*4ra.i.i The Bopp Libr^e^. COLLECTED BY FEANZ BOP?, Frofesscr of Comparative Fbilology in the XJniversity of* Serlin. Purchased by Cornell University^ 186S. Cornell University Library PK 925.H15 1861 Halayudha's Abhidhanaratnamala :a Sanskr 3 1924 023 201 308 DATE DUE intnriih gry-Loaf r CAVLORO PNINTCOINU.^.A. Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924023201308 HALAYUDHA'S ABHIDHANARATNAMALA. A SANSKRIT VOCABULARY, EDITED WITH A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH GLOSSARY BY f H.^^A U F R E C H T. WILLIAMS & NORGATE: 11, FIENRIETTA STHEET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, AND 20, SOUTH FREDERTCK STREET, EDINBURGH. BONN, A, MARCUS. PARIS, B. DUPR.VT. 1861. ^-M-o-^s-^rrr^ - I r ,. (T - ™ -J * ! 4HV LEIPZIG, PRINTED BV FR. NIES (CARL B. LORCK). PREFACE. The present edition of Halaj'udha's vocabulary of synonyms is based on a collation of the following ma- nuscripts. J. E. I. H. 1361, copied about 1780. B. Wilson 415', an incorrect transcript of A. C. E. I. H. 588. D. E. I. H. 1576. These two manuscripts, copied about 1806 from the same original, are almost useless for any critical purpose. K. A fragment preserved in the Berlin Library (Cham- bers 758. Weber's Catalogue Nr. 805), contain- ing distichs 18 — 367 of book II. I am in- debted for a transcript of it to Dr. Hase of Co- burg. F. An old fragment in the Ratcliffe Library, Oxford, containing the second book, as far as rloka 230. IV PREFACE. R. A manuscript in the same library, copied in the year 1363 of our era. Notwithstahding all these materials, the editor has found it not always possible to constitute a text free from faults ; far less to give a correct and uniform orthography. In many cases he has been obliged to have recourse to the Koshas of Amara and Hemacandra and their commentaries, in order to remove palpable blunders. The notes, and to some extent the glossary, point out all the passages in which a further collation of new Mss. is desirable. He has much felt, throughout, the want of a commentary; but though at least one is cited in the mar- ginal notes to the Oxford Ms. of the commentary on the Abhidanacintamani, yet none appears to be in exi- stence. The precise age of Halayudha cannot now be deter- mined with any degree of certainty. The name itself is by no means uncommon in the literary history of In- dia. We have, firstly, Halayudha, the author of the Kavirahasya, who has been assigned by Westergaard (Ra- dices p. VII) to the sixteenth century. Another Ha- layudha, the son of Purushottama, compiled the Purana- sarvasva in 1474 (Oxford Catalogue p. 84). Halayudha the lawyer is frequently cited by Vdcaspatimigra (in the Cintamani and Dvaitanirnaya), and, still earlier, by ViQvegvara, the author of the Madanaparijata and other works. A fourth Halayudha, who shares with our author the epithet of Bhatta, composed a commentary on the Pingala- PREFACE. V cliandas. He may, perhaps, be' identified witli the writer of the Kosha ; chiefly on account of the many artificial metres which he uses, and which no other lexicographer has taken the liberty of employing for such a dry subject as a string of synonyms. The editor has, however, discovered no allusion to the Kosha in the only copy of the Mri- tasanijivini at his command. Nor do the four names of Amaradatta, Vararuci, Bhaguri, and Vop41ita, to whose works the author acknowledges himself indebted in the introductory verses to the Kosha, afford any clue to his own age. In the absence of direct evidence, we are, therefore, compelled to be contented with the secondary testimony of other writers. The mention of Halayudha by Ujjvaladatta, Mallinatha, and the Medinikara, is suf- ficient proof that he lived before the thirteenth century. Mallinatha in his various commentaries cites Halayudha far more frequently than the Abhidhanacint^mani ; but from this fact no inference can be drawn as to the greater antiquity of Halayudha, for the ofthodox scho- liast might have preferred a coreligionist to a Jain infidel. Halayudha is quoted besides, by Katavema on the ^a- kuntala, Jayamangala on the Ehaltik^vya, Narahari in his Cudamani, Narayana on the Uttararamacarita, Pad- manabhadatta on the Bhuvanegvaristotra, Bharatasena on the Bhattikavya, Bhanujidikshita on Amara, Rangana- tha on the Vikramorvagi, Rayamukuta in his commentary on the Amarakosha, ^ivadatta in the Civakosha, and a number of other scholiasts. VI PREFACE. There is, however, an intimate connexion between the AbhidhanaratnamM4 and the Abhidhanacintamani, be- yond the mere name. Not only do whole distichs and verses agree with one another, and diifer from Amara, but there is also in both an identity of tetrastichs, and this to an extent which cannot be explained by the supposition that both have borrowed from the same source. Again, we find that both attribute to many words the same gender in opposition to the Amarakosha. But if we are called on to determine the relative priority of Hala- yudha and Hemacandra, we must be guided in our decision by the following circumstances. Halayudha's vocabulary is not only less copious, but his style is much more simple, and his explanations enter more into detail. To use whole distichs and verses in order to define a single word , is quite unusual with Hemacandra, who, on the contrary, endeavours to cram into one verse as many synonyms as possible. Farther, we find that in technical divisions Hemacandra is acquainted with more developed, and therefore later, systems. For example, the different kinds of feminine actions produced by the sentiment of love, technically called hftva, are limited by Amara to six, and by Hal4yudha to nine, while Hemacandra knows ten. In the physiological distinction of elephants , Halayudha does not exceed the number of three, whilst Hemacandra adds a fourth. The Ratnamala is divided into five, the Cintamani into six chapters. Homonyms are treated by HaUyudha very briefly, whereas the Ntinartha of PREFACE. VII Hemacandra surpasses in bulk the EkArtha. All these facts lead to the conclusion that Halayudha preceded Hemacandra, and we shall hardly go too for back if 'we place him at the end of the eleventh century. In Mallinathas commentary on the Maghak^vya (Calc. ed.) two passages (I, 19. XVI, 18) are cited from an Abhidhanaratnamala which seems to have been different from that of Halayudha. In compiling the glossary, the editor has constantly consulted the commentaries of KsWrasvamin and Eaya- mukuta on Amara, which form the only valuable basis of all later scholiasts. Of modern writers, he feels himself under great obligation to Colebrooke's edition of the Amarrakosha, and to Molesworth's Mahrati and English Dictionary. In conclusion he would express his thanks to the publishers for haying most obligingly undertaken to bring out a work which, from its nature, can be of interest only to a limited number of Sanskrit scholars. The abbreviations employed in the glossary aro: Ait. Br. - Ailareyabrahmana. Anandal. - Anandalahari. Av. - Alharvaveda. Bhk. - Bhaftjkavya. Bhv. Bhaminivilasa. Brahmap. - Brahmapurana. Brahmav. - Brahmavaivarlapuraria. Brihadar. Brihadaranyakopa- nishad. Cat. Br. - Catapalhabrahmana. Chand. U. -Chandogyopanishad. ^icup. - Mag-ha's Cieupala. Civap. - Civapurana. Dandin - Dandin's Kavyadarca. Devibhag. - Devibhagavalapu- rana. Dhanv.Nigh.-Dhanvanlaranighartu. Gg. - Gilagovinda ed. Lassen. HC. Hemacandra, and the commentary ascribed to him. Kacikh. - Kacikhanrta. Kir. - Kiralarjuniya. Ks. orKum. - Kumarasambhava. Ksh. - Kshlrasvamin on Amara. Magha - Magha's ^icupala. Mahi. - Mahimnah stava. Manu - Manavadharmacastra. Mark. Markandeyapuraiia. Malsyap. - Matsyapurana. Mlibh. Mahabharala. Mit. - Mitakshara. P.-Panini. Phetk. - Pheikarinitantra. Pk. Parcvanathakavya by Padmasundara. Rayam or Rk. - Rayamiikufa on Amara. Rasamanj. - Bhanudalta's Ra- samanjari. Rasalar. - Rasalarangini. Rgh. - Raghuvanca. Rigvidh.'- Rigvidhana. Rv. - Rig\'eda. Sahityad. - Sahilyadarpana. Sarasvatik. - Sarasvalikantlia- bharana. Taitt. Br. - Taittiriyabralimana. U. or Urv. -Urvaci ed. Bollenscn. Ujj. - Uijvaladatla. Vagbh. Al. - Vagbhafla Alan- kara. Vamanap. - Vamanapurana. Varahap. Varahapurana. Vrihann. - Vrihannaradiyapurana. Vs. - Vajasaneyisanihila. Yv. or Yajn. - Yajnavalkya ed. Slenzler. 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II ^P^^ II ^ ^^ i^^ p^l^ o?ftq- T%g" ^mi? 3^^ llS^^il H'^l^dHl'M^M fH^* ^ g^era": ilS^Hll . 3¥tt cll^mlij^ ^t^ ^T^ rfFf I g^^: fff^: ^qr^ ^ jictT^^: 11BI.011 II ^TtT ?fPTr«^cHIMM^dNHl'¥JH((?IMMHi 5pr^tt fScfnt ^RTTT II frsrnrl-jjg^cfl"^ ^irFft^ jwr^ ii?it W[mm t^TT IJI^Tfrf: qftTT StrgrT cTSTT ii^n ^^: ^^^T^^ CTTq ^tTTfcrTcT* crrcqT iiHn q^^q^: cnfm: ^n^gcft ^: i qcHFf sTTTTot JTRT cic^ fcr'nOrFTn'^ i ^rr ?m^H^TWT?T: wht ^t^: f^ ^gm" n^^n 9* i^ II ^r?rT^ II ^. ^?. ^mvs^ T^rT^^ crqT ^ ^m FJfn" > ^ 3(1dc=hl^H ^cRlit t^^-Hd li?^ll ^^^ ??TT^?rq"re" ^ frFi^ ^Itt ^fi^^R i ^fq: qfr?r?g ^T^t UcW^y q^r: ftct: ii?Sii 3^^ ^ ;^rft" g^f^ vj^^: ^a^i g^ ^ ^ "rar T%^T 5fhsf ^ihcft wf ii?Hii 5T^ ^ ^ TOM5^''^ 3^?^ I m^j^ ^rT^Pt "r^tt: Txrcjrrqnt ii?oii 3pi7T^TjtiT$>fFRrcr^5pniTsftf^^: i qnir: qmrr ^iict crlwr f^q ^qi?:^ n^: i!?^:i ^W\^ Tff ^^l"^!" q-T^c^pr 11^^ II STmT ^f^^flTc?! |cT STHFTir fRT^! II ^^11 ^frr^l" ^^FTTHW ^"Fl^ ^fit^ft: I * cTprnt ^MH^^* ^Tf^ ctt: 5f^ ^ i ^^m ffTt^'cHMHrf sficulM ^ ^ II ^11 Ph l'^=hT ^m^lfl" t^q^Wl" T%^T^ ^ II ^^11 too II ^[oTr^Eir n I- So. %cH|ci-| ^ fgtqgq^ ^^ trg-R- 11^^11 ^^^: ^cfl" m^: pnft ^^ 3^ i t^rrf^Tift" i^fwr{' ^f^^T srFr^fl" grsft ^f^r: i sn^: ^[T^J ^f^RTl" ^TJiW" ftt^cTir ^m^^' \ ^Hit HrtM^mrr: fl"cnvFt ^ ^rst^ i 5^^: qq-T^ wr ^ ETTfr wt€t J^: ^^: i ^3T^: m^\ ^^', B^P^ "RJP^ iiSoii 0^ ii^;c?nf^ii ^.H^- ^^ ^tcFTcT^ j^(^w1m|5UM) iTcT: II Sen H^JhT^PhI %IT :flt^: ^qrjft ^iJcTT I iNn^sfi tJ(^Ri'^^iy^<0 srr^^ cTsrr if nr 1 ^ftllft l'^(Utj ^T^IT^ cTSTJt Fm^THT CTT^T ^ ^sqt I qr^I^T ^tf^T ^tm I^TtTT eTT TT^: q^ 11H811 u(?ciT^ ricrD'g^iy 3c^: n^ciui ^pt i f^igft f^: Eft^: ^ct: 4&idiwyi "HHn fSr^?H tETTtor^Eft ^^'. wift f^m^: i 5tT: ^m^ w terre": i ^ter^: Fmfqf^^FT: ertt^: cnnEr: ur^i \ ^mJm h4i ^^^VT^^ itwtm 7^ o-f^ q-terT^f^;qt j-t^ i q^TTfqf q^^ t^WT%cf Wt^^ ^rfc( ^TcTJl^^ii q^TFRTR ^^: ^m mj^sUJWt ^ ii?<3ii rTTH ^ffr ^c^^ ^cfTcFTH^ ^TCrf^^ J^fq l t^S crTfTT^?f)'(l'\^Hyi^ ^"TT f^f^ 11?^ II qrr: crf^E^ j^t^ crl^ ^Ir ^t^ ^f^^l" ii^^ii ^tlft rT"Pfi]RTFn^ ^fcff^t g^: ^[7% ii^^ii ^^TT^Tsn^ f^^ TO^: m^ ^ f^f^s: n^Sii ^to^cf : ^r^: ^[rR?r: ^jffT ^^ Jsr^r'feTcFT^: < e^: q^"^ ^c^ ^1" fsft ^ ?cr^: i ^iwt "i%^q^^ J"f^ eq'q o"!^ qjc: ^^: I ^ft \^^ H-^ f cTfTt ^^^ J^{T% ^ II ^^n r:r: ii ^FTT^ li H- SO. ^^ToTg?rrErf c?rraT?Tt ^ fftr^trsiT \\p\\ Tkt Ti^crar J"cprr ^rfc^ ^ri^ ^T^r?rr i ErfEm"^ ^ f^t^ 1%^ Fl?f^ ^^: n^^n jt^(: ^i^^ J'c^^J cnt: qi^ur^ ^ ^ ii^^i jTr^nr^: cn%: f ^^ ^rrfrt^ ^ f^t^^: 118011 ^Tcl^^: e>f|7T: qi^^ ^^^ ^ ^[?F^ ^TTcT^i 5R^q^^ ^1^ ift^ mi^ fra"F^ 1 ^ ^?T^ ^: ^KmT:?TEii^'?f|-i iiH^ii 5rf^^: HTr% ??rn[t^?ft-rt q^^^^^ ^ imoii T^^ ^ ^ Tifi"^^ifflifcn^T II ^011 ^Tc?[l%w J"^ u-ctrnrft wr^^^ ^ i STT^erix ^ETTT^^ JJtTM^ cTSJT ^^1^??% I ^jrHTHd(ri5 w ^q^g- FfcFfFt !7^?rR ctwt: M^ii ^i%^:€^rn^?TiTTir ^wt ^^ 11^011 ^%g if Fijcfj- 5:r7H: ^^HT% rri^r^rrf^-^ 11(3^11 rf^ H^^ cflW ^E^^^^ig f^"f^^ II '2^ II JTrfir^ "^Tl"^ ^ 5iT5IS^ q-^^^ 11^3^11 jftcT^ ^grfl- %^ ^^S( qw^^ II OS II ^JTiTTf^j ^^g" ^ ^^TrrTf^"5 ^5^ ^f^ U"^ " ^^%^ cTSIT qit rM ^eTT^S^^^ =^ li*3^ii I 12* ^^ 11 ^^im 11 n^- ^f\rft^ ■W't: ettwtt w ^^ ^: "(s^ii y^^T^' imfl- jfl^T^ tm qiftJifrr: i sTums;^ "Rfl^Rn" fTft"jr?tr?T5rErT% ^ iio^ii ^tit eilT^ er^^ws^^Ji: ^srnr-ii^oii crHTT% ft^ freiMHiy^ 5T^ ^tj 11^? il cr^'cnrn^ ^riHl ^stt^t^ jtB" ^ ^^ ^^^ "^^» ^iHy*^d=fiNi^ra^trrr: e^r^r: nm: n^^u Sf^T^:=T^^?ft: CT^T^# Xfq^ crt"^ ll^Sil ^ H^^ cTsrr f^ c?T^^^ vJcfXTf tPt I 4lc|cf,|it| ^T^f XT W%^ J"q-e\ OrrT( ll^H" qrTJT^^ ^■R'WT^ f^qTcTT: % J"fq ^tfcffTr: I q1^: ^m\ i^^3f% ^^^^^ mm'> \ nrc^TTtH gf.: Tt^ f ^crwT%c!^?fl": ii^oii ^^ ^xET^ %cfi- f^TTf f^^^ q-cT ll^^ll d4> P Tf^cTgrrj^ ^f^??TTc^^"Frf!-:ii^|ii gcTTTT^ ^ ^ ^ ^mct ^tCHRT^ 11 ^S II f^ tTTf^^t ^fft" ^ ^Ti^ u-^^rr^ ii^Hii BKnff jtYgt* 5Tt=^^^ FT ^JTTc.^FnTmrf^'3 1 tiTcErnt^ ^ ^ Ht 'ft ^ ^ ^5?^- 11^(311 f^^cTT^ orifr^TqTp- ^s?Tfr 3^fi- mi I ¥«fr i[frr cTsrr jtY^ =nTrp-«jMiiMii^^ ii^on y(rr^^: Ffcft %f^ q-^T^f^Tf^ ll?o?il NOTES. NOTES. B K I. Verse 9. ^^W A. ^tcT??T CD. — 13. ?rf^^ R. 41 \^4wrt c. ?nf%f v?TT D. — 14. °Er^ct^: a. ''^^^ c. "ETfcf^D. "EJ^f^R — 25.1^: A.— 26. ^g^^A.— 28. mfr ^ ei^cTiA. ^f|-=5r ^sT'ra'fr: r. — 30. cto : a.— 32. °^^ A. — 33. ^^° A. gq^° CD. — 34. °^qi!rg^?T^ A. °^Iir ^TStT^ CDE. — 36. "f^r^(Y AR. - 39. °"f^GlI«T R. °EfT%° CD. — 40. cTq: ^qcf R. — 43. ^j| |H^(: CD. ift^fwl' A. — 44. ifecTcr: A. ^^ cd.— 46. "ynP^: a. —48. ^^: A. —49. wm^\ R. — 51. "ipTirsfl" a. ^-rar- f^nnTJR. «^MmNiipt d. — 69. ^m ACDR. ^ftlT" F. ^TT^T^: A. ^^T^l R. — 70. From ^l^T^T^ to ^Tcfr is omitted in CD.— 71. ^iT A. i^JWl FR. f^ri^ A. — 72. ^^>T ACDF. ^1^ R. — 73. °3TT?j^° CD. - 74. °tfT^l^ EF^- ^^TcT^^T^nEfPl" R. ??n^jf^ CD. ■qr^i: ER. — 75. MW' CDR. dH^l^i: D. cTReTT^: C— 78. sje??T5r: d. — 79. g^RHT cd. jfY^" abdefr. ifl%^ c. — 80. ^lij^: CD. ^Tt^: E. — 83. f^ i'^'=h(wy i a. — 84. ^TTsT^fTSTr EFR. — 85. q^dwhlJ According to Raya- mukuta this term signifies 'egg' as a compound, or it may be separated into ^m and ^5T: — 90. From WT^° to ai^° is omittedin CD. — 91. q^f^° ACD. lft^rfcfT° ER. Puru- shottama gives another term very similar in sound, H Isi lcft"?Ft lntR.t^^ A. t^I^T^CDF. ^^t CDE. — 167. q^ instead of fipt FR. — 168. From ^rro^ in the preceding stanza to ^TRT^ is wanting inCD.3Io^"" giar^t AFR. sEPTgi^TTT E. — 169. qTifuTct AR. qnrarct CDE. — 172. °^|Hc^t|ir CDE.— 173. "c^CftfcT: CD. °q^ FR. — 174 ^1^ ACDFR. Crf^^cTT ABEFR. crf^^T CD. ^T ABFR. ^31 CD. — 175. ^^f ACDFR. ^ \^^^J AR. Crf^^^r E. cn^sj^° CD. — 182. °q^I^° A. °qq^^R.— 185. qrC^^J ACDF. qpfrf)" E.— 187. ^m€' A. ^q^! CDR. ^q^lF. Omitted inE. which has ■sh^lV.Pl' ^ 3^?T^. ^^crTE.— 14 106 NOTES. 188. 3grnf: crf^?^: cde.— isa 3Tsfto'^° cd. ^(^i^^ur f. The whole stanza is omitted in ER. — 190. ^fcjUl^ AEFR. qf^qr^ A. i^m: AR f^Rsr: cd. — 193. ■^^r^: aef. — 194. ^t^T?rf^^: A. ^?rf=T^: cde. ^iftiri^: f. ^3Tf?Fra;R.SeeP.V,2,76. <+,l4|X=h^ CDE.— 196. f^l^lCD. ^\^' E. ^fNf^: E. and A. pr. m. iftl^^: A. s. m. q^Ts^f^: DFR. q^fcFr: c. — 197. ^^^: cdf. — 198. Cft^ for ^^ CD. ^f^^.* AEFR. ^^x^', E. CrRTcT: R- — 201. q^Ttfl''' A. Hl^lr^-Mt F. — 202. ^l^mm" AR. ^t^° AEFR. — 203. mj^ A. STf^TFpl" CD. sf^nfT E. sriiira: ACDEF. cn^fw^ cdfr. gj^grnr^ e. — 204. ^ETSR: D. — 205. ff^-R A. ^^T^PT E. ^ CD. ^JT~ fvRT«Wl" C. ^>Tl%cTCHTcTtD.— 207. ■^^^iov ^5^ CDE. — 208. grW^ E. — 209. f^cer ^ ^TSI^T?TT c. j^^mj ^ ^T^HT^TT D. f^TC^ eTT^Tm E. f^C^ ^Tf^Tm F. !tt%ct: ER. — 211. mmm a. ^htfjt: cd. iTTnn^nitr: e. tfl'TnT^^: F. ITTTirT?:^ R. See P. Ill, 1, 128. — 214. "f^cFTr- -^cT: E. "f^cTTF^cT: AR. 