair air 'cheist; aig amaibh com- unnachaidh, 'an iomadh 'aite de 'n Ghaidh- ealtachd. Air an toirt sios o bheub an luchdlabhairt. Le Seoras Beuton. Edin- murgh: MacLachlan & Stewart, 1881. 96 p. 16°. * C p.v.390 Bible. An Biobla Naomhtha, iona bhfuil Leab- hair na Seintiomna ar na ttarruing as an Eabhra go Goidheilg tre chiiram agus dhuthrachd an Doctuir Villiam Bedel, Roimhe so Easbug Chille moire a Neirinn; agus Na Tiomna Nuaidhe, ar na ttbhairt go firinneach as Greigis go Goidheilg, re Vil- liam O Domhnuill. Noch ataanois chum maitheas coitcheann na nGaoidheail Al- banach, athruighte as an litir Eireandha chum na mion-litre shoi-leighidh Romh- anta; Maille re suim agus brigh na ccaibidleach 6s a ccionn, a nTiodaluibh aitghearr; Re claraibh fos, ag miniughadh na mfocal budh deacraigh re na ttuigsin, le R. K. A Lunnduin: R. Ebheringtham 1690. 16° in twelves. * YFK The first edition of the Irish Bible contained in one volume. This edition was printed at the expense of R. Boyle, and others, in roman type, chiefly for the Gaelic-speaking Highlanders in Scotland. _ Robert Kirk was responsible for the transliteration from the Irish character. The printing was undertaken at the solicitation of James Kirkwood. The book never found favour in the Highland parishes of Scot- land. The people were as ignorant of the Roman type as of the Irish character. Unpaged. Last signatures: Old Testament, L 1 4, with tables on verso and following leaf; New Testa- ment, L 10, followed by tables ending on L 12. Bound in red morocco, hand tooled, with gilt edges. Leabhraichean an t-Seann Tiomnaidh agus an , Tiomnaidh Nuadh: air an tar- ruing o na ceud chanuinibh chum Gaelic Albanaich. Air iarrtus na Cuideachd ur- ramaich, a ta chum Eolas Criosdaidh a sgaoileadh air feadh Gaeltachd agus Eile- ana na h-Alba. London: British and For- eign Bible Society, 1807. 16°. * YFI The first edition of the Scriptures in Gaelic issued by the British and Foreign Bible Society. The title-page states that the text of this Bible was taken from "the last corrected edition of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christiai Knowledge," i. e., from the editions of 1796 and 1807 but there are some slight deviations. Unpaged. Text in double columns, with varian Gaelic readings arranged as footnotes. Last signa tures: Old Testament, 4 L 6; New Testament, 5 4 London: British and Foreign Bible Soc, 1821. 2 p.l., 791 p., 2 1., 267(1) p. 8° *YF] An octavo reprint of the edition of 1807. Thi title-page states that the text of the Bible wai taken from "the last corrected edition of the Societ; in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge.' Text printed in double columns, with chapter head ings and variant Gaelic readings as footnotes. Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh air an tarruing o'n cheud chanain churr Gaelic Albannaich; agus air an cm a mach le h-ughdarras Ard-Sheanaidh Eag- lais na h-Alba. Air iarrtus agus costus na cuideachd urramaich, a ta chum Eolas Criosdaidh a sgaoileadh air feadh Gael- tachd agus Eileana na h-Alba. Duneidin Clodh-bhuailte le Donncha Stionsan, 1826 1253 p. 4°. Although the title-page is only for the Old Testa ment the work was never issued but with the Nev Testament and Psalms at the end. The New Testa ment has separate title-page, but pagination is con tinuous. This copy was formerly in the library o: the duke of Sussex. Edinburgh: The National Biblf Society of Scotland, 1888. 2 p.l., 881 p., 1 1., 226, 82 p. 12°. RFC Old Testament Leabhraichean an t-Seann Tiomnaidh air an tarruing o'n cheud chanain chun Gaelic Albanaich. Ann an da earran.. Edinburgh: Society in Scotland foi Propagating Christian Knowledge, 1807 12°. * YF! Revision of edition of 1801. For this new edi tion of the Old Testament, the portion containinj Isaiah-Malachi, which J. Smith had rendered in ; somewhat free style, was revised with reference t the English authorized version, by A. Stewart, wh supervised the printing of the whole book. Trans lated from the Hebrew by John Stuart and Johi Smith. Printed in two volumes, in double columns with footnotes. Unpaged. Preliminary matter cor tains a preface, a glossary and General rules fo reading the Gaelic language. Last signature o v. 1, Yy6; last signature of v. 2, Zz4. Followed b New Testament of 1813. Psalms Psalma Dhaibhidh a nMeadrachd. Di reir an phriomh-chanamain. Le Ma Raibeard Kirk, Minisdir Shoigeil isit Shoisgeil] Chriosd aig Balbhuidier. Maill re Ughdarras. A bfuil neach gu dubhac' inar measg? deanadh se urnaidh. Abfu: neach ar bioth subhach? Sinnadh e Sailn Ebisd: Sheum: Caibid. 5. Rann. 13. Ar ngcur a ngclo a nDun-Edin le M. Semu Kniblo, Josua van Solingen agus Seon Co' mar, 1684. 3 p.l., 248 p. 12°. Reserv On back of title is 'The Priviledge' granted t the Lords of Privy Council dated 'Edinb. 20 < March, 1684. Will. Paterson, Cls. Sci. Cone' fo LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 923 Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature — - Bible, continued. hiddine any person save the petitioner, 'his aires and aisigneies' the sole power and priviledge of orinting the work for eleven years. A2 bears ad- dress by Kirk 'To the Potent and Renoun'd, Lord Tohn Murray, Marquess of Athole, etc' B3 (a, b) Contains Gaelic address to the reader Don Leagh- cnora, Sith & Slainte.' Text 245 p. At the bottom of p. 245 are the lines: Is sgiursa ar dheamhnaibh, duine ar fiuchadh le crabhadh. Then follow four paraphrases (p. 246-248) and a list of forty-two errata. This was the first complete copy of the Psalms that appeared in the Gaelic language. It is now extremely rare. Sailm Dhaibhidh, maille ri Laoidhibh air an tarruing o na Scrioptuiribh Na- omha, chum bhi air an seinn ann an aoradh dhe. Air an leasachadh, agus air an cur a mach le h-Ughdarras Ard-Sheanaidh Eaglais na h-Alba. Air iarrtus agus costus na Cuideachd urramaich, a ta chum Eolas Criosdaidh a sgaoileadh air feadh Gael- tachd agus Eileana na h-Alba. Duneidin: Clodh-Bhuailte le Donncha Stionsan, 1826. 1 pi, 108 p. 8°. *YFI Smith's version. Bound with : Bible. — New Testament. Gaelic. 1826. Tiomnadh Nuadh. .. Duneidin, 1826. 8°. Song of Solomon Celtic hexapla: being the Song of Solomon in all the living dialects of the Gaelic and Cambrian languages. London, 1858. 2 pi, 64 p. 4°. RAEC Apocrypha Aprocripha. Air eadar-theangachadh air son a' cheud uair, o'n bheurla ghnath- aichte chum na Gaelic Albannaich leis an Urrmach Alasdair Macgriogair. Lunainn: (Strangeways & Walker, printers,) 1860. 1 pi, 202 p. 8°. RAEC New Testament Tiomnadh Nuadh ar Tighearna agus ar Slanuighir Iosa Criosd. Eadar-thean- gaichte o'n Ghreugais chum Gaelic Alban- naich. Edinburgh: British and For- eign Bible Society, 1813. vii(i),364p. 12°. * YFI Reprint of edition of 1796. With advertisement, dated 1796, and General rules for reading the Gaelic language. Printed in double columns, with foot- notes. Bound with: Bible. — Old Testament. 1807. Leabhraichean an t-Seann Tiomnaidh. . . Edinburgh, 1807. Tiomnadh Nuadh ar Tighearn agus ar Slanuighir Iosa Criosd, air tharruing o'n Ghreugais chum Gaelic Albannaich; agus air a chur a mach le h-Ughdarras Ard- Sheanaidh Eaglais na h-Alba. Air iarrtus agus costus na Cuideachd, urramaich, a ta chum Eolas Criosdaidh a sgaoileadh air feadh Gaeltachd agus Eileana na h-Alba. Duneidin: Clodh-Bhuailte le Donncha Stionsan, 1826. v, 537 p. 8°. * YFI A revised version of the New Testament printed from Stevenson's Bible of the same year. Text in double columns, with chapter headings, and variant Oaelic readings arranged as footnotes. . Copy presented to the duke of Sussex by the So- ?!?*?, for Propagating Christian Knowledge in the Highlands and Islands, 1827. Bound in red morocco, with gilt edges and the arms of the duke of Sussex stamped on the sides. Followed by the Gaelic metrical Psalms and para- phrases, of 1826. St. Matthew Parabola de Seminatore Gaelice, dial. Scotica. (In: Parabola de seminatore ex evangelio Matthaei, in lxxii Europaeas linguas ac dialectos versa... Londini, 1857. 8°.) *YAE Blair, Rev. Mr. Oidhche air cheilidh. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 70-88.) NDO Blind, The, piper's salute to the laird of Gerloch, when he brought home his lady, 1730. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 191- 195.) NDO The original Gaelic (written phonetically) and a modern Gaelic rendering on opposite pages. Buchanan, Dugald. See under Suther- land, A. C. C, D. M. N. Fearrann a shinnsir. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 301-340.) NDK Cameron, Alexander. Gaelic proverbs and phrases, hitherto unpublished, or vari- ants of published ones. (In his: Reliquiae Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 475- 507.) NDO Ossianic ballad poetry — Ossian's prayer. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-368.) NDO Poems of Ossian, collected by John M'Donald in the western parishes of Strathnaver, Ross, and Inverness-shire, in September and October, 1805. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p. 269-300.) NDO Gaelic text only. Reliquiae Celticae. Texts, papers, and studies in Gaelic literature and philol- ogy. Edited by A. Macbain and Rev. J. Kennedy. Inverness: printed at the "Northern Chronicle" Office, 1892. 2 v. fac, port. 8°. NDO v. 1. Ossianica, with memoir of Dr. Cameron; v. 2: Poetry, history and philology. Cameron, Alexander. Lament for Mac- donald [Of Keppoch,. (Cumha Mac ic Raonuill.) (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1907. 4°. v. 4, p. 355-358.) CPA 924 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Original Gaelic songs and poems. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 10, p. 351- 368, 432-448.) NDO Cameron, Paul. Perthshire Gaelic songs and their composers. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1892- 94. 8°. v. 17, p. 126-170; v. 18, p. 340-362.) NDO Text of this article is in Gaelic. Campbell, James, of Ledaig. Poems. Edinburgh: Maclachlan and Stewart, 1884. vii, 118 p. 12°. NDO Mainly in Gaelic. Campbell, John Francis. Leabhar na Feinne. Gaelic texts. Heroic Gaelic bal- lads collected in Scotland chiefly from 1512 to 1871 . . . Arranged by J. F. Campbell, v. 1. London: Spottiswoode & Co., 1872. xxxvi, 224 p. f°. f NDO Reviewed by H. Gaidoz in Revue celtique, v. 2, p. 129-131, Paris 1873-75. Carmichael, Alexander. Carmina Gadel- ica. Hymns and incantations, with illus- trative notes on words, rites, and customs, dying and obsolete: orally collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and translated into English. Edinburgh: print- ed for the author by T. & A. Constable, 1900. 2 v. 4°. t NDO Text in Gaelic and English. Reviewed in The Month, v. 97, p. 347-358 (by James Britten), London, 1901; Catholic world, v. 75, p. 310-326 (by M. C. Crowley), New York, 1902. Laoidh Chlann Uisne. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 206-215.) NDO Taken down in Barra, 1867. Gaelic text and English translation. Laoidh nan ceann. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 46-49.) NDO Thugar maighdean a chuil-bhuidhe. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 138-143.) NDO Uist old hymns. (Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, n. d. 12°. v. 1, 1887-91, p. 34-47.) NDO See also under Deirdire. . . Carmichael, Ella C. A Jacobite waulk- ing-song. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 147-149.) NDK "An fhideag airgid" — the silver whistle. Cesarotti, Melchior. See under Mac- pherson, James. Poems of Ossian. Chisholm, Colin. A collection of unpub- lished Gaelic songs, with notes. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 239-255.) NDO Church of Scotland. The Book of Com- mon Order, commonly called John Knox's liturgy. Translated into Gaelic, Anno Domini 1567, by John Carswell, bishop of the Isles. Edited by Thomas McLauchlan. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1873' xxvii p., 2 1., 247(1) p. sq. 8°. NDO Only three copies of the original 1567 edition are in existence, one only of which is perfect. Reviewed (by Henri Gaidoz) in Revue celtiaue v. 2, p. 264-265, Paris, 1873-75. H ' Conlaoch. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1876. 8° v 5 p. 59-63.) NDO Translation by Lachlan Macbean of sixteenth century Gaelic poem in the Book of the Dean of Lismore. Dan an Deirg — Dargo. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 84-100.) NDO Metrical version of the Gaelic poem by Lachlan Macbean. Dan an Deirg, agus Tiomna Ghuill (Dargo and Gaul) : two poems, from Dr. Smith's collection, entitled the Sean dana. Newly translated, with a revised Gaelic text, notes, and introduction, by C. S. Jer- ram. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1874. xxii, 105 p. 16°. NDO Darach, Iain. Caraid a'Ghaidheil. Sear- moin air bheatha an olla urramaich nach maireann, Tormoid Mac-Leoid... Glas- gow: M. Ogle & Co., 1863. 42 p. 8°. * C p.v.369 Death, The, of Artho, and the death of Fraoch. Two ancient poems, translated from the Gaelic. Glasgow: R. & A. Foulis, 1769. 1 p.l., 16 p., 1 1. 8°. NDO p. box Deirdire. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1888-89. 8°. v. 13, p. 241-257; v. 14, p. 370-387.) NDO Gaelic text and translation by Alexander Car- michael. Deirdire and the lay of the children of Uisne. Orally collected in the island of Barra, and literally translated by Alexan- der Carmichael. Edinburgh: N. Macleod, 1905. 4 p.l., 146 p., 1 pi. 12°. ZBIG Gaelic and English on opposite pages. Deirdre and the sons of Uisnach. (In: A. Cameron, Reliquiae Celticse. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 421-474.) NDO Gaelic text and translation from ms. of 18. cent. The text of the Glenmasan (15. cent.) is also given. Domnullach, Iain, Gaelic name of Rev. Dr. John MacDonald. Marbhrainn, a rin- neadh air diadhairibh urramach, nach mai- reann; agus dana spioradail eile. Edin- burgh: J. Grant, 1897. iv, (1)6-202 p. 16°. NDO Douthal. Morduth, a poem, by Douthal, an ancient Highland bard. (In: Robert Gilmour, Tales in verse... London, 1815. 8°. p. 253-350.) NCL LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 925 Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Duan na Muireartaich (The lay of the Muireartach). (Scottish Celtic review. Glasgow, 1885. 4°. p. 243-261.) RPA Ossianic ballad. Gaelic text, revised version, and English translation. Eas-Ruaidh, Easroy, an Ossianic bal- lad (Scottish Celtic review. Glasgow, 1885. 4°. p. 161-175.) RPA From the Dean of Lismore's Book, with modern Gaelic version and English translation. Fear-tathaich miosail. Air. 744. — June, 1894. Crabhadh no Criosd [Religion or Christ]. Edinburgh, 1894. 4 p. 8°. * C p.v.593 Fernaig, The, manuscript. (In: A. Cam- eron, Reliquiae Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-137.) NDO A transcript of the manuscript in its original phonetic spelling. Next to the Dean of Lismore's work it is the most important document for older Scottish Gaelic. Filidh nam beann. The mountain song- ster. The choicest collection of original and selected Gaelic songs now known. Glasgow: A. Sinclair [1890?]. iv, 92 p. 16°. NDO Filidh na coille: Dain agus orain leis a bhard Mac-Gilleain agus le feadhainn eile, air a dheanamh deas leis an urr. A. Mac- Gilleian Sinclair. Charlottetown, P. E. I., 1901. 197 p. 16°. NDO Fionn, pseud. See Whyte, Henry. Fraser, Alexander. The Gaelic folk- songs of Canada. (Royal Society of Can- ada. Proceedings and transactions. Ot- tawa, 1903. 8°. series 2, v. 9, section 2, p. 49-60.) * EC Gaelic historical songs. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 301-341.) *DA Galic proverbs. (In: Thomas Pennant, A tour in Scotland. London, 1776. 4°. v. 3, p. 383-384.) t CPW Gobha, Iain. See under Morison, John. Goll, son of Morni. Tiomna Ghuill. [An ancient Gaelic poem, ascribed to Ossian.) Translated, with . . . Gaelic text ... by C. S. Jerram. (In: Dan an Deirg.. . Edinburgh, 1874. 16°. p. 43-85, 97-105.) NDO Grant, Mrs. K. W. See under Schiller, Friedrich. Gunn, Adam. Unpublished literary re- mains of the Reay country. (Gaelic Soci- ety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1891-1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 59-69; v. 24, P- 5-28.) NDO Henderson, George. The Fionn saga. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905-06. 8°. v. 1, p. 193-207, 352-366; v. 2, p. 1-19, 135- 153, 255-272, 351-359; v. 3, p. 56-61.) NDK See also under Leabhar nan gleann. Heroic Gaelic ballads. (Scottis and queries. Aberdeen, 1890-94. v. 4, p. 136-137, 155-156, 173-174, v. 5, p. 22-23, 41-43, 66-68, 120-122; 10-11.) 1. Manus, or Ossian and the cleric. 2 Erayer. 3. The lay of Fraoch. 4. The lermid. 5. The death of Conlaoch. 6. of Uisnech. 7. The death of Deirdre sons of Uisnech. 8. The song of Dearg. lay of the smithy. h notes sq. 8°. 195-196; v. 7, p. CPA Ossian's death of The sons and the 9. The Jerram, Charles Stanger. See under Dan an Deirg. Jiriczek, Otto L. Jerome Stone's Bal- lade Albin and the daughter of Mey. (Eng- lische Studien. Leipzig, 1912. 8°. Bd. 44, p. 193-211.) RNA Kennedy, John. Marbhran Uisdean a Bhaile-shear. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 333-338.) NDK Gaelic and English. "Elegy for Hugh of Blair- sear." Poems from the Maclagan mss. n. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 168- 192.) NDO Some unpublished Gaelic ballads from the Maclagan mss. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899- 1904. 8°. v. 21, p. 214-229; v. 22, p. 168-192; v. 23, p. 89-91 ; v. 24, p. 157-184.) NDO See also under Cameron, Alexan- der. Lamont, Angus. Some unpublished Gael- ic songs. [Contributed by R. L. Ritchie, with a short biographical sketch of Angus Lamont.] (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 66-84.) NDO Latham, Robert Gordon. On the com- bat between Conlach and Cuchullin, in Gael- ic, compared with that between Hildebrand and Hathubrant, in German. (Royal So- ciety of Literature. Transactions. Lon- don, 1863. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 474-481.) *EC The Gaelic is quoted from the Book of the Dean of Lismore. Leabhar aideachaidh a' chreidimh, le da leabhar a' cheasnachaidh, maille ri suim agus feum an eolais shlainteil: eadar- theangaichte o 'n Bheurla chum Gaelic Al- bannaich, air tus le Seanadh Earra-ghaeil 's a' bhliadhna mdccxxv; a ris le Gileabert Macdhomhnuill, 's a' bhliadhn' mdccciv; agus a nis ath-leasaichte chum na canain ghnathaichte, 's a' bhliadhn' mdcccxxxviii. Dun-Eidinn: W. Whyte & Co., 1845. vii, 261 p. 16°. NDO The Confession of Faith and Catechism with the Sum of saving knowledge. Leabhar nan gleann: The book of the glens. [Poems by Gaelic authors, compiled] by George Henderson. With: Zimmer, on 926 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Pictish matriarchy. Edinburgh: Norman Macleod [1898] . 1 p.l., iv p., 1 1., 307 p. nar. 16°. NDO Reprinted from the Highland home journal. Livingston, William. Duain agus orain, le Uilleam MacDhunleibhe, am bard Ileach [Edited by R. Blair.] Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1882. xvii, 239 p., 1 port. 12°. NDO Reviewed in Celtic magazine, v. 7, p. 330-335, Inverness, 1882. M'Arthur, John. See under Macpherson, James. Poems of Ossian. Macbain, Alexander. See under Camer- on, Alexander, Reliquiae Celticae. Macbean, Lachlan. The songs of the Gael: a collection of Gaelic songs, with translations. Part 1 [2j. Edinburgh: Mac- lachlan & Stewart, 1890. [32] p. sq. 8°. * MO p.v.3 See also under Conlaoch and Dan an Deirg. Mac-Coll, Ewen. Clarsach nam beann; no, Dain agus orain, ann an Gaelig... Dun-Eidinn: Mac-Lachluinn 'san Stiubh- artach, 1838. vi, 208 p. 16°. NDO Harp of the mountains; or, Poems and songs in Gaelic. Macdonald, Alexander. Eiseirigh na seann chanain Albannaich; no, an nuadh oranaiche Gaidhealach. (Revival of the old Alban tongue; or, The new Gaelic song- ster.) Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1892. viii p., 1 1., 185 p. 24°. NDO Macdonald, Alexander. Scraps of unpub- lished poetry and folklore from Glenmoris- ton. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 22- 36.) NDO Story of Cailleach a Chraich (the Hag of the Craach). ■ Scraps of unpublished poetry and folklore from Lochness-side. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1902-1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 179-208; v. 25, p. 328-340.) NDO Macdonald, Alexander. Unpublished poems by Alexander Macdonald (Mac- Mhaigstir Alastair). [Edited with notes by Professor D. Mackinnon.] (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908-09. 8°. v. 4, p. 289-305; v. 5, p. 20-30, 116-128, 225-235, 294-303.) NDK Macdonald, Allan. Calum-Cille agus Dobhran a bhrathair. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 107-109.) NDK Piobairean smearcleit. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 5, p. 345- 347.) NDK An sithean ruadh. (Celtic review Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 77-83.) NDK Macdonald, Archibald. Some Hebridean singers and their songs. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness 1890-91. 8°. v. 15, p. 255-279; v. 16, p. 253- 266.) NDO MacDonald, Donald. Bas Bhrain agus Dhiarmaid. (Celtic review. Edinburgh 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 131-135.) NDK 'Death of Bran and Diarmad.' With introduc- tory note by Donald A. Mackenzie. MacEacharn, Domhnull. Spiorad nan Timeannan a th' ann. (Celtic review Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 67-76.) NDK Tannaisg nan laithean a dh' fhalbh. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4 p. 152-158.) NDK Macfadyen, John. Sgeulaiche nan Caol. Original Gaelic readings, sketches, poems and songs. Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1902. xiv, 296 p., 1 port. 12°. NDO With tonic sol-fa notation. Macfarlan, Robert. See under Macpher- son, James. Poems of Ossian. MacFarlane, Malcolm. Bardachd nam ban. By Calum MacPharlain. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow', 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 341-355, 433-452.) NDK Bardic melody. A book in which the poems, songs and ditties of the Scot- tish Gaels are exhibited along with their airs, book 1. part 1. Stirling: E. Mackay, 1908. x, 112 p. 8°. *MO With additional Gaelic title-page. Text in Gaelic. Garabh agus na Mnathan. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 36- 47.) NDK Gaelic ballad with English translation and music. Macgregor, Sir James, dean of Lismore. The Dean of Lismore's book. A selection of ancient Gaelic poetry from a manu- script collection made by Sir James M'Greg- or, dean of Lismore r and his brother, Duncan M'Gregorj in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Edited with a translation and notes by Rev. T. M'Lauch- lan, and an introduction and additional notes by Wm. F. Skene. Edinburgh: Ed- monston & Douglas, 1862. 3 p.l., xcvi, 161, 163(1) p., 3 fac. 8°. NDO Macgregor, John. Luinneagan luaineach. (Random lyrics.) London: David Nutt, 1897. viii, 220 p. 12°. NDO Text in Gaelic and English. Mac Iain Bhain, Alasdair. Songs by Alasdair Mac Iain Bhain, by William Mackay. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 10, p. 279-290.) NDO Mac-ille Mhuire. Feasgar Samhraidh. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 9, p. 149-151.) NDK LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 927 Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Macintyre, Duncan Ban. Orain agus dana Gaidhealach. Songs and poems in Gaelic. 11. ed. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1892. xi, (1)14-233 p. 24°. NDO McKay, J. G. The wizard's gillie, and other tales; edited and translated by J. G. McKay. From the magnificent manuscript collection of J. F. Campbell. [London:] Saint Catherine Press [1914]. 141 p., 1 1., 7 pi. 12°. NDO At head of title: Ancient legends of the Scot- tish Gael; Gille a'Bhuidseir. Mackay, John. Oidhche Shamhna. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1881. 8°. v. 9, p. 136- 141.) NDO Mackay, Robert. Songs and poems in the Gaelic language by Rob Donn...with English notes and a new memoir of the poet by H. Morrison. London: D. Nutt, 1899. lxvi, 458 p., 2 fac, 1 pi. 8°. NDO Mackay, William. See under Mac Iain Bhain, Alasdair. Mackellar, Mrs. Mary. Poems and songs. Gaelic and English. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1880. vii, 140 p. 8°. NDO Mackenzie, Alexander. The prophecies of the Brahan seer, Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1877. 8°. v. 2, p. 18-25, 54-60, 91-96, 128- 135, 168-173, 220-224, 258-263, 297-304.) * DE The prophecies of Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche, the Brahan seer. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1875. 8°. v. 3-4, p. 196-211.) NDO Mairi nighean Alastair Ruaidh. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 43- 67.) NDO On Mary Macleod, the Gaelic poetess. Has also notes on (1) The traditional history of Rory Mor's cup; (2) The real history of Rory Mor's cup; (3) Rory Mor's horn; (4) Lady Grange's funeral ex- pences; (5) Unpublished Macleod traditions. Mackenzie, Donald A. Conn, son of the Red. (An Ossianic tale.) (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 150- 159.) NDK See also under Macdonald, Donald. Mackenzie, John. Sar-obair nam bard Gaelach: or, The beauties of Gaelic poetry, and lives of the Highland bards; with his- torical and critical notes. With a histori- cal introduction ... by James Logan. Glas- gow: Macgregor, Poison, & Co., 1841. vni* lxvi, 408 p., 1 pi. 8°. * R - NDO ■ Edinburgh: John Grant, 1907. 2 pi, lxxii, 447 p. 8°. Plate omitted in this edition. Mackenzie, William. Leaves from my Celtic portfolio. (Gaelic Society of Inver- ness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878-81. 8°. v. 7, p. 52-76, 100-126; v. 8, p. 18-32, 100- 128; v. 9, p. 19-73, 95-113.) NDO A collection of fugitive Gaelic verse. Mackinnon, Donald. A collection of Ossianic ballads by Jerome Stone. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 314-369.) NDO Gaelic text only. Titles of ballads in Gaelic and English. The Gaelic version of the Thebaid of Statius. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1911-13. 8°. v. 7, p. 106-121, 204-219, 318- 335; v. 8, p. 8-21, 100-111, 218-233; v. 9, p. 16-33, 112-127.) NDK Gaelic and English on opposite pages. The Glenmasan manuscript. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1904-08. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-17, 104-131, 208-229, 296-315; v. 2, p. 20-33, 100-121, 202-223, 300-313; v. 3, p. 10- 25, 114-137, 198-215, 294-317; v. 4, p. 10-27, 104-121, 202-219.) ' NDK Gaelic and English on opposite pages. Reading book for the use of stu- dents of the Gaelic class in the University of Edinburgh. Part I. Edinburgh: Mac- lachlan & Stewart, 1889. vii, 261 p. 12°. RPK See also under Macdonald, Alex- ander. Maclauchlan, Thomas. Notice of an old Gaelic poem found among the papers of the family of Fassiefern. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 367-373.) CPA Maclean, Hector. Ultonian hero ballads collected in the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland. From the year 1516... till 1870. Arranged, corrected metrically and orthographically and translated into English. Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1892. xiii p., 1 1., (1)18-184 p. 12°. NDO Maclean, John. Dain agus orain leis a bhard MacGilleian. (In: A. Maclean Sin- clair, Filidh na coille... Charlottetown, P. E. I., 1901. 16°. p. 17-130.) NDO Macleod, Kenneth. The Celt and the sea. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 242-251.) NDK Duatharachd na mara. (Celtic re- view. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 241- 257.) NDK Gaisgeach na Sgeithe Deirge. (Cel- tic review. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 3, p. 257-266, 346-360.) NDK Oisean an deigh na Feinne. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 172-174.) NDK Gaelic and English. "Oissean after the Feinne." Sea poems. (Celtic review. Edin- burgh, 1907-09. 8°. v. 3, p. 332-334; v. 4, p. 28-30, 166-167, 246-249, 348-351; v. 5, p. 146-148.) NDK 928 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Two Gaelic runes. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 7, p. 50-51.) NDK In verse, with English translation. Macleod, Neil. Beagan dhuilleag bho sheann bhardachd Eilean-a'-Cheo. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 171-186.) NDO Poetry from Skye. Clarsach an doire. Gaelic poems, songs, and tales. 4. ed. Edinburgh: N. Macleod, 1909. xii, 267 p., 1 port. 24°. NDO Gaelic and English. Also with title-page in Gaelic. Miann a' bhaird aosda. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 89-98.) NDO Macleod, Norman, the elder. Caraid nan Gaidheal (The friend of the Gael). A choice selection of the Gaelic writings of the late N. Macleod. Selected and edited by the late Rev. A. Clerk. With a memoir of the author by his son, Norman Macleod. Edinburgh: N. Macleod, 1899. xlviii, 792 p., 1 port, new ed. 8°. *R-NDO Leabhar nan Cnoc; comh-chruin- neachadh do nithibh sean agus nuadh; air- son oilean agus leas nan Gaidheal. Inver- ness: "Northern Chronicle" Office, 1898. xvi, 264 p. 12°. NDO Macleoid, Murachadh. Laoidhean agus dain spioradail. Air a dheasachadh leis an urr. Calum Maclllinnein. Edinburgh: Norman Macleod, 1908. xi, 83(1) p. 12°. NDO Mac-na-Ceardadh, Gilleasbuig. See un- der Sinclair, Archibald. MacPharlain, Calum. See under Mac- Farlane, Malcolm. Macpherson, James. Cartone, poema di Ossian, poeta celtico. [Tradotto in verso italiano da Melchiorre Cesarotti.] Brescia: N. Bettoni, 1811. 1 p.l., xliv p. f°. ft NCL Dana Oisein Mhic Fhinn, air an cur amach airson maith coitcheannta muinn- tir na Gaeltachd. Dun-eidin: Tearlach Stiubhart, 1818. 8, 344 p. 8°. NDO Fingal, an ancient epic poem, in six books: together with several other poems, composed by Ossian the son of Fingal. Translated from the Galic lan- guage by J. Macpherson. London: T. Becket and P. A. De H'ondt, 1762. 8 p.l., xvi, 270 p. 4°. fNDO ■ Fingal. Auszug und Uebersetzung des Fingal, eines alten epischen Gedichtes. [By Rudolf Erich Raspe.j (Hannoverisches Magazin. Erster Jahrgang vom Jahre 1763. Hannover, 1764. sq. 8°. p. 1489- 1504, 1505-46.) * DF Fingal. Poema epico di Ossian. Versione italiana di Melchiorre Cesarotti' Milano: E. Sonzogno, 1883. 107 p., 2 L 16°. (Biblioteca universale, no. 66.) NDO Fragments of ancient poetry, col- lected in the Highlands of Scotland, and translated from the Gaelic or Erse lan- guage. (In: Fugitive pieces on various sub- jects... London, 1765. 8°. v. 2, p. 117- 162.) A new and complete edition of Ossian's poems. Translated by James M'Pherson, Esq. With an additional poem. To which is prefixed the life of the trans- lator, by a gentleman. Morristown [N. Jr P. A. Johnson, 1823. 2 v. 32°. NDO Oithona. A dramatic poem taken from the prose translation of the cele- brated Ossian... Set to musick by Mr. Barthelemon. London: T. Becket & P. A. de Hondt, 1768. 23 p. 8°. NCOp.v.186 The poems of Ossian. London: A. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1790. 2 v. new ed. 8°. NCL A new edition carefully cor- rected, and greatly improved. Edinburgh: J. Robertson, 1792. viii, 457(1) p., 1 pi. 8°. NDO p. 1-13 contain: A dissertation concerning the sera of Ossian. • Translated by James Macpher- son, Esq. To which are prefixed, disserta- tions on the aera and poems of Ossian. London: Cameron & Murdoch, [1796-97]. 2 v. 24°. NCL ■ [With] engravings by James Fittler, from pictures by Henry Singleton. London: W. Miller, 1805. 3 v. 16°. NDO Plates lacking in v. 1-2; 5 pi. in v. 3. Edinburgh: John Buchanan, 1806. 2 v. pi. 48°. Reserve In the original Gaelic, with a literal translation into Latin, by the late Robert Macfarlan; together with a dis- sertation on the authenticity of the poems, by Sir John Sinclair; and a translation from the Italian of the Abbe Cesarotti's dissertation on the controversy respecting the authenticity of Ossian, with notes and a supplemental essay, by John M' Arthur. Published under the sanction of the High- land Society of London. London: printed by W. Bulmer & Co., 1807. 3 v. fac, port. 4°. fNDO Translated by J. M. To which are prefixed, Dissertations on the sera and poems of Ossian, and a preliminary dis- course or review of the recent controversy relative to the authenticity of the poems. New York: E. Sargeant, 1810. 2 v. pi. 12°. NDO The plates are by Dr. Alexander Anderson. _ — To which are prefixed a pre- liminary discourse, and dissertations on the aera and poems of Ossian. London: J. Walker, 1812. xxxv, 489 p. 16°. NDO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 929 Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Boston: Phillips, Sampson, & Co., 1853. 492 p., 9 pi. 12°. NDO Boston: Phillips, Sampson, & Co., 1854. 492 p., 9 pi. 12°. NDO New York: J. W. Lowell, n. d. 492 p. 12°. NDO The poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic with a literal translation into Eng- lish and a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems. By the Rev. Archibald Clerk. Together with the English transla- tion by Macpherson. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1870. 2 v. 4°. NCL For a critical notice of this edition (by W. M. Hennessey) see the Academy, v. 2, p. 36S-367, 390- 394, London, 1871. Reviewed also (by Henri Gaidoz) in Revue celtique, v. 1, p. 479-483, Paris, 1870-72. Ossian. Poesie transportate in ita- liano dall' abate M. Cesarotti, con correzi- oni, nuove dissertazioni ed aggiunte. (In: Cesarotti, Opera. Pisa, 1801. 12°. v. 2-5.) NNV Temora: an epic poem, in eight cantos. Versified from Macpherson's prose translation of the poems of Ossian. By Thomas Travers Burke. [Canto 1.] Perth: R. Morison, printer, 1818. 2 p.l., ii, 326 p. 8°. NDO The works of Ossian, the son of Fingal. In two volumes. Translated from the Galic language by J. Macpherson . . . To which is subjoined a critical disserta- tion on the poems of Ossian by H. Blair, v. 2. London: T. Becket, 1765. 3. ed. 8°. NDO Ossian. CEuvres completes. Tra- duction nouvelle, precedee d'un notice sur l'authenticite des poemes d'Ossian par Auguste Lacaussade. Paris: H. L. Del- loye, 1842. x, xli, 369(1) p. 12°. NCL MacRury, John. A collection of un- published Gaelic poetry. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1890. 8°. v. 15, p. 140-151.) NDO Old Gaelic songs with historical notes and traditions. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1891. 8°. v. 16, p. 98-110.) NDO Seana bheachdan agus seana chleachdaidhean. (Gaelic Society of In- verness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899- 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 369-379; v. 22, p. 125- 140.) NDO . — — - Taillear Ghearraidh-bo-stig. (Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 25-37.) NDO . -— - Teann Sios a Dhomhuill Oig. Gael- ic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 101-111.) r ,. NDO Uaehc text only. : An Teine Mor — (Will o' the wisp). (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p 158- 171.) NDO Morison, John. Dain Iain Ghobha: the poems of J. Morison. Collected and edited with a memoir, by George Henderson. Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1896. 2 v. pi. 12° NDO v. 1 is 2. ed. v. 2, p. 323-327: 'Loan words from Latin, English, Norse, Scotch'; Glossary, p. 328- 347; Notes on the dialect, p. 348-350. Murray, Amy. Child-songs in the island of yputh. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 2, p. 314-327.) NDK Collected in the island of Eriskay. Nicolson, Alexander. A collection of Gaelic proverbs and familiar phrases; based on Macintosh's collection. Edin- burgh: Maclachlan and Stewart, 1882. xxxvi, 421 p. 2. ed. 12°. NAX Oran Dhomhnuill Daoilig le a bhean. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 189- 191.) NDO An old Gaelic poem communicated by Donald Macrea. Original, An, collection of the poems of Ossian, Orrann, Ulin, and other bards, who flourished in the same age. Collected and edited by Hugh and John M'Callum. Montrose: printed by James Watt, 1816. xci, (1)94-241 p., 1 1., 59 p. 8°. NDO The 59 p. at the end contain a list of subscribers in double columns. Ossian. See under Macpherson, James. Regimen sanitatis; the rule of health. A Gaelic medical manuscript of the early six- teenth century, or perhaps older, from the Vade mecum of the famous Macbeaths, physicians to the lords of the Isles and the kings of Scotland for several centuries. By H. Cameron Gillies. Glasgow: the author, 1911. 5 p.l., 139 p., 15 fac. 4°. NDO Gaelic and English. Ritchie, A. L. See under Lamont, Angus. Robinson, Fred Norris. A variant of the Gaelic ballad of the mantle. (Modern philology. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 145-157.) NAA St. Kilda poetry. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 241-242.) * DE A lament and a love-song composed 1799-1800. Schiller, Friedrich. Uilleam Tell. Dan dealbh-chluich le F. Schiller. Air eadar- theangachadh o'n Ghearmailteach gu Gailig le [Mrs.] K. W. Girant]. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. In- verness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 302-351.) NDO Gaelic translation of Schiller's William Tell. Previously published in the columns of the Northern Chronicle. 930 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gaelic Language and Literature, continued. Literature, continued. Sinclair, Alexander Maclean. A collec- tion of Gaelic poems. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 23S-262.) NDO See also under Baird, Na, Leatha- nach; and Filidh na coille. Sinclair, Archibald. An t-Oranaiche no cothional taghte do orain ur agus shean, a' chuid mhor dhiubh nach robh riamh raimhe ann an clo. Le Gilleasbuig Mac- na-Ceardadh. Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1879. xvi, 527 p. 8°. NDO Sinclair, Sir John. See under Macpher- son, James. Poems of Ossian. Sinton, Thomas. Gaelic poetry from the Cluny charter chest. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 247-281.) NDO Gaelic poetry from the mss. of the late Mr. James Macpherson. Edinburgh. [1837-1899.] (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 394-412.) NDO The poetry of Badenoch. Collected and edited, with translations, introduc- tions, and notes. Inverness: The North- ern Counties Publishing Company, 1906. xxxvii p., 1 1 (errata), 576 p. 8°. NDO Reviewed in Celtic review, v. 3, p. 279-280, Edin- burgh, 1907. Snatches of song collected in Bade- noch. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 22, p. 233-256.) NDO Stray verses of Gaelic poetry. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1895. 8°. v. 19, p. 73- 89.) NDO Skene, William Forbes. See Macgregor, Sir James. Smith, John. Galic antiquities: consist- ing of a history of the Druids, particularly of those of Caledonia; a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems of Ossian, and a collection of ancient poems, translated from the Galic... Edinburgh: T. Cadell, 1780. viii, 352 p. 4°. f NDO Stern, Ludwig Christian. Ceangal nan tri chaol. (Zeitschrift fur celtische Phil- ologie. Halle a. S., 1907. 8°. Bd. 6 D 188-190.) RPA Die gaelische Ballade vom Mantel in Macgregors Liederbuche. (Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie. Halle a. S., 1897 8°. Bd. 1, p. 294-326.) RPA Ossianische Gedichte aus Caithness. (Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie. Halle a. S., 1905. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 550-565.) RPA Stewart, Alexander, and Donald Stew- art. Cochruinneachta taoghta de shaothair nam Bard Gaeleach A choice collection of the works of the Highland Bards, col- lected in the Highlands and Isles. Dunei- din [Edinburgh] : T. Stiuart, 1804. viii 592, p. 8°. NDO 2 v. in 1. Continuous pagination. Sutherland, A. C. The poetry of Dugald Buchanan, the Rannach bard. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1875. 8°. v. 3, p. 101-115.) NDO Turner, The, ms. xiv. (In: A. Cameron, Reliquia? Celticae. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v 2, p. 310-420.) NDO A collection of Scottish Gaelic verse of middle of 18. century. Uist, The, collection. The poems and songs of John MacCodrum, Archibald Macdonald, and some of the minor Uist bards. Edited with introduction and notes by Rev. Archibald Macdonald. Glasgow: A. Sinclair, 1894. viii, xlvi, (1)50-220 p., 1 pi. 16°. NDO Unpublished Gaelic proverbs. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1887-88. 8°. v. 12, p. 11, 179, 218, 259, 336, 348, 473; v. 13, p. 19, 28, 249, 382, 566.) * DE Fifty-nine Gaelic proverbs with English transla- tions. Watson, William John. Cliar shean- chain. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 80-88.) NDK Whyte, Henry. The Celtic lyre, a col- lection of Gaelic songs, with English trans- lations. Music in both notations. By Fionn rpseud. of H. Whyte]. v. 1. Edin- burgh: John Grant, 1898. sq. 8°. *MO No more published; Edinburgh: John Grant, 1902. sq. 8°. *MO Edinburgh: John Grant, 1906. sq. 8°. *MO Natural History See also under Geology and Palaeontology Transactions East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth, 1885-95. 8°. Reports. 1884. 1885-86, 1888-95. PQA Perth, 1885. 8°. PQA Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions, v. 1-6 (session 1881-1902). Edinburgh, 1881-1912. 8°. PQA v. 1 entitled: Transactions of the Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 931 Natural History, continued. Transactions, continued. Glasgow naturalist. The journal of the Natural History Society of Glasgow (in- cluding the Transactions and proceedings of the society). Edited by D. A. Boyd and T Paterson. v. 1-3. Glasgow, 1909-11. 8°. J PQA Greenock Natural History Society. An- nual report, no. 19-23, 31-32 (1896/7-1900/1, 1908/9-1909/10). Greenock, 1897-1911. 8°. PQA 1910/11-1911/12 merged into the Greenock Philo- sophical Society, of which it became the Natural His- tory Section. No reports printed for sessions 25-30. Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. 1851; v. 1-5 (1858-83); new series, v. 1-8 (1883-1911). Glasgow, 1852- 1911. 8°. PQA New series entitled: Proceedings and transactions, v. 5-date: Transactions. Continued as: Glasgow naturalist. Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Proceedings, v. 1, part 1, 3-6 (1880/81- 1885/86); ( new series], v. 1-4 (1886-1908). Perth, 1886-1908. 8°. PQA Transactions, v. 1-4 (1886-1908). Perth, 1893-1908. 8°. PQA Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings, v. 1-date (1854-date). Edin- burgh, 1858-date. 8°. * EC Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs, v. 1-7 (1808-37). Edinburgh, 1811-38. 8°. PQA Some account of the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1817. 8°. v. 1, p. 231-234.) * DA Reprinted in The naturalists' library, edited by Sir William Jardine, v. 39, p. 40-47, Edinburgh, 1843. General Works A. Historical notices of the Scottish herring fishery. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 4, p. 216-219.) * DE Adam, J. C. The bird life of an outer island. 4 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-19.) PQA Outer Hebrides. Adams, W. A. Twenty-six years' rem- iniscences of Scotch grouse moors, the illustrations drawn by C. Whymper. Lon- don: H. Cox, 1889. 2 p.l., 114 p., 4 pi. 12°. MYT Alston, Edward R., and John A. Harvie Brown. On the mammals and reptiles of imtherlandshire. (Natural History So- JJJty of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v . 2, p. 138-149.) PQA Anderson, James. On an apparently new form of holothuria. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 331-334.) * EC From Bressay Sound, Shetland. Anderson, Thomas. See under Gray, Robert, and Thomas Anderson. Angus, W. C. Notice of the occurrence of the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) in Aberdeenshire. 1 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 209-211.) PQA Apperley, C. J. Nimrod's hunting tour in Scotland and the north of England; with the table-talk of distinguished sporting characters and anecdotes, etc. London: C. Templeman, 1857. 2 p.l., 427 p., 2 1. 2. ed. 8°. MXP Arbuthnot, James. Arbuthnot's list of the fishes of Peterhead coast, with notes, by Alexander Meek. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 107-112.) CPA ■ An historical account of Peterhead, from the earliest period to the present time. . .also a natural history of the fishes found on the coast of Buchan. Aberdeen: D. Chalmers & Co., 1815. 3 p.l., ii, iii, (1) 10-83, 159 p. 12°. CR Archibald, David. The blackfaced breed of sheep. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1884. 8°. series 4, v. 16, p. 228-240.) VPA ■ On the Cheviot breed of sheep. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. series 4, v. 12, p. 110-129.) VPA Ballantyne, John. Occurrence of Sirex gigas, Linn., in Bute and Arran. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 187-189.) PQA Occurrence of Sirex gigas, Linn., and Sirex juvencus, Linn., in Bute and Ar- ran. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 305-307.) PQA Baxter, W. R. Summer notes on the birds of Garelochhead. (Glasgow natural- ist. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 69-78.) PQA Bell, Alfred. Notes upon the marine ac- cumulations in Largo Bay, Fife, and at Portrush, county Antrim, north Ireland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 290-297.) * EC On a deposit in Largo Bay. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 22- 26) *EC 932 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Bennett, R. J. Apiarian notes in Argyll- shire for 1879. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 193-195.) PQA Berry, Charles. The birds of Lendal- foot. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 1, p. 5-23.) PQA Bertram, James G. Deer forests and grouse moors. (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6. General survey, p. 78-80.) t CPW Fisheries ( of Scotland]. (In: Ord- nance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 71-78.) fCPW Out-door sports in Scotland: deer stalking, grouse snooting, salmon fishing, golfing, curling, &c. With notes on the natural, economic and sporting history of the animals of the chase. By Ellangowan tpseud. of James G. Bertram]. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1890. xi, 388 p., 1 plan, 1 pi. 2. ed. 12°. MYEL Bickerdyke, John, pseud, of C. H. Cooke. See under Cooke, C. H. Bidwell, Edward. On the occurrence of Sabine's gull (Xema sabinii, Sabine) in adult plumage in the isle of Mull. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 131- 135.) *EC Binnie, Francis G. On the asphondyliae of the Glasgow district. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 111-114.) PQA Birds, The, of Shetland. (Chambers's Journal. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. series 4, v. 11, p. 668-671.) * DA Bisset, Joseph. See Black, George Fra- ser, and Joseph Bisset. Black, George Fraser, and Joseph Bisset. Catalogue of Dr. Grierson's museum, Thornhill. 1904. Dumfries: Courier & Herald Offices, printed [1904]. 119 p. 12°. * F p. box 2 Black, A, stag in Monar. A note on stalking. (Blackwood's magazine. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 150, p. 441-453.) * DA Black Palmer, pseud. Scotch loch fish- ing. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1882. viiip., 11., 81(1) p. 12°. MYK Interleaved. Blakey, Robert. The angler's guide to the rivers & lochs of Scotland. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1854. viii, 205 p., 1 pi. 16°. MYK Blundell, Madge. Some forest folk of Scotland. (Irish monthly. Dublin, 1901. 8°. v. 29, p. 198-203.) * DA Boece iLat. Boethius] Hector. De ani- mantibus quadrupedibus, volatilibus, aqua- tilibus Scotiae. (In: Respublica, sive Sta- tvs regni Scotiae... Lugduni Batavorum 1630. 16°. p. 70-82.) CP _ ■ (In: J. Jansson, Atlas major sive cosmographia universalis. Amster- dam, 1675. f °. v. 6, Regnum Scotia;, p. 21- 23.) Map Dept. Boyd, D. A. Notes on the habits of some common birds. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 50- 60.) PQA On the occurrence in north Ayrshire of the water shrew and otter. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 293-295.) PQA British Association for the Advancement of Science. Bathy-orographical map of the Clyde basin, specially prepared for the meeting, Glasgow, 1901. [Edinburgh?] 1901. folded 8°. Map Dept. Fauna, flora, and geology of the Clyde area. Edited by G. F. S. Elliot, M. Laurie, and J. B. Murdoch. Glasgow: the local committee, 1901. x p., 1 1., 568 p. 8°. PQR Binder's title reads : Handbook on the natural his- tory of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. Brodie, James. The pearls of the Ythan, Aberdeenshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 394-396.) *EC Brook, George. Notes on the salmon disease in the Esk and Eden. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. v. 13, p. 389-394.) QEA Caused by Saprolegnia ferax. Brown, John A. Harvie. See Harvie- Brown, John A. Browne, Edward T. Notes on the pela- gic fauna of the Firth of Clyde (1901-1902). (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 779- 791.) * E c A report on the medusae found in the Firth of Clyde (1901-1902). 2 tables. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 738- 778.) * EC Bruce, David. List of birds observed on eight several visits to Loch Roag, Outer Hebrides, in the months of June and July, from 1886 to 1902. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 5-9.) PQA Buchanan, J. Hamilton. The history of the chough (Fregibus graculus) in Scot- land. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 94-101.) *EC LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 933 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. List of the birds which have been observed in the parish of Callander, Perth- shire. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 52-62.) * EC On the distribution of the goosan- der (Mergus merganser) in Scotland dur- ing the breeding season. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8°. v. S, p. 189-193.) * EC Buchanan, Robert. Birds of the Heb- rides. (Saint Paul's. London, 1872. 8°. v. 11, p. 188-201.) * DA Buckley, Thomas E. A few notes on the mammals and birds of Rousay, one of the Orkney Islands. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings and trans- actions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 44-76.) PQA On the birds of the east of Suther- land. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 126-152.) PQA Burgess, E. W. Foraminifera of Oban, Scotland. (Midland naturalist. London, 1889. 8°. v. 12, p. 77-81, 116-120, 130-133.) PQA Caird, W. J. Plankton, with special ref- erence to the Buchan coast. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 7, 1902-03, p. 184-204.) CPA Calderwood, William Leadbetter. The bull trout of the Tay and of Tweed. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 27-38.) *EC The life of the salmon, with ref- erence more especially to the fish in Scot- land. London: E. Arnold, 1907. xxiv, 160 p., 8 pi. 8°. VRF The salmon rivers and lochs of Scotland. London: E. Arnold, 1909. x, 442 p., 6 maps, 38 pi. 8°. MYKA Cameron, Peter. A contribution to the hymenoptera of Sutherlandshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 248-253.) PQA Description of a new species of lie- matus, from Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 260-261.) PQA Notes on hymenoptera observed in Inverness-shire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8. v. 2, p. 290-294.) PQA On the hymenoptera of Kingussie. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 86- 90-) PQA On the occurrence of Microdon mutabilis, Lin., in the west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 42-43.) PQA On some new or little known Bri- tish Hymenoptera. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 304-324.) PQA Campbell, Col. The distribution of birds included in the avi-fauna of Perthshire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 101-119.) PQA On the protection of wild birds in Perthshire. (Perthshire Society of Nat- ural Science. Transactions and proceed- ings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 18-25.) PQA Campbell, Alexander. The magpie. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 219-224.) PQA Campbell, Bruce. The birds of Ballin- luig, Blair Atholl, and Fossoway. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 277-282.) PQA Old dovecots (Scotland). 2 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 96-107.) PQA Some additional notes on the birds of Perthshire. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-3.) PQA Some notes on the antiquities and natural history of Cramond district. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 116-129.) PQA Campbell, Charles. A badger colony in Dalmeny Park. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 232- 236.) PQA Notes on Morvern, Argyllshire. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 187-192.) PQA Wild life around Edinburgh. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 98-108.) PQA Carmichael, Sir Thomas David Gibson. A preliminary list of Scottish myriapoda. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 193-196.) *EC Carpenter, George H., and William Evans. Additional records of spiders and other arachnids from the Edinburgh dis- trict. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 168-181.) *EC 934 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. The collembola and thysanura of the Edinburgh district. 4 pi. (Royal Phy- sical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 221-266.) *EC — — Further additions to the list of spiders from the Edinburgh district (third supplement). (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 27-34.) *EC A list of phalangidea (harvestmen) and chernetidea (false-scorpions) collected in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. (Roy- al Physical Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 114-123.) *EC A list of spiders (araneidea) col- lected in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 527-590.) * EC Some additions to the list of spi- ders collected in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 308-315.) * EC Castlereagh, Lord. See Londonderry (4. marquis), Frederick William Robert Stewart. Chasseresse, Diane, pseud. Sporting sketches. London: Macmillan and Co., 1890. viii, 205 p. illus. 12°. MYEL Clarke, William Eagle. On the occur- rence of the Asiatic houbara (Houbara macqueenii) in Scotland. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 162-163.) *EC On the occurrence of the lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) in the Outer Hebrides, with remarks on the species as a Scottish bird. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 158-162.) * EC See also Hinxman, Lionel W., and William Eagle Clarke. Coates, Henry. Report on the bibliog- raphy of the land and freshwater mollusca of the counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Fife, Kinross, and Perth. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth [1885]. 8°. Sept., 1885, p. 26-32.) PQA Zoology [of the banks of the Tayj. The mollusca. (Perthshire Society of Nat- ural Science. Transactions and proceed- ings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 60-62.) PQA Coates, Henry, and Alexander M. Rodger. Arrangement of the Perthshire Natural History Museum, illus. (Museums Asso- ciation. Report of proceedings. London, 1896. 8°. 7. annual meeting, p. 43-52.) *EC Colquhoun, John. The moor and the loch... Hints on most of the Highland sports and notices of the habits of the different creatures of game., .of Scotland; with an essay on loch-fishing. London: Blackwood, 1840. 2 p.l., ii, ii, 128 p., 12 pi. 8°. MYEL The moor and the loch, containing minute instructions in all Highland sports, with wanderings over crag and correi, "flood and fell." Edinburgh: Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 1851. xvii(i), 406 p., 13 pi. 3. ed. 8°. MYEL Rocks and rivers; or, Highland wanderings over crag and correi, "flood and fell." London: J. Murray, 1849. viii, 185 p. 8°. MYEL Salmon-casts and stray shots, being fly-leaves from the note-book of John Col- quhoun. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1858. x, 205 p. 2. ed. 12°. MYK Sporting days. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1866. vi, 255 p. 12°. MYEL Colton, Thorndike. Gulls and herring in the Shetland Isles. 6 illus. (Rosary magazine. Somerset, Ohio, U. S., 1905. 8°. v. 26, p. 85-88.) ZLF Conway, James. Forays among salmon and deer. London: Chapman & Hall, 1861. xii, 248 p., 1 pi. 12°. MY Letters from the Highlands; or, Two months among the salmon and the deer. London: E. Lumley, 1859. viii, 142 p., 1 pi. 12°. MY Recollections of sport among fin, fur and feather. London: Digby, Long & Co., 1902. xi, 322 p. 8°. MYP Cooke, C. H. Days in Thule with rod, gun and camera. By John Bickerdyke [pseud, of C. H. Cookej. Westminster: A. Constable and Co. 1894. xvi, 180 p., 1 1. 16°. MYEL Successful fish-culture in the High- lands. By John Bickerdyke [pseud, of C. H. Cooke). (Blackwood's Edinburgh mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 835- 842.) * DA Copy of papers regarding the herring fisheries on the coast of Caithness, and the means of improving the same. (In: John Henderson, General view of the agricul- ture of the county of Caithness. London, 1815. 8°. p. 313-325.) VPX Craig, Archibald. The birds of Bute and Arran. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 78-87.) PQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 935 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Birds of the great glen. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 439-4S7.) PQA Birds of Kintail, Ross-shire. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v . 3, p. 224-231.) PQA On the birds of Glenurquhart, In- verness-shire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 101-128.) * EC Pitlochry and its bird-life. (Edin- burgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 87- 96.) PQA Crawford, J. H. Wild fauna of Scot- land. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1894. 8°. v. 276, p. 581-587.) * DA Wild life of Scotland. London: J. Macqueen, 1896. 1 p.L, 280 p., 1 pi. 8°. MYEL Cunningham, J. T. Marine station for scientific research, Granton, Edinburgh. [By J. T. Cunningham.] [Edinburgh: A. Ritchie & Son, prtrs., 1884.] 17 p. 8°. * C p.v.373 The polychasta sedentaria of the Firth of Forth. 12 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 4°. v. 33, p. 635-684.) * EC Dalgleish, John James. List of the birds which have been observed in the district of Ardnamurchan, Argyllshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 259-267.) PQA Note on the occurrence of the tree sparrow in Argyllshire, and its distribu- tion in Scotland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 196-202.) * EC Notes on a "List of the birds which have been observed in the district of Ard- namurchan, Argyllshire," with additions thereto. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 347-350.) PQA On the skuas, particularly with ref- erence to the recent occurrence of the pomatorhine skua (Stercorarius pomator- hinus), on the coasts of Scotland in un- usual numbers. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 274-280.) PQA Dalyell, Sir John Graham. Rare and re- markable animals of Scotland, represented from living subjects: with practical ob- servations on their nature... London: J. van Voorst, 1847-48. 2 v. 4°. Stuart 12837 Deer and deer-forests. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 138, p. 233-238.) * DA Dendy, Arthur. Description of a twelve- armed comatula from the Firth of Clyde. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 180-182.) * EC Dixon, James S. The birds frequenting Possil Marsh. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 160-163.) PQA Dobbie, James Bell. The summer birds of the Summer Islands. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, -1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 46-57.) * EC The Summer Islands lie in outer Loch Broom. Dougall, James Dalziel. Scottish field sports; a volume of mingled gossip and in- struction. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1861. 1 p.l., viii, 232 p., 2 pi. 16°. MY Dougall, John. On the land and fresh- water mollusca found within ten miles around Glasgow. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 188-196.) PQA Report of examination of a diseased salmon from Loch Tay, received 4th March 1882. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 13, p. 584.) *EC Drosier, Richard. Account of an orni- thological visit to the islands of Shetland and Orkney in the summer of 1828. (Mag- azine of natural history. London, 1830-31. 8°. v. 3, p. 321-326; v. 4, p. 192-199.) PQA Duncan, James. A catalogue of coleop- terous insects found in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, with occasional reference to other localities. (Wernerian Natural His- tory Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. v. 6, p. 443-538.) PQA Duns, John. The beginnings of Scottish natural science. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-16.) *EC The nesting of the eider duck. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 155-156.) *EC On the Isle of May. On the early history of some Scot- tish mammals and birds. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 20, p. 50-52.) * EC Abstract. On the natural history of Lewis. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. v. 5, p. 615- 625.) * EC 936 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Zoology of Mid-Lochaber. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 156- 169.) * EC Duthie, W. H. M. Birds of the mountain tops. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 191-196.) PQA A day with the terns. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 49-55.) PQA ■ The feathered tenants of our build- ings. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 10-18.) PQA E., A. M. An t-each an Albainn. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 27-38, 224-240, 491-506.) NDK Edmondston, Arthur. Observations on the natural and medical history of the Zet- land sheep. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 258-273.) PQA Edmondston, Laurence. Account of a new species of larus, shot in Zetland. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 176-181.) PQA Additional account of the Iceland gull. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 182-185.) PQA List of birds observed in the Zet- land Islands. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 4, p. 271-275.) PQA Notice of a specimen of the Larus eburneus or ivory gull, shot in Zetland; and further remarks on the Iceland gull. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Merrioirs. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 4, p. 501-507). PQA Observations on the Immer goose of Zetland. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 207-212.) PQA Edmonston, Thomas. The great skua (Lestris catarractes). (Leisure hour. Lon- don, 1878. 4°. v. 27, p. 358-359.) * DA The raven [in Shetland]. (Leisure hour. London, 1878. 4°. v. 27, p. 167- 168.) * DA Eggleton, James. The occurrence of Risso's dolphin, Grampus griseus, Cuv., in the Forth. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 253-257.) PQA Ellangowan, pseud, of James G. Ber- tram. See under Bertram, James G. Elmhirst, Richard. List of pycnogonida collected in the Clyde area. (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, n 146-149.) PQA Evans, William. The black-backs of the Bass. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8° v. 16, p. 42-51.) * EC A contribution to the list of Perth- shire spiders. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 88-96.) PQA The mammalian fauna of the Edin- burgh district. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 11, p. 85-171.) *EC The mammals of the Edinburgh or Forth area. Supplementary notes, illus. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 387-405.) * EC The myriapods (centipedes and millipedes) of the Forth area. Royal Phy- sical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906-09. 8°. v. 16, p. 405-414; v. 17, p. 109-120.) * EC ■ Note on the breeding of the marsh tit (Parus palustris) in Stirlingshire dur- ing 1884. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 448-451.) *EC Note on Limax tenellus (Mull.) with exhibition of living examples from the "Forth" area. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 22-24.) * EC Notes on the birds of the island of Eigg. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 430-448.) * EC Notes on Pallas's sand-grouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus) in Scotland dur- ing the recent great westward movement of the species. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 106-126.) * EC The odonata (dragon-flies) of the Forth area. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 87-96.) * EC On the occurrence of the great snipe (Scolopax major) near Glasgow in May, 1885. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 184-186.) * EC Our present knowledge of the fauna of the Forth area. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 17, p. l-64d.) * EC A preliminary list of Perthshire collembola and thysanura. (Perthshire LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 937 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 150-154.) PQA The reptiles and batrachians of the Edinburgh district. (Roval Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 490-526.) * EC . Some further records of collem- bola and thysanura from the Forth area. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 17, p. 195-200.) * EC Some medusae and ctenophores from the Firth of Forth. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 17, p. 300-311.) *EC See also under Carpenter, George H., and William Evans. Ewart, James Cossar. On the occur- rence of the anchovy (Engraulis encras- icholus) in Scottish waters. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 333.) * EC On skulls of horses from the Roman fort at Newstead, near Melrose, with ob- servations on the origin of domestic horses. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. v. 45, p. 555-587.) * EC Fairholme, George. Observations on woodcocks and fieldfares breeding in Scot- land. (Magazine of natural history. Lon- don 1837. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 337-340.) PQA Farrall, Thomas. On the Ayrshire breed of cattle. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1876. 8°. series 4, v. 8, p. 129-147.) VPA On the polled Angus or Aberdeen breed of cattle, and the means that have been or might be used for its improvement. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1877. 8°. series 4, v. 9, p. 299-324.) VPA On the west Highland breed of cattle. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1876. 8°. series 4, v. 8, p. 147-163.) VPA Ferguson, William. Reminiscences of the early days of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. 1 port. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 9-17.) PQA Fergusson, Anderson. Additions to the list of Clyde coleoptera. (Glasgow natural- ist. Glasgow, 1910, 8°. v. 2, p. 83-92.) PQA Additions to the list of Scottish coleoptera. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 214-216.) PQA Fleming, John. Gleanings of natural history, gathered on the coast of Scotland during a voyage in 1821. (Edinburgh phil- osophical journal. Edinburgh, 1823-24. 8 . v. 8, p. 294-303; v. 9, p. 248-254; v. 10, p. 95- 101.) OA _ — — A history of British animals, ex- hibiting the descriptive characters and sys- tematical arrangement of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca, and radiata of the United Kingdom.. . Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1828. xxiii, 565(1) p. 8°. QGV Observations on the orthoceratites of Scotland. 1 pi. (Annals of philosophy. London, 1815. 8°. v. 5, p. 199-206.) OA Read before the Wernerian Society. Observations tending to establish the identity of the deal fish of Orkney with the vaagmaer of Iceland. (Magazine of natural history. London, 1831. 8°. v. 4, p. 215-220.) PQA Scottish zoology. (Edinburgh mag- azine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1818-19. 8°. v. 2, p. 105-107, 423-429; v. 4, p. 504-509.) * DE The articles are signed 'J. F.' Zoology of the Bass. 1 pi. (In: The Bass Rock... Edinburgh, 1848. 8°. p. 383-408.) Stuart 7543 Forest sketches; deer-stalking and other sports in the Highlands fifty years ago. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1865. xxxv, 352 p., 4 pi. 8°. MYPL Forrest, Sir James. A close-time for trout in Scotland. (Blackwood's maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 161, p. 869- 876.) * DA Fowling in Faroe and Shetland. (In: Yankee enterprise; or, The two million- aires... Boston, 1855. 12°. p. 219-225.) HBC Francis, F. By lake and river; an an- gler's rambles in the north of England and Scotland. London: "The Field," 1874. xii, 415 p. 8°. MYL Fraser, L. Skua or brown gull. (Lei- sure hour. London, 1878. 4°. v. 27, p. 166-167.) * DA In Shetland. Fullarton, J. H. The oyster fishery of Scotland. (Philosophical Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1891. 8°. v. 22, p. 110-127.) *EC Gathorne-Hardy, Alfred Erskine. Au- tumns in Argyleshire with rod and gun. With illustrations by Archibald Thorburn. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1900. xi, 228 p., 8 pi. 8°. MYEL 938 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. My happy hunting grounds, with notes on sport and natural history. With illustrations by G. E. Lodge, Sir Frank Lockwood, W. A. Toplis, and from photo- graphs. London: Longmans Green and Co., 1914. xii, 274 p., 30 pi. 8°. MYPL Geddes, Patrick. A naturalists' society and its work. (Scottish geographical mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. 19, p. 89- 95, 141-147.) KAA An address delivered to the Dunfermline Natural- ists' Society on its work. Gemmill, James F. Ichthyonema grayi (Gemmill and V. Linstow). (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Transactions Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 6, p 299-301.) PQA From different localities in the Firth of Clyde. Gibson, John. Zoology [of Scotland] (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edin burgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p ?9_a? ^i + rpw, 52-62.) tCPW Gillespie, John. The Galloway breed of cattle. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1878. 8°. series 4, v. 10, p. 155-173.) VPA Gilmour, John. On the introduction of the wild turkey (Meleagris gallipavo) into Argyllshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 11-16.) PQA Gray, Robert. Ailsa Craig and its birds. (Intellectual observer. London, 1864. 8°. v. 4, p. 114-122.) OA The merlin (Falco aesalon). (In- tellectual observer. London, 1863. 8°. v. 3, p. 27-30.) OA • • Note on the occurrence of the pin- tail duck (Dafila acuta) in the Outer Heb- rides. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 360-362.) * EC Note on the occurrence of the stockdove (Columba aenas) in Berwick- shire. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 131-132.) * EC On the introduction of Reeve's pheasant into Scottish game preserves. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 239.) * EC On the occurrence of the blackcap warbler (Sylvia atricapilla) in Scotland during winter. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 349-351.) PQA On the occurrence of the night heron (Nycticorax griseus) in Clackmann- anshire, and the American night heron (Nycticorax gardeni) in Ayrshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 355- 360.) * EC On the occurrence of the pectoral sandpiper (Tringa maculata, Vieill.) at Loch Lomond. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 240-241.) * EC On the sea-gulls at present fre- quenting the estuary of the Forth. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 198- 208.) PQA Gray, Robert, and Thomas Anderson. On the birds of Ayrshire and Wigtown- shire. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 269-324.) PQA Gregory, William. On new forms of marine diatomaceae, found in the Firth of Clyde and in Loch Fine. 6 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 21, p. 473-542.*) * EC Grieve, John. Dredging notes from the Bay of Rothesay. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 45-56.) PQA Extracts from an unpublished ornithology of Glasgow. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 181- 190.) PQA With notes by John Paterson. Notes on some of the marine inver- tebrata of the Firth of Clyde, with a notice of the most suitable localities for dredging in the Bay of Rothesay. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 57-66.) PQA ■ Notes on Spirialis retroversus from Gairloch, Ross-shire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow.- Proceedings. Glas- gow 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 230-234.) PQA With supplementary note by David Robertson. Grieve, John, and David Robertson. On the marine zoology and botany of Loch Ryan, Bay of Luce, and Portpatrick, from observations made during a recent excur- sion. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 21-36.) PQA Grieve, Symington. Daubenton's bat (Vespertilis daubentoni), as observed in Glen Dochart, Perthshire. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 131-137.) PQA Note on the westward migration of the flora and reptilian fauna of the Eu- ropean continent, as evidenced on the mainland of Scotland, some of the southern LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 939 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Hebrides, and Ireland. (Edinburgh Nat- uralists' Field Club. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 166-172.) PQA The red deer (Cervus elaphus). (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 278- 286.) PQA In the deer-forest of the island of Rum. The red deer, fox, wild cat, and golden eagle in Glen Garry forest. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 181-189.) PQA Some notes on remains of the great auk or garefowl (Alca impennis, L.), found in excavating an ancient shell-mound in Oronsay. (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 58-62.) PQA The toads and frogs of the Laggan district. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 189-195.) PQA Grimble, Augustus. The salmon rivers of Scotland. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1899-1900. 4 v. f°. tMYKA Guenther, Albert Charles Lewis Gott- hilf. Report on the fishes obtained by Mr. J. Murray in deep water on the north- west coast of Scotland, between April, 1887 and March, 1888. 2 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. 8°. v. 15, p. 205-220.) * EC Haddin, William. On the distribution of the helicidse in Bute and in the vicinity of Largs. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 247-251.) PQA Hall, Herbert Byng. Scottish sports and pastimes. London: J. and D. A. Darling, 1850. 2 pi, 264 p., 5 pi. 16°. MYEL Hall, R. The Highland sportsman; a compendious sporting guide to the High- lands of Scotland. London: Office of High- land Sportsman [1882). 4 p.l., 588 p., 6 pi. 12°. MYEL Hartley, Gilfrid W. Wildfowl shooting in the Outer Hebrides. (Blackwood's mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 165, p. 413- 426.) * DA More about wildfowl shooting in the Outer Hebrides. (Blackwood's mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 166, p. 174- 188.) '%DA . Harvie-Brown, John A. Early chapters in the history of the squirrel in Great Bri- tain. Part ii. Mythological, heraldic, and historical evidence in Scotland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 31-63.) *EC The Flannan Isles and their bird life. 2 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 197-209.) PQA Further notes on North Rona, being an appendix_ to Mr. John Swinburne's pa- per on that island in the "Proceedings" of thissociety, 1883-84. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 284-299.) * EC Hysgeir, off Canna, and its bird life; with notice of the breeding of the pintail (Anas acuta, L.) there in 1878 and 1881. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 169-177.) *EC The islands and rocks of Haskier, off N. Uist and their bird life. 1 pi. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 181- 191.) PQA The Isle of May: its faunal position and bird life. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 303-325.) * EC Late chapters in the history of the squirrel in Great Britain. Restoration, re- suscitation, and dispersal of the species through Scotland. 1 map. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 115-182.) *EC The marsh tit in Scotland. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 97-100.) PQA The north-west coasts of Suther- land and their bird life. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh. 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 485-499.) *EC • ■ On the birds found breeding in Sutherlandshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 69-134.) PQA • On the caper-caillie in Scotland (Tetrao urogallus, L.) with special ref- erence to damage done to pine forests. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 348- 349.) PQA On the mammalia of the Outer Heb- rides. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. y. 4, p. 88-108.) PQA On the nesting of the dotterell (Charadrius morinellus) in Scotland. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2 p. 237- 241.) PQ A On the occurrence of the black red- start (Ruticilla titys, Scop.) at Pentland Skerries, Pentland Firth; along with a 940 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. special plea in favour of ornithological edu- cation. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 112-114.) *EC On the occurrence of the Iceland gull (Larus leucopterus) in the estuary of the Forth during the present winter, with notes on the habits of the species, from personal observation. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 210-212.) PQA On the occurrence of the little gull (Larus minutus) in the island of North Uist. . . (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh, 188S. 8°. v. 8, p. 105-112.) * EC On St. Abb's Head and its bird life. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 110-118.) PQA On the stockdove (Columba cenas), with remarks upon its extension of range in Great Britain. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 241-254.) * EC In Scotland, p. 251-254. Ornithological journal of the win- ter of 1878-79, with collected notes regard- ing its effects upon animal life, including remarks on the migration of birds in the autumn of 1878 and the spring of 1879. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 123-190.) PQA Rockall. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 63-72.) * EC Second report on Scottish ornithol- ogy — October 1st, 1879, to September 30th, 1880. illus. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 290-326.) PQA Supplementary notes on the birds found breeding in Sutherlandshire. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 226- 248.) PQA The tufted duck in Scotland: its increase and distribution. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 144-160.) * EC See also under Alston, Edward R., and John A. Haevie-Brown ; and Maclach- lan, George. Hay, H. Moray Drummond. Bird-life within the banks of the Tay, from Ken- more to Invergowrie. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 62-77.) PQA Museum notes: on the nesting birds of Perthshire and the basin of the Tay. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth 1898 8°. v. 2, p. 143-147.) PQ A ' Note on the occurrence of the desert wheatear in the Tay district. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1893 8° v. 1, p. 90.) PQA Notes on some rare Perthshire birds lately placed in the museum. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1893 8° v. 1, p. 1-15.) PQA — — Occurrence of the hoopoe in the Tay district. (Perthshire Society of Nat- ural Science. Proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. clvii-clviii.) PQA Remarks on the black-throated thrush and its occurrence in Scotland. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893 8°. v. 1, p. 135-138.) " PQA • Report on the ornithology of the east of Scotland, from Fife to Aberdeen- shire inclusive. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth [1886?,. 8°. 1886, p. 25-50.) PQA Henderson, John R. The decapod and schizopod Crustacea of the Firth of Clyde. Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 315-353.) PQA The echinodermata of the Firth of Clyde. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 328-337.) * EC List of shells and zoophytes from the Firth of Forth not hitherto recorded in the society's proceedings. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8 p. 114- 115.) *EC Recent additions to the invertebrate fauna of the Firth of Forth. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 307-313.) *EC Henderson, Robert. The diptera of Clyde, being a list of species of the fam- ilies platypezidae, pipunculidae, syrphidae, and conopidae, not r.ecorded in Mr. P. H. Grimshaw's list (Fauna and flora, &c, of Clyde, 1901), and of additional localities for most of the uncommon species there re- corded. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 148-154.) PQA — Second list. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8 p. 7-22.) PQA — Third list. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 156-173.) PQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 941 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Hendry, George. About Shetland ponies, illus (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don,' 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. S19-S24.) * DA Hepburn, David. Notes on a collection of mammalian and other fragmentary- bones obtained from Smoo cave, Durness, Sutherlandshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 314-318.) * EC On the association of human re- mains with those of the red deer and the ox in Hailes quarry, Midlothian. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 197-199.) PTA See also under Simpson, James, and David Hepburn. Herbert, A. B. Discovery of the water- spider (Argyroneta aquatica) near Balerno. (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 297-298.) PQA Herdman, William Abbott. On the in- vertebrate fauna of Lamlash Bay. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 193-219.) * EC Additional notes on the invertebrate fauna of Lamlash Bay. 1 pi. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 17-30.) * EC See also under Leslie, George, and W. A. Herdman. Hibbert, Samuel. Account of the dis- covery of the Shetland cod-bank in the summer of 1818. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 2, p. 138- 150.) OA On the question of the existence of the_ reindeer, during the twelfth century in Caithness. (Edinburgh journal of sci- ence. Edinburgh, 1831. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 50-52.) OA Hinxman Lionel W., and William Eagle Clarke. A contribution to the vertebrate fauna of west Ross-shire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 377-415.) * EC Hood, John. List of rotifera found with- in a radius of twenty miles round Dundee. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' So- cieties. Proceedings. Perth, 1891. 8°. 1890, p. 44-58.) PQA Horn, William. Collected notes on the birds of Buchan. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 234-256.) PQA : The mammalia of north-west Perth- shire. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 119-126.) ' PQA Notes on the birds of the north- west of Perthshire. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 54-69.) PQA Notes on the mammalia of Buchan. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 228-234.) PQA Howden, James C. Report on the fishes of the north-east of Scotland. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth [1886?] 8°. 1886, p. 51-65.) PQA Idle, Christopher, pseud. Hints on shooting and fishing, &c, both on sea and land, and in the freshwater lochs of Scot- land. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855. vi p., 1 1., 293 p. 16°. MY Illustrated, The, guide to the shootings of Scotland. Short title: The illustrated guide [issued by the Club Shooting and Fishing Agency). London: Tennant, Ross & Wallace, Ltd., 1905. 270, xxxviii p., 1 map. 8°. MYEL Jameson, Robert. Catalogue of animals, of the class vermes, found in the Firth of Forth, and other parts of Scotland. (Wer- nerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 556-565.) PQA Jeans, Thomas. The Tommiebeg shoot- ings; or, A moor in Scotland. London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, 1861. viii, 424 p., 7 pi. new ed. 16°. MYPL Johnston, George. Address to the mem- bers of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, Sept. 19, 1832. (Magazine of natural his- tory. London, 1833. 8°. v. 6, p. 11-21.) PQA A descriptive catalogue of the in- secta myriapoda found in Berwickshire. (Magazine of natural history. London, 1835. 8°. v. 8, p. 486-494.) PQA Kerr, J. Graham. Note 'on the pelagic fauna observed off the west coast of Ar- ran during the months of August and September, 1905. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 1-5.) PQA Remarks upon the zoological col- lection of the University of Glasgow, made on the occasion of the visit by the Natural History Society, on March 12, 1910. (Glas- gow naturalist. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 97-111.) PQA King, J. F. X. List of "Clyde" copeog- natha, or psocidae. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 34-36.) PQA Notes on the neuroptera of Argyll- shire. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 163- 169.) PQA 942 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Notes on the neuroptera of Rothie- murchus and Kingussie. (Natural History- Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. v. 1, p. 3S4-36S.) PQA Notes on a small collection of neu- roptera from the island of Coll. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings, and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 133-134.) PQA King, L. A. L., and E. S. Russell. A method for the study of the animal ecology of the shore. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh: Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 17, p. 22S-2S3.) * EC On the east side of Cumbrae, facing Fairlie. Kirkcaldy, G. W. See under M'Gregor, T. M., and G. W. Kirkcaldy. Ktrkman, F. B. With the gannets on the Bass Rock. 12 illus. (Pall Mall maga- zine. London, 1910. 8°. v. 45, p. S95-603.) *DA Knight, G. A. Frank. "A day with the dredge at Machrie Bay, Arran." (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 169-171.) PQA • A molluscan visit to some of the Inner Hebrides (Islay, Coll, Tiree, and Iona). (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 135-161.) PQA Notes on the natural history, geol- ogy, and antiquities of Duror, Argyllshire. 1 map. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 213-228.) PQA ■ A visit to the Outer Hebrides in search of mollusca. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 193- 217.) PQA Knox, Arthur Edward. Autumns on the Spey. London: J. Van Voorst, 1872. 4 p.L, 171 p., 4 pi. 12°. MYEL Knox, Robert. Fish and fishing in the lone glens of Scotland. With a history of the propagation, growth, and metamor- phoses of the salmon. London: G. Rout- ledge & Co., 1854. iv, 144 p. 12°. MYF L., W. Notice of the breeding of wood- cocks in Selkirkshire; with observations upon the habits and manners of the black and red grouse, and carrion crow, in Scot- land. (Magazine of natural history. Lon- don, 1837. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 118-122.) PQA Lamond, Henry. The gentle art; some sketches and studies. With eight illustra- tions by the author. London: J. Murray, 1911. xp., 21., 3-303(1) p., 8 pi. 8°. MYKA Landsborough, David. The jay, star- ling, and kingfisher, in Ayrshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 298-302.) Pqa Lang, Andrew. Salmon fishing. (In his: Lost leaders. London, 1892. 2. ed. 12°' P- 9-16.) NCZ — — Scotch rivers. (In his: Lost lead- ers. London, 1892. 2. ed. 12°. p. 1-8) NCZ Laskey, James. Account of North Brit- ish testacea. 1 pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. 1811. 8° v 1, p. 370-417.) PQA Leitch, A. A Scottish fly-fisher. Pais- ley: A. Gardner, 1911. 2 pi, 214 p., 1 1 11 pi. illus. 8°. MYI Leslie, George, and W. A. Herdman. The invertebrate fauna of the Firth of Forth. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 68-95, 201-231, 268-315.) *EC 1. Comprising the hydroida, alcyonaria, and ech- inodermata. 2. Comprising the protozoa, polyzoa, Crustacea, and tunicata. 3. Comprising the porifera, coelenterata (pars), vermes, pycnogonida, and mollusca. Lindsay, John. The "water-flea" scare in our city. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 267- 276.) PQA See also under Scott, Thomas, and John Lindsay. Loch, James. Observations upon the salmon in Loch Shin, in Sutherland. (Magazine of natural history. London, 1837. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 208-211.) PQA Logan, George. Further notice of the herring and sprat fishery of the Firth of Forth. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 288-290.) *EC Report of the Committee on ma- rine zoology; with a notice of the sprat- fishing in the Firth of Forth. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 240- 243.) * EC Londonderry (4. marquis), Frederick William Robert Stewart. Deer-stalking in the Highlands. (English annual. Lon- don [1834]. 8°. 1834, p. 194-202.) NCA A pleasure party in the Highlands. (English annual. London [1834]. 8°. 1834, p. 12-20.) NCA Long, Rowley Jex. Notes on the occur- rence of the tufted duck (fuligula cristata). (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 53-54.) PQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 943 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Lord Southesk's Highland cattle. 6 illus. (Country life. London, 1910. v. 28, p. 885- 887.) ttMVA Lovat-Fraser, James Alexander. The wolf in Scotland. (Antiquary. London, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 32, p. 75-76.) CA Lowe, W. H. On the occurrence in Scotland of the Achatina acicula. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 398- 399.) * EC Lumsden, James. The mammals of the neighbourhood of Loch Lomond. (Natur- al History Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 186-191.) PQA ■ Note on the recent occurrence of the hoopoe (Upupa epops) in Arran. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 255-256.) PQA Note regarding the occurrence of the American bittern, Botaurus lentigino- sus., in Islay. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 43-44.) PQA • Notes on the recent occurrence in various parts of Scotland of the rough- legged buzzard (Archibuteo lagopus). (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 29-31.) PQA On the occurrence in Islay of the Iceland falcon, Falco islandicus. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 86.) PQA Ornithological jottings from the neighbourhood of Loch Lomojid, Decem- ber, 1879. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 199-203.) PQA Sketch paper on the birds of Loch Lomond and neighbourhood. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 58-75.) PQA Lyall, J. Watson. With rod and gun. The cost of a Scotch moor, illus. (Pall Mall magazine. London, 1901. 8°. v. 24, p. 541-547.) * DA Lyell, John. The natural history of the mycetozoa, with notes on some local species. 2 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 235- 238.) PQA Macadam, Stevenson. On the animal and vegetable life in the Water of Leith, &c. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 233-236.) * EC Macadam, William Ivison. Exhibition of and notes on, specimens of red-deer horns from the sand-deposits at the mouth of the Nith, Dumfriesshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. S, p. 305.) PTA M'Bain, James. Notice of the Nacula decussata, found in the so-called raised sea-beach bed at Leith. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 105-107.) * EC McConnochie, Alexander Inkson. Fox- hunting in the Highlands. (Temple Bar. London, 1901. 8°. v. 124, p. 106-112.) *DA Macdonald, Alexander. The blackfaced breed of sheep. (Highland and Agricul- tural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. series 4, v. 16. p. 208-228.) VPA M'Farlane, James. Memorandum of shells and a deer's horn found in a cutting of the Forth and Clyde Junction Railway, Dumbartonshire, (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 163-165.) *EC Macgillivray, William. Description of a species of arvicola common in Aberdeen- shire. (Wernerian Natural History So- ciety. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. v. 6, p. 424-429.) PQA MacGregor, Barrington. The "Finnan haddie." What it is, and where it comes from, illus. (English illustrated maga- zine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 20, p. 221-225.) *DA M'Gregor, T. M. Additional aculeate hymenoptera for 1889. (Perthshire Soci- ety of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 152- 154.) PQA The Boys' Brigade Field Club at Ballinluig. (Perthshire Society of Natur- al Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 133-137.) PQA The hemiptera-heteroptera and hemiptera-homoptera, together with a list of species occurring in Perthshire. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions. Perth, 1895. 8°. v. 2, p. 6-17.) PQA A list of additional aculeate hy- menoptera collected in Perthshire during 1888. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 104-105.) PQA Notes on the aculeate hymenop- tera, with a list of the wild bees and wasps collected in Perthshire in 1887. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 65-72.) PQA 944 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Perthshire entomology. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions. Perth, 1895. 8°. v. 2, p. 29-32.) PQA M'Gregor, T. M., and G. W. Kirkcaldy. List of the rhynchota of Perthshire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-5.) PQA M'Intosh, C. Notes by a naturalist round Dunkeld. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 223- 227.) PQA M'Intosh, William Carmichael. A brief history of the chair of natural history at St. Andrews. (University of St. Andrews. Five hundredth anniversary memorial vol- ume of scientific papers contributed by members of the university. Edinburgh, 1911. 4°. p. 273-304.) OAI Observations on the marine zool- ogy of North Uist, Outer Hebrides — (coelenterata, mollusca, echinodermata, gephyrea, and pisces). illus. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1866. . 8°. v. 5, p. 600-614.) * EC On a new example of the ophelii- da^ (Linotrypane apagon) from Shetland. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 386- 390.) * EC Mack, J. T. A day with the Dumfries- shire otter-hounds. With a few remarks on the otter. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 47- 54.) PQA Mackeith, T. Thornton. Notes on the summer-birds of Shiskin, Arran, 1909. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 20-24.) PQA Mackenzie, Sir George Steuart. Notice respecting the vertebra of a whale, found in a bed of bluish clay, near Dingwall. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1824. , 4°. v. 10, p. 105-106.) * EC Mackenzie, William Cook. History of the Outer Hebrides. With a chapter on the geology, physical features, and natural history of the group, by William Morrison. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1903. xl, 623(1) p., 22 pi., 2 port. 8°. CR Mackintosh, A. The Driffield angler, in two parts, containing descriptions of the different kinds of fresh water fish, and the best methods of taking them... with full directions for baits, and... making artifi- cial flies... Instructions for shooting... Rules for breeding. . .pointers and span- iels. . . With a description of the forest of Blair in Perthshire. . .and the manner of killing the deer. Also, a short treatise on coursing and the training- of greyhounds. Gainsborough: the author il765?j. x p., 1 1., 346 p., 1 pi. 16°. MYF Maclachlan, George. Barra Head and its bird-life. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 280-291.) PQA With additional notes by John A. Harvie-Brown. M'Leod, William J. List of aquatic cole- optera from the Monklands (Lanarkshire). (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 78-80.) PQA M'Nab, W. R. Recent additions to the coleopterous fauna of Mid-Lothian. (Roy- al Physical Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 404-406.) * EC Macnair, Peter. On the history and de- velopment of the natural history collec- tions in the Glasgow museums. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. v. 38, p. 81-96.) * EC Macpherson, H. A. The birds of Skye, with special reference to the parish of Duirinish. part 1. 1886. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 118-143.) *EC Malloch, J. R. Some observations on the dipterous family phoridse. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 153-156.) PQA Martin, C. H. Notes on some oligo- chsets found on the Scottish Loch Survey. 2 pi. illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 38, p. 21-27.) *EC Notes on some turbellaria from Scottish lochs. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 28. p. 28-34.) * EC Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Game- keepers and gillies I have known. (Black- wood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 179, p. 444-459.) *DA (Eclectic magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 146, p. 492-502.) * DA Memories of the months, being pages from the notebook of a field natur- alist and antiquary, series 5. London: Edward Arnold, 1897-1909. 5 v. pi. 12°. PQR Series 3 is 2. impression. Maxwell, William Hamilton. Wander- ings in the Highlands and islands with sketches of the Scottish border. London: A. H. Baily & Co., 1844. 2 v. 8°.) MYEL LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 945 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Meek, Alexander. See under Arbuth- not, James. Arbuthnot's list of the fishes of Peterhead coast. Montgomery, John. [Flora and fauna of Peeblesshire.] (In: William Chambers, A history of Peeblesshire. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. p. 521-530.) CR More reminiscences of a Ross-shire for- est. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. v. 135, p. 217-233.) *DA Muirhead, George. The birds of Ber- wickshire, with remarks on their local dis- tribution, migration and habits, and also the folklore, proverbs, popular rhymes and sayings connected with them. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1889. 2 v. illus. 8°. QMT Murray, James. The bdelloid rotifera of the Forth area. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 215-229.) ' * EC Biology of Loch Ness. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 590-591.) KAA Biology of the lochs of the Tay basin. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 41-47.) KAA ■ Notes on the biology of Loch Morar. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 459.) KAA Notes on the biology of the lochs in the Assynt district. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 245-247.) KAA Notes on the biology of the lochs of the Beauly basin. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 472-473.) KAA Notes on the biology of the lochs in the Conon basin. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 21, P- 482-484.) KAA Notes on the biology of the lochs of north Sutherlandshire. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 422-423.) KAA Notes on the biology of the lochs of the Shin basin. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 264.) KAA On the distribution of the pelagic organisms in Scottish lakes. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 51- 62.) * ec T ' The rhizopods and heliozoa of Loch Ness. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 609-615.) *EC — — .The rotifera of the Scottish lochs. Including descriptions of new species by C. F. Rousselet, and D. Bryce. 6 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. v. 45 p 151- 191.) ' '* EC Scottish rotifers, collected by the Lake Survey (supplement). 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 48, p. 189-201.) *EC Scottish tardigrada collected by the Lake Survey. 4 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. v. 45, p. 641-668.) * EC The tardigrada of the Scottish lochs. 4 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1906. 4°. v 41, p. 677-698.) * EC Murray, Sir John. The physical and bi- logical conditions of the seas and estuaries about North Britain. 1 pi. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1886. 8°. v. 17, p. 306-333.) * EC Murray, Sir John, and Frederick P. Pul- lar. A bathymetrical survey of the fresh- water lochs of Scotland. 15 maps. (Geo- graphical journal. London, 1900-1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 309-352; v. 17, p. 273-295.) KAA Natural history of the banks of the Tay; being a series of papers read before the Perthshire Society of Natural Science. 1 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-96.) PQA Natural History Society of Glasgow. The fauna of Scotland; with special refer- ence to Clydesdale and the western dis- trict. Glasgow, 1880-86. 3 v. in 1. 8°. QGV Neill, Patrick. Account of some fossil remains of the beaver (Castor fiber, L.), found in Perthshire and Berwickshire, proving that that animal was formerly a native of Scotland. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 3, p. 207-219.) PQA A list of fishes found in the Firth of Forth, and rivers and lakes near Edin- burgh, with remarks. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 526-555.) PQA Proofs that the beaver was former- ly a native of Scotland, including an ac- count of some fossil remains of that animal found in Perthshire and Berwickshire. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edin- burgh, 1819. 8°. v. 1, p. 177-187.) OA Newall, J. T. Scottish moors and Indian jungles; scenes of sport in the Lews and India. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1889. x, 320 p., 12 pi. 8°. MYPL 946 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Newbigin, Marion. Sir John Murray's scheme for the investigation of the natural history of the Forth valley. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 644-651.) KAA Norman, Alfred Merle. Preliminary re- porl on the Crustacea, molluscoida, echin- odermata, and ccelenterata, procured by the Shetland Dredging Committee in 1867. (British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 37. meeting. London, 1868. 8°. p. 437-441.) * EC Ord, George Walker. Notes on the tipulidae of the Glasgow district. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. S, p. 190-196.) PQA Osborne, H. See under Shearer, Robert I., and H. Osborne. Parnell, Richard. Account of a new species of British bream, and of an unde- scribed species of skate; to which is added a list of the fishes of the Frith of Forth, and its tributary streams, with observa- tions. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 14, p. 146-157.) *EC An account of three new species of British fishes, with some remarks on twenty others new to the coast of Scot- land. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 14, p. 137-145.) *EC Prize essay on the natural and economical history of the fishes, marine, fluviatile, and lacustrine, of the river dis- trict of the Firth of Forth. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1838. 8°. v. 7, p. 161-460, 515-520, 28 pi., index.) PQA Paterson, John. Birds of the Clyde be- tween Glasgow and the Red Bridge, Ud- dingston. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 58-69.) PQA The distribution of the chiff-chaff (Phylloscopus rufus, Bechst.), in the Clyde area. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 48-52.) PQA Notes on the eagles of Ayrshire. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 1, p. 28-32.) PQA Notes on the irruption of little auks (Mergulus alle, Linn.) in the winter of 1894-5 on the west of Scotland — Oban to Ayr. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 195- 198.) PQA On the birds of the Glasgow dis- trict. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1910 8°. v. 2, p. 43-61.) PQA The return of summer-birds to the "Clyde" area in 1910. (Glasgow naturalist Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 127-129.) PQA The return of summer-birds to the "Clyde" area in 1911. (Glasgow natural- ist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 92-95 ) PQA Paterson, John, and John Renwick. Narrative of a cruise in Loch Fyne, June 1899. 2 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p 366-378.) PQA Report of a visit to Sanda and Glunimore. 1 pi. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings and trans- actions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 197-204.) PQA Patience, Alexander. On the occurrence of Gobius orca, Collett, within the Clyde sea area. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 74-76.) PQA On the occurrence of Idothea neg- lecta, G. O. Sars, and Idothea viridis (Slabber), within the Clyde sea area, and some notes on other Clyde species of idothea. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 42-46.) PQA On some terrestrial isopods new to the Clyde faunal area, and some notes on the distribution of the rarer species. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8. p. 80-86.) PQA Some notes on the distribution of the Clyde crangonidae. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 64-71.) PQA Pearcey, Frederick G. Investigations on the movements and food of the herring with additions to the marine fauna of the Shetland Islands. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 389-415.) *EC Notes on the marine deposits of the Firth of Forth, and their relation to its animal life. 1 map, 1 table. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 217-251.) PQA Penard, E. Sur les sarcodines du Loch Ness. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 593-608.) * EC Pow, George. Notes on the occurrence of the shorelark (Otocorys alpestris) in LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 947 Uaturol History, continued. General Works, continued. East Lothian- (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 183-184.) * EC Prince, Edward Ernest. St. Andrews and scientific fishery investigations. (Uni- versity of St. Andrews. Five hundredth anniversary memorial volume of scientific papers contributed by members of the uni- versity. Edinburgh, 1911. 4°. p. 327-341.) OAI Professor Ewart's Penycuik experi- ments. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 57, p. 126-138.) * DA Pullar, Frederick P. See under Murray, Sir John, and Frederick P. Pullar. Raeburn, Harold. Some further notes on the summer birds of Shetland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 11, p. 67- 73.) * EC The summer birds of Shetland, with notes on their distribution, nesting, and numbers. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 542-562.) * EC Readdie, R. M. See under Reid, J. U., and R. M. Readdie. Reid, J. U., and R. M. Readdie. A Mid- Lothian burn. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Field Nat- uralists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 385- 400.) PQA Reminiscences of a Ross-shire forest. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. v. 134, p. 205-218.) * DA Rennie, William. Notes on the birds frequenting Elder Park, Govan. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 209- 218.) PQA Notes on the sedge-warbler (Acro- cephalus phragmitis) at Possil Marsh in 1908 and 1909. (Glasgow naturalist. Glas- gow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-6.) PQA Renwick, John. See under Paterson, John, and John Renwick. Robertson, David. A contribution towards a catalogue of the amphipoda and isopoda of the Firth of Clyde. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 9-99.) PQA _ " Jottings from my note-book. Loch fryne herring. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 22- 24.) PQ A " - List of foraminifera dredged in t'ortree Bay, island of Skye. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 239-242.) pqa ——Notes on the herring. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 240-247.) PQA , — — Notice of thirteen cumacea from the Firth of Clyde. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings and trans- actions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series v. 3, p. 47-49.) pqa On the nudibranchiate mollusca of the shores of the Ctimbraes. (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Proceedings Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 204-207.) PQA . On Pisidium fontinale and Planor- bis complanatus, two fresh-water shells new to Scotland, and Helix villosa, a land shell new to Britain. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 172-175.) PQA On the sea anemones of the shores of the Cumbraes. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 24-30.) PQA A second contribution towards a catalogue of the amphipoda and isopoda of the Firth of Clyde and west of Scotland. Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings- and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 199-223.) PQA See also under Grieve, John, and David Robertson. Robertson, John. The birds of east Ren- frewshire. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 41-59.) PQA The common sandpiper (Totanus hypoleucus). (Natural History Society of Glasgow. . Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 77-79.) PQA Little stint (Tringa minuta) at Bal- gray reservoir. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 76-77.) PQA - Nesting dates of some of the waders (charadriidas). (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 62-64.) PQA Robertson, Roger. Observations and facts concerning the breed of horses in Scotland, in ancient times. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Archaeologia Sco- tica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 272- 281.) t CPA Robertson, William. Forest sketches: deer stalking and other sports in the High- lands fifty years ago. [By William Robert- son.] Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1865. xxxv, 352 p., 4 pi. 8°. MYPL Rockwood. Highland deer-stalking. An account of Scotland's most famous sport, illus. (English illustrated magazine. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 20, p. 483-485.) * DA 948 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Rodger, Alexander M. See under Coates, Henry, and A. M. Rodger. Roebuck, William Denison. Census of Scottish land and fresh-water mollusca. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 437-503.) * EC Ross, Edward. Deer-stalking in the past. (Fortnightly review. London, 1886. 8°. new series, v. 40, p. 177-194.) * DA Rothschild, Walter. Rough notes on the birds of the Bass Rock and neighbouring shores. (Nineteenth century. London, 1898. 8°. v. 44, p. 618-625.) * DA Russell, E. S. Occurrence of Gonactinia prolifera, Sars, in the Firth of Clyde. Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 27-30.) PQA See also under King, L. A. L., and E. S. Russell. Rye, E. C. Highland insects, illus. (In- tellectual observer. London, 1867. 8°. v. 10, p. 124-135.) OA St. John, Charles William . George. Charles St. John's note books, 1846-1853, Invererne, Nairn, Elgin. Edited by H. C. St. John. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1901. 5 p.l., 119 p., 8 pi. illus. 8°. MYEL ■ Natural history and sport in Moray [with a memoir of the author by C. Innesj. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1882. 3 p.l., xlvii (i), 323(1) p., 37 pi. illus. 4°. t MYEL Short sketches of the wild sports and natural history of the Highlands. Lon- don: John Murray, 1846. vi, 281 p. 12°. (Murray's Home and colonial library.) MYEL London: J. Murray, 1893. vi, 281 p. new ed. 12°. MYEL Sketches of the wild sports and natural history of the Highlands. London, 1878. illus. pi. 8°. MYEL A tour in Sutherlandshire, with ex- tracts from the field books of a sports- man and naturalist. London: John Mur- ray, 1849. 2 v. pi. 8°. MYEL Salmon, The, in Scotland. (Scottish re- view. Paisley, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 93-111.) *DA Sandison, A. Whale-hunting in the Shet- lands. (Viking Club. Saga-book. London, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 42-53.) GEA Saxby, Mrs. Jessie Margaret Edmond- ston. Gossip about gulls. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 158-168.) PQA In Shetland. Scotland. — Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Committee of inquiry on grouse disease. The grouse, being a collection of notes for the use of the local correspond- ents of the committee. [Edinburgh, 1906 1 71 p. illus. sq. 8°. MYT Scotland. — Crown Office. Deer forests, Highland crofting counties (Argyllshire! Inverness-shire, Ross and Cromarty] Sutherland, Caithness, and Orkney and' Shetland). Return giving the name of each deer forest. . .the amount of the assess- ment, the acreage for the years 1883, 1898, 1904 and 1908, and showing the increase or decrease in the acreage between the years 1904 and 1908 (in continuation of Parlia- mentary Paper, no. 232, of session 1905). . . Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 5 p. f °. (H. of C. paper 220.) t MY p.v.l, no.32 Deer forests, &c, Scotland. Re- turn Of particulars of all deer forests and lands exclusively devoted to sport in coun- ties other than crofting counties. . . Glas- gow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1908. 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 344.) tMYp.v.l,no.33 Scott, Thomas. Additions to the fauna of the Firth of Forth, part 8, 2 pi. (In: Scotland. — Fishery Board. 14. annual re- port, 1895, part 3, p. 158-166.) VRB A catalogue of land, fresh-water, and marine Crustacea found in the basin of the river Forth and its estuary. 1 map. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 97-190, 267-386.) *EC The invertebrate fauna of the in- land waters of Scotland. Part 6. (In: Scot- land. — Fishery Board. 14. annual report, 1895, part 3, p. 167-170.) VRB — : Part 7. 1 pi. (In: Scotland. — Fishery Board. 15. annual report, 1896, part 3, p. 316-333.) VRB The land and fresh-water Crustacea of the district around Edinburgh. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 11, p. 73- 81.) *EC Part ii. — The ostracoda and copepoda. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 45-76.) *EC Part in. The cladocera. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 362- 377.) * E c Natural history notes from Tar- bert. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 369- 378.) PQA Notes on a collection of echino- derms and molluscan shells from the LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 949 Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Moray Firth district. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8°. v. 11, p. 81-84.) *EC Notes on a few Crustacea and mol- lusca new to the fauna of the Forth, with exhibition of specimens. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 154-156.) * EC Notes on the land and fresh-water mollusca of Greenock and surrounding district. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 279- 285.) PQA Notes on the micro-fauna of Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 153-158.) PQA Notes on a small collection of fresh-water ostracoda from the Edinburgh district, illus. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 313-317.) * EC • ■ Notes on some Crustacea from Fairlie and Hunterston, Firth of Clyde. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 346-355.) PQA Notes on some fresh-water, brack- ish water, and marine entomostraca new to the fauna of Orkney. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 91-100.) PQA Notes on some species of land and fresh-water mollusca and land isopoda from Bute. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 125- 128.) PQA On the land and fresh-water mol- lusca of Bute. 1 map. (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 170-181.) PQA On some entomostraca from Castle- milk, near Rutherglen. (Natural History- Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 69-72.) PQA On some fresh-water entomostraca from the island of Mull, Argyllshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 321-329.) *EC Remarks on some land and fresh- water mollusca from Tarbert, Loch Fyne. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 129-132 ) ' PQA : Report on a collection of marine dredgings and other natural history mate- rials made on the west coast of Scotland by the late George Brook, F.L.S. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v 13 p. 166-193.) *EC A report on the free-swimming Crustacea found in the Firth of Clyde, 1901 to 1902. 2 tables. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 792-805.) * EC Scott, Thomas, and John Lindsay. The Upper Elf Loch, Braids. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v 3, p. 276-287, 369-384.) PQA With a list of the micro-flora and micro-fauna of the Upper Elf Loch, Braids. Scottish, The, deer forests. (Black- wood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1848. 8°. v. 64, p. 92-107.) * DA Scottish, The, Fishery Board. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1856. 4°. v. 23, p. 204-209.) * DA Scottish register of deer forests, grouse moors, mansion houses., .to be let and for sale. . .season 1903. Glasgow [1903.] 16°. MYA Scouler, John. Of the occurrence of the remains of the rein-deer in Scotland. (Edinburgh new philosophical Journal. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. v. 52, p. 135-137.) OA Scrope, William. The art of deer-stalk- ing; illustrated by a narrative of a few days' sport in the forest of Atholl, with some account of the nature and habits of red deer, and a short description of the Scottish forests... Illustrated... after paintings by Edwin and Charles Landseer, and by the author. London: J. Murray, 1839 xix (i), 440 p., 12 pi. New ed. 4°. fMYR Days of deer-stalking in the Scot- tish Highlands; including an account of the nature and habits of the red deer, a description of the Scottish forests, and his- torical notes on the earlier field-sports of Scotland, with Highland legends, super- stitions, traditions, folklore, and tales of poachers and freebooters. Illustrated by Sir Edwin and Charles Landseer. Lon- don: Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1883. 324 p., 11 pi. 8°. MYR With additional engraved title-page. Days and nights of salmon fishing on the Tweed; with a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon. . . illustrated by lithographs and wood en- gravings by L. Haghe, T. Landseer, and S. Williams, from paintings by Sir David 950 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Natural History, continued. General Works, continued. Wilkie, Edwin Landseer, Charles Land- seer, William Sirnson, and Edward Cooke. London: John Murray, 1843. xvii p., 1 1., 298 p., 12 pi. illus. 8°. ■ Days and nights of salmon fish- ing in the Tweed; with a short account of the natural history and habits of the sal- mon. London: John Murray, 18S4. xvii p., 2 1., 298 p., 2 pi. 2. ed. 8°. MYK The colored lithographs (11 in number) which appeared in the first ed. are ■omitted in this. Seebohm, Henry. On the occurrence of Pallas's grey shrike in Scotland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 223- 224.) * EC Selous, Edward. The bird watcher in the Shetlands. With some notes on seals — and digressions. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 190S. x p, 1 1., 388 p., 10 pi. 8°. QMT Serle, W. The avi-fauna of Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Pe- terhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-93, p. 195- 212.) CPA Migration of birds with special ref- erence to Peterhead. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 5, 1898-1900, p. 93-117.) CPA Service, Robert. Bird migration in Sol- way. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 295-309.) PQA — — Note on Perichaeta indica, an ex- otic species of earthworm living in hot- houses ' in Kirkcudbrightshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 396- 398.) * EC Some changes in the avifauna of the Solway area. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 181- 186.) PQA ; The sylviidas of Solway. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 137-147.) PQA — — The waders of Solway. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 46- 60.) PQA Shearer, Robert I., and H. Osborne. Notes on the ornithology of Caithness. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 334-347.) * EC Sheep-marks and tallies. (Shepherds of Britain: scenes from shepherd life past and present... by Adelaide L. J. Gosset London, 1911. 8°. p. 181-200.) VPR Lamb-branding in Skye, by Alexander Smith 1865, p. 185'187; Sheep-marks [in Orkney and Shet- land], by Rev. Thomas MathewsOri, 1909, p. 168- ,189; Ear-marking in Shetland, by Dr. Tacob' 123-155.) p^ Notice respecting the discovery of the skeleton of a whale on the estate of Airthrey, near Stirling. . . (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1819 8°. v. 1, p. 393-396.) OA Notices regarding the fossil ele- phant of Scotland. 1 pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 58-66.) PQA On the coal-formation of Clack- mananshire. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 479-503.) PQA Balfour, John Hutton. On certain vege- table organisms found in coal from For- del. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 21, p. 187-193.) * EC Remarks on the fossils exhibited by Mr. Peach at the May meeting, and which seem to belong to the genus staphylopteris of Lesquereux. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 176.) QEA Ballantyne, John. A Bute post-glacial shell-bed. Notes on excavations at the Rothesay gasworks in 1896-1897. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 280-281.) PTA With a list of the shells found. Balsillie, David. Notes on the limestone fragments in the agglomerate of the "Rock and Spindle" volcano vent, St. An- drews, Fife. (Geological magazine. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 8, p. 201-202.) PTA With list of fossils found therein. Barr, Thomas M. Notes on the origin and early history of the Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 97-125.) PTA Barrow, George. On an intrusion of muscovite-biotite gneiss in the south-east- ern Highlands of Scotland, and its ac- companying metamorphism. 1 map, 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1893. 8°. v. 49, p. 330-358.) PTA On the Moine gneisses of the east central Highlands and their position in the Highland sequence. 1 map, 4 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1904. 8°. v. 60, p. 400-449.) PTA On the occurrence of chloritoid in Kincardineshire. 1 illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1898. 8°. v. 54, p. 149-156.) PTA 958 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. ' On the occurrence of Silurian [?] rocks in Forfarshire and Kincardineshire along the eastern border of the Highlands, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1901. 8°. v. 57, p. 328-345.) PTA Bates, George F. On the microscopic structure of some Perthshire igneous rocks. 23 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 128- 134, 189-199, 228-234.) PQA Bather, F. A. Tapering ends of crinoid stems from Roscolie. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 10, p. 77-79.) PTA Bedford, E. J. Notice of some raised beaches in Argyllshire. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1855-56. 8°. v. 11, p. 549; v. 12, p. 167-169.) PTA Bell, Alfred. The glacial fauna of King Edward, in Banffshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 20-22.) * EC On a deposit in Largo Bay. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 22- 26.) * EC Bell, Dugald. The glaciation of the west of Scotland, with special reference to the theory of floating ice. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 49-50.) PTA Abstract. The "great submergence" again: Clava. (Geological magazine. London, 1897. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 4, p. 27-30, 63-68.) PTA Note on the pitchstone at Corrie- gills, Arran. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 190-193.) PTA Notes on the geology of Oban. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 116-133.) PTA Notes on glacial mounds near Bal- quhidder, Perthshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 234-236.) PTA Notes on the glaciation of the west of Scotland, with reference to some recently observed instances of cross- striation. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 300-310.) PTA On the alleged proofs of submer- gence in Scotland during the glacial epoch. i. Chapelhall, near Airdrie. 1 map. (Geo, logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 321-344.) PTA On the alleged proofs of submer- gence in Scotland during the glacial epoch. ii. Clava and other northern localities. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 105, 120.) PTA On the aspects of Clydesdale dur- ing the glacial period. (Geological Soci- ety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 63-69.) PTA On the geology of Ardrossan and West Kilbride. 1 illus. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 342-352.) PTA On a glacial mound in Glen Fruin, Dumbartonshire. 2 pi. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 345-354. ) PTA On the glacial phenomena of Scot- land, with reference to the reports of the Boulder Committee of the Royal Society ' of Edinburgh, illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888, 8°. v. 8, p. 237-254, 341.) PTA On the glaciation of the west of Scotland. 3 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1894. 8°. v. 25, p. 118-136.) *EC On the high-level shelly deposits, and their bearing on the question of sub- mergence; with special reference to the recent (third) edition of Dr. James Geikie's "Great ice age." (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 346-348.) PTA Abstract. — — On a large boulder of mica-schist near Inverbeg, Lochlomond. illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 172-175.) PTA On the origin of certain granite boulders in the Clyde valley. 1 map. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 16-24.) PTA On some boulders near Arden, Lochlomond. 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 254-261, 341.) PTA Phenomena of the glacial epoch: ii. The "great submergence." illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 100-138.) PTA — — - The shelly clays and gravels of Aberdeenshire, considered in relation to the question of submergence. 1 diagr. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1895. 8°. v. 51, p. 472-479.) PTA Bell, William Hamilton. Exposures of the old red sandstone between Callander LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 959 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. and Crieff. (Edinburgh Geological Soci- ety Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. S, p. 361-365.) PTA Geognosy of the Cruachan district. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 513- 515.) PTA Notes on the geology of Deeside, near Ballater. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 201-206.) PTA Notes on the geology of Easter Ross-shire. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 289-298.) PTA Bennett, John Hughes. An investiga- tion into the structure of the Torbanehill mineral, and of various kinds of coal. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 21, p. 173-185.) * EC Bennie, James. The ancient lake of Elie. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 148-170.) * EC Further observations on the surface geology of Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 260-266.) PTA Note on the contents of two bits of clay from the elephant bed at Kilmaurs in 1817. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 451-459.) * EC Note on a microscopic slice of the core of the Dalmeny lepidophloios. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 263-264.) PTA Note on a recent exposure of a "washout" of strata in New Redhall quarry. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 392-396.) * EC On the glaciated summit of Aller- muir, Pentlands. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 307-313.) * EC On the occurrence of Bos longi- frons and Bos primigenius in the ancient drift of the Clyde. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 152-155.) PTA — — On the occurrence of peat with Arctic plants in boulder-clay at Faskine, near Airdrie, Lanarkshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 148-152.) PTA • On the occurrence of spores in the carboniferous formation of Scotland. 4 pi. .(Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 82-117.) PTA On the prevalence of eurypterid remains in the carboniferous shales of Scotland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 499-509.) * EC On the surface geology of the dis- trict round Glasgow, as indicated by the journals of certain bores. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 133-148.) PTA On the surface geology of Glas- gow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 100-115.) PTA On things new and old from the ancient lake of Cowdenglen, Renfrewshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 213- 225.) PTA The raised sea-bottom of Fillyside. With lists of the foraminifera and ostra- coda, by David Robertson. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 26-28.) * EC "The raised sea-bottom of Filly- side." With lists of the mollusca by An- drew Scott. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 11, p. 215-237.) * EC The redemption of sandstone quar- ries. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 298-307.) PTA Scenes and sections in Thornton quarries, East Kilbride, in 1868. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 276-285.) PTA Bennie, James, and J. A. Johnston. Re- marks on two transverse sections of carboniferous wood from Baberton New Quarry, Midlothian. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 359-361.) * EC Bennie, James, and Thomas Scott. The ancient lakes of Edinburgh. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 126-154.) *EC Binney, Edward W. On the Permian character of some of the red sandstones and breccias of the south of Scotland, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 12, p. 138-140.) PTA On some upper coal-measures, con- taining a bed of limestone at Catrine in Ayrshire. (Geological Society of Lon- don Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 437-443.) PTA Binney, Edward W., and James W. Kirkby. On the upper beds of the Fife- 960 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. shire coal-measures. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1882. 8°. v. 38, p. 245-256.) PTA Black, W. T. On rolled pebbles from the beach at Dunbar. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 122-123.) PTA Blackadder, Alexander. On the super- ficial strata of the Forth district. 1 map. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1826. 8°. v. 5, p. 424-439.) PQA Blair, Matthew. The surface geology of Paisley. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 139-150.) PTA Blake, John Frederick. On a remark- able inlier among the Jurassic rocks of Sutherland, and its bearing on the origin of the breccia-beds. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1902. 8°. v. 58, p. 290-312.) PTA Blanford, W. T. On a particular form of surface apparently the result of glacial erosion, seen on Loch Lochy and else- where. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1900. 8°. v. 56, p. 198-204.) PTA Bloxam, Thomas. On the composition of the building sandstones of Craigleith, Binnie, Gifnock, and Partick Bridge. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 83-90.) OA Bonney, Thomas George. Note on the lithological characters of a series of Scotch rocks collected by Dr. H. Hicks. 1 map. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 39, p. 159-167.) PTA Notes on a series of rocks from the north-west Highlands, collected by C. Calloway. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 39, p. 414-422.) PTA On the serpentine and associated igneous rocks of the Ayrshire coast. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1878. 8°. v. 34, p. 769- 785.) PTA Petrological notes on the vicinity of the upper part of Loch Maree. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 36, p. 93-108.) PTA Bosworth, T. O. Wind erosion on the coast of Mull. 2 pi. (Geological maga- zine. London, 1910. 8°. new series, de- cade 5, v. 7, p. 353-355.) PTA Boue, Ami. Short comparison of the volcanic rocks of France with those of a similar nature found in Scotland. (Edin- burgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh 1820. 8°. v. 2, p. 326-332.) OA Boulenger, G. A. On reptilian remains from the trias of Elgin, illus. (Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Lon- don, 1904. 8°. v. 72, p. 55-58.) *EC Reprinted in Geological magazine, new series de- cade 4, v. 10, p. 354-357, London, 1903. Boyle, Robert. The economic and pet- rographic geology of the new red sand- stones of the south and west of Scotland. 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13 p. 344-384.) PTA The occurrence of ultra-basic rocks in the igneous intrusions of the Lugar and Cumnock district. 2 pi. 1 illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 202-223.) PTA Bremner, Alexander. The physical geo- logy of the Dee valley. Aberdeen: Uni- versity Press, 1912. 4 p.l., 89 p. illus. 4°. (Aberdeen University. Aberdeen Univer- sity studies, no. 56.) Brewster, Sir David. Account of the native hydrate of magnesia discovered by Dr. Hibbert in Shetland. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1823. 4°. v. 9, p. 239-242.) * EC Description of withamite, a new mineral species found in Glenco. (Edin- burgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. v. 2, p. 218-221.) OA Notice of an artificial cave in the parish of Alvey, Inverness-shire. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 119.) CPA Notice respecting some new spec- ies of lead-ore from Wanlockhead and Lead Hills. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 3, p. 138- 140.) OA On the fairy stones found in the Elwand Water near Melrose, illus. (Roy- al Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. v. 5, p. 567-571.) *EC Brewster, Patrick. Description of a fossil tree found in a quarry at Niteshill [near Paisley]. 1 map, 1 pi. (Royal Soci- ety of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1823. 4°. Transactions, v. 9, p. 103-105.) *EC Brickenden, Lambart. Notice of the discovery of reptilian foot-tricks and re- mains in the old red or Devonian strata of Moray. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 97-100.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 961 Geology end Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. On the occurrence of the boulder- elay in the limestone quarry, Linksfield, Elgin, N. B. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1851. g°. v. 7, p. 289-292.) PTA On the occurrence of glacial traces on the rock of Dumbarton, illus. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1855. 8°. v. 11, p. 27- 30.) PTA British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Fauna, flora, and geology of the Clyde area. Edited by G. F. S. El- liot, M. Laurie, and J. B. Murdoch. Glas- gow: the local committee, 1901. x p., 1 1., 568 p. 8°. PQR Binder's title reads: Handbook on the natural his- tory of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. Brodie, James. An inquiry into the ac- tion of the natural agencies by which level terraces are produced, and into the proofs thereby afforded that the elevation of the central parts of Scotland must have been the effect of a sudden upheaval. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 336- 345.) * EC Brooke, H. J. Account of three new spe- eies of lead-ore found at Leadhills. (Edin- burgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 3, p. 117-120.) OA Brown, Campbell. On the occurrence of gasteropods (platyostomella scotoburdig- alensis) in a lepidodendron from Craig- leith quarry, Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 244-251.) PTA Brown, D. J. On the glaciation of Loch Skene and surrounding districts; being a journey across the hills from Moffat to Tweedsmuir. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 81-85.) PTA ;^— On local glaciation in the Pentland Hills. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. ?, p. 133-137.) PTA --<-— On a new theory for the forma- tion of till or boulder clay. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 383-389.) PTA — — On the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. « ■ v. 2, p. 227.237, 316-321, 377-383.) PTA j iv Motfat and Gala beds. 2. Llandovery beds. 4- Wenlack and Ludlow rocks. , ~ On some of the glacial phenomena ot the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, as observed in the Pentlands, Blackford Hill, cruntsfield Links, and Tynecastle sandpit. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- fct'ons- Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 351-357.) PTA Brown, D. J., and John Henderson. On the Silurian rocks of the Pentland Hills. With notes on the brachiopoda, by Thomas Davidson. (Edinburgh Geologi- ?lL S °o c o lety - , Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 23-33, 266-272.) PTA Brown, Robert. On the physics of Arc- tic ice, as explanatory of the glacial re- mains in Scotland. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1870. 8°. v. 26, p. 671-701.) PTA Brown, Thomas. Notes on the moun- tain limestone and lower carboniferous rocks of the Fifeshire coast from Burntis- land to St. Andrews. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1861. 4°. v. 22, p. 385-404.) * EC On the Arctic shell-clay of Elie and Errol, viewed in connection with our other glacial and more recent deposits. 1 map. illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1867. 4°. v. 24, p. 617-633.) * EC On the old river terraces of the Earn and Teith, viewed in connection with certain proofs of the antiquity of man. 1 pi. illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1872. 4°. v. 26, p. 149-176.) *EC On the parallel roads of Glen Roy. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 339- 342.) * EC On a section of the Fifeshire coast. (Geological Society of London. Quar- terly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 15, p. 59-62.) PTA Bryce, James. Notes on the earthquake district of the county of Perth. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 70-71.) PTA On the age of certain trap rocks in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 17-19.) PTA On the Jurassic rocks of Skye and Raasay. With a palseontological appendix by Ralph Tate. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1873. 8°. v. 29, p. 317-351.) PTA On the occurrence of beds in the west of Scotland beneath the boulder-clay. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1865. 8°. v. 21, p. 213-218.) PTA On the syenitic rocks of Westfield, near Linlithgow, with remarks on the suitability of various rocks for harbour works and street materials. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 7, p. 293-295.) * EC 962 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Bryson, Alexander. On the danger of hasty generalization in geology; with spe- cial reference to the so-called raised sea- beach at Leith. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 430-438.) * EC On the rise of the shores of the Firth of Forth. Have the shores of the Forth and Clyde risen since the human period, as asserted, by Sir Charles Lyell and Mr. Geikie? (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 278-297.) * EC Burckhardt, Rudolf. Note on certain impressions of echinoderms observed on the sandstone slabs in which the skeletons of hyperodapedon gordoni and rhynchos- aurus are preserved. 1 illus. (Geological magazine. London, 1901. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 8, p. 3-4.) PTA In the triassic sandstones of Warwickshire and Elginshire. Burgess, E. W. Diatoms from the island of Lewis, N. B. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 282-283.) PTA From the Journal of the Royal Microscopical So- ciety, 1882. Burns, John. Notes on the post-tertiary deposits of the Carse of Falkirk. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 367.) PTA Burns, Walter. Notes on the Heads of Ayr. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 287-291.) PTA Burton, John Hill. The Cairngorm mountains. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1864. 2 p.l., 120 p., 1 pi. 16°. PSM Busby, John. Minutes and observations drawn up in the couse of a mineralogical survey of the county of Caithness, An. 1802. (In: John Henderson, General view of the agriculture of the county of Caith- ness... London, 1815. 8°. Appendix, p. 83-104.) VPX Busby, John, and Daniel Busby. In- structions to Messrs. Busby, and survey and report by them, with a view to coal, marie, lime, metallic ores, &c. (In: Wil- liam Singer, General view of the agricul- ture... of Dumfries. London, 1812. 8°. p. 647-694.) VPX Busz, K. On a granophyre dyke intru- sive in the gabbro of Ardnamurchan, Scot- land. (Geological magazine. London, 1900. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 7, p. 436-441.) PTA Cadell, Henry. Notice of the geological features of the upper coal basin of the Firth of Forth. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 39-46.) PTA Cadell, Henry Moubray. The fossilifer- ous rocks of Borrowstounness coal-field. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 319- 337.) PTA With lists of the fossil plants and mollusca found in the neighbourhood of Bo'ness. Geological changes wrought by man within the Forth basin. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 275-286.) PTA The geology of the oil shalefields of the Lothians. 1 map, 1 table. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 116-162.) PTA A map of the ancient lakes of Edinburgh. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 287-296.) PTA The new geological map of the Edinburgh district. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 7, p. 15-20.) PTA Note on the buried river channel of the Almond. (Edinburgh Geological- Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 194-196.) PTA Note on the occurrence of vivianite in an old lake bed at Cauldhame, near Lin- lithgow. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 173.) PTA Notes on the glaciation of Norway and Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 227-231.) PTA Notes on the section in the new Haymarket tunnel. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 119-120.) PTA Notes on the volcanic rocks of the Borrowstounness coalfield. 5 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 304-325.) PTA Notice of the surface geology of the estuary of the Forth round Borrow- stounness. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4. p. 2-33.) PTA The occurrence of plant remains in olivine basalt in the Bo'ness coalfield. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 191-193.) PTA On the ash neck in the Broxburn shale workings at Philipstoun. With an appendix by J. S. Flett. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 7, p. 477-481.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. The story of the Forth. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1913. xvii, 299 P-, 6 maps, 2 plans, 49 pi., 2 port. sq. 8=. V PS W 1 The foundations of the Forth valley. 2. The age of swamps and forests. 3. Ancient land agita- tions 4. Rivers and their ways. 5. The first be- ginnings of the Forth. 6. The buried channels of the Forth valley. 7. The great ice age. 8. The old lochs of Edinburgh. 9, 10. Carron Company ar.d the rise of the Scottish iron industry. 11. The Scottish oil industry. 12. Land reclamation in the Forth valley. 13. A new foreshore reclamation scheme. 14. The clearing of Blairdrummond moss. A famous old labour colony. The surface geology of the estuary of the Forth — Additional notes. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 220-226.) PTA See also under Report. Calloway, Charles. The age of the newer gneissic rocks of the northern Highlands. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 39, p. 355-414.) PTA The limestone of Durness and Assynt. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1881. 8°. v. 37, p. 239-245.) PTA The Torridon sandstone in relation to the Ordovician rocks of the northern Highlands. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1882. 8°. v. 38, p. 114-118.) PTA Cameron, David. The glacial phenom- ena of Athole. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 174-177.) PTA The glaciers of lower Strathnairn. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 160- 163.) PTA The granite, and the junction of the old red sandstone and the gneiss in lower Strathnairn (Daviot). Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 98-100.) PTA Note on fossiliferous strata, lower Strathnairn. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 163.) PTA Containing Coccosteus sp., Depterus sp., and Osteolepis sp. Notes on the submergence of Scot- land. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883-88. 8°. v. 4, p. 263-268; v. 5, p. 41-43.) PTA Cameron, J. Macdonald, joint author. See under Jolly, William, and J. M. Cameron. 963 Cameron, William. On the Sutherland- shire gold fields. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow 1874 8°. v. 4, p. 1-17.) ' pta Campbell, A. C, and E. M. Anderson. Notes on a transported mass of igneous rock at Comiston sand-pit, near Edin- burgh. 1 pi. illus. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 219-224.) PTA Campbell, John Francis. Notes on the glacial phenomena of the Hebrides. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1873. 8°. v. 29, p. 545-548.) PTA Campbell, Robert. The geology of south-eastern Kincardineshire. 1 map, 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1913. 4°. v. 48, p. 923-960.) * EC Preliminary note on the geology of south-eastern Kincardineshire. 1 diagr. (Geological magazine. London, 1911. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 8, p. 63-69.) PTA Campbell, Robert, and Andrew G. Sten- house. The geology of Inchcolm. 1 map, 5 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 9, p. 121-134.) PTA Campbell, W. F. On the iron ores of the Highlands of Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. v. 14, p. 598-600.) VPA Carmichael, James. Account of the principal limestone quarries of Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. v. 11, p. 57-84.) VPA Carmichael, Sir Thomas David Gibson. Note on the occurrence of Lithobius varie- gatus (Leach) in Scotland. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 240.) * EC Carruthers, R. G. On zonal work in lower carboniferous rocks with some re- marks on the collection of fossils. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 65-73.) PTA Carruthers, R. G., and E. M. Anderson. The stratigraphy of the Arden basin. 2 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8 . v. 13, p. 133-161.) PTA Carruthers, William. Dumfriesshire graptolites, with descriptions of three new species, illus. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 466-470.) *EC 1. Cladograpsus linearis; 2. Diplograpsus tricor- nis; 3. Didymograpsus moffatensis. 964 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. The geology of Moffat, Dumfries- shire. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 383-390.) * EC On a section at Junction-road, Leith. illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1862, 8°. v. 18, p. 450-453.) PTA Catalogue of the brachiopoda of the Lothians and Fife. Prepared by the society's Lothians and Fife Palaeontologi- cal Committee. With introductions by Thomas Davidson and Alexander Somer- vail. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 68-87.) PTA Chalmers, Peter. Mineralogical and geological report on the Dunfermline coal- field. 1 map, 1 pi. (Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1840. 8 9 . v. 13, p. 298-343.) VPA Chambers, Robert. [Geology of Peebles- shire.] (In: William Chambers, A history of Peeblesshire. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. p. 515-521.) CR On glacial phenomena in Scotland and parts of England. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. v. 54, p. 229-281.) OA Chemical analyses of stratified rocks altered by plutonean agency; and analysis of Largo Law basaltic rock and wollaston- ite from Corstorphine Hill. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1833. 8°. v. 15, p. 386-388.) OA Christison, Sir Robert. Notice of fossil trees recently discovered in Craigleith quarry, near Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1876. 4°. v. 27, p. 203-221.) * EC Notice of a pinaceous fossil recent- ly found in Redhall quarry, near Edin- burgh. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 167-174.) QEA Notice of two fossil trees lately uncovered in Craigleith quarry, near Edin- burgh. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 104-108.) * EC Supplementary notice of the fossil trees of Craigleith quarry. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 241-243.) QEA Clark, Donald, Account of reclaiming land by embanking the river Hallowdale in Sutherland. (Highland and Agricultur- al Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 12, p. 302-307.) VPA Clark, Francis William. On the coral- line sand' of Ulva, one of the Western Isles. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. v. 14, p. 765- 767.) VPA Cleghorn, John. On the till of Caith- ness, illus. (Geological Society of Lon* don. Quarterly journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 7, p. 200-201.) PTA On the till near Wick in Caithness. By J. Cleghorn. With a note on the shells found in the till. By James Smith. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1850. 8°. v. 6, p. 385-386.) PTA Clough, Charles Thomas, and Alfred Harker. On a coarsely spherulitic ("vari- olitic") basalt in Skye. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 381-389.) PTA Clough, Charles Thomas, and W. Pol- lard. On spinel and forsterite from the Glenelg limestone (Inverness-shire), (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1899. 8°. v, 55, p. 372-380.) PTA Clough, Charles Thomas, and others. The augen gneiss and Moine sediments of Ross-shire. 1 illus. (Geological maga- zine. London, 1910. 8°. new series, dec- ade 5, v. 7, p. 337-345.) PTA The cauldron-subsidence of Glen Coe, and the associated igneous phenom- ena. 3 maps, 4 pi. illus. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1909. . 8°. v. 65, p. 611-678.) PTA Coates, Henry. Geology [of the banks of the Tay]. (Perthshire Society of Natur- al Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 40-44.) PQA A. Stratigraphical. B. Physical. The glaciation of Perthshire. 7 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. cxliii-cl.) PQA The history of Scottish geology. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. clxviii-clxxv.) PQA Origin of the interbedded and in- trusive volcanic rocks of Kinnoull Hill. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 24-29.) PQA The origin of soils, with special reference to the soils of Perthshire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. cxli-cxlvii.) PQA • Report on the geology of the cut- tings of the Crieff and Comrie Railway. 1 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 965 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. map, 3 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural "Science Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 257-260.) PQA _, See also under Arrangement. Coates, Henry, and Peter Macnair. The old red sandstone of Perthshire. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 235-244.) PQA On a banded hornblende schist at Balhoulan quarry. 2 pi. illus. (Perth- shire Society oi Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 154-166. ) PQA The rocks of Highland Perthshire; their origin, plication, and denudation. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 221-226.) PQA Cockburn, Alexander M. Brief notes on the precious stones and pearls of Scot- land. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 196-198.) PTA Cole, Grenville Arthur James. See under Judd, John Wesley, and G. A. J. Cole ; and Gardner, J. Starkie. Conacher, Harry R. J. See under Mac- flair, Peter, and H. R. J. Conacher. Connell, Arthur. Analysis of coprolites and other organic remains imbedded in the limestone of Burdiehouse near Edin- burgh. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 13, p. 283-296.) * EC On sulphuret of cadmium, or greenockite, a new mineral. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1840. 4°. v. 14, p. 619-623.) * EC Found at Bishoptown, Renfrewshire. — '— Supplementary notice on the chemi- cal analysis of the animal remains of Bur- diehouse. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. I, p. 84-85.) * EC . Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Observa- tions on the Tiree marble, with notes on others from Iona. 2 pi. illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1903. 8°. v. 59, p. 91-104.) PTA Coutts, James. Notes on a Carbonifer- ous selachian fish from the cement-lime- stone series of East Kilbride. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 164-166.) PTA On the post-tertiary clay beds at Houston. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 336-342.) PQA With a list of the fossils found in the clay-beds. On the post-tertiary clay-beds at Kilchattan Bay, island of Bute. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-38.) PQA With a list of the fossils found in the clay-beds. See also under Patton, Andrew. Cowie, Charles R. The glacial phenom- ena of Loch Ranza Glen, Arran. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 282-284.) PTA Abstract. Notes on the shoals at Catacol Point and Kirn Point, Arran. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 156-158.) PTA Craig, E. H. Cuningham. On the igne- ous _ breccia of the Lui near Braemaf. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 336-340.) PTA Craig, George. The Culbin sandhills. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 524-531.) PTA On building stones used in Edin- burgh: their geological sources, rela- tive durabilty, and other characteristics. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 6, p. 254- 273.) PTA Craig, John. On the carboniferous for- mation of the Lower Ward of Lanark- shire. 1 map. (Highland and Agricultur- al Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 12, p. 341-406.) VPA Craig, R. M. Additions to the volcanic geology of East Fife. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 10, p. 83-89.) PTA The carboniferous rocks and fos- sils in the neighbourhood of PitscOttie, Fifeshire. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 10, p. 10-24.) PTA Craig, Robert. Notes retrospective of the closing of the quarries of Greenhill, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 192-198.) PTA Notes upon a cutting in the new Kilbride branch of the Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway, on the farm of Gurdy, Beith. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. ■ Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 64-71.) PTA With a list of fossils found. On the boulders found in cuttings on the Beith branch railway, considered in relation to their parent rock; with re- marks on the local character of the boulder 966 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Palaeontology, continued. General Works, continued. clay. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 45-56.) PTA On the first appearance of certain fossils in the carboniferous strata around Beith and Dairy. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 36-50.) PTA On the fossiliferous strata lying between the lower and upper limestones in the Beith and Dairy district. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. . v. 7, p. 86-96.) PTA On the fossils of the upper series of the lower carboniferous limestones in the Beith and Dairy districts of north Ayrshire. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-17.) PTA On the glacial deposits of north Ayrshire and Renfrewshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 138-164.) PTA On the post-pliocene beds of the Irvine valley, Kilmaurs, and Dreghorn dis- tricts. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 213-226.) PTA On the section on the Crofthead and Kilmarnock Railway, in Cowden Glen, Neilston, Renfrewshire, with remarks on the upper boulder clay. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 17-32.) PTA On the upper limestones of north Ayrshire, as found in the district around Dairy and elsewhere. (Geological Soci- ety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 28-39.) PTA Remarks upon the bed of dolerite which crosses Renfrewshire to the east of Paisley. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 270-275.) PTA Remarks upon "joints" or natural fractures in limestones. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 210-215.) PTA Sketch of the carboniferous basin of Dairy, Ayrshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 271-297.) PTA With a list of the carboniferous fossils from the Dairy district. Volcanic disturbance of the iron- stone measures in the vicinity of Dairy during the carboniferous period. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 233-237.) PTA See also under Young, John, and Robert Craig. Crampton, Cecil B. The limestones of Aberlady, Dunbar, and St. Monans. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p 374- 378.) pta Crampton, Cecil B., and David Tait. On certain new localities for oil-bearing shale near Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908 8°. v. 9, p. 102-107.) PTA Croll, James. On the reason why the change of climate in Canada since the glacial epoch has been less complete than in Scotland. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8° v. 2, p. 138-141.) PTA On two river channels buried under drift, belonging to a period when the land stood several hundred feet higher than at present. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870 8°. v. 1, p. 330-345.) PTA I. Kilsyth to Grangemouth, Firth of Forth. 2. From Kilsyth westward to the Clyde. Also de- scribes other buried river channels in Scotland. Crosskey, Henry W. Glacial deposits of the Clyde district. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 45-51.) PTA Note on the fossils collected by Mr. James Bennie at Windmillcroft. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 115-117.) PTA Note on the glacial geology of the district around Loch Sween, Argyllshire. 2 pi. (Birmingham Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Birmingham rl887i. 8°. v. 5, p. 219-225.) * EC On boulder clay. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 149-153.) PTA Mainly in Scotland. On the relation between the gla- cial deposits of Scotland and those of Canada. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 132-138.) PTA On the succession of geological changes in Scotland from the glacial epoch to the present day. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 112-115.) PQA On the tellina calcarea bed at Chap- pel Hall, near Airdrie. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1865. 8°. v. 21, p. 219-221.) PTA Recent researches into the post- tertiary geology of Scotland. (Philo r sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 7, p. 92-102.) * EC Crosskey, Henry W., and David Robert- son. The post-tertiary fossiliferous beds of Scotland. 3 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 967 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. 1877 8° v. 2, p. 267-282; v. 3, p. 113-129, 21-341; v. 4, p. 32-45, 128-137, 241-256; v. 5, p. 29-35.) PTA Cumnring, Joseph George. On the ter- tiary deposits of the Moray Firth and the oreat Caledonian valley, with a brief notice of the older formations. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don! 1850. 8°. v. 6, p. 10-17.) PTA Cunningham, Robert James Hay. Geog- nostical description of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. 1 map, 3 pi. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. v. 14, p. 697-738.) VPA On the geology of the Lothians. 1 map. 17 col'd pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1838. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-160.) QDA Wernerian prize essay. Currie, Alexander. On the occurrence of coal beds under the traps of the Bowl- ing Hills. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 149-151.) PTA Currie, James. The minerals of the ter- tiary eruptive rocks of Ben More, Mull. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 223- 229.) PTA Note on the feldspars of Canisp. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 7, p. 494-496.) PTA On an Iona erratic containing withamite. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 115-118.) PTA Dacosta, H. M. Description and analy- sis of a specimen of native iron ore found at Leadhills. (Wernerian Natural His- tory Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 370-372.) QDA Dairon, James. Notes on graptolites. 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 176-181.) PTA Found in a bed of shale in Garpel burn. Notes on several new forms of graptolites from the Silurian shales of Dumfriesshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 43-46.) PTA Notes on the silurian rocks of Dumfriesshire and their fossil remains. 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 176-184.) PTA On retiohtes. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882 8°. v. 6, p. 51-52.) PTA Found at Dobb's Linn, near Moffat. On the rocks and graptolitic shales of the Moffat district. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 178-181.) PTA Dakyns, J. R., and J. J. H. Teall. On the plutonic rocks of Garabal Hill and Meall Breac. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1892. 8°. v. 48, p. 104-121.) PTA Darwin, Charles Robert. Observations on the parallel roads of Glen Roy, and of other parts of Lochaber in Scotland, with an attempt to prove that they are of marine origin. 1 pi. (Royal Society of London. Philosophical transactions. Lon- don, 1839. 4°. v. 39, p. 39-81.) * EC Davidson, George. List of diatomacese found in Loch Kinnord Kieselguhr. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 212-216.) PTA Davidson, James. Laboratory note. ■ — Analysis of titaniferous iron sand from North Berwick. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 523-525.) * EC Davidson, John. The origin and geo- logical associations of the Bass of In- verurie. 1 map. (Aberdeen Philosophical ' Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 42-56.) * EC Davidson, Thomas. Description of Lin- gula thomsonii, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glas- gow, vol. ii, pi. ii, figs 3, 3a, 3b. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 149.) PTA Note on some brachiopoda col- lected by Mr. Judd from the Jurassic de- posits of the east coast of Scotland. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1873. 8°. v. 29, p. 196-197.) PTA See also under Brown, D. J., and John Henderson; and Catalogue of the brachiopoda. Davison, Charles. The British earth- quakes of the years 1908 and 1909. g (Geo- logical magazine. London, 1910. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 7, p. 315-320.) PTA Includes 36 earthquakes, all of them originating in Scotland. The earthquakes of Comrie, in Perthshire. 1 diagr. (Knowledge Lon- don, 1909. 4°. new series, v. 6, p. 143-145.) The Inverness earthquake of Sep- tember 18th, 1901. (In his: A study of re- cent earthquakes. London, 1905 12 p. 245-261.) *R-OAI 968 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. ■ The Inverness earthquake of Sep- tember 18th, 1901, and its accessory shocks. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1902. 8°. v. 58, p. 377-398.) PTA The Inverness earthquake of 18th September 1901. 1 plan. (Inverness Sci- entific Society and Field Club. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 192- 204.) * EC See also additional notes, p. 205-207. The Ochil earthquakes of Septem- ber, 1900 to April, 1907. 1 map. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1907. 8°. v. 63, p. 362- 374.) PTA On the Inverness earthquakes of November IS to December 14, 1890. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1891. 8°. v. 47, p. 618- 632.) PTA On some minor British earthquakes of the years 1904-1907. (Geological mag- azine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 5, p. 296-309.) PTA Earthquakes at Dunoon, Oban, Ochils, etc. Record of observations on the In- verness earthquake of November ISth, 1890. (Birmingham Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Birmingham [1893]. 8°. v. 8, p. 42-62.) * EC. Dawson^ Sir William. Canadian and Scottish geology. An address delivered before the Edinburgh Geological Society at the close of the session of 1883-4. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 112- 122.) PTA Day, St. John Vincent. The carbonifer- ous system of Scotland. (In: Notices of some of the principal manufactures of the west of Scotland. Glasgow, 1876. 12°. p. 15-29.) V Based on two articles by James Geikie. Day, T. Cuthbert. Some observations on the Long Row and the Dasses, Arthur's Seat. 3 pi. illus. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 10, p. 40-48.) PTA Geological notes from Arran. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 118-125.) PQA A geological trip to Aultnacalla- gach and Inchnadaniff. 4 pi. illus. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 165-176.) PQA Dempster, George. An account of the magnetic mountain, of Cannay. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archseologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p 183-185.) f CPA Dennison, Walter Trail. On the en- croachments of the sea and the subsidence of land, as seen in the island of Sanday. (Viking Club. Saga-book. London, 1895 8°. v. 1, p. 74-89.) GEA Dick, Robert. On the discovery of a "sand-dyke" or old river channel running north to south, from near Kirk of Shotts to Wishaw, Lanarkshire. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 345-352.) PTA Dick, Thomas Lauder. See Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Dickie, George. Notice of a deposit of fossil diatomacese in Aberdeenshire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1850. 8°. v. 3, p. 65-67.) QEA With list of diatomaceae found. Dobbie, James J. Note on a specimen of altered dolomitic limestone from the cement-stone series of the Ballagan group. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 49- 52.) PTA Dougall, John. The leaf-caves of Mull. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 286-289.) PTA On ancient sea margins around Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 30-33.) PTA On the silurian scenery of the En- terkin. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 255-257.) PTA Abstract. Sketch of the geology of the Falls of Clyde, the Mouse valley, and Cartland Crags. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 44-53.) PTA Dow, Robert. The agates of the Sidlaws. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 87-96.) PQA Geological notes on Loch Carron and west Ross-shire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 98-102.) PQA • A geological sketch of east Fife. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 139-143.) PQA Outcrop of diabase at Rossie Pri- ory. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions. Perth, 1895. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-6.) PQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 969 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. . . Tertiary dykes of the lower Tay valley and district around Perth. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 226-232.) PQA Dron, Robert W. The carboniferous limestones of Scotland, with their coals. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 190S. 8°. v. 12, p. 66-73.) PTA Iron and copper mining in Shet- land. 1 illus* (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 165-169.) PTA Notes on bores in Manor-Powis coalfield, Stirling. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8 6 . v. 10, p. 25-29.) PTA (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 176-178.) PTA Drummond, H. H. Notice regarding fos- sil bbnes of a whale discovered in the dis- trict of Monteith. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1826. 8°. v. 5, p. 440-441.) QDA Dudgeon, Patrick. Exhibition of speci- mens of auriferous quartz from the Lead- hills district. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10, p. 67.) * EC Abstract. Note on a new fossil foot-print from the permian sandstone of Dumfries- shire. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 9, p. 154-155.) * EC Duff, Patrick. Sketch of the geology of Moray. Elgin: Forsvth & Young, 1842. vi, 72 p., 1 map, 10 pi". 8°. PVI Duncan, Henry. An account of the tracks and footmarks of animals found impressed on sandstone in the quarry of Corncockle Muir, in Dumfriesshire. (Roy- al Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 11, p. 194-209.) *EC An abridgment of this paper is given in the Bdmburgh journal of science, v. 8, p. 305-311. Edin- burgh, 1828. Dunldp, Robert. The fossil amphibia in the Kilmarnock Museum previous to the fire of 1909. 