'f^cTH^T ^cTI E. ^^l R. ^; F. — 219. ^I^: ACDF. The whole stanza is wanting in E. — 220. Wt^J CD. — 223. °c^S^: ACF. =fj^: D. B K ir. 107 ^T^: E. Cr^tfl^^ AEF. ET^fr^E. CT^STS^ CD. - 225. ^nm ^?T^ CD. ^Trrar ^!?m e. ^tf^r ^m^ fr. — 226. gcR^-qt^TcFTl" E. — 227. qgrf^SR: CDE. — 228. fr^fg^ AER. R5^ A. f^lfcfl" E. PT.'^i^t F. ^T^^^^: i^i E. ^JTT^f^fJT^fpnT: r. ^m^^ ^^gafH^^sicr: c. ^tcT^ 3;^JT^f^cT: d. ^m^ S^TFSTfcTlE.— 232.eT^^ACD. IJTTfTjftE. f^qFTfJT.'A. — 233. ^ftl{ AE. _234.|JE?fN^5J° AE.— 239. ^HF AD. ^;q^° C. — 241. °T%t4 a. °fH5R" R. — 242. This and the preceding stanza are wanting in CD. — 244. ^TTfTt ^TTcHT A. ^245. ^v?T: a. iwm CD. ^\ R.— 246. "TirmfH- ^ A. — 247. ^%cT^ AR. — 248. JjftfcTq^ CD.— 250. m^Wt. Both Am. and HC. write ^qmj. ^FijZ^€t CD. ^IZ'W E. "ftjTR^: K- "ffjflTrq: cd. — 251. ^^^TFT^njf d. jjsjc^li q' C. 4l5|cya?Tq^ R. ^^Wf D. ^T^ AER. — 254. qift^^T^: CER. crf^^T^: d. — 255. ^^'l^° cd. t^V?T° R. — 256. ^^J A. ST^t E. — 260. crf^FfJfTT mss. — 261. ^T^TT CD. TT^f^T^^'S^ E. See the notes on HC. 3, 495. ^n^KTT AR. ^V^' E. —,264. f^T^T^^" T^" A. f^^ftTcTq" CD. f^mcFT" E. f^15T?T^' R. 14* 108 NOTES. f^^TCPlt AR. i^TTIT!t E. — 266. "qiHI^ ER. — 268. W instead of ^ CD. Cl^mrf ACD. — 270. ^^tft^: ADR. ^ft^: C. ^^ CD. ^f^ E. The comm. to HC. 3, 397 writes ^fT^ without giving a derivation. — 272. ^t^ | H Tf ^Tt AE. q^-R: E. gtTpr: smFr: Bn° r. — 274. ^mt e. %^\ cd. — 275. ^W^', CD. 33T«t cJTJPt mss. crr?rl' A. tPtsft^TT CD. — 277. %M4jH1" CE. ^M=hH D. %M%fl" R. pr. m. ^f^^ R. s. m. — 279. Ff^lwt" A. ^f^*=> CD. c?t^f^° E. — 280. ar^JT^AR. 55rft^CD. STT^^D. "Tftr^ftfo CD. °Q'^'=hm° E. — 281. cTMf AE. — 285. g:fK?ft E. HC. IV, 301. writes ^^. — 286. ^^^ CDR. if^T: T^T: R. pr. m. Icf^r: Wm* R. s. m. — 287. ^^T A. ^^t: r. cicf^ii^i'^q^^: Fjrrr: a. gFJj;[fS:rr: mn ^cTT CD. ^^f^qf^: FJcTT: E. ^crq-T^f^H^idT: ^cTt: r. — 290. ^^F^: a. I^f^^ jg^: e. ^;pt# sr^-cr: r. frn^T^^: cd. cnrf^iirf^: r. cpt^t cd. ^^4 E. — 291. ^q^TlT^: R. — 294. ^q e. ^7^ C. ^ D. — 295". q^TT^TT^TT^crn^^q^^T: C U ^ \ (^H ITrPTT^- fcrcTTf^q^cT??: d. q-^: qj^f^: qf^: q^Tf^: q^TcT^r: E. q^TtctJ etc. R. — 295". qr^: qt^^icl C. BOOK II. 109 crf^^tfcT R. - 296. %f??I^ CDER. — 298. efiTc^f^! A. ^FntcIEK E^^ft CD. Crf^^Tlt CD. -300. ^PTJTTfcT" CDR.— 303. ^ for r{ E.— 304. g^T^ E, —308. =^^Tf^^ CDE. — 309. RT^If A. — 310. °^^f^: A. i^CTT CD. °^f^J E. — 311. °^^TJ A. — 312. This stanza is want- ing in CD. — 319. ^J^]^^^\ AE. 1^511^ A. f^^Ttct CE. 1%- ^tfrf D. — 321. °qf^5T° mss. °gqfr° A. °^ljfi° CD. °^I3^° E. °TTia¥r° R- The comm. to HC. Ill, 451. writes gipt. pffiqTFlT' CD. fHfSTraT" E. f3Tl"qT^° R. Am. and HC. have T^f^crTFT. — 322. l^ie^Iir CD. f^^^Uf E. — 323. HC. ni, 34 reads qqm — 324. l^cT^mt A. — 328. Rayamuk. on Am. H, 6, 1, 17. reads ^^^.—332. ^TH^qicflT ACD. fT f^ECfK^fi" E. 5T^irrT AR. WWT CD. — 333. f^j: C. f^: D. f^?: E. THi: R. HC. reads 1%: — 334. qfr^T" T^TT AR. qiTJTTfHTr E. qrl^TT^TT CD. — 336. ^ for ^ CD. — 337. ^ \\'f\ CD. Am. andHC. write ^^^t.^F^'AR. ^fr CD. ^t1° a. ^f^° CD. — 338. ^ for ^ CDR. — 339. SJ^TTIT ADE. — 340. ^crT^Tf^T^ E. ^^tI^tI^^T CD. — 341. ^£T^T Am. and HC. mmj ER. iT^^TcTT CD. 110 NOTES. ^tMtht e. - 343. gqT F^rrr acd. w^j fttIt: e. — 345. qi#R;4 CD. ^f^f^ R. pr. m. — 348. f^?raT AER. i^fWm CD. ^T^° AE. — 350. %Wt =737 ^iT E. ift^^ CDR. — 351. STRTjT: FJcT: E. — 353. ^^: for WUl CDR. — 356. 3tflr: AD. wf^\ C. qiRlUUM" mss. — 357. Jrrfl^^ AE. — 358. ^ffi" mss. ^^ CD. *^^(| E. The whole verse is quoted jn the comm. on HC. HI, 272 and ascribed toBhaguri. — 360. T^fHt CD. °^° A. °KS° E. — 361. ^mwt^ ACD. mf\ K— 364. °jr6??T5nr^iH I Pi A. ncHT?rn%"flTTFrrf^ cd. ° ^cHiwiviniHif^ e. °smT- ^^Prrf=T R. — 365. errfT after °qtJT: ACDR. ^W^\ A. g-flR CD. ^^E. 5piT R. °^^ A. - 366. ^tf^^t CD. f^H-fi E.-368. gf^f^Tstrt R. gT%f^^?T^ CD. ^i^\ a. ^W^> R. — 370. °^q^ D. °^^ C. ^^TT A.— 371.°Tr" tTPT: CDR. 3T^1rr instead of f^TsTT '^T CD. — 372. W^~ f^^A.— 378. cRqiw: A. %ftrr: c. wf%: d. st^t^: Am. and HC. have Crxf:^:. — 380. ^tT^fTrsft'^CDR. WtWt AR. — 381. y*p4S^; R. Perhaps we ought to read "^I'^^^f^" •f^^!. — 385. ^Trrc?lH° CDR. "f^^^T^mss.— 387.q^^^T g CD.— 388. ?rtlTt A. iTTJJltC. JTTrjff D.-391. ° mfvi R.— B K II. Ill 393. qrcpfc: R. HC. Ill, 331. writes jftfT:. — 394. qfftlffAR. ^€g. ^m D. — 395. qCW^I AR.— 396. ^m AD.*^ C. 5rrf^^° mss. — 398. 5^"Rd° CD. — 399. STTqT^^" AR. — 401. cfT^ rlT° R. - 405. ^WT A. ^^RT 0. ^^T D. — 406. f^rf^RT A. —407. w^ mm^' c. mf ^thi^jd. ^J^ R. - 408. °m^J ^ A. °q^-f^: C. °3fl~f^ D. — 411^ This verse is wanting in CD. — 414. ^fai^^ff CDR. — 415. sfi^oEfW A. 3^G?TTir C. 5STr¥ D. ^^TRT R. — 416. ^^dtl\^: AR. |J^T^5R: C.^I-^: D. — 418. ^^ CDR. ^^ET^srr CD. — 419. ^m', a. ^twf r. tf?t cr. t^ D. — 420. Wtl CD. Wtl R. °^lTc?raT CD. ^TT^ R. — 421. ^CTX A. ^rft^ D. ^TCY^ C. — 422. ^ ^T^° A. c5^ ^^° CD. — 423. ^^f^\ AR. q1t"t D. HC. has ^1% and q-flT._424.lt^ AR. ^^ C. jvit D.— 426. qtlToWtA. — 428. °^I!?T5W^° A. T%cFrfc[rT° A. — 430. ^ and after- wards mi mss.— 432. ^T^^g A. 434. "WSTcFTT A. irf" fs^ CD. !TTci^Tf;[^: A. qtci^f^: D.-435. #^t^^* JPT^ C. ^^T^^f JT^: D. - 436. i^r^^lITf^ CD. — 438. ^-fl^lA. -439. qc^ST^t^TI" ACR. — 440. ^^H^\ mss. ^T AR. — 442. ^J^^rT^ A. ^rsjcf ^ I ^CiT CD. 112 NOTES. j/lJIHTftTSTT R. — 443. ^rrSTcfTt' A. (TgfJ^J mss. This word is written Cfc^^tl ^T^RJ^ H=r=h!tl ^=^=hy, but the first seems to be the oldest and most correct form. ^^TTJ CDR. — 444. "ftf" ■f^^ A.— 447. I35T: CDR.— 448. I^: mss.— 449. jfe: AD. —450. q^cWnm AE.gfrr5?TTg^ CD.— 452. \mt ^"A. ^^ ^° CD. - 453. fqRficHl A. 1^fWt1% C. 1^«n%c^ — ——I. It occurs again in IV, 1. and is used in the QiQup^lavadha III, 82. Without considerable alterations, it would have been impossible to restore the necessary order in the first verse. — 19. ii\\\\ M^t A. — 20. 5riSl.l1'((^T R- srrar ^ cd. Mdi {h^wt a. i\dif^ I'^'ift cd. >itfcT- cRTftR. U^> instead of ^\ A. — 21. |PT: AR. tlfjTtCD. 4l^(|lfi" C. ?r^Tx^ ^- ^"f^* f?Tm instead of ^Tc][ r^^ii] CD. — 22. fsTc^ml" CD. f^c^tinl R. ^^J^t A. ^FlTT^STC. ^^T^JTD.— 23. gq-t A.— 24. ^#^5^5? : DR. - 25. stf^^T CD. Mt^i iTriH : f^TTfT" A. rll^ ^cq^^m" 15 114 NOTES. CD. — 26. ^^RToT^^" mss. — 27. "T^cfflt CD. — 29. 5"ftf)Hf^*l{lD.-32. ^cH^QWA. ^??I^¥mC.|^- S3T¥D.-33.Eft^:A.OmittedinCD.— Ssicjy | ^lirtA.^y I (uIVe. — 36. E^t AE. — 37. E^D f^d^ A. qgrte: CD. °g|^° ACD.— From Ht^Hf^^TJ to TT^T'TcRT: is omitted in E. — 38. ixrf^1cr°CD. A long syllable is wanting.— 38. tfldli^lHA. ^i^^H^l- AR. 1^RjI^^ CD. sTF^^m 51^'^'^f^: CD. 5T??f|-^T: ^g° A. — 41. ^ f^trr: a. — u. ^wt a. 3tfl" C. 3?lft D. 3?ft E. — 45. 5raT¥|5r?T° CD. — WT~ p\^ D- itfZ^ CD. — 47. ^Wt 5 CD. y^^Hi D. ^- T^ f^° C. - 49. yH<4l^m^'tld CD. cT^ ^TI^ CD. — 53. fTcr^TH A. *( lUl IcTl seems to be a wrong reading instead of ^nrot. — 55. 3r^: ycic^ui r. _ 56. ^n^srawt cd. '^f^1%^° A. — 57. ■f^iqgrf A. Ny«^ E. — 60. sTTWl"^ CD. t^sTcf^: D. i%jr: c. ^mfliH^jft" cd. — 6t. tt^Tc^ CDE. — 62. ^t[ A. tit CDR. — 63. S^TC^" E. eT^t: A. rr^ CD. BOOK IV. 115 BOOK lY. 1. °fT^^° AR. ^[ \l^ I ^(fcT f^i^ ^WT^ I 1^^^ I Rayamuk. on Am. II, 5, 40. — 2. ^C^ ACD. qufcT qu: I f^^rf^^T^^i fTcr: ?Tr^"%q?:^ i f^fc?fir: i comm. on HC. VI, 47. ^ ^>TT: CD.— 4. !TW AR.— 5. MHHjfnTA. ^cTTTgcT^ c. HTrgfFt d. — e. °t^[nTt%^° c. °^w«tt" ^'^'^ D. ^?r?ftt^° R- — 7. °m-mm'' ar. — u. ^ a. ^^;CD. ^t R. The true reading is, perhaps, ^j. — 15. ^^~ ^5f)"W A. — 16. q"T Comm. on HC. Ill, 42. °f^E^° A. -R-l^ffT" R. fTfqRTc?CFfr CD. — 56. f^" ^=h*i \T° mss. — 61". This and the next verse are wanting in CD. — 63. 5FnT?f ^ D. ^t^ C. — 66. rTit 3fct CD. — 67. ^ c. ^ D. — 68. T^[mit CD. ^jt A. ^^t CD. — 69. ^-qTIT^ CD. ??TT^f?TT^T^° A. ^trT^m^FT" CDR. — 70. g^^° CD. ^^i^° R. — 71. u i^^H)^*5Frr«i¥ ?rq^{^q'^ ^ c. crfrT^Tg^iif srcre^^Tci^ ^ :d. — 72. q^-RT=TqTTFr A. q^RT^ ^J^^ CD. ^^tlfTfcT mss. - 74. q^3T 3^tr^ A. qnnwr AR. m^%^ C. qiiq7%q D. — O \J V5 76. qg?^ A. ff^-q CD. — 77. .:^gT"Rf^5Er^ CD. — 79. ^tr^JT^: A. — 82. ^^ Wg ^ A. ^ W^ A. — 83. Jjf^c^* AR. TVft^ CD. — 86. WJJH mss. — 88. This stanza is wanting in CD. — 91. "t^TfJ 1^1^' A. I^IrM l«k| I. AR. lfl"rErr?ElT CD. — 92. o^'^qKFf A. 5;jT%W CD. oij«q,H R. - 94. ^f^Hfit° D. 3rHT^ ^fjft" C. ^fft35fft° R. - 96. CTTTI^ g q^T^ C. qlM ^ q^T^D. qfflt miT B K V. 117 ^ R. — 97. ^qT^fTTqY AE. ^TT^^qTTt" C.^TT^^?:: ^^cT: D. ^qT^q^TT AR. ^?TT^%rT D. — 98^ I leave this passage as given in R. "^T^jftfcIWi^: A. "HT^T^jfcT: ^^tT^TT CD. — 98". mW{J mss. — 99. ?q^T f^f^fT A. FT^f^t^ "l^f^fT CD. — 100. qJTTgrft mss. BOOK y. 1. ^^gff CD. - 2. gcTT^T^: mss. CTT^T^W fcf €t" frfrt CD.— 3. 1^q from R. — 8. ^"q^T^ C. ^CT^T^ D. — 12. cTT^T CD. ETTcTTfl" A. — 13. tf^T rif^T CD. — 15. q^Sr CD. — 17. q^Tf?2|'?Tf^ ACD. — 20. ^3T A. — 22. ^^ f CPT CD. — 23. ^^: ^"n% A. ^f^l ^T% C. ^- f^TE^D.— 25. m^ ciT^qT^t AR. lii qr^Rt cd. — 26. w^' m^> ^mtw^j^^f^T^^^* c. ^(^: ^-nft- sjm:^^f^Ti^ : D. ^^ : 5[rTc?T : ^T^ m\ J'sT^flriH^ : R. q?T may be meant for q?TT. ^^Tif fcT instead of jf^ ^^Ttfff CD. — 29. ^rTT^fcT mss. — 32. f^t^W: for qjf-^TI R. — 33."^ for q-^^T CD. — 34. ^^ A. — 35. f^: CPTT% f^ CD. — 38. c^ A. gei: CD, — 40. t%#snTT^'^: A. fl8 NOTES. f^T%^Ta^ : c. -f^f^f^^KT^ ID. -f^llm^T: u. ^r^q-q " CDR. — 44. This stanza is omitted in R. — 45». ^sU<=h. this reading is by no means satisfactory. ^^T^ A. ^^" S^ CD. ^ETTS^. E. Two mss. of Ajaya explain =^?T thus: ^r e. — 62. ^^^\ A. — 64. "^FT'T^TPT" c. ° jr^^mT>° d. — 65, ^S?T^ f fcTPTt E. — 66. ^^^^ CDE. — 67. ^ C. ^^ D. — 69". iT by conjecture. ^EHPT CD. — 70. "eTcTT^r" ^S^T ^(Wt C. °^tcTt5T?tTr ^^ D. — 74". qW CD. CTJjT^' R. — 75\ FI^TirTf^ qiX^ A. ^qTrTTt^^JST^ mj^ E. Ff^TiTTf^ ^g (=mHD.) Fi^wrf^^ ^m thJ^ cd. ^ by conjecture. —75". f^wm m\^i^ (^^ml^ c.) ^^- ^1 sfte^iA. f^^mgnr?TJnRTgf^'Picrrcfl- ^^: ^tm'-R. B K V. 119 — 76. l^TW" A. — 77. I^^Tft^ A. — 79. cf^ ^ CD. — 81. °tTsf)"JI?:3?T° A. °JT?fl"slH=h'l^^=h¥Tgf: C °Cf?f|lR^- ^Tsf: D. — 82. ^srrfw ae. — 83. °=5ri^ a. '-teiWrTr: CDR. FJcITI instead of W^> K — 84. cf^ AR. Omitted [in CD.— 87. t%^n^nr ar. =5r f^'^fftqm^jf)-: c. ^ f^- Eftf|TTErR?ft-: D. — 88. ^*jf!"a?T^ 1%??? CD. — 89. ^FTOS^ ST^raH CD. — 90. q^J AR. ^1 CD. — 93. cr^f5Tircnft° A. cr^"Rir?T?fl"° CD. °^FEr?fl": a. - 94 gwccr" ar. - 96. ^T^^ A. — 101. f^cEnW A. GLOSSARY. 16 GLOSSARY. sr Sr^m. l)a ray oflight 1,39.-2) the sun. 1, 36. ^S[WR n. cloth, dress. 2, 393. ^iTcT m. the sun. 1, 36. 57TlTr#T^ m. the sun. 1, 35. ^^ n. the shoulder. 2, 370. ^qRC" m. a bull's hump. 2, 111. il^H adj. strong. 2, 226. 5"^JcT f. a gift, a donation.2,264. ^^^ n. sin. 3, 5. *< 1^ m. a foot. 2, 356. Wf^ m. a tree. 2, 22. ^^Ef n. an improper act. 5, 44. ili^^H adj. poor. 2, 193. JT^Cq" n. gold or silver. 1, 81. ^?)CfT7 m. the ocean. 3, 30. *(Vl m. 1) TerminaUa Belerica. 2, 463. 5, 66. 2) a die for play- ing with. 5, 59. 3) playing with dice, gambling. 2, 233. 5, 66. ^^ m. 1) justice, equity. 2, 274. 2) custom, practice (? acara). 5, 66. 41 VI n. 1) the axle of a wheel. 5, 66. 2, 293. 2) an organ of sense. '2, 380. 5, 66. 16* 124 GLOSSARY. STtRIW m. a judge. 2, 274. ^ST^TT n. 1) eternal beatitude. 1, 124. 2) a letter of the al- phabet. 5, 74. 4, 43. *l^id|c|'=h m. a scribe. 2,431. *l^<^(lT f. playing with dice. 2, 233. ?r1% n. the eye. 2, 364. JTmlTfr adj.hatefuljdetestable. 2, 211. STTtfTcrT adj. all, whole, entire. . 4, 28. s. I^nfe^. ^JJ m. a tree. 2, 22. ^JTT m. a drug, a medicine. 2, 458. 5, 72. Wl^ m. Aloeswood. 2, 390. *l I Ircl I iTQ.thenameofaRishi. 57T^?t( 2, 258. STTT^.adj. 1) deep. 3, 27. 2) m. a hole, a chasm. 3, 2. STJTTT n. a house. 2, 137. See JTHTsfr f . the wife of Agni. 1 , 66. Srfrr m. fire, both as a god and an element. 1,62.5,54.64. Agni is the regent of the south- east quarter. 1, 100. i|filJ4 m. Skanda, the god of war. 1, 19. ^^ adj. first. 4, 22. WJs{ m. the firstborn son, an elder brother. 2, 351. ilild-T^lm. a Brahman. 2, 236. ililllH adj. best, excellent. 4, 5. See mmi). iJlUH\k\ n. the heart. 3, 14. 5'"RlH adj. prior, foremost. 4,90. ^?IHT adj. best, excellent. 4, 5. ^CtT adj. 1) prior, foremost. 4, 90. 2) best, excellent. 4. 5. 4m n. a sin, a crime. 3, 5. ^WT adj. liquid. 2, 120. 3Ersq'T f. a cow. 2, 113. 5, 48. 5^ m. 1) a mark, a sign. 1, 45. 2) the lap. 2, 373. ^^JTTcfft f. embracing. 2, 413. 51^37 m. a sprout, a shoot. 2,30. See ^pj^: GLOSSARY. 125 y^5T m. the hook used to drive an elephant. 2, 69. *I^V.|cj lilJI' n. driving the ele- phant ^yith a hook.. 2, 67. ^^7m. a sprout, a shoot. 2, 30. See 3"^. ^TTn. 1) a limb, a member. 4, 59. 2) the body. 2, 355. ^3T a vocative particle. 5, 97. SPTsT m. Kama, love. 1, 32. STTT n. a bracelet worn upon the upper arm. 2, 402. ^IpTT f. a woman. 2, 326. ^JPTITH^ n. the menstrual flux. 5, 8. STT^fi »? m. a man who makes it his employment to rub or knead the body of bathers. 2, 435. V. r. m\^\. J§[J\T\Jl m. different unguents used for perfuming the body. 2, 390. ^^^ m. gesticulation. ^JTTr mn. charcoal. 2, 168. 5r3TT^m.theplanetMars.l,46. STTT^^^l" f. a portable fire- stove. 2, 159. ^yf^^rfrT f. assent. 5, 99. ^TITTST f- the tip of an elephant's trunk. 2, 64. 5ryTTc?T'H"?rr f. a slgnet-nng. 2, 404. 5, 37. ^IJ?HT f. a finger. 2, 361. 404. 59'JTr> l cH'=h i '^^ ^ house 2, 139. SIWT f- roaming or wandering about. 4, 91. SniT^ adj. vile, inferior. 2, 182. ^■ftr m. f. 1) the pin of an axle. 2, 293. 2) a corner. 4, 42. ^ 1) adj. (f. ^TUTI'), small. 4, 3. 2) m. a kind of grain (panicum miliaceum). 5, 28. ^Z 1) m. an egg. 2, 85. 2) n. a testicle. 2, 368. ^SjT m. a bird. 2, 83. ^cTcrlTTO" adj. deep, fathom- less. 3, 27. a'fW adv. therefore. 5, 92. JTrWr f. flax (linum usitatissi- mum). 2, 427. ijfcishH m. 1) = STrfrnrR 4, 69. 2) transgression. 5, 40. GLOSSARY. 127 SrfcirTl'cid adj. conceited, arrogant. (2. 228.) SrfclfST ni. a guest. 2, 203. SrfrnTT m. the flash accom- panying thunder. 1, 57. il idH^tl^ adj. excessive. 4, 34. SrfcIHT^ adj. excessive. (5,17.) 41 1'dHch^h ,m. the name of a plant (Gaertnera racemosa). 2, 53. H frlichl f. one of the seven tongues of Agni. 1, 68. Srfrfci I |«c!'* ^- ^ spirit abiding in hell. 3, 3. ;gtrr%crT adj. excessive. 4, 34. 5, 17. Sirf^nTFT n- cheating, deceiv- ing. 4, 63. 41 friy 1^' m. diarrhoea. See 5"fcrHT7i%F[adj.afflictedwith diarrhoea. 2, 451. ^cftcl adj. passed. (5, 73.) ^R^^ m. 1) a transgression. 5, 40. 2) distress, danger. 5,40. 3) death. 3, 6. STf^T^ adj. exceeding, exces- sive. 4, 34. *T^ m. 1) disregard, dis- respect. 4, 19. 2) defeat. 5, 59. Srin^lH' n. calling,r.iuviting. 1, 154. Srf^RT'T m. pride, haughti- ness. 5, 35. ^f^tTTTcf m. an enemy. 2, 300. 5rf5^?f)"JT m. an 'attack. 5, 57. Srtecf adj. learned. 2, 177. ^"PTcflT? m. greedy desire af- ter, covetousness. 2, 209. ?rTHw7W^ adj. craving, desir- ing, covetous. 2, 208. Srf^ci li'i n. salutation, obei- sance. 2, 243. ^i^mWl adj. to be saluted. 2, 243. ?rf>T!SiJT m. 1) connexion. 2) defeat. 3) imprecation. 5, 59. Srf^TT^ m. sour gruel. 2, 163. SfT^Ti^npT n. march to attack an enemy. 2, 306. ^rfH^TTcT m. war, battle. 2, 299. wf^ET{ s. e#T#m"{- ^T^T^TIT^T f. a woman who makes an assignation. 2, 341. Stf^^lJ m. 1) robbing. 2) at- tack. 3) arming, taking up arms. 5, 57. ?r^^ m. a lover, a husband. 2,342. SeeSfpT^. ^*ft?l!t adv. repeatedly. 4, 39. JT^fm f- asparagus racemosus. 2, 464. 3g"jftsj m. a ray of light. 1, 38. ^^^ adj. near. 4, 7. GLOSSARY. 137 sgifTUf adj. near. 4, 7. 5n-?I^^T^ m- eating. 2, 170. W^^^^ra. war, battle. 2,298. ^?TTJTTf\=h, adj. diligent in supporting one's family.2,202. ^M \\\ m. vicinity, neighbour^ hood. 4, 7. V. r. W^W- 53^^T^ m. military practice. 2, 315. ?PMr«< M n. dignity, respect- ability. 4, 93. j^S-CTCfJTTf m. granting, allowing. 5, 100. ^'^^^m. slightly parched grain. 2,'^0. JRir n. a cloud. 1, 58. ^^H lrli| m. Airavata, Indra's elephant. 1, 61. ^^^ n. a vessel. 2, 172. 4IH7" m. an immortal, a god. 1,4. ^^rT^rrr f. the city of Indra. 1, 55. ^rff^f^W^ n. heaven. 1, 3. ^^Gf m. anger, passion. 2, 207. SFTEfirr adj. angry, passionate. 2, 206. ^^ctTT'T^ n. the blossom of globe amaranth (gomphraena, globosa). 2, 52. vr. SRSTTcT^. *IH I adv. 1) together. 2) near. 5, 99. ^RTr^' m. a minister, a sena- tor. 2, 271. ?nTT^^»t1 n. a wound. 3, 8. l^ m. the sun. 1, 36. 120. 5, 70. 4l=hl^HH^ m> crystal 2, 21. See g;^^tfT. ^gTTcrTT f. aboltto fasten a door. 2, 145, ?R m. 1) price. 2) an oblation given to a venerable person. 5,49. 5r=RT f. worship, homage. 5, 49. ^Srm f. 1) worship, homage. 1, 128. 2) an image. 1, 131. Sri^EITcT^m. fire. 1, 62. il fx[^n. flame. 1, 65. 67. ^^ 1) adj. (f. ^.) white. 4,47. 2) m. a tree (pentaptera ar- juna). 2, 40. 3) v. r. instead of ^^isF{~ 5, 26. 4) n. grass. 2, 35. 5) f. a cow, 2, 113, Snif^ m. the ocean. 3, 30. gTlfiEJ^n. water 3, 26. STTrf f. pain. 3, 4. ^ 1) cause, motive. 5,- 81. 2) intention, purpose. 3) mean- ing, signification. 4) wealth. 1, 80. 5, 81. Comp. ^^cTTSf, ^Sf 2, 291. *(!![g(|^ m. praise. 1, 145. SrsfaETETH^ adj, prodigal. 5, 46. JTsfrinT m. income. 2, 278. 41 fSfn^m. a beggar. 2, 204. JT^l) adj. half. 2, 407. 2) m. a part. 4, 28. WJ^l^ m. a necklace consist- ing according to HC. and Ra- yam. (ITf B"!^) of 24 strings. 2, 407."^ Snj^ m. an arrow with ahead like a crescent. 2, 314. 140 GLOSSAHY. spff^^ adj. reaching to the middle of the thigh, e. g. a pptticoat. 2, 392. 5h^ m. a child, the young of any animal. 2, 347. 5"?f'7=T^m. the sun. 1, 35. ^m m. a master. 2, 188. Sr^l) m. a horse. 2, 281. 2) f. *lcJcl1 a mare. 2, 285. «IT5T m. the part below. 2,26. ?raT^ 1) n. of ^^j^, down, below, downwards. 1, 102. 2) f. STcl |41 the south. 1, 101. Wf^ m. a sheep. 2, 124. ilfclgi^y n. ewe's milk. 2, 124. =5'|cj'1 Iri I f. an immodest wo- man. 2, 341. il|c|H(li^ n. ewe's milk. 2, • 124. *t|ciict adj. unceasing, conti- nual. 4, 13. 144 GLOSSARY. ?ri%^ft^ n. ewe's milk. 2,124. *l Rlt^S adj. unclear, indis- tinct .1, 141. 5WT f. (nom. 1"0, a woman in her courses. ^2j 333. STcTtTT f- attention, watchful- ness. 4, 97. ^clf^ 1) adj. indistinct, un- clear. 5, 56. 2) inarticulate. 1, 140. 3) m. the supreme spirit. 5, 56.* 4) a fool. 5,56. ^5qc^c| |-o|^ adj. speaking in- distinctly? 2, 232. ^SffjR' adj. beardless. 2, 123. ^Gtimu m. vacation from work, state of being unem- ployed. 5, 65. ^W{ n. 1) eating. 2, 170. 2) food. 2, 164. 5, 83. a'^prm'T f. hunger. 2, 206. ?rsrf^ m.f. Indra's thunderbolt. 1, 56. 1* In this sense it appears generaUy as a neuter. ?r^ n. 1) sin. 3, 5. 2) mis- fortune. 5, 18. 5'5rNi m. a tree (jonesia asoka). 2, 37. JFq'jpf n. an emerald. 2, 20. yi^M-Tm. a stone. 2, 13. 5F^rl'=h n. an oven or stove, 2, 158. JFtRTT^ n. iron. 2, 16. SF^T" HMIMI ^T^TR-RAyam. ?r?r 1) m. a corner. 4, 42. See ?rf^. 2) a tear. 2, 364. See ?r5r. SrsrfcT adj. continual. 4, 13. Wf^ f. a corner. 4, 42. Sr^ n. a tear. 2, 364. 5"^TcrdH n. a disease producing baldness. 2, 450. Comp. ^" ^7ET^. ^^rmri f. the wife of Indra. " 1, 55. r^T^ m, a horse marked with black about the eyes. 2, 283. Comp. HC. on IV, 309: IT' ■te?T^ : 7?iW=Tl:?Tr^T" r^rr^TsTm. Vishnu or Krishna. 1,23. rT5i^ n. 1) an organ of sense. 2, 380. 2) semen virile. 3, 16. ^I^MM H m. the senses col- lectively. 5, 25. pPT n. fuel. 1, 69. TT m. an elephant. 2, 59. rf^^m.aflash of lightning.1,70. r^r f. 1) the earth. 2) water. 3) speech. 4) food. 5, 83. GLOSSARY. 157 XTT'IIT n. a spot with saline soil. 2, 3. rFTT f. 1) a cow. 5, 48. 2) the earth. 2, 1. 3) speech. 5, 48. Comp. JZT, Jt{J. rGT m. the month Agvina (Sep- tember-October). 1, 114. 'T^lt^T f- a kind of reed (sac- charum spontaneum). 2, 36. T^ m. f. an arrow. 2, 311. ^^i^ m. f. a quiver. 2, 310. ^^ I a brick. 2, 138. ^G^r^ n. a bow. 2, 309. ^- i" A part, expressive of 1) grief, 2) anger, 3) possibility, 4) proximity. 5, 89. ^^rlUI n. 1) sight, seeing. 2, 411. 2) the eye. 2, 364. rST f- praise. 1, 145. TTrf f. calamity, arising from excessive rain or drought, foreign invasion,or birds,rats, locusts, which destroy the crops. I, 127. ^C^T f. wish, desire. 4, 25. JTT n. a wound. 3, 8. t^T^ v, r. for ^Wl^- 2, 54. rsif 7 f. envy. 4, 55. fWT^ adj. envious. 2, 229. fwt f. According to Kshira- svamin,a single-edged sword, used as a weapon by the Tu- rushkas. 2, 440. ■5^ m. a lord, a mighty man. ' 2, 201. r^pr m. Qiva. 1, 11. ■ fwr m. a lord, a powerful man. 2, 201. ^qc^adv. a little. 5, 96. 2, 412. ^^f JT m. a wolf. 2, 73. 158 GLOSSARY. S^TcTT" m- a large bull. 2, 110. H. C. ouIV, 324 explains the word by hrasita ukshd. 3^pT m. an ox or bull. 2, 108. 3131 f. a pot. 2, 159. 168. cilcM adj. boiled in a pot, as e. g. meat. 2, 168. 3?T m. giva. 1, 11. S^q^q^m. Indra. 1, 54, -ipoirt adj. right, proper. 4, 61. 3W adj. high. 4, 66. ;^3 adj. quick, fast. 4, 98. 3^?T m. the knot which fastens the lower garments round the loins. 2, 392. 3^T7 m. faeces, excrements. 3, 15. ^WT^'T adj. various, uncon- nected, digressive. 1, 139. 3^|c(T m. an ornament tied up- wards on the top of a banner. 2, 303. Comp. ?r^^. 3%l5T^Tr m. the horse of In- dra. 1, 61. 5g^rl7 adj. higher, louder, very high. 1, 140. 3f^^^ 1) adj. left, rejected. 2) n. remainder. Comp. JT'T" iT^ltfch n. a pillow. 2, 154. 3^[p^ adj. unshackled, un- restrained, free. 4, 66. 3rsrf?lFrT f. n. pr. of a city the modern Oujein. 2, 132. 3IJ^cilcHsIcrr adj. confounded, con- fused. 4, 46. ^cM Itim. excess {ddhikyaBM.) Comp. e^'m". 3c^ m. a spring, a fountain. 3. 55. 160 GLOSSARY. StHJT m. the lap. 2, 373. 3c^nT m. gift, donation. 2, 264. 3cH^ m. a festival. 4, 78. 5, 65. \ict1 1 i'i n. rubbing and clean- ing the body with fragrant unguents. 4, 46. ^ctl 1 1 =h m. a doorkeeper, a porter, 2, 269. \Act1 l«o. ™- effort, exertion, energy, magnanimity. 1, 91. 4, 94. Comp. H^dHT^. H \^ m. a snare, a trap. 4, 97. -aPh^T adj. variegated. 4, 56. 3p^TlNcT )adj. budded, blown. >A'>HI Mrl) 2, 32. 3^13' adj. (f. r), looking up- wards. 2, 230. 3"Rfc<1r1 adj. eradicated. 4, 27. 3M"=h6 1) adj. near, neighbour- ing. 4, 7. 2) n. neighbour- hood, vicinity. 2, 56. 58. 3, 32. 3c(=hJ m n. 1) an unplement, in- strument, tool. 5, 35. 80. 2) retinue. 2, 151. ^ \ f. a royal tent Sq^T^TT I 2,135. 3q<:hrrM I f. long pepper. 2, 459. 3MshH in- beginning. 4, 22. 3CIsh|SI m. censure, reproach. 1, 148. 34*l5c,'i n. embracing, an em- brace. 2, 413. Uj. p. 150. 3q'g^|jrn. the taking prisoner. 5,57. 3CpnW n. a present. 2, 279. 3CIW m. a contiguous resting place, or shelter (Comp. Bhk. fMyNll'^i]«^Myi-c|l" ^7T^, she fed the monkies who had taken shelter in the cave). 2, 143. r 3CIinTT f- the practice of me- dicine. .2, 457. 3Cf^nT m. 1) attention, cour- tesy. 1, 129. 2) a present, an offering. 2, 279. SCfiTTfT ui. the stirring up dis- sension or disunion. 4 95. giSup. 2, 99. 3CrfjF^ f. a sort of ant. 3. 23. GLOSSARY. 163 >iM^ I f. the commencement of athing not previously done. 4, 22. ^^ %5PCTq^ Bhk. 3, 31. SCTcTTCT m. disease. 2, 445. c| m. a disaster, a cala- mity. 1, 127. Sqm f. trial of honesty. 4, 72. Bhk. 7, 72. ^CITPT n. a pillow. 2, 154. 3C|7^m. imposition, deception. 4,24. 3CJ^{frr f. a ray of light. 1, 39. SCr^TJlX n. a suburb. 2, 131. ^CRcT adj. approached, near. 4, 65. 3Prfn"ra" m. a deposit, a trust, especially if the goods are not shown to the trustee. 1, 82. 3qr1%r^ £ the knowledge of Brahman as the only existent, and the sections of the Veda which treat of this knowledge. 1,9. S^qTcT ni. a paramour. 2, 229. ^MM<^ m. an eclipse. 1, 41. 3Cr®r^ n. a pillow. 2, 154. ^qr^JT m. enjoyment. 4, 70. 4,84. SMH IcI f. a fostermother, a nurse. 2, 352. SCPTT'T n- analogy, illustration. 5, 87.' SCTtTTT ni. marriage. 2, 340. SqrjJJ m. an eclipse. 1, 41. ^S^JT adv. and prep, above. 1, 102. 2, 145. SCjf^TcT^adv. above. 1, 102. 2, 56. 21* 164 GLOSSARY. SCTcrT m. a stone. 2, 13. iqcdlsfcT f. comprehension, understanding. 2, 179. STIcrPT n. a portent, boding misfortune. 1, 127. 3Mci4Hy|«0j adj. worthy to be saluted in the described man- ner. 2, 243, 3CJ^I^ adj. approached, near. 4,65. 3CiyMs=l adj. 1) sufficient. 2, 171. 2) dead. 3, 7. >At^tl*l m. a portent of evil omen, a calamity. 1, 127. r SCRTsTT n. something subor- dinate, or inferior. 4, 78. ^'mi^ mm 'a wife is sub- ordinate or inferior (with regard to the husband'), Kshi- rasvamin. SCRIPT £ a cow fit to receive the bull. 2, 117. Bhk. 6, 52. GLOSSARY. 165 r 3Cro[^"^ u. the halo round the sun. 1, 41. 3Mt^7 ni. a particular condi- ment, consisting of mustard- seed, tamarind, peppers etc. 2, 166. SCf^ m. pudendum muliebre. 2, 359. 3Crf^^SlcTadj. approached, near, at hand. 4, 65. 3CI^cnn"JT n. rincing the mouth, sipping water for thepurpose of religious purification. 2,253. 3Cf^n^rcr n. ridiculing, deri- sion. 4, 46. 3CI^r m. tribute, a present, a gift. 1, 128. 3q^r n. 1) vicinity. 5, 5. 2) solitude. 4, 23. 3qt5r adv. privately, secretly. 4,23. Sqfc^cT m.ananimal immolated after previous solemn pray- ers 2, 262. SCrnTn. something subordinate or inferior. 4, 78. SCTTtT m- an elephant out of rut. 2, 65. SCfl^H n. a present. 2, 279. 3CITt^ m. consideration of mo- ral duties. 4, 85. 3Cn^?n^ 111- an expounder of the sacred books, a teacher, a preceptor. 2, 245. Wt 3cn^?rnfr "tef^: ^" ZrttJ^ II Kagikh. 36, 54. 3qHt^_^(nom. SaT^TcT) f. a shoe of leather. 2, 156. 3qtcT n. vicinity. 4, 8. Comp. 3CfT^''T n. a present, a gift. 2, 279. SCTTrrtH m. reproach, censure. 1, 154. 3CfRfJT m- a quiver. 2, 310. SCfT^PTTI f. worship, adora- 166 GLOSSARY. Sq'S m. Vishnu or Krishna. 1,23. 33T^"o^5T^ adj. having the marks of both sexes. 2, 275. SHT f. 1) linseed. 2, 427. 2) the wife of Qiva. 1, 16. ^q'T'TfcT m. giva. 1, 11. ^t^ n. a field of linseed. 2, 8. comp. sfWr^. 3^JT m. a snake. 3, 18. 1, 119. 3nrr) ^ [m. a ram. 2, 124. 37TT, a particle expressing 1) expansion, (3^^'1'Jifq' ^t, 'having spread out the cloth'); 2) assent or acceptance, (Comp. cIW^^ W f^ JWJ H^^g^f ff KaQikh. 45, 93. fT^TJTg^J^ Kagikh. 59, 36.) 5, 99. Comp. ^5^. 37^^ m. a corselet, a mail. 2, 304. 3^n. the breast. 2, 372. 3i 1 11 si m. tlie female breast. 2, 371. Comp. 3^^. gi- cup. 8, 59. 3;^ 1) adj. (f. 3^ or 35|T), large, great. 4, 14-. 2) f. 3^, the earth. 2, 1. 3^^ f. fertile soil. 2, 3. 3^SIT f- the name of an Ap- saras. 1, 88. 3aTcr m. 1) a shrub 2, 35. 2) a kind of grass (saccharum cylindricum). 2, 36 gJQup. 4, 8. 5, 62. Comp. Hindi ulua. 357=F m. an owl. 2, 91. 3r?^T f- a flame. 1, 67. 3cr'T^ n. a fire-brand. 1, 67. SgTcfJ^PT n. erection ' of the hair of the body. 3, 29. Pro- bably from 3gr = 3TITT Lat. villus, and ^tH- 3517^ adj. recovered from sickness, convalescent. 2, 225. ASrj m m. an outcry. 1, 150. 3srT^ m. an awning, a canopy. 2, 155. 3gf1"|^§:irT^: GLOSSARY. 167 Kagikh.^3, 12. 9JreT>TqrTT" % ibid. 34, 106. ^EjTIctI m. a surge, a billow. 3, 31. Comp. differ. icTCj n. the uterine germ. 2, 345. -Arrcjm adj. exceeding, mucli. 4,59. 35PT^m. (nom. 3W^T), the planet Venus. 1, 48. 35JT7" n. the fragrant root of andropogon muricatum.2,467. 5G(^£T m. a name of Agni. 1, 62. ST^ n. the dawn. 1, 111. ^"MI^HUI m. a name of Ani- ruddha, the husband of Ushas. 1, 34. 3^ m. a camel. 2, 125. Sf^^T f. an earthen vessel. 5,4. 35Tir adj. hot, warm. 1, 40. 3fSin^rr f. rlce-gruel. 2, 165. ^Wf^ m. n. 1) a turban. 5, 10. 2) a diadem. 2, 410. 3^ 1) m. a ray of light. 1, 39. 2) 3^ f. a cow. 2, 113. 3:. 3;!TO^n. an udder. 2, 116. 3;^^ n. milk. 2, 119. STq^" m. a man of the third, or agricultural and mercan- tile caste. 2, 415. 3{T, a particle expressmg 1) expansion ; 2) assent or ac- ceptance. 5, 99. ^TRT ^^' nfj-^tfct ^m, Bhk. 8, 11. Comp. 377T. 3i^ m. the thigh. 2, 360. 368. ^SsT m. 1) power, energy. 4, 94. 2) the month Karttika (Octo- ber-November). 1, 114. 168 GLOSSARY. OTFTPT m. a spider. 2, 101. si)UIIU m. 1) a ram. 2, 124. 2) a woollen blanket. 2, 396. ^5!3. 1) adj. high, raised up. 2, 231. 2) SSf, adv. on high, up, upwards. 1, 102. 2, 303. 4, 83. 3»^R^ adj. raised up, stand- ing up. 2, 231. vAyoil^ti m. heaven. 1, 3. vaFh m. f. a wave. 3, 31. vi>R|4il f. a finger-ring. 2, 404. RidW W fcft ^HSTT ^«fl"f^=Fmi Ka?ikh. 13,69. ^AlHHCt adj. bent, crooked. 4, 11. "" 3;Gnjr n. pepper. 2, 461. Comp. Sl^^m. heat. 1, 67. 'A'H) n. a spot with salme soil. 2,3. 3»^ m. reasoning. 1, 10. il. ^^8i n. property, wealth. 1,80. W^ 1) m. a bear. 2, 73. 2) n. a star. 1, 51. W^^ m. the moon. 1, 42. HiT adj. straight. 1, 57. Hnr n. debt. 2, 417. JJcT n. truth. 1, 144. Comp. 5^. SrfcT f. a road (?). 5, 29. ?Z^ m. 1) a season of the Hindu year,consisting of two months. 1, 113. 2) the menses. 5, 8. Rrt prep, with ace. or abl., ex-" cept, without. 5, 90. 3PT m. a god, a deity. 1, 4. WR m. a bull. 2, 108. 4iR( m. a seer, a prophet, a saint. 2, 257. W'^ m. the black antelope. 2, 75. The correct spelling is RP^ET. GLOSSARY. 169 |^'=h^itTi m. a name of 1) Ba- ladeva. 1, 28. 2) Kuvera. 5, 2. ^chrlll adj. intent or bent upon one object 2, 379. fct^FTTrrpT^Gg. 12,28. ^=h^c1 m. a name of Ganega. 1, 18. ^^^^m. a crow. 2, 90. ^^AW m. a part, a portion. 4,59. ^^5^ nw time being, same time. 4, 67. Used chiefly adverbi- ally in the loc. l^^^t f. a path. 2, 105. Q^^ VH f. a single string of pearls.2,408.Com. (^ch I c| cfft. Wcfjiij adj. turned towards one point, intent upon one object. 2, 379. ^«hirt adj. private, secret, hidden. 4, 23. ^*HH adj. = ^^W. 2, 379. ^^fWc. m. ■= Srqr)- 2. 154. "*litM?i m. a Brahman, who lives by the profession of arms. 2, 250. ^iTrTr adj. irresolute, timid. 2, 199. ^TFTlTT'PT^nr f. a middle- aged woman. 2, 330. + lrMNHl f. Durgl 1, 15. ^I^s< m. a kind of goose with grey wmgs. 2, 99. GLOSSARY. 183 ^ I ^cjq" m. a snake. 3, 18. ^TT'PT n. a grove, a wood. 2, 55. 5, 13. ^T'TPr m. the son of an un- married young woman. 2, 346. ^tcT 1) adj. lovely. 4, 4. 2) m. a lover, a husband. 2, 342. 3) f. cRtcTT, a mistress, a wife. 2, 327. ^trriT n. 1) a difficult road. 5, 30. 2) a forest. 2, 55. ^tfrT f. splendour, beauty. 5, 27. ^tt^^fNFJ adj. iiot knowing where to resort to (^ T|^ !T?T"Rtfrr aTTffTr: Ksh.), put to flight. 2, 324. ^tf^" m^H^ra"?iI^^Ka(5ikh. 2, 27.^f^€t^T^5n^Tfg 'ra'f^^^^, ibid. 50, 78. ^TTT?:^ V. r. for ct,|t||^^. 2, 194. , =FJTlf^^"RPT n. a sort of spi- rituous liquor. 2, 175. ^T^T n. the tricks and domgs of a monkey. 2, 77. chiH m. 1) wish, desire. 5, 93. 2) the god of love. 1, 32. 3) ^TPT adv. according to one's wish. 4, 33. ^T^^TH'T m. a name of Qiva. 1, 12. chlH'TT f- wish, desire. 