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 60-64.) PTA • Note on a section of boulder-clay, containing a bed of peat. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 312-315.) PTA At Burnhead quarry, near Airdrie. — T Note on a wash-out" in a shallow pit of the Drumshangie Coal Company, near Airdrie. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893 8° v. 9, p. 320.) p TA ' . .— 7 Notes on the mineral seams round Airdrie and their fossils. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 35.) f T A With a list of the fossil remains found in the seams. Duns, John. On some remains of Scot- tish early post-pliocene mammals. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 692-699.) * EC The surface geology of Mid-Loch- aber. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 11, p. 483-487.) * EC Abstract. Durham, James. Post-glacial beds at Dundee. 1 illus. (Geological magazine. London, 1903. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 10, p-. 306-309.) PTA The post-glacial geology of the Dundee district. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth, 1895. 8°. . 1891-95, p. 66-74.) PQA Volcanic rocks of the north-east of Fife. With an appendix by Prof. J. W. Judd. 1 pi. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1886. 8°. v. 42, p. 418-434.) PTA Etheridge, Robert, the younger. De- scription of a section of the Burdiehouse limestone and connected strata at Grange quarry, Burntisland. (Edinburgh Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 273-276.) PTA Further remarks on adherent car- boniferous productidse. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1878. 8°. v. 34, p. 498-504.) PTA Found in Ayrshire, Berwickshire, and Fifeshire. Note on corals from the conglom- erate of Habbie's Howe, Pentland Hills. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 50-52.) *EC Note on the further discovery of a species of pothocites (Paterson), in the lower carboniferous rocks near West Cal- der. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 151-152.) QEA See also p. 162-163 for additional note on a new locality for pothocites. Note on the geological range of Adiantites lindseseformis, Bunbury. (Bo- tanical Society. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 229-230.) Q EA Note on the shells contained in the shell-marl of the alluvial deposit of The 970 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Meadows, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 223-224.) PTA Notes on a few Silurian fossils from the neighbourhood of Girvan, Ayrshire, in the collection of Mrs. Robert Gray, Edinburgh. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 164-177.) * EC Notes on the post-tertiary deposits of Elie and Largo Bay, Fife. (Royal Phy- sical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 105-112.) *EC Notice of additional specimens of fossils from the upper Silurian series of the Pentland Hills. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 309-313.) PTA Observations on the swollen condi- tion of carboniferous crinoid stems. 2 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 19- 36.) PQA On an adherent form of productus and a small spiriferina from the lower car- boniferous limestone group of the east of Scotland. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1876. 8°. v. 32, p. 454-465.) PTA On the occurrence of foraminifera (Saccammina carteri, Brady), in the car- boniferous limestone series of the east of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 225-226.) PTA On the occurrence of the genus astrocrinites (Austin) in the Scotch carbon- iferous limestone series; with the descrip- tion of a new species. (A.? Benniei) and remarks on the genus. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1876. 8°. v. 32, p. 103-114.) PTA On the occurrence of the genus dithyrocaris in the lower carboniferous or calciferous sandstone series of Scotland, and on that of a second species of anthra- palaemon in these beds. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1879. 8°. v. 35, p. 464-474.) PTA — — On the occurrence of the genus pen- tremites (Say.) in the carboniferous lime- stone series of the east of Scotland. 1 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 260- 269.) PQA . On the occurrence of a small nati- ciform gasteropod, showing colour-bands, in the cement stone group of Fifeshire. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v 5 p. 161-171.) *EC On our present knowledge of the invertebrate fauna of the lower carbonifer- ous or calciferous sandstone series of the Edinburgh neighbourhood, especially of that division known as the Wardie shales; and on the first appearance of certain spe- cies in these beds. 2 pi. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. v. 34, p. 1-26.) PTA On the presence of the scattered skeletal remains of holothuroidea in the carboniferous limestone series of Scotland. 2 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 183-198.) *EC On the remains of the pterygotus, and other crustaceans from the upper Silurian series of the Pentland Hills, (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 314- 316.) PTA The palaeozoic conchology of Scot- land. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-94.) * EC Falconer, J. D. The geology of Ardros- san. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. v. 45, p. 601-609.) *EC The igneous geology of the Bath- gate and Linlithgow hills. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1906. 4°. v. 41, p. 359-366.) * EC The igneous geology of the Bath- gate and Linlithgow hills. Part n. Petrog- raphy. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. v. 45, p. 133-150.) *EC Ferguson, William. Note on the chalk- flints and greensand found in Aberdeen- shire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 13, p. 88-89.) PTA Notes on a sand covered district on the east coast of Aberdeenshire. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 145-151.) PTA Notes on some raised beaches of the west of Scotland, with illustrations. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 231-237.) *EC Notices of some iron ore deposits in Aberdeenshire and Banffshire. (Edjnr burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 192-198.) PTA On the occurrence of chalk flints and greensand fossils in Aberdeenshire. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 971 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p 112- 121.) PTA . On the occurrence of chalk flints and greensand in the north-east district of Aberdeenshire. 2 pi. (Buchan Field^ Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3 (1902-05), p. 61-78.) CPA On the raised beaches of the Firth of Clyde; with notices of the discovery of numerous ancient canoes in the neighbour- hood of Glasgow. (Literary and Philosoph- ical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. Liverpool, 1854. 8°. v. 8, p. 131-141.) * EC On some geological features of the coast of Aberdeenshire, with notices of the occurrences of chalk flints and greensand. (Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. London, 1866. 8°. v. 19, p. 162-192.) * EC Fergusson, John. Geological and min- eralogical report upon Muirkirk coal-field, in the county of Ayr. 4 col'd pi. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1840. 8°. v. 13, p. 205-223.) VPA Fleming, John. Mineralogical account of Papa Stour, one of the Zetland Islands. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 162-175.) QDA Notice respecting the old silver mine in Linlithgowshire. (Annals of phi- losophy. London, 1815. 8°. v. 5, p. 118- 122.) OA Notice of a submarine forest in Largo Baj', in the Firth of Forth. (Quar- tely journal of science, literature and art. London, 1830. 8°. Jan.- June, 1830, p. 21- 29.) * EC Observations on the mineralogy of the neighbourhood of St. Andrew's in Fife. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 145-154.) QDA On a bed of fossil shells on the banks of the Forth. (Annals of philoso- phy. London, 1814. 8°. v. 4, p. 133-137.) OA p At Boness. . On the mineralogy of the Redhead m Angusshire. (Wernerian Natural His- tory Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 339-369.) QDA ~ — On a submarine forest in the Frith of Tay, with observations on the forma- H 011 - * . SUDmarine forests in general. (Roy- al Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1823. 4°. v. 9, p. 419-431.) *EC Short account of the rocks which occur in the neighbourhood of Dundee (Wernerian Natural History Society' Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v 2 d 138-144.) qda' Flett, John S. A hypersthene andesite from Dumyat (Ochils). 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 290-297.) PTA The old red sandstone of the Ork- neys. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 383-424.) * EC On the age of the old red sandstone of Shetland. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 46 p. 313-319.) * EC On the discovery in Orkney of the John o' Groat's horizon of the old red sand- stone. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 255-257.) * EC On phenocrysts of micropegmatite. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 7, p. 482-487.) PTA On micropegmatite phenocryst from Black Hills, Pentlands, etc. On Scottish rocks containing orth- ite. (Geological magazine. London, 1898. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 5, p. 388-392.) PTA The trap dykes of the Orkneys. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 865-905.) *EC See also under Cadell, Henry Mou- bray. Forbes, Edward. On the estuary beds and the Oxford clay at Loch Staffin, in Skye. 1 pi. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 7, p. 104-113.) PTA Forbes, James David. Notes on the geology of the Eildon Hills, in Roxburgh- shire. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1853. 4°. v. 20, p. 211-217.) *EC Forrester, John. Haematite iron ore found in the neighbourhood of Kirkcaldy. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth, 1889. 8°. [1888., p. 10-19.) PQA Forsyth, David. A bed of post-glacial clay, exposed by dredging in the harbour of Girvan, Ayrshire. 1 pi. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 251-254.) PTA The geology of the Carsphairn dis- trict. 1 map, 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 376-389.) PTA 972 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. ■ Notes on the Silurian rocks of the Muirkirk district. 1 pi. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 74-77.) PTA The Silurian rocks of the Girvan district. 2 maps. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 358-369.) PTA Fraser, James. First notice of a post- tertiary shell-bed, at Clava, in Nairnshire, indicating an Arctic climate and a sea-bed at a height of 500 feet. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°, v. 4, p. 136-142.) PTA The recent formations and glacial phenomena of Strathnairn. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 55-66.) PTA The shell-bed at Clava. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 169-176.) * EC Fraser, William. On some recently- exposed sections in the Paisley clay-beds, and their relation to the glacial period. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 178- 181.) PTA Galletly, John. Analysis of a lepido- dendroid plant from the shale of West Calder; with remarks on the formation of coal. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 395-397.) PTA Gardiner, Miss M. I. Contact-alteration near New Galloway. 1 pi. illus. (Geolog- ical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1890. 8°. v. 46, p. 569-581.) PTA Gardner, J. Starkie. On the leaf-beds and gravels of Ardtun, Carsaig, &c, in north Mull. With notes by Grenville A. J. Cole. 4 pi. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1887. 8°. v. 43, p. 270-300.) PTA Geikie, Sir Archibald. The ancient vol- canoes of Great Britain. London: Mac- millan and Co., Ltd., 1897. 2 v. 4°. PTO v. 1, ch. 19-20: Volcanoes of the lower old red sandstone of "Lake Caledonia;" ch. 21: Volcanoes of the lower old red sandstone of the Cheviot Hills, Lome, "Lake Orcadie" and Killarney; ch. 22: Vol- canoes of the upper old red sandstone — the south- west of Ireland, the north of Scotland; ch. 24: Car- boniferous volcanic plateaux of Scotland; ch. 25: Geological structure of the carboniferous volcanic plateaux of Scotland; ch. 26: The carboniferous puys of Scotland; ch. 27: Geological structure of the car- boniferous puys of Scotland; ch. 28: Illustrative ex- amples of the carboniferous puys of Scotland. v. 2, ch. 31: The Permian volcanoes of Scotland; ch. 37: The several basalt-plateaux and their geolog- ical history — Antrim, Mull, Morven and Ardna- murchan; ch. 38: The basalt-plateaux of the parish of Small Isles — -rivers of the volcanic period; ch. 39: The basalt-plateaux of Skye and the Faroe Isles; ch. 44: The bosses and sheets of gabbro in the dis- tricts of Rum, Ardnamurch'ah, Mull, St. Kilda and north-east Ireland; ch. 47:. The acid bosses of Mull, Small Isles, St. Kilda, Arran. The Baron's stone of Killoehan. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1868. 8°. v. 17, p. 312-320.) * DA Reprinted in his Geological sketches at home and abroad, p. 40-58, New York, 1892. The building up of the island. [Ar- ran.] (In: Arran Society of Glasgow. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. p. 1- 30.) CDA A fragment of primeval Europe, il- lus. (Nature. London, 1880. 4°. v. 22, p. 400-403.) OA On the ancient platform of gneiss in Sutherland- shire. Reprinted in his Geological sketches at home and abroad, p. 145-158, New York, 1892. Geological formations of Scotland. (In: J. G. Bartholomew, The Royal Scot- tish Geographical Society's atlas of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1895. P. p. 5-8.) Map Dept. Geological sketches at home and abroad. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1892. x, 332 p. illus. 12°. PTI The papers relating to Scotland in this volume are: (1) My first geological excursion, (2) "The Old Man of Hoy," (3) The Baron's stone of Kil- loehan, (4) The colliers of Carrick, (6) The old glaciers of Norway and Scotland, (8) Rock-weather- ing measured by the decay of tombstones, (12) The Scottish school of geology. The history of volcanic action dur- ing the tertiary period in the British Isles. 2 maps. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1890. 4°. v. 35, p. 21-184.) *EC ■ The latest volcanoes of the British Isles. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 179-197.) PTA In Scotland. — ■ — : Lecture on the origin of the present scenery of Scotland. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 4-12.) PTA Note on the carboniferous rocks of the south of Scotland. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 11, p. 598-603.) *EC Notes for a comparison of the gla- ciation of the west of Scotland with that of arctic Norway, illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. v. 5, p. 530-556.) *EC Reprinted Under the title "The old glaciers of Norway and Scotland" in his Geological Sketches at home and abroad, p. 109-144, New York, 1892. Notes for a comparison of the vol- canic geology of central Scotland with that of Auvergne and the Eifel. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 21-24.) PTA Abstract. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 973 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. . Notice of a saline water from the volcanic rocks of Linlithgow. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1878. 8°. v. 9, p. 367-371.) * EC On the age of the altered limestone of Strath, Skye. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1888, 8°. v. 44, p. 62-73.) PTA On the chronology of the trap- rocks of Scotland. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1861. 4°. v. 22, p. 633-653.) * EC On the date of the last elevation of central Scotland. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 218-232.) PTA , On the geology of Strath, Skye. With descriptions of some fossils from Skye, by T. Wright. 1 map. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 18S8. 8°. v. 14, p. 1-36.) PTA On the glacial drift of Scotland. 1 map. illus. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1863. 8°. v. 1, part 2, p. 1-190.) PTA The title-page of the volume (printed later) bears the date 1868. ■ — - On the old red sandstone of the south of Scotland. 1 map. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1860. 8°. v. 16, p. 312-323.) PTA "■m On the order of succession among the Silurian rocks of Scotland. (Geolog- ical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 74-95.) PTA - — On the relations of the basic and acid rocks of the tertiary volcanic series of the Inner Hebrides. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1894. 8°. v. 50, p. 212-231.) PTA On a rise of the coast of the Firth of Forth within the historical period. [Edinburgh, 1861.] lip. 8°. * C p.v.366 Repr.: Edinburgh new philosophical journal, July, 1861. On the tertiary volcanic rocks of the British Isles, illus. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1871. 8 ? . v. 27, p. 279-311.) PTA Deals mainly with the rocks of the island of Eigg. Outline of the geology of Edin- burgh and its neighbourhood. (In: W. Ballingall, Edinburgh past and present. Edinburgh, 1877. 4°. p. 148-153.) Stuart 7536 The pioneers of geology in the Glasgow district. An address given at the jubilee of the Geological Society of Glas- gow on 28th January 1909. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 391-410.) PTA The 'Pitchstone" (vitreous basalt) of Eskdale: A retrospect and comparison of geological methods. 2 pi. (Royal Phy- sical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 219-255.) *EC The raised beach of Britain, and how Scotland has risen in the world. (Mac- millan's magazine. Cambridge, 1862. 8°. v. 5, p. 311-319.) *DA Recent researches into the history of the deposits known as old red sand- stone. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 276-281.) . PTA In Scotland. Recent researches into the origin and age of the Highlands of Scotland and the west of Ireland. (Royal Institution of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. London, 1889. 8°. v. 12, p. 528-546.) * EC Rock-weathering as illustrated in Edinburgh churchyards. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10, p. 518-532.) *EC Reprinted under the title "Rock-weathering meas-. ured by the decay of tombstones" in his Geological sketches at home and abroad, p. 159-179, New York, 1892. — ■■ — The Scottish school of geology. The inaugural lecture at the opening of the class of geology and mineralogy in the University of Edinburgh, Nov. 6, 1871. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1871. 27 p. 8°. *Cp.v.369 Reprinted in his Geological sketches at home and abroad, p. 250-271. New York, 1892. See also under Murchison, Sir Rod- erick Impey, and Sir Archibald Geikie. Geikie, Sir Archibald, and J. J. H. Teall, On the banfled structure of some tertiary gabbros in the isle of Skye. 2 pi. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1894. 8°. v. 50, p. 645-660.) PTA Geikie, James. The carboniferous form- ation of Scotland. (Institution of Engi- neers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 14, p. 5-35.) VDA —. — Geology and petrology of St. Abb's Head. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh, Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8". v. 14, p. 177-193.) *EC The great ice age and its relation to the antiquity of man. London: W. Isbister & Co., 1874. xxiii, 575 p., maps, illus. 8°. Chaps, vi-vii, p. 75-102, Origin of the till and rock-striations and groovings of Scotland; chaps, xi- xiv n 150-204, Beds subjacent to and intercalated with the Scottish soil; chap xv, p. 205-217, Boulder- clay beds of Scotland; chaps, xvi-xx, p. 218-JS1, Upper drift deposits of Scotland; chap, xxi, p. 282- 303, Lakes and sea-lochs of Scotland; chaps, xxn- xxiv, p. 304-354, Post-glacial and recent deposits ot Scotland. 974 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. The Long Island, or Outer Hebri- des. (Good words. London, 1879. 8°. v. 20, p. 18-23, 234-238, S23-S26.) * DA Note on the occurrence of drifted trees in beds of sand and gravel at Mussel- burgh. 3 illus. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. v. 12, p. 74S-7SS.) * EC Notes on the geology of Colonsay and Oronsay. 1 map. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 157-164.) PTA Old Scottish volcanoes. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 449-463.) KAA On the buried forests and peat mosses of Scotland, and the changes of climate which they indicate. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1867. 4°. v. 24, p. 363-384.) * EC On the carboniferous volcanic rocks of the basin of the Firth of Forth — their structure in the field and under the micro- scope. 1 map, 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 4°. v. 29, p. 437-518.) * EC On denudation in Scotland since glacial time. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 54-74.) PTA On the glacial phenomena of the Long Island or Outer Hebrides. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1873. 8°. v. 29, p. 532- 545; v. 34, p. 819-870.) PTA On the glacial succession in Eu- rope. 1 map. (Royal Soci^y of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1895. 4°. v. 37, p. 127-149.) *EC Includes Scotland. On the old red sandstone of western Europe. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1879. 4°. v. 28, p. 345-452.) * EC The old red sandstone attains it greatest thickness and variety in Scotland. At the end are two tables showing: (1) the vertical range of the known fossils of the old red sandstone of Caithness, compiled chief- ly from data furnished by Mr. C. W. Peach; and (2) list of the fossil fishes of the lower old red sandstone of the north of Scotland. The plate show vertical sections of the old red sandstone of the north of Scotland. The physical features of Scotland. 1 map. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 1, p. 26-41.) KAA The physical features of Scotland. (In: J. G. Bartholomew, The Royal Scot- tish Geographical Society's atlas of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1895. f°. p. 1-4.) Map Dept. Gemmell, Alexander. Chemical analyses of borolanite and related rocks. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 9, p. 417-419.) PTA From Sutherlandshire. Geological Society of Glasgow. History of the Geological Society of Glasgow, 1858- 1908, with biographical notices of promi- nent members. Edited by Peter Macnair, and Frederick Mort. Glasgow: the society' 1908. 4 p.l., 303(1) p., 1 fac, 1 pi., 24 port 8°- PTA Geology, The, of Edinburgh. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1911 8°. v. 27, p. 307-309.) KAA Gibb, A. W. On a felsite sill near Aber- deen. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909 8° v. 9, p. 230-231.) PTA On the relation of the Don to the Avon at Inchrory, Banffshire. 1 pi. illus. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 227- 229.) PTA Gibson, John. An addition to the fish fauna of the oil shales of Edinburghshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7 p. 190-192.) " *EC Glen, David Corse. Notes from the is- land of Bute. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 154-159.) PTA 1. On a tract of columnar sandstone, and a perched boulder, near Kilchattan. 2. On a magnetic sand from East Bay, Rothesay. Notes on the varieties of trap rocks found on the coast of Ayrshire, near Largs. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 72-78.) PTA See also under Young, John. Glen, David Corse, and John Young. A geological excursion to Cathkin quarries. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 166-171.) PTA . Notes on the spherulite rock of Cor- riegills and the banded pitchstone of In- vercloy, Arran. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 352-358.) PTA Goodchild, John George. The ccelentara in relation to geological zones. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 15, p. 57- 62.) *EC Mainly on the graptolites of Moffat. Contributions to Scottish mineral- ogy. (Part 1.) illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 24, p. 321-341.) *EC LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 975 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. . Desert conditions in Britain. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. (Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 71- 104.) PTA . Desert conditions in Britain. An address to the Geological Society of Edin- burgh, at their opening meeting on the 19th November 1896. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 203-222.) PTA The dolerite of Aberdour, with some speculations on the origin of eruptive rocks in general. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, P. 271-272.) PTA Abstract. Further remarks on some recent ex- posures of rocks in Edinburgh. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 190S. 8°. v. 8, p. 266-272.) PTA The geognosy of Scottish tourma- lines. 1 illus. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 182-186.) PTA Geological notes on the excavations at the Leith Docks extension, 1897. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 312-316.) PTA Haematite on Arthur's Seat. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 1.) PTA The lower carboniferous rocks of northern Britain. 1 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 16-38.) PTA The nepheline aegirine pegmatite of Cnoc na Sroine. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 273.) PTA Note on the minerals observed in the railway cutting at Barnton, near Edin- burgh. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 301-302.) PTA Notes on a borehole through the rocks of the Calton Hill. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 7, p. 259-264.) PTA Notes on the minerals of the Hil- derston silver mines, Linlithgow. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 201-202.) PTA ; Notes on the mollusca of the la- minarian zone at Leith. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 336-344.) * EC On the genesis of some Scottish minerals. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8° v. 14, p. 181-220.) * EC . On some pseudomorphs after a lime-soda felspar, illus. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 260-265.) PTA — — On unconformities and palseonto- logical breaks in relation to geological time. 3 pi. illus. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 275-314.) PTA The origin of the bitumenoid ce- ment of the Caithness flagstones. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 316- 327.) *EC An outline of the geological his- tory of the coast between Aberdour and Kirkcaldy. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 367-376.) PQA Remarks upon a recent boring for water at North Berwick. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 236-240.) PTA A revised list of the minerals known to occur in Scotland. (British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of 71. meeting. London, 1901. 8°. p. 648- 649.) * EC The Scottish ores of iron, illus. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 200- 219.) PTA Some field evidence relating to the modes of occurrence of intrusive rocks, with some remarks upon the origin of eruptive rocks in general. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 197-226.) * EC Some notes on a rock allied to lim- burgite, near North Berwick. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 155- 156.) * EC Some recent exposures of rock in Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions, v. 8, p. 2-9.) Gordon, George. On the geology of the lower or northern part of the province of Moray: its history, present state of ln 9 ul r y > and points for future examination. (Edin- burgh new philosophical journal. Edin- 1859. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 14- Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. PTA burgh, 59.) OA - On the relations of the Ross-shire sandstones containing reptilian footprints, illus. (Geological Society of Quarterly journal. London, 1863. ■•■ - 19, p. 506-510.) With an introduction by Sir R. of London. °. v. PTA Murchison. , 976 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. The reptiliferous sandstones of El- gin. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 241-245.) PTA Gordon, William T. On Lepidophloios scottii (a new species from the calciferous sandstone series at Pettyeur, Fife). 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 46, p. 443- 453.) * EC - On the nature and occurrence of the plant-bearing rocks at Pettyeur, Fife. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 353-360.) PTA Grant. Fossils of the Lossiemouth sand- stones. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 128-132.) * EC Greenly, Edward. Notes on the Suther- land goldfield. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 100-107.) PTA See also under Home, John, and Edward Greenly. Greenock, Lord. General remarks on the coal formation of the great valley of the Scottish Lowlands. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 13, p. 107-117.) *EC A general view of the phenomena displayed in the neighbourhood of Edin- burgh by the igneous rocks, in their rela- tions with the secondary strata; with ref- erence to a more particular description of the section which has been exposed to view on the south side of the Castle Hill. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 13, p. 39- 45.) *EC Gregory, John Walter. A glaciated rock surface at Lugton, north Ayrshire. 2 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 10-18.) PTA The Glasgow earthquake of 14th December 1910. Presidential address. 4 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 89-114.) PTA The Glenboig fireclay. 5 pi. (Roy- al Societv of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 30, p. 348-360.) *EC The lochs of Scotland and the Fa- roe islands. (In his: Nature and origin of fiords. London, 1913. 8°. p. 142-176.) PSD The Polmont kame and on the classification of Scottish kames. 1 pi. il- lus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14 p. 199-218.) PTA Tuesite — a Scotch variety of hal- loysite. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 30 p. 361-363.) * EC Work for Glasgow, geologists — the problems of the south-western High- lands. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14 p. 1-29.) PTA See also under Renwick, J., and J, W. Gregory. Grierson, James. Account of some sand- stone petrifactions found [at Harviestonj near Edinburgh. (Wernerian Natural His- tory Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 3, p. 156-166.) QDA Mineralogical observations in Gal- loway. (Wernerian Natural History So- ciety. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 373-391.) QDA Mineralogical observations made in the Highlands of Scotland. (Annals of philosophy. London, 1813. 8°. v. 2, p. 28-32.) OA On footsteps before the flood, in a specimen of red sandstone. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1828. 8°. v. 8, p. 130-134.) OA Remains found in quarry at Corncockle Muir, near Loehmaben. Grieve, David. Note relative to the bed of the South Esk river at Newbattle, in connection with fossils • found there. (Royal Physical Society. Proceedings, Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 57-60.) * EC Grossart, William. Note on a species of conifer from the carboniferous sandstone of Shotts, Lanarkshire. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 81-82.) PTA Notes on a tract of vertical trees in carboniferous strata. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 184-188.) PTA In the parish of Shotts. On river debris found in sandstone. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 188- 192.) PTA In the parish of Shotts. On the upper coal measures of Lanarkshire. (Geological Society of Glas^ gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 96-113.) PTA With a list of fossils from the upper coal-measures of Lanarkshire, confined to those in his own col- lection. Gunn, William. Notes on the correla- tion of the lower carboniferous rocks of England and Scotland. 1 diagr. (Geo- logical magazine. London, 1898. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 5, p. 342-349.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 977 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. %'. v. 7, p. 361-367.) PTA Notes on the geology of the isle of Arran. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 268-276.) PTA On the old volcanic rocks of the island of Arran. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 174-191.) PTA On a volcanic series associated with the schists of North Glen Sannox, Arran. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 192-195.) PTA Recent discoveries in Arran geol- ogy. (British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Report of 71. meet- ing. London, 1901. 8°. p. 631-633.) * EC (Geological magazine. Lon- don, 1901. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 8, p. 565-567.) PTA See also under Report. Gwynne-Vaughan, David Thomas, joint author. See entry under Kidston, Robert, and David Thomas Gwynne-Vaughan. Hall, Sir James. On the vertical posi- tion and convolutions of certain strata, and their relation with granite. 5 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1815. 4°. v. 7, p. 79-108.) * EC On strata of the south of Scotland from Galloway to Berwickshire. Harker, Alfred. The geological struc- ture of the Sgurr of Eigg. 2 pi. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1906. 8°. v. 62, p. 40-69.) PTA Glaciated valleys in the Cuillins. Skye. illus. (Geological magazine. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 6, p. 196-199.) PTA Ice-erosion in the Cuillin Hills, Skye. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 4°. v. 40, p. 221-252.) * EC On certain granophyres modified by the incorporation of gabbro-fragments in Strath (Skye). 2 pi. illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1896. 8°. v. 52, p. 320-330.) PTA The overthrust Torridonian rocks of the Isle of Rum, and the associated gneisses. 1 map. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1903. 8°. v. 59, p. 189-216.) PTA The sequence of the tertiary igne- ous rocks of Skye. (Geological magazine. London, 1901. 8°. new series, decade 4, v- 8, p. 506-509.) PTA ,i~~ Th e tertiary crust-movements in the .nner Hebrides. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 344-350.) PTA See also under Clough, C. T., and Alfred Harker. Harkness, Robert. Description of the graptohtes found in the black shales of Dumfriesshire. 1 pi. (Geological Society ?L, on o d n on - Quarterly journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 7, p. 58-65.) PTA On the association of the lower members of the old red sandstone and the metamorphic rocks on the southern mar- gin of the Grampians. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1860. 8°. v. 16, p. 312.) PTA Abstract. On the lowest sedimentary rocks of the south of Scotland, illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 12, p. 238-245.) PTA On the metamorphic rocks of the Banffshire coast, the Scarabins, and a por- tion of east Sutherland. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 331-342.) PTA On the new red sandstone of the southern portion of the vale of the Nith. illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1850. 8°. v. 6, p. 389-399.) PTA On the origin of the Permian brec- cias of the southern portion of the Vale of Nith. (Edinburgh new philosophical jour- nal. Edinburgh, 1859. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 102-106.) OA On the position of the pteraspis beds, and on the sequence of the strata of the old red sandstone series of south Perthshire. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 253-258.) PTA On the reptiliferous rocks and the footprint-bearing strata of the north- east of Scotland, illus. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1864. 8°. v. 20, p. 429-443.) PTA On the rocks of portions of the Highlands of Scotland south of the Cale- donian Canal; and on their eqivalents in the north of Ireland, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 17, p. 256-271.) PTA On the sandstones and breccias of the south of Scotland of an age subsequent to the carboniferous period, illus. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 12, p. 254- 267.) P TA On the sandstones and their asso- ciated deposits in the vale of the Eden, the Cumberland plain, and the south-east 978 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. of Dumfriesshire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 205-218.) PTA On the Silurian rocks of Dumfries- shire and Kirkcudbrightshire, illus. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 7, p. 46- 58.) PTA On the Silurian rocks of Kirkcud- brightshire, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1853. 8°. v. 9, p. 181-186.) PTA On the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland and on the gold districts of Wanlockhead and the Lead Hills. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 393- 396.) PTA Haswell, George C. On the age of the Silurian beds of the Pentland Hills. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 200.) PTA Abstract. Haswell, James. Notice of sandstone now in course of formation at Elie, Fife- shire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 259-260.) PTA On columnar structure developed in mica schist from a vitrified fort in the Kyles of Bute. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 229-238.) PTA On the old estuarine beds of the Carse of Stirling. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 58-66.) PTA Hatch, Frederick H. The lower car- boniferous volcanic rocks of East Lothian (Garlton Hills). 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1895. 4°. v. 37, p. 115-126.) * EC Haughton, Samuel. Experimental re- searches on the granites of Ireland. Part iv. On the granites and syenites of Done- gal; with some remarks on those of Scot- land and Sweden. 1 pi. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1864. 8°. v. 20, p. 268-280.) PTA Heddle, Matthew Foster. Chapters on the mineralogy of Scotland. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1876-1900. 4°. v. 27, p. 493- 511; v. 28, p. 197-271, 299-319, 453-555; v. 29, p. 1-46, 55-118; v. 30, p. 427-466; v. 39, p. 341-360.) * EC 1. The rhombohedral carbonates. 2. The fel- spars. 3. The garnets. 4. Augite, hornblende, and serpentinous change. 5. The micas; with descrip- tion of_ haughtonite, a new mineral species. 6. "chloritic minerals." 7. Ores of manganese, iron, chromium, and titanium. 8. Silicates. The minerals of the Storr. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 328-331.) PTA On analcime with new forms. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 241- 243.) PTA From Boylestone quarry, near Barrhead, Ren- frewshire. On the crystalline forms of rie- beckite. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 265-267.) PTA From Ailsa Craig. On new localities for zeolites. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 72- 79.) PTA On the occurrence of trachylyte at Loch Screden, Mull. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 80-95.) PTA On pectolite and okenite from new localities: the former with new appear- ances. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 241-255.) PTA Henderson, John. Notice of a bore sec- tion at Abbey Hill, and its relation to the rocks of the Calton Hill. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 34-37.) PTA Notes on drift and glacial phenome- na on the Pentland Hills. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. (Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10, p. 187-189.) *EC Notice of a fault in the carbonifer- ous rocks on the Water of Leith, above Currie; with some observations on the geology of the district. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 144-147.) PTA Notice of recent fossiliferous sand- stone and clay at Granton. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 255-259.) PTA Notice of Slimonia acuminata, from the Silurian of the Pentland Hills. Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 18-19.) PTA Notice of some fossils from the conglomerate at Habbie's Howe, Logan Burn, near Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 22, p. 389-390.) PTA On a calcareous deposit at Star- leyburn, Fifeshire. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 346-348.) PTA On the Calton Hill and its rela- tion to the rocks in the neighbourhood. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 7, p. 139- 144.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 979 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. . On Corstorphine Hill, near Edin- burgh. 1 pi- (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 29-33.) PTA On the evidence of the existence of an old river course previous to the dep- osition of the boulder clay, at the Water of Leith, above Colinton. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2. p. 196-201.) PTA On the fossils found in the rocks underlying the south side of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 138-140.) PTA On glacial phenomena in the Pent- land Hills; and at Tynecastle, near Edin- burgh. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 360-367.) PTA On reindeer and other mammalian remains from the Pentland Hills. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 302-304.) PTA On rock sections exposed in cut- ting for the Suburban Railway; with ob- servations on the geology of the district around Edinburgh. 1 diagr. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 71-82.) PTA On sands and gravels containing the remains of drifted trees at Olive Bank, Musselburgh, and at Stockbridge. 2 diagr. on 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 350-354.) PTA On sections exposed on the line of the Barnton Railway. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 297-300.) PTA On sections exposed in making a drain through the Queen's Park at Holy- rood. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 407-409.) PTA — - On some marine beds underlying the Gilmerton limestone. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 217-218.) PTA .- On some recently discovered fos- siliferous beds in the Silurian rocks of the Pentland Hills. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 353-356.) PTA On some sections of boulder clay, Peat, and stratified beds, exposed in a quarry recently opened at Redhall, Slate- ford, near Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geolog- ic Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 391-395.) PTA ffcTp" 2 n ! ^, Sll „ u "an foss; ls found in the Pentland Hills. (Edinburgh Geological bouety Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. o • v. 2, p. 373-375.) pxa — — On the structure and arrangement ot the rocks of Arthur's Seat. 1 map, 2 plans. (Edinburgh Geological Society .transactions. Edinburgh, 1880 8° v o, p. 222-244.) p T X ~T ° n the succession of the lower car- boniferous series to the west of Edin- burgh, with special reference to the dis- trict around Cramond. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh 1890. 8°. v. 6, p. 29-36.) PTA On the Wardie and Granton series of sandstones and shales. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 24-30.) PTA Short notice of three species of tri- lobites from the Silurian beds of the Pent- land Hills. (Edinburgh Geological Socie- ty. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 21-23.) PTA Sketch of the geology of the Pent- lands. (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 234-237.) PQA See also under Brown, D. J., and John Henderson. Hendry, James. ' Granite and metamor- phic rocks. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n.d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1902- 05, p. 47-57.) CPA Hibbert, Samuel. Communication rela- tive to the fresh-water limestone of Burdie- house, near Edinburgh, belonging to the carboniferous group of rocks. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 33-35, 38, 42.) *EC A description of the Shetland Islands, comprising an account of their geology, scenery, antiquities and super- stitions. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1822. xviii, 616 p., 1 map, 7 pi. sq. 4°. fCR On the fossil fishes of the lime- stone of Burdiehouse. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 72-73.) * EC On the fresh-water limestone of Burdiehouse in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, belonging to the carbonifer- ous group of rocks; with supplementary notes on other fresh-water limestones. 9 pi (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 13, p. 169- 282.) EC Sketch of the distribution of rocks in Shetland. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1819-20. 8°. v. 1 p. 296-314; v. 2, p. 67-79, 224-242.) OA 980 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Hickling, George. The old red sand- stone of Forfarshire, upper and lower. 2 pi. illus. (Geological magazine. Lon- don, 1908. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 5, p. 396-408.) PTA Hicks, Henry. On the metamorphic and overlying rocks in the neighbourhood of Loch Maree, Ross-shire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1878. 8°. v.. 34, p. 811-818.) PTA On the metamorphic and overlying rocks in parts of Ross and Inverness shires. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 39, p. 141-159.) PTA Hill, A. W. See under Seward, A. C, and A. W. Hill. Hill, James Bastian. On the crush con- glomerates of Argyllshire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1901. 8°. v. 57, p. 313-327.) PTA On the progressive metamorphism of some Dalradian sediments in the region of Loch Awe. 1 map. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 55, p. 470-493.) PTA Hill, J. B., and H. Kynaston. On ken- tallenite and its relations to other igneous rocks in Argyllshire. 3 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1900. 8°. v. 56, p. 531-557.) PTA Hind, Wh'eelton. The lamellibranchs of the Silurian rocks of Girvan. 5 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1911. 4°. v. 47, p. 479-548.) *EC On the lamellibranch and gastero- pod fauna found in the millstone grit of Scotland. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 46, p. 331-359. ) * EC Hinde, George Jennings. On archa^o- cyathus, Billings, and on other genera, allied to or associated with it, from the Cambrian strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and Scotland. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 125-148.) PTA Hinxman, Lionel W. Note on speci- mens of spherulitic felsite from Glen Feshie. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 114-115.) PTA On the occurrence of moraines later than the 50-foot beach in the north- west Highlands. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8". v. 6, p. 249-251.) PTA See also under Report. Hopkins, William. On the distribution of granite blocks from Ben Cruachan. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. v. 53, p. 362-363.) OA On the granitic blocks of the south Highlands of Scotland, illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 20-30.) PTA Home, John. The andalusite schists of Banffshire and Aberdeenshire. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888], 8°. v. 2, p. 224.) * EC Abstract. The ice-shed in the north-west Highlands. (Inverness Scientific Society .and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1898. 8°. v. 4, p. 212-213.) * EC The igneous rocks of old red sand- stone age north of the Grampians. (In- verness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888j. 8°. v. 2, p. 126-128.) *EC Abstract. The intercrossing of boulders in the Applecross mountains. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 38-44.) ' PTA A new feature in the glaciation of Sutherland. -(Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 27-29.) *EC "Note on a band of fossiliferous ironstone in the Cambrian rocks of west Ross-shire." (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 113-114.) PTA Note on the occurrence of Alethop- teris lonchitica in the carboniferous beds of Loch Ryan. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 111-112.) PTA On the geology of the island of Unst. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 274-280.) * EC On the relation of valley moraines to underlying strata in Coulin Forest, Ross-shire. (Edinburgh Geological Socie- ty. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 145-147.) PTA On two volcanic necks in Apple- cross, Ross-shire. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness, .1898. 8°. v. 4, p. 250-253.) * EC (Edinburgh Geological Socie- ty. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 35-37.) PTA Recent advances in Scottish geol- ogy. (British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Report of 71. meeting. London, 1901. 8°. p. 615-631.) *EC Address to the geological section of the British Association, September 12, 1901. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 981 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. (Geological magazine. Lon- don 1901. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 8, p. 452-470.) PTA The recent discovery in Dundon- nell Forest, and its bearing on the geology of the north-west Highlands. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 151- 157.) * EC The Silurian volcanic rocks of the southern uplands of Scotland. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 285-286.) PTA Abstract. The volcanic history of the old red sandstone period, north of the Grampians. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 77- 81.) PTA See also under Peach, B. N., and John Horne ; and Report. Home, John, and E. Greenly. On foli- ated granites and their relations to the crystalline schists in eastern Sutherland, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1896. 8°. v. 52, p. 633-650.) PTA Home, John, and J. J. H. Teall. On borolanite — an igneous rock intrusive in the Cambrian limestone of Assynt, Sutherlandshire, and the Torridon sand- stone of Ross-shire. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1895. 4°. v. 37, p. 163-178.) * EC Home, John, and others. The character of the high-level shell-bearing deposits at Clava, Chapelhall, and other localities. Re- port of the committee. (Inverness Scien- tific Society and Field Club. Transac- tions. Inverness, 1898. 8°. v. 4, p. 301- 339.) * EC Houston, Robert S. Rare Renfrewshire minerals. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 354-361.) PTA Howden, James C. On the superficial deposits at the estuary of the South Esk. 3. pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, P. 138-150.) PTA Hugh Miller and the geology of Scot- land. (Young men's magazine. New York, 1858. 8°. v. 2, p. 193-198.) * D p.v.l Hull, Edward. Classification of the car- boniferous rocks of Scotland. Reply to "Remarks, &c." by Mr. John Young. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 250- 254.) PTA — — On the geological structure of the northern Highlands of Scotland; being notes on a recent tour. 3 pi. (Royal Dub- lin Society. Scientific proceedings. Dub- lin, 1883. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 34-46 ) *EC On the microscopical structure of red quartz-porphyry, from the old red sandstone of Logan Water, above Lesma- hagow. illus. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877 8° v. 5, p. 25-28.) pta On the vestiges of extinct glaciers in the Highlands of Great Britain and Ire- land. (Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs. London, 1862 8°. series 3, v. 1, p. 131-146.) * EC Hunter, John R. S. See Hunter-Sel- kirk, John R. S. Hunter-Selkirk, John R. S. Geology of the carboniferous strata of Carluke. 1 table. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1 p. 34-57.) PTA The geology and palaeontology of Bankend, Bellfield, and Coalburn, Lesma- hagow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 143-157.) PTA Notes on the discovery of a fossil scorpion (Palaeophonus caledonicus) in the Silurian strata of Logan Water. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 169-170.) PTA Notes on a new fossil scorpion (Palaeophonus caledonicus), from the up- per Silurian shales, Logan Water, Lesma- hagow. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 187-191.) PTA The old red sandstone of Lanark- shire, with notes on volcanic action during the old red and carboniferous times. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 161-168.) PTA The Silurian districts of Leadhills and Wanlockhead, and their early and re- cent mining history. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 373-392.) PTA The Silurian rocks of Logan Water, Lesmahagow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 56-64.) • PTA Three months' tent life amongst the Silurian hills of Logan Water, Lesma- hagow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 272-278.) PTA Huxley, Thomas Henry. Description of Anthracosaurus russelli, a new labyrin- thodont from the Lanarkshire coal-field, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1863. 8°. v. 19, p. 56-68.) PTA 982 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. On new labyrinthodonts from the Edinburgh coal-field. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 291-296.) PTA On the Stagonolepis robertsoni (Agassiz) of the Elgin sandstone; and on the recently discovered footprints in the sandstones of Cummingstone. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 18S9. 8°. v. 15, p. 440-460.) PTA On a stalk-eyed crustacean from the carboniferous strata near Paisley. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 420-422.) PTA Imrie, Ninian. A description of the strata which occur in ascending from the plains of Kincardineshire to the summit of Mount Battoc. . .in. . .the Grampian Mountains. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1812. 4°. v. 6, p. 3-19.) *EC This description is reprinted in George Robert- son's General view of the agriculture of Kincardine- shire, or the Meams, London, 1813, appendix, p. 34-50. A geological account of the south- ern district of Stirlingshire, commonly called the Campsie Hills... 1 pi. (Wer- nerian Natural History Society. Mem- oirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 24-50.) PQA Some remarks upon the pudding or conglomerate rock... of the Grampian Mountains, from where they commence in the West, to where they finish their course towards the East in the German Ocean. (Wernerian Natural History So- ciety. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 453-460.) PQA Jack, Robert L. Notes on a till or boul- der clay with broken shells, in the lower valley of the river Endrick, near Loch Lo- mond, and its relation to certain other glacial deposits. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-25.) PTA Jameson, Robert. Geognostical descrip- tion of the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 1, p. 352-363.) OA Geognosy of East Lothian. (Wer- nerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 3, p. 225-244.) PQA Notes on the geognosy of the Crif- Fell, Kirkbean, and the Needle's Eye, in Galloway. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 4, p. 541-547.) PQA On the black lead or graphite of Borrodale, of Ayrshire, and of Glenstrath- farrar. (Edinburgh philosophical journal Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 1, p. 130-134.) OA On the geognosy of the Lothians. (Wernerian Natural History Society Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2 r/ 618-633.) PQA On the red-sandstone formation [in Scotland]. (Annals of philosophy. Lon- don, 1815. 8°. v. 6, p. 13-15.) OA On the rocks of Sandside in Caith- ness. 1 pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. 8° v. 3, p. 220-224.) PQA On the topaz of Scotland. (Wer- nerian Natural History Society. Memoirs Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 445-452) PQA Outline of the mineralogy of the Pentland Hills. 1 pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 178-201.) PQA Jamieson, Thomas F. The glacial pe- riod in Aberdeenshire and the southern border of the Moray Firth. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1906. 8°. v. 62, p. 13-39.) PTA On the crag shells of Aberdeen- shire and the gravel-beds containing them. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1882. 8°. v. 38, p. 145-159.) PTA On the drift and rolled gravel of the north of Scotland, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1860. 8°. v. 16, p. 347-371.) PTA ■ On the history of the late geologi- cal changes in Scotland. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1865. 8°. v. 21, p. 161-203.) PTA On the ice-worn rocks of Scotland. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 164-184.) PTA On the last stage of the glacial period in North Britain, illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 30, p. 317-338.) PTA On the occurrence of crag strata beneath the boulder-clay in Aberdeen- shire. / (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1860. 8°. v. 16, p. 371-373.) PTA On an outlier of lias in Aberdeen- shire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 15, p. 131-133.) PTA On the parallel roads of Glen Roy and their place in the history of the glacial period. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1863. 8°. v. 19, p. 235-259.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. On the pleistocene deposits of Aberdeenshire, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 14, p. S09-S32.) PTA On the raised beaches of the Geo- logical Survey of Scotland. (Geological magazine. London, 1906. 8°. new series, decade S, v. 3, p. 22-25.) PTA On the red clay of the Aberdeen- shire coast and the direction of the ice- movement in that quarter, illus. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1882. 8°. v. 38, p. 160- 177.) PTA On the structure of the south-west Highlands of Scotland, illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 17, p. 133-145.) PTA Supplementary remarks on Glen Roy. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1892. 8°. v. 48, p. 5-27.) PTA Jeffreys, J. G. Notice of the raised beaches on the western coast of Ross- shire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1845. 8°. v. 1, p. 217.) PTA Jesses, A. On the shell-bearing clay of Kintyre. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 76-86.) PTA Joass, James Maxwell. Notes on the Sutherland gold-field. 1 map. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1869. 8°. v. 25, p. 314-326.) PTA With an introduction by Sir Roderick I. Murchi- son. ' Johnston, James F. W. On the dis- covery of vanadium in Scotland, and on the vanadiate of lead, a new mineral species. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1831. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 166-168.) OA Johnston, John A., and John Lindsay. An ancient lake-deposit in Queen's Park. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 135-141.) PQA Johnstone, John T. Note on the occur- rence of limestone nodules containing cementstone fossils in glacial deposits near Moffat. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 233-235.) PTA Jolly, William. The geology of Loch Maree and neighbourhood. (In: J. H. Dixon, Gairloch... Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. p. 271-289.) CR The joint excursion of the Edin- burgh and Glasgow Geological Societies to 983 Ben Nevis and the parallel roads of Loch- aber, m July, 1885. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. o . v. 8, p. 72-105.) PTA Notes on the geology of Souther- ners Kirkcudbrightshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 273-284.) PTA. With a list of fossils from carboniferous strata on Arbigland shore. Notes on the glaciers of Glen Spean, and their relations to Glen Roy (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v 2 o 220-222) ■ p TA - Notes on the transportation of rocks found on the south shores of the Moray Firth. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10, p. 178-185.) *EC On the evidences of glacial action in Galloway. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 155-185.) PTA The parallel roads of Lochaber; the problem, its conditions and solutions. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 40- 47.) PTA p. 43 gives a bibliography of the problem. The parallel roads of Lochaber. — The problem and its various solutions. (Nature. London, 1880. 4°. v. 22, p. 68- 70.) OA The succession of the rocks in the north-west Highlands. (Inverness Scien- tific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 199-201.) *EC Abstract. Jolly, William, and J. Macdonald Cam- eron. On an apparently new mineral oc- curring in the rocks of Inverness-shire. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 36, p. 109-111.) PTA Jones, Thomas Rupert. Description of a new species of estheria from the car- boniferous limestone of Thornliebank, Renfrewshire, illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 71-72.) . PTA Note on the foraminifera and other organisms in the chalk of the Hebrides. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1878. 8°. v. 34, p. 739- 743.) PTA Notes on some Silurian entomo- straca from Peeblesshire. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 321-322.) PTA On some estherise and estherise- like shells from the carboniferous shales 984 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. of western Scotland. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 79-8S.) PTA On some palaeozoic ostracoda from the district of Girvan, Ayrshire. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1893. 8°. v. 49, p. 296-307.) PTA Jones, Thomas Rupert, and James W. Kirkby. On the entomostraca of the car- boniferous rocks of Scotland. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 213-228.) PTA Jones, Thomas Rupert, and others. On carbonia: its horizons and conditions of occurrence in Scotland, especially in Fife. By T. R. Jones, J. W. Kirkby, and John Young. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 7, p. 420-442.) PTA Journal of bore at the side of the river Ore, due east of Balfour Mains, Fifeshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 148- 166.) PTA Judd, John Wesley. The earliest geo- logical maps of Scotland and Ireland. (Geological magazine. London, 1898. 8°, new series, decade 4, v. 5, p. 145-148.) PTA On composite dykes in Arran. 1 pi. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1893. 8°. v. 49, p. S36-S6S.) PTA On the gabbros, dolerites, and ba- salts, of tertiary age, in Scotland and Ire- land. 4 pi. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1886. 8°. v. 42, p. 49-97.) PTA On inclusions of tertiary granite in the gabbro of the Cuillin Hills, Skye; and on the products resulting from the par- tial fusion of the acid by the basic rock. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1893. 8°. v. 49, p. 175-198.) PTA Oh the structure and age of Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, illus. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1875. 8°. v. 31, p. 131- 148.) PTA On the tertiary and older perido- tites of Scotland. 4 pi. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1885. 8°. v. 41, p. 354-418.) PTA The propylites of the Western Isles of Scotland, and their relation to the andesites and diorites of the district. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quar- terly journal. London, 1890. 8°. v. 46, p. 341-385.) PTA The secondary rocks of Scotland. With a note on some brachioppda, by Thomas Davidson. 1 map, 1 pi., 2 tables. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1873. 8°. v. 29, p. 97- 197.) PTA — — The secondary rocks of Scotland. Second paper. On the ancient vblcanoes of the Highlands and the relations of their products to the mesozoic strata. 1 map, 1 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1874. 8°. v. 30, p. 220-302.) PTA The secondary rocks of Scotland. Third paper. The strata of the western coast and islands. 1 map. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1878. 8°. v. 34, p. 660-739.) PTA The tertiary volcanoes of the Western Isles of Scotland. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1889. 8°. v. 45, p. 187-219.) PTA See also under Durham, James. Judd, John Wesley, and Grenville A. J. Cole. On the basalt glass (tachylyte) of the western islands of Scotland. 2 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1883. 8°. v. 39, p. 444-465.) PTA Jukes-Browne, Alfred John, and John Milne. On the cretaceous fossils found at Moreseat, Abedeenshire. (Geological magazine. London, 1898. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 5, p. 21-32.) PTA Keddie, William. Highland tour. Glas- gow to Oban by the river Clyde.. . With notice of the geology and natural history of the district. Glasgow: Maclure & Mac- donald [1877]. 48 p., 1 map, 8 pi. 8°. KFT Kendall, Percy Fry, and E. B. Bailey. The glaciation of East Lothian south of the Garleton Hills. 1 map. 4 pi. illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 46, p. 1- 31.) *EC Kerr, Walter. The amceboid agates of Monzie, near Crieff. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 21-24.) PQA Note on agate specimens from Monzie. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 237-239.) PTA • Preliminary list of minerals occur- ring in Perthshire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 25-27.) PQA Rocks and minerals of the Crieff district. 6 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-21.) PQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 985 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Kidston, Robert. Additional notes on some British carboniferous lycopods. 1 nl (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 88-97.) * EC Carboniferous lycopods and sp'heno- phylls. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 25-140.) PQA The fossil plants of the carbonif- erous rocks of Canonbie, Dumfriesshire, and of parts of Cumberland and Northum- berland. S pi. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 4°. v. 40, p. 741-833.) * EC Note on the nature of the fossil trees found at Whiteinch. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 235-236.) PTA Notes on some fossil plants col- lected by Mr. R. Dunlop, Airdrie, from the Lanarkshire coal-field. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 47-71.) PTA On the affinities of the genus potho- cites, Paterson; with the description of a specimen from Glencartholm, Eskdale. 4 pi. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 28-38.) QEA — — On Cryptoxylon forfarense, a new species of fossil plant from the old red sandstone. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 360-363.) * EC On the fossil plants of the Kil- marnock, Galston, and Kilwinning coal fields, Ayrshire. 4 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1895. 4°. v. 37, p. 307-359.) * EC On the fructification of two coal- measure ferns. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 510-516.) *EC On a new species of schutzia from the calciferous sandstones of Scotland. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 127-131.) * EC On a new specimen of dineuron and of botryopteris from Pettycur, Fife. 1 pl. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 46, p. 361-364.) * EC On the occurrence of Arthrostig- ma gracile, Dawson, in the lower old red sandstone of Perthshire. 1 pl. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 102- 111.) *EC On some new or little-known fossil lycopods from the carboniferous forma- tion. 1 pl. (Royal Physical Society of Ed- inburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885 8°. v. 8, p. 415-424.) * EC Describes Sigillaria mcmurtriei, Kidston, from the turf-coal of Kilwinning, and Lepidodendron pcachu, Kidston, from the Brickworks, Falkirk. ■ On some new species of fossil plants from the lower carboniferous rocks of Scotland. 3 pl. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 258-268.) * EC On the species of the genus palae- oxyris, Brongniart, occurring in British carboniferous rocks. 1 pl. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 54-65.) * EC Describes specimens found in Ayrshire. Report on fossil plants, collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in Eskdale and Liddesdale. 3 pl. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 4°. v. 30, p. 531-550.) * EC Kidston, Robert, and David Thomas Gwynne-Vaughan. On the carboniferous flora of Berwickshire, i. Stenomyelon tuedionum. 4 -pl. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1913. 4°. v. 48, p. 263-271.) * EC Kinahan, George Henry. On the valley of Loch Lomond. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 181-187.) PTA The terraces of the great Ameri- can lakes and the roads of Glenroy. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 221-223.) PTA Kinnear, W. Tait. Homacanthus bore- alis Traq. A new selachian from the lower old red of Caithness. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 205-206.) PTA Note on Homosteus milled and its distribution in the old red sandstone of the north of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 252-253.) PTA Note on the occurrence of a new carboniferous crustacean at Ardross Cas- tle, Fife. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5 p. 467.) PTA Ceratiocaris (nov. spec). On the occurrence and_ range of beds containing scorpion remains in the carboniferous rocks of Fife. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burghfl888. 8°. v. 5, p. 216-220.) PTA Kinnear, W. Tait, and William Ander- son. Exhibition of carboniferous Crusta- cea from Ardross Castle. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 53.) P™ 986 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Notes on the fossils of the first Gil- merton limestone. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 299-306). PTA Kirkby, James Walker. Note on the ostracoda from the Scotsman office sec- tion. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 15-17.) PTA On lower carboniferous strata and fossils at Randerstone, near Crail, Fife. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 61-75.) PTA With a detailed list of fossils found. On the occurrence of carboniferous limestone fossils at Viewforth, near Largo, Fife. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 7, p. 488-493.) PTA On the occurrence of marine fossils in the coal-measures of Fife. 1 sect. (Ge- ological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1888. 8°. v. 44, p. 747- 754.) PTA See also under Binney, Edward W., and J. W. Kirkby; Jones, Thomas Rupert, and J. W. Kirkby; and Jones, Thomas Rupert, and others. Knight, G. A. Frank. Notes on the na- tural history, geology, and antiquities of Duror, Argyllshire. 1 map. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 213-228.) PQA Koch, W. E. Notes on Mull and its leaf- beds. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 52-56.) PTA Kynaston, Herbert. Notes on contact metamorphism round the Cheviot granite. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 18-26.) PTA On some tuffs associated with the andesitic lavas of Lome. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 87-90.) PTA See also under Hill, J. B., and H. Kynaston. Landale, David. Description of the large coal-field under the Firth of Forth. 1 map. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 341- 364.) VA Landale, John J, On some of the de- rangements of the Scotch coal-field. (Roy- al Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1861. 8°. v. 5, p. 257-267.) VA On the stratigraphical position and probable extent of the Torbanehill or Bog- head gas-coal, near Bathgate. 1 pi. (Roy- al Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 61-70.) VA Lapworth, Charles. The Moffat series. 3 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1878 8° v. 34, p. 240-346.) PTA Note on the graptolites discovered by Mr. John Henderson in the Silurian shales of Habbie's Howe, Pentland Hills. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 375- 377.) PTA - On the lower Silurian rocks in the neighbourhood of Galashiels. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 46- 58.) PTA On the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 164-174.) PTA Recent discoveries among the Si- lurians of south Scotland. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 78-84.) PTA Laskey, Capt. Notice in regard to mar- ine shells found in the line of the Ardros- san canal. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 4, p. 568-569.) PQA Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Account of the late earthquake in Scotland. (Annals of philosophy. London, 1816. 8°. v. 8, p. 364-377.) OA Account of a travelled stone near Castle Stuart, Inverness-shire. 1 pi. (Wern- erian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 3, p. 251-259.) PQA On the parallel roads of Lochaber. 8 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1823. 4°. v. 9, p. 1- 64.) * EC Laurie, Malcolm. On a Silurian scorpion and some additional eurypterid remains from the Pentland Hills. 5 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 575-590.) * EC On some eurypterid remains from the upper Silurian rocks of the Pentland Hills. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1895. 4°. v. 37, p. 151-161.) *EC Leland, Charles Godfrey. Jade in Scot- land. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 189.) fMAA Green pebbles found in Iona were submitted to Prof. Joseph Leidy who declared them to be not nephrite but true pure jade of the best quality. Lewis, Francis J. The history of the Scottish peat mosses and their relation to LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 987 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. the glacial period, illus. (Scottish geo- eraohical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 241-252.) ^ KAA . The plant remains in the Scottish peat mosses. 5 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1911. 4° v. 47, p. 643-709.) * EC Lindsay, John. See under Johnston, J. A., and J. Lindsay. Lindsay, William Lauder. Australian gold-quartz in Scotland. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 68-72.1 PTA The Fifeshire gold diggings of 1852. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 272- 273.) PTA Abstract. The gold and gold-fields of Scot- land. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 105-115.) PTA Museum specimens of native Scot- tish gold. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 153-168.) PTA On the gold fields of Forfarshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 27-29.) PTA On the goldfields of Scotland. (British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 37. meeting. London, 1868. 8°. Notices and abstracts, p. 64-66.) * EC Preliminary report on the Suther- landshire gold. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 273.) PTA Linn, James. List of fossils obtained from the Bathgate limestone. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 82.) PTA Notes on one of the Bathgate sand- hills. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-38.) PTA On some of the less common Bath- gate fossils. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 192-196.) PTA Livingston, Colin. Boulders and other evidences of ice-action in Lochaber. 1 map. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 39- Sl.) PTA — — The parallel roads of Lochaber with relation to an ice cap. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 326-353.) PTA _ Lyell, Sir Charles. On a dike of serpen- tine, cutting through sandstone, in the county of Forfar. 1 pi. (Edinburgh jour- nal of science. Edinburgh, 1825 8° v 3 p. 112-126.) qa' On a recent formation of freshwater limestone in Forfarshire, and on some re- cent deposits of freshwater marl; with a comparison of recent with ancient fresh- water formations. . . 4 pi. (Geological So- ciety. Transactions. London, 1829 4° series 2, v. 2, p. 73-96.) PTA Lyon, George. Discovery of a new fos- sil tree in Craigleith quarry, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p 219- 220.) pta The geology of Edinburgh and its suburbs. Part I. Igneous rocks. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 201-205.) PTA The geology of Edinburgh and its suburbs. Part n. Aqueous rocks. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 209-214.) PTA Notes on Poterioceras pyriforme from the carboniferous limestone of Lan- arkshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 15-17.) PTA Notes on the trap-dykes of Edin- burgh and neighbourhood. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 325-328.) PTA Notice of a specimen of lepidoden- dron, with cones attached, from Corstor- phine Hill, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 81.) PTA On a mass of contorted sandstone in Hunter's Bog. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 125.) PTA On a new species of rhizodus. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 125.) PTA Sketch of the geology of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1865. 24 p., 1 map. 12°. PVI Macadam, William Ivison. Fifty years' work of the Edinburgh Geological Society. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 123- 143.) PTA A day's ramble in the northern part of the island of Arran, with notes on the geology and botany. (Edinburgh Natural- ists' Field Club. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 107-111.) PQA Further notice of the Tigh-na-criche shell-bed, Loch Fynne, Argyllshire. (Edm- 988 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 232.) PTA With a list of the mollusca from the clay-bed there. Minerals of Gairloch. (In: J. H. Dixon, Gairloch... Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. p.. 289-290.) CR Note, with analysis, of a new min- eral from Cathkin quarry, Glasgow. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 178.) PTA A new variety of saponite. Notice of a new fossiliferous bed in the island of Arran. (Edinburgh Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 316-317.) PTA Notice of veins of specular iron ore at Strachur, Argyllshire. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 95-96.) PTA On the analysis of a sample of a white deposit from the peat of Aberdeen- shire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p 207-212.) PTA On the chemical composition of certain limestone rocks from Ballimore (Argyllshire). (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 101-103.) PTA On the chemical composition of cer- tain rocks from Salisbury Crags, Edin- burgh. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 288-291.) PTA On the chemical composition of a nodule of ozokerite found at Kinghornness. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 272- 276.) PTA On the results of the analyses of diatomaceous deposits from the peat of Kinnord, Ordie, Drum, and Black Moss, Aberdeenshire. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 277-282.) PTA Preliminary notice of a clay shell- bed between Newton and Strachur, Loch Fynne, Argyllshire. (Edinburgh Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 94.) PTA M'Bain, James. Notice of two fossils found in a bed of shale below St. Anthony's chapel, Arthur's Seat. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 267-269.) * EC Remarks on the so-called raised sea-beach bed in the neighbourhood of Leith, and its relations to other deposits. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 422-430.) * EC MacCartney, W. Newton. On the geol- ogy of Ailsa Craig. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 151-157.) PQA Macconochie, Arthur. Review of the southern Silurian question. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 370-372.) PTA MacCulloch, John. Additional remarks on Glen Tilt. (Geological Society. Trans- actions. London, 1824. 4°. series 2, v. 1 p. 60-72.) PTA Corrections and additions to the sketch of the mineralogy of Sky. 1 map. (Geological Society. Transactions. Lon- don, 1817. 4°. v. 4, p. 156-192.) PTA A geological description of Glen Tilt. 10 pi. (Geological Society. Trans- actions. London, 1816. 4°. v. 3, p. 259- 337.) PTA List of the localities of some of the rarer Scottish minerals. (Edinburgh jour- nal of science. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 1, p. 225-236.) OA Observations on the hill of Kin- n'oul, in Perthshire. 2 pi. (Geological So- ciety. Transactions. London, 1817. 4°. v. 4, p. 220-232.) PTA Observations on the mountain Cruachan in Argyllshire; with some re- marks on the surrounding country. 1 pi. (Geological Society. Transactions. Lon- don, 1817. 4°. v. 4, p. 117-138.) PTA On the coal-field of Sutherland, il- lus. (Quarterly journal of science, litera- ture, and art. London, 1830. 8°. Jan. - June, 1830, p. 40-55.) * EC On the distribution of granite and of trap in different parts of Scotland. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. v. 2, p. 236-241.) OA On the influence of geological for- mation on the health and development of sheep. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. series 4, v. 7, p. 83-91.) VPA In Scotland. On the junction of trap and sand- stone at Stirling Castle. 1 pi. (Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. London, 1814. 4°. v. 2, p. 305-308.) PTA On the limestone of Clunie in Perthshire, with remarks on trap and ser- pentine. 1 pi. (Edinburgh journal of sci- ence. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-15.) OA On the parallel roads of Glenroy. 9 pi. (Geological Society. Transactions. London, 1817. 4°. v. 4, p. 314-392.) PTA On a prismatic structure in sand- stone induced by artificial heat; and on certain prismatic rocks found in nature, including the columnar sandstone of Dun- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 989 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. bar. (Quarterly journal of science, litera- ture and art. London, 1830. 8°. Julv- D.ec.', 1829, p. 247-265.) * EC On a singular detached block of stone occupying the summit of a hill at Diinkeld. (Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. v. 3, p. 46-49.) OA — — On Staffa. 1 pi. (Geological So- ciety Transactions. London, 1814. 4°. v. 2, p. 501-509.) PTA Remarks on several parts of Scot- land which exhibit quartz rock, and on the nature and connection of this rock in gen- eral. 3 pi. (Geological Society. Trans- actions. London, 1814. 4°. v. 2. p. 450- 487.) PTA A sketch of the mineralogy of Sky. 1 map, 3 pi. (Geological Society. Trans- actions. London, 1816. 4°. v. 3, p. 1- 111.) PTA Supplementary observations on quartz rock. (Geological Society. Trans- actions. London, 1817. 4°. v. 4, p. 264- 276.) PTA Supplementary remarks on quartz rock. (Geological Society. Transactions. London, 1824. 4°. series 2, v. 1, p. 53-59.) PTA M'Diarmid, William R. Note on granite, porphyry or felstone. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 459-460.) PTA Notes on and exhibition of part of the core of a boring from the permian of Dumfries. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 410-411.) PTA McDonald, D. P. A chemical investiga- tion into the nature of the clay substance in the Glenboig fireclay. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings/Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 30, p. 374-377.) * EC Macdonald, Kenneth. Glacial drift in the Craggie Burn. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness [1888j. 8°. v. 2, p. 47-53.) * EC The parallel roads of Glen-Roy. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 229-251.) * EC Macgregor, Murray. The Garriongill section at Overtown, near Wishaw. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 279- 290.) PTA Mackenzie, A. C. On the occurrence of a bituminous mineral at Mountgerald, Scotland. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1863. 8°. v. 19, p. 522-524.) PTA Mackenzie, Charles. Analysis of com- pact felspar from Pentland Hills. (Wer- nerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 616-619) PQA nT7t?n tlm ^ S of the m 'neralogy of the Ochil Hills. 1 map. (Annals of philoso- phy. London, 1814. 8°. v. 3, p. 116-126 ) OA T " ! map. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-23.) PQA Mackie, William. Allanite in the gran- ite of the north of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 216-218.) PTA The distribution and significance of deviations from the normal order of crystallization, also the distribution and significance of micropegmatite in granites, as illustrated by the granites of the north of Scotland. 4 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Societv. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v.'9, p. 247-317.) PTA Evidence of contemporaneous vol- canic action in the Banffshire schists. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 9, p. 93- 101.) PTA Note on the occurrence of traces of the heavy metals in the sandstones of the Moray Firth basin. (Edinburgh Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 256-259.) PTA The occurrence of volcanic tuffs on Ben Nevis. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 9, p. 69-72.) PTA On differences in chemical com- position between the central and marginal zones of granite veins, with further evi- dence of exchanges between such veins and the contact rocks. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 98-113.) PTA On the laws that govern the round- ing of particles of sand. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 298-311.) PTA The sands and sandstones of eastern Moray. (Edinburgh. Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 148-172.) PTA The sands and sandstones of east- ern Moray. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inver- ness [1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 34-61.) * EC Seventy chemical analyses of rocks (chiefly from the Moray area), with deduc- tions. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 190S. 8 . v. 8, p. 33-60.) PTA Some notes on the distribution of erratics over eastern Moray. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 91-97.) PTA 990 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Macknight, Thomas. Description of Ravensheugh. (Wernerian Natural His- tory Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 404-409.) PQA Geological remarks on the Cart- line Craig. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 491-500.) PQA Lithological observations on the vicinity of Loch-Lomond. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 392-403.) PQA Mineralogical description of Tinto. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 123-137.) PQA Mineralogical notices and observa- tions [in the north of Scotland]. (Werne- rian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 3, p. 104-122.) PQA • On the mineralogy and local scen- ery of certain districts in the Highlands of Scotland. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 274-369.) PQA 1. Benledi and its environs. 2. From the Pass of Leny to Balahelish. 3. Strontian and Ben-Nevis. Appendix: From Ben Lawers, thro' Glentilt, to Braemar. Maclaren, Charles. On grooved and striated rocks in the middle region of Scot- land. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1849. Title, p. 161-182. 8°. *Cp.v.l047 Repr. : Edinburgh new philosophical journal, July, 1849. A sketch of the geology of Fife and the Lothians, including detailed descrip- tions of Arthur's Seat and Pentland Hills. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1839. xv, 235 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 12°. PVI M'Laren, Robert. A reverse fault in Kiltongue Coal at Drumshangie colliery. 2 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 390-391.) PTA M'Lennan, James S. The coast-line of Berwickshire from Eyemouth to Marshall Meadows Bay. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 337-345.) PTA The geology of Kyle. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 264-276.) PTA The geology of the Lugton valley. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 91- 99.) PTA Notes on the Jordanhill coalfield. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 271- 275.) PTA A ramble up the Maich Water. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 121- 128.) PTA A stroll along a trap dyke in the parish of Beith, Ayrshire. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 214-219.) PTA McMahon, C. A. On the occurrence of allanite in the hornblende-granite of Lairg, Sutherlandshire. (Geological magazine. London, 1899. new series, decade 4, v. 6, p. 194-196.) PTA M'Nab, W. R. On the structure of a lig- nite from the old red sandstone. (Botan- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 312-314.) QEA Macnair, Peter. The building of the Grampians. 5 pi. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1903. 8°. v. 34, p. 147-224.) * EC "Camp Siluria." 1 pi. 1 illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 203-213.) PTA On the examination of the Silurian rocks at Logan Water, Lanarkshire. The geological factors in the distri- bution of the Alpine plants of Perthshire. 1 illus. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 240-249.) PQA The geology of the Breadalbane district of Perthshire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 52-65.) PQA The geology of Creag-na-Caillich and the district around Killin. 1 pi. illus. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 155-175.) PQA The geology of the Rouken Glen and its neighbourhood. 2 pi. illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 362-397.) PTA The geology and scenery of the Grampians and the valley of Strathmore. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1908. 2 v. maps, pi. 8°. PVI v. 1. The cycle of destruction and reproduction. Historical introduction. Outline of the physiography and geology of the Grampians and Strathmore. The metamorphic rocks of the Grampians (1. Rocks of sedimentary origin; 2. Rocks of igneous origin). The geological structure of the Grampians. The rocks of the Highland border, or marginal belt. v. 2. The old red sandstone. The physical condi- tions under which the old red sandstone was deposited. The plutonic rocks and dykes of the Highlands. The volcanic rocks of the old red sandstone age. The dol- erite dykes. The glaciation of the Grampians and Strathmore. Alluvial and recent deposits. The scenery of the Grampians and Strathmore in relation to their geological structure. Bibliography. Reviewed in the Geological magazine, new series, decade 5, v. 6, p. 31-35, 80-83, London, 1909. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 991 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. "The green beds" on Sron Aonaich and near Ardlui, Argyllshire. (Geologi- ral Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12. p. 231-233.> Summary only. The intrusive dolerites in the • neighbourhood of Glasgow. 2 pi. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 56-86.) PTA Notes on the discovery of an out- lier of the Loch Tay limestone on Beinn Bhreac, Loch Tay, Perthshire. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 318- 325.) PTA Notes on a dolerite showing ocel- lar structure, from Craigie Hill, Ayrshire. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 235-239.) PTA Notes on "eyed" coal from Gate- side colliery, Cambuslang. 3 pi. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 291-297.) PTA On the altered basic rocks of the Highlands as exemplified by the sill of hornblende schist underlying the Loch Tay limestone. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 302-317.) PTA On the crystalline schists of the southern Highlands; their physical struc- ture and probable manner of development. (Geological magazine. London, 1901. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 8, p. 567-568.) PTA Summary. On the development of the great axial lines of folding in the Highland schists. 1 pi. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1906. 8°. v. 37, p. 129-135.) * EC On the occurrence of plutonic com- plexes at Tomnadashan, Loch Tay, and at Cairn Chois, with notes on the geological structure of the surrounding district. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 43-48.) PQA On the occurrence of supposed annelid tubes in the quartzites of Perth- shire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 116-122.) PQA — — On the occurrence of a zone of an- nelid burrows across the southern High- lands of Scotland. 1 pi. illus. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 131-150.) PQA — — On the physical geology and palae- ontology of the Giffnock sandstones, and their bearings on the origin of sandstone rock generally. 2 pi. (Geological Society ot Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 199-231.) PTA On pseudogaylussite dredged from the Clyde at Cardross, and other recent ad- ditions to the mineral collections in the Kelvingrove Museum. (Royal Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. v. 35, p. 250- 262.) * ec On some types of overfolding in the schists of the Loch Tay district. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 131-138.) *EC The problem of the marginal High- lands. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 273-274.) PTA Abstract. Recent advances in the study of the rocks of Highland Perthshire. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 166-189.) PQA The recent floods in Perthshire: their geological lessons. 1 pi. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 115-118.) PTA See also under Arrangement; Coates, H; and Reid, James, and Peter Macnaie. Macnair, Peter, and Harry R. J. Con- acher. On the distribution of Posidono- mya corrugata, Ether, Jun., in the car- boniferous limestone of the Glasgow district. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 309-322.) PTA M'Phail, Hugh. On the carboniferous section of the Levern valley, Renfrew- shire. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 254-271.) PTA With a list of the carboniferous limestone fossils found in the valley of the Levern. Mahoney, James A. The life of the boulder clay period, as represented in strata near Crofthead. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 252-254.) PQA On the occurrence of seaweeds in the Paisley clay beds. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 199-202.) PQA Malcolmson, J. G. On the relations of the different parts of the old red sandstone in which organic remains have recently been discovered, in the counties of Moray, Nairn, Banff, and Inverness. 1 pi. Oeo- 992 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 15, p. 336- 352.) PTA Mantell, Gideon Algernon. Description of the Telerpeton elginense, a fossil rep- tile recently discovered in the old red sandstone of Moray; with observations on supposed fossil ova of batrachians in the lower Devonian strata of Forfarshire. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quar- terly journal. London, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 100-109.) PTA Marshall, David. On the probable cause of the non-existence of deposits between the Permian and the lower Silurian in the southern uplands of Scotland. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 66-67.) PTA Marshall, W. P. Notes on a trip to the Orkney and Shetland isles, and on some singular water-worn rocks in Orkney. (Midland naturalist. London, 1891. 8°. v. 14, p. 8-14.) PQA Martin, N., and G. W. Tyrrell. A pud- dle-trench section at North Third, near Bannockburn, with notes on the geology of the surrounding district. 2 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 240- 254.) PTA Martin, Robert. Coal-mining in Mus- selburgh coal-field. 1 diagr. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 379-386.) PTA Mathieson, Kenneth. The parallel roads of Glenroy. (Scots magazine^ Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 19-22.) * DE Matley, C. A. The lower carboniferous rocks near Aberdour (Fife). (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 9, p. 364.) PTA Mayer, John. New discovery of rich cannel coal near Bathgate. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1886. 8°. v. 17, p. 50-53.) * EC Melvin, James. On the parallel roads of Glenroy. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 268-274.) PTA Millar, W. J. Notes on the excursion to the new reservoir for Bowling water supply on 23rd March 1889. 1 illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 203-206.) PTA Miller, Hugh. The cruise of the Betsey; or, A summer ramble among the fossilif- erous deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a geologist; or, Ten thousand miles over the fossiliferous deposits of Scotland. Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1858. xiv, (1)16-524 p. 12°. PXH New York: Virtue and Yor- stoun £ 1869? : 2 p.l., 486 p., 9 ed. 12°. PXH Edinburgh and its neighbourhood, geological and historical; with the geol- ogy of the Bass Rock. Edinburgh: Wil- liam P. Nimmo, 1870. vi p., 1 1., 344 p 1 pi. 4. ed. 12°. PVI The geological articles in this volume are: (1) Geological features (two lectures). (2) On the brick-clays of Portobejjo, with their organisms, vege- table and animal. ' (3) On a raised sea-bottom near Fillyside Bank, between Leith and Portbbello. (4) Ancient sea margins. (5) The Meadows. (6) The geology of the Bass. The foot-prints of the Creator: or, The asterolepis of Stromness. With a memoir of the author by Louis Agassiz. From the third London edition. Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1851. xlii, (1)26-337 p. illus. PXX • With a sketch of the author's life and an estimate of his writings by Sir David Brewster. Cincinnati: Wm. H. Moore & Co., 1851. ix, (1)12-308 p. illus. 12°. PXX Edinburgh: Hunter, 1,853. xvi, 314 p. Johnstone and illus. 8°. PXX With a memoir of the author by Louis Agassiz. Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1859. xlii, (1)26-337 p., 1 port. 12°. PXX With memoir by Louis Agas- siz. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1871. lxxii, 352 p. illus. 13. ed. 12°. PXX Geological papers read before the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. (In his: The old red sandstone. Edinburgh, 1871. 14. ed. 8°. p. 281-385.) PXH Geological evidences in favour of revealed re- ligion. 2. On the ancient grauwacke rocks of Scot- land. 3. On the Ted sandstone, marble, and quartz deposits of Assynt. 4. On the coral's of the oolitic system of Scotland. 5. On the fossiliferous de- posits of Scotland. Geology of the Bass. (In: The Bass Rock... Edinburgh, 1848. 8°. p. ( 47 r [139].) Stuart 7543 Reprinted in his Edinburgh and its neighbour- hood, geological and historical. — — Notes on a suite of fossils illus- trative of the structure and relations of the earlier ganoids. (In his: Footprints of the Creator. Edinburgh, 1871. 12°. p. 317-332.) PXX A lecture delivered before the Royal Physical So- ciety. The old red sandstone; or, New walks in an old field. Boston: Gould and Lincoln. 1854. xxiv, 264 (misnumbered 288) p., 11 pi. 12°. PXH From the fourth London edi- tion. Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1857. xxiv, 264 p., 11 pi. 12°. PVI Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1859. xxiv, 427 p., 15 pi. new ed. 12°. PXH LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 993 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Edinburgh: William P. Nim- mo 1871. xxxi(i), 385 p., IS pi. 14. ed. 12°: PXH On a curious suite of fossils from the lower old red sandstone of Scotland. (In his: Footprints of the Creator. Edin- burgh, 1871. 12°. p. 333-352.) PXX Read before the British Association at the meet- ing held in Edinburgh in 1849. Popular geology: a series of lec- tures read before the Philosophical Insti- tution of Edinburgh; with descriptions from a geologist's portfolio... Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1859. 1 p.L, x, (1)12- 423 p. 12°. PTD The lectures deal mainly with Scottish geology. Edinburgh: William P. Nim- mo, 1869. xxxiv p., 1 1, 356 p. 3. ed. 12°. PTD Miller, Hugh, the younger. Note on supposed high-level shell-beds in Easter Ross. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 28.) PTA On boulder glaciation. 1 pi. illus. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 156-189.) *EC Describes pavement-boulders and boulder-striae near Edinburgh. Miller, John. On the succession of the rocks on the north coast of Scotland. (Geological Society of London. Quar- terly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 15, p. 578-584.) PTA Milne, David. See Milne-Home, David. Milne, John. Drift rocks in Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891-92, p. 181- 198.) CPA Geology of Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891-92, p. 23-38.) CPA The geology of Mormond. (Buch- an Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8, 1904-05, p. 90-92.) CPA Old red sandstone in Aberdeen and the neighbourhood. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 221-225.) PTA See also under Jukes-Browne, A. J., and John Milne. Milne-Home, David. Additional mem- oir on the parallel roads of Lochaber. 1 map, 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1879. 4°. v. 28, p. 93-117.) * EC Diagram and notice of a green- stone boulder excavated in North Palmer- ston place, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geo- RSS R°° Clety <- Tr e a i ,s e a ^ ti0M - Edinburgh, 1888. 8 . v. 5, p. 54-55.) pta Geological account of Roxburgh- shire 1 map. (Royal Society of Edin- ?o Urgh - < Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844 4°. v. 15, p. 433-502.) * EC A geological survey of Berwick- shire. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. v. 11, p 171- 253.) ' VPA —— Inaugural address, session 1881- 1882. (Edinburgh Geological Society Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v 4 P- 119-135.) PTA ' Notes from a diary in 1862 by D. Milne Home, of some geological observa- tions made (1) at points along the line of Caledonian Railway from Carstairs south- wards, (2) at Moffat, and (3) at Loch Skene. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 69-74.) PTA Notice of high-water marks on the banks of the river Tweed and some of its tributaries; and also of drift deposits in the valley of the Tweed. 4 maps, illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1876. 4°. v. 27, p. 513- 562.) * EC Notice of a large boulder in the parish of Rattray, and county of Perth, having on one of its sides cups and grooves, apparently artificial. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1872. 8°. v. 7, p. 682-688.) * EC Notice respecting the depletion or drying up of the rivers Teviot, Nith, and Clyde, on the 27th November 1838. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 14, p. 449-466.) *EC Notice of a striated boulder found at Drylaw, near Linton, East Lothian. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 350-351.) PTA Notice of a striated boulder lately found in a sand pit at Tynecastle, near Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 347-350.) PTA Notice of striated rocks in East Lothian, and in some adjoining counties, illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10 p. 256-270.) EC Notice of two localities for re- markable gravel banks or kaims, and boul- ders in the west of Scotland, in supplement of the Boulder Committee's tenth report. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. v 12, p. 913-926.) EC 994 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. On the basin of the Firth of Forth, and some of its geological phenomena. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. v. 6, p. 550- 553.) * EC On the Mid-Lothian and East- Lothian coal-fields. 2 diagr., 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 14, p. 253- 358.) * EC On the parallel roads of Lochaber. 1 map, 2 plans. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1876. 4°. v. 27, p. 595-649.) * EC On the parallel roads of Lochaber, with remarks on the change of relative levels of sea and land in Scotland, and on the detrital deposits in that country. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1849. 4°. v. 16, p. 395- 418.) *EC On the supposed upheaval of Scot- land in its central parts since the time of the Roman occupation. 1 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1876. 4°. v. 27, p. 39-50.) * EC Remarks on the Boulder report, by the convener of the committee. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10, p. 192-199.) * EC Remarks on presenting the com- mittee's fourth report [Of the society's Boulder Committee] at a meeting of the society, 20th May, 1878. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 9, p. 692-706.) * EC Remarks on presenting tenth re- port of Boulder Committee, 21st July 1884. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. v. 12, p. 907- 912.) *EC Scheme for the conservation of re- markable boulders in Scotland, and for the indication of their positions on maps. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. v. 7, p. 475- 488.) * EC Valedictory address. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 357-364.) PTA Valedictory address for session 1880-81. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 104-115.) PTA Mitchell, David J. The greensand fos- sils from drift-beds at Moreseat, Cruden, E. Aberdeenshire, with exhibition of speci- mens collected. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 277-285.) PTA With list of the cretaceous fossils showing range of the species. Note on the greensand at More- seat. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions Peterhead, n.d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 30- 32.) CPA Mitchell, Hugh. On the position of the beds of the old red sandstone developed in the counties of Forfar and Kincardine, Scotland. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1861. 8°. v 17, p. 145-151.) PTA Monckton, Horace W. On a picrite and other associated rocks at Barnton, near Edinburgh. 1 diagr. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1894. 8°. v. 50, p. 39-43.) PTA The Stirling dolerite. illus. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1895. 8°. v. 51, p. 480- 492.) PTA Montgomery, William, the younger, of Cloak. Outlines of the geology of Ren- frewshire and the north of Ayrshire. 1 map, 1 pi. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 12, p. 421-458.) VPA Moore, John Carrick. On the protru- sion of Silurian rocks in the north of Ayr- shire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 15, p. 1-4.) PTA On the Silurian rocks of Wigtown- shire, illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 12, p. 359-366.) PTA On some fossiliferous beds in the Silurian rocks of Wigtownshire and Ayr- shire, illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1849. 8°. v. 5, p. 7-12.) PTA Moore, Ralph. On the blackband iron- . stones of the Edinburgh and East-Lothian coal fields, and the advantages to be de- rived from their development. 1 map, 1 pi. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. v. 6, p. 11- 24.) VA Moore, Robert Thomas. Recent devel- opments of the Hamilton coalfield. (Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 24, p. 51-63.) *EC Morris, D. B. The geology of the parish of Logie. (In: R. M. Fergusson, Logie: a parish history. Paisley, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 273-279.) f CR Morrison, William. Copper mine at Kishorn. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness (1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 293-296.) * EC The geology, physical features, botany, and vertebrates of the Outer Heb- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 995 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. rides. (In: William Cook Mackenzie, His- tory of trie Outer Hebrides... Paisley, 1903. 8°. p. SS7-S79.) CR The mineral albertite and Strath- peffer shales. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 307-310.) PTA The mineral albertite and the Strathpeffer shales. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 34-40.) PTA An outlier or minor basin of old red sandstone in Mid-Ross-shire. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 188-190.) PTA Precambrian conglomerate of Lewis. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 235-242.) PTA Terraces at Achnasheen, Ross- shire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 275-279.) PTA Mort, Frederick. The extension west- wards of the Necropolis intrusion. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 19- 22.) PTA The passage of a dolerite into a hornblende schist. 1 pi. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 187-190.) PTA The sculpture of the Goat Fell mountain group, illus. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 27, p. 632-643.) KAA The southern Highlands from the Clyde valley. 6 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 23-32.) PTA Mossman, Samuel. On the chromate of iron, serpentine, and other minerals of the Shetland Isles. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 78-79.) PTA Abstract. Muff, H. Brantwood. See under Wilson, J. S. G., and H. B. Muff. Munro, Robert. On the date of the up- heaval which caused the 25-feet raised beaches in central Scotland. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 242-272.) * EC Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. Addi- tional notice on the old red sandstone of Morayshire. (Edinburgh new philosophi- cal journal. Edinburgh, 1859. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 59*-60*.) OA Observations on the structure of the north-west Highlands. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 18-20.) PTA - On the coal-field of Brora in butnerlandshire, and some other stratified deposits in the north of Scotland. 2 pi ( j eol ,°J,^ al Socie ty. Transactions. Lon- don, 1829. 4°. series 2, v. 2, p. 293-326 ) PTA 0n the discovery, by Mr. Robert bhmon, of fossils in the uppermost Siluri- an rocks near Lesmahago in Scotland, with observations on the relations of the palaeozoic strata in that part of Lanark- shire, illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 12, p. 15-25.) PTA — — On the sandstones of Morayshire (Elgin, &c.) containing reptilian remains; and on their relations to the old red sand- stone of that country. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1859. 8°. v. IS, p. 419-439.) PTA On the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland. By Sir R. I. Murchison. With a list and description of the Silurian fossils of Ayrshire. By J. W. Salter. 1 map, 3 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 7, p. 137-178.) PTA On the succession of the older rocks in the northernmost counties of Scotland; with some observations on the Orkney and Shetland islands. 1 map, 1 pi. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 15, p. 353-421*.) PTA London: Taylor and Francis [1859?]. [110] p., 2 pi. illus. 8°. PTI p.v.4, no.9 Repr. : Quarterly journal of the Geological So- ciety, Aug., 1859. On the succession of rocks in the northern Highlands, from the oldest gneiss through strata of Cambrian and lower Silurian age to the old red sandstone inclusive. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 14, p. 501-504.) PTA Abstract. Siluria: the history of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains. London: John Murray, 1854. pi. illus. 8°. PWR Silurian rocks of Scotland, p. 149-164. Supplemental observations on the order of the ancient stratified rocks of the north of Scotland, and their associated eruptive rocks, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1860. 8°. v. 16, p. 215-240.) PTA See also under Joass, J. M., and Sir R. I. Murchison ; and Sedgwick, Adam, and Sir R. I. Murchison. 996 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, and Sir Archibald Geikie. On the altered rocks of the western isles of Scotland, and the north-western and central Highlands, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 17, p. 171-232.) PTA On the coincidence between strati- fication and foliation in the crystalline rocks of the Scottish Highlands. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 17, p. 232-240.) PTA Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, and Robert Harkness. On the permian rocks of the north-west of England, and their extension into Scotland, illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1864. 8°. v. 20, p. 144-165.) PTA Murdoch, James Barclay. Journal of a bore put down for water at Thornliebank, Renfrewshire. With notes on the strata. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 207- 209.) PTA Notes on a visit to the Culbin Sands, Morayshire. 1 map. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 406-413.) PTA Murray, David. Earthquakes in Glas- gow. (Scottish historical review. Glas- gow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 330-332.) CPA Myers, Alexander Smart. On blocks and boulders lying loose on and imbedded in the rocks which form the seaboard of Benholm parish, Kincardineshire, between high and low water-marks. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 141-144.) PTA N., K. A short notice of the occurrence of footsteps in the sandstone of Corncockle Muir, in Dumfriesshire. (Magazine of natural history. London, 1829. 8°. v. 1, p. 144-146.) PQA Necker de Saussure, Louis Albert. Doc- uments sur les dykes de trap d'une partie de l'ile d'Arran. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 14, p. 677-698.) * EC Neilson, James. Geological notes on the cuttings in the City of Glasgow Union Railway between Bellgrove and Spring- burn. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 222-234.) PTA The geology of the Clyde "cran- nogs." 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 190S. 8°. v. 12, p. 273-289.) PTA Notes on the Geological Survey memoir "The geology of the Glasgow dis- trict." 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 323-343.) PTA Notes on Scottish brachiopoda. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 209- 210.) PTA Notes on a section seen in a drain on the lands of Davieland, near Thornlie- bank. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 294-304.) PTA • On the Calderwood limestone and cementstone, with their associated shales. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 61- 79.) PTA On the occurrence of marine or- ganisms in the boulder-clay of the Glas- gow district. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 273-279.) PTA On the old red sandstone and car- boniferous rocks of the north end of the island of Arran. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 280-301.) PTA On some sections of carbonifer- ous limestone, near Busby. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 282-290.) PTA A visit to the island of Little Cum- brae, with some notes on its minerals. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 373- 375.) PTA Newton, Edward Tulley. On some new reptiles from the Elgin sandstones. 16 pi. (Royal Society of London. Philosophical transactions. B. London, 1894. 4°. v. 184, p. 431-503.) *EC Reptiles from the Elgin sandstone. — Description of two new genera. 4 pi. (Royal Society of London. Philosophical transactions. B. London, 1894. 4°. v. 185, p. 573-607.) *EC Nicholson, Henry Alleyne. On the cor- relation of the Silurian deposits of the north of England with those of the south of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 105-113.) PTA On a new genus of graptolites, with notes on reproducive bodies. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 57- 64.) PTA On graptolites found in Dumfriesshire. Nicol, James. How the parallel roads of Glen Roy were formed. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1872. 8°. v. 28, p. 237-240.)PTA Discussion, p. 240-242. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Observations on the recent forma- tions in the vicinity of Edinburgh. 3 illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly tournal. London, 1849. 8°. v. 5, p. 20-25.) ' PTA Observations on the Silurian strata of the south-east of Scotland. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly Jour- nal London, 1850. 8°. v. 6, p. 53-65.) PTA On the geological structure of the southern Grampians, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1863. 8°. v. 19, p. 180-209.) PTA On the geology of Peeblesshire. 1 map, 2 pi. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. v. 14, p. 149-205.) VPA On the geology of the Silurian rocks in the valley of the Tweed, n. t.-p. [London, 1848.] 195-209 p. 8°. * C p.v.1328 Repr.: Proceedings of the Geological Society, Jan. 5, 1848. On the geology of the southern portion of the peninsula of Cantyre, Ar- gyllshire. 1 map. illus. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 406-425.) PTA On the newer red sandstone, and on some other geological phenomena, near Loch Greinord, in Ross-shire. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1858. 8°. v. 14, p. 167-171.) PTA On the origin of the parallel roads of Glen Roy. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1869. 8°. v. 25, p. 282-290.) PTA On the red sandstone and conglom- erate, and the superposed quartz-rocks, limestones, and gneiss of the north-west coast of Scotland, illus. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1857. 8°. v. 13, p. 17-39.) PTA On the section of the metamorphic and Devonian strata at the eastern extrem- ity of the Grampians, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal, London, 1855. 8°. v. 11, p. 544-549.) PTA On the slate-rocks and trap-veins of Easdale and Oban. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1859. 8°. v. 15, p. 110-116.) PTA On the structure of the north- western Highlands, and the relations of the gneiss, red sandstone, and quartzite of Sutherland and Ross-shire. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 17, p. 85-113.) PTA Notes and observations on injured or diseased crinoids. By a corresponding member. (Natural History Society of QQ7 Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878- 81. 8°. v. 3, p. 91-95, 333-340; v. 4, p. 73- // - ) PQA Ogilby, James. On the transition green- stone of Fassney [East Lothianj. (Wer- nerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v. 1, p. 126-130) PQA — — On the veins that occur in the new- est Floetz-trap formation of East Lothian (Wernenan Natural History Society Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. v 1 t> 469-478.) pq A - Page, David. Notes on the crustacean genus stylonurus; from the lower old red sandstone of Forfarshire. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 230-232) *EC Scottish geology — its proofs and problems. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8° v. 2, p. 252-255.) PTA Abstract. (Edinburgh Geological Soci- ety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8° v. 1, p. 9-12.) PTA Abstract. Panton, George A. Note on some fossil cones from the Airdrie blackband iron- stones. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 307-308.) PTA Note on a striated and water-worn cliff at Blackford Hill, near Edinburgh, and on a sandhill there. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 238-242.) PTA Paterson, Robert. Description of Poth- ocites grantonii, a new fossil vegetable, from the coal formation. 1 pi. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 45-52.) QEA Patton, Andrew. Geological observa- tions in the parish of East Kilbride, Lanarkshire. With a list of fossils, com- piled by James Coutts. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 309-333.) PTA Payne, William. On the coalfield of Brora, Sutherlandshire. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 368-371.) PTA Peach, Angus MacEwan. Boulder dis- tribution from Lennoxtown, Scotland. 2 diagr. (Geological magazine. London, 1909 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 6, p. 26-31.) PTA Peach, Benjamin Neeve. Abstract of opening address, The higher Crustacea of the carboniferous rocks of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 372- 373.) F1A 998 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Additions to the fauna of the ole- nellus-zone of the north-west Highlands. 4 pi. (Geological Society of London. 1894. 8°. v. SO, p. 661-676.) PTA The Cambrian fauna of the north- west Highlands. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 223.) PTA Summary only. Further researches among the Crus- tacea and arachnida of the carboniferous rocks of the Scottish border. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 4°. v. 30, p. 511-527.) * EC Generalised index of the carbonif- erous rocks of Scotland. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 196-197.) *EC [The light shed by organic remains on the history of the strata in which they are imbedded, illustrated from the geology of Scotland.] (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh. 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 1-24.) * EC Note on a specimen of "glyptoscor- pius" from the coal measures of Airdrie, the property of Robert Dunlop of Bail- lieston. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 1-3.) PTA The old red sandstone volcanic rocks of Shetland. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1887. 4°. v. 32, p. 359-388.) * EC On the occurrence of pterygotus and a limuloid in the Caithness flagstones, and on the nature and mode of formation of "Adam's plates." 1 pi. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 343-350.) *EC On some fossil myriapods from the lower old red sandstone of Forfarshire. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 7, p. 177-188.) *EC On some new crustaceans from the lower carboniferous rocks of Eskdale and Liddesdale. 4 pi. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 4°. v. 30, p. 73-91.) * EC On some new myriapods from the palaeozoic rocks of Scotland. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 113- 126.) * EC On some new species of fossil scor- pions from the carboniferous rocks of Scotland and the English Borders, with a review of the genera eoscorpius and mazonia of Messrs. Meek and Worthen. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1883. 4°. v. 30, p. 397-412.) * EC Scottish palaeontology during the last twenty years. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 361-394.) * EC See also under Report. Peach, Benjamin Neeve, and John Horne. The Canonbie coalfield: its geo- logical structure and relations to the car- boniferous rocks of the north of England and central Scotland. 4 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1905. 4°. v. 40, p. 835-877.) * EC Geological notes on the lochs with- in the basin of the Farrar. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 471-472.) KAA The geology of the Orkneys. 1 map. (In: J. R. Tudor, The Orkneys and Shetland. London, 1883. 8°. p. 180-194.) CR The geology of Shetland. 1 map. (In: J. R. Tudor, The Orkneys and Shet- land... London, 1883. 8°. p. 384-408.) CR Geology [Of Scotland]. (In: Ord- nance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 16-36.) tCPW The glaciation of Caithness. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 6, p. 316-352.) *EC The glaciation of the Orkney Islands. 2 maps. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 36, p. 648-663.) PTA The glaciation of the Shetland Isles. 1 map. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1879. 8°. v. 35, p. 778-811.) PTA Notes on the geology of the As- synt district. 1 map. (Scottish geographi- cal magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 235-245.) KAA Notes on the geology of the Conon basin. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 21, p. 477-482.) KAA Notes on the geology of the dis- trict between Loch Hope and Strath Naver. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 419-422.) KAA Notes on the geology of the Loch Katrine district. 1 map. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 16, p. 225-235.) KAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Notes on the geology of the Loch Maree district, illus, (Scottish geographi- cal magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 634-640.) KAA Notes on the geology of the Shin basin. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 363-364.) KAA Notes on the geology of the Tay basin. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 31-41.) KAA The old red sandstone of Orkney. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. S, p. 329-342.) * EC The old red sandstone of Shetland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 80-88.) * EC The olenellus zone in the north- west Highlands of Scotland. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1892. 8°. v. 48, p. 227- 241.) PTA On the occurrence of shelly boulder clay in North Ronaldshay, Orkney. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 309-313.) PTA Peach, Benjamin Neeve, and others. On a remarkable volcanic vent of terti- ary age in the island of Arran, enclosing mesozoic fossiliferous rocks. By B. N. Peach, William Gunn and E. T. Newton. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1901. 8°. v. 57, p. 226- 243.) PTA I. The geological structure, n. Palseontological notes. Peach, Charles William. Farther obser- vations on the boulder clay of Caithness, with an additional list of fossils. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 396- 403.) * EC Note on the structure of fossil sterns (araucarioxylon) from Redhall and Craigleith quarries. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 11, p. 541-542.) QEA Notes on the fossil plants found in the old red sandstone of Shetland, Orkney, Caithness, Sutherland, and Forfarshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 148-152.) PTA Notes on some fossil plants from the shales of West Calder. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 162.) QEA 999 w ~, — Notice accompanying specimen of Ho optychms nobihssimus from the Black Hill, near Melrose. (Edinburgh Geologi- 1874 R C ° lety -? Tr !n^ Cti0ns - Edi nbur|h, 18/4. 8 . v. 2, p. 400.) pta — r Notic e of the discovery of diatoma- ceje in the marls of Waitnean and Brake- go 6 ' near Wick, Caithness-shire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh Proceed- ings Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 245- 247.) * EC .,— - Notice of a new lepidodendroid fos- sil from Devonside, Tillicoultry, with re- marks on other fossil plants. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 99-101 ) QEA A notice of natural printing of sea-weeds on the rocks in the vicinity of Stromness, Orkney. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 458-462.) * EC — — On Antholites pitcairnae and its fruit (cardiocarpum), with other fossil plants from Falkirk. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v 11, p. 108-109.) QEA On the chalk flints of the island of Stroma, and vicinity of John o'Groat's, in the county of Caithness. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 159-161.) * EC On the discovery of beekite and oolitic quartz at Durness, Sutherland. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 429-431.) * EC On the discovery of millipores (calcareous plants) and sponges in the boulder clay of Caithness. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 98-101.) * EC On the discovery of Spirorbis car- bonarius in the limestone of Burdiehouse, and of an estheria in Camstone quarry, Arthur's Seat. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 82-83.) PTA On fossil plants from the calcifer- ous sandstone around Edinburgh. (Botani- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh. 1879. 8°. v. 13, p. 46-48.) QEA On fossil plants from the coal-fields of Slamannan, Falkirk, Deeside, Tillicoul- try, &c. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 11, p. 342-343.) QEA On the fossils of the boulder-clay of Caithness. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 38-42.) * EC On the occurrence of the "rosy feather star" (Comatula rosacea), on the 1000 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Palaeontology, continued. General Works, continued. eastern shores of Scotland, especially on that of Caithness. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 81-83.) * EC Remarks on specimens of some fos- sil plants. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 187.) QEA 1. Sphenopteris affinis. 2. Lepidodendron from Addiewell. Remarks on specimens of uloden- dron and halonia, collected by Messrs. Gal- letly and Lumsden, near West Calder. (Botanical Society. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 174-175.) QEA On traces of glacial drift in the Shetland Islands. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 385-389.) * EC Potts, John F. On the Arran claystones. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 244- 254.) PTA Powrie, James. On the connection of the lower, middle, and upper old red sand- stones of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 115-132.) PTA On the earliest known vestiges of vertebrate life; — being a description of the fish remains of the old red sandstone rocks of Forfarshire. 5 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 284-301.) PTA On the fossiliferous rocks of For- farshire and their contents. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1864. 8°. v. 20, p. 413- 429.) PTA On the old red sandstone rocks of Forfarshire. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1861. 8*. v. 17, p. 534-542.) PTA On the old red sandstones of Fife- shire, illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 427-437.) PTA On the working together of igneous and denuding agencies in the formation of scenery. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 185-194.) PTA With particular reference to Scotland. Pratt, Arthur. Notes on crinoids from Inverteil, Fifeshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 25-26.) PTA ■ Notes on the igneous rocks of the Kilmalcolm district. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 46-49.) PTA Scottish trap rocks and their struc- ture under the microscope. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 58-62.) PTA Prestwich, Mrs. Grace. Lochaber and the parallel roads, illus. (Good words London, 1879. 8°. v. 20, p. 119-123.) * DA Prestwich, Joseph. On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber and their bearing on the phenomena of the glacial period. 1 map. illus. (Royal Society of London. Philosophical transactions. Lon- don, 1880. 4°. v. 170, p. 663-726.) * EC On the structure of the neighbour- hood of Gamrie, Banffshire, particularly on the deposit containing ichthyolites. 1 pi. (Geological Society. Transactions. London, 1840. 4°. series 2, v. 5, p. 139- 148.) PTA Pringle, John. Notes on three small outliers of old red sandstone in the neigh- bourhood of Selkirk. (Edinburgh Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8". v. 9, p. 351-352.) PTA Ramsay, Sir Andrew Crombie. The geol- ogy of the island of Arran. from original survey. Glasgow: Richard Griffin & Co., 1841. vi p., 1 1., 78 p., 1 map, 1 plan, illus. 8°. (The scientific miscellany, series 1. Glasgow, 1842.) OAI Rankin, D. R. Sketch of the geology of Carluke parish, Lanarkshire. 1 map. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°.' v. 14, p. 73-99.) VPA Reade, T. Mellard. Further notes on rock-fragments from the south of Scot- land imbedded in the low-level boulder- clay of Lancashire. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1884. 8°. v. 40, p. 270-272.) PTA — : — On the relations of the glacial de- posits of the Clyde and Forth to those of the north-west of England and north of Ireland. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 264-276.) PTA Reed, Frederick Richard Cowper. Crus- tacea, etc., from Girvan. 1 pi. (Geologi- cal magazine. London, 1907. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 4, p. 108-115.) PTA Lower palaeozoic hyolithidse from Girvan. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1911. 4°. v. 47, p. 203-222.) *EC A new fossil from Girvan. 1 pi. (Geological magazine. London, 1911. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 8, p. 337-339.) PTA Helminthochiton thrawensis, sp. nov. Reid, A. S. Note on some crustacean tracks from the Cairnies quarry, Glenal- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. mond. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. xciv.) PQA Reid, James. The marine origin of the old red sandstone. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions. Perth, 1895. 8°. v. 2, p. 21-29.) PQA Reid, James, and Peter Macnair. On the genera lycopodites and psilophyton of the old red sandstone formation of Scot- land, illus. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 323-330.) PTA On the genera psilophyton, lyco- podites, zosterophyllum, and parka deci- piens of the old red sandstone of Scot- land, their affinities and distribution. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 368- 380.) PTA Reid, James, and others. Parka decipi- ens, its origin, affinities, and distribution. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 105-121.) PTA Renwick, John. Notes on an excursion to Glen Fruin, with a description of the moraine on the south side. 2 illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 96-104.) PTA Renwick, John, and J. W. Gregory. The Loch Lomond moraines. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 4S-5S.) PTA Reoch, James W. Notes on the occur- rence of chalcedony, agate, and chrystalline quartz in the lavas of the Campsie hills. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 303- 308.) PTA — - Notes on the shore section at Brodick and Corrygills, Arran. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 255- 263.) PTA Report on the recent work of the Geo- logical Survey in the north-west High- lands of Scotland, based on the field-notes and maps of Messrs. B. N. Peach, J. Home, W. Gunn, C. T. Clough, L. Hinxman, and H. M. Cadell. illus. (Geological Society ?f London. Quarterly journal. London, 1888. 8°. v. 44, p. 378-441.) PTA Communicated ljy Sir Archibald Geikie. Rhind, William. Notice of coal found in the argillaceous slate quarries of Seil island, Argyllshire. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 439-441.) * EC 1001 =i" Notice of reptilian fossils, Moray- hnrrf, ( P° yal ^ lysical Societ y of Edin- burgh. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1863. o • v. i, p. 155-156.) *ec Richards J. Theodore. On Scottish wl C ff a , daceo ! , , s leaves contained in the Hugh Miller collection. (Royal Physical ^° Cle u ty 1 2L Ed !, n o bur S h - Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 116-123.) *EC Richardson, Ralph. The Arctic shell- beds of Scotland. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 224-226) *EC , — — Inaugural address, session 1882-83. (Kdinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4 p 245- 262.) PTA Note of borings for the foundation of St. Mary's cathedral, west end of Mel- ville street, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 224-225.) PTA Note on a striated erratic recently exposed at Granton; with observations on the requisites for determining the parent rocks of erratics. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 109-111.) PTA Notice of columnar basalt at Lad- dedie Hill, near Pitscottie, Fife. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 311-316.) PTA Notice of glaciated rock surfaces (displaying corals) near Bathgate, recent- ly quarried away. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 108-109.) PTA Notice of "The Gled Stane," and other boulders near Pitlochry, Perthshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 213- 215.) PTA Notice of a large quartz boulder, called the "White stone," in the town of Peebles. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 397-399.) PTA Notice of a sand-bed occurring in boulder clay at Newpark, in the parish of Mid-Calder. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 24-26.) PTA Abstract. Notice of a section in the building excavations at Tynecastle, West End, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 358-360.) PTA Old Edinburgh geologists. 1 port. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 81- 99.) PTA 1002 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. • On the antiquity of man, and the discovery of fossil mammalia in Devon- shire and Scotland. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. S, p. 335-349.) PTA On Canadian and Scottish geology. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 205- 212.) PTA On the connection between geol- ogy, meteorology, and agriculture, as illustrated by the leading districts of Scot- land. 1 table. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 251-263.) PTA On the discovery of Arctic shells at high levels in Scotland. 1 map. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 179-200.) PTA On the more notable Scottish earthquakes which have occurred during the present century. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 194-204.) PTA On phenomena of glaciation ex- hibited by the rocks of Corstorphine Hill, near Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 31-40.) PTA On river denudation; with observa- tions on the courses of the Esk, at Haw- thornden, the Murieston Water, Midcal- der, &c. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 313-314.) PTA On the terraces occurring on the banks of the Tay and its tributaries. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 56- 70.) PTA On the volcanic rocks and collater- al phenomena of the North Berwick coast. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 177- 181.) PTA Ritchie, James. The influence of volcan- ic action on the scenery of Scotland. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 108-111.) PQA Roberts, George Edward. On some re- mains of bothriolepis from the upper De- vonian sandstones of Elgin. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1864. 8°. v. 20, p. 198.) PTA Abstract. Robertson, Alexander. On the weal- den beds of Brora, Sutherlandshire. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1847. 8°. v. 3, p. 113-115.) PTA Robertson, David. Additions to the list of polyzoa of Garvel Park post-tertiary deposit. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v 6 p. 57.) PTA Garnock Water post-tertiary de- posit. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v 5 p. 292-296.) PTA Notes on the post-tertiary deposit of Misk Pit, near Kilwinning. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 297-309.) PTA Notes on a post-tertiary deposit of shell-bearing clay on the west side of the railway tunnel at Arkleston, near Paisley. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 281- 287.) PTA Notes on a raised beach at Cum- brae. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5 p. 192-200.) PTA With list of species found. Notes on the recent ostracoda and foraminifera of the Firth of Clyde, with some remarks on the distribution of mol- lusca. 2 fold, tables. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 112-153.) PTA On injured specimens of Rissoa striata. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 278-279.) PQA From the post-tertiary clay at Paisley. On the post-tertiary beds of Gar- vel Park, Greenock. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-37.) PTA On the post-tertiary fossiliferous bed at the new gas tank, Paisley. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 53- 57.) PTA With remains of Cervus elephas. On the presence of hermit crabs in the post-tertiary clays of the Clyde basin. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 23-24.) PTA On a series of foraminifera and ostracoda, from a post-tertiary deposit in Lewis. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 248-250.) PTA See also under Bennie, James. Robertson, James. The parallel roads of Glenroy. (In his: General view of the agriculture of the county of Inverness. London, 1813. 8°. p. 427-430.) VPX Rogers, Henry Darwin. On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber (Glen LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Roy), Scotland. (Royal Institute of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. Lon- don, 1862. 8°. v. 3, p. 341-345.) * EC Rose, Alexander. Note on the discovery of hematite iron ore on the Garpel, Ayr- shire. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 17 P- 378-381.) *EC Ross, Alexander. The geology of Ben Nevis. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 70-74.) * EC Royal Society of Edinburgh. Report of the Boulder Committee. No. 1-10. 1 map, 12 pi. illus. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1872-84. 8° v. 7, p. 703-751; v. 8, p. 137-179; v. 9, p. 170-177, 660-692; v. 10. p. 113-177, 577- 635; v. 11, p. 246-293, 743-777; v. 12, p. 193- 218, 765-906.) * EC The tenth and final report has an appendix con- taining an abstract of the information in the nine annual reports of the committee ; and _ a summary of the principal points apparently established by the information so received. ■ Fourth report of the Boulder Com- mittee. [Edinburgh, 1872.] 1 p.l., 32 p., 3 pi. 8°. *Cp.v.578 Sixth report of the Boulder Com- mittee. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1880. 48 p., 3 pi. 8°. * C p.v.629 Plates missing. Seventh report of the Boulder Committee. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1881. 50 p., 4 pi. 8°. * C p.v.690 Salter, John William. Description of some graptolites from the south of Scot- land. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 388-392.) PTA Note on the fossils from the lime- stone on the Stincher river. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1849. 8°. v. 5, p. 13-17.) PTA On the cretaceous fossils of Aber- deenshire. With a note on the position of the chalk-flints and greensand, by W. Fer- guson. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 13. p. 83-89.) PTA On the fossils found in the chalk- flints and greensand of Aberdeenshire. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 12, p. 390.) PTA On a new crustacean from the Glasgow coal-field. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1863. 8°. v. 19, p. 519-521.) PTA ; See also under Murchison, Sir Rod- erick Impey. On the Silurian rocks . . . 1003 Scott, Andrew. See under Bennie James, and Andrew Scott. Scott, Robert H Notes on the minerals of Strontian Argyllshire. (Geological So- ^ y i°Q7i ° n c,o 0n - Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1871. 8°. v. 27, p. 372-376.) PTA Scott, Thomas. Preliminary notes on a post-tertiary fresh-water deposit at Kirk- land, Leven, and at Elie, Fifeshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 334- 345.) * EC Some notes on a bed of shell-bear- ing clay at Roxburgh street, Greenock. 1 plan. (Geological Society of Glasgow Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v 8 n 267-271.) PTA - — — Some notes on a fossiliferous shale, a little below the Cloch lighthouse. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 402- 405.) PTA — — Some notes on the geology of the district about Tarbert, Lochfyne. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 262-267.) PTA See also under Bennie, James, and Thomas Scott. Scott, Thomas, and James Steel. Notes on the occurrence of Leda arctica (Gray); Lyonsia arenosa (Moller), and other or- ganic remains, in the post-pliocene clays of Garvel Park, Greenock. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 279-283.) PTA Scoular, John. An investigation of the geological question bearing on the an- tiquity of the canoes found on the banks of the Clyde. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v. 1, p. 388-390.) CPA Sedgwick, Adam, and Sir R. I. Murchi- son. On the geological relations of the secondary strata in the isle of Arran. 1 pi. (Geological 'Society. Transactions. Lon- don, 1835. 4°. series 2, v. 3, p. 21-36.) PTA Seeley, H. G. On Saurodesmus robert- soni (Seeley), a crocodilian reptile from the rhaetic of Linksfield in Elgin. 1 pi. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1891. 8°. v. 47, p. 166-170.) PTA Seward, Albert Charles. The Jurassic flora of Sutherland. 10 pi. illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1911. 4°. v. 47, p. 643-709 ') * EC A petrified williamsonia from Scot- land 4 pi. illus. (Royal Society of Lon- don. Philosophical transactions London, 1912. 4°. series B, v. 203, p. 101-126.) * Jit* 1004 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Seward, Albert Charles, and N. Ban- croft. Jurassic plants from Cromarty and Sutherland, Scotland. 2 pi. illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1913. 4°. v. 48, p. 867-888.) * EC Seward, Albert Charles, and A. W. Hill. On the structure and affinities of a lepido- dendroid stem from the calciferous sand- stone of Dalmeny, Scotland, possibly iden- tical with Lepidophloios harcourtii (With- am). 4 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 907-931.) * EC Seymour, Lord Webb. An account of observations made by Lord Webb Sey- mour and Prof. Playfair, upon some geo- logical appearances in Glen Tilt, and the adjacent territory. 1 map, 5 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1815. 4°. v. 7, p. 303-375.) * EC Shand, S. J. Note upon crystals of gros- sularite from Corsiehill quarry. illus. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions. and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 210-212.) PQA On borolanite and its associates in Assynt. 8 pi. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909-10. 8°. v. 9, p. 202-215, 376-416.) PTA Some Scottish granite-gneiss con- tacts and their interpretation. 4 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 9, p. 365-375.) PTA Sharman, G., and E. T. Newton. Some cretaceous fossils from the drift of More- seat, Aberdeen. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n.d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 26-30.) CPA With a list of the fossils found. Sharpe, Daniel. On the "quartz rock" of MacCulloch's map of Scotland. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 120- 126.) PTA On the southern border of the Highlands of Scotland, illus. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1852. 8°. v. 8, p. 126-131.) PTA Skipsey, R. Whyte. Descriptive notice of the position and character of several of the igneous rocks and minerals in the northern front of the Cathkin Hills. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 41-44.) PTA On the discovery of carboniferous limestone fossils in the upper coal meas- ures to the east of Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 52-53.) PTA On the igneous rock sections at ye Water, Ayrshire. (Geological r nf Cilacjcrnw TVansnrrinnc C\^t. the J\.ye watti, h^ijiiuu v v - ,cui,j siccn Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 248-252.) PTA On the range and occurrence of anthracosia and other shells in the coal measures eastward of Glasgow. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 141-144.) PTA Smellie, William R. The sandstones of the upper red barren measures to the east of Glasgow. 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 258-278.) PTA Smith, Frederick. Geology \oi the banks of the Tayj. The superficial deposits, illus. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 44-49.) PQA On the phenomena and geological teaching of the recent great flood in the Devon valley. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. " v. 3, p. 169-178.) PTA Smith, James. On the occurrence of marine shells in the stratified beds below the till. By J. Smith. With a notice of the occurrence of marine shells in the till. By J. C. Moore. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1850. 8°. v. 6, p. 386-389.) PTA On the relative ages of the tertiary and post tertiary deposits of the basin of the Clyde. (Geological Society. Trans- actions. London, 1842. 4°. series 2, v. 6, p. 153-156.) PTA On scratched boulders. (Geologi- cal Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1849. 8°. v. 5, p. 17-18.) PTA At Gareloch, Dumbartonshire. On the scratched boulders and rocks of the coal-field of Scotland. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1846. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-37.) PTA On a split boulder in Little Cum- bra, Western Isles. 1 illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 18, p. 162-164.) PTA Smith, John. The barite veins of south- west Scotland. 3 diagr. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 232-237.) PTA Carboniferous rocks of the Solway, Scotland. 8 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 30-59.) PTA With a table showing the vertical range of the Arbigland carboniferous fossils in the west of Scot- land. • • Charred coal, with graphite, and discovery of diamonds in the graphite at LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1005 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Craigman, New Cumnock. (Geological Snrietv of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 257-262.) PTA The "China-clay" mine, and the Water-of-Ayr hone-stone bed at Troon, Ayrshire. 4 diagr. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, P. 238-244.) PTA Cleaves Cove, Dairy, Ayrshire; its exploration and history. 2 pi. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 284-309.) PTA '"Coal apples" from Lugton Water. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 130.) PTA Conodonts from the carboniferous limestone strata of the west of Scotland. By J. Smith. With notes on the specimens and descriptions of six new species, by Geo. Jennings Hinde. 2 pi. (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new se- ries, v. 5, p. 336-346.) PQA Detached microliths from the pitch- stone sill at Corriegills, Arran. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11. p. 275-276.) PTA Discovery of upper coal measure fossils in Ayrshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 224-234.) PTA Drift deposits in Ayrshire. (Inver- ness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6. p. 48-58.) * EC The drift of glacial deposits in Ayr- shire. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1902]. 8°. v. 5, p. 95-105.) *EC The drift or glacial deposits of Ayr- shire. Glasgow: Geological Society of Glasgow, 1898. xii, 134 p., 1 map. illus. 8°. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions, v. 11. Supplement.) PTA Reviewed in the Geological magazine, new series, decade 4, v. 6, p. 225-226, London, 1899. Dry river channels in the neigh- bourhood of Muirkirk. 1 illus. (Geolog- ical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 331-333.) PTA From the Doon to the Girvan Water, along the Carrick shore. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 1- 12.) PTA . The geological position of the Ir- vine whale bed. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 29-50.) PTA c ~T The geology of Dairy. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 277-282.) PTA Dairy, Ayrshire. ,. r — ~ The geology of the Elvanfoot to Wanlockhead Railway (with special ref- erence to the drift). (Geological Society oi Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905 8°. v. 12, p. 81-88.) pta - — The great ice age in the Garnock valley. 4 pi. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893 8° v. 9, p. 151-191.) PTA A new view of the Arran granite mountains. 1 map. illus. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 216-256.) PTA Note on the occurrence of foot- prints in the calciferous sandstone between West Kilbride and Fairlie. 1 illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 201-203.) PTA On an alleged bed of shells at High Molmont, near Galston, between 400 and 500 feet above sea-level. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 58-60.) PTA On a bed of fossil plants, and one of limestone with magnesia, in the calciferous sandstone series, at Meikle Busbie, near Ardrossan. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 129-132.) PTA On a bed of ironstone occurring in trap tuff in the parishes of Stevenston, Dairy, and Kilwinning. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 133-136.) PTA On the boulder-clay at Hamilton Hill, north of Glasgow. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 65.) PTA On crystallised carbonite, a min- eral new to Scottish carboniferous rocks. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 308- 310.) PTA On the discovery of fossil micro- scopic plants in the fossil amber of the Ayrshire coal-field. 1 pi. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 318-322.) PTA On drawn-out spherulitic(?) struc- ture in a trap dyke near Balloch Pier, Great Cumbrae. 2 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 62.) PTA On a flexed structure in the pitch- stone of Corriegills, Arran. 1 illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 61.) PTA On a freshwater limestone under- lying a marine limestone, near Paisley. 1006 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 64- 65.) PTA On a globular structure in a patch of shale enclosed in the "Deil's Dyke," near Greenan Castle, Ayrshire. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 128- 129.) PTA On globular structure in a trap rock near Neilston, Renfrewshire. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 62-63.) PTA On the grasping power of carbonif- erous crinoid "fingers" or "branches," and a speculation as to whether the bulk of the carboniferous crinoidea were fixed or float- ing animals. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 58- 61.) PQA On specimens found near Carluke, Lanarkshire, and at Auchenskeith, Dairy parish, Ayrshire. ■ On a mineral in a fumarole at Auch- enharvie Castle. 2 illus.. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 137-138.) PTA On the occurrence of conodonts in the Arenig-Llandeilo formations of the southern uplands of Scotland. 5 pi. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 235-252.) PQA On the occurrence of flint nodules and worked flints in the post-tertiary sands of the Ayrshire coast between Saltcoats and Troon. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 185-191.) PTA On the occurrence of pumice peb- bles in the raised-beaches of Ayrshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 349- 353.) PTA On a section of carboniferous strata in a cutting of the Caledonian Railway at Lissens, three miles north-east of Kilwin- ning, Ayrshire. 2 illus. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 122-127.) PTA On a section of carboniferous strata near Giffen station, Ayrshire, illus. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 25-28.) PTA • On volcanic ash with beds of sand and gravel, near Neilston, Renfrewshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 63-64.) PTA Palaeozoic radiolarians, and radio- larian chert. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8° v. 11, p. 245-249.) PTA Found at Bennane Head, etc. Peculiar U-shaped tubes in sand- stone near Crawfurdland Castle and in Gowkha quarry, near Kilwinning. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 289- 292.) PTA The Permian outlier of the Snar valley, Lanarkshire. 4 diagr. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 250-255.) PTA The sand-hills of Torrs Warren, Wigtownshire. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 293-300.) PTA Section exposed at the Dry Dock, Troon, Ayrshire. (Geological magazine. London, 1898. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 5, p. 190-191.) PTA "Shale sockets" of cement nodules from Thornliebank. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 131.) PTA Spango granite. 5 diagr. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 256-262.) PTA Between Crawick Water, Duneaton Water, Span- go Hill, and Mount Stewart, Lanarkshire. Smith, John Alexander. Notice of a mass of meteoric iron, found in the village of Newstead, Roxburghshire... (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 2, p. 396- 414.) *EC An analysis of the meteorolite by Murray Thomson, M.D., follows on p. 414-417. Smith, W. Campbell. On the composi- tion of "borolanite" from Am Meallan, Ross-shire. (Geological magazine. Lon- don, 1909. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 6, p. 152-157.) PTA Smyth, Thomas. On the occurrence of chalk-flint nodules and greenstone boulders in the post-pliocene sands (stratified) at Marionville, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 50-54.) PTA Smythe, John Armstrong. Notes on a contact rock from the island of Mull. (University of Durham Philosophical So- ciety. Proceedings. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1907. 8°. v. 2, p. 197-198.) * EC Somervail, Alexander. Introduction to the carboniferous brachiopoda [Of the Lothians and 'Fife]. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 71-81.) PTA Notes on the archaean gneiss of Ross and Sutherland. (Edinburgh Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 307-309.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1007 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Observations on boulders and drift on the Pentland Hills. (Royal Society of Fdinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10, p. 186-187.) * EC Observations on the higher sum- mits of the Pentland Hills. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burghfl880. 8°. v. 3, p. 191-199.) PTA Observations on roches moutonnees and other points of geological interest in the valley of the Urr, Kirkcudbrightshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 247- 250.) PTA On the glacial phenomena of Scot- land; with special reference to the recent works of Dr. Croll and Mr. James Geikie. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 88-97.) PTA On the occurrence of Sanguinolites iridinoides in the carboniferous limestone of Middleton. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 130-131.) PTA On the occurrence of Spirifer ovalis in the carboniferous limestone of Mid- Lothian. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 131-132.) PTA On the occurrence of strepsodus and rhizodopsis in the upper coal measures of Edmonstone, Mid-Lothian. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 137-138.) PTA Somerville, Robert. Observations on the sea coast of East Lothian. (In his: Gen- eral view of the agriculture of East Loth- ian. London, 1813. 8°. p. 297-319.) VPX Stark, James. The Highland boundary fault in Arran. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 292-293.) PTA ; Notes on the geology of Glasgow's Highland park. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 4-9.) PTA Notes on the geology of south-east Arran. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 191-194.) PTA The shore section at Portincross, Ayrshire. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 74-78.) PTA Some dykes in the valley of Loch Long. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 162-164.) PTA ~,~~r\T he . surf ace geology of the Falls of Clyde district. 1 map. (Geological Society ot Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8 . v. 12, p. 52-57.) pxa — ; — A tertiary volcanic vent in the is- land of Arran. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905 8°. v. 12, p. 196-202.) pta Stecher, Ernst. Contact-phenomena of some Scottish olivine-diabases. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1889. 8°. v. 15, p. 160-172.) * EC Steel, James. See under Scott, Thomas, and James Steel. Steel, Thomas. Notes on a fossiliferous post-pliocene bed at Gourock. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 261-263.) PTA With a list of specimens found. Steuart, D. R. The occurrence of petro- leum at Broxburn. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 10, p. 38-39.) PTA Stevenson, Charles Alexander. The earthquake of 28th November 1880 in Scot- land and Ireland. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 11, p. 176-187.) * EC Notice of the recent earthquake in Scotland, with observations on those since 1882. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 15, p. 259-266.) * EC Stevenson, David. Notice of recent earthquake shocks in Argyleshire in 1877. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. v. 9, p. 403- 405.) * EC Notice of striated rock surfaces on North Berwick Law. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 481-484.) *EC Stevenson, William. On a gap in the greywacke formation of the eastern Lam- mermuirs filled by old red sandstone conglomerate, illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1850. 8°. v. 6, p. 418-422.) PTA On the geology of Cockburnlaw, and the adjoining district, in Berwickshire. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1849. 4°. v. 16, p. 33-46.) *EC Stewart, James. Notes on the limestones in the parishes of Cathcart and Eastwood, Renfrewshire. 1 map, 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 158-164.) PTA Stewart, James F. On the discovery of whale remains in the clays of the Carse of Stirling. (Geological Society o^Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8 . v. 6, p. 49-51.) PTA 1008 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Stewart, Thomas. Sketch of the geology of part of the Mainland, Shetland. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 66-74.) PTA Stock, Thomas. Note on the occurrence of Anthrapalaemon etheridgii, B. N. Peach, in the ironstone above the sandstone at Craigleith quarry, near Edinburgh. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. 'Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 97.) PTA Note on the occurrence of the re- mains of decapod crustaceans in the Wardie shales. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 219.) PTA Note on a section recently exposed near Straiton. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 294-298.) PTA On the discovery of a nearly entire rhizodus in the Wardie shales. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 38-39.) PTA Strachan, J. Notes on some agates from the Pentlands [Hillendj. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 220.) PTA Sutcliffe, William H. A geological ram- ble in Scotland. (Rochdale Literary and Scientific Society. Transactions. Roch- dale, 1903. 8°. v. 7, p. 30-46.) * EC Sutherland, Adam. On the raised beaches at Irvine. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 127-129.) PQA Symonds, William Samuel. On the phy- sical relations of the reptiliferous sand- stone near Elgin. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1860. 8°. v. 16, p. 458-459.) PTA Tait, David. On egg-shaped stones dredged from Wick harbour. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 9, p. 135-136.) PTA On a large, glacially transported mass of lower cretaceous rock at Leavad in the county of Caithness, illus. (Geolog- ical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 10, p. 1-9.) PTA On the occurrence of cretaceous fossils in Caithness. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 318-321.) PTA See also under Bailey, E. B., and David Tait. Tarr, Ralph Stockman. Glacial erosion in the Scottish Highlands, illus. (Scot- tish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 24, p. 575-587.) KAA Tate, Ralph. On the palaeontology of Skye and Raasay. 1 pi. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1873. 8°. v. 29, p. 339-351.) PTA Tatlock, R. R. Magnetic iron sand from the Kyles of Bute. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1879 8°. v. 11, p. 519-520.) *EC Taylor, Andrew. Note on boulders ex- posed at the new cemetery, Easter Road [Edinburgh]. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 317-318.) PTA Notes on the petrology of Arthur's Seat. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 264-271.) PTA Notes on some examples of torrent action near Blairgowrie and Edinburgh. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 43-52.) * EC On the bituminous shales of Lin- lithgowshire and Edinburghshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 16-24.) *EC On crag structure as illustrated on the southern slopes of the Queen's Park. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 279- 287.) PTA On a lacustrine deposit near Holy- rood. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 44-48.) PTA On metamorphism and vulcanicity, as displayed by the rocks of the Edinburgh district. . . (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 135-139.) PTA On a section recently exposed at Marchmont Road. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 5, p. 104-105.) PTA On sections made by the drainage operations in the Pleasance, Edinburgh, illustrative of the physical structure of Sal- isbury Crags. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 83-84.) PTA On unpublished sections illustrating the superficial geology of the northern dis- trict of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 77-78.) PTA Suggestions for the study of the chemical geology of the Bathgate hills. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 73- 77.) PTA Taylor, Henry. Notes on the geology of the island of Eigg. 1 map. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 32-40.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Taylor, Ralph. An account of repeated shocks of earthquakes felt at Comrie in Perthshire... (Royal Society of Edin- hnrsrfi Transactions. Edinburgh, 1794. 4" v. 3, p. 240-246.) * EC Teall, Jethro Justinian Harris. On ne- pheline-syenite and its associates in the north-west of Scotland. (Geological mag- azine London, 1900. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 7, p. 385-392.) PTA See also under Dakyns, J. R., and J J. H. Teall; Geikie, Sir Archibald; and Home, J., and J. J. H. Teall. Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville. On some species of acidaspis from the lower Silurian beds of the south of Scotland. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of London. Quarterly jour- nal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 13, p. 206-210.) PTA Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. Notes on ulodendron and halonia. 2 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 341-352.) PTA Thomson, J. M. Archer. A week's ex- ploration of the Coolin. 3 pi. (The Alpine journal. London, 1912. 8°. v. 26, p. 17- 32.) PSL Thomson, J. Stuart. Analysis of argon- ite from Shetland. (Mineralogical mag- azine. London, 1894. 8°. v. 10, p. 22-23.) PWA Thomson, James. Contributions to our knowledge of the rugose corals, from the carboniferous limestone of Scotland. 3 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. -12, p. 225-261.) * EC Note on the spines of gyracanthus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 130- 133.) PTA Found in Lanarkshire. Notes on the metamorphic rocks of Harris and North Uist. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 207-208.) PTA - — On the development and generic re- lation of the corals of the carboniferous system of Scotland. 14 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1883. 8°. v. 14, p. 296-520.) * EC . On features in glacial markings no- ticed on sandstone conglomerates at Skel- morlie and Aberfoil. (British Association for the Advancement of Science. 52. re- port. London, 1883. 8°. p. 537-538.) * EC _ (In his: Collected papers... Cambridge, 1912. 8°. p. 420-421.) PAG 1009 - — On the genus alveolites, amplexus, and zaphrentis, from the carboniferous sys- tem of Scotland. 4 pi. illus. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 13, p. 194-237.) *EC On the genus cyathaxonia and sev- eral new species from the carboniferous limestone of Scotland. 3 pi. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings Glasgow, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 193-208.) * EC — — On the genus lithostrotion. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p 371- 398.) PTA On the genus phillipsastraea. 2 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 51-70.) PTA Found at Blackbridge, Dumfriesshire. On the geology of the Campbeltown district. 1 pi. illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 76-89.) PTA With (1) a list of the carboniferous fossils from Campbeltown and (2) an analysis of minerals from Campbeltown. On the geology of the island of Islay. 1 col'd map. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 200-222.) PTA On a new genus of rugose corals, from the carboniferous limestone of Scot- land. 3 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 323-344.) *EC On a new genus of rugose corals from the carboniferous limestone of Scot- land; with a short sketch of the various methods by which it has been attempted, during the last twenty years, to delineate the internal structure of fossil corals of that geological period. 3 pi. (Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 161-176.) * EC On the occurrence of species of the genus palastrsea (M'Coy) in the lower car- boniferous strata of Scotland, with a de- scription of some new species, and notices of varieties. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 1-11.) PTA On the parallel roads of Lochaber. (In his: Collected papers... Cambridge, 1912. 8°. p. 407-420.) PAG Repr. : Edinburgh new philosophical journal, v. 45, 1848. On a specimen of Acanthodes war- dii Egerton, from the Lanarkshire coal- field. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8 . v. 4, p. 57-59.) PTA On the stratified rocks of the Gar- pel Water, Muirkirk, Ayrshire. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v 5, p. 287-292.) PTA 1010 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. On the stratified rocks of Islay. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 313- 315.) PTA On the stratified rocks of the shore- line from Clachland Point to the Cock of Arran. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 12-31.) PTA With lists of the fossils found in the interstratified shales at Lagan, and of fossils in limestone in the breccia under the Cock of Arran. Thomson, James, and Henry Caunter. On the geology of Lewis. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 315-316.) PTA Thomson, Rev. James. The parallel roads of Glenroy and notes of a Highland ramble. [Arbroath: Arbroath Guide,] 1892. 23 p. 16°. *Cp.v.389 Repr. : Arbroath Guide. Thomson, Robert Dundas. Contribu- tions to the geology of Berwickshire. (Magazine of natural history. London, 1832. 8°. v. 5, p. 637-646.) PQA Thomson, Thomas. Chemical analysis of a black sand, from the river Dee in Aberdeenshire; and of a copper ore from Arthrey in Stirlingshire. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1812. 4°. v. 6, p. 253-268.) * EC Thost, C. H. Gustav. On the rocks, ores, and other minerals on the property of the marquess of Breadalbane in the Highlands of Scotland. (Geological So- ciety of London. Quarterly journal. Lon- don, 1860. 8°. v. 16, p. 421-428.) PTA Toit, Alexander L. du. The lower old red sandstone rocks of the Balmaha-Aber- foyle region, illus. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 315-325.) PTA Trail, A. F. Crystalline rocks in Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1902-05, p. 3-10.) CPA Traill, Thomas Stewart. Account of a mineral from Orkney. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1823. 4°. v. 9, p. 81-92.) *EC Bary-strontianite or stromnite. Notice of the fossil fishes found in the old red-sandstone formation of Orkney, particularly of an undescribed species, Diplopterus agassis. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. v. 15, p. 89-92.) * EC On the Torbanehill mineral. (Royal Society of Edinburgh: Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1857. 4°. v. 21, p. 7-13.) * EC Traquair, Ramsay Heatley. Achanarras revisited. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 279-286.) * EC On fossils found in the quarry there. Additional notes on the fossil fishes of the upper old red sandstone of the Moray Firth. 2 pi. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1897. 8°. v. 13, p. 376-385.) * EC • Description of a selachian spine found by Mr. W. Tait Kinnear in the old red sandstone of Caithness. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 207-208.) PTA Fossil fishes from the Edinburgh- shire and Linlithgowshire oil shales. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 113-128.) *EC A further description of Pal*o- spondylus gunni, Traquair. (Royal Physi- cal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8°. v. 12, p. 87-94.) *EC Found in the old red sandstone of Achanarras, Caithness. List of the fossil dipnoi and ganoi- dei of Fife and the Lothians. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 17, p. 385-400.) *EC — — Notes on carboniferous selachii. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 412-426.) *EC Describes a number of Scottish specimens. Notes on the lower carboniferous fishes of eastern Fifeshire. (Geological magazine. London, 1901. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 8, p. 110-114.) PTA Notes on the lower carboniferous fishes of eastern Fifeshire. 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 16, p. 80- 86.) * EC On Cephalaspis magnifica, a new fossil fish, from the Caithness flagstones 1 pi. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. 8° v. 12, p. 269-273.) * EC On Cladodus neilsoni (Traquair) from the carboniferous limestone of Eas Kilbride. 1 pi. (Geological Society o Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1900 8°. v. 11, p. 41-50.) PT/ On the distribution of fossil fish remains in the carboniferous rocks of thi Edinburgh district. 2 pi. (Royal Societ: of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh 1905. 4°. v. 40, p. 687-707.) * E< On fossil fish-remains collected b: J. S. Flett from the old red sandstone o Shetland. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edin burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 190! 4°. v. 46, p. 321-329.) *E( LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. On new and little-known fossil fishes from the Edinburgh district. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1878. 8°. v. 9, p. 262-272, 275-282.) 8 * EC On a specimen of Psephodus mag- nus, Agassiz, from the carboniferous lime- Stone of East Kilbride, Lanarkshire. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 188S. 8°. v. 7, p. 392-402.) PTA On Thelodus pagei, Powrie, sp. from the old red sandstone of Forfarshire. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 595-602,) * EC Report of fossil fishes collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in Esk- dale and Liddesdale. 6 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 4°. v. 30, p. 15-71.) *EC 1. Ganoidei. Report on fossil fishes collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland from shales exposed on the shore near Gullane, East Lothian. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 46, p. 103-117.) * EC ■ Report on fossil fishes collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland. 5 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 827-864.) * EC Supplementary report on fossil fishes collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in the upper Silurian rocks of Scotland. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 4°. v. 40, p. 879-888.) * EC Turner, Edward. On the presence of io- dine in the mineral spring of Bonnington, near Leith. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1826. 8°. v. 1, April - Oct, p. 159-160.) OA Tyndall, John. The parallel roads of Glen Roy. 1 map. (Popular science re- view. London, 1876. 8°. v. 15, p. 375- 388.) OA 1 map. (Royal Institute of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. London, 1879. 8°. v. 8, p. 233-246.) * EC p. 245-246 gives the literature on the subject to date. 1 map. (In his: Fragments of science. London, 1892. 8. ed. 12°. v. 1, p. 205-228.) OAL . With bibliographical note of literature on the sub- ject on p. 227-228. Tyrrell, G. W. The classification of the post-carboniferous intrusive igneous rocks 1011 of the west of Scotland. 1 pi. (Geological Cle ^ f 9>L as S° w - Transactions. Glas- gow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 298-317.) PTA . T The geology of the Auchineden dis- trict, Kilpatrick Hills. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 322-336.) PTA Geology and petrology of the in- trusions of the Kilsyth-Croy district, Dum- bartonshire. 1 pi. (Geological magazine. London, 1909. 8°. new series, decade 5, v 6, p. 299-309, 359-366.) PTA The late palaeozoic alkaline igneous rocks of the west of Scotland. (Geological magazine. London, 1912. 8°. hew series, decade 5, v. 9, p. 120-131.) PTA A new occurrence of picrite in the Ballantrae district and its associated rocks. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 283-290.) PTA Notes on a series of specimens illus- trating the effects of differential weather- ing on some Scottish metamorphic rocks. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transac- tions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 33-34.) PTA Petrographical notes on a dyke crowded with rock fragments near Barr- head. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 195-201.) PTA The petrology of the Auchineden district, Kilpatrick Hills. 1 pi. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 337-343.) PTA The petrology of the Kilpatrick Hills, Dumbartonshire; with notes on the Scottish carboniferous basalts. 1 pi. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 219-257.)PTA Variolites from Upper Loch Fyne and Skye. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 14, p. 291-302.) PTA See also under Martin, N., and G. W. Tyrrell. Voelcker, A. Analysis of the anthracite of the Calton Hill, Edinburgh. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1850. 8°. v. 48, p. 333-337.) OA Walker, Robert. On a new species of amblypterus, and other fossil fish remains from Pitcorthie, Fife. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh;^. 8°. v. 2, p. 119-124.) PTA Wallace, John. Notes on excavations in Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8 . v. 12, p. 220-222.) PTA 1012 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Notes on a recent excavation in Sauchiehall street [Glasgow]. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 79-80.) PTA A theory of the origin of columnar structure as illustrative of sections near Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1905. 8°. v. 12, p. 234-235.) PTA Summary only. Wallace, Thomas D. Additional note on the old red sandstone of Strathnairn. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 275.) PTA Additional notes on the geology of the Enzie. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 269-270.) PTA Additional notes on the geology of Strathdearn and adjoining district of, the Aviemore Railway. (Edinburgh Geolog- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 10-14.) PTA Geological notes on Strathdearn and the Aviemore Railway. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 416-419.) PTA The geology of the parish of Kirk- hill and the "Aird," Inverness-shire. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 224-234.) PTA The geology of Rathven and En- zie, Banffshire. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 331-340.) PTA Glacial evidence in the Moray Firth area. 1 map. (Inverness Scientific Socie- ty and Field Club. Transactions. Inver- ness,. 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 145-161.) *EC On the structural geology of Strath- nairn. 1 map. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 204-219.) PTA • Recent geological changes and the Culbin Sands. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- nerness [1902,. 8°. v. 5, p. 105-123.) * EC Recent geological changes on the Moray Firth. (Edinburgh Geological So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 40-54.) PTA Recent geological changes on the Moray Firth. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 380-395.) * EC The sandstones of the Moray Fifth area. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 119-132.) * EC Shells in glacial clay at Fort- George, Inverness-shire. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. .v. 4, p. 143-144.) PTA -^ Structural geology of the northern extremity of Glen-More-nan-Alban. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 4, p. 271-274.) PTA Upper Stratherrick, with Killin val- ley and terraces. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 366-370.) PTA Volcanic rocks of O. R. age in the Moray Firth. (Inverness Scientific So- ciety and Field Club. Transactions. In- verness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 132-141.) *EC Warburton, Henry. On some beds of shale-marle in Scotland. (Geological So- ciety. Transactions. London, 1817. 4°. v. 4, p. 305-309.) PTA Watson, D. M. S. The "trias" of Moray. 1 pi. (Geological magazine. London, 1909. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 6, p. 102-107.) PTA Watson, Robert Boog. On the great drift beds with shells in the south of Arran. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1864. 4°. v. 23, p. 523-546.) * EC On the marine origin of the parallel roads of Glen Roy. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1866. 8°. v. 22, p. 9-12.) PTA Webster, John White. Remarks on the structure of the Carton Hill, near Edin- burgh, Scotland; and on the aqueous origin of wacke. 1 diagr. (American jour- nal of science. New York, 1818. 8°. v. 1, p. 230-234.) OA ophy. 256.) 1 diagr. London, 1819. (Annals of philos- 8°. v. 14, p. 254- OA Reprint of preceding article. Whalley, E. B. Note on a glacial gravel deposit at Woodhall colliery, Pencaitland, Haddington. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 134-141.) PTA White, James. A glimpse of Skye: with remarks on volcanic action. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 105-111.) PTA Notes on Gairloch, Ross-shire, (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 192- 200.) PTA Notes on Tarbert, Argyllshire (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 111- 116.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1013 Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. Whitehouse, Frederic Cope. Fingal's cave. 1 pi. iU us - (British Archxological Association. Journal. London, 1886. 8°. v. 42, p. 247-250.) CA Whitelaw, John. On some peculiarities and capabilities of East and Mid Lothian coalfields. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. v. IS, p. 20S-207.) VA Wilson, Alexander S. Notes on the geology of Fife. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. . 8°. v. 9, p. 392-405.) PTA Wilson, James. Birkhill fossils at In- nerleithen, Peeblesshire. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 113-115.) PTA Wilson, James S. Grant. The Breadal- bane mines. 2 pi. (Royal Physical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 189-207.) * EC The results of the Balfour bore, Fifeshire. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 143-147.) PTA Wilson, James S. Grant, and William Ivison Macadam. Diatomaceous deposits in Skye. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 318-326.) PTA 1. Descriptive. 2. Chemical. Wilson, James S. Grant, and H. Brant- wood Muff. The Hill of Beath, a volcanic neck in Fife. 1 diagr. (Geological maga- zine. London, 1909. 8°. new series, dec- ade 5, v. 6, p. 56-61.) PTA Wilson, W., and others. The recently exposed section on the railway line, south- east of Portobello, with comparisons. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 193-201.) PTA Witham, Henry. A description of a fossil tree discovered in the quarry of Craigleith, near Edinburgh, in . . . Novem- ber, 1830; with a short account of a frag- ment and branch found in 1831. 4 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 12, p. 147- 152.) * EC Notice regarding a vein of asphal- tum, or slaggy mineral pitch, found im- bedded in gneiss, in the hill of Castle Leod, near Dingwall, in Ross-shire. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1832. 8°. v. 6, p. 123-126.) QDA Wood, Walter. On the strata dis- covered in making the East of Fife Ex- tension Railway, with special reference to the brick clay beds and their fossil re- mains. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1867. o . v. 3, p. 125-128.) * EC - — Remarks on a "raised beach" at Ardross, in the county of Fife. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. v. 3, p. 72-74 ) *EC Woodward, Bernard Henry. A visit to Glen Clova — its geology and ferns. (In- tellectual observer. London, 1868. 8° v 12, p. 22-29.) OA Woodward, Henry. Notes on some fossil Crustacea, and a Chilognathous myr- iapod, from the coal measures of the west of Scotland. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867 8°. v. 2, p. 234-248.) PTA Woodward, Horace Bolingbroke. Stan- ford's geological atlas of Great Britain and Ireland, with plates of characteristic fossils... London: Edward Stanford, Ltd., 1914. xii, 214 p., maps, pi. 3. ed. 12°. PVI Scotland, p. 88-101. Wright, James. On the crinoids from the lower carboniferous limestones of In- vertiel, Fife. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 10, p.- 49-60.) PTA Wright, Joseph. Boulder-clay a marine deposit. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 263-272.) PTA With a list of the foraminifera found in the boulder-clay. Wright, Thomas. Notes on the fossils collected by Mr. Geikie from the lias of the isles of Pabba, Scalpa, and Skye. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1858. 8°. v. 14, p. 24-36.) PTA Wright, Thomas. The karne at Mor- tonhall. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 76-79.) PQA Wright, William Bourke. On a pregla- cial shoreline in the Western Isles of Scot- land. 1 pi. illus. (Geological magazine. London, 1911. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 8, p. 97-109.) PTA The two earth-movements of Co- lonsay. 2 pi. illus. (Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. London, 1908. 8°. v. 64, p. 297-312.) PTA Wuensch, Edward A. Description of an erratic boulder on the Highland Railway. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 64- 66.) PTA A German professor's views of the geology of Arran, translated from Prof. A. 1014 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. von Lasaulx's "Aus Irland." (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 165-178.) PTA On the occurrence of fossil trees imbedded in trappean ash in Arran. 1 illus. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 97- 99.) PTA Young, B. Robert. An analcite diabase and other rocks from Gullane Hill. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions; Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 326-335.) PTA Young, J. Wallace. Analysis of miner- als from Campbeltown. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 89.) PTA Miscellaneous notes on chemical geology. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 28-32.) PTA 1. On the analysis of foliated chlorite from St. Catharine's, Lochfyne. 2. On the presence of sul- phide of zinc in a crystalline carbonate from a trap dyke. 3. On a deposit from a chalybeate water. 4. On laumonite from water aqueduct, near Mug- dock. 5. On some mineral cavities in trap rock. 6. On quartz crystals in limestone. On the action of organic matter on peroxide of iron, as observed in the post- tertiary sands of Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 241-244.) PTA On the analysis of a green fibrous mineral, from Cathkin. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 212-213.) PTA On the Ballagan series of rocks. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 209- 212.) PTA On the chemistry of some carbon- iferous and old red sandstones. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 198-209.) PTA Deals specially with those found in the neigh- bourhood of Glasgow. Young, John, LL.D., 1823-1900. A new Scottish mineral (bowlingite). (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 63-68.) PTA ■ New species of glauconome from carboniferous limestone strata of the west of Scotland. 3 pi. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 325-335.) PQA Note on Favosites (?) (calamopo- ra) dentifera, Phillips. (Geological Society ofi Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 369-370.) PTA Note on a new family of the poly- zoa — cystodictyonidae (E. O. Ulrich) — with notice of three carboniferous species, (Edinburgh Geological Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5 o 461-466.) PTA Note on the occurrence of Estheria punctatella. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8° v. 2, p. 72.) PTA Note on the occurrence and range of lingula in the carboniferous series of the west of Scotland. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 144-148.) PTA — — Notes accompanying two slides of carboniferous polyzoa, from the fossilifer- ous shales at Hairmyres, near East Kil- bride, Lanarkshire. (Edinburgh Geologi- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. v. 2, p. 400-402.) PTA Notes on an adherent form of pro- ductus. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 175-176.) PQA Mainly from the carboniferous limestone strata in the east of Scotland. Notes on archaeocidaris, a carbonif- erous echinoderm, with overlapping plates. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 224-231.) PQA Notes on the carboniferous brach- iopoda of Scotland, with a revised list of the genera and species. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 143-160.) PTA Notes on a carboniferous species of glauconome. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 257-259.) PQA Notes on the fossils found in a thin bed of impure carboniferous limestone at Glencart, near Dairy, Ayrshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 234-240.) PQA Notes on the genera of gasteropod mollusca from the carboniferous limestone series of the central and western coal- fields of Scotland. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883, 8°. v. 4, p. 85-93.) PTA Notes on the limestone strata of the district around Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 29-38.) PTA Notes on the occurrence of Cteno- stomatous polyzoa in the carboniferous limestone of western Scotland. (Geologi- cal Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 142-147.) PTA — — Notes on the occurrence and distri- bution of Spirifera trigonalis, and its varie- ties in the limestone strata of the coal- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. fields of the west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 37-41.) S PQA Notes on the ostracoda found in the lacustrine, or freshwater, strata of the Campsie district, which alternate with the lower beds of the carboniferous marine limestone series. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 334-336.) PTA Notes on the perfect condition of the cell-pores and other points of structure in certain species of carboniferous poly- zoa from western Scotland. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1882. 8°. v. 6, p. 211-217.) PTA Notes on the Scottish carbonifer- ous genera of the molluscan family ana- tinidae. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 291-298.) PTA Notes on Scottish carboniferous microzoa, and the methods by which they may be collected and mounted. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 299-303.) PTA Notes on a section of strata con- taining beds of impure coal and plant re- mains, showing structure, at Glenarbuck. near Bowling. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 123-128.) PTA Notes on the section of strata in the Gilmorehill quarry and boulder-clay, on the site of the new university buildings, Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871. 8°. v. 3, p. 298-307.) PTA With a list of fossils from the Possil and Govan series. Notes on Ure's "millepore," Tabu- lipora urii, J. Young (Cellepora urii, Flem.). (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 264-272.) PTA Notice of the occurrence of Rhizo- dus hibberti in carboniferous strata in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 38-39.) PTA On a bed of fine-grained indurated sandstone, enclosing rolled pebbles of quartzite, interstratified with the trap of the Campsie Fells. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8 • v. 5, p. 51-54.) PTA On the carboniferous fossils of the west of Scotland; their vertical range and distribution, by J. Young. With a general 1015 catalogue of the fossils and their mode of occurrence, and an index to the principal localities, by James Armstrong. Glasgow Geological Society. 2 p.l., 103 p. 8°. 1871 PTA SoclT/of^sgow.lT^*' " 5 ° f thC Ge0l0gical On chitonellus, recent and fossil. (Natural History Society of Glasgow Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v 3 p 322-324.) P q A ' — — On the gasteropod mollusca of the carboniferous limestones of the west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869 8°. v. 1, p. 70-71. pqa . • On the geology of the Campsie dis- trict. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. v 1 part 1, 2. ed., p. 5-68.) PTA First published in 1860. On a group of fossil organisms termed conodonts. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 5-7.) PQA From the carboniferous limestones of the Ayrshire coal-field. On the identity of Ceramopora (berenicea) megastoma, M'Coy, with Fis- tulipora minor, M'Coy. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 244-250.) PTA The specimens described were found in localities in central and western Scotland. On the natural history of some of our Scottish oil shales. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 132-137.) PQA On new forms of Crustacea, from the Silurian rocks at Girvan. 1 pi (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 169-173.) PQA ■ On the occurrence of a fault in the old red sandstone and Ballagan series in Dumbuck Glen near Dumbarton. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 257-259.) PTA On the occurrence of pyroxene or augite, in large crystals, in two localities in western Scotland. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 13-15.) PTA On the occurrence of Saccammina carteri (Brady) in the limestone series of the Lanarkshire coalfield. (Geological So- ciety of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 263-266.) PTA On a peculiar structure — spines within spines — in carboniferous species of the productidae. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 86-90.) PTA 1016 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. On the probable source of certain boulders in the till of the Glasgow district. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 259- 263.) PTA On the protoconch or orthoceras, and on the evidence of its remains in cer- tain Scottish carboniferous species. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 139-141.) PTA On rhynchopora, a genus of brach- iopod shells, new to carboniferous strata. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 13-14.) PQA On the so-called labyrinthodont, parabatrachus (Owen). 1 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 175-177.) PQA On some peculiar varieties of old red and carboniferous sandstones from the neighbourhood of Glasgow. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-36.) PTA On the species of dentalium found in the carboniferous strata of the west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 69-70.) PQA On a weathered boulder of carbon- iferous limestone shale; its probable geo- logical horizon and contained fossils. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 224-225.) PQA Found 'in Houston clay-field, near Paisley. Remarks on the parallelism of the Scottish and north Irish carboniferous strata. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 135-138.) PQA Remarks on some of the external characters which distinguish Fenestella plebeia of M'Coy from those of F. tubercu- locarinata of Etheridge, jun. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 182-188.) PTA See also under Glen, David Corse, and John Young; Jones, T. R., and others. Young, John, LL.D., 1823-1900, and James Armstrong. The fossils of the car- boniferous strata of the west of Scotland. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1874. 8°. v. 4, p. 267- 281.) PTA Young, John, LL.D., 1823-1900, and Robert Craig. Notes on the occurrence of seeds of freshwater plants and Arctic shells, along with the remains of the mam- moth and reindeer, in beds under the boul- der-clay at Kilmaurs. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1871 8°. v. 3, p. 310-321.) PTA Young, John, LL.D., 1823-1900, and David Corse Glen. Note on the Cathkin "Osmund stone," a volcanic tuff. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions Glasgow, 1888. 8°. v. 8, p. 134-138.) PTA Notes on a section of carbonifer- ous strata, containing erect stems of fossil trees and beds of intrusive dolerite, in the old whinstone quarry, Victoria Park, Lower Balshagray, near Whiteinch and Partick. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1888 8°. v. 8, p. 227-235.) PTA Young, John, LL.D., 1823-1900, and James W. Kirkby. Provisional notice of a new chiton, and a new species of chito- nellus, from the carboniferous rocks of western Scotland. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. ~ Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 13-15.) PTA Young, John, LL.D., 1823-1900, and David Robertson. Note on the polyzoa of the Hairmyres limestone shale, East Kil- bride. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 173-175.) PTA Young, John, M.D. Notes on the group of carboniferous ostracoda found in the strata of western Scotland, with a revised list of genera and species. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 301-312.) PTA Notes on a small group of carbon- iferous foraminifera found in the lower limestone shales of the Muirkirk district of Ayrshire, with a list of the genera and species found in the coalfields of western Scotland. (Geological Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 313-319.) PTA On the former existence of glaciers in the high grounds of the south of Scot- land, illus. (Geological Society of Lon- don. Quarterly journal. London, 1864. 8°. v. 20, p. 452-462.) PTA — — On some points in the surface geol- ogy of the southern Highlands. (Geo- logical Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 266-267.) PTA Abstract. Young, John, M.D., and John Young, LL.D., 1823-1900. Local unconformity as shewn in sections at Bishopriggs. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 283- 291.) PTA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geology and Paleontology, continued. General Works, continued. A new species of sulcoretepora. 1 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 166-168.) PQA Found in the Glasgow district. On two new species of carbonifer- ous polyzoa. 1 pi. (Natural History So- 1017 1878 y °s= GlaSg ^ w - ?™ce e din g s. Glasgow, 18/8. 8 . v. 3, p. 353-356.) pqa (1) Glauconome robusta from the carboniferous c™Iif (f^coU' ' he WCSt ° f Scotianr^'tro 5 Zir J e1 ' £? rdi , n ? nd - Geologische Skizzen von der Westkuste Schottlands. 1 map % P -: J-P/utsche geologische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1871. 8°. Bd. 23 n 1-124.) pT £ Geography, Physical Geography, Maps, Etc. Anderson, Peter John. Ms. maps of Aberdeen. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 6, p. 186-187.) CPA Armstrong, Andrew, and Son. A com- panion to Capt. Armstrong and Son's map of the three Lothians: (comprehending the counties of Haddington, Edinburgh and Linlithgow:) containing an alphabetical in- dex of the market towns, villages and churches; the nobility and gentry's seats, castles and ruins; camps, battles, hills, &c. with the proprietors names. . .also an al- phabetical list of the subscribers. London: Brewman and Coslett, 1773. 27(1) p. 8°. ' Arrowsmith, Aaron. Map of Scotland constructed from original materials under the authority of the Parliamentary com- missioners for making roads and building bridges in the Highlands of Scotland. London: A. Arrowsmith, 1807. 5 sheets (including the Orkney and Shetland islands). Map Dept. Incorporating the military survey of 1747-1755. The best map of Scotland at that date. London: G. F. Cruchley, 1840. 26 in. x 22 in. folded 24°. Stuart 8938 With additions to 1849. The map is in 4 parts. Arrowsmith, John. Scotland. London: E. Stanford, 1886. 19^ x 23J4 in. folded in cover to 16°. Map Dept. Atlas, The, of Scotland, containing maps of each county. . .laid down from actual survey., .with a copious index. Edin- burgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1849. 33 maps in 58 sheets, hand colored. f°. Map Dept. Bartholomew, John. Plan of Edinburgh & Leith with suburbs . . . Constructed for the post office directory. By J. Bartholo- mew. Edinburgh: J. Bartholomew, 1875. 26 in. x 22 in. folded 24°. Stuart 8938 Title on cover "New post office plan of Edin- burgh & Leith." Bartholomew, John George. The Royal Scottish Geographical Society's atlas of Scotland ; a series of sixty-two plates of maps and plans illustrating the topog- raphy, physiography, geology, natural his- tory, and climate of the country... Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geographical In- stitute, 1895. 6 p.l., 18 p., 63 maps. f°. Map Dept. The cartography of Scotland from earliest times to the present date. (In his: The Royal Scottish Geographical Society's atlas of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1895. f°. P- 16-18.) Map Dept. Ben Nevis Meteorological Observatory. Ben Nevis Meteorological Observatory; an account of its foundation and work. Edinburgh, 1885. 40 p., 6 pi. 8°. PRO p.v.l Edinburgh, 1885. 42 p., 6 pi. 8°. PRDp.v.ll p. 41-42 contain Additional subscriptions re- ceived since 1st August 1885. Black's new large map of Scotland drawn and engraved by J. Bartholomew; compiled from the Ordnance, Admiralty, and other surveys. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black [1870?]. 56 x 70 in. in 12 sheets. Map Dept. Blaeu, Johann. Grooten Atlas oft werelt-beschryving. Amsterdam, 1648-64. 9 v. f°. Map Dept. v. 5 has title: Vyfde Stuck der aerdrycks- beschryving, welck vervat Schotlandt en Yrlandt. 1654. The first atlas of Scotland. Most of the maps were drawn by the Rev. Timothy Pont from personal survey about 1608. His work was carried out at the expense of Sir John Scot of Scotstarvit, at whose death the maps were handed over to Robert Gordon of Straloch, by whom they were corrected to date and edited. The maps were then sent to Blaeu at Amsterdam where they were engraved and incor- porated in his atlas. The New York Public Library has two copies, one plain, the other with the maps and coats of arms colored. 1. Insvls Albion et Hibernia, cum minoribus ad- jacentibus. [After Ptolemy.] 2. Scotia Antiqva, qualis priscis temporibus, Romanis praesertim, cog- nita fuit quam in lucem eruere conabatur R. Gor- donius a Straloch, 1653. 3. Scotia Regnum, cum insulis adjacentibus. Robertus Gordonius a Straloch descripsit. 4. Teviotia, vulgo Tivedail. Auct. Tim. Pont. Io. Blaeu excudit. 5. Tvedia cum Vicecomi- tatu Etterico Forests, etiam Selkirka: dictus. Twee-Dail, with the Sherifdome of Etterik-Forrest, called also Selkirk. Auct. Timotheo Pont. 6. Lav- delia, sive Lavderdalia, Scotis vulgo Lauderdail. Auct. Tim. Pont. 7. Mercia, vulgo ^.Vicecqmitatvs Bervicensis. Auct. Timothei Pont. 8. Lothian and Linlitquo. Joh. et Cornelius Blaeu, exc. 9. Lidalia, vel Lidisdalia Regio. Lidisdail. Auct Timotheo 1018 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geography, Physical Geography, etc., cont'd. Pont. 10. Evia et Escia, Scotis Evsdail et Eskdail. Auct. Tim. Pont. I. Blaeu. excud. 11. Annandiae Praefectura, vulgo The Stewartrie of Annandail. Auct. Timotheo Pont. Excud. Io. Blaeu. 12. Nithia Vice-comitantvs. The Shirifdome of Nidis-Dail. Auc- tore Timotheo Pont. 13. Gallovidia vernacule Gallo- way. Auct. Timoth: Pont. 14. Gallovidiae Pars Occidentalior, in qua Vicecomitatvs Victoniensis cum Regalitate Glenlucensi. The Sherifdome of Wig- toun w l the Regalitie of Glen-Luze, both in Gal- loway. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 15 Gallovidiae Pars Media, quae Deam et Cream fluvios interjacet. The Middle-part of Galloway, which lyeth betweene the rivers Dee and Cree. Auct. Tim. Pont. 16. Prae- fectvra Kirkcvdbriensis, quae Gallovidiae maxime orientalis pars est. The Steuartrie of Kirkcud- bright, the most easterlie part of Galloway. Auct. Tim. Pont. 17. Carricta meridionalis. The south part of Carrick. Auct. Tim. Pont. 18. Caricta borealis, vulgo the north part of Carrick. Opus Timothei Pont. 10. Coila provincia. The province of Kyle. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 20. Cvninghamia. Timotheo Pont. 21. Knapdalia provincia que sub Argathelia censetur. The province of Knapdale, which is accounted a member of Argyll. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 22. Cantyra Chersonesus. Cantyr, a demie-yland. Auctor. Timoth. Pont. 23. Arania insula in aestuario Glottae. The yle of Arren in the Firth of Clyd. Timotheo Pont auctore. 24. Buthe insula, vulgo the yle of Boot. Auct. Tim. Pont. 25. Glottiana Praefectura inferior, cum baronia Glas- cuensi. The nether ward of Clyds-Dail and baronie of Glasco. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 26. Glottiana Prae- fectura superior. The Vpper Ward of Clyds-Dayl. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 27. Praefectura Renfroana, vulgo dicta baronia. The baronie of Renfrow. Timotheus Pont Auctor. 28. Levinia, vice comitatvs. The province of Lennox, called the shire of Dun- Britton. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 29., Sterlinensis prae- fectvra. Sterlin-shyr. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 30. Fifae vice comitatvs. The sherifdome of Fyfe. 31. Fifae pars occidentalis. The west part of Fife. 32. Fifae pars orientalis. The east part of Fife. 33. Duo vicecomitatvs Aberdonia & Banfia, /una cum regionibus & terrarum tractibus sub iis comprehensis. Auctore Roberto Gordonio a Straloch. A descrip- tion of the two shyres Aberdene and Banf with such countreys and provinces as ar comprehended under them. 34. Scotiae provincise mediterraneae inter Taum f lum en et Varans aestuarium : Sunt autem Braid- Allaban, Atholia, Marria svpertor, Badenocha, Strath- Spea, Lochabria, cum Chersoneso qui ei ad occasum praetenditur; cum singulis earundem partibus. Opera Ro. Gordonii a Straloch. A description of the in- land provinces of Scotland lying between Tay river and Murra fyrth, conteyning Braid-Allaban, Athol, Brae of Mar, Badenoch, Strath-Spey, Lochabyr; w* al ye lands which ley west from Lochabyr w l all thair parts conteyned under them. 35. Lorna cum insulis vicinis et provinciis eidem conterminis. Lorn w* the yles and provinces bordering there-vpon. Auct. Tim- oth. Pont. 36. Extima Scotiae septentrionalis ora, ubi provincise sunt Rossia, Svtherlandia, Cathenesia, Strath-Naverniae, cum vicinis regiumculis quae eis subsunt, etiamque Moravia. R. Gordonius a Strath- loch collegit et descripsit. 37. Moravia Scotiae pro- vincia, ex Timothei Pont scedis descripta et aucta per Robert Gordonium a Strathloch. 38. Sovther- landia. 39. Strath-Navernia. Strathnavern. Auct. Timotheo Pont. 40. Cathenesia. Caithness. Auct. Timotheo Pont. 41. ^Ebudae insula? sive Hebrides; quae Scotiae ad occasum praetenduntur, lustratse et descriptae a Timotheo Pont. The Western lies of Scotland. 42. Ivra insvla. The yle of Ivra one of the western lies of Scotland. Auct. Timoth. Pont. 43. Ila insvla ex ^Ebudarum majoribus una. The yle of Ila, being one of the biggest of the westerne yles. Auct. Tim. Pont. 44. Mvla insvla, quae ex Mbvkda- rum numero una est, et Lochabriae ad occasum prse- tenditur. The yle of Mul, whiche is one of the westerne yles, and lyeth ovir against Lochabyr. 45. Insulae quaedam minores ex ^Ebudis quae Mvlam et Skiam insulas interjacent. Some or the smaller western yles lying betweene the Yles of Mvle and Skye. Timoth. Pont, auctor. 46. Skia vel Skiana. The Yle of Skie. Auct. Timotheo Pont. 47. Vistvs insvla vulgo Viist, cum aliis minoribus ex ^bvdarvrn nvmero ei ad meridiem adjacentibus. Auct. Timotheo Pont. 48. Leogvs et Haraia insulae ex jEbudarum numero, quae, quamquam isthmo cohse- reant, pro diversis habentur. Lewis and Harray of the numbre of the Westerne Yles, which two al- though they ioyne be a necke of land ar accounted dyvers Ylands. 49. Orcadvm et Schetlandiae in- svlarvm accuratissima descriptio. Blyth, B. Hall, and W. A. Tait. Note on the rainfall on the drainage area of the Talla reservoir. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 616-636.) *EC Buchan, Alexander. Bearing of meteor- ological records on a supposed change of climate in Scotland. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh; 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 250-253.) QEA Meteorology [of Scotland]. (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 37-39.) fCPW On the mean monthly rainfall of Scotland. (Royal Society of Edinburgh, Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. v. 7, p. 665-666.). *EC Rainfall [in Scotland]. (In: J. G. Bartholomew, The Royal Scottish Geo- graphical Society's atlas of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1895. f °. p. 9.) Map Dept. Monthly and annual rainfall for the twenty-five years 1866-1890. Remarks on the deep-water tem- perature of lochs Lomond, Katrine, and Tay. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. v. 7, p. 791-795.) * EC Temperature [in Scotland). (In: J. G. Bartholomew, The Royal Scottish Geographical Society's atlas of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1895. f°. p. 10.) Map Dept. Mean monthly annual temperature for twenty- four years 1857-1880. Buchanan, John Young. The meteor- ology of Ben Nevis in clear and in foggy weather. 8 tables. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1900. 4°. v. 39, p. 779-804.) * EC Note on the distribution of tem- perature under the ice in Linlithgow Loch. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 10, p. 56- 61.) *EC On the distribution of temperature in Loch Lomond during the autumn of 1885. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 403-428.) * EC Cadell, Henry Moubray. The story of the Forth. 5 pi. illus. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. 225-263.) KAA Cash, C. G. The first topographical sur- vey of Scotland. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 399-414.) KAA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1019 Geography, Physical Geography, etc., cont'd. . . Manuscript maps by Pont, the Gor- dons, and Adair, in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. (Scottish geographical maga- zine, v. 23, p. 574-592. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°.) KAA 111 maps catalogued. Chrystal, George. An investigation of the seiches of Loch Earn by the Scottish Lake Survey. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 46, p. 455-517.) * EC Observations to determine the periods and nodes. Effect of meteorological conditions upon the deniv- ellation of lakes. Mathematical appendix on the effect of pressure disturbances upon the seiches in a symmetric parabolic lake. Chrystal, George, and James Murray. An investigation of the seiches of Loch Earn by the Scottish Lake Survey. Part 1.: Limnographic instruments and methods of observation. By Prof. G. Chrystal. Part ii. Preliminary limnographic observations on Loch Earn. By James Murray. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. v. 45, p. 361-396.) *EC Chrystal, George, and Ernest Maclagan Wedderburn. Calculation of the periods and nodes of Lochs Earn and Treig, from the bathymetric data of the Scottish Lake Survey. 2 maps. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1906. 4°. v. 41, p. 823-850.) * EC Clouston, Charles. An explanation of the popular weather prognostics of Scot- land on scientific principles. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1867. v, (1)8-53 p. 8°. *Cp.v.579 Coates, Henry. The evolution of a haughland, as illustrated in the camping- ground of the boys' brigade at Ballinluig. 1 map, 6 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. cxiv-cxxiii.) PQA Coates, William. Optical phenomenon seen in Glenure. (Edinburgh Field Natur- alists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 159-164.) PQA Cochrane, J. J. Observations on the temperature of the Pentland Firth... (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 79-82.) OA Collection of papers relating to the geo- graphical description, maps, and charts of Scotland. By John Adair, F. R. S. 1686- 1723. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edin- burgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 345-388.) t CP t Collection of papers relating to the "Theatrum Scotias," and "History and present state of Scotland." By Captain John Slezer. 1693-1707. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4° v 2 p. 305-344.) IqjI Collet, Leon W., and T. N. Johnston. On the formation of certain lakes in the Highlands, lllus. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907 8° v. 26, p. 107-112.) * EC Cossar, James. The distribution of the towns and villages of Scotland. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1910 8°. v. 26, p. 183-191, 298-318.) KAA Notes on the geography of the Edinburgh district. 1 map, 3 pi. illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1911-12. v. 27, p. 574-600, 643-654; v. 28, p. 10-30.) KAA Cruchley, G. F. Cruchley's (late Cary's) new map of Scotland, showing railways, turnpike roads, &c. London: G. F. Cruch- ley l184-?j. 26 l / 2 in. x 3V/ 2 in. folded 12°. Stuart 8936 Dalgleish, W. Scott. The coast scenery of Scotland. 9 illus. (Good words. Lon- don, 1892. 8°. v. 33, p. 310-315.) * DA Dewar, James. Note on a new Scotch acidulous chalybeate mineral water. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. v. 7, p. 470- 471.) *EC Dickie, Adam. On the chemical com- position of the water composing the Clyde sea area. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 15, p. 283-286.) * EC Dickson, Henry Newton. The hygrom- etry of Ben Nevis. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 950-960.) * EC Observations on earth-currents in Ben Nevis Observatory telegraph cable. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 530-536.) * EC Dixon, James S. On an ancient river, course at Auchinlea, parish of Shotts. 1 plan. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 151-154.) PQA Dredging expedition in the Moray Firth. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 147-154.) * EC Ewing, Charles M. A geographical de- scription of East Lothian. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1912-13. 8°. v. 28, p. 624-641.) KAA Fleming, Thomas. Account of a remark- able agitation of the waters of Loch lay ... (Royal Society of Edinburgh Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1788. 4°. v. 1, p. 200- 202.) EC 1020 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geography, Physical Geography, etc., cont'd. Forbes, James David. Account of a thermometrical register kept at Dunferm- line by the Rev. Henry Forbes, from 1799 till 1837, with the principal results. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1861. 4°. v. 22, p. 357-360.) *EC On the climate of Edinburgh for fifty-six years, from 1795 to 1850, deduced principally from Mr. Adie's observations; with an account of. other and earlier regis- ters. 2 tables. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1861. 4°. v. 22, p. 327-356.) * EC Fox, Fortesque. On the climate of Strathpeffer Spa. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 11, p. 40-56.) * EC Fraser, George Milne. Aberdeen maps and views. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 25-26, 41-43,, 69-71, 115-117.) CPA Frew, John, and Frederick Mort. The southern Highlands from Dumgoyn. (Scot- tish geographical magazine. Edinburgh. 8°. v. 22, p. 322-324.) KAA The southern Highlands from Glas- gow. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 367-372.) KAA See also under Mort, Frederick, and John Frew. Galbraith, William. On trigonometrical surveying and levelling, and on the effects of a supposed local attraction at the Cal- ton Hill. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 2, p. 26-46.) VA Geddes, Patrick. Edinburgh and its re- gion, geographic and historical. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 18, p. 302-312.) KAA Geikie, Sir Archibald. The history of the geography of Scotland. 11 pi. illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 117-134.) KAA Geikie, James. Leading physical fea- tures [of Scotland]. (In: Ordnance gazet- teer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 3-11.) f CPW Grant, John S. Notes on damage caused by flooding in the Tay valley in January, 1903. 3 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. clii-cliv.) PQA Groffier, Valerien. L'ficosse pittoresque et industrielle. (Societe de geographie de Lyon. Bulletin. Lyon, 1899. 8°. v. 16, p. 237-267.) KAA Halbfass, W. Die Ergebnisse der Seen- forschung in Schottland. (Globus. Braun- schweig, 1909. f°. Bd. 95, p. 349-353 ) KAA Hardy, Marcel. Caledonia rediviva. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 17-25, 93.) KAA Hibbert, Samuel. Account of the rousts or currents of tide in the Pentland Firth, &c, from the manuscript journal of the late Rev. George Low... with preliminary observations by S. Hibbert. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh 1821. 8°. v. 5, p. 55-62.) OA Hinxman, Lionel W. The river Spey. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 185-193.) KAA The rivers of Scotland: the Beauly and Conon. (Scottish geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 192- 202.) KAA Jameson, Robert. Geognostical descrip- tion of the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Edinburgh philosophical journal, v. 1, p. 352-363. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°.) OA Jansson, Jan. Joannis Janssoni Atlantis majoris sive cosmographise universalis. Amstelodami: Apud Joannem Janssonium, 1675. 11 v. f°. MapDept. v. 6: Magna Britannia; pars septentrionalis, Scotia & Hybernia. The section Regnum Scotise contains 9 maps and 30 pages of text. Johnston, T. N. Bathymetrical survey of fresh water lochs of Scotland. Lochs of the Morar basin. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 449-459.) KAA Bathymetrical survey of Loch Ness. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 589-590.) KAA See also under Collet, Leon W., and T. N. Johnston. Johnston's travelling road map of Scot- land. Edinburgh: A. K. Johnston [1850?]. 18% x 23 in. Map Dept. Kilgour, W. T. Ben Nevis Observatory, illus. (English illustrated magazine. Lonr don, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 246-250.) * DA Knipe, I. A. Geological map of Scot- land, lochs, mountains, islands. . .railways and., .roads.. . London, 1861. 2 ft. 9 X A in. x 3 ft. 7%. in. nar. 8°. Stuart 8937 Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Further ac- count of the aluminous chalybeate spring described in the Annals for July, 1816. (Annals of philosophy. London, 1816. 8°. v. 8, p. 341-349.) OA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Geography, Physical Geography, etc., cont'd. On the Fountainhall chalybeate soring. (Annals of philosophy. London, 1818. 8°. v. 12, p. 91-101.) OA Scottish rivers. Glasgow: T. D. Morison, 1890. xii, (1)14-357 p. 12°. CPW Originally published serially in Tait's magazine. Laurie's new map of Scotland, drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. [London: Laurie, 1833.) 27 y x 40 in. Map Dept. Livingston, Colin. Cloud effects on Ben Nevis. 9 illus. (Good words. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. v. 40, p. 801-810.) * DA Lowering the level of Loch-Moy. (In- verness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1888]. 8°. v. 2, p. 114-119.) * EC Macbain, Alexander. Ptolemy's geog- raphy of Scotland. 1 map. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 18, p. 267-288.) NDO Macconnachie, G. W. The meteorology of Inverness for the last twenty years. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 221-229.) * EC M'Nab, James. Climatal changes in Scotland. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 101-107.) QEA MacRitchie, William. Meteorological journal kept at Clunie, Perthshire, for twelve years, from 1809 to 1820. (Wer- nerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 74-86.) PQA Map, A, of Scotland, drawn chiefly from the topographical surveys of Mr. John Ainslie, and from those of the late General Roy, &c. London: William Faden, 1807. 36 x 41^4 in. Map Dept. Mercator, Gerard. Atlas or a geo- graphicke description of the regions, coun- tries, and kingdomes of the world. . .trans- lated by Henry Hexham. Amsterdam: Henry Hondius and Iohn Iohnson, 1636. 2 v. f °. Map Dept. Scotland is described in v. 1, p. 71-80, with five ma I> S: (1) The general description and map of Scot- land; (2) The second map of Scotland, containing the southern part; (3) The third map showing the northern part; t4) The fourth describing the Isles of Orcades and Hethland; (5) The fifth containing tne provinces of Louden, or Lothien, with Linlitguo. — ~ Scotia. 3 maps. (In his: Atlas sive cosmographicse. Amsterodami: sumptibus & typis aeneis Judoci Hondij. 161(6j. 4. ed - f) Map Dept. j Th . e J, ast P rint ed figure of the date has been erased ana 6 inserted with a pen. Text on reverse of maps. 1021 Mill, Hugh Robert. The Clyde sea area 6 maps, 6 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh' *T«W».) Edlnbu ^ h . ^92. 4° A t .— The Clyde Sea area. Part m. Dis- tribution of temperature. 32 pi. (Roval VA™T ,? f ,o£ din ^ urgh - Transactions. Edinburgh, 1897. 4°. v. 38, p. 1-161 ) *EC Note on the salinity of the Tay estuary and of St. Andrews Bay. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 347-350.) * EC On the physical conditions of the water in the Clyde sea-area. 1 plan, illus. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. v. 18, p. 332-356.) * ec On the salinity of the water in the Firth of Forth. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 29-64.) * EC On the temperature of the water in the Firth of Forth, ^pl. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 157-167.) * EC Physical conditions of the Clyde sea area. (Geographical journal. Lon- don, 1894. 8°. v. 4, p. 344-349.) KAA Physiography [of the banks of the Tay]. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 33-40.) PQA The salinity and temperature of the Moray Firth and the firths of Inver- ness, Cromarty, and Dornoch. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 14, p. 250- 261.) *EC Mill, Hugh Robert, and J. T. Morrison. On the tidal variation of salinity and tem- perature in the estuary of the Forth. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 790-799.) *EC Mill, Hugh Robert, and T. Morton Ritchie. On the physical conditions of rivers entering a tidal sea; from observa- tions on the Spey. 3 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 460-485.) * EC Miller, Hugh, the younger. On an ex- halation of gases, under singular circum- stances, from a bog near Strathpeffer. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 225-237.) * EC Milne, John. Observations on the tidal currents at Leith; with plans for the im- provement of the port, &c. Edinburgh: the author, 1835. 31 p., 1 map 8°. VDNA p. box 1022 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geography, Physical Geography, etc., cont'd. Morrison, J. T. See under Mill, Hugh Robert, and J. T. Morrison. Mort, Frederick, and John Frew. The southern Highlands from Gourock. (Scot- tish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 435-438.) KAA See also under Frew, John, and Frederick Mort. Mossman, Robert Cockburn. The mete- orology of Edinburgh. 8 pi. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1897-1905. 4°. v. 38, p. 681-755; v. 39, p. 63-207. v. 40, p. 469-509.) * EC Results of meteorological observa- tions taken at Edinburgh during 1892- 1900. (Royal Physical Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894- 1902. 8°. v. 12, p. 76-86, 336-349; v. 13, p. 75-86, 194-204, 328-336; v. 14, p. 1-13, 127-137, 299-310, 395-402.) * EC Wintering on Ben Nevis. (Cham- bers's journal. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°, se- ries 5, v. 11, p. 353-356.) * DA Murray, James. See under Chrystal, George, and James Murray. Murray, John. An analysis of the min- eral waters of Dunblane and Pitcaithly; with general observations on the analysis of mineral waters . . . (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1815. 4°. v. 7, p. 445-493.) * EC Lengthy extracts from this essay with comments are published in Edinburgh medical and surgical journal, v. 12, p. 320-329, 1816. (Annals of philosophy. Lon- don, 1815. 8°. v. 6, p. 256-269, 347-363.) OA Murray, John. On the temperature of the salt and fresh water lochs of the west of Scotland at different depths and sea- sons, during the year 1887 and 1888. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 18, p. 139- 228.) * EC Murray, Sir John, and Frederick P. Pul- lar. A bathymetrical survey of the fresh- water lochs of Scotland, maps, illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1900-08. 8°. v. 16, p. 193-225; v. 17, p. 113-126, 169-175; v. 19, p. 449-479, 561- 580; v. 20, p. 1-31, 169-195, 449-459, 628- 634; v. 21, p. 199-207, 466-477; v. 22, p. 355- 362, 407-419, 459-470; v. 23, p. 346-358; v. 24, p. 187-193, 238-254, 291-310.) KAA On the death of Frederick P. Pullar in 1901, his place was taken as joint author by his father Lau- rence Pullar. 1. The lochs of the Trossachs and Callander dis- trict. 2. The remaining lochs of the Forth basin. 3. The lochs of the Tay basin. 4. Lochs of the Assynt district. 5. Lochs of the Morar basin. 6. Lochs of the Ewe basin. 7. Lochs of the Shiel dis- trict. 8. Lochs of the Conon basin. 9. Lochs of the Shin basin. 10. Lochs of the Naver, Borgie, Kinloch, and Hope basins. 11. Lochs of the Beauty basin. 12. The lochs of the Lochy basin. 13. Lochs of the Ness basin. Neill, Patrick. Notice respecting a rer markable shower of hail which fell in Orkney on the 24th of July, 1818. 1 map. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1823. 4°. v. 9, p. 187- 199.) EC Oliver & Boyd's travelling map of Scot- land, with the distances on the great roads; upon a new and improved plan . . . Edin- burgh: Oliver & Boyd t 1822?j. 2 p.l., 10(1) p., 1 pi., 56 maps. 12°. Map Dept. Omond, Robert Traill, and Angus Ran- kin. The winds of Ben Nevis. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 4°. v. 36, p. 537-550.) *EC Ordnance Survey of Scotland. London: E. Stanford [1897-1904]. 27 x 21 in. 132 sheets. 1 inch to 1 mile. Map Dept. Orkney, Die, and Shetland Inseln. Nach Aufnahmen der Britischen Admiralitat und anderen Quellen von A. Petermann. Scale 1: 1,000,000. size 19.1 x 24.5 cm. (Peter- mann, Geographische Mittheilungen, Bd. 1, pi. 6. 1855.) KAA Ortelius, Abraham. Scotiae tabvla. (In his: Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. [no.] 10. rAntverpise: apud Christophorum Planti- num, 1584.] f°.) Map Dept. Text on front page of map. Otter, Henry C. On the tides in the Sound of Harris. 2 pi. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 272-274.) OA Poole, Reginald Lane. Historical atlas of modern Europe from the decline of the Roman empire... Oxford: Clarendon Press, c 1896]-1902. f°. Map Dept. The following maps relate to Scotland: no. 25. Scotland, c. 1300. By G. Gregory Smith; no. 26. Scot- land, showing the ecclesiastical organization in the middle ages. By G. Gregory Smith; no. 27. Scot- land, c. 1600. By G. Gregory Smith: no. 28. Scot- land, showing the principal clans and families, and also the parliamentary representation down to 1832. By Robert S. Rait. Principal roads through Scotland, from Edinburgh, Glasgow, &c...also, the popu- lation according to the parliamentary re- turns of 1811 and 1821... To which is prefixed a travelling map of Scotland. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1823. 38 p., 1 map. 2. ed. 16°. Map Dept. Privat-Deschanel, Paul. Les influences geographiques dans la repartition dela population en ficosse. (Societe de geo- graphie de Lyon. Bulletin. Lyon, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 545-559.) KAA — — The influence of geography on the distribution of the population of Scotland. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1902. 8°. v. 18, p. 577-587.) KAA Pullar, Frederick P. See under Murray, Sir John, and Frederick P. Pullar. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1023 Geography, Physical Geography, etc., cont'd. Rait, Robert Sangster. See under Poole, Reginald Lane. Rankin, Angus. See under Omond, Robert Traill, and Angus Rankin. Richardson, Ralph. A comparison of the climate of Edinburgh and Bourne- mouth. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. S17-S24.) KAA The influence of the natural fea- tures and geology of Scotland on the Scot- tish people. (Scottish geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 24, p. 449- 464). KAA Notes on the flood which occurred in the river Tweed and its tributaries on 21st September 1891: with observations on the terraces of the river Tweed and other Scottish rivers. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 246-248.) PTA Abstract. On the connection between geol- ogy, meteorology, and agriculture, as illustrated by the leading districts of Scot- land. 1 table. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 251-263.) PTA Ritchie, John. The horizon from Corsie- hill. 1 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 245-248.) PQA Ritchie, T. Morton. See under Mill, Hugh Robert, and T. Morton Ritchie. Rivers, The, of Scotland. 1 pi. (Pin- nock's guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 299-301.) OA Scotland and geographical work. (Scot- tish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 1, p. 17-25.) KAA Scotland with its islands drawn from the topographical surveys of John Ainslie. London: James Wyld, 1832. 30 x 20 in. Map Dept. Scottish Meteorological Society. Jour- nal of the. . .society, series 3, v. 9, no. 8 (1891); v. 11, no. 15-16 (1900); v. 16, no. 29-30 (1911-12). Edinburgh, 1891-[1912,. 4°. PRA Shearer, John E. The evolution of the map of Scotland, maps, illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 21, p. 289-301, 532-539.) KAA Old maps and map-makers of Scot- land. Stirling: R. S. Shearer & Son, 1905. vi p., 1 1., 86 p., 3 maps. 4°. Map-Dept. Sinclair, W. J. H. The weather and cli- mate of Peterhead. 1 map. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8, 1904-05, p. 57-86.) CPA Skinner, Andrew. See under Taylor George, and Andrew Skinner. Smith George Gregory. See under Poole, Reginald Lane. Smith, Robert Angus. The mud of the Clyde. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow Proceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v 12 p. 321-338.) * E c Smyth, Charles Piazzi. Mean Scottish meteorology for the last thirty-two years, discussed for annual cycles, as well as super-annual curves; on the basis of the observations of the Scottish Meteorologi- cal Society; as furnished to, and published by, the register-general of births, deaths, &c, in Scotland, after being computed for that officer at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. In three parts. (Royal Soci- ety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1890. 4°. v. 35, p. 185-285.) * EC Stark, James. Notes to Captain Otter's paper on the tides in the Sound of Harris. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 274-276.) OA On the fall of rain in Scotland dur- ing the year 1857... and on the causes which appear to influence the deposit of rain in different localities. (Royal Scot- tish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1861. 8°. v. 5, p. 63-75.) VA Stewart, John, the younger. Notes on changes in the Highland district of Appin on Tayside. (Scottish geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 27, p. 281- 291, 359-368.) KAA Survey of Scottish lakes. 3 illus. (Na- ture. London, 1907. 4°. v. 75, 470-472.) OA Tait, W. A. See under Blyth, B. Hall, and W. A. Tait. Tarr, Ralph Stockman. The Scottish Highlands. (American Geographical So- ciety. Bulletin. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 40, p. 739-744.) KAA Taylor, Andrew. Note on an artesian spring, which has lately appeared on the banks of the Almond, near Wester Whit- burn, Linlithgowshire. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1858. 8°. v. 1, p. 396-398.) * EC Taylor, George, and Andrew Skinner. Taylor and Skinner's survey and maps of the roads of North Britain or Scotland London: D. Wilson & G. Nicol ,1776. 2 p.L, 61 maps. 7 x 18 in. Map Dept. Thomas, Frederick William Leopold. Analysis of the Ptolemaic geography ot Scotland. 1 pi. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 198-225.) CPA 1024 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Geography, Physical Geography, etc., cont'd. Thomson, Andrew. Chemistry of the Tay water. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 82-96.) PQA Thomson, Gilbert. Above the snow-line in Scotland. 4 pi. (Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1894. 8°. v. 25, p. 98-107.) *EC Thomson, William. On the reduction of observation of underground tempera- ture; with application to Professor Forbes' Edinburgh observations, and the continued Calton Hill series. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1861. 4°. v. 22, p. 405-439.) * EC Tirion, Isaak. Nieuwe en beknopte hand-atlas... te Amsterdam: I. Tirion [1744-69,. f°. MapDept. [no. 15.] Nieuwe Kaart van't Noorder Gedeelte van Groot Britannie behelzende het Koningryk Schot- land. Te Amsterdam by Isaak Tirion. 14 J /i x 12 in. Inset: Eilanden van Hitland [and] Orcadische Eilanden. Tocher, James Fowler. The springs and wells of Peterhead. 4 tables. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 129-141.) CPA Travelling, A, map of Scotland copied from a map accompanying the reports of a parliamentary commission for making roads in the Highlands of Scotland, n. p., 1813. 15x21^ in. MapDept. Travelling, A, map of Scotland includ- ing all the new and intended roads, bridges, and canals, taken from the latest and best authorities. Edinburgh: T. Brown, 1806. 23J4 x 29^ in. Map Dept. Trigonometrical survey of Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°. v. 12, p. 269-282.) VPA Visitor's map [of a part of Scotland with maps of Glasgow and Edinburgh]. [Glas- gow?] J. and D. MacGregor [18 — ?]. 10 in. x 14 in. folded 24°. Stuart 8943 Wallace, Thomas D. The basin of the Beauly. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 1, p. 538-547.) KAA Watson, W. See under Wedderburn, Ernest Maclagan, and W. Watson. Webster, Hugh A. Mountains, lakes, rivers, and islands [Of Scotland]. (In: Ord- nance gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 11-15.) tCPW Position, boundaries, extent, and area [Of Scotland]. (In: Ordnance gazet- teer of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 1-3.) f CPW What has been done for the geog- raphy of Scotland and what remains to be done. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 1, p. 487-496.) KAA Wedderburn, Ernest Maclagan. Current observations in Loch Garry. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1910. 8°. v. 30, p. 312-323.) *EC An experimental investigation of the temperature changes occurring in fresh water lochs, illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 38, p. 2-20.) * EC Investigation of temperature dis- tribution in Loch Earn, illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. 76-89.) KAA Seiches observed in Loch Ness. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 25- 26.) * EC Abstract. The temperature of the fresh-water lochs of Scotland, with special reference to Loch Ness. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 27, p. 14-15.) * EC With appendix containing ob- servations made in Loch Ness by members of the Scottish Lake Survey. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1908. 4°. v. 45, p. 407-489.) *EC Temperature observations in Loch Earn. With a further contribution to the hydrodynamical theory of the tempera- ture seiche. 6 tables. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1913. 4°. v. 48, p. 629-695.) * EC Temperature observations in Loch Garry (Inverness-shire). With notes on currents and seiches. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8 C . v. 29, p. 98-135.) * EC See also under Chrystal, George, and E. M. Wedderburn. Wedderburn, Ernest Maclagan, and W. Watson. Observations with a current meter in Loch Ness. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 29, p. 619-647.) * EC Wesenberg-Lund, C. A comparative study of the lakes of Scotland and Den- mark. 2 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 401-448.) *EC Wragge, Clement L. Watching the weather on Ben Nevis. illus. (Good words. London, 1882. 8°. 1882, p. 343- 347, 377-385.) *DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1025 Botany See also under Geology and Palaeontology Transactions Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings, v. 1-25 (1840- 1911). Edinburgh, 1840-1911. 8°. QEA v. 1-11 have title: Transactions. Merged in Scottish botanical review in 1912. Grieve, Symington. Notes from the arch- ives of the Botanical Society on its origin, history, and privileges. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 194- 220.) QEA Caledonian Horticultural Society. Com- munications read at the general meeting 1st March 1849. ( n. p., 1849?) 17 p. 8°. VQA Title-page wanting. Memoirs, v. 1-3, 5, no. 1. Edin- burgh, 1814-32. 8°. VQA Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. Transactions, v. 14-date (1895-date). Edin- burgh, 1894-date. 8°. VQN General Works Allan, John. Report on a visit to Apple- cross by the members of the summer camp, 1886. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 117-121.) QEA Anderson, Peter John. The teaching of botany in Aberdeen, 1778-1860. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 177-179.) CPA Archibald, Stewart. List of a few ferns and fern-varieties collected chiefly in the parish of Kilmalcolm, Renfrewshire, 1881- 82. (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 78-80.) PQA Fortrose and Rosemarkie. Notes on the geology, botany, and antiquities of the district. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 322-328.) PQA Notes on the topography and flora of Strathdearn. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 161-164.) PQA Babington, Charles Cardale. See under Balfour, John Hutton, and Charles C. Bab- ington. Balfour, John Hutton. Account of botan- ical excursions in the island of Arran dur- ing August and September, 1869. (Botan- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 355-365.) QEA Botany of the Bass. 1 pi. (I n - The Bass Rock... Edinburgh, 1848 8° P- 409-431.) Stuart 7543 Notes of a botanical excursion to the Breadalbane mountains in July, 1871. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1873. 8°. v. 11, p. 353-356.) QEA Notes of an excursion made by the Scottish Botanical Alpine Club to the Aberdeenshire and Forfarshire mountains in August, 1874. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 204-207.) QEA Notice of botanical excursions made to different parts of Scotland in 1875. (Botanical Society. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 448-450.) QEA Notice of botanical excursions in the Highlands of Scotland during the au- tumn of 1867. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 293- 300.) QEA Notice of a botanical trip to Moffat in August, 1856. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 5, p. 166-169.) QEA Notice of Hieracium stoloniflorium, Waldst, and Kit.; H. glomeratum, Fr.; and H. praeltum, Vill.; as occurring in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 316-318.) QEA Notice of the occurrence of Sagina nivalis (Lindblom), on Ben Lawers. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1866. 8°. v. 8, p. 54-55.) QEA Short account of a botanical trip in the island of Arran, with pupils, in 1857. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 3-6.) QEA See also under White, F. B., and J. H. Balfour. Balfour, John Hutton, and Charles C. Babington. Account of a botanical excur- sion to Skye and the Outer Hebrides; dur- ing the month of August, 1841. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 133-144.) Q EA A catalogue of the plants gathered in the islands of North Uist, Harris, and Lewis during a botanical excursion in the month of August, 1841. (Botanical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844. 8 . v. 1, p. 145-154.) Q EA 1026 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. Ballantyne, J. List of Bute plants. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 219-226.) PQA ■ Occurrence of Cladium germani- cum, Schrad., in Bute. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new ser- ies, v. 4, p. 167-168.) PQA Barclay, G. W. W. On some algoid lake- balls found in South Uist. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 13, p. 845-848.) * EC Cladophora glomerata. Barclay, William. Additions to the flora of the Woody Island in 1888. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 102-104.) • PQA An August ramble on the Forfar- shire coast of the Tay. (Perthshire So- ciety of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 45- 52.) PQA Flora of the left bank of the Tay between Perth and Glencarse. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Trans- actions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 245-255.) PQA Flora of the right bank of the Tay, between Perth and the mouth of the Earn. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 123-134.) PQA The flora of the Woody Island. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 30-44.) . PQA The riverside marshes between Er- rol and Invergowrie. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 58- 62.) PQA Bell, William, and John Sadler. Notice of grimmias, collected on Arthur's Seat, near Edinburgh. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 432-435.) QEA Notice of mosses collected in ex- cursions round Edinburgh in 1869. (Botan- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 251-253.) QEA Bennett, Arthur. Additions to the Scot- tish flora during 1887, with a resume of the year's work. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 178-183.) QEA Atriplex calotheca, Fries, as a Scot- tish species. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 18-19.) QEA Carex aquatilis, Wahlb., and its Scottish forms. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 86-90.) QEA Carex helvola, Blytt, in Scotland. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 361-362.) QEA Notes on the flora of the Outer Hebrides. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 37- 41.) PQA Notes on the records of Scottish plants during 1888. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 417-420.) QEA Notes on the records of Scottish plants during 1889. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 254-256.) QEA Notes on the records of Scottish plants for 1891. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 253-255.) QEA On Calamagrostis strigosa (Hart- man) as a British plant, and two carex forms new to Scotland. (Botanical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 313-316.) QEA On the occurrence of Calamagrostis stricta, var. borealis, Hartm., in Scotland. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 416-417.) QEA Orobanche cruenta, Bertoloni, in Scotland. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 585-586.) QEA Records of Scottish plants in 1890. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 75-77.) QEA Bishop, Thomas. Report on the intro- duction of certain new forest trees into the cultivation of Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Prize essays and transactions. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. v. 11, p. 121-124.) VPA Booth, David. Account of orchards in the neighbourhood of Newburgh, Fife. (Caledonian Horticultural Society. Mem- oirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 81-87.) VQA Bower, Frederick O. Notes on botany in the University of Glasgow in the 18th century. 3 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 122-136.) PQA Boyd, D. A. Additional notes on the peronosporeae and ustilaginese of north Ayrshire. (Natural History Society of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1027 Botany, continued. General Works, continued. Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 161-162.) PQA Bryum Duvalii, Voit., in Lanark- shire. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 218-219.) PQA Microfungi observed at Bavelaw Castle. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 196.) PQA — r- Microfungi observed in Islay. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 119-121.) PQA Micro-fungi observed near Kilmar- nock, Ayrshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 159- 160.) PQA Microfungi observed near Kirk- caldy and Fushiebridge. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6. p. 342-343.) PQA Microfungi observed at Traquair and Roslin. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 149-152.) PQA Mycological notes. (Glasgow nat- uralist. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 92-96.) PQA Notes on the flora of West Kilbride and Ardrossan. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 241-245.) PQA Notes on fungi from West Kilbride, Ayrshire. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 77-78.) PQA 1. The Jew's-ear (Hirneola auriculajudae, Berk.). 2. The scarlet cup- fungus (Lachnea coccinea, Jacq.). Notes on mosses from West Kil- bride, Ayrshire. (Edinburgh Field Nat- uralists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 96-97.) * PQA . Notes on the occurrence of Helo- tium marchantias, Berk., in Ayrshire. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8 . new series, v. 3, p. 272-273.) PQA Notes on some of the plants of the Clyde district. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 151- 156.) PQA - — Occurrence at Ardrossan of the corky-scab potato disease, Spongospora scabies (Berk.) Mass. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 82-85.) PQA ■ The peronosporea of north Ayr- shire. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p 28-30 ) PQA Sclerotinia baccarum, Rehm, and its allies. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8" new series, v. 8, p. 149-153.) PQA Some recent additions to the fun- gus-flora of the Clyde area. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 1 d 110-115.) pqa' The ustilagineae of north Ayrshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 24-27.) PQA West Kilbride and the north Ayr- shire coast. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 108-116.) PQA With the Cryptogamic Society of Scotland at Inverary. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 143- 146.) PQA See also under King, Thomas, and D. A. Boyd. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Fauna, flora, and geology of the Clyde area. Edited by G. F. S. Elliot, M. Laurie, and J. B. Murdoch. Glasgow: the local committee, 1901. x p., 1 1., 568 p. 8°. PQR Binder's title reads: Handbook on the natural his- tory of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. Brook, George. Notes on the salmon disease in the Esk and Eden. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1879.- 8°. v. 13, p. 389-394.) QEA Caused by Saprolegnia ferax. Brown, George W. Chemical examina- tion of drift-weed kelp from Orkney. (Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. v. 53, p. 250-264.) OA Brown, John. See under Drummond, Thomas, and others. Brown, Robert. Remarks on the flora of Caithness. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 7, p. 8- 10.) Q^A Sketches of Caithness and its bot- any, with a list of the phanerogamous plants and ferns. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 328- 329.) QEA 1028 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. Bruce, George. On the best mode of cultivating grass in Scotland under rota- tion. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. series 4, v. 7, p. 137-149.) VPA Buchan, Alexander. Notice of a tree found in a peat moss in the island of Shap- insay, Orkney. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. v. 8, p. 399-400.) QEA Burkill, J. H. See under Willis, J. C, and J. H. Burkill. Cameron, John. The Gaelic names of plants (Scottish, Irish, and Manx), col- lected and arranged in scientific order, with notes on their etymology, uses, plant superstitions, etc., among the Celts, with copious Gaelic, English, and scientific in- dices. Glasgow: John Mackay, 1900. xv, 160 p., 1 port, new ed. rev. 8°. QEC Campbell, Alexander. The botany of a railway station. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 87-91.) PQA Burntisland, Fifeshire. Christison, David. Observations on the annual increase in girth of trees in the Royal Botanic Garden, and at Craigiehall, near Edinburgh. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 245-275, 390-410.) QEA On the monthly increase in girth of trees at the Royal Botanic Garden, and at Craigiehall, near Edinburgh. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 51-64.) QEA The size, age, and rate of girth- increase attained by trees of the chief spe- cies in Britain, particularly in Scotland. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 455-535.) QEA Christison, Sir Robert. The exact meas- urement of trees. — The yew tree. The Fortingall yew. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. v. 13, p. 410-435.) QEA Note on a station for Primula veris in Coldingham Bay, Berwickshire. (Bot- anical Society. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 46-48.) QEA Notice of a crab apple tree of unus- ual size at Kelloe, Berwickshire. (Bo- tanical Society. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 186-187.) QEA Notice of a tree struck by lightning. 2 pi. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 497-502.) QEA On the Dean Road, Edinburgh. Clark, T. B. See under Drummond, Thomas, and others. Coates, Henry. The woodlands of Perth- shire. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. lix-lxiv.) PQA Coats, William. Report on a visit to Glenure by the members of the summer camp. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 237-242.) QEA Cocks, Llewellyn J. Notes on the mosses and hepatics. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 61-62.) QEA Collected in Ross-shire. Supplementary report on mosses. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 41-45.) QEA Gathered in Perthshire. Craib, William Grant. The flora of Banffshire. Aberdeen: the university, 1912. 2 p.l., Ill p. sq. 8°. (Aberdeen University studies, v. 54.) Craig, William. Excursion of the Scot- tish Alpine Botanical Club to Glen Spean and Pitlochrie in 1886. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 65-73.) QEA Excursion of the Scottish Alpine Botanical Club to Sutherland and Caith- ness. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 372-380.) QEA Craig-Christie, Alexander. Notes of a botanical excursion to Shetland in 1868. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 165-170, 254-256.) QEA Crawford, F. C. On the first recorded occurrence of Chara baltica in Scotland. 1 illus. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 13.) QEA Crawford, J. H. The wild flora of Scot- land. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1895. 8°. v. 278, p. 397-406.) * DA Davidson, George. On a diatomaceous deposit in the district of Cromar, Aber- deenshire. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 65-66.) QEA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1029 Botany, continued. General Works, continued. Dickie, George. Notes on the altitudinal range of the mosses in Aberdeenshire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1846. 8°. v. 2, p. 277-282.) QEA On the forest and other trees of Aberdeenshire. [Edinburgh, 1843.) 34 p. 8 «, * C p.v.1047 Repr. : Quarterly journal of agriculture, March, 1843. Don, David. Description of several new or rare native plants, found in Scotland. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. v. 3, p. 294-305.) PQA On the varieties of the Pinus sil- vestris, or Scots fir. (Caledonian Horti- cultural Societv. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1814. 8°. v. 1, p. 121-127.) VQA Druce, G. Claridge. Artemisia stelleri- ana, Boss, in Scotland. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 307- 313.) QEA Contributions towards a flora of west Ross. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 20, p. 112-171.) QEA Drummond, Thomas, and others. Local- ities for plants near Edinburgh (1872), by Thomas Drummond, T. B. Clark, and John Brown. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 11, p. 470-474.) QEA Duncan, Andrew. A discourse read at a meeting of the Caledonian Horticultural Society, 10th March 1818. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1818. 16 p., 1 plan. 8°. * C p.v.425 A discourse read at the annual elec- tion meeting of the Caledonian Horticul- tural Society. . .upon delivering the prize medal for the most important communi- cation made to the society during the year 1822, to Mr. Walter Henderson for his memoir on the "Culture of orange trees in Scotland." Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1823. 16, 20, 12 p. 8°. * C p.v.457 Includes: Alphabetical list of the ordinary mem- bers of the Caledonian Horticultural Society. Jan- uary, 1823. Dunn, Malcolm. Forestry in Scotland in the reign of Queen Victoria. (Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. IS, p. 109-132.) VQN Evans, Arthur H. The flora of the Fen- land, as compared with that of the bogs, marches, and mosses of Scotland. (Botani- cal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 164-170.) QEA Evans, William. Further records of flowering-plants (phanerogams) and ferns t TJ h , e Isl ? °f Ma y- (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- 'iof\' Edmbur g h > 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 181- 184.) QEA ——On the occurrence of Zostera nana, Koth, in the Firth of Forth. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh 1889 8°. v. 17, p. 415-416.) QEA On the riccise of the Edinburgh dis- trict. 1 pi. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 285-288.) QEA Some mosses and hepatics from the Isle of May. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 384-351.) QEA Some further mosses and hepatics from the Isle of May. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 91- 93.) QEA Ewing, Peter. A contribution to the topographical botany of the west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890-97. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 309-321; v. 4, p. 199-214.) PQA The flora of Ben Laoigh. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1884. 8°. v. 5, p. 274-288.) PQA The hepaticae of the Clyde area. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 52-58.) PQA On Juncus tenuis, Willdenow, as a Scottish plant. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 166-169.) PQA On some Scandinavian forms of Scottish Alpine plants. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new se- ries, v. 2, p. 111-114.) PQA On two new forms of carex. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 237-238.) PQ A 1. Carex saxatilis, Linn., forma glomerate mihi. 2. Carex saxatilis Linn., forma intermedia mini. Second [and third] contribution to the topographical botany of the west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. J, p. 159-165.) pyA 1030 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. A week at Glen Shee. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceed- ings and transactions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 157-162.) PQA Farquharson, James. Notes on, Carex punctata and other plants found in the par- ish of Colvend, Kirkcudbrightshire. (Bo- tanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. v. 11, p. 478-481.) QEA Notes of a visit to Strath Glass and its tributary glens. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 474-479.) QEA Farquharson, James. Of Scottish pines. (In: T. Pennant, A tour in Scotland. Lon- don, 1776. 4. ed. 4°. v. 1, p. 283-286.) fCPW Farquharson, Mrs. Ferns and mosses of the Alford district. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceed- ings. Perth, 1890. 8°. L 1889,] p. 29-34.) PQA Ferguson, D. Notes on alien plants found near Paisley. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 28-30.) PQA Fergusson, John. Mosses indigenous to Forfarshire not included in the flora of Forfarshire. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 24S-2S1.) QEA Fish, David Sydney. Notes on the rarer woodland plants of Scotland. 4 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 78-86.) PQA Some features of interest in Scot- tish mountain plants. 4 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 242-258.) PQA Forbes, Arthur C. On establishing an experimental forest area in Scotland, for instruction in the theory and practice of scientific forestry. (Royal Scottish Ar- boricultural Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 155-178.) VQN Fortescue, William Irvine. Notes on the flora of the Orkneys. (In: J. R. Tudor, The Orkneys and Shetland... London, 1883. 8°. p. 219-222.) CR Fraser, Thomas. List of flowering plants found in the parish of Croy. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 396- 408.) * EC Fruit culture in Scotland. Apple trees. (Chambers's Journal. Edinburgh, 1894. 4°. series 5, v. 11, p. 481-483.) * DA Fulton, James. List of mosses found on the Sidlaw Hills. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings Perth, 1895. 8°. 1891-95, p. 12-19.) PQA Gammell, Sydney J. Scotch forestry: its economic aspect. (Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glas- gow, 1912. 8°. v. 43, p. 46-55.) * EC Gardiner, William. Account of two botanical visits to the Reeky Linn and Den of Airly, Forfarshire, in April and June, 1842. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 182-184.) QEA Gibson, Alexander H. The phanero- gamic flora of St. Kilda. (Botanical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 155-158.) QEA Gibson, R. J. Harvey. Preliminary list of the marine algae of the Oban district. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. v. 3, p. 224-238.) PQA Gilchrist, Andrew. On the treatment and management of oak coppice in Scot- land. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 118-132.) VPA Gilmour, Thomas F. Occurrence of the water betony (Scrophularia aquatica, L.) in Islay. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 219.) PQA Gorrie, Archibald. Some account of a remarkable spruce fir tree in the woods at Braco Castle, Perthshire. (Magazine of natural history. London, 1829. 8°. v. 2, p. 173-175.) PQA Gourlay, W. Balfour. Trees on the Dawyck estate. 6 pi. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 338- 341.) QEA Graham, Robert. Account of botanical excursions from Edinburgh in autumn 1839. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. v. 1, p. 19-26.)QEA Notice of botanical excursions into the Highlands of Scotland from Edinburgh, 1833. (Edinburgh new philosophical jour- nal. Edinburgh, 1833. 8°. v. 15, p. 358- 361.) OA Gray, Archibald. A list of plants ob- served in west Sutherland (108) ; with notes on the flora, by Lionel W. Hinxman. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 220-237.) QEA Gregorson, David. Notes on the algae of the Kildonan shore, Arran. (Natural LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1031 Botany, continued. General Works, continued.. History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1887. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 170-173.) PQA Greville, Robert Kaye. A description of a new species of grimmia found in Scot- land. 1 pi- (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 87-90.) PQA A description of two new plants of the order alga?, found in Scotland. 1 pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Me- moirs. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 213- 217.) PQA Descriptions of seven new Scottish fungi. 1 pi. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 67-73.) PQA Report on a collection of diato- maces made in the district of Braemar by Professor Balfour and Air. George Lawson. 1 pi. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 5, p. 45-54.) QEA Scottish cryptogamic flora, or col- oured figures and descriptions of crypto- gamic plants belonging chiefly to the order fungi... Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stew- art, 1823-28. 6 v. 8°. QET Contains 360 colored plates. Grieve, David. Dredging notes from the Bay of Rothesay. (Natural Hiatory So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 45-56.) PQA Grieve, John, and David Robertson. On the marine zoology and botany of Loch Ryan, Bay of Luce, and Portpatrick, from observations made during a recent excur- sion. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 21-36.) PQA Grieve, Symington. Botany [Of Scot- land]. (In: Ordnance gazetteer of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. v. 6, General survey, p. 62-70.) t CPW List of hepatics and mosses col- lected in the island of Rum, Hebrides, during July, 1884. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 111-114.) QEA Note on the westward migration of the flora and reptilian fauna of the Eu- ropean continent, as evidenced on the main- land of Scotland, some of the southern Hebrides, and Ireland. (Edinburgh Nat- uralists' Field Club. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 166-172.) PQA Notes on the flora of Colonsay and Oransay, with list of plants collected in July, 1879. (Botanical Society of Edin- ^v S u J r ?oo? Ctl ? ns and Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 14, p. 66-73, 219- ^ 4 - > QEA Notes on the flora of the islands of Vi°o «5 ay an o d o 0ra nsay. [Edinburgh, 1883., 219-224 p. 8°. * c p-v 69() Reprint of preceding. — — Notes on the flora of Rum, one of the Hebrides. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v 16 n 487-490.) V - q' ea - Statistics of the topographical bot- any of Scotland, with suggestions as to further work. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v 16 o 99-105.) qea Hardy, M. Botanical survey of Scotland. 1 col'd map. (Scottish geographical mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 229- 241.) KAA Hayward, Ida M. Tweedside alien plants. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 38-44.) QEA Howie, Charles. Notes on the flora of Fife and Kinross. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 20, p. 39-40.) QEA Notes on some new and rare mosses gathered in Ross-shire and Inverness- shire in July, by Mr. Charles Jenner and Mr. Charles Howie. 1 pi. (Botanical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 312-316.) . QEA With drawings and descriptions by Prof. Schimp- fer. Notice of mosses found in Fifeshire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1863. 8°. v. 7, p. 582-583.) QEA Notice of mosses found by Mr. Charles Jenner and Mr. Charles Howie in Inverness-shire and Ross-shire, in July, 1868. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 67-71.) QEA Howie, Charles, and Charles Jenner. Notice of a new carduus gathered during a botanical visit to Ross-shire. (Botani- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 257-265.) QEA Hunt, George M. Notes on the rarer mosses of Perthshire and Braemar. (Lit- erary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester. Memoirs. London, 1871. 8 . series 3, v. 4, p. 314-321.) * EC Hutchison, Robert. Notes on the effects of the late frost on trees and shrubs at Carlowrie and neighbourhood. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 253-2580^ 1032 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. The old and remarkable elm trees in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. series 4, v. IS, p. 70-87.) VPA The old and remarkable horse chestnut trees in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. series 4, v. 16, p. 184-195.) VPA The old and remarkable lime trees in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8°. series 4, v. IS, p. 88-101.) VPA The old and remarkable walnut trees in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1884. 8°. series 4, v. 16, p. 196-207.) VPA On the Abies albertiana, and its value for planting in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. ser- ies 4, v. 12, p. 172-180.) VPA On the old and remarkable ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior) in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. series 4, v. 12, p. 129-149.) VPA On the old and remarkable beeches (Fagus sylvatica) in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. ser- ies 4, v. 13, p. 174-197.) VPA On the old and remarkable oaks (Quercus pedunculata et sessiliflora), in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural So- ciety of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1881. 8°. series 4, v. 13, p. 198-225.) VPA On the old and remarkable Span- ish chestnuts (Castanea vesca) in Scot- land. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. series 4, v. 11, p. 43-71.) VPA On the old and remarkable syca- mores in Scotland. (Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. series 4, v. 12, p. 150- 171.) VPA On the varieties of poplar best suited to the climate of Scotland. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 3, p. 129-134.) VPA The Picea grandis, and its probable suitability as a timber tree in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. series 4, v. 15, p. 42-49.) VPA The Pinus insignis, and its value for planting in Scotland. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. series 4, v. 14, p. 54-65.) VPA The Tay bridge gale of 28th De- cember 1879, and the destruction caused thereby to woods and trees. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. se- ries 4, v. 14, p. 81-87.) VPA Jenher, Charles. See under Howie, Charles, and Charles Jenner. Johnstone, John Thorburn. Notes on the flora of the Moffat district for 1890. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 28-29.) QEA Notes on the flora of the Moffat district for 1891. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 226-229.) • QEA — — Notes on recent additions to the flora of the Moffat district. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 445-446.) QEA Report on the botany of the Mof- fat district for 1892. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 581- 582.) QEA Keddie, William. Notice of a botanical trip to Ben Lawers and Schihallion in Sep- tember, 1860. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 7, p. 202-207.) QEA King, Mark. Notes on the flora of the shores of the Firth of Forth. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 202-205.) PQA Veronicas in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 300-303.) PQA King, Thomas, and D. A. Boyd. List of fungi, &c, observed at Kilmahew, Finlay- stone, and West Kilbride. (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new se- ries, v. 4, p. 61-68.) PQA Report on the disappearance of native plants. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 44- 48.) PQA Kirk, Robert. Notice of stations for rare plants near Edinburgh. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 248-250.) QEA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1033 Botany, continued. General Works, continued. Landsborough, David. Additional note on the occurrence of Trichomanes radi- cans in Scotland. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 39.) QEA Australian and New Zealand trees in Arran. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 21- 29.) Q EA Australian and other foreign trees and plants in Arran — all unprotected. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 20, p. 509-531.) QEA A Campbeltown palm-lily (Cordy- line australis). (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 60-62.) PQA The extra-tropical trees of Arran. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 136-157.) QEA Growth of half-hardy plants on the east coast of Arran. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 105-108.) QEA Notes on the growth of some Aus- tralian plants in Arran. (Botanical So- ciety. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 494-497.) QEA Pyrus aria and its varieties in Arran. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 56-62.) QEA Report of half-hardy plants grow- ing on the east coast of Arran. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 390-396.) QEA A west of Scotland garden: Ach- nashie, Rosneath, 1906. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 291- 304.) QEA Lawson, George. Notice of a few plants collected in the vicinity of Stirling in Au- gust, 1857. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 73- 74.) * QEA Lewis, Francis J. The plant remains in the Scottish peat-mosses. 1 map, 13 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1906-09. 4°. v. 41, p. 699-723; v. 45, p. 335-360; v. 46, p. 33-70.) *EC 1. The Scottish southern uplands. 2. The Scottish Highlands. 3. The Scottish Highlands and the Shet- land Islands. Lindsay, John. On yews, with special reference to the Fortingall yew. (Edin- burgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 218- 227.) p QA Ormiston Hall: its yew tree and other antiquities. (Edinburgh Field Nat- uralists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2 p 30- 41.) p QA A rare British freshwater alga. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Mi- croscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 310-316.) PQA Oscillatoria prolifica from Haining Loch, Selkirk. Lindsay, John. See also under Scott, Thomas, and John Lindsay. Lindsay, William Lauder. On the lichen- flora of druidical stones in Scotland. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 154-162.) QEA Linton, E. F. Scottish utricularias. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 20, p. 110-112.) QEA Lovat (16. baron), Simon Joseph Fraser, and A. Stirling, of Keir. Afforestation in Scotland; forest survey of Glen Mor and a consideration of certain problems arising therefrom, 1911. Edinburgh: Royal Scot- tish Arboricultural Society, 1911. viii, 91 p., 3 maps. 8°. (Royal Scottish Arbori- cultural Society. Transactions, v. 25.) VQA Lowe, John. Notice of hepaticae found near Aberfeldy. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 5, p. 146-148.) QEA Macadam, William Ivison. A day's ram- ble in the northern part of the island of Arran, with notes on the geology and botany. (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 107-111.) PQA On the chemical composition of some samples of Scotch ensilage. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 477- 483.) * EC M'Andrew, James. Additional notes on the flora of Wigtownshire, with notes on Moffat and Kirkcudbrightshire plants. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 131_133 -/. . Botanical notes for 1895. — Wig- townshire. (Natural History Society ot Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4 p. 344-346.) PQA Botanical notes from Galloway for 1896. (Natural History Society of Was- 1034 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1900. 8°. new series, v'. S, p. 72-74.) PQA Botanical notes from Galloway for 1897-98. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. S, p. 321- 323.) PQA Botanical notes from Portpatrick, 1886. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 135-138.) PQA Botanical notes from Wigtown- shire and Kirkcudbrightshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 207-210.) PQA Botanical notes from Wigtown- shire, Kirkcudbrightshire, and Dumfries- shire in 1890. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 260- 263.) PQA The botanical rarities of a sub- alpine parish. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh,, 190S. 8°. v. 22, p. 166-169.) QEA Parish of Kells, Kirkcudbrightshire. A few riccias from the Pentlands. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 227-228.) PQA Two rare plants. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 66-67.) PQA 1. Juncus tenuis, Wild. 2. Pallavicinia flotowi- ana, (Nees) , Lindb. M'Call, James. Notes on some of the wild-flowers in the vicinity of Penicuik. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 337-341.) PQA M'Conachie, G. On the ferns, mosses, and lichens of Rerrick. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 168- 173.) QEA Macdonald, J. J. List of British ferns of the Comrie district. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 19.) PQA Macfarlane, George. Note on plant lo- calities in the seaward district of Berwick- shire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 26-28.) QEA Macfarlane, J. M. See under Watson, W., and J. M. Macfarlane. Macgillivray, William. Notice relative to two varieties of Nuphar lutea, found in a lake in Aberdeenshire. (Wernerian Nat- ural History Society. Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1822. 8°. v. 4, p. 186-189.) PQA Remarks on the phenogamic vege- tation of the river Dee, in Aberdeenshire. (Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. v. 6, p 539-556.) PQA M'Inroy, Mrs. Notice of mosses found in the neighbourhood of The Burn, near Brechin, Forfarshire. (Botanical Society! Transactions. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. V. 8 p. 109-110.) QEA M'Inroy, Miss, of Lude. Notice of mosses found near Blair-Athole, Perth- shire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. v. 8, p. 75-76.) QEA M'Kay, Richard, and John Renwick. Records of measurements of trees made in 1893 and 1894. 2 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 246-264.) PQA M'Keever, F. L. A contribution to the alga-flora of Mid-Lothian. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 354-372.) PQA Further note on the algae of the Elf Loch. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 372-374.) PQA Note on the algae of the Elf Loch. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 242.) PQA Mackenzie, D. F. On establishing an experimental forest area in Scotland, for instruction in the theory and practice of scientific forestry. (Royal Scottish Ar- boricultural Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 179-185.) VQN Mackenzie, Osgood H. Peat mosses. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Transactions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 146-151.) *EC Maclagan, D. P. Notice of plants found in the neighbourhood of Comrie, Perth- shire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 23-24.) QEA Macmillan, Hugh. The rare lichens of Glencroe. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 289-299.) QEA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1035 Botany, continued. General Works, continued. . . The plants on the summits of the Highland mountains. (Macmillan's maga- zine. Cambridge, 1863. 8°. v. 8, p. 311- 324.) * DA M'Nab, James. The Lochwood oaks in Annandale, Dumfriesshire. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 96-97.) QEA M'Nab, William. Hints on the planting and general treatment of hardy ever- greens, in the climate of Scotland. . . Ed- inburgh: T. Clark, 1830. 40 p. 8°. * C p.v. 370 Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1831. 40 p. 2. ed. 8°. VPE p.v.15 Macnair, Peter. The geological factors in the distribution of the Alpine plants of Perthshire. 1 illus. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 240- 249.) PQA Mactier, Dr. Note on Nubus idaeus var. Leesii, and notice of some plants from Inverness-shire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 15-17.) QEA Macvicar, Symers M. The distribution of hepaticae in Scotland. Edinburgh: printed for the Botanical Society, 1910. vi, 336 p. 8°. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings, v. 25.) QEA Hepaticae of Ben Lawers district. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 220-232.) QEA List of Arran hepaticas. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 2, p. 36- 43.) PQA Notes on the flora of west Inver- ness. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 173-185.) QEA On the comparative state of the flora of the west Highlands during the eighteenth century and at the present time. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 17-30.) QEA On some Coll and Tiree plants. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 55-57.) PQA Mahony, James A. Notes on the botany of the Windmillcroft beds. (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 159-165.) PQA Maughan, Robert. A list of the rarer plants observed in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh (Wernerian Natural Historv v So i: e p y 2i5 M i 4 n 8.T rs - Edinburgh ' i8ii P |- Meldrum, Robert H. Additional rare Perthshire mosses. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 232- <"«•) p QA Hypnum procerrimum, Molendo- a new British moss. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v 1 p 255- 257.) Found on Ben Lawers. PQA - — - Mnium ripanum, Mitt., in Scotland. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. J ransactions and proceedings. Perth 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 15-18.) S pqa A preliminary list of Perthshire mosses. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 227-239.) PQA Some localities for Perthshire plants. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 18-24.) PQA Some new Perthshire localities for rare mosses: (Perthshire Society of Nat- ural Science. Transactions and proceed- ings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 147-151.) PQA Menzies, James. The flora of Durdie and Arnbathie. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 6-10.) PQA Notes on certain Perthshire fungi. 2 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 175-184.) PQA Miles, Mary L. A ramble on the moor at Blair-Atholl. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 217- 223.) PQA Mitchell, Sir Arthur. Note on the ves- tiges of the forest of Cree in Galloway. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1865. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 20-29.) CPA Montgomery, John. [Flora and fauna of Peeblesshire.] (In: William Chambers, A history of Peeblesshire. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. p. 521-530.) CR Murray, Alexander. The northern flora; or, A description of the wild plants belonging to the north and east of Scot- land. With an account of their places of growth and properties. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1836. part 1. 8°. QFB Murray, Allister. A bryological excur- sion to Ben Lawers. (Edinburgh Field 1036 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 28-40.) PQA Grasses of the Lothians. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 6-9.) PQA A second bryological excursion to Ben Lawers. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 72- 77.) PQA With list of mosses collected in the neighbor- hood. Murray, James, and R. D. Wilkie. The mosses of Campsie Glen: a contribution towards a list of mosses of the west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 217-219.) PQA Nairne, David. Notes on Highland woods, ancient and modern. (Gaelic So- ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver- ness, 1892. 8°. v. 17, p. 170-221.) NDO Nasmyth, Sir John Murray. Notes on Pinus austriaca, &c, in Scotland. (Bo- tanical Society. Transactions and proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 232- 234.) QEA Neill, Patrick. Account of the Ayrshire rose. (Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 2, p. 102-107.) OA Nichol, William. Recent additions to the cryptogamic flora of Edinburgh. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 109-110.) QEA Nicolson, J. Greg. Some rare Caith- ness plants. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 41-45.) QEA Nisbet, Thomas. The plant-geography of Ardgoil. illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 27, p. 449-466.) KAA Niven, Walter N. On the distribution of certain forest trees in Scotland, as shown by the investigation of post-glacial deposits. 1 map. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 18, p. 24-29.) KAA Paul, David. Fungi observed in Glen Urquhart, Inverness-shire. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 20, p. 468-471.) QEA Peach, Charles William. On the fruc- tification of Griffithsia corallina, with a notice of the other algae found in Shet- land, not mentioned in Edmonston's Flora. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 377-378.) QEA Pearson, W. H. Discovery of Harpan- thus flotovianus in Scotland. 1 pi. (Bo- tanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh 1879. 8°. v. 13, p. 443-447.) QEA Ramsay, James. Notes on the injury done to vegetation by the severe frost of the 17th May 1871. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow 1876. 8°. v. 2, p. 169-174.) PQA On the distribution of the vascular plants of Britain, more particularly those of the east and west of Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 17-20.) PQA On some plants rare in the west of Scotland, observed during last sum- mer. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1878. 8°. v. 3, p. 41-42.) PQA Rattray, John. A diatomaceous deposit from North Tolsta, Lewis. 1 pi. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1888. 4°. v. 33, p. 419-441.) * EC The distribution of the marine algae of the Firth of Forth. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 420-466.) QEA The May island; its archaeology; its algoid flora; its phanerogams and higher cryptogams. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 115-121.) QEA • On the algae of Granton quarry. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 122-123.) QEA Remarks on the Flora Scotica of Dr. Hooker. (Edinburgh philosophical jour- nal. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 6, p. 145- 156.) OA Renwick, John. Auchendrane and its trees. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 230-235.) PQA Large grey poplars (Populus canes- cens, Lin.) at Mauldslie Castle. 1 pi. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 119-120.) PQA Measurements of notable trees at Eglinton Castle. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings and trans- actions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 399-402.) PQA Notes on the ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior, L.) of the Clyde drainage area. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 105-118.) PQA Notes on trees at Auchendrane, Ayr. 1 pi. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 262-272.) PQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Botany, continued. General Works, continued. On the beeches in the Clyde drain- aee-area. 2 pi. (Glasgow naturalist. Glas- gow, 1909. 8°. v. 1, p. 73-92.) PQA On the sycamores in the Clyde drainage area. (Glasgow naturalist. Glas- gow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 112-126.) PQA See also M'Kay, Richard, and John Renwick. Report of the committee for experi- ments of the naturalization of useful and ornamental plants, under the climate of Scotland; with prefatory remarks on the character and economical uses of forest trees already introduced, and an enumera- tion of certain exotic plants, which have lately withstood the winter of North Bri- tain. (Caledonian Horticultural Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 355-430.) VQA Robb, David C. Note on the discovery of Naias flexilis (Rostk.) in Perthshire. (Botanical Society. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 413-415.) QEA Robertson, A. An old list of "Stations of rarer plants ascertained to grow round Inverkeithing and north of the Forth." (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896 8°. v. 20, p. 84-90.) QEA Robertson, David. A list of the alga: of Lamlash Bay, Arran, collected during September, 1894. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings and trans- actions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 62-71.) PQA See also under Grieve, John, and David Robertson. Robertson, R. A. Preliminary note on some witches' brooms. 2 pi. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 313-318.) QEA In Perthshire and Fifeshire. Ross, George. On the flora of Mull. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1879. 8°. v. 13, p. 234-242.) QEA Roy, John. The desmidieae of the Stor- mont district. (East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth, 1895. 8°. 1891-95, p. 19-25.) PQA The desmids of the Alford dis- trict. (East of Scotland Union of Natural- ists' Societies. Proceedings. Perth, 1890. 8°. [1889,] p. 35-46.) PQA Sadler, John. Muscological excursions to Ramsheugh and Glenfarg, Ochil Hills, Perthshire, and Habbie's How, Pentland Hills. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 151-153.) QEA 1037 M — Notes on the Alpine flora of Ben Nevis Inverness-shire. (Botanical Soci- etv V, Tr |" s - a p t ' ons - Edinburgh, 1879. 8° v. lj, p. ;>0-54.) q EA Notes on the flora of the Isle of May, Firth of Forth. (Botanical Society Transactions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8° v 11, p. 390-392.) q EA - -— - Notes on some new and rare British mosses, and on the occurrence of Trichomanes radicans in the island of Ar- ran, Firth of Clyde. (Botanical Society Transactions. Edinburgh, 1866. 8° v 8, p. 50.) q EA ' — — Notice of additions to the crypto- gamic flora of Edinburgh. (Botanical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1866 8°. v. 8, p. 187-188.) QEA Notice of Carex frigida, Allioni, recently discovered in the Highlands of Scotland. 1 pi. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 209-211.) QEA Notice of a new Alpine willow (Salix sadleri of Syme), recently dis- covered in the Highlands of Scotland. 1 pi. (Botanical Society. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 208-209.) QEA See also under Bell, William, and John Sadler. Scaling, William. On the growth and cultivation of willows in Scotland. (High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. series 4, v. 11, p. 90-98.) VPA Scarth, G. W. The grassland of Ork- ney: an oecological analysis. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. 8°. v. 24, p. 143-163.) QEA Schwappach, Adam. Report on a visit to the forests of Scotland in August, 1896. (Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 11-24.) VQN Scott, Thomas. Notes, chiefly botani- cal, of a visit to the island of Coll. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1881. 8°. v. 4, p. 226- 230.) PQ A Scott, Thomas, and John Lindsay. The 'upper Elf Loch, Braids. 1 pi. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 276-287, 369-384.) PQA With a list of the micro-flora and micro-fauna of the upper Elf Loch, Braids. Shearer, Johnston. Notes on the occur- rence of Ledum palustre, L., in Stirling- shire and Perthshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings transactions. Glasgow, series, v. 3, p. 251-254.) 1892. 8° and new PQA 1038 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. Shortreed, Thomas. Some account of the remains of the ancient orchards of Jed- burgh. (Caledonian Horticultural Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 182S. 8°. v. 3, p. 256-269.) VQA Sim, John. List and localities of rare plants found in the vicinity of Perth. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1863. 8°. v. 7, p. S69-S72.) QEA Simson, W. B. Notes on the finding of Trichomanes radicans in Arran in August, 1863. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 35-38.) QEA Smith, Adam. Account of the Eve ap- ple, a variety much cultivated in Clydes- dale. (Caledonian Horticultural Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 306-308.) VQA Smith, Alexander. On Aberdeenshire woods, forests, and forestry. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 264-303.) VPA Smith, J. Notes on some of the rarer plants occurring in the valley of the Gar- nock, Ayrshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 245-258.) PQA Smith, James. Account of a small economical orchard near Tranent, in East Lothian. (Caledonian Horticultural So- ciety. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1814. 8°. v. 1, p. 300-304.) VQA On the cultivation of figs in Scot- land. (Caledonian Horticultural Society. Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 2, p. 69-76.) VQA Smith, John. On the distribution of Equisetum maximum, Lam., and E. hye- male, Linn., throughout Ayrshire. (Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Pro- ceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 249-250.) PQA Plantago maritima, Linn., its distri- bution in Ayrshire. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings and trans- actions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 226-228.) PQA Smith, John Alexander. Measurements of trees at Dryburgh Abbey; and Cavers' Carre, Roxburghshire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 7, p. 252-253.) QEA Smith, Robert. Botanical survey of Scotland, maps, illus. (Scottish geo- graphical magazine. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 16, p. 385-416, 441-467.) KAA i. Edinburgh district, n. North Perthshire dis- Plant associations of the Tay basin. 1 map, 1 port. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Perth, 1898-1903. 8°. v. 2, p 200-217; v. 3, p. 69-87.) PQA Smith, W. W. Note on Arenaria tenui- folia, -Linn., as a Scottish plant. (Botani- cal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8 . v. 23, p. 113-114.) QEA Smith, William G. A botanical survey of Scotland. (Scottish geographical maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 18, p. 132- 139.) KAA List of references, p. 139. Botanical survey of Scotland, illus. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1904-05. 8°. v. 20, p. 617-628; v. 21, p. 4-23, 57-83, 117-126.) KAA in. and iv. Forfar and Fife. For no. 1-2 see under Smith, Robert. Somerville, Alexander. Carex divisa, Hudson, as a Scottish plant. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 309-311.) QEA Cystopteris montana, Bernhardi, in Stirlingshire. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1897. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 215- 217.) PQA Note on the occurrence of Saxifra- ga oppositifolia, L., the purple mountain saxifrage, on the sea-coast of Islay. Nat- ural History Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 71-73.) PQA Notes on the flora of Barra and South Uist. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 31- 36.) PQA Notes on the flora of the island of Barra. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 183- 188.) PQA On the genus polystichum, Roth (aspidium, Swartz, in part), with special reference to P. angulare, Presl., and to its distribution in Scotland. (Botanical So- ciety of Edinburgh. Transactions and pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 312-317.) QEA On the occurrence of the rock sam- phire (Crithmum maritimum, L.) and the marsh helleborine orchis (Epipactis palus- tris, Crantz) on the west of Scotland. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907-11. 8°. v. 5, p. 352-356; v. 8, p. 115- 118.) PQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1039 Botany, continued. General Works, continued, Sprague, Beatrice. Foreign wild-flowers in the Edinburgh district. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 65-66.) PQA Notes on the formation and flora of a shingle island in the river Orchy, Dal- mally, Argyll. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 290-315.) PQA Sprague, Thomas Bond. Fibre balls. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 55-58.) PQA The "green balls" of Loch Kil- donan. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8 P . v. 2, p. 420-421.) PQA Cladophora agagropila. Stabler, G. On the hepaticae of Balmo- ral, Aberdeenshire. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 249-254.) QEA Steele, A. B. The fungus foray in Ros- lin Glen. (Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 294-296.) PQA Stevenson, J. Mycologia Scotica: the fungi of Scotland and their geographical distribution. Edinburgh: The Cryptogamic Society of Scotland, 1879. xx, 442 p., 1 map. 12°. QEY Stewart, Alexander. The green balls of Loch-Kildonan, South Uist. (Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions. Inverness [1898]. 8°. v. 4, p. 119- 129.) * EC Cladophora agagropila. Stewart, William. Notes on the mycol- ogy of Kelvingrove Park. (Natural His- tory Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 75-79.) PQA Notes on the occurrence of Tri- chomanes radicans in Scotland. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 18- "■■) PQA Stirling, A. See under Lovat (16. baron), Simon Joseph Fraser, and A. Stirling, of Keir. Stirton, James. New and rare mosses from Ben Lawers. (Botanical Society, iransactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, P. 426-432.) QEA T On new and rare mosses from Ben Lawers, Perthshire. (Botanical Society transactions. Edinburgh, 1873. 8° v 11, p. 75-82.) QE ^ — — Scottish mosses. (Royal Philo- sophical Society. Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. v. 38, p. 150-158 ) * EC Street, John. Account of exotic plants either partially or completely naturalized at Biel, in East Lothian. (Caledonian Horticultural Society. Memoirs. Edin- burgh, 1825. 8°. v. 3, p. 393-414.) VQA _ Stuart, Charles. Excursion of the Scot- tish Alpine Botanical Club to the Braemar Highlands, with the ascents of Lochnagar, Corry Ceann-mohr, and Ben Macdhui in August, 1883. (Botanical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p 110-115.) QEA Excursion of the Scottish Alpine Botanical Club to Killin, in July, 1892. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 548-553.) QEA Sketch notes of the flora of Ber- wickshire. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 19- 26.) QEA Stuart, Gilbert C. A. Notice of plants naturalised on the banks of the Gala and Tweed. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 170.) QEA Syme, John T. Notice of some of the rarer plants observed in Orkney during the summer of 1849. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. v. 4, p. 47-50.) QEA Tait, Christopher. An account of the peat-mosses of Kincardine and Flanders in Perthshire. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1794. 4°. v. 3, p. 266-279.) * EC Terras, James A. Note on the occur- rence of Ascoidea rubescens, Bref., in Scotland. (Botanical Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions and proceedings, Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 217-218.) QEA Thomas, Miss M. On the Alpine flora of Clova. 1 pi. (Perthshire Society of Nat- ural Science. Transactions and proceed- ings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 60-69.) PQA Trail, James William Helenus. Botan- ical notes from Murthly. (Perthshire So- ciety of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 127-131.) p Q A The flora of Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 6, 1901, p. 69-162.) CPA 1040 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Botany, continued. General Works, continued. The flora of Buchan — its distribu- tion, origin, and relations to man. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8, 1904-05, p. 2,56.) CPA Notes on the flora of Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 5, 1898-1900, p. 174- 179.) CPA Revision of the Scotch perisporia- ceae. (Natural History Society of Glas- gow. Proceedings and transactions. Glas- gow, 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 9-21.) PQA Suggestions towards the prepara- tion of a record of the flora of Scotland. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 265-277.) QEA Topographical botany of the river- basins Forth and Tweed in Scotland. (Bo- tanical Society of Edinburgh. Transac-_ tions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905.' 8°. v. 22, p. 277-308.) QEA Traill, George William. The algae of the Firth of Forth. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. v. 5, p. 171-189.) *EC Additional notes on the algae of the Firth of Forth. (Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1881-83. 8°. v. 6, p. 96-97; v. 7, p. 188-190, 306.) *EC The marine algae of the Dunbar coast. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 274-299.) QEA With supplementary note by Professor Bayley Balfour on p. 300-301. The marine algae of Elie, with map of the district. 1 pi. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 156-173.) QEA The marine algae of the Orkney is- lands. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 18, p. 302-342.) QEA On marine algae of Joppa, in the county of Midlothian. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 16, p. 397-402.) QEA On submarine forests and other re- mains of indigenous wood in Orkney. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 146-154.) QEA Supplementary notes on the marine algae of the Orkney islands. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 19, p. 544-546.) QEA • Supplementary notes (no. 2) on the marine algae of the Orkney islands. (Bo- tanical Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896 8°. v. 20, p. 341-345.) QEA Turnbull, R. The diameter increment ol the wood of coniferous trees at Braemar in relation to climatic conditions. 1 pi. (Bo- tanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v 21, p. 94-104.) QEA Turnbull, R., and Percival C. Waite Measurement of the girth of coniferous trees at Braemar in 1894. 1 pi. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 87-94.) QEA Types of vegetation in Scottish lakes, illus. (Scottish geographical Magazine, Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 198-203.) KAA Waite, Percival C. See under Turnbull, R., and Percival C. Waite. Walker, Robert. Flora of Buchan, (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 57-74.) CPA Walker-Arnott, G. A. Notes on cocco- neis, nitzschia, and some of the allied gen- era of diatomaceae. (Natural History So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow 1869. 8°. v. 1, p. 211-223.) PQA Watson, William. The rose, thistle, and shamrock. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists 1 and Microscopical Society. Transactions, Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 86-91.) PQA Watson, W., and J. M. Macfarlane Report from the Botanical Camp Commit- tee on the flora of Glen Lyon. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1886 8°. v. 16, p. 481-486.) QEd Watt, Hugh Boyd. Early tree-planting in Scotland. Historical notes. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 1- 21.) PQ4 Watt, Laurence. Notes on the rarei plants of the parish of Old Kilpatrick (Natural History Society of Glasgow Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow 1892. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 182-189.) PQ/ On some additions to the flora o Dumbartonshire. (Glasgow naturalist Glasgow, 1909. 8°. v. 1, p. 65-69.) PQ/ Watt, W. G. Notice regarding the sub marine remains of a grove of fir-trees ii Orkney. (Edinburgh philosophical jour nal. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 3, p. 100 102.) 01 Webster, John B. On the growth am management of Scotch fir forests by nat ural reproduction. (Highland and Agri LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1041 Botany, continued. General Works, continued. cultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 338- 347.) VPA West, W., and G. S. West. Freshwater algae from the Orkneys and Shetlands. 2 pi. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 3-41.) QEA White, Francis Buchanan. Botany t of the banks of the Tay]. The flowering plants. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 50-59.) PQA A catalogue of the Perthshire wil- lows in the museum herbarium. (Perth- shire Society of Natural Science. Transac- tions and proceedings. Perth, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 155-206.) PQA List of some of the rarer plants ob- served in the vicinity of Perth. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 7, p. 235-236.) QEA Notes on the flora of Rannoch. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 252-257.) QEA Notice of the occurrence of Rham- nus frangula in Ross-shire. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 151-153.) QEA White, Francis Buchanan, and James Hutton Balfour. List of plants found near Rumbling Bridge. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. v. 7, p. 572-573.) QEA White, Peter. Notes on the flora of Shetland. (In: J. R. Tudor, The Orkneys and Shetland... London, 1883. 8°. p. 422-428.) CR Yv ki ^ \P- See under Murray, James, and R. D. Wilkie. Wilkinson, W. H. The study of-a lichen A? m ° ban - (Ricasolia amplissima.) 1 pi (Midland naturalist. London, 1884 8° v 7, p. 273-277.) p' QA Williams, John. Plan for a royal forest of oak in the Highlands of Scotland. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch- seologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792 4° v 1, p. 28-40.) fCPA Willis, J. C, and J. H. Burkill. The phanerogamic flora of the Clova mountains in special relation to flower biology. (Bo- tanical Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 22, p. 109-125.) QEA Wilson, D. W. Some of the rarer plants of the Gorebridge district. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 264-267.) PQA Wishart, R. S. A glance at the July flora of Alyth. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. Glasgow, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 118- 124.) PQA Some east Fife flowers. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 7, p. 257- 261.) PQA Woodward, Bernard Henry. A visit to Glen Clova — its geology and ferns. (In- tellectual observer. London, 1868. 8°. v. 12, p. 22-29.) OA Young, William. The Alpine flora and rarer plants of the Glenshee district. (Bo- tanical Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 83-91.) QEA SUPPLEMENT Bibliography Anderson, Peter John. Collections towards a bibliography of the universities of Aberdeen. Edinburgh: printed for the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 1907. vii(i), 159 p., 7 fac. 4°. (Edinburgh Bib- liographical Society. Papers, v. 8.) Reserve ,— ; — Notes of academic theses: with a bibliography of Duncan Liddell. 10 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1913. sq. 8°. 1911-13, p. 1-52.) Reserve Bell and Bradfute. Supplement to Bell & Bradfute's sale catalogue of books for 1799. . . Edinburgh: A. Smellie, prtr., 1799. 30 p. 12°. * C p.v.482 Buchanan, John. Catalogue of J. Bu- chanan's circulating library, North Bridge street, consisting of a select collection of valuable books; also magazines, reviews, pamphlets, &c, which are lent to read... Edinburgh: George Caw, printer [C. 1803]. 2 p.l., 70, 28 p. 12°. * C p.v.482 Bulloch, John Malcolm. A bibliography of local [Aberdeen] periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-5, 20-21, 39-41, 53-55, 72-74, 85-86, 99-101, 115-117, 131-133, 147- 150; v. 2, p. 122.) CPA Chalmers, George. Catalogue of the . . library of... George Chalmers. Part lj-Jj. r London: W. Nicol, printer, 1841-42^ 8 . 1 Reserve 1042 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Bibliography, continued. Cowan, William. The Holyrood press, 1686-1688. (Edinburgh Bibliographical So- ciety. Papers. Edinburgh, 1904. 4°. v. 6, p. 83-100.) Reserve Dickson, William Kirk. The printed cat- alogues of the Advocates Library. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Pa- pers. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 9, p. S1-5S.) Reserve Edmond, John Philip. The Aberdeen printers. Edward Raban to James Nicol. 1620-1736. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 151-153, 169-171, 189-191; v. 2, p. 4-6.) CPA Laing, David. Catalogue of the second portion of the. . .library of the late D. Laing, Esq., LL.D... comprising. ..works by Scot- tish writers. . .including. . .writings of emi- nent divines. . .bibliographical. . .publica- tions. . .sold by auction by Messrs. Sothe- by, Wilkinson & Hodge... 5th of April, 1880... London [1880,. 1 p.I., 250 p. 8°. *GO Catalogue of a valuable portion of the rare & curious library of a well-known eminent collector, residing in Scotland [i. e., David Laing. . .Signet Library, Edin- burgh]. . . Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wil- kinson... on Monday, 16th day of June, 1856... London: printed by J. Davy and Sons, 1856. 1 p.I., 81 p. 8°. *GOFp.v.40,no.ll Priced copy. A rough list of. . .books from the... library of the late D. Laing... for sale by B. Quaritch... [December, 1879] n. t.-p. [London: B. Quaritch, 1879.] 44 p. 8°. *GO Priced. Lamb, Alexander C. Bibliography of Dundee periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890-91. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 97-100, 115-118, 135-139, 149-153, 167-171, 183-186; v. 4, p. 10-14, 28-31, 49-51, 70-72, 88-90, 109-112, 134-136, 171-173, 191- 193, 214-215, 230-232.) CPA List of northern newspapers current in 1912. (Aberdeen University library bulle- tin. Aberdeen, 1912. 8°. v. 1, p. 257-262.) *GRK Low, James G., and William Low. Bib- liography of Montrose periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 5-7, 23-26, 40-42, 57- 59, 74-76, 88-90.) CPA M'Bain, J. M. Bibliography of Arbroath periodical literature and political broad- sides. Arbroath: Brodie & Salmond, 1889. 126 p. sq. 8°. CR Reprinted from Scottish notes and queries, v. 2, p. 66-68, 84-85, 105-106, 119-121, 133-137, Aberdeen, 1889. Noble, John. Bibliography of Inver- ness newspapers and periodicals. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888-89. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 168-169, 191-193; v. 2, p. 10-11, 24-26, 39-41, 51-53.) CPA Printed catalogues of Scottish univer- sity libraries. (Aberdeen University li- brary bulletin. Aberdeen, 1912. 8°. v. 1, p. 397-404.) * GRK Scott, John. A bibliography of printed documents and books relating to the Scot- tish company commonly called the Da- rien Company. (Edinburgh Bibliographi- cal Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1904. 4°. v. 6, p. 19-70.) Reserve Skene, George. Catalogue of the exten- sive library of G. Skene. . . (formed in the 17. and 18. centuries), comprising a large number of old books, pamphlets and col- lections on the ecclesiastical and civil his- tory of Scotland, Scottish poetry, heraldry, antiquities, etc., scarce books and tracts on America, English affairs in the 17. and 18. centuries. . .scarce plays and poetical pamphlets, tracts on trade, commerce and navigation, Spanish, and French books, his- tories, biographies. . .etc. Which will be sold by auction. . .Jan., 1898. London: J. Davy & Sons, printers, 1898. 1 p.I., 88 p. 8°. *GO Society of Writers to H. M. Signet in Scotland. Catalogue of the library of the Writers to the Signet. Edinburgh, 1792. 97 p. 8°. *Cp.v.482 Interleaved, with numerous ms. additions. Taylor, William Lawrence. Bibliography of Peterhead periodical literature. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1889. sq. 8 n . v. 2, p. 147-149, 168-170, 180-182.) CPA Periodicals and Transactions Aberdeen and North of Scotland College of Agriculture. Bulletin no. 1-14 (1903-10). Aberdeen, 1904-10. 8°. (University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen University studies, no. 44.) VPG Air Advertiser, or, West Country Jour- nal. 1812, June 11. Air, 1812. f°. Reserve American year book — directory of Scot- tish societies and British associations in the U. S., Canada and British possessions. Edited by D. MacDougall. 1914/15. New York, 1914. 8°. IEG 1914/15 contains a short history of Scotland. Bannatyne Club. [Publications.] Edin- burgh, 1830-38. 4°. [no. 37.} A relation of proceedings concerning the affairs of the Kirk of Scotland, 1637-38. [no. 60.] Catalogue of the library at Ahbotsford. Edinburgh. 1838. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1043 Supplement, continued. Periodicals and Transactions, continued. Edinburgh almanac; or, Universal Scots and imperial register. 1800-04, 1806, 1812- 36. Edinburgh [1800-36]. 24°. CA Sub-title varies: 1800-04, 1805 reads: and Scots register; 1812-14, 1816 reads: and imperial register; 1815 title reads: The original Edinburgh almanack and universal Scots register. Glasgow Technical College Civil En- gineering Society. Transactions, no. 1-2. Glasgow [1911]. 8°. VDA Scotia, the journal of the St. Andrew So- ciety, v. 2. Edinburgh, 1908. 4°. CPA Scottish notes and queries. [Edited by John Bulloch.] v. 1-12 (June, 1887-June, 1899); second series, v. 1-8 (July, 1899- June, 1907). Aberdeen, 1888-1907. sq. 8°. CPA v. 1-10 published by D. Wyllie & Son; v. 11 — series 2, v. 5, by A. Brown & Co.; series 2, v. 6-8, by the Rosemount Press. This periodical is practically continued in the Aber- deen weekly journal. General index to the first series. 1887-1899. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co., 1901. sq. 8°. CPA Scottish Patriotic Association. r Origin. — Constitution and rules. — Office-bearers.] [Glasgow: the association, 1903.] 2 1. 8°. CA Scottish Phonographic Association. Pro- spectus, 1892-93. Twentieth season. Edin- burgh, 1892. 4 1. 32°. * IDS p.v.7S,no.7 Warden, John Maben. Sketch of the his- tory of the Scottish Phonographic Asso- ciation, from 1874 to 1895. Edinburgh: Scottish Phonographic Association, 1895. 16 p. 8°. * IDS p.v.49,no.9 Scottish Property Investment Company. Rules of the. . .company. . . Instituted February 13, 1849. Rules amended, May, 1860... Edinburgh: A. & W. R. Wilson, 1860. 28 p. 8°. SIR p. box 2 Scottish Sailors' and Soldiers' Bethel Flag Union. Report, no. 1-3 (1835/6, 1839- /40, 1842/3). Edinburgh, 1836-43. 8°. ZKXN no. 1 is called annual report. no. 3 contains list of subscriptions and donations from 1839-1843. Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Annual report, no. 3, 18-21, 23-25, 28-29, 31, 33, 41, 69-73 (1842- A 1857-60, 1862-64, 1867-68, 1870, 1872, 1880, 1908-12). Edinburgh, 1839-1913. 12° &8°. YFTV [Same] with the proceedings of the first... meeting. ..Dec, 1839. Edin- burgh, 1839. 24 p. 8°. YFTV Scottish temperance herald, and total abstinence advocate, no. 1-3 (July-Sept., 1837). [Glasgow: W. W. Miller, 1837.) 8°. * C p.v.632 Public Documents o i°? f^ d - T E it'nburgh gazette. 1699, no. I' 12 u & ch 27 ' 30 ' A P ril 6 " 10 )- Edin- burgh, 1699. Reserve l-rom the library of Robert Louis Stevenson. Scotland. — Parliament. Minutes of the proceedings in parliament. July 27 29 August 17, 1698. Edinburgh: Heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1698. 3 1. * • Reserve From the library of Robert Louis Stevenson. Anthropology Bremner, Robert L. The Northmen in Alban and the Hebrides in the ninth cen- tury. (Royal Philosophical Society. Pro- ceedings. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 44, p. 83- 108.) * EC Craigie, William Alexander. The Picts and the Newton stone. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 101-102.) CPA Gray, John. The origin of the Picts and Scots. 1 pi. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 5, 1898- 1900, p. 163-173.) CPA Paper on the ethnographical survey of Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892- 95, p. 216-240.) CPA Gray, John, and J. F. Tocher. The fre- quency and pigmentation value of sur- names in east Aberdeenshire. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. • sq. 8°. v. 6, 1901, p. 226-240.) CPA The physical characteristics of adults and school children in east Aber- deenshire. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8.° v. 6, 1901, p. 37-68.) CPA Grieve, Symington. Who were the early inhabitants of the shell-mound named Caisteal-nan-Gillean, on Oronsay? (Edin- burgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 227- 233.) PQA Laing, Samuel. Prehistoric remains of Caithness. With notes on the human re- mains by Thomas H. Huxley. London: Williams and Norgate, 1866. 1 pi, 160 p. 27 pi., 1 table. 8°. CP Maclagan, Robert Craig. Our ancestors; Scots, Picts, & Cymry, and what their traditions tell us. London: T. N. Foully 1913. xi(i), 447(1) p. 8°. CP 1044 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Anthropology, continued. Tocher, James Fowler. Ethnographical survey of school children in Buchan: I. In- troductory paper with summaries. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 137-152.) CPA See also under Gray, John, and J. F. Tocher. Archaeology Account of a singular wooden coffin. 1 illus. (Edinburgh annual register for 1810. Edinburgh, 1812. 8°. v. 3, part 2, p. 538- 540.) BAA Containing an urn. and burnt bones. Found on farm of Mill of Williamston, parish of Culsalmond, Aberdeenshire. Anderson, George. Letter from George Anderson, Inverness, addressed to [Sin Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., president of the society, dated Inverness, 30th March 1869, on "Vitrified forts, with description of Craig Phadrich, near Inverness." (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 302-304.) PTA Anderson, James. Communion tokens of established churches in the synod of Aber- deen. 9 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 8- 9, 24-25, 38-39, 56-57, 72-73, 88-89, 104-106, 120-121, 136-137, 152-153.) CPA Communion tokens of the estab- lished churches [in the synods of Moray, Ross, Sutherland and Caithness, Glenelg, Orkney and Shetland). 14 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1904-06. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 5, p. 8-9, 40-41, 72-73, 104- 105, 136-137, 185; series 2, v. 6, p. 57, 73, 89, 120-121, 152-153; series 2, v. 7, p. 72-73, 104- 105, 120-121, 152-153, 169.) CPA Archibald, Stewart. Clava: "The Stone- henge of Scotland." (Edinburgh Field Nat- uralists' and Microscopical Society. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 55- 63.) PQA Cup- and ring-marked stones. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Micro- scopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 125-134.) PQA Fortrose and Rosemarkie. Notes on the geology, botany, and antiquities of the district. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 322-328.) PQA Avebury (1. baron), Sir John Lubbock. A visit to the ancient shell-mounds of Scot- land, illus. (Natural history review. Lon- don, 1863. 8°. 1863, p. 415-422.) PQA Beaton, D. The early Christian monu- ments of Caithness. 11 pi. (Old-lore mis* cellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1913. 8°. v. 6, p. 75- 85, 119-129, 195-201.) CR Boyd, William. The stone age in Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Pe- terhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 7-21.) CPA Buchanan, Mungo. Notice of a pair of quern stones found at Highland Dykes, near Falkirk, in 1911. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 367-369.) CPA Callander, John Graham. Notice of the discovery of two drinking-cup urns in a short cist at Mains of Leslie, Aberdeen- shire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 344-348.) CPA Campbell, Bruce. Some notes on the antiquities and natural history of Cramond district. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 116- 129.) PQA Cash, C. G. Archaeological gleanings from Killin. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 264-285.) CPA Coles, Frederick R. The stone circles of the north-east of Scotland. 1 pi. illus. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 7, 1902-03, p. 205-238.) CPA Corrie, John M. Notice of two early Christian monuments from the parish of Dairy, Kirkcudbrightshire, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 258-263.) CPA Cramond, William. The two-handed sword. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 45-46, 58-59.) CPA Curie, Alexander Ormiston. Account of the excavation of a broch near Craigcaffie, Inch parish, Wigtownshire, known as the Teroy fort, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 183-188.) CPA Account of the examination of a relic bed on the Mote of Ingleston, Kelton parish, Kinkcudbright, from which was re- covered a padlock of tubular form; and a note of similar padlocks preserved in the National Museum of Antiquities, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 189-200.) CPA Excavation of a galleried structure at Langwell, Caithness, illus. (Society of LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Supplement, continued. Archaeology, continued. Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 77-89.) CPA Don, John. A pre-historic interment in Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8, 1904- 05, p. 103-105.) CPA Duncan, Ebenezer, and T. H. Bryce. Prehistoric man in the island of Arran. (British Association for the Advancement of science. Report of 71. meeting. Lon- don, 1901. 8°. p. 795-797.) * EC Eeles, Francis Carolus. Note on a sculp- tured stone at the parish church of Birse, Aberdeenshire, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 365-367.) CPA Ferguson, William. Notes on a cist dis- covered at Parkhill, Dyce, Aberdeenshire, in October, 1881. With notes on the bones by Dr. Fife Jamieson. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 11, p. 405-409.) * EC Fleming, David Hay. Notes on a heraldic button, a pirlie pig, and a beggar's badge, from St. Andrews, illus. (Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 348-356.) CPA Forrest, James. Note on a supposed an- cient grave at Crimonmogate. 1 illus. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 119- 120.) CPA Gauld, George. Discovery of an eirde house in Cromar, Aberdeenshire. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 9, p. 147-149.) CPA With supplementary note by J. G. Michie. Grieve, Symington. Griddle or Greidell Iue or Een, otherwise known as Griadal Fhinn. Notice of a stone circle enclosing two megalithic chambers situated upon the farm of Ormsaigmore, Kilchoan, Ardna- murchan. 5 pi. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 279- 285.) * PQA Hall, H. Armstrong. Pre-historic cist found at Letham quarry, near Perth. 1 il- lus. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Proceedings. Perth, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. cxxxii-cxxxiv.) PQA Hutcheson, Alexander. Ancient sundials. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 33-34.) CPA The archaeology of Tentsmuir. il- lus. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 174-188.) PQA 1045 - — Notes on the discovery of the re- mains of an earth-house at Barnhill, Perth 1 Pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Sci- ence, .transactions and proceeding Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 96-100 ) PQA ... . The occurrence of cup-marked stones in earth-houses. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8° v 5 o 160-161.) 4 ' CPA . Inglis Harry R. G. The ancient bridges in Scotland, and their relation to the Ro- man and mediaeval bridges in Europe illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq 8° v 46, p. 151-177.) CPA Knight, G. A. Frank. Notes on the natural history, geology, and antiquities of Duror, Argyllshire. 1 map. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1908. 8°. v. 4 p. 213-228.) PQA Laing, Samuel. Prehistoric remains of Caithness. With notes on the human re- mains by Thomas H. Huxley. London: Williams and Norgate, 1866. 1 p.l., 160 p., 27 pi., 1 table. 8°. CPA M., A. M. Stone circle at Alford. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, p. 177.) CPA Macadam, Stevenson. The broch of Tor- woodlee. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 117-121.) PQA Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Muir. Report of field lecture on Inchtuthill, given to the members of the Perthshire Society of Nat- ural Science, on 19th May 1902. 5 pi. (Perthshire Society of Natural Science. Transactions and proceedings. Perth, 1903. 8°. v. 3, p. 190-192.) PQA Macleod, Frederick Thomas. Further notes on the antiquities of Skye, chiefly in the districts of Sleat and Strath, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 202-212.) CPA MacRitchie, David. Underground dwell- ings. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1900. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 1, p. 137- 139.) CPA Michie, J. G. Sculptured stone at Craig- myle, Torphins. 1 pi. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 81-82.) CPA Milne, John. Traces of early man in Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891- 92, p. 101-108.) CPA Mitchell, Henry Benjamin.. Notes on the Parkhouse circle. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8 .v. A, 1896-98, p. 92-96.) ' CPA 1046 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Archaeology, continued, Muir, John. Ancient sundials. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1895. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 65-66.) CPA Munro, Robert. On the date of the up- heaval which caused the 25-feet raised beaches in central Scotland. (Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 242-272.) * EC On a human skeleton with prehis- toric objects found at Great Casterton, Rutland. 2. On a stone cist containing a skeleton and an urn, found at Largs, Ayr- shire. With a report on the urn by the Hon. John Abercromby; and on the skulls by Professor D. J. Cunningham, illus. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 26, p. 279- 309.) * EC Nicol, John. Pictish tower at Kintrad- well, parish of Loth. 1 plan. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 230-233.) CR Pictish tower at Salzcraggie, Helms- dale. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland. Lon- don, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 107-110.) CR Peach, B. N., and John Horne. "Notes on a shell mound" at Tongue Ferry, Suth- erland. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 303-308.) PTA Ritchie, James. An account of the watch- houses, mortsafes, and public vaults in Aberdeenshire churchyards, formerly used for the protection of the dead from the resurrectionists, illus. (Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 285-326.) CPA Rivoira, G. T. Antiquities of St. An- drews. 3 pi. (Burlington magazine. Lon- don, 1912. 4°. v. 21, p. 15-25.) f MAA Robertson, James. British antiquities. (In his: General view of the agriculture of the county of Inverness. London, 1813. 8°. p. 417-432.) VPX 1. Fortresses built without cement, (a) Fortress at Glenelg. (b) Castle Spynie. (c) Dun-da-lav. 2. Vitrified forts. (a) Craig Phadric. (b) Dun- ghairdghall. (c) The castle of Inverlochy. (d) Tor Castle, (e) The castle of Urquhart. 3. The cairns in the Firth of Beauly. Russell, John. The Catrail, or Pict's work ditch. An old problem revived. 1 map. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 144, p. 716-735.) *DA Sharp, James. Notice of a collection of flint arrowheads and implements found on the farm of Overhowden, in the parish of Channelkirk, Berwickshire, exhibited to the society, illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 370-372.) CPA Smith, John. The Ardrossan shell-mound, with an account of its excavation. 1 pi. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 355- 366.) PTA Smith, Robert Angus. Loch Etive and the sons of Uisnach. [By R. A. Smith.] London: Macmillan and Co., 1879. xi p 2 1., 376 p., 2 plans, 14 pi. 8°. CRB One plate lacking. Some glimpses of the prehistoric Heb- rideans. (Blackwood's Edinburgh maga- zine. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 132, p. 164- 175.) *DA Spence, James. The stone circles of Old Deer. 3 pi. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887- 90, p. 27-46.) CPA Stevenson, G. H., and S. N. Miller. Re- port on the excavations at the Roman fort of Cappuck, Roxburghshire, illus. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 446-483.) CPA Stout, Elizabeth. Some Shetland brochs and standing stones (being the Chalmers- Jervise prize essay for the year 1911). il- lus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 94-132.) CPA Sutherland, Alexander. Excavation of broch of Cogle, Watten, Caithness. (Bri- tish Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the eightieth meeting. London, 1911. 8°. p. 737-738.) *EC Tyack, George S. The cross in Scot- land, illus. (In: Bygone church life in Scotland. Edited by W. Andrews. Lon- don, 1899. 8°. p. 1-33.) ZDVH Wright, W. B., and Angus M. Peach. The neolithic remains of Colonsay in the Western Isles of Scotland, illus. (Geo- logical magazine. London, 1911. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 7, p. 164-175.) PTA History and Description General Works Barnett, T. Ratcliffe. Reminiscences of old Scots folk, by T. R. Barnett. With ten illustrations in colour by R. G. Hutchison. London: T. N. Foulis, 1913. 6 p.l., 3-205 (1) p., 10 pi. 8°. NDH Brown, Agnes H. The Scottish crown and Scottish coronations, illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1902. 8°. v. 26, p. 310-320. ) * DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1047 Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. Buchan (11. earl), David Stewart Ers- kine. Discourse delivered. . .at a meeting for the purpose of promoting the institu- tion of a society for the investigation of the history of Scotland, and its antiquities, Nov. 14, 1778. n. p. [1778., 31 p. 8°. * C p.v.776 Buchanan, George. De jure regni apud Scotos; or, A dialogue, concerning the due privilege of government, in the King- dom of Scotland, betwixt G. Buchanan and Thomas Maitland. . .and translated out of the original Latin into English, by Phila- lethes. Philadelphia: Andrew Steuart, 1766. viii, 112 p. 12°. Reserve Craig, Sir Thomas of Riccarton. Scot- land's soveraignty asserted. Being a dis- pute concerning homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a feu, or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the king of Scots owes homage to the king of England... Translated from the Latin manuscript, and a preface added, with a short account of the learned author, and a confutation of that homage said to be per- formed by Malcolm in. king of Scotland, to Edward the Confessor, lately. . .pub- lished... by Mr. Rymer... By George Ridpath. London: printed for Andrew Bell, 1695. 1 p.l., xli-xliv, xxxviii p., 1 1., 430 p. 12° in eights. CP Dalyell, Sir John Graham. A tract, chief- ly relative to monastic antiquities; with some account of a recent search for the remains of the Scotish kings interred in the abbey of Dunfermline. Edinburgh: G. Ramsay and Co., 1809. xii, 73 p., 1 fac. 8°. CP Faedus Scotorum cum Francis, et of- ficia militaria, quae in Francia Scoti exer- cuerunt. (In: J. Jansson, Joannis Jansso- nii Atlas major sive cosmographia univer- salis. Amsterdam, 1675. f°. v. 6, Regnum Scotia:, p. 20-21.) Map Dept. Irving, Joseph. The west of Scotland in history: being brief notes concerning events, family traditions, topography, and institutions. Glasgow: Robert Forrester, 1885. viii, 359 p. sq. 8°. CP no. 138 of 500 copies printed. Queen Mary and Darnley in Glasgow. Corehouse and the Cranstouns. Battle of Langside. Auchin- leck and the Boswells. The Mures of Caldwell. John Glassford of Dougalstone. Cathcart and its earls. The Stuarts of Coltness and Allanton. A daughter of the house of Coltness. Andrew Stewart of Torrance and Castlemilk. The Lollards of Kyle. The earl of Eglinton shot by a poacher. Carnwath and the Lockharts of Lee. Dalrymple and the Stairs. The Master of Stair and Glencoe. Kelburnie, Hawk- head, and earls of Glasgow. Dundonald and its earls. Coilsfield and the Montgomeries. The earl- dom of Carrick. The Lockharts of Milton-Lockhart. Ardgowan: the Stewarts and Shaw-Stewarts. Pollok and the Maxwells. Sir Thomas Munro, K.C.B. John Knox and the abbot of Crossraguel at Maybole. The story of Glenfruin. The great Douglas cause. Mont- rose family descent and possessions. Montrose peer- age contest Cumbernauld House and the Flemings. Cumbernauld House and the Elphinstones. Glasgow burgh records Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. Old Glasgow houses. A Glasgow cathedral relic, lne bpreulls of Glasgow. Andrew Melville in Glas- gow. Lord Provost Patrick Colquhoun. Sheriff Ali- son. Graham of the mint. General Roy of Carluke Burns and 'Highland Mary." Kilmarnock. St. Michael s, Dumfries. Dumfries rood fair. Renfrew- shire records. The Renfrewshire witches. Paisley Abbey. Paisley Grammar School. Alexander Wilson ornithologist. Motherwell and Cunningham. The Barns of Ayr. Rambles in Galloway. The Herries peerage. A Galloway character. Drumlanrig and the Douglases. The Scotts of Buccleuch. St. Columba. Cunningham. Leadhills and Wanlock. The Fullar- tons of Fullarton. Inverkip to West Kilbride. Macintosh, W. Goethe and Scotland. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901-02. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 81-83, 104- 106; series 2, v. 3, p. 65-67, 97-100.) CPA Mackenzie, W. M. Scotland's historic national defence. (Royal Philosophical So- ciety of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 44, p. 1-15.) *EC Macpherson, Alexander. Glimpses of church and social life in the Highlands in olden times, and other papers. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1893. xvi p., 1 1., 528 p., 2 fac, 1 map, 6 pi., 7 port. 4°. tCP Macrae, David. Scottish honour versus English vanity: being the report of a speech. . .at the Dundee School Board on "The misuse of our national names." With an introduction by Mr. T. D. Wanliss. Dundee: J. P. Mathew & Co., 1886. 16 p. 12°. *Cp.v.657 Masson, David. Mr. Buckle's doctrine as to the Scotch and their history. (Mac- millan's magazine. Cambridge, 1861. 8°. v. 4, p. 177-189, 309-322, 370-383.) * DA 1. Mr. Buckle's general thesis, and early Scottish history. 2. The weasel-wars of Scotland, and the Scottish Reformation. 3. Scotland in the seventeenth century. Ruddiman, Thomas. An introduction to Mr. James Anderson's Diplomata Scotiae. To which is added notes, taken from vari- ous authors, and original manuscripts. Edinburgh: Charles Herriott, 1773. vi, 232 p. 12°. CP Scott, Sir Walter. The Border antiqui- ties of England and Scotland; comprising specimens of architecture and sculpture, and other vestiges of former ages, accom- panied by descriptions; together with illus- trations of remarkable incidents in Border history and tradition and original poetry. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1814. 2 v. pi. 4°. t CBD Stuart, John. Essays, chiefly on Scot- tish antiquities, by John Stuart. With a brief sketch of the author's life. Aberdeen: William Bennett, 1846. xxix, 116 p., 3 pi-, 1 port. sq. 8°. ^ Preface. Sketch of the author's life. Historical account of the state of Marischal College and Urn- 1048 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. versity of Aberdeen, in 1798, with letter of Professor Stuart to Sir John Sinclair. Sketch of the life and writings of Dr. Duncan Liddel. Account of some subterraneous habitations in Aberdeenshire. _ Obser- vations on the progress of the Roman arms in Scot- land, and of the scene of the great battle between Agricola and Galgacus. Account of some sculptured pillars in the northern part of Scotland. Account of an ancient tomb discovered at Fetteresso, in Kincar- dineshire. Of the reign of Duncan the Second, king of Scots. Special Periods Celtic Period to 1286 Ducis, Jean Frangois. Macbeth, tragedie en cinq actes. (In his: Chefs-d'oeuvre tra- giques. Paris, 1845. 12°. v. 2, p. 113-166.) Fitzhugh, W. The murder of Duncan, king of Scotland; or, The History of Mac- beth and Banquo: founded on Shake- speare's play of 'Macbeth.' By W. Fitz- hugh. London: Hodgson [1800?]. 1 p.l., 7-28 p., 1 pi. 12°. * C p.v.989 Lawrie, Sir Archibald Campbell. Early Scottish charters prior to A. D. 1153. Col- lected with notes and an index by Sir A. C. Lawrie. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905. xxix, 515 p. 8°. CP 1263 Bremner, Robert L. The ancient ac- counts of the battle of Largs. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1912. sq. 8°. new series, v. 6, part 2, p. 230-279.) CPA 1286-1314 Struggle for Independence Baillie, Joanna. A metrical legend of William Wallace. (In her: Metrical leg- ends of exalted characters. London, 1821. 2. ed. 8°. p. 1-122.) NCM Blar na saorsa. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1914. 8°. v. 11, p. 131-138.) NDK Carrie, John. The battle of Bannock- burn. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 34-35.) CPA Hemans, Felicia Dorothea. Wallace's invocation to Bruce. A poem. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1819. 26 p. 4°. t NAC p.v.8 MacDhughaill, Eachann. A' bhraisd Lathurnach. (Guth na bliadhna. Glas- gow, 1914. 8°. v. 11, p. 177-206.) NDK Mackenzie, W. M. The real Bannock- burn, June 23-24, 1314. 1 plan. (Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions. Glas- gow, 1910. sq. 8°. new series, v. 6, part 1, p. 80-103.) CPA Morris, John Edward. Bannockburn. Cambridge: University Press, 1914. vi p., 1 1., 107 p., 1 map, 6 pi. sq. 8°. CP Porter, Jane. The Scottish chiefs; a romance. New York: Derby and Jackson, 1856. 562 p., 1 pi. 12°. NCW Smirke, Edward. Wallace. (In: Cam- bridge prize poems, p. 31-38. London, 1847. newed. 16°.) NCI Smith, Archibald. Traditions of Glen- urchay: Blind Harry's narrative of Sir Wil- liam Wallace's expedition into Argyll- shire, elucidated by the help of local topog- raphy and tradition; also a supplementary note on the Ossianic tales of the Braes of Lorn. 1 map. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 222-241.) CPA 1437 Helps, Sir Arthur. Catharine Douglas. A tragedy. [By Sir Arthur Helps.] Lon- don: William Pickering, 1843. 2 p.l., 148 p. 16°. NCR Five acts, in verse. 1513 Austin, Alfred. Flodden field. A trage- I dy. New York: Harper & Bros., 1903. 3 p.l., 137 p. 12°. NCR 1542-1587 Mary, Queen of Scots Brown, Agnes H. The queen Marys of England and Scotland, illus. (English il- lustrated magazine. London, 1912. 8°. v. 46, p. 341-349.) * DA Dalrymple, Charles Elphinstone. Por- trait of Queen Mary at Blairs College. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1888. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 175-176.) CPA Documents relatifs a Marie Stuart. 1587. (Revue retrospective, ou bibliotheque his- torique. Paris, 1838. 8°. serie 3, v. 3, p. 251-264.) BAA Hadden, J. Cuthbert. The Scottish cas- tles and residences of Mary, queen of Scots, illus. (English illustrated maga- zine. London, 1893. 8°. v. 10, p. 348-360.) *DA Lavery, John. On a portrait of Mary, queen of Scots. 1 port. (Scottish art re- view. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 87-88.) tMAA Mary, queen of Scots. Correspondence de Marie Stuart. (Revue retrospective, ou bibliotheque historique. Paris, 1837. 8°. serie 2, v. 9, p. 161-240.) BAA Lettres de Marie Stuart et de- marches de Charles ix en sa faveur. (Re- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1049 Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. vue retrospective, ou bibliotheque histo- rique. Paris, 1835. 8°. serie 2, v. 4, p. 114- 126.) BAA Mumby, Frank Arthur. Elizabeth and Mary Stuart: the beginning of the feud. London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1914. xiv p., 1 1., 407 p., 8 port. 8°. CH Murray, William. Mary, queen of Scots ; or, The escape from Loch Leven. An his- torical drama in two acts. London: T. H. Lacy [18—?]. 26 p. nar. 12°. (Lacy's act- ing edition of plays, v. 4.) NCO First performed in 1825. Samuel, John S. Mary Stuart and Eric xiv. of Sweden. A postscript to Scottish history. 1 pi., 2 port. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1910. sq. 8°. new series, v. 6, part 1, p. 131- 147.) CPA Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. Mary Stuart. 1542-87. (In her: The making of Abbotsford and incidents in Scottish his- tory. . . London, 1897. 8°. p. 248-296.) CP 1582 Declaratiovn, Ane, of the iust and neces- sar causis, moving vs of the nobillitie of Scotland & vthers ye Kings maiesteis faith- fvl svbiectis to repair to his Hienes pres- ence, and to remane with him for resisting of the present daingeris appearing to Goddis trew religion and professours thair- of & to his Hienes awin person estait & croun & his faithful subiectis that hes con- stantly continuit in his obedience, & to seik redres & reformatioun of the abuse and confusioun of the commoun wealth Remou- ing fro his Maiestie the cheif authouris thairof quhil the treuth of the samin may be maid manifest to his Hienes estaits That with common consent redres & remeid may be provided. Derectit from Striuiling with speciall command and licence to be prentit. Anno 1582. [Reprint by James Maidment. Edinburgh, 1822.] 32 p., 4 1. 12°. CP 1600 Gowrie's conspiracy. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1904. sq. 8°. se- ries 2, v. 5, p. 12-13.) CPA 1638-1650 Duncan, George. Montrose's march after the battle of Alford. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1903. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 4, p. 140-141, 145-146.) CPA MacVurich, Niell. Account of the cam- paigns of Montrose, translated from the Gaelic language (Edinburgh annual reg- ister for 1812. Edinburgh, 1814 8° v % part 2, p. 416-428.) ' ba A ' Morris, Mowbray. Montrose. London- Macmillan & Co., 1892. vi, 229 p 8° (English men of action.) *R-AN Napier, Mark. Memoirs of the marquis ?ot¥ 0n ^ trose - Edinburgh: T. G. Stevenson, 1856. 2 v. port. 8°. CP . Memorials of Montrose and his times. Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1848- 50. 2 v. fac, port. 4°. f CP 1646 Argyll (8. earl and 1. marquis), Archi- bald Campbell. Speech to a committee of both Houses of Parliament, 25 June 1646; with papers of the commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland, wherein they give consent to the sending of the propositions of peace to his Majesty. . .also, His Maj- esties letter to the marques of Ormond, discharging all further treaty with the Irish rebels; and a letter from General Major Monro concerning the state of affairs in Ireland. London, 1646. sq. 12°. CI 1649 Howell, James. A perfect description of the people and country of Scotland. (Re- printed in: The life and political writings of John Wilkes . . . Birmingham, 1769. 12°. p. 225-232.) CM 1682 M., A., Philopatris. Scotiae indiculum: or, The present state of Scotland. Togeth- er with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof. By A. M. Philopatris [i. e., Alexander Mudiej. London: Printed for Jonathan Wilkins, 1682. 11 p.l., 274 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 24° in twelves. Frontispiece illustration representing Pallas by her wisdom directing the Scottish council, Mars as- sisting the army, crowning it with victory. 1682-1686 Moray (4. earl), Alexander Stewart. Let- ters from Alexander, earl of Moray, secre- tary of state for Scotland to William, mar- quis and duke of Queensberry, 1682-1686. (In: W. H. W. M. D. Scott, 6. duke of Buccleugh, The manuscripts of the duke of Buccleugh and Queensberry. . .at Drum- lanrig Castle. London, 1903. 8°. v. 2, p. 12-102.) c 1685 Marchmont (1. earl), Patrick Hume. Sir Patrick Hume's narrative of occurrences in the expedition of the earl of Argyle, in 1685 67 p. (In: G. Rose, Observations on the historical work of the late Carles James Fox. London, 1809. sq. 4°.) t CK 1050 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. 1689-1710 Grant, James. The old Scots navy, from 1689 to 1710. Edited by James Grant. [London:] Navy Records Society, 1914. lix, 448 p., 1 port. 8°. (Navy Records Society. Publications, v. 44.)*R-VYB Omond, George William Thomson. The early history of the Scottish Union ques- tion. Bi-centenary edition. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1906. 194 p., 3 port. 12°. CP 1715-1745 Jacobite Rebellions Aberdeen and the Rebellion, 1745. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 154-155.) CPA Blaikie, Walter Biggar. Perthshire in the 'Forty-five. 3 port. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 313-338.) t VWZH Blaikie, Walter Biggar, and Katharine Marjory Murray, marchioness of Tulli- bardine. Perthshire in the 'Fifteen and the affair of Glenshiel. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 289-312.) t VWZH Grahame, R. B. Cunninghame. Prince Charlie's pilot. (Guth na bliadhna. Glas- gow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 355-365.) NDK Home's history of the Rebellion in 1745. (Critical review; or, Annals of literature. London, 1802. 8°. v. 35, p. 142-153.) NAA Rebellions of 1715 and 1745. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1898. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 122-123, 135-137.) CPA References extracted from the records of the presbyteries of Forres and Aberlour, and of the kirk sessions of Boharm, Rothes, and Inveraven. Sebastian, pseud. Culloden. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 104-107, 128-130, 148-151.) CPA Sinclair, John, master of Sinclair. A true account of the proceedings at Perth; the debates in the secret council there; with the reasons and causes of the suddain fin- ishing and breaking up of the rebellion. Written by a rebel. London: J. Baker, 1716. 1 p.l., 72 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l77 Imperfect, lacking all after p. 72. 1787 Letter, A, to the representatives for Scot- land, both peers and commoners. By a freeholder of Scotland, n. p. t 1787.] 2 p.l., 13 p. 8°. CPp.v.3,no.3 Sinclair, Sir John. State of alterations which may be proposed in the laws for regulating the election of members of Parliament for shires in Scotland. Edin- burgh: W. Creech, 1787. iv, (1)6-45 p. 8°. CP p.v.3,no.S 1790 T L... The substance of two speeches with regard to the qualifications of freeholders in Scotland, delivered in the H— of L— on the 30th April 1787, and 19th April 1790, by the R. . . H L T Edinburgh, 1790. 1 p.l., 63 p. 8°. CPp.v.3,no.2 1792 Address, An, to the people of Scotland on the necessity of an immediate appli- cation to Parliament for a Scots militia. Edinburgh: Peter Hill, 1792. 2 p.l., 22 p. 8°. VWZHp.v.S Bill, A, for the better ordering of the militia forces in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, n. p., n. d. 1 p.l., 65 p. 8°. VWZH p.v.4 Fergusson, Robert, the younger. The proposed reform of the counties of Scot- land, impartially examined: with observa- tions on the conduct of the delegates. Edinburgh: E. Balfour and P. Hill, 1792. 2 p.l., [iii]-iv, 31 p. 8°. CPp.v.3,no.4 1813 Paterson, James. Itinerary of a walk- ing tour from Banff to Glasgow & back, in July, 1813. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 140-141, 155-156, 168-169, 186-187.) CPA 1822 Southey, Robert. Scotland, an ode, writ- ten after the king's visit to that country. (The Bijou... London, 1828. 16°. p. 81- 88.) NCA 1836 Scottish Tories and Irish tithes consid- ered, in a letter to a plain country farmer by a Whig churchman. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1836. 19 p. 12°. *Cp.v.l310,no.l9 1849 Edinburgh Financial Reform Associa- tion. Tracts, no. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1849. 8°. *Cp.v.l511 1888 Home rule and political parties in Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1888. 39 p. 12°. *Cp.v.498 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1051 Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. 1913 Ceist nan ceistean. (Guth na bliadhna. Glasgow, 1913. 8°. v. 10, p. 393-409.) NDK Ecclesiastical History Abstract of the first report of the Reli- gious Instruction Commission with the evidence of the committee of dissenters. Edinburgh: M. Paterson. 1837. 56 p. 8°. ZWGF p.v.30 Anderson, Peter John. Ecclesiastical records of north-eastern Scotland. (Scot- tish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 130-132.) CPA Annan, Parish of. Statement of reli- gious destitution in the parish of Annan, and proposals to remedy it: with remarks on the necessity and advantages of paro- chial church extension. Dumfries: J. An- derson, 1838. 15 p. 8°. ZWGFp.v.17 Barrett, Michael. The Scottish monas- teries of old. A brief account of the houses which existed in Scotland, before the Protestant Reformation, for monks following the rule of St. Benedict. Edin- burgh: Otto Schulze & Co., 1913. x, 224 p., 1 map. 8°. ZMT Brown, John. A compendious history of the British churches in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. . . Edinburgh: Mac- lachlan & Stewart, 1823. 2 v. 8°. ZDV v. 2: A compendious history of the Church of Scotland containing an account of the most material transactions since the introduction of Christianity to the present time, together with a history of the rise and progress of the Secession. Chalmers, Andrew. Early Protestant- ism beside the Ugies. 1 map. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 155-200.) CPA The Reformation beside the Ugies. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Pe- terhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 119- 136.) CPA Church of Scotland. Overtures, con- cerning the discipline and method of pro- ceeding, in ecclesiastick judicatories in the Church of Scotland. Humbly tendered to the consideration of the several presbyte- ries, and to be by them prepared for the next, or some ensueing General Assem- bly... Edinburgh: Printed by George Mosman, 1696. A-Pi in twos. f°. Reserve From the library of Robert Louis Stevenson. — — Overtures anent the form of proc- ess, in the judicatories of the Church of Scotland, with relation to scandals and censures. Transmitted to the several Presbyteries, to be considered, and they f to send in their opinions thereanent, to the General Assembly. [Edinburgh, 1706?, ° P ' * ; Reserve l'rom the library of Robert Louis Stevenson. The principal acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland- con- vened at Edinburgh, the 2d day of May 1/17. Edinburgh: Heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1717. A-Ii in twos. Reserve From the library of Robert Louis Stevenson. Church of Scotland. — General Assem- bly. Assembly papers. [Overtures, church cases,, 1874. Edinburgh: Neill and Co [1874.] 3 p.l., 3-13, 57 p. sm. 8°. ZWX p.v.l Connell, Sir John, and J. Murray. Re- marks, by the procurator and agent for the church, on an abstract of the law pro- ceedings in the case of the manse of Abe'r- dour, in Aberdeenshire. [Signed J. Con- nell, J. Murray.] Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes, 1823. 1 p.l., 41 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v.22, no.8 Dundee Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland. Speeches delivered at the public meeting of the Dundee Association for Promoting the Interests of the Church of Scotland. . .1834. Published under the superintendence, and for the benefit of the Dundee Church As- sociation. Dundee: A. Allardice & F. Shaw, 1834. 32 p. 12°. *Cp.v.506 Ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. (Quarterly review. London, 1843. 8°. v. 72, p. 379-397.) * DA Gammack, James. Church consecra- tions. (Scottish notes and queries. Aber- deen, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 106-107.) CPA Gilmour, Robert. Samuel Rutherford, a study biographical and somewhat criti- cal, in the history of the Scottish Covenant. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1904. xi(i), 244 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN Goold, William H. Speech delivered at the second annual meeting of the Scot- tish Reformation Society. . .1851. Edin- burgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1852. 14 p., 1 1 16° * C p.v.1316, no.13 Church patronage in (Scottish notes and 1897. sq. 8°. v. 10, CPA Gordon, James. Scotland in 1834. queries. Aberdeen p. 88-90.) Innes, Thomas. The civil and ecclesias- tical history of Scotland. A. D. lxxx- dcccxviii. [Edited by George Grub.] Aber- deen: Spalding Club, 1853. lxiv, 340 p 4 (Spalding Club.) t CP Knox, John. The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regimen of women ... To which is added, The con- tents of the second blast, and a letter from John Knox to the people of Edinburgh, 1052 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. anno 1571. Edinburgh, printed, and Phila- delphia: Reprinted by Andrew Steuart, 1766. 64 p. 12°. Reserve Laing, David. A declaration against the national covenants of Scotland, 1685. (So- ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 232- 237.) CPA Letter, A, to Dr. Candlish, in reference to his recent critique on the Established Church. By an old-school Presbyterian. Edinburgh: Thomas Grant, 1856. 19 p. 16°. * C p.v.654 Letter, A, from a gentleman in the coun- try, to his friend in Edinburgh, occasioned by the late act for repealing the penal laws against Papists. Edinburgh: Printed by D. Paterson, 1778. 8 p. 8°. CKp.v.177 MacEwan, Alexander Robertson. A his- tory of the Church in Scotland, v. 1. Lon- don: Hodder & Stoughton, 1913. maps. 8°. ZDVH v. 1. 397-1546. Maclaren, Ian, pseud. See Watson, John. Macpherson, Alexander. Glimpses of church and social life in the Highlands in olden times, and other papers. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1893. xvi p., 1 L, 528 p., 2 fac, 1 map, 6 pi., 7 port. 4°. tCP Publick, A, testimony: being the repre- sentation and petition of a... number of Christian people within the bounds of sev- eral synods in this church, in their own name, and in name of all adhering there- unto, presented and given into the General Assembly met at Edinburgh May 4th, 1732, anent grievances. . . Edinburgh: T. Lums- den and T. Robertson, 1732. viii, 56 p. 4°. ZWGF Robertson, James. Observations on the Veto Act. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1840. 270, xiii p. 8°. ZWGS Scott, Mary Maxwell Monica. Scottish Catholics under Mary and James. (In her: The making of Abbotsford and incidents of Scottish history. . . London, 1897. 8°. p. 227-247.) CP Scottish Reformation Society. State- ment and appeal for 1856. n. t.-p. [Edin- burgh: J. Lindsay, 1856?] 4 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll38 Instituted in 1850. Scottish Society for Promoting the Due Observance of the Lord's Day, Edinburgh. Annual report, no. 1 (1839/40). Edin- burgh, 1840. 8°. ZICHp.box Spence, James. St. Columba. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 177-194.) CPA To the Christian people of Scotland. Is- sued by appointment of the Convocation of ministers, held at Edinburgh, Novem- ber, 1842. [Glasgow: William Collins & Co., 1842., 16 p. 8°. * C p.v.468 On the position of the Church of Scotland. Watson, John. The candy-pull system in the church, and The revival of a minis- ter, from "Church folks." By Ian Macla- ren. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1901. 40 p. 16°. ZKFIp.v.l,no.8 Local History Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire . Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. A con- cise bibliography of the history of the city of Aberdeen and its institutions. (Aber- deen University library bulletin. Aber- deen, 1913. 8°. v. 1, p. 699-738.) *GRK Aikey Brae, Aberdeenshire Milne, John. Notes on Aikey Brae. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 202- 204.) CPA Auchiries, Aberdeenshire Ogilvie-Forbes, J. C. M. Paper on Au- chiries. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 7, 1902- 03, p. 53-64.) CPA Ayr, Ayrshire Morris, James A. An old Scottish town. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 10-15.) MQA Barrogill Castle, Caithness M., J. Barrogill Castle, Caithness. 2 pi. (Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, Shet- land, Caithness and Sutherland. London, 1914. 8°. v. 7, p. 27-29.) CR Borthwick, Edinburghshire Bickerton, T. A. Borthwick church. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 85-91.) MQA Borthwick, Henry. Borthwick Castle. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 80-84.) MQA Ross, Thomas. Borthwick Castle, illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°, v. 3, p. 53-60.) MQA Bothwell Castle, Lanarkshire Aitken, G. S. Bothwell Castle. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 130- 136.) MQA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1053 Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. Buchan, Aberdeenshire Chalmers, Andrew. A survey of Buchan orosress. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 7, 1902- 03, p. 3-52.) CPA Cairnbulg Castle, Aberdeenshire Chalmers, Andrew. Cairnbulg Castle. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 6, 1901, p. 210-225.) CPA Clerkington, Haddingtonshire Reid, Alan. Monumental remains in Pit- lochry district, and churchyard memorials at Moulin, Temple, and Clerkington. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro- ceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 389-423.) CPA Dalkeith, Edinburghshire Ross, Thomas. Dalkeith. 1 diagr. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 171- 178.) MQA Deer, Aberdeenshire Forrest, James. A glimpse into church life in the presbytery of Deer during the Commonwealth. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 206-219.) CPA Doune Castle, Perthshire Blanc, Hippolyte Jean. Doune Castle. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 93-97.) MQA Drum House, Edinburghshire Nisbett, H. More. Drum House. 1 illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1898. 8°. v. 4, P. 75-77.) MQA See also Transactions, v. 1, p. 169. Dunblane, Perthshire Anderson, Sir Robert Rowand. Dun- blane cathedral. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 104-110.) MQA Dunfermline, Fifeshire Walker, James Russell. Dunfermline Abbey and monastery. 1 plan. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 1, p. 101- 105.) " MQA Dunnottar, Kincardineshire Spence, James. Dunnottar. (Buchan r-ield Uub. Transactions. Peterhead n d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 22-25.) CPA Edinburgh (City) Aitken, G. S. Lady Stair's house. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 123- 128 -) MQA 7- Modern Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 207-224 ) MQA Blanc, Hippolyte Jean. Edinburgh Cas- tle. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, P. 66-70.) MQA Heriot's Hospital & contemporary work. _ 6 pi. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 3-11.) MQA Brown, George Baldwin. The new town of Edinburgh. 2 pi. (Edinburgh Architec- tural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1891. 8°. v. 1, p. 90-101.) MQA Croal, John Pettigrew. The Queen's Park. 9 illus. (Art journal. London, 1895. f°. 1895, p. 11-16.) f MAA Dunn, J. B. The new "Scotsman" build- ing. 1 illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 59-66.) MQA Geddes, Patrick. In an old Scots city. (Contemporary review. London, 1903. 8°. v. 83, p. 559-568.) * DA Edinburgh. Guthrie, Thomas. Sketches of the Cow- gate. (In his: "Out of harness"... New York, 1867. 12°. p. 124-257.) NCZ MacGibbon, Alfred L. Trinity College church. (Edinburgh Architectural Associ- ation. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 6, p. 128-131.) MQA Mackay, John. History of the burgh of Canongate, with notices of the abbey and palace of Holyrood. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 1900. xii, 228 p. illus. 2. ed. 12°. CR M'Lachlan, John. Old Edinburgh. 1 plan. (Edinburgh Architectural Associa- tion. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8 . v. 2, p. 149-165.) MQA March, M. C. A note on the relationship of Edinburgh and Leith in the middle ages. (Scottish geographical magazine Edin- burgh, 1914. 8°. v. 30, p. 369-372.) KAA Memorial for Messrs. Robertson, Ed- ington, & Philip a subcommittee of a meet- ing of inhabitants of Edinburgh appointed to enquire into the questions connected 1054 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. with the levy and application of the rents of seats in churches and the annuity of 6 per cent, on house rents in the city of Edinburgh. [Edinburgh, 1826.] 28 p. 8°. Mss. Dept. Manuscript. Miller, Peter. The king's wall. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 166- 171.) MQA With supplementary note by G. S. Aitken. Morham, Robert. City chambers. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 70- 73.) MQA Mylne, Robert Scott. The influence of the Mylnes on the architecture of Edin- burgh. 2 port. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 187-192.) MQA Parrott, Thomas Marc. Old Edinburgh and her poet-laureate. (In his: Studies of a booklover. New York, 1904. 12°. p. 56-97.) NBQ Paul, Sir James Balfour. Pilrig House. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 204-206.) MQA Proposed, The, restoration of the Chapel Royal, Holyrood. (Edinburgh Architectu- ral Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 181-192.) MQA Reid, John. New lights on old Edin- burgh. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1894. xi, 208 p., 1 pi. illus. 16°. CR Robertson, W. W. Holyrood Abbey and palace. 1 plan, S pi. (Edinburgh Architec- tural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 175-186.) MQA Watson, John. Inaugural address ton Holyrood Abbeyj. (Edinburgh Architec- tural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-18.) MQA Elgin, Elginshire Kerr, Henry F, Elgin cathedral. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 85-92.) MQA Ellon, Aberdeenshire M'Leod, N. K. The Moot, or "Erie's" Hill of Ellon. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896- 98, p. 111-118.) CPA Note on "Ardgith Kennedorum," showing it to be "Abbatishall of Ellone." 1 pi. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 98- 107.) CPA Mair, Thomas. Abbotshall of (Buchan Field Club. Transactions, head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891-92, p. Abbotshall of Ellon. (Bud Club. Transactions. Peterhead 8°. v. 9, 1906-08, p. 97-104.) • Note on the Ardgith (Mr. ' view of Abbotshall. 2 pi. (Bucha Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 108-110.) Moir, James. Historical notes on Elloni and neighbourhood. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 236-245.) CPA ! 1 Fawside Castle, Haddingtonshire Wood, T. A. Douglas. Fawside or Fal- side Castle. (Edinburgh Field Natural- ists' and Microscopical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 2, p. 72- 79.) PQA Fedderat, Aberdeenshire Paterson, J. Fedderat and its possessors. 4 pi. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 22-46.) CPA Fetterangus, Aberdeenshire Chalmers, Andrew. The barony of Fet- terangus. Unwritten history. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 33-67.) CPA Fyvie Castle, Aberdeenshire Anderson, Robert. Fyvie Castle: synop- sis of its history. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 7, 1902-03, p. 177-182.) CPA Glasgow, Lanarkshire Baird, Agnes. A review of the historical and topographical works of James Cle- land, LL.D., containing a detection of nu- merous errors and misrepresentations of facts in his books and pamphlets. Glas- gow: printed in the Free Press Office, 1830. 16 p. 8°. AGHp.v.6 Eyre, Charles, archbishop of Glasgow. The ancient see of Glasgow. A. D. 560- 1560. 1 illus. (Scottish art review. Glas- gow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 125-128.) t MAA Abridged from a paper read at the meeting of the British Archaeological Association in Glasgow, Au- gust, 1888. Gemmell, William. The oldest house in Glasgow, being the story of Provands lord- ship, the manse of the hospital of S. Nicho- las. Glasgow: Hay Nisbet & Co., 1910. 4 p.L, (1)8-171 p., 1 map, 1 pi. illus. 12°. CR LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1055 Supplement, continued. tHistory and Description, continued. 'fcHowe, Frederic C. Glasgow, illus. (Cal- B'onian. New York, 1906-07. 8°. v. 6, \ f 167-178.) *DD tt teprinted from Scribner's magazine. J' Millar, Alexander Hastie. The Hie-gait s.nd Sautmercat of Glasgow in the olden 'time. 1 plan, 1 pi. (Edinburgh Architectu- ral Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 25-30.) MQA Post Office. Glasgow directory for 1869- 1870.. .accompanied with a new plan of Glasgow, with suburbs . . .to which is added a suburban directory. Glasgow : William Mackenzie, printer, 1869. xvi, 744, 200 p. 8°. CR Valentine & Sons. 120 views of Glas- gow and Clyde. Glasgow: Valentine & Sons, Ltd. [190-?] 19 1. 4°. CR Glenelg, Inverness-shire Craig, Archibald. Kintail and Glenelg, with notices of the brochs. 3 pi. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. S\ v. 2, p. 229-246.) PQA Haddington, Haddingtonshire Kerr, Henry F. The church and other ecclesiastical foundations at Haddington. 1 plan. (Edinburgh Architectural Asso- ciation. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8'. v. 1, p. 21-29.) MQA Haining, Selkirkshire Lindsay, John. The Haining, Selkirk: with notices of its antiquities, topography, and natural history. (Edinburgh Natural- ists' Field Club. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 82-87.) PQA Hawick, Roxburghshire Vernon, J. J., and J. McNairn. Pictures from the past of auld Hawick. Hawick: Vair & McNairn, 1911. 144 p. illus. sq. 8°. CR Inchcolm, Fifeshire Blanc, Hippolyte Jean. Monastery of Inchcolm. illus. (Edinburgh Architec- tural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 84-91.) MQA ■ Inverallochy Castle, Aberdeenshire Forrest, James. Paper on Inverallochy Ustle. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892- 9", p. 123-124.) CPA Spence, James. Note on Inverallochy Castle. 1 illus. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8° v 3 1892-95, p. 122.) q C PA Inveresk, Edinburghshire Ross, Thomas. Musselburgh and In- veresk. illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 67-74.) MQA Inverkeithing, Fifeshire Kerr, Henry F. Inverkeithing ( andi In- verkeithing church. (Edinburgh Archi- tectural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 75-84.) MQA Inverugie, Aberdeenshire Forrest, James. Notes on the castles of Ravenscraig and Inverugie. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 9, 1906-08, p. 120-127.) CPA Spence, James. "Ha-Moss" and the Castle-hill of Inverugie. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891-92, p. 92-96.) CPA Jedburgh, Roxburghshire Tancred, George. The annals of a Bor- der club (the Jedforest) and biographical notices of the families connected therewith. Jedburgh: T. S. Smail, 1899. 4 p.l., xvii p., 1 1., 505 p. 8°. CR Kelso, Roxburghshire Haig, James. A topographical and his- torical account of the town of Kelso, and of the town and castle of Roxburgh; with a succinct detail of the occurrences in the history of Scotland connected with these celebrated places, and an appendix. Edin- burgh: John Fairbairn, 1825. xvi, 352 p., 1 pi. 8°. CR Kincardineshire Watt, James Crabb. The Mearns of old; a history of Kincardine from the earliest times to the seventeenth century. Edin- burgh: W. Hodge & Co., 1914. xlviii p., 1 L, 414 p., 8 maps, 1 pi. 4°. CR Kininmonth, Aberdeenshire Chalmers, Andrew. The manor of Kin- inmonth. (Buchan Field Club. Transac- tions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8 . v. 5, 1898- 1900, p. 125-160.) CPA Kintail, Ross-shire Craig, Archibald. Kintail and Glenelg, with notices of the brochs. 3 pi. (Edin- burgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8° v. 2, p. 229-246.) PQA 1056 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. Largs, Ayrshire Boyd, D. A. Largs and its surroundings. 1 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1907. 8°. v. S, p. 208-218.) PQA Leith, Edinburghshire Irons, James Campbell. The architectu- ral antiquities of Leith. illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 94-111.) MQA Law, George. The "superiority" of Leith. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. v. 25, p. 313-332.) SEA March, M. C. A note on the relationship of Edinburgh and Leith in the middle ages. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 30, p. 369-372.) KAA Lochaber, Inverness-shire Kilgour, William T. Lochaber in war and peace; being a record of historical inci- dents, legends, traditions, and folk-lore, with notes on the topography and scenic beauties of the whole district. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1908. 2 p.l., (1)8-346 p., 17 pi., 6 port. sq. 8°. CR Monifieth, Forfarshire Malcolm, J. The parish of Monifieth in ancient and modern times; with a history of the landed estates and lives of eminent, men. Edinburgh: William Green & Sons, 1910. xiv p., 1 1., 395 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. CR Musselburgh, Edinburghshire Ross, Thomas. Musselburgh and In- veresk. illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 4, p. 67-74.) MQA Paisley, Renfrewshire Hector, William. The burgh of Paisley. (In: Selections from the judicial records of Renfrewshire. . .with notes by W. Hector. Paisley, 1878. 8°. second series, p. 223- 250.) CR Mackie, Charles. Historical description of the abbey and town of Paisley; by Charles Mackie. Embellished with six engravings on steel, of the abbey and town, by Joseph Swan. Glasgow: Joseph Swan, 1835. 4 p.l., (i)vi-viii, 170 p., 6 pi. 8°. CR Peterhead, Aberdeenshire Aiken, James. Peterhead: parochial and ecclesiastical. 1 pi. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 142-158.) CPA Taylor, William Lawrence. Peterhead literature during the past century. (Bu- chan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 6, 1901, p. 3-36.) CPA Pinkie House, Edinburghshire Ross, Thomas. Pinkie House. (Edin- burgh Architectural Association. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 5, p. 97- 101.) MQA PULROSSIE, SUTHERLANDSHIRE Dempster, George. Plan for improve- ment of the estates of Skibo and Pulrossie (In: John Henderson, General view of the agriculture of the county of Sutherland... London, 1815. 8°. p. 221-230.) VPX Rattray, Aberdeenshire Cumine, James. The burgh of Rattray (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 114-121.; CP4 Milne, John. Rattray. (Buchan Fielc Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq 8". v. 5, 1898-1900, p. 180-214.) CP/ Orkney Marshall, W. P. Notes on a trip to the Orkney and Shetland Isles, and on some singular water-worn rocks in Orkney. (Midland naturalist. London, 1891. 8°. v. 14, p. 8-14.) PQA Orkney and Shetland records; collected and edited by A. W. Johnston, Amy John- ston, Jon Stefansson and Henry Paton. London: Viking Club, 1907-11. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-280; v. 2, p. 1-112; v. 3, p. 1-64. (Old- lore series of the Viking Club. no. 1-8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 27, 28, 38.) CR v. 1. Orkney and Shetland records. v. 2. Orkney and Shetland sasines. (v. 1.) v. 3. Orkney and Shetland sasines. (v. 2.) Ravenscraig Castle, Aberdeenshire Forrest, James. Note on the castles o Ravenscraig and Inverugie. (Buchan Fieli Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq 8°. v. 9, 1906-08, p. 120-127.) CP/ M'Lachlan, John. Ravenscraig Castle (Edinburgh Architectural Associatior Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2 p. 145-148.) MQi Renfrewshire Ramsay, Philip A. Views in Renfrew shire: with historical and descriptive nc tices. Edinburgh: William H. Lizars, 183! xii, 148 p., 1 map, 31 pi. f °. t CI LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1057 Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. Selections from the judicial records of Renfrewshire, illustrative of the admin- istration of the laws of the county, and manners and condition of the inhabitants, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centu- ries. With notes introductory and explana- tory and facsimiles by William Hector. Taisley: J. & J. Cook, 1876-78. 2 v. fac, pi. 8°. CR Series 1: Introductory. 1. The times of the per- secution, 1670-1688. 2. Manners and condition of the people, 1684-1720. 3. Manners and condition of the people, 1720-1800. 4. The administration of the law, and its general severity, 1688-1800. 5. Miscellaneous papers. 6. Rents, prices, etc., 17th and 18th cen- turies. Series 2: 1. County representation, freeholders, &c. 2. Old county families and estates. 3. County courts. 4. Social condition and manners of the people, 1680 to 1770. 5. Prisons and prisoners. 6. The burgh of Paisley. 7. Miscellaneous. 8. Rents, prices, etc., 1730 to 1750. Restalrig, Edinburghshire Ross, Thomas. Restalrig jandj The well of St. Triduana. illus. (Edinburgh Arch- itectural Association. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1912. 8°. v. 7, p. 55-61.) MQA Wood, Thomas A. Douglas. Restalrig church — a monograph. (Edinburgh Nat- uralists' Field Club. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 53-57.) PQA ROSS-SHIRE Bain, Robert. History of the ancient province of Ross (the county palatine of Scotland) from the earliest to the present time. Dingwall: Pefferside Press, Ltd., 1899. xviii, 440 p., 2 1., 2 maps, 1 plan, 6 pi., 1 slip errata. 8°. CR Macgill, W. Old Ross-shire and Scot- land, as seen in the Tain and Balnagown documents. Inverness: Northern Counties Newspaper and Printing and Publishing Co, 1909. xii, 435 p., 6 fac, 1 map, 3 pi. 4 n . CR Roxburgh, Roxburghshire Haig, James. A topographical and his- torical account of the town of Kelso, and of the town and castle of Roxburgh; with a succinct detail of the occurrences in the history of Scotland connected with these celebrated places, and an appendix. Edin- burgh: John Fairbairn, 1825. xvi, 352 p., Ipl. 8°. CR Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire Brown, George Baldwin, and W. R. Lethaby. The Bewcastle and Ruthwell "°sses. (Burlington magazine. London, 1913. 4°. v. 23, p. 43-49.) t MAA SB ?°S7- S.r Martin. The Bewcastle and Ruthwell crosses. 1 pi. (Burlington magazine. London, 1912. 4°. v. 21, p. 193- 194 -> t MAA Lethaby, W. R. The Ruthwell cross, loio ,= (Burl'ngton magazine. London, 1912. 4°. y. 21, p. 145-146.) t MAA See also under Brown, George Bald- win, and W. R. Lethaby. St. Andrews, Fifeshire Linskill, W. T. Unexplored St. An- drews. The Castle passage and the sup- posed crypt. (Chambers's journal. Edin- burgh, 1903. 4°. series' 6, v. 6, p. 23-25 ) *DA St. Colms, Aberdeenshire Forrest, James. Note on the old church of St. Colms. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892- 95, p. 120-121.) CPA St. Kilda, Inverness-shire Kelsall St. Kilda fund. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Trans- actions. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. series 4, v. 10, p. 253-254.) VPA Macdiarmid, John. On St. Kilda and its inhabitants. (Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1878. 8°. series 4, v. 10, p. 232- 253.) VPA Schivas, Aberdeenshire Spence, James. Report on Schivas. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 241-246.) CPA Shetland Fea, James. Considerations on the fish- eries in the Scotch islands; to which is pre- fixed a general account elucidating the his- tory, soil, productions, curiosities, &c, of the same, the manners of the inhabitants, &c. London: printed for the author, 1787. 2 parts in 1 v. map. 8°. VRS In part 2, p. 43 wrongly numbered 47 and sequence of pagination incorrect from that point. Marshall, W. P. Notes on a trip to the Orkney and Shetland Isles, and on some singular water-worn rocks in Orkney. (Midland naturalist. London, 1891. 8°. v. 14, p. 8-14.) PQA Skibo, Sutherlandshire Dempster, George. Plan for improve- ment of the estates of Skibo and Pulros- sie. (In: John Henderson, General view of the agriculture of the county of Suther- land.. London, 1815. 8°. P- 221-230) 1058 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. Slains, Aberdeenshire Chalmers, Andrew. Old Slains. Castle. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Pe- terhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 6, 1901, p. 183-207.) CPA Stirling, Stirlingshire Baillie, J. T. Stirling Castle. 2 plans. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 190S. 8°. v. 3, p. 169-174.) MQA Fleming, James Stark. Ancient castles and mansions of Stirling nobility. De- scribed & illustrated by J. S. Fleming. With pen and ink sketches, by the author. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1902. 4 p.l., (i)viii- xiii p., 1 1., (1)18-475 p., 1 1. illus. 4°. tCRF Ronald, James. Landmarks of old Stir- ling. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1899. xxii, 383 p., 9 1., 1 map, 1 port, illus. 8°. CR Stair-Kerr, Eric. Stirling Castle, its place in Scottish history, by Eric Stair- Kerr. . . With eighteen illustrations by Hugh Armstrong Cameron. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1913. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xii, 219 p., 3 pi. illus. 8°. CR Early history- The war of Independence. The early Stewarts. James v. and Mary. James vi. Later history. The buildings, the park, and the bridge. The associations of the buildings. Stirling's position with regard to other castles. Stirling Castle in poetry. Strichen, Aberdeenshire Anderson, Robert. History of Strichen. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891-92, p. 67-74.) CPA Gray, John. Historical notes on Strich- en. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 11-21.) CPA SUTHERLANDSHIRE Gordon, Sir Robert. The description of the province of Southerland, with the com- modities thereof. [1630.] (In his: Genea- logical history of the earldom of Suther- land. Edinburgh, 1813. f°. p. 1-12.) tfARZ Description of Sutherland, in 1632; and an account of its original inhabitants. (In: John Henderson, General view of the agriculture of the county of Sutherland. . . London, 1815. 8°. p. 159-166.) VPX Extracted from his History of Sutherland. Tain, Ross-shire Taylor, William. Fragments of the early history of Tain, from its origin to the mid- dle of the sixteenth century. Tain: Rod- erick Douglas, 1865. iv, 71 p., 1 pi. 16°. CR Tantallon Castle, Haddingtonshire MacGibbon, David. Tantallon Castle, illus. (Edinburgh Architectural Associa- tion. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1891. 8°. v. 1, p. 77-84.) MQA Yarrow, Selkirkshire Borland, Robert. Yarrow: its literature and romance. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1907. 8°. v. 5, p. 159-168.) PQA ■ Yarrow: its poets and poetry. With introduction and notes by Robert Bor- land... Dalbeattie: T. Fraser, 1890. viii, 239(1) p., 4 port, 8 pi. 8°. NCI Russell, James. Reminiscences of Yar- row, by... James Russell. . .with preface by Professor Campbell Fraser, edited and annotated by. . .Professor Veitch.. .illus- trated by Tom Scott... Edition de luxe. Selkirk: G. Lewis & Son, 1894. xxi p., 1 1., 340, vii p., ''12 pi., 1 port, illus. 4°. CR Supplementary chapters (biographical sketches of the author and of his father, Dr. Robert Russell), by Rev. Alexander Williamson, p. 283-325. Yester, Haddingtonshire Bonnar, Thomas. Yester House [and) Yester Castle. 1 plan, 1 pi. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 30-36.) MQA Place Names Forrest, James. Place-names in Lon- may. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8, 1904-05, p. 93-102.) CPA Giles, Peter. Paper on the development of Buchan in early times, as illustrated by the place-names in the valley of the North Ugie. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 9, 1906-08, p. 78-96.) CPA Gray, John. The personal and place names in the Book of Deer. 1 map. (Bu- chan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 3, 1892-95, p. 79-106.) CPA Milne, John. Place-names in Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Pe- terhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 4, 1896-98, p. 201- 220.) CPA Mitchell, H. B. Coast names near Peter- head. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 49- 56.) CPA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1059 Supplement, continued. History and Description, continued. Skene, William Forbes. On the Celtic topography of Scotland, and the dialectic differences indicated by it. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1867. 4°. v. 24, p. 207-220.) * EC Clan History, etc. Ferguson, James. Papers illustrating the history of the Scots Brigade in the ser- vice of the United Netherlands, 1 572-1782. Extracted by permission from the govern- ment archives at the Hague and edited by James Ferguson, v. 1-3. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1899-1901. 3 v. 8°. (Scot- tish History Society. Publications, v. 32, 35, 38.) CPA Grierson, Sir James Moncrieff. Records of the Scottish volunteer force, 1859-1908. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1909. xxvi, 372 p., 47 pi. 4°. fVWZH Biography Collected Biography Barrie, Sir James Matthew. An Edin- burgh eleven: Pencil portraits from col- lege life. New York: Lovell, Coryell & Co. [189-?] 137 p. 12°. AGH Omond, George William Thomson. The lord advocates of Scotland, from the close of the fifteenth century to the passing of the Reform Bill. Edinburgh: David Doug- las, 1883. 2 v. 8°. XAS The lord advocates of Scotland. Second series. 1834-1880. London: An- drew Melrose, Ltd., 1914. xxiv, 360 p., 1 slip errata. 8°. XAS Individual Biography Aitken, Dr. Andrew Peebles Boyd, William B. An obituary notice of the late Dr. Andrew Peebles Aitken, D.Sc. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. .8°. v. 23, p. 47-53.) QEA Allan, David, Painter Cunningham, Allan. David Allan. (In his: Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 2, p. 358- 378.) MCT Anderson, Arthur, Shipbuilder Nicolson, John. Arthur Anderson, a founder of the P. & O. Coy. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1914. 117 p., 1 pi., 1 Port. 12°. AN Angus, Jonathan Jolly, William. A group of picturesque Scotch puritans, illus. (Scottish art re- view. London, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 183-185 ) tMAA Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Campbell Goodchild, J. G. Obituary notice of the duke of Argyll, patron of the Geological Society of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 176-181.) PTA Baird, Sir David Investigator, pseud, of Lieut.-Gen. Colin Macaulay? Letters commenting upon Mr. Theodore Hook's Memoir of the Life of [General] Sir David Baird, by Investigator, n. p. [1834.] 2 p.L, 30 p. 8°. * Cp.v.1070 Letters originally appeared in the Asiatic journal. Balfour, Arthur James, Statesman McCarthy, Justin. Arthur James Bal- four. (Outlook. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 71, p. 959-965.) * DA Moffatt, James. Mr. Balfour as a man of letters. 1 port, illus. (Bookman. Lon- don, 1912. f°. v. 42, p. 193-197.) GDD Bannerman, Margaret Gordon, Lady Archibald, Raymond Clare. Carlyle's first love, Margaret Gordon, Lady Ban- nerman; an account of her life, ancestry, and homes, her families and friends. Lon- don: J. Lane, 1910. 2 p.L, vii-xvi, 213(1) p., 3 fac, 5 pi., 13 port., 3 tables. 8°. AN Barclay, William Smith, David Baird. William Barclay. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1914. 4°. v. 11, p. 136-163.) CPA Beattie, James, Poet Foster, John. Forbes' Life of Beattie. (In his: Critical essays... London, 1856- 57. 12°. v. 1, p. 17-33.) NCZ Bennie, James, Geologist Home, John. Obituary notice of the late Mr. Bennie. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 187-193.) PTA With a list of Mr. Bennie's geological papers. Blackie, Professor John Stuart EUrrvutos $doAOYixo? SuMoyo;. [A mss. letter from this society to Prof. J. S. Black- ie relating to his diploma as member of the society. The letter is dated Constan- tinople January 23, 1874., *Cp.v.368 1060 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Biography, continued. Testimonials in favour of John Stuart Blackie, Esq., advocate, professor of hu- manity in Marischal College, Aberdeen... First, second, and third series, n. p., n. d. 12, (1)10-64 p. 8°. *Cp.v.468 Blair, Dr. Hugh Finlayson, James. A short account of the life and character of Dr. Hugh Blair. (In: Hugh Blair, Sermons. London, 1822. new edition. 8°. v. 1, p. vii-xx.) ZIZ ■ (In: Same. London, 1847. 8°. p. xi-xx.) ZIZ Blair, Patrick, Surgeon-Apothecary Stevenson, Alexander P. Patrick Blair, surgeon apothecary, Dundee. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1908. 8°. v. 23, p. 259-276.) QEA Boswell, Dr. John Thomas Irvine Cleghorn, Hugh. Dr. Boswell of Bal- muto. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 516-519.) QEA With a chronological list of his scientific papers. Braxfield, Robert MacQueen, Lord Roughead, William. The real Braxfield. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 26, p. 165-190.) SEA Brown, Rev. John, D.D., 1784-1858 Hay, James, and A. Marshall. Libel at the instance of Drs. Hay and Marshall against Dr. J. Brown, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1845.] 11 p., 1 1. 4°. *Cp.v.l335 Brown, Rev. Dr. John, 1810-1882 Brown, John. Supplementary chapter to the life of Rev. John Brown, D.D. A letter to Rev. John Cairns, D.D. Edin- burgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1860. 1 p.l., 409-516 p. 12°. AGZ p.v.9, no.26 Brown, Rev. John, Church Historian Brown, Thomas. A sketch of the life of the author, to which is annexed, a selec- tion of his dying sayings. (In: John Brown, A compendious history of the Bri- tish churches in England, Scotland, Ire- land and America. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 1, p. ix-xx.) ZDV Brown, Robert, Botanist Balfour, John Hutton. Biographical sketch of the late Robert Brown. (Botani- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 119-128.) QEA Brown, Dr. Samuel Testimonials in favour of Dr. Samuel Brown, now a candidate for the chair of chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1843. 33 p. 8°. AGZ p.v.10, no.3 Brown, Thomas, Philosopher Welsh, David. Memoir of Dr. Brown. (In: Thomas Brown, Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. London, 1858. 8°. p. v-xxxi.) VEG Abridged from an Account of the life and writings of Thomas Brown, M.D., Edinburgh, 1825. Buchan, Peter, Ballad Collector Fairley, J. A. Peter Buchan, printer and ballad collector. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 7, 1902-03, p. 123-158.) CPA p. 148-158 contain a bibliography of the works of Peter Buchan. Burnet, James, Painter Cunningham, Allan. James Burnet. (In his: Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 3, p. 138- 145.) MCT Burns, Sir George, Shipbuilder Hodder, Edwin. Sir George Burns, bart: his times and friends. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1892. 394 p., 1 port. 12°. (Popular edition.) AN Cadell, Henry, of Grange Richardson, Ralph. Obituary notice of Mr. Henry Cadell of Grange. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 502-506.) PTA Calder, Sir Robert Sir Robert Calder. (Blackwood's mag- azine. London, 1910. 8°. v. 187, p. 318- 342.) * DA Campbell, .John, of Calder Papers relating to the murder of the laird of Calder. (In: Highland papers. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail. Edinburgh, 1914. 8°. v. 1, p. 141-194.) CP Carlyle, Jane Baillie Welsh Blunt, Reginald. Mrs. Carlyle and her housemaid. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1901. new series, v. 11, p. 456-467.) * DA Carlyle, Jane Baillie Welsh. Eight new love letters of Jane Welsh. [Edited, with explanatory notes, by Alexander Carlyle.] (Nineteenth century and after. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 75, p. 86-113.) * DA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Supplement, continued. Biography, continued. Letters and memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. Prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle. Edited by J. A. Froude. New York: G. Munro r 1883]. 2 v. f°. (Seaside library, v. 80, part 1-2.) ttAN More new letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle. (Nineteenth century and after. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 76, p. 317-349.) *DA Mrs. Carlyle's letters. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 127-146.) * DA Vitale, Zaira. La signora Carlyle. (Nuo- va antologia. Roma, 1905. 8°. serie 4, v. 118 [V. 202, p. 274-289; 465-498.) NNA Colonsay, Duncan M'Neiix, Lord Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord. Bio- graphical notice of Lord Colonsay. (Roy- al Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 445-453.) *EC Couper, Archibald Scott Anschuetz, Richard. Life and chemical work of Archibald Scott Couper. 1 port. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. 29, p. 193- 273.) * EC Croll, Dr. Tames, Physicist Home, John. Obituary notice of Dr. James Croll, F.R.S. 1 port. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 171-187.) PTA p. 181-187 contain a list of Croll's scientific pa- pers and works. Cunningham, Allan Heaton, Mary M. Life of Allan Cunning- ham. (In: Allan Cunningham, Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1879. 12°. v. 1, p. vii-xxi.) MCT Cunningham, Daniel John Knott, C. G. Daniel John Cunningham. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. Edinburgh, 1910. 8°. v. 30, p. 569- 5/9.) * EC With a list of Cunningham's scientific papers and addresses. Dalhousie (1. marquis), James Andrew Broun Ramsay Dalhousie (1. marquis), James Andrew Broun Ramsay. Private letters of the marquess of Dalhousie. Edited by J. G. A. Baird. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1911. xi p., 1 1., 448 p., 5 pi., 4 port. 8 • BGL Second impression. 1061 Dalrymple, Sir David, Lord Hailes Catalogue A, of the works of Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes, arranged in the order of their publication. (In- James Savage, The librarian. London, 1808. 8° V. 1, P. /0-CO.) QA Dalrymple, James Dalrymple Gray Black William George. James Dal- rymple Gray Dalrymple. (Glasgow Arch- aeological Society. Transactions. Glas- ^YAp 1 ^ x Sq " 8 ■ new series ' v - 6 - P"t 1, p. 148-156.) CPA Davidson, Rev. George S. Testimonials in favor of the Rev. George b. Davidson, as a candidate for the Greek chair in the university. Edinburgh, 1851 28 P- 8°. AGHp.v.9,no.4 Dickson, Professor Alexander Fraser, Thomas R. Professor Alexander Dickson. (Botanical Society. Transac- tions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p 508- S16 -) QEA p. 513-516 contain a chronological list of Pro- fessor Dickson s scientific papers. Drummond, William, of Hawthornden Lorimer, Louise. The love story of Drummond of Hawthornden. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1900. 8°. v. 36, p. 203- 229.) *DA Duncan, Rev. Henry, of Ruthwell Dinwiddie, John L. The Rev. Henry Duncan, D.D. (1774-1846), the father of savings banks. 1 port, illus. (Gallovi- dian. Dumfries, 1910. 4°. v. 12, p. 1-7.) *DE Edwards, David Herschell Symington, Andrew James. Biographi- cal sketch of David Herschell Edwards. (In: D. H. Edwards, Modern Scottish poets. Brechin, 1897. 16°. v. 16, p. 5-12.) NCI Erskine, Rev. Ebenezer Harper, James, and others. Lives of Ebenezer Erskine, William Wilson, and Thomas Gillespie, fathers of the United Presbyterian Church. By the Revs. James Harper, John Eadie, and William Lindsay. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1849. 306 p., 2 pi. 12°. ZWH Euing, William, F.R.S.E. Dickson, William P. Biographical no- tice of William Euing, F.R.S.E. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 491-496.) * EC 1062 Supplement, continued. Biography, continued. Ferguson, Pbofessor Adam Small, John. Biographical sketch of Adam Ferguson, LL.D., F.R.S.E., profes- sor of moral philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1864. 4°. v. 23, p. 599-665.) * EC Forbes, Duncan, of Culloden Bannatyne, J. A biographical sketch of the life of the Right Hon. Duncan Forbes, of Culloden. (In: D. Forbes, The works of ...Forbes. London, 1816. 8°. p. i-xvi.) ZET Forbes, James David, F.R.S. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Obituary notice of James David Forbes, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. , principal of the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard in the Uni- versity of St. Andrews. (Edinburgh Geo- logical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. v. 1, p. 238-249.) PTA Forbes, Rev. John, of Corse Garden, George. Reverendi viri Joh. Forbesii a Corse vita. (In: J. Forbes, Opera omnia. Amstelaedami, 1703. f°. v. 1, p. 1-72.) tZEP Gall, Richard, Poet Memoir of Richard Gall. (In: Richard Gall, Poems and songs. Edinburgh, 1819. 12°. p. v-xxvi.) NCM Gilchrist, Dr. James Balfour, Thomas A. G. Obituary notice of Dr. James Gilchrist, Dumfries. (Botan- ical Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. v. 17, p. 2-11.) QEA Gilfillan, Rev. George Livingston, Peter. George Gilfillan and his writings. (In his: Poems and songs.. . Dublin, 1852. 9. ed. 12°. p. 27-35.) NDH Gillespie, Rev. Thomas Harper, James, and others. Lives of Ebenezer Erskine, William Wilson, and Thomas Gillespie, fathers of the United Presbyterian Church. By the Revs. James Harper, John Eadie, and Wiliam Lindsay. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1849. 306 p., 2 pi. 12°. ZWH Glen, John, of Edinburgh Hecht, Hans. John Glen. Ein Blatt auf sein Grab. (Englische Studien. Leip- zig, 1906. 8°. Bd. 36, p. 188-191.) RNA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Goodsir, Professor John Balfour, J. H. Obituary notice of fessor John Goodsir. (Botanical St Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. p. 118-127.) i Grange, James Erskine, Lord Roughead, William. The husband of Lady Grange. (Juridical review. Edin- burgh, 1914. 8°. v. 26, p. 75-96.) SEA Grant, Mrs. Anne MacVicar, of Laggan Grant, Mrs. Anne MacVicar. Memoir and correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Lag- gan. Edited by her son, J. P. Grant. Lon- don: Longman, Brown, Green, and Long- mans, 1844. 3 v. port. 12°. NDD Wilson, James Grant. Memoir of Mrs. Grant. 1 port. (In: Anne Grant, Memoirs of an American lady.. . Albany, 1876. 8°. p. ix-xix.) IR Gray, David, Poet Buchanan, Robert Williams. David Gray. (In his: David Gray and other es- says. London, 1868. 12°. p. 63-174.) Gregory, Professor William - Balfour, John Hutton. Short biographi- cal sketch of Professor Gregory. (Botani- cal Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. v. 6, p. 75-79.) QEA Halyburton, Rev. Thomas . Halyburton, Thomas. Memoirs of the life of Thomas Halyburton... With... an account of the church of Scotland dur- ing the times of Halyburton. [Edited by Janet Watson.] Edinburgh: J. Johnstone [1848]. xvi, 17-320 p., 1 pi. 8°. AN Hamilton, Sir William, Metaphysician Testimonials in support of Sir William Hamilton's application for the chair of logic and metaphysics, vacant in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans, printers, 1836. 59 p. 8°. * C p.v.512 Heddle, Matthew Foster, Mineralogist Goodchild, John George. Dr. Heddle and his geological work. 1 port. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 317-327.) PTA Henderson, John, Geologist Goodchild, John George. John Hen- derson. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 165-175.) PTA With a list of Henderson's geological papers. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1063 t, continued. Biography, continued. Heriot, George, of Edinburgh Constable, Archibald. Memoirs of George Heriot, jeweller to King James vi., with an historical account of the hospital founded by him at Edinburgh. [By Archi- bald Constable.] Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1822. 1 p.l., viii, 228 p., 2 fac, 1 p.l.,2port. 8°. AN Heriot, George. Last will and testa- ment, and codicil thereto. . .and the orig- inal statutes of his hospital by Dr. Balcan- quall. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1835. 4, 90 p. nar. 12°. SHP Herries, Walter, Pamphleteer Spencer, J. J. Walter Herries: a "Darien" pamphleteer. (Glasgow Archae- ological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1910. sq. 8°. new series, v. 6, part 1, p. 103-115.) CPA Home, John, Author Mackenzie, Henry. Account of the life of Mr. John Home. 1 port. (In: John Home. Works. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. v. 1, p. 1-184.) NCP p. 123-184 is an appendix consisting of letters to and from Home's friends. Hunter, Robert, Geologist Rev., The, Robert Hunter, M.A., LL.D., F.G.S. 1823-1897. (Geological magazine. London, 1897. 8°. new series, decade 4, v. 4, p. 382-384.) PTA. Innes, Alexander Taylor Innes, Alexander Taylor. Chapters of reminiscence. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913. vi p., 1 L, 253 p. 8°. AN Innes, Cosmo, Antiquary Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord. Bio- graphical notice of Cosmo Innes. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edin- burgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 453-460.) * EC Jameson, Professor William Henry, Isaac Anderson. Biographical notice of Professor Jameson of Quito. (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. v. 12, p. 19-28.) QEA Jamesone, George, Painter Cunningham, Allan. George Jamesone. (In his: Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 2, p. 102- 125.) *MCT Jameson, Dr. William, C. I. E. Cleghorn, Hugh. Obituary notice of Deputy Surgeon-General Jameson, C. I. E (Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. o . v. 14, p. 288-295.) QEA Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, Lord Chambers, William. Francis Jeffrey. (In 1R& ??° erS i0 o the ,A eople ' Edinburgh, low. 12 . v. 2, no. 16.) NCZ Kames, Hensy Home, Lord Fost er, John. Memoirs of Lord Kames il n ™s : Critical essays . . . London, 1856- 57. 12°. v. 1, p. 63-81.) NCZ Kethenys (Kettin), Ingram de Fleming, David Hay. Supplementary note on Ingram of Kettins. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1911. sq. 8°. v. 45, p. 426-427 ) CPA Lang, Andrew Brown, Peter Hume. Andrew Lang, 1844-1912. (British Academy. Proceed- ings. London [1912]. 8°. 1911-12, p. 552- 558.) * EC Gosse, Edmund. Andrew Lang. 1844- 1912. (In his: Portraits and sketches. Lon- don, 1912. 12°. p. 197-211.) NCZ Jacobs, Joseph. Andrew Lang as man of letters and folk-lorist. (Journal of American folk-lore. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 26, p. 367-372.) HBA Millar, John Hepburn. Andrew Lang. (Quarterly review. London, 1913. 8°. v. 218, p. 299-329.) * DA Salvatorelli, Luigi. Andrew Lang. (Lares. Bollettino sociale. Roma, 1912. 4°. v. 1, p. 133-136.) QOA Simson, James. Andrew Lang a gipsy. His sires were Scottish tinker laddies. [New York, 1892., 4 p. 8°. * C p.v.389 Laurie, Annie, of Maxwelton Thomas, Katherine Elwes. The real Annie Laurie. 2 port., 3 illus. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 35, p. 237-241.) * DA Leyden, John, Poet and Orientalist Morton, James. Memoirs of Dr. Ley- den (In: John Leyden, Poetical remains. London, 1819. 8°. p. i-lxxxv.) NCM Seshadri, P. John Leyden. (East and west. London, 1912. 8°. v. 11, p. 570- 581.) DE 1064 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Biography, continued. Livingston, Rev. John Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston, late minister of the gospel at Ancrum, in Teviotdale. With a particular account of his remarkable ser- mon at the kirk of Shots, by which, about five hundred persons were converted. Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston, 1819. 24 p. 16°. Reserve A chapbook. Macbeth Eruchshaw Ardeshir Parakh. Some striking points of resemblance in the stories of Macbeth of Scotland and Beh- ram Chobin of Persia. (Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bom- bay, 1903. 8°. v. 6, p. 387-402.) QOA McKinnon, Mary Maconochie, Alexander. [Letter to John Scott, 1. earl Eldon, lord high chancellor, concerning the claims of Mrs. Mary Mc- Kinnon against Robert Baird. Signed Alex. Maconochie.] n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1825.] 30, 19 p. 4°. * C p.v. 1335, no.4 MacLehose, Agnes, "Clarinda" M'Lehose, W. C. Memoir of Mrs. M'Le- hose. (In: Robert Burns. The correspond- ence between Burns and Clarinda... New York [1843]. 12°. p. 13-53.) NDD Macleod, Donald, Jacobite Pilot Barron, Evan Macleod. Prince Charlie's pilot. A record of loyalty and devotion. Inverness: R. Carruthers & Sons, 1913. 5 p.l.,(l) 4-205 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. AN Meston, William, Poet Findlay, J. T. "The ingenious and learned William Meston, A. M." (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead n. d. sq. 8°. v. 7, 1902-03, p: 91-122.) CPA With a bibliography of the works of Meston on p. 119-120. Miller, Hugh, Geologist Agassiz, Louis John Rodolphe. Hugh Miller, author of "Old red sandstone," and "Footprints of the Creator." (In: Hugh Miller, Footprints of the Creator... Bos- ton, 1851. 12°. p. xi-xxxvii.) PXX (In: Same. Edinburgh, 1871. 12°. p. iii-xxxvii.) PXX Bayne, Peter. Hugh Miller. (In his: Essays in biography and criticism. Bos- ton, 1857. 12°. first series, p. 334-361.) NCZ Brewster, Sir David. Hugh Miller: sketches of his life and writings. (In: Hugh Miller, The foot-prints of the Crea- tor... Cincinnati, 1851. 12°. p. 11-37.) PXX Home, John, Obituary notice of Hugh Miller. 1 port. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 132-138.) PTA Milne, John, Poet Alexander, William. "The last of the Scottish Homers." 1 port. (Scottish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 359- 362.) MAA Milne-Home, David, Geologist Richardson, Ralph. Obituary notice of David Milne-Home, Esq., of Wedderburn and Milnegraden, LL.D. 1 port. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 119-127.) PTA Mayne, John, Poet Sinclair, George A. John Mayne, a Scot- tish poet. (Gentleman's magazine. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. v. 299, p. 27-34.) * DA Modan, Saint Story, Robert Herbert. Saint Modan of Rosneath: a fragment of Scottish hagi- ology. Paisley: Alex. Gardner, 1878. 4 p.L, (1)10-56 p., 1 pi. sq. 16°. AN Meikle, William Jolly, William. A group of picturesque Scotch puritans, illus. (Scottish art re- view. London, 1889. f°. v. 2, p. 183-185.) tMAA Montrose (1. marquis), James Graham Pryce, Mrs. Hugh. The great marquis of Montrose. London: Everett & Co., Ltd. [1912., 2 p.L, vii-xv, 414 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 5 port. 8°. AN Melvin, James, Geologist Richardson, Ralph. Obituary notice of James Melvin, F.S.A. Scot. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 286-289.) PTA Moore, John, M.D. Anderson, Robert. The life of John Moore, M.D. 1 port. (In: John Moore, Works. Edinburgh, 1820. 8°. v. 1, p. i-lx.) NCG LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1065 Supplement, continued. Biography, continued. Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, Baroness Simpson, Margaret Stewart. The Scot- tish songstress, Caroline, Baroness Nairne; by her great grand-niece [i. e., M. S. Simp- soni. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, 1894. 63 p., 1 port, illus. 12°. AN Nicol, James, Geologist Richardson, Ralph. Obituary notice of Professor Nicol, honorary fellow. (Edin- burgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 245-246.) PTA Pettie, John, R.A. Hardie, Martin. John Pettie, R.A., H.RS.A. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1908. xxiv, 278 p., 41 pi., 9 port. 8°. MCV Phillip, John, Painter Heaton, Mary M. John Phillip. (In: Allan Cunningham, Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 3, p. 434-445.) MCT Pitsligo (4. baron), Alexander Forbes Stark, James. Lord Pitsligo, patriot, saint, outlaw. (Buchan Field Club. Trans- actions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 9, 1906-08, p. 105-117.) CPA Raebcrn, Sir Henry, Painter Allan. Sir Henry Cunningham, Allan. Sir Henry Rae- burn. (In his: Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 2, p. 257-286.) MCT Ramsay, Allan, Painter Cunningham, Allan. Allan Ramsay. (In his: Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 2, p. 126- 136.) MCT Dobson, Austin. A rival of Reynolds. (In his: Eighteenth century vignettes. New York, 1896. 12°. series 3, p. 147- 162.) y NCZ Ramsay, Sir Andrew Crombie, Geologist Geikie, James. The late Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay, LL.D., F.R.S., &c. 1 port. (Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 6, p. 233-240.) PTA Ramsay, Edward Bannerman, Dean of Edinburgh Sandford, D. F. Obituary notice of the Very Rev. Dean Ramsay. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. v. 8, p. 289-296.) * EC 8 Rankine, William John Macquorn Gordon, Lewis D. B. Obituary notice FHinK S T r D Ranki n. e - (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1875. o . v. 8, p. 296-306.) * jjc Reid, Thomas, Philosopher Stewart, Dugald. Account of the life and writings of Thomas Reid, D.D. (In- lhomas Reid, Essays on the powers of the human mind. Edinburgh, 1803. 8° v 1, p. l-clxiv.) YBX r~^T\*l~~ ; ( In T : Same > with notes... by Ij. N. Wright. London, 1843. 8°. p. 1-76 ) YEG — — — — (In: Dugald Stewart. Bio- graphical memoirs... Edinburgh, 1811 4°. p. 399-532.) B }AGH Roberts, David, Painter Heaton, Mary M. David Roberts. (In: Allan Cunningham, Lives of the most emi- nent British painters. London, 1880. 12° v. 3, p. 363-376.) MCT Ross, Poet Alexander, Thomson, Alexander. Life of the author. (In: Alexander Ross, Helenore; or, The fortunate shepherdess... Dundee, 1812 8°. p. iii-liv.) NCL Runciman, Alexander, Painter Cunningham, Allan. Alexander Runci- man. (In his: Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 2, p. 210-223.) MCT Scott, David, Painter Heaton, Mary M. David Scott. (In: Allan Cunningham, Lives of the most emi- nent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 3, p. 391-405.) MCT Scott, William Bell, Poet-Painter Scott, William Bell. Autobiographical notes of the life of William Bell Scott, and notices of his artistic and poetic circle of friends, 1830 to 1882. Edited by W. Minto. London: James R. Osgood, Mcllvaine & Co., 1892. 2 v. pi., port. 8°. MCV Sellars, James, Architect Keppie, John. The late James Sellars, architect, Glasgow. 1 port. 3 illus. (Scot- tish art review. Glasgow, 1889. f°. v. 1, p. 191-193.) fMAA Service, Robert, Naturalist P. J. Robert Service. (Glasgow natur- alist. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 73-76 ) PQA p. 76 contains a list of his more important papers. 1066 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Biography, continued. Simpson, William, R. I. Eyre-Todd, George. The autobiography of William Simpson, R. I., (Crimean Simp- son). Illustrated with many reproduc- tions of Simpson's pictures... London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1903. xv, 3S1 p., 1 fac, 22 pi., 2 port. 8°. MCV Sinclair (7. baron), John Sinclair Fairley, J. A. John, seventh Lord Sin- clair, Covenanter and Royalist. 1 fac. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 8, 1904-05, p. 129- 184.) CPA Sinclair, Sir John Sinclair, William Macdonald. Sir John Sinclair, founder and president of the first Board of Agriculture. 1 port. (Art jour- nal. London, 1910. f°. 1910, p. 33-34.) fMAA Skinner, Rev. John, D.D. Reid, H. G. Biographical sketch. (In: John Skinner, Songs and poems. Peter- head, 1859. 16°. p. vii-xxxvi.) NCL Small, Dr. John, Librarian McNeill, George P. The late Dr. John Small, librarian of the University of Edin- burgh. (Englische Studien. Heilbronn, 1888. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 177-180.) RNA Stewart, Dugald, Philosopher Veitch, John. Memoir of Dugald Stew- art, with selections from his correspon- dence. (In: Dugald Stewart, Collected works. Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. v. 10, p. vii- clxxvii.) YBX Traquair, Ramsay Heatley, Palaeontologist Eminent living geologists. Ramsay Heatley Traquair, M.D., LL.D. 1 port. (Geological magazine. London, 1909. 8 : new series, decade 5, v. 6, p. 241-250.) PTA With a list of his scientific writings on p. 245-250. Tytler, William, of Woodhouselee Mackenzie, Henry. A short account of the life and writings of William Tytler of Woodhouselee. (Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1798. 4°. v. 4, part 1, appendix, p. 17-34.) * EC Walker-Arnott, George Arnott, Botanist Cleghom, Hugh. Biographical notice of the late Dr. Walker-Arnott, regius profes- sor of botany in the University of Glasgow. (Botanical Society. Transactions. Edin- burgh, 1868. 8°. v. 9, p. 414-426.) QEA p. 423-426 give a list of Dr. Walker-Arnott's botanical writings. Watson, Dr. William Lindsay, John. In memoriam: William Watson, M.D., I. M.S. 1 port. (Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 447-452.) PQA Smith, Adam, LL.D. M'Culloch, John Ramsay. Sketch of the life and writings of Adam Smith. 2 port. (In: Adam Smith, An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Edinburgh, 1863. new ed. 8°. p. i-xxiii.) TC Stewart, Dugald. Account of the life and writings of Adam Smith, LL.D. (In: Adam Smith, Theory of the moral senti- ments... London, 1853. 12°. p. xi-lxix.) YFE Smith, James, of Jordan Hill Crosskey, Henry W. Address in mem- ory of James Smith, Esq., of Jordan Hill, F.G.S., late president of the society. (Geological Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. Glasgow, 1867. 8°. v. 2, p. 228- 234.) PTA Somerville, Alexander, B. Sc. In memoriam. Alexander Somerville, B. Sc, F.L.S. (Natural History Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow, 1911. 8°. new series, v. 8, p. 227-230.) PQA Whytt, Professor Robert Seller, William. Memoir of the life and writings of Robert Whytt, M.D., profes- sor of medicine in the University of Edin- burgh from 1747 to 1766. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1864. 4°. v. 23, p. 99-131.) * EC Wilkie, Sir David, Painter Heaton, Mary M. Sir David Wilkie. (In: Allan Cunningham, Lives of the most eminent British painters. London, 1880. 12°. v. 3, p. 206-263.) MCT Thomson, Mrs. Katherine. [Sir David] Wilkie. (In her: Recollections of literary characters and celebrated places. London, 1854. 8°. v. 2, p. 145-174.) NCI Williamson, Peter Williamson, Peter. French and Indian cruelty exemplified in the life, and various vicissitudes of fortune, of Peter William- son, who was carried off from Aberdeen in his infancy, and sold for a slave in Pen- sylvania. Containing the history of the author's adventures in North America... LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND Supplement, continued. Biography, continued. to which is added, An account of the pro- ceedings of the magistrates of Aberdeen against him, on his return to Scotland; a brief history of his process against them before the Court of Session; and a short dissertation on Kidnapping. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by the booksellers, 1792. vi, (1)8-156 p., 1 port. 12°. Reserve Wilson, Alexander, Ornithologist Biographical sketch of Alexander Wil- son (Annals of philosophy. London, 1816. 8°. v. 7, p. 329-342, 409-419.) OA From American ornithology. Burns, Frank L. Alexander Wilson. 1 port, illus. (Wilson bulletin. Oberlin, O., 1908-10. 8°. v. 20, p. 3-18, 63-79, 130-145, 165-185; v. 21, p. 16-35, 132-151, 165-186; v. 1067 79-96.) QMA Jardine, Sir William. Life of Alexander Wilson. 1 port. (In: A. Wilson and C. L. J. L. Bonaparte. American ornithology.. . New York, 1877. 8°. v. 1, p. ix-cv.) QMP Paton, Allan Park. Wilson the ornithol- ogist: a new chapter in his life, embodying many letters hitherto unpublished. Lon- don: Longman, Green, & Co., 1863. 32 p. 8°. AGZ p.v.70 Peabody, William Bourn Oliver. Life of Alexander Wilson. 1 fac. (In: J. Sparks, Library of American biography. New York: Harper & Bros., 1854. 16°. v. 2, p. 1-169.) AGZ Wilson, James Southall. Alexander Wil- son, poet-naturalist. A study of his life, with selected poems. New York: Neale Publishing Co., 1906. 179 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Bibliography, p. 151-154. Wilson, Rev. William Harper, James, and others. Lives of Ebenezer Erskine, William Wilson, and Thomas Gillespie, fathers of the United Presbyterian Church. By the Revs. James Harper, John Eadie, and William Lindsay. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co., 1849. 306 p., 2 pi. 12°. ZWH Heraldry Paul, Sir James Balfour. Heraldry in relation to architecture. 3 pi. (Edinburgh Architectural Association. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 2, p. 12-25.) MQA Ross, Andrew. Old Scottish regimental colours. With twenty-eight coloured plates and other illustrations. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1885. x, 158 p., 30 pi. '"us. f°. ffVWZH Genealogy Surnames Gray, John, and James Fowler Tocher ine frequency and pigmentation value of surnames in east Aberdeenshire. (Buchan iMeld Club Transactions. Peterhead, n d sq. 8°. v. 6, 1901, p. 226-240.) CPA General Works Jervise, Andrew. Epitaphs & inscrip- tions from burial grounds & old buildings in the north-east of Scotland, with histori- cal, biographical, genealogical, and anti- quarian notes, also, an appendix of illustra- tive papers. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1875-79. 2 v. pi., port. 4°. ARF Collected Works Hector, William. Old county families and estates [of Renfrewshire]. (In: Selec- tions from the judicial records of Ren- frewshire... Paisley, 1878. 8°. second series, p. 51-75.) CR Napiers of Blackstone. Walkinshaws of Walkin- shaw. Semples of Balgreen. Hows of Damtoun and Penneld. M'Dowalls of Castlesemple. The estate of Houston. Small, Archibald Robertson. Genealogy of the Robertson, Small, and related fam- ilies: Hamilton, McDougall, Livingston, Beveridge, McNaughton, Lourie, McDon- ald, Stewart. Indianapolis: A. G. Small, 1907. 5 p.l., (1)10-249(1) p., 4 1., 1 port. 8°. APV Tancred, George. The annals of a Bor- der club (the Jedforest) and biographical notices of the families connected there- with. Jedburgh: T. S." Smail, 1899. 4 p.l., xvii p., 1 1., 505 p. 8°. CR Individual Families Forbes Family Lumsden, Matthew, of Tulliekerne. Genealogy of the family of Forbes. From the account of M. Lumsden written in 1580. [Edited by W. Forbes.] Inverness: Journal Office, 1819. 2 p.l., (i)iv-xx, 89 p. nar. 8°. ARZ Title on cover: A descriptione of the genealogie of the houss of Forbes. Gordon Family Spence, James. The Gordons of Gight. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 2, 1891-92, p. 173-178.) CPA Young Family Genealogical, A, account of the descen- dants of James Young, merchant burgess of Aberdeen, and Rachel Cruickshank his 1068 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Genealogy, continued. wife, 1697-1893; with notes as to many of the families with which they are connected. [Edited by W. J.j Aberdeen: University Press, 1894. vii, 264 p. 4°. ARZ Johnston, Alexander. A short memoir of James Young, merchant burgess of Aberdeen, and Rachel Cruickshank, his spouse, and of their descendants; with an appendix, containing notices as to the con- nections by marriage and otherwise, of many of that family. . .brought down to the year 1860. [By Alexander Johnston.] [Aberdeen: Printed by James Craighead,] 1860. 1 p.l., 42, lxxi p., 1 fac, 2 port. 4°. ARZ Law Black, Peter Young. Law reform and Scotch conveyancing... Glasgow: J. Smith & Son, 1856. 31 p. 8°. TE p.v.39, no.7 Case of the proprietors of the rope and soap manufactories of Glasgow, with re- spect to their right of exemption from the duties of customs, upon materials imported for the use of their respective manufac- tories; which., .they offer to surrender for a just recompence. n. p. [1777.] 27, 4 p. 4°. * C p.v.710 From the library of Adam Smith. Forbes, William. A letter from William Forbes, advocate, to his friend in England . . .concerning the law of election of mem- bers of Parliament, collected out of the acts and records of the Parliament of Scot- land, and the statutes of England and Great Britain. Edinburgh: Heirs. . .of A. Ander- son, 1710. 45(1) p. 8°. SEH p.v.24, no.l Great Britain. — Statutes. An act for the better suppressing of theft upon the Bor- ders of England and Scotland, and for discovery of High-way men and other felons . . . 17th . . . September . . . 1656. Lon- don: Hen. Hills and John Field, printers, 1657. 9 p. f°. Reserve An act for raising of fifteen thou- sand pounds sterling in Scotland. At the parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, 1656. London: H. Hills and J. Field, printers, 1657. 38 p. 8°. Reserve An act for the settling of the post- age of England, Scotland and Ireland... 17th. . .September 1656. London: Henry Hills and John Field, printers, 1657. 8 p. f°. Reserve An act for the more effectual pres- ervation and increase of the breed of sal- mon, and for better regulating the fisher- ies in the river Tweed, and the rivers and streams running into the same, and also within the mouth or entrance of the said river. 1830. (In: William Scrope, Days and nights of salmon fishing in the Tweed . . . London, 1843. 8°. p. 257-296.) MYKA Johnston, George P. Notice of a volume of Scots acts from the library of James vi. of Scotland. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society. ' Papers. Edinburgh 1904. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 71-75.) Reserve Scotland. — Statutes. Regiam Majesta- tem. The avid lavves and constitvtions of Scotland, faithfvllie collected fvrth of the Register, and other avid authentick bukes, fra the dayes of King Malcolrrie the sec- ond, vntill the time of King James the first . . . And translated ovt of Latine in Scot- tish. . .with ane large table of the contents therof, be S r John Skene. . . Qvherevnto are adjoined twa treatises, the ane, anent the order of proces observed before the Lords of Counsell, and Session: the other of crimes, and judges in criminall causes. ... Edinburgh: T. Finlason, 1609. 5 p.l., 158, 181 f., 2 1. f°. XWH Scottish parliamentary reform; a letter to... John Russell, first lord of the treas- ury, etc., on the forthcoming reform bill, by a Scottish county magistrate. Dundee: J. Chalmers, 1851. 8 p. 8°. *Cp.v.468 Summary, A, of the powers and duties of a constable in Scotland; and of a private person in regard to criminal cases. By a member of the College of Justice. Edin- burgh: J. Anderson & Co., 1813. 37 p. 8°. SLM p.v.3, no.l Criminal and Other Trials Margarot, Maurice Trial, The, of Maurice Margarot, before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 13th and 14th of January, 1794, on an indictment for seditious practices. Taken in shorthand by Mr. Ramsey. Lon- don: Printed; New York: Re-printed, by James Carey r 1794]. 166 p., 1 port. 8°. Reserve Scott, Rev. Andrew Scott, Rev. Andrew vs. W. McGavin, and others. Report of a trial in the Jury Court, Edinburgh, on the 25th June 1821, for an alleged libel: In the case Rev. A. Scott, Roman Catholic priest, Glasgow, versus W. McGavin, author of a work entitled The Protestant, and others. Taken in shorthand. Glasgow: printed at the Uni- versity Press, 1821. iv, 140 p. 12°. XV p.v.l, no.6 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1069 Supplement, continued. Criminal and Other Trials, continued. Slater, Oscar ' Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The case of Oscar Slater. New York: G. H. Doran Co. [cop. 1912.J 103 p. 8°. SLN Economics Agricultural state of the kingdom in 1816, being the substance of the replies of land- holders to a circular sent by the Board of Agriculture to every part of England, Wales, and Scotland. London: Charles Clement, 1816. 436 p. (misnumbered 333). 8°. VPX Scotland, p. 391-433. Blackie, John Stuart. The Scottish High- landers and the land laws. An historico- economical enquiry. London: Chapman & Hall, 1885. xv, 264 p. 8°. TE Cameron, Donald, of Lochiel. A defence of deer forests. (Nineteenth century. London, 1885. 8°. v. 18, p. 197-208.) * DA Curriehill, John Marshall, lord. An ad- dress on land as a subject of commerce. . . Read at the congress of the National As- sociation for the Promotion of Social Sci- ence, at Edinburgh on the 8th October 1863. n. t.-p. [London: E. Faithful, 1863.] 20 p. 8°. TE p.v.l, no.8 Author's autograph on cover. Don, John. The harvest of 1902. 1 pi. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peter- head, n. d. sq.8°. v. 7, 1902-03, p. 239-242.) CPA General report of the agricultural state and political circumstances of Scotland. . . Chapter 6. On enclosing land, and. . .fenc- ing. Edinburgh: Board of Agriculture, 1813. iv, 92 p., 2 pi. 8°. VPX p.v.4, no.l Glower-Ower-Im, pseud. Our land-laws and land-lords versus the common people. Logiealmond under the earl of Mansfield. Edinburgh: Muir & Patterson, 1879. 24 p. 12°. * C p.v.580 Graham, Alexander. A popular view of the tenure of heritable property in Scot- land, and the means of simplifying it. Edin- burgh: A. & C. Black, 1836. iv, iii-vii, 64 p. 8°. VPE p.v.7 Great Britain. — Scottish Bills Commit- tee. Report from the standing committee on Scottish bills on the Agricultural Hold- ings (Scotland) Act 1908 Amendment Bill with the proceedings of the committee. London: J. B. Nichols and Sons, 1910. 4 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 253.) t TB p.v.89, no.28 Hancock, William Neilson. What are the causes of the distressed state of the Highlands of Scotland? A paper read be- fore the society on the 10th February 1852. Belfast: H. Greer, 1852. 16 p. 8° (Belfast Social Inquiry Society.) TEp.v.2,no.l Labours, The, of the loom. (In: Shep- herds of Britain: scenes from shepherd life past and present. . .by Adelaide L. J. Gos- set. London, 1911. 8°. p. 225-242.) VPR "Shepherd's plaid " by J. R. Planche, 1834, p. 238: Shetland wool, by Robert Cowie, 1871, p. 238-241. Logan, William. A letter to an English member of Parliament, from a gentleman in Scotland, concerning the slavish depen- dencies, which a great part of that nation is still kept under, by superiorities, wards, reliefs, and other remains of the feudal law, and by clanships and tithes. [By Wil- liam Logan.] London: M. Cooper, 1747 1 p.l., 3-39 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l098 Low, David. Observations on the pres- ent state of landed property, and on the prospects of the landholder and the farmer. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1823. viii, 126 p. 8°. *Cp.v.ll60 Macdonald, Duncan George Forbes. The Highland crofters of Scotland. London: the author, 1878. 142 p. 3. ed. 8°. TE Milne, John. The making of a Buchan farm. (Buchan Field Club. Transactions. Peterhead, n. d. sq. 8°. v. 1, 1887-90, p. 159-171.) CPA [Popular view of the tenures of heritable property.] n. t.-p. Glasgow: Fullarton & Co. [1834?] iii-vii, 64 p. 8°. *Cp.v.l321,no.S Title from caption. Present, The, conduct of the chieftains and proprietors of lands in the Highlands of Scotland, towards their clans and peo- ' pie, considered impartially. By a High- lander. [London?) 1773. 18 p. 8°. CPp. box Scotch, The, land question, no. 28. — More facts from the Lothians. n. p. [1887.] 4 p. 8°. * C p.v.580 Extracts from North British Daily Mail, Aug. 16, 1887. Scottish Land Enquiry Committee. Scottish land; the report of the Scottish Land Enquiry Committee. London: Hod- der and Stoughton, 1914. 1 v., 535(1) p. 12°. TE Stevenson, Robert. Excerpt from a "Memoir on British harbours," drawn up in the year 1824, with a plan. Edinburgh, 1827. 6 p., 1 plan. 8°. * C p.v.458 Published in the Edinburgh new philosophical jour- nal, Oct.-Dec, 1827. Wallace, Robert. Allotments and small farms . . . Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, 1889. 11 p. 8°. VPX p. box 4 Repr.: Glasgow Herald, 21st February 1889. Author's presentation copy. 1070 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Sociology Baird, Robert Bruce. Observations on the amended poor law, with suggestions for further amendments. . . Edinburgh: Laing & Forbes, 1846. 24 p. 8°. SGPp.boxS Burton, John Hill. On the state of the law as regards the abatement of nuisances and the protection of the public health, in Scotland, with suggestions for amendment, n. t.-p. [Edinburgh: W. Clowes, 1840., 26 p. 8°. SPMp.box2 Maxwell, William. The history of co- operation in Scotland: its inception and its leaders. Glasgow: Scottish Section of the Co-operative Union, 1910. xvi, 398 p. IS pi., 7 port. 8°. SIO Ochtertyre house booke of accompts, 1737-1739. Edited with introduction and a glossary by James Colville. Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, 1907. li, 259 p. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications, v. 55.) CPA Reviewed (by A. Francis Steuart) in Scottish historical review, v. 5, p. 236-237, Glasgow, 1908. Scottish Provident Institution. Deed of constitution, containing the laws and reg- ulations of the Scottish Provident Insti- tution, for the assurance of capital sums and annuities, on lives and survivorships... Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, 1843. 20 p. 8°. SII p. box Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assur- ance Society. Deed of constitution, and articles and regulations of the Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society. Registered in the books of council and ses- sion 4. October 1814. Edinburgh: Caledo- nian Mercury Press, 1814. 1 p.l., xi, 77 p. 8°. * C p.v.909 Exposition of the objects of the in- stitution, formed under the denomination of the Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society; and of the principles upon which it is founded. Office at Edin- burgh... Edinburgh: Caledonian Mer- cury Press, 1814. 19 p. 8°. *C p.v.909 Shepherds' pastimes. (In: Shepherds of Britain: scenes from shepherd life past and present. . .by Adelaide L. J. Gosset. Lon- don, 1911. 8°. p. 281-302.) VPR Shepherds of Skye and the reel of Hoolican, by Alexander Smith, 1865, p. 286-287. Weber, Adolf. Die englisch-schottische Bodenleihe. (Archiv fur Sozialwissen- schaft und Sozialpolitik. Tubingen, 1904. 8°. Bd. 20, p. 80-100.) SA Education Blackie, John Stuart. Classical litera- ture in its relation to the nineteenth cen-' tury and Scottish university education. An inaugural lecture delivered in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, November 2, 1852. Edin- burgh: Sutherland & Knox, 1852. 24 p. 8° SSW p.v.5, no.6 Autograph of author. University reform; eight articles re- printed from the Scotsman newspaper; with a letter to Professor Pillans. . . Edin- burgh: Sutherland & Knox, 1848. 67 p. 8° SSW p. box 4 Blackie, William George. St. Mungo's College, Glasgow. Inaugural address de- livered 23 October 1889. With an appen- dix. [Glasgow, 1889.] 38 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v.897 Douglas, R. K. Letter to the lord advo- cate, on the claims of the parochial school- masters. [Edinburgh? 1825.] 14 p. 8°. * C p.v.1067 Macleod, Norman. The home school; or, Hints on home education. Edinburgh: Paton & Ritchie, 1857. xiv, 175 p. 16°. * C p.v.655 Pillans, James. A word for the univer- sities of Scotland; and a plea for the hu- manity classes in the College of Edin- burgh: in reply to certain letters lately published in the 'Scottish Press' and 'Scotsman' newspapers. Edinburgh: Mac- lachlan, Stewart, & Co., 1848. 76 p. 8°. * C p.v.436 Scottish, The, universities and the Medi- cal Act Amendment Bill. Deputation to the lord advocate, 8th June 1883. [Lon- don? 1883.] 30 p. 8°. WALp.v.l Shairp, John Campbell. The wants of the Scottish universities, and some of the rem- edies. Edinburgh: T. Constable & Co., 1856. 48 p. 8°. SSW p. box 7 Folklore Duncan, William. Witchcraft in the north — 1597. (In: Joseph Robertson, The book of Bon-Accord. Aberdeen, 1839. 16°. p. 360-368.) CR Religion and Philosophy Black, Hugh. The' practice of self- culture. New York: Macmillan Co. [Cop. 1904.] 1 p.l., v-viii, 262 p. 12°. SST Daire, Eugene. Notice sur D. Hume. (In: E. Daire and G. de Molinari, Melanges d'economie politique. Paris, 1847. 8°. v. 1, P. 3-8.) TB LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND 1071 Supplement, continued. Religion and Philosophy, continued. Dick, Thomas. The Christian philoso- pher; or, The connection of science and philosophy with religion, new ed. Glas- gow: Wm. Collins [1846?]. 2 v. new ed. illus. 12°. ZEX - — The philosophy of religion; or, An illustration of the moral .laws of the uni- verse. Glasgow: W. Collins [18 — ?]. 384 p., 1 port. 12°. Stuart 3080 Brookfield, Mass.: E. & G. Merriam, 1830. 461 p. 2. Amer. ed. 12°. ZEE (In: The Christian's library. New York, 1835. 4°. v. 1-2, p. 737-798.) Latimer, Prof. Duns Scotus. (Metho- dist quarterly review. New York, 1883. 8°. v. 65, p. 5-26.) * DA Modern metaphysicians. The Rev. John Gibson Macvicar. [London, 1869.] 24 p. 12°. * C p.v.579 Reprinted from The British controversialist and literary magazine, February, 1869. Tytler, Alexander Fraser. Memoirs of the life and writings of. . .Henry Home of Karnes... containing sketches of the prog- ress of literature and general improve- ment in Scotland during the greater part of the eighteenth century. Edinburgh: printed for T. Cadell & W. Davies 1814 3 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. AN Williams, Alfred Mason. The Andreas and St. Andrew. (Scottish historical re- view. Glasgow, 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 245-253, 523.) CPA Anglo-Saxon poem on St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. English and Scottish popular bal- lads. (In his: Studies in folk-song and folk-poetry. London: E. Stock, 1895. 12° p. 71-101.) N AE Language Craigie, William Alexander. The pres- ent state of the Scottish tongue. (Cham- bers' journal. Edinburgh, 1911. 4°. se- ries 7, v. 1, p. 497-501.) *DA Language and Literature General Works Inglis, A. Wood. "Auld lang syne" — its origin, poetry, and music. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. v. 26, p. 379-397.) CPA Laing, David. Notices regarding the metrical versions of the Psalms received by the Church of Scotland. [By David Laing. From the appendix to Principal Baillie's Letters and Journals, v. 3.] Edin- burgh, 1842. 53 p. 12°. Reserve Presentation copy from David Laing to Lea Wilson. Letter from W. K. Clay inserted. Salt, Henry Stephens. The works of James Thomson ("B. V."). (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1886. 8°. v. 260, p. 593-610.) * DA Smith, Alexander. Scottish ballads. (In: Edinburgh essays... Edinburgh, 1857. 8°. 1856, p. 204-240.) NCY Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Cata- logue of the valuable Scottish mss., known as the Arbuthnot missal, horae and psalter, the property of the representatives of the late Viscount Arbuthnott. Which will be sold by auction by. . .Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... (Friday, the 10th day of De- cember, 1897)... London: Dryden Press, J. Davy & Sons, 1897. 4 1. sm. 4°. * L , Newspaper clipping: The Arbuthnott manuscripts, inserted. Literature Ainslie, Hew. Scottish songs, ballads and poems. New York: Redfield, 1855. 2 p.L, (i)vi-vii, (1)10-216 p., 1 port. 12°. NCM Anderson, Duncan. Scottish folk-lore; or, Reminiscences of Aberdeenshire from pinafore to gown. New York: J. S. Tait & Sons [cop. 1895]. xv, 245 p. 16°. NCW Bain, Alexander. Practical essays. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1884. xvi, 338 p. 12°. NCZ Bible. — New Testament. The New Testament in Scots; being Purvey's revi- sion of Wycliffe's version turned into Scots by Murdoch Nisbet, c. 1520. Edited from the unique ms. in the possession of Lord Amherst, by Thomas Graves Law. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1901- 05. 3 v. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications.] v. 46, 49, 52.) NDP Chambers, Robert. The Scottish bal- lads; collected and illustrated by R. Cham- bers. Edinburgh: Wm. Tait, 1829. 2 p.l., 5, vii, 399 p. 12°. NCK The Scottish songs; collected and illustrated by R. Chambers. Edinburgh: William Tait, 1829. 2 v. 12°. NDP Guthrie, Thomas. "Out of harness;" sketches, narrative and descriptive. New York: Robert Carter and Bros., 1867. 3 p.l., 388 p. 12°. NCZ Have, Sir Gilbert. Gilbert of the Haye's prose manuscript (A. D. 1456). Edited with 1072 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Supplement, continued. Language and Literature, continued. introduction by J. H. Stevenson, v. 1-2. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1901-14. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Pub- lications.] v. 44, 62.) NDP v. 1. The buke of the law of armys, or, buke of bataillis. v. 2. The buke of knychthede and the buke of the governaunce of princis. Livy. Livy's History of Rome. The first five books translated into Scots by John Bellenden 1S33. Edited, with intro- duction, notes, and glossary, by W. A. Craigie. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1901-03. 2 v. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. [Publications, v. 47, 51.]) NDP McCheyne, Robert Murray. The life and remains, letters, lectures, and poems of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne, by the Rev. A. A. Bonar. 7. American from the 21. Edinburgh edition. To which is added, Familiar letters from the Holy Land, &c. New York: R. Carter & Brothers, 1856. 556 p., 1 port. 8°. NDH Miller, Hugh. Essays, historical and bio- graphical, political and social, literary and scientific. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1862. xiii, 495 p. 12°. NCZ Botany Garry, Robert. Some recent additions to the fresh-water algae of the Clyde area. (Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow, 1910. 8°. v. 2, p. 13-14.) PQA Lunam, George. Some additions to the fresh-water algae of the Clyde area. (Glas- gow naturalist. Glasgow 1911. 8°. v. 3, p. 25-27.) PQA INDEX INDEX A. Burns and Sir Walter Scott, 790, 868. A. Historical notices of Scottish herring fishery, 660, 931. A. Sir John Sinclair, 536. A, A. Alexander Macmillan, 510. A., A. Auld Yule, 730. A., A. Village of Leadhills, 386. A., G. Carlyle controversy, 805. A., J. Charms used in Sanday, 730. A., J. R. Original rhymes, 773. A., R. Freedom in universities, 694. Aakjsr, Jeppe. Tidsbjllger, 790. Abbey Craig, The, 417. Abbot, W. J. Mary, queen of Scots, 144. Abbotsford, 298. Abbotsford Club: Miscellany, 108. Publications, 4. Abbotsford series of Scottish poets, 773. Abbott, Jacob: History of Mary, queen of Scots, 144. Summer in Scotland, 201. Abercrombie, John: Culture and discipline of the mind, 750. Essays, 750. Essays and tracts, 773. Inquiries concerning intellectual powers, 750. Abercrombie, William. Description of Carrick, 316. Abercromby, John : Excavation of cists at Gladhouse, 55. Excavations on estate of Meikleour, 55. Excavations at Meikleour, 55. Exploration of cairns at Aberlour, 55. Exploration of enclosures near Dinnet, 55. Note on tanged-dagger from Crawford Priory, 55. Notice of urns at Hill of Culsh, 55. Proposed chronological arrangement of fictilia, 55. Relative chronology of cinerary urn types, 55. Report on excavations at Fethaland, 55. Abercromby, John, and A. M. Pirrie. Cemetery of Nunraw, 55. Abercromby, Patrick. Martial atchievements of the Scots nation, 117, 434. Aberdeen (4. earl), G. H. Gordon: Church of Scotland, 257. Correspondence with Dr. Chalmers, 257. Aberdeen, I. M., countess. Address, 694. Aberdeen (7. earl), J. G. Gordon. Union of Presby- terian churches, 295. Aberdeen and Aberdeen doctors, 299. Aberdeen Auxiliary Society for Improving the Sys- tem of Church Patronage. Account of proceed- ings, 4, 208. Aberdeen birth brieves, 559. Aberdeen burgess register, 299. Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce. Report, 4, 660. Aberdeen commissariot record, 559. Aberdeen, Deeside, and Braemar, 299, 313, 321. Aberdeen Diocese. Registrum episcopatus Aberdon- ensis, 303. Aberdeen documents, 299. Aberdeen electric tramways, 660. Aberdeen General Association for Improvement of Psalmody. Report, 719. Aberdeen Grammar School. Statuta, 694. Aberdeen Infirmary. Carta, 680. Aberdeen Line. Circulars, 660. Aberdeen Mutual Assurance and Friendly Society. Rules, 680. Aberdeen and North of Scotland College of Agri- culture. Bulletins. 4, 1042. Aberdeen Philosophical Society. Transactions, 4 Aberdeen Presbytery. Evidence on subject of re- vivals, 260. Aberdeen and the Rebellion (1745), 299, 1050. Aberdeen Sheriffdom. Book of annual-rentaris, 303 Aberdeen University: Annual report, 694. Annual statistical report, 694. Calendar, 694. Fasti Academiae Mariscallanae, 694. Gifford lectures, 694. Library bulletin, 694. Officers and graduates, 694. Plan of education, 695. University studies, 4, 5, 695. Aberdeen University life, 695. Aberdeen University magazine, 5. Aberdeenshire: Abstract of the Bridewell Act, 303. Commissioners of Bridewell. Abstract, 635. Courts: Sheriff Court. Records, 303, 635. Abernethy, J. S. Life of James Abernethy, 439. Abolition of church patronage in Scotland, 290. Abstract of contract for building Edinburgh Ex- change, 328. Abstract of deeds, etc., Banff, 680, 695. Abstract of first report of Religious Instruction Com- mission, 1051. Abstract of general report of royal commissioners, 695. Abstract of supplemental case of Duke of Montrose, 617. Academicus. The political outlook, 207. Accompt of what passed, 503. Account of attempt to surprise the Castle of Edin- burgh (1715), 183, 328. Account of the battle of Balrinnes, 161. Account of the battle of Sheriffmuir, in a letter, 183. Account of the Borders, 312. Account of Captain Simon Frazer, 504. Account of Castle of Kildrummie, 381. Account of ceremony, etc., 328. Account of Charles I's entry into Edinburgh, 328. Account of David Ritchie, 530. Account of death of Mr. James Lawson, 499. Account of dinner given to Lord Erskine, 473, 474. Account of erection of Bell Rock lighthouse, 311. Account of establishment of scientific prize by A. Keith, 695. Account of events at Inverness, etc., 183. Account of the excavation of Birrens, 87. Account of excavation of camps at Birrenswark Hill, 87 Account of excavation of Roman station at Ardoch, 88 Account of excavation of Roman station at Camelon, 88 Account of excavation of Roman station at Inch- tuthil, 88. Account of family of Kinmnmond, 603. Account of the Highlands, 201. Account of imprisonment of poor Dennis, 895. Account of last moments of Queen Anne. 44U. Account of the late Scotch invasion, 183. Account of the Lewis, 387, 388. [1075] 1076 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Account of life of Rev. Alexander Peden, 526. Account of life of William Creech, 465. Account of life of William Richardson, 529. Account of meeting held at Arbroath, 246. Account of misfortunes of Mrs. Erskine, 484. Account of New Year song, 730. Account of the Orkney islands, 396. Account of present state of religion, 242. Account of a pretended conference, 159. Account of principal pleasure tours: (1819), 197. (1821), 198. Account of proceedings connected with testimonial to John Wood, 253, 553, 695. Account of purging congregation of Dalkeith, 228, 321. Account, An, of the Scotch plot, 182. Account of singular wooden coffin, 1044. Account of the trial of Thomas Fyshe Palmer, 655. Account of the trial of Thomas Muir, 655. Account of trials, etc., of rebels, 183. Account of a voyage to the Hebrides, 374. Account of the years of scarcity, 176. Account of the Young Pretender's escape, 183. Accounts of burning villages of Auchterarder, etc., 183, 308, 312, 319, 321, 327, 395. Accounts and papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots, 144. Accurate account of second-sighted men, 730. Acland, A. C: On stone circles at Quendale Bay, 55. Notes on broch of Copister, 55. Act appointing a day of humiliation, 247. Act, declaration, and testimony, etc., 236. Act for delyverie of dead bodies, 695. Act ratifying and approving the treaty of the two kingdoms, 179. Act for sequestrating the quenis maiesties person, 144. Actio contra Mariam Scotorum Reginam, 144. Acts and orders of the meeting of estates, 173. Acts of parliaments of Scotland for settling the orders, 171. Acts and statutes, Lawting, Orkney, 396, 412. Actuarial Society, Edinburgh, Transactions, 5. Acworth, W. M. Railways of Scotland, 660. Adam, Frank: Clans, etc., of the Scottish Highlands, 428. What is my tartan? 428. Adam, J. C. Bird life of an outer island, 931. Adam, John. Account of canoe found in Castle Loch, 91. Adam, John. Shall we return to the Establish- ment? 290. Adam, John, and Robert Buchanan. Union on basis of standards, 286. Adam, Stephen. Progress of stained glass art, 710. Adam, William. Statement, 635. Adam Smith, 537. Adamnan: Life of St. Columba, 221. Adamnani vita S. Columbae, 221. De vita S. Columbas, 221. Adams, H. B. University extension, 695. Adams, James. Burns's "Chloris," 790. Adams, W. A. Twenty-six years' reminiscences, 931. Adamson, J. Notice of marine deposites, Loch Lomond, 955. Adamson, J. What ought England to do? 257. Adamson, J. L. Letters against non-intrusion, 265. Adamson, Patrick. Genethliacum, 773. Adamson, William. Doctrine of the atonement, 283. Addis, M. E. L. Cathedrals and abbeys, 710. Addison, W. I.: Matriculation albums of University of Glasgow, 695. Roll of graduates of the University of Glasgow, 434. Address to citizens of Edinburgh, 328. Address by Deacons' Court, 275. Address of elders, etc., to congregation of St. George's, 274. Address to James Parkhill, 773. Address to landed gentlemen (1765), 635. Address to landed gentlemen (1783), 195. Address to Lord President Hope, 635. Address of one hundred and two chief heritors, 183. Address to the people of Scotland, 1050. Address of provost, etc., of Glasgow, to King Wil- liam, 361. Address to the public, 515. Address to the venerable assembly (1752), 233. Addresses on laying foundation stone of Barony Free Church, 361. Adelphos. Letter to Rev. D. Simpson, 246. Admirable Crichton, The, 465. Admiral John Schank, 533. Adolphus, J. L. Letters to Heber, 868. Adrian VI., Pope. Bull, 405. Adventures of John of Badenyon, 895. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 895. Adversaria, Bannatyne Club, 761. Advertisement to all trades-men (1684), 680. Advertisement concerning Province of East-New Jersey, 660. Advertising in Scotland, 660. Aelred, Saint. Vita Niniani, 523. Affecting and tragical history of Queen Mary, 144, 895. Affleck, J.: Kenmure castle, 380. Affleck, James. Poems and songs, 773. Afkomst, regeeringe: (1649), 117 (1665), 117. Afternoon's walk, 773. Agassiz, J. L. R. : Hugh Miller, 1064. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 955. Aged bard's wish, 921. Agnew, Sir Andrew: The Agnews of Lochnaw, 568. The hereditary sheriffs of Galloway, 359, 425, 568. Sabbath and railway trains, 680. Agnew, D. C. : Englishmen introduced to the Free Church, 278. An eye upon the Scottish Established Church, 279. Agnew, J. V. Some important questions, 635. Agricultural Chemical Society of Scotland. Pro- ceedings, 5. Agricultural labourer of Scotland, 680. Agricultural state of the kingdom in 1816, 1069. Agriculture de l'ficosse, 660. Aguilar, Grace. The days of Bruce, 135. Aguilon, Pedro de. Extraits des correspondances, 144. Aid in study of Lady of Lake, etc., 868. Aiken, James: Church discipline, 680. Peterhead, 1056. Aiken, P. F. Memorials of Robert Burns, 790. Aikin, Lucy. Recollections of Joanna Baillie, 441. Aikman, James: Account of tournament at Eglinton, 354. Annals of the persecution, 210. Eglinton family, 588. Historical account of covenanting, 210. Ailsa (3. marquis), Archibald Kennedy. Notes on excavation of Shanter Knowe, 55. Ainslie, Hew. Scottish songs, 773, 1071. INDEX 1077 Ainsworth, W. H. John Law, 499. Air Advertiser, 1042. Aird Thomas. Poetical works, 773. Airdde. Free Public Library. Report, 305. Airy, Osmund: Lauderdale, 172. Lauderdale and the Restoration, 172. Aitchison, David: A free inquiry into duties of bishops, 279. Scottish Presbyterianism not Presbyterian, 280. Aitken, A. P. Practical methods of testing soils, 660. Aitken, C. K. Legends and memories, 773. Aitken, G. A. Life of John Arbuthnot, 440. Aitken, G. S. : Bothwell Castle, 1052. Lady Stair's house, 1053. Modern Edinburgh, 1053. Aitken, Henry. Salvage awards, 635. Aitken, J. C: Notes on bridge of Nith, 323. Some notes on Abbey of Holywood, 375, 634. Stray gleanings, 326. Aitken, John. On cupped stones in parish of Col- monell, 55. Aiton, John. Life and times of Alexander Hender- son, 210. Aiton, William: History of rencounter at Drumclog, 172, 868. Sketch of the 8. chapter, 660. Alan Breck Stewart in history, 658. Alava, Frances de. Extraits des correspondances, 144. Alba: The Cant family, 578. David and John Leitch, 500. Eliza Inverarity, 491. James Sinclair, 536. "Sawney Beane," 444. Some Galloway Macs, 558. Albanicus: Life of Sir James S. Dentiam, 468. Remarks on William Drummond, 470. Albany, Lady Charlotte Stuart, duchess of. Will of, 439. Albemarle (2. earl), W. A. Keppel, Albemarle papers, 183. Albert Institute, Dundee. Album of Indiapolis, 324. Old Dundee, 324. Albert Institute of Fine Arts, Edinburgh. Summer exhibition, 710. Albert memorial guide book to Edinburgh, 328. Alcestis; or Euripides destroyed, 773. Alcock, Deborah: David Stratton, 542. George Wishart, 553. Alderson, Barnard. Andrew Carnegie, 457. Aldis, H. G.: List of books printed in Scotland, 1. On some re-discovered fragments, 825. Pseudo Chepman and Myllar fragment, 761. Aldis, H. G., and others. Dictionary of printers and booksellers, 1. Alembic Club imprints, 5. Alesius. Edinburgi urbis descriptio, 328. Alexander, A. B. D. Short history of philosophy, 750. Alexander, Andrew. Another answer, 260. Alexander, Sir J. E.: Account of excavations at Cambuskenneth, 315. Notice of Audun, 55. Notice of oak pannel from Stirling Castle, 417. Opening of fairy knowe of Pendreich, 55. Alexander, John : Essay on church government, 247. History of the Church of Scotland, 210. Alexander, L. C. On Carlyle, 805. Alexander, Robert. Letter to Sir James Mackintosh, 361. Alexander, W. J. Love story of Jane Welsh, 456. Alexander, W. L.: Life of Ferme, 476. Our Lord's miracles of healing, 328. Thomas Chalmers, 459. Alexander, William, of Aberdeen: Aberdeenshire agriculture, 660. Making of Aberdeenshire, 303. Alexander, William, of Edinburgh: Letter, 635. Report to Chamber of Commerce, 635. Alexander, Rev. William. Church of Scotland a church of Christ, 260. Alexander, William. Dundonald, its church, etc 326. Alexander, William. Last of the Scottish Homers, 1064. Alexander, William, and G. Michie. Memoir of A. Jervise, 493. Alexander, Sir William: Anacrisis, 773. Poems, 773. Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, 508. Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk, 456. Alexander Carmichael, 457. Alexander Cowan, 464. Alexander Humphreys, 490. Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird for sedition, 653. Alexander Nicolson, sheriff, 523. Alexander Smith's poems, 879. Alexander Smith's poetry, 879. Alexander Wilson, 551. Alford. Presbytery. Records, 305. Alger, J. G. A French envoy in 1745, 183. Alison, Rev. Archibald: Memoir of Alexander Fraser Tytler, 546. The old Scottish parliament, 117. Sermon, 478. Alison, Sir Archibald : Discovery of remains of Robert Bruce, 139. Miscellaneous essays, 773. Remarks on administration of criminal justice, 635. Robert Bruce, 139. Some account of my life, 439. Alison, W. P.: Illustrations, 690. Letter to chairman, 680. Letter to Sir John M'Neill, 680. Observations on epidemic fever, 680. Observations on famine, 680. Observations on management of poor, 680. Remarks on Report, 680. Reply to Dr. Chalmers' objections, 680. Reply to pamphlet entitled "Proposed," etc., 680. All the blue bonnets, 719. Allan, A. S.: Historical notices of family of Margaret of Logy, 605. Robert, bishop of Dunblane, 530. Allan, Alexander. Power of the Civil Magistrate, 239. Allan, Edward. Original poems, 773. Allan, George. Life of Scott, 868. Allan, John. Report on visit to Applecross, 1025. Allan, Thomas: . . Description of vegetable impression found in Craig- leith. 955-956. Rocks in vicinity of Edinburgh, 956. Allan, Thomas. Letter, 660. Allan Cunningham, 466. Allan Cunningham, Esq., 466. 1078 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Allardice, R. B.: Arms of Erskine, 554. Register of births, 560. Allardyce, James: Forbes, lord Forbes, 591. Forbes, lord Pitsligo, 591. * Allaria, A. Culdees, 221. Allegiance and prerogative considered, 173. Allen, Grant. Sir Charles Lyell, 504. Allen, J. R. : Classification, etc., of early Christian monu- ments, 91. Description of ancient oil-lamp from Shetland, 91. Discovery of sculptured stone at St. Madoes, 92. Early Christian monuments of Glasgow district, 91. Early Christian monuments of Iona, 91. Note on standing stone near Ford, 55. Notes on cist with axe-head sculptures, 55. Notes on stones with cup-markings, 55. Notes on wooden tumbler locks, 91. Notice of cup-marked stones and urn in Perth- shire, 55. Notice of prehistoric remains near Tealing, 55. Preliminary list of sculptured stones, 92. Report on photographs of sculptured stones, 92. Report on photography of sculptured stones, 92. Report on sculptured stones, 92. Sculptured ball found at Glas Hill, 55, 56. Sculptured stones at Kilbride, etc., 91. Some points of resemblance, etc., 92. Allen, J. R., and Joseph Anderson. Early Christian Monuments of Scotland, 92. Allen, J. W. Simon Fraser, 504. Allen, Joseph. Life of earl of Dundonald, 472. Allen, William. Letter to Dr. Chalmers, 247. Allievo, Giuseppe. John Stuart Blackie, 751. Almack, Richard. Copy of letter, 144. Alston, E. R., and J. A. Harvie-Brown. Mammals, etc., of Sutherlandshire, 931. Alston, W. M. Old quay walls of Glasgow har- bour, 361. Alten Balladen, 761. Althaus, Friedrich. Carlyle, 805. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. Gen- eral secretary's report, 5. Ambassade du baron d'Esneval, 160. Ambassade de L'Aubespine-Chateauneuf, 160. American Geographical Society. Memorial bulletin. Livingstone, 503. American year-book — directory of Scottish Socie- ties, 1042. Amicus: Sketch of Edinburgh, 328. Sketch of University of Glasgow, 695. Among the Hebrides, 374. Amongst the heather, 773. Amours, F. J. : Editions and mss. of Wyntoun's "Cronykil," 132, 894. Saint Serf's Priory, 390. Ample disquisition into nature of regalities, 117, 192. Analecta Scotica, 108. Analogy which subsists between the British consti- tution, etc., 257. Analysis of new system of general education, 695. Anatomy threatened, 773. Ancient criminal trials in Scotland, 643, 731. Ancient earldom of Mar, 612. Ancient glaciers and icebergs, 956. Ancient Highland superstition, 731. Ancient historic ballads, 773. Ancient lake dwellings in Scotland, 56. Ancient law and customs of burghs of Scotland, 635. Ancient sacred music, 719. Ancient Scotish poems (1786), 773. Ancient Scottish poems (1770), 773, 774. Ancient towers in north of Scotland, 56. Anders, Felix. Culross, 319. Anders, H. Neue Quellenstudien, 790. Anders, H. R. D. Ossian, 913. Anderson, A. O. : Syntax of copula "is," 917. Wimund, 132. Anderson, Alexander. Gymnasia, 695. Anderson, Alexander. The voluntary principle vin- dicated, 286. Anderson, Alexander, poet. Lazarus at our gate, 774. Anderson, Arthur. Notice of sculptured stone at Logierait, 56. Anderson, Christopher. Scotland, 210. Anderson, D. B.: "A. K. H. B.," 448. By the quiet waters, 448. Famous rectorial address, 695. A fulfilled prophecy, 456. Heart of Strathardle, 419. Howe of Strathmore, 420. John Gait, 479. More of "A. K. H. B.," 448. A Perthshire paradise, 403. Poetry of Glen Prosen, 371. Sir Douglas Maclagan, 509. Anderson, Duncan. Scottish folklore, 1071. Anderson, E. M. : Temperature gradients of deep bores, 956. See also under Carruthers, R. G., and E. M. An- derson. Anderson, Francis. Copy of letter from, 167. Anderson, G. Speech in House of Commons, 635. Anderson, George: Account of primitive rocks near Stromness, 956. Description of bituminous rock in Ross-shire, 956. Geognostical sketch, 956. On stone circles near Inverness, 56. Quartz district of Loch Ness, 956. Anderson, George. Letter on vitrified forts, 1044. Anderson, George, and John Finlay. Burns cen- tenary poems, 791. Anderson, Henry. Panegyris, 774. Anderson, J. H. Notice of piscena, 92. Anderson, J. L. Story of the Commercial Bank, 660. Anderson, J. M. : Altar of St. Fergus, 221. Beginnings of St. Andrews University, 695. James I. and University of St. Andrews, 695. The princely Chandos, 695. Anderson, J. P. : Bibliography of Burns, 791. Book of British topography, 1. Anderson, J. T. Tramway track construction, 660. Anderson, James : Account of ancient monuments in Highlands, 56. Account of antiquities in Scotland, 56. Further description of ancient fortifications, 56. Recreations in agriculture, etc., 774. Anderson, James. Account of Lammas festival, 731. Anderson, James. Obsei-vations, 660. Anderson, Rev. James: Ladies of the Covenant, 434. Ladies of the Reformation, 434. Martyrs of the Bass, 434. Anderson, James : Communion tokens of synod of Aberdeen, 1044. Communion tokens of synods of Moray, Ross, etc., 1044. Anderson, James: Glaciation, etc., in Jura, 956. On glaciers in Firth of Clyde, 956. Anderson, James. On new form of holothuria, 931. Anderson John (1789-1832). Historical memoirs of house of Hamilton, 597. INDEX 1079 Anderson, John. Frisel, 591. Anderson, John. Anderson, John. Anderson, John. Anderson, Rev. Historical account of family of Site of Macbeth's Castle, 377. Prize essay on state of society, 695. Geology of Fifeshire, 956. John: Address to ministers of Flisk, 265. Chronicles of the Kirk, 210. Reminiscences of Thomas Chalmers, 459. Anderson, John. Note of sculptured stones in Dor- nock, 92, 322. Anderson, John. Introduction of sea water into Glasgow, 660. Anderson, Rev. John [d. 1911]: Ancient earls of Carrick, 578. Ancient earls of Mar, 612. Ancient earls of Menteith, 615. Ancient earls of Ross, 624. Ancient earls of Strathearn, 631. Ancient lords of Galloway, 592. Ancient lords of Moray, 617. Brechin, lord of Brechin, 573. Campbell, earl of Atholl, 570. Carlyle, lord Carlyle, 578. Celtic earls of Lennox, 604. Claverhouse's last letter, 483. Crichton, earl of Dumfries, 586. Cunningham, earl of Glencairn, 593. Douglas, duke of Queensberry, 622. Douglas, earl of Angus, 569. Douglas, earl of Douglas, 584. Douglas, earl of Dumbarton, 586. Dunbar, earl of Dunbar, 586. Douglas, earl of Forfar, 591. Douglas, earl of Moray, 617. Dunbar, earl of Moray, 617. Earl of Angus, 569. Earls of Atholl, 570. Erskine, earl of Mar, 612. Graham, earls of Menteith, 615. Hamilton, duke of Hamilton, 597. Johnstone, marquess of Annandale, 569. Leslie, earl of Rothes, 624. Lord Colville of Culross, 580. Maxwell, earl of Morton, 618. Montgomerie, earl of Eglinton, 588. Moray, earl of Strathearn, 631. Randolph, earl of Moray, 617. Stewart, earl of Angus, 569. Stewart, earl of Atholl, 570. Stewart, earl of Mar, 612. Stewart, earl of Moray, 617. Stewart, earls of Strathearn, 631. Sutherland, earl of Sutherland, 632. Sutherland, lord Duffus, 586. Umfraville, earl of Angus, 569. Wemyss, earls of Wemyss, 634. Anderson, John, and Sir J. B. Paul: Douglas, earl of Morton, 618. Gordon, earl of Huntly, 600. Anderson, Joseph: Architecturally shaped shrines, 92. Bronze caldron found with kegs of butter near Kyleakin, 93. Confessions of Forfar witches, 731. Description of objects found at St. Blane's, Bute, 92. Description of urns, Poltalloch, 56. Horned cairns of Caithness, 57. Note on bronze sword found at Lochbroom, 56. Note on late Celtic armlet, etc., 92. Note on perforated stone hammers, 56. Note on vessels of brass found in Kilbirnie Loch, 92. Notes on cairn at Collessie, 56. Notes on flints found at Bulwark, 56. Anderson, Joseph — continued: Notes on polished stone discs 56 Notes on refuse heap at Dun Fheurain, 56 Notes regarding death of Princess Margaret 135 Notes on relics of Viking period 92 Notes on rock-shelter at Druimvargie 56 Notes on spinning in the brochs, 56. Notes on structure of brochs, 56. Notes on survival of pagan customs, 56, 92 Notes on three buttons of jet, 56. Notes on two chisels of bronze-like metal, 56 Notes on two Highland targets, 428. Notes on Viking graves in Islay, 92. Notice of ancient Celtic reliquary, 92. Notice of brochs of Yarhouse, etc., 57. Notice of bronze bell at Forteviot, 93. Notice of bronze brooches, etc., 'from ship-burial in Colonsay, 93. Notice of bronze bucket-shaped vessel, 56. Notice of bronze implements found in Lewis, 57. Notice of bronze implements found at Migdale, 57. Notice of bronze sword found at Aird, 57. Notice of cairns on estate of Aberlour, 57. Notice of casket of cetacean bone, 93. Notice of cave at Oban, 57. Notice of Celtic bell from Little Dunkeld, 93 Notice of Celtic bells at Glenlyon, 92. Notice of cemetery at Shanwell, 57. Notice of cemetery at Sheriffs-flats, 57. Notice of fist at Duncra Hill, 57. Notice of cists at Cairnhill, 57. Notice of Dun Stron Duin, 57. Notice of enamelled cup found in Linlithgow- shire, 93. Notice of figure of St. James the Greater, 93. Notice of find of bronze swords in Edinburgh, 57. Notice of find of silver ornaments, at Croy, 93. Notice of fragment of brooch found at Acha- vrole, 73. Notice of gold ornaments found at Largo, 93. Notice of Highland brooch in silver, 93. Notice of hoard of bronze age at Balmashanner, 57. Notice of Kenny's Cairn, 57. Notice of nine brochs, 57. Notice of the quigrich, etc., of St. Fillan, 93. Notice of urns in the Museum, 57. Notices of mortar, etc., dug up in Glasgow, 93. Notices of recent discoveries of cists, 57. Notices of sculptured stone with ogham inscription from Latheron, etc., 93. Notices of some inscribed and sculptured stones, 93. Oliphants in Scotland, 620. On chambered cairns of Caithness, 57. On horned cairns of Caithness: their structural arrangement, 57, 58. Ornamentation of brooches found at Skaill, 92. Report on ancient remains in Caithness, 58. Report on excavations in Caithness, 58. Roman outpost on Tweedside, 88. Scotland in Christian times, 93. Scotland in Christian times. 2. series. 94. Scotland in pagan times: bronze and stone ages, 58. Scotland in pagan times: iron age, 58. Systematic study of Scottish archaeology, 53. Treasure trove, 53. Wicked clan Gregor, 608. See also under Allen, J. R., and Joseph Ander- son. Anderson, Joseph, and G. F. Black. Report on local museums, 53. Anderson, Lawrence. Topography of Peeblesshire, 660. Anderson, P. J. : Aberdeen archery medals, 299. Aberdeen Friars, 221, 299. Aberdeen Grammar Sthool masters, 299. 1080 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Anderson, P. J. — continued: Aberdeen references, 300. Aberdonians abroad, 434. Armorial bearings of University of Aberdeen, 300, 554. Armorial ensigns of Inverness, 377, 554. Blackwell essayists, 695. Buttery Willie Collie, 300. Catalogue of Taylor collection, 761. Chapter of Aberdeen, 300. Collections towards bibliography of universities of Aberdeen, 695, 1041. Earldom of Caithness, 576. Early Marischal College regents, 696. Ecclesiastical records of north-eastern Scotland, 1051. Entrants at King's College, 696. Family of Forbes, 591. Gordon seals, 554, 593. Greyfriars church, Aberdeen, 300. Heir male of lords Forbes, 591. Heirs of the Keiths, 601. Heirs of the Stuarts, 629. Henry Farquharson, 475. James Cadenhead, 454. James Gatt, 480. John Fullarton, 479. Mackenzie, earl of Seaforth, 626. Macra bursaries, 696. Ms. maps of Aberdeen, 300, 1017. Marischal College veterans, 696. Mr. Patrick Copland, 464. Murray lectures, 696. Notes on academic theses, 502, 696, 1041. Notes on heraldic representations, King's Col- lege, 300, 554. Notes on heraldic representations, Marischal Col- lege, 300, 554. Notes on Marischal College, 300. Old stalls, King's College, 300. Postage stamps, 727. Professor William Ogilvie, 524. Records of Aberdeen universities, 696. Royal visits to Aberdeen, 300. Scottish university studies, 696. Simon, lord Lovat, 533. Teaching of botany in Aberdeen, 1025. Thomas Reid, 529. Unpublished verses by William Meston, 842. Views of King's College, 300. Wells of Aberdeen, 300. Anderson, Peter. Guide to Inverness, 377. Anderson, Sir R. R. Dunblane cathedral, 1053. Anderson, R. R., and Andrew Kerr. Observations on St. Giles, 328. Anderson, Robert. Life of Tobias Smollet, 538. Anderson, Robert: Brown's Deeside guide, 321. Fyvie Castle, 1054. History of Strichen, 1058. Life of Robert Gordon, 482. "Outer marches" of Aberdeen, 300. Anderson, Robert: Notice of working drawings, 710. Remains of ancient chapel-royal called Kirkheugh, 409. Anderson, Robert. Life of John Moore, 1064. Anderson, Thomas. See under Gray, Robert, and Thomas Anderson. Anderson, William (1805-1866): Nomenclature in Scotland, 558. The popular Scottish biography, 434. The Scottish nation, 434, 558, 566. Anderson, William: Carboniferous crustacean at Ardross, 956. Fish remains from Abden, 956. See also under Kinnear, W. T., and William An- derson. Andree, Richard: Die ethnographischen Verhaltniss Schottland, 48. In Walter Scotfs Heimat, 868. Macbethplatze, 377. Westschottischer Aberglauben, 731. Andrew Carnegie, 457. Andrew Laing, 498. Andrew Lang, 498. Andrew Mackinley for administering unlawful oaths 653. Andrews, William. Lee-Penny, 731. Anecdotes, 895. Anecdotes of eminent persons. Scott, 868. Anecdotes illustrative of the Highlands after the Rebellion, 183. Angell, John. George Combe, 464. Anglicising of Scottish universities, 696. Anglo-Scotus : Doubtful pedigrees. Greer, 596, 611. Doubtful pedigrees. McKerrell, 610. Doubtful pedigrees. Stuart-Menteth, 631. Legal right to coat-armour, 554. Methven of that ilk, 615. Representation of the Dunbars, 613. Anglo-Scotus. New High School, 328. Anglo-Scotus: Further exposure of Rev. Dr. Ralph Wardlaw, 246. New exposure of leaders of Voluntary Church Associations, 246. West of Scotland arch-voluntary, 247. Angus, 306. Angus, J. K. Scotch play-house, 300. Angus, J. S. Glossary of Shetland dialect, 770. Angus, W. C. : Facsimile of Burns's assignation, 791. Printed works of Burns, 791. Angus, W. C. Notice of white-throated sparrow, 931. Angus and Mearns. Synod — Warning and ad- monition, 231. Annan, Robert. Notes on antiquities of Kinross- shire, 383. Annan, Parish of. Statement of religious destitu- tion, 253, 1051. Annandale, Nelson. Modern instance of trial by ordeal, 635. Annie Laurie, 719. Anningson, J. W. John Hunter, 490. Annual Burns chronicle, 5, 791. Annuity Tax Abolition Society. Remarks, 253. Anschuetz, Richard. Life of A. S. Couper, 1061. Anscombe, Alfred. Obit of St. Columba, 132, 464. Answer to attack by John Pinkerton, 196. Answer to chief or materiall heads, 168. Answer to "A letter to the managers," etc., 265. Answer to protest of the Free Church, 275. Answer to the Queries, 193. Answers for James Anderson, 440, 454. Antidote to the acid of Lucius' letter, 240. Anti-patronage and Church of Scotland magazine, 209. Anti-speculator. Two letters, 660. Apology for Burns, 791. Appeal to the Christian candour of Dr. Chalmers, 265. Appeal to members of church of Scotland, 247. Appeal to ministers oh the importance of unity, 243. Apperley, C. J. Nimrod's hunting tour, 931. Application of three several discourses, 162. Apprenticeship of Carlyle, 805. INDEX Ar canain agus ar sgoiltean, 913. Arago, D. F. J- = Eloge historique de James Watt, 547. Historical eloge, 547. Arbroath. [Documents,] 306. Arbroath Abbey. Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc, 306-307. Arbuckle, James. Glotta, a poem, 774. Arbuthnot, James: Arbuthnot's list of fishes, 931. Historical account of Peterhead, 404, 931. Arbuthnot, John: Miscellaneous works, 774. Miscellaneous works. Supplement, 774. Arbuthnot, John. Sermon (1707), 179. Arbuthnot papers, 569. Arbuthnott (9. viscount), John Arbuthnott. Report on manuscripts, 569, 570. Archaeological collections relating to Renfrew, 405. Archaeological Institute. Catalogue of antiquities, 53, 117. Archaeology in the south-west, 58. Archbishop Sharp, 534. Archbishop Tait, 543. Archearis, The, 159. Archer, William: Carlyle and Burns, 791, 805. In memoriam, 884. Archibald, David: Blackfaced breed of sheep-, 931. Cheviot breed of sheep, 931. Archibald, John: Alexander Jolly, 494. Andrew Macfarlane, 506. Arthur Petrie, 526. David Law, 504. The historic episcopate, 221. Archibald, R. C. Carlyle's first love, 482, 805, 1059. Archibald, Stewart: Clava, 1044. Cup- and ring-marked stones, 1044. Fortrose and Rosemarkie, 956, 1025, 1044. List of ferns, etc., in Kilmalcolm, 1025. Notes on topography and flora of Strathdearn, 1025. Architectural Institute of Scotland: Report, 5. Transactions, 5. Ardmillan, John Craufurd, lord. Union, 283. Are the union negociations fairly conducted? 286. Argument on the duty of the Church of Scotland, 260. Argyll (8. earl and 1. marquis), Archibald Campbell. Speech, June (1646), 1049. Argyll (8. earl and 1. marquis), Archibald Campbell, and Sir W. Armyn. Letter, 167. Argyll (8. duke), G. D. Campbell: Autobiography, 441. Certain bodies from quartzite bed, Inveraray, 956. Correspondence between duke and Rev. Andrew Gray, 277. Correspondence between duke and Right Rev. W. J. Trower, 278. Crofts and farms, 374, 680. Disestablishment, 294. Granite district of Inveraray, 956. Iona, 221, 379. Lake-basins in Argyllshire, 956. Letter to the peers, 262. Letter to Rev. Thomas Chalmers, 262. Manuscripts of, 577. Patronage act of 1874, 290. Physical geography of Argyllshire, 956. Physical structure of Highlands, 956. Post-tertiary lignite, 956. Scotland as it was, 117. 1081 Argyll (8 duke), G. D. Campbell- continued: Ml 2 S 90° n SeC ° nd reading ° f Church P^oaage Tertiary leaf-beds in Mull, 956. Two glens, 956. Western Highlands, 117. Ar *Y U < 9 ' ? uke >. J- G. E. H. D. S. Campbell: Disestablishment, 295. The fairy blacksmith, 921, 922. The Highland nurse, 774. Massacre of Glencoe, 175. Memories of Canada, 774. Scottish politics, 205, 206. Argyll (10. duke), N. D. Campbell: Barons of Bachuill, 605. Castle Campbell inventory, 316. Macewens and Macsweens, 607, 612. Old Tiree rental, 421. Origin of Holy Loch, 318. Saint Maolrubha, 513. Argyll Commissariot : Register of inventories, 560. Register of testaments, 560. Arkley, Patrick. Letter to Rev. Alexander Beith. 275, 913. Arlincourt, Victor d'. The three kingdoms. 201. Armorial ensigns of Inverness, 377. Armour, Alexander. Sir Walter Scott, 868. Armour, Margaret. Mural decoration, 710. Armside, Luke. "Quit you like men!" 294. Armstrong, Andrew, and Son. Companion to map of three Lothians, 1017. Armstrong, Archibald: Archie Armstrong's banquet of jests, 774. Archy's dream, 774. Armstrong, J. L. Chronicles of Armstrongs, 570. Armstrong, James : Discovery of teeth of dithyrocaris, 956. Two new species of shells, 956. See under Young, John, and James Armstrong. Armstrong, James, and John Young. Fossils of Orchard limestone series, 957. Armstrong, John: Art of preserving health, 774. Igea, 774. ficonomie de I'amour, 774. CEconomy of love, 774. Poems, 774. Poetical works, 774. Armstrong, R. A. Gaelic dictionary, 917. Armstrong, R. B. : Bruce earls of Elgin, 589. Bruces of Airth, 574. Bruces of Cultmalindie, 574. History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, etc., 355, 356, 388, 424. Military report. 316, 320, 385. Notes on a feud, 159. Notes on old church of Airth, 305. Armstrong, T. P. Four Abbeys and Abbotsford, 298, 322, 380, 392. Armstrong, W. B. : Account of Bruces of Newtoune, 574. Morgan-Grenville, baroness Kinloss, 602. Notice of ancient door-knocker from Muness, 423. Two papers relating to export of coals, 660. Armstrong, Sir Walter: Art of W. Q. Orchardson, 710. Pictures at Edinburgh, 710. Sir Henry Raeburn, 528, 710. The National Gallery of Scotland, 328. Armyn Sir W. See under Argyll (1. marquis), Archibald Campbell, and Sir W. Armyn. Arnold, Frederick. Lord Bute, 453. 1082 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Arnold, Thomas: Account of St. Columba's Abbey, 376. Sculptured slabs in Old Pentland, 402. Arnot, Hugo : Collection of criminal trials, 643. History of Edinburgh, 328. Of witchcraft, 731. Arnot, William. Life of James Hamilton, 487. Arnot, William. On "Glasgow corporation electric light supply," 661. Arnott, E. Description of armorial bearings, 554. Arntzen, Vilhelm. Adam Smith, 537. Arran Society of Glasgow. Book of Arran, 5, 58, 307. Arrangement of Perthshire geological collection, 957. Arrowsmith, Aaron. Map of Scotland, 1017. Arrowsmith, John. Scotland, 1017. Art of swimming, 895. Art in the west of Scotland, 710. Artemus Ward at Edenberry Yewniversetty, 328. Articles of agreement, 159. Articles of the Treaty of Union, 179. Ascanius, or the young adventurer, 183. Aschauer, Edmund. Zur "Wallace"-Frage, 825. Asesinato de Jacobo Murray, 519. Asgill, J. The Pretender's declaration transpos'd, 183. Ashley, W. J. Clear facts of the commercial situa- tion, 661. Askill. Black cave of M'Donalds, 355. Asmodeus. Asmodeus: or strictures, 196. Assailants of the Church of Scotland, 290. Associate Presbytery. Act concerning doctrine of grace, 236. Associate Presbytery of Perth vs. Robert Imrie, 239. Associate Synod: Address to the people, 237. Statement of evidence, 240. Association for Better Endowment of University of Edinburgh. Annual reports, 696. Association for Obtaining an Official Inquiry into Pauperism of Scotland. Proceedings, 680. Association for Promoting the Defence of Firth of Forth.- Circular, 5. Association for Promoting Education among Work- men, etc. Annual report, 696. Association for Promoting Improvement of Dwellings, etc., of Agricultural Labourers: Annual report, 5, 680. Report of meeting, 680. Association for Promotion of Fine Arts. Report by committee, 710. Association for Revival of Sacred Music in Scotland. Report, 719. Association of Teachers in Secondary Schools. Re- port, 696. Astle, Thomas. Account of seals, 554. Astley, . H. J. D. Some further notes on Langbank crannog, 58. Astonishing history of Jack and the giants, 895. At the General Assembly, 293. Atholl (7. duke), J. J. H. H. S. Murray: Second report on muniments, 108. The 77th regiment of foot, 428. Atkinson, Thomas. The chameleon, 775. Atlas of Scotland, 1017. Attenborough, J. M. First Edinburgh school of literary critics, 328. Atterbury, Francis. Private correspondence, 191. Auchinleck, James. Quair of jelousy, 775. Auchterarder Case : Revised speeches, 254. Speeches, 262. Auchterlonie, John. Account of shire of Forfar, 358. Aul' Kirk of Turriff, 423. Auld Reekie, 328. Aungervyle Society. Publications, 5. Aus dem Tagebuche, 328, 379, 417. Austin. Glasgow poor rate bill, 680. Austin, Alfred. Flodden Field, 1048. Austin, Arthur. Lights and shadows of Scottish life, 775. Authentic narrative of massacre of Glencoe, 175. Authentic particulars respecting Mr. Thomson, 544. Author of Waverley, 868. Authoress of "Auld Robin Gray," 444. Autobiography of William Love, 895. Autumn days in Islay, 775. Auxiliary Society of Glasgow for support of Gaelic Schools. Statement, 5, 912. Avebury (1. baron), Sir John Lubbock: Ancient shell-mounds of Scotland, 1044. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 957. Avus Edinensis. Letter to Mr. North, 328, 329. Axon, W. E. A.: De Quincey and J. F. Ferrier, 476, 754. Unrecorded issue of the Aberdeen press of Ed- ward Raban, 1. Aymot, Thomas. Account of instrument of legiti- mation, 519. Ayr: Charters of the royal burgh, 308. [Documents.] 308. Ayrshire. [Documents.] 309, Ayrshire as a factor in Scottish development, 309. Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association; Archaeological Collections, 309, 424. Publications, 5. Ayrshire garland, 895. Ayrshire sculptor, 544. Ayrshire wreath, 775. Ayton, James. Sunday trains question, 681. Ayton, Sir Robert: Panegyris, 775. Poems, 775. Aytoun, Alexander. Defence of Firth of Forth, 357. Aytoun, W. E. : Bothwell, 775. Curse of Montrose, 775. Examination of statements, 483. Execution of Montrose, 775. Firmilian, 775. Heart of Bruce, 775. Inaugural address, 696. Lays of Scottish Cavaliers, 775. My wife's album, 775. Nuptial ode, 775. Aytoun, W. E., and Sir Theodore Martin: Book of ballads, 775, 776. Napoleon ballads, 776. Poetic works of Louis Napoleon, 776. B B. Historical notices of St. Giles, 329. B. Life of Lord Mansfield, 513. B. Sundial, Duthie Park, 300. B., A. Sketch of life of Andrew Fletcher, 477. B., A. W. G.: Buchanan genealogies, 575. Buchanans of Arden, 575. Campbells of Murthly, 577. Rosses of Tartraven, 624. B., E. V. Elrick walks, 303. B., G. Carlyle's reminiscences, 805. B., H. W. Edinburgh in 1886, 329. B., J. Aberdeen pynours, 300. B., J. Comparison of Virgil and Thomson, 890. B., J. S. Parochial schools of Scotland, 696. B., M. A. Scotland's distinctive school of art, 711. B., R. Capture of Linlithgow Castle, 389. B., R. Dr. Adam Ferguson, 475. INDEX B., V. 0. Smugglers o' Canty Bay, 776. Babbage, Charles. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 957. Babington, B. G. Memoir of J. O. M'William, 512. Babington, C. C. See under Balfour, J. H., and C. C. Babington. Bacheller, Morris. Andrew Carnegie, 457. Bachelor's trap, 776. Back to Scotland, 203. Bacon, Sir Nicholas. Right of succession to the crown, 629. Baddeley, M. J. B. Highlands of Scotland, 205. Badenoch, G. R. : Principle of Church establishment, 292. Word of warning, 294. Badstuber, Alfred. Joanna Baillie's plays, 777. Bagehot, Walter: Adam Smith, 537. Memoir of James Wilson, 552. Waverley novels, 868. Bagley, A. L. Walks and scrambles, 957. Bagot, Daniel. Letter to some members, 262. Bagshaw, William. R. B. Cunninghame Graham, 483. Baildon, H. B.: Rimes of Dunbar, 817. Robert Louis Stevenson, 884. Bailey, E. B.: New structures in Argyllshire Highlands, 957. Recumbent folds in schists, 957. Spherulitic basalt dykes in Ardmuchnish, 957. See also under Kendall, P. F., and E. B. Bailey. Bailey, E. B., and Murray Macgregor. Glenorchy anticline, 957. Bailey, E. B., and D. Tait. Occurrence of coal measures at Port Seton, 957. Bailey, F., and G. U. Macdonald. Working plan, 681. Bailey, G. H. Vitrified cement from ancient fort, 58. Bailey, Saunders. Life of James Macpherson, 511. Baillie, George. Correspondence, 179. Baillie, Lady Grisell. Household book, 681. Baillie, J. T. Stirling Castle, 1058. Baillie, Joanna: Abalya Baee, 776. Basil, 776. Beacon, 776. Bride, 776. Complete works, 776. De Montfort, 776. Dramas, 776. Dramatic and poetical works, 776. Election, 776. Family legend, 776. Metrical legend of Wallace, 1048. Metrical legends, 776. Miscellaneous plays, 776. Series of plays, 776. Siege, 776. Baillie, Robert: Letters and journals, 108, 210. Ondersoeck, 227. Baillie-Hamilton, M. A. An historic heirloom, 144. Baillie's Institution: Free Library: Handbook, 361. Report, 361. Bain, Alexander: Biographical memoir of Dr. John Shier, 535. Biographical memoir of Dr. Neil Arnott, 441. Biographical memoir of Dr. Thomas Clark, 462. James Mill, 516. Practical essays, 1071. Bain, Donald. Olden times, 777. Bain, Ebenezer. Merchant and craft guilds, 300, 681. Bain, George: The Clava cairns, 58. History of Nairnshire, 395. 1083 Bain, Joseph: Additional notices of St. Margaret's chapel, 329. Battle of Ancrum Moor, 157. Cambuslang, 315. Charter by Mark Ker, 421. Dormant barony of Somerville, 628 Earldom of Buchan, 575. Earldom of Caithness, 576. Earls of Stratherne, 631. Edwards in Scotland, 135. Grahams or Grxmes, 595. Hamilton family, 597. John Lesly, 124. Notes on De Moravia family, 617, 619. Notes on a dispensation, 445, 541. Notes on east window, Bothwell Church, 312, 554. Notes on male representation of Morays of Both- well, 617. Notes on the Trinitarian or Red Friars, 221. Percies in Scotland, 621. Remarkable and unique seal of Patrick de Dun- bar, 554. Remarks suggested by Dr. Raven's Caledonian cam- panology, 719. Riddells of that Ilk, 623. Scottish De Quenceys, 583. Scottish royal tradition examined, 117. Sir Alexander Balliol, 571. Sir Davfd de Brechin, 449. Sir William Stewart of Jedworth, 629. Sufferings of Northern counties, 139. Testamentum, 471. True account of James Bell, 445. Two original seals of James, lord Hamilton, 554. "Walter Fitz Gilbert," 597. Bain, Robert. History of Ross, 1057. Baine, James. Memoirs of modern church-reforma- tion, 234. Baines, Edward. Letter to marquis of Landsdowne, 696. Baird, Agnes. Review of works of James Cleland, 1054. Baird, J. G. A. Edinburgh account-book, 329, 681. Baird, John. Scottish Gipsy's advocate, 48. Baird, R. B. Observations on amended poor law, 1070. Baird, William: Account of surname of Baird, 571. Dominus fecit, 571. Baird, William. Annals of Duddingston, 322, 405. Baird, William. Memoir of late John Baird, 442. Baird Leathanach, Na, 922. Baker, Benjamin. Bridging the Firth of Forth, 661. Baker, E. A. Peak in Wester Ross, 407. Baker, H. B. Old Edinburgh stage, 329. Baker, Thomas. Law relating to salmon fisheries, 635. Balances, 240. Balcarres (3. earl), Colin Lindsay. Account of affairs of Scotland, 173. Bald, Robert: Additional observations on coal field, 957. Discovery of skeleton of whale, 957. Coal formation of Clackmannanshire, 957. Fossil elephant of Scotland, 957. Baldry, A. L. : R. W. Macbeth, 711. Robert W. Little, 711. Balfour. Epithalamium, 777. Balfour, A. J. A. J. Balfour as philosopher, 777. Balfour, Andrew: Speech on church patronage, 246. Vengeance is mine, 777. Balfour, Lady Frances: Case of the Free Church, 296. Lady Victoria Campbell, 456. 1084 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Balfour, Graham. Life of R. L. Stevenson, 885. Balfour, J. A. : Chapels, etc., in Arran, 307. Ecclesiastical remains on Holy Isle, 94, 307. Fortified and domestic sites, 58. Holy Isle, 307. Irish-Celtic monastery, 307. King's cave in Arran, 307. Notes on Viking grave-mound at Miilhill, 94. Notice of a cashel at Kilpatrick, 94. Notice of Viking grave-mound, Kingscross, 94. Viking burials, 94. Balfour, J. H.: Account of botanical excursions in Arran, 1025. Biographical sketch of Robert Brown, 1060. Botany of the Bass, 1025. Notes on botanical excursion to Breadalbane moun- tains, 1025. Notes of excursion by Scottish Botanical Alpine Club to Aberdeenshire, etc., 1025. Notice of botanical excursions, 1025. Notice of botanical trip to Moffat, 1025. Notice of Hieracium Stoloniflorium, etc., 1025. Notice of Sagina Nivalis on Ben Lawers, 1025. Obituary notice of Prof. John Goodsir, 1062. Remarks on fossils exhibited by Mr. Peach, 957. Short account of botanical trip in Arran, 1025. Short sketch of Professor Gregory, 1062. Vegetable organisms found in Coal, 957. See also under White, F. B., and J. H. Balfour. Balfour, J. H., and C. C. Babington: Account of botanical excursion to Skye, etc., 1025. Catalogue of plants gathered in North Uist, etc., 1025. Balfour, Sir James: Ballads, 777. Coronatione of King Charles, 165. Historical works, 117. The history of the Picts, 50. Order of K. Charles entring Edinbrughe, 165, 329. Balfour, T. A. G. Obituary notice of Dr. James Gil- christ, 1062. Balfour, William : Articles of agreement, 285. Dr. Rainy's position indefensible, 283. Essential difference between Free and U. P. Churches, 286. The proposed union, 283. Union and the "Daily Review," 283. Voluntaryism of U. P. Church unchanged, 285. Balfour of Burleigh (6. baron), A. H. Bruce: Attack on the Scottish church, 295. Church and state, 210. Historical account of Presbyterianism, 210. Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward: Fortunes of Nigel, 857. Peveril of the Peak, 863. Waverley, 867. Ball, Margaret. Sir Walter Scott, 868. Ballad of "Creely" Duff, 777. Ballad of King Gregory, 777. Ballads and other fugitive poetical pieces, 777. Ballads and songs of Ayrshire, 777. Ballads and songs of Carrick, 777. Ballads of Scotland. Aytoun, 777. Ballantine, J. Historical epitome of Scottish song, 719. Ballantine, James: Chronicle of hundredth birthday of Burns, 791. Gaberlunzie's wallet, 777. Lawnmarket merchant, 329. Life of David Roberts, 711. Ballantyne, Alexander, and others. Refutation, 443, 868. Ballantyne, J. B. Peace in search of a home, 777. Ballantyne, John: Comparison of established and dissenting churches 242. Ballantyne, John: Bute post-glacial shell-bed, 957. List of Bute plants, 1026. Occurrence of Cladium germanicum, 1026. Occurrence of Sirex gigas, 931. Ballantyne, R. M. Photographs of Edinburgh, 329. Ballingal, James. Rhynd and Elcho, 355, 406. Ballingall, M. H. Here and there in Shetlands, 412. Ballingall, W. Scenes of Scottish story, 118, 777. Ballingall, William. Edinburgh, past and present, 329. Balmanno, Robert. Burns, 791. Balmerino Abbey. Chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores, 309, 388. Balmoral, 310. Balmoral choir handbook, 719. Balnaves, Henry. Confession of faith, 750. Balsillie, David. Notes on limestone fragments, 957. Balvaird, John. Letter, 635. Bancroft, N. See under Seward, A. C, and N. Ban- croft. Bands of friendship by Scott of Balweary, etc., 141. Banff. Annals of Banff, 310. Banking Company in Aberdeen. List of proprietors, 661. Banking and insurance, 5. Banks, James. Life of Flora Macdonald, 506. Banks, John. The Albion queens, 144. Banks, Sir T. C: Analytical statement of case of Alexander, 630. Baronia Anglica, 560. Banks, W., & Sons. Scenery on Dee-side. 321. Banks of Forth, 895. Bannatyne, A. M. Defence of Patronage act of 1874, 292. Bannatyne, Charles. Cedl mor, 719. Bannatyne, George. Transcript of family record, 571. Bannatyne, J. Biographical sketch of Duncan Forbes, 1062. Bannatyne, James. A letter (1703), 229. Bannatyne, Richard. Memorials, 159. Bannatyne Club : The Bannatyne Miscellany, 108, 109. Breviarium Aberdonense, 750. Papiers d'etat, 109. Publications, 5, 6, 1042. Registrum domus de Soltre, 416. Bannatyne manuscript, 777. Bannerman, Alexander, and Oswald. Bill, 696. Bannerman, James. Letter to Marquis of Tweed- dale, 257. Bannerman, William: Inscription on Drosten stone, 94, 917. Newton stone, 94, 917. Ogham inscriptions of Lunnasting and Golspie, 94, 917. Bannister, H. M. Pagine scelte, 320. Bannister, Saxe. William Paterson, 524, 525. Banquet given by Scottish Liberals, 531. Baptism in the Isles, 777. Baptist Church, Edinburgh. Short sketch of church order, 210. Barbe, L. A.: Edinburgh and her patron saint, 329. The four Maries, 144. In byways of Scottish history, 118. Kirkcaldy, 495. Mary, queen of Scots, 144. The queen's Marys, 144. Riotous Glasgow, 361. The song of Mary Stuart, 144. Barbour, J. G. Unique traditions, 731. INDEX 1085 1026. Hadding- 132. Barbour, J. S. History of William Paterson, 176. Barbour, James: Castle of Dumfries, 323. Church bells of Holywood, 376, 384, 390. Devorgilla Baliol, 323. The Glenkens, 371. Grey Friars' Church of Dumfries, 323. Notes on Lincluden, 388. Notes on town's common mills, 323. Old church of Dumfries, 233. Notice of camp at Rispun, 58. Notice of fort near Kirkandrews, 58. Barbour, John: The Bruce, 135, 777. The Brus, 135, 136, 778. Barbour, R. W.: First Scottish missionary in South Africa, 545. Night before the battle, 778. Barclay, G. W. W. Some algoid lake-balls, Barclay, George. Account of parish of ton, 373. Barclay, Hugh. Law of the road, 636. Barclay, John: His Argenis, 778. Poematum, 778. Barclay, Robert. On Agricola's engagement, Barclay, William: Nepenthes, 778. Poemata, 778. Barclay, William: Additions to flora of Woody Island, 1026. August ramble on Forfarshire coast, of Tay, 1026. Flora of left bank of Tay, 1026. Flora of right bank of Tay, 1026. Flora of Woody Island, 1026. Riverside marshes between Errol and Invergowrie, 1026. Barclay-Allardice, R. Children of John, Lord Kil- pont, 602. Bardachd Irteach, 922. Bardon papers, 144. Bards of Galloway, 778. Baring-Gould, Sabine. Scottish surnames, 558. Barker, C. D. Methods in constructing Glasgow Central Railway, 661. Barker, John. Notes on municipal history of Dum- fries, 323. Barnard, Charles. Scottish loaf factory, 681. Barnett, John. Gilbert Burnet, 452. Barnett, T. R.: Fairshiels, 312, 778. Old psalm tunes, 719. Reminiscences of old Scots folk, 118, 1046. Baronial residences in the north, 327. Barony Free Church. Statement, 361. Barr, A. E.: Biography of two famous songs, 762. Scottish sketches, 778. Barr, Rev. James. Address to his parishioners, 265. Barr, T. M. Origin and history of Geological So- ciety of Glasgow, 957. Barras, G. W. Glasgow Building Regulations Act, 681. Barratt, James. Essays of R. L. Stevenson, 885. Barrett, J. H. Sartor Resartus, 805. Barrett, Michael: Ancient cathedrals of Scotland, 711. Ancient collegiate churches, 711. Ancient Scottish devotion, 221. Ancient Scottish fairs, 118. Ancient Scottish hospitals, 118. Early Scottish saints, 434. Pioneer Scottish seminary, 696. Pre-Reformation church, 221. Barrett, Michael — continued : Scottish Benedictine houses, 221. Scottish Cistercian houses, 221. Scottish monasteries of old, 1051. Story of Scottish Reformation, 221 Barrie, Sir J. M. : Auld licht idylls, 778. Auld licht manse, 778. An Edinburgh eleven, 1059. Gretna Green revisited, 372. Her leddyship, 778. Little minister, 778. My lady Nicotine, 779. Peter Pan, 779. Peter and Wendy, 779. Quality Street, 779. Sentimental Tommy, 779. Tillyloss scandal, 779. Window in Thrums, 779. Barrie, James. New collection of poems, 778. Barrington, Daines. Observations on vitrified walls 58, 314. Barrington, Michael: Claverhouse in literature, 483. Claverhouse's last letter, 483. Graham of Claverhouse, 483. Memorial of Montrose, 518. Barrit, Thomas. Attempt to explain, etc., 94. Barron, D. G.: In defence of the regalia, 1651-2. 169. Genealogy of Ogilvy, 620. Notice of cemetery at Culla Voe, 58. Barron, E. M. : Ewen Maclachlan and Inverness Academy, 377, 509. New view of the war of independence, 136- Prince Charlie's pilot, 1064. Robert the Bruce in Orkney, 314, 396, 420. Barron, J. H. J. M. Barrie, 444. Barron, James: Armed figure in Greyfriars' church-yard, 377. Beauly Priory, 311. Celtic province of Moray, 394. How Scotland was made a nation, 118. Hugh Miller, 516. Hugh Miller as man of letters, 516. Monasteries in the north, 311. Northern Institution, 377. Barron, James. Some recently constructed piers, 661. Barron, Oswald: Bonny house of Coulthart, 581. Cocks of the North, 593. Barrow, George: Intrusion of muscovite-biotite gneiss, 957. Moine gneisses, 957. Occurrence of chloritoid in Kincardineshire, 957. Silurian rocks in Forfarshire, etc., 958. Barry, G. A. Letter concerning Bessie Bell and Mary Gray, 445, 485. Barry, George. History of Orkney, 396. Bartholomew, J. G. : Royal Scottish Geographical Society's Atlas, 1017. Cartography of Scotland, 1017. Bartholomew, John. Highland clans in law, 428, 636. Bartholomew, John. Plan of Edinburgh and Leith, 329, 1017. Bartlett, W. H. Ports, harbours, 200. Barton, J. H. Bruce's battle call, 719. Basis, The, calmly considered, 240. Bass Rock, The, 310. Bate, D. M. A. Notice of cairn at Mossknow, 58. Bate, Percy: Paintings of William Mouncey, 711. Work of George Henry, 711. Work of R. M. Stevenson, 711. 1086 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bates, D. H. Turning point in Mr. Carnegie's career, 457. Bates, G. F. Microscopic structure of Perthshire igneous rocks, 958. Bates, Stewart. The approved workman, 541. Bateson, Mary. Scottish king's household, 118. Bather, F. A. Tapering ends of crinoid stems, 958. Battell of Balrinnes, 161. Battle of Bannockburn, 136. Battle of Chevy-Chace, 895. Battle of Craignilder, 779. Battle of Otterbourne, 895. Battle of Otterburn, The, 140. Battle of Roslin, 895. Battle of Sheriffmuir, 184. ' Baxter, G. C. Some relics in parish of Cargill, 58. Baxter, W. R. Summer notes, 931. Bayne, Peter: The burn, 779. The Covenanters, etc., 165. Essays in biography, 779. Essays, biographical, 779. Hugh Miller, 1064. Life and letters of Hugh Miller, 516. Montrose, 518. Nineveh, 779. Bayne, Thomas: Brownie in literature, 731. Lady Nairne, 521. Poetry of Burns, 791. Poetry of a Scottish pedlar, 506. Baynes, T. S. Sir William Hamilton, 487. Beach, J. W. Sources of Stevenson's Bottle imp, 885. Bear, W. E. Relations of landlord and tenant, 661. Beaton, A. J.: Notes on antiquities of the Black Isle, 58. Notes on fortifications in the Black Isle, 58. Notes on Ormond Castle, 58. Social and economic condition of Highlands, 118, 661, 681. Beaton, David: Early Christian monuments of Caithness, 1044. Establishment of parish schools, 696. Folk-lore from John o' Groats, 731. Interesting Caithness church record, 315. New Gaelic dictionary, 918. Rev. Alexander Pope, 527. Rev. John Morison, 519. Some references to witchcraft, 314, 420, 731. Beaton, George. Dioghlumean, 922. Beattie, 780. Beattie, James: Elements of moral science, 750. Essays, 779. Essays on truth, 750. Letter on improvement of psalmody, 719. Letters, 779. The Minstrel, 779, 780. Poems, 780. Poetical works, 780. Beattie, James, and W. Collins. Poetical works, 780. Beattie, W. Buchan poetry, 780. Beattie, William: Caledonia illustrated, 200. Life and letters of Thomas Campbell, 801. Scotland illustrated, 200. Beaumont, Christophe de Harlay, comte de. Ex- traits des correspondances, 163. Beaumont, Frank. Fergusson and Burns, 476, 791. Beaumont, Harrington. Ancient earldom of Mar, 613. Beaune, Renaud de. Oraison funebre, 145. Beauties of ancient poetry, 780. Beauties of magazines, 6. Beautiful account of Shepherd of Salisbury Plain 895. Beck, Egerton. Hospital of St. Germains, 410. Beck, Th. Englische Ingenieure, 529. Becker, Ph. Aug. Johann Barclay, 444. Beckett, W. "Uncle Tom" in the Free Church, 279. Beddoe, John: Ancient and modern ethnography of Scotland, 48. Last contribution to Scottish ethnology, 48. Bede, Cuthbert. Glencraggan, 383. See also under Bradley, Edward. Bedford, C. H.: Notice of bronze sword from Waternish, 58. Notice of Fawsydes, 590. Bedford, E. J. Raised beaches in Argyllshire, 958. Bee, The, 6. Beers, H. A.: Ossian, 913. Walter Scott, 869. Begbie, Patrick. Letters concerning silver box, 450. Begemann, Wilhelm. Vorgeschichte der Freimaur- erei, 681. Begg, James: Antiquity of church extension, 210. Dr. M'Crie and patronage, 290. Ecclesiastical and social evils of Scotland, 288, 681. Free Church Presbyterianism, 282. Free Church principles since the disruption, 285. God's gift to Scotland, 210. History of Act of Queen Anne, 230. Housing of working classes, 681. How to promote beauty of Edinburgh, 329. Late Dr. Chalmers on the establishment principle, 2S3. National education for Scotland, 696. Pauperism and poor laws, 681. Present aspect of union question, 286. Principle, etc., of the Free Church, 292. Reasons why, etc., 274. Reform in the Free Church, 295. Reply to Sir James Graham's letter, 265. Scotland's demand, 202. Seat rent question, 255. Seat rents, 253. Union on proposed basis inconsistent, 289. The union question, 283. A violation of treaty of union, etc., 289. Voluntaryism indefensible, 293. Begg, R. B.: History of Lochleven Castle, 145, 390. Isabel Burns, 453. Notice of crannog in Lochleven, 59. Notice of trials for witchcraft, 731. Behaviour and character of Samuel Macpherson, etc., 434. Beith, Alexander: Letter to Patrick Arkley, 275, 913. Scottish Church in her relations, 285. To the men of the North, 293. Beith, Gilbert: The Church question, 295. Crofter question and church endowments, 295, 681. Bekker, Ernst. Maria Stuart, 145. Belhaven (2. baron), John Hamilton: Speech in parliament (1701), 176. Speech in parliament (1706), 180. Lord Belhaven's speech, 180. Bell, A. M. Children's song in Berwickshire, 731. Bell, Alfred: Glacial fauna of King Edward, 958. On a deposit in Largo Bay, 931, 958. Notes upon marine accumulations, 931. Bell, Mrs. Arthur. Robert Weir Allan, 711. Bell, B. Letter to Robert Wallace, 636. INDEX 1087 Bell C. D. Notice of harp given to Beatrix Gardyn, 'etc., 719. Bell, Dugald: Aspects of Clydesdale, 958. Boulder of mica-schist near Inverbeg, 958. Geology of Ardrossan, 958. Geology of Oban, 958. Glacial mound in Glen Fruin, 958. Glacial mounds near Balquhidder, 958. Glacial phenomena of Scotland, 958. Glaciation of West of Scotland, 958. "Great submergence," 958. High-level shelly deposits, 958. Notes on alleged proofs of submergence, 958. Origin of certain granite boulders, 958. Phenomena of the glacial epoch, 958. Pitchstone at Corriegills, 958. Shelly clays and gravels of Aberdeenshire, 958. Some boulders near Arden, 958. Bell, E. W. Notes on British fort on Castle Law, 59. Bell, G. J. Commentaries on laws, 636. Bell, George. Day and night in wynds of Edin- burgh, 329. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, 145. Bell, H. W. Unpublished chapter, 885. Bell, J. J.: Mr. Pennycook's boy, 780. Wee Macgregor, 780. Bell, Sir James, and James Paton. Glasgow, 361. Bell, James. Influence of physical research, 750. Bell, James. Scotland, 202. Bell, R. F. A Scottish chancellor, 541. Bell, Robert. Dictionary of law of Scotland, 636. Bell, Robert: Observations on conference of Rev. Thomas Chal- mers, 251. Substance of speech in case of Strathbogie, 257. Bell, W. H.: Exposures of red sandstone between Callander and Crieff, 958. Geognosy of the Cruachan district, 959. Geology of Deeside, 959. Geology of Easter Ross-shire, 959. Bell, W. L. Notes on armorial stone, Carrick House, 554. Bell, William, and John Sadler: Notice of grimmias, 1026. Notice of mosses, 1026. Bell and Bradfute. Supplement, 1041. Bell Rock light house, 311. Belloc, M. A. Royal Holyrood, 329. Ben, Jo. Descriptio insularum Orchadiarum, 396. Ben Nevis Meteorological Observatory, 1017. Benefit Friendly Society. Ormiston. Rules, 681. Benevolent Society for Clothing Poor. Regulations, 681. Benger, E. O.: Escape of Mary, queen of Scots, 145. Memoirs of life of Mary, 145. Benham, William. See under Davidson, R. T., and William Benham. Bennett, Arthur: Additions to Scottish flora, 1026. Atriplex Calotheca, 1026. Carex aquatilis, 1026. Carex helvola, 1026. Notes on flora of Outer Hebrides, 1026. Notes on records of Scottish plants (1888-1891), 1026. On Calamagrostis strigosa, 1026. On occurrence of calamagrostis stricta in Scot- land, 1026. Orobanche cruenta in Scotland, 1026. Bennett, J. H. Structure of Torbanehill mineral, 959. Bennett, R. J. Apiarian notes, 932. Bennie, James: Ancient lake of Elie, 959. Further observations on surface geology, 959 Note on clay from elephant bed at Kilmau'rs, 959 Note on Dalmeny lepidophloios, 959. Note on "washout" in New Redhall quarry, 959. On glaciated summit of Allermuir, 959. On bos longifrons, etc., in drift of Clyde, 959. On peat with arctic plants at Faskine, 959. On spores in carboniferous formation of Scot- land, 959. On eurypterid remains in carboniferous shales 959. On surface geology, Glasgow, 959. On surface geology of district round Glasgow, 959. On things new and old, 959. Raised sea-bottom at Fillyside, 959. Redemption of sandstone quarries, 959. Scenes and sections in Thornton quarries, 959. Bennie, James, and J. A. Johnston. Remarks on carboniferous wood from Baberton New Quarry. 959. Bennie, James, and Thomas Scott. Ancient lakes of Edinburgh, 959. Benson, L. William Burke, 646. Bentinck, C. D. : Letters of a Jacobite chief, 184. Wardlaw church, 424. Berg-Schottisch, 917. Bernard, Abbot. Bernardus de cura, 780. Bernier, Paul. Voyage, Orcades, etc., 397. Berry, Charles. Birds of Lendalfoot, 932. Berry, John. Note on necklace in cist at Tayfield, 59. Bertram, J. G. : Deer forests, 932. Fisheries, 932. Out-door sports in Scotland, 932. Scottish herring industry, 661. Berwick Museum, 6. Besant, Annie. Edinburgh slums, 329. Betham, Sir William. The Gael and Cymbri, 48. Bethune, Alexander, and John Bethune. Tales, 780. Bethune, John. Essays, 780. Betsey Baker, 895. Bevan, H. E. J. Religion of Carlyle, 805. Bevan, J. G. Short account of Robert Barclay, 444. Beveridge, David: Between the Ochils & Forth, 356, 403. Culross and Tulliallan, 319, 422. Beveridge, Erskine: Bibliography of works relating to Dunfermline, 1, 326, 356. Coll and Tiree, 317, 421, 422. Beveridge, Henry. Notice of two cemeteries, Pit- reavie, 59. Beveridge, J. Lady Anne Bothwell, 448. Beveridge, Robert. Health of Aberdeen, 300. Beveridge, Thomas. Index materiarum, 636. Bible, O. T. Song of Solomon, Lowland Scotch, 780, 781. Bible, N. T.: New Testament in Scots, 1071. St. Matthew, Lowland Scots, 781. Parabola de Seminatore, 781. La parabole du semeur, 781. Bible, Gaelic: Gaelic Bible, 922. Old Testament, 922. Psalms, 922, 923. Song of Solomon, 923. Apocrypha, 923. New Testament, 923. St. Matthew, 923. Bible and Confession of Faith, 294. Bible in Scotland, 762. Bi-centenary of 1662, 281. 1088 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bickers between Edinburgh and Leith, 329. Bickersteth, Edward. Episcopal church in Scotland, 265. Bickerton, T. A. Borthwick Church, 1052. Bickley, F. B. Letters relating to Scotland, 169. Bidwell, Edward. On Sabine's gull, 932. Bigelow. Visit to Melrose Abbey, 322, 392. Bigelow, A. Leaves from a journal, 198. Biggart, A. S. Sir William Arrol, 441. Bigger, F. J. Alexander Peden, 526. Bijvanck, W. G. C. Heine en Carlyle, 805. Biles, J. H. Fifty years of warship-building, 661. Bill for better ordering of militia forces, 1050. Bill, intituled an act, 636. Billings, R. W.: Baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities, 118, 711. On certain features, etc., 711. Bingham, Hiram: Early history of Darien Company, 176. Virginia letters, 176. Binney, E. W. : Permian character of red sandstones, 959. Some upper coal-measures, 959. Binney, E. W., and J. W. Kirkby. Upper beds of Fifeshire coal-measures, 959. Binnie, F. G. On the asphondyliae, 932. Biographical account of David Allan, 439. Biographical sketch of Thomas Chalmers, 459. Biographical sketch of late earl of Errol, 473. Biographical sketch of James Hall, D.D., 895, 896. Biographical memoir of John Leyden, 502. Biographical sketch of Rev. David M'Rae, 512. Biographical sketch of Henry, Viscount Melville, 515. Biographical sketch of James Morison, 519. Biographical sketch of late William Murray, 521. Biographical sketch of Scott, 869. Biographical sketch of Dugald Stewart, 541. Biographical account of James Tassie, 543. Biographical sketch of Alexander Wilson, 1067. Biography of Thomson, 544. Biot, J. B. Voyages to Shetland, 412. Birch, W. de G.: History of Scottish seals, 554. Seals of Scotland, 554. Remarks upon list of Scottish religious houses, 169, 221. Thirteenth century charter relating to Falkirk, 356. Birch, W. M. Authoress of Roy's wife, 762. Bird, Isabella: Pen and pencil sketches, 374. Visit to Dr. Guthrie's ragged schools, 329. Bird life of Shetland, 932. Birkmyre, Robert. Our Highland encampment, 207. Blrnie, John. Account of families of Birnie and Hamilton, 572, 597. Birrell, Augustine: Boswell as biographer, 447. R. L. Stevenson's letters, 885. Some more letters, 456. Birth and baptisms, 731. Biscoe, A. C. Earls of Middleton, 616. Bishop, H. R. Scotia's welcome to Victoria, 720. Bishop, Thomas. Report on introduction of new forest trees into Scotland, 1026. Bishop, W. C. Graham, duke of Montrose, 617. Bisset, A. M. Poets and poetry of Linlithgowshire, 781. Bisset, Andrew: Hume, 755. Sir Walter Scott, 869. Bisset, John: Extracts from diary of, 1 84. Modern Erastianism unvailed, 231. Right of patronages considered, 231. Bisset, Joseph. See under Black, G. F., and Joseph Bisset. Bisset-Smith, G. T. Statistical note on birth regis- tration, 681. Bizet, George: Irregular marriages, 681. S. R. Crockett, 466. Bj0rnson, Bj0rnstjerne: Maria Stuart, 145. Mary Stuart, 145. Black, Adam: Church its own enemy, 247. Speech, 696. View of financial affairs of Edinburgh, 329. Vindication of municipality extension, 329. Black, Adam, and Charles Black. Guide through Glasgow, 361. Black, Charles. See under Black, Adam, and Charles Black. Black, D. D.: Account of excavations at Brechin, 313. History of Brechin, 313. Notes of charter by Charles I., 307. Notice of "fairy knowes" in Shetland, 59. Black, G. F.: Caithness folklore, 731. Confessions of Alloa witches, 731. Descriptive catalogue of antiquities found in Ayr- shire, 59. Descriptive catalogue of loan collections, 59. Examples of printed folklore. Orkney and Shet- land, 731. Holy wood Abbey, 376. Italian doorway in Aberlour garden, 305. Notes on charmstone from Inverleny, 731. Notice of antiquities found in Dumfriesshire, 323. Notice of charm-bead from Craignish, 732. Notice of rune-inscribed cross-slab, Inchmarnock, 94. Notice of various antiquities found in Dumfries- shire, 323, 324. The origin of "Skibo," 416. Perthshire folklore, 732. Popular derivations of Scottish surnames, 558. Proposed professorship of Gaelic in Aberdeen, 696, 913. Report on antiquities found in Scotland, 59. Report on archaeological examination of Culbin Sands, 59. The Ruthwell Cross, 408. Scottish charms and amulets, 732. Scottish National Museum of Antiquities, 329. Scottish place names, 425. Scottish superstitions, 732. Some Scottish surnames, 558, 559. Some West Highland place-names, 425. See also under Anderson, Joseph, and G. F. Black. Black, G. F., and Joseph Bisset. Catalogue of Dr. Grierson's museum, 932. Black, H. C. Annie S. Swan, 543. Black, Hugh: Culture and restraint, 750. Friendship, 750. Happiness, 751. Work, 751. Practice of self-culture, 1070. Black, J. A.: Glimpses of Aberdeen, 300. Highland revenge, 470, 781. Last years of Knox's life, 496. Maxwell and Johnstone feud, 601, 614. Black, J. S., and George Chrystal. Life of W. R. Smith, 538. Black, James. On agriculture of Aberdeen, 661. Black, M. M. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Black, P. Y. Law reform, 1068. Black, R. C. Some considerations on educational system, 696. INDEX 1089 Black, W. G.: Derivation of word "Glasgow," 361, 425. Folk-names of British birds, 732. Hog-backed monuments, 94. Holy wells in Scotland, 732. James Dalrymple Gray Dalrymple, 1061. Jubilee Glasgow Archaeological Society, 54. Black, W. T.: Mounds at Dunblane, 59, 88. Rolled pebbles from Dunbar, 960. Black, William: Beautiful wretch, 781. Briseis, 781. Daughter of Heth, 781. Fight for a wife, 781. Green pastures, 781. In silk attire, 781. Judith Shakespeare, 781. Kilmeny, 781. Love or marriage, 781. Macleod of Dare. 781. Madcap Violet, 781. Maid of Killeena, 781. Mr. Pisistratus Brown, 781. Monarch of Mincing Lane, 781. New prince Fortunatus, 781. Princess of Thule, 781. Shandon Bells, 781. Strange Adventures, 781. Sunrise, 781. Three feathers, 781, 782. White heather, 782. White wings, 782. Yolande, 782. Black's guide to the Trossachs, 203. Black's new large map of Scotland, 1017. Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland, 203, 204, 206. Black book of Paisley, 118. Black dog, The, 782. Black horse of Dalbeattie, 321. Black Palmer. Scotch loch fishing, 932. Black Spider. Betty's trip, 782. Black stag in Morar, 932. Blackadder, Alexander. Superficial strata of the Forth district, 960. Blackbird, The, 896. Blackburn, Vernon. Muse of the Gael, 720. Blackford, Mrs. Martha. The Scottish orphans, 782. Blackfriars of Perth: chartulary, 402. Blackie, J. S.: Altavona, 118. Ancrum moor, 782. Auld house o'Gask, 782. Classical literature, 1070. Farewell to Ben Vrackie, 782. Gaelic language, 917, 918. Highland crofters, 681. John Knox, 782. Language and literature of Scottish Highlands, 913. Lay sermons, 782. Letter to citizens of Aberdeen, 696. Life of Burns, 791. Lord Lynedoch, 782. Merlin and Kentigern, 782. Moral culture, 751. Nationality, 118. On advancement of learning, 696. On Lord Rosebery, etc., 296. Place-names, 425. Popular songs of Scottish Highlanders, 913. The Scot, 118. Scottish Highlanders and the land laws, 1069. Self-culture, 751. Significance of Scottish local names, 425. Songs of religion and life, 782. Blackie, J. S. — continued: Three sonnets, 782, 791 Tibbie Shiel's, 782. University reform, 1070 K e " i^t?' St MUng °' S C ° UeBe ' Glas S°w> 1070. Blacklock, Thomas: The Graham, 782. Poems, 782. Poetical works, 782. Blacklock, Thomas, and others. Original poems, 782 Blackwell, Thomas. Letters from, 230. Blackwood and Dr. Morris, 869. Blackwood, Adam: History of Mary, 145. Martyre de Marie Stvart, 145. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, 6. Blackwood's magazine. General index, 6. Blades, F. A. Earls of Menteith, 615. Blaeu, Johann. Grooten Atlas, 1017-1018. Blaikie. Report on system of improvement, 661 Blaikie, W. B. : Highlanders at Macclesfield, 184. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, 184. Lord George Murray, 520. Major-General David Stewart, 541. Perthshire in the Forty-five, 1050. Second Battalion of Black Watch, 428. Stuart descendants, 629. Blaikie, W. B., and K. M. Murray, Marchioness of Tullibardine. Perthshire in the 'Fifteen, 1050. Blaikie, W. G.: After fifty years, 296. Archbishop Leighton, 499. David Brown, 449. Genesis of Scottish pulpit, 210. Letter to Lord Polwarth, 292. Patrick Hamilton, 487. Personal life of David Livingstone, 503. Religious awakening in Edinburgh, 290. Thomas Chalmers, 459. Two streams of Presbyterian history, 210. Blair: Aiteal, 118. Oidhche, 923. Blair, Alick. Rantin Robin, 782. Blair, Andrew. Can this last? 696. Blair, Hugh: Beauties of Blair, 782. Critical dissertation, 913. Sermons, 782. Discurso moral, 751. Blair, Matthew. The Scotch church, 297. Blair, Matthew. Surface geology of Paisley, 960. Blair, Robert. (1593-1666.) Life, 210, 447. Blair, Robert: The grave, 782, 783. Poems, 783. Poetical works, 783. Select poems, 783. Blake, C. G: Note on skull from Get, 48. On human remains from the Miickle Heog, 48. Blake, J. F. Remarkable inlier among Jurassic rocks, 960. Blake, Mark. Letter to clergy, 237. Blakey, Robert. Angler's guide, 932. Blanc, H. J.: Doune Castle, 1053. Edinburgh Castle, 1053. Heriot's Hospital, 1053. Monastery of Inchcolm, 1055. Blanchet, J. A. Inedited gold crown of James v., 727 Blanford, W. T. On a particular form of surface, 960. Blar na saorsa, 1048. 1090 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Blatherwick, Charles. Highest town in the High- lands, 422. Blennerhassett, Lady C. J. Maria Stuart, 145. Blind, Karl: Discovery of Odinic songs, 732. Fresh Scottish ashpitel tale, 732. Grimm's tale in Shetland version, 732. New finds, 732. Scottish, etc., water tales, 732. Shetland folklore, 732. Shetland folklore and old faith of Teutons, 732. Teribus ye Teri Odin, 373. Blind Allan, 896. Blind piper's salute, 923. Blome, Richard: Description of Scotland, 172. The Hebrides, 374. Orcades, 397. Bloodgood, S. D. Sketch of the Shepherd's life, 489. Bloxam, Thomas. Composition of building sand- stones, 960. Blue, The, bell, 783. Blue bell of Scotland, 720. Bluff Harbour Board. Balance sheet, 661. Bluidy Mackenzie, 508. Blundell, Madge. Some forest folk, 932. Blundell, Odo: Bishop Nicholson's visitation (1700), 229. Further examination of artificial islands, 59. Notes on church, etc., of Saint Maelrubha, Arisaig, 307, 381. Notice of crannog of Eilean Muireach, 59. State of the Catholic religion in the Hebrides, 227. Blunt, Reginald. Mrs. Carlyle and her housemaid, 1060. Blyth, B. H., and W. A. Tait. Rainfall, Talla reser- voir, 1018. Blythesome bridal, 896. Boase, C. W. Century of banking in Dundee, 661. Body, George. George Howard Wilkinson, 550. Boece, Hector: Buik of croniclis, 118. De animantibus, 932. De Scotorum priscis, 118. History and chronicles of Scotland, 118. Murthlacensium et Aberdonensium episcoporum vitae, 435. Boece, Hector, and George Buchanan. Catalogus regum Scoriae, 118. Boehme, Arthur. Die Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre bei D. Hume, 755. Bogle, Lockhart: Archaeological notes on Dunvegan Castle, 327. Notes on prehistoric structures in Glenelg, 59. Boglietti, G. Maria Stuarda, 145. Boissiere, E. Marie Stuart, 145. Boissize, Jean de Thumery, seigneur de. Extraits des correspondances, 162. Bolton, W.: Homes and Humes, 599. Humes of Polwarth, 599. Bombardion. On Smollet's novels, 881. Bon Gaultier and his friends, 441. Bonar, A. A. Memoir of R. M. M'Cheyne, 505. Bonar, A. R. Canongate of Edinburgh, 329. Bonar, Horatius: John Knox and Ranfurly, 603. Speech on union question, 283. Bonar, James. Relations of Carlyle to political econ- omy, 805. Bond, Charles. Hebrides and West Highlands, 374. Bond, R. W. Drummond of Hawthornden, 470. Bonet, M. G. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Bonnar, Thomas: Ancient mural decorative art, 711. Biographical sketch of G. M. Kemp, 494. Yester House and Yester Castle, 1058. Bonney, H. K. Historic notices, 145. Bonney, T. G.: Charles Lyell, 504. Lithological characters of Scottish rocks, 960. Notes on rocks from north-west Highlands, 960. On serpentine of Ayrshire coast, 960. Penological notes, 960. Bonny Mally Stewart, 896. Boog, Robert. Queen Bleary's tomb, 400. Book of British ballads, 783. Book of Perth, 210, 211, 402. Book of Scottish ballads, 783. Book of Scottish pasquils, 783. Book of Scottish song, 783. Book of the thanes of Cawdor, 316, 577. Booth, David. Account of orchards in neighbour- hood of Newburgh, 1026. Borchard, Karl. Textgeschichte, 890. Border ballads, 762. Border Counties Association. Scott exhibition, 869. Border Counties' magazine, 7. Border minstrelsy, 762. Borderer. Remarks on poetry of Leyden, 836. Borders and their ballads, 762. Borland, Francis. History of Darien, 176. Borland, Robert: Yarrow: its literature, 1058. Yarrow: its poets and poetry, 1058. Borough, Sir John. Notes on treaty, 166. Borrowman, Patrick. The proposed basis of union, 289. Borthwick, Henry. Borthwick Castle, 1052. Borthwick, John. Examination of considerations, 329. Borthwick, W. M. Letters, 447. Borthwick, William. Inquiry into origin of feudal dignities, 118. Bos, Camille. Kantisme de Carlyle, 805. Bosdari, A. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Boston, Thomas. Notes on mounds on farm of Balmuick, 59. Boswall, Donaldson. Notice of ancient bulwark, 329. Boswell, 447. Boswell, Sir Alexander: Elegiac ode, 783. Skeldon Haughs, 783. Boswell, James: Boswelliana, 447. Journal of tour to Hebrides, 374. Letter to people of Scotland, 195. Letters, 447. A North Britain extraordinary, 193. Boswell's letters, 447. Bosworth, T. O. Wind erosion, Mull, 960. Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and proceedings, 7, 1025. Botfield, Beriah: Journal of a tour, 198. Notices of libraries, 329, 361. Bothwell, G. B. Letter to working classes, 697. Bothwell (4. earl), James Hepburn. Les affaires, 448. Bothwell (3. earl), Patrick Hepburn. Letters, 448. Bothwell Castle, Lanarkshire, 312. Boue\ Ami. Volcanic rocks of France and Scotland, 960. Boulanger, G. A. Reptilian remains from Elgin, 960. Bourinot, Sir J. G. Lord Elgin, 472. INDEX 1091 Bourne, H. R. F.: Carlyle and his wife, 805. The Couttses, 435. George Heriot, 488. James Ewing, 475. Some merchants of Glasgow, 435. William Paterson, 525. See also under Dundonald (11. earl), T. B. Coch- rane, and H. R. F. Bourne. Bowd, James. Letter to Sir Walter Scott, 732. Bowen, Emanuel. Scotland: or North Britain, 192. Bower, Alexander. History of University of Edin- burgh, 697. Bower, F. O. Notes on botany in university of Glasgow, 1026. Bower, John: Description of abbeys of Melrose and Old Melrose, 392. History and antiquities of Melrose, etc., 298, 322, 355, 392. Bower of love, 896. Bowes, John. Letters, 161. Bowes, Robert: Correspondence, 160. Letters, 160. Bowie, William. Black book of Taymouth, 577. Boyd. [Genealogy,] 573. Boyd, A. K. H. : Archbishop Tait, 543. Autumn holidays, 783. A characteristic of modern life, 783. Every day philosopher, 783. Graver thoughts of a country parson, 783, 784. The last years of St. Andrews, 409. New hymnology, 751. The new liturgies, 295. Professor Buchanan, 452. Recreations of a country parson, 784. St. Andrews and elsewhere, 784. Twenty-five years of St. Andrews, 409. Boyd, D. A.: Additional notes on peronosporeae and ustilagineae, 1026. Bryum Duvalii in Lanarkshire, 1027. Largs and its surroundings, 1056. Microfungi at Bavelaw castle, 1027. Microfungi in Islay, 1027. Microfungi near Kilmarnock, 1027. Microfungi near Kirkcaldy, 1027. Microfungi at Traquair, etc., 1027. Mycological notes, 1027. Notes on flora of West Kilbride, 1027. Notes on fungi from West Kilbride, 1027. Notes on mosses from West Kilbride, 1027. Notes on Helotium marchantise in Ayrshire, 1027. Notes on some plants of Clyde district, 1027. Notes on habits of some common birds, 932. Occurrence of water shrew and otter, 932. Occurrence of corky-scab potato disease, 1027. Peronosporex of north Ayrshire, 1027. Sclerotinia baccarum and its allies, 1027. Some recent additions to fungus-flora of Clyde area, 1027. Ustilagineae of north Ayrshire, 1027. West Kilbride and North Ayrshire coast, 1027. With the Crytogamic Society at Inverary, 1027. Boyd, D. A., and J. Smith. Notice of rock surface at Blackshaw, 59. Boyd, L. J. R. The Irvines, 600. Boyd, M. A. Epistolae Heroidvm, 784. Boyd, Robert: Extracts from obituary of R. Boyd, 573. Hecatombe Christiana, 784. Boyd, T.. J. Educational hospital reform, 697. Boyd, W. B. Obituary notice of Dr. A. P. Aitken, 1059. Boyd, W. P. History of Boyd family, 573. tfoyd, William. Stone age in Buchan, 1044 Boyd, Zachary: Four poems, 784. Garden of Zion, 784. Letter, 449. Boyd-Kinnear, John. Law of Marriage, 681 Boyd papers, 573. Boyes, Walter. Paintings and etchings of D. Y Cameron, 711. Boyle, R. E.: Boyle, earl of Glasgow, 593. Galloway, lord Dunkeld, 588. Hepburn, earl of Bothwell, 573. Seton, earl of Winton, 634. Boyle, Robert: Economic and petrographic geology, 960. Occurrence of ultra-basic rocks, 960. Boyle, Robert. Hepburn of Auldhamstocks, 598. Brackenbury, Sir Henry. James Douglas, 469 Bradley, A. G.: Flodden Field, 141. Twenty years in East Lothian, 373. Bradley, C. B. Stevenson and California, 885. Bradley, Edward: Brooch of Bruce, 450. Fairy man, 732. Ghosts of Glenlussa, 732. Legendary stories, 732. Story hunting in Highlands, 732. Tour in Tartan-land, 203. True story of Burns, 791. Two popular stories, 732. White wife, 732. See also under Bede, Cuthbert. Bradshaw, Henry. Two unknown poems by John Barbour, 778. Brahain Ducange, V. H. J. La fiancee de Lammer- moor, 856. Braham, James. March, March, Etrick and Tiviot- dale, 720. Braid, James. Account of accident in Leadhills mines, 386. Bramhall, John: A faire warning, 227. Een schoone waerschouwinge, 227. Brand, Alice. Letter to Ettrick Shepherd, 489. Brand, John. Brief description of Orkney, etc., 314, 396, 402, 412. Brand, John. Seal of Abbey of Lundores, 388, 554. Brand, W. F. Andrew Carnegie, 457. Brander, Alexander. Pastoral letter, 265. Brandes, Friedrich. John Knox, 496. Branford, V. Old Edinburgh, 329. Branford, V. V.: Genesis of a national school of painting, 439, 711. Patriotic historians, 435. Brash, R. R. : Notices of round tower of Brechin, 313. Remarks on Newton pillar stone, 94, 918. Round tower of Abernethy, 94, 305. Brate, Erik. Runic inscriptions, 94. Brave British boys, 896. Brazier, J. S. Memorandum of experiments, 661. Breadalbane (2. marquis), John Campbell, and John Brown. A brief statement, 265. Brechin. Commissariot record, 560. Brechin. [Documents,] 313. Brechin Diocese. Registrum episcopatus Brechinen- sis, 313. Brede, W. Der Unterscheid, etc., 756. Breed, W. P. Jenny Geddes, 511. _ Breguet, G. A. Early history of Tarn, 421. Bremner, Alexander. Physical geology of Dee Val- ley 960. Bremner, David. Industries of Scotland, 661. 1092 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bremner, R. L. Ancient accounts of battle of Largs, 1048. Northmen in Alban, etc., 1043. Notes on battle of Largs, 132. Some notes on Norsemen in Argyllshire, 132. Bremond, Henri. Walter Scott, 869. Breslau, Harry. Die Kassettenbriefe, 145. Breviate of the state of Scotland, 173. Brevis descriptio regni Scotie, 136. Brewster, Sir David: Account of native hydrate of magnesia, 960. Description of withamite, 960. Examination of letter, 500. Hugh Miller, 1064. Notice of artificial cave, Alvey, 960. Notice respecting lead ore from Wanlockhead, 960. On fairy stones found in Elwand Water, 960. Brewster, James. Account of case of Margaret Lyell, 504. Brewster, Patrick: Claims of Church of Scotland, 248. Description of fossil tree, 960. Brichan, J. B. Notice of boundary of lands of Burgie, 314. Brickenden, Lambart : Occurrence of boulder-clay in limestone quarry, Elgin, 961. Occurrence of glacial traces on rock, Dumbarton, 961. Reptilian foot-tracks in strata of Moray, 960. Bridges, James: Appeal to all classes, 241. Letter on courts of law, 636. Patronage in the Church, 257, 258. Brief account of Erskines of Dun, 589. Brief account of family of Maclean, 610. Brief account of John Knox, 496. Brief account of Province of East-New-Jersey, 681. Brief account of watch by Evan Macpherson, 191, 192. Brief memoir of Rev. James Robertson, 530. Brief memorial of Sir Alex. Gibson, 457. Brief relation of Bamfylde Moore Carew, 896. Brief statement of dispute for precedency, 602. Brief tribute to memory of Catherine Sinclair, 536. Brief van de commissarissen, 168. Brief view of the late Scots ministry, 183. Brief view of Scotland in sixteenth century, 141. Bright well, C. L. Robert and James Haldane, 486. Brimley, George. Noctes Ambrosiana, 894. British Association for Advancement of Science: Archeology, etc., 697. Bathy-orographical map, 932. Excursion handbook, 7, 329. Fauna, flora, etc., of Clyde area, 932, 961, 1027. Glasgow meeting. Excursions, 361. Local industries, 661. British cities and their commerce. Edinburgh, 661. Britton, John. Modern Athens! 330. Broadfoot, W. One of a remarkable family, 509. Brockie, William. The Gypsies of Yetholm, 48. Brodie, Alexander. Diary, 170. Brodie, George. Unto the Lords of Council and Session, etc., 661. Brodie, James: Inquiry into action of natural agencies, 961. Note of tumuli at Melville Moor, 59. Notice of flint implements, Fordun, 59. Pearls of the Ythan, 932. Brodie, James. Remarks, 265. Brodie, R. H. Countess of Murray's letter, 157. Brodie-Innes, J. W. Scottish witchcraft trials, 732. Bromhead, H. K. On purifying Glasgow harbour, 661. Bromhead, H. W. Thomas Stuart Smith, 711. Brook, A. J. S.: Account of archery medals, 94, 300, 697. Account of maces, 300, 330, 361, 711. Additional notes on silver chain, 94. Communion tokens, 94. Notice of bracket timepiece, 94. Notice of figure from Dunstaffnage Castle, 94. Notice of four silver communion cups, 711. Notice of silver bell of Lanark, 385, 681. Notice of silver brooch with black-letter inscrip- tion, 94. Notice of sword-belt, 118. Old Scottish hall-marks, 711. Technical description of regalia, 95. Brook, George. Notes on salmon disease, 932, 1027. Brooke, H. J. Lead-ore found at Leadhills, 961. Brooke, S. A.: Robert Burns, 791. Sir Walter Scott, 869. Brotanek, Rudolf: Philotus, 762. Untersuchungen, 518, 843. Brougham, Henry Brougham, lord: Adam Smith, 537. Buchanan, 451. Elizabeth's conduct to Mary, 145. Hume, 756. James I. of Scotland, 491. John Knox, 496. Robertson, 530. Simson, 536. Watt, 548. Broun, Sir Richard. Address, 560. Broun, Robert. Protocol book, 560. Brown, A. H. : The queen Marys, 1048. The Scottish crown, etc., 1046. Brown, C. J. : Church establishments defended, 244. Disruption question stated, 281. Lecture on duty of state, 248. On the spiritual independence of the church, 248. The question of principle, 286. Some materials of thought, 283. The Union question, 283. Brown, Campbell. On gasteropods in a lepido- dendron, 961. Brown, D. J.: Glaciation of Loch Skene, 961. Local glaciation in Pentland Hills, 961. New theory for formation of till, 961. Silurian rocks of south of Scotland, 961. Some glacial phenomena of neighbourhood of Edinburgh, 961. Brown, D. J., and John Henderson. Silurian rocks of Pentland Hills, 961. Brown, D. K. Burns and Fergusson, 476, 791. Brown, David. Tour in Scotland, 196. Brown, David. The union question, 284. Brown, G. B. : New town of Edinburgh, 1053. Some recent efforts, 711. Brown, G. B., and W. R, Lethaby. The Bewcastle and Ruthwell Crosses, 1057. Brown, G. D. Robert Burns, 791. Brown, G. W. Chemical examination of drift kelp from Orkney, 1027. Brown, H. H.: Lord Karnes, 828. Lord Monboddo, 517. Memory of Magus Moor, 172. Sir George Mackenzie, 636. Witchcraft in law, 732. Brown, Henry. The old post-house, 373. Brown, J. Observations on Kinnear's History, 661. Brown, J. A. Kindly tenants, 681. INDEX 1093 Brown, J. T. A parting statement, 271. Brown, J. T. T.: Author of Ratis raving, 852. Authorship of the "Kingis quair," 830. Authorship of the "Kingis quair." A new criti- cism, 830. Bannatyne manuscript, 777. The inquest of David, 361. Schir Johne the Ross, 531. Some desultory notes, 762. Wallace and Bruce restudied, 778, 826. Youth of James Boswell, 447. Brown, J. W.: Covenanters of the Merse, 511. Inquiry into legend of Michael Scot, 533. Brown, James. Epitaphs, etc., in Greyfriars church- yard, 330, 560. Brown, James. Report to directors, 681. Brown, James, of Selkirk: Looking back in Yarrow, 7S4. Secret of Yarrow, 784. Selkirk after Flodden, 784. Brown, John, d. 1679. Apologetical relation, 211. Brown, John, 1722-1787: Compendious history of British churches, 1051. Historical account of rise of Secession, 211. Memoir, 449. Brown, John, 1778-1848. Letter to Rev. Dr. Chal- mers (1833), 244. Brown, John, 1784-1858: Documents respecting opposition to payment of annuity tax, 251, 661. On the law of Christ, 253, 661. Sentiments and feelings of voluntary churches, 253. Statement made April 1, 1845, 274. United Secession Church vindicated, 255. Brown, John: Circumstantial evidence. Andrew Mirelees, 516. James, Lord Grange, 484. John, earl of Gowry, 162. A juvenile culprit, 440. Macgregors and the Stuarts, 608. Brown, John, 1810-1882: The Enterkin, 355. Horse subsecivae, 784. Letters, 449. Marjorie Fleming, 477. Minchmoor, 393. Rab and his friends, 784. Rab und seine Freunde, 784. Spare hours, 784. Supplementary chapter to life of Rev. John Brown, 1060. Brown, John, botanist. See under Drummond, Thomas, and others. Brown, P. H.: Andrew Lang, 1063. A forgotten Scottish scholar, 547. George Buchanan, 451. George Buchanan and the inquisition, 451. History of Scotland, 118. Intellectual influences of Scotland, 119. Life of George Buchanan, 451. Moulding of Scottish nation, 119. Reformation and renascence, 762. Revolution and revolution settlement, 171. Scotland from before the accession of Charles I, 164. Scotland in the eighteenth century, 182. Scotland before 1700, 109. Scottish nobility, 119. Teaching of Scottish history, 119. Union of the Parliaments, 180. Brown, Peter. Historical sketches of Cambusnethan, 315. of Brown, Richard: Early Scottish joint-stock companies, 662 Genesis of company law, 662. Brown, Robert: Remarks on flora of Caithness, 1027 Sketches of Caithness and its botany' 1027 Brown, Robert. Our national church 295 Brown, Robert. Paisley Burns Clubs, 791 ' Brown, Robert. Physics of Arctic ice 961 Brown, Samuel. Trinity Pier, Newhaven, 395 Brown, T. N. Labour and triumph, 516 Brown, Thomas, 1776-1847. On the Church Scotland, 248. Brown, Thomas, 1778-1820: Compendium of Dr. Brown's Philosophy, 751. Examination of some remarks, 500. Inquiry into relation of cause and effect, 751. Lectures on philosophy of human mind, 751. ' Observations on doctrine of Mr. Hume, 756 Paradise of coquettes, 785. Short criticism, 501. Treatise on philosophy of human mind, 751. Brown, Thomas, of Haddington. Sketch of life of Rev. John Brown, 1060. Brown, Thomas: Arctic shell-clay of Elie, 961. Old river terraces of Earn and Teith, 961. Notes on mountain limestone, etc., 961. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 961. Section of Fifeshire coast, 961. Brown, Thomas. Notes relating to Dunsinane Hill, 327. Brown, Thomas. Stranger's guide to Edinburgh, 330. Brown, W. L. : Georgii Marchionis de Huntly, 697. Remarks, 501. Substance of a speech, 237. Brown, W. L. W. Alness in the eighteenth cen- tury, 305. Brown, William. Account of Sheuchy Dyke, 416. Brown, William, soldier. Autobiography, 449. Brown, William, bookseller: Notes on Argyle's declaration, 762. Writings of Alexander Pennecuik, 762. Zachary Boyd's Forme of catechising, 784. Browne, D. G. The affair at Montrose, 184. Browne, E. A. Mr. J. M. Barrie's dramatic outlook, 779. Browne, E. T. : Notes on pelagic fauna, 932. Report on medusa?, 932. Browne, G. W. Notes on Newark Castle, 395. Browne, Sir J. C. See under Carlyle, Alexander, and Sir J. C. Browne. Browne, J. H. Warlock of Windbags, 805. Browne, Sir James. A strange episode, 449. Browne, James: Critical examination of Dr. Macculloch's work, 198. History of the Highlands, 119, 428. Browne, Matthew. Mr. Macvey Napier, 522. Browne, W. H. : Scottish ballads, 762. Selections, 785. Browne, W. R. Distribution of place-names, 425. Brownell, W. C. : Carlyle, 805. Thomas Carlyle, 805. Browning, E. B. Carlyle, 805. Brownlee, John. Biographical sketch of J. B. Russell, 532. Brownlee, Thomas: Description of battles of Drumclog, etc., Ui. Narrative of battles, etc., 172. Bruce, A. B. Life of William Denny, 468. Bruce! Archibald. Statements, 330. 1094 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bruce, David. List of birds, Loch Roag, 932. Bruce, David. Poems, 785. Bruce, Sir Gainsford. English expedition into Scot- land, 142. Bruce, George. On best mode of cultivating grass, 1028. Bruce, J. Mary, queen of Scots, 145. Bruce, J. C: Notice of stone in Jedburgh abbey, 88. Wall of Antonine, 88. Bruce, John: Observations on trial of William, earl of Gowrie, 162. Observations up-on certain documents, 162, 482. Papers relating to William Ruthven, 162, 482. Trial and death of William, earl of Gowrie, 482. Bruce, John. Discourse, 244. Bruce, John, D.D.: Sermon on John Abercrombie, 438. Testimony and remonstrance, 251. Bruce, John. O whistle and I'll come to you, 720. Bruce, John: Notes of pile structure east from Dumbarton Rock, 59. Notice of archaic sculpturings in Dumbarton- shire, 59. Report upon Langbank pile dwelling, 60. Bruce, John, of Sumburgh. Notice of broch at Jarls- hof, 60. Bruce, Rev. John: Sermon on death of Rev. James Martin, 514. Sermon on Dr. Chalmers, 459. Bruce, M. E. C. Family records of Bruces, 574. Bruce, Michael: Life and works, 785. Poems, 785. Poetical works, 785. Bruce, R. S.: Glimpses of Shetland life, 412. Old time Shetland wrecks, 412. Bruce, Robert, 1554-1631: Narrative, 450. Sermons (1591), 211. Bruce, Rosslyn. Legend of coronation stone, 119. Bruce, Thomas. Common tunes, 720. Bruce, Wallace: Auld Brig's welcome, 791. Land of Burns, 791. Bruce-Clarke, William, and R. J. Johnson. Osseous remains of Borness Cave, 60. Brueyre, Loys: Contes populaires, 732. Les heros d'Ossian, 913. Brunton, Alexander. A new work, 136. Brunton, George, and David Haig. Historical ac- count of senators, 43 5 . Brunton, Mrs. Mary. Discipline, 785. Bryant, W. C: Letters of a traveller, 204. Scott, 869. Bryce, Rev. James: Letter to ministers, 265. Letter to ministers, 2. ed., 265. Present position of Church of Scotland, 253. Public education, 697. Second letter on present position of the church, 255. Speech on bill for abolition of tests, 274. Speech in case of Strathbogie ministers (1841), 260. Speech on the Strathbogie case (1839), 255. Ten years of the Church, 211. Bryce, James? Aye or no? 246. Bryce, James, 1806-1877: Account of stone circles of Arran, 60. Earthquake district of Perth, 961. Jurassic rocks of Skye, 961. On beds beneath the boulder clay, 961. Syenite rocks of Westfield, 961. Trap rocks in neighbourhood of Glasgow, 961. Bryce, James: Archibald Campbell Tait, 543. William Robertson Smith, 538. Bryce, T. H. : On the cairns of Arran, 49. The cairns of Arran (I-III), 60. Cairns and tumuli of Bute, 60. On certain points in Scottish ethnology, 49. On human remains from Arran, 48, 49. Report on animal bones from Langbank, 60. Report on bones from Newlands, 60. Report on human remains... at Moredun, 49. Sepulchral remains of Arran, 60. See also under Duncan, Ebenezer, and T. H. Bryce. l Bryce, T. H., and Alexander Low. Notes, 49, 60. Bryce, W. M.: Bishop Wardlaw, 221. Black Friars, 221. French mission to Scotland, 157. Mary Stuart's voyage, 145. Brydall, Robert: Early sculpture, 711. Monumental effigies, 95. Note on old sandal, 95. Notes on Scottish costume, 711. Notice of armour and arms, 711. Notice of carved stone at Crail, 95. Notice of carved grave-slabs at Dalmally, 95. Notice of carved stones on Inishail, 95. Notice of priory church of Ardchattan, 95, 307. Notices of incised stones at Luss, etc., 95. Notices of sepulchral slab at Ardchattan Priory, etc., 95. Brydges, Sir S. E. James Beattie, 445. Brydon, James. Notice of cairn at Shaws, 60. Brydon, Robert: The practical bearings, etc., 271. Revival of spiritual Christianity, 258. Bryson, Alexander: Danger of hasty generalization in geology, 962. Memoir of Rev. John Fleming, 477* Memoir of Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, 449 Rise of shores of Firth of Forth, 962. Bryson, James. See under Bryson, Robert, and James Bryson. Bryson, Robert, and James Bryson. Information, 762. Buccleuch (6. duke), W. H. W. M. D. Scott. Manu- scripts of, 574, 575, 584. Buchan, Alexander. Description of St. Kilda, 410. Buchan, Alexander: Bearing of meteorological records, 1018. Meteorology of Scotland, 1018. Monthly rainfall of Scotland, 1018. Rainfall of Scotland, 1018. Notice of a tree found in peat moss in Shapinsay, 1028. Remarks on deep water temperature, 1018. Temperature in Scotland, 1018. Buchan (11. earl), D. S. Erskine: Account of Icolumkill, 379. Account of Uphall, 423. Discourse, 194, 1047. Essays on lives, 477, 544. Eulogy of Thomson, 890. Life of James Short, 535. Memoirs of Sir James Steuart Denham, 468. Part of a letter, 303. INDEX 1095 Buchan (11. earl), D. S. Erskine, and W. Minto. Life, etc., of John Napier, 522. Buchan, George. Historical sketch of ecclesiastical establishment, 211, 258. Buchan, John: Andrew Jameson, lord Ardwall, 492. Marquis of Montrose, 518. Buchan, Peter. Historical account of family of Keith, 613, 614. Buchan, William: Note on bronze scabbard-tip, 95. Notes on caldron found at Hattonknowe, 60. Buchanan, 451. Buchanan, David: Urhis Edinburgi descriptio, 330. Description of Edinburgh, 330. Buchanan, G. C. Port of Dundee, 324, 662. Buchanan, George: Ane admonitoun, 159. Baptistes, 785. Chamseleon, 785. Copie of a letter, 146. Detectio Mariae Reginae Scotorum, 145. Ane detectioun, 145. De jure regni apud Scotos, 1047. Franciscan, 785. Histoire tragique, 146. The history of Scotland, 119. Opera omnia, 785. Opinion concerning University of St. Andrews, 697. Poemata, 7S5. Rerum Scoticanim historia, 119. Vernacular writings, 785. Witty and extravagant exploits, 785. See also under Boece, Hector, and George Buchanan. Buchanan, George, and William Camden. Scotias regni topographia, 119. Buchanan, J. H. : History of the chough, 932. List of birds in Callander, 933. On distribution of gossander, 933. Buchanan, J. Y. : Meteorology of Ben Nevis, 1018. Note on distribution of temperature, Linlithgow loch, 1018. Note on distribution of temperature, Loch Lo- mond, 1018. Buchanan, James: Letter to office bearers Free Church on college question, 278, 697. Scriptural argument for non-intrusion, 258. Speech at formation of church-defence association, 260. Substance of speech on union question, 284. Tribute to Dr. Chalmers, 459. Buchanan, John: Barrier of Antoninus Pius, 88. Discovery of Roman bowl, Glasgow Green, 88. Notice of Roman remains at Cadder, 88. Notice of pieces of Roman sculpture at Arnie- bog, 88. Recent discovery of Roman inscription near Glas- gow, 88. Relics of last earl of Kilmarnock, 495. Buchanan, John. Catalogue of J. Buchanan's cir- culating library, 1041. Buchanan, Maurice. Liber Pluscardensis, 119. Buchanan, Mungo. Notice of quern stones, 1044. Buchanan, R. W. David Gray, 1062. Buchanan, Robert (1802-1875): Assembly's question about union, 286. Free Church of Scotland Sustentation Fund, 279. Freedom of Church of Christ, 285. Lecture on church establishments, 286. Buchanan, Robert (1802-1875) — continued- On^nature and importance of question at issue, Present state of Union question, 282 ^slr'"' 63 ° f Ch " rCh ° f Scotland threatened, Principles and position of Free Church, 290 Reply to attack, etc., 248. Schoolmaster in the Wynds, 697. Speech on independence of church, 253. Speech at meeting of friends of Church of Scot- land, 248. Statement relative to the Sustentation Fund, 279. Ten years' conflict, 211. See also under Adam, John, and Robert Buchanan. Buchanan, Robert, poet. Burns's first bosom friend 791. Buchanan, Robert. Birds of Hebrides, 933. Buchanan, Walter. Parliamentary representation, 697. Buchanan, William: Historical essay on family of Buchanan, 559, 575. Inquiry into genealogy, 559. Buchanan, William, 1781-1863. Editorship of Edin- burgh Courant, 330. Buchner, Georg. Historia septem sapientum, 762. Buckle, H. T. History of civilisation, 119. Buckler, Alison. First wooing of Mary Stuart, 146. Buckley, T. A. W. Scott, 869. Buckley, T. E. : Birds of Sutherland, 933. Mammals and birds of Rousay, 933. Bugbee, L. H. Stevenson and his gospel, 885. Buildings of New Royal Infirmary, 361. Buist, George: Memoir of Sir Alexander Burnes, 452. Some desultory observations, 95. Bulloch, J. G. B.: History of family of Baillie, 570, 575, 608. Sketch of Mcintosh family, 608. Bulloch, J. M.: Aberdeen University Club, 697. Aberdeenshire as a royal county, 303. Achievements of Gordon Highlanders, 428. Admiral Thomas Gordon, 482. Alexander Gordon, Brest, 481. Alexander Gordon of Wardhouse, 481. Bibliography of Aberdeenshire periodical litera- ture, 303. Bibliography of local periodical literature, 300, 1041. Branch of Bulloch family, 575. Burials in Snow churchyard, 560. Byron's maternal ancestors. 593. Circus in Scotland, 682. The daring duchess, 481. Distribution of Bullochs, 575. Ducal Gordons' "natural" issue, 593. Duchess of Gordon in caricature, 481. Duffs and Gordons, 586, 593. Ennobled Gordons, 593. Family of Balloch, 571. Family of Malcolm, 612. Family of Wood, 634. A forgotten family, 618. French metres, 762. Further notes on Bulloch family, 575. Gay Gordons, 593. General "Jock" Forbes, 477. Gordons of Binhall, 593. Gordons of Birkenburn, 593. Gordons of Daach, 593. Gordons and Drummonds, 586, 593. Gordons of Gight, 593. Gordons, Innes's, etc., 593. Gordons of Kethock's Mill, 594. Gordons of Newton, 594. Gordons in Poland, 594. 1096 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bulloch, J. M. — continued: Gordons as watchmakers, 594. Great duchess of Gordon, 481. Hindrance to genealogy, 560. House of Gordon, 594. How our grandfathers amused themselves, 300. Inventor of cudbear, 662. A Jacobite laird, 481. James Mitchell, 516. Last Gordon of Auchleuchries, 594. Lord Farquhar's origin, 590. Lord William Gordon, 482. Mr. Barrie as dramatist, 779. Mysterious Peter Gordon, 482. Notes on history of copyright, 762. Origin of "Chinese Gordon," 594. Polish alliances with the Gordons, 594. Romance of a duke, 481. Sad fate of Terpersie Gordons, 594. Scotsmen in the Russian navy, 560. Some of the differences, 762. The Stephen family, 628. Strahan family, 63 1 . Bulloch, John. Historical notes on "The Pynours," 681. Bulwer, H. E. L. Sir James Mackintosh, 509. Bunch of gatherings, 786. Bunn, Alfred. Ivanhoe, 859. See also under Dibdin, T. J., and Alfred Bunn. Burckhardt, Rudolf. Note on impressions of echin- oderms, 962. Burford, John, and R. Burford. Description of view of Edinburgh, 330. Burgess. Letter to burgesses, 330. Burgess, E. W. : Diatoms from Lewis, 962. Foraminifera of Oban, 933. Burgess, J. J. H. Some Shetland folklore, 732. Burgess, James. Etymology of Scottish place names, 425. Burgess, W. V. Humour of William Black, 782. Burgh reform in Scotland, 197. Burials in Abbey of Holyroodhouse, 330, 560. Burke, Sir J. B.: The Aberdeen romance, 568. General armory, 554. Burke, Peter: Great Douglas cause, 584. Instance of marriage law, 682. Matthieson the forger, 514. Remarkable case of Lord Kinnaird, 495. Burke, S. H. Relations between English and Scotch pirates, 211. Burke und die Burkiten, 646. Burkill, J. H. See under Willis, J. C, and J. H. Burkill, 1041. Burn, Andrew. Memoirs, 452. Burn, James. Narrative of some proceedings of last General Assembly, 235. Burnes, James. Notes on his name, 575. Burnes, William. Manual of religious belief, 452. Burnet, Gilbert: Memoirs of lives and actions of dukes of Hamilton, 119, 164. A true copy, 452, 453. Burnett, George: Early earls of Mar, 613. Family of Burnett, 575. In memoriam. R. R. Stodart, 542. Mr. Joseph Foster, 560. Red book of Menteith reviewed, 615. Scotland in times past, 119. Burnett, Helen. Memoir of Irvines, 600. Burney, James. Company of Scotland, 176. Burnham, J. M. Study of Thomas of Erceldoune, Burns, 791. Burns, Edward: Coinage of Scotland, 727. Descriptive notice of coins in Fortrose hoard, 727. Notes on coins found in Banffshire, 727. On coins attributed to kings of Hebrides, 727. Burns, F. L. Alexander Wilson, 1067. Burns, Islay. Memoir of Rev. Wm. C. Burns, 453. Burns, J. Ancient Scots burgh, 373, 805. Burns, J. C. : History of High School of Glasgow, 697. Memoir of James Cleland, 462. Memorial of James Maitland Hog, 488. Burns, John. Notes on post-tertiary deposits, 962. Burns, Robert: Address, to the Deil, 789. Auld lang syne, 789. Autograph letter, 789. Bheil air son bochdhainn onarach, 790. Bruce's address to his army, 720. Burns holograph manuscripts, 791. Burns symposium, 798. Comin* through the rye, 790. Common place book, 789. Complete poetical works, 788. Complete works, 786. Correspondence, 789. Cottar's Saturday night, 790. Death and Dr. Hornbook, 790. Geddes Burns, 788. Koltemenyei, 788. Letter to Francis Grose, 732. Letters, 789. Letters addressed to Clarinda, 789. Life of Robert Burns by himself, 791. Life and works, 787. The Lothian lassie, 720. Man was made to mourn, 790. National Burns, 788. Poems, 787, 788. Poems, songs and letters, 787. Poetical works, 787, 788. Poetry, 788. Popular songs, 789. Reliques, 789. Sapphires from Burns, 789. Selections from Burns, 789. Soldier's return, 790. Songs chiefly in Scottish dialect, 788. Tarn o* Shanter, 790. Unpublished poem, 790. Works, 786, 787. Burns, Rev. Robert: Hints on ecclesiastical reform, 243. Lecture on religious endowments, 248. Lecture on use of Episcopal liturgy, 258. Memoir of R. Wodrow, 553. Statement regarding convocation, 262. Burns, Rev. Robert, and others. Report of speeches, 255. Burns, Thomas. Old Scottish communion plate, 711. Burns, Walter. Notes on Heads of Ayr, 962. Burns, William: Scottish history, 119. What's in a name? 119. Burns almanac, 791. Burns and Byron, 791. Burns calendar, 792. Burns celebration, N. Y. (1880), 792. Burns centenary, 792. Burns Centenary Committee. Report, 792. Burns Club, New York City. Centennial, 792. Burns as commentator, 791. Burns document, 792. Burns Exhibition. Catalogue, 792. INDEX 1097 Burns festival: (1844), 792. (1874), 792. Burns Memorial Association. Poets and Burns, 792. Burns' popular songs, 896. Bums as a Royal Scottish Archer, 792. Burns Society of New York. Excerpt, 792. Burnsiana, 792. Burritt, Elihu. Walk to John O'Groats, 203. Burroughs, John: Carlyle, 805. In Carlyle's Country, 805. Sunday in Cheyne Row, 805. Burt, Edward. Burt's letters from the north of Scotland, 192. Burtchaell, G. D. Hamilton, earl of Abercorn, 568. Burton, J. H. : Analogy between architecture, etc., 711. Book hunter, 800. Burning of Frendraught, 359. Cairngorm mountains, 962. Darien expedition and trial of Captain Green, 176, 650. History of Scotland, 119. History of Scotland from the Revolution, 174, 184. Life, etc., of David Hume, 756. Lives of Simon Fraser, etc., 477, 504. Narratives from criminal trials, 643. On state of law of nuisances, 1070. Proceedings against Covenanters, 211. Proceedings against Episcopalians, 211. Proceedings against Roman Catholics, 211. Proceedings against clan Gregor, 608. Scot abroad, 119. Trial of James Stewart, 658. Trials for witchcraft, 643, 732. Burton, John. Genuine and true journal, 184. Burtt, Joseph: Expenses of the embassy, 136. Letter from James V., 142. Bury, J. B.: Itinerary of Patrick, 525. Life of St. Patrick, 525. Busby, John. Minutes and observations, 962. Busby, John, and Daniel Busby. Instructions to Messrs. Busby, 962. Buss, P. Sind die von Horstmann herausgegeben schottischen Legenden ein Werk Barberes? 835. Busse, Joseph. Collection of sufferings of Quakers, 211. Busz, K. On a granophyre dyke, 962. Butchart, S. F. Sind die Gedichte, 792. Bute (3. marquis), J. P. C. Stuart: Coronation of Charles I., 165. Coronation of Charles II., 169. David, duke of Rothesay, 531. Earliest Scottish coronation, 132. Itinerary of Robert the Bruce, 136. Notice of Passio Scotorum perjuratorum, 136. Parliament in Scotland, 119. Regnal years of David II., 139, 140. Scottish coronations, 120. Bute (3. marquis), J. P. C. Stuart, and others. Arms of royal burghs, 554. Butler, D. Tron Kirk of Edinburgh, 330. Butler, L. W. G. Battle of Flodden, 141. Butler, Reuben. The Kirk's alarm, 296. Butterfly's wedding, 733. Bygone church life in Scotland, 211. Bygone days at Aberdeen Universities, 697. Byron, H. J. Ivanhoe, 859. C: Alexander Skene of Newtyle, 537. Bounds of regallity of Garioch, 360. Burnetts of Leys, 576. C. Scottish heraldry, 554, 560. C**. Family of Kerr, 602. C, A. John Knox and the murder of Rizzio 159 C, A. J. Robert Burns, 792. C, C: Ane brief explanation, 440, 800. The Covenanter vindicated, 226. C, D. M. M. Fearrann a shinnsir, 923. C., J.: Breadalbane traditions, 733. St. Triduana, 384. C, J. On Sir Thomas Urquhart's Jewell, 762. C, J. Francis Jeffrey, 493. C, J. O. Remarks on annuity-tax, 242, 330. C, J. T.: Some remarks on George Buchanan, 451. Additional remarks, 451. C, T. L. Philosopher of Chelsea, 805. C, W. Scott and his dogs, 869. Cabinet, The, 800. Cabinet album of views, 330. Cadell, H. M. : Ash neck in Broxburn shale-workings, 962. Foreshore reclamation, 662. Fossiliferous rocks of Borrowstounness coal-field, 962. Garden city question, 662. Geological changes within Forth basin, 962. Geology of oil-shale fields, 962. Glaciation of Norway and Scotland, 962. Industrial development of Forth valley, 662. Map of ancient lakes of Edinburgh, 962. New geological map, 962. Note on buried river channel, 962. Note on vivianite at Cauldhame, 962. Notes on section of new Haymarket tunnel, 962. Notes on volcanic rocks Borrowstounness, 962. Occurrence of plant remains in olivine basalt, 962. Prevention of deposit of silt in harbours, 662. Story of the Forth, 357, 662, 963, 1018. Surface geology of estuary of Forth, 962, 963. Cadell, Henry: Geological features of upper coal basin, 962. Note on sculptured Roman slab, 88. Cadell, Robert. Letter to Duke of Hamilton, 869. Cadell, Sir Robert. Sir John Cope and the Re- bellion, 184. Cadenhead, George. Sketch of history of Aberdeen, 300. Cadenhead, William. Flights of fancy, 800. Caie, N. M.: The Bible in Scottish ecclesiastical polity, 211. Jacobite songs, 762. Caird, Edward: Essays on literature, 800. Genius of Carlyle, 805. Problem of philosophy, 751. Caird, James. High farming vindicated, 662. Caird, W. J. Plankton, 933. Cairns, John: . Dr. Cairns and Mr. Moody Stuart's union mo- tion, 286. Examination of Ferrier's Theory, 753, Late Dr. George Wilson, 552. Present aspect of disestablishment question, 292. Present duty with regard to union, 286. Thomas Chalmers, 459. 1098 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Caithness (16. earl), J. A. Sinclair: Barons of Roslin, 627. Lordship of Sinclair, 627. St. Clairs in Normandy, 627. Some memories, 300. Caithness. Commissariot record. Register of testa- ments, 560. Caithness Diocese. Two ancient records, 314. Caithness and Sutherland records, 420. Calcraft, J. W. Bride of Lammermoor, 856. Calder, George : Advocates Library Gaelic ms, 912. John Strachan, 542. Calder, J. T. Sketch of history of Caithness, 315. Calderwood, David. History of Kirk of Scotland, 511. Calderwood, Henry: David Hume, 756. Philosophy of the infinite, 754. Calderwood, Margaret. Letters and journals, 454. Calderwood, W. L. : Bull trout, 933. Life of salmon, 933. Salmon rivers, etc., 933. Life of Henry Calderwood, 751. Caldwell, J. W. Brief for Boswell, 447. Caldwell papers, 618. Caldwell's musical journal, 7, 720. Caledonia. Additional remarks, 869. Caledonia described by Scott, Burns, etc., 204. Caledonia; A monthly magazine, 7. Caledonia; or, the Pedlar turn'd merchant, 176. Caledonia: a poem, 800. Caledonian bee, 800. Caledonian Horticultural Society: Communications, 7, 1025. Memoirs, 7, 1025. Caledonian Insurance Company. History, 682. Caledonian and London and North-Western Rail- ways. Tourists' guide, 205. Caledonian muse, 800. Caledonian musical repository, 720. Caledonian Railway Co. : Central Station, 361. Report by directors, 662. Sketch, etc., 662. Calendar of the Laing charters, 109. Callander, J. G.: Notice of discovery in Aberdeenshire, 60. Notice of discovery of vessels on Culbin Sands, 60. Notice of drinking-cup urns at Mains of Leslie, 1044. Notice of perforated stone objects, 60. Notice of stone mould, 60. Notice of three urns, 60. Notice of two cinerary urns, 60. Notices, 61. Notices of discovery of urn at Seggiecrook, 60. Notices of sun-dial from Wigtownshire, etc., 95. Callander, John. Dissertation on cry of maskers, 733. Callender, Henry. Notice of circle at Callernish, 61. Calloway, Charles : Age of newer gneissic rocks, 963. Limestone of Durness, 963. Torridon sandstone, 963. Calm answers to certain angry questions, 244. Calm retrospect, 276. Calvinus. Two letters, 800. Cambrian Archaao logical Association. Report of ex- cursion, 206, 315, 397. Cambuskenneth Monastery. Registrum, 315. Camden, Sir Rom de. Alexander Wilson the ornithologist, 551. Camden, William: Hebrides, 374. Orcades, 397. Scotia, 165. Scotland, 193. Thule of the ancients, 412. See also under Buchanan, George, and William Camden. Camden, William, and others. Scotise regimen, 165. Cameron, A. C. On ancient farming customs, 662. Cameron, A. C. History of Fettercairn, 356. Cameron, Rev. Alexander: Arran place-names, 425. Auslaut n., 918. Gaelic, 913. Gaelic irregular verbs, 918. Gaelic orthography, 918. Gaelic proverbs, 923. Glossary of unpublished etymologies, 918. Oldest printed Gaelic books, 1, 912. Ossianic ballad poetry, 923. Place-names of Dumbarton, 425. Poems of Ossian, 923. Reliquiae Celtics, 923. Cameron, Alexander: Lament for Macdonald, 923. Original Gaelic songs, 924. Cameron, Allan. Narrative, 184. Cameron, Andrew : A forgotten chapter, 284. Forgotten facts, 285. A warning, 287. Cameron, D. Y. Etchings of, 712. Cameron, David: Fossiliferous strata, lower Strathnairn, 963. Glacial phenomena of Athole, 963. Glaciers of lower Strathnairn, 963. Granite and junction of old red sandstone, 963. Notes on submergence, 963. Cameron, David. Notice of circular dwellings of Strathnairn, 61. Cameron, Donald. Defence of deer forests, 1069. Cameron, Sir Ewen. Lochiers interview, 539. Cameron, J. M. See under Jolly, William, and J. M. Cameron. Cameron, J. W. Church case and disestablishment, 296. Cameron, James: Bibliography of Peter Buchan's publications, 1. Bibliography of Slezer's Theatrum Scotise, 2. Supplement to bibliography of Scottish theatrical literature, 2. Cameron, Jean. Scottish crusies, 95. Cameron, John. Gaelic names of plants, 733, 918, 1028. Cameron, John. Lugar Valley viaduct, 662. Cameron, Morag. Highland fisher-folk, 733. Cameron, Paul. Perthshire Gaelic songs, 924. Cameron, Peter: Contribution to hymenoptera, 933. Description of new specimen of nematus, 933. Notes on hymenoptera, 933. Hymenoptera of Kingussie, 933. Occurrence of Microdon mutabilis, 933. On some British hymenoptera, 933. Cameron, R. W. D. Macgregors of Rannoch, 608. Cameron, W. C. Mall Jamieson's ghost, 800. Cameron, William. Sutherlandshire goldfields, 963. Campbell, A. C, and E. M. Anderson. On trans- ported mass of igneous rock, 963. Campbell, A. J. Making of Scotland, 120. Campbell, Alexander: Albyn's anthology, 720. Introduction to history of poetry, 762. Campbell, Alexander. Highland dancing, 733. Campbell, Alexander. The magpie, 933. INDEX Campbell, Alexander: Observations on heads of a bill, 636. Remarks on sketch of a bill, 636. Campbell, Alexander. Traditions of Lochaber, 733. Campbell, Alexander. Botany of a railway station, 1028. Campbell, Lord Archibald: Children of the mist, 428. War dress of the Celt, 428. Records of Argyll, 307, 733. Campbell, Bruce: Birds of Ballinluig, 933. Old dovecots, 933. Some additional notes, 933. Some notes on antiquities of Cramond, 933, 1044. Campbell, C. Y. Improvement of waste land, 662. Campbell, Sir Charles. Advantages of canal be- tween Forth and Clyde, 662. Campbell, Charles: Badger colony in Dalmeny Park, 933. Notes on Morvern, 933. Wild life around Edinburgh, 933. Folk-lore of natural history, 733. Campbell, Col.: Distribution of birds, 933. On protection of wild birds, 933. Campbell, Sir D. A. D. The clan Campbell, 577. Campbell, Dennis. Observations, 161. Campbell, Donald. Iona, 379. Campbell, Donald C. V. Campbell, Duke of Argyll, Douglas. Scottish Kirk and its influence, 570. Campbell, 211. Campbell, Duncan: Exchequer rolls, 120. Highland sheilings, 682. Campbell, G. W.: John Snell of Ufton, 539. Seals of University of Glasgow, 554. Somerville, lord Somerville, 628. Campbell, George: Dissertation on miracles, 756. Dissertation on miracles. With correspondence, 756. Campbell, George. Eastwood, 328. Campbell, Gillespie. Lord Archibald Campbell, 455. Campbell, H. F. Notes on Sutherland, 420. Campbell, Sir H. H. First report on Marchmont muniments, 613. Campbell, Hugh. Cawdor Castle, 316. Campbell, J. A. Early Scottish Church, 221. Campbell, J. A. Royal families of Scotland, 120. Campbell, J. F.: Celtic dragon myth, 733. Fionn's enchantment, 733. Leabhar na Feinne, 924. Notes on glacial phenomena, 963. Popular tales, 733. Campbell, J. F. Report, Dumbuck crannog, 61. Campbell, J. G.: Cath Gabhra, 733. Clan traditions, 733. Fionn's ransom, 733. The green island, 733. Macphee's black dog, 733. Mar a chaidh Fionn, 733. Mar a chaidh an Tuairisgeul, 733. The Muileartach, 733. Na amhuisgean, 733. Origin of fairy creed, 734. Righ Eirionn 's a dha mhac, 734. Sgeulachd air Sir Uallabh O'Corn, 734. Sgeulachd casa Cein, 734. Sgoil nan eun, 734. Story of Conal Grund, 734. 1099 Campbell, J. G. — continued: Story of King of Ireland and his two sons, 734 Superstitions of the Highlands, 734. Witchcraft and second sight, 734 Campbell, Mrs. J. M. Ane booke of ballades, 800. Campbell, James: Elphinstone, lord Balmerino, 571. Elphinstone, lord Coupar, 581. Campbell, James, of Ledaig. Poems, 924. Campbell, Sir James. Memoirs, 455. Campbell, John. Leaves from the diary of 184 330, 455. ' Campbell (1. baron), John Campbell. Life, 455. Campbell, John: Question of church patronage, 244 Six letters, 258. Campbell, Lewis, and W. Garnett. Life of James Clerk Maxwell, 514. Campbell, M. O.: Memorial history of the Campbells of Melfort, 577. Supplement, 577. Campbell, P. C. Heraldic ceiling of St. Machar, 301, 554. Campbell, R. C: Clach na Seanish, 800. Fisher Jenny, 800. Howdie-witch, 800. Kathur nan reagh, 800. Rough recollections, 800. Campbell, R. V.: Is it expedient? 636. The sheriff in Scotland, 636. Campbell, Robert, of Skerrington. An earnest ex- hortation, 275. Campbell, Robert. Notice of discovery of silver rings near Rattar, 95. Campbell, Robert: Geology of south-eastern Kincardineshire, 963. Preliminary note on geology of Kincardineshire, 963. Campbell, Robert, and A. G. Stenhouse. Geology of Inchcolm, 963. Campbell, Thomas: Address (1827), 800. Complete poetical works, 801. Gertrude of Wyoming, 801. Inaugural discourse, 697. Pleasure of hope, 801. Pilgrim of Glencoe, 801. Poetical works, 801. Selected poems, 801. Theodoric, 801. Two letters, 801. Campbell, W. F. Iron ores of Highlands, 963. Campbell, William. Improvements on river Clyde, 662. Campbell, William. Suggestions, 636. Campbell, William. Scottish-Canadian poetry, 762. Campbell of Aberuchill, 577. Campbelliana, 801. Campbells of Ardkinglass, 577. Campbelton Case. Revised report, 262, 542. Campenon, Vincent. Le derniere matinee, 146. Camperdown: eulogy on, 471. Camperdown (3. earl), R. A. P. H. Duncan. Ad- miral Duncan, 471. Camshron, Alasdair. Marbhrann, 457. Canaan; or, The land of promise, 265. Canadian newspaper on Scotch tenant farmers, Candid observations on militia law, 194. Candidus. Observations on a letter by Lucius, Candlish, R. S.: College extension, 278. The disruption testimony, 284. Four letters to Rev. E. B. Elliott, 275. Letter to Marquis of Normanby, 260. 682. 240. 1100 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Candlish, R. S. ■ — continued: Narrative, 262. Notes on Rev. John Curaming's letter, 265. Principle of free inquiry, 263 . Remarks on dean of faculty's letter, 255. Report of speech on Marnoch case, 255. Scripture characters, 802. Speech at Commission oi General Assembly, 257. Speech in debate on union, 287. Summary of the question, 260. Cannan, David. On the poor, 682. Canning, Thomas. Catholicism in Waverley novels, 869. Canongate. Extracts from records, 330. Captain Wedderburn's courtship, 896. Cardauns, H. Neue Erscheinungen, 146. Cardonnel, Adam de: Description of Roman ruins at Inveresk, 88. Numismata Scotiae, 727. Cardross case and the Free Church, 281. Cardross case in light of ecclesiastical history, 281. Cardross case and spiritual independence, 292. Career of an Indian general, 507. Careful inquiry into pretensions of Dr. Heugh, 244. Carlisle, A. Claim, declaration, and protest, 275. Carlyle, 805. Carlyle, Alexander: Autobiography, 456. Question relating to Scots militia, 193. Carlyle, Alexander, and Sir J. C. Browne. Nemesis of Froude, 805. Carlyle, J. B. W. : Eight new love letters of Jane Welsh, 1060. Letters and memorials, 456, 1061. More new letters, 1061. New letters, 456. Carlyle, Thomas : Address, 802. Arbeiten, 802. Baillie the Covenanter, 442. Burns, 792. Carlyle anthology, 802. Carlyle collection, 805. Carlyle et le Saint-Simonisme, 802. Collectanea, 802. Collected works, 802. Correspondence, 802. Critical and miscellaneous essays, 803. Dr. Leighton, 499. Early kings of Norway, 496. Essay on Burns, 792. Hero as man of letters, 792. Heroes and hero worship, 803. Jenny Geddes, 165, 330, 480. Latter-day pamphlets, 803. Lectures, 803. Letters by, 803. Letters from, 803. Letters of, 803. Life of Burns, 792. Life of John Sterling, 540. Life of Robert Burns, 792. Love letters, 456, 803. Memoirs of Scott, 869. Miscellaneous papers, 803. Montaigne, 803. New letters, 803. On choice of books, 803. Past and present, 804. Present time, 804. Project of national exhibition of Scottish portraits, 435. Public burning of the Scottish declaration, 166. Reminiscences, 804. Reminiscences of my Irish journey, 804. Carlyle, Thomas — continued : Sartor Resartus, 804. Scots at Dunse Law, 166. Shooting Niagara, 804. A Scottish army enters England, 166. Scottish coronation, 165. Short notices of family of Carlyle, 578. Sir Walter Scott, 869. Socialism of, 804. Supplementary letters, 802. Table talk, 804. Thomas Carlyle's Essay on Burns, 792. Two note books, 804. Unpublished letters, 804. Carlyle Bouse Purchase Fund Committee. Illus- trated memorial volume, 805. Carlyle in London, 805. Carlyle and Neuberg, 806. Carlyle's life and reminiscences, 805. Carlyle's life and works, 805. Carlyle's life of Sterling, 540. Carlyle's reminiscences, 806. Carment, David. The two parties in the church, 265. Carmichael, Alexander : Barons of Bachuill, 605. Caol Reathainn, 734. Carmina Gadelica, 924. Fionnladh Choinneachain, 734. Laoidh Chlann Uisne, 924. Laoidh nan ceann, 924. List of Tinker words, 918. Naoimh Chinntaile, 734. Notices of Teampull Michael, etc., 95, 374. Place-names of Iona, 425. The Ruskins, 624. Some unrecorded incidents, 184. Thugar Maighdean, 924. Toiroic na Taine, 734. Traditions of the land of Lome, 391, 793. Uist old hymns, 924. Carmichael, C. Church of S. Vigeans, 411. Carmichael, E. C. : Jacobite waulking-song, 924. Never was piping so sad, 734. Carmichael, E. G. M. : Carmichael, earl of Hyndford, 600. Ross, lord Ross, 624. Carmichael, James. Principal limestone quarries of Scotland, 963. Carmichael, John. Letter to ministers, 265. Carmichael, Neil. Garnethill scarlet fever epidemic, 361. Carmichael, Sir T. D. G.: On lithobius variegatus, 963. Preliminary list of Scottish myriapoda, 933. Carne, John. The Highland cottage, 811. Carnegie, A. S.: Carnegie, earl of Northesk, 620. Carnegie, earl of Southesk, 628. Fraser, lord Fraser, 606. Frasers of Philorth, 625. Kinnaird Lord Kinnaird, 603. Carnegie, Andrew: Address at unveiling statue of Burns, 793. How I became a millionaire, 457. James Watt, 548. Rectorial address (1902), 697. Rectorial address (1905), 697. Carnegie, Mrs. Place-names of Balquhidder, 425. Carnegie, Mary. An epistle, 811. Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, 326. Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. Report, 326. Carnegie philanthropies, 457. Carnegie as a Socialist, 457. Carnie, W. Marischal Street Theatre, 301. INDEX 1101 Carpenter, G. H., and William Evans: Additional records of spiders, 933. Collembola and thysanura, 933. Further additions to spiders, 934. List of phalangidea, 934. List of spiders, 934. Some additions, 934. Carr, A. A. Glengarroch, 184. Carr, George. Improvements on farm of Westhill, 662. Carr, J. W. C. A younger generation, 885. Carr, Ralph: Note of bronze patella, 95. Notes on Maeshow runes, 397. Observations on runic inscriptions, 95. On inscriptions upon stone at Newton Inch, 95. Carrick, Andrew. Some account of earldom of Carrie, 578. Carrick, J. C. : Churchyard monuments at Newbattle, 395. Some notes on archbishop Leighton, 500. Carrick, J. D. Life of Sir William Wallace, 136. Carrie, John : Battle of Bannockburn, 1048. Battle of the Grampians, 132. The castle of Forfar, 358. Nine Maidens' well, 734. Carruth, W. H. Relation of Hauff's Lichtenstein, 869. Carruthers, R. G. Zonal work in lower carbonifer- ous rocks, 963. Carruthers, R. G., and E. M. AndeTSon. Stratigraphy of Arden basin, 963. Carruthers, Robert : Abbotsford notanda, 869. Highland note book, 120, 403, 811. Inverness a hundred years since, 377. Iona, 379. St. Fillan's Spring, 734. Carruthers, William : Discovery of portrait of Buchanan, 451. On so-called portrait, 451. Carruthers, William: Dumfriesshire graptolites, 963. Geology of Moffat, 964. Section at Junction Road, 964. Carstairs, Charlotte. Original poems, 811. Carstares, William. Scottish toleration argued, 211. Carta Monialium de North Berwic, 396. Carta: e libro Sancte Maria de Lundoris, 388. Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe, 198. Carter, W. F. Mackays of Melness, etc., 609. Cartularium comitatus de Levenax, 604. Cartwright, Julia. St. Fillans, 410. Cary, H. F.: James Beattie, 445. John Armstrong, 441. Tobias Smollet, 539. William Julius Mickle, 516. Case as it is, 241. Case of the Episcopal clergy (1707), 230. Case of the General Assembly shortly considered, 248. Case of house proprietors of Glasgow, 682. Case of the postnati, 643. Case of the proprietors of the rope and soap manu- factories of Glasgow, 1068. Case of the Scottish churches, 296. Case of Walter, earl of Terras, 659. Cash, C. G.: Archaeological gleanings from Aberfeldy, 95. Arhasological gleanings from Killin, 1044. Archaeological notes, 61. Manuscript maps by Pont, etc., 1019. Stone circles at Grenish, 61. Topographical survey of Scotland, 1018. Cassels, Robert. Records of family of Cassels, 579 Cassillis, Archibald Kennedy, earl of: Did the earl of Cassillis, etc., 146. Kennedy, earl of Cassillis, 579. Ogilvie-Grant, earl of Seafield, 625. Rules of Strathspey, 625. Casson, H. N. Estimate of Andrew Carnegie, 457. Castelnau, Michel de: Ambassade, 160. Extrait des Memoires, 146. Memoirs, 146. Castle of St. Andrews, 409. Catalogue of books of R. L. Stevenson, 885. Catalogue of books to be sold... Glasgow (1702), 2. Catalogue of brachiopoda of Lothians and Fife, 964. Catalogue of Exhibition of Arts, etc., 712. Catalogue of naval and military exhibition, 120. Catalogue of Pictish kings, 132. Catalogue of Scottish coins, 727. Catalogue of works of Sir David Dalrymple, 467, 1061. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum, 762. Cathcart, F. M. Account of ancient canoes in Loch Doon, 96. Cathkin, James. Relation of, 459. Catholic tractates of sixteenth century, 811. Cathologus librorum, 2, 697. Caunter, Henry. See under Thomson, James, and Henry Caunter. Caussin, Nicolas. L'histoire, 146. Cave of Eigg, 734. Caw, J. L. : Portraits of first five Jameses, 120. Present condition of art, 712. A Scottish impressionist, 712. Scott gallery, 869. A Scottish painter, 712. Cawdor or Calder Castle, 316. Cayley, Edward. Burning waste, 317. Cecil, George. Some impressions of Edinburgh, 330. Ceist nan ceistean, 1051. Celebrated songs of Scotland, 811. Celebrated trials of all countries, 643. Celebrated trials and remarkable cases, 644. Celebration of 111. anniversary of Burns' natal day, 793. Celtic fairy tales, 734. Celtic magazine, 7, 912. Celtic monthly, 7, 912. Celtic review, 7, 912. Cetlic Scotland, 132. Celtic Society. Edinburgh. Report, 7, 912. Celtic superstitions, 734. Centenary garland, 869. Centenary of Ossian, 913. Centenary poems, 793. Centenary services at Gateshaw Brae, 255, 490. Central Board for Relief of Destitution in the High- lands. Report, 682. Certain delusions of North Britons, 120. Certain observations upon the new league, 226. Certain papers of Robert Burnet, 453, 466, 500. Certificates in favour of H. Scott, 533. Cestre L. La doctrine social de Carlyle, 806. Chadw'ick, Edwin. Sanitary condition of Aberdeen, Chalmer, J. Remarks upon Scots bankrupt bill, 636. Chalmers, A. K. : Death-rate in one apartment houses, 68J. Distribution of tuberculous diseases, 682. Chalmers, Andrew: Barony of Fetterangus, 1054. Cairnbulg Castle, 1053. Early Protestantism beside the Ugies, 1051. The Manor of Kininmonth, 1055. 1102 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Chalmers, Andrew — continued: Old Slains Castle, 1058. Reformation beside the Ugies, 1051. Survey of Buchan progress, 1053. Chalmers, George: Ayrshire, 309. Berwickshire, 311. Caledonia, 120. Caledonia. Index, 120. Catalogue of library of, 2, 1041. Considerations relating to two banks, 662. Dumbarton-shire, 323. Dumfries-shire, 324. Edinburghshire, 354. Hadingtonshire, 373. Kirkcudbright, 384. Lanerk-shire, 385. Life of Thomas Ruddiman, 532. Linlithgowshire, 389. Peeblis-shire, 402. Poetic remains of Scotish kings, 812. Renfrew-shire, 405. Roxburghshire, 407. Selkirkshire, 412. Wigton-shire, 424. Chalmers, J. H.: Notice of remains at Burreldales, 61. Notice of kist at Broomend, 61. Chalmers, J, I. : Notice of Patrick Chalmers, 459. Notice of Sir Peter Young, 160, 553. Chalmers, James. Notices of life of William Hamil- ton, 487. Chalmers, James. Scheme of cremation, 361. Chalmers, P. M.: Abbeys and cathedrals of Scotland, 712. Art in our city, 712. Cathedral church of Glasgow, 361. Earthhouse at Ardross, 61. Glasgow cathedral, 361. A mediaeval architect, 712. Saint Ninian's, 424. Shrines of S. Margaret, etc., 222. Thirteenth century tomb in Glasgow, 361. Chalmers, Patrick : Remarks on law of burghs, 636. Use of mason-marks in Scotland, 712. Chalmers, Peter: Historical account of Dunfermline, 326. Mineralogical report on Dunfermline coalfield, 964. Notice of stone coffin, 326. Chalmers, Robert. Address to Associate Congre- gation, 239. Chalmers, Thomas: Address (1843), 265. Attempt to point out the duty, 251. Christian and civil economy, 682. Churches and schools, 697. Conference with certain ministers, 252. Earnest appeal to the Free Church, 275, 276. Economics of Free Church, 274. Importance of civil government, 682. Lectures on establishment of national churches, 253. Letter to royal commissioners, 698. On the distinction, etc., 248. On the evils, etc., 248. Remarks on church patronage, 266. Remarks on present position of the Church, 255. Reply to the attempt, etc., 248. Selection from correspondence, 459. Sermon, 266, 544. Speech, October (1823), 241. Speech on pauperism, 682. Statement in regard to pauperism, Glasgow, 682. Chalmers, Thomas — continued : Substance of funeral sermon, 544. Substance of speech on case of Auchterarder, 255. Sufficiency of parochial system, 682. Supplement to his late pamphlet, 252. What ought the church and people to do now? 258. Chalmers, W. P. Charakteristische Eigenschaften, 885. Chalmers Association. Pauperism, etc., 682. Chalmers and the church establishment question, 253. Chamberlain, D. H. The man, Carlyle, 806. Chambers, C. E. S. Carlyle and Robert Chambers, 461, 806. Chambers, David. Discours, 146. Chambers, Robert: Ancient domestic architecture, 330. Ancient terraces of cultivation, 662. Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, 435. Domestic annals of Scotland, 120. Edinburgh merchants, 330. Edinburgh papers, 330. Geology of Peeblesshire, 964. Glacial phenomena in Scotland, 964. History of Rebellions (1638-1660), 165. History of Rebellions (1689 and 1715), 173, 184. History of the Rebellion (1745), 184. Life and adventures of the Chevalier Charles Stuart, 184. Life of Scott, 869. Life of Scott. With Abbotsford notanda, 869. Memorandum respecting tomb of Bishop Kennedy, 494. Notes on St. Roque, 330. Old Scottish mint, 331. On the locality, etc., 146. Picture of Scotland, 198. Popular rhymes, 734. Romantic Scottish ballads, 762. Scottish ballads, 1071. Scottish songs, 1071. Sketch of history of Edinburgh Theatre-royal, 331. Threiplands of Fingask, 632. Traditions of Edinburgh, 331. Chambers, Sir William: Annuity tax, etc., 331. Chapel-Royal, etc., 331. Francis Jeffrey, 1063. History of Peeblesshire, 402. Lord provost's holiday, 204. Memoir of Robert Chambers, 461. Peebles, 401. Story of countess of Nithsdale, 523. Story of Erskine, 474. Story of Lady Grisell Baillie, 441. Story of Grisell Cochrane, 463. Story of Lady Grange, 484. Chambers' Edinburgh journal, 7. Chambers' journal, 7. Chambers' papers for the people, 7. Chameleon, The, 775. Champlin, J. D. Andrew Carnegie, 457. Chandler, F. W.: Scott, 869. Smollet, 539. Channel-stane, The, 812. Channing, Sir F. A. Sir Henry Campbell Banner- man, 443. Chantelauze, Regis de. Marie Stuart, 146. Chantrelle, E. M. Trial of, 647. Chapman, Sir E. F. Proposed chair of geography, 698. Chapman, E. M.: Carlyle and Ruskin, 806. Newer fiction, 885. Chapman, James. Genealogy of Grants, 595. INDEX 1103 Chappell, Edward. Narrative of voyage, 397. Chappell, William. David Mallet, 841. Chappie, J. M.: Andrew Carnegie, 457. A Sunday with Andrew Carnegie, 457. Character of Gilbert, lord bishop of Sarum, 453. Character of late James Watt, 548. Chardenal, C. A. Probable origin of tumuli, Firth of Clyde, 61. Charge of high treason against marquess of Argyle, 440. Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stewart, prince: Harangue, 184. Manifeste veritable, 184. Traduction de la proclamation, 184. Traduction d'une lettre, 184. Charles I., King. A large declaration, 166. Charles Grant, Esq., 484. Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, 535. Charles Madaren, 509. Charleson, M. M.: Notes on stone implements, 61. Notice of ancient burials in Orkney, 61. Notice of cairn in Firth, 61. Notice of chambered mound near Breckness, 61. Some anthropological notes, 49. Charlesworth, Hector. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Charlton, Edward : Jacobite relics, 184. Orkney runes, 397. Visit to Shetland, 412. Charlton, John. David Livingstone, 503. Charteris, A. H. : Church of Scotland and spiritual independence, 292. Speech on patronage, 287. Charteris, Evan. Memoir of David, Lord Elcho, 472. Charteris, Henry. Preface to Henry's Wallace, 812. Charters, Samuel : Discourse on duty of making a testament, 636. Two discourses, 173. Charters and documents relating to Edinburgh, 331. Charters and other documents relating to Glasgow, 361, 362. Charters and writs of Haddington, 373. Chase, Elizabeth. Michael Bruce, 450. Chasles, V. E. P. fitudes, 146. Chasseresse, Diane. Sporting sketches, 934. Chemical analysis of stratified rocks, 964. Cherbuliez, C. V. Thomas Carlyle, 806. Cheruel, P. A. Marie Stuart, 146. Chesney, C. C. Sir William Gordon, 482. Chesterton, G. K.: Edward VII., 120. Mr. Andrew Lang, 498. Cheviot, Andrew. Proverbs, 734, 812. Cheyne, Patrick: Answers for, 280. Reasons of appeal, 280. Reply to the answers, 280. Chiarini, Giuseppe. Roberto Burns, 793. Chiefship of clan Murray, 619. Chiene, John. Looking back, 462. Child, F. J.: English and Scottish ballads, 812. English and Scottish popular ballads, 812. Children's rimes, 734. Chinnock, E. J. Charters relating to Lincluden, 388. Chisholm, Colin: Clearance of Highland glens, 682. Collection of unpublished Gaelic songs, 924. Monks of Iona, 379. Orain Shrath-Ghlais, 734. Chisholm, Colin — continued: Rev. John Farquharson, 475. Traditions of Strathglass, 419 Chisholm, G. G.: Density of population, 682. Europe, 207. Chisholm, Sir Samuel. History of Glasgow City Improvement Trust, 362. Chisholm-Batten, Edmund. Historical notices of priory of Beauly, 311. Choate, J. H. Scott, 869. Choate, Rufus. Correspondences, 869. Choice drop of honey, 896. Christ's Kirk on the Green, 812, 896. Christian warder, 209. Christie, David. Corn-mills in Shetland, 96. Christie, J.: Aliases in Breadalbane, 559. Barony of Bolfracks, 312. Campbells of Murthly, 577. Isle of Loch Tay, 380. The Macnayres, 578, 611, 629. Steuarts and Stewarts, 629. Stewarts of Kynachan, 629. Christie, J. R. : Doctorate of laws, 698. Insanity and recent criminal practice, 682. Christie, John. Account of cist in Cabrach, 61. Christie, Nimmo. The black chanter, 812. Christie, Robert, Injustice to Scotland, 202. Christie, Robert: Remarks on statement by Committee of Leith Dock, 386, 662. Report on erroneous views, 662. Christison, David : Carvings on kirkyard monuments, 96. Carvings on kirkyard monuments. Additional notes, 96. Duke Murdoch's castle, 389. Duns and forts of Lome, 61. Early fortifications in Scotland, 61. Excavation of Roman camp at Lyne, 88. Excavation of "Suidhe Chennaidh," 61. Excavations between Ardoch and Dupplin, 61. Forts of Kilmartin, 61. Forts of Perth, etc., 61. Forts of Selkirk, 61, 62. Forts of Upper Ward of Lanarkshire, 61. Forts on Whitcastle Hill, 62. General view of forts of Dumfriesshire, 62. Geographical distribution of certain place-names, 424. Girdlestanes, 62. Monthly increase in girth of trees, 1028. Notice of ancient remains in Manor parish, 62. Notice of burial mound at Cavers, 62. Notice of fort and circle at Wester Torrie, 62. Observations on annual increase in girth of trees, 1028. On fort on Castle Law, 62. On grated iron doors, 96. On grated iron doors. Additional notices, 96. On remains in parish of Dailly, 62. On standing stones in valley of Add, 62. Prehistoric forts of Ayrshire, 62. Prehistoric forts of Peeblesshire, 62. Prehistoric fortresses of Trecein, etc., 62. Report of excavations on Poltalloch estate, 62. Size, age, etc., of girth increase, 1028. Christison, Sir Robert: Exact measurement of trees, 1028. Fossil trees in Craigleith quarry, 964. Life, 462. . .... Note on station for Primula vens, 1028. Notice of crab-apple tree at Kelloe, 1028. Notice of knocking-stone, 96. 1104 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Christison, Sir Robert — continued: Notice of pinaceous fossil, Redhall quarry, 964. Notice of tree struck by lightning, 1028. On ancient wooden image, Ballachulish, 96. Supplementary notice of fossil trees, 964. Chronica de Mailros, 120. Chronicle of Aberdeen, 301. Chronicles of the Picts, etc., 132. Chronicon de Lanercost, 120, 132. Chrystal, George: Investigation of seiches of Loch Earn, 1019. Three hundredth anniversary, 698. See also under Black, J. S., and George Chrystal. Chrystal, George, and James Murray. Investigation of seiches of Loch Earn, 1019. Chrystal, George, and E. M. Wedderburn. Calcula- tion of period and nodes, 1019. Chrystal, William. Kingdom of Kippen, 384. Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, 266. Church establishments indefensible, 244. Church of the future, The, 292. Church Patronage Act, 290. Church patronage reporter, 7, 209. Church Patronage (Scotland) Bill explained, 290. Church of Scotland, The, 263, 266. Church of Scotland: Address to the people of Scotland, 263. Book of Common order, 751. Book of Common order. Translated into Gaelic, 924. Booke of Common Prayer, 751, 752. Booke of Universall Kirk of Scotland, 212. Church congress. No. 1, 209. Claim of right, 266. Collection of best church tunes, 720. Committee for Improving Church Music, Edin- burgh. Church tunes, 720. Concilia Scotise, 222. Confession of faith, 225, 752. Constitutional Church Committee. Memorandum, 263. Established Church (Scotland) — election of min- isters. Return, 298. General Kirk Sessions, Edinburgh. Minutes, 233. Lay Association. Meeting, 275. Liturgy, 752. Lord Aberdeen's bill, 266. Memorial, 263. Memorial of a meeting of elders, 266. Office for holy communion, 752. Overtures anent form of process, 1051. Overtures, concerning discipline, 1051. Patronage and popular rights, 280. Prayers for social and family worship, 752. Presbytery of Edinburgh. Report on Sabbath observance, 255. Provincial Council. Catechism by Archbishop Hamilton, 752. Scottish hymnal, 752. Scottish hymnal. Translations and paraphrases, 752. Scottish national covenant (1638), 224, 225. Scottish national covenant (1638). Facsimile, 225. State of the question respecting seat rent, 241, 242. Statement as to want of Schools, etc., 242. Statutes of the Scottish Church, 222. Synod of Aberdeen. Statement, 682. Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Report, 241. Church of Scotland. General Assembly: Abridgement of acts, 212. Acts for cleering books of discipline, 212. Acts and proceedings from 1560, 212. Abstract of report, 698. Abstract of report. Submitted to General Assem- bly, 698. Church of Scotland, General Assembly — cont'd: Annals, 212. Assembly papers, 212, 1051. Proceedings, 212. Answer (1643), 226. Causes of the Lord's wrath, 227. Church of Scotland's claim of right, 263. Endowment Committee. Appendix, 280. Facts and heads of arguments, 278. General Assembly's fast, 248. Letter, etc., 176. Memorial to members of Her Majesty's govern- ment, 260. Non-intrusion Committee. Report, 260. Non-intrusion Committee. Statement, 260. Pastoral address, 260. Pastoral letter, 253, 266, 290. Proposed report, 266. Presbyterial reports on education, 698. Principal acts (1690), 228. Principal acts (1717), 1051. Procedure concerning Professor Simpson, 536. Proceedings of Non-intrusion Committees, 263. Records of commissions, 212. Report of proceedings, 212. Report from Assembly's committee on church in- terests, 682. Report on church extension, 253, 260. Report of debate (1825), 242. Report of debate (1832), 243. Report of Education Committee, 698. Report on Eyemouth fish teind case, 662. Report for increasing education in Highlands, 255. Report for increasing means of education, 698. Report on means of education, 698. Report present state of popery, 251. Report of proceedings (1805), 238. Report of proceedings (1825), 242. Report of proceedings (1846), 275. Report on quoad sacra parishes, 274. Report of statement anent calling of ministers, 255. Report of statistical sub-committee, 251. Report on Strathbogie case, 260. Report on unexhausted teinds, 281, 663. Roll of members, 209. State of case for Church of Scotland, 255. Statement, 471. Statement by Committee, 276. Church of Scotland endowment scheme: Report of public meeting. Edinburgh, 280. Report of public meeting. Kelso, 280. Church of Scotland. Widows' Fund. Report, 682. Church of Scotland. Young Men's Association, 209. Church of Scotland released from patronage, 292. Church of Scotland vindicated from cavils of dis- senters, 244. Church and state, 281. Church and state in Scotland, 296. Churchman. Hint to voluntaries, 251. Churchman. Letter to lord provost of Edinburgh on church accommodation, 248. Churchyard, Thomas: Churchyard's chips concerning Scotland, 143. Siege of Edenbrough Castell, 331. Citizen. Letter to lord provost, 331. City of Glasgow Bank. Trial of directors, 362, 644. City of Glasgow and its records, 362. City of St. Andrews, 409. Civic connection with art, 712. Civil war papers, 167. Civis : Appeal to citizens of Edinburgh, 331. Letter to citizens of Edinburgh, 331. Claghorn, W. C. Barony of Cleghorne, 580. Claims of the Free Church, 271. Clan Lamont Society. Report, 603. INDEX 1105 Clan Maclean, 610. Clan Maclean Association, 610. Clan Maclean Association of North America, 610. Clan tartans and bagpipes, 428. Clan tartans and plaids, 428. Clanship and the Highlands, 428. Clarendon Historical Society. Reprints, 7. Clark, A. Notes on ancient Gaelic medicine, 913. Clark, Alexander. Rights of members of Church of Scotland, 243. Clark, Donald. Account of reclaiming land, 964. Clark, F. W. The coralline sand of Ulva, 964. Clark, J. H. G. Notes on gold lunette, 62. Clark, J. S. Carlyle, 806. Clark, J. Scott, 869. Clark, John. Rise, etc., of Scottish education. 698. Clark, T. B. See under Drummond, Thomas, and others. Clark, Thomas. Speech on independence of the Church, 261. Clark, W. B.. Voluntary misrepresentation detected, 24S. Clark, W. F. Legend of St. Ola's Kirk, 397, 734. Clarke, Hyde. The Picts and preceltic Britain, 49. Clarke, J. F. The two Carlyles, 806. Clarke, John: Auld lang syne, 720. Farewell to Lochaber, 720. The minstrel's harp, 720. Clarke, Peter. Journall of severall occurrences, 184. Clarke, Seymour. Boyds of Penkill, 573. Clarke, T. E. S., and H. C. Foxcroft. Life of Gil- bert Burnet, 453. Clarke, W. B.: Excavations in Borness Cave, 62. Final report on the Borness cave, 62. Clarke, W. E.: Occurrence of Asiatic houbara, 934. Occurrence of lesser whitethroat, 934. See also under Hinxman, L. W., and W. E. Clarke. Clason, Patrick: Considerations on erecting chapels of ease, 244. Strictures on statement, etc., 248. Claverhouse, 483. Cleghorn, Hugh: Biographical notice of Dr. Walker-Arnott, 1066. Dr. Boswell of Balmuto, 1060. Obituary notice of Deputy Surgeon-General Jame- son, 1063. Cleghorn, James. Depressed state of agriculture, 663. Cleghorn, John: Is character of Scotch expression of the soil? 49. Till of Caithness, 964. Till near Wick, 964. Cleland, James: Historical account of Grammar School of Glas- gow, 698. Rise and progress of Glasgow, 362. Statistical facts, 362. Statistics relative to Glasgow, 362. Cleland, James. Monument of mortalitie, 529. Cleland, John. Account of osseous remains at Hunterston, 62. See also under Cochran-Patrick, R. W., and John Cleland. Clephane, Miss D. M. King Alexander III., 812. Clephane, James. John Widdrington, 456. Clercq, D. de. Glasgow, 362. Clerical agitation unmasked, 266. Clerical prosecutors, 275. Clerk, Archibald. Gaelic language, 914. Clerk, Duncan: Agriculture of Argyll, 663. Ancient farming customs, 663. Clerk, J. M. Springtime in the Western Isles, 374 Clerk, Sir John: Dissertatio, 89. Memoirs, 182, 462. Cleveland, F. A. Carnegie as economist, 458. Clodd, Edward. In memoriam: Andrew Lang 498 Clough, A. H. Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, 812. Clough, C. T., and Alfred Harker. Coarsely spheru- litic basalt in Skye, 964. Clough, C. T., and W. Pollard. On spinel and forsterite, 964. Clough, C. T., and others: Augen gneiss of Ross-shire, etc., 964. Cauldron-subsidence of Glen Coe, 964. Clouston, Charles. Explanation of popular weather prognostics, 1019. Clouston, J. S. : Battle of Summerdale, 397. Odal families, 560. Odal Orkney, 397. Orkney surnames, 559. Townships and Surnames, 559. Clouston, R. S. Notice of chambered cairn at Unstan, 62. Clouston, T. S. Robert Stewart Clouston, 463. Clouston, W. A. Notes on the Baker of Beauly, 734. Cluich na cloinne, 735. Cluny Hill Hydropathic Establishment, 359. Cluthensis. Will the Scotch, etc., 203. Clyde, J. A. Practice in Court of Session, 636. Clyde and Glasgow Harbour Acts, 317. Clydesdale stud-book, 7. Clyne, Norval: Advocates of Aberdeen, 435. Romantic Scottish ballads, 762. Coalman's Courtship, The, 896. Coates, Henry: Evolution of a haughland, 1019. Geology of the Tay, 964. Glaciation of Perthshire, 964. History of Scottish geology, 964. The late Dr. F. Buchanan White, 549. Origin of interbedded rocks, etc., 964. Origin of soils, 964. Report on bibliography of mollusca, 934. Report on geology of cutting, Crieff and Comrie Railway, 964. Woodlands of Perthshire, 1028. Zoology of banks of Tay, 934. Coates, Henry, and Peter Macnair: Banded hornblende schist, 965. Old red sandstone of Perthshire, 965. Rocks of Highland Perthshire, 965. Coates, Henry, and A. M. Rodger Arrangement of Perthshire Natural History Museum, 934. Coates, T. F. G. Lord Rosebery, 531. Coates, William: Optical phenomenon seen in Glenure, liny. Report on visit to Glenure, 1028. Cobban, J. M. Tale of old Edinburgh 331. Cobbett, William. Tour in Scotland, 199. Cochran-Patrick, N. J. K. Cathcart, earl Cathcart, 579. Cochran-Patrick, R. W.: Archeology in Scotland, 54. Ayrshire duns, 62. Caprington horn, 96. Medals of Scotland, 727. Note on bronze weapons, 62. Note on the "Courthill," 63. Note on rock-shelter on Ayrshire coast, 62. Note on Ruddiman's table, 727. Note on some mint accounts, 727. Notes on annals of Scottish coins, 727 Notes on some unpublished records, 727. 1106 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Cochran-Patrick, R. W. — continued: Notes towards a metallic history, 727. Notes on Scottish mints, 727. Notice of antiquities in North Ayrshire, 63. Notice of curious manuscript, 727. Notice of rare type of half-plack, 727. Notice of unpublished varieties of Scottish coins, 727. Remarks on coinage of Alexander II., 727. Unpublished varieties of Scottish coins, 727. Cochran-Patrick, R. W., and John Cleland. Note on excavations on Ayrshire coast, 63. Cochrane, J. G. Catalogue of library at Abbots- ford, 869. Cochrane, J. J. Observations on temperature, 1019. Cochrane, James. Substance of an address, 266. Cochrane, Robert. Recent researches in connection with Roman remains, 89. Cochrane, Robert. Treasury of modern biography, 435. Cochrane correspondence, The. 362. Cockburn, A. M. Brief notes on precious stones, 965. Cockburn, H. A. Lowland tartans, 428. Cockburn, H. T. Cockburn, lord : Address, 812. Case of David Black and James Paterson, 646. Case of William Callender and others, 647. Case of Angus Cameron and James Menzies, 647. Case of James Cumming, 647. Case of Neil Douglas, 648. Case of John Elder and William Stewart, 649. Case of Joseph Gerrald, 649. Case of Robert Jaffray, 651. Case of Captain Johnston and of Simon Drum- mond, 651. Case of George Kinloch, 651. Case of Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird, 653. Case of Gilbert Macleod, 653. Case of Maurice Margarot, 653. Case of William Maxwell, 653. Case of George Mealmaker, 653. Case of John Morton and others (1793), 654. Case of Thomas Muir, 655. Case of Thomas Fyshe Palmer, 65 5 . Case of Charles Sinclair, 657. Case of William Skirving, 657. Case of James Smith, etc., 657. Case of Thomas Wilson, 659. Examination of trials for sedition, 644. John Grant and others, 649. Journal, 199. Letter to lord provost, 331. Life of Lord Jeffrey, 493. Memorials of his time, 194, 331, 463. Cockburn, J. D. Beginnings of Scottish newspaper press, 762. Cockburn, James: Border folk-lore, 735. Notes on rhymes, 735, Cockburn, John. Letters to his gardener, 400, 663, 683. Cockburn, Mrs. Alison. Letters, 463. Cockburn-Hood, T. H. House of Cockburn, 580. Cocks, L. J. : Notes on mosses and hepatics, 1028. Supplementary report on mosses, 1028. Coghill, A. L. Mrs. Oliphant, 524. Cokayne, G. E. Remarks on earl of Resedale's letter, 613. Colby, C. B. What the second city is doing, 683. Coldingham Priory. Correspondence, 317. Coldstream, J. P. On increase of divorce in Scot- land, 683. Coldstream, John. Memoir of William Blackie, 446. Coldstream Priory. Chartulary, 317. Cole, E. M. Pictish burgh near Lerwick, 63. Cole, G. A. J. See under Judd, J. W., and G. A. J. Cole. Coles, F. R.: Antiquarian notes on various sites, 331. Cup and ring marked rocks, 63. Decoration of a Scottish distaff, 712. Decoration of Scottish spindles, etc., 712. Lights of other days, 96. Motes, etc, of Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, 63. Notes on fortified site on Kaimes Hill, 63. Notes on St. Anthony's Chapel, 331. Notes on stone circle in Wigtownshire, 63. Notice of cairn at Gourlaw, 63. Notice of cist on estate of Moredun, 63. Notice of cists at Succoth place, 63. Notice of cup-shaped urn, 63. Notice of double burial at Ratho quarry, 63. Notices of bronze age urns on Braid Hills, etc., 63. Notices of camp at Montgoldrum, etc., 63. Notices of caves in valley of Esk, etc., 63, 64. Notices of cist at Letham quarry, etc., 63. Notices of standing stones, 64. Notices of urns at Juniper Green, etc., 63. Record of cup and ring markings, 64. Record of excavation of circles in Kincardine- shire, etc., 64. Record of kistvaens in Kirkcudbright, 64. Report on stone circles in Aberdeenshire, 64. Report on stone circles in Kincardineshire, 64. Report on stone circles in north-east of Scot- land, 64. Report on stone circles in Perthshire, 64. Some place-names of the Stewartry, 425. Stone circle at Holywood, 64. Stone circles of Kirkcudbright, 64. Stone circles of north of Scotland, 1044. Collection of Acts of Parliament relating to patron- age, 212. Collection of best Scottish songs, 896. Collection of epitaphs, 560. Collection of important Acts of Parliament, etc., con- nected with patronage, 212. Collection of modern reprints of old chap-books, 912. Collection of papers relative to earldom of Perth, 621. Collection of papers Telating to geographical descrip- tion, 1019. Collection of papers relating to the "Theatrum Scotiae," 1019. Collection of political effusions, 812. Collection of portraits of Mary, 146. Collection of Scots proverbs, 896, 897. Collection of various objections, etc., 271. Collection of wills of printers, 435, 560. Collections for history of Aberdeen and Banff, 303, 310. Collections relating to history of Mary, queen of Scotland, 146. Collections relative to the funeral of Mary, Queen of Scots, 146, 147. Collections relative to vitrified sites, 64. Collections towards a history of Kilwinning, 382. College life at Glasgow, 698. Collegiate Church of Blessed Virgin. Liber Col- legii, 362. Collegiate Church and Hospital of Holy Trinity. Charters and documents, 331. Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. Cartularium, 301. Collet, L. W., and T. N. Johnston. Formation of certain lakes, 1019. Collier boy and his candle box, 897. Collin, A. Z. Essay on Scot-English dialect, 770. INDEX Collingwood, W. G. : Ballad of Hildina, 812. Earldom of Orkney, 620. A Hebridean pilgrimage, 374. Legend of Shetland, 412. Scandinavian Britain, 49, 324, 359, 397. Some antiquities of Canna, 96. Some antiquities of Tiree, 96. Collins, J. C: Beattie, 780. Grainger, 823. Mallet, 841. Smollet, 539. Collins, William. Ode on the popular superstitions, 735. Collins, William: Church of Scotland the poor man's church, 244. Statistics of church accommodation, 251. Collyer, Robert. Robert Burns, 793. Colquhoun, F. M. Bothwell Castle, 312. Colquhoun, J. C. : Hints, 258'. Letter to certain members of convocation, 266. Two letters, 266. Colquhoun, Sir James. Colquhoun of Luss, 580. Colquhoun, John: Moor and loch, 934. Rocks and rivers, 934. Salmon casts, 934. Sporting days, 934. Colston, James: Edinburgh and district water supply, 331. Guildry of Edinburgh, 332. Incorporated trades of Edinburgh, 332. Colt, G. F. R. History of the Colts, 580. Coltness collections, 629. Colton, Thomdike. Gulls and herring, 934. Colvil, Samuel. Whig's supplication, 812. Colvill, Robert. Savannah, 812. Colville, James: Boer admirer of Burns, 793. By-ways of history, 120. Complaynt of Scotland, 813. "Diary" of Sir Thomas Hope, 489. Literary art of Burns, 793. Lowland Scotland, 182. Prof. James Blyth, 447. Rural economy of Scotland, 683. Scottish vernacular, 770. Town life, 362. Colvin, Sir Sidney. Stevensoniana, 885. Combe, George : Remarks on national education, 698. The suppressed documents, 464. Comic reciter, 897. Comical history of king and cobbler, 897. Comical history of Simple John, 897. Comical sayings of Paddy from Cork, 897. Comical sayings of Simple John, 897. Comical transactions of Lothian Tom, 897. Comin' through the rye, 720. Commission to Sir Alexander Leslie, 502. Commissioun for examinating of witcheis (1591), 735. 'Common Sense." Common sense on habits of people, 362. Company of Merchants of City of Edinburgh: Act of Parliament relative to funds, 683. Joint report, 636. Memoir for masters, etc., 683. Report by master, etc., 683. Report of proceedings, 683. Report on bill for abolition of tolls, 663. Report of annual meeting, 663. Report from sub-committee, 663, 683. Rules and standing orders, 663, 683. Septennial investigation, 683. 1107 Comparison between Communion offices 752 Compendiovs booke of godly and spiritvall songs, 812 Compendious book of godly and spiritual songs 8 2 Complaint of the muses, 812. 158, 812, 813. Complaynt of Scotlande, The, Complete peerage, 560. Complete peerage. New edition, 560 Compton, C. H. Arbroath Abbey, 307. Comunn na Gaidhlig an Lunnainn. 127th report, 7, Conacher, H. R. J. See under Macnair, Peter, and H. R. J. Conacher. Cohecus, Georgius: De duplici statu religionis, 212. Vita Maria; Stuarts, 147. Conant, H. S. : Picturesque Edinburgh, 332. Sacred music in Scotland, 720. Concerning constitution of Church of Scotland, 212. Condamnations pour pretendue sorcellerie, 644, 735. Conder, J. Biographical sketch of Thomas Pringle, 527. Condition of the labouring poor, 683. Conduct of the seceders, 266. Confessions of a bachelor, 897. Confessions of witchcraft, 735. Confirmation of arms to Alexander Primrose, 622. Conlaoch, 924. Connal, Michael. Memorial relative to Hospital of St. Nicholas, 362. Connell, Arthur: Analysis of coprolites, 965. On sulphuret of cadmium, 965. Supplementary notice, 965. Connell, Sir John, and J. Murray. Remarks by proc- urator, 241, 1051. Conolly, F. V. Art of Sir Noel Paton, 712. Conolly, M. F. Fifiana, 357. Conrady, A. Geschichte der Clanverfassung, 429. Conservative cause in Scotland, 205. Conservative meetings in Caithness, 315. Considerations on importation of foreign corn, 683. Constable, A. G. Archibald Constable and his friends, 332. Constable, A. H. B. Commentary, 683. Constable, Archibald. Memoirs of George Heriot, 1063. Constable, Archibald, and R. P. Gillies. reminiscences, 464, 481. Constable, G. W. : Excavation of Harelaw Cairn, 64. Further excavations, 64. Constable, Thomas. Archibald Constable, Constant lover in Exeter, 897. Constitution of the church assailed, 287. Contemporary account of battle of Floddon, 141. Contract with James Dewitte, 712. Contract of marriage, Alexander Ogilvie and Mary Bethune, 445, 524. Contrast, The, 332. . Contributions to Senators of College of Justice, 637. Conversion of British India, 897. Convocation of the Laity. Proposal, Conway, Daniel. Holy wells, 735. Conway, James: Forays among salmon, etc., 934. Letters from the Highlands, 934. Recollections of sport, 934. Conway, M. D. Thomas Carlyle, 806. Conway, Sir Martin. Bewcastle crosses, 1057. Cook, A. S.: Notes on Ruthwell Cross, 408. Date of Ruthwell and Bewcastle Crosses, 408. Personal 464. 332. and Ruthwell 1108 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Cook, G. A.: General description of Scotland, 197. Topographical description of middle division, 197. Topographical description of southern division, 197. Cook, George: A few plain observations, 246, 248. History of the Church of Scotland, 212. Speech on overtures, 253. Substance of a speech, 240, 244. Cook, George, and others. Memorial, 263. Cook, John. Brief view, 683. Cook, John. Substance of a speech, 266. Cook, Thomas, and Son. Tourist handbook, 207. Cook, W. B.: Arms of Erskine, 554. Graham, earl of Airth, 569. Livingston, earl of Callendar, 577. Livingston, earl of Linlithgow, 605. Livingston, earl of Newburgh, 620. Livingston, viscount Kilsyth, 602. Moray, lord of Bothwell, 573. Stirling Castle, 417. Cooke, C. H. : Days in Thule, 934. Successful fish-culture, 934. Cooke, Henry: Letter, etc., 248. Letter to Rev. Dr. Ritchie, 251. Second letter to Rev. John Ritchie, 252. Cooke, T. E.: Heraldic painted ceilings in Linlithgow, 389, 554. Notes on precept of infeftment, 163. Notice of cross-shaft, Arthurlee, 96. Coole conference, A (1644), 226. Coomaraswamy, A. K. Observations on Tiree mar- ble, 965. Cooper, James: A minister's thoughts, 712. Notes on Greyfriars Church, Aberdeen, 301. Problem of reunion, 298. Some old Elgin houses, 355. Cooper, W. M. Penal and church flagellation, 637. Cooper, W. S. Collections relating to Torbolton, 422. Copeland, C. T. Carlyle as letter writer, 806. Copie, extract taxt roll of Aberdeen (1613), 304. Copies of the National Covenant of Scotland, etc., 238. Copies of papers relative to projected translation of University of St. Andrews, 698. Copious summary of laws of Church of Scotland (1560-1850), 213. Copland , Alexander : Account of ancient mode of sepulture in Scot- land, 64. Combustion of dead bodies in Scotland, 64. Copy of letter concerning the Scots peerage, 560. Copy of papers regarding herring fisheries, 663, 934. Copy of Scott's diploma, 870. Corbet, Dr. Fuineadair na Manachainn, 735. Corbet, Sir William. Protocol book, 561. Cordiner, Charles. Antiquities and scenery, 194. Cormack, George. Sprigs of heather, 813. Cornford, L. C. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Cornish, S. W. Waverley manual, 870. Coronation, The, 897. Coronation of Charles the Second, 169. Corporation Galleries of Art, Glasgow. Catalogue, 712. Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda, 789. Corri, Domenico: Galic air, 720. My ain kind dearie, 720. New and complete collection of Scots songs, 720. Corrie, A. J., and others. On cave at Borness, 65. Corrie, J. E. Records of Corrie family, 581. Corrie, J. M. : Dumfries post office, 323. Notice of Christian monuments from Dairy, 1044. Corrie, John. Notice of cist in cairn at Stroan- freggan, 65. Corrodi, August. Rob. Burns und Pet. Hebel, 793. Cossar, James: Distribution of towns, etc., 1019. Geography of Edinburgh district, 1019. Costello, L. S. Mary Stuart, 147. Cottage wedding, The, 897. Cotterill, Henry. True position of the Episcopal Church in Scotland, 294. Cotton, Charles. Bardon papers, 147. Coughtrey, Millen. Notes on materials found at Hillswick, 65. Coulthart armorials, 581. Country John's unfortunate ramble, 898. County directory of Scotland, 7. County and municipal record, 7. Couper, David. Dying in the Lord, 459. Couper, James. Sermon and address, 238. Couper, S. C. : Depopulation of villages, 396. Name of Forbes, 559. On the names Buchan, etc., 559. Couper, W. J. : Bibliography of Edinburgh periodical literature, 2, 332, 762, 763. Edinburgh periodical press, 332, 763. James Watson, 547. Millers of Haddington, 516, 616, 763. Court of Session : Act of sederunt for recording exceptions, 637. Act of sederunt relative to forms of process, In- ner House, 637. Act of sederunt relative to forms of process, Teind Court, 637. Draught Act of sederunt, 637. Draught Act of sederunt. Another issue, 637. Court of Session garland, 813. Court of Session garland. Supplement, 813. Courthope, W. J. Johnson and Carlyle, 806. Courtney, E. H. Account of Roman camp at Kin- tore, 89. Courtney, W. L. : Andrew Lang, 498. Carlyle's political doctrines, 806. Courts and the Kirk, 213. Cousin, Mrs. A. R. Deathbed of Knox, 813. Cousin, David, and John Lessels. Plan of sanitary improvements, 332. Cousin, William: Issue at stake, 287. Landmarks removed, 289. Coutts, James: Notes on carboniferous selachian fish, 965. Post tertiary claybeds at Houston, 965. Post tertiary clay beds, Bute, 965. Coutts, W. G. Scottish versus classic music, 721. Cowan, Henry: John Knox, 496. When was John Knox born? 496. Cowan, Robert. Vital statistics of Glasgow, 683. Cowan, Samuel: Ancient capital of Scotland, 402. Gowrie conspiracy, 162. Last days of Mary Stuart, 147. Lord chancellors of Scotland, 120. Mary, queen of Scots, 147. Ruthven family papers, 162, 624. INDEX 1109 Cowan, William: Andro Hart, 763. Bibliography of Book of Common Order, 752, 763. Edition of Lyndsay's Squyer Meldrum, 836. Early views of Edinburgh, 332. Holyrood Press, 332, 763, 1042. Cowie, C. R.: Glacial phenomena of Loch Ranza, 965. Notes on shoals at Catacol, 965. Cowie, Robert. Shetland, 412. Cox, J. C. Ancient Stirling, 417. Cox, S. H. Horae Chalmerianse, 460. Coxe, Sir James. Condition of insane in Scot- land, 683. Coyne, R. A. F. A. Notice of stone cist, etc., in Shetland, 96. Craib, W. G. Flora of Banffshire, 1028. Craig, Alexander. Poetical works, 813. Craig, Archibald: Birds of Bute, 934. Birds of Glenurquhart, 935. Birds of the great glen, 935. Birds of Kintail, 935. Kintail and Glenelg, 1055. Pitlochry, 935. Craig, E. H, C, Igneous breccia of the Lui, 965. Craig, Edward. On the important discrepancy, 263. Craig, George: Culbin sandhills, 965. Building stones used in Edinburgh, 965. Craig, John. Carboniferous formation, Lanarkshire, 965. Craig, John. Relief principles, 276. Craig, R. M.: Additions to volcanic geology, Fife, 965. Carboniferous rocks, etc., of Pitscottie, 965. Craig, R. S. Making of Carlyle, 806. Craig, Robert: First appearance of certain fossils, 966. Fossiliferous strata, Beith and Dairy districts, 966. Fossils of upper series, Beith Dairy districts, 966. Glacial deposits Ayrshire and Renfrewshire, 966. Notes of quarries of Greenhill, 965. Notes upon cutting on farm of Gurdy, 965. On boulders found in cuttings, 965. Post-pliocene beds, Irvine valley, 966. Remarks upon bed of dolerite, 966. Remarks upon "joints," 966. Section on Crofthead and Kilmarnock Railway, 966. Sketch of carboniferous basin, 966. Upper limestones of North Ayrshire, 966. Volcanic disturbance of ironstone measures, 966. See also under Young, John, and Robert Craig. Craig, Sir Thomas: De unione regnorum, 164. Poemata, 813. Scotland's soveraignty asserted, 1047. Craig, William: Excursion of Scottish Alpine Botanical Club to Glen Spean, 1028. Excursion of Scottish Alpine Botanical Club to Sutherland, etc., 1028. Craig-Brown, T. History of Selkirkshire, 356. Craig-Christie, Alexander. Notes of botanical ex- cursion to Shetland, 1028. Craigie, W. A.: "Ballet of the nine nobles," 763. Barbour and Blind Harry as literature, 778, 826. Complaynt of Scotland, 813. Donald Ban, 735. Gaelic words in Icelandic, 918. The Gaels in Iceland, 49, 914. Oldnordiske Ord, 918. Picts and the Newton stone, 1043. Craigie, IV. A. — continued: Present state of Scottish tongue 1071 Rolland's Court of Venus, 853. St. Andrews ms. of Wyntoun's Chronicle, 132, 894 Scotland's rimur, 162. Some Dundee epitaphs, 324, 561 Some Highland folklore, 735. Three tales of the Fiann, 735. Craik, G. L.: Earldom of Menteith, 615. Last of the Ruthvens, 624. Lord Crichton, 582. Trial of Philip Standsfield, 657. Craik, Sir Henry. Bride of Lammermoor, 870. Crail. Collegiate Church. Register, 318. Cram, R. A. Ruined Abbeys of Great Britain, 322. 380, 392, 712. Cramond, William: Beggars' badges, 727. Cullen House, 319. Earl of Fife, 590. Extracts from old Banffshire papers, 310. Extracts records kirk session of Alyth, 305. A forgotten tragedy, 651. Notes of impressions of postal stamps, 96. Notes on Tilquhilly Castle, 421. Notes on tumuli in Cullen district, 65. Notices of bronze censer, etc., 96. Old time mail arrangements, 663. Scottish burgh seals, 554. To-names in Banffshire, etc., 735. The two-handed sword, 1044. Crampton, C. B. Limestones of Aberlady, etc., 966. Crampton, C. B., and David Tait. New localities for oil-bearing shale, 966. Craufurd, C. Adam our helt, 813. Craven, J. B., and John Anderson. Ancient earls of Caithness, 576. Crawford (25. earl), A. W. C. Lindsay. Lives of Lindsays, 582. Crawford, David. Exact genealogie of Knoc or Knox, 603. Crawford, David. Interference of the civil magis- trate, 244. Crawford, F. C. On first recorded occurrence of chara baltica in Scotland, 1028. Crawford, J. H. : Fifeshire, 357. Forfarshire, 358. High Dunsinane, 327. Perthshire, 403. Wild flora of Scotland, 1028. Wild fauna, 935. Wild life, 935. Crawford, James. The disruption, 266. Crawford, T. J. : Address, 283. Reasons of adherence to Established Church, 272. Crawford (18. earl), W. L. Crawford. Speech, 174, 175. Crawford (26. earl), and Balcarres (9. earl), Lindsay : Bibliography of royal proclamations, 2. First provisional hand-list, 2, 147. Crawfurd, George: Genealogical history of the Stewarts, History of Renfrew, 405. Lives of officers of the crown, 435. Crawfurd, George. Sketch of Trades' Glasgow, 362. Cree, J. E. : Notice of caves on Archerfield, 65. Notice of hut-circle near Ackergill, 65. Notice of midden at Tusculum, 65. Cree, J. E., and J. S. Richardson. Notice of cist and urn in West Links, 65. J. L. 629. House of 1110 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Creech, William: Edinburgh fugitive pieces, 332, 813. Letters to Sir John Sinclair, 332. Creeds and establishments, 284. Creighton, William. Apologie and defence, 162. Crichton, Andrew : Life of Col. John Blackader, 446. Memoir of Dr. M'Crie, 505. Sutherland and the Sutherlanders, 272, 420. Crichton, D. M. M.: Failure of movement on behalf sustentation fund, 277. Politics of John Balfour, 200. Quicksands avoided, 276. See also under Johnston, R. S., and D. M. M. Crichton. Crichton, Douglas : The Admirable Crichton, 465. Circumstances relating to death of James (the Admirable) Crichton, 465. Crichton, George. Poemata, 813. Crichton, James. In suum, 813. Crichton, Thomas. Memoir of Rev. John Findlay, 476. Crichton-Browne, Sir James: Carlyle and Froude, 806. Carlyle — his wife, etc., 806. Crieff: its traditions, etc., 319, 419. Criminal procedure at Stornoway, 637. Crinan canal, 663. Cririe, James. Scottish scenery, 196, 813. Crisis averted, The, 290. Critical observations concerning Scottish historians, 194-195. Critical review of theological and philosophical liter- ature, 7. Critique on poems of Burns, 793. Croal, George. Reminiscences, 721. Croal, J. P. Queen's Park, 1053. Croal, T. A.: Balmoral Castle, 310. Linlithgow Palace, 389. Croall, Thomas. Roads, canals, etc., 663. Crockett, S. R.: Black Douglas, 813. Cleg Kelly, 813. Firebrand, 813. Fishers of men, 813. Galloway herd, 813. Gray man, 813. Joan of the sword hand, 813. Lilac sunbonnet, 813. Love idylls, 813. Mad Sir Uchtred, 813. Men of the moss-hags, 813. Men of the mountain, 814. Raiderland, 359, 814. Red axe, 814. Riddlings of creation, 814. Rose of the wilderness, 814. Scottish national humour, 763. Sir Toady Crusoe, 814. Crockett, W. S.: Scott originals, 435, 870. See also under Douglas, Sir George, and W. S. Crockett. Crofters of the Highlands, 683. Crofters past and present, 683. Croker, J. W. Two letters on Scottish affairs, 198, 663. Croker, T. C. Antiquities discovered in Orkney, 96. Crole, G. L. Prerogative of mercy, 637. Croll, James: Change of climate in Canada and Scotland, 966. On two river channels, 966. Cromartie (1. earl), Sir George Mackenzie: Account of Hirta, 410. A few brief and modest reflexions, 229. Genealogy of the Mackenzies, 609. Cromartie papers, 582. Crombie, J. E. First footing, 735. Cromek, R. H. : History of witchcraft, 735. Remains, 814. Crompton, Richard. Copye van eenen brief, 147. Cromwellian union, The, 169. Cronycle of Scotland in a part, 120. Crosbie, Andrew, Thoughts of a layman, 235. Crosland, T. W. H. The unspeakable Scot, 120. Cross, A. W.: Humorous characteristics of the Scot, 683. Religion of Burns's poems, 793. Crosskey, H. W. : Address in memory of James Smith, 1066. Boulder clay, 966. Glacial deposits of Clyde district, 966. Glacial geology of district around Loch Sween, 966. Note on fossils collected by Mr. Bennie, 966. Recent researches into post-tertiary geology, 966. Relation between glacial deposits of Scotland and Canada, 966. Succession of geological changes, 966. Tellina calcarea bed at Chappel Hall, 966. Crosskey, H. W., and David Robertson. Post-terti- ary fossiliferous beds, 966. Crossraguel Abbey. Charters, 319. Crowley, M. C. Hymns and legends, 914. Crowly, R. W. State-aid for fishermen, 683. Cruchley, G. F. Cruchley's new map of Scotland, 1019. Cruel priest, The, 814. Cruickshank, Dr. Place names in Nairnshire, 425. Cruikshank, George. Twelve sketches, 735. Cry of creditors upon bankrupt estates, 637, 663. Crystal Palace Company. Centenary celebration, 793. Cubitt, W. Report on harbour and docks of Leith, 663. Cucheval-Clarigny. fedimbourg, 332. Cueva estupenda de Fingal, 417. Cuimhneachan air Maighistir Ailean, 505. Culberson, Robert: Consolation to the church, 239. Vindication of Seceders, 237. Culloden papers, 109, 185. Culsamond case. Report of opinions, 263. Cultivation and progress of law, 637. Culyer, T. L. Reminiscence of Abbotsford, 870. Culzean Castle, Ayrshire, 317. Cumine, James. Burgh of Rattray, 1056. Cuming, H. S. : On a Douglas heart, 96. Relics of Mary Stuart, 147. Relics and mementos of James I, 492. Cumming, A. D. Loch-in-dorb, 390. Cumming, J. E. : Education in Scotland, 698. The numbers of the churches, 290. Cumming, J. G. Tertiary deposits of Moray Firth, 967. Cumming, James, and C. E. Wilson. Tabulated re- ports on schools, 698. Cumming, John: Apology for Church of Scotland, 252. Present state of the Church of Scotland, 266. Cumming, Robert. Essay on the question, etc., 763, 819, 852. Cummins, M. S. Around Mull, 394. Cummyng, James. Disquisition, 727. Cuninghame, William. Remarks on recent act of kirk session of Stewarton, 242. INDEX 1111 65. of Cunningham, A. S.: A busy week, 458. Three busy weeks, 458. Cunningham, Allan: Alexander Runciman, 1065. Allan Ramsay, 1065. David Allan, 1059. George Jamesone, 1063. James Burnet, 1060. Johnnie Menzies, 814. Life of Sir David Wilkie, 550, 712. Life and land of Burns, 793. Life of Scott, 870. Magic bridle, 814. Poems and songs, 814. Songs of Scotland, 814. Sir Henry Raeburn, 1065. Traditional tales, 814. Cunningham, J. H. Notes on the "Chesters,' : Cunningham, J. T. : Marine station for scientific research, 935. Polychasta sedentaria, 935. Cunningham, James. Essay upon inscription Macduff's Crosse, 96. Cunningham, Peter. James Thomson and David Mallet, 513, 544. Cunningham, R. J. H.: Geognostical description of Kirkcudbright, 967. Geology of the Lothians, 967. Cunningham, Robert. Report on studies, 698. Cunningham, W. B. Collegiate education, 278. Cunningham, William, of Craigends. Diary, 467. Cunningham, William, 1805-1861: Animadversions, 266. "Circa sacra," 266. Defence of rights of Christian people, 258. Inaugural lecture, 460. Letter to John Hope, 255. Letters on the church question, 263. On the Church and Church establishments, 242. Remarks on twenty-third chapter of Confession of Faith, 266. Reply to statement of certain ministers, 252. Speech on independence of the church, 255. Strictures on Robertson's Observations, 258. Three letters of, 266. Three letters on Sir William Hamilton's pamphlet, 266. Cunningham, William, and others: Claims and grievances, 266. Proposals for system of national education, 698. Cunningham, William. Guildry and trade incor- porations, 683. Cunningham, William. Some differences, 213. Cunninghame, John. Letter to Hay Campbell, 450. Cunninghame-Graham, R. B. : Father Archangel, 500. Loose and broken men, 429. Cupar Angus Abbey. Rental book, 320. Curiosities of a Scots charta chest, 109, 468. Curious history of a bogus bank, 663. Curious interview, 450. Curie, A. O.: Account book of Magdalen Nicholson, 523. Account of broch near Craigcaffie, 1044. Account of relic bed on Mote of Ingleston Cranstoun, lord Cranstoun, 581. Description of fortifications on Ruberslaw, 65 Examination of hut circles in Kildonan, 65. Excavation of galleried structure at Langwell, 1 044 Exploration of cairn at Achaidh, 65. Hog-backed monuments, Nisbet, 396. Hume, earl of Marchmont, 613. Inventories of house of Rossie, 407. John Carmichael, 457. Kitchen and buttery accounts, 683. 1044. 89. Coal beds under traps of Bow- 793. Curie, A. O. — continued: Note of excavations on Ruberslaw, 65 Notes on account of expenditure of Archibald ninth earl of Argyll, 440, 684 Notes on three carved Norman capitals, etc., 96 ■Notice of fort of Bonchester Hill, 65 Notice of four contracts, 120. Notice of kitchen middens on Archerfield, 65 Roxburghshire mansion, 684. Superstition in Scotland, 735. See also under Ewart, Edward, and A. O. Curie Curie, James: Excavations at Newstead fort, 89. Notes on brochs at Bow, 65. Roman fort at Newstead, 89. A Roman frontier post, 89. Curling, Henry. Ramble to Eglinton tournament 354. Currency theory reviewed, 663. Currie, Alexander, ling Hills, 967. Currie, James. Life of Burns, Currie, James : Minerals of tertiary eruptive rocks of Ben More 967. Note on feldspars of Canisp, 967. On an Iona erratic, 967. Currie, John: Jus populi divinum, 230. Plain reasons for new secession, 232. Queries anent the Assembly's overture, 231. Curriehill, John Marshall, lord. Address on land 1069. Cursiter, J. W. : Note on stone from site of St. Colm's chapel, 96. Notes on silver ornaments and coins, Burray, 96. Notice of bronze weapons of Orkney and Shet- land, 65. Notice of canoe found in Stronsay, 97. Notice of cist at Crantit, 65. Notices of bronze dagger, etc., 65, 397. Scottish brochs, 65. Cursory observations on death of Scott, 870. Curtin, Philip. Not proven: Madeleine Smith, 657. Curtis, F. J. Investigation of rimes, 770. Curtis, G. W. Robert Burns, 793. Curtis, W. A. Value of confessions of faith, 213. Curwen, Henry: Constable, Cadell, and Black, 446, 453, 464. History of booksellers, 435. Cushny, Alexander, and others. Answer, 261. Cust, Sir Edward. Graham of Claver house, 483. Cust, Lionel, and Kathleen .Martin. Portraits Mary, Queen of Scots, 147. Cuthbertson, David. University library of Edin burgh, 698. Cymraes. Ode on Burns centenary, 793. D. On Douglas's translation of Virgil's jEneid, 816. D., C. Letter to the real freeholders, 194. D., C. S. Scottish Gypsies, 442. D., H. W. Life of Carlyle, 806. D., J. Day with Hugh Miller, 516. D., L. D. Ackergill Tower, 305. A.., $. Brief plea, 684. D , W. T. Hogmanay in Edinburgh, 332. Dacosta, H. M. Description of iron ore, Leadhills, 967. Daire, Eugene. Notice sur D. Hume, 1070. of 1112 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Dairon, James: Notes on graptolites, 967. Notes on new forms of graptolites, 967. Notes on Silurian rocks of Dumfriesshire, 967. On retiolites, 967. On rocks and graptolitic shales of Moffat district, 967. Dakyns, J. R., and J. J. H. Teall. Plutonic rocks of Garabal Hill, 967. Dalgarno, James: Notes on Slains and Forvie, 359, 416. Ramble on coast of Buchan, 313. Dalgleish, J. J.: List of birds of Ardnamurchan, 935. Notes on tree sparrow, 935. Notes on "List of birds,** etc., 935. On the skuas, 935. Dalgleish, W. S.: Coast scenery of Scotland, 1019. Education in Scotland, 698. Scotland*s version of home rule, 205. University certificate examinations, 699. Dalhousie (1. marquis), J. A. B. Ramsay. Private letters, 1061. Dallas, James. Honorific "The," 561. Dallas, John. Extension of city boundaries, 362. Dalrymple, C. E.: Account of cairn of Pittodrie, 66. Aumbry at Monymusk, 393. Notes of shellmounds, Aberdeenshire, 66. Notes of stone circle at Crichie, 66. Notice of crannog in Black Loch, 66. Notice of silver cup of Assuanley, 97. Portraits of Queen Mary, 1048. Dalrymple, Sir David : Account of lay-patronages, 213. Annals of Scotland, 120, 139. Memorials and letters, 164. Sketch of life of John Barclay, 444. Sketch of life of M. Alexander Boyd, 448. Dalrymple, H. H. : Dalrymple, earl of Stair, 628. Hamilton, lord Bargany, 572. Makgill, viscount of Oxfuird, 621. * Seal of priory of Whithorn, 424, 555. Dalrymple, Sir John. Memoirs of Great Britain, 176. Dalton, Charles. Memoir of George Keith, earl Marshal, 513. Daly, Robert. Second letter on Scottish Episcopal Church, 274. - Dalyell, Sir J. G.: Biographical sketches of Sir William Kirkcaldy, 495. Cursory remarks, 812. Darker superstitions, 735. Incidents in life of James, Earl of Murray, 519. Musical memoirs, 721. Rare and remarkable animals, 935. Tract relative to monastic antiquities, 326, 1047. Dalzel, Andrew. Account of John Drysdale, 470. Dalzell, J. B. Dalzell, 559. Damon's repulse in love, 898. Dan an Deirg, agus Tiomna Ghuill, 924. Dan an Deirg — Dargo, 924. Danskin, Henry. Poemata, 814. Daoine Sidhe, Na, 735. Darach, Iain. Caraid a* Ghaidheil, 924. Dargaud, J. M. Histoire de Marie Stuart, 147. Darien expedition, 176. Darien papers, 176. Darwin, C. R. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 967. Date of John Knox's birth, 496. Dauney, William. Ancient Scottish melodies, 721. Dauriac, Lionel. Essai, 759. Davenport, Cyril. English and Scottish heraldry 555. Davey, Samuel. Letters and prose of Burns, 793. David Gray, 485. David Gray. Life and poems, 485. David Scott, R. S. A., 533. Davidson, A. L. George Neilson, 522. Davidson, C. B. Notice of kists at Broomend, 66. Davidson, G. Norman's blast, 814. Davidson, G. B. Scotch agriculture, 663. Davidson, George: Diatomaceae found in Loch Kinnord, 967. On diatomaceous deposit in Cromar, 1028. Davidson, Hugh. Old Church of St. Kentigern, 385. Davidson, James. Laboratory note, 967. Davidson, John (1549?-1603) : Ane breif commendatioun, 814. Ane dialog, 814. Memorial of two worthye Christians, 456. Davidson, John (d. 1797). Observations on Regiam maj estatem, 63 7. Davidson, John, of Inverurie: Inverurie, 360, 379, 566. Origin, etc., of Bass of Inverurie, 967. Davidson, John, dramatist: Plays, 814. Queen of Thule, 814. Davidson, John. Kirk of Kinkell, 383. Davidson, John. Selections, 814. Davidson, John, and Alexander Gray. Scottish staple at Veere, 663. Davidson, John Marr. St. Kentigern*s Church, 385. Davidson, John Morrison. Scotia rediviva, 121, 136, 451, 477, 539. Davidson, Peter. Civil magistracy, 282. Davidson, R. T., and William Benham. Life of A. C. Tait, 543. Davidson, Thomas. Sketch of Dr. John Erskine, 474. Davidson, Thomas : Description of Lingula Thomsonii, 967. Note on some brachiopoda, 967. Davies, Edward. Claims of Ossian, 914. Davis, Albert. Some Scottish influences, 763. Davis, Alice. Brief sketch of, 468. Davis, C. T. Monumental brass, Aberdeen, 301. Davis, Henry. Life of Rev. Dr. Chalmers, 460. Davison, Charles: British earthquakes, 967. Earthquakes of Comrie, 967. Inverness earthquake of 1901, 967, 968. Inverness earthquakes of 1890, 968. Ochil earthquakes, 968. Record of observations, 968. Some minor British earthquakes, 968. Dawson, Adam. Rambling recollections, 203. Dawson, W. J. : R. L. Stevenson, 885. Scott's greatness, 870. Waverley novels, 870. Dawson, Sir William. Canadian and Scottish geol- ogy, 968. Day, L. F. Decorative and industrial art. 712. Day, St. J. V.: Carboniferous system of Scotland, 968. On proposed bridges, 663. Day, T. C: Geological notes from Arran, 968. Geological trip to Aultnacallagach, 968. Some observations on the Long Row, etc., 968. Dean, Amos. The Scottish school, 752. Death, The, of Sir Anthony d'Arces de la Bastie, 142. Death of Artho, 924. Death and burial customs, 735. Death of Rothesay, 140. INDEX 1113 Death of Sir Walter Scott, 870. Debate in House of Lords (1840), 258. Declaratie, De, en apologie der protestanten, 227. Declaratio regnorum Anglia:, 167. Declaration of the affections, 166. Declaration of the archbishop of Canterbury, etc., 185. Declaration by committee of the constitutional party, 266, 267. Declaration du parlement de Paris, 147. Declaration of the Parliament of Scotland (1648), 227. Declarations by the clergy and nobility, 227. Declaratiovn, Ane, of the iust and necessar causis ... 1049. Declarator in court of Superintendent of Fife, 447. De commerciis Scotorum, 663, 664. Decreet of spulzie, 524. Decreit anent the ranking, 555. Deed of conveyance of the quigrich, 97. Deer and deer-forests, 935. Defence of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, 252. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, 176, 177. Defensor. Plain words and simple facts, 294. Defoe, Daniel. Collection of original papers, 180. Deil's reply to Burns, 793. Deirdire, 924. Deirdire and lay of children of Uisne, 924. Deirdre and sons of Uisnach, 924. De jure prelationis, 555. De Kay, Charles. Cross of Cadmon, 408. Delaissement d'un matelot ecossais, 534. Delapierre, Octave. L'abbeye de Melrose, 392. Delatour, Albert. Adam Smith, 537, 760. Delavoye, A. M. Life of Thomas Graham, 505. Delisle, Leopold. Le professeur ecossais, Vaus, 547. Delitize poetarum Scotorum, 815. Delolme, J. L. British empire in Europe, 195. Demogeot, J. H., and H. Montucci. De l'enseigne- ment superieur, 699. Dempster, George: Magnetic Mountain of Cannay, 968. Plans for improvement of Skibo and Pulrossie, 1056, 1057. Dempster, Miss. Folk-lore of Sutherlandshire, 735. Dempster, Thomas : Historia ecclesiastics, 213. Poemata, 815. Dendy, Arthur. Description of comatula, 935. Denham, Sir A. S. Memorials of the Stewarts, 629. Denham, M. A. Denham tracts, 735. Denina, Carlo. Learning of the Scots, 763. Denney, James. Union of Free Church of Scot- land, etc., 296. Dennison, W. T.: Encroachments of sea, etc. Sanday, 968. Orkney folklore, 735. Play o' de lathie Odivere, 736. Dennistoun, James: Calderwoods of Polton, 576. Letter to Lord Advocate, 199. Dent, Francis. Blessed John Duns Scotus, 753. Deodat. Methode critique de V. Duns Scot, 753. Deo-Ghreine, An, 7, 913. De Peyster, J. W.: Inquiry into career of Mary Stuart, 147. Mary, queen of Scots, 147. Vindication of James Hepburn, 448. Deposition; or, Fatal miscarriage, 815. De Quincey, Thomas: Secession, 213. Sir William Hamilton, 754. Society of the lakes, 894. Walladmor, 870. Derby, Thomas. Songs of Burns, 793. Description of encampments on Burnswork 89 Description of Inch Colm, 376. Descriptive catalogue of state papers at Hamilton Palace, 109. Descriptive sketch of Bridewell of Edinburgh 332 Detection of falsehood. Life of Sir Robert Cochran, Detection of some real and artificial errors, 232. Detmar, Bernhard. Karneades und Hume 756 Devas, R. P. John Black, 446. Devastation of the Reformation, 222. Deveron, D. Verses on centenary of birth of Burns 793. Dewar, Henry. Education of James Mitchell, 517. Dewar, James. Note on acidulous chalybeate mineral water, 1019. Dewar, John. Bishop Carswell, 459. Dewar, Robert. Burnet on the Scottish troubles, 165. Diack, William. Burns as social reformer, 793. Dialogue between John and Thomas, 898. Dialogue on Free Church door, 279. Dibdin, J. C. Annals of Edinburgh Stage, 815. Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical tour, 121. Dibdin, T. J.: Heart of Mid-Lothian, 858. Ivanhoe, 859. Dibdin, T. J., and Alfred Bunn. Kenilworth, 860. Dicaledon. Memoir of Rob Roy, 507. Dick, A. C. Substance of a speech, 243. Dick, J. C. Songs of Burns, 793. Dick, James. Auld lang syne, 721. Dick, Robert. On discovery of a "sand-dyke," 968. Dick, Thomas : Christian philosopher, 1071. Philosophy of religion, 1071. Complete works, 815. Dick, Thomas. Sonnet, 481. Dickens, Charles. Ballantyne humbug, 870. Dickie, Adam. Chemical composition of water of Clyde sea area, 1019, Dickie, George: Deposit of fossil diatomaceas, 968. Notes on altitudinal range of mosses in Aberdeen- shire, 1029. On forest and other trees of Aberdeenshire, 1029. Dickie, W. : Kirkcudbright, 384. Scottish burghal life, 384. Dickson, Rev. David: The end of our being, 549. Rembrance of the righteous, 544. Dickson, David. An elder's thoughts, 287. Dickson, H. N. : Hygrometry of Ben Nevis, 1019. Observations on earth currents, 1019. Dickson, I. A. The burry-man, 736. Dickson, J. H., and James Paton. Museum and art galleries of Glasgow, 362. Dickson, John. Copy of a letter (1727), 229. Dickson, Robert, and J. P. Edmond. Annals of Scot- tish printing, 763. Dickson, Thomas: Notice of Register of Lindores Abbey, 389. Proceedings Gild Court of Ayr, 308. Dickson, W. K.: Advocates' Library, 333. Hamilton, lord Belhaven, 572. The Highland campaigns, 185. Life of Sir R. Murdoch Smith, 538. Mackenzie, earl of Cromartie, 582. Printed catalogues of Advocates library, 1042. Scots law of treason, 637. Signet Library, 333. 1114 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Dickson, W. P.: Biographical notice of William Euing, 1061. Glasgow University Library, 362. Dictionary of national biography, 435. Diebler, A. R. : Henrisone's tabeln, 826. Zu Holland's Buke of the houlate, 828. . Difficulties about the protest, 272. Digest of essays on bothy system, 684. Digest of reports of commissioners of religious in- struction, 253, 684. Dilettanti Society of Edinburgh. Transactions, 712. Dillon, John: Catalogue of books of Cathedral of Glasgow, 362. Observations on the Norwegian expedition, 132. Observations on St. Patrick, 525. Dimier, L. About Mary, queen of Scots' portraits, 147. Dimock, Arthur. Marie Stewart, 147. Dinner to earl of Elgin, 473. Dinsmore, William. Western Gaelic poetry, 914. Dinwiddie, J. - L. : Rev. Henry Duncan, 1061. The Ruthwell Cross, 408. Diogenes among the D.D.'s, 815. Diploma of Thomas, bishop of Orkney, 621. Disappointed lover, The, 898. Disappointed whig, 815. Discours du grand et magnifique triumphe, 147. Discourse upon the union (1664), 171. Discourse upon the union (1702), 180. Discourse upon an union (1707), 180. Disestablishment, 292. Disestablishment; or, what shall we do? 292. Disestablishment and its complication, 294. Dish of wholesome proverbs, 763. Dispute between abbot and convent of Lindores, 389, 395. Dissenting minister's friendly reply, 261. Dissertation on chief obstacles, 664. Dissertations on law of Scotland, 637. Dissertations on physical, ethical, etc., science, 752. Dittay against Mr. Jas. Mitchell (1678), 654. Diurnal of occurrences, 170. Diurnal, A., of remarkable occurrents, 142. Diverting history of John Cairns, 815. Divorty, Peter. Poemata, 815. Dixon, B. H. Border or riding clans, 566, 584. Dixon, Frederick. Marshal Keith, 494. Dixon, J. M. : Burns cult, 793. Education and the Church, 699. John Campbell Shairp, 534. Methodism in the Scottish capital, 213. Survey of Scottish literature, 763. Dixon, J. S.: Ancient river course at Auchinlea, 1019. Birds frequenting Possil Marsh, 935. Dixon, James Henry. Scottish traditional versions of ancient ballads, 815. Dixon, John H. Gairloch, 359, 390. Dixon, Thomas. Ecclesiastical establishments, 253. Dixon, W. M. Thomas the Rhymer, 815. Dobbie, J. B. Summer birds, 935. Dobbie, J. J. Note on specimen of altered dolomitic limestone, 968. Dobie, J. S.: Church of Dunlop, 327. Church of Largs, 386. Corsehill baron-court book, 318. Late R. W. Cochran Patrick, 463. Mason's protocol hook, 561. Notarial notebook of John Mason, 308. Parish church of Kilbirnie, 381. Dobie, James. Letter to William Blair, 199. Dobie, Rev. James. Sermon, 447, 515. Dobie, William. Skelmorlie aisle, 386. Dobson, Austin: A rival of Reynolds, 1065. Topography of Humphry Clinker, 881. Dobson, W. T. History of Bassandyne Bible, 763 Dr. Black, 446. Dr. Buchanan's union manifesto, 287. Dr. Chalmers, 460. Dr. David Macbeth Moir, 517. Dr. Harper's statement, 284. Dr. Hugh Blair, 447. Dr. James Anderson, 440. Dr. James Gregory, 485. Dr. John Gillies, 480. Dr. John Leyden, 502. Dr. John Moore, 519. Dr. Robert Buchanan and confessions of faith, 285. Dr. Trotter, 545. Dr. Walter C. Smith, 538. Dr. Wardlaw, 547. Dr. William Mavor, 514. Dr. William Thomson, 545. Doctrine in the U. P. Church, 283. Documents from charter chest of earl of Airlie, 109. Documents illustrating Catholic policy, 161. Documents illustrative of clan Gregor, 608. Documents illustrative of Icolmkill, 379. Documents relatifs a. Marie Stuart, 1048. Documents relating to Orkney and Shetland, 397, 413. Documents relative to Linlithgow palace, 389. Documents relative to printers (1686-1705), 763. Documents respecting affairs of Scotland during reign of Edward I., 136. Documents respecting affairs of Scotland, during reign of Henry VIII., 141. Documents respecting cause, J. Vans Agnew, etc., 637. Dodd, George: Edinburgh, 333. Glasgow, 362. Dodd, W. H. Prize essay on jurisdiction of local courts, 637. Doddridge, Philip : Account of family of Munroes of Fowlis, 618. Some remarkable passages in life of Col. Gardiner, 479. Dodds, James. Thomas Chalmers, 460. Dods, S. O. Chief points of difference, 276. Dolefull newes from Edinborough, 333. Dolman, Frederick. Glasgow, 362. Domhnull cam Maccumhail, 736. Domnullach, Iain. Marbhrainn, 924. Don, David: New or rare plants found in Scotland, 1029. Varieties of Pinus silvestris, 1029. Don, John: Harvest of 1902, 1069. Prehistoric interment in Buchan, 1045. Donald, C. D.: Grahamstown, 372. Old house, Stockwell gate, 362. Ramshorn kirk, 362. Sheriff Court of Lanarkshire, 639. Donaldson, David. Memoir of Dr. Jamieson, 493. Donaldson, James : Address (1892), 699. Address (1900), 699. Address (1901), 699. Block on progress in Scottish universities, 699. Scotch education, 699. Scotch Education department, 699. Donaldson, John. Minister's week in Argyll, 307. Donaldson, Joseph. Recollections, 469. INDEX 1115 Donaldson, P.: History of Sir William Wallace, 136. Life of Sir William Wallace, 136. Donaldson, William. Simon Fraser — Lord Lovat, 504. Donnelly, W. A. The mound dwellings of Auchin- gaich, 66. D'Ootmoedighe supplicatie, 226. Doran, John: Deposed monarchs, 121. Memories of our great towns, 324, 333. 362. Dorez, Leon. Le manuscrit original, 786. Doryphorus. Art at Glasgow Exhibition, 712. Dougall, J. D. Scottish field sports, 935. Dougall, John: Ancient sea margins, Glasgow, 968. Leaf-caves of Mull, 968. Silurian scenery of Enterkin, 968. Sketch of geology of Falls of Clyde, 968. Land and fresh water mollusca, 935. Report of examination of diseased salmon, 935. Douglas, Charles. Scottish Free Church question, 296. Douglas, Gawin: Description of May, 815. Honour, etc., 815. Poetical works, 815. Virgil's ^Eneis, 815. Douglas, Sir George: The Blackwood group, 435, 763. History of the Border counties, 402, 407, 412. List of books, 2. Tales of Scottish peasantry, 736. Mr. J. M. Barrie, 444. Miss Ferrier, 476. John Gait, 479. Thomas Hamilton, 487. James Hogg, 489. D. M. Moir, 517. William Motherwell, 520. Michael Scott, 533. Robert Tannahill, 543. William Thorn., 544. John Wilson, 552. Douglas, Sir George, and W. S. Crockett. Robert Burns, 793. Douglas, George. House with the green shutters, 816. Milton vindicated, The Kilt, 429. Address to the judges and 763. jury, Douglas, John. Douglas, L. M. Douglas, Neil. 240, 648. Douglas, R. B. Stevenson at Fontainebleau, 885. Douglas, R. K. Letter to lord advocate, 1070. Douglas, Robert, bishop. Account of Leightonian Library, 324. Douglas, Sir Robert: Baronage of Scotland, 566. Peerage of Scotland, 567. Douglas, Robert. General view of agriculture, 664. Douglas, W. S. Cromwell's Scotch campaigns, 168. Douglas, William. Notes on church of St. Fyndoca, 377. Douglas book, 585. Douglas of Douglas (1. baron), A. J. E. Douglas. Douglas cause, 584. Douglas of Douglas (1. baron), A. J. E. Douglas vs. James George Hamilton, 7. duke of Hamilton. Summary, 584-585. Douglas Inchmarlo Lodge of Gardeners. Rules 7. Douglas peerage case, 585. Douglas and Piercy, 898. Douglases, The, 585. Doune Castle, 322. Douthal. Morduth, a poem, 924. Dow. Description of an ancient pitcher, 89 Dow, J. G. Scotch Ploughman's Union, 684 Dow, Robert: Agates of the Sidlaws, 968. Geological notes on Loch Carron, 968 Geological sketch of east Fife, 968. Outcrop of diabase at Rossie, 968. Tertiary dykes of lower Tay valley, 968 Dow, William. Elements of Unity, 282 Dowden, Alice. Biographical sketch of John Dow- den, 469. . Dowden, John: Appointment of bishops, 222. Bishops of Dunkeld, 222. Bishops of Glasgow, 222. Bishops of Scotland, 222, 435. Boyamund's valuation, 222, 391, 425. Celtic church in Scotland, 222. ' Furnishings of a medieval church, 712. Inventory of ornaments, 363. Mediaeval church in Scotland, 222. Note on Ingram of Kethenys, 495. Notes on date of October festival of St. Reeulus 222. Notes on ms. Liturg. f. 5, 97. Observations on Kirkmadrine epigraphs, 97. Observations upon some Scottish place-names, 425. Parish church and its privileges, 222. Scottish crown and the episcopate, 222. Some further observations, 555. Dowe, William: Mary Stuart, 148. Thomas Campbell, 802. Dowie dens o' Yarrow, 816. Dowman, James: Decay of Scottish folk-song, 736. Education and sectarian interference, 699. Feasting at funerals, 736. Superstitions of the Scot, 736. Downie, John: How the Scottish union was effected, How the Scottish union has worked, Doyle, Sir A. C: Case of Oscar Slater, 1069. "The immortal memory," 793. Drake, James. Historia Anglo-Scotica, Drake, Nathaniel : Banks of Esk, 816. Chaucer, Dunbar, and Burns, 794, 817. Critical observations on "Scenes of infancy," 836. Life and genius of Michael Bruce, 785. Mackenzie, 839. Sir Walter Scott, 870. Dramas by Joanna Baillie, 777. Draper, Edward. Lord Lovat, 504. Draper, William. Life of Adam Smith, 537. Dredging expedition in Moray Firth, 1019. Dressier, William. Comin' thro' the rye, 721. Drever, W. P. Udal law, 637. Driver, S. R. Professor Davidson, 467. Dron, R. W. : Carboniferous limestones of Scotland, 969. Iron and copper mining in Shetland, 969. Notes on bores in Manor-Powis coalfield, 969. Drosier, Richard. Ornithological visit to Shetland and Orkney, 935. Druce, G. C. : Artemisia stelleriana in Scotland, 1029. Contributions towards a flora of west Ross, 1029. Drummond, D. T. K. : Letter to Rev. Dean Ramsay, 280. Reasons for withdrawing, 263. Reply to resolutions, 263. Scottish communion office, 263. Drummond, Lady Edith. Drummond, earl of Perth, 621. 180. 180. 121. 1116 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Drummond, G. W. A. Town eclogue, 816. Drummond, George. Account of losses of Camp- bell of Shawfield, 363. Drummond, H. H. Fossil bones of whale discovered in Monteith, 969. Drummond, James. Letter on sabbath question, 282. Drummond, James: Ancient Scottish weapons, 429. Notes on ancient shields, 429. Notes on early monumental art, 97, 712. Notes made during a wandering, 97. Notes on monuments of Iona, 379. Notes upon Scottish portraits, 451, 496. Notice of ancient monument, 520. Notice of "The bluidy banner," 172, 555. Notice of burial-place of St. Columba, 464. Notice of the Clach-a-Charra, 66. Notice of Highland target, 97. Notice of market-crosses, 97. Drummond, John. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron, 454, 567, 577. Drummond, Nora. Memorial cross to late Lord Kinnaird, 495. Drummond, Thomas, and others. Localities for plants near Edinburgh, 1029. Drummond, W. A., bishop: Letter to lay members, 195, 236. The rebuffer rebuffed, 235. Remarks, 234. Drummond, William: Notes of Ben Jonson's conversations, 470. Poems, 816. Poetical works, 816. Polemo-Middinia, 816. Select poems, 816. Some unpublished poems, 816. Works, 816. Drummond-Norie, William. Loyal Lochaber, 390. Drummond schism examined, 263. Drunken exciseman, The, 898. Dryburgh Abbey, 322. Dryden, Sir Henry: Account of circular building in South Uist, 66. Notes on brochs of Mousa, etc., 66. Notice of the burg of Mousa, Shetland, 66. Notice of Sempill sword, 97. Sculptured monuments in Iona, 97, 379. Drysdale, William. Notice of ancient gold seal, 97, 555. Duan na Muireartaich, 925. Ducis, J. F. Macbeth, 1048. Du Croc, Philibert. Ambassade, 148. Dudgeon, Patrick: Auriferous quartz from Leadhills district, 969. New fossil footprint, Dumfriesshire, 969. Notice of St. Queran's well, 736. Dueringsfeld, Ida von. Elisabeth Tudor, 148. Duff, Alexander: Cause of Christ, 267. Explanatory statement, 272. Union not incompatible, 287. Duff, E. G.: Notes on leaf of Scottish Donatus, 763. Notice of shell-mounds at Lossiemouth, 66. Some early Scottish bookbindings, 712. Two first books printed in Scottish language, 763. Duff, Patrick. Sketch of geology of Moray, 969. Duff, William. New history of Scotland, 121. Duffield, S. W. Writings of George Macdonald, 506, 838. Duffy, Sir C. G.: Conversations with Carlyle, 806. Conversations and correspondence, 806. Real Carlyle, 806. Dugald Stewart, 541. Duguid, J. L. Unto the Right Honourable, 586. Duguid, Joseph. Answers, 586. Duke, William: Notice of hog-backed monument, 97. St. Vigeans church, 97, 411. Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, Alexandre: Les crimes celebres, 148. Mary, queen of Scots, 148. Dumfries. Commissariot record, 561. Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions, 7. Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries, 7. Dun, Finlay. Analysis of structure of music, 721. Dun Echt Observatory: Circular, 7. Publications, 8. Dunbar Genealogy, 587. Dunbar, Sir A. H.: Facsimiles of Scottish coats of arms, 555. Notes on earldoms of Dunbar, March and Moray, 586, 613, 617. "The prayer bell," 355. Scottish kings, 121. Dunbar, E. D.: Documents relating to Moray, 394. Social life in former days, 394. Dunbar, George. Defence of junior humanity and Greek classes, 699. Dunbar, William: The golden targe, etc., 817. Poems, 817. Dunbar, William, and Gavin Douglas. Select poems, 817. Dunbar, Sir William. Letter to managers, 267. Dunblane. Commissariot record, 561. Dunblane Diocesan Synod. Register, 213, 324. Duncan, Abraham, and Charles Leckie. Report of debate, 253. Duncan, Andrew. Early Scottish glossary, 771. Duncan, Andrew, elder: Account of life of Dr. Alexander Monro, Secun- dus, 517. Discourse read at annual election meeting of Caledonian Horticultural Society, 1029. Discourse read at annual meeting of same, 1029. Elogiorum sepulchralium, 561. Letter to Neil Macvicar, lord provost, 684. Miscellaneous poems, 817. Tribute of veneration, 817. Duncan, Ebenezer: Biographical notice of Dr. Andrew Fergus, 475. On clauses in Glasgow Police Bill, 363. The Scottish races, 49. Some observations on consumption of alcohol, 684. Some points on social progress, 684. Duncan, Ebenezer, and T. H. Bryce. Prehistoric man in Arran, 1045. Duncan, George: Bonnie Prince Charlie, 817. Montrose's march after battle of Alford, 1049. Some sidelights, 167. Duncan, Henry: Account of cross of Ruthwell, 408. Account of tracts of animals, etc., Corncockle Muir, 969. The Cottage fireside, 817. Essay on parish banks, 664. Duncan, J. D. : Bothwell Castle, 312. Craignethan Castle, 318. Crichton Castle, 319. History of Inchmahome, 377. Inventory of articles, 363. Notes on broch of Tapock, 66. Note regarding ancient canoe, 66. Note regarding urns at Uddingston, 66, St. Martin d'Auxigny, 121. INDEX 1117 Duncan, James. Catalogue of coleopterous insects, 935. Duncan, James, A pre-disruption elder's view, 289. Duncan, Jean W. Nessie, 817. Duncan, Mrs. M. G. L.: Children of the manse, 817. Rhymes, 817. Duncan, T. D.: Mary Stuart and house of Huntly, 148. Queen's Maries, 148. Relation of Earl of Murray, 148. Relations of Mary Stuart, 148. Duncan, Thomas. Lairds of Scott, S70. Duncan, William. Witchcraft in the north, 1070. Duncan Forbes, 477. Duncan Gray, 721. Duncanson, Andrew. Charity to poor and fatherless recommended, 684. Dundas, John. State of processes against Mr. John Simson, 536. Dundas, Joseph. Notes of ancient building at Tapock, 66. Dundee. [Documents.] 324—325. Dundee Art Union. Report, 712. Dundee Association for Promoting the Interests of Church of Scotland. Speeches, 246, 1051. Dundee Fine Art Exhibition: Catalogue, 712. Notes, 712. Dundee Free Public Libraries. Catalogue of Burns and Scott exhibition, 713, 794, 870. Dundee Parish Church. Order of divine service, 325. Dundee Royal Asylum for Lunatics: Annual report, 684. Charter, 684. Dundee Social Union: Annual report, 684. Report on housing, 684. Dundonald (10. earl), Thomas Cochrane. Autobi- ography, 472. Dundonald (11. earl), T. B. Cochrane, and H. R. F. Bourne, Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, 472. Dunfermline. Parish registers, 561. Dunfermline Abbey. Registrum de Dunfermelyn, 326. Dunham, S. A. St. Columba, 464. Duniwhistle's testament, 898. Dunkeld. Commissariot record, 561. Dunkeld bridge pontage, 664. Dunlop, A. M. : Law of Scotland regarding poor, 684. Which party still breaks the law? 267. Dunlop, Alexander: Answer to Dean of Faculty's "Letter," 256. Lecture on union between church and state, 248. Letter to earl of Aberdeen, 258. Speech in support of petitions of ministers of chapels of ease, 244. Dunlop, Archibald. Dunlop of that ilk, 588, 817. Dunlop, John. Artificial drinking usages, 684. Dunlop, R. Archibald Prentice, 527. Dunlop, Robert: Fossil amphibia, 969. Note on section of boulder clay, 969. Note on a "wash-out," near Airdrie, 969. Notes on mineral seams round Airdrie, 969. Dunlop, Samuel: John Welsh the Irongray Covenanter, 549. Kirk-session records of Irongray, 380. Dunlop, William. Memoirs of William Guthrie, 486. Dunn, J. B. New "Scotsman" building, 1053. Dunn, Malcolm. Forestry in Scotland, 1029. Dunrobin Castle, 327. Duns, John: Beginnings of Scottish natural science, 935 Nesting of eider duck, 935. On early history of Scottish mammals, 935 Jottings in Mid-Lochaber, 66. Natural history of Lewis, 935. Note on "trotter roofing," 97. Notes on Easter Ross, 66. Notes on a helmet, 157. Notes on North Mull, 66. Notes on smoothing stones, etc., 97. Notes on some articles, 66. Notes on two stone hammers, 66. Notice of bronze penannular brooch, 97. Occurrence of prismatic structure, 66. On stone implements from Shetland, 66. Some remains of Scottish early post-pliocene mam- mals, 969. Stone folklore, 736. Surface geology of Mid-Lochaber, 969. Zoology of Mid-Lochaber, 936. Duns Scotus. Doctoris subtilis, 753. Dupin, F. P. C, baron. Narratives of two excur- sions, 664. Dupont, Etienne. Chateau de Brix, 574. Durand, W. Y. De Quincey and Carlyle, 806. Durham, James: Post-glacial beds, Dundee, 969. Post-glacial geology of Dundee district, 969. Volcanic rocks of Fife, 969. Durland, Kellogg. Among the Fife miners, 684. Durness. Parish register, 561. Duthie, W. H. M.: Birds of mountain tops, 936. Day with the terns, 936. Feathered tenants, 936. Duty of excommunicating "moderate" ministers, 267. Dyack, William. Twenty years municipal engineer- ing, Aberdeen, 301. Dyjer, Henry: Memoir of Henry Muirhead, 520. Technical education, 699. Technical education in Glasgow, 699. Technical Schools (Scotland) Act (1887), 699. Dykes, Thomas. Land of Burns, 794. Dymes, John. Description of Lewis, 388. Dymod, C. W. Inscription on the "Gowk-stane," 97. Dysart. Abstract of revenue, 327. E. Border sketches, 736. E., A. M. An t-each an Albainn, 936. E., E. Remarks on character of Mrs. Brunton, 450. E., E. F. Schiller's Mary Stuart, 148. E., M. B. Goethe and Carlyle, 806. E., R. Gaelic bards, 914. Eadie, John. See under Harper, James, and others. Earl of Aberdeen, 439. Earl of Dundonald, 472. Earl of Elgin, 473. Earl of Glasgow, 481. Earl of Rosebery, 531. Earl of Wemyss, 549. Earl of Zetland, 553. Earldom of Caithness, 576. Earldom of Mar, 613. Earldom of Selkirk, 626. Earle, John. On the ethnography of Scotland, 49. Earliest Scottish newspaper, 2. Earls of Dunbar and March, 587. Early Scottish burghs, 121. Early Scottish poetry, 817. Eas-Ruaidh, Easroy, 925. East Lothian county list, 373. 1118 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies: Proceedings, 8, 930. Reports, 8, 930. Easton, W. M. G.: Buchanans of Catter, 575. Earldom of Menteith, 615. Graham, earl of Menteith, 615. Grahams of Leitchtown, 595. Napiers of Culcreuch, 619. Sons of Malise Graham, 615. Eaton, A. W. H. Olivestob Hamiltons, 597. Ebrard, August. Handbuch, 918. Ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland, 1051. Ecclesiastical crisis in Scotland, 297. Ecclesiastical situation in Scotland, 296. Echlin, David. Ova Paschalia, 818. Echlin, J. R. Genealogical memoirs of Echlin family, 588. Echoes of the eighteenth century, 182. Eddington, Alexander: Royal Scottish Academy Exhibition, 713. Scottish Modern Arts Association, 713. William McTaggart, 512, 713. Eddy, D. C. The Percy family, 203. Ede, J. E. G. Land of Burns, 794. Edgar, Andrew. Old church life, 213. Edgar, Andrew, and Charles Rogers. Genealogical collections, 588. Edgar, J. G.: Adam Smith, 537. David Hume, 756. Lord Erskine, 474. Watt, 548. Edgar, Pelham. Judgements of Carlyle, 806. Edina, a poem, 818. Edinburgh, 337. Edinburgh: Commissariot. Consistorial processes, 561. Commissariot record, 561. Court of Session. Decision upon question of literary property, 664. Court of Session. Judgment in case of Donald- son's Hospital, 699. [Documents.], 333-337. Free High Church. Statement, 278. Inhabitants' Committee. Report, 243. Kirk Sessions: Committee of Lay Members. Re- port, 244. Edinburgh. — Town Council: Address, new buildings for High School, 699. Report, 200. Report on communication from Senatus Acade- micus, 699. Report regarding office of principal of the uni- versity, 699. Report by Lord Provost's Committee, 252. Report on memorial to Lord Melbourne, 699. Report regarding revenues of city clergy, 251, 664. Review of proceedings in presenting freedom to George Thompson, 275. Edinburgh about sixty years ago, 337. Edinburgh Academy: Annual report, 699. Plan, 699. Prize list, 699. Report of directors, 8, 699. Edinburgh advertiser, 8. Edinburgh almanac, 8, 1043. Edinburgh annual register, 8. Edinburgh Architectural Association: Sketch book, 8, 713. Transactions, 8, 713. Edinburgh Association for Improving Dwellings of Industrious Classes. Contract, 337, 684. Edinburgh Association for Promoting Voluntary Church Principles. Report, 253. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications, 8. Edinburgh Caithness Association: Objects, 8, 337. Report, 699. Edinburgh Castle, 337, 338. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce and Manu- factures : Annual report, 664. Joint report, 664. Edinburgh. City Council. Statement, 664. Edinburgh City Mission. Second report, 338. Edinburgh delineated, 338. Edinburgh dissected, 338. Edinburgh dramatic review, 8. Edinburgh during General Assembly, 338. Edinburgh Edina's songster, 818. Edinburgh Education Society. Report, 699. Edinburgh election (1834), 338. Edinburgh episodes (1664-65), 338. Edinburgh essays, 818. Edinburgh evening courant, 8. Edinburgh Field Naturalists' and Microscopical So- ciety. Transactions, 8, 930. Edinburgh fifty years ago, 338. Edinburgh Financial Reform Association. Tracts, 1050. Edinburgh forgeries, 764. Edinburgh gazette (1699), 1043. Edinburgh Geological Society: Laws, 8. Roll, 8. Transactions, 8, 955. Edinburgh High School: Annual report, 700. Course of study, 700. Prospectus, 700. Report on state of education in, 700. Edinburgh journal of science, 8. Edinburgh and Leith. Corporations. Abstract of ac- counts, 337. Edinburgh and Leith Engineers' Society. Proceed- ings, 8. Edinburgh, Leith, and Newhaven Railway Com- pany. Reply, 664. Edinburgh and Leith Water Company. Rates, 338. Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany, . 8. Edinburgh magazine and review, 8. Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Proceedings, 8. Edinburgh medical journal, 8. Edinburgh medical and surgical journal, 8. Edinburgh the modern Athens, 338. Edinburgh new philosophical journal, 9. Edinburgh newspapers, 338. Edinburgh Original Ragged Schools. Annual re- port, 684. Edinburgh. Parochial Board: Extract decree, 684. Report of Law Committee, 684. Resolution, 684. Edinburgh Pen and Pencil Club, 713. Edinburgh Philosophical Institution. Roll of mem- bers, 9. Edinburgh philosophical journal, 9. Edinburgh Phrenological Association. Report of speeches, 9. Edinburgh review (1755), 9. Edinburgh royal days entertainment, 338. Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club: Annual report, 870. Executive, 9. Edinburgh in time of Scott, 338, 870. Edinburgh University magazine, 9. Edinburgh Water Company. Case, 338. INDEX 1119 Edinburgh weekly magazine, 9. Edinburgh in year of royal visit, 338. Edinburgh Young Men's Church Association. First report, 249. Edine, C. Lovat and Lily, 185, 818. Edmond, Francis. Letter to office bearers of Free Church, 278. Edmond, J. P.: The Aberdeen printers, 764, 1042. Notes on inventories of Edinburgh printers, 764. Edmond, James. Letter to Sir William Seton, 258. Edmondston, Arthur: Observations on cod fishery, 664. Observations on Zetland sheep, 936. View of Zetland, 413. Edmondston, Biot, and J. M. E. Saxby. Home of a naturalist, 413, 736. Edmondston, Laurence: Account of new species of larus, 936. Additional account of Iceland gull, 936. List of birds in Zetland, 936. Notice of specimen of larus eburneus, 936. Observations on immer goose, 936. Edmondston, Thomas: Etymological glossary, 771. The great skua, 936. The raven, 936. Notes on excavations in TJnst, 66. Notes on straw masquerade dress, 736. Edmonston, Eliza. Menie Henderich, 818. Edmonston, John. Verses and letter, 818. Edmund, J. P. Burial place of Malcolm I., 132. Edmunds, C. K. Peter Guthrie Tait, 543. Education question, The, 700. Education question in Scotland, 700. Edward I., King. Diary, 136. Edward, Robert. Description of Angus (1678), 306. Edwardes, C. In wild Galloway, 360. Edwards, B. B. : Alexander Murray, 520. James Ferguson, 475. Edwards, John: Duns Scotus, 534. Greyfriars in Glasgow, 222, 363. Hospitallers in Scotland, 222. Order of Sempringhara, 222. Religious orders in Scotland, 222. Templars in Scotland, 222. Temple barony of Maryculter, 392. Torphichen, 422. Eeles, F. C: Altar of St. Fergus, 222. Incised slabs at Foveran and Oathlaw, 396. Inventory of King's College (1542), 301. Mass of St. Ninian, 222. Note of cist and urn at Glasterberry, 67. Note on sculptured stone at Birse, 1045. Notes on a missal, 97. Notice of Celtic cross-slab, 97. On effigy of an abbot at Shisken, 97. Southdean church, 416. Traditional ceremonial, 753. Two incised slabs, at Foveran, etc, 359. Undescribed sculptured stones, 98. Eenige reflecties, 228. Eggleton, James. Risso's dolphin, 936. Eglinton tournament, The, 354. Eglinton and Winton (14. earl), A. W. Montgomerie. Report on muniments, 109. Eight months experience, 338. Eighteenth epistle of second book of Horace, imi- tated, 818. Elcho, David Wemyss, lord. Short account of af- fairs, 185. Elder, J. R. Royal fishery companies, 664. Elder, John Proposal for uniting Scotland with England, 142. Electric equipment of Glasgow tramways, 664 Electric lighting of Glasgow, 664. Electric traction in Glasgow, 664. Elegy upon death of grieve of Culquhalzie, 818 Elegy upon death of Mrs. Mary Gordon, 818 Elegy on Jamie Gemmill, 898. Eleven melodies of Scotland, 721. Elgin. Records of, 355. Elgin (8. earl), James Bruce. Letters and journals 473. Elgin (7. earl), Thomas Bruce. Postscript to letter, 546. Elginicus. Scottish jurisprudence, 637. Elginshire. Roads and Bridges Inspector. Report. Elibank (5. baron), Patrick Murray. Considerations on peerage, 561. Elizabeth, Queen of England: Copy of letter to James VI., 161. True copie, 148. Warrant to execute Mary Stuart, 148. EXXrpajioc; $1X0^.071x05 SuXAoyog. A ms. letter from this Society, 1059. Ellice, E. C. : Invergarry Castle, 377. Place-names in Glengarry, 425. Ellice, Edward. Letter to Sir George Gray, 684. Elliot, Andrew. Elliot's guide to Edinburgh, 338. Elliot, Fitzwilliam: Further essays on Border ballads, 764. Trustworthiness of Border ballads, 764. Elliot, G. F. S. Border Elliots, 589. Elliot, Sir Gilbert. Proposals, 338. Elliott, E. B. Reply to Dr. Candlish's letters, 276. Elliott, Ebenezer: Character of Burns, 794. Lecture on Cowper and Burns, 794. Robert Nicoll, 523. Elliott, J. S. St. Kilda, 410. Elliott, Robert. Gretna Green memoirs, 372. Ellis, Sir Henry: Copy of manuscript tract, 161. Observations on ancient bracelet, 67. Observations upon household book of James the Fifth, 142. Observations upon nuptial ring, 148. Ellis, Lilith. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Ellis, R. S. Account of later years of James Hep- burn, 448. Ellis, Walter. Scotch bulls, 764. Elmhirst, Richard. Pycnogonida collected in Clyde area, 936. Eloquence of Dr. Thomas Guthrie, 486. Elouis, J. First volume of selection of favorite Scots songs, 721. Elphinston, James. Hypercritic, 818. Elven, J. P. Book of family crests, 555. Elwood, A. K.: Lady Murray, 521. Mrs. Brunton, 451. Mrs. Grant of Laggan, 484. Eminent living geologists. R. H. Traquair, 1066. finault, Louis. Angleterre, ficosse, 203. Engel, H. Naturgefiihl bei Burns, 794. Engelske og skotske Folkeviser, 818. English Episcopal chapels in Scotland, 274, 275. English and foreign sterlings, 727. English Sunday and Scotch Sabbath, 685. English thanksgiving service, 162. English translation of Scottish declaration, 518. Enquiry into the Caledonian project, 176. Enquiry into causes of late rebellion, 185. 1120 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots Colony, 177. Enquiry into salt laws, 664. Ensuing General Assembly. View of constitution, 246. Entertaining story teller, 898. Environs of Edinburgh, 338. Episcopacy in Scotland, 213. Episcopal Church in Scotland, 213. Episcopal Church in Scotland: Code of canons, 753. Declaration on doctrine, 753. Representative Church Council. Annual report, 209. Epistle to a friend in India, 818. Epithalamium, 443, 535. Erastianism, disestablishment and Geo. Gillespie, 284. Erroll (19. earl), C. G. Hay. Scotch land bill, 664. Enroll, The, papers, 110. Erskine, 474. Erskine, Carlo. Letter to the earl of Buchan, 121. Erskine, Sir David. Airyformia, 818. Erskine, J. R. Position of Catholics, 230. Erskine, Sir James. Catalogue of collection, 713. Erskine, Rev. John. Fair and impartial account, 232. Erskine, John: Institute, 637. Principles of law of Scotland, 637. Erskine, John, of Carnock. Journal, 173. Erskine, R. Scottish Gaels, 222. Erskine, Ralph: Beauties of, 818. Gospel sonnets, 818. Erskine, S. R.: The Celtic tale, 736. Gaelic drama, 914. Mr. Robertson's novel, 914. Scottish national dress, 429. Erskine, Thomas Erskine, baron. Poetical works, 818. Erskine, Thomas, of Linlathen. Letters, 474. Erskine, William. Supplemental stanzas, 818. Erskine of Pittodrie, 589. Erskines and their kinsfolk, 589. Eruchshaw, A. P. Some points of resemblance in stories of Macbeth, etc, 1064. Erving, Irving. General search for Irving, 600. Escott, T. H. S.: Concerning the centenary of Scott, 870. Personalities, 203. Esdaile, James. Voluntary church scheme without foundation, 246. Essay on headship of Lord Jesus Christ, 263. Essay on parliamentary representation, 195. Essay on present state of education (1819), 700. Essay on the Secession, 235. Essay upon the union, 180. Essential conditions in appointment of Committee on Union, 281. Esson, G. A. Recent statistics of bankruptcy, 637. Established Church and people of Scotland, 294. Established Church of Scotland the truly "Free Church," 267, 272. Establishment for the pay of His Majesty's forces, 173. Establishment principle demanding disestablishment, 290. Establishment of state model forests, 664. Estates of Scotland. Grievances represented, 180. Etheridge, Robert : Description of section of Burdiehouse limestone, 969. Further remarks on adherent carboniferous pro- ductidx, 969. Note on corals from Habbie's Howe, 969. Etheridge, Robert — continued : Note on further discovery of species of pothocites 969. Note on geological range of adiantites lindseae- formis, 969. Notes on shells in shell marl of the Meadows, 969. Notes of fossils from upper Silurian series of Pentlands, 970. Notes on Silurian fossils from Girvan, 970. Note? on post-tertiary deposits of Elie, 970. Observations on swollen condition of carbonifer- ous crinoid stems, 970. Occurrence of genus pentremites, 970. Occurrence of small naticiform gasteropod, 970. Occurrence of foraminifera in carboniferous lime- stone, 970. On adherent form of productus, 970. On occurrence of genus astrocrinites, 970. Occurrence of genus dithyrocaris, 970. Our present knowledge of the invertebrate fauna, 970. Presence of scattered skeletal remains of holothu- roidea, 970. Remains of pterygotus, etc., Pentland Hills, 970. The palaeozoic conchology of Scotland, 970. Ettrick Shepherd, The, 489. Etzel, E. E. Notes on Swedo-Scottish families, 561. Eureka! or The fundamental principles of monetary circulation, 664. Evans, A. H. Flora of the Fenland, etc., 1029. Evans, A. W. Carlyle love letters, 806. Evans, Sir John: Note on buckler found on Lugtonbridge farm, 67. Sir Charles Lyell, 504. Evans, William: The black-backs, 936. Contribution to Perthshire spiders, 936. Mammalian fauna of Edinburgh district, 936, Further records of flowering plants, etc., in Isle of May, 1029. Mammals of Edinburgh area, 936. Myriapods of Forth area, 936. Notes on breeding of marsh tit, 936. Note on limox tenellus, 936. Notes on birds of Eigg, 939. Notes on Pallas's sand-grouse, 936. Odonata of Forth area, 936. On occurrence of zostera nana in Firth of Forth, 1029. On ricciae of Edinburgh district, 1029. Occurrence of great snipe, 936. Our present knowledge, 936. Preliminary list of Perthshire collembola, etc., 936. Reptiles, etc., of Edinburgh district, 937. Some further records, 937. Some medusae, etc., from Firth of Forth, 937. Some mosses and hepatics from Isle of May, 1029. Some further mosses from Isle of May, 1029. See also under Carpenter, G. H., and William Evans. Everard, H. S. C. History of Royal Golf Club, St. Andrews, 409. Everett, Edward. Abbotsford visited, 298. Evershed, Henry. Agriculture of Shetland, 665. Evidence against the Queen of Scots, 148. Ewald, A. C. Last hours of Mary, 148. Ewart, Edward, and A. O. Curie. Notice of cairn at Black Rocks, 67. Ewart, J. C: On anchovy in Scottish waters, 937. On skulls of horses from Roman fort, 937. INDEX 1121 Ewing, Alexander, bishop: Episcopacy in Scotland, 213. Plea for Highland and non-juring congregations, 213. Ewing, C. M. Geographical description of East Lothian, 1019. Ewing, Greville. Exposure of some things, 238. Ewing, J. C. Bibliography of Burns, 794. Ewing, J. C. Remarks on Lord Moncreiff's inter- locutor, 252. Ewing, Peter: Contributions to topographical botany of west of Scotland, 1029. Flora of Ben Laoigh, 1029. Hepatic* of the Clyde area, 1029. On juncus tenuis as a Scottish plant, 1029. Some Scandinavian forms of Scottish Alpine plants, 1029. Two new forms of carex, 1029. A week at Glen Shee, 1029. Ewing, William. Observations on proceedings of Glasgow Archaeological Society, 54. Ex proverbiis Scotuzn, 818. Examination of Blackwood's defence, 665. Examination of charges brought against General Associate Synod, 241. Examination, The, exapiined, 241. Example and philosophy, 458. Excavation of Castlecary fort, 89. Excellent new ballad, 818. Excellent old popular ballad, 898. Excerpts from manuscript of sirname of Lesly, 604. Excursion to Glen-Urquhart, 423. Execution of the Covenant, 227. Execution of Mary Stuart, 148. Execution of Robert Johnston, 494. Expedition de d'Esse en £cosse, 158. Expedition en £cosse d'Edouard Seymour, 158. Expedition envoyee en ficosse, 158. Explanations regarding establishment of United In- dustrial Schools, 685. Explanatory statement, 267. Exploits of the wanton wife of Bath, 898. Exposition of present injurious system, 665. Exposure of persecution of Lord Melville, 515. Exposure of Rev. William Nixon's statements, 263. Extension of area of chargeability, 685. Extension of means of theological education in Free Church, 278. Extract of the blazoning, 555. Extract of the life of Mr. Haliburton, 486. Extract from a pamphlet, etc., 235. Extract of the process of treason against James Stir- ling and others, 541-542, 659. Extracta e variis cronicis Scocie, 121. Extracts from accounts of Common Good of various burghs, 700. Extracts from buik of general kirk of Edinburgh, 338. Extracts from inventories of estate of Malcolm Groat, 596. Extracts from a journal, 397, 413. Extracts from letters to Rev. Dr. M'Leod, regard- ing famine, 685. Extracts of letters written by a lady in Edinburgh, 185, 338. Extracts from life of Thomas Paine, 898. Extracts from old church record, 736. Extracts from publick records, 561. Extracts from records burgh of Peebles, 401. Extracts from register of births, Aberdeen, 561. Extracts from registers connected with manner of ryding the Scottish Parliament, 163. Extracts from registers of presbytery of Glasgow, etc., 315, 376, 417. Extracts from session records of Mauchline, 392. Extracts of trial of James Stewart, 658 Extraordinary deliverance of Elizabeth Shaw 898 Eyemouth. Fishermen's Committee. Eyemouth fish teind, 665. Eynde, 'T, vanden marquis van Montrose, 518 Eyre, Charles, archbishop: Ancient seal of Rutherglen, 408. Ancient see of Glasgow, 1054. Episcopal seals of Glasgow, 363. Hall of Vicars choral, 363. History of ancient see of Glasgow, 363. Inscription in Chapterhouse, Glasgow cathedral 363. Notes on towers Glasgow cathedral, 363. Old arrangements of Glasgow cathedral, 363. Preservation of Scottish ecclesiastical monuments 121. Seal of Inchaffray, 376. Eyre, E. J. Lady of the Lake, 861. Eyre-Todd, George: Autobiography of William Simpson, 713, 1066. Four months in Bohemia, 475. Eyton, R. W. Houses of Fitz-Alan and Stuart, 629. F.: Abbey of Deer, 321. Dalmeny parish church, 321. Fergus, earls of Buchan, 575. Trial of a Corstorphine witch, 736. Trial of Corstorphine witches, 736. F. Doubtful pedigrees, 628. F. Waverley anecdotes, 870. F., A. Scotland in the sixteenth century, 141. Faclair Gaidhlig, 918. Facts for the Free Church, 267. Facts and observations concerning voters, 195. Facts relative to Captain P. Christie, 462. Factum contre les Hamiltons, 160. Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland, Transactions, 9. Faculty of Advocates: Annual report, 2. Catalogue of manuscripts, 2, 555, 558. Catalogue of printed books, 2. Committee on qualifications. Report, 637. Report of committee, 2, 637, 638. Report by the curators, 2. Statement. . .regarding case of Mr. Repp, 2. Strictures on the management, 2. Faculty of Procurators, Glasgow: Library, 2. Report, 638. Faedus Scotorum cum Francis, 1047. Fainthearted batchelor, The, 898. Fair City of Perth, 402. Fair Isle, 413. Fair widow are ye wauking, 898. Fairbairn, A. M.: Scottish Church and people, 296. United Free Church of Scotland, 296. Westminster Confession of Faith, 213. Fairbairn, James: Crests of families, 555. Book of crests, 555. Fairbairn, M. W. Melrose Abbey, 392. Fairbairn, Patrick. Thoughts on college matters, 700 Fairfax, Blackerby. Discourse upon uniting Scotland with England, 180. Fairholme, George. Observations on woodcocks, Vi/. Fairley, J. A.: Ancient Scottish tales, 736. Peter Buchan, 1060. John, seventh lord Sinclair, 1066. 1122 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Fairlie-Cuninghame, Caroline. Eglinton tournament, 354. Fairy tales, 736. Faithful narrative of great victory, 161. Falconer, Alexander. Laing's Sir David Lyndsay, 836. Falconer, J. D.: Geology of Ardrossan, 970. Igneous geology of Bathgate, etc., 970. Falconer, John. Three letters of "The Man of Feel- ing," 839. Falconer, William : Poems, 818. Poetical works, 818, 819. Shipwreck, 819. Shipwreck and other poems, 819. Falkenegg, A. von. Carnegie, 458. Falkirk. [Documents,] 356. Fallow, T. M. Church plate of Scotland, 98. Falls of the Clyde, 317. Falter, Ludwig. Die erkenntnis-theoretischen Grund- lagen, etc., 756. Famous British regiments, 121, 429. Famous history of Valentine and Orson, 898. Fare of the Convention of Royal Burghs, 191. Farley, Charles. Battle of Bothwell Brigg, 863. Farmer's magazine, 9. Farming in Scotland, 665. Farquhar, George. Scotsman as a householder, 685. Farquhar, J. T. F. Old truths plainly put, 295. Farquharson, Archibald. Highlanders at home, 685. Farquharson, James : Notes on carex punctata, etc., 1030. Notes on visit to Strath Glass, etc., 1030. Of Scottish pines, 1030. Farquharson, Mrs. Ferns and mosses of Alford dis- trict, 1030. Farrall, Thomas: Agriculture of Edinburgh and Linlithgow, 665. Agriculture of Orkney, 665. Ayrshire breed of cattle, 937. On polled Angus breed, 937. On West Highland breed, 937. Farrar, J. A.: Adam Smith, 760. Among the ballad forgers, 764. Shame of Lauder, 764. Farrar, James: The knowe of Saverough, 67. Note of excavations in Sanday, 67. Note respecting articles found in Orkney, 67. Notice of "burgh" of Burray, 67. Fasso, Luigi. Saggio, 870. Fatal effects of love, 898. Father Jerome Vaughan, 546. Fatherless bairns, The, 819. Faujas de Saint-Fond, B. Travels, 196, 374. Fawcett, R. M. Spirit of Scotch secession, 272. Fea, Allan: Hiding places in Jacobite dwellings, 185. Scottish hiding-places of Prince Charles Edward, 185. Real Captain Cleveland, 397, 482, 870. Fea, James. Considerations on fisheries, 665, 1057. Fear-tathaich miosail, 925. Fearn, John. Manual of physiology of mind, 759. Fearn Abbey, Ross-shire, 356. Feillire, Am, 9, 913. Fenwick, J. C. Few remarks upon bagpipes, 721. Fergus, Andrew. Early years [of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow], 13. Ferguson, Charles. Early history of church patron- age, 213. Ferguson, D. Notes on alien plants found near Paisley, 1030. Ferguson, Freeland. Present position of Royal Phil- osophical Society, 363. Ferguson, James, younger. Ayr and birthplace of Burns, 308, 794. Ferguson, James: Barony in Scotland, 121. British race and kingdom, 49. Celtic element, 49. Expedition of 1690, 175. Northern baronial house, 487. Pictish race, 49. Scottish church case, 296. Scottish race, 49. Seven earls of Scotland, 132. Ferguson, James. Papers illustrating history of Scots Brigade, 1059. Ferguson, James. Short account of life, 476. Ferguson, James. Old Scottish epithets, 736. Ferguson, James, and R. M. Fergusson: Records of clan Fergusson, 590. Records of clan Fergusson. Supplement, 590. Ferguson, John : Address on vacating presidency, 54. Bibliographical notes on witchcraft literature, 2, 736. Ferguson, John, and others, against Thomas Robert, earl of Kinnoull, etc., 264. Ferguson, Rev. John. Ecclesia antiqua, 389. Ferguson, Sir Samuel. Ogham inscriptions, 98, 918. Ferguson, William: Note on chalk-flints, 970. Note on sand covered district, Aberdeenshire, 970. Notes on cist at Parkhill, 1045. Notes on flint implements from Buchan, 67. Notes on some raised beaches, 970. Notices of some iron ore deposits, 970. Occurrence of chalk flints, 970. Occurrence of chalk flints and greensand, 971. Old Deer, 321. Raised beaches of Firth of Clyde, 971. Reminiscences of Natural History Society of Glas- gow, 937. Some geological features of coast of Aberdeen- shire, 971. Ferguson the plotter, 476. Fergusson, Alexander: Hon. Henry Erskine, 474. Jenny Geddes, 480. Fergusson, Anderson : Additions to Clyde coleoptera, 937. Additions to Scottish coleoptera, 937. Fergusson, Charles: Gaelic names of birds, etc., 736. Sketches of Strathardle, 419. Fergusson, James. Brief refutation of doctrine of Erastianism, 267. Fergusson, James. Galloway and her feudal sheriffs, 360. Fergusson, James. Norwegian origin of Scottish brochs, 67. Fergusson, John. Geological report upon Muirkirk coal-field, 971. Fergusson, John. Mosses indigenous to Forfarshire, etc., 1030. Fergusson, R. M. : Genealogical table. Bryce, 574. Genealogical tree. Forrester, 591. Genealogical tree. Mayne, 614. Genealogical tree. Spittal, 628. Kidston family, 602. Logie, 391. Place-names of Logie, 425. Presbytery and Popery, 213. Rambles in far north, 397, 736. The Viking's bride, 819. Witches of Alloa, 305, 736. INDEX 1123 Fergusson, Robert : Poetical works, 819. Works of, 819. Fergusson, Robert, younger. Proposed reform of counties, 1050. Fergusson, Thomas. Walter Graeme, 819. Fernaig manuscript, 925. Ferrerio, Giovanni: Ferrerii historia abbatum de Kynlos, 383. Gestorum Thomae Chrystalli, 462. Ferrier, J. F.: Lectures on Greek philosophy, 753. Institutes of metaphysic, 753. Letter to lord advocate of Scotland, 700. Observations on church and state, 277. Scottish philosophy, 754. Ferrier, S. E.: Destiny, 819. The Inheritance, S19. Marriage, 819. Recollections of Ashistiel, 870. Fess Checquy. The royal tressure, 555. Fest, Fred. Balquhither, 721. Festival of Uphelly A', 736. Feval, P. H. C. Les puritains d'£cosse, 863. Few extracts, council registers, St. Andrews, 409. Few letters concerning church government in 1690, 258. Few plain questions to working people, 665, 685. Few remarks on the essay, 230. Fians, The, 736. Fidelis. In memoriam, 806. Field, The, of Otterburn, 140. Fiery cross, 9. 1589. The Scottish queen's burial, 148. Fifteenth century history, 140. Filidh nam beann, 925. Filidh na coille, 925. Filon, Augustin: Arthur Balfour, 442. Boswell's love story, 447. Findlater, J. H. The bairn-keeper, 820. Findlay, J. P. Thrums, 384. Findlay, J. R.: Notes on Hatton House, 373. Stone cross in Ratho, 405. Findlay, J. T. The ingenious William Meston, 1064. Findlay, William. Burns and medical profession, 794. Fine arts in Edinburgh, 713. Fingal's Cave, 417. Finlay, John. Scottish historical and romantic bal- lads, 820. Finlay, John. See under Anderson, George, and John Finlay. Finlayson, James: Account of Dr. Robert Watt, 549. Account of life of Dr. Hugh Blair, 1060. Fionn. See Whyte, Henry. First printer of Scotland, 764. First Scots brigade, 121, 429. First stage-coach, 665. Firth, C. H.: Ballad on anticipated birth, 148. Ballad illustrating the Bishop's wars, 165. Ballads, 163. Ballads on the Bishops' wars, 165. The battle of Dunbar, 169. A Border ballad, 162. Elegy and a ballad, 479, 504. New Year gift for the Whigs, 820. Restoration duel, 171. Firth, John: Old Orkney riddles, 737. An Orkney township, 397. Fischer, T. A.: Scot in Germany, 121, 561. Scots in Prussia, 121, 561. Scots in Sweden, 121, 561 Fish, D. S.: Notes on rarer woodland plants, 1030. Some features of interest in Scottish mountain plants, 1030. Fisher, Alexander. Principles of Reformed Pres- bytery, 239. Fisher, Garrett. Glasgow, 363. Fisher, Thomas. Charles Grant, 484. Fitzgerald, M. S. Kings of Scotland, 121. Fitzgerald, Percy: Boswell's autobiography, 447. Croker's Boswell, 447. Some new lights on "Bozzy," 447. Glimpses of Carlyle, 806. Lady Jean, 585. Fitzhugh, W. Murder of Duncan, 1048. Fitzpatrick, Benedict. Irish and Scotch surnames, 559. Five comic songs, 898. Five excellent songs, 898, 899. Five favourite songs, 899. Five popular songs, 899. Five Scotch songs, 899. Five songs, 899. Flachat, S. Histoire du canal caledonien, 665. Fleming. Necessity for reform in parochial school system, 700. Fleming, Alexander: Answers to a statement, 239. Letter to Sir Robert Peel, 264. Letters to "An antipluralist," 242. Remarks, 395. The reviewer reviewed, 249. Fleming, Alexander: Strictures on the hypothesis, 258, 261. To the lord provost of Glasgow, 239. Fleming, Archibald. Is Scotland decadent? 207. Fleming, D. H.: Cross-slab at St. Andrews, 409. Date of Knox's birth, 496. George Buchanan, 452. Historical notes, 713. Influence of Knox, 213, 833. Mr. Joseph Bain and Bishop Lesley, 124. Notes on heraldic button, etc., 1045. Notes on manuscript volume of Covenanting testi- monies, 213. Notice of cist, etc., at Law Park, 67. Notice of sculptured cross-shaft, 98. Story of Scottish covenants, 213. Supplementary note on Ingram of Kettins, 1063. Fleming, J. S.: . , Theory and practice of Scotch banking, 665. Scottish banking, 665. F Al"e g nt J ca S sties and mansions of Stirling nobility, 1058. Ancient Irish castles, 713. Carsluith Castle, 316. Irish and Scottish castles, 713. Newark Castle, 395. Regent Mar's ludging, 417. Fleming, John, 1785-1857: Gleanings of natural history, 937. History of British animals, 937. Mineralogical account of Papa Stow, 971. Notice respecting silver mine in Linlithgowshire, 971. Notice of submarine forest, 971. Observations on mineralogy of St. Andrews, 971. Observations on orthoceratites, 937. 1124 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Fleming, John, 1785-1857 — continued: Observations tending to establish, etc., 937. On a bed of fossil shells, 971. On mineralogy of Redhead, 971. On submarine forest in Firth of Tay, 971. Scottish zoology, 937. Short account of rocks, near Dundee, 971. Zoology of the Bass, 937. Fleming, John: Notice of fort, Borgadail Glen, 67. Notice of forts in Kintyre, 67. Fleming, Thomas. Remarkable agitation of waters of Loch Tay, 1019. Fletcher, Alexander. Examination of grounds, 198. Fletcher, Andrew: Home rule for Scotland, 182. Political works, 820. Speech upon the state of the nation, 182. Speeches, 180. Staatkundige verhandeling, 182. Two discourses, 176. Flett, J. S.: Age of old red sandstone of Shetland, 971. Discovery in Orkney of John o' Groat's horizon of old red sandstone, 971. A hypersthene andesite from Dumyat, 971. Old red sandstone of Orkneys, 971. Phenocrysts of micropegmatite, 971. Scottish rocks containing orthite, 971. Trap dykes of the Orkneys, 971. Flint, Robert: Agnosticism, 754. Anti-theistic theories, 754. Covenant (1660-1690), 213. Philosophy, 754. Theism, 754. Flockhart, Robert. Street preacher, 477. Flodden death-roll, 141. Flom, G. T. Scandinavian influence, 771. Flory, J. S. John Wilson, 552. Flower, G. E. John Knox, 213. Flower, H. H. Arms of Stuart, 555. Foedere, De, Scotorum, 165. Foix, Paul de. Ambassade, 159. Folklore objects from Argyleshire, 737. Foord, John. "Land of cakes," 206. Foote, James. Plea for extension of theological education, 700. Forbes, A. C. On establishing an experimental for- est area, 1030. Forbes, A. P.: Answers to presentment, 281. Kalendars of Scottish saints, 222. Lives of S. Ninian, etc., 222, 223. Notice of ancient bell of St. Fillan, 98. Some account of Robert Watson, 548. Forbes, Sir Archibald: The "Black Watch," 429. Real Stuarts, 629. Forbes, Duncan: Account of familie of Innes, 600. Some considerations, 192. Works, 820. Forbes, Edward. On estuary beds, Loch Staff in, 971. Forbes, Eric. Hogmanay, 737. Forbes, J. D.: Account of thermometrical register, 1020. The Admirable Crichton, 465. Climate of Edinburgh, 1020. Notes on geology of Eildon Hills, 971. Notice of vitrified fort at Carradale, 67. Forbes, J. H. Address to members, Episcopal Church. 276. Forbes, John, 1568?-1634. Certaine records touching the estate of the Kirk, 213. Forbes, John, of Corse. Opera omnia, 820. Forbes, John. Cantus, 721, 820. Forbes, John. Memoranda relating to Forbes of Waterton, 591. Forbes, John. The Union question, 284. Forbes, Patrick. Considerations on constitution of the Church, 261. Forbes, Sir Samuel. Description of Aberdeen, 304. Forbes, Sir William : Account of life of James Beattie, 445. Memoirs of a banking house, 665. Forbes, William. Letter to his friend in England (1710), 1068. Forbes, William. Some considerations on poor-law question, 685. Ford, Robert. Thistledown, 820. Fordun, John of. Scotichronicon, 121. Fordyce, A. D. Family record of Dingwall Fordyce, 584, 591. Forest sketches, 937. Forfar Scientific Institution, 358. Forfeiture of the Douglases, 585. Forgotten chapter in Scottish history, 122. Forman, Robert. Account of cists in Windymains, 67. Forme and maner of buriall, 393. Former and present state of Glasgow, 363. Formula of the Free Church, etc., 287. Fornaciari, Luigi. Maria Stuarda, 148. Forrest, Sir James. Close time for trout, 937. Forrest, James: Buchan dialect, 771. Glimpse into church life, 1053. Inverallochy Castle, 1055. Note on castles of Ravenscraig and Inverugie, 1055, 1056. Notes on ancient grave at Crimonmogate, 1045. Old Church of St. Colms, 1057. Place-names in Lonmay, 1058. Some Buchan Scots words, 771. Forrest, James. Notice of Gallow Hill, 67. Forrester, John. Haematite iron ore, Kirkcaldy, 971. Forster, John. A word on Alexander Dyce, 472. Forsyth, Asher. Notes on York Building Company, 305. Forsyth, David: Bed of post-glacial clay, Girvan, 971. Geology of Carsphairn district, 971. Notes on Silurian rocks, Muirkirk, 972. Silurian rocks of Girvan district, 972. Forsyth, Dr. Place names of Abernethy, 425. Forsyth, F. G. Genealogical record, 591. Forsyth, James. My refusal, 478. Forsyth, K. A. Some notes on Edinburgh, 338. Forsyth, Robert: Memorial for Thomas and Hugh Gladstanes, 665. Remarks on the Church of Scotland, 214, 267. Forsyth, William. Idylls and lyrics, 820. Fortesque, W. J. Notes on flora of Orkneys, 1030. Forth and Clyde ship canal schemes, 665. Fortune, E. C. Royal Scottish burgh, 318. Foster, J. J. The Stuarts, 148, 629. Foster, James. Account of behaviour of late earl of Kilmarnock, 495. Foster, John: Forbes' Life of Beattie, 1059. Life and writings of David Hume, 756. Memoirs of Lord Kames, 1063. Foster, Joseph: Lyon office, 614. Members of Parliament, Scotland, 562. Foster, W. John Bruce, 450. Foster, W. E. Songs on angling, 820. Fothergill, G. A.: George Foulis, 478. Notes on Scottish samplers, 713. Story of a "Barber's bleeding dish," 338. INDEX Fotheringham, J. G. Scalds and troubadours, 397. Fotheringham, W. Notes on old Crosskirk at Quen- dale, 67. Fotheringhame, W. H. : Notes respecting Swein Aslief, etc., 397, 543. Thule of the ancients, 413. Foul Burn agitation! 338. Foulis, Sir James: Account of combat between Macphersons and Davidsons, 429. Enquiry into original inhabitants, 49. Inquiry into origin of name of Scottish nation, 49, Inquiry into beverage of ancient Caledonians, 122. Observations on Duni Pacis, 67. Of the league, etc., 132. Foulis, Sir John: Account book, 478. Transcript of family record, 591. Fountainhall, Sir John Lauder, lord: Historical notices, 171. Journals, 172. Four books of choice old Scottish ballads, 820. Four excellent songs, 899. Four favourite comic songs, 899. Four popular songs, 899. Four songs, 899. Four Wedderburns of Dundee, 634. Fowler, J. C. Farewell sermon, 478. Fowler, W. M. Spirit of the isle, 820. Fowling in Faroe, 937. Fox, A. W.: Poetry of Scott, 870. With Jonson at Hawthornden, 470. Fox, Fortesque. On climate of Strathpeffer Spa, 1020. Fox, Francis. Convivium juvenile, 244. Fox, John. History touching the persecution in Scotland, 435. Foxcroft, H. C. See under Clarke, T. E. S., and H. C. Foxcroft. Fradel, Charles. Blue bells of Scotland, 721. France. Direction de Commerce Exterieur. Rap- ports, 665. Francis, F. By lake and river, 937. Francis Jeffrey, 493. Franciscan Convent, Aberdeen: List of books, 301. Necrologia, 301. Franck, Richard. Northern memoirs, 170, 171. Franke, Eugenie. Quellen, 870. Franklin's way to wealth, 899. Franks, Sir A. W. Notice of permissions, 148, 727. Fransham, John. Scotland, 191. Fraser, A. C. : Philosophical life of Professor Ferrier, 476, 754. Philosophy of theism, 754. Thomas Reid, 529, 759. Fraser, A. D. Some reminiscences, 721. Fraser, Alexander. Battlefield of Culloden, 185. Fraser, Alexander: Contributions towards history of third charge, In- verness, 377. Curiosities from burgh court, Fentons of the Aird, 590. Northern folk-lore, 737. Fraser, Alexander: Gael in Canada, 429. Gaelic folk-songs, 925. Fraser, D. M.: Certain peculiarities of Gaelic, Gaelic language, 918. Fraser, Daniel. Adam, the figure of him that was to come, 292. Fraser, Donald: Essay on origin, etc., of the Scots, 133. Life of Andrew M. Ramsay, 528. 1125 Comprehensive Presbyterian union. 377. 918. 214, 473. Notes on superstitions of Highland- Fraser, Donald. 283. Fraser, Donald: Life and diary of Ebenezer Erskine Life of Ralph Erskine, 474. Thomas Chalmers, 460. Fraser, G. M. : Aberdeen maps and views, 301, 1020 Market cross of Aberdeen, 301 Fraser, H. N. Report on agriculture of Dumfries shire, 665. Fraser, Rev. James. Chronicles of the Frasers, 591 Eraser, James, of Brea. Memoirs of, 479 Fraser, James: The Callernish stones, 67. Cromwell's fort, 377. Descriptive notes on stone circles of Strath- nairn, 67. Note on implements found in Croy, 67-68. Post-tertiary shell-bed at Clava, 972. Recent formations and glacial phenomena, 972 Shell bed at Clava, 972. Strathnairn, 420. Vitrified fort of Knockfarrel, 68. Fraser, John. Humorous chapbooks of Scotland 764. Fraser, John ers, 737. Fraser, John. Relative clause in Gaelic, 918. Fraser, L. Skua or brown gull, 937. Fraser, Patrick: Conflict of laws, 638. Consolidation of statute law, 638. Domestic economy, 700. Fraser, Simon. Airs and melodies peculiar to High- lands, 721. Fraser, T. R. Professor Alexander Dickson, 1061. Fraser, Thomas. Flowering plants found in parish of Croy, 1030. Fraser, Thomas. Petition of, 479. Fraser, W. Decay of literature, 820. Fraser, W. C. Crawford, 318. Fraser, W. C, and A. Richardson. Rory Macphie, 820. Fraser, W. R. : History of Laurencekirk, 386. St. Marys of Old Montrose, 393. Fraser, Sir William: Barbara Maxwell, 475. D'Arcy Brisbane, Lady Maxwell, 514. Elphinstone family book, 589. First report on Marchmont muniments, 599. Manuscripts of duke of Atholl, 570, 599. Manuscripts of family of Carruthers, 579. Memoirs of the Maxwells, 614. Memorials of Montgomeries, 588. Report on charters at Glamis Castle, 606. Report upon correspondence of Lord Chancellor Seafield, 181. Report on muniments of Lord Elphinstone, 589. Robert Maxwell, bishop, 514. Stirlings of Keir, 630. Fraser, William: Fluctuations of building trade, 685. Rents and ground rents, 685. Fraser, William. Recently exposed sections in Pais- ley clay-beds, 972. Frazer, Sir J. G. : Folk-lore at Balquhidder, 737. Notes on harvest customs, 737. William Robertson Smith, 538. Fredericq, Paul. Study of history, 122. Free Church: its history, 267. Free Church Anti-Slavery Society: Address, 276. Sinfulness of maintaining Christian fellowship, 277. 1126 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Free Church catholic and missionary, 274. Free Church claims, 292. Free Church Defence Association. Minute of Com- mittee, 289. Free Church and her accusers, 275. Free Church principles since Disruption, 285. Free Church pulpit, 754. Free Church a schismatical church, 267. Free Church of Scotland, 297. Free Church of Scotland appeals, 297. Free Church of Scotland: Acting Education Committee. Explanatory minute, 278. The Cardross case, 281. Christian union, 281. Declaration of the Association, etc., 281. Declaration by office-bearers, 287. Education Committee. Report (1843), 700. Extract from last report, 284. First constitutional catechism, 272. Full report of public meeting (1871), 289. Glasgow evangelization, 280. Home and foreign record, 209. Memorial. Refusal of sites, 277. Monthly series of tracts, 209. Overtures, 292. Proceedings regarding recognition of B. North, 280. Publication Committee. Thomas Chalmers, 460. Quarterly mission paper, 209. Report, 209. Report of Finance Committee, 209. Report on church rates, 291. Report of Committee on union, 282, 283, 286, 287. Report of Committee on union (1868), 284. Report on legislation regarding patronage, 291. Report on legislation on patronage (1875), 292. Report on union with other churches (1866), 282. Sites, 277. Union of established churches, 287. Yearbook, 209. Free Church of Scotland. General Assembly: Committee of Sustentation Fund. Report, 279. Inverness Assembly. Digest, 274. Lives, 486, 488. Overture (1867), 283. Proceedings (1843), 214, 267. Report of proceedings, 214. Report of proceedings (1844), 272. Second report, 272. Report of proceedings (1846), 275. Report on psalmody, 721. Zendbrief uit Schotland, 274. Free Church of Scotland Defence Association: Constitution, 209. Speeches, 287. Tract, 287. Free Church Temperance Society: Report, 209. Report. Supplement, 209. Free Churchman. Free Church education scheme, 700. Free churchman's plea, 267. Free High Church Congregation, Edinburgh. An- nual report, 209. Free New North Church, Edinburgh. Report of Deacons* Court, 279. Free St. George's Sacred Music Association. Our Scottish psalmody, 721. Freeman, E. A. Relation between the Crowns, 122. Freer, A. M. G. Stone of destiny, 133. Freer, sometime of Essendie, 592. French, G. J. : On ancient sculptured stones, 98. An attempt to explain, etc., 713. French, Harold. How the home of Mrs. R. L. Ste- venson was saved, 885. French, The, on Queen Mary, 149. French study of Burns, 794. Frere, Sir H. B. E.: Dr. Livingstone, 503. Scottish land question, 685. Frew, Alexander: Reclamation of waste lands, 665. Scheme for removal of sewage of Glasgow, 666. Frew, John, and Frederick Mort: Southern Highlands from Dumgoyn, 1020. Southern Highlands from Glasgow, 1020. Friars Preachers of Ayr. Munimenta, 308. Friedrich, Johann. William Falconer, 819. Friendly address to dissenters, 258. Friendly Baking Association. Rules, 685. Friendly reply to the "Friendly address," 261. Fries, Carl. Quellenstudien zu George Buchanan 7S6. Friswell, J. H. Thomas Carlyle, 806. Frost, Thomas: Church music, 721. Saints and holy wells, 737. Frothingham, W. Sketches of Edinburgh literati 339, 436. Froude, J. A.: Early life of Carlyle, 806. Influence of the Reformation, 214. Mary, "Queen of Scots," 149. My relations with Carlyle, 806, 807. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Fruit culture in Scotland, 1030. Fry, D. P. The Hawick slogan, 373. Fryer, A. Wrangholm, 424. Fulcher, John. Lays and lyrics of Scotland, 721, 820. Full account of tournament at Eglinton, 354. Full and impartial report, 267. Full report of speeches against patronage, 244. Full and revised report of discussion on union, 282. Full state of the controversy concerning the Mar- row of Modern Divinity, 214. Fullarton, A., & Co. Topographical gazetteer, 202. Fullarton, E. M.: Home, earl of Home, 598. Innes Ker, duke of Roxburghe, 624. Ker, Marquess of Lothian, 606. Fullarton, J. H.: Development of Scottish Highlands, 685. Oyster fishery, 937. Fuller, Edward. William Black, 446. Fuller, Thomas: Life of John Knox, 496. Life of Robert Rollock, 531. Fullerton, John. Ghaist of Dennilair, 737. Fulton, James. Mosses found on Sidlaw Hills, 1030. Fulton, T. C. Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech- nical College, 700. Fun upon fun, 899. Funeral of Alexander, earl of Dumfermline, 472. Funeral, The, of Mary, Queen of Scots, 149. Funeral of Queen Mary, 149. Funeral, etc., Rev. Patrick Forbes, 478. Further considerations on proposed changes in Scot- tish liturgy, 214. Further remarks on third report, etc., 666. Future of the Highlands, 685. Fyfe, J. T. Brighton of the north, 419. Fyfe, Peter: Back lands, 685. Housing of labouring classes, 363. Fyvie, John. Forgotten royal author, 830. INDEX 1127 G. Lines on Brig o' Balgownie, 301. G., B. Anecdotes of J. Macpherson, 511. G., J. Scottish coronation oath, 122. G., T. Scraps of the Covenant, 214. G„ W.: Old Glasgow, 363. Old Glasgow: age of the cathedral, 363. G., W. S. Summer days in Scotland, 203. Gaebel, Kurt. Beitrage, 870. Gaelic census (1881), 914. Gaelic in Highland schools, 914. Gaelic historical songs, 925. Gaelic literature, 914. Gaelic Society of Glasgow. Transactions, 9, 913. Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions, 9, 913. Gaelic Society of London. Annual Report, 9. Gaelic topography of Dunoon district, 425. Gaerdes, Johannes. Scott als Charakterzeichner, 870. Gaidheal, An, 913. Gairdner, William. Glengoyne, 820. Gairdner, Sir \V. T. : Defects of house construction, 685. Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, 339. Tribute to memory of J. Warburton Begbie, 445. Galbraith, J. L. Curator of Glasgow University Library, 468. Galbraith, William. On trigonometrical surveying, etc., 1020. Gale, J. M.: On Glasgow water-works, 666. Port Glasgow water works, 666. Galic proverbs, 925. Gall, James. Six letters to Rev. Dr. Begg, 284. Gall, Richard. Poems and songs, 820. , Galletly, John. Analysis of lepidodendroid plant, 972. Gallovidian. Presbyterianism, 214. Gallovidian, The, 9. Galloway, Alexander : Enquiry into origin of some names of places, 425. Memorandum as to objects found in tumulus of Blochairn, 68. Notes and conjectures, 89. Notes relative to the Levenachs, 387. Notice of cists at Lunan-head, 68. Remarks on ancient agriculture, 666. Scotland in middle ages, 133. Galloway, Patrick. Apology of, 479. Galloway, William: Early Christian remains in Ayrshire, 98. Notice of ancient Scottish lectern, 98, 339. Notice of chapel of St. Blane, 314. Notice of Cladh-bhile near Ellary, 98. Notice of sculptured stone at Tullibole, 98. Notice of sculptured stones at Meigle, 98. Remarks on Kilwinning Abbey, 382. Galloway, Synod of. Register, 214, 360. Gait, John: Annals of the parish, 820. Auld Reekie, 820. Autobiography, 479. Ayrshire legatees, 821. Batchelor's wife, 821. Bogle Corbet, 821. Fatal whisper, 821. Last of the lairds, 821. Lawrie Todd, 821. Literary life, 821. My landlady, 821. Pictures, 122.' Poems, 821. Porteous mob at Edinburgh, 339. Gall, John. — continued: Provost, 821. Rich man, 821. Rothelan, 821. Spaewife, 821. Stanley Buxton, 821. Star of destiny, 821. Steamboat, 821. Stories of the study, 821. Tragedies, 821. Tribulations, 821. Watch-house, 821. Gamaliel, 277. Gamgee, John. Diseased meat sold in Edinburgh, 685. Gammack, James: Church consecrations, 1051. Notice of bronze censer, 360. Notice of chalice, etc., found in Bervie, 311. S. Machar, 301. Scott families, 625. Sculptures at Edzell Castle, 354. Gammell, S. J. Scotch forestry, 1030. Garden, Alexander: Lyf of William Elphinstoun, 473. Theatre of Scottish worthies, 436, 822. Garden, George: Case of the Episcopal clergy, 229. Joh. Forbesii a Corse vita, 1062. Garden, James. Letter to John Aubrey, 68. Garden, William. Marischal College belfry, 301. Gardenstone, Francis Garden, lord. Letter to peo- ple of Laurencekirk, 386. Gardiner, John. Antiquities of Lochmaben, 390. Gardiner, M. I. Contact-alteration near New Gal- loway, 972. Gardiner, Robert. Een misgeboorte, 169. Gardiner, William. Botanical visits to Reeky Linn and Den of Airly, 1030. Gardner, Alexander. Some notable Scottish archi- tects, 436. Gardner, Dorsey. Wilson the ornithologist, 551. Gardner, J. S. Leaf-beds, etc., of Ardtun, 972. Garland, Robert. Notice of kitchen midden at Craig of Boyne, 68. Garland of Scotia, 721, 822. Garnett, Mrs. C. Among the Scotch navvies, 685. Garnett, Richard (1789-1850). Probable relations of Picts and Gael, 49. Garnett, Richard: Eight letters of Carlyle, 807. Life of Carlyle, 807. Garnett, William. See under Campbell, Lewis, and W. Garnett. Garrett, W. H. Essay on Macbeth, 505. Garrold, R. P. Pope and the Forty-five, 185. Garry, Jaye. Hebridean holiday, 374. Garry, Robert. Some recent additions to fresh- water algae, 1072. Garson, J. G. Osteology of ancient inhabitants of Orkney islands, 49. Gaskell, C. M. Highland gossip, 638. Gates, L. E. Francis Jeffrey, 831. Gathorne-Hardy, A. E. : Autumns in Argyleshire, 937. My happy hunting grounds, 938. Gatty, R. A. Witches of North Berwick, 737. Gau, John: Extracts from "The richt way," 822. The richt vay, 822. Gaughan, J. A. : Orcadia, 397. Summer in Firth of Clyde, 317. Gauld, George. Eirde house in Cromar, 1045. Gaw, Sir Alexander. Protocol book, 562. Gay Gordons, 594. 