4, 25. ^\ Wm^WT f. the wife of Kama. 1, 34. ^TRTTcrT m. a name of Bala- deva. 1, 29. ^TTf^^ m. a finger-nail. 2, 356."^ ^n~FT'T 1) adj. wishing, desir- ing, lultful. 2, 226. 2) f. ^T" irpTT, a loving or beloved woman. 2, 326. ^17^ adj. desirous, lustful. 2,^226. 184 GLOSSARY. =hi sD si m. a horse of the breed of Kamboja. 2, 284. Pk. 4, 174. ^inm m. the body. 2, 355. 5, 10. 17. ^TRT^ m. a man belonging to the writer-cast, a copyist, a clerk. 2, 431. ^TT^ n. = ^^. 5, 78. chimin I f. torment. 3, 4. ^^itn^ adj. (f. m or t), investigating, examining. 2, 234. chli-S^ m. a sort of duck.' 2, 99. ^TITT f. confinement, captivity. 3, 4.. ^T?f m. a mechanic, an arti- san. 2, 438. 142. 5, 78. <^|^UM n. compassion. 5, 37. ^Tff^q"^ n. gold. 2, 19. «hM I ld=h m. an astrologer. 2, 248. <^l mchMm. Skanda, the deity of war. 1, 19. ^TFTUT^ IB. a juggler, a cheat. 2, m. wfUTi^rht^i' gj^TJ Bhavishyap. chUJl^ n. cotton-cloth. 2, 395. ^PW n. sorcery. 4, 31. ^i^r^T%^(Trgfrr Ka- Qikh. 45, 9. WP^ n. a bow. 2, 309. =hl^=h=lr) R. f. the notched end of a bow. 2, 310. ^TnT m. 1) time. 1, 105. 5, 40. 51. 83. chlH/$hMHH D. a measure of the duration of (musical) time. 1, 94. ^^TFT" iqmT m. a particular (point of) time. 5, 65. 2) death. 3, 6. 5, 83. 3) Yama. 1, 71. 5, 83. 4) f. ^Tcffr, a name of Durgl 1, 15. ^JTFT adj. (f. r), black. 4, 49. 5,83. ^TT5rl|5? ™- ^ particular poison. 3, 25. GLOSSARY. 185 ^FTlt:? n. the liver. 3, 13. chldyjq" n. buttermilk. 2, 120. ^TFTPTH n. iron. 2, 16. -* I fcH^ f. the Yamuna. 3, 52. ^TT^JT^Wnr m. a name of Baladeva. 1, 29. ^ifcrf^^ 1^^ m. a name of Yama, 1^ 71. ^c^?T n. saffron. 2, 388. ^Icf^TT f. a cow fit to receive the bull. 2, 117. ^oTK m. Qukra. 1, 48. ^T9T m. a kind of reed. (sac- charum sjrontaneum) 2, 36. ^n1% f. Benares. 2, 132. Also ^frr1%^, e. g. rf(^ t^ ^: Ka-Qikh. 58, 14. 79, 36. ^"F^T^ n. saffron. 2, 388. ^scq-q^ f. the earth. 2, 2. ^T^ n. wood. 2, 338. ^TWfT?[ m. (nom. °Ut) a car- penter. 2, 432. =hrdfT adj. pounded, flattened. 2, 430. ^n^TT f. a procuress. 2, 337. ^TC^n-a tesselatedpavement. \J A 2, 139. ^T?fTft!Tq^'Tft[r- ff^qdH I Pi Pk. 1, 5. ^5"™. a tree. 2,- 22. ^IT m. an axe. 2, 319. ^HFT m. n. an opening bud. 2,31. ^IJPT m. a corpse. 3, 7. ^rfnr adj. one whose arm is crippled, or withered. 2, 455. ^jS" adj. slow at work, ineflfi- cient, indolent. 2, 227. ^ n. a pot. 2, 159. ^Jc(T n- an earring. 2, 401. 4jilcH'T m. a snake. 3, 19. 4,f^cfJ7 f. a waterpot. 2, 256. JTm ^Rl^crr: < Kagikh. 7,18. ^r^ m. 1) KuQa-grass. 2) the afternoon. (?) 5, 36. Comp. Matsyap. 22, 79 : ^^ g^T" WIs?TTcrr ^ q^ ^ ^#^T I ^tih: ^cTq: fjct: » GLOSSARY. 189 ^cj^rd n. sport, play, amu- sement. 4, 35. Comp. ^^ ^WT f. censure, abuse. 5, 81. ^jTrHfT adj. reproached, de- spised, contemptible. 2, 223 ^^ m. 1) KuQa-grass. 2, 36. 2) ^?r m. ^STT f- a variegated blanket. 2^ 153. Qigup, 1, 8. 5, 31. Bbk. 10, 1. ^^ToT n. a spade, a hoe. 2, 422. ^IT m. a mountain. 2, 10. ^cT m. a lance. 2, 320. cfjcTcfT m. a particular mode of dressing the hair. 2, 375. ^CtJ n. any metal except gold and silver. 1, 81. ^JT^tf adj. detested, base. 4,85. ^^?r m. humpbacked. 2, 456. chH \i 1) m. (in theatrical lan- guage), the heir apparent or crownprince. 1, 98. 2) Skanda. 1, 19. 3) f. 5FTT{i, a girl. 2, 328. ^g^ 1) n. the white esculent waterlily. 3, 59. 2) m. the elephant of the south. 1, 104. ^^^CfWTH" adj. resembling the leaves of the white waterlily. 4,53. ^"I^^T or ^gS'cTT f. an as- semblage of white waterlilies. ^reTTtf^ ^$:i Ka§ikh. 15, 25. Bhk. 2, 4. 6. ^^ m. 1) a pot, a jar. 2, 161. 2) the frontal globe on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant. 2, 61. 63. 3) f. ^TT, a pot. 2, 159. ^»T^T^ m. a potter. 2, 435. ^TH'T m. an elephant. 2, 59. ^^t'TO" m. a kind of snake. ""3, 18. ^jfl'^ m. a crocodile. 3, 34. ^rJT m. a deer, an antelope. ""2, 75. ^i^ch n- the blossom of a spe- 190 GLOSSARY. cies of amaranth. 2, 52. v. r. ^J7T m. an osprey. 2, 94. ^^f^ 1) m. a plant (cyperus rotundus). 2, 467. 2) n. ver- milion. 2, 466. m. a dog. 2, 126. ^cGr m. a name of Vishnu. 1,22. ^^cT n. crying. 3, 17. ^q^ n. the betel-nut. 2, 390. Magha 3, 81. ^tT{^^ m. a camel. 2, 125. ^Q?T n. raw flesh. 3, 9. ^otTir m. a Kakshasa. 1, 73. f9hMT f. action, work, business. 2, 227. 4, 98. fstiMl^cT adj. active, indus- GLOSSARY. ^^TO n. indolence. 4, 72. ^T^TcT^ m. a juggler, a cheat. 2, 194. ^nTrT^T m. the jewel suspend- ed on Vishnu's (or Krishna's) breast. 1, 27. 5h^"^ n. a saw. 2, 320. ^cfj7 m. a sort of partridge. 2,99. 197 trious, strenuous. 2, 228. ^fTGT f^tTrapT Bhk. 1, 10. WfZT I play. 2, 277. 77. 5FJT2'T!^2r m. a pleasure-van. 2, 291. 9h"=l^m. a kind of heron or cur- "^lew. 2, 89. Bhk. 6,73. Comp. 1) adj. cruel, fierce, savage. 3, 34. 5, 10. 2) hard, solid. 2, 187. 3) V. r. for ^r^TR'^iff^ adj. perpetrating cruel actions. 2, 217. ^\Z 1) n. the chest, the breast, the bosom. 2, 373. 2) m. a hog. 2, 71. 3) the planet Sa- turn. 1, 48. ^iTt^jTUr n. embracing, an embrace. 2, 413. 5hl^ m. anger, wrath, passion. 1, 91. 2, 207. 5, 89. ^^, ^"ra"^^adj. angry, passionate. 2, 206. ^TW m. (nom. ^ST) a jackal. 2,^74. 198 GLOSSARY, ^rr^ m. ■= ^W. 2, 89. sfjT-c|T7TTrr m. a name of Skanda, 1, 19. ^fl'Sr m. fatigue, languor. 2, 446. mm cttc: Kshirasv. on Am. T^^ adj. wet, moist. 4, 82. 2, 452 (dim with rheum). cfmcj 1) m. a eunuch. 2, 275. 2) adj. emasculated, ener- vated, impotent. 5, 34. 3) mean, miserly. 2, 192. t^W m. trouble, affliction, dis- tress. 5, 67. 2, 244. ttTMHI^ n. the lungs (Schol. pupphusd). 3, 14. •^mm.l)ameasure of time,equal to four minutes. 5, 65. 2) lei- sure. 5, 65. 3) season, op- portunity. 4, 65. 5, 62. 65. 4) the middle. 5, 65. 5) a festival. 4, 78. 5, 65. 6) de- pendence. 5, 65. ^mr^T f. the night. 1, 107. vrarqMlj^lf^^adj. one whose affection lasts only a moment. 2, 220. ^%^ f. lightning. 1, 60. Comp. iPTTTT. Tin n. a wound. 3, 8. ^rTrT n- gore, blood. 3, 10. vTrT^fT adj. having broken one's vows. 2, 249. ^tT m. 1) a doorkeeper. 2, 269. 2) a charioteer. 2, 293. Tl^ n. the military and regal class. 2, 266. tI mm na. a man of the mili- tary class. 2, 237. 238. 266. tT^UI m. a Bauddha mendicant. 2, 190. ^CTT f. the night. 1, 107. ^^m' TTST m. the moon. Magha 3,22. vTT 1) adj. able, competent. 2, 231. 2) ^RT f. forbearance, patience, i., 40. 3) the earth. 2, 1. Bhk. 3, 22. tT^T m. a dwelling, a house. 2, 136. Bhk. 6, 7. GLOSSARY. 199 ^Tlf m. 1) the destruction of the universe. 1, 117. 2) pul- monary consumption. 2, 447. ?ricjij< m. cough, catarrh 2, 446. •^rl I IcT f. patience, forbearance. 4, 40. Gg. 4, 21. •^I IH adj. thin, spare, emacia- ted. 4, 32. comp. ^Tnr. ^TTT n. potash. 1, 69. trJ li m I f. accusation of infi- delity, or censure in general. 1, 149. Also ^^Tir n. f^trT f. the earth. 2, 1. 5, 60. 'm'ra^ HI. a mountain. 2, 10. t^fcT^ m. a tree. 2, 22. Magha 7, 54. T^FT adj. cast, thrown, thrown at. 4, 82. 83. ■f^CT adj. quick, swift. 4, 12. ^TTiradj. emaciated, thin, slen- der. 4, 32. Gg. 4, 21. Anand. 80. ^fr[ n. 1) milk. 2, 119. 169. 2) water. 3, 26. Tli^i^cl'IM I f. a name of Lakshmi. 1, 31. '^TT^ adj. drunk, intoxicated. 2, 231. Bilk. 8, 31. 6, 143. ■JiltH adj. one who has mastered the principles of a science. 2, 197. ^^ adj. 1) small, little. 4, 3. 2) poor, indigent. 2, 193. 3) avaricious, niggardly. 2, 192. 4) low, vile, wicked. 2, 191. 5) cruel. 5, 10. '^r[ f. 6) a bee. 2, 101. 7) a dancing girl. 2, 437. 8) a whore, a harlot, 2, 335. ^?;^1^T f. a small bell. 2, "^405. ^T?>cT3Fr m. a grain of rice. \ 423. '^T^^KfT'^ n. shrivelled grain. 5, 43. ^^m^^ adj. small-nosed. 2, 452. Comp. ^:^. ^^^Ml'^^h m. a small bird. 2,98. ^?!,5tils< m. a small shell. 3, 42. 200 GLOSSARY. ^^T3 adj. having (recently) come out of a small egg. 3, 39. ^^cT^adj. hungry. 2, 205. 'gq^and "^m I hunger. 2, 206. ^T^fT adj. hungry. 2, 205. '^q" m. 1) a shrub, a bush. 2, 23. 2) a clump of grass (?). 2, 424. '^JTfT adj. agitated, frightened. 2, 200. ^T f. linseed. 2, 427. ^^JT m. a kind of arrow. 2, 314. ^^'^'^m. a barber. 2, 434. t1 I^'* I f. a knife, a dagger. ^2, 308. 318. '^Sf^ 1) adj. miserly, avari- cious. 2, 192. 2) m. a small shell. 3, 42. %^ n. 1) a field. 2, 7. 9. 419. 2) a wife. 2,339. 3) the body. 2, 355. ^T^ 1) adj. experienced, skil- ful, 2, 180. 2) the soul. 1, 134. ^^TJTT^ m. a husbandman. 2, 419. ^crufr f. an oar. 3, 50. ^^^ adj. (f. p, conferring happiness, promoting the wel- fare of. 2, 185. ^iMT f. a dish made of milk, rice. and sugar. 2, 165- ^lufl f. the earth. 2, 1. ^tr m. powder, dust. 2, 288. iTFTMrlTdl^ Kagikh. 33, 93. ^^[^ft^ ibid. 34, 51. W^^ n. honey. 2, 466. ^fhr n. wove silk. 2, 394. ' =^^ n. shaving. 4, 36. Kular- nava 12, 85. ^T f. the earth. 2, 1. Tq I m. poison. 3, 24. Anand. 29. ^Wn f. a war-cry. 4, 100. GLOSSARY. 201 t^. lof n. 1) the sky. 1, 137. 2) an organ of sense. 2, 380. [^ m. 1) the sun. 1, 37. 2) a bird. 2, 83. 3) an arrow. 2, 311. 316. isl |-c(c1 mixed, combined. 4, 56. Isl5l<*m. achurning-stick. 2,121. rpfTB^T f- a spoon, a ladle. 2, 157. I^?r adj. lame. 2, 455. IWtT'T and i^sTrTC m- a wag- tail. 2, 89. t^^ m. a sword. 2, 317. 1, 26. lc^< I CTEiI"pr n. a sheath, a scab- bard. 2, 318. y^4jcH n. the blade of a sword. 5, 72. [cff^JT m. a rhinoceros. 2, 72. I^ m. n. a fragment, a part. 4, 28. Icj^tji ST m. a name of Eudra. 5, 2. Kagikh. 8, 99. 63, 39. I^5I^fT f. granulated sugar. 2, 169.' ^JZ^ m. pease. 2, 427. W^^ m. a fire-fly. 2, 102. [cPT^ m. a rat. 2, 80. tcff^ f. a mine. 2, 14. [cfr 1) adj. sharp, hot. 1, 4 2) m. an ass. 2, 125. [c|^ f. the itch. 2, 448. l=r#^ra adj. dwarfish. 2, 456. rsTfTT 1) m. a rogue, a scoun- drel. 2, 191. 2) n. a threshing- floor. 2, 423. I^FrfcT adj. baldheaded. 2, 453. r^crT^T*?^ n. a threshing-floor. 2, 423. Hind. ^Ll^. LflcfiM n. the bit of a bridle. 2^ 287. I3c<3J7^T, f- a place for niili- tary exercise. 2, 315. T^crT^ I rt\ I f. a post fixed in 2ti 202 GLOSSARY. the centre of a threshing-floor, to which the cattle are at- tached as they go round to tread out the corn. 2, 423. I^ m. itch, scah. 2, 447. tcTPcTTf. an artificial pond. 3,53. HT^ n. eating. 2, 170. llsjcd n. waste or fallow land. 2,3. [^^ m. a hoof. 2, 286. [^ 1) m. phlegm. 5, 6. 2) n. at the end of a compound: bad, inferior. 2, 182. %U^ n. 1) a village. 2, 103. 2) a shield. 2, 305. I^' J m. grief, despondency. 4, 69. Qcrl-I n. play, sport. 2, 277. 5Ic?nic?H^ Kagikh. 12, 72. JTIpT n. the sky, the atmo-' sphere. 1, 137. 2, 85. itiTT f. the Ganges. 3, 51. lti| [^7 m. a name of ^iva. 1, 13. IT?r m. an elephant. 2, 59. 60. 5, 47. 55. *\s\ iwM I f. the olibanum tree (boswellia thurifera). 2, ITsT^Sipr n. the place where elephants are tied up. 2, 68. ITsl^^'i m. a name of Ganega. 1, 18. JT5T I su c( m. an elephant-keep- er. 2, 70. JTjI I|I«^ m. an elephant- driver. 2, 235. Comp. ^c^TT" JTJT 1) m. a store-room. 5, 11. 2) ifjTT f. a mine. 2, 14, I]^ m. a hump on the back. 2, 449. JT^cfT adj. humpbacked. 2, 456. JTHT m. 1) a multitude. 4, 1. 2) pi. the host of giva. 1, 14. i|l!|ch m. an astrologer. 2, 248. imrrlcT m. Gane^a. 1, 18. GLOSSARY. 203 irnr^T^ m. many nights. 1, 108. i|m I i^ m. a name of Qiva. 1, 13.. Wfin^T f. 1) a harlot. 2, 335. 336. 2) the female elephant. 5, 13. itl m. 1) the cheek. 2, 367. 61. 2) a boil, a blister, a pimple. 2, 449. itS^ m. a rhinoceros. 2, 72. rrS^cR" m. a rock fallen from a mountain. 2, 13. Magha 4, 13. 40. 8, 25. 3T3Cr7 m. a kind of worm. 3, 39. CTC^ Katharnava 6. lt|^: l^^srft^frT ^^Jf ibid. 14. ttZ^ m. a handful of water taken for rinsing the mouth. 4, 100. e. c. cTc^Sf mJW cTTjnf it:TW|GrcrT^fr: Ka- gikh. 27, 103. ifjGTT §T^ 35, 78. ITTcT f- 1) going, moving, wan- dering about. 2, 85. 4, 41. 91. 2) •=f karmavipaka 5, 13. JT7 1) m. disease, sickness. 2, 445. 2) ^^T f. a mace, a club. 2, 321. 1, 26. JTJT^iT ni. a name of Krishna. 1,25. JTTPirr m, Vishnu or Krishna. 1, 24. JT^ f. a cart drawn by oxen. 2, 289. ITET m. the mere scent of a thing, a little. 5, 7. ^T^^TT^^FJT f. a female em- ployed with the preparation of perfumes. 2, 337. IT^'T n. 1) manifestation. 2) informing against. 3) effort. 5,84. _♦ ^ JTyjIl^^ f. the musk-rat. 2, 80. • r 7m^ m. 1) a celestial musician. 1, 87. 2) a horse. 2, 281. ito^ m. the wind. 1, 76. 26* 204 GLOSSARY. ITUItIH I f. spirituous liquor. 2, 174. jPTTTcT m. a ray of light. 1, 38. Tpftj^ adj. deep. 3, 27. jtHT{ adj. 1) deep. 3, 27. 2) (df sound) deep, full. 1, u6'. ITT m. poison. 3, 19. i|i5Tl n. poison. 3, 19. H^i m. the bird and vehicle of Vishnu, the king of the birds. 1, 30. STFrT^m. a wing. 2,84. Accord- ing to HC. on' 4, 384. also n. ll^rMrj m. 1) a bird. 2, 82. 2) Garuda. 1, 30. ini^l" f. a churn. 2, 162. ilsl'H^ m. a thunder-cloud. 5, 32. H istd u. roaring. 5, 55. • ITcf m. a hole. 3, 2. 5, 44. JITJT m. an ass. 2, 125. ip|^ 1) adj. greedy, covetous. 2, 208. B'hk. 7, 16. 2) r#TT f. greediness, covetousness. 2, 209. ipf m. l).the womb. 2, 360. 2) an embryo or foetus. 2, 344. 3) a child. 2, 347. JTT^ m. a wreath of flowers worn in the hair. 2, 397. jpTJiJt^ n. a lying-in chamber. 2, 137. r jpTTSm" m. the womb, the ute- rus. 2, 345. JT MT UT I adj. f. pregnant (used only of animals). 2, 114. 343. 5,23. JTcj m. pride, arrogance. 4, 37. JT^J f. reproach, censure. 1,148. JT^'^ I 1^*1^ adj. speaking in an improper manner. 2, 223. ITcff m. the throat. 2, 361. ilc(i"=h*^^ ™- a dewlap. 2, 111. i|rT f- a grove near a house. 5, 30. 3T^^ m. a householder, a man of the three first classes, who having finished his studies, and been invested with the sacred cord, performs the du- ties of the father of a family. 2, 239. 238. IJ^^i!^ I "i n. a temporary resi- dence. 2, 135. 3T^Tf^ m. = IJl^^ 2, °217. ljc^|c|5T^TirT f. the threshold. 2, 147. r^. ■■■■0 IT|«^mi f. a wife, a matron. '2, 339. jj^tfTl^VJl^adj. run away, re- treated. 2, 324. JT^ adj. belonging to a party, "confederate. 2, 234. ^3J^ Bhk. 6, 61. 3T^^ adj. domesticated, tame. 2, 186. IT^ n. a house. 2, 136. 5, 56. JT'c'1 l^'i^and JT^^ m. a pol- troon, a dunghill-cock. 2, 212. Bhk. 5, 41. Imcfj n. i) mineral, ore. 2, 15. 5, 71. 2) gold. 2, 18. rft m. 1) a bull. 2, 108. 5, 68. 208 GLOSSARY. 2) a ray of light. l,-39. 5, 68. 3) heaven. 1, 3. 5, 68. 4) a thunderbolt. 1, 56. 5, 68. f. 5) acow. 2, 113. 5,68. 6) the earth. 2, 1. 5, 68. 7) speech. 1, 8. 5, 68. 8) Sarasvati. 1, 8. 5, 68. 9) a quarter, a re- gion. 5, 68. 10) an eye. 5, 68. 11) an arrow. 5, 68. 12) pi. water. 5, 68. TfT^ni m. a span from the tip of the thumb to that of the ringfinger. 2, 383. ITT^tT n. a station of cattle. 2,l07. ili'Vir HI- a plant (ruellia lon- gifolia,' Roxb.). 2, 46. JTT^ m. 1) a mountain. 2, 10. n. 2) family, race, lineage. 2, 241. 5, 43. 3) a name. 5; 43. i) jft^ f. the earth. 2, 1. ^Ml IHS" m. a name of Indra. 1, 53. "" JTTrT f- the GodAvari river. 3, 52. ITT^T^TJT n. a spade, a hoe. 2, 422. JTTf |c|i I f. a river rising in the Deccan, and falling into the bay of Bengal- 3, 52. JTTtpT n. a multitude of cattle- 2, 107. jftfTT f. a kind of lizard. 2, 79. ITI'1 I^ m. a large species of snake. 3, 20. rrrfTTcT m. 1) a name of Surya. 1, 35. 2) of Indra. 1, 52. JTN HtiT f- a beam support- ing the framework of a roof. 2, 148. Magha 3, 49. jftq'TcrT m. a cowherd. 2, 432. JT N^ m. a necklace, consist- ing, according to HC, of two strings. 2, 407. jfl trr n. the gate of a city. 2, 133. ^TW^tfl-^ml^jft- ^ Pk. 4, 5. jfr^ m. the son of a female slave. 2, 346. ifhTfr m. rich in cattle. 2. 107. GLOSSARY. 209 yft^cTTSI^f. a tractable cow. 2, 115. jft^ET n. cowdimg. 2, 118. jf|"^T^ m. a jackal. 2, 74. jftfH^adj. = gomat. 2, 107. ^TH^ n. ointment, unguent, 5, 11. rrtH^ul'griTf^ ^i- Qup. 3, 48. JTT'^rT n. a yoke of oxen or other beasts, e. g. S^° 2, 128. 3TTcrlt^Tcfr m. a blackfaced monkey with a tail like that of a cow. 2, 77. Jn"^7 m. 1) the superinten- dent of cowherds. 2, 107. 2) a name of Krishna. 1, 22. 177^7 n. a multitude of cattle, a cow-station. 2, 107. jfrW l)n. acowpen, a cow-sta- tion. 2, 107. 2) jftWT f. an assembly. 5, 12. Comp. ^^^°. JTTWW^ m. the dog in the man- ger. 2, 213. ITT^JT^ adj. coming from, or produced by, a cow. 2, 118. rftHjfm. the break of day.1,1 11. sftfcTTi" f. the vine. 2, 38. JT K^TH'T m. a possessor of herds. 2, 107. JTT3'T f. rum distilled from mo- lasses, 2, 169, jfr^^ m. the young of the godhd lizard. 2, 79. lfl";[ 1) adj. (f. «), white. 4, 47. 2) jft^T f. Parvati. 1, 15. JTT^^ n. dignity, respectabi- lity. 4, 93. jfT^T^^ m. a name of Skanda. 1, 19. ^TST m. 1) a composition, a book, a code. 2) a line in a manu- script, consisting of about 32 syllables. 3) substance. 5, 58. ?TSFr n. stringing a garland, composing a book. 4, 45. ?rr2r m. l) a joint or knot of a reed. 2, 34. 2) a knot. 2,392. ^^ adj. slurred, uttered with 27 210 GLOSSARY. the omission of letters or syl- lables. 1, 142. 57^ m. 1) a planet. 2) an imp, an evil spirit. 3j persever- ance. 5, 55. M^c^ m. a captive, a prisoner. 4,74. U IH m. 1) a village, a hamlet. 2, 103. 106. 129. *2) at the end of compounds: a group of organically connected things. 5, 25. Comp. indriya°, karana° etc. i^ I H m I adj. chief, principal. 4,5. JTRT^TR n. a village. 2, 103. ?TTRtlrT^ n. the neighbour- hood of a village. 2, 104. TT'ff nr and i| THm^ adj. bom or living in a village. 2, 103. 3TF^ n. 1) the hair of the body. 2, 369. 2) the wing of a bird. 2, 84. rtrT m. a thread, a string. 5, 79. 84. rtciq IM m, a weaver. 2, 435. cTW n. 1) a thread, a string. 2) established doctrine, a scien- tific treatise. 3) mystic pray- ers. 5, 84. 4) a medicament. 2, 458. 5) retinue. 6) the qua- lity of being chief or principal. 5, 84. 7) a^T f. (nom- is), the string or wire of a lute, etc., or a string in general. 1, 96. 2, 442. fTCpT m, the sun. I, 35. cT^TR n. gold. 2, 19. cTCf^ 1) n. penance, austerity. 2, 244. 2) m. the month Magha. 1, 114. cT^^ j cj m n. property, wealth. 1, 80. 5, 80. 5Jo^ n. substance, property. 1, 80. 2, 184. 5, 58. 81. 5^T^ ' 'iv. quickly, instantly, so'on. 4, 12. Pk. 2, 47. 5, 78. (Perhaps from ?^) ?;T^ f. the vine. 2. 38. 31 242 GLOSSARY. ?^1TlTcToFj n. water just drawn out of the well. 3, 27. ^ m. a tree. 2, 22. <^i\Hl m. a mallet, a hammer. "^2, 320. ?:Tirr f. a bow-string. 2, 309. ^ 1) adj. liquid, melted. 2, 121. 2) m. a scorpion. 3, 23. 3) 5rct adv. quickly. 4, 12. ?^ m. a tree. 2, 22. ^|<^m m. a name of Brahman. 1,7. ^Tff m. a raven. 2, 91. ^ m|i^ I f. a cow that yields much milk. 2, 116. ^^ m. offence, injury. 4, 86. ^^ n. 1) a pair. 4, 15. 2) quar- rel, strife. 2, 298. §'TJ^Sf m. a doorkeeper, a por- ter. 2, 269. ^T^SJTr^m. the sun. 1, 37. STT^ m. doubt. 5, 3. §T^ f. ^T^ n. a door, a gate. 2, 145. 5, 2. STTTTrrT m. a doorkeeper, a porter. 2, 269. f^ir m. I) a brahman. 2, 236. 2) a bird. 2, 83. 3) a tooth. 2, 372. T^jT-^H^ m. a brahman. 2, 236. fgsT^TrT m. the moon. 1, 43. ■f^sTrfcT m. a man belonging to one of the three first clas- ses. 2, 237. r^ iJt^ adj. double-tongued, insincere. 2, 191. Magha 1, 63. f^jftrTT m. a brahman. 2, 236. TsfT^" n. a pair, two. 4, 15. j-i__o_ ISn IMCIM^ adj. having ar- rived at the second period of age. 2, 329. i^rfrm" f. a wife. 5, 16. |^(P| n. a pair, a couple. 2, 128. TS^T m. an elephant. 2, 59. T^^t^ m. a sort of snake. 3, 21L TS'JT m. an elephant. 2. 59. GLOSSARY. 243 H^^^^T^T n. the tip of an elephant's trunk. 5, 72. TS"7'^'T m. a snake. 3, 18. i^Tf m. a bee. 2, 100. TS^'Tcr m. an enemy. 2, 301. \%WT^ adj. double-furrowed, plowed first lengthways and then across. 2, 421. gTT n. an island. 3, 48. ^TCf^cTT f. a river. 3, 44. §T"nT^m. a tiger. 2, 71. ^^ m. hate, enmity. 5, 29. ^T'T^m. an enemy. 2, 301. ^KT adj. odious, hateful. 2, 211. t^fur^ m. a usurer. 2, 416. ^CfTTf^ m. a name of Vyasa. 2, 258. ^. ^^ n. property, wealth. 1, 80. 81. 2, 107. 5, 64. 67. 5iFf?nT m. a name of Agni. 1, 64. Jif'T^ m. a name of Kuvera. 1, 78. 100. EJ^T^rT adj. wealthy, rich. 2, 201. 214. 138. ^^JhTJ^m. the god of riches, Kuvera. 1, 78. ^•TT^T f. the desire of obtain- ing riches, covetousness. 2, ,209. ^■pT^ 1) adj. wealthy, opulent. 2, 201. 2) m. a name of Ku- vera. 1, 79. ^'PT^T f. the twenty third lu- nar mansion. 1, 51. ^^ m. n. a bow. 1, 151. 2, 309. ^-clH 1) m. a desert. 2, 3. 2) n. a*bow. 2, 309. ^^^f^ f. the throat. 2, 361. ?ilf^5r m. the braided hair of women. 2, 375. 31* 244 GLOSSARY. Ef^ 1) m. a mountain. 2, 10. 2) ^ f. the earth. 2, 1. y^Tumr m. a name of Vishnu. 1, 22. ^JTn\ f. the earth. 2, 1. y^lrHil ni. the planet Mars. 1, 46. 5T^^T^T f. the earth. 2, 2. ^ff^Wt f. the earth. 2, 1. ^^ m. 1) virtue. 1, 125. 2) na- tural condition. 4, 97. UH McI I f. consideration of moral duties. 4, 85. EThHsT' m. one who hangs out the flag of righteousness for selfish purposes, a religious hypocrite. 2, 250. ^H| I ^ lu. a name of Yama. 1,72. y r^ml or JJETUft f. a harlot. 2, 341. The Brahmavaivarta II, 28, 4. gives the following gradation of women: 1) crfrT' ^cTT = ^^q^. 2) ^rr. 3) ^i^. 4) l^t. 5. 6) ^^^^J. 7. 8) ^j. 9) q^T" Efq" m. 1) a husband. 2, 342. 2) a sort of tree (Ry^!p|i|). 5, 26. ^^^ adj. white. 4, 47. MclkHd adj. whitened. 2, 139. fTTcT m. 1) natural condition. 5, 71. 2) a mineral. 2, 15. 5, 71. 3) metal, ore. 5, 71. 4) an element, of which five are enu- merated. 5, 71. 5) a consti- tuent part of the body: blood, marrow, fat, flesh, bones, the medullary substance, and the seminal fluid. 5, 71. 75. 6) a bone. 3, 10. STTfJ 1) m. Brahman. 1, 6. 2) f. qr^, the earth. 2, 1. 3) Emblic myrobalan (phyllan- thus emblica Lin.). 2, 463. ^TWTf.afoster-mother,anurse. 2, 352. WFTTl pi. fried barley. 2, 430. GLOSSARY. 245 ^J^^ n. corn, grain. 2, 430. ^"F^T^n.coriander seed.2,462. ^ I -M=hT^^ m. a granary. 2, 157. y I^mV.! ItH^h n- the ear of corn. 2, 424. y l*-M!<.|ch n. the beard of corn. 2, 424! fTT^^TW n. sour gruel. 2, 163. WTR^ n. 1) a house. 2, 136. 2) radiance, brilliancy. 5, 12. 3) a ray of light. 1, 39. U N I f. a stream, a current of water. 3, 47. U \i 1^ n. the broad-edged head of some arrows. 2, 314. £I"n[W^ m. a cloud. 1, 58. M li I^^TfT m. a heavy fall of rain. 1, 59. mnTT^ m- a sort of goose with black legs and bill. 2, 97. T&I^in' 1) m. a name of Vrihas- pati. 1, 47. 2) T^UTT f. the intellect. 2, 179. "njsim 1) m. a name of ^ukra. 1, 48. 2) n. a house. 2, 136. 3) a star. 1, 51. ^J f. the intellect. 2, 179. ^iTRcTand mj^ adj. intelligent, wise. 2, 177. £4|cjj m. a fisherman. 2, 439. trri" f. a river. 3, 43. tT7 f. the shaft of a carriage. "^2, 110. r UTf m. the bullock carrying, or attached to, the shaft.'2, 110. Comp. dhaureya. -\ Uh^^ m. 1) a meteor. 2) a name of Agni. 5, 54. Ein79irm. aname of Agni. 1,62. ^I^mIh m. a cloud. 1, 58. 57^1^ adj. of a dark red colour. 4, 52. Comp. dhumra. y[5e^Trr and ^^ f- a mass of smoke. 1, 66. ^UJI^' m. the fork-tailed shrike. 2, 93. ^[^ adj. of a dark red colour. 246 GLOSSARY. 4, 52. 5^^T!ra"ir^q-^JT^- ^^^^: Magha 5, 8. ^[^TTT m. a name of Qiva. 1, 12. ^ adj. subtle, crafty. 2, 194. gcrft' f. dust. 2, 288. EJ^ adj. of a greyish or dusky white colour. 4, 52. 2, 98. EJW adj. bold, saucy. 2, 216. M^ f. a cow that has lately calved. 2, 114. M'T^T f. the female elephant. 5, 13. fTT^Tir n. a vehicle, any means of conveyance. 2, 294. sftcT adj. 1) washed. 2, 253. 396. 2) polished, whetted. 2) 319. ' ^dchlVJM n. bleached silk- cloth. 2, 394. E^f^ m. = dhurya. 2, 110. ^^ jftiffsr: Pk. 2, 12. f^HMT^ m. a smith. 2, 433. ^^ adj. constant, continual. 1, 125. ^cjcfj m. a post, a pale, a stake. 2, 296. ^jT m. a flag, a banner. 2, 303. 5, 69. yf^n) f. an army. 2, 302. 9"!^ m. sound, or noise in ge- neral. 1, 140. 143. 151. Comp. ^t^ m. 1) a crow. 2, 90. 2) a crane. 5, 21. ^T^rnTfcT m. an owl. 2, 91. 9'T'T m. sound, or noise in ge- neral. 1, 138. 9TcT n. darkness. 1, 110. ^. =T:'^ adj. small-nosed. 2, 452. •T^jcrT m. an ichneumon. 5, 30. •Tch"=(7' m. a nocturnal fiend, a Rakshasa. 1, 73. GLOSSARY. 247 HchHTcrT m. a tree (dalbergia arborea Willcl). 2, 43. ^T^I^T f. the night. 1, 107. ^T^ m. a crocodile. 3, 34. ^^^ n. a star. 1, 51. MtI^H Ic. tJqyiT m. the prelude to a drama. 1, 95. CfER' m. the sun. 1, 35. q"^?!" n. wealth. 1, 80. Cfcl'i I f. a host, an army. 2, 302. ^cTTPTT^ m. a name of Indra. ' 1, 53. ^SI^ prep, with instr. ace. or abl without. 5, 90. Bhk. 8, 109. CfSJTJR" m. a man of low pro- fession or character. 2, 193. fTlWt f. the earth. 2, 1. Earth considered as one of the five elements. 5, 71. 73. q^ 1) adj. (f. fT^ or t^gq-t), broad, large, great. 4, 14. 2) qsm" f. the earth. 2, 1. q!M=h m. 1) rice which has first CO been scalded with hot water, then dried over the fire, and lastly ground in a mortar. 2, 430. 2) the young of any ani- mal. 2, 347. Magha 3, 30. fTSrrnT^m. a fish. 3, 35. 276 GLOSSARY. tT?TcrT adj. broad, large, great. °4, 14. Magha 10, 65. CJ^T^ m. a snake. 3, 18. crf^ m. f. a dwarf. 2, 456. ^GIrj^(only n. according to the best authorities), a. drop of water. 3, 55. fJf^cT m. 1) a drop of water. 3, 55. 2) the hog-deer. 2, 75. fTI^^ m. an arrow. 2, 311. fjl^^ m. a name of Vayu. 1, 75. ^ n. the back. 2, 373. 3, 12. 5,6. CfW^rrST m. a hump on the back. "2, 449. fTW^TW ^- ^1 ox that carries burdens on his back. 2, 111. tJWTT^Sr n. the backbone. 5, '17. ^^^ m. the tip of an elephant's tail. 2, 64. ^U^ n. a multitude, a company. 4, 2. Hcf=hLi^4j Bharataka 9. CRTT f. a basket, a chest. 2, 157. qcrjq adj. thin, slender. 4, 32, cnOcrT adj. beautiful. 4, 4. q^rt^hr m. an egg. 2, 85. Cnrfe m. a man deformed in body, by having more or few- er limbs than usual. 2, 232. ^JUT f. 1) a hermaphrodite. 2, 275. 2) a female servant. 2, 337. Comp. WtZT- fTTfT m. 1) the young of any animal. 2, 347. 2) a colt. 2, 285. 3) a boat. 3, 33. 4) cloth. 2, 393. 4 inclTUIll m. a sea-trader. 3, 33. MldiyH n. small fry. 3, 39. ^J^ n. 1) the snout of a hog. 2) a ploughshare. 5, 46. ^fJ^ m. a hog. 2, 71. Mil m. a grandson. 2, 350. ^\"^ m. a citizen. 5, 78. ff^ 1) adj. (f. 0, equal in GLOSSARY. 277 height or length to a man when he has extended his hands. 5, 19. 2) n. manliness. 4,38. cfl^J]^ m. the superinten- dent of the kitchen. 2, 276. CJTFr^c^ m. a name of Kuvera. 1, 78. j/ldlHl f. Indra's wife. 1, 55. MI^M adj. (f. i), belonging or relating to iiowers. 2, 33. CRfj? adj. open, clear, manifest. 4,67. ^^T m. a heap, a multitude. 4,1. r Cf^Gf m. a high degree, emi- nence, excellence. 5, 51. El^rte m. the lower stem of a tree,the part between the root and the first branches. 2, 27. 2) the part between the elbow and the shoulder, the upper arm. 2, 378. 3) n. (at the end of compounds) excellent. 2, 223- ^;CT^f3^ Bhk. 5, 6. CT^IH adv. to one's heart's content, exceedingly. 4, 33. CT^T^m. similarity. 4,9. 5, 101. CI^T^T 1) adj. clear, manifest. 4, 67. Rgh. 1, 68. Yv. 2, 176. 2) m. manifestation. 5, 95. 3) light, lustre, splendor. 1, 66. 4) (at the end of a compound) similar. 4, 9. 7^IV.H n. making manifest. 5, 84. y=him=h n. a whisk, a fan. 2, 268. CT^TcT f. 1) the natural form or constitution of a thing. 5, 78. 2) nature. 5, 16. 3) the equipoise of the three qualities of nature: 'goodness,foulness, and darkness.' 4) the five elements. 5) the seven ele- ments of regal administration (enumerated in Manu 9, 294). 5, 78. 6) an artisan, a mecha- nic. 2, 438. 5, 78. ET^rfrPnir m. one of the three constituent qualities of na- ture. 5, 82. Cfchl^ 1) m. the fore-arm, the part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow. 2, 378. 2) 278 GLOSSARY. n. an inner court in a build- ing. 2, 149. 5, 56. ^mj m. 2, 418. y^ I loHd adj. washed. 2, 253. CTv^S^ m. an iron arrow. 2,312. ^T$^ (at the end of compounds), similar, like. 4, 9. CTloM Id adj. famed, renowned. 2, 240. CPToFJTadj.bold, confi'lent.'>,231. Wi|(T'HtiT f. resoluteness, deci- sion. 4, 94. ^^ adv. in the morning. 1, 111. MAgha 12, 1. ^^^ m. 1) any kind of tie, a rein, a rope, etc. 5, 19. 2) a ray of light. 1, 39. 3) a captive, a prisoner. 4, 74. ^^^\ m. a terrace before a house. 2, 144. crarnT m. i) = ^^m. 2, 144. 2) the upper part of the stem of a tree. 2, 27. JTmTT m. a battle, a fight. 2, 299. Cl^frrT adj. movable, unsteady. 4, 10. Kum. 5, 35. Cr^TcrTT^ m. a peacock's tail. 2, 87. ^"^cd I |ch*1 m. a peacock. 2, 86. U-d(^ adj. abundant, much. 4, ^6. 2, 116. 117. CT^TcW m. a name of Varuna. 1, 74? ^^S m. a cover, a wrapper. 2, 153. CT^^ adj. covered, hidden, se- cret. 4, 23. y^^l^M n. an upper garment. 2, 391. CT-c^ I U d adj. covered. 4, 96. CTJRm.cr5l5tlpf?J^Tn^M. 2, 117. ^W[ f. pi. people, the inhabi- tants of a country, subjects. 2, 129. Mil iJir m. watching, being awake. 2, 448. GLOSSARY. 279. P'SniTT adj. f. one who has brought forth a child. 2, 346. ETjTTqfrr m. 1) Brahman. 1, 7. 2) a king. 2, 266. CTsTT^TTT f. a brother's wife. 2, 349. ^^J f. understanding, "know- ledge. 2, 179. CrnrfrT f. salutation, obeisance. 4, 64. CrUr^T m. 1) affection, favour. 4, 88. 2) affectionate solicita- tion. 5, 24. ^^^^ m. the mystic syllable Om. 1, 8. CninW adj. contemptible. 2, 211. Bhk. 6, 66. CTmlcHl f. a gutter, a drain. 3, 63. CJ"ftmpT n. profound medita- tion. 1, 128. Rgh. 1, 74. Crftrrf^ m. a spy. 2, 270. Cf fiirTrcT m. submission, obeis- ance. 4, 64. crUTTcT m. fire consecrated by prayers and other rites. 2, 260. PrTfrT f. a climbing plant. 2, 25. CI'cT'T (f. t) adj. ancient. 4, 26, HrlcfH m. the palm of the hand with extended fingers. 2, 382. yd I M"! I f- a climbmg plant. 2,25. ETcnCT m. power, energy. 4,38. Mel N Ul n. overreaching, cheat- ing. 4, 63. qfcT prep. 1) as, like. Jiq'. Bhk. 8, 88. 2) pradMne. 5, 95. |~^ r M Irt^hH'T n. embellishment, toilet. 2,'384. Kum. 7,6.Magha 5, 27. 9, 43. CTTfT^m" m- a likeness, an image. 1, 130. C|"m^rt adv. by force, violently. 4, 74. CW^ m. 1) speed, velocity. 2, 288. 2) affectionate solicita- tion. 5, 24. ^E^ m. a flower. 2, 31. CT^^^^'T n. the stalk of flow- ers or fruit. 2, 30. CT^oif adj. contrary, opposed. 4, 58, ^HTT m. affection, favour. 4, 88. Cr01T*TT f. propitiation, devo- tion. 1, 129. 3'^rW'T n. embelliskment, de- coration. 2, 384. CTtlciT adj. f. one who has brought forth offspring. 2, 345. 285. 118. 286 G L S S A H Y. Cjyjcf f. offspring, children. 2, 342. 117. CRT^^ n. a flower, a blossom. 2,31. ERJcT (v. r. crracT) 1) adj. at- tached to, longing for. 2, 198. 209. 2) ^^m f. the leg 2, 360. ^^^^ f. the palm of the hand hollowed. 