1128 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gay Gordons, The. Ballads, 822. Gayarre, Charles. Mary Stuart, 149. Gazette of the battle of Flodden, 141. Gebbie, George. Glossary, 794. Geddes, Alexander. Three Scottish poems, 822. Geddes, John: Memoirs of Cardinal George Innes, 491. Some account of the royal hunting, 159. Geddes, Patrick: City development, 685. Early homes of Carlyle, 807. Edinburgh and its region, 339, 1020. In an old Scots city, 1053. . The late J. S. Stuart-Glennie, 543. A naturalists' society, 938. Scottish university reform, 700. Geddes, Patrick, and others. Discussions on hous- ing, 685. Geddes, Sir W. D. : Ambo in King's College chapel, 301. Burlesque of "Galatian," 764. George Macdonald, 838. King's College quadrangle, 301. Local aspects of the fine arts, 713. Geddie, John. Romantic Edinburgh, 339. Geddie, W. S. Notice of hoard of groats of Robert III, 728. Geddie, William. Bibliography of Middle Scots poets, 2, 764. Geikie, Sir Archibald: Ancient volcanoes of Great Britain, 972. Baron's stone of Killochan, 972. Building up of Arran, 972. Colliers of Carrick, 685. Fragment of primeval Europe, 972. Geological formations of Scotland, 972. Geological sketches, 972. History of geography of Scotland, 1020. History of volcanic action, 972. James Croll, 466. Latest volcanoes of the British Isles, 972. Lecture on scenery of Scotland, 972. Memoir of Sir A. C. Ramsay, 528. Note on carboniferous rocks, 972. Notes for comparison of glaciation of west of Scotland, 972. Notes for comparison of volcanic geology, 972. Notice of a saline water, 973. Obituary notice of J. D. Forbes, D.C.L., 1062. On age of altered limestone, 973. On chronology of trap-rocks, 973. On date of last elevation, 973. On geology of Strath, Skye, 973. On glacial drift of Scotland, 973. On old red sandstone, 973. On order of succession of Silurian rocks, 973. On relations of basic and acid rocks, 973. On rise of coast of Firth of Forth, 973. On tertiary volcanic rocks, 973. Outline of geology of Edinburgh, 339, 973. Pioneers of geology, 973. Pitchstone of Eskdale, 973. Raised beach of Britain, 973. Recent researches into history of old red sand- stone, 973. Recent researches into origin of the Highlands, 973. Rock-weathering, 973. Scottish reminiscences, 122. Scottish school of geology, 973. Sir Charles Lyell, 504. See also under Murchison, Sir R. I., and Sir Archibald Geikie. Geikie, Sir Archibald, and J. J. H. Teall. On banded structure of tertiary gabbros, 973. Geikie, James: Carboniferous formation of Scotland, 973. Geology and petrology of St. Abb's Head, 973. Great ice age, 973. Late Sir A. C. Ramsay, 1065. Leading physical features, 1020. The Long Island, 974. Note on occurrence of drifted trees, Musselburgh 974. Notes on geology of Colonsay, etc., 974. Old Scottish volcanoes, 974. On buried forests and peat mosses, 974. On carboniferous volcanic rocks, 974. On denudation, 974. On glacial phenomena of the Long Island, 974. On glacial succession in Europe, 974. On old red sandstone of western Europe, 974. Physical features of Scotland, 974. Gellatly, David. Relief procedure justly exhibited 237. Gemmel, John. Sermon, 460. Gemmell, Alexander. Chemical analyses of boro- lanite, etc., 974. Gemmill, J. F. Ichthyonema grayi, 938. Gemmill, William: Discovery of late glacial implements in Rhins of Galloway, 68. Oldest house in Glasgow, 1054. Gems of Scottish songs, 822. Genealogical account of Barclays, 571. Genealogical account of descendants of James Young, 1067. Genealogical memoranda relating to family of Schank, 626. Genealogical table of Murrays of Stanhope, 619. Genealogies of the Highland Clans, 567. Genealogy of Anstruthers, 569. Genealogy of clan Farquharson, 590. Genealogy of the family of Spottiswoode, 628. Genealogy of Johnstone, 601. Genealogy of Leslie of Findrassie, 604. Genealogy of Moncrief, 616. Genealogy of the Ogilvie family, 620. Genealogy of the Oliphants, 620. Genealogy of Ross of Kilravock, 623. General Associate Synod: Act concerning sins, 237. Overture, 236. Testimony, 238. General Patrick Gordon, 482. General report of agricultural state, etc., of Scot- land, 1069. General report of Scotland, 666. General Shadwell's life of Lord Clyde, 463. General Sir Alan Cameron, 454. General Sir David Dundas, 471. Gentleman Farmer. Tenants of Church of Scot- land, 685. Genung, J. F. Stevenson's attitude to life, 885. Geological Society of Glasgow. History of, 974. Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions, 9, 955. Geology of Edinburgh, 974. George, J. F. : James Tyrie, the Jesuit, 546, 633. Kennedy of Kermuck, 601. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Surnames Bullo and Bulloch, 559. George Beattie, 444. George and Britain save, 899. George Frampton, A. R. A., 713. George Heriot and his hospital, 339. George Jamesone, 492. Gerard, John: Glimpse of Ultima Thule, 413. Tour to the Hebrides, 374. INDEX 1129 Gerard family, 592. Gerken, Heinrich. Sprache des Bischofs Douglas, 816. German translations of popular Scottish songs, 822. Gerrond, John. New poetical works, 822. Gesto collection, 721. Gib, Adam. Refuge of lies sweeped away, 234. Gibb, A. W.: Felsite sill near Aberdeen, 974. Relation of the Don to the Avon, 974. Gibb, Alexander: Coronation of James I., 140. New measurement of vallum of Antonius Pius, 89. Quintus Lollius Urbicus, 89. Wall of Antoninus Pius, 89. Gibb, Andrew: Notes of mason marks, 713. Notice of brass of Dr. Duncan Liddel, 502, 515. Suggestions as to mural antiquities, 98. Gibb, J. S.: Helenore, 853. Supplement to notes on William Ged, 764. Gibbs, A. S. Edinburgh jottings, 339. Gibbs, Vicary. First lord Belhaven, 572. Gibson, A. : Catalogue of Burns Collection, 794. Doubtful edition of Burns, 794. Gibson, A. C. Popular rhymes and proverbs, 737. Gibson, A. H. Phanerogamic flora of St. Kilda, 1030. Gibson, F. W. David Muirhead, 713. Gibson, G. A. Life of Sir W. Tennant Gairdner, 479. Gibson, G. A. An old grave, 622. Gibson, J. C. Wardlaws in Scotland, 633. Gibson, James: Extension of Divinity halls, 278. Minute of Free Church College Committee, 280. On the tendency of the voluntary principle, 249. Poor man's enemies exposed, 249. Principle of voluntary churches, 244, 245. The Union question, 282, 284, 287. Gibson, James, and Andrew King. Speeches in synod, 275. Gibson, John: Addition to fish fauna of Edinburghshire, 974. Zoology, 938. Gibson, R. J. H. Marine algae of Oban district, 1030. Gibson, W. G. Notes on ancient pipe-heads, 98. Gibson, W. S. Lectures and essays, 122. Gibson, William. Teacher from the tomb, 460. Gifford, Thomas. Memorial anent herring fishing, 666. Gift from ladies of Irish Presbyterian Church, 267. Gigault de la Bedolliere, Emile. Robert Burns, 794. Gijzen, J. van. De troostelosse Jakobeit, 185. Gilbert, W. M.: Decoration of Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 713. G. W. Johnstone, 494. Gilby, Anthony. An admonition (1558), 161. Gilchrist, Andrew. Treatment and management of oak coppice in Scotland, 1030. Gilchrist, John. Ancient and modern Scottish bal- lads, 822. Gilchrist, M. R. R. M. Middleton, earl of Middle- ton, 616. Gildard, Thomas: "Greek Thomson," 544. The late John Mossman, 520. An old Glasgow architect, 713. Gilder Roy, 649. Giles, Henry: Carlyle, 807. Genius of Burns, 794. Giles, Peter: Development of Buchan in early times, 1058 Earliest Scottish literature, 764. Making of our mother tongue, 771. William Lawrence Taylor, 543. Gilfert, C. A weary lot is thine, 722. Gilfillan, George: D. M. Moir, 517. The late John James, 492. Martyrs, etc., of the Scottish covenant, 214 436 Robert Nicoll, 523. Sketches of modern literature, 764. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Gill, A. J. M. Family of Moir, 616. Gillberg, J. See under Schoenbeck, Henrik, and J. Gillberg. Gillespie, George: Aaron's rod blossoming, 227. Assertion of government, 225. Notes of debates of Assembly of Divines, 214. One hundred and eleven propositions, 227. Gillespie, J. E. Notice of canoe found in Loch Lotus, 98. Gillespie, James. On ancient farming customs, 666. Gillespie, John: Galloway breed of cattle, 938. Report on agriculture of Dumfriesshire, 666. Gillies, H. C. : Elements of Gaelic grammar, 918. Place-names of Argyll, 425. Reasons why Gaelic, etc., 914. Gillies, R. P. See under Constable, Archibald, and R. P. Gillies. Gillis, James. Paper on Burns's pistols, 794. Gillman, Andrew. Notice of notarial instrument, 490. Gillon, Frank. Nicht wi' Burns, 794, 822. Gillon, William. Note of shears and hone found at Lochlea, 68. Gilman, Laurence. Art of Fiona Macleod, 878. Gilmour, John. Introduction of wild turkey, 938. Gilmour, Robert. Samuel Rutherford, 532, 1051. Gilmour, T. F. Occurrence of water betony in Islay, 1030. Gilpin, William. Observations, 195. Gilzean-Reid, Sir Hugh. Ettrick Shepherd, 489. Gladstone, George. Scottish denominational tem- perance societies, 685. Gladstone, W. E.: Inaugural address, 700. Memoirs of Dr. Norman Macleod, 510. Speech on Church Patronage (Scotland) Bill, 291. Thesis of Erastus, etc., 272. Gladstonian revolt in Scotland, 206. Glaister, James. Enquiry into necessity for legisla- tive reform, 638. Glaister, John: Epidemic history of Glasgow, 363. Future of the race, 49. Memoir of John Mann, 513. Pollution of Scottish rivers, 666. River pollution, 666. Glanirvon. Highland parallels to Welsh tales, 737. Glasgow, 366. Glasgow (6. earl), G. F. Boyle. Report on muni- ments, 593. Glasgow : Boundaries Commission. Statement, 385. Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures. Re port, 666. Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures. Report of directors, 666. Commissariot record, 562. [Documents,] 363-366. Extracts from records of burgh, 363. Palace of history. Catalogue of exhibits, 10. 1130 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Glasgow, continued: Presbytery of. Extracts from registers, 366. Presbytery. Statement of proceedings, 366. Provost. Statement of assessments, 666. Scottish exhibition. Official catalogues, 10. Vital statistics, etc. (1881-85), 666. Glasgow Archaeological Society. Transactions, 9. Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum: Catalogue, 713. Fine art collection of Glasgow, 713. Glasgow Association for Organizing Charitable Relief Work. Handbook, 366, 686. Glasgow Association for Promoting Interests of Church of Scotland. Annual report, 209. Glasgow Asylum for Blind : Annual report, 686. . Statements of education, 700. Glasgow and Ayr: Provincial Synod. Register, 309, 366. Synod of. Report of committee, 243. Glasgow Ayrshire Society Report, 9, 686. Glasgow College. Scottish Universities Bill, 700. Glasgow corporation electric tramways, 666. Glasgow municipal tramway system, 666. Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Institution. Brief historical sketch, 686. Glasgow designer, A., 713. Glasgow Diocese. Liber protocollorum, 366. Glasgow Educational Society. Norman Seminary. Report, 700. Glasgow Female Society. Regulations, 9, 686. Glasgow Girls' Grammar school. Session (1887/8), 700. Glasgow Grammar School. Account, 700. Glasgow Infant School Society. Annual report, 686, 700. Glasgow International Exhibition, 366, 713. Glasgow International Exhibition. Fine Art, 366. Glasgow magazine and review, 9. Glasgow Mechanics Institution. Annual report, 9. Glasgow mechanics' magazine, 9. Glasgow Medical Officer of Health: Census (1881), 685. Report on cases of plague, 685. Glasgow naturalist, 9, 931. Glasgow Night Asylum for Homeless. Annual re- port, 686. Glasgow past and present, 366. Glasgow Phrenological Society. Phrenological Al- manac, 9. Glasgow Presbytery. Statement, 239. Glasgow Protecting Association. Proposed rules, 686. Glasgow Public School Association. Memorial, 701. Glasgow Royal Asylum for Lunatics: Annual report, 686. List of contributors, 686. Regulations, 686. Report of Committee, 686. Transcript of original charter, 686, Glasgow Royal Infirmary: Annual report, 686. Heads of charter, 686. Glasgow Seamans Friend Society: Annual report, 686. Organization, etc., 686. Glasgow: "The second city," 366. Glasgow Society for Benevolent Visitation of Desti- tute Sick, etc. Report, 686. Glasgow Society for Sons of Ministers. Account, 686. Glasgow Stirlingshire Charitable Society. Rules, 686. Glasgow Technical College Civil Engineering So- ciety. Transactions, 10, 1043. Glasgow University : Hunterian Museum. Catalogue of manuscripts, 2. Library. Index of abridged titles, 3. See also under University of Glasgow. Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College: Agricultural Department. Reports, 666. Annual report, 701. Glasgow Workmen's Dwellings Company. Some ex- periments, 686. Glasse, John. Church of Scotland, 296. Glazebrook, R. T. James Clerk Maxwell, 514. Gleaner, 10. Gleanings of conversations, 499. Gleed, C. S. Andrew Carnegie, 458. Gleig, G. R.: Allan Breck, 822. Dr. Chalmers, 460. Life of Scott, 871. Gleig, George: Correspondence, 240. Observations, etc., 241. Glen, D. C: Notes from the island of Bute, 974. Notes on varieties of trap rocks, 974. See also under Young, John, and D. C. Glen. Glen, D. C, and John Young: Geological excursion to Cathkin quarries, 974. Notes on spherulite rock of Corriegills, 974. Glen, David. Music of Clan Maclean, 722. Glen, John. Early Scottish melodies, 722. Glen, John. History of Dumbarton, 323. Glen, Robert. Notes on ancient musical instruments 722. Glen, William. Reformiana, 822. Glenelg. Report on administration of poor law, 686. Glenkens Society : Annual report, 686, 701. Rules, 701. Gloag, P. J. Former proprietor of Abbotsford, 469. Glover, John. Galloway folk lore, 737. Glower-Ower-Im. Our land-laws, 1069. rVriCTlO£. Letter to Rev. Thomas Chalmers, 267. Gnomon. St. Andrews medical degrees, 701. Goddard, Dwight. History of James Nasmyth, 522. Godden, Gertrude M. Sanctuary of Mourie, 737. Godkin, James. Ireland and Scotland, 122. Goerbing, Friedrich. Beispiele, 764. Goff, G. L. J. Historical records of 91st Argyll- shire Highlanders, 429. Going to church in the Highlands, 122. Golden dreamer, The, 900. Golden glove, The, 900. Goldfinch, The, 900. Goldman, Peter. Poemata, 822. Golf on inland links, 686. Goll, son of Morni, 925. Gomme, Sir G. L. : Archaic land customs, 737. Archaic types, 122. A Highland folk-tale, 737. Totemism in Britain, 737. Gonzales, Manoel, pseud. Voyage, 191. Good, J. M. Memoirs of Rev. Alexander Geddes, 480. Goodall, Walter : Examination of letters, 149. Preliminary dissertation, 223. Goodchild, J. G.: Ccelentara in relation to geological zones, 974.' Contributions to Scottish mineralogy, 974. Desert conditions in Britain, 975. Dolerite of Aberdour, 975. Dr. Heddle, 488, 1062. F^l^ther remarks on rocks in Edinburgh, 975. Geognosy of Scottish tourmalines, 975. INDEX 1131 Goodckild, J. G. — continued: Geological notes on excavations at Leith Docks, 975. Haematite on Arthur's Seat, 975. Lower carboniferous rocks, 975. Nepheline Kgirine pegmatite of Cnoc na Sroine, 975. John Henderson, 1062. Note on minerals at Barnton, 975. Notes on borehole, Calton Hill, 975. Notes on minerals of Hilderston silver mines, 975. Notes on mollusca, Leith, 975. Obituary notice of duke of Argyll, 1059. Obituary notice of James Bennie, 445. On genesis of Scottish minerals, 975. On some pseudomorphs, 975. On unconformities and palsontological breaks, 975. Origin of bitumenoid cement of Caithness flag- stones, 975. Outline of geological history, between Aberdour and Kirkcaldy, 975. Remarks upon recent boring, North Berwick, 975. Revised list of minerals known in Scotland, 975. Scottish ores of iron, 974. Some field evidence, etc., 974. Some notes on rock allied to limburgite, 974. Some recent exposures of rock, 974. Goodfellow, J. C. The early history of Scotland, 54. Goodrich-Freer, A.: Christian legends, 737. More folklore from Hebrides, 737. Outer Isles, 207, 374. Powers of evil, 737. Second sight, 737. Goodrick, A. T. S.: A Scottish Johnson, 468. Sir John Sinclair, 536. Goodwillie, Edward. World's memorials of Burns, 794. Goodwin, C. J. Carlyle's ethics, 807. Goold, W. H.: Speech (1851), 1051. Unqualified subscription, 287. Gorbalonian. Letters to William Smith, 366. Gordon. Journey to Orkney, 397. Gordon, A. B. R. Two sermons, 491. Gordon, Alexander: DisturbeT in Carglen Church, 822. Robert Ferguson, 476. Gordon, Alexander. Scotch farm-labourer, 686. Gordon, Arthur: Life of A. H. Charteris, 462. Grantown-on-Spey, 372. Gordon, Sir Arthur. The Earl of Aberdeen, 439. Gordon, C. A. Concise history of house of Gordon, 594. Gordon, C. T.: Fraser, lord Fraser, 592. Keith, Earl Marischal, 614. Melville, earl of Leven, 615. Gordon, F. C. Visit to Drumtochty, 547. Gordon, G. A. Traill and Spence families, 628, 632. Gordon, George : Geology of part of province of Moray, 975. Relations of Ross-shire sandstones, 975. Reptiliferous sandstones of Elgin, 976. "Kjokken-Moddinger" of Denmark, 68. Notice of hoard of coins discovered in Banffshire, 728. Gordon, H. L. Sir J. Y. Simpson, 535. Gordon, J. Education scheme of Church of Scot- land, 701. Gordon, J. F. S.: Book of chronicles of Keith, etc., 312, 314, 372, 380, 408. Ecclesiastical chronicle for Scotland, 214, 223. Gordon, James: Appeal to unionists, 287. Church patronage in Scotland, 1051 Gordon, James. Letters of Burns 789 Gordon James, of Rothiemay. Birdseye view of Edinburgh, 339. Gordon, John: De nuptiis Roberti, 140. Dissertation concerning marriage of Robert, 140 Gordon, John: Additional communications respecting James Mit- chell, 517. Short history of London reviewer, 822 Gordon L. D. B. Obituary Notice of Professor Rankine, 1065. Gordon, L. D. B., and Lawrence Hill. Description of chimney at St. Rollox, 666. Gordon, Lord Lewis. Letters from, 185 304 Gordon, Mrs. M. W. "Christopher North," 552. Gordon, P. L. The land of cakes, 301, 409. Gordon, Sir Robert: Description of the province of Southerland, 1058. Description of Sutherland, 1058. Genealogical history of earldom of Sutherland, 594. Gordon, Sir Robert. Encovragements, 686. Gordon, Robert. Praefecturarum Aberdonensis, etc 304. Gordon, Robert, and others. Report of speeches, 256, 261. Gordon, Sheriff. Speeches, 794. Gordon, Thomas. Extracts presbytery records of Dalkeith, 395, 500. Gordon, Thomas. University and King's College, Aberdeen, 701. Gordon, Sir Thomas: Defection of the Church of Scotland, 231. Enquiry into method of settling parishes, 231. Gordon, W. T. : On lepidophloios scottii, 976. On plant bearing rocks at Pettycur, 976. Gordon — from the printed histories, 594. Gordon, The, letters, 110. Gordon-Cumming, C. F. : Cry for help, 388, 687. Legend of Inverawe, 737. Gordon-Cumming, Sir W. G. Report on papers, 594. Gore, W. C. Imagination in Spinoza and Hume, 756. Gorrie, Archibald. Remarkable spruce fir trees at Braco Castle, 1030. Gorrie, Daniel. Summers and winters in Orkneys, 397. Gosse, Edmund: Andrew Lang, 1063. Personal memories of Stevenson, 885. Stevenson as a poet, 885. Gossip about Edinburgh, 339. Gotch, T. C. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Gottfried, J. L. Von dem Konigreich Schottland, 167. Goudie, Gilbert: Adventure with the press gang, 413. Ancient local government, Shetland, 413. Celtic and Scandinavian antiquities, 397, 413. Commission by King Christian, 413. Crusie, The, 98. Danish claims upon Orkney and Shetland, 397, 413. David Laing, 498. Ecclesiastical revenues of Shetland, 413. Excavation of Pictish tower, 68. Fouds, etc., of Shetland, 413. Gifford's description of Zetland islands, 413. Norsemen in Shetland, 413. Norwegian conveyance of land, 413. Norwegian mortgage, 413. Notice of ancient legal documents, 413. Notice of broch of Levenwick, 68. 1132 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gou-die, Gilbert — continued: Notice of brough excavations in Shetland, 68. Notice of charter of confirmation, 413. Notice of charters in Norse language, 414. Notice of ogham inscribed slab from Shetland, 98. Notice of report on revenues, 413. Notice of sculptured slab from Burra, 98. Notice of unpublished rentals, 398, 414. On horizontal water mills, 98. On, two monumental stones, 98, 918. Rune-inscribed relics of Norsemen, 414. Shetland folklore, 737. Some forgotten incidents, 414. Two monumental stones, 414. Gough, Richard : Description of cross at Ruthvel, 408. Observations on round tower Brechin, 313. Scottish topography, 194. Gould, G. M.: Jane Welsh Carlyle, 457. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Gourlay, R. F. Edinburgh and its improvement, 339. Gourlay, W. B. Trees on Dawyck estate, 1030. Govan : Parochial Board. Memorandum, 371. Statement by the provost, 371. Government and Scottish affairs, 206. Gow, A. H. M. The Kailyarders, 764. Gow, Elizabeth. The faithful servant, 482. Gow, J. M.: Holiday notes in Athole, 68. Holiday notes in Cowal, 68. Notes in Balquhidder, 68. Notes on cup-marked stones, 98. Notes near St. Fillan's, 68. Notice of stone circles in Strathbraan, 68. Gow, Nathaniel. Lady Ann Montagu Scot, 722. Gow, Neil. Roy's wife of Aldivalloch, 722. ' Gowans, James. Edinburgh and its neighbourhood, 339. Gowans, William. Catalogue of Scottish poets, 764. Gower, R. C. S. Leveson, lord. Sir David Wilkie, 550, 713. Gower, R. S. Dunrobin Castle, 327, 632. Gowrie (3. earl), John Ruthven. Letters, 482. Gowrie, The, conspiracy, 162. Gowrie's conspiracie, 162, 163. Gowrie's conspiracy, 1049. Graeme, George, bishop. Some letters, 482. Graeme, James : Poems, 822. Poetical works, 822. Graeme, L. G. Or and sable, 595. Graf, Arturo. Scienza inglese, 756. Graham, Alexander. Popular view of tenure of heritable property, 1069. Graham, C. S. Mystifications, 823. Graham, David. Grammar of philosophy, 754. Graham, Dougal: An impartial history, 185. John Highlandman's remarks on Glasgow, 367. Collected writings, 822. Graham, E. M.: Charitie of the boxe, 687. Margaret Nairne, 185. Oliphants of Gask, 620. Graham, G. F. Account of first Edinburgh musical festival, 722. Graham, Gilbert. Revised code tested, 701. Graham, H. G. : Elspeth Buchan, 451. Glasgow university life, 701. Group of Scottish women, 436. Jane, duchess of Gordon, 481. Lady Anne Barnard, 444. Lady Grisell Baillie, 441. Graham, H. G. — continued: Life in a country manse, 384. Literary and historical essays, 823. A literary waif, 488. Miss Clementina S. Graham, 482. Mrs. Alison Cockburn, 463. Mrs. Grant of Laggan, 484. Old burghal life, 122. Rural Scotland, 687. Russel of the "Scotsman," 532. Scottish men of letters, 436, 764. Graham, J. E. : Scott's catholic tendencies, 871. State-aided education, 701. Graham, J. M.: Annals and correspondence of earls of Stair 539, 540. Notice of William Henry Playfair, 527, 714. Graham, Sir J. R. G. : Letter of, 267. Letter from, 267. Liter bho'n Ridire Seumas Graham, 267. Graham, Col. James. Memoir of General Graham, 483. Graham, James. Kenneth Macrae, 823. Graham, John: Account of expedition of earl of Glencairn, 170. Account of earl of Glencairn's expedition, 170. Graham, John. Scottish national melodies, 722, 823. Graham, M. E. Mysterious guest at Stirling Castle, 417. Graham, Patrick. Sketches of Perthshire, 403. Graham, R. C. : Carved stones of Islay, 98. Early Christian monuments of Scotland, 98. Legend from Tiree, 727. Notes on sculptured tombstones of Argyllshire, 98. Graham, Robert : Account of botanical excursions from Edinburgh, 1030. Notice of botanical excursions into the Highlands, 1030. Graham, Robert. Letter to William Pitt, 195. Graham, W. Sanitary state of Newhaven, 395. Graham, Lord William. Castle of Lawers, 823. Graham, William. Candid vindication of the Secession Church, 236. Graham, William. Impromptu sketches, 403. Graham, William. One pound note, 666. Graham, Rev. William: Reconstruction of Church of Scotland, 292. Robert Bruce and John Knox, 450, 496. Graham-Easton, W. M. Why Bruce slew Comyn, 136. Grahame, Colonel. Notice respecting Macbeth's Castle, 377. Grahame, James: Mary Stewart, 149. Poems, 823. Sabbath, 823. Sabbath and other poems, 823. Siege of Copenhagen, 823. Grahame, James. Grahams of Wallacetown, 595. , Grahame, R. B. C: Prince Charlie's pilot, 510, 1050. See also under Cunninghame-Grahame, R. B. Grahame, Simeon. Anatomie of humors, 823, Grahams of Leitchtown pedigree, 595. Grainger, James: Poems, 823. Poetical works, 823. Sugar-cane, 823. Grainger, Thomas, and J. Miller. Scotland. Trin- ity harbour, 666. INDEX 1133 Grampian Club: Genealogical collections, 472. Laws, 10. Publications, 10. Grange, James Erskine, lord. Letters, 191. Grangemouth. [Documents], 372. Grant. Fossils of the Lossiemouth, 976. Grant, Mrs. A. M. : Eighteen hundred and thirteen, 823. Essays on superstitions of Highlanders, 737. Letters concerning Highland affairs, 185. Letters from the mountains, 193, 823. Memoir and correspondence, 1062. Grant, A. E. Chiefs of Grant, 595. Grant, A. T. : Ancient earls of Fife, 590. Sinclair, earl of Caithness, 576. Grant, Sir Alexander. Story of University of Edin- burgh, 701. Grant, Angus: Notes on grave-slab in Kilmore, 423. Notice of cairn at Balnalick, 68. Notice of stone cup found at Balmacaan, 98. Notices of slabs at Kilmore and Kilianan, 423. Old enclosures in Glen-Urquhart, 68. Grant, Arthur. Scottish origin of Merlin myth, 737. Grant, C. C: Culdees, 223. Highland English, 918. Grant, Charles. Memoires de la maison de Grant, 595. Grant, David. Living manners of the times, 194. Grant, David. Handbook to Great North of Scot- land Railroad, 666. Grant, David. Scotch stories, 823. Grant, David (1823-1886). Lays and legends, 823. Grant, Donald. Dornoch, 322. Grant, Duncan. Modern voluntary churches in- capable of defence, 245. Grant, Elizabeth, afterwards Smith. Memoirs, 484. Grant, F. J.: Campbell, earl of Loudoun, 606. Charter chest of earldom of Dundonald, 587. Charter chest of earldom of Wigtown, 634. Colvill, lord Colvill, 580. Crichton, lord Frendraught, 592. Douglas viscount Belhaven, 572. Erskine, lord Cardross, 578. Falconer, lord Falconer, 590. Fleming, earl of Wigtown, 634. Gray, lord Gray, 596. Hay, earl of Erroll, 589. Index to genealogies, 562. Index to register of burials, 562. Index to register of burials in Restalrig, 406. Keith, earl of Kintore, 603. Lennox, duke of Lennox, 604. Lindsay, earl of Lindsay, 605. Livingston, viscount Teviot, 632. Rutherfurd, lord Rutherfurd, 624. Scott, lord Polwarth, 622. Sinclair, earl of Orkney, 621. Sinclair, lord Sinclair, 627. Stewart, duke of Albany, 569. Zetland family histories, 567. Grant, Sir Francis, Lord Cullen: A letter, 229. , An essay, for peace by union, 229. Grant, George: Life and adventures of Sir William Wallace, 136. Life of Robert Bruce, 136. Grant, George. Reclamation of waste land, 666. Grant, J. N' t'eagch uisk, 737. Grant, J. A. Alexander Mackay, 507. Grant, J. P. Some observations, 638. Grant, J. S. Notes on flooding in Tay valley, 1020. Grant, James (1802-1879): Edinburgh past and present newspapers, 339 Memoirs of Sir George Sinclair, 536. Newspaper press, 764. P.ist and present Glasgow papers, 367 Grant, James (1822-1887): Cassell's old and new Edinburgh, 339 Frank Hilton, 823. Harry Ogilvie, 823. Philip Rollo, 823. Tartans of clans, 429. Grant, James. The old Scots navy, 1O50 Grant James (1840-1885). History of burgh schools, Grant, John. Memoir concerning Roman prog- ress, 89. Grant, William. Petition and answers, 541. Graves, C. L. Life of Alexander Macmillan, 510. Graves, Charles: Attempt to decipher inscriptions on Newton stone, 99. Some notices of acts of St. Patrick, 525. Graville, C. R. On oghams, 99, 918. Gray, A. H. Church crisis in Scotland, 297. Gray, A. R. Archibald Campbell Tait, 543. Gray, Alexander: Notice of urn, etc., at Dalaruan, 68. Old school and universities, 701. Gray, Andrew (1805-1861): Chapel question considered, 246. College question, 278. Dr. Struthers on the Free Church, 274. Letter to duke of Argyll, 277. Letter to inhabitants of Aberdeenshire, 258. Our sins, our dangers, etc., 277. Persecution, 267. The present conflict, 256. Public religious intercourse, 277. Gray, Archibald. List of plants in west Sutherland, 1030. Gray, Christian. New selection in verse, 823. Gray, David. Poems, 823. Gray, G. H. B. Election times, 701. Gray, H. St. George. Excavations near Forglen House, 68. Gray, J. M. : Additional notes on heraldic glass, 339. Art of John Crawford Wintour, 714. Examples of old heraldic glass, 555. Mansions of Scotland, 714. Scottish arms and tartans, 429. Sir Henry Raeburn, 714. Gray, James. Day and duty, 267. Gray, James: More Scandinavian place-names, 426. Scandinavian place-names, 426. ( Gray, John: Ethnographical survey of Buchan, 1043. Historical notes on Strichen, 1058. Memoir on pigmentation survey, 49. Origin of the Picts, 1043. Personal and place names in Book of Deer, 1058. Some Scottish string figures, 738. Gray, John, and J. F. Tocher: Frequency and pigmentation value of surnames, 1043, 1067. Physical characteristics in east Aberdeenshire, 49, 1043. Physical characteristics in west Aberdeenshire, 49. Gray, John. Extension of circulation, etc., 764. Gray, L. M. Heroes of Reformation. George Wishart, 553. Gray, Laura. Cathach of St. Columba, 464. Gray, Peter: Andrew Carnegie of Skibo, 458. Skibo, its lairds, 416, 595. 1134 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gray, Robert: Ailsa Craig, 938. Merlin, 938. Note on pintail duck, 938. Note on stockdove, 938. On introduction of Reeve's pheasant, 938. On occurrence of blackcap warbler, 938. On occurrence of night heron, 938. On the pectoral sandpiper, 938. On sea-gulls of the Forth, 938. Gray, Robert, and Thomas Anderson. Birds of Ayrshire, etc., 938. Gray, Sir Thomas. Scalacronica, 139. Gray, W. F. Ancient Scottish library, 377. Gray-Buchanan, A. W. Francis Hamilton, 487. Great Britain: Bankruptcy Law of Scotland Amendment Commit- tee. Report, 667. Board of Commissioners in Lunacy. Rules and conditions, 29. Board of Trade. West Highland Railway. An- nual report, 667. Caledonian Canal Commission. Report, 29. Civil Service Commission. [Documents], 29. Commerce, Labour, and Statistical Department. Clyde ports. Returns, 30. Commissioners of Annexed Estates. Rules, 687. Commissioners for Debts due to Scotland. Several reports, 30, 191. Commissioners and Trustees for Improving Linen Manufacture. [Document], 30. Committee on Laws relating to Irish and Scotch Vagrants. Report, 30. Committee on Live Stock and Agriculture in the Congested Districts in Scotland. Report 30. Committee on Ordinances of the Scottish Univer sities* Commissioners. Report, 30. Crown Office. Justices. Return, 30. Education Board. Precedents of trust deeds, 30. Education (Provision of Meals) Bill. Special report, 30. Endowed Institutions ( Scotland) Committee. Re port, 30, 31. Fiars Prices in Scotland Committee. Minutes, 31 Forestry in Scotland Committee. Report, 31. Free and United Free Churches Commission. In terim report, 31, 297. General Register Office. [Documents], 31. Glasgow Telephone Inquiry Commission. [Docu ments], 31. Habitual Offenders, Inebriates, etc. Committee [Documents], 31. Home Office. [Documents], 31. Hydrographic Office. [Documents], 32-33. Inland Revenue Department. Spirits. Return, 33 Inspectors of Explosives. [Documents], 33-34. Journal of proceedings (1706), 180. Land Values Taxation (Scotland) Bill Committee [Documents], 34. Law, Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure Com' mittee. Reports, 34. Leith Corporation Tramways Committee. Min- utes, 34. Mines Inspectors' Office. [Documents], 35. Minor Legal Appointments in Scotland Committee, Report, 35. Ordnance Survey. Facsimiles of National Manu> scripts, 35, 110. Poor Law Commission. Sanitary inquiry, 35. Private Bill Procedure (Scotland) Bill Committee Report, 35. Privileges Committee. Minutes, 628. Privy Council. [Documents], 35-37. Provisional Order (Scotland) Bill Committee Report, 37. Great Britain, continued: Rating and Valuation (Scotland) Committee. Re- port, 37. Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monu- ments and Constructions. 1. Report, 37, 54, 311. Royal Commission on Churches (Scotland) Act (1905). Report, 37, 297. Royal Commission on Feeble Minded. Minutes 687. Royal Commission on Physical Training (Scot- land). Report, 37. Royal Commission on Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Report, 37. Royal Commission on Registration of title in Scot- land. [Documents], 37. Scottish Agricultural Prices Committee. [Docu- ments], 37-38. Scottish Prisons Committee. [Documents], 38. Scottish Universities Committee. [Documents], 38. Sewage Commission. [Document], 41. Sites for Churches (Scotland) Committee. Re- ports, 41, 277. Trade, Shipping and Manufactures Committee. Re- port, 47. Trade Board. [Document], 47. Treasurer's Remembrancer for Scotland. Ulti- mus haeres, 47, 48. Treasury. Documents, 48. Turnpike Road Inquiry Commission. Inquiry, 48. Great Britain. Crown: By the King. A proclamation, 177. [Documents], 30. Her Majesties most gracious letter (1703), 180. His Maiesties message, 167. His Majesty's patent for improving fisheries, 667. Great Britain. House of Commons: The Covenant, 226. [Documents], 31-32. Great Britain. House of Lords: Case of Alexander Hume, 599. Case of Sir F. G. Johnstone, 569. Case of Sir F. G. Johnstone. Additional case, 569. [Documents], 32. Lennox peerage, 604. Great Britain. Live Stock and Agriculture in the Congested Districts of Scotland Committee: [Documents], 34. Report, 667. Great Britain. Public Record Office: Calendar of Documents, 37, 110. Calendar of State Papers, 37, 110. Great Britain. Record Commission: Acts of Lords Auditors, 110. Acts of Lords of Council, 110. Documents and records, 37, 136. Great Britain. Scottish Bills Committee: [Documents], 38. Report on Agricultural Holdings Act, 1069. Great Britain. Secretary for Scotland: Church (Scotland) Bill, 228, 230. [Documents], 38-41. Great Britain. Statutes: [Edinburgh], 339-340. Abstract of Statutes and Police Act for Glasgow, 367. Glasgow Building Regulations Act, 367. Act to amend act for disarming the Highlands, 185, 186. Act to amend the bankruptcy acts, 667. Act for better paving, etc., of Aberdeen, 301. Act for better suppressing theft, 1068. Act for disarming the Highlands, 185. Act for the more effectual preservation of breed of salmon, 1068. Act for more speedy trial of persons, 185. INDEX 1135 Great Britain, Statutes — continued : Act to prohibit ministers from officiating in Epis- copal meeting-houses, 232. An act for raising of fifteen thousand pounds, 1068. Act for raising fund for widows, etc., 687. Act for settling of the postage, 1068. Act for vesting lands of Gorthy, 371. Bill for better preservation, etc., 667. [Statutes], 41. Great Eastern Railway Co. Cathedral route, 207. Great fire [Edinburgh], 340. Great seal of Scotland, 555. Great Straloch, The, 482. Green, E. B. Defence of Mr. Rousseau, 756. Green, William. Mrs. Grant of Laggan, 484. Greene, Robert. Scottish historie of James the Fourth, 492. Greenly, Edward: The Sutherland goldfield, 976. See under Home, John, and E. Greenly. Greenock, Lord : General remarks on coal formation, 976. General view of phenomena displayed by igneous rocks, Edinburgh, 976. Greenock. [Documents], 372. Greenock Natural History Society. Annual report, 931. Greenock Philosophical Society Papers, 10. Greenock railway, The, 900. Greenough, J. C. Elementary schools, 701. Greenshields, J. B. : Home. A poem, 824. Notice of top of stone cross found in Les- mahagow, 99. Greenwell, William. Excavations in cairns near Crinan, 68. Greg, R. P. Gregs and Greigs, 596. Gregg, W. H. Controversial issues, 133. Gregor, Walter : Coutumes de pecheurs, 738. Counting-out rhymes, 738. Devil stories, 738. Dialect of Banffshire, 771. Fishermen's folklore, 738. Folk riddles, 738. Folk-tale from Aberdeenshire, 738. Further report on folklore, 738. Guardian spirits, 738. Hippie folklore, 738. John Glaick, 738. Kelpie stories, 738. Kelpie stories from north, 738. Kilns, mills, etc., 738. Legendes de mermaids, 738. New year customs, 738. Notes on beltane cakes, 738. Notes on folklore of north-east, 738. Scotch fisher child, 738. Some folklore, Auchterneed, 738. Some folklore of the sea, 738. Some folklore of trees, 738. Some folk-tales, 738. Some marriage customs, 738. Some old farming customs, 738. Some Scottish folklore, 738. Stories of fairies, 738. Three folk-tales, 738. Weather folklore, 738. The Witch, 738. Gregorson, David. Notes on algae of Kildonan shore, Arran, 1030. Gregory, Alexander. Good reasons for leaving the present ecclesiastical establishment, 268. Gregory, Donald : History of western Highlands, 122, 429. Notices respecting Scottish archery, 429 Inquiry into history of clan Gregor, 608. Notes regarding various remains of antiquity 69 Gregory, J. W. : Glaciated rock surface, Lugton, 976. Glasgow earthquake of 1910, 976. Glenboig fireclay, 976. Lochs of Scotland, 976. The Polmont kame, 976. Tuesite, 976. Work for Glasgow geologists, 976. See also under Renwick, John, and J. W Gregory Gregory, James: Epigrams and poems, 824. Lucubrations, 824. Gregory, James. Original letters, 485. Gregory, William. New forms of marine diato- maceae, 938. Greig, Gavin : Folk-song in Buchan, 722. On Mormond Hill, 824. Two Buchan songs, 764. Greig, John. Report on statements, 340. Grenville (1. baron), W. W. Grenville. Substance of speech, 638. Gretna Green, 372. Gretna Green gossip, 372. Greville, R. K. : Descriptions of seven new Scottish fungi, 1031. New species of grimmia, 1031, New plants of order algK, 1031. Report on collection of diatomaceae of Braemar, 1031. Scottish cryptogamic fauna, 1031. Grey, Henry. Sermon, 340. Grey, Henry: Address to congregation of St. Mary's, 268. Thoughts suggested by present crisis, 268. Greyfriars Burying-Ground. Register of interments, 340. Gribble, Francis. Boswell's Dutch flirtation, 448. Grier, R. M. Tissington mss., 186. Grierson, Sir J. M. Records of Scottish volunteer force, 429, 1059. Grierson, James: Account of sandstone petrifactions, 976. Mineralogical observations in Galloway, 976. Mineralogical observations in the Highlands, 976. On footsteps before the flood, 976. Grierson, Sir P. J. H. After the Pentland rising, 172. Grierson, Thomas : Sermon, 268. Ten letters on church patronage, 251. Griesheim, A. von. Eine Fahrt, 410. Grievances of Scotland (1668), 172. Grieve, David: Dredging notes from Rothesay, 1031. Kitchen midden on Inchkeith, 69. Note relative to bed of South Esk, 976. Notes on shell heaps near Inveravon, 69. Obituary notice of Dr. J. M'Bain, 505. Grieve, James. ABC index pocket companion, 340. Grieve, John: Dredging notes, 938. Extracts from unpublished ornithology, 938. Notes on marine invertebrata of Clyde, 938. Notes on spirialis retroversus, 938. Grieve, John, and David Robertson. On marine zoology, etc., of Loch Ryan, etc., 938, 1031. Grieve, Symington: Botany of Scotland, 1031. Daubenton's bat, 938. Griddle or Greidell Ine or Een, 1045. 1136 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Grieve, Symington — continued: List of hepatics and mosses, 1031. Note on westward migration of flora, etc., 938, 1031. Notes from archives of Botanical Society, 1025. Notes on flora of Colonsay and Oransay, 1031. Notes on flora of Rum, 1031. On Crystal Spring Cavern, 69. Preliminary note on bone cave in Colonsay, 69. Red deer, 939. Red deer, etc., in Glen Garry forest, 939. Some notes on great auk, 939. Toads and frogs of Laggan, 939. Statistics of topographical botany, 1031. Who were the early inhabitants of Caisteal-nan- Gillean? 1043. Griffith, John. Life of St. Patrick, 525. Grigor, John: Further explorations in Loch of the Clans, 69. Notice of lake- dwellings in Loch of the Clans, 69. Grimble, Augustus. Salmon rivers, 939. Grimm, W. K. Drei altschottischen Lieder, 764. Griswold, H. T.: James Matthew Barrie, 444. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Groat, A. G. Thoughts on Orkney and Shetland, 397, 414. Groat's worth of wit for a penny, 900. Groffier, Valerien. L'£cosse pittoresque, 1020. Grog. Row, brothers row, etc., 900. Grose, Francis. Antiquities of Scotland, 195, 196. Groser, W. H. Dr. George Wilson, 552. Grossart, William: Notes on species of conifer, 976. Notes on tract of vertical trees, 976. On river debris, 976. On upper coal measures, 976. Groves, Percy: History of 91st Highlanders, 429. History of 79th Highlanders, 429. History of 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers, 429. Grub, George. Memoir of Thomas Innes,-491. Grueber, H. A.: Scottish coins, 728. Unpublished half-unicorn, 728. Guenther, A. C. L. G. Report on fishes, 939. Gueroult, C. Le regent Murray, 519. Guerres civiles (1527), 142. Guerry, W. A. Mrs. Oliphant, 524. Guest, Edwin. Britons, Scots, and Picts, 50. Guide to Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, 201, 340, 367. Guide to inscriptions, 900. Guide to Perth, 402. Guide through St. Andrews, 409. Guide to tournament at Elginton, 354. Guild, J. W. Early Glasgow directories, 3,367. Guildry of Edinburgh. Proceedings, 340. Gunn, Adam: Dialect of Reay country, 918. Durness, 327. Review of Sutherland place-names, 426. Topographical notes on Sutherland, 426. Unpublished literary remains, 925. Gunn, John. Historical enquiry on the harp, 722. Gunn, William : Notes on correlation of lower carboniferous rocks, 976, 977. Notes on geology of Arran, 977. On volcanic rocks of Arran, 977. On volcanic series associated with schists, 977. Recent discoveries in Arran geology, 977. Guppy, H. B. Homes of family names, 559. Gurney, J. J. Notes of visits to prisons, 687. Guth na bliadhna, 10, 913. Guthrie, C. J., lord Guthrie: History of divorce, 687. Is John Knox's house, etc.? 340, 496. John Knox, 340. John Knox and John Knox's house, 496. Lord Young, 553. Mary Stuart, 149. Traditional belief in John Knox's house, 340. Guthrie, E. E.: Inscriptions on old Edinburgh houses, 340. Superstitions of Scottish fishermen, 738. Guthrie, James. Cry from the dead, 486. Guthrie, John. New views true views, 268. Guthrie, R. R. L. Notice of seal of James, Viscount Seafield, 534, 555. Guthrie, Thomas: Autobiography, 486. Letter on national education, 701. Out of harness, 1071. Plea for ragged schools, 687. Second plea, 687. Sketches of the Cowgate, 1053. Supplement to plea, 687. An unspoken speech, 283. Guthrie, William. Sermon on sympathie, 824. Guthrie, William. General history of Scotland, 122. Gwynn, Stephen: Miss Ferrier, 819. R. L. Stevenson, 885. Gwynne-Vaughan, D. T. See under Kidston, Robert, and D. T. Gwynne-Vaughan. H H. Allan Cunningham, 466. James Montgomery, 518. Mr. Henry Mackenzie, 508. Sir Walter Soott, 871. Thomas Campbell, 802. H. Trial of Burke and M'Dougal, 646. H., A. Auld Yule, 739. H., A. Janet Donaldson, 824. H., A. John MacWhirter, 512. H., C. Hon. Thomas Erskine, 474. H., E. The ancient Caledonians, 50. H, E. B. Death of Mr. Gleig, 481. H., G. W. Music in Glasgow, 722. H., H. Burns pilgrimage, 794. H, H. Glints in Auld Reekie, 340. H, J. Strictures in Ivanhoe, 871. H., J. History of Dundrennan Abbey, 326. H., J. B. Biographical sketch of Sir D. K. Sand- ford, 533. H., J. W.: Story of Mackay of Uganda, 507, Alexander M. Mackay, 507. H., R. Pulpit eloquence of Scotland, 765. H., W. T. Hamish Maccunn, 722. Haddan, A. W., and William Stubbs. Councils and ecclesiastical documents, 223. Hadden, J. C: "Auld Robin Gray," 765. Ecclesiastical music, 722. The Ettrick Shepherd, 489. A forgotten poet, 538. George Thomson, 544, 794. Johnson and Boswell in Scotland, 765. Literary materials of first Scottish psalter, 765. Music in early Scotland, 722. National music of Scotland, 722. Popular songs, 722. Portraits of Burns, 794. INDEX 1137 Hagberg, Haggard, 'Haggart, 728. Hadden, J. C. — • continued : Scottish castles and residences of Mary, Queen of Scots, 1048. Scottish paraphrases, 765. Songs of Scotland before Burns, 765. Thomas Campbell, 802. Haddin, William. Distribution of helicidse, 939. Haddington, Presbytery of. Extracts from acts, 373, 453. Haddington County list (1834), 373. Haddington memorials, 596. Haddow, Robert. Miners of Scotland, 687. Marius. Hildinakvadet, 824. C. A. Cervantes et Scott, 871. W. D. Medals of the Pretender, 186, D.: Notice of cup-sculpturings at Duncrosk, 69. Notice of stone cup, etc., found at Lochearn- head, 69. Haig, David. See under Brunton, George, and David Haig. Haig, James. Symbolism, 754. Haig, James. Topographical account of Kelso, 1055, 1057. Haigh, D. H. Remarks on early Scottish coins, 728. Haigs of Bemersyde, 596. Hakonar Saga, 374. Halbfass, W. Ergebnisse der Seenforschung, 1020. Haldane, E. S. James Frederick Ferrier, 476, 754. Haldane, J. A.: Observations, 238. Voluntary question political, 256. Haldane (1. viscount), R. B. Haldane. Life of Adam Smith, 537. Haldane, Robert: Address to the public, 238. Duty of paying tribute enforced, 254, 667. Further considerations for ministers, 254. Remarks on a late publication, 239. Hale, Charles. Life of [John Sterling], 540. Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts, 122. Hales, A. G. With sword and cross, 824. Halkerston, James. Epigrammata, 824. Hall, A. D. Pilgrimage of British farming, 667. Hall, Andrew. Architecture of Glasgow Exhibition, 714. HalL Archibald: Appeal to the public, 235. Impartial survey of the religious clause, etc., 235. Hall, H. A. Prehistoric cist, at Letham quarry, 1045. Hall, H. B. Scottish sports, 939. Hall, Sir James. On vertical position and convolu- tions of certain strata, 977. Hall, R. Highland sportsman, 939. Hall, Robert. History of Galashiels, 359. Hall, S. C, and Mrs. S. C. Hall. Allan Cunning- ham, 466. Hall, Sophy: Dr. Duncan, 471. The two Thomas Carlyles, 807. Hall, W. C. Drummond of Hawthornden, 470. Hallen, A. W. C: Account of family of Younger, 634. Antiquities of Culross, 319. Scottish kirk session records, 214. Halley, Alexander. On letters, 918. Halliday, Janet, vs. J. Fenton, 486. Hallow fair, The, 900. Halyburton, Thomas: Memoirs of life, 214, 486, 1062. Vie, 486. Hamerton, P. G. A painter's camp, 203. Hamilton, Clayton. On the trail of Stevenson, Hamilton, Edward. Vitrified forts, 69. 824. With memoir, 824. of poor, 687. Youth and manhood of Cyril W. 110. A. L. S. D. Hamilton. 885. Hamilton, Elizabeth: Cottagers of Glenburnie, Cottagers of Glenburnie. Mrs. Macclarty, 824. Hamilton, George: Additional group of carvings at High Banks 69 JNotice of cairns at Woodfield, 69. Notice of rock-sculpturings in Kirkcudbright- shire, 69. Hamilton, Gilbert. Disorders of a church, 233 Hamilton (7 duke), J. G. Hamilton. Archibald James Edward Stewart, alias Douglas, 585. Hamilton, James. Harp on the willows, 272. Hamilton, Janet. Account of, 487. Hamilton, John, Archbishop: Ane Catholik traictise, 824. Certane orthodox conclusions, 824. A facile traictise, 824. Ane godlie exhortatioun, 824. Hamilton, John. A sermon (1700), 229. Hamilton, John: Letter to Sir George Sinclair, 264. Present position of the Church, 256, 259. Remonstrance, 261. Hamilton, Patrick. Patrick's places, 754. Hamilton, Robert. Case of Margaret Lennox, 604. Hamilton, Robert: Essays, 824. On management Hamilton, Thomas Thornton, 824. Hamilton (12. duke) Charters, etc., of. Hamilton, William: Contemplation, 824. Poems, 824. Poetical works, 824, 825. Hamilton, William. Descriptions of sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew, 385, 405. Hamilton, Sir William: Be not schismatics, 268. Discussions on philosophy, 754. Lectures on metaphysics, 754. Letter to Augustus de Morgan, 754. Letter to lord provost of Edinburgh, 701. Metaphysics of, 754. Philosophy of, 754. Testimonials, 487. Hamilton, Sir William, and J. Sinclair. Correspon- dence, 701. Hamilton and Campsie. Commissariot record, 562. Hammermen of Edinburgh, 340. Hammermen of Edinburgh. Seal of cause, 340. Hammerton, J. A. Stevensoniana, 886. Hancock, W. N. : Bothy system, 687. Comparison of law of poor removals, 687. Mr. MacNeel Caird's essay, 667. Obituary of Alexander Thorn, 544. On assimilation of law, 638. What are the causes of the distressed state of the Highlands, 687, 1069. Handbook to Edinburgh, 340. Handbook for travellers in Scotland, 204, 205, 206, 207. Handley, G. M. Notes on Quentin Durward, 871. Hanna, C. A. The Scotch-Irish, 562. Hanna, William. Memoirs of. . .Thomas Chalmers, 460. Hannah, I. C. Berwick and Lothian coasts, 122, 311, 391. Hannan, Thomas: A long lost island, 355. The reunion problem, 298. Scottish consecrations in London, 225. 1138 1THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Hannay, David. Life of Tobias George Smollet, 539. Hannay, James: Minstrelsy of Scotland, 765. Recollections, 765. Scot at home, 122. Singleton Fontenoy, 825. Hannay, Patrick. Poetical works, 825. Hannay, R. K. Letters of papal legate, 157. Hansen, Oscar. Fra David Humes Tid, 756. Hapgood, Norman. Lord Rosebery, 531. Harcourt, Betty : Edinburgh authors of to-day, 341. Unveiling of R. L. Stevenson memorial, 886. Hardie, Martin. John Pettie, R. A., 1065. Hardwicke (1. earl), Philip Yorke. Two speeches, 192. Hardy, M. Botanical survey of Scotland, 1031. Hardy, Marcel. Caledonia rediviva, 1020. Hardy, R. F. Ashiestiel, 308. Hardy, Thomas. Principles of moderation, 264. Harebell, Oliver. Henry Mackenzie, 508. Hargrave, Francis. Admissibility of votes of claim- ants, 195, 196. Hark away, 900. Harker, Alfred: Geological structure of Sgurr of Eigg, 977. Glaciated valleys in the Cuillins, 977. Ice-erosion in Cuillin Hills, 977. On certain granophyres, 977. Overthrust Torridonian rock of Rum, 977. Sequence of tertiary igneous rocks of Skye, 977. Tertiary crust movements, 977. See also under Clough, C. T., and Alfred Harker. Harkness, Robert: Description of graptolites of Dumfriesshire, 977. On association of lower members of old red sand- stone, 977. On lowest sedimentary rocks, 977. On metamorphic rocks of Banffshire coast, etc., 977. On new red sandstone of Nith, 977. On origin of permian breccias, 977. On position of pteraspis beds, 977. On reptiliferous rocks, 977. On rocks of portions of the Highlands, 977. On sandstones and breccias of south of Scotland, 977. On sandstones and their associated deposits, 977. Silurian rocks of Dumfriesshire, 978. Silurian rocks of Kirkcudbrightshire, 978. Silurian rocks of south of Scotland, 978. Harland, Marion: John Knox, 496. No. 24 Cheyne Row, 807. Only a but and a ben, 794. Two little rooms, 149. Harley, James. The currency, 667. Harp of the North, 765. Harp of Perthshire, 825. Harp of Renfrewshire, 825. Harper, James: Difficulties of the union question, 284. Jesus Christ, 505. Harper, James, and others: Lives of Ebenezer Erskine, etc., 1061, 1062, 1067. Union on basis of standards, 287. Harris, D. F. Saint Cecilia's Hall, 722. Harris, Frank. Talks with Carlyle, 807. Harris, William. Historical account of James the First, 192. Harrison, Cuthbert. Robert Fergusson, 476. Harrison, Frederic: Carlyle, 807. Carlyle's place, 807. Harrison, G. H. R. Maitland pedigree, 612. Harrison, John. Oure tounis colledge, 341, 701. Harrower, John. Aberdeen alumni, 436, 701. Harrowes, I. L. Through the glen of Drumtochty, 548. Hart, A. B. John Knox, 496. Hart, John. Description of ancient Highland lock, 667. Hart, Robert. Plan for rendering river Clyde navi- gable, 667. Hart, Robert. Reminiscences of James Watt, 548. Hartley, G. W.: Night in Cromarty Firth, 319. Wildfowl shooting, 939. More about wildfowl shooting, 939. Harvard University. Catalogue of English and American chapbooks, 3, 765. Harvey, Alexander, and D. M. Makgill. Report of discussion, 254. Harvey, Charles. Borestone and Bannockburn, 136. Harvey, James. Notes on cup-marked rocks at Dun- tocher, 69. Harvey, John: Bruciad, 825. Life of Robert Bruce, 450. Harvey, W. F. Mary Stuart in art, 149. Harvey, William. Scottish chapbook literature, 765. Harvie, John. Home, a poem, 825. Harvie-Brown, J. A. : Birds breeding in Sutherlandshire, 939. Caper-caillie in Scotland, 939. Early chapters in history of squirrel, 939. Flannan Isles, 939. Further notes on North Rona, 939. Hysgeir, 939. Islands and rocks of Haskier, 939. Isle of May, 939. Late chapters in history of squirrel, 939. Marsh tit in Scotland, 939. North-west coasts of Sutherland, 939. Occurrence of Iceland gull, 940. Occurrence of little gull, 940. Ornithological journal, 940. On mammalia of outer Hebrides, 939. On nesting of dotterell, 939. Occurrence of black redstart, 939. Rockall, 940. St. Abb's Head, 940. The stockdove, 940. Second report on Scottish ornithology, 940. Supplementary notes, 940. Tufted duck in Scotland, 940. See also under Alston, E. R„ and J. A. Harvie- Brown. Harwood, H. W. F.: Aston, baron Aston, 570. Cheyne, viscount Newhaven, 620. Constable, viscount Dunbar, 587. Flemish branch of Hamiltons, 597. Graham, viscount Preston, 622. Ingram, viscount Irvine, 601. Richardson, lord Cramond, 581. Spencer, viscount Teviot, 632. Harwood, H. W. F., and K. W. Murray. Murray, earl of Dysart, 588. Hasbach, Wilhelm. Untersuchungen, 760. Hastie, George. First-footing in Scotland, 739. Haswell, G. C. Age of Silurian beds of Pentland Hills, 978. Haswell, James: Notice of sandstone at Elie, 978. On columnar structure from Kyles of Bute, 978. On estuarine beds of Carse of Stirling, 978. Hatch, F. H. Lower carboniferous volcanic rocks of East Lothian, 978. Hately, T. L. Psalmody of Free Church, 722. INDEX 1139 Haughton, Samuel. Experimental researches on granites of Ireland, 978. Haven, Gilbert: Homes and haunts of Burns, 794. Stirling and Edinburgh, 341, 418. Haverfield, F. J.: On Julius Verus, 133. Note on the Wheel Causeway, 89. Sir Robert Sibbald's "Directions," 89. Hawkins, J. W. Narrative of proceedings in Dun- nichen, 249. Hawkseye, Harry. Pictures and people, 714, 825. Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Passages, 204. Some haunts of Burns, 794. Hawthorne, Mrs. S. P. Notes in Scotland, 204. Hay, Andrew. Diary, 4S7. Hay, George: History of Arbroath, 306. List of authorities, 3. Hay, H. M. D.: Bird-life, 940. Museum notes, 940. Note on occurrence of desert wheatear, 940. Notes on rare Perthshire birds, 940. Occurrence of hoopoe, 940. Remarks on black-throated thrush, 940. Report on ornithology, 940. Hay, Sir J. C. D. : Genealogy, 583. Hay of Errol, 598. Hay, James, and Henry Belfrage. Memoir of Alex- ander Waugh, 549. Hay, James, and A. Marshall. Libel against Dr. J. Brown, 1060. Hay, John. Certaine demandes, 825. Hay, John. Speech, 871. Hay, R. A. Genealogie of the Hayes, 598. Hay, Richard. Vindication of Elizabeth More, 140. Hay, W. W. Description of camps on Hay New- ton, 69. Haydn, J. Collection of Scottish airs, 722. Haye, Sir Gilbert. Gilbert of the Haye's prose manuscript, 1071-1072. Hayes, J. L. : Trial of lord Stirling, 630, 631. . Vindication of rights, 631. Hayward, I. M. Tweedside alien plants, 1031. Haywood, A. Lord Campbell's memoirs, 455. Hazlitt, William: On Burns, 794. On Scotch character, 122. He comes from the wars, 900. Head, Sir F. B.: Life of Bruce, 450. Narrative of means adopted, 341. Head, F. W. The fallen Stuarts, 629. Heads for bill to amend law concerning taillies, 638. Heads of a proposed bill, 268. Headship of Christ, 268. Heart of Dr. Livingstone, 503. Heath, Charles. Heath's Waverley gallery, 871. Heathcote, J. N. Map of St. Kilda, 410. Heaton, M. M. : David Roberts, 1065. David Scott, 1065. John Phillip, 1065. Life of Allan Cunningham, 1061. Great works of Sir David Wilkie, 550, 714. Sir David Wilkie, 1066. Hecht, Hans: Deacon Brodie, 886. John Glen, 1062. Die "Merry muses of Caledonia," 794. Hecht, Hans — continued: Neuere Literatur, 765. Robert Burns, 795. Hector, William: Burgh of Paisley, 1056. Old county families, 1067. Heddle, M. F.: Chapters on mineralogy of Scotland, 978. Minerals of the Storr, 978. On analcime, 978. On crystalline forms of riebeckite, 978. On new localities for zeolites, 978. On occurrence of trachylyte at Loch Screden, 978. On pectolite and okenite, 978. Hedvall, Karl. Humes Erkenntistheorie, 756. Hem, Johannes. Humes Kausaltheorie, 756. Heir of Linn, 825. Heirs of Kellie, 825. Heiton, John. Castes of Edinburgh, 341. Helferich, J. A. R. von. Adam Smith und sein Werk, 537. Heller, H. J. Das neueste zur Ossian-Frage, 914. Heller, Otto. Geibels Nachahmung, 795. Helps, Sir Arthur. Catharine Douglas. A tragedy, 1048. Hemans, F. D. Wallace's invocation, 1048. Henderson, Alexander. Government and order of Church of Scotland, 225. Henderson, Angus. Origin of golf, 687: Henderson, Archibald. Old Edinburgh, 341. Henderson, Charles. Notes on a deed, 469. Henderson, D. M. Bit bookie of verse, 825. Henderson, E. F. Execution of Mary, queen of Scots, 149. Henderson, Ebenezer: Annals of Dunfermline, 326. Life of James Ferguson, 476. Henderson, George. Popular rhymes of Berwick, 739, 825. Henderson, George: Aonghus nan Aoir, 914. Arthurian motifs, 914. Fionn saga, 925. Gaelic dialects, 919. Neil Morison, the Pabbay poet, 519. Norse influence on Celtic Scotland, 133, 919. Sgeulachd cois O'Cein, 739. Undetected Norse loan-word, 919. Henderson, George, and J. J. Waddell: By Bothwell banks, 312, 423. Joanna Baillie, 441. Henderson, J. A.: Aberdeenshire epitaphs, 562. History of Society of Advocates, 638. Henderson, J. H.: Forms of private prosecution, 638. Statutes of doubtful application, 638. Henderson, J. R.: Decapod and schizopod Crustacea, 940. Echinodermata of Firth of Clyde, 940. List of shells, etc., from Firth of Forth, 940. Recent additions to invertebrate fauna, 940. Henderson, J. S. : James Boswell, 448. Heine and Scott, 871. Henderson, James: The Redeemer's claims, 268. Strictures on a pamphlet, 245. Henderson, John: Agriculture of Caithness, 667. ( Agriculture of Sutherland, 667. Henderson, John. Caithness family history, 567. Henderson, John, geologist: Notice of bore section at Abbey Hill, 978. Notes on drift, etc., Pentland Hills, 978. 1140 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Henderson, John, geologist — continued : Notice of fault in carboniferous rocks, Water of Leith, 978. Notice of recent fossiliferous sandstone, Granton, 978. Notice of slimonia acuminata, 978. Notice of some fossils from Habbie's Howe, 978. On calcareous deposit at Starleyburn, 978. On the Calton Hill, 978. On Corstorphine Hill, 979. On the existence of an old river course, 979. On fossils found in rocks, 979. On glacial phenomena in the Pentlands, 979. On reindeer remains from the Pentland Hills, 979. On rock sections around Edinburgh, 979. On sands and gravels at Olive Bank, 979. On sections on line of the Barnton Railway, 979. On sections exposed in the Queen's Park, 979. On some marine beds, Gilmerton, 979. On some fossiliferous beds in Silurian rocks of Pentland Hills, 979. On some sections of boulder clay at Redhall, 979. On some Silurian fossils, Pentland Hills, 979. On structure, etc., of rocks of Arthur's Seat, 979. On succession of lower carboniferous series, 979. On Wardie and Granton series of sandstones, 979. Short notice of three species of trilobites, 979. Sketch of geology of Pentlands, 979. See also under Brown, D. J., and John Hender- son. Henderson, P. A. W. Glasgow and Balliol, 701. Henderson, Robert: Diptera of Clyde, 940. Diptera of Clyde. Second list, 940. Diptera of Clyde. Third list, 940. Henderson, T. F. : "Bonnie Prince Charlie,'* 765. Burns, 795. Burns. Lesser Scottish verse, 765. Charlie he's my darling, 795. Mr. Lang and the casket letters, 149. Scottish vernacular literature, 765. Sir David Lyndsay, 836. Henderson, T. F., and Francis Watt. Scotland of to-day, 207. Henderson, T. R. Lockerbie, 391. Henderson, William: Notes on folklore, 739. Notes on folklore. New edition, 739. Henderson, William, and -others. Unto the Right Reverend, the Primus, etc., 281. Hendry, George. About Shetland ponies, 941. Hendry, Hamish: Concerning a spool of thread, 667. Robin redivivus, 795. Hendry, James. Orphan homes of Scotland, 687. Hendry, James. Granite and metamorphic rocks, 979. Henfrey, H. W. The Culloden medals, 186, 728. Henley, W. E.: Life of Burns, 795. R. L. S., 886. Henley, W. E., and T. F. Henderson. Cult of Mary Campbell, 795. Henry II., king of France. Letters, 158. Henry III., King of France. Instructions, 160. Henry, David. Glenluce Abbey, 371. Henry, George. Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water-Colour, 714. Henry, I. A. Biographical notice of Professor Jameson, 1063. Henry, J. Songs and effusions, 826.. Henry, W. C. Biographical notice of Peter Ewart, 475. Henry Erskine and his times, 474. Henry the Minstrel: Lyfe of William Wallace, 136, 137, 825. Wallace, 137, 825. History of life of Wallace, 137, 825. Life and heroic achievements, 137, 825. Actis and deidis, 137, 825. Henryson, Robert: Bludy sark, 826. Poems, 826. Robene and Makyne, 826. Hensel, P. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Hensel, W. U. Walter Scott, 871. Henty, G. A. In freedom's cause, 137. Hepburn, C. H. Andrew Carnegie, 458. Hepburn, David. Chronicles of Caledonian Society, 687. Hepburn, David: Notes on bones from Smoo cave, 941. On association of human remains with those of red deer, 941. See also under Simpson, James, and David Hep- burn. Hepburn, T. N. Robert Urquhart, 826. Herd, David. Ancient and modern Scottish songs, 826. Herdman, W. A.: Invertebrate fauna of Lamlash Bay, 941. Additional notes, 941. Here folowing begynnythe a full lamentable cronycle, 140. Heriot, George. Last will and testament, 1063. Herkless, John: Cardinal Beaton, 444. Richard Cameron, 454. Hero tales of the Gael, 739. Heroes of the Noctes, 894. Heroic Gaelic ballads, 925. Heron, Robert. Memoirs of Burns, 795. Herrera Tordesillas, Antonio de. Historia, 149. Herrick, S. E. Knox, 496. Herries, D. C: Lord Herries, 598. Maxwell, earl of Nithsdale,. 620. Herring, Thomas. Sermon, 186. Hetherington, W. M. : History of Church of Scotland, 214. History of Church of Scotland. With introductory essay, 214. Memoir of Rev. George Gillespie, 480. Thoughts on connection between church and state, 259. Heugh, Hugh. Christian liberty, 259. Heuser, W. : ai und ei, 771. Die Lautveraenderung von a, e, i, 771. Offenes und geschlossenes ee, 771. Ursprung des unorganischen i, 771. Hewat, Kirkwood. Stone cross found on farm of Cairn, 99. Hewell, E. M. Pedens of America, 621. Hewison, J. K. : "Bands" or covenants, 214. Bute in olden time, 314. Effigy in Morton churchyard, 394. Life of Winzet, 553. Notice of cross-shaft in Rothesay churchyard, 99. Place names in Bute, 426. Prehistoric forts in Bute, 69. Rothesay and Bute, 314, 407. Runic roods, Ruthwell and Bewcastle, 408. Hewitt, John. Mons Meg, 341. Hewlett, W. O. Notes on dignities, 562. Hewley. On the charities, etc., 249. INDEX 1141 Heylin, Peter: Examen historicum, 149. Mw.Qoxoc|iog, 164. Hibben, J. G. Scottish university, 701. Hibbert, F. A., The '45, 186. Hibbert, Samuel: Account of discovery of Shetland cod-bank, 941. Account of rousts, 1020. Fossil fishes of limestone of Burdiehouse, 979. Fresh-water limestone of Burdiehouse, 979. Illustrations of customs of a manor, etc., 122. Memoir on the Tings, 398, 414. Most ancient form in which gold was made use of, 69. Notice concerning David Gilbert, 543. Notice of vitrified remains at Elsness, 69. Observations on bell of Kilmichael-Glassrie, 99. Observations on theories of vitrified forts, 69. Question of existence of reindeer, 941. Shetland Islands, 414, 979. Sketch of distribution of rocks in Shetland, 979. Trial of witches, 739. Hickes, George. Ravillac redivivus, 172, 654, 659. Hickling, George. Old red sandstone of Forfarshire, 980. Hicks, Henry: Metamorphic and overlying rocks, Loch Maree, 980. Metamorphic and overlying rocks, Ross and In- verness, 980. Hierthes, Ludwig. Worterbuch, 795, 871. Higden, Ranulph. Polycronicon, 122. Higginson, T. W. Carlyle's laugh, 807. High Church review on Dr. Chalmers, 460. High School Club. Report, 701. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland: Catalogue of Museum, 667. Premiums offered, 667. Report of Agricultural Museum, 668. Report by directors, 668. Report more recent proceedings, 668. Transactions, 10, 668. Highland arms and dress, 429. Highland Association. Scottish Gaelic, 919. Highland Club, Inverness. Rules, 377. Highland destitution, 687. Highland gentleman, A, 507. Highland land law reform, 687. Highland Mary, 900. Highland papers, 567. Highland parishes. Secession, 268. Highland piper's ' advice, 900. Highland regiments and tartans, 430. Highland second-sight, 739. Highland shearing, 687. Highland Society of London. Premiums offered, 687. Highland Society of Scotland: Dictionarium Scoto-Celticum, 919. Report on poems of Ossian, 914. Highlanders, The, at Macclesfield in 1745, 186. Highlands of Scotland, 122. Highton, E. Last resting-place of a Scottish queen, 133. Hill, Alexander. Memoir of Principal Hill, 488. Hill, D. O. Disruption of Church of Scotland, 282. Hill, G. B. Centenary of Boswell, 448. Hill, G. F. Scottish beggar's badge, 99. Hill, George: Theological institutes, 214. View of constitution of Church of Scotland, 214. Hill, J. B.: Crush conglomerates of Argyllshire, 980. Progressive metamorphism, Loch Awe, 980. Hill, J. B., and H. Kynaston. On kentallenite, 980. Hill, John. Account of life of Hugh Blair, 447. Hill, Laurence. Letters of guildry, 367. See under Gordon, L. D. B., and Lawrence Hill. Hill, Rowland: Extract of a journal, 196. Plea for Union, 238. Hill, W. I-I. History of hospital founded by George Hutcheson, 600. Hillier, A. C. "Christopher North," 552. Hilton, James. Coronation stone, 123, 133. Hind, Wheelton: Lamellibranchs of Girvan, 980. Lamellibranch and gasteropod fauna, 980. Hinde, G. J. On archsocyathus, 980. Hinde, J. H. Lothian, 391. Hinton, R. J. Alexander Macdonald, 505. Hints respecting improvement of literary and scien- tific education, 701. Hints to strolling parsons, 268, 395. Hinxman, L. W. : Note on spherulitic felsite from Glen Feshie, 980. Occurrence of moraines, 980. River Spey, 1020. Rivers of Scotland, 1020. Hinxman, L. W., and W. E. Clarke. Contribution to vertebrate fauna, 941. Hird, G. S. Denburn Valley Railroad, 668. Hirst, F. W. Adam Smith, 538. Hislop, Alexander. Proverbs of Scotland, 826. Hislop, J. F. Heraldic panel in Prestonpans, 405, 555. Hislop's time-gun plan of Edinburgh, 341, 386. Historia miraculose fundationis monasterii Sancti Crucis, 341. Historians of Scotland, 110. Historical account of antient rights of Parliament, 123. Historical account of life of St. Margaret, 513. Historical account of the Seceders, 234. Historical accounts of government and , grievances, 195. Historical description of monastery of Holyroodhouse, 341. Historical families. Erskine, 589. Historical families. Stewart, 629. Historical guide to Holyrood, 341. Historical illustrations of Quentin Durward, 871. Historical papers and letters from northern registers, 110. Historical papers relating to Jacobite period, 186. Historical Scottish proverbs, 739, 765. Historical sketch of house of Buccleuch, 575. Historical sketch of law relative to church patron- age, 245. Historical sketch of municipal constitution of Edin- burgh, 341. Historical view of the state of church patronage, 245. Historico Theologicus, 453. Historie of the estate of Scotland, 158. Historie and life of King James the Sext, 159. History of Abraham, etc., 900. History of Adam Bell, 900. History of all religions, 900. History of the Black Douglas, 140, 900. History of the blind beggar, 900. History of Buckhaven, 901. History of Caledonia (Darien), 177. History of celebration of Burns' 110th natal day, 795. History of Charles Jones, 901. History of Donald and his dog, 901. History of Duncan Campbell, 901. History of fair Rosamond, 901. History of the famous Moll Flanders, 901. History of feuds and conflicts of clans, 430. History of Fortunatus, 901. History of Glasgow, by writers of eminence, 367. 1142 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History .of Holyrood, 341. History of a hypocrite, 826. History of Jack and the bean stalk, 901. History of Jack the giant killer, 901. History of Jack and the giants, 901. History of the king and the cobler, 901. History of life and death of Robert Bruce, 137, 902. History of Mahomet, 901. History of Mr. John Walsh, 549. History of Parismus, 902. History of Paul Jones, 902. History, The, of the Picts, 50. History and poetry of Scottish Border, 123, 770. History of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, 186, 902. History of Redmond O'Hanlon, 902. History of Rob Roy, 902. History of Sir William Wallace, 137, 902. History of Thomas Hickathrift, 902. History of Thomas Mitchell, 517. History of Whittington, 902. History of the wicked life of Dr. John Faustus, 902. History of Will and Jean, 902. History of witches of Renfrewshire, 739. H — n, A — . Account of ancient stone coffin, 69. Hobhouse, J. C. Lament for Robert Burns, 795. Hoblyn, R. A.: Edinburgh coinage of Queen Anne, 728. Milled Scottish coins, 728. Hodder, Edwin. Sir George Burns, 1060. Hodges, James? Defence of Scots abdicating Darien, 177, 178. Hodgson, F. T. Dunfermline Abbey, 326. Hoey, J. C. Birthplace of St. Patrick, 525. Hoffmann, Oscar. Studien, 844. Hofmann, A. W. von. Thomas Graham, 483. Hogan, Edmund: Onomasticon Goedelicum, 426. Vita Sancti Patricii, 525. Hogg, Alexander. Antiquities of Davan, 321, 383. Hogg, C. P. St. Enoch railway station, 668. Hogg, James: Altrive tales, 826. Brownie of Bodsbeck, 826. Brownie of Bodsbeck, and other tales, 826. Cameronian ballad, 826. Cameronian preacher's tale, 826. Carle of Invertime, 826. Cary o'Kean, 826. George Dobson's expedition, 826. Familiar anecdotes, 871. Glasgow dinner-party, 826. Jacobite relics, 186, 826. Jacobite relics not published in Hogg's collection, 826. Lay of the martyrs, 827. Long pack, 827. Mador of the Moor, 827. Memoir, 489. My first interview with Scott, 871. Poetical works, 827. Queen's wake, 827. Queer book, 827. Raid of the Kers, 827. Royal jubilee, 827. Scottish haymakers, 827. Scottish pastorals, 827. Shepherd's calendar, 827. Songs, 827. Superstition and grace, 827. Tale of Pentland, 827. Tales and sketches, 827. Hogg's Instructor, 10. Holbeach, Henry. George Macdonald, 506, 838. Holden, R. M. First Highland regiment, 430. "Holel." Mr. Morison and the United Associate Synod, 264. Holiday among the crofters, 687. Holland, Bernard. Last M'Queen of Braxfield, 511. Holland, Sir Richard: Buke of the Howlat, 827. Holland's Buke of the Houlate, 827. The Houlat, 827. Holme, Charles. Royal Scottish Academy, 714. Holmes, D. T. : Allan Ramsay, 528, 852. Lectures on Scottish literature, 765. Robert Burns, 795. Holt, H. F.: Observations upon a "shilling," 149. On great seal of Francis II, 149, 555. Observations upon a "shilling" of Francis the Dauphin, 728. Holthausen, F. Kennedy Studien, 832. Holy Trinity and St. Michael Abbey, Scone. Liber ecclesie, 411. Holy vengeance, 828. Holyrood Abbey: Chronicon, 123. Liber cartarum Sancte Crucis, 341. Holyrood House, 341. Holyroodhouse. Register of marriages, 562. Home (12. earl), C. A. Douglas-Home. Manuscripts of, 110. Home, D. M. See under Milne-Home, David. Home, Henry, Lord Karnes: Essays, 828. Sketches, 828. Home, John: Agis: a tragedy, 828. Alfred, 828. Alonzo, 828. Douglas, 828. Douglas, tragedia, tradotta, 828. Fatal discovery, 828. History of the Rebellion, 186. Siege of Aquileia, 828. Works, 828. Home rule and political parties, 1050. Home rule for Scotland, 205. Home truths on crofter question, 688. Home's history of the Rebellion, 1050. Homenaje, a Carnegie, 458. Honesty the best policy, 902. Honeyman, A. V. D. Honeyman family, 598. Honeyman, John: Certain peculiarities in architecture of Iona, 379, 714. Glasgow Cathedral, 367, 714. Note on a vitrified fort at Rhufresean, 70. Notes on crypt of Glasgow cathedral, 367. Remarks on construction of vitrified forts, 70. Suggestions for co-operation, 54. Hon. A. C. Johnstone, 494. Hon. David Carnegie, 459. Honourable Henry Erskine, 474. Hon. Sir Alex. Forrester Cochrane, 463. Hood, John. List of rotifera, 941. Hook, Theodore. Life of General Sir David Baird, 442. Hooke, Nathaniel. Secret history, 182. Hope, Charles: Notes by the lord president, 638. Speech, 638. Hope, Graham. Montrose, 518. Hope, John: Letter to James Abercromby, 447. Letter to the lord chancellor, 256. To the clergy and laity, 293. INDEX 1143 Hope, R. C. Holy wells, 739. Hope, Sir Thomas: Practical observations, 638. Twenty-four letters, 489. Hopkins, E. D. Lithgow family, 605. Hopkins, William: Distribution of granite blocks, Ben Cruachan, 980. Granitic blocks of south Highlands, 980. Horn, William: Collected notes on birds of Buchan, 941. Mammalia of Perthshire, 941. Notes on birds of Perthshire, 941. Notes on mammalia of Buchan, 941. Home, C. S. David Livingstone, 503. Home, George. Letter to Adam Smith, 756. Home, John: Andalusite schists, 980. A bone cave in Sutherlandshire, 70. Ice-shed in northwest Highlands, 980. Igneous rocks of Grampians, 980. Intercrossing of boulders, 980. New feature in glaciation of Sutherland, 980. Note on fossiliferous ironstone in Cambrian rocks of Ross-shire, 980. Note on occurrence of alethopteris lonchitica, 980. Obituary notice of Rev. George Gordon, 481. Obituary notice of Dr. James Croll, 1061. Obituary notice of Hugh Miller, 1064. Obituary notice of late Mr. Bennie, 1059. On two volcanic necks in Applecross, 980. On geology of Unst, 980. On relation of valley moraines, etc., 980. Recent advances in Scottish geology, 980, 981. Recent discovery in Dundonnell Forest, 981. Silurian volcanic rocks of southern uplands, 981. Volcanic history of old red sandstone period, 981. See under Peach, B. N., and John Home. Home, John, and E. Greenly. On foliated granites, 981. Home, John, and B. N. Peach. Shell mound at Tongue Ferry, 70. Home, John, and J. J. H. Teall. On borolanite, 981. Home, John, and others. The character of shell- bearing deposits at Clava, 981. Home, R. H. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Horner, Francis. Memoirs, 490. Horner, Leonard. Edinburgh School of Arts, 702. Horsburgh, James. Notes on cromlechs, etc., in Sutherland, 70. Horsley, Heneage. Duties of episcopal office, 481. Hosack, John. Mary, queen of Scots, 149. Hossack, G. M. Inventories of northern records, 310, 382. Hotchkiss, Florence. Carlyle's portrayal of char- acter, 807. Houghton (1. baron), R. M. Milnes. Boswelliana, 448. House of Argyll, 578. Household account of Ludovick, duke of Lennox, 164. Houses in flats, 341. Houston, David. 'E silkie man, 739. Houston, James. Works, 178. Houston, R. S. Rare Renfrewshire minerals, 981. How Andrew Carnegie climbed up, 458. How I became an A. R. S. A., 714. Howard, J. D. Christopher North, 552. Howarth, Mary. "The man of feeling," 508. Howden, C. R. A. Notes on history of Scottish con- stitution, 133. Howden, J. C. : Bone cave at Lower- Warburton, 70. Early history of Montrose, 393. Report on fishes, 941. Superficial deposits at estuary of South Esk, 981. Howden, R. The King's welcome, 829 Howe, F. C: Glasgow, 367, 1055. Glasgow: a city of thrift, 367. Howell, James. Perfect description, 169, 1049 Howells, W. D.: Heroines of Miss Ferrier, 819 Scott, 871. Scott's Jeanie Deans, 871. Scott's Rebecca, etc., 871. William Black's Gertrude White, 782. Howie, Charles: Flora of Fife and Kinross, 1031. Notice of mosses found in Fifeshire, 1031. Notice of mosses found by Mr. Charles Jenner etc., 1031. Some new and rare mosses gathered in Ross-shire, etc., 1031. Howie, Charles, and Charles Jenner. Notice of a new carduus, 1031. Howie, John: Biographia Scoticana. 436. Scots worthies, 436. Howitt, William : Glammis Castle, 360. James Hogg, 489. James Montgomery, 518. James Thomson, 544. Joanna Baillie, 442. John Wilson, 552. Robert Burns, 795. Scott, 871. Thomas Campbell, 802. Visits, 200. Howlett, England. Bell lore, 722. Howorth, Sir H. H. Columbian clergy, 223. Hoy, John. Poems, 829. Hubbard, Elbert: Andrew Carnegie, 458. John Knox, 496. R. L. Stevenson and Fanny Osbourne, 886. Hudson, J. W. Treatment of personality, 756. Hudson, W. H. Scott, 871. Hue and cry after the Pretender, 186. Hueffer, O. M. Persecutions in Scotland, 739. Huet, C. B. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Hugh Miller and the geology of Scotland, 981. Hugh Miller and his education, 516. Hughes, M. A. W. Letters of Scott, 871. Hughes, Thomas: David Livingstone, 503. Memoir of Daniel Macmillan, 510. Huie, J. L: The antiquary, 855. Fortunes of Nigel, 857. Kenilworth, 860. Quentin Durward, 865. Hull, Edward: Classification of carboniferous rocks of Scot- land, 981. Geological structure of Northern Highlands, 981. Microscopical structure of red quartz-porphyry, 981. Vestiges of extinct glaciers in Highlands, 981. Hume, 756. Hume, A. Who was Macbeth? 133. Hume, Alexander, of Logie: Ane afold admonitioun, 829. Poems, 829. Ane treatise of conscience, 829. Treatise of the felicitie, 829. Hume, Alexander, of Edinburgh. Of the ortho- graphie, 771. Hume, Sir David. Diary, 180. 1144 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Hume, David, of Godscroft: History of house of Douglas, 585. Lusus poetici, 829. Hume, David, philosopher: Concise and genuine account of dispute, etc., 755. Dialogues, 755. Eine Untersuchung, 755. Enquiry concerning human understanding, 755. Essay on miracles, 755. Essays and treatises, 755. Four dissertations, 829. Letters, 755. Life, 755. Original letters, 829. Philosophical works, 755. Political discourses, 829. Private correspondence, 755. Treatise of human nature, 755. Treatise of morals, 755. True account of conduct of Archibald Stewart, 341. Hume, J. B. Joseph Hume, 490. Hume, M. A. S. Love affairs of Mary, 149. Hume, Sir Patrick. The promine, 829. Humorous adventures of Jump- Jim Crow, 903. Humorous poems, 903. Humphreys, H. N. Coinage of Scotland, 728. Humphrys, Alexander. Narrative, 631. Hunnis, William. Seven sobs, 829. Hunt, A. Notice of "offerand stok" of St. Elois* altar, 402. Hunt, G. M. Notes on rarer mosses of Perthshire and Braemar, 1031. Hunt, J. H. L. Wallace and Fawdon, 137. Hunt, James: Influence of peat in destroying human body, 70. Interpretation of some inscriptions, 414. Report on explorations in Unst, 50. Hunter. Address to electors, 341. Hunter, A. Lord and Lady Dundonald's elopement, 472. Hunter, A. A. Pedigree of Hunter of Abbotshill, 599. Hunter, D. G. Notice of ancient fort at Green- ford, 70. Hunter, G. M. Testament of lady Row, 494. Hunter, Henry: Scottish laws for lawless beggars, 638. Scottish poor law reform, 688. Hunter, J. R. Queen Victoria's Highland home, 310. Hunter, J. R. S. See Hunter-Selkirk, J. R. S. Hunter, James. Fala and Soutra, 356, 417. Hunter, James: Notes on early remains on Knaughland, 70. Pit-dwellings at Dilly-Mcenan, etc., 70. Hunter, Joseph. King Edward's spoliations in Scot- land, 137. Hunter, Thomas. Woods, forests of Perthshire, 403, 562. Hunter, William. Biggar and house of Fleming, 311, 562, 590. Hunter-Selkirk, J. R. S.: Ancient coal workings, 668. Craignethan, 318. Geology of Carluke, 981. Geology, etc., of Bankend, etc., 981. Notes on fossil scorpion, Logan Water, 981. The late Robert Slimon, 537. Notes on new fossil scorpion, 981. Old red sandstone of Lanarkshire, 981. Silurian districts of Leadhills, 981. Silurian rocks of Logan Water, 981. Three months* tent life amongst Silurian hills, 981. Hunting of Chevy-Chase, 903. Hurd, Richard. Remarks on Hume's Essay, 756. Hurd, William, and others. New and universal history, 214. Hurrah for the bonnets of blue, 903. Husband, M. F. A. Dictionary of characters in Waverley novels, 871. Hutcheson, Alexander : Additional note on earthenware jars, 292. Ancient sundials, 1045. Archaeology of Tentsmuir, 1045. Antiquarian discovery at Crieff, 99. Discovery of ogam inscription at Fordoun, 99, 919. Letter of Burns, 795. Municipal relic of old Stirling, 418. Notes of discovery of flooring tiles, etc., at Coupar- Angus, 99. Notes on earth-house at Barnhill, 1045. Notes on stone circle near Kenmore, 70. Notice of antique gold finger-ring, 99. Notice of bell, etc., of Kettins, 381. Notice of burial place at Barnhill, 70. Notice of burial place, West Mains, 70. Notice of cairn of bronze age at Greenhill, 70. Notice of cairns and cists at Battle Law, 70. Notice of a charm-stone, 739. Notice of cinerary urn at Gauldry, 70. Notice of cist, etc., at Craigie, 70. Notice of earth-house at Barnhill, 70. Notice of earthenware jars in walls, 325. Notice of fragments of sculptured crosses at St. Andrews, 99. Notice of jug found at Forfar, 99. Notice of mural monument, Tearing, 421. Notice of sculptured stones at Church of Teal- ing, 99. Notice of stone coffins at Auchterhouse, 70. Notice of stone coffins at Pitkerro, 70. Notice of stone discovered at Murtly, 99. Notice of urns at Mill of Marcus, 70. Notice of Wallace stones, 99. Occurrence of cup-marked stones in earth-houses, 1045. Hutcheson, T. St. Clairs and their castle, 627. Hutchinson, H. G. Royal and ancient game, 688. Hutchinson, Jonathan. Fish-eating and leprosy, 398. Hutchison, Robert : Economic condition of English agricultural la- bourer, 688. Notes on effects of late frost, 1031. Notice of stone cists near the "Catstane," 70-71. Old and remarkable ash trees, 1032. Old and remarkable beeches, 1032. Old and remarkable elm trees, 1032. Old and remarkable horse chestnut trees, 1032. Old and remarkable lime trees, 1032. Old and remarkable oaks, 1032. Old and remarkable Spanish chestnuts, 1032. Old and remarkable sycamores, 1032. Old and remarkable walnut trees, 1032. On abies albertiana, 1032. On the varieties of poplar, etc., 1032. Picea grandis as a timber tree, 1032. Pinus insignis and its value, 1032. Report of dietaries, 688. The Tay bridge gale (1879), 1032. Hutchison, T. : Kingdom of Fife, 357. Traditional birthplace of Michael Scot, 533. Hutchinsone, James. Sermon on witchcraft, 739. Hutton, G. C: Case for disestablishment, 294. Disestablishment and disendowment, 292. Scotch disestablishment vote, 295. Hutton, James. Royal house of Stewart, 629. INDEX Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Edin- burgh, 341. Hutton, R. H.: Sir Walter Scott, 871. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Huxley, Leonard. Lewis Campbell, 456. Huxley, T. H. : Description of anthracosaurus russelli, 981. Hume, 756, 757. Hume, sa vie, 757. On new labyrinthodonts, 982. On stagonolepis robertsoni, 982. On stalk-eyed crustacean, Paisley, 982. Huyshe, Wentworth. Dervorgilla, Lady of Gal- loway, 420, 468. Hyatt, A. H. Charm of Edinburgh, 829. Hyslop, John, and R. Hyslop. Langholm, 356, 386. I., A. E. Church union, 284. . I., K. P. About Edinburgh, 341. I., T. Funeral of Dr. Chalmers, 460. Ian. Highland anecdotes, 381. Iconoclast. Scottish art and artists, 714. Identity of Irish and Highland fictions, 914. Ides of March, 829. Idle, Christopher. Hints on shooting, etc., 941. Illustrated book of Scottish songs, 829. Illustrated guide to shootings, 941. Illustration of principles of bill, 195. Illustrations to Abbotsford edition, 871. Illustrations to novels and tales, 871, 872. Im Thurm, Sir E. F. Martin's Western Islands, 375. Imlah, John. Poems and songs, 829. Impartial account of some transactions in Scot- land, 175. Imperfections of Scottish reform act, 688. Imrie, John. The Scot, 123. Imrie, Ninian : Description of strata, Kincardineshire, 982. Geological account of Stirlingshire, 982. Some remarks upon conglomerate rock of Gram- pian Mountains, 982. In the heart of the Coolins, 416. In memoriam. Alexander Somerville, 1066. In memoriam: Andrew Lang, 498. In memoriam — David Robertson, 530. In memoriam — Professor Thomas King, 495. In memoriam. R. L. Stevenson, 886. In memoriam — Robert Turner, 546. In memoriam. Sir J. Y. Simpson, 535. In what respect is the Church of Scotland changed? 268. Inchaffray Abbey: Charters, bulls, etc., 376. Liber Insule Missarum, 376. Indenture of a horse race, 688. Indictment against Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie, 655. Informatie (1639), 166. Information for laird of Edzell, 605. Ingilby, Arthur. Oronsay, 400. Inglis, A. W.: "Auld lang syne," 1071. Bothwell, Lord Holyroodhouse, 598. Inglis, H. R. G. : Ancient bridges in Scotland, 1045. Contour road of Scotland, 207. Inglis, John: Examination of Dugald Stewart's pamphlet, 501. Memory of the righteous, 474. Reply to Professor Playfair's letter, 501. Vindication of ecclesiastical establishments, 245. of the brothers 384. 638. 301, 123. 1145 Inglis, Mrs. Richmond. Anna and Edgar, 829 Inglis William Brief history of the old church of Scotland, 215. Ingram, John. Biographical sketch Bethune, 445. Ingram, M. E. Key of Knapdale, Innes, A. T. : Bloody Mackenzie, 508. Chapters of reminiscence, 1063. Church of Scotland crisis, 268, 291. Church and state, 215. Creed crisis, 297. Creed question in Scotland, 295. Law of Scotland on bequests, 688. Open teaching, 702. Question of disestablishment, 295. Scotch law of establishment, 292. Ten years of contemporary church history, 215. Innes, Cosmo: Concerning some Scotch surnames, 559. Few notices of manners, 325. Lectures on Scottish legal antiquities, 123, Memoir of Dean Ramsay, 528. Memoir of Thomas Thomson, 545. Note of original matrix of seal of Aberdeen, 556. Notes on mss. in English libraries, Notes of old Scottish tenures, 638. Notice of Black Book of Breadalbane, 578. Notice of crozier of St. Moluach, 99. Notice of tomb on hill of Roseisle, 71. Scotland in the middle ages, 123. Suggestions of objects of archaeological interest, 71. Innes, J. J. M. Life of General Sir James Browne, 449. Inness, James. The Commissioners of Assembly, etc., 294. Innes, Thomas : Civil and ecclesiastical history, 123, 223, 1051. Critical essay, 133. Papers, 191. Innes, William. Token of regard, 418. Innocence, L', de la Princesse, Madame Marie, 149. Inquirer. Bruce-Logan controversy, 785. Inquirer. Renfrewshire election, 405. Inquisitio facta apud Keandrochit de privilegiis re- liquiae Sancti Fillani, 476. Inquisitionum ad capellam domini regis retorna- tarum, 562. Inscriptiones antique, 89. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scot- land. Transactions, 10. Instrument der regeering, 173. Instrument van regeringe, 173. Insulanus, Theophilus. Treatises on second sight, 739. Insularum Orcadum et Schetlandiae descriptio, 398, 414. Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. Trans- actions, 10. Insurance Society of Edinburgh. Transactions, 10. Intellectual characteristics of Burns, 795. Intentie, De, 166. Interesting history of Robert Burns, 795, 903. Interesting stories, 903. International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art at Turin, 714. Inventary of papers of family of Kinmnmond, 603. Inventary of writes of family of Fullarton, 592. Inventories of buikis in the Colleges of Sanctan- drois, 3. Inventories of ecclesiastical records of north-eastern Scotland, 215. . Inventory of charters relating to Blackfriars, Aber- deen, 301. 1146 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Inventory of goods abstracted from Darnaway Castle, 321. Inventory of writes of family of Urquhart, 633. Inverness. Commisariot record, 562. Inverness in the olden time, 377, 378. Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. Trans- actions, 10, 378. Inverness-shire. Report on public accounts, 378. Investigator. Fanaticism in the north, 279. Investigator. Letters commenting upon Theodore Hook's memoir, 1059. Iona, 379. Iona, Argyllshire, 379. Iona Club: Collectanea de rebus Albanicis, 10, 111. Transactions, 10. Ireland, W. H. Effusions from Chatelar, 150. Ireland, W. W. : Notes on Scottish De Quencys, 583. Supplementary notes on De Quencys, 583. Visit to Eileach-an-Naoimh, 355. Irish assassin, The, 903. Iron shroud, The, 903. Irons, J\ C. : Architectural antiquities of Leith, 1056. Mary, queen of Scots, 150. Irvine, A. Inquiry into discipline of the Church of Scotland, 239. Irvine, Sir Alexander. Protestation of, 227. ■Irvine, C. J. George Gilfillan, 480. Irvine, J. T. : Notes of burial places in Yell, 71. Notes on cairns on Sands of Bracon, 71. On the brough of Clickimin, 71. Irvine, James. Notices of Robert Riddell, 529, 553. Irvine, Patrick. Considerations concerning adminis- tration of justice, 638. Irvine, William. Henry Scott Riddell, 529. Irvine. Muniments of burgh, 380. Irving, David: Catalogue of law books, 3. History of Scotish poetry, 765. Life of Alexander Arbuthnot, 440. Life of John Barbour, 443. Life of John Bellenden, 445. Life of Burns, 795. Life of Gavin Douglas, 469. Life of William Dunbar, 471. Life of Robert Fergusson, 476. Life of Alexander Geddes, 480. Life of Henry the Minstrel, 488. Life of Robert Henryson, 488. Life of King James the First, 491. Life of King James VI, 492. Life of Thomas Lermont, 473. Life of Sir David Lindsay, 502. Life of Sir Richard Maitland, 512. Life of Alexander Montgomery, 518. Life of Allan Ramsay, 528. Life of Alexander Ross, 531. Life of Alexander Scot, 533. Life of- Andrew Winton, 553. List of publications relating to Buchanan, 786. Lives of the Scotish poets, 436, 765. Memoirs of life of George Buchanan, 452. Memorial of Anne Margaret Anderson, 440. Irving, Edward. Tale of the time of the martyrs, 830. Irving, G. V. : Ancient camps of Upper Ward, 71. Geography of the wars, 133. Notes of examination of "Devil's Dyke," 71. Irving, George: Irvings of Hoddom, 600. Parish of Luce, 375. Irving, J. B. The Irvings, 600. Irving, Joseph : Book of Dumbartonshire, 323. Book of Scotsmen, 436. Drowned women of Wigton, 228. History of Dumbartonshire, 323, 567. Origin and influence of burghs, 123. Origin and progress of burghs, 123. Story of ten years' progress, 232. West of Scotland in history, 562, 1047. Irving, R. F. Rollo, Lord Rollo, 623. Irving, Washington: Abbotsford and Newstead, 298, 396, 872. A royal poet, 491. Thomas Campbell, 802. Irwin, M. H. Women's industries, 668. Is there just reason for seceding? 268. Island of the Saints, 355. Isle of May Priory. Records, 380. Isles. Commissariot record, 562. Islesman: Crofter migration, 688. The crofters, 688. Government and the crofters, 688. Ivanhoe, 859. Ivanov, Ivan : Mariya Styuart, 150. Robert Burns, 795. J., K.: Burns' relics, 795. Scottish tradesmen's tokens, 728. J., P. A Scottish journie, 166. J., W. Works of Arthur Johnston, 831. J., W. A. John Mowat, 520. Jack, John. Account of St. Monance, 411. Jack, R. L. Notes on till or boulder clay of river Endrick, 982. Jack, T. C. Waverley handbook, 341. Jack, William: Burns's common-place book, 795. James Shaw, 535. Memoir of Dr. Robert Grant, 485. Scotch universities bill, 702. Jacks, William. Burns in other tongues, S95. Jackson, James : Account of parish of Penicuik, 402. Essays on agricultural subjects, 668. Jacobite minstrelsy, 830. Jacobites, The, 186. Jacobs, Joseph: Andrew Lang, 1063. Original of Scott's Rowena, 872. R. L. Stevenson, 886. Jaffray, Alexander. Diary, 491. Jaffray, Robert. Essay on the reasons, etc., 238. Jaggard, William. Dunbar pedigree, 587. Jakobsen, Jakob: Nordiske Minder, 771. Det norr0ne Sprog, 771. Shetland og Shetlasnderne, 414. Shetland und die Shetlander, 414. James I., King of Scotland: Kingis quair, 830. Poetical remains, 492, 830. Works, 830. James V., King of Scotland: Excerpta, 492. Kingis lettres, 579. INDEX 1147 James VI., King of Scotland: Award, 411. Counterblaste to tobacco, 830. Dutie of a king, 830. Essayes of a premise, 830. The heads of a conference, 160. Letters by, 161. Library of, 492. New poems, 830. Workes, S30. James II., King of Great Britain. Proclamation, 228. James Francis Edward Stewart, prince of Wales. Traduction de la response, 186. James, Henry: Letters of R. L. Stevenson, 886. R. L. Stevenson, SS6. Recollections of Carlyle, 807. James, T. L. Summer tour, 206. James Beattie, 445. James Boswell: a study, 44S. James Clerk Maxwell, 514. James Ferguson the astronomer, 476. James Hannay, 487. James Hogg, 489. James Hope Scott, 490. James King, lord Eythin, 475. James Macfarlan, 506. James McKechnie, 508. James Stuart, charged with murder, 659. James Watt, 548. Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Memoirs of female sovereigns, 150. Jameson, R. Memorial for John Dickson, 668. Jameson, Robert: Catalogue of animals, 941. Geognostical description of neighbourhood of Edinburgh, 982, 1020. Geognosy of East Lothian, 982. Notes on geognosy of the Crif-Fell, etc., 982. On black graphite of Borrodale, etc., 982. On geognosy of the Lothians, 982. On red-sandstone formation, 982. On rocks of Sandside, Caithness, 982. On the topaz of Scotland, 982. Outline of mineralogy of Pentland Hills, 982. Jameson, William. Copy, letters, etc., 639. Jamie with his trousers on, 903. Jamieson, G. A. Ancient tenure of land, 668. Jamieson, Hugh. Sentiments and conduct suited to Seceders, 241. Jamieson, John (1759-1838) : Account of remains of antiquity in Forfarshire, 71. Account of terms skull or skoll, 771. Eternity, 830. Etymological dictionary, 771. Etymological dictionary. Supplement, 771. Etymological dictionary. New edition, 771. Historical account of Culdees, 223. Life of Slezer, 537. On ancient sepulture, 71. On the vitrified forts of Scotland, 71. Remarks on antiquity of Scottish coins, 728. Remarks on Dr. Murray's Observations, 771. Select views, 200. Socinianism unmasked, 236. Jamieson, John. Bell the cat, 123. Jamieson, Robert. Popular ballads, 830. Jamieson, T. F. : Glacial period in Aberdeenshire, 982. On crag shells of Aberdeenshire, 982. On drift and rolled gravel of north of Scotland, 982. On history of late geological changes, 982. On ice-worn rocks of Scotland, 982. On last stage of the glacial period, 982. Jamieson, T. F. — continued: On occurrence of crag strata, Aberdeenshire, 982 On an outlier of lias in Aberdeenshire, 982. On parallel roads of Glen Roy, 982. On pleistocene deposits of Aberdeenshire, 983 Raised beaches of Geological Survey, 983. Red clay of Aberdeenshire, 983. Some remains of stone period in Buchan dis- trict, 71. Structure of south-west Highlands, 983. Supplementary remarks on Glen Roy, 983. Jamieson, T. H. Notice of life of Alexander Bar- clay, 443. Jamieson's dictionary, 771. Jansson, Jan. Atlantis majoris, 1020. Janvier, C. A. Fiona Macleod, 535. Japp, A. H. : Dr. John Wilson, of Bombay, 552. Duncan Matheson, 514. James D. Forbes, 477. James Y. Simpson, 535. R. L. Stevenson, 886. Robert Chambers, 462. Scottish border, 312. Sir Donald Macleod, 510. Jaques. Fatherless bairns, 831. Jardine, George. University of Glasgow, 702. Jardine, Henry. Extracts from report, 450. Jardine, Sir William-: Life of Alexander Wilson, 1067. Memoir of Alexander Wilson, 551. Jarvis, A. W. Doom of the Erskines, 613. Jeans, Thomas. Tommiebeg shootings, 941. Jebb, Samuel. De vita et rebus gestis. . .Marise, 150. Jedburgh worthies, 380. Jeffrey, Alexander. History and antiquities of Rox- burghshire, 407. Jeffrey, Francis, Lord Jeffrey: Contributions, 831. Inaugural addresses, 831. Parting address, 831. Letter, 493. Jeffreys, J. G. Notice of raised beaches, 983. Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth, 903. Jenkins, J. S. Mary of Scotland, 150. Jenner, Charles. See under Howie, Charles, and Charles Jenner. Jenner, Henry. Sobieski Stuarts, 629. Jenny Geddes' stool, 480. Jentsch, Karl. Adam Smith, 538, 760. Jerdan, William: David Roberts, 530. The earl of Aberdeen, 439. Four epochs in life of Scott, 872. James Hogg, 489. John Gait, 479. Sir James Clark Ross, 531. Sir John Malcolm, 512. Thomas Campbell, 802. Jerningham, Sir H. E. H. Affray at Norham Castle, 141. Jerram, C. S. Some causes, etc., 914. Jervise, Andrew: Account of discovery of cemetery of Hospital of St. John, 306. Account of excavations at Hurley Hawkin, 71. Account of excavations at West Grange of Conon, 71. Account of urns at Westwood, 71. Antiquities of Cullen, 319. Epitaphs and inscriptions, 304, 310, 355, 358, 562, 1067. History and tradition of land of Lindsays, 305, 306, 382, 392. 1148 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Jervise, Andrew — continued: Memorials of Angus and Mearns, 306, 320, 406. Note on eirde-house at Culsh, 71. Notes regarding peculiarities of districts in For- farshire, 358. Notice of antiquities in parish of Airlie, 99. Notice regarding church of Fowlis, 359. Notice of cists near Arbroath, 71. Notice of eirde-house at Migvie, 71. Notice of Pict's house at Murroes, 71. Notice regarding Pict's house at Tealing, 71. Notice of ruins at Edzell Castle, 354. Notice of stone coffin near Pitkennedy, 71. Notices of castle of Earlshall, 327. Notices of inscriptions on old castles, etc., 99. Notices respecting Castle of Craig, 308, 318. Notices of St. Palladius' chapel, 357. Notices of sculptured stone monuments in For- farshire, 358. Poetical maxims, Culross, 319. Remarks on round tower, Brechin, 313. Jesse, J. H. : Advance of the Pretender, 186. Memoirs of the Pretenders, 186. Jesses, A. Shell-bearing clay of Kintyre, 983. Jessop, Alexander. Poetry of R. L. Stevenson, 886. Jeudwine, J. W. Growth of Scotland, 123. Jeune, Mary. A Highland seer, 739. Jewitt, Llewellyn: Sculptured stone with ogham inscription, Bressay, 99, 919. Wingfield manor, 150. Jim Crow, 903. Jiriczek, O. L. Jerome Stone's Ballade, 925. Joanna Baillie's plays, 111. Joass, J. M. : Brochs of Cinn-Trolla, etc., 50, 71. Note on cup-marked stones in Sutherlandshire, 72. Note on the curach and ammir, 99. Note of kists found at Eddertoun, 72. Notes of antiquities in Ross, etc., 72. Notes on northern antiquities, 72. Notes of objects in Strathnaver, 72. Notes on Sutherland gold-field, 983. Notice of cist in Eddartoun, 72. Notice of cists, etc., at Torran Dubh, 72. Notice of necklace, etc., found at Torrish, 72. Two days' diggings in Sutherland, 72. Joass, James. Dunrobin, 327. Jobson, Jeremiah. Historical narrative, 195. Jocelin. Vita Kentigerni, 495. John Anderson my Jo, 903. John Falkirk's carriches, 903. John Gait, 479. John Gibson Lockhart, 503. John Greenshields, 485. John Home, 489. John Inglis, justice-general, 491. John Knox, 496. John Knox number, 496. John Leyden, 502. John Lindsay Crawfurd, 582. John O'Hagan on Carlyle, 807. John Pinkerton, 526. John Riddell, 529. John Sterling, 540. John Stuart Blackie, 446. Johnson, C. N. : Doctrinal subscription, 297. Notice of crosses found at St. Ninian's Cave, 99. Johnson, Charles. Life of Sawney Cunningham, 466. Johnson, Clifton: Crofters of Skye, 688. The land of heather, 208. Johnson, Francis. Assassinations of Rizzio and Darn- ley, 467, 529. Johnson, James. Scotish musical museum, 722. Johnson, M. L. George Eliot and George Combe 464. Johnson, S. C. History of emigration, 688. Johnson, Samuel. Journey, 194. Johnson, W. E. Queer laws of Glasgow, 639. Johnston, A. W. : Canisby charms, 739. Dwarfie Stone, 398. Fetlar folk in 1716, 356, 414. Four Shetland airs, 722. Notes on the Earl's bii, 398. Orkney and Shetland visitations, 563. Ragna-rok and Orkney, 398. Romans in Orkney, 398, 414. Round church of Orphir, 398. Sands of Swanbister, 625. Survey of Orkneyan place-names, 426. Sword dance, 739. Johnston, Alexander. Short Memoir of James Young, of Aberdeen, 1068. Johnston, Sir Archibald: Diary, 493. Fragment of diary, 493. Johnston, Arthur. Epigrammata, etc., 831. Johnston, C. E. Genealogical record of descendants of Peter Johnston, 601. Johnston, David. Notice of burial place at Quarff, 72. Johnston, G. H. Scottish heraldry, 556. Johnston, G. P.: Darien bibliography, 178. First edition of Hume, 558. Note to a paper, 765. Notice of volume of Scots Acts, 1068. Notices of collection of mss., 914. Johnston, George: Address, 941. Descriptive catalogue of insecta, etc., 941. Johnston, Sir H. H. Livingstone, 503. Johnston, Henry. Glasgow foundry boys, 367. Johnston, J. A. Scottish Temperance League, 688. Johnston, J. A. See under Bennie, James, and J. A. Johnston. Johnston, J. A., and John Lindsay. Ancient lake- deposit, 983. Johnston, J. B. Place names of Scotland, 426. Johnston, J. F. W. On discovery of vanadium, 983. Johnston, J. R. Origin of Johnston family, 601. Johnston, James, of Straiton. Statement, 320, 326, 377, 405, 418. Johnston, John (1570?-1611). Testament, 493. Johnston, John. English and Scotch jury system, 639. Johnston, R. M. St. Columba, 464. Johnston, R. S., and D. M. M. Crichton. Report of debate, 261. Johnston, Robert (1567?-1639). Historie of Scot- land, 160. Johnston, Robert. Letter to clergy, 237. Johnston, T. B. Story of "coffin-plate" of Bruce, 450. Johnston, T. B., and J. A. Robertson: Historical geography of clans, 430. Historical geography of clans. 3. ed., 430. Johnston, T. N.: Bathymetrical survey of lochs, 1020. Bathymetrical survey of Loch Ness, 1020. See also under Collet, L. W., and T. N. Johnston. Johnston, T. P. Patrick Hamilton, 831. Johnston, William. Letter to Sir James Gibson Craig, 341. INDEX 1149 Johnston, William: Bibliography of Arthur Johnston, 493, 831. Note on variations in Douglas's peerage, 558. Johnston's travelling road map of Scotland, 1020. Johnstone, C. J. : Clan-Albin, 831. Dominie's tale, 831. Nighean Ceard, 831. Johnstone, Miss C. L. Historical families of Dum- friesshire, 567. Johnstone, J. F. K: Concise bibliography of history of Aberdeen, 301, 1052. Family of Malcolm, 612. Local bibliography, 304, 310, 382. Marginalia, 445. Johnstone, J. J. H. Manuscripts of, 312. Johnstone, J. T. : Flora of Moffat district (1890, 1891), 1032. Limestone nodules in glacial deposits, Moffat, 983. Recent additions to flora of Moffat district, 1032. Report on botany of Moffat district, 1032. Johnstone, James. Account of life of late profes- sor Gregory, 485. Johnstone, James: Antiquitates Celto-Normannicae, 133. Antiquitates Celto-Scandicas, 133. Norwegian account, 133. Johnstone, James Johnstone, Chevalier. Memoirs of the Rebellion, 186. Johnstone, John : Sketch, etc., on draining, 668. Sketch, etc., on embankments, 668. Johnstone, T. B. "Nemo me impune lacessit," 123. Joint-Committee on Union. Deliverances, 287. Joline, A. H. A famous reviewer, 493. Jolly, Alexander. A friendly address, 242. Jolly, James. Story of West Port church, 341. Jolly, William: The bard of Benderloch, 455. Cup-marked stones in neighbourhood of Inver- ness, 72. Dugald Buchanan, 914. Geology of Loch Maree, 983. Geology of Sutherness, 983. Glaciers of Glen Spean, etc., 983. Group of picturesque Scotch puritans, 1059, 1064. Joint excursion of Geological Societies, 983. My Highland baptism, 914. Notes on transportation of rocks, 983. Notice of ancient graves at Dalmore, 50, 72. Notice of bronze weapons found near Poolewe, 72. On evidences of glacial action in Galloway, 983. Parallel roads of Lochaber, 983. St. Columba's Loch, 100. , Succession of rocks in north-west Highlands, 983. Jolly, William, and J. M. Cameron. On an appar- ently new mineral, 983. Jonas, A. C. : Extracts from session records Muirkirk, 394. Fenwick parish records, 356. Loudoun family, 606. Some notes from records of Kilmaurs, 382. Jones, Griffith. Scottish judgment and the Free Churches, 297. Jones, T. R.: Description of new species of estheria, 983. Note on foraminifera of Hebrides, 983. Notes on Silurian entomostraca, 983. On some estheriae and estheriae-like shells, 983. On some palaeozoic ostracoda, Girvan, 984. Jones, T. R., and J. W. Kirkby. On entomostraca of carboniferous rocks, 984. Jones, T. R., and others. On carbonia, etc., 984. Jones & Co.: Jones' views, 198. Views of seats, etc., 714. Jordan, Dora. Blue bells of Scotland, 722, 723. Joseph, Martin. Psychologie H Home's, 828. Joseph Hume, 490. Joseph Robertson for celebrating irregular marriages, 656. Journal of bore at side of river Ore, 984. Journal of the Scots, African and Indian fleet, 178. Journal of a soldier, 174. Journals and memoirs of Young Pretender's expedi- tion, 186. Journey to Scotland by a German traveller, 197. Journeyman Mason. Public buildings, 342. Joyce, P. W. Lia fail, 123. Jubilee memorial. Record of dinner to Rev. D. Crawford, 465. Judd, J. W.: Ancient chapels in Mull, 394. Composite dykes in Arran, 984. Earliest geological maps of Scotland, 984. Gabbros, dolerites, etc., of tertiary age, 984. Inclusions of tertiary granite, Cuillin Hills, 984. Propylites of Western Isles, 984. Secondary rocks of Scotland, 984. Structure and age of Arthur's Seat, 984. Tertiary and older peridotites, 984. Tertiary volcanoes of Western Isles, 984. Judd, J. W., and G. A. J. Cole. On basalt glass of Western Islands, 984. Jukes-Browne, A. J., and John Milne. Cretaceous fossils found at Moreseat, 984. Juridical review, 10. Juridical Society of Edinburgh: Law cases, 10. Laws, 11. Jurisdiction of Church over universities and col- leges, 702. Jurisdiction of English courts, 639. Jurisdiction in Scottish peerages, 563. Jusserand, J. A. A. J.: Journey to Scotland, 140. Le roman d'un roi d'£cosse, 492. Just and modest vindication, 178. K K.: The beautiful garden, 274. The Covenanter's daughter, 274. The Englishman, 274. The railway, 274. K., C. Some seasonable and modest thoughts, 178. K., N. Letter to Sir John Sinclair, 702. K., T. Barry in eighteenth century, 310. K., W. R.: Mutilated monuments at Bourtrie, 313. Old gravestones at Peterhead, 404. Karnes, Henry Home, lord. Essays, 123. Karutz, R. Eine schottische Rachepuppe, 740. Kastner, L. E. : Drummond of Hawthornden, 816. Italian and French sources of Drummond, 816. Scottish sonneteers, 765. Katscher, Leopold. Carnegie, 458. Kaufmann, M. Adam Smith, 538. Kay, John. Series of original portraits, 342, 714. Kay, Thomas. Iona and Staffa, 379, 417. Kaye, J. W.: Life of General Sir John Malcolm, 512. Mountstuart Elphinstone, 473. Sir Alexander Burnes, 452. Sir John Malcolm, 512. 1150 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Kaye, Laurence. Anecdote, etc., 740. Kearsley's complete peerage, 563. Kearton, R. Strange life of St. Kilda, 410. Keddie, Henrietta. Garden of Women, 765. Keddie, Henrietta, and J. L. Watson: Jean Adam, 439. Lady Grisell Baillie, 441. Joanna Baillie, 442. Lady Anne Barnard, 444. Mrs. Cockburn, 463. Miss Jean Elliot, 473. Caroline, baroness Nairne, 521, 846. Songstresses of Scotland, 436, 765. ^ Keddie, William: Biographical notice of John Scouler, 534. Notice of botanical trip to Ben Lawers, etc., 1032. Vitrified fort in Cumbrae, 72. Keddie, William: Highland route, no. Ill, 204. Highland tour, 204, 984. Keightley, Thomas. Fairy mythology, 740. Keith, Alexander. View of diocese of Aberdeen, 303. Keith, Alexander. Account of expences of Earl Marischal, 513. Keith, Arthur. Anthropological study of portraits, 795. Keith, Duncan: History of Scotland, 133, 223. St. Columba, 464. St. Patrick, 525. Keith, Sir R. M. Memoirs, 494. Keith, Robert, bishop : Historical catalogue of Scottish bishops, 215, 223, 342. History of affairs of church and state, 158, 215. Keith, Theodora: Economic causes for the Scottish union, 180. Economic condition of Scotland, 668. Influence of Convention of Royal Burghs, 123. Scottish trade with plantations, 668. Trading privileges of royal burghs, 668. Kellner, Leon: Ein Jahr in England, 206. R. L. Stevenson, 886. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Kellogg, S. H. Dr. Wilson of Bombay, 552. Kelly, William. Midmar Castle, 393. Kelsall St. Kilda fund, 1057. Kelso Abbey. Liber S. Marie de Calchou, 380. Keltie, J. S. History of the Scottish Highlands, 430. Kemble, J. M. : Additional observations, 408. Anglo-Saxon runes, 408. Kemeys-Tynte, St. David M. Baronetcy of Cooper of Gogar, 581. Kemp, D. W. : Early history of iron industry, 668. Old teachers of Aberdeenshire, 702. Old teachers of Shetland, 702. Kendall, P. F., and E. B. Bailey. Glaciation of East Lothian, 984. Kenilworth: a melo-drama, 860. Kennedy, Alexander. Notice of ancient ship at Stranraer, 72. Kennedy, Anne. Letters from St. Kilda, 410. Kennedy, C. J., and Charles Leckie. Report of public discussion, 256. Kennedy, David. Handbook of Scottish song, 723. Kennedy, Francis. Letters from, 342. Kennedy, Grace: Dunallan, 831. Father Clement, 831. II Padre Clemente, 831. El Padre Clemente, 831. Works, 831. Kennedy, H. A. Professor Blackie, 446. Kennedy, J. The "Apostle of the North," 506. Kennedy, J. P. Passages in life of William Thom, 544. Kennedy, J. W. Scottish borderers at Marston Moor, 167. Kennedy, James: Andrew Carnegie, 458. Scottish and American poems, 831. Kennedy, James. Gleanings from burgh records, 342. Kennedy, John: Constitution of the Church of Scotland, 293. The distinctive principles, 292. The establishment principle, 294. Great anti-union meeting, 287. Unionism and union, 287. Hyper-evangelism, 291, 758. Letter to members of the Free Church, 293. Recent secession from Established Church, 268. Kennedy, John: Duncan Ban Macintyre, 507. MacCodrum ms., 914. Marbhran Uisdean a Bhaile-shear, 925. Memoir of Dr. Cameron, 454. Poems from Maclagan mss., 925. Robert Mackay, 508. Some unpublished Gaelic ballads, 925. Kennedy, Lady Margaret. Letters, 495. Kennedy, N. J. D. Lord M'Laren, 509. Kennedy, Quentin. Ane oratioune, 224. Kennedy, W. N. Remarks on "The Catrail," 72. Kennedy, Walter. Poems, 831. Keppel, Frederick. D. Y. Cameron, 454. Keppie, John. Late James Sellars, 1065. Ker, John : Day in Upper Ward of Clydesdale, 317. Early history of Glasgow, 367. The Erskines, 473, 474. John Knox, 496. Reminiscences of Rev. Thomas Guthrie, 486. Rev. W. B. Robertson, 531. Scottish nationality, 832. Ker, John. Some thoughts, 283. Ker, W. L. The Papingo, 100. Ker, W. P.: Ballad of Sweet William's ghost, 765. On Danish ballads, 765. Kermack, W. R.: Geographical factor in Scottish independence, 123. The making of Scotland, 133. Kernot, W. C. The Tay bridge, 668. Kerr, A. H. Ker, lord Jedburgh, 601. Kerr, A. W. Scottish banking, 668. Kerr, Andrew: Ancient tile paving in Linlithgow palace, 389. Collegiate church of Rosslyn, 406. Ecclesiastical remains on St. Serf's island, 390. Glencorse, 371. Rosslyn Castle, 406. See also under Anderson, R. R., and Andrew Kerr. Kerr, Cathel: Cat blar glas, 740. Fishermen and superstition, 740. Notice of chambered cairn in Farr, 72. Kerr, Charles. Juvenile performances, 832. Kerr, H. F. : Church, etc., of Haddington, 1055. Elgin cathedral, 1054. Inverkeithing, 1055. Kerr, J. G.: Note on pelagic fauna, 941. Remarks upon zoological collection, 941. INDEX 1151 Kerr, J. L. Cast-iron swing-bridge for Peterhead, 668. Kerr, John. Lessons from a shoemaker's stool, 702. Kerr, Margaret. A lowland tale, 832. Kerr, R. M.: Notices of families of Kerr, etc., 616. Notices of families of Kerr and Monfode, 602. Kerr, R. N. Notice of cist on farm of Mag- dalen's, 72. Kerr, Robert: Agriculture of Berwick, 668. History of Scotland, 139. Sketch, etc., on management of arable land, 668. Memoirs of William Smellie, 537. Kerr, Walter: Agate specimens from Monzie, 984. Amoeboid agates of Monzie, 984. Preliminary list of minerals in Perthshire, 984. Rocks and minerals of Crieff district, 984. Kervyn de Lettenhove, J. M. B. C. Marie Stuart, 150. Kettle, R. M. The wild Gilroys, 832. Key to the Account, &c, 173. Key of the door, 68S. Key not unnecessary, A. 241. Kidson, Frank. Scottish music, 723. Kidston, Robert: Additional notes on carboniferous lycopods, 985. Carboniferous lycopods and sphenophylls, 985. Fossil plants of carboniferous rocks, Canonbie, 985. Notes on fossil trees, Whiteinch, 985. Notes on fossil plants from Lanarkshire, 985. On affinities of genus pothocites, 985. On Cryptoxylon forfarense, 985. On fossil plants of Kilmarnock, etc., 985. On fructification of coal-measure ferns, 985. On new species of schutzia, 985. On new specimen of dineuron, etc., 985. On occurrence of arthrostigma gracile, 985. On some new fossil lycopods, 985. On some new species of fossil plants, 985. On species of genus palse-oxyris, 985. Report on fossil plants, 985. Kidston, Robert, and D. T. Gwynne-Vaughan. Car- boniferous flora of Berwickshire, 985. Kidston, William. Captious and ensnaring question, 287. Kilbarchan. Index to register of marriages, 563. Kilgour, W. T.: Ben Nevis Observatory, 1020. Lochaber in war and peace, 1056. Kilmarnock : Abstract of accounts, 381. Names of paupers in the town, 381. Sanitary Department. Annual Report, 381. Kilmarnock barony charter, 381. Kinahan, G. H.: Terraces of great American lakes, etc., 985. Valley of Loch Lomond, 985. Kincardineshire. Table of fees, 382, 383. Kinch, Edward. Food of Scotch hill sheep, 668. Kindly Scot. Wallace and Bruce, 832. King, Adam. Poemata, 832. King, Andrew: A plea for union, 289. See also under Gibson, James, and Andrew King. King, David: The contemplated union (1863), 281. Examination of the equity, etc., 243. Review of proceedings in relation to Auchterarder case, 254. Two lectures in reply to Dr. Chalmers, 254. King, J. F. X.: List of Clyde copeognatha, 941. Notes on neuroptera of Argyllshire, 941. Notes on neuroptera of Rothiemurchus, 942 Notes on neuroptera from Coll, 942. King, L. A. L., and E. S. Russell. Method for study of animal ecology, 942. King, Mark: Notes on flora of shores of Forth, 1032. Veronicas in neighbourhood of Edinburgh, 1032 King, Thomas, and D. A. Boyd: List of fungi, etc., at Kilmahew, etc., 1032. Report on disappearance of native plants, 1032 King, W. R. : Note on Scottish bronze javelin, 72. Note on stone relics found in Aberdeenshire, 72. Notes on querns, 72. King James I. as an author, 492. King of Scotland's negociations at Rome, 169. King's daughter, The, 903. King's muster, The, 903. King's Scotch song book, 832. Kinghorn, George. Notes on stone axes, etc., at Modesty, Shetland, 73. Kingsburgh, Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, lord. Incon- gruity, 714. Kingsford, William. Sir Daniel Wilson, 552. Kingsley, Charles: Burns and his school, 795. George Buchanan, 452. Kinipple, W. R. Greenock harbour, 669. Kinloch, G. R. Ancient Scottish ballads, 832. Kinloch, M. G. J.: Mediaeval Scottish pilgrimages, 123. Scottish coronations, 123. Kinloch, Margaret. Saint Ninian, 523. Kinloss Abbey. Records, 383. Kinnaird, Charles Kinnaird, baron. Letter to peers of Scotland, 123. Kinnaird (9. baron), G. W. Fox. Profitable in- vestment of capital, 669. Kinnear, G. H. History of Glenbervie, 371, 796. Kinnear, George. History of rise of exchange com- panies, 669. Kinnear, John. Protection to landlords, 669. Kinnear, Thomas, and others. Reasons of protest, 234. Kinnear, W. T. : Fossils of Gilmerton limestone, 986. Homacanthus borealis, Traq., 985. Note on homosteus milleri, 985. Note on new carboniferous crustacean, Ardross Castle, 985. Occurrence of scorpion remains in carboniferous rocks of Fife, 985. Kinnear, W. T., and William Anderson. Carbon- iferous Crustacea from Ardross Castle, 985. Kinross, John. Antiquities of Falkland, 356. Kinross-shire. Abstract of accounts, 383. Kipka, Karl. Maria Stuart in Drama, 150. Kippis, Andrew. Life of Sir James Steuart Den- ham, 468. Kirk, Robert. Secret commonwealth, 740. Kirk, Robert. Notice of stations for rare plants near Edinburgh, 1032. Kirk controversy, 261. "Kirk" in danger 1 268. Kirkby, J. W.: Note on ostracoda, 986. On lower carboniferous strata, Crail, 986. On carboniferous limestone fossils near Largo, 986. On occurrence of marine fossils, Fife, 986. See also under Jones, T. R., and J. W. Kirkby; Young, John, and J. W. Kirkby. 1152 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Kirkcudbright : Abstract of accounts, 384. Commissariot record, 563. Minute book, 166. Kirkcudbrightshire. [Documents,] 384. Kirkman, F. B. Gannets on the Bass, 942. Kirkpatrick, John. Die drei-hundertjahrige Feier, 702. Kirkton, James. Secret and true history of Church of Scotland, 215. Kirkwood, Anderson: On law of teinds, 639. Scottish church question, 268. The union question, 284. Kirkwood, James. Proposals to found public libraries, 765. Kirsch, Anton. Treibende Faktoren, 186. Kistler, M. S. John Knox's services, 702. Klein, J. L. Altschottische Epiker, 766. Klose, C. L. Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart, 186. Khige, Johannes. Henry Mackenzie, 839. Knapton, P. Mrs. Macdonald, 723. Knauff, Gustav. Studien ueber Sir David Lyndsay, 836. Kneeland, Samuel. American in Iceland, 398, 414. Knight, Charles. Thomas Carlyle, 807. Knight, G. A. F.: Day with the dredge, 942. Molluscan visit to Hebrides, 942. Notes on natural history, etc., of Duror, 942, 986, 1045. Visit to Outer Hebrides, 942. Knight, James. Training of teachers in Scotland, 702. Knight, William: Hume, 757. Lord Monboddo, 517. Memorials .of Thomas Davidson, 467. Scottish Universities Commission, 702. Scottish University reform, 702. Some nineteenth century Scotsmen, 436. Knight of Elle, 903. Knipe, I. A. Geological map of Scotland, 1020. Knockreggan property, The, 832. Knollys, Henry. Life of General Hope Grant, 485. Knollys, Sir William. Papers relating to Mary, 150. Knott, C. G. Daniel John Cunningham, 1061. Knowles, G. P. Genealogy of the Coultharts, 578, 581, 593, 609, 610, 624. Knox, 496. Knox, A. E. Autumns on the Spey, 417, 942. Knox, I. C. Burns festival, 796. Knox, John: Ane breif commendatiovn, 832. First blast of the trumpet, 215, 1051. History of reformation of religion, 215. Select practical writings, 215, 832. Works, 215, 216, 832. Writings, 833. Knox, John (1720-1790). Observations on north- ern fisheries, 669. Knox, John: Tour through Highlands, 195, 374. View of the British empire, 195. Knox, John. Crumbs from Land of Cakes, 202. Knox, John, younger. The first blast, etc., 245. Knox, Robert. Fish and fishing, 942. Knox, William: Mortality, 833. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? 833. Koch, W. E. Notes on Mull, 986. Koehler, Reinhold : Anmerkungen, 740. Ueber J. F. Campbell's Sammlung, 740. Koeppel, Emil. Fragmente von Barbour's Trojaner- krieg, 778. Kohl, J. G. Scotland, 201. Kolkwitz, Max. Das Satzgefiige in Barber's Bruce, 778, 826. Koren, Charlotte. De to Dronninger, 150. Kotzeluch, L. A. Bonnie Doon, 723. Kraeger, H. Carlyle's Stellung, 807. Krapp, G. P. Andreas and St. Andrew, 766. Krauske, Otto. Macaulay und Carlyle, 808. Krummacher, M. : Notizen, 808. Sprache und Stil, 808. Kuechler, Frohwalt. Carlyle und Schiller, 807. Kurioikouphilos. Vox populi, 242. Kyd, Thomas. Old Dundee, 325. Kyle, J. J. J. Ancient iron-smelting furnace at Lochgoilhead, 669. Kyle, W. G. Spring morning in Galloway, 360. Kyle's Scottish lyric gems, 723, 833. Kynaston, Herbert : Notes on contact metamorphism, 986. On some tuffs of Lome, 986. See also under Hill, J. B., and H. Kynaston. Kynloch, David. De hominis procreatione, 833. L. Some account of Billy Marshall, 514. L. William Motherwell, 520. L. Youth of Mary Stuart, 150. L., E. Ancient Scottish superstitions, 740. L., T. D. The Eglinton tournament, 354. L., W. Notice of breeding of woodcocks, 942. L.-A., J. H.: Edgar of Auchingrammont, 588. Edgar and Lauder, 588. Labouchere, Henry. Report on affairs of Edin- burgh, 342, 386. Labours of the loom, 1069. Lacy, M. R. The Maid of Judah, 859. Lacy, T. H. Heart of Mid-Lothian, 858. Lady Glenorchy and her chapel, 342. Lady of the lake, 861. Lady Warriston, 547. Laick, W. Answer to the Scotch Presbyterian elo- quence, 228, 229. Laideus, Duncan. Testament, 498. Laidlaw, Walter. Sculptured and inscribed stones in Jedburgh, 100. Laidley, J. W. Notice of ancient structure near Seacliff, 73. Laing, Alexander: Lindores Abbey, 389, 395. Notice of early monuments, Strowan, 100. Notice of eirde house at Pirnie, 73. Present condition of Lindores abbey, 389. Laing, Benjamin. What ought, etc., 276. Laing, David: Account of the psalter of A. D. 1566, 723. Adam Wallace, 547. Additional notices of Sir Peter Young, 553. Anniversary address, 342. Ben Jonson in Edinburgh, 342. Biographical notices of Henry Balnaves, 443. Brief account of Hawthornden manuscripts, 816. Calendar of Laing charters, 3. Catalogue of graduates, 563. Catalogue of library of, 1042. Contract between Edinburgh and John Meikle, 342. Declaration against national covenants, 1052. Decreit of spulzie, 414. INDEX 1153 Laing, David — continued: Episode in life of Mrs. Rachel Erskine, 484. Forrester monuments, 318. Historical description of Altar-piece, 342, 714. Historical description of Altar-piece. Supplemen- tary notice, 342, 714. Historical notices of family of King James, 625. Historical notices of provostry of Kirkheugh, 409. Incident at era of Reformation, 216. Inquiries respecting some historical writers, 123. Introductory notices of Alexander Garden, 479. John Rough, 531. Memoir of Dr. Irving, 491. Memoir of Sir David Lindsay, 502. Mrs. Erskine, Lady Grange, 484. Norman Lesley, 502. Note on protocol books, 563. Note respecting Royal Exchange, 342. Notes relating to interment of James III., 492. Notice of death of Robert Blackader, 445. Notice of monument of William Carstares, 459. Notice of monument of regent earl of Murray, 519. Notice of original Privy seal document, 141. Notice respecting monument of regent earl of Murray, 342. Notice of small figure cut in ivory, 100. Notice of two original documents, 216. Notice of two Roman sculptured heads, 342. Notices of funeral of James, second earl of Mur- ray, 521. Notices of John Black, 446. Notices regarding metrical versions of psalms, 216, 1071. Ode to the Cuckoo, 766, 785. On state of Abbey church of Holyrood, 342. On the title of Sir, 556. On tumult in Edinburgh, 342. Original letter to the laird of Wishaw, 439. Outlines of life of John Knox, 496. Patrick Hamilton, 487. Petition from inhabitants of South Leith, 386. Present state of ruins of Iona, 379. Proposals for cleaning, etc., of Edinburgh, 342. Remarks on character of Mary of Gueldres, 514. Remarks on portraits of Wallace, 547. Rough list of books from library of, 1042. Some account of Lieut.-Col. William Mercer, 515. Suggestions for national exhibition of Scottish portraits, 714. Suggestions for removal of St. Margaret's well, 342. Supposed "Missing School of Design," 714. Walter Myln, 521. Laing, Henry : Bookstamp of Archbishop Hamilton, 487, 556. Descriptive catalogue of seals, 556. Catalogue of seals. Supplemental catalogue, 556. Remarks on carved ceiling, 342. Sculptured monument in Aberbrothoc Abbey, 307. Laing, J. M. Notes on history of Kemnay, 380, 740. Laing, Malcolm: Dissertation on Ossian's poems, 914. Historical and critical dissertation, 914. Dissertation on participation of Mary, ( History of Scotland, 123, 124. Laing, Samuel: On age of brochs, 73. Prehistoric remains of Caithness, 1043, Laing*s popular and romance poetry, 877. Laingaeus, Jacobus. De vita, 497. Laird of Cockpen, 766. Laird of Cool's ghost, 903, 904. Laird of Lag's elegy, 904. Laird of Logan, The, 833. Laird of Mistymuir. West country lays, 833. 150. 1045. Laird of Redgauntlet, 485. Lalavihari De. Recollections, 470. Lamartine, A. M. L. de Prat de: Life of Mary Stuart, 150. Mary Stuart, 150. Lamb, A. C. Bibliography of Dundee periodical literature, 325, 1042. Lamb, David. Notes on rural life, etc., 688. Lamb, F. J. Studies in theology, 757. Lamb, George. Cup-marked stone found near Edin- burgh, 73, 342. Lamentatioun of lady Scotland, 833. Lamond, Henry. The gentle art, 942. Lamond, R. P.: Scottish poor laws (1870), 688. Scottish poor laws: their history,, 688. Lamond, Robert. Ecclesiastical persecution, 216. Lamont, Angus. Some unpublished Gaelic songs. 925. Lamont, David. Subscription of the Confession of Faith, 236. Lamont, John. Diary, 169. Lamont, Norman. Family of Lamont, 603. Lamont, William. The Lamont tartan, 430, 603. Lamplugh, Thomas. Sermon, 186. Lanark : Commissariot record, 563. Extracts from records, 385. Lanark and GoVan Lunacy Districts. Report, 385. Lanarkshire. [Documents,] 385. Lanarkshire antiquities, 73. Lancaster, William. Visit to Skye, 416. Lancefield, Alfred. Drainage of Edinburgh, 343, 669. Lancelot of the Lake, 833, 834. Land of Burns, 796. Land in the Highlands, 669. Land of Scott, 298, 411. Land tenure in Scotland, 688. Land transfer reform in Scotland, 688. Landale, David. Description of coal-field under Firth of Forth, 986. Landale, J. J.: On derangements of Scotch coal-field, 986. Stratigraphical position of Torbanehill gas-coal, 986. Landells, James. Agriculture, 669. Landels, William: Edward Irving, 491. The Haldanes, 486. Scottish Covenanters, 216. Landor, W. S. : David Hume, 757. William Wallace and King Edward I., 137. Landsborough, David: Additional note on trichomanes radicans, 1033. Arran, 834. Australian and New Zealand trees m Arran, 1033. Australian and other trees in Arran, 1033. A Campbeltown palm-lily, 1033. Extra-tropical trees of Arran, 1033. Growth of half-hardy plants, 1033. The jay, etc., 942. Notes on growth of some Australian plants in Arran, 1033. Notice of sculptured cross at Lamlash, 100. Pyrus aria in Arran, 1033. Report of half-hardy plants of Arran, 1033. A west of Scotland garden, 1033. Landscape illustrations of Waverley novels, 872. Lang, Andrew: Adventures among books, 834. Ballades and verses vain, 834. Ballads and lyrics, 834. Books and bookmen, 834. 1154 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Lang, Andrew — continued: Border history, 124. Burns and Scottish song, 796; Cardinal and the King's will, 143. Case of Alan Breck, 658. The Casket letters, 150. Celtic renascence, 914. Creelful of Celtic stories, 914. Celtic Scotland, 137. The Clyde mystery: a study, 73. The companions of Pickle, 187. Conspiracy as a fine art, 163. Disentanglers, 834. Disputed passage in Knox's History, 143. Does ridicule kill? 834. Dumbuck and Dumbuie, 73. Edinboro old town, 343. English and Scotch fairy tales, 740. Essays in little, 834. A gentleman of Scotland, 469. The Gowrie conspiracy, 163, 556. Helen of Troy, 834. Historical mysteries. III. Case of Allan Breck, 187. Historical mysteries, VIII. Gowrie conspiracy, 163. History of Scotland, 124. How they held the Bass, 834. How to fail in literature, 834. Household of Mary, queen of Scots, 150. In the wrong paradise, 834. James VI. and the Gowrie Mystery, 163. John Knox and the Reformation, 158. Ker of Kersland, 495. Knox as historian, 833. Late Jacobite tracts, 187. Letter from William Stewart, 159. Letters of Cardinal Beaton, 142. Letters to dead authors, 834. Letters on literature, 834. Life and letters of J. G. Lockhart, 503. Lost leaders, 834. Mark of Cain, 834. Mr. Stevenson's works, 887. Monk of Fife, 834. Murray of Broughton, 187, 521. My "History" vindicated, 124. Mystery of Auld Maitland, 766. Mystery of the Kirks, 216. The mystery of Mary Stuart, 150. The mystery of "the Queen's Marie," 150. New light on life of Mary, 151. New reading of the Gowrie mystery, 163. Nicht, nought, nothing, 740. Old friends, 834. Old Scottish psychical researcher, 536. Pickle the spy, 187. Poems of Scott, 872. Portraits and jewels of Mary Stuart, 151. Prince Charles Edward, 187. Queen's Marie, 151, 766. Queen Mary in art, 151. Rab's friend, 784. Rashin coatie, 740. Recollections of R. L. Stevenson, 886. Rhymes a la mode, 834. St. Andrews, 409. Salmon fishing, 942. Scotch rivers, 942. Scotland and Goldwin Smith, 206. A Scottish romanticist, 542. Scott, 872. Short history, 124. Sir George Mackenzie, 508. Sir Walter Scott, 872. Lang, Andrew — continued: Sir Walter Scott and Border minstrelsy, 766, 872. Smollet, 539. Sources of some ballads, 766. XXXII ballades, 834. Truth about the Cardinal's murder, 158. The Tweed, 423. Tweedside sketch, 423. Who shot Glenure? 658. A wild career, 548. Lang, Andrew, and John Lang. Highways and by- ways, 207. Lang, Mrs. Andrew. Social records of a Scotch family, 618. Lang syne sketches, 834. Langbaine, Gerard. Review of the Covenant, 226. Lange, Albrecht. Lyndesay's Monarche, 836. Lange, P. Chaucer's Einfluss, 816. Langford, J. A. James Montgomery, 518. Lanier, H. W. Many-sided Andrew Carnegie, 458. Lansdale, M. H. Scotland, 207. Lapworth, Charles: The Moffat series, 986. Notes on graptolites of Habbie's Howe, 986. On lower Silurian rocks, Galashiels, 986. On Silurian rocks of south of Scotland, 986. Recent discoveries among Silurians, 986. Larkin, Henry. Carlyle, 808. Larminie, William. Carlyle and Shelley, 808, Larue, J. L. Das Pronomen in Douglas, 816. Laskey, Capt. Notice in regard to marine shells, 986. Laskey, James. Account of testacea, 942. Last, The, campaign of Montrose, 169, 518. Last days of Burns, 796. Last of Flemings of Barochan, 590. Last resting place of St. Andrew, 124. Last speech of Robert Lyon, 505. Last of the Stuarts, 542. Late D. M. Moir, 517. Late Dr. Chalmers, 460. Late Dr. Cramond's publications, 465. Late education bill, 702. Late expedition in Scotland, 157. Late John Blackwood, 446. Late Lord Jeffrey, 493. Late proceedings and votes of the parliament of Scotland, 180. Late professor Rankine, 528. Later Scotch song-writers, 766. Latham, R. G. Combat between Conlach and Cuchullin, 925. Latimer, Prof. Duns Scotus, 1071. Latto, W. D. Song sermons, 834. Lauder, Sir T. D.: Account of late earthquake, 986. Account of travelled stone near Castle Stuart, 986. Description of ancient silver bracelet, 100. Description of bronze relic found at Findhorn, 73. Fountainhall chalybeate spring, 1021. Further account of aluminous spring, 1020. Highland legends, 740, 834. Highland rambles, 834. Memorial of the royal progress, 201. Parallel roads of Lochaber, 986. Scottish rivers, 1021. Story of Farquharson of Inverey, 834. Tales of the Highlands, 740, 835. Wolfe of Badenoch, 835. Lauder, William (1520?-1573). Extant poetical works, 835. Lauder, William, d. 1771. Essay on Milton's use of the moderns, 835. INDEX 1155 Lauder. Commissariot record, 563. Lauderdale (1. duke), John Maitland. Thirty-four letters, 171. Lauderdale (2. earl), John Maitland. Charge against the earl of Middleton, 171. Lauderdale papers, 166. Laughable budget of wit, 904. Laurence, John. Robert Burns, 796. Laurenson, Arthur: Certain beliefs of Shetland fishermen, 740. Om Sproget paa Shetlandsoerne, 771. Laurie, A. P. Scottish universities, 702. Laurie, John. Tourist's companion, 420. Laurie, Malcolm : On a Silurian Scorpion, 986. On some eurypterid remains, 986. Laurie, S. S. : Classified abridgment, etc., 702. Study of education, 702. Laurie's new map of Scotland, 1021. Lavden, sive Lothien, 391. Laveleye, £mile de. Scotch and other townships, 688. Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de. Essai sur l'economie rurale, 669. Lavery, John. On portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots, 1048. La Ville de Mirmont, H. de. George Buchanan, 452. Law Alice. Burnwork and Brunanburh, 311. Law, George: Earl's Ferry, 327. The Marches, 312. The Queen's ferry, 405. The "superiority" of Leith, 1056. Law, J. C. Leaves from my portfolio, 835. Law, John: Money and trade considered, 669. Considerations sur le commerce, 669. Gedanken, 669. Proposals for council of trade, 669. Law, Robert. Memorialls, 165. Law, T. G.: Archangel Leslie, 500. Bibliography of John Major, 3, 512. Father William Crichton, 466. John Hamilton and the "Scottis Bible," 766. John Major, 512. Legend of Archangel Leslie, 501. Lislebourg and Petit Leith, 343, 386. Mary Stewart, 151. Note on writings attributed to Father Tyrie, 546. Law, William. Humble address to the clergy, 268. Lawlor, H. C. History of family of Cairnes, 576. Lawlor, H. J. Library of Sinclairs of Rosslyn, 406. Lawrence, Eugene: David Hume, 757. Gilbert Burnet, 453. James Macpherson, 511. Tobias Smollet, 539. William Robertson, 530. Lawrence, P. M. R. L. Stevenson, 886. Lawrence, S. Province and duty of civil magistrate, 285. Lawrence, W. Notes on "Moss of Auchmaleddie," 321. Lawrie, Sir A. C. : Abbey of Inchaffray, 376. Annals of reigns of Malcolm and William, 134. Early Scottish charters, 1048. Lawrie, W. A. Memoir of James Burnes, 452. Lawson, Alexander. Notes of urns in Creich, Fifeshire, 73. Lawson, George. Considerations on overture, 237. Lawson, George. Notice of plants in vicinity of Stirling, 1033. Lawson, J. P.: Episcopal church of Scotland, 216 History of Scottish Episcopal Church, 216 Scotland delineated, 202. Scottish Episcopal church and Sir William Dun- oar, Zoo< Lawson, James. Liddesdale, 835. Lawson, John. Letter to Sir Walter Scott, 100 Lawson, Malcolm. Songs of the North, 723. Lawson, R. Ballads and songs of Carrick, 835. Lawson, Richard. Testament, 499. Lay membership in church synods considered, 279. Layman: Letter to non-intrusion clergy, 268. Remarks on Scottish Church question, 276. Union and principles of the Free Church, 283. Lea, J. H. Genealogical research, 563. Leabhar aideachaidh, 925. Leabhar nan Gleann, 925. Leach, H. G. Ballad of the Two sisters, 766. Leader, J. D.: Remains of Sheffield manor, 151. Sheffield Castle and Mary, 151. Learmonth, John. Correspondence, 343. Leary, T. H. L. Scott as a poet, 872. Leask, J. T. S.t An Orcadian battle, 398. Orkney dialect, 771. Tammy Hay, 740. Leask, W. K.: Dr. Thomas M'Lauchlan, 509. James Boswell, 448. Relic of Scotland's national hero, 137. Le Bouvier, Gilles. Armoiral de France, 556. Leckie, Charles: Exposure of Dr. Ritchie's notice of the author, 252. Letter to voluntaries, 254. Reviewer reviewed, 251. Voluntaryism weighed, 251. See also under Kennedy, C. J., and Charles Leckie. Leckie, Mrs. Dream of the western shepherd, 835. Lecky, W. E. H. Carlyle's message, 808. Le Clerc, Jean. Life of Dr. Burnet, 453. Lecture on modern Rome, 904. Lectures on church establishment controversy, 249. Lee, John: Additional memorial on printing and importing Bibles, 216. Additional refutation, 252. Evidence, 251, 702. Letter to Lord Melville, 702. Letter to lord provost relating to annuity tax, 343. Letter relating to annuity tax, 669. Memorial for the Bible Societies in Scotland, 216. Refutation of charges, 252. Lee, Robert: Popery of spiritual independence, 272. The querist, 272. The veto church, 272. Lee, S. L. The Admirable Crichton, 465. Lee[ Vernon. Studies, 808. Lee-Warner, Sir William. Life of Marquis of Dal- housie, 467. Lees, George. Scottish university system, 702. Lees, Henry. North British Railway, 669. Lees, Sir J. C: Abbey of Paisley, 401. Bishop Ewing, 475. Highland market, 835. Highland seers, 740. Highland smugglers, 835. History of Inverness, 378. Lees, J. M. Some early recollections, 467, 530. 1156 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Lees, James. In Braes of Balquhidder, 310. Lefevre, G. J. S. Agrarian questions, 688. Lefroy, Sir J. H. Notice of circular chamber at Tapock, 73. Legal right to arms, 556. Le Gallienne, Richard. R. L. Stevenson, 886. Legend of Deer, 919. Legend of vanished waters, 417. Legends of the saints, 835. Legge, F. Witchcraft in Scotland, 740. Leicester-Burroughs, A. Sir William Quiller Orchardson, 714. Leigh, Samuel: Description of Edinburgh, 343. Description of Glasgow, 367. Leigh's new pocket road-book, 200. Leighton, Alexander (1568-1649). Appeal to the parliament, 225. Leighton, Alexander (1800-1874). Mysterious legends of Edinburgh, 835. Leighton, J. E. Kennedy of Kermuck, 601. Leighton, J. M.: History of Fife, 357. Lakes of Scotland, 200. Scenes in Scotland, 199, 436. Select views of the lakes, 199. Leighton, Robert, archbishop. Demission by, 500. Leighton, Robert (1822-1869). Scotch words, 835. Leightonian Library, Dunblane, 324. Leishman, J. F. Henry Ker, 495. Leitch, A. Scottish fly-fisher, 942. Leitch, George. Notice of mahogany pitchpipe, 723. Leith, David. Robert Moffat, 517. Leith, W. F. Scots men-at-arms, 430, 563. Leith. [Documents,] 386, 387. Leith. Tramway Department. Annual report, 669. Leith Committee. Minute of, 669. Leith in mdcccxxvi! 387. Le Labourerer, Jean. Extrait, 151. Leland, C. G. : Jade in Scotland, 986. Skeptics of Waverley novels, 872. Le Moine, Sir J. M. : Edinburg, etc., 343. Les pages sombres, 175. Lengert, O. Schottische Romanze "Roswall and Lillian," 766. Lenity, Of, and severity to the rebels, 187. Lennie, A. B. Geographical description of Suther- land, 420. Lennox garland, A., 835. Lescure, M. F. A. de. Marie Stuart, 151. Leslie, Charles (1650-1722). Gallienus redivivus, 175. Leslie, Charles: Historical records of family of Leslie, 604. Pedigree of Leslie of Balquhain, 604. Leslie, George. Obituary notice of C. Wyville Thomson, 544. Leslie, George, and W. A. Herdman. Invertebrate fauna of Firth of Forth, 942. Leslie, John (1527-1596): De origine moribus Scotorum, 124. De rebus gestis Scotorum, 140, 151. De titulo et jure, 151. Diary, 159. A discourse, 151. Exact account of life, 500. Historie of Scotland, 124. History of Scotland, 124. Treatise concerning the defence, 151. Leslie, William: Agriculture of Nairn and Moray, 669. Glossary of provincial terms, 771. Lessels, John. See under Cousin, David, and John Lessels. Lesson system magazine, 11, 209. Le Sueur, W. D. Carlyle and Comte, 808. Lethaby, W. R. : The Ruthwell cross, 1057. See also under Brown,- G. B., and W. R. Lethaby. Letheule, P. Reseau de tramways de Glasgow, 669. Letter to all friends of religion, etc., 235. Letter to all opposers of repeal of penal laws, 235. Letter from a citizen of Glasgow, 367. Letter to Dr. Candlish in reference to his recent critique, 1052. Letter to Dr. Chalmers on liberum arbitrium, 264. - Letter to Dr. Cook and moderate brethren, 261. Letter to the e — of— (1716), 230. Letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh (1720), 191. Letter from a gentleman in the country (1778), 1052. Letter from gentleman in Edinburgh (1765), 639. Letter from a gentleman in town (1752), 233. Letter giving a description of the Isthmus of Darian, 178. Letter to James Abercromby on ecclesiastical affairs, 246, 343. Letter from King James VI, 556. Letter to the lord provost of Edinburgh on seat rents, 247, 343. Letter to lord provost on the late fires, 343. Letter to lord provost, etc., Edinburgh, 343. Letter to magistrates of Edinburgh, on execution of Johnston, 343. Letter from member of general convention, 195. Letter from a member of Parliament of Scotland, signed Philonax Verax, 178. Letter to members of Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 714. Letter to Messrs: T — s K — r, etc., 234. Letter to a minister in the country, 231. Letter to moderate brethren, 264. Letter to moderator, regarding pluralities, 277. Letter from the nobility (1320), 139. Letter to people of Marnoch, 261. Letter to the real freeholders, 194. Letter to representatives for Scotland, 1050. Letter to Rev. Robert S. Candlish, 261. Letter to Right Hon. Henry, Lord Brougham and Vaux, 278. Letter to Robert Wallace, 639. Letter into Scotland, 161. Letter to Sir Robert Peel on poor law system, 688. Letter of Sir Walter Scott, 872. Letter to the ten pounders, 387. Letter to Thomas Chalmers, 272. Letter to Thomas Chalmers on "co-operation," 274. ' Letter wherein the Scriptural grounds, etc., 231. Letters to the Arygll family, 111. Letters of assedation to Agnes, countess of Both- well, 573. Letters of Carlyle to Varnhagen, 808. Letters of David Hume, 755. Letters to Dr. James Fraser, 835. Letters and documents relating to Robert Erskine, 474. Letters of duchess of Atholl, 441. Letters from Edinburgh, 343. Letters of eminent persons, 757. Letters of F. Volusenus, 547. Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle, 457. Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, 151. Letters and papers illustrating relations between Charles II. and Scotland, 169. Letters and papers relating to Patrick, master of Gray, 485. Letters of Sir Walter Scott, 872. INDEX 1157 Letters to a young Presbyterian divine, 234. Lettre d'un officier, 187. Levy-Bruhl, L. L'orientation, 757. Lewis, A. L. : Stone circles near Aberdeen, 73. Stone circles of Cornwall and Scotland, 73. Stone circles of Scotland, 73. Lewis, A. M. Thomas Carlyle, 808. Lewis, David. Britain's social state, 688. Lewis, F. J.: History of Scottish peat mosses, 986. Plant remains of Scottish peat mosses, 987, 1033. Lewis, F. W. Pedagogics of George Macdonald, 838. Lewis, Sir G. C. On the verb "to tirl," 771. Lewis, George. Observations on agriculture, 669. Lewis, James: Church of Scotland, 268. Church of Scotland obeying the law, 259. Defence of ecclesiastical establishments, 243. Lewis, Samuel. Topographical dictionary of Scot- land, 201, 556. Lewis, T. H. Scottish mason's marks, 714. Lewis Gordon, 904. Leyden, John: Journal of a tour, 196. The Mermaid, 836. Poetical remains, 836. Sonnets, 836. Leys, J. Life at Scottish universities, 702. Leys. Court book of barony, 388. Lhwyd, Edward. Amulets in Scotland, 740. Liberton Kirk-Session. Report on pauperism, 688. Liberty and equality weighed, 196. Library established for Faculty of Procurators. Regulations, 367. Library of Mary, queen of Scots, 124, 151. Liddall, W. J. N.: Analysis of forms of verb in Gaelic, 919. Ancient Scottish manor, 412. Kinross-shire place-names, 426. Notes on place-names of Kinross-shire, 426. Place names of Fife and Kinross, 426. Lieutenant-general Sir Ralph Abercromby, 439. Life and adventures of Ambrose Gwinnet, 905. Life and adventures of Robin Hood, 904. Life and adventures of Sir William Wallace, 904. Life of Alexander Selkirk, 534. Life of Alexander Wilson, 551. Life of Archbishop Tait, 543. Life of Cardinal Beaton, 444. Life of celebrated Dr. Monro, 517. Life of Col. James Gardiner, 480. Life and correspondence of David Hume, 757. Life and death of Captain John Porteous, 527. Life and death of fair Rosamond, 904. Life and death of Judas Iscariot, 904. Life and death of King James V., 141. Life and death of King James V., 480, 492. Life and death of King James the Fifth, 480. Life of Dr. Alexander Murray, 520. Life of Dr. John Leyden, 502. Life of Dr. Robertson, 530. Life of Dr. Tobias Smollet, 539. Life at English and Scottish universities, 702. Life and experience of Col. James Gardiner, 480. Life of Father Gavazzi, 904. Life of George Buchanan, 452. Life of George Cheyne, 462. Life of George Schaw, 904. Life of Gilbert Burnet, 453. Life and history of Mary, queen of Scots, 151, 904. Life of James Crichton, 465. Life of James, duke of Hamilton, 487. Life of James Henderson, 488. Life of James Sharp, Archbishop, 534. Life of James Watt, 548. Life of John Campbell, duke of Argyll, 441 Life of John Dalrymple, 540. Life of John Dalrymple, earl of Stair, 540 Life of John Knox, 497. Life of Louis Kossuth, 904. Life of marquess of Montrose, 518. Life of Mary, queen of Scots, 151. Life and meritorious transactions of John Knox 497, 904. Life and prophecies of Alexander Peden, 526, 904. Life and prophecies of Donald Cargill, 905. Life of Richard Turpin, 904. Life of a Scotch metaphysician, 487. Life in Shetland, 414. Life of Sir David Wilkie, 550. Life of Sir Ewan Cameron, 454. Life of Sir John Moore, 519. Life of Sir Thomas Craig, 464. Life of Sir Walter Scott, 872. Life and surprising adventures of William Wallace, 137. Life and surprising adventures of Sir W. Wallace, 904. Life of Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch, 505. Life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, 904. Life and travels of Mungo Park, 524. Life of William Meston, 515. Life and wonderful prophecies of Donald Cargill, 456. Life and works of Dr. Arbuthnot, 440. Life and writings of John Wilson, 552. Life and writings of Sir Walter Scott, 872. Life and writings of Thomas Chalmers, 460. Lilly, W. S. New light on Carlyle controversy, 808. Lincoln monument, Edinburgh, 343. Lindores Abbey. Chartulary, 389. Lindsay, C. C. Design of Partick bridge, 669. Lindsay, Sir David: Fac-simile of ancient heraldic manuscript, 556. Poetical works, 836. Works, 836. Lindsay, George. Some observations on sermons, 232. Lindsay, John. In memoriam. William Watson, 1066, Lindsay, John: On yews, 1033. Ormiston Hall, etc., 1033. A rare British freshwater alga, 1033. See also under Scott, Thomas, and John Lindsay. Lindsay, John. View of coinage of Scotland, 728. Lindsay, John: The Haining, 1055. Water-flea scare, 942. See also under Johnston, J. A., and John Lind- say; and under Scott, Thomas, and John Lind- say. Lindsay, Robert: Chronicles of Scotland, 125. Historie and cronicles of Scotland, 125. History of Scotland, 125. Lindsay, T. M.: John Knox, 497. Literary relic of Scottish Lollardy, 766. Notes on education, 702. Lindsay, W. A.: Are there two earls of Mar? 613. Dukes, earls and maormars, 563. Earls of Aberdeen, 568. Gordon, earl of Aboyne, 568. Gordon, viscount of Aboyne, 568. . Gordon, viscount Melgum, 568. Lindsay, earl of Balcarres, 571. 1158 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Lindsay, W. A. — continued: Lindsay, earl of Crawford, 582. Lindsay, viscount Garnock, 592. Mar restitution, 613. Scottish nobility, 563. Lindsay, W. L. : Australian gold quartz in Scotland, 987. Fifeshire gold diggings (1852), 987. Gold and gold-fields of Scotland, 987. Lichen-flora of druidical stones, 1033. Museum specimens of native Scottish gold, 987. On gold-fields of Forfarshire, 987. On gold fields of Scotland, 987. Preliminary report on Sutherlandshire gold, 987. Lindsay, William. Leith and its sanitary efforts, 387. Lindsay, William. See under Harper, James, and others. Linen, James: Auld Davie, 836. Lang Moll, 836. Poetical and prose writings, 836. Lines occasioned, etc., 836. Linke, Paul. Hume's Lehre, 757. Linlithgow Palace, 389. Linn, James: List of fossils from Bathgate limestone, 987. Notes on Bathgate sandhills, 987. On some Bathgate fossils, 987. "Peer-men," 100. Linskill, W. T. Unexplored St. Andrews, 1057. Linton, E. F. Scottish utricularias, 1033. Linton, Hercules. Notice of arrowheads, etc., in Culbin Sands, 73. List of books. . .which belonged to Franciscan con- vent in Aberdeen, 3. List of communications to Society of Antiquaries by David Laing, 3, 498. List of creations of lords of parliament, 563. List of examinable persons in Orkney, etc., 398, 414. List of fees and pensions, 172. List of goods plundered in Cromar, 319. List of ministers who adhered to resolutions of Convocation (1842), 264. List of nobility, etc., now in the Scots Parliament, 180. List of northern newspapers current in 1912, 766, 1042. List of patents granted to lord viscounts, 563. List of pieces written by Mr. Alexander Wilson, 905. List of popish parents and their children, 182. List of Scottish officers under Gustavus Adolphus, 563. List of voters for county of Wigtown, 424. List of works respecting Orkney and Shetland, 398, 414. Liston, William. Service of the house of God, 280. Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth. Tran- sactions, 11. Literary character of James I., 492. Literary character of King James I., 492. Literary leprosy, 886. Literary and philosophical societies of Edinburgh, 343. Literary transformation of Scotland, 766. Lithgow, R. A., D.: Saul in Ulster, 525. William Lithgow, 502. Lithgow, William. Scotland's teares, 836. Littell, C. W. Scotland, 202. Little, A. C. Corner of Scott's country, 872. Little, Bryce. Sermon, 318. Little, Mrs. C. M. History of the clan Macfarlane, 608. Little, J. S. Life of William Q. Orchardson, 714. Little, Robert. Remarks, 238. Little, W. C: Inquiry into the expedients, 670. Observations on Hammermen of Edinburgh, 343. Little chat about Mrs. Oliphant, 524. Littlejohn, David. Summary of fiars prices, 670. Littlejohn, Sir H. D. On cleansing operations of Edinburgh, 343, 670. Livingston, Colin : Boulders and ice-action in Lochaber, 987. Cloud effects on Ben Nevis, 1021. Lochaber place names, 426. Parallel roads of Lochaber, 987. Livingston, E. B.: Livingstons of Callendar, 605. Some colonial families, 605. Livingston, Peter : George Gilfillan, 1062. Lecture on Burns, 796. Poems and songs, 836. Poems and songs. With lectures, 836. Livingston, William. Duain agus orain, 926. Livingstone, John : Brief historical relation, 503. Letter from, 503. Letter written by, 503. Letters, 166. Memorable characteristics, 436. Sayings and observations, 836, 837. Substance of a discourse, 503. Livingstone, Matthew. Calendar of charters, 3, 111. Livy. History of Rome, 1072. Lizars, W. H. : Plan of Edinburgh, 343. Lizars' views, 198. Lloyd, Thomas. Affinity of Latin and Gaelic, 919. Local government in Scotland, 205, 688. Loch, James: Account of improvements, 670. Observations upon salmon in Loch Shin, 942. Loch Vennachar, 837. Lochgoin, 490. Lochleven Castle, 390. Lockhart, Ephraim. Statement with reference to Knights, 563. Lockhart, George. Lockhart papers, 111. Lockhart, J. A new exposure, 245. Lockhart, J. G.: Life of Burns, 796. Memoirs of Scott, 872. Peter's letters, 197, 343, 837. Valerius, 837. Lockhart, Lawrence: Address to people of Inchinnan, 269. Facts for the times, 269. Facts not falsehoods, 274. Lockhart, R. M.: Ambassador of the Commonwealth, 503. Mr. Henley and Highland Mary, 796. A notable publisher, 446. Robert the Bruce, 139. Lockhart, Sir S. M. On plantations on Carnwath, 670. Lockhart, W. E. Branxholme, 313. Lockhart, William: Churches consecrated, 223. Notes on early history of Colinton, 317. Notice of a deed (circa A. D. 1226), 343. Notice of a deed of thirteenth century, 343. Notice of agreement between vassal and ecclesias- tic, 343. Notices of Ethelred, 134. Logan, David. Observations, etc., 272. INDEX 1159 Logan, George. Continuation of the modest and humble inquiry, 236. Logan, Rev. George. Publick testimony of above 1600 Christian people, 231. Logan, George: Further notice of herring fishery, 942. Report on marine zoology, 942. Logan, James: Ecclesiastical collections for Aberdeenshire, 304. Manners, etc., of ancient Caledonians, 430. Observations on circles in Scotland, 73. Observations on monumental stones, 73. Scottish Gael, 430. Logan, John: Poems, 837. Poetical works, 837. Runnamede, 837. Logan, W. H. : Pedlar's pack of ballads, 837. The Scottish banker, 670. Logan, William. Letter to English member of Par- liament, 192, 1069. Logie, William. The Church in Orkney, 272. Lomas, Mrs. S. C. Manuscripts of Sir John James Graham, 595. Londonderry (4. marquis), F. W. R. Stewart: Deer-stalking, 942. Pleasure party in Highlands, 942. Londoner but no Cockney, King's visit to Edin- burgh, 344. Loney, J. W. M. Notice of graves near North Esk, 73. Long, R. J. Notes on the tufted duck, 942. Long pack, The, 905. Longfellow, H. W. Robert Burns, 796. Longstaffe, W. H. D. Connection of Scotland, 125. Lonsdale, Henry. Life of Robert Knox, 498. Loose, Fritz. Kailyard school, 766. Lord, I. E. Best editions of R. L. Stevenson, 886. Lord, W. F. Sir Thomas Maitland, 512. Lord Advocate of Scotland, and Cospatrick Alex- ander Home, etc., 644. Lord Archibald Hamilton against Duncan Steven- son, 658. Lord Balfour and Scotch education, 702. Lord Cochrane, 463. Lord Crawford and house of Mar, 613. Lord Dundonald's memoirs, 472. Lord Fingal's delight, 837. Lord Francis Jeffrey, 493. Lord Jeffrey's contributions, 831. Lord Keith, 494. Lord Lovat, 504. Lord Macaulay and Dundee, 483. Lord Melville, 515. Lord Minto, 516. Lord Rutherfurd, 532. Lord Southesk's Highland cattle, 943. Lord Viscount Keith, 494. Lorimer, E. S. Songs of Alban, 837. Lorimer, George: Notes on "Ane Informatione," 344. Scottish Church militant, 216. Lorimer, J. G. : Church establishments defended, 243. Historical sketch of Protestant church of France, 216. On the doctrine held by Protestant churches, 249. Poor man's church defended, 249. Righteous man, 460. A second defence of church establishments, 245. Statistics of Scottish moderateism, 261. Lorimer, James. How to provide for higher instruc- tion, 703. Lorimer, Louise. Love story of Drummond of ' Hawthornden, 1061. Lorimer, R. S. Scotch gardens, 715. Lost laird, The, 837. Lothian, James. Banks of the Forth, 357. Lothian, Maurice: Address, 287. Expediency of secure provision for ministers, 247. Louden, David: History of Morham, 394. Morham, birthplace of John Knox, 497. Lounger, 11, 837. Lounsbury, T. R. Scotticisms, 772. Lovat (16. baron), S. J. Fraser, and A Stirling. Afforestation in Scotland, 1033. Lovat (11. baron), Simon Fraserr Letters from, 187, 504. Trial of, 187, 652. Lovat history from Rose's mss., 623. Lovat-Fraser, J. A. : Famous lord advocate, 515. Henry Erskine, 474. Impeachment of lord Melville, 515. John Stuart, earl of Bute, 453. Lord chancellor Erskine, 474. Old Scottish aristocracy, 563. Scottish administration, 182. Trial of Lord Lovat, 652. Wolf in Scotland, 943. Love, Robert. Notices of cairn on Cuffhill, 73. Love songs of Scotland, 837. Lover, Samuel. Rival rhymes, 796. Lovie, Alexander. Reclamation of waste land, Towie, 670. Law, Alexander: Notices of localities, 393. See also under Bryce, T. H., and A. Low. Low, David. Observations on landed property, 670, 1069. Low, George. Tour through Orkney and Schet- land, 398, 414. Low, J. G., and William Low. Bibliography of Montrose periodical literature, 393, 1042. Low, Sidney. Poet of South Africa, 527. Low, W. F. Ancient plates of church of Kilmar- nock, 381. Low, W. H. Chronicle of friendships, 886. Lowe, Charles. R. L. Stevenson, 886. Lowe, George. Notice of cemetery at Kirkpark, 73. Lowe, John. Mary's dream, 723. Lowe, John. Notice of hepaticae near Aberfeldy, 1033. Lowe, W. H. Occurrence of achatina acicula, 943. Lowell, F. C. Free Church of Scotland case, 297. Lowell, J. R. Carlyle, 808. Lower, M. A. Patronymica Britannica, 559. Lowering the level of Loch Moy, 1021. Lowland tartans, 430. Lowrie, William. The whole question of ecclesias- tical establishments stated, 245. Lowson, Alexander. Seal of Forfar, 358. Lowson, William. Notes of cists and urns at Mag- dalen Bridge, 74. Lucan, Samuel: James Boswell, 448. James Watt, 548. Lord Cockburn's memorials, 463. Lucia di Lammermoor, 856. Lucius: Letter to John Hope, 447. Letter to Rev. Andrew Thomson, 240, 344. Luckock, H. M. Church in Scotland, 216. 1160 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Lugton, Thomas: Claythorn House, 367. Old Ludgings of Glasgow, 367. Saracen's Head Inn, 367. Lumsden, H. W. : James VI., 515. Memorials of Lumsdaine, 606. Scots at Leffingen, 162. Lumsden, James: Mammals of Loch Lomond, 943. Note on hoopoe in Arran, 943. Occurrence of American bittern in Islay, 943. Occurrence of rough-legged buzzard, 943. Occurrence in Islay of Iceland falcon, 943. Ornithological jottings, 943. Sketch paper on birds of Loch Lomond, 943. Lumsden, Matthew. Genealogie of Forbes, 591, 1067. Lumsden & Sons guide to Loch Lomond, etc., 199, 385, 390, 422. Luna, F. de, and V. de Lalama. Lucia de Lammer- moor, 856. Lunacy and pauperism in Scotland, 688. Lunam, George. Some additions to fresh-water algae, 1072. Lundie, Mrs. Memoir of Mrs. Duncan, 471. Lyall, J. W. With rod and gun, 943. Lyall, W. Strictures on idea of power, 751. Lyell, A. H. Bibliographical list, 715. Lyell, Sir Charles: Life, letters, and journals, 504. On a dyke of serpentine, 987. On recent formation of fresh-water limestone, 987. Lyell, John. Natural history of mycetozoa, 943. Lyell, Thomas. Brief account of prosecution, 504. Lyell, W. D. Real Weir of Hermiston, 449. Lyman, Alice, Reading list on Scotland, 3. Lyman, Theodore. Letters from Edinburgh, 344. Lyngby, K. J. Om Sproget pi Hjaltlandsoerne, 772. Lynn, afterwards Linton, Eliza. Witches of Scot- land, 740. Lynn, Francis. Notes of cists at Longcroft, 74. Lyon, C. J. History of St. Andrews, 409. Lyon, Francis. A survey of the Catrail, 74. Lyon, George. Summary of law of Scotland, 639. Lyon, George : Discovery of fossil tree. Craigleith quarry, 987. Geology of Edinburgh, 987. Notes on poterioceras pyriforme, 987. Notes on trap-dykes of Edinburgh, 987. Notice of specimen of lepidodendron, 987. On a mass of contorted sandstone, 987. On a new species of rhizodus, 987. Sketch of geology of Scotland, 987. Lyon, W. F. Notes on priory of Pittenweem, 404. Lyon in Mourning, 187. Lyons, A. W.: Further notes, 715. Painted ceiling in Montgomery aisle, 386, 715. Tempera-painting, 715. M M., A. Historical notices of superstitions of Tiviot- dale, 740. M., A., Philopatris. Scotiae indiculum, 1049. M., A. M.: Mackintoshes in Glenshee, 609. Macpherson genealogies, 612. Stone circle at Alford, 1045. M., D. S. Scottish painters, 715. M., E. Dr. John Brown, 449. M., E. C. Scottish Gaelic Academy, 919. M., F. Remarks on Scott's Sir Tristrem, 891. M., G. L. Faculty of Advocates, 639. M., J. Account of vitrified fort on Finhaven, 74. M., J.: Barrogill Castle, 1052. Murder of Bailie Calder, 454. M„ J. R. L. Stevenson, 886. M., J. F. Banffshire Macwilliams, 612. M., L. L. How the Scottish schools, etc., 703. M., R. T. Free education, 703. M., W. Natural history of Scotchmen, 125. M., W. Stevenson and Hogg, 489, 886. Mabie, H. W.: Andrew Carnegie, 458. Banks o'Doon, 796. Land of Scott, 872. M'C, J. Tribute to Dr. Chalmers, 460. Macadam, J. H. Baxter books of St. Andrews, 409. M'Adam, James. Biographical sketch of Captain Macmurdo, 510. Macadam, Stevenson: Animal life in Water of Leith, 943. Broch of Torwoodlee, 1045. Chemical composition of sewage of Edinburgh, 344, 670. Macadam, W. I.: Analysis of white deposit from peat, 988. Chemical composition of ensilage, 1033. Chemical composition of limestone rocks from Ballimore, 988. Chemical composition of rocks from Salisbury Crags, 988. Chemical composition of ozokerite from Kinghorn- ness, 988. A day's ramble in northern Arran, 987, 1033. Exhibition of specimens of red-deer horns, 943. Fifty years' work of Edinburgh Geological Society, 987. Further notice of Tigh-na-criche shell-bed, 987. Minerals of Gairloch, 988. Note, etc., of new mineral from Cathkin quarry, 988. Notes on analysis of bog-butter, 100. Notes on ancient iron industry of Scotland, 100. Notes on structures in Seil and Luing, 74. Notice of fossiliferous bed in Arran, 988. Notice of veins of specular iron ore, Strachur, 988. Notice, with analysis, of church tokens, 100. On the use of spindle and whorl, 100. Preliminary notice of clay shell-bed, Loch Fynne, 988. Results of analyses of diatomaceous deposits, etc., 988. Results of chemical investigation of "bog-butters," 100. McAldowie, A. M. Personal experiences of witch- craft, 740. M'Alpine, Neil. Pronouncing Gaelic dictionary, 919, Macandrew, Sir H. C. : Ancient Celtic tenures, 670. The Picts, 50. M'Andrew, James : Additional notes on flora of Wigtownshire, 1033. Botanical notes for 1895, 1033. Botanical notes from Galloway, 1033, 1034. Botanical notes from Portpatrick, 1034. Botanical notes from Wigtownshire, etc., 1034. Botanical rarities of a sub-alpine parish, 1034. A few riccias from the Pentlands, 1034. Two rare plants, 1034. McAndrew, Katherine. Scott and the historical novel, 872. M'Arthur, John. On monoliths, etc., of Arran, 74. Macarthur, Margaret. History of Scotland, 125. INDEX 1161 McAulay, Allan: First Battalion of Black Watch, 430. General Sir David Baird, 442. General Sir George Murray, 521. Macaulay, G. C. James Thomson, 545. Macaulay, George. Free Church principles, 287. Macaulay, Kenneth. History of St. Kilda, 410. Macbain, Alexander : Badenoch, 309, 430. Baker of Beauly, 740. Book of Deer, 919. Chiefship of clan Chattan, 579. The Culdees, 223. Early Highland personal names, 559. Etymological dictionary, 919. Further Gaelic words, 919. Gaelic dialect of Badenoch, 919. Gaelic incantations, 740. Highland superstitions, 741. Heroic and Ossianic poetry, 914. Mr. Skene versus Dr. Skene, 430. Norse element in topography, 426. Old Gaelic system of. personal names, 559. The Pictish problem, 50. The Picts, 50. Place-names of Badenoch, 426. Place-names of Inverness-shire, 426. Ptolemy's geography of Scotland, 426, 1021. Study of Highland personal names, 559. Urquhart and Glenmoriston place names, 426. Who were the Feinn? 914. Who were the Picts? 50. M'Bain, J. M.: Bibliography of Arbroath periodical literature, 306, 766, 1042. Effigy found in Arbroath, 306. M'Bain, James: Description of Pict's house in Harris, 74. Notice of nacula decussata, 943. Notice of remains in Pict's house, Harris, 74. Notice of two fossils, Arthur's Seat, 988. Remarks on so-called raised sea-beach, Leith, 988. Macbean, Lachlan : Ancient Fife, 426. Celtic element in Scottish songs, 766, 915. Highlander in modern fiction, 766. Mission of the Celt, 915. Notes on history of Gael, 430. Songs of the Gael, 926. M'Bean, Robert. History of Holy rood, 344. Macbeath, J. M. Introductory essay, 766. Macbeth, A. D. Seal of burgh of Rothesay, 407, 556. Macbeth, James. Bible argument for a free church, 269. Macbrayne, David: Official guide, 206. Royal route, 208. M'Call, H. B.: History of Mid-Calder, 393, 422. Napier, lord Napier, 619. Sandilands, lord Torphichen, 632. M'Call, James. Notes on some wild flowers of Peni- cuik, 1034. McCallum, Alexander. Midlothian, 393. M'Callum, Andrew. Christopher North, 552. M'Callum, Archibald. George Buchanan, 452. M'Callum, Duncan. History of the ancient Scots, 134. M'Callum, Hugh, and John M'Callum: • Description of Staff a, 417. Life of St. Columba, 464. McCarthy, Justin. Arthur James Balfour, 1059. McCarthy, M. J. F. Catholic Ireland, 125. MacCartney, W. N. Geology of Ailsa Craig, 988. McCaul, John.' Notes on Latin inscriptions, 89 McCheyne, R. M. Life and remains, 1072 MacChoinnich Iain. Eachdraidh a' Phrionnsa, 187. M Clellan, John. The Veto Act, 247 McClelland, C. B. John Knox, 497. M'Clelland James. Practical suggestions, 639. M Cleod, Malcolm. Witches of Tiviotdale 741 Maccoll, D. : Free church and free gospel, 287. Kingdom of our Lord, etc., 289. Mac-Coll, Ewen. Clarsach nam beann, 926. M|Comb, William. Tribute to Dr. Chalmers, 460. M'Conachie, G. Ferns, mosses, and lichens of Rer- rick, 1034. McConechy, James. Introductory address, 703. Macconnachie, G. W. Meteorology of Inverness 1021. M'Connochie, A. I.: Clach Bhan, 741. Fox-hunting, 943. Macconochie, Arthur. Review of southern Silurian question, 988. M'Corkle, Robert: Decline of the Free Church, 282, 284. History of patronage, 249. On the parochial system of Church of Scotland, 249. M'Cormick, Andrew. Tinkler-Gypsies, 50. MacCormick, John. Statutes of Iona, 430. MacCormick, Joseph. Life of William Carstares, 459. M'Corry, J. S. Truth vindicated, 289. McCosh, James: Agnosticism of Hume, 757. Does the Established Church, etc., 276. Scottish philosophy, 758. Thomas Carlyle, 808. McCready, Charles. Columba, 464. M'Crie, C. G. William Wilson, 552. M'Crie, G. M. Notice of urn of steatite at Cor- quoy, 74. M'Crie, Thomas (1772-1835): Life of Alexander Henderson, 488. Life of Andrew Melville, 216, 515, Life of John Knox, 216, 497. Life of Patrick Hamilton, 487. Memoir of Mr. John Murray, 521. Miscellaneous writings, 837. Notices of Col. James Wallace, 547. Notices of James Ure, 546. Review of Tales of my landlord, 872. Vindication of Scottish Covenanters, 216, 872. What ought the General Assembly to do? 245, 261. M'Crie, Thomas (1797-1875): Life of Thomas M'Crie, 505. Memoirs of Sir Andrew Agnew, 439. Sketches of Scottish Church history, 216. McCrimmon, Neil. Scott as a lawyer, 873. MacCulloch, Hunter. Robert Burns, 796. Macculloch, J. A. Misty isle of Skye, 416. MacCulloch, J. A. R. L. Stevenson, 886. M'Culloch, J. M. The Establishment, etc., 276. Macculloch, J. R. : Biographical notice of Macvey Napier, 522. History of leases, 670. Life and writings of Adam Smith, 1066. Note on Scotch money, 670, 728. MacCulloch, John: Additional remarks on Glen Tilt, 988. Corrections and additions, 988. Description of the Western Isles, 197. Geological description of Glen Tilt, 988. Localities of rarer Scottish minerals, 988. Observations on hill of Kinnoul, 988. Observations on the mountain Cruachan, 988. On coal-field of Sutherland, 988. 1162 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY MacCulloch, John — continued: On distribution of granite, etc., 988. On influence of geological formation, etc., 988. On junction of trap and sandstone, 988. On limestone of Clunie, 988. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 988. Prismatic structure in sandstone, 988. Remarks on several parts of Scotland, 989. Remarks on vitrified forts, 74. Singular detached block of stone, Dunkeld, 989. Sketch of mineralogy of Skye, 989. Staffa, 989. Supplementary observations, 989. Supplementary remarks, 989. M'Culloch, John: Dairy management in Galloway, 670. On different methods of making butter, 670. M'Culloch, W. T.: History of the "Maiden," 344. Note relating to "Haddo*s Hole," 344. Notes on bronze shields, 74. Notice of City Cross of Edinburgh, 344. Notice of coffins on farm of Milton, 74. Maccunn, F. A.: John Knox, 497. Mary Stuart, 151. Scottish divines, 225. Sir Walter Scott's friends, 873. MacDhughaill, Eachann: A'bhraisd Lathurnach, 1048. Somhairle mor, 539. MacDiarmid, James: Fragments of Breadalbane folklore, 741. More fragments, 741. MacDiarmid, John. Folklore of Breadalbane, 741. Macdiarmid, John. On St. Kilda, 1057. MacDiarmid, R. C. Donald Macleod, 510, 915. M'Diarmid, W. R. : Note on granite, 989. Notes on core of boring from Dumfries, 989. Notes on old town hall of Dumfries, 323. Macdonald, A. Precepts, 159. McDonald, A. B. Glasgow main drainage, 670. Macdonald, A. J. Macdonald lord of the Isles, 601. Macdonald, A. J., and F. J. Grant. Macdonell, lord Macdonell, 607. Macdonald, A. L. Lewis Gaelic, 919. M'Donald, A. M. Anent some Scottish paraphrases, 766. MacDonald, Alasdair. Some knotty points, 50. Macdonald, Alexander. Short notice of Arnold Bronckhorst, 715. Macdonald, Alexander. (MacMhaigistir Alastair). Unpublished poems, 926. Macdonald, Alexander: Agriculture of Elgin and Nairn, 670. Blackfaced breed of sheep, 943. MacDonald, Alexander: Celticism, 915. Eiseirigh, 926. Highland ghosts, 741. Medical spells, 741. Observations on Highland ethnology, 50. Scraps of unpublished poetry, Glenmoriston, 741, 926. Scraps of unpublished poetry, Lochness-side, 741, 926. Some legends of Macneils, 915. Macdonald, Alice. St. Andrews, 409. Macdonald, Allan: Calum-Cille, 926. Norsemen in Uist folklore, 741. Piobairean smearcleit, 926. An sithean ruadh, 926. Tarbh mor, 741. Macdonald, Andrew: Velina, 838. Vimonda, 838. Macdonald, Angus, and A. Macdonald. Clan Donald, 607. Macdonald, Archibald: John MacCodrum, 505. Notes on religion of Celts, 741. Parish of Kiltarlity and Convinth, 382, 563. Some Hebridean singers, 926. Macdonald, C. E. Highland regiments, 430. Macdonald, D. C: Land of the leal, 204. A motley university, 703. Week in the Scottish Highlands, 204. Macdonald, D. G. F. Highland crofters, 689, 1069. McDonald, D. P. Chemical investigation of Glen- boig fireclay, 989. Macdonald, Donald. Bas Bhrain, 926. Macdonald, G. U. See tinder Bailey, F., and G. U. Macdonald. Macdonald, George, novelist: Alec Forbes, 838. Annals of a quiet neighbourhood, 838. Cheerful words, 838. Elect lady, 838. Fairy fleet, 838. Guild court, 838. Hidden life, 838. History of Robert Falconer, 838. Lilith, 838. Malcolm, 838. Marquis of Lossie, 838. Paul Faber, 838. Phantastes, 838. Port in a storm, 838. The Portent, 838. Robert Falconer, 838. St. George, 838. Salted with fire, 838. Selections, 838. Sir Gibbie, 838. Vicar's daughter, 838. Wilfrid Cumbermede, 838. Within and without, 838. Macdonald, George, numismatist: Note of coins found at Kinghornie, 728. Note on coins found at Mellendean, 728. Note on gold coins found in Glasgow, 728. Note of hoard of coins found in Kirkcudbright- shire, 728. Note on coins found at Lochmaben, 728. . Note on hoard of coins found at Linlithgow, 728. Recent find of Roman coins in Scotland, 728. Roman wall in Scotland, 89. Two hoards of Edward pennies, 728. Macdonald, George, and Alexander Park. Roman forts on Bar Hill, 90. Macdonald, Hugh. History of Macdonalds, 607. Macdonald, Ian. Smuggling in the Highlands, 689. Macdonald, J. J. List of British ferns of Comrie district, 1034. Macdonald, J. R. Andrew Fletcher, 477. Macdonald, James: Agriculture of Forfar and Kincardine, 670. Agriculture of Fife, 670. Agriculture of Ross and Cromarty, 670. Agriculture of Sutherland, 670. Macdonald, James. Earliest collection of Scottish proverbs, 741, 766. Macdonald, James: Fauns and fairies, 741. Stray customs, 741. INDEX 1163 Macdonald, James, archaeologist: Birrens and Birrenswark, 90, 312. Bronze implements of Ayrshire, 74. Burghead, 313. Historical notes of "broch" or Burghead, 100. Inscriptions on distance slabs, 90. Is Burghead the Winged Camp of Ptolemy? 90. Note on "Roman" bridge near Bothwell, 90. Notes on Ayrshire examples of pottery, 100. Notes on "Roman roads," 90. Origin and growth of the tradition, "Ecce Tiber!" etc., 90. Rock-cistern, Burghead, 314. Roman room in Hunterian Museum, 90. Stone implements of Ayrshire, 74. Urns of Ayrshire, 74. Macdonald, James, and James Barbour. Birrens and its antiquities, 90. Macdonald, James: Celtic place-names, 426. Local place names, 426. Place names of west Aberdeenshire, 426. Place names in Strathbogie, 419, 426. Macdonald, John. True state of Prince Charles Stuart's miraculous escape, 187. Macdonald, John. Story of the Caledonians, 134. Macdonald, John: Highland clearances, 689. Social condition of Highlands, 689. Macdonald, K. N. Macdonald bards, 915. Macdonald, Kenneth: Burning of Cilliechriost, 381. Glacial drift in Craggie Burn, 989. Parallel roads of Glen-Roy, 989. Inverness in eighteenth century, 378. Queen Mary's Inverness, 378. Macdonald, L : Large farms, 670. Past and present condition of Skye crofters, 689. Macdonald, Sheila. Old-world survivals, 741. Macdonald, T. D. Celtic dialects, 919. Macdonald, W. R.: Heraldry in some old churchyards, 100, 556. Notes on heraldry of Elgin, etc., 100, 556. Notes on seals, 556. Macdonald, William: Agriculture of Inverness-shire, 670. Local government and taxation, 670. Macdonald's Scottish directory, 208. Macdonell, Father. Glengarry Fencibles, 431. Macdonell, John. Land question, 689. Macdonell, L. C. R. : Glengarry and his family, 607. Highland chief and his family, 607. MacDonogh, Felix. Hermit in the country, 197. Macdouall, Andrew. Institute of the laws of Scot- land, 639. Macdougall, A. J. Rock shelter at Dunollie, 74. MacDougall, James: Folk and hero tales, 741. Folktales and fairy lore, 741. tlruisg, 741. Macdougall, M. A. Home of R. L. Stevenson, 886. Macdougall, R. Strathdearn, 419. MacDougall, R. S. Quater centenary of Aberdeen University, 703. McDowall, K. A. Admirable Crichton, 465. M'Dowall, William: Among the old Scotch minstrels, 766. Burns in Dumfriesshire, 796. Chronicles of Lincluden, 388. History of Dumfries, 306, 323, 396. MacEacharn, Domhnull : Spiorad nan Timeannan, 926. Tannaisg, 926. Ur-sgeul, 741. Maceachen, Evan. Faclair Gaidhlic, 919. MacEwan, A. R. History of the Church of Scot- land, 1052. McEwan, John. New phase of union question, 287. Macfadyen, John. Sgeulaiche nan Caol, 926. Macfall, Haldane: Art of Alexander Roche, 715. Joseph Simpson, 715. Paintings of John Fergusson, 715. Macfarlan, Duncan: The church on a rock, 269. Short vindication, 501. Whether the Church of Scotland, etc., 269. Whether the Free Protesting Church, etc., 269. Macfarlan, J. F. : County road trusts, 671. Inquiry respecting sobriety, 689. Powers and jurisdiction of lord provost, 344, 639 M'Farlan, James. Reasons, etc., 269. M'Farlan, John: Honest man's creed, 259. The Presbyterian empire, 264. Who are the friends of religion? 