2, 382. q^^J^ adj. defeated in battle. 2, 324. ^^T m. 1) a couch. 5, 32. 2) a stone. 2, 13. 5T^cT;[^?7fl'M=h(Ln n. an in- strument for cleaving stones. 5,35. Cf^fil |cj m. 1) commencement. 4, 65. 2) occasion, opportu- nity. 5, 81. 3) = %^?n". 5, 19. CT^ST 1) n. tableland on the top of a mountain. 2, 11. 2) m. a measure of quantity, contain- ing four kudava. 5, 15. CI?Sl"R" n. a march, an expe- dition. 2, 297. CT^^ m. a fall of water. 2, 11. ^^clUI n. a spring, a fountain. 3,55. CT^rT adj. conversant with the principles of science. 2, 197. ^^T m. the eighth part of a day and night. 1, 106. CT^njI n. 1) a weapon. 2, 307. 2) war, battle. 2, 298. 5T^7 m. a blow. 2, 65. CT^TcH^JT f. an enigma, a riddle. 1, 152. V(% adj. 1) bent, stooping. 5, 53. 2) bent on, intent upon. 2, 197. M^cfTl^l f. an enigma, a riddle. 1, 152. The correct reading is ys| kr^^. CTil[r adj. high, tall. 4, 66. JTT^nT m. a rampart. 2, 133. crr^Frrrnr n. the coping of a wall. 5, 2. CTT^jcT adj. vulgar, low, base. 2, 193. GLOSSARY. 287 STTI^Trr m. the front-part. 2, 373. ^J^ 11. the top, the summit. 2, 26; ITPT^r; ^TZ^a.di. chief, prin- dipal. 4j 4. CTTW^fi m- a guest. 2,' 203. CJTirTr n. d court; a yard. 2, 144. 5, a. STTflr^T f. a sort of falcon (?). 2, 98. CTT^'T adj. eastern. 1, 103. CTT^'TsTT^H m. a name of Indra. 1, 52.^^ CTT^T'TI^irT n. the sacrificial cord or cloth, when worn over the right shoulder and under the left. 2, 252. Comp. SO" JTT^fW m- a name of Valmtki. 2, 257. msH n. a goad for di ving cattle. 2, 422. Srrt^rfr m. a charioteer 2, 293. ?TTfr adj. intelligent, wise. 2; 177. CfTr«T adj. much, abundant. 4, 16. ^j^^ 1) adj. eastern. 1, 103. 2) mWVt the east. 1,101.- 3) ETT^ adv. at first. 4, 22. ?TT§qT^ m. a judge. 2, 274. Mltaksh. on Yv. 2, 3. ' mm m. 1) pi. life. 1, 134. 2) power, strength. 4, 38. ^tUTTf^TTSr m. a lover, a husbalnd. 2, 342. EnfUl^rT n. a fight of beasts,- exhibited for sport. 5, 4. P^TftrT'T m. a living being.- 5, 77. CTTcTJ adv. In the morning, at break of day. 1, HI. P"n%^^^ni.-2, 434: ^TSTT^IrrM^ m. a pupil who has begun to receive instruc- tion in science. 2, 245. 288 GLOSSARY. EfTl^ adv. I) arising, appear- ing. 2) manifestly. 5, 95. ErrenO" m. a span measured \)y the distance betweeii the Ex- tended thumb and forefinger. 2, 383. qj^ adv. 1) croolfedly. 2)^^^. 5, 53. P. I, 4, 78. ETiff^n. an intervening long tract of country between two villages. 2, 106. CnTftr^ ni. a trader, a Mer- chant. 2, 416. M^gha I, IL Cnrr adj. fit, proper. 4, 61. ^TFTI^ adj. learned, wise. 2, 177. Cn^n. an offering, a present. 2,^279. qTqTl%=fj adj. (f. serving as a measure. 2. 381. ^T^ m. abstinence from all food. 4, 75. CTTSl'TTf. request, solicitation. 2, 205. ^nH^^ n. a garland wort! round the neck. 2, 398. m^t[ n. frost, cold. 3, 28. ETT^?Tt^ m. the moon. 1, 42. Magha 9, 87. 5TTc|^m n. an upper garment. 2, 391. Crr^W^f. the rainy season, l; 113.1 16. mE m. a lance. 2, 320. CTRTT^ m. a palace, a teniple. 2, 138. ItpT adj. beloved, pleasing. 2, 212. 4, 4. 1, 141. 146. T5?«T3J f. 1) the name of a me- dicinal plant. 2, 38. 2) Italian millet. 2, 427. TCr«T^^adj. affable iii address. 2,^211. ^1Jci f. 1) affection, friendship. 4, 21. 2) joy. 1, 123. ^^T f. 1) viewing. 1, 95. 2) intellecto2, 179. fel f. P*lftc?T^ n. a swing. 4, 78. GLOSSARY 289 PlT^fTi'^I^i^rTrT adj. swung, shaken. 4, 61. -\ Md 1} adj. deceased, dead. 3, 7. 2) m. a spirit abiding in hell. 3, 3. strnTTcT m. a name of Yama. 1, 71. ^c^ adv. in the life to come. 5,91. q^ adj. dearest, best. 4, 4. CfEq" 1) m. a messenger, a ser- vant. 2, 214. 2) ^^^J f. a fe- male messenger. 2, 336. P'TTrlfradj.immolated, slaugh- tered. 2, 262. STTSr HI- the nostrils of ahorse. 2, 286. cfWr f. a sort of carp. 3, 36. cfre adj. 1) grown up. 2, 114. 328. 2) bold. 2, 231. 3^ m. a float, a raft. 3, 49. U3[^ m. 1) a frog. 3, 40. 2) an outcast. 2, 443. 3g"Jr m. 1) a frog. 3, 40. 2) a monkey. 2, 76. P^IT m. a monkey. 2, 76. a^irq m. 1) a frog. 3, 40. 2) a monkey. 2, 76. C^T f. hunger. 2, 206. C^TTcT adj. hungry. 2, 205. m. q^S"! f. ^HT m. qunT f. the hood of a snake. 3, 19. 'TTlIPTrT m. a snake. 3, 18. qTFT n. fruit. 2, 23. 25. 1, 118. 4,92. Cf^^ n. a shield. 2, 305. qiEHgrr, ^im\ 'TrfFFT adj. bearing fruit. 2, 23. qrfeHTf f. = 1^^. 2, 38. 37 290 GLOSSARY. q^cr-JT adj. pithless, worthless. 4, 92. SRicfTf Hti MAgha 3, 76. TTrftrrtT n. raw sugar. 2, 169. 'TiTIT adj. readily prepared, e.g. a medicine. 4, 89. M^^ft|H" ?rpTr^%iErgjTiqrtn"f5r" f^f^cERT^T-Rft" Jl^l '►^ I trgrr i ^tmter^' crmnr: (Bhk. 9, 17.) ^ n WTWTt^ : crra^^fq I Kig- vidh. 2, 17. 4i|clhdd adj. hungry. 2, 205. g^ m. chaff, husks. 2, 423. ^^T £ a boat. 3, 50. ^f^ m. the holy fig tree. 2, 41. ^^ m. 1) the sun. 1, 37. 2) Civa. 5, 51. 3) one of Qiva's attendants. 5. 51. 5jc^ir?T n. the controlling of all senses, sanctity. 2, 242. ^^^TIT? m. 1) a Brahman from his investiture with the sacrificial thread until his marriage. 2, 239. 238. 2) a name of Skanda. 1, 20. ^^TO"*? fidj. fit for a Brahman. 2, 251. W^°T 1) n. the supreme spirit, the deity. 5, 82 . 2) final union with the deity. 1, 124. 3) holy scripture, the Veda. 5, 82. 4) m. Brahman, the principal god of the Hindu triad. 1, 6. 5, 61. 82. 5) a Brahman. 5, 82. 2, 251. ^^y,^ ™- ^ ^^^^ ^^ poison. 3, 24. Comp. Yv. 2, 110. ^jt^spir m. a contemptible Brahman. 2, 250. Chand. U. p. 282. ^^r^^O" n. divine splendor, the glory obtainedby theprac- 2Q4 GLOSSARY. ' tice of religious ordinances and the study of the Vedas. 2, 242. ^<^(^^ m.the butea frondosa. 2, 42. ^^O^^n.the sacrificial thread, worn by the three first clas- ses. 2, 252. W^Tnrr f. one of the seven divine mothers. 1, 17. See ^Tcf. ^T^ 1) adj. (f. i) belonging to the god Brahman. 1, 115. 2) WT^T f. a name of the goddess Sarasvati. 1, 8. ^I^m m. a Brahman. 2, 236. 237. 5, 74. 82. ^T^tir^pr m. one who calls himself a Brahman, a Brah- man by cast without atten- ding to its observances. 2, 251. >T. *T n. a star. 1, 51. ^^ n. boiled rice. 2, 164. H^flr^?T m. a lump of boiled rice. 5, 43. JTT^ f. devotion. 1, 129. H^Tq^ adj. gluttonous. 2, 195. JT?mr n. eating. 2, 170. iR m. 1) the sun. 1, 35. 2) the vulva. 2, 359. 5, 41. ^^^^ l) adj. venerable. 1, 155. 2) H'JT^ot'f.aname of Durga. 1, 16. Tflpfr f. a sister. 2, 352. ni^M m\h m. a sister's hus- band. 1, 99. iRFJJT (f. i and d) adj. having broken horns. 2, 112. MtT m. a wave. 3, 31. »tf^ f. = 3m^. 4, 77. JTIjr adj. bent, crooked. 4, If. G L S S A ft V. 296 Jfrtr n. a field of hemp. 2, 8. JTC m. 1) a -warrior. 2, 199. 2) a man of a barbarous tribe. 2, 444. *i"R7^ adj. (meat) roasted on a spit. 2, 168. htt N^ adj. venerable. 1, 155. Added to names by way of respect, e. g. ST^^T^^: *TT?T'TT f. any one of a king's wives besides the anointed one. 2, 325. sr?^' 1) adj. auspicious, prosper- ous. 1, 122.' 2) good, excel- lent. 2, 115. 3) m. a bull. 5, 21. 4) one of the three spe- cies of elephants. 2, 60. JT?rT^^in n. shaving. 4, 36. ^"RT"? n. a golden throne. 2, 268. ^^ n. fear, terror. 1, 91. 4, 40. T^?Icr adj. running away, put to'^flight. 2, 324. STETT!^^ 1) adj. frightful, ter- rible. 4, 20. 2) m. the fear- ful, one of the nine sentiments in poetry. 1, 92. 3T?TT^^. adj. fearful, frightful. 4,20. TrrT m. an actor, a mime. 2, 437. >T(^rr m. a skylark. 2, 93. JTf^ adj. full. 4, 17. 1\J7rrr" cTFT^t Bhv. 1, 31. q'^fcTl' e^(i?T»ri7;cf i Bhv. i, 52. JTel^^h n. roasted meat. i2, 168. JT^T m. a name of Qiva. 1, 12. JTrf m. a husband. 2, 342. JntTT7^ m. (in theatrical lan- guage) the crownprince. 1,98. ^^ n. gold. 2, 18. SJSf^ m. a bear. 2, 73. Comp. 31^ m. 1) mundane existence. 5,20. 2) a name of giva.l, 11. >f^^ n. a house, a dwelling. 2, 136. 1296 GLOSSARY. JT^TTT f. the wife of giva. 1, 15. JT^tcTT n. another world. 5, 91. T ipT^ adj. auspicious, prospe- rous. 1, 122. ^fcfcTdllrlT f. destiny, fate. 1, 126. 3T^ adj. = 3r(%^. 1, 122. Kum. 1, 22. JFTUT m. a dog. 2, 126. arftRT, JTFIR; n. ashes. 1, 69. 3TT f. a ray of light. 1, 38. >rnT m. a part. 2, 373. 5,6.41. JrrJT^ 1) m- impost, revenue. 2, 278. 2) n. fate, destiny. 1, 126. JTTJTT^ adj. to be divided ac- cording to shares. 5, 58. STrfxT^?? m. a sister's son. 2, 352. Jrrift^Srr f. a name of the Ganges. 3, 51. STTrq" n. fate, destiny. 1, 126. >T7 JT'R n. a field of hemp. 2, 8t. iTTiFT n. a vessel. 2, 172. mum m. price, pay, wages. 2, 418. e. g. Wf^ ^V^^ ciHc^H; I Mitaksh. on Yv. 3, 42. "" ^TSPl U n. a magazine, a store-room, a treasury. 5, 11. Yv. 1, 327. JTT Trf?"^. 2, 213. JTR" m. 1) a ray of light. 1, 39. 2) the sun. 1, 36. JfRTfT m. the sun. 1, 36. HTTH'TT f- a woman (inclined to be passionate). 2, 326. ^rr m. = parydhdra. 4, 73. ^■TrcfTf. the goddess of speech. 1,8. TF^^T^ m. f. a pole for car- rying burdens. 4, 73. *TTJr^ m. a name of Qukra. 1, 48. JTr^TT f. a wife. 2, 339. 3, 34. GLOSSARY. 297 >TT^ m. a. bear. 2, 73. Comp. Wr^ m. J) origin. 2) existence, state. 3) disposition, charac- ter. 4) meaning, pui'port. 5) action. 5, 64. 6) emotion, de- finefd as a change of the mind depending upon (called forth by) extraneous things. 1, 90. 7) (in dramatic poetry) a learned man. 1, 99. >TT'^^ n. apprehension, per- ception. 5, 89. TT^=h 1) adj. auspicious, pro- sperous. 1, 122. 2),m. (in thea- trical language) a sister's husband. 1, 99. m^m n. talking. 1, 150. JTTqT f. speech. 1, 8. JTW f. a ray of light. 1, 38. inrr m. a vulture. 2, 92. ^T^, >TT^^c!^m. the sun. 1, 35. Pt^ m. a religious mendicant. 2,~254. T*T^^ f. a female beggar. 2, 332. TTtT n. a fragment, a bit. 4, 28. ■PTI^ n. a thunderbolt. 1, 56. H"?^ m. a kind of river. 3, 44. Bhk. 6, 59. T*r^Trc(T (?) m. an iron-bound club, used as a weapon. 2, 321. PTl" f. a woman who loses her children by death. 2, 333. ■pTST m. pi. the name of a bar- barous tribe. 2, 444. T^Gf?[ m. a physician. 2, 457. PTWT f. boiled rice. 2, 164. jftrT adj. timid. 2, 199. ^■F^ 1) adj. terrible. 4, 20. 2) a name of ^iva. 1, 12. ifr^ 1) adj. timid. 2, 199. 2)f. a timid woman. 2, 326. ^t'^ar, ^1'^ adj. terrible, ter- rific. 4, 20. Hch'^l "Til- remains of food. 2J71. 38 298 GLOSSARY. JJTWt f. enjoyment. 5, 42. *J^TT5^n. the rejected leav- ings of food. 2, 171. ^il adj. bent, crooked. 4, 11. JTir m. JTsTT f. the arm. 2, 367. M'rTJT m. a snake. 3, 18. JT . <^s[^ m. 1) a snake. 3, 18. 22. 2) a libertine, a gallant. 2, 227. ^^^^ m. a snake. 3, 18. JTsTTjtq"n.the chest, the breast. "^2, 372. ^?rfsH^ n. m. the shoulder. ^2, 387. >T5n"5T n. the shoulder. 2, 370. \j irfllW m. a servant. 2, 210. ^^^ n. 1) the world. 1, 133. 2) water. 3, 26. 3J^f. earth. 2, 1. 3. 5, 83. JT^TTTT f. darkness. 1, 110. ^TT 1) adj. passed, gone by. 5, 73. 2) n. a living being. 5, 73. 82. 3) an element. 5, 73. 71. 4) m. an evil spirit in atten- dance on Rudra. 5, 73. 55. 1, 87. TfnrnTm. the complex of be- ings or things. 5,25. JTcWT" ^I^q" % Matsyap, 1, 14. SJrrar^ f. the earth. 2, 2. ^Jcl f. 1) might, grandeur. 5, 23. Kum. 5, 76. 2) ashes. 1, 69. 3) roasted meat. 2, 168. ^5J m. a name of Qiva. 1, 11. ^jfcT m. a king. 2, 266. 150. ^fq" f. 1) the earth. 2, 1. 5, 68. 2) ground in general. 2, 260. 4, 77. 51^^ m. a brahman. 2, 236. ^JJTFJW m. a VaiQya. 2, 415. ^^ adv. repeatedly, again. 4,39. ^ 1) adj. much. 4. 16. 2) n. gold. 2, 18. Sff^RTlT m. a jackal. 2, 74. GLOSSARY. 299 WKTUT n. embellishment, orna- ment. 2, 384. 385. ^ f. = SJW. 5, 69. 3J^TC f. = ^^f?:. 4, 94. ^5T i»- a cliff, a precipice. 2, 11. JTJT m. 1) the humble bee. 2, 100. 2) the fork-tailed shrike. 2,93. ^JTTT m, a golden vase. 2, 160. "Pk. 3, 125. 169. Mark. 8,203. ^I'tT, JTfq"Tf. wages. 4, 43. ^5T adv. much, exceedingly. 4, ''33. 5, 50. WS u- roasted meat. 2, 168. JT^ m. a frog. 3, 40. iT^m. 1) rupture, disunion, em- broiling. 4, 95. 2) difference. 5, 95. 3) division, kind, spe- cies. 1, 105. 2, 67. 237. 3, 25. ^TJ f. a large kettle-drum. 1, 98. JTTJr n. a remedy, a drug, a medicament. 2, 458. ^T^ 1) adj. (f. formidable, terrific. 4, 20. 2) ^jdi); i. one of the manifestations of Durgl 1, 17. ^^:s^ n. = meslmja. 2, 458. ^T^ m. a lover, a husband. 2, 342. ^TIT m. the coil of a snake. 3, 20. 3Tjf JT^l"JT^'e^r ^^^ rrg"%f^Ti" I Dandiu 2,345. Tl"fjT^ m. a snake. 3, 18. ^^^^ n. 1) eating. 2, 170. 2) food. 1, 121. ^TTJT'Tf > f. knitting of the brows, a frown. 4, 94. 3J f. an eyebrow. 2, 365. SJUr m. I) a foetus or embryo. 2, 344. 2) = irf^nfV. 5, 23. ^. ^^f^T m. a fabulous marine monster. 3, 38. ^^yHiT m. a name of Kama. 1, 32. H=hii m. the nectar of ilowers. 2,33. Hlsl m. a sacrifice. 2, 259. ^^^•^ m. a name of Indra. 1, 52. ^'tT adv. quickly. 4, 12. MAgha 5^37. ^Jl m. the head of a boat (?) 3, 50. ^JTcH adj. auspicious, prospe- rous. 1, 122. 5, 86. 101. ^JTcRfTTS^ m. a bard. 2,280, ^:il Pk. 3,43. '7JT""M=h m. a sort of pulse or lentils. 2, 426. GLOSSARY. 301 ^frFTT f. a boat. 3, 50. ^?5Fr m. marrow, pith. 2, 28. 5,67. ^sT^T f. a branching flower- stalk. 2, 30. itsfr^ n. an anklet. 2, 406. ^F adj. pleasing, lovely, charming. 4, 4. ♦ •^ .-s ^Slcfira'T m. Vishnu or Krish- na. 1, 21. ^*5^G|T f. the name of an Apsaras. 1, 88. ^JTcfT adj. = manju. 4, 4. ^" q^Ff I Dandin 2, 332. Gg. 11, 2. itFEIT f. a chest, a basket. 2, 157. ^E m. a building inhabited by a devotee and his disciples, a monastery. 2, 143. J^W m. f. a precious stone, a jewel. 2, 21. 1, 27. ^TUI'=h m. a small water-jar. 2, 162. Mhbh. 16, 37. ^ftn^T^ m. a jeweller. 2, 433. HTnTrT 11. murmur libidinosum. 2, 414. Magha 10, 75. 76. ^rfnTTR m. a defect in a jew- el. 5, 22. qftn^ m. the wrist. 2, 378. 5,7. H^'i n. embelishment, orna- ment. 2, 384. ^'Z^ m. a temporary shed or hall erected on festive occa- sions. 2, 143. AZ^ 1) n. a circle, a globe, a ball. 2,387. 2) the disk of the sun or moon. 1, 44. 3) the halo round the sun. 1, 41. 4) an assembly, a multitude. 4, 2. 5) iTIcrlT f. whirling, circu- lar motion. 1, 77. ^*IFIW n. a sword. 2, 317. rfS^'Rftjm^Pk- 3,171. 'TSTH^T m. a polecat. 2, 81. '13'c?IW7 ni- the governor of a province or district. 2, 267. 302 GLOSSARY. qr^ m. ca frog. 3, 40. 5, 70. ^TcT f. intellect, understand- ing. 2, 179. ^Tfr^fT adj. intelligent, sen- sible. 2, 178. ^tr adj. 1) drunk, inebriated. 2, 231. 2) furious, insane. 2, 65. 334. ^T^^T%Tir f. a woman of excellent qualities. 2, 334. H"rl<^T^ ni. = apdcraya. 2, 152. l?rH"U''T adj. insincere, hostile. 2, 191. Magha 2, 115. iTr?^' m. a fish. 3, 35. 38. Hff?TST (corrupted fromH^" ^^^T'?) f. granulated sugar. 2, 169. rff^ET^q"^ 1) n. a fish-hook. 4, 79. 2) Tf r^^^ f. a fish-basket. 2, 439. 'Tf^'T^TiR" m. an angler. 2, 439. Tf^tf^^cT ni. a multitude of fish. 3, 39. rrfSTcT n. buttermilk without admixture of water. 2, 120. HI8H^ (nom. q^IT m. a churn- ing stick. 2, 121. TJT m. 1) the juice that flows from the temples of an ele- phant when in rut. 2, 62. 65. 2) pride, arrogance. 4, 37. T^^ m. love. 1, 32. Tf^^T, qfd^ f. spirituous liquor. 2, 174. H^ m. the diver bird. 2, 95. "H"^" m- a sort of fish. 3, 37. '^'^Ji n. spirituous liquor. 2, 175. T^ n. 1) honey. 2, 466. 2) the nectar of flowers. 2, 33. 3) mead, spirituous liquor. 2, 175. 4) m. the month Caitra (March-April). 1, 114. "^^m n. 1) liquorice root (gly- cyrrhiza glabra Lin.). 2, 460. 2) tin. 2, 17. f. a bee. 2, 100. 101. GLOSSARY. 303 ^^pTSl^ m. Vishnu or Ki'ish- na. 1, 22. ^^T adj. sweet, pleasing, love- ly. 4, 4. 1, 140. 141. ^9TEr^ m. spirituous liquor. 2, 174. Tftijcj l-cjadj. of gentle or plea- sing discourse. 2, 210. ^^^R{ in. a bee. 2, 100. ^tj^kcj m. a name of Kama 1, 32. T^rf^^ n. bee's wax. 2, 400. ^h^ n. 1) the middle, the cen- tre. 2, 63. 286. 365. 378. 397. 3, 46. 48. 5, 65. 85. 2) the waist. 2, 362. T^hfi u -i adj. middle, central. 4,90. IT^EPT 1) adj. middle, central. 4, 90. 1, 109. 2) n. the waist. 2, 362. 3) m. the ruler of a district or province. 2, 267. 4) ^^^^^^ l the middle finger. 2, 383. ' q-btrifw adj. middle. 4, 90. ^m*JTc(TTf. the middle finger. 2, 381. T{^^ n. the mind. 2, 379. ^TflTJr, rr^-Rr^ET m. love. 1, 32. 33. IT'IT^ adv. somewhat, a little. 5, 96. T'TTTT f. intellect, wisdom. 2, 179. /•> ^ H'l I i^ adj. intelhgent, wise. 2, 177. " V^, qf^GEr m. man. 2, 176. 1, 115. JT^GtPiJTjf'T m. a name of Ku- vera. 1, 78. T'TYH^ m. love, affection. 1, 33. lpTT7'?T m. a desired object, a wish. 2, 380. ^•T^^ adj. captivating charming- 4, 4. itfT m. offence, transgression. i64. q^ m. prayer. 2, 262. 5, 84. 304 GLOSSARY. ^^^ m. a secret figent, a spy. 2, 270. ^'\^^{ m. a councillor, a mi- nister. 2, 271. 5, 76. H^T m. a churning stick. 2, 121. RM^IUfcf 1 Kularnava 2, 10. JTSTTT f. a churn. 2, 162. cfSTT adj. slow, languid. 2, 232. Magha 5, 62. 6, 40. 7, 18. 9, 78. ITSTT'T m. a churning stick. 2, 121. ^7 1) adj. slow, lazy, indolent. 2,232.227.5,47. 2) dull, stu- pid. 2, 181. 3) m. one of the three species of elephants. 2, 60. 'T^TT^^f r f. the Ganges. 3, 51. q^TrT n. bashfulness. 2, 412. ^fTT" ni. the coral-tree (ery- thrina fulgens). 2, 45. Consi- dered also as one of the five trees in paradise. 1, 135. 'TT^ n. a house. 2, 136. 4l(T f. a stable. 2, 141. ^^ adj. (of sound) deep, base, low, hollow. 1, 140. IT-TST m. love. 1, 32. ^T'^M I f- the tendon of the tra- pezium muscle forming the nape of the neck. 2, 36f . Comp. Vs. 25, 2. Bhk. 3, 28. 6, 30. ^♦-?T m. 1) depression, sorrow. 2) anger. 3) a sacrifice. 5, 60/ For the last meaning Eshl- rasv. gives the hardly appo- site example: ^TrFT^^f^:! Comp. Rv. X, 103, 7.^ ITimti ' ^«h^ n. a crest, a diadem. 2, 410. ^^<[ m. Vishnu or Krishna^ l", 21. 'J^jT" m. a looking-glass. 2, 400. ^^cfT m. n. an opening bud. 2,31. g^ f. a pearl. 3, 42. ^^{[W m. an excellent pearl. 5, 12. H^TRcfi adj. (a weapon) which may be either hurled or kept GLOSSARY. 311 in hand, as a club. 2, 307. 308. Bq^ II Matsyap. 202, 40. Hrhlt-HilC m. a pearl-oyster. 3,42. ^■flR f. 1) giving up, abandon- ing. 5, 49. 2) release from further transmigration. 1, 124. ^[^ n. 1) the fore-part or front in general. 5, 46. Of arrows, the head. 2, 314. Comp. ^^^T ^T ^Wt ^^ I Ev. VI, 75, 15. 2) the face, the mouth. 2, 363. 369. 3) the entrance into a building, a market- place, etc. 2, 134. RIsfST f- a sort of weapon. 2, 321. gt^UI n. a mouthful. 4,100. gn^ adj. fouhnouthed. 2,222. ^I9^ adj. chief, principal. 4, ^5. 2, 334-. ^s{ m. a sort of grass (saccha- rum munja Eox.). 2, 36- ^Z 1-) n. m. the (bald) head. "^2, 363. 2) 'JST f. a female beggar. 2, 332. gS^ n. shaving. 4, 36. g^ f. joy, delight. 1, 123. ^^ m. a sort of kidney-bean (phaseolus mungo). 2, 7. gST m. a hammer. 2, 320. ^^J adv. in vain, to no pur- pose. 4, 75. R'T'T m. 1) a holy man who has made the vow of silence, an inspired saint. 2, 257. 5, 49. 2) an ascetic. 2, 189. 143. This word is more likely to be connected with muka, than with man. ^'^[ m. a small drum. 1, 97. TTTTTT m. Vishnu or Krishna. 1,21. H"5TfcrI^ f. the house-lizard. 2, 79. CT^f^^ m. a name of Bala- deva. C28. 312 GLOSSARY. gc^ m. a testicle. 2, 368. ^rfS f. m. 1) the fist, the closed . hand. 2, 368. 382. 2) the hilt of a sword. 2, 318. gT%QFJ m. a goldsmith. 2, 433. ^cT^ m. a plant (cyperus ro- "^tundus Lin.). 2, 467. f H*?»*l \m i. saying over again, tautology. 1, 150. H^^ adv. several times, re- peatedly. 4, 39. 5, 90. ijcfj adj. dumh. 2, 454. ^^ adj. confused, foolish, stu- pid. 2, 181. fl^ m. a fool, a blockhead. 2, 181. 5, 56. lT5Tf.stupor,loss of conscious- ness. 5, 53. itItT f. shape, figure, body. 2, '355. q[^5r m. the hair of the head. 2,375. q^tf^ m. the head. 2, 363. T^fl^rT m. either of the globes on the forehead of an elephant. 2, 61. H^-^^iH n. a turban. 5, 10. 'J^r^^ m. a king. 2, 266. ^ n. a root. 2, 28. 5, 23. 'Ta^T^^'T n. sorcery prac- tised with charmed herbs or roots. 4, 31. ^|F^" n. price, wages. 4, 43. 5, 49. ^^ m. a mouse. 2, 80. JJJT m. 1) any quadruped. 5, 30. 2) the spots on the moon, represented as a hare. 1, 44. Hence the moon is called iJJiq^, Magha 9, 34. 3) one of the three divisions of ele- phants. 2, 60. For a long, but not precise description of all three species, see the 78. chapter of the ^arngadh. Paddhati. 4) a deer, an ante- lope. 2, 75. '^JTrTTf^T f. a snare for catching beasts. 2, 442. gj]^ m. a dog. 2, 126. GLOSSARY. 313 ^IT^^ m. a jackal. 2, 74. ^JRTfJT m. musk. 2, 389. ^Jrqirr m. a lien. 2, 59. IJIT^^ m. musk. 2, 389. ^7(^J f. hunting, chase. 2, 280. ^JT^ m. a huntsman. 2, 441. ^Xrf^ m. a lion. 2, 59. 3^JTq<7 n. hunting, the chase. 2, 280. 127. f Jlt^ m. the moon. 1, 43. ^ITTT^ m. a tiger. 2, 71. IJ3' m. a name of Qiva. 1, 13. ^STTT f. the wife ofMrida. 1, 15. ^nTTFT n. the creeping root of a lotus. 3, 60. ^(T adj. dead. 3, 7. ^cTWT'T n. = apasndna. 3, 17. ^m=ni f. clay, earth. 2, 4. ijr^ m. death. 3, 6. 5, 83. iJf^T* '^r^ f. excellent soil. 2, 4. jfJTTfrcl-^q-t ijf^t K^cfkh. 28, 98. ^'^ f. clay, earth, soil. 2, 4, '^^JT m. a small drum. 1, 97. ^^T3' n. an earthen vessel. 5,4. ^^^ f. the vine. 2, 38. "^ n. war, battle. 2, 298. iJTr adv. falsely. 1, 144. Yv. 1, "66. 2, 75. 3, 285—287. ^=hcr|oh-qT f. a name of the Narmada river. 3, 52. TC^crTT f. 1) a girdle, a zone. 2,405. 2) the loins (?). 5,38. ^^ m. a cloud. 1, 58. "R"^ 1(1 1 HT n. darkness pro- duced by clouds in the sky. 1,59. ^'c^^ n. water. 3, 26. ^^^f^ m. a flash of light proceeding from a cloud. 1,70. H ^^T^pT m. a name of Indra 1, 54. Magha 13, 18. ^'^^ l)adj. black. 4,49.M4gha 6, 26. 2) m. the eye in the fea- 40 314 GLOSSARY. thers of a peacock's tail. 2,87. q"f5" m. = khalevdlL 2, 423. ^^^^S^ (viz. Dhruvo) ^ g-^-FqT5crr^f^?t%crRi KaQikh. 21, 80. T^ ni- the penis. 2, 359. rfe m. a ram. 2, 124. If^^n. the serum or lymph of the flesh. 3, 13. Schol. mdnsarasa. ^^^ I the earth. 2, 1. H^ f. understanding, wisdom. 2, 179. H^TTh^ adj. intelligent, wise. 2, 178. " ^i:.^ adj. ritually pure, i, 132. ^•T=fJT f- the name of an Ap- saras. 1, 88. H 'T^nT^Srr f. a name of Par- vatt. 1, 16. mountain in the centre of the seven continents, the Indian Olympos. 1, 135. 136. The name, as far as I know, oc- curs first in the XJnadisutras. J^T m. a ram. 2, 124. «-|<^'1 n. the penis. 2, 359. ^5f|c|^m m. a name of Val- mtki. 2, 257. ^t f. friendship. 4, 21. «i T^ m. the name of a fabulous "RWl n. 1) pairing. 2) sexual intercourse.*5, 52. HU^ n. a sort of spirituous liquor. 2, 175. ^"^ ?TTtT^' MCqiliMI^MIMyi^Jjd > Ma- dhava cited by KM. ITT^ m- 1) liberation from in- dividual existence. 1, 124. 2) a plant (bignonia suaveo- lens). 5, 26. ^TT^ adj. useless, pui-poseless, vain. 4, 75. ^TT^T f. the plantain or banana tree (musa sapientum). 2, 37. H |te m. 1) stupor, loss of con- GLOSSARY 315 sciousness. 2) bewilderment, folly. 5, 53. TT^'T n. sexual intercourse. 2, 41'4. Magha 6, 76. 10, 85. JTr^rfcrT m. a raven. 2, 91. h1 mm n. a pearl. 3, 42. 2, 408. li^W n. folly. 5, 53. ^TT^TT n. a field of mudgas. 2,7. ^ T'T n. taciturnity, silence. 5,97. W{^^ f. a bow-string. 2, 309. H^f^ m. the head. 2, 363. iTT^Td'^fi m. an astrologer. 2,'^48. W^ adj. foul, dirty. 4, 42. \M^ adj. (of speech) indistinct. l,14l.5n%^^T^Bhk.9,17. Comp. Lat. hlaesus. "^ n. a barbarian, a man who talks any language but Sans- krit. 2, 444. Oomp. Qat, Br. Ill, 2, 1, 24. % JTficT^n. the liVer. 3, 13. ?T^ m. 1) a name of Kuvera. 1, 79. 2) a sort of friendly demon in attendance on Ku- vera. 1, 87. ^JPTT^ m. one who institutes a sacrifice. 2, 265. Ijy m. a sacrifice. 2, 259. ^TfTTcf m. the conclusion of a sacrifice. 2, 262. ^T?^*^ ni. one who performs the sacrifices prescribed by the Veda. 2, 265. «Trr n. spurring or guiding an elephant with the feet. 2, 67. tTTcT m. i) an ascetic, a devo- tee. 2^ 189. 2) the Brahman who has entered on the fourth order, when, casting off all worldly shackles, he lives as a religious mendicant. 2, 238. 239. -10* 316 GLOSSARY. ?TSrr^TFFr adj . acting accord- ing to one's own will, inde- pendent. 2, 224. fTSTTfTSf adv.agreeably to truth. 1, 144. T m. an ass. 2, 125. 7T^ m. the ascending node. 1^49. » r TT^tTt-MW m. an eclipse. 1, 41. f^ adj. empty. 4, 92. JJW^ n. = iT^Sr. 5, 58. fr^ m. an enemy. 2, 300. irW n. 1) misfortune, 2) sin. 5, 18. i|^fn"TcT adj. causing happi- ness, auspicious. 2,185. There is reason to doubt that rishta ever meant kshema. 1^1% f. m. a sword. 2, 317. 7 1 (g I f. shght, contempt. 4, 30. cTcrf^^tCTSFrfr Pk. 5,67. ^frfe^^T^m^ Ka- (jikh. 76, 49. ^tfcT f. brass. 2, 15. ^^=q" n. gold. 2, 18. ^x{^f. 1) light. 1, 65. 2) a ray of light. 1, 38. ^■cj^ m. =■ sauvarcala. 2, 462. ^1% f. 1) a ray of light. 1,38. 2) wish, desire. 4, 25. yr^TT" adj. pleasing, handsome. 4,4. ^^tf m. a lover. 2, 342. ^irC.) ^Srr f- sickness, disease. 2^445. * ^ m. a headless trunk. 3, 8. ^fici n. crying, lamenting. 3, 17. KsJ m. 1) a name of Qiva. 1, 11. 5, 2. He is the regent of the north-east quarter. 1, 100. 2) adj. (?) great, large. 4, 14. ^?rn!fi' f. the wife of Eudra. 1, 15. ^f^ n. blood. 3, 10. 5, 44. ^T f. a salt-pit. 2, 14. ^ m. a species of deer. 2, 75. ITT n. 1) shape, form, figure 5, 79. 2) a beast. 5, 30. IfTTsft^T f. a harlot. 2, 335. itq' n. silver. 2, 17. 1, 81. GLOSSARY. 323 l[T^fr adj. crushed, pounded (?). 4. 83. ^[gr f. a line. 2, 386. 362. ^nj m. f. dust. 2, 288. JCltl n. semen virile. 3, 16. 7^^ adj. base, vile, contemp- tible. 2, 182. t^mT^Hr m. a name of Ba- ladeva. 1, 29. f^ f. the Narmada river. 3, 52. ^ r f. 1) property, wealth. 1, 80. 2) gold. 2, 18. Tj^ n. an aperture, a hole. 3,2. yjJT m. disease, sickness. 2, 445. 225. ^fjTfT adj. diseased. 2, 127. rt"l%g; n. a ray of light. 1, 38. Tt^^ n. tears. 2, 364. ^^e^f. du. (nom. fl"^eT or fT^?ft), ft\W[ I sg. hea- ven and earth. 1, 121. rt^^ n. a bank, a shore. 3, 45. ^^^^ m. 3, 44. 7T^ m. an arrow. 2, 311. rj'T'T n. the hair of the body. 2, 369.- 394. TT^iTR' m. erection of the hair of the body. 3, 29. 77(7 m. wrath, angei-, passion. 2, 207. TTSTtn" adj. passionate, angry. 2, 206. TT^W^rR" m. the sandal tree. 2, 389^!' ^(^TIlYf. a cow. 2, 113. ^I%I[fT^5PTm.the moon. 1,42. TTr^fr 1) n. the rainbow ap- pearing in a straight form. 1,57. 2) a fish (cyprinus ro- hita Ham.). 3, 37. H l^ci I W m. a name of Agni. 1,64. 7T?^ 1) m. the terrible senti- ment in poetry. 1, 92. 2) n. hot weather, heat. 1 , 40. TTT^tlPT m. 1) a name of Ba- ladeva. 1, 29. 2) the planet Mercury. 1, 46. 41* 324 GLOSSARY. c?r. oi'^m n. a sign, a mark, a cha- racteristic. 1, 45. crT-^HllllJ. the female of the Indian crane. 2, 89. cHr^^n. = ^Wn. 1, 45. 5, 69. ctTtH I f- (nom. is) 1) the god- dess of prosperity and wife ' of Vishnu. 1, 31. This word occurs first Rv. X, 71, 2. 2). beauty. 5, 27. cflTM n. an archer's mark, a butt. 2, 313. 316. cfTIT^ m. a stick, a staff. 4, 41. oRU m. an elephant in rut. 2,65. trin^m. a surety, a bondsman. 2, 225. cRW adj. quick, swift. 4, 12. ^^^adj. a dead shot. 2,316. CfUSTT f. shame, bashfulness. 2, 412. cHTT f. a bribe. 2, 279. Accord- ing to HC. also m. cfTcTT f. 1) a climbing plant. 2, 25. 2) = vdsanti. 2, 53. cdd K^ m. the upward climb- ing of a creeper. 2, 29. Wp{ n. the mouth. 2, 363. cWsMcim adj. lettered, skilful. 2, 177. gJTTl'NdcHs.ycmi. Pk. 5, 47. c?TT^ f- receiving, obtaining. 5,58. orfcjr adj. hankering after, ad- dicted to. 2,198. q^T^Tc?PT?r Brahmavaiv. 11, 55, 30. ^r' ft It"* I ItNUIMcdfT ^^X* I'k. 4, 189. cttsTi^^ m. a name of Ganega. 1, 18. cTfTTrr m. a name of Agastya. 2, 258. rHTC^ n. stolen property. 2, 184. Yv. 2, 266. crTtcrT adj. 1) shaking, movable, fickle. 4, 10. 2) eager, desi- rous. 2, 198. c?n"cHfT , cRTFPT adj . hankering after, cupidinous. 2, 198. M^gha 1, 40. 2, 17. 7, 49. «fY^, oftS^ m. a clod of earth. 2, 421. c ^=rr^^nl. a carpenter. 2,. 432. giT^ l)n.cutting.4,44. 2)^^ f. a brush, a broom^ 2, 147. 3) a water-jar. 2, 162- ^^^1*7 m. 1) a platter, a dish. 2, 160. 2) a palace or temple built in the shape of the dia- gram of like naine. 2, 150. ^''^q'Rg^T^ff I Ma- tsyap. 241. ^H'T n. armour, mail. 2, 304. ^7^^ adj. clad in armour. 2, 305. q'STD adj.excellent. 4, 4, 2)^trf f. a girl who has the privi- lege of choosing her husband. 2, 328. ^^7 m. a barbarian. 2, 193. ^q' 1) n. m. a year. 2) ^^\ f. pi. the rainy season. 1, 116. 42* 332 GLOSSARY. gt^^:^. m. a eunuch. 2, 275. ^m^ f. the female frog. 3. 40. varshdM Vaj. 24, 38. _r j_ ^^TWf m. a rain-cloud. 5, 40. giST^n. the body. 2, 355. ^^ m. 1) a peacock's tail. 2, 87. 2) n. a leaf. 2, 30. ^T^TII m. a peacock. 2, 86. g"|t^mcj \r^'\ m. a name of Skanda. 1 , 20. = varhiydna. K5§ikh. 32, 1. cic tion. 2, 264. Pk. 4, 1.. ■f^^T'TO' n. 1) the sky, the at- mosphere. 1, 137. 2) (n.?) a bird. 2, 82. Tcf^T^HT adv. in the air. 1, 137. Tc|c^|i m. walking, walk. 4, 41. T^^CfT adj. agitated, excited, alarmed. 2, 231. ' ^T^W m. 1) manifestation, display. 2) disappearance, privacy. 5, 51. ^\WT f. walldng. 4, 41. ^T^ f- a wave. 3, 31. qiTirT f. the Indian lute. 1,96. 44 346 iG L S S A R Y. .^TtT n." driving an elephant as wellwithagoadasby spurring him with the feet. 2, 67.M£igha 5,47. ^TcTTW m. a Jain samt. I, 86, tvam arhan vUardgas tvam, •Pk. 2, 27. ^TTo^M m. a name of Agni. 1,64. ci I8n f. a row, a range, a line. 4,36. drj^ adj. bright, pure. 1, 132. ^t\ m. 1) a hero. 2, 199. 2) the heroic sentiment in poetry. 1,92. ^(llfl^ n. = udra. 2, 467. ^lif^'i m. a Brahman who has suifered the sacred fire to become extinct. 2, 249. ^T^^ f. a far spreading creeper. 2, 35. 5, 47. ^TTf n- semen virile. 3, 16. 5,75. qft^tr m. = parydMra. 4, 73. cj f^cl n. the roaring of ele- phants. 1, 151. ^ m. a wolf. 2, 73. q^r m. a tree. 2, 22. 24, 5, 26. °42. 45. 47. ^^cMc m. the name of a barba- rous tribe (the black). 2, 444. 5M7TcfT*Tm. the abode of sa- vage tribes. 2, 106. 5J^ci{ |^(ic| m. a name of Yama. 1,72. 5rtcT = cdntd. 2, 244. 5rT f. (nom. pris) 1) happiness, fortune. 1, 31. 2) beauty. 5, 27. iilinS m. a name of Qiva. 1, 11. ^I'*j6ti»5l m. a name of Ku- vera. 1, 78. %Hl^i n- sandal wood. 2, 389. Gg. 9, 10. 50^ m. a name of Kuvera. 1, 78. STT^r m. Vishnu or Krishna. 1, 23. STmaH m. a name of Kama. 1, 32. STTTm m. Vishnu or Krishna. 1, 21. Magha 13, 69. sfhiciT m. the Vilva-tree. 2, 39. *J |c|r^ m. 1) a peculiar star- like mark on Vishnu's breast. 1, 27. Kum. 7 43. 2) Vishnu. 1, 24. ^rra'r^'Rj m. a name of Vish- nu, 1, 21. STT^r^ m. 1) the holy fig tree. 2, 41. 2) a ring of hair on the chest and forehead of a horse. 2, 283. GLOSSARY. 365 STT^^TofrT m. a horse with a crivriksha. 2, 283. M4gha 5, 56. ' ^rfrT f. 1) the ear. 2, 361. 