254. McFarlan, John. Letter to electors, 418. MacFarlan, Patrick: Letter to people of Scotland, 249. Letters to friends of the Established Church, 269. Supplementary letters, 269. Testimony of Jesus, 249. Thoughts on popular election, 245. MacFarlane, Dugald. Science of thought exempli' fied, 919. Macfarlane, George. Plant localities in seaward dis trict of Berwickshire, 1034. Macfarlane, Hugh. Statistical account of income, etc. Paisley, 250, 400. Macfarlane, J. M. See under Watson, W., and J. M Macfarlane. M'Farlane, James. Memorandum of shells, etc., 943 Macfarlane, James. The Red Fox, 608, 838. Macfarlane, James. Remarks on tracts lately pub' lished, 256. MacFarlane, Malcolm: Bardachd nam ban, 926. Bardic melody, 723, 926. Garabh agus na Mnathan, 926. Phonetics of Gaelic language, 919. M'Farlane, Malcolm. M'Gregors of Glengyle, 608. Macfarlane, P. C. Some peculiar uses of possessive pronoun, 919. Macfarlane, Walter: Genealogical collections, 567. Geographical collections, 111. Macfayden, J. R. Theory of the death rate, 689. M'Fetridge, N. S. The widow's farewell, 838. Macfie, R. A. S. Bibliography of Andrew Fletcher of'Saltoun, 3, 477, 820. M'Gavin, James. Letter to editors of Christian her- ald, 240. Macgeorge, Andrew: Answer to Dr. Buchanans speech, 291. An Ayrshire witch, 741. Church of Scotland not Erastian, 291. Cross of Bowden, 313. Established Church and the Free, 290. Free Church claims, 294. Old Glasgow, 367. Spiritual independence 291. The statements in the Claim of right, 292 MacGibbon, A. L. Trinity College church, 1053. 1164 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY M'Gibbon, Alexander. Glasgow International Ex- hibition, 715. Macgibbon, David. Tantallon Castle, 1058. Macgibbon, David, and Thomas Ross: Abbey of Sweetheart, 421. Castellated and domestic architecture, 715. Convent and college of Lincluden, 388. Dundrennan Abbey, 326. Five great churches of Galloway, 360. Glenluce abbey, 371. Priory of Whithorn, 424. McGill, J. D. H. Reflections upon military prepara- tions, 194. Macgill, Stevenson. Sermon on opening of Mag- dalene Asylum, Z67. Macgill, W. King's College, Aberdeen, 301, 703. Macgill, W. Old Ross-shire, 1057. MacGillivray, William. Tribute to a friend, 443, 839. Macgillivray, William : Description of species of arvicola, 943. Notice relative to two varieties of nuphar lutea, 1034. Remarks on phenogamic vegetation of river Dee, 1034. Macgillivray, William. Notice of Arbuthnott missal, etc., 100. McGilvray, E. B. Altruism, 757. Macgilvray, Walter. The fatal change, 294. Macgown, John. Ancient sepulture in Cumbrae, 74. M'Gregor. Summary of evidence on Gowrie con- spiracy, 163. MacGregor, A. G. General Lord Lynedoch, 505. Macgregor, A. G. M. History of Clan Gregor, 608. Macgregor, A. S. M. Physique of Glasgow chil- dren, 50. Macgregor, Alexander: Destitution in the Highlands, 689. Early scenes of Flora Macdonald's life, 506. Feuds of the clans, 431. Highland and Island scenery, 374. Highland superstitions, 741. Isle of Skye, 416. Last scenes of Flora Macdonald's life, 506. Old customs in Skye, 416. MacGregor, Barrington. The "Finnan haddie," 943. Macgregor, Donald. Remarks on Highlands, 431. Macgregor, George: Biography of Dugald Graham, 483. Chap literature of Scotland, 766. Historical notices of Glasgow, 367. History of Glasgow, 368. Macgregor, Sir James : Dean of Lismore's book, 926. Short chronicle, being chiefly an obituary, 436. MacGregor, Rev. James: Disestablishment and the Highlands, 292. Question of principle, 288. Reunion of the Scottish church, 295. Three smooth stones, 279. Union Committee's new proposal, 289. Macgregor, James. Macgregors of Roro, 608. Macgregor, John. Luinneagan luaineach, 926. Macgregor, John. Amhainn Spe, 417. MacGregor, John: Campbell earl of Breadalbane, 573. Sempill, lord Sempill, 626. Macgregor, Murray: Garriongill section at Overtown, 989. See under Bailey, E. B., and Murray Macgregor. Macgregor, Patrick. Character of Ossian's poems, 915. Macgregor, R. R. : Archery in Scotland, 125. Game of the Celts, 125. Beltane, 741. M'Gregor, T. M.: Additional aculeate hymenoptera, 943. Boys Brigade Field Club, 943. Hemiptera-heteroptera, etc., 943. List of additional aculeate hymenoptera, 943. Notes on aculeate hymenoptera, 943. Perthshire entomology, 944. M'Gregor T. M., and G. W. Kirkcaldy. List of rhynchota of Perthshire, 944. Macgregor, Rob Roy, a Highland chieftain, 507. Machar, A. M. A Scottish mystic, 532. M'Hardy, A. B. On vitrified forts, 74. Maclain : The Black Captain, 742. Folklore on wells, 742. Highland superstition, 742. Jamie Gow, 742. Maclain Bhain, Alasdair. Songs, 926. Mclan, R. R. : Clans of Scottish Highlands, 431. Costumes of the clans, 431. Mac-ille Mhuire. Feasgar Samhraidh, 926. Macindoe, Peter: Christ's headship, 251. Vindication of Reformed Presbyterian Church, 243. Maclnerny, M. H. Spotland and John Knox, 125. Maclnnes, Donald. Waifs and strays of Celtic tradi- tion, 742. Macinnes, Duncan. Notes on Gaelic technical terms, 919. M'Inroy, Miss. Notice of mosses found near Blair Athole, 1034. M'Inroy, Mrs. Notice of mosses found near Brechin, 1034. M'Intosh, C. Notes by a naturalist, 944. Mcintosh, M. J. Lily Gordon, 839. Macintosh, W. : Goethe and Scotland, 1047. Johne Rolland, 767. King's quhair, 830. Scotch and German, 772. Scottish Alexander book, 676. M'Intosh, W. C: Brief history of chair of natural history, St. Andrews, 944. Observations on marine zoology, etc., 944. On a new example of opheliidae, 944. Macintyre, D. B. Orain agus dana, 927. Mack, J. T. Day with Dumfriesshire otter-hounds, 944. Mackaile, Mathew. Short relation, 398. Mackall, L. L. Carlyle's translation of Faust's curse, 808. Mackay, A. Ferchard physician, 475. Mackay, A. M. A Highland poet, 915. Mackay, M. J. G. : History of Fife and Kinross, 357, 383. Life of John Major, 512. List of books relating to Fife and Kinross, 3, 357, 383. Memoir of Dunbar, 471. Notes on custom of gavelkind, 125, 639. Notes on pair of pampooties, 101. Notice of portrait group, 142. St. Columba, 464. Short note on local presses of Scotland, 3. Songs and ballads of Fife, 766. Who wrote Balfour's Practicks? 639. Mackay, Alexander: The fairies, 742. Fairies in Sutherlandshire, 742. Mackay, Angus. Collection of ancient piobaireachd, 723. INDEX 1165 Mackay, Rev. Angus: Account of the Aberach-Mackay banner, 125. The book of Mackay, 609. Flanged palstaves from Craig-a-Bhodaich, 74. Mackay, lord Reay, 622. Slab, etc., in Strathnaver, 74. Sutherland and Caithness, 315, 420. M'Kay, Archibald. History of Kilmarnock, 381. Mackay, Charles. Bliadhna Thearlaich, 187. Mackay, Charles : Burns and Beranger, 796. Forty years' recollections, 766. Gaelic etymology, 919. Lump of gold, 839. Poetical works, 839. Salamandrine, 839. Souls of the children, 839. Under green leaves, 839. Voices from the mountains, 839. Whisky demon, 839. Mackay, D. J.: Bishop Forbes, 477. House of Forbes, 591. Mackay, G. G. : Management of landed property, 671. On plantations on Glengloy, 671. Mackay, George: Note on pair of pipe-bannerets, 101. Note on snuff-mull, 101. Mackay, J. G. : The disarming act, 431. Easy Gaelic syntax, 919. Errors regarding election of chiefs, 431, 671. The Highland dress, 431. The Highland garb, 431. Mackay's regiment, 431. Social life in the Highlands, 125. McKay, J. G. The wizard's gillie, 927. Mackay, James. Broch of Ousdale, 74. Mackay, John. Celtic muse, 915. Mackay, John. Life of Lieut. -General Hugh Mackay, 508. Mackay, John. History of burgh of Canongate, 1053. Mackay, John. Oidhche Shamhna, 927. Mackay, John. Rob Donn, 508. Mackay, John. Sutherland place names, 426. Mackay, M. Address to parishioners, 259, 264. Mackay, Mackintosh. Hill fort of Dun-da-Laimh, 74-75. M'Kay, Richard, and John Renwick. Records of measurements of trees, 1034. Mackay, Robert. History of clan of Mackay, 609. Mackay, Robert. Songs and poems, 927. Mackay, S. F. H. Die Entwickelung, etc., 703. McKay, W. D. Raeburn's technique, 715. Mackay, William. Heaven: a poem, 839. Mackay, William: Camerons in the rising of 1715, 187, 454. Donald Murchison, 520. Early history of glen of Urquhart, 423. Education in the Highlands, 703. How the Macleods lost Assynt, 308. An Inverness merchant, 542. Life in the Highlands, 125. Military Perthshire, 431. Strathglass witches, 742. Unpublished letters by Lord Lovat, 504. Sgeulachdan Ghlinn-Urchudainn, 742. Three unpublished despatches, 170. Unpublished correspondence, 187. Urquhart and Glenmoriston, 424. McKean, F. G. Historical notes, 607. McKechnie, W. S.: Constitutional necessity for the Union, 181 Thomas Maitland, 512. M'Keever, F. L, : Contribution to alga-flora of Mid-Lothian, 1034 Further note on alga of Elf Loch, 1034. Note on alga; of Elf Loch, 1034. MacKeggie, J. A. Beauly Priory, 311. Mackeith, T. T. Notes on summer-birds of Shiskin 944. Mackellar, G. D. Loves of Burns, 796. Mackellar, Mary : Chapter on superstitious stories, 742. Poems and songs, 927. The sheiling, 915. Tale of the Bodach glas, 742. Tradition of Lochaber, 742. M'Kendrick, J. G.: Dr. Allen Thomson, 544. In memoriam — David Foulis, 478. Scottish university reform, 703. Mackenzie, A. C. Bituminous mineral at Mount- gerald, 989. Mackenzie, A. D. Position of Gaelic, 920. Mackenzie, Sir A. M. : Further lights on Roman occupation, 90. Report of lecture on Ihchtuthill, 1045. Some early Perthshire battles, 403. Mackenzie, A. W. Heraldry of Clan Mackenzie, 556. Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Letter to landed pro- prietors, 639. Mackenzie, Alexander: 1876 and 1843, 293. Evan Maccoll, 505. Gaelic origin of local names, 426. Guide to Inverness, 378, 395. History of the Camerons, 577. History of the Chisholms, 579. History of the clan Mackenzie, 610. History of the Frasers, 591-592. History of Highland clearances, 689. History of Macdonalds, 607. History of the Mackenzies, 610. History of Macleods, 611. History of the Mathesons, 614. History of Munros of Fowlis, 618. Isle of Skye in 1882, 416. John Mackenzie, 508. John Mackintosh, 509. Local topography, 426. Mairi nighean Alastair Ruaidh, 510, 927. The Mathesons, 614. Prophecies of the Brahan seer, 927. Prophecies of Coinneach Odhar, 927. Rev. Alexander Macgregor, 507. Mackenzie, Alexander. Robert Burns, 796. MacKenzie, B. D. Home rule for Scotland, 206. Mackenzie, Charles: Analysis of compact felspar, 989. Outlines of mineralogy of Ochil Hills, 989. Mackenzie, Colin. Some remains of antiquity in the Lewis, 75. Mackenzie, Major Colin: Notice of cist, etc., at Flowerburn, 75. Sculptured stones of Ross and Cromarty, 101. Mackenzie, D. A. : Admiralty at Cromarty, 319. Conn, son of the Red, 927. Fians of Knockfarrel, 742. Glaistig and Black lad, 742. Highland goddess, 742. Walter Biggar Blaikie, 447. Mackenzie, D. F. On establishing an experimental forest area in Scotland, 1034. 1166 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Mackenzie, Sir G. S. : General view of agriculture, etc., 671. Letter to Sir Walter Scott, 75. Notice respecting vertebra of a whale, 944. Mackenzie, Sir George: Antiquity of royal line, 125. Defence of antiquity of royal line, 125. Laws and customs of Scotland, 639. Memoirs of affairs, 171. Witchcraft, 742. Mackenzie, H. R. : Old Highland remedies, 742. Origin of three Gaelic proverbs, 915. Mackenzie, Henry: Account of Mr. John Home, 1063. Julia de Roubigne, 839. Man of feeling, 839. Man of the world, 839. Miscellaneous works, 839. Prince of Tunis, 839. Short account of life of William Tytler, 1066. Story of La Roche, 839. Mackenzie, J. B. : Antiquities in St. Kilda, 410. Notes on cup-marked stones, 75, 742. Notes on stone circle at Greenland, etc., 75, 101. Notice of cup- and ring-sculpturings at Braes of Balloch, 75. Notice of two stone axes, etc., 75. Mackenzie, James. General grievances of Orkney and Shetland, 398, 414. Mackenzie, James. Life of Michael Bruce, 450. Mackenzie, John: Defence of orthography, 920. Sar-obair nam bard Gaelach, 927. Mackenzie, John. Evictions, 689. Mackenzie, John. On pauperism, 689. Mackenzie, Sir K. S. General Wade, etc., 671. Mackenzie, Kenneth. Lewis place-names, 427. Mackenzie, Kincaird. Statement in answer to the protest, 344. Mackenzie, M. C, and J. Robson. Correspondence, 250. Mackenzie, O. H. Peat mosses, 1034. Mackenzie, Peter: Life of Thomas Muir, 520. Old reminiscences of Glasgow, 368. Reminiscences of Glasgow, etc,, 368. Reply to Kirkman Finlay, 199. Mackenzie, R. S. Sir Walter Scott, 873. Mackenzie, Thomas Mackenzie, lord. Studies in Roman law, 639. Mackenzie, Thomas: Forres penny of Alexander II., 729. Notice of collection of groats, 729. Mackenzie, W. C. : Highland crofters, 689. Highland regiments, 43 1 . History of Outer Hebrides, 374, 944. Notes on Pygmies Isle, 101, 388. Picts and Pets, 51. Pygmies in the Hebrides, 50. Scotland and the Union, 125. Short history of the Scottish Highlands, 125, 431. Mackenzie, W. M. : The battle of Bannockburn, 137. Notes on structures in Lewis, 75. The real Bannockburn, 1048. Scotland's historic national defence, 1047. Mackenzie, William : BHadhna nan caorach, 689. Gaelic incantations, 742. Leaves from my Celtic portfolio, 927. Mackenzie, William: History of Galloway, 360. Present duty of Church of Scotland, 256. Mackenzie, William. Notices of cist at Easter Moy, etc., 75. Mackenzie, William. Sorrows of seduction, 839. M'Kerlie, P. H.: Galloway, 360. Lands and their owners in Galloway, 360, 567. McKerrow, R. B. Printers* & publishers' devices, 766. Mackie, Alexander. Ludicrous in Burns, 796. Mackie, Charles: Castles of Mary of Scotland, 151. Historical description of Paisley, 1056. Mackie, J. D. Secret agent of James VI., 162. M'Kie, James. Bibliotheca Burnsiana, 796. M'Kie, James. Galloway place-names, 427. Mackie, John. On reclamation of land, 671. Mackie, William. Address to the landed interest, 671. Mackie, William: Allanite in granite, 989. Distribution and significance of deviations, 989. Differences in chemical composition, etc., 989. Evidence of contemporaneous volcanic action in Banffshire schists, 989. Occurrence of traces of heavy metals in sandstones, 989. Occurrence of volcanic tuffs on Ben Nevis, 989. On laws that govern rounding of particles of sand, 989. Sands, etc., of eastern Moray, 989. Seventy chemical analyses, 989. Some notes on distribution of erratics, 989. Mackinder, H. J. Scotland, 207. Mackinlay, D. Island of Lewis, 388, 671. M'Kinlay, Donald. Notice of cairn at Coraphin Glen, 75. Mackinlay, J. M.: Folklore of Scottish lochs, 742. Four Columbian sites, 318, 326, 376, 379. "In Oceano desertum," 223. Influence of pre- Reformation church, 427. Parish of Killallan, 381. St. Kessog, 495. Traces of cultus of nine maidens, 742. Traces of cultus of St. Fergus, 223, 475. Traces of cultus of St. Fillan, 476, 742. Traces of river worship, 742. Well of Spa, Aberdeen, 301. Mackinlay, John: Account of carvings at Pittenweem, 404. Account of the Dane's Dykes, 75. Description of cairn in Bute, 75. Notice of crannoges in Bute, 75. Two monuments in church of St. Mary, 407. Mackinnon, Donald : Accents, etc., in Gaelic, 920. Aspiration in Gaelic, 920. Collection of Ossianic ballads, 915, 927. Descriptive catalogue of Gaelic manuscripts, 912. Dual number in Gaelic, 920. Fernaig manuscript, 915. Gaelic version of the Thebaid, 927. Glenmasan manuscript, 927. Late Mr. Donald MacKechnie, 508. Loan words in Gaelic, 920. Neil Macleod, 510. On dialects of Gaelic, 920. On orthography of Gaelic, 920. Reading book, 927. Rev. George Henderson, 488. Scottish collection of Gaelic mss., 915. Traces of neuter gender, 920. William Forbes Skene, 537. INDEX 1167 Mackinnon, James: Franco-Scottish league, 139. Union of England and Scotland, 181. Mackintosh, A. Driffield angler, 944. Mackintosh, A. A. Clan Chattan genealogies, 579. Mackintosh, C. F. : Account of confederation of Clan Chattan, 579. Baillies of Dunain, 570. Boycott of Macpherson, 511. Camerons of Letterfinlay, 577. Chantry altars, Inverness, 378. Clan Tarrill, 632. Clarks, 580. Cuthberts of Castlehill, 583. Davidsons, 583. Farquharsons, 590. Frasers of Fairfield, 592. Frasers of Foyers, 592. Frasers of Guisachan, 592. Gilliechattan lands, 563. Gows, 595. Incidents in the risings, 187. Invernessiana, 378. Kingsburgh and Milton families, 607. Kinmylies, 383. Letters of two centuries, 378, 563. Macandrews, 606. Macbeans, 606. Macdonalds of Achtriachtan, 607. Macdonalds of Morar, 607. Macdonells of Barisdale, 607. Macdonells of Scotos, 607. MacGillivrays, 608. Macintyres of Badenoch, 609. Mackintoshes of Kellachie, 609. Macintyres of Badenoch, 609. Macleans of the North, 610. Macphails of Inverairnie, 611. Macqueens, 612. Neil Macleod, 611. Robertsons of Inshes, 623. Shaws of Rothiemurchus, 626. Mackintosh, Galloway. Notice of tumulus called the Law, 75. Mackintosh, Sir James : Inaugural address, 839. Memoirs, 509. Miscellaneous works, 839, 840. Parting address, 840. Mackintosh, James. Antiquities of Glen-Urquhart, 75. Mackintosh, John : Earldom of Buchan, 575. Earldom of Erroll, 589. Earldom and earls of Findlater, 626. Earldom of Findlater and Seafield, 590. Earldom of Huntly, 600. Earldom of Mar, 613. Highland land question, 689. Historic earls and earldoms, 563. History of civilisation, 125. Keiths, great marischals, 614. Story of Scotland, 125. Mackintosh, R. J. Life of Sir James Mackintosh, 509. Mackintosh, William. The Scotch Patronage Act, 292. Macknight, Thomas: Description of Ravensheugh, 990. Geological remarks on Cartline Craig, 990. Lithological observations, 990. Mineralogical description of Tinto, 990. Mineralogical notices, 990. Mineralogy and local scenery of Highlands, 990. Mackray, William: Defence of civil establishments of religion, 245. Of the causes, etc., of the secession, 245. Maclachlan, George. Barra Head, 944. M'Lachlan, Jessie. Trial of, 653. M'Lachlan, John. Notes respecting Craigcaffie Castle, 318. M'Lachlan, John: Old Edinburgh, 1053. Ravenscraig Castle, 1056. McLachlan, R. W. Coins of reign of Mary, 729 Maclachlan, T B. Mungo Park, 524. Maclagan, Christian: Notes of a Roman sculptured stone, 90. Notes on sculptured caves near Dysart, 75. Round castles, etc., of valley of the Forth, 75. Sculptured stones at Rhynie, 101. What mean these stones? 101. Maclagan, D. P. Notice of plants in neighbourhood of Comrie, 1034. Maclagan, J. Lecture, Aberdeen, 276. Maclagan, R. C. : Evil eye, 742. Fisher tartan, 431. Games, etc., of Argyllshire, 742. Games, etc., of Argyllshire. Additions to, 742. Ghost lights, 742. Notes on folklore objects, 742. On Highland dyeing, 431. Our ancestors, 1043. The Perth incident of 1396, 743. Religio Scotica, 743, 758. Two historical fallacies, 125. McLaggan, Alexander. Letter from a gentleman in the north, 344. Maclaren, Charles: On grooved and striated rocks, 990. Sketch of geology of Fife, etc., 990. Scotsman's advice to labouring classes, 689. M'Laren, Duncan: Evidence respecting annuity tax, 344. Facts regarding seat rents, 344. Heriot's Hospital Trust, 344. History of resistance to annuity tax, 217, 251, 671. Letter to members of Town Council of Edinburgh, 344. Report regarding revenue, etc., of Edinburgh, 344. Report regarding revenue, etc., 254. Rise and progress of whisky-drinking, 689. Substance of speech regarding bishops' teinds, 254. Maclaren, Ian. See Watson, John. M'Laren, J. W. Scots poems, 840. McLaren, John. On law of Scotland, 639. M'Laren, Robert. Reverse fault in Kiltongue coal, 990. Maclauchlan, John. Brief guide to "Old Dundee," 325. M'Lauchlan, Thomas: Celtic gleanings, 915. Celtic literature, 915. Early Scottish church, 223. Gaelic literature, etc., 915. Gaelic literature, language, and music, 723. Kymric element in Celtic topography, 427. Notice of monoliths in Mull, 75. Notice of old Gaelic poem, 927. Notices of ancient Gaelic poems, 915. Notices of Bishop Carswell, 459. Maclaurin, John: Nature of ecclesiastical government, 233. Terms of ministerial and Christian communion, 233. Maclaurin, John. Arguments and decisions, 639, 644. Maclay, Alexander. Technical colleges, 703. MacLea, Delta. Ardbrannan Mount, 500. Maclean, Donald: A Celticist honoured, 457. Literature of the Scottish Gael, 915. 1168 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Maclean, H. B.: Account of case of, 509. Account of whole proceedings, 243. MacLean, Hector: Ancient peoples of Ireland and Scotland, 51. The Picts, 51. Races from which Scottish nation evolved, 51. Scottish Highland language, 51, 915. Ultonian hero ballads, 927. Maclean, J. P.: Flora Macdonald in America, 506. Historical examination of FingaFs cave, 417. History of Clan Maclean, 610. M'Lean, James. Dissertation relative to agriculture of Badenoch, 671. Maclean, John. Dain agus orain, 927. Maclean, John. Genealogy of Macleans of Dowart, 610. Maclean, John. Historical sketches of Highland families, 378, 567. Maclean, John. Songs of Scotland, 767 . M'Lean, Rev. John. Translation of names and places, 427. Maclean, Magnus: Historical development of education, 703. Literature of Celts, 915. Literature of the Highlands, 915. Printed literature of Scottish Gael, 912. Skye bards, 915. Maclean, Roderick : Notes on Kiltearn, 382. Notes on parish of Alness, 305. Macleay, Kenneth: Historical memoirs of Rob Roy, 431, 507, 608. Notices regarding Lady Grange, 484. M'Lehose, Agnes. Mrs. M'Lehose's fugitive poetry, 840. M'Lehose, W. C. Memoir of Mrs. M'Lehose, 1064. MacLelland, Thomas. On agriculture of Kirkcud- bright, 671. M'Lennan, J. S.: Coast-line of Berwickshire, 990. Geology of Kyle, 990. Geology of Lugton Valley, 990. Notes on Jordanhill coalfield, 990. Ramble up Maich Water, 990. Stroll along a trap dyke, 990. Maclennan, Malcolm : Peasant life, 840. Peasant life. Series 2, 840. Macleod, A. New original poem, 460. Macleod, Agnes M. A Highland parish, 423. Macleod, D. Some Highland superstitions, 743. Macleod, Donald. Carlyle and Chalmers, 808. M'Leod, Donald. Gloomy memories, 689. Macleod, Donald: Scotland and disestablishment, 296. Memoir of Norman Macleod, 510. Macleod, Donald, soldier. Memoirs, 510. Macleod, Donald. Recent find of coins, Tarbat, 729. Macleod, F. T.: Further notes on antiquities of Skye, 1045. Notes on chapel yard, Inverness, 378, 556. Notes on monumental slabs, etc., in Skye, 101. Macleod, Fiona. See under Sharp, William. Macleod, Hugh. Ancient Celtic laws, 639. M'Leod, J. N. Remarks on supposed site of Delgon, 134. M'Leod, John. Speech in case of Sir J. M. Rid- dell, 261. Macleod, Kenneth: An cuan siar, 743. Celt and the sea, 927. Craobh-oir agus craobh-airgid, 743. Duatharachd na mara, 927. Macleod, Kenneth — continued: Gaisgeach na sgeithe deirge, 743, 927. Gruagan an Eilein, 743. Na tri coin uaine, 743. Nighean righ Eireann, 743. Note on musical instruments, 723, 743. Oisean an deigh na Feinne, 927. Our interpreter, 457. Sea poems, 927. Two Gaelic runes, 928. Macleod, Murachadh. Laoidhean, 928. M'Leod, N. K.: The Moot, or "Erie's" Hill, 1054. Notes on "Ardgith Kennedorum," 1054. Macleod, Neil: Beagan dhuilleag, etc., 928. Clarsach an doire, 928. Miann a' bhaird aosda, 928. Macleod, Neil. Witch and cripple tailor, 743. Macleod, Norman, the elder: Caraid nan Gaidheal, 928. Leabhar nan Cnoc, 928. Macleod, Norman, and Daniel Dewar. Dictionary of Gaelic, 920. Macleod, Norman, younger: Character sketches, 840. Concluding address, 285. Crack aboot the Kirk, 269. A day on Loch Etive, 389. Earnest student, 509. Home school, 1070. Memoir, 510. Reminiscences, 840. The starling, 840. Third crack, 269. Wee Davie, 840. MacLeod, Peter: New national songs, 723, 840. Original national melodies, 723, 840. Macleod, R. C. Side lights from Dunvegan, 611. Macleod, R. D. Foulis press, 767, Macleod, Reginald: Crofter Commission, 689. Crofters, 689. Land, etc., in Western Isles, 689. Macleod, W. H. Note on church of St. Kentigerna, 376. M'Leod, W. J. List of aquatic coleoptera, 944. Maclure, David: Common sense, 689. Letter to Ralph Wardlaw, 247. Maclure, Robert. Introductory lecture, 703. McMahon, C. A. Occurrence of allanite at Lairg, 990. ' M'Math, John. Progress of school building, 703. Macmath, William: Borthwick, lord Borthwick, 573. Gordon, viscount Kenmure, 601. Mac-Michael, J. H. The bagpipe, 723. Macmichael, William: Baillie, 442. Pitcairn, 526. Macmillan, D. Life of George Matheson, 514. Macmillan, Donald. Short history, 125. Macmillan, H. P.: Court of Session in 1629, 344. Old Scots conveyancers, 639. Macmillan, Hugh: Aberfeldy, 305. Early Celtic college, 703. Inch Buie, 376. Kenmore and Taymouth Castle, 380, 421. Killin, 381. Loch Tay, 390. INDEX 1169 Macmillan, Hugh — contin ued : Notice of boulders on shores of Loch Tay, 75. Notice of cup-marked stones near Aberfeldy, 75. Plants on summits of Highland mountains, 1035. Rare lichens of Glencroe, 1034. Rothiemurchus, 407. Source of the Tay, 421. M'Millan, John. Sermon at opening new church, Kirkcudbright, 384. Macmillan, Michael. Burns, 796. M'Morine, Andrew. Congregationalism deserted, 269. MacMorland, B. P. L. Gretna Green, 373. M'Nab, James: Climatal changes in Scotland, 1021. Lochwood oaks in Annandale, 1035. Macnab, John. The clan MacNab, 611. M'Nab, Kennedy. Modern "Cause celebre," 645. M'Nab, W. R.: On structure of a lignite, 990. Recent additions to coleopterous fauna, 944. M'Nab, William. Hints on planting of hardy ever- greens, 1035. MacNab's burying ground, 840. Macnaghten (1. baron), Edward Macnaghten, Lord Watson, 548. Macnair, Peter: Altered basic rocks of Highlands, 991. Building of the Grampians, 990. Camp Siluria, 990. Crystalline schists of southern Highlands, 991. Development of great axial lines of folding, 991. Geological factors in distribution of Alpine plants of Perthshire, 990, 1035. Geology of the Breadalbane district, 990. Geology of Creag-na-Caillich, 990. Geology of the Rouken Glen, 990. Geology and scenery of the Grampians, 990. "Green beds" on Sron Aonaich, 991. Intrusive dolerites near Glasgow, 991. History of natural history collections in Glasgow Museums, 944. Notes on discovery of outlier of Loch Tay lime- stone, 991. Notes on a dolerite showing ocellar structure, 991. Notes on "eyed'* coal, 991. Occurrence of plutonic complexes at Tomnadashan, 991. Occurrence of supposed annelid tubes in quartzites, 991. Occurrence of a zone of annelid burrows across southern Highlands, 991. Physical geology, etc., of Giffnock sandstones, 991. Pseudogaylussite dredged from the Clyde, 991. Problem of the marginal Highlands, 991. Recent advances in study of rocks of Perthshire, 991. Recent floods in Perthshire, 991. Some types of overfolding in schists, 991. See also under Coates, Henry, and Peter Mac- nair; and under Reid, James, and Peter Macnair. Macnair, Peter, and H. R. J. Conacher. Distribution of posidonomya corrugata, 991, Macnair, Robert: Address to parishioners, 269. Noli subscribere, 282. Separation between Paul and Barnabas, 269. McNairn, J. See under Vernon, J. J., and J. McNairn. M'Naught, James. What voluntary liberality has done, 286. Macnaughtan, John: Execution of William Pirie, 526. Statement of animal income, etc., Paisley, 250, 400. Macnaughtan of that ilk, 611. Macnaughton, Allan. Notes on South Fort, Luing, 75. M'Naughton, Peter: Authenticity of poems of Ossian, 915. Ossianic controversy, 915. M'Neel-Caird, Alexander. Local government, 671. MacNeil, Jane. Homes of Carlyle, 808. McNeil, Sir John. Memoir, 511. M'Neilage, Archibald. Agriculture of Bute, 671 M'Neile, Hugh. Speech, 272. M'Neill, G. P.: Huchoun of the Awle Ryale, 767. The late Dr. John Small, 1066. Scottish school of jurisprudence, 639. Macneill, Hector: History of Will and Jean, 840. Links o' Forth, 840. Poetical works, 840. Scotland's skaith, 840. Scottish adventurers, 840. M'Neill, Sir John: Address, 703. Biographical notice of Sir Charles Bell, 445. M'Neill, Malcolm. Notice of viking interment in Colonsay, 101. MacNeill, Nigel: Literature of the Highlanders, 915. Remarks on Scottish Gaelic literature, 916. M'Neill, Peter: Bankton, 310. Cuittle, 320. John Davidson, 467. Prestonpans and vicinity, 405. Tranent, 422. Witchcraft, 743. McNeill, Ronald. New Carlyle letters, 808. Macnicol, Angus. Uig challenge to be free, 293. Macnish, Neil: Authenticity of poems of Ossian, 916. Topographical argument, 51. Macnish, Robert: Book of aphorisms, 840. Covenanters, 840. Death and the fisherman, 840. Modern Pythagorean, 840. Maconochie, Alexander. Letter to John Scott, 1. earl Eldon, 509, 1064. Maconochie, Allan, Lord Meadowbank. Considera- tions on jury trial, 639. Macphail, Angus. Celtic poetry of Scotland, 916. M'Phail, Hugh. The carboniferous section of the Levern valley, 991. Macphail, J. C. Old stones for a new church, 294. Macphail, J. R. N.: Arbuthnott, viscount Arbuthnott, 570. Campbell, earl of Irvine, 601. Crichton, earl of Caithness, 576. Crichton, lord Crichton, 582. Hamilton of Kincavil, 224. Keith, lord Altrie, 569. Lindsay, Lord Spynie, 628. Maitland, earl of Lauderdale, 603. Trial of James Stewart of Aucharn, 658. Trial of James Stewart of Aucharn. Further notes on, 658. Wemyss, lord Burntisland, 576. MacPhail, Malcolm: Folklore from Hebrides, 743. Traditions, etc., of the Lewis, 743. Macphail, S. R. History of Pluscardyn, 404. Macpherson, A. Church of Scotland, 295. Macpherson, Sir .ffineas: Loyall dissuasive, 612. Patron turned persecuf, 511. 1170 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Macpherson, Alexander: Captain John Macpherson, 511. Cluny of the '45, 511. Gleanings from charter chest at Cluny Castle, 111. Glimpses of church life in Badenoch, 690. Glimpses of church and social life in Highlands, 1047, 1052. Glimpses of James Macpherson, 511, 916. Incidents in the '45, 187. Kingussie, 383. Old church, etc., of Kingussie, 383. Sketches of old ministers of Badenoch, 309, 437. Sketches of protestant ministers of Badenoch, 437. Macpherson, Archibald. Scottish sacrament houses, 125. Macpherson, Charles. Church crisis, 297. Macpherson, Charles: On collection, etc., of refuse of Edinburgh, 344, 671. Papers on collection of refuse, etc., 671. Macpherson, D. C. Clandonald, 607. Macpherson, David. Geographical illustrations, 427. Macpherson, H. A. Birds of Skye, 944. Macpherson, H. C. Adam Smith, 538. Macpherson, Hector. Thomas Carlyle, 808. Macpherson, James: Cartone, 928. Dana Oisein, 928. Fingal, 928. Fragments of ancient poetry, 928. New and complete edition of Ossian's poems, 928. Oithona, 928. CEuvres, 929. Poems of Ossian, 928, 929. Temora, 929. Works of Ossian, 929. Macpherson, John. Critical dissertations, 51. Macpherson, John. History of church in Scotland, 217. Macpherson, John. Notes on names of Clan Chattan, 559. Macpherson, Norman: Notes on antiquities from Eigg, 76. Notice of chalice of silver, 101. Notice of communion cups from Duirinish, 101. On chapel, etc., of King's College, Aberdeen, 301. Macpherson, W. C. Representative peers of Scot- land, 126. Macphersons in Aberdeenshire, 612. M'Phun, W. R. Glasgow and suburbs, 368. Macqueen, Donald: Dissertation on government in Western Isles, 126. Of the Gruagich, 743. Speculation on origin of Picts and Scots, 51. MacRa, John. Genealogy of the Macras, 612. Macrae, Alexander. History of clan Macrae, 612. Macrae, Alexander. Scotland from the Treaty of Union, 183, 187. Macrae, David: National humour, 767. Scottish honour versus English vanity, 1047. Macrae, Donald: Drostan stone, 101, 920. Notice of a dish of bog-butter (?), 101. Notice of sculptured stones at Eddarton, 76. Macrae, Donald. State of education, 703. Macrae, John. Address on doctrinal errors, 282. Macray, W. D. Robert Baston's poem, 137. MacRitchie, David: An Aberdeenshire mound dwelling, 76. British dwarfs, 51. The cave at Airlie, 76. The Celtic trews, 431. Description of earth-house at Pitcur, 76. Druids and mound-dwellers, 51. MacRitchie, David — continued : Earth-houses and their inhabitants, 51. Fairy mounds, 76. The Fian's castle, Loch Lomond, 76. Fians, fairies, and Picts, 743. The Finn-men, 51. The Finn-men of Britain, 51. French influence, 772. Gypsy trial, 645. Highland folklore, 743. Homes of the Picts, 51. The house of the dwarfs, 76. Hut-circles at Auchingaich Glen, 76. Memories of the Picts, 51. Modern views of the Picts, 51. Mound dwellings and mound builders, 51. New solution of the fairy problem, 743. Notes on word men and maiden, 427. Pigmies' Isle, 101. Pitcur and its merry elfins, 51. Proof-sheets of Redgauntlet, 873. Scottish Gypsies under the Stewarts, 51. Shelta, 920. Some Hebridean antiquities, 76. Stories of mound-dwellers, 51. Testimony of tradition, 743. Two Midlothian souterrains, 76. Underground dwellings, 1045. MacRitchie, William. Meteorological journal, Clunie* 1021. Macro. The Scotiad, 841. MacRury, John: Collection of unpublished Gaelic poetry, 929. O choinn leith, etc., 743. Mairnealachd, 743. Old Gaelic songs, 929. Seana bheachdan, 929. Stray notes on Gaelic, 920. Taillear Ghearraidh-bo-stig, 929. Teann Sios, 929. An Teine Mor, 929. Mactaggart, John. Wisdom, humour, etc., 767. Mactavish, Newton. Rat-holes of Edinburgh, 345. Mactier, Dr. Note on nubus idaeus, 1035. M'Vail, D. C. Scottish university reform, 703. M'Vail, J. C. Inquiry into prevalence of small-pox in Kilmarnock, 381. Macvicar, S. M. : 'Comparative state of flora of west Highlands, 1035. Distribution of hepaticae in Scotland, 1035. Hepaticae of Ben Lawers district, 1035. List of Arran hepaticae, 1035. Notes on flora of west Inverness, 1035. On sdme Coll and Tiree plants, 1035. McVickar, John. Tribute to memory of Scott, 873. M'Vurich. Book of Clanranald, 607. MacVurich, Niell. Account of campaigns of Mon- trose, 1049. Mc William, H. D.: Andrew Lang's descent, 498. Bishop Geddes and Robert Burns, 796. Madden, Frederic. Historical remarks on chess and chess-men, 101. "Maga" and her publishers, 345, 767. Magazine of the rising generation, 11. Maggy Lauther, 905. Magnus, Laurie: Byron and Carlyle, 808. Sir Walter Scott, 873. Magnusson, Finnur: Forsog, 916. Om Obelisken i Ruthwell, 408. Om Picternes og deres Navns Oprindelse, 51. Om et ved Largs fundet kostbart Spaende, 101. Origin of the Picts, 51, 52. INDEX 1171 1054. 297. Mahoney, J. A. : Life of the boulder clay period, 991. Occurrence of seaweeds in Paisley clay beds, 991. Notes on botany of Windmillcroft beds, 1035. Maid's lamentation, 841. Maidment, James: Collectanea genealogies. 567. Particulars relative to Marquis of Montrose, 518. Scottish ballads, 841. Main, Thomas. Speech on Union question, 284. Mainzer, Joseph: Gaelic psalm-tunes, 723. Specimens of old psalmody of Scotland, 723. Mair, Thomas: Abbotshall of Elgin, 1054. Note on Ardgith view of Abbotshall, Manse of Methlick, 393. Records of Ellon, 355, 567. Mair, William: Scottish churches: an appeal, 297. Scottish churches: National religion, Scottish churches: present and future, 297. Maison de Marie Stuart (1566-67), 151. Maitland, F. W. The Anglican settlement, 217. Maitland, James. Apology for William Maitland, 512. Maitland, Sir Richard. History of house of Seytoun, 626. Maitland, Thomas. Elegis, 841. Maitland, William. History of Edinburgh, 345. Maitland Club: Miscellany, 111, 112. Publications, 11. Major, A. F. Rune-stones, Stenness, 398. Major, John. History of Greater Britain, 126. Major-General TJrquhart, 546. Makellar, Angus. Sermon, 345. Makellar, William. Free church of Scotland, 291. Making of modern Scotland, 126. Malagrowther. Is Scotland decadent? 126. Malan, A. H. Dunvegan Castle, 327. Malcolm, C. A.: Baronets of Scotland, 563. Was lord Durie twice kidnapped? 480. Malcolm, David. Genealogical memoir of house of Drummond, 586. Malcolm, George: Deer forests, 671. Frithean nam fiadh, 671. Various modes of striking fiars prices, 671. Malcolm, J. Parish of Monifieth, 1056. Malcolm, James. Anthophoria Xeniorum, 841. Malcolmson, J. G. Relations of different parts of old red sandstone, etc., 991. Maiden, H. E. Notes on family of Betoun, 572. Malet, H. P. The Highlands, 205. Mallaig Railway, 671. Mallet, David: Ballads and songs, 841. Eduino ed Emma, 841. Elvira, 841. Eurydice, 841. Mustapha, 841. Poems, 841. Poems on several occasions, 841. Poetical works, 841. Works, 841. Mailing, M. Maria Stuart, 151. Malloch, J. R. Some observations, 944. Malloch, Macleod. Book of Glasgow anecdote, 368. Maltbie, M. R. Glasgow municipal tramways, 671. Maniere de prendre, 414. Manifest truths (1646), 168. Manifeste adresse par les lords, 151, 152. Mann, L. M.: Note of bronze age cemetery at Newlands, 76 Note of urn, etc., in Wigtownshire, 76. Notes on drinking cup urn found at Bathgate etc., 76. ' Notices of pottery churn from Coll, etc., 101. Report on prehistoric pile structures in Wigtown- slure, 76. Matin, M. F. Quentin Durward, 873. Mann, T. A. Extracta manuscriptorum, 402. Manner and form of examination of William, earl of Cowrie. 482. Manners and Miller, Buchan and others, etc., 767. Mansel, H. L. Philosophy of the conditioned, 754. Manson, J. B. Paintings of Alexander Jamieson, 715. Manson, Thomas. Question of return of Original Seceders, 250. Manson, W. L. Highland bagpipe, 723. Mantell, G. A. Description of telerpeton elginense, 992. Manuscripts relating to Lord Monboddo, 517. Map of Scotland from surveys of Ainslie, 1021. Mapleton, R. J.: Discovery of old canoe at Oban, 76. Notice of artificial island, 76. Notice of cairn at Kilchoan, 76. Notice of cist on river Add, 76. Notice of cists, etc., near Kilmartin, 76. Stockaded remains discovered at Arisaig, 76. Mar (11. earl), John Erskine. Earl of Mar's legacies, 187. Mar (12. earl) and Kellie (14. earl), W. J. F. Erskine. Report on manuscripts of, 112. "Mar's Castle," Aberdeen, 302. March, M. C. Note on relationship of Edinburgh and Leith, 1053, 1056. March, Mrs. Notes on Arran, 307. March to the battlefield, 723. Marchmont (1. earl), Patrick Hume. Narrative of occurrences (1685), 1049. Marett, R. R. Andrew Lang, 498. Margaret and the minister, 905. Mariage de Marie Stuart, 152. Marie Stuart, 152. Marie Stuart, queen of Scots, 152. Marischal College. Fasti, 301. Marjoribanks, Alexander. Letter to inhabitants of Edinburgh, 345. Marjoribanks, George: Expences of funeral of Mrs. Margaret Marjori- banks, 513. Notice of urn, etc., found in cairn at Stenton, 76. Marjoribanks, John: Pieces of rhyme, 841. Slavery, 841. Trifles in verse, 841. Marjoribanks, Thomas. A few plain remarks, 269. Markland, J. H. Some remarks on pillar at Forres, 359. Marmion; or, Floddon Field, 862. Marnoch intrusion, 261. Marples, Josiah. Some notes, 152. Marquis of Lothian, 504. Marr, II. C. Story of the insane, 368. Marr, J. E. of. The Mar claim, 613. Marriage laws and customs, 743. Marsh, C. M. Master of Blantyre, 543. Marshall, and Charles Leckie. Report of public dis- cussion, 256. Marshall, A. See under Hay, James, and A. Mar- shall, 1060. Marshall, Andrew. Letter to Rev. Andrew Thom- son, 243. 1172 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Marshall, David: Drochil castle, 322. Notes of connection of earls of Morton, 398, 414, 584. Record room of Perth, 402. Marshall, David. On probable cause of non-existence of deposits, etc., 992. Marshall, G. W.: Earldom of Mar, 613. Genealogist's guide, 564. Marshall, John. Letter to Sir George Sinclair, 254. Marshall, L. E. Last days of Admirable Crichton, 465. Marshall, W. P.: New York and Forth Bridges, 671. Notes on trip to Orkney and Shetland, 992, 1056, 1057. Marsland, Ellis, and M. Clarke. Report on fire at Empire Palace Theatre, 345. Martin, Benjamin. Spirituality of Christ's Kingdom, 293. Martin, C. H. : Notes on some oligochasts, 944. Notes on some turbellaria, 944. Martin, Charles. De la genese, 758. Martin, David. Glasgow school of painting, 715. Martin, Hugh: Christ's crowns, 286. National education, 703. On the correlation of spiritual independence, 286. Relations between Christ's headships, 293. Ten years' conflict misread, 286. Martin, J.: Illustrations, 873. Landscape illustrations, 873. Martin, John. Scotch airs, 723. Martin, Kathleen. See under Cust, Lionel, and Kathr leen Martin. Martin, Martin: Account of second sight, 743. Description of Western Islands, 374-375. A late voyage to St. Kilda, 411. A voyage to St. Kilda, 411. Martin, N., and G. W. Tyrrell. Puddle-trench sec- tion at North Third, 992. Martin, Robert. Coal-mining in Musselburgh coal- field, 992. Martin, Samuel. Responsibility of hearers, 514. Martin, T. C. Custody of children, 640. Martin, Sir Theodore: Memoir of W. E. Aytoun, 441. See also under Aytoun, W. E., and Sir Theodore Martin. Martine, George : Account of family of Balfour Bethune, 572. The barons of Panmore, 621. Carnegy of Kinnaird, 628. Lawmond, 603. The Leslies, 604. Martineau, Harriet: Achievements of Scott, 873. Characteristics of genius of Scott, 873. Earl of Elgin, 473. George Combe, 464. John Gibson Lockhart, 503. Joseph Plume, 490. Professor Wilson, 552. Martines in St. Andrews, 614. Martyn, Mrs. S. T. The Hopes of Hope Castle, 152, 345, 497. Martyr's monument, Edinburgh, 345. Marwick, Sir J. D. : Edinburgh guilds and crafts, 345. Glasgow bridge, 368. History of Collegiate Church, Edinburgh, 345. Marwick, Sir J. D. — continued: Municipal institutions of Scotland, 126. Observations on early guilds, 690. On forestalling, 640. River Clyde and Clyde burghs, 317, 323, 368, 372, 380, 400, 404, 405, 407, 408. Mary, queen of Scots: Charter by, 533. Casket sonnets, 143. Correspondence, 1048. Genuine letters, 143. Last prayer of, 143. Latin themes, 143. Letter to duke of Guise, 143. Letter to Lord James, 143. Letter to Charles Paget, 143. Letters during her residence in France, 143. Letters to duke of Norfolk, 143. Letters to Sir Robert Melvill, 143. Letters, now first published, 143. Lettres, instructions, etc., 143. Lettres a sa mere, 143. Lettres de Marie Stuart, et demarches de Charles IX en sa faveur, 1048. Love letters to earl of Bothwell, 143. Meditation, 144. Testament, 144. Mary, queen of Scotland, 152. Mary, queen of Scots, 152. Mary Scott of Edenknow, 841. Mary Somerville, 539. Mary Stuart, 152. Mary Stuart and her times, 152. Mary Stuart at Saint Germains, 152. Mason, J. M. Living faith, 345. Mason, Stephen. Scotch banking, 671. Mason, Thomas. Public and private libraries of Glasgow, 368. Massachusetts Historical Society. Tribute, 873. Massacre of Glenco, 175. Massacre of Glencoe, 175. Masson, A. M. B. G. Jacques Crichton, 465. Masson, David: Aberdeen till thirty years ago, 302. Ben Jonson in Edinburgh, 345. Dead men whom I have known, 767. Dr. William Knight, 496. Drummond of Hawthornden, 470. Gaelic and Norse popular tales, 743. Memories of London, 808. Mr. Buckle's doctrine, 1047. Recent British philosophy, 754. Reminiscences of Edinburgh University, 703. Rev. Dr. James Kidd, 495. Scott and his influence, 873. Scottish influence in British literature, 767. State -of learning in Scotland, 703. William Thorn, 544. Masson, Donald: Church and education, 703, 916. Gaelic paraphrases, 916. Notes from north Highlands, 743. Old Gaelic prophecy concerning Iona, 379. Our Gaelic Bible, 916. Popular domestic medicine, 743. Some rare Gaelic books, 3, 912. Masson, P. A. Legends of Dunbars, 587. Master masons of Scotland, 715. Master of Sinclair's narrative of the '15, 188. Masterman, C. F. G. Spencer and Carlyle, 808. Masterton, Francis. Masterton papers (1660-1719), 112. Mather, F. J. Otterburn, 767. Matheson, D. Celtic place-names, 427. Matheson, Sir James. Stone circle of Callernish, 76. INDEX 1173 The Mathesons, 614. Ghosts and apparitions of Skye, Breakfasting at the plough tail, Stone cists, etc., near Dun- Matheson, Kenneth. Matheson, Norman. 744. Matheson, Robert. 744. Mathewson, Allan. dee, 76. Mathieson, Kenneth: Braid Scots, 772. Glen Devon, 371. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 992. Report to police commission, 326. Mathieson, W. L. : The awakening of Scotland, 192. Darien scheme, 178. Hill Burton in error, 119. Politics and religion, 126. Scotland and the union, 176, 181. Scottish parliament (1560-1707), 158. The Union of 1707, 181. Matley, C. A. Lower carboniferous rocks near Aberdour, 992. Matthew Baillie, 442. Matthews, G. K. Abbotsford, 298, 873. Matthews, J. B.: Andrew Lang, 498. Two Scotsmen of letters, 498, 886. Matz, B. W. Thomas Carlyle, 808. Mauchlen, J. Burns and the lower creation, 796. Maughan, John: Fort on Cairby Hill, 76. The Maiden Way, 90. Maughan, Robert. List of rarer plants in neighbour- hood of Edinburgh, 1035. Maughan, W. C. : Argyllshire, 307. Rosneath, 407. Maule, Fox, and Andrew Rutherfurd. Speeches in reference to Church of Scotland, 269. Maule, Harry: History of the Picts, 50. Registrum de Panmure, 572, 573, 614. Maulsby, D. L. Growth of Sartor Resartus, 808. Maupas, C. C. de. Correspondance, 163. Maury, G. B. John Cameron, 454. Mayer's collection of genuine Scottish melodies, 723. Maxwell, Alexander: Burgh seal of Dundee, 325, 556. History of Old Dundee, 325. Maxwell, George. Letters to people of Canonbie, 274. Maxwell, Sir H. E.: Ancient weapons, etc., of Wigtownshire, 77. Annals of Scottish Widows' Fund, 690. Bannockburn, 137. Book of Annandale, 569. Calendar of Scottish crime, 640. Candida Casa, 424. Early chronicles relating to Scotland, 126. Gamekeepers, 944. Gretna Green, 373. Heraldry of Wigtownshire, 556. History of Dumfries, 324, 360. History of house of Douglas, 585. How summer came to Caithness, 841. Jacobite general, 188, 520. Making of Scotland, 137. Mary, queen of Scots,' 152. Memories of the months, 841, 944. Mnemosyne, 841. Names of places, 427. Notes on the "carles," 101. Notice of enamelled harness ornament from Auch- endolly, 101. Maxwell, Sir H. E. — continued: Notice of excavation of St. Ninian's cave, 102 Nohce of further excavation of St. Ninian's cave, Post meridiana, 841. Primitive implements, etc., from Wigtownshire 77 Relics of St. Fillan, 102. Robert the Bruce, 137. St. Ninian's cave, 102, 424. Scottish gardens, 715. Scottish railway strike, 671. Sir Charles Murray, 520. Soldier's chronicle, 139. Summertide, 842. Thirlstane castle, 421. Valuation of Wigtown (1667), 424. Maxwell, Sir J. M. S. Report on family muniments, 112. Maxwell, Sir J. S. Royal Scottish Academy, 715. Maxwell, James. Narrative, 188. Maxwell, John, bishop. Epistle congratulatorie, 225. Maxwell, John, 8. baron Herries. Historical mem- oirs, 152. Maxwell, W. H. Dormant earldom of Nithsdale, 620. Maxwell, W. H. Wanderings in the Highlands, 944. Maxwell, William. History of co-operation in Scot- land, 1070. May, R. E. Robert Burns, 796. Mayer, John : ■ Biographical notice of Dr. William Wallace, 547. Discovery of cannel coal near Bathgate, 992. Mayhew, S. M. Notes on Caithness, 315, 398. Mayo, I. F. Brahan seer, 916. Mazzinghi, J. Ellen Bhoyochd, 724. Mead, E. D. Philosophy of Carlyle, 758, 808. Mead, W. A. Colour in Scottish ballads, 767. Meana, Alexandre de. Notice sur la vie de Jean Ramsay, 528. Mearns, Duncan. Introductory address, Aberdeen, 703. Mearns, P. Robert Pclllok, 527. Mearns rental and disbursements, 392. Measom, George. Official illustrated guide, 203. Mebus, Friedrich. Beitrage, 817. Mecking, L. Eisberge bei den Orkney-Inseln, 398. Mediaeval Scottish poetry, 842. Medical directory, 703. Medical schools of Scotland, 703. Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions, 11. Meikle, H. W. : King's birthday riot, 345. Learning of the Scots, 703. Scotland and the French, 194. Meinong, Alexius. Hume studien, 757. Meissner. Pedestrian tour, 198. Meldrum, George. Sermon, 175. Meldrum, R. H.: Additional rarer Perthshire mosses, 1035. Hypnum procerrimum, 1035. Mnium riparium in Scotland, 1035. Preliminary list of Perthshire mosses, 1035. Some localities for Perthshire mosses, 1035. Some new localities for Perthshire mosses, 1033. Melfort (1. earl), John Drummond. Memoirs, 188. Meline, J. F.: Mary, queen of Scots, 152. Mary, queen of Scots. Reprint, 152. Mellone, S. H. Scottish church case, 297. Melrose, A. George Douglas Brown, 449. Melrose: Medical officer. Report, 392. Parish register, 564. Melrose Abbey, 392. 1174 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Melven, William. History [of Scotland], 126. Melvill, James. Diary, 158, 217, 515. Melville, Andrew. Poemata, 842. Melville, Elizabeth, lady Colville: Ane godlie dreame, 842. Letters, 515. Melville, James. Autobiography, 515. Melville, Sir James. Memoirs, 515. Melville, R. D. Use of judicial torture, 640. Melville, William. City Union Railway widening, 672. Melville and Leven memoirs, 615. Melvin, James. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 992. Members of Edinburgh Merchant Company, 345. Memoir of the Admirable Crichton, 465. Memoir of Captain Isaac Watt, 548. Memoir of Cosmo Innes, 491. Memoir of Dr. Arbuthnot, 440. Memoir of Dr. Archibald Pitcairn, 526. Memoir of Dr. Jamieson, 493. Memoir of George Buchanan, 452. Memoir of Henry Stuart, Earl Darnley, 467. Memoir of James Boswell, 448. Memoir of [James] Bruce, 450. Memoir of John Barclay, M.D., 444. Memoir of John Home, 489. Memoir of John Hunter, 490. Memoir of John Walker, D.D., 547. Memoir of life of Rev. James Grahame, 483. Memoir of Mr. James Napier, 522. Memoir of Norman Macleod, 510. - Memoir regarding the state of the Highlands (1716), 188. Memoir of Richard Gall, 1062. Memoir of Sir J. Y. Simpson, 535. Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, 540. Memoir of Sir Robert Sibbald, 535. Memoir of William Smellie, 537. Memoire adresse au nom de Marie Stuart, 152. Memoirs of duchess of Gordon, 481. Memoirs of the family of the Dowglasses, 585. Memoirs of Francis Horner, 490. Memoirs of life of Lord Lovat, 504. Memoirs of Lord Viscount Dundee, etc., 175, 431, 483. Memoirs of the Master of Sinclair, 188. Memoirs of Mrs. Grant of Laggan, 484. Memoirs of the political life of Robert Alexander, 439. Memoirs relating to restoration of James I, 140. Memoirs of Robertson of Strowan, 623. Memoirs and trials of political martyrs, 437. Memorables of the Montgomeries, 616, 842. Memorial against proposed demolition of Trinity Col- lege Church, 345. Memorial of the antient family of Strachans, 631. Memorial for the burgesses of Scotland, 196. Memorial of family of Frasers, 592. Memorial for his highness the Prince of Orange, 174, 228. Memorial of the Lords of Session, 640. Memorial of majority of earl of Dalkeith, 451. Memorial for Messrs. Robertson, Edington, & Philip, 1053. Memorial of ministers of Edinburgh respecting an- nuity assessment, 254, 345, 672. Memorial of the Presbyterians exemplified, 226. Memorial relative to prisoners, 188. Memorial and remonstrance concerning proceedings of Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, 236. Memorial submitted to Her Majesty's government, 259. Memorialls of George Jamieson, 493. Memorials of George Bannatyne, 443, 777. Memorials of the Haliburtons, 596. Memories of an old Edinburgh square, 345. Men you know, 458, Mendoca, B. S. H. de. ' Extraits, 152. Meneval, de. La verite sur Marie Stuart, 152. Menmuir, Charles: Folklore in Scottish ballad poetry, 744, 767. French element in Scots, 772. George Buchanan, 452. Metal work, 715. Scotland and her educational institutions, 703. Menteath, Mrs. A. S. Lays of the Kirk, 842. Menteath, J. S. Farmers versus rooks, 672. Menteith, Sir J. S. Stuart-Menteith pedigree, 615. Mentor. Letter to Lord Moncreiff, 250. Menzies, Allan. Report to trustees of bequest of James Dick, 704. Menzies, D. P. : Note on "Bannockburn" bagpipes, 138, 724. Red and white book of Menzies, 615. Menzies, James: Pocket guide to Edinburgh, 345. Vignette views, 345, Menzies, James: Flora of Durdie and Arnbathie, 1035. Notes on Perthshire fungi, 1035. Menzies, John. Tourist's pocket guide, 202. Menzies, John, and James Gillis. Notices of portrait of Mary, 152. Menzies, Sir Robert. Report on manuscripts, 615. Menzies, Sutherland. Mary Stuart and Chastelar, 152. Menzies, Thomas. Royal incorporation of Hutche- son's Hospital, 368. Menzies, William. Report of embankments, 672. Mercator, Gerard: Atlas, 1021. Scotia,- 1021. Mercer, Andrew. History of Dunfermline, 304, 311, 316, 321, 326, 377, 411, 422. Mercer, Edmund. At Ballantrae, 309. Mercer, Elizabeth, Carlyle and Blumine, 808. Mercer, Thomas. The sentimental sailor, 842. Mercey, Frederic. Les premiers reformistes, 217. Merchant Maiden Hospital: Annual examination, 704. Course of study, 704. Rules, 345. Statutes, 704. Merchiston Castle School. Register, 704. Merewether, H. A. Speech, 407. Merry and diverting exploits of George Buchanan, 905. Merry tales of wise men of Gotham, 905. Merz, C. A., and F. W. Tuttle. Quentin Durward, 865. Meston, William. Poetical works, 842. Metcalf, J. W. Scottish folk song, 724. Metcalfe, W. M.: History of Renfrew, 406. Lordship of Paisley, 400. Witchcraft, 744. Metre out-metred, 842. Metropolitan, pseud. History travestied, 346, Meutre de La Bastie, 142. Meyer, Eugen. Humes und Berkeleys Philosophic 757. Meyer, H. R. Municipal ownership, 346, 368. Meyer, Kuno. John Strachan, 542. Meyer, Wilhelm. Flexionlehre, 772. Meyerfeld, M. Robert Burns, 796. Michael Bruce, 450. Michel, F. X. Critical inquiry, 772. Michell, Thomas. History of Scottish expedition to Norway, 164. INDEX 1175 Michie, Charles. Brodie, Michie, and Gould families, 574, 594, 615. Michie, J. G. : Notice of underground structure on Mickle Kinord, 77. Sculptured stone at Craigmyle, 1045. See also under Alexander, William, and J. G. Michie. Mickle, Charles. "There's nae luck about the house," 767. Mickle, W. J. : Poems, 842. Poetical works, 842. Prophecy of Queen Emma, 842. Middleton, David. Glance at history of Scottish edu- cation, 704. Middleton (1. earl), John Middleton: Answer to charge, 171. A short narration, 171. Might and mastery of Established Church laid low, 247. Mignet, F. A. A.: Histoire de Marie Stuart, 152. History of Mary, 153. Miles, C. P.: Address to St. Jude's congregation, 272. Early death, 508. Further disclosures, 272. Reply to Bishop Russell, 272. Miles, M. L. Ramble on moor at Blair-Atholl, 1035. Military history of Perthshire (1660-1902), 403, 431. Military history of Perthshire (1899-1902), 403. Mill, H. R.: Clyde sea area, 1021. Dr. Alexander Buchanan, 451. Physical conditions of Clyde sea area, 1021. Physiography of banks of the Tay, 1021. Salinity of Tay, 1021. Salinity of water of Firth of Forth, 1021. Salinity and temperature of Moray Firth, 1021. Mill, H. R., and J. T. Morrison. Tidal variation of salinity, 1021. Mill, H. R., and T. M. Ritchie. Physical conditions of rivers, 1021. Mill, J. S. Examination of Hamilton's philosophy, 754. Mill, John. Diary, 415. Millar, A. H.: The battle of Glenshiel, 188. Bishop Norie's baptismal register, 564. Hie-gait and Sautmercat, 1055. Historical castles and mansions, 358, 404. Killiecrankie described, 174. Life in pre-Reformation cathedrals, 217. Note on proclamation for disarming, 188. Notes on burgh seal of Crail, 320. Notice on burgh seal of Crail, etc., 318, 320, 557. Notice of ecclesiastical music, 724. Notice of incised slab found in Longf organ, 102. Notice of monument in Kirk of Weem, 424. Notice of steel pistol, 102. Scotland described for Queen Magdalene, 142. Scottish merchant of sixteenth century, 549. Sir Walter Scott, 873. Wallace the liberator, 138. Wedding tour of James VI., 161. William Lauder, 499. Millar, Adam. Notes on circular fort on Dunbuie Hill, 77. Millar, George. Latter struggles of, 516. Millar, J. H.: Andrew Lang, 1063. Edinburgh in literature, 346. Literary history of Scotland, 767. Millar, J. H. — continued: Literature of the Kailyard, 767. Novels of John Gait, 821. Pre-union legislation of Scotland, 126. Scottish prose, 767. William Blackwood and his men, 446. William Edmondstoune Aytoun, 441. Millar, W. Account of Edinburgh Reform jubilee, 346, 387, 690. Millar, W. J.: Early Clyde built steamers, 672. Excursion to new reservoir for Bowling water supply, 992. Millar's second edition of life of pyper of Kilbarchan 905. Mille, Pierre. Le dernier reman de R. L. Steven- son, 886. Miller, A. L. Memoir of James Sellars, 534. Miller, Alexander. Decision in the Church case, 297. Miller, David. Poetical works, 842. Miller, Frank. Poets of Dumfriesshire, 767. Miller, Hugh: Cruise of the Betsey, 992. Edinburgh and its neighbourhood, 346, 992. Essays, 1072. Footprints of the Creator, 992. Geological papers, 992. Geology of the Bass, 992. Headship of Christ, 286. Leading articles, 842. Letter from one of the Scotch people, 256. Macaulay on Scotland, 126. My school and schoolmasters, 842. Notes on a suite of fossils, 992. Old red sandstone, 992, 993. On a curious suite of fossils, 993. Picture of a parish, 256. Popular geology, 993. Scenes and legends, 744, 842. Sutherland, 420. Tenant's true quarrel, 672. Thoughts on educational questions, 704. Whiggism of the old school, 256. Words of warning, 672. Miller, Hugh, younger: An exhalation of gases, 1021. Note on sculptured stones found in Tarbat, 102. Note on shell-beds in Easter Ross, 993. On boulder glaciation, 993. Well on the Roman wall, 90. Miller, Hugh, younger, and Donald Macleod. Notice of silver armlets, etc., found at Tarbat, 102. Miller, J. W.: Skye, Gairloch, etc., 355, 359, 390, 416. Staffa, Iona, etc., 375, 379, 394, 417. Miller, James: The lamp of Lothian, 373. Miller, James: Letter to Duncan M'Neill, 640. Observations on trial by jury, 640. Miller, James, and others. Discourse, 509. Miller, John. Historical view of English govern- ment, 126. Miller, John. On succession of rocks, 993. Miller, Lt.-Col. Inquiry respecting site of battle of Mons Grampius, 134. Miller, Peter: Additional notes respecting Bede's Guidi, John Knox and his manse, 346, 497. King's wall, 1054. Mercat cross of Edinburgh, 346. Notes on Edinburgh, 346. Notes on place-name Falkirk, 356, 427. Notices of standing stones of Alloa, etc., 134. 77. 1176 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Miller, Peter — continued: Origin of Old Tolbuith, Edinburgh, 346. Suggestions respecting Bede's Giudi, 134. Supplementary notes on John Knox's house, 346, 497. Was the town of Edinburgh, etc., 346. Miller, Robert. Where did John Knox live? 346. Miller, S. N. See under Stevenson, G. H., and S. N. Miller. Miller, Samuel, and others. True freedom of the Church, 286. Miller, William. Our Scandinavian forefathers, 52. Miller, William. Willie Winkie, 843. Miller's royal tourist guides, 204. Milligan, William. Parish schools of Scotland, 704. Milliken, W. E. The garb of old Gaul, 431. Milman, H. H. Michael Scot, 533. Milne, Adam. Description of parish of Melrose, 392. Milne, J. D. Success of free public libraries, 302. Milne, James. The difference stated, 240. Milne, James. Enlargement of junction basin at Grangemouth, 672. Milne, James. Emigrant's farewell, 690. Milne, John: Letter to Archibald Thomson, 672. Observations on tidal currents, 672. Plans for improvement of port of Leith, 672. Tidal currents at Leith, 1021. Milne, John. Maid o* Norroway, 843. Milne, John: Agriculture of Aberdeenshire, 672. Arms of Aberdeen, 302. "Church of new town of Old Aberdon," 302. Comyn, earl of Buchan, 575. Douglas, earl of Buchan, 575. Drift rocks in Buchan, 993. Erskine, earl of Buchan, 575. Geology of Buchan, 993. Geology of Mormond, 993. Making of a Buchan farm, 1069. Notes on Aikey Brae, 1052. Old red sandstone in Aberdeen, 993. Place-names in Buchan, 1058. Rattray, 1056. Stewart, earl of Buchan, 575. Traces of early man in Buchan, 1045. See also under Jukes-Browne, A. J., and John Milne. Milne, P. Ecclesiastical punishments, 690. Milne-Home, David: Account of subterranean building near Broom- house, 69. Additional memoir on parallel roads, 993. Diagram of boulder, Edinburgh, 993. Eyemouth fish teind, 672. Geological account of Roxburghshire, 993. Geological survey of Berwickshire, 993. Inaugural address, 993. Notes from diary in 1862, 993. Notice of high-water marks, 993. Notice of large boulder, 993. Notice respecting depletion of rivers, 993. Notice of stone-huts, Harefaulds, 70. Notice of striated boulder, Drylaw, 993. Notice of striated boulder, Tynecastle, 993. Notice of striated rocks, 993. Notice of two gravel banks or kaims, 993. On basin of Forth, 994. On Lothian coalfields, 994. On parallel roads of Lochaber, 994. On supposed upheaval of Scotland, 994. Remarks on boulder report, 994. Remarks on presenting fourth report, 994. Remarks on presenting tenth report, 994. Milne-Home, David — Continued: Report on manuscripts Col. D. M. Home, 311, 599. Scheme for conservation of boulders, 994. Social reforms needed, 687. Valedictory address, 994. Milner, George: Green Appin, 306, 389. Influence of Burns on Wordsworth, 796. Milner, H. M., and T. H. Lacy. Fair maid of Perth, 857. Milton, G. E. The Trossachs, 422. Milton House, Edinburgh. Report, 704. Minges, Parthenius: Der angebliche, 753. 1st Duns Scotus Indeterminist? 753. Das Verhaltnis, 753. Mining Institute of Scotland. Transactions, 11. Minister for Scotland, 126. Ministerial patronage in Scotland, 254. Ministers' Sons' Club. Rules and regulations, 11. Minto (1. earl), Sir Gilbert Elliot. Life and let- ters, 516. Minto, W. See under Buchan (11. earl), D. S. Erskine, and W. Minto. Minto (3 . earl) , W. H. E. Murray-Kynynmound. • Remarks, 704. Minto (3. earl), W. H. E. Murray-Kynynmound, and others. Disestablishment speeches, 293. Minute book kept by War Committee, Kirkcudbright, 384. Minutes of committee for loan monies, 304. Mirkin, Isaak. Hat Kant Hume widerlegt? 757. Mirror, The, 11, 843. Mirror of wit, 905. Miscellanea Scotica, 112. Miscellaneous executory papers, 564- Miscellaneous state papers, 165. Miss Ferrier's novels, 819. Miss Jenny Cameron, 454. Missa Sancti Kentigerni, 223. Mission de Peveque de Valence, 158. Mission du grand prieur de Saint-Jean, 158. Mission de M. de Lignerolles, 159. Mission de M. de Plains en ficosse, 142. Missionary sympathy with Free Church, 269. Mr. Adam Black called to account, 261. Mr. Alexander Smith's former poems, 879. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, 458. Mr. Andrew Carnegie and his new house, 458. Mr. Andrew Carnegie at Skibo, 458. Mr. Cameron's defence of extreme unionists, 286. Mr. Carlyle and Pere Bonhours, 809. Mr. Dugald Stewart, 541. Mr. George Dempster, 468. Mr. Home, 489. Mr. James Allan Duncan, 715. Mr. James Watt, 548. Mr. R. L. Stevenson's novels, 886. Mr. Sprott, 539. Mr. William Playfair, 527. Mrs. Carlyle's letters, 457, 1061. Mrs. Grant of Laggan, 484. Mrs. Oliphant, 524. Mrs. Oliphant as a biographer, 524. Mrs. Oliphant as a novelist, 524. Mrs. Oliphant's autobiography, 524. Mrs. Oliphant's life and letters, 524. Mrs. Oliphant's life of Principal Tulloch, 546. . Mitchell, A. F. Pre-Reformation Scotland, 223. Mitchell, Alexander. Political and social movements in Dalkeith, 321, 690. Mitchell, Sir Arthur: David Loch's tour, 194. Description of some neo-archaic objects, 102. INDEX 77. 431. Mitchell, Sir Arthur — continued : Eirde house at Eriboll, 77. Inscribed stones at Kirkmadrine, 77, 102. James Robertson's tour, 193. Jubilee address, 16, 54, 77. Large stone implements found in Shetland, 77. List of travels ... relating to Scotland, 3. Note of pins found on Reay Sands, 102. Note of brass vessel found in Islay, 102. Note regarding mould, etc., 77. Note on spade-like implements, 77. Notice of buildings in loch at Hogsetter, 77. Notice of flint flakes, Abernethy, 77. Notice of sculptured stone in Strathspey, 102. Notice of stone axe, etc., found in Islay, 77. Notice of underground building at Buchaam, 77. Notice of urn found at Murthly, 77. Notice of urn, Kirkton of Glenelg, 77. On various superstitions, 744. On white pebbles, 77. Past in the present, 54. The pre-history of the Scottish area, 54. Remarks, 769. Scottish burials and skulls, 77. Some notes on Scottish crusies, 102. Some remarkable discoveries, Shetland, Vacation notes in Cromar, 102. Vestiges of forest of Cree, 1035. Mitchell, D. J.: Greensand fossils, 994. Note on greensand at Moreseat, 994. Mitchell, Dugald: Popular history of the Highlands, 126, Tarbert past and present, 421. Mitchell, H. B.: Coast names near Peterhead, 1058. Notes on Parkhouse circle, 1045. Mitchell, Hugh. On position of beds of old red sand- stone, 994. Mitchell, J. O.: Crossraguell Abbey, 319. Some notices of Old Glasgow, 368. Wallaces of Elderslie, 633. Mitchell, J. T. In Ultima Thule, 415. Mitchell, James. Scotsman's library, 127. Mitchell, Robert. Sketches of a Glasgow incorpora- tion, 368. Mitchell, W. : Home rule for Scotland, 205. Scotland and home rule, 205. Mitchell, William. Diary (1717), 230. Mitchell, William: Free education considered, 704. National homage to Christ, 293. Voluntaryism, 289. Mitchell, William. Our Scottish banks, 672. Mitchell Library, Glasgow: Concise guide, 368. Report, 3. Mittheilungen aus dem Goethe-Archiv, 808. Moderate Calvinist. Letter to Rev. William Scott, 272. Modern instance of evil-eye, 744. Modern metaphysicians, 1071. Modern Scottish poets, 843. Modern traditions of ancient pedigrees, 564. Modern witch finder, 744. Moffat. Is the Free Church of Scotland to con- tinue free? 282. Moffat, Alfred. Minstrelsy of Scotland, 843. Moffat, J. C: History of early Scottish church, 223. Life of Thomas Chalmers, 460. Moffat, William. Late disturbances at Stewarton, 259. 1177 Moffatt, James: George Macdonald, 506, 838. Mr. Balfour as man of letters, 1059 Mogan dearg Maclachair, 744 Moile, N T. Trial of Mary, bueen of Scots, 153. ■' n iw W ' Indlctment ' trial . etc. (1768) Moi Moi 234. Biographical memoir of John Gait, 479. Bride of Lochleven, 843. Canticle of the Covenanters, 843 Casa Wappy, 843. Glen of Roslin, 843. Kemp the bandit, 843. Life of Dr. Macnish, 511. Life of Mansie Waugh, 843. Roman antiquities of Inveresk, 90. Stanzas for the Burns festival, 796. Wounded spirit, 843. Moir, James: Aberdeen Grammar School archery medals, 302. Note on names in Register of burgesses, 559 Sir William Wallace, 826. Moir, James. Historical notes on Ellon, 1054. Moller, Niels. Om Carlyle's Betydning, 808 Mollett, J. W. Sir David Wilkie, 550, 715. Moloch. Recantation, 843. Monck, W. H. S. Sir William Hamilton, 754. Monckton, H. W.: On picrite, etc., at Barnton, 994. Stirling dolerite, 994. Moncreif, John. A seasonable admonition, 229. Moncreiff (2. baron), H. J. Moncreiff. Verdict "not proven," 640. Moncreiff, Sir H. W.: Brief account of constitution of Church of Scot- land, 245. The Cardross case... 288. Church establishment, etc., 286. Identity of Free Church claim, 293. Letter to Lord Melbourne, 259. Letters to Kirk-session East Kilbride, 269. Remarks on a pamphlet, 239. Sketch of plan for augmenting livings, 236. Speech on the union question, 282. Union question, 284. Moncreiff, Sir J. W. A word more on the moderator- ship, 252. Moncrieff, Alexander. Duty of contending for the faith, 231. Moncrieff, James. Influence of Knox, 217. Moncrieff, Thomas. Memoirs, 126. Moncrieff Wellwood: a genealogy, 616. Monfries, Alexander. The Church established, 217. Monilaws, G. H. Catechism on pauperism, 690. Monipennie, John: Abridgement or summarie of the Scots Chronicles, 126. Certain matters, 162. Monkhouse, W. C. William Q. Orchardson, 715. Monkswell (2. baron), Robert Collier. Railways of Great Britain, 672. Monro, Alexander: Apology for the clergy of Scotland, 228. Letter to a friend, 228. Monro, David. "Landlord's rents," 672. Monro, Sir Donald. Description of Western Isles, 375. Monro, John. The celestiad, 843. Monro of Fowlis, 618. Monson, A. J. Trial of, 654. Montagu, V. M. Scottish College in Paris, 704. Montagu, W. P. Neglected point in Hume's phil- osophy, 757. Montague, E. R. The ballad, 767. 1178 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY M o ntal ember t, C. F. de T., comte. Saint Columba, 223, 464. Monteath, John. Dunblane traditions, 324, 843. Monteith, 'John. Parish of Glencairn, 371. Montereul, Jean de. Diplomatic correspondence, 167. Montgomerie, Alexander: Cherry and the slae, 843. Fly ting, 843. Poems, 843. Poems and other pieces, 843. Montgomery, James: Abolition of slave trade, 844. Greenland, 844. New edition of works, 844. Pelican Islands, 844. Poetical works, 844. Prose, 844. Sacred poems, 844. Wanderer, 844. West Indies, 844. World before the flood, 844. Montgomery, James, and others. Poems, 844. Montgomery, John. Flora and fauna of Peebles- shire, 945, 1035. Montgomery, Robert: Letter to managers of St. Jude's, 273. Scottish church and English schismatics, 277. Montgomery, William, younger. Geology of Ren- frewshire, 994. Montrose (1. marquis), James Graham. Poems, 844. Montrose (4. duke), James Graham: Report on muniments, 617. Second report on muniments, 617. Montrose, 518. Montrose and Argyll in fiction, 440, 518. Montrose and the covenant, 165. Montrose and Dr. Gardiner, 518. Monumenta Romani Imperii in Scotia, 90. Monuments in church of Deer, 321. Monypenny, David: Additional remarks on poor laws, 690. Claims of the Established Church, 252. Proposed alteration of poor laws, 690. Remarks on poor laws, 690. Moonlight ramble at the Trossachs, 422. Moore, A. W. Connection between Scotland and Man, 126. Moore, G. E. Hume's philosophy, 757. Moore, J. C. : Life of Sir John Moore, 519. Notice of ancient graves at Dounan, 77, On protrusion of Silurian rocks, 994. On some fossiliferous beds, 994. Moore, J. S. Pictorial book of ancient ballad poetry, 844. Moore, Sir John. Diary, 519. Moore, Dr. John: Edward, 845. Mooriana, 845. Post captain, 845. Works, 845. Zeluco, 845. Moore, R. T. Hamilton coalfield, 994. Moore, Ralph. On blackband ironstones, 994. Moors, H. J. With Stevenson in Samoa, 886. Moran, P. F. Birthplace of St. Patrick, 525. Moray (4. earl), Alexander Stewart. Letters (1682- 1686), 1049. Moray, C. S. H. D. Report on manuscripts, 113, 617. Moray (14. earl), George Stewart. Report on muni- ments, 113. Moray. Commissariot record, 564. More Celtic fairy tales, 744. More reflections of a schoolmaster, 873. More reminiscences, 945. More voluntary quackery detected, 247. Morgan, Alexander. Scottish university reform, 704. Morgan, T. Sketch of early Scottish history, 134. Morham, Robert, City Chambers, 1054. Morison, Alexander. Blackhalls of that ilk, 572. Morison, George. State of Church of Scotland, 243. Morison, James. Charges brought against, 519. Morison, John. Dain Iain Ghobha, 929. Morison, Robert. Review of "Statement of prin- ciples," 261. Morison, William. Andrew Melville, 515. Moritzen, Julius. Andrew Carnegie, 458. Morkill, J. W. Notice of human hand, 518. Morland-Simpson, H. F. See under Simpson, H F. M. Morley of Blackburn (1. baron), John Morley: Carlyle, 809. Life of James Mill, 516. Memorials of a man of letters, 522, 831. Mormond: Aberdeen folklore, 744. Old sayings, etc., 744. Scraps of Aberdeenshire folklore, 744. Scraps of Buchan folklore, 744. Morning in the Grampians, 845. Morren, Nathaniel : Dialogues on church question, 269. Letter to Greenock Advertiser, 264. My church politics, 264, 270. National church a national blessing, 273. Word for myself, 270. Morris, D. B. Geology of Logie, 994. Morris, Henry. Life of Charles Grant, 484. Morris, J. A. An old Scottish town, 1052. Morris, J. E.. Bannockburn, 1048. Morris, Joseph. Belfield, East Calder, 311. Morris, Mowbray: Montrose, 518, 1049. Sir Walter Scott, 873. Morris, Thomas. Provosts of Methven, 564. Morris, W. B. St. Martin and St. Patrick, 525. Morrison, and Charles Leckie. Discussion, 254. Morrison, Alexander. Uist games, 744. Morrison, George. State of the Church, 259. Morrison, Hew: Manual of the Church question, 297. Notice of discovery of stone coffin, -etc., at Leth- nott, 102. Morrison, J. C. : Carlyle's reminiscences, 808. Thomas Carlyle, 808. Morrison, J. T. See under Mill, H. R., and J. T. Morrison. Morrison, James: Archaeological finds in the east of Moray, 77. Note of symbol-bearing slab at Easterton of Roseisle, 102. Notes on urn found at Kennyshillock, 77. Remains of early antiquities, Urquhart, 78. Morrison, John. Random reminiscences, 489, 528, 873. Morrison, L. A.: Earliest history of Dinsrnoor family, 584. History of Alison family, 569. Morrison, Roderick. Clerical life on the west coast, 126. Morrison, W. Collection of Highland music, 724. Morrison, William. Affinity between Gaelic and German, 920. Morrison, William: Copper mine at Kishorn, 672, 994. Geology, etc., of Outer Hebrides, 994. Mineral albertite, 995. INDEX 1179 Morrison, William — continued : Outlier of old red sandstone, Ross-shire, 995. Precambrian conglomerate, 995. Terraces at Achnasheen, 995. Morrison, William. Fearchur Leighich, 499. Morritt, J. B. S. Curse of Moy, 845. Morse, Jedidiah. Scotland, 196. Mort, Frederick: Extension westwards of Necropolis intrusion, 995. Passage of dolerite, 995. Sculpture of the Goat Fell, 995. Southern Highlands, 995. See also under Frew, John, and Frederick Mort. Mort, Frederick, and John Frew. Southern High- lands, 1022. Mort de la Royne d'Escosse, 153. Mortimer, John. At the grave of Burns, 796. Morton (12. earl), George Douglas. Extracts from original letters, 346. Morton (16. earl), George Douglas. Correspondence, 542. Morton, James. Memoirs of Dr. Leyden, 1063. Morton, Rev. James. Monastic annals of Teviot- dale, 322, 380, 392. Morton, Thomas. Knight of Snowdoun, 861. Morton, W. K. Crofter Act in Shetland, 690. Morton, Wallace: "Dictionary" Murray, 521. William Knox, 498. Morton of Cambo, his old writs, 617. Morton, earldom of. Registrum honoris de Morton, 618. Moscript, George, and others. Reunion of Seceders, 252. Moseley, H. N. Francis Maitland Balfour, 443. Mossman, R. C. : Meteorology of Edinburgh, 1022. Results of meteorological observations, 1022. Wintering on Ben Nevis, 1022. Mossman, Samuel. On chromate of iron, 995. Motherby, Robert. Taschen-Worterbuch, 772. Motherwell, William: Minstrelsy, 845. Poems, 845. Poetical works, 845. Posthumous poems, 845. Sabbath summer noon, 845. Tim the tackit, 845. Motion, J. R.: Care of pauper insane, 690. Notes on Scottish poor-law, 690. Moulton, R. G. Ossian, 916. Mounsey, G. G. Carlisle in 1745, 188. Mountstewart Elphinstone, 473. Mowat, John. List of books, 315, 420. Mowbray, J. T. Sketch of life of Rev. James Gray, 485. Moysie, David. Memoirs, 160. Mucking o'Geordie's byre, 845. Mudie, Alexander. Scotise indiculum, 173. Mudie, Robert. Modern Athens, 346. Mueller, F. M.: Goethe and Carlyle, 809. Tales of the West Highlands, 744. Mueller, Paul. Sprache der Aberdeener Urkunden, 772. Muff, H. B. See under Wilson, J. S. G., and H. B. Muff, 1013. Muir, G. W. Suggestions for improvement of poor laws, 690. Muir, John: Ancient sundials, 1046. Burnes arms, 557. Burns's Seal, 557, 796. Notes on Ayrshire folklore, 744. Muir, P. M. Loch Awe, 389. Muir, T. S.: Beehive house in St. Kilda, 78. Ecclesiological notes, 102, 205. Notice of ancient church of St. Helen, 305 391 Muir, T. S. Geography, 704. Muir, William: Letter (1849), 704. Letter to congregation of St. Stephens, 256. Letter to congregation of St. Stephens. 3. ed., 256. Letter to members of late General Assembly, 278. Report of speech on Auchterarder case, 256. Test of religious opinions, 257. The whole service, etc., 254. Muir, William, and others. Speeches (1836), 704. Muirhead, George: Birds of Berwickshire, 945. Continuous corn-growing at Paxton, 672. Bronze ornaments, etc., from Braes of Gight, 78. Muirhead, George. Great gain to Christians, 467. Muirhead, J. P. Origin of inventions of James Watt, 548. Muirhead, James. Notes on marriage laws, 640. Muirhead, R. F. Considerations on Scottish uni- versities, 704. Muller, Henri. L'isle de Skye, 416. Mullion, Mordecai. Letter, 346. Muloch, Thomas. Three letters, 704. Mumby, F. A. Elizabeth and Mary Stuart, 1049. Munch, P. A.: Catalogue of bishops of Orkney, 437. Concordia facta, 139. Geographiske Oplysninger, 427. Symbohe, 621. Why is Mainland of Orkney called Pomona? 399. Mundell, Alexander. Considerations upon the situa- tion, 198. Munger, T. T. Head of Scott, 873. Municipal statutes regulating sports of Aberdeen, 302, Munro, A. M.: Epitaphs and inscriptions, 564. Extracts from council records, old Aberdeen, 302. Extracts from kirk-session records, 302. Instructions for constables, 302. List of inhabitants, 302. Portraits in Robert Gordon's College, 564. Private register of baptisms, 564. Propinquity register of Aberdeen, 302. Register of indentures, 302. Seals of burgh and county families, 557. Munro, Alexander. Note of incised cross at Strathy, 102. Munro, James. New Gaelic primer, 920. Munro, M. N.: Gaelic as instrument of culture, 920. Highland folk-song, 744. John Morrison of Harris, 519. Munro, Neil: Ayrshire idylls, 845. The brooch, 845. Fancy farm, 845. The Fell sergeant, 845. John Splendid, 845. Sgeul of Black Murdo, 845. Munro, Robert: Ancient Scottish lake-dwellings, 78. Archeology and false antiquities, 78. Ayrshire crannogs, 78. Bronze age cemetery at Largo, 78. Bronze sword sheath found in Ayrslnre, 78. The crannog at Dumbuck, 78. Is Dumbuck crannog neolithic? 78. Lake-dwellings of Wigtownshire, 78. Note on stone knives found in Shetland, /». Notes of crannog at Friar's Carse, 78. 1180 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Munro, Robert — continued : Notes on crannog at Hyndford, 78. Notes on crannogs in Argyllshire, 78. Notes on jet buttons, 78. Notes on stone balls, 78. Notice of ancient "fort" at Seamill, 78. Notice of cairn in Eriska, 78. Notice of crannog at Lochlee, 78. Notice of kitchen-midden near Largo bay, 78. On date of upheaval which caused the 25-feet raised beaches, 1046. On human skeleton, etc., at Great Casterton, etc., 1046. Prehistoric Scotland, 78. Raised beaches in central Scotland, 995. Scottish crannog, 79. Scottish lake-dwellings, 79. Munro, Robert, and John Abercromby. Notes on primitive stone structures, 79. Munro, Rev. Robert. Notice of cairns near Rhin- avie, 79. Munro-Ferguson, R. C. Scottish Small Landhold- ers' Bill, 690. Munroe, J. P. Sketch of Munro clan, 618. Murchison, Sir R. I. : Additional notice on old red sandstone, 995. On discovery by Mr. Slimon of fossils, 995. Observations on structure of north-west High- lands, 995. On coal-field of Brora, 995. Sandstones of Morayshire, 995. Silurian rocks of south of Scotland, 995. Siluria, 995. Succession of older rocks, 995. Succession of rocks in northern Highlands, 995. Supplemental observations, 995. See also under Sedgwick, Adam, and Sir R. I. Murchison. Murchison, Sir R. I., and Sir Archibald Geikie: Altered rocks of western Isles, 996. Coincidence between stratification and foliation, 996. Murchison, Sir R. I., and Robert Harkness. On permian rocks, 996. Murdoch, J. B. : Glossary to Bannatyne ms., 772. Journal of a bore, 996. Late Robert Gray, 485. Visit to Culbin Sands, 996. Murdoch, John: Celtic sympathies of Burns, 796. Clan system, 432. Land question in Highlands, 690. Our fires and firesides, 690. Murdoch, Robert: Bibliography of clan literature, 558. Bibliography of Stewart and Stuart families, 629. Brodie, Michie and Gould families, 574, 595, 616. Murdoch, Robert: Burnsiana, 797. Gordon bookplates, 557. Lawrance families, 603. Murdoch, W. G. B.: Charles the second, 462. Mary, queen of Scots, 153. Sir Archibald Campbell of Ava, 455. Sir John Campbell of Ava, 455. Two royal bibliophiles, 462, 492. Mure, Sir William. Works, 845. Murison, A. F, : The battle of Bannockburn, 138. King Robert the Bruce, 139. Murphy, Lady Blanche. Slains Castle, 416. Murray, A. K. History of Scottish regiments, 432. Murray, Alexander. Glasgow corporation accounts, 368. Murray, Alexander. Nuisances in Edinburgh, 346. Murray, Alexander. The northern flora, 1035. Murray, Rev. Alexander. Observations on the Pehts, 52. Murray, Allister: Bryological excursion to Ben Lawers, 1035. Grasses of the Lothians, 1036. A second bryological excursion, 1036. Murray, Amy: An fhideag airgid, 724. Child songs, 929. Murray, D. C: Burns as an English poet, 797. Making of a novelist, 520. Murray, David: Early burgh organization, 127, 368. Earthquakes in Glasgow, 996. French translations of "Wealth of nations," 767. Glasgow coins and tokens, 729. Law relating to property of married persons, 640. Note on a bronze handled pot, 90. Old Cardross, 316. Plea for Stirling's Library, 368. Robert and Andrew Foulis, 715, 768. Scottish collectors and Scottish museums, 54. Small brass cup found in Rodil, 102. Some early grammars, 704. Spoliation of Hunterian Museum, 368. Statement, 245, 327. The valuation roll, 672. Murray, Mrs. Frances. Summer in the Hebrides, 205, 317, 374. Murray, Lady Grisell. Memoirs, 441. Murray, J. Letters of James Murray, loyalist, 188. Murray, Sir J. A. Murray, lord. Speech, 650. Murray, J. C: Sir William Hamilton, 487. Sir William Hamilton's philosophy, 755. Murray, J. F. Ireland contrasted with Scotland, 127. Murray, Sir J. H. A. Dialect of southern counties, 772. Murray, James. Kilmalcolm, 381. Murray, James, of Kilbaberton. Compt, 418. Murray, James : Bdelloid rotifera of Forth area, 945. Biology of Loch Ness, 945. Biology of lochs of Tay basin, 945. Notes on biology of Loch Morar, 945. Notes on biology of lochs of Assynt district, 945. Notes on biology of lochs of Beauly basin, 945. Notes on biology of lochs of Conon basin, 945. Notes on biology of lochs of Shin basin, 945. Notes on biology of lochs of Sutherlandshire, 945. On distribution of pelagic organisms, 945. Rhizopods, etc., of Loch Ness, 945. Rotifera of Scottish lochs, 945. Scottish rotifers, 945. Scottish tardigrada, 945. Tardigrada of Scottish lochs, 945. See also under Chrystal, George, and James Mur- ray. Murray, James, and R. D. Wilkie. Mosses of Camp- sie Glen, 1036. Murray, Sir John, of Broughton: Genuine memoirs, 521. Memorials, 521. Murray, John. Analysis of mineral waters of Dun- blane, 1022. Murray, John. Temperature of fresh and salt water lochs, 1022. Murray, Sir John. Physical and biological condi- tions of seas, 945. INDEX 1181 Murray, Sir John, and F. P. Pullar. Bathymetrical survey, 945, 1022. Murray, K. M., marchioness of Tullibardine. See under Blaikie, W. B., and K. M. Murray, mar- chioness of Tullibardine. Murray, K. W. : Genealogy of Dudingstoun, 586. Incident in history of Hamilton family, 597. Murray, duke of Atholl, 570. Murray, earl of Dunmore, 588. Murray, Lord Elibank, 589. Murray, Viscount Stormont, 631. Murray, earl of Tullibardine, 632. Murray, Louisa. Thomas Carlyle, 491, 809. Murray, P. K. : The old crown cushion, 127. Saving the regalia, 170. Murray, Patrick. Single-piece wooden vessel found in Shiskin, 102. Murray, Thomas. Literary history of Galloway, 360, 767. Murray, Thomas. Naupactiados, 846. Murray, W. H.: Farewell and occasional addresses, 846. George Heriot, 858. Murray, William. Mary, queen of Scots, 1049. Murray, William. Murray, earl of Annandale, 569. Murray family, 619. Murrays of Dollarie, 619. Murthly ms., 103. Musa Latina Aberdonensis, 846. Music in Scotland, 724. Musical nightingale, 905. Musselburgensis. Letter to Baillie Smart, 250. Muthill. Transcript register of baptisms, 564. Mutschmann, Heinrich. Phonology, 772. Mutual negative to parish and presbytery, 231. My Scottish school, 704. Myers, A. S. On blocks and boulders, 996. Myers, W. L. Influence of Fergusson on Burns, 797. Myles, Thomas: Kernel of the controversy, 270. The kernel farther discussed, 273. Myln, Alexander, Lives of bishops of Dunkeld, 437. Mylne, James. Poems, 846. Mylne, James. Statement of facts, 368. Mylne, R. S.: Influence of the Mylnes, 715, 1054. The master masons, 716. Masters of work, 716. Netherbow Port, 346. Notices of the king's master-gunners, 127. Notices of king's master wrights, 437. Mylne, Robert. Memoir of John Geddy, 480. N N. Character of Scott, 873. N. Vindication of Wordsworth's letter, 797. N., K. Footsteps in sandstone of Corncockle Muir, 996. N., M. Doctor Currie, 467. N., T. David Stewart Erskine, 45 1. Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, baroness. Life and songs, 521, 524, 846. Nairne, David. Notes on Highland woods, 1036. Nairnshire. [Documents,] 395. Naismith, John. General view of agriculture of Clydesdale, 672. Nan Gordon. A folktale, 744. Napier, Archibald. New order of gooding, etc., 672. Napier, Sir C. J. Life of Commodore Napier, 522. Napier, James: Folk-lore, 744. Notes on Partick, 401. Old ballad folk-lore, 744. Popular superstitions in Partick, 744. Napier, John. A plaine discouery, 846. Napier, Macvey. Selections from correspondence. 522. Napier, Mark: History of partition of Lennox, 604. "Lanox of auld," 604. Life and times of Montrose, 518. Memorials of Montrose, 518, 1049. Memoirs of Marquis of Montrose, 518, 1049. Memorials of Graham of Claverhouse, 483. Montrose and the Covenanters, 518. Napiers of Wrychtishousis, 619. Original letter from Col. John Grahame, 483. Progress and prospects of science, 704. Tradition, 564. Napier, Robert. Catalogue of works of art, 716. Narrative of the case of a considerable number of the Associate Congregation, 234. Narrative of illness and death of Mary Somerville, 539. Narrative of proceedings for securing the peace (1678), 172. Narrative of the riot at Tranent, 422. Narrative of surprising work of God in Kilsyth, 306, 320, 357, 382, 400. Narratives of battles of Drumclog, 905, 906. Narratives illustrating the duke of Hamilton's ex- pedition, 168. Nasmyth, Sir J. M. Notes on pinus austriaca, 1036. Nasmyth, James. James Nasmyth, engineer, 522. Nasmyth family, 619. National Assembly of Scotland, 166. National Association for Vindication of Scottish Rights: Address, 202. Address. To which, etc., 202. National education and United Presbyterians, 704. National Gallery of Scotland. Catalogue, 716. National homage to Christ, 294. National religion, 293. National Union of Conservative Associations: Campaign guide, 206. Facts, 207. Leaflets, 207. Nattes, J. C. Beauties of Scotland, 201. Natural history of banks of Tay, 945. Natural History Society of Glasgow: Fauna of Scotland, 945. Proceedings, 11, 931. Biographical notice of Cosmo Innes, 1063. Biographical notice of Lord Colonsay, 1061. Nau, Claude. History of Mary Stuart, 153. Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord: Archaeology, 54. Inaugural address, 704. On the Ossianic controversy, 916. On the pentatonic scales, etc., 724. Some remarks on Scottish language, 767. Necker de Saussure, L. A.: Documents sur les dykes, 996. Travels in Scotland, 198. Voyage to the Hebrides, 375. Negociations of Scottish commissioners at Notting- ham, 141. Negro minstrel, The, 906. Neil, Gabriel. Notices of old Tolbooth, Glasgow, 368. Neil Douglas, Universalist preacher, 648. 1182 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Neill, Patrick: Account of Ayrshire rose, 1036. Account of fossil remains of beaver, 945. Considerations, etc., 673. Examination of the "Reply," 673. Further considerations, 673. List of fishes in the Forth, 945. Notes relative to fortified walls, 346. Proofs that beaver was formerly native of Scot- land, 945. Remarkable shower of hail, 1022. Remarks on progress, etc., 673. Neilson, George: Annals of the Sdlway, 416. On Blind Harry^s Wallace, 826. Brunanburh, 312. Churches as forts* 103. Feuing of Brygrange, 322. "Huchown of the Awle Ryale," 767. John Barbour, 443. A larder account in 1649, 169. Making of wall pf Antonine, 90. The monuments of Caithness, 79. Motes in Norman Scotland, 103. Old Annan, 306. Peel: its meaning, 103. The real "Scots wha hae," 797. Repentance Tower, 406. Robert the Bruce's last journey, 139, 450. Rob Stene, 540. Roderick Dhu, 873. St. Malachai's curse, 574. Sir Hew of Eglintoun, 768. Scottish burgh records, 127. Some Scottish burghal origins, 127. Submission of the Lord of the Isles, 127. Tenure by knight service, 127. Trial by combat, 127. Neilson, James: Geological notes on cuttings, 996. Geology of Clyde "crannogs," 996. Notes on Geological survey memoir, 996. Notes on Scottish brachiopoda, 996. Notes on section seen in a drain, 996. On Calderwood limestone, 996. On marine organisms in boulder-clay, 996. On old red sandstone, etc., of Arran, 996. Sections of carboniferous limestone, 996. Visit to Little Cumbrae, 996. Neilson, W. A.: Burns in English, 797. Original of Complaynt of Scotlande, 813. Neish, James: Note of sculptured stones from Monifieth, 103. Notes on stone celts found in Glenshee, 79. Notice of cist, etc., at Tealing, 79. Reference notes of ancient remains, 79. Nelson, D. M. Proposed scheme for sewage of Glasgow, 368. Nelson, Thomas, and Sons: Historical and descriptive handbook to Edinburgh, 346. Old Edinburgh, 346. Tourist guide to Trosachs, 390. Views of the Trossachs, 422. Nelson, William. Contributions towards a Nelson genealogy, 619. Nelson's tourist's guide to the Trosachs, etc., 422. Nettlebottom, Nehemiah. Fudge family, 346. Neuhaus, K. G. Humes Lehre, 757. New act of parliament, 906. New Club. Publications, 12. New electricity works, Glasgow, 673. New guide to city of Edinburgh, 346. New history of Botany bay, 906. New history of Scotland, 119, 124. New jest book, 906. New letter-writer, 906. New light upon St. Patrick, 525. New lights Upon an old subject, 673, 690. New Mitchell Library, Glasgow, 370. New Patronage Act, The, 291. New pictorial bible, 906. New scheme of union, 289. New school of love, 906. New series of illustrations, 873. New song, 906. New song upon Captain Gordon's arrival, 846. New Spalding Club: Publications, 12. Report of Council, 12. New trolley system in Glasgow, 673. New winter evening's companion, 906. New York Scottish Society. Annual Burns celebra- tion, 797. New York State. — Education Department: Robert Burns, 797. Sir Walter Scott, 873. Newall, J. T. Scottish moors, 945. Newberry, F. H. Exhibition of decorative handi- work, 716. Newbigging, Thomas : A preacher poet, 538. Scottish Jacobites, 188. Newbigin, M. I. : Kingussie district, 383. Sir John Murray's scheme, 946. Newes from Scotland, 744. Newly invented chronological chart of Scottish bar- onets, 564. Newport, Magdalen. Some stories of colonial fami- lies, 601. News, The, 906. Newspaper press of Scotland, 768. Newton, E. T.: Some new reptiles from Elgin, 996. Reptiles from Elgin sandstone, 996. See also under Sharman, G., and E. T. Newton. Newton, R. P. Rural management of Forfarshire part of Strathmore, 673. Niceron, J. P.: Patrice Adamson, 439. Jean Barclay, 444. Guillaume Barclay, 444. George Buchanan, 452. Gilbert Burnet, 453. Robert Creyghton, 465. Thomas Dempster, 468. Jean Forbes, 478. Guillaume Forbes, 478. George Mackenzie, 508. Michel Scot, 533. Nichol, Prof. Allan Ramsay, 852. Nichol, J. P. Preliminary dissertation, 705. Nichol, John: Scotch universities, 705. Sketch of Scottish poetry, 768. Thomas Carlyle, 809. Nichol, William. Recent additions to cryptogamic flora of Edinburgh, 1036. Nicholls, Sir George. History of Scottish poor law, 640. Nicholson, E. W. B.: Golspie, 745. Keltic researches, 920. Latheron ogam-stone, 103, 920. Stem kamb, 920. Vernacular inscriptions, 103, 920. INDEX Nicholson, H. A, : Correlation of Silurian deposits, 996. New genus of graptolites, 996. Nicholson, J. S. Economic principles, 705, Nicholson, John. Historical and traditional tales, 846. Nicholson, William. Brownie of Blednoch, 846. Nicol, James: Geological structure of southern Grampians, 997. Geology of Peeblesshire, 997. Geology of Silurian rocks, 997. Geology of southern portion of Cantyre, 997. How parallel roads of Glen Roy were formed, 996. On newer red sandstone, Loch Greinord, 997. Origin of parallel roads of Glenroy, 997. Observations on recent formations, 997. Observations on Silurian strata, 997. Red sandstone, etc., of north-west coast, 997. Section of strata of Grampians, 997. Slate-rocks, etc., Easdale, 997. Structure of north-western Highlands, 997. Nicol, John, mariner. Life and adventures, 523. Nicol, John: Pictish tower at Kintradwell, 1046. Pictish tower at Salzcraggie, 1046. Nicol, R. G. Aberdeen harbour, 673. Nicolas, Sir N. H. Account of the army, 140. Nicolay, Nicolas. Navigation of King James V., 142. Nicoll, Sir W. R.: Henry Drummond, 470. Scottish Free Church trust, 297. Nicoll, Sir W. R., and Thomas Seccombe: Later Scots poetry: Robert Burns, 797. Sir Walter Scott, 873. Thomas Carlyle, 809. Nicolson, Alexander: At Loch Dee, 389. Collection of Gaelic proverbs, 929. Rev. Donald Macintosh, 507. Nicolson, George. Letters, 163. Nicolson, J. G. Some rare Caithness plants, 1036. Nicolson, John: Arthur Anderson, 1059. Some old time Shetland customs, 745. Nicolson, William: Eight letters, 188. • Scottish historical library, 127. Nigel; or, The crown jewels, 858. Night by Loch Lomond, 390. Nightingale, B. Medal of the Pretender, 188. Nimmo, James. Narrative, 523. Nimmo, William. History of Stirlingshire, 418. Nisbet, Alexander: Heraldic plates, 557. System of heraldry, 557. Nisbet, Alexander. Principles of ecclesiastical fi- nance, 244. Nisbet, Thomas. Plant geography of Ardgoil, 1036. Nisbett, H. M. Drum House, 1053. Niven, G. W. Bibliography of the Scots magazine, 3. Niven, W. N. Distribution of certain forest trees in Scotland, 1036. Nixon, E. J. The facts as they are, 273. Nixon, William: Civil and spiritual jurisdiction, 259. A forewarning, 288. The king of nations, 286. The present crisis, 288. Qualifications, 477. The two meanings, 286. Noble, James. Notice of a stone, apparently a sinker, 79. Noble, John: Bibliography of Inverness newspapers, 378, 1042. Miscellanea Invernessiana, 378. Preliminary report on Crustacea, 528. Leabhar Comunn nam Fior Ghael, 1183 Noble, Joshua. Report of the procedure, 240 Noble Mark. Historical genealogy of Stuarts, 629. Nobody. An epigram, 281, 846 Noel, B. W.: Case of the Free Church, 273. Free Church of Scotland, 273. Noel, Gerard. Nature and objects of Christian char- ity, 346. Non-intrusion, 261. Norcliffe, C. B. General James Wolfe at Culloden, 188. Norman, A. M. etc., 946. Norman Ramsay, North, C. N. M. 432. North, E. D. Bibliography of R. L. Stevenson, 886. North, O. H. Bronze age urn discovered on Kilcav estate, 79. North British agriculturist, 12. North British intelligencer, 12. North British magazine and review, 12. North British review, 12. North British review and Rev. C. J. Lyon, 534. North countrie garland, 846. North country students, 704. North Leith (parish). Report, 261. Northern man's ditty, 846. Northesk (9. earl), G. J. Carnegie: Notice of cists near Lauder, 79. Notice of cists at Teindside, 79. Notice of underground chamber at Crichton Mains, 79. Norton, C. E. Recollections of Carlyle, 809. Norval and Julia, 846. Note on marriage and divorce, 690. Note on name of Moutray, 618. Notes on cases of witchcraft, etc. (1629-1662), 745. Notes on diseased crinoids, 997. Notes on education question, 705. Notes on exhibition of Royal Scottish Academy (1861), 716. Notes from an old diary, 188. Notes on history of transport, 673. Notes and memorandum of the six days, 453. Notes on national characteristics, 127. Notes on seals of Scotch bishops, 557. Notes of speeches on petitions, J. V. Agnew, etc., Notes from Tongue presbytery records, 422. Notes of a wanderer in Skye, 416. Notice of brooch of Lorn, 103. Notice of events in life of Dr. John Thomson, Notice of the life of James Watt, 548. Notice of miniature coffins found on Arthur's Seat, 103, 346, 347. Notice respecting a polished flint celt, Claremont, 79. Notice of urn with golden ornaments, found in Banffshire, 79. Notices concerning archbishop Sharp, 217. Notices of Highland dress, 432. Notices from local records of Dysart, 327. Notices of original unprinted documents, 113. Notices relating to parish of Carluke, 316, 347. Notices respecting ancient royal library of Scotland, 768. Notices respecting Lady Murray of Stanhope, 521. Notices of Roman altars, 90. Notices of some of principal manufactures of west of Scotland, 673. Novati, F. Un nuova frammento del Tristan, 891. Novels of John Gait, 821. November twelfth: a poem, 846. Nursery and popular rhymes, 745. . 640. 545. 1184 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Nutt, Alfred: Aryan expulsion-and-return formula, 745. Campbell of Islay mss., 745. Critical notes, 745. Critical study of Gaelic literature, 916. Notes on Tuairisgeul mor, 745. Nye, Philip. An exhortation (1644), 226. Nys, Ernest. Trial of Mary, queen of Scots, 153. O., E. A. H.: Rhymes of the Scottish Highlands, 846. See also under Ogilvy, E. A. H. Obituary and calendar of Scottish saints, 437. Obituary notice of Admiral Sir Charles Malcolm, 512. Obituary from rental book of St. Anthony, 437. Obituary of Sir Michael Connal, 464. Obligation by John, earl of Cassillis, 163. Observations upon church affairs, 232. Observations upon law of Scotland, 640. Observations on literature in age of A. Melville, 768. Observations on music in Scotland, 724. Observations on the overture concerning patronage, 235. Observations on a passage in Mr. Playfair's letter, 705. Observations on patronage and calls, 245. Observations on "Peter's letters," 837. Observations on proposed union of Seceders, 240. Observations regarding salmon fishery, 640. Observations on report of commissioners for making new roads, 673. Observations on report of police of Edinburgh, 690. Observations on Wordsworth's letter, 797. Observator. Antiquities in Stirlingshire, 418. Observer. Review of certain recent proceedings, 257. O'Byrne, M. A. St. Colum-Cille, 464. Ochtertyre house booke of accompts, 1070. O'Connell, L. Stevenson's word effects, 887. O'Connor, R. F. A Scotch apostle, 500. O'Conor, Charles. Dissertation on the first migra- tions, 52, 916. Odds and ends, 906. O'Donnell, Elliott. Scottish ghost stories, 745. O'Donnell, Manus. Life of Columbcille, 223. O'Donoghue, T. G. Carlyle's Irish tours, 809. O'Donovan, John. The Formorians, 611. (Economical history of the Hebrides, 375, 673. 0rken0erne, 399. Of the Latin poems of Dr. Pitcairn, 768. Officers and graduates of University, Aberdeen, 564. Official guide. Summer tours, 204, 205. Official guide from Glasgow, 204. O'Flaherty, Roderic. Ogygia vindicated, 134. Ogg, W. F. Results of administration of poor laws, 690. Ogilby, James: Transition greenstone of Fassney, 997. Veins in floetz-trap, East Lothian, 997. Ogilvie, Sir George: A true account, 170. A clear vindication, 170. Ogilvie, John: Britannia, 846. Poems, 847. Providence, 847. Ogilvie-Forbes, J. C. M. Paper on Auchiries, 1052. Ogilvy, David. Present importance of Free Church principles, 293. Ogilvy, E. A. H.: Book of Highland minstrelsy, 847. See also under O., E. A. H. Ogle, J. Sale catalogue, 640. O'Grady, Standish: Carlyle as political teacher, 809. Carlyle as politician, 809. O'Grady, Standish. Notes on Toireachd na Taine, 745. O'Growney, Eugene. Scotland in Irish Gaelic litera- ture, 127. Ogston, A. Cists found at Ardoe, 79. Olcott, C. S. Country of Sir Walter Scott, 208, 873. Old Aberdeen Gymnasium, 705. Old ballad. False Lord Carleil, 847. Old ballad. Grisly ghaist o' Bairnsdale, 847. Old college at Glasgow, 705. Old Edinburgh pedlars, 347. Old Edinburgh registers, 564. Old golf and new, 690. Old-lore miscellany of Orkney, etc., 12, 315, 399, 415. Old Scotland, 182. Old Scottish parliament, 127. Old Scottish society, 127. Old Society of Weavers in Falkirk. Rules, 690. Old stories re-told, 745. Old way of living in Scotland, 690. Oldmixon, John. Memoirs of North Britain, 230. Oldrieve, W. T. What H. M. Office of Works is doing, 716. Oliphant, F. R.: Robert Henryson, 488. William Dunbar, 817. Oliphant, M. O. W.: Annals of a publishing house, 446, 768. Autobiography, 524. The Athelings, 847. Chronicles of Carlingford, 847. Curate in charge, 847. Greatest heiress, 847. Edinburgh, 347. John, 847. Katie Stewart, 847. Kirsteen, 847. Ladies Lindores, 847. Lady's walk, 847. Laird of Norlaw, 847. Land of darkness,#847. Little pilgrim, 847. Lucy Crofton, 847. Life of Edward Irving, 491. Madam, 847. Madonna Mary, 847. Miss Marjoribanks, 847. Mrs. Arthur, 847. Ombra, 847. Perpetual curate, 847. Principal Tulloch, 546. Quiet heart, 847. Rose in June, 847. Self-sacrifice, 847. Royal Edinburgh, 347. Sir Robert's fortune, 847. Son of the soil, 847. Squire Arden, 847. Stories of the seen and unseen, 847. Story of Valentine, 847. Thomas Carlyle, 809. Thomas Chalmers, 460. Ways of life, 847. Young Musgrave, 847. Oliphant, T. L. K. Jacobite lairds of Gask, 620. Oliver, George. Guide to Castle of Edinburgh, 347. Oliver, J. A. W. Burns at Kirkoswald, 797. Oliver & Boyd. Guide to Edinburgh, 347. Oliver and Boyd's travelling map, 1022. O'Meara, D. A. Marmion, 862. INDEX 1185 Omicron. Free Church of Scotland, 270. Omond, G. W. T.: Early history of Scottish Union question, 1050. Fletcher of Saltoun, 477. Lord advocates of Scotland, 1059. Notes on art of R. L. Stevenson, 887. Porteous riot, 347. Omond, R. T., and Angus Rankin. Winds of Ben Nevis, 1022. Omstandig verhaal, 188. On Douglas's translation of Virgil's .lEneid, 816. On the exhibition of paintings in Edinburgh, 716. On old Scotch silver spoon, 103. On present state of religion, 758. On Scotticisms and Anglicisms, 772. On state of religion in the Highlands, 240. Onahan, W. J. Scotland's services to France, 127. Oncken, August. Adam Smith und Kant, 760. One hundred songs of Scotland, 724. One of the million, 542. O'Neill, Arthur. A trip to Lewis, 388. O'Neill, Moira: Letters of R. L. Stevenson, 887. Macbeth as the Celtic type, 134. Onesimus and Adelphos. Present crisis of the Free Church, 270. Opening of Glasgow electric tramways, 673. Opening of new buildings. Aberdeen Public Li- brary, 302. Opinion of a conveyance, 400. Opinion of the present state, etc., 160. Oppressions of sixteenth century in Orkney and Shetland, 399, 415. Oran Dhomhnuill Daoilig, 929. Oration, An, on the decision, 848. Oratory of Chalmers, 460. Ord, G. W. Tipulidae of Glasgow district, 946. Order of combats for life, 127. Order of the King and Lords of Privy Council, 705. Ordish, T. F. Carlyle as an antiquary, 809. Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland, 205. Ordnance Survey of Scotland, 1022. O'Reilly, Bernard. St. Margaret, 513. O'Reilly, P. J. Site of Columb's monastery, 379. Organ question, 280. Organization of secondary education, 705. Origin of lords of the Isles, 607. Origin of the Secession, 217. Origin of steam-boats, 673. Original collection of poems of Ossian, etc., 929. Original documents relating to Sheffield, 153. Original letter containing some account of the parlia- ment, etc. (1678), 172. Original letter from ministers of Perth, 403. Original letters relating to ecclesiastical affairs, 217. Original letters of Shenstone, etc., 768. Original notes by Robert Burns, 797. Original papers connected with the Darien Company, 178. Original papers and letters relating to the Scots Com- pany, 178. Original rallying cry of the Free Church, 270. Original Seceders Associate Synod. Address, 262. Original Secession Church. Church disestablishment, 290. Origine et incremento Makintoshiorum epitome, 609. Origines parochiales Scotiae, 127. Orkney. Commissariot: Commissariot record, 564. Register of inventories, 564. Orkney und Shetland Inseln, 1022. Orkney and Shetland portraits, 564. Orkney and Shetland records, 415, 1056. Orkneyinga Saga, sive historia Orcadensium, 399. Orkneyinga Saga. Translated, 399. Orkneyinga Saga and Magnus Saga, 399. Orme, William. Memoirs... of John Urquhart, 546. Jacobite attempt Ormiston Friendly Society. Articles, 400 Ormonde (2. duke), James Butler of 1719, 188. Orr, James: Hume and his influence, 757. Union of the Free Church, etc., 296 ST'i- 8 " L ;, The Scottish Church question, 298. Urtehus, Abraham. Scotia tabvla, 1022 Osbourne, K. D. : R. L. Stevenson in California, 887. R. L. Stevenson in San Francisco, 887. O'Shea, J. J.: The Northern Athens, 347. Revival of Holyrood, 347. Second martyrdom of Mary Stuart, 153. O'Shea, James. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Oswald, Eugen. Thomas Carlyle, 809. Oswald, J. Letters concerning present state of the Church, 234. Oswald, James. Caledonian pocket companion, 724. Otis, J. F. On the poetry of Burns, 797. Otter, H. C. Tides of Sound of Harris, 1022. Ought the non-intrusionists to join with the United Secession? 270. Our national church, 245. Our Scottish fishermen, 673. Our Voluntary assailants, 291. Overton, J. H. Cruise among the Hebrides, 375. Ovidius Naso, Publius. Ovid in Aberdeenshire dia- lect, 848. P., C. M. Ceol-seinn na tuatha, 724. P., J. Antiquities of Strathmore, 420. P., J. Robert Service, 1065. P., R. L. Log of steamship Voltaic, 375. P., T. Memorandums of Thomson, 545. Pacificator. Scotch church question, 270. Packet of pestilent pasquils, 848. Packets of letters from Scotland, 168. Pagan, James. History of Cathedral of Glasgow, 368. Pagan, William. Birthplace of William Paterson, 525. Page, David : Notes on stylonurus, 997. Scottish geology, 997. Paget, Lady Clara. Notes on crosses in Shetland, 103. Paget, John: Lord Macaulay and the Highlands, 127. Paradoxes and puzzles, 127. Paine, R. D. Armada galleon of Tobermory, 421. Paine, R. T. Monody on Sir John Moore, 519. Paisley, Robert. Headship of Christ, 270. Paisley. [Documents], 400, 401. Paisley Abbey. Registrum monasterii de Passelet, 401. Paisley Philosophical Institution. Report, 12. Palgrave, F. T William Dyce, 472. Palinurus. Justification of conduct, 196. Palmer, A. N. Crofter system of Western Isles, 691. Palmgren, Carl. On the music of Burns' songs, 797. Palpus. Bickers, 347, 387. Panmure House. Miscellaneous charters, 113. Panton, G. A.: Note on cliff at Blackford Hill, 997. Note on fossil cones from Airdrie ironstones, 997. Papal negociations with Mary, 153. Papers about the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745, 188. Papers from charter chest, Cortachy Castle, 113, 358. Papers from the charter chest at Dun, 113. Papers from charter chest, Gordon Castle, 113. Papers from charter chest Monymusk, 393. Papers from charter chest at Pittodrie, 113. Papers illustrating history of Scots Brigade, 113. Papers illustrative of political condition of High- lands, 113. 1186 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Papers relating to the Darien scheme, 178. Papers relating to Macleans of Duart, 610. Papers relating to murder of laird of Calder, 1060. Papers relative to Captain John Slezer, 537. Papers relative to murder of Matthew Sinclair, 536. Papers relative to preservation of the Honours of Scotland, 170. Papers relative to the regalia, 113. Papers relative to submission of Angus Macdonald, 162. Parallel of Shakespeare and Scott, 873. Parasynagma Perthense, 225. Park, Robert. Rights and liberties of the church asserted, 228. Parker, Henry. The Trojan horse, 226. Parker, Katherine. Cochrane, earl of Dundonald, 588. Parliament and the Scottish land bill, 207. Parliamentary report on salaries of judges, 640. Parliamentary representation of Scotland, 199. Parnell, Richard: Account of new species of British bream, 946. Account of three new species of British fishes, 946. Prize essay on fishes, 946. Parrott, T. M. : The last minstrel, 873. Old Edinburgh and her poet-laureate, 1054. Part of amended Bill of Exchequer, 347. Part of a journal kept from Scotland, 178. Partick. [Documents], 401. Particular consequences of Mr. Orde's Irish resolu- tions, 673. Parton, James. James Watt, 548. Paston, George. Lady from the mountains, 484. Pastoral address, 262. Pat Stuart, tyrant Don Juan, 524. Paterson, A. C. Testimonials, 524. Paterson, A. N. Scottish architecture, 716. Paterson, Adam: Lecture, 691. Lecture on alterations upon the laws, 127. Paterson, George. Historical account of fiars, 640, 673. Paterson, H. M. L. Pygmy flints in the Dee val- ley, 79. Paterson, J. Author of "The cherrie and the slae," 844. Paterson, James: History of Ayr and Wigton, 309, 316, 320, 385. History of Musselburgh, 394. Paterson, James: Fedderat, 1054. Itinerary of a walking tour, 1050. Paterson, James, M. D. Report on prison of Air, 308. Paterson, James. History of family of Wauchope, 633. Paterson, John: Birds of the Clyde, 946. Distribution of the Chiff-chaff, 946. Notes on eagles of Ayrshire, 946. Burns on trees, 797. Notes on irruption of little auks, 946. On birds of Glasgow district, 946. Return of summer-birds, 946. Paterson, John, and John Renwick: Narrative of cruise in Loch Fyne, 946. Report of visit to Sanda, etc., 946. Paterson, John. Account of isle of Arran, 307. Paterson, Nathaniel. Who would gain, etc., 250. Paterson, Robert. Description of pothocites gran- tonii, 997. Paterson, Robert: Note of human remains in wooden coffins, 79. Notice of jar found in Leith, 103. Paterson, William. Land plan, 178. Pathetic history of George Barnwell, 906. Patience, Alexander: Distribution of Clyde crangonidae, 946. Occurrence of gobius orca, 946. Occurrence of idothea neglecta, 946. Some terrestrial isopods, 946. Patmore, P. G. Thomas Campbell, 802. Paton, A. P. Wilson the ornithologist, 1067. Paton, D. N., and others. Study of diet, 691. Paton, G. A. Law of mutual gables, 640. Paton, Henry. Manuscripts of Robert Mordaunt Hay, 311, 402, 412, 598. Paton, Sir J. N. : Notes on Clach-na-bratach, 745. Notice of amber seal, 376. Notice of gold ornaments found at Orton, 79. Paton, J. R. Captain John Paton, 525. Paton, James. Annals of Fordoun, 358. Paton, James. See under Bell, Sir James, and James Paton. Paton, Robert. Scottish church, 217. Paton, V. A. N. Masterton genealogy, 614. Patrick, James. Posthumous works, 848. Patrick, John. Carlyles in Scotland, 809. Patrick, John. Sculptured caves of East Wemyss, 103. Patrick, William, writer to the Signet, 526. Patriotism and prejudice, 52. Patten, S. N: Adam Smith, 538. David Hume, 757. Patten, William. Expedition into Scotland, 158. Patter, Peter. David Roberts, 530. Patterson, Alexander. Catalogue of Burnsiana, 797. Patterson, John. Memoir of Joseph Train, 545. Patterson, R. H. Christopher North, 552. Pattinson, J. P. British railways, 673. Patton, Andrew. Geological observations in East Kilbride, 997. Patton, F. L. Sir William Hamilton, 487. Paul, David. Fungi in Glen Urquhart, 1036. Paul, Hamilton. Foretaste, 848. Paul, Sir J. B. : Abercromby, Lord Glasfoord, 593. Abernethy, lord Saltoun, 625. The Abernethy pedigree, 568. Alexander, earl of Stirling, 631. Balfours of Pilrig, 571. On beggars' badges, 103. Bellenden, lord Bellenden, 572. Bruce earl of Carrick, 579. Comyn, lord of Badenoch, 570. Douglas, earl of Selkirk, 626. Douglas, lord Mordingtoun, 617. Drummond, earl of Melfort, 614. Drummond, viscount Strathallan, 631. Edinburgh in 1544, 347. Edinburgh in 1629, 347. Elphinstone, Lord Elphinstone, 589. Erskine, earl of Kellie, 601. Eythin, lords Eythin, 589. Forrester, lord Forrester, 591. George Burnett, 453. Gleanings from old album, 557. Haliburton of Dirleton, 596. Hamilton, earls of Haddington, 596. Hamilton, earl of Orkney, 621. Hamilton, earl of Ruglen, 624. Hay, earl of Kinnoull, 603. Heraldry in relation to architecture, 716, 1067. Heraldry in relation to Scottish history, 557. Home, earl of Dunbar, 587. Hope, earl of Hopetoun, 598. Keith, Lord Dingwall, 584. Last days of Patrick, earl of Marchmont, 513. Leslie, lord Lindores, 604. Leslie, lord Newark, 620. Lord Balfour, 571. INDEX 1187 Paul, Sir J, B. — continued: Lyle, lord Lyle, 606. Maclellan, lord Kirkcudbright, 603. Matrimonial adventures of James V., 492. Maule, earl Panmure, 621. Maxwell, earl of Dirleton, 584. Monypenny, lord Monypenny, 617. Murrays of Romanno, 619. Nairn, lord Nairn, 619. Notes on old Scottish measures, 103. On a calendar of 16th century, 141. Ordinary of arms, 557. Osborne, Viscount Dunblane, 5S7. Pilrig House, 1054. Post-Reformation elder, 217. Preston, lord Dingwall, 584. Primrose, earl of Rosebery, 623. Primrose, viscount Primrose, 622. Ramsay, lord Bothwell, 573. Ramsay, viscount Haddington, 596. Sandilands, lord Abercrombie, 568. Scottish heraldry, 557. Scottish note on the coronation, 207. Scrymgeour, earl of Dundee, 587. Some early Scottish architects, 716. Stewart, dxike of Ross, 624. Stewart, duke of Rothesay, 624. Stewart, earl of Arran, 570. Stewart, earl of Traquair, 632. Stewart, lord Blantyre, 573. Stewart, lord Colme, 625. Stewart, lord Pittenweem, 621. See also under Anderson, John, and Sir J. B. Paul. Paul, Robert: Note on ancient graves at Belhaven, 79. Note on Tents Moor, Fife, 79. Paul's second epistle, 848. Paull, James, and W. R. Pirie: Letter, 259. Non-intrusion, 259. Payne, William. Coalfield of Brora, 997. Peabody, W. B. O. Life of Alexander Wilson, 1067. Peace, William. Descriptive handbook to Orkney Islands, 399. Peace in believing, 455. Peach, A. M.: Boulder distribution, 997. See also under Wright, W. B., and A. M. Peach. Peach, B, N.: Abstract of opening address, 997. Additions to fauna of olenellns zone, 998. Cambrian fauna of north-west Highlands, 998. Further researches among Crustacea, etc., of car- boniferous rocks, 998. Generalised index of carboniferous rocks, 998. Geology of Scotland, 998. Geology of Shetland, 998. Glaciation of Caithness, 998. Light shed by organic remains, 998. Note on "glyptoscprpius," 998. Old red sandstone volcanic rocks, 998. Occurrence of pterygotus, 998. Scottish palaeontology, 998. Some fossil myriapods, 998. Some new crustaceans from Eskdale, 998. Some new myriapods, 998. Some new fossil scorpions, 998. Peach, B. N., and John Home: Canonbie coalfield, 998. Geological notes on lochs, 998. Geology of Orkneys, 998. Glaciation of Orkney islands, 998. Glaciation of Shetland Isles, 998. Notes on geology of Assynt, 998. Notes on geology of Conon basin, 998. Notes on geology of district between Loch Hope and Strath Naver, 998. Peach, B. AT., and John Home — continued: Notes on geology of Loch Katrine, 998. Notes on geology of Loch Maree, 999. ' Notes on geology of Shin basin, 999. Notes on geology of Tay basin, 999. Notes on shell mound at Tongue Ferry, 1047. Old red sandstone of Orkney, 999. Old red sandstone of Shetland, 999. Olenellus zone, 999. On occurrence of shelly boulder clay, 999. Peach, B. N., and others. On a remarkable volcanic vent, 999. Peach, C. \V. : On antholites pitcairnas, 999. Boulder clay of Caithness, 999. Chalk flints of Stroma, 999. Discovery of beekite at Durness, 999. Discovery of diatomaceae near Wick, 999. Discovery of millipores in boulder clay, Caithness, 999. Discovery of spirorbis carbonarius, etc., 999. Fossils from boulder clay, Caithness, 999. Fossil plants from calciferous sandstone, Edin- burgh, 999. Fossil plants from old red sandstone of Shetland, 999. Fossil plants from Slamannan, etc., 999. Fossil plants from West Calder, 999. Fructification of griffithsia corallina, 1036. Natural printing of sea-weeds on rocks, 999. New lepidodendroid fossil from Devonside, 999. Notice of holoptychius nobilissimus from Melrose, 999. Occurrence of "rosy feather star," 999. Remarks on some fossil plants, 1000. Remarks on specimens of ulodendron and halonia, 1000. Structure of fossil stems for Redhall, 999. Traces of glacial drift in Shetland, 1000. Peacock, Edward. Notes from unpublished docu- ments, 399. Pearcey, F. G. : Investigations on movements of herring, etc., 946. Notes on marine deposits of Firth of Forth, 946. Pearson, C. A. Pearson's gossipy guide to Glasgow, 368. Pearson, H. N. Memoirs of Claudius Buchanan, 451. Pearson, Norman. The Scotch Borderland, 312. Pearson, W. H. Discovery of harpanthus floto- vianus in Scotland, 1036. Pease, Howard: Lord wardens of the marches, 127, 312. Scott and Stevenson, 874, 887. Pebody, Charles: Burns at work, 797. Scott centenary, 874. Pecheurs de la cote, 691. Peck, Epaphroditus. American versus British ecclesi- astical law, 297. Peck o' maut, The, 906. Peddie, J. M. D.: Description of old timber building, 347. Notice of crucifix found in Ceres, 103. Peddie, James. Note respecting a sculptured stone, 347. Peddie, James: Defence of Associate Synod, 238. Parable of the lost sheep, 347. Pedigree of Alexander Lumsden, 606. Pedigree of Douglas of Tilquhilly, 585. Pedigree of family of Morton, 585. Pedigree of Grahams of Balgowan, 595. Pedigree of Macdonald of Sanda, 607. Pedrick, J. G. Heraldic aspects of Scott's works, 874. Peebles, G. S. Abbey and parish of Kinloss, 383. Peebles, William. The crisis, 848. Peebles. Charters and documents, 401. 1188 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Peebles. Commissariot record, 564. Peerage of England, etc., 565. Pelly, Sir Lewis. Glimpses of Carlyle, 809. Penard, E. Sur les sarcodines du Loch Ness, 946. Penitent prisoner, The, 906. Pennant, Thomas: Tour (1762, 1769), 193. Tour (1772), 193. Tour, 194. Pennell, E. R. Art in Glasgow, 716. Penney, John. Account of Linlithgowshire, 389. Penney, S. M. Highlands and Islands, 691. Penney, William, Lord Kinloch: Devout moments, 848. Opinion on Lord Aberdeen's bill, 270. Tract on christian charity, 273. Tract for the times; 264. Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts: Catalogue, 716. Representative collection, 716. Penny-worth of wit's garland, 906, Pennycuik, Alexander. Historical account of blue blanket, 347. Percy, Thomas. Altenglische und Schottische Dich- tungen, 848. Perfect list of the several persons residenters in Scotland, 178. Perry, T. S. Sir Walter Scott, 874. Persecutions in Scotland, 217. Persons, dress, etc., of Highlanders, 432. Perth (2. earl), John Drummond. Brief e account of life, 526. Perth : Alphabetical list of electors, 404. [Documents], 403. Perth Christian Conference, 288. Perth Synod. Decreet, 409. Perthshire. County Council. Handbook, 404. Perthshire Society of Natural Science: Proceedings, 12, 931. Transactions, 12, 931. Peter, D. M. Baronage of Angus and Mearns, 557, 567. Peter, James: Notes on oaken spade found in Cruden, 103. Stone circles in parish of Old Deer, 79. Peter Williamson, 550. Peter Williamson, remarkable for his captivity, 550. Peter Young, Gipsy, 553. Peterhead. Free Library. Demonstration, 404. Peterhead burgh affairs of last century, 404. Peterkin , Alexander : The Churchman, 217. Constitution of Protestant Church, 217. A layman's letters, 257. Letter to Henry Erskine, 691. Remarks on proceedings of Leith Dock Commission, 673. Peterpolis. The unnatural son, 848. Peterson, Franklin. Musical aesthetics, 724. Peterson, Meta. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Peterson, W. : St. Andrews and Dundee, 325, 409. Universities bill, 705. Petit, J. A. History of Mary Stuart, 153. Petition to General Assembly claiming seats, etc., 245. Petition for a toleration to the stang, 640. Petley, C. C. Carved stones in Ross-shire, 103. Petrescu, Nicolaus. Glanvil und Hume, 757. Petrie, George: Description of antiquities in Orkney, 80. Notice of ancient dwelling at Skara, 80. Notice of barrow at Huntiscarth, 80. Notice of barrow on farm of Newbigging, 80. Notice of brochs of Orkney, 80. Notice of excavations of cists in Stronsay, 80. Petrie, George — continued: Notice of round church in Orphir, 103. Notice of tumulus in Stenness, 80. Oldtidslevninger, 80. Picts' houses in Orkneys, 80. Rude stone implements found in Orkney, 80. Pettigrew, T. J.: Alexander P. W. Philip, 526. James Wardrop, 547. James Wilson, 552. John Baron, 444. John Brown, M.D., 449. John Cheyne, 462. John Hunter, 490. Matthew Baillie, 442. Sir Charles Bell, 445. Sir James McGregor, 507. Sir John Pringle, 527. William C. Cruikshank, 466. William Cullen, 466. William Hunter, 491. $. The Carlyles, 809. Phelps, W. L. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Philalethes. Remarks on statement, etc., 290. <&\XaM\voxoq. MoSpqv Afr£V£, 848.' Philip. Yea or nay? 288. Philip, Adam: Castle Huntly, 316. Parish of Longforgan, 391. Songs and sayings of Gowrie, 848. Philip, James. Grameid, 174. Philippson, Martin: Etudes, 153. Histoire du regne, 153. Phillips, H. My heart's in the Highlands, 724. Phillips, J. G. Prehistoric graves in Moray, 80. Philopatris; or, The Committee of- Overtures, 234. Philopresbyter, Britannus. Presbyterial government described, 229. Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh : Jubilee book, 12. Prospectus, 12. Report, 12. Philosophical Society of Glasgow: Proceedings, 13. Index, 13. Philosophy in Scotland, 758. Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, 755. Phin, K. M.: Reasons against, etc., 280. Scottish Episcopacy, 280. Phipps, E. A. Memorials of Clutha, 317. Physicians of the Western Isles, 572. Picken, Andrew: Black Watch, 848. Jordans of Grange, 848. Traditionary stories, 848. Traditionary stories of old families, 848. Picture of Edinburgh, 347. , Pictures by W. Q. Orchardson, 716. Pictures in Edinburgh, 716. Pictures and portraits of life and land of Burns, 797. Pidgeon, H. C. Notice of shields of arms, Dunbar Castle, 324. Pieces diverses, 159. Pierson, D. L. Mission work, 347. Pieszczek, R. K. Joanna Baillie, 777. Pigott, T. D. Shetland Isles, 415. Pillans, James. A word for the universities, 1070. Pinero, A. W. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Pinkerton, John : Enquiry into history of Scotland, 134. Historical dissertation on Gowrie conspiracy, 163. History of Scotland, 127. The Scotish gallery, 437. Pinkerton, William. Highland kilt, 432. INDEX 1189 235. 673. Pinnington, Edward: Finlaystone, 357. A Glasgow art collection, 716. Glimpses of old Scots parish life, 393. Robert Scott Lauder, 499. Scots memorial reredos, 393. Study of old Dundee, 325. William McTaggart, 512. Pirie, George. Vitrified fort upon Tap o' Noth, 80. Pirrie, A. M. See under Abercromby, John, and A. M. Pirrie. Pitcairn, Constance. History of Fife Pitcairns, 621. Pitcairn, Robert : Historical account of families of Kennedy, 601. Communication relative to horse-shoes found on farm of West Nisbet, 140. Pitt Club of Scotland. Songs, 848. Pittencrieff Glen: its antiquities, 404. Pixley, F. W. The Chisholms, 579. Placaet van de Staten...van Schotlandt, 167. Place, Mrs. Notice of castle on isle of Loch Doch- art, 103. Plain Honest Man. Letter, 347. Plain truth; or, Some reasons, etc., Plan of city of St. Andrews, 409. Plan for consideration, etc., 640. Plan for regulating rents of land, Planche, J. R. The Pirate, 863. Plant of renown, 907. Playfair, James. Geographical description of Scot- land, 197. Playfair, John: Account of Matthew Stewart, 541. Biographical account of James Hutton, 491. Biographical account of John Robinson, 531. Letter, 501. Playfair, W. H. Report, buildings for College of Edinburgh, 347. Plea for the country ministers, 276. Plea for divine right of the Church, 276. Pleasing art of money-catching, 907. Pleyel, I. J. Select collection of original Scotish airs, 724. Plomer, H. R. Dictionary of the booksellers, 3. Ploughman, Old. A friendly address, 193, 673. Plumptre, C. E. Centenary of Dean Pococke, Richard. Tours in Scotland, Poem on the South-Sea stock-jobbers, 848. Poems. Gudeman of Ballangeich, 907. Poems on Archbishop Sharpe, 848. Poems of Dr. W. C. Smith, 879. Poems of places, 848. Poetarum Scotorum musa& sacrse, 848. Poetical remains of Dr. John Leyden, 836. Poetry and humour of Scottish language, 768. Poetry in the novels, etc., of the author of Waverley, 874. Poets and poetry of Scotland, 848-849. Police of Edinburgh, 347. Political church, A., 291. Political martyrs in Scotland, 196. Political trials in Scotland, 196. Pollard, A. F.: Church and state, 217. Protector Somerset and Scotland, 158. Pollard, W. See under Clough, C. T., and W. Pol- lard. Pollen, J. H.: Dispensation for marriage of Mary Stuart, 153. Mary and the Babington plot, 153. Mary and the papal league, 153. Mary and the opinions of her Catholic contem- poraries, 153. Mary and recent research, 153. Mary Stuart's Jesuit chaplain, 153. Mary Stuart's letter to Mendoza, 153. Studies on history of Queen Mary, 153.: Ramsay, 192. 528. 103. Pollexfen, J. H.: Coins of David I., 729. Hoard of gold ornaments, 729. Two new Scottish pennies, 729. Hoard of gold ornaments, etc., found in Bute, Pollock, Robert: Course of time, 849. The persecuted family, 849. Poison, A.: Highland brochs, 80. Highland folklore of luck, 745. Social progress of the Highlands, 691. Some I-Iighland fishermen's fancies, 745. Pont, Timothy. Cuninghame topographized, 320 Poole, R. L. : Historical atlas, 1022. Scottish islands, 375. Poor client's complaint, 849. Pope, Alexander: On Caithness, etc., 315, 420. The dune of Dornadilla, 80. Popery and slavery reviving, 189., Popish blasphemy, 907. Popular view of the tenures of heritable property. 1069. Population of the city of Edinburgh, 347. Populi Suffragia, 231. Porcacchi, Tommaso. Descrittione, 161. Porteous, Alexander. History of Crieff, 319. Porteous, James. History of Monivaird and Strow- an, 393, 420. Porteous, William. New light examined, 238. Porter, Mrs. Gerald. Annals of a publishing house, 446. Porter, Jane: Ball at Holyrood, 348. The Scottish chiefs, 138, 1048. Porter, S. T. : Letter to the church, 369. Letter to his parishioners, 527. Remarks on "Vindication," 527. Portius, Wilhelm. Carnegie, 458. Portraits of leading reformers, 437. Portraits of principal female characters in Waverley novels, 874. Position and prospects of union question, 286. Possibilities of free religious thought, 290. Possolo-Hogan, Alfredo. Ivanhoe, 859. Post office. Glasgow directory: (1869-1870), 1055. (1882-83), 369. Pottinger, J. A. The selkie wife, 745. Potts, J. F. On Arran claystones, 1000. Potts, John. Seceding Presbyterianism delineated, 233. Poulson, James. Lyrick poems, 849. Pow, George. Notes on the shorelark, 946. Powell, F. Y. Few notes on Sir Tristrem, 891. Power, William. Prince Charlie, 189. Powrie, James: Earliest known vestiges of vertebrate life, 1000. Fossiliferous rocks of Forfarshire, 1000. Old red sandstone of Forfarshire, 1000. Old red sandstones of Fifeshire, 1000. Red sandstones of Scotland, 1000. Working together of igneous and denuding agen- cies, 1000. Practical mechanic, 13. Practical mechanic's journal, 13. Practical remarks on currency, 674. Practical remarks on Scottish Church question, 262. Pratt, Arthur: Notes on crinoids, 1000. Notes on igneous rocks, 1000. Scottish trap rocks, 1000. 1190 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Pratt, J. B.: Note of cairn on the High Law, 80. Note of ancient remains in Carluke, 80. Note of ancient structure at Law of Mauldslie, 80. Pratt, Tinsley. Poetry of James Thomson, 890. Pratt Institute Library School: Robert Burns, 797. Sir Walter Scott, 874. Pre-Disruption Elder. Thoughts on Aberdeen case, 294. Precedence of Edinburgh, 348. Preliminaries to the Crown of Scotland, 181. Presbuterion. A plain appeal, 259. Presbyter. Patronage, 242. Presbyterian Church, Edinburgh. City Elders. Re- port, 252. Presbyterian churches in Scotland, 284. Presbyterian Clergyman. A few observations, 241. Presbyterian magazine, 13. Presbyterian reunion, 296. Presbyterianism and reunion, 298. Presbytery of Auchterarder and others, etc., 257. Prescott, W. H.: Scottish song, 768. Sir Walter Scott, 874. Present conduct of chieftains, etc., in Highlands, 432, 1069. Present crisis locally and nationally considered, 296. Present and past of Holyrood, 348. Present position of the Church of Scotland, 257. Present ruined aspect of the Kirk of Scotland, 264. Present state of husbandry in Scotland, 674. Present state of Scots nobility, 565. Presentation to James Smeaton, 537. Presentation of medal to Andrew Carnegie, 458. Preston, H. W. Mrs. Oliphant, 524. Prestwich, Mrs. Grace. Lochaber and the parallel roads, 1000. Prestwich, Joseph: Parallel roads of Lochaber, 1000. Structure of neighbourhood of Gamrie, 1000. Prestwick. Records of burgh, 405. Price, Rees. Notes on Jacobite drinking glasses, 189. Prichard, J. C. The Picts, eo nomine, 52. Pride, David: History of Neilston, 395. Place-names of the parish, 427. Primrose, Sir Archibald. A short declaration, 167. Primrose, James: Ancient graves discovered on farm of Wyndford, 103. Jocelyn of Furness, 369, 427. Mediaeval Glasgow, 369. Old Blackfriars of Glasgow, 369. Prince, E. E. St. Andrews and scientific fishery in- vestigations, 947. Prince Charles Edward, 189. Prince Charles Stuart, 189. Prince, Le, Charles Stuart, 189. Prince Charlie's friends, 189. Principal heads of a speech (1760), 193. Principal John Tulloch, 546. Principal roads through Scotland, 1022. Principal Shairp's writings, 878. Principles of toleration, 276. Pringle, A. S. Verdict of "not proven," 640. Pringle, John. Outliers of old red sandstone, Sel- kirk, 1000. Pringle, R. O. Agriculture of Orkney, 674. Pringle, Thomas: Glen-Lynden, 849. Notices concerning Scottish Gypsies, 52. Poetical works, 849. Pringle, Walter. Memoirs, 527, 594, 599, 622, 626. Printed catalogues of Scottish university libraries, 1042. Prisons of Scotland, 691. Pritchard, E. W. Trial of, 656. Privat-Deschanel, Paul: Les influences geographiques, 1022. Influence of geography, 1022. Private judgment defended, 233. Private letters of Wilson, Ord, and Bonaparte, 551. Privy Council. Two acts for good rule on Borders, 640. Procedure of church courts in case of Dr. William McGill, 236. Proceedings against ^Eneas Macdonald, 652. Proceedings against Alexander Blair and others, 646. Proceedings against Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird, 653. Proceedings against Alison Duncan, and others, 648. Proceedings against Andrew Mackinley, 653. Proceedings against Angus Cameron and James Men- zies, 647. Proceedings against Archibald, marquis of Argyle, 645. Proceedings against Captain James Middletoun and others,, 654. Proceedings against Charles, earl of Lauderdale, and others (1683), 651. Proceedings against Charles Maitland of Halton, 653. Proceedings of the Commissioners of the Kirk (1627), 225. Proceedings in Court of Chivalry by Donald, Lord Rea, 656. Proceedings against David Baillie (1704), 645. Proceedings against David Black and James Pater- son, 646. Proceedings against Denholme of Westshiels, 648. Proceedings against Dr. Alexander Leighton, 652. Proceedings against Dr. Archibald Cameron, 647. Proceedings against George Mealmaker, 653, 654. Proceedings against Gilbert Burnet, 646. Proceedings against the Gordons, of Earlestoun, etc., 644. Proceedings against heritors of shire of Fife, 644. Proceedings against James sometime duke of Buc- cleugh, etc., 648, 649. Proceedings against James Cumming (1848), 647. Proceedings against James, earl of Loudoun, and Others, 652. Proceedings against James Douglas (1712), 648. Proceedings against James M'Ewan, and others, 652. Proceedings against John, earl of Gowrie, and others, 649. Proceedings against John, earl of Melfort and others, 654. Proceedings against John, Lord Bargeny, 646. Proceedings against John Ogilvie (1615), 655. Proceedings against John Semple, 657. Proceedings against John Spreull, 657. Proceedings against Kenneth, earl of Seaforth, 657. Proceedings against Mary, queen of Scots, 154. Proceedings against Mr. Alexander Pitcairne, 655. Proceedings against Mr. John Hardy, 650. Proceedings against Neil Douglas (1817), 648. Proceedings against the Rebels, 189. Proceedings against Richard Rumbold, 656. Proceedings against several persons of Galloway, 644. Proceedings against several persons of Lanarkshire, 644. Proceedings against Sir Duncan Campbell and others, 647. Proceedings against Sir Hugh Campbell, 647. Proceedings against Thomas Aikenhead, 645. Proceedings against Thomas Archer, and others, 645. Proceedings against Thomas Fraser of Beawfort, and others, 649, 652. Proceedings against viscount of Dundee (1690), 648. Proceedings against W. M. Borthwick (1822), 646. Proceedings against William Edgar, 648-649. Proceedings of meeting of friends of Church of Scot- land, 247. INDEX 1191 Proceedings in Parliament against John, earl of Gowrie, 163. Proceedings relating to Alexander and Charles Kin- loch, 651. Proceedings in trial of Andrew Watson, 659. Proceedings in trial of Captain John Porteous, 656. Proceedings on trial of Sir Archibald Gordon Kin- loch, 651. Process: Procurator Phiscall against the Egyptians, 644. Process and trial of Robert Logan, of Restalrig, 163, 652. Processus factus contra Templarios, 139. Professor Aytoun, 441. Professor Blackie, 446. Professor Ewart's Penycuik experiments, 947. Professor George Wilson, 552. Professor John Leslie against William Blackwood, 646. Professor Wilson, 552. Progress and present state of law of patronage, 236. Progress, The, of the regent of Scotland, 159. Progress of theology in Scotland, 217. Prompter, The, 13. Proper project for Scotland, 229. Prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer, 907. Proposal for building additional churches, etc., 369. Proposal for building Chapel, Rose Street, 348. Proposal for foundation of libraries in manses, etc., 768. Proposals for amending law concerning tailzies, 640. Proposed change in Sustentation Fund, 283. Proposed changes in Scottish liturgy, 217. Proposed restoration of Chapel Royal, 1054. Prose of Sir Walter Scott, 874. Prospect of poor-law for Scotland, 691. Protest against election of Thomas Henderson, 348. Protesters no separatists, 241. Proudfoot, William. Exhortation to my people, 270. Pryce, Mrs. Hugh. The great marquis of Montrose, 1064. Prynne, William. Romes master-peece, 226. Psalms : Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici, 851. Book of Psalms in Lowland Scotch, 851. Christian Psalter, 851. Poetarum Scotorum musx sacrae, 851. Psalmes of David, 849-851. Psalms of David, 758, 759. Psalms of David, by Cririe, 851. Public, The, catechis'd, 193. Public dinner to David Urquhart, 546. Public documents, Rev. John Macnaughton, 511. Public- petitions on Church Patronage Abolition Bill, 291. Publick, A, testimony (1732), 1052. Pullar, F. P. See under Murray, Sir John, and F. P. Pullar. Pungent, Pierce. James Hogg, 489. Punishment of the wicked, 243. Purcell, J. S. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Puritanism in the Highlands, 217. Purves, James: Fletcher of Saltoun's writings, 477. Lothian hinds, 691. An old Scotch kirk session record, 217. Purves, James: Remarks on improvement of meadow pasturage, 674. Report on reclamation of waste lands, 674. Purves, Sir William. Revenue of the Scottish crown, 173. Purvis, Sir Robert. Sir William Arrol, 441. Pusey, Philip. Poor in Scotland, 691. Quaker wedding in Old Aberdeen, 302. Quarry, Alice. Sir David Wilkie, 550 Quast, Otto. Der Begriff, 757. Queen Margaret College. Calendar, 705. Queen Mary's lamentation, 907. Question of church patronage in Scotland, 245. Quigrich or crosier of St. Fillan, 103. Quiller-Couch, A. T.: J. M. Barrie, 444. Mr. Barrie's "Sentimental Tommy," 779. Quinn, Walter. Sonnets, 851. Quintus Lollius Urbicus, propraetor of Britain, 134. R R. Mr. John Clerk, 463. R. Poems by William Thorn, 889. R., A. B. Cave of Uig, 355. R., D. M. Maccullochs of Glastullich, 606. R., J.: Account of attempt of Francis Bothwell, 348. Curious facts, 154. R., J. The Free Kirk, 270. R., J. Life of Hugh Heugh, 488. R., M. Mary Stuart's last prayer, 154. R., P. Edinburgh nuisances, 348. R., P. S. Q. Sketches of Highlands, 199. R., R. Glasgow University, 705. R., S. Rental of lands of Pitlurg, 404. R., W. William Black, 446. R. N. Plea for Forth and Clyde canal, 674. Rab and Ringan, 907. Rae, E. B. Extracts from records of Lochmaben, 390. Rae, John: Life of Adam Smith, 538. Scotch village community, 691. Rae, William. Dissenters and voluntary churchmen, 250. Raeburn, Harold: Summer birds of Shetland, 947. Some further notes on same, 947. Ra'lway race to Edinburgh, 674. Rany, Robert: Disestablishment in Scotland, 291. History... of the union question, 288. Past positions and present duties, 288. Present position of the union question, 284. Raising the wind, 907. Rait, R. S.: Andrew Melville, 759. David Masson, 514. John Knox and the Reformation, 217. Joseph Hume, 490. Kingis quair, 830. Last of the English school, 442. Mary queen of Scots, 154. Scotland and John Knox, 128. Scottish parliament before the union, 128. Some notes on university education, 705. Raleigh, Carew. Observations, 154. Ramage, B. J. Flora Macdonald, 506. Ramage, C. T. : Defence of parochial schools, 705. Drumlanrig Castle, 317, 322, 327, 394, 585. Rambles round Glasgow, 369. Rampini, Charles: Burning of Frendraught, 359. Correspondence of an old Scotch factor, 545. Florence Wilson, 547. History of Moray and Nairn, 394, 395. Shetland and its industries, 415. Ramsay, Sir A. C. Geology of Arran, 1000. Ramsay, A. M. Some few poems, 852. 1192 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Ramsay, Alexander: History of Highland and Agricultural Society, 674. Water supply of Edinburgh, 348, 674. Ramsay, Allan: Evergreen, 851. Gentle shepherd, 851. Ode, 852. Poems, 852. Scots proverbs, 852. Select poetical works, 852. Tea-table miscellany, 852. Translation of Scots pastoral comedy, 852. Works, 852. Ramsay, Andrew. Poemata sacra, 852. Ramsay, B. D. W. Rough recollections, 528. Ramsay, D. Stratherrick, 745. Ramsay, E. B.: Beautifying the place, etc., 348. Biographical notice of Thomas Chalmers, 460, 461. Letter to Charles Lawson, 348. Reminiscences, 852. Two lectures, 691. Ramsay, G. G. : Secondary education, 705. Settlement of Highland crofters in Canada, 674. Ramsay, Sir J. H. The 90th regiment, 432. Ramsay, James: Distribution of vascular plants of Britain, 1036. Notes on injury done to vegetation by severe frost of 1871, 1036. On some plants rare in west of Scotland, 1036. Ramsay, John: Agriculture, 674. Highland superstitions, 745. The Highlanders and the Rebellions, 189. Scotland and Scotsmen, 182, Ramsay, John. My grave, 852. Ramsay, P. A. Views in Renfrewshire, 1056. Ramsay, Sir W. M. : Early monuments, 716. Latter-day conservatism, 128. University of London, 705. Ramsay's Trustees. Legacy duty, 640. Ranken, T. E.: Scottish Reformation, 768. Sir Walter Scott, 874. Ranken, W. R. Notices of iron relics in Carluke parish, 103. Rankin, Angus. See under Omond, R. T., and Angus Rankin, Rankin, D. R. : Geology of Carluke, 1000. Notice of cranium found near Silvermoor, 52. Notices of General William Roy, 532. Report of Roman camp at Cleghorn, 90. Rankin, James. Union and reunion, 284. Rankine, W. J. M. Life of John Elder, 472. Ranking, D. F. de L'H. Stuart descendants, 629. Rare Aberdeen book of 1644, 768. Raspe, R. E. Nachricht, 916. Rate, David. Instructions in courtesy, 852. Rate, E. M. Dr. Witherspoon the first exposer of moderatism, 291. Rathillet, 852. Ratification in favour of hammermen, 348. Ratis raving, 852. Rattray, A. Traditions of Scottish patriotism, 165. Rattray, John: Diatomaceous deposit from North Tolsta, 1036. Distribution of marine algee of Firth of Forth, 1036. The May Island, 1036. On algae of Granton quarry, 1036. Raumer, F. L. G. von. Die Koniginnen Elisabeth, etc., 154. Raven, J. J. Caledonian campanology, 724. Rawlings, E. H. Carlyle as religious teacher, 809. Ray, F. M. Week in Scotland, 203. Readdie, R. M. See under Reid, J. U., and R. M. Readdie. Reade, T. M.: Further notes on rock- fragments, 1000. Relations of glacial deposits, etc., 1000. Real Claverhouse, The, 483. Real Dugald Dalgetty, 517. Real Stevenson, The, 887. Reasons of adherence to Church of Scotland, 270. Reasons against reception of King James's Meta- phrase, 768. Reasons for augmenting ministers* stipends, 232. Reasons for extending the militia acts, 193. Rebellion, The, of 1715, 189. Rebellion, The, of 1745, 189. Rebellions of 1715 and 1745, 1050. Recent architecture in the west, 716. Recent discoveries regarding Burns, 797. Recipes for high-class cookery, 691. Reclus, Elisee. Southern Scotland, 205. Recollections of Sir James Mackintosh, 509. Recollections of Thomas Carlyle, 809. Records of Aboyne, 305. Records of Argyll, 307. Records of baron court of Stitchill, 419. Records of Invercauld, 377. Records of Inverness, 378. Records of old Aberdeen, 302. Records of presbyteries of Inverness and Dingwall, 321, 378. Records of royal commission for visiting universities, 705. Records of Scots College at Douai, 565, 705. Records of Scottish cloth factory, 674. Redding, Cyrus: Lord Cochrane, 472. Sir James Mackintosh, 509. Thomas Campbell, 802. Redding's reminiscences, 802. Redfarn, W. B. The glove of Mary, 154. Redgauntlet, a drama, 865. Reece, Robert. Lady of the lake, 861. Reed, F. R. C: Crustacea from Girvan, 1000. Lower palaeozoic hyolithidas from Girvan, 1000. New fossil from Girvan, 1000. Reed, R. C. John Knox, 497. Reekie, Charles. George Croal, 466. Rees, R. W.: Curiosities of church finance, 218. Witchcraft, 745. Reeves, W. P. Study of language of Scottish prose, 772. Reeves, William: On ancient deed of land in Islay, 380. On the Celi-de, 224. Saint Maelrubha, 224, 513. Sanda, 411. Tiree, 421. Reflections on administration of civil justice, 197. Reflections on introduction of trial by jury, 641. Reflections on a late speech by the Lord Haver- sham, 181. Reformation interest (1782), 195. Reformed Presbyterian Church: Act for public fast, 237. Returns from presbyteries, 282. Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland. Com- memoration, 270. Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Consti- tutional Associate Presbytery: Act, 218, 237, 240. Minutes, 239. INDEX 242. 302, Reformed Presbytery: Act, etc., 218. Short account of old Presbyterian dissenters, Refusal of sites. Evidence, 277. Regimen sanitatis, 929. Register of burgesses, Aberdeen (1399-1631) 565. Register of burials in Holyroodhouse, 565. Register containeing the state and condition of every burgh, 175. Register of general kirk session of Edinburgh, 348. Register of interments in Greyfriars burying-ground 348, 565. Register of Kirk Session of Stirling, 418. Register of S. Paul's Episcopal Chapel, Aberdeen, 302. Register of vestments, College of St. Salvator, 409. Register of voters for Wigtown, 424. Registrum episcopatus Glasguensis, 371. Registrum episcopatus Moraviensis, 393. Registrum honoris de Morton, 113. Regulations in sheriff and stewart courts, 641. Regulations for Upper Ward of Lanarkshire, 641. Rehearsal of events, 165. Reichel, Georg. Studien, 772. Reid, A. G.: Account of ruins of Inchaffray, 376. Annals of Auchterarder, 308, 419, 745. John Brugh, warlock, 646. Notes as to recovery of three volumes, 128. Notice of original letter of instructions, 169. Notice of urn, etc., found on Bailielands, 80. Trial of Violet Mar, 653. Warlock of Kirktoun of Auchterarder, 648. Reid, A. S. Crustacean tracks from Cairnies quarry, 1000. Reid, Alan: Churchyard memorials of Abercorn, etc., 298, 313, 316. Churchyard memorials of Cranston, etc., 312, 318, 319, 405. Churchyard memorials of Lasswade, 386, 402. Churchyard memorials of St. Andrews, 410. Churchyard of Prestonpans, 405. Colinton church, 317. Glencorse old church, 371. "The King's cellar," 388. Monumental remains in Pitlochry district, 394, 404, 421, 1053. Notes on churchyards of Currie, etc., 315, 320, 384. Old houses, etc., at Kinghorn, 383. Recent discoveries in Tranent, 422. Regality of Kirriemuir, 384. Rose Maudie's weird, 853. Tranent churchyard, 422. Vitrified fort of Lochan-an-Gour, 80. Reid, D. J. Inverness section of Aviemore line, Reid, D. N. Hebrideans as patriots, 375. Reid, Duncan: Course of Gaelic grammar, 920. Sketches of Kintyre, 383. Reid, G. W. Counting-out rhymes, 745. Reid, Sir H. G.: Biographical sketch of Rev. John Skinner, 1066. Past and present, 128. Unaccredited heroes, 437. Reid, H. J. Notes upon passages, 154. Reid, H. M. B. The kirk above Dee Water, 309. Reid, J. A. Lawburrows, 641. Reid, J. B. Complete concordance to Burns, 797. Reid, J. E. : Fullartons of Kilmichael, 592. Genealogical account of Bute Family, 629. Genealogical account of Eglinton family, 588. Genealogical account of Glasgow family, 593. Genealogical account of Hamilton family, 597. History of Bute, 314, 567. 1193 674. 104. Memoirs of eminent divines, 437, 442, Marine origin of old red sandstone, 1001. 912. 1054. 529. 503. Memoirs of Lyon Playfair, 527. Reid, J. J. : Barony of Mouswald, 394, 579. Carved oak door, etc., Montrose, 393 Early notices of the Bass Rock, 310 Notice of Bellarmines or greybeards, 104 Notice of sculptured stone found at Meigle Scottish regalia, 104. w!;h' t' ?i A j t „ ran ^ bleS in the Hi 8 hl ands, 204, 716. Reid, J. U., and R. M. Readdie. A Midlothian burn, Reid, James. 488, 532. Reid, James. 1001. Reid, James, and Peter Macnair: The genera lycopodites, etc., 1001. The genera psilophyton, etc., 1001. Reid, James, and others. Parka decipiens Reid, John. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica, 3, 4 Reid, John. New lights on old Edinburgh,' Reid, John. On water supply, 674. Reid, John, general. Will and codicil of, Reid R. W. Illustrated catalogue of Anthropological Museum, Aberdeen, 52. Reid, Robert. Old Glasgow, 369. Reid, Sir T. W. William Black, 446. Reid, Thomas, died 1624. Poemata, 853. Reid, Thomas, philosopher: Essays on active powers, 759. Essays on intellectual powers, 759. Essays on the powers, 759. An inquiry, 759. Works, 759. Reid, Thomas: Notes on life of William Lithgow, Official guide to Lanark, 385. Reid, Wemyss. Reid, William: Notice of cists at the School hill, 80. Notice of cist, etc., at Wellgrove, Lochee, 80. Reid commemoration concert, 724. Reith, John. Ecclesiastical history, 218. Rejoicings at Aberdeen (1660), 302. Relation of diabolical practises of above twenty wizards, 745. Relation by the Master of Gray, 160. Relation of Scottish universities, 705. Relics of the Rebellion (1745-6), 189. Relief Presbytery. Report, 250. Religious associations of Edinburgh, 348. Religious execrations, 237. Religious periodical press, 768. Remarkable trials. James Stewart, 658. Remarks by certain directors of Royal Bank, 674. Remarks on correspondence, 392. Remarks on Flora Scotica of Dr. Hooker, 1036. Remarks on Legend of Montrose, 874. Remarks on a letter pretended to be dated St. Andrews, 1767, 234. Remarks on life of Andrew Melville, 515. Remarks on life of Dr. John Leyden, 502. Remarks on memoir of Mrs. Brunton, 451. Remarks on memorial relative to quoad sacra churches, 277. Remarks upon new deeds lately adopted in the Seces- sion, 239. Remarks on power of civil magistrate, 245. Remarks on report of Committee of Faculty of Ad- vocates, 641. Remarks on report of Committee of House of Peers, 641. Remarks on report on fictitious votes, 200. Remarks on Rev. Dr. Brown's discourses, 254. Remarks on some old Scottish songs, 768. Remarks and suggestions, 276. 1194 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Remarks on tumult at Edinburgh, 348. Remarks on Tytler's life of Admirable Crichton, 465. Remembrance of the order and manner of burial of Mary, 154. Reminiscences of Dr. Guthrie, 486. Reminiscences of Edinburgh, 348. Reminiscences of a Ross-shire forest, 947. Reminiscences of Sir John Steell, 540, 716. Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle, 809. Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle, 809. Remonstrance concerning the present troubles, 166. Remonstrantie vande edelen, 166. Renfrewshire. [Documents], 406. Renfrewshire. Medical officer of Health, 406. Rennie, John: Designs for bridge over Earn, 674. Report concerning lines surveyed, 674. Report concerning the practicability, etc., 674. Rennie, Robert. General report on agricultural state, 675. Rennie, William : Birds frequenting Elder Park, 947. Notes on sedge-warbler, 947. Rentaill of the lordschipe of Huntlye, 376. Rentals of ancient earldom of Orkney, 399. Renton, A. W., and G. G. Phillimore. Effect of marriage, etc., 641. Renton, Henry. Brief statement of principles of U. P. Church, 294. Renwick, John: Auchendrane and its trees, 1036. Beeches in Clyde drainage-area, 1037. Excursion to Glen Fruin, 1001. Large grey poplars, 1036. Measurements of trees, Eglinton Castle, 1036. Notes on ash trees, 1036. Notes on trees at Auchendrane, 1036. Sycamores in Clyde drainage-area, 1 03 7. See under Paterson, John, and John Renwick. Renwick, John, and J. W. Gregory. Loch Lomond Moraines, 1001. Renwick, Robert: Friars' Preachers in Glasgow, 369. Peebles, 401. Peebles during reign of Queen Mary, 401. Reoch, J. W.: Chalcedony, etc., in lavas of Campsie Hills, 1001. Shore section at Brodick, etc., 1001. Reply to arguments adduced by the Irish presbyter, 242. Reply to duke of Argyll's paper on Scottish church question, 294. Reply to "Remarks" on proceedings of Leith Dock Commission, 675. Reply to scurrilous poem, 853. Report of commissioners for preparing tables of fees, 641. Report from the committee, etc. (1751), 232. Report of committee for affording relief to the labour- ing classes, 691. Report of committee to examine plans for repair of cathedral church, 348. Report of committee for experiments of the naturali- zation of useful plants, 1037. Report by committee of management of the Associa- tion for Promotion of Fine Arts in Scotland, 716. Report of committee of St. Andrew Square proprie- tors, 348. Report by committee of solicitors, 641. Report by committee of writers to the signet, 641. Report on constitution of royal burghs of Scotland, 641. Report of debates on Scotch Burgh Reform Bill, 199. Report of excavation of pile structure at Langbank (1902), 80. Report on excavation of Rough Castle, 90. Report of great meeting of tradesmen, 254. Report of great public meeting in Assembly Rooms (1838), 254. Report of important decisions, 369, 641. Report of meeting to celebrate centenary of Burns, Boston, 797. Report on plan for feuing Rubislaw, 408. Report of poor-law commissioners, 691. Report on poor laws of Scotland, 691. Report of proceedings at Aberdeen great public meet- ing, 262. Report of proceedings at dinners, 199. Report of proceedings at Edinburgh to express sym- pathy with Strathbogie ministers, 262. Report of proceedings, in honour of Mr. Liston, 502 Report of public entertainment by Edinburgh Me> chanics' Library, 348. Report on recent work of Geological Survey in North- west Highlands, 1001. Report of speeches delivered in Gordon Street Church. Glasgow, 244. Report of speeches delivered at a public meeting, Edinburgh, 250. Report of speeches delivered in Secession Church Paisley, 246. Report of speeches at dinner to Earl Grey, 348. Report of speeches at great meeting of dissenters, 274, Report of speeches against intrusion of ministers, 257 Report of sub-committee of delegates, 691. Report of trial of directors of City of Glasgow Bank, 369, 644. Report of trial of issues, Beacon newspaper, 540. Report of trial by jury, Beacon newspaper, 540, 658 Report of trial by jury, Beacon newspaper, Supple ment, 658. Report of trial by jury, Leslie against Blackwood, 501. Report of trial of students, 348. Report of Union Committee on formulas, 288. Reports on experiments on manuring of oats, 675. Repp, T. G.: Letter on monument at Ruthwell, 408. On the Scottish formula of congratulation, 745. Repplier, Agnes. Andrew Lang, 498. Representation and petition of the Council-General, 179. Reprint of Jones's Directory, 369. , Reprint of statistical account of Thurso, 421. Residence in Glasgow, A., 369. Resignation of Abbey of Deer lands, 321. Resignation of Rev. D. T. K. Drummond, 264. Resolve of landowners of Argyllshire, 307. Respublica, 164. Restoration of the Parthenon, 349. Retour de Marie Stuart en fecosse, 154. Retour and royal warrant of taxation, 354. Reumont, Alfred von. Mary Somerville, 539. Rev. David Welsh, 549. Rev. Dr. Robert Buchanan's novel opinions, 285. Rev. John Fleming, 476. Rev. R. M. M'Cheyne, 505. Rev. Robert Hunter, 1063. Rev. Sir William Dunbar defended, 270. Rev. William H. Hewitson, 486. Review of appendix, etc., 241. Review by editor of "Original Secession Magazine," 281. Review of objections to ecclesiastical establishments, 246. Review of pamphlets, etc., 257. Review of Rev. Mr. White's Principles, 282. Review of theology and philosophy, 13. Revolution settlement considered, 259. Rhind, A. H.: Account of relics, etc., from Kettleburn, 81. An attempt to define, 52. Notice of "Picts House" at Kettleburn, 81. Results of excavations in cairns in the north, etc., 81. INDEX 1195 Rhind, William: Coal found in slate quarries, Seil, 1001. Notice of reptilian fossils, 1001. Rhind, William. Scottish tourists' guide to Abbots- ford, etc., 298. Rhys, Sir John: Inscriptions and language of Picts, 104, 920. Inscriptions and language of Picts. Addenda, 104. 920. Inscriptions and language of Picts. Revised ac- count, 104, 920. The peoples of ancient Scotland, 52. The Picts and Scots, 52. Spread of Gaelic, 920. Richards, Ernest. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Richards, F. B.: The Black watch at Ticonderoga, 193, 432. "Black Watch" memorial, 432. Richards, J. T. Scottish fossil cycadaceous leaves, 1001. Richardson, A. B. : Notice of silver ornaments, etc., found in Skye, 104, 729. Notice of recent finds of coins, 729. Richardson, Andrew. Free and arbitrary govern- ment compared, 189. Richardson, D. L. Drummond's poems, 817. Richardson, Mrs. G. G. Poems, 853. Richardson, J. J. "Bozzy," 448. Richardson, Sir J. S. Account of embanking land, 675. Richardson, J. S. : Kitchenmidden deposits on North Berwick Law, 81. See also under Cree, J. E., and J. S. Richardson. Richardson, J. T. Notes on interment at Leithies, etc., 81. Richardson, J. T., and J. S. Richardson. Prehistoric remains, 81. Richardson, James. Studies from the antique, 853. Richardson, John. Mary, queen of Scots, 154. Richardson, John. On the present state of the ques- tion, 497. Richardson, CK H. Mary, queen of Scots, 154. Richardson, Ralph: Arctic shell-beds, 1001. Comparison of climate of Edinburgh, etc., 1023. Coutts & Co., bankers, 581. The duke of Argyll, 441. French lady in Scotland, 206. Inaugural address, 1001. Influence of natural features on Scottish people, 1023. Note of borings, St. Mary's cathedral, 1001. Note on striated erratic at Granton, 1001. Notes on flood in river Tweed, 1023. Notice of columnar basalt, Laddedie Hill, 1001. Notice of glaciated rock surfaces, 1001. Notice of the "Gled Stane," etc., 1001. Notice of the "White Stone," Peebles, 1001. Notice of sandbed at Newpark, 1001. Notice of section at Tynecastle, 1001. Obituary note of Henry Cadell, 1060. Obituary notice of David Milne-Home, 1064. Obituary notice of James Melvin, 1064. Obituary notice of Professor Nicol, 1065. Old Edinburgh geologists, 1001. On antiquity of man, 1002. On Canadian and Scottish geology, 1002. On connection between geology, etc., 675, 1002, 1023. On discovery of Arctic shells, 1002. On notable Scottish earthquakes, 1002. On phenomena of glaciation, 1002. Physiography of Edinburgh, 349. River denudation, 1002. Richardson, Ralph — continued: Scottish place-names, 427. Terraces on banks of Tay, 1002. Volcanic rocks, etc., of North Berwick, 1002. Richmond, Sir David. Notes on municipal work, 369. Richter, P. Hume's Kausalitatstheorie, 758. Rickett, Arthur. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Riddell, H. S.: James Hogg, 489. Songs of the ark, 853. Riddell, John: Abstract of case of duke of Montrose, 617. Additional remarks upon Lennox or Rusky repre- sentation, 565, 604. Comment in refutation, 630. Remarks upon Scottish peerage law, 565, 585. Reply to misstatements, 597. The Riddell papers, 558. Tracts, 565. Vindication of Clanronald, 607. Riddell, John, and others. Notes on pedigree of Ann Groom, 619. Riddell, M. W. Sketch of leading features of Burns's character, 797. Riddell, Robert: Ancient lordship of Galloway, 360. Ancient modes of fortification, 81. Dissertation upon carved stone monuments, 104. Notice of fonts in Scotland, 104. Observations on vitrified fortifications, 81. On offices of thane, 128. Remarks on title of thane, 128. Some account of a symbol, 128. Riddle, James. Aberdeen and its folk, 302. Rideing, W. H. Land of Burns, 797. Riding of outer marches of Aberdeen, 302. Ridpath, George: Account of the proceedings of Parliament, 181. Correspondence, 529. Proceedings of the Parliament (1703), 181. Scotland's grievances, 179. Ridpath, Rev. George. Border history, 128. Riess, Ludwig. Losung des Maria Stuart-Problems, 154. Rigaud, S. P. Account of James Stirling, 541. Rigby, John. Tourist's guide to Hawthornden, 374. Right Hon. David Rae, 528. Right Hon. the Earl of Fife, 476. Right Hon. Henry Dundas, 515. Right Hon. Lord Cathcart, 459. Rights of asses, 853. Rights and liberties of church asserted, 247. Rimbault, E. F. National melodies of Scotland, 724. Rippon-Seymour, H. Royal commission on physical training, 52. Rise and growth of fanaticism, 218, 452, 497. Rishanger, William de. Annates regni Scotise, 128. Ritchie, A. I. Thackeray, lady. St. Andrews, 410. Ritchie, D. G. Some notes on mediaeval universities, 705. Ritchie, David. Sermon, 349. Ritchie, E. The question of the day, 285. Ritchie, F. J.: Description of clock-drop, 349. Description of clock-trigger, 349. Ritchie, James. Influence of volcanic action, 1002. Ritchie, Rev. James: Account of watchhouses, mortsafes, etc., 1046. Sculptured stones of Clath, 104. Some old crosses, etc., 104, 304. Ritchie, John. Horizon from Corsiehill, 1023. Ritchie, Leitch. Scott and Scotland, 200. Ritchie, Robert. Additional report as to architect of Heriot's Hospital, 349. Ritchie, T. M. See under Mill, H. R., and T. M. Ritchie. Ritson, Joseph. Annals of the Caledonians, 134. 1196 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Ritter, Otto: Burnsiana, 797. "Charlie he's my darling,'* etc., 797. Quellenstudien, 798. Zur Mundart, 772. Zwei unbekannte Fassungen, 768. Rivers of Scotland, 1023. Rivoira, G. T. Antiquities of St. Andrews, 1046. Rixius, Peter. Princip der Personlichkeit bei Car- lyle, 809. Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor, 507, 608. Rob Roy, the Highland freebooter, 907. Robb, D. C. Note on naias flexilis in Perthshire, 1037. Robb, James. Student life, 705. Robb, T. D.: Arthur Johnston, 493, 831. Delitise poetarum Scotorum, 815. Some sources of Tale of thrie priests of Peebles, 768. Robbins, R. C. Carlyle, 809. Robe, James. Narrative of revival of religion at Kilsyth, etc., 232. Robert Bruce, 139. Robert Burns, 798. Robert Burns and Ayrshire moderates, 798. Robert Candlish and the Disruption, 270. Robert Dick, Thurso naturalist, 468. Robert of Dunhelm. Letter, 134. Robert Flockhart, the street preacher, 477. Robert Louis Stevenson, 887. Robert Louis Stevenson. By two cousins, 887. Robert Louis Stevenson at Vailima, 887. Robert Louis Stevenson memorial, 887. Robert Marcus Gunn, 486. Robert Nicoll, 523. Robert Pearse Gillies, 480. Robert Smith, B. Sc, 538. Roberts, Andrew. Note as to John Johnston, 494. Roberts, G. E. : Kist-vaens on the Muckle Hoeg, 81. Remains of bothriolepis, 1002. Roberts, J. S. Legendary ballads, 853. Roberts, L. M. Burns and Dunlop correspondence, 798. Roberts, Morley. Visit to R. L. Stevenson, 887. Roberts, W. Notes on portraits of Scott, 874. Robertson, A. An old list of "Stations of rarer plants," 1037. Robertson, A. D. : Ancient cromlech at Ardenadam, 81. Druidical altar, Craigmaddie, 81. Robertson, A. W. Public libraries of Aberdeen, 302. Robertson, Alexander. Barriers to national pros- perity, 691, Robertson, Alexander. Course of lectures, 128, 641. Robertson, Rev. Alexander. In Memoriam. Rev. John R. McDougall, 506. Robertson, Alexander. Notes of stone cists at Les- murdie, 81. Robertson, Alexander. Saw ye my wee love, 724. Robertson, Alexander. Sir R. Moray, etc., 597. Robertson, Alexander. Wealden beds of Brora, 1002. Robertson, Andrew. Letters and papers, 717. Robertson, Angus: Henry Whyte, 550. Neil Munro, 520. Robertson, C. G. Real Dugald Dalgetty, 517. Robertson, C. M. : Folk-lore from west of Ross-shire, 745. Gaelic dialect of Arran, 920. Gaelic of west of Ross-shire, 920. Prize essay on Perthshire Gaelic, 920. Ptolemy's "Ripa Alia," 427, 921. Scottish Gaelic dialects, 921. Skye Gaelic, 921. Robertson, C. M. — continued: Sutherland Gaelic, 921. Topography of Eigg, 355. Variations of Gaelic loan words, 921. Robertson, Charles. Supplement to report of Auch- terarder case, 257. Robertson, Charles, and others. Brief narrative, 238, 403. Robertson, D. H. : Human remains found in Citadel, 387. Notes on visitation of pestilence, 387. Notice of supposed cranium of Robert Logan, 503. Residence of barons Balmerino, 387. Robertson, D. J. : A loch in Orcady, 399. Orkney folklore notes, 745. Robertson, David: Additions to list of polyzoa, 1002. Contribution towards catalogue of amphipoda, etc., 974. Garnock water post-tertiary deposit, 1002. Injured specimens of rissoa striata, 1002. Jottings from my notebook, 947. List of algae of Lamlash Bay, 1037. List of foraminifera, Portree Bay, 947. Notes on the herring, 947. Notice of thirteen cumacea, 947. On hermit crabs in post-tertiary clays, 1002. On nudabranchiate mollusca, Cumbraes, 947. On pisidium fontinale, etc., 947. Post-tertiary beds of Garvel Park, 1002. Post-tertiary deposit at Arkleston, 1002. Post-tertiary deposit of Misk Pit, 1002. Post-tertiary fossiliferous beds at Paisley, 1002. Raised beach at Cumbrae, 1002. Recent ostracoda, etc., of Clyde, 1002. Sea anemones of the Cumbraes, 947. Second contribution, 947. Series of foraminifera, etc., from Lewis, 1002. See also under Grieve, John, and David Robertson; and under Young, John, and David Robertson. Robertson, E. W. Scotland under her early kings, 134. Robertson, Eric. Student life, 705. Robertson, George : Agriculture of Kincardineshire, 675. Description of reclamation embankment, Leith, 387. On wet dock, etc., Leith, 675. Robertson, George : Genealogical account of principal families in Ayr- shire, 567. Sir William Wallace, 547. Topographical description of Ayrshire, 309, 320, 567. Robertson, J. Art of Burns, 798. Robertson, J. A. : Comitatus de Atholia, 570, 623. Concise historical proofs, 432. See also under Johnston, T. B., and J. A. Robert- son. Robertson, J. G. Memorial notice of John Robertson, 530. Robertson, J. L. : Allan Ramsay, 528. Log of the "Dutillet," 189. Robertson, J. M.: Arthur James Balfour, 442. Belles lettres in Scotland, 768. Thomas Carlyle, 809. Robertson, James: Agriculture of Inverness, 675. British antiquities, 1046. Robertson, Rev. James. Letter on superstitions of Highlands, 745. Robertson, James: Observations on Veto Act, 259, 1052. Past conduct and present duty of dissenters, 270. INDEX 1197 Robertson, James. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 1002. Robertson, John: Birds of east Renfrewshire, 947. Common sandpiper, 947. Little stint, 947. Nesting dates of waders, 947. Robertson, John. Fall of the Kirk, 270. Robertson, Joseph: Book of Bon Accord, 302. History of Scottish almanacs, 768. Inedited notices of John Barbour, 443. Notice of David Wedderburne, 549. Notice of a deed, 393. Notice of letter from General Mackay, 228. Notices of two bills, 565, 691. On scholastic offices, 705. On use of wine, 691. Scottish abbeys, 104. Sketch of history of architecture, 717. Robertson, Patrick, Lord Robertson: Fragments, 853. Leaves, 530, 853. Speech, 270. Robertson, R. A. Preliminary note on some witches' brooms, 1037. Robertson, Robert. Notice of cist and urns at the Cuninghar, etc., 81. Robertson, Roger: Description of ancient obelisk in Berwickshire, 81. Observations concerning breed of horses, 947. Robertson, T. S. : Arbroath Abbey, 307. Notes from Kirkwall, 104. Notes on Saint Fillan's Priory, 410. Robertson, W. J. Some problems of law of thirlage, 641. Robertson, W. W.: Holyrood Abbey, 1054. Journal of James Playfair, 717. Our duty, etc., 717. Robertson, Walter. Short account, etc. Aberdeen, 302. Robertson, William. Forest sketches, 947. Robertson, William : History of Scotland, 128. History of Scotland during reigns of Mary, etc., 154. Storia del regno di Scozia, 128. Works, 154. Robertson, William. The Sustentation Fund, 279. Robertson Smith case, 295. Robie, David. On English water meadows, 675. Robie, James. Representative radicals of Edinburgh, 349. Robin, The. Songs, 853. Robin Adair. Ballad, 724. Robinson, F. N. Variant of Gaelic ballad of mantle, 929. Robinson, T. A. L. von J. Die Unachtheit, 916. Robinson, W. A. Secret of R. L. Stevenson's suc- cess, 887. Robinson, W. C. : Robert Burns, 798. Sir Walter Scott, 874. Robison, John. Account of malleable iron passage- boat, 675. Rockwood. Highland deer-stalking, 947. Rodger, A. M.- See under Coates, Henry, and A. M. Rodger. Rodger, Alexander. Poems and songs, 853. Roe, F. W. Thomas Carlyle as critic, 809. Roebuck, W. D. Census of Scottish mollusca, 948. Roger, J. C: Ancient monuments in church of St. Mary, 407. Celtic mss., 916. Notes on runic ristings in St. Molio's cave, 104. Notice of cist discovered at Ardyne, 81. Roger, J. C. — continued : Notice of sarcophagus in Govan, 372. Notices of early history of Govan, 372. Notices of sculptured fragments, 369. Reminiscences of tour, 206. Rothesay Castle, 407. Rogers, Charles: The Abbey Craig, 418. Familiar illustrations of Scottish character, 128 Family of Constable, 581. Family of Haldane, 596. Family of Playfair, 621. Family of Roger, 623. Four Perthshire families, 567. Genealogical memoirs of Colt and Coutts, 580; 581. Genealogical memoirs family of Robert Burns 575, 798. Genealogical memoirs of family of Sir Walter Scott, 596, 625. Genealogical memoirs of house of Christie, 579. Genealogical memoirs of John Knox, 603. Historical notices of monastery of St. Anthony, 387. History of Chapel Royal of Scotland, 128, 349, 418, 724. History of St. Andrews, 410. House of Wishart, 634. Jottings from records of farming society, Forfar, 358. Memoir of George Wishart, 553. Memoir of James Boswell, 448. Memoir of Sir John Scot, 533. Memoir and poems of Sir Robert Aytoun, 775. Memorials of. ..families of Strachan and Wise, 631, 634. Memorials of house of Gurlay, 595. Scotland social and domestic, 128. Scottish branch of house of Roger, 621, 623. Scottish house of Roger, 623. Social life in Scotland, 128. Supplementary notes to house of Roger, 623. Three poets of Scottish Reformation, 443, 467. Traits and stories, 746, 853. See also under Edgar, Andrew, and Charles Rogers. Rogers, G. A. Edinburgh society, 349. Rogers, H. D. Parallel roads of Lochaber, 1002. Rogers, J. E. T. Adam Smith, 538. Rogers, May. Waverley dictionary, 874. Rogers, R. V. Scotch marriages, 691. Roget, F. F. John Knox, 497. Roll of arms of princes, etc., who attended siege of -Caerlaverock, 565. Rolland, John. Court of Venus, 853. Rollock, Hercules. Poemata, 853. Rollock, Robert. Select works, 853. Roman antiquities, Fifeshire, 91. Roman antiquities in Scotland, 91. Roman Scotland, 134. Romance of forgery, 631. Romance in real life, 283. Romance Robert Bruce related, 768. Romance of Sir Tristrem, 891. Romanes, Robert, and James Curie. Letter to the secretary, 104. Romans in Scotland, 91. Romantic Edinburgh, 349. Ronald, James. Landmarks of old Stirling, 1058. Ronsard's "Mary, queen of Scots," 154. Rood of St. Ninians, 411. Rooney, Patrick. Impressions of Edinburgh, 349. Rooseboom, M. P. Scottish staple in Netherlands, 675. Roosevelt, Theodore. Oliver Cromwell, 169. Root, J. C. Edward Irving, 491. Rorie, David: Mining folk of Fife, 746. On some Scots words, 772. 1198 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Ros, Gavin. Protocol book, 565. Roscoe, E. S.: Christmas in Scotland, 746. New Year in Scotland, 746. Roscoe, Henry. Lord Erskine, 474. Rose, Alexander. Accompt of expenses in Edin- . burgh, 349. Rose, Alexander. Discovery of hematite iron ore, 1003. Rose, D. M.: After Culloden, 189. Ancestry of St. Gilbert, 480. Balmerino of the '45, 189. Bannermans of Elsick, 571. Historical notes, 189. Mary, queen of Scots, etc., 154. Notes on family of De Moravia, 619. Rental of Aberdeenshire, 304. Urquharts of Cromarty, 633. Rose, Sir G. H. Selection from papers of earls of Marchmont, 113. Rose, Hugh. Highland minstrelsy, 725. Rose, Hugh, and Lachlan Shaw. Genealogical de- duction of family of Rose, 623. Rose, John. Poemata, 853. Rose, Lewis. An humble attempt, 259. Rose, M. A. Honours of Scotland, 129. Rose, The: being a detection, 192. Rosebery (5. earl), A. P. Primrose: Appreciations, 853. R. L. Stevenson, 887. Robert Burns, 798. Scottish history, 129. Wallace, 138. Rosebery Burns Club. Excursion, 798. Rosenfeld, J. Die doppelte Wahrheit, 758. Roslin Castle, 407. Roslin Castle & Chapel, 407. Ross, A. Brochs, what are they? 81. Ross, A. J.: Memoir of Alexander Ewing, 475. Rev. Thomas Chalmers, 461. Ross, Alexander (1590-1654). Poemata, 853. Ross, Alexander (1699-1784). Helenore, 853. Ross, Alexander: Ancient churches in Inverness, 378. Early travels in Scotland, 129. Find of coins in Skye, 729. Formation of Caledonian Canal, 675. Geology of Ben Nevis, 1003. Highland dyes, 432. History of Redcastle, 405. Island of Iona, 379.' Kilcoy Castle, 381. Munros of Culcairn, 618. Munros of Milntown, 618. Munros of Pittonachy, 618. Notes on superstitions as to suicides, 746. Notice of St. Clement's Church, 375. Old Highland industries, 675. Old Highland roads, 675. Old Inverness, 378. Tesselated pavement, 104. Visit to St. Kilda, 411. Ross, Andrew: Constitution of fencible regiments, 432. Earl of Atholl's troop of horse, 432. Historic succession of Black Watch, 432. . John Lord Murray's regiment, 432. King's Life Guard of Horse, 432. List of heritors of Ross-shire, 565. Lyon, earl of Strathmore, 631. Ogilvy, earl of Findlater, 590. Ogilvy, lord Banff, 571. Old Scottish book plates, 557. RosSj Andrew — continued : Old Scottish regimental colours, 1067. Perthshire militia, 432. William Drummond of Cromlix, 470. Ross, D. Auld langsyne, 725. Ross, David. Some notes on place names, 427. Ross, Donald. Notes on shell-heaps in Coll, 81. Ross, Edward. Deer-stalking, 948. Ross, Frederick. Ruined abbeys of Britain, 322, 380, 392. Ross, George. Answers for Thomas George Suther, 281. Ross, George. Flora of Mull, 1037. Ross, J. Some notable stones and legends, 81. Ross, J. C. : Legends from Glenelg, 746. Market crosses of Scotland, 717. Memorial stone at Kildonan, 355. Notes on Eigg, 355. Notes on isle of Muck, 394. Restalrig, 406. St. Trothan, 545. Ross, J. C, and P. C. Robertson. Bits about Edin- burgh, 349. Ross, J. D.: Burns scrap book, 798. Burns' Clarinda, 510, 798. Burnsiana, 798. Cluster of poets, 853. Henley and Burns, 798. Highland Mary, 456, 798. Ross, J. L. The Picts, 52. Ross, J. M.: Scottish history and literature, 129, 768. Scottish language and literature, 768. Ross, James. Castle Urquhart, 424. Ross, Janet. Fyvie Castle, 359. Ross, John. Present state of Edinburgh Divinity Hall, 705. Ross, Peter. Saint Andrew, 440. Ross, Thomas: Ancient sundials, 104. Borthwick Castle, 1052. Dalkeith, 1053. Indications of Roman architecture, 717. James Gifford, 423, 717. Musselburgh and Inveresk, 1055, 1056. Notice of hog-backed monuments at Abercorn, etc., 104. Notice of paintings found at Wester Livilands, 418. Notice of remains of chapel found at Ardoch, 104. Notice of six paintings, 717. Pinkie House, 1056. Restalrig and Well of St.Triduana, 1057. Sculptured stones with chariots, Auchterarder, etc., 91. Sculptures in St. Mirren's chapel, 104, 401. Ross, Thomas, and W. T. Oldreeve. Report on Dry- burgh Abbey, 322. Ross, W. J. C. Last century's fisheries report, 675. Ross, Walter. Historical account of College of Jus- tice, 641. Ross, William: Aberdour and Inchcolme, 304, 376. . Hospital of St. Martha, Aberdour, 304. Ross, William. Busby and its neighbourhood, 314, 316, 328, 392. Ross, William. Collection of pipe music, 725. Ross, William. Survey of Celtic languages, 921. Ross, William. Scottish contributions to social im- provement, 675. Rossetti, D. G. King's tragedy, 141. Rothes (6. earl), John Leslie. Relation of proceed- ings, 218. Rothesay electric tramways, 675. Rothschild, Walter. Birds of the Bass Rock, 948. INDEX 1199 Roughead, William: The Arran murder, 651. Concerning Christina Gilmour, 649. Doom of Lady Warriston, 659. The Dunecht mystery, 657. Ghost of Sergeant Davies, 659. Husband of Lady Grange, 1062. Katharine Nairn, 655. Keith of Northfield, 651. Ordeal of Philip Stanfield, 658. The parson of Spott, 651. The real Braxfield, 1060. The St. Fergus affair, 657. Scottish witch trials, 746. Touching one Major Weir, 659. Twelve Scots trials, 644. "The wife o' Denside," 657. Round, J. H. : Are there two earls of Mar? 613. Bannockburn, 138. Comyn and Valoignes, 581. Later earldom of Mar, 613. Origin of the Comyns, 581. Origin of the Stewarts, 630. Origin of the Stewarts and their Chesney connec- tion, 630. Origin of the Swintons, 632. Ruthven of Freeland barony, 624. The Stewarts, 630. Rousiers, Paul de: La question ouvriere, 675. Labour question in Britain, 675. Row, John: Diary, 532. History of the Kirk of Scotland, 218. Rowatt, J. Cadzow Castle, 854. Rowlands, Richard : History of lives of kings of Scotland, 129. Impartial account of the Rebellion, 189. Roxburgh (1. earl), Robert Ker. Elegy, 532. Roxburghe (8. duke), H. J. Innes-Ker. Report on muniments, 113. Roxburghshire. [Documents], 407. Roxburghshire and Selkirkshire. County commit- tees, 408. Roy, John: Desmidieze of Stormont district, 1037. Desmids of Alford district, 1037. Roy, Neil. Topographical description of Aberlady, 305. Roy, P. G. Un frere de Walter Scott, 874. Roy's wife of Aldivalloch, 907. Roy's wife, a favorite Scotch ballad, 725. Royal Association for Promotion of Fine Arts: Dowie Dens o' Yarrow, 717. Report, 717. Royal Bank of Scotland: Extracts from minutes, 675. Rules, etc., 675. Royal Caledonian Curling Club. Annual, 13. Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Historical sketch, 349. Royal Company of Archers — first tartan uniform, 432. Royal descents, 565. Royal Edinburgh, 349. Royal High School Commemorative Association. Re- port, 706. Royal house of Stuart, 129, 630. Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Report, 691. Royal letters from family papers of Dundas, 587. Royal letters and instructions, 113. Royal letters and other original documents, 114. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh: Annals, 13. Astronomical observations, 13. Catalogue of Crawford library, 4. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh- Laws, 13. Laws and regulations, 13. Proceedings, 13, 931. Royal residences in Scotland, 129. Royal riddle book, 907. Royal Scottish Academy: Annual report, 717. Answer, 717. Catalogue, 717. Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. Transactions 13, 1025. Royal Scottish Museum, 349, Royal Scottish Society of Arts: Conference, 706, 717. Transactions, 13. Royal Society of Edinburgh: Index, 13. Proceedings, 13. Reports of Boulder Committee, 1003. Transactions, 13. Royal Stuarts and their capital, 349, 630. Royal Technical College of Glasgow. Calendar, 706. Roz, Firmin: Impressions d'fecosse, 206. Robert Burns, 798. Ruck. Antonine lines, 91. Ruddiman, Thomas: Dissertation concerning competition for the crown, 138. Introduction to Anderson's Diplomata Scotiae, 1047. Vindication of Buchanan's paraphrase, 786. Ruickbie, James. Wayside cottager, 854. Ruins of the Cathedral of St. Andrews, 410. Rules and ordinances by the parliament of New Cale- donia, 179. Rules and regulations by trustees of Dr. John Milne, 706. Runciman, David. History of St. Andrew's Church, 369. Runcole, J. On Scottish songs, 768. Rush, Benjamin. Eulogium, 466. Ruskin, John : Fors clavigera, 874. What would be, etc., 874. Russel, Alexander. Exposure of attack on Cock- burn's "Memorials," 331, 463. Russel, M. View of system of education, 706. Russel of the "Scotsman," 532. Russell, C. C. E. Lennox, lady. Two brave Grizels, 463, 490. Russell, David. Reminiscences of my father, 532. Russell, E. : John Knox, 497. Maitland of Lethington, unwritten chapter, 512. Maitland of Lethington, the minister, 154, 512. Russell, E. J. Shetland islands, 415. Russell, E. S. Occurrence of gonactinia prolifera in Clyde, 948. Russell, G. W. E. Archbishop Tait, 543. Russell, H. Early church dedications, 224. Russell, Miss H. J. M.: Acquisition of Lothian, 134. English claims to overlordship, 129, 134. The name of Glasgow, 320, 369. Vitrified forts of north of Scotland, 81. Russell, J. B.: The decade 1871-80 in Glasgow, 369. Immediate results of operations, 369. Ticketed houses of Glasgow, 369. Russell, J. M. Destruction of agriculture, 675. Russell, J. M., and J. Macgregor. Correspondence, Russell, James. Account of murder of Archbishop Sharp, 534. Russell, James. Reminiscences of Yarrow, 105S. Russell, John. The Catrail, 1046. 1200 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Russell, John. Haigs of Bemersyde, 596. Russell, Michael: An affectionate address, 273. History of the church in Scotland, 218. Reply to certain statements, 273. Russell, T. J. De la noblesse, 557. Rutherford, A. C. : The great difficulty, 291. Question of deposition, 270. Rutherford, James. First attempts at rhyme, 854. Rutherfurd, Andrew. Catalogue of the library of, 4. Rutherfurd, J. Border hand-book, 312. Rutherfurd, Samuel: Due right of Presbyteries, 226. Last and heavenly speeches, 494. Letters, 854. Rutherfurds of that ilk, 624. Rutherglen. Sanitary Inspector. Report, 408. Ruthven (3. baron), Patrick Ruthven. Relation of death of David Rizzi, 529. Ruthwell Cross, The, 408. Ruvigny and Raineval (9. marquis), M. A. H. D. H. de L. C. de M. de Ruvigny: Boyd, earl of Kilmarnock, 602. Dalgleish of Tinnygask, 583. Hay, Marquess of Tweeddale, 633. Wardlaw family, 633. Rydinge of the stange, 854. Rye, E. C. Highland insects, 948. Ryley, G. B. Scotland's Free Church, 218. S.: Caleb Whitefoord, 549. Mr. Pinkerton, 526. S. Church of Scotland question, 259. S.: Historical account of Anderson's Institution, 369. State of Glasgow in 1692, 369. S. Superstitions of Highlanders, 746. S., A. I[acobi] G[raemi]. De rebus auspiciis, 519. S., C. T. C. Popular superstitions, 746. S., D. Greenie Hill, 746. S., F. Inverugie Castle, 379. S., J. C. Remarks on Captain Brown's letter, 349. S., M. E. W. Edinburgh, 349. S., P.: Church history of Scotland, 218. Early church history of Scotland, 218. George Buchanan, 452. S., R. Mary and Chatelar, 154. S., R. A. C. Stewarts of Massater, 630. S., S.: Family of Whitefoord, 634. Houston of that ilk, 599. S., T. Comparative prevalence of fever in Edin- burgh, 349. S., W.: Birthplace of George Ridpath, 530. Quaint Scotch ballad, 854. "Sawney Beane," 444. S., W. Dissertation on "the fairies," 746. Sabine, G. H. Hume's contribution, 758. Sadducismus debellatus, 746. Sadler, John: Muscological excursions, 1037. Notes on Alpine flora of Ben Nevis, 1037. Notes on flora of Isle of May, 1037. Notes on new and rare British mosses, and on trichomanes radicans, 1037. Notice of additions to cryptogamic flora of Edin- burgh, 1037. Notice of carex frigida, 1037. Notice of new Alpine willow, 1037. See also under Bell, William, and John Sadler. Sage, John: Account of late establishment of Presbyterian gov- ernment, 229. Some remarks on the late letter, 230. Sailor's tragedy, The, 907. St. Andrew's Free Church, Edinburgh. Extract from records, 438. St. Andrews, 410. St. Andrews. Archdiocese. Rentale, 410. St. Andrews. Commissariot record, 565. St. Andrews. Extracts from register of kirk ses- sion, 410. St. Andrews, Presbytery of. Extract libel, 273. St. Andrews kirk session. Register, 218. St. Andrews revisited, 410. St. Andrews under Norman Leslie, 410. Saint Clair, R. W. : Bishopric of Orkney, 399. Sinclairs of Brabsterdorran, 627. The Saint-Clairs of the Isles, 399, 626. Sinclairs of Lybster, 627. St. Clair, Roland: Bishopric of Orkney, 315. Orcadiana, 565. Saint Cuthbert (parish). Committee of heritors. Statement, 250. St. Fillan's quigrich, 104. St. Giles Church, Edinburgh. Registrum, 349. St. John, C. W. G.: Charles St. John's notebooks, 948. Natural history and sport in Moray, 948. Short sketches of wild sports, 948. Sketches of wild sports, 948. Tour in Sutherlandshire, 420, 948. St. John, J. A. : James Bruce, 450. John Bell, 445. Mungo Park, 524. St. John, John. Mary, queen of Scots, 154. St. John's eve, 746. St. Kilda poetry, 929. Saint Margaret, queen of Scotland, etc., 349, 513. Saint-Maurice Cabany, E. de. Decouverte, 874. Saint Ninian's cave, 424. St. Patrick — who was he? 525. St. Thomas's English Episcopal Chapel, Edinburgh. A few plain questions, 264. Saintsbury, G. E. B. : "The bride of Lammermoor," 874. Christopher North, 552. Francis Jeffrey, 493. James Hogg, 489. Miss Ferrier's novels, 820. Scott and Dumas, 874. Sair sair was my heart, 907. Salmon, A. L. James Beattie, 445. Salmon in Scotland, 948. Salt, H. S. : Life of James Thomson, 545. Some extracts, 545. Works of James Thomson, 1071. Salter, J. W.: Cretaceous fossils of Aberdeenshire, 1003. Description of some graptolites, 1003. Fossils from Stincher river, 1003. Fossils found in Aberdeenshire, 1003. New crustacean from Glasgow coal-field, 1003. Salvatorelli, Luigi. Andrew Lang, 1063. Salvesen, E. T. Salvesen, lord. Court of criminal appeal, 641. Samuel, J. S. Mary Stuart and Eric XIV. of Swe- den, 154, 1049. Samuels, A. W. Private bill procedure, 641. Sandeman, David. Progress of technical education, 706. Sanders, H. M. Drummond of Hawthornden, 470. Sanderson, J. H. Account of plate-marks, 717. INDEX 1201 Sanderson, James : Chorus, 724. Hail to the chief, 724. Sandford, D. F. Obituary notice of Very Rev. Dean Ramsay, 1065. Sandison, A. Whale-hunting in Shetlands, 948. Sands, John: Curious superstitions, Tiree, 746. Miscellaneous superstitions, Foula, 746, Notes on antiquities in Tiree, 81. Out of the world, 411. Sang, E. E. Remarks on the census, 691. Sang, Edward: Elementary view of strains on Forth Bridge, 676. Reflections on water distribution, 349. Sangs of the Lowlands, 854. Sangster, Charles. Bannockburn, 138, 854. Santa sede, La, etc., 154. Sarauw, Christian. Specimens of Gaelic, 921. Sargent, Winthrop. Some inedited memorials of Smollet, 539. Sarson, George. George Eliot and Carlyle, 809. Satan's invisible world discovered, 907. Satire against Scotland, 854. Satirical poems of Reformation, 854. Saunders, Bailey. Life and letters of James Mac- pherson, 916. Saunders, \V. The Cant family, 578. Saunderson, William. Aulicus coquinarise, 163. Savonarola, pseud. Poems, 854. Sawers, Peter. Footsteps of Sir William Wallace, 138. Sawney Beane, 444. Sawney Cunningham, 648. Saxby, J. M. E.: Birds of omen in Shetland, 746. Gossip about gulls, 948. Sacred sites in Shetland, 415. Shetland names for animals, 772. Shetland phrase and idiom, 772. See also under Edmondston, Biot, and J. M. E. Saxby. Sayings and doings of Free Church orators, 275. Scaling, William. On willows in Scotland, 1037. Scarth, G. W. Grassland of Orkney, 1037. Scattald marches of Unst (1771), 423. Scenes in Lewis, 388, 916. Scenes from the life of a sufferer, 854. Schaff, Philip. Creeds of Christendom, 759. Scharf, George. Brief account of portrait of Mary, queen of' Scots, 154. Schaw, William. Enemies, etc., 478. Scheme of mutual assistance in support of minis- ters, 277. Schetky, I. G. C. Lord Alexander Gordon's reel, 725. Schevez of Kemback, 626. Schiern, F. E. A.: James Hepburn, Jar I, 154, 448. Life of James Hepburn, 155, 448. Schiller, J. C. F. von: Mary Stuart, 155. Uilleam Tell, 929. "Schiltrum," 772. Schipper, Jakob: Dreihundert-jahrige Jubilaum, 706. Gedenkrede, 798. Die Monche von Berwick, 768. Vierhundertjahrige Jubilaum, 706. William Dunbar, 471, 817. Schmeding, Otto. Wortbildung bei Carlyle, 809. Schmid, K. F. John Barclay's Argenis, 778. Schmidt, Erich. Edward, 769. Schmidt, H. J. Walter Scott, 874. Schmidt-Wartenberg, H. Newberry Manuskript von J. Thomson, 890. Schneider, F. O. R. Carlyle's "Past and present," 809. Schoenbeck^ Henrik, and J. Gilberg. Ofversigt, Schofield, J. F. Church in Scotland, 218 School of Arts, Edinburgh. Reports, 706 717 Schovelin, Jul. Carlyle, 809. Schumacher, Aloys. Douglas Uebersetzung der Aeneis, 816. Schunk, Edward. Memoir of Robert Angus Smith, Schuster, A. Memoir of Professor Balfour Stewart 541. Schwab, C. M. Huge enterprises, 458. Schwappach, Adam. Report on visit to forests of Scotland, 1037. Schwarz, Hans. Henry Mackenzie, 508. Schweizer, Otto. Music in Edinburgh, 725. Schwemmer, C. Ueber Robert Burns, 798. Schwenninger, Alfred. Der Sympathiebegriff, 758. Schwob, Marcel. R. L. S., 887. Scot, Alexander: "The complete husband," 854. Poems, 854. Scot, David. On preparation for death, 476-477. Scot, George. Model of government, etc., 676. Scot, Sir John: Elegit, 854. Staggering state, 437. A trew relation, 168. Scot, John. Hodseporicon, 854. Scot, Thomas. Boanerges, 225. Scot, William, Apologetical narration, 218. Scot abroad, 129. Scot and Englishman in early song, 134. Scot at home, 129. Scotch ballads, 769. Scotch character, 129. Scotch church and the state, 297. Scotch cousins, 129. Scotch and Douay printers, 769. Scotch echo, The, 181. Scotch and English witches, 746. Scotch in France, 129. Scotch haggis, The, 907. Scotch and Irish songs, 725. Scotch judges against Scotch jurors, 641. Scotch land question, 1069. Scotch law of entail, 641. Scotch liberationists, 218. Scotch marriage bill, 691. Scotch marriages, 691. Scotch minister's tale, 854. Scotch modesty displayed, 194. Scotch nationality, 129. Scotch physician, A, 462. Scotch preachers and preaching, 218. Scotch Presbyterian eloquence, 229. Scotch proceedings in lunacy, 641. Scotch souldiers speech, 168. Scotch witches and warlocks, 746. Scotia, 1043. Scotia's bards, 854. ScotiEe numisma, 729. Scotish minstrel, 725. Scotish poems. Dalyell, 854. Scotish poems, Pinkerton, 854. Scotland, 129, 203. Scotland: Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Committee of inquiry on grouse disease. The grouse, 948. Board of Manufactures. Annual report, 717. Board of Prison Directors. [Documents], 18. Board of Supervision. [Documents], 18. Board of Trustees of National Galleries. Re- port, 18. Calendar of letters and papers, 114. Calendar of state papers, 114. Census office. Census, 18, 19. 1202 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Scotland, continued: Commissioners of Annexed Estates. Rules, 676. Commissioners of Fisheries and Manufactures. Plan, 676. Committee on Bankruptcy Law. [Documents], 19. Congested Districts Board. [Documents], 19. Courts. [Documents], 19. Crofters Commission. [Documents], 19, 20. Crown: James VII. Proclamation, 20. [Documents], 18. Edinburgh gazette (1699), 1043. Education Department. [Documents], 20-23. Fisheries and Manufactures Commissioners. [Documents], 23. Fishery Board. [Documents], 23, 24. Glasgow District Mental Hospital, Gartloch. An- nual report, 25. Hamilton papers, 114. House Letting Committee, Report, 25. Inebriate Reformatories Committee. [Docu- ments, 25. Inspector of Constabulary. Annual report, 25. Inspector of Schools. Tabulated reports, 25. Inspector under Inebriates Acts. Report, 25. Justiciary Court, Edinburgh. Records of proceed- ings, 25, 644. Land Court. [Documents], 25. Land Registration Committee. Report, 25. Local Government Board. [Documents], 26. Lunacy Commission. [Documents], 26. Manufactures Board. [Documents], 27. Manufactures Board Committee. Report, 27. Medical Inspector. Report, 27. Ordnance Survey. Book of reference to plan of Thurso, 27, 421. Poor Law Medical Relief Committee. Report, 27. Poultry Breeding Committee. Report, 27. Prison Commissioners. [Documents], 27. Prisons and Judicial Statistics Department. Re- port, 27. Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum, 114. Registrum secreti sigilli regum Scotorum, 114. Rivers Pollution Inspector. Report, 28. Royal Burghs. Answers, 191. Royal Burghs of Scotland Committee. Report, 28. Scottish Universities Commission. General re- port, 28. Sea Fisheries of Sutherland and Caithness Com- mittee. Report, 28. Sheriff Court Procedure Committee. Report, 28. Supervisors of Excise. List of persons, 29, 189. Whaling and Whale-curing Committee. Report, 29. Scotland. Commissioners of Parliament : Advice, 166. [Documents], 19. Some papers, 168. Scotland. Crown Office: Deer forests, 948. [Documents], 20. Scotland. Exchequer : Accounts of great chamberlains, 23, 114. Exchequer rolls, 23, 114. Scotland. General Register House: Accounts of lord high treasurer, 114. [Documents], 24-25. Documents illustrative of history of Scotland, 138. Scotland. Parliament : An address (1689), 174. Answer of the commissioners, 168. Articles of the Union, 181. Charge of high treason against the Marquess of Argyle, 171. Declaration (1648), 168. Declaration of the Estates, 174. [Documents], 27. Late proceedings and votes, 174. Scotland, Parliament, continued : Minutes of proceedings (1698), 1043. Proceedings, 181. Scotland. Privy Council: ' Acts against Clangregour, 608. Register, 27, 28, 114. Scotland. Statutes : Acts of parliament relative to establishing schools, 706. Regiam Majestatem (1609), 1068. [Statutes], 28, 29. Scotland in auld lang syne, 746. Scotland and the Commonwealth, 170. Scotland delineated (1799), 196. Scotland in the eighteenth century, 182. Scotland and England. Miscellaneous papers, 158. Scotland and geographical work, 1023. Scotland and her accusers, 203. Scotland and her calumniators, 203. Scotland illustrated in eighty views, 202. Scotland interested in federal parliaments, 201. Scotland with its islands by John Ainslie, 1023. Scotland and the Protectorate, 114. Scotland before the Reformation, 129. Scotland since the union, 129. Scotland sixty years ago, 198. Scotland and the Unionist cause, 206. Scotland's great advantages by a union with Eng- land, 181. Scotland's new departure in philosophy, 760. Scotland's right to Caledonia, 179. Scotlands generall description, 168. Scoto-BHtannus. Letter to heritors, 676. Scoto Montanus. Biographical sketch of author ot Vimonda, 506. Scots air for the violino, 725. Scots army advanced into England, 167. Scots bishop, A, 481. Scots Brigade, 129. Scots courant, 13. Scots guards in France, 129. Scots lore, 13. Scots magazine, 13. Scots mechanics' magazine, 13. Scots peerage, The, 567, 568. Scots in Sweden, 565. Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled, 725. Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled; or, Bruce's ad- dress, 725. Scotsman. Answer to Mr. Burke's speech, 350, 369. Scots-mans remonstrance, 168. Scott, A. B.: Abbot of the Hebrides, 854. Earth houses of Kildonan, 82. Nynia, 523. Saint Maolrubha, 513. Scott, A. M.: Account of Kinninghouse Burn, 369. Battle of Langside, 155, 159. Notes on battle of Langside, 155, 159. Notes on lands of Polmadie, 319, 404. Notes on Strathbungo, 419. Scott, Andrew: History and progress of four leading articles, 692. Reminiscences of Glasgow custom-house, 369, 676. Scott, Rev. Andrew, vs. W. McGavin, and others, 1068. Scott, Charles. Infant Court of Session, 641. Scott, Charles. Remarks on circumstances of indigent poor, 404, 692. Scott, Charles. Robert Burns, 798. Scott, David. History of Scotland, 129. Scott, Rev. David. Annals and statistics of Original Secession Church, 218. Scott, E. E. Erskine-Halcro genealogy, 589. Scott, F. N. Carlyle's Dante, 809. Scott, Hew. Fasti ecclesiae Scoticanas, 218, 219, 437. INDEX 120: Scott, J. M. : Cardinal Beaton, 444. David Stratoun, 542. George Wishart, 553. Martyrs of Angus and Mearns, 219. Walter My In, 521. Scott, J. W.: Bibliography of Edinburgh periodical litera- ture, 350. Burns' great grandson, 798. Burns' original prospectus, 798. Circulation of Scottish newspapers, 769. Scott, John: Bibliography of the Darien Company, 179, 1042. Bibliography of the Darien Company. Revised, 179. Bibliography of the Darien Company. With addi- tions, 179. Bibliography of Mary, queen of Scots, 155. Mary, queen of Scots, 155. Scott, John. On Thomson's Seasons, 890. Scott, Lady John. Notes on wooden structures in Whiteburn, S2. Scott, M. M. M.: Abbotsford, 298. Barbour's legends of the saints, 835. Life of St. Margaret, 513. The Lennox, 604. The making of Abbotsford, 298. Mary Stuart, 1049. Ruthwell Cross, 408. St. Magnus, 399. Scots guards in France, 430. Scottish Catholics, 1052. Tragedy of Fotheringay, 155. Winifred, countess of Nithsdale, 523. Scott, Michael: Cruise of the Midge, 855. Tom Cringle's log, 855. Scott, Peggy. Scotch fisher girl, 676. Scott, R. H. Minerals of Strontian, 1003. Scott, S. H. Ancient Scottish settlement in Hesse, 565. Scott, Thomas: Additions to fauna of Forth, 948. Catalogue of Crustacea in basin of Forth, 948. Invertebrate fauna of inland waters, 948. Bed of shell-bearing clay, Greenock, 1003. Fossiliferous shale, Cloch lighthouse, 1003. Geology of district about Tarbert, 1003. Land and fresh-water Crustacea, Edinburgh. Parts 1-3, 948. Natural history notes from Tarbert, 948. Notes on echinoderms from Moray district, 948. Notes on Crustacea, &c, of Forth, 949. Notes on mollusca of Greenock, 949. Notes on micro-fauna of Ailsa Craig, 949. Notes on fresh-water ostracoda. 949. Notes on Crustacea from Fairlie, etc., 949. Notes on some entomostraca of Orkney, 949. Notes on some mollusca and isopoda from Bute, 949. Notes of visit to island of Coll, 1037. On mollusca of Bute, 949. On some entomostraca from Castlemilk, 949. On some entomostraca from Mull, 949. Post-tertiary fresh-water deposit at Kirkland, 1003. Remarks on mollusca from Tarbert, 949. Report on collection of marine dredgings, 949. Report on free swimming Crustacea, 949. See under Bennie, James, and Thomas Scott. Scott, Thomas, and John Lindsay. Upper Elf Loch, Braids, 949, 1037. Scott, Thomas, and James Steel. Occurrence of leda arctica, etc., Greenock, 1003. Scott, W. B.: Autobiographical notes, 1065. Scottish kirk-session book, 320. Scott, W. H.: Notice of ancient die, 729. Report on hoard of pennies found in Islay, 729 Unpublished counter-seal of Kilwinning, 382, 557 Scott, W. R. Fiscal policy of Scotland, 676 Scott, Sir Walter: The Abbot, 855. Anne of Geierstein, 855. Antiquary, 855. Autobiography, 855. Ballads and lyrical pieces, 855. Beauties of Waverley novels, 855. Betrothed, 855, 856. Biographical memoir of John Leyden, 502. Black Dwarf, 856. Border antiquities of England and Scotland, 1047 Bride of Lammermoor, 856. Cabinet history of Scotland, 129. Caledonian comet, 856. Castle Dangerous, 856. Castillo peligroso, 856. Chronicles of the Canongate, 856. Collected works, 856. Count Robert of Paris, 856, 857. Critical and miscellaneous essays, 857. Description of the regalia, 129. Description of Ua More, 420. Dama del lago, 861. Dance of death, 857. Essays on chivalry, 857. Fair maid of Perth, 857. Familiar letters, 857. Field of Waterloo, 857. Fortunes of Nigel, 857. Fielding and Smollet, 539. Glengarry's death-song, 858. Guy Mannering, 858. Halidon Hill, 858. Halidon-Hohe, 858. Harold the Dauntless, 858. Heart of Midlothian, 858. Heer der Inseln, 862. Highland anecdote, 858. History of Scotland, 129. Highland widow, 859. House of Aspen, 859. Ivanhoe, 859. Journal, 859. Kenilworth, 860. Lady of Lake, 860. Lay of .the last minstrel, 861. Lord of the Isles, 861. Letter to editor of Edinburgh Weekly Journal, 676. Letters on demonology, 746. Lyrics, dramas, etc., 862. Manners, customs of Highlanders, 432, 608. Marmion, 862. Memoir of George Bannatyne, 443. Memoir of Henry Mackenzie, 508. Minstrelsy, 862. Miscellaneous prose works, 862. Monastery, 863. Moredun, 863. Old Mortality, 863. CEuvres, 866. Peveril of the Peak, 863. Pirate, 863. Poems, 863. Poetical works, 863, 864. Provincial antiquities, 198. Quentin Durward, 864, 865. Redgauntlet, 865. Religious discourses, 865. Rob Roy, 865. Rokeby, 865. Saint Ronan's Well, 865. Scotland, 129. 1204 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Scott, Sir Walter, continued: Second letter to Edinburgh Weekly Journal, 616. Select poetical pieces, 866. Sjofrfiken, 861. Storia del tempo delle crociate, 866. Surgeon's daughter, 866. Tales of witchcraft, 866. Tales of the Crusaders, 866. Tales of my landlord, 866. Tales -of a grandfather, 130. Tales from Scott, 866. Talisman, 866. Tapestried chamber, 866. Third letter to Edinburgh Weekly Journal, 676. Thoughts on proposed change of currency, 676. Unpublished letters, 866. Vision of Don Roderick, 866, 867. Voyage to the Hebrides, 375. Waverley, 867. Waverley novels, 867, 868. Wha'll be king but Charlie, 725. Woodstock, 868. Scott, William. Free Church heresy, 277. Scott considered as a poet, 874. Scott and his French pupils, 874. Scott and his writings, 874. Scott pictures, 874. Scott's heroines, 874. Scott's journal, 875. Scott-Moncrieff, J. M. Pearlin* Jean, 877. Scott-Moncrieff, Robert: Note on arrest of Robert Baillie, 442. Notes on Corporation of Surgeons, 350. Three tradesmen's accounts, 440. Scott-Moncrieff, W. G. : Antiquities of Banffshire, 82. Sir John Clerk, 462. Some old Scots courts of law, 641. Upon some of Lord Cockburn's opinions, 641. Scotticisms, 772. Scottish Academy of Painting, etc. Laws, 717. Scottish agriculture and foreign competition, 676. Scottish alliterative poems, 877. Scottish annual, Edinburgh, 13. Scottish annual, Glasgow, 13. Scottish annual and yearbook, 13. Scottish Anti-state Church Association. Annual re- port, 209. Scottish antiquary, 13. Scottish archaeology, 54. Scottish art and artists, 717. Scottish art review, 13, 717. Scottish Association for Medical Education of Wo- men. Report, 706. Scottish Association for Suppressing Drunkenness. Report, 692. Scottish ballad poetry, 877. Scottish banking system, 676. Scottish bishop of eighteenth century, 478. Scottish borderers, 130. Scottish Burgh Records Society: Miscellany, 676. Publications, 13, 14. Scottish Catholics under Mary, 219. Scottish Celtic review, 14, 913. Scottish Central Board for Vindicating Rights of Dissenters. Statement, 250. Scottish Christian herald, 14. Scottish Chronicle, 14. Scottish Church history, 219, 273. Scottish Church question, 262. Scottish churches, The, 296. Scottish churches and law of property, 297. Scottish clans and their tartans, 432, 433. Scottish Coast Mission. Annual report, 209. Scottish colony of Darien, 179. Scottish Corporation of the Foundation of King Charles II. Scottish Hospital. List, 692. Scottish county histories, 130. Scottish criminal law, 641. Scottish criminal trials, Hector Munro, 654, 747. Scottish criminal trials, witchcraft and poisoning, 656, 747. Scottish dame on her travels, 454. Scottish deer forests, 949. Scottish Disestablishment Association, The, 291. Scottish draughts quarterly, 14. Scottish education bill, 706. Scottish elections (1834), 199. Scottish emigration to America, 676. Scottish and English clergy, 295. Scottish Episcopal Church, 219. Scottish Episcopal Church proved to differ essentially, etc., 273. Scottish Episcopal Church Society. Brief sketch, 219. Scottish Episcopal communion office, 283. Scottish Exhibition of History, etc. Official guide, 717. Scottish fairy tales, etc., 747. Scottish family and name of Sharp, 626. Scottish farm labourer, 692. Scottish fiction of to-day, 769. Scottish field, The, 877. Scottish Fishery Board, 949. Scottish geographical magazine, 14. Scottish governing house, 587. Scottish guard of France, 130. Scottish guardian, 14. Scottish historical review, 14. Scottish History Society. Publications, 14-15. Scottish Home Rule Association: Home rule, 205. Scottish home rule debate, 205. Statement, 205. Scottish Horace Walpole, The, 535. Scottish husbandmen, 676. Scottish influence on British literature, 769. Scottish Institution for Education of Young Ladies. Report, 706. Scottish journal, 15. Scottish Ladies Society, etc. Report, 692. Scottish Land Enquiry Committee. Scottish land, 1069. Scottish language, 772, 773. Scottish, The, in the last century (18th), 182. Scottish legislation — Education bill, 706. Scottish loyalists, 130. Scottish Meteorological Society. Journal, 15, 1023. Scottish Military Academy. Edinburgh. Prospectus, 350. Scottish minstrel, 725, 877. Scottish monks, The, 437. Scottish nation in University of Orleans, 565. Scottish National Institution for Education of Imbe- cile Children: Appeal, 706. Collection of papers, 706. Report, 706. Scottish national memorials, 115. Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 717. Scottish notes and queries, 1043. Scottish notes and queries. General index, 1043. Scottish parliamentary reform; letter to John Rus- sell, 1068. Scottish parody on home rule, 205. Scottish Patriotic Association: Origin, etc., 207, 1043. Scottish history, 130, 207. Scottish patriotism, 205. Scottish peerage, 565. Scottish Phonographic Association. Prospectus, 1043. Scottish poetry of eighteenth century, 877. Scottish poetry of seventeenth century, 877. INDEX 1205 Scottish poetry of sixteenth century, 877. Scottish poor laws, 692. Scottish Property Investment Company. Rules, 1043. Scottish Protestant, 15. Scottish Provident Institutions. Deed of constitu- tion, 1070. Scottish queen's burial, 155. Scottish Record Society. Publications, 15-16, 558. Scottish Reformation, 219. Scottish Reformation Society. Statement, 1052. Scottish reformer, 1 6. Scottish register of deer forests, 949. Scottish Register and Home Institution for Domestic Servants. Annual report, 692. Scottish review, Glasgow, 16. Scottish review, Paisley, 16. Scottish Rights Association and the franchise, 202. Scottish rights and grievances, 202. Scottish Sailors' and Soldiers' Bethel Flag Union. Report, 1043. Scottish school of painting, 717. Scottish schools and universities, 706. Scottish social life, 130. Scottish social life in olden time, 130. Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals: Annual report, 692, 1043. Annual report, with proceedings, 692. Scottish Society for Promoting Due Observance of Lord's Day. Annual Report, 1052. Scottish songstresses, 769. Scottish student life, 706. Scottish temperance herald, 1043. Scottish Temperance League. Letter, 692. Scottish Text Society. Publications, 16, 769. Scottish tories and Irish tithes, 1050. Scottish tourist and itinerary, 199, 200. Scottish traditionary stories, 747. Scottish Union, The, 181. Scottish universities, 706. Scottish universities and the Medical Act Amend- ment Bill, 1070. Scottish university students, 706. Scottish widow's lament, 877. Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society: Deed of constitution, 1070. Exposition of objects of the Institution, 1070. Scottish witchcraft trials, 644, 645, 747. Scotts of Buccleuch, 625. Scotus. Address tp burgesses of Scotland, 199. Scotus. Address to parishioners, 264. Scotus. The ecclesiastical difficulties of Scotland, 291. Scotus : Exposure of sentiments of Voluntary Church As- sociations, 246. Second exposure, 246. Scotus. Families of Burnett, 576. Scotus. Strictures upon the letter of Lucius, 240. Scotus. Three letters on currency question, 676. Scotus, Romoaldus. Summarum, 155. Scotus-Ignotus. Scotching performed, 247. Scoular, John: Canoes found on banks of Clyde, 1003. Early population of Scotland, 52. Remains of rein-deer in Scotland, 949. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, 350, 387. Scriptural reasons for seceding, 27Z. Scrope, William : Art of deer-stalking, 949. Days of deer-stalking, 949. Days and nights of salmon fishing, 949, 950. Scrymgeour, W. Thomas Boston, 447. Scudder, V. D.: Thomas Carlyle, 810. Wordsworth and Carlyle, 810. Seafield, Caroline Stuart, countess. Report upon correspondence, 115. Seafield (1. earl), James Ogilvie. Seafield correspon dence, 115. Seally, A. St. J. More about Sir John Moore, 519, Search, S. Vindication of literary classes, 706. Seasonable address (1776), 641. Sebastian, pseud. Culloden, 1050. Secession Church: Act of Associate Synod (1759), 233. Acts of Associate Presbytery, 232. Second book of exploits of George Buchanan. 907 908. Second friendly address to dissenters, 262. Second letter from a minister, 350. Sedgwick, Adam, and Sir R. I. Murchison. Geo logical relations of secondary strata, Arran, 1003 Sedgwick, H. D. Lockhart's life of Scott, 875. Seebohm, Henry. Pallas's grey shrike in Scotland 950. Seeley, H. G. On saurodesmus robertsoni, 1003. Seggat, Thomas. Me*.eTn.|xaTa 'Yitoveia, 877. Select remains of ancient popular poetry, 877. Select remains of ancient popular and romance poetry 877. Selection of amusing Irish stories, 908. Selection from correspondence during recent nego ciations, 264. Selection of extracts from minutes of Kirk-sessior of Kinghorn, 219, 383. Selection of proverbs, 877. Selection of Scottish forfeited estates papers, 189. Selections from family papers at Caldwell, 115, 618 Selections from judicial records of Renfrewshire 641, 642, 1057. Selections from unpublished manuscripts, 155. Selections from works in old Scots language, 877. Self-vindication under very oppressive measures, etc. 676. Selkirk, Alexander. Providence display'd, 534. Selkirk (5. earl), Thomas Douglas. Observations oi present state of Highlands, 677. Selkirkshire. Medical officer. Annual report, 412 Selkrig, Charles. Copy of some correspondence, 534 Sellar, E. C. : Admiral Duncan, 471. General Sir James Hope Grant, 485. George, Viscount Keith, 494. Grandes dames, 350. Sellar, W. Y. Scottish university reform, 706. Seller, William. Memoir of Robert Whytt, 1066. Selous, Edward. Bird watcher in Shetlands, 415, 950 Selous, H. C. Seven events in life of Bruce, 138, 717 Sempill, Robert (1530?-1595) : Ane complaint, 877. Ane declaratioun, 877. Heir followis the legend, 877. Heir followis the testament, 878. Ane new ballet, 878. Sege of Castel of Edinburgh, 350, 878. Ane tragedie, 878. Sempill, Robert (1S95?-1665?) : Life and death of pyper of Kilbarchan, 878. Lyfe and deithe of Habbie Simpson, 878. Semple, David. Saint-Mirin, 401. Senex. Present position of the Established church 273. Senior, N. W. Sir Walter Scott, 875. Sequuntur nomina omnium, 130. Series of engravings to illustrate Waverley novels 875. Series of tracts on intrusion of ministers, 257. Serious address to the Church of Scotland, 232. Serious address to people of Great Britain, 189. Serle, W.: Avi-fauna of Buchan. 950. Migration of birds, 950. Sermon on death of lord bishop of Edinburgh, 531. 1206 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Service, Robert: Bird migration in Solway, 950. Note on perichaeta indica, 950. Some changes in avifauna of Solway area, 950. Sylviidae of Solway, 950. Waders of Solway, 950. Seshadri, P. John Leyden, 1063. Seth Pringle-Pattison, Andrew. Present position of philosophical sciences, 760. Seton, Sir Alexander. Topographical account, 389. Seton, George: Description of slabs in Seton church, 412. House of Moncrieff, 616. Illegitimacy in Marnoch, 692. Illegitimacy in Scotland, 692. Memoir of Alexander Seton, 472, 583, 587, 589, 598. Notice of ceiling at Pinkie House, 404. Notice of four stained-glass shields, 350. Notice of slabs in Holyrood, 350. St. Kilda, 411. Scottish vital statistics, 692. Seton, earl of Dunfermline, 588. Seton, viscount Kingston, 602. Statement relative to Ruthwell Cross, 409. Seton, Robert. An old family, 626. Seton, Sir William: Continuation of A few brief and modest reflexions, 230. Interest of Scotland, 181, 229. Seton of Parbroath, 626. Sett of Scotch reels, 725. Setts of the royal burghs of Scotland, 130. Seven excellent songs, 908. Seven most popular songs, 908. Seven popular songs, 908. Seven Scotch songs, 908. Seward, A. C. : Jurassic flora of Sutherland, 1003. Petrified williamsonia, 1003. Seward, A. C, and N. Bancroft. Jurassic plants from Cromarty, 1004. Seward, A. C, and A. W. Hill. Structure, etc., of lepidodendroid stem, Dalmeny, 1003. Sexton, A. H. The Andersonian, 370, 707. Seymour, C. C. B„: Alexander Wilson, 551. Dr. Alexander Murray, 520. James Watt, 548. Robert Burns, 797. William Falconer, 475. Seymour, Lord Webb. Geological appearances in Glen Tilt, 1004. Sgeulaiche, An, 913. Shadow. Midnight scenes, 370. Shadwell, Lawrence. Life of Lord Clyde, 463. Shairp, J. C. : Bishop Lamberton, 138. Burns and Scottish song, 798. Kilmahoe, 878. King Robert Bruce, 139. Michael Bruce, 785. Modern Gaelic bards, 916. Poetry of Scottish Highlands, 916. Prose poets, 810. Robert Burns, 799. Scottish song and Burns, 799. Songs of Scotland before Burns, 769. Wants of the Scottish universities, 1070. Shairp, J. C, and others. Life of J. D. Forbes, 478. Shall Sir H. C. Bannerman become British foreign minister? 443. Shand, A. I.: Germs of Waverley novels, 875. Memories of gardens, 878. Old Deeside, 321. Older Edinburgh, 350. Shand, Alexander. Letter to Rev. Mr. McFarlan, 271. Shand, C. F. Biographical memoir Rev. Patrick Forbes, 478. Shand, J. Foreign coin in Shetland, 729. Shand, S. J.: Borolanite, 1004. Crystals of grossularite from Corsiehill, 1004. Some granite-gneiss contacts, 1004. Shanks, Robert. Some causes of Protestant alarm stated, 251. Shareholder, A. Letter to shareholders, 677. Sharman, G., and E. T. Newton. Some cretaceous fossils, Moreseat, 1004. Sharp, E. A. William Sharp, 535. Sharp, James, archbishop: Excerpts, 534. Letter to earl of Middleton, 534, 535. Sharp, James. Notice of flint arrowheads, etc., found at Overhowden, 1046. Sharp, R. F. : Burns, 799. Carlyle, 810. Scott, 875. Sharp, William: "Celtic," 916. Country of Carlyle, 810. Country of Stevenson, 887. Deirdre, 878. Divine adventure, 878. Dominion of dreams, 878. Fisher of men, 878. Four winds, 878. From the hills of dream, 878. Gael and his heritage, 878. Green fire, 878. Pharais, 878. Sea-magic, 878. Samuel Smiles, 537. Scott-land, 875. Sea-magic, 747. Sin-eater, 878. Sunset of old tales, 878. Washer of the ford, 878. Sharpe, C. K.: Biographical notice of Rev. James Kirkton, 496. Historical account of witchcraft, 747. Sharpe, Daniel: On "quartz rock" of MacCulloch's map, 1004. Southern border of Highlands, 1004. Sharpe, John. Question as to the validity of a ver- dict, 642. Shaw, A. C. Glasgow's tramway system, 677. Shaw, A. M. Genealogical account of Shaw, 626. Shaw, Albert. A study of Glasgow, 370. Shaw, C. G. Landed estate and farming, 677. Shaw, Claud: Forbes and Wilson's plan of Edinburgh, 350. Laing and Forbes* plan of Edinburgh, 350. Shaw, Hary. Improvements on estate of Hallhead, 677. Shaw, James: Location of Dumfriesshire surnames, 559. Surnames of Kirkcudbrightshire, 559. Place names of Nithsdale, 427. Shaw, John. Dalrymples of Langlands, 583. Shaw, Lachlan: History of Moray, 394. Of Elgin and Murray, 355. Succinct account family of Calder, 576. Shaw, W. G. Memorials of clan Shaw, 626. Shaw, William: Analysis of Galic language, 921. Galic and English dictionary, 921. Shaw's tourist guide to Abbotsford, 298, 392. Shearer, J. E. : Evolutions of map of Scotland, 1023. Old maps and map makers, 1023. INDEX 120; Shearer, John, younger. Antiquities of Strathearn, 419, 437. Shearer, Johnston. Notes on ledum palustre in Stirlingshire, etc., 1037. Shearer, R. I., and H. Osborne. Ornithology of Caithness, 950. Shearer's handbook to Stirling, 418. Shearer's tourist guide to Stirling, 418. Sheep-farming in the Highlands, 677. Sheep marks and tallies, 950. Sheldon, H. D. Student life in Scotch universities, 707. Shelley, H. C. The tragedy of Mary Stuart, 155. Shepard, J. S.: Life of St. Patrick, 525. Sinclair expedition, 164. Where Scott found Dalgetty, 875. Shepherd, Ambrose. In memoriam J. B. Russell, 532. Shepherd, R. H. Carlyle-Emerson correspondence, 810. Shepherd, William. Second collection of Strathspey reels. 725. Shepherd and flock — Scotland, 950. Shepherd and his dog, 950. Shepherds' pastimes, 1070. Sherar, John. Manner of procuring peat-fuel, 677. Sherard, R. H.: Child-slavery in Scotland, 692. S. R. Crockett, 466. Sheridan, W. F. Henry Drummond, 470. Shetland. Commissariot record, 565. Shield, A.: Closing days of Prince Charles, 189. The last Stuart princess, 630. Shield, William. Port Ness harbour, 677. Shields, Alexander. History of Scotch-Presbytery, 228. Shields, James. Reclamation of moss land, 677. Shiell, John. Notice of carved oak panels, 325. Shipman, Carolyn. New letters of Jane Welsh Car- lyle, 457. Shirley. In Orcadia, 399. Shirley, G. W.: Dumfries market cross, 323. English raids on Dumfries, 323. Market cross of Dumfries, 323. Shirley, Mrs. G. W. Two centuries ago, 323. Shirrefs, Andrew. Jamie and Bess, 878. Shone, George. Some women of Scott's novels, 875. Short account of grievances of Episcopal clergy, 219. Short account of life and hardships of a Glasgow weaver, 247. Short account of Scotish money, 130, 224, 677, 729. Short characteristic notices of William Tytler, 546. Short chronology of Bissets and Frasers, 572, 592. Short history of the grand Rebellion, 190. Short and impartial view of the Scots Colony coming away from Darien, 179. Short memorandum of quhot heath occurred in Aber- deen, etc., 302. Short stories for little folks, 908. Short view of the statutes against popery (1778), 194, 235. Short vindication of Phil. Scot's Defence, 179. Shortreed, Thomas. Ancient orchards of Jedburgh, 1038. Sibbald, James: Chronicle of Scottish poetry, 878. Observations on origin of terms Picti, etc., 52. Sibbald, Sir Robert: An advertisement, 173. History and description of Stirlingshire, 418. History of Fife and Kinross, 357, 383. The history of the Picts, 52. Letters, 535. Life, 535. Sibbald, Sir Robert, continued: Memoir of Sir James Balfour, 443. Memoirs, Royall Colledge of Physicians, 707. Scotia illustrata, 950. Sibley, N. W. Mr. Lang and "The mystery of Mar Stuart," 155. Sidgwick, M. Pentland Rising, 172. Sidney, Philip. The Neapolitan Stuarts, 630. Siebeck, Hermann. Die Willenslehre, 753. Siege, The, of the Bass, 310. Siege of Carlaverock, 314. Siege of castle of Edinburgh, 350. Siege of Karlaverok, 138. Sieveright, James. Man's best eulogy, 461. Sievwright, C. Sough 0' the shuttle, 878. Sigma. Robert Burns, 799. Sigourney, L. H. Pleasant memories, 202. Sillard, P. A. The prince of biographers, 448. Silliman, Benjamin. Winter in Edinburgh, 350. Sim, George: Aberdeen treasure trove, 729. Find of coins in Scotland, 729. Glenquaich treasure-trove, 729. Note of discovery of English pennies in Keir, 729 Note respecting coins found in Ayr, 729. Notes on coins recently found in Scotland, 729 730. Notice of rare medal, 469, 732. Recent finds in Scotland, 730. Report on Scottish and English coins, 730. Sim, George. The stalk-eyed Crustacea of north- east of Scotland, 950. Sim, John. List of rare plants in vicinity of Perth 1038. Sime, A. H. M, Literary life of Edinburgh, 350. Sime, James. The crofters, 692. Sime, William. History of Covenanters, 219. Sime, William. Loch Fyne, 390. Simmons, W. H. Ossian, 916. Simms, W. G. The story of Chastelard, 155. Simpkins, J. E. Examples of folk-lore concernini Fife, 747. Simple address to the people, 271. Simpson, A. L. Statement, 264. Simpson, Alexander. Life of Thomas Simpson, 538 Simpson, David. Sermon, 271. Simpson, E. B.: Distinguished Edinburgh dogs, 350. Folklore, 747. R. L. Stevenson's Edinburgh days, 887. Simpson, H. F. M.: Cardinal Beaton, 143. Edinburgh mss. forgeries, 769. Scotch and English in East Prussia, 565. Simpson, Sir J. Y. : Account of barrows at Spottiswood, 82. Address on archaeology, 54. Antiquarian notices of leprosy, 130. Archaeological essays, 54. Archaic sculpturings, 82. Notices of sculptures on walls of caves, Fife, 82 Old stone-roofed cell, Inchcolm, 376. On ancient sculpturings, 82. On the Cat-stane, 104. Scottish magical charm-stones, 747. Simpson, James: Hints on principles of a constitutional police, 692 Letters to Sir Walter Scott, 198. Simpson, James. Brief reports on lectures, 707. Simpson, James. Reindeer bones discovered a Green Craig, 951. Simpson, James, and David Hepburn. On mam malian bones at Hailes quarry, 951. Simpson, Mrs. Extracts from diary, 535. Simpson, M. S. The Scottish songstresses, 1065. Simpson, Robert. Traditions of the Covenanters 219. 1208 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Simpson, W. J. Health history of Aberdeen, 303. Simpson, William. Catalogue of drawings of Glas- gow, 370, 718. Sims, C. S. Origin of Scottish surnames, 559. Sims, W. E. Thomas Carlyle, 810. Simson, Archibald: Sermon, 536. True record of life of Patrick Simsone, 536. Simson, James: Andrew Lang, 498, 1063. Scottish press and Gipsies, 52. Simson, John. Case of Mr. J. S., 536. Simson, W. B. Notes on trichomanes radicans in Arran, 1038. Simson, Walter: Anecdotes of the Fife Gipsies, 52. A history of the Gipsies, 52. Sinclair, A. M. : Argyllshire clans, 568, 606, 607, 609, 610, 611. Clan Cameron, 577. Clan Chattan, 579. The clan Fingon, 610. Collection of Gaelic poems, 930. Combatants on North Inch of Perth, 140. Gaelic bards, 916, 917. John Macdonald, 917. Macdonalds of Keppoch, 607. Macgregor genealogies, 608. Macintyres of Glennoe, 609. Macneills of Argyllshire, 611. Macneils of Barra, 611. Rev. Dr. Blair's mss., 917. Who was Maireard Nigh'n Lachainn? 610. Sinclair, Alexander: Dissertation upon "heirs male," 565. Notices of ancient Scottish families, 600, 605. Remarks on heirs of Baliol, 571. Right of the duke of Sutherland, 632. Sketch of earldom of Mar, 613. Sketch of earldom of March, 613. Sinclair, Allan: John Macdonald, 506. Quigrich of St. Fillan, 105. Sinclair, Archibald. An t-Oranaiche, 930. Sinclair, Catherine: Holiday house, 878. Jane Bouerie, 879. Lord and Lady Harcourt, 879. Modern accomplishments, 879. Modern flirtations, 879. Memoir of Sir John Sinclair, 536, 677. Modern Society, 879. Scotch courtiers, 879. Scotland and the Scotch, 879. Shetland, 415. Sinclair, G. A.: Founder of Roslin, 627. James Grahame, 484. John Mayne, 1064. Periodic literature, 769. A professor of demonology, 747. Scandinavian ballads on Caithness soldiers, 769. The Scots at Solway Moss, 143. Scotsmen serving the Swede, 566. Scottish progress of James VI., 164. Tennant of Anstruther, 544. Sinclair, Sir George: Letters on ecclesiastical condition of Scotland, 280. Observations on new poor law, 692. Six letters, 278. Sinclair, J. C. Historical account of clan Sinclair, 610. Sinclair, John, master of Sinclair. A true account of proceedings at Perth, 190, 403, 1050. Sinclair, Sir John: Analysis of statistical account, 198. Correspondence, 536. Sinclair, Sir John, continued : Hints regarding certain measures, 677. Husbandry of Scotland, 677. State of alterations, etc., 1050. Statistical account, 196. Sinclair, John. Case for extension of municipal boundary, 350. Sinclair, John: David Hume, 758. Orkney isles, 399. Rev. Archibald Allison, 439. Sir Walter Scott, 875. Sir William Hamilton, 487. Thomas Chalmers, 461 . Sinclair, John. Some letters of Ewen Maclachlan, 509. Sinclair, John: Notes on tomb of Mary of Gueldres, 350. Notes on Holyrood "Foir-Yet," 350. Notes on James Fifth's towers, 350. Sinclair, W. J. H. Weather and climate of Peter- head, 1023. Sinclair, W. M. : John MacWhirter, 512, 718. Sir John Sinclair, 1066. Sinclar, George. Satan's invisible world discovered, 747. Singer, William. Agriculture, etc., of Dumfries, 677. Singers, William. Statement, 239. Sinton, James. Some of Dr. Leyden's inedited poems, 836. Sinton, Thomas: Gaelic poetry from Cluny charter chest, 929. Gaelic poetry from mss., 930. Places, etc., of Dores, 917. Poetry of Badenoch, 930. Snatches of song, 930. Stray verses of Gaelic poetry, 930. Sir Alexander Grant, 484. Sir Charles Lyell, 504. Sir Charles Murray, 520. Sir Colin Campbell, 463. Sir David Brewster, 449. Sir David Wilkie, 550. Sir Gawan, 879. Sir Henry Raeburn, 528, 718. Sir Henry Raeburn: his life and works, 528. Sir James the Rose, 908. Sir John Malcolm, 513. Sir Robert Calder, 1060. Sir Robert Strange, 542. Sir Walter Scott, 875. Sir Walter Scott and his biographer, 875. Sir Walter Scott in Ireland, 875. Sir Walter Scott as a lawyer, 875. Sir Walter Scott a Presbyterian elder, 875. Sir Walter Scott's familiar letters, 875. Sir William Allan, 439. Sir William Fraser, 479. Sir William Grant, 485. Sir William Hamilton and his philosophy, 755. Sirectus, Antonius. Formalitates, 753. Sitwell, Sir G. R. Family of Swinton, 632. Six excellent songs, 908. Six favourite songs, 908. Six popular songs, 908. Six Scotch songs, 908. Six letters which appeared in the "Edinburgh Cour ant, 291. Sixteen engravings, 875. Sixth collection of papers, 174. Skae, H. T. The life of Mary, Queen of Scots, 155. Skarzynski, Witold von. Adam Smith, 760. Skeat, W. W. : Andreas and St. Andrew, 769. Author of "Lancelot of the Laik," 834. INDEX 190. Skeat, W. W., continued : Romance of Sir Tristrem, 891. Scottish alliterative poems, 877. Skelton, John: Boarding out of pauper children, 692. The casket letters and Mary Stuart, 155. Lethington, 512. Mary Stuart in Scotland, 155. The Scotland of Mary Stuart, 155. Upbringing of pauper children, 692. Skene, A. P.: The late W. F. Skene, 537. Notes on name family and arms of Skene, 627. Skene, F. M. F. The prisoners of Craigmacaire, Skene, George. Catalogue of library of, 1042. Skene, George. Donald Bane, 879. Skene, Gilbert: Ane breif descriptioun, 303. Ane breve descriptiovn of the pest, 692. Tracts, 879. Skene, James: Account of hill fort of the Barmekyne, 82. Memories of Scott, 875. Remarks on Well House Tower, 350. Skene, Sir John. De verborum significatione, 642. Skene, TV. F.: Additional notice of ms. of Fordun's Chronicle, 122. Ancient Gaelic inscriptions, 105, 921. Authenticity of letters to earl of Marr, 613. Celtic Scotland, 134. Celtic topography of Scotland, 1059. The coronation stone, 134, 135. Early ecclesiastical settlements at St. Andrews, 410. Early Frisian settlements, 52, 53. Highlanders of Scotland, 433. Leabher dearg, 917. The Macleods, 611. Memorials of Skene, 627. Notes on earldom of Caithness, 576. Notes on earlier establishments at Iona, 379. Notes on ruins at Iona, 379. Notice of Dr. Gilbert Skene, 537. Notice of early ms. of Fordun's Chronicle, 121. Notice of existing mss. of Fordun's Chronicle, 122. Notice of probable author of unpublished history, 130. Notice of site of battle of Ardderyd, 135. Notices of mss. of Fordun's Scotichronicon, 4. Observations on Forteviot, 359. Ogham inscription on Newton stone, 105, 921. Ogham inscription in Aboyne churchyard, 105. Traditionary accounts of death of Alexander III, 135. Skene. Court book of barony, 416. Sketch of Andrew Crombie Ramsay, 528. Sketch of character of John Knox, 497. Sketch of James Croll, 466. Sketch of James Nasmyth, 522. Sketch of life of Adam Donald, 469. Sketch of the life of George Heriot, 488. Sketch of the life of James Kerr, 495. Sketch of life of John, Earl of Marr, 513. Sketch of Scottish diablerie, 747. Sketches of Highland character, 130. Skinner, Andrew. See under Taylor, George, Andrew Skinner. Skinner, John: Duty of holding fast, etc., 238. Ecclesiastical history of Scotland, 219. Letter to Norman Sievwright, 235. Narrative of proceedings, 237. Primitive truth, 238. Songs and poems, 879. Skinner, Robert: Note of kists, St. Andrews, 82. Notices of excavations at Pitmilly Law, 82. 120! to east of Glas and Skinner, W. Sermon, 467 Skipsey, R. W. : Carboniferous limestone fossils gow, 1004. Igneous rock sections, Rye Water, 1004 Igneous rocks and minerals of Cathkin Hills, 1004 On anthracosia, 1004. Skirving, R. S. : Agriculture of East Lothian, 677 Agriculture of Shetland, 677. Natural history of Islay, 951. Skotske Hyrdehund, 951 Skye, 416. Slater, Gertrude. Mrs. Oliphant as a realist, 524 Slater, Oscar. Trial of, 657. Slater, P. F. Glasgow underground railway, 370 Maters royal national commercial directory of Scot land, 16, 677. Slezer, John. Theatrum Scotix, 176. Slight descriptive sketch of Edinburgh, 351. Sligo, George. Notes on cave at Aldham, 82. Slingumbob, Anthony. Hoxoniad, 879. Sloan, J. M. : Burns and his biographers, 799. Burns and Dickens, 799. Scottish Free church case, 297. Smail, Adam: Aytoun's Bothwell, 775. Early Scottish almanac, 769. Edinburgh Circulating Library, 351, 769. James Hepburn, 448. More old acts, 642. Royal Glasgow Volunteers, 196. Scottish postal system in 1753 and 1759, 192. Some old Acts of Parliament, 642. Two old Scottish proclamations, 642. Small, A. R. Genealogy of Robertson, Small, and related families, 1067. Small, J. W. Scottish market crosses, 105. Small, John: Biographical sketch of Adam Ferguson, 1062. Biography of Gavin Douglas, 469. Connection between Scotland and Council of Con- stance, 140. Notice of William Davidson, 467. Original letter of Queen Elizabeth, 161. Queen Mary at Jedburgh, 155. Sketches of early Scottish alchemists, 437, 438, 473, 492, 533. Sketches of later Scottish alchemists, 442, 522, 532, 533, 534. Smart, William. Municipal industries of Glasgow, 370. Smeaton, George: National Christianity and Scriptural Union, 289. Scottish theory of ecclesiastical establishments, 293. Smeaton, W. H. O.: Allan Ramsay, 528. A great Elizabethan scholar, 486. James First and Sixth, 492. New view of the Good Regent, 769. Quartette of court singers, 769. Recent Scots theology, 296. Tobias Smollet, 539. William Dunbar, 471. Smellie, John. Address to Andrew Carnegie, 458. Smellie, W. R. Sandstones to east of Glasgow, 1004. Smellie, William. Historical account of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 16. Smetham, James. Alexander Smith, 538. Smibert, Thomas. The clans of the Highlands of Scotland, 433. Smiles, Samuel: James Beaumont Neilson, 522. James Nasmyth, 522. Life of John Rennie, 529. Life oi a Scotch naturalist, 472. 1210 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Smiles, Samuel, continued: Life of Thomas Telford, 544. Lives of Boulton and Watt, 548. Robert Dick, 468. William Fairbairn, 475. William Murdock, 520. Smirke, Edward. Wallace, 138, 1048. Smith, A. T. Educational system of Scotland, 707. Smith, Adam: Catalogue of the library of, 4, 538. Essais philosophiques, 760. Essays on philosophical subjects, 760. Scotch bank currency, 677. Selections from Theory of moral sentiments, 760. Theory of moral sentiments, 760, Works, 760. Smith, Adam. Account of the Eve apple, 1038. Smith, Alexander: City poems, 879. In a Skye bothy, 879. Poems, 879. Spring chanson, 879. Torquil and Oona, 879. The minister-painter, 545. Mr. Carlyle at Edinburgh, 810. Rambling about the Hebrides, 375. Scottish ballads, 1071. Summer in Skye, 416. Smith, Alexander: New history of Aberdeenshir'e, 304. On Aberdeenshire woods, 1038. Smith, Aquilla: Curious forgeries of Scottish coins, 730. On Scottish coins, 730. Smith, Archibald: Argyleshire invaded, 135. Supplementary note, 917. Traditions of Glenurchay, 1048. Smith, C. C. Mary Somerville, 539. Smith, Sir C. E. An Englishman's thoughts, 262. Smith, D. B.: The reformers and divorce, 642. William Barclay, 444, 1059. Smith, F. M.: Heraldry of Smith, 557, 627. Stevenson's essays, 887. Smith, Frederic. Letters of R. L. Stevenson, 887. Smith, Frederick: Geology of the Tay, 1004. Investigations into palaeolithic remains, 82. Phenomena of flood in Devon valley, 1004. Smith, G. A. Life of Henry Drummond, 470. Smith, G. B. Drummond of Hawthornden, 470. Smith, G. G. : Days of James IIIL, 141. James Hepburn, 448. Middle Scots anthologies, 769. Scottish Chaucerians, 769. Scottish language, 773. Transition period, 769. The two chancellors, 142. Smith, George: Charles Grant, 484. General Colin Mackenzie, 508. Life of Alexander Duff, 470. Smith, Goldwin: Lamps of fiction, 875. Scott's poetry again, 875. Smith, J. Examination of Cairns's Examination, 753. Smith, J. Notes on rarer plants in valley of Garnock, 1038. Smith, J. A. Banquo and Fleance, 135. Smith, J. A.: Additional notes on bronze armlets found near Aboyne, 105. Additional notes, inscribed stone, Yarrow Kirk, 105. Smith, I. A., continued: Bronze ornament with horns found in Galloway, 105. Exhibition of mason marks, 718, Fragment of Anglo-Saxon cross found at Gatton- side, 105. Massive bronze "late Celtic" armlet, etc., found at Stanhope, 105. Mass of meteoric iron, found in Newstead, 1006. Measurements of trees at Dryburgh Abbey, 1038. Mediaeval "kitchen-middens" discovered on Iona, 105. Note on horn of rhinoceros, 951. Note on human remains at Dounan, 53. Note on remains of Irish elk, 951. Note of Roman aureus, 730. Note of sepulchral urns in Fair Isle, 82. Note on supposed "charter chest of johnny Faa," 351. Note of underground building in Edinburghshire, 82. Notes on ancient cattle of Scotland, 951. Notes on bronze sickles, 82. Notes on Melrose Abbey, 392. Notes on rock sculpturings, etc., 82. Notes on stone balls, 83. Notes on stone implements from Shetland, 83. Notice of ancient Celtic bell, Kelso, 105. Notice of bronze battle-axe found near Bannock- burn, 83. Notice of bronze blade found at Balblair, 83. Notice of bronze blade found at Rogart, 83. Notice of bronze celts found near Elgin, 83. Notice of cinerary urn, etc., discovered in Fife- shire, 83. Notice of cist, etc.,. near Yarrow Kirk, 83. Notice of copper-like anvil, etc., 83. Notice of crania of urus, 951. Notice of flint implements found in Kincardine- shire, 83. Notice of horn of reindeer, found in Dumbarton- shire, 951. Notice of massive silver chain at Hordwell, 105. Notice of remains of elk, 951. Notice of remains of great auk, 951. Notice of remains of raven, 951. Notice of remains of red deer, 951. Notice of remains of rein-deer, 951. Notice of shingled roof of Canongate Tolbooth, 351. Notice of silver chain or girdle, 105. Notice of skull of bear, 951. Notice of three small bronze blades, 83. Notice of various animal remains, 951. Notices of Roman remains at Red Abbeystead, 91. On use of "mustard cap and bullet," 105. Remarks on bronze implement, etc., found at Kin- leith, 83. Roman antiquities found at Newstead, 91. Roman bronze patella found at Palace, Teviot- dale, 91. Roman pottery, etc., found near Newstead, 91. Stone mould found near Jedburgh, 105. Various Roman coins found in Red Abbeystead, 730. Smith, J. G.: Parish of Strathblane, 419. Strathendrick, 309, 419. Smith, J. H. Ennobled Gordons, 594. Smith, J. H. Iona, 379. Smith, Mrs. J. S.: The Grange of St. Giles, 311, 351, 386, 584, 603. Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, 499. Smith, James: Account of economical orchard near Tranent, 1038. Cultivation of figs in Scotland, 1038. Smith, James. Notice of vitrified fort in Burnt Isles, 82, 314. Smith, James. Exposition of principles of Relief Church, 252. INDEX 1211 Popular sketch of history of Kirk of 219. Reasons of appeal, 281. The merry bridal, 879. Smith, James. Scotland, Smith, James. Smith, James. Smith, James: Marine shells below the till, 1004. Relative ages of deposits in basin of Clyde, 1004. Scratched boulders, 1004. Split boulder in Little Cumbrae, 1004. Smith, John: Agriculture of Argyle, 677. Essay on watering pasture, etc., 677. Galic antiquities, 930. Smith, John. Magnus Matches, 514. Smith, John: Alleged bed of shells at High Molmont, 1005. Ancient structure at Dirrans, 82. Ardrossan shell-mound, S2, 1046. Barite veins of south-west, 1004. Bed of fossil plants at Meikle Busbie, 1005. Bed of ironstone in trap tuff, 1005. Boulder clay at Hamilton Hill, 1005. Carboniferous rocks of Solway, 1004. Charred coal, etc., at Craigman, 1004-1005. "China-clay" mine, etc., Troon, 1005. Cleaves Cove, Dairy, 82, 1005. Coal apples, 1005. Conodonts, 1005. Crystallised carbonite, 1005. Detached microliths, Corriegills, 1005. Discovery of upper coal measure fossils, Ayrshire, 1005. Discovery of fossil microscopic plants, etc., 1005. Distribution of equisetum maximum, 1038. Drawn-out spherulitic (?) structure, 1005. Drift deposits in Ayrshire, 1005. Drift of glacial deposits in Ayrshire, 1005. Dry river channels, 1005. Flexed structure in pitchstone, 1005. Freshwater limestone underlying marine limestone, 1005. From Doon to Girvan water, 1005. Geological position of Irvine, 1005. Geology of Dairy, 1005. Geology of Elvanfoot, etc., 1005. Great ice age, Garnock valley, 1005. Globular structure in patch of shale, 1006. Globular structure in trap rock, Neilstoun, 1006. Grasping power of carboniferous crinoid "fingers," 1006. List of shells, Ayrshire, 951. Mineral in a fumerole at Auchenharvie, 1006. New view of Arran mountains, 1005. Occurrence of clouded-yellow butterfly in Ayrshire, 951. Occurrence of conodonts in Arenig-Llandeilo forma- tions, 1006. Occurrence of flint nodules, etc., in post-tertiary sands, 1006. Occurrence of footprints in calciferous sandstone, 1005. Occurrence of pumice pebbles in raised beaches, 1006. Palaeozoic radiolarians, 1006. Peculiar U-shaped tubes, etc., 1006. Permian outlier of Snar valley, 1006. Plantago maritima, 1038. Sands-hills of Torrs Warren, 1006. Section of carboniferous strata at Lissens, 1006. Section of carboniferous strata near Giffen, 1006. Section exposed at Dry Dock, Troon, 1006. "Shale sockets" of cement nodules, 1006. Spango granite, 1006. Stone crannog in Ashgrove Loch, 82. Two ancient fireplaces, 82. Volcanic ash, etc., near Neilston, 1006. See also under Boyd, D. A., and J. Smith. Smith, M. H. Trial of, 657. Smith, Norman. Naturalism of Hume, 758. Smith, R. A. Scotish minstrel, 879 Smith, R. A.: Archaeology of the voice, 53. Descriptive list of antiquities near Loch Etive, 83 Life of Thomas Graham, 483. Loch Etive and Sons of Uisnach, 83. 747 1046 Mud of the Clyde, 1023. Smith, Robert: Botanical survey of Scotland, 1038. Plant associations of Tay basin, 1038. Smith, Samuel. Agriculture of Galloway, 678. First letter to archdeacon Singleton, Address to Town Council of Edh Union question, 285. Smith, Sydney. 257. Smith, Thomas, burgh, 351. Smith, Thomas. Smith, W. A. Benderloch, 951. Lewisiana, 375, 388. Marine Highland industries, 678. Oban troglodytes, 83. Oyster culture in Scotland, 952. Scottish fisheries, 678. Some west coast fishes, 952. Smith, W. C: Address to the General Assembly, 296. Chalmers, 461. Dr. John Brown, 449. The minister's mistake, 879. Reminiscences of Carlyle, 810. Scottish church question, 295. Sir Daniel Macnee, 511. William Allan, 440. Smith, W. C. Differences of local government, 130. Smith, W. C. Composition of "borolanite," 1006. Smith, W. C: Scots law, 642. Sources of Scots law, 642. Smith, W. G. Botanical survey of Scotland, 1038. Smith, W. M. : Memoir of families of M'Combie and Thorns, 606, 609, 612, 632. Recent antiquarian research in Glenshee, 83. Smith, W. R. Answer to form of libel, 294. Smith, W. W. Notes on arenaria tenuifolia, 1038. Smith, William. The bachelor's contest, 879. Smith, William. Dangers of Aberdeen beach, 678. Smith, William. Mansie o' Kierfa, 747. Smollet, T. G. : Adventures of Ferdinand, 880. Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, '880. Adventures of Roderick Random, 880. Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, 880. Expedition of Humphry Clinker, 880. History of an atom, 880. Miscellaneous works, 880. North Britain extraordinary, 193. Poems, 881. Poetical works, 881. Select works, 881. Works, 881. Smyth, C. P.: Mean Scottish meteorology, 1023. Notice respecting an illuminated manuscript, 155, Smyth, John. Scriptural arguments for civil estab- lishments of religion, 250. Smyth, P. G. Young St. Patrick, 525. Smyth, Thomas: Character of late Thomas Chalmers, 461. The exodus of the Church of Scotland, 273. Smyth, Thomas. Chalk-flint nodules, etc., at Marion- ville, 1006. Smythe, J. A. Contact rock from island of Mull, 1006. 1212 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Snell. H. S. Reports on Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, 303, 692. Snow, L. F. Education of Hume, 758. Snow, Winifred. Life of Mrs. Alison Cockburn, 463. Soane, George: The Hebrew, 859. Rob Roy, 865. So-called heirs of the Stuarts, 630. Social condition of poor in Glasgow, 692. Social evils of Scotland, 692. Society of Ancient Scots. Lives of Scottish poets, 438. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: Archaeologia Scotica, 16, 54. Catalogue of antiquities, 54. Catalogue of National Museum, 54. Laws, 16. Proceedings, 16, 54. General index, 16, 54. Society for Benefit of Sons and Daughters of Clergy. New statistical account, 201. Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowl- edge. State of, 232. Society o"f Solicitors of Banffshire. Charter, 16. Society for Support of Gaelic Schools. Report, 707, 913. Society of Writers to Signet : Catalogue of books, 4. Catalogue of early printed books, 4. Catalogue of library, 1042, Solemn acknowledgement of publick sins, 227. Solemn appeal on subject of church communion, 244. Some account of Admirable Crichton, 465. Some account of ancient church of Scotland, 224. Some account of character of Prof. Playfair, 526. Some account of the fairs in Scotland, 130. Some account of the Glenriddell mss., 799. Some account of Hector Macneill, 511. Some account of life of Gilbert, bishop of Sarum, 453. Some account of northern lighthouses, 678. Some account of Robert Burns, 799. Some account of the Wernerian Natural History Society, 351, 931. Some account of witches of Pittenweem, 747. Some charters to lairds of Kinnaird, 603. Some excerpts from history of house of Kilravock, 630. Some glimpses of prehistoric Hebrideans, 1046. Some of the last words of Dr. Chalmers, 277. Some letters of Scott, 875. Some literary landmarks of central Edinburgh, 351. Some memories of a Border manse, 312. Some notes on Pringle family, 622. Some notes on a well-known work, 472, 918. Some observations on the poetry of the agricultural, etc., 769, 799. Some passages in the life of Hamish Macgregor, 507. Some peculiarities of Edinburgh life, 351, Some remarkable passages in life of colonel James Gardiner, 908. Some remarkable passages in life of Mr. John Liv- ingston, 909, 1064. Some remarks on progress of Scotland, 197. Some results of Scottish theology, 295. Some Scotswomen, 438. Some stories of Heiskeir, 747. Some thoughts, humbly submitted, 191. Some thoughts on Scotch Education Bill, 707. Some unpublished letters of Claverhouse, 483. Some words about Scott, 875. Somers, Robert: Abstract of Scottish poor laws, 692. Remarks on Scottish poor laws, 693. Scotch banks, etc., 678. Somervail, Alexander: Glacial phenomena of Scotland, 1007. Introduction to carboniferous brachiopoda, 1006. Notes on archaan gneiss, 1006. Somervail, Alexander, continued : Observations on boulders and drift, 1007. Observations on higher summits of Pentland Hills, 1007. Observations on roches moutonnees, 1007. Occurrence of sanguinolites iridinoides, 1007. Occurrence of spirifer ovalis, 1007. Occurrence of strepsodus, etc., 1007. Somervell, Arthur. Songs of the four nations, 725. Somerville, Alexander : Carex divisa as a Scottish plant, 1038. Cystopteris montana in Stirlingshire, 1038. Dredging off Portincross, 952. Isocardia, 952. Notes on mollusca of Iona, 952. Note on saxifraga oppositifolia on Islay, 1038. Notes on flora of Barra and South Uist, 1038. Notes on flora of Barra, 1038. On genus polystiehum, etc., 1038. On occurrence of rock samphire, etc., 1038. Somerville, Boyle. Prehistoric monuments in Outer Hebrides, 83. Somerville, J. E. Notice of "The Altar," Canna, 105. Somerville (11. baron), James Somerville. Memorie of the Somervilles, 628. Somerville, M. F. Personal recollections, 539. Somerville, Robert: Agriculture of East Lothian, 678. Observations on sea-coast, East Lothian, 1007. Somerville, Thomas. My own life, 539, Song of Solomon, 881. Song writing. Burns, 799. Songs of England and Scotland, 881. Songs of the north, 881. Songs for the nursery, 725. Songs of Old and New Testament, 881. Songs of Scotland, 769. Sons of Malise Graham, 615, Sorley, William. Prospects and perils of the Free Church, 275. Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodge. Catalogue of valu- able Scottish mss., 1071. Southesk (9. earl), James Carnegie: Douglas, Percy, and Cavers ensign, 557, 585. Jonas Fisher, 881. Manuscripts at Kinnaird Castle, 628. Newton stone, 105, 921. Ogham inscription at Abernethy, 105, 921. Ogham inscriptions of Scotland, 105, 921. Oghams on Brodie and Aquhollie stones, 105, 921. Origins of Pictish symbolism, 105. Southey, Robert: Life of Andrew Bell, 445, 707. Scotland, an ode, 1050. Spaewife, The, 909. Spalding, John. History of the troubles, 164. Spalding, M. J. History of Protestant Reformation, 219. Spalding Club : Miscellany, 115. Publications, 17. Spanish, The, blanks, 161. Spears, W, Reply by fishermen of Eyemouth, 678. Specimens read at autumn examination of Tillicoultry Academy, 707. Specimens of "Wallace," 881. Spectakle of luf, 881. Spectator. Thoughts, 241. Speculative Society of Edinburgh: History, 17. Laws, 17. List of office-bearers, 17. Speech addressed to Provincial Synod of Glasgow, etc., 236. Speech of lord advocate upon Scotch Poor Law Bill, 693, Speech made by a member of the convention, 181. INDEX 1213 Speeches delivered at public meeting in St. George's Church, Glasgow, 246. Speeches on government plan of national education 707. Speeches of members of Presbytery of Stirling, 243. Speed, John. Theatre of the empire, 172. Speedy, Tom: Craigmillar and its environs, 318, 9S2. Deer-stalking, 952. , Glimpses of trout. 952. Grouse disease, 952. Mice plague, 952. Sport in the Highlands, 952. Trip to Hoy, 952. Speidel, Theodor. Wallace, 138. Speirs, Graham. Correspondence, 276. Spells and charms, 747. Spence, David. Peculiarities of the Gaelic language 921. Spence, James: Dunnottar, 1053. Fplklore of days and seasons, 747. Gordons of Gight, 1067. "Ha-Moss," 1055. Inverallochy Castle, 1055. Report on Schivas, 1057. St. Columba, 1052. Stone circles of Old Deer, 1046. Spence, John: Days of old Shetland sixern, 693. Peep into Orkney township, 400, 881. Picts and their brochs, 83. Shetland folklore, 747. Spence, Magnus : Maeshow and the standing stones, 84. Standing stones and Maeshow, 84. Orkney bonfires, 748. Past in the present, 952. Spence, T. W. L. Notes on unpublished ms, 522. Spencer, J. J. Walter Herries, 1063. Spens, Sheriff. Scotch urban and rural sanitary areas, 678. Spicker, G. Kant, Hume, und Berkeley, 758. Spindler, J. Coming thro' the rye, 725. Spirit of Chambers's journal, 881. Spirit of the Secession, 271. Splendid writer, A, 480. Sporting ramble in the Highlands, 952. Sportsman's and tourist's time tables, 204. Spotiswood, John. Account of all the religious houses, 224. Spottiswoode, Sir Henry. Poems, 881. Spottiswoode, John, archbishop. History of Church of Scotland, 219. Spottiswoode, John. Refutatio libelli, 225. Spottiswoode, Sir John. Speech of one of the barons of Berwick, 181. Spottiswoode, Sir Robert. Address (1633), 642. Spottiswoode Society. The Spottiswoode miscellany, 17, 115, 116, 209. Sprague, Beatrice : Foreign wild flowers in Edinburgh district, 1039. Note on cladocera, 952. Notes on shingle island in river Orchy, 1039. Sprague, T. B.: Bones and shells from Inchkeith, 952. Fibre balls, 1039. "Green balls" of Loch Kildonan, 1039. Sprague, T. B., and Beatrice Sprague. Entomostraca of Mid-Lothian, 952. Sprague, W. B. Discourse commemorative of Thomas Chalmers, 461. Springstaff, Rockingtree. Ass's petition, 881. Sprott, G. W. Character of Rev. Thomas Leishman, 500. Spynie. Court of Regality. Extracts from register, '417. on Benmore, etc., 678. H. Stanhope: Stabler, G. On hepatic* of Balmoral, 1039 Staehlin, Karl: Der Kampf, 160. ' Sir Francis Walsingham, 155. Stair-Kerr, Eric. Stirling Castle, 1058 Stalker, Donald. Plantations Stanhope (5. earl), P. Address, 707. Countess of Nithsdale, 523. "The Forty-Five," 190 Stanley, A. P.: Inaugural address, 707. Inverawe and Ticonderoga, 193. Lectures on history of Church of Scotland, 219. Staples, J. H. Gaelic phonetics, 921. Stark, A. C. Nests and eggs of shoveller duck, etc.. Stark, J. Picture of Edinburgh, 351. Stark, James: Inquiry into sanatory state of Edinburgh, 351. Mortality of Edinburgh and Leigh, 693. Report on mortality of Edinburgh, etc., 351, 387 396. Remarks on epidemic fever, 130. Vital statistics of Scotland, 693. Stark, James: Notes to Captain Otter's paper on tides, 1023. On fall of rain in Scotland, 1023. Stark, James. Church question briefly considered, 271. Stark, James: Geology of Glasgow's Highland Park, 1007. Geology of south-east Arran, 1007. Highland boundary fault, Arran, 1007. Shore section at Portincross, 1007. Some dykes in valley of Loch Long, 1007. Surface geology of Falls of Clyde, 1007. Tertiary volcanic vent in Arran, 1007. Stark, James. Lord Pitsligo, 1065. Stark, W. A.: Book of Kirkpatrick-Durham, 384. Notice of presentation by George III., 384. Origin of name of Kirkpatrick-Durham, 384. Starke, J. G. H. Troqueer, 422. State education in Scotland, 707. State of the Highlands, 205. State papers and letters addressed to William Car- stares, 116. State of question respecting seat rents, Edinburgh, 351. Statement in answer to Rev. Dr. Chalmers' pamphlet, 252. Statement, Berwickshire Auxiliary Bible Society, 250. Statement of Church statistics, 289. Statement by committee of booksellers, 278. Statement explanatory and defensive, 283. Statement relative to church extension, 257. Statement upon subject of North Bridge Buildings, 351. Statements relative to the city of Edinburgh, 351. Statements respecting the annuity, etc., 252. Statistical account of Argyllshire, 307. Statistics of elections for county of Ayr, 309. Statistics relating to Established Church, 293. Statistics relating to Established Church and school boards, 707. Stavert, A. B.: A pilgrimage, 219. A short autobiography, 540. Stead, W. T. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, 458. Stearns, F. P.: Carlyle, 810. Walter Scott, 875. Stecher, Ernst. Contact phenomena of some olivine- diabases, 1007. Steel, Archibald. Two cuckolds, 881. 1214 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Steel, James. See under Scott, Thomas, and James Steel. Steel, Thomas. Fossiliferous post-pliocene bed at Gourock, 1007. Steel, W. A. William Paterson, 525. Steele, A. B.: The fungus foray in Roslin Glen, 1039. Natural history of Lochfynehead, 952. Steele, Sir Richard: British'subject's answer, 190. Letter from earl of Mar, 190. Stefansson, Jon: Authorship of Orkneyinga Saga, 399. Biarne Kolbeinsson, 498. Scandinavian place-names, 427. Stein, C. : Cruise to Dutchman's Cap, 327. Fontinalis in Scotland, 952. Stenhouse, A. G. See under Campbell, Robert, and A. G. Stenhouse. Stenhouse, William. Illustrations of lyric poetry, 725, 769. Stephen, Leslie: R. L. Stevenson, 887. Story of Scott's ruin, 875. Thomas Carlyle, 810. Stephen, Thomas: History of Church of Scotland, 219. Life of Archbishop Sharp, 219, 535. Stephen, William. History of the Scottish Church, 219. Stephens, Andrew. Eximii, 478. Stephens, D. S. Edinburgh and its associations, 351. Stephens, George : The Hunterston brooch, 106. James VI. in Tonsberg, 161. Note of. the Hunterston brooch, 106. Note of rune stone from Aith's Voe, 106. Notice of runic ring found in Cramond, 106. Notice of stone bearing runes from Barra, 106. Old northern runic monuments, 106. Rescue of Robert Burns, 799. The runic inscriptions at Maeshowe, 106. The Ruthwell Cross, 409. Stephenson, John: Nemertines of Millport, etc., 952. Some littoral oligochaeta of the Clyde, 952. Sterling, A. M. Ancient Stirlings of Cadder, 630. Stern, Adolf. Thomas Carlyle, 810. Stern, L. C. : Ceangal nan tri chaol, 930. Die gaelische Ballade vom Mantel, 930. Ossianische Gedichte aus Caithness, 930. Ossianischen Heldenlieder, 917. Ossianic heroic poetry, 917. Schottish-galische Literatur, 917. Steuart, A. F.: Deloraine, 583. Exclusion of apparent heirs, 566. Falls of Dunbar, 590. Garrison of forts in Shetland, 415. General Patrick Gordon, 482. Gilbert Balfour, 443. Information against Jacobites, 190. Laird of Logie, 321. Lord Methven, 615. Lord Ruthven of Freeland, 624. Miss Katherine Reid, 529. The Neapolitan Stuarts, 630. Ogilvy, earl of Airlie, 569. Orkney news, 400. Ruthven, earl of Forth, 591. Ruthven, earl of Gowrie, 595. The Scot in France, 466. Scotland and the Papacy, 219. Scots in Poland, 566. Scots in Rome, 566. Steuart, A. P., continued: Scott, duke of Buccleuch, 575. Scottish influences in Russian history, 130, 566. Scottish "nation" at Padua, 566. Scottish officers in Sweden, 566. Stewart, duke of Lennox, 604. Stewart, earl of Atholl, 570. Stewart, earl of Bothwell, 573. Stewart, earl of Caithness, 576. Stewart, earl of Carrick, 579. Stewart, earl of Orkney, 621. Stewart, lord Avandale, 620. Stewart, Lorfl Dourie, 585. Stewart, lord Innermeath, 600. Two Jacobean sonnets, 881. Visitations and portraits, 566. Steuart, A. F., and others. Kings of Scotland, 625. Steuart, Adam. Answer to a Hbell, 226. Steuart, D. R. Occurrence of petroleum at Brox- burn, 1007. Steuart, Henry. Genealogy of Stewarts refuted, 630. Steuart, James. Scotts first country-house, 875. Steuart, Robert. Letter to the moderator, 262. Steuart, Walter. Collections, 219. Steven, T. M. Geographical description of Ayr, 309. Stevenson, A. P. Patrick Blair, Dundee, 1060. Stevenson, C. A. : The earthquake of 28th November (1880), 1007. Notice of recent earthquake in Scotland, 1007. Stevenson, David: Life of Robert Stevenson, 541. Recent earthquake shocks in Argyllshire, 1007. Striated rock surfaces on North Berwick Law, 1007. Stevenson, G. H., and S. N. Miller. Report on Roman fort of Cappuck, 1046. Stevenson, George. Plea for covenanted Reforma- tion, 241. Stevenson, J. Mycologia Scotica, 1039. Stevenson, J. A. : Ancient Scottish demesne, 316. Oft in the stilly night, 725. Stevenson, J. H. : Contract of mutual friendship in the *45, 190. The Coronation and Scotland, 207. Did ecclesiastical heraldry exist in Scotland, 557. Early Scottish military uniforms, 557. Earliest Scottish original literary prose, 769. Family portraits, 566. Fifteenth century Scots binding, 718. King Edward the seventh, 207. Romance of Sir Eger, 769. Royal standard, 557. Ruthven of Freeland barony, 624. Scots version .of "Moder of God," 770. Scottish peerage, 566. Sonnet by Drummond, 817. Stuart, Marquess of Bute, 576. The teinds, 678. Traditions of the Grahams, 595. Stevenson, John: Perils and escapes of a Covenanter, 540. Rare soul-strengthening cordial, 540. Stevenson, Mrs. M. I. B. Letters from Samoa, 887. Stevenson, R. A. M. Mr. Keiller's collection, 718. Stevenson, R. H. Annals of Edinburgh, 351, 387. Stevenson, R. L. B.: Amateur emigrant, 881. Ballads, 881. Black arrow, 881. Black canyon, 882. Bottle imp, 882. Catriona, 882. Child's garden of verses, 882. Christmas sermon, 882. Collected works, 882. Contributions to history of Fife, 357. INDEX Stevenson, R. L. B., continued : David Balfour, 882. Dynamiter, 882. Ebb-tide, 882. Edinburgh, 351, 352. Education of an engineer, 882. Familiar studies, 882. Great north road, 8S2. Inland voyage, 882. John Knox, 497. Kidnapped, SS2. Lay morals, 882. Letters, 883. Lodging for the night, 883. Lowden Sabbath morn, 883. Macaire, 883. Master of Ballantrae, 883. Memoirs, 883. Memories and portraits, 883. Merry men, etc., 883. Misadventures, 8S3. Morality of profession of letters, 883. More New Arabian nights, 883. New Letters, 883. Pavilion on the links, 883. Poems, 883. Prince Otto, 884. St. Ives, 884. Silverado squatters, 884. Some aspects of Burns, 799. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll, 884. Thomas Stevenson, 541. Three plays, 884. Treasure Island, 884. Two poems, 884. Vailima letters, 884. Virginibus puerisque, 884. Weir of Hermiston, 884. Wrong box, 884. Stevenson, Robert : Account of Bell Rock lighthouse, 678. Excerpt from "Memoir on British harbours," 1069. Notice regarding Scottish fisheries, 678. Stevenson, T. G. Notice of William Mitchel, 516. Stevenson, W. H. The great commendation, 135. Stevenson, William. Antiquities of Colonsay and Oransay, 84. Stevenson, William. Legends of St. Kentigern, 224. Stevenson, William: Gap in greywacke formation, Lammermuirs, 1007. Geology of Cockburnlaw, 1007. Stevenson's letters, 887. Stevensonia, 887. Stewart, A. M. Origins of United Free Church of Scotland, 219. Stewart, A. W.: Old Edinburgh inns, 352. Old Scottish cures, 748. Stewart, Alexander (1764-1821). Elements of Gaelic grammar, 921. Stewart, Alexander, "Nether Lochaber": The Ballachulish goddess, 106. Certain proverbial sayings, 917. Green balls of Loch Kildonan, 1039. Mid-summer day in Glen Nevis, 371. Naturalists' notes, 952. Notice of Highland charm stone, 748. Survival of superstitions relating to fire, 748. 'Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe, 748, 952. "West Highlanders" at home, 952. Stewart, Alexander, and Donald Stewart. Coch- ruinneachta, 930. Stewart, Archibald. History vindicated, 228. Stewart, C. E. Stewart book-plates, 557. Stewart, C. H. Sex and age incidence, 693. Stewart, C. P. Red and white book of Menzies, 615. 1215 found in neighbourhood Stewart, Charles. Insects of Edinburgh, 952. Stewart, Charles: Notice of bronze weapons, etc., found at Monadh Mor, 84. Notice of cist with urn at Bruaich, 84 Stewart, D. The man-of-war's man, 888 Stewart, D. W. Old and rare Scottish tartans, 433 Stewart, David. Sketches of Highlanders, 433. Stewart, Dr. Notes regarding a drinking cup, 106. Stewart, Dugald: Account of life and writings of Adam Smith, 538, 1066. Account of life of Thomas Reid, 1065. Account of William Robertson, 530. Biographical memoirs of Adam Smith, etc , 529 538 Collected works, 760, 761. Elements of philosophy, 760. Siemens de la philosophie, 760. Life of William Robertson, 531. CEuvres, 761. Philosophical essays, 760. Philosophy of active and moral powers, 760. Postscript to short statement, 501. Precis de la vie d'Adam Smith, 538. Scottish poor laws, 693. Short statement of some facts, 501. Some account of boy born blind and deaf, 517. Some extracts from writings, 761. Unpublished letter, 541. Works, 760. Stewart, J. F. Whale remains in Carse of Stirling, 1007. Stewart, J. H. J., and Duncan Stewart. Stewarts of Appin, 630. Stewart, earl of Galloway, 592. Trial of (Appin murder), 658. Limestones in Cathcart and East- Notes on changes in High- Stewart, J. K Stewart, James. Stewart, James, wood, 1007. Stewart, John. Poems, 888. Stewart, John, younger, land district, 1023. Stewart, T. G. Notes on Scottish medicine, 155, 693. Stewart, Thomas. Geology of Mainland, Shetland, 1008. Stewart, William: Mycology of Kelvingrove Park, 1039. Notes on trichomanes radicans in Scotland, 1039. Stewart, William. The Rae press, 770. Stewart's life and writings of Robertson, 531. Stewart Clark, 462. Stewarton Library. Regulations, 417. Stewarts in Orkney, 630. Still, Peter. The cottar's Sunday, 888. Stirling, A. See under Lovat (16. baron), S. J. Fraser, and A. Stirling. Stirling, A. H. Sketch of Scottish industrial his- tory, 130, 131. Stirling, A. M. D. W. P. Macdonald of the Isles, 601. Stirling, J. H. Kant has not answered Hume, 758. Stirling, James. Failure of Forbes Mackenzie Act, 642. Stirling, R., M'D. Inveresk parish lore, 377. Stirling, Walter. Deed of mortification, 370. Stirling (1. earl), William Alexander. Earl of Stirling's register, 116. Stirling-Maxwell, Sir J. M. Report on family muni- ments, 614. Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William: Address (1872), 888. Inaugural address (1863), 707. Stirling. Commissariot record, 566. Stirling. [Documents,] 418. Stirling Castle, 418. Stirling papers, 439. Stirling peerage, 631. Stirlingshire election, 418. 1216 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Stirton, James: Mosses from Ben Lawers, 1039. Scottish mosses, 1039. Notes on church of Glamis, 360. Stobart, M. A. Boswell in Corsica, 448. Stock, Thomas: Discovery of rhizodus in Wardie shales, 1008. Occurrence of anthrapalsemon etheridgii, 1008. Remains of decapod crustaceans in Wardie shales, 1008. Section recently exposed near Straiton, 1008. Stocquart, £mile: L'alliance de la France et de £cosse, 642. Les Flamands en £cosse, 566, 585. Stodart, R. R.: Adam of Maryburgh, 568. Bruces of Earlshall, 574. Burden of Auchingarrich, 575. Campbell of Lawers, 578. Carre of Cavers-Carre, 602. Contest for precedency, 602. Cooper of Gogar, 581. Funeral processions, 566. Genealogy of family of Cornwall, 581. Kerr of Fernihirst, 602. Kerr of Gateshaw, 602. Kerr of Lochtour, 602. Lorimer, 605. Memorials of Browns of Fordell, 574. Methven of that ilk, 615. Notes on family of Ker, 602. Notes on family of Kerr, 602. Notice of case as to surname of Hunter, 599. Scottish arms, 557. Sir Thomas Kerr, 602. Sir William Dick of Braid, 584. Stirling of Cadder, 630. Udny of that ilk, 633. Whitefoord, 634. Will of a Scots herald, 470. Stoddart, A. M. John Stuart Blackie, 446. Stoddart, J. T. Girlhood of Mary, queen of Scots, 156. Stoddart, T. T.: The angler's companion, 952, 953. An angler's rambles, 953. Angling reminiscences, 953. Art of angling, 953. Angling songs, 888. Death wake, 888. Stokes, Whitley. Gaelic in the Book of Deir, 921. Stone, Joseph. The Campbells are coming, 725. Stonehaven. Abstract of accounts, 419. Stopes, C. C. Scottish and English Macbeth, 505. Storer, A. C: Iona, 379. St. Columba, 464. Stories from Blackwood, 888. Storrey, J. B. S. Branksome Tower, 313. Story, A. T. Sir Noel Paton, 718. Story, Douglas: Birth of golf, 693. Clansmen of Scotland, 433. Story, R. H.: Church of Scotland, 296. Kirk and Presbyterian union, 296. Letters from Darien, 179. Relics of principal Carstares, 459. Saint Modan, 1064. Two champions of the Covenant, 488, 510. Story of an Edinburgh church, 352. Story of Hugh Miller's early days, 516. Story of Lady Grange, 484. Story of JMargredel, 888. Story of Peter Williamson, 550. Story of a stool, 225. Story of the surname Beatson, 572. Story-teller, The, 909. Stout, Elizabeth. Some Shetland brochs, etc, 1046. Stout, G. W. Birds of Fair Isle, 953. Stowe, H. B. Scott and his dogs, 876. Stowell, Lord. Account of discovery, 450. Straban, Alexander. Norman Macleod, 510. Strachan, George. Lachrymae, 888. Strachan, J. Agates from Pentlands, 1008. Strachan, J. M. Notice of find of bronze weapons at Ford, 84. Strachan, John. Importance of Irish, 921. Strachey, G. : Carlyle, 810. Reminiscences of Carlyle, 810. Strachey, J. St. Loe. Seven lord Roseberies, 623. Strada, Famianus. De Mariae Scotorum reginae morte, 1 56. Straloch papers, 116. Strang, John. Glasgow and its clubs, 370. Strang, John: Progress of population, 693. Report on mortality bills, 370. Strange and wonderful history of mother Shipton, 909. Stranger's companion amid antiquities of Dunferm- line, 326. Stranger's visit to Edinburgh, 352. Strathallan (1. viscount), William Drummond. Gene- alogy of house of Drummond, 586. Strathbogie Presbytery: Extracts from Presbytery book, 220, 419. Plain statement, 259. Statement, 262. Statement. 2. ed., 262. Strathern, Sheriff. Origin of Lord Lyon King of Arms, 558. Strathmore (1. earl), Patrick Lyon. Book of record, 360. Strathmore, Earl and Countess of, against William Laing, 352. Strathmore and Kinghorn (13, earl), C. B. Lyon. Report on ancient charters, 116. Straton, George. Register of births, Brechin, 566. Street, John. Account of exotic plants, 1039. Strena ad Jacobum V., 142. Strickland, Agnes: Escape of Queen Mary, 156. Lives of the queens of Scotland, 131. Mary Stuart, 156. Stronach, George. The Advocates library, 352. Strong, Isobel. R. L. Stevenson, 888. Strong, Isobel, and Lloyd Osbourne. Memories of Vailima, 888. Strong, John. Development of secondary education, 707. Struthers, Gavin: "A Free Churchman" sifted, 273. History of rise of Relief Church, 220. Resurrection, its certainty, 449. Struthers, John (1776-1853): History of Scotland, 131. Poetical works, 888. Struthers, Rev. John: Monumental brass in church of Ormiston, 400. Note of gold brooch, 106. Stuart, A. M.: Contribution towards clearing of our terms, 286. An inquiry, 277. Is the "Establishment of religion," etc., 285. Pastoral letter, 260. Recent awakenings, 293. Report relative to state of religion, 273. Union overture, 288. Stuart, A. M., and A. A. Bonar. Ecclesiastical obedi- ence, 289. Stuart, Alexander. Sketch of life of Professor John Stuart, 542. INDEX 1217 Stuart, Andrew: Genealogical history of Stewarts, 630. Letters to Lord Mansfield, 585. Stuart, Charles: Excursion of Scottish Alpine Botanical Club to Braemar Highlands, 1039. Excursion of Scottish Alpine Botanical Club to Killin, 1039. Sketch notes on flora of Berwickshire, 1039. Stuart, F. S. Destiny and fortitude, 888. Stuart, G. C. A. Plants naturalised on banks of Gala, 1039. Stuart, Gilbert. History of Scotland, 131. Stuart, Harry. Agricultural labourers, 693. Stuart, J. S., and C. E. Stuart: Costume of clans, 433. Enormities of 1746, 190. Lays of the deer forest, 433, 888, 953. Stuart, James. March of the Highland army, 190. Stuart, James. Address as lord rector, 707. Stuart, John, of Inchbreck: Account of discovery of tomb at Fetteresso, 84. Account of sculptured pillars, S4. Account of subterraneous habitations, 84. Essays, chiefly on Scottish antiquities, 1047. Historical account of Marischal College, 707. Life of Dr. Duncan Liddel, 502. Observations upon progress of Roman arms, 91. Of the reign of Duncan, 135. Stuart, John (1S13-1877): Account of cairn called "Cairngreg," 84. Account of excavations in cairns on Balnabroch, 84. Account of funeral of Barbara Ruthven, 532. Account of graves at Hartlaw, 84. Account of incised .marks on stones in Lewis, 84. Articles by Robert, bishop of Caithness, 314. Earlier antiquities of Cromar, 85. Historical notices of St. Fillan's crozier, 106. History of priory of Restennet, 406. A lost chapter in history of Mary, queen of Scots, 156. Memoir of A. H. Rhind, 529. Note of copper plate from Cluny, 106. Note of excavations at St. Margaret's Inch, 84. Note of urn found at Rattray, 84. Notes on church of St. Congan, 423. Notice of armorial bearings, Mid-Calder, 393, 558. Notice of artificial islands in loch of Dowalton, 84, 85. Notice of burial of Malcolm III., 135. Notice of cairns on Rothie, 84. Notice of cairns in Strathnaver, 84. Notice of chambered mound of Maeshowe, 84. Notice of cists in "Cairn Curr," 84. Notice of cists found at Broomend, 84. Notice of "Edin's Hall," 84. Notice of excavations in Maeshowe, 106. Notice of letters addressed to Captain Shand, 91. Notice of replegiation, 642. Notice of two ancient silver chalices, 106, 358, 465. Notice of underground chambers on Cairn Co- nan, 84. Notices of Sir Robert Crichton of Cluny, 465. Notices of some abbots of Kinloss, 3S3. On the locality of Slenauch field, 138. Remarks on circular stone monuments in Creich, 85. Remarks' on Picts' houses and burghs, 85. Report on ancient documents, Perth, 403. Report to committee of fund left by A. H. Rhind, 85. Some of the vitrified forts of Scotland, 85. Stuart, Robert. Caledonia Romana, 91. Stuart, W. G. Strathspey raid to Elgin, 433. Stuart-Glennie, J. S - : Arthurian localities, 135 Arthurian Scotland, 135. Stuart pretenders, 190. Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Grund-probleme, 758 Student. Emerson and his visit to Scotland, 201 Student life in Edinburgh, 707. Student life in Scotland, 707. Studies of "the Forty-Five," 190. Studies in Scottish literature, 770. Stuhr, P. F. Macpherson's Ossian, 917. Sturrock, Archibald. Agriculture of Ayrshire 678 Sturrock, J. B. : North Berwick, 396. Thomas Coats Memorial church, 401. Vanduara, or Roman Paisley, 135, 401. Sturrock, J. S. Registration of title, 642. Sturrock, John. Jet necklace and urn found at Bal- calk, 85. Stutfield, H. E. M. Season in Skye, 416. Subjoined notices, 131. Succinct account of feud between earls of Glencairn and Eglinton, 382, 589, 593. Succinct history of the Rebellion, 190. Succinct narrative of Dr. Gilchrist's services, 480. Sufferers for pretended witchcraft in Scotland, 645 748. Sugenheim, Samuel. Geschichte der Aufhebung, 693. Suggestions for an equitable distribution of Susten- tation Fund, 279. Summary of powers and duties of a constable, 1068. Summons against magistrates of Aberdeen, 303. Sunday trains, etc., 678, 693. Superstitions of Scotland, 748. Supplement to address to free citizens of Edinburgh, 352. Supplement to History of feuds of the clans, 433. Supplement to trial of William Burke, 646. Surenne, J. T. Scots wha hae, -726. Surprising adventures of baron Trenck, 909. Surprising life of Redmond O'Hanlon, 909. Surprising savage girl, 909. Surprising story of the "Devil of Glenluce," 748. Surrender of the Castle of Edinburgh, 352. Survey of castle and town of Edinburgh, 352. Survey of Scottish lakes, 1023. Susan Ferrier's life, 476. Sussnitzki, Isaia. Die Gesellschafts, 758. Sustentation Fund no failure, 277. Sutcliffe, W. H. Geological ramble in Scotland, 1008. Suther, T. G. Answers for, 281. Sutherland, A. Nudibranchiate mollusca of Cromarty Firth, 953. Sutherland, A. C. : George Buchanan on the Celts, 917. Non-Ossianic poems, 917. Poetry of Dugald Buchanan, 930. Sutherland, Adam. Raised beaches at Irvine, 1008. Sutherland, Alexander, of Dunbeath. Testament, 543. Sutherland, Alexander. Practice and doctrine of Presbyterian preachers, 230. Sutherland, Alexander. Excavation of broch of Cogle, 1046. Sutherland, Arthur. Some sculptured stones in Ross- shire, 85. Sutherland, D. Henry Drummond, 470. Sutherland, G. M.: Notes on Caithness history, 315. William Sinclair, first earl of Caithness, 576. William Sinclair, second earl, 576. John Sinclair, third earl, 576. George, fourth earl, 576. George, fifth earl, 576. Sutherland, George. Outlines of Scottish archeol- ogy, 54. Sutherland book, The, 632. Sutherland improvement, etc., 678. Suttner, Berta von. Andrew Carnegie, 458. Swan, Joseph. Lakes of Scotland, 199. Swank, J. M. More busy days, 458. Swarback, S. D. Sketches in Scotland, 201. 1218 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sweno's stone. L'obelisque de Sueno, 106. Swinburne, A. C. : Journal of Scott, 876. Mary, queen of Scots, 156. Note on character of Mary, 156. Note of an English republican, 810. Swinburne, John: Notes on Sula Sgeir, etc., 953. Ornithological visit to Ascrib Islands, 953. Swinton, A. C. Swintons of that ilk, 632. Swinton, Archibald: Considerations on questions of law, 642. Report of trial of Alexander Humphreys, 631, 650. Report of trial of Thomas Hunter, and others, 650. Swinton, G. S. C. : Family of Swinton, 632. Sir Archibald Laurie and Swinton charters, 135. Six early charters, 135. Swinton, John Swinton, lord. Considerations, 642. Sym, Andrew. Uzziah and Hezekiah, 271. Syme, J. T. Notice of plants observed in Orkney, 1039. Syme, James. Robert Burns, 799. Symington, A. J.: Biographical sketch of David H. Edwards, 1061. John Campbell, Ledaig, 455. Symington, A. M. Robert Dick, 468. Symington, Andrew: Death swallowed up, 481. Dismission, etc., 514. Symington, William: Character and claims of Scottish martyrs, 220. The communion stones, 888. Departed worth, 543. Symonds, W. S. Physical relations of reptiliferous sandstone, 1008. Symons, Arthur: James Hogg, 489. James Hogg (1770-1835), 489. Sir Walter Scott, 876. Thomas Campbell, 802. Was Scott a poet? 876. Sympathy of Irish Presbyterians, 260. Symson, Andrew. Large description of Galloway, 360. System of public education in Scotland, 707. T. Lady Mary of Craignethan, 889. T. Life of Lord Erskine, 474. T. Localities of Tullitudlem, etc., 876. T. Passages from a journal, 200. T., A. Letter from a blacksmith, 234, 242. T., A. Medical report on Edinburgh, 352. T, J.: Creation, 889. Revival of religion, 889. T., L. Substance of two speeches, 1050. T., M. Burns, 799. T., M. S. Queen and Dr. Chalmers, 461. T., W. Flora Macdonald, 506. T„ W. W.: Carlyle and Burns, 799, 810. Clementina Stirling Graham, 482. Tangled talk about J. G. Lockhart, 503. Taill of Rauf Coilyear, 889. Taine, H. A. L'idealisme anglais, 810. Tait, A. D. Letter to the moderator, 260. Tait, Christopher. Peat-mosses of Kincardine, etc., 1039. Tait, David: Cretaceous fossils in Caithness, 1008. Egg-shaped stones, Wick, 1008. Glacially transported rock at Leavad, 1008. See also under Bailey, E. B., and D. Tait, and under Crampton, C. B., and D. Tait. Tait, James: Agriculture of Clackmannan and Kinross, 678. Agriculture of Stirling, 678. , Physiological distinctions in condition of peasan- try, 693. Tait, Lawson: Account of cists at Kintradwell, 85. Note on shell-mounds of Sutherland, 85. Notes of stone circle at Craigmore, 85. Notes on shell-mounds, hut-circles, etc., of Suther- land, 85. Notice of a kist, etc., Dornoch, 85. Tait, W. Annual report on health of Edinburgh police, 352. Tait, W. A.: Some notes regarding Edinburgh water works, 352, 678. See also under Blyth, B. H., and W. A. Tait. Tait, W. R. Report on estates of Murkle and Doun- reay, 678. Tait, William. Exposure of spy system, 200. Tait's Edinburgh magazine, 17. Taitt, Alexander. Roman account of Britain, 133. Take care lads whom you marry, 909. Tale of the "Bodach Glas," 748. Tale of the plague in Edinburgh, 352. Tale of a tub, 889. Tales of the water kelpie, 748. Talfourd, Sir T. N.: The author of Waverley, 876. Mackenzie, 508. Tarn O'Shanter, 909. Tancred, George. Annals of a Border club, 1055, 1067. ' Tannahill, Robert. Poems and songs, 889. Taodunus. Customs and superstitions, 748. Tappan, H. P. Step from new world, 202. Tarbolton, H. O. Education and architecture, 718. Tarr, R. S.: Glacial erosion in Highlands, 1008. The Scottish Highlands, 1023. Tasistro, L. F. Late Sir David Wilkie, 550. Tasker, Amy: Did Mary Stuart love Bothwell? 156. Mary Stuart and Kirk o' Field, 156. Tasker, William. Elijah's translation, 461. Tassis, J. B. de. Extraites des correspondances, 156. Taste life's glad moments, 909. Tate, Ralph: Paleontology of Skye and Raasay, 1008. Report on Zetland anthropological expedition, 53. Tatlock, R. R. Magnetic iron sand from Kyles of Bute, 1008. Tawse, John. Report, 246. Taxt roll of country of Aberdeen, 304. Tayler, Alistair, and Henrietta Tayler. Book of the Duffs, 586. Taylor, Andrew: Bituminous shales of Linlithgowshire, 1008. Boulders at New Cemetery, Edinburgh, 1008. Crag structure, 1008. Examples of torrent action near Blairgowrie, 1008. Lacustrine deposit near Holyrood, 1008. Metamorphism and vulcanicity, 1008. Note on artesian spring, 1023. Petrology of Arthur's Seat, 1008. Section recently exposed at Marchmont Road, 1008. Sections made by drainage operations, Pleasance, 1008. Study of chemical geology of Bathgate Hills, 1008. Unpublished sections of superficial geology of Edinburgh, 1008. Taylor, Benjamin: Darien expedition, 179. Local taxation in Scotland, 678. Municipal Glasgow, 370. Taylor, Charles. Quakers of Glasgow, 370. INDEX 1219 Taylor, E. A. Isle of Arran, 718. Taylor, Elizabeth. The Braemar Highlands, 313, 748. Taylor, G. S. Rob Dorm, 508. Taylor, George. Story of Glencoe, 889. Taylor, George, and Andrew Skinner. Taylor and Skinner's survey, etc., 1023. Taylor, Sir Henry. Carlyle's reminiscences, 810. Taylor, Henry. Geology of Eigg, 1008. Taylor, Isaac. Two letters on the Scottish Church, 271. Taylor, J.: Decorative art at Glasgow, 370. A Glasgow artist and designer, 543, 718. Glasgow School of embroidery, 718. Modern decorative art, 718. Taylor, J. O. Duelling, 642. Taylor, J. \V. : Considerations for the conscientious, 271. A few words to parishioners of Flisk, 271. Hints for the considerate, 273. Historical antiquities of Fife, 357. What shall be the end of these things? 273. Taylor, James. History, etc., of education, 708. Taylor, James. Great historic families, 568. Taylor, James, and others. Pictorial history of Scotland, 131. Taylor, John. Pennyles pilgrimage, 164. Taylor, John. Eureka rhymes, 889. Taylor, John. Fishery harbors of Scotland, 678. Taylor, Ralph. Shocks of earthquake felt at Comrie, 1009. Taylor, W. Whales and dolphins of Moray Firth, 953. Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch, 438. Taylor, W. C. Scottish students in Heidelberg, 708. Taylor, W. L. : Bibliography of Peterhead periodical literature, 404, 1042. Peterhead literature, 770, 1056. Taylor, W. XI. John Knox, 497. Taylor, William: Fragments of early history of Tain, 1058. Names of places, 427. Teaching of Gaelic, 921. Teagasg na Gaidhlig, ,921. Teall, J. J. H: On nepheline-syenite, 1009. See also under Dakyns, J. R., and J. J. H. Teall; Geikie, Sir Archibald, and J. J. H. Teall; and Home, John, and J. J. H. Teale. Tears of Scotland, 194. Teignmouth (2. baron), C. J. Shore. Sketches, 199. Teinds of Fetlar (1732-5), 356. Telfair, Alexander. A true relation of an appari- tion, 748. Telfer, James. Border ballads, 889. Telltruth, Timothy. Reply to several letters, 370. Temple, C. S. Antiquities of Udny, 85. Temple, William. Thanage of Fermartyn, 358, 568. Templeton's musical entertainment, 789. Ten years conflict, 220. Tenant farmer right. Report, 678. Tennant, William: Anster fair, 889. John Balliol, 889. Tennant, William, and others. Bout rimes, 889. Tentative d'empoisonnement, 156. Tenth collection of papers, 174. Terras, J. A. Note on ascoidea rubescens, 1039. Terrot, C. H., and D. T. K. Drummond. Correspon- dence, 264. Terry, C. S.: The battle of Glenshiel, 190. Catalogue of publications of Scottish historical clubs, 4. Charles I., and Leslie, 165. Claverhouse's last letter, 483. Duke of Monmouth's instructions, 173. Terry, C. S., continued: Graham, viscount of Dundee, 587. Home of Claverhouse Grahams, 595. John Graham of Claverhouse, 483. Letters of Chevalier de St. George, 190. Life and campaigns of Alexander Leslie, 165. Life of Alexander Leslie, 502. Pentland rising, 172. Scottish parliament, 131, 164. Siege of Edinburgh Castle, 352. Terry, Daniel: The antiquary, 855. Guy Mannering, 858. Testament of George Heriot, 488. Testament of Sir David Synclar, 536. Testamenta domini Jacobi de Douglas, 469. Testimonials. Nathaniel Leask, 499. Testimonials in favour of Alexander Bain, 442. Testimonials in favour of David M'Currich, 505. Testimonials in favour of Dr. Abercrombie, 439. Testimonials in favour of Dr. Maclagan, 509. Testimonials in favour of Dr. Samuel Brown, 1060. Testimonials in favour of George S. Davidson, 467. Testimonials in favour of Henrietta M'Lagan, 509. Testimonials in favour of John Stuart Blackie, 1060. Testimonials in favour of Mary K. Crosbie, 466. Testimonials in favour of Peter Bain, 442. Testimonials in favour of Rev. George S. Davidson, 1061. Testimonials in favour of William Moffat, 517. Testimonials in support of Sir William Hamilton's application, etc., 1062. Testimony to original principles of Secession, 237. Testimony to the truth (1648), 227. Testimony of United Associate Synod, 243. Teulet, J. B. A. T. Relations politiques, 116. Thanksgiving in 1843, 271. Thayer, W. R. Thomas Carlyle, 810. Theology in Scotland, 295. There's nae luck about the house, 726, 909. Thiers, M. J. L. A.: Histoire de Law, 499. Mississippi bubble, 179, 499. Thistle, The, 17. Thistle, The; a dispassionate examine, 192. Thorn, David. Memorial, 242. ' Thom, G. H, Court book of Dunrossness, 415. Thorn, R. Report on 'supplying Greenock with water, 678, 679. Thom, William. Rhymes and recollections, 889. Thomas, D. C. International Exhibition. 718. Thomas, F. W. L.: Analysis of Ptolemaic geography, 1023. Ancient valuation of land, 642. Celtic antiquities of Orkney, 85. Did Norsemen extirpate Celtic inhabitants? 53. Dunadd, 324. Geological age of monuments of Outer Hebrides, 85. Islay place-names, 427. Letter from St. Kilda, 411. Macaulay clan, 606. Note of bronze swords found at South Uist, 85. Notes on the Lewis chessmen, 106. Primitive dwellings and hypogea, 85, 106. Proposed correction of text, 642. Shetland ballad, 889. Traditions of the Macaulays, 606. Traditions of the Morrisons, 617. What is a pennyland? 642. Thomas, F. W. L., and T. S. Muir. Notice of three churches, 375. Thomas, K. E. Real Annie Laurie, 1063. Thomas, Miss M. Alpine flora of Clova, 1039. Thomas, W. T. Ivanhoe, 859. Thomas Campbell, 802. Thomas Carlyle, 810. Thomas Carlyle at Cheyne Row, 810. 1220 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Thomas Carlyle and John Howard, 810. Thomas Chalmers, etc., 461. Thomas Chalmers, A. J. Scott, etc., 533. Thomas of Erceldoune, 889. Thomas of Ercildoune: Whole prophecies, 889. Romance and prophecies, 889. Thomas of Erceldoune. Herausg. von A. Brand, 889. Thomas Raeburn, 909. Thompson, D. W. Notes on ulodendron, etc, 1009. Thompson, Sir E. M. Alexander Stuart Murray, 520. Thompson, F. The Macbeth controversy, 135. Thompson, George, and H. C. Wright. The Free Church and her accusers, 276. Thompson, J. P. Final cause, 758. Thompson, John. Illustrated guide to Rosslyn, 374, 407. Thompson, William : Natural history of south west of Scotland, 953. Zoological notes, 953. Thorns, G. H. M. The bells of St. Giles, 352, 726. Thorns, W. J. Divination by blade-bone, 748. Thomsen, Anton. David Hume, 758. Thomsen, Grimur. Den nordiske Nationalitet, 400, 415. Thomson, 545. Thomson, A. Lauder and Lauderdale, 386. Thomson, Adam: Appeal from Scotland, 247. Church and voluntaries, 250. Claims of dissenters, 251. Thomson, Alexander. Biographical account of Wil- liam Macgillivray, 506. Thomson, Alexander. Lecture on sanitary reform, 693. Thomson, Alexander. Life of Alexander Ross, 1065. Thomson, Alexander: Notice of attempts to read the Newton stone, 106. Notice of four circles in Banchory-Devenick, 85. Notice of sculptured stones at '"Dinnacair," 106. Thomson, Rev. Andrew : Christianity and the Church of Scotland, 240. Historical sketch of origin of Secession Church, 220. Letter to R-v-r-nd Pr-nc-p-1 H-Il, 238. Letter to Principal Hill, 501. Letter to Rev. Dr. Inglis, 501. Second letter to Principal Hill, 238. Thomson, Andrew. Chemistry of Tay water, 1024. Thomson, Andrew. Notes on recumbent slabs at Coldingham, 106. Thomson, Arthur. Daniel John Cunningham, 466. Thomson, Sir C. W. Some specimens of acidaspis, 1009. Thomson, C. W. : Scotland's work and worth, 131. Scotsmen as explorers, 438. Scottish literature before the union, 770. Scottish literature and journalism, 770. Scottish literature in seventeenth century, 770. Scottish music and song, 726. Thomson, Charles. Robert Burns and Scott, 799, 876. Thomson, D. C. Melrose Abbey, 392. Thomson, David. Has Marischal College the power of conferring degrees? 708. Thomson, E. A. : The national covenants, 279. Ought the question of establishments, 288. The union question, 285. Thomson, E. J. Carlyle and Ecclefechan, 810. Thomson, George. Antiquity of Christian religion, 224. Thomson, George. Poemata, 889. Thomson, George (1757-1851): Statement and review of recent decision, 352, 693. Thomson's collection of songs of Burns, 726. Thomson's collection of songs, 726. Thomson, George. Confession, etc., 237. Thomson, Gilbert. Above the snow line, 1024. Thomson, J. Descriptive catalogue, 876. Thomson, J. A. A large tubularian, 953. Thomson, J. B. Joseph Thomson, 545. Thomson, J. C. Some rhymes of childhood, 748. Thomson, J. H. Kindly tenants of Lochmaben, 391. Thomson, J. M. : Inventory of documents, Scrymgeour family, 625. Oliphant, lord Oliphant, 620. Roll of the Scottish parliament (1344), 140. Ruthven peerage controversy, 624. Thomson, J. M. A. Week's exploration of the Coolin, 1009. Thomson, J. R. Dr. Thomas Guthrie, 486. Thomson, J. S. Analysis of aragonite, Shetland, 1009. Thomson, James: Antient and modern Italy, 890. Britannia, 890. Poems, 890. Poetical works, 890. Seasons, 890. Thomson and Pollok, 890. Thomson, James, and David Mallet. Alfred, 890. Thomson, James. Sketch of agriculture in Berwick- shire, 679. Thomson, James: Contributions to our knowledge of rugose corals, 1009. Corals of carboniferous system of Scotland, 1009. Features in glacial markings, Skelmorlie, 1009. Geology of Campbeltown district, 1009. Geology of Islay, 1009. Metamorphic rocks of Harris, etc., 1009. New genus of rugose corals, 1 009. Note on spines of gyracanthus, 1009. Occurrence of genus palastraea in lower carbonifer- ous, 1009. On genus alveolites, etc., 1009. On genus cyathaxonia, etc., 1009. On genus lithostrotion, 1009. On genus phillipsastraea, 1009. On specimen of acanthpdes wardii, 1009. Parallel roads of Lochaber, 1009. Stratified rocks of Garpel water, 1009. Stratified rocks of Islay, 1010. Stratified rocks, Clachland Point to Cock of Ar- ran, 1010. Thomson, James, and Henry Caunter. Geology of Lewis, 1010. Thomson, James. History of St. Andrew's parish church, 370. Thomson, James: Abstract of communication on prevalence of rickets, 693. Letter to lord advocate, 693. Thomson, Rev. James. Parallel roads of Glenroy, 1010. Thomson, James. History of Dundee, 325. Thomson, John: Address and warning to seceders, 237. Apology for seceders, 237. A few strictures, 237. Thomson, John. Full report of speech, 278. Thomson, John. Steadfastness in the faith explained, 235. Thomson, John: Copy of a letter, 708. Observations on preparatory education, 708. Thomson, John. Rarer birds of Stobo, 953. Thomson, John. The Scot abroad, 131. Thomson, John. Some observations on varioloid disease, 352. Thomson, Mrs. Katherine: Allan Cunningham, 814. John Gait, 821. Wilkie, 1066. INDEX 1221 Thomson, Mortimer. Lady of the lake, 861. Thomson, R. Castle of Lochindorbh, 390. Thomson, R. D.: Climate and mortality of Glasgow, 370. Geology of Berwickshire, 1010. Memoir of Dr. Thomas Thomson, 545. Thomson, Richard. Piper of Mucklebrowst, 890. Thomson, Robert. Rarer fauna of Ardclach, 953. Thomson, Thomas. Account of bell and chain dis- covered in Kilmichael-Glassrie, 106. Thomson, Thomas : Biographical account of Joseph Black, 446. Chemical analysis of sand from river Dee, 1010. Thomson, Thomas : Description of oldest council books, 373. Life of David Calderwood, 454. List of protocol books of Canongate, 352. List of protocol books of Edinburgh, 352. Notices of Kers, 602. Thomson, W. T. Rate of interest, 679. Thomson, William. Account of crozier of St. Fil- lan's, 107. Thomson, William : Aberdeen University, 70S. Historical gleanings, 535. Thomson, William. On reduction of observation of underground temperature, 1024. Thomson, William. Sermon, 502. Thorburn, David. The Union question, 283. Thorburn, Grant. John Knox, 497. Thoreau, H. D. : Homer, Ossian, Chaucer, 917. Thomas Carlyle, 810. Thorne, W. H.: Robert Burns, 799. Thomas Carlyle, 811. Visit to Carlyle, 811. Thornton, T. H. Col. Sir Robert Sandeman, 532. Thornton, Thomas. A sporting tour, 197, 953. Thornton, W. T. Over population and its remedy, 693. Thost, C. II. G. Rocks, etc., on property of marquess of Breadalbane, 1010. Thoughts in connection with union movement, 289. Thoughts on the present position of the Established Churches, 293. Thoughts on proposed new police bill, 694. Three churches, The, 291. Three excellent songs, 909. Three famous new songs, 909. Three late treaties, 167. Three leal and lowly laddies, 890. Three lyrists, 799. Three Scottish earldoms, 596, 604, 615. Three Scottish teachers, 456, 474, 475. Thrummy cap and the ghaist, 909. Thursby, J. O. S. Sir Walter Scott, 876. Thurston, Herbert: A bogus biography, 500. Croagh Patrick, 525. St. Patrick's petitions, 525. Tilden, W. A. Early iron working, 679. Tille, Alexander. Scottish nursery rhyme, 748. Tirnbs, John. Gretna Green marriages, 373. Tirion, Isaak. Nieuwe en beknopte hand-atlas, 1024. Tischert, Georg. Carnegie und Rockefeller, 458. Titan, 17. To the Christian people of Scotland, 1052. To the King's most excellent Majesty. The humble representation, 182. To the memory of William Inglis, 890. To the Protestant electors of Edinburgh, 352. To the public, 447. To the Right Hon. Earl Grey, 199. Tocher, J. F.: Ethnographical survey of school children, 1044 Observations on Scottish insane, 694. Springs and wells of Peterhead, 1024. Tocher, J. F., and John Gray. Frequency and pig- mentation value of surnames, 53, 559. Tod, John. Flowers of the forest, 890. Tod, Thomas. Account of rise, etc., of Orphan Hospi- tal, 694, 891. Tod, Thomas. Observations on Dr. M'Farlan's in- quiries, 694. Todd, G. E.: Bonnie Jeannie Cameron, 454. "Ossian" Macpherson's Highland home, 917. Scotland for the holidays, 208. A sixteenth century scholar, 452. Story of Glasgow, 370. Through England and Scotland, 207. Todd, J. H. St. Patrick, 525. Todhunter, John. George Wilson, 552, 718. Toit, A. L. du. Lower old red sandstone rocks, 1010. Toll, Hans. Count Florent V., 138. Tolmie, P. G. Remains of ancient religion, 748. Tolozan, A. V. O. de. General view of music of Scotland, 726. Tom in spirits, 748. Tombo, Rudolf. Ossian in Germany, 912. Tomkins, H. B. Sir Kenneth William Cumming, 582. Toms, Isaac. Anniversary thanksgiving sermon, 190. Tomson, G. R. Ballad, 891. Topham, Edward. Letters from Edinburgh, 193. Topographical gazetteer of Scotland, 201. Torfxus, Thormodus. Orcades, 400. Torphichen. Register of baptisms, etc., 566. Torquil: Fairies, 748. James Macpherson, 511. Torrey, Bradford. R. L. Stevenson, 888. Tour of the wandering piper, 199. Tourist in Scotland, 353. Tourist's guide up valley of Tay, 404. Tourists' shilling handy guide, 204, Tournament at Eglinton Castle, 354. Tourneur, Nigel. Some aspects of Edinburgh, 353. Towers, Joseph: Life of Cardinal Beaton, 444. Life of George Buchanan, 452. Life of John Knox, 497. Towle, G. M. Carlyle as historian, 811. Town-poor of Scotland, 694. Townend, William. Descendants of the Stuarts, 630. Townsend, Horace. Some alterations, 718. Townsend, W. C: Trial of Alexander Alexander, 650. Trial of Hunter and others, 650. Trial of James Stuart, 659. Toynbee, William. Sir John Moore, 519. Tracts, historical and philosophical, 501, 502. Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and historical antiquities of Scotland, 116, 117. Tracts upon Tracts, 271. Tracts on Union, 288. Traditionary tales of Tweeddale, 748. Tragedy of Sir James the Rose, 909. Tragical history of Crazy Jane, 910. Tragical history of Gill Morice, 910. Tragical history of Jane Arnold, 909. Trail, A. F. Crystalline rocks in Buchan, 1010. Trail, J. W. H.: Botanical Notes from Murthly, 1039. Flora of Buchan, 1039, 1040. Gall-making diptera, 953. Notes on flora of Buchan, 1040. On spiders, 953. Revision of Scotch perisporiaceae, 1040. 1222 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Trail, J. W. H., continued: Suggestions towards record of flora of Scotland, 1040. Topographical botany of river-basins, 1040. Traill, G. W.: Algje of Firth of Forth, 1040. Additional notes on algae, 1040. Marine algas of Dunbar coast, 1040. Marine algse of Elie, 1040. Marine algae of Joppa, 1040. Marine algae of Orkney islands, 1 040. On submarine forests, 1040. Parasitical algae of Firth of Forth, 953. Supplementary notes on algse, 1040. Supplementary notes on algae (no. 2), 1040. Traill, John. Further excavations of Howmae, 85. Traill, T. S.: Account of mineral from Orkney, 1010. Fossil fishes, old red sandstone, Orkney, 1010. Torbanehill mineral, 1010. Memoir of Dr. Thomas C. Hope, 489. Traill, William: General remarks on dwellings of prehistoric races in Orkney, 85. Notice of excavations at Stenabreck, 86. Notice of cists on Antabreck, 86. Results of excavations at broch of Burrian, 86. Train, Joseph. Wild Scot of Galloway, 891. Training system of model schools, 708. Traite d'alliance, 157. Tramway equipment of Dundee, 679. Transition in the Highlands, 131. Translaet uyt d' Engelsche tael, 172. Traquair, R. H.: Achanarras revisited, 1010. Additional notes on fossil fishes, 1010. Description of selachian spine, 1010. Distribution of fossil fish remains, 1010. Fossil fishes from Edinburghshire oil shales, 1010. Fossil fish remains collected by J. S. Flett, 1010. Further description of palaeospondylus gunni, 1010. List of fossil dipnoi, etc., 1010. New fossil fishes from Edinburgh district, 1011. Notes on carboniferous selachii, 1010. Notes on lower carboniferous fishes, 1010. Notes on history of Royal Physical Society, 953. On cephalaspis magnifica, 1010. On cladodus neilsoni, 1010. On psephodus magnus from East Kilbride, 1011. On thelodus pagei, 1011. Report on fossil fishes collected by Geological Survey, 1011. Supplementary report, 1011. "Tailless" trout from Loch Enoch, 953. Traquair, W. Papal bull relating to Lincluden, 388. Trautmann, Moritz. Der Dichter Huchown, 770. Traveller's guide through Scotland, 197. Travelling map of Scotland, 1024. Travels and adventures of William Lithgow, 910. Trayner, John. Latin maxims, 642. Treatise on some important advantages, 370. Treaty of Union, 181. Treffry, F. St. Patrick, 525. Trench, Francis. Scotland, 201. Trent, W. P. Heart of Midlothian, 876. Trevelyan, G. M. Carlyle as historian, 811. Trevelyan, Sir W. C. Fragments of verses, 891. Trial of the earl of Argyle (1681), 645. Trial of Robert Baillie, 645. Trial of John, Lord Balmerino (1634), 645. Trial of Lord Balmerinoth (1609), 645. Trial of James, Earl Bothwell (1567), 646. Trial of Deacon Brodie, 646. Trial of William Burke and Helen M'Dougall, 646. Trial of Donald Cargill and others (1681), 647. Trial of James Carnegie (1728), 647. Trial of William Coke and Alison Dick, 647, 748. Trial of Rev. Neil Douglas (1817), 648. Trial of David Downie, 648. Trial of Agnes Finnie, 649, 748. Trial of James Geddes and John Crawfoord, 649. Trial of the Glasgow cotton spinners, 651. Trial of John Graham and others, 649. Trial of Sir Richard Graham, Viscount Preston, 656. Trial of John Grant and others for conspiracy, 649, 650. Trial of Captain Thomas Green and his crew, 650. Trial of David Hackstoun, 650. Trial of Alexander Halyburton and Wm. Fraser, 650. Trial by jury in Civil Causes, 643. Trial of Alexander Keith, 651. Trial of Patrick Kinnynmount, 651. Trial of John Love, 652. Trial of Lowrie or Weir of Blackwood, 652. Trial of Alexander MacGrowther, 652. Trial of Duncan M'Innes and Peter M'Bride, 652. Trial of Andrew M'Kinley (1817), 653. Trial of William Maclauchlan, 653. Trial of Maurice Margarot (1794), 1068. Trial of Lord Viscount Melville (1806), 654. Trial of James Mitchel (1677.), 654. Trial of earl of Morton for murder of Darnley, 654. Trial of David Mowbray, 655. Trial of Mungo Murray, 655. Trial of Robert Murray, 655. Trial of Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie, 655. Trial of John Oliphant and others, 655. Trial of John Porterfield, 656. Trial of William Powrie and others, 656. Trial of Mr. James Renwick, 656. Trial of Mr. George Robertson, 656. Trial of Scottish insurgents, 645. Trial of soldiers for murder, 645. Trial of Sir Robert Spotiswood, 657. Trial of George Sprot, 163, 657. Trial of Philip Standsfield, 658. Trial of Alexander Stewart, 658. Trial of Archibald Stewart, of Edinburgh, 658. Trial of James Stewart in Aucharn, 658. Trial of James Stuart, younger, of Dunearn, 659. Trial of James, Lord Uchiltrie (1631), 655. Trial of Sir John Wedderburn, 659. Trial for witchcraft (1576), 648, 749. Trial of Isobel Young, 659, 748. Trials of James, Duncan, and Robert Macgregor, 507, 652. Trials of James Stirling, of Keir, and others, 659. Trials for witchcraft, Aberdeen, 645, 749. Trials for witchcraft, Orkney, 645, 749. Tricentenary of Scottish Reformation, 220. Trigonometrical survey of Scotland, 1024. Trimmer, The, 181. Tristan. Sir Tristrem, 891. Tristan. Nordische und englische Version, 891. Trombeta, Antonius. Auree Scoticarum, 753. Trossachs, The, 422. Trotter, Alexander: Correspondence, 353. Observations upon a building on the Mound, 353. Trotter, James. General view of Agriculture, 679. Trotter, Robert. Notice of St. Medan's cave, 107. Trotter, Robert, and Sir H. E. Maxwell. Notice of St. Medan's cave, 107. Trotter, W. F. Personal liability of executors, 643. Troup, George. Deer forests, 953. Trower, W. J.: Charge delivered to the clergy, 279. Letter to Rev. A. J. D. D'Orsey, 279. True accompt of baptism of prince Henry Frederick, 161. True history of Alexander, John, and Patrick, 202. True incident of the Rebellion, 190. True relation of life of John Nisbet, 523. Tucker, Thomas. Report upon revenues (1656), 679. INDEX 1223 Tuckerman, H. T.: Burns, 799. Francis Jeffrey, 493. The reviewer: Lord Jeffrey, 493. The painter of character, 550. Popular poet: Campbell, 802. Thomas Campbell, 802. Sir David Wilkie, 550. Thomson, 545. Tudor, J. R. The Orkneys and Shetland, 400, 415. Tudor intrigues in Scotland, 142. Tullibardine, K. M. Murray, Marchioness of. See under Military history of Perthshire. Tulloch, John: Church of Scotland and coming election, 295. Dean Stanley and Scotch "Moderates," 290. English and Scotch churches, 290. John Knox, 497. . Notice of three silver vessels, 107. Progress of religious thought, 294. Speech, 295. Theological controversy, 761. Tulloch, W. W.: Celtic year, 917. Ecclesiastical position of Scotland, 297. Opportunity of Scottish Churches, 297. Tullochgorum, 910. Turnbull, A. H. Tenure of land, 679. Turnbull, Alexander. Addresses, 241. Turnbull, Rev. George. Diary, 546. Turnbull, (ieorge. Report on progress of pauperism, 694. Turnbull, R. Diameter increment of wood of con- iferous trees at Braemar, 1040. Turnbull, R., and P. C. Waite. Measurement of girth of coniferous trees, 1040. Turnbull, S. K. The Loch Lomond expedition, 190. Turnbull, W. B. D. D. The Stirling peerage, 631, 650. Turner, Edward. Iodine in mineral spring, Bon- nington, 1011. Turner, J. H. Birthplace of St. Patrick, 525. Turner, J. M. W. New series of illustrations, 876. Turner, Robert. Maria Stvarta, 156. Turner, Robert: Cadzow herd of white cattle, 953. Thomas Hopkirk, 490. Turner, Sir William : Account of chambered cairn, etc., at Taversoe Tuick, 86. Additional notes on sperm-whale, 953. Bones of seal found near Grangemouth, 954. Capture of sperm whale, Argyleshire, 954. Contribution to craniology of Scotland, 53. Human and animal remains found at Oban, 86. Lesser rorqual, 954. Notes on cranium found near Dunse, 53. Notes on skull of hyperoodon rostratus, 954. Notice of capture of delphinus delphis, 954. Notice of remains found at Kelso, 86. Occurrence of bottle-nosed or beaked whale, 954. Occurrence of Sowerby's whale, 954. Occurrence of Risso's dolphin, 954. Specimen of Sowerby's whale captured in Shet- land, 954. Turner ms. xiv., 930. Twa kirks, 271. Twa weavers, 910. Twas on the morn of sweet May Day, 910. Tweed, John: Guide to Glasgow and Clyde, etc., 378. Tweed's guide to Glasgow, 317, 370. Tweedie, W. K.: "He being dead yet speaketh," 461. Select biographies, 438. Twelfth and last collection of papers, 174. Twelve, The, great battles of England, 138. Twine weel the plaiden, 910. Two ancient Scottish poems, 891. Two babes in the woods, 910. Two extracts from "Mercurius Caledonicus," 171 Two favourite ballads, 910. Two favourite songs, 910. Two friends of Mary, 156. Two hundred and twenty-two popular Scottish songs. Two Jacobite convicts, 190. Two jurisdictions, The, 290. Two letters relative to murder of Sir Robert Spottis- woode, 539. Two letters of 1746, 190. Two "Presbyterians," The, 289. Two Scottish bishops, 481, 494. Two young Scottish poets, 485, 538. Tyack, G. S.: The cross in Scotland, 1046. Discipline in the Kirk, 220. Tyler, Evan. Inventary of worke done, 770. Tyler, Samuel. Robert Burns, 799. Tymms, T. V. Loch Rannoch, 390. Tynan, Katharine. William Sharp, 535. Tyndal, John. Free and United Presbyterian union opposed, 281. Tyndall, John: On unveiling statue of Carlyle, 811. Parallel roads of Glen Roy, 1011. Personal recollections of Carlyle, 811. Tynecastle tapestry, 718. Types of vegetation in Scottish lal«es, 1040. Typical American employer, 459. Tyrie, James. Refutation, 891. Tyrie, W. B. Tyries of Drumkilbo, 633. Tyrrell, Edward. Birsay Palace, 400. Tyrrell, G. W. : Classification of post-carboniferous intrusive igne- ous rocks, 1011. Geology of Auchineden district, 1011. Geology, etc., of Kilsyth-Croy district, 1011. Late palaeozoic alkaline rocks of west of Scotland, 1011. New occurrence of picrite, Ballantrae, 1011. Notes on specimens illustrating weathering, 1011. Petrographical notes, 1011. Petrology of Auchineden district, 1011. Petrology of Kilpatrick Hills, 1011. Variolites from Upper Loch Tyne, 1011. See also under Martin, N., and G. W. Tyrrell. Tytler, A. F.: Account of some extraordinary structures, 86. Memoirs of Henry Home of Kames, 494, 1071. Tytler, P. F. : Andrew Wynton, 553. Assassination of Sir George Lockhart, 503. History of Scotland, 131. John Barbour, 443. Lives of Scottish worthies, 438. Robert Bruce, 139. Sir William Wallace, 138. Tytler, W. F. vs. Mackintosh, Lachlan, 643. Tytler, William: Dissertation on Scottish music, 726. Inquiry historical and critical, 156. Letter from late Dr. Henry, 156. Observations on the Vision, 852. On fashionable amusements in Edinburgh, 353, 726. u U., U. Arithmetic of compulsories examined, 251. Udall, W. Historie of life of Mary Stuart, 156. Ueber den Ossian, 917. Uist collection. Poems, 930. Umber, .George. Bairn's Burns's anniversary, 799. Uncle Tom's neighbour, 910. 1224 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Uncrowned king, The, 459. Unda. Inchcolm, Aberdour, etc., 305, 376, 396, 420. Unemployed and proposed new poor law, 694. Unhappy game at Scotch and English, 167. Union, The. Poems, 891. Union debate, The, 288. Union with the Free Church. Observations, 278. Union inadmissable, 288. Union of Presbyterian churches. Report, 285. Union on proposed basis not inconsistent, etc., 289. Union question, The, 285. Union question, The. Speeches, 285. Union question explained, 288. Union question in the Highlands, 289. Union, The, of 1707, viewed financially, 181. United 1 Associate Synod. Report, 250. United Associate Synod of Secession Church. Testi- mony, 273. United Free Church of Scotland, 296. United Free Church of Scotland, Proceedings, 296. United Industrial Schools of Edinburgh: First report, 708. Report of proceedings, 708. United Presbyterian Church: Christian union, 282. Committee on Union. Suggestions, 283. The union question, 285. United Secession Church. Basis of union, 241. University of Aberdeen. Quater-centenary publica- tions, 708. University of Edinburgh: Annual report, 708. Annual statistical report, 708. Calendar, 708. Catalogue of graduates, 708. Examination papers, 708. Proceedings of patrons, 708. Rectorial addresses, 708. Report of College Committee, 708. Report of Finance Committee, 708. Service in St. Giles* Cathedral, 708. Statement by Senatus Academicus, 708. "Student" M'Ewen Hall guide book, 708. Tercentenary acceptances, 708. Tercentenary concert, 708. University Court. Ordinance, 708. University of Edinburgh, 708. University of Glasgow : Abstract of accounts, 708. Annual report on finances, 709. Annual statistical report, 709. Bond of Association, 709. Calendar, 709. Election of lord rector, 709. Gifford lectures, 709, Inaugural address by Sir E. L. Bulwer Lytton, 709. Inaugural addresses, 709. Inaugural discourse of Henry Brougham, 709. Institution of degree in pharmacy, 709. Record of ninth jubilee, 709. Register of members of General Council, 709. Regulations for degrees, 709. Report by business committee, 709. Roll of graduates, 709. University of St. Andrews: Abstract of accounts, 709. Annual statistical account, 709. Calendar, 709. Commission to Mr. James Gregory, 709. Discipulorum nomina, 709. Five hundredth anniversary memorial volume, 17, 710. Foundation of Bute chair, 709. Foundation of Chandos chair, 709. Gifford lectures, 709. University of St. Andrews, continued: Installation of Duke of Argyll as chancellor, 709. L. L. A. examination, 709. Library bulletin, 709. List of students, 709. Matriculation roll, 709. Publications, 17, 710. Rectorial addresses, 710. University Club, Edinburgh. Rules, 694. Unknown daughter of Gibson of Durie, 592. Unpublished Gaelic proverbs, 930. Unpublished letter of Carlyle's, 811. Unpublished letters of James Hogg, 489. Unpublished notices of James Sharp, archbishop, 535. Unveiling of Janet Hamilton memorial, 487. Upon David Hume's moral character, 758. Urban IV., Pope. Bulla, 404. Urbani, P. Select collection . of original Scottish airs, 726. Ure, James. Narrative of rising, 173. Urie, Barony Court of. Court book, 423. Urquhart, James. Preliminary notice of seals, 558. V V. Thomas Campbell, 802. Vaccine Institution. Address, 694. Vagabond songs and ballads, 891. Valentine, E. S. Fifeshire, 357. Valentine, James. Society of Aberdeen philosophers, 303. Valentine & Sons. 120 views of Glasgow, 1055. Valiant exploits of Adam Bell, 910. Valuations of land, etc., in Aberdeenshire, 304. Van der Veer, Leonore. Work of George Wilson, 718. Vance, H. A. R. L. Stevenson, 888. Vansittart, E. C. Midmar Castle, 393. Vargas Mexia, Juan de. Extraits des correspon- dences, 156. Varnhagen, H. Ueber eine unbekannte, etc., 770. Vaughan, C. E. Carlyle and his German masters, 811. Vaughan, H. M. The youngest Pretender, 190. Vaughan, J. S. Thomas Carlyle, 811. Vega Carpio, L. F. de. Corona tragica, 156. Veitch, H. N. Early Scottish spoons, 718. Veitch, James. Account of island of Foula, 359. Veitch, James. Addresses, 530. Veitch, John: Essays in philosophy, 761. Feeling for nature, 770. Hamilton, 755. History and poetry of Scottish Border, 131, 770. Institutes of logic, 761. Memoir of Dugald Stewart, 1066. Original ballad of the Dowie Dens, 891. Side-lights on battles, 190. Vale of Manor, etc., 391, 530. Yarrow and its inscribed stone, 107, 424. Yarrow of Wordsworth and Scott, 424. Veitch, S. F. F. Scottish historical novels of James Grant, 823. Veitch, Mrs. William. Memoirs, 459, 473, 488, 547. Veitch, William, and George Brysson. ** Memoirs, 171, 451, 547. Venables, G. S. Carlyle in society, 811. Verhaal van de proceduuren, etc., 174. Veritas : Church of Scotland and the Free Church, 288. Slavery and the Free Church, 276. Verklaringe van 't ghemeene volck, 170. Verklaringe van de groote bliidtschap, 169. Vermersch, Albert. Notes et impressions, 207. Vernon, E. R. Narrative of Royal Scottish Volun- teer review, 353. INDEX 1225 Vernon, T. J., and J. McNairn. Pictures of auld Hawick, 1055. Vernon-Harcourt, L. W. Piece of spectral evidence, 643. Verrier, Thomas. Formalitates, 753. Verses by Mary, queen of Scots, 144. Viallate, Achille. Lord Rosebery, 531. Viator : Account of university of Aberdeen, 710. Further account, 710. Viator. Observations, 196. Victoria, Queen: Leaves from the journal, 201. More leaves, 203. View of changes proposed in administration of jus- tice, 643. View of the political state of Scotland, 197. Views of Edinburgh, 353. Vigfusson, Gudbrand. Picts and Caledones, 53, 415. Vilant, William. Psalms, 891. Village curate, The, 910. Village sexton, The, 910. Vincent, Arthur. Colonel Francis Charteris, 462. Vincent, J. A. C. Sir Alexander Balliol, 571. Vincent, L. H. The bibliotaph, 888. Vindex : Answer to charges of Rev. Robert Inglis, 275. Remarks on act of Constitutional Presbytery, 241. Vindication of the Presbyterians in Scotland, 228. Vindication of principles of Church of Scotland, 247. Vindication of proceedings of the Convention, 174.. Vindication of their pastor, etc., 547. Vines, J. H. The physique of Scottish children, 53. Virtue in distress, 190. Virtues of the Lee stone, 749. Visions and judgements upon Scotland, 910. Visit to Abbotsford, 298. Visit to the granite city, 303. Visit to the house of John Knox, 353. Visit to Shetland, A., 415. Visitations and portraits, 566. Visitor's map of a part of Scotland, 1024. Vital, social, and economic statistics of Glasgow, 370. Vitale, Zaira: Questione vecchia, 457, 811. La signora Carlyle, 1061. Voelcker, A. Analysis of anthracite, Calton Hill, 1011. Voluntaryism — a curious retrospect, 247. Voluntaryism unscriptural, etc., 290. Volunteer review at Edinburgh, 353. Voyage of Mary, queen of Scots, 157. Voyages of Admiral Drake, 910. Voyages of N. and A. Zeno, 400. w W. Life of Michael Scott, 533. W. The late Sir Thomas Maitland, 512. W. Modern superstitions, 749. W., E. G. Family of Schank, 626. W., G. The Bruce, 891. W., J. Extant portraits of Arthur Johnston, 493. W., J. Historical sketches of John Knox's house, 353, 497. W., J. Memoir of Scott, 876. W., M. G. A glimpse of Gretna Green, 373. W., T. The Newton stone, 107. W., T. Un capucin ecossais, 500. W., W. Edward Irving, 491. Waddel, George. Remarks on Innes's Critical essay, 133. Waddell, P. H.: Authenticity of Ossian, 917. Letter to Rev. Thomas Chalmers, 271. An old kirk chronicle, 308, 423, 424. Wade, J. A. History of St. Mary's Abbey, 392. Wade-Evans, A. W. Scotti and Picti, 53. Wagner, Alfred. Die sittlich-religiose Lebensan- schauung, 770. Wagner, Henry. Primrose, 622. Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition. I. Argyllshire series, 749. Wainewright, J. B. Two lists, 157. Waite, P. C. See under Turnbull, R., and P. C. Waite. Walcott, M. E. C. Ancient church of Scotland, 224. Walden, Theophilus Howard, lord. Progress of, 164. Waldie, George. History of Linlithgow, 389. Waldron, W. W. : Francis Lord Jeffrey, 493. James Montgomery, 518. Thomas Campbell, 802. Sir Walter Scott, 876. Walford, Edward: Chief of Dundas, 587. Colonel Chartres, 462. Countess of Nithsdale, 523. The Drummonds, 621. Ducal house of Sutherland, 632. Field Marshal Keith, 494. Great Douglas case, 585. Homes of Polwarth, 599. Kirkpatricks of Closeburn, 603. Lockharts of Lee, 605. Romance of earldom of Mar, 613. Rosslyn, etc., 374, 407. Royal house of Stuart, 630. Stuarts of Traquair, 630. Tragedies of house of Innes, 600. Walker, A. M. Lecture on Burns, 799. Walker, A. S.: Paintings of D. Y. Cameron, 718. Paintings of J. W. Hamilton, 718. Recent paintings of E. A. Walton, 718. Scottish landscape painter, 718. Scottish Modern Arts Association, 718. Sir James Guthrie, 718. Walker, Alexander: Knights Templar in Aberdeen, 303. Notes on sculptured stone, Aberdeen, 303. Walker, Clement. Appendix to history of indepen- dency, 168. Walker, David. Candid examination of Rev. Mr. Hutchison's animadversions, 236. Walker, Hugh: George Buchanan, 786. John Knox, 833. Lindsay and the Wedderburns, 836. Robert Burns, 799. Sir Walter Scott, 876. Three centuries of Scottish literature, 770. Walker, J., and W. Cubitt. Leith harbour, 679. Walker, J. R. : Common coffins of Abercorn, 107. Dumfermline Abbey, 1053. Holy Wells, 749. Notes on recumbent monuments, 107. Pre-reformation churches, 718. Scottish baptismal fonts, 107. Walker, James: Condition and duties of a tolerated church, 239, 533. Union question, 285. Walker, James, bishop. Motives, 542. Walker, James. Port of Edinburgh, 353. Walker, John. On ancient Camelon, 315. Walker, John. Report concerning state of High- lands, 193. 1226 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Walker, Patricius. Rambles, 353. Walker, Patrick: Life of Alexander Peden, 526. Some remarkable passages, 526. Walker, Peter. Life of Mr. Daniel Cargill, 440, 456, 486. Walker, R. C: Heraldic iron door knocker from Meikleour, 107, 558. Notes on heraldic monument at Kilmany, 381, 558. Walker, Robert: Flora of Buchan, 1040. New species of amblypterus, etc., 1011. Walker, Robert. John Pettie, 526. Walker, W. S. Writings of James Montgomery, 518. Walker, W. S. Practical analysis of act 8 & 9 Victoria;. Cap. 83, 694. Walker-Arnott, G. A. Notes on cocconeis, etc., 1040. Walkley, Thomas. Catalogue of nobility of England, 566. Wall, Annie. Gawain Douglas, 469. Wall, J. W. Execution of Mary, queen of Scots, 157. Wallace, Mrs.: Am fomhair, etc., 749. An iobhal gheal, etc., 749. Wallace, A. R. Landlordism, 679. Wallace, George. Nature and descent of ancient peerages, 566. Wallace, J. A. "The chariot of Israel," 461. Wallace, J. V. In, Arran, 308. Wallace, Col. James. Narrative of rising at Pent- land, 172. Wallace, James. Sheriffdom of Clackmannan, 317, 643. Wallace, John: Excavations in Glasgow, 1011. Recent excavation in Sauchiehall Street, 1012. Theory of origin of columnar structure, 1012. Wallace, R. H.: Dairy farming, 679. Highland sheilings, 694. White cattle, 954. Wallace, Robert: Allotments, 1069. Food of Scotch hill sheep, 679. Wallace, Robert. Doctrine of passive obedience, 233. Wallace, Robert. George Buchanan, 452. Wallace, Robert. Local courts, 643. Wallace, T. D.: Additional note on old red sandstone of Strath- nairn, 1012. Additional notes on geology of Enzie, 1012. Additional notes on geology of Strathdearn, 1012. Antiquities in Enzie, 107. Archaeological notes, 107. Archaeological notes from Moraytown, 86. Archaeological remains of the Enzie, 86. ■ Basin of the Beauly, 1024. Dornie, 322. Geological notes on Strathdearn, etc., 1012. Geology of Kirkhill, etc., 1012. Geology of Rathven, 1012. Glacial evidence in Moray Firth area, 1012. May-Day, 749. Military roads, 131. Miller as a geologist, 516. Notes of ancient remains in Beauly valley, 86. Notes of antiquities in Loch Alsh, 86. Notes on early churches, 224. Notes from old churchyards, 324, 386, 391, 394. Notes on old Inverness, 378. Notes on sculptured slabs, Glenconvinth, etc., 371, 384. Recent geological changes and Culbin Sands, 1012. Wallace, T. D., continued: Recent geological changes on Moray Firth, 1012. Sandstones of Moray Firth, 1012. Shell-bed at Ardersier, 86. Shells in glacial clay, 1012. Structural geology of Glen-More-nan-Alban, 1012. Structural geology of Strathnairn, 1012. Upper Stratherrick, 1012. Volcanic rocks of O. R. age, 1012. Vitrified fort on Dundearduil, 86. White stones, 749. Wild boar in Scotland, 954. Wallace, W. II Capodanno, 749. Wallace, W. V.: Favorite Scotch melodies, 726. Katie Strang, 726. Wallace, William. Report to magistrates, 370. Wallace, William. Burial place of John Napier, 522. Wallace, William. Future of the Church, etc., 761. Wallace, William: Life and limitations of Stevenson, 888. Limits of Scottish home rule, 206. Limits of Scottish patriotism, 207. Nationality, 205. "Religious upheaval in Scotland," 294. Scotland, Stevenson, and Henley, 888. Scotland's revolt against home rule, 206. Social transformation of Scottish Liberalism, 207. Transformation of the Scottish temperament, 207. Wallace, 138. Wallace and Bruce, 138. Wallace and his monument, 139. Wallace's Oak, 891. Wallace- James, J. G. : The Abernethy family, 568. Edinburgh bailies, 353. Letter of a St. Andrews student, 710. Royal confirmation of charter, Sweetheart Abbey, 421. Some notes, 387, Waller, Edward. Foraminifera obtained in Shet- land seas, 954. Walsh, Walter. Religion of Burns, 799. Walter, T. P. Thomas Carlyle, 811. Walter, William. Lord Clyde, 463. Walter Scott, 876. Walton, F. P.: Relation of law, 643. Scotland in the eighteenth century, 182. Walton, H. E. Catholic tribute to Scott, 876. Walz, W. E.: David Hume, 758. David Hume's Verhaltnis, 758. Wanliss, T. D. Scotland and Presbyterianism vin- dicated, 124, 131. Warburton, Henry. Beds of shale-marle, 1012. Ward, A. W. James VI. and Papacy, 220. Ward, John. Memoir of William Denny, 468. Ward, Wilfrid: Arthur James Balfour, 442. Sir M. E. Grant Duff 'a diaries, 471. Ward, Lock, and Co.'s guide books. Guide to Aber- deen, etc., 304. Warden, A. J.: Angus or Forfarshire, 358. Burgh laws of Dundee, 325. Notice of stone cists, etc., Barnhill Links, 86. Warden, J. M. History of Scottish Phonographic Association, 1043. Wardlaw, Ralph: The end of living, 475. Sermon, 246. Vindication of their pastor, 278. Wardrop, James. History of James Mitchell, 517. Ware, E. F. Middleton family, 616. Warfield, E. D. John Knox, 498. Waring, J. B. Stone Monuments, 718. INDEX 1227 Warlock of the glen, 891. Warner, Richard. Illustrations, 876. Warrack, Alexander. Scots dialect dictionary, 773. Warrender, Margaret. Marchmont and Humes of Polworth, 599. Warrick, John. Moderators of Church of Scot- land, 220, 438. Wars in England, Scotland, etc., 164. Wass, J. Melrose Abbey, 393. Watchword, The, 210. Watkins, J. H. Early Scottish ballads, 770. Watkins, M. G. : In the deer forest, 954. Loch fishing, 954. Watlen, J. Celebrated circus tunes, 726. Watson, C. B. B. Notes on early history of Society of Antiquaries, 353. Watson, D. M. S. "Trias" of Moray, 1012. Watson, David. A few general remarks, 293. Watson, E. C. Highland mythology, 749. Watson, E. C. C. Sir John Lindsay, 502. Watson, Foster : Alexander Ross, 531. Prof. S. S. Laurie, 499. Watson, G. W. Umframvilles, 569. Watson, H. B. M. R. L. Stevenson, 888. Watson, J. L.: Grand Highland tour, 204. See also under Keddie, Henrietta, and J. L. Watson. Watson, J. S. Sir William Wallace, 139. Watson, John : Life of Queen Mary, 157. Memoires of family of Stuarts, 630. Watson, John: Beside the bonnie brier bush, 891, 892. Books and bookmen, 892. Days of Auld lang syne, 892. Candy-pull system in the church, 1052. Ian Maclaren yearbook, 892. Rabbi Saunderson, 892. Robert Burns, 796. The Scot in the eighteenth century, 182. Waverley novels, 876. Watson, John, architect. Inaugural address, 1054. Watson, R. B.: Great drift beds, Arran, 1012. Marine origin of parallel roads, Glenroy, 1012. Watson, R. D. Sir John Watson Gordon, 482. Watson, T. L. Glasgow cathedral, 370. Watson, W. See under Wedderburn, E. M., and W. Watson. Watson, W., and J. M. Macfarlane. Report on flora of Glen Lyon, 1040. Watson, W. F. Edinburgh: its houses, 353. Watson, W. J.: Alexander Macbain, 505. Aoibhinn an obair an t-sealg, 954. Celtic church in Ross, 224. Innis in place-names, 427. Place-names of Ross, 427. Some Sutherland names, 428. Study of Highland place-names, 428. Topographical varia, 428. Watson, W. L. House by the Howff, 892. Watson, W. R.: Miss Jessie- M. King, 495, 719. Some recent Scottish domestic fittings, 719. Watson, W. W.: Glance at statistics of Glasgow, 370. Report upon statistics of Glasgow, 370, 679. Watson, William. The collecting of Highland leg- ends, 749. Watson, William. Dalzell, earl of Carnwath, 578. Watson, William. The rose, thistle, and shamrock, 1040. Watt, Francis: Bluidy advocate Mackenzie, 508. Book of Edinburgh anecdote, 353. Border law, 643. Edinburgh and the Lothians, 353, 391 New Scotland, 679. Original Weir of Hermiston, 449. Treason trials at Carlisle, 191. Watt, G. W. T. Notice of broch of Burwick, 86. Watt, H. B.: Census of Glasgow rookeries, 954. Heronries, 954. Early tree planting in Scotland, 1040. Land mammals of Clyde faunal area, 954. Seals, etc., of Clyde sea area, 954. Watt, J. C: Dunnottar, 327. The Mearns of old, 1055. Watt, James. Scheme for navigating Forth and Devon, 679. Watt, L. M. Through western windows, 917. Watt, Laurence : Notes on rarer plants of Old Kilpatrick, 1040. On additions to flora of Dumbartonshire, 1040. Watt, Robert. Declaration and confession, 548. Watt, W. G. Notice regarding submarine remains of grove of fir-trees in Orkney, 1040. Watt, W. G. T. Stone cist at Skaill Bay, 86. Watt, William. History of Aberdeen and Banff, 304, 310. Watt, 548. Watt Institution of Dundee: First annual report, 710. 48. annual report, 710. Watty and Meg, 910, 911. Watty's travels to Carslile, 911. Wauchope, A. G. Short history of the Black Watch, 434. Waus, Sir Patrick. Correspondence, 549. Waverley, a drama, 867. Waverley gallery, 876. Waverley guide-book to Edinburgh, 353. Way, Albert: Bronze beaded collar, Lochar Moss, 107. Discovery of silver ornaments at Largo, 107. Licence under Privy seal, 139. List of Scottish noblemen, etc., 143. Notice of the Darnley ring, 157. Quigrich of St. Fillan, 107. Relics and portraits of Mary, 157. Signet ring, etc., of Mary, Queen of Scots, 157. Way to wealth, 911. Wayland, Francis. Memoir of Thomas Chalmers, 461. Weaver, Lawrence. Scottish lead spires, 719. Webb, P. C. Remarks on Pretender's declaration, 191. Webb, W. A. Robert Burns, 799. Webbe, Cornelius. On poetry of Drummond, 817. Webber, Byron. James Orrock, 719. Weber, Adolf. Die englisch-schottische Bodenleihe, 1070. Weber, H. U. Kennedy-Studien, 832. Weber, Henry. Battle of Flodden, 892. Webster, Charles. Account of Dr. Archibald Pit- cairne, 526. Webster, David: Address to fame, 892. Ode to Tannahill, 892. Original Scottish rhymes, 892. Webster, H. A.: Administration, 131. Industries, etc., 679. Mountains, lakes, rivers, etc., 1024. Population, 694. 1228 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Webster, H. A., continued: Position, boundaries, etc., 1024. What has been done for geography of Scotland, 1024. Webster, J. B. On growth, etc., of Scotch fir forests, 1040. Webster, J. W. Remarks on structure of Calton Hill, 1012. Webster, James: Discourse (1704), 230. Essay upon toleration, 230. Webster, William. Forgeries of Scottish coins, 730. Wedderburn, David. Poemata, 892. Wedderburn, E. M.: Current observations in Loch Garry, 1024. Experimental investigation of temperature changes, 1024. Investigation of temperature distribution, Loch Earn, 1024. Seiches in Loch Ness, 1024. Temperature of fresh-water lochs, 1024. Temperature of freshwater lochs, with appendix, 1024. Temperature observations in Loch Earn, 1024. Temperature observations in Loch Garry, 1024. Wedderburn, E. M., and W. Watson. Observations with a current meter, 1024. Wedderburne, David. Compt book, 325, 679. Wedderspoon, J. Parish records of Croy, 319. Wedgwood, Julia: Cambridge apostle of 1830, 540. Scott and romantic reaction, 876. Study of Carlyle, 811. Thomas Erskine, 474. Wedmore, Frederick: Etchings of D. Y. Cameron, 719. Orchardson et son oeuvre, 719. Weekly magazine, 17. Weeks, L. H. Book of Bruce, 574. Weir, Major, the wizard, 549. Weirter, Louis. Story of Edinburgh Castle, 353. Weissel, Josefine. James Thomson, 545. Weld, C. R. Two months in Highlands, etc., 203, 400, 416. Welles, Albert. Dunbar, 587. Wells, James: Dr. Chalmers,' 461. Life of James Stewart, D.D., 541. Wells, W. B. St. Patrick's earlier life, 526. Wellwood, Sir H. M. A sermon, 490. Wellwood, John. Norman Macleod, 510. Welsh, David. Memoir of Dr. Brown, 1060. Wemyss, D. W. Improvements on estate of Den- brae, 679. Wemyss, David. Letter to lord high chancellor, 643. Wemyss of Wemyss, 634. Wenger, Karl. Historische Romane, 876. Wenley, R. M.: John Caird, 454. Gifford lectureship, 761. Thomas Duncan, 471. Wenman, Thomas. Legend of Mary, 157. Wentz, W. Y. E. Fairy faith, 749. We're a' noddin', 726, 892. Werner, Karl: Die Psychologie, etc., 753. Sprachlogik des Johannes Duns Scotus, 753. Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs, 17, 931. Wesenberg-Lund, C. A. Comparative study of lakes, 1024. West, Marian. Gretna, 373. West, W., and G. S. West: Contribution to freshwater plankton, 954. Freshwater algae from Orkneys, 1041. West Bow, Edinburgh, 353. West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute: Journal, 17. List of members, 17. Westcott, A. F. Alexander Montgomerie, 844. Westland, D. M. Scotch railway companies, 679. Westminster Assembly of Divines: Directory, 761. Confession of Faith, 761. Reformation of church government, 226. Westwood, J. D. : Castle Campbell, 316. Dollar, 322. Whalley, E. B. Glacial gravel deposit, Woodhall colliery, 1012. Whalley, Lawson. Vindication of University of Edinburgh, 710. Wharton, Grace, and Philip Wharton. Jane, duchess of Gordon, 481. What are hips and haws? 892. What does the Bible really say? 289. What ought the next General Assembly of the Free Church to do? 279. Whatmore, A. W. Insula; Britannicas, 428. Wheatley, J. Chronology of the 42nd Highlanders, 434. Wheatley, L. A. University of Edinburgh, 710. Whibley, Charles: The Admirable Crichton, 465. George Buchanan, 452. George Douglas, 449. Library of an old scholar, 470. Sir Thomas Urquhart, 546. Whig melodies, 892. Whipple, E. P. Emerson and Carlyle, 811. Whistle-binkie, 892. Whitaker, John. Mary, queen of Scots, 157. White, A. D. Scott at work, 876. White, F. B.: Botany of banks of Tay, 1041. Catalogue of Perthshire willows, 1041. List of rarer plants of Perth, 1041. Mammalia of banks of Tay, 954. Notes on flora of Rannoch, 1041. Notice of occurrence of rhamnus frangula, 1041. White, F. B., and J. H. Balfour. List of plants near Rumbling Bridge, 1041. White, Gleeson. Some Glasgow designers, 719. White, James : Glimpse of Skye, 1012. Notes on Gairloch, 1012. Notes on Tarbert, 1012. Old lands of Partick, 370. White, Peter. Notes on flora of Shetland, 1041. White, Robert. The battle of Flodden, 142. White, T. P.: Camped out, 416. Ecclesiastical antiquities of Kintyre, 107. Ecclesiastical antiquities of Knapdale, etc., 315, 360, 385. Hjaltland, 415. Notice of priory church of Beauly, 311. Notice of Saddell Abbey, 409. Observations on value of rubbings, 719. On the west coast, 204. Some aspects of the modern Scot, 131. White, Thomas. Saint Guerdun's well, 892. White rose of Scotland, 157. Whitehaugh, Barony of. Minutes, 424. Whitehouse, F. C. Fingal's cave, 1013. Whitehurst, F. F. On the Grampian hills, 954. Whitelaw, C. E. : Castles of Arran, 308. Origin, etc., of the Highland dirk, 434. Whitelaw, H. A. Communion tokens, 324. Whitelaw, J. W. Some incidents in Nithsdale, 191, 399. INDEX 1229 Whitelaw, John. East and Mid Lothian coalfields, 1013. Whithorn warblings, S92. Whiting, M. L. R. L. Stevenson, 888. Whitwell, R. J. Balfour's Practicks, 643. Who murdered Downie? 469. Who wrote the Waverley novels? 876. Whole proceedings against William, earl of Kilmar- nock, 651. Whole proceedings upon the impeachment against Simon, Lord Lovat, 652. Whole proceedings of Jockey & Maggy's courtship, 911. Why is it that Scotland, etc.? 770. Why is Scotland Liberal? 131. Why should we not join the Establishment? 291. Why should you secede? 271. Whyte, Alexander. James Fraser, 479. Whvte. Henry: Celtic lyre, 726, 930. Some ancient Celtic customs, 749. Whyte, Peter. Leith docks reclamation, 387. Whyte, Thomas. Account of parish of Liberton, 388. Whyte, W. F. More tales of Tusitula, 888. Whyte, William: Address on position of the Church, 262. Address on position of the Church. 2. ed., 262. Whyte, William: Bird life on Sidlaws, 954. Birds of riverside, 954. Nesting of great crested grebe, 954. Our smallest birds, 955. Whytelaw, Archibald. Oratio Scotorum, 141. Wiecki, Ernst von. Carlyles "Helden," 811. Wiesener, Louis. Marie Stuart, 157. Wife of Auchtermuchty, 892. Wife of Beith, 911. Wiggin, K. D. Penelope's progress, 206. Wigham, John. Letter to citizens of Edinburgh, 353. Wightman, John. The good man, 498. Wigtown. Commissariot record, 566. Wild Rose. Ghaist o' Dennilair, 892. Wiley, Kate. Pet Marjorie, 477, 876. Wilkie, R. D. See under Murray, James, and R. D. Wilkie. Wilkie, William: Epigoniad, 892. Poems, 892. Poetical works, 892. Wilkie gallery, 719. Wilkin, W. H. Life of Sir David Baird, 442. Wilkinson, T. R. John Cameron, 454. Wilkinson, W. II. Study of a lichen from Oban, 1041. Willcock, John: The great Marquess, 440. A Scots earl in Covenanting times, 441. Sharp and the Restoration policy, 220. Shetland minister of eighteenth century, 516. Sir Thomas Urquhart, 546. Willcox, L. C. A neglected novelist, 506, 838. William Black, 446. William Blackwood, 446. William Burke and Helen M'Dougall, 646. William Wilson. Strathaven, for high treason, 659. Williams, A. M. : Andreas and St. Andrew, 1071. English and Scottish ballads, 1071. Lady Nairne and her songs, 522, 846. Scott as man of letters, 876. William Thorn, 544, 889. Williams, F. M. Glengarry Macdonalds of Virginia, 607. Williams, George. Notes on place names of Leochel- Cushnie, 387, 428. Williams, H. W. The Clachans, 388. Williams, John: Account of some remarkable ancient ruins, 86. Plan for a royal forest, 1041. Williams, Roger. Queries of the highest considera- tion, 226. Williams, W. F. Lions of Scotland, 489, 799, 876. Williams, W. R. John Knox, 498. Williams Secular School: Annual reports, 710. Report of examination, 710. Williamson, Alexander: Braemar, 313. Glimpses of Peebles, 401. Williamson, D. S. Homage of wise men to Christ, 461. Williamson, George. Old Greenock. Two series, 316, 318, 372. Williamson, Peter: Authentic narrative of the life of, 551. French and Indian cruelty, 550, 1066. Life and curious adventures, 550, 551. Williamson's directory, 353. Williamson, Robert. Principle of spiritual indepen- dence, 293. Williamson, S. The teinds, 220. Williamson, Will. The game's afoot, 892. Williamson, William: Contribution to hydrachnid fauna, 955. Fish-hatching at Howietoun, 955. Scottish hydrachnids, 955. Willis, J. C, and J. H. Burkill. Phanerogamic flora of Clova mountains, 1041. Willis, Michael: Remarks on late union, 260. Specific application, etc., 250. Wilson, Dr. Folk music of Scotland, 726. Wilson, A. S.: Geology of Fife, 1013. Glimpses of marine life on Forth, 955. Wilson, Alexander. Birds of Nairn, 955. Wilson, Alexander (1766-1813): The Foresters, 892. Poems and literary prose, 892. Rab and Ringan, 893. Tears of Britain, 893. Wilson, Andre.w. Medical students in Scotland, 710. Wilson, Benjamin. Robin redbreast, 893. Wilson, C. H. Catalogue of painted glass in Glas- gow cathedral, 371. Wilson, Charles. Notes on castor fiber, 955. Wilson, D. W.: Bird-life in early Scottish literature, 770. Robert Burns and song birds, 799. Some rarer plants of Gorebridge district, 1041. Wilson, Sir Daniel: Account of Alexander Gordon, 481. Alexander Gordon, antiquary, 481. Archaeology and prehistoric annals of Scotland, 54. The Dunvegan cup, 107. Edinburgh, 353. Genius of Scott, 876. Holy Island, 107. Illustrations of ancient British skull forms, 53. Inquiry into existence of primitive races in Scot- land, 53. Inquiry into physical characteristics of Celt, 53. John Knox's house, 354, 498. The Kilmichael-Glassrie bell shrine, 107. Memorials of Edinburgh, 354. Notes on buidhean of Strowan, 726. Notes of search for tomb of foundress of Col- legiate Church, 354. Notice of the quigrich, 107. Notice, of St. Margaret's Chapel, 354. Notices of ancient church of St. Cuthbert, Cold- ingham, 317. Notices of quigrich of St. Fillan, 107. 1230 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Wilson, Sir Daniel , continued : Prehistoric annals, 54. Queen Mary and Black turnpike, 157, 354. The quigrich, 107. Reminiscences of old Edinburgh, 354. St. Ninian's suburb, 354. So-called Roman heads of Nether Bow, 354. Some illustrations of early Celtic art, 107. Wilson, David. Mr. Froude and Carlyle, 811. Wilson, Florence. Poemata, 893. Wilson, G. A. Shelta, 921. Wilson, George: Additional notes on funereal urns, 86. Description of ancient forts, 86. List of antiquities of Glenluce, 54. Note on implements, etc., from Glenluce, 86. Notes on ancient stone implements of Wigtown- shire, 86. Notes on bronze implements, etc., of Wigtown- shire, 86. Notes on clay urns, 87. Notes on lake-dwellings, Wigtownshire, 87. Notes on stone cists at Carsecreugh, 87. Notes on stone implements from Glenluce, 87. Notes on crannogs of Wigtownshire, 87. Notice of crannog at Barhapple, 87. Notice of implements from Wigtownshire, 87. Notice of urns in Wigtownshire, 87. Wilson, H. S. Goethe and Carlyle, 811. Wilson, H. W. Defenceless Scotland, 131. Wilson, H. W. See under Wilson, R. W. S., and H. W. Wilson. Wilson, J. Musical encyclopaedia, 726. Wilson, J. C. David Binning Monro, 517. Wilson, J. D.: Legal provisions, 643. Reception of Roman law, 643. Study of history of law, 643. Wilson, J. G.: American editions of Burns' poems, 799. Duke of Argyll, 441. Home of Robert Burns, 800. Memoir of Mrs. Grant, 1062. Thomas Carlyle, 811. Wilson, JT. H. Union of non-established churches, 288. Wilson, J. J. Annals of Penicuik, 402. Wilson, J. M.: Grizel Cochrane, 894. Tales, 894. Vacant chair, 894. Wilson, J. M. Nelson's handbook, 203. Wilson, J. R. Notes on Burns mausoleum, 800. Wilson, J. S. Alexander Wilson, 1067. Wilson, J. S. G.: Breadalbane mines, 1013. Results of Balfour bore, 1013. Wilson, J. S. G., and H. B. Muff. The Hill of Beath, 1013. Wilson, J. S. G., and W. I. Macadam. Diatomace- ous deposits, 1013. Wilson, James. History of Scottish affaires, 132. Wilson, James. Voyage round the coast, 201. Wilson, James. Birkhill fossils, 1013. Wilson, Rev. James: Austin priories of Nostell and Scone, 412. Charter of Abbot of Cupar, 320. "Divise de Stobbo," 135. Original charters of Abbey of Cupar, 320. Scottish trial-by-combat charter, 135. Site of battle of Brunanburh, 135. Wilson, John. Earl of Douglas, 893. Wilson, John: Allan Lorimer, 893. Blind Allan, 893. City of plague, 893. Critical essays, 893. Wilson, John, continued : Edderline's dream, 893. . Edinburgh election, 354. A few words on Thomson, 890. Foresters, 893. Genius of Burns, 800. Isle of palms, 893. Lights and shadows of Scottish life, 893. Magic mirror, 893. Poems, 893. Poetical works. 893. Political state of Scotland, 199. Recreations, 893. Remarks on scenery, 200, 204. Specimens of British critics, 893: Tales, 893. Trials of Margaret Lindsay, 893. Works. 893. Wilson, John. The church glorious, 273. Wilson, John: Dunning, 327. Grammes of Garvock, 595. Mercers of Clevage, 615. Rollos of Duncrub, 623. . Wilson, John, and Robert Chambers. Land of Burns, 201. Wilson, John, and others. Noctes ambrosiana, 893, 894. Wilson, Patrick. Biographical account of Alexander Wilson, 551. Wilson, R. W. S.: Autumn and Winter bird-life, 955. Notes on Richardson's skua, 955. Wilson, R. W. S., and H. W. Wilson. The stock dove, 955. Wilson, Robert. Elegy on death of Thomas Chal- mers, 461. Wilson, Robert. Historical account of Aberdeen, 303. Wilson, Robert. Sketch of history of Hawick, 373, 694. Wilson, S. Escalade of Dumbarton, 894. Wilson, Tom. History of Sanquhar, 411. Wilson, W., and others. Section on railway line, Portobello, 1013. Wilson, W. B. R.: Aberdeenshire as a factor in Scottish life, 304. Argyleshire in Scottish life, 307. Ayrshire folklore, 749. Berwickshire, 311. Forfarshire as a factor in Scottish life, 358. More notable Buchanans, 438. Notable men and women of Aberdeenshire, 438. Notable men and women of Argyleshire, 438. Notable men and women of Ayrshire, 438. Notable men and women of Banffshire, 438. Notable men and women of Berwickshire, 438. Notable men and women of Forfarshire, 438. Place of Banffshire in Scottish life, 310. Wilson, W. D. Ancient cross at Kilmory, 382. Wilson, William: Address on Sustentation Fund, 295. Genesis of Sustentation Fund, 293. Poems, 894. Wilson the ornithologist, 551. Wimberley, Douglas. Selections from family papers, 191. Winchester, C. T. John Wilson, 552. Windisch, Ernst. Sources of Scottish Gaelic, 921. Wingate, David. Select poems, 894. Wingate, James. Coinage of Scotland, 730. Winifred, countess of Nithsdale. Letter, 523. Winning, J. G. Notice of cist, etc., near Eckford, 87. Winsor, Justin. Reform of University of Edin- burgh, 710, Winter, W. Brown heath, 206. INDEX 1231 Winter evening conversations of Free Kirk ladies, 290. Winter with Robert Burns, 800. Winter-solstice, On the, 894. Winzet, Ninian: Buke of fourscoir three questionis, 761. Certain tractates, 761, 894. Wise, T. A.: Excavations in hill fort, Dunsinane, 87, History of paganism, 107, 749, 761. Life of Admiral Sir R. J. Strachan, 542. Pillar towers of Scotland, 87. Sculpturings on entrance to broch of Cam Liath, 87. Wishart, George^ Memoirs of James Graham, 519. Wishart, R. S.: July flora of Alyth, 1041. Some east Fife flowers, 1041. Wishart, William. Answers for, 232. Wiston-Glynn, A. W. John Law, 499. Witch of Garrowbuie, 749. Witchcraft in Scotland, 749. Witches of Scotland, 749. Witham, Henry : Fossil tree discovered in quarry at Craigleith, 1013. Vein of asphaltum, hill "of Castle Leod, 1013. Witherspoon, John : Ecclesiastical characteristics, 233. Ecclesiastical characteristics. New ed., 233. History of a corporation of servants, 234. Letter from a blacksmith, 236. Withington, Leonard. Hume as historian, 758. Wities, Bernhard. Humes Theorie, 758. Witnesses for the truth, 220. Witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, 911. Witty exploits of George Buchanan, 911. Witty and extravagant exploits of George Buchanan, 911. Wodrow, Robert : Analecta, 117, 220. Collections upon life of Adam Bannatyne, 443. Collections upon life of Alexander Arbuthnet, 440. Collections on life of Charles Ferme, 476. Collections on life of David Cunningham, 466. Collections on life of David Weems, 549. Collections upon life of James Lawson, 499. Collections on life of John Cameron, 454. Collections as to life of John Craig, 464. Collections on life of John Johnstoun, 494. Collections upon life of Patrick Forbes, 478. Collections on life of Peter Blackburn, 446. Collections as to life of Robert Bruce, 450. Collections on life of Robert Howie, 490. Collections on life of William Forbes, 478. Collections upon lives of reformers, 438. Collections upon David Lindsay, 502. Collections upon John Durie, 472. Correspondence, 220, 553. Extracts from manuscript collections of, 220. History of the sufferings, 220. Life of Rev. D. Dickson, 468. Life of Robert Boyd, 449. , Selections from biographical collections, 438. Wodrow Society: Annual report, 17. Laws, 210. Miscellany, 220, 221. Publications, 17. Woerner, Roman. Die alteste Maria Stuart-Tra- godie, 157. Wolbe, Eugen. Quellenstudien, 829. Wolff, H. W. The Pretender at Bar-le-Duc, 191. Wollmann, Franz. Ober politisch-satirische Gedichte, 770. Wonderful advantages of drunkenness, 911. Wood, C. W. Orkney and Shetland islands, 400, 415. Wood, Henry. Chaucer's influence upon King James I., 830. Wood, J. J.: Address to congregation, 271. "Help, Lord." A sermon, 461. Letter to congregation, 271. To the congregation, 271. The question of doctrine, 288. Wood, J. P.: Life of John Law, 499. Sketch of life and projects of John Law, 499. Notices of family of Law, 603. Wood, Major. Antiquities of Falkland, 356. Wood, Maxwell. Superstitious record, 749. Wood, T. A. D.: Fawside or Falside Castle, 1054. Restalrig Church, 1057. Wood, T. M. Water-colours by Edwin Alexander, 719. Wood, Walter. The Free Church and the Patron- age Act, 292. Wood,. Walter: "Raised Beach" at Ardross, 1013. Strata discovered in making East of Fife Exten- sion Railway, 1013. Wood, William. Description of tumulus in Bur- ness, 87. Wood, William. Scottish banking, 679. Wood, William. Witchcraft in England, 750. Woodberry, G. E. Scott, 876. Woodhead, G. S. Research Laboratory of Royal College of Physicians, 955. Woodpecker, The, 911. Woodruff, E. H. Scott at work, 877. Woodward, B. B. Stuart papers in Windsor Castle, 117. Woodward, B. H. Visit to Glen Clova, 1013, 1041. Woodward, H. B. Stanford's geological atlas, 1013. Woodward, Henry. Notes on some fossil Crustacea, 1013. Wooed and married and a*, 894. Wooler, Edward. The Catrail, 87. Woolf, W. P. Tommy and Grizel, 779. Word to the churchmen of Dunfermline, 260. Wordsworth, Charles, bishop: Bishop Wordsworth's tract, 296. Euodias and Syntyche, 286. Notes to assist towards forming a right judge- ment, 280. A primary charge, 279. Scotch disestablishment, 294. Wordsworth, Dorothy. Recollections of a tour, 197. Wordsworth and Carlyle, 811. Work, A. L. Fall of Adam, 894. Worman, J. H. Robert Pollok, 527. Worsaae, J. J. A. Account of Danes and Nor- wegians, 53. Worse witches than Macbeth's, 750. Wragge, C. L. Watching the weather on Ben Nevis, 1024. Wreath, The, 894. Wright, E. Perforations in "Latter day pam- phlets," 811. Wright, G. N. Landscape historical illustrations of Scotland, 200, 877. Wright, James. Crinoids from InVertiel, 1013. Wright, Joseph. Boulder clay, 1013. Wright, Joseph. Laird Nicoll's kitchen, 894. Wright, Ronald. Fifth letter to Dr. Wardlaw, 265. Wright, Stewart: Annals of Blantyre, 312. David Livingstone, 503. Professor John Millar, 516. Wright, T. S. Two new actinias from Arran, 955. Wright, Rev. Thomas. Sermon, 471. 1232 THE "NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Wright, Thomas: History of Scotland, 132. Narratives of sorcery, 750. On Dunbar, 471. Wright, Thomas. Notes on fossils from Pabba, etc., 1013. Wright, Thomas. Kame at Mortonhall, 1013. Wright, W. B.: Preglacial shoreline, 1013. Two earth-movements, 1013. Wright, W. B., and A. M. Peach. Neolithic remains of Colonsay, 1046. Wrong, G. M. Earl of Elgin, 473. Wuensch, E. A.: Description of erratic boulder, 1013. A German professor's views, 1013. Fossil trees in trappean ash, Arran, 1014. Prof. David Page, 524. Visit to marine fish-pond at Port Logan, 955. Wyckoff, C. T. Feudal relations, 135. Wylie, B. F. Cycling in Shetland, 415. Wylie, J. H. Note on portrait of James I., 492. Wylie, W. M.: Ayrshire and the land of Burns, 309, 800. Ayrshire streams, 309. Wyllie, J. A. The establishment principle, 288. Wyllie, Robert: Letter from a gentleman, 230. Short answer to a large paper, 230. Short answer to a short paper, 230. Wyntoun, Andrew of: Orygynale cronykil, 132, 894. Original chronicle, 894. Wyon, Allan. Great seals of Scotland, 558. Y. Life of James Hogg, 489. Y., I. de. Remarks on Scottish scenery, 197. Y., W. S. Unstia, 423, 894. Y., Y. R. L. Stevenson, 888. Year that's awa', 911. Yonge, C. D. Life of Scott, 877. Yonge, E. S. Mysterious illness, 157. Young, Andrew: Angler and tourists' guide, 203. Natural history and habits of salmon, 955. Young, Archibald : Angler's guide to Sutherland, 420. Harbour accommodation, 679. Young, B. R. Analcite diabase, Gullane Hill, 1014. Young, Sir C. G. : Catalogue of works on peerage, 4, 558. Sword, etc., of King James the Fourth, 492. Young, Edward. Letters on Sabbath-day travelling, 265. Young, G. B. Sir George Mackenzie, 508. Young, G. P. Examination of Ferrier's Theory, 753. Young, H. C: Notes on some spiders, 955. On- spiders, 955. Young, II, F. Small burial cairns at Hindstones, 87. Young, H. W.: Ancient bath at Burghead, 91. Ancient burial" place, etc., at Easterton of Rose- isle, 87. Burning the clavie, 750. Church of St. Ewan, 310. Duffus kirk, 322. Easterton of Roseisle, 406. Graves of Ardkeiling, 87. Notes on excavations at Burghead, 314. Notice of testament dative of Sir Peter Young, 553, 679. Young, J. H.: Home of David Gray, 485. Robert Pollok, 527. Young, J. W. : Action of organic matter on peroxide of iron, 1014. Analysis of green fibrous mineral from Cathkin, 1014. Analysis of minerals, Campbeltown, 1014. Miscellaneous notes on chemical geology, 1014. On Ballagan series of rocks, 1014. On chemistry of carboniferous and old red sand- stones, 1014. Young, Rev. James. "Common" or "Godlie" band, 224. Young, James. Recent archaeological discoveries, 87. Young, John: Few thoughts in poetry, 895, New poem on the martyrs, 895. Young, John, M.D. : An early medical visitor, 160. Former existence of glaciers, 1016. Late Sir A. C. Ramsay, 528. Memoir of Sir A. C. Ramsay, 528. Notes on carboniferous foraminifera, 1016. Notes on carboniferous ostracoda, 1016. On grouse disease, 955. Scottish university reform, 710. Some points in surface geology, 1016. Study of archaeology, 54. Young, John, M. D., and W. I. Addison. Notes on two copies of the Solemn League, 221. Young, John, M.D., and John Young, LL.D. : Local unconformity, 1016. New species of sulcoretepora, 1017. Two new species of carboniferous polyzoa, 1017. Young, John, LL.D. : Gasteropod mollusca of carboniferous limestones, 1015. Geology of Campsie district, 1015. Group of fossil conodonts, 1015. Identity of ceramopora megastoma with fistulipora minor, 1015. Natural history of Scottish oil shales, 1015. New forms of Crustacea, Girvan, 1015. A new Scottish mineral (bowlingite), 1014. New species of glauconome, 1014. Note on favosites (?) dentifera, 1014. Note on new family of polyzoa, 1014. Note on occurrence of estheria punctatella, 1014. Note on occurrence of lingula, 1014. Notes accompanying two slides of carboniferous polyzoa, 1014. Notes on adherent form of productus, 1014. Notes on archaeocidaris, 1014. Notes on carboniferous brachiopoda, 1014. Notes on carboniferous glauconome, 1014. Notes on fossils found in limestone at Glencart, 1014. Notes on genera of gasteropod mollusca, 1014. Notes on cell-pores of carboniferous polyzoa, 1015. Notes on genera of anatinidae, 1015. Notes on limestone strata, Glasgow, 1014. Notes on ctenostomatous polyzoa, 1014. Notes on spirifera trigonalis, 1014. Notes on ostracoda, 1015. Notes on Ure's "millepore," etc., 1015. Notice of Dr. Thomas Davidson, 467. Notice of rhizodus hibberti near Glasgow, 1015. Occurrence of fault in Dumbuck Glen, 1015. Occurrence of pyroxene, 1015. Occurrence of saccammina carteri, 1015. On carboniferous fossils of west of Scotland, 1015. On chitonellus, 1015. On fine-grained sandstone at Campsie Fells, 1015. On a peculiar structure — spines within spines, 1015. On rhynchopora, 1016. INDEX 1233 Young, John, LL.D., continued: On so-called labyrinthodont, parabatrachus, 1016. On species of dentaKum, 1016. On a weathered boulder, 1016. Parallelism of Scottish and north Irish carbon- iferous strata, 1016. Peculiar varieties of old red and carboniferous sandstones, 1016. Probable source of certain boulders, 1016. Protoconch or orthoceras, 1016. Remarks on some of the external characters, etc., 1016. Scottish carboniferous microzoa, 1015. Strata containing beds of impure coal, etc., Glen- arbuck, 1015. Strata in Gilmorehill quarry, etc., 1015. See also under Armstrong, James, and John Young; and Glen, D. C, and John Young. Young, John, LL.D., and James Armstrong. Fos- sils of carboniferous strata, 101 6, Young, John, LL.D., and Robert Craig. Occur- rence of seeds of freshwater plants, etc., under boulder-clay. 1016. Young, John, LL.D., and D. C. Glen: Notes on Cathkin "Osmund stone," 1016. Notes on section of carboniferous strata, 1016. Young, John, LL.D., and James W. Kirkby. Pro- visional notice of a new chiton, 1016. Young, John, LL.D., and David Robertson. Note on polyzoa of Hairmyres limestone shale, 1016. Young, Robert. Parish of Spynie, 417. Young, William. Alpine flora, etc., of Glenshee district, 1041. Young, William. New Glasgow municipal build- ings, 719. Young coalman's courtship, 911. Young laird, The, 895. Young Lochinvar, 911, 912. Young, The, Pretender in France, 191. Young Scots Society. Young Scots publication de- partment, 17. Young Soldier, The, 912. Younger, R. T. Land ownership, 679. Yule, G. U. John Gray, 485. Z. Two greatest Scottish caterans, 451, 513. Z., A. Right Hon. Henry Dundas, 515. Z,, Y. Letter from a layman, 354. Zenker, Rudolf. Heines achtes Traumbild, etc., 800. Zeyss, Richard. Adam Smith, 760. Ziegler, Alexander. Shetland Inseln, 416. Zimmer, Heinrich. Matriarchy among the Picts, 53. Zimmermann, Robert. Ueber Hume's empirische Begriindung, 758. Zirkel, Ferdinand. Geologische Skizzen, 1017. Zufiiga, Diego de. Extraits des correspondances, 157. '...•..' ; '."■■■■ ■'•■:,'.•:.'' ■■, !■■'» -v ■•■■■ '•'-, . '.