2) sacred tradition, the Veda. 1, 9. 5, 10. ^Ull f. a line, a row, a range. 4,36. 5nTO" 1) adj. excellent, eminent. 2, 220. 2) n. bliss. 1, 122. 3) righteousness, virtue. 1, 125. ^^ adj. best, excellent. 4, 4. 2, 116, 5, 8. 14. 50. 67. 5lttn adj. lame. 2,455.Rv.2,15,7. ^Ufi" f. the hip. 2, 357. ?ftW n. the ear. 2, 361. ^ |5Jt( m. a Brahman well read in the Vedas. 2, 240. ^^Wadj, 1) slender, thin,small. 4,3. 2) soft, gentle, of pleas- ing address. 2, 210. q"T^ X{^ ^Tljrr Manu 2, 159. ^ST adj. loose, slack. 4, 92. Urv. l46.Kum.5, 47. Magha 7,62. WV^J i. praise. 1, 145. Rgli. 1,22. ^T^T^ n. elephantiasis. 2, 449. i'Sr m. junction. 2, 134. SP^lT^m. phlegm. 2, 450. 451. 5, 6. Comp. Teut. slim. ^■KqH adj. phlegmatix!. 2, 451. ^^md=h m. •= celu. 2, 42. Wt^ m, renown, glory. 1, 153. WJ^W n. prosperity, bliss. 1, 122. gat. Br. 2, 1, 1, 13. Bhk. 4, 38. W^^ f. =- ffokshura. 2, 46. ipT m. a dog. 2, 126. 127. W^ m- a man of a degraded cast, the offspring of an Ugrd mother andKshattriya father. 2, 443. Manu 10, 19. ^^ n. a hole, a chasm. 3, 2. Rv. 2, 27, 5. Urv. 18. W<7?rm. morbid intumescence. 2, 447. Comp. cvaydtha QaX. Br. 4,2, 1,11. 36<$ GXOBSARy. 3f5RT.iH."a. husband's .or wife's brother. 5, 54. .- . r? ^tl'lm. air, wind. 1, 73. Comp. Rv. 1, 54, 5. %| m^ m. any beast of prey. 2;.78.Rv; 10, 16, 6. : ^T^yr m. f. a porcupine. 2, ,78. VsT23, 56. 24,33. TW^' n.;: white leprosy. 2, 449. #rT. 1) adj.' white. 4, 47.2, 282; 2) n. silver. 5, 5. Wfn^ m- a goose. 2, 96. ydf) f^y^m. the moon. 1, 42. ^nq Itlti^m. aBauddha vt^ea^ dicant. 2,"l89. ^T^OT^" n. (eras melius tibiy^ prosperity, bliss. 1, 122. 17. EIE' n. an aggregate of six. 2, 128. q>:H'5T'm. a Brahman. 2, 236. Comp. Manu 1, 88. Gr^!|[in m. a bee. 2, 100. q^q n. This word attached to the names of beasts of burden, signifies 1111 aggregate of six, 2, 128. ETSjT m. the first or, according to others, the fourth note of the Hindu gamiutl 5, 77. - . 'Hi^V.I't adj. having six teeth. 2, 112. ^Z m. Combined with names of trees (and plants), it signi- fies a multitude. 5,25. Comp; n^, and Am. I, 2, 3, 41, where Kshirasv. derives the word from the root san, just as Ujjv. Ambhojcp Magha 11,64. kumudakamala° 11,15. Efe m. a eunuch. 2, 275. tf(b(c) n. being castrated. 2, ,l09. The correct spelling is IJE. ojbmcri m. barren sesame. 2, 428. GLOSSARY. 367 Gjnnt^ m. a name of SkaMa. 1, 19. ^I?i=r5r n. a field of shashtika (a sort of rice ripening iillfie course of sixty days). 2, 3- ^l-Srt^m. a young ox that has got the first six teeth. 2, 112. ^. ^ETrTf. war, battle. 2, 298. ^tfcT adj. 1) constrained, bound. 2, 185. 2) one who controls . his passions. 2, 189. ^'^^ m. coercion. 2, 242. ^^ n. war, battle. 2, 298. ^?n7r m. connexion, junction, 2, 451. ^JTJT m. conceit, pride. 4, 37. ^crl m m. conversation. 1, 150. ^^r^ m. a year. 1, 116. 5, 22. ^'(^•i'l n. subduing by magic . rites. 4, 31. fcl^^iui ^^^ . WGrt Rigyidh. 1, 2. f^q" J^^cT 3, 19. Comp. venenum. ^^ m. 1) a year. 5, 15. 2)_ the pejriodical destructioii of the universe. 1, 117. ■ ^^^fSr m. a village. 2, 103. ^ ^^T^!^ m. a shampooer. 2, 435. ^fcj iri f. 1) perception/: 5, 33. 2) understanding. 2, 179. ?f^^, ^^ adj. wrapped up, covered. 4, 58. 96. ^^^ m. pnde, conceit. 4, 37. ^^J^ m. the junqtion of tV[0 rivers. 3, 47. .: , ^^5pr n. sexual intercourse. 2, 414. ^ " V : ^cM I -I n. an upper garment. 2,391. ^5m m. doubt. 4, e.' 368 GLOSSARY; ^ fill rl adj. decided, detennined. 2, 247. ^3T^ m. an agreement, a pro- mise. 4, 30. « -\ ^W^ m. connexion, union. 5, 49. tTu*! m. connexion, association. 5,59. ?RnX ™- t^e vicissitude of ter- restrial existence, the pre- sent world. 5, 20. 'ET^rnr^ni. a sentient being. 1, 134. " ^ItlSi adj. prepared, made. 2, 167. 168. tJ Ri IS f- accomplishment, completion. 5, 80. tiVtJii m. 1) preparation. 5, 57. 2) the realising of past perceptions. 4, 95. ^?"=hN'^'i adj. one who has not received those sacra- ments by which he is entitled to be received into one of the three first classes. 2, 249. tit 52. 2) m. the ocean. 5,52. ItlMMIf si adj.bornin thecoun- try traversed by the Sindh river. 2, 284. ■RTOT m. (the Sindhu-born), an elephant. 2, 59. flf^gT n. river-salt. 2, 459. SErNjr m. rain driven down by ' wind, thin drizzling rain. 1, 59. Kgh. 5, 42. eTcTT f. a_furrow. 2, 421. ^rrfSr n. antov, com, grain. 2, 419. tllH'T n. (?) a boundary, a li- mit. 2, 104. Yv. 2, 151. O'THcrm. the parting of the hair of women. 2, 374. Magha 8 69. ^fhtfcRT f. a woman. 2, 326. Bhk. 5, 22. tl (H I f. a boundary, a Umit. 2, 104. Yv. 2, 152. 228. ^jj^ m. a plough. 2, 420. tD Tf •i^m. a name of Baladeva. 1, 28." ^ftoj, dtaiWn. lead. 2, 17. Yv. 1, 190. H^cT u- righteousness, virtue. "^1, 125. 3^5IT f. the name of an Ap- saras. 1, 88. ^icf n. joy, pleasure. 1,123. 5,61. ^JTrT m. a Buddha. 1, 85. ^itf^Tcrr t fragrance. 1, 77. GLOSSARYi 383 ^Tf^fTT f. a well-conducted, faithful wife. 2, 340. §"cT m. a son. 2, 342. ^^TH^ m. a name of Indra. 1, 53. ^^V.M n. the disc of Vishnu. "^1,26. ^mi. 1) the food of the gods, ambrosia. 1, 133. 2) lime, mortar, plaster. 2, 139. Magha 12, 62. WTT adj. sensible, intelligent, wise. 2, 178. ^•1 iti |7 m. a name of Indra. 1,53. Comp. Roth on Nirukta 9,41. QT^fircr adj. firmly decided. 2, 247. ^r 1) adj. (f. d and i) beauti- ful. 4, 4. 2) g^fi"f.abeauti- ful woman. 2, 326. yt^Uf m. a name of Garuda. "^1, 30. H^Tn^cT m. a name of Vishnu. 1, 22. ^ yqUridHM m. a name of Ga- ruda. 1, 30. ^tjc[^m. a god, a deity. 1, 4, ^{W^nm m. the elephant of the north-east quarter. 1, 104. Rgh. 5, 75. ^TCPTT f. one of the sevien tongues of Agni. 1, 68. ^iTJT adj. pleasing, beautiful, 2, 212. ^nt*?^ 1) m. a god, a deity, "^1, 4. "2) f. a flower. 2, 31 Magha 7, 2. 8, 10. 3^^ m. the mountain Meru 1, 136. Rgh. 5, 30. g"^ m. a god. 1, 4. 119. ^^FI^ m. Brahman. 1, 6. Wn^ n. sexual intercourse. 2, "^414, 5,29. tj^rl^ m. a tree of heaven. 1, 135. B"7Cn'fr m. a name of Indra. ^1, 52. §^crft[%T f. a tree (rottleria; tinctoria Rox.). 2, 53. 384 GLOSSARY. Q^r^ci t\m. the mountain Meru, 1, 135. RTT^ Ijadj, excellent. 5, 14. Cpmp. Rgh. 2, 3. 2) f. a cow. '2,113. ^ '"' ^nO^ m. an Asnra, 1, 5. y^y^T^ii. heaven. 1, 3. f^^rf^f. the Gangl 3, 51. gTT f. spirituous liquor. 2, 174. Rv. 1,116, 7. 7, 86," 6. 8,2, 12. 10, 107, 9. • ' g^i| I f. a, mine, a subterra- nean passage. 4, 86. Hind. dbLw. Senfey Very properly considers this word as a eor- ruptioii of auQtyi. ~\« -j^. ^"r^lslrl^m. a name of Ga- ruda. 1, 30. §^ n. gold. 2, IS. §c|l![^l^ m. a goldsmith. 2, 433. g^r7%Tr f. a half grown-up girl. 2, 328. ^qq" 1) adj. beautiful. 4, 4. 2) ^TTTT f. brilliancy, beauty. 2, 410. ^ iWra ^STI^ ^5rin^7^pfi":Pk.4,5i. 5,19. • ■ §^ m. a friend. -2, 273. ti'VH adj. small, minute, 4, 3. tj^Hf^i^M^adj. keen-sighted, 2, 218. Kathop. 3,. 12. ^xpf n. informing against. '5,84. ^[Wt I a bristle, a quill. 2,78 ti"=M adj. (something) which is to be suggested. 1, 94. grr m. 1) a charioteer. 2, 294. 'vs. 30, 6. Manu 10, 11. 47. 2) a bard. 2, 280. tlj cl=h I H^'T n. a lying-in chamber. 2, 344. ^rfcPTW m. the last month of pregnancy. 2, 344. ^^ n. thread. 2, 394. ^ m. a cook, 2, 276. ^^ n. killing, slaughter. 2, '322. GLOSSARY. 386 ^^|bl|^ m. a kitchen-miaster. 2, 276. ^:qi^?^%^l ^^T^?T^: ^5IFT^ Matsyap. 202,- 22. ^[^T f. a shambles, a slaugh- ter-house. 2, 440. ^■^ m. a son. 2, 342. tjHrl adj. (of speech) true and (at the same time) pleasant. 1, 141. Yv. 1, 109. ^^^ m, a cook. 2, 276. ^ m. the sun. 1, 35. ^[TcTT f- a tractable cow. 2, 11&. WVr m. a wise man. 2, 177. tlHT f- a brass image or sta- tue. 1, 131. Manu 11, 103. Composed of su and urmi, 'of a good fount'. grj" m. the sun. 1, 35. 5, 53. 55. ^cRTfT m. crystal. 2, 21. Hai'H n. the corner of the mouth. 2, 365. Comp. Yv. 2, 13. To the various readings elsewhere recorded we may add the sg. f. ^^l|IT, em- ployed by Panini in the verse : ^Vn f. m. a goad for driving an elephant. 2, 69. ^nr m. a causeway, a bridge. 3^49. ^TT f. a host, an army. 2, 302. 306. 5, 4. ^TTJT m. a component part of an army. 5, 80. ^^TTI" m. 1) a general. 2, 278. 2) a name of Skanda. l; 19. Rgh. 2, 37. ^^q^m.an attendant,a folio wet-. 2, 273. -\ itjcj I f. attendance, service, worship. 1, 129. ^T^!^> m. a thunderbolt. 1, 56. fcjhf^ adj. self-willed, inde- pendent. 2, 224. ^el^ n. the natural form or constitution of a thing. 5, 78. ?^IT m. heaven. 1, 3. 5, 60. 68. Kv. 10, 95, 18. ^^in%0^m. a god, a deity. 1, 4. Kum. 1, 59. ^giir n. gold. 2, 18. r r\ ^[WWn f- a tree (cassia fis- tula). 2, 43. ^^TT^ m. a name of R4hu. 1, 49. ^^rfCnOTTT adj. of a diminu- tive body. 2, 456. ^^ f. a sister. 2, 352. 'E^ftfT part, hail, blessings. 5, 101. Rgh. 5, 17. ^ftcT^ ni. a palace or temple built in the shape of the dia- gram(Stevenson, Kalpasutra, emblem last but one) of the same name. 2, 150. ^c(^|<.f m. a sister's son. 2, 352. Manu 3, 148. ^c\ \ti^i^ n. wilfulness, inde- pendent action. 4, 89, W I i rST f. spirituous liquor. 2, 174. ;Eq"TtmTJ" m. the Vedas. 1, 9. ^^■R" m. sound. 1, 138. tcJId n. the mind. 2, 379. Bhk. 6, 22. Gg. 10, 10. ^^IXJol^ n. property, wealth. 1, 80. Magha 14, 9. WIM^" Pk. 1,32. ?^TlH'1 lu. 1) a master, a lord. 2, 188.\ 39. 2) a name of Skanda. 1, 19. Gi OSS ary; 393 t-cj I i T3[^ m. a name of Indra. 1, 53. '^ ?cj|^| f. the wife of Agni. 1, 66. Egh. 1, 56. ^^ l«^l iwM m. a name of Agni. 1, 62. ft^T a particle introducing 1) a question. Wmj fl^GIT ^?f gcTT^lT^^: Kir.* 16, 18. 2) a doubt or uncertainty. 5, 94 SrftfT TT^^ Wf^ cTfr Wt'SC, Ev. 6, 18, 3. fcji |«ichX f. an iron plate or pan for baking bread, etc. 2, 158. i ^^7 adj. 1) following one's im- pulses, self-willed. 2) slow. 5,47. ^q N mi f. an unchaste wife. i2,34l. Yv. 1, 67; Comp. Mir taksh. on Yv. 2,' 51. ^^ m. 1) a swan, a goose. 2, 96. 98. 2) the sun. 1, 37. ^^T^ n. a tinkling ornament for the ankle of a woman. 2, 406. Magha 7, 23. <^y=hldl f. a goose. 2, 96. ^tml^ n. vermilion. 2, 466. % ^T an interjection used in addressing or calling a per- son: ho! holla! 5, 97.Urv. pp. 61.69.70. ^^ Hf^^srrf^ Qikh. 13, 82. ^5" m. force, violence. 4, 74. i^cT^ adj. ill-bred, or bad in general. 2, 223. ^ f. m. the jaw. 2, 367. 5, 32. .^cT an interjection expressive 1) of grief.- 2) of joy. 5, 89. Comp. Ev. 8, 69, 5. 10, 53, 2. 50 394 GLOSSARY. ^ n\. a horse, 2, 281. ^qqij m. '^.karaiSra. % 39. ^7 ID. a name of jQiva., 1 11. ^i^l) adj. tawny. 4, 50, 2) m. the sun. \, 35. 5, 70. 3) the moon. 5, 70. 4) a horse. 2, 281.5, 70. 5) a lion. 2,59, 5, 70, 6) a frog. 3,; 40. 5, 70. 7) a monkey. 2, 76. 5^ 70. 8) Indra. 1, 52. 5, 70. 9) Vishnu or KrishTia. 1, 23. 5, 70.' 10) . Ya,ma. 1, 11. 5, 70. 11) Vay^i. 1,76.5,70. ^jT^T^T m. a species of san- dal-tree, considered as one of the five trees of heaven. 1, 135. «cf^lH 1) adj, (f. j) yellowish white. 4, 47. 2) m. a deer, an antelope. 2, 75. 3) i^f^Ull i f. a golden image. 1, 131." ^^H 1) adj. green. 4; 49. 2) f. a region, a point of the com- pass. 1, 100. ^n 1) adj. (f. ^^Wt or ;^t^t) green. 4, 49. 2, 4. 2) c^l^uH f. We parrot-Hke lady. 4, 53., ^l^ffToFrt f. =rdwrva. 2, 36. c^i^^%( m. the sun. 1 , 36.Mgha 11, 56.Bgh. 3,22.. «c,N5^N Nl adj. one who^se . affection is as transient as the colour of turmeric,2,220. ^f^^^iW. m. an emerald, 2, 20. MAgha 3, 49. ' «fe fj lM*JT^- ^ name of Lak^hmi. 1, 31. ^T^^FtT, ^j(^ m. a name of Indra. 1, 54. 52. ^{)d*T f. = pathyd. 2, 463. r ^p^ n. a mansion, a palace. 2, 138. Urv. 56. Kum. 6, 42. Bhk.8,36. t^tf^il m. a lion. 2, 59. ^7H m. joy, pleasure. 1, 123, ^;?(T n. a pl(m|:h. 2, 420, 5, 46. tccH N^ m. a name of Bala- deva., 1, 29. ^crlT^cfT m. a sort of poison. 3,25. ^^^ n. the substance offered GLOSSARY. 395 as an oblation at a saMfice, commonly melted butter. , 2, 261.. _, ^oSTM I ^ m. an oblation pre- sented to the gods, or the vessel in which it is offered. ' 2,261. i^oMcil^ m. Agni. 1, 62. Ev. ^ 1, 12, 6? i^^fft, ^^"1%^ f. a por- table stove. 2, 159. .^1%cr 1) n. laughing. 2, 412. 2) adj. budded, blown. 2, 32. ^^ m. 1) the haml. 2,356.2) After synonymes of hair it signifies a quantity, as ^^,1" ^^ (Magha 8, 27). 2, 376. ^[^fTT^^ n. = sthdsaka. 2, 385. ^^H^h. a thread worn round : the wrist as an amulet. 2, 403. Kuni, 7, 25. ^Itcl'llsl m. an embankment at the gate of a city or fort, with subterranean passages. 2, 133. Mdgha 3, 68. ^ITfFrr f. the female elephant. 2, 70. 5, 13. 47. ^R-cm^ m. an elephant- keeper. 2, 70. Magha 5, 49. Comp. Vs. 30, 11. «c.^rM I rr ^ m. an elephant- driver. 2, 70. ^T?7^ n. gold. 2, 18. Magha 13, 63. ^JtpT m. a year. 1, 116. 5, 15. Av. 3, 10, 9. Manu2, 154. ^ir m. 1) a string of pearls. 2, 409. 5, 5. 2) a necklace of 108 or 64 strings. 2, 407. ^^P f. the vine. 2, 38. ^f^ adj. (f. yellow. 4,50. ^TTr'T adj. ravishing, charm- ing, pleasing. 4, 4. Magha 10, 69. ^r^TfT m. the wood-pigeon. 2, 99. Rgh. 4, 46. '_' ^TctTT f. spirituous liquori;^, 174. Magha 10, 21. ^JFTT^crT m. a kind of lizard. 2, 102. ^T^ (prakrit of bltdvit) m. the different branches of feuiiiiinc 50' 396 GLOSSARY. actions by which the sentiment . of love is manifested. 1 , 89. ^Itl m. laughter, mirth. 1, 91. t^ltM m. the comic sentiment in poetry. 1, 92. s< ' T^ part. 1) because, for. 2) but (?). 5, 95, Comp. Rgh. 1, 69. ■ Manu 1,83. T^!?rT f. 1) killing, slaughter. 2, 323. 2) injuring by theft, etc. 5, 24. 1^^ adj. hurtful, mischievous. 2, 217. Rv. 10, 87, 3. 5. 9. Manu 1, 29. Ic^^qst.! m. a beast of prey. 5, 46,'' IfgIT n. assafoetida. 2, 462, T^JTcfT n. vermilion. 2, 466. "f^sTTT m. an elephant's chain. 2, 68. ■f^ adj. fit, apt. 2, 251. T^H II- frost, cold, snow. 3, 28. "UqM I'll f. a mass of snow. 3,28. =5I^r^q" "feW^ WJ' n^^llMtl adj. (f. golden. 1, 131. i^jm 1) n. gold.2,19. 2) wealth, riches. 1, 80. 3) f^pqT f. one of the seven tongues of Agni. 1, 68. i%^?TJPf m. Brahman. 1, 6. 5, 82. |c^i(jq(s| 1^ m. tlie river Qon. 3, 52. f^i Utnrltl^ m. a name of Agni. 1, 64. ^M" adj. avaricious. 2, 192. ^C-M*^ I if'Cadj. overcome in argument or a legal cause. 2, 209. "^ a particle introducing 1) a • question. ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ doubt.%%T J^^ J (Kshi- rasv.). 5, 90. GL OSS ARY. 397 ^-^ m. a ram. 2, 1^4. .^ adj. offered with fire. 2,262. ^rT^^, ??tTT5Fr m. a name of Agni. 1, 62. 64. ^=^^ m. love. 1, 32. ^^ n. 1) the heart, the mind. 2, 379. 2) the heart taken as centre. 1, 44. ^^T adj. to the point, per- tinent, congenial. 1, 146. Kum. 2, 16. ^^T^STFT n. the breast, the chest. 2, 372. ^H adj. congenial, pleasing, beloved. 4, 4. Kv. 5, 42, 2. ^Jinrsr adj. = ^^;t^. i, i46. t^^I^ m. longing, regret. 4, 57. ^GII^ n. an organ of. sense. 2, 380. E^q\ ^ ^T^T" mvf\ ^^Tfcr^{: i^T" ^ ^frT IPTTcT: Kagikh. 20, 9. ^'TT^W m. Vishnu or Krishna. 1,23. %fcT f. 1) light, splendour, flame. 1, 65. 2) a weapon. 2, 307. ~\ ^rT m. a motive, a cause. 2, 457. 5, 62. 92. 95. 101. ^TT m. a black horse. 2, 282. %rpr^n. gold. 2, 18. 1, 81. ^TTfT m. the winter season, comprising the months Mar- gagirsha and Pausha. 1, 113. ^Tfq^fcTm.the mountain Meru. 1, 136. «^4-jCrCCr m, = n&gakesarg,. 2, 5 1 . %JTTf?i: m. the Meru. 1, 136. ^^m. a. spy. 2